IMAGE EVALUATION TiST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I 1^ fi60 lii lb M M 12.0 1.8 1-25 1.4 1.6 .« 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation v S V 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ ^> M elure, A J I2X I 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■^^^^, 1 la; THE LAND LAWS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: TOGETHER WITH LAND OFFICE FORMS & REGULATIONS. 1873. VICTORIA. B. C. : PBIMTII) BY BICUABD WOLFBNDBN, OOVBRNMBNT PRINTER. 1873. CONTENTS. LAND LAWS. P^ai. The Land Ordinance, 1870 1 The Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1872 18 The Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873 18 ORDERS IN COUNCIL. Railway Reserve of strip of land 20 miles wide between Sey- mouB Narrows and Esquimau 27 Fixing price of Unsurveyed and Unoccupied Land 27 Fixing price of Mineral Land 28 Enabling Pre-emptors in error to complete purchase 28 Enabling Pre-emptors of Prairie Land to locate 20 acres of Timbered Land 29 Setting apa,rt certain lands for Free Grants 20 Regulations respecting the acquisition of Free Qrants fi* 30 APPENDIX. Land Opfiob Forms and Rbgulations. Form of application for permission to pre-empt 35 ,, application for Qovernment Survey 35 ,, notice of application for Lease • 36 „ notice of application to record a 20 acre Timbered Lot 37 ,, application to record a 20 acre Timbered Lot 37 Regmlations to be observed by persons desirous of purchasing Unsurveyed Lands • 38 Form of notice of application to purchase Unsurveyed Lands... 40 ,} application to purchase Unsurveyed Lands 41 \t 109909 An Or the Brii Golumbj Be it 4 with the thereof, 1. In Ordinan subject respecti^ «*The B b< G «»Ch'i( S C s b "Con si G SI e • 11 a . tl a Tiv-?? No. 18. An Ordinance to amend and consolidate a.d. isto. the Laws affecting Crown Lands in r Amended by No. British Columbia. byNo.lqfWQ,] lAatented to 1st June, 1870.] WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and consoli- preamble, date the Laws affecting Crown Lands in British Golnmbia: Be it enacted by the Governor of British Columbia, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows : — 1 . In the construction and for the purposes of this interpretation. Ordinance (if not inconsistent with the context or subject matter) the following terms shall have the respective meanings hereinafter assigned to them : — •'The [Oovernor"'] shall mean the Governor of lAmendedbySea. British Columbia, or any person for tlie time ^^f Act No, 1 of being lawfully exercising the authority of a "■• ' Governor of British Columbia. "Ch'ief Commissioner ot Lands and Works and Surveyor-General" shall mean and include the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor-General, and any person for the time being lawfully acting in that capacity. "Commissioner" shall mean the Chief Commis- sioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor- General of this Colony, or the person acting as such for (be time being, and shall include every Stipendiary Magistrate for the time being in charge of any District, and every person duly authorized by the Governor to act as and for the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor-General, as Assistant Commis- 2 Land Ordinance^ 1870. Bepoala former Acts. A. D. 1870. sioner of Lands and Works in any District in "" which the land that may be referred to lies, other than that in which the chief office of the Lands and Works Department is situated, and any other District or Districts for which no such Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works as aforesaid has been appointed. "Supreme Court'-' shall mean the Supreme Court of British Columbia. «'The Crown " shall mean Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors. "Crown Lands" shall mean all lands of this Coluny held by the Crown in fee simple. " Act " shall moan any Proclamation or Ordinance having the force of law in this Colony. Words importing the singular number shall include more persons, parties, or things than one, and the converse. 2, The following Acts, Ordinances, and Proclama- tic 3 relating to the disposal and regulation of the Crown Lands of the Colony are hereby repealed: — An Act dated February 14th, 1859. An Act dated January 4th, 1860. An Act dated January 20th, 1860. The " Pre-emption Amendment Act, 1861." The " Country Land Act, 1861." The "Pre-emption Purchase Act, 1861." The "Pre-emption Consolidation Act, 1861." The " Mining District Act, 1863." The "Land Ordinance, 1865." The "Pre-emption Ordinance, 1866." The " Pre-emption Payment Ordinance, 1869." and The " Vancouver Island Land Proclomation, 1862." But such repeal shall not prejudice or affect any rights acquired or payments due, or forfeitures or penalties incurred prior to the passing of this Ordi- nance, in respect of any land in this Colony. Pre-emption. 3. From and after the date of the proclamation in empt asof right, this Colony of Her Majesty's assent to this Ordinance^ any male person being a British subject, of the age of eighteen years or over, may acquire the right to pre-empt any tract of unoccupied, unsurveyed, and unreserved Crown Lands (not being an Indian settle- Saving existing rights. Who may pre- ' i i Land Ordinance^ 1870. (■ ment) not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres A.D. 1870. in extent in that portion of the Colony situate to the ^^^^ lil^^ northward and eastward of the Cascade or Coast ' Range .of Mountains, and one hundred and sixty acres in extent in the rest of the Colony. Provided, that such right of pre-emption shall not be held to extend to nuy of the Aborigines of this Continent, except to such as shall have obtained the Governor's special permission in u-:*"ng to that eflcct. [See Section 2 of Act No, 1 o/ L ' ;.] 4. Any chartered or incorporated company may acquire such right b'- htaiiMig a si>„^ial permission in writing from the \jiovernnr to tUat effect, but not otherwise ; and the Governor may grant or refuse such permission at his diicrctiou. [Pre-emption by partners^ see Section 15 of Act No. 1 of 1873.] 5. Any person desiring to pre-empt as aforesaid, shall first apply to and obtain from the Commissioner permission in writing to enter upon such land, which must be fully described in writing by the ajtplicant, and a plan thereof mu«t be dopo.^itcd with the Com- niissioner ; and such description and plan shall be in duplicate. [Seeformofaj>plicafio7i,Appr7idiz.'] 6. After such permission has been obtained, and within such time, not exceeding thirty days there- after, as shall be specified by the Connnissioner in such permission, such person plmll enter into posses- sion of the laud so described, and place at each corner thereof a post marked with his name, or other distinguishing sign, and thereupon shall apply in writing to the said Commissioner to have his claim recorded to such tract of land, not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres, or one hundred and sixty acres, as the case may be, as hereii>before provided. 1. If such 'and -has not been previously recorded, the Commissioner shall, upon the fulfilment by the applicant of the preceding requirements, and upon payment by him of a fee of two dollars, record such land in his favour as a pre emption claim, and give him a certificate of such pre-emption record, in the Form A in the Schedule hereto ; and such record shall be made by the Commissioner in triplicate, the original to be handed to the prc-emptor, a duplicate to be retained by the Commissioner tor local reference, ami wlu> hy spe- cial iieiniisHiuu. Applicntioii to locnto. Entry and nppli- catiun to record. Pre-emption record . Form A . [can be obtained of the Land Jiecorder of the. Dittrid.] Natural bounda- ries. 4 Land Ordinance j 1870. A. D. 1870. and the triplicate to be forwarded forthwith to the * head oflSce of the Lands and Works Department, to be there examiaed, and if found in all respects (or if necessary after having been amended by th<5 Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor- General so as to be) in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, to be finally registered in the Land OflSce Pre-emption Register. Rectangular 8. Every piece of land sought to be acquired as a Hhapo of claim, pre-emption claim under the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall, save ps hereinafter excepted, be of a rectangular shape, and the shortest line thereof shall be at least two-thirds of the length of the longest line. Such lines shall run as nearly as possible north and south, and east and west. [Section 4 of Act No. 1 of 1873, defines the length of boundary lines in yards.'\ 9. Where such land is in whole or in part bounded by any mountain, rock, lake, river, swamp, or other natural boundary, or by any public highway, or by any pre-empted or Lurveyed land, such natural boundary, public highway, pre-empted or surveyed land, may be adopted as the boundary of such land ; and it shall be sufficient for the claimant to shew to the Commissioner that the form of the land conforms as nearly as circumstances permit to the provisions of this Ordinance. [See Section 5 of Act No. 1 of 1873, as to marking boundaries of claims. "^ 10. The Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor-General may, however, in carrying out any Government Survey, if in his opinion circum- stances require it, survey pre-emption claims or purchased lands recorded previous to the date of this Ordinance, by such metes and boinds as he may think proper ; and every survey so made and certified by him in writing shall be binding upon all pivrties affected thereby ; and the survey so certified shall be deemed in any Court of this Colony to have been done in compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 11. A pre-emptor shall be entitled to receive from the Commissioner a certificale, to be called a " Cer- tificate of Improvement," in the Form B in the Sche- dule hereto, upon his proving to the Commissioner, by the declarations in writing of himself and two other persons, that he has been in occnpntion nf his pre- Rectiflcation of survey. Certificate of improvement. Form B. [canhe Mnined of thf. Land Hecorder of the District ] I Land Ordinance, 1870. h i emption claim from the date of the record thereof, A.d. 1870. and has made permanent improvements tliereon, to the value of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Such certificate shall be in triplicate, the original to be handed to the pre-emptor, the duplicate retained by the Commissioner for local reference, and the triplicate transmitted forthwith to tl'c head olBce of the Lands and Works Department ; and it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to note the issue of such certificate on the original pre-emption record, which must be produced to him at tlie time of apply- ing lor the certificate by the pre-emjitor, and on the duplicate thereof retained in the Commissioner's office. 12. Every such declaration shall be subscribed by ])eciarRtlon. the person making the same, and shall be tiled with the Commissioner, who is hereby fully authorized and empowered to take the same ; and such declani- tion shall be in the Form C in the Schedule, and shall be made before such Commissioner, under and sub- ject to the provisions and penalties of the " Oaths Ordinance, 1869." 13. After the grant of the certificate of improve- ment, but not before, the pre emption right in the land referred to in such certificate may be transferred to iiny person entitled to hold a pre-emption claim under this Ordinance, subject, however, to the con- tinuance of all the provisions of this Ordinance as to occupation, forfeiture, and payment of purchase money due or to become due to the Crown. [Section 6 of Act No. 1, 1873, provides for issiie of Crown Grant after Certificate of imjrrorcments obtained.'] 14. Every such trausfer must be made in writing, signed by the person making the same, or his attorney in fact, in the Form D. in the Schedule, or in words to that effect, and in the presenee of the Commissioner, and if not so made shall be void ; and such transfer shall be in triplicate, the original to be retained by the person in whose favour the transfer is made, the duplicate to be retained as a record in the office of the Commissioner, and the triplicate forwarded forth- with to be registered in the head office of the Lands and Works. Upon the examination of such transfer in the manner and form so prescribed, and on pay- ment of the fee of two dollars, the Commissioner shall cancel the previous record of such pre-emption Form C. [can he obtained of tite L"/"'! Jfecorder of the Vistrict,] Right niny be trunsferred. Mode of transfer. Form D. {<^rin he olifaiued itfttii: Land lifi-order of lite IJisfrid.\, 6 Land Ordinance^ 1870. claim. A.D. 1870. right, and record the same anew, in the manner pre- scribed in Section 7, in the name of the person in favor of whom such transfer shall have been made, subject to the completion of the period of occupation required by this Ordinance, and to all other the terms and conditions thereof. CoBsationofoc- 15. Whenever any pre-emptor shall permanenJy ^"iim'''" *^*"*'^** cease to occupy his pre-emption claim, save as here- '^'"'" inafter provided, the Commissioner may in a sum- mary way, upon being satisfied of such permanent cessation of occupation, cancel the claim of the pre- emptor so permanently ceasing to occupy the same, and all deposits paid, and all improvements and buildings made and erected on such land, shall be absolutely forfeited to the Crown, and the said land shall be open to pre-emption and may be record- ed anew by the Commissioner as a pre-emption claim, in the nnme of any person satisfying the requirements in that behalf of this Ordinance. Meaning of occupation. 16. The occupation herein required, shall mean a continuous bona fide personal residence of the pre- emptor on his pre-emption claim. Provided,, however, that the requirement of such personal occupation shall cease and determine after a period of four years of such continuous occupation shall have been fulfilled. [See Section 2 of Act No. 1, 1873, as to meaning of the word '■'' occupation.''^ See Section 6 of Act No. 1, 1873, as to cessation of occupation after issue of Crown Grant.'\ Leave of absonce 17. Every holder of a pre-emption claim shall be for two months, entitled to be absent from his claim for any one period not exceeding two months during any one year. As an ordinary rule he shall be deemed to have perma- nently ceased to occupy his claim when he shall have been absent, continuously, for a longer period than two months, unless leave of absence have been grant- ed by the Commissioner as herein provided. Special leave for four months . Form E; [can be obtained of the Land Recorder o/the^Distrid.] 18. If any pre-emptor shall show good cause to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, such Commissioner may grant to the said pre-emptor leave of absence for any period of time, not exceeding four months in any one year, inclusive of the two months' absence from his claim, provided for in Clause 17. Such leave of absence shall be in the Form E. in the Schedule hereto, and shall be made out in duplicate, ae original to be handed to the pre f^mptor, und tho M.^ I A Jjaud Ordinance, 1870. duplicate to be retained of record in the office of the Commissioner. A.D. 1870. 19. If any pre-emptor shall show good cause to the Licence to sub- satisfaction of the Commissiouer, he may grant him astituto. '• Licence to Substitute," for any period not exceed- ing six calendar months, in the Form F. in the Sche- Form F. [can hr dule hereto, in duplicate, the original to be handed '^'"'"^'^ "/'''"_ to the pre-emptor, and the duplicate to be retained of„^]/,g2>is•!>• 1870. ject to payment of the full amount of purchase money for such land then due or to become due ; but if such heirs or devisees be absent from the Colony at the time of such decease, the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor-General is hereby authorised and empowered to make such disposition of the pre-emption claim, and such provision for the person (if any) entitled thereto, or interested therein, as he may deem just and proper. 25. Every person lawfully occupying a pre-emption Extent of claim claim situated to the northward and eastward of the N. and E. of Cascade or Coast Range of Mountains, at the dale of Ca*""**^«Kango. the passing of this Ordinance, if less than three hundred and twenty acres may, with the permission of the Commissioner pre-empt land liable to pre- emption, and immediately contiguous to or abutting on his said existing claim, so as to make up the total amount of his claim to three hundred and twenty acres, and thereupon such total claim shall be deem- ed to have been and to be taken up and held under the provisions of this Ordinance. Leases. fSee Sections 9, 10, and 11, of Act No 1 o/1873, as to conditions precedent to granting leases^ and form of notice, Appendix.')^ 26. Leases of any extent of unpre-empted and un- Leases for pasto- Burveyed land may be granted for pastoral purposes ral purposes, by the Governor, in Council, to any person or persons whomsoever, being bona fide pre-emplors or purchas- ers of land in the vicinity of the land sought to be leased, at such rent as such Governor in Council shall deem expedient ; but every such lease of pastoral land shall among other things, contain a condition making such land liable to pre-emption, reserve for public purposes, and purchase by any persons whom- soever, at any time during the term thereof, without compensation, save by a proportionate deduction of rent; and to a further condition, that the lessee shall, within six months from the date of such lease, stock the property demised in such proportion of animals to the one hundred acres as shall be specified by the Commissioner. [Pastoral leases not to he granted on Vancouver Island ^ see Section 14 of Act No, I of 1873.] 10 Land Ordinance^ 1870. A.D. 1870. Hay LeaeoB. Timber Lonsea. 2T. Leases of unoccupied and unsurveyedland, not exceeding five hundred acres in extent, may be grant- ed by the Governor in Council, for the purpose of cutting bay thereon, to any person or persons whom- soever, being bona fide pre-emptors or purchasers of land, at such rent as such Governor in Council shall deem expedient. The term of such lease shall not ex- ceed 5 years ; but every such lease shall, among other things, contain a condition making such land liable to pre-emption, reserve for public purposes, and pur- chase by any persons whomsoever, at any time during the term thereof, with such compensation for im- provements made thereon to be paid to the leaseholder, as shall be fixed by the Commissioner of the District. 28. Leases of any extent of unpre-empted Crown Lands may be granted by the Governor in Council, to any person, persons, or corporation duly authorised in that behalf, for the purpose of cutting spars, timber, or lumber, and actually engaged in those pursuits, subject to such rent, terms, and provisions as shall seem expedient to the Governor in Council ; pro- vided, however, that any person may hereafter acquire a pre-emption claim to or upon any part of such leas- ed land, by complying with the requirements of this Ordinance. Such prc-omptor shall, however, only be entitled to cut such timber as he may require for use upon his claim ; Pud if he cut timber on the said land for sale, or for any purpose other tlian for such use as aforesaid, or for the purpose of clearing the said land, he shall absolutely forfeit all interest in the land, acquired by him, and the Commissioner shall cancel his claim thereto. 29. The application of any such lease must be in writing, in duplicate, addressed to the Commissioner, who shall retain the original in his office, and trans- mit the duplicate, through the head office of the Lands and Works, to the Governor in Council, who shall alone decide on any such lease. [See Section 13, of Act No. 1 of 18Y3, for additional powers for gran'Hng other leases.'\ [See Section 12, of Act No. I of 1813^ as to rights of pre-emptors over leased lands."] Water. ^^ , [Repealed and amended bu Act No, 31 of 1872.1 [Preempiart may ro n •'J vMitAvnkr,} L^v. mery pmon lawfully entitled to h dafn-cmp- "J / Applications for Leases. Land Ordinance^ 1870. 11 )t It- )f )f Itll 1/ Hon under this Ordinance, and lawfully occupying and A. D. 1870. bona fide cultivating lands ^ may divert any unrecorded and unappropriated water from the natural channel of any stream, lake, or river, adjacent to or passing through such land, for agricultiiral and other purposes, upon obtaining the written authority of the Commissioner of the District to that effect, and a record of the same shall be made with him, after due notice as hereinafter mentioned, specifying the name of the applicant, the quantity sought to be diverted, the jdace of diversion, the object thereof, and all such other particulars as such Commissioner may require ; for every such record, the Commissioner shall charge a fee of two dollars; and no person shall have any exclusive right to the use of such water, ivhether the same flow naturally through or over his land, except such record shall have been made."] [Repealed and amended by Section 1 of Act No. 1 of 1873.] [31. Previous to such authority bei?ig given, the appli- rj^oii^^ ^ jg cant shall, if the parties affected thereby refuse to consent given.] thereto, post tip in a conspicuous place on each person^s land through which it is proposed that the ivater should pass, and on the District Court House, notices in tvriting, stating his intentions to enter such land, and through and over the same take and carry such water, specifying all particulars relating thereto, including direction, quantity, purpose, and term.'\ 32 case . Priority of right to any such water privilege, in Priority of right, of dispute, shall depend on priority of record. 33. The right of entry on and through the lands of compensation others, for carrying water for any lawful purpose upon, for damage, over, or under the said land, may be claimed and taken by any person lawfully occupying and bona fide cultivating as aforesaid, and (previous to entry) upon paying or securing payment of compensation, as aforesaid, for the waste or damage so occasioned, to the person whose land may be wasted or damaged by such entry or carrying of water. 34. In case of dispute, such compensation or any . other question connected with such water privilege, byajuryr^^^ entry, or carrying may be ascertained by the Com- missioner of the District in a summary manner, with- out a jury, or if desired by either party, with a jury of five meat 12 Land Ordinance^ 1870. A.D. 1870. Water for mi- ning or other purposes. Transfer of pro- emption right tranafers water. Not tc waste water. Iljectment by anmmary pro- cess. Jury. Jnry how 8im« moned. 35. Water privileges for mining or other purposes, not otherwise lawfully appropriated, may be claimed, and the said water may be taken upon, under, or over any land so pre-empted or purchased as afore- said, by obtaining a grant or licence from the Com- missioner of the District; and, previous to taking the same, paying reasonable compensation for waste or damage to the person whose land may be wasted or damaged by such water privilege, or carriage of water. 36. All assignments, transfers, or conveyances of any pre-emption right, heretofore or hereafter ac- quired, shall be construed to have conveyed and transferred, and to convey and transfer, any and all recorded water privileges in any manner attached to or used in the working of the land pre-empted. 37. Every owner of a ditch or water privilege shall be bound to take all reasonable means f6r utilizing the water taKen by him ; and if he shall wilfully take and waste any unreasonable quantity of water, it shall be lawful for the Commissioner to declare all rights to the water forfeited. [See Section 4, of Act No. 31 o/ 18*72, as to punish' mentfor toasting water.'] Ejectment. 38. Any person lawfully occupying a pre-emption claim, or holding a lease under this Ordinance may, in respect thereof, institute and obtain redress in an action of ejectment or of trespass in the same manner and to the same extent as if he was seised of the legal estate in the land covered by such claims ; but either party thereto may refer the cause of actiop to the Stipendiary Magistrate of the District wherein the land lies, who is hereby authorized to proceed sum- marily, and make such order as he shall deem just. Provided, however, that if requested by either party, he shall first summon a jury of five persons to hear the cause, and their verdict or award on all matters of fact shall be final. Jury. 39. It shall be lawful for any Magistrate, by an order under his hand, to summon a jury of five persons for any purpose under this Ordinance, and in the event of non-attendance of any persons so summoned he shall have the power to impose a fine uot exceeding twenty-five dollars. ^y •^ * C* Lami Ordinance^ 1870. 13 ^ ■^ * c- ' Appeal. A.D. 1870; 40. Any person affected by any decision of a Magis- Apponl to Su- trate or Commissioner under this Ordinance may, prcme Court, within one calendar montli after such decision, but not afterwards, appeal to the Supreme Court in a summary manner, and such appeal shall be in the form of a petition, verified by affidavit, to any Judge of such Court, setting out the points relied upon ; and a copy of such petition shall be served upon the Commissioner whoso decision is appealed from, and Buch time shall be allowed for his answer to the said petition as to the Judge of the Supreme Court may seem advisable ; but no such appeal shall be allowed except from decisions on points of law. 41. Any person desirous of appealing in manner Security to be aforesaid, may be required, before such appeal be given, heard, to find such security as may be determined by the Commissioner whose decision is appealed from, and such appeal shall not be heard until after security to the satisfaction of the Commissioner shall have been given for the due prosecution of such appeal and submission thereto. Surveyed Lands. 42. The Governor shall at any time, and for such ReservcB. purposes as he may deem advisable, reserve, by notice published in the Government Gazette, or in any newspaper of the Colony, any lands that may not have been either spld or legally pre-empted. 43. The upset price of surveyed lands, not being P'''c° of 1*Qf J ti 3 ) t Free Grants. A.D. 1R70. ^b [See Sectiona 21 to 31 ineltuive, of Act No. 1 of ^ 1873.] 49. It shall bo lawful for the Governor ia Council Frc« gmntB for to make such special free or partially free grants of l'""^'8ra"t».**- the unoccupied and unappropriated Crown Lands of the Colony, for the encouragement of immigration or other purposes of public advantage, with and under Buch provisions, restrictions, and privileges, as to the Governor in Council may seem most advisable for the encouragement and permanent settlement of immi- grants, or for such other public purposes as aforesaid. 50. Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be j^^"J,**'"*^"' construed bo as to interfere prejudicially with the * ^5 "• rights granted to Free Miners under the "Gold Mining Ordinance, 1867." 51. The Schedule hereto shall form part of this Schedule. Ordinance. 52. Each Commissioner appointed under this Ordi- Bookstobekept. nance shall keep a book or books in which he shall enter the date and particulars of every pre-emption record, certificate of improvement, licence to sub- stitute, transfer, or other document relating to or in any manner aflFecting any pre-emption claim within his District. 53. All fines and shall be deemed to the Crown. fees payable under this Ordinance Application of .be made payable to the use of '*"'^«*"'' f"''«- 54. This Ordinance shall not take effect until Her SMspending Majesty's assent thereto shall have been proclaimed*^'*""*'* in the Colony. 55. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes Short Title, as the " Land Ordinance, 1870." SCHEDULE. \ All forms can be obtained of the Land Recorder of the District.'] 16 Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1872. ITo. 31. A. D. 187-2. An Act to amend the "Land Ordinance, [Amentifd hif Ad 1870. No. 1 0/1873.] [Asaentetl to Wth April, 1872.] HER Majesty,- by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows : — ncpoftlH 8«c, so 1. Section 30 of the <'Land Ordinance, 1870," is ofUmlOrdl- hereby repealed, nanre. " No per«on to re- 2. Every person lawfully entitled to hold a pre- conf more water gjj^ptjQ^ under the said Ordinance, and lawfully necessary. occupying and bona ndo cultivating land;^, may divert so much, and no more, of any unrecorded and tin- appropriated water from the natural channel of any stream, lake, or river adjacent to or passing through such land, for agricultural or other purposes, as may be reasonably necessary for such purposes, upon ob- taining the written authority of the Commissioner of the District to that effect, and a record of the same shall be made with him, after due notice as in the said Ordinance mentioned, specifying the name of the applicant, the quantity sought to be diverted, the I place of diversion, the object thereof, and all such other particulars as such Commissioner may require ; for every such record the Commissioner shall charge a fee of two dollars ; and no such person shall have any exclusive right to the use of such water, whether . the same flow naturally through or over his land, except such record shall have been made. No exclUHivo right to water nntil ditch con<. structed. ?>. The owner of any water privilege or right ac- quired by record, shall have no exclusive right to the water privilege so recorded, until he shall have con- structed a ditch for conveying the water to the place where it is intended to be used. And in case any such ditch shall not be of sufficient capacity to carry the quantity of water recorded by the owner of such ditch, then the exclusive right of such owner shall be limited to the quantity which such ditch may be capable of carrying," notwithstanding such record, until such ditch shall be enlarged so as to be capable of carrying the quantity of water recorded by such person. Land Ordiuance Amendment Act, 1872. 17 A.D. 1872. Wanting water a mUUemoanor. ( Amended by See* oa qf Act liZ, X q/"1873.] 4. Any owner of any ilitcb or water priviicgo who shall wilfully wasto any quantity of water, by divert- ing any more of it from its natural course, through any ditch or otherwise, than the quartity actually required by him for irrigation or any other purpose, \shnll (if deemed nn'dUj of a misdemeanor ^ anrfj shall bo punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each such otTencc, to be recovered before a Justice of the Peace, Stipendiary Magistrate, or Commis- sioner, in a summary manner, and in default of payment by distress ; and no owner of any first record to any ditch or water right shall have any right to interfere with or prevent the construction of any dams, break-waters, or other improvements made or hereafter to bo made for the purpose of saving or economising the water of any creek, lake, or water- course of any kind ; provided _that the construction or use of such dam or break-water docs not nor will divert such water from its proper channel, at the point or place where such owner takes the water used by him into his ditch or channel. Provided, also, that the construction and use of such dam or break-water shall not injure the source from which such water is taken, or the property of any party or parties, by backing' water, flooding, or otherwise. Provided, also, that all disputes arising upon any matter or thing in this clause contained, shall be decided in a summary manner before any Justice of the Peace, Stipendiary Magistrate, or Commissioner, who shall have full power to make such decision as shall seem to him to be just and equitable. 5 This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Short Title and •' Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1872," and shall construction, be construed with and part of the " Land Ordinance, 1870." 18 Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873. No. 1. A.D. 1873. An Act to amend the *' Land Ordinance, 1870." [^Asiented to 21«t February, IS^S.] Preamble. TITHEREAS it is expedient to give greater facilities f Y for the acquisition of land in British Columbia : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows ': — Gonstraction. 1. The word "Governor" whenever the same occurs in the " Land Ordinance, 1870," herein termed the "principal Act," shall mean the Lieutenant- Governor in Council. Pbe-emption. Pro-empted land 2. Notwithstanding anything in the principal Act maybe occupied (jQujained, it shall be lawful for any person entitled by agent of pre- . _„ _' ,_ , „„ , _„..;_^ ,^ ^„±L. .k„ .„_. .„ 'W emptor. to pre-empt land and required to occupy the same, to BO pre-empt and occupy land by himself or his agent duly authorized in writing in that behalf. The "occupation" required under the principal Act, shall mean a bona fide residence of the pre-eraptor or his agent on the pre-emption claim, and a bona fide cultivation thereof by such person : Provided no sucL agent shall be an Indian or Chinamau : Provided, Indians or Chi- however, that the requirement of such personal occu- tt*™^" °°* ^"^ ^^ P''''*^^'^ sliall cease and determine after a period ol four years of such continuous occupation shall have been fulfilled. agents. Section 20 amended. 3. Section 20 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the words "directly or indirectly" after the word " hold " in the first line thereof. Shape of pro- ^- The rectangular shape of a pre-emption claim, emption claims, as defined in Clause 8 of the principal Act, shall, when pre-empted to the northward and eastward of the Cascade or Coast Range of Mountains, as near as possible, as to the longest line thereof, be one thousand five hundred and twenty four yards, or thereabouts, and one thousand and sixteen yards as to the shortest line thereof, where practicable ; and as to land pre-empted in the rest of the Province shall, as to the longest line thereof, be one thousand ■ Land Ordinance Amendment Actj 1873. 19 ► . ftnd seventy-eight yavds, or thereabouts, and seven hundred and eightee;i yards as to the shortest line thereof, where practicable. 5. All claims which are now or may .hereafter be pre-empted, shall be marked by stakes or posts at least four inches square, and standing not loss than four feet above the surface, and one such stake shall be placed at each angle of the claim. Any tree may be used for a post provided that it be cut down and squared us aforesaid. No such boundary post shall be removed without the permission of the Commis- sioner of the District wherein the land lies. Upon each post a notice in the following form shall bo affixed : — 'M.Z?'5landN.E. post" (meaning Nortl>East post); A.D. 1873. Marking bonn- darics uf claims. u Aft'^r issuing certificate of improvement pre-emptor untitled to Crown grant. A.B^s land N. W. post" (meanii>|y North- West post), and so on, as the case may be. When the above provisions arc not complied wi^h, it shall be lawful for the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, upon satisfactory evidence of wilfal neg- lect on the part of the pre-emptor, to cancel the record of such pre-emptor, and the land referred to in the cancelled record shall thereafter be open to pre-emption. G. Notwithstanding anything herein and in the principal Act contained, a pre-emptor, at any time after he has received a certificate of improvement as ment'oned in Section 11 of the said Act, shall be entitled to receive a Crown Grant for his land: Provided, always, that no Crown Grant shall issue as aforesaid, until the .requirements and provisions of the principal Act relating to Crown Grants (except as to continuous occupation for four years) have been complied with. 7. Section 3^ of the principal Act is hereby re- Notice of appli- pealed; and, in lieu thereof, the following shall be cation for records read: — of water. " Previous to such authority being given, the ap- plicant shall post up in a conspicuous place on each person's land to be affected by the proposed diversion of any stream, lake, or river, and on the District Court House, notices in writing, stating his intention to enter such land, and through and over the same to take and convey and divert such water (as the case may be), specifying all particulars relating thereto, including direction, quantity, purpose, and term." 20 Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873. A.D. 1873. Every Commls- eioner may re- cord pre-emp. tion claims. 8. Notwithstanding anything "contained in tho principal Act, every Commissioner appointed there- under shall have power to record pre-emption claims without first applying for permission therefor to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Conditions pre- [See/orm of notice of application for Lease, Appendix.^ cedent to grant- 9, Before any lease is granted for pastoral, hay, or ingleaees. timber purposes, the applicant shall give to the Commissioner of the District in which the lard lies, thirty days' notice in writing of his intention to apply for such lease. Such notice shall specify — (1.) The locality and the number of acres applied for; (2.) The name of the applicant ; (3.) The date of the notice. A copy of such notice shall be posted at each of the undermentioned places : — (1.) On a conspicuous part of the land referred to ; (2.) Upon the wallsgof the office of the Commis- sioner of the District ; (3.) On the Court House of the District, if any; ?4. ) On the nearest public Inn or Tavern ; (5.) On the outer door of the Post Office of such District. 10> Any person desirous of objecting to such lease, shall give his written reasons therefor, within the time specified in the above notice, addressed to the said Commissioner : and the said Commissioner shall, as soon as possible, forward the same, with his report thereon, to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. 11. If no objection is raadv>, as aforesaid, to the issue of such lease before the said notice expires, the lease applied for may be issued, if advisable. 12. Persons who have pre-empted lands, or shall hereafter pre-empt any lands heretofore leased, or which may hereafter be leased for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall have the right of passing and re- passing over suqh leftised lands without being deemed trespassers : Provided, always, that such persons shall not commit wilful waste or damage in passing over such lands. Any person who pre-empts land held under a pastoral lease, and who bona fide culti- vates at least ten acres thereof per annum, shall have the privilege of pasturing not more than fifty head of Written object- ion may be|made. LeasA may be granted if no ob- jection. Pro-emptors of land leased to have riglita of way and a limit- ed riglit of pas- turage over tlie land leased. Land Ordmance Amendment Actj 1873. 21 Aililitional pow- ers conferred for grunting loiitieH. Leases to contain provision that land IcaHcd may bo purclutHcd, with componHa- tion to lessee. his own stock on the said leased land in the winter A.D. 1873. time, that is, between the first day of November, and the first day of April following, upon his paying to the lessee named in the pastoral lease, on account of thq actual expenses incurred in and about ihe lease- hold, an annual sum proportionate to the number of cattle grazed upon the land. 13. In addition to the powers conferred on the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by Section 26 of the principal Act, it shall be lawful for the Lieutenant- Governor in Council to grant leases to any person for any purposes other than for pastoral, hay, and timber purposes, upon such terms and conditions as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall think fit : Provided, always, that every such lease shall contain a condition making such land liable to purchase by any persons whomsoever, at any time during the term thereof, with such compensation for improve- ments made thereon to be paid to the leaseholder as shall be fixed by the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, or his Assistant for the time being, in the District where the land is situated : Provided that if the lessee be dissatisfied with the decision of either of the aforesaid parties, he shall be entitled to submit such decision to arbitration, under the pro- visions of " The Public Works Amendment Act, 1873." 14. Section 26 of the principal Act is hereby am- ended by adding the words " Provided, however, that no such pastoral leases shall be granted on Van- couver Island. Provided, also, that no pastoral lease shall be granted upon any of the Islands adjacent to Vancouver Island or to tlie Mainland of the Province upon which any land is occupied by pre-emptors or persons holding lawds under Crown graut." 15. Any number of persons, not exceeding four. Pre-emption l>y uniting in partnership for the purpose of pre-empting, P"*'""" uniting holding, and working land, shall be eligible to pre- f"r^tj,Rtpmp"»f. erapt, as a firm, an area of land to the extent to each partner in the firm of One hundred and s'xty acres west, and Three hundred and twenty acres east, of the Cascades. Each partner in any su^h firm shall, by himself or agent, represent his interest in the firm by actual cultivation of his quantum of land, and by actual residence upon some portion of the land so held by such firm. A legal proportion of improve- No pastoral lease to be grajitod on Vanconver Is- land, nor on any islands upon which land is occupied by pre- emptors. 22 Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873. 1 I A.D. 1873. Improvements in such ctises. Residence of partners. ments, shall In such case be made on each several One hundred and sixty or Three hundred and twenty acres, as the case may be, but it shall not be necessary in such case that each partner or his agent shall reside on his particular pre-emption. Partners in such firm, or their agents, may reside together on one homestead, provided such homestead be situated upon some portion of the land pre-empted, occupied, and cultivated by such firm. Sale of Lands. Unappropriated ^^' Unappropriated lands (not being reserved for landmny he sold the sites of Towns or the suburbs thereof,) shall be open for purchase at the rate of not less than One dollar per acre : Provided that whenever so ordered by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, such unoccu- pied lands as may be deemed by him expedient, from time to time, shall be put up at public sale (of which sale due and sufficient notice shall be given) at the upset price of not less than One dollar per acre to the highest bidder. [^Price of land defined by Orders in Council of hth and 20(h September, 1873.] [See Land Office Reyulations, 2l(h Angicst, 1873, Appendix.'] Highways. Public rends are 17. All roads, other than private roads, public higlnvays deemed common and public highways. shall be To be vested in Her Majesty . Sales and free grants for dyking land. 18. Unless otherwise provided for, the soil and freehold of every public highway shall be vested in Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors. Drainage and Dyking. 19. It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to sell any vacant lands of the Crown, or make free grants thereof, to any person or company, for the purpose of dyking, draining, or irrigating the same, subject to such regulations as the Lieutenant- Governor in Council shall see fit. Educational Endowment. Land may bo set 20. It shall be lawful for the Lieutenant-Governor apart lor Educa- ju Council to set apart in such places in the Province tional purposes. ^^ ^^^ gj^^^jj ^^^^^ g^^ ^^g ^^^ endowment for the purposes of Education, such portions of the unappropriated land in the Province as he shall think fit, I Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873. 23 Free Grants. A.D. 1873. • [See Order in Council 2bth July, 1873, and Regu- lations 5th September, 1873, Apjycndix.'] 21. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may ap- Appropi intion of propriate any public lands considered suitable for f>"p<^ grants for settlement and cultivation, and not being niineral ^^^J^'j^j'^j "'^^^^^^^^ lands, as free grants to actual settlers, under such tioiiM. regulations as shall from time to time be made by Order in Council, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. 22. Such grants or appropriations shall include Surveyed lands lands surveyed or hereafter to be surveyed. included. 23. The person to whom any land may be allotted Person to whom or assigned under such regulations for a free grant •"•"'^ "'"^'e"''*^ *" thereof, shall be considered as located for said la a d ^'''^'^"'''* '"''''*''''• within the meaning of this Act, and is hereinafter called the locatee thereof. 24. No person shall be located for any land under iiemustboof this Act or said regulations unless such person shall the age of 18 be of the age of eighteen years or upwards, nor shall ^.'i'^^^g'*' "**' any person be so located for any greater quantity than Two hundred and fifty acres. be iSed"""^ 25. Before any person shall be located for any land Affidavit to bo as aforesaid, such person shall make affidavit to be made, deposited with the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, that he or she has not been located for any land under this Act or under said regulations, and that he or she is of the age of eighteen years or up- wards, and believes .the land for which he or she applies or desires to be located, is suited for settle- ment and cultivation, and is not valuable chiefly for its mines or minerals, and that such location is desired for his or her benefit and for the purposes of actual settlement and cultivation of • such land, afid not either directly or indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person or persons whomsoever, nor for the purpose of any gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, or other mines or minerals, or any quarry or bed of stone, marble, or gypsum thereon. 26. No Crown Grant shall issue for any land loca- No Crown grant ted under this Act, or under said regulations, until *« |««"o "»t'l the expiration of three years from the date of such J^,'^g„'J"J„j'jpp^'pjj location, nor unless nor until the locatee or those performed, claiming under him or her, or some of them, shall 24 Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873. A.D. 1873. On failure of Buoh duties loca- tion to be for- feited. No alienation before Crown grant is issued. Before issuing of Crown grant land free from locateo's debts. After such issu- ing to be exempt from execution for 20 years . 3 have performed the following settlement duties, that is to say : sh»ll have cleared and have under cultiva- tion at least twenty acres of the said land, whereof at least five acres shall be cleared and cultivated annu- ally during the three years next after the date of the location, to be computed from such date, and have built a house thereon fit-for habitation, at least six- teen feet by twenty feet, and shall have actually and continuously resided upon and cultivated the said land for the term of three years next succeeding the date of such location, and from thence up to the issue of the Crown Grant, except that the locatee shall be allowed one month from the date of the location to enter upon and occupy the land, and that absence from the said la ^ for in all not more than six months during any one year (to be computed from the date of the location) shall not be held to be a cessation of such residence, provided such land be cultivated as aforesaid. 27. On failure in performance of the settlement duties aforesaid, the location shall be forfeited, and all rights of the locatee, or of any one claiming under him or he., in the land, shall cease. 28. Neither the locatee, nor any one claiming under him or her, shall have power to alienate, (otherwise than by devise) or to mortgage or pledge any land located as aforesaid, or any right or interest therein before the issue of the Crown Grant; 29. No land lo'cated as aforesaid, nor any interest therein, shall in any event be or become liable to the satisfaction of any debt, or liability contracted or incurred by the locatee, his widow, heirs, or devisees, before the issuing of the Crown Grant for such land. After the issuing of the Crown Grant for any such land, and while such land or any part thereof, or any interest therein, is owned by the locatee, or his widow, heirs, or devisees, such land, part, or interest, shall, duiing twenty years next after the date of such location, be exempt from attachment, levy under execution, or sale for payment of debts ; and shall not be or become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or liability contracted or incurred before or during that period, save and except any debt secured by a valid mortgage or pledge of such land made subsequently to the issuing of the Crown Grant therefor. Laud Ordmancc Amendment Actj 1873. 26 30. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to A.D. 1873. exempt any land from levy or sale for rates or taxes, no cxt«mirtii.ii now or hereafter legally imposed. from tnxoB. 31. Every Crown grant to be issued for any land statcmonts in located as aforesaid, shall state in the body thereof, Crown Grunt, the name of the original locatee of the said land, and the date of the said location, and that the iaid Crown grant is issued under the authority of this Act. 32. Form H. in the Schedule to the said " Land Form ii. ropoiii- Ordinance, 1870, " is hereby repealed, and in lieu o*'- »"'' foUow- thereof the following Form of Crown grant shall bo ins substituted, substituted : — Form. } [Royal Arms.] Province of British Columbia. No. Victoria by the Grace of God of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, and so forth. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting : Know ye that We do by these presents, for Us, Our heirs and successors, in consideration of the sura of to Us paid, give and grant unto h heirs and assigns. All that parcel or lot of land situate and numbered on the oflBcial plan or survey of the said in the Province of British Columbia, To have and to hold the said parcel or lot of land, and all and singular the premises hereby granted, with their appurtenances, unto the said h heirs and assigns for ever. Provided nevertheless that it shall at all times be lawful for Us, Our heirs and successors, or for any person or persons acting in that behalf by Our or their authority, to resume any part of the said lands which it may be deemed necessary to resume for making roads, canals, bridges, towing paths, or othep works of public utility or convenience, so nevertheless that the lands so to be resumed shall not exceed one- twentieth part of the whole of the lands aforesaid, and that no such resumption shall be made of any lands on which any buildings may have been erected, or which may be in use as gardens or otherwise for the more convenient occupation of any such buildings. Provided also that it shall at all times be lawful for Us, Our heirs and successors, or for any person or persons acting under Our or their authority, to B J . «.»^.,uiWnJMiJ1 K*J.t«i.««M'S»i 26 A.D. 1873. I Section 4 aniomlcd ' To couio into force on Slst July, 1873. Short Title. Land Ordinance Amendment Act^ 1873. enter into and upon any part of the said lands, and to raise and get thereout any gold or silver ore which may be thereupon or thereunder situate, and to use and enjoy any and every part of the same land, and of the easements and privileges thereto belonging, for the purpose of such raising and getting, and every other purpose connected therewith, paying in re- spect of such raising, getting, and use, reasonable compensation. Provided also that it shall be lawful for any person duly authorized in that behalf by Us, Our heirs and successors, to take and occupy such water privileges, and to have and enjoy such rights of carrying water over, through, or under any parts of the heredita- ments hereby granted, as maybe reasonably required for mining or agricultural purposes in the vicinity of th^e said hereditaments, paying therefor a reasonable compensation to the c foresaid h heirs or assigns. Provided also that it ehall be at ail times lawful for any person duly authorized in that behalf by Up, Our heirs and successors, to take from or upon any part of the hereditaments hercbygranted, the right to take from any such land, without compensation, any gravel, sand, stone, lime, timber, or other material which may be required in the construction, maintenance, or repair of any roads, ferries, bridges, or other public works. In testimony whereof We have caused these Our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of Our Province of British Columbia to be hereunto affixed. Witness His Honor , Lieutenant-Governor of Our Province of British Columbia and its Depen- dencies, at Our Government House, in Our City of Victoria, this ■ day of , in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , and in the year of Our Reign. 33. Section 4 of the "Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1872," is hereby amended by striking out the words " shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and " in the 4th and 5th lines thereof. 34. This Act shall not come into force until the 21st day of July, 1873. 35. This Act maybe cited as the " Land Ordinance Amendmeat Act, 1873." Railway Itcscrve^^Price of Vnmrveycd Lands. 27 Railway Reserve of a strip of land 20 miles wide, between Seymour Narrows and Esquimau. [UtJuly^ 18Y3.] WHEREAS by an Order in Council dated the 7tb dayof Jnne, 1873, of the Honorable the Privy Council of Canada, it has been decided " that Esquimau, in Vancouver Island, be fixed as " the Terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and that a line " of Railway be located between the Harbour of Esquimalt and " Seymour Narrows, on the said Island ;" and whereas in accord- ance with the terms of the said Order in Council, application has been made to His Excellency " the Lieutenant-Governor of British " Columbia, for a reservation and for the conveyance to the " Dominion Government, in trust, according to the 11th paragraph " of the Terms of the Agreement ol Union, of a strip of land twenty "miles in width along the Eastern Coast of Vancouver Island, "between Seymour Narrows and the Harbour of Esquimalt, in " furtherance of the construction of the sai ' Railway." And whereas it has been deemed advisable that the land within the limits aforesaid should be reserved, prior to any conveyance aforesaid being made thereof. Public notice is therefore hereby given, that from and after this date a strip of land twenty miles in width along the Eastern Coast of Vancouver Island, between Seymour Narrows and the Harbour of Esquimalt, is hereby re- served. By Command. JOHN ASH, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's Office^ July 1st, 1873. Order ih. Council fixing price of Unsurveyed and Unoccupied Land. [5pute, Free Grant Refjulatlons. 33 to or 14. Any locatee shall, at any time after official survey and prior to the expiration of tho term of occupation required by the " Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873," have the right or privilege, should ho or she so deaire it, of applying for and obtaining a Crown Grant of the land included in the Free Grant location, in the same manner as if the said land had been pre-empted in the first instance, upon payment, however, for the land at the upset price fixed for pre-emption claims, and upon fulfilling the condi- tions applicable to pre-emption claims. 15. No land located as aforesaid, nor any interest therein, shall in any event be or become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or liability contracted or incurred by the locatee, his widow, heirs, or devisees, before the issuing of the Crown Grant for such land. After the issuing of the Crown Grant for any such land, and while such land or any part thereof, or any interest therein, is owned by the locatee, or his widow, heirs, or devisees, such land, part, or interest, shall, duiing twenty years next after the date of such location, be exempt from attachment, levy under execution, or sale for payment of debts ; and shall not be or become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or liability contracted or incurred before or during that period, save and except any debt secured by a valid mortgage or pledge of such land made subsequently to the issuing of the Crown Grant therefor. 16. Nothing in these Regulations shall be construed to exempt any land from levy or sale for rates or taxes, now or hereafter legally imposed. 17. Every Crown Grant to be issued for any land located as aforesaid, shall state in the body thereof, the name of the original locatee of the said land, and the date of the location, and that the said Crown Grant is issued under the authority of the "Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 1873." 18. Every location shall be recorded at the Land Office in the District, following the rules of record as to pre-emptions, 19. The Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works shall have power to cancel any Free Grant record upon proof, satisfactory to him, that any oi" the above stipulations have not been complied with. 20. The provisions of the "Land Ordinance, 1870," and the "Land Ordinance Amendment Act, 18'i3," to be complied with, together* v»'Hh the ubove regulations. ■MB APPENDIX. Land Office Forms and Regulations. Form of application for permission to Pre-empt. Victoria, B. C, 18 """> — I beg to apply for permission to enter upon, in terms of the '« Land Ordinance, 1870," the section of land containing acres, situate in District, and more particularly shewn on the sketch map annexed hereto : I remain. Sir, Your obedient servant, To Address To Form of Application for Oovernment Survej. Place Date Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Sir,— I hereby apply for a Government Survey of the tract of land described below ; and shall be prepared, in order to obtain a title to the same, to pay over immediately, on completion of such survey, to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, or Sur- 36 Appendix. veyor-General, or his agent, the amount of instalments remaining due to Government on account of said tract of land. Name, Address, No. of acres claimed, Where situated. Whether by pre-emption or right of purchase. Date of record. Where recorded. Date of Certificate of Improvement, By whom given, Whether claimant has posted, as required] by clause 33 of Land Ordinance, 1865, or clause 22 of Land Ordinance, 1870, I notic3s of his intention to apply for a Crown Grant, J Date of such notices, ,g|h Description of claim by motes an^Dounds, ] in accordance with the accompanying V plan, J I am not aware of any reason why a Crown Grant of the above described land should not be issued in the name of this applicant ( y, notice of his intention to apply for such grant having been duly posted in accordance with the requirements of clause 33 of the Land Ordinance, 1865, or clause 22 of the Land Ordinance, 1870, without any objection having been made thereto. Form of Notice of application for Lease. I, a lease of situated in , of , intend to apply for acres of land, for . purposes. District, ana bounded as foUow^s : — and I have posted this notice at the following places : — Any person or persons desirous of objecting to the granting of this lease must give their reasons in writing to the Commissioner of the District, within thirty days from the date hereof. Dated, this day of 187 . Forms and Hey illations. 87 Form of Notice of application to Becord a Twenty Acre Timbered Lot.. I, , of , intend to nuikc application to Record, under Order in Council dated 13tli Septem- ber, 1873, twenty acres of land, situated in District, and bounded as follows : [here describe locality, boundaries, and make sketch plan.'] And I have posted notices at the following places : Any person desirous of objecting to the Record of the above land, must give their reasons in writing to the Land Recorder in the District, within thirty days from the date hereof. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . Signed, ve nt ut of d to. or IS, lis he Timbered Lot. Form J. Form of Application to Becord a Twenty Acre Timbered Lot. British Columbia, •187 To the Land Recorder of the District of- SiR, — I beg to apply for permission to enter upon, as a Timbered Location, in terms of the " Land Ordinance, 1870," and amend- ments, and under Order in Council, dated 13th September, 1873, the one-eighth of a quarter Section of Land, containing Twenty Acres, situate in District, and more particularly shown on the Sketch Map annexed hereto ; [describe the locality and and boundaries, and make a sketch of the plan on the back of this application. "] The land is unsurvcyed, unoccupied, unreserved, and unappro- priated Crown Land, and is not an Indian Settlement, and has been unoccupied for the past six months by any person, and that there ate no notices of application to purchase, pre-empt, or record, or any notice of leave of abst -^e, posted thereon ; that the laud pre-empted by me under pre-emption record No. , dated day of 18 , situated in 88 Hi •5 i ,■■' 4 ■ \ Appendix. District, is entirely prairie land, and that there is no timber thereon, and that this land is in the vicinity thereof. I have also staked off the said land, and posted notices for thirty days previous to the date hereof, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government, under date 27th August, 18V3, to persons desirous of purchasing unsurveyed land. The above statements, in reference to the land herein applied for, are certified by the undersigned to be correct. Signature of Applicant, Signature of two resi-i dents in the District, j N.B. — The above Certijicate must br signed by the applicant^ and any two persons acquainted with the fa !s. Regulations to be observed by Persons desirous of purchasing Unsurveyed Lands- Before unsurveyed and unoccupied Crown Lands can be sold by Government, the persons wishing to purchase must comply with the following conditions : — 1. For thirty days, previous to making.application to purchase, a notice must be posted on some conspicuous portion of the land intended to be applied for, on the Court House of the District, at the Office of the Land Recorder of the District, and at the nearest Inn ; and, also, notice must be. given to the Land Recorder of the District. The said notices shall contain a clause, calling upon persons objecting to such purchase to state their objections in writing within the next thirty days from the date of the posting of the notice, addressed to the Land Recorder of the District. 2. At the expiration of the period of thirty days, the intending purchaser must forward to the Land Recorder of the District a written application in Form J, in duplicate, with sketch plan thereon fully describing the land sought to be purchased, setting forth, generally, the situation and dimensions ot such land. Form J must be signed by the applicant, and by two residents of the District, and be accompanied with a fee of Five Dollars, and by a payment upon the estimated acreage, at the rate of one dollar per acre* *i Fonas and Regulations. 39 3. Upon receipt of Form J, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, through the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, will inform the applicant as to the number of acres that he may bo allowed to purchase, the price, and terms of payment ; and should the price exceed the one dollar per acre, or the acreage be greater than the Government may decide to grant, the applicaat will bu informed thereof, and a stated time will be fixed, within which he will be at liberty to accept the said terms ; and should he decide to accept the same, he must do so in writing within the time stated, otherwise he will be deemed to have rejected the said terras, and the deposit will be refunded. Should, however, the price of the land not exceed the rate of one dollar per acre, the Chief Com- missioner of Lands and Works will forward to him a receipt, stating that he is entitled to such number of acres of land in Town- ship Subdivisions as the acreage may be ; said receipt not being transferable ; and upon the survey of the Township contaiuing the land applied for being effected, and upon the production of the receipt above referred to, the claimant shall be entitled to a Crown Grant, under either the Land, Mineral, or Gold Mining Ordinances, as the case may be, for such number of acres in Township Sub- divisions as shall have been applied and paid fo**, and leave granted to purchase ; provided the conditions of sale, and all present or future regulations or enactments as to the purchase of lands from the Crown, have been complied with. 4. The land must be staked off so as to conform to the rectangu- lar or square system of surveying now adopted by the Provincial Government, namely, by laying the public lands out into Town- ships of six miles square, and subdividing each Township into thirty-six sections of one mile square, each section containing four quarter sections of 160 acres each. Applicants, therefore, must conform to the above by staking off the land in quarter sections of 40 by 40 chains, or 880 yards by 880 yr-ds ; and should a lesser quantity than 160 acres be required, the land to be staked off 40 by 20 chains, or 880 yards by 440 yards, which will be equal to 80 acres; or, 20 by 20 chains, oi* 440 yards by 440 yards, equal to 40 acres ; excepting where, from the nature of surveys made, it should be impossible to conform to' the rectangular or square system. 5. All lines are to be run due North and South, and due East and West. 6. All posts are to be at least four inches square, and standing not less than four feet above the surface, and firmly placed in the ground. Any tree may be used for a post, provided it be cut down and squared as aforesaid, No such boundary post shall be removed without permission in writing from the Commissioner of the District wherein the land lies. 40 Appendix, Ou euch post, a notice in tlie following Form shall be fixed : — A. B's land, N. E. post (meaning North-east post); A. B's land, N. W. post (meaning North-west post); And so on as the case may be. The boundaries so staked off shall bo subject to rectification by the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Worlcs when surveyed, eitheV as an isolated or Provincial Survey, or both. v. Should it be deemed advisable to survey the land for which application has been made, and issue a Crown Grant previous to the survey and subdivision of that portion of the Province into Townships, the same same may be done at the cost of the applicant, and by a Surveyor approved of and acting under instructions from the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The said survey shall be connected with some known point or boundary, so that the land may be laid down on the maps of the District in the Land Uilice, and shall be known as an isolated survey. 8. Pre-cmptors may surrender their pre-emption right, and purchase at such price per acre as may be fixed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council. 0. A purchaser of unsurvcyed land shall, after the official survey has been made, and within three months after a copy of the map of said laud shall have been deposited in the District, and public notice given thereof in the Government GazeKe, make application for a Crown Grant of the land purchased by him. Lands and Works Dej)arlment, Victoria, 21th August, 1873. i ] Form of Notice of applioatlon to purchase Unsurveyed Lands. \, J of > intend to make application to purchase acres of land, situated in District, and bounded as follows i [fiere describe locality ^boundaries,, and make sketch plan t"] And I have posted notices at the following places :^ Any person desirous of objecting to the sale of the above land, must give their reasons in writing to the Crown Land Recorder in the District, within thirty days from the date hereof. Dated this day of A.D. 18 . Signed, ■ ■nn Forms and Recpdatioifs. 41 Form J. 1873. Application to purohase Unsunreyed Land. To the Land Recorder of the District of Sir,— I have the honor to inform you that I am desirous of pur- chasing from the Crown a tract of land situated [describe the locality and boundaries y and make a sketch of the plan on the back of this appli- cation"], and supposed to contain acres more or less. The land is unsurveyed, unoccupied, unreserved, and unappropri- ated Crown Land and is not an Indian settlement, and has beeu unoccupied for the past six months, by any person. That the land is required by me for [state whether the land is taken up either for agricultural, pastoral, timber, or mineral purposes ; and when taken up for mineral purposes, state what mineral.] I have also staked off the said land, and posted notices for thirty days previous to the date hereof, in accordance with the instructions issued by Government, under date , to persons desirous of purchasing unsurveyed lands, and I am prepared to purchase said land in compliance with the said rules and instructions above referred to, and subject to all present or future enactments as to the purchase of lands from the (.vown. Herewith I pay to you acres of land in dollars, on account of District, British Columbia. The above statements, in reference to the land herein applied for, are certified by the undersigned to be correct. Signature of Applicant, • Signature of two Resi- "i dents .in the District, / N.B. — The above certificate must be signed by the applicant, and any two persons acquainted with the facts. land, der in