IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) & z m 7^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 |iO ■^" 2.5 2.2 us us NJUk U 11.6 6" % 7^ ^r ? Photogr^hic Sdences Corporation v ^ 1. ■ss ^\ % 4 c^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4S03 *> h. :i k/r^P®' «as not her^n '^nd she trusts/with lom ^5'* ^^^^ay hiLiself^ the great pains sTe hS^nT^'* °^ di«dencrtha/ desire have not been Jttf" ^^ ^°«^«iplish' that bestowed munh lol .^^^hout success ^ll u «fo«,atio„?atd't^L" C"^'»-" »^« »ece%a\y ?^ero„. removals at KaT^S^^ "^ *"^"' 20989" ^■■^ Tl years, — and the necessity of her doing so much with her own hand. To the same c&.useS| also, she has to attribute the delay that .has taken place in the appearance of the work, but she has reason to be- lieve that, with the experience she now possesses, such is not likely to occur again, but that she will be able to issue her future edition; by the second or third week of June. The undersigned now throws herself on the favor of her deceased husband's numerous friends, and the kind consideration of the public in laying the pre- sent volume before them. In one thing, at least, she is fortunate, that the nature of the work itself apart from any merits or demerits of her own, makes it a necessary companion in the establishment of every man who carries on business of any kind in the city, and that in an industrial city, like Montreal, comprises almost every class of the population. CHRISTINA MACKAY. Montreal, July, 1855. > 1 ^■'*j ij^riiCjitJfe 1 INDEX. Addenda to the Alphabetical Directory Alphabetical Directory Accountants Advocates Agricultural Implements Agriculture, Board of Ale Vaults Apothecaries, Chemists and Druggists Architects and Civil Engineers Ashes Inspectors Assurance Companies, Life, Fire and Marine Auctioneers and Commission Merchants Bakers Bakers of Ship Bread . Banker Banks and Bank Agencies Bellows Factory Benevolent Institutions Berlin Wool Stores Black and White Smiths Block and Pump Makers Board of Brokers Board of Trade Boarding Houses, Private Booksellers, Stationers, and Bookbinders Boot, Shoe, and Leather Dealers Botanic and Zoological Garden Brewers and Distillers . Bricklayer Brickmaker Brokers Brush Maker • Butter Inspector Butchers Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers Carpenters, Joiners, and Builders Carvers, Gilders, and Looking Glass Manufactarers Carpet and General Furnishing Warehouse Chemists and Druggists China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers, &c. Chop and Coffee Houses Cider Vaults . Circulating Libraries . City Council and Officers Civil Engineers Clergy Resident m Montreal Coal Merchants Cloth Manufactory 11 13 265 265 267 380 267 282 267 267 388 267 267 357 269 387 269 374 269 338 276 378 377 276 270 276 277 279 277 279 279 279 279 279 280 281 281 282 282 284 284 285 285 367 267 372 285 285 ■/• viii Coach and Carriage Makers . . . . 285 Coffee Roasters 285 Colleges and Schools .... 379 Collectors of Accounts . 285 Commission Merchants and Agents 288 Commission Agents .... 288 Committees of the City Council Confectioners .... 368 290 Consuls ..... 372 Coopers ..... 290 Coppersmiths, Brass Founders and Plumbers . 291 Corporation of the City- 367 Cotton Factory . . . 291 Courts ot Law .... 381 Custom House .... 380 Custom House Agents , . 291 Daguerreotypists .... 293 Dentists ..... 294 Directory to the streets of the City 397 Distillers and Brewers 294 Dry Docks ..... 295 Dry Goods Merchants, Wholesale 295 Dry Goods, &c .... 296 Dyers and Scourers .... 301 Engravers and Lithographers Exchange and Money Brokers 302 303 1 Express Offices .... ' 303 J? ancy Stores . . ■ 307 Fire Assurance Companies . . 388 Fire Engine Manufactory • • 307 Fire Engines and Stations . « 369 Fire and Waterproof Roofing 307 Firemen's Benevolent Association 369 Flour Inspector 307 r Flour Mills 308 Flour Merchants 308 Forwarding Merchants. 309 Foundries and Machine Works 311 Foreign Consuls 372 1 Furriers, &c. . 324 General Merchants 317 Grocers, &c. . 318 4]runsmiths 320 haberdashers, &c. » . 320 Hair Dressers, &c. * •»■, , '-J .. r 320 Hardware Merchants . 320 Hatters and Furriers . 324 Hospitals • m. . 1. 379 Hot Air Stove Builders. 328 1 Hotels and Inns 329 House Furnishing Warehouse 336 India Rubber Factory . 331 India Rubber Warehouse » ' • 331 '- I \ 1 I' 1, U. • 285 Incorporated Companiei JeweUeri, Watchmakert, &c. . 285 379 \ Laceman and Hosier . 285 1 Lamp Store . . . • Land and General Afents 288 . ' 288 Lard Oil Manufacturer 368 Leather Merchants and Tanners 290 Literary Societies 372 Livery Stables 290 Lodges, Clubs, ke . 291 Lumber Merchants and Saw Mills aer Machine Works and Foundries 291 Map Mounter 381 Marine Store . 380 Marble Factories 291 Masonic Lodges 293 { Mechanics' Institute 294 Medical, Surgical and Benevolent Societies 3»T Mercantile Library 294 " Mercantile and Literary Associations . 295 Merchant Tailors 295 Military Departments Mill Store Manufactory Milliners and Dressmakers 296 301 302 ; Mineral Waters 303 Merchants Exchange . ama m Music Teacher Musical Instruments, Manufacturers of . 388 • Nail and Spike Manofactureri . .^ National Societies 307 369 Newspapers and Periodicals New York and Boston Expresses 307 369 Notaries Public 307 Nursery and Seedsmen . 308 Odd Fellows' Lodges . 308 Oil Factory . . . 3t)9 Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Dealers 311 Painters .... 372 Paper Warehouses 324 317 1 Paper Hanger and Map Mounter Physicians and Surgeons 318 Pianoforte Makers 320 ; Planing and Sawing Mills 320 Plasterers .... 320 Plaster Mills .... 320 Plane Maker .... 324 Plumbers, Brassfounders and Gas Fitters 379 ' Post Office .... 328 Police .... 329 Powder Magazine 336 Powder Mills .... 331 Printing Offices 331 Protestant Clergy . . f 383 331 302 330 336 336 336 377 339 38*^ 337 311 350 339 337 385 378 374 379 377 339 382 343 343 343 378 347 343 347 372 347 303 348 349 385 349 350 349 351 350 352 343 353 354 354 350 291 380 369 354 354 354 372 Provision Inspectors Provision Merchants Public Halls . Public Instruction, Department of Public Offices and Institutioai Railroad Companies Railroad Offices Railroad Contractors Ready-made Linen Warehouse Rechabite bocieties Registry and Intelligence Ofllcea Reugious and Temperance Societies Roman Catholic Clergy Repository of Arts Saddlers and Harness Makers . Sash Factory . Savings Baaks Saw Manufactory Seedsmen and Florists . . Sewing Machines Ship Bread Baker Smiths, Horse Shoers, &c. . : Sons of Temperance . . Stage. Steamooat and Railroad Offices Sheriffs Officers Ship Yards and Dry Docks Slate Roofers . . Statistics of Montreal . Stove Manufacturers . Street Directory Tallow Chandlers Tanners • • Tea Warehouses Telegraph Offices Temperance Societies . Threshing Machine Makers Tin Plate Workers Tobacconists . Trinity House . Trunk Stores . Turner Type Foundries . ' . University of McGill College . Ventriloquist ice Veterinary Surgeon Vegetable Ointment Watchmakers and Jewellers - Weighing Machine Manutacturers Wharfingers Wine Mei chants Wire Worker Wood Yard \ 354 354 355 378 369 383 358 356 355 386 356 386 373 356 350 357 388 357 357 357 357 358 386 358 357 358 358 367 359 397 359 363 318 364 388 364 364 364 380 364 364 364 379 366 366 366 331 366 366 366 366 366 354 954 355 378 WP " , 389 398 356 355 38« 356 386 373 396 390 357 388 357 397 357 357 398 386 358 397 358 358 367 359 397 359 363 8I« 364 388 364 364 364 380 364 364 364 379 366 366 366 331 366 366 366 366 366 ' - fV :.'rt 5 i Ji:t » - ADDENDA AND ERRATA. ^ m Noticlln'?^"''"" '«'"'" =>«<» clothie,,, S'V^j' 59 St Constant ^ near Bleure 'f*"'®' ^^^ builder, Berthelet Bernard J D & Tn o„».- _ •""Chants, 206 St Pai?"*^'' ^"^ commission fXmT;n^/i„tro'iS''"''"''"-'-"-Notre W,^Sw..^Co,who,esale dry goods, 2.3 St CiX'^faKtrr °S \«-' S' James ^ Notre Dame "®""ett, trunk makers, 283 ^ end St jS '"«'"^«" """d machinists, west J; and grocers, 2784t Ini *^^ ^'''P chandJera !"sSe^^'''^-''-«ore,62and6.G^^^^ c!?^®'''®'"' i^«^es, carpenter go ^t a . • ^ARRiQUE, p D con] ri,l! u * ^'^ ^^ Antoine ^°'"-^«' ^^^5^Sf "5 St Antoine '' _ t,«re and' Wfe ^ ^ *^'''™' ="»er Laganche- CouiLLARD, Thomas, agent fn, a t E«GMM&KAMESene'° '''""' "« M<"'«ain S-ament,hofr6nrSrBa"rSf«* I Farrell, Wm, wine and spirit merchant, 15 St Jean Baptiste Grand Trunk Railway Go's Oppice, 22 and 2* Little St James, corner of St Lambert Gravel, Fr^res, dry goods and groceries, corner Craig and St Lawrence Hawkins, T, boots, shoes and leather, corner of No- tre Dame and St Grabriel Irish, D T, agent for express Go's office, 3 Place d'Armes Jones, Rev Joseph, at Mrs Matchitt's, 150 Graig Maitland, Tylee & Go. wine and general mer- chants, corner St Frc^ngois Xavier and Hospital Maguire, Francis, Auctioneer & Gommission Mer- chant, 47 St Peter, near Notre Dame Ma vor, James, builder, 113^ Alexander Morris & Lambe, advocates, 59 Little St James McDonald, John, toll keeper, St Lawrence toll gate McMillan, John, toll keeper, Hochelaga O'Heir, E & M, clothing store, Queen, St Ann's sub Protestant servants Home, Industrial house of Re- fuge, Richmond Square Renshaw, John, lumber dealer, 4 George Sanders, Jas, cabman, St Antoine west of Rich- mond Square Shelton, E E, groceries and wines, 256 Notre Dame, corner St John ^ Symmers, Alex, Stewart Montreal general hospital Dorchester Wilkes, Rev H, D D, Mountain Terrace Wood, Jones & Co, wholesale dry goods, 294^ St Paul Young, Rev Geo, Radegone Yvill & Laird, carvers and gilders, 261 Notre Dame *1 15 St Jean i2 and 2* rt rnfcf Craig lerofNo- , 3 Place ^ ) Craig Jral nier- Hospital on Mer- - mes toll gate nn's sub 3 of Re- F Rich- Notre lospital 94^ St Dame ^ P Nort — The «onl '• ,Vf,.>^>c> ;. ,, ~^'' . loy ^ ' ''^^ ^^ Catherine ijcar .'Stau. «t Antoine "" * M-ukei, hou.e 45 Ai ams, J„,„e^ I,' „ "",7 J' '1. lu'ise Kent J , ' .( 14 > Ad«lphi Hotel, T M-' .Ki.i_.. 16 AJiard, F. carpenter Ch..fii. -^"^ep^i. sub ^iiavie, J, carpenter, rear at? lu- i *( . ,, McGill, factory aTstittV'f' *are-l.ouse, M AH Jasper, c„rriei,289y;t^'*''^ ' American UmZs^J^'^t "';?'" "«' «' «-eor^e r«nce, Canada Wes? aSd n'i-": *^'''" »' W , "gent, office 56 McGm iu S"":, ^^ ^ ^a""^, American Presbyterian r.^^f ^"^ ^*^ and McGill " ^'"'"=''' ™«er St Ja,„e, Ames, J, shoemaker 4fi ff„,., • ^'i'«se, B, slioeniakcr M r "l''^., --i?'^i«^e;''^-»^^'«'""..B.iiM- . chants, 33 St Gabrie?' ^""^™' 'wriware me,-. Anderson, i'B IS4. SI.' . . . ,. A«j, baker, 60 St Joseph^ sub Anderson, Colin, engineer, 182 Bonaventure Anderson, James, teacher, iii) 8t Charles Barrom^c Anderson, U, shoemaker, 41 St Constant Andei^jon, Miss, school, 72 Ann Ariderson, William, grocer, 187 iSi Mary ;<. , Anderson, R, storeman, 5 Alexander , ;' Anderson, John, printer, Beaudry Terrace ,4 - Andrew, Jos, contractor, 19 Constant Andrew, Professor Wra, house at McGill College Andrews, H O, advocate, 47 !St Gabriel, house 8 Notre Dame , .. , ,.. Andrews, Mrs J, 39 Cemetery Andrews, Mrs, house Bronsdon's Lane oil Dor- chester Andrews, Mrs E, dry goods, house Hochelaga Angers, Chas, carpenter, 387 St Joseph Angles, Henry, laborer, 132 St Joseph Ansley, H, watchmaker, 201 Notre Dame Ansley, Jas, lumber yard, 100 St Dominique Ansley, Mrs A, 101 Alexander Apple, G, laborer, 81 Kemp Appleton, T, builder, rear 74? St Denis .; . Arance, Jacob, 20 Tolentin - Arahill, Jno, storeman, 2 Catherine Arbour, T, tailor, 43 Constant Arcand, Elie, sawyer, 58 Amherst Arcand, Simeon, cartwright, 85 Mignonne Aroand, Pierre, sawyer, Panet near Craig Arcand, Pierre, sawyer, Panet near Mary Arcand, Eustaclie, mason, 42 Panet Archainbault, A, grocer, 134 St Mary Archambault, Alexr, saddler, 30 Jacques Cartier square, house 21 St Vmcent A A A A . tj. iibe 27 ». Arohbald, Henry, honse 178 St Catherine .^. Arcovette, L N, boots and shoes, 169 Craig Arless, James, house and ship joiner, 17 Nazareth Armand, Frs, grocer, 1S7 Mignonne Armour, Robert, house 35 St Urbain Armour, John, bookseller and stationer, 275 Notre Dame, house 100 St Antoine Armstrong, George, cabinet maker, 12 Hay-niarket square and 48 Great St James Armstrong, Mrs S, boarding house, 65 Eonaventure Armstrong, William & Co, wines and liquors, corner Notre Dame and St Peter Armstrong, W, laborer, Colborne avenue Armstrong, Bobt, laborer, oft' Dufresne Armstrong, F, baker, 176 Dorchester Armstrong, George, sexton, 75 Charles Barroa.6e Arnois, L, joiner, 110 German Arnol, Dorfice, clerk, 75 Montcalm Arnold, t^, ordinance department, 83 Amherst Arnold, He/ekiah, teacher, 152 St Mary Arnold!, Dr F T C, house 58 Craig Arnolder, Charles, tailor, Dubord ■ Arnott, James, moulder, 98 William Arthur, Alex, wholesale and retail dry goods. Queen's Arcade, 272 Notre Dame Arthur, Miss, dr(?ssmaker, 11 St Josej)h Arthur, James F, house 25 Mayor Arthur, Alexander, house 187 St Antoine ; Artist, Henry, hair-dresser, 77 Commissioner Ascher, G J, importer of Jewellery, watches, (Src, 149 Notre Dame and G St Lambert, house 2 Viger square 18 Ashby, Hy, shoemaker, 40 Sf r «, Alwater, Alberf W t ^^^^er hall termee ^^ ^orihesterw^i '^"^^ ' Staffordslnr Place, AtwelJ Williani grocer 50 o, r Aubertin, Louis, buiSer 3? f,,^^,^'«"ce Aubiichon M r.,..n f ' ^ J^abelle Anbe,ji\%'^'„'^'',X?^^e 76No,„ Street Anbry, Clmrles, taker i8< ; Bu|)tist CMuufli, St Helen . t lUiibo/riionir.s, rabinf'lniaker, ir)\? Opiman Hahukau, li (', dry goods, 154- St Paul Barliean, J(.l>ia, cnrter, Craip;, past Biir))eaM, Kd J, Ijonse 47 Suiigninet • ' liarlu'au, Ed, ourt^-r, lot) Andui-rst, . ! Barbt'un, Alex, carter, f)l CamjK'UU Bnibean, Thomas, mason, 17:'> St Charles Barromee Barbeun. Maxime, turner, lt» \'itrft BarV)^an, Antoine, j?;rocer, '22 Snialhvood lane Biirbean, Mrs Thomas, Qni St Lawrence Barber, Ker Sc Co., hardware, i/as-fittings, ond stationery, 283 St Pan! Barber, Nathl, engraver, Blaehe lane ctf'Monnlain Barber, Or, iionueopathist, 39 Little tit James Barbier, Pierre, carter, 43 Campeaii > . Barbier, Mrs, 2 Grant , Bar^, N, house 350 St Joseph '' Bar6, Louis, joiner, St Peter lane , ' Barette, Joseph, joiner, 47 Panet Baretto, X, painter, 17() St .foseph Barette, Marie, mason, 233 .Migiionne Bargin, William, carter, 46 Ann Barker, A B, trunkmakcr, f)0 St Cabriel Barlow, Edward, locksmitli, 44 St Joseph snb Barlow, Robert, clerk Grand Trunk, 27f> St Mary Barlow, Mrs, milliner, 52 St (reorge Barnard & Bovey, advocates, f)5 Little St James Barnard, Edmund, advocate, 55 Little St James, house 210 St Antoine Barnes, II, railroad olKc.e,G6 Commissioners, boards at St Lawrence Hall Barnes, William, laborer, 57 Gabriel Barnes, John, laborer, 25 St Domnique - Barnes, John, clerk, 162 St Constant Barnston, Dr, 129 Craig 2i »!•, Great d fancy irromee e ice es, ond uiKain s mry miPs |anies, )oaids Barnet, William, clevk, house Merchants' Exchange Barnette, George, mason, 179 St Constant Barnum, Richard, forwarder, house 101 Wellington Baron, John, trader, 50 St Dominique Baron, Charles, mason, 15 Mountain Barrack Master's office, corner of Lacroix Sc Water Barro, Charles, butcher, 82 St Antoine . Barro, Tierre, 84 Bcaudry Barrett, Martin, clerk, 18 St Henry Barrett, J F, house I Hanover Terrace Barrington, G, saddler, 93 M'Gili, house 384- La- gauchetiere Barron, W T, steamboat office, OG M'Gill, house 4 Hanover Terrace . , ; Barron, Mrs, 80 St Germain j Barron, Joseph, carter, 95 Lagauchetiere Barron, Denis, shoemaker, 103 Fortification lane Barry, John, clerk, 24 St Dominique Barsalou, Joseph, house 188 St Charles Barrom^e Bar salou, Joseph, house 451 Lagauchetiere Barsalou, Louis, joiner, 27 Labelle Barsalou, Mrs L, 145 Catherine Barsalou & Co, Edward, provincial cullers, Gillespie's Buildings, Common Bartley & Dunbar, St Lawrence engine works, south side of the Canal Bartley, Wm P, house 29 Prince Bascom, E S, machinist, 199 St Joseph sub Basset, Ralph, cooper, house rear 40 St Charles Barromee Bastien, J B, stone cutter, 87 Mignonne Bastien, Pierre, carter, Amherst near Lagauchetiere Bastieu, E, waterman, 45 St Phillip Bastable, James, milkman, 133 Mountain Batcheler, A, gunsmith, house 27 Champ de Mars Batcheler & CosTEN, gunsmiths, &c, corner of For- tification lane and Place d'Armes hill Bates, John, sheriff's officer, 158 Craig Bates, J & W A, advocates, 158 Craig Bates, W, tailor, court off Amherst B 2 ■5 t )' I 22 Bates, Thomas, house 99 St Mary Battle, Thomas, city cooperage, 32 St Peter, house G9 George . ., Bathgate, George, 3G Ilermine ' ' '"[ Batty, George?, clerk, 8:') College ' , ' Batty, Hugh, shoemaker, 50 Hermiiie Bauden, Josej)h, carter, 245 St .Tose])h Baudeu, Antoine, painter, 105 Montcalm Bauden, Toussaint, butcher, Beaudry Bauden, Joseph, butcher, house Dorchester near Guy Bawden, Peter, brickmaker, Fullum Baxter & Kingston, wholesale dry goods, 300 St Paul Baxter, Mat, house 17 St Henry Baxter, P, carler, 187 St Charles Barrom6e Bayard, Leon, carter, 265 Visitation Bayard, Mrs, 10 George Baylis, J, house 1 Hanover street. Beaver-hall Baylii^, J, printing-ink manufacturer, Cote des Neiges Bazinet, a. furrier and hatter, 152 and 154' Bleury Bazinet, John, trader, 29 Panet . Bazinet, Alfred, cartel-, 37 Montcalm Beattie, Wm, blacksmith, 36 Nazareth Beatty, Chas, boot and shoe store, 117 Notre Dame Beattie, John, printer, 178 Dorchester Beau, Francis, bricklayer, 88 Montcalm Beaubien, P, MD, cor St Frangois Xavier and Craig Beaucaire, Louis, butcher, 251 St Catherine Beaucaire, Mrs, milliner, 2G St Lawrence Beaucaire, F, stone cutter, 2G5 Mignonne Beauchamp, Thomas, trader. Exchange court Beauchamp & Co, maple sugar, 71 St Paul Beauchamp, F K, wool dealer, 84 St Lawrence house mile end Beauchamp, M, tailor, IH St Lawrence Beauchamp, J B, fireman, 37 St Paul Beauchamp, Mrs F, 310 Lagaucheli^re Beauchamp, Pierre, laborer,. 55 Mignonne Beauchamp, Joseph, joiner, 120 Beaudry Beauchamp, John, shoemaker 32 St German Beauchamp, Joseph, carter, 152 Panet i 2d f house ^arGiiy 300 St 11 Neiges Bleury Dame Craig rence ''I Beaiicliamp, Mrs J, house 70 Vitre • •' • Boaucliiurip, Mrs, niidwile, cormn- Dorchester and St Dominique " ' Keaiicliuin|), F, roofer, 4^ Devienne Beaiichamp, Fras, joiner, court off' Vallee Beauchamp, Michl, trader, 14. St Lawrence ' Beaiichanip, Pierre, \vatertnan, 227 Visitation Beaucliamp, Josei)h, waterman. 147 Beaudry Beanchamp, John, laborer, 238 Mignonne Beauchamp, Joseph, nailer, 172 St Joseph Beanchami), Joseph, carter, J21 Panet Beauchrmin Sc Payettr, booksellers and stationers, 127 St Paul Beancheniin, O, house Perranlt court off Crag Boaudoin, Ctesar, joiner, 6 Wolfe '; Beaudoin, F, cabinet maker, 58 Sanguinet Beandoiu, Philip, shoemaker, corner Craig and Panet Beaudoin, Mrs, house 13 Simon , ^ Beaudoin, Misses, house 3 Sanguinet Beaudreau, Ant, shoemaker, 47 Barr6 Beaudrv, J L &; Co, general tlry goods, 104 Notre Dame Beaudry, Peter S, notary, 71 Montcalm ' ' ' '' ■ Beaudry, Mrs, house 113 St Urbain Beaudry, J L, house 3 St Denis, opposite Viger square Beaudry, Joseph, general dry goods, 184 Notre Dame, house 7 St Charles Barromee Beaudry, J B, general dry goods, Notre Dame, op- posite the Water Works Beaudry, J U, advocate, clerk of court of .appeals, house 43 St Hubert Beaudry, Jos, merchant tailor, 17 St Lawrence Beaudry, P G, notary, 33 St Mary, house 72 Panet Beaudry, Nicholas, laborer, Versailles off St Joseph Beaudry, Jos, mason, 35 Cemetery Beaudry, F X, house 93 Sherbrooke, office 118 St Charles Barromee Beaudry, L, manager estate Masson, 1 Little Saint James Beaudry, T, waterman, Sydenham near Catherine I M [!'> 24. . Beandry, Mrs, house 52 Sanguinel 1^ Beaudry, F, blacksmith, Montoahn near Si Mary Beanfield, 11, (of Gibb &r Co,) 84- St Denis ^ ■ Beaidifui, Joscpli, hattor, 73 Snnguinot ,. - Beaiilieu, (ieo, carter, 14;") LuuuuclictiOri' ' BeauUeit, Widow, 72 Amliorst Boaumont, Jos, cabinetmaker, 2 10 Culhcrine Beausaloeil, Mrs Et, house 283 LaguMchetiore .-■;■.■- Beausejonr, Bt, shoemaker, rear 27 V'ulloe Beanparlan, Max, tnilor, Sangninct near Mignonne . Beck, Uoorse C, ".rocery and tavern, 109 St Joseph sul) Becket, John C, printer and pnblislier, 38 Great Pt James, house G Brunswick Becket, James, storeman, Roy kme oil' St Joseph Bedard, Ix)uis, plasterer, 105 German Bedwell, C U, advocate, 52 St ( labriel eorner Litlb.' St Jiimes, liouse HG Andre Bedique, Miss, house 191 St Lawrence Beers, J C, house 27 St Antoine •' » ., . ' ; Beers, J J, cabinetmaker, 28 St Maurice Beglcy, Mrs James, 95 W'elhngton - Behan, Miss, dressmaker, 38 Craig Belaire, Joseph V, blacksmith, Bonsecours near St Denis, house 19 Champ de Mars Belaire, A, mason. Cemetery near St Joseph Belaire, Agapidc, joiner, 171 Montcalm Belaud, Frs, tailor, 29 Jure Belaud, Alexis, shoemaker, 257 Mignonne Belanger, Vincent, carter, 24<9 St Joseph • Belanger, P, baker, 12 Vallce , ; Belanger, Pierre, sexton, 110 St Url>ain Belanger, Marcel le, shoemaker, iUO Visitation Belanger, J B, saddler, 17 St Marguerette Belanger, Cerite, carter, 174. Punet ,v . Belanger, Michel, lal)orer, 42 Visitation Belanger, J, saddler, 23 Montcalm Belanger, Prs, waterman, 4 1 Barre Belanger, Bte, tinsmith, 77 College Belanger, J B, carter, 2()3 St Joseph sub Belanger, P, saddler, IIG Visitation .. « .. i I?! 25 Mary 10 tire igiionne •it Josopli Great St rose i ill ler Little Ills near li . )U 'i' f U' T3elaiipev, Jos, joiner, 87 Mignonnc lielanger, J M, carter, lane off Mountain Iklanger, Zopli, waterman, head of Beaudry lielchcr, F JJ T, house 3 Craig IJelinge, Antoine, mason, 109 St Urhain li^linge, Louis, carpenter, 153 Dorchester Bulin j, Bell, Wm, carpenter, 71 Colborne , ,,,:,j ' Bell, Arthur, commissariat, 43 St Urbain Belle, (C E,J JJourbonniere (N 3,) notaries, 20 St Therese Belle, Joseph, notary public, 12 St Lambert, house 11 St Elizabeth Belle, C E, crown land timber agent, corner Therese and St Gabriel, house 62 St Hubert Bellemare, R, house 170 Sanguinet Bellet^te, George, tavern, Commissioners near the Market Bellhouse, Da vtu, agent for Canadian Ocean steam- ships, Custom House square, house 20 Beaver Hall terrace Bellisle & Park, dry goods, 186 Notre Dame i i BelJisle, A, pilot, 51 King ,- ,•• > . Bellisle, F, waterman, 159 Montcalm Bellisle, E, waterman, court oft' 61 St Phillip ;; -• Bellisle, P, trader, rear 217 St Catherine - ;- \ 1 hi w \ i 1 26 Bellisle, Joseph, shoemaker, 29 St Simeon » Bellisle, Antoine, carter, 210 St Lawrence Bellisle, Theophle, carter, 99 Beanclfy Bellisle, iVIrs Josepli, laundress, 136 Beaiidry '=•■ Belshazzar, J S, gardener, 8 Chaboillez Benard & Robert, provisions, 89 St Paul Benard, Simon, butcher, 15 Acqueduct \ Benard, S, carter, 61 St Louis Benard, Nicholas, jminter, 163 St Bonaventure Benard, Felix, painter, 12 St Margaret Benard, Eustace, shoemaker, lane off St Joseph Benevey, Joseph, carpenter, 123 Amherst Benjamin Brothers, wholesale dry goods, 216 St Paul Benjamin, G, house 7 Cornwall Terrace Benjamin, S, house 1 Viger place Benjamin, William & Co, (late Benjamin & Bros,) general dry goods, 196 Notre Dame - Benjamin, Wm, house 196 Noire Dame Benjamin & Co, Henry, carpet and general furnish- ing warehouse, Crystal block, 171 Notro Dame Benn, Wm, clerk, St Monique near St Catherine Benuallack, Henry, grocer, 112 St Lawrence Bennett, Jer, inspector of chimneys, 38 Colborne Bennett, Peter, clerk, 49 McCord Bennett,George, butcher, 60 Panet • Bennelt, William P, tavern, 108 Dorchester Bennett, Wm, carpenter, 13 Prince Bennett, Richard, cabman, 63 St George Bennett, Wm, farmer, 427 Current St Mary Benning & Bars A LOU, auctioneers and commission merchants, 49 St Francois Xavier Benning, James, house 10 Brunswick, Beaver-hall Benny, Walter, baker, 45 St Joseph Benny, Macpherson & Co, hardware merchants, wholesale and retail, 262 St Paul Benoit, P, trader, 118 W'olfe Benoit & Hawley, provision merchants, 10 Com- missioner Benoit, J O, advocate, 21 St Vincent '^ Benoit, Louis, joiner, 98 iVIontcalm -~li 'r:*! i ivi y ■■"''" lire eph ,216 St h Bros,) 'nrnish- Dame trine jrne • s llSSlOli hall [ants, 'om- Benoit,J B, trader, 53 Montcalm ' Benoit, Francois, 71 St Antoine Benoit, Edward, musician, 87 Vitre '/ ' Benoit, E, trader, '28 Visitation Benoit, R, trader, 32 Commissioner, hoiis9 138 St Denis Benoit, Frs, assistant clerk Bonsecouva market, house 53 St Constant Benoit, Jacques, house 130 Dorchester Benoit, Pierre, smith, 119 Dorchester Benoit, Pascal, fruiter, Hochelaga Bent, Mrs G, boarding-honse, 148 Craig Bmnton, James, dyer and scourer, 94? St Lawrence Benton, W R, house 314 St Mary Berard, L, carter, 87 St Catherine Bercer, Joseph, roofer, 130 Lagaucheti^re Berger, Joseph, painter, 279 Lagauchetidre Berger, Charles, machinist, 89 St Urbain - Bergeron, Eugene, tailor, 10 St Mary Bergeron, J B, joiner, 100 Beaudry Bergeron, A, boarding-house, 23 Commissioners Bergin, Wm, carter, McCord near Gabriel Bergin, Mrs B, house 322 Lagauchetidre Berian, Charles, 50 Water Beriau, Charles, shoemaker, Lafontaine near Visi- tation Beriau, Mrs Joseph, house 58 St Dominique Berlinguette, Louis, wood-dealer, 131 Visitation Berland, Charles, grocer, 123 St Urbain Bermingham, John, tavern, 79 Commissioners Bernabe, G, clerk, 110 St Joseph Bernard, Narcisse, laborer, 48 St Catherine Bernard, Doctor A, surgeon dentist, 133 Craig Bernard, J C, house 46 St Urbain Bernett, George, shoemaker, 50 Jure Berry, Robt, house head of Amherst Berthelet, Olivier, house 77 Great St James Berthelot, J A, advocate, corner of Craig and St Dominique Berthelot, Jules R, advocate, 16 St Vincent, hous® 57 St Constant Si ! ... . 28 . f ) " Berthelet, Mrs Dr n i JJertrant, Louis ^i,„' , *''S"<""ie ' ' B««'n, Peter' o''.'r'''"''*'Campea,, ' Beth«neKe"'ijJ''7'«e29Berthelot .' . ■ BWHUNE &Dn», '"''.'* B^^'^'er Hall ' ' „ ,, I)e«i. ''' '-'""'' Trunk^aC, l,o„se «8 St «evingio„ & Mim>! nn,;i ^'''''"^•■'" '•"»'! (aimers, and cln-ripr ''^ »vl,oiesale f„m>r^ R^er G Najioleo, , hole H™f 'r^'' <''W' & ci B.baud,P, advocate, 45 lW«,j^^^^^^ . „. Bis i 10 Jacques t Doininiqjie iane 11 iuors, 209 8t fire depart- nare ,.- > ^miniqiie ray ^t I'^raiicois Sli/ames ;liouseat ^e GS St uwreiice id furriers, Jauies lill f ' Bibnud, Louis, honfmnker Tt Ro ^ BibuurJ T I ..1 "•"»«••, 11 Hare ,,,'"'' '^ J, advocate 4">Tini *. . . ^^'boun, Mrs, Ixnrd , o' . ^ ^'•^ * ' -^'^'"Ps '^■'•'"'-1 r^uinn, a 1 e, ^''^T^'^'y «»<« Sunday •^'^. Fames "^'^ -^^'''le, invent, 4;} Great >iicKTrsfnfj;U|„,u,.oeor '"ie BlacSe fc "f '''^'•' 26 Blei.ry Blackburn H'^'^f ^ "'' """ftctioner 68 St A , . :t£r-^SS^t--^r. a. B^Sr"' """"'' '^^^'-''' '- ;;tKr"--^'"--erors.Ca.HeH.e filanchet, Miss A ♦« i ^7> J, advocate, house ^w P^^"«^ Bleury ' '^"se 2 Waterloo terrace ^feau, Etiene, house 4.Q Qf r^i . Bieau, CvriJp mol ^ '^* Ehzabeth Bleau Jo^'nh '''"' ^^^ Panet »int, butcher, Cgt6 St Martia ter, west e Hid Janvi er onaventure i>ilege >8 St Antoin e St Jose])h 'Joseph ;. re le ^ort and ^id, house Catheriae 1 iel > terrace Bleau, Lambert, builder ioq r. *i. . Bloomfield, Miss 139 ^f'p^l^^^^ Blondin AmE ♦ ^* Catherine BiytC Mr^Sf?T*^'^' ^^^ Notre Dame ^ Board W BrotrV^ ^^^^^^^'^ ^^t- Sa'n^e „ Exchange ' " ^" ^^"""'^^^ ^ecy, Merchants Board op Trade T rn- Common', Ca^al Bi?n ='""""«''»> «ge„t, 57 Bohle. Pete^Sm^th^ &">"'"'*''. '5* Craig Boise; ^^nfZZtiiF^^^T' '" '''""- Boismenu ;t^^™«Jer 2a3 St I-awre„.e Bcsmenu Pie;,.?, S.!S, /^j^ ■-,,^ ^ i«ib iileury '^^acetj Amies, honse Bo vin A0-.,v»V ' ^-emeterv fit:* rt"' '*''»'*'^^»f„f;.tTGab , ^ a-' g"|»en,EJonard, carter Qn . " 'one, Andrew fn nc^^i.^'^/'T^t • "oueterre Aiw,.- '*^^^'" -jy St Paul *> /' fi"»«e.o„,, ohu.;t ^«n r'^p''^^ Domini,,,, Dame '""^' »"J l.ulter, lU ^^^ B^Cer, Madam Jgnaee r , PI Boucher, Alfipfi „i° . ^'^' " •- liciiev He Boucher FvsjY ' ~'^ ^^ Jo.senh BouDREAu, Herard & V' , ' ^''"''•«ice ^""Jrea,,, Edo„Cu&^ ^"*«P'' ■ te^?';^'^*^?- """ '- ■■ ;-^ i ("aim f«' .fi lies Cartier Old Go\'- e.s re t Charies ^4< Notre ■omeft >ds, 198 ti Dc- Bo,ulK,n,,ic^,. ,;VM;;i.r ''■;."''''''^^«^'♦- ijourdoi), Pierre slioo,»oi \!, i^caiidrv l>o..rdo„, Autoine, butcher fs V?!! i> "-iic, sen, ii'ropi'r Ifi/l C! ~"rScois, Victor, jo , e; 4« jv^T'T Roiir'^cois Imr.ra. ' ■'^^^^^^ics er i^oiirgoin, Jos, joii,..,- i r= ^, ,-„ , Bourne, Jcliu, stoeker W r '^""»l«nt B^H'o, J„b„ bu S 3 W s'lT , Bonn ■^t, Alexia I ^> H)4. ;st I'i f ^^n-ct, lion Jos, City 1 loiisc 71 .St L'rl lUl KUIl Boiiracli, N, ^^l^^; house 3'> Bieurv °^ iue nia?.:cr 297 L llUl; t i *\\u V ! I'll 14 Bouthillier, Mrs, senmstress, 139 Bonaventure Boiitliillier, Ant, trader, 53 St Catherine Boutliillier, Miss, house Craig near Chomp de Mars Bouthillier, A, shoemaker, 14 Sanguinet Bourveau, Chus, carter, 58 Bonaventure BovEY, William A, advocate, at George Hall's, 76 M'Ciill, office 35 Little St James Bowden, John, brickmakcr, head of Partcnais Bovvden, Hy, laborer, 295 Sherbrooke Bovvcn, John, carter, 188 St Constant Bower, John, butcher and grocer, 68 Dorchester Bowes, James, clerk, 65 Common Bowes, Finton, carter, 183 Bonaventure Bowie, George, storekeeper, 33 George Bowie, Edward, confectioner, 71 & 73 Noire Dame Bowie, Cico, contractor and mason, 33 Jure Bowie, E, house 360 Lagauchetidre BowKER, 11 M, surgeon dentist, 9 Little St James Bowles, Isaac, printer, 133 St [Trbain Bowles, John, gardener, Durocher Bowles, Charles, printer. Cemetery off St Antoinc Bowman, Wm E, druggist and seedsman, 88 M'Gill Bowman, Jos, crimper, 24- Queen Bowman, John, laborer, off Col borne avenue Bowman, Barnard, ship-carpenter, Shaw Bowser, VVni, furrier, 65 St Charles Barromee BoYCE, J R, hairdresser and perfumer, 339 Notre Dame Boyd, John, black and white smith.and bell-hanger, 7 St John, house 8 St John Boyd, Hugh, butcher, Seymour Boyd, James, storeman, court off Cemetery Boyd, W H, gunsmith, 95 St TJrbain Boyd, R, brushes, 57 St Urbain Boyd, T W, gunsmith, 115 Notre Dame Boyd, Thomas, laborer, 86 Vitre Boyd & Co, gunsmiths, 127 Notre Dame Boyd, Mrs P, house -l^ St Charles Barromee Boyd, James, grocer, 62 St Antoine Boyer, Dr L, 18 St Ther^se, house 62 St Denis Boyer, dit Larivi^ie, L^ barber, 71 M'Gill 35 BoTER, Louis, provision and fur merchant, corner of St Francois Xavicr and Commissioners, house 66 St Denis Boyelte, Charles, tinsmith, Versailles off St Joseph sub Brady & Darling, tallow-chandlcrs; off" 74 St Charles Barromee i . Bradslmw, David, grocer, 373 St Josci)h Brady, Robert, shoemaker, lei- Tanet Brady, Denis, carpenter, Port near Common Brady, John, laborer, 4-1 Mountain Brady, John, laborer, 31 Craig Brahadi, Abraham, hatter and furrier, 113 late 95 Noire Dame Brais, Joseph, cookshop, 7 St Victor ' Brais, F, dry goods, 63 St Paul, house 42 St Louis Brankin, J, confectioner, 5 Little St James Brault, J L, house 307 St Joseph sub Brault, F K, clerk, 21 St Therese Brault, Charles A, notary public, 148 Craig house 49 St Louis Brault, J B, shoemaker, 222 St Catherine Brault, P, joiner, 221 Lagauchetidre Brault, Louis, joiner, Vers.iilles off St Joseph Brault, Mrs C, dry goods, 128 Notre Dame Brault, Mrs, house 1 1 1 Dorchester , - Brauneis, J C, music teacher, 69 St Lawrence ,Brazeau, F X, dry goods, 142 St Paul Brazeau, Cassimir, trader, 42 Amherst Brazeau, Frs, joiner, 59 College Breadon, C, ale and porter vaults, 193 St Antoine Breadon, Piobert, ale and porter, 206 St Bonaventure Breary, Samuel, butcher, 10 Barclay place Brehaut, W H, clerk of the peace, house west Dor- chester Cote St Antoine, office old court house Brennan, J as, city hotel, corner St Peter and Re- collect Brennan, Patrick, tallow chandler, corner William and Prince Brennan, H, shoemaker, 22 St Charles Barromee Brennan, Maitiu, tallow chandler, 76 St George Brei 36 ^reiimn, Mrs- houso 07 T,,p ^""Hjj, cj,.,ri ord ^^''■•'•"■•"^ ri;; :l: ".'.T'''';. '-"I ■'•'wiiMij, I liinn-i^. « I ' "^ "I'll ""f'aii .sTjiiare f'liies tv J^re^i( Br ^•, •'oImj, i;,l>orri iiK '^wcr, Afi "•^0 '"^r l»;u,l '«. nurse, Bpautl .").■? (.)iie(.|i iirv It rui • 1(1 I'V t( 'iMCC ^vlioJe«aic anil ■^'^'"1 liarthvare, ■ORE WST£f?,i\h :,,,_„ , ^ s-ct ^nero, .eler, Wood c, ^J.^,^?";;''',>■ B ™^' jX,'"',' ,"""='-'■• ^* « Fe/; """ j3 .^jY ^^^^'^^ non«c 82 Ann ■I^nessoin >\ I'l "-^''Jl^^ VVoJfc «ris»„„'l,e;.'';;™'-^.<'«SlOul,Jri,,e „ -^V>tro D,„„e " ' '""'" ^ '"'^t. 'I'Anues a,„| JSritbh Amliucan FniEsnrv <• Xav icr n ■*-'r i% rjliaiG >|r iiry 11 ..,/ , il liiirtlwaie, do and retail Mcl ■■•■;(', 'i K'l inc routI, f- < ;c e ulure LJ 11 Mait- iViiiicH and LI riiilli[.-, Jul t, agent, British iV Amehican Express Co, .1 AV Cowcs, agent, Place d'Arnu's British American Tislecraph, '28 .St FraiieL>ii; Xavier British and Canadian Free ."Schoul, corner Lagaii- cheti^rc and Cote Britt, .lohn, sailnmker, !)1 College Britt & Currie, boots and shors, ii'iS Nolrv L'anie Critt, Patrick, siioeniaker, Uuprc iune Britt, Stei)hcn, laborer, 5 (rabriel Britten, N, laborer, corner Doniiniiiiie »^ DorclM sipi Brock, VVm, tailor, 3 Alexander ., ., , Brodie, John, bouse 407 St Catherine Brodeur, Augt, hiborcr. ISl Lagaiicjjeticre Bromby, R, gardener, St Emery near St Denis Bromeil, C, grocer, 22 St Paul Bronswon, J R, senior, carpenter and builder, 91 St Urbain Bronsdon, J B., junior, carpenter and builder, 91 St Urbain Broome, T, naturalist, 14 Little St James * ,, .?| Brophy, Daniel, laborer, 47 Cemetery ... ^ Cs: Brophy, Mrs, court off Dnfresne ^ .'i^.ossARi), M, dry goods, 19 St Lawrence ?. Efouillet, Toussaint, grocer, J4l St Constant Brouillet, Joseph, boarding bouse, 5 St Tliercse Brouillet, P C, clerk, 3 J St Louis Brousseau, Edouard, 5 Barclay Place Brousseau, Cyril, 38 Panet • ; Brousseau, L, tin-roofer, 34 St Paul Brousseau, A O, notary, St Lawrence hill, houjio ,iO St CJeorge Brousseau, Edmund, dry goods, 124 St Paul , .]'. Brousseau, J B, butcher, head of Fnllum ,, .> Brousseau, Mrs, St Ignace ;> Brousseau, Zephcrin, tinsmitb, 1 St Lawrence Brown, Abner, pianoforte maker, 33 Grcal St James Brown & Childs, mammoth boot and shoe store, 154 Notre Dame ..... !l ■' i I ! i i; ! 1 1 , 38 Brown, Johk O, general dry goodb, 135 Notre Dame Brown, John, hatter and furrier, 229 St Paul, house 11 St Urbain Brown, T S, wholesale hardware, 259 St Paul Brown, James, cooperage, 38 &?t Peler, house 9 St John Brown, Mrs Robt L, dry goods, .)1 .st Mury Brown, Wm M, wiiarfinger, ofticc cnsfoiu house square, house Colborne avenu«' Brown, Jas, (of Brown, Swan & Co) house 48 Aylmer Brown, James, laborer, 73 ."^t CJcorgo Brown, & Dickson, tailor's A: clothiers, 17 Bonaven- ture Browttj M, 29 )St (:iene\ievc Brown, W R, butcher, St Lawroucc near toll gnte Brown, , champion house, 221 Mountani Brown, Wm, storeman, 10 St Gcon^e Brown, Geo, tailor, 141 Dorcheylor Brown, C J, house 171 St Antoiiic ' Brown, Wm, shoenmker, 6r> Tolentiii Brown, David, builder, .^2 Chcnuevillc '' Brown, Joseph, tailor, 91 Bleury in renr - Brown, Daniel, tailor, 29 St Genevieve Brown, Wm, baker, Hochelaga Brown, Joseph, grocer, Hochelaga Brown, iNIrs R, boarding house 120 Cruig Brown, Jas, tailor, 9 Alexander " Brown, George, painter, 129 St Catherine Brown, Hibbard, Bourno A: Co, India Rubber Co, Monarque offSt Mary Brown, Mrs, 9 Bare lane * Brown, Edward, house St Mouique Brown, Wm H, storeman, head of Fuiluin Brown, Wm, Queen's Arms Inn, 18 bt Paul Browne, Geo, architect Sec, 132 Craig Browning, Saml, Ottawa Hotel, 78 He 80 Great St James Browning, Mrs A, laundress, 35 St George Brownlee, S, laborer, 32 King ^ . Bruen^ Mrs, laundress, 46 St Maurice \i Uli.l 39 otre Dame "•aul, house Paul lOuse 9 St ry oiu lioiisc hou(»e 48 Bonnven- toll gnfe am '■' i nbber Co, jreat ^t Bruc«, Win, plane nink^r, lane off li Chailes Bar- rom6e Bruchcsi, I', grocer, 185 >:i Jost'pli sul» Brunoiiii. Jeim, wliol'MiN' thy L'uods, '20^ Notre Diiuie, lious<' Ort'Lioji liirni, luwor Lnch ne road Bruucuii, () T, .\ri->, lioHM- irv2 Cnii^- Briinciiii. Hoji .'lulgo, lioifsu Fulhini Bnineau, l^con, stonecutter. '^03 Visitutiou Brunerui, .loscjih, I'.tborrr, Si7 Amiiiirst Brmie.'iu, J li. laborer, 10 AljmiUiiii Brupnellu, Miss .1, clrr.ssumker, o9 St Dumimque Bniniiett, M, dork, 95 St (leiievievc Brunott*^ Francois, hiborer, 14*2 Auihrrst ' : -i Brniieltc, A, Uolol, Mi St Josq)li Bnincttc, Mrs, hoiis*' lauo oil" Moiiutuiu Briuiette, T \:,louther store, Jacques Cartier square, liouse 12 St Aniablo lane Brunette, Louis, nuison, 48 .lure Brunette, .1 R, sliip-carpentcr, ^U St .loscpb Brush, Geo, ctjglc (buudry, VZ King Brush, («'eo, lioirse 17 Wellington • ^ - Bruycrc, .1 B, nouse 35 Reaver-liail terrace Bruyere, Morris, tinsmith, 101 Visitation Bruycre, .J B, iiouse 86 .lure Bruycre, J', joiner, 34 LaBello Bruyere, .John, laborer, 148 Constant Bruyettc, Louis, 48 St Henry Bruyette, Olivier, 141 St .loseph ' '' Bruyettc, S, carter, 31 Beaudry • ' ^ ' Bryan, .lolin, millwright, 46 Jure ' ' Bryson, Ai.ExUj tool store k hardware commission tigent, 275 St Paul, house 8 Recoliet Bryson, Campbell, bookseller, stationer and blank book manutacturer, 30 St Francois Xavier, house 185 Craig Br^'son, Thos M, wholesale grocer, 13 St Francois Xavier, house 7 Belmont Bryson, Iiugh,storeman, IS rhili[) Bryson, .J Maxwell, clerk, 1 18 St Antoinc Buchanan, Mrs, house 184 Dorchester "'"^''i ^ Buchanan, James, storeman, 12 St Genevieve '-^i , . Mr a (' BuCHAxVAN, ( I, J HARnrtj Ar n I S w\ lexis, comer Sf s-.. /' ^^"^'^^ "merchants. ^ George and Pnnul^'catr'"""' ""'^ ^'^^^^"^«" BuchanHn, John,^ct? 5j Si I Buchanan, John, crier in Court n ^f^^^"«^^ Buckey, Jn^, laborer, Durlmm . L r^^ Antoine Budden, W E, commissic^ ^^-^^ , . rnent, house 28 Citv r,. „ -m ' ^^ ^<' fc^acra- Budd, l^^n blacksmith'^n'TT^^^^^ Bu hno, Win B, druggist, 12 IsPii Buhner, Henry, builder fwiioi'^' Bulmer, Wni, bui der 7 St rl "'•?^^ ^^1"^^1'*« Buntiii, Alex, (of W iJiifr^^i^^Vr^ Burgess M^s 'd, 41 ES/rlf ""'^ '^^ '^^'^ Jsuilce, John, laborer, nrakr.»o „„. , „ Burke, Jani4 carte, r»?ai f °"*'^' *^^^ ^olieRe Burke; VV h; 89 Bfe^UT ''^^^'^ ''"^' offCollefe Burke, Thos, laborer. 37 Prince Burkitt, ^Vul, merchant's hotel Sf ». , Burland, «, bouse St Lav^^renc; If^ "^ «. BuRMS, James i- Co^„,„ •'"? Burn., John, groceries anTl „, ' '^"""^ Burns, Edwarl bSerfw I mT'"*' '** ^'-^f^'" Burns, Kdward, lahorevllpX^"'""" |"5"»'M«.''^»«!'er, 80 Murray ^urns, R, Atlaiit c house 40 p ., ,■ B««s, W B, pamter^'sl'SwS'"" '"'"■' ligs'ie.n*^ 41 merchants, kI Common, icnce iitoine uclieti^ie t> felt fc»acra- •luque Lli ollege ollege lerbrooke Avenue lants, 7H VlcGill lie Biirrage, W S, office Biirnside Hall, house McGill College Bunage,Rev R Pi, 438 Lagaiicheti^re Bnrnell, James, carppnter, 13 Rosseau Bunell, Robert, carter, 38 Durham Burrell, Wm, carpenter, 129 Dorchester Burroughs, Mrs, boardino-hcuse, 65 Vitre Burroughs, Miss M, 138 Constant Burrowes, Mrs B, house 19 Jure near Bleury Burton, John, carpenter, 13 Colborne Buret, W & Co, foundry and machine works, St Gabriel Locks Buiry, Wm, senr, house 63 Wellington Burry, Wm, jr, millwright, house 323 St Joseph Busseau, H, leather and shoes, 133 St Paul, houjt 43 Dorcliester Butler, Thos, laborer, 45 Colborne Butler, John, laborer, 23 Murray Butler, Wm, tavern, 121 Commissioners Butler, F, storeman, 3 Woodyard Butler, John, carter, Gain Butler, Mrs, 17 Fortification J^ane Butler, Thos, laborer, 23 Murray Butler, Wm, laborer, 59 McCord Butters, Isaac, house 11 Hanover, Beaver- hall Butterworth, S, tinsmith, 96 St Lawrence Buxton, John,daguerreotypist, 304 Notre Dame Buxton, Dr John N, dagaerreotypist, 37 St Vincent Byen, John C, shoemaker, 154 Constant Byrne, James, mason, 29 Kempt Byrne, Thos, grocer, 278 St Catherine Byron, Andrew, laborer, 3 Prince CABANA, Mrs ANT, 63 Durham Cades, Joseph, waterman, 101 Beaudry Cadieux, Louis, 300per, 22 Panet Cadieux, F, grocer, 195 St Lawrerice Cadieux, Mrs, house 63 St George Cadieux, Pierre, house 91 Sanguinet Cadorette & Brother, tinsmiths, 5 Craig Cadotte, Eusebe, leather, Jacques Cartier square, CaflTal, W J F, ship carpenter, 87 German i 42 J '■ Cahill, Ml X'"" ' '"IS, coi.Ceotionei- 13 «it a , • CKh>llJa„,e.,. shoemnker Lm"^"""' <;a;n, Adam, Enginec-, U4 n ""^ r.,/""^f '"'"""" "^■'••'".VGraa, St Cameron, Mrs D micai, -^ it ^'^'■'■"'ix-f Cameron.'Hugh, c erk Vo f'h"'''"". ^AMPBELL, John mevrh.Vi I ~; '^^'g"o'in<* iieavor l/all "^"^ J^oroliester, Campbell & Wir. .*\r. J>"J-chesrer ^'ampbeu., Robert .V(Y) wI.h , , S^<«. auco. ^ 4*8 t ineaii Road vJUe ■rbain t (;reat St ilesale and Tecnm- iituiv lit re Dame oroliefiter, 'ion mcv- e upper utis, oar- tuse 1 \i ■"raucois Campbell, Rollo, piinter, Place d'Armes Campbell, Ily, cabinet maker, 29 St Antoine Campbell, Jas E. house Hochelaga Campbell, Llev Alexander Digby, incumbent of Trinity CMinrcli 8t Ptinl near Bonsecours Campbell, A H, ar-eiit Commeroial Bank, 55 Greftt ^( Jaiues Campbell, George W, M D, 63 Great St James Campbell, Cobn, lumber merchant, 27 Wellington Campbell, Jas, tinsmith, 4, Hay market square Campbell, J & H, coopers, 18 Dalhousie Campbo!!, John, tavern, 179 St Mary Campbell, ( Jeorge, carpenter, 40 Prince Campbell & Jones, Saw manufacturers, south side of Canal Campbell, John, turner, 27 Genevieve Campbell, Mrs 11 St Genevieve Campbell, J, tin &-. copper smith, corner Common and AIcGill Campbell, 90 St Antoine Campbell, W, tailor, 162 Dorchester Champion, Frs, C H officer, 276 Lagauchetiere Canada Grand Trunk Telegraph, manager, C H Lonnsbury, 28 St Francois Xavier Canada sugar refinery, St Gabriel locks Cane, tailor, 27 Dominique Cannell, Syivestre, hair dresser, 87 Mary Cannelly, James, mason, 59 McCord Cantin, AuGUSTiN, shipbuilder, west end of St Joseph Cantfield, Patk, laborer, 226 Mignonne Cant well, Richard, storeman, 57 College Cantwell, Michael, laborer, 34 St Henry Cannon, James, smith, 38 iVIurray Cannon, Michael, blacksmith, 38 Murray Carbuneau Madam, 63 Wolfe Cardinal, Simon, 109 Dorchester Cardinal, Joseph, grocer, 139 Beaudry Cardinal, Dominique, trader, rear 11 Devienne Cardinal, Andrew, joinei-, 159 St Lawrence Carey, Mrs Juhn M, ICi Dorchester 44 ^f !?y, Mrs, lamidress Cn ■ ^•^Hf^A.v, Jotpi ^;^^'^^,' ^•'^ College '"S- ^varehonse. So C; nv-eau, Cernet 'osenJi clerk, 50 St L, bridge^ U.rn,a,,, vvn,, tide tv!Z». oA^St ^nlo,^e J^'aroii, lolu , Itfc '°;;*^' ^3 College CUHPENTE^Tfy^^r?™. Mile End" """" wrr, iiios jiouse 13 j q, t Urn^re, Frs, tai?or 7i^s ^""''^'^'^ «"^ Carrier^ r "y' ^*»''^> lionsp, 85 '•h bridge, • I 'Sf Louis ) f^i Paul, Towns- lies itorp, 10l> St lilt Lrmes, nd gt Carriere, Louis, carriage-maker, 26 Mountain Carri^re, Joseph, sadler, 10 Mountain Carroll, Pat, blacksmith, 77 Dalliousie Carroll, W, laborer, 96 Gabriel Carroll, Michael, laborer, 13 Aylmer Carroll, M, grocer, 4H, Lagauchetic^ro Carroll, Mrs!, Little Dublin ofl" St George Carroll, Phillip, laborer, Erie Carroll, Philip, laborer, r>3 Murray Carroll, Mrs C, dry goods, 117 St Mary Carroll, Pierre, saddler, 53 St Paul Carroll, Thomas, carter, 83 Gabriel Carroll, Terence, laborer, Drake's court oft' College Carroll, Mrs, dry goods, 75 St Mary Carson, James, bookbinder, 32 St Henry Carson, Jas, tailor, I St Genevieve Carter, Kerry At Co, chemists and druggists 184 St Paul Carter, Kingan & Muir, wholesale ahipchandlers and grocers, 278 St Paul Carter, Edwd, advocate, 29 Lit tie St James, hou«« Cadieux, Cote a Baron Carter, G S, advocate, Fortier near Constant Carter, George, plasterer, 74 German Carter, George, clerk, 72 Chenneville Carter, AVm, house 213 Mountain Carter, John, boards at St Lawrence Hall Carter, Irwin, carlcr, George near Gabriel Cartier k Bbrthelot, advocates, 26 St A'incent Cartier, Hon Geo E, MPP, house 20 Notre Dame Carl Wright, Mrs, dry goods, 68 St Joseph, sub Cartwright, Thos J, house 19 Bonaventiue Casey, Oliver, laborer, Casey, John, carpenter, iOO Vitre Casey, Peter, deputy- revenue-inspector, honse 23 St. Louis Casey, Thomas, plasterer, 79 Bleury Casey, Stephen, policeman, 43 A mlierst Casey, Miss, milliner, 79 Bleury ^ Casaein, P, laborer, 8 Gabriel c2 M i.i' ' •aig \ 46 Cassein, M, labors, 1 1 r. Cassant, Vital, bSiJ'V'J'S , U«ava,u, Louis, .&'fc«™l°r'''''''^'''''=* ,,»^f . Bo", cnh,„et,„ake.-, rear H8 ■^, r'" ' Cassidaj^' S ' ,f' ■''<"'«'■> DnrocI er Cassiclay, M^^ JoL \vu ^' ^"''^e ^«^f lii, Charles ^vZl . ^^^'S»onne eath:::;tiT;/trf f?-^^ """ '""""^"^""-- -^ gfven,, Jo,„,, fo,;, t'ma,^^^4,'" Aqueduct ';«'annah, J, laborer .^' k'^f ^"^""'^hetiire'^ . "-avanuah Mi~. , , ~ '-'^^iPuiia CaMho,t'S '^""'''-^s, 37 aiurrav Cawtho Hi" " '■' •■''' S' ^lon <-edra. Fret I' t''"«""'et ^'•«''ot,tou„,„ul:fe'J:„,ur. ' 47 iklS iiguinat i St Law- rnev Craig s iclmer of d'Armeg lary leph Chabot, J B, joiner, 9 Smallwood Chagnon, T, bricklayer, 225 Lagaucheti^re Chalifoux, L, bootmaker, 250 Mignonne Chalifbiix, Niclis, boarding-liouse, 3 St Victoire Chnlifoiix, Afartin, carter, 116 St Dominique Chaliibnx, Jos, joiner, oil' head Sangiiinet Thalmers, .Tas, paper warehouse, 224- St Paul, home 4 Elizabeth Chalmers, Jas, laborer, Colborne avenue Chamberlain & Thomson, wholesale drv goods, 270 St Paul Cliamberlain, J R, house Simpson ofl' Sherbrooke Chamberlain, Pierre, house court ofi'Chaboillez Clinml)erliu. B, advocate, (Montreal Gazette^, house 7 Brunswick Chambers, John, cabman. FulUini near St Mary Chambers, Thomas, carter, Colborne avenue Champagne, F, shoemaker, 184- Constant Champagne, Loui.>, boilermakcr, 37 Campeau Champagne, J B, corner of Salaberry & Lagaiicha- tidre Champagne, Joseph, shoemaker, 122 Panet Champagne, Charles sawyer, 172 Panet Champeau, J, carpenter 26 St Antome Champeau, S, stonecutter, 210 Mignonne Champlain Sc St. Lawrence Bailroad Office, W A Merry, secretary, 68 Commissioners Champoux, Miss, milliner, lOS Notre Dame Chandler »fe Buck, grocers, 125 Commissioners Chance, Wm, Son Sc Co, wholesale hardware, S N Thompson, agent, 284 St Paul Chant, Geo, laborer, 107 Visitation Chaieleau, Z, bookbinder and stationer, 112 Notra Dame Chapeleau, Leon, laborer, Dufresne Chapeleau, Ant, house Visitation near Catherine Chapeleau, Augustus, tanner, 88 Wolfe Chap6, F, shoemaker, 52 Dominique Chapman, Henry & Co, commission merchants, cor- ner of St Sacrament and St Alexis Chapman, Henry, house, Durocher - i .. .• -' IS* ,\\ I ' 48 "iiiieaii, Jos, srarny "J"e(liiet Charbo«S; Fe^ii'' f """"^-inate « sm'^ , ^harlebo4 Tlr- 26 GabrieJ Jing •■"" noiir jMf, '■'larlebo,?' t ' grocer, ] , ^^^ . Char es jI^"™' ''»»««. 148 iS'^^'^^'wier Ch„r?B """ ^^--^ *1 St ,a. F«,. carpenter, -^oq t 4.9 5 1 oners urs, near m raig calm nidry and Trbain er vies Bai- \ice, Gil- Lntoine iFoimd- r^aw h% Charpeutier, Amable, 51 Beaudry Charrnette, T, carter, 196 Montcalm Charrette, Mrs, 76 St Maurice Charteris, BU, butcher, 310 St Joseph Chartrandj J B, joiner, 174 Panet Chartrand, .Tos, joiner, 141 TJrbain Chartrand, George, mason, Christopher Chartrand, Joseph, mason, 172 German Chartrand, Joseph, honse ^4> Bare Lane Chartrand, George, shoemaker, 131 Dorchester Chartrand, Paul, joiner, Panet near St Catherine Chartrand, Pierre, joiner, 61 Jurt> Chartrand, J B, joiner, 20 Labelle Chausse, Octave, carter, 203 Mignonne Chausse, Narcisse, carpenter, 229 St Lawrence Chatelle, Eusebe, milkman, 148 Visitation Cheney, Mrs E, house 1 1 Berthelet Cheney, Fiske & Go's Express, .1 W Howes, agent, Place d' Amies Chennevert, J B, joiner, 156 Beaudry Chenneville, F, mason, Panet near Dorchester Chenneville, Marcele, police, 29 Beaudry Cherrier, Dorton dr Dorton advocates, 7 St Vin cent Cherrier, Tons, professor of music, 136 St Denis Cherrier, C S, QC house 43 St Denis Cherrier, A R, advocate, 11 St Vincent, house San guinet Cherrier, Benj, trader, 15 Bare Lane Cherrier, Geo H, publisher, 29 St Lewis Cherry, John, police, 23 Aylmer - Chester, John, bricklayer, 41 German Chete, Henry, shoemaker, 120 Catherine Chete, Narcisse, stone cutter, 55 Constant Chete, Pierre, stone cutter, 35 Constant Chevallier, Edward, carter, 269 St Joseph Chevallier, C R, 123 St Mary . : Chevallier, Jos, carpenter, 55 Visitation ,.>.•• ', Chevallier, Emilie, editor, 11 St Vincent .. ' Chevallier, J, joiner, 99 Sanguinet S'll ^» ,\t 50 Damn *' '^OOt ai)(? q1,«^ ... «"nnip, house \ loan fund, ioji n venue ^ Hermine lee lin, lionge lie com- iDame f Place i ' Christopherson, W O Custom House, U Barclay Place Church, G H, exchange cofleo house, St Paul Church Society's oftice. National School, Bonse- cour Church, F L, sawyer, 301 St Joseph Church, Miss, dressmaker, '121 Lagauchetiere Church, Jos, joiner, 203 Dominique Cinq Mars Sc Beauchamp, tailors, 71 McGill Civalicr, Roche, brushmaker,29 St Lawrence Civalier, Seraphin, hotel du peiiple, J I Bonsecours Civalier, Jos, house 46 St Lewis Civalier, Jos, carter, 189 Bonsiventurc CiTv Bank, (FMacuUoch, cashier,^ Place d'Armea ('iTY AND District Savings Bank, (J Collins, actu- ary,) 8 Great St James ('iTV Hall, Bonsecours market, St Paul City Recorder, ( Hon Joseph Bourrett,) office City Hall (Jity Clerk, (J P Sexton,; office City Hall City Treasurer, (E Demers,) office City Hall City Surveyor, (J A B M'Gill,; office City Hall Claff y, Mrs James, 8 rear St Bernard Clamp, Benjamin, house 23 Bleury Clancy, John, police, 12 Victoria road Clancy, Michael, mason, 23 Sanguinet Clandinan, John, laborer, Dubord Clare, W H, clerk, 24. Aylmer Clarke. Fs, painter and paper hanger, 117 Alexan- der Clarke, Mrs. Jas, mast, pump and block maker, 9 Prince near Common Clarke, Alex, mason, 61 McCord Clarke, Wm, baker and grocer, 105 St Mary Clarke, John, of Hill S: Clarke, house 82 St Charles Barrom^e Clarke, E, needles, kc, 56 St Frangois Xavier Clarke, W R, dry goods, 84. McGili Clarke, Geo, chain maker, 7 Alexander Clarke, James, grocer, 192 Visitation Clarke, Wm, sou, house Cadieitx Cote i Baron 4 i IS: ^1 52 Clarke, Robt, house Cadieux Cole a Baron Clarke, Z R, house 16 Wellingtou Clarke, .Tas, gardener, Guy near St Antoine Clarke, William, contractor, 10f> Sanguincf Clarke, Alex, 172 Sherbrooke Clarke, Wm, milkman, Tolentin near Water Clark, Thomson tV Co, wholesale dry goodM, 22(J St Paul Clark, James T, of Clark, Thomson iV. Co, house ft Brunswick, Beaver hall Clurkin, Mulhew, tailor, 379 Lagauchetiere Clavelle, L, cooper and tavern, 194 St Tiawrence Clavelle, John, mason, 86 St Hubert Clavelle, Godfrey, mason, 76 St Hubert Clavette, Chas, furrier, 261 Catherine Cleghorn, James P, house 30 Inspector Cleghorn, Mrs, house 49 Elizabeth Clelland, Geo, engineer, 395 St Joseph Clelland, Wm, pattern maker, 395 St Joseph Clement, Geo, carter, 18 Dupre Lane Clement, U, carpenter, 52 Chaboillez Clement, Jos, provisions, 129 Commissioners, house 27 St Maurice Clement, Mrs N, 28 Dorchester Clement, John B, 275 Visitation Clement, Gregoire, tobacconist, 29 St Jose))h Clement, Joseph, carter, 41 St Maurice Clement, A, cooper, 21 Panet Clement, Mrs, seamstress. Cemetery near St Joseph Clendinnen, John, watchmaker and jeweller 91 McGill Clendinnen, W, book-keeper, 72 Ann street Clendinnen, Wm, clerk, 72 Ann Clendinnen, William, 156 St Mary Clerk, Geo E, editor of " True Witness," office 4 Place d*Armes, house 88 St Antoine Clerk, Alexander, Agent Canada life insurance Co, office, Merchants Exchange, house 172 Sher- brooke Clifford, S A: Co. tailors, clothiers and importers, 57 McGill i! C( 51^ ion 3ine ^ net ^ater Co, ijonse ft awrence 'ph ii's, house Joseph jJIer 91 'flice 4 ce Co^ .Sher- Alters, Ci-iFFORi), J B,clotliier iVt% cornrv MoCiill ii St Paul (lerry, Denis, laborer, 11 I'rinee CMose, James, tavern, 8 St Lawrence Close, Tut, axe maker, 303 St Josei>h Cloutier, S, grocer, 55 St Joseph snb Cloutier, Pelcr, boilcrmaker, 1'26 College Cloutier, T, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Coady, John, laborer, 9 Cemetery Coates Mrs, dry goods, corner Panel and St Mary Cociienthalle, John, trader, (iS Chenneville (Jochrane, Jas, clerk, 245 Tiagauehetiere Cochrane. Jas, gardener, (luy oflSt Joseph Cochrane, Wm, carter, 48 Lagauchetiere Cochrane, M, boots wholesale, 70 Saiiguinet Cochrane, Hugh, pork inspector, 70 Chenneville Cochran, Samuel, coflise roasting establishment, rear of 247 Notre Dame CocKBURN iV Brown, nursery and seedsmen and florists, 68 (ireat St James ( lockburn, A F, house Hermine Cockburn, Forester, brass founder, 6 St Alonique Cockburn, G F, engineer Mcjitreal &r Bytown K K, corner Craig and Place d'Armes Hill Cocker, A, grocer, Erie Coderre, Dr J E, 181 Craig Coderre, N, tailor, iJonsecours Coffin, W F, ofiice 47 St Gabriel, house Cote de* Neiges Coffin, W C H, prothonotary, house 1G4 Si Catherine Coft'y, Jolin, laborer. Kempt near Wellington Coify, Mrs 11, Millinery ^c, 289 Notre Dame CoflEy, Pat, laborer, 44 Dalhousie Coghlan, John, grocer, Queen square Cohnle, P, currier, Cemetery near Bonaventure Colburn, Mrs, house 139 St Antoine Cole, Wm, Hochclaga Cole, Thos, G T office, Go.sfbrd Coleman, J \V, Montreal house, Custom house sq Coleman, John, tailor, 96 St Joseph Coleman, Capt Thos, 27 Papineau Road Colitine, David, laborer, 73 Nazareth CoIJ n, F K" K * . ^^ St Law Collins, Petp/ r„u ^» *^ouse 3j r«..«, , Campbell ;„ 1 • "'' *r'DX.AKD n,! ^"'•'^''Mter Comber, Mi57p,""'"""'ce dent 9a*^i , Commissar !„>?i'''««'naker 123 Sf a I"'"'''^' &'lef T-tiet^^^^^^^^^ ' rn«,* ' ^' ""J'uer, r^fi <5i ^V ' ^^'ee Comte T„ "'' '""'''>■'■. t S",^'«' fioiu/'a !?"- o¥7Ce S- vT:'i^7^^ » 65 li Uue »f*ventnre leliere . ^•^fi Sr. Law- je " ' '-^ eJot ne ^ Cavidsoij S^ James '^'I'al's office, ee eiUure * I^orchester lOT, (AH, es [erst 'itre Coney, James, laborer, 83 McCord Coney, Ed, carter, 32 Mayor Conlan, Andrew, emigrant agent, cannl Avlrnvf, house 3 St Henry Connell, Mrs, milliner, 262 Notre Dame, house Hos- pital Connell, Mrs M, 412 Lagauchetiere Conner, John, tailor, 184 Bonaventure Connor, John, cooper, Queen near Common Connor, Jolm, laborer, 335 St Joseph Connor, John, laborer, 75 George Connolly, David, carpenter, 293 St Joseph Connolly, Mrs, washerwoman, 126 Bonaventure Connissant, Joseph, butcher, 167 St Joseph, snlj Connolly &; Lanti-er, provision merchants, Port near Common . , . Connolly, Arch, house 115 Mountain , - Connolly, Patrick, currxc. , f)! Chaboillez Connolly, Michael, laborer, 7 Catherine Connolly, Wm, carter, McCord Connoughton, J, grocer, 19 Gabriel Conroy, James, laborer, 143 William Conroy, John, grocer, 96 Wellington ' Conroy, P, carpenter, 36 Murray , , Conroy, John, laborer, 69 Nazareth ,r Conroy, John carpenter, 83 Dalhousie Conroy, Thomas, laborer, 25 McCord Consideau, J, laborer, 157 St Antoine Constantineau, Joseph, sen, trader, 27 Cljaboillez Constantineau, Frs, carter, 179 St Joseph, sub Contant, J B, carter, Lagauchetidre near BeanJry Contant, Frs, trader, 41 Tolentin Contant, Leon, cooper, 13 Beaudry >. Contant, Frs, grocer, 104 Lagauclietiere } '. Contant, Alfred, shoemaker, 94 Lagauchetiere Contant, Jos, shoemaker, Ijagauchetiere near Panet Contigne, Jos, shoemaker, 73 St Joseph Contois, Jos, shoemaker, 143 Visitation Contois, Olivier, boarding liouse, 126 Craig Contois, Frs, clerk, lane oft* Carapeau , , . Conway, Arthur, mason, 80 Murray ,^, ,^ *V --iiway, John, hrkUe-mLZ ^^^^ ^, th^Iot '''"""">« ^-^^ Office, house 4 Ber- C,oq,,ereI!e, R^ ti„s„^'; '"f |t Denis ^ :, ' Corbe. e, CWmir, car er«R '"''*.''''"'' Corbeille, Pierre ni"^^*^"^^ off Dnfresne ' CorbeiJJe f r •^'. "^^son, 40 Labelle Coron, Fr.,, gardener ,3' sf^^ t;atJieri„e grouse, Acqueduct off St Joseph 57 Coron, Chelais, piano-forte maker, 7 Chaboillez Coroner ot the District, .loocph Jones and C J Cour- sol, offices Champ dc Mars ami 8t Vincent Corrcstine, Jolin, carpenter, 35 McCord Corrisline, Dominique, grocery, 4-2 Jure Corrigan, Patrick, carpenter, 53 Jure Corse & May, paints, oils and glass, 279 and 28 1 St Paul Corse, Mrs 11, liouse 14 Grey Nun v . . Corse, R, house 44 Grey Nun Corse, N B, house 47 Queen Cosgrove, John, laborer, Sophia laue oft' Craig Cosgrove, Miss, dressmaker, 128 St Urbaiu Oostigan, Mrs John, milliner and grocer, 322 St Joseph Cote, G, mason, 44 City Councillors Cot6, OUvier, laborer, St Margarf ' oft' St Antoine Cot6, Cesaire, clerk, 75 Champ dc ';. \s Cot6, Leander, grocer, 38 corner . r, ig and Panet Cot6, Charles, carter, 135 Sangnii^ct Cote, Peter, captain, 30 St Louis Cote, Helaire, laborer, 16 Aylmer , Couch, Mrs T, house, 95 St Urbaiu Couillard, Thomas, clerk, house 91 Craig Couillard, A, house 3 St Charles Barromee CouLARD, Thos, agent for A Larue & Co, stoves & hardware, 167 St Paul, house 91 Craig CouUeau, Mrs, midwife, 173 St Mary CouRSOL, C J, advocate, joint coroner, 13 St Vincent, house Dorchester, west Coursol &r Berthelet, advocates, 13 St Vincent Coursolles, J L, painter^ 54 Panet CouRSOLLEs &; Lemoine, architects and measurcris, 47 St Lawrence Coursolles, Cassimere, architect, lOBeaiidry Coursolles, Mrs, laundress, 100 Dorchester Court, James, accountant, Insurance Company's Buildings, Great St James, house 323 St Mary Courteau, N, joiner, 146 Constant oft* head Courtemanclie, Abraham, mason, Sanguinet Courtney, —, ^laborer, 84 Prince Courtney, Denis, laborer, 13 Aylmer Courtney, VV V, Ottawa Hotfl, house 28 St Mar- garet Courtois, Louis, pota^3ll maker, head of Pauet • ' Caurval, Joseph, carter, Lafoiitaine uti' Visitation Courvul, Fii!, cooped, 52 Durham Coiuisineau. Joseph, 17 Visitation » Couiville, Pascal, carter, 28 Bar6 Courville, Benj, shoemaker, Durham corner Dor- ciiester Cousincau, V, ijcer-aian, 142 Montcalm Coiisineaii, Louis., tanner. 44 Bare' Cousineaii, .1 B, laborer, 224" V^isitation Cousineau, Maurice, voyageur, 26 Acqueduct Couture, Chas. butcher, 82 Lagaucheti^re Couture, Louis, carter, 57 Beaudry routuricr, Christopher, clerk, U Sanguinet CouvRETTE,MAC>LomE, saddlcr, 76 St. Antoine Couvrettc, Pierre, joiner, 181 St Charles Baronimee Couzina, John, joiner, 160 Constant Cowan, A, lumljer yard, 73 Hay Market square Cowan &; Cross, wholesale grocers, wine and spirit merchants, 8 St Maurice Cowan, Dr J P, house upper St Urbain Cowan, William, (of Carter & Cowan) house Drum mond Cowau, \Vm, junr, corner Sydenham and Lagau- chetiere Cowan, James, tailor, 301 Notre Damo Cowan, David, jailyard, Lagauchetiere Cowan, William, soap-boiler, 160 Lagauchetieie Cowan, Hugh, moulder, 257 St Mary Cowan, Thos, coachmaji, 112 Bonaventure Cowan, James, laborer, 9 llerraine Cox, M L, contractor, IS^ Lagauchetiere Cox, Pat, house 38 Ann Cox, Patrick, carter, 9 St George Cox, James, marketman, 38 Ann near Wellington Cox, Patrick, customs officer, 18 Bleury Cox, James, shoemaker, 286 Catherine Cox, Charles, grocer, 136 St Joseph 59 !8 St Mar- Pauet Visitahoii ' juriier Dor- educt re *• net iLiitoine Barommce t square le and spirit )usc Drum nd Lflgttu- lu'lieie ■'0 L'llington Coyle, E, customs officer, 27 Maurice Coyle, James, ropemaker, Colborne avenue Coyle, Edward, ropemaker, Parthenais off St Mary Coyle, Lacblan, shoemaker, 42 St Gabriel Coyne, John, tavern, 68 Charles Barrom^e Craig, Alex, clerk, 47 St Maurice Craig, James, clerk, 43 Jure Craig, J, turner, 46 Constant Craig, Andrew, painter, 47 St Maurice Craig, Hugh, saiimaker, 26 Wellington Craig, John, house 80 St Antoine Craijj, James, cabinetmaker, 56 St Doniiniqua Crane, llobert, laborer, 8 J Murray Cranston, Robert, carpenter, 47 Cemetery Cramp, Thos, of D Torrance k Co, house 1 Albert place. St Urbuin Cfathern tV; Caverhill, wholesale hardware, Cus- tom House square Crathern, T, house 69 Constant- Crate, Mrs II, 230 Bonaventure Craven, Mrs INIiehael, 60 Prince Craven, Lawrence, carter, 82 Prince ' ' Craw, Michael, laborer, 38 Murray - •'■ Crawford, John, .i^encral broker, Union buildings, 23 St. Frangois Xavier, house at St. Pierre Crawford, James, M D, 33 Little St James Crawford, Patrick, storeman, 32 Chenneville Crawford, John, grocer and tavi i, 188 Dorchester Crawford. Mrs, I3ufresne Crawlbrd, \Vin, upholsterer, 296 ^i. Mary Creighton, John, clerk, Kent Crcighton, James, tailor, 279 Notre Dame Creelman, Mat hew, boilermaker, 27 Colborne Crepeuu, Alexis, restaurant, 129 St Mary Crepeau, Louis, stonecutter, 166 Lagaiicheticre (^'repeau, Joseph, mason, 236 Mignonne Crerar, (D W) & McGiBBON, (Alex), wholesale and retail grocers, wine and spirit irerchants, and. wholesale confectioners, 152 Notre Dame Crcvier, Eustache, roofer, 37 Inspector Crevier, Olivier, carter, 7 Sanguinet m Crooks, C.arl!','^ ?*''"■ Chaboil/ez v. v^i.Ex^ Cusson, Denis, laborer, 217 St Joseph • -1 Cusson, Henry, 61 Cemetery :^ ' - yi/.^i Cusson, Ant, trader, 140 Sanguinet Cusson, F X, _,carriagemaker, Cemetery ofl' St Jo- seph Customs Examining Warehouse, Port, 12 Common ^ 62 '^ J ■ ^ ^AmhSt'"'^^""'' '"O"'^^. I-agaucheti^re near nfP"' ^^Pa'e, notary, 152 fit r„.i • ^agneau, Charles, baker I 'i^-'""'"® Dajenais, Firman S„ ' . ^'"8 „ . Catherir • "•°«™«ker, Visitation near St Dajena.,, Frangois, Zterfi^l'^'^'""' ranci* Xavier 11 29 St Sacm- r Canadien," beth ester and St -. * vi ■ lie >n JBuildiagSi » letidre near e \n near St )m6e iqil© Telegraph Farromee 6S DancereaU) Pierre, stone-cutter, 64 Felix Dancereau, Pierre, clerk, 36 St Elizabeth Dangerfield, William, boots and shoos, 143- 1-45 Notre Dame Dann, Wm, shoemaker, 80 Blcury Daoust, Maurice, trader, 16 St Joseph Daoust, Charles, advocate, 16 St Gabriel Darough, Balthazar, house 122 College Darling, William, & Co, general merchants, 239 St Paul, house 24> William Darling, C, forwarder. Canal wharf, house St Ca- therine corner Papineau road Darling, John, boarding-house, 53 St Urbain Darling, David, soap chandler, 76 St Charles 13a- rom^e Darragh, Patrick, milkman. Gain off St Mary Darragh, Alexander, carpenter, 243 Lagauchctiere Darragh, Hugh, tavern, corner St Francois Xavier and Commissioners Darragh, Peter, grocer, 60 St Maurice Darragh, Wm, boilermaker, 28 Catherine Date, John, plumber, brazier, &c, 269 Notre Dame Daudelin, Michel, carter, St Felix off St Josejih Daudelin, Etienne, Bruchesi off St Joseph Daunais, Jos, shoemaker, Salaberry off'fcJt Mary Dauphin, Charles, sculler, 166 St Denis David, AH, M D, 146 Craig David, E D, advocate, 31 Little St James, house 2 Beaver-hall square ^ David, M E, house 35 Little St James David, Louis, carpenter, 17 German David, F, painter, 17 German, house 91 Montcalm David, S, painter. Queen square David, Jos, carter, 190 Panet David, Daniel, shoemaker, 35 St Mary David & Ramsay, advocates, 31 Little St James David, Magloire, joiner, 143 Constant David, Toussaint, laborer, 4 Little St Antoine Davidson, D, manager Bank of British North Amc rica, Great St James Davidson, Isaac, B, clothier, 181 Notre Dame I^avidson, Mrs nia<.... JDavies, Wm H at, , ^ ^^ ^"toine Jw::grSS-ne-h.,8*Bo„ave„U.„ . Davis, Miss A J, m," ill „?T]'''»"« • J/8V1S, Moses, fuWier 117 T '^,"''''"« l^av s, Henry gr^er ii'^shsa"?"'«"«'e , . , . -Davis, Isaac, cFerk 19 st t ^'l^"'"" ' " • J^avis, Mra Berlin wool If'^^P'' Dav|s,VrpSe^,?4tef*Commiss,o„or,, Davison, Jas, of Phcen v Infp '^"' toine "^'^ ^^^« Co, liouse 141 «t An ,^ ChenneviJle ^'- Barnes, house n jJawson, Andrew, tailor (\r n ■ ^awson, Thomas Sfe/ nS^^^ . , 7 : ; ^ Dawson, John JJ^'**""^®'* ^"bord ' ' Dav' f ',9y''<=n«, 34 Simon Day Jolrn, carter 8 l,^p'"''^ '^i"«« . Dean, DavM .!, ' „ Bernard " ■ ' «,Davrd.u,x„er,83StCharie,Barro„.*e .:; 65 Dean, Robert, first prize trunk factory and Mon- treal bellows factory, '^58 Notre Dame Dease, Chs W, engineer, 159 Dorchester DeBeanjeii, Hon G R S, house 52 Notre Pame DbBleury, Hon CCS, advocate, 158 Craig Debruil, Mrs, seamstress, Seigneur Decarreau, Jas, pilot, Dorchester near Durham Decarreau, ■ , stonecutter, 106 Frangois Decnrrie, Louis, joiner, rear 184- St Lawrence Decarrie, Mrs, boarding house, 99 Wellington Decarrie, Henry, carpenter, 83 Mountain Decarrie, J B, shoemaker, 23 Bar6 lane Decarrie, John, carpenter, 175 BOnaventure Dechantal, Louis, house 1 St XJrbain , '^ Dechantal, Julien, laborer, Hochelaga ' ' ^ Dechattles, Pierre, cabdriver, 53 Andr6 " ' , - Dechattles, Joseph, carter, 137 Beaudry ' Decoie, Louis, shoemaker, head of Beaudry Decousse, Mrs P B, tavern, 36 Jacques Cartier square Decost, Hilaire, tavern, 32 Nazareth Dednam, T, tinsmith and brazier, 41 St Peter Deegan, John, stonecutter, 218 Visitation ^ .•- Deegan, L, house 76 Bleury ' ' ' Deegan, Mrs, house Catherine near Gabriel ' *' ' Deery, Henry, grocer, 115 Wellington , ^ Defoy, Joseph, junr, advocate, 45 Elizabeth Defoy, Joseph, 11 St Francois de Salle ', '; ^ Defoy, Joseph A, advocate. Place d'Armes Hill '' Defoy, Joseph, carpenter, 45 Elizabeth Degnais, David, tinsmith, 88 St Mary Deguise, Frs, bricklayer, head Sanguinet Deguise, Olivier, bricklayer. Si Charles Barromee Deguise, Michael, bricklayer, rear 19 Vallee Delage, M, shoemaker, 13 St Margaret \ DbLagrave &; Co, importers of French and other wines, 46 St Gabriel DeLadurante, Theodore, 73 ^ St Mary Delahai, Benj, goldsmith, l27 Sanguinet Delahide, Mrs, trader, 341 St Joseph sub ' Delahide, JohU; laborer, 232 St Joseph sub ' ' eg I Beian J: ^"; ^^l^i ^^»^/- o/T St George ^e a„„ J 3 i^ 'pooler 28 ^"c.- ISI i^^^^^^ Deorme, Pierre, clerk 6* r°'"° • »e orme, S, butoLr, 29 a^! "f Adolphus viiaiies, house 51 Water MU. 67 Demers, George, butcher, 180 St Constant Demers, Joseph, laborer, 7 Durham Demers, Louis trader, 115 Dorchester Demontigny, C J N, proprietor and editor of " Le Moniteur," 125 St Paul, house 38 St Denis Demontiont So Co, book and job printers, 125 St Paul Demontigny, P, carter 127 Panet Demoulin, Jos, carpenter, 128 St Joseph Dempsey, Wm, police, 23 St Claude Dempsey, D, trader, 122 Lagaucheti6re Dempsey, Mrs, laundress, 87 St Gabriel Dempster, George, merchant, 10 St Sacrament Deneau, Chas, laborer, 153 Constant Deneau, Mrs E, dressmaker, 27 Cot6 ' , Denham, George, engineer, 48 William Dennie, Mrs, millinery establishment, 21 Great St James Dennis, Joseph, mason, 12 Napoleon Dennis^ C, carpenter, rear 186 St Charles Barrom6e Dennis, Jean B, gardener, 159 St Lawrence Depatie, F X, tavern, 48 Jacques Cartier Square Depatie, Joseph, jonckshop, 398 St Lawrence Depimcier, M H, merchant tailor, 10 St Lambert, house Perrault's court off Craig Depincier, P, painter, Perrault's court off Craig Deputy Quarter Master GeneraPs Office, St Louis near Sanguinet De Rocheblave, Mrs, house 5 Lartique place Slier- brooke Derome, Jerh, cabinetmaket 289 Lagaucheti^re Derome, Hubert, house Cadieux, C6te a Baron Desaurmeau, Peter, sawyer, 62 Amherst Desautels, Mrs Amable, 3 Smallwood lane Desautels, James, cooper, 10 Dorchester Desautels, J B, laborer, 89 Catherine Desautels, W, groc, cor. Lagaucheti^re Sc Montcalm Desautels, Louis, carter, 97 Beaudry Desautels, Jos, eaulker, 40 St Louis ' ; Desautels, Prudent, stonecutter, 134 Visitation ^ j, Desautels, Mrs, house 17 Bonaventure J Desautels, Peter, joiner, 89 Wolfe ■'«'■■ I m ^^L^^'^^-^^i^SOo t>e.scj sawyer, 150 Gen 3i'man as :' tf ^^' v&,^-' ill j^— g«Her;ii^^-''^"''«m 0/1 St Mar,- : ^ ■ Oe™artea„';E|^'i:?f ''Elizabeth' ■ „ renee "'""''^' ''fy goods j n- 13 s;, , Desnoye,-s, Anlo „e "S^^i tl^^'n^'^'V ": DeSo a, Rev A Ir i ' ''* Labelle ■ 69 •awrence riiie Lawrence t Lawienoe que ^mabJe lane d I'anet ti^ve ■ St Cathe- SU(» i:\ y ^:,'-" ibriel \} general St Law- •■( J »ee Desormier, Louis, carter, head of Dufresne Desotelle, A, cabinetmaker, 36 Amherst Despatie, Augt, laborer, 12 Devienno Despatie, Antoine, trader, 33 Philip Despatie, M, joiner, 207 Dominique Despatie, Joseph, carter, 1 13 Bcaudry Despatie, Felix, carter, 104 Beaudry Despatie, Peter, carter, Sydenham Despatie, Joseph, cabinetmaker, 119 Dominique Despatie, Louis, carter, 358 Catherine Despatie, Jean M, house 145 Constant Despatie, Etienne, mason, 217 Panet Despaty, Ed, stonecutter, head of Visitation Despaty, Ed, roofer, head Urbain Desrivieres, F X, carriagemaker, Hochelaga Desrivieres, Michl, carpenter, 19 St Joseph Desroche, J B, tobacconist, 149 St Paul Desroche, Alex, cooper, 193 Dominique Desroche, John, 9 Salaberry Desrocher, Antoine, builder, 1 1 Dorchester Desroche, Jos, mason, head of Beaudry Desroche, M N, tinsmith, 134 Pt Constant Desrochers, Peter, 10 Napoleon Desrochers, Benj, tailor, 294 Lagauchetitbrc Desrochers, Edward, dry goods, 29 St Lawrence Desrochers & Parent, dry goods, 25 and 27 St Lawrence Desrochers, Urbain, sculptor, 228 Catherine Desiue, J, cooper, 12 St Edward lane Desrue, Eugene, cooper, 12 St Edward lajie Dessourdie, N, laborer, 76 Panet DessourtJie, X, mason, 75 Panet Dessourdie, Jos, carter, 109 iMontcahn Deszereau, Mrs, boarding house, 135 Craig Devanny, Michael, lodging house, Port near Found- lino- Devereux, W, plasterer, Little DuIjUm, ofl St (leor,f>e Devey, C S, auctioneer, house and estate agent, cor- ner St Sacrament & St Nicholas Devine, John, laborer, VoKigeur.s d2 K/ 70 ■ W !t /| Devine, Denis, laborer, off McCorJ ' * " ' Devine, Henry, bootmaker, 25 St Charles Banomee Devins, Peter, house 103 St Hubert Devins, James, carter, 4-2 Chaboillez ''".■"■ Devlin, B, advocate, 7 Little St James : '"'"'^ ' Devlin, Thos, laborer. Gain DeWitt, Jacob, house head of St Margaret Dickinson, C M, surgeon dentist, 69 Great St James Dickinson, M K, forwarder, Common canal wharf, house 13 Brunswick Dickson, Geoxge R, general agent, 254. St Paul Dickson, James, tavern, 21 Colborne Dickson, Rich, blacksmith, 94. (labriel DiER, John, swan tavern, 48 Grey Nun ' Dier, W, carter, 61 St Maurice Dier, Jos, carter, 34 Colborne • - ' Dignan, B, printer, off 74 St Charles Barromee Diguire, Jos, 3 Barclay Dilare, Jos, wood corder, 37 Durham Dillon, Richard, accountant, 103 Mountain Dillon, John, ^clerk to Town Major, house Water near Lacroix Dillon, Wm, interpreter in court, 14 9 Mountain Dillon, Thos, laborer, 11 Hermine ! Dillon, James, laborer, 86 Dominique Dinell, Frs, carpenter, 238 Panet Dinning, John G, secretary Merchants' Exchange, house 5 Philips square, Beaver Hall Dinesvill, Peter, laborer 34 Panet Diocesan Library & Reading Room, National school-house, Bonsecours Dion, John, carter, 137 Bcaudry Dion, Louis, mason, 125 Dominique Dion, Mrs Jas, grocer, 3 Devienne Dion, Jos, carpenter, rear 3 Devienne Dippie, Misses, dressmakers, 137 Dorchester Dixon, R, Cooper, opposite the market Doane, T C, daguerreotypist, 2 Place d'Armes, house Cadieux Cote a Baron Dockrill, Benj, boilermaker, Victoria Road, Dpds; ?, hous>« 20 Ujiiou avenue n >.s Banom^e Dods, Mrs, fancy clothing, 46 Great St James Doheny, Jas, storeman, 52 Prince Doherty, N, house Colborne avenue Doherty, George, turner, Drake's court off College Doherty, John, laborer, 50 Murray Doh«rty, Marcus, advocate 59 Little St James, house 58 St Hubert Doherty, William, laborer, 55 Campeau Doherty, Anthony, laborer, Acqueduct off St Joseph Doherty, Chas, sawyer, 28 Dalhousie Doherty, Ed, messenger, 54 Bonaventure Doherty, Mrs, Craig and Champ de Mars Doherty, Wm, head of Parthenais & Colborne Doherty, Mrs, 44 Dalhousie , , = ,, , Doherty, Pat, clerk, 42 Ann Dolan, D, bricklayer, corner Alexander 'and Cathe* rine Dolan, Frs, dry goods, 300 Notre Dame Dominique & Cusson, cullers. Capital Dompierre, Ls, carpenter, 121 Bonaventure Don '^, Clifford, grocer, 97 Visitation Done, Peter, porter, 15 Wood yard Donahoo, Timothy, saddler, 87 St Paul Donahoo, Martin, carter, 44 Dalhousie Donahoo, William, police, 32 Catherine Donahoo, Pat, house 44 St Felix Donahoo, G, laborer, 146 Bleury Donald, James, plasterer 9 Dumarais Donald, Jas, cabinet maker, 99 St Urbain , Donaldson, Mrs, grocer, 2 little St Antoine Donaldson, William, house 12 St Frantjois de Salle Donaldson, Wm, dry goods, 23 Bonaventure DoNEGANA Hotel, The, Mrs St Julien, proprietress, 15 Notre Dame Donegani, John, house Villa Rosa, Cote St Antoine Donohue, Mrs, teacher of music, 45 St Antoine Donnelly, Bridget, 7 Alexander Donnelly, Owen, boiler maker, 134 Lagauchetiere Donnelly, Ed, trader, 16 Eleanor Donnelly, Hugh, laborer, 57 Gabriel Donnelly, Henry, boatman, St Peters Lane m r- N goiiovajj, Peter Jnrni? ', ^^ ^««ipt tain ' fefocery and tavern, w^ m Sooner, Gcoi-ap « 1 ^ ^ ^^'^ , Doraii, James, messp>,„ ^?™""'i"e f, ™''' ^"^fs Hfji], 139 s. A', ", *>' Josep I ^°'<^ Et, cart maker Ii /"?'•■'"' Dorchester Woof' ^""'^ St Jam« i „ UorvalA'rn ?1"'-'''Cartier,',n, •L>orw n P n ' '^"^*^^*«j 25 8t T?..o .^'^ iJanio DoucET, T, notary public, 20 St Francois Xavier. house 19 Dorchester Doucet, N B, 64- St Francois Xavier Doucet, N, boarding house, 63 St Paul, up stairs DouGALL, John, wholesale dry goods, 255 St Paul, Montreal Witness office and book store, 30 Great St James, house head of Mountain DouGALL, Jas, commission merchant, 13 Lcmoirte, house Blinkbonnie, 152 Sherbrooke Dougall, George, tailor, 101 Craig Douglass, Wm, general merchant, St Jean Baptisto, house 28 St Monique Douglas, J & T, wholesale dry goods, 215 St Paul Douglas, James, house Recollect near St Peter Douglas, Wm, clerk, 51 Lagauchetiere Douglu Mrs, 3 St Felix " . " Douglas, Jas H, tailor, lOG Elizabeth Douglas, Wm, shoemaker, 89 McGili Douglas, Rev John, Wesleyan, 101 College Douglas, Brother & Co, planing and saw mill, facing William and Canal basin, house 83 College DouTRE, Leon, deputy registrar, old Government house, house 16 St Gabriel Doutre, Joseph, advocate, 16 St Gabriel Doutre, Pierre, clerk, registry office, house Crait? Doutre Sc Daoust, advocates, 16 St Gabriel Doutney, F L, clerk, 53 Little St James Doiitney, W L, wines and spirits, St Gabriel, 2'13 St Lawrence / Dow & Co, brewers and distillers, 148 St Joseph Dow, Wm, house 14-2 St Joseph Dow, Mrs Andrew, house Ul St Joseph Dow, Alex, carpenter, 232 Bonaventure Dow, Wm, cabinet-maker, 10 Hermine Dow, F, ropcmakor, 15 Anderson Dow, Robert, slater, H^ St Domini(j[ue Dow, A, 26 Edward Lane Dowd, Mrs Francis, tavern, Aiiderson near Jure Dovvd, Elizabeth, grocery, 23 Jure Dowd, A, li\bor(M', 17 St Dominiquo Downey, Alex, laborer, 77 Nazareth 74 Bowney, Thomas, laborer on n/r r. Jowiiey, Dennis fnl^i' ^^ ^cCord ^owns/rerreS,"^^^^ ^IMcGill Downy, Morris iio/n / T ^^ ^»»i i^uylo, James, aboier 9Q m '^"ation Drake, Godftef , grocer' 8 V ^'"""'e D«EDGE, F c, bookb „de?a^ ■' <''""•' "» Craig D-»'oo":?ifi,^7|'^«;133stWe.,ee > r>n«, ^ •'OHN, grocerv. i^-j c*. a "r^ ' ^t Lon s . .iteHaV™t&''""''^'' " «-Iego„de, oppo. I*i'l>i*, Alex vnffil'i TV'a'x""ez , y ii Dubois, Al, cooper, 368 St Catherine Dubois, Mrs J, house 29 St Andre Dubois, Alexis Et, office 15 St Joseph, city, house 59 St Antoine Dubois, Joseph, grocer, 19 Moiinlaiii Dubois, M, laborer. Court oft' Dufresne Dubois, Alfred, clerk, 53 St Antoine ^ Dubois, John, trader, 120 German . ■ Dubois, F, joiner, 27 Andr6 -^ f- Dubois, John, mason, 207 Mignonne ., Dubois, J B, laborer, 83 McCord , ,; , , , Dubois, Jas, joiner, Dufresne : - -,, ';, Dubord, Alex, carter, 4G Catherine Dubord, Antoine, senr, house Place d'Armes hill Dubord, A, cigarmaker, 121 St Paul Dubord, F X, shoemaker, 64. St LawrencQ t .. Dubord, Louis, cooper, 155 Montcalm Dubruil, Cyril, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Dubruil, Alexr, carpenter, 269 Catherine Dubuc, Mrs C, house corner Visitation and Lagau- cheti^re i ; . - ; Dubuc, Casimere, tailor, 269 German Dubuc, J B, fire inspector. City Hall, house St Denis Ducasse, Alex, carpenter, 187 Visitation Ducasse, Mad, grocer, 47 Durham Ducasse, B, shoemaker, 67 Durham . . Ducharme, Peter, saddler, 139 Lagaucheti^re Ducheneanx, Hergiide, baker, 1 St Joseph Duchene, Pierre, shoemaker, 138 Visitation Duchene, Pierre, carver, 140 Visitation Dnchene, J B, butcher, 165 Constant .. ■ Duchene, Jas, carter, 158 Lagaucheti^re DucLos, Francis, Eagle hotel, temperance house, 7 College Duclos, Jos, stone-cutter, 170 German Duclos, N, roofer, 86 Beaudry Duclos, Am6de, tin-roofer, 6 Smalhvood Duclos, Maxime, joiner, lane ofT Small wood Duclos, Win, carpenter, 224 St Joseph Duclos, Francis, sen, house upper St Urbaiu DuclosJ, Johu; jjtone-cutter, U4 Beaudry m 76 Duclos, Pierre, grocer, 97 Catherine Diidevoir, Edwd, shoemaker, 23 St Simeon Dudlow, Michl, carter, 17 St Felix , Dufaux, Aug, trader, Craig near Salaberry Duff, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 20 St Henry Duffield, Geo, grocer, 350 St Joseph Duffineau, Jas, caulker, 7 Bar6 lane Duffy, Mrs, dry goods, 3 St Mary Duffy, Jas, laborer, Perrault's court off* Craig Duffy, Edward, storeman, 2 Eleanor 1 Duffy, Edward, blockmaker, 151 St Urbain Dufort, E B, house St Elizabeth Dufort, Joseph, joiner, 259 St Catherine Dufort, Antoine, carter, 383 St Mary Dufort, Jos, carpenter, 95 Panet Dufort, Alex, waterworks, 30. Notre Dame , Dufort, Dennis, shoo naker, 66 St Felix Dufort, A, laborer, 15 Tjard Dufort, David, baker, 282 Mignonne Dufort, Joseph) carter, 67 Wolfe Dufourd, Hubert, shoemaker, head of St Urbain Dufourd, Lewis, laborer, 161 Dominique Dufresne, Mrs Frs, laundress, 26 St Andr6 Dufresne, Olivier, smith 67 Campeau Dufresne, Francis, limeburner. Current St Mary Dufresne, Mrs Luke, house 25 St Maurice Dufresne, Laurent, house 285 St Catherine Dufresne, Pierre, boots and shoes, Notre Dame, bona© 66 St Lawrence . Dufresne, Frs, jun, clerk, 403 St Mary Dufresne, Ovide, clerk, Versailles off" Si Joseph Dufresne, Toussant, laborer, 118 Caihcviiie Dufresne, L, cooper, 279 Lagauchctiere Dufresne, M, traversier, 138 Montcalm ^ Dufresne, Mad P, grocer, 389 St Mary Dufresne, Mrs, baker, 385 St Mary Dugal, Dr A, 277 St Mary Dugal, Telespore, caulker, St Mary near the Jail Dugan, Patrick, carter, 131 St Antoine Dugan, David, police^ 23 Alexander i Dugan, Mrs, grocer, 25 Chaboillezi -. 77 Diigas, Miss, dressmaker, 79 Bonavient'.ire i Diihamel, Antoine, trader, 35 Visitation Duhamel, Jos, trader, corner Nnpoleon &c Visitation Diihide, Jos, carter, r>5 Catherine Dnhide, H, boarding honse, 3 Constant Uumais, J A, dry goods, 14<2A St Paul Dumas, George N, grocer, 85 St J\iul Dumas, Mrs Thos, 141 Montcalm Duminie, Chs, jun, smith, 25 Mountain ' i. Dumont, J B, stonecutter, Salaberry near Laganche- tiere Dumont, Jos, grocer, 193 St Mary , Dumont, Magloire, butcher, Victoria Road '"'j** Dumouchelle, Alfred, grocer, corner Visitation and St Catherine Dunbar, John, laborer, corner Craig and Amherst Dunbar, Thos, baker, 69 Wolfe, corner Dorchester Dunbar, Henry, nailer, 20 Bar6 Dunbar, Jas, engineer, 4-3 George i Dunberry, Jos, laborer, 33 Bar6 i Dunberry, James, carpenter, 84 Ann Duncan, Jas, artist 74 St Lewis Duncan, James, smith, 85 Dalhousie Duncan, Archibald, smith, 52 Nazareth Duncan, Thomas, school teacher, 82 Daliiousie Duncan, R, Ordnance Department, 55 Tolentine Dmidon, J, laborer, 51 Catherine Dunkin, C, advocate, house 39 Little St James Dunlop, Chas J, advocate. Place d'Armes Hill cor- ner Craig :Dunn, Mrs John, 32 Catherine Dunn, Mrs, house St Joseph near Richmond Dunn, Michael, boarding-house 17 St Claude ^^ • Dunn, George, engineer, 49 Prince ^u\ Dunn, Christopher, painter, 104 Mountain ' Dunn, Andrew, laborer, 23 Murray Dunn, John, blacksmith, 19 St Louis ■ j Dunphy, James, laborer. Port near Common * Duparez, Miss, house 1 1 Little St James Duplesis, John, bricklayer, 109 German ~ Duplant6, Frs, cabman, 8 Napoleon 78 Ml ' ' Dupont, D, clerk, 67 German i Dupont, Jean, house off McCord Dupras, C, grocer, 397 St Mary ' \ Dupras, Ant, joiner, 147 Montcalm Dupras, Eugene, carriage Maker, 149 Montcalm Dupras, G, trader, off Diifresne Dupras, C, carpenter, St Peter lane Dupr6, Peter, laborer, 2 Durham Dupr6, Louis, Craig East Dupuis, Augustin, gunsmith, 21 St Antoiue ^ Dupuis, Francois, wood-yard, 40 Amherst Dupuis, Charles, smith, Perthuis 12 Dupuis, Isaac, baker, 182 Sanguinet Dupuis, Joseph, master sweep, 42 St Dominique Dupuis, Joseph, carter, 358 St Catherine Dupuis, J B, house 152 Visitation Dupuis, J B, carriage maker, 45 Beaudry Dupuis, F A, trader, 154 Visitation Dupuis, Peter, grocer, 83 Montcalm Dupuis, Seraphine, confectioner, 147 Lagauchetiere Duquet, Francois, leather, &c, Jacques Cartier square, house 126 St Lawrence Durand, B, clerk, opposite St Lawrence market Durand, Louis, trader, 137 Visitation Durand, O, baker, 109 Panel Durantel, Alfred, painter, 70 St Joseph ' '' ' Durham, Duncan, tobacconist, 192 St Paul, house 50 Campeau Durnford, P, revenue inspector, 94 Notre Dame, house Cote St Antoine west of toUgate Durocher, Louis, carter, 52 Chaboillez Durocher, Thomas, tinsmith, 34 St Lawrence Durocher, Mrs M, 50 St Lawrence Durocher, Joseph, boilermaker, 328 St Catherine Durocher, Ant, carter, 52 Chaboillez Durocher, Miss, grocer, 32 Chaboillez Durocher, Frs, carpenter, 5 Cemetery Dussault, Pierre, carriagemaker, 92 St Joseph sub Dutele, Mrs John, grocer, 198 St Dominique Dutton, J T, book-keeper, 6 Cleveland place, Jur6 near Bleury - 79 jagauchetiere Dutton, Miss Eliza L, ladies seminary, 6 Cleveland place, Jnth near Bleury Duval, Miss, boarding-howse, 46 Tolentine Duval, Joseph, cartmaker, corner Lagauchetiere & Panet Duval, Frs, oookshop, 65 Campeau Duvernay & Frer6, printers and publishers of " La Minerve," 10 St Vincent Duvert, Aug, clerk registrars office. Government house, house 134 Sanguinet Duvert, Aug, senr, 134 Sanguinet ; ' Duverger, J B, mason, 161 Visitation - ' DwYER & Tolland, coach factory, 114 Craig near St Francois Xavier Dwyer, Mr» , house 74 Colborne , . . . , Dwyer, Luke, cooper, 36 William ^ ;^ Dwyer, Patrick, laborer, 7 Bisson : ; j.l: Dwyer, Patrick, laborer, 30 Common Dyde ic Mayor, inspectors of ashes, 8 College Dyde, John> house 189 St Antoine place Dyer, James, engineer, off Seigneur EAGER, W L, provision inspector, 30 Wellington, house 17 College Eaman, George, storeman, 57 Cemetery Eardly, Maurice, clerk of hay-market, house 19 Market square E ASTON, Wm, notary public, 51 Little St James, house 60 St Charles Barrom^e E ASTON, Andrew, general commission agent, 66 St Charles Barrom6e Edmonstone, Allan & Co, general merchants. Common opposite the Upper Wharf Edmonstone, W, house Devonshire place, Sher- brooke Edmonstone, And, trader, 17 Phillip ■- Educat«on Department, (J B Meilleur, LLD, chief superintendent) old Government honse Edwards, Wm, teacher 142 William - ^ Edwards, John, laborer, 21 Eleanor ^ , ,. i i Egan, John, carter, 96 Gabriel Egau,i%Wm, 7 Barclay ^ ■\. \\\ Egan, Miclil, police, 23 Aylmer '^'i' ' Eglauch, Leonard, music teacher, 287 St Catherine Ekers, Thos, grocer, 108 St Lawrence Eider, Mrs, dressmaker, 18 Hermine Elder, Geo, smith, 225 Bonaveiiture ' Ellegood, Rev Jacob, house 178 St Antoinc Ellenburgh, John, slioemaker, Exchange court Ellicolt, Jolin, plumber and gasritter,25 Notre Uame Elie, Mrs P, 9 Cam})eau Elliott, Andrew, carpenter and builder, corner St Catherine and Bleury Elliott, W H, MD, dentist, 35 Great St Janaes Elliott, John, grocer, 100 St Paul, house 30 San- guinet I' o . Elliott, Robert, grocer, 4-7 Wellington Elliott, Mrs, flower maker, 27 Perthuis Elliott, John, house 333 Lagaucheti^re ' .' Ellis, Mrs, house Colborne near William « - Ellis, H, custom house, 80 George i'> '''^' -'- Ellis, Charles, laborer, St Antoine bridge Elwell &: Co, general hardware, 14 St Sacrament Elwell, Herbert, house 12 Hanover, Beaver Hall Embeau, Celeste, 31 Visitation Emo, Thomas, storeman, 78 Bleury Emigrant Office, A Conlan, agent, corner Common and King Emond, Michl, painter, 94- Amherst • "^ '• Emond, F, trader, 194< Panet -' ' -; r > • Emond, Pierre, shoemaker, 171 Visitation v * •-' «■ Emond, Pierre, carpenter, 5 St Margaret ' ' Emond, John, painter, 55 Catherine «•'; "^'•- Emond, John, butcher, 55 St Catherine '' ■ - Emond, J M, confectioner, St Catherine near Wolfe Emond, J B, grocer, corner Craig and Campeau Emond, Mrs Frs, house 6 Valine Empey, Alex, house 12 St Monique Engelke & Kamara, general commission merchants 22 St Francois Xavier >i^^*^ ' ' Engelke, Henry, commission merchant, 15 Bellevu» terrace . , English, Michl, laborer, (>1 McCord ^ >'^ ''^ Ei En Ex] Ell St Catherine 'Mi San- > Knglish, S k Co, grocers and coffee roasters, 266 Notre Danio English, John, laborer, Visitation Etier, Alexis, joiner, 149 St Dominique ' Etier, Jos, joiner, 151 Beaudry ' Etier, N, carpenter, 79 Wolfe > • ' • r::)'.^ Etier, Jos, stone-cutter, 239 Visitation Etier, F, butcher, head of St Urbain » Etu, Frangois, cultivateur, 202 Sanguinet ' '^ ■ ' Etu, Louis, shoemaker, l4o German hAu. ^ Etu, Henry, shoemaker, 187 Sanguinet <':-\U'\ Eupie, J B, baker, 26 St Antoine .^ ; ; ' • J Eupie, Louis, store, Lane off Mountain EuARD, John, saddler and harness maker, 87 Mc- Gill, house 59 St Catherine Evans & Evans, wholesale hardware, 208 St Paul Evans, S, boot and shoe store, 86 McGill • £vans> General, house, corneir Belmont St and Bea- ver hall terrace Evans, J II, wholesale and retail hardware^ 271 St Paul, house 309 Sherbrooke, head of Moun- tain Evans, Thos, hoiiss Devonshire place, Sherbrooke Evans, W C, honse 43 St Joseph Evans, T A, house Devonshire plaoe, Sherbrooke Evans, S R, house 287 St Antoine Evans, Miss M, dressmaker, 29 Herjsine Evans, Edward & Co, tailors and clothiers, 60 Mc- Gill Evans, Samuel, shoemaker, 6 St Monique Evans, John J, house 17 St Genevieve Evans, Thomas & Robe: woodyard, 44 St George Evans, James, painter, 1*. St George ^ Evans, Alfred, merchant, 137 St Urbain " K\ elei^ii, Mrs Jos, grocer, Hochelaga Everett, Thos, shoemaker, 159 St Charles Bar rom^e Eversage, Chs, carver, 10 Phillip Ewan, Williato, bouse 39 Alexander FABRE &. GRAVEL, French books and stationery, 30 St Vincent Fabre, Mrs E R, house 1 Charles Barrotoee '>^:i Fabrique Office of the French Church, E A Duboici, secretary, 15 St Joseph near St Paul Fagan, John, tailor, 1 Prince Fagan, Edward, storeman, 21 Aylm«r ' - * ' Fairbairn, John, general broker, 10 St Sacrament, house rear 128 Dorchester Falland, C, shoemaker, 45 St Louis Fallardeau, Chas, shoemaker, 206 Sanguinet Fallon, Martin, milkman, 19 Aylmer Fallon, John, trader, 134 Bleury Fallon, Patk, dry goods, 80 Ann Falstreau, F, music teacher, Ibl Dorchester Fanell, W, wine and spirit merchant, 15 St Jean Baptiste Fanning, Patrick, laborer, 55 Murray Farley, A M, India rubber fectory St Gabriel locks, house 200 St Antoiue 1 83 Farmer, Patrick, milkman, 311 St Joseph sub Farmer, Patrick, laborer, 313 St Joseph sub Farmer, Michael, grocc: I< Murray Farmer, Patrick, 4«4j Murray Farquhar, Mrs, soda water factory, 40 Little St James Farrell, Patk, type founder, 42 Ann Farrell, John, storeman, 10 Gabriel Farrell, Chas, chandler, 7 Cemetery Farrell, James, foreman to Corporation Farrell, Frs, painter, 54 Craig, house 425 Lagauche- tidre Farrell, Patrick, carter, 38 Campeau Farrell, Michael, officekeeper, 58 St Gabriel Farrell, Daniel, grocer, corner George and tVil- liam Farrell, Thos, clerk, 50 Amherst Farris, Charles, clerk, 1 17 liagauchetidre Farrow, John, house 69 College Faucher, Olivier, coalyard and hardware 23 and 24 Little St Antoine . , . Faucher, Narcisse, 12 Water Fauteux, L G, house 20 St Elizabeth Faulkner, Ed, joiner, 20 Phillip Favreau, R, butcher, 141 Beaudry Favieau, Jas, Lamplighter, 1 1 1 Urbain Favreau, Hubert, dry goods, 80 St Paul Favreau, Antoine, general dry goods, 49 St Law- rence Favreau, Toussaint, storeman, 47 St Phillip Favreau, Eustache, dry goods, 93 St Paul, house 3 Vitr6 Favreau, Alex, joiner, 51 St Phillip - ' Favreau, Antoine, carter, Visitation near Lafontaine Fax, J B, mail conductor, 5 Dufresne lane Feabuy, Benj, shoemaker, 48 Hermine , , Featherstone, E, Carpenter, 43 Chaboillez Feeny, Mathew, laborer, 89 St Gabriel Feeny, Patrick, carter, 23 St Phillip Feeny, Patk, carter, 21 Murmy Feeny, Mrs, grocer, 35 Kempt 84 li 1 Fegau, Edward, r.hoe sloro, 4-7 McGill * ^^^.v- 5 Fegan, Peter, shoemaker, Drakc'.s court oft' College Feltoii, Michael, joiner, 89 Ormaii t^M/; Feltoii, Israel, "carpenler, 156 Dorchester Fennan, Mrs, liousc 28 Hermiiic Fennelly, T R, general dry goods, 250 Notre Dame Fenner, John, laborer, 16 St Edward w- ;••; ; Fenton, William, laborer, 25 McCord ^..!> ..r"' Fenton, David, laborer, 166 St Josejih ; ' vr , , j Fenwick, Dr E G, 81 Craig ' ' Ferguson, A &; D, flour storage and cooperage, H George Ferguson, Archibald, house 5 University Avenue Ferguson, Mrs Alex, house 11 Beaver- hall terrace Ferguson, A, house 13 Belmont, Beaver-hall Ferguson, G B, grocer, 127 Commissioners, house St Henry • ' Ferguson, William, saddler, 26 llerminc Ferguson, Mrs M, house 13 St Paul : Ferguson, Wm, storeman, 20 St Bernard ' Ferguson, D, house 130 Dorchester Ferguson , Wm, 8 Voltigeurs Ferguson, Pat, 24 Voltigeurs Ferguson, John,gardener,St Moniquo near Catherine Fernette, John, mason, 42 Beaudry Fernette, Louis, carpenter, 90 Amherst " Ferns, Mrs A, house 86 St Joseph sub Feron, John, grocer, corner Jure and Alexander Feron, Mrs, house 224 St Lawrence Feron, Mrs J Laundress, 114 St Urbain Ferres, James Moir, house 104 St Denis Ferrie, Hon. Adam, house head of Bleury FEdRiER & Co, general hardware, corner St Paul iV . St Francois Xavier, wholesale store St Fran- cois Xavier Ferrier, Hon J, house 14 Alexander Ferrier, James, jun, house 14 Alexander Ferrier, George D, house Hochelaga Bjvy Feste, Wijliam, C H ofticer, 95 St Mary • • Feste, Charles, joiner, 225 Catherine Ferrer, John, laborer, 37 Papineau Road V'.l 85 •5 fj Notre Dame l^';^H 1 . i . . Fife, Thomas, shoemaker, rear 22 St George Fife, John, joiner, 130 St Constant Filiatrcaiilt, O, cooper, 18 Beaiidry , Filiatrcaiilt, Louis, smith, 241 Mignonne Filial!, Mrs J, 102 Bonaventure Fillans, Joseph, carter, 12 Acqueduct Finlay, Frederick, barrack sergeant, 29 Champ de Mars Finlay, John, boiler maker, Colbornc Avenue Fingland, Mrs TIios, house 102 St Elizabeth Finn, Tim, trader, 18 St Henry Finn, Daniel, shoemaker. 43 Dalhousic . , , Finnegan, John, laborer, 48 Visitation * Finnogan, Mrs, 5 Lagaucheticre Finney, Thomas & Co, publishers Commercial Ad- vertiser, 304 Notre Dame Finney, Thomas, house 122 Dorchester Fischer, J C, butcher and grocer, 175 St Joscj^h Fisher, Arthur, MD, homeopathic practitioner, 81 Great St James? Fisher, Daniel, broker, 44 St Francois Xavier, house 1 12 St Antoine Fisher, Mrs D, house 90 Sherbrookc ^ Fisher & Co, auctioneers, 35 St Francjois Xavier Fisher, W A S, exchange broker, 44 Saint Frangois Xavier Fisher, John, house 44 St Antoine Fisher, John, miller, 14 Inspector Fisher, Thomas, storenian, 60 Prince Fjsher, Francis, house 239 Catlierinc FissiAULT, H A, notary 57 Craig Fissiault, H, builder, 57 Craig FiTis Clarke, biscuit and cracker baker, 39 Saint " oseph sul) Fitzgerald, John, laborer, 36 St Maurice Fitzgerald, Thomas, laborer, 17 Victoria road Fitzgerald, John carter, 26 Tolcntine Fitzgerald, Pat, labover, Wellington near Prince Fitzgerald, Michl, trader, 43 Amherst Fitzgerald, Mrs Susan, 80 Bleur y •■;■.. -J, ■ ■ ■ = ■ ■• ii ! n I ?i 1 1 I' It I 51 ! i ! I Fitzgerald, John, laborer, 9 Bisson Fitzgibbon, John, trader, 20 Gabriel Fitzpatrict: & Moore, groceries, wines, &c, 34 M'Gill and 1 William ^ Fitzpatrick, John, house King near William ' , Fitzpatrick, Cyprien> house 24 St Maurice ': , Fitzpatrick, Michael, laborer, 46 Dal housie ". ''^itzpatrick, Mrs Luke, grocer, Dufresne Fitzpatrick, John, laborer, Prince near Gabriel ,, Fitzpatrick, James, laborer, head of Ann • Fitzpatrick, Mathew, lockmaster, Windmill point Canal Fitzsimmons, W, carter, Drake's court. College '. Fitzsimmons, Jas, tanner, 86 William . , Flanigan, John, grocer, 14 Grey Nun Flanigan, Jas, shoemaker, 32 St Joseph sub Flanigan, Ann, fruit store, 64 Bleury Flanigan, M, furrier, 13 Jur6 Flanigan, William, laborer, 25 M< Cord Flannery, Patk, laborer, 65 G^rge Fleck, A, blacksmith and a^icultural implement maker, William, house 19 College Fleet, Saml, carpenter, corner Dorchester and Col- botne avenue ' Fleming, Jno, bootcrimper, 46 Amherst Fleming, Alexander, milkman, 30 Amherst Fleming, Miss, millinery, 65 St Lawrence Fleming, , stone cutter, 91 German Fleming, Wm, laborer, 85 Colborne ... Fletcher, J, clerk, 75 St Antoine Fletcher, Henry, customs officer, 386 Lagaucheti^re Flinn, Frs, tailor, 86 Gabriel Flint, Richard, engineer, 89 College Flood, F F, barber, 6 St Francois Xavier Flood, Martin, laborer, M'Cori Flood, Henry, joiner, 207 St Dominique Flood, Thomas, boatman, 64 WoUe Florant Francis, 98 Amherst Flynn, John, laborer, 7 Bisson Flynn, Jas, circulating library and servant'^' home, 15 Alexander, near St Patrick's Church 1 w ines, &c, Sh iliam / . ice '! . , nsie ' ', ' Gabriel ^ n . idmill point College '"' I sub implement er and Col- M'St '6 mucheti^re |nts' home, rch Flynn, Edward, laborer, Murray Flynn, Join, shoemaker, Port near Common Flynn, Eugene, sub-chief of police, 3 Papineauroad Fogarty, Timothy, tavern, 131 Commissioners Fogarty, J, currier, 47 Inspector, Fogarty, Mrs Joseph, grocer, 1 Jur6 Fogarty, P, grocer, 57 Sanguinet Folly, Elliott Sc Co, general harckvarc, 265 8t Paul Foley, Owen C, grocer, corner Vitro and St Gcorgo Foley, Joseph, grocer, 51 Kempt Foley, James, laborer, 57 Catherine Fcley, Mathew, laborer, 34 St Henry Foley, Mrs, laundress. Little Dublin oirSt Ceorge Foley, Thomas, plasterer, house 5 Berthelet Foley, D, storeman, rear 52 Hermine t^'* ■ Foley, Michl, laborer, 32 St Maurice ' FoUenus, John, music teacher, 59 Alexander • ' Fontaine, Phillip, collector, 85 Germain ' " ' Fontaine, John, sai||l^er, 197 Visitation .^ ."^ ' .'?V Foote, Jas, storemain, corner Cot6 and Vitre FooTNER, Mrs & Daughters, Berlin wool and artists' repository, 217 Notre Dame Footner, Wm, architect, 217 Notre Dame Forbes, H L, house 209 St Antoine . -{^J«r> i Forbes, Joseph, cooper, 190 Visitation Forbes, A M K, groceries and produce broker, 36 St Francois Xavicr, house Albert place Ford, Daniel, carpenter, 159 William .,•,-.-.,': Ford, James, grocer, St Mary corner Tolcntin"^^;?*^'^ Ford, John, laborer, Eric Forester, Moir & Co, commission and general merchants, 22 and 24 8t Sacrament Forester Robert, house 3 Lalour t-"-, .••.'■(...'; Forest, J B, grocer^, 1 13 Chaboillcz square Foret & Renaud, fiourstore, Commissioners near the market Foret, Gideon, grain store, 240 St Joseph -^^^^v^o^' Foret, Safroy, trader, 1(»5 St Bonaventure "-^o ,' Forgett, Joseph, joiner, 108 St Charles Barrom^JO '^ Forgett, Louis, carter, 194 Miguonne * Forrest 1 »/"*'» '" JBeaiu rv forte, Louis, joif er 1 7o%f n. ^t Catherine ' ' l^ort ti, F X Inh^V^ Vr""®sne Fortin Tn^' laborer, Bufresne ^? "^ » Wholesale wines « «j Fournier, Moi-n«! ok ' , ^otr,e Dame ^ournior, Ant, roofer, 51' sf n ""t'' -'^y^oocU, 16 and 18 St Joseph, city 89 d near ToU- ft' George > and silkS; Bonsecour nc om^e y s, 15 Le- lion lane v^i city Fowler, R J, professor of miisie, 9 St Dominique Fox, Charles James, oil and glue factory, head of Visitation Fox, P, waiter, 381 St Catherine Fox, James, book-keeper, 51 German Fox, Joseph, Commissariat Department, Dorchester near Colborne Avenue Foy, Mrs, laundress, 51 St Maurice > Frament, Ant, grocer, corner Lagaucheti^re" and Panet Franchere, L O, merchant tailor, 13 St Lambert Francherb, Tourville & Co, merchants and gene- ral agents, Gillespie's buildings, 8 Common Franchere, J B, watchmaker, 156 St Paul Franchere, Mrs, milliner, &c, 13 St Lambert ' . ci Francis, Benj, general hardware, 286 St Paul .• ; Francis, Mrs Thos, 24- St Gabriel .' f Francis, Fred, grocer and storeman, 23 St George Francis, Chailes, ofi'Dufresne Francis, Labie, carpenter, 72 St Catherine Francisco, Frs, Empire saloon, 14 Bonsecours near Notre Dame FrancoBur & Giroux, dry goods, 7 and 9 St Law- rence Franklin, Edward, bricklayer, 43 German Franklin, L, lockkeeper, 68 Ann Frapier, Amise, stonecutter, 115 St Urbain Eraser, John, wholesale dry goods, 20 St Joseph, city, house 102 St Denis Fraser, Hugh, commission merchant, 30 St Sacra- ment Fraser, John, glass and china mender, 64 Bleury Frasey^ James, royal engineer department, 101 Am- hcxst Fraser, John, tinsmith, 85 Amherst Eraser, Wm, M D, 12 Litlio St Jame?* Eraser, F, shoemaker, 14 St Claude Eraser, Rev Donald, house 352 Lagaucheti^re Eraser, Donald, commission merchant, 11 Lemoine Fraser, William, baker, 102 St Chs Barroraee Fraser, Alexander, 10 St Henry ; . - \ v •» 90 f echette, Charles' pSr'lS^T ^^"^" ®^ ^"^o^ne Free Church of Scotlim i "^^i^S^ntain Freer, Noah hon.P n ' ^'^^'^ ^^ Cot6 Freer F « ' ^<^ ^^nimmond near <^f r« .u . freer, E S, post office inspector i^o Sr Catherine race "spectoi, 159 Mountain ter- g^^>Mn.,I30StAntoine ^ Freni^X'p^-^^^^^^^ ^t Antoine Fr^^res de la BoctrKrftienn^"' ' % F • ,^e»"eville ^I'^etienne, cornor Col6 and „ DoitstS ''"'^"'™«''«'.B™.3«do„'. ,„„e off ,7 ■ Bishop of Montreaiysee'hn?;^'^^'' '"" ^^"g'and, Bellevue terrace ' ''°"'« Dorchester ne^; P"iim,«, house 96 V,3i,ai;„ Fuller, Mrs tPB,-i,^„ V '""'" u f"^"iss, Albert, hous^D^iKl^^^'^ce -f Fussee, Franco sc"rLr 7 i'''^^ ^^"are ''""' '^''"' '""«"«^. 80 Montcalm , ., 91 ilder, Bona- 3 St Antoine lietidre n Catherine untain ter- oine r Col6 and lane off 97 t : (W & T) Paul, up |England, ster near 40 Jure im imuigs, Gaffeney, Owen,4aborer, 168 Gain Gagne, George, blacksmith, 180 St Joseph Gagne, Chs, carter, 115 Visitation Gagnon, N, joiner, 94 St Elizabeth Gagnon, J B, carpenter, 121 St Dominique (iagnon, Etienne, house. 115 Beaudry Gagnon, Iloiiorv, joiner, 23 Montcalm Gagnon, Pierre, barber, 4-1 Common Gagnon, Pierre, cooper, 72 St Maurice Gagnon, J B, carter, Chaboillez square Gagnon, I B, waterman. 111 Beaudry Gagnon, S, stone cutter, 185 St Charles Barrom6e Gagnon, Peter, sawyer, 53 Beaudry , \:.}vm > Gagnon, Narcisse, joiner, 152 Montcalm ' ; Gagnon, Pierre, grocer, 158 St Lawrence Gagnon, Jos, carter, 174 St Dominique > Gagnon, Edouard, butcher, 138 German .,.;,,;,,:► Gagnon, Ed, carter, 105 Beaudry ' \, Gagnon, Seraphine, carpenter, 33 Bar6 Gagnon, Jos, blacksmith, 218 St Joseph Gagnon, Pierre, barber, house off Colborne avenue Gagnon, D, laborer, 103 Visitation Galarneau, Jos, laborer, 284 Mignonne ^ , Galarneau, Louis, sawyer, 108 Dorchester GALAiNEAu, (P M,) & Roy ( C D), wholesale dry goods, 204 St Paul Galarneau, P M, house 22 Beaver hall terrace ( ' Galarneau, Martin, junr, joiner, 6 Lagauchetidre Galarneau, Martin, senr, carpenter, Gain Galarneau, Isidore, police, 73 Panet Galbraith, & Brown, merchant tailors, Mechanics' Institute Building, Great St James Galbraith, J, house 92 Bleury , 'i.,A.:< Gale, Hon Judge, house Durocher | . '| /,. " - Galligan, J, laborer, 70 Colborne .^. '^ . [ , ^ _ Gallaghan, Pat, laborer, 23 1 Bonaventure a . Gallagher, Henry, 7 Mayor ' . ' Gallagher, John, shoemaker, 14 St Bernard , .• Gallagher, Wm, shoemaker, 14 St Bernard Gallagher, C, merchant tailor, 25 Notre Dame Gallagher, P, grocer, 71 St Gabriel Gallagher, Andrew, carter Pmi \r. ' Gallafhe^S^SMaborer, 76 St George Ga LIBERT Bkotheb «f ' -Anderson Ga„„o„:,^;74^»w57M„„.,7 Gorceaii, ojivipr™' ^ Anderson n feVf^^;-Sto»^«"'eri„e Gardiner V d ^ ' "^"^ -^ofre ^«'diner:LfS^^^'.i6SaIaberry Gardiner TK^^^^^^st ^ ««'f.n:^ feli t'^»yor, Crafg east Gardiner. John i • . , ^^eor^e 2^«"«-A^^^^'- Gmig east ^«f y, Simeon, clljfe'ifo'?'' 22 and 28 N-,2,.„n Gabeau, Charts, mi^i''""' ^azaielli 93 ♦ Garean, Felix, cartwright, 164. St Joseph Gareaii, Jas, laborer, 63 Bar6 lane Ga/eaii, Louis, trader, 170 St Joseph Gareau, Alarick, sawyer, 89 Beaudry Garigan, Mrs, 192 Bonaventure ' - ^; ' Garigan, John, bricklayer, 26 Murray Ciarigan, F, servant, 59 Cluirles Bavroiuee ' ; Gariepy, Jean, merchant, 18 St Vincent Gari'3i)y, Chas, laborer, 8 Sydenham Gariepy, Alfred, clerk, 55 Constant Gariepy, Chas, trader, 88 Wolfe Garnot, P, French teacher, 151' Craig ' • Garrick, David, bailiti; 49 Tanet (tarth, Charles, plumber, brazier, and baths, 142 Craig, house 36 St Urbain (jfarvin, James, contractor and grocer, 3 St Antoine Gas Works, New City, corner Gabriel and Ann ' Gascon, F, waterman, 146 Visitation (Gascon, Jas, shoemaker, rear 27 Label le Gates, E M, Albion hotel, 311 St Paul ' Gatehouse, Mrs, seamstress, 1 12 St Ciiarles Barrom^e (iaudry, Uenis, mason, 157 St Dominique Gault, M H, agent for life and fire assurance, 22 St Francois Xavicr, house 56 St Urbain Street, Albert place Gault, Stevenson & Co, wholesale dry goods, 282 St Paul Gault, Mrs L, house, 6 Tecumseth terrace ' ' ' Gault, A F, 6 Tecumseth terrace Gault, Robert L, 6 Tecumseth terrace •" ' Gauthier, E, tailor. Ill Notre Dame Gauthier, Louis J, carriagemaker, cornev St Law- rence and Dorchester, house 95 St Lawrence Gauthier, Antoine, joine/. Champ de Mars Gauthier, Noel, house Panet near St C-alherine Gauthier, T, laborer, 65 Panet . ' Gauthier, Moses, tailor, 27 St Mary ' ' ' " Gauthier, Joseph, carter, 153 Lagauchetiert* Gauthier, Chas, shoemaker, 249 Lagaucheti^re Gauthier, Jean, fnhoemaker, 201 Dominique * IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 11.25 ■^ Uii 12.2 iJ /} ^ "-}. \S^ V Photograpte Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716)S73-4S03 '^ ^t^v vV Ganthier, Louis, carter, 169 Bonaventnro Gauthier, Henry, musician, 74 Dorchester Gauthier, Joseph, mason, Dorchester near St Domi- nique Grauthier, Thomas, carter, Panet near Lagauchetidre Gauthier, Bapt, carter, Cadieux, Cote k Barron Gauthier, Louis, carter, 32 Bar6 Gauthier, Leander, tailor, 108 Urbain Gauthier, Louis, laborer, rear 5 St Edward Gauthier, James, cabinetmaker, 136 Saint Charles Barrom6e Gauthier, Emanuel B, smith, 22 Durham Gauthier, J M, Daguerreotypist, 51 Great St James Gauthier, Serephine, corner Craig and Amherst Gauthier, Pierre, cigarmaker, 24 Aylmer Gauthier, Felix, shoemaker, 170 Panet Gauthier, Jas, painter, 96 Dominique "■ Gauthier, J L, joiner, 61 St Catherine Gauthier, N, shoemaker, 95 St Catherine Gauthier, Jas, coachman, 63 St Antoine > * ' Gauthier, Frs, waterman, 5 St Catherine Gauthier, Chas, carter, Dufresne • Gauthier, Leandre, shoemaker, Hochelaga Gauthier, P B, dry goods, 159 St Paul, house 133 St Paul Gauthier, Pierre, paper hanger, 40 St Antoine ' > - Gauthier, A, caleche driver, Dufresne Gauthier, Madam, 1 Barclay i i Gauthier, B, grocer, 8 Lagaucheti^re f^ i; = . Gauthier, Chas, carter, 57 Wolfe Gauvreau, Joseph, carpenter, 394 St Catherine -^ Gauvreau, A, sawyer, 179 Dominique Gauvreau, Olivier, laborer, lane off 97 Dorchtster Guavreau, Andr6, shoemaker, 210 Dominique > Gauvreau, A, laborer, 215 St Lawrence Gauvreau, J, nailworker, 28 Valine Gauvreau, Fd, shoemaker, 352 St Catherine Gauvreau, Ledore, nailworker, 290 St Catherine Gauvreau, .1 B, carpenter, 250 St Catherine Gauvreau, J, joiner, 29 St Phillip Gauyette, Maxirac; carter, 237 Visitation lii-'.-i ':y 95 Gauyette, J M, cooper, 10 Panet 1 Gaiiyette, O, carpenter, 157 Dorchester Gavin, M & P, coach builders, 74 Craig near Bleury Gavin, Michael, house 101 Fortification lane Gavin, Phillip, plasterer, 89 Hubert Gaw, Z C, cabinet maker, 20 St Joseph Gaw, Alex, cabinet maker, Colborne avenue Gay, John, soapboiler, 27 Sanguinet Gay ton, J, shoemaker, rear 22 St George Geddes, Charles, general broker, 2 Great St Jamesj house 86 Sherbrooke Geen, Geo, grocer, corner Queen square and St Mary Geen, Robert, carpenter, 81 St Catherine Gemmill & Dresser, tailors and clothiersri 72 McGill Gemmill, Alexander, house 72 McGill Genard, Mathias, off head Sanguinet Gbnoron, P, printer, 18 St Gabriel, house 35 Champ de Mars Gendron, John, smith, 256 St Joseph sub Genereux, Ant, confectioner, 427 St Catherine Genereux, A, clerk, 61 Dominique Genereux, A, confectioner, 44 Visitation Gerard, Ls, cutler, Place d'Armes Gerard, Oct, bouse German near Mignonne Gerard, Z, trader, 105 Visitation ; Gerard, L, carter, 10 Beaudry Germain, J B, dry goods, 136 St Paul Germain, Miss, seamstress, 28 St Dominique Gerrard, Samuel, house 45 St Gabriel Gervais, Augustin, ginger beer brewer, 22 Aylmer Gething, Mrs, Murray near Gabriel Gettes, William, hatter and furrier, 210 St Paul Gettes, Rich, laborer, 67 Murray Gettes, Thos, cooper, 77 St George Giard, Dr L, Education office, Government house, house 166 St Catherine Giard, A, smith, 20 St Joseph Giasson, Antoine, carpenter, 52 St Felix GiBB & Co, merchant tailors, Great St James adjoin- ing Bank British North America 96 GiBB, J J, notary public, 47 Little St James, house 49 Little St James ^ Gibb, J D, sen, house 77 Sherbrooke Gibb, Benaiah, 424 St Catherine Gibb, J Campbell, Union avenue Gibbes & Co, merchants. Commissioners] Gibbon, Ed, milkman, Erie Gibeau, Narcisse, stone-cutter, j^Dumarais near St Constant Gibeau, Theodore, waterman, 128 Beaudry Tjribeau, Ls, stone cutter, 239 Mignonne Gibeau,Mrs, house 75 Sanguinet Gibeau, Alfred, stonecutter, 179 St Chas Banom^ Gibson, Mrs, embroideress, 45 Champ de Mars Gibson, Wm, carpenter, 81 St Antoine Gibson, Mrs, boarding house, corner Champ de Mars and Bonsecour Gibson, 4^^mes, storeman, 8 Bleury Gibson, Mrs, FuUum Gibson, T A, teacher at high school, house 221 Dor- chester, Beaver hall Gibson, Mrs, house 18 Colborne Gigon, C S, rag merchant, 348 Lagauchetiere Gigon, Mrs, 27 Mountain Gidrey, Mrs F, seamstress, 163 Lagauchetiere Giguire, Andr6, smith, 116 Bar6 ■ > Giguire, Thos, shoemaker, 172 St Lawrence , , Giguire, Clovis, butcher, 171 St Joseph Guilbai^lt, E, mason, 78 Hubert Giiilbault, Narcisse, laborer, 49 Durham Guilbault, Frs, laborer, Perthius near Berry lane Guilbault, Mrs Francis, house 172 St Charles Bar- romde Gilbert, MacDougall &'Co, coal and commission merchants, corner St Nicholas and St Sacra- ment Gilbert, E E, beaver foundry and engine works, next Cantin's works, house St Joseph Toll Gate Gilbert, Wm, clerk, Hochelaga Gilbert; J M, house 14 Cot6 ; i 97 James, house rs rais near St idry las Banom^ e Mars imp de Mars ise 221 Dor etiere letiere nee <:t- !: ry lane larles Bar- Dnimissiou St Sacra- iie works, seph Toll Gilbert, L M, cook, 23 St Claude Gilbert, Wm, laborer, Hochelaga Gilgan, Martin, laborer, Seigneur Gilgan, Roger, plasterer, 87 St Maurice Gill, J, carpenter, 11 Anderson GiLL & Read, carpenters, 26 Craig Gilson, Rev Samuel, Hochelaga Gillan, Patrick, laborer, Colborne near William Gillard, James, joiner, rear 7 Edward Gillard & Kellond, carpenters, &c, 53 St Peter Gillais, C, butcher, 4>l Visitation Gillepeau, B, joiner, 43 Visitation ' «, Timothy, ?o^m?^«1 5?" P'^ce '.r.'. < Geeson, Michael! lX""',^?N^^areth Glen, Crawford, pj ,mhS ' ■ '^ ^^''Gord !t Gabriel is herinc ■ St Denis mture 3ster atlierijie 5 Sanguinet eti^re oners, Cus- le terrace commission and agent of Lon- ^ier, house er, Bea- 200 St pall ' Globensky, J, chaiHer, 88 Amherst Globensky, Dr B, 125 St Lawrence (Todaire, Pierre, 27 St Ignace Godaire, Urbain, carter, 16 Durham Godaire, Miss, scliool, 61 Bonaventiire Godaire, Alex, shoemaker, 383 St Catherine Godaire, Pierre, laborer, Voltigeur near St Mary Godaire, Frangois, sarter, Mignonne near Sanguinet Godfrey, R T, MD, house 4>9 Craig corner Alex- ander Godin, F B, advocate, St Lawrence hill Godreau, Jacques, joiner, Mignonne near St Cons- tant Golden, Hugh, storeman, 37 St Charles Barrom^e Golden, Jas, laborer, Gabriel near Catherine GooDFELLpw, Wm, & Co, ale vaults, 61 Great St James, and 104 Fortification lane near Bleury Goodfellow, James, laborer, 49 Prince Goodwillie, Mrs Robt, 5 Anderson Goodwin, James, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel Gooly, James, laborer, 70 Bleury Gooly, Thos, laborer, 25 Alexander Gordon & Co, general merchants, 26 St Nicholas Gordon, James, merchant, house 13 Belle vue ter- race Gordon, Mrs M M, house 10 St Antoine Gordon, Mrs, house Tolentin near Water Gordon, J, smith, house 70 St Catherine Gordon, James, laborer, Dupre lane Gordon, David, blacksmith, 9 Jur6 Gordon, G, cooper, Adolphus near St Mary Garneau, F, shoemaker, 80 St Urbain Gorman, Mrs P, court off Dufresne Gorman, Wm, plasterer, 100 William Gorman, & Co E, dry goods, 129 Notre Dame near St Gabriel Gorman, M, laborer, 7 Bisson Gorman, Mrs John, house 45 Colborne Gorman, Stephen, pedlar, 76 Murray Gorrie, Michl, baker, 35 St George Gorrie, John, trader, 91 Wellington t 106 Cfoslie, Mrs, house V«ir ®' ^°"^s Goss^, B. JoCSa fef ""^ ^' Mary ^ Gosse in, Peter, barber^L j ('osse^m, G N, 'collector of ^Jlf "^^^^^i^rc ^, Bame "^ °' water rates, 30 Nnt.. Gosselin. Mrv J^o i- ^" St Catherine and Sr u'"'»"«'H between «ongr5?hn^ "' '"''*'"' ^"»'l^g" Goujon-Antoinp f.'i ^^"g^^iwet Goujon, Max, laborer 2/4.^? ?^F«il„„, Goiijoi,, P sen, laborpi 1 t^ "^^^^P^ «W4"^'S,V„ "=^ M«^'". ho«,e I8ist d"ce shypia7t"i ^"^■'^•f ana Gouid ) «„ «<«' et, Hubert, b?ie'- I3^r''"1 &oulet, Isidore tailn;*'c?;r^°y 'ane ( onles Joseph! sS t'*^°"«'ain 2"-'P"^'Z'^trZ> '«* Visitation Government wood-yard t?^»a venture yajd, Water near the Barraote e 101 Government Emigrant Office, A Conlan, agent, corner Common and King Goyet, Louis, trader, Dorchester near Brock Goyet, Eustache, carter, 145 Beaudry Goyet, T, carriage-maker, 132 St Mary Goyet, Jean, house 81 Mignonne Goyet, Maurice, carter, court off Visitation Goyet, Pierre, carter, Dorchester near Brock . Goyet, Maxime, carter, head of Visitation Goyet, Louis, police, 68 Panet Goyet, J B, carpenter, 163 Dorchester Goyet, Mrs, Parthenais Grace, John, smith and horse shoer, S4> Great Si James, house 122 Bonaventure Grace, John, grocer, 122 Bonaventure Grace, Michl, cooper, 26 Cot6 Graedinger, L, furrier, 39 St Peter Grady, James, coachrtan, 20 St Joseph sub Grafton, Wm, school, 53 St Joseph sub Grafton, Wm, shoemaker, 18 St Bernard Grafton, F E, book-keeper, 63 Eloi Graham, R, stationery and blank book manufacturer 252 St Paul, house 8 Cot6 Graham, Mrs Geo, tavern, 15 St Mary Graham, Wm, jail guard, Dorchester near Colborne avenue Graham, Mrs A, dry goods, 238 St Joseph sub Graham, John, bricklayer, D.bord near St Hubert Graham, John, laborer, Colborne avenue Graham, Geo F, teacher of music and organist of the American Presbyterian Church, 3 St Gene- vieve Graham, Mrs, boarding house, 117 fortification lane Graham, John, 24 Union avenue Graham, John, jail yard, 273 St Mary Graham, Jas, engineer, 195 St Mary Graham, Patrick, house 155 St Catherine Graham, Mrs, seamstress, Dubord Grandbois, Joseph, grocer, corner Sanguinet and Mignonne Granger, J, grocer, 233 Catherine \ Gr. vf ?"^^ ^'^^ '°""^ •^•'ie of Grant, Alex/sm * oj £"''«« Grasett, WF^lel^T",'?.'' 167 St Mary Gravei;Pie„e,™' ^f, ?«"'' "ffioe ^ Gravel, J M, jwW 2lT ? "'^ "^^ Gravel, J A,'hCe 28 -l v'^"''''«''*'-« Gravel, Jos. caVnl^, ' 'Cemetery ^ Antoine ' "^''^g^mafcer, 58 and 60 St «ra;el,Narci3se,mStM„y Gmvel, W„^, trader oos®^?"'''^' Gravel, Leoi/, deaS "T" *^'S»onne - ■ MWWiri . Gravel, R, shiemaker jof^'- '^ ^'"'-"r Gravel, H, sarsaparil/a mil ""**'oa ^ publishers, sfcSa Ifr"' '^°'' Jackie & Son Grand T«tok RAttWA„n^™«'. «P stairs "' Hodges, ^gentZZSZ^"' <^«"d-James * Gooding, engineers • A fm ^^t?®*' '" Cutbill nenng, Wilkinson, and Pn ?"'?"«■'«». Hen- Twist, Wardle and r- "'"' "^^^ks j Scott Wynn, housik'eepe, •^^•'''^"Shtsmen^R ^othi Goff, car §|;^rtm^f "'»'', locomotive t James ntain Catherine near Diipr6 e Chester Hits, 147 Wel- l south side of izier, 94, Saint jry ■ . ■.' / sail and 60 St . ■ . 1 ;■ * :''f Hi ' ' ■ .■. :■ : ll >eaii ie ' Gr.mard, Fabien, laSr T Gurnage, Cyril, sawyer, Lagaucheti^re near Adol- phus Guthrie, Mrs, seamstress, 375 Lagaucheti^re Guthrie, Mrs J, seamstress, St Antoine Bridge - ' 106 CoMstanf *■' ''^'""» °f longtrngos, 160 St Hagan, L, taiJ^ If 'j^^l'am near Kempt Haffan n»i».,«*« iT ' * *^naboiJlez "**gan, itich, carter 171 q* t " .«>' glass, &c, 293 ft Su^^^^'^'^ ^^^^'^ china, «agar, i^dward, house 10 Cnti^ Hagarty, PhiJ^ 1^1,^^"^ ' n- Hagarty, MichI aborer 4^^^^!!^ -> Hague, George, accoZtant fiq ^f *^«^'«« Haines, Chas, shoenS 84 M^ ^^'^'.^ ^^ ^^«^« Haldane, J, boot «nT? ' ^ Montcalm Hald™a„y tS; ^dt::? M.^"''? »-- „ change com ^' '='"»"»^'on mei-chant, £,. general hard t^^; KoTr?n ^«^--^^^««e and Hall, Archibald, M D is ni^ ^^'"^ 107 Xavier, house loiise iry "agos, 160 St Dame einpt try ice ■!* 1 gar J china, aie and re- near King ? Mars ' ' re Dame »d 131 St lant, Ex- lOnse and aig ■■■jD . Hall, J N, hardware, 147 St Paul, house 69 Champ deMars c , mt Hall, Benjamin, house Piedmont, foot of the Moun- tain " ^ ,, Hall, Wm, storeman, Dorchester near Colborne avenue Hall, George, boarding-house, 76 McGill Hall, William, clerk, 2 St Henry Hall, Edward, furrier, 28 Craig Hall, Robert, 314 St Mary Hall, Mrs Jacob, 43 Alexander Hall, Michl, laborer, 94 Nazareth Hall, John S, merchant, house 6 Beavcr-h^U square Hale, Henry, engineer, 291 St Joseph ilaley, Thos, gardener, 108 Mountain Haley, Mrs, trader, Tolentin off St Mary Haley, Mrs, grocer, Port Hallinan, Jos, boot maker, 35 St Charles Barrom^e Halket, Andrew, laborer, Erie Hallowell, Robert, general merchant, 6 St Helen house City Councillors Hambly, Mrs, boarding-house, 32 St Henry Hamel, J B, grocer, corner Sydenham and Dor- chester Hamel, Mathew, laborer. Queen near William Hamelin, Edward, voyager, St Mary Hamelin, Felix, pilot, 229 St Catherine Hamery, Thos, chandler, 87 St Urbain Hamil, Arthur, butcher, 81 Bonaventure Hamilton, R H, Commercial and General agent Office, harbor Commissioners Building, Custom house square, house McGill Hamilton, Edward, house 220 St Antoine Hamilton, John, grocer, corner Jur6 and Hermine Hamilton, Andrew, dry goods 48 McGill Hamilton, J, shoemaker, 30 Notre Dame, house corner St Louis and Hubert Hamilton, Andrew, customs, 73 Murray Hamilton, W D, dry goods, 22 St Joseph city Hamilton, Jas, millwright, 30 Dalhousie Hammond, Robt, marble-cutter, 142 St Urbain I f 108 Hampton, John, tailo, 5i t Lawrence ■iel ph jllington Mary r William mbcrs, and tre Dame mchetiero in Hebert, Chas, grocer, 29 Jacques Cartier squar« Hebert, Miss, seamstress 21 St Dominique Heberr, Maurice, grocer, 47 Campeau Herbert, L, joiner, 208 Panet Hegentou, Richard, 34> Montcalm Hedge, Mrs Samuel, house Latour off'Radegonde Hedge, Henry, joiner, 36 Inspector Hein, Frederick, Craig East Heelin, M, shoemaker, 17 Dupre lane Heelin, John, laborer, 85 Dalhousie Hempsey, John, laborer, 9 Bisson Hemmel, P, laborer, 128 St Constant Hemming, Hy, clerk, 16 Dorchester West Henderson & Holcomb, forwarders and commission merchants, Common 67 Canal Wharf Henderson, John & Co, hats, furs and indian work, 167 Notre Dame, Crystal block Henderson, J, carpenter, Colborne avenue Henderson, W S, general merchant, 5 St John house 5 Cornwall terrace Henderson, John, house 11 Phillips square Henderson, John, clerk, 276 ^t Catherine Henderson, John, foundry, Dorchester near Durham Henderson, Mrs, laundress, 385 Lagauchetiere Henderson, Jas H, house 1 Phillip's square Henderson, J, carpenter, corner Gain and Craig Henderson, J, pipe manufacturer, Colborne avenue Henderson, William, pipe manufacturer, Colborne avenue Henderson, John, smith, 18 Bernard Henderson, Wm, lumber merchant, 45 St Constant Henderson, S, laborer, 68 George Hendry, Robt, silversmith, 305 Lagaucheti6re Heney, John, laborer, Devienne Hennessy, Michael, milkman, 50 St Maurice Hennessy, James, shoemaker, 14 Gabriel , Hennessy, Thos, grocer, 23 Murray Henrison, Pierre, tanner, 199 Visitation ' Henry, Wm, laborer, St Charles Barromee near St Catherine j Henry, Peter, clerk, 15 Valine \ ( 112 Henry, Phillip, tobac30j and cigar store, 18 Notre Dame Henry, Peter, bricklayer, Kempt near Wellington Henry, Alexander, laborer, William near Colborne Henry, Dr W, med staff, 22 Notre Dame Henry, William, shoemaker, Dubord Henry, Joe, sawyer, 156 Panet Henry, John, 38 Lagaiicheti^re Henry, Michl, trader, 30 St Henry Henry, Mrs, trader, 61 Colborne Henry, Wm, laborer, rear 40 Charles Barromee Henry, Thos, coachmaker, Sophia lane, oft' Craig Henshaw, F W, ashes broker and general commis- sion merchant, St Sacrament, opposite Mer- chant's Exchange, house 20 King Herard, J B, house 21 St Lawrence Herbert, J W & Co, music store, 131 Notre Dame Herbert, Alexr, advocate, Little St James, house 11 Dumarais Herbert^ Felix, sailor, 134 St Lawrence Herbert, James, storeman, 16 George Heritage, Wm, sculptor, 49 German Heron, G, butcher, 47 George Heron, George, butcher, 153 Dorchester Herse, Mrs, boarding-house, 21 Champ de Mars Herst, John, joiner, 63 Campeau ' t Hervey, James, merchant. Canal basin, house Bel- mont Hervey, Thomas, mason, 206 Visitation Hester, J, storeman, 8 Bleury Hester, John, grocer, 8 Bleury Heward, Augustus, genera) broker. Union Build- ings, St Francois Xavier, house Cote dcs ' Neiges Hewitt, W, housekeeper, McGill College Medical School, 9 Cote Hewitt, Thos, paymaster of Public Works, house 79 Alexander Heyneman, P F, shoemaker, 19 Little St Antoine HiBBARD & Co, India rubber warehouse, 258 st Paul house corner St Catherine and Papineau road 113 itore, 18 Notre 'Wj Hibbaud, W R, trunk and lamp store, 161 St Paul corner St Jean Baptists Hicks, Benj, bricklayer, 26 Inspector Hicks, Wm. model school, 26 Bonaventure Hicks, Chs H, silversmith, 150 St Lawrence Hickey, P, messenger, 60 Notre Dame Hickey, Chas, house Queen near Gabriel Hickey, Lawrence, laborer, 51 Queen Hickey, Stephen, laborer, 55 Murray Hackman, Jos, carter, 46 St Charles Barrom^e Higgins, J, book-keeper, 24 Perthuis Higgins, Martin, trader, St >Mary near Panet Higgin, Patrick, dry goods, 48 Wellington Higgins, Thos, laborer, Shaw Higgins, Patrick, mason, 102 Dorchester Higginson, T H, at Messrs Tyre, Colquhoun & Co High School of Montreal, Brunswick Hikok, Carter H, hatter, 84 St Urbain Hill & Clarke, auctioneers and commission mer- chants 37 Great St James Hill, C F, house 37 Great St James Hill, Samuel, dry goods, 36 St Paul Hill, Benjamin, bookseller and map mounter, 70 St Francois Xavier, house corner St George and Vitre Hill, C G, house 5 Waverley place Bleury Hill, Mrs Garrett, grocer, 44 Bonaventure Hill, Freedom, A & S, Nordheimer, 61 Great St James house 120 St Antoine Hill, Mrs, off Roy lane Hill, Wm, blacksmith, 44 Jure Hillaire, H, grocer, 39 Durham Hillaire, Ignace, gardener, 28 St Hubert Hillock, Mrs George, 56 St Hubert Hilton, J & W, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 17 Great St James, factory St Germain Hilton, J, house 49 Alexander Hilton, Wm, house 9 St Edward Hillings worth, Samuel, confectioner, 24 Chenne- ville Hillingsworth, Mrs, laundress^ 24 Cheniieville tH Hilluin, Mrs A, house 66 St Lawrence Hingston, S J and H, of Boston, house 81 McGill Kingston, W H, MD, 81 McGill HiNLAY, George, boots and shoes, 195 Notre Dame Hinchliff, Thos, cabinet maker, 16 Anderson Hinsworlh, , 433 Lagauchetiere ' Hinton, Thomas, shoemaker, 36 Victoria road Hinton, Wm, shoemaker, Victoria road Hipton, John, court off Dufresne Hird, H, teacher of Music, 12 Union avenue Hisley, Rich, cabinet maker, 66 Aylmer Hobbs, Wm, Jun, Agent for British manufactures, old Merchants Exchange, St Joseph city Hocter, M, laborer, 6Q Prince Hoge, John, custom house, 29 St Louis Hodges, James, Grand Trunk railroad, house 96 Dorchester west Hodgson, William, clerk, 7 St Edward Hodgson,* Jonathan, clerk, 19 Hermine Hodgson, John, house 32 Hermine HoERNER & Co, A, (R W Cowan,) wholesale dry goods, 282 St Paul, up stairs Hoey, Patk, gardener, 177 Bonaventure ' HoGAN Sc Penn, St Lawrence Hall, 15 Great Saint James Hogan, Michl, shoemaker, Drake's court off College Hogan, Pat, laborer, 78 Murray Hogg, Wm, house Voltigeures near Lagauchetiere HoGGARD, John, collector, Lagauchetidre near Ger man Hogue, J B, waterman, 219 St Lawrence Hogue, Joseph, laborer. Sydenham near Catherine Hogue, Grabriel, carpenter, 48 Durham Hogue, Moses, baker, 14 St Antoine ' • Hogue, Mrs Joseph, house Dorchester near Durham Hogue, J B, grocer, 123 Beaudry Hogue, Pierre, grocer, 107 Beaudry Holdstock, Alfred W, artist, 39 Fortification lane Holland, Mansfield, nail and spike factory, south • side of Canal, house Simpson off Sherbrooke Holland, G Af fancy goods, 203 Notre Dame i^'' ns 1 McGill otre Dame irson road nue (lufachires, city house 96 esale dry reat Saint ff College uchetidre lear Ger itherine Durham 1 lane ry, south Brooke me Holland, Richabd, fancy store, 182 Notre Damdi house 5 St Dominique Holland, P, commission merchant, 31 St Sacra- ment, house Simpson oft* Sherbrooke Holland, J A, fancy goods, 215 Notre Dame Holland, John, G T, office 54 Hubert Holland, Michael, plasterer, head of Fullum Holland, Wm, engineer, 62 Craig Holliday, James, cooper, 2 King, house 10 Hermine HoUiday, Thos, clerk, 22 Hermine Holliday, Mrs 49 Prince Holloway, Mrs S, house 40 Bonaventure Hollwell, R, 40 City Councillor Holmes, James, registrar of Trinity house, 200 St Paul Holmes, W E, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house at St Catherines Holmes, Samuel, & Wm J, tin and coppersmiths, 125 St Paul, house 303 Lagauchetiere Holmes, A F, MD, 40 Great St James Holmes, Benjamin, house Devonshire place, Sher- brooke Holmes, Mrs, house 134 Sherbrooke Holmes, Jas, storeman, 8 Queen Holmes, W J, tinsmith, 33 St Louis Holmes, James, gardener, 191 St Mary Holmes, Elias, smith, 7 Bisson Holmes, Samuel, house 303 Lagauchetiere Holt, Stephen, house 215 St Catherine Holt, Edward, book-keeper, 93 St Antoine Holton, Luther H, house off 21 St Monique Holtz, Otto, cabinetmaker, 112 Dorchester Homier, Adolphe, stone-cutter, 132 St Constant Homier, J B, jr, clerk, 63 St Dominique Homier, K, mason, 161 Sanguinet Homier, J B, house 61 Dorchester Homier, Edward, contractor, 28 Labelle Homier, Louis, stonecutter, 56 Mignonne Homo, T, umbrella maker, 15 Victor Honey, John, deputy prothonotary, house 4 Phillip's square, Beaverhall 116 Hondlow, Miss A, 23 St Lawrence Hood, Thos, (successor to Mead Brothers,) piano- •forte factory, 31 Notre Dame Hood, W D & C, engineers, 35 Prince Hood, Andrew, soap and candlemaker, 27 Wolfe Hood, Mrs P, boarding-house, 18 St Lawrence [ Hood, Wm, engineer, 28 Prince \ Hooker, Jacques &Co, forwarders and commission merchants, 72 Common, Canal wharf Hook and Ladder Company, corner Craig & Bleury Hopkins, Sawford, & Nelson, architects, &c, 2.4 Great St James Hopkins, J W, architect, 19 St Edward Hopper, Wm H, Sec Stanstead, Sheflbrd & Cliam- bly Railroad, house Durocher Horne, Geo, wholesale and retail stationer, blank book manufacturer, and general binder, 26 St Joseph, city, house 27 Little St James Horne, Mrs> 37 Great St James Horne, Jno, deputy revenue inspector, 94* Notre Dame, house 173 Sanguinet Horne, John, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Horner, Louis, honse St Lambert , Horner, Thomas, laborer, 6 St Monique Hotel Dieu Nunnery, St Joseph City Hose House, corner Craig and Bleury Horseman, John, gardener, to Mr Redpath Horticultural Society's Rooms, 30 Notre Dame Holt, S, grocer, 232 St Catherine " Houghton, Chas J, wholesale dry goods, 234* St Paul, house 183 Bleury Houghton, John, painter, 75 Alexander Houl^ J B, notary public, 3 1 St Joseph sub Houle, Michel, carter, 42 St Joseph sub Houl6, Baptiste, wheelwright, 206 St Lawrence Houl6, John, tavern, Mignonne corner German Houle, J, saddler, 121 St Lawrence Houlton, Thos, carpenter. College near Dupr6 Houston, A, plumber, court of St Charles Barrom6e Howard, R P, M D, 4 Bonaventure Howard, Ed, butcher, Victoria Road 117 lers,) piano- 27 Wolfe i^rence "I Jom mission rf i g & Blenry its, &:c, 23 & Cham- ner, blank der, 26 St 3S 94. Notre bseph 'ame , 234 St ence nan r6 irrom^e Howard, Dr Henry, Montreal eye and ear institu- tion, open to the poor every day from 10 a-m. to 11 a.m., 68 St Francois Xavier, house 3 Pres de ville place Howard, J W, agent for Jos Rhodes, 20 St Joseph city Howe, II A, house 3 Cornwall terraoe Howes, J W, general express office 3 Place d'Annes, house University avenue Beaver hall Howell, E S, butcher, 7 Victoria Road Howely, James, cooper, 36 Ann Hoy, Mrs, 67 St Gabriel Hoyle, Miss L, house 9 St Janvier Hoyle, Miss M A, house 334. St Catherine HuA, Paul, sole agent for Alexander's gloves, and French dry goods 20 Union Buildings, St Fran- (jois Xavier Huberdeau, Amable, joiner, 59 Montcalm Hubert, Ouimet &c Morin, advocates, corner St Gabriel & Little St James Hubert, Ant, ship carpenter, Ann near Gabriel Hubert Pierre, house St Joseph sub Hubert, Jas E, house 5 Valine Hubert, Lewis, carpenter, 85 Bonaventure Huddell, James, sen, 81 Bonaventure Huddell, Henry, letter carrier 81 Bonaventure Huddell, W G, house corner Gabriel and Eleanor HuDON, E & V, dry goods and groceries, HO St Paul HuDON, G QuEViLLON, general dry goods, 14-6 St Paul Hudon, E, house Cote St Antoine Hudon, Pierre, house 9 Panet Hudon, Victor, house 1 1 1 St Mary Hudson, Mrs, house 7 Anderson Hughes, Nicholas, government clerk Hughes, Patrick, lockmaster, south side of Canal Hughes, Michael, trader, George near Gabriel Hughes, Michael, farmer, Victoria Road Hughes, Jos, milkman, head of Salaberry 118 Hughes, Michael, laborer, St Joseph near Ihe Canal Hughes, John, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Hughes, Wm, contractor, Guy near Dorchester Hughes, Dr, 75 Great St James Hughes, Miss B, milliner, 20 St Lawrence Hughes, Mrs, 6 St Frangois Xavier Hughes, Patrick, milkman, Cudieux Village Hughes, John, varnisher, Craig East Huneau, G6d6on, storeman, 14. St Edward lane Hunt, T S, chemist to Geological Survey, 58 St Gabriel Hunt, R, painter, house 115 Craig Hunt) George, paint, oil and glass store, corner St Peter and Craig Hunter, James S, notary public, 40 Little St James Hunter, Wm, miller, 24 Dalhousie Hunter, George, leather store, 121 Commissioners Hunter, Allan, joiner, 23 St Gabriel Hunter, Frs, clerk, house 54 St Joseph Hunter, John, bricklayer, 126 St Dominique Hunter, George, police> 5 King Hunter, Jas, boarding-house, Hochelaga Huot, P, waterman, Gl Durham Huot, Jean, mason, 100 Dorchester Huot, Joseph, carpenter, 28 Inspector Hupay, B, cab builder, 45 Beaudry Hurley, John, laborer, 1 1 Gabriel Hurley, Jas, laborer, 68 St George Hurley, Jas, clerk, 60 St Elizabeth Hurley, Jas, laborer, off" McCord Hurst, Wm, smith. Queen square Huvteau, Leon, trader, 80 Visitation, yard 193 Craig Hurtibis, Marc, smith, 265 St Joseph Hurtibus, Gabriel, joiner, 143 Mountain Hutchins, W F S, at Mansfield Holland's Hutchins, Benj, axemaker, 297 St Joseph Hutchins, J R, house Walnut Bank, Sherbrooke Hutchins, B, house 21 Brunswick HUTCHINSON & Anderson, bakers, 27 Dalhousie Hutchinson, John M, shoemaker, 56 Tolentin Hutchinson? J? vines aud groceries, 37 Notre Dame 'rtlie Canal briel (heater 'age J lane ey, 58 St corner St ' St James ssioners ►3 Craig oka sie Dame , 119 Hutchinson, Wm, builder, 25 Belmont, Beaver Hall Huston, Arch, blacksmith, 81 St Chs Barrom^e HuTTON, Jambs, agency for Birmingham ami Shef- field hardware, St Helen, houso 2 Brunswick, Beaver Hall Hyatt, G, 23 Montcalm Hyatt, W C, marble yard, corner Craig aitd St Peter Hyland, J, bricklayer, 121 Alexander Hyland, Michl, storeman, 389 Lugauehetidre Hyman, Sh, fuirier and cap maker, 254 Notre Danie Hynes, Miss Ann, restaurant. Place d'Armes Hynes, William, cooper, 11 Devienne IBBOTSON, HENRY J, advocate, St Th Jackson, Thomas, carpenter, court off Bleury i , Jackson, Joseph, carpenter, 52 Nazareth Jackson, Everett, shoemaker, rear 80 Bleury - ; Jacobs, John, cabinetmaker, 274 St Catherine Jacques, George E, house 3 Richmond square Jacques, Olivier, grocer, German corner Catherine Jackquitte, J B, shoemaker, 172 Dominique James, S, cabinet maker, 116 Constant Jameson, Robt, shoemaker, 102 Vitre Jameson, Hugh, carpenter, Ilochelaga Janes & Morgan, steamboat agents. Harbor Com- missioners' building, Custom House square, and 59 Common, Canal Wharf Janes & Oliver, flour store, corner Callit^res and Commissioners i, •' ur.>' Janes, D P, house 20 Beaver square ^ Janes, Capt W D B, agent Prov tug line, Common, Canal wharf Janotte, Bapt, laborer, 16 Aylmer Janottc, B, house 70 Germain ' Janvier, Wm, house Panet near St Catherine Janvier, Mrs, house Lagauchetiere near Queen square . ^\ JeaU; George R, hairdresser, 103 St Lawrence ,(■•,( eat St James ice Dorcliester net St Paul ; im ; le ry ; '■ ICG I near Wolfe leury .; I leury . • herine iiare Catherine que iibor Com- quare, and littles and Common; rine II* Queen ence 121 Jeffers, Rev Wm, house 368 Lagawchetidre Jeffery, Mrs J, house 15 Chenneville Jeflery, James, house 15 Chenneville Jelinat, Joseph, joiner, 204 Sanguinet Jelly man, Mrs James, pasteboard maker, 45 George, GrifRntown Jenking, Thomas, brushmaker, 207 Notre Dame, house west end Sherbrooke Jennings, Patrick, carter, 24 St George Jennings, James, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Jeremie, Mrs Hy polite, house 10 Roy lane Jervais, Pierre, grain store, 79 St Paul, house San- guinet ^ Jervais, P, trader, 87 Sanguinet Jervais, Pierre, shoemaker, Hochelaga Jesuits Society, St Mary's College, Bleury and Alexander Jette, Leon, sawyer, Victoria road Jett6, H, stone cutter, German near Lagauchetidre Jett6, Peter, shoemaker, 16 Tolentine Jewish Synagogue, head of Chenneville Jibouleau, D, carter, 209 St Lawrence Joannot, J B, carter, Durham near Lagaucheti^re Jobert, Marcelle, moulder, 93 Nazareth JoBiN (J H) & Matthieu (P), notaries public, 19 St Vincent Jobin, Joseph, baker, 51 Durham ^, - Jobin, Joseph, ciderbrewer, 187 ^t Lawrence r Jobin, J H, house 23 St Elizabeth JoDoiN, Pierre & A, wholesale dry goods, 144 St Paul , ,^ . Jodoin, Amable, lumber yard, 195 Craig ^ . [ Johns, Wm, blacksmith, 70 Dorchester .; Johnson, G N, grocer, 321 St Joseph ;^.. .. . Johnson, Mrs Mary, house Victoria road - Johnson, W B, bookkeeper, 13 St Louis ( Johnson, Gordon W, clerk. Bare off St Joseph Johnson, Wm, shoe store, 23 1 Notre Dame Johnson, R, grocer, 199 St Mary Johnson, Thos, watchmaker, 78 Lagaucheti^re ? Johnson, Thos, grocer, 71 McCord 1*22 Johnson, Jos, laborer, head of Colborne avenue Johnson, Wra, shoemaker, 84 German Johnson, Samuel, carter, 26 Mayor Johnson, John, carjienter, corner Alexander & Jur6' Johnston, George, farmer's hotel, corner King and Common Johnston, J&mes, wholesale dry goods, 24-4- St Paul, bouse Callender place, 128 Mountain Johnston, J, messenger, 144? Bleiiry Johnston, J, house 61 Craig Johnston, Mrs W D, house 21 Dorchester Johnston, Wm, office keeper, 25 Wolfe Johnston, Brothers & Towns end, commission merchants, 246 St Paul Johnston, David, hairdresser, 11 Great St James, house Shaw corner Vitr6 Johnston, Wm, engineer, 139 Bonaventure Johnston, S W, engineer, 229 Bonaventure Johnston, W, hairdresser, 20 Inspector Johnston, John, grocer, 96 Amherst Johnston, James, beam and scale maker, Craig near Wolfe Johnston, Dr, Gain JoliccjBur, J B, tavern, 234 Mignonne JolicoBur, T, laborer, William Jolie, Antoine, shoemaker, court off Dufresne Jolie, Michl, trader, 192 St Dominique Jolie, B, sawyer, 147 St Dortiinique Joinette, Augt, carter, 121 Beaudry Joly, Louis, sawyer, court off St Catherine Jones, Joim, Tattersalls auction Mart, and horse and carriage repository, Great St James house, 50 St Joseph sub Jones, H & Co, forwarders & commission merchants 193 West Wellington near the canal Jones, Joseph, coroner, house 70 St Denis near Dorchebter Jones, T Devereux, grocer, wine & spirit merchant, 39 St Lawrence Jones, Thomas, W, MD,447 Lagaucheti^re Beaver Hali Hill m venue [er & Jiir6 r King and 1-4 St Paul, omraission St James, e re ter, Craig sne Ihorse and louse, 50 lerchants ^lis near lerchant, Beaver Jones, W, engine man, 35 Inspecter .^ones, Sidney, boards at St Lawrence Hall Jones, James M, clerk, 35 Andr6 Jones, John, tavern, 27 St Paul Jones, John, shoemaker, 13 Woodyard Jones, Thomas, Icckman, St Catherine Jones, Mrs, laundress, court off Amherst Jones, Mrs, laundress, 22 Perthuis Jones, Frederick, smith, 20 St George Jones, Wm, F, barber, 11 College, house 35 Ins- pector Jorand, Miss, house 13 St Charles Barrora^e Jordan, John, customs officer, house 14« Brunswick Jordan, Henry, grocer 69 McCord Jordan, Francis, 33 Panet Joseph, H & Co, (3 K & A Joseph^ wholesale manufacturers and im^wrters of tobacco, 177 and 192 St Paul Joseph, Jesse, general commission merchant, (Bel- gian Consul) corner St Helen and Recollect, house 8 Pres de Ville place Joseph, J H, house 7 Pres de Ville place - Joubert, A D, corporation bailiff 20i Panet Joubinville, B, barber and grocer, corner Lagauche- ti^re and Montcalm Jourdain, Maurice, dentist, 126 Notre Dame Jourdain, Pierre, sawyer, court off St Catherine Joutreau, F, laborer, 149 St Charles Barrom6e Jovanetti, R, carter, 115 Wolfe Jovanetti, Michael, sen. butcher, 242 St Joseph sub .lovanetti, (M, jr, porkbutcher, 242 St Joseph sub JuDAH, H, advocate, 37 Little St James, house 156 west Dorchester Judah, T S, advocate, 148 Craig, house 112 west Dorchester Julien, J B, saddler, 21 Jacques Cartier square, house 58 Dorchester Julien, Joseph, restaurant, 53 Notre Dame Julien, Mrs, house Lagaucheti^re Julien, Madm, Donegani Hotel 15 Notre Dame Julien, Xavier, grocer and shoemaker, 30 Beaudry 134 Juneau, Mrs, grocer, 156 Catherine Juneau, Henrie, watchmaker, 43 St Dominique KAHOE, P, shoemaker, Colborne avenue Kahoe, Patk, carter, Colborne avenue ^ ^ Kallihan, Thos, laborer, 43 Wolfe Kannon, John, smith, 82 Wellington Kanansis, J, store, 46 Bare Kavanagh, Henry, late collector of customs, Oasp6 150 St Mary Kavanah, Mrs, 53 St Mauifice Kave, John, laborer, 20 St Edward lane Kay, Thomas & Co, general merchants, 5 St Eloi near St Paul Kay Thos, house Durocher near the Mountain Kay, Mrs, house 8 Radegonde Keane, James, tailor, St Dominique :: .ni;".'" Keane, Mrs, house 87 Craig Kean, Mrs, 37 Murray Kean, B, tavern, 39 Common !> L . Kean, Robt, milkman, 46 Lagauchetiere Kearin, Robert, carter, south side of canal Kearney, Mathew, storeman, II Wellington Kearney, Mrs, seamstress, 42 St Catherine v Kearney, P & Co, auctioneers, corner Craig and St Peter house 39o St Catherine Kearney, H, boarding house, 75 GreatSt James Kearney, P, broom maker, 95 College ' < .. Keating, James, laborer, court off Dumarais Keating, Mrs, market woman, 89 Amherst Keating, Wm, 19 St Louis ^ Keaven, Alex, cabinet maker, 1 12 St Urbain Keeper, T C, civil engineer, 29 Great St James house 3 Victoria terrace, 161 Sherbrooke Keenan, Bernard, dry goods, 20 Jacques Cartier square Keenan, Jas, tin plate worker, 267 Notre Dame Keene, James, porter. 4 St Urbain Keliville, Frs, stonecutter, corner Craig & Amherst Keith, John, laborer, 71 McCord Keeler, John, wholesale and retail hardware, 135 St Paul 125 Dominique enue iiistoms, Gasp^ ants, f) St TCIoi Mountain lere !anal lingtoii jrine \ ,t. Craig and St Lt_St James larais >w lerst Urbaiii at St .Tamos •brooke ques Cartier >tre Dame g & Amherst artlware, 135 Keely, Michl, carpenter, 22 Papinean road Kell, Geo, tavern 8c grocer, corner of Lagaiichetiere and Campeau Keller, J as, carter, 125 St Charles Barromee Kelly, William, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine K^Uy, Mrs, house Prince Kelly, Thos, grocer and tavern, 99 Craig Kelly, Peter, clerk, 50 St Charles Barromee Kelly, Mrs, tavern, corner Notre Dame and McGill Kelly, Michael, carpenter, 178 Bonaventure Kelly, Patrick, tavern, corner Craig and Radegonde Kelly, William, grocer, 23 St Urbain Kelly, John, bricklayer, 30 St George Kelly, Michael, tavern, 324 Lagauchetiere Kelly, Stephen, grocer, 388 St Mary ♦ ,, Kelly, Daniel, cabman, 57 St Urbain Kelly, Mrs John, 25 Cemetery Kelly, James, stevedore, 58 Tolentin Kelly, John, trader, Tolentin off St Mary Kelly, Ed, shoemaker, court off Dufresne Kelly, B, plasterer. Little Dublin off George Kelly, John, laborer, head of St Constant Kelly, James, gardener, St Gabriel farm Kelly, Wm, laborer, 5 Eleanor Kelly, Phillip, carpenter, 23 Murray Kelly, And, laborer, court off Amherst Kelly, Thos, shoemaker, 133 Lagauchetiere Kelly, Michl, police, 25 Champ de Mars Kelly, Wm, grocer, 41 Wellington Kelly, John, laborer, 70 George, GrifRntown 1 Kelly, Thos, laborer, 41 Murray ■ ' Kelly, Mat, laborer, 83 M'Cord Kelly, Mich, laborer, 7 Bisson ^ Kelly, Wm, coachman, 46 Jur6 ■ , Kelly, John, carpenter, 7 Hermine : Kenmuir, Charles, storeman, 172 Dorchester Kennedy, William, builder, 23 Jure ^ Kennedy, William, jun, capenter, and builder, 13 Bleury t Kennedy, Daniel, laborer, 50 Nazareth Kennedy, Miss, dressmaker, 33 St Louis m a Kennedy, William, huntsman, head of Victoria Eoad Kennedy, Mrs, 61 St Felix Kennedy, John, laborer, 27 McCord "^ Kennedy, John, farmer, Hochelaga Kennedy, Mrs, dressmaker, 95 St Dominique Kennedy, Mrs, court off Dufresne Kennedy, James, laborer, 134 Lagaucheti^re Kennedy, Pat, carter, Papineau road Kennedy, Mrs, trader, 14 St Henry Kent, Robert, carpenter, 15 Anderson Kent, T, cabinet shop, 107 St Lawrence Keown, N, painter, 80 German Keohan, F, tailor, 297 Lagauchetidre ^ Kerans, D, grocer, corner Cheimeville and Vitre Kerens, John, tavern, 18 Wellington Kerens, Wm, laborer, 43 Common "^ • ' ' Kerens, Mrs, 83 Murray Kerfut, W H, plasterer, 3 Dalhousie Kerr, William, engineer, 33 St George Kerr, Kobert, house 20 St Antoine Kerr, James, engineer department, house 3 Berthelot Kerr, Mrs William, house 85 St Antoine Kerr, Miss, boardinghouse, 63 Wellington Kerr, Mrs Maxwell, 125 Dorchester Kerr, Mrs, 60 Prince Kerr, D R, 14 Union avenue Kershaw, John, & son, general merchants, 9 Wil- liam, house Hope Cottage, Dorchester Kerrigan, John, laborer, 42 Murray '■ " Kerston, Edward, wine, brandy and spirit mer- chant, corner of Notre Dame and St Peter, house 6 Richmond square Keyle, David, gi'rdener, 47 Cemetery Keys, John, teacher, 42 Nazareth Keys, Jas, boilermaker, 5 St Gabriel Keys, Alex, plumber, 49 Jur^ "Kidd, John, smith, 5 St Phillip Kiely, Martin, trader, 3 Anderson Kiely, Patk, plasterer, 124 German Kiely, Mrs J, laundress, 58 St George \ni--i'-ri _Hi-l ).-.'<» M m of Victoria unique leti^re and Vitre 3 Berthelot on mts, 9Wil- ter spirit mer- l St Peter, : \%f ( -Si. ■ r^^'i Kilgallon, Wm, carpenter, Common near Youville Kilgallon, John, carter, Brock near Mary Kilgoiir, Joseph, giocer, 94 William Kilnen, Charles T, head of Simpson off Sherbrooke King, Reed & Co, commission agents, 67 Commis- sioners King, Thos, engineer, 71 St Antoine King, W H, house 18 Barclay place King, Wm, saddler and trunk maker, 116 McGill King, P, gardener, head of Amherst King, Barnet, farmer, Hochelaga, King, Thos, gardener, 68 St Andr6 King, P, junr, 71 St Andr6 King, Stephen, house 26 St Gabriel King, Mrs, FuUum King, Chas, baker, 350 Lagauchetiere KiNGAN & KiNLOcH, groceries and wines, 291 St Paul corner St Peter Kingan, John, house 97 College Kingan, Abram, foundry man, 5 Jur^ Kingdom, Dr, royal Canadian rifles, house 23 Water Kinleyside, Jas, carpenter, 69 McCord Kin mond, Brothers, engineers and locomotive engine works, St Bonavenlure adjoining the Railroad Kinmond, Wm, engineer, 173 St Antoine Kinmond, P L, house 173 Antoine Kinsler, Thos, tinsmith, 120 Visitation -Kinsler, Thos, trader, 132 Amherst KiNNEAR, D & Co, (Montreal Herald,) 209 Notre Dame Kinnear, David, house 5 Pr^s-de-Ville Place Kinshaw, John, laborer, 25 McCord Kirby, Robert, clerk, 65 Dorchester ^^ "■■'■■ Kirby, Patk, printer, 34< William Kirk, S, shoemaker, 59 St Chas Barromee Kirk, David, carpenter, 38 Colborne Kirkpatrick, Andrew, cooper, 50 King KiRKUP, Joseph, brushmaker, 186 St Paul, house 48 St Mary Kirkup, R, house 1 Barclay place Kirkwopd, Mrs, 47 Aylmer m Kitchener, Mrs, milliner and dressmaker, 30 St Joseph, sub Knapp & Holmes, general merchants, 9 St Sacra- ment Kuapp, Joseph, house 1 Cornwall Terrace Knobloek, John, cabinetmaker, 1 Recollect Knox, Jas, printer, 48 Chenneville Knox, John, clerk, 23 Chenneville Knox, M, shoemaker, Brondson's lane off Dorches- ter Knox, Richd, shoemaker, lane off' 97 Dorchester Knox, John, shoemaker, lane off 97 Dorchester Kuubly, Thos, storeman, 81 Dominique Koblenski, Brothers, furriers, 212 Notre Dame Koester, Mrs George, grocer, corner Mountain and St Antoine Kollmyer, H, clerk Christ Church Cathedral, 33 Hermine Kortosk, Brothers, wholesale dry goods, 263 Saint Paul ' Krieghoff, E, upholsterer, 6 Chenneville KuRCZYN, N P M, tobacconist, 79 McGill, house 46 King Kussiff, John, tailor, 24 Inspector Kwasneski, Stanislas, hot air stove builder, 26 St Urbain Kyle, Alexander, storeman, 8 Anderson Kyle, Mrs William, house Kent near Colborne Ave- nue Kyle, John, engineer, 74 Murray ; :; i Kyle, Wm, moulder, 74 Murray Kyle, Mrs, laundress, 135 Amherst " j' , Kyle, Robt, clerk, 46 Chenneville ^ ' - Kyle, John, Carpenter, 132 St Urbain Kyte, Charles, house 50 Chenneville LABADIE, J A, notary public, 14 Little St James Labadie, J E O, notary, 20 Little St James, house 62 Bonaventure Labadie, Olivier, carpenter, 20 Beaudry Labassi^re, Flavien, distiller, Hochelaga Labatt, Miss, boarding house, 10 Anderson - «<^*^ 129 off Dorches- Labbe, Aug, carpenter, St Joseph near the canal Labbe, Frs, carpenter, head of Visitation Labelle, Frs, carter, 135 Beaiidry Labelle, J B, carpenter, 225 St Catherine Labelle, Ant, laborer, 73 Durham Labelle, Mrs Charles, corner, Beaudry and Dor- chester Labelle, Charles, scnr, joiner, 145 St Constant Labelle, A, police, 95 Wolfe Labelle, Joseph, painter, 42 Beaudry J-iabelle, Mrs Joseph, grocer, corner of Tanet and Dorchester La])elle, Mrs Joseph, 10 Cemetery Labelle, C, leather merchant, 32 St Antoine Labelle, J B, pianofortes, 35 Notre Dame Labelle, V, laborer, St Elizabeth near St Catherine Labelle, Frs, shoemaker, 33 Campeaii Labelle, J B, joiner, head of Brock Labelle, Joseph, sawyer, head of Diifresne Ijabelle, Antoine, trader, 11 Smallwood lane Labelle, Joseph, joiner, 18 St Fehx Labelle, D, carpenter, 75 Wolfe Labelle, Cyrile, cooper, 1 8 Durham Labelle, Louis, carter, 186 Mignonne ^ Labelle, Chas, iunr, cabinetmaker, 145 St Constant Labelle, Louis, bookbinder, 145 St Const-tmt Labelle, Madame P, lane oiF47 Dorchester Labelle, Jos, grocer, 207 St Lawrence Labelle, Ant, mason, 192 Dominique Labelle, John, 52 Durham . ^ < Labelle, J B, tanner, 4 1 St Antoine • • . Labelic, Miss, dressmaker, 3 St Felix " > Labelle, Olivier, copyist, 3 St Felix ' •/^r' ■ • Labelle, Tons, house 217 St Catherine "*^ Labelle, Joseph, trader, current St Mary Labelle, Charles, laborer, Durham near Dorchester Labelle, Aug, joiner, 69 Durham Labor ge, Joseph, trader, 31 Campeau Laberge, a, carpenter and joiner, 112 Elizabeth Laberge, T, shoemaker, 14 Durham Laberge, Leon, sawyer, 161 Dorchester 180 Laberge, A, carpenter, 51 8t Louis^ Labcrge, J, laborer, 20 Tolentine Laberge, F, stone cutter, 107 Wolfe Labert, Rene, carpenter, 100 Wolfe Labine, Jean, laborer, St Mary near Dufresne Labine Sc Desrochers, dry goods, 110 and 138 St Paul Labine, J, merchant, house 8 Viger square Labonte, Joseph, carter, 22 Devienne Laboftle, Pierre, laborer, 20 Devienne j^ Labont6, L V, printer, 10 St Vincent ^ Labonte, Baptiste, Ilochelaga Labonte, Abel, laborer, 11 Bare lane Labont6, Mrs, laundress, 28 Durham Labranche, Jos, laborer, rear lf)0 Charles Barromee Labranche, Jean, laborer, 4 Valine Labranche, D, head of Constant Labranche, Adol, laborer, 154 St Charles Barromee Labreche, Frs, painter. Cemetery off St Joseph Labreche, Louis, carter, St Felix near St Joseph liabreche, Madame, off Dufresne Labreche, Tim, carter, 6 Chaboillez ". Labreche, Roderick, stonecutter, Vallee Labreche, Louis, butcher, lane off Mountain near St Joseph Labreche, Jas, laborer, Hachelaga Labreche, Jean Baptiste, laborer, St Catherine near Phillip Labrecque, Pierre, trader, 131 Sanguinct Labrecque, F, joiner, 149 Dominique Labrecque, Jos, blacksmith, 283 Mignonne Labordur6, J, sawyer, 26 Cemetery Lacasse, A, shoemaker, 140 Beaudry Lacasse, J B, laborer. Visitation near Mignonne Lacasse, Benj, carter, lane off Campeau Lacasse, Ant, grocer, Sydenham near Catherine Lachance, Olivier, mason, 23 Vallee Lachancc, Jos, carter, 138 Beaudry Lachance, Ant, store, 2 Mountain Lachapelle, Andre, shoemaker, 143 Visitation Lachapelle, Frs, laborer, head of Visitation I 181 es fiarroinee untaiii near hen tie near Lachapelle, P, carter, t46 Catherine Lachapelle, Chas, carter, 4* Acqueduct Lachapelle, Jos, laborer, 396 St Mary Lachapelle, Ls, joiner, 50 Visitation Lachine Canal Office, Wind Mill Point, A Gough, collector, B Hayes, W Butler, and S BoiichetHe, clerks, Jas Rielly, draughtsman, Alex Bissett, superintendent, George Piatt, superintendent tug line, John White, harbour master, J G Sippell, supt 'engineer, D Mclver and J Bath- gate, clerks Lachevrotidre, Miss, dressmaker, 114« Bonaventure Lachlan, Major, house 75 College Lacombe, S, trader, 184 St Catherine Lacombe, Ed, clerk, 151 St Urbain Lacombe, P, house, 356 Lagaucheti^re Lacombe, Frs, sawyer, head of Sanguinet Lacombe, J B, carter, head of Brock Lacombe, Jacques, tavern, 44 Jacques Cartier Lacroix, Paul J, house 21 St Hubert Lacroix, H J C, corner of Hubert and Lagaucheti^re Lacroix, Joseph, police, Cadieux Lacroix, Mrs Jos, seamstress, Mignonne near Pa net Lacroix, Mrs, seamstress, 243 Mignonne Lacroix, Pierre, joiner, 121 St Lawrence Lacroix, Janvier D, house 4 Viger Place Lacroix, Nich, contractor, 105 Wellington Lacroix, Mrs, milliner, 287 Notre Dame Lacroix & Brothers, millwrights, south side of Ca- nal Lacroix, Edmond, C E, 105 Wellington Lacoste, Eustache, butcher, St Joseph, sub Lacoste, Chs, trader, 90 Visitation Lacoste, Ers, trader. Visitation near St Catherine Lacoste, Fabien, butcher, Versailles off St Joseph Lacoste, Ben, carter, William off Campcau Lacoste, J B, 114 Visitation Lacour, Chas, steamboat, 21 Durham Ladd, C P, city foundry, 28 Queen, house 56 Saint Genevieve Ladouceur, Jas, trader, rear 27 St Phillip 132 Ladrigati, M, crockery store, 28 St Mary Ladurantuiii, Theodore, smith, Laguucheti^re near Amiierst Ladiirantais, Joseph, lane oft' Mountain Ladurantais, And, 10 Mountain Ladurantais, V, blacksmith, 211 St Joseph Ladurantais, Olivier, carter, 7'1< Wolfe Lafayatte, George, slioemiiker, 13 Acqueduct Laffan, Henry, grocer, 68 St Dominicjuo Laferte, Ant, joiner, 89 Constant ^ Lafert6, Hugh, laborer, 53 Queen Laflamme, H & G, advocates, Hi St Gabriel, house 6 Notre Dame Laflamme, M A, oil-cloth factory, 25 Craig Laflamme, A, trader, 259 Mignoiuie Laflamme, Frs, carter, 65 Durham Laflamme, Augustin, trader, 84- St Paul, house Mig- nonne Laflamme, Toussaint, grocer, Beaudry Laflamme, J Bte, carter, Hochelaga Laflamme, Felix, clerk, German Laflamme, Olivier, Vauxhall Saloon, 32 Great Saint James Laflamme, F, tavern, 157 St Lawrence Laflamme, B, tailor, 126 Dominique Laflamme, Olivier, trader, 112 German Laflamme, Louis, wheelwright, 4 Hermine Laflamme, Jas, tanner, rear 144- St Lawrence Laflenr, Peter, police, 68 Amherst Lafleur, Joseph, mason, 298 Lagauchetiere Lafleur, Jos, mason, 61 Campeau Lafleur, Mrs, laundress, lane ofl'St Catherine Lafleur, Ed, notary, 36 St Lawrence Lafleur, Jean, tailor, St Joseph sub v5 Lafleur, John, carpenter, 182 St Dominique Lafleur, Jas, carter, 83 Beaudry Lafleur, Jas, trader, 228 St Joseph Lafleur, Augustin, shoemaker, Amherst near La- gauchetiere , • Lafleur, Edward, carpenter, 42 Bar6 Lafleur, F X, sawyer, 146 Panet V , -I i.Eh • rtry Liclieti^re near in osepli e ineduct [1(0 .. V (Jabnel, house Cmig x\[f liouso Mig- i'i Great Saint e n mine tiwrence Lierc Lhcrinc ni«iiie rst near Lii- 133 Lafieur, Joseph, butcher, 31 Labelle Lafond, J il, dry goods, 181 Notre Dame, house Dorchester near St Denis Lafond, Chas, laborer . 142 St Chas BarrOinic Lafontainb, Sir L H, chief justice oi L C, house head of Guy Lafontainc, And, grocer, 23 Dufresne ^ Lafontainc, Louis, laborer, Chaboillcz near Bona- . venture Lafontainc, Josepli, cooper, 233 St Joseph Lafontainc, J Bte, carpenter, 17 Mountain , Lafontainc, L, dry goods, 292 St Paul Lafontaine, G N R, bailift, 69 Notre Danic, house 29 St Louis ' Lafontainc, Olivier, confectioner, 189 St Josepli t Lafontaine, Joseph, grocer, corner Montcalm and Dorchester Lafontaine, Joseph, grocer, 21 Mountain Lafontaine, Ambrose, clerk, 685 St Mary J^afontaine, Lewis, blacksmith, 153 St Joseph Laforce, M, butcher, German Laforce, Joseph, shoemaker, 184 Lagaiichetiere "^ Laforce, Ambrose, carter, 6 Acqueduct Laforce, Pierre, butcher, Amherst near Lagauche- ti6re Laforce, M, butcher, 195 Visitation Laforce, Paulet, sbreman, 4-8 Chaboillez J^aforest, Fabien, smith, 279 St Joseph Laforest, Louis, carpenter, 1 Lacroix Laframbois, Wm, milkman, court off Visitation Laframbois, A, house 127 Craig ,, Lafrance, Antoine, carter 158 German ' ! '. ' Lafrance, Ant, carter, head of German ' ♦ Lafrance, Pierre, smith, St Dominique Lafrenaye, P R, house 193 St Lawrence Lafrenaye & Papin, advocates, 25 St Vincent Lafrbniere, Cyprien, saddler, 19 Jacques Cartier square, house head of Salaberry Lafreni^re, Charles, joiner, court off Valine Lafreni6re, J 01, clerk, 50 Dorchester y G ' ^ / ll ( fl 134 Lafreniere, John, pilot, 17 Visitation Lafreni^re, Narcisse, Craig East Lafricain, Louis, mason, St Louis " * Lafricain, Edward, shoemaker, 24' St Louis • Lafricain, Edward, cooper, 38 St Louis Lafricain, Ed, carriage trimmer, 13i< St Charles Barrom6c Lafricain, Louis, clerk postofficc, 51- St Louis Lafricain, Mrs, 100 Montcalm Lafricain, Leon, joiner, 61 St Luois Lafricain, Octave, cooper, G5 Montcalm Lafricain, Jas, trader, 16 St Claude Lafricain, J B, cooper, 121 Montcalm Lafricain, Ste, cooper, 65 Montcalm Lafricain, S, cooper, 38 St Louis Lagarde, Joseph, printer, 18 St Vincent Lagarde, Mrs J, house Lagaucheti^re near Amherst Lagarde, Ant, shoemaker, 86 Amherst Lagarde, Job, shoemaker, 97 St Catherine Lagarde, Hy, nailer, 67 St Maurice Lagarde, J B, smith, 65 St Maurice Lagarde, Etienne, stone cutter, 29 Visitation Lagarde, Et, Butcher, 62 Wolfe Laggatt, Henry, working jeweller, 30 St Eliza- beth Lagrave, Dennis, carter, 31 Acqueduct Lahaise, S, cabinet maker, 2 St Margaret Lahaise, Frs, shoemaker, Panct near Dorchester Lahaye, Octave, general dry goods, 205 St Paul, house 22 St Lawrence Lahaye, J, carpenter, Verseilles off St Joseph Lahaye, Louis, shoemaker, 155 St Dominique Lahaye, Mrs, Lagaucheti^re East Laing, M, grocer, 118 Commissioners Laing, Murdoch, cooper, 36 St George * Laird, Alexander W, accountant and collector, 76 Craig, house 392 Lagauchctiere Laird, J B, laborer, head of Visitation Lajeunesse, Joseph, cooper, Lagauchetidre Lajeunesse, B, 7 St Marguerite * Lajeuueisse; Capt F, 185 Bonaventure 135 Lajeunesse, Joseph, shoemaker, Dcvieune Lajeunesse, Jas, skin dresser, 281 Lagauchetiere Lajoic, Etn, builder, 37 St Phillip Lalande, J B, milkman 197 St Lawrence , Lalande, Joseph, baker, 93 St Joseph sub Lalande, Israel, carpenter, 62 St Felix Lalande, Frs, navigator, 39 St Lcuis Lalande, L, tavern, 1 1 St Claude Lalande, Alex, pork butcher, 34-6 St Catherine Lalande, J B, trader, 121 St Lawrence Lalibert6, Ovido, house 71 Panet Lalimandidre, Augt, shoemaker, 169 Sanguinet , Lamalice, P, stone-cutter, 282 Mignonnc Lamarche, G D, general dry goods, 71 St Lawrence Lamarche, Ed, tailor, 166 Lagauchetidro Lamarche, Mrs, house 166 Panet Lamarche, F X, house corner Lagauchetiere and Montcalm Lamarche, Frs, carter, German near Catherine Lamarche, Mrs F, house Visitation near Mignonne Lamarche, Olivier, joiner, 5 St Phillip Lamb, James, & Son, bakers, 161 St Mary Lamb, Michael, hatter, Prince near Wellington ,. Lamb, Benjamin, baker, 167 St Joseph Lambe, W B, advocate, S-i Little St James, house Simpson off Sherbrooke .,« Lambe, Mrs J H, house 103 St Antoine ', Lambe, Mrs, 32 Prince . ^ . Lambert, Louis, joiner, 148 St Constant Lambert, Pierre, navigator, Durham near St Cathe- rine Lambert & Mcintosh, carpenters, 51 St Goorgo Lambert, J B, carter, 21 LabcUc Lambert, M, joiner, 92 Wolfe Lamesse, Michl, carpenter, McCord near Gabriel Lamirande, Mrs Jas, seamstress Lament, Edmond, joiner, 249 Mignonnc Lament, Mrs, 42 St Mary Lamontagne, Aug, commission and wine merchant 55 and 57 St Frangois Xavier, house Little 6t James 136 n Lamoutagne, Louis, 1 1 Si Charles Bairomee Laniontagne, Ls, laborer, Lagauclietiere near Adol- phus Lamoutagne, Pierre, laborer, court off Dcvicnno Laniontagne, Ls, carpenter, 181 Sanguinet Lamantagnc, J, house 139 Sanguinet Laniontagne, Jas, stone-cutter, 28 St Dominique Laniontagne, Miss, dressmaker, 139 Dorchester Laniontagne, Mrs, house 11 St Charles Barronicc Laniontagne, C H, notary, St Joseph city, house 6 Si Charles Barromee Laniontagne, Ant, joiner, 14>4f Montcalm Laniontagne, Hy, clerk, 162 St Constant Lamothe, Arthur, house St Denis 5 Vigor Place Lamothe & Frere, oommission and wine mer- chants, 202 St Paul Lamothe, J M, bookseller and stationer, 199 Notre Dame Lamothe, Geo, house Lagauchetiere Lamothe, L T, carpenter, 25 St Elizabeth Lamothe, Joseph, joiner, Amherst near Dorchester Lamothe, Wm, house Dorchester near St Phillip Lamothe, Ant, sawyer, Durham corner Dorchester Lamothe, Jean, painter, 20 St Simeon Lamothe, Guillaume, 336 Lagauchetiere opposite Albert place Lamouche, A, bedsteads &c, Haymarket square Lamouche, F, carter, 100 German Lamouche, J Baptiste, 32 Vallee Lamouche, Joseph, shoemaker, 189 St Lawrence Lamouche, Jos, clerk 33 St Simeon Lamouche, Mrs, house 253 Mignonne Lamouche, Chas, carpenter, 97 Dorchester Lamouche, Narcisse, carter, 184 St Dominique Lamoureux, Leander, joiner, 243 Mignonne Laraoureux, Louis, cooper, Durham near Dorchester Lamoureux, F, carter, 170 St Dominique Lamoureux, L, joiner, court oft St Elizabeth Lamoureux, , carpenter, 153 Dorchester Lamoureux, Joseph, trader. Current St Mary LamourevuE; M, tailor 81 Visitation 137 Lamoiirex, Pierre, plasterer, 64 Visitation Lanioureux, Eugene, joiner, 82 Wolfe Lamoureux, Narcisse, cabman, 5 Papineau road Lamoureux, Jean, honse 21G St Lawrence Lanioureux, Thos, carter, head of Beaudry Lamoureux, Ed, carter, 26 Durham Lamoureux, Peter, cooper, 26 Durham Lamplough, H T, (oi' A Savage & Co, ) house 109 Notre Dame Lampre, M, shoemaker, St Constant near St Cathe- rine Lancelot, J 13, builder, 51 Sanguine t Landel, D, clerk, Alexander near Jure Lander, Daniel, carpenter, 18 Longueil lane Landry, Felix, laborer, 215 Panet . Landry, Narcisse, tavern, 23 St Paul Landry, C, tavern, 26 St Claude - Landreville, James, joiner, 46 Labelle Landrigan, John, grocer, corner Mignonne and St Charles Barromc'e Lane, Stephens & Co, general and commission merchants, Pointe a Calli^res Lane, Elisha, house head of Drummoud Lane, Mrs John, house Tolentin near Lagauche- tiere Lane, Richd, laborer, Lafontaine off' Visitation Lane, Samuel, merchant tailor, 10 Notre Dame Laney, John, carter, Bonaventure near Acqueduct Lang, Richard, boot and shoe store, 197 Notre Dame, hq^ise 38 Fortification lane Lang, Mrs, house St Louis Lang, James, house Bonaventure Langemade, W, tailor, 8 Bleury Langevin, Frs, shoemaker, 104 Bonaventure Langevin, Joseph, saddler, Versailles off St Joseph Langevin, Mrs, boarding-house, St Lambert Hill Langstaff, Edward, laborer, corner Wolfe and Craig Languedoc, Eustache, butcher, court off St Joseph Languedoc, II, trader, 52 Mignonne Languedoc, George, clerk 233 St Lawrence Langlauds, Jas, engineer; 53 Sanguinet ^ l i 138 Langley, James, cook, 13 Diipr6 laiie Langlois, Charles, carter, Montcalm Langlois, Pierre, pilot, 11 St Genevieve, in rear ^ Langloisj Frs, laborer, 5 13ar6 Langlois, Thos, laborer, G5 St Monicjiie -» Langlois, Ant, wood merchant, 52 St Maurice Langlois, F, senr, bi.tclier, Versailles off St Joseph Langlois, F, jnnr, butcher, Versailles oft' St Joseph Langlois, B, shoemaker, 83 Lagauchetiere La NIG AN, Danifx, groceries and wines, £64" Notre Dame Lanigan, James, shoemaker, 'l I Constant - Lanneau, Chs, carter, St Joseph sub Lanneau, B, grocer, 126 Mountain Lannotte, Jas shoemaker, Durham near Dorchester Lanoit, Ed, cabinetmaker, 150 St Joseph sub Lantier, Nich, carter, 95 Lagauchetiere Lantier, F O, engineer, 75 Dorchester Lantier, J O, house 170 St Denis Lantier, Frs, gardener, head of St Dominique Lantier, F X, clerk, 176 Panet Lapelletrie, Mrs, house 115^ Mountain Lapensee, Charles, tavern, ]3ry dock Lapensee, V R, forwarding agent, corner Common and George, canal wharf, house 106 Constant Lapierre, Et, trader, 238 Mignonne Lapierre, Joseph, carter, 179 Visitation Lapierre, Mrs, house 12 George Lapierre, N, carter, Panet near Dorchester Lapierre, Andre, carter, Panet near Dorchester Lapierre, Louis, jun, shoemaker, 60 St Dominique Lapierre, Joseph, carpenter, 105 College Lapierre, Andre, shoe store, 116 and 118 St Paul, house 24i5 St Joseph Lapierre, Tons, carter, head of Brock Lapierre, Louis, tinsmith, 81 St Paul Lapierre, Andr6, tinsmith, 245 St Joseph sub Lapierre, T, tinsmith, Jacques Cartier square, house 115 German Lapierre, J B, butcher, 27 Bare Lapierre, B, carter, 260 St Joseph 1^ 139 111 real' aurice St Joseph )t Joseph "6 , «64. Notre Dorchester sub iqiie Common Constant ester minique St Paul, ub re, house Tjapierre, Jos, police, 50 Wolfe Lapierre, Louis, sen, shoemaker, 62 Dominique Lapiefre, W, hairdresser, 69 German 'v.: I Lapierre, F, carter, 181 Visitation • -'. . . ^ ;• .i Lapierre, F, carter, 148 German ^i ' • •. . '• Lapierre, Jos, stone cutter, 125 Beaudry ' ; I Lapierre, S, tuvcrn, 13 St Claude -ii^., / '. Lapierre, Z, boots and shoes, 111 St Paul fn-'niJ. Laplante, Jos, carter, 33 Durham .! >: i Laplante, Isadore, shoemaker, 24« Bar6 :, ». Laplante, Ls, laborer, Huchelaga ^ Laplante, Ant, laborer, Hochelaga * 1 , ; -5 Lapoint.e, Louis, joiner, 63 St George ■ .: . ^ Lapointe, Ed, joiner, head of St Constant Lapointe, Fred, joiner, Dorchester near Wolfe La^^f inte, Jos, carter, 90 Catherine Lapointe, Jos, carter, Papineau road • . ; . . . .. ^ Lapointe, B, carter, 16 Beaudry • -^ • ' • Lapointe, Tons, carter, 14 Beaudry •• : . ; ; Lapointe, Noel, laborer, 104 Catherine Lapointe dit Godard, L,carpenter, oft* head of San- guinet " ,.!.«;} Lapointe, Ant, mason, 399 St Catherine Lapointe, B, mason. Bare off St Joseph ^ • > * Lapointe, W, carter 2 Beaudry > ' !• ^ Lapointe, Jos, stone cutter, 113 Panet • • .. ^^ Lapointe dit Audit, Frs, carpenter, Dufresne ^ > Lapointe, Laurent, house 158 St Constant • Lapointe, Xavier, plasterer, Amherst Lapointe, B, corner of Craig and Panet -^ Lapointe, Ant, jun, printer, 10 Chaboillez Lapointe, Pierre, blacksmith, off head of Visitation Lapointe, Frs, mason, head of Visitation Laporte, Frs, nailer, 183 St Joseph sub .'• • - - Laporte, Pierre, carter, head of Beaudry ? ' ;^ ' - Laporte, W, carter, head of Beaudry !(/»; ; » Laporte, Narcisse, tavern, 11 Commissioners ■''•■^' Laporte, B, carter, 194^ Dominique ' Lapthorne, Ed, carpenter, 132 St Joseph Lapthorne, James, carpenter, 123 Alexander Lappare, Henry, notary public, 31 Little St James 140 Lappin, Bernard, carter, 46 Chaboillez Lappin, Wm, dry goods, 134 St Mary Lappin, Pat, laborer, 46 Chaboillez Lappin, Mrs, house 38 Hermine Laramie, J F, joiner, 22 Vallee Larance, Ls, laborer, St Ignace near Water Larance, J, carter, 33 Simon Larancelle, W, joiner, St Peter lane Larange, Jos, grocer, 86 Montcalm Larche, F, mason, 34 Beaudry Larche, Louis, baker, 70 Visitation Larche, Frs, carter, 36 Beaudry Lardie, Louis, cooper, f)4 Durham Larins, Chas, carter, 192 St Joseph sub Lariv6e, N, waterman, 1 17 Beaudry Larivi^re, Ant, laborer, St Ignace near Water Larivi^re, C, cart maker, 59 Lagaucheti^ve Larivi^re, Alexis, house 241 St Lawrence Larividre, A, pedlar, head of St Lawrence Larivi^re, J B, joiner, 122 Montcalm Larivi^re, J B, shoemaker, 169 Sanguinet Larivi^re, J B, mason, 24 Phillip Larivi^re, F, carter, 169 Dominique Larividre, Mrs A, 181 Sanguinet Larivi^re, C6saire, carriagemaker, 97 Montcalm Larivi^re, Olivier, laborer, Durham Larividre, Peter pedler, 70 Panet Larividre, Andr^, saddler, 78 St Maurice Larividre, Isidore, house, 194 St Joseph, sub Larividre, C A, carriagemaker, 84 St Mary Larivi^re, Frs, shoemaker, 35 Bare Larividre, Isidore, house 63 Panet Larividre, Pierre, shoemaker, Victoria road Larivi^re, Pierre, potash, 216 Visitation Larkin, Hsnry J, advocate, 4 Great St James Larkin, Michael, bricklayer, 425 Lagauchetidre Larkin, P, grocery and tavern, 80 St Gabriel Laroche, Louis, carter, 97 Wolfe Laroche, M, butcher, Hochelaga Laroche, E, senr, shoemaker, 145 St Urbain Larwhe, EUejunr, shoemaker, 145 St Urbain 141 atei Viatel- re e e t itcalm lib mes ti^re el un iiaroche, C, mason, 4 Little St Antoine Laroche, Mrs, 20 Acqiieduct Laroche, , 90 St Joseph Laroche, Eugdne, shoemaker, 198 Sanguiuet Laroche, P, carter, 249 Visitation Laroche, Toussaint, carter, Chahoillez ^ : Larochelle, D, shoemaker, 53 Durham _. I Larocque, L, laborer, Papineau road , , ,, , Laiocque, B, lamplighter, 4 Beaudry ^ -■ Larocque, F A, house 79 Great St James ' Larocque, Alfred, house 79 Great St James ' Larose, Aug, joiner, 88 German Larose, Michael, cahdrivcr, 44 Mountain Larose, Henri, bricklayer, 145 St Dominique f Larose, Mrs, 73 Beaudry Larose, Thos, grocer and shoemaker, 72 Beaudry ? Larose, Aug, sawyer, 67 Beaudry Larose, Louis, grocery, 199 St Joseph, sub Larose, Joseph, joiner, Wolfe near Lagaucheti^re Larose, Joseph, laborer, lane off' Mountain Larose, Ed, smith, 149 St Joseph, sub ; Lurose, Michel, carter, lane off Mountain , ,;;, Larose, Frs, carter, lane off Mountain , .,: , , LarJier, Alexis, laborer, 30 Durham ; _ , . > ; Laurins, Jos, laborer, 59 McCord -.,;>; ; Laurins, C, livery stables, 163 St Joseph . i Laurins, S, latJbrer, 33 Bar6 lane Laurins, Louis, carter, 45 Acqueduct Laurins, Ed, carpenter lane off Mountain La Ruche Litteraire, G H Cherrier, St Vincent Larue, Pierre, house 29 St Constant _ , ; Larue, L6on, joiner, 109 St Urbain ' ^ ,_ ; " Larue, M, joiner. Mountain near Bare > Larue, L6on, moulder, 87 St Maurice Larue, Leon, junr, lumber dealer, 33 St Constant Larue, Mrs B, seamstress, 318 St Catherine Latham, John, shoemaker, 5 St F^lix Latham, Richard, commission merchant, 11 William near McGill, house 2 St Catherine corner City Councillors » r *> - •' u^ 1 Laskie, Jas, laborer, 12 King Laskie, R, laborer, Colborne avenue Lassaille, B, laborer, 1 1 Bar6 lane ' ■• Latoucho, Andr6, joiner, 122 German Latoulin, Sophia, Richmond off St Joseph ' ' " Latoulipe, Mrs, Bar6 lane " ' Latourelle, Ant, 290 Lagaiicheti^re Latour, Jer, shoemaker, 116 College Latour, Jas, carter, 83 Panet Latoiir, L A H, house 172 St Denis Latour, F X, carter, 18 Mignonne Latour, Roche, grocer, 79 Mignonne Latour, Joseph, joiner, 15 Tolentin Latour, J B, carter, 86 St Maurice Latour, B, sawyer, 31 St Phillip Latour, Elie, house 207 Mignonne Latour, Bastion, stonecutter, 120 Dorchester Latreille, Mrs Wm, house off St Dominique Latreille, F, carter, 117 Wolfe Latreille, F, stonecutter. Ill Sanguinet Latrimoule, Henry, baker, Dufresne off St Mary Latrimoule, Hy, jr, baker, Lauder, Wm,senr, engineer, Versailles oft St Joseph Lauder, Geo, mason, 10 St George Laughlin, Bartley, laborer, St Joseph ^ Laughlin, George E, clerk at post-ofiice, house ^ Barclay place Laughlin, Denis, laborer, 48 Common Laughlin, Miss May, 85 Vitr6 Laurence, Frs, laborer, St Mary Laurent, F, painter, 38 German Laurent, David, painter, 1 14 St Lawrence Laurent, Francis, mason, head of St Lawrence Laurent, Joseph, stonecutter, German Laurent, David, tailor, 79 German Laurent, F, Mason, 190 St Lawi'ence Laurent, Seraphin, stonecutter, 31 St Simon Laurent, G, painter, 116 German Laurie, Stirling Sc Co, wholesale dry goods, 222 St Paul Laurie; Stirling & Co^ dry goods, 286 Notre Dame 143 1 . ' ». , i 1-, ( Mary t Joseph house 3 lice Dame Idiurie, Wm, house 6 Mountain terrace Laurie, A M, 141 St Mary Laurie, James, house 132 Charles Barrom^e I-iaurie, D, pianomaker, 82 St Lawrence Laurie, W, charge of jail guard, Dorchester near ColborUe avenue Laurin, Joseph, carter, head of St Lawrence Laurin, Jos, mineral water, 149 St Dominique Laurin, L, shoemaker, 221 Lagauchetidre liaurier, J B, shoemaker, head of St Penis Lauzon, Pierre, waterman, head of Visitation Lauzon, J B, carter, 146 Visitation Lauzon, Paul, sawyer, Christopher off St Catherine Lauzon, Misses, grocers, 213 Visitation Lauzon. Pierre, carter, Fortier near St Dominique Lavallee, Augustin, cooper, Hochelaga Lavall^e, John, laborer, 124 Dorchester ' V' ' Lavalli^re, P, blacksmith, Cadieux Village " , , Lavallidre, Narcisse, laborer, St Mary Lavender, H, merchant tailor, 80 McGill, corner St Maurice, house 6 St Maurice Laverdure, Ant, laborer, 16 Visitation Laverriere, David, carpenter, Versailles - Laverock, W,,grocery and tavern, 101 Craig Laverock, Jas, baker, 38 St Urbain Levers, Wm, stone cutter. Visitation Lavery, ?, tailor, 47 St Dominique ' Lavicount, Mrs, house Drummond near St Cathe- rine Lavicount, A K, house Drummond near St Cathe- rine Lavictoire, Jos, butcher, head of Visitation .. Lavigeur, Louis, carter, 83 Wolfe , Lavigne, E, butcher, 142 St Constant ' Lavigne, Paul, carpenter, Wolfe Lavigne, M, butcher, 147 St Constant Lavigne, Amable, carpenter, 37 Amherst Lavigne, L, painter, 15 Phillip Lavigne, J, painter, 90 German Lavigne, Lambert, carpenter, "St Joseph Lavigne, Jos, ^yaterman, Cadieux viHage UrWi ?■'■ 144. Lavigne, Amable, carpenter, 25 Wolfe Laviolette, Ed, cooper, Labelle ,-. , i Laviolette, M, butcher, 99 Wolfe _ . Laviolette, Hector, 201 Mignonne Laviolette, Jos, butcher, 273 St Catherine Laviolette, B, butcher, 282 St Catherine Laviolette, Ail^e, cabman, 22 Ueuudry Lavoie, U, shoemaker, 197 St Doiniuique Lavoie, Peter, butcher, 165 Lagaucbeti6re Lavoie, Gilbert, grocer, 104. Wolfe Lavoie, Ant, carter, 264- xMignonne Lavoie, A, carter, 17*- Sanguinet i Lavoie, Ant, limebnmer, Dufresne Lavoie, Mrs Medaid, stewardess, 231 Mignonne Lavoiseur, Fabien, house Lnsancheti^re Lavoiseur, Joseph, laborer, i8 Amherst Law, Young & Co, wholesale hardware, wines &c, 277 St Paul Law, Jas, house 17G Sherbrooke liaw, Wm, shoemaker, 69 St George Lawford, Fred, f Hopkin's L Sc N), house Dorches- ter west Lawlor, P, government clerk, 10 St Monique Lawlor, Michael, shoemaker, 66 Murray Lawlor^ Wm, tailor, 25 Jur6, Lawlor, I>, laborer, rear of 30 St George Lawn J M, laborer, 38 Murray Lawson, Chas, joiner, 67 Dalhousie Lawson, Pat, joiner, 13 Anderson Lawson, John, merchant, house Dorchester Lay, Mrs E H, ladies' school, St Helen Lazurb & Frere, dry goods, 163 St Paul Lazure, Louis, 85 Sanguinet • Lea, Miss E, dry goods, 64 St Mary Lea, D R, dept asst com genl, 7 Molson terrace Lea, John, clerk, 199 St Antoine Leach, Rev W T, D C L, house McGill College , Leahy, Jas, laborer, 76 St Maurice ; i Leahy, Patk, carter, Bonaventure Learmont, Wm, watchmaker, 191 Notre Dame, house 69 City Councillor 145 , \ nonne mnes Sec, Doiclies- iie ace ollege ^ Dame, Lebeau, Narcisse, trader, Amherst Lebeau, Jos, carter, 60 Mignonne ^ ,, Lebeau, Felix, carter, 62 Mignonne Lebeau, Frs, carter, 381 St Mary Lebeau, Jas, carpenter, 7 Beaudry Lebeau, Chas^ engineer, 61 Mountain Lebeau, Frs, carter, 120 Visitation Lebert, Pierre, butcher, 22 Mountain Lebert, Victor, butcher, 146 St Antome Leblanc, Francois, superintendent of water works, house 55 Bonaventure Leblanc & Cassidy, advocates, corner Craig and St Gabriel ,. r. , Leblanc, Alfred, mason. Mountain Leblanc, And, waterman. Ill Bonaventure Leblanc, Edw, laborer, 23 Mountain Leblanc, Julien, tanner, 37 Chaboillez Leblanc, Magloire, laborer, 14> St Marguerite < , Leblanc, Louis, joiner, Devienne Leblanc, Luger, advocate, 172 Craig Leblanc, Germain, grocer, 115 St Paul, house 7 St Dominque Leblanc & Latour, notaries, 2 Little St James Leblanc, Frangois, butcher, 102 St Catherine Leblanc, Jos, carpenter, St Joseph Leblanc, Jos, flour store, 21 Commissioners Leblanc, Charles A, advocate, 10 Sanguinet Leblanc, D, grocer, 109 St Dominique : . Leblanc, Sim6on, mason, 1 Devienne Leblanc, Ovide, notary public, 9 Bonsecours Leblanc, Cy prion, carter, 14 Napoleon Leblanc, Julien, carter, 151 Beaudry Leblanc, J B, carter, 360 St Catherine . . , . Leblanc, Louis, joiner, 101 Amherst Leblanc, Frs, laiDorer, 151 Visitation ; Lebrun, Jos, house St Victoire Lebrun, S, mason, 2 St Henry Lecier, John, painter, 102 Charles Barrom6e Leckie, Robt, house 194 St Antoine Leclaire, F & J, general dry goods, 170 St Leclaire, Francis, house 82 Union avenue ii> I Paul y 146 ! Leclaire, Bernard, laborer, 9 Acqueduct y ' ' Leclaire, Louis, carpenter, Dorchester near Victoria road Leclaire, J, house Radcgond Leclaire, J, hairdresser, 54> St Mary Leclaire, P, tavern and boarding house, Jacques Cartier square , Leclaire, Moses, voyageur, 274 St Joseph Leclaire, Joseph, carter, 25 Acqueduct Leclaire, Janvier, carpenter, 150 Visitation Leclaire, J O, house 15 St Charles Barrom^o .Leclaire, Ls, baker, 17 Roy lane Leclaire, Joseph, stonecutter, Acqueduct Leclaire, Tierre, laborer, Dubord near St Hubert Leclaire, Jas, carter, 10 Tolentin Leclaire, Mrs, court off" Dufresne *' Leclaire, Alex, carpenter, 5 St Felix Leclaire, Napoleon, stonecutter, 286 Mignonne Leclaire, P, joiner, 102 St Dominique Leclaire, L, stonecutter, 106 Germain ' Leclaire Jas, baker, 203 Mignonne * '' Leclerc, Jno a, leather store, 269 St Paul Leclerc, Louis, stonecutter, head of German Lecompte, L, shoemaker, 178 Sanguin^t , Lecompte, Thos, carter, 194 Panet Lecompte, Jerome, tin-roofer, 155 St Constant Lecompte, Olivier, clerk, 153 St Constant Lecompte, Frs, carter, 39 St Andr6 Lecompte, T, carter, 89 Sanguinet • Lecompte, Geo, looking glasses, &c, 3 Haymarket square ' ■ , Lecompte, Tousst, carter, 185 Mignonne • Ledoux, Ls, carpenter, St Joseph sub LedouXjAntoine, carter, 182 Sanguinet Ledoux, Frs, smith, 159 St Joseph fub Ledoux, John, smith, St Joseph sub Ledoux, J, smith, 10 Bisson Leduc, Clovis, carriage maker, 119 St Joseph Leduc, D & Co, bakers, 48 St Elizabeth Leduc, Jos, house 17 Dorchester Leduc, J B; saddler, 106 St Joseph sub 14*7 Victoria Jacques *»(, lubert oune n lilt 'market )h Lednc, Louis, farmer, 34 St Antoinc "' Lctliic, Mrs Louis, 53 Bonaventuro Leduc, Pierre, shoemaker, 349 St Joseph bub Lediic, Ambrose, laborer, 17 Beaudry Leduc, Joel, baker, Friponno . ' Leduc, Frs, smith, 227 St Joseph Leduc, Dr, 227 St Joseph Leduc, L, shoemaker, 262 St Joseph Lee, Jos, blacksmith, 273 St Mary ^ ' Lee, Barthl, shoemaker, 16 Gabriel' • • * ' ' Lee, Pat, laborer, 47 Jur6 Leeming & Sabine, auctioneers and commission merchants, 277 Notre Dame Leeming & Sabine, custom house agency, bonding store and general storage, 277 Notre Dame Leeming, John, house Summit Cottage, Cole des Neiges road • Lefebvre, Magloire, trader, house 49 St Phillip Lefebvre, Anthony, grocer, 159 Wellington Lefebvre, Joseph, house Lagaucheti^re Lefebvre, Pierre, shoemaker, St Joseph sub Lefevre, J, confectioner, 365 St Mary Lefevre, Miss, boarding-house 21 St Claude Lefevre, Antoine, mason, Lafontaine near Paiiet Lejfevre, Pierre, laborer, Versailles ofl St Joseph Lefevre, Frs, 170 St Constant Lefevre, Mrs Ol, tavern, 32 Jacques Cartier square Lefevre, Frs, waterman, head ol St Constant Lefevre, Michael, ginger beer brewer, 25 Aylmer Lefevre, Louis, tinsmith, current St Mary Lefevre, Joseph, clerk, 1 13 St Joseph sub -Lefevre, F X, carpenter, 241 St Joseph sub - Lefevre, Miss, teacher, 35 Durhfira Lefevre, Miss, boarding house, 318 St Paul Lefevre, Ant, shoemaker, 142 St Joseph Lefevre, Chas, clerk, 51 St Elizabeth Lefevre, Louis, joiner, 149 St Constant Legouf, Benoit, pilot, 258 Mignonne Legris, F K, gardener, 57 St Denis Legros, George, shoemaker, 27 St Simon ' ' ^ Leichhardt; Otto C, druggist, 192 St Antoine ■ i4d Leid, Jas, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near St Dominique Leifchild & Co, contractors^ office Great St James, over R Thomas Leighton, Mrs R, dry goods, 25 Wellington Leighton, Wm, storemau, Nazareth Leitch, M, butcher, 85 College Leith, R, brushmaker, 9 Craig Lemaire, Ls, grocer, 79 Panet Lemaire, Ant, smith, 59 Lagaucheti^re \ Lemaire, F, shoemaker, 277 St Joseph ] Lemaire, Adol, carpenter, 27 Labelle Lemaire, F M, 22 Sanguinet v, ,;; . j . , Lemaire, W, carpenter, 19 Bar6 Lemay, Hubert, pilot, 28 Jur6 near Bleury - . I Lemay, Mrs, midwife, 161 St Catherine Lemay, Mrs, 22 Voltigeurs . < Lemay, D, cabinetmaker, 140 St Constant . Lemieux, , roofer, German i Lemieux, Joseph, plasterer, 4A> St George Lemoine, B H, cashier. People's Bank, Great Saint James Lemoine, P, Varennes Springs depot, 10 St Lam- bert, house 185 Sanguinet Lemoine, George, shoemaker, 119 Panet « Lemoine, Z, joiner, 100 St Elizabeth f *>;•..! Lemoine, Phillip, marketman, 37 Beaudry I Lemoine, £t, painter, 167 Montcalm Lemoine, David, (Courselle & Lemoine,) architects and measurers, 47 St Lawren3c Lemonde, F X, jainter, 159 Sanguinet , .• *> . t» Lemonde, Jas plasterer, 84 St Ancoine Le Moniteur Canadien, (^French, weekly,^ De- Montigny, 125 St Paul Lennon, Michael, dry goods, 125 St Mary '-^^ * Lenoire, Rolland, pedlar) St Amable lane, house St Joseph Leonard, T, grocer, 68 St Lawrence, and 101 & 78 MGiU Leonard, Joseph; cabman, Beaudry >. A ' > ' Leonard, Mrs, 174 St Joseph <' ,, *-?« « r Leonard, John, carter, 46 Mountain 'mt:- ' rwi : Dominique It St James, ton y iry nt e Grreat Saint b St Lam- >^.:'» V I architects house St 101 & 78 149 Leonard, Thos, carpenter, 63 Murray Leonard, Joseph, 316 St Mary Leonard, Geo, shoemaker, 91 Hubert Lepage, Mrs H, house 51 St Bonaventure Lepage, C, carter, 14.3 St Catherine Lepage, Joseph, house corner St Catherine and Bleury Lepage, K N, engineer, 136 Craig Lepage, Mrs, milUner, 26 St Lawrence Lepage, Ant, engineer, 10 EtI ward lane Lepage, James, 6 Voltigeurs Lepage, Eus, nailer, 8 Mountain Lepage, Isidore, joiner, Perreault court off Craig Lapage, H, shoemaker, 127 St Charles Barrom^e Lepailleur, Frs M, bailiff 2 Tolentin IjE Pays, J A Plinguet, publisher, St Ther^se Lep^re, Ls, restaurant, 11 1 St Lawrence Lep^re, Bte, carpenter, St Lawrence near Cathe- n:ie Lepine, Paul, carpenter, Dufresne Lepine, J B, carter, 134 Beaudry Leprohon, E M, house 31 corner Radegonde and Lagauchetidre Leprohon, L B, 148 Dorchester, Hermitage house Leprohon, Dr J L, 6 St Antoine Leroux, Ant, saddler, 80 St Elizabeth Lesage, Simeon, joiner, head St Urbain Lesage, Jos, shoemaker, 40 Amherst '^ Lescarljeau, J B, tavern, 75 St Paul Lescarbeau, M, carter, Lafontaine Lescaire, R, carter, 20 Alymer • -^ Lescaire, Frangois, laborer, Shaw ^"- Lesi^ge, B, gardener, 29 Janvier, Lesi^ge, Joseph, grocer, 9 St Mary Leslie, Starnes & Co, general commission mer- chants, 250 Notre Dame and 3 Recollect Leslie, Hon J, house St Mary Cottage, Parthenais ofl St Mary Leslie, E S, house St Mary Cottage, Parthenais Leslie, P, house St Mavy Cottage, Parthenais Leslie, George, carpenter, WsUington 150 I '. Leslie, Jas, engineer, 1 1 Colborne near Wellington Leslie, Thos, clerk, 19 Genevieve Leslie, Mrs, laundress, 25 Genevieve Lessard, Francis, gardener, 14<7 St Urbain Lesperence, Jn Bt, gardener, St Antoiue west Lesperence, Louis, baker, 8 St Genevieve Lesperence, A, laborer, Seigneurs Lesperence, J as, carpenter. Dry Dock - > Lesperence, M, 37 City Councillor Lesperence, Pierre, trader, court off St Catherine Letang, Isaac, trader, Panet near Dorchester LeTourneux, P L, secretary, Mutual Lisurance Company, St Sacrament, house 73 St Constant Letondale, Paul, musician, 105 St Lawrence Leviell^e, Jean, carpenter, 188 Mignonne LevielJee, Joseph, pilot,- 154* St Catherine ? Leviell^e, Z, stone cutter, Cadieux Village Leviell6e, Joseph, trader, 127 Dorchester Levieliee, Joseph 57 Dorchester Leviellee, Roche, shoemaker, 107 Beaudry ' Levieliee, Touss, laborer, 86 Wolfe Levesque, Medard, carter, 187 St Bonaventure Levesque, Ant, house 1 St Chas Barrom^e Levesque, G, cakebaker, 227 St Catherine i Levesqne, A, trader, 86 Wolfe Levey, Alex, China, glass, and gas fittings, corner Notre Dame and St Gabriel Levey, John, tobacco and snuff manufacturer and importer of cigars and fancy goods. Crystal Block, Notre Dame, house 57 St Antoiue Levin, Bernard, furrier and cap maker, 14'3 St Paul, house 100 Notre Dame Levine, F P, St Nicholas hotel, Jacques Cartier square > Levine, Louis, carter, 60 Lagaucheti^ro Levine, Olivier, carpenter, Richmond off St Joseph Levine, Marcus, watchmaker, 12 Chenneville Levine, S. carpenter, 14' I Montcalm Levine, Chas, 21 Salaberry Levine, W B, Merchants' Hotel, late Rasco's, St Paul opposite Bonsecoiir Market r Wellington Ull le west ve Catherine lester I Insurance St Constant rence me le I age jr Iry enture ee ne ings, corner icturer and »ds. Crystal itoine er, 143 St ues Cartier St Joseph Bville lasco'.s, St 151 Le.vey, Mrs A, house 234? Notre Dame Lewis, Dl, house 92 St Antoiue Lewis, John, customs department, 1 Dorchester Lewis, Mrs H, house 2 Phillip's square Lewis, Jas, bricklayer, 24 1 St Catherine Lewis, Paul, stone cutler, St Catherine near St Constant Liberal Christian, monthly, H &: G M Rose, Great St James Liddell> Mrs, store, 26 Wellington L'Hussier, Seraphine, hotel, 5 Haymarket square L'Hussier, Louis, paper-hanger, 167 St Constant LifFeton, Geo, tailor, 2 St Henry Life Boat, monthly, H &; G M Rose, Great Saint James Lillie, Thomas, carter, Victoria road Lillie, James, farmer, Hochelaga Lillie, J, carpenter, 58 German Limoges & Cc dry goods, 3 St Lawrence Limoges, F, laker, 83 Catherine Limoges, Jos*. > , t20 St Mary Limoges, Jos, trader, head of Panet Limoges, Frs, carter, Mignonne near Constant Lincoln, (Gilbert) & Co, American straw goods, 290 St Paul Lindley, Frederick, currier, lane offViIre Lindsay, Robt A, bank clerk, 68 Dorchester west Lindsay & Wilson, commission merchants, 58 Commissioners, house 10 Cleveland place. Jure near Bleury Lindsey, Thomas, malster, Woodyard near Water Lines, John, storeman, Drake's Court off College Linton, S, shoemaker, 28 St Urbain , -. Lionais, H, house 43 Sherbrooke I Lismore, Mrs, store, 37 Mountain ' Listen, James, musician, 423 Lagaucheticre J Little, J, painter, 28 Chenneville Little, Thos, grocer, 36 St Paul Little, Mrs J, corner Lagauchetiere and Queen square Liver, Wm, bricklayer, Gain ^ ^ * f^a 152 Liverpool & London Fire & Life Insurance Co, J H Maitland, president and Secretary, Canada Branch, corner Place d'Armes and Notre Dame Livingston, John, smith, 4 Prince, house 55 Wel- lington Lizotte, Aiigt, engineer, 195 Mignonne Lloyd's Agent in Montreal, Henry Chapman, St Sacrament Lloyd, William, painter and paper hanger, corner Great St James and St Peter, house corner of Craig and Place d'Armes Hill Locas, Mrs, dress maker, 157 Craig Lochhead, Mathew, cabinet maker, 27 Janvier Locke, Forest, engineer, 32 George ' LocKB, RuEBEN, straw goods and combs, 302 Saint Paul, house 116 M'Gill : Lock, James, engineer, 56 Nazareth Locker, W, grocer, 74 Murray Lockhart & Louson, commission merchants, 59 Commissioners Lockhart, Archd, ropemaker, Partenais off St Mary Lockington, R, blacksmith, 57 Tolentine Lockwood, W, painter, 38 Murray Loflus, Mrs, store, 50 Amherst Logan, W E, provincial geologist, 58 St Gabriel Logan, Thomas, farmer, head of Partenais Logan, James, merchant, office Common, opposite upper wharf, house 11 Little St James Logan, Robt, grocer and tavern, 124 St Urbain Lognon, B, carpenter, off McCord Lognon, Ed, carpenter, 236 St Joseph, LoiSELLE, F X, merchant tailor, 73 McGill ; Loiselle, Mrs M, Lagaucheti6re near Wolfe ' '' Loison, L, tinsmith, 257 St Joseph Loison, L, carter, 30 Bar6 i ' Lomasing, Michael, carpenter, Eleanor near Gabriel LoMER, Gerhard, wholesale furrier, 260 St Paul, house 161 St Antoine Lone, Mrs, house Sophia lane off Craig ' > Lone, William, milkman, 47 Mountain Lone, ~— ., storeman, 59 St George .^ * s rSURANCE Co, !tary, Canada Notre Dame use 55 Wel- hapman, St anger, corner use corner of Janvier bs, 302 Saint 3rchants, 59 1 off St Mary le t Gabriel lais on, opposite les Urbain h, ill - - jlfe ear Gabriel St Paul, 153 Loney, J, carter, 213 St Bonaventure Long, William, tailor, 42 Prince Longfield, William, brickmaker, head of FuUum Lonie, G, grocer, 69 Panet Longdeau, D, butcher, 275 St Joseph Longdeau, Mrs, store, 202 St Joseph Longley, E C, grocer, 79 St Lawrence Longpr6, Louis, baker, 59 St Catherine Longpr6, D, tinsmith, 318 St Paul, house 87 Craig Longpr6, L, carpenter, 153 St Charles Barrom^e Lonadell, R G, office Gordon & Co LoRANGER & PoMiNviLLE, advocates, corner Saint Vincent and St Therese Loranger, Thos J J, advocate, corner Craig and St Denis, house 6 St Denis Loranger, Joseph, cabman, St Joseph Lord, Louis, carter, rear 27 St Phillip Lorge, C, hatter, 77 Vitre Lorion, Fabien, carter, Versailles off St Joseph Lortie, A, leather, &c, Jacques Cartier square, house 12 Little St Autoine Loranger, J M, advocate, 14< St Vincent Loromier, C, advocate, 183 Sanguinet Loromier, Joseph, builder, Valee Lorion, B, shoemaker, 125 Amherst Loson, Frs, cooper, Bar6 off St Joseph Loson, Francis, cooper, 22 St Simon Loson, V, carter, 66 Beaudry Loson, ChaS; printer, 34 Inspector Loson, J, ma. n, 118 Visitation Loson, Louis, t irter, 75 Mignonne Loson, Cyrile, joiner, 14 Smallwood lane Loson, joiner, 252 Mignonne Loson, Jas, stonecutter, 8 Valine Loson, F, laborer, 315 St Catherine Loson, Noel, carter, 80 Mignonne Lomi^re, Max, carter, 64 Beaudry Lothian, Adam, plumber, rear 166 Dorchester Lothian, H, engineer, 54 William Lougee, John, cabine* maker, 40 St Maurice Loughran, Thomas, smith, 100 St Joseph mh r I5i Loughi'an, Chas, trader, 16 St Henry Loughrey, J, paints, oil and glass, 238 St Paul Louis, Henry, 18 Amherst Louis, Charles, 18 Amherst Louric, Andrew, coachman, 5 St Monique » Lovelace, Captain R, French, German and Spanish tianslator, 78 St Dommique LovELL, John, printer and publisher, 18 and 20 St Nicholas Loveridge, John D, confcctioucr, St Francis near the barracks Levis, Mrs, Iwarding-house, near Champ de Mars JiOw, Chas A, house, 176 St Antoine JjOw, John, tavern, 8 Wellington - v* Lowe & Chamberlin, proprietors, Montreal Gazette, 38 Great St James Lowe, John, Montreal Gazette, house 7 Brunswick, Beaver Hall Lowen, Jolin, laborer, Victoria road Lozier, W A, foreman marine works, house Seig- neur Lubriere, 01, house Versailles off St Joseph . Luck, David, housekeeper of old government house, Notre Dame j Ludlow, Chris, laboJrer, 23 Murray LuLHAM, George, Shakspeare Inn, 58 St Francois Xavier Lundy, Hy, blacksmith, 70 Colbornc I Lunn, Wm, house 125 Sherbrookc ' ; -i Lunn, D, trimmer, 25 Chenneville i Lupien, Charles, trader, 50 Wolfe Lupicn, A, blockmaker, 102 St Maurice .i Lupien, Jas, carter, 144 St Charles, Barromce < Lupicn, Ant, joiner, 33 St Simon ;! .;; Lupien, Albert, builder, 1 17 St Urbain Lurtie, Ben, house 69 St Joseph Lusignan, Mrs, boarding-house, 19 St Theresc 1 Lusignan, Chas, confectioner, 20 St Mary Lussier, Ls, saw maker, 20 Bonaventure ' ■ Lussier, Chas, shoemaker, 57 St Felix \ .Jjiissier, Et, laborer, 89 Amherst . . ^.a' L L h\ 155 t Paul lie ud Spanish I and 20 St rancis near de Mars jal Gazette, Brunswick, ouse Seig- ph :-i-:::~. [lent house, t Francois mce rese .>:* ^.i Lussier, F, police, 106 Amherst Lussier, W H, storeman, rear St German Lutterel, Mrs A, 43 Inspector Luttine, X, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph . Lussier, Mrs, house court off St Catherine Lying-in-Hospital, (French) corner Lagauchetidre and Campeau Lying-in-Hospital, (English) 45 St Urbain Lyman, Savage & Co, (^Benjamin and ' Lenry Ly- man and Alfred Savage) wholesu.o druggists, 226 St Paul Lyman, S J & Co„ chemists and druggists, 187 and 189 Notre Dame, corner Place d'Armes Lyman, Wm, house 122 Bleury Lyman, Benj, house between 21 and 23 St Monique Lyman, Henry, house 83 Great St James Lyman, Miss, ladies' school, Cot6 house, head of Cot6 Lyman, S Jones, house Cote house, head of Col6 Lyman, Theodore, (of Savage & Lyman) house 158 Lagaucheti^re Lyman, J, stonecutter, German Lynch, John, laborer, court off St Germain Lynch, Ed, carter, St Joseph near the tollgatc Lynch, Jas, laborer, 388 St Catherine Lynch, P, gardener, head of Fullum Lynch, Pat, overseer, 370 St Joseph Lynch, Pat, grocer, 56 Colborne Lynch, Mrs, 3 Queen Lynch, Hugh, house Colborne avenue Lynch, Chas, laborer, 41 Murray Lyons, Pat, shoemaker, 16 Lagauchetierc Lyons, M, teacher, 90 St Dominique Lyons, Thos, police. Brock near Water Lyons, Mrs, tavern, 41 Common Lynn, John, laborer, 44 Inspector Lyttle, R E, shoemaker, 3*1 McCord McADAM, JAMES, 419 Lagauchetierc McAdam, Charles, storeman 23 1 St Lawrence McAdam, Mrs, house 59 Colborne McAdoo, John, laborer, 31 McCord McAfee, Mrs, 6 McCord 156 McAndrews, Patk, clerk, 127 St Antoine McAnlass, Wm, laborer, Hochelaga McArthur, John, painter, &c, 70 St Antoin© , McArthur, Mrs, boarding-house, 63 Vitre McAulay, John, milkman, 258 St Joseph sub McAuLAY, Mrs James, tavern, 77 St Paul McAuly, J, laborer, 96 St Joseph McAuliffe, J, tailor, 1 1 Hermine McBratney, J, carpenter, 22 Recollect McBreherty, John, laborer, Ann near Wellington McBride, Thos, police, rear 18 St George McBride, Wm, confectioner, 83 McGill >>t McBride, James, smith, 16 Gabriel McBurney, J, carter, HS St Joseph McBurney, Saml, carter, 15 St Edward McCabe, Michl, grocer, 40 Kempt McCabe, Mrs, laundress, 60 St George McCabe, Michael, smit^, Colborne near William McCabe, Cnas, carpenter, 66 Visitation McCabe, Thos, clerk, St Constant McCaffrey, D, cabman, Little Dublin, off St George McCaffrey, Wm,gardener, Alexander near Catherine McCaffrey, J, tailor, 46 St George McCaflTrey, W, storeman, 100 Nazareth McCaffry, Miss, dressmaker, 41 Chaboillez McCalmau, Archibald A, commission merchant, Union buildings St Frangois Xavier McCallum, Dr D, 15 St Joseph McCallum, Dr D C, house 152 Craig McCallum, Charles F, dry goods, 204 Notre Dame, house 90 St Denis McCallum, John, carter, St Joseph sub McCallum, J, carpenter, 139 St Urbain McCambridge, Alexander, tavern, 31 Prince McCann, John, dry goods and hotel keeper, 6 Hay market square McCann, J, bricklayer, 9 Cemetery McCann, Patrick, laborer, 147 William McCann, Eugene, house 11 Alexander McCann, J, tailor, corner St Dominique and Mig- uonne oine sub il illingtuii William I St George r Catherine aercliaiit, otre Dame, rmce per, 6 Hay and Mig a 157 McCanny, Richard, trader, 73 St George McCardle, Daniel, laborer, Perthius near Campeau McCarroU, Owenj laborer, 42 Murray McCarter, James, book agent, St Francois Xavier McCartey, Charles, laborer, Colborne avenue McCartey, Jas, carter, 23 Cemetery McCartey, Mrs Chas, laundress, rear 10 St George McCartey, Timothy, tailor, 38 Colborne McCartney, Maurice, cooper, 1 Recollect McCarty, Denis, carter, 5 1 McCord McCarty, Thos, tailor, Colborne near Wellington McCarty, Michael, laborer, 7 St Catherine McCarty, Miss, trader, St Andr6 McCarty, M, gardener, 228 Mountain McCarty, J, pedlar, 15 St Catherine McCaw, Thos, lumber merchant, house 4 Tecum- seth terrace McClay, James, messenger City Bank, 54 St Eliza- beth McCleave, Mrs, tavern, 16 Little St James McCleery, Stephen, laborer, 427 St Catherine McCleery, J, baker, Hochelaga McClellan, John, soap and candle factory, 151 Wel- lington near the Canal McClemmont, William, storeman, 395 Lagauche- tiere McCleod, D, stevedore, 67 St George McClintock, Andrew, laborer, 8 Wellington McClosky, John, dyer and scourer, 38 Sanguinet McClosky, James, syrup manufacturer, 57 Colborne McClure, J, storeman, 67 St Bonaventure McComb, G, laborer, 85 Colborne McComb, John, carpenter, 36 Durham McConnell, Edward, carter, 49 St Maurice McConnell, J, tavern, 12 St Paul McConnell, Wm, purser, 47 Murray McCoNNocHY & Cunningham, plumbers and gas fitters, Recollect near St Peter McCoRD, Hon J S, judge, house Cote des Neiges .* V road, opposite the Priests' farm 158 McCormack, Arthur, pedlar, 19 St Paul MoCormacki Thomas, carpenter, 35 St Paul McCormack, C, collector, house 20 St Maurice McCormick, Mrs, trader, 17 St Paul McCormick, Michl, grocer, 56 St Mary McCormick, J, trader, 31 St Paul McCormick, R, laborer, lane off' 97 Dorchester McCormick, R, bailiff', 47 St Lawrence McCormick, J, custom house, Dorchester near Col- borne avenue McCoy, Owen, laborer, 59 St Bonaventure McCracken, Charles, saddler, corner McGill and Notre Dame McCrank, Mrs Neil, tavern, corner Bleury, and St Germain McCrea, John, laborer, St Felix 05*81 Joseph McCrea, James, laborer, 11 St Gabriel McCready, T, tavern, 55 Mountain McCready, Tiios, shoemaker. Port near Common McCroden, W, shoemaker, 27 Vallee McCroakan, Terence, trader, head of Alexander McCrum, Matthew, tailor, 48 Amherst McCubbin, Wm, tailor, 122 Bleury McCulloch, Mrs, house 50 St Gabriel McCuUoch, Mrs H, house 6 St Phillip ;^; \. , McCulloch, F, storeman, 67 Dalhousie " • McCulloch, , clerk, 93 Nazareth McCuUock, G, house 90 Vitre McCuUum J, & Son, piano manufactory, 50 Bleury McDerby, John, pipemaker, Colborne avenue McDermott, Michael, bricklayer, St Germain off Bleury , ;^i McDermott, custom house, 41 Chaboillez McDermott, Mrs, house St Mary I^IcDoNALD, Donald, printer and publisher of the Transcript, 1 9 Hospital McDonald, John, ship smith. Common nr Youville McDonald, J, groceries and wines, 1 17 St Lawrence and 154 St Joseph McDonald, D J, grocer 'and tavern, corner Welling- ton and Prince [159 McDonald, Mrs M L, house 71 St Constant McDonp'd, George, book-keeper, 59 Mountain McDonald, John, merchant, Hochelaga McDonald, Alexr, house 278 Lagauchetiere McDonald, John, pilot, 359 St Joseph sub McDonald, Jas, carter, 4-4 St Ann McDonald, Timothy, bricklayer, Jur6 McDonald, John, tollman, St Lawrence McDonald, John, grocer, 102 St Paul McDonald, Miss M, 10 St Phillip McDonald, Ed, gardener. Little St Antoine McDonald, Wm, bricklayer, Colborne avenue McDonald, Michael, trader, Nazareth, near Gabriel McDonald, Angus, painter, 134< St Charles Barrom^e McDonald, John, laborer, Catherine near Gabriel McDonald, R C, oil merchant and manufacturer^ 14. St Peter McDonald, F, laborer, 9 Bisson McDonald, Mrs, 44 Aylmer McDonald, J, shoemaker, 74 German McDonald, Alex, carpenter, Gain McDonald, John, 7 Brock McDonald, Geo, 6 Rosseau McDonald, Wra, tavern and grocery, 117 Craig McDonald, James, builder, 92 Bleury McDonald, John, laborer, 15 St Urbain McDonald, Mrs Alex, 35 Alexander McDonald, Jas, house, Sanguinet McDonald, Alex, builder, 399 Lagauchetiere McDonnell, M, Steamboat hotel, Colborne, Canal Basin McDonnell, Allan, house head of Drummond McDonnell, Mat, blacksmith, 23 Aylmer McDonnagh, John, dry goods, 115 St Paul, house Brock McDonnagh, John, lockman, south side canalj Windmill point McDougall, Jas, flour mills south of canal, office 124 Commissioners, house 217 Dorchester McDougall, George, & Co, baker, 70 Wellington McDougall, Alex, engineer, 50 Nazareth 160 McDougall, John, louiider, 60 Nazareth McDougall, Samuel, carter, 11 St Felix McDougall, Wm, house 26 Union avenue McDowaU Sc Atkinson, hatters and furriers, 62 Mc- Gill McDowall, Thos, 35 St Paul, house 26 Amherst McDowall, A, house 62 McGill McDowall, T, water plug keeper, St Paul, house 26 Amherst McDowall, Mrs, Erie McDuNNouGH, Mum & Co, general dry goods, 185 Notre Dame McDunnough, Wm, house 18 Cot6 McElwee, Mrs, dry goods, corner St Dominique and Lagaucheti^re McEnaspie, Fredk, grocery and tavern 113 St Au- toine McEnroe, James, tavern, 56 Commissioners McEntyre, Daniel, dry goods, 4i4> McGill McEvenue, B, clerk, Kent near Col borne avenue McEveoy, Daniel, laborer, 41 Murray McEviley, Patrick, book Agent, St Constant near St Catherine McEwAN, T, Ad,elphi hotel, Place d'Armes McEwan, Daniel, trader, 221 St Bonaventure McEwan, Ed, laborer, 70 St Ann McEwan, Mrs, Colborne avenue McEwan, P, grocer, Gain McEwEN, Mrs, midwife, 8 St Antoine McEwen, J, tailor, St 8 Antoine McFarlane, James, laborer, William near Colborne McFarlane, J S, architect, 75 St Urbain McFarlane, John, superintendent of house of Cor- rection, at the Gaol McFarlane, Frs, gardener, 116 St Constant McFarlane, Mrs, 76 Murray McFarlane, Mrs, laundress, 57 Tolentin McFarlane, Js, tin and copper smith, 2 Anderson McGale, D S, house 81 St Constant McGarrey, Wm, laborer, south side canal McGarry, John, laborer, Queen square 161 , 62 Mc- herst louse 26 ods, 185 ique aud St An- 3 i^eniie nt near olborne )f Cor- rson McGarvie.Owen, painter, chair and furniture ware- house, 4> and 6 St Joseph sub McGasson, Mrs, house, 25 Chenneville McGaiilJay, P, clerk, 40 Herinine McGaw, Peter, mason, 42 St George McGee, Jos, bootcloser, 128 St Constant McGee, John, laborer, 131 Bonaventure McGiBBON, Taylor & Co, city cooperage, 44 Com- mon McGibbon, Alexander, house 165 St Charles Bar- romee McGibbon, George, cooper, 18 house Grey Nun McGibbon, Williiam, cooper, 54 St George McGie, D, blacksmith, 395 Lagaucheti6re McGiLL, Hon P, office and residence 38 Little St James McGiLL, Rev Dr 11, house 3 University avenue McGill, Jas A B, city surveyor, 16 St Urbain McGinn, Thos, gaoler, at the gaol, St Mary McGinn, John, carter, 6 Perthius McGinn, Michael, beer driver, 18 St George McGmn, Michael, carter, Victoria road McGinnis, John, trader, 85 College McGinnis, John, plasterer, 54 Colborne McGinty, Mrs, house Colborne avenue McGlashan, John, house 1 St Edward McGlory, James, carter, 35 St Maurice McGoldrick, Patrick, grocer, 82 St Bonaventure -,. McGoun, Archd, clerk, 89 Mountain McGovern, L, smith, 32 Queen McGowan, Thos, tailor, 9 St Genevieve McGovvan, Thos, carter, 31 Valine A McGowan, Patk, laborer, 40 William McGowan, Jacob, carter, 93 Bleury " . a McGowan, William, carter, 17 Devienne • McGrail, Michael, Belfast tavern, 88 Corr>n.i&sioners McGrath, Thos, house 17 Colborne McGrath, Jas, laborer, 66 St Doninique McGrath, Lawrence, plasterer, Drake's College s court off h2 i 162 McGrath, George, mason, 9 Anderson McGrath, Mrs, house 5 Prince McGrath, Thos, laborer, 75 Dorchester McGrath, Timothy, laborer, 6 Bernard McGrath, James, coppersmith, 64 Bieury ' McGregor, R, bookbinder, 111 Craig McGregor, Alex, mason, corner Dorchester and St Phillip McGregor, Alex, carpenter, rear 10 St George McGregor, Wm, laborer, Eleanor near Gabriel McGauren, Mrs M, 27 Chenueville McGiie, P, tavern, 3 St Peter McGuiRE, John, turner, 61 St Charles Barromee McGnire, M, laborer, 20 St George McGnire, Wm, currier, 69 St Maurice McGuire, Terence, smith, 37 St Maurice McGuire, B, carter, 37 Murray McGuire, Hy, tavern, 29 McCord McGuire, W i^, grocery and liquors, 86 Bieury McGurkj James, laborer, Murray near Gabriel McGurk, Patk, clerk, 12 Bieury McHale, M J, tavern, 112 Commissioner McHale, Terence, boot-maker, 48 St Gabriel McHenry, Charles, house 17 Perthuis Mclllroy, Michael, laborer, 3 St Edouard Mclnerney, Mathew, laborer, 5 Gabriel Mclnerney, Michael, type founder, 78 Prince McIntosh, Neil, groceries and wines. Mechanics* Institute building corner Great St James and St Peter, house 15 Belmont, Beaver hall Mcintosh, John, cabman, Dorchester west Mcintosh, Wm, bookbinder, 101 Craig McIntosh, John, general smithy 15 Nazareth Mcintosh, A, carpenter, 174 Dorchester Mcintosh, Mrs, dry goods, Gain and St Mary Mcintosh, E, notary, 77 St Joseph Mcintosh, Wm, clerk, 77 St Joseph * Mclntyre, Robert, merchant, house 3 Callendar place Mclntyre, Duncan, book-keeper, 400 St Catherine Mclver, George, hatter & furrier, 173 Notre Dame 163 and St riel omee jury iel 3l ce chanics' mes and U _ ith ■y lallendar /atherine re Dama Mclver, Donald, clerk, south side of Canal Mclver, Peter, parasolmaker, 84 St Joseph sub McKenna, , storeman, 93 St Hubert McKenna, Jas, cartwright, 65 St Gabriel McKenvan, Celeste, carter, 188 St Joseph McKenzie, D D, house 280 Lagauchetiere McKenzie, William, mason, rear 166 Dorchester McKenzie, Murdoch, storeman, 301 St Joseph McKenzie, Mrs, boarding-house, 139 Craig McKenzie, Geo, clerk, 10 Phillips square, Beaver- hall : McKenzie, Miss C, house 330 St Catherine McKenzie, R, clerk, 69 St George McKenzie, Alex, gardener, Parthenais off St Mary McKenzie, Mrs, nurse, 5 fit Germain McKendels, Wm, 396 St Mary McKeon, John, clerk Post office, 25 St Louis McKeon, Patrick, storeman, Colborne near William McKeon, Stevens, grocery, 43 Jiir6 McKeon, Pat, tailor, 88 St Joseph McKeracher, Daniel, cooper, 132 St Lawrence McKeracher, George, gardener, Parthenais off St Mary McKeracher, Chas, laborer, 63 Murray McKey, Francis, tobacconist, 129 St Paul ' McKey & Desroche, tobacconists, 149 St Paul McKinley, Wra, carpenter; 60 l^azareth McKinnon, Wm, house Cote des Neiges road McKinnon, John, brass-founder, 6 St Monique McKlehone, Ann, dry goods, 59 St Mary McKinstry, R, clerk, 4 Sanguinet McLaren & Co. groceries and wines, corner Saint Lawrence and Si Catherine McLaren, Mrs, 73 Wolfe McLaren, W D, house corner St Catherine and St Dominique McLaughlin, Mrs, court off Wellington McLaughlin, E, laborer, 381 Lagauchetiere McLaughlin, Denis, laborer, Common canal wharf McLaughlin, John, carpenter, 130 St Urbain - McLaughlin, John, grocer, 35 St Louis 164. McLaughlin, Mrs, market woman Champ de Mars McLanrin, Mrs, house 230 St Catherme McLaurin, Mrs, 73 Wolfe McLean, John, plasterer, 43 St Antoine • ;; •.:; ^ McLean, Mrs, house Hochelaga >; r^T McLean, Miss, milliner, house 79 Craig McLean, John, distiller, 193 St Joseph sub McLellan, Jas W, machinist, 46 Queen McLelland, J W & Co, engineers, corner of Wel- lington and Prince McLennan, Ewen, commission merchant, Young's buildings, McGill, house 2 Staffordshire place Beaver hall McLennan, I & H, produce and general merchants 6 Grey Nun McLennan, J, house 16 Union Avenue McLennan, H, house 8 Brunswick McLeod, Alex, malster, 126 St Joseph . McLeod, Ge6, chair-maker, St Peters lane McLeod, Ed, tailor, 33 Craig u McLoray, Jas, carter, 58 St Maurice McMahon, P, grocer, corner Brock and St Catherine McMahon, Patk. trader, 76 St Maurice, in rear • McMahon, M, shoemaker, court oft 5 Valine McMahon, Hugh K, gardener, 143 Mountain McManus, F, gardener, head of St Lawrence McManus, Patk, laborer, 37 Dalhousie McManus, John, storeman, 1 11 Wellington McMaster, Wm, cabinet maker, 242 Notre Dame McMillan & Carson, merchant tailors, 66 McGill McMillan, Miles, cooper, 27 Prince McMillan, Hugh, baker, 13 King McMillan, Jas, house 15 St Henry McMillen, John, clerk, 150 Bleury McMilien, Donald, carpenter, 35 College McMullen, Mrs, house 12 Berth elot McMurdo, Robt, boatman, 46 St Felix McNab, Leon, storeman, 43 Queen McNally, Michael, laborer, 39 Murray McXally, Laughlin, chandler, 178 Bonaventure . jNIcNally, Mrs, house, 52, Colborne ^ 165 de Mars of Wel- , Young's ire place lerchants lalherine rear • e tin - ■■;. ice Dame McGill \ ture McNally, Wm, brushmaker, 26 St Margaret . . ; McNamara, Tjm, laborer, 209 Mignonne McNamara, Mrs laundress, 55 Colborne , • McNamara, Patk, tailor, 71 McCord McNamee, George, grocer and tavern 83 '^t An- toine • " V ' ,. McNamee, Mrs, grocer, Hochelaga McNamee, widow, grocer, Lagauchetiere McNaught, R, commission merchant, 28 St Nicho- las, house 85 Bleury McNaughton, Duncan, grocer, 24 St Mary McNanghton, Mrs Dr, house 235 St Antoine McNaughton, A, grocer, 73 St Mary McNaughton, Robt, house 85 Bleury McNaughton, Jas, 235 St Antoine McNeice, James, dry goods, 80 Prince McNeil, Daniel, shoemaker, Gain McNider, James, manager B N A Telegraph, Union Buildings, St Frangois Xavier McNulty, Jas, laborer, McCord near Gabriel McParlan, P, storeman, 90 Fortification lane McPhee, John, bookkeeper, 26 St Dominique McPhee, John, laborer, McCord near William McPhee, Angus, laborer, 60 Notre Dame McPherson, John, & Son, musical instrument mak- ers. Place d'Armes hill McPherson, D M, watchmaker, 96 St Urbain McQuade, John, waterman, 63 Alexander McQueen, Daniel, cooper, Sydenham nr Dorchester McQuillan, John, laborer, 23 Murray McQuillan, Mrs, dressmaker, 10 St Urbain McQuillan, Felix, school, 71 St Mary McQuillan, Peter, laborer, Colborne avenue McQuillan, Wm, laborer, 23 Murray McRobie, John, tailor, 83 Vitr6 McShane, Brian, butcher, 63 St Maurice McShane, Mrs, tavern, 50 William McShane, Hugh, carter, 74 St George McShane, Owen, laborer, 57 St Gabriel McShane, Jas, butcher, 79 St Joseph McTavish, D, dry goods, 104 and 106 M cGill i McTavish, Mrs, midwife, 67 St George . McTucker, Dr, 189 St Mary ; / McVall6e, Thos, laborer, 14 Roy lane \ McVey, Patk, store keeper, 24> St George McWatters, John, general smith, 41 College, house 4 Union avenue McWatters, John, junr, clerk, 20 Jure McWatters, Mrs Thomas, 145 St Antoine McWood, Wm, carbuilder, 6 Amherst Macabee, Mrs, 137 Dufresne Macbean, Wm, share clerk G T R, St Moniquc Burnside Macdiarmid, E, clerk, St Martin near Seigneur MacCallum, Duncan C, MD, 152 Craig MacCulloch, F, cashier, of city bank. Place d'Armes Macdonald, B, 341 St Mary Macdonald, John, grocer, 102 St Paul, house Viget square Macdonald, Colin, town major, 62 Notre Dame, house Sherbrooke Macdonald, Geo, bookkeeper, 93 St Bonaventure - Macdonnell, R L, MD, house 128 Craig Macdonnell, Richard, advocate, 59 Little St James, house 12 Craig Macdonnell, Allan, house Drummond Macdonnell, Angus, MD, 61 Great St James, Odd Fellows hall Macdonnell, Frs, provision and butter inspector, 30 Grey Nun, house 10 St Bonaventure Macdonnell, , mill-wright, 37 Prince Macdougall, Brothers, produce and bill brokers Merchant's Exchange Macdougall, D L, house Mile end road ., Macdougall, Fi-obt, house Craig near Bleury Macfarlane, Andw, wholesale dry goods and cut- lery, 225 St Paul, house 239 St Antoine Macfarlane, William S, house 76 Alexander Macfarlane, Walter, wholesale dry goods & cloth- ing, 218^ St Paul, house 17 Brunswick Macfarlane, John, 22 Barclay place v Macintosh, Miss, milliner, 9 St Joseph sub ege, house , Moniquc gneur je d'Armes oiise Vigei oime, house venture St James, mes, Odd specter, 30 In brokers y and cut- lue ler & cloth- 167 MacIver & Carter, advocates, 1 Place d'Armes hill MacIver, Mackay, 168 Lagauchetiere Mack, W G, advocate, 1 Place d'Armes hill, house 161 Mountain terrace Mack, John, grocer, 42 St Mary Mack, Mrs John, hotel, 55 Little St James Mackav, Joseph, & Brother, importers of dry goods, 272 St Paul, house 61 St Antoine Maokay Sc Austin, advocates, 31 Little St James Mackay, Robert, advocate, house Sherbrooke west Mackay, Henry, insurance agent and commission merchant, 19 St Francois Xavier, house 170 Sherbrooke Mackay, David, house 398 Lagauchetiere Mackay, Mrs Robert W Stuart, office for City Di- rectory, 115 Mountain „ Mackay, Edward, house 61 St Antoine '\ Mackay, Thomas, tavern, 6 Common Mackay, Mrs George, Fortification lane Mackay, Mrs, grocer, 5 St Catherine - , Mackay, Peter, shoemaker, 133 Montcalm Mackay, Michael, blacksmith, 61 Murray Mackay, Mrs, 50 Common Mackenzie, J G & Co, general merchants, 217 and 219 St Paul Mackenzie, J G, house 79 Sherbrooke Mackenzie, Joseph, wine and spirit vaults, 141 Notre Dame, up the gate way, house 73 Great St James Mackenzie, S M, forwarding and Commission agent 76 Commissioners up stairs Mackeish, Mrs, 46 Notre Darae Mackeon Dr, 6 Radegonde, Hay market square Mackie, H M, tailor, 62 Bona venture Mackinnon & Co, Railway engineers and agents, 27 Great St James Macklin, G C, notary, 72 German Macpherson, John, straw bonnets, cloth caps and vegetable ointment, St Lawrence hill Mac wood , Wm , ca b-bu i id er, 8 5 Amhe rst J A mmm. 168 Macpherson, Alex F, lumber dealer, house 57 St Alexander Macpherson, John, & Co, forwarding and commis- sion merchants, 56 Common canal wharf Macrae, George, advocate, 29 Little St James, house 32 City Councillors Madden, John, shoemaker, 37 Papineau square Madden, Patk, mail conductor, Wellington Madigan, Richard, C E M & B R R and B &; O R R, 173 St Antoine ' -■' : Madigan, Daniel, storeraan, 81 Dalhousie Madill, Benj, joiner, corner Colborne and Gabriel Madore Louis, 18 St Mary Maffre, Jos, jun, professor of music, 68 Sanguinet Magdalen Asylum, (Miss Veitch, matron,) St Ca- therine near St Urbain Mageau, Pierre, cooper, Bonaventnre near Inspector Mageau, Jos, 8 St Marguerite Mageau, Jos, 197 Mignonne Magorian, Michael, laborer, 50 McCord Maguire, F, hardware, 14 St Mary Maguire, J, livery stables, 82 Great St James, house 37 Craig Maher, Patk, carter, Mountain near St Antoine ; Maher, A, police, 18 St George , '^ ' Maher, Mrs, store, 43 Mountain Maher, John, store, corner Sanguinet and Dubord Maher, Thos, shoemaker, 103 St Constant Maher, Daniel, laborer, 40 Murray Maher, Ant, shoemaker, 19 Bar6 Maheux, Louis, laborer, rear 144 St Lawrence '* ' Mahon, Patrick, laborer, 65 St George Mahon, Ed, tin-smith, 1 1 Hcrminej , , Mahon, M, St Edward's lane ' Mahon, Terence, laborer, 147 William Mahony, Daniel, house 43 St Peter Mahony, Thos, trader, 43 St Mary , , Mahony, Michael, laborer, George oiT William Mahony, Thos, bricklayer, 390 St Mary Maillou, Edward, baker, 62 St Joseph Maillou, P N, carpenter, 3 Bisson 'M. se 57 St commis- arf t James, iiarc and B Sc Gabriel Sanguinet n,) St Ca- Inspector lies, house itoine -.>,*i -. id Dnbord ence niiam 369 Maillet, Mrs, Sydeuham off Dorchester Maillet, Noel, carter, 188 St Charles Barrom^ff Maillet, Aim6, painter, 111 St Urbain Maillou, Frs, laborer, Fortier near St Constant Maillou, Charles, sawyer, Devienne Mainville, J B, mason, 255 Mignonne Mainville, M, shoemaker, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Mainville, Frs, laborer, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Mainville, Pierre, trader, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Maitland, Col J H, office Place d'Armes, house Hadfield, Cottage, 155 Cote St Antoine Maitland, Tyleb & Hutchison, wholesale dry goods, 41 St Frangois Xavier , ^i,^, Majeau, S, tinsmith, 174« St Lawrence Major, James E, pot and pearl ash inspector, house Guy near Dorchester Major, Andre, shoemaker, 10 Acqueduct < Majcr, Pierre, cooper, 24-7 St Joseph Major, Toussaint, joiner, 51 Jure Major, Henri, carpenter, 85 Panet Major, M, carpenter, 85 Panet Major, Pierre, sawyer, 54 Mignonne Major, N, root beer, off' Dufresne Malahan, P, laborer, 3 Murray Mai bcDuf, L, butcher, 58 Panet MalboBuf, M, currier, 148 Panet MalboBuf Isaie, shoemaker, Durham near Catherine Melchoelosse, J, house 97 St Joseph sub Malcolm, Miss E, ladies' school, 123 Oraig^ Maicolm, G W, 57 St Dominique Malcolm, Robt, clerk, 6 Elizabeth Malherbe, Martin, clerk, 274 Lagauchetieie Malhoit, J A, livery stables, 10 St Denis and 11 Bonsecours Malhoit, J E, bank clerk, 133 St Antoine Malm, Mrs Thos, dress maker, 116 St Charles Bar- rom6e , , Mall, Thos, carter, 9 St Felix ~ ! ^" * Mallette, Pierre, carter, 214 St Lawrence Mallette, Wm, wood-dealer, 78 rear Bleury . ;a ' I 170 Mailette, Victor, cabinet-maker, 353 St Joseph sub Mallette, Jos, trader, 262 St Joseph sub Mallon, Isidore, surveyor, custom house, 18 St Urbain Mallon, Thomas, customs officer, 14 Bleury Mallon, John, laborer, 7 Bisson [^ Mallon, John, clerk, 43 Queen Mallon, Mrs, 21 Prince Malo, P L, accountant, 18 St Gabriel " ' ' ' ' " Malo, Mrs Louis, house 15 Devienne . Malo, J B, joiner, 148 Montcalm ',, Malo, Eugene, joiner, 25 St Simeon , I Malo, Ovide, tailor, 154 Montcalm Malo, Mrs Louis, house, St Michael lane Malo, Josiah, shoemaker, 128 Amherst Malody, Thos, laborer, rear 32 Jurd Malone, Jos, joiner, 222 St Catherine Malone, Pat, carter, 13 St Edward lane Malone, Wm, dry goods, 5 St Mary Malone, Michael, laborer, Colborne near Wellington. ■ Malone, Edwd, jilasterer, 12 Tolentin Malone, John, gardener, 363 St Joseph sub Maloney, Jas, smith and ferrier, 7 Haymarket square Maloney, Pat, tailor, 198 St Bonaventure Maloney, Michael, carpenter, Chaboillez , Maloney, D, laborer, Little Dublin oft' St George Maloney, M, storeman, 134 Dominique Managhan, Patk, laborer, 46 St Ann Manby, R, lumber merchant, 20 St Elizabeth Mandles, A, sexton, Jewish synagogue, Chenneville Manix, Sarah, fruiterer and confectioner, 91 St Lawrence Mann, David, wholesale clothing store, 74 McGill Mann, David, dry goods and millinery, 120 Notre Dame Mann, George, tanner, Parthenais off St Mary Mamij Robert, clerk, 11 Brunswick JVIann, Andrew, carpenter, 22 St Felix ManningjWm, cooper, St Gabriel locks, house 295 St Joseph Mansfield, Patk, tavern, 153 Craig IV IV jeph sub t Urbain ellington. ymarket ;orge Inneville 91 St [cGill Notre ise 295 '171 Mansfield, Martin, storeman, J04> St Charles Bar*; rom^e Mansfield, Edward, grocer, 78 St Lawrence Marceau, Joseph, clerk, 19 Visitation Marceau, Bernard, painter, 11 St Therese Marchand, Louis, wholesale dry goods and groce- ries, corner St Paul and St Jean Baptiste, house 2 St Dominique Marchand, Alfred, plumber, 34 St Elizabeth Marchand, Louis W, advocate, 52 St Gabriel Marchand, J, turner, St Lawrence nr St Catherine Marchand, Philip, baker, 137 St Charles Barrom6e f Marchand, A, cabinet maker, 6 St Margaret ■ Marchand, Charles, painter, 96 Wolfe Marchbank, Wm, laborer, Victoria road v; Marchbank, John, storeman, 118 St Constant ; Marchesseau, Julien, clerk, 49 St Joseph , :J Marcille, Antoine, painter, 67 Montcalm , Marcille, Louis, painter, 139 Montcalm Marcotte, James, moulder, Sydenham ,.- '' v Marcotte, J B, stonecutter, 67 Vitre , , < ;i • ' V Marcotte, Frs, house 170 St Lawrence Marcotte, Andr6, grocer, 38 Visitation Marcotte, Ambroise, shipwright, Bonaventure, west Marcoux, J B, tinsmith, 128 -St Lawrence Mardran, Louis, carter, head of Visitation ,.> Marien, Israel, carter, 207 Visitation , .f,.^ Marin, Mrs, 13 Acqueduct ' ' Maritteau, Joseph, mason, 82 Montcalm Marineau, Cyril, carpenter, 75 Durham Marion, A, mason, 184 Panet Marion, dit Lebeau, Israel, carter, head of Brock Marion, Amable, jun, mason, 186 Panet Marion, Narcisse, trader, 67 St Paul, house 78 Wolfe ? Marion, Edward, carpenter, 135 Panet Markgraf, C F A, 22 Union Avenue Markham, A, laborer, court of Dubord Markie, Bt, stonecutter, 364 St Catherine Markie, Mathew, tailor, 337 St Joseph Marois, H, shoemaker, 198 Mignonne Marr, Jos, builder, 321 St Catherine gfBeemm 172 '•s; Marselais, F H, carter, 122 Visitation Marshall, Mrs, Sc Brooks, Miss, ladies' school, 5 St Louis Marshall, Austin, bricklayer, 7 Bisson Marsoin6, Flavien, carpenter, 34 Mountain - Martel, Miss, dressmaker, 23 St Vincent Martelle, Pierre, clerk, 8 St Denis Martelle, Louis, joiner, 9 Sanguinet Martelle, Joseph, grocer, 15 St Antoine Marten, Mrs, laundress, 77 Amherst Martin, John, wholesale furrier, 254 St Paul, house 7 Berthelet Martin, Geo, daguerreotypist, cor St Peter'and Craig Martin, James, carpenter and builder, 18 Chenne- ville, house 26 Chenneville Martin, Joseph, house St Margaret off Bona venture Martin, Alex, carter, court off Prince Martin, Edward, stone cutter, court oCf Dorchester Martin, Jacob, carter, 42 Campeau Martin, Mrs Joseph, house Dufresne - Martin, James, laborer, 36 St Charles Barrom^e Martin, Augt, joiner, 149 Beaudry Martin, H, shoestore, 79 St Mary Martin, Simon, librarian, institut canadien, 61 Notre Dame Martin, L S, notary public, St Lawrence hill, hou«e Cadieux, Cote a Baron Martin, Rev Felix, St Mary's College off Bleury Martin, Owen, carter, 25 King -^ Martin, P P, dry goods, 126 St Paul Martin, T A, sheriff 's officer, 47 St Gabriel, houae Cote St Antoine Martin, , clerk,, house 65 St Urbaiu Martin, Mrs Elizabeth, house 58 St Gertnaia Martin, Thos, gardener, 9 St George Martin, Francis, joiner, 204 Dominique Martin, Et, stonecutter, 39 Dominique Martin, Hubert, joiner, 4 Smallwood laue Martin, Adam, St A-ntoine toll keeper Martin, Hugh, laborer, 28 St George -Martin, John, gastitter, 14 St Genevieve M£ Mj M£ Ms Ml Ms 173 >ol, 5 St ilj houjw id Craig ^hen5 St Catherine Middleton, Mrs. milliner, 16 St Lawrence Middleton, John, 16 Panet Midgley, Cas, machinist, house Prince near Wel- iiiiffton Mignard, Chas, pa Miles, M, 28 Cluiboili iiamter, 13 St Phillip j^g»^aa»p ;; j »WJ < » ilfc > <»liC ff^ /•^ 17^ Miles, Ed, paper hanger, 7 Jure Military Secretary's Office, (Captain Griffin) 2^ Notre Dame Military Hospital, Water and St Paul Military Burying Ground, Victoria Road . Military Prison, Hochelaga Millar, Geo M, wholesale dry goods, 273 St Paul Millard, Mrs, house 337 Lagaucheti6re Miller, E, Sc A, booksellers and bookbinders, 60 St Frangois Xavier Miller, Adam, house 45 St Dominique Miller, Robert, house 1 1 Hospital Miller, Wm, pipe-makers, Colborne avenue Miller, Mrs, 29 College Miller ,David, shoemaker, 74 St Hubert *' • ^ Miller, Wm, engineer, 23 Colborne Miller, Wm & Co, paper warehouse, 196 St Paul Miller, Thos, house 2 Tecumseth terrace Miller, Miss C, house Guy off St Antoine Miller, Mrs Alex, house 95 Mountain -* ] Miller, Peter, shoemaker, 76 Visitation Miller, David, laborer, 33 McCord Miller, Frs, pattern maker, 21 Eleanor Miller, Robt, of Syme & Co, house 2 Portland place Millet, D, dry goods, 247 Notre Dame Millet, Mrs, milliner, 245 Notre Dame Millette, Antoine, laborer, 411 St Mary Millette, Ls, butcher. ChristopVier Millette, Jeremy, butcher, 35 Mountain Millette, Ant, butcher, 33 Mountain MiLLOY, Alexander, agent U C stage office, hou,«© 3 Hanover, Beaver Hall Milloy, John, laborer, 53 McCord Milloy, John, laborer, 22 Dalhou'iie Milloy, Michael, carpenter, 208 Bona venture Mills, M attic e &; Co, general and commisSiOMi merchants, corner vSt Peter and Sacrament MillS; Mrs J E, house 34 St Genevieve Mills, Robert, house 64 St George Mills, E Lyman, 13 Hanover, Beuver-halL Mills,' Mrs, 6 St MouiciU.e 179 n) 26 \ Paul ,60 St Paul i Dlace house nisSiOia lit MiLLN & MiLjvE^ engineers & machinists, south side Canal Milin, Wm, house 42 George Milne, James, bookseller and agent for the Bible Depository, 43 Great St James .,:m--t.:^i Milne, John A, house 23 Prince ^ -, Milne, John, house 14 Craig Milroy, R, bank clerk, 66 Dorchester west Minnette, Louis, house 101 St Catherine , , Minkins, Shadrach, restaurant, 12 St John Minto, W, 2 Richmond square Mi/on, F, waterman, 30 Phillip >i Miron, Ant, shoemaker, head St Urbaia Miron, Ol, milkman, court off St Catherine Miron, Jos, wheelwright, 138 Bleury , . , : ,^' Miron, 01, trader, 229 Mignonne Mitchell, J & J, general commission merchants, Try's building, 17 & 18 Common Mitchell, J, butcher, 31 Amherst Mitchell, James, 309 Sherbrooke . / Mitchell, John, laborer, 39 McCord Mitchell, Pwobert, plumber and gastitter, 76 Great St James and 38 St Henry Mitchell, John, house 1 Albert place Mitchell, Jos, grocer, 394 Lagauchetiere Mitchell, Andrew, house 36 Craig Mitchell, John, bricklayer, 403 St Catherine Mitchell, Israel, carpenter, 20 St Felix Mitchell, Thos, coal yard, Dorchester near Colborne avenue Mitevier, Bt, joiner. 200 St Dominique Mitevier, Louis, sculptor, '^.47 St Catherine Mitevier, L H, plasterer, 253 St Catherme Moan, John, carter, 24 King Moan, Peter, carter, Chaboillez near Bonaventure Mochrie, George, confectioner, 21 Notre Dame Model School of Colonial Church, 30 Bonaventure Modot, Jean, plumisier, Lagauchetiere ner.r Panet MoffattjHon George, house'Weredale Cottage, Cote St Antoine Moffatt, J O, house 170 St Antoine 11 ii.)iu:-'»..»itw^- 180 V. It Moflfatt, George, juni, house 166 St Antoine, Port- land place Moffatt, Edwd, house court off Bouaventure '' ' Mofiatt, Mrs Jane, boarding house, 8 Anderson ' Moffat, I, London comnieicial hotel, corner of Saint Joseph and Commissioners Moffalj Capt, house 9 Lartique place ' V MoflTat, Chas, tailor, 49 Prince Mohan, Patk, Cavan tavern, 88 Foundling I ; Moineau, Firmin, tavern, 25 St Paul ".'': Moir, Archbd, house, 174 Bleury : Moir, Peter, plasterer, head of St Lawrence Moller & Bauer, manufacturers of porta monnais, jewellery, cases, etc., 249 Notre Dame ^ Molloy, John, gardener, 121 StUrbain Molloy, O, sawyer, 77 Dalhousie Molloy, John, laborer, Wellington nr Dalhousie MoLSON, Thomas «fc William & Co, brewery and distillery, 260 St Mary Molson, Thos, house 1 Mol'^on terrace ' Molson, William, house 1 bO off St Mary Molson, Geo E, house 230 Dorchester, corner of Hanover St, Beaver hall Molson, Hen John, hoxise corner Sherbrooke and St Lawrence Molson, J, jun, house Rose barjk Cottage, St Mary Molson, J H R, brewer and distiller, house Saint Mary near Colborne avenue Molson, ^lex, house 162 Sherbrooke Molson, Alexr, & Co, general merchants, corner St Paul and St Joseph . Molson's Bank, Wm Sache, cashier. 19 Great St James Monaghan, Wm, tobacconist, 8 St Mary Monaghan, George, butcher, St Ann's market and 308 St Josepli Monaghan, Alex, shoestore, 100 Notre Dame, house 11 Wolfe Monahan, John, laborer, Colborne near Wellington Monahan, Patk, laborer, Ann near Gabriel Monarque, Andrew, senr. butcher, 204 St Mary ^ ]\ ^: iv IV h M m M M M M M M M IVI M M M M M e, Tort-^ son 3f Saiiit nonnais.. nisie 'ery ani orner of >oke and St Mary se Saint , corner luireat St "ket and e, house Ellington iary 181 Mona:rque, J B, bedstead maker and cooper, 55 Mc- Gill, house 28 Chaboillez Monarque, Fred, carter, off St Catherine Monarque, And, butcher, Fullum Mondelet, Hon Judge, house Sydenham pladl, 196 St Antoine Mondou, Paul, agent Vermont Central R E-, office 65 Commissioners Monat, Ls; house 6 Sangninet Monette, Louis, laborer, 114 St Catherine JVIonette, Louis, cabman, 143 Lagaucheti^re Monette, Pierre, carter, lane off Mountain Monette, Mrs, house, 4i St Louis Monette, J B, carter, 38 Bare off St Joseph sub Monette, Jos, confectioner, 72 St Joseph sub Monette, X, carter, 145 Welhngton Mone*te, Pierre, carter, 141 St Joseph Monette, Frs, police, 3 Wolfe Monette, Frs, carter, 18 Mountain Monette, B, blacksmith, lane off Moimtain Monette, Narcisse, joiner, 143 St Charles Barromee Monnette, Antoine, carter, 83 Beaudry Money, James, laborer, 44 St Catherine Money, Augt, bricklayer, 291 rear Lagauchetiere Monferand, Jos,'pilot, 152 Sanguinet Mongeon, Bte, house 51 Campeau y. Mongeon, Beloni, laborer, court off Tolentin Monk, John, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house 15 Chenneville Monk, S C, advocate, 23 Little St James, house Cote des Neiges road Monoire, Mrs, 151 St Jose^.a Monsell, Pierre, shoemaker, 1 14 Bonaventure Monsell, Joseph, shoemaker, 168 St Joseph Monte, Ant, stone cutter, ^5 Vallee Monteith, John, carter, Catherine, up stairs Montgomery e, Mrs A C, house 92 St Antoine Montgomerie, Misses, dressmakers, 81 St Lawrence Montgor,:ery, Mrs, house 59 St Bonaventtire Montgomery, J B,. house 33 Sangumet s. r^ \ d ^!y i 1%xr . 182 ".,■, ♦ Montgomery, J B, agent for Tallis Sc Co, London, printers and Publishers, 53 St Frangois Xavier Montmarquette, Jos, joiner, 209 Visitation Montmarquette, F X, baker, 178 St Charles Barro- m6e JVionfmarquette, Cyril, shoemaker, 129 Visitation Montmarquette, Mrs Jos, house head of Visitation - Montreal Bank, (A Simpson, cashier) Place d'Armes Montreal Savings Bank, (John Armour, cashier) at Montreal Biank Montreal City Bank, (F MacCuUoch, cashier) Place d'Armes Montreal City and District Savings' Bank, [Joha Collins, actuary,] 8 Gieat St James Montreal Argus office, [W Bristow, proprietor,] 32 St Frangois Xavier Montreal Car Factory, 12 Nazareth, John Leem- ing. President ; M H Hopper, Secretary ; W Carmichael, Manager Montreal and Bytown Railroad Office, corner Craig and Place d'Armes hill Montreal City and District Building Society [J J C Abbott, secretary,] 34 Little St James Montreal City Foundry, [C P Ladd,] Queea nerir "William Montreal City Mills, [Ira Gould,] south side Canal Montreal New City Mills, [N Weed Gould,] Canal basin Montreal Dispensary, [Dr Wright,] 6 St George Montreal House, [J W Coleman,] Custom-house square Montreal Bellows Factory, [£t Dean,] 253 Notre Dame Montreal Telegraph Company, [O S Wood, su- perintendent] Merchants' Exchange Montreal Mechanics' Institute, Great St James, corner St Peter ^ ^^ _^ _ Montreal and New York Eailroad OfRce, [Andw Kou. ^ ♦^'V ^V' ■^ HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST IViAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 188 i! Mousseau, Charles, carpenter, 61 Wolfe Monsseau, Alexis, house 30 St Lawrence Moussette, A, boarding house 4 St Amable Une Moyen, Jos, carpenter, Wolfe near Lagauchetiere Moyen, Etienne, 70 Amherst Moyes, Domini ck, shoemaker, 133 Amherst Moyne, Patk, carter, 90 St Joseph Moyle, Mrs, seamstress, 79 St George MuiR, W & J, merchant tailors, 35 Great St James MuiR, W & R, wholesale dry goods, 297 St Paul Mum, EwAN & Co, clothing store, wholesale and retail, 75 McGill Muir^ G B, house Place d'Armes hill .^ Muir, Ebenezer, house willow cottage, 20 St Moni- que Muir, Wm, mercliant tailor, house 18 St Monique Muir, Rj house 3 Hanover terrace Muir, Jas, house 9 Tecuraseth terrace Muldoon, P, dry goods, 246 Notre Dame Mulhern, Michael, carter, 11 St Catherine Mulhern, John, cattledealer, 51 Dalhousie Mulhern, Patk, tavern, 57 St Paul r ., Mulholland, Henry, house 282 Sherbrooke MuLLiuAN, R, tavern, 5 Wellington Mullin & Healy, grocers, corner M'Gill and ^Com- missioners Mull in, J E & Co, grocers, 46 M'Gill MuLLiNs, F F, ship chandler and importer of marine stores, 70 Commissioners, opposite the Quebec Steamboat Wharf, boards at Montreal House Mullins, Thos, grocer, corner Chaboillez and Inspec- tor _ Mullins, Michl, laborer. Port near Common Mullins, Francis, house Gabriel place, Lower La- chine road Mullins, Michael, smith, 34 St Maurice Mullins, Francis, 1 1 Water Mullins, Tim, laborer, 18 Colborne Mullins, Michael, laborer, Erie Mulloy, Miss, milliner, 28 St Lawrence Mullrcony, P, tobacco-pipemaker, Fullum 169 e Une uchetiere 3t James it Paul Jsale and 5t Moni- oniqiie I, Com- ' marine Quebec 'ouse fnspec- er La- Munday, Patrick, laborer, 76 Murray Munier, Jos, joiner, 119 Beaudry Munier, Hubert, trader, 175 St Constant Munn, Eobt, shoemaker, 8 Durham Munroe, Daniel, engineer, 29 Lagauchetiere Munroe, Mrs, boarding-house, 101 Craig Munroe, Alexr, tavern, 10 Grey Nun Munroe, Hector, contractor, 19 Brunswick, Beaver hall Munroe, Dr P, house 7 Bleury Murphy, Tim, St Janvier off Mountain Murphy, John, laborer, Colborne Avenue Murphy, £dward> dry goods, Jacques Cartier square, house 25 Sanguinet Murphy, A, dry goods, 278 Notre Dame Murphy, Edward, clerk, 59 St Urbain Murphy, P S, boards at Madame Contois, corner of Craig and Place d'Armes hill Murphy, Daniel, laborer, head of Fullum Murphy, Michael, smith, 95 Nazareth Murphy, John, turner, 17 St Phillip Murphy, Michael, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Murphy, Maurice, clerk, post office, 75 Alexander Murphy, Bernard, grocer, 21 St Urbain Murphy, Patrick, tailor, 4. St Catherine Murphy, Lawrence, laborer, 32 St Catherine Murphy, Michael, smith, 4.12 Lagauchetiere Murphy, James, laborer, 36 St Charles Barrom6e Murphy, L, laborer, William near Murray Murphy, John, laborer, 14-7 William Murphy, Edward, carpenter, 55 St Maurice Murphy, Mrs, grocer, 48 Murray Murphy, Mrs charwoman, 53 St Francois Xavier Murphy, Jer, boilermaker, 74 George Murphy, Timothy, laborer, 33 St Janvier Murphy, Felix, laborer, 218 St Lawrence Murphy, Jas, -grocer, 29 Sanguinet Murphy, P, laborer, court off Murray Murphy, Thos, laborer. Little Dublin off St George Murphy, Jas, house head of Amherst Murphy, Jas, laborer, 44 Kempt NN 190 Mufphy, John, laborer, 77 Nazareth *• Murphy. Cornls, laborer, 39 Murray Murray, Donald & Co, forwarders, Colborne, opposite Canal basin, house St Hubert near St Louis Murray, Wm, manager Montreal Insurance Com- pany, Great St James, house Drummond Murray, Mrs, midwife, 75 St Louis Murray, Patrick, laborer, court off Murray Murray, Patrick, butcher, 22 St Maurice v^# Murray, George, eugineer, 1 9 Prince ^ Murray, John, storeman, 69 Nazareth i Murray, Jas, dry goods, 130 Commissioners Murray, Henry, cabdriver, 77 St Constant Murray, Dennis, pipemaker, Albert Murray, Hector, tanner, 121 Amherst ' ■: Murray, William, carpenter, 7 Campeau Murray, Dom, shoemaker. Ill Montcalm MussEN, Thomas, silk mercer, haberdasher, and carpet warehouse, corner Notre Dame and St Lambert Mussen, Henry, house 157 St Catherine Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the County of Montreal, corner St Frangois Xavier and St Sacrament - .' Meyette, Jas, painter, Dupre lane i Myers, Michl, steamboat captain, 15 College NADEAU, Mrs, trader, St Catherine near Bleury ^ . Nadeau, Jas, 110 Sanguinet Nadeau, Francis, blacksmith, Colborne avenue *•- Namue, Jos, tinsmith, 40 German Nantais, Nicholas, carter, Lagauchetidre near Mont- calm Nantell, S, trader, 100 St Charles Barromee '^ • :): Nantell, Cesaire, waterman, 101 Beaudry • -^ ,- -'^ Nantell, J B, house Dufresne ' Nantell, Felix, waterman. Visitation near St Cathe- rine Nantell, M, laborer, Dufresne "** ' ^ ■ Napier, Colonel, visiting superintendent Indiaa Affairs, Canada East, house Victoria terrace, 367 Sherbrooke, office Government house le, opposite t Louis nice Com- lond rs t isher, and me and St County of r and St ;ge Bleury renue ^ar Mont- 5t Cathe- It Indian terrace^ mse 191 Narbonne, Alfred, grocer, 123 Lagaucheti^re Narbonne, Jos, shoemaker, 121 Lagauchetiere National Express Office, J W Howes, agent, 3 Place d'Arraes National Loan Fund Life and Annuity Society, (J B M Chipman, general agent,) Merchants' Exchange National School, Bonsecours near St Denis Natural History Society, 14? Little St James Naud, Jean, joiner, 175 St Lawrence Naud, Max, cabinet maker, 175 St Lawrence Naud, John, senr, tinroofer, 175 St Lawrence Naud, John, junr, tinroofer, Cadieux Village Nault, David, dry goods, 132 Notre Dame Navion, Ant, carter, Mignonne near St Dominique Neagle, Thomas, house 40 St Bonaventure Neagle, Jos, baker, 128 St Urbain • Neary, Edward, shoemaker, 67 St Maurice Neil, Edward, clerk, 62 Elizabeth Nelson, Wolfred, M D, Mayor of Montreal and provincial inspector of prisons, corner Little St James and St Lawrence hill Nelson, (H A,) & Butters, (Isaac,) wooden ware, clocks, dec, 68 McGill Nelson, Dr Alfred, corner Little St James and St Lawrence hill Nelson, H A, house 12 Bellevue terrace Nelson, O, India rubber maker, 279 St Joseph sub Nelson, Jas, joiner, 105 St Urbain Nelson, James, ^Hopkins, L & N,j house 80 St George Neptune Fire Engine, corner Craig and Visitation Nesbit, H, milkman, head of Amherst Neveux, J T, grocer, 13 Jacques Cartier square Neveux, Jos T, house Montcalm near Dorchester Neville, Jas, trader, 29 Wellington Newbold, John, druggist, 79 Vitre Newby, Thos, laborer, Murray off William New City Gas Works, corner St Gabriel and St Ann, ofnce 54- St Gabriel Newman, Richd, laborer, head of William f: ^ ;.''.■■ 192 Newman, P, mason, 43 Vitr6 v. Newth, John, clerk, 67 Craig Newton, John, butcher, 19 Visitation Nichol, John, brushmaker, cor St Paul and McGill Nichols, J & M, general dry goods, 290 Notre Dame Nichols, Joseph, house 35 St Antoine Nichols, M, house 34< Bleury Nichols, George, 20 Tolentin Nichols, Peter, joiner, 109 Wolfe Nicholson, R, general blacksmith, 15 Craig Nicholson, R, butcher, 66 Montcalm f Nicholson, Mrs Arthur, 8 Water Nidocque, George, 20 Tolentin ' Nield, T W, house at Lachine Nightengale, Wm, blacksmith, 34 St F6]ix Niguet, Peter, joiner, 109 Wolfe Nimmo, Mts Alexander, Bronsdon's lane off Dor- chester Ifixon, T, house 97 St Dominique NoAD Brothers, general merchants, 13 Common Noad, Frs, house 29 Beaver hall terrace Noad, W S, house 29 Beaver hall terrace Noad, Jas S, house 29 Beaver hall terrace Noble, Jas, laborer, Lagaucheti^re Noble, James, storeman, 383 Lagauchetiere -^ Noel, A shoemaker, 133 Panet Noel, E, joiner, 131 Panet Nolan William, watchmaker -V » - |ler,42 Great land 59 Great 156 St Law- ir St Denis Normandeau, T, laborer, lane off Mountain Normandeau, J, smith, 17 St Marguerite Normandeau, John, butcher, 305 St Joseph Norris, James, blacksmith, 66 St Catherine Norris, M, carpenter, 61 Murray Norris, George, messenger, 118 St Constant Norris, John, carpenter, 31 Hermine Norton, James, beer-driver, 24> St Catherine Norton, Thos, carpenter, 25 Chenneville Norval, Jas, miller, 65 Dalhousio NoxoN, R, hats and furs, 24 St Gabriel, house 84< Bonaventure Noxon, Robt, machinist, 58 Queen Nugent, Mrs, 41 Murray Nuun, James, chairmaker, Richmond off St Joseph Nunn, G, painter, 22 Recollect Nun's School, 5 lane off St Felix Nun's School, 1 St; Marguerite Nutt, Walter, fireman, 96 Bonaventure Nye, T, advocate, 33 St Urbain O'BRIEN, Mis B, boarding house, 18 & 20 St John O'Brien, Thomas, tailor, 98 Fortification lane O'Brien, Edward, engineer, 25 Hermine O'Brien, T, grocer, corner Wolfe and Lagaucheti^re O'Brien, J, laborer, Queen near Common O'Brien, Mrs E, house 27 Alexander O'Brien, T, boots and shoes, 233 Notre Dame O'Brien, John, shoemaker, 56 Chenneville O'Brien, Patrick, painter, 76 Murray O'Brien, H, carter, 143 St Urbain O'Brien, Miss H, milliner, 46 St Mary O'Brien, John, laborer, 9 Gabriel O'Brien, P, shoemaker, 20 St Claude O'Brien, Charles, milkman. Seigneur O'Brien, Patk, tailor, 24 Bonaventure O'Brien, Mrs, 80 Murray O'Brien, John, joiner, 6t Peter lane O'Brien, Mrs, 21 St Iguace O'Clair, Narcisse, mason, Durocher O'Clair, Gideon, carter, Sanguinet] L 194* 0*Connell, Morgan, steward, 81 M'Cord 0*Connell, Richard, storetnan, 58 Queen O'Conner, Denis, grocer, 95 Wellington, O'Conner, James, cabinetmaker, St Peter lane O'Conner, Mich, laborer, Dalhousie near William O'Conner, Mrs Edward, 139 Mountain O'Conner, J & E, coopers, 18 Queen O'Donneli, Edward, laborer, Murray O'Donnell, Edward, gardener, 80 Murray O'Donnell, Ed, pipemaker, Colborne avenue O'Grady, Mrs, tavern. Barrack near Water O'Grady, John, laborer, 91 Murray O'Hara, R, trader, 2 Jacques Carticr square, house 20 Andr6 O'Hara, John, carter, 16 Devienne O'Hara, Ed, smith, 88 Bonaventure O'Hara, James, trader, 9 Dumarais ' ' ., O'Hara, John, carter, Devienne O'Hara, Patrick, tailor, 22 St Mary O'Kane, Joseph, canriagemaker, 7 Chenneville 0*Keefe, Mrs, dressmaker, 13 Wellington O'Keefe, C, laborer. Common near Grey Nun O'Keefe, Denis, laborer, 61 St George O'Leary, Mrs, store, 345 St Joseph O'Leary, Arthur, trader, 45 Colborne O'Leary, S, carpenter, 45 Mountain O'Malley, Charles, laboier, Gabriel ' O'Meara, John, restaurant, 11 St Alexis off Notre Dame O'Meara, M, coach builder, 9 & 10 Haymarket squre O'Nbil, Thos, sherift's officer, 22 St Claude O'Neil, Hugh, laboret, 72 St George O'Neil, Con, laborer, 53 Queen O'Neil, Patk, laborer, 66 St Ann ,. ' O'Neil, N, laborer, 5 Queen ' ' '' •'■" ^ ' O'Neil, John, laborer, Dufresne O'Neil, Patk, laborer. Gain ./ O'Neil, Cath, grocery, Little Dublin O'Neill, M, metropolitan saloon, 158 Notre Dame Q'Eeilly, John, laborer, 85 Colborne i.vr'- M'^ i-l er?' i tl l> ;cr lane r William ay venue iter . square, house U .. < !■> nnevillc ton ey Nun Bxis off Notre Haymarket laude i Notre Dame ' 195 George ' "'""'"'''' ^'"'<= Dnbliu ofl St O-Eourke, Pat, shoemaker 9 rear H • Orsonnens, Dr D, 73 St Louis ""'"" 0 near FiiUum Payette, Jos, joiner, 99 Panet Payette, Peter, carpenter, 155 Dorchester Payette, Jos, joiner, 106 St Antohie K.rj Payette, Eugene, joiner, 41 Inspector ?. : Payette, H, stonecutter, 121 Dorchester / ■ Payette, Frs, 220 St Joseph sub , v , . . Payette, Jn, grocer, 25 Dorchester _/ j, Payette, T C, house 43 Bonaventure . : , . Payette, Charles, printer, 43 Bonaventure , Payette, Louis, stonecutter, 172 German , ' Payette, Felix, shoemaker, 125 Panet Payette, Alexis, nailer, 9 lane of St Felix Payeur, Chas, house Hochelaga Payment, Michael, joiner, 54 St Dominique Payne, Edward, brandy distiller and rectifier, 60 & 62 St Urbain, residence Durham house Milleend road , , _ Payne, Joseph, clerk, 2 St Hubert Peacock, H, watchmaker and jeweller, 138 Notre Dame Peacock, John, jeweller, 23 Little St James , Pears, C, house 70 Nazareth Pearce, Jas, 139 St Urbain Pearce, Stephen, Barclay corner of Water Pearson, G, clerk, 8 Hermine ; ,- , , Peatman, Wm, house Sala berry Peck, Thomas, & Co, wholesale hardware, cut nails and spikes, 227 St Paul, house 41 St Joseph Peck, George, clerk, 99 College Peckman, H, shoemaker, 14 Charles Barrom^e Peel, T, bricklayer, St Elizabeth, Cote a Baron Peel, G G, grocer, 137 Lagaucheti^re Pegnem, Chas, grocer, 99 Welhngton ^ Peirce, Hiram, house 13 Bonaventure Pellant, Alex, house 43 St Elizabeth Pelletier & Belanger, advocates, G5 Champ de Mars Pelletier, David, boots and shoes, 122 Notre Dame Pelletier, J F, house 67 Champ de Mars Peltier, Dr H, house 66 Craig opposite Hermine ,,p. l2 1^02 I "I II Peltier & Bourret, advocates, 23 Little St James Peltier, G, notary, 33 St Antoine Peltier, O, bank clerk, 7 St Vincent \ Peltier, Toussaint, painter, 27 Panet Peltier, Joseph, laborer, 3 King Peltier, George, laborer, 43 Durham • . Peltier, Ambroise, trader, 214' Visitation " Peltier, F, carpenter, Bonsecour Peltier, Ed, tailor, 1 Charles Barrom^e Peltier, C, shoemaker, 159 Visitation Peltier, Leon, baker, 8 Small Wood lane Peltier, Louis, carpenter, 216 St Catherine Pelton, Joshua, superintendent of the old Protestant burial ground, 48 Dorchester Penn, Frederick, house Grey Nun Penner, John, cider merchant. Odd Fellows' Hall, house lower Lachine road Pennington, Miles, G T Railroad, house 20 Sangui- net Penny, E O, Herald office, Notre Dame Penny, Wm, carter, 383 St Mary Penny, Robert, builder, Cote a Baron Penny, James, builder, Cote a Baron Pennygreen, Chas, shoemaker, Dorchester near Durham Pensierre, J, tinsmith, 36 St Joseph sub Pepper, Tom, laborer, 50 Lagauchetiere Peppin, Joseph, joiner, Dufresne near St Mary Peppin, Benj, joiner, Dufresne Peppin, And, blacksmith, 183 Bleury Peppin, Francis, wheelwright, 183 Bleury Peppin, Ed, joiner, 123 Sanguinet Peppin, Louis, carpenter, 78 Wolfe Peppin, George, carpenter, 24 Amherst Peppin, Ant, joiner, 183 Bleury Peppin, Miss, dressmaker, 149 St Lawrence Percy, Dewit, laborer, 1 18 St Bonaventnre Perhamus, James, hairdresser, 108 Lagauchetiere Perkins, J A) commission merchant, 1 St JohUj house 124 Bleury Perkis; George, 211 St Catherine i-"! I I tile St James / on [aiie lerine old Protestant --i Fellows' Hall, use 20 Sangui- me jrcliestev near ml) iere |r St Mary ^lenry rst jvvrence Inture igauclietiere L, 1 St John, 203 Perkis, Xsaac, Telegraph office, house 255 St Catlie- rine Perrault, V, M D, corner Perrault's court and Craig Perrault, Louis, printer, 22 St Vincent Perrault, Aug«stin,senr, house corner^Craig and Per- rault's court Perrault, Augustin H, junr, house Perrault's court off Craig Perrault, Medore, trader, 130 St Lawrence r . Perrault, Peter, storeman, 108 Mountain Perrault, Jul, baker, 61 Cemetery <' ^ Perrault, Et, stonecutter, 146 German ? Perrault, Mrs, house 65 St Louis Perrault, Edward, butcher, 188 Germain Perrault, H M, Provincial surveyor, 87 Fortification lane, house 123 Craig Perrault, Elois, grocer, 166 St Charles Barromee Perrault, , trader, 220 St Lawrence Perrault, Noel, carter, 154 St Charles Barromee Perrault, Alex, laborer, 8 Montcalm Perrault, Ls, laborer, court off Tolentin Perrault, Adolphus, bookbinder, 40 Visitation Perrault, Chas, carpenter, rear 186 St Charles Bar- romee Perrault, Chas, tavern, 39 St Paul •< ^^ Perrault, Medore, trader, 24 Tolentin Perrault, M, steamboat, 122 St Catherine Perrault, Dumas, grocer, corner Panet Perrault, C, carpenter, Dufresne Perrault, De Linier Olivier, 13 Sherbrooke Perrault, Fs,boardinghouse, court off Dubois i Perrault, Joseph, builder 96 St Elizabeth Perrigo, John, clerk Bonsecour market, 247 La- gauchetiere ■- ' ' Perrin, Ferdinand, dry goods, 146 i St Paul, house Champ de Mars Perrin, Francis, merchant, office 17 St Sacrament Perrin, David, builder, 35 Cemetery Perrin, Louis, laborer. Mountain near St Joseph Perrin, Eli, joiner, head of Dufresne Perrin, Mrs D, 147 Sanguinet ; . r~iP 204 \ \ Perrin, Chas, carpenter, 245 St Joseph Perrott, Patrick, cooper, 6 St Henry Perry, Samuel, teacher, 63 Wellington a Perry, William, fire engine builder, 131 Fortifica- tion lane Perry, George, fire engine builder, 54 Craig Perry, John, shoe store, 263 Notre Dame Persant, Gilbert, woodyard, corner Craig and St Clis Barrom^e, house 12 Dumarais iane Pe/sant, Louis, trader, 41 Wolfe Peter, Hy, stonecutter, 45 Wolfe Peter, W P R E, house off St Antoine near Acque- duct Pettelle, Pierre, blacksmith, 153 St Constant Phelan, John, groceries -and wines, corner St Mary and Dalhoiisie square Phelan, Chs, carter. Gain Phelan, Michl, Gain Phelan, Thomas, cabman, 100 Mountain Phelan, Andrew, shoemaker, Perrault's court off Craig Phelan, And, smith, 107 Lagaiicheti^re • Phillips, W A, notary public, 47 Little St James, house Brunswick Phillips, (U) & Taylor, (R,) brewers, 230 St Lawrence Phillips, J H, Health, Life, Fire, and Marine Insur- ance Broker, 32 St Joseph, city Phillips, James H, clerk, 47 Papineau road Phillips, , laborer, 3 Durham FhillipSi , blacksmith, 305 St Joseph, sub Phillips, George, ale vauits, 24 St Gabriel, house 179 Bleury Phillips, Mrs, house 53 Aylmer Phillips, Charles, house 28 Dorchester west Phillips, S, school, 51 St Urbain Picard, Louis, carter, 209 Mignonne Picard, James, boatman, 31 Bar6 Picard, Louis, butcher, 201 St Joseph, sub Picard, Charles, butcher, 79 Mountain Picard, Pierre, carter, 19 Bar6 n 131 Fortifica- Craig )ame aig and St Cns ne le near Acqne- ;;;onstant orner St Mary itain aiilt's court ott i^re kittle St James, [ewers, 230 St Marine Insnr- lu road Leph, sub kbriel, house 179 ler west h\f aub lin 205 Picard, Joseph, carter, 27 Ciaig V » ' .:: Picard, E, house head of Sangiiinet Picard, Jean, shoemaker, M St Felix ■'■/ - ^ Picard, P, carpenter, 69 German PiCAULT, Dr P E, druggist, corner Notre Dame and Bonsecours ' •"> PicHE, Leon, general dry goods, 51 St Lawrence Pich6, A, laborer, 40 Bar6 Pich€, Jas, baker, 139 St Charles Barromfee Pich6, Mrs, 167 St Constant Pich6, Albert, sawsetter, 11 St Victor, house 59 Durham Pich6, D,head Beaudry Pich6, Eugene, clerk, 65 St George Pichette, P, carpenter, Dufresne Pichette, H, plasterer, 92 Dorchester Pichette, Mrs Olivier, 56 Montcalm Picken, H B, clerk, 27 St Janvier * Pickett, William, laborer, 136 William Pickup, E, newspaper and periodical depot, 69 St Frangois Xavier Picotte, Pierre, stonecutter, 90 Beaudry Picotte, Joseph, stonecutter, 115 Panet Piddian, Mrs, grocery, 2 Little St James Piddian, Joseph, tobacconist, 163 Notre Dame Piddian, David, manager, 219 St Joseph Pigeon, Charles, 124« St Catherine Pigeon, Louis, baker, off' McCord Pigeon, Louis, carter, 40 Beaudry Pigeon, L, joiner, court off 5 Valine Pigeon, Sauvageau 6c Co, brewers, distillers and spirit merchants, 29 Commissioners Pigeon, Francis, house 31 Panet Pigeon, Felix, carter, 144 St Constant Pigeon, Antoine, clerk, 79 Montcalm Pigeon & Co, brewery, Current St Mary Pigeon, George, trader, 12 Amherst Pigeon, Narcisse, house current St Mary Pillar, Wm, lumber yard, 36 Notre Dame, house Dorchester near Seaton Pilon, Pierre, carpenter, 5 Acqueduct r" 206 Fildh, Augt, waterman, St Dominique near St Ca- therine i ,:\ "i Pink, Alexander, smith, 66 Prince • - . Pinet, A, notary, 165 Craig .• ti. Pinet, G, ship builder, 328 St Maty Pinsonneault, M, carter, 176 St Lawrence Piiisonneault; Jer, joiner, 212 St Catherine f . ' Pion, Ls, house 180 Lagaucheti^re ,. > -^i:;*' Pion, M, cooper, 37 Cemetery . , . 'v r Pion, Marcelle, laborer, 50 Par6 t Pitman, Thos, bricklayer, 82 German Pivin, Mrs, 10 Amherst Plamondon, Louis, dry goods and clothing, 166 and 172 St Paul, house 17 Sanguinet Plamondon, Pierre, house 6 St Dominique Plamondon, Mrs, 113 Dorchester • ' Plantagenet Springs Depot, 4j Place d'Armes Plante, Felix, shoemaker, 162 Montcalm Plante, Theo, tailor, 13 Dorchester .. : ; i Piatt, J, advocate , house, 3 Dorchester •' ' " ' •-'■ * Piatt, George, superintendent of tug steamers. La- chine canal office, house corner Sherbrookeand Durocher Piatt, John, storeman, 3 Alexander • . \' Pleau, Alph, laborer, 83 Durham m / t ■" Pleau, Ant, carter, 3 Dupr6 lane f • Pleau dit Bella ire, R, dry goods, 173 St Lawrence PlimsoU, John, bookkeeper, 55 Dorchester Plinguet, J A, printer and publisher, 7 St Theresa PlouflT, Louis, sailor, St Paul PloufT, A, carter, 7 Rose .. . Plouft; Frs, laborer, St Mary Plouff, P, pilot, 130 Sanguine! PloulF, P, carter, 110 Beaudry Pocklington, J, carpenter, Bronsdon's lane oft' Dor- chester Poet, James, block and pumpmaker, 81 Vitr6 Poirier, Nicholas, house 41 St Phillip Poirier, Isidore, smith, St Catherine near Visitation Poirier, Ant, laborer, Panet near Dorchester Poitras, Louis, potashmaker, 49 Wolfe 207 Poitras, Pierre, roofer, 71 Sanguinet ' ' • , Poitras, A , advocate, St Denis ••' • ' I'oitras, Joseph, carpenter, Fnlliim Poitras, James, mason, Salabeiry near St Mary Poitras, Mrs N, laundress, 1G5 Sanguinet Poitras, Thos, tinsmith, 82 German Poitras, R, carriagemaker, 74 St Dominique Poitras, B, carter, 65 Wolfe Poitette, Jas, carpenter, 5 St Felix ' Poitvin, Joseph, hatter, 80 St Lawrence •■ Poitvin, Francis, carter, 26 Valine Poitvin, J B, carter, 140 Montcalm Police Magistrate's Office, old Court House, Notre Dame Police Station, A, Bonsecours market ' Police Station, B, Craig corner Bleury Police (^WaterJ Station, King near Common ' PoLAN, Jas, grocery, 3 Craig Poison, Angus, collector, tollgate, Victoria road Pollock, Charles, journeyman. Current St Mary - Pominville, Mrs F, milhnery, 170 St Catherine Pominville, P, stonecutter, 20 Valine Pominville, Michael, 19 St Phillip Pominville, F P, advocate, house 8 Craig Pominville, T, baker, 253 St Joseph, sub • ' Pominville, Made Francis, 71 St George Pomroy, A, shoestore, 57 St Mary Pontine, Mrs, boarding-house, 136 Craig PopiiAM, John, advocate, 51 Little St James, house 235 St Antoine Popham, H, clerk, 108 Amherst PoRTEous, Mrs Jas, house 327 Lagavichetidre Porteous, Thos, clerk, 156 St Constant Porteous, John, junr, bank clerk, 133 St Antoine Porter, John, (of W Goodfellow & Co,) 104 Forti- fication lane Porter, F S, machinist, 70 St Ann Porter, John, laborer, Victoria road Porter, Miss J, music teacner, 37 St Antoine Pos6, Ciias, shoemaker, Marleborough Pos6, C, mason, 78 Mignonne 208 III // Pos6, E, carriage maker, 37 Inspector ^ Pose, Chas, sawyer, 87 Boiiaventure Post Office, (Dr Meilleur, P M,) Great St James corner St Francois Xavier Potter, Thos, carter, 155 St Antoine Potts, Jus, printer, Herald office, house 59 Champ de Mars Poudrette, Edward, dry goods, 125 St Urbain PovLiN, Pierre, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 273 Notre Dame, opposite Recollet Church, house 97 St Charles Barromee Poulin, Samuel, clerk, house 15 St Dominique Poulin, Et, 5 Campeau Poulin, Jas, trader, 139 Lagaucheliere Poulin, Pierre, trader, 19 St Jean Baptiste Pouney, Robert, shoemaker, 84- Murray Pouney, W, shoemaker, 82 Murray Poupart, Joseph, farmer, Dufresne near St Mary Pourpoint, Joseph, laborer, Dufresne , . , Powell, Thos, house Brock near St Mary Power, Miss, ladies' school, 50 St Lawrence Power, Roger, carter, 134* William Power, Mrs, 94i Nazareth Power, John, laborer, 26 Eleanor Power, John, laborer, 40 Murray Power, Richard, laborer, Murray Power, Patk, smith, Nazareth near William Power, John, smith, Hochelaga Power, Ed, gardener, head of Hubert Pratt, John & Co, wholesale leather merchants; 242 St Paul, house 8 Tecumseth terrace Pratt, Edward, leather store, 240 St Paul Pratt, Wm, grocer, 207 St Mary Pratt, Chas F, house 7 Tecumseth terrace Pregan, Miss, house 12 Chenneville Prendergast, Jas, starch factory 219 Bonaventuve Prendergast, Thos, laborer, 48 Chaboillez Prendergast, Jas, tailor, 50 Colborne Prendergast, P, carter, 48 Inspector Prenevault, Frs, cooper, 56 St Felix Prentice, Edward, brewer, 3 and 7 St Bernard 209 tt St James e 59 Champ Jrbaiii iiolsterer, 273 Ihurcli, house mhiiqne tiste y u- Si Mary ary vveiice illiam ier merchants; terrace 5t Paul jrrace Bonaventuve )iUez St Bernavd ■4 Presean, Andre, carter, 5 St Felix Preseau, Joseph, shoemaker, 131 Chaboillez square Preseau, Pascal, carpenter, lane off Mountain Preseau, F, carter, 11 Aqueduct Prevost, a & Co, dry goods, 150 St Paul, house head of 206 Mountain Prevost, Francois, mason, 113 St Charles Barromee Prevost, Luke, grocer, 71 Beaudry Prevost, Frs, carter, 66 Mignonne Prevost, Mrs, seamstress, 105 Wolfe Prevost, Norbert, joiner, head of Brock Prevost, Ls, carter, 65 St Catherine Prevost, Louis, carpenter, 138 Montcalm Prevost, Tousst, boarding-house 22 Commissioners Prevost, Chas, sawyer, 239 St Lawrence Prevost, Jas, advocate, 113^St Charles Barromee Prevost & Marien, provisions, 67 St Paul Prevost, M, trader, off St Amable lane Prevost, Jos, shoemaker, 108 Dorchester Prevost, Pierre, sawyer, 208 St Dominique Prevost, Jas, stonecutter, head of Beaudry Prevost, M, stonecutter, Cadieux Prevost, Andr^, leather dealer, Jacques Cartier square Prevost, Mrs, boarding house, 137 Craig Prevost, L, carpenter, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Prevost, Charles, shoemaker, 64 German Prevost, Madame, court off Dufresne Prevost, Miss, dressmaker, 93 Craig Price, George, trader, 23 Devienne Price, Wm, tailor, 80 Vitre Price, Samuel, grocer, 113 Commissioners Price, John, bootmaker, 16 Bonaventure Price, Martin, trader. 111 St Paul Price, Mrs Jas, laundress, lane off Jure Pride, Wm, moulder, 20 St George Primet, Alexander, flerk, 97 St Constant Prince, Henry, music and musical instrnments, 145 (late 113) Notre Dame Pritchard. Col Assistant Adjutant General, 183 Mountain JDI J 210 Prior, Patk, clerk, 1 Bare Prober, Fd, shoemaker, 13 St George Proctor, C D, groceries and wines, 61 McGill Protection Fire Assurance of Hartford, (Robt Wood, agent,) St Francois Xavier Protector Fire Engine, St Lawrence hill Protestant Orphan Asylum, E Cribb, superinten- dent, St Catherine near Mountain Protestant Public School, Thos Allen, teacher, St Ann near Wellington Protestant Magdalen Asylum, Miss Veitch, matron, St Catherine near St Urbain Prothonotary's Office, (Monk, Coffin & Papineau, John Honey, deputy,) Old Government build- ings Proulx, Ant, carter, Lafontaine near Visitation Proulx, Mrs, seamstress, 29 Phillip Proulx, Francis, stonecutter, 253 Mignonne Provencher, Jas, stonecutter, 62 Lagaucheti^re Provencher, Simeon, carpenter, 357 St Joseph, snb Provencher, Z, confectioner, 32 St Paul Provencher, Jos N, baker, 68 St Lawrence Provencher, Mrs M, 126 St Urbain Providence Nunnery, corner St Catherine & Labelle Prouse, James, tinsmith, 85 Vitre Prowse, Geo F, tin and coppersmith, GQ Great St James Prud'homme, Louis, 191 Sanguinet ' Prud'homme, Miss M, 239 Sanguinet Prud'homme, J B, plasterer, 24 St Andre Prud'homme, Jos, trader, 122 St Antoine Prud'homme, M, shoemaker, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Public Pound, Viger Place, St Denis Purcelle, Pat, laborer, head of Parthenais Purcell, Mrs John, 16 St Gabriel Purkis, Adam, carpenter, off Roy lane • Pyke, Mrs, 50 St Charles Barromee Pyke. Geo, deputy clerk of circuit court, 180 St Ca- therine QUARTER Master General's Office, Craig near Sanguinet 211 ^cGiU RobtWood, lI superinten- , teacher, St jitch, matron, I & Papivieau, irnmeiitljuiW- i/'isitation nonne lucheti^re St Joseph, sni) rence erine&La^^elle Ui, 66 Great St it ndte toine ix, Cote a Baron s enais Ine •ourt, 180 St Ca- ice, Craig near Quelch, Jos, carter, 191 St Lawrence > ' Queen, M, laborer, 34« Jure (^lenrille, Antoine, laborer, German near St Cathe- rine ' ' Quesnel, Mrs J, house 127 Craig Qiiesnel, John, laborer, 52 St Felix Quesnel, Mrs Olivier, 54^ Sanguinet Quevillion, Charles, house, 212 St Lawrence Quevillion, Cyril, grocer, 131 Lagaucheti^re Quigley, Phillip, 97 St Antoine C^uigley, Thos, storeman, 8 St Henry Quinlan, Michael, laborer, 18 rear Devienne Quinlan, Jas, clerk, 1 1 Mayor C^uinn, Thos, police, 23 Champ de Mars Quinn, Mrs, straw bonnet maker, 98 St Joseph sub Quinn, Mrs, seamstress, court off Mountain Quinn, John, laborer, 98 St Joseph sub Quinn, Martin, laborer, head of St Constant (;>uinn, Thos, laborer, 5 St Gabriel Quinn, Thos D, grocery, 120 St Joseph sub Quinn, Martin, carter, 183 St Charles Barromee Quinn, Frs, joiner, 16 St Genevieve Quinn, John, laborer, court off'Bleury C^uinn, Hugh, shoemaker. Lower Lachine road , Quinn, Wm, carter, Lower Lachine road Quinn, Jas, laborer, 36 St Henry Quintal, Ant, chimney sweep, court off St Constant Quintal, Narcisse, grocer, 391 St Mary Quintal, Chs, grocer, 337 St Mary Quintal, Basile, stonecutter, St Catherine near Alex- ander Quintal, Xavier, shoemaker, 164 Lagauchetiere C^iintal, Theo, navigator, 24« Panet Quintin, Ls, house Visitation near Dorchester C^uintin, Basile, stonecutter, 405 St Catherine RACICOT & LAURENT, architects & measurers, office 7 St Lambert's hill Racicot, J C, architect and measurer, 15 St Chas Barromee Racicot, Ant, laborer, Hochelaga Racicot, Chas, baker, 174 Sanguinet it> >i < I ^ \ 212 Racicot, Aug, merchant, honso 43 Elizabeth Racicot, J C, house 150 St Charles Barromee Racicot, Adol, baker, 174« Sanguinet v Racicot & Pelland, dry goods, 172i St Paul Racine, P C, house 191 Migaonne Racine, Luc, 191 Mignonne Racine, Aug, joiner, 178 St Lawrence Radenhurst, Mrs, 4<1 Aylmer Radiger, John, advocate, 57 St Dominique Rab & Mitchell, general brokers, 43 St Frangois Xavier Rae, Mrs H, Colborne avenue Rae, Wm, broker, house 76 Union avenue Rae, Wm, collector, 34 St Charles Barromee Rae, John, laborer, St Antoine near Richmond Raflan, John, smith. Kempt near Wellington Raffan, Thos, laborer, 36 St Felix Raflan, Thos, clerk Military Medical Department; 81 Amherst Rafferty, Mrs James, 413 Lagauchetiero Rafter, John, 152 Constant Rafter, John, dry goods, 77 St Lawrence Rain, James, painter, 373 Lagauchetiero Rainy, Mrs, laundress, 20 Eleanor Rainy, Samuel, laborer, 50 Murray Rankin, Donald, blacksmith, 236 St Joseph Rambeau, Alfred, advocate, house 22 St Antoine Ramsay, Hew, bookseller and stationer, 37 Saint Frangois Xavier, house 1 Waverly terrace, Bleury Ramsay, Thomas, Upper St Urbain Ramsay, M, baker, 42 St Joseph Ramsay, Alex, oil and colour merchant, 118 and 120 McGill, house 147 St Antoine Ramsay, T K, advocate, 31 Little St James Rancour, Charles L, tailor, house 85 Vitre Randon, Mrs, 12 St Felix Hanson, John, boots and shoes, rear 70 Vitre Ranson, Ed, clerk, I'T Sanguinet Ranson, W, milkman, 151 Montcalm Rappin, Chas, bailiff, 118 St Denis 213 izabetU arromee \i Paul inique h3 iSt FraiiQois venue Jarroniee llichmond ellingtoii ;al Depavtment, jtiere rence btierc t Joseph 22 St Antoine Ltioner, 37 Saint iTaverly terrace, a haut,ll8anai20 St James 55 Vitre ir 70 Vitre dm Jlusco, 11, carter, court ofl* 84- St Constant llasette, Frs, grocer, H8 St ( Jernmn llalclle, Octave, curter, Tolentin llHtellc, Ant, cabinetmaker, 115 Lagauchctieie Ratellc, J B, horscshocr, 76 Montcalm Ratelle, Pierre, butcher, 176 Domiiiiquo Llatho, L, tailor, 101 German P^ATTRAY, Ignace, & Co, toUacconists, 134; Notre Dame llavey, Patrick, carter, 65 St George Ravey, Mrs Wm, 67 St Maurice Raymond, Joseph, cooper, Christopher off St Catlie- rine Raymond, Oliver, pilot, 41 Champ de Mars Raymond, Charles, shoemaker, 285 Campeau Raymond, Frs, musician, 136 St Lawrence Raymond, Frs, laborer, Visitation Raymond, PDF, Estaminot Frangais, 83 Craig Raymond, M, police, Cadieux Village Raymond, Dr C, 30 St Mary Rea, David, bookkeeper, bouse 136 Craig Rea, Thos, saddler, 3 Davienne Read, Samuel, clerk, 5 City Coun3illors Ready, Mrs, house 229 Lagauchetier Real, Antoine, shoemaker, 78 St Urbain Real, Toussaint, shoemaker, St Joseph Real; Louis, shoemaker, 51 Bare lane Reardon, W, 3 Tolentin Reardon, Daniel, laborer, 299 St Mary Reaume, Mrs, house Dufresne Rechabite Hall, 38 Great St James Recollect Church and School, corner Si Helen and Recollect Reddin, James, 25 McCord Reddy, ©r, house 6 St Lawrence Reddy, John, miller, court off Gain Redmonds & Co, foundry, engineer and machine works, 24j Little St Antoine Redmond, James, smith, 58 St George Redmond, Francis, house 34 Inspector Redmond, Mrs, house 152 Vl^iiliam 214. Redmond, James, engineer, 200 Bonaventiire Redmond, Chas, house 227 Bonaventiire Redpath, Peter, commission mcrciiant, 60 Com- missioners, house Drummond. Redpath, John, house Terrace Bank, head of Moun tain Redpath's Canada Sugar Refinery, south side of Canal, office 60 Commissioners Reed & Rogers, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 72 Great St James Reed, Thomas D, house 72 Great St James Reed & Rayner, slate roofers, Craig near St Urbain Reed, John, chandler, 126 St Urbain Reed, George, smith, 101 Wolfe Reeves, William, switchman, 77 Mountain Regan, Thos, butcher, Drake's court ofi College Regan, P, carter, Gain Registrar's Office, G H, Rylanci, old government house V u \/ Regnier, Dr A E, 197 Craig Reid, R, mason, 125 Dorchester Reid, Samuel, laborer, Wellington near Catherine Reid, Mrs, house Perthius Reid, Ed, gardener, Hochelaga Reilly, Patrick, carter, 34i Mayor Reilly, Robert, laborer, court off' St Charles Barromec Reilly, John, tavern, corner Port and Common Reilly, Pat, laborer, 290 St Joseph sub Reilly, Mrs T, house Dufresne Reilly, John, laborer, 17 St Simon '^ Reilly, Thos, shoemaker, 1 1 Dumarais Reilly, Hy, trader, 8 St Maurice Reinhardt, Gotlieb, porkbutcher 43 St Andre Reiniger, Geo, butcher, 103 Wellington Reinigen, George D, Union Inn, Mile enH Reisch, L, musician, 102 St Charles Barromec • Reminton, Robt, carter, 87 Beaudry Remond, B, carter, 32 Mountain Remond, Nar, shoemaker, 1 10 Dorchester Remond, M, butcher, 1 14 Lagauchetier e i > Renaud, V, shoemaker, 237 rSt Lawrence ■\ 215 ntiue t, 60 Corn- id of Mouu outli side of upholsterers, imes ixx St Urbain ilaiii fi College [I government ir Catherine irles Barromec Common Andre ton iarromcc 3stor lere jnce Renaud, Jos, laborer, 190 St Dominique Kenaud, Felix, carter, 193 St Dominique Renaud, Ed, shoemaker, 167 Sangiiinet Renaud, J B, blacksmith, 25 Durham Renaud, Felix D, 75 Montcalm Renaud, Fab, shoemaker, 196 St Joseph sub Renaud, F J V, carpenter, 13 St Dominique Renaud, Mrs E T, ladies' school, 47 St Joseph Renaud, Ignace, dry goods, 102 Notre Dame, house . 51 St Dominique Renaud (Louis) & Frere, general merchants, 106 Foundling, house 42 west Dorchester Renaud, Noel, laborer, 25 Durham Renaud, Alex, carter, 73 St Maurice '"! Renaud, L, carter, 15 St Felix *: Renaud, Widow, 23 Montcalm Renaud, B, smith, 38 Visitation , Renaud, S, grocer, 116 Durham near Dorchester ; Renaud, Chas, trader, 15 Felix • Renault, Chas, carter, 83 St Catherine Renault, Octave, carpenter, 103 Panet Ren6, John, butcher, 169 Panet Rene, Hypolite, carpenter, 92 German Rene, L, police, 1 10 Amherst Reneur, Joseph, clerk, 114 German Reneur, Ant, tavern, Bonsecours Rennie, A N, (editor Transcript,) house 41 Dor- chester Rentoul, John, tinsmith, 161 St Joseph, sub Renwick, Ed beermaker, 334 St Mary Revenue Inspector's ofRce, 94 Notre Dame ; R Bellemare, 1st division ; P Durnford, 2nd do Rey, C, watchmaker and jeweller, Bonsecours near Notre Dame Reynolds, Robt, printer, 132 Bleury Reynolds, John H, distiller, Hochelaga Reynolds, Mrs P, 86 St Urbain " * Reynolds, Peter, laborer, Bronsdon's lane ' Renshaw, John, lumber merchant, 4 St George ^ Rhodes, Joseph, wholesale dry goods, 20 St Joseph city 1/ \ .r-y- 216 Rhynas, Mrs, 10 Union avenue Ryland, Geo H, County Registrar, hous« Outre- mont, St Catherine Ricard, Joseph, laborer, court ofl' Toleutiii Ricard, Louis, advocate, 16 St Vincent Ricard, A P, trader, 9 and 14 Little St Antoine Ricard, Clement, joiner, 111 Wolfe Ricard, Joseph, carter. 111 Montcalm ' Rice, W H, wireworker, 19 Notre Dame Richard, L, boarding-house, 33 Jacques Cartier square Rich, L, carter, 351 St Mary Richard, J B, carter, lane off St George Richard, Prospdre, house head of Dufresne Richard, L, joiner, 235 Mignonne Richard, Medare, laborer, 153 St Dominique Richard, L, baker, 129 St Urbain Richard, Jas, carter, 148 Panet Richard, B, carter, 81 Montcalm Richardson, Robt, coffee-roaster and spice factor, 76 Craig near St Peter Richardson, Wm, laborer, 16 Queen Richardson, Edward, house 107 St Urbain Richardson, George, clerk, 29 Cote Richardson, J, brickmaker, head of Victoria road Richardson, G, hatter, 128 Dominique Richelieu Navigation Co, (J H Terroux, secy,) office 14 St Gabriel Richelieu, Dr, house 131 St Mary Richelieu, Edward, butcher and grocer, 122 Mont- calm Richelieu, Jos, stonecutter, 99 German Richelieu, F, butcher, 159 St Catherine Richer, Mrs Peter, 167 St Charles Barromee Richer, O, advocate, St Lambert Hill, house 163 St Charles Barrom6e Rickner, Mrs H, house 106 St Lawrence Rickner, Jos, pedlar, 54 Vitr6 Riddle, J, sexton, St James street Church, house 69 Fortification lane Riddle, Mrs, house 59 Nazareth 217 hous« Ottlre- lUft t t Antoine cques earlier rge Lifresne jniiniqii^ and spice m factor, tJrbaiii [f Victoria Terroux, secy,) load Icrrocer, 1^2 Mont- therine sBarrotnee jrt HiU,liouse Ib^ twrence ,t Church, Uouse 69 Riddle, Robt, waterman, 41 1 Lagaucheti^re Rieiideaux, Joseph, 168 St Mary Riendeaux, Nar, carter, Visitation Riendeaux, Charles, trader, Visitation near Lagau- chetidre Riendeaux, F, carpenter, 171 Visitation RiGNEY, MicHL, chandler, 135 St Lawrence RiEPERT, W, hatter and furrier 236 Notre Dame Riley, Jas, shoemaker, 6 St Bernard Riley, Thos, laborer, Amherst RiNGLAND & EwART, dry goods and hosiery, 270 Notre Dame Riordan, Daniel, carter. Common Risley, Saml, bookkeeper, 280 St* Joseph sub • ; Ritson, O, stonecutter, Dubord . ^ '^[ Ritchie, J, storeman, 99 Dorchester '' Ritchie. Martha, grocer, 85 St Joseph sub ' Ritchie, Jos, carter, 123 Montcalm Ritchotte, M & T, carriagemakers, 113 St Mary ■ Ritchotte, Mrs, furrier, 58 Beaudry Ritchotte, B, steamboat builder, 52 Beaudry Ritchotte, Jas, carter, 7 Smallwood lane ' « Ritchotte, C, grocer, 95 St Catherine Ritt, John, engineer, 6 Hermine " ' Rivet, N, joiner, 127 St Urbain Rivet, Medard, joiner, 233 St Catherine Rivet, Ed, grocer, corner Montcalm and St Mary Rivet, G, joiner, 82 St German Rivet & Domy, grocers, Bonsecours market Rivet, J B, joiner, 334 St Catherine Rivet, Denis, mason, 127 Sanguinet I Rivet, Narcisse, smith, 109 Sanguinet \ Rivet, Narcisse, carpenter, 206 Sanguinet " Roberge, Louis, joiner, 257 St Catherine sVRoberge, Miss, dressmaker, St Catherine Robert, Paul, carpenter, 257 Brock Robert, Leon, inspector of flour, 61 St Joseph sub Robert, Michael, carter, 15 Bar6 Robert, Ant, stonecutter, 127 Beaudry ' ' ' Robert, Bruneau, shoemaker, Montcalm '*1^„- !! --■' If i i V. 218 Robert, Fs, blacksmith, 121 Montcalm Robert, B, trader, 119 Montcalm Robert, John, bakex, Dufresne * Robert, Louis, laborer, 39 Amherst Robert, Constant, carpenter, 77 Wolfe -, Robert, Alex, lumber merchant, 47 Wolfe Robert, Mich, sawyer, 45 Durham Robert, George, laborer, 56 Princo , n , Robert, Charles, laborer, 70 Campeau , Robert, J B, carter, 88 Laspector Robert, Joseph, laborer, 15 Bare Robert, Frs, shoemaker, 13 St Taul Robert, Ed, carpenter, 199 St Lawrence Robert, Frs, carter, 253, St Joseph i Roberts, Mrs Edward, 35 Jure RoBEKTSON, Andrew & George R, advocates, 54 Little St James Robertson, Andrew, house Cote St Antoino Robertson, George R, house 64? West Dorchester Robertson, Jones, & Co, forwarders and commission merchants, 63 Common Canal wharf Robertson & Hutchins, groceries and wines, 52 McGill Robertson, Chs, cabinet warehonse, 5 Bonaventure, Factory Alexander Robertson, Jamcs^ house 47 St Antoine Robertson, Mrs Dr, house 24 Notre Dame Robertson, Alex, house 3 Belmont Beaver hall Robertson, Misses, house 3 Brunswick, Beaver ImlZ Robertson, Mrs, boarding house, 14 Craig Robertson, Peter, smith, 84 Dalhousie Robertson, James, Water works Robertson, Andrew, dry goods, &c, 291 St Paul, house 144 St Urbain Robertson, Wm W, advocate, office 59 Little St James, house Cote St Antoine Robertson, Geo A, teacher, 82 Chenncvillc Robertson, And, 22 Tolentin f i. ; L . Robertson, Duncan, broker in stocks and produce, Union Buildings, Frangois Xavier Robertson, Wm, butcher, 40 Montcalm i. 219 .^..l''i ^olfc (.vr,''^' iiicc t ■ ' " ^ advocates, 54 Antoino St DotcViesier • and commission I -wharf _j. s attd wmes, o^ 5 5 Bonaventure, _- 1 -• • ( - . ' • * toine Dame Beaver ball rick, Beaver IrnU I4. Craig > lusie I ' &c,29l St Paul, iffice 59 ^^'•^^^ ^* lennovillc [tocks and produce Lavier ."^ itcalm Robertson, Wm, 23 St Ignacc Robicbaiid, Anselm, jomer, 12 Vallee Robichaud, Joseph, carpenter, 75 Vitro Robichaiid, G, carpenter, Chatelle off Panet Robichaud, Ls, lampligbter, head of Durham RobilUard, Peter, carter, 93 Montcalm Robilliard, J C, importer of french candles and church ornaments, 106 St Paul Robilliard, Enos & Co, dry goods, 121 Notre Dame Robilliard, Joseph, pound keeper and clerk of Viger . market, St Denis, house 6 Viger Robin, Leon, carter, 164 St Charles Barromee Robinson, Josh, ploughmaker, Hochelaga Robinson, Geo, shoemaker, 24 City Councillors Robinson, Richard, Champlain & St Lawrence RR, house 82 St George Robinson, Mrs Allan, 84 St George Robinson, M, carpenter, 52 Vitre ' ' • ' Robinson, Mrs, millinery show rooms, 238 Notre Dame Robinson, James, clerk, 24 St Claude Robinson, Francis, boots and shoe«, 161 Notre Dame Robinson, David, bookkeeper, 55 Queen Robinson, John, laborer, 29 St George Robinson, Benj, warden, Military prison, Hochelaga Robinson, Peter, laborer, Versailles off St Joseph Robinson, Thos, laborer, head of Visitation Robinson, Miss E, milliner, 116 McGill Robinson, William R, D A C G, house Cote des Neiges Robinson, Thomas, confectioner, 65 Sanguinet Robinson, Daniel, 22 Little St Antoine Robitaille, E, carter, 38 Labelle Robson, Mrs, flmcy goods, 260 Notre Dame Robson, George, clerk, 96 St Antoine Robson, Mrs, house 19 St Joseph sub Roby, Joseph, clerk, 103 St Urbain > , Roche, Louis, laborer, Wolfe ' -.k Roche, Frs, carpenter, 105 St Joseph sub Rochon, Antoine, carpenter, 36 Acqueduct 's^fn/.j .al> ->" *'*t' " "-N»- 220 Rochon, Olivier, carter, 14 Acqueduct Roclion, Ls, carter, 250 Mignonne Rochon, Chs A, agent, 17 St Therese, house 53 St Catherine Rochon, Joseph, carter, St Charles Barromee ; Rochon, Antoine, butcher, head of St Constant Rochon, Augt, wheel-wright, 196 St Dominique Rochon, Louis, butcher, 182 St Constant Rochon, Jerome, bricklayer, 239 Mignonne Rochon, Mrs, trader, 190 St Joseph sub Rockery, M, painter, 34 Cemetery RoDDEN, William, Montreal foundry and city works 91 to 99 William RoDDEN, T M, Metropolitan stove and iron furniture warehouse, 71 Great St James Rodd en, Thomas, house 16 Beaver square Rodden, Patrick, laborer, 60 Tolentin Rodden, James, 33 Durham Rodgers, Richard, plasterer, 166 German Rodgers, Joseph, clerk, (in Montreal bank) 26 St Elizabeth Rodgers, Robt, tailor, 47 St Maurice ' ' ' Rodgers, David, teacher, 90 Bleury Rodgers, George W, cabinet maker, 35 St Domini- que Rodgers, Jas, shoemaker, 35 St Dominique Rodgers, Frs, laborer, head of Campeau Rodger, John, house 21 Cot6, shop 3 St Urbain Rodier, Charles S, advocate, house Rodier place, 219 St Antoine Rodier, C S, thrashing machine & saw mill, St Jo- seph sub, house 155 St Peter Rodier, Edward, clerk, 1 1 Mountain Rodier, A, builder, 157 St Joseph sub Roe, T P, house 74 Union avenue • ' Roe, Edward, military sec. office, Guy near Dor- chester Rogers, Wm, carter, 56 Gabriel Rogers, George, foundryman, 17 Queen square Rogers, Wm, house 33 Sherbrooke Rogers, Jas, grocer, Hochelaga •>^ 221 ;se, house 53 rroniee ^ Constant Dominique ant (lonne lb and city works i iron furniture square r in :man „ 3al bank) 2b St f,35StDomini- liniqua Ipeau Is St Urbain je Rodier place, saw mill) St Jo- Guy near Dor- )ueen square i Rogers & Wright, painters, 17 St Mary Rogers, Rev Ed J, house Marlborough, Hochelaga Rogers, Michl, labourer, 46 Murray Rogers, Mrs, 68 George Rogers, Ant, book-binder, 28 Mountain Rogers, John, plasterer, 25 Salaberry Rogers & King, St Mary's foundry, St Mary Roi, H, butcher, 226 Mignonne Roi, Pierre, butcher, 22 St Andre RoLLAND, JB, bookstore, 5 St Vincent, house 3 St Elizabeth RoUand, Hon Chief Justice, house Dorchester, west of St Charles Rolland, Joseph, saddler, 234- St Joseph sub Rolland, F, tinsmith, 16 St Mary ■ Rolland, Ls, shoemaker, Tolentin Rolland, Mrs, milliner, 186 St Joseph sub Rolland, Gabriel, leather dealer, Jacques Cartier square, house Berthelot Rolland, H, house 19 Dupre lane Rolland, F, tinsmith, 30 Bleury Rolland, S, clerk, 4 St Vincent ' RoUin, Jas, carpenter, 66 Mignonne Rollo, Mrs, house 26 City Councillors *"';. RoUo, John, engine driver, 132 Bonaventure '{ Rolston, David, cartwright, 34 Kempt Roman Catholic Bishop's house, St Joseph's house Nunnery Mignonne Remain, Mrs Wf boarding house, 10 Chenneville RoNAYNE, P, cbthing store, 59 McGill Ronald, Mrs A, 10 Aylmer Rondeau, Chas, carpenter, head of Montcalm ' Rondeau, Jas, carter, 126 Amherst Rooney, Dan, 23 Water Ronkall, Meyers, trader, 76 St Dominique Rosaire, Domiiiique, waiter, St Urbain Rose & Monk, advocates, 27 Little St James Ruse, John, advocate, house Simpson ofl'Sherbrooke Rose, Alex, carpenter, 9 Dorchester Rose, H & G M, printers, 44 Great St James ' Rose; Henry, house corner Hermine and Jure m;rf ! % 222 Rose, G M, house 6 Anderson Rose, Mrs Joseph, house Dorchester near Durham Ross, Wm, notary public, 51 Little St James Ross, Neild & Co, importers of British dry goods, 285 St PaiU Ross, Arthur, agent for marriage licenses 9 Han- over, Beaver-hall Ross, Joseph M, house Devonshire place Ross, Don, house Cote St Antoine Ross, Mrs' J D, house Drummond k, St-Catherine Ross, Donald, printer, 166 Dorchester Ross, Charles, carpenter, 107 Bleury Ross, John, paver, 48 Chenneville Ross, Alex, cooper, 14< Gabriel Ross, Walter, bank clerk, 41^ Aylmer Ross, Alexander, house 48 St Antoine Ross, John, engineer, 8 Rousseau Ross, A M, G T R R, house 4 Cornwall terrace Ross, James, painter, 136 William Ross, Mrs D M, boarding house 76 St Urbaiii Ross, William, agent, 424 Lagauchetiere Rattote, Dr J P, 261 St Mary ; Rough, Andrew, house 63 College Rough, James, inspector of flour, 67 Alexander • Rouscanie, Frs, shoemaker, 64 St Maurice Rousse, J B, trader, 3 St Marguerite ^. Rousse, Mrs, 7 Dupr6 lane Rousseau, Athanase, trader, 174 Montcalm Rousseau, Ferd, butcher, 112 Mountain Rousseau, Joseph, clerk, 84 St Charles Barroni^e Rousseau, Ed, butcher, 62 Panet Rousseau, Chas, carpenter, 43 Visitation Rousseau, J B, plasterer, 42 Panet Rousseau, Louis, house 49 St Constant Rousseau, Ant, carpenter, Mountain near Si Joseph Rousseau, Alex, cook, 249 St Joseph Rousseau, Frs, stonecutter, 143 Dorchester Rousseau, Pas, sawyer, Seaton near Dorchester Rousseau, Isidore, butcher, 42 Mountain Roussell, Anf, carpenter, 86 St Catherine > ;; Roussin, James, carpenter, 109 Panet 22d neai DurliaJW t James tish dry goods, licenses 9 Han- lace - ' St-Catherine ,er i\er iiie iwall terrace St Urbain letiere Alexander Maurice ite .11. [ontcalm intain [arles Barrom^e sitation kt istant liii near St Joseph ,ph Dorchester lear Dorchester mntain ; latherine » - lanet Roussio, P C, 1 Belmont Roussette, Et, carpenter, 15 St Genevievd Roussette, Ant, carter, 13 St Genevieve Routh, H L, house 6 St Antoine place 183 St An- toine Routh Ha villa nd, & Co, general merchants, 15 Common opposite the upper wharf Routier, J B, house 11 St Dominique Routier, Jos, carpenter, 251 St Joseph sub Rowan, William, town sergeant, 50 German Rowan, J, carter, 88 St Charles Barrom6e Rowan, Jas, carter, 88 St Charles Barromee Rot & Ror, advocates^ 26|| St Gabriel Roy, J & R, wholesale dry goods, 230 St Paul Roy, Amable, mason, head of Beaudry Roy, J B, sawyer, Bar6 off St Joseph Roy, James, house 80 St Charles Barromie Roy & Leduc, carriage makers, 12 St Mary Roy, Mrs Gabriel, house 17 Edward Roy, Charles, painter, 27 St Dominique- Roy & DuFORT, dry goods, 103 St Paul Roy & Frdre, grocers, ]01 St Paul Roy, Charles D, house 26 Beaver-hall tertaoe Roy, J B, shoemaker, Tolentin Roy, Pascal, joiner, Visitation Roy, Frs, carter, 13 Bar6 Roy, Louis, carter, 12 Acqueduct Roy, Chas, laborei, 226 St Joseph sub ! Roy, Adol, 5 St Elizabeth • « ^^ /^i Boy, Ambroise, tavern, 21 St Paul u . _; i Roy, Joseph, baker, 78 St Louis Royal Engineers' Offices, 28 Notre Dame Royal Artillery Head quarters, 54 Notre Dame Rungle, Jacob, jeweller, 65 Sanguinet Russell, Mrs Colin, 101 St Antoine -' , Russell, Hector, at Mrs Phillip's, 179 Bleu^y Russell, John, stonecutter, 17 Anderson Russell, Thos, laborer, 31 Janvier Rush, Robt, paper carrier, 4-7 St Charles 6arrom6e Rutherford, James, carter, 186 St Charles Barromee Rutherford, George, 6 Berthelot r«r 224. RuTHVEN & Pahslow, book-binders, paper-rulers and stationers, 12 St Francois Xavier Rnthven, Jas, house St Lawrence above Sherbrooke Rutland &:. Burlington Railroad office, H Barnes, agent, 68 commissioners Ryan, Brothers & Co, general commission mer- chants, Cuvillier's buildings, St Peter Ryan, M P & Co, Franklin hotel, corner King and William v Ryan, Thos, house 24 Beaver-hall terrace Ryan, Wm, butcher, 113 Bonaventure '^ Ryan, John, storeman, 10 Bleury Ryan & Co, (Joseph,) wholesale groceries, 295 S» Paul Ryall, James, wheelwright, 91 Dorchester , ' Ryall, O R, fancy goods, 303 Notre Dame Ryan, John, grocery, 6 Craig and 15 Little St An- toine Ryan, Corns, foundryman, 83 Prince I - Ryan, Wm, carter, 49 Dalhousie Ryan, D, house Point St Charles " Ryan, John, shoemaker, Colborne avenue ' • Ryan, Wm,beerdriver at Molson's Ryan, Patk, laborer, 40 Murray Ryan, John, gardener, 46 Inspector Ryan, John, voyageur, St Joseph ' Ryan, Wm, laborer, 76 George Ryan, Patk, grocer, 70 Prince Ryan, Thos, tailor, 80 Chenneville - Ryan, Tim, laborer, 27 McCord Ryan, Patrick, tailor, 15 Dupr6 lane Ryan, Denis, laborer, 9 St Gabriel Ryan, Patrick, shoemaker, court off Dufresne Ryan, Pat, laborer, 43 Murray Ryan, Patrick, tavern, 10 St Mary Ryan, James, tavern, corner Youville and Common Ryan, Mrs, house Tolentin . Ryan, Martin, laborer, house Lachine road ; Ryan, Patk, laborer, 21 Sanguinet ; » Ryan, Pierre, grocer, 179 St Joseph, sub Ryan, William, laborer, 83 McCord 2*4i -s, paper-rulers [avier ove Sherbrooke ffice, H Barnes, jmmission mer- Peter •orner King and srrace lire ' groceries, 295 S» rchester 5 Dame 15 Little St An- ce ■»' ^ avenue )r ne ff Dufresne ille and Common line road »h, sub frd SABINE, A F, house 3 Waverley Place, Blcury Sabonrin, Chas, shoemaker, Dubord Sabourin, Joseph, milkman, head of Brock Sabourin, Chas, grocer, 188 Mignonne Sache, William, cashier, Molson's bank, 19 Great St James Sadler, Jas, plasterer, 4 Bonaventure Sadler, Wm, auctioneer, house 89 Nazareth Sadlier, D & J, booksellers and stationers, corner Notre Dame and St Frangois Xavier, house 100 St Charles Barrom^e Sager, Mrs, tailoress, 52 Bar6 Sally, James, laborer, 42 St Catherine Sally, Ed, police, 427 St Catherine Salter & Eoss, printers, 36 Great St James Salter, Wm, printer, house 39 Aylmer iSampeau, George, blacksmith, 35 College Samuel & Co, general merchants, 6 St John near St Sacrament Samuel, Alex, 213 St Antoine Samuel, M & L, metal dealers, 175 St Paul, house 88 Bleury Samuel, Henry, hatter and furrier, 277 Notre Dame Samuel, Robert A, house 163 St Denis Samuel, Mrs, milliner, 252 Notre Dame Samuels, Nathan, furrier, 183 Notre Dame Sanborne, M H, deputy sheriff, office old Govern- ment house, house 208 St Charles Barrom6e Sanborn, M H, notary public, 46 Little St James Sancartier, Louis, stonecutter, 88 St Urbain Sancartier, Joachin, joiner, 31 Jur6 Sancartier, S, stonecutter, 162 German Sancdre, J B, beadle of the French church, 15 St Joseph, in rear of the church Sanders, Ls, trader, 104 German Sanders, Jas, cabman, 143 St Antoine ', ■: * ' ' " Sanders, P, laborer, 49 McCord # ' Sanderson, Thos, carter, 4 Jur6 "■ Sanderson, G, house 5 Tecumseth terrace Sandilands, Richd, police; 65 St George 226 Sandham, Fred, painter, 54« Nazaiclli Sanschagriu, J B, basketmaker, lane off Beantlry Sanschagriu, Wm, basketmaker, 205 Visitation ^ Sansfagon, Pierre, joiner, Dorchester Sansouciers, Geo, storeman, 24 Valine ISansonciers, J, carter, 185 St Lawrence Sansouciers, M, carter, head of Visitation Sansouciers, Frs, carter, court off Bona venture Santds, Joseph, servant, 4'1 Amherst ^ ' Saracin, Ed, carter, 112 St Joseph '.'] Sargisson, George A, 36 City Councillor Sargisson, J, smith, 25 Dalhousie . . , . Sasseville, Jos, tinsmith, 6 St XJrbain " ' Saunders, Thos, butcher. Kempt near Colhovne avenue Saunders, H, importer of jewellery, wliolesale, l-i Great St James Saul, Hugh, mason, 59 McCurd Sauvageau, A D & Co, chandlers, 47 Amherst Sauvageau, David, flour merchant, 55 Commis- sioners Sauvageau, A, shoemaker, 156 Montcalm ' ^ Savageau, Hy, stonecutter, head of St Urbain ' ' Savageau, J Bte, hatter, 344' Lagauchetiere Savageau, Peter, roofer, 122 Dorchester Savage, A & Co, chemists^and druggists, 109 Noire Dame, house Cote des Neiges Savage ^Joseph) & Lyman (Theodoke), watches and jewellery, cr Notre Dame and St Gabriel Savage, Joseph, house 165 Sherbrooke ,>-, . » -< Savard, Joseph, carpenter, 196 Mignonne " ' ' " Savard, Joseph, groceries and liquors, 192 St Law- rence ..... Sawville, Jas, hovseshoer, 2 St George, house Jure Sawyer, John, house 314 Lagauchetiere Sawyer, William, lumber' yard, 316 Lngaucheti^re Scanes, P, tailor, honse 12 Hevmine Scanes & Westlake, tailors, 70 Great St James Scanlan, P, grocer, 28 and 30 St Charles Barrom^e Scanlan, Michl, carter, 8 St Germain . .* Scftiiku; John; storeman; 10 rear St George 227 f Beamliy Citation ^ e ion ,ventme 3a i Colbovne wliolesale, I'i /Vmherst , 35 Couiinis- alm . ; -, IJrbairi tieie .,,_.,, er sts, 109 Notre |ore), watches Liid St Gabriel ie .... lino [,192 St Law- re, house Jure fre iagaucheti^re 1st James les Barroiuee leorge Schiller, C E, deputy clerk of the crown, office old Court House, house 90 Dorchester Schmidt, Dr S B, house 83 St Lau rence Schmidt, Adolphus, house 21 Que^h ScHMmT, Edward E, importer of hardware and fancy goods, Exchange Court up staiirs Scholes, Richard, boot and shoe store, 65 McGill Scholes, Thos, clerk, 48 Queen Scholes, Frs, bootmaker, 4.3 Aylmer Scholes, R M, clerk, 8 Chenueville School of Industry, Miss Hervey, 95 St Antoirie Schultz, Robt, 3 Montcalm Schultz, F, shoemaker, 8 Little St Antoiiie Schultz, Mrs, grocer, 128 Lagauchetidre Scipiot, Lewis, baker, HI St Urbain Scipiot, Mrs S, house 24* Durham ScoTT, Gilbert, wine and spirit merchant, St Sa- crament, house 4 Brunswick, Beaver hall Scott, James, jun, ashes broker, 29 St Frangois Xa- vier, house St Catherine near Mountain ' Scott, A H &; J, watchmakers and jewellers, 70 McGill, opposite Lemoine ^Scott, Rob, St Gabriel edge tool and shovel works, St Gabriel lock, house 23 St Antoine 5cott, H E, agent, Royal Mail Line to Quebec, 68 Commissioners, house 3 PhiHii^' square Scott, Mrs J, house 293 Lagaucheli^re 5Cott, Dr W E, 12 St Joseph sub Bcolt, William, laborer, 16 St Margaret ; 5cott, John, clerk, 107 Bonaventure Jcott, John, carter, 107 College '. ;> |$cott, Walter, engineer, 37 Colborne %;olt, Washington, laborer, 2 St Urbain Scott, Francis, sawmaker, 48 St Peter Scott, Mrs, sickuurse, 13 St George Scott, John, butcher, 242 St Joseph sub ^cott. Rev William, 22 Radegonde scott, Jas, cooper, 26 Dal housie Jcott, Robt, moulder, 21 Colborne JcoTT, Seth B, sewing machine, 5 Great StIJames, up stairs, house 2 Hanover terrace, Bleury •ttii f ' 9mmmmm IMH i i m 228 Scott, Samuel, laborer, off Colborne Avenue * ;^. ^ Scott, J, cutter; 80 St Louis ' '^ . Scully, Hugh, shoemaker, 44" Wolfe ScuLTHORPE, James, agent, pattern rooms over Gibb & Co, Great St James, house 41 Sanguinet Seale & Tees, joiners and cabinet makers, 60 Great St James Seale, W, sawyer, off McCord Seath, Robt, merchant tailor, St Lawrence & At- lantic clothing store, 50 McGill Seaton, William, tailor, 11 Roy lane j ,> Seaver, W'R, grocer, 151 St Lawrence , | !i Seckerton, Mrs, 156 Bleury \l^ .«;;', Sedly, Mrs John E, house 83 St Constant Seebold, F, music teacher^ Cleveland place, Jur6 near Beaudry Seebold, Brothers, music store, 221 Notre Dame Seebold, Manby, & Co, pianoforte manufactory, 223 Notre Dame Seebold, John, house S* St Constant Seed, Thomas, accountant, office St Francois Xa- vier, house 126 St Antoine ; . . .y*^ Seers, Leon, tailor, 120 College ^ Seers, Michael, plasterer, 22 Tolentin > j Seguin, L S, carter, Brock near Mignonne . r Seguin, Louis, waterman, court off Dominique i^ Seigniorial Commissioners office, 37^Little St James Selkirk, Mrs W, 71 Alexander g'eminary of St Sulpice, corner of Notre Dame and St Francois Xavier Sencenne, Jos, butcher, 1 18 Beaudry Sen6, Jos, plasterer, 211 St Lawrence ;, /^ ' v , Sen6 Dom, sen, plasterer, 205 Dominique /; f;, Sen6, Dom, jun, plasterer, 394 Dominique . , Sen6, Eusebe, carter, Campeau ,^ * Sencernie, Jos, butcher, 118 Beaudry i ^ Senecal, F, dry ,?;oods, 99 St Paul, ho 51 Montcalm Senecal & Du verger, dry goods, 188 Notre Dame Senecal, Mrs, laundress, 70 Acqueduct Senecal & Daniel, printers, 22 St Vincent Senecal, J B, saddler, 83 St Mary, house Montcalm 229 .venue :'-*«;r;^;;-: >oms over Gibb Sanguinet takers, 60 Great ^avvrence ence &At- nstant land place, Jiw*? XI Notre Dame [nanufactory,223 St Francois Xa- ^ .a^ • itin ■'..' ^- lignonne * ' [Dominique t7^Little St James lotre Dame and Iry ^ 'i Ince N/* '• unique 'r ,1 linique . [ho 51 Montcalm ^8 Notre Dame luct ^incent ^' house Montcalm Senecal, A, butcher, 88 Visitation Senecal, Louis, saddler, 151 St Mary Senecal, Jos, saddler. Brock near Dorchester Senecal Alfred, smith, 195 St Joseph sub Senecal Mrs dressmaker, Bonsecours Senecal, Andr6, boots and shoes, Jacques Cartier square Senecal, Jos, carter, 217 St Lawrence Senior, S, commission merchant and agent, 21 St Frangois Xavier, house 68 Charles Barrom^e Sentenne, H T, notary, 18 St Vincent, house 43 St Dominique Sexton, J P, city clerk, house 4 Metcalfe terrace Sexion, Thomas, butcher, 62 Tolentin Sexton, Daniel, butcher, Kent nr Colborne avenue Sexton, Dan, jr, butcher, Kent nr Colborne avenue Sexton, Jas, laborer, 190 Constant Seybold, John P, grocer, 31 Dominique Seybold, Christian, clerk, 97 St Lawrence ; Seymour, Whitney & Co, wholesale dry goods, 231 St Paul Seymour, Hiram, house 13 Beaver-hall place Seymour, M H, house 153 Dorchester west Seymour, C E, (of S, W & Co,) Beaver-hall place Shank, Daniel, coachman, 9 Bisson Shannon, James, grocer, 48 Mountain Shannon, Neil, grocer, 128 Commissioner Shannon, Mrs Hugh, 81 College Sharing, Hy L, groceries, teas, wines and liquors, corner Place d'Armes and Notre Dame, house corner German and Dorchester Sharkey, James, carter, 10 Desrivieres Servants' Home (Protestant), at Industrial House of Refuge, Richmond square . ,:^ Shapeleau, Joseph, 6 Water i .. ^ ? Sharpe, J L, 52 Great St James Sharpe, W, laborer, 79 Amherst Sharpe, George, bookkeeper, 14 Chenneville Sharpe, Ed, clerk, 115 Bonaventure Sharpley, R, fancy store, Crystal Block, Notre Dame, house 36 Little St James (/ 230 r •» -' -* I I ,.^ Of Via'-: hIT Sharpley, C W, clerk, 10 Craig Sharpley, Charles, bookkeeper, 11 Dorchester Shaw, Noah, carpentei and builder, corner Gabriel and Nazareth Shaw, Michael, house 3 St Louis Shaw, Andrew, merchant, 10 St Sacrament, house 51 Craig Shaw, G & D, commission and forwarding mer- chants, 7 Common - . . ^ « Shaw, D, house 12 Ci^y Councillor Shay, Morris, jail guard, 273 St Mary Shay, James, laborer, 15 Prince Shay, Mrs, laundress, 77 M'Cord '•'' Shay, Jermie, 22 Water Shea, T, laborer, 43 Chaboillez Shearer, James, sash factory, St Gabriel lock, La- chine canal, house St Patrick Shearer, Donald, paint store, 72 St Joseph sub "' '^^ " Sheedy, Michael, tailor, Drake's court off College ^ Sheehan, Michl, bricklayer, 62 St Maurice Sheehan, John, grocer, 161 St Charles Barrom^e Sheen, Mrs W, oft' Campeau Sheilds, Richd, blacksmith, 94 Montcalm '" '' " Shepherd, George, nursery and seedsman, seeds- man to the Board of Agriculture, 33 Notre Dame Shepherd , J, joi ner, 50 Hermine '*^' '* ' Shepherd, John, messenger, police court, corner Lagaucheti^re and St Urbain - ^ Shepherd, J, sugar boiler, 37 Colborne" ' ■ '^''^ * ' Sheridan, Patk, storeman, 64- Craig Shiller, Geo, carpenter, 25 Panet Shilson, Wm, miller, 109 Fortification Shinnick, Mrs, dressmaker, 29 Cot6 Shipway, J G, auctioneer, 48 to 54 Saint Francois Xavier, Short, John, house 62 St Mary Short, Thos, carter, 58 Prince i i i> Short, John, tavern, 62 Mary ;^^ ; '"'' '■'' ''^'i^' "'^ Short, M, house 4 Andre Shulitau; David; laborer; Dalhoiisje near Gabriel *^' orchester , corner Gabriel crament, house •rwarding met- son, John, st„re'fl!, ' '1^^ Montcalm t'npson, David, shoemaker oLr ^'^"^ tn"fr' t S'Sfunt''' ^'"S^-'oh^ti^re , : WrNoU^at^ and St S'Nc,.A,«:jo"„S^'«^^^''°^^7maker,D,,f,es„e ? lai Gabriel N«, Ol, watchSer corn r'^'''"'' ^^^ nuQ ^'' '^^^" German and St r« aiiJ St CatI f / lie- rrf 232 i! '■m III ;l !i ■I '••'il ^1 it Sirois, Thos waterman, 158 Montcalm Sirois, Nar, carter, 19 St Felix Siroiere, Amable, carter, 162 St Joseph Sisters of Congregation de Notre Dame, 172 Notre Dame Skinner, Mrs, upholstress, 328 Lagaucheti6re Skinner, Samuel, furniture broker, 328 Lagauclie- tiere Skinner, Wm, furniture store, 88 St Lawrence ' Skinner, Richd, clerk, 388 Lagauchetiere Skinner, J, carter, 98 Beaudry I Skinner, W, sexton St Paul's church, 19 Recollect | Slack, R, tailor, 56 St Mary ] Slack, W G, clerk, 23 St Genevieve / Slack, Wm, merchant, 14 Notre Dame Slattery, Mrs, dressmaker, 12 Roy lane Sleth, David, storeman, 279 St Mary Slicer, Wm, moulder, 213 St Joseph .;, Slicer, J, moulder, 215 St Joseph Sloan, John, boots and shoes, 180 Notre Dame, house 190 St Catherine Sloan, James, brickmaker, head of Fullum Small, Pat, laborer, 40 Murray . i, . Smallwood, H, house 20 Smallwood lane ' ' * Smardon, John, tallow-chandler, 92 St Urbain Smardon, John, crimper, 62 St Peter Smardon, Rich, boot and shoe store, 251 Notre Danit Smart, J, shoemaker, 6 Monique Smillie,D, working jeweller, 53 StFrangoisXaviei house St Lawrence above Sherbrooke Smillie, Wm, working jeweller, 180 Dorchester Smillie, Wm, printer, 72 German Smith & Cochran, wholesale boots & shoes, 267 >S Paul Smith, H B & Co, wholesale china and glass, 25! St Paul, house Durocher near the Mountain Smith, E G, (of H B S & Co) 23 Berthelot Smith, D &; J, thrashing machines, St Gabriel loci Smith, D, merchant, 205 Notre Dame Smith, W & J & Co, wholesale dry goods, coiii| Commissioners and St Joseph ill r calm •' ' ''T'? ^»';' igaucheti6re er. 328 Lagauche- I St Lawrence .uchetieie lurch, 19 Recollect vieve e Dame ttoy lane tMary,. . Foseph •." . ' el^^ 180 Notre Dame, xd of Fullum m wood lane ller, 92 St TJrbam TrstFranQoisXaviei •e Sherbrooke Ler, 180 Dorchestei man ^^ <; boots & shoes, 267 >. china and glass. 2^' near the Mountaui D 23 Berthelot Chines, St Gabriel lo^ be Dame sale dry goods, coi«' foseph 233 Smith, J B & Co, wholesale grocers and commis- sion merchants, Gillespie's buildings, corner Common and Port Smith, Hon Judge, house off Sherbrooke near Aly- mer Smith, I G, exchange broker, 11 StFrangois Xavier, boards at 4" Hanover terrace Smith, Bernard, bricklayer, Prydock Smith, Alexander, baker, 90 St Maurice Smith, Thos, grocer, St Mary near Queen's square Smith, James, carter, 44 Montcalm Smith, William, barber, 247 St Mary Smith, John, tailor, Scotch lane, off" St Urbain Smith, David, (of J & D), smith, 81 Murray Smith, Wm, carpenter, 104 St Elizabeth Smith, John, (of W& J), house upper St Urbain Smith, George, forwarder, house 1 Hanover, Beaver hall Smith, James, notary, 70 St Frangois Xavier, house 270 Lagauchetiere Smith, Patk, smith, 89 Gabriel Smith, Mrs, Colborne avenue Smith, Patk, carriagemaker, 186 Dorchester mith, Henry, hairdresser, 314 St Paul mith, Alex, commercial school, 1 St Henry mith, Hy, accountant G Trunk, house 40 Elizabeth mith, Jas W, cabinetmaker, lane off' Jur6 mith, Alex, Registry office, St Frangois Xavier near Fortification mith, George, Britannia office, house 15 Edward mith, O G, house 23 Berthelet , mith, Robt, clerk, 61 Vitre mith, Mrs R, house, 202 Craig mith, Thos, laborer, rear 70 Vitre ITH, L M, hairdresser, 174 Notre Dame < • mith, Francis, engineer, 43 Wellington Smith, Miss M H, dressmaker, 40 St Charles Bar- rom6e mith, Mrs, house 34 St George mith, William, smith, 25 Colborne mith, James, laborer, 23 Murray iSa 234. Smith, Robert, carter, 57 Visitation i^ Smith, George, cabinetmaker, 91 Bleury in rear Smith, Henry, cabinetmaker, 100 St Lawrence Smith, Mrs William, house 21 Murray '.* Smith, Wm, cooper, 9 St John • » SBdith, John, cai'ter, 18 Wolfe . >■.. Smith, S, tailor, 22 Hermine , r Smith, Peter, laborer, 47 Cemetery * i * Smith, W J, engineer, 33 St George ' > Smith, W, millwright, 60 Col borne Smith. J & J, flour dealers, 47 St Paul Smith, David, gardener, 46 Mountain Smyth, Wilmam & Co, boots and shoes, 96 McGill Smyth, Wm F, advocate, 24 St Vincent Solomon, C, furrier, 39 Sangninet Solomon, Mary Anne, 196 Lagaucheti^re Sommers, T, corporation messenger, house City hall . Sons of Temperance, Howard division, Kooms Ke- collet * ' ' ^ouci, Frangois, stonecutter, 72 St Hubert Soulier, Joseph, boilermaker, 219 Bonaventure Soulier, Baptiste, shoemaker, 29 Chaboillez Soulier, Narcisse, carter, Felix near Bonaventure Soulier, Olivier, 5 Tolenlin Sousville, Jos, tinsmith, 6 St Urbain Souveraine, Madame, fancy store, 51 Notre Dame Southwell, John, shoemaker, 22 Gabiiel Soy, Mrs Laundress, 45 Colborne ' Sparkes, George, bookseller and stationer, 22 Great St James Spearman, John, plasterer, 38 Colborne Speer, Thos, accountant, 6 Panet Spenard, C C, notary, 43 St Phillip, office 17 St Vincent Spiers, Wm & Son, lumber merchants, 48 St George Spiers, Robert, carter, 21 St Catherine Spiers, John, accountant, 54 St Urbain Spence, W, shoemaker, 31 St Felix ' "^ Spiller, William, house 2 Cornwall terrace Spong, J R, clerk, in military secretary's office, house 13 St Constant ^i*^ 235 -•■■5 eury in rear Lawrence ay e : ^ ■..-.• > >aul lin ' ' shoes, 96 McGill icent heti^re r, house City hall ision, Rooms He- Hubert , Bonaventure haboillez = ar Bonaventure \n 51 Notre Dame Jabiiel stationer, 22 Great )orne lillip, office 17 St Ints, 48 St George Vine rbain Ix |l terrace secretary's office, Spooner, J, pipe maker, Kent Springle, J H, architect, 61 Great St James, housd Odd Fellows hall Sproston, John, china, glassware^ &c, 82 McGill, house 55 St Antoine Sproal, Mrs, St Francis near the Barracks « ' ' Squirrell, Geo, storeman, 33 St Jean Baptiste St Amour, Louis, joiner, 56 Durham St Amour, Alexis, carpenter, 91 Panet St Amour, Francis, shoemaker, lane off Mountain St Amour, P, rear 21 St Maurice St Amour, P, carter, 65 Wolfe St Andrew's Scotch Church, Belmont, Beavet hall St Ange, S, carter, 26 Chaboillez St Anthony, Eusebe, cabman. Mountain ' ' St Antoine, Joseph, carter, Dubord near Campeau St Antoine, Ant, grocer, 127 St Lawrence St Antoine, Abraham, joiner, 132 St Charles Bar romee St Ann's Methodist Chapel, corner Gabriel and Ann St Ann's Market, on Commissioners, between Saint Nicholas and McGill St Ann's Church, R C, McCord, St Ann's sub St Aubain, F, bricklayer, 153 St Constant St Charles, Alex, trader, Cristopher oft* St Catherine ■ St Charles, Frs & Sons, provisions, &c, 126 Com- missioners, house rear 39 Dorchester St Charles, Joseph, carter, 135 Visitation near Mi- gnonne St David's Hall, Tattersalls' building, Great St James St Denis, Madame, 23 Montcalm St Denis & Cadotte, leather store, &c, cr St Paul & Jacques Cartier square St Denis, J B, carpenter, 50 Inspector St Denis, And, carpenter, 34-7 St Joseph sub St George's Hall, Tattersalls' building, Great St James St George, L, carter, 96 Montcalm -' ■ St George, Pierre, carter, 44 Amherst St George, Frs, carter, 66 Lagaucheti^re { I 2S6 St George's Church, Episcopal, 37 St Joseph ^^ St Germain, Mrs B, house 24 Sanguinet St Germain, Joseph, joiner, 67 Durham St Germain, Benj, smith, 133 Sanguinet St Germain, Frs, trader, *239 St Joseph sub St Germain, EH, baker, 113 Montcalm St Germain, Chas, Versailles off St Joseph sub St Germain, C, joiner, lane off Mountain St Germain, boarding-house, 50 St Peter St Germain, J B, saddler, 38 St Mary St Germain, Mrs, boarding-house, 334« St Catherine St Hilaire, Mrs, grocer, 63 Durham St Jean, Alfred, clerk, 149 Lagaucheti Notre Dame and 87 M . , j toneman, Mrs, tavern, 9 Woodyard Itocks, Benj, furrier, 124 Dorchester -,. torin, John, laborer, 26 McCorri .•?.,': :y3Storin, M, laborer, 27 McCord . . Storry, Frs, axe maker, St Peter's lane t : ) Straflord, Joseph, clerk, 62 Craig / .-,1^ Struthers, J, house 304 Lagauchetiere r. , Stuart, W, plumber and gasfitter, 1 St Antoine ?tuart, G D, wine and spirit merchant, corner St Paul and McGill ,.V.>.ii I s 240 Stuart, IIcnrt, advocate, 8 St Therese, house 283 St Antoine, west of Richmond square Stuart, R, sheriff's officer, office 47 St Gabriel, house 173 Visitation Stuart, James, gardener, 45 Vi<;toria road Stupple, W C, millwright. Gain Sullivan, Mrs, laundress, 81 College Sullivan, Jer, laborer, 33 St Janvier Sullivan, Mrs, St Peter's lane Sullivan, Jas, servant, 61 Charles Barromee Sullivan, Patk, pedlar, rear 11 Devienne Sullivan, M, musician, 111 Wellington Sullivan, M, musician, 111 Wellington Summers, Mrs, milliner, 20 St Urbain Suj)erintendant of Education, C E, Government house, Notre Dame Surprenant, M, joiner, Adolphus oft St Mary Sutherland, John, merchant tailor, 296 Notre Dame house 45 College Sutherland, J, blacksmith, 104 Vitre Sutherland, Dr Wm, 31 Great St James ' ' Sutherland, Mrs D, house 12 St Bernard Sutherland, Jas B, clerk, 44 St Margaret Sutherland, Mrs, grocer, corner St Urbain and Vitro Sutherland; Robt, printer, 10 St Bernard Sutton, G, laborer, 91 Gabriel Swain. Henry, cigar maker, off Salaberry Swan, Archibald, house 46 St Margaret Swan, Mrs J, Bronsdon's lane off 97 Dorchester Sweeny, D, tailor, 123 Dorchester Sweeny, Owen, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Sweeny, Mrs, house William near Murray SwiNBURN, G, smith and farrier, 12 St Urbain, ho II Switzer, Mrs, 180 Dorchester Sykes, DeBergue & Co, R R contractors, office Great St James^ over Gibb & Co Sykes, Wm, R R, contractor, house Cote des Neigcs Syer, Alfred, J, pianoforte maker, Colborne avenue Stme & Co, commission merchants, 13 St Sacre ment TABB, HORATIO, plasterer, 11 Alexander 241 Therese, house 283 ond square .ffice 47 St Gabriel, toria road ' ' I lege ivier es Barromte Devienne Uington illington Urbain C E, Notre Dame s off St Mary ilor, 296 Notre Dame Vitre it St James t Bernard Margaret St Urbain and Vitrc 3t Bernard Salaberry Margaret off 97 Dorchester Iter y near Gabriel ear Murray , 12 St Urbain, ho h contractors, office & Co ^use Cote des Neigcs^ jr, Colborne avenue^ shants, 13 St Sacrev Alexander *MSi*^t Tabb, Wm, bricklayer, 64 Nazareth i Taillefair, Jeremic, carter, 189 Bonavenluro Taillerair, Augustc, flour store, 19 Commissioner!, house 137 Bonaventure Taiger, John, shoemaker, 418 Lagauchetiero Tain, M, laborer, 177 Bonaventure Tanner, Mrs, store, 227 Notre Dame Tansey, Pat, laborer, 65 George Tansey, Matthew, laborer, 63 George ;, Tansey, Jas, carter, 168 Fanet Tansey, Timothy, pedlar, 38 Amherst Tassib, John, baker, 104 St Maurice Tate & Brothers, graving docks and ship yard, south side of the Canal Tate, Mrs, house 115 Alexander Tate, Chs M, civil engineer, office Merchant's Ex- change Tate, Capt George, house Bonsecours • * ii** Tate, Charles, house Bonsecours Tate, David, house St Lawrence above Sherbrooko Tatters all's Auction Mart, (John Jones, proprie- tor,) Great St James Tavernier, Frs, house 72 St Charles Barrom^e [Taylor, H, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house Elmv/ood Long Point road [Taylor, Wm, dyer and scourer, 9 St Antoine [Taylor, Brothers, brokers, Union Buildings, St Fran- cois Xavier ' • Taylor, Wm, engineer, 3 Woodyard ^ Taylor, John, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near Amherst i Taylor, E T, bank clerk. Cote St Antoine ^Taylor, A D, civil engineer. Cole St Antoine • Taylor, Thos M, broker, house Drummond Taylor, Rev W, DD, house 367 Lagaucheti^re near St George Taylor, Wm, milkman, 43 Lagaucheti^re Taylor, Thos, musician, 52 St Hubert - • > Taylor, John, clerk, 390 Lagauchetidre - » Taylor, John, cooper, 18 Grey Nun > . Taylor, Reuben, house St Edward rS^.. 242 \" m Taylor, James W, broker, Cote St Anloine Taylor, A O, teacher, 30 Cheuneville Taylor, Alex, bricklayer, 61 M'Cord Taylor, Thomas, Hochelaga Taylor, Robert, brewer, 230 St Lawrence, house 35 St Charles Barrorn6e , - , , Taylor, Isaac, laborer, 30 St Margaret Tees, David, jimr, carpenter, 45 M'Cord v Tees, John, grocer, 184< St Joseph sub Tees & Boyd, grocers, 69 M'Gill Tees, David, senr, 47 M'Cord Tees, Joseph, carriagemaker, 58 George . • Teegan, Mrs, 34 Catherine, St Ann's sub Telfer, Miss, house 16 Chenneville Telfer, Thos J, clerk, 12 St Henry Tellier, a & Co, general dry goods, 158, 160, and 162 St Paul Tellier, Jasper, currier, 72 Wolfe , < Tenpenny, M, laborer, head of Dufresne Terrien, Vincent, joiner, 34 St Lawrence * Terroux, Charles A, notary public, 23 Perthius Terroux, Janvier H, house 4 St Dominique Terroux, Robert, house 42 St Louis i Terroux, Eneas, gardener, 61 Cemetery . Terroux, Gilbert, carter, 390 St Mary Tessier, Paul, carter, 232 St Joseph sub Tessier, Michel, messenger, 53 Tolentine Tessier, Olivier, carpenter, Bare lane Tessier, Antoine, stone cutter, 62 German .. Tessier, Louis, carpenter, 63 St Catherine , Tessier, J B, house 387 St Catherine , , i Tessier, Ol, stone cutter, Salaberry . i Tessier, Mrs, house 140 St Denis < n Tessier, Pierre, carter, 23 St Constant , ,. i Tessier, Miss, R, 31 Chenneville ^ ^ Tessier, Ed, cooper, 190 Mignonne . , r , ; ; Tessier, Jos, joiner, 186 Sanguinet r . * Tessier, Adolph, baker, 15 Roy lane - . , Tester, James, customs' officer, 88 Murray i, Thain, Frs, shoemaker, 123 Dorchester Thain, Andrew, cabinetmaker, 123 Dorchester 243 Antoine " J.^ i ille \v^ rcl ;.;. • iwreucc, house 35 ;aret « ; . *I Water Thomas, Richarp, choice groceries and wines, 49 Great St James, house 57 St Peter Thomas, Henry, (of Masson, Bruyere, T & Co.) house 3 St Antoine place, 177 St Antoine Thomas, William, waiter, 252 Lagauchetiere Thomas, James D,at W Meikleham's,St Sacrament, house 87 BIciiry Thomas, George, laborer, Fullum - •-.'■(> Thomas, Wm, house 86 St Hubert Thomas, James, painter, Montcalm near St Mary Thomas, Aug, laborer, 17 Salaberry Thomas, Hypolite, stone cutter, 35 St Phillip Thomas, Arthur J, clerk, 384 Lagauchetiere Thomas, Tons, bakery, 19 Beaudry - 244 Thomas, D, grocer, corner Wolfe and Dorchester Thomas, Victor, blacksmith, 230 St Joseph sub Thomas, Victor, carriage maker, 235 St Joseph sub Thomas, Ant, laborer, 182 St Lawrence Thomas, John, laborer, 37 Inspector Thomas, William, laborer, FuUum Thomas, Richd, carriage^naker, 74 FuUum Thomson, J N, merchant tailor, 47 Great St James Thomson & Minchin, china, glass, &c, 241 St Paul Thomson, James, house 2 St Helen Thomson, James, house 180 Bleury Thomson, Mrs, house court off Murray Thomson, Miss, staymaker, 33 St Joseph sub Thomson, T M, house 3 Sydenham place Thomson, John, house 2 Helen Thomson, Wm, grocer, Hochelaga Thomson, Jas, clockmaker, 99 Water Thomson, O, bricklayer, Sanguinet Thompson, William, hatter and furrier, 207 Notre Dame Thompson, Edward, boots and shoes, 146 Notre Dame Thompson, Hugh & Son, shoes and leather, 287 St Paul Thompson, John, groceries and wines, 108 St Paul, house 12 Sanguinet Thompson, A, laborer;, coutf. off Colborne Thompson, Jno, blacksmith, 70 St Lawrence, house 51 St Charles Barrom6e Thompson, W B, clerk, 37 George Thompson, Mrs P, grocer, corner Lagauchetiere and St Ignace Thompson, Alex, joiner, 21 St Simon Thompson, Ellen, house 45 Alexander Thompson, J S, trader, Craig corner Chenneville Thompson, George, laborer, Colborne avenue Thompson, W H, house 4 Vitre Thompson, John L, lumber yard, house 103 San- guinet Thompson, John, house 88 St Denis Thompson, John, contractor, 95 Willington 245 •orchester eph sub Joseph sub lum jat St James .24.1 St Paul pU sub aco , ier, 207 Notre 3S, 146 Notre ather, 287 St , 108 St Paul, me wrence, house aiichetiere and Chenneville avenue ouse 103 San- ington Thompson, Job C, hatter and furrier, 297 Notre Dame Thompson, Jos, carter, 10 Sydenham Thompson, Archd, laborer, 45 St Catherine Thompson, S H, 168 St Antoine Thompson, James, sexton Free Church Cot6 street, house rear 395 Lagaucheti^re Thompson, H G, collector, 27 College Thompson, Wm, coachman, 126 St Joseph sub Thompson, Mrs, 50 Murray Thompson, Ross, plasterer, Lagauchetiere near Ad- olphus Thompson, Andrew, butcher. Gain Thompson, Wm, laborer, Colborne avenue Thorn, William, cabinet ware, 30 Great St James Thornton, Johi? lumber merchant, 32 Bonaventure Thornton, Janic^ hook-keeper, 59 St Louis Thornton, Job : . . iler, Craig opposite Viger square Thornton, Wm, ..igmeer, 98 William Thornton, Jas, grocer, 107 William Thornton, Peter, engineer, 223 Bonaventure Thouin, Nazare, laborer. Brock Thuotte, Olivier, shoemaker, 123 St Paul Tierny, Henry, tailor, 13 St George Tierny, H, laborer, 5 St Edward lane * Tierny, B, house St Lawrence near the toll gate TiPFEN, T, groceries and wines, corner St Paul and Jacques Cartier square TiFPEN, Joseph, general merchant, 137 & 139 St Paul Tiffin, Mrs Joseph, house 194 Craig TiLTON, S P, & Co, bakers, 2 Grey Nunn, house 1 Sherbrooke TiLSTONE, C F, insurance agent, Office merchants' Exchange Timm, C, shoemaker, 19 Sanguinet Timmons, Joseph, laborer, 128 College Timmons, Mrs, 5 Tolentin Tinsley, Thomas, gardener, Blache lane off Moun* tain Tison, Peter, carpenter, lane off Mountam 246 Tison, Joseph, bailiff, 241 Lagaiicheti^re Tison, J B, inspector of roads 287 Lagauchetiere Tobin, Mrs, 40 William . ,.,, Tobin, James, laborer, 68 George Tobin, Richard, tailor, 71 St Maurice Tobin, Patk, tailor, 64 St Dominicine Todd, Mrs Adam, 54 St Catherine Todd, Thomas, brickburner, Colborne avenue Toine, Frs, laborer, 117 Dorchester Toine, Leon, carpenter, Panet near Dorchester Toine, Jas, bricklayer, 74 Beaudry Toland, Jas, carriage-maker, 114 Craig, house 55 Fortification lane Toland, Jas, trader, 54 Prince Tolland, Chas, storeman, 15 Khig Toll, John, cabinet maker, 1 14 Dorchester Tolentin, John, chandler, 90 Bonaventure Tomkins, John, baker, and grocer, 129 St Lawrence Tonner, Chs, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Tonnet, Alexander, confectioner, 59 Notre Dame Toohey, John, storeman, 30 Wolfe Tooke, Thomas, bank clerk, 4 Aylmer • Torrance, F W, advocate, 59 Little St James, house 35 Great St James Torrance, Jas, general merchant, corner St Peter and Lemoine, house 19 Beaver hall terrace Torrance, David & Co, general merchants, corner St Paul and St Nicholas Torrance, Mrs, house 181 St Constant Torrance, John, 160 St Antoine near Mountain Torrance, David, house Drummond Touchette, J B, smith, 8 Wolfe, house 24 Montcalm Tourgeon, Oliv, axe maker, St Peter's lane Touron, Louis, laborer, 135 Dorchester Tourville, Michel, sawyer, 130 Montcalm Tourville, Charles, shoemaker, 164 Montcalm Tourville, Louis, carpenter, 157 Dorchester Tourville, Prospere, trader, 8 Small wood lane Tourville, Jos, shoemaker, 98 German Tourville, Mrs, store, 36 Bare Towell, And, laborer, lane off St Joseph, sub 247 re luchetiere avenue rchestei* tig, house 55 9ter Lire St Lawreuce 3ine btre Dame e St James, ner St Peter 1 terrace lants, corner ountoiu t Montcalm ne 1 tcalm ;r lane sub Towers, James, moulder, 64* St Catherine, St Ann's sub Town Major's Office, (C Macdonald) 62 Notre Dame near St Claude TowNSEND, W A, jeweller and watchmaker, Notre Dame, corner St Joseph Town send, S, house 156 St Joseph sub - > • Toy, Hy, laborer, Eleanor '',' Tracey, Alex, clerk, 68 Nazareth • • - ' Tracey, Mrs, 67 St Maurice :•'[ •' * Tracey, Wm, coppersmith, 88 Vitr6 [ ' ■ ' ■ ^ Tracey, Timothy, pedler, Chaboillez Tracey, Martin, laborer, 94 Gabriel Tract Depository, J Milne, agent, 31 Great St James Trainer, Jas, laborer, 61 Bar6 Trambl6, M, blacksmith, corner St Mary and Volti- geurs Trambl6, Ed, bricklayer, 116 St Dominique Trambly, Mrs, 158 St Joseph, sub Tranchemontagne, Joseph, joiner, 98 Bonaventure Tranter, Richard, piano forte maker, Gain Tressider, J, carpenter, 13 Hermine ^, Tressider, Nicholas, carpenter, 52 Hermine Trestler, Dr, house 206 Lagauchetidre and 124 Craig ' Trestler, C F F, dentist, 210 Notre Dame Tresmeguis, L nis. Architect, 26 Bonaventure TdiGG, FRANCib Berlin wool and store, 178 Notre Dame, hous*- Pr^s de Ville place Trinity Church, Episcopal, St Paul near Bonsecours Trinity Ho'ise, Jas Holmes, secy, 202 St Paul Trout, Thos, bricklayer, 27 Chenneville Troutbeck, Geo, commissariat, St Lawrence near the Toll Gate Trowbridge, C A, painter, 85 St Lawrence Troy, Patk, grocer, 64 St George Trudeau, R, apothecary, 157 St Paul Trudeau, Joseph, lumbf r dealer, Craig, house 45 Tolentin Trudeau, Alexis, clerk, corner St Vincent and St Th^rdse 248 ^% Trudean, Alex, Mason, St Catherine Triideau, Ant, carpenter, Chatelle near Panet Trudean, F X, waterman, 59 Visitation Trudean, Olivier, flour inspector, 7 Dalhonsie Trudean, T, house 10 St Denis Trudeau, Chas, carter, 192 Sanguinet * Trudeau, Alfred, baker, 86 Dorchester ■ Trudeau, Amable, carter, Dufresne Trudeau, L J, notary, house 172 St Denis Trudeau, Mrs, dressmaker, 187 St Joseph, sub Trudeau, Ed, blacksmith, 165 St Constani Trudeau, N, carpenter, Marlborough Trudeau, Jas, carpenter, Marlborough Trudel, Dr E, house 13 and 15 Little St James Trudelle, D, shoemaker, 50 Montcalm Trudelle, Alfred, smith, 24-3 St Catherine Trudelle, Benj, carpenter, 53 Labelle Trudelle, Louis, carpenter, Richmond off St Joseph sub Trudelle, Joseph, blacksmith, 160 St Joseph sub Trudelle, J B, baker, 15 Inspector Trudelle, Daniel, bookbinder» 195 St Urbain Trudelle, J B, laborer, St Catherine Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada, office corner St Frangois Xavier and Great St James Trusseau, E, clerk, 64< Bonaventure Tubby, Samuel, bank clerk, 23 St Edward Tuck, Richard, letter cutter, Gain Tucker, Patk, grocer, 53 Prince Tucker, Thomas, moulder, 6 Wellington Tuft, D, upholsterer, corner St Urbain and Lagau- cheti^re Tuft, James, plasterer, 39 rear Lagauchetiere Tuft, Mrs, house ofl' 430 Lagauchetiere Tuggard, John, smith, Lower Lachine road Tuggey, Chus, clerk, 31 City Councillors Tumack, Jolin, blacksmith, 49 Prince Tuotte, A G, carpenter, Sanguinet near St Catherine Tm])eyne, David, engineer, Friponne Tureotte, S, 10 St Charles Barromee Turcot te, A, ijrooer. 25 IJeauclry ' 249 liie e near Panet itation 7 Dalhonsie linet > lester le St Denij t Joseph, sub Constani ongh ittle St James icalm atherine )elle nond off St Joseph 3 St Joseph sub F St Urbain ne PER Canada, office d Great St James We Edward ington }ain and Lagau- [auchetiere tiere line road 5illors le \eav St Catherine le Turcotte, Louis, carter, 263 Visitation Turcotte, Louis, senr, carter, head of Visitation Turcotte, A, joiner, 319 St Catherine Turcotte, A, carter, 56 Beaudry Turcotte, L, carter, 14-1 Beaudry i Turcotte, J, joiner, 142 Montcalm Turcotte, Mrs, 275 St Joseph sub , , Turgeon, N, joiner and tavern, 62 Common Turgeon &Monat, dry goods, 134 St Paul Turgeon, Ls, boarding-house, 32 St Vincent Turnbull, Mrs John, house 54 George r Turner, John, tavern, 75 Commissioners Turner, Mrs, house 61 Champ de Mars Turner, Misses, seminary, 55 St Urbain Turner, John, painter, 47 College , Turner, John, cooper, 50 Queen Turner, Fredk, shoemaker, 5 Wolfe Turner, Wm, Exchange Restaurant, Exchange' building, St Sacrament , < Turner, C has, laborer, 9 Bisson Turner, Alex, laborer, Gain off St Mary Turnpike Trustees' Office, 202 St Paul ' ^ TuTTLE, E C, stationery, &c, 237 St Paul, house 9 Beaver-hall terrace Tweedy, Alexr, carter, 126 St Joseph sub :, Twigg, D, shoemaker, 24 City Councillor Tylee,- R S, office corner, St Frangois Xavier and Hospital, house Drummond off St Catherine Tyler, Wm, confectioner, 166 rear Dorchester Tyre, Colquhoun & Co, wholesale dry goods, 6 & 8 St Joseph near St Paul j Tyre, James, house 76 Sherbrooke Tyrell, George, grocer, Grey Nun, corner of Com- mon, house 33 College Ulric, Peter, sawyer, 32 Panet UNION Fire Company's Engine House, Haymarket Union St Josepli society, 97 German Unitarian Church, corner Lagaucheti^ve and Bea- ver-hall place University McGill College, Cot^' * n2 250 Unsworth, James, teacher, of Banjo, 128 St Autoino Unsworth, Mrs, teacher of music and singing, 128 St Antoine Unwin, Robert, advocate, house 15 St Constant Upper Canada Stage Office, A Milloy, agent, 40 McGill, freij>ht office 2 Grey Nun Upper Canada Bank, Joseph Wenham, manager, 65 Great St James Urqumart, Alex, general merchant, Cuvillier's block, St Peter, house Cote des Neiges road Urquhart, Henry, cooper, 21 Prince IJrquhart, Peter, shoemaker, 22 St Genevieve Urquhart, Dond, clerk, 222 Lagauchetiere Utting,Wm, house cor. Lagaucheti«ire and St George VADEBONCCEUR, LOUIS, grocer, corner Saint Mary and Brock VadeboncGBur, Amahlc, shoemaker, 24> Devienne VadeboncGBur, J B, carter, 42 Campeau Vadeboncoeur, Frs, house 247 Visitation VaillaicGBur, Norhert, carter, 53 Durham VaillaicGBur, A, storeman, court ofFDufresne Vaillaicoeur, Ed, shoemaker, 15 Tolentiii Vaillien, N, bricklayer, 16 Valine Vaillien, Jos, carpenter, 35 Beaudry Vaisilet, S, 128 Lagauchetiere Valade, Pierre, stonecutter, offlSl Dorchester Valade, A, wheelwright, 138 Bleury Valade, Pierre, shoemaker, opposite St Lawrence market Valade, J, leather, Jacques cartier square, house St \ Amable lane Valiquette, P, carter. Visitation near Lagauchetiere Valiquette, John, laborer, 90 Notre Dame Valiquette, Th6ophile, tavern, 55 St Paul Valiquette, Jas, clerk, 47 St Louis Valiquette, Ant, 52 Visitation Valiquette, Jos, carter, 54 Visitation Valiquette, Jas, carter, 8 Tolentin Valiquette, P, plasterer, 128 Sangiiinet V^aliquette, N, carter, 135 Beaudry ValleC; J D, notary public, 98 St Lawrence 25ll ijo, 128 St Autoino and singing, 128 15 St Constant L Milloy, agent, 40 Nun ^enham, manager, :chant, Cuvillier's les Neiges road ice >t Genevieve iicheti^re ti^re and St George ocer, corner Saint er, 24 Devienne upeaii sitalion Hirham FDiifresne olentin Dorcliester ry site St Lawrence square, house St j| ar Lagauchetitre Dame ft Paul •'.ii inet iwreuce Valine, Maxime, house 227 St Mary Valine, Julien, laborer, Hochelaga Valleray, D, carpenter, 14 St Germain Vallaincourt, B, laborer, 48 St Catherine Vallaincourt, C, wood-dealer, 32 Labelle Vallier, Mrs, milliner, 15 St Vincent Valli^resde St R6al, Mrs, house 194 St Catherine Vallieres, Jos, tinroofer, Durham Valois, Narcissb, tannery, 38 St Antoine Valois, Simon, Hochelaga Valva, J B, shoemaker, lane off Mountain : Vance, Robert, bread driver, 69 Nazareth ; Vandal, Nicholas, grocer, 69 St Paul , . Vandelack, Augt, sawyer. Rose off Panet . ;.. Vandelack, Pierre, carter, 97 Panet Vandelack, J B, senr, sawyer, 9 Rose Vandelack, J B, jun, sawyer, 1 1 Rose Vandelack, Jos, sawyer, 87 Panet VanDeusen, Rice & Co, tobacco and cigars, 253 Notre Dame Vanfelson, Geo, chemist and druggist, 118 Notre Dame -> Vanfelson, C, druggist, house 130 German Vanfelson, Hon Judge, house 32 Beaverhall terrace Vanselow, W, head of St Lawrence Varennes, Water depot, 6 St Great James , , ; . Varin, Mrs, 45 Colborne Varin, Benj, clerk, 79 McCord .:, ,,.;.., Vass, David, house 25 Perthuis Vass, Alexander H, house 5 St Charles Barromde Vasseau, Mrs, store, 208 St Joseph sub Vaudry, Mrs Charles, 142 St Charles Barrom^e . , Vaughan, M, wood dealer, 4 Queen , ; ,., , v ,» Vegent, A, barber, 88 St Catherine , ; Vezina, F, waterman, 176 St Constant Venables, John, tailor, St Lawrence hill < ' Venables, John, junr, dancing master, St Lawrence V^enne, Joseph, baker, 30 St Antoine Venne, Jub, carter, 5 St Felix ; •' Venette, Louis, butcher, 248 St Joseph sub ^'i Vennor Henry & Co, commission mercliants, and manufacturers of cut nails and wool cards, agents I'or Gore powder mills, &c, .10 St Sacra- ment Vennor, 11, Greenfield place, house 1 University avenue Vennor, Edward, house 104 St Lawrence Vennor, lly, carpenter, 33 Nazareth Vennor, John, carpenter, 8 Aylmer VerboncoBur, J, carter, 56 Campeau Verdon, Alexis, carter, 49 St Maurice Vermette, Frs, carter, Tolentin off St Mary Vermont Central Railroad Office, 65 Commissioners Vermont and Boston Telegraph, H Peirce, mana- ger, 28 St Frangois Xavier Verner, H, cartmaker, corner Craig and Hermine Verner, R, blacksmith, 2 Hermine Versailles, Gabriel, laborer, 94 Dochester Versailles, Narcisse, butcher, Guy near St Antoine Versailles, Joseph, trader, Tolentin Versailles, J B, butcher, 191 St Joseph ' Versailles, J B, butcher, 46 St Joseph sub Versailles, J, jr, butcher, 36 Jur6 Versailles, J, wood merchant, 36 Jur6 Versailles, Louis, grocer, 1 10 St Bonaventnre Versailles, James, waterman, 119 St Charles Bar- rom^e Versailles, J, carter, 178 St Constant Vieaux, Amable, smith, head of Beaudry Vieaux, Lea, stonecutter, 106 St Charles Barrom^e Vieaux, Ed, grain merchant, 90 St Urbain ViGER, Hon D B, house 5 Notre Dame Viger, Isaac, 94 Wolfe Viger, Ben, shoemaker, 77 Dorchester Viger, Ant, bailiff, 296 Lagauchetidre Viger Market, St Denis Street Viger, Jacques, house 7 Bonsecours Villemare, Louis, tinshop, 23 Jacques Cartier sq Villemare, Francis, waterman, 49 Beaudry Villemare, J B, grocer, 108 Bonaventnre ViJUL^NsyvG & Laca), grocers, 104 St Paul 253 merchants, and m nd wool cards, M kc, .10 St Sacra- M e 1 University I rrence ■ 1 t Mary H > Commissioners H I Peirce, mana- B and Hermine « H ester H ear St Antoine ■ )h ' 1 h sub H 1 aventure ^m t Charles Bar- H irles Barrom^e ?| rbain M Villeneuve, O, tavern, 31G St Paul '• •'•^' '' ' Villeneuve, Jos, carter, 189 Sanguinet Villeneuve, Jas, tin roofer, 241 Mignonne Villeneuve, Peter, shoemaker, 395 St Mary Vincent, P, moulder, ISt St Dominique Vincent, Joseph, carpenter, 50 Beaudry • ' Vincent, J, carpenter, 29 Colborne ■ • Vincent, Miehl, laborer, 38 Acqueduct •^' '' Vincent, D, waiter, 82 St Urbain * ^- ' ' Vincent, J O, printer, 134< St Urbain ' ' Vincent, Amie, laborer, court off Devienne Vincent, Amable, laborer. Mountain Vincent, Henry, joiner, 23 Panet - Vincent, Michael, laborer, 50 Chaboillez Vincent, Geo, sculptor, 144« St Lawrence Virant, L, teacher of drawing, 30 St Gabriel Virtue & Son's book agency, J E Langford, 331 La- gauchetidre Vitty, Chas F, house 123 Mignonne • Voltigeur Engine house, 66 German Vosburgh, Nelson, house 13 Alexander Votier, Phillip, carpenter, 305 St Joseph Voyer, Ant, house Mignonne near St Denis • « ' WAIT, JAMES, house King near Wellington Wait, Joseph, farmer, Hochelaga Wait, F W, grocer, Hochelaga = - Wadell, Mrs, laundress, rear 22 St George ' ^ Wadsworth, George, 75 Beaudry Waldheimer, A H, jeweller, 19 Little St James Waldon, Edward, 11 St Mary Waldron, Ed, 415 Lagauchetidre Waldron, Charles, painter, 415 Lagaucheti^re Waldron, P, painter, Perrault's court near Craig ' Walkem, Charles, surveyor and draftsman, 66 Saint Mary Walker, John, dry goods, 88 Wellington Walker, Alex, wholesale dry goods, Custom House square, house 15 Brunswick, Beaver hall Walker, John, wood engraver, 38 Great St James, house 23 Charles Barrom^e Walker, Alex, saddler, 21 St Joseph sub ^ ' # . t! .'! 254 ii, -Si ■I l!! Si' 111 i'a Walker, James A, forwarder, 12 Brunswick, Beaver hall Walker, R, tailor, 126 Dorchester Walker, Mrs, milliner and straw bonnet maker, 21 College Walker, Joseph, merchant, corner St Sacrament Sc St John, house 15 Hanover, Beaver hall Walker, John, painter, 24 Bleury Walker &Feathbr8on, jewellers, 35 St Lawrence Walker, Robert, confectioner, 61 St Mary Walker, Jas, clerk, 17 St Francois Xavier Walker, John, storeman, 21 Colborne Walker, Robt, carter, Shaw Wnlkcr, Miss, milliner, Craig east Wall, James, stonecutter, 29 Kempt Wallace, Mrs Alex, planemaker, 107 Lagauche- ti^re Wallace, Edward, laborer, Colborne avenue Wallace, George, saddler, St Edward lane off Bona- venture Waller, Dr S, chemist and druggist, 4 St Mary "" Walmsley, Wm, tavern. Queen square Walsh, Anthony, groceries and wines, 2 St Antoine Walsh, Matthew, watchmaker, 29 Alexander Walsh, Wm, watchmaker, 192 Lagauchetidre Walsh, Denis, storeman, 96 Nazareth Walsh, Ed, laborer, court off Cemetery Walsh, John, dry goods, 98 M'Gill Walsh, Richd, laborer 50 Colborne Walsh, James, clockmaker, 49 St Mary Walsh, Mrs, house Chaboillez Walsh, Mathew, grocer, 98 Nazareth Walsh, Thos, waterman, rear 6 St Bernard Walster, Wm, storeman, 28 St Henry Walters, Henry, laborer, 28 Craig Wand, Alex, builder, off Roy Lane Wand, Mrs Charles, boarding house, 32 St Charles Barrom^e Wanless, G, surgical machinist, and truss maker, house 69 St Lawrence Ward; Danl, carpenter, 100 St Charles Barrom^e 255 in«wiok| Beaver •nnet maker, 21 it Sacrament & iver hall }5 St Lawrence Mary ^avier le 107 Lagauche- aveniie 1 lane off Bona- * St Mary re s, 2 St Antoine exander ichetidre [y y Inard 2 St Charles Iruss maker, Barrom^e ♦*1 Ward, G, plasterer, 85 St Constant Ward, Patrick, laborer. Kempt Ward, Patrick, grocer, 93 St Gabriel Ward, Michael, laborer, Laganchetiere Wardley & Son, keepers old English bnrying ground, house 122 St Urbain Warminton, Richard, plumber, brazier and tin- smith, opposite the college, 20 College Warner, G W, exchange broker and commission merchant, 40 St Francois Xavier, ho Durocaer Warner, J3 W, tobacconist, U7 Notre Dame Warnock, Wm, cabinet-maker, 28 Hermine near .Iur6 AVarren, S R, organ builder, 18 St Joseph Warren, C M & Co, (M M Steel, agent), fire an<3 waterproof roofing, Place d' Amies hill Warren, Moses, bricklayer, 6 Mayor Warren, W, hardware, 268 Notre Dame Warren, W H, teacher of music, 89 Sanguinet Warren, Otis, scale maker, &c, 24< Recollect Warren, Stephen, baker, 133 Laganchetiere Warren, John, bricklayer, 148 Bleury Warren, Thomas, ship carpenter, 100 William Warren, Mrs, boarding house, 4 St Henry Water Police Station, 79 King, P O'Brien, captain, and 29 men Water Plug, 61 Laganchetiere Waters, Mrs, 45 Colborne Waters, Charles, pedlar, 19 Eleanor . , Watkins, John, laborer, Amherst Watkins, R, house 219 Dorchester, Beaver hall Watkins, John, printer. Gain Watkins, John, candy shop, 208 St Lawrencf^ Watson, Wm, flour inspector, corner George and Common, house 48 St Joseph sub Watson, John, engineer, 17 Aaderson Watson, G D, general merchant, 17 St Sacrament, house 44 west Dorchester Watson & Williams, merchants, 13 William Watson, Mrs Geo, house 6 St Genevieve Watson, R; baker; 142 St Lawrence 256 V\ I Watson, Andrew, house 6 St Genevieve Watson, Wm, cabinetmaker, 40 Fortification lane Watson, Thomas, contractor, St Catherine near Union avenue Watson, Alexander, gardener, City Councillors Watson, Wm, contractor, 186 Bonaventure Watson, R, shoemaker, 102 St Lawrence Watson, John, blacksmith, 31 Chenneville Watson, David, mason, 166 rear Dorchester Watson, Mrs, house Place d'Armes Hill Watt & Smith, bread and biscuit bakers, 92 St Maurice Watt, Alexander, house 88 St Maurice Watt, James, dry goods, corner Dorchester and St Urbain Watt, James, malster, Craig east Watt, Mrs Wm, Craig east Waudby, B, carpenter, 44? Hermine Waugh, Wm, baker, 69 St Charles Barrom^e Weaver, George, cloth factory, St Gabriel locks, house 330 St Joseph sub Weaver, Robert, grocer, 13 St Paul Webb, Thos, auctioneer and commission merchant, 142 St Antoine Webb, James, laborer, 6 Queen Webb, T, shoemaker, 154 Dorchester Webb, Daniel, shoemaker, 26 Lagauchetidre Webb, Mrs, house 126 Bonaventure Webster, J H, dentist, 154 Notre Dame Webster, Miss, fancy work, house 45 St Urbain Webster, J, baker, 135 St Urbain Webster, Arthur, house 7 University avenue Webster, B, shoemaker. Little Dublin off' George Weekes, Geo, notary public. Nuns* buildings. Saint Joseph, house 8 Sanguinet Weidemar, P M, engineer, 18 Little St Antoine Weilbrenner, P A, notary public, 13 Sanguinet Weir & Dunn, wholesale stationers and blank book manufacturers, 7 Great St James Weir, Wm, leather store, 245 St Paul, house St Ca- therine, west of Phillip's square 257 tificatioii lane itherine near oiincillors suture lice 3ville ihester LiU t bakers, 92 St ;e 3hester and St irrom^e Sabriel locks, ion merchant, lietidre ne St Urbain ivenue off' George ildings, Saint t Antoine mguinet d blank book house St C'a- Weir, Robt, carpenter, 5 Chenneville, house St Germain Weld & Grafton, shirt and collar manufacturers, of- fice 9 Great St James f up stairs), house 35 St Constant Weldon, Mrs, 29 St Felix Wellington, Joseph, trader, 38 St Lawrence Wells, Jno, architect and civil engineer, 71 i Vitr6 Wells, Geo, dry goods, 242 Notre Dame Wellstead, Wm, builder, 71 College Welsh, Ed, laborer, McCord ', Welsh, Jer, laborer, 75 George Welsh, Henry, storeman, 76 Bleury ' Welsh, Mrs, laundress, 196 St Lawrence Welsh, Mich, trader, 22 Bonaventure • Welsh, Mrs, 24 Chaboillez Welsh, Mich, bricklayer, 81 College Welsh, John, laborer, 190 Bonaventure Welsh, John, 18 Tolentin Wenham, Joseph, U C Bank, 47 Great St James Werner, Rev George, house 33 Amherst Wesleyan Chapel, Great St James Wesleyan Chapel, corner Ann and Gabriel Wesleyan Chapel, Lagaucheti^re, St Mary's sub West, Rich, umbrella maker, Hochelaga Weston, Henry, notary public, 3 St Sacrament, house rear 128 Dorchester Wharfinger's Office for the Canal, J White, south side Canal basin Wharfinger's Office, W M Brown, Custom-house square V/heeler, J, G T R R agent, 63 Commissioners Wheeler, J W, trunkmaker, 111 Fortification lane Wheeler, John, gardener, 174 Dorchester Whelan, John, laborer, 57 William \r . Wnielan, Wm, laborer, Felix near the Railroad Whelan, Jas, laborer, Dalhousie Whelan, Tat, laborer, 85 Dalhousie « - ■' Whelan, Davi, carter, 56 Prince ' * Whelan, Thos, tailor, 123 Alexander White, Misses I^ & K, dressninkers, 10 St Joseph sub flii.l i 258 White, Andrew, house head of Colborne avenue White, Samuel, clerk, 10 St Joseph sub White, Henry, accountant, 67 Great St James, house Cote a Baron White, Mrs, & Belraare, Miss, milliners, &c, 25 St Mary White, J ohn J, grocer, and Mechanics' hotel, 129 St Joseph sub White, Pat, clerk, 37 Jur6 White, Mrs J J, 192 Charles Barrom^e White, Wm, boot and shoemaker, 70 St Antoine White, And, stone cutter, 239 Mignonne White, Jos S, watchmaker and jeweller, 106 Notre Dame White, Theodore, watchmaker and jeweller, 103 McGill White, Ross & Co, wholesale grocers and commis- sion merchants, 16 St Peter White, John, 93 St Maurice White, J, clerk, 55 Elizabeth White, Benj, stonecutter, 111 Sanguinet White, Jos, clerk, 192 St Catherine White, Mrs M, house 38 St Charles Barrom^e White, Thos, shoemaker, St Charles Barrom6e near Mignonne Whitlaw, J, carpenter and builder, 21 Chenneville Whitney, N S, wholesale dry goods, 276 St Paul house at Mrs Mills', Belaire Cottage, St Gene- vieve Whitney, H H, house Belmont, Beaver-hall Whittaker, J, laborer, 46 Wolfe Whittaker, xMrs, groceries, 28 St Paul Whitet, Wm, carpenter, 98 St Joseph sub Whyddon Joseph, agent Beacon Life and Fire As- surance Co, 25 Great St James, house 35 Ayimer Whyte, J, house 27 St Maurice Whyte, Jas, clerk, 49 St George Wiggins, Mrs Robt, 31 St Felix Wiggins, Mrs J, house 18 St Charles Barrom6e Wilkes, Rev H, house 7 Mountain tenace 259 (orne avenue sub St James, house iners, &c, 25 St anics' hotel, 129 * cn^e ?0 St Antoine lonne reller, 106 Notre id jeweller, 103 ers and commis- uinet Barrom^e larles Barrom^e 21 Chenneville [ds, 276 St Paul Dttage, St Gene- iver-hall lul )h sub [fe and Fire As- les, house 35 Is Barrom^e lenace Wilkie, Jas, carter, Beaudry . ' f Willcot, Andrew, Sydenham ^ear St Catherine [Wilkinson, John, boilermaker, Shaw near St Ma»y I Wilkinson, Mrs, house 28 Bleury . [Wilkinson, John, book-keeper, 407 Lagaucheti^re IWilland, M E, restaurant, Jacques Cartier square (WiLLETT, S L, china, glass, &C3 Lemoine near Mc- Gill [Williams, Miles, jun, brewery, 53 College Williams, Thomas, wholesale grocer, 19 St Sacra- ment, house College ''illiams, Charles, house 37 St Janvier Williams, Miles, sen, house 51 College ^illiams, Chas, waiter, 20 St Charles Barrom^e ''illiams, John, laborer, 29 St Felix ''illiams, Samuel, 43 Amherst ''illiams, Mrs, laundress, 13 St Germain ''illiams, James, bricklayer, Colborne avenue ''illiams, Mrs, house 132 St Antoine ''illiams, Fred, engineer, 11 woodyard p Williams, Mrs, house Queen Williamson, A, turner, 24 St Joseph sub "W^illiamson, John, cabinetmaker, 26 Jure jWilliamson, Jas, house Wellington near Prince yiLLOCK, J, bread and biscuit baker, 255 Notre k Dame and 2 St Peter lUmott, Isaac, merchant, 90 St Mary '^ilscam, John, grocer, 264 St Joseph sub Tilscam, Adolphe, baker, 93 College ^iLSCAM, Dr, 149 St Joseph sub ■^iLSON & Nolan, printers, 47 McGill [ilson, Thomas, hardware, 117 and 119 St Paul, house 23 St Louis Rlson, Andrew, Herald Office, Notre Dame, house 16 St Monique Wilson, Mrs, house 35 St Gabriel Wilson & Couillard, hardware, 228 St Paul ^ilson, E, hardware, 116 St Paul ^ilson, Wm, bricklayer, 20 Chenneville ^ilson, Hon Charles, house Rose Pr6, 76 Dorches* ter west 260 li ■ I Wilson, Thomas, gardener, 91 Sherbrooke Wilson, Edward, miller, 48 King Wilson, James, brnshmaker, 93 Bleiiry Wilson, William, shoemaker, 5 St Germain Wilson, Miss E J, teacher, 35 St Gabriel '_ Wilson, Wm, messenger. Bank of British North America Great St James Wilson, Margaret, grocer, 66 Tolentiii Wilson, Mis H, 183 Dorchester Wilson, Abraham, confectioner, corner Notre Dame and St Peter Wilson, Geo, boots and shoes, 232 Notre Dame Wilson, A, gardener, 177 St Constant Wilson, John, police, 27 Hermine Wilson, Jas, laborer, Chaboillez square Wilson, Wm, tavern, 299 Notre Dame Wilson, John, pattern maker, 43 Queen Wilson, Jas, laborer, 91 Bleury Wilson, Wm, baker, 48 Vitr6 Wilson, Samuel, carpenter, 69 Colborne Wilson, Wm, printer, 175 St Joseph, sub Winks, Geo, merchant, house 12 St Antoine Wimi, John, engineer, 259 St Mary Winn, J H, bookkeeper, 159 St Antoine Winter, Charles, saddler, 270 Lagauchetiere Winter, Frs, carter, 14 Devienne Winthrop, James, whipmaker, 10 Little St An toine Wise, James, storeman, 46 St Peter Wisebrook, Pierre, tailor, 149^ Dominique Wishart, Robert, storeman, 23 Devienne Withey, George, cabinetmaker, 1 1 St George Wivell, Jolm, 5 Wood Yard Wood, John & Son, watchmakers and jewellers, 177 Notre Dame Wood, Rob (agent for Fire and Life Assurance, «Sc(') 62 St Frangois Xavier, house 24 Radegonde Wood, O S, manager Montreal Telegraph Co, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Wood, John, house 87 College AVood, David Russ, house 167 Mountain tenace 261 jrbrooke , _ » Bleiiry ' ; Germain Gabriel of British North en till Borner Notre Dame 12 Notre Dame stant e square 3ame I Queen Jolborne 3ph, sub St Antoine ary Antoine oauchetiere 10 Little St All ter Dominique jvienne 1 St Georffe ers and jeweller iife Assurance, «Sl'(') e 24" Radegonde elegraph Co, house | 3untain terrace Wood, .Tames Sc Co, wholesale dry goods, 274-i St Paul corner St Peter Woodbury, T E, tin and copper smith, and tia smiths* tools, 306 St Paul Woodhouse, Joseph, laborer, 26 St Catherine Woodland, Geo, shoemaker, 92 Wellington Woodrow, Ant, butcher, 8 Acqueduct Woods, Perry & Co, commission merchants and importers of groceries, wines, paints, &c, 19 St Sacrament Woods, Gregory, laborer, 5 Lagauchetiere Woods, J, stonecutter, 96 Lagauchetiere ... Woods, Pvobt, laborer, Colborne avenue - Woods, S, stonecutter, 44 St Dominique ! v Woods, W H, house 50 St Antoine Woods, Robert, saddler, 31 Jacques Cartier square Woods, Daniel, laborer, court off Mary Woods, Robert, grocer, 49 St Dominique Workman, B & Co, chemists and druggists, 236 St Paul corner of Custom house square Workman, Wm, (of Frothingham and Workman,) house Sherbrooke near Driimmond Workman, Thos, house Victoria terrace, 159 Sher- brooke ^ r , Workman, Mrs, house 45 Aylmer j *. Workman, Geo, house 32 Elizabeth , ' v Worms, S, pedlar, 57 St George Wray, Joseph, furniture dealer, 115 St Lawrence Wright, E & Co, china, glass, &;c, 288 St Paul Wright, Edward, house 158 Dorchester Wright, J, coachmaker, corner William and Naza- reth Wright, Mathew, cooper, 49 Murray Wright, Wm, clerk at the Deputy Adjutant Gene- ral's office Wright, Thos, coachmaker, house Dalhousie near William Wright, Thos, coachmaker, Colborne avenue Wright, R, carpenter, Shaw Wright, Dr, Montreal dispensary, house 125 Craig Wright, Mrs, sick nurse, 11 St German 262 ■ •' ■:: ; ■;' Wright, Mrs, milliner, 83 Wellington Wright, R, carpenter, 46 McCord Wright, John, carpenter, ofl" 74 St Chas Barroraee Wright, Mrs R, 38 Craig Wright, John, carriage maker, 104 Nazareth Wiirtele, Jacob, house 119 St Urbain Wurtele, Jonathan, Trust and LoaniCompany of Upper Canada, 74 St Frangois Xavier, house 100 St Denis Wyatt, Wm, builder, 226 Dorchester Wy lie, Thos, waiter, 57 Bonaventure Wylie, Thos, clerk, 282 Lagauchetidre % ' Wylie, Jas, baker, 43 College ■ YALE, JAMES, currier, 46 Visitation Yeo, And, joiner, 139 Dufresne Yeo, George, tinsmith, 188 St Lawrence Yareau, Antoine, 119 St Mary Younds, Henry, butcher, 396 St Mary Youle, Wm, inspector of roads, Hochelaga Young, Hon John, general merchant. Young's buildings, William, house Rosemount, Cote St Antoine Young, Janes & Co, general and commission mer- ' chants. Young's buildings, William Young, Mrs, old high school, 24 Belmont Young, A, house-roofer, St Catherine near Alexan- der Young, George, plasterer, 12 Anderson " ' Young, i ndrew, book-binder, 38 Great St James, house 45 Prince Young, John, shoemaker, 126 St Constant Young, Geo, clerk, 68 Chenneville Young, Samuel, clerk, 61 Nazareth ' Young, Andrew, engineer, 27 Prince Yuill, James, carver and gilder, corner Notre Damp and St Peter Yuill, John, carpenter, 25 Prince '^ ^ ZION CHURCH, 26 Radegonde % f '« < i.n"! ! ! ■ = «■ igton • '. I St Chas Barromee 04 Nazareth rbain ' ' Loani Company of jois Xavier, house ester iture leti^ro ' tation iwrenco Mary lochelaga ' uerchant, Young's losemount, Cote St i commission mer- \^illiam elraont rine near Alexaii- lersou m, Great St James, | 'onslant lii ice • *- - Irner Notre Dame ^; PART II. n: CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY I. . ^ OONTAININO THE NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS, > ARRANGED WNDER THEIR RESPECTIVE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS HEADS. ACCOUNTANTS. ttkinson, John, 39 Dorchester 'ampbell, Matthew, 24 St Frangois Xavier j|ourt, James, 9 Great St James irry, B S & Co, 29 St Sacrament illon, Richard, 149 Mountain lird, Alex W, 76 Craig 8ed, Thomas, St Frangois Xavier jwart, Andrew, 21 Bleiiry ADVOCATES. 3bott, (J J C), & Baker, (J C), 46 Little St Jamss pstin, H W, 3 1 Little St James irnard, (E), & Bovey, ( W A), 55 Little St James incroft, H, 47 St C^briel iker, J C, 46 Little St James paiidry, J U, clerk, court of appeals. Old Goverii- [ meat House bdwell, C R, corner Little St James and St Ga- briel Jethune, rS,) & Dunkiu, (C,) 41 Little St James Jetournay, Louis, 4 St Vincent Ueakley, r J,) & Monk, (J,; 47 St Gabriel [Carter, Edw, 29 Little St James o 266 ADVOCATES. « Carticr, ( George E,) & Berthelot, 26 St Viucent Cherrier, Dorion & Dorion. 7 St Vincent Coiirsol & Berthelot, 13 St Vincent Cross & Bancroft, 47 St Gabriel David, (E D) & Ramsay, fT Kj 31 Little St James Day & Cramp, 126 Notre L^^.^io DeBleury, C C S, 158 Craig Desjardins, J M, 17 St Vincent Devlin, B, 7 Little St James Dorman, S W, 59 Little St James • Dontre Sc Daoust, 16 St Gabriel Dontre, Leon, old Government house Driscoll, Henry, Q C, 7 St Louis Drummond & Dmilop, Place d'Armes hill ^. Griffin, Frederick. 43 St Gabriel Holmes, W E, 47 St Gabriel Hubert, Ouimet & Morin, corner St Gabriel and Little St James Judah, Henry, 37 Little St James Laflamme, R & G, 16 St Gabriel Lafrenaye & Papin, 25 St Vincent Larkin, H J, 4 Great St James Jjeblanc & Cassidy, corner Craig and St Gabriel Loranger, T J J, corner Craig and St Denis Lomnger & Pominville, corner St Vincent and Ste Therdse Maclver & Cortcr, 1 Place d'Armes hill Mack, W G, 1 Place d'Armes hill Mackay, (Robert J & Austin, (H. W,J 31 Little St James Macrae, George, 29 Little St James Morris, (Alex,) & Lamb, (W B,)49 Little St James Morrison, M , 53 St Frangois Xavier Ouimetle, Morin & Marchand, 52 St Gabriel ' Pelletier & Belanger, 65 Champ de Mars Popham, John, 61 Little St James Richer, O, St Lamboart Hill Robertson, Andrew & George R, 59 Little St James Rose ("John) & Monk ^S CJ 27 Little St James Roy & Roy, 26 St Gabriel Stuart, Henry, 8 St Thdrdse BAKERS, ^C. 267 ;, iI6 St Viucent Vincent ent )31 Little St James es touse 1 Lrmes hill •uer St Gabriel and es 1 nt and St Gabriel d St Denis it Vincent and Ste les hill I W,J 31 Little St les l9 Little St James }r 1st Gabriel le Mars Little St James iittle St James M ;n Taylor, Hugh, 47 St Gabriel . Torrance, F W, 59 Little St Janicii Smyth, Wm F, 24 St Vincent AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT iVIANUFAC- TURERS. Fleck, Alexander, William near King Hagar, George, 145 St Paul ALE VAULTS. Goodfellow, W & Co, 61 Great St James and 104 Fortification lane ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. Browne, George, 132 Craig Coursolles & Lemoine, 47 St Lawrence Footner, Wm, 219 Notre Dame Keefer, T C, 29 Great St James Hopkins, Lawford & Nelson, 23 Great St James Ostell, John, 219 Notre Dame Racicot & Laurent, 7 St Lambert Hill Shringle, J H, 61 Gt St James Wells,John, 71i Vitre AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS. Benning & Barsalou, 49 St Frangois Xavier Bernard, J D & Co, 206 St Paul Fisher &; Co, 35 St Frangois Xavier Hill & Clarke, 37 Great St James Jones, John, Tattersalls, Great St James Leeming & Sabine, 277 Notre Dame. See card. Shipway, J G, 48 to 54 St Frangois Xavier Stewart & Kerr, 299 St Paul ASHES INPECTORS. Dyde & Major, 8 College -' r BAKERS. " ' Black, Isaac, 68 St Antoine near St Margaret r Benny, Walter, Benny's block, 45 St Joseph sub Filts, Clarke, 39 St Joseph sub. See card Hutchison & Anderson, 27 Dalhousie near Well- ington :^^-'- i h % # I I4 AND ARTISTS' REPOSITORY, NO. 217 NOTRE DAME STREET, (Lately occupied by Gibh 4'- Co.,) MONTREAL, Have on hand a choice assoituient of BERLIN AVOOLS of every shndc and col(»r; also a complete assortment of JEWELLERY and Artists' materials of the newest kind. Tlieir Stock of F '\NCY COODS and PERFUMERY is very choice and extensive, and they are now oftering them at wholesale or retail on the most rcasuiiablo terms for Cash. A beautiful description of Artilicial Flower Making, equal to wax in appearrnce, tuid costing not over a third of tlie price, taught and materials furnished. \ ■ I' J |- .f: f il I i I : 270 BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &C. NEW AND SECOND HAND BOOKS, MUSIC, ENGRAVINGS' AND STATIONERT. The Subscriber has on hand 10,000 Vols. British and Foreign, and 4,000 Pieces of SECOND HAND MUSIC, LOW FOR CASH, WHOLESALE AND EETAII, NOVELS HALF PRICE, Books, Music, Mathematical Instruments, Sec, bought, exchanged, or sold on Commission. B. HILL, Paper Hanger and Map Mounter, Opposite New Post Office. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BINDERS. Armour, John, 275 Notre Dame. See card Bainbridge, R & Co (wholesale,) corner McGill and William Beauchemin & Payette, 127 St Paul Bryson, Campbell, St Frangois Xavier, opposite St Sacrament Chalmers, James (wholesale,) 224 St Paul Chapeleau, Z, 112 Notre Dame Dawson, Benj, 23 Great St James. See carc^ Darling, VVm & Co, 239 St Paul Dougali, John, 36 Great St James. See card Dredge, F C, & A, 66 McGill Fabre & Gravel, 30 St Vincent Graham, R, stationer and binder, 252 St Paul Graves, W H, agent Blackie & Sons, 51 Great St James Hill, B, 70 St Frangois Xavier. See card Home, Geo, 26 St Joseph Lamothe, J M, 199 (late 151) Notre Damo HAND miNGS Y. Vols. British II€, AND BETAII, FlICE, triiments, &c., missioa. ;. HILL, p Mounter, V Post Office. & BINDERST e card ner McGill and fier, opposite St Paul see carcT >ee card 1st Paul \, 51 Great St card >amo BOOKSELLERS, &G, 271 Milne, Jas, 31 Great St James Miller, R & A, 60 St Frangois Xavier. See card Pickup, E, Newspayers depot, &c, 63 St Frangois Xavior Ramsay, Hew (wholesale,j 37 St Frangois Xavier. See card , RoUand, J B, 5 St Vincent Ruthven k. Parslow, 42 St Francois Xavier. See card Sadlier, D & J, corner Notre Dame and St Frangois Xavier. See card Sparkes, George, 22 Great St James. See card Tuttle, E C, stationery and account books, 237 St Paul Weir & Dunn, 15 Great St James RELIGIOUS AND USEFUL BOOKSTORE, AND MONTREAL WITNtSS OFFICE, NO. 36 GREAT SAINT JAMES STREET, Montreal* The Subscriber offers for sale an Extensive Assort- ment of English and American BO )KS AND STATIONERY, Comprising: — Religions Books, School Bnoks, Chil- dren's Story and Toy Books, and Miscelluneoiis Books of a useful kind. Also, Staple and Fancy Stationery, Temperance Publications and Tracts, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (tyCountry Merchants are invited to call and examine ihe ASSOETMEN T and PRICES. JOHN DOUGALL. i'ii If .Ml *'i 9.: 2*72 BOOKSELLERS, ScC. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, MD PRIXTSELLER, Removed to the extensive and elegant premises NO. 275, NOTRE DAME STREET, Opposite the Recoiled Church, Where lie receives regularly all publications as issued from the English and American Press. His Stock of STATIONERY, &C. of the best qualit}'-, always complete, and at the very lowest prices. His PICTURE GALLERY Is enriched from lime to time by the best specimens of the Art, and is well worth a visit of the resident or stranger. Orders for Britain and United States forwarded weekly, and promptly executed. ALL NEWSPAPERS AND MAUZINES, Published in the T'jiited States or Britain, supplied. .BILL-Hi<:ADS, ClRCULAllS, CAPwDS, &C., Printed, Lilliogmphed, or Engraved. Rri.TIVO. RIIVDIIVO, & PICTrRE FRAIIII^rO At the lowest prices. N.B. — Always on hand, or made to order, Account Books, consisting" of LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAV BOOKS, mk.moPvANdum: books, ll i II \: 2 78 BOOT AND SHOE STORES. $iaN OF THE MAMMOTH BOOT. JOHN HAKOU), 92 Mcaui Street, MONTREAL. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK or iliadles', Gentlemen's & Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, Are kept constantly- on hand, and as they are made up under his own inspec-'ion, expressly for the Canada Trade, he can warrant Ihern to give satisfaction. Country merchants and others pur- ehasijig at wholesale, wUl find it to their advantage to give him a call. Five per cent Reduction for Cash. BROWN & CHILDS' WAREHOUSE, 2Vo. 194 JVotre Dame Street, IMContreal, Have now on hand a very extensive assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, which they are enabled to offer WHOLESALE only at such prices as cannot fail to be satisfactory. Coun- try M«rchants and others visiting the city, are invit- ed to call and examine their present stock, which is believed to be the most complete general assortment to be found in Cauada. BUTCHERS. itis BREWERS & DISTILLERS. Bonnie, George, brewer, St Urbain Dow, William & Co, brewers aud distillers, 148 St Joseph Molsoa, T & W & Co, brewers and distillers, 260 St Mary Payne, Edward, brandy distiller and rectifier, 68 St Urbain Phillips &Taylor, brewers, 230 St Lawrence Pigeon, Savageau & Co, brewers, office 29 Commis- sioners ' '. ■= ' ' '■ Williams, Miles, jnn, brewer, College near Diipr^ lane BRICK MAKER. :, ' * Adams, Austin, Colborne avenue ^ ." uv BROKERS. Collis, R D, Merchants* Exchange Crawford, John, Union Buildings, 28 St I*rancois Xavier Esdaile. J & 11, Merchants' Exchange Fuirbairn, John, 10 St Sacrament , f^ ' ," Geddes, Charles, 2 Great St James ' ' '' Henshaw, F W, ashes broker, St Sacrament Heward, Augustus, Union Buildings, 28 felt Fran- cois Xavier MacDougall, Brothers, Merchant's Exchange Rae & Mitchell, 38 St Francois Xavier. Robertson, Duncan, Union buildings, St Fraugois Xavier Scott, James, jun, ashes broker, 29 St Francois Xavier BRUSH MAKER. . ' ! Kirkup, Joseph, 186 St Paul .■■ :. BUTTER INSPECTOR. McDonnell, Francis, Grey Nun . " - BUTCHERS. ' Idler, Ernest, pork butcher, stall 16 Bonsecours market Outhet, Rickinson, house Guy off St Antoine .,1 ■■I mi ^i '41 ^ ^!i^^< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^O ^ .^!^^ c ^^^ Zi 1.0 I.I |45 |2j8 |2^ 12.2 2.0 l^^s III 1.25 1 1.4 IJi =^= ^^ M 6" - ► ^ / o / /A Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 ■^' 280 CABINET MAKERS, I V ?!^ ( ; J. & W.HILTON, Importersi of Plate Glass^ CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, No, 17, Great St» James Street, Montreal, IMPOATEES OF BAHASKZ, FKINBBS, LAGES, 4kG., Mahogany and other Woods for Sale. Employing none but the best Workmen, and giving their constant superintendence to the manu- facture of every article which they sell, J. & W. H. can confidently recommend their Cabinet Furni- ture to all who wish to secure a first-rate article at a moderate price. WILLIAM M^MASTER, CABINET AND UPEOLSTERT WAHEROOHS, No. 242 Notre Dame Street, ^ MONTREAL. Having recently added to his Stock of CABINET FURNITURE many superb specimens of Work- manship, respectfully invites those who require any- thing in his line to give him a call, being satisfied that whether as regards Style, Material, Work- manship, or Price, he can ofier them inducements to purchase rarely to be met with, and certainly not- exceeded in any other establishment in Canada. UPHOLSTERY WORK OP every description Promptly attended toon the most reasonable Terms. CARVERS AND GILDERS. 281 N, lEHOUSE, ntrecUj iS, I^G., Sale. fkmen, and > the manu- J. & W. H. INET FURNI- ite article at TER, nooHi, EETy CABINET IS of Work- require any- png satisfied klAL, WORK- Inducements fertainly not- Canada. K iable Termi. CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS. Allen, William, 64 M'Gill , .,_,, Ash, John, St Peter near Craig Carlisle, F, 102 and 104 M'Gill Carlisle, J & Co, 62 and 64 Gt St James Gray, George, agent, 16 St Joseph sub Hilton, J & W, 17 Great St James. See card. ; McGarvey, Owen, 4 and 6 St Joseph McMaster, William, 242 Notre Dame. See card. Poulin, Pierre, 273 Notre Dame Robertson, Chas, 5 Bonaventure _ , . Reed & Rogers, 72 Great St James ' ^ CARPENTERS, JOINERS, BUILDERS, &c. Benn, R, Bertlielot, near Blenry Brady, Denis, Port near Common Bronsdon, J B, St Urbain near Dorchester Champeau, J, 26 St Antoine f, Elliott, Andrew, St Catherine near Bleury Frechette, Olivier, Bonaventure Gill&Reid, 26 Craig , , > Hutchison, Wm, 25 Belmont Kennedy, Wm, 23 Jure Laberge, A, 1 12 St Elizabeth ^ ' Martin, James, 18 Chenneville Mavor & M'Donald, Blenry near Hanover terrace Maxwell, E, 6 Hanover Morahan, James, 48 Notre Dame Patton, Laird, Desrivieres off St Antoine Shaw, Noah, corner Gabriel and Nazareth Simpson, James, 40 St Peter Whitlaw, John, 21 Chenneville Weir, Robt, 5 Chenneville • ' ,r /. CARVERS, GILDERS, AND LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACTURERS. v - . n Tavlisle, F, 102 and 104 M'Gill fSilver «V Heyer, 181 Notre Dame 282 CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. ml CARPET AND GENERAL FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. Benjamin, Henry & Co, 171 Notre Dame CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Birks, Richard, 77 McGill Birks, John & Co, 7 Great St James , Bowman, W E, 88 McGill. Carter, Kerry & Co, 184 St Paul Gardner, John, 293 Notre Dame Lyman, S J & Co, Place d'Armes. See card Lymans, Savage & Co, 226 St Paul. See card Picault, P E, 42 Notre Dame See card Savage, A & Co, 109 Notre Dame Trudeau, R, 157 St Paul Vanfelson, Geo, 118 N/tre Dame Workman, B & Co, 236 St Paul, corner Custom- house square . . S. J. LYMAN & CO., CHEMISTS, DRUGGISTS, A\'D APOTHECARIES, Corner Notre Dame and Place cfArmes, IMPORTERS OF FINE CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND PERFUMERY. A large assortment of Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bandages, Supporters, Elastic Stockings. Also, Apothecaries' Ware, &;c. Dealers in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. I Combs, Brushes, ^Spon^es, Toilette Requisites,] &c., for Sale. Wholesale and Retail. PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL KINDS. 281) [SHING rs. i?V4 I"' 3 card lee card I ler Custom- CO., THECARIGS, \ArmeSf LFUMERY. |ents, Trusses, Angs. Also, llower Seeds. Requisites,! lEetail. KINDS* CHEMIStS AND DRUGGISTS. :• IMPORTERS OF .i FOREIGN DRUGS, BRITISH CHEHICALS, English Fancy Soap, French Pwfomery, &o. MANUFACTURERS OF LINSEED OIL. GROUND WHITE LEAD, AND DEALERS IN IMPORTERS OF mmu SiMES, FIELD <^ nOWIR SEEDS. WHOLESALE DRUG WAREHOUSE, 226 St Paul Street, east Side of Custom House. DR. P. E. PICAVLT, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Corner of Notre Dame and Bonsecouis Streets, MONTREAL. DEPOT FOR THE MOST POPULAR FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PATENT MEDI- CINES. N. B. — Dr. P. will give his attention to visiting patients at their residence, as well as attending at his private office for consultation. Confidential oases particularly attended to. Il P ■: 284 CHOP HOUSES. CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHEN WARE MERCHANTS. Glennon, John & Co, 200 St Paul *^^^*' V-"^ Hagar Charles & Co, 293 St Paul Levy, Alexander, corner Notre Dame and St Gabriel Smith, H B & Co, 256 St Paul Sproston, John, 82 McGill Thomson & Minchin, 241 St Paul Willet, S L, Lemoine opposite St Helen "" Wright, E & Co, 288 St Paul. See card Have constantly on hand a large and varied Stock, consisting of the ^mtBl lesigns, CnlDrs ^ patterns, As they successively appear, which they v/ill dispose of at the liOwEST POSSIBIiE PRICES. CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES. Exchange Restaurant, (W Turner) Exchange Build ings. See card Francisco, Frs, empire saloon, 14 Bonsecour* (T WARE ad St Gabriel COLLECTORS. 285 r^h m Eird varied Stock, h they v/ill IICES. rSES. cchange Build isecours Julien, J, Restaurant, 53 Notre Dame ' ' Lulham, Geo, 52 St Francois Xavier O'Meara, John, 11 Alexis off Notre Dame O'Neill, M, 158 Notre Dame. See card Orr, John, corner Place d'Armes and Great St James See card CIDER VAULTS. Penner, John, under Odd Fellows' Hall Great St James CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. '^ Flynn, Jas, 55 Alexander Patton, Thomas, 77 St Paul . i. .- • CLOTH FACTORY. Weaver, Geo, St Gabriel locks COACH AND CARRIAGE MAKERS. Delorier, Alfred, 98 St Antoine j ^ Dwyep& Toland, 114 Craig near St Frangois Xavier Gavin, M & P, 74, Craig , ^ ^ ^ Leduc, Clo vis, 119 St Joseph ' ' "^ Normandeau & Roy, 156 St Lawrence O'Meara, M, 9 and 10 Haymarket Square Ouimet, Eusdbe, 74« St Antoine COAL MERCHANTS. Carrique, P D, 175 St Antoine Faucher, Olivier, 23 Little St Antoine Gilbert, MacDougall & Co, corner St Nicholas and St Sacrament COFFEE ROASTERS AND SPICE FACTORS. Kurczyn, N P M, 79 McGill Richardson, Robt, City Mills, 76 Craig nr St Peter COLLECTORS OF ACCOUNTS. ' Hoggard, John, Lagauchetidre near German Laird, Alexander W, 76 Craig Ouelette, J F C, 56 St Charles Barrom6e Siberry, R, 30 St Gabriel Stewart, Andrew, 21 Bleury ' M 996 CHOP HOUWf. 'I 1: '»i m vnmsta vm. BTM. O'NEXL, Ko. 158 NOTBE DAME STBEIT, Corner of St, Jean Baptiste Street, MONTREAL. This Establishment has been opened to meet a re- quirement which has been long felt and admitted in Montreal, i. e., ^ Jlrflt Hate Saloon anlr Htstaurant, where every article has its cost affixed on the Bill of Fare, and is furnished according to order, and at which every procurable delicacy should be con- stantly kept ; while the management should be such as would secure the most perfect privacy, if desired. In carrying out these views, the Proprietor believes his success to be certain, and every day afibrds him fresh proofs that private families of the first respec- tability have found they can be supplied better and cheaper at his establishment than they could have been in their own houses. THE TABLE is supplied constantly with the] best to be found in ^he Markets of Montreal, New York or Boston. The WINES, LIQUORS, CI- GARS, &c, are uniformly of the best brands. PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with every thing | requisite on moderate terms. The FURNISHING throughout is equal in style and comfort to the best Hotels, while, being supplied with a first-rate Cook and Assistants, and attentive Waiters, he is induced to think he can offer accom- modations rarely to be met with, and certainly not | to be surpassed in Montreal. ,L .; N.B. — Breakfasts, Dinners, Luncheons, or Sup- pers are supplied to order, on short notice, to Large or Small Parties. M.O'NEIL. uun, IBEIT, treet, to meet a re- id admitted in (0tanrant ?d on the Bill 3 order, and at lould be con- should be such acy, if desired. )rietor believes ay affords him he first respec- ied better and ey could have ntly with the /lontreal, New JQUORS, CI- t brands, h every thing equal in style being supplied and attentive n offer acconi- l certainly not leons, or Sup- otice, to Large M. O'NEIL. CHOP HOUSES. 287 FLME D IRMbd SILOON AND RESTAURANT. BY f ,, JOHN OEE, LATE OF THE WAR OFFICE, Corner Place d'irmes & Great St. James HU^ * opposite the Bank of Montreal. AND MERCHANTS' EXCHANOE, ST. SJCRAMENT STREET. Men of Business, whether Resident in,o; Visitors to Montreal, will find they combine two great de- siderata — Comfort and Economy — by patronizing this Establishment ; where every Viand in Season will be found, of the best quality and at reasonable charges. j^jfttj A TABLE d'HOTE daily, at One o'clock precisely. BREAKFAST and TEA, on the same principle, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M., respectively. TEA, COFFEE and LUNCHEONS, at all hours. CHOICE WINES, SPIRITS and CJGARS. ((:j*Cont/acts for full or partial Board.jpQ W. TrRSTER, Proprietor. 288 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COMMISSION AGENTS. Atkinson, John, 39 Dorchester Dickson, Geo B, 254 St Paul Gray, George, 16 St Joseph, sub COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS. Auldjo, Lewis, Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier Burns, James & Co, 76 Common Campbell & Williamson, Common, opposite upper wharf Court, James, Insurance Company's buildings, Great St Jaices Curry, B S, & Co, 29 St Sacrament. See card Dougali, James, 13 Lemoine Easton, Andrew, 28 St Sacrament Emson, James [London and Paris], represented by James Sculthorp, Great St James Engelke & Kamena, 22 St Frangois Xavier Gilbert, MacDougall & Co, corner St Nicholas and St Sacrament Franchdre, Tourville & Co, Gillespie's buildings, 8 Common Glassford, H A, Union buildings, StFrangois Xavier Gould, N W, CUpham, Butler & Gould,) 26 St Sacrament Hall, T D, Merchants Exchange, Hamilton, B H, harbor commissioners buildings. Custom House square Handyside & Co, Custom House square Handyside, B W, 3 St John Holland, Phillip, 31 St Sacrament Johnston, Brothers & Townsend, 246 St Paul Joseph, H & Co, 192 St Paul Joseph, Jesse, corner St Helen and Recolloct King, Beed & Co, 67 Commissioners Lamothe & Frdre, 202 St Paul Lane, Stephens & Co, Pointe a Calliere Lindsay & Wilson, 58 Commissioners ^ Mackay, Henry, 19 St Frangois Xavier McLennan, Ewen, 1 Young's buildings, McGill McLennan, J & H, 2 Grey Nun rONfMlSSION MERCHANTS^. 289 AGENTS. iiQois Xavier posite upper Idings, Great See card jpresented by Lavier Nicholas and s buildings, 8 ancois Xavier ~ould,) 26 St liers buildings, ,re •'* '. 1 St Paul iecoUcct 5re s ■' ''. ier Igs, McGill McNaiight, Robert, 28 St Nicholas Meikleham, William, Young's buildings, McGill Mitchell, J & J, Try's buildings, 17 Common Perkins, J A, 1 St John Pwcdpath, Peter, 60 Commissioners , t Scott, Gilbert, 1 1 St Sacrament Sculthorp, James, over Gibb & ^o. Great St James Senior, S, 21 St Frangoia Xavier Shaw, G & D, 7 Commdn ; Sinclair, John, 295 St Paul Smith, J B & Co, Gillespie's buildings. Common Syme & Co, 13 St Sacrament Woods, Perry & Co, 19 St Sacrament r B. S. CUERY& CO., GEKEBAL & 'F01tWABDl\6 AGENTS, 29 0t. 0ott:ament Sttcet, MOlVTBEAIi. R. H. HAMILTON, COMMERCIAL & GENERAL AGENT9 . (Dii]fOT(Dii mmm ©wAmiB, .. {Harbour Commissmiers^ Buildings^) Hloiitrealy . (t^-Business transacted at the Customs and all other Public Offices. p -"-"■■ ■■■- \ ■ .-- '''■'■'-■ 290 COOPERS. CONFECTIOiNERS. Alexander, C, 243 (late 177) Notre Dame. Sec caid Black, Isaac, 68 St Antoine near St Margaret Bowie, Edward, 71 and 73 Notre Dame Cahill, Mrs, 13 St Aiitoine , " ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER Having greatly enlarged his premises is now fully prepared to supply every order in his lino with punc- tuality and despatch. TERMS, CAS H. Attended to with care and attention. As usual with the utmost promptitude. ICE CREAMS IN VARIETY. SODA WATER FROM A FOUmiN. With Choice Syrups. Coffee, &c., for Luncheon, from 12 to 3 P.M. COOPERS. Battle, Thomas, 32 St Peter Brown, James, 38 St Peter Ferguson, A & D, 14 St George near William McGibbon, Taylor & Co, 44 Common COPPERSMITHS, AcC. 201 Sec cavtl aret IL s now t'uUy with puuc- COPrERSMlTHS, BRaSSFOUNDER.S, AND ri.UMBERS. Dednam, T, 41 St Peter. See card Garth, Charles, 142 Craig Hearle & Date, 269 Notre Dame Holmes, Saml & Wm J, 125 St Paul M'Connochy 6c Cunninghum, Recollect near St Peter Mitchell, Robert, 76 Great St James Prowse, G F, 38 Great St James. See card Warminton, Richard, 20 College COTTON FACTORY. Harris, F W, St Gabriel locks ' CUSTOM HOUSE AGENTS. Davis, Nelson, 64 Commissioners King, Reed & Co, 67 Commissioners Lceming & Sabine, 277 Notre Dame ion. Lude. \ETY. 3 P.M. ^iUiam THOMAS DEDNAM, \ TIN PLATE WORKER, BRAZIER & COPPERSMITH NO. 41 ST PETER STREET OPPOSITE RECOLLECT STREET, MONTREAL. Keeps always on hand a good stock of every article in his line of business, which he can guarantee to be of first rate quality and workmanship, and will sell at moderate prices. He is at all times prepared to execute orders in every branch of his trade with punctuality and despatch, and respectfully requests the continued support of his old customers, as well as of all who wish to have their work well and promptly done at a reasonable rate. i;fi 292 COPPERSMITHS. ^flii -'i? G, r. PEOWSE, COPPERSMITH, PLUMBER, & GAS FITTER, 66 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, ^ Keeps constantly on hand HOT AIR, F VRNAOES, of the best description, for either wood or coal, and from the great encouragement he has received for the last ten years enables him to warm buildings in a more economical and satisfactory manner than elsewhere. The Subscriber respectfully invites the Public to call and examine for themselves. REFRIGERATORS or Portable Ice Houses constantly on hand, — ALSO, — BATHS OFETERY DESCRIPTIOIV either flat or pitched, covered with Tin or Sheet Iron^ at the shortest notice. 21 DENTISTS. 293 E, ITER, r, L =* lES, r coal, and 3ceived for luildings in anner than Uy invites selves. hand, PTIOM fin or Sheet DAGUERREOT YPISTS . Doane, T C, Place d'Armes. See card PHOTOGRAPHIC k DAGUERREOTYPE MR. DOANE, PHOTOGRAPHIC & DAOUERREOTYPIST. No, 2 Place (TArmeSf Likenessess on Paper and Plate from Nature and Copies from Daguerreotype enlarged to six times the size of the original, plain and colored to suit the subject. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens. NO. 9 PLACE D'ARMES. T. F. F. TRESTLER, PHiSICIm, SIjE&IOI, AND MECHANICAL DEITISI, 210. NDTBE liNS HISET. • I ':. !■',; 294 DENTISTS. " DENTISTS. v> Bernard, Dr A, 133 Craig Bowker, H M, 9 Little St James. See card Dickinson, Dr, 69 Great St James See card Elliot, W H, MD, 35 Great St James Trestler, C F F, 210 Notre Dame. See card Webster, J H, 154 Notre Dame H. M. BOWXER, f 9 Little St. James Street, C. M. DICKINSON, SIIR610N DiraST, 69 Great St. Jamesi Street, MONTREAL, All operations in Dentistry conducted on the most approved principles, and guaranteed to give com- plete satisfaction. P.S. — C. M. D. begs leave to remind the public in general, that he was the successful competitor in Montreal at the Provincial Industrial Exhibition, held in October, 1850, for the most improved mode of inserting ARTIFICIAL TESTE, on the atmospheric principle. If • 1' ard ard jard R, ® reet, Jtreeti on the most give com- id the public 3ompetitor in Exhibition, proved mode ITB, DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 295 r-'jf- DRY DOCKS AND SHIP YARDS. '' Cantin, A, St Joseph, Canal bridge * * • , . Tate, Brothers, south side of Canal basin " ' " DRY GOODS MERCHANTS [WHOLESALE.] Adams, Robert, 298 St Paul Amos, Auguste, Union Buildings, Saint Francois Xavier Benjamin, Brothers, 216 St Paul Baxter & Hingston, 300 St Paul Brown, Swan & Co, 213 St Paul Campbell, R & Co, corner St Francois Xavier and St Sacrament. See card Chamberlain & Thomson, 270 St Pan) Clark, Thomson & Co, 226 St Paul Dougall, John, 255 St Paul Douglas, J & T, 215 St Paul l^rster, S & Co, 261 St Paul Eraser, John, Nun's Buildings, 20 St Joseph Gabler & Pagenstecher, 233 St Paul Galarneau & Roy, 204 St Paul Gillespie, Moffatt & Co, 176 and 178 St Paul Gault, Stevenson & Co, 282 St Paul Greuier, Jerome, 122 St Paul Greenshields, Samuel, son & Co, Cuvillier's build* ings, St Sacrament Hobbs, W, jun, agent for British manufacturers, St Joseph city Houghton, Cha'rles J, 234* St Paul Hoerner, A & Co, 282 St Paul Hua, Paul, French goods, 20 Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier Laurie, Stirhng & Co, 222 St Paul Macfarlane, Andrew, 225 St Paul Mackenzie, J G & Co, 217 and 219 St Paul Mackay, Joseph & Brother, 272 St Paul Maitland,Tylee & Hutchison, 41 St Frangois Xavier Marchand, Louis, corner St Paul and St Jean Bap- tiste Masson, Bruy^re, Thomas & Co, 188 and 190 St Paul Millar, G M, 273 St Paul wi m 296 DBT GOODS MERCHANTS. \\ ■* Muir, W & R, 297 St Paul Ogilvy, Lewis & Co, 13 Joseph, city Rhodes, Joseph, 20 St Joseph, city Ross, Nield Sc Co, 285 St Paul Seymour, Whitney &c Co, 231 St Paul Smith, W J & Co, corner St Joseph and Commis- sioners Starke, Smith & Co, 284 St Paul Stephen, W.n & Co, 274. St Paul i Stewart & Mclntyre 296 St Paul Tyre, Colquhoun & Co, 8 St Joseph near St Paul Walker, Alex, Custom house square Whitney, N S, 276 St Paul . DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. Arthur, Alex, Queen's Arcade, 272 Notre Dame Augfe & Roy, 202 Notre Dame Badeaux, P B, 63 Notre Dame Barheau, L C, 154 St Paul Beaudry, J L & Co, 104i Notre Dame Beaudry, Joseph, '184 Notre Dame * Beaudry, J B, 27 Notre Dame Belisle & Park, 186 Notre Dame Benjamin, Wm & Co, 196 Notre Dame Boudreau, Herard & Co, 198 and 200 Notre Dame Brossard, M, 19 St Lawrence Brazeau, F X, 142 St Paul Brown, John O, 135 Notre Dame. See card Desmarteau, Plamondon & Mousseau, 166 St Paul Desroches & Parent, 25 and 27 St Lawrence FenneJly, T R, 250 Notre Dame Germain, J B, 136 St Paul Hill, Samuel, 36 St Paul Hudon, E & V, 140 St Paul Hudon & Quevillon, 146 St Paul Jodoin, P & A, 144 St Paul Labine & Desrochers, 110 and 138 St Paul Latbnd, J E, 151 Notre Dame Lahaye, Octave, 205 St Paul and 16 St Lawrence Laurie, Stirling acas, Lustres, oire Antiques, s ng and Square, k and Colored, and Cashmere d Colored Em- d Silk Tissues, ;c., &c., &c. tes and Under ibric and Grass ; Linen, Lawn gs, Flouncings jnnes, Guipure, Saxony js, Alexander's jwers, Plumes made to Order 'et 18 and Covers, f5of every class BRT GOODS MERCHANTS* 299 I. M0R6M k CO, IMPORTERS OF, AND Wholesale & Retail Dealers IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FANCY & STAPLE *1 }*M /• VA« COLONIAL HOUSE, 100 & 103 I9ICGIL.I4 STREFT, MOIVTRE AL> Would respectfully iuvite the attention of Visitors to the City and the public generally to their present large and beautiful STOCK of GOODS, most of which has been recently selected in Europe by one of the Partners, > nd consists in part of — Silks, Satins, Satinetts, Damasks, Moire Antiques, Cashmeres, Bareges, Muslin de Laines, Organdies, Alpacas, Coburgs, Orleans, Printed and Figured Muslins, SHAWLS in every variety, Umbrellas, Pa- rasols, Hosiery, Bonnets, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Feathers, Saxony and Thread Laces and Edgings, Irish Linens, &c., &c., all of which they are offering upon the Moist IteaisoRable Termsi, at Wholesale or Retail. Intending purchasers are invited to call and examine. Country Merchants Sc Traders LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. r^y fcs 300 DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. i^Si W SS 3S O ^Mi^i "^^ i!^ i^ <&( iA"^ ^ ^ IMPORTER OF - BRITISH tl FMEItN FUCY iUfll mPU DIY EDDK. &c., &c., &c„ NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, ' (adjoining the ENGLISH CATHEDRAL.) Would respectfully jinvite the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen visiting the City to his Stock, which is varied and extensive, consisting in part of the following : — CARPETS of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Ir -?- rial, Kidderminster, &c., &c. ; HEARTH RT^.:.S of every description ; Druggets ; Door and Carriage Matts ; Floor and Table Oil Cloth. Also, Real Irish Tabinets ; Silks ; Satins ; Damasks ; Ribbons ; Em- broidered Goods . Lace Embroideries ; Mourning do J Silk, Cotton and Woollen Hosiery ; Shirts and Drawers j Kid, Silk, Thread, Cloth and Cashmere Gloves ; Embroidered and Plain French Lawn Handkerchiefs ; Damask Table Linen and Napkins ; Family Lmen. SHAWLS, in all varieties ; French Merinoes j Coburgs ; Mousline de Laines ; Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vestings ; Printed Muslins and Cambrics j Table Covers, &c. With every other article in the trade, which, b«ing bought in the best market for Cash, he will dispose of, . .^, Wholesiale and Retailf On the most reasonable terms. tt \l a® I EAL, of Ladies 3k, which ,rt of the Is, Ir e- RT^^S of Carriage leal Irish ms; Em- ^ourning hirts and ;)ashmere h Lawn r^apkins ; ; French ; Cloths, islins and 1, which, I, he will m«9 DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 301 13S JOinO.IIIIDWV, IS 136 Notre Dame Street^ AND NO. 1, SAINT LAWRENCE STREET, MONTREAL, AND GENERAL IMPORTER OP BRITISH & FOREIGN FMCI&STiPLE GOODS IXTholesale & Retail ; ALSO, MASONIC APRONS AND SASHES, AND " ORANGE RIBBONS & MATERIALS,'* OF THE BEST DESCRIPTION, AND AT THE "LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH," Always on hand. HEAD OFFICE FOR JOHN O. BROWN'S "IMPROVED PATENT TRUSSES."' DYERS & SCOURERS OF SILK & WOOLLENS. Benton, J, 94 St Lawrence ,, M'Closky, John, 38 Sanguinet ■m m ti »4 \- \ ( ■:fl 302 ENGRAVXRS. ; I (■> JAMES PARKIN, Importer of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in, British and Foreign LAOE and EMBROIDERY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, &c., NO. 168 NOTRE D^ME STREET, MONTREAL. N.B. — The most extensive and best selected Stock of Lace and Embroidery in the Province, is to be found at this establishment. Intending pur- chasers are invited to call and examine. ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Adams, F, 225^ Notre Dame. See card Ireland, Thomas, 26 Great St James See card Mathews, George, 66 St Francois Xavier Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co, 66 St Francois Xavier Walker, J H, 38 Great St James. See card ' *■ ENGRAVER, NO. 227 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, Executes lo order, promptly, and upon reasonable terms, every description of Steel, Copper-Plate, and Wood Engraving, also^ Lithographing, Die Sinking, and Seal Engraving. Envelopes and Cards stamped with Crests, Initials, &c., &c., either plain or colored. Door, Coffin, and Stencil Plates constantly on hand. 1 ) SXPRISS OFFICES. 303 dealer in, BRT, Sec, SITREAL. it selected rovince, is iding pur- HERS. ee card r >t Francois ard Intreal, reasonable -Plate, and jie Sinking, Itli Crests, [stantly on ENGRAVER, No. 26, Great St. James Street, 7text to Tatter sails, """^ MONTREAL, Is always prepared to execute, in the best style, every description of Visiting and Invitation Cards, Professional Cards, Bill Heads, Promissory Notes, DiaUs, ifcc. Door and ColFin Plates constantly on hand, and promptly lettered to order. Strangers visiting the city will find T. Ireland's establishment central, and may depend upon having their orders executed without delay. JLH. WALKERj „ ENGRAVER ON WOOD, EXECUTES , . Landscape, Portrait, Card and Seal Engravingy On Short Notice and Reasonable Terms. Gentlemen requiring anything in the above line of Art, are respectfully requested to call at No. 38, Great St James Street, and examine numerous spe- cimens of his Work. EXCHANGE AND MONEY BROKERS. Dorwin, C, & Co, 23 St Frangois Xavier Warner, G W, 40 St Frangois Xavier ., EXPRESS OFFICES. ' -vm British and American Express Co. No. 3 Place d'Armes, D T Irish, Agent. See card t» EXPRESS OFFICES. National Express Co. No. S Place d'Armes, D T Irish, Agent. See card Cheney, Fiske & Co's United States and Canada Express. No. 3 Place d*Armes, D T Irish, Agent. See card UNITED STATES AND CANADA EXPRESS. GHEiEY, FISKE & CO., PROPRIETORS, CONTINUE THEIR From BOSTON to MONTREAL, and OGDENSBURGH, Connecting with ALL the American and European Expresses, for the Transportation of SPECIE, BANK NOTES, PARCELS and FREIGHT of every de- scription, and for the Transaction of General Expreissi Buslnesis* Custom House Business attended to, in all its various Forms. Consignments Solicited PRINCIPAL OFFICES. BOSTON, Court Square. OGDENSBURGH, State Street. MONTREAL, No. 3 Place d'Armes. 3S, DT Canada r Irish, RESSi EXPRESS OPPICES. 305 and iluropean :,BANK very de- I all its M M Ml MMTIUL NATIONAL EXPRESS 00, (LATE rULLEN, VlfiGIL &c CO.,) CONTINUE THEIR DAILY EXPRESS BETWEEN MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, TROY, ALBANY, NEW YORK, And ALL Intermediate places, by the various lines of Rail Road and Steamers leaving Montreal and New York, for the Transportation of Specie, Bank Notes, Parcels and Freight, Of every description ; also, for the Collection of NOTES, DRAFTS AND ACCOUNTS, And for the Transaction of General Business. All Goods consigned to them will receive prompt attention. €ui§itoiii Ilouise Biisfiness Of all kinds respectfully solicited. PRINCIPAL OFFICES. NEW YORK 74. Broadway. ALBANY 12 Exchange. TROY Geerley's Buildings. BURLINGTON Court Square. MOiNTllEAL No 3 Tlace d'Armes. RMES. 306 EXPRESS OFFICES^ BRITISH Ai\D mm\m imm company, CONTINUE THEIR Throughout Canada, Northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, to Portland, over the Whole line of the Grand Trunk Railroad, and the various Steamers, Leaving MONTREAL, QUEBEC, PORTLAND, BYTOWN, PORT HOPE, BROCKVILLE, KINGSTON, TORONTO, HAMILTON, Af'd all intermediate places, for the Transportation of Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, Parcels, Valuables and Freights, Of every description ; also, for the Collection of NOTES, DRAFTS AND ACCOUNTS, And for the Transaction of General Expresiis Buf§(iiiei§ii§i9 Goods forwarded daily to every important Town in Canada, in charge of Special Messengers, All kinds of Business entrusted to their care, will be attended to with PROMPTNESS, FIDELITY and DESPATCH. MONTREAL No. 3 Place d'Armes. QUEBEC St. Andrews' Wharf. PORTLAND BYTOWN KINGSTON TORONTO HAMILTON t OMPAM, nt,New over nk RTLAND, VILLE, .TON, nsportation *arcels, lection of iOUNTS, ifiiiei§fi§(9 nt Town in are, will be ^:LITY and d'Armes. s' Wharf. FANCY STORES. 307 FANCY STORES. ^ Bansley, D, 164 Notre Dame Footner, Mrs and Daughter, 217 Notre Dame Holland, Richard, 182 Notre Dame Holland, J A, 215 Notre Dame Holland, G A, 203 Notre Dame Sharpley, R, crystal block Notre Dame Trigg, Francis, 178 Notre Dame. See card BERLIN WOOL & PAPER HANGIN(>; DEPOT, 1Y§ IVotre Dame Street^ jHontreal, (Opjpsite the 7icnth] east grate of E?iglish Cathedral.) Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in every description of English, French and German Toys, Fancy Goods, Baskets and Paper Hangings. Constantly on hand a general assortment of Horn, Shell, Buffalo & India Rub- ber Dressing Side and Back Conabs Ivory, Shell & Horn Fine Connbs Flutinas & Accordeons, Polls Hair, Tooth, Nail & Hat Bruhess Fancy Broaches, Pins, Per- fumery, Port Monais Rosewood Work Boxes, Writ- ing Desks Buttons & Cutlery, Playing Cards F. T. would especially call the attention of buyers to the Stock of Paper Hangings, comprising the best assortment of styles and qualities to be found, and at prices to defy competition. FIRE ENGINE MANUFACTORY. Perry, "W, 131 Fortification lane FIRE AND WATER-PROOF HOOFING. Warren, C M and Co, Place d'Armes hill FLOUR INSPECTOR. Watson, William, corner George and Common - s : 'I 1 m . 1 m n i f, vft 308 FLOUR MILLS. FLOUR MERCHANTS. Janes and Oliver, corner of Calli^re and Commis- sioners Leblanc, Joseph, 21 Commissioners Savageau, D, 55 Commissioners , FLOUR MILLS. McDoiigall, Jas, Canal Mills, south side of Canal, office 124^ Commissioners Ogilvie, A W & Co, St Gabriel lock, Canal Gould, Ira, Montreal City Mills, opposite Canal basin, office Young's buildings McGill Jobn lacpherson k Co., FORWAEDERS, AND ^®[ffl[ii]i]^!]®s!i iiiii^saaiSifia'S'©* 56 Common Street, Canal Wharf, Montreal, Having perfected their arrangements for Forwarding Goods, Merchandize, and Produce of every descrip- tion between all parts of Canada are now prepared to attend to orders with the greatest despatch, and having extensive FIRE PROOF STORAGE, they will receive consignments of Merchandise, Or Produce to dispose of on Commission, and those who entrust them with their business may depend upon their interest being carefully attended to, anil tlieir instructions strictly carried out. ' I [ Commis- of Canal, il jite Canal 11 Co., )ntreal, forwarding ry descrip- V prepared patch, and landise, or those who pend upon and their FORWARDERS. 309 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS. Darling, C, Common, Canal Wharf Dickinson, M K, Common, Canal Wharf. See card Glassford & Farrow, Common, Canal Wharf Hay, A M, corner. Common and George, Canal Wharf Henderson & Holcomb, Common, Canal Wharf Hooker, Jacques & Co, Common, Canal Wharf. See card Lapensee, V R, corner Common and George, Canal Wharf Macpherson, John, & Co, 56 Common, Canal Wharf See card Robertson, Jones & Co, Common, Canal Wharf Smith, George, Canal Wharf, house Hanover Jones, H, & Co, 193 Wellington Freight and Passage Through Line of Steamers. One of the Steamers of this Line will leave Mont- real daily (Sinidays excepted) for PORTS ON LAKE ONTARIO. Goods will be forwarded with despatch and care, and every attention paid to the comfort of Passen- gers Office, Canal Wharf. t » ^1 310 FORWARDERS. II FORWARDING FROM QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL TO BYTOWN AND R I D E A U C A N A li. M. K. DICKINSON, FORWARDING & COMIHISSION MERCHiilllT, * MONTREAL. I ILxs added to his former forwarding Stock the jiovverful Tug Steamer ERIE, which gives him equal, if not greater facihties than any other Forwarding House on the above named route, for forwarding with despatch and safety FREIGHT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And at Liberal Rates. He has likewise made arrangements to run his Craft regularly between Montreal and Port Ehnslcy, (formerly Pike Falls,) upon the Rideau Canal, call- ing at all intermediate Ports ; and also arrangements for Forwarding all Property entrusted to his care to and from Quebec, and all Ports on Lake Champlain, Troy, Albany, and New York. His Stock is composed of Five Steamers and 20 Barges, and he can confidently state that they are superior in capacity and safety to any others en- gaged in the trade. Wm. Ross, Agent, Montreal. C. Carlton, Agent, Ottawa City. Wm. Dousley, Agent, Port Elmsley, Rideau Canal. Tracy Cowan, Whitehall, N.Y. FOUNDRIES. 311 RCHiNT, ins: Stock E, which 3 than any imed route, EAGLE FOUNDRY. GEORGE BRUSH, 12 KING STREET, NEAR €ANiL BASIN. MONTREAL. STEAM ENGINES, LAND, MARINE & RIVER ; STEAM BOILERS ; CRANES, CRAB WYNCHES, WATER WHEELS, AND MILL GEARING, Of the most approved construction, from a most extensive Stock of PATTERNS ; also CASTINGS of every description, and HEAVY TRIP-HAMMER WORK All of the best Workmanship, and on the most reasonable Terms. >TIONS, to run his rt Elmslcy, Canal, call- rangements his care to Champlain, lers and 20 lat they are others cn- ey, Rideau 1. FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE WORKS. Caledonian Foundry and Machine Works, W Burry & Co, St Gabriel Locks. See card Cantin & Risley, engineers and machinists, west end of St Joseph City Foundry, C P Ladd, 28 Queen near William, See card Dry Dock Engine Works, Milla & Milne, south side of Canal. See card Eagle, Foundry, George Brush, 12 King. Sec card Gardiner, Robert, machinist, 22 and 28 Nazareth Gilbert, E E, Beaver Foundry and engine works, west end of St Joseph near Canal Hood, W D & Co, engineers, 35 Prince Lacroix & Brothers, mill-wrights, south side of canal Montreal Foundry and City Works, Wm Rodden, William, Griffintown. See card Montreal Marine Works, A Cantin, west end of St Joseph tl 312 FOUNDRIES. Paige, B P and Co, thrashing machines, &c, Wel- lington. See card Redmonds and Co, foundry and machine works, 24 St Antoine and St Gabriel lock St Gabriel Edge Tool and Shovel Works, Robert Scott, St Gabriel lock. See card St Lawrence Engine Works, Bartley and Dunbar, south side canal. See card Watson, John, engineer, Anderson near Jure h DANIEL MUNRO, ENGINEER AND MACHINIST, No. 29 LAGAUCHETIERE STREET, lit prepared to furnish the most perfect Planing, Grooving, aid Tongueing Machine that has ever been constructed. The im- provements introduced are such as to leave nothing wanting to make the Planing, Grooving and Tongueing Machine all to which its known merits so justly entitle it. Planing Machines constantly on hand and made to order and guaranteed to be supe- rior in all respects to the machines of any other manufacturer in the United States or the Canadas. He is also prepared to furnish Iron and Brass Casting of every description. In testimony of the superiority of his Machines over those of any other Manufactu- rer he would refer to the following gentlemen who have them in actual use, several of whom have made trials of other kinds : — Augustm Cantin, Esq, Montreal Messrs Grant, Hall & Co '« Ch^irles Esplin, Esq, " Noah Shaw, Esq, " Messrs Douglas & Bros, ;< B. Brewster, Esj, " Messrs Gilmour & Co, Quebec ^ Nicholas Sparks, Esq, Bytown Phillip Thompson, Esq, " Messrs Low & Wilson, Sherbrooke J. G. Nagle, Esq, St Hyacinthe. loi in; Ce Sh Ra ( otl WlJ Wc FOUNDRIES. 313 kc, Wel- vvorks, 24 s. Robert . Dunbar, ure INIST. EET, ;rooving) aid The itn- wanting to achine all to g Machines ed to be supe- inufacturer in ared to furnish stimony of the Manufactu- lave them in ther kinds: — WILLIAM HODDEN, PROPRIETOR OF MONTREAL FOUNDRY & CITY WORKS, 91 to 99 William Street, St. Ann's Suburbs. Manufactured and for Sale ON THE rKEMISES:— IROxN FTJllNITURE, of Modern Styles AXES and EDGE TOOLS Eancy Sinj-le and Double STOVES New and Superior Pattern COOKING STOVES HOT AIR. FURNACES, for Wood and Coal RANGES and COOKING APPARATUS PwAlLROAD STOVES 2t inches to 60 inches long, and very heavy, with or without Water Heat- ing Apparatus. Fancy and Plain Castings, Balcony, Office and Cemetery Railings, made to order. .-■; — Also, — '- ' > Mill Work and Machinery, Patent Scales for Shops and Warehouses, with and without Wheels, Railroad and Haymarkct Scales. Orders for the above-mentioned Goods, or any other description of IRON WORKS, will be executed with despatch, from the best ma- terial and of good workmanship, at MODERATE PRICES. The best of Pattern Makers are engaged in the Works for the accommodation of Customers. Q I f 314 FOUNDRIES. i. (D m § 52 to 64 Queen Street, Montreal, MANUFACTURES AND KEEPS ON HAND, Scales of all kinds. MACHINISTS TOOLS, HOT-AIK FURNACES, MILL WORK, STOVES OF AliL. K I IV 1> S , FINISHING WORK TO ORDER. Castings of every description made to Order &c. ST. LAWRENCE ENGINE WORKS CA^Al. BA8IN, MONTREAL. M k DUNBM, Are now prepared to execute ordres for STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL WORK, HEAVY FORGINCS AND SJrasa nnb Iron Custtngs of every description. D HAND, RNACES, OS, R D E R. Irder &c. m N, } IS for s, RG1N»S iugs FOUNDRIES. 215 B. P. PAICiE & Co.; MANUFACTUKERS OF AND HORSE POWERS. — ALSO, — Patent Sewing Machines, Steam Engines, and all other kinds of Machin(?ry. And are also General Founders, and make all kinds of Railroad Machines, Custom Castings and Mill Work. Factory, IXTellington Street, MONTREAL. CALEDOMAN FOUNDRY />i AND jBac|me Muh ST. GABRIEL LOCKS, All kinds of JMillwright Work, CastlniT^ & Machinery, Executed on the shortest Notice, and of the latest and most improved Patterns. • « f i'ii ■'.'! 11 i; m I I h 'i 1 1 316 FOUNDRIES. „DRY DOCK ENGINE WORKS. CANAL BASIN, SOUTH SIDE, MILLN & MILNE, . Manufacturers of all kinds of Steam Engines, High and Low Pressure, IRON BOAT BUILRERS, SMITH WORK OF ALIL, KIWDS, Every thing done in tlie Ijiiie on tlic shortest Notice, and on the most reason{i])lc terms. St. Ciabriel Edge Tool, AND AUGUR WORKS St. Gabriel Locks;. ROBERT SCOTT, Manufacturer of Edge Tools, Hammers, Axes, Hat- ches, Chisels, Adzes, Broad Axes, Sledges, ]?icks, Stone Hammers, Augurs, Bitts, Planmg Knives, &c., &c. Stave Knives, &c, made to order, put up in Substantial packages with liberal terms of warranty and Sliipped and delivered in any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. - GENERA L MERCHANTS. 317 )RKS, E, 'I 's Pressure, r iS, VDS, Q shortest s. M, T, IAxcs, Hat- res, Picks, [g Knives, t, put up in [f warranty )f the city lE.- - BEITEE FOtflDRI, E. E. GILBERT. FIRST GATE PAST T9LL GATE ST. JOSEPH STREET, Is now prepared to execute orders for Steam En- gines, Boilers, Mill Work, Heavy Forges, Brass and Iron Castings of every descripton. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Binmore, Brodie & Co, Callieres near Common Buchanan, (I,) Harris & Co, St Alexis Carter, Kingan Sc Mair, 278 St Paul Chandler & Buck, 125 Commissioners Darling, Wm & Co, 239 St Paul Douglas, Wm, St Jean Baptiste Edmonstone, Allan & Co, Common opposite the Upper Wharf Forrester, Moir & Co, 22 and 24 St Sacrament Foster, James, 23 St Sacrament Gillespie, Moffatt & Co, 176 and 178 St Paul Gilmour & Co, 9 St Sacrament Gordon & Co, 26 St Nicholas Hart, Theodore, 10 St Sacrament Harrington, William, cor St Paul and St Francoi* Xavier Henderson, W S, 5 St John Joseph, Jesse, corner St Helen and Recollect Kay, Thomas & Co, St Eloi near St Paul , Knapp & Holmes, 9 St Sacrament Law, Young & Co, 277 St Paul fm f. 'i ! »; 318 GROCERS. Lane, Stephens «fc Co, Pointe a Calli^re Leslie, fcJtarnes & Co, 3 Recollect and 280 Notre Dame . h. McGill, P, 38 Little St James McKenzie, J G & Co, 217 and 219 St Paul Maitland (Ed), ^ryloc 8c Co, 43 St Frs Xavier Masson, Bruycrc, Thomas «k Co, 188 and 190 St Paul Masson, Edouard, 194' St Paul ' ^ Masson, D Sc Co, 220 St Paul Mathevvson, J A & II, 9t McGill Mills, Mattice HARDWARE MERCHANTS. ^^'^^'^^ HARDWARi;. ESTABLISHMENT, No. 271, St, Paul Street, and Nos. 2, 3 and 4, St. Nicholas Street, Montreal, C.E. IMPORTER OF BAR, HOOP, AND SHEET IRON, CANADA PLATES, BOILER PLATE, STEEL, of every description, a great variety of Castings, Stoves, Coolers and Potash Kettles, Cut and Wrought Nails, Gunpowder, Blasting Powder, Shot, Spades and Shovels, Glass and Putty, Weighing Machines, Axes, Rope and Twines, and every other description of HEAVY HARDWARE, Together with an extensive and well assorted Stock of CUT- LERY and GENERAL SHELF HARDWARE, and a most complete assortment of Mechanics' Tools of every description, with every variety of Hardware and Iron Work required for building purposes, — the whole of which will be supplied in any quantity, on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. HARDWARE MERCHANTS. 323 r- NT, 3 cmd 4<, CANADA EEL, Stoves, Coolers wder, Blasting tty, Weighing description of E, Stock of CUT- and a most ry description, k required for upplied in any lasonable rates. HENRY CARLETON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hardware merchant, NO. 236 ST. PAUL STREET, OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE, JHLOIVTREAI^, ''^>, '++4®i-. ml m PS Has just received a large assortment of all KINDS OF HARD- WARE, ex Steamers to PORTLAND and BOSTON ; Com- prising : — Pocket and Table Cutlery; Cross Cut, Circular and Mill Saws ; Hand, Panel, Rippin^r and Tenor Saws ; Double and Single Guns, Pistols, Butts, Screws, Locks of all kinds. Plated Cruet Stands, Plated Candlesticks, Brass Candlesticks, Files and Rasps, Window Bolts of all kinds, and a good supply of Saddlajy. Also, a large assortment of the best quality of Tools,, warranted. Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron ; Spring and Cast Steel ; Chains of all kinds; Anvils, Vices, Smiths' Bellows, Tin, Canada Plates, Hollow Ware of all kii.ds. Cut and Wrought Nails, Horse Nads, Pressed and Wrought Spikes, Window Glass, Putty, Axes, &c., &c., and a large assortment of German and American Hard- ware. HENRY CARLETON, $'1 ['. li .m No. 235 St. Paul. \Ufi J 324. HATTERS AND FURRIERS. FOLEY, ELLIOT & CO., MONTREAL, Wholesale Hardware & General Merehants^ 365 SAIIVT PAUIi STREET, IMPORTERS OF BRITISH, AMERICAN MD GERMAN HARDWARE. Bar, Hoop, Band and Sheet Iron, Anvils, Vices, Cast Steel, Canada Plates, Chains, Tin, Lead Pipe, Shot ; Cut, Rose, House and Countersunk Nails ; Spades, Shovels, Glue, Borax, Hollow Ware, Scythes, Sickles, Bar Tin, Saws, Dry Lead, Paints, Guns, Pistols, Window Glass, Axes, Table and Pocket Cut- lery, &c. &c. HATTERS AND FURRIERS. Bazinet, A, 152 and 154 Bleury. See card Brahadi, Abraham, 113 Notre Dame. See card Brown, John, 229 St Paul Gettes, Wm, 210 St Paul Greene and Sons, 305 and 307 St Paul. See card Henderson, John, 167 Notre Dame Hyman, Sh, 254 Notre Dame. See card Levin, B, 143 St Paul and 100 Notre Dame Lomer, Gerard, 260 St Paul Martin, John, 254 St Paul Mayer & Brother, 139 Notre Dame. See card McDowall & Atkinson, 62 McGill Moore, G & J, 237 Notre Dame Noxon, R, 24 St Gabriel Riepert, W, 236 Notre Dame Samuel, H, 277 Notre Dame Sternberg & Himes, 144 Notre Dame and 38 McGill Thompson, William 297 Notre Dame CO., chant^n, Is, Vices, iad Pipe, ik Nails ; , Scythes, ts, Guns, )cket Cut- |e card See card card 38McGiU HATTERS AND FURRTKKS. 325 '/ .■ , •!•< '- A. BRAHADI, FASHIONABLE HAT. CAP, AND FUR ESTABLISHMENT, SIGN of the MILITARY CAP, No. 113 Notre Dame Street, Would respectfully inform his numerous customers, Country Merchants, Strangers visiting the City, and the public at large, that he has made such ar- rangements with his agents in Paris, London, Ger- many, and the United States, as will insure his re- ceiving regular supplies of the latest and most fashionable styles in HATS of every description, also specimens of the latest fashions in Fur Goods . He will manufacture First Rate Goods on the same patterns, under his own special supervision, so that he can guarantee that whether as to Style, Quality, Material or Finish, his Fur Goods, Hats, Caps, &c., &c., cannot be surpassed in America Those who are particular as regards securing a First Rate Article on moderate terms are invited to call and examine his extensive stock previous to purchasing elsewhere. N. B, — CASH and the highest price paid for .Raw Furs. W : i l!i i 326 /■ i:Ri HATTERS AND FURHIERS. CANADA FUR & HAT CO.. 305 and 307 St. Paul Street. GREENE & SONS, Have constantly on hand, for Sale, upon liberal Terms, FURS Of every description, embracing all the different styles of Caps, Boas, Gauntlets, Victorines, Sec, and every article appertaining to the line, made under our own inspection expressly for UPPER AND LOWER CANADA TRADE. We are determined to maintain the celebrity which the rich colors and the good quality of our Furs have obtained. Oar long experience, together with the introduction of recent mechanical improve- ments, enables us to sell a good article 15 per ceni. cheaper than it can be imported from any foreign country. Also, always on hand an extensive as- sortment of HATS, Silk, Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Cloth Caps, &:c. WflOLESALE BFTERS AND TRADERS Supplied upon liberal Terms at low Prices. Cash and the Highest Prices paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. HATTERS AND FURRIERS. 327 C0.| 'ect. 5, 1 liberal different &c., and le under ADE. jelebrity y of our together mprove- ler ceni. foreign sive as- aps, &c. DERS ices. kinds of MAYER & BROTHER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Fiiris, HatSf and Capsi^ Silk, Woollen and Cotton Goods, Calf Leather, and a General Assortment of Trimmings and Hatters' Plushes, No. 139 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, opposite the Metropolitan, and 43 Tonge Street, corner of King, Toronto* Would particularly call the attention of Strangers and Visitors to their large and well-assorted Stock of the above-named Goods. Having an Agent resi- dent in Europe, they are constantly receiving addi- tions to their Stock of the LATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS, from the various distant markets, while the MANUFACTU RxNG DE- PARTMENT IN CANADA is under theii own direct supervision ; and, as they employ none but the best Workmen, they can guarantee that every article sold in their Establishment will prove the best of its kind that can bo procured in Montreal or in any other city in North America. The exceed- ingly low Prices at which their Goods are sold, must certainly induce either Wholesale or Retail Purcha- sers to favor them with a call to examine. The particular attention of Ladies and Gentlemen is called to their extensive Stock of FANCY FURS, &c. Wholesale Purchasers liberally dealt with. Remember — No. 139 Notre Dame Street, 43 Yonoe Street, opposite the Metropolitan, corner ot King, Montreal. Toronto. .:i i,> f:i i; iai 328 HATTERS AND FURRIERS. ;' S«- HYMAN',' : rllluillifli IND LIF MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 234 NOTRE DAME STREET WEST Opposite Herald Office, MOryTREAL. All ORDERZ FUNGTUAllT ATTENOEIl TO. A. BAZINET, HATTER ANB FURRIER, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, NO. 152 BIEURY STREET, MONT'REAl Will be found at this establishment, all kinds of Hats, Cloth Caps, and all sorts of Furs, which he in- tends to sell at very moderate prices, for cash. All sorts of Furs dressed, dyed, cleaned and made in the latest fashion. HOT AIR STOVE WAREHOUSES. Prowse, G F, 66 Great St James Rodden, T M, 71 Great St James HOTELS AND INNS. 329 ilsJL xti ilL, ST DTO. iW, lEAL. cinds of he in- 1. d made HOTELS AND INNS. ■ ^ Adelphi Hotel [T McEwan], Place d'Armes Albion Hotel [E M Gates], 311 St Paul American House [Henry Irish], St Henry Bonin, Isidore, 15 St Alexis Bridgeman, J, 124 St Lawrence Canada Hotel [S Giraldi], 15 and 17 St Gabriel Caledonia House [Wm Ennis], 312 St Paul City Hotel [J Brennan], corner St Peter and Recol- lect Crossan, Geo, [Saloon,] 2 Place d'Armes Darragh, H, corner St Francois Xavier and Com- missioners Donegana Hotel [Mrs St Julien], Notre Dame Eagle Hotel, temperance [Francis Duclos], College near McGill Exchange Coffee House [G H Church], Exchange Court, St Paul Farmers' Hotel [George Johnston], corner Common and King Franklin House [M P Ryan Sc Co], corner King & William Hotel de le Union [Alex Mercier], 27 Jacques Car- tier square Jackson, Wm, 4 Lagaucheti^re Kelly, Thomas, corner Craig and St George Kingston Hotel [Thos Ilanley], corner Common & King L'Hussier, Seraphine, 5 Ilaymarket square Merchants' Hotel, (W B Levine,) late Rasco's, St Paul, op])osite Bonsecours market Moore, Dominick, 39 Craig Montreal House [J W Coleman], Custom-House sq Mountain, Thos, 48 St Lawrence Mulligan, P^., 5 Wellington McAuley, Mrs, 77 St Paul McCambridge, Alex, 31 Prince McCaiiu, John, 6 Haymarket square McEnroe, James 5G Commissioners McEnaspie, F, 113 St Antojne "1 (-, i:. ^ m i « 330 HOTELS AND INNS. THE OTTAWA HOTEL, Great St. James Street^ MONTREAL, CONDUCTED IN m£ AMEBICAN STYLE. The OTTAWA HOTEL has undergone a com- Jplete alteration during the past winter, and an additional Wing containing 30 spacious and well Ventillated Bedrooms has been added thereto. The Hotel IS thoroughly fitted up with entirely NEW FURNITURE, of the most modern style, (from Messrs. Hilton's Manufuctory,J regardless of cost. It stands in the very heart of the business part of the City, being in the same street and within two minutes walk of the Post Office and Banks. From the front is a delightful view of the Montreal Moun- tain, and on the South side a view of the Shipping in the Harbor, the New Market, the Steamers in the Canal Basin, and a delightful view of the Lachine Rapids, and the Steamers descending them. The Proprietor gives his best personal attention to the general management of the house, and Mr. W. V. Courtney, so long and favorably known to the Travelling Community, is iii charge of the Book- keeping department. The PARLORS and BEDROOMS are light, airy and well ventilated ; the TABLE is always sup- plied with the best to be found in the Markets ; and the WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS are invaria- bly of the cJioicest hands. CARRIAGES will be in attendance at the Rail- road and Steamboat Depots, on the arrival of Cars and Boats. A largo and commodious STABLE, within a few minules' walk of the House has been secured, so that gentlemen wishing their horses kept can be accommodated. Carriages and Horses for parties of pleasure, with careful and intelligent drivers, can be obtained at all times on moderate terms. S. BROWNING. rEL, ITYLE. le a com- , and an and well jto. The ely NEW yle, (from iss of cost. 3SS part of ithin two w. From eal Moim- 3 Shipping Learners in ew of the cscending attention , and Mr. |own to the the Book- light, airy [ways sup- [rkets ; and •e invaria- the "Rail- kl of Cars [few minutes' |men wishing careful and Ion moderate ING. JEWELLERS, &C. 331 Ottawa Hotel [S Browning], 78 and 80 Great Saint James See card Quebec Hotel [E Mercier], 89 St Paul Railroad Hotel [T MooreJ, 128 Bonaventure Shakspeare Inn, (^Geo Lulham) 58 St Frangois Xa ■ vier St Ann's Hotel (Wni Butler J, 121 Commissioners St Antoine Inn (George McNamee), corner St An-* toine and Cemetery Steamboat Hotel (M McDonnell ), Colborne, Canal basin St Georges' Hotel (Geo Balchin), 118 Commissionets St Lawrence Hall (Hogan and Penn), 13 Great St James St Nicholas Hotel (F P Levine), Jacques Cartiersq Swan Inn fJohn Dier j, Grey Nun near William INDIA RUBBER MANUFACTORY. St Gabriel Locks, Lachine Canal INDIA RUBBER WHAREHOUSE. ^' Hibbard & Co, 258 St Paul ,' • JEW^ELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Ansley, H, 201 Notre Dame Ascher, G J, 149 Notre Dame and 6 St Lambert Boivin, L P, 116 Notre Dame. See card Clendinnen, John, 9 1 McGill. See card Laggatt, Henry, 30 St Elizabeth Maysenhoelder Bohle, 15 St Lambert Nolan, "Wm, 42 Great St James Ollendorff, M, 162 Notre Dame Peacock, H, 138 Notre Dame Rey, C, Bonsecour near Notre Dame Savage & Lyman, corner Notre Dame and St Ga- briel. See card Scott, A H and J, McGill opposite Lemoine Silverman, Solomon, 159 Notre Dame Smillie, D, working jeweller, 51 St Francois Xavier Townsend, W A, Notre Dame corner of St Joseph. See card Walker & Featherston, 35 St Lawrence Wood & Son, 177 Notre Dame :./■ >-^ ii ■ 1 'I I m IM 3S2 I ' m JEWELLERS, &C. T. CLENDONEN, No. 91 McOtll Streets 3rd door from NOTRE DAME STREET, J. C, grateful for the very liberal patronage he has received since his commencement in business in this city, would, in respectfully returning his most sincere thanks to his numerous Patrons and Friends, intimate to the public at large that from his practi- cal experience in the Manufacturing and Repairing of all sorts of % CLOCES, In London and others of the Principal Cities in Kurope, he flatters himself that he is able to afford perfect satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. J. C. keeps always on hand a superior Stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Pencils, &;c., &c., which he offers on the most reasoiiablc terms, and to which the attention of intending purchasers is most respect- fully invited. {, UJI. rREF/P, ge he has Lisiness in his most •I Friends, is pracli- lEepairing % h Cities in to afford him with Stock of |is, Rings, rhich he to which Ist respect- J£\V£LLCRS. 333 Afo. 214 Notre Dame Street, CORNER OF ST. JOSEPH STREET, FACING THE FRENCH CHURCH, MONTREAL. No. 214 IVotre Dame Street, CORNER OF ST. JOSEPH STREET, FACING THE FRENCH CRURCH, ^MONTREAL. r I n m m I I 'I 334^ r£W£LL£RS, &C. Watc|makef m)i fefoelkr, ' lt«. 116 NOTRE DAME STREET, Respectfully intimates that having added largely to his Stock of Gold and Silver Watches and Jewellery of all kinds, he is now enabled to ofler such inducements to intending purchasers as cannot fail to be satisfactory. His present extensive Stock embraces Grold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Breguets, Rings, Shirt Studs, Gold Pens and Pencils, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Crosses, Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c., all of which he offers at Wholesale or Retail at the lowest possible prices. The Public are requested to call and examine previous to purchasing elsewhere. WATCHES. eiOCKS AND JEWELLERY. Repaired by experienced workmen and at moderate prices. K- JEWELLERS, &C. 3^5 H: I nlltx, ed largely tches and ed to ofier s as cannot Gold and its, Rings, selets, Ear ted Ware, Wholesale :es. The e previous it moderate Q a I— I w Eh E-t Q Eh m Q O SEhH>^ pHfsq :q o <1 tx! — ^ £ a Aj o ■>-> o I— ( P^ I—' <«1 Pw W P^ 1 S I* - Si 2 o 3 a, -c a P "^.O 2 etf a o ^"^ >H a 2 oj 53 3 O +j "75 CJ o ^ "5 03 ^.« 45 o g HO il §•12; I: t h;! t-1 »"'.'i t » 336 LEATHER MERCHANTS. HOUSE FURNISHING WAREHOUSES. Benjamin, H, & Co, Crystal Block 171 Notre Dame Nelson & Butters, 58 McGill LAMP STORE. Hibbard, WR, 161 StPaul. See card LAMP AND TRUNK STORE. I 08 ^ Co •^ V g « CQ ^ W.R. HIBBARD. ^^^x \gM\'\ 161 ST.PAUL ST. M NTRE AL. CO 80 P. Canal & Head Lights, Lanterns & Sinxals, Shop Lamps, Olobee, Chimnies ft wicks, Oas Shades, Burning Flnid, Oil, &c. OIL AND FLUID LAMPS of all descriptions. PACKING and COMMON TRUNKS, Expressly for the Country Trade, A liberal discount made to Wholesale Purchasers. LAND AND GENERAL AGENTS. Owen and Fulford, 27 St Francois Xavier. Sec card LARD OIL AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER. Mathewson, John & Son, corner Inspector and Wil- liam. See card after " Tallow Chandlers." LEATHER MERCHANTS AND TANNERS. Busseau, H, 133 St Paul Galibert Brothers, 165 St Paul Leclerc, John A, 269 St Paul Pratt, John & Co, 242 St Paul ft ft Parl^ JSES. >tre Dame rORE. CO £. pi ft go » I Lamps, Globes, uid,Oil,&c. descriptions. JISfKS, ade, rurchasers. Xavier. See ?ACTURKR. ctor and Wil- landlers." TANNERS. MARBLE FACTORIES. 337 Pratt, Edward, '240 St Paul Rolland, G. Jacques Cartier square Thompson c^ Son, 287 and 289 St Paul Weir., William, 245 St Paul loitst, Itanlj. Ileal €Mt, AND General AgrentiSf 2? ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, (Ojjjjosite Unio7i Buildings.^ REFERENCES : Hoi;. Peter McGill, President, Bank of ^Montreal Messrs. J. G. McKenzie & Co. W. F. Coffin, Esq. A. M. Delisle, Esq. Alfred Larocque, Esq. LUMBER MERCHANTS & SAW MILLERS. Cowan, A, Haymarket square Grant, Hall & Co, Wellington near the Canal Pvenshaw, John, i George Sims, J G, corner St Louis and St Denis, and 11 Notre Dame Speirs, Wm & Son, 4-8 St George Trudeau, Joseph, Craig near St Elizabeth LACEMAN AND HOSIER. Parkin. James, 168 Notre Dame. See card 31ARBLE FA.CTORIES. Mavor and Macdonald, Bleury near St Bernard Hayatt, Wra C and Co, corner Craig and St Peter. See card R 11^ m i« 11 . m 338 MARBLE FACTORY. MlEBLi WOEES. WM. C. HYATT & CO. Beg to intimate that they have on hand^ at their Work-shop " Old Racket Court," CORNER OF CRAIG AND SAIIV T PETER STREETS, an imnsually large and varied complement of MONUMENTAL MANUFACTURES, at all prices and in all styles. Tomb Stones, Marble and Stone Posts for Ceme- tery Lots, Table and Wash-hand Tops, Black Marble Hearths (cheap as lime-stone and much better), Soap Stone, for Registers, Grates, &c. j American Free Stone, for Tombs. BAILING furnished and set to order, and all ar- ticles, in MARBLE or STONE, at prices suited to the times. ES. ;C0. ind, at their IG lETS, iement of TUBES, Is for Ceme- [lack Marble )etter), Soap jrican Free I, and all ar- les suited to MERCHANT TAILORS. 339 LIVERY STABLES. , ■"' Maguire, J, 82 Great St James Mailhot, J A, 10 St Denis, 11 Bonsecours MARINE STORE. Mull ins, F F, 70 Commissioners, opposite the Que- bec steamboat wharf MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Adams, W and H F, 195 Notre Dame Beaudry, Joseph, 17 St Lawrence Boulanget, J C, 4-9 Notre Dame Cameron, A L, 315 St Paul Campbell, John, 74« Great St James. Carey, D, 85 McGill Cinqmars & Beauchamp, 71 McGill Cliftbrd, S and Co, 57 McGill Clifibrd, J B, corner McGill and St Paul. Depensier, M H, 10 St Lambert Franchere, L O, 13 St Lambert Galbraith & Brown, Mechanics' Institute building, Great St James. See card Gareau, M L D, 271 Notre Dame. See card Gauthier, E, 1 1 1 Notre Dame Gem mill. Dresser & Co. 72 McGill. See card Gibb and Co Great St James. See card Lavender, H, corner McGill and St Maurice Loiselle, F X, 73 McGill. See card McCrurn, Mathew, 48 Amherst McMillan and Carson, 66 McGill Mann, D, 74 McGill Muir, Wm and James, 35 Great St James Muir, Ewan and Co, 75 McGill Patton and Brother, 42 McGill Plamondon, L, 166 and 172 St Paul Rorayne, Pand M, 59 McGill Seath, Robert, 50 McGill. See card Sternberg & Hines, 144 Notre Dame, and 87 McGill Thomson, Joseph N, 47 Great St James im ^'fi 340 MERCHANT TAILORS Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, NO. 72 McGILL STREET, MONTREAL. Beg leavft to inform their Friends and tiie Public generally, that Thpy hiave on hand, and are constantly Manufacturing, a large select Stock of the Best Quality READY-MADE CLOTHING, and of the latest and most approved Styles ; to which they would respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Thsir Stock of PIECE GOODS will be found very complete, comprising all the varieties of Fancy Pants; Stuffs of English, French, and German Manufacture ; English, German, and Black Doeskins; West of England Black Cloths; Superfine Black, Blue, and German Broad Cloths. Also, Medium and Low Priced Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings. All of which they will make to order, 'n as good a style and as cheap as they can be made on this continent. They wish to call the particular attention of purchasers to the fact, that they have adopted, and will adhere strictly to ONE PRICE, which they flatter themselves is lower than in any similar Establishment in Montreal. Their Goods are marked in Plain Figures, and in no instance will any one be allowed to ask more or take less than the price marked. An inspection of their Stock and Prices is most respectfully solicited. ROBERT SEATH, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, NO. 50 McGILL STREET, MONTREAL, Would respectfully intimate that he is constantly mannfacturing Clothing of every description for Spring, Summer, and Winter wear ; and that he has now on hand every description of Goods in the Tai- loring line, which he offers upon moderate terms. Country Merchants, Strangers and Citizens re- quiring Ready Made Clothing would do well to give him a call ; and all orders for Custom work will be as heretofore promptly and accurately attended to ; while, as the cutting department is under the charge of a cutter of much experience, he confidently be- lieves that complete satisfaction as to fit, style, Sec, can be always insured. N.B. — For the convenience of Travellers he has made arrangements which will enable him \o make up a suit of Clothes in twelve hours. rs, REAL. lerally, that ng, a large LOTHING, they would 'y complete, of English, n, and Black vfine Black, n and Low which they as they can :hasers to the ctly to ONE r than in any ire marked in llowed to ask t respectfully HIER, Intreal, constantly Tiption for that he has in the Tai- |te terms, itizens re- ell to give ork will be Itended to ; the charge idently be- 1, style, &c., llers he has \m 10 make MERCHANT TAILORS. ■m. CIBB & COmm I MERCHANT TAILORS, IMPORTERS AND Geiitleiiien's Habcrdaf^liers GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, (Adjoining the Bank of British North America,) MONTREAL. The Subscribers having removed from their old place of business, Notre Dame Street, to the new and ele- gant shop adjoining the Bank of British North America, built expressly for their use, avail them- selves of the occasion gratefully to acknowledge the long continued and extensive patronage of the Pub- lic, both in the City of Montreal and throughout the Province generally. The superior accommodation of their new premises has enabled them greatly to increase their Stock of Gentlemen's Haberdashery, to which they invite special attention. Their supply of Plain and Fancy Goods will be all of the best quality, and of the most recent styles. In this way they hope to maintain the reputation which the firm lias had for the last 70 years for keeping the best articles made up in the best man- ner. July, 1855. GIBB & CO. .5 *i 342 MERCHANT TAILORS. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SIGN OF THE WHITE FLAG, HdDo S^a HOTIEIS HDAMIS OTmiSISlC. The Subscriber betjs to intimate to his numerous Customers and the Public generally, that his READY-MADE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT is now well supplied with clothinsr of all descriptions, which he will sell low for Cash. Wholesale Buyers will do well to call. He would beg to obser^'o, that, for elegance of Style, durability of Make, and quality of Goods, tho CLOTHES which will be sold at this Establishment will be equal to the " very best" of any similar Store in Montreal. He has constantly on hand the most complete assortment of CLOTHS, SILKS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, TWEEDS, he. : also SATINS of every color ajul quality; VELVETS, rich and varied; and a variety" of Gentle- men's Outfitting requisites. Pray call and examine, as every article will be offered at the most moderate prices. M. D. L. L. GAREAU GALBRAITH & BROWN, M ERCHANT TAILORS NEW MECHANICS' HALL, GREAT ST. JJMES STREET, flOSTREAl. ORE. s. us Customers CLOTHING :lothinir of all )lesale "Buyers yle, durability vhich will be very best" of y on Viand the \SSI.nERES, erv color ajul >ty of Gentle- line, a3 every GAREAU OWN, I ORS (ll, \TREAL. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKKRS, A:C. 343 MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. Arthur, Miss, 11 St Joseph sub Dennie, Mrs, 21 Great St James Franchere, Mrs, 15 St Lambert Kitchener, Mrs, 30 St Joseph Robinson, Mrs, 238 Notre Dame Silverman, Mrs, 159 Notre Dame MILL STONE MANUFACTORY. Burry, 'Wra,323 St Joseph, and corner of George and Wellington. See card WILLIAM BUEEY, MILLSTONE MAMFACTURER, AND DEALER IN BOLTING CLOTH, 323 ST. JOSEPH STREET, YARD CORNER OF GEORGE & WELLINGTON STS., MOJVTREAI.. Always on hand a large quantity of the Best French Burr Blocks, Plaster of Paris, and Bolting Cloth. MINERAL .SPRINGS DEPOT. Plantagenet Springs, Depot, No. 4 Place d'Armes MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, ORGAN BUILDERS ifcc. Belair, J P, 15 Champ do Mars. See card Brown, Abner, 33 Grreat St James. See card Herbert, J AV & Co, 131 Notre Dame. See card Hood, Thomas, (successor to Mead, Brothers k. Co,) 31 Notre Dame McPherson, John & Son, Place d'Armes Hill Nordheimer, A & S, 57 and 59 Great St James. See card Owen & Tranter, 8 St George Prince, Henry, 145 Notre Dame. See card Seebold, Manby & Co, 221 and 223 Notre Dame. See card Warren, S R, corner, St Joseph and St Henry •I? •ill m 34*4i MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, cSco. NO. (Suooeasor to Mead, Brother & Co.,) SIGN OF THE HARP, 145 NOTRE: DAME STREET, MONTREAL, IMPORTER OF Pianofortes, Guitars, Music and Musical Instruments, Has constantly on hand the latest and most fashionable Eu- ropean and American MUSIC, with ev(?ry de- scription of Instruction Books for all Instrument;). Teachers will always find a varied assortment of Progressive Music, carefully selected at his Estab- lishment. Every description of WOOD and BRASS INSTRUMENTS, proved and warranted, always on hand ; also, Fittings for all In- struments and General >ierchandize connected with the trade. Instruments Repaired, Exchanged, or Lent on Hire. Country Dealers supplied on very reasonable Temns. A. & S. NORDHEIMER, 43 & 45 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET^ Agents for C bickering's, Stodart's and Dunham's Pianofortes, and Prince's Melodeons. N.B. — A large Stock of Second Hand Pianos con- stantly on hand, for Sale or Hire. .u. sTREAL, Musical constantly hand the St and most .ionableEu- 1 e a n a ii d erican MUSIC, [I every de- nstruments). sortmeiit of .t his Estab- TRUMF.NTS, tings for all hi- ith the tiade. on Hive. nable Terms. MER^ lEET, Dunham's }ons. Pianos con- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, &C. 345 J. W. HERBERT & CO., Sign of the Oolden Lyre, 131 & 133 NOTRE DAME STPwEET, MONTREAL, •.I i'. Manufacturers & Importers of Pianofortes, Would resp<»cl(ully call public attention to their very superior Piccolo and Boudoir Pianofortes. They combine the power, brilliancy, richness of tone, and lightness of touch of the Grand, \vith compactness, elegance of outline, and great durability. These Instruments were much admired at the " Crystal Palace,'* London, and obtained the fir t Prize (against competition), at the Provincial Exhibition, September, 1853. BOSTON and NEW YORK PIANOFORTES of the most celebrated and esteemed Makers. J. W. H. & Co.'s long experience in Canada, both as Impor- ters and Makers, gives them advantages in selecting Pianos in the United States few others possess. Tuninq, Repairing and Regulating executed with despatch, in a superior manner ; the arrangements in this department being more efKcient than in most other houses on this ^Continent. In Sheet Music and Musical Publications they possess many advantages, having made arrangements with several large Euro- pean Publishers for the early transmission of Choice copies for the purpose of Reprinting. Also, for a weekly supply of every Novelty as soon as it appears in Europe or America. BRASS and WOOD WIND and STRINGED MUSICAL IN- STRUMENTS of every description, of best Makers, Double Basses, Violoncellos, Violins, Guitars, Clarionnettes, Flutes, Cor- ropeans, Saxe Cornopeans, Saxe Horns, Opheclides, Trombones, French Horns, Accordeons, Flutinas, Strings, Reeds, Tuning Forks, Tuning Hammers, with every other article connected with the Trade — the whole at very Low Prices. 53= Britkh sianilard Music at half price. Quick Returns and Small Profits. r2 1:1 m Hi 346 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AKERS. SBEBOLD, HAOy & (]0., ? MANUFACTURERS OF PIANO-FORTES. 221 ij- 223 NOTRE DAME STREET, Manufacture Pianos with full Iron Frames, Patent Grand Ac- tion, with Patent Damper Cover and Register, Cases of fine Colished Rosewood, and wairanttd equal in every respect to the est American made Pianos. ' SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 'jwl 1?^ w^ '^rdt' 'if^JiS ^««i^Qiii^s^ '^if'^FQi MAIFAOTIJRER iS IHPOBTEB OFmi FORTES, 83 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, AGENT FOR REICHENBACH'S PIANO FORTES, Likeioise Brown ^ Allen^s, of Bosto)i» It is only requisite to say Mr. Brown was ten years Foreman of the Regulating Department of the late Jonas Chickering, Esq., and was the leading workman in that gentleman's factory during the time his instruments were gaining their reputation, where Mr. B. perfected and applied his Patent Grand Action. He is constantly manufacturing the Piccolo and the celebrated Cottage Piano of the same scale for which he received the prize of 1851 . All the above Pianos will be sold at unprecedented Low Prices. Pianos Repaired and Tuned at the shortest notice. ALL PIANOS WARRANTED FOR SEVEN YEARS> NEWSPAPERS, &C. 347 FES, ind Ac- } of fine :t to the c;e. 0)1* remau of ig, Esq., y (luring wiiere He is Cottage of 1851. Prices. iARS> VIOLINS REPAIRED. 19, Champ de Mar^ Mtmi^ Takes this opportunity oi informino^ die riii.ens of M'.mtreo.l ai.c' vicinity, that he is prepared to REPAIR ViOLINS which vvjy be defective in TONE, and can guariuitot* to vlo so tr the uatii- faction of all who employ his sen Ntes. jf? hM liiao? gr«at , »a* provements in many instruments subrraltci to him, r''d>frori.'i tlu! peculiar method which he adopts, he iVi^ls confi •vnl j?' ssa^M g: that Violins entrusted to him for repair will be iovmn grtjatiy altered both in sweetness and power of tnnc-. MUSIC TEACHER?. Graham, Geo F, 3 St Genevieve NAIL AND SPIKE MANTiFACTVJRERS. Holland, Mansfield, South side of Cani'j Peck, Thos & Co, 227 St Paul Vennor, H & Co, 10 St Sacrament NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Com/nercial Advertiser, daily and tri-weekly, Thos, Finney & Co, 304 Notre D-me Argil", daily and weekly, W Briftow. 32 6t Fran- Qois Xavicr French Canadian Missionrry Ptecord, quarterly, J C Becket, 38 Great S* ,'ames Gazette, daily, tri-weekly and weekly, Lowe and Chan^leiiin, 36 Great St James Herald, daily bi-weekly, and weekly, D Kinnear, 6c Co, 209 Notre Dame La Ruche Liti.craire, G II Cherrier, St Vincent La Minervc, tri-weekly and semi-weekly, Duvernay Bros, 10 St Vincent WJ^^ 3.48 NOTARIES PUBLIC. i< I La Patrie, tri-weekly, Senecal & Daniel, St Vincent Le Semeiir Canadien, weekly, Rev N Cyr, Notre Dame Le Moniteur Canadien, tri-weekly, C J N DeMon- tigny & Co, St Therdse Le Pays, tri-weekly, J A Plinguet, St Theresa Liberal Christian, (monthly) H & G M Rose, Great St James Life Boat, monthly, H & G M Rose, (jlreat St James Medical Chronicle, monthly, Owler & Stevenson, 42 St Frangois Xavier Missionary and Sabbath School Record, monthly, J C Becket. 38 Great St James Montreal City Directory, Mrs R W S Mackay, 115 Mountain Pilot, tri-weekly, and weekly, R Campbell, Place ! d'Armes Presbyterian, The, monthly, John Lovell, printer, 18 and 20 St Nicholas Temperance Advocate, fortnightly, J C Becket, 38 Great St .James Transcript, daily, tri-weekly, semi-weekly, and weekly, D McDonald, 19 Hospital True Witness, weekly, G E Clerk, 4 Place d'Armes Witness, The, weekly, J Dougall, 36 Great St James Newspaper and Periodical depot, E Pickup, 69 St Francois Xavier NOTARIES PUBLIC. Aussem, Joseph, 25 Little St James Belle, (C E,; & Bourbonniere,(' N J J 20 St Ther^se Belle, Joseph, 12 St Lambert Damour, L A, 172 St Mary Doucet, T, 20 St Francois Xavier Easton, William, 51 Little St James • Fissiault, H A, 57 Craig Gibb, J J, 47 Little St James Griffiin, John, C, Union buildings, St Francois Xa- vier Guy, Etienne, 72 St Francois Xavier Hunter, James S, 40 Little St James Isaacson, J H, 24 St Francois Xavier ;l■.*;!^li^A■iAt.■'^\i PAINTERS. 349 Vincent r, Notre DeMon- ese je, Great St James tevenson, monthly, ckay, 115 lell, Place 1, printer, Jecket, 38 3kly, and d'Armes St James :up, 69 St it Therese LnQOis Xa- Jobin (J H) & Matthieu ( PJ 19 St Vincent Labadie, J A, 14 Little St James Labadie, J E 0, 14 Little St James Lappare, Henry, 27 Little St James Montreuil, J A, 58 St Mary Papineau, D E & C F, corner St Gabriel and Little St James Phillips, W A, 47 Little St James Ross, William, 51 Little St James ^ Weekes, Geo, Nuns' Buildings, St Joseph Weston, Henry, 3 St Sacrament NURSERY AND SEEDSMEN. Cockburn & Brown, 68 Great St James Shepherd, George, 33 Notre Dame. See card fiEORGE SHEPHERDi Nursery and jSeedsiiaan, IMPORTER OF BRITISH, AMERICAN & FRENCH SEEDS, And Seedsman to the Lower Canada Board of Agriculture, No. 33 Notre Dame Street, Montreal. A choice collection of Greenhouse Plants, Garden Seeds, Bulbous Flower Roots, Herbaceous Plants, Shrubs, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, &c., &:c. WHOIiESALG AlVD RETAIL. OIL FACTORY. Dagg, James, 21 St Felix near St Joseph PAINTERS, (Coach, House, Sign 4* Ornmnental.) Clark, Francis, Alexander near St Catherine Gilmour & Hunt, corner Craig and St Peter Lloya, Wm, corner Great St James and St Peter McArthur, John, 70 Great St James. See card Rodgers & Wright, 1.7 St Mary M ■IJ i^';. ifl li 350 PAINTERS. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS STORES. Atwater, E & Co, 12 & 14 St Nicholas ., \'{ Clarke, Frs, 117 Alexander. See card Corse Sc May, 279 and 281 St Paul CoiirsoUes J L, 54 Panet -j . . , Grant, Archibald, 94 St Mary , , ; , ■ Loughry, John, 238 St Paul / ^•. McDonald, W C, 14 St Peter , \ McGarvie, Owen, 4 and 6 St Joseph Moses, Michael, 141 St Paul Pvamsay, A, corner McGill and Haymarket. See card Rogers and Wright, 17 St Mary PLANE MAKER. Wallace, Mrs Alex, 107 Lagauchetiere PAPER HANGER AND MAP MOUNTER. Hill, Benjamin, 70 St Francois Xavier. See card under the head " BooksoUers " (LATE RAMSAY & Mc ARTHUR,) OIL, PAINT, GLASS & COLOR MERCHANT, Corner of McGill Sired and Haymarket Square, MONTREAL. Artists' Colors and Tools ; Glazier's Diamonds ; Gilders' Tools ; Varnishes, Bronzes, Gold ; Half Gold and Silver Leaf. SIGX PAl\'Ti\(i A.\D GLASS STAIMXG. t. See TER. lee card f )II1NT, ire, Imonds ; lold; PAi:(TERS. 351 FRANCIS CLARKE, Plain and Ornamexital Painter, Paper Hanger, &,e., Alexander near Lagauchetiere Street, MONTREAL, Is always prepared to attend to ordors in his line of business, and hopes, by strict attention to business, and moderate charges, to merit a continuation of public patronage. JOHN M' ARTHUR, ^ * IMPORTER OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS. House^ Sig*!! & Decorative PAINTER, &C., 70 Great St* James Street^ MONTREAL. PAPER WAREHOUSES. Bainbridge, R & Co, corner McGill and William Bryson, Campbell, 30 St Frangois Xavier Chalmers, Jas. '^24 St Paul :\\ M w m m f % .1 i :■ 352 PHYSICIANS, &C. if Darling, Wm & Co, St Paul opposite the Custom House Ramsay, Hew, 37 St Francois Xavier. See card under head of" Booksellers" - 's - mj*^^- - Weir & Dunn, 15 Great St James - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Barnston, James, MD, 129 Craig , Boyer, L, MD, U St l.ierese Charlebois, B, MD, 16 Craig Crawford, James, MD, 33 Little St James David, A H, MD, 146 Craig Elliott, W H, MD, 25 Great St James Fen wick, Geo E, MD, 81 Craii- STA GE OFFICES &C. 359 rectors 'office. 22 Little St James, Ticket office J Wheeler, agent, 63 Commissioners Lake Champlain Steamers, and Saratoga Eail- road, H W, Stevens, agent, 66 Commissioners Montreal and Bytown Railroad, office, Place d'Armes Hill Montreal and Qaebec Royal Mail Steamboat Office, H E Scott, agent, 68 Commissioners MONTERAL and NeW YoRK RaILROAD OfFICB, Andw Rough, agent, Bonaventure Ottawa Stage Line, in winter, S Browning, agent. Great St James Richelieu Navigation Company's Steamers, J. H. Terroux, secretary, St Gabriel Street. Blue Bonnet Steamer, for Cornwall, Campbell & Williamson, and E. McLennan, agents. Rutland and Burlington Railroad Line, H. Barnes, agent, 66 Commissioners. Royal Mail Line of Steamers and Stages TO Upper Canada, A. Milloy, agent, 40 M'Gill street. Tate's Daily Line of Steamers to Quebec, Janes & Morgan, agents, Harbor Commissioners' Building, Custom Ilouse square. See card. Vermont Central and Canada Railroad Line^ 65 Commissioners street, P Mondou, agent. STOVE WAREHOUSES. Couillard, Thos, agent for A Larue & Co, 167 Saint Paul Hagar, Geo, 145 St Paul Rodden, T M, 71 Great St James. See card TALLOW CHANDLERS. Brennan, Patrick, corner William and Prince Christie, P M, 9 St Constant a ^ Mathewson, John & Son, 4 Inspector. See card Rigney, Michael, 135 St Lawrence » m 360 STEAMBOAT OFFICES. 1 -! Important to Travellers! KOYAL MAIL LINE. The Quickest and most direct Route to TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON, DETROIT, CHICAGO, cSc MILWAUKIE. Ttventy-four Hours and luo Tr(mship7ncnts saved. The following are the arrangements ot this Magnilicent Line for the present Season : — Composed of the .Splenclni Steamers Banshie, (new,) Capt. Howard j X'ew Era, Cap. P G Chryslei St. Lawrence, Cap Malcotuson | Ottawa, Cajit. Putnam. Leave the Canal Basin, Montreal, Daily, at Nine o'clock. A. Mm and Lachine on the ai rival ol t'tie 'J'welve o'clock tiain from Montreal (except on Sundays, wlien tliey h.'ave on the arrival of the Ten o'clock Triiin) calling at all intermediate ports, arriving in Kingston early on the lollowing day, where ihey meet the magnilicent LAKE ONTARIO STEA:>IERS PAf SPORT, Capt. Harbottle | Magnet, Captain Twohy Arabian, Capt. Colcleugh ( for Cobourg, Port Hope, Toronto and Hamilton, connecting at Hamilton with the Great Western Railway, for London, Cha- tham, Windsor, Detroit, Chicgo, Milwaukie, and all ports on Lake Michigan ; and at Lewiston for Niagara Falls, Buffalo and all ports on Lake Erie. To Tourists this Line affords a comfortable, pIeasan^ and ex- peditious conveyance. The Steamers are fitted up with elegantly furnished Saloon? and State-Rooms ; — passing through the beautiful scenery of the Lake of the Thousand Islands, and all the Rapids of the St Law- rence by day light. In point of speed they are unsurpassed. To Families moving West, (either to Western Canada or the Western States,) this Line possesses unequalled advantages, the Steamers running direct to the Great Western Railway Depot, at Hamilton, saving the annoyance of Two Transliipmenls, and 24 hours in time ! Through to Chicago, including all stops, in 68 hours ! 83^ Tickets can be procured of C. F. Muckle; at the Hotels ; on board of the Steamers ; or at the Office, 40 McGill Street. A. MILLOy, Agent. sTtAUBOAT orricis. 361 sl e to ruoiT, ts saved. cent Line AMERICAN EXPRESS LINE [i Chryshi itnatn* ofk. A.Mm tiain irom e arrival of Its, arriving ;y meet the Twoliy )nnecting at )ndon, Cba- lU ports on Buffalo and ant, and ex- hed Saloon? enery of the • the St Law- -tirpassed. inada or the antages, the •ay Depot, at lents, and 24 )urs ! kle; at the e, 40 McGill •y, Agent. AND UNITED STATES MAIL LINE! TTie shortcut and quickest route to all Wettem Ports, Niagara Fall* and Buffalo. The large and Bplendid Lake Ontario Steamers N«w Yorn. I Bay State. j Cataract. Northerficr. | Ontario. { Niagara. The First Class River Steanaers JENNY LIND, Captain L. Moody, , MONTREAL, Captain J. Laflamnae, BRITISH EMPIRE, Captain D. S. Allan. One 01 the above nanned River Steamers will leave Montreal Daily, (Sunday's excepted.) at 1 o'clock, P. M., from the Canal Basin, and Lachine on the arrival of the Cars, which leave Mon- treal at half-past 3 o clock, P. M- . for Prescott and Ogdensburgh, and intermediate River Ports. The River Steamers connect at Ogdensburgh with the Ameri- can Express Line, for Brockville, Cape St Vincent, Niagara and Lewiston, enabling Passengers to reach Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto, Hamilton, and all Western Ports, quicker than by any other Litre, passing tke Thousand Islands by day*ligbt; and with the United States Mail Line, for Brockville, Alexander Bay, Clayton, Kingston, Sackett's Harbor, Oawego, Rochester, Nia- gara, Lewiston, Toronto, Hamilton, and all Western Ports. These Lines of Steamers connect at Niagara and Lewiston with the Erie and Ontario Railroad, Lewiston and Buffalo Rail- road, Great Western Railway, Michigan Central Railroad, Mi- chigan Southern Railroad, B\iff&\o and ^tate Line Railroad, and Steamers from Buffalo — for all ports West. N.B. — Passengers for the Great Western Railway, take cars at the Great Western Railway Dock, at Niagara, free of charge for Wharfage, and go through to Hamilton and Detroit without change of Cars. iE3" Passengers have the privilege of stopping over at Niagara Falls, or any other place of interest on the Route. For Tickets, call a; the Office, No. 56 (late 24) McGill street.' W. T. BARRON, Agent. 13 ■ I m Hi J f :l m ^■l 362 i I ^ STEAMBOAT OFFICES. DAILY LINE OF STEAMERSi BETWEEN QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. OFFICES :—Gille^ie*s Wharf, Q^ebec ; and Harbor Commit sioners Buildings, Custom House Square, Montreal. This Line consists of the well-known Boats LADY ELGIN and CRESCENT, which having undergone a thorough repair and refitting during the past winter, are now equal in comfort and convenience to any boats on the St Lawrence, and they are fit- ted up with State Rooms throughout, for which there is no Extra Charge. The Cabin Fare is fixed at 7s 6d currency, or one dol- lar and a half, Meals included, and the average time of arrival in Quebec and Montreal is from 30 to 00 minutes previous to the Breakfast hour at the principal Hotels. Travellers will beat in mind the high rate of fare which they paid on this route [being usually six dollars] before the Owners of " Tate's Line " commenced running their Boats, and as every attention will be paid to their safety, comfort and convenience^ the Proprietors confidently hope tor a continuation of the liberal support which thay have hitherto received. T. M. RODDEN'8 AND STOVE WAREHOUSE, 71 GREAT ST JAMES STREET, (Nearly opposite the Ottawa Hotel,) MOIVTREAI.. Ornamental, Gilt and Bronzed Iron Bedsteads and Furniture, Iron Railing for Counters, Desks, Ceme- tery Lots, Public Grounds, etc. ; Iron Farm Fenc- ing ; Hot Air Furnaces ; Registers and Ventilators ; Marbleized Iron Mantle-pieces, with Grates ; and the largest and most comprehensive stock of Stoves ever offered to the public in this city. Lard bleach) verpoof and Cal TaJJ( ^nA Bq\ 'gt< mh REAL. 'bor CommU" ELGIN and rh repair and I comfort and I they are fit- re is no Extra cy, or one dol- le of arrival 10 jrevious to the ^l•e -which they ,re the Owners s, and as every jd conveniencej in of the liberal m ISE, 'REET, 7tel,) Ldsteads and Desks, Ceme- 1 Farm Fenc- [ Ventilators; Grates ; and ock of Stoves TANNERS. VERMONT CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. 363 British America and United States Hail Bonte, AND THE ONLY THROUGH lilNE OF RAII. ROAD To Boston, Worcester, Lowell, Lavrrence, Salem, New York, New-Haven, Hartford, Springfield, Fitchbur^, Bellows' Falls, St. Johnsbury, Montnelier, Burlington, White Mountains and Franconia Notch, and all intermediate Places from Montreal* Also, to Ogdensburg, Kingston, Belleville, Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all other Parts of the West. This IS the only Rail Road route by which through tickets are sold. 23" Get through tickets via Vermont Central Rail Road Line. N. B. — Baggage Labelled in Montreal by this Route. For Tickets, iniormation,, etc., apply to PAUL MONDOU, Agent Vt. C. R. R. Ticket Office, opposite Quebec Steamboat landing. No. 63, Commissioners Street, Montreal. mm & OIL JMI]FACTIBE8S, 4 INSPECTOR STREET, Montreal. Constanily on hand, and for Sale, of their own inaxi afacture, at the lowest prices, Nos. 1 and 2 Lard Oil ; Mason^s Patent Sperm, Machinery, Bleached Wliale, and Elephant Oils; Common Li- verpool, Nos. 1 and 2 Soaps ; Pale Yellow, White and Castile Soap. Tallow, Wax Wick, Adamantine, Patent Wax and Belmont Sperm Candles. TANNERS. |Dromgo'»le, Patrick, 105 William IVfilois, Narcisse.. 38 St Antoine 364 TYPE FOUNDRIES. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. . British American Telegraph Co, 28 St Fiangois Xavier Canada Grand Trunk Telegraph Co, C H Louns- bury, manager, 28 St Frangois Xavier Montreal Telegraph Office, O S W ood, superinten- dent. Merchants' Exchange. See card Montreal and Troy Telegraph Office, Merchants' Exchange TRASHING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS » Paige, B P & Co, Wellington. See card Rodier, C S, St Joseph Smith, D & J St Gabriel Locks TIN PLATE WORKERS. Bisson, J B E, 139 St Lawrence Brennan, Charles, Papineau square Charlebois, Daniel, 21 Little St Antoine Dednam, Thos, 41 St Peter. See card Holmes, Samuel and W J, 125 St Paul Prowse, G F, 66 Great St James. See card Woodbury, T E, 306 St Paul TOBACCONISTS. Henry, Phillip, 18 Notre Dame Joseph, H & Co, 192 St Paul [Wholesale] Kurcyzn, N P M, 79 McGill Levey, John, Crystal Block Notre Dame Monaghan, Wm, 8 St Mary Rattray, Jas & Co, 134 Notre Dame Van Deusen, Rice & Co, 253 Notre Dame Warner, B W, 147 Notre Dame TRl^NK STORES. Dean, R, 258 Notre Dame. See card Hibbard, W R, 161 St Paul. See card TURNER. McGuire, John, 61 St Charles Barromee TYPE FOUNDRIES Guerin, & Co, (Canada Type Foundry,) Si Jean) Baptiste Palsgrave, C T, corner St Helen and Lemoine 258 The T at this Durabi FIRSl or Ret£ tensive Rubb; comple JUoi Ml Merchai sale onh ranted. Pattern,! Single Fiangois^ H Louns- inpeiinten- j^erchants' TXJB-EES. I card le] le .me ^e TRUNK STORE. FIRST PRIZE TBMJNM STORB* ■j.r- i,; 258 (late 174) Notre Dame St. The TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., &c,, manufactured at this Establishment are unrivalled for Quality, Durability, and Cheapness, and all who wish a FIRST-RATE ARTICLE, whether at wholesale or Retail, are invited to call and examine the ex- tensive Stock now on hand. The Stock of INDIA- RUBBER GOODS is, as usual, the largest and most complete in the City. Montreal Bellowis Factory 9 Comer of Kotre Dame & St John Streets. ROBERT DEAN, l&annfiitturEr at |5atrat Mlm OF EVERY DESCEIPTION. 0. Merchants and Manufncturers supplied, at Whole- sale only, on liberal terms, v/ith Blacksmiths' War- «;- Tear I '^^^^^d, Ordinary Pattern, Long Pattern, Extra Long ry,) k-t ' I pg^ttgyj^^ and Circular Bellows, made to order, both jemome Single and Double Action. 366 WIRE WORKER. VENTRILOQUIST AND PROFESSOR OF NATURAL MAGIC . Palmer, Dr Frs, 68 Notre Dame VEGETABLE OINTMENT. Macpherson, John, St Lawrence hill VETERINARY SURGEON. Mason, James, 9 Recollect WEIGHING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS. Ladd, C P, Queen near William. Mc Walters, John, College near Diipr6. Rodden, Wm, William street. WINE MERCHANTS. Armstrong, W & Co, corner Notre Dame and St Peter Dolagrave & Co, 46 St Gabriel Farrell, W, 15 St Jean Baptiste Galibert, Bros, 165 St Paul Kersten, E, corner of Notre Dame and St Peter Lamontagne, Aug, 55 and 57 St Frangois Xavier Lamothe & Frere, 202 St Paul Law, Young & Co, 277 St Paul Mackenzie, Jos, 141 Notre Dame Maitland, Tylee & Co, corner St Frangois Xavier and Hospital Masson, E, 194 St Paul Penner, John, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St James Scott, Gilbert, 1 1 St Sacrament Stuart, G D, corner St Paul and McGill Torry & Co, St Eloi near St Paul WIRE WORKER. Rice, W H, 19 Notre Dame WHARFINGERS. Brown, W M, Custom Iiouse square Foley, Thos, senr, Cusiom house square WOOD Yi^RD. Carignan, J, St Joseph bridge 50R OF rt.^C" :tup.ers. PART III. DIRECTORY TO HBUC OmCEES, OmCES, ^ nSTITVTIONS, BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, &c. &c. &c. arae and St St Peter ois Xavier ngois Xavier St James U re GENERAL STATISTICS OF THE CITY. Condensed from the Published Census E-eturns of 1852. Number of Houses, 7424 Families, 9990 Males, 27586 Females, 30129 French Canadians, . 26020 British Canadians, 12494 English, Irish and Scotch, . 17744 Other Countries, 1457 Roman Catholics, . 41466 Protestants, . : 16196 Total Population of the City, . 57715 CITY COUNCIL. His worshijj the Mayor — Wolfred Nelson, Esq East Ward — Aldermen, F. Leclaireand R. Trudeau; Councillor, E. Masson. St. Mary's Ward — Councillors, A. Adams, A. Hibbard, and P. Lynch. Centre VV^ard — Councillors, E. Thompson, J. J. Day and Geo. Browne. St. Lewis Ward — Alderman, J. B. Homier; Councillors, Louis Ricard, and A. Jodoin. West ward— Aldermen, H. H. Whitney, H. Starnesand Council- lor Lyman. St. Ann's Ward — Alderman, A. McCambridge; Councillors, Thomas McGrath and M. P. Ryan St Antoine Ward— Aldermen, E. Atwater, N Valois; Coun- cillor, C. J. Coursol. ' .:! 368 MISCELLANEOUS. St Jair.ea Ward^Councillors, C. E. Belle, A Montreuil aivi L. Bleau. St Lawrence Ward — Alderman, J. R. Bronsdon ; Councillor, R' Campbell and D. Masson. Officers — Hon Joseph Bourret, city recorder; John P Sexton, city clerk, and clerk of Recorder's court; Edouard Demers, city treasurer; James A B McGill, city surveyor; Charles Glackmeyer, assistant city clerk; George Harding. John Higgins, and E L Ranson, assistants treasurer's ollice ; J B Dubuc, inspector fire department; A Bertram, inspector and chief engineer fire department ; Moses J Hayes, chief of police; John McKercher, overseer of roads; J Perrigo, clerk of Bonsecours market ; P Benoit, assistant do ; John Abbott, clerk of St Ann's market; Joseph Robillard, pound keeper, clerk of hay and cattle market, Viger square ; A J Joubert, bailift and crier Recorder's court ; W H Macken- zie, assistant surveyor; JF Pelletier, attorney; William Ross and D E Papmeau, notaries; Maurice Eardly, clerk hay market: Antoine Schwaitz, assistant do; Frs Leblanc, superintendent of water works ; Antoine E Dupr^, clerk of waterworks; G N Gosselin, collector of water rates ; A Dorval, clerk St Lawrence market; T Orsali, clerk Papi- neau market; Thomas Somers, messenger. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. Finance — Alderman Starnes, chairman; Aldermen Leclaire, Whitney and Atwater, Messrs Campbell, Day and Masson. Road — Councillor Thompson, chairman; Aldermen Bronsdeu and McCambridge. Messrs Coursoi, Bleau, Ricard and Adams. Police — Alderman Leclaire, Chairman ; Alderman Homier, Messrs Campbell, Day, Hibbard, E Masson and Ryan. FiKE — Alderman Bronsdon, Chairman; Alderman McCam- bridge, Messrs Montreuil, Thompson, Coursoi, McGrath and Belle. WATER—Alderman Atwater, chairman; Aldermen Trudeau, Homier and Bronsdon, Messrs Lynch, Browne and Ryan. Market — Alderman Homier, chaiioan ; Alderman Vaiois, Messrs Bleau, McGiath. E Massoj., Browne and D Masson. Light — Councillor Lynch, chairman ; Councillors, Montreuil, Hibbard, Ryan, D Masson, Jodoin and Belle. City Hall — Councillor Ricard, chairman; Aldermen Whitr;ey and Valois, Messrs Lynch, McGrath, Browne and Jodoin. Licenses— Councillor Lyman, chairman: Aldermen Trudeau, Starnes and McCambridge, Messrs Bleau, Adams and Ryan. Health — Alderman Trudeau, chairman; Mersrs Coursoi, Day, Lyman, Ricard, McGrath and Jodoin. \^ il ani T" [\cillor, R. P Sexton, d Demers, :; Charles Jina. Joha s oifice ; J , inspector lyes, chief J Perrigo, t do; John ard, pound uare ; A J tl Macken- r; William irdly, clerk rs Leblanc, r6, clerk of sr rates ; A :lerk Papi- •n Leclaire, md Masson. Bronsdeu licard and an Homier, Ryan. McCana- , McGrath in Trudeau, ind Ryan. an Valoia, D Masson. Montreuil, len Whitney ud Jodom. n Trudeau, IS and Ryan. oursoljDajr, MISCELLANEOUS. FIRE ENGINES AND STATIONai. 369 Alex Bertram, chief engineer ; John Fletcher, M Moses, assis- tant enfifineera. 1. Montreal, Dalhousie Square, Capt John Short. 2. Neptune, Visitation Street, Quebec Suburbs,Capt A McNaugh- ton. 3. FoWigewr, German Street, Capt F Chasse. 4. Hook and Ladder, Craig Street, Capt John Lambert. 5. Queen, Wellington Street, Griffintown, Capt George Nunn. 6. Union, Haymarket, Capt S H May. 7. Hero, St Joseph Street, St Joseph Sub, Capt A Lepage 8. Protector, Reserve Co, St Lawrence hill, Capt R Hammond. 9. Hook and Ladder, Queen Square, Capt A Labelle. 10. Hose, Craig Street, Capt firemen's BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. President , . . . Captain A Bertram 1st Vice do . . Captain John Lambert 2d do do - * Captain R Hammond Secretary . , . . Captain John Fletcher Assist, do . . . . Lieut. Jas Ruthven Treasurer . . . . Capt A McNaughton MONTREAL POLICE. William Ermatinger, superintendent, inspector, and magistrate ; Moses J Hayes, chief of police ; J Civalier and E Flynn, de- puty do. Magistrate's office. Court house; Chief's office, Bonsecours market. PUBLIC OFFICES AND INSTITUTIONS. Advocates' Library, Court house Adjutant General of the Forces, Craig near Sanguinet Agriculture, Board of, W Evans, secretary, 31 Notre Dame Bankrupt Court, Court house Bank of Montreal, Alexander Simpson, cashier. Place d'Armes. Bank of British North America, D. Davidson, manager. Great St James Bank of Upper Canada, Joseph Wenham , agent, 65 Great St James Banque du Peuple, B. H. Lemoine, cashier. Great St James Barrack Master, H. W. S. Shropnell, Water Board of Trade, J. G. Dinning, secretary, Merchants' Exchange Board of Brokers, J. G. Dinning, secretary. Merchants' Exchange British and Canadian School, Cot6 Street Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad, W. A. Merry, secretary, 67 Commissioners Chief Engineer, Fire Department, Alex. Bertram, City hall, Boiisecours Market Chief of Police, Moses J. Hayes, do. City Clerk, J. P. Sexton, City Hall do. City Hall, Bonsecours market, St Paul a o %k W 370 MISCELLANEOUS. City Bank, F. McCuUoch, cashier, Place d'Armes City and District Savings Bank, J. G. Barbeau, actuary, 8 Great St James City iSurveyor, Jannes A. B. McGili, City Hall City Treasurer, E. Demers, City Hall Clerks ol the Peace and Crown, Delislr and Brehaut, Court- house Collector ot Customs, Tancrede Bouthillier, Custom-house Collector of Canal Tolls, A'fred Gough, opposite Basin No 1 oo Lachine Canal Commander of the Forces, Major General Home, 26 Notre Dame Commercial Bank of M. D. A. H. Campbell, cashier, 55 Great St James Commissioner of Police, W. Ermatinger, Court-house Commissioners for the Harbor of Montreal, John Glass, secretary Custom House Square Coroners of the District, Jones and Coursol Custom-house, Tancrede Bouthillier, collector, St Paul Crown Timber Office, C. E. Belle, agent, 20 St Therese Deputy Commissary General, Thompson, 67 Notre Dame Emigrant Office, A. Conlan, agent, corner Common and King Gas Company, ■■ , manager, Gabriel near Ann General Hospital, Dorchester Geological Survey Office, W. E. Logan, 58 St Gabriel Grand Trunk Railroad, 18 Little St James Grand Trunk Railroad, Contractors' Office,Messrs Ross & Hodges engineers, corner Gosford and Stlouis Harbour Master, , Custom House Square High School of Montreal, H. A. Howe, rector, Belmont, Beaver Hall Hotel Dieu Hospital, St Joseph st. east of the French Cathedral Horticultural Society, A. Schmidt, secretary, 30 Notre Dame Indian Department, Col. Napier, old government-house Inspector ot Hospitals, 22 Notre Dame Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes, John Dyde and J. E. Major, College Institute Canadian, G. C. Racicot, librarian, 61 Notre Dame Institute National, 86 Notre Dame j^adies' Bene v. Institution, Mrs. Moore, matron, 124 & 126 Moun- McGill College, Rev. Dr. Leach, V. P., off Sherbrooke, near Union avenue. Marriage Licenses, Arthur Ross, agent, 9 Hanover, Beaver Hall Mayor ot the City, Wolfred Nelson, City Hall Mercantile Library Association, Great St James Merchants' Exchange Reading Room, St Sacrament Military Secretary, Captain Griffin, 26 Notre Dame Montreal Building Society, James Court, secretary, 7 Great St Montreal Insurance Company, W. Murray, manager, Insurance Company's buildings, Great St James i i - MISCELLANEOUS. 371 ry, 8 Great laut, Court- louse ,8in No 1 00 Motre Dame er, 55 Great 58, secretary A srese Dame and King el near Ann el OSS & Hodges lare nont, Beaver ch Cathedral re Dame use I J. E. Major, Ire Dame |& 126 Moun- [brooke, near Beaver Hall I, 7 Great St ;r, Insurance Montreal Mechanics' Institute, Great St James corner St Peter Montreal Mining Company, Insurance Company's buildings. Great St James Montreal Dispensary, 6 St George Montreal Mutual Fire Insurance Company, P. L. LetourneuK, secretary, St Francois Xavier, corner St Sacrament Montreal Telegraph Company, O. S. Wood, superintendent, Mer- chants' Exchange Montreal and New York Railroad, J. R. Johnson, secretary, Bonaventure Montreal New Water Works, T. C. Keefer, engineer, 19 Great St James Montreal Jail, Thomas M'Ginn, jailor, St Mary Montreal and Bytown Railroad, Contractors Office, Great Saint James — Company's Office, Craig, corner Place d'Armes hill National School, Bonsecours, near Champ de Mars Natural History Society, 14 Little St James Notarial Board, H. Lappare, secretary, Little St James Ordnance Department, J. S. Elliott, Ordnance Com. and Store keeper. Water st. near the barracks Post Office, J. B. Meilleur, L.L.D., post-master, cr Great St and St James Francois Xavier Police Office, Moses J. Hayes, chief. City Hall Protestant Female Servant's Home, house of Refuge Richmond square Protestant Orphan Asylum, E. Cribb, St Catherine near Drum- mond Protestant Industrial House of Refuge, Richmond Square Prothonotary, Monk, Coffin, and Papineau, old Government house ^ Quarter Master General's Office, Craig near Sanguinet Rawdon and Industry Railroad, P. D. Brown, clerk, 18 Little St James Registrar of the County, G. H. Ryland ; Deputy Registrar, Leon Doutre, old Government house Revenue Inspectors, for Division No. 1. R. Bellemare, for No. 2 Phillip Durnford, 74 Notre Dame * Richelieu Navigation Company, J H Terroux, secretary, 14 St Gabriel Roman Catholic College, College near McGiK Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, (French,) west Notre Dame next Recollet Church Roman Catholic Institute, Place d'Armes Royal Engineers, 48 Notre Dame Sheriff, John Boston, old Government-house St Lawrence School of Medicine, Lagauchetiere off St ITrbain St Patricks Hospital, Dorchester west St Patrick's Orphan Asylum, adjoining St. Patrick's Church Superintendent of Education, ■ Government-housa Town Major, Colin McDonald, 62 Notre Dame Trinity House, James Holmes, registrar, 202 St Paul :Mlii 372 MISCELLANEOUS. \t Trust and Loan Company of U. C. corner Greal St Janntes and St Fran90is Xavier Tug E )at3 Superintendent's Office, Geo. Piatt, opposite the Draw- bridge, Canal Turnpike Trustees, Jannes Holmes, secretary, 202 St Paul University of M'Gill College, Rev. W T Leach, D C L., acting principal, off Sherbrooke University Lying-in Hospital, 4& St Urbain Water Police, ', 7 King Water Works, 28 Notre Dame Wharfinger, W M Browne, Custom House Square Weights and Measures Office, R Bellemare, 1st Division ; P. Durnford, 2nd Division ; Stamping Office, 74 Notre Dame FOREIGN CONSULS. Belgian, Jesse Joseph, corner St Helen and Recollect Danish, Thos. Ryan, Cuvillier's Block, St Peter Hanoverian, Henry Chapman, St Sacrament Sardinian, Henry Chapman, St Sacrament United States Consul, C Dor win, 25 St Fran*' ■^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 '«*)'• ? /I^^ ^^*<^ \5^ 374 MISCELLANEOUS. ST. Andrew's society. John Rose, president; W. Murray, 1st vice-president; Wm. Edtnonstone, 2nd vice-president ; John Armour, secretary ; Wm. Rae, assistant secretary; Hugh Allan, treasurer; Dr. Campbell, physician ; Rev. Dr. McGill and Rev. D. Inglis, chaplains. ST. Patrick's society. W. P. Bartley, president; H. J. Clarke, 1st vice-president. J. H. Daly, 2nd vice-president ; P. Ronayne, treasurer ; H Kavanagh, corresponding secretary ; J. C. Collins, record- ing secretary ; J. Cox, assistant secretary ; Drs. H. Howard and Hingston, physicians; Rev. J. Connolly and the Clergy chaplains ; John McDonald, grand marshal ; John McEnnery and Patrick Ryan, assistant marshals ; James McElroy and James Donavan, foot marshals. J ST. JEAN BAPTISTE SOCIETY. Hon. G. E. Cartier, president ; J. F. Pelletier, A. M. Delisle, A. A. Dorion, E. Demers, Esq., vice-presidents ; R. Tru- deau, Esq., treasurer; R. Bellemaie, Esq., secretary of archives; H. Fabre, Esq., corresponding secretary; N. G. Bourbonniere, Gideon Ouimet, W. Marchand, N. Duvernay, Esqrs., secretaries; Dr. E. Coderre, physician; Messire Provost, chaplin. GERMAN SOCIETY. E. Idler, president; J. P. Seybold, vice-president ; G. Reinhart, treasurer ; A. Schmidt, secretary ; S. B. Schmidt, M. D., and F. C. T. Arnoldi, D.M., physicians. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY. Jacob DeWitt, president; J. H. Dorwin, Geo. Brush, vice-presi- dents; N. S. Whitney, treasurer; P. D. Brown, secretary ; C. Dorwin, H. Stephens, W. Hov/es, Wm. S. Childs, H. Lyman, H. A. Nelson, Theodore Lyman, committee. MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND BENEVOLENT. ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. Situate on Lagaucheti6re, near St Charles Barromde F. C. T. Arnoldi, M.D. lecturer on midwifery and the diseases of women and children ; R. L. MacDonnell, M.D., lecturer on surgery ; A. H. David, M.D., lecturer on practice of Physic; T. W. Jones, M.D. , lecturer on anatomy; G. E. Fenwick, M.D., lecturer on materia medica ; R.P.How- ard, M.D., lecturer on chemistry ; H. Howard, M.R.C.S.L., lecturer on opthalmic and aural surgery. Dr. Arnoldi, lecturer on clinical on clinical medicine. surgery; Dr. David, lecturer ;; Wm. cretary ; rer; Dt. ). Inglis, resident, urer; H 5, record- . Howard le Clergy [cEnnery Slroy and :. Delisle, ; R.Tru- :retary of 8tary; N. :hand, N. physician ; Reinhart, [. D., and ace-presi- secretary ; :hilds, H. tee. ':' )LENT. larrom^e \e diseases |., lecturer Practice of ly ; G. E. .P. How- 1R.C.S.L., 1, lecturer MISCELLANEOUS. 375 The winter coarse of lectures at this school commences on the Ist Monday of November, and terminates in the last week of April each year, and a summer course is given during the months of May, June and July. MONTREAL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERT. Situate Lagaucheti^re near St. Urbain Dr. Munro, lecturer on surgery. President. Dr fieaubien, lecturer on practice of medicine ; Dr Bibaud, lecturer on anatomy ; Dr Peltier, lecturer on institutes of medi-?-' cine ; Dr Trudel, lecturer on midwifery and the diseases ot chil> dren ; lecturer on chemistry ; Dr Boyer, lec- turer on medical jurisprudence and clinical medicine ; Dr Co- derre, lecturer on materia medica, Dr Munro, lecturer clinical surgery. Dr Boyer, sec and treas. COLLEGE or PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, L. C. AF Holmes, MD, president; Dr C Fremont and Dr Bou- tillier, vice-presidents ; H Peltier, M D, and J £ Landry, M D, secretaries ; T W Jones, M D, registrar and treasurer. Board of Governors : — For the City of Montreal — Drs Jones, Munro, Bibaud, Boyer, Holmes, Campbell, Sutherland and Peltier. For the District of Montreal — Drs Chamberlain, Valois, Weil- brenner, Bouthillier, Foster, Sabourin and Brigham. MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. S Gerard, president, Hon J Molson, vice president, R P Ho- ward, MD, secretary. Committee of management — J Redpath, chairman; Thos Molson, J J Barrett, J Torrance, S Bellingham. Robt Craik, M D, house surgeon. B S Willson, apothecary. Consulting physicians — Drs A F Holmes, A Hall, T Bru- neau. Attending physicians. — Drs J Crawford, FTC Arnoldi, W Sutherland, W Fraser, W E Scott, R P Howaid, Wm Wright, and T W Jones. Steward, Alex Symmers ; Matron, Mrs Symmers. HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL. St Joseph street, opposite east side ot the French Parish Church, Dr Munro, physician ; assistant physicians, the lecturers and professors of the Montreal school of medicine. ST. Patrick's hospital. Medical staff— R L MacDonnell, M D, surgeon and lecturer on clinical surgery ; A H David , M D, physician and lecturer on clinical medicine; H Howard, M R C S L, ophthalmic and ^■. ■ ■ m ir iJll! i 376 MISCELLANEOUS. AUfal surgeon, and clinical lecturer on opthalmic anJ aural sur- gery ; A Schmidt, M D, attending physician. The Nuns of the Hotel Dieu take care of the sick in this esta- blishment. PROVIDENCE CONVENT. Asylum for aged and Infirm women. — St. Catherine Street. Sceur Caron, directress; Mrs Nowlan, treasurer; Mrs Tavernier, secretary. MEDICO CHIRURGIGAL SOCIETY. Dr. McDonnell, president ; Dr. Hall, vice-president ; Dr. Wright, 2nd vice-president; Dr. D. C. McCallum, secretary; Dr. David, treasurer. COMMISSIONERS FOR INSANE; FOUNDLINGS AND SICK. Jean Baptiste C. Trestler, Hon. Jos. Bourret, and C. S. Rodier. MONTREAL DISPENSARY Situated 6 St. George's street, off Craig street Attending Physicians. — Drs. Peltier, Dr. Wright, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fenwick, Dr Boyer and Dr. Jones. Open daily, from lOJ to 12 A.M., Sundays excepted. Nacci- nation daily performed. Diseases of the Eye and Ear on Tues- days and Saturdays. UNIVERSITY LYING-IN-HOSPITAL. 47 St. Urbain Street. Mrs. Ross, 1st directress; Mrs. Fulford, 2nd directress ; Mrs. Ostell, 3rd directress; attending Physician, A. Hall, M.D., con- sulting Physician, the Medical Faculty of McGill College ; Ma- tron, Mrs. Lockhart; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. T. 0. Durn- ford ; medical registrar. Dr. B. Workman. MONTREAL EYE AND EAR INSTITUTION. Open to the poor every day, from 10 A.M. to 11 A.M., Sur- geon in charge, Henry Howard, M. R. C. S. L., ophthalmic and aural Surgeon to St. Patrick's Hospital. Chairman of Committee.— Francis McDonnell, Esq. Treasurer and secretary. — John Collins. 63 St. Francois Xavier Street. ^ ROMAN CATHOLIC MAGDALENE ASYLUM. Situated in Sherbrooke street, Cote a Baron, under the charge of the Religious Ladies of the Bon Pasteur. MONTREAL PROTESTANT MAGDALENE ASYLUM. St. Catherine Street. D. Davidson, treasurer ; Miss Veitch, matron. ral 9ur- his esta- therine er; Mrs lent; Dr. ecretary ; S'D SICK. S.Rodier. Street r. Howard, d. Nacci- ir on Tues- :res8 ; Mrs. M.D.,con- Alege ; Ma- '. 0. Durn- )N. JA.M., Sur- Ithalnnic and the charge MISCELLANEOUS. 377 ^ LADIES^ BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 120 Mountain Street. First Directress, Mrs J. G. Mackenzie; Second do., Miss Rae; Treasurer, Miss Mitchell; Secretary, Miss A. Mcintosh; Matron, Mrs Moore; Physician, Dr. Wright. PROTESTANT INDUSTRIAL HOUSE OF REFUGE. Richmond Square. First Directress, Mrs Fulford j Second do., Mrs A. Sinapson ; Treasurer, Miss Brady ; Secretary, Mrs H. Lyman. PROTESTANT FEMALE SERVANTS* HOME. Industrial House of Refuge, Richmond Square. PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM. St. Catherine near Drummond Street. Mrs Ross, 1st directress ; Mrs Moffat, 2nd do. ; Mrs McCord, secretary ; Mrs Tylee, treasurer ; Mrs Cribb, matron ; E Cribb, superintendent. . ,, ^ ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN AS\LUM. Adjoining the Recollect Church. Mrs Cherrier, directress ; Mrs Quesnel, treasurer ; Mrs La> Rocque, secretary; Miss Petit, superintendent. MERCANTILE AND LITERARY TIONS. ASSOCIA- HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS. Hon. John Young, chairman; Hon. Geo. E. Cartier ; U. H. Whitney, Esq.; the Mayor of the City; the President of the Board of Trade ; John Glass, secretary ; W. M. Brown, Whar- finger ; Office Custom House Square. TURNPIKE TRUST. Trustees Hugh Taylor, W. J. Knox, Wm. Evans, J. Laporte, J. Quennville, B. H. Lemoine, P. Beaubien; James Holmes, secretary ; Office 202 St Paul. BOARD OP TRADE. \ Rooms, Montreal Exchange. Hon. John Young, M. P. P., president; Henry Starnes, vice- president; Jas. Mitchell, treasurer. Council — L. H. Holton, Thomas Kay, Henry Lyman, Francis Mead, M. H. Seymour, Creorge Moffat, junr. Board of Arbitration — Thos. Ryan, T. B. Anderson, James Law, William Edmonstone, David Torrance, Hew Ramsay, J. B. Greenshields, Thos. Kay, Henry Thomas, John Esdaile, Theodore Hart and Waiter Colquhoun. 378 MISCELLANEOUS. MONTREAL EXCHANGE AND READING ROOM. St Sacrament Street. Established May, 1854. Incorporated by act of Parliament. D. L. MacDougail, chairman ; F. McCulloch, treasurer ; J* 6. Dinning, secretary. BOARD OF BROKERS. Office, Montreal Exchange. MacDougail Brothers, T. M. Taylor, J. & R; Esdaile, Charles Geddes, A. Heward, R. D. Collins, John G. Dinning, searetary. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IXSTRUCTION. Old Government House. •, superintendent ; L. Giard, secretary. Catholic Board of Examiners. — Rev. L. V. L. Villeneuve, Rev. A. F. Truteau, William Doran, P. P. Denis, Jacques Viger, P. J. , Filliatrault ; F. X. Valade, secretary Protestant Board of Examiners. — Rev. (Dr. McGill, Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Rev. Dr. Leach, Rev. Dr. Davis, Rev. J. Flanagan, Wm. Lunn ; Samuel Phillips, secretary. ■ ,'". ',' '■ .^■-- . , PHRENOLOGICAL SOCIETY. P. D. Brown, pres.; J. W. Haldimand, vice-pres. ; C. Dorwin, treas. ; Henry Weston, rec. secretary ; Archd. Connolly, cor. secretary. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. President — The Lord Bishop of Montreal, Dr. Fulford; 1st Vice-President, Professor Andrews ; 2nd Vice-President ; L. H. H. Latour, Esq. ; 3rd Vice-President, J. Davis, Esq. , Corres- Kmding Secretary, Dr. McCallum ; Recording Secretary, A. N. ennie, Esq. ; Treasurer, B. Workman, Esq., M.D. ; Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, Dr. W. Wright, Council — Dr. Eraser, Dr. Barnston, Dr. Scott, Geo. Browne, Esq., Dr. Kingston. Library Committee — Rev. Dr. Leach, Rev. A. D. Campbell, Dr. rrudelf, Dr. R. P. Howard, Jos. P. Dutton, Esq. MECHANICS* INSTITtTTE. Office-Bearers, 1854-5: — President, Henry Bulmer ; 1st vice- pres., Alex. Bertram ; 2nd vice-pres., David Brown ; 3rd vice- pres., William Hutchinson ; 4th vice-pres., William P. Bartley ; correspondmg secy., A. Murray; recording secy., A. A. Steven- son ; Treasurer, Henry Lyman ; librarian and cabinet keeper, T. D. Reed. Members of General Committee — William Miller, William Speir, Dr Bernard, H. Munro, Jno. Fletcher, Charles Garth, William Kennedy, J. C. Spence, J. W. Hopkins, Bobert Mitchell, Jno. Lambert, C. P. Ladd ; E. H. Richardson, super- intendent. 'if iment. rer ; J* Charles aretary. uve,Rev. ger, P. J. ill, Rev. Flanagan, ;. Dorwin, lolly, cor. ilford; Ist It ; L. H. , Corres- iry, A. N. Librarian raser, Dr. Library ir. rrudell, I, 1st vice- \ 3rd vice- k Bartley ; |A. Steven- Jiet keeper, [am Miller, £T, Charles [ns, Bobert Ison, super- MISCELLAIfBOUS. 379 MERCANTILE LIBRART AMOCIATtON. jl E. T. Taylor, president ; Thos. Watkins, vice-president ; H. L. Snowden, cor. sec. ; Daniel Rees, rec. DeMontigny, librarian ; Pierre Doutre, assist.-libranan. UNIVERSITY OF M'GILL COLLEGE, MONTREAL. Established by Royal Charter. Visitor — His Excellency the Governor General. Governors — Hon C. D. Day, president; Hon James Ferrier, Hon P. Mclyill, T. B. Anderson, D. Davidson, W. H. Coffin, Hew Ramsay, B. Holmes, C. Dunkin, A. Robertson, Esquires; W. S. Burrage, secretary; Hon Chas. D. Day, L.L.D., prin- cipal ; Rev. W. T. Leach, D.C.L., vice-principal. Faculty of Arts — Rev. W. T. Leach, D.C.L., professor of moral philosophy, logic and rhetoric ; W. Andrew, A.M., profes- sor of mathematics and natural philosophy; Rev. B. Davies, professor of classics; H. A. Howe* A.M., professor of history, ancient and modern ; Chasi Markgraff, Esq., lecturer on modem languages ; Rev. A. DeSola, professor of Hebrew and Oriental languages. Faculty of Law — Hon. W. Badgley, D.C.L., professor of law ; J. J. C. Abbott, M.A., and F. W. Torrance, M.A., lecturers. Faculty of Medicine — A. F. Holmes, M.D., professor of the theory and practice of medicine ; G. W. Campbell, M.D., pro- fessor of surgery ; A. Hall, M.D., professor of midwifery and diseases of women and children ; O. T. Bruneau, M.D., profes- sor of anatomy ; J. Crawford, M.D., professor of clinical medi- cine ; W. Eraser, M.D., professor of institutes of medicine ; W. Sutherland, M.D., professor of chemistry; W. E. Scott, M.D., professor of clinical surgery; W. Wright, M.D., professor of materia medica ; R. P. Howard, M.D., professor of medical jurisprudence; D. C. McCallum, M.D., demonstrator of ana- tomy. The University term commences on the Monday following the 6th of September, and ends in May. The Medical Session commences on the first Monday in No- vember, and continues till the last week of April. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Professor H. A. Howe, A.M., rector; T. A. Gibson, Esq., M. A., first assistant master ; David Rodger, Esq., second assistant master; W. Bowman, Esq., third assistant master ; G. A. Ro- bertson, Esq., fourth assistant master ; C. F. A. Markgraf, Esq. ;v I . :• ''•1 380 • MISCKLLANXOUS. french and german master ; J. Duncao^ drawing nnaster ; J. Follenus, music master. The Preparatory Class will be under the charge of Mr. Bow- man. BOARD or AGRICULTURE FOR LOWER CANADA. President, Major Campbell; vice do, Alfred Pinsonnault; members, R. N. Wates, J. B. Dumoulin, M.P.P., John Doda, Dr. Tach^, M.P.P., James Thompson, Edward DeBIois, Wm. Evans, secretary and treasurer. George Shepherd, seedsman.-^ Rooms, 31 Notre Dame Street. AGRTCVLTURAL ASSOCIATION FOR LOWER CANADA. John Yale, Esq., Chambly, president ; Benj. Pomeroy Comp- ton, Esq., vive-president ; Wm. Evans, Esq., secretary and treasurer. POST OFFICE. J B Meilleur, MD, postmaster; P W Cooper, delivery clerk, M Murphy, do, A St Jean, do ; G E Laughlin, sorting clerk, B McEvenue, do, M Emery, do, Ag Auddell, do, A Benoit, J McKeen, do, A Robertson, do, L Malard, do; J Simpson, money order clerk, MD Simpson, assistant do; J Maitland, jr, book- keeper, Wm McGillivray, assistant do ; Philip Reilly, letter car- ier, J Drewe, do ; V E S Auger, do, L Lafricain, do ; J Mullin , assist, Wm Finlin, do. Office hours — 8 to 6 from 1st November to 1st May ; and 8 to 7 from 1st May to Ist November. On Sundays from 8 to 10 AM. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. - J Bouthillier, collector; Isidore Mallon, surveyor. Waterside — J Jordan, Ist landing waiter, C W Macon, 2nd do, J Fray, 3rd do, E Myer, 4th do, WS Williams, 5th do"; C Selby, 6th do, J Campion, 1st clerk to surveyor, Thos Watkms, 2nd do, J Routier, locker, John Douglas, sampler and weigher, Long Room, John Lewis, 1st clerk, J Crispo, 3rd do, M Desnoyers, 5th do, N Christopherson, 6th do, F Barry, 7th do. S Bell, Appraiser, W McNider, examining warehouse keeper, H Fletcher, Tide, surveyor, W Schole house keeper and mes- senger. Out stations — Houses Point — B Burland, surveyor and, landing waiter. Longueuil — ^J W Taylor, surveyor ; H Lacroix landing waiter. St Hyacinthe— John Nelson, landing waiter. TRINITY HOUSE. Robert Armour, master ; William Bristow, deputy warden ; William Edmonstone, warden; John Try, warden; Andrew Shaw, warden : Henry Starnes, warden ; J L Beaudry, warden ; J Holmes, registrar ; C Curran, Water baihff. Office, 202 St Paul street. HlSCILLAlflOUS. 381 ,, COURTS OF JUSTICE. COUKT or RUBIN'S BENCH. Sir L H Lafontaine, baronet, chief jastice ; Honblt Thos C Aylwin, Jean Duval, and R6n6 Caron, judges. Criminal court at Montreal, commences 14th March and 14th October. Court of Appeals at Montreal, Ist to 12th March, and 1st to 12th October. J U Beaudrv, cleric of court of appeals ; i Von Cxter, de- puty clerk of do. SUPERIOR COURT MONTREAL. Hons Charles D Day, James Smith, Charles Mondelet, and Geo Yanfelson^ judges. Terms Ist to 20th Apiil, Sept and Dec. CIRCUIT COURT. J S Judges— District of Montreal— Ifons Hypohte Guy, McCord and J C Bruneau. Xerms — The last six juridical days in each month, except August. Jurisdiction up to £50, currency. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS. Terms — 8th January, 4th April, 4th July, and 4th Oct. Officers of the Law Courts, Montreal. — John Bos- ton, sheriff; Myron H Sanborn, deputy sheriff; S. W. Monk, W. C H. Coffin, L. J. A. Papineau, prothonotary superior court and clerk of circuit court, Montreal ; John Honey, deputy prothono- tary; George Pyke, deputy clerk circuit court; George H. Ker- rick clerk bankrupt court; Joseph Jon- . Oharles J. Coursol, coroners ; A. M. Delisle, clerk of the crown * Charles E. Schillier, deputy clerk ef the crown ; A. M. Delisle, W. H. Brehapt, clerks of the peace ; Charles £. Schiliier, deputy clerk of the peace ; R. Dilon, French and English translator and interpreter; George Stanly, crier ; Thomas McGinn, gaoler ; Benjamin Delisle high constable. MONTREAL BAR. Come S. Cherrier, Q.C., battonier; R. Mackay, Esq., syndic; J. A. Berthelot, Treasurer : F. H. Pominville, secretary. Council — Messrs. John Rose, Q.C., A. Robertson, C. A. Le- blanc, S. Bethune, A. Cross, G. Ouimet, T. J. Pelletier, P. R. Lafrenaye. " \ ;■ • BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Jehn Rose, Q.C., T.J. J. Loranger, Q.C., Robert Mackay, A. A. Dorion, A. Robertson, G. Oninnet, P. R, Lafrenaye. 382 MI8CELLANI0U8. JIX6ISTRY OrriCE rOR THE COUNTT OF MONTKIAL. 6. H. Ryland, Registrar; Leor Doutre, Deputy Registrar ; P. Doutre, Warwick H. Ryland, Joseph A. Levert, and Frede- rick Percy Ryland, clerkk. Water Police Station, 7 King street. MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. Major General J, H. Home, C. B. commander oi.the forces in Canada ; Lieut. Colonel W. J. D'Urbain, deputy (quarter master General ; Colonel J, C, Napier, deputy assistant adjutant general; 'aptain Griffin, deputy assistant adjutant general and military Sect; Ensign C. Macdonald, town major. Clerks in the Military Secrktary^s Office. — Captain A. Bulger, Ist clerk ; P. Lawlor, J. R. Sprong, R. G. Greig, £. Roe, clerks— Office, 26 Notre Dame Clerks in the Adjutant General's Office. — William Wright, 1st clerk; George C. E. CoUhurst, 2nd clerk, G. Franc- ki^m, 3rd clerk. Office Craig near iSanguinet. Clerks to town major,' John Dillon, town serjeant, Wm. Rowan. Town Major's office, 62 Notre Dame street. Clerks in the Quarter Master General's Office — William Rogers, 1st clerk ; N. H. Hughes, 2nd clerk ; Robert Berry, 3rd clerk. Office Craig street near Sanguinet. royal engineers. Colonel Ord, commanding; Captain Galway, assisting com- manding; Charles Walkem, surveyor and draftsman; James Kerr and Gardener, clerks ; James Robertson, office keeper. ordnance department. Office Water Street. v> Jamei Sutton Elliot, storekeeper and commissioner ; W. H. Blenkarne, deputy storekeeper ; Ed. Fayrer, Ut clerk ; J. Craig, 2nd do, Edward Wilgress, 3rd do, G. Wilgress. 4th do, E. Cat- tele, 5th do; W. H. S. Shropnel, barrack master. COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. MONTREAL. Deputy Commissary General Thompson in charge of the Department of Canada ; Assistant Commissary General Camer- on, Assistant Commissary General F. H. Ibbetson, Deputy As- sistant Commissary General Lee, Commissary Clerk, Drew, Correspondent Clerk, Litchfield ; Assistant Clerks, A. W. Bell, C. Woodley, W. Palmer and J. Ballard ; Writers, G. Frontbeck, J. B. Forrest and J. Ballard ; Store keepers, Joseph Fox and W. H. Craig, ".. Cat- of the ;3amer- ty As- Drew, . Bell, itbeck, ox and MISCBLLANEOUS. 383 R. Kirby ; Atsiitant Store keepers, 6. Grant and Thoi. PowelJ. Office, 67 Notre Dame street. IxMCORPORATED COMPANIES MONTREAL MINING COMPANY. John Carter, president: Phillip Holland, vice-president; William Murray, W. G. Campbell, M.D., Archibald McFarlane, Robert Anderson, Alex. Cross, Hon. Geo. £. Cartier. MONTREAL INSURANCE COMFANY. Hon. A. Ferrie, president ; A. Cross, vice-president. Directors— Alex. Urquhart, Jno. Torrance, Dr. W. P. Smith, John Matheson, R. Campbell, W. Murray, manager.--Office No. 7 Great St. James street. CHAMPLAIN AND ST LAWRENCE RAILROAD COMPANY. Office 67 Commissioners street. A. M. Delisle president; Chas. S, Peirce, vice-president. Benj Brewster, John Carter, W. l)ow, Hon. John Molson, W. Molson, Johnson Thomson and Wm. Workman, directors. W. A. Merry, secretary. MONTREAL AND NEW YORK RAILROAD COMPANY. Hon. Jas. Ferrier, president ; Johnson Thoiuson vice-president Directors — W. Murray, W. Molson, R. Anderson, Jno. Tor- rance, Jno. Scriver, Wm Dow, Wm. Watson, Jno. Ostell, Jas* Minchin — T. R. Johnson, secretary and treasurer. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA. Directors in London — Thomas Baring, Esq., MP., Geo, Carr Glyn, Esq., MP., H. Wollaston Blake, Esq., Robert McCalnr.ont, Esq., Kirkman D. Hodgson, Esq. Directors in Canada — Hon. John Ross, president ; Benjamin Holmes, Esq., Vice-president; Hon. Francis Hincks, Hon. E. P. Tache, Hon. W. Cayley, Hon. Sir A. McNab, Hon Peter Mc Gill, Hon. L. T. Drummond, Geo. Crawford, Esq., M.P.P., W. H. Ponton, Esq., E. F. Whittemore, Esq., Henry LeMesurier,. Esq. Managing Director in Canada — Sir C. P. Roney ; Engineer in chief, Alexander |M. Ross, Esq.; General Manager, S. P. Bidder, Esq. ; John M. Grant, Esq., Assistant secretary^ W. H. A. Davis, Esq., Chief accountant. Auditors— William Molson, Esq., William Workman, Esq., Alfred LaRocque, Esq. INDUSTRY VILLAGE AND RAWDON RAILROAD COMPANY. Directors — J. H. Dor win, president ; P. Dugar, vice-president ; Charles Phillips, £. G. Penny, C. H. Findlay ; John McDonald, treasurer ; P. D. Brown, clerk. OiRce, 18 Little St James street. , I :4 I 384 MISCILLANI0U8. MONTKBAL AND BTT0V7N BAILKOAD COMPANT. Office Craig corner Place d'Armes hill. Directors— A. M. Delisle, presidtnt ; Wm. Workman, vica- president : W. C. Evans, Charles J. Laeroix, Henry Judab,- Korbert Dumas, B. H. Lemoine, Wolfred Nelson. Ex-oflleio Directors— Mayor, City of Montreal ; Mayor, County Ottawa: Mayor, County Terrebonne. W. H. Hopper, secretary ; G. F. Cockburn, chief Engineer. STANSTEAD, SHErrOllP AND CHAMBLY RAILROAD. Directors— Hon. L. T. Drummond, president; R. A. Ellis, vice-president ; Asa. B. Foster, managing director : Joseph A. Knowlton, Ralph Merry. D. Russ Wood, L. S. Huntingdon, Charles C. Colby, J. G. Cowie. £x-Officio Directors— Mayor, County of Shefford; Mayor, County of Stanstead ; Wm. H. Hopper, secretary. Office Craig corner Place d'Armes hill. 1 RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY. P. E. Leclerc, president; N. B. Desmarteau, vice-president; J. H. Terroux, secretary and treasurer. Office 14 St Gabriel Street. MONTREAL BUILDING SOCIETY. ^ James Court, secretary and treasurer. Office, Insurance build- ings, Great St James street. CITY AND DISTRICT BUILDING SOCIETY. J. J. C. Abbott, secretary and treasurer. Office, 34 Little St James Street. NEW CITY CAS COMPANY. Board of Directors— Hugh Allan, president ; J. D. Gibb, vice- president ; Hon. Joseph Bourret, Andrew Wilson, Louis Beaa- dry, J. G. Mackenzie, Thomas Molson, J. W. A. R. Masson, Henry Mulholland, John Ostell, Wm. Dow, Alexander Urqubart. John Ross, manager; G. Robson, secretary; E. Hausselman,^ collector. Office, Gabriel street, Griffintown. MONTREAL AND TROY TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Merchants' Exchange, St. Sacrament Street. Hugh Allan, president. .;...,,, MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Merchants' Exchange, St. Sacrament Street. Directors — Hugh Allan, president; John Redpath, James Logan, H. H. Whitney, Benjamin Hall ; 0. S. Wood, superin- tendent ; James Dakers, secretary. MISCELLANI0U6. 385 LODGES AND CLUBS. '» i,vic«- Judab,- •officio ttawt; i. Elliii septi A* tiogdoDi Mayor, :e Craig iresident ; : Gabiiel kce build* Little St libb, vice- is Beaa- |. MaBBont Trqubart. isselmaDr Ireet. treet. [h, James superin- MAIONIC. PnoviNciAL Grand Lodge, Montreal and William Henry.— Hon Mr. Justice Badgley, P.G.M. ; Hon Peter McGill, Past do. ; Frederick Griffin, D.P.G.M. ; G. W. Johnson, S.G.W. ; W. A. Osgood, J.G.W.; Strachan Bethune, P.G. Re- |:istrar; Rev. Jacob Ellegood, P.G. Chaplain; George Moffatt, j«nr., P.G. Treasurer; Ogiivy Moffatt, P.G. Secretary; Walter Scott, Assist, do. ; Dr. Bernard, S.G.D. ; H. L. Robinson, J.G.D. ; W. Foster, P.G. Surpdt. Works; J. W. Haidimand, P G. Dir. Ceremonies; P. D. Brown, Assist, do. do. ; Joseph Walker, P. 6. Sword Bearer; William Easton, P.G. Poursuivant: Richard Colquhoun, P.G. Tyler ; Thomas Spiers, Assist, do. Meetings, half yearly, second Monday m May aiid November. Royal Arch Chapters — Hon William Badgley, RG, supt for Canada ; Hon Peter McGill, past do. St Paul's Royal Arch Chapter, attached to St Paul's Lodge, No 514— Ogiivy Moffatt, Z ; Frederick Griffin, Past Z ; Strachan Bethune, H. ; Archd. H. Campbell, J. ; John Glass, Scribe £. ; A. M. Forbes, Scribe N. ; George Moffatt, junr., P.S. ; R. D. Collis. treasurer; R. Colquhoun, janitor. Quarterly con- vocation, third Thursday in January, April, July and October. Victoria Roval Arch Chapter, attached to St George's Lodge, J G Shipway, Z ; A W Laird, E. Meets'fourth Wednesdays in February, May, August and November. St Paul's Lodge, No 514— Ogiivy Moffatt. WM ; George Mof- fatt, treasurer; Alex D Parker, secretary; meets on second Tuesday ol the month, at St Lawrence Hall. St George's Lodge, No 643— A Bernard, WM ; A W Laird, secretary: D Moss, treasurer ; meets on the third Tuesday even- ing in each month, at No 56 Notre Dame Street Zetland Lodge, No 731 — R Noxon, WM ; E Moss, treasurer , Geo E Fenwick, secretary; meets second Thursday of each iconth, at 57 Notre Dame Street ' St Lawrence, E R— M Morrison, WM, Henry A i^lassford, SW ; Dr Reddy, JW ; H Samuel, secretary ; meets first Tues- day of every month, at the St Lawrence Hall. Lodge of Social and Military Virtues. — ^. M. Browne, WM ; Edwin Morris, SW ; R A Malcolm, JW; W Bower, se- cretary ; meets first Thursday of every month, at No 57 Notre Pame Street. Elgin Lodge, S R, Jno Boyd, RWM; Jno McGibbon, secre- tary; J Haldane, treasurer; meets first Monday of every month. Masonic Warehouse— No 135 Notre Dame Street, J Brown's ODD FELLOWS, MU. Montreal District, lOOF— Wm Reid, PGM ; Andw Stewart, DPGM ; M N Darwent, CS. ■ T 386 MISCELLANEOUS. Montreal Lodge— W H Boyd, NG ; Eobt Wilson, VG ; John Reid, secretary. Briton's Queen Lodge— Chs McAdam, NG ; Carter Pears, VG ; Andw Stewart, secretary. KELIGIOUS AND TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Incorporated Church Society, Right Rev the Lord Bishop ot Montreal, president; TB Anderson, Esq, treasurer; Rev E J Rogers, secretary. Canada Sunday School Union — Hon Jamss Ferrier, president ; James Court, treasurer ; J C Becket, secretary. French Canadian Missionary Society — Lieut Col Wilgress, pre- sident ; James Court, treasurer ; Rev P Wolff, secretary. Montreal Association for distributing Religious Tracts, John Mc- Watters, senr., chairman, J. A. Mathevrson, seiretary & treasurer. Montreal Auxiliary Eible Society — A F Holmes, MD, president; D Davidson, treasurer ; T M Taylor, s^jcretary. Montreal Ladies Bible Association — Mrs J J Day, president, Mrs D Torrance, treasurer, Miss McDcugall, secretary. Religious Tract Society — Joseph Wenham, president; Henry Vennor, treasurer ; E T Taylor, secretary. Young Men's Christian Association — George Childs, president ; F E Grafton, secretary; Peter Wood, treasurer ; S Massey, missionary. Wesleyan Missionary Society, James Ferrier, jun., treasurer; James A Mathewson, secretary Wesleyan Sunday School Union— Rev Wm Scott, president ; Wm Hodgson, secretary. Montreal Temperance Society, John Dougall, president ; J. C. Becket, secretary Young Men's Total Abstinence Society— J A Mathewson, presi- dent ; F E Grafton, treasurer; Geo Childs, secretary. Seamen and Strangers' Friend Society, Hon. James Ferrier, pre- sident; James Court, treasurer; John Dougall, secretary Depot Church Society, National School Room, St Denis Street. RECHABITES. Pers*'vcrance Tent — Meets every Tuesday evening, 38 Great St James street. Samaritan Tent— meets every Monday evening, 38 Great St James street. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Howard Division — Meets every Thursday evening, St Paul's School Room, Recollect street. Jonadab Division — Meets every Wednesday evening, head Wolf street, Quebec suburb Neal Dow Division— Meets every Friday evening, 38 Great St. James street MM MISCELLANEOUS. 387 G ; John er Pears, Bishop ot uer; Rev president ; giess, pre- cretary. I, John Mc- p-.retary & , president; , president, retary. ;nt; Henry 5, president ; ; S Massey, , treasurer; sident;Wm ident ; J. C. wson, presi- retary. 'errier, pre- secretary mis Street. 38 Great St |38 Great St g, St Paul's Ig, head Wolf 38 Great St. BANK OF MONTREAL. Established in 1818 — Incorporated by an Act of Pro- vincial Parliament, Capital, jB 1,000,000. Head Office, Place d'Armes. Board of Directors— The Hon. Peter McGill, president: ; T. B. Anderson, vice do; James Logan, John Redpath, Hugh Allan, Benjamin Holmes, H. Stephens, John Torrance, Thomas Ryan, John Brooke, John Boston, Henry Thomas, D. Torrance. Officers — Alex. Simpson, cashier ; R. Milioy, chief clerk ; S. Reid, ch'ef accountant; C. Ashvvorth, 2nu do ; E. A. Prentice, 3rd do; J. C. Brown, 1st teller; J. Porteous, 2nd do ; W. J. Buchanan, 3rd do; R. A. Lindsay, discount clerk ; George Dyett, inspector; J. Rae, accountant. Branches and agencies ; A. C. Mowbray, Exciiange clerk ; F.Franklin, transfer clerk; C. J. Penner, assistant do ; A. MacNiJer, do ; Joseph. Rogers, Bank note department; H. B. Picken, messenger; James Brennanand Thomas Tooke, porters; Frederick Griffin, solicitor; John C- Griffin, notary. Discount days — Tuesdays and Fridays; divi- dends, 1st Jur.cand 1st Dec. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital, £1,000,000 Sterling. Montreal Branch — Board of Local Directors — Hon. Jas. Fer- rier, J. B. Greenshields, Sir George Simpson, William Dow ; David Davidson, manager ; Thoma-; Paton, inspector of bran- ches. Days of Discount — Wednesdays and Saturdays. CITY BANK, PLACE d'aRMES. Capital £225,000. Directors — William Workman, president; John Carter, vice- president ; John Rose, William,, William Macionaid. Officers — F. rvlaccuiloch, cashier; R. Mills, book-keeper;!. Hamson, paying teller ; G. Ruthven, receiving teller ; Ja3. Graham, discount clerk ; Thos. Stephens, department cierk ; A. F. Cowie, assistant clerk; L. Mathewson, do; James McLea, messenger; Richard Mathews, porter. BANQUE DU PEUPLE, Great St. James. Directors — Hon. L. M. Viger, president ; Jacob DeWitt, vice- president; J. F. Allard, Hon. F. A. Quesnel, H. B. Smith, P. Jodoin, Alexis Savageau, A. E. Montmarquet, S. B. Bonner, J. Bruneau, H. Starnes, A. Prevost. Officers — B. H. Lemoine, cashier; G. Peltier, accountant ; E. Fournier, assistant act. ; J. L. Brault, paying teller ; John S Morley, discount clerk; J. E. Malhiot, receiving teller ; Alex. Mercille, 2'J. receiving teller; 0. B. Pelletier, book-keeper; R. Terroux, assistant clerk; C. F. Papineau, notary; H. B. St. Mane, messenger ; Robert Turner, porter. 1 388 MISCELLANEOUS. MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK. At tliQ Bank of Montreal, Place d'Arraes. S. Gerrard, president; J. Frothiagham, vice-president; John Armour, secretary. Open every Monday and Thursday, from 10 o'clock A.M. to 2 P.M. CITY AND DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK. 4* Great St. .James Street. Patron — His Lordship the Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal Board of Directors — Hon Joseph Bourret, president ; Edwin Atwater, vice-president ; H. Mulliolland, L. H. Holtoti, Henry Judah, A. M. Delisle, Dr. Wolfred Nelson, H. Starnes, KorberL Dumas ; L. J. Barbeau, actuary. !U{ Deposits are received every day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; the board of directors meet regularly every Tuesday evening. molson'3 bank, 11 Great St James Street. John and William Molson, bankers; William Sache, cashier; George E. Molson, teller; W. W. Colbron, accountant; John Breen, msssenger. Discounts daily. BANK AGENCIES. Bank of Uyper Cahada, Joseph Wenham, manager ; E T Tay- lor, accountant ; E Vennor, clerk ; Edward Hallowell, assistant do; Andrew Rintoul, jun, do; 47 Great St. James Street. Commercial Bank ot the Midland District — A H Campbell, cashier; Thos Kirby, accountant; F Rufford, discount clerk; C A Hamilton, teller ; Neil Campbell, assistant clerk ; — Gale, junior clerk. PRIVATE BANKERS. C Dorwin & Co, 23 St. Francois Xavier street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. AGENCIES OF ASSURANCE COMPANIES, &C. iEtna Fire and Life of Hartford, Robert Wood, agent 62 St Fran- cois Xavier. Beacon Life and Fire of London, Joseph Whyddor;, agent, 25 Great St James. Britannia Life of London, J H Maitland, agent. Place d'Armes. See card British America Fire, Life and Inland Marine, M H Gault- agent, 22 St Francois Xavier British American Friendly Society of Canada for the Assurance of Life and Health, J H Phillips, manager, 32 St Joseph city Colonial Life Assurance, A D Parker, manager, 67 [late 49] Great St James. See card Equitable Fire Assurance Co., C F Tilstone, manager. Mer- chants' Exchange. See card ^ »M^ ^.,«,v*IB»»M«M»l»JM.V.^.*ftfi»'«i< tues. lident; John lay, from 10 ( of Montreal lent; Edwia iltoti, Henry nes, Korberl » 3 P.M. ; the fening. ?et. I'che, cashier; (untant; John er; ETTay- well, assistant Street. 1h Campbell, count clerk; erk ; — Gale, &c. nt ♦)2 St Fran- doii, ageiit, 25 lace d'Armes. IGault-agent, the Assurance St Joseph city , 67 [late 49] nana»er, Mer- INSURANCE COMPANIES. 389 Globe Insurance Company of Utica, N.Y., M M'lver, agent Place d'Armes hill Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Society, James Dougall, agent, Lemoine street. Hartford Fire of Hartford, Robert Wood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier Home Fire Insurance Company of N. Y., Robeit Wood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier Inland Marine Insurance Co., C T Palsgrave, agent, corner St Helen and Lemoine The Liverpool nnd London Life and Fire Insurance Company, J H Maitland, agtnt. Place d'Armes. See card Montreal Assurance Co., Wm Murray, manager, Great St James Monarch Fire and Life Assurance Co., H A Glassford, agent, Union Buildings, St Francois Xavier See card Mutual Life Assurance Company of New York, M H Gault, agent, St Francois Xavier Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Montreal, for country parts only, P L Letournenx, secretary and treasurer, 2 St Sacrament Jr.lernational Liie Assurance Society ot London, J B M Chip- man, general agent, Meichants' Exchange. See card National Life Assurance Co. Montpelier, Vermont, J M Gilbert, general agent for Canada, St Sacrament. See card PhaT.ix Fire of London, Gillespie, Moffatt & Co., agents, 182 St Paul. See card Protection Fire of Hartford, Robert Wood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier Provincial Marine and Fire Insurance Co., A Heward, 2S Saint Francois Xavier Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston, A F Sabine, aatent, 277 Notre Dame. See card Western Fire and Marine, M H Gault, agent, St Francois Xavier MONTREAL AGENCY OK TM£ UNION MUTUAL U_F| INSURANCE CO. Head Office. 28 State Street, Boston. A«-eiit for Canada, DFFICE, -277 NOTRE DAME STREET, p>. .'rosjiectiises, Blank Forms of Proposal furnished, nd every i n to riiiat ion given, at the Montreal Agency. «?: m 390 INSURANCE COMPANIES. MONARCH OF LONDON. Empowered by Special Acts of Parliament. ESTABLISHED 1835. Capital,— £300,000 Sterling. Surplus Fund— £200,000 Sterling. The Subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above named Assurance Company, is prepared to accept FIRE and LIFE RISKS, at as moderate Rates of Premium as any other safe Company. All Losses promptly settled here, without refer- ence to the London Office. H. A GLASSFORD, Agent for B. N. A., 16 St Sacrament Street. PHIENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. This Company established its Agency in Canada iu the year 1804?, and continues to insure Property of every description against loss or damage by Fire, at reasonable rates Losses settled in this country without reference to the Board of Directors in London. The Company is composed of a numerous body of wealthy proprietors who are individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes, in addition to the invested capital of the Company. No charge made for Policies GILLESPIE, MOFFATT Sc CO., Montreal, Agents for Canada. SUB- A GENTS : Quebec — Messrs Gillespies & Co. Kingston — Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq. Toronto — Messrs Motfatt, Murray & Co. Hamilton — Messrs Gillespie, Denholm ik Co. London — H. C. Hughes, Esq. meat, s Fund — A.,Tent for LS prepared s moderate Lipany- hout refer- ?ORD, lent Street. .. Canada in. Property of by Fire, at reference to ;rous body of Jly liable to , in addition :t & CO., lolcn ^ t)o. INSURANCE COiMPANIEb. 391 THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF THE UNITED STATES. MONTPELIER— Vermont. JULIUS y. DEWEY, M. D., President. GEO. U. REED, Secretary. CASH CAPIPAL, SECURELY INVESTED, EXCEEDS $150,000. All Profits divided among the insured at the end of every iive yeai5. If desired, a credit will be given to the insured, for one half of ftve premiums, on the pledge of the policy. Mr. J. A. Page, cashier of the Vermont Bank at Montpelier, under the date of March, 23rd, 1S53, concerning this Company, writes : — " It is now about three years since the Company commenced busmess, during which time they have issued 1022 policies, as ap- pears by their books. All losses incurred, have invariably been paid promptly — all expenses to this date are paid, and they have now a cash capital of over $150,000, xoell and securely invested — $34,000, of which is the accumulated earnings, over and above expenses, losses and interest, on capital paid in. The affairs are as far as I can judge, conducted with safety, economy and regu- larity, and 1 cannot conceive of any reason why the Company is not on a good and sure basis to be as permanent in its business as any other Company whatsoever. I think it entitled to the fullest confidence." BOARD OF REFERENCE FOR MONTREAL. William Workman, Es [., President City Bank ; Messrs Lymans Savage & Co., J. B. Smith k Co., Edwin Atwater, Esq: Othec Referees well known to the public of Montreal : — Hon. Justice Richards, Toronto; Messrs. Geo. Morton Ix Co., Brockville, C. W; Messrs. J. (isc J. H. Peck & Co., Burlington, Vt. J. M. GILBERT' Agent for Canada. Otiioe for IMontrec.i — Corner of St Nicholas and St Sacrament Streets, m 392 INSURANCE COMPANIES. BRITlMIi LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, No, 1, Prince's Street, Bank, London. ESTABLISHED AUG. ], 1837.— CAPITAL, £1,000.000 8x0. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 4 Vict. Chap. IX Directors* Maj. Gen. Robert Alexander, Blackheatli Park, chairman; William Bardgett, Esq., 149 Fenchurch street; George Bevington, Esq., Neckinger Mills, Bermondsey ; F. P- Cockerill, Esq., Shadwell and Twickenham; George Cohen, Esq., Shacklewell ; Millis Coventry, Esq., White Hart Court, Lombard street ; John Drewett, Esq., 50 Cornhill ; Erasmus Robert Foster, Esq., 1 Prince's Street Bank; T. S. Girdler, Esq., 7 Tokenhouse Yard ; H. L. Smale, Esq., Doctors' Commons. Standins; Counsel — H. Bellenden Ker, Esq., 8 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. Solicitors — Messrs.. McLeod ^ Stenning, 6 London Street, Fenchurch street. Bankers — Messrs. Dimsdale, Drewett, Fowlers, and Baniard, Cornhill. Local Agents in Canada* James Eraser, Esq., Church street, Toronto, C. W. ; Ihornas Briggs, Esq., Kingston, C. W. ; Duncan JMacDougail. Esq., Hamilton, C. W. ; A. G. Smith, Esq., London, C. W. ; David Burn, Esq., Cobourg, C. W. ; George Hay, Ottawa, C. W. ; William M. Wilson, Esq., Clerk ol' the Peace, Simcoe, C. W. ; Wm. Cluxton, Esq., Peterboro', C. W. ; James Kerby, Esq., Brantford, C. W. ; P. R. Palmer, Esq., Thurlow, C. W. ; D. B. Solmes, Esq., travellir,* agent. North Port, C. W. ; Thomas Hickey, Esq., Chambly. C.E. , Louis De Lorme, Esq., St Hyacinthe, C. E. ; Thomas Tail, Esq., Melbourne, C. E. ; J.B. Buell, Esq., BrockvUle; H. J. Mittleberger, St Catherines, C. W. Advantages of this Institution. HALF-CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM. Persons assured according to these rates are allowed credit toy half the amount of the ^^rsi ?ei'en annual premiums, paying inte- rest thereon, at the rate of live per cent, per annum, with the option of paying off tlie arrears of Premiums, at any time, or having the amount deducted from the sum assured wtien tue Policy becomes a claim. FOR SECURIiVG LOAN'S AND DEBTS. A Table adapted especially for the securmg of Loans and Debts by which the fullest security is obtained on very low, but gradu- ally increasing. Premiums. Tables 4 and 11, are recommended to the attentio;! of the public. — No. 4 is a table of decreasmg rates of Premium, on a novel and remarkable plan ; the policy holder having the option of discontinuing the payment of all further premiums after twen- ty, fifteen, ten an.d even live year.= ; and the policy still remain- m t- \ m, )OOStg. lap. 9. tairman; George ; F. P. TQ Cohen, ute Hart CornhlU ; Bank ; T. iale,Esq., ndetv Ker, ;— Messrs. irch streeu \i Barnard, .; ILornas UijaLi. Ksiv» ol c. ^v• ; lY, Ottawa, the Peace, 0', C.W.:. mer, Esq., iu§ as^ei-.t, ibly.C'E. , homas Tait, •kviUe; H' ed credit tor lute- the %\. with inv time, or td when tae ias and Debts [v, ^radu- lention ol the lemvutv.. '3t~' ''■ Ij-.-r theontioii Is'at'ter twen- tib re'.naui- INSURANCE COMPANIES. 393 ing in tbrce, — in the 1st case, lor tlie full amoimt onginally assured, and in either of the three other cases, for a portioa of the same according to a fixed and equitable scale endorsed upon the policy. ' No. 11. Circiinnstances will frequently arise whereby, a person having assured his own life tor the benerit of a surviving family, or the protection of a creditor, may attain his object by other means, and consequently be desirous of securing for himself the benefit of the assurance. To meet such cases this table has been computed, shewing the rates required to secure a sum payable at the ueath of the assured, if he die before attaining 60 years of age, but also payable to the assured himself if he survive that age ; by this means a provision for old age is combined with an assur- ance upon life. Policies revived, without the exaction of a fine, at any time within twelve months, if health remains unimpaired. Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy. Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their Reports. Extract from the Hali-Credit Rates of Premium, Annual premium required for an Assnrance of £100 for the whole Term of Life. HALr Premiom foh Whole Prsmilm after A«£. First Skven Years. Seveji Years. £ t=. d. £ ,. d. 30 1 1 ft 2 3 6 40 I 9 3 2 18 4 50 'i 2 6 4 6 U 60 ;j fi 3 « 13 4 23" Parties insured m this office are permitted to go to Europe in first-class steamers or sailing vessels, without extra charge. E.R.FOSTER, Resdt. Dir. ANDREW FRANCIS, Secv. J. H. MAITLAND, General Agent for Montreal and Canada. BBITANNIA MUTVAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, No. 1 Prifice's Stteet, Bank, London. Empowered by Her Majesty's P^oyal Letters Patent. DIRECTORS : (Same as the Britannia Pniprietary Branch.) This institution was originally es'.ablished under a different title in the year 1839. on the plan of admitting the Assured to participate in four-fifths only of the profits ; but the Society has since been remodelled so as to become a strictly " Mutual Asso- ciation." The whole of the funds and property belong to, and are accu- mulated for the exclusive benefit of the Assured. 394 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Bi:. The profits are divided annually among the Policy-holdera. and applied in reduction of the current year's premium ; thus constituting, in effect, an immediate cash payment to the Assured. Half-Credit Policies are granted on terms unusually favorable to the holders, — the amount for which credit is given, being gra- dually liquidated out of the profits. Two Tables of Rates have been computed; one entitling the Assured to pariicinate in the profits after payment of five annual premiums; the other consulerubly lower, in which the period of participation is deferred two years longer ; the premium ultima- tely paid by the Assured is, however, precisely the same, which- ever Table of Rates may in the first instance be selected. General Metings of the Members are held annually ; to whom full and complete statements of the affairs and funds of the Society are submitted, and by whom the divisions of the profits are declared. At the Annual General Meeting held on the 24th April last, a dividend of 30 per cent, upon tfie current year's {premium was awarded to all Members who had made the requisite number of payments on their respective policies. By order of the Board of Directors, E. R. FOSTER, Resident Director. ANDREW FRANCIS, Secretary. (Local Agents in Canada, same as Proprietary Branch.) 53* The " Britannia Mutual Life Association " is altogether distinct from, and independent of, the Proprietary office transact- ing business under the name of the " Britannia Life Assurance Company." The only connection between the two establish- ments is, that their affairs are conducted on the same premises, and by the same officers, by which means the entire disburse- ments of the Mutual Association are reduced to a small per cent- age on the receipts. J. H. MAITLAND, General Agent for Montreal and Canada. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS STERLING. HEAD OFFICES : 3> Castle Street, Liverpool. 20 and 21 Poultry, and 28 Regent Street, London. Corner of place d'Armes and Notre Dame Street, Montreal. CANADA BOABD OF DIRECTOBS. T. B. Anderson, Esq., chairman ; Alex. Simpson, Esq., Deputy chairman. "" ■ ■■ " Robt. S. Tylee, Esq., Henry Chapman, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq., Henry Starnes, Esq., J. H. MAITLAND, Esq., Resident Secretary. iicy-holdera, mium ; thus the Assured. Uy favorable n, being gra- entitUng the of five annual the period ot mium ultima- same, which- elected. lUy : to whom 5 of the Society ihe profits are tth April last, a I premium was isite number ot nt Director. ,, Secretary, ry Branch.) « » is altogether ff office transact- Life Assurance e two establish- same premises, le entire dvsburse- a small per cent- and Canada. NDON COMPANY. LING. fverpool. It. London. Itreet, Montreal. [ylee, Esq.. apman, Esq. kident Secretary- I>'SURANCE COMPANIES. 395 INTEMATIOMl OF LONDON. • Established in 1838. Incorporated and Empowered by Act of Parliament* A Savlnss' Bank for tlie Widow and tbe Orphan. OFFICE— 142 Strani, London. Merchants Exchange, Montreal. €apUal3 £500,000 Sterling. COURT OF DIRECTORS IN LONDON. Edmond Sheppard Symes, M.D.— Chairman A. Campbell BTclay, Esq., Charles Bennett, Esq., Samuel King Church, Esq., John Elliotson, M.D., F.R.S Thos. Colley Grattan, Esq., Henry John Hodgson, Esq. i John Moss, Esq., Thomas Nicoll, Esq., Clement Tabor, Esq., Joseph Thompson, Esq., Manager — J. Leander Starr, Esq. ./ludifors— Professor Wheatstone, F.R.S. , Professor John Rad- ford Young. LOCAL DIRECTORS IN MONTREAL. B. Holmes, Esq. — Chairman, Rev. J. Flanagan. I Wm. Lunn, Esq., A. LaRocque, Esq,, | T. Hart, Esq., H. Judah, Esq., J. B. M. CHIPMAN, General Ageif. PREMIUMS are as low as safety to the Office admits. . Insurers under the Withdrawal Table, are entitled to borrow to the extent of one half their Annual Premium, without any lespon- sibility or guarantee. Each Loan will be endorsed on the Policy, which is consequently not required to be lodged with the Society. Existing Policies will continue upon the former system, or may be converted into one of the new form. The Montreal Directors sign Policies under special power of Attorney from the Court of directors in London, and thereby save the expense of Stamp duty. Applicants are not charged for Medical examination. Risks are accepted, Loans granted, and Losses paid by the Montreal Locai Board, without referring to Loudon. Pamphlets or Blanks may be had at the Office in Montreal, or at the Agencies throughout the Province. 396 I.NSURANCE COMPANIES. Fire EQUITABLE Insurance Company OF LONDON. CAPITAL, £500,000 STERLING. !DIKECTORS* ARCHIBALD C. BARCLAY, Esq., Chaieman. Charles Bennett. Esq, John Moss, Esq, Frederick Morris, Esq, Henry Oxenford, Esq, Miles Charles Seaton, Esq, John Shaw, Esq, Edmond S Syme.s, Esq, MD, Clement Tabor, Esq, Thomas West, Esq, Francis V Woodhouse, Esq. SECRETARY. W H PRESTON, Esq. LOCAL DIRECTORS AT MONTREAL. Office Merchants Exchange. William Lunn, Esq, Jchfi Torrance, Esq, John Frothingham, Esq, Alfred LaRocque. Esq, Benjamin Holmes, Esq, Hon WilliarTi Morris, J G Mackenz;e, Esq, Theodore Hart, Esq. C F TILSTONE, Manager. This Office insures as;ainst Loss or Damage by Fire all descrip- tions of Buildings, including Mills and Manufactories, and the Goods, Wares and Merchandize in the same ; Ships in Harbor or in Dock ; Craft on navigable rivers and canals, and tbe Goods laden in the same; and Farming Stock of all descriptions. The " Equitable" Fire Office W)ll, by a constant analysis of its own e.xperience from time to time, adopt such rates of pre- miums as the nature of the risk may justify. With this vievkT an annual investigation will be made into each class of risk, and a return of one moiety — or fifty per cent — of the nett excess will be made to all classes of insurers, whose po- licies have been in force ior three years. The engagements of the " Equitable," are guaranteed by a responsible proprietary, and an ample subscribed Capital. The insured are free from the liabilities of a Mutual Insurance Society t and entitled, according to the plan of the Company, to a retura of half the profits. Losses are made good without deduction or discount, and are adjusted and paid in Montreal, without reference to London. By a Resolution of the Court in Loudon, the PremiuTM are Retained in Montreal to pay Lostes, avd accumulate a fund of XI 0,000. THE LOCAL DIRECTORS MEET WEEKLY. Agent« have been appointed throughout Canada. ipany RMAN. ic Morris, Esq, I, John Shaw, , Esq, Thomas . t. '.>'i/ I Frolhingham, les, Esq, Hon Hart, Esq. Fire all descrip- ■tories, and the ins in Harbor or and the Goods jcriptions. ■ant analysis of ch rates of pre- , made into each rty per cent— of Wers, whose po- luaranteed by a , Capital. The isurance Societyt my, to a return Iscount, and are I to London. U Premiwnt are \ulate a fund of :KLY. Agents GUIDE TO THE STREETS OF THE CITY. I«}oT£.— In the following guide Sherbrooke street is taken as the northern, and the River as the southern boundary of the city, and the streets are described as running north, south, east, or west, as they lie in relation to those lines. Albert Place, corner of Lagauchetiere and St Urbain streets, St Lawrence ward Albert Street, from Colborne avenue west to Shaw street Amherst Street, from Water street north to Mignonne street, St James ward Anderson Street, from Lagauchetiere street south to Juror street, between Bleury and St George streets, St Lawrence ward Ann Street, from William street south to the Canal, St Ann's ward ' Aqueduct Street, Irom the Canal north to Dorchester street, St Ann's and St Antoine wards Aylmer Street, from St Catherine street north to Sherbrooke street, St Antoine ward Bagg Street, from St Lawrence street west to St Urbain street, above Sherbrooke street, St Lawrence ward Barclay Street, from St Mary street south to Water street, di- vides St James and St Mary's wards Barrack Street, from St Paul street south to Commissioners' street, East ward Basin Street, from McCord street west to the new upper Basin Barrie Street, intersects Mountain, street, its junction with McCord street, St Ann's ward Barrie Lane, fron St Joseph street south to William street, near Mountain street, St Ann's ward Beaudry Street, from Laugauchtiere street north to the City limits Beaver Square, near Craig and St Radegonde street, St Antoine ward Beaver Hall square, at the head of Beaver Hall terrace, St Antoine ward Beaver Hall Street, from Beaver Hall square to Phillips square, St Antoine ward Beaver Ha 1 terrace, from Lagauchetiere street north to Dorches- ter street, St Antoine ward Belmont Street, fio;-n Beaver Hall terrace west to St Genevieve street, St Antoine ward Berry Lane, from St Louis street north to Viger square, St James ward U 398 STREET DIRECTORY. Berthelot Street, from Bleury street weit to Aylmer street, St Lawrence ward Bisson Street, from St Antoine street north to St Janvier street, St Antoine ward Blache Lane, runs east from Mountain street, between St Antoine and St Janvier Blake Street, from Sydenham street east to the Papineau road, St Mary's ward Bleury Street, from Craig street north to Sherbrooke street, St Lawrence ward Bonsecours Street, from St Paul street north to Viger square. East ward Brock Street, from Water street north to St Mary street, St James ward Burnet Street, from Colborne avenue west to Shaw street, St Mary's ward Burnside Place, from Union avenue west to Mansfield street, St Antoine ward Busby Lane, runs north from Craig street, between St Radegonde street and St Monique street. St Antoine ward Brunswick Street, from Dorchester street south to Belmont street St Antoine ward Cadieux Street, from Sherbrooke street north to the city limits, St Louis ward Callieres Street, from Commissioners street south to Common street, West ward Campeau Street, from St Mary street, north to Dorchester street, St James ward Canal Street, fronts the Canal, south side, west from Wellington street, St Ann's ward Canning Street, from St Joseph street north to St Antoine street, Saint Antoine ward Capital Street, from St Francois Xavier Street east to St Joseph Street, Centre ward Cathcart Street, from Phillip's square west to Mansfield street, St Antoine ward Catherine Street, from Wellington street north to William street, St Ann's ward Cemetery Street, from Chaboillez square north to the Old Roman Catholic Burying-Ground, St Antoine ward Chaboillez Street, from Chaboillez square north to St Bonaven- ture street, St Antoine ward Chaboillez Square, at the junction of St Joseph and St Maurice streets, St Antoine and St Ann's wards Chagouamigon Street, from St Paul street south to Capital street, Centre waid Charles Street, from Richmond square north to Dorchester street, St Antoine ward Champ de Mars fronts on St Gabriel, Craig, and Gosford streets, East ward STREET DIRECTORY. 399 ner street, St anvier ftreet, een St Antoine 'apineau road, ooke street, St Viger square, treet, St James shaw street, St sfield street, St I St Radegonde i Belmont street the city limits, th to Common rchester street, om Wellington ; Antoine street, ist to St Joseph [ansfield street, William street, the Old Roman to St Bonaven- ind St Maurice ) Capital street, jrchester street, Gosford streets, Champ de Mars Street, from the Champ de Mars cast to Lacroix street, East ward Cbenneville Street, from Craig street north to the Old Protestant Burying-'^ roundest Lawrence vrard Cbristophe Street, south from St Catherine street, near St Hubert street, St James ward City Councillors Street, from St Catherine street north to Sher- brooke street, St Lawrence and St Antoine wards Colborne Avenue, from St Mary street north to the City Boun- dary, St Mary ward Colborne Street, from Wellington Street,|nofth to William Street St Ann's ward College Street, from McGill Street west to Inspector Street Commissioners Street, between Water and McGill Streets on the river side Commissioners Square, at the north end of McGill Street, West ward Common Street, from Custom House square west to tiie Canal basin. West and St Ann's wards. Concord Street, from Bleury to St Alexander Street, near Sliei- brooke Street, St Lawrence ward Cornwall terrace, at the corner of St Denis and Dorchester Streets, St Louis ward Cot< Street, from Craig Street north to Lagaucheti^re Street, St Lawrence ward C6te des Neiges Road, from Dorchester Street north to the City Boundary, St Antoine ward Craig Sreet, from Colborne avenue West to St Antoine Street Custom House square, between St Paul and Commissioners Streets, opposite the Custom House, Centre Ward. Dalhousie Street, .from William street south to the Canal, St Ann's ward Palhousie Square, at the junction of Notre Dame, St Paul and St St Mary streets. East ward DeSalaberry Street, from St Mary street north to Lagauchettere street, St Mary's ward De la Friponne Street, from St Paul street south to the nver. East ward Desrivieres Street, from at Antoine street south to St Bonaven- ture street, St Antoine ward Devienne Street, from St Simon street east to St Phillip street, St St Lawrence ward Dorchester Street, from Colborne Avenue west to the City bound- ary, St Mary's, St James, St Louis, St Lawrence, aid St Antoine wards Drummond Street, from Sherbrooke street south fo Dorchester street, St Antoine ward Dubord Street, from Sanguinet street east across Viger square, to Champeau street, St Louis and St James wards Dufresne Street, from St Mary street north to the City boundary Dumarais Street, from St Constant street cast to German street 400 STREET DIRECTORY. Dupr6 Lane, from College street north to St Joseph stieet, St Ann's ward Durham Place, part of St Louts street near Lacroiic street, East ward Durham Street, from Lagauchetiere street north to St Catherine street, St Mary's ward Durocher Street, Irom Sherbrooke street north to tne City bound- ary, divides St Lawrence and St Antoine wards Eleanor Street, from Gabriel Street north to William Street, St Ann's ward Elizabeth Street, from Colborne avenue west to Shaw street, St Mary's ward Erie Street, from Colborne avenue west to Gam street, St Mary's ward Eweretta Street, from Colborne avenue west to Shaw street, St Mary's ward Fortier Street, from St Lawrence street east to St Ehzabeth street, St Louis ward Fortification lane, from St Gabriel street west to Commissioners J square Fullum street, from St Mary street near Colborne avenue north. to the City Boundary, St Mary's ward Foundling Street, on the south side of the St Ann's market, West ward Gabriel Street, from Queen street west to McCord street, St Ann's ward Gain Street, from St Mary street north to St Catherine street, St Mary's ward George Street, from William street south to Common street, Su Ann's ward German Street, from Craig street north to Sherbrooke street, Sl Louis Ward Gosford street, from Notre Dame street north to Craig street, east ward Graham Street, from Colborne avenue west to Gain street, St Mary's ward Grant Street, from St Mary's south to the river, St James ward Grey Nun Street, from William street south to the canal, St Ann's ward Guy Street, from St J jseph street north to Dorchester street, St Antoine ward Hanover Street, from Belmont street north to Dorchester street, St Antoine ward Hanover Terrace, part of Bleury street between Lagauchetiere and Dorchester streets, St Lawrence ward Hermine Street, from Craig strewt north to Lagauchetiere st, Dorchester streets, St Lawrence ward Hospital Street, from St Fran9ois Xavier street west to St Alexis street, West ward Huron Street, from Colborne avenue west to Shaw street, St Marv's ward STREET DIRECTORY. 401 seph sti-eet, St IX street, East St Catherine ne City bound- !iam Street, St Shaw street, St Sam street, St Shaw street, St ) St Elizabeth Commissioners le avenue north 's market, West street, St Ann's henne street, St mmon street, St jrooke street, Sl to Craig street, Gain street, St St James ward the canal, St hester street, St )rchester street, 1 Lagauchetiere agauchetiere st, r'est to St Alexia Shaw street, St Inspector Street, from Bonaventure street south to William street, St Antoine and St Ann's wards James Lane, from Dalhousie street west to Ann street, St Ann's ward Jacques Cartier Square, from Notre Dame street south to the river, east ward Juror Street, from St George street west to the Hay market Isaac Alley, off St Urbain street near Lagauchetiere street, St Lawrence ward Kempt Street, from William street south to Wellington street, St Ann's ward Kempt Street, from St Joseph street north to St Antoine street Kent Street, from Colborne street west to Shaw street, St Mary's ward King Street, from William street south to the Canal, St Ana's ward Labelle Street, from Dorchester street north to Mignonne street, St James ward Lacroix Street, from Perthius street south to the river. East ward Lagauchetiere Street, from Gain street west to St Genevieve street, St Mary's, St James, St Louis, St Lawrence and St Antoine wards Latour Street, from the Hay Market west to St Genevieve street, St Antoine ward Lemoine Street, from St Peter street west to M'Gill street, West ward Longueuil Lane, from St Joseph street south to College street, St Ann's ward Mayor Street, from Bleury street west to Aylmer street, near Sherbrooke street, St Antoine and St Lawrence wards Mansfield Street, from St Catherine street north to Sherbrooke street, St Antoine ward Margaret Street, from St Bonaventure street north to Dorchester street, St Antoine ward Metcalfe Street, from Sherbrooke street south to the Old Catholic Burying-Ground, St Antoine ward M'Cord Street, from Wellington street north to Mountain street, St Ann's ward M'Gill College Avenue, from Cathcart street north to Sherbrooke street, St Antoine ward M'Gill Street, from the Haymaiket south to the Canal, West ward Mignonne Street, from St Urbain street east to St Andre street, St Lawrence, S; Louis and St James wards Mill Street, between the upper Basin of the Canal, and the river, St Ann's ward Molson Place and Molson Terrace, in rear of St Thomas Church, off St Mary street, St Mary's ward Monarque Street, from Papineau square south to the river, St Mary's ward 402 STREET DIRECTORY. Montcalm Street, from Lagauchetiere street south to the nver, St James ward Mountain Street, from McCord street, near St Joseph street north to the Mountain, St Antoine ward Mountain Terrace, corner of Mountain and Dorchester streeta. St Antoine ward Napoleon Street, from Montcalm street East to Visitation street Nazareth Street, from William street south to :ne Canal, St Ann's ward Nelson Street, off Colborne avenue, St Mary's ward Notre Dame Street, from Dalhousie square west to McGill street, East, Centre and West wards Olier Street, from McCord Street west to Richmond street St An- toine ward Ontario Street, off Colborne avenue ' Panet Street, from Water street north to the City Boundary, divides St James and St Mary's wards Papineau Square, off St Mary street, at the junction of Papinevi road and Monarque street, St Mary's ward Papineau Road, from Papineau square north to the City Bou.i- dary, St Mary's ward ' Parthenais Street, from St Mary street north to the City Boo i- dary, St Mary's ward Parthenais Square, on St Mary street, at the entrance of Parthe- nais street, St Mary's ward Peel Street, from Sherbrooke street south to the Old Catholic Burying-Ground, St Antoine ward Peel Street, off Colborne avenue, St Mary's ward PerrauU's Court, off the north side of Craig street, near St Domi- nique street, St Louis ward Perthius Street, from Berry lane east to Campeau street. Saint James ward Phillip's Square, head of Beaver Hall place, St Antoine ward Place d'Armes, off Notre Dame street, opposite the Roman Ca- tholic Parish Church, Centre ward Port Street, from Commissioners street south to Common street, East Ward Portland Place, part of St Antoine Street, near Aqueduct Street, St Antoine ward Queen Street, from William street south to the Canal, St Ann'.^ ward Recollect Street, from St Peter street west to McGill street, West ward Richmond Street, from the Canal north to Richmond square, St Antoine ward Richmond Square, off St Antoine street at the head of Richmond street, St Antoine ward Robert Street, off Colborne avenue, St Mary's ward Rodney Street, off Colborne avenue, St Mary's ward Rolland Street, from Mountain street west to Aqueduct street, St Antoine ward to the nver, St ph street north jster streets, St isitation street Janal, St Ann'^ id McGill street, id Street St An- ity Boundary, on of Papme^'i le City Boun- he City Boiia- mce of Parthe- ; Old Catholic , near St Domi- iu street, Sauit itoine ward he Roman Ca- Jommon street, ijueduct Street, ianal, St Ann'.^ rill street, West lond square, St d of Richmond ,rd ard queduct street, STREET DIRECTORY. 403 Rousseau Street, from Lacrcix street east to Campeau street Rose Street, from Visitation street east to Panet street, St James ward, near St Peter's Ciiurch Roy Lane, from St Bonaventure street south to St Joseph street, St Antoine ward Sanguinet Street, from Craig street, in. rear of the Champ de Mars north to "^herbrooke s Lemoine street, ) College street, 2;nonne street, St river, St Mary's ! west to McGiil ast to St Gabrtel STREET mRECTORY. 405 St James Square, off St Denis street between St Catherine and Mignonne streets, St Louis ward St Janvier Street, from Mountain street east to St Frangois de Sale street, St Antoine ward S' Jean Baptiste Street, from Notre Dame street south to the river, centre ward St John Street, from Notre Dame street south to St Sacrament street, west ward St Joseph Street, from Craig street south to the river, Centre ward St Joseph Street, from McGill street west to the City boundary, divides St Ann's and St Antoine wards St Lambert Street, from Notre Dame street north to Craig street, Centre ward St Lawrence Street, from Craig street north to the City boun- boundry, divids the St Lawrence and St Louis wards St Leon Street, from McCord street along side the canal, St Ann's Ward St Louis Street, from the Champ de Mars east to Lacroix street, divides the St Louis and St James wards from the east ward St Mary Street, from Dalhousie square east to the City boundary, St James and St Mary's wards St Maurice Street, from McGill street west to Chaboillez square^ St Ann's ward. St Michael Lane, from St Bonaveiiture street south to St Joseph street, St Antoine ward St Monique street, from St Antoine street, north to Cathcart st, St Antoine ward St Nicholas street, from St Paul street, north to St Sacrament street, west ward St Nicholas Tolentine street, from St Catherine street, south to the river St James ward St Paul street, from Dalhousie square, west to McGill street, East, Centre and West wards St Patrick street, off Wellington street, south of the canal, St Ann's ward St Peter street, from Ciaig street, south to Commissioners street, West ward St Phiilippe street, from Dorchester street, north to St Cathe- rine street, near St Urbain street, St Lawrence ward St Radegonde street, from Craig street, north to Lagauchetiere street, St Lawrence ward St Simon Street, from Dorchester street, north to St Catiierine street, St Lawrence ward St Sophie Street, from Craig street north to Latour street, St An- toine ward St Therese Street, from St Gabriel street east to St Vincent street East ward St Urbain Street, from Craig street north to the city boundary, St Lawrence ward St Vincent Street, from Notre D.ime street south to St Paul, East ward 406 STREET DI^ECTORT. 1 * I \ ■ I ' I Sydenham Street, from Ligauchetiire Street] aortb to St Cathe* rine street, St Mary's ward Sydenham Place, part of St Antoine itreet bettreea Aqoedact street and uuy street, St Antoine ward Tecumseth Terrace, Bleury street between Lagauchetidre «ndi Jurors street, St Lawrence ward Third Street, from Papineau road, east to Shaw street Union Avenue, from Dorchester street north to Sherbrooke street, St Antoine ward University Street, from Dorchester street Qorth Co Sherbrooke street, St Antoine wanl Valine Street, from St Simon street east to St Phillippe street^ St Lawrence ward Victor Street, from St Paul street south to the riv^r at the