IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) O Ce medical profession at some fhtore period. Dr. JaspW, wonderful success, in obtaining a knowledfre, from Dr. Lewis Josephns, of ihe UfWong secret of compounding and preparing tiils, the Great Shoshonees Remedy, is. witiiout a •ing la exception, tha gnatest boon on Uie records of medical history, erer conferred ipon suffering kuMBlt, , for In it is oflbred to the world, not a medicine Uke many of tiie Quack nwitmass «f th« day, ii»t ara raoommended to cure CTerything, hot a Great fiemedy, which U warranted, and may be ftJlad npoa, to maka a permanent cure of all diseases of tiie Throat, Lungs, Lirer, Kidneys, and Di- fMtlTa Orgaiu, at well as Scrofula or King's EtU, tita rarions Humors and SUn Diseases, and all Dimiet ariiiBg from Impnri^ of the Blood, exeepting tha Third Stegt of Oonsnmption. on which it aMaeptniaamttfRrat. •.f-^fu. .**^'' 'i" t»» trifling ram otttnni»^n ^n ^ Procured for him lodrinM ,,^7!^ '!^ ''J'»«'r. "• •Ml to moll Inai„ ooci^k* T^^^ H.B. Jam, Sfc Unto, Ko '•".•^JonrhnaWefttod, 1« M «b.t»,t of. l,tt,r frcb Toung St«r«t J^Z^ ^ ''*'^'' "*' ^ ft»»0'H»« renwable old IndU,^ «e»UeinanTr Let^ S^Trn.^ "C*^;'' ■"^'' ^ «* "ot baen for «Jo?« ShoahoDMa T oi.-...!^ '. "°»^r- wwla Joiephna. an EinlB#mt pi,w-i._ -- .. " ""»na»ora Dr. Josephus took hla dep„tu^ fZ m^h! V^JTl'^ " I «a now writing thl, iTu, When «»7 lungs had suifered conald^wr^Td^anuin^^ *" ^* ' «^-P'« «''^'^ but^Uted^h" 1":? '" *'" ''•"*' *'«^* ^ *"•» -^ft^d from ,:^r.k "^ ^"^ *""'• *""«'^ •bo^tnJS^.llt; --p«p.-o,wbicbw.for.i.intrd:^r..xr^^^-^^^^^^^ »f» methodical plw,,, rpnn»diUtad project K »nd preparing the ofiuch hlitoi7,with Dlty of St LouU, Mo, Wked for Oolunibla, ''MBaatadeot of Dr. bla ; and •ecordingij «nced the pracUce of •iMtraot of hie fint ^gooeee, Coloaibia. Ht' im, I860. I rmy pootlj tot the edfwhlm lodging! for nearly* week we '•n there, the fluQily iMioringnethatho ioff to mneh of hie •opioyed. At this tin the hands of an %«!), and myself, rt dipped in warm I when he was with be began, and eon- «Joice his poor old Mitchell, gare the uapletely changed, Bd iniler left him Uh'tfbrtonefaTors I, I Efflineat Indian, Killer, was after- k. The following •iiy., 1800. ' Cn*t pleasnie )f my Toyage to 1 and increased attentiva to ne wn for that of a i Gr«l Tribe of I letter. When hot stated that rtness of breath, to take his com- tn as th« Great fnioshonees Remedy, tad la aU dlMBMl of the Throat, Lonn. Lirer. KidneTs and ni»..ti~ n ns w.„ „ scrofyila, Skin Di-eases. 4c.. for which it i/mo^pTcuiV P~p/^^^^^^^ it'th •'r." "'^ 'T: ''•"'" ' '•' ''"' *^" "»•''«'- »'» 'eft ™^ .till «ff redrgooS d I from the cough, shortness of b«atb, and pdn in the chest; and I also bigan to expectorate som blood. I at once commenced the Great Shoehonees R«aedy, which I hare ticon regulS^ly , „ce Zu aconpleofdays ago; and now, with the •xo.pUon of a littlo weakness, I am thankful toknow ad also happy to be able to inform yon, that I nerer Alt betterln my life. ' I remain, your Ter y aftctjonate son, JOHN STEWART. D-. cut' ii:^: *r °'"»'^ ■•""■ ""'« * ■"• ■>«"'. " »".-^ o..«„bK « „ _ Mangco$tt, Nov. 2Zrd. 1860. n.,r r.-It 1. with no small intonst that I write to you, *o. My health has been ei- hTtSh'?. .'^'•' TrT'r^ "7 practice is not bad, yet it 1^ noi w^ft llould wl^ Bo iavetln ;'„5 T '**•."!"* """^"^ *" "• ^°* *''** ' »'*^« ''«« '«<» -W by any rice ; but 1 RemSy bnr ft.^l !r"\ P'"^" «' »""'"f'<>t°'i°« « "edicine called the Great sJoshonee, iuc^L ;V? ?K^/?""'''"' *"^' *^"' **'■""* "«• ^ ''•" ntterly failed. I think I should bare co^l v' TM "'* "^ *'•. "'"'"^"•' ^'"'° ' ^"' ™» *^" Po^'*'*-' 0' »»>• Kemedy, to treat him Z^^^LZ^l^''':i''"'T'^' ?''''' *'• ''"'^'"' ^'- I-'wisJosepbus, who was employed to t^^tK^l 1 'rl^,^"^*"' for.fromwbat I hare learned from reliable sources, as well L Z^W^nZT.^.^T^'^"'''^:''''^'''''' """."J'n'nd is completely altered/and I am thaTthrworZt" V i' V7«l«^'»".«-d one of the most skilful medical practitioner. «comZL?f n Jf ' "'' ^'u'" •"" """^ot"". «■«>« hl» superintendence, and is especial DlZr.i '"/"•'''«"" "'*'" '"*•"** *^'«»" <" *»>• Throat, Lungs, Li;er. Kid^e^^, J Dl^tire Organs ,„ well a, Scrofhla. Emnors, Ac, it cannot be ^M.Ued iVthe known worM It InttaL^^tr","''.*'.^^^^ fofOonsumpUon. InthL ^MlZ!iT k!^' r" "^ *^** "■* '"' ""*•' " *• "7 "7 ^h *B •g^Mt this Remedy. It is hf hiTsoTdTurin^Tlf/l/ *•" house. Mr Jones the druggist, told m. one er^ng last week, that time thit !A\t * ^t T' *'^" *^* '•"'''^ P'"**' "^ «^» *»»•" ''" »««17 o"" q'-rte, of the ^mVil on ,5 K "■ '""'1' °" '"'^'^ '" '^* "• " '^ "°"t P~«"- formannfactJng th J Ore^ we« tested i^wolirr '''^.T ? 'f * '"^ "'"'*"' '*''" f" "'-'>°* »»«• i»» P'^^'i^r -''t^o Ir^ ^?„ the" would be no end to the sale of it. And I feel confident, that if you and Mrs. Jasper occa8iLn.rhrlM J /?."' *•* ** ^"'•"*'^ occMlonally by yon to the Doctor, and a portion wt. ZT "•"'''^' ""^ ;?"^ «*h« P""" th»* 70a could deriso better than remem- m7n toTn™ ]*'-^^^} $°f i^"* that,if you were here to adopt that cou«e,you would be the happy TasMltt *^' -t"'*''^""*^"'^"^ Remedy wouldbe «^ed. 'Jfyou shouldsee fit,2;^ I am ever your humble friend. 1I.B.J^i„,M.D.,Bt. Louis. M^^ DONALD W. BDTLBR. thatiisXTtirs'mXrLJcrrBr^^^^^^ aufice it to'say. that Dr. ButleTwrote toTr L «' J*""»W., ani Dr. Jasper of St. Louh. Bnr terms of the Indian Dr. JosiphT elmn^" thX ^'^/T"""'' '^'"^ 'P^"^*"* '» *»■• "'«»•<"" come to Columbia, for the pX"; atJestlt^^ wWch leS."'^ ^'^'^'' "* •"'^"»'°« •"- *" Who wa, qeite Uken up wUh 'the ^ at on a«d"« J^^" P««Ptly«.swered by Dr. Jospe, . p^eaiauon , aan in the fo^wdag spring of 1381, proeeeded witl. W« wift, to MucooM*, Oolumbliu brlaciac with him a •».* «^4 ^ dfM, Ac, to b. .ppropri.t«l m pre^S to T xl»hr!l7^ ' '^ ^»n»m^% tk»^ ^a^ of 186., wber. b. took . n.UuL on iTroaTt^l'^^foZlli: 7^ " ^ '*^'' '"' «'""'^ pr.Tioo.Ir und.r.tooJ«"l'd-pb«l), h. wa. fond of baiting. Th. d;*"^^^ v- "^ T^ *^ """" ^'>"'«' "^.d him if down next wa wli oTwim^ ' T^ J^' ^' "" '""»' ""wered, If jon wUI come »»«t7.h.k.%f band.r.n?D;.ji^^^^ ^J'T?'"^^ ^ '>'^' "»/ »>ad a hi. .occe... On th. followtog W^n^TL^^^ ^ "^"^ coagratnlatlng hlm.1/ „pon wha«th.jremaln.d until rwiI^^itoTlSi '* '"'* "" '''* "»»"»d. wlthaatrlngofbead.. And S^gX^Z^ IS^i^'Jrr fT'^'f *"• *'""'•'' •«" with them. wherather«,«.«n.^ JT ""foo^t «v bronght the Indian Doctor and hi. .auair b, thaZto"r^^l£.?C fotr<a^*' ir ?r^."'-»'- -o P^ we« .XJ pnMntMl them with nice lil^TrfnT l^' f^ ''"'* ^^'^ th«n homo again; and »l«o«t any other earthlj ».t«kr tH^ !L^ ^, ^ ^^ ^'*^^' ''"«'' ''• ^'^ «*<>». took place between tS^l T^H^ J' jJ^T/J^f "' ^''**^ •^ •" *^« P*"""" circnmaUnce. that po«ibIe,norl.itnec.J^7bar^;eut^^.?^^^^ ^» " ""»•''«"• •»- Ja-por for mo« th«, wZUTi^TL^ T, .^ ^^ of .peculation wa. conUnned bj Dr. peculiar .tjle, fraq«.nu7 StJjtC in^l'^^r*^. "':"'' ^"' "• <"'• •'"fO. '" "• owu .ecret of pipLrii,; the Qm^ a^„^ J^ i^ ^' *^' '* *'"^'* ""* *» '^ *» l«^"'o» ^ the Torable, he ^iT^iZ^^^n^^JS 1"*^ "'^« *^' clreum.t«.c wer. not jet fa- grrat fHTor, whi^b .ho^Id norcr SSl T"^ "* T*^ *^ •'"^'*- °* *''" '^J-**^. " « que.t the p<;or old Ind^Doc^ bniTiS^ J^l^^iVt %' T" T" ^^^*^'- under the .„. for you; but tHewSS^i^irl^i^*'" "'"'"'*'•''"* ***"y""'»»«»3« that it waa neceaair to «!lTS.ltl , ^.'^f"**" »»^ •«'•■»» ^»»-- D'- J-P" then .aw before be coulT^^bT^^flft^^''' f^^T^ **,t «~**' ^^""^ '^ ^* ^ •^•' ^' <><"». plan .on».cbem?frthe p™V. wiTh^^^^^^^^ dl.oonr.ged, re«,lTed inhi. own mind to without haviug accompllsSeiT: J1 J "'J^' •nd.g.fa.nnUl two longyear. bad pu^d .waj which prov.Uuc3 tVu wL^^^^^^^ during the third year he lit up . a grZr.cbem/ of the fndian Doc^^w th m- 1m following ;-Ho (Dr. Ja.per) managed to get tb. eldest .c .renin,. Z ^be dII"*'? ?! :* "r*^"*"'^' ^° ' '''" ' "' " ^' "' ^ »«- ««"- «- Jo..,.hu3 «„a bia mothrr" ^u^ ano"arenU^thJ'f^^°°TJ*^**'"* '" '^" ^~"' **■" "•^'*'* y"""* Doctor hast ued To oLn th7dl „1 .Tr°" "^"^ *'' "''"'^ *'"'' '" '" P'-""">«J«d. The her. with . ca^l^to bJ^^ ;r L^'^^^ " m'^^^'u*" "' "" ** "'"'" ' ''""' '»'"»•'«' "^ ' '" ^M»,,!-l--r ^^ y«ai, J, ^,^^ MBwered, Mr.. Ja.D«; Mjouwid th. Doctor «» MBtf, Ikatj urUtlM of >r b« rtmlTtd, without It manuflictura of thli, > th«39tbdajrorjul/, n iiooM ; and, m wu •d to ipenci tbo oigbu . BuUer wm eaUed to ion or tho braia ; jet I Dr. Butler oipnaMd rerj clever phjiieiao, tier had miatakcn the witj between the twu , Dr. Lewla Joeephus, kfterwardi tally coin- with great courteijr, •mo tho next morning \m noblo Indian heart in great eateem, and !>• hiaaelfdeepiMd), leorery of the Qnat Doctor aaked him if red, if jon will come II come ; and aa lira. h do.* Tbej had a latlng himaeir upon hi« wiA returned, the children each ctor and hiaiqaaw pain* were tpared m homo again, and DtiAil aiaoking^eap, iob he priied aboTe circumftaneea that t is therefore im- ■ eontinaed bj Dr. Jasper), in his own Inponessionoftbe M were not yet fa- Lhen requested, aa a in he made this re- iU do anything else r. Jasper then saw had OTor yet done, , in his own mind to; 8 had passed away: i a grand scheme get tho eldest sr in tho parlor oo U startled youDt latter were not at e-arranged. Tbe 1 dt^ar friflnd, Uisi >rother and I are 1 her son do 7 w* i ad the Doctor are obliged to go, I will get a eonr-iyance and leare my motber home. The Doctor ropljed, no, Mrs. Jasper can go in this carriage, and I will get my brother to remain, and we will Irure yon and yotir mother home and go to Mr. Williams after w« return. This Mrrangcnicnl was agreed iiiM)n. Mm. Jaipf r started and tbe Doctor and bis soppoied brother (yet be was not hia brother) |in<|.«rc.| and slarUd with young Joeephus and bis mother. When lliey got about five uiilci out of town, in a lerj lonely spot they found the road blocked up, whivb had been dune by Dr. Duller an In ijie aide of the carriage. Of course Dr. Jasper understood all this - it was premmliutcd, and there wns no icrions viulenee to b« committed.\i Dr. Jasper said to the men in disguise, Ccntlomen what d» you want t They answered We want that infsmal Indian and Squaw. The Doctor replied there aro no such |>rrsuns here. This is my wife, my brother, and a friend^t They answered. Dr. Jasper, we know mi ; and we know that this is an Indian and Squaw behind, and at the iKsrll of your life we demand them of you. Dr. Jwper said, what do you want of them? They answered we want Iholr Urea j they ihall never live another hour. Dr. Jasper replied with a stern and poworfu! voice, You » • •od-tblrsly ruffians you will have to npiU my rerj hearU blood before you tear thene harmless creatures from me. At this tho two men that were at the horses beads came to the assisUnce of tbe other throe, and there was a general struggle between tbe twoparlles ; but Anally tlio socmingly rufllanii succeeded in getting yoang Joeephus and bis mother away dragging tlicm into the bush, where they lit a dark lantern, and showed them some large knives, with which they said Ihcy were going to skin them alive as the Indians don* to the white men. Young Joeephus and bis mother were now in doB|icrai<) anguish, and wept most bitterly. (Dr. Jasper states it was torture to bis soul to witness the Bccne.) Just at this time Dr. Jasper fired a shot from his rerolrer, which was at once returned by tbe o|i|>uaite party, and repeated several times on both sides. At last one of tbe men who held young Josophus fell, and cried, I am shot, I am shotl Then tbe other four picked liiiu up, and carried bim hasUly away into the bush, leav- ing young Joaephns and bis mother alone : who then called Dr. Jasper, ran towards bim, and got Into the carriage. Dr. Jasper then called to bis supposed brother, but got uo answer ; and, in looking for hhn, found bim lying iu tbe edge of the bush, feigning to be shotl U|mn which be (Dr. Jasper,) cried out, 0, my brother is shot I my brother is shot I Young Josepbus thcu ran to bis assistance and tbey carried and placed him in the carriage. The road then being blocked, they turned round and drove furiously into ftlaugcosee again. Tho lirtit thing they done then, was to get young Josaphas aud bis mother into Dr. Jasper's parlor, after which they drove into tbe carriage bouse.« Then with all baste Dr. Jasper's supposed brother, whom young Josepbus and bis mother thought had been killed in trying to rave their lives, jumped up, changed bis clothes, and left the promises. Dr. Jasper and bis assistants then, as s] t y as possible, with the clothes which his supjioBod brother had taken off, dressed a corpse which tii.y liad secreted in tho carriage bouse for tbe occasion. When eompleted they carried the corpse into tbe house, which when they saw it of course tended to oonfira joong Josepbus and bis mother in tbe belief that Dr. Jasper had lost bis brother by endeavoring to save their lives. To make a long story short, tbe next morning Dr. Jasper left young Josepbus and his mother home, on the way frequently exclaiming, 0, my poor brother I My poor brother I When they drove op to tbe door. Dr. Josepbus came out smiling, gave his band to the Doctor and said, IIow aro you this morning, Dr. Jasper 1 Upon which Dr. Jasper grasped his band firmly, apparently burst into tears, and aried most bitterly, 0, my poor brother I my poor dear brother I He then got from the carriage, and walked up the road apparently in great anguish, leaving young Josepbus and bis mother to relate the lad itory to tbe Indian Doctor, which took them about twenty minutes. After which tbe whole threa came op to Dr. Jasper, fell on their faces in the dust before bim, and wept very bitteriy for about fiva minuteSi^t Dr. Jasper staAos that be could not refrain from tears, to witness the extreme grati- tnda and tender sympathy of those poor creatures.' Then the Indian Doctor arose and said, My dear, dear Dr. Jasper, what can I do to recompense you for your sincere love for my family and myself? You have lost your dear brother in saving tbe life of my good squaw and son. A^ wbat^yoa will and T ■*•&!• Vkw 4lis riiMiai iQ<>iri* >f '• 1° ■" «<.' «.<_•. T >.:il .>:.« i* ■^.. • rt- Ts-.^.- ...11.4 t i . » - -"— — '-J -5«- «-«-- ...^^j .. ... ,« ... ,„j ^....r^.t t vrttt J51V9 f." j-vtt. Lrtt srttcjrcx irirircu, s. USTU nothing to ask, unless you can place sufficient confidence in m? to intrust me with the secret of the Great Shoshonees Remedy.^ The Indian Doctor answered, Though I should break ten thousand solemn vowa, Dr. Ja8|)er,you ahallbave it, you simll have it. Then they went into Dr. Josepbus' medi- cine room, and the Indian Doctor showed Dr. Jasper Ml the medicines that entered into tho Great ••« rcu„iinod for .1^ n ' . he-rt-wndlog Uuk, ho ro turned to i.i r n *^' "'^' "''*• »"""«. « *Uh lU Great ShLLt. n T** *" '^ I""'"*- AI.o h« ??'""" ''^ ''""^'' '«> ""'-v \'''-i-un..tM„rtte-rj;^^^^^^^^ »!'o excopiion of tlia Mc™t , , "n^^lotlg*, tranaconding all pri„. t,. ' ""^\'»'''al>l« bfonn.lion - ""•iUtion In .ayi ur oT "•''"«"<"» °' the nomod/, U Inserted I „ tn '"* """ •"Tering-ni.,. '" Hose who n,a. J, put t n ""f "^"'"f' •"'/ "'^ond amon" "u T """P'""'.''" '-ured « them o«e. ' "• ^"' '" "--'o" of more thaa on«. w ^ fd^^l'V ? ' " ''' '^"'''- ^"'' « •*jr, if rou bare a friend, « ul npiTOMK UP TiiK «i3To";;7^7^r::~" - tbe 12lbVf t 'be ' l«TaTn"""'- '^^ *''» "">» » » cj^'^l^^. 'j^^^ """""''• -'' '« «- Hbosbonees bad fo ,bi ,r? ' , "'''^''''"'' "5"" Salrador or CuT ?""'"''' ^«''rl.^, Un^Un, "'er have since bceV;;";''"' '"*"'"' *''« '-«"»> of Tex^. , * J '!,""; '"« """""-"'le Trik- „' -etban„n,ou:o:\ts xr-^rr"^ »*mes and rirosPiH!.,„ » "'^ •'thor North or RnnM. a . ' *''" num'Kr ■ n (Iv fire.t tribe of SbosLonc « ZlT^u "T* ^'^'^^ *'"' «"«»' '»« 'Ct nor , ? u°"'"'°'* ''"''«'"«'" *kinfulwarrJor;butonoo?Lr °TJ"'''"» '^'^ •™^«-. unlerh^w ?'""''^'' «"«' ^a, not wa. Tested ab3o ute dlcu^i T *"*"• •"" ""^^^ WoSc "wL7 "°''" *" '"' * »^'<^ -"^ fl«I*"'^ WM .upplied from the .cTondf^'f,*"''''''- '" »>»tO« they for^ d ,1 ,?""■ '" *"' "" "''"ch i-ff the rank, of the enem? AnA. "?"'^ '"» «"• *W^d. «n Ul fl^Sllr' ""'^ " '"• ''"' *■«" '» •Hand, of their officer. With t T" ^ '^' '^^^ <" their fS^thti^ thejr aueceedeJ in break- t>eliefofaSuprcme;;in7il7" *'.*'"' ""^«"' P«"°«lTn S S'''^ °'^^"' '''•' — ' named G„ecub„ ; aI,o Tjh^^'^fT'^''"'^ the Q«.t K f'tT" '"'"' ^"^ '» *''« Their .upersUUon., ,1^ ^Tol °',^PP^«' •"d P«nl.hmen? and fhe , " " '^"^ ^•«"°'' tradition of a delnM.n7. <»n«».»lmo.t P«rfecu/««emM«5\K ^'"""'•'"^ofthe .oul other «.pec^^X„^--^ij^«^^^^^^^ °^"°"'- "« cere»onle.foptheinfermenTo?J^"' '**''"° «>e;r belief an? th!*^!. *'""" ' "H in manj fi^'S Which 1. n.o« .t^l^TtSln VJ**^ ''""'^ ""'"""* tha,e of the i; jeV' '" ''""'^ ^^^ sonii orter, the mem W S^,\''* ^^ "'^ ^^ «>»» they had TaZ^lu'T^ ' ""* *" "'"'^'"^ble Pen-tura, pLT^I^^J^^L J'"^'"^ """''-^ ProC . wt made" ""'"* "' ^""'- «rd In the admlnb^tlon of ^^.^^ ^^""^ ^""""^ ''""derful "kUlL tt^T ^'■''*""°"'' '° -- -up«ae contempt trM 1'?!'^? '* ^"^ pcw^ed a wonderful pria! 1^ f',^"'^"'^''' «' di-'^aso,, -mb;«ss:;^:;^trbr^^ '''•"thejbehare prudently, in their •«^ull/ noUJ down for ' "A.r Ihij, h.»lng, „ ^ctor*. ootuga, wLtm •'"••iolnjtruclingbim (''umponnd, mttnuf«c- rlth Um ■aimfttoii.n,, «|Hict to the JUoiMOM >• b/ wbitli ha kww »«nJ, tn ooiianclic.u uablB Infonnation - •ndBuflerlng-niti, i lionca we ljttV(> no hJeti.'hM it cured n. I In th« worJd. And ^ft a fricod, B.b,| ttJNKKa i-'f thai il.cjjire the !"rrect, and h cor- AmiTlfft, landing umeralile Trilw of Hon of t ho whiUM bo numlK-r -nUy J under rarloiig >undod wilderncsa "n, known as the B time of iho dls- vH chief was not to bo a bold and ^ chief, In who»a nt on the battle- tbenie of which w the first felj it leedod In break- iMyed the eon- I'ere firm in the * errcat dqmon Itjofthe foul, nations. The ; *ad, In many ^orld. The an undeniable !>e ancient ma- t and genuine «ntlons to gij. '8 of dijeasos, ountrj, and a A tn.^^At • - —srtmrr uy Might ahamo r confined to treated Tery > /• In their I^oTi^^ ^JJ^' ? *' *•■ ■"' •' "" ^^'''^"^ ^'"«' •' America, by their ob«r. |?I » r ^ '^.'* •••"""" '» •" P^O«»T-. «d on all occMlen.. And flnallr, thcr are ^ ? /J^. •"••"••teal fccaHl«-.o much .o, that many trarelien. hara .,rre..ed an utter lorprlM to flad nob pMpla iahaUUng tb« wildi of America. ^V^ma an utter ™PU^^^\S^SaHiiIS?nl^^,^7.' ^^rP THBBnOSHONKEH VEORTABLF! RKSTORATIVl ?ua»!!!N?TSSigirS^'TSS- tKt f 'irNi];""LTvKTaj*,TFo^^^^^ ORGANS, ITO. '""^'^ "• *"«• *"«WAT, l.UNL.8, LlVKIl, MONKYH, DIGKSTIVK G0D0U8 AND GOLDS. IK OONNKOTION WITH DMORDERED OlOMTIVB ORUAN8 AND UtCTKAL VESSKUl iJ^t i r*^'' ~ 17*^ " ""!""' "•• *»^'^^i»t, to thow who har. not heretofore gireu It a f«iil7l.lI.bU,«. ooc«ion«! b, two prominent cauao.. nameIJ-Pi„^ from dlaordered OI^Z Orgau and LaaUal Va«d. (h.«ln.nar de.crlb«i), and Secondly, from hrat taking Cold-S.'S JJ moro p«tIcuU,l7 whan «» Jmctlon. of th. Dlgeatlro Organ, and Lacteal Veaael. ar. ■ . aady de^nid Thoa«ndah.T. baan .track with wonder «.d .nrprUe. on learning thl. Indiapuubl, ZtZTyti bow «a.y-yH ^ how Tary many I-wlU be ntf rly regardle.. of tJem and their cona^unce. «U1 1. too lata. Heaca It U that oold. and thoaa diaordcred function, are .o rarenou. m.. ,? and «, will a b. unUl „«» wUl ,.„n to U wl... and make «.. o" he Jan».n Uo h" d^Tf^^ ^^^ 7^ ,1'tk " ?:* *^ "^"^ of ib. Gr«.t Tribe of Sho.honee. ar. not wrloualy .ffl c^ w^ JZ" 4 .^Z'' .^"^ """• iadnay.,Dlg..UTe. Organ., *c. *o. 7 all of which arljf^m^h^ caow. and nndar U>a elreumatanca. .bora «.nUon«L It 1. been., they bar, a eerUln p«T«utl J. and •«« Remedy for thalr ramoral ; and w1>«i any of tb«n are approacWng. which ther kTw h, J! .y^ptom. and .Ip- laid down In thl. iraatl.., they oomm^ica tSJu.. of U It one. L,;^!*^, regularly «, long m any trao. of th. dimN ramaln., and tb. con.e<,nenca la, it .oon tLZ. .nd thl. 1, now onr prirUag. alw, of whloh wa wiU oe, ..Idy ar.ll onrtelre.. if w. remember thl tl. reanlt of Common Cough 1. ofUn ObattaaU Cough, and Ihat of Ob.tinatl Cough" Co^mpton « •one othar aarloaa midady, If not takoa ia tin*. vonromptlon, or AOUTI OATAABB. • OK WHAT It OOMMOIf LY CALLED A COLD. TU. I, . fabrlla aAction, eompUoat^l In th. m^lority of oaiM with InflammaUon of ona of th. mucu. tt 1^.1 IkT'''^ *"• 1""'''^ *"'^' " " *•"»•* »«">«"^ J "d 'f 't .tSl^ Tan- eturUta^Srf*''"^ l»-«nllammaUonofth. organ. alTbcted; and if lnfl«amU« ^l^y, Z ; ■"«'»*;*• "'f^Jd, or not proparly treat«l. and the patient recover.. It reiy oftlj h»ughth.l^ ^.dlaorde»«lf.netlon.ofth.Lact«lTe,.el,.lay. the foundaUon of^h^ .JJ; « T . « ^ .*^'* '^ ^^* "* "**y "^ •'»»>•* "• k"o»» " Chronic BroncUtl. ConI cZ^"* 7 "r'"^*! °'"' '*'«*"' *«•• '-^ ^"<* *J-«»~ « «• now offer.Ta .ui «d cerUin remedy, and a poilUr. Cure, .xoeptiag In th. third .Ug. of Conaumptlon. St»toms or CATim«H.-SliRht.hlT.riag foUow«l by feTartahnw., weight or pain ia the h^d mum ^^:^'J:::i:.iii::::^jt;^^^^ ^""- 1^. back, neck, head ^.„j^,^ nJf!*"!^''""'^'*"" ^"* *°'^' ^* •^*^* *•"• Shoshone.. Sweating Proce.. Oh page 13) and th. L..J!!1^"'''!!*'"«'^*"'*''*^''"*'''""«»«"»^^^^ T^.n comment SfG^atS^wJo^ • r=^!^l'r.»'*_'-« *'!«»««"«' ^>-*«'- Th.n.xt.lght,ifthe<»ldUn" b^okrnlfl'n" ofT., ^ J^ "^ ,^ •ff.cUon^ «,moTed ; and by doing thi. you wUl not .aly arokl «iJdM«r »^d OurM^rSi '^SfJi. ^^'•rr'Jf *"''*^ "^ "»-'^ P"*" o'Q'- ^"W". BloodToot o- ACUTE BB0I70HITIS "d Pill., «.rtb, to Di»>uS J*"^ ^ ^*»' •t««»w f™.Tr. ..d «ru^r. fcl* t'' *-», Ob«„a. ^^^ "»■« «b. d«.p, ., «„ ^^, ^^^^ ^ tZ^"^ oug* fion tiMaoi. Unhotuiddij. BBModed ftr AoQtt >»«« torm ; but w* », in other irordf, wa to tin bronohfari >pr«Mlo«,»aeBi»of SUng, bnt not by • Tf breath iaoteaNd ofegg. Kootjaod tiacture PoonftU, ererj hatf Mbonees Sweating « iti runoTal, the nd commence the !; then according letica twice a daj, «nne the Remed/ I eradicated from ^th that dread/bl ' Cold, when not Jcted, one of (he '» ealled winter Humoral Aitb> freqnenttj ropy. IMS of appetite, I uaoaUy oomea i resommendcd *^ gargle the Boiplei of tfala i Oonsumptlon oiMeeBemedy in the fece of oal luignage Ilateral treat- le third atRge » eofferer at > do you will K^ogi of the SmrTOiq.— Tht qiBptOBU of this diieue are to Amiliar to all, that it ie tearcely neeeuary to note them ; bnt a ftw of them nay not be amiH. 8aeb are^ a abort dry congh, oeenrrlng for the most part oa JBrst rising in th- nomhig, and so alight as to become haUtnal before it excites the attention, of the patient. Sometfanei a little shortness of breath on exertion, and some laagoor and weaknesa. The patient is soon fktigned, and, easily thrown into a prespiration. Sometfanes they jirn eligbt dyspepde symptoms, headache, and night sweats, a nnall frequent pulse, and there may be expect- oration of blood, with oaeasiness in the aflTeoted Inng, and often an inability to peiinade the patient that his Inngs ue aflbeted. These are earlier symptoms ; bnt when tiie disease is farther adranced, there ara symptoms with which OTory one is aoqnaintad-^ucb as more habitual opugh, most trouble- some at night and in Um morning; increased shortness of breath, pains in the chest, expectoration, which may be mixed with blood, mr sometimes dear blood ; a bad aT>petit«, debUity, leanness of tb<« body, nigbt sweats, bnning of tiie palms of the hands and soles of the feet, Ac, Ac. Sometimes Consumption and Ohronle Bronchitis ai« present together. TaiAnciiT.— If warm weather, wear a woollen Jacket ; if cold a ftar (musk-rat) jacket, next or near tiie skin. Wash the body oTCiy oUier morning witfi soap and cold water (though not so cold as to make the patent chilly afterwards), and rub diy wiih a coarse Towel ; after which, bathe lightly th«« chest, back and sides, orer the lungs, w""* the Shoshonees Penetrating Restoratiye Oil (ite pagt I3) and perserere in the strict use of the ) jdy and Pais. If Uie cough is rtrj troublesome, add • littie of the Shoshonees Anodyne (we pogt 13). Bat as hearty as you can of tiie best (Dr. Josephus recom- mends goose, duck, renison, roast bee^ beef steaks, oysters, lobsters, and particularly of the fledb of tb«» mud turtie), and take adraatage of tiie fresh air on fine days. If you will bnt carry out tiiese direc- tionsr all I can say if, npon the principles aboTo sUted, you may rely on a permanent eure. CROUP. STiiFTOin.-Cronp sometiaus creeps on wiUi hoai;pcness, cough, wheesing, and difficulty o» oreath- ing. The roioe, in speaking, or eoaghing, acquires • shiill and peculiar sound. At othu thnes Uie disease oomei on suddenly, and often on fint waking from sleep. For a short time the child makes ineffBctual efforts to inspire air, aod straggles Tlolently j bnt at length tiw hiwath is drawn with « loud crowing sound. The face becomes lirid, and tiie eyes staring and buHustid. Sometimes the thumbs are clinched, tiie fingers and tocj flexed, and thejointo of tiie wrist and ancle forcibly bent. TanATiiBit.-GiTe an emetic of Ipecac, and put the child in a warm bath. A pply hot water to tiie throat outside ; allow fresh air, and sprinkle the face and chest witii cold water. (Oftentimes the fit can be broken witiiout tiie warm batii.) GiTe the Remedy and Pills, and continue their nw for a lengtii of time afterwaids, and by so doing you wUl remore the predisposition to the disease and aroid fhture attacks. WHOOPING' COUGH. The cough in tills contagions disease is too weU known to nquire description. T«AiiiMi».-Admini8ter an emetic of Ipecac erery two or thne days. Batiie the feet in warm water cTery night en going to bed. Keep tiie bowels regulated witii the Pills, and giro the RwnedT *^^ "!f.?!"'','*^«' " "««»^' • «*«• of *»»• Shoshonees Anodyne («• jwg. 13). If you treat your child In tills manner, you wiU aroid tiiedanger of any chronic complaint of tiie lung, remaining. yonwiU •l«>*Toid "chTlolent fit. of, coughing as gemirally attend tills complaint and tiwdieeaw will wear away in half the tioM. THRUSH. This d^of ehUdrwi, which all motiiers know, makes ito appearance by an eruption of .mull A T^^f ' ^^ **r*' '"* *"• '" *• *»«"•• ««»•. «'^k.. and lips, may be speedily Istnring the Remedy and PfllfMew^BftpOfiiwaiPlJWttoMi, •♦ ^» » 10 ... '"*"«''»*l healthy aUto ^««e enlarged tolnii or a anflrry. •«•& eaUDgProces. •oJtheRemedraDd wtlonofthoShasho- Md tie Remedy ^„ J "on baa disappeared, » left ireak and irrl. ;*kwg the slightest Jo Quinsy, this prt. pnal healthy state. oconrringinpg,. «M-BothIn»pira. ' beooniet dilBeolt The patient Is ^"ontal posiUon. •ftolingof con. '««d Tincture of *<> paroxysm is bronchial tabes wereringly and Directions and '''"thatthongh yon now hare ' Catarrh may *«t from all looting to the ">* »nd short, ^ SireaOng » the pain in d apply the tea-spoonful Shoshonees "»d off the the chronic ofsererity. >' the Sho- *o«aythe « in then^ 11 all is to procure a ftee «Dd healthy i>a88«ge through all the arteries, reins and ducts of the Llr«r • and as we hare in the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills that which will nn.wil. • . ,. J ST«PTo«.-Pain la the right side. Increased by brnathing, co„gbin^, or lvl„e TL Mi .id. dry cough, dlflScult breathing, shooUng i.ains in the chest mt inTh!!' Wl\T "'='"''*'» yellow tinge of the eye, and eren jaundii. high cZefur teTss of a^^^^^^^^^^^^ ettl ' T/T ' .aseoffulness and distension of the stomlcl^eight or obl^;^r:r^^^^^ ance sallow, the patient is torpid, inacUre, or desponding, leanness of the whnl« h„H. \, r^?" exercise will put the patient out of breath. 'and eom'e timestuse II iutio: TTe heS Oc^ "* ally ther« are hrer spots, of a greyish or yellowish tin... on the Vore part of the^dyror' on ^^^e' ^itJoTi!!T~^7 **" "*'"" "^ '^' ^'"" ^"'"' '"^'^^ '^^ •^» P«t t^o or three times a da, with the Shoshonees Penetrating Restoratire Oil. Apply the Shoshonees poultice X^^^ li weeks; and abore all strioUy perserere In the regular use of the Rm^iy Sm^^l^S^iVJ^ ral Direction., and you need hare no fears. The cure will bo a permanent cm«. ' "^ DROPSY. Dropsy is adisease that Is caused by the process of absorption being interrupted, which intermntln. is caused by impurity of the blood, «.d impurity of the blood, as is Lreafter e ' uTneS fa S^^ * disordered fhnctions of the Lacteal Vessels. Hence it is erident that diso^e^d J^i^or^iS Lactea Vessels (and not the disease of the Lirer. Kidneys. Ac, as has been UughTJeZfo™)^ . the prunary cause or foundaUon of Dropsy. It is true that Dropsy generaJy o^™ ^ui. duease of tJ«, Lirer, Kidneys. &c.. but this is the consequence of tl-o^organs becomrr d^ under a less degree of Impurity ef the blood than Is generally necessary to Isl Srh^oT^ sufferfirst. The symptoms of Dropsy are so erident that they require no description. ^ TaiATinHT.-There has nerer been known such a cure for Dronsr as thA Tr-f hi. i. Remedy; and the reason is. it strikes in part at tbe rery cause orSeTse"^^^^^ dered functions of the Lacteal Vessels, hereinafter described. If you will take^tr^^X^d^ according to General DirecUons, and keep the diseased or swoUen portion of the body^re^ S :z!r^zr''' "" ^'' "'' '^ ' -' '- '' ''' ^-- --• - ^^^ SPITTING OF BLOOD AND NIGHT SWEATS. * TfrJ'"'" ;rP!^™ "" **°*^ generally Indications of ConsumpUon, and should not be nefitocttd. Consumpm is aetually approaching, lose no time in commencing the treatment for «J^tdW If the splttmg of Blood or night sweats «* serere. gire from twenty to thirty drops Tb^ Vi nol in a wme glass of water, two, three, or four times a day, asl may be necesLy to amrt «L1 but once the Great Shoshonees Remedy has been used for 'a time; these Z7t^^^ PAINS IN THE SIDB, BRBAST, ETC. The treatment for pams in the Side, Breast, Baek, Ac, wfll vary according to tke eanses. A dnU constant pam in the Right Side, about the short ribs, changing sometimes to the riioulder bl«l. wlih a bitter tastmg month, denotes a disordered Lirer (see Lirer Complaint). A sharp pain in tta sld. which is aggrarated by taking a long breath, denotes Pleurisy (see Pleurisy). PidMta tb* GlMfe a little below and to the right of the breast bone, and not attended with a congfi, proceed froatte Stomach (see Dyspepsia.) Pains in the back and Loimi frequenUy denotes disease of the Kid«eT (see Di8ea8eoftheKidneys,)heary pain aboutthe region oftheheartwWchmaybeaccompanied by so^^ itetion of the organ, rery frequently arises through weakness from Dyspepda (see Dys^^L). ' |^ shootinir nains under the left Rnuut»r«^|r»o^ .,*.i, .^~* i '.""7 "^ J ^•'•■""''"'^"wwitiivioioaipaipiiauoa, indicate disease of that organ and reqmres the adr .e oif a physician. ^ the Great Shoshonees Remedy is not dS for diseased heart. With the exception of these, all other paimi ^n be cared as follows : ^^^^ d««?r™T~" **" ^i" u" ? " "^*' ^»^t^, that is arising suddenly ftom cold. wak« d«np. Ac. and acoompwiied 1^ fever, tiling »o., yon wiU auOw Bie of tl» Bbo^Jl B^2^ ^^:^j::sxtXTT "»^«>"«»- 0"m' 13) Will b nibb«l well In IK kT" '^°'^«««** »lght,aad th. Sh^ ""' •<»'<•, bnt Chronlc-tluit fto» ,»kich disej. tL Tf "•' P"' "''» » fe^ wwks harln. "" '^'*'>"«""r "bonding .-d tbe« th. PainT ;rS to^r r *'• ^''"•" ^^^ ^ -^.^n! t ti' '"1 '"- - "My be deep-aeated elr«.r«!?^!^ *** «<«»tMt, shootine to th« «L7 ' ^ ^"•' *''™»« Plllt, will eA,t "hicb msj be montbt froqueotlr extending Kiembled Lombago ring ; but aooner or It were, dammed np ftrther, wUeb pain ftlt npon pretnin^ •• Sometfanea there ■cantjiorlnereaaed ^. Md the bowels softheEWnejias iered by reat.) u till at length the icine, not erea the fding to General !»of fur; if warm Jneee Penetrating »»r/ to applj the out, 70a nay de. Ingot fluttering •PigMtrio region, f there maj be a' and aversion to r combined, and >r, oonstitutQ the oes pain at the 'f ▼Jaion, bright •"» pain nnder "ay be added, »nge,aeo8ationi Sraeral Direo- i>t buna, pork, liA Sboslioneei ttment for that long, that the Onm Arable ; ■ of an ounce, lit stand la • •dnit, A tea- Perspiration, fails in pro ? 9951 w but It Hr TBI SROSBOirBBS BWBATINO PR00ES8.»8Mtk tba Ibat at bad>ttea tm tWMtj minutes, in a bucket of warm water ; then corar np warns In bed. Drink a towl of warn graal Md take tbe HbMbonees Sweating Tinctore according to directions ; or if 70a hara uai thli, drink herb tk» or hoarhound, tQl sweating oommences. Utr THB SHOSHONBBS POULT|OB.-This is made b7 mUing Unsaad na^— thM la flawaad meal— with warm water, to a proper eonsiataacy ; then spreading it rwj lieaTil7oa aottoB and tnnr ing tba Poultica orar with • miztora of one part of the Shoshoneea Panatratlag BaitoratlTa Oil, ud two parts of goosa oil or salad oil. BIT THB SHOSHONBBS ANODTNB.— This is made b7 mlxlag togathar half • plat of STrap af squill, osa quarter of a pint of bast brand7, one onnoa of laadanoa, and ooa quartar af a pint ^ baatj put all into a bottle, ewk tighti7, and ahaka well befora using. Doaa for an adult, a daaawt-apoaa. ful— that la half a tabla^poonful— and for a ehild from a qoartar to half a mnaU taa^pooaAU aacocd- ing to the age. As tha BaBiad7 is not Intandad to alla7 STmptoms snddani7, bat rathar to aat upon and gradaall7 lemova tha eaaia of tha aTUptomi— that is tha disaaaa-iWnS'tlia ^Tstan^ 70a will sobm- tintea find it naoan ai y, for tha pnrpoM of allaTing eongh or pain, to administar * doaa of tha Sha- shonaaa Aaodjaa^ onea In two, fonr, or six boon, as ma7 ba roqolrad. It ma7 ba gifaa with the Remad7 <" withoat it 0r THBSEOSHOHllB EMBROOATIOir.'Take red pepper and blaek penar, of aaeh* table-spoonful, and best bnuidj one plat Simmer together for five or ten miautei. Appl7 b7 meani of flannel to tbe aftoted part, aa hot at eaa be borne. Thia Bmbrooation is fiur iMttar than arastard plasters gV THE SHOSHONBBS PBNBTKATINO BBSTORATIYB OIL.-.Take (tf goose nil somi times called goose gre a se- 4 01., salad oil S os., fkesh butter 6 os., eod-llTsr oil 1 01., ail of origaaaai 1 OS., oil of Juniper, | oa., and. If 70a eaa get them at all, add 2 os. of Bear's grease, 1 oi. of mud'toxtle oil or grease, and 2 m. of tha oil of angle or flsh worins-naada b7 beating the wonns in a bottle. Malt all together, and stir while eoirilag. In using this oil on an7 part of the bod7, it is neeeasar7 ta wuh the part e?er7 da7 or two with soap and water, just before an appUsation of tha oil 1^ HBALINQ OINTMBNT.— Tkke white wax ointment oneonnoe and a half; aad oxide of slao two drscbms—mix them weU together. In applying this oiatmeat to fever sores, nieers, dte., the affected part requires to ba washed occaaioaally, which is to be don* by dipping a pieoe of sponge or linen cloth into warm eastila soap-suds, and squeealng tha suds from the sponge or doth, so that it will fall on tha sore ; but nerer rub the sore with an7thing. Oat the amtarials of this oiatowat at a re specubie drug store ; the7 will onl7 cost a few cents. 1^ AC 0TB AND OHRONIO DISBASBS.— A Disease which comes on suddanl7 ttam eold, damp, or wet, ke., with a eartaia degree of aeTerit7, has a rapid progress, aad Is of short dnratloa, is said to be Acute ; but Ohroaio Disoaaea are those whose duration is long and whose s7mptoaa proceed slowly An Acute Disease, if not properl7 treated, often subsides into tbe Cbronioi aal ma7 lest for jtn befora it destro7s the patient's lift which it is certeia cTeatnally to do if not rMSoVed b7 proper trentment. ^ El- IN THIS TBBATD3B 70U will find glTen, SttlBciena7 fall aad explicit, S7Bptoms an the TSiious diseases on which it treats ; but 70U will bear in mind that it Is a Ter7 rare thing to flad all the symptoms that are herein given, to Indicate a particular disease, present at once ia aa7 iadividaal case ; but there will alwa7s be quite enough of them to clear all doubt as to the aatue of the disease. THB QRBAT SHOSHONBBS REMBOT. — THB DIOBSTIVB GROANS AND LAOTBAL TBS- SBLS.-THB NBW THEORY OP THB ORIUiN OP DISEASE, *•. Wa do not ftel satisfied ta dose this treatise without stetlag, for the iaformatioa of the «ommaait7 generally, that it has baea proved itetel7, be7oad all doubt, that the woadeifd heallag ptoperties of uieOrbat8taushoneesBemed7areduetoitspeoaliar aad salutary eflbot, not onl7 on the offns '« taken for « i.?^!^ ^ oppoiltloa to n»tJiT*^ ^^> ^ "»* «» all M™y, •**^' ««» when aubj.«i f^:^J.^«"<»>. Md T. F. TAz''J"'T'>'y " due to D™. it n"'..^"* ^.'"^e^. Ac. h.r. MBBtegJI^^^^^^^^^ •"**"• *^0' in the first in. *• stomach and Qpper process, by wbhbitB •he great bulk which »d has bwn thus B„b. rt'on, or cream as it ''edtoererrpartand ''ir*dmitted,ltm„« .«f«» Uie internal •gMtireor^,,^ 'fflpureandritlated ""ofal*, to all the' ' '*oomo an est*. w" disturbed, or in ii'eased, „d when »«; but on the COB- '•"Tery little food "nntDtly beceme "t^kenifit^ig^^t >«noteafhes8, ^c. ^ *>7 Cold, How Tastlj ™d without 'e'8. which to be won. t *c., bara rangh Bay, ti sift the Mes. Now 'fnl«, Skin 'adminis- will have B first io. 16 conr^i.ari.orttim.fTcJ.rEd'^^^bliMir I^V^^^^ " '^^'PP'''' «' get the Wood parUallyporlfi^I, which l.itiJutotIILJLn.*^^^^ fTi *"»"«••*»>«>'>«»' w. though then was, m looa as the medicliwta lai «? t2 ^ . *!' *" '*'* •*"*^ ' "<* •^•° th.uiu..tu«lfWB'ctIon.oflDi.°S^L.o*^V^^^ k'P* "^ by contuniMted as bad waver »iiiJ^J^7»J!^ ^'***'^' **'*^' **• »'«<«* '« ""on diUon, and the I^^Tm tte^ k^Si^^T" "'"♦'•^-"•^"•orighuilunheidthycon. » rick tre.toen?r^o^tS 1^ wH^f "^ ?f "^^"^ ' "** " " ''"^ ~»«-»« *» be .o long "lut^yeftct^;;^.^;'*^^ -"<* willhav^ the Digestive Org«. «d LacteJ^^^l^SilJl 2! ^ ^ "***• ''"* '"' ^^ "^^ »'«' "« P«^ «<»B«>*ythebloodb«twm.l.o«storett.fhn^ Jith"^^^^^ « in eonsequenee of whleh, the blood, will be k«nt ™rfiuJiT w.i ^'«"""^* v'g»M Md Lacteal Vessels P«tlcK with which T^iZ^U^^LV^ ^^^J' ^•^'*''* "'"*• "PP'' of dest^ctive Naw.if;oaw«.t.„edZ^^S^,':l^T^^S:3der '"Ifr' *" '•™^-*- «M lay to you Is; get the Great ShoZLe. i^!Sr!«5 ?^^ *'"' '" *"•* P"P«'f «» «»" I • It will yet be tem^bered thTtheTlTi. ^' Ji'" ""^^ ^""^ **» ^°'' ^'» P"^"^''^ bave h I Organsf ^oxZT^^T^]^^^^''^'^^'^^^'''''^' '"' '^'«««» of th'elntemal Skin Diseases. *c.. .„t *:IarJi W te^tn"g ll tVlr 1^""^?."^"^ "'"'"•• ' quenUy a certain remedT for thiiti- r««n,!i T^v!^ *. * . °"*" *™™«dl*t* Peril, and oonse. Lcewewish P^cS^l^t^^J^^l 11!""^;,"^^^ than for the latter diseases : " thoaediseases. ^thou^' li^^i::, l^t^aTn^ott d^Se^^^r tf ^^^^ to be but a burden to those afflicted with thL . ." ^ . •© aestructive to liib, they often canae it with these latter dlMwTiZ^^e J^ ' f M « TJ? "^ *" """^ "* *« *" ^^ '^^^ Sores, HeaUnfc Sores and UlcLT^rfT^^tTT^ n- before ^fe^PPljing. Pn all case, of Fever could\ot h.4 Sed irt'^'Sjn?^ disease, sign and symptom, ro/t ar£L,ri-'riftlTii G^j"^^ those who have injured themselves in the Innoccncrrf youtT beL u^rif^* »^i '^'' *" , uuwma w more for yn th^ any other treatoMBl joa can possibly undergo. OfcP -HB BOmi ?gf«iIii,T OOBKBD. »^-Ifyo« wiU bat pen^vereMhen* Of tW. Great ^,me^^ diaeau it not la tiM ihl^A •«••« -.# n ..._ v -w, « ^uor ■ — --T-" I T.»>«*ei^|, jwu WUA uau diaease is not in the third stive of Omuomption. GENEEAIi DIRECTIONS. FOR USING THE RBHSDT— Doss &f »c AdMt, a tw)i*^ip«>nfnii, night and morning. " « Child ten years old, adewertHipooiiftil night and morning. •• five •« •• • tea^poonfnl, « « * ^\ , " " " one " « haIfte»*poonfiil •• " » __ O»badc«««,|twllli0Bi.tlwib.betltttotak.thb,u«,titytbreeUmesaday) n-For.nyT«fiatIon rom th. nbote mode of admlnirtratJon, see the various diaeasesfor which it It ncommended. «ord, « THE GRBAt"'%£['"'.'^**'*^'" ^'^^»»«'y. ''l*"' «P in pint hottle. WM ,* NRffS » L'lLrni^^ » *"*«"» ««to one side aftK, L«f • , ^ oottlet wxth the aXilLS REMEDY OP " W«.— • . , •' '^ ***"•« *» «*« maXn'tto fiimaiT/^ white wl^ f * . «.Jls?_^ ." ""^ , , thooffh isoktod »t fl-,* fv ' *'»*•» »•« the akin WhTJ; 1-- i ' ovtj, pretty well defined WJ5 i.|i«^ ^^^ g«««« -«5, rfi^^ ran from gland to fflJj^S^v'"»***««' "bo attiwfi 5«i^^'.""* "*** *««>" o'««>e armpit cheat. SomettaSlK,?hMf'"1t«*«*taglWm;SlilJ*th^^^^^^ 'n the neck thew S ;pt to be UrgeTon c^tM^t^.f^'^-'O'^^ioJi^J^t, In^'Sf 5''*"*' "* «"«» within tb! dfaeaae. BtS before the "S!'' ^ ''^'- T«»™ titntkSd -JSn^* **""" *«•» »^» *«"«>" aw J-- the he.„n^rt!;e'tn^P^-r>-SlHS •" •ae uemeay according to general dlreoUona. ^a»ij, i» to k«ep the MpoMiWe: but .tall 'onld8.j thePiilaare when yon commence "t two or three you 'i if JOB find they are Jsae the dose gradually ill have a tendency to cipe and instruc- nnt hottk* v)ith the Mking, 8H0SH0- rS," blown into the »y are done up in inthefinettredt meceisaiy. Artrr 'o^i nay be gir«a allowed to become iloua ioflammatioB ; » of this disease is t>l/, and Incrvases »wtty weir defined, oaring glands are 8, rormiogalarge, ' are, in general. acepUonoftume- iration. It often 'bj obaraeteristic >se of the armpit, nd«,. It is apt to the neck there is even within the ) the tumors are the stage of the rdered condition iose of Internal »• warm water tment of Iodine, t, and then dren UrQctions. 17 INTEiNAL 80R0PULA. bufiL:'?i?i^airthrtV«rraVsL^^^^ ^^T ""!"''* «» 1?^ '»»•""> ««" <»^ ^ body and commoSy calle^oSifptS 'iSthaTun«'^T^^ *"?!"^ J*"^" P«^«oaa!I .or'e7nTc?a;;r.rc;rL't"^^^^^^^^^ ffitThrna-rr "--.:'"«-^'- •»>» ^ ^ esrs, a tendency to sonnessof thieres eronU^n.^^L ^u '""*'""».<'>?<'harge8 about the nostrils or ing of the glands of the Zi] ^ImS^S^'^^^^^i^^t^ "u U^o".* t*^ "" '^ • •"•»- these symptoms are present in erery wise ^ weakness. It is not to be supposed that all Bowr.; or'sSSLc^SXjt'b ofci'ci;^^^^^^ «f '^^'^f the Llrer, tb. Kidneys. affectedj and r.meib.r\L sorofi"! diseifriSl^d^n K-'^l ^"^l •••>t«d on the orfi Vessels and Digestire OrirMs fw * thornn»h w ^^•^'^9^7 disordered fnnoUons of^he Laoteal article he«l.d SgesS^JSJi-V U c5Si^^^^ Lacteal VesseU, (SS dbease of these organs, rSmUr yTwI^a eoi^™„VT 13 5>^ «»>ta treatise); and to t'rektsueh afffoted to dear it up,' thMwlll Ili Dnrif?th\ ffi • ? • «'«■» •tore the Lacteal Vei^U and DlwSre oT^^^^^ S S?..'"''' '^^^ ! '' *•»* ^» atren^then and le- longer famished with impoiiesTr ante., h S!«-f7.tLr"'u°"°;f' ^»>at the blo5l m«y be no doed, will return;andittaaf.clVhat^rSott h!^?^ ?l^^^^ '*'*^' wen If partially sub- firstmedicineerer'componndtl tL i^^^^ finedy^ls the Remedy in cases which bare bMnh^S^ In S!!lf^^^ °*"" *5«J'o«>«>«'fl»I eaccess of this Remedy Is to be taken accorSii??oiene«Mlre^^^^^^^ '"'" "^ of Scrofulons Dise«e., the FBHALB OISBASES. the"(jrt'^ht?oV«ers:yyS*;tt S^^^ n*?'^ 'r-"o« •*ct. -r froma course of this Remed% to so hShtr cnnH^S f * "^"^J"""; But yet. knowing the results iloniraterstoSJcVVS: I^L^S-iS^^^^^ "Tcre dragging ,.nsation intheQroio, andocca- walking, or Uft"g ^nXi hiJ^w;mnr^?';>i7- V'%^^ ' '^"""'^ '" Micturition, aS?n aboutthi Heart; ^ulToitSo? o3«a«iXiSf.- .? b " r.' °f *"? ^^^^ Diwiness, Beating Burningof the fllndsaS PwfcSSroSi;Jl,S5.1 fh.f '" ' '^f'"?i" *' ^"•"' ^*»'«' •««» ^hest; Use the Remedy ac ordli to wuffl?«JS^L .^^Z-«h**° T T»»»1P''»P,'?»»7 «>e mentioned here on no account Wl to keep the SiSas fiS^^ h^uS- «^k'"**'V'^* """^'"^ '» *»"• ^^ti". and ing freely night and morninf If Sh.ri^ J? « **^^ " *'*®"."' o?"'*' "^ mor- dlTections. morning. If physio is necessary, use the Shosbonees PUls according to SYPHILIS. from rtTn'Jw'tSeiJ^oSSft- «d"^\ ZT"*'^, "^^^ t '^«f "* '^'-P*-™- ^^ •«" '"ff"*"!? tbfa w? tare n^MlSn 1« '.?^^^^ ^'' T ? " *<^ ** P"* '" Powewlon of the secret of cure, and d«Lhi nf iLm- !J^ L !■ ■•"""ft w« can fblly accodiplbh by recommeadiog the addition of one l3S^,iJ£"4d uM'S.iL,?'*'^!^ ofth.'Great^Shoshonees I»fm2y?ind when tSJ OnZ lldX^^i. It! S!!^!^' "JS"^*".? ** K"""^ directions, and you wfil so^n find that this i^^J^^^fT^J*^ *•" ^"^^^ "^ Remedies of the Nineteenth Century for your complaint But Sl.'^Sr .£i''nS'Se'3ShSr"pm!^^ ^ notion, of thJbowrinTffntyfSa; theBemei^. T * Mortioiiees Pflli. -eootding to general directions for using tiie Fills with m''i*':il. IJ Beww SBtWm^ Btmrnnr ' tmat' in mmMfi fTunsliu. «.ii._u^-.^^ ^>±.^<; -^ ^<.«. . .'. ion yS « S*,Sr £ .i?&!Sz™2t'^'>» v"*** **■ "» tMtrmonWs, we deeliii* paUfehing many. CANADIAN CERTIFICATES. ,tif je-te'table (Jet., X^ei? to™o?vSfc^'''yr "^' -"denffl areat Co^po^d, yea™*°«,, l^o^^tSil^ *^' " . 0B5AT ODM OF DYSPEPSll. ' oled on th. I6th^ mZ\\T6t\^ *'IP'^ JOH» R. KErCHBSCir, J, p with leTMa .ifliMttt BirMnifrnr'".^""' ,',.''*'*"*>'•« to rUit me .nd rIc5SS;n£S\J ^ "XPaHtor called which I tried, andTad I .m / °"'"^''''"' '»"«. hare fiilly re.U,red mf That nS ".m^h'^u^'""' strong again. Tben^ih^V^ , ?°. ''««Ithy and I remdn youri respectifall/. Iff'«W« wWj of Ji fi»». JOUir ENGLISH, W^»*J«*« Mmiutr, u^ i i „ the treatment of IfedlMi «.» i . . T* '^" "nder Ptmaneut .dT«"S " me ' fLr",""" *" '«"' •II hop. of being mSdw^; 1^ •UutgiTen „,. I am often aetonlghed fcr It i. „„. "'j <^ •Inc.IcommencedtheSho;hoa,i^"i^J? »°"*» I am In good health. """""'"••" ««niedjr, and now WONDiaFDL OUBfc OF HIP DISBAM. Tbrnlli. .-»- iS""^ OMtAUo, AfrU 17, 18«8. that about fory?«"Z"2: tT '''' V' **» ~'*«> '--.»«« aetonUUed ft twelTe Tears of aSrbiiS."&,!?fi''^"''« ">" f*"** J «<>™nMced the Sh« the hip-joint After thS^S!.!""'"*'* ^^^ dlwaeeof I •« in good health. charglJSLiy *^!'L\S^" 5*« opeiwd, it dia-l If jou think it adVisable to the doctor?". - - "■•'^PooIt'CM.Afl - •««.«».•— I fc«t- m th KKr"!*!*™' untU the lad waa ^ .w—^ V." -.T— . . •"""» weiwim"-» wrouani nnon ma. Tour. BMpeetfnllj MABTJAOTimtoJMOK. fo<»d CTb. OB. InlJhoTthfS^ ffJ2.?r*' ,'V •?««■• '^M opened, It dia- If Tou think it adrluhi. ,« anthr. ■ni«»,R.rf«'C:5^"?*'t'"»" Your. fieaM«tA.ii. ^Zi lI "■■ "• • leMnil ktate. 1 or-and i««lt.imart. Ael..-«5r "!"??'?y ■%li* b. plMMd, and I hdi.T.S w2S ^f^v** •V •t»«em«.ti U« thv SiUSS ii"»*« Bit. JOHN MolOLLAW. ^^^8f ». e. P. Otatek. ?#itaf»*' B«r. '^Tr' ■?"'*' ""^oww^Iata not •BMlift.l ^» w«> , X and extraordinary stem, undeniable ceptical, that the accessible. *ini«»Jed. Holi»tUwd. erutohes or eane, Md h ' to the Indian ItZm^," KBTCHBSCir, J, p. t*MO, April 17, 1868. 1»T« be«u for ywtt m. nUontd KeaUeam, j„h. I*adInfoiUi«ii,M,dMi oonalder worthy of ajj POLISH, AHU LIVBR oOlf. 'Grey, S,pt loth, 1867 •iKLAia,— OenUemen. 1 r niz jean I h,T, b;,„ coDgeBtionoftheLlTer ;^»meIh«rebeeB„n7e'' n, lot without the leasi ih«J«bouigiTen or aone«}«i„vroneol dropped from ieme|,»r. oin •louai Porti, Jf^, 'OuldoaJy«idooiD5' chichi had paid out to, 'got a boiUeeoonaf. did m« rood ■■ J below i»dlwuefitledinenioi» •*"»J«wri»kaudufr rmj lUaeet. t' li i» ont> aix aoathi Q»es Remedy, and now " "» /'^« these few ViM^fforererlndebt « Shotkontu BtmeJj Retpeetfiillj >rei^Oota6th,1887 ttaw, ud have avei M Btmost eonfidenet UM would Ml nuke DfOiO.F. OksNk. 'Sept 15th, 1867. 19 Great Sboibonees Remedy with motit marrelloui r«- ■ult8. I bare been a martyr from Rheiiraatiun for yean. For about four yeare 1 liave been the moit of my time in bed. rackied with pain in my armi, hipi, lege, Ac, and could not more about unlegg a rery little lo my room on crntolioii, but finally not eren with my crutches. I had tried font or fire doctore and nearly erery patant medicine recommended for Rbeumatlim, but I wea nlwayi worse when I got i through than when I commenced. I got a bottle of tbe Great Indian Remedy, which I took, but I wee adriied to quit it, and did eo. About six months after this having got worse, I naked for six bottles of the Great Shoshonees Remedy, and resolv- ed to take It at all events, after ibo third bottle I found my legs were getting warmer, and the pain leaving, I continued, and have taken fourteen bot- tles. 1 have thrown away my crutches and am walking abont and attending to my business ; I feel like a new man, and I believe I s' ould have been in my grave but for this Great RemeUy. JOHN HOSBY. Sworn before me at tbe town of Nananee, this 16th day of September, A.D., 1867. B. 0. DAW, Mayor. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF OONSUMP- ji TION IN CANADA. Muau. YovMO k Gbambiuaiv.— Sirs, I feel that it is a duty I owe to you, as well as tiio public, to mform you of the most wonderful cure of Consump- tion, aooomplished in my person, by the use of that astounding lodiaa Medicine, the great Shoshonees Remedy, and the Uhoabonees Vegetable Restorative Pilla. About four years ag6 I went to Napanee to live, previous to that my health was not good ; when I was in thkt town abont two years, I found that my health was decidedly Wling, and for the last six months that I wat there, I failed very rapidly, so much so that I waa obliged flnally to give up my business to my partner. I then left the town and returned to my father's home within about a mile of Bath, C. W., where all who knew me thought I came home *o die. I coughed a great deal by dav as well as by night, eipectorating large quantities of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. I had cold chills every day and severe night sweats every night, and between the racking cough and great sweating, I was almost deprived of sleep, by these miseries as well as the loss of appetite, I was so reduced that I could not much more than stand alone I was under the care of a Physician for a length of time, but finding no relief, I tried different redpes, but all were without any good effect. I was stMaklng to Esquire Peter^ son of Batb, one day and he recommended me to use the Great Shoshonees Remifdy 1 1 took his advice and procored three bottles at once, with Pills ; as Booff as I commenced using it I began to get bet- ter, and when I had finished this complement, the uougb, expectoration ofnatter, pain about tbelnng, chills, sweating, Ac, left me ; and by continuing Us use I became strong and healtiiy, and felt per- ftctly well. It is now over two months since I quit tal^lnjp th^ Remedy,, a^d tbeie ,I»»ve been no symp- toip^ of the diSMse returning, wtAt h^n been, and am now, healthier and better t^an 1 have been fdr- many years. I trujt you will make this known to the public, that they may bo owaro of the i)eouliar virtues of this truly wonderful Indian Remedy. PBTBR V. 0. MILLIR. Rrnestown, Co. of Ijenaox * Addlngton, 0. W Stpttmbtr, 1866 Bath Lennox'A Addington Co, Sept., 1866. To all to lehoiH U may coi/w,— This is to certify, that I have been acquainted with the above men- tioned gentleman, Peter V. O. Miller, Bsqr, for many yeara, and have known Lira always to be of the very highest rcspecUiblliiy, and a very candid and cred- itable person; and I am confident that I can safely vouch for tbe truth of the above, or any other state- ment made by hira. r.v. p. ^ g. IIARPBR, Rector of Batb, C, W. CURB OF DYSPEPSIA OF EIGHT YEARS STANDING. < , School Section No Near Whitby, 0. W. To all whom it iiuiy concern.— This is to certify that I have been ailiicted for abont eight yean with Dyspepsia and I know indeed what it is to suffer its pangs and ills, but I rejoice to know also now what it is to be relieved from such suffering. I was nnder the care of physicians and tried all the [irincipal patent medicines of tlie market for my complaint, but to no effect. Fortunately for mo dnringtlie year 1866, 1 went to Prince Edward Co. on a visit, and while there my friends spoke to me in high terms of tbe efficacy of the Great Shoshonees Remedy, I was persuaded to use a bottle with its accompanying Pills, and to my astonishment I found that it im- proved my bealtb most remarkably, I of course, continued its use, and have had in all fonr bottles, it has relieved me of the catalogae of distressing symp- toms. I feel hearty, and am weU able to prosecute my Scholastio duties. I care not where this testi- monitl goes I am prepared to meet it. D. L. WILLIAMS. ' j^-' »*« Myrtle, Ontario, Sept 16, 1867. Being pereonally acquainted with Mr. D. L. Wil- r ^ms, teacher, I can truly vouch for the accuracy of his statements. I would also mention, many other excellent testimonials might be had from this section,— Whitby Township. RiT. J. L. ADAMS, X' M. E. Minister. CUiiB OF LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEP- r SIA IN CANADA. OOfiliecota, Pritice Edward Co., C. W., March, 1867. I^M. YoDsaA CHAHBuubAiN.-Sin, having proT- e^jNrithtu my own penon th»t there is at last a nnsicine that will indeed core live; comclalst ar;* ^spepsin I am induced to make this statemfentt tm^et Of ;, which is to certify that I have been soiely r- cted for the last thi«eysan, aeoardtng to tho D .ors statements, with Liver Oomiplaint and 9^1 '^^ ^ Aad • fteling of sinking and vague ^pMsiaess abdot the stom»eb, worse than pa<'n, emctatloqi of wind, occasional pain, dbrow'siness, 11 » poor apMtit*. Me k„ .„!i ' .» •»•«< •ei*,, Ore*.' Shchonwi.' iZ A '2*"" medicine th« In Minting tTiJ^iini,',"' Th.'H'* ^.•'" P^""'^ AMBROSB WOOD. Mu W«tey o/JIfarfA, 1867, ' /. M. OADMAN, J.p„ M tho ume diiwe .nd .ft., k ' 7*".»fflJ«t«l with •inking ja.tL.l"had^;,;" ?«£J ^ «'""i''«d night iWMU; oooghednemri^ .n ^1/"^" "'^•'« night, could oot Blip unlew H ll tl« f *"* !2** '^"'^ "g ; I r«iMd oyer a quart 5 mi*. ^^"'^ "««■ *o., »«d wa. greatlj deKid .nK r «'. *"• going aa (Mt it I could Tw.'..^ .*° '■°» ^ »"" from u reguu"phrSS« but U-Im"""' °""^'««« lieTCK couffh lw«„t L u" I** "°' «>^en «>- •boutaqMrSrofa^nl »K.^K " H*** «"• d»T W.>Hagton, aud hapi'ned to%iv "'hf'"'..^'"*"'"' you could give me BomeSin^ jy r ^^'"> ^ "^"1 He Bald, "there IB iorlati^i! "»"" «"' ''""gh. wJh cure jou." i toot hia j ' ' •""* ^ believe it bottle Iiciie with JSri !'*;'•'"• "^ brought . which IftUthVougrit^hourr""^"' *»«»«» took, a Ubl>.,p3urin?«.J5'If'?.- ..^» "'ir*'* ' night BweatB. "Jof »?,'"'«''.'• The cough, *c:,«adaaiVte' ^ ef n,»tw,r paiu in the uZg 1 tool ODiy thrr , i, . .; i ' ' ' Jiearir 6Qd stron J' •nd I am i^.;^ 1'J ::^ "°» «• king it noi?^ "Vhow to |he Wl5 if 7ou pie™' «'"'««'« J^ou WIWON BTOmS, Brighton, 0. W. ^^e DO in MaSS^ rK^""""5°' ' preat8ho.bone..luiS,»Jd u !.•" "'^ ">« Improred mr health !llJ^...i i* '"" "«»rk»blr P«pda, from which I naTTr!««. I'l"'' "' ^^•• ■•r unUl thlB, ilnce tSI U^?r"''K. ^'"^ •"»' redaoed aud coa&SdZaT^t^^A '*"* ''•'"'''"r before get any bmSoI„« ?/.» ' *f ? """ """''I ' •erereStUfk;. Mr,u>«lJ.h *""''* ''"'•'" •''"•« ordinary tonic* .?cV::'5S;,"n:''Xe"pl':r: *'"' «o. I haTe used sinea Uu^tml^' \ "" "" ^, •nd ha. prevented Uie^rS^Iu^w'*^^^^ •""• ">• former .ummer.. liUJVlIIni^^^i'"" ' ''*•* «» Increawid mr aoMtuT.?!. *""*'"'** "'J' •tomach, that I feel and E^l felt al .1 "^ '•^?'"'"' *"'. "« .TwSiVt:-£f"^^^^^ have know";. h"a'^S."'oToMK"'"^ ^""' "«» •t.nding in .ocietv, 2d « ^er/clt^HJ''^ '''«'"" able perron. And lam oonflrf?«f .k"* *"** ""^it, roucrfor the truth of SeThlv. ^ *"'* ' ?» '•fi"7 ment made bj her "' ""J' ""•«•• "ate- «•''. W. F. S. HARPER, _ Rector of Bath, C. W cm 0, -aPK^u^^, ,,,,, „„,,,^,^^ that I "*;• been JeVT n^H,T ''T'^""- »" "atiug from Lire, 0?mpSM/ln • ^^ '''*>'«*". ed with a bad pain ii mv rS^'^S^'V i ^'asaffllct- appeUte, and "^^'^tl^^t^^-^' la' 1 A*.. . ... • I Kte feemer^ iiji /. B. YOCWO, JP. »M«* about the .tomach: in i* ♦ ,. ho a rongh, di.tre«in'g h^' ^^^ „ „3^. - . Sho.honee. Remedy 1 • t ,> .. """the ..cut 8Ute that it haareioved ne Mln'ln^ ^'T^'* •" mjr .tomach h..qnitereci;erS5 "^ ''^'' "^^ quickl/ recoyerSd. *^ ' '^' ""** *"* '^»«'& and Mm. JOSEPH ELLIOT TH« Sno^'Sa^r/.^hS'iT "'^ '''' '««'■ with the above me" tioieSLadrM^r'' "•lo^'-ted for .everal vearrwd Xwe/iJ!''' '^""P'" «'"«'. te.timony i. perfectly SSble! *^"°° ""'*''"' »iv. WiLLIA.vr BOND Incum bent of Ko.lyH',0 W. WONDERFUL CURE OF gmvuv IN CANADA.' * "* B^Sil^''^'* ^•'•"f' '«»»'•, Of Stirling, ment, ■i.rn, to be down sick, not to speak of my goffering, was in business affairs, of very great damage to my family and myself. I have been a very great sufferer for years from disease of the Kidoqra and Liver. So sorely wa9 I i^fiBic^ed, that t wai iitterly unable every summer to attend to my business; tnK suHferlngs have been 'wry great In- deed ; I have tietMi < reduced and racked with pain, that in spite o. n'l treatment, my freinds thought It impossible, at. time.i h)r me to survive many hours. Everything alie failing ( wn* per- suaded to try that, (leouliar Indiaa Oomponnd, the Great Hlioihoneee Remwh whlob has aurely proved all in all to me ; I luive umi two hottlea and am at the third, and ' am now, and have Ittmm this summer, the first for leveral years, quite hnart^ and strong, and well able to attend to my buiinesM. You are at llborty 'o innke what use of this certilieato you deem prudent. With gratitude, yonrs truly, JOHNS. HAGBRVIAN J. '. Rawdon, Hastings Co., 0. W., Aug, 1800. Stirling, Hastings Co., Aug., 1868. This ib to CuTirr that I have been acquainted with the above raeniionc . gentleman, J. 8. Hager- man, Esq., J. !\, far nitire than a year, and have kquwn blm always to be • t' the highest rospeclablli- ty, and a very candid and creditable person, and I am confident that I can sai ly vouch for tho truth of the above siatement, or » ly other made Uy him Rav. JBO. W.G. GHODT, Incum>>ent of Stirling, C. W. GREAT CUit.. OF A GRBA SUFFERER FROM DISEASE, fN CANADA. Messrs. Yodno k Chaubula in.— If any bumsii belnp since the world began eve?^ experienced heart- felt gratitude It Is I, while I wr te these lines. No mortal, I believe ever bad gr>^ ater reasons to be truly thankful for any occiirren e, than I have for the difcovery of the Great Sbosi >nee8 Remedy, for it has n-stored mu fioin a life' sorrow, misery, pangs and agony, to that one u expected state of cheerfulnees, vigor and henUh. «lieve me, I have not words to express my leelingb tongue cannot exprfiss, no* unless it is of one wh has been equal- ly Hfflicted, can the mind couceivt the amount, or extent Of my sufferings. 1 could numerate many distressing symptoms, some of w ch were con- stantly present, and others oocorr: g when I aa- sumed certain attitudes, were it nf c^ssary or pru- dent. It if natural to suppose that :- person in this condition would make an effort to I •■'■ relieved and indeed 1 did and many of them. Fsiiling at home as well as in Montreal and Toronto, va y husband ad- vised me to go to New York, which we did, and consulted an eminent ph/stcian there ha called in a consultation, and the second cons Itation, and they agreed upon a treatment, a part f w jieh was to keep me lying on my face for a fortn. ght. I sub- mitted in hopes of relief but came home nO better rhen I went. Finally I saw a treatise of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and resolved to try it. I pro- cured two bottles, they bad a good effect, I then bought more, and have now taken twelve bot- 41. « »m^A ...» .IS- .. L*-l. J 11_ 1-t « -!T-7. na-i iiij •.tisr:asr: rrarca grauuaijj TOissiBCa, I rejoice in stating has altogether disappeared, and I am well. As this note may be made public, it would not be prudent for me to iueribe my aau«, jny feelings say i^lye |t, my edncation declines, na- less thus. XABTHA E^ OBBAT CURB OP DYSPRP«ar* r.« « TEARS STAySSoT^^^ASLi:'^^^'' YoDNo jfr n Tweed, March 1, lecrT* the pa'st elli^en jXS^i w.s a'fn?^^ ""•'*u^*^ ""^^ ^'"^ I had a severe and d sTrtLiJi .^- ^"\»^^P<'P3ia. •nd Bide, I could often eat Sri"'V''*«'«">»ch •Jwajackuie me great 3i8il,ri' """^ " '^«">d was constantly Slrita l^t ^.^ vomiting, and I food that lhad^tSl„«iith"f''''° ?^ "'"'»»' the tMte. r bad irroOTl*; li l^""""' *"'*" <»"d oily »n the backTheKl; oTher n*^?^" theshoulde a hearlburn, i bad teSte "n t« '^ •' *'''' •'<"^^' had •0 reduced and wwk fh«t i """'"ST' Ac. I was thing. ButiTm^UsZiilbthi^ fT^''^' 'J" ""J I have used the Xat flSh^"'*!*" '**^« »»"»» Kood results. Jt hw marked JnT' ''*"'«'ly with ence, I eat hearty, my food :, „^ '""I' "^ «»^«t- I have no romitiS^ "J unSs ne« '^ ""*' •*'»«"*««»• agweable sensations, Lrftel« 1?;.".° ''*'"' "°- -J"- tend to my business V-„„ . "T.I'^ «°*f8y to at- thfa if yon wish! °" "'* "* "'^''^ to publish CORY QUIGLEY. 22 thu 6th of March, im. ' ' A Pnn,;^-^^^^ VANDUSEN, J. p ING IN CANADA. ^^^.m STA.VD- ^'^wiT, Prince Edwanl Co O Q»n» ,». assure you Sat it «ffl7''''''*'''--«''''"^'"en, I ran d^d to^S,^wVt" Smyol ofTh^''' '*"'-«"- '" eflfects of the Great aii^hl o" °°" wonderful coMthuHoD.4 hale i "''' ^^"'"'•'J^ "P"" niy past forty years frnm n * p^*^- ^o^- conld not doubt th«m r *? '1** » "»'"'«'• that I before I'pVSd any' LSidt*°^^i!- ^''^'^^ bottle of it savinir tLV^ ^."u l'"* hroughtme a remedy, for he ffivtd .h ' ^u^'^ ""» ^ ^^'^ that failed i^ woulS 7ure me ru^J^In^K*'"'"','^ *'«« had Pills, and floding somerelief fl^^'f,*'?'"^ "''^ 'ho few more which had al/n S„ » " i Procured a had in all. about a dozen biu,es "prl^'l. 1:""" took the third bottlp m,r „,, V f '*"" *he time I until finally therba^eCtll«°/r'"''''«'''^"«hte which thej neTer d d "S'" rfe^n •''"?«'''«'•' stomach left me shortiv aftp; r ''*"' '" ^he Remedy, and has not in anv ^1 commenced the symptons of Cnstljl ion and K r*"™^'^- ^" appeared. The Pills a°emiM \ll\ ^T^ "'"^ "J*"' in their effects. SRemedJ h^-^^^i^ wonderfbl influence in purift-ine the W^aS ?°'^^*'^ " wonderful a few bottles a S hot S-^; ul' *'J*' ^ had taken "early my whoKdJ * rl} ^^'^K "roke oat over the Remedy. Afte? a tlm« iiP*"*?"" '" *»king andlfounLhat Iw's rke attSf," ^'""PP**"*? strong and hearty and fu 1 Vh^J*"" ."?*"• ^ ^as and strength, S awoLllJ.?' ^''''t*' ""hitlon symptoms of inSsttoIr^f' fT"**' *»«' "o Great Indian ReSy m I h/*"* ' "*»"'"''" 'his patest boonevSffiruLfh«jr° '^^^^' *he humanity, andl canno?in&t ce to l^S'Hr*'";"*^ any longer withhold this certifiMti" humanity, B- W. WRIGHT, J. P. - "n^-rbe^WolntrvH--^^^^^^^^ About threeyear ago my !ealth"^!'"^ '" ^"^ '"«'«• relish for food departed from B^t^^fx'v" ^*"' »" have continued ever s^nc^ u„u, l^-! ^ ''"""°«' "°<1 «y educed in strength 'iwia ^f""""!'!!' K™*'" pain in the head, and an Rr,!l.- o®" ^"h a bad head and ears wWh a ^"P"'e Humor about th" ""^ « '"t resort, and afler taking thirteen bottles, I am happy to state 2te„5? *****'k*''?" *^" ' expected,^r^d aWe S *«?.S.* J^uk"^t*"'''°'"'^^'"°'« "Sing the. remedy^ Tours respectftilly, „„„^„ Mr R«nr« 17 . • HENRY HARRIS. inSnSla^^T'u'".* respectable farmer, resid- and hoiesty! ' '**"°«* «°od character for truth A. SPENCER, Curate of KemptviUe, health. I never expectelrto get beltur hn» aj-^i tried the medicine m « sor^ ?f forlorn hSw tK caseof mine was not a private one/bSknSw; tJS myneighboursandfriends ; and toinyoneJfflrcMd Jl l\Tetetritryr^^'^«''-'--«-^^^^^^ MARY ANN DOUGHTY ^ Sworn to before me at Madoc, Count v of H«tYn^" this ninth day of February, 18G9 ^ "f Hastings, I hereby certify that I havetn^w^Mr^ Varv '/„°„' Doughty for the last fifteen yearsTshe s- awU^ of probity and truth. I have known her before T ring, and since her illness. I believe her certifcato to be true m every particular. I know that 3 111 her case was declared hopeless: and Iknow tkit ahe has, since her recoveryfalwaVs attributed £ recov-ery to the Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the peculiar properties of this medkine o„e thingis cerUiin, that in her case, it has acted Almost like the performance of a miracle. Warde n^ Coun ty of Hastings, Ont. CURE OP ERYSIPELAS. i,o?f * '^"''"«— Vy dear sir, allow me to say that I tnr?o«.f r^^ «'^*V^ ^'<»" ^"««e which the doc tors called Erysipelas ; and by the solicitations of my friends I procured three bottles of your Great .hoshosnees Remedy; and ithas, in my caJe, wrouX a perfect cure; and I would earnesUy adv^^se any one suffering from this wretched disease^ tf thej wish to be permanently and hasUly cured to adont the same treatment without delay ' ^ JOHN T. HOPKINS, St. Louis. CURB OP WEAKNESS OP THE ANCLES. To Messrs. Chambbblain & Sills, Conway P. O. Madoo, County of Hastings, rm.( * . Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th. 1869 I ^teL^nwuf^ that during the' winter of 1866 KiJSaTlv dnrini ':.''"^'"'?««« f the ancles, which S?knt. : r * *•" spring of 1867, extended to nL^- ^?'" ''''°"* *^° years, while this weak Zfl.T.f'?''''*"".""'''"'! afterwards I sSt ZS'!Sj''*'/."P'°y'°/' "' <^'ff«'«"* times, three S^frSids r/**";"*' °^**'^*'"'"*^^''«'P"»«ribed «^,;I /' **"* °^ °° *^''>l- I continued to iret worse and worse until the summer of 1868 when I b/readtlhl" ''' *"' P^' Shoshonees'R?medy thiab'm^?h-!i*'i!L"'P"'°'^^^ in a pamphlet. At hand^^tnfl^^'^*""'***.^"''' ^'^^ 'weakness in my Jfkl/J K**^,^ was getting almost helpless. I havi h^i of thrt*'n.°"^' Shoshonees Remedy and two boxes of the pills and I am entir,ely restored to CURE OP HUMOR ON HEAD AND NECK. K.!?n'^*""':"~"y '^''e and two daughters had a bad Humor about the head and neck For some E y V °^V '" ^''^ ' hair cut rSl short, a good part of which fell out. Sores were continually breaking out on their heads, nSs and ears, and also o« their fingers and toes ; hut i Sn vonng to have them cured ; but all to no purpose Sometimes we thought, now we have the medicine but as usual it failed. When 1 heard of yourRemedy I must say I had faith in it. I procured two Ses "no"med.V '°"«'\!.' 'l°"'« ^'''^ said it wa's^^'S ^naii^? ""'^,"5"'*' ?*^^ "y effect on them. Finally I prevailed on them to try it, and whenthev had used this quantity, with the tills andThe HeaN ing Ointment, (which we make according to your directions,) being evidently better, they wereven- anxious for more. I got two other bottles wS they took willingly, and the three of them havrnow curinVthem.' '"''' *"** " ^"'^'^ the eSc"Tf BENJAMIN SNIDER, Sandhill, HI. iilU liii 'kwr ilffH ;.'i iiU ifil;.! ■a .?, ■flt '■it v>;Mr ,^' •to get better, but Bimply rt of forlorn hope. This rate one, but known to all ; and to anyone afflicted as f the Shoshonees Remed j ; lARY ANN DOUGHTY, idoc, County of Hastings, '■, 1869, A.P. WOOD.J. P. Ac. roknownMrs. Mary Ann years ; she is- a woman ive known her before, du- I believe her certificate ar. I know that while )peles8; and I know that r, always attributed her ses Remedy. Whatever lies of this medicine, one ease, it has acted almost iiracle. A. F. WOOD, J. i\ unty of Hastings, Ont. rSIPELAS. , allow me to say that I disease which the doc- l by the solicitations of bottles of your Great bas, in my case, wrought Id earnestly advise any itched disease, if they hastily cured, to adopt delay. rOPKINS, St. Louis. aSAD AND NECK, d two daughters had a and neck. For some :ep tht'ir hair cut very fell out. Sores were their heads, necks, and rs and toes ; but I can one unturned in endea- but all to no purpose, ive have the medicine, heard of your Remedy [ procured two bottles, hey said it was no use any eflfect on them. ' try it, and when they he Pills and the Heal- ike according to your otter, they were very ' other bottles which iree of them have now has bad the effect of tDBR, Sandhill, 111. iliw.TglWOtj.'Ki ,\ I t '■ . - , si »,„x " ,,., ft. ^m0S"^' f-jr. • toi 1 r '"^''""""'^^ai m oth« Remedies, at: duteaaes ht wiuch it & witiiity unless ^tste are two^j^ Thew ^U» are maijtufiiolttred ^^"J^ tMM, fiom 'stteh of % vetf, ^^^^^mlWIH fe^'as a» perfeotfyH?9Bq^ita^?ii^|h!^i^y ' Qmi SlKM^odees Ite*ed^^ l^^44',i^^0[ ^ m of'