IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // % 1.0 I.I li 1.25 111.4 111.6 •*>. */ ^^ V /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation ^^"^^ ^%\ ^^ ^^u- ^^.^^4> % V '^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ri>^ CIHM/ECMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques »^*'-^' |AGt|IGI)ItTflHAIi SOCIETY •^i® PRIZE UIST. »!■ OP THE FOURTH ANNUAL Walters Falls, B ODtario. ON Jaesfy end Wednesday, Sept. 27 & 28/92 I\],cceivcs no (^orzrnmznl (a rani, Uytost "prizes and diplomas (Siven in IKej (Toanly of (arey. RBaVRARSWBHADTHB LARGI8T AND BB8T 8HOWa' BVBB H«UD IN THia COUNTY. COlVfPETlTlOH OPmn TO T^M MfOt^liD.I ^K iiiiiili^ttimiir •%«» , "..«» -vLlli, |i«fi |f|.-:f^ll^l^'^^ •iT> tftlll IfM f'jH ^< l! If ' t „ .. :} t . -i ,. ,,,. , , ! . ly.r . .^.^iMailaMaBi ,. year tbelatgisl b««i»* in %ho^ sei^l A^% 1 r. «>IL n'AJS^,. • '(ion I itiiiiiiunji'iii'ii ■m ipiffisiffliiiiiiiajiiifiiiiii: «"fc I' I I I 11 1 1 i M t i iliiL o a a « ^J-l " g g h O « ^ 0) S4 C -ti 3 O EC r-3 • -J. Q,>r) m 6£-«; , O - 1) ^ ;;« « •-I cS^CJ ^^-w CD °fc(H g O - g o CO n- o =^5 .*::; oj e !-« CD ,.">*-* ^ qj ai g .^ O oo •4 CO •o 5 CO e ^ I (J) I g CO >4> Co ^ Co .5: o o H X K K I C9 as CD ecJ CO > I CO OS -t! CS C5j 133 X3 H C5 £ O ^ ^J-N : :::! 'V Ill,, i1 1 !.:.;. J I.! I'l ; :j Mil pifHiiilHUiilf};^ UiiiiJiiiiiitJiriJtiihj 1 X CO hH CD 00 > o Si CO 3 tn O o > h 0;< CO >^ o hi a o .2 "o o cc 0) 5 - i "S -a 8 0) CO O g bo § .9 o a o § o to .-. "^ •- 43 a a <» s :!: s Ft, IS - XI h V a u W M pq O OS « o 00 H PS o K o 3 u cc N o M H O W QQ m a o o 3 a o '% h< CU CO t^ <8 n3 «a >^ o hi a o .2 'o o en « s ^ 8 0) CO 53 CO O g bo § .9 o a 0) o § O CO •43 Q) .-. "^ a a .2 I 2 a Ft, (S - XI Si a V M « O fi CD « O 00 H PS < o ?; o 3 u CO N o M H O W •9 5 is !m C Q « tM CO K. O « Q Q ki «o 51: •^ «v. «a "». Q «S =»• u] "^ gs «o 1^ «? ::i !if 5 «* Sj . to Ul Q 09 Q. 4 ^ ^ O , % ^ «0 o .a s m "S ul >. ^ a QC ts f: v % 5 Uj o c» ^ ni ? ri % 8 2 Ut o t CO ?5 -1 fc fl K <1) UJ n % -^ jtajlai M c^; U4 a: liRi-i Tm Ct3 03 O 0> ::r;i •■S2 (0 -S I 15 CI 60^ O .Si s s: ft z P ^ (D «"- (0 = (0 a '3 C .2 O li ►s " 111 O to (0 a • S ,a a ftO O O 0/ 111 's: t^sa til ■« o 2,d ,,.i. ■::i' ■■?! ■it •S^ O OD 00 s s o d tr. ^3 I d ■■i Ceotral r.griealtaral Society, OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL FALL EXttlblTION -TO BE HELD IN— WALTEIRS FALLS, ONT. —ON- 'aesday and Wednesday, Sept. 27 and 28, '92 yi lECEIVES NO GOVERMENT GRANT, STILL THE MOST PRIZES AND DIP- L0MA8 GIVEN IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. LipT THREE YEARS WE HAD THE LARGEST AND BEST SHOWS EVER HELD IN OUR COUNTY. COMPETITION OPEN TO THE WORLiD. THEt^EliEfit^HTBO MAt^KDAIiE CITIZBflS fil^ASS BAND i**^ WILli BK IN ATTENDANCE ON THE SECOND DAV. MDIUi^SIOM;— Membership Ticket or Duplioate ticket presented will admit ona. Non- m^bers 15 cents. Children 10 centH. Vehicles (with a member only) 25 cents. Vfflpclea with a non-member 40 cents. No money will be allowed to be taken at the entrance gates, only at the ticket offices. Refreshments, will be provided on the show Grounds. The fine Trotting Track is in splendid condition. The Judges are appointed from a distance. 0. J. Pratt, (Sun) Pbintee, OWEN SOUND, 1892. ADVSETiaEMENT. I: ::::::; is Ik it m I::: h m •;!ll 1^^^^^^ ; t : JV = ■'1 1 B 1 f 5 a. m. andkrson, Cash :-.- Shoe ■■: Store, 162 Poulett St., - Ocuen Sound, Ti^runks and Valises. i. A. M. ANiJiilRSOM 1 J s. * J CeutFal flgmotoal Soeiety, WALXRRS FALLS, ONX. OFFieHRS FOR IS9^. RESIDENT— DAVID REID, Bognor P. O. ICE-PRESIDENT— ALB. C. PATTERSON, Blantyre P. O. lEASURER— THOS. BARKER,. . Walters Falls P. O. [ECRETARY— GEO. B. HOLMES, Walters Falls P. O Dlf•■■• - h i "t ! tr ; ADVERTISEMENT. m.A 1 ft, LOCKttftRT, —DEALER IN— ©l}oie€ § Fan)ily $ Qroeeries, »^ Boots, Sboes, etc. M Highest Price Paid For Butter :and;Eggs Comw of UMon and Ponlell Stteets, Oppo'lte |la»k«t, 0WE|1 SOOfIB DUNGf\N'S •^CITY->HOTEL+ THE ^ FARMERS HOM liait Block south of JA^skt^lmt M / ^Of /^ Rui^ej^ ^iN^i> Re:oxjx-^^T[rioi>^^, 1. For membership 81 up to the day of show. 2. Parties uot chiiming their prize money before Dec. Slat, forfeit the same for the benefit of the Society. Parties receiving a prize or prizes will be paid the full amount. 3. Animals exhibited must have been the bona fide property of exliibitor for at least one month previous to the show. ,.,.,. ,^, ^ -r. 4. All produce must have been grown by the exhibitor during the current year. Po- tatoes to be exhibited in boxes or baskets, and apples upon plates. 5. Brood Mares, Cows, Ewes and Sows must have borne young during the present year. Mares must have raised a foal, and cows must be giving milk at the time of ex- hibition or give evidence of having been far gone with calf. 6 Each animal must be provided with a chain or rope, and be placed on the show groimds amongst those of its class, and exliibitors of thoboughbred stock must be pre- pared to produce the certificate of registration. , , ,, , , 7 AH Manufactures to be of Canadian make, the property of the manufacturer or his agent Articles shown under the head of Manufactures and Ladies' Work must have been made by the exhibitor or their family, and never been awarded a prize previous to 1891 exhibitors in all cases to be the producers and bona fide owners. Upon the dis- covery of any fraud or deception, either in the production or ownership, concerning any article exhibited the Directors wiil have power to withhold any prize awardeu, and may prohibit any such party from exhibiting in any class for two or three years, and may pibUsh the names of such persons or not, as may be deemed expedient. 8 Exhibitors are requested to enter such articles only as they intend to exhibit.which will greatly facilitate the work of the Secretary, and save unnecessary waste of time. 9 While the Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to secure the safety of the articles sent to the Exhibition, the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting, and, should any ariicle be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Directors will give all assistance in their power towards the recovery, but they will not make any payment for the value ttiereof. . ■ , , 10 It does not follow that because a prize is offered for any particular animal or article that it must bo awarded, unless there is proper competition, or unless the exhibit is really of sufficient merit to warrant the award being made. The Judges are particu- larly requested to note this fact. .,..,• ■ J 1 u 11 ) i' 1 11 Articles entered for exhibition must be in their assigned places by 11 o'clock on the morning of the first day of the Show, 27th September, otherwise they may be re- *^12 All Live Stock and Implements, etc., etc., must be on the Show Grounds at 11 o'clock am oharp on the second day of the Show, 28th September; and all Grain, Roots Fruit, Dairy Produce, Ladies' Work, Fine Arts, Horticulture, in the Hall by 11 o'clock on the first day of the Show, September 27th. la. Ladies are particularly requested to have articles for competition in Class 20 properly entered so as to correspond with the Prize List. 14 No articles shall be removed from the Hall until 4.30 o'clock p.m. on the second day of the Show, and any person detected takino fruit or other articles will re posi- tively punished according to law. This year four constables wUl be placed in the Hall. 15. No person shall be a Judge in any class in which he is an exhibitor,or interested in or has any relations exhibiting. ^ i. ti7 jr. i « 16 H.avy Driught Teams must be attached to a Lumber Wagon, and General Pur- pose' Carriage and Roadster Teams attached to a Democrat or Buggy. No Sulkies al- lowed. Saddle Horses with their proper equimepts. 17 Evbihitorn or others will not be allowed to handle or interfere with articles on exhibition. When entered they must be considered in the han^ T'zsi ^ssg ^s "ss tsf "ssr ^:^ ^s -ss ^s ^s^s opposite Toutn H<»11 and |VlAf 1<«^ Buildings. V Geo. B. fiOL]V[e3. -h- iti :? VETERINARY SDR6E0N. WALTERS FALLS, ONTARIO. Treats all disea^ of the Domesticated Animal. Best of instruments kept on hand. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Horses examined as to soundness, and bought and sold on Commission. Commissioner for taking affidavits for the high Court of Justice for Ontario. Office and Residence— Corner of Victoria and Alma Sts., Walters Falls, Ont. S 5 n 1 PRIZE LIST. IB F»RIZEi lalST. CLASS 1— GENERAL PURPOSE. (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12.15 o'clock p.m. sharp, in the order of Pnze List) Sec. 1. 2. 1st. .$3 00 2nd. 92 00 Brood Mare with foal by her side Three year ol 1 Gelding or Filly, 1st prize given by Noble Clark, Esq., Rocklyn . . . . . . . . • • . . 2 00 1 Two year old Gelding or Filly 2 50 1 One year old Gelding, Ist prize given by G. Garbutt.Esq. Strathaven 2 00 1 Spring Colt or Filly . . . . . . • • . . 2 50 1 Yearling Colt, entire . . . . . • • • • • Diploma Team in harness (Geldings or Mares) Isfc prize given by Messrs. San- derson & Brothers, Richmond Hill, one dozen Packages "Sander- son's' Conditioii Powders, value $6 . . • . . . 6 00 Best Brood Mare, with two of her progeny rot older than 3 yrs. old off Diploma Best animal of this class( age to be well considered) . . . . Diploma Only 1st prize animals in each class show for the Diploma. A General Purpose Horse is understood to be a horse that is suitable either for the waggon, buggy, saddle or plough. CLASS 2— AGRICULTURAL. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 00 60 50 50 00 Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 1.30 o'clock.) Brood Mare with foal by her side . Three year old Gelding or Filly, Two year old Gelding or Filly One year old Gelding di Filly Spring Colt or Filly Yearling Colt, entire Team in harness (Geldings or Mares) Best Brood Mare, with two of her progeny, not older than 8 yrs. old off Diploma 1st. 2nd. »3 00 92 00 2 00 1 00 2 50 1 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 Diploma 3 UU 2 m F*. I ' m K^'.i . ADVERTISEMENT. HOUSE TERMS S1.00 PER DAY. One of the Largest, beat equipped and moBt home like houBcsm the county of Grey. GOOD STABLING. BftVlD GOPIiV, PlsOPHlBTOH. CALL UPON— — DEALER IN — Dry Goofls, Groceries, Boots and Z^.n^s. Hats And Caps, Cents puf nishingi-. i .-^. TT ,^.r. Crockery and Glassware, Patent MedicineB, and everything that Tinware, Hardware, Crockery^ano^ ^^^^^ .^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ I AlEoafl»:«t V Tailor i .. connection, and a first claas fit guaranteed. Inspection and a irial eolicited. TEHMs, CASk OR FROPIJCE. 'Jhrn^m PRIZE LIST. 16 9. Bast animal of this claaa (age to be well considered) . . . . Diploma An Agricultural Horse ia understood to be one that la too heavy to be olaaaed as general purpose horse and too light to be classed as a heavy draught. Only 1st prize animals in each class show fur the Diploma. . CLASS 8 HEAVY DRAUGHT. ' (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28) 1st. 2nd. Brood Mare with foal at her side $8 00 »2 00 Three year old Gelding or Filly (1st prize given by R. Olmstead & Son) 2 00 1 00 -■ .. .. .. .. 2 60 1 60 .. 2 50 1 60 .. 2 60 1 60 Sec. 1. 2. ». 4. 6. Diploma 8 00 2 00 9. 10. Two year old Gelding or Filly Op 3 V our old Gelding or Filly .. .. .. Spring Colt or Filly .. .. .. .. Yfarlia^ (yolt, entire .. .. .. •. Best Team (Geldings or Mares) attached to a lumber waggon, Ist prize given by Jas. Cleland & Sons, Meaford, a Union Churn, value |8 . . Best pair two year old Geldings or Fillies, driven in harness, 1st prize given by T. W. Horsley, Esq., saddler, Meaford, a pair of Halters, value ftlj . . . . ; Best Brood Maro, with two of her progeny, not older than 8 yrs. old oflf Diploma Best animal of this class (age to be well considered) . ; . . Diploma Only 1st prize animals in each class show for the Diploma. 8 00 Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. CLASS 4— CARRIAGE, (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock sharp.) Ist. 2nd. Brood Mare with foal by her side »3 00 »2 00 1 00 Three year old Gelding or Filly, attached to a vehicle . . . . 2 00 Two year old Gelding or Filly . . . . . . .. 2 60 1 60 One year old Gelding or Filly . . . . . • .. 2 60 1 60 Sprmg Colt or Filly (Ist prize given by J. E. Marsh, Esq., Markdale) 2 00 1 60 Yearling Colt, entire . . . . . . . • . . Diploma Team in harness (Geldings or Mares) 16J hands and upwards, Ist prize given bv Elishu Hanbury, Esq., Walters Falls . . .. 3 00 2 00 Single Buggy Driver (Gelding or Mare) le** hands and upwards . . 3 00 2 00 Pair of Ponies in harness, under UJ hands high .. .. 2 00 1 00 Single Pony in harness, under 14.J hands high. . . . .. 1 60 1 00 Brood Mare, with two of her progeny not older than 3 yrs. old ofif . . Diploma Best animal of this class (age to be well considered) . . . . Diploma Pair of Mules in harness . . . . . . . . 1 60 Only 1st prize animals in each class show for the Diploma. CLASS 6— ROADSTERS. (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, after the Carriage class.) [Bao. Iflt- 2nd. 1. Brood Marc with foal by her side »3 00 fli2 00 2. Three years old Gelding or Filly, attached to a vehicle, Ist prize given by R. J. Watson, Esq., saddler, Walters Falls, a Drivmg Bridle, complete, worth 93 . . . . 3. Two year old Gelding or Filly 4. One year old Gelding or Filly 5. Spring Colt or Filly 6. Yearling Colt, eatire 7. Team in harneiis Gelding or Mare) under 15| hands . . 8. Single Buggy Driver (Gelding or Mare) under 15| hands. . V. ^JW^«^^e.^ •.•••'—• \* •• "*"'T^ '"■ *-**"•— ^ •• •■ -- -- 10. Brood Mare, with two of her progeny not older than 3 yrs. old off . . 00 60 60 00 1 00 1 60 1 60 1 60 Diploma 3 00 2 00 2 60 2 00 2 00 1 5Q Diploma I V P' M ^^■^'^ 1 ^^■ii! 1 . i ? > ^ ■^ 1 1 ' ^^^^^^M ii. . ^ Jl ' ^HH^trl ^^^^^. ^u.m ^^^H ^^Hiiii l^^lffll ■ i H '. ^^H^H^H n I 16 ADVERTISFMENT. ' ■t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES S LIQUORS Always in Stock the following Favorite Brands of Goods: Gooderham A Worts' Old Rye and Malt, Brandy, Port, Sherry, Rum, Holland Gin, Old Tom Gin, Ginger Wines, Turner's Tonic Bitters. BflSS' fiOTTliEt) RUB, GUII^ESS' STOUT. Toroij);o PoHle Ale, Loi|(los| PoHled A^e, Om/^eii Soliii^ PoUle^ Ale« Toroii^o PoHle^ "Pot^^v, Loi|^oi| ISoHle^ Por);ery Owei| Solii|^ poHlei) Porler. GLARRTS, NATIVE. WINES GOODERHAM AND WORTS', CORBY'S IXL, WALKER'S WHITE WHEAT AND OLD TIMES, Superior Old Liquors, Bottled by tbe Makers, AT n TnifTir nmn anr\Tnf] Mjuxainrn m iirAAn ntm nm-ri r-n ULU ifliori Mw obUion nniOiviLo iii wuuiJ Miv dUI iLto. 4.-.. >., RS im, Holland 'S. STOUT. sd A^e^ Porter, MES ;'S WHITE irs, lUi iLtS. PEIZE LIST. 17 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. HORSES— Continued. Beet animal of this class (age to be well concidered) . . Diplom* Lady Driver (in baggy), Ist prize given by Wm. Butchart, Esq., Mea'- - ford, 1 doz. silver Teaspoons, value $3 ; 2nd prizegiven by Messrs. Luton & McKnight, Meaford, goods, value $2 . . .. 3 00 2 00 Lady Kider, Ist prize given by Jas, Cleland & Sons, Meaford, ffoods, value »2 .. Boy Rider, under 14 years of age , . For the best turn out. Horse, Harness, Carriage, Lady and Gentle- man, not less than three to compete. The prize given by Gray Bros. & Co., Owen Sound, a pair of Men's Shell Cordovan Balmoral Boots, value 94 . . , . , . . . . . 4 00 For the best tarn out. Pair of Horses, Harness and Carriage, to be driven by a Lady, twice round the track, the prize given by M. E. Bebee, Esq., Owen Sound, a Lady's English Riding Bridle and steel Curb Chain and Martingale, value 94.50 . . . . . . 4 60 Only 1st prize animals in each class show for the Diploma. 00 50 00 00 Sec. 1. 2. 8. 4. 6. 6. T. 8. 10. 11. 12. CLASS 6-SPECI4L PRIZES FOR HORSES AND COLTS, &c. Boy under 14 years old, that can lead this year's Spring Colt with s halter in the quickest time, once round the track, 1st prize given by Geo. B. Holmes, Secretary, Walters Falls . . . . .. 1 00 60 Saddle Horse (owned by a farmer) to walk around the track first time, trot second time, and go-as-you-please the third time. The prize given by Messrs. H. LePan & Co.. Owen Sound, goods, value 92.50. 2 50 Free for all Speeding in the Ring, Single Driver attached to a buggy, three times round the track. Ist prize given by the Mail Printing Co., Toronto, "The Daily Mail" for one year, value 95.50 ; 2nd prize given by C. J. Pratt, Esq., Owen Sound, "The Sun" for 1 yr. 5 50 1 00 Fastest Walking Team, attached to a lumber waggon, twice round the track, let prize given by J. McQuaker, Esq., Holland township, 92 ; 2nd prize. Society, $1 . . . . . , . , .. 3 00 1 00 Fastest Trotting Team, attached to a buggy, three times round the track, the prize given by J. M. Thomson, Esq., Bognor, 92 ; the 2nd prize given by Jas. Patterson, Esq., Meaford, "Mirror" for 1 yr. 91 2 00 1 00 Fastest Saddle Horse or Mare, twice round Uie track, Ist prize given by Society, 92 ; 2nd prize given by Frank Graham, Esq., implement agisnt, Markdale, 91 . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 1 00 Lady that can harness her horse, attach it to a buggy, and get once round the track in the shortest time, prize given by Elishu Hanbu- ry, Esq., Walters Falls, cost »3 ; 2nd prize given by C. .7. Pratt Esq., Owen Sound,"SuN"for one year, to take place at3p.m. sharp 3 00 1 00 Farmer (only) that can harness his horse, attach to a buggy, and get once round the track in the shortest time, prize given by William Hughes, Esq., Revere House, Markdale, 92 cash, to take place at 3.30 pm. .. ... .. .. *^ 200 Spring Colt or Filly, got by Mr. W. G. Piokell's, of Markdale, import- ed Clydesdale Stallion, "Lord Derby," No. 37 (Scotch), 1067 (Cana- dian, C. S. B.), 1742 (American) .. .. .. .300200 Messrs. A. C. Patterson and W. J. Shepherdson, will give for the best five two year old Geldings or Fillies, either heavy draught, agricul- tural or general purpose, got bx any one "sibe" . . . . 6 00 Messrs. Patterson and Shepherdson will give for the best five spring Colts or Fillies, either heavy draught, agricultural or general pur- pose, GOT BY ANY ONE |^8IRe" . . . , . . . . R (M\ . Messrs. Patterson and Shepherdson, will give for best Colt or Filly of I 18 PRISE LIST. 13 14. HORSES— Continued. any age, got by their imported Clydeadale Stallion "Modern Type" No. 25, a brass-mounted, oak-taoned Leather Halter, worth 93 . . 8 00 Messrs. Patterson and Shepherdson will give for best Spring Colt or Filly, got by tinir imported Shire Stallion "King of the Castle," a brass-mounted, oak tanned Halter, worth $3 .. ..3 00 Bicycle Race, twice round the smooth track, best two in three heats, Ist prize given by Elishu Hanbnry, Esq., Walters Falls ; 2nd prize Society, »1.. .. .. .. .. .. 2 00 1 00 ^ The Boy Riders to appear before the Judges in the horse ring, and then to co once round the half-mile track. IS" N. B.— All prize Horses and Colts will bd paraded around the ring together as soon as the last class is judged. The Judges are all appointed from a distance. The Central Agricultural Society Slu v Ground is 62* rods long and 21 rods wide, and a very level field enclosed with a 7 ft. high, close boarded fence. The track is in excellent condition. IS" Don't forget to send in your entries a few days before the Show days, then any additional ones you can make on the day of the Show. IS- Every prospect of a larger and better Exhibition than last year. tS" Two refreshment stands will be erected on the Show Ground. fS" Running and Trotting Races take place on Tuesday, 27th Sept., and the entries close on Tuesday, 22nd Sept. Be sure and be in time. ^«"No admission money for non-members or fof vehicles will be allowed to be taken at the entrance gates. Only at the Ticket Office. IS- A large number of horse buyers, and other parties wanting Colts, Sheep and Pigs, have promised to attend our Show on the second day. ^his is a good opportunity for farmers who want to sell. Central Society will not accept of any Special Donation prizes. Edison's Phonograph will be on exhibition both days. 7642 persons went through the entrance gates on the second day last year. If you have not a conveyance of your own be sure and speak for a livery in good time, or you will be left at home. I. MMMNMWlte PRIZE LIST. 19 Sec. 1. 6. 8. 9. 10. CLASS 7— THOROUGHBRED DURHAM (with Reoistbbbd Pepiorek), (To be judged on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12.ll5 o'clock sharp.) 1st. 2iid. Bull, three yean old and upwards, Ist prize given by Daniel Ballard, Esq., Woodford .. .. .. .. ..»2 60»2 00 Bull, two years old and under, 1st prize $2 ; 2nd prize given by Coun- cilman John Murray, Esq., Holland township, 81 . . .. 2 00 1 00 Bull Calf, with age attached, $1.60; 2nd prize given by "Canadian Live Stock and Farm Journal," Toronto, for one year, value (1 . . 1 60 1 00 Cow, three years old and upwards, giving milk or evidence that she is in calf, 1st prize given by J. W- Hartman, Esq., Elm Hedge, St. Vincent ; 2nd prize given by Robt. Batty, E8q.,Oxmead,St.Vinoent 4 00 2 00 Heifer, two years old, Ist prize given by Wm. Milson, Esq., Goring ; 2nd prize, the American Agriculturist, New York, for one year . . 2 00 1 60 Heifer, one year old, 1st prize Society ; 2nd prize givan by R. Olm- stead & Sons,'Walters Falls .. .. .. ..200100 Heifer Calf, under one year, with age attached, Ist prize given by Jno. Thom, Esq., St. Vincent ; 2nd prize given by the Farm, Field and Stockman, Chicago, for one year, value |1 . . . . .. 2 00 1 00 Bull, of any age (age to be well considered . i , Female, of any age (age to be well considered) . . Herd, not less than one male and three females Only 1st prize animals in each class will show for the Diploma. CLASS 8— GRADE. 00 Diploma Diploma Diploma Sec. 1. 3. 4. 6. (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 1.30 o'clock). lat. 2nd Bull, of any age (age to be well considered), Ist prize given by E. Hanbury, Esq., Walters Falls ; 2nd prize Owen Sound Sun . .^2 00 81 Milch Cow, over three years old, Ist prize given by H. Bonnell, Esq., Walters Falls, 92 cash ; 2nd prize, cash $1.50 ;"»rd prize OwenSound Sun 1 yr. *1 . . . . . . .. 2 00 1 60 Heifer, two years old, 1st prize given by R. H. Taylor, Walters Falls. 9 00 Steer, two years old, Ist prize given by Elisha Hanbury, Esq.,Walter8 Falls; 2nd prize given by J. Patterson, Esq., Meaford M'.rror 1 year 1 60 Heifer, 1 year old, 1st prize given by D. Reid, Esq., Pr ,ident, Bog- nor ; 2nd prize given by C. W. Rutlodge, Esq., Markdale Standard for 1 year, value $1 . . Steer, one year old, 1st prize given by Elisha Hanbury, Esq., Walters ^^ Fallsj 2nd prize given by Farm, Field & Stockman, Chicago, 1 year 1 60 1 00 xieifef vjaif, ist prize giveo Dy L/avid litiid, jiJtiq-. irieeideui, Bugnor; 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 'f M ii i ¥■ • \ 20 ADVERTISEMENT. Owen » Sound • Brewery H OWer) So6r)(i. ^ EATON BROS.. AND Halsters. Eaton Bros, request those who appreciate the fine quality of their Ales and Porters to ask for them at their Hotels in Walters Falls, Rocklyn, Markdale, Thornbury, Meaford, Clarksburg, Woodford, Bay View. Chatsworth, Holland Center Owen Sound, Williamsford. tJULUr pL/illLb ill tlifcj Duminion. i ■A PRIZE LIST. 21 $KY CATTLE —Continued. 2nd prizvi given by Wj W. Stephens A Co., Meaford, i doz. packages of Condition Powder, value iJI.SO . . . . .. 2 00 1 60 -.*v 8. Bull Calf, 1st prize given by Justin Badgerow, Esq., Meaford, goods, value H ; 2nd prize given by Alex., Sunter, Esq., Meaford Monitor for one year .. .. .. •• ..406100 9. Best female of any age (age to be well considered) . . . . Diploma 10. "Working Oxen, 1st prize given by Messrs. D. A. Cameron & Co., Owen Sound, Cameron's Celebrated Cattle Feeder, value ^3; 2nd prize Soc. 3 00 1 00 11. Special, by J. S. McCullough, Esq. M. D., Walters Falls, for the best two Heifer Calves under one year old and of any breed, thoroughbred or grade, must be owned by one person, cash . . . . 5 00 13" All prize cattle will ba paraded in the ring as so^n as all the stock is judged. rs. quality 3ls in burg, Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sec. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. l9t. 2nd. CLASS 9— JERSEYS (with Registered Pedigbeb. 1st. 2nd. Bull, three years old and upwards . . . . . . . .$2 00 ?1 00 Cow, three years old and upwards, giving milk or well gone in cal/ . . 2 00 1 00 Heifer, two years old . . . . . . . . ,, 1 60 1 00 Heifer, one year old . . . . ■ . . . . .. 1 50 1 00 Best female of any age . . . . • . . . . . . Diploma CLASS 10 — DEVONS (with Registered Pedigree. Bull, three years ojd and upwards . . Bull, two years old and under Cow, three years old and upwards, giving milk. . Heifer, tv?o years old . . Heifer, one year old Heifer Calf, under qne year Best female of any age . . . . . . ' CLASS 11— HEREFORD (with Registered Pedigree). Bull, three years old and upwards . . Bull, two years old and. under Cow, three years old and upwards, giving milk i . . Heifer, two years ola . . . . . . . . Heifer, one vear old . . . . . . Heifer Calf, under one year . . " . . " Best female of any age . . . . . . . . . • Diploma CLASS 12— POLLED ANGUS (with Registered Pedigree). Bull, three years old and upwards . . Bull, two years old Cow, three years old and upwards, giving milk Heifer, two years old . . . . . . . . Heifer, one year old . . . . . . Heifer Calf, under one year old . . . . Best female of any age . . • • , • • • • • • I^iploma \ .... .«3 00 »2 00 . 2 50 1 00 . 3 00 2 00 . 2 50 1 50 . 2 50 1 60 . 2 00 1 50 . Diploma Ist. 2nd. . 3 00 2 00 . 2 50 1 50 . 3 00 2 00 . 2 50 1 50 . 2 50 1 50 . 2 00 1 50 1st. 2nd. 2 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 1 60 2 00 1 50 1 60 1 00 jford. •J MMMUMiariiAi mm \ i; 111 22 PRIZF. LIST. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CLASS IB— COTSWOLD. (To be judged Wednesday. Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock.) Aged Ram .. Shearling Ram Ram Lamb .. , •• . Two Ewes, raised lambs this year . . • • • • . Two Shearling Ewes .. •• Two Ewe Lambs • • ^ ^ * * , Pen of Cotswolds, 1 Ram, 2 Ewe Lambs CLASS 14— LEICESTERS. /, (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12 okjlock.) Aged Ram .. Shearling Ram Ram Lamb ••,,••. Two Ewes, raised lambs this year . . Two Shearling Ewes .. •• " " Two Ewe Lambs • • ' " -, „ ti V i,_ prn of Leicesters, 1 Ram, 2 Ewes and 2 Ewe Lambs . . CLASS 15-SOUTHDOWN, PURE BRED. Aged Ram .. Shearling Ram Ram Lamb . . , •/, . Two Ewes, raised lambs this year . . Two Shearling Ewes Two Ewe Lambs CLASS 16-SHROPSHIRE OR OTHER PURE BRED Aged Ram .. Shearling Ram Ram Lamb .. •;, . Two Ewes, raised lambs this year . . Two Shearling Ewes Two Ewe Lambs Ist. 2nd. ..%\ 50 »1 00 1 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 . . Diploma 1st. 2nd. .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 60 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 .. 1 50 1 00 ., Diploma Isi 2nd, .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 DOWNS. 1st. 2nd. .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 .. 1 00 75 Sec, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sec, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. ♦- Bt. 2nd. n 50 u 00 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 Diploma 1st. 2nd. 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 Diploma Ist. 2nd, 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 'NS. let. 2nd. . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 76 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 . 1 00 75 PKIZE LIST. 2S Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. CLASS 17— BERKSHIBE OR OTHER BLACK BREEDS. (To be ;udged Wednesday, Sept, 28, at 12 o'clock.) Ist. 2nd. Aged Boar .. .. .. .. .. ..»1 25 «1 00 Aged Sow . . . . . . . . ... .. 1 25 1 00 SowPig,1892.. .. .. .. .. .. 1 00 75 Boar Pig, 1892 .. .. .. .. .. l OO 75 Improved Berkshire (age to be considered) . . . . . . Diploma CLASS 18— SUFFOLK OR OTHER WHITE BREEDS. 1st. 2nd. Aged Boar . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 25 1 00 Aged Sow . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 25 1 00 Sow Pig, 1892.. .. .. .. .. .. 1 00 75 Boar Pig, 1892 . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 75 Improved Suffolk or pother white breeds (age to be considered) . . Diploma Special, Sweepstakes. Prize given by W. J. Shepherdson, Esq., Wal- ters Falls, for the best pair black or white pigs of any age or breed (age to be well considered) . . . . . , . . 1 00 ■* UMHa WMMt NOTTER S SCOTT i VV.^ A ^ '^T!^„o^«M*NLBY& SCOTT. succesaoBS TO MANUBY KEEP ON HAND — THE liRHGEST m CHOICEST SEliEGTIOJi —OF- General BrocerlES, Crocliery and Blassviare —IN— o^zy^:EK soxJNC. IMPOETEBS DIRECT AND AKE THE LARGEST IM- 1 J • PORTERS IN TOWN. N B -The HigHest Market Price Paid in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. ^fi- HOTTKR ' & SCOTT, k__.^-4 A««i<^ Dl¥l5iUJl AWCKl QHllfltl PKIZE LIST. 25 T TIOK mm jiST IM- Paid in :s. rT, Sec. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 16. 17. CLASS 19— POULTRY. (To be judged Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock.) let Pair Turkeys, Ist Prize by Jas. Patterson, Esq., the Meaford Mirror for one year, value |1 . . . . ' • • • • as."^^ Pair Talouse Geese, 1st prize given by the Toronto Weekly News ofttce Toronto, one year . . . . . • • • • • -^ Pair Geese, any other kind, 1st prize given by C. W. Rutledge, Esq., Markdale Standard one year, value $1 . . . . • • 1 Pair Ducks, white Pair Ducks, colored . . • . Pair Brahmas, white Pair Plymouth Rock Fowls . . . . Pair White Leghorn Fowls Pair Brown Leghorn Fowls . . . . ■ • ' Pair Black Spanish Fowls Trio Game Fowls . . • • Pair Minorca Fowls(black) . . . . • • ^ai*" Wyandotte Fowls . . ^amburg Fowls cion Pure Bred Fowls, Ist prize given by H. B. Donavan, Esq., • ^o, xlio Canadian Poultry Review and Kennel Gazette for 1 , . line $1 . . . . • • • • • • • ir .. Andalusian Blue Fowls Special, for the best display of Poultry, all to be standard birds, given by the Owen Sound Poultry Association, $4. . . . . . 4 The OwGU Sound Poultry Association will not compete for this prize. 2na. 00 » 50 00 50 00 26 50 25 50 25 60 26 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 26 50 25 50 25 50 26 00 ■ 25 on 15 tS'Trotting and Running Races on the first day of the Exhibition, commencing at 1 p.m. and will be a big day. i, . , NOTICE.— Any person or persons found trespassmg upon or over the fences be- longin" to the "Central Agricultural Society" grounds will positively be prosecuted, strictly according to law. Several Special Constables will be in attendance, so beware. K^ Only Vehicles and Live Stock will be admitted through the large gate. I 26 ADVEETI8EMENT. GRAFTON & GO'S. Special Pumpkin Prizes! -FOR THE- LARSEST PUMPKIJM .'/^ SHOUJN ist. Gents Scotcb Tweed Suit, valued at $iO.OO. M. Gents Fine Black Worsted Pants, valued at $4.00. 3rd. Gents Fine Scotcb Tweed Pants, valued at $3.00. m 1-1: I The Three Pumpkins that receive the Prizes to be re- tained by Grafton & Co. and delivered at their Stores in Owen Sound the follov/ing day. Sec. 1, ] 2. : 8. : 4. \ 5. 6- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. )! IICIZE LIST. 97 1 00. re- in CLABS 20-MANUFACTURES. Sec. (To be judged WedneBday, B )pt. 28, at 13 o'clock.) Iflt.^^ 2nd^ I. Farmer'B Waggon ', -« ^g 3. Democrat Waggon . . • • • • * * " 1 00 76 8. Farmer's Bob Sleighs , -« ™g 4. Single Top Buggy .. •• •• " " i OO 76 5. Single Cutter , «« 50 6. Sod Plough ;; ;jj 60 7. Stubble Plough j qq 50 8. Iron Harrows.. .. •• •• ;; .'.Diploma 60 9. Fanning Machine j W ' J' V U'^ Dinloma 10. Best Farmer's Fence, erected, not to exceed 2 rods long .. "J^fS^l II. Best Combined Hay Fork and Sheaf Lifter uipiom^ Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sec. 1. 3. 5. CLABS 21— BOOTS. (To be iadged on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock.) Iflt Collection Potatoes, 6 of each kind, not less than four yarieties, named, l2 prizeby .Tno. Finlay. Esq., Walters Falls, cash »1 ; 2nd Society . . »1 i bushel Rose Potatoes in box or basket ..«-. I bushel Beauty of Hebron in box or basket . . I bushel Potatoes (any other kind) m box or bafJ^et • . Six Swede Turnips, Ist prize given by Thomas Walters, Esq., Walters Falls, Tea, value *1.75 .. ,'"j„^„"o Six Mangels, 1st prize given by Stephen Bros., Meaford.goods. . 2 Six Field CarrptB .. One Squash One Pumpkin 75 00 50 50 50 2nd. 00 «0 75 75 50 75 50 75 50 50 25 50 fl.C. 25 H.C. 25 H.C. 25 H.C. CLASS 22-GBAIN AND SEEDS. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock sharp.) Ist One bushel Fall Wheat, Democrat. Ist prize given by Frank Ouance, Esq., miller, Bognor; 2nd prize given by the American AgS urist New York, for 1 yr.,yalue U i ^rdprize Society »2 One bushel Fall Wheat, red, 1st pr ze given by Jas McLauch- Ian & Son, Owen Sound, 1 box biscuits value »2 ; 2nd prize S?en by C. J. Pratt, Esq., Owen Sound Sun for 1 year, value oU SushefFaS W^^^^^^^ !.«» p/^^.f^'^ ^^ Frank Quance, Esq., miller, Bognor -ind prize Society . . One bushel Spring Wheat (Glasgow) 1st prize given by Chris- tnnher Hammill, Esq., Walters Falls, »1 ". . ^' One busheTsSg Wheat (^n> other variety), 1st prize given by Christopher Hammill, E8q.,Walters Falls, *1 ; 2nd prize given hv the Montreal Witness for 1 year •.• ^., V . :' 6 One bushel Barley, six-rowed. 1st prize «5 cash, given by Eaton Bros., brewers, Owen Sound ; 2nd prize Society . . „ AlTu .,„ll„i Barlpv. two-rowed. Ist prize given by C. J. Pratt, 2na. Srd 00 »1 00 »0 50 2 00 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 75 50 1 00 1 00 50 5 00 60 I n •* I 28 ADVEIITIBEMENT. AAA. ^AAAAAAAA--^.i.i.ii.i.- - - - - - a ^I@ TKjE ©EST @!^ RAMILY @ F>AF>E1R IN THE COUNTY OF Ot^HY. >»■■* ■ jr:l!!l:'fc'i.i.'.i:.!. •ILI'-t.tltJ9lli,lttl THE SU1\I n; :ii HiiiiMiiiiiffiSffliiiKinastiiim i:' r. ! r U ! ! T • • • » f r *-n , OWEfl SOUfiO. ONTARIO. # ,SU^S®l^lT®TION 1®1^I©E. $1.00 p£T^ yBAl?- aoe PI^INTING OF EVEI^Y DESCI^IPTION NEATIiY EXECUTED. PRIZE LIST. 29 cr in. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. GRAIN AND SEEDS— Continued. Esq., Owen Sound Sun for 1 year, value $1 ; 2nd prize Society. 1 00 One b-iahei White Peas, "large." Iflt prize given by E. W. Rut- ledge, Esq., Markdale Standard for 1 yr, value ^ 1 2nd, Society One bushel White Peas (Bmall), Ist prize given by Weekly Em- pice, Toronto, for 1 year .. .. ■■ Tl 1 j" One bushel Oats "white." Ist prize given by C. W. Rntledge, Esq., Markdale Standard for 1 year . . . . • • One bushel Oats, "black," ist prize given by C. J. Pratt, Esq., Owen Sound Sun for 1 year,value »1; 2nd and 3rd prize Society One pock Flax Seed One peck Timothy Seed Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1 00 1 00 1 00 -1 Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 00 76 76 CL/iSS 23— VEGETABLES. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock.) Six Blood Beets Six Table Carrots Six Parsnips. . Three Roots Celery . . Six Tomatoes . . • • • • Peck Seed Onions Three Cabbage, Winningstadt . .' Two Cabbage, any other kind Two Cauliflowers Two Water Melons . . • • • • • • Two Citrons.. Three Cucumbers, long Six Cucumbers, pickling • • • • Collection of Beans, not less than four varieties, one pint each White Beans, one pint . . Six ears White Corn . . Six ears Yellow Corn .. .. , •• ,.,./' ., Best Collection of Vegetables, all grown by the exhibitor, the prize given by C. J. Pratt, Esq., Owen Sound Sun for 1 year, valuo »1 . . 60 60 60 60 76 50 60 Ist 1 00 CLASS 24— FRUIT. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at. 12 o'clock,) 1st. Collection of Apples, 3 of each, correctly named, not less than 5 var. . Five Winter Apples, put on plates . . Five Fall Apples, put on plates .. .. _ .. •• •• Five Northern Spy Apples, put on plates, Ist prize given by Mrs. Thos. Barker, Walters Falls, a pair of gentlemen's slippers, value »1 Five Snow Apples, put on plates, 1st prize given by S. S. Carney, Esq., Walters Falls, 75c. . • • • Five Ben Davis Apples, put on plate . . Five Golden Russet Apples, put on plate Five Russet Apples (any other kind) put on plate Five Baldwin Apples, put on plate Five Greening Apples, put on plate Twelve Crab Apples, put on plate Five Winter i'eaia, put on piatu 2« 26 26 26 26 2nd. 60 25 60 25 50 26 60 25 60 25 60 26 60 26 50 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 1 00 50 60 1 00 76 50 60 69 60 60 •50 en 2nd. 50 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 OK 1/ 30 PEIZE LIST. FRUITS— Continued. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. .. 50 25 .. 56 25 .. 60 25 .. 50 25 .. 50 25 .. 50 25 Five Flemish Beauty Pears, put on plate Five Bartlett Pears, put on plate Six Washington Plums, put on i)Iate Six Lombard Plums, put on plate Hix Pond Seedling Plums, put on plate Three bunchcB of Grapes, any variety Collection of Apples, Northern Spys, Roxbury, Eusaets, and Baldwin, 6 of each variety . . . , . . Handsome Diploma. -'^'^B.— 1 ruit, when m small quantitiea, must be exhibited on plates. •11 '^^.^P^'^ICE.— Hands Off ! Any person detected taking fruit, or any other article, will positively be punished according to law. Two detectives have been engaged. te^This year the Directors have made complete arrangements so that fruit and eatables cannot be handled. ♦ X>airy a^tud. otJ:i.ex> Px>ocluce« Sec. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. CLASS 25— DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCE. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock.) 1st Tub Butter, containing not less than 50 lbs., Ist prize given by Messrs. R. P. Butchart & Bro., Owen Sound, one dozen Silver Tea Spoons, value ^4 Crock Butter, containing not less than 20 lbs., 1st prize given by^. R. Duncan, Esq., Grocer, Owen Sound, a printed Tea Service, complete, valuo $3 . . 5 lbs. Roll Butter, 1st prize given by James Masson, Esq., M.P., Owen Bound, %2 cash 1 lb. Roll Butter, 1st prize given by Messrs. Cameron & Co.', druggists, Owen Sound, goods, value $2 1 lb. Roll Butter, Special by David Comelv, Esq., Johnson House, Owen Sound, 81 cash Cheese, not less than 10 lbs. and upwards (home made), 1st prize given by Jas. McLauchlan * Son, Owen Sound. 1 box Soda Biscuitsyvalue %2 . . Bread, home made, two loaves (Bakers excluded), 1st prize given by James Randle, Esq., Meaford, cash |1., Fruit Cake (not iced) Jelly Cake (three layers) . . . . .'. ][ Special given by the Breadmakers' Yeast Co., for the best two loaves of Bread (Bakers excluded) made with the Bread- makers' Yeast, label to be pinned on the bread, Ist prize, 1 doaen of their White Star Baking Powder, value $3 Best Sponge Cake (not less than 3 lbs.) made with their White Star Baking Powder, label to be pinned on the cake, 1st prize a box of Breadmakers' Yeast, value $1.80 2nd. 3rd. 4th 4 00 1 50 1 00 H.C. 3 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 50 H.C. 60 H.C. 25 H.C. 2 00 50 25 H.C. 00 50 50 3 o5 50 25 25 25 H.C. H.C. H.C. 1 80 P.S.— All storekeepers have both the above Yeast and Baking Powder on hand Honey in glass jar (extracted) 50 1 lb. Comb Honey, in sections .'.*..'.'.".'! 50 Preserved Pears, 'in sealers ..!..*.'. 50 Crab Apple Jelly, in sealers ...."' .... . 50 Pickles, assorted, two jars !'.!'..! 50 Canned Cherries, in sealers .]...! 50 Canned Plums, in sealers 50 Collection Canned Fruit, in sealers, named, prize given by C. J. Pratt, Esq., Owen Sound Sun, value ©1 . . . .1 OO 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. PRIZE LIST. 31 25 25 25 25 25 25 Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. H[ORTICUI-TXJ«B, CLASS 26— HORTICULTURE. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock.) 1st. Collection of Foliage Plants, named, Ist prize given by Jas. Patterson, Esq., Meaford Mirror for 1 year, value |1 .. •• ••fll Collection of Geraniums, not less than 3 in bloom, named. . Fuschia, in bloom, named •, Begonia Balsams .... Petunia . . .... • • • • • • • • • • • • Lily .. .. •• •• •• .... Cactus . . .... • • • ■ • • • • • • • • Hand Bouquet ...... Table Bouquet Hanging Basket of Flowers Domestic JVEanufactuires, 2nd. 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 25 CLASS 27— DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock.) Six yards Full Cloth Six vards Fancv Flannel •• ," -^^ .. 4>* -ri ' Two'lba. Yarn (home spun), 1st prize given by David Brown, Esq Walters Falls, $1 worth of goods . . Pair homo-made Horse Blankets . . Pair home-made Blankets . . • • • • Pair Gents' Fine Sewed Boots, Bals, made by exhibitor or employer . Pair Gents' Kip Boots, made by exhibitor or employer . . Set Heavy Team Harness Set Carriage Harness Sot Buggy Harness Display Woollen Factory-made Goods Organ . . Piano.. .. •• •• •• •• ' Sewing Machine . . • • . ' " Best display of Furniture, made by exhibitor . . Ist. 2nd. ,»0 50 10 25 , 50 25 1 00 50 50 50 50 Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma 25 25 25 25 25 IPINE ARTS. CLASS 28— FINE ARTS. (To be judged Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock.) 1st. 2nd. Oil Painting, Ist prize given by Wm. A. Dayman, Esq., Walters Fallsftl CO 50 Collection of Phctographs .. •• •• •• Dip oma Crayon Drawing •• •• . •• ^ ,,••, ^ ^ -■ ^^P^oma. Oil Painting, special, given by Messrs. Abbott & Co., Meaford, to be done by a girl under 14 years of age, and ri'siding m St. Vincent, Eu- phrasia, Holland or Sydenham townships, 1st prize a pair Ladies Boots, value «il. 50 ; All Entiuks Free. .. .. .. 1 50 SPECIAL. C A Fleming Esq., Principal of the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, offfTBthe" following special prizes to be competed for by pupils of the public schools : Ist -A silver medal in a handsome case, for Drawing. The specimens to be draw- ing book number of the Public School course, a map of the Maritime Provinces, 14 Sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. i i 32 ADVERTISEMENT. tJAMRS KLEIMINQ & CO., 109 POULETT ST.. OWEN SOUND. AQBNT8 FOR THE "BEIiIi" and "DOlBIfllOH" ORGANS and PlflHOS. find Neuu t^aymond Seuxing JWachities. Also dealers in all kinds of Music and Musical Instruments, very Cheap, Instruments tuned and repaired. Second hand Organs to rent. We invite everyone to see our goods. Liflt^GEST flHt) FIHEST STOCK OF FUK/NITUKE TNOKTH OF TO-RO/NTO. GALL AJMD 3ee A]HD QGT OUF? Pr?IGe3. R. BRRGKRNRIDGEX & SON, Opposite Town Hall, Owen Sound. >^- GEO. HOli^ES, •K' PHOTOGRAPHER, 116 POULETT ST.. OWEN SOUND. ALL THE LATEST ACCESSOEIES IN MY LINE. PRIZE LIST. 83 lOS. nents {oods. r^. =s. N, I, inches in length from east to weat, and a small map of Newfoundland, eight inches wide east to west. 2nd. — A copy of Fleming's Self-Instructor in Business and Ornamental Penmanship for each of the following : (A) The best specimen of writing by any pupil under 11 years of age. These pupils will write one page of foolscap from the lesson entitled "Coffee" on page G8 of the Second Reader (copying from the beginning of the lesson on- ward). (B) The best specimen of writmg by any pupil over 11 years of age. These to write a page of foolscap from the lesson on "The Camel" beginning on page 24 of the Third Reader, Also another page of capitals, small letters and figures ; one-third of a page of each. N.B. — All work must be certified to by the teacher of the school of which the candidate is a pupil. All entries free. Special, for the best specimen of Writing, by a girl under 14 years of age, residing in the Townships of St. Vincent, Euphrasia, Holland and Sydenham. The prize given by Robt. Agnew, Esq., Meaford, a Gold Brooch, value »2. N.B.— All writing must be certified to by the teacher of the school of which the candidate is a pupil. All entries free. ;,*:ll JOHN ROBINSON, —DEALER IN— lDpy Goods, Carpets, House Fui?nishings, etc. etc. New Fall Goods now in Stock. Splendid line of Dress Goods, Mantlings with all the new Trimmings to match. All Wool Henrietta at 25c. CARPETS in Brussells, Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp. Double width Hemp at 25cts. Other lines in proportion. Sec. 1. 2. 4. CLASS 29-LADIES' WORK. That has never been exhibited previous to 1889. (To be judged Sept. 27, at 12 o'clock,) Knit Quilt Fancy Quilt, 1st prize given by Alex. Corley, Esq., Meaford, a Book, value #1 . . Patchwork Quilt (any other kind), 1st prize given by Messrs. Ca- meron & Co., Druggists, Owen Sound, goods, value ftl . . 1 Log Cabin Quilt, 1st prize given by Messrs. Cameron & Co., drug Ist. n 00 1 00 00 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. gists, Owen Sound, goods, value „* Crazy Patchwork Quilt, 1st prize given by Robert Clarke, Esq., Miller, Walters Falls Berlin Wool, raised. . Berlin Wool, not raised Berhn Wool, fancy, 1st prize given by Jas Sound, one violin, value ^3 Berlin Wool Worked Motto Table Scarf Reabaseen Work Cotton Embroidery. . Darned Net Fleming & Co., Owen 1 00 76 60 50 00 60 60 60 50 50 2nd. 50 60 50 60 50 25 26 25 25 26 25 25 25 3rd. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C, H.C. H.C. H.C. K.C. H.C. 34 PRIZE LIST. Ouien Sound jVIapble Wofks p. B- PAI^I^I30]M. 85 Union St., « h Ouien Sound. The Owen Sound Harness Maker 14. 15. Iti. Manufactured and Sold Three Hundred and Seventj^- seven Setts of Harness, in 1891, and expects to do the same in 1892, we asked him how he catches so many- sales and the reply was, GOOD laORK, HOHEST DERItiHGS AND MW PRICES; That is Prices according to and equally as Low as Farm Produce. id. )r en ES; PRIZE LIST. 35 1 LADIES WORK— Continued. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 89. 40. 41. 42, 43, Thomas 50 50 Crochet in Wool . . • ■ ..„ .. Crochet in Cotton . . • • • • ; ; Macrame Lace (or Twine Work), Ist prize given by Mrs Barker, Walters Falls, a pair Ladies' Slippers Hooked Yarn Mat . . • • • • • • ' • • Mat, any other kind Hooked Rag Mat . . Arrasena Work Pair Ladies' Fancy Mitts .. •■ ,/l . ' •"■ Pair Gentlemen's Woollen Socks home spiui yarn (Ist prize given by Robt. Clarke Esq., Walters Falls, 75c. Pair Ladies' Stockings Pair Worked Slippers Pair Brackets, on Flannel or Cloth Best Outline Work . . ... / " r> t. *. r.*i i t?=V Berlin Wool Wreath, Ist prize given by Robert Clarke, iisq., Walters Falls Farmers' Wreath . . • ■ : Wreath (any other kind) . . • •• • • Pair Gentlemen's Woollen Hits (home spun yarn) . . Pair Woollen Gloves Specimen Darned Socks or Stockings Specimen Braiding . . Pair Pillow Shams . . Sofa PilUw Painting, on Satin or Velvet . . Five yards Rag Carpet . • • • . . • Toilet Set, complete, home-made Pair Coverlets .. •• Fancy Work, not mentioned in list Special Tuhkish Dye Co.'s Prizes. Given by Messrs, Wholesale Druggists, Montreal. Best Color on Cotton, dyed with Turkish Dyes • • • Best Color on Woollen, dyed with Turkish Dyes . • . • • SueciDl, given by Messrs. Gray Bros. & Co, Owen Sound, a pair of Ladies' Kid Gloves, worth $1.25, to the mother showing the prettiest Babv under ' year old, not less than 3 competitors, and lady judges 00 50 50 50 50 50 75 5(v 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 50 H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. Brayley, Sons & Co., 1st. 2 00 2 00 H.C. , H.C. I H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. 2nd. 1 00 1 00 1 25 N B —Positivelv no smoking allowed in the Inside Hall. , , i- ,x .. r^ All prain, roots, vegetables, fruits, dairy produce, ladies' work, horticultare,