m H CENEKLOGICKL RECORD. J: ''■ y. .- ■. V • ■ ■■•>. ■ « ..,. . :„,■ „->i^- • iVr^ '.■'. ; .■• FORSYTH OF NYDIE. ■ •:c^•-■^•^^ ;.■'.;^.^>> - :•• '■ ■ >::^-':':-- ^ .-.' X ■•!- "I;-"/' .'■' ' 1 ■•' ^':: ■' ■ • -f ',''■■ .' i-''> '.,'• Lfe'-Wy •'•;;■.;' ',: ^ ./v-VV...: -^ -^ ' •^' 'i '. ; ,'- ' '.>,»■.>, ,. jr-;'f>^?-r , . '-i ■■ ■.•■ '. -'/'. -::^"' ,'f.- -■•. . , ' ^ ■■-■ . 1 .-. '. > •f.'- '.'•-■ BY ' ■ .v:Vv-. ^':u\ .."? - -'■ jS^' '■„•'■>■''■.• •' • \^ • -- ' ■ ■ ■ '." ■.' •■.V-.. •- .' ■,'■•,-, ■''. .V-, ■. ^ ' ,.., '.,:.:.-- • v' „^v.- - •■ ^-.^^^ .... .i;V''" FORSYTH DE FRONSAC. 'v^-^''*. '•{l:f;^t.:r ..-".>■■.• s' '•'•■■■ . , ' '^ >r^.'' ,•■••.■.■ - , I '^"^y ■ ' .'■,.■■*'■' • V ^- ■• • V ■'•l>'i-.'' .'■..•*•• .'•■ .' - „ > • ■-,:."■..;.*• •^•^' .v:A>f-,-.- i^.^r-^-^ :■.:.■■■' I:. •,•„ i , ■.' ■: ..; -: /r*'-.* V>.^ ;; ■" ^;.;";:^•> ...■-. .■ .'•;^: •»- ■^■^■..^• - ' " ' • ^ ' ' New Market, Virginia (U. S. A.) : ■■•'V''v''^\*.' Henkel & Co., Printers and PrniiSHERs! 1883. I* 1 ■ ■ t .^ r / /^ r K GENEHLOCICHL RECORD. FORSYTH OF NYDIE. BY I'ORSYTH Die FRONSAC. 5 J 9 , : ' '' t I. 3 ! • 9 * t» ■' ^ 'J ■ i ^ , 3 i i ^' New Market, Virginia (U. S. A.) : Henkel & Co., Printers and Publishers. 1888. •^IHRMORinL r BEHRINGS.^f W\)z ■ etrnps • sf • t^e • fanjil^ • are •. ^rgzi)!, • a olje^rer), • erjgrailed • ^ulzs • Wfvv'ezr) • l^vae. ■ griffiijs, szqpeai)!, • ^erl, • arrr)eel • ar)a • r^cnjbzpzd • gules. * ^^e • li^epy • of • ib"^ • f^n^il^ • is = Darlj • c^pzzt), .... . ....1..; :•:•••.: :;•::;. ..: •..•;•:•..: • • . ••• • ••• ••• • *•• •••••••••• •* ! ••*• * • .: •: • .•• ••• : • ••*• • ••••• • « • • • . • « • • • • • '■t/- FORSYTH OF NYDIE. o^- The Forsyth is, by origin, a Gascon family. The name is taken from the little town of Forsyth, on the Dor- dogne river, twenty miles above Bordeaux. Since the Earl of Derby destroyed it in his invasion of France in the four- teenth century, it was rebuilt under the name of Fronsac.'^ By family tradition, it is asserted, that the first to bear the name of Forsyth, as feudal si©ufs!X)r count, was a member of the princely family or Navari ' C ^the same as that which gave kings to Castile-,— A lag mi, ang I . c o n , Navarre, an d- France, te- which - aloo b e long e d . - tho* celebrat e d admiral o f ' the ft i xt ee ath century, Pierre do Navanr. ^ In the time of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, Osbert,t son of Robert de Forsyth, took militarj" service of that mon- arch, and received from him "for fealty " a grant oi loo soli- dates in terrae tenemento de SalkilV in the sheriffdom of Stirling. He was the ancestor of all those who have a legitimate right to the name in Great Britain, Ireland, and America, Among his immediate descendants were John de Forsyth, crown officer in 1379, and W11.LIAM de Forsyth, J crown officer in 1399. * Froissarfs Chronicles of the Middle Ages. See In^t-x.—Forsath. \ Earl of Haddington' s Collections — page 71. X Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. 56864 The various branches into which the family is divided, are offshoots of the Foksytiis ok Nydik, whose coat of arms is emblazoned in Lindsay s Heraldic Mauuscript o{ 1542, A. I). Of this family of Nydie was Jamks Forsyth,* a monk, lyord of the Monastery of Dumblane in 1560, who signed a feudal charter in favor of Patrick Murray's brother of Tibbi- muire, for the monastery of Dumblane, " Domiuus James Forsyth man u propria'' before the Lords Commissioners at Edinburgh, 1560. Another James Forsyth f of the family of Nydie, mar- ried the daughter and heiress of Douglas, Lord of Dykes. A son was : ( First generation ) I. DAVID FORSYTH of Dykes,! Lord Commissioner of Revenue of Glasgow in 1 594. Issue : (Second generation) 1. James Forsyth died unm. 2. William Forsyth, his successor. 3. Robert Forsyth, J^ ancestor of the Forsyths or Forsayths of Failzerton, Ayreshire. II. WILLIAM FORSYTH of Dykes, || (son of David, as above) was Commissioner to Parliament for Forres in 1 62 1. Issue: *Oliphants in Scotland. tThe arms of Nydie were confirmed to his posterity through the famiUes of Dykes, Tailzerton, etc., by the Heralds College of Scotland. XAct of Scot. Pari. IV., p. 79,Jac. VI. [1594) : "Act in favor of the citie of Glasgow . . . recites a commission formerly given for remeid of defects . . . full power and commission ... to David Forsyth of Dykes . . . and raise and lift the beer and malt mercat. § Arms of Nydie confirmed to the Forsayths of Failzerton by Sir Geo. McKenzie, King of Arms for Scociand. \\ Act Scot. Purl. {1621.) 5 (Third generation) 1. Wiij.iAM Forsyth of Dykes,* his successor. Left issue : (Fourth jjeneration) 2. John Forsyth, t M. P. for Cullen (1652) aud one of the signers of the commission to meet the English Parliament. He married a daughter of Sir William Livingston of Kilsyth. Issue: a. James (of whom here after.) b. Walter, % Provost of the University of Gla-SgOW^-?-** • e^*<^'p ^-^ c<-^ p "^^-y^^yA-r^ yi^i^-yc^^Z^ ^ A^. ^yy i^ujL^ l^'^yu/c «-«. cc^ * Ret. Scot. Pari. Abbrev. Inq. Spec. Lanark (/pp), Jan. 18, 1640: " Heres William Forsyth dc Dykis, patris, in fo solidates terraritm antiqui extentus de Gayne, 40 solidates de Untheos, infra dominium dc Newburgh et baronium de Munckland.'" ^ Act Scot. Part. {1652.) X Act Scot. Pari. {1678.) FORSYTH OF TAILZERTON. ( l''irst f^eiierntioii ) I.JAMES FORSYTH* of Tailzerton, (son of John, and Miss Livingston, Forsyth, as above — p. 5) inherited the lands of Tailzerton and Kilsyth Faster from his mother. — He was minister to the church at Airth in 1661, and to that at Stirling in 1665. He married a daughter and heiress of Bruce, t Laird of Gavell, cadet of Bruce of Airth through a daughter of Sir William de Airth of that ilk. Issue a son : (Second generation) I. JAMES FORSYTH, t his successor, of Tailzerton, Member of the Council of Stirling, in company with the Duke of Hamilton, Earl of Calender, Lords Elphinston and Livingston of Kilsyth, the Earl of Mar being the convener (1685). In 1696, he sat in Parliament, as "Forsyth of Gavell." Issue: (Third generation) I. Rebecca.^ * Ad Scot. Pari. {1661-5.) t General Annory (Burke), vide Bruce and Airth. Rev. James Forsyth was a famous preacher. Sermons published at London, 1666. Xl^et. Scot. Abbrev. Inq. Spec. Stirling [277), Sept. i, 1676: "Heres tallia et provisionis Maffistri Jacobi Forsyth de Tailsertoune, niagistri vobi Dei apud ecclesiunt de Stirling . . . in terris de fblinais, vocatis Polinais-Tailzertoun pro principali, terris de Kilsyth : Easter in speciale warrantum earundam.'" \ Inq. Spec. Stirling (342), April 26, 1699 : " Heres tallia et provi- sionis, Jacobi Forsyth, alias Bruce de Garell, patris in terris de Poli- nais hunc vocatis Polinais-Tailzertoun pro principalis et in speciale warrantum earundam in terris de Kilsyth : Easter.'' I. WILLIAM FORvSYTH,* (son of James Bruce For- syth, as above) was horti 16H7 ; granted freedom of Glasgow 1735; married lUspet, daughter of Gerard of Walkerhill, County Aberdeen. A son was : (Fourth Keiieration) I. WILLIAM FORvSYTH. horn Dec. 18, 1721 : Grant- ed freedom of Glasgow 1746; married Jean, daughter of Geo. Phynn, f Lord of the Corse of Monelly. Issue ; (Fifth generntion) 2. Gkorgk F^iRSYTH, 1). April 2, 1756; m. a Miss Taybrook. 2. William, b. Apr. 5, 1756. His daughter m. Prof. Means, D. D., and was mother of Rev. W. Means, 1). D., of Disblair, County Aberdeen. 3. Alexander, t b. Nov. 17, 1758. 4. James, b. June 23, 1759; Captain of Dragoons; m. Ann., dau. of John, 9th Baron Colville.^^ 5. Thomas, b. March, 1761. 6. John, (of whom hereafter.) See p. 9. . 7. Joseph, b. June 24, 1764; m., first. Miss Bell ; .sec- ond, Alice, daughter of Maj. James Robbins, R. A. Issue: a. William. b. James Bell, b. Dec. 25, 1803 ; M. P. for Quebec. His son, Burnet Bell, Capt. 60th Rifles, was lost in a cyclone on board H. M. S. "Per- sia," in Bay of Bengal. *Ecclesgreig Mss. : Crest of Tailzerton, a demi-griffin, vert, armed and membered gu. Motto: '' Restaiirator Ruiniae.'" t Another daughter of Geo. Phynn was mother to Right Hon. Ed- ward EUice, M. P. XEcclesgreig Mss. I Burke's Peerage (Colville.) 8 c. Thomas, Lieut. 32d Foot. d. Jo/i7i Richardson. e. Eurctta Jane. f. Mary Ann. 8. Robert,* b. 1766; Ensign 6ist Foot, 1783; 68th Foot, 1785; 72d Foot, 1785; Lieutenant 72d Foot, 1787; Captain 11:2th Foot, 1795 ; 2d Bat- talion 90th Foot, 1795 ; 60th Foot, 1795; Ma- jor 60th Foot, 1797; Retired from service by sale of his commission, Mar. 6, 1802 ; died 1824. 9. David, t b, Sept. 2, 1767; m. a Miss Jackson of Kendall, Westmoreland, England. Lssue: a. William, m. Susan, dau. of Judge Leigh (sister of Maj. H. Leigh. 98th Foot) of Madras Presidency. b. James, Lieut. R. A. c. George. d. He7iry. e. Emily, m. William Skinner, Barri.ster, nephew of Rght. Rev. William Skinner, D. D., Lord Primate of Scotland and Bishop of Aberdeen. 10. Morris, b. Jan. 27, 1771 ; minister to the church at Mortlach ; m. Isabella, daughter of James Donaldson, of Kinairdie. 11. Margaret, b. May 3, 1777. * Record of Serz', dau. of Samuel Gerrard, of Montreal. Is.sue : ^. John Gerrard,^ Major 57th Foot; served with most distinguished gallantry in the Crimean War ; decorated with the Grand Cro.ss of Commander of the lyCgion of Honor by Napoleon III., with the Sardinian War Medal and with the Victoria Medal of Clasps; m. Elizabeth Egberta, dau. of John Horseley of the Madras Civil Ser- vice, and grand daughter of John Byng, 5th Viscount Torrington. b. Frederick Arthur, b. Apr. 2, 1840; Captain 5th Fusileers. c. Margaret, b. Mar. 6, 183 1 ; m. Rev. C. N. Williams, M. A., Rector of St. Andrew's, Hereford, Englan'd. d. Euretta Vivian, b. Dec. 8, 1841. 3. jANE.m.Capt. Geo. Gregory, 19th Eight Dragoons. * Morgan's Biographies of Celebrated Canadians — p. 728: Maj. Forsyth was present at the battles of Balaklava, Inkernian, Sebastapol, and The Quarries, and led the storming party at the Redan and at Kinbourn. FORSYTHS OF THE FIRS, MORTIMER, BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND. I. THOMAS FORSYTH, of Liverpool; m. Jane, dau. of William Hamilton, Greenock. Some issue : 1. William, b. 1812 ; Chancellor's Medalist of Cam- bridge Universitj' and Fellow of Trinity Col- lege, 1837 ; at Bar of Inner Temple, 1839 ; Counsel for Secretary' of State for India ; Com- missioner for Cambridge University; M. P. for Cambridge, 1859; M. P. for Mar>'lebone, 1874- 1880; author of (i) "Law of Compensation with Creditors," (2) " Hortensius, or the Du- ties of an Advocate," (3) "Law relating to the Custody of Infants," (4) "History of the Trial byjur>'," (5) "Napoleon at St. Helena," (6) "Life of Cicero," (7) "Cases and Opinions in Constitutional Law, ' ' (8) ' ' Novels and Novel- ists of the 1 8th Century," (9) "Hannibal in Italy," (10) "Essays, Cl"itical and Narrative," (11) "Scla' ..ic Provinces South of the Dan- ube," etc.; m., first, Mary, dau. of Geo. Lyall, M. P. for London ; second, Georgiana Char- lotte, dau. of Thos. Plummer, Esq., and grand dau. of Sir Thos. Plummer, Master of the Rolls. 2. Thomas Douglas,* b. 1827; took four medals at the University examinations; Asst. Commis- sioner in the Punjab, India, 1848 ; decorated Companion of the Bath for active service in suppressing the mutiny of 1857 ; Secretary of Oudh, 1858; Civil Judge of Punjab, 1859; Embassador to Yarkund, 1870 ; Envoy, 1873 ; for illustrious service in India, made Knight Commander of the Star of India, 1874; Envoy to the king of Burmah, 1875. ^/lurke's Peerage — List of Orders of the Bath and Star of India. FORSYTH OF GLENGORM. ARGYLLSHIRE, SCOTLAND. I. JAMEvS FORSYTH (descended from the Forsyths of /rt/Zs-r/'/'o;/); was J. P. and Depnty Lieutenant of the county ; m. Maria Magdellena, dau. ot F)manuel Mnller, of Clifton, Crloucestershire. A son was : I. Jamks Noj-:l Mullkr Forsyth, b. 1844; n^^ 1H72,, Mary, dau. of Thomas Constable, of Kirkland, Midlothian. James was Lieutenant ji2d Foot and Magistrate for County Argyle. FORSYTH OF WHITSOME, NEWTON, BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND. I. REV. JAMES FORvSYTH, D. D., of Aberdeen, (de- scended from Forsyth of Tailzerton) ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Brown, of Whitsorae-Newton. Lssue: 1. Robert Brown Forsyth, b. 1834; Asst. Surgeon 1 8th Lgt. Dragoons ; afterwards Magistrate for the County Berwick ; and member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at Edin- burgh ; m. Tempe, dau. of Loftus T. L. Clarke. F. R. S., and Barri.ster at Law. Calcutta. 2. John S., b. 1841. FORSAYTH OF FAILZERTON, AYRSHIRE. SCOTLAND. f.Hii MARDYKE, CO. CORK, IRELAND. ( / 'idf p. 4. ) ROBERT FORSYTH, or Forsayth. as many of his descendants began to spell their name (although some have returned to the original way), in addition to his estate in Scotland, obtained, for military .service, a grant of land in Ulster, (in if)iS) where later, .some of his posterity' .settled. Among these was^/^ l^'^' '^*^'' '^ ' '^ cO^.^L-i,^y^ ^^ ^^' CAPT. JAMES FORSAYTH. who had Thomas and Matthew. >->^^«-'?< < ^ ^- ^^^^ • /^^^-^V^^^^^^v^t-^-e. (Second generation) I. THOMAS, FORSAYTH* died in Cork. Ireland, in 1768. Mary, his widow. sur\'ived him. having a private estate. Is.sue : (Third generation) I. ROBERT FORSAYTH. merchant in Cork ; m. Catherine, dau. of Thomas Campion, F^sq.. and had: ( Fourth generation ) I. Thomas, m. Mary Ann, relative of Sir J. Grant, of Kilmurray, Fermoy. Issue : a. Robert, b. 1807 ; Curate in Bristol ; m. Fanny ; died 1840, leav- ing a dau., Frances Jane, author of poems "Armos Waters." b. Thomas Cifford, b. 1808 ; H. M. At- tache to the Embassy at Morocco ; Musician and Poet ; m., first. Rose D'Arguilar ; second. Lucy H.- dau. of Col. O' Toole, of Wicklow. * Arms of Failzerton confirmed to this family: Crest; a griffin's head between two wings displayed, vert. Motto : '' Loyal an Mart."' 14 « c. Catherine. d. Mary. e. John Drabazon, Artist, settled at Bini- bury, Western Australia, in 1845. f. Eliza. (Third generation) II. JOHN FORSAYTH, b. 1735; Pensioner at Trinity College, Dublin, 1749; Fellow 1762, with degree of D. D. ; Archdeacon of Cork, 1782 ; fine classical scholar ; died unni.. 1781. (Third generation) III. MARGARET FORSAYTH died unm. (Third generation) IV. SAMUEL FORSAYTH, entered H. M. Customs Service at Cork, 1752; appointed by the Viceroy, Inspector General of Customs for Ireland, Dublin, July 24, 1776; m. Margaret ; died 1801 ; buried at St. Ann's, Dublin. Issue : (Fourth generation.) t. John, A. B., appointed Vicar of lycighmoney. Mar. 30, 1826; Priest at Cloyne, Sept. 29, 1786; in 1803 was "Thieshers Ledurer" in Cork ; died Sept. 16, 1826; buried at St. Nicholas, Cork. He ni. Ann Courteney, and had : a. Thomas, educated at Trinity College where he distinguished himself by classical attainments ; Bai.is- * ter at Law; Queen's Coun.sel ; Recorder of Cork ; died 1879. b. Samuel. c. Robert. d. Charlotte. e. William. f. John, Curate of Upper Shandon, Cork. >5 (I'ourth KtMiuratioii) 2. John, A. B., scholar at Trinity College, 1780; Priest at Cloyne, 1784 ; Rector of Kilfetinione, County Tipperary, 1798 ; m. Jane, dau. of Hugh Evans, Esq., of Cashel. He was author of the " History of ^ur Lord and vSaviour." Issue: a. Samuel, settled in Halifax, N. Scotia. b. Robert. c. Richard Martin, studied medicine in Dublin and Edinburgh ; degree of M. D., Edinburgh, 1827; degree of Surger>-, Glasgow, 1828; at Hotel Dieu and other hospitals, Paris; settled at Templemore, Ire- land ; m. Kate Craven, dau. of Wm. Chadwick, E.sq., of Ballin- ard, Tipperarj' ; his children were : ' Richard William, who en- tered H. M. Military Service , .sen'- ed in India ; retired in 1884, as Brigade Surgeon ; m. Harri- ette Margaret, dau. of Rev. J. Baird, had issue, and settled at Cork. * Kate Thomas. ' John C. C, entered medi- cal profession ; died of fever in forest of West Africa while employed in an ex- pedition. " Jane E. , m. Dr. Robert T. Huston. i6 fl. Joint, conitnaiulcdthe " Indian Qncen" in the Merchant Marine, and nuule the sliortest voyage then known between Liverp wland Barbadoes. (I'ourth j^riieration) 3. CharloTTK, ni. Richard Mart' , Esq. irourth j(eiieratioti) •• - — ■• „ 4. l{i,iZABKTH. ni. the Rev. Charles Smith. ( Fourth j^eneration ) 5. A DAuc.HTKR, unm. (. Second j^eneration) II. MATTHKW FORSAYTH/i^ (bro. of Thomas, p. 13), I), in Ireland, 1700; came to Chester, N. H., 1742. He brought with him considerable property and silver plate with family crest thereon. He was one of the most prominent >f<^ \}ie\iti<)n^dK\in the history of Chester; name very frequent in town records ; filled pulpit of church of which he was a deacon, during absence of minister ; several times on com- mittees to petition Colonial Government for privileges and improvements for the town ; chairman of local committee of Public Safety ; m. in Ireland, Esther, daughter of Robert Graham, t of County Fennanagh, a descendant of Lang Will '■''Chase's Hist, of Chester — pp. 524, 109, 127, 129, 130, 140, 142, 144, 152, 259, 456, 621, 231 ; Toicii Papers, S. //.—Vol. XI., p. 3rj9 ; Vol. IX., pp. KX), 115; State /'apers, \. //. — Vol. IX., pp. 109, 115; (iraii- ite Monthly — Vol. VIII. The name is spelled on the Chester records. Forsayth, Forsaith, and Forsyth. Some descendants follow the first, others the last way of spelling. He had an estate in Ireland for which his descendants lodged papers with Judge Lawrence, one time V . .S. Minister to England. ^ I'friiiiii>oo)i J/ss. — Rohert (iraham's wife was Janet Hume of the family of Castle Hiune and Hume's Wood, whose estates adjoin those of Drumgoon, and have passed into the family of Loftus, Marquis of l^ly, with whom they intermarried. The Grahams bear the arms of the ancient Karls of Menteath, and the Humes, those of the Earl of March- mont, from whom these are descended. 17 Graham of Stubble, Cuinberlatul, luiglatid, who canic lo Irehiiul in 1620, as ancestor of the faniil> of (iraham of Drunigooii Manour, County Fernumagh. Matthew died in 1 790. Issue : (Third nt-'nt-TJilion ) I. Mattiiicw, of whom hereafter. "? ■ JoiiN) -b . - iu - Ir tf lan 47 from whom va de i. oe w d c d , fru i a >K on who ^^ ttl tjtl -i ^ t- Seotlnn t K Jn n ieii liennutl ^. —I^efH yth. -oHtex^ nny, Mni ^H . — 2- David,* b. in Ireland ; Ensign m Chester Com- pany, ist N. H. Regt.. 1776; died of wounds May 21, 1778. g. Jonathan, f b. in Ireland ; soldier in Chester Company ; killed, Ticonderoga, July 9, 1777. y. Esther, d. unm. ^ WiL,UAM,I b. in Ireland, 1740 ; linsign iU|de^ the ^. King in Royal Provincials, 1763-7 ; ■ nllUral ^ m^"^^ War of '76 ; a founder of Derry (N. H. ) Public Library ; one of the earliest settlers of Deering, Hillsborough County, N. H.; m. Jane, dau. of James Wilson, J^ formerly of Ireland, "Surveyor of the High Ways of Chester," whose wife. Chase claims in the history of Chester, Mary, dau. of John Shirley, belonged to same family in Ireland, to which belonged that countess of Huntington who was patron of V/esley ; Wil- liam died in 1808. Issue : *///.- ill Chester, 1746; Ivieutenant in War . of '76 ; m. Mary, dan. of Dea. William Tolford, of Walnut Hill. pf. Jo.siAH, S h. in Chester; Lieutenant in War of '76: m. Kitty, dau. of Caleb Richard.son ; -t v t>on of - ^ n a iwi ?>e t t4 cd in •jjfeiroit. and w as cUiLCiito r h -U^ — G « n t Jame M A: F or.sytJt7-4J^. -^. A .^ *Chapinaii\% Aliunni, Darlmouth CoU.,—^:^; History 0/ H'n- iiiont/i. A/ass. iC'/i(i/>iii(i>i's .l/iiDini, nartnioullt Coll. — pp. 133,427; //istorv of (ioffsto7cii. tC/iasis' Hist. Chester— ■p^. iiS, 344, 446; hovincial Papers N. //.—Vol. VII., p. 755; Town Papers X. //.—Vol. XIII., pp. 196, 19S, 751 ; Vol. XI., pp. 320, 685. ^.C/ia-U's' Hist. C/iester—Y>P- 23'. 373. 3^3. 457, 630; 7 0701 Papers X. //.—Vol. XI., p. 315 ; State Papers X. //.—Vol. XI., p. 315. FORSYTH OF FREDERICKSBURG. SPOTTSYLVANIA CO., VIRGINIA. MATTIIKW FORSAYTH, b. in Ireland (son ot Mat- thew and Ivstlicr Graliani lH)rsayth), was a jjliysician in the Royal Navy ; ni. Orr, canie to Fretlericksl)ur^, l)efore 1774. Issue: I. WILLIAM FORSYTH,!). 1753; anions his descend- ants is Cornelius I). lujrsyth, of Rome, (k-or^ia ; vSolieitor- Oeneral of Ceorgia, etc. ; formerly Colonel of the 22(1 (ia. Inf., C. vS. A. ; awt-aen. C.e..irK'.- A, KoPivtlh-l^r-^tr-Ar II. ROHKRT FORvSYTH,* h. 1754; Captain in Lee's Lgt. Hor.se, 1776; Major, 1777; I^eputy Quartermaster-Gen- eral of the vSouthern Army, 177H; and A. I). C. to Gen. Washington ; Knight of the Virginia Order of the Cincin- nati, 17H3; appointed U. S. Marshal of (ieorgia. 17S6; killed in performance of duty, 1794; buried with funeral honors by the Order of the Cincinnati ; a monument was erected to his memory at Augusta, Ga. ; Congress voted a .sum of money for the education of hi. i children ; hem. Mrs. Ininny (John- ston) Houston, a widou. sister to Judge Peter Johnston, of Fredericksburg, and aunt of Lieut. -Gen. JosejJ^i K. Johnston, C. S. A. I.s.sue: 1. RoHKRT, died ac/. 19. 2. JoHN,tb. in Fredericksburg, Oct. 10, 17S0; mem- ber of Society of the Cincinnati ; ist Attorney- General of Georgia, 1808; Rep. of U. S. Con- gress, 1813-1818; Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain, 1819-22; Rep. of U. S. Congress 1823- 1827; Governor of Georgia, 1828-1830; U. S. *.SV<'/>/riuia, m. George Hargraves, had Clara F.. m. Capt. Chas. Wood. f. .hi Ha /:'., h. 1.S23. g. /\osa M.,h. 1S23; m. Wm. Aubrey, of Haltimorc, afterward of Carters- ville, Ga., Commissary, C. S. A. h. /\\ihi'rt,* b. in Augusta, Ga., 1826; Capt. I.St U. S. Voltigeurs, Mexi- can War; Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.; Commandant of Con- federate Fortifications in Mobile Bay ; m. Julia, dau. of Latham Hull, of Augusta, Ga., and had: 'John. * Angela. ^ Margaret. '* Str Conrsfiondi'iiiY hi'tTVi'cn the ('. S. and C. S. (•overnuicnts. FORSYTH OF FRONSAC, SAVANNAH. ( /■/(/(• ]). IS.) I. THOMAS KORvSYTH,* entitled de Kroiisac. (son of W^illiani and Jane Forsyth) b. in Hillsborough Co., N. H.. vSept. 1, 1775 ; at the age of eleven was sent to the Kcole Militaire de Nonnandie. France ; in the war of the Kmigra- tion joined, at the age of 17, the Brigade of Navarre (1792). commanded by the Martinis de Montniart ; was with the march through Coblenz, Bingen, Treves, Grevenmaker, and Stadtbredimus ; in France, participated in nearly all the en- gagements ; was made Captain of Illyriens, and decorated with the Cross of the Order of St. Louis, at the siege of Thionville, by order of the King's brother, the Comte d'Ar- tois ; was at the siege of Verdun, which terminated the cam- paign of 1792; remained in Europe until 1802, when he came to Savannah, Ga. ; was afterwards merchant in West India Trade, at Portland, Maine ; m. Sallie, dan. of Capt. John Pray, f formerly of the Colonial Navy of Georgia, who came from Dublin to Savainiah just be&^rg/thQ .War of '76,^ v? and whose wife was Mary, dau. of Maj; Joshua Hamilton;^.^^*}^/ son of Henry Hamilton, M. P. for Co. Donegal, and grand- (f^/t son of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Gustavus Hamilton, G. C. B., ist Vi.scount Boyne, \ Privy Counsellor of Great Britain and Vice Admiral of Ulster. Thomas died in Portland, Dec. 21, 1S49. Issue : L JANE FORvSYTH, b. 1810; m. R. P. Ilsley. at one time Deputy-Collector U. S. Reveiuie, Portland. Lssue : I. Hamilton, m. a Miss Brown. *Hht. of Hillsborough Co., A'. //. ,• Joms' Hist, of (in. ; (.,1. Hist. Coll.; I^iifanrc's Notes Snr Lrs /uuri>irs; .liiuriai //tiii'dica ; IhoKiniiii^^'s .lincricans 0/ A'oyul Ihsctiit. iStt'pluiis' Hist, of (.'a. — p. 152. Xliurke's Peerage (Viscount Royiie. ) 23 2. ICi.izAiUvTn, 111. Ih)ii. J. Hoisc clc W'Ikt, M. IV for St. John, New Hrun.swick, and Mayor of St. John ( iSS6.) II. HAMII/rON FORvSVTH. h, 1S12; Rifle Corp.s. 11832; Army of Texas, 1S34; Cajitain on StafTof Oeii. Mira- beau H. Lamar; died in Galve.ston, 1X39-40. III. SARAH ANN FORSYTH.* h. 1.S15: m.. as 2d wife, Hon. William I*. Preble, LL. I)., A.s.sociate-Jnstice of vSupreine Court of Maine ; Founder and ist Prest. of Grand Trunk Railway of Canada; U. S. Minister Plenipotentiary to the Netherlands ; cousin to Commodore lulward Preble, IT. S. N.. and to Rear Admiral Geo. H. Preble, V. S. N..— all being de.scended from Maj.-(ren. Jedediah Preble, of York, Maine. Issue : I. JvDW.VKi), b. 1S55; living at Boston. IV. KLKANOR FORSYTH, b. 1817; m. Samuel Saw- yer, of Portland. V. FRFDKRIC FORvSYTH, i b. 1819; Rifle Corps, 1838; California, 1849; Ofiicer of vState Vigilant Committee; afterward at Rio Lejo, Nicarauga, Central America ; Captain of Portland Rifle Corps, i860: commanded battalion detailed as escort and body-guard to H. R. H., The Prince of Wales, on the occasion of his visit to Portland, i860; sympathized with the vSouth during the War, but in 1863 was .selected to command the propo.sed fortifications of the ist District of Maine; m. Harriette de Marr, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Jo.seph Scott Jewett, J of Portland, who commanded the 5th Division of Maine Troops in 1839; and had been a commis.sioner on * /r////.s'.v lii'iuli c^ /lar of .Ifainr : Mrs. Prelik' was a fine si-holar, a poetic and prost- writer of elo(|ueiue, and the friend of the Haroness de vSeddler, who was eousiii to the I'Inipre.ss of Rnssia. ^C/aytou's //is/, of (^iiiiifn'rhuul ('oiiiity. (Maine),- (,'oii/(/'s A'lU- ordsoftltc I'ortlaiid /\'ijlv Corps. ]:(»en. Jewett belonjjed to a celebrated family from Yorkshire, Uradford, W. R., Ivn^^hmd — (sec Stwimr's <,'r»i\i/oj>ita/ /)i(/. of .V. /:"., and the A'.s.scr /iisfHulrs.) He m. Mary Parker Marr of ;i J^cottish family, claiminjf tlesceiil from the Ivarls of Marr. His father, Jitseiih 24 the boundary between Maine and New Hampshire; and had represented Maine before 1820 in the Massachusetts legisla- ture. Issue : 1. Frkdkric Grkgory, author under the name of Forsytli de Fronsac, in poetry, political and social science, and musical composition; author of (i) "Basis of European History;" (2) "Cati- line's Lesson to the Republic," (3) "Notes on the Science and Art of Warfare, " ( 4 r ' History of Authority, Limitable and Illimitable," (5) "Ambition of the Czars," (6) "Seeds of Gov- ernment," (7) "Metaphysics," (8) "Notes on Problems of Mind and Matter," etc.; Founder of the Aryan-Order. 2. Thomas Scott, Journalist, writer of eminence : Supt. of Publishing Department of Boston So- ciety of Natural Histor>', 1882-4; Musician, etc. III. GEORGF: FORSYTH,* b. 1821; Rifle Corps, 1845; Lieut. 78th U. S. C. Troops, 1863; Asst. Quartermaster and Asst. Adjutant-General, with rank as Major at Camps at Washington, 1865 ; Custom-House Official at Sitka, Alaska ; removed to San Franci.sco, California ; m. Albertina, dau. of Capt. Albert, and niece of Hon. Jedediah Jewett, Mayor of Portland (1856). Issue: I. Albertina L., m. Dr. MacAllister, of Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. VII. CAROLINE AUGUSTA FORSYTH, b. 1823 ; m. James Albert Macnabb, of Greenock, Scotland, grandson of Maj. Robert Macnabb, and cousin to Sir Allan Napier Mac- nabb, at one time Governor-General of Canada. Ls.sue : I. James Albert, Jr. Jewett, who came from Mass. to Portland, had held a naval np])oint- nient from Washington, and his wife was Ruth McLaughlin, of the Macl^aughlins of Clan Owen, from near London