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It d Ft to • ■ th» V Hetrppoir tan Toronto Reference Library Baldwin Room " Lea Iniegea auivantea om «ti reprodultet aveo le plui grand aoin, oompte tenu de la condition at da la nettet4 de I'exemplaire fllf^A. et en / eonformltil aveo lee oondltiona du oontret de fllmege. Lee exemplai^ei origlneux dont le eouverture en pepler eat lni>prim«e aont fiim«a en oonVRienyent per le premier plat at en termlnent aolt per la dernlAre pege qui comporte une f mpreinte ■'. d'impreaaion ou d'illuatration. apit par la second ptai salon le cea. Toua lea autret axemplairaa origlneux aont filmAi^h commandant par la pramlAre page quKcomporte une emprelnite d'inipreaaion ou d^UluatratiOln et en'terminint per • la dernMre page qui oomporte une telle empreinto. Un des ayjnboiaf auivanta apparattri sur la • "..' ■' derrilAre imege da cheque microfiche, telon le"^^'~~ cea: le aymbole «-^ aignlfie "A 8UIVRE", le aymbolay algnifie/'FiN". 7 Lea cartea. planchea. tableaux, etc., peuVent Itre film«s i dee taux da riduction diff#reiita. Loraque le document eat trop grand ppur AtrO reproduit en un aeul elioh4. 11 eat film« A partir de I'engle aupAriao^ gauche, de geuche « droite, et da haut en baa. en g|enant la-nontbre d'Imegtfa ft^cesaalr*. Lee diagrammdi auivanta illuatrent la mAthodo. V * •»¥ J AJyCROCOrV RBOUITION TBT CNAIIT ) (Ah4SI orvBl ISO TEST CHART No. 2) /APPLIED IN/MGE Inc teS3 Eart Main Streat ROchMter. Nmr YorH 14609 USA <716). 48? - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 9989 - Fox ftmmm JOHN MACDONALD & CO., XSTABLimED 1349. Of BRITISH AND FOREIGN DRY COODS Keep one of the largest Stocks in Canada. Keep one of the best assdrted JEltooks Ui Canada. ■ • Their business is one of the largest in Canada. Their Sta£f of Young Hen funong the largest in Canada. Employ more Buyers (they be- lieve) titan any other house in Canada. Make their purchases from Manuikcturers. Buy all their Goods fbr CAS£[! Are among the largest dealers in British Oobde. Are (perhaps) the largest&eal- ers in American Goods. I •* ■, *? ^ 4- i: I t > 4- ■^ JOHN MACDONALD & CO. — — < H^ » ' I .1 ' Their house is divided into Departmente, with a respon- ■ible head to each* Every young man in tlie houee \ is courteous, itttentiTe, and .' obliging^ /■ ■■■■■■•:■.:■■■.:... ^^-^a-M^^V No unhealthy inducements offered to attract business. No Commissions or presents given to buyers purchasing for their employers. The House offers no Gifts. Does not date Goods forward. Does not employ Travellers. Sells all Goods at Currency ; prices. Steadily increases its business. J & i •« ■, ..!■■ # i— JIUBDOCfi ftDONALDSpN, 45 Front St East, TORONTO; ACCOUtlTANTS, ;';:;;';ESTA/rE-- : ▲KD agents: OONSiaNlEENTS SOLICITED. The winding np of Bankrjjpt Estates, and attending Meetings of Creditors^ 'a/ '. .;';4f'. a speciality. '. ; mHs MmA, gaua or gxtt -'.■■♦ We have entereil into the Storage an*l Waro- hnasing bminess for the convenience of the Mercantile community, and have secared very desirable iireraiseg for that purpose. A W. M0RPOOH 't t '■>. '^ J^ DONALDBON. I "^k. \ 't rJ '■>. ■■ff''I^MiP ■•••-^ -. ..--., V. /^ THE ^^ ONTARIO MERCHAKU' POCKET BOOK ■ IFOK/ 1G75, * » COKTAININ'Q THB * r B0USE9 OF TORONTO. WITH A OLABIt> ^ riSD DfOXZ TO TEH lAXB, ■''\ ■■ ■.•.-.■„■ > - , ■. ■ • ■■ ' AURAKOED A« A ' " -- . ' ■ ./ BtOOK OF REFERENCK FOB.' ■ ■ Tnuia suS Giranlrg Dyalrrs CONTAIHIKO, ALM), A CALENDAR FOR MTSfTBB NEW OVITOlir TARIFF; A OASB AOOJUNT; MEMORAMDUll PAOBSj; RATBf OP gOtTAOI; ITAMF 4^t)TIB8: 1IA80NI0 AND OTBER 800IETIB8 OF TBB OITT, I ■ l^g H iiiili I « I £ni-r.'ii iteeortii*g t» Act »f the Pariiamemi '^ Canada, in th* war x874« fy M. S. /Wfr, inikt OffU* ^ M« Minuttr gf Agritmhirt anJ Staiis/icf, at OttatBO, 1 1 1 1 »*i ' I PUBLl^HEl) BT M. S. I'OLKY & Cfe. T^ UidW ^ita^Miiita^^M »A: K « 8 9 4 tOjII HI'* i i 9 1« 80 « 13 'JO a i-ji id'iu M ti 10 10 a: I 1 7 « UlA il2-J 4 ft 11 U 4 6 II lU 18 19 1; « I61tl £2 2:1 'fftao 9 7 1314 Wil 'i7tM a s; 4 • 10 11 1017 18 mm 'M S i I •I 6 A la'ia 1W20 20127 4 n iM ..I a t« a3 30 ..! 13 at) 'I »V 18 THE ONLT BELIABLE ABTIOLE vIN THE MABKET. TWIN BROTHERS' I ill? DRY HOP YEAST, ALL aRQCERS KEEP IT. Manafactnnd by the Watorloo Teast Coiii)>oiiy, at WaterloQ,-N.Y^MW molUsait A-Voniie, Detroit, iUoh. ; 9 walratli At«., Clilcai^o, QL ; (^ Front 8t, Tearonto,Ont. T. L. BgCKTiRY, Managy, J s c « P^ c s Util ^ 2>o^.1o:i4^'.i- -^^-6^^ n-'i 93 Yowg« »tr»<»t, Toronto. I 6 C6 03 ^ h s LESLIE, SKIRROW i SMITH, IMPOltTKIfS Of • 4 w i OEO WOODS & ob's, ; ' " Call and critically examine." SIMMONS & 0I.OUQH, "The Organ of the day.*' CANADA ORGANS, *' Beautiful} see them." KNABB. ^'- " standard of Excellence." STODART; ' '♦liostyetniade." LIQHTB & ERNST, "Owd as Gold.'' MARSHALL & WENDELL, ""Charming." D. PEASE & 00;S. ; V ♦*WiU please you." 03 YONOE STREET, TORONTO. p s •'4 P d X- •4 I^ESLIE, SKIRROW A SMITn. INDEX AND mBECTORy. A,q03UNTA»IS, OaaTN AOBlfTS, fto. PAOB^ Mhrdoch & Donaldson, 45 Front St £.... 4 AtfotnMf 4in> oomnssxoH, -^S: CoaU^JSJM:t',M-S^^Kms St, B.,. \62 "'■ BOOTH'.' AKD'^BQOBEI ' ~" Chads & Co., 6lirMuirhead, W. , ft Co. , 27 Prortt St. W .. 98 Peach (ft Goulding. 40 Yonge St ........... . 43 , PaOTOOBAPHEBS. Kotman ft Fnuser, 39 to 43 King St I),.. FUKoa, OBQANB, fte! Ijoslie, Skirrow ft Smith; 93 Yonge St ... . Mason, Risch ft Newoombe, 81 King St fi. Nordheimer, A^ ft SL , 1 5 King S t E . . . . . Korrisft Soper, 8 Adelaide St ' 6AFB3, fto. Moore, E. H., ft Co., 32 King St E Taylor, John k Co. , 83 Emlanade St .... . Paterson, P., & Son, 24 King St E. 81ULL WARES, fte. McPhail.ft Daviaon, 16 Front W Gray, Rennie ft Co., 25 Front St W...... Ifodgflon ft Boyd, 41 Yonge St....... ..... Neltion, H. A., ft Sons, 56 ft 5a Front W. STATIONERY AND BLANK B90Si. Brown Brothers, 66 ft 68 King 8t £..... Dredge, A. , & Co. , 53 Yonge St ;. . _ __ MacGillivray, Molle ft Co.,72 Yonge St 104 TELEaRAPH OOMPAmr. The Dominion, cor. Front, Wellington and Church Sts... ..;. 127, 128 ft^SS Tqrs, FANdr GOODS, ftc. Hodgson ft J3oyd« 41 Yonge St Mcphail ft Davison, 16 Front St W ,. ... Nelson, H. A., ft Sons, 56 ft 58 Front W. WATCHES, JEWBLRT, fte. Rnssell, Thos., ft Sons, 57 Yonge St ..... Segsworth, J., ft Co., Cor. WeUington and Scott Sta... .109 WOODEN it WIUOW.WARB KANOFAOTURBRS Nelsan, H. A. , ft Sons, 56 ft 58 Front W. 56 WIHBS, SPIRITS, fte. Dawson, Foster ft Co., Colbome St ... . WOOLLENS, fte. Fisher, T. Stavert, 17 Phoenix Block... LaUcy, Thomas ft Co. , 14 Front St W . Walls, Thomaa ft Co,, 38 Yonge St 15S 146 41 115 55 92 110 54 164 56 139 145 170 110 56 57 121 nge i V WyM & Darlinfe 13 Froa trSt: ' ^ TEAST ltAlf9FACTaRERS. TwiaBrotiterSi 93 Front St B. ....... 103 104 86 f \ t9 Ou Cai I Brl 1 Me Un c 1 or! 1 1 ofll Da W» thi Iw !» pit 1 tb( 1 S( IS M« 111 oh t« In in In ] 6 ^1 on p. «! \ ■ i f» T U BIF ^ RATES OF P08TACL OkMd* l^Mt Cird...... ; One C«ot. OuuutoPoM Oani forU. B...... *' '*.; 09 LvtnM, n« MA|.r oniioi. Canada and P lEdward lilabd, If yreimiU a c«nia, If unr - paid i centa. BrltiahOolambta, VaneouTar'a Island, and Rad River, Soanta. Mawftniadland, 8 eenUi— moat be prepaid. United Btatea (to and from), 8 centa— must be prepnid. After m Febniar}', 187ft, all mail matter (oscept par* cela eontalnlng mercbandlae). to and from the U.S. , la - the aame aa to any part of Canada, but musk be prepaid. Oreal Britain and Ireland, bjr Canadian Packet, cents. IHd. do. New Ifork de.t • eeaia. ON MawBPApaKa. Tranalent Newepapera. Si centa each->-must be prepaid. Priuted and publlnbed in Canada Jinti posted from once of publication if paid N., ends o the earth geuttally, September 29 d.. 8 h., 64 m., I i.m,. In Longitude 80* E., and Latltade 28* S. | on P< 12 tr ff ««ii mmtm PEEFACE. W© hereby prewiit to the Trada of Ontario our second number of "The OJfTARTO MsRonASTa' Pocket Book," designed to servo the purpose of a medium between Country Dealers and ti^e Manufacturers and Wh.olesale dealers of this rapidly growing and proaporous city The woric isj in a great measure, an experiment, though we are confident that its oovsl form and practical character will be appreciated by the trade, and that hereafter we may be able to issue it , r^ularly, as ^he acknowledged medium between the Wholesale Merchant and Country dealer. For our personal in- terest, M well as for the advantage of our patrons, we specially request all persons ;> to whom this work may come to bring it with them when nett visiting this: mar^ ket, and to mention its reception in th^r orders for goods. We believe the work haB ti practical mlug^jMid that practical f-^ m e n will not fail to appreciate it. — "1.„ 1 I. ^WP la of 'The of a ) and orous Bt an tthat aeter , and lue it , dium ; and I in- f our rsons.^ agifc mar^ th^r vork tical ' I 1 13- 00. i CUSTOMS' TARIFF. Tlid followlxis artlolM ara Froa: Acids, except Acetic Acid, Vlnefftur »nd Sulptiuric, Add— Alum— Aniline Salt for «iveln(r— Anatomical Preparations— Ancbora-Ausola Haur, unmanufactured — Aninkls imported for the improTemeiit of etook — Antimoh]fw-Antiq[uitios, Cabinets of— Annatto— Ap^ parel (wearing) of British subjects dying abroad, but ' domiciled in Canada— Argol— 'Arms fur the Army or Navy— Arms, Clothing, Musical Instruments for Bands and Military Stores, for use of the Army and Navy— . Articles for the public use of the Dominioii— Artleies by and for the use of Governor General— Articles for nsa of Fonsign ConsulsOeneral^Asphaltum-'Baggage, Trs- vellers'- Bark, Nuts, V«(etable«, Wood and Drugs used chiefly in dyeing— Barilla or Kelp— Belting, Duck, and Hose Du(^— Bindeis' Cloth— Bleaching Powders—, Botany, specimens of— Biscuit and firesid, from Great Britain and B,N.A. Provinces— Bolting Cloths— Borax —Bookbinders' Tools and Implements— Brass, t|i bars, . rods, sheets and stripes and scraps— Brass Tnhtit. abd Piping, when drawn, ot Iron~Brass or Copper4l)rin>,'«iid^ Wire Cloth— Brass in scrape— Bralw and Tin Ct»ftm, Slides and Spangles— for the manulkicture of mop Skirts— Brimstone', Roll or Flour— Bristles and Hbga', Hair of all kind»^Bro<(m, Com— Bulbs, other than Medicinal- Bullion^Bullion andCoin, except U.S. iiBl. ver Coin— Burr Stpnes— Busts, natural size, not being Cast, nor produced by any mere mechanical process- Baric, Tanners— Cables, Iron Chrin, oyer | in. for Ships —Carbonic or Heavy Oil, used for Wood Block Pave- ment, Ac.— Caoutchouc or Indian Rubber and Outta Peroha, unmanufactured— Canvas for the manufacture of Floor Oiletoth, not less than 18 feet wide, and not pressed or (Calendered— Carriages ot Travellers and Car- riages laden with Merchandise, Hawkem and Circus^ Troupes excepted— Casts as models for use of Schools of Design— Cement, Marine, or Hydraulic, unground— Church BeUa—Citrpmi imported in brine for the pur- pose of being candiM— Cocoa. Bean^and Shell— Compo- sition for making Spikesaud NaiU— CtaylEarth and Sand and Pipe qiay— Coal and Coke— Cocoa Paste-^ Colors, he. , viz : Lakes in pulps. Scarlet and Maroon, Ultramarine and Chinese Blue, Umber, raw/ Blue, , Black, Paris and Permaiient Greens, Satin, and fine Wa8lledWhite,Bi-chrom^teof Potash, Sugar of Lead-£- Britleh Onm~Coppens~Copper Tubes A; Pipings, when drawn-^Gopper in pigs, ban, rods, bolts, or sheets and sheeting— Corkwood, or the Baris of theCorkwood Tree --CoppOTPipe Drawn-xCotton, Thread, in hanks, colored and. nnfliilshed, NO: ((|ply. whitd not under 30 yam ^Cotton Waste— Cotton Wool— Cotton Candlewick — , Cranks for Steamboats or Mills forged iln the rough— . Cream of Tartar, in Crystals— Diamonds and Precious Stones, not set-Drugs and Stuffs used chi(^y for dyeing —D r ain Tiles— D r a w i n gs, riot in Oil— Donatio n s o f Clo- t.^ .)■:■ thing for distribution by Charitable Institution*— Duck for Belting and Hose— Earth, Claya«ind Sands— Eggs- Electrotype Blocks, for printing purposes-Emery^Ex- mmi \ 14 tnMtol Ijo«wrtod--F»nnlng Implements when Immrted bf Agrteulturtl 8oct«U«« tnr •noourafOMiit otAgrl- miltun-flbrilto. Mexiem Fibre w Tuipieo. White or Black, and other *efet»bleHbre« for mannfaeture— — Firebrick (common) — Firewood -- Plwlay — Flah and Flah RaiU. Includintr Oysters and liohstors In Tins or Kegs-ftih, Salted or 8moke«l from U.S. -Fish preserved, froni lf.iJ.,notlnon--Flsh Oil, Produce of U. k Flaheri«*-.FIshlng NeU and Seines-Flah Hooks, Lines and,Flsh tsrines— Fish Plates (wrought Iron or Stesn-Flax Waste and Seed -Ftox Hemp. Tow nn- diMsed— Flour of Wheat and^Rye—Flonr and Meal of anT oflier «rr»ln-^Furs. Hklns^ Pelts or Tails, undressed .•d#nn ai(d Medals. GabineU of - Olob«9 wlien imported by Arid for use of Colleites, Rrientiflc and Literary Societies aftd 8choo1s.-Oof all kindik— Oravels—Orease and Scraps — Qnms. British— Oums. S'indarae, Mastic, Shellsc and Maatlc-^um, Copal-^vpsum or Plaster of Paris— Hair, Human, Angolo, (joat, Thibet. Horse, Hog, or Mohair. unmanu- factured—Hair Chirled, used iii the manufacture of Sofas, Mattresses, ftc.-- Hides, Horn and Po'U— Indigo —Iron, fig^Iron," Railroad Bars, Wrought Iron or Steel Chairs and Fish PUtes— Iron Tubes and Piping, when dnwn— Iron Masis or part of Iron Mnstn- Ivory Nuts— Ivory, unmanufactuiiBd--.Iunk and Oakum— Kelii— Kryollte— Lead, Plg;;^ I^end in Sheet-Lead. Whltfe. dry— Lemons,.* »r inges and Citrons, ii)>port«8Utu«aof Marble. Bronte. Alabaatar.natuial aiie-Steel, wrouRht or caat. in bare and rod»-8tMl Platea, caat to any form bat nut moulded^— 8t«reoty|w Bloolia. for printing puriMHmi-MBtone, uuwroucbt, and LitboBrauhera' Stone-Straw, Tu«»n, Oraaj' and Fancy Pl»lt»»— Sulphur or Brimatone, in roll or fl«ur->- ■ Tampico, white and black-^Tar—Tbiblt Hair, unmasu* fhcturad— Tilea. Urain-Tln, gnmulaled or bar-^ and Zinc or Spelter, In block or pig— Tin Claapa, WidW and Spanglea for manufacturing Hoou Sklrta-XpllMO* Leaf, unmanufactured,(butmuatbeliondtMonlmpur< Utiou)— Tow, nndnHwed -Travullera" Candagea— T»ee- naila— Tabea and Piping of Copper, BraaMir Iron when drawn—Turpentine, other titan hplritaof (Tutpentln*- Type MeUI, in blocka or ptga— > encertng of Wood of Ivory— Vefictable Fibre»—>egetoblea uitcd ehlely in dyeing— Vitriol. Blue— Weaving or tram aiUiandweav- ingor tram cotton for making elaatlo webbing- Whittag -Wire Clotbof Brasa or Copper-Wire (Braaa or Capper, round or flat)— Wooda of all kinda, wholly unmaaufae- tured— Wooda and Druga need chiefly in dyeing, un- manufactured— W09I— Yellow Metal in ban, boa«,or for ShiMtbing- Zinc, white dry. me JTflAlowtig'iMty A dvLtf of 17 V p«r Mat. : AdvertiHingPftmphlet»--Alcohol'-ArKentlne, AlbaU and Qennan Silver and PUted-wa<«. all kinda, manu- factured — Atohastar -r- Atlaaea, Mapa and Charta— Bagatelle Boarda and Billiard Tab]e«»Blacking"Booka, Blank Account and Copy Booka— Boota and Shoea (Leather)— Book. Map and Newa l:>Tlnting Paper— Bone, numufactured -Braceleta. Braid, kc, made of Haii--- Broaa and Copper mauufactored— Britannia and Metal Ware— Brooms atid Bruahea of all kinda— Butter — Bronxe Urnamenta-^Cabinetware or' Fumitute— Car- boys, containing Sulphuric Acid— Candles and Taneira of a'allow. Wax, Ac— Caoutchouc or Indian Rubber, numuf«ctured— Canvaa, when otherwise uaed— Cispe, Hate' and JBonnets— Carriages- Carpets and Health Ruga— Cashmere— Cassia, ungrouuc— Castile Soap-^ Castings, all othen. Iron— Cement, Uydraullo, grouua and calcined— Chandelleta and Gas FlttlngB^-China- ware. Earthenware and Crockery — Cider, Oorka— —Cinnamon. 26 p. c, \ingrouna>r4>oach and Hamaaa Furniture— Clocks— Clothing or Weanig Apparel— Copper or Brass, manufactured— CordiaU— lotions- Cotton Warp— Cotton Yarn and Cotton Iwlat— €orira -currants— Dried Fruits— Drugs, not otherwise aped- fled— Emery— Emery Paper and Cloih-rEngrAVings and- Prints— Eaaencea. not containing •ny.abinta— Factory and Mill Machinery— Fancv Oooda and Milli- nery, viz. : Article embroidered with Gold. Silver, ef other Metals— F»a and Fire Seraena— Feathcra anl Flowers— Felt Hat Bpdiea— Firebrick Shaped^FI^, Dried Fruit— Fllbe^. Dried Fruit— Flieworka— Fur. of which Fur is the |>Hucipal part— German plated and 1« 00i oS« iXlSS Straw, Whalebone rtr Willow, nxci.* Uuns, KIrtea. and anp> of al "'»"<»»t"»™*,![^%'^ ,; Cutlery. iJlthed. all jwrta Jap*nn«d, P'\n»»i«^2i and Urltannto MHal-wSM». Bpidea, Hliovela. Axea, Hmw, B^k^Torkt. aiid Bdgid Toola. ScyUiM »nd Snath. Hd£m NaU« Taclw, Hrad« ond 8prl«a. Htovw and al oKriron Oiunw. other-Haidwarc. Horn, Pe««» ""^ lJK;.'rnifSuSi-;H.rne^»»d8^^^ -HmV. Mohair manufactumlBa **'»>«»•"*? ^MduSa -Hkta Capa and Honneta -Hoalcry— ink of all kliida, M«aD%riiSn»-lvory. Bono, I'ourl and Honi. mai.u- ,Wlid-Jewflleor«dWateh«-I^nl-l^tl.«^^^^^ MMet<^lf. Uoat and ChamolaHklna, dreaactl. yamt«hed SaSurad^Unther, manufactured. *«»• = MV"*"""* hK» HarnewT and Saddlery-Maccaronl and Vermloelll !552wn5y--Manufac«fci^ M«rble-M«it and Vega- uSiS; prwrved-Medioines for Ht»plt*te-Mill tnd KStoJy^Iwhlnery-Mllllnerv of all k»nd.-MMjlc»l In^nunento. Including Mualcal Boxea "d Glocki- MualoHhw*. printwl-Kalla. Tacka and Brada-N^ta. uiU«M olher;G« •pwlfled-Uchrea, ground or calchi^l -^T SntW-ons. m ony way rectlfl' ^Jf^^^ere {.pecmed -Oliofotha-Oplum-Ornamentaof Bronw, AlabMter. TwraC^ulOToSpipoaltlon-Prtckageaof every deiM^ 5oMn wiSh^oKaylntf ad. rai dutle. «" taP^J*;^ included in value of good». "f P' «" L5?"S't£S' demljotanf and carboys. Y*'***''?' k k .^H^.«n« brandy cariw. barrels or iiuckftgea, U> which "pirtt"")^* HmwW.\rKw and malt Uquow or ret'«»"«P """• °' ptXi thereof, are conUlned, «"«» «»'»>«y» ''"n**^';^* Khurlo aVmj» Z-SmaU Wares, «i«aJ- Soap, H'?™™>»r »S^* EpyeU. Stoves' and all other Iron V"*"'y'^S^ ;;g"^V^Thr^„»n^^^^^^^^ articles .em- !*Jcra£ir;:;?^TrSr^w52itsy'?^^ FnStt?wSto?mamSwtuiU, not elsewhere apecifled !SSiiJn^riting «^*ki. 'fancy and ornamental Cases and Boxes and otlier fancy goods. 1 Tll( 1 R fon ..1 Ace ; ten Can and :■ ■ Bio -% Can 1 " ■ Iroi .1 ; Ite. ■' In 1 ■ Spi ,y flat -1 ' k», nor book* to I* wf«t- t«n In or drawn upon ; nor roprintoof Book* print*! in Oftnsda, nor printed Hheet Muiito-lllbl«% TcNtaiu«Ut« and D«voUoniil lkM»ki Holler, I'Ute Iron-Unntlrtic-- aiock and Patent Hrnvlie*- Cablea. Hemp and»- CanadN Plat«i, TliMied Plat«i, BlMjet Iron Cordagt— Iron, Hod, Mar, Ho..u or Hheel-Iron, Hs^JP of **»;*■•»- IwJ Inm, Puddled In Uam, Bloom* and Wlleta- Inm; In IHoonw and Billet*, not Puddled-lroii BolM wid Hplkea. Qalvanlaed Iron, Nail and »?«•'•*»*.'<•.•*}»"<*• flat or Muare-Iron, poller Platea— Iron, Rolled f1at«i —Iron Knees and hUIein, (Hlilpa)— Iron Wln^—Newe- iiapan, Forelini, aent otherwlee than throuirh the Poet i>|fio»-»lilps'^ Blocks and Patent Busbee for Bk«ks, Binnacle I.Anips, Huntln«f, Ball-oloth or Canvas, No. I to e, ConipasaeH, Dead Kyea, Dead Ligliis, Deck nuRS. Pump and Pump dear, |Bhackles, Sheaves, Mfual Lampa, TravellUig Trucks, Steering Apparatus, Iron Kne«s and Ulders, Wire Rljwlnir, Cordage, Wedges. Iron MasU or part of Iron Masts -fiheet Iron not Unl- vanlied— Tin Plates -TyiWr Varnish, l>right and black (Ships use) • The ftfUowlDg pay a duty ct 10 per eent : Animals, except Imported for lmi»rov«meut of stock —Boot Felt— Bran— Citrons— CoitoB Warp, not c^iaraer than 40— Cotton, Thread, In hanks, colored aiid unfin- ished, Nos. 8, 4 ply— white— not under 20 yam— Cotton Thraul in SpoAb -Cotton Netting fend Woollen Netting for Indian llubber Shoes and Gloves— Felt for Hats, Boou and Gloves— Fruiu (Orcon) of all kinda^Qlass Paper and Glass Cloth— Hat Plnsh for Hatters— Iroii. Hoop or Tire, for driving wheelaof Locomotives, bent iiiid welded— Leather, sole and upper— Leinoii^and Oranges— Locomotive Engine Frames, Cranks, Crank Axles, Locomotive Axles,. Piston Hods, Guide and Slide Bars, Crank Pins, Connecting Hods, Hoop Iron or Steel for Tires, Wheels bent and wekled— Machinery for Mills and Factories, not niauutacfnredin the Donihrion —Machine Twist, Silk Twist and Machine Linen Thread —Poultry, live— Plants— I'runella and Woollen lor upper* of ladies' Boots and Shoes— Boots, other- Seeds not classed as Cereals— Silk Twist and Machine IVist — Stntw— l*i«es. Shrubs Rdots and Plants— Vegetables, including Potatoes and other Roots- Woollen Netting for ludiau Rubber Shoes iwd Gloves. . Tke foUowiog pay a duty of 124 ler oenl : Books, being reprint of Britisfa Copyright woiits. the following pay a duty of 20 per cent: : Cards, Playing— Cassia, Ground— Glnnaroon, Ground ■^Ginger, Ground-Mace— Molasses, if not so used— Nutm e gs - Patent M e dic i n es , n o t m i x ed with gpirts or 4 ^4 strvtng waters— Pepper, Ground— Perfumen*, not else- where specified- Pimento, Grouiid— I>atenC Medicines - Soap, perfumed and fancy— J^pices, growid, incltiding .Ginger, Piniifento and Pepper. _^ ■ . " . ;■. : , " zl Sr^b^Md M p^ e •«< ««/. -Syrup «l tiu«w or of Hu«ar lJ2!d"(ita5o" r MolMMt Mid <%• Ju»o«. I «t. p«r lb.. ISm pT«< ««r-Aortlo Aoid and Vloifai. i« ct-^,»r LtrkSlriuriLW pirrtl.-Br»iuly, tlW p«r tf»l.- &.!? » ou'pw ir-Sleory or otUr lto<.t. orW TTwLlJrkllu dfted roMtod or irrouud, « ct^ P«r lb.— ^rTT:' iT«.lk. ..r hntilua. wflkrhliui HOl^iora CokMM w»i«r. ■»•»• 1^' ■ . ■■■ -•"- OotogM W»Ur, In llMk* or bottUm. thiinfour oudom tMh, & oU. Moh-H^ ptr lb.— OoUuro. dUtlllwI. purt- J&?!I,^JSi«S isTtiTiiBr im».-l^tn>l«uiu. Crude. « ^ ESolto. not itherwl m •!»«»««». »V*'J{*«S!iu ^unMd BplriU, WfcC P«r gml.-PoHuiu*! Hplrit. .TuTnteTflMkA or bottle*, nut wouhinK u»or« than 4 Sth sSJiuol Stronir W%to"^ •l** J*' •?• 17^*^^ ^ ot Mr »— tludril p.t g«l.— RunHJhnib. |I.M>P« | r:Ia5XdttoS.^tot>rpfok»«d. I2*per ct. 04/ nal. ; S\^ Sr' Ib^^PWu rn/.tronK wmter. In^Uidlng Syrtti «i Wine ind Alfbol, »! P«' »?>-^P''"f ^ Kr water., other, l3l..K •*««*•?«* °''^ti: S^. rSSr'^tristrjStSsr^'iiS.Wb^^^^ iSiiTet. pw ibf; W from "• »•. »»*«"^' » «t«7" Tohuico nimnulictu««i,««ceP* Cigars, Wi per. cU . 2ft S?~?lb-WhlS& tSnCr aver 20 deSrSaWloohol, and not worth more 7?!^«. tl^n ^dbaSberry. Uaapberry, Strawberry, | rSSon M STpeS ^L -Wh»^, all other, when In i IJSy ^^yi^raKAn otT^r. except Syrkllng Mr Wl0(M.Jn bottlee. 5 (. doi.49pu^llnff» 931 perW.|ndS6p.c. m .; or, 10 pU. W a «!.. ! i »l S O py per doi.— Cohferttoueijr, 1 ct. •oT— Clgaw, 70ct«/p«rVb. -«-^. iMll, 1 *. I »^»- Huaar uiiaau- wr lb., r gM. ; r»U«>ii). r V«ii«- .r lb.— «r lb. ric»l.— H^iura II, 2 cU UrMii, CofltM, •outalu- I ■plriU ■M«nr«Ml Uln, lii- a, fraith, uii#dfur UK»r, 7a «roiwne, Br g«I.- wl, purl- Crude, tf tA, 8hal« Br g»l. HpiriU. ) than 4 (. mxvA -Hl«. I |i.M>pe- [t cm. fier"" , tt<( Mil. ; .ncludink irito ma Ixed, th« ib.— Sul —Tallow, per lb — reen and 9 Ota. par ler gaL— jr.ct.; 26; 1, not con- irthmore f Ulnger,' r»wb«rry, bottl«at(> , when in Sparkling i kr ■ 10 MASONIC. r BLUE LOpOES. ' I/>t)OE AWI> No. MEKTR. Rt. Andrew's, Ifl 2nd TuMday. Kin« Solomon, 89 2nd ThunwUy. Ionic, 25 lat TaMdty. R«hobo«nt, «6 l«t Thnwday. 8t. John's, 76 UtMondny. Wllaon, 8(J .... . .8rd Tuesday. Htfvfnson, 218... r7.T^v.n,7^.2nd Monday. AahUr rYorkvillf). 247 4th Tufsday. Doric, 316 SrU WfdnMday. CHAPTERS. Rt Andrew's A St. John's, 4 .... 8rd Friday. King Solomon's, 8 ..3rd Monday, CRYPTIO MASONRY. Adomrum Council, No. 2, Royal and S, M., nrtsAVcdnchdiiy. * PRBCBPTORIB8 G«offr«y de St Alderoar, 2. 2nd Friday. Odo de St. Amnnd Ist Friday. AECK MARINERS. McLeod Moore Lodge, No. 2, A. A. Rite, Toronto SoV. CHap, of R. + of H. R. D. M.. Monthly 2nd Wednesday. gar A II thenbovf-nanu'd lAHhje\ «fe«*. , m^fl at (hit MoMonie Hall, Toronto Street, , GANADIAN ORDEIlfoF ODDFELLOWS. Loyal City of Toronto, 1. j p^^^ gnd Wed. lioyal Ontario,. 7..... •' Mercantile, *6-. ••.•••••• Every 2nd Mon. Dominion, 64........ ...... l MT The premlmj Lodgejt meet in Odd- Fellow* . Hall, Masonic Buildinift. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD-FELLOWS. Canada Lodge, 49.. . . . .... . , ...Every Friday, Covenant, 52. .....,,,.. " Tues«lay. Queen City, 5tJ...... ..........-* Wednei. Toronto, 7 L ...................... " Monday. Encampment... A.........;.. " 1st Thu. Laurel 110. . . . ......Every Monday. aer The foregoing Lodges meet tn the Odd-Fel- lows' jlaUf Corner of Yonge and Albert St». KNIGHTS OF PYTNIAS. *» MyBtic, No. 1 . ..... :. ..*. ....... Every Tuesday. Ivanhoe^ No. 4.. '" Wednea. aw The foregoing Lodget vieeiin Odd Felhw' Hall, Comer of Yonge and Attert 8t§, r ^ DOBBIB & CARRIE, - IMPORTEKB OF BRITISH & FOmGN • STAPLE AND »Ali«V m cois. 9 front Street West, TORbNTb, EngUsh Office : 17 Cannon St., MANCHESTER • - f A 111 it;-' -'u^ I fii S5 m» A. R ..-•1 vf "M BRITISH AND ^m Mfy 4NP DRALEBS IN^ ALL KIKDS OF : f GANftDIAN BOODSi s ^ V' ■ ■ " " " • ' .' i •■■■■:■■■■■ ; ■ ■..■■■■'■'';. Pfont Street West, TOiONTO. ■ : '• \ ■ Offices, 84 dlement's Lane, LCMBARD ST., LONDON, E.C. •1* BROTHERS 36 Yonge Street, TORONTO: BRITISH. FOitEKJN, AMERICAN, CANADIAN. AOENTS FOR PhDinix Fire liMiaiice Eompanj OFIjONDON, Ingurance on aU descriptldns of Property, at low tfttesi ^1 'Wf'fP^' ?rt ^^^■■■'' )IAN. •f ^2. . / ■ ■ ■ ■■.■-■■■/ I « • J )n9 of • -■■■'■.■ ■, '.:' ■ ■ ■ '. . f, . .■"■■■■* * ' * i4 ■"■ • ■ ' ■ ■•.t ^^^^■H I^MMj ^H . wif^J '- ^» \ ■ f, ■ ^B - f - »■ ' H ' ' . ■ ■ ' ■ H -■ ■■■ , t H" '■■-.■" ■ ' ' , : ■ ■ 1 Pa'" . ;, ■ i-« -1t ; ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ < . • ' " ■ ' . ' ^ ■ ' i -i ■■'-,■-"■■. ■ . ' • ■ . . - ■ ■ . '! ■'--■■^■■#- "-■■■•' '^ ' »■ '■' . ■ ' ' ; 1 . : ' ':'■.'' '"■■■\ • ■ '■ • ■■/'.'■ .■.'.-".'■ « :■,:.■ y :,-..- n ::'■ ' ;y< - ■. ''' ' "-;. .■■.;■. •/-. ■ ■.•"■■ '■1 !•': , .. -^ - .; ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■■.-■' . ,■■"*. # - V ■.'■■. \i ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ * 1. f- :■■:■■ ■ . . ■; .. : ■ t --■'.'■ *. ■ ' ■ ■ ■■-.'*. » . •♦ !'■ - : ...■■■ " . ■ ' ■ .■ ■■ ■ 1 1 '" ■ ' ' .- ■ • ■ !■ ■ . " . ;■ ■,'■■-■'...■■ ^ ■■•..'■ • ■ u ■ '■■ ' ■ " ■ ■- '. , ' . i ^ .■.;;■-. . ■ . . --■■ •"x '■ ' «. ' . 3 J |[•■-:^■.^:/-^:^V'■^■^■ ■'"■■■■■■ J i I- ■ ■;::•■ :■■-.•■■■■ ,_ ■.■ ' ' "■. •■ • -' A^ 1 ■': , ■ ■■ ■ ^ : ■ ■ ■ '. «?s»*i-«Syj4;Ss*w4^ > - '^ 31 ■ *■' .*^ii ■A JOHN MACDiALD f.: k CO •1 DRYGOODS IMPORTEBSv 2i & 23 WeUingtoh Street. TOK/OIiTTO, AKD 3 YORK STREET, MAA'OHJUiraH, JSmiAND. I ■ 1 I iv' s4- DRYGOODS MERCHANTS M AK U K" A O T tJ li E it ^ OP Canadian Tweeds, FLANNELS, &c. , 1 AOeKTS FOR SALE or Dundas Cottons, Bags and Yam. i WAREHOUSE^: No. 34 Yo Dge^^^^ Office ; 6j5 Wegt Beg e nt Street ' I '■i- Glasgow, Scotland. i '.M: ^■•^^^'-- ■ ':'■':. ■ <:■ :-l. ■<■" '^- ' ' • J 1 ■..-:::, . ■*» ■ .'/I f' ■ i ■ ' ■ ■ ':■.■. ■ * ■ ' * * t '. ... ■ ' ■"* \M-:^-'''-'-' ■■'■■/■ ■ '':^^'i; •■ i. 1 .,„J.J»ii ■1 L.___— — — T"" '""*'" "■■ ' '■' ■'■# :^> ^ • :■ ■ ^ ■ . ■ " ' i V .1 f ■ . ■ ■-- ■,■.- ■ . ■ ■ ' : .'. . ■ ■ : ^ '■ ' ■■■:'%. / y -f t i ■ ■' ■ •■ -. "' .■ . ■ *^:-" ■■ , ■ .' 1- ■•' ■■«■ >1 .;■ V^.-- ■-';-': '■ "^ ■■'i ■' ■' * 'i ■-■/;■ -; . ■. .'.- /-. ,-.:■ . ■/■' ■«i -—'■.,■ ■■■ :■ ■■',■■■■ -,y^ ;f-. -—-■-■-- ■'- r; J- 1 l\'-^^^ ■' ■ "• ■ ' ■' "■ . .. .... . %^':;:::^^ -, ■ B m ■■»'-." |-'j:^:;^.;v;:zy..V^j-:;' '. *..'. ■■.■-, O ' ■ .•J' ; ' ." .5 ■ — 17 I' Establisbed 1939. /:■ ■.p- >* .■'■^^.' "^^^ 9^1 . .'*■ .-^ . • I N I— I ■! I* fe' V ■ ^ROBERTSON SON&CO., IMPORTEIIS OF WELLINGTOH ST. WEST, IfOEONTO. > Fall mngfes oftheCelebrated . DouUe-warp, Reversible " PRIPESS BRAND » of fiWjk ALPACAS ALWAYS ON HAND. V BUYSRa ABE IniviTEB TO GIVE THMBE GOODS A TBI^. ^ ^ ^ .•V f ' 1 ■.>/■ S8 LIVINGSTON. JOHNSTON CO. MA NUFACTURBR8 O: AND WHOLIU4LK OBALRRS W MEN'S, YOUTHS' & BOYS' ^ ^^ PHCENIX BLOCK, - - l» FRONT STREET WEST, TOE^onSTTCX ' JANES & i»«i»ORXBiiQ oy yV'-i-"-;: ^iX4i:ji2srEie.-sr AND |»«^^^^^^^^^^^ iJl FRONT ot.WB;S1\ ^_— Toronto; 4 4^ 444' lis, ^ v-l^r r. '."^^i^^P^^HW X itti ! X ,.^. 7 • -^- it HENRy^OBAHAM ■jf-''» 'I & CO., pEALEks IN I^SL A CANAUAM CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. MATS, MATTINGS, 3 KING STREET EAST, s^ TORONTO. P£AGH & ^> ■■: ■■■ ■-/• .■ ;.- ■•■■..■ ■■'■:i^ '■■■■ WHOLESALE J MPORTKRS OV MILLINERY, LACE (iiaODS &eLde, ■W ip i -ii ii . -..^ LADIES' DRESS CAPS, 40 YONGE STRBET. vi TORONTO, i^-^ 1 i &SOPBR, IMPORTERS OP, AND 5#ipi t jhe DfliDinion •*0B THB ^«^E* RETAIL, 8 Adelaide St East, # TORONTO,.^ : ^"All inst^^ments warranted F i ve YeaK9, I ( fMl-v :C m: % ■*- / - • m ■'a 1 ir mt^imfi FRANKSMITB IJSCPOBTEJIIS, •i* WHOLESAiiE ■ ■■ ■ \ • \ " ' -i V . ■•■ i! - \ ■ S • ■,\---| ■ \. 1 1- '■' ■■■.■ -J . tk f ' ■ '■ ■ Wine aiid Spirit # mssrchahtts, CORNER I FRONT A scon ISTS., TOTLOUTO. t!Si»*A',-iJ| # , ) j"°*^'''rrrrii: 60* 'n. • . ■ . > ■ pitgh&eby; IMPORTERS ,AX»' Wine and Spm^ - MERCHANTS, 3-2 Y()KGE: STEEET; (Opim^U the American Hofel.} . Sugars, ^ Soapv Spioeji', Starch, Cordage^ '^' Candies, Soda, ^ •Fish, Frojls,* Tobaccos, " " Nuts; CofTee, Confectionery, Grooers' Drugs, ^ ^Wotfden Ware. GHOIGB TB:&^8, IMPORTED PIREGT. • ^ igars. ^es, Bottled Liquors & titi^tn. ■-W irit I E T. '■■^l ■■\. .',: ■('. * :.. 'IJ X 9S> i^S, liters. »• • rfT" I .« IV I L- ,^"*^s*T"\* ^. J / , y V 1^ ^ \' 3< E ? - ■■■-■•;■■■■ ::\- --■■■. ■ ■■ .: ■.■^■■' ■:■■.-. - » , , ,.• - J „.■-". :■;"■■■■ ;-'.V' ' *■ - ■ . ■ .-"^'..-- . ■ ■■ :■'■ . /. ;;/:.- '■'■■-': , / « \ f ■ ^-,*"" ■■ ^ ' '"- - ■■■...■ 1 ■ ■ -y ■ ■ J ■ ' , -. ■-:.,,. . : ;. ./• -.-■ ■ '\: ■ A ■... ■■ . w . ,/''^..' ■■:■:-■::%- ^^^ ^Vfr^- ■ - . - ■ '. 8 m :-■---]':-'■['■' ■':/^^ ■~ ■''%:,. A- ::-A'^ <» 1 L- m: . .^.y-" ■-]'■- A '.■'■-'',■:■■' :■'■■- f - "^"^ . » ■ ■ . 68^ :j.t \ 'i MMI THOS. ^ SOU'S ~^t^~^^ BY Al*POtNTMENTr ' 57 YONGE S TREET, '■:■■'.■■ ■;■■ TORONTO^ -'V ;--■;"...:•. 30 & LIVERPOOL, ENQ. {tiutunfoiK "•■. ■ '•'■'. • ' **t- JOHN TAYMR & C^i MANUFACtUKEllS OF AIL KINDS ;, fire anil llyr|lar Procf Msi YAt^LTS, , VAULT DQORS, — BHUT I UBBS, jte c.. Ac.. — — - 83 ESPLANADE SHEET. ^ Foot ofjawis Street, TORONTO. ■::i H. A. NELSON & SONS, . 8UO0S8SOB8 TO NELSON, WOOD ft CO., Manu/octurera of, and lVkote$alt Dealen in, VON k VBuw wm And Oeneral Orooera' Sundries. IMroHtKHfl OK "*" CtOOKS, LOOKING-GLASSES &PLATB3, TOYS AND PIHB WORKS. ^58 A 53 Front Street West, ToitONTai MoNTKBAi, House, 93 to 07 «t; Jl*ETta St. GROCERS' aUNORIES. JBnDoms. Brusbes. WliUkf. Mop athd1«'». PaUf Sap finoktU :TuIm. W«U Boiirdi. Clothes Pius. Matches. Nested Boxes. Oraia Measures. CharniC ' Faucets. Boor Mats. Twlues. ' Bopes & Cordage. . Biittcr-ware. Baskets, all kinds Ate Handles. Broom Handles. Potato Pounders IRoUingPins. Fancy Soaps. DoiUe Lead, FANCY GOODS. Albums. iialis. Kird Cnses. Briar l'lp»-«. ttlack JuweUery Bi'uochtf)', Chitdrau's Car. riages. Chair, Cana. China Oundi. Cigar Cases. Climbs. Clucks. Cuncei-tlaas. Cutlery. D.tlla. Dominoes. Draughts. Earrings Fancy Boxes. . Pans. Qlmies. "- Hair Pins. Hannonicons. Hobby Horses. India Rubber Goods. Jews' Harps. Ladies' Compan- ions. Leather Goods. Match Safes. Mirrors. Lamp and CandleiNeckJets. -Wick, bfeedles Snow Shovels, Note Hooks. *c.. *c„ &c. 1 > Parian Ware. Pencils. Pens. PhotOipapliitf Gauds. Pins. Pi|»es. Inlaying Osrda, Poolcst Books. Purses. Rasors & Strops. Scissors^ Shaving Boxes. Shaving Brosbe*. I Shelf Goods. I Skipping Bopes. Sleighs. Smelling Bottle*. SpecucTes. Spectacle Cases. Stationery, tattiuK Shuttles Tapen. Thimbles. TobMceo Pouches. Topi. Toy Pistols. Toys, Vases. Wallets: , Watch Keys. Watch Stands. Work Boxes. Walking SUcks. Ac.,fto.,.&c.' 4 IE V---:'l HVy :■:-.: 4 TBS, ^' ■^' ■•- ■■■t .'■•'./'■ ^r... ■ ■ « /->. " «J i • ' -, . ■■ . . . J" .♦ ■ 1. 4- ^/ , 1^^ ^ -4 :.: • '.-,—.■■"■ •: -■■■.-■ :---r::\ „..— ^"-•-' ;-".-;-^^v': ■■,;■ \ ■ - " -. ^ \i ".«;? .» .. ».j '.■ ■ ' ■•/ ,n / ■■\ ,/ "\ ■ ■ . / ^<^ ">;■ / ■ /"^ ■ •■•'■1 •»■ ' ; > 1 " ' i' ■ , ■ ■ }: 1 ' \ /* /■, ,^ »»«,i * - . .-■"■' ■ . - y ^■. .. ■'. . ,•■ • ■■".^ ■■ -. ■ ■ .V 'y^....: '/ " ■ ^ ■ ■ ' . ' ■*■'■■" N. 9 •' '. ■■ . ri 1 ■'^f'^.:.^V ■■:'■'" -" *■■".'' ■ /^ dl UcCROSSON Chalfenge the lloiiiiiiioii LADIES FURS A SPECIALTY. , M '''''v#f^ " u\^.m.di- SHETIJkND SEAL :1S(0UTH SEA SEAL, P AHD PEESIA^ ':{-^:^v^jMadk to ofBJXEBy ii WE ONLY MAHUFACTURE THE tiNEST FURS. r: N.B.— The Trade supplied with Fine MINK, SEAL, GREBE, & GRAY LAMB SETTS, &c . ; &c . Ill King St. East^ 7/. ■ TaRONTO, • ■ ; r ■■■H t.' .:, at .h KiNa & - ^ANWFACTUJlEm 0F^ FZIffE. PAOTORT AND WH0USALE WARER00M8. 27 Front St East. PASLOl SHOE BTORl, TOWOilTQ. j ••-A All oiir int-clais Ooodt are stamped with our name. 7N, fD 3, East. IRB, Eftl^9 f'^ff*. *; ' .1 ■■■'' -.'■'■- ^' ' p- V .'■■ ■ * ' ■ ; » 4 ■ ■ * J ../. / # u ' • - t- / .4 /f » ^-^— . d^ ^£i. 4 , - - I ' t / / / . ' - ' / .„ _ _:^ ■^ ./ " " -t ' ?', 1, [>df are ame. ^^^ %'^i^ r "rt^i /^ X... .. • . ■V';^ ■ ■..'■■,'-■.■■■■■-■ . • ".■■.■" """■■ ■■'■'■ ^ .'. . - ■ * . . ' . ■ - -1 ■ ■ — ■ — ^ — '— — -; ■ ■'■'" --.■■■ . •"■, ,'■■:■.■ y ■ . "'M ■ " V ■'■ ■ .''■-■'•■'..'■'■ .■■■..""*.-.*'■ ■■-.."--■:■ . ,-..:-■ ' '^ ' ■ . '♦,■ ..■,■. 67 .B. ) (LxtK CHILD9 & HAMILTON), MANUPAOTURBR am; ■t? VHOIiESALE DEALER IN NOS. 15 & 17 Front Street East) TTOttOISTO. Have recently moved into those neir with all the modem ma > ohin wy- premUea, for producing the best at the lowest priced. of work, and ^- ^ 63 EVANS >' & CO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BOQTS AND >'.;: ISTo. 15 FHOBNIX BLOCK FRONT STREET WEST, TORONTOr^ ^ A large and well assorted stock constantly ^un hand, especially adapted to the wants of the City and Coun^ Trade. * , 'V-' ■» .i ; r ' VHHIP 1 ' M * r* f - 4 1 «> / k » • « tf « ^ ^ * ■) ' » ^ t » ■ r- »• ■■V /. o « N «> ■J \ f. 1 '■/'i/ •>. - ■ ^i -" ■■■* ■•■ ■■ ■.< ■ ! • . '■■'■■■ I - _ .... .__._^,. -^. ' /■.■ "/■■ -• ■I ■■ • .'■•",■■ .,-.%. '.. ■^. '. ' ■: . .^rv',;- -;. ' ■''':■ .'■■ 4 -^ — '— t.,i. - /- ■"%.-, >■■' .1 ■ ",■•■■ ■ r • 73 •tr f ATTON & GO. ; VlMPORTBRS bF AWD WlIOtHSALR^ ■ . ':. ' ' -. ':"-. ■ V -vDEAtKilS IN . :.,'>■■.■•-.,--:.■.■ -■■-.:- -\ '■'■ ■' ■. ■^.■- . ■ • ■ -■'•;■■■■■' k-: ■■ .-"'^B EARTHENWARE, . « ■ 1 64 King Street East, I-'' ■ ■■ ■ ,.■■'.-■.., I, ' ■ y ft '^ ' fl "*' « «»- Orders by Mftil promptly ^attenile4i49» WH. WIFEITH, IMPORTER OF • ' ' ; • / . •' t < -5 TELA-S: * V - ' * * > ft General Groderies, \ ■ ■ »^ WINES AND ilQUORSi ^ » iroR/K: sTJB^ET, ■ Toronto; : J 1^^^^^ *-* , * ' If ? . ti "'M- 7 MMW nttuuovniA Lo|i. Tm% Bowla Mid S«u e«n— hand. Muff. At B « B rutM, fiiloiM, T«fr> Mtt«i Flanw PUtM, ttc. BMOIUfU. 9«*li mmI SMiMn, Lqn. Tms-IuumL Slop*. Muff. «*T. TJMWtttt— It L* Sp'ff- Tw- j e m (Bold Band MM*. fHncT PMtMms. CiiMp feiMaMU«lTM«0tto. MouataohH Cups, Mug«, •!<* tBUoB aonrA— 1 Botel wa«»— doublo thick >*ln PUrtM— DiahM, Ua k«n^ Tmw, ilttg*. BKOKATID MoOo Cup*. Mugi. Toy TMMMttt, ISgKoaiM, 1W Ntto— tuiqr patterm. lAKionnroa ditt. (WBR* UIUXRI.) PMl aMortUMat In follow ar paUenu— Oen«,Vor> Ilea. Lily. Oarlaod, in BiMkiut, DlBnor. 1M and VolX wjire. eto. COMMON WAS& O Wara-^ln Uhamber*, BmIu*. Swan, Bowla, Taail n«tca, i>lah(M,ete. Sponged— T(Baa and Bowla. BOOKnaBAM WAKL Xaapota, Jug! — Bakera' Bowla, fto., aaaorted pal tarna. rAvor lABsmraFAiL Stona Juga, tllna)— lataat atylaa. Stone Juga, (In a«tii>— mountod Acunntountad Tiapotf^aMorted— B M Tip*. ' Gbaaao Standa^in stone andJaaper. Printed TJii e t t i- ii pea. Juga. ete. ]>eoorated— Dinner, Tea & Toiletware. •£inwAU Birr * BHeUMI. Ihie^ Cut and BngnVed— PHILLIM, THORNi * CO. « Whol M«to Oyoolftnr Maitl JMttg- BPABTMOilkTS.' * coMTimaTAU Cut — WInae. TumUera. Bettntera, eto,. f aU and ball eiyntaL MouldedT-Tumblerac Car< fidh^and Una, etw.. full Mid half etyatal. AlimOAK. ' ^ " Bowlt-«oVd aiHl uaoor'd —7 to It Inches. Qobleta. Turoblen, Tkble- 8ett«, Kappiea, et4k BAB MOB*. •' BarBottlee— in Amber and FllBt—aaaorted atylea Ki labela. Tumblera, Alee. XnOUfa &AMf DITT. Blob Opid-deoor'ed Lmbb* ^ and Shadee, oompleteL Opal footed»Pkt. aocket-* aaaorted pattema; AU Ola**, fodtod— rariout ■tylea. Founta— Hand. Lanipit elo Chiinneyi--lUnt. All ataapea > " pryatol. all abapee Keroeene Olobes— <^ial and engraved. Tubular Laa- tem8,ei.o BBOMll a001>3. Tuicy f1gure;I;iunpa-4M- •orteil nttftona. Chandeliers-^ in S to IS lights. Brackets. Fancy Figures. BBAfi oooBa. Buroert — Radiant. Sun. Sun Hinge, Blaing Sun, Ciyataliigbt Trim- inings of all kinds. . OmrUBT SBTV. Tkble Knives— in IV(>ry * Bone. ■ *"' ■ •■ Tkble Kqtvea and Forks— in Bone, Buff ft Stag. Pocket Knives, Soiasors. * ■■•**» '- ■ ■ * nLVSB rLATlD WABI. Cruet Standa, Butters. Cake Baskets, etc-^Ut^t stylsik Sdoobs and Forks. el Spoons and Fo r ks. - BBIRABU WAIS. Cruet Stands^ Jt6Bott!as Spoons— TM^ Table Mul Monlded->-Tuaib1ecs. Su gsw, Cwwas, ete, y* WtevhouMb S3 Front 8tr««t VVMf, Toronto. :••/ too.. tuuits- orrAi. TumUwt. k^.fdUNul ihltn, Car< Ni,et«i., fuU tel. AK. .;* • tail imovf'A h0«. *" Iu«. Tkbl»- ■ i •,«^ !»»«.• ^ ■ --.■ AmhurutA •d atylM m bl«n, Atot^ wtvtrt. I. ■ r'MlLamp* xmiplet*. ik.wckH-* ' Bmft':. Hi— Tmrlout ' LtmiMt elo ■ J t,illaltt|>M 1 , »U abapM • 1 •— <^Uld '■ twUr Laa- I00D3. Luapi-rM- , tis. n S to IS OBa. ant. Sun, liing Sun, k. Trim- indt. J ytrt. a Ivory * «»■■ ■ •' 1 d Forks— ftStag. I SoiaMon, : •j D WIU. :- .. 1 Butterf, etc—Ut^t (a. .^ »_-i.> im n' wi Bjii WMMS. lt6Bott!M r»bl« ktid . i oronto. r t I .^t.. fr ' ^) ^^ r \-'^. ilANUFACTL'BEnS OF I FnEB BAEK TAH Nm ." X AND : ■ En^e Hose. •e TIM0E MARK 1 <^ 'v ■■•:. ■' REQUtERiO' iratt#^.a«itiiln« xaa»n wl ^* -BTA fc ON TH^ -■'h:WFios AND FAcrqnx: TORONTO. ^ pfioviaioit .'■"■;•■■-;/•- ./ . ■, \ASD- .■■ Gommission Merchants. LIBBRAl. CASH' ADVANCB3 MABp iJU OONSIONMBNTS. ; \ / AgentBfor Reosor's Celebrated StiltcWj ' Royal Arms and Factdry CHEESE. CANADA PkOStlK AND COyMlBSION WktMU7 KINO STREET EAST, Mllis AND I*APORATOKiY : 8 W T^ A T. Ae E ST Rl^ I^T. WAREHOUSES: -. ;i ■/.. 81 & 83 FRONt ST. & ESPLANADE ST. M rm 1 WILLIAM BROWN, llo#W & 72 »iiig[% Eait, TORONTPi * Stfven and othtt WhoeU, Carriage Hard- ware, Rima, Spoken, Hubbii, Hhaft», Upringa, Amlaa, EnameUfd Top and Daah Leather, Rubber. Bnanielled,> and Oil Cloth, Curled Hair^ :^] MoBB and Fibre. gAsiuQS LAXP8. 1£IKMIIC«. kno rM»iiit Hii|o«* BROS. MANUrAdTUURRM OK, AlfU DbALKIIM l.N 4I.L KIXU» Of CLOSED UPPERS, Oorner 8o«tt abA Odteme Sts., TORONTO. 1. I * >t^^m Be THOKlAlS i,- t Walls &oo; Importers of i •-Jf >!•- STAKjM AND TANCY DRY GOODS J\ <&€., dCC.y &C.y 39 Front St Weit, Tonomo. ^ ■■ * »■" i. ■ i 1 ■\ ■ 1. ■" . ■' .■*-■ On IS, )S, n- ./ ^ ) ■ '.» /' ■ jj^ BSt, 4 : 1 ■ 1 \ JK—r /?• '\ ";■ t -0 .- '-r^--^ •..<'.«. '\ iW.: *>^ 91 'U IMPORTERS OF •, ' 1 . • i 4> - 1 5 ' • '1 ffv V "5 WINE, BEANPY, m AND GENERAL ^ 4 MANNING'S BLOCK, AUD ■i^iyat Street East, . : S£ • _ , : , . Lli_ TORONTO^ t 1* mmmm' H E8TABLI8SBD 18] »•. 4 |;|>. :|'. .« iND RETAIL HCfeROHAKTS. ■ i- ■ ... L * ■' . -m- ' ff.f v^r ? sjotife^ AGiNTa FOR Littlefleld'iBase Bunding Ftir naceBir; ,y' V: •4:'.. -v BuHis' BfUie Bohdng and Rot BlastiFumaoes. Ohadbdirn ancl Ooldweirt Lawn Hall's Filre and Burglar Proof Safok.- ;.:... ]!J0^ : '-^ r Proof ' 1 - . ■.■:.- ■-, 1 ilAST, ' „ • ■ /? . '■. ■\. ',(■'- ^- , ■ -, ' . ► » . ' . *" ' k ■■■;■ ,■■ , / \ \ ^ ■' , » fi . ■ ' :» 'm: f .:| I/"'.- ■.♦ ,;_ •'.Iv'; 1^ -. '■ ' Vi* -, ■ * ■ ■, *■. »*. '■ (f ' r: .^: '•''■; ■ -M ■""v ■■ f ■ *■ *^4 If 'k ,.'^!i'' ;v ■'?: .^''^ 'i^t ■,■-■ ■ Vi( • . ' ^ \ * * mM 10RON1O. oa. "^^OOOBPIBD BT \ :i A GOiy IMPOR'TERSGF BENCH BRANDIES, 01^ fitock wiU be, found one of ^^ niott f ; : ; ioonipl/ete in the City, c6mpri»ing : v . t '*,jk 1^ r.JI mk i t ■} .-r:- OUB MoT^o : Is to yi|[i the bent quality . ikyodsj^ell only to goodpiompt Houses, low prices. Small profits, NO BAP 3, and QUKJK^ETtJENS isLOur Juyei^ vill do well to <3aU and ■ our stdck, before pmcoh aftin g elsewl if-i -.1^. ■(jlPC, vT:'' '■% US ■■/■ • yOUNB/ M<»MUBHTOII A CO., MANIIPACTURERS OP ann. muK m . AN© IMPOBTUtS OV \ G-teNTLBMEN'S FIJR]VI8H|]V«», 27 Rpont Street West, V TORONTO. a & 10 ST. JOSEPH STREET, , MOH TWEAL, W. MUIRHEAD & CO., IMPORTKKS OP AND ■a... fAKCT GOODS, ladies: UNDERCLOTHINa AND OHII.DIIENS' WCAit. 27 FRONT STREIirr WEST, ■f1 TOBOKTO. IHTON [)P N'S Test, rREET. EY DS, HING, WEST, r ■« "ft-'.:. ' 3^ \ I •V-- ■r' - ... ^» / f «> ^ ^ 'x» ' 1 .! *% 1 - • # 1, .";/ .>: ^. - — * - S?I ■*- "^ ■.■ ■ ■ J. - t ' j,as;- _, ' . i*- ^ i - ' ^ 103 ^T. 8TAVERT(n8HER, TUI ONLY UOU8K IXOLUSIVMLY IN OAlTADIAH WOOLLBUB III TOR "iB BUYERS. TOEOMTO. (WnDH LOW TO IT rsuanx. y ■■ .■•> Rjj? AND FANCY GOODS, Coit. IVELlIXGroy^ d! SCOTT STS., A(F.NTR\NCk7mKC0NU UOURO^ 8C0TT 8T.) ..^ TORONTO. >, >, '> J,. .. v f^ pye fjJIowlng constantly kept In^stock : , ;W^W|«^wl88. WateUTauttrials. Spectatle Casts. ^iji:''^<\*Anierica|]u T.MiIs. ' Opera Glasses, - llwt' ■ "''. -JeweltrsPindings. Reading Glasses Fi'tmcli. Watcli Olasscs. . Steel Chains, fators. . ,Jet Je\ve*>'. Silk Quai-as.. .^«e8. jRtiblMjr Jewelry. J»tM5ket Books. Rflry, Oolil,^rta.'^«*rn . " Watch ^tandsf. ^♦j Plated, * l^otMSrt. Ink '* ; Amer4caii:»p*«t«iCl»PeW»le9. Cigar.. " • «> :^: V- ■':■■■ tf ' *- ' • • ■ *• '..'■- . "A 'ici-'. 1 ' "» ■ "o-."* '■'"'■ ,"■■'" - t Jr. ■ '-'-'r-i-.; :/--'.-■-. * ■ .. ■■ ■ , W ■ -'^ .-■■ ■ ■ , ' ■ , ■. ■ - ' ■• .- - • *-4^: » , '' --- :\-y,.y^\ .;■■,, ■ *- ,. -. i- « ■' '■.■•-■ ■ • , *•■ ■ ' " » ' * ■ ■ "" •' ■, ."ir _ - ' ;^ , ■ ■■ . ■_ " . ." > *f ..-'. r • ■" .:■".■.".: " v." .; /" ■' ■' ^ " ■ -■ .' ■ ■ .*■■ " ■■- A^--' ■% '■■*■■■' ^ * *• !*■'■..- "■■»■ 1 ' k Vl ■wJ» > • <^ \ .- : .:■'■■■ ''^ ■ ■^■. ■■:■.'■•, ■ .» 115 EH. iSOORE^GO.i Pptttnctttmiis' §g(nt$. *itif QKneHal AoENTa in Oktakio for 0. D. BDWABD8' FUtB AND BUROLAE FEOOF SAFES, Iron Vault Doors and UnlngBi Iron ShuttonLlBOl.forBiaiBTBT OFFICES. Sole Agents fOr the TALE LOOK MAN1IFAC>- TQBINQ OOHPANT. li(uiQfltctnrers Of Oom- blnatlon Bank and Safe Looks, also Fine Lodes and Latckes of all kinds. FOST OFFICE BOXES, Lodcs and Furniture a specialty, special Circulars issued for tiiis Department, and fOrnlsbed to POST HAS- TEBS, on application. Oeneral Agents in Ontaiio for tke BABCQOX MAHUFAOTVRINO COVFAMY. Okonical Fire Engines, Hook and Ladder Trucks an4 FIBB BZTINOniSHERS. sole Agents for 9. B. WABBEN ft COS Tea, Counter, Flatform, Coal, Hay, and other SCALES, the j^eapest in thsi, market, and all warranted. „ * Dealew \n "LANIS BROS* COPPREand SPICE HILLS, («pecifc»y « ' ^^^ EY„ . * ist, \ V . V ED '•■ .- '■ .^ - ^,.,•7 ana -^-'^''■" !as(li. .' '. »ds. w at a «■■■.:■ : •• •■■ - ". :, In- -- ■ f rger ■ '"" -. •^ .: ►cer* _ ,» <1 meyf 'V ^4 , • \ ^ J . '. " • I i (■* '^^^H 1 1 ' •'• /\ Jt -^^^1 / ^ 'f 1^1 Pm ' X 1 - ' • • /^i .' >■ V i^^H . % \ . J i'' s ^ .^ • m^H H \ ' , a ^1 \ H 1 , ^ ii , ~ \ » - t k^fl J . ' ' . » '^^1 V r ^ 1 - *■ , 1 ^^*l 1 It ■ 1 \ »■ ir Bk , h • aJ / 1 - \ ■ ■ a . • '■■— - -'- f ^ V V r I ■» \ « ' i . ' \ ," * 9 • • * \ - ■*« *^ ' * • « > V V « < - ■ " - ~ ' ■• * * "• . ' ■> i . J#- ' * ' *■ ' • , °\ » ? 1^ 1 - IT-' » 1 *» t ■ ,-- \ •* ■ „ ^ 'r'^ ' • -^ ^ — -ri — — \ - — ' .... ■■■*'■ J V * ' J ■ .' , ' ^ -J /: 1 A •V "^: —i * ■• B- 121 JOHN HOUES. Mannfttcturer, ImporUr.lMid WboleMle Dealer In -"' \ fzr ■ '-V •. # ' •' * . o iC« 1. " 1 f. ■ '■ ,t ♦ . ^i 1 . «'.l.. '\ .'. * ' 1 . ^■'. ,■.- . ,•*■ . ' ' / RS ) '-Uti^ . East, ' ' "■■ ■ '■'■■• ■ r, " ■ ■• ■ '{■ .-./.; "V ■ ■ i ^ '* .^'M' ''hi 1 *' r M ^,';' f ' "tj '' -;. rf ' f 'v ,ir l> ■<( '^■? J, 1 m ■ '. \ — ~^— I • -4-* § Y ■'» ^L "*■/ .!f " / 1 H 1 w ► ► ■'■ ' ■ ■■ , ■ - ' t ■ . . ■ # • ■' ' 'j:^-,- '' ■ '■; ^^ / ■/ • , . ,' i_c^' ■ , ■ / 1 .0 ■ 1 • ■ •> . ■ ■■ ■ ■ 'i * ■' '", . '. > '". ■-*■'■ ' / ' 1 • ■ '■ - • '• S ■ ' • . ■ ■■... ' ■■''-] .». , ■ ~ ' . "■' .'':/::^;*^^;'- ' ■■ " ■ .' ' ' <*. . ' P. m -.:::i^:/:v;::: * ' V - ' .'.r * '■• * ■ ■. . ' ■ ■ * ' ■..:*■'■ ■ ' , . '• » : - . ■' « ''' * '* • -*»•_ • • ^ ■ , ' ,* " ■ ■ • , t » ' » \k matoam RHouniON tbt cnai? (ANSI ond.OO tiSr CHART No, 2) U la 12.8 1^ : m 1"" |Z0 .■f A'V^; «. /APPLIED IN/HGE Ine lesi Eoal Main StrMt ~^ ^ RochMlar, Nm York 14600 USA (716) 482- 0300 -Phooi (716) 3aa - gM9 - Fm / :. "^r y r .;•* . *■;•,<,* / Mr DOMINION HLEBRAPH^ HEAD OFFICE r Oor Front, Wellington ft Church dts., ■ — r- Capltal Authorized^ - 91,000,000. CAPITAL LIMITED TO $600,000 /'iVNtiitwif;- lluN. .Irtii.N Mt'McHHicil, ^oroiita yic*l're$ideiit : - Jons 1. &lA*kf!KaiK, I( A. K. MuMuHlvr tt lira., H. NKKI.OM, hliKi., 8t. C'utliuriiivM. |T. A. Curr, Kmi., of Oo|>|i UruH., llMiiiiUoik % (Jeuenil Manager :■ t. D. I'l'HKiit, Toronto. lli;uii NKiiHoN.Hupt .Toronto. , „,.,.*. - I'. U. (tuMMiiii^ Sii|it., Montreal. Secihtaiy :—l. C. Hmai.l, Toronto, //(UiArCI'd . — ItANK «)K (JOMlitKHC'K. « Stlliattoit ; - t'AMKR4>.'JF^ McMli'llAKIt fl llONKIN, JfiiinlMsrofottlcvtt over MOO. Nunilivrof Kinit)oyt)CH,460. *'* " MilcHof liuoiii Miit-nition, UOOO. HetM of InHtriiiuvnts In 1180, r>(iO. TurilTbutwc'un |>Iki;oh in <'ttDtt«la, not niioru than 18 lUleH apart, 15 contM for 10 wordu, un«J I'pcnt fur viivh uilditional Woitl. Tariff to all otlitir |iiiu;o)i on t1)lH Imt 2.'i vunti^ for 10 wordH, nrttl Li-uiit for vault iidilitionul uortl. Nii;lit ruto, 15 ciiit)* for 15 Moriltt, and } u cvnt for extra wonlH. Lint u/ their owh Iffileen in eonnfctUm mth all tlnf jtrinvipal Citu'n ami Tuivnn in the United -i Staten, and Peeeinber, Ilf7f,, •» » Acton, O Ailunix, N. Y Alma. <> Ainionto. O I /Arniiri or. O Allanliurtf, O r" Arthur, O AnttUH, o :l Htution, O (See next page:) X •^ Aurora, U Allsit I'nilK. (> ■A)«!xi»i)tlrw Itoy, N. Y Ayliitor, ii AiilUvlilv, O Ayhiuir. <) lUik llivir, «; liiirrlo.U liuth, «» IlialNt'iin, lt<>lH!AyKtr Holtoii, O ll<)r«luiil'llSiiff(!,tj Ihitliwull, <> IhiwinaiiVlllu, <> Hninl,4> ItruinpUdi, O Itnintford, <> KruntwtMMi, O HriKhtun. O Itrockvillu, O liriMiklhi, o lluckltiKliiiiii, H 'liut;klii)(lmiu Whurf, q liuffHlo, N. Y. liurrlttH UapldH.O KrittoLtj UruBsoia, O CamitbollforU, O Caiinlugtun, U I'arletoii I'lucu, O C'arr(iiibnMik,U 1 up Hitntv, H CViHiVincuiit.N.V CVrrllluii, (j Chain|>lalii, il Cliurlviiluii, O Chatliaiii, O ChutH worth, <> Clayton, N. V " JoliiiHon'u llotsi, N. Y Cllft«>ii, O C'liiiton.O Cobourg, () Colboriiu, () CollliiKWood, O Cornwall, <> •' foot of Canal. U Coteauliundlndr.ij Conaocoii, *l Court v^ritf Jit, O Its (Mledoula, O I ClAfuiwloh Cfntn? I»crlnni!H>i»ull. H iK'troll.Mlcli •• lU W.HK*' wnnl AV,Mlvh "liti-klniMiii^ l4iiiiltii({, *> lirttNilvn, (• Immlulk, o IhintlaM, O iMiiitriHiM, <> llurliiini, O Ka»t TvMii'lu ton, (I hUi\tnr, O KilwiinlHliiirifs <> Kloni.O Ktlu I, ( > l''l»HlH'rl FtneloM l-'^llH, <► iMirilwIi'h, i* " (ialt, () . (iiiiRUiiMinc, O tloorKt'towii, O »lli'iu;»Hi, () 0 (Irnfton, O (Irtfu'Hl'oInt, H Uronvlllu, (j OrlinMby, () UrontUiiea, H auoIpli.'U nattnoau U'ilgc,V Ottrrlo, O llunillton, O " Wlinrf. " AmkIo- Anifrican llolul vh KhiK St. KaHt. Ilunnniyntl, N. Y llttnovor, O llurrldtou, O " HtitUin, () IIUHtlntfH, O HcH|H)lvr, O r lloUtcin. (> Hull, ii lIutfurHvilk, <) liiKuriioll,<' Daly Il0UHU,<) IroquoiM or Ma tlldn, O Javuut'H-Cartivr MUIh, ii /.. .larvl*. llttt. KiniptvllUi, o Kli(.-llrdlilt\<» KliiKvtoi'i, «J Kklnburtf.O lAcliliioi il l,nn«iHt<*r, < j l,liid4(iv, <> i.litki.Mrltnin, O l.olldiMI, O ■' ■ IVfliniNoh lloUMU. " l.uniUl^; AMyUini. " l.llkyii Corner* i.ut'ivn, o l.utknow, <> l.yn, O |,l^(t*)Wvll, <> .Miiitiand,*) MiirkdiiUt, (>- , MkmooucIk', K">') Mcttfonl, <> Mexico, N Y Mit«liull,<> Mill brook ,^i Mlllurochu, (> MMI|H>int, 4) Mono Itoad, (> Montrvul, (j " lJr^)Wht«r'a Brldttu. " CaiDpt.UaMln " Conrlix'ntrtt *' 24Jn«'«iuctf Cartbr H<| " l(M)8t.'JanicH' Ntruvt , •• :K'.8 OnilK Ht ■ ' Ht. I^awrvncu ilall " Mt. (labrlul'd Markut. ♦'rt.8t.CharlcB MontulKJllo, (j MiM)retown, o Morrlatown, N.Y MorrlHbnrg, U Mount Koruitt, (> " SUtloa Moqnt Pleasant or Mohawk, <> ManvheMter, (\ - Nai>ane«, «) NewcaHtIo, O | New IlHnibuix> O New Lowell, O Newmarket, O Sl'MMKROrriCED (a«e next page.) w--"N Out. vllt«<, o «; *i '.V. <> Hrltniii, () II, O ' '|'«cliiiiNoh lltlllMt). I.iiniiti^' Ah>Iiiiii. I.IUcyM Ciirnvr" low, O O lltll,0 lull), O , muIh', (^ hi, O ' Ml Oullv^isO iril, <> - :.., N Y • icII.O rochu, (> oiiit, 4> )U<>a(l, » rvul, H llrvwhtor'n Brtdgo. (,'iiiApt llaatu <;»nftex'iijr« 24 Jav<)ucri t'artkr H*| UOHt.'JttineH' Htrvc't u;s Cnlg Ht, it. IfHWr^iivu ilHll lit. (lubriurd Miirkut. [•t. HLOharlcB Ic'licllo, (j retuwii, •> riHtowii, N.Y rlHliitrift O lit ForuMt, '« BUtlua nt I'lcoitHiit Moliawk, () vhouter, (i aiieo, (> ^•aatlo, O I r Iliinihui'g, O f Luwoll, O .market, O X^ .r 1>* \^ '\ ,\ text page.) w---"S 4 F K« N. Ni • •* «»M Ol Oi o ■■<,■■ r /■ ■ / •r- ^%* .-■■. * .. ■■■■_ / m k ^ d^k ^ ^^ t^te.. t ■ / • • •A^^i ■ ^ff" S9 iSS Si^^ 1 m J # mim. o North Niitloii MlIU, VI Ni)r«r*HMl, o New lUvcii, K V • •akvllM. O I (kfiittimlMirK, N.Y| •• N.K.I(.lKil»'t| Oiiionic*), t> •• HMtlnii OrllllM, O Oitw«-K<>. N.V. •• KNNt HlKk viihain, « » Stratliio) , « » I'uriM, U l>it|iliioaiivtllt>, (j I'Hrk villi', i> l«>wn •• lliiMK'llllouac *' Ht. ltiM-h« " I'urliaiiM'nt llulMlDipi. , Uitlo. t| Itonrrcw, n IIUIinioiHl Hill, <• lUvcrtlu l.4iii|>, I (tfit AawtK *i I fllv'rtii'l*ralrl««, HmUiii, <> HNiMl|M>lia. <> MmlyC'rtii!li,K ^ HanilK. O Mi!i»f HnililiH l^alU, <> HInio'tf, O KUjriiiT, O Hliirllnu. <> I'tirtli.o IVU!rlN>n»', O I I'Ltrolla. O I'uinhrokc, O , Pii>U)ii. O I I'oint Kdw»rd, O , |>t. Ltimlitoii. o Ft, l'«ri>,o I PoJiit Aux Tntn- ItleH, H I'olnt iMulro. Q i'oi'tiiire«li(l''llM>nio, o I'ortUttUioiiHlii, <» Tort l»«ivor, «», I'ort lli»|t*(, O »t. Aiitlruw'a. <4 iMt.AiiirM. (/i«««< . , lie n*lc). H St. Aiiiui'h ^.OI«ii«l IIUUMI Ht. Kimtmlie, V Nt. lltiiiiiuM, H 1st. Mnr>'»», o . HU Tluiiiuw, <> St. Vlm-i-iit tlu I'ltiil. H Htinitiitirhlown. * t>t. •Ifuii I 'rorrolMtinio, y Tnl«aA,0 Toritnlii, O *' C«trii«r M«y mill k'roiii HI. > •• |(<»Mln llotlkx •• U«H'l-ll'» ll.rfd I WImrf " MmiaUiii lloUM " l'iiH WklM.O Wnlkuitoit, <> ^ WullncvliurK, <» / Wiit«jrliHi,/o Waterfonl. O Wiitfon], o WelUnil, O WulllnKton, O WelllnKUui H<| WiHt»n, O Wi'Htoii Statlun U O Whitby, O/ Ultr. «»' Tort Holilii«»il(, O' 'rimnioHvUh', O Port Ktniilcy, u | ThonilMiry. O ^retcott, <) Prwiton, o Piiiiwlrt;^ Y rprt NMiT'le I'ttlmoritoii, «) Pt. Uui^well, O •• No. 2 8t. ' Uwis »t \VM„ WllktH|KiHrt. O Wlinltti>rJ» WiiiKhiiiii, <> WiMHihHiluu, <• WoodatiHik, O Wyoming, O WHturtuwni N.Y. " WiNMlruff lIouw.N.Y Waley) i-.. 1. Wrttwfor, O lTi'fW«K««,U4 /' ^UtloM.t) •* Ht. J'oiwph'itT WTnthmpi 4*. > ! i'olIeK^. I WltlianiNfortl, O Thurito, O I Yoikvllln, O • SVMMRR OrriOf*. crrQjft^^^^ Thi>riiliin, O ThoroM O TlircuMlluliuy, N. Y. / I 1S4' **■.'■• lu»»W»«*' H»IM*l^" l»lll«/l*l»'l*l i. 4 1875. HAMILTON. 1875. G.H.FnRNER & GO./ WIIOLKHALK IMPORTEIIH OF MILIISBIIT STRAW AKb FANCY GOODS, AWO, . MANTLES & SHAWLS. One of the largest tnU bent auaortwl Stockfi at MILLIHERT GOODS ALWAVH ON HAND- SPECIAL NOTICE.— a. H. Furneb & Co. beg to announce they l^ave removed into their New Warehouse on (Opposite tlie, (Canada Life Office.^ HAMILTON, JANUABT llV 1875. 1875. ■ .'•. i ER H or )DS, VL8. i teil Stockii )ODS FURNER J removed BBS'S*, 1 OjSice.X 1 L87B. 1* 1 »' ^ 9 ^ 0^^itAisifuM'b B' > <: . -'v-' ' *^k' f ^^w^ > <; , ■•*^,^' ' <.■' BROWN BROS. ACCOUNT BOOK. DOCKET BOOK, WALLET AND WARY hflALMMM IM BookblndeW L«ftther, Oloth. Mwrblt f P»p«r, MUl Bowdi, *c„ Ac. » A rru htcmk of Staple and Fancy Slationeiy. tOM>rTASTI.V ON lUNIl, AT VA\n PHHKH. ACCOUNT^ BOOKS Of all *i«»", li» Bt«.ok, or upociiil pattonii made ,i \ "v n ■ . n • "V, - < V, . < \- '(. •V •V - 'V X ^^i^--^ v^-— «:~^,>. 145 Wh A. DREDGE & CO., : 'wholesale STATIONpS DBPARTMBNTS. >^ WRITING PAPERS. PRINTING FAFERS Fine Pontii and FooUcaps Extra 8uper. *>•>. do. Tinlfil P<»BlH anil Vellum, Hantl-inules, of all weiguta and aizitgi PRINTERS' STOCK. BIU HeadH, Cards. (Finis and Super). • Cardboard, WTItlte and Col- ore WRAPPfNO PAPERS. Manilla Papers, No. 1ft 2. Rag and Manilla Brown Tisttue Manilla and Tea papers. ENVELOPES. White and Colored, (*nir own make.) Any aize made to order, (the only house in Ontario that can say this.) itfANK BOOKS. From the FANCY GOODS. Aljbuma. Worlr-bnxes and Writing Deaka. smallest Paaa Book to the jiondroua ' Imperial liedger, in Istock and made to onl:!r. . i ^WBinNO INKS. Dredge's Writing Fluid. Qiae Black, Black, and } Unchangeable Blue. Qirarf and Cone Inks. To our Marniflmtnring D«partmeat we tave added tHat of Pocket Eotflc Kitkliif. and shortly will 1)0 (Oiowliig gocAt ot onr own i^ani^lMstaie. BINDERS' STOCK ALWAYS Oli HAKD. LEAIBER, miLBOABD, 8«RAWB0ARD, KABBLE PAEBUI, «sd, fta 63 YONGB STREET. tORONTO. .■'''■■ .■"'■■■ mm^mm. THE ter ESTABLISHED HOClii IN aiU^^^ 1 ....■■'■-■; ■ V ■ ■•:: 1-: ■■■. ■ •■■ •. , We are the Sole aad Bxoluslve Arentis for ^ . the following jbalebrated P^os: I-,';. . V ■ _;, _ CMckering & Sons, "■■■■■*, r Steiiiway & Sons, i Dunham & Sons, 1^ ^ Haines Bros. : -AND FOR ORGANS: ; MASON & BAiELIN OBOAN, OOM- FAKT, Boston. aEOBQE A. PBINdS ft 00, Buffalo- We also keep in Stock a large aasoriment of Pianos by utiier well-known Makers, wliicli we offer at lower . ratea than any other Ilouae in the Dominion. ■:■■-"■■■■■.;''-■■ ' , \ ' SEOOND-HAND PIANOS FROM $50, UPWARDS. Send for Circulars, Price List, Terms, fke., before purchasiiii; elsewhern, to ' A. & S. NORDHEIMEE, TORONTa, , f oil' TO oVR J^ANCII UOUSBB m ' -r OTTAWA, BRAtVTFORD, Ott LONDON. r~4*^-*^'' m. I CANADA. Mentis for Muios: as, ons, Jrbs. lN,OOM- j Buffalo- of Pianos by lex at lower otnUiion. UPWARDS. , ic., before MEE, ». ■ ■ )NDON. C? ^■ • \- "^y cr^"- ■»'>■> IBl R088IN HOUSE HOTEL TORONTO, ONT. This Hotel is Hituated the tnoaj oentral of any fli the city, having the Street Cars running past the door, and convenient to all Bailway md Steamboat T)epot«; is built in modern style, and is finished and furnished with every re^ comfort and luxury. All the rooms haVe high ceilinls, are large and Well ventilated, and arranged for famlies or parties. " One of the Coolest Summer Houses in Canada." Has hot and cold water with BathJI on each floor. Is htoted by Steam Winter. His accommodation for 600 Guests. Prices graded according to locality of Rooms . ',;■ :J:,-^vi.v- ■ ■ o, P. bpxarq, r ■.,■■■.■■■■■ -'M'?'-' :'"_..■, ■,-,'; ■ Le^t and Ma^iagtr. . Hours for Meah in Public Ordinary. > Br«Rkft# [-■ ' ■■ ■ - 6 to 11 tfclook. Lunch and Railway Dinner, • - 1 to 2,30 " Hegnlar Dinner, - - -. - 5.30 to 7.30 " Tea and 8ui»per, - - ' - 6 to 10 " t^ Telegraphio commxinication to all parts of the World. , \ , '*\,> 152 t / '. ..■■^ / H s^.ji ^ /'J AJ> 1 ■ v .■'\ i4 1^ ■* V /■ vy %. I/' -IT- ^ fvN Mk,^ ii^. ' m • ■ It r, GHILDS & GO. WHOMWALR nfcAtRRS IN BOOTS, SHOES • f' . - " ' ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ , ■ , ■ -^ . ' ■ . , leItheii, 51 Tbnge street, "" TOBOOTO. ' 'i '■'Wm POMSON& BURNS, i ■ . «j WHOLESALE HARDWl^Rfi '■* EARTHEMWARE 18 & 20 Front St. West, ' t t 'tr r : lit NOTMAN ^^JTFRASER, Ihotoaraptieni U tlie (^urcn !; ALL THC LiTtHT HTfLIIM Gf PORT&AITS, Unequalled in America for BEAUTY & F+NIShl. 30,41 8C43 KING STREET EAST, TOBONTO, • ' AND AT MONTREAL AND HALIFAX. McLBISH & POWELL, IMf-ORTERS OP TEAS. All who want good TEAS and good value would dp well to call at the Wholesal&"i^Bt^blishment of MCLEISH A PdWELL, N6. 1% Frani St. East, TORONTO, ^ ■R, rcn for 1ST, FAX. C [4L, 1 good It the ;of ELL, 1st, J I . # piif^Wf^'r^"' '0^ #. Hi; 4 *^^iflS»< f *Miri ffft tfrt'-* 1875. a'SH^ 1875. ^ '^Su BOYD, *> <41 Yonar«» Htroet, |.» TORONTO. WHOLESALE IMPORTERS GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH m MERGHANTSI AVill always find our Stock well M' assilPW ijl all Departments. We buy direct flrom M*niifACtttrerf , and pay no Oommi88ionB.| g > ■I ii.i I'.i II / SPECIALT#; %m''" 2 Button Josefhine Kidds. Wl INVITK INSPKOTION. HODGSON & BOYD, 41 TOMOE 8T, TORONTO . ♦"* 11 ■«*ty ,R (^ W'- 5-,' 1 ^'v® iSB»*>«^^paf^, 164 1 ' Hobcssbw & BOYD, 41 Tbnge Street, ^ ¥ 9 B K T OT^^r I ''r^ i^. '"'*'^«««*«.. f ^ HIBlDASHffl AKD SMALL WAI^S. We claim to have the largest assortntent of the above Lines in Cuiiada. ; . No Merchant coming to Toronto should fail to inspect our large and well assorted" Stock." We buy direct .frprn Manufac- tufers, " and pay no Commission." - SPECIALTY: V Ladies' 2 Button Josephine Kid Oloves- flOpOSON & BOtD, 4: 1 Yon ge, tStyeeti TORONTO 7 v »5. * ITD, Jll BS. largest ines in tf bronto ge and inufac- iion." aioves. eet, mi -n.. 'W- ■-«*»'' 1 I , ■ u-" r: m '■Jftm^'' 18T5. I8W. HODGSON &BOYD, 41 1^ "Full Lines, in Nice Goods." ^m ALL ITS KRANGHES. We ask special attention to these " Lines," which will be found on examination better value than ever offered in the Canaciian Market. AL80, ALL klNDH BERLINWOOLS, fINGERJNG YARNS, FLEECY WOOLS, SILK SCARFS, , LADIES' BELTS, dc. Ptill Lines of Ladies' Furnishinga, "INSPECT 0UR STOCK;" OD&SON & BOYD, 41 TONOE ST, TOBONTO. Hi:, 31 . ■:t •■ I ! 170 / ^-i^ fg^i.fii^i.^vrt'l'-^yfr'^fif^ HODGSON ,^at BOYD^ FANCY GOODS Wc keep an immense assortment •of Goods adapted for GENERAL MERCHANTS.^ JEWELLERY, all qualities. BEADS of all kinds, COMBS of all deseriptions. HAIR BRUSHES. TOOTH BRUSHES, PIPES, POCICET-BQDKS, PURSES, PEN KNIVES, RAZORS, STROPS, &c. DOLLS, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, P. CARDS, MARBLES, &c., &c., &c. GERMAN FANCY BASKETS. No House in Canada keeps such an assortment. All aoods at our Popular Low Prices. 41 Yonge street, TORONTO. i nj?8>»'7<*'^?'''VS a?n^y 18T6. ►YD, eet, 9DS ortment or INTS. les. eriptions. ■BOOKS, lS, ■ ' OPS, &c. ARDS, :., &c., &c. lSKETS. ;eps such [iOW Prices- :reet, 1^ IHi J ■ i. #P' . ^^^HB^£is^'£«ir!3»,%a- " ' .^mtm^amsmmmsmssmmemsm ;■ '• ™«p:„5^1^^||^%;,' ■-«5^- •■':^'^ 'V . Wi \ * ' • "^-^^ ' » ■■ "■■ m '".'■' * * ■ '-' ■■--:. •.. V ' ■ ■ . "' ■ • ■ - ■ ■ " ■.■■'.». ■ / |;|-.- ■ '•■ ■'>■''. ••'■:. ".'■ ■ -■ ■ ; '• . • / - 1 ;■■,■'■.■.-■■'■ :"■-'■:'' ■■/• /^-''^'^ "■''■•■■' . ■■;. ■■'■;-■- ■. .- h; ■;'■-■ /* ' .. ' ■• ' . ■ ■ , ■ '■ . ■ . ■ " ■ ■ • M« HI' ■■ ' ' "^'^W .1 II ■■ ■■ ' ■ ■ .■■■■' * . ■' ' ., '' ' . ■ ;■ p. ^ ■•-. '■ .■ * .-,■.; ■-■.■,.■ •^; '■■.■,' !p'. ^.v -■•■;; , ,\ ■ ' .■ . ■; - ; 1 ^■'; . ■ ^' '■ ^ •' ' '■ ' ■ ,V- ".-■ ••^;: ■'■.■ ■' ■■ . ' ■■ /r-. '■' ■.-' , ■■• "■ ; ■, \ ■ • . . • . ■ " ' '■• ' ' . ' ! i • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " . :i ' - : .. ■■•■■ ■'■ , 1 ■;■!'- '■ I'l ■.'■'' '■"••■ '••■'■■ '■.*...■-* ■ * •i 4 ■ ] ,::::-;■ ::;V\,,', \.. |:: 1 1 i I • ■ . - ' ■ . ■ ■ \r . ■'■■.'■■' ^ '■■ ■; ;:■'■ ■ ., '7;-':-^ ■.;■':■ \ i- .' < i ■ ' ' " ■ ' ■ " - . " ' ■' ' * . " .- " ^ ^1 ' I /^' ;''■:■■■: /'■■ ' ' ■" ''. , ) il " . . ■ ■ / ■ ,3 t if-; ■. ■■'■: ■ V ■ ; -. .' ' ■ ' ■ 1 pi ■ • ■ / '» ' . ' " ' I ti- . ..■..'"■ t : ..J ■'■ ^ ■ ■ : '■'.■■'■ .,.. . < 1 !'■' ■ ; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■*;'■■'.■ ■ ■ ■ 1 I >;--^-- ■' '■■; ''v ;, ■. Ss-J-r '■-■■■ ' \, ». c 1 . . ■ * * ■ t -A-: '.'■ --■' -. ■■ ■ ■ a !i- ■■■■■■■"';■ ■■•■" ," ' ' ■".■■•■'". I ' ip- — ^■- V-^-' '■:;■'-. :./'--:;^':::-:---- -;:~-,-- c I 'if ' " ■ ■/■-■■■'■.;,••■. . : ^. . ■ ' ^'^■ i ■;|ii.... -.:■•, ■;• '-' ■■ .: ;'^-' ■ ■^. ■■':■■■ S?'-' /■ iiv ! ." : '•■ ■/»■■■ ■ ' ■ \ .■ ; '■ ■: '"•' ■ ■: ■"'■■■ 1;' ,'.■;■■.■■ ■'■.:'.■■','■ .:;•, /'■■-■'.■ • .■.:'.-' ■'■'.* ':' .' ■' ■'•:■■ • '.'■.:■ ■ / ■ , ■/ ■ ■ ' " ■;.■..■•'■'■•; ':■;'/ ■"-• ,' ' ' ■ ^ i: ■•v' -:::■ ■■■■ ■■'■ \^ ■•, p^?9^ ■;l 1 ,•' i r'i w. •V ^ ■* . ,^--.- 176 EXiSAHACHIIE la now being uBcid in a number of the lar^rer MILLS and FACTORIES in On- tario/ and is givmg general satisfaction, as it is free from odour, and will neither chill nor gum in the coldest weather. tbe Bist Toroitto Planing MUl. eor-« atr of QoMit wd a6OOBB WEST OF BAY, TORONf j^irrs No. 82 King Street East, FovRtH Building West op Ohubch St., • TORONTO. *■ Design :-To prepare Young Men as Book-keepers, Accountants, and for Gene- ral Business. .Acknowledged by leading Business iPEon to be a thoroughly practical Business School. For terras, address post-paid, Accountafit ?5^|^«BW|(|^--'.-r REET, F BAY, U C- ■« i,i W^> tEast, 3HUBCH St.', mg Men as id for Gene- by leading hly practical BAT, Accountariti ;/ • ■ " ■■ . X f .' .'■■ ''...: -■■ '- ■ ■■■■ ^ : t « *■ ; -.. * . <**»•■ , ■ ' . ♦. j- 1 -«s» -t^,. ^M' i ^ . . "—-— .;■■■ C ■■,]''. ..-' ...■. : * < : "-•«* ■ 1 -■ ■ ■ ■ -I i :::■' :■"' /^V ■• 'f^'. 181 "iS (7 iMMii warn ■| .•.■•■-^' JAMES SHIELDS & GO. ijf;-'}* IMI'ORTERHOF fROGERIES, (p"3^ 'and MANurAtrruRBRH or -feMOUITSA; OONFEOnONERY, Oomejr of Yonge and Temperance Sts., ; i TORONTO, WILLIAM GORDON, ." , IMPOllTHR OP CARPETS, . FLOOH OIL CLOTHS, &o. 134' YON^GE STUEMZ TORONTO. J. BRUOE & GO./ ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER, 31 KING STREET WEST, TO RON TO. Operating done by Mr. BRUOEy bo well ' known for thepast six: years as chief Operator at Nutman & Fraser's. In every style, UNEQUALLED IN FINISH, at moderate priqes: SATISFACTION CUARANTEtD. ^1 Pictures finished, of all sizes, in Oil, Water Color, Orayon, Indian Ink, &c., &c. JW^ Will remove to New Building, opposite the Rossiu House, on or about the middle of February, 1875. , • ' ' ' '-. in Levy I Cohen, WHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF WATCHSS WATCH MATERIALS, I tmlUxfi' ftnAhp. Ctolf^ Jewellery, Plated Jewellery, Jet Jewellery, 36 kl\G STitEET EAST, TORONTO. We keep constantly on hand ft very large and varied aaaortment in the above lines, and -pay particular attention to country orders. Our Material Department is w e ll s tock e d, a nd at te n ded to by a competent assistant, whose sole duty it is to attend to this branch ol our business. p. O. Address. Box 168a - N^ y^ 3n yf ") LS. ttr)0. lery» &c. BAST, I a very he above ntion to partinent to by a iuty it is ugineBB. N_ * - '. ' ^ . ■ • "-I ;■-*'• 1 ■) V / ( ii% V OASH ACCOUNT- JANUARY. Date. V 'v/ Received. f- Paid. GASH AQpOUMt-F BBBUABY. •-- .■ ."'.;''"• • ■ '.;•,' •; '■(■ .' i ^H lEUABY. ■ ' '■-■IT ■ •-! 0A8H AOCO0NT MA^ ~^:'- ■ . • »'■ iceiv ed. Paid. )»te.; ■ '■■■ Received. Paid. ■ ■ 1 ,.■■ [ ,.-'.■. » ■ " * , 1 - •' " 1. : ■,-■■■ .1 ' ' 1 •■ ' ■ ;• r ■ ■ .- . ■ - ■ • 1 . \ 1 t i ■ ■! .1 ■ 1 . v.: (I « ■ ■ ■. t ■ ■ I 1 ■ ■■ ;■ ; ,:;■;" ■■■■^■'■\-^ ■.- -',:." -< : 1 . ■ i " 1 .. r ■ '■ ' ■ "-• ■ V 1 . 1 , j ■'..; .. ,". './■, .'■-. , ; ...■ ■ ; r ^ ■ ■ ■■. . 1 1 ; ; j. ... ■ '^ .;.■.■ ■ 1 ^ - . • ". ■' 1 - ■ ■ i ■ ....'■ ' - : r\ r ■■■:■.. .' ■ : - . ■ 1 ■ 1" ■ i • . .\ ■ ■■/ : " 1 ' ■ . ■ -\\ ■.'■">.■■.. '" .- -1-V :• :l- 1 • * 1 I . ■ BT^i. ■■■ " ■ -rrm.^ ■ 1 ;,' '■ .;,. ■ ■ J ^ OABE AaOOUHT-APRIL; 1 Wm ^ : ■ — ■'^^^ — ' — ' 1 - . - — • — — — f — — - — 1 — - — ' — ^ — * — -- -1 IH pate. Received. Paid. 1 . p»t«. 1 r-;--- ■*'*■■'■. • - ■ 'x- |jl|R ■/ . * - 1'!' •'■ -- ■ i ■ ■' -- ' /■ ■ ■. ' : ' ' ■■"• .. - 1 1 1 1 - "^ /' ' ■ 4 ^H • '^ > . # . ^H 1 :' .♦ H i ""^^ v ■ ■» • • ^ r*- >■ ; ' .,* ^' K • • ' 1 . . \ > " ' ,.; V ■ V ■"■ y . r .■ -• .-■ ■. :. " t'^ ■■■;■:. ^: V - '- -■ '-^ ;.,, ■■ . ■ Ak' , * ■ r^/' ■.:•■■:•:;■ mo ■ "•,\:: 1- -■:;-..■ '■-■^■. * f • t -• J • ^ / 11 / ' f <■ ( < » / ' * * X ■■ f • . ^ ^ 1 , - • ^ i_ , ^ *-. • " ^ - \ f"^ • « % - h ^'X ! ^ r *• ■ . \ . ' , ^■'.'- . .* 1 > 1 « ■ •>»•'.' ^ 0A8H ACOOimT-MAT. ■■■*>' ^■, ■ ved. Paid. 1 p»t«. Itoceived. r*M. - . / ■'-.■■■; • ■ ■■■ '^ ^ ■■■ -■ :^ : - ■ ■■:-.■ ■ ■■;■. ■ . • ;: ■ ! ■..■■■■■•■:;■■ .■ ■■■ .... . ; -1 "■'''• - ;; ' ■ -".'■''■.' '. : . , ■•> .' ■■. ■ ■ _■■■., •* . ■ . ■ . ■ • ■.. s .■ .1 ■■■.■■ ■ ■ ■^ ■ ■ ■ ■: . • ■ ■ ■ j ■ • ^i ^ / - 4 * 9 ^. 1 ■' ■ -■ , y i ^ ■ 1 t L ! ^^ i . . 1 1 T f, 1 1 s 1 . » 1 ii ■• .il : ■■* . ■ / 1 ■■■', 'J 4 - ■ •■■ . 1 . . i ; 1 *' .- -^ :..".■■:.; ■': 1 V ;■'» ■ ■ ". •: I 1 , • f ■ :.--i:- * • 0A8H AOOOUNT- JUNE. / / Dttte. I , .~if::^ t ^A. I lieceived. "> i ■.:.V Pttia; i- K ■ ; i: Date. t-|: •A •■■■{ \ K ■ ; '.I CASH AOOO0NT-JUI.Y. Pttia; Date. » t •A •■■■( ^ ' i : f ■■"s Receive' I .;'! :.J> \^ p*ia.. r..^^ .. I . \A --■v > •' *^ I » ,'A- 0A8B AOaOUMT-AirOUST. J8T. ii. P*iJ. .■W ■ ■!> »»■ l!> m 0A8H AOOOtrNT-^IIPTEMBER. Datf. ./• Received. M P ■\". Paid. F ■■ ,1*S 0A8H AOOOUNt OOTOBEA. Date. Rpoclvwi, / / ) I'ai.I. \HU. lEB. CASH AOOOUNT-NOVSMBXB, I'aM. \HU. . I I /^ U«Ci>ivvU. rnW. [■ • '/ ;. ^. /•t .s^ 0A8H AOOOUNT-DEOEMBXB. |)Hte. ItDoeived. Paid. / . \ • / ■.. fi: ■m ■i /■ ir . » w a .L Paid. ■, • P' HUBHES BROTHERS, STAPLE & FANCY DRY aOODS importers; WHOLESALE ONLY, Cor, YONGE w \ BLACK LUSTRES, &o. Qrden* by nml promptly executed. " ifeRAL T£RM8 UBl HUGHES BROTHERS. ■■i , f ■■- d04 GRAY, RENNIE K^u&cturers & Importers, ' 2S rSONTgTBESr WEST, TO RONT O. (grntis' lovntissliing f^w&fi, 8KIBT9, OOLLABS, poppB, ^-- IPRQNTB, SOARPa, HDKS., TIESJ BOWi i HOSIERY. GLOVES. BRACES. UUBRBLLAS. GENTS' UNDERWEAR, IN OEBAT VAEIETY IN OOTtOV, SILK, MERINO. V CIJHMERE AND WOOL. B?«r7 Blzo ftom Boys to ]px. 0. S. Mens. :^niiii4tM. Oyer-Skirta, 0. Oontt GoversA ToUet Sacciaes, Scarf s» Drawert, %ptonB, Hoop Skirts. GOl^ETS ! ^WtS I CORSETS r In ENOilSH. niEN(^ aad OERIIAN. ■ . . ■ jlSO ■ ■ ; . "■"" ' "v Ladies' Knitted Underwear^ m YABIETT. TAILORS' TRIMMINOS, / EABEBDA8HERT, and SUAIJ.WARES GENERALLY. Eaitted Wool GoodSj. ' Oormaii. Englisk. American ft Canadian. Orders by Mail carefully executed. GRAY, RENNIE A CO. (P 205 (H Ogil/€y & Co. TOROIITO, ; - ■ .■ . ■ ^ : - .V ■ .- V - . ■^ ■. ■'':■■ ■., •■ ■. ■ . ■■ -. . ••■.- J- Importers of Staple