' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V /^./ // :/. t/j ^' % 1.0 !i: I.I 1.25 u M 2.2 liiiiM 1.8 U IIIIII.6 /> vQ % /: e^ % > > %' y /^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 1980 i Technical Notes / Notes techniques The Institute has attempted to obta.K ST. JOHN'S (!EMETERY ON THE NUMBER. The Province of Upper Ciuiada, now known as the Pro- vince of Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, was first set oft' from tlie Province of Quebec, and estaljlished as a separate colony by the liaperial Act olst (leo. .".rd, Ch. :')1, (A.I). 1791.) Its first Governor, Colonel John Craves Simcoe, (who was afterwards a Lieutenant-Ceneral in the British Army.) was appointed in the winter of that year, and at the same time Peter liussell, Esq., was appointed l)y (Jonnnission to ad- minister tlie Government of the Province in tlie al)sence of its Governor. Governor Simcoe, accompanied by Mr. Piussell and otJier officials for the new colony, sailed from ^ ondon on the 1st May, 1792, bringing witli him tlie constitution of the Pro- vince, and arrived at Kingston, a French fort foi'merly called Frontenae, in the July following. John Denison, the head of the iJenison fanuly of Toronto, who in his younger days had been a Lieutenant in the 2nd York Militia (afterwards the Goth Keginient of the Line) for seven years on active service, was au intimate friend of Mr. Russell, who had retired from the army as a Captain, having served as Military Secretary to General Sir Henry Clinton in America during the revolutionary war. Mr. Russell's sister and Sophia Denison, the wife of John Denison, had been friends from childhood. Through the influence of Mr. Russell and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Denison were induced to leave England with their I'aniily at that early period, and eiiii^^rate to tlie new colony at its very first coniinenceinent, and sailed with three sons, ( leor^e, Thomas, and Charles, from Hull, in Yorkshire, on the Isl .luly, 1702, arriving' at Kingston in October of that year, it having occupied them three weeks in steady travelling to get from New York to ()sweg(), such was the wild condition ol" the rear of the state of New York at that time. Mr. 1 )enison resided at Kingston with liis family, where he built a residence;, until the year 179G, and was about to return to England disheartened by adversities and the unavoid- able hardships attending colonial life at that early day. He was, however, deterred from his purpose by the entreaties oi" Ills old friends, who persuaded liim instead to move up to York, a place just surveyed from the forest lor the capital of Upper Canada, and there ])ermanently to settle with his family. He accordingly came to York (now Toronto) in the Autumn of 179G, ami resided at " Castle Frank," a log building erected by Governor Simcoe, a short distance up the river Don, when he first visited the locality as a wilderness, to settle upon a site for the new capital, and ^\■hich was the first dwelling built l)y the white man at the Town of York. At this time the only irdiabitants were those meclianics and laborers, wlio had l)een sent up by the Government to prepare buildings for the reception of the various departments, and were in charge of jSfr. McGill, a cinnmissariat officer — • these, with a few men ol' the Queen's liangers, sent to furnish a protection against the Indians, who were found in great numbers around the settlement, all lived in huts or shanties. Mr. Denison continued to reside at Y''ork, where he built a cottage for himself, until about the year 179R, Avhen having purchased a tract of land comju'ising lots 3 and 4 on the llumber, and 3 and o in rear thereof, in the Township of York, he went there and settled as a farmer. While residing at York he lost an infant daughter, but there being at that time no public burial ground, no churchyard, 5 11(1 church .'iiitl 11(1 rhn'^^yiiiim, \iv was ()hlin;c'(l to luiry liis child iiijiis i^fimh^ii, and aftor liavin;,' si-ttlcd hiiiKsclf on the HunihtT lie had this child reniovcd to a lovely spot oveHookiii*^: the valley of the river. Tfte hurial of this child was the coiiinieiicenieiit of what in now ])eriiiaiieiitly established as " St. John's Ceinetery on the Hiiniher," and all nieniluu's ofthe laniilydyinart, " «iSitiUfS,sf tb , that whereas the late John Denison, Esquire, "deceased, was in his life-timt seised in his demesne, as of fee, " of and in that certain })arcel of land and premises situate in " the Townshi]) of York, in the (yV)unty aforesaid, known and " described as lot number three, in the fifth concession of the " said Townshij) of York, west of Yon<^e Street, on the Kiver " Humber, containing by admeasurement one hundred and " forty-eight acres, be the same more or less, and being so " seised thereof, afterward by his last Will and Testament in " writing, duly made and executed for the passing of Real " Estate, bearing date tlie nmth day of April, in the year of " our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, " devised the said lot number three, in the fifth concession in " the Township of York, west of Yonge Street, on the River ) j " Humber, aftor the death of his wife Sopliia, to hi.s son, " Clmrles Denison, and his nmlcheir; and it'he the HaidCluirles "DeniHoii had no male heir, thentiie said land was devised to "the male heir of the said John Denison for ever; and the "said Testator, in and i)y his said Will, alio directed " that the fence round the burial <,'round on the said lot sliould " be kept in j^nod and substantial repair ; and afterwards, that " is to say, on or about the twenty-ei[,dit day of October, in the " year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twcnty- "four, the said John Denison departed this life without having " altered or revoked the saiil devise. " ^nty iiilnmia the said Charles Denison departed this life " without issue and intestate, in or about the montli of August, " in the vear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and " twenty-eight, and the said Sophia, wife of the said Testator, " departed this life in the month of November, in the year of " our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two ; ^tilr " fi)|tmir}j the party of the first part, being the eldest brother of "the said Charles Denison, and the eldest son of the said " John Denison, and the male heir of them respectively, and " now seised in his demesne as of fee tail, as such heir male " as aforesaid, is desirous to set apart and to preserve for ever, " that portion of the said land and premisvis herein mentioned, " including the ground wherein the said John Denison and " Sophia his wife, and their descendants and family, arc now " interred, for consecration as a burial ground, to be called " 'St. John's Cemetery on the Humber' for the use and burial of "those of the blood of the late John Denison, and of the "wives and husbands respectively, of such blood for ever, " according to the intent and Will of the said Testator in that "behalf, with the right of making and erecting all tomb-stones, " monuments, mementoes, and vaults which may be properly " desired to be made and erected in or upon the said ground " for those now interred, or who may be hereafter entitled to be " interred therein as herein mentioned ; and upon which to " erect a Church or Chapel for divine service according to ^mum^immimmr^ 8 ^ ■]' " the rites and faitli of the Establislied Cliiirchot'Enghind and " Ireland, to 1)6 called ' SL John's Ohiuxh Yorh, on. the llvmhvr' " and a l*arsonage for the use and residence of the Incumbent, " and for the endowment of the said Church I'arsonage, rec- " tory or living, but excluding all sepulture ov right of sepul- "turein the said ground, anil in every part thereof, to every " otiier person or persons whomsoever, not of the blood of tlie " said John Deiiison, or the wives and husbands of such blood "respectively, as aforesaid, and reserving to the party of tlic " lirst part, and the heir male under the said Will as aforesaid, " being members of the said Church of England, the full right " iind power, upon the erection of the said Church andParson- " age or Eectory, and upon the adequate endowment of the "same by him, them, or any of them, of presentation to such " Cluirch, as an advowst)n in fee presentative, according U) " tlie rules and canons of the said United Chm-ch of Enu- " land and Ireland, according to the form of the statute in such " case made and provided, ^nir ^]$txt\x^ the said party of the " first part is also desirous to preserve for ever, so far as he can, " tlie residue of the said land and premises to the heir male " under the provisions of the said Will, and the intention of " the said Testator in that behalf ; ^ubf Mmtxm the party of " the third part, as such Bishop as aforesaid, hath consented to " receive a conveyance of that portion of the said land and " premises herein firstly mentioned, to and for the uses and " purposes herein expressed of and concerning tlie same, and " for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever, and to h(jld " the same to him and his successors for such uses and pur- " poses, and for none other whatsoever, and also to hold the " residue of the said land and premises for the use and benefit " of the heir male under the said Will as aforesaid, for ever, " so far as he caii. or lawfully may do so : '* ^ttJr tbis ^)x)st\\iMt i\XTi\nt Sclitutssftlr, That in consideration " of the premises, and of the sum of one shilling of lawful " money to the party of the first part, by the party of the "third part paid, he the said party of the first ])'a\± tsaih hereby 9 give, grant, bargain, sell, relase, cint'eoft', convey, and confirm, unto the party of the third part, as such Bishop as aforesaid, and his successors, ^11 and ^Singular that certain parcel of the said lot number three, in the fifth concession of York, on the liiver Humber, containing l)y admeasurement four acres, be the same more or less, and v/hich is ])utted and bounded, or may l)e otherwise known as follows, that is to say, Cnmmfuring at the distance of one chain south from the northerly limit of the said lot, number three, in the said fifth concession, and in the southern boundary of the right of way, which is one chain in width, laid out along the south side of the northerlv limit of the said lot number three, and at that point in the southern bo^'^ lary of such right of way from which a line drawn southerly at right angles with such southern boundary of the said right of way v/ould pass at the distance of five feet on the v;est of the tomb-stone, as now erected at the head of tlie grave of Estlier Borden Denison in the burial ground where the said John Denison and his said wife Sophia are interred ; thence southerly fol- lowing such line ten chains ; thence easterly at right angles with the last mentioned com-ae four chains; thence northerly at rinht angles with the last mentioned course, and also with the southern boundary of such right of way ten chains, to such southern boundaiy of such right of way ; thence westerly along sucli southern boundary of sucli right of way four chains, to the place of beginning ; ;:^nir who all and singular, that certain other parcel of the said lot number three, con- taining by admeasurement one acre, be the same more or less, and which is Initted andbounded,ormaybe other\'ise known and descril>ed as follows, that is to say, Cxnumctuing in the southern Itoundary of such right of way, at the north-east angle of tlie lour acres, Ih'stly herein described, as and for the burial ground; thence easterly along the said southern boundary of such right of way two chains and ctha/f; thence southerly at right angles witli the said S'-uthern boundary of such right of way foe r chains ; thence westerly i)arallel to 10 the said southern boundary of sucli right of way, and at right angles witli the last mentioned course, two chains and a half to the eastern limit of tlie said four acres firstly herein described; thence northerly along such eastern limit four chains, to tlie place of beginning ; ^\\is who all and singular, that certain other parcel of tlie said lot number three, con- taining by admeasurement five acres, be the same more or less, which is butted and bounded, or may be otherwise known and described as follows, tliat is to say, Coinmnucing in the southern boundary of such right of way, at the north- east angle of the one acre, secondly herein described for the Church and Parsonage lot ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of said one acre four chains, to the south- east angle of the said one acre ; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said one acre tujo chains and a half to the easterly limit of the four acres firstly herein described ;, thence soutlierly along the east limit of the said four acres six chains, to the south east angle of the said four acres, firstly herein described for the burial ground ; thence easterly parallel to the southern boundary of such right of way, and in continuation of the line forming the southern boundary of the said four acres, six chains; thence northerly at right angles with the last mentioned course, ten chains to the southern boundary of such right of way; thence westerly along such southern boundary of such right of way three chains and a half, to the place of beginning, with the appurtenances, together with the right of way at all times upon the road now laid out, one chain in width along the northerly limit of the said lot number three, and running westerly from the Weston Plank Road to the westerly extremity of the land above described ; ^a Imt aiiir t0 \)(i\h the same respective parcels of land and premises, with the appurtenances, unto the party of the third part, as such Bishop as aforesaid, and his successors, to his and their own use for ever — ^n irust, m\stri\n\t^%f for the objects, intents and purposes herein declared of and concerning the same, that is \ 1 i u " to say : ^o l^abc au& to hfllir tlie said/o///* acres of land above " described as and for a Burial (Iround to be called ' St. John's " Cemetery cm. the Hnmher,^ for tlie exclusive use and burial " of those of thp blood of the said John Denison, deceased, " and of the wives and husbands of such blood respectively, " for ever, with full power at all times to erect all tomb-stones, " monuments, and other mementoes, and to make and construct " all such vaults which may be required for the use of all " those buried or entitled to be interred in the said burial " ground, and to and for no other use, purpose, person, or " object whatsoever ; ^uir t0 \nbt anir to Iiolir the said one acre "of land above described for the purpose of erecting, and " upon which to erect, a Churcli or Chapel for the celebration "of divine service according to the rites and faith of the " united Church of England and Ireland, and also a Parsonage " house for the use and residence of the Incumbent or Eector " of the said church for the time being, and to and for no other " use, purpose, person, or olyect whatsoever ; %\\ii to ha&r anir " \u Ijolir the said Jive acres of land above described for the " endowment of the said Church, Chapel, Parsonage, Eectory, " and Living, and to and for no other use, purpose, person or " object whatsoever ; '^w'ii m trust ahio that the said one acre of " land, and the said five acres of land, shall not, nor shall either " of them, or any portion of them,, or of either of them, ever " be used for a burial ground upon any pretence whatever, nor " for any other pui^oose or object than is above expressly " declared of and concerning the same respectively ; ^iiif itt " tnist for the party of the first part, and their heir male under " the said Will as aforesaid, for the time being, at all time to " come, being the founder of the said Church and endowment, " and being a member of the said Clmrch of England, upon "the erection of the said Church, Parsonage and Eectory, " and upon providing adequately for the endowment of the " same, to present to such Church, as an ' advowson in fee " presentative,' according to the rules and canons of the said " united Church of England and Ireland, according to the said " statute in that behalf. ^ 12 " ^nlr tlie party of the Hrst part, in consideration of the " sum of five shillings to liini paid by tlie party of the third " part, doth also licreby grant, bargain, sell and convey, "unto the party of the third part, and hi.3 successors, " the residue of the said lok number three, in the fifth " concession of York aforesaid, with the appurtenances, " Zo Ijabc ani» tcr holir the same unto the said party of the " tliird part and his successors, to his and their own "use for ever, in tnuit, mbttibtltiin, to and for the party of " the first part, now the heir male under the said Will as " aforesaid, and to and for the person who shall for the time " being l)e such heir male, and to and for the use of the heir " male of the said John Dcnison, deceased, for ever. '• ^ntr the party of the tliird part, as such Bishop as afore- " said, for himself and for his successors doth hereby covenant, " appoint and declare, that the said land herein described, " granted and conveyed for the exclusive use and burial of " those of the blood of the said John Denison, deceased, and " for the wives and husbands of such Idood respectively, " shall be preserved and used for such pur|)ose, with the " right of making and erecting all tomb-stones, monuments, " mementoes and vaults as aforesaid, and for none other " whatsoever ; S»^ that the said parcel of land herein " descriljed, granted and conveyed, for the erection of " a Church or Chapel thereon, and Parsonage or Eectory " as aforesaid, shall be used for the purposes aforesaid, " of and concerning the same, and for no other purpose " whatsoever ; '^n^ that the said land herein described, " granted and conveyed, as an endowment of and for the said " Church and Parsonage, Eectory and Living, shall bo pre- *' served and used for such endowment declared of and con- *' cerning the same, and to and for no other use, purpose or " object whatsoever; ^nbr that the residue of the said lot num- " ber three, in the fifth concession of York aforesaid, shall be * held and retained by him the said Bishop and his successors, " so far as he or they can or lawfully may do so, to and for the i'!! 13 " use and benefit of tlic party of tlie first part, as heir male as " aforesaid, and to and for tlie nse and l)enefit of the person " wlu) for the time hein^j sliall l)e sucli heir male, and to and " for the nse and benefit of sueh heir male for ever. "^ntr the party of the first part doth ]ierel»y, for himself "and his heirs male, who shall he the heirs male of the said "John Denison, deceased, and for the heirs male of the said "John Denison, for ever, Cofjnrant with the party of tlie " third ])art and liis snccessors, that he, the party of the first "part, and all those for whom he covenants as aforesaid, shall " within a reasonable time after the execntion of these pi-e- " sents erect and put up a good substantial fence round the "said four acres of land and premises hereby gi-nnted and " conveyed for the family Ijurial ground as afoi-esaid, to be "called ' ^t. Johns Ccmdcry on the Ilwnhcr,' and shall kee)) " the same in good repair, -with all necessary and reasonable " rei)airs at all times hereafter. " ^ntr the party of the second part doth, in consideration "of the i)remises, and of the sum of five shillings of like "lawful money, to her paid by the party of the third part, " remise, release, and for ever (piit claim unto the party of " the third part and his successors, all §olui^i- and riglit and " claim thereto, which she now has or ever had in or to the " said lot number three, in the fifth concession of York, " aforesaid, on the Humljer, with the appurtenances. " hi luitHx.sfj iDlrawf the parties to these presents have " liereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first " above written. "(Signed) "G. T. ])ENI80X, (L.S.) " M. v. DENISON, (L.S.J " JOHN TOliONTO, (l.s.)" jjrr.'irnrc of (Signed) C^EO. T. DENISON, Junu./' Of Toronto, Barrister at Law."/ 14 II ' (COPY.) " A Memorial hereof is recorded in the Eegistry Office of the United Counties of Yorlc, Ontario, and l*eel, the 25th day of Jnne, 1853, at 25 min. past 10 a.m., in Liber 58, pages 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458 and 459, No. 49938. (Signed) SAML. KIDOUT, Register." Some time after tlie execution and legistry of this Deed of Trust, the said George Taylor Denison made liis last Will and Testament, dated the 2nd Dec, 1853, in which he con- firms the intentions expressed in tlie foregoing Deed, by the following clause of the Will : " I also give tlie old farm on the " Eiver Ilumber, being lot number three, in the fifth concession, " west of Yonge Street, to him the said Ilicliard Lippincott " Denison, after the manner his Orandfatlier Denison's Will " directs, tliat is to say, it is to go to the male heir of the " Denison line for ever, and the said heir is to keep and main- " tain a good and sufficient fence around the burial ground " whenever wanted l)y any of tlie family. A small portion of " this lot of land I have deeded to the Lord Bishop for Church "purposes, and to secure the Denison burial grounds accord- " ing to my father's wishes." This clause of the Will coming after the execution of the Deed of Trust to the Bisliop and referring to it, is only useful or valuable as evidence of tlie determined intention of the Testator that the land should never l)e lial)le to be diverted from tlie original purpose intended by his fatlier, the late John Denison, and as a confirmation of the Deed of Trust. It may be right here to mention that the grand-children of John and Sopliia Denison erected, by subscription, a monu- ment to their memory, in the inscription upon which an error has inadvertently Ijeen made by the sculptor, to the eff'ect that it was John Denison, the original founder, who after- wards enlarged the burial ground to four acres, instead of his eldest son, tlie late George Taylor Denison. ■1 16 On the 26th of May, A.D. 1868, at the request of tlie family, the I^rd Bishop of Toronto attended at the Cemetery in order to consecrate it, and being met at the gate by the descendants of John Denison and their families, the two following peti- tions were, on })ehalf of the subscribers to them, read and presented to His Lordship by INFr. Eichard 1. Denison, the male heir of the family. (COPY.) To THE Eight ]{everknd Father in God, Alexander Neil, BY Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Toronto. May it plemc your Lordship: A Petition bearing date September tlu; tliirteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, from the descendants of the late John Denison, Esquire, praying for the consecra- tion of a Family JJurial Ground in the Township of York, and County of York, Mas submitted to John, late Lord I^isiiop of Toronto. His Lordship Avas pleased to approve of the same; l)ut having been pleased to assign to your Lordship, while acting as his Coacljutor, the duty of consecrating tlie burial ground aforesaid, and your Loidship having been unable to discharge this duty in the lifetime of the late Lord Bishop, we the undersigned do now request that, being now Bislio]:) of the Diocese r)f Toronto, you would be pleased to accede to the prayer of this Petition. (Jiven under our hands this twenty-second tlay of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiglit hundred and sixty- eight. (Signed,) KICD. L. DENISON, GEO. T. DENISON, KOBT. B. DENISON. ^mmmi^fmi ^MMfl mimmmk 1 16 (COPY.) To TIIP; llONORABLK AND KKiHT RkVKKKNI) FaTIIKU INMiOD, .John, Jiv J)iviNK Vomission L(h;i» IJisiioi' of Tokonto. Tliu retitioii of IiMcliiird Li|)|)iii('ott DeniHon, (Jeoroo Taylor Dcnisoii, liubort Urittiiiii J)('iii,s(>u and otlicrs, all lieiii"' (loscL'iulaiit.s of the hlood of tlii! lati; John Donison- Ksquire, Ini-nicily of tlu; Town of Voik, dcroased, Most rt'spccf/i///// rcprcsctUs : That tlio late (Jiiorni; Tiiylor Dcnison, E«([iiiru, deceased, fonuorly of IJellevui', in tlio City of Toronto, the oldest son of the said late Jolin Denison, deceased, for the purpose of earryinrr out tlie design of the late John iJenison, deceased, his father, Avho ori,!4innlly set apnrt a Family Ihirial Ground on tiic irund)er, did ])y Deed, bearin^^f date the twenty-third day of dune, in the year ol' our Lord one thousiind eight hundred and fifty-three, niade between the said late Cieoroe Taylor Denison, of tjic tirst jMirt, ]\raria Triscilla, his wife, of the second part, and yourself of the, third ])art, convey and assure, anion<,'st other lands, four acres of land, l)eing part of lot imniber three, in the tifth concession of tlieTownslii]) of York, west of Yonge Street, on the liiver Huniljer, unto you as P)ishop of Toronto, and your successors, in trust, to have and to liold the said four acres of land as tlierein more particularly described " as and i"or a HuriaUJround to be called 'St. Johns " Cemetery on the Hnmher' ibr the exclusive use and burial of " those of the lilood of the said John Denison, deceased, and " their wdves and husliands respectively, for ever, with full " power at all times to erect all tomb-stones, monuments, and " other mementoes, and to make and construct all such vaults " M'hich may be required for the use of all those buried or " entitled to be interred in the said burial ground, and to and " for no other use, jnirpose, ])erson, or object whatsoever," by virtue of which Deed of Trust the said four acres are separ- ated from all connnon and profane uses whatsoever, the same 17 l)oiii^r now protected l)y a .sul),staiitiiil fence to secure it from nil iirij)r()])er iiitnisloii. This Ground Your Petitione?'.s most liunihly pray that your Lordship will .s(ft a])art and consecrate for the sacred purpose of a Cemetery, ibr thel)uriid of those of tlie blood ol' the late John J)enis(jn, deceased, and their .wives and hushands respectively, in order that it may be ever secured to the biuuilit of those for whom it was thus intended. As witness our hands at Toronto, tliis thirteenth day of Septendjcr, one thousand eijdit hundred and sixty-six. (Signed) KiCHD. L. J)ENLSOX, George T. Dexison, iiOHERT Vk J)ENI.S0N, E. 1*. J)ENLSON, R L. Denison, Junk., (.'iiARLEs Denison, l\ G. Denison, (Jeo. T. DenihOxV, Jr., ('. W. Taylor, Maria Taylor, Albert CJ. Taylor, E. S. Taylor, A. a D. Taylo]{, Lilla Denison, Fred. C. Denison, (Jlarence A. Denison, John Denison, JIenryT. Denison, John L. Denison, Thomas John Denison, Maria LousiaDela Hooke, J. AcLAND De la Hooke, Edwin Dillon Alexander De LA Hooke, Thomas Denison Anley De LA Hooke. Hettie K Denison, After hearing these two petitions read, the Jiishoj) then and there declared tliat he would grant their prayers, and j)ro- ceeded at once to the consecration of the four acres, called " St. John's Cemetery on the Humher:' in tluc form, and then and there executed and delivered the Ibllowing sentence of consecration to the Petitioners by handing the same to \l L. Denison, immediately upon the ceremony of coiLsecration being ended. 18 (COPY.) In the name of God, Amen. WiiKUKAS it has 1)0011 ropresontod to us, Alexander Noil, by Divine pcrniissioii Tiord Hislio]) of Toronto, by a Petition iiiidor tli(5 liiuids of Iticliard L. Denison, (leor^'o T. Denison, Kobert J>. Denison, and otiierH, descendants of the late .John Denison, EHcjuiro, settin.1,' forth that a parcel of land for a Ihiriul (Jround for tlie use of the said petitioners, and their descendants for ever, has been s(;t a])art and le^fally conveyed for that purpose, consisting of four acres on lot number three, in the ni'tli concession, of the Townshij) of York, and prayinjij that we would l)e pleased by our authority, ordinary and ('])isco])al, to set a])art, separate and consecrate the said burial L-rouud to the same purpose for which it was designed, inorder that it may for ever be secured for this end to the said peti- tioners and their descendants : Wherefore, in comjdiance with the said Petition we, Alex- ander Neil, by Divine pernission Lord lUshop of Toi'onto, do by our authority, ordinary and episcopal, and as far as in us lies, and by law we can, separate and set apart from all com- mon and profane uses whatever, and do as far us in us lies, and l)y law we can, assign the said burial ground for the use and benefit of the said petitioners and their descendants ; and we do dedicate and consecrate the same for the sacred purpose for which it was designed, and do publicly and openly pro- nounce, decree, and declare the same to be so assigned, separ- ated, dedicated, and consecrated for ever ; and that the same ought so to remain by this my definite sentence and final decree, which we read and promulge by these presents. Given under our hand this twenty-sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- eight, and of our consecration the second year. (Signed) A. N. TORONTO.