CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ij ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) V. Canadian li^stituta for Historical IMicroraproductiona / institut Canadian da miccoraproductions historiquas 1% ^ " * 1 ( • "^ ';,.:',;;■ Twhnical and Bibliogriphk Notay / Notm techniqiMs at bibliograpliiqjUM Tha Inttituta has attamptad to obuin tha bait original copy availabia for filming. Faatiiras of tttit copy which may ba bibliographically uniqua, which may altar any of tha imagat in tha raproduction, or whieh may significantly changa tha usual mathod of filming, ara chackad balow. L'lnstitui a micfof ilm4 la maillaur axampiaira CHi'il liii a M possibia da sa procurar. Las details da e»t axampiaira qui sont paut-4tra uitiquas du pointptt vua bibliographiqua, i|ui pauvant moi» rwri^cMi. rA«wAMto» 6tii W1X.UAM IV. CoArriK l|," WITH Aur AppjBiroix, <»pjrrAijfiiii pMi' % ..:?.».. )#^' ■4" •.■'.* Jf l>R0 US. Titt PIrMlort lieiiig aiisioiis to fnxwioli |1m NftiY#»l fl* leet'of the L4%l|bmt| io ptisiiig thm Act, imdM wlM|lii* tuat Fird InfiuMiM Compamet, Mlih^ mvtniXHtMtt$ «#!• ProYtiieti art MNblbhad ; that of i^fibrdlpf at an •«Mni««N|^ paraaftnr trifllai, aa^urlt/ igMMt «ii# jA^UHit ana aflMte wwaM|iMiia0#4| tlMniv«f«l of Una, gloyttlila randefliiwi* ing kn^vn to t&f InMilaato oC tiia MUlaid' Diitrieti imi i^ tora .^lim Inati^oiii, and (he jwote^tioii it enauraa. A,fm aon iaiarlHg with tM» Coinpili|jnrea them hia oitn ptfiipiif 17 nbteomr. for ilie amount en* me prenii«iai onon th»g||aftA»- awilL jpfovlded he haa an ^ata ia 7 t( ' •it^^Hiotlf lie hM # leas EgUite, a^ aa an Im^ or ^ tmi f^f y^itii j or the foauntoee ia 7 4 MkU«t within the bouqdp of prohabilit^, tepetiatfr 4k th« Plractort haT« deemed it prmlei^t, for thp pretent, M^toenaure JOore than Fifteen llfan^i%d Potitidif iidon anjr one H«lt, nor to {ake continuum ritV upon Wooden bui|4in|p inTowMor VilU- ' \. H t^^Ui i|b iotti ticeiirs the npte ia returned to ihe. parlr >rh0W^f WiUl'gfVi($n,aC thhatia^brthe time for whifBh '^'^'iRtf iniriDMi^ei^ Ai Iffected ; M the oi>^ ehitUngin the fmiiii^paid oh its ambuht, U i^lilfed^ iq th^ ^r9f ptiice,lpi /Vi8ch)M:f$% ihe ■■ rp^*.M>- ^nyranee 4i^ihk indli^ila4li)r, to peraoris ihflun^ wif^'S(V«g|l'thf^lS!fpe'> raladVaiffaMfniM fipttiaktihft/. The yeri^Qnt T{f|H|^ny|a 4h« lildeyt ih th^ ^iA^ and commenced its opekiiiQjbf in the ^iM|iOo* thouaat*d ifa^ Twenty ^fiMJtV aineo lM«it i^MlClii^ik f^grtaaiY^^^ increased, Vear alier t^ii\ liMilt %^i^ 1^ Ihf tiil Report puhlished, that j|| hff insuted ^^^^y'teilietokMiiilor nei^ly Eleven HIIIMonof foliar^; fty Itfaa^l hif^e heMi onlj imi^ nine thoumnH 4i^arts and ^MsiiatH§m^ 'iM'aame aiiA||||^dr property^ in the ordi- ■•ry eompeniee, at tli^ ua^a|^t|iC hf^i^.iFI90Q^M to ^^iit^^^imum i frotnt&iai^prig^i^^^^^^ Wtm^^^^ ^'^ , ^™ l%^'IH^nil>eH6^^ reaultlnitto iiisUrers i(n the Vera^^ l^i^Tvliire led to theii'iinivenial ^stlihllslm^; jr^ m the Ulift^d Stiit^, no leas than Slitj-iil: Ao%EaTifeft f^f^n T^iise^ Int $eS8ion 6f thetr Leglitature, for their fnfpittoritfon. 'Mad ainae th^iite dreadfi^ eohfliigration in New Yoric, the ^libldMtaiitd oY siet^rai warda in ihe City, have formed aaiiQci- 'MSoiie for tnutually'ii^suring eacn othei^, without ey jh fafi oC «. oibpiiii I ilio gane- TB In BIu- lcriti<3 1^7 idfiMitii iniQtfed tlon iiiioil fbo 4aii|{«r oi^ ^If^l" 6biOfirl«| jll^liioi, wm poewiionallt ii»|i|)e% iMfiii, Mlo niM 1^ ill oqntl proportloo ol the Um* witb tl^ |if(ii4iMlMM0f» bf ^ liie cmih of (hif ohMrvation cannot bo Ml«f mmmmmmmm by tbo>4ottriirHb wbkb l^i |r>babl t\n§pf»t iu4 ami tuifOi •mco (^ e«ti^ hy, UQfM 1^ tb6 formaUon qf an '^ Andlboreaaeotial lUol, ta ibe «<■■> i wUMt tbo fnpUalro bemiobo OM iiooii^ai^ '^cb too Wa o#i|oMMv , ^ r imMb bif 0ffi4^^MlM4f1Pll ..,_.. ai^aa Coiovvi^ l>lytodr;;&aob )oi^,o pp i ig iM B |#o% oBw to oMiqbora^tt^ C9mmyi •«! liio^^ijuii^ lAMrailik.lM'Wtillft OJT ,uilB^ ounaMOh oCi m iboir ii|Ki#»a, ib» gPMler ^^fiioiil^^ lar|iMr Ibo Mliiniit aaattred r tbo w ^iMBHkOiiiit^lbilratob^ ancf iil^a«oofealio%. tb^iiaiii e )>|^/ ^ biirtliii roata. Tbe Direetort bavo m tbiiftrjitiio Wi* * IMIM liii ifenlMIbb Id m «f «h^, ^mFolfiS^r (be iNMf Hi KUilpM. Is llk«>rbia|Mr u^t iii^ ^M^m o^fli iNilrl^ «h« IdVMMaiM l^f tills liMililu^ioii ars atriuiay ](tif^ th0 aid of •itiliwa, aiKf in motlt ittMUMlMii iMlf ^aA»e«, alkd ^ithoat (hoii i>tbef fao|l/f<#t la» # »tte« >ii ilM | Fifti, wfcfeh ^ ptmi9Min the tdwn*. llilr MftHmt btfiM^taii niiy in an Hbi^^bt rfdiieAd Id i Mi(|Nbl«M»f will iriifrtiftiori^ears of laboui^ iiM ilii«^ U^tiifelg^FilAifoi M the Mtfi Jay df 0(^^^ MMiWlMi^ #My^ 1^«b 'dfeHed t? Ib« at iMioli' IwlNv oM^n Mcisplesy wt w^Mnf PiiiMivIr' a i|M«iAtt¥ ii ^llito iiNlai of iMiaineas iH|l Idibit, Mliti CiNli^ftirlMiiM tbei^tAmtf if tl«N#itfwm Velt Vfy §f«rf MiAbjIiMbC if a» piiirfet^ wlkQ! u '■) '', ■(..(. ^^i nIM- '^fe^ei ■J44' ■>;. 1%. m »» ii-td'^ ♦ *^ 1 Turltf of Kateti^ Atsiir»ii«e4 .*"■ 7 Firil QUm» No. t.--0uUdiQp of fltiNM ot » 8ri with in^Ui, iM> hasardous trade or ooNlpAtJM^ H t ,!. ■■■■ ■ iium. BOod9,«ili»«e4. ibtfTiiiii Mtled aimI outoM«iipMiKiiir#l^^ er bafl4M)|Pi *T^"t°^ bavIhk woiodini iMtftlie^ mti •oMMiiall* ■eouiflr pro(ecM,|>y lropl)Q«r«or &littlle«l,.i0.M//td«Mitf l4ol«ii#^#pi} in 0llM»r i^p(»«t» proceeied^ooi wHtmk^^u^w. Nffid whwiiiBither to M^liUM uiidk^^M tmmkf i !^y v^d •• «l»Tt, but disUiit froiti woid«iiiMMtegi,' •r^. :f^ •"»*' 3ps> TbW ClMi» Ito,, I.— Hie •■iii0^of«friHtn Wooa— » p«r iTMfd Clfif, Kfl!. 8.— Tbe timif Jn utifavorable situations, ••fmdiil^ nwlal, gibie walla of Stone or Wilok-^6i per cent. ^ftMHi Qhiiti No. 4.— The same in bnlavoriible situation^, eovered with wood, gable walls of Stone or Bncl^6 per cent. * Ponftb Class, N0. t.--Building9 wholly of Wood, no^ha«. 4iid to 40 IbaimWbodeii^^ffiiiUliigtHil^ % I!1m«A. 0m'^f^^^^!^^^m^ ^ode«^ dulUti^ on or^ •ideiaiid wHbiif a short distanee >ft««n the oiher^ *jJM*^^^f- i^ifViiiUi Class, llo. «i^-/M^*>N5 w>^ «^«''*^n*W^ •i4iiaildio«^^1o1W pereeitt. f ^ '■■■•■" '•-■"'' '■■■■■■' •' ^''-p^ylT' i''f «- v|trsUy.-^When hiiMoM g^Pr ar€^4ep<»>««^ «» l^l'*^ liMt. (whbtelale establlshmients alSiie e»sp||*ed^ l^t^aiyi^iuch as peh, tar, turpentpf;^ i^in* tn l^W,, oilj, §^iim^B^fA!^iiTi sattpetre-^upoti ^hf buil^ani e^ntent^ ISeeondty^-When S^tooti^ i44^6ra erei d^a^d i^ the -^t^^:—- When extra or doubly hazardous ^oods are depof- UmA i» ^M biiild%, sideh as earthen-ware, ehifta; or gUss-^rar^ ^^ pid^i, hemii, flax^-on building and cdDtenf^5^ per cent. mSmr^^^^^^ fP^ ^«»""^ js^w^t of the atoc^ «f aim derfers to ««rthenware, iihin^ glassware, watch^^rs, •rsBlr^fiiiiiaiii, (litMreU^^^ liot iiicMed, Irhich is ■vp^V imell^rlM, di^gas^^ the goods dnly--fd |^t#^^; JP^^dyo^-When thft goods insured consist orttieito^^!^ if ^MiM m ^ idfow, shiiHsheUdleii— up^n t|^ buiMuigi 'Iflptml^iitt-^ per cent ' ^ v~^;. . '^'^' (ijf* inKOffiL, Hotel. Md T.AnM, BJt^«»vTii»irit|», AM|W J; (^ SJ^to -bB out-o'f danger, *ml n.1 i«W«%-» 8'. tV^^*i' '■i-'i i ■■'4'-, \ — I. not . -v ^^ . CONDmONS OF AMUipitC*.^ I. Application for Anuran^ mttrtWinFritlngf •H«Bp"^ the coi^lituction iiid mtieri»Wof the buil4in« ^^ Wtt^Bf cootaihHig the pi^perty to be ••^^^r^J Jf^^^^WW Aether a8 a private t^weWnp; H^ > boi^ elN^r^^ •ituatibikWitii rcipcct tp ponliguou* BiiiMingS, wd M>0ir J^Jn- 8troct(pB and inateriaM, and wheth* ai^ manuMory 1^^ «n niilhfc er ahont it ; and in relation to the A |mg^ « <^o^» and iQ^^aiidHze, the Applteation must state ippbr or^n^ tliey iii|[>f the dea^ptwn djBnioininated Awpi'WWi «Brf»ftf#- If any per99n essiirin^ ahy Buffd^Ror Gooda if JIteQ. Bhalt wak^JNi m«k^id n^speweiienlalioii or cfme«nUMl ] «; Ifter^urancc ^|feic*ed,.9ithfir liy the pn^nal pitf^ by the renewal thereof, flie risk slwll hN5 Increafed »,, meaiis whatever Within the m^fp\ Qi the •s^iired ; or « vi buiWinga or premises shatl mMm^^^^^f'^TV^ ^M-lm ier the^sk more hazardoiiTppf^it the time of eapir-*-- " Ssuranb^ shall be void and of jeo eflfect:!^ „^^^ , premium and deposit shall be settled with t)ie Pireeloli.^ .paid ie the Treasurer, but nojJtttHMlion^ or repalw inchu^dMlb not increasing sueh risk, fthall in % wi9e a$ct the pt^T^vi^ insureticti* ^ ' . „. . •- '^ ^nl^ll cases in which the proposer . for »ft»WW»««.Jl#5 ^. bhalf h«¥e a less estate than fee simple iM^^JM whem 1^ e?®*"*?*} , Heu jsan \^^uHt^, m ^, ^t-^ifc-M ror^ure, SiirehandijBe, ^oats, ^jbtBels, &c. t||«- shall lir every instanf* (e:^9e|* tfe jnipcer of Boufo) . niture or^l^erchand^^k possesied, Of the fee simn pcemiaeain'which th^ ti;e contained^ require a goota-^n^^ ''t thei^ia^te thereof to the Treasurer. .1 ^ jt .' -*% I.JfS ";wtiif6''' H -^i III. I^ro in flM; fftF bii commisBion, must be atsur' i' i '';K^fP«fti6 6f IMS drdatiaage bj nr^t or of exposure to lOM 0|%iiii|^e^r«^7, ftshallbeth^ 4ut7of ty assure^ to U86 tMli' li^j; ^iprtfeavoVs for saving and jpreserving the projt^tiy, and r^l^Aablfe *iJ>ertsesihi8iJri^ed in ihe^iemoval^ffiousoHoW Fui<^ nflSll^v CJo^d^, IV^rea^or MerchftWdize^ for the preservation lhif667;"a¥ijl liV tTama^e x)r loss sustained th«freb)r, shall (^ pafd •^tHi sUMlDmJpanjr., AndJ^isn^utcwUjfundera^podtliwe can I W4lfeidi>nfiient 1o tW Cofcpaiiy 6£ th^ subjW asitifya. ; ■.. ^.^y^r&t^yiiiftairrem^ic^ unpaid, l/tall^^b fliidci i^^t^^and MVaeges, findw^bji^^ * VI. AUperspns., becoming members, of this Co^ipanj 9]^«lfl IliiBbi^tidca andl^ouftd by fte Provisions of tti^a^id AqJ j)|t te:ii^N»^s«tibiii»iiei-i./:'^^ #l^|i^ii|i^^i% »$sstett give'hbt^ll^iirebfjii #(1^ fa«#iiw^re#>ii or Secr^tjuy^^itbin thirly ^iam!^ lim^Mmhm xitku^feiii t^ 9^ be adionkiia- '^'^^ tti'adift^iit'bf';^e p^ctrtM^ of such losit* *^''^helrdath oraffif4*tioni declaifing such liccoftn^t t|%^M|iB^ what ji^as ^hlB ^Ine of the swij^rtisstired, in what general niif hh^ (as to trade, manuTs^ lM;^,iiiy6iieh^i9K^ or olberwbe,) tWs poipii^viiir«i>t|i iSlK M^^tion, but. If no ip«^1b«( m«w^r^ IJwn tl%^ _!' U ^*^.«in.kkv iliA Boaid of Direotorai the^^nlMnliff Infill le m i6i|i| ft^{ip.a^)i J#$^ft« ."H^I^f one nonnrew poonof *r^;KrJ[i\'',Tf^ jT tfif i<®r 6pon ^ym#0Tftie flipte of lus oe:X«^rJ!UII<*«? f^^; ikd iiirrcndering his or her Policy before sny sUbsei »Q Of tBf f9|^<'' ^" -- .p^' i4amii.tM-^vm. ""^ ■'... U' ^ I. MttoilMred to the buitdkigs, and tte land, W If thi atiiir^ |w BoNe^ ihUI blMr^, 4iiile«t ^ Irat till* df thi iiWKmS^ M^ T he Dirtetors thill sirttte i«d o&ti. ptyiwni of tB 1og#i J^W ^'^ f "^ ,*7«,I>«>«tort Aj^ tellili, tlw anioonC of thi^ ff^MMd toltti 10 bwnm b«en et|i»fided in lossei ond Aai^ mcfite;' .■ >, • ■■ ^■-^^■" ;. , ■; •• ,. .. Xlfl. Iiiea^o Insurance •halt iCtjbsMt or be eff^et^d do H^ f^^UiiliWptoDfi^r^^^^ bf thfe Cbmi^mr- In anj ^W 2NlL^ % ir ^h^l#otlH»iHjr«K#Vrt^^S% M 4Mttiiiliia^ oT sutih neMtwiKJ*, H»e |»liet jtil^t^d l|^^ hriMli be vi^, iml^||ieh'(Mu||ii^iii^^ Ik df tke^l^ B&b^^r^ Piffliideiit kid M ilien ihlrCo«r»tfl^ ^ktt 1^ liable «dIv to' io«ibr^or ilnt>M or dih!^ u^tbelsKlng^^ sixpence for eajh ^Akf, '^ ^ » antwo-tbirdjl of fbe'^ Msiiu^^ &i^ ^alue 'Pfopetty 8^n b4 «s8tA«d% ag^c^ iSbi^ Willi ttilii on Id* n|NI1|6 bi^ " liniraor bthei [f s'^a^iri 'C 4 .-.■'. '^J •Ibr •rMlid in the said Town1>« insured bj ^he said Coim^ jrti, f.Mc^ ^liartes ol' Bterest Wai^^hcuisei or ^MGdnranc^ UMMes-built on.AVheryes or immediotely iK)Jafeieift4to ilw wtli{. XlX, Assarances^nce made may be continued for such fur* |bil^Mw9 as may) be ngreed 4m, tit .promitaorjr notf ^^the. |;^iune b«ing renewed, and &y^f^r^tm1i^>p9lid^in apatt^^heMI'^' ^j«||:fliaiM:RQe^a of^inal or ? eniHcirQcl-' - ^Inei^s .wh^i^ no permanent Jieu e&n be ereaiied|^j«|| #» mi§Mdd Furijiture, lll^erchandise, &c., the DirectbmillMi^ ti|||iiBW^einn thitoBdoi^lliyte. ! ^4..' i^'.-yt'ii, ^M0 HhMdfi^l^.^ vS^^t^^S^^f^K fV'*:-.^" „t4 'u*-' ■ : .i^iyi-s'ji^i . , :TI. ■ , . ' -. • - •■•■■..■ Any ipeivoii wMhft%46 bMone « nemlMt of Hib Coni|Mlf , iMli^liravioiM to boing iBtoiod, aroMiit hit applfeaUoD to tto* JWratarjr, and If uipravad^ bgrytho Bowdf « Polkgf clMitt ifi«» iOgba4«t0d«iMitldU«A)otlfo«iU»(darHi*-'MMd. 1 WiMi At tU dki^.of tlio ^^^liiwr te|tdv»jMii4Mi<|r|it tl4oi«of tlMComBMi7tlM|m«iiUi li«lM> tad iiU MNIK wlibh OMIT h% |Mld in^ bit liMidi, Md to pay ool Uie mm |p order of the Mud, adl ho thdl mak* a roport in wntiflic of Ilii f^alflito of tlioFuiida at oaeb ananai mu o ttog, and to 4lio Direelora alao^ tiiiio required bj thom. «- It tball be the duty of tbe fei^retarT to keep fair and coj^f^t recm^i bf aUtbe proeeedb|nr tg^ tbe Uompaiiy, and to file ajad ki^ idl writbifi eomiiig tflnMrliaDds iieeei8ary,td be preaerT- ed, and ij|mU make and pfeaerFO all re^i^ 'ittirreiiwa and . tiiiwfiM#««icb are and nwy N Heeeeeary te W amde aMi pre- etored tt UiOfiee, and deo «e Aa and pevAlii^ «K ^Ibir Aete iii^(|iiiiid-#flin by tJHiie of - ' - ■ ' -^ •■•-"- •' ePw lieu aloTUi m IS. Eeeb de|08i(e note eball Wt^tahied^ib«r dm aftec tbijex- ^ ■ p i iari i il of iM teiiii^f lottunniee, naoM In tbe Folkyibr wMii ll4i«ag|p|Mttid«mHl>i^ aB loafeiiaiiS etpMlm^ vrbieb fnaymve^^ecurred durin| lald t^rm, ilndt hale ^en il- eertained and paid. ' '•■'*•. -,.■,.■ , Whenever anv member of tiiit Oomf>any sbfi^ejiienate or a^M^ ti^fbe Seciretatjr. ifit||aloq^wi|j^r*'^*^-^ *- P|Te tip aaote eincelled, aba the Secretary on •atniaetorv T**^ ^^^^^^Wjfl^^^^^w ^T^^*^^ Www** lleolir 6o^ ituurai pmyi US ■'\-'< 1 .#:• Koftl ireetoi oftlii teor^l btittdlDg Mly it •Uenattd wherootbeM ar* ooDUiiMil io iIm Milt Mieyi fueVMUey w^ Im . Meiiiben insuring per»oBa||cmiirty, may on aate or djspoe> •leftheaimiijM£^eirtli#l^ *J»o tifce ewi- t^mullmmtHf^^^^ Mfner«gl|»» lfd|i«iiifra^P9^^ «• wenOmMdi li >n peiM^ inillMil by Ihif Cetopniy and iuKraet«M^%i^iillft il>»;^^^ Sl^iiitibriitihe' f J^iffSftftiotiiK ilil I* »• other miMMm. ->• ^ v ' - .■f^I ,tt?« '-'f^^ -^. p> •^v ttl No «Nowaoc« aSiJl bo math for lo«a «« -il 1^,. Sffulptju^B, or Mu»ia»l iii»ini«-l*I? . 7^ **»n<«|' Pill f ' . • » ir »,- iTt . t the «id Town be in.ur.Th^.i''- T''''"« ^*"''*«' •"•ledlg Store., W«Xu,oSor rl^^r'''u'''"'""^"™P« W'fc«rve.# w»«.)«e;;?^r.^*^t2;!^-^ ST ^^^ °^®"'®"'^^* "fo** keeping ashed. ""^'^'^ •r- .. ■ f ' ! a"* •-• "' .¥^"'- - ' V"4 ?> * ^«: iTr«>f^ . ^^SiiSijiibLi^HS^ail^,.^ Trf^*i:M. *^ y. - - 'a-W- ;^'^'5^' / -»» »\i 1^"*%*^ -ii^ a^, .»^ ..../ v;? • r. V«M A^