^Ti ^f^.:^.^ ^r /A 7. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 2.5 us 12.2 ■ 4.0 1.8 Hiptographic Sciences Corporation // €// ^ >. ^ ^ ^ .<,* .* ^^%^4i. C of lot No. 26, in each of said Concessions. Explnrmtion o! HUiri'viinioiis in thf cnlumn ' Qiialiluaiinn ' •— « „«M(t I'., iniunl f. '^ InrmiTa son : f*. O son of owner; I., income: Oo , occupauli t ^ o , i'Mnnu.aa iiuii ownt'i. No. Name in Full. (Surname Hrst.) Occupation, 1 Alkestoii, Henjamiu 2 Acklanil, I>'.:,;;v.v 3 Acklani', (icorRe 4 .Alkcs'on, .lohn AlkL-ildu, Ilerlicrt 6 Brown, William 7 Boyd, Jowph 8 Bo}'d, Josi'pli .\ 9 Burns, Ui'orgi' 10 Buker, Calviii 11 Burns. Thomas 12 Black, Hunh 13 Black. Wiiii.i'ii 14 jt'Ottom, (!cascr 15 jC^oopcr, John 16 iCullcn, John 17 jCounell. William 18 iCralts, William C 19 jCrafts, William 20 ,(v(iopcr. fSauiucl.. 21 jCuUcn, Thomas J 22 jCochianc, Martin 23 iCoopcr, Roliert ,S 24 |CmI1cii, .IiiuK'S 25 JtJiiUcn. I'utrick 26 iCoopcr. T 27 iCoopcr. Charles 28 JDavis, Henry .1 29 Doyle, Henry Dool, Saiiiucl Dool, W. II DiiiiiMiil. Alliert Dod^e. .lame.-* DoilKC Alliert IJianioud, Albert .J Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson. .Tames Ferguson, .lohn Ferguson. Thomas Ferguson, Albert Ferguson, fleo"ge Ferguson, (leo.ge, sr.. Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson, .Joseph Ferguson, (icorgc Ferguson, William J., (iarrett, Nathaniel.. .. (iahan. I'eter Farmer.. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4r) 46 47 48 49 Jfireer, John 50 (ireer, Joseph 51 [(iahan, Patrick 62 lOarrett. Nathaniel.. 53 '(Jarrctt. .loseph 64 Garrett. Robert II .. 66 (iahan. Patrick 66 Hutton, Thomas W. 57 :il(iugh, David 58 Iloiigli. James (' 69 lliitton, Thomas 60 Hough. Robert V.... 61 Hough. Ilowaril J.. 62 Hutton. William S.. 63 iHare. Joseph 64 Jones. William sr. .. 65 Jones, Robert 66 Jones, Samuel 67 Jones, Thomas 6H Johnston, Wm , sr., 69 Jones, Wesley 70 Johnson, Robert 71 Johnson, William.... 72 'Jones, William, jr... 73 'Jones. Howard 74 Kvie, John 75 Kyle. John T 76 Kinch. licorge. — 77 Kinch, Abraham Description ot Properly or Residence. Pt FS O FS FS FS O Oc I T (t O O O O FS O FS O FS FS FS O T T FS FS FS () o o o FS FS FS o so so o FS o T T O O FS FS O o o o FS O o o FS O FS O East com Con 9 Pt Pt 18 19 lot 20 19 20 1 E 21 16 10 17 1.^ 18 19 16 7 I 14 ;t 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 2B 4 lot 5 14 13 19 1 14 1 I 24 9 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 12 12 13 U II 13 13 9 11 7 10 II 9 8 13 6 8 1 Pt 10 17 15 15 17 10 10 25 .35 25 8 25 'so 10 17 16 21 18 7 17 20 7 12 19 17 18 19 Centre com 18 Pt 10 17 13 79 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 89 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 9 9 H9 10 lo 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 89 No, Narae in Full. (Surname hrst.) 78 Kyle, Harrv 79 Kyle, William 80 Langtree, Joseph 81 Launderville, Paul 82 Lan^try, John 83 Morris, Edward 84 'Morrison. James 8.') !Meach. Thomas 86 McRiiberts, James 87 |McFaiUlen, Alexander.. 88 j.McRoberts, John 89 I.M.Mullen. Richard 90 tMcElree. John, ir 91 IMcRolierti, Wilbam J.. 92 IMcCoy, Robert 93 jMeach. Frank 9+ .Morrison, .\lbert 9"> .Mc.Mullen, lleorge 90 M"Fuddi'n. Hugh 97 I.McIieynolds. John 98 LVcRoberts, Johnson.... 99 IMcFaddun. Herman .MiElree. Samuel. McMullen. Albert McMulleii, Edward ., McKobcrts, Samuel,. MeRobcrts, Rob.'rt... McFaddeii, James,... MoFadden, Robert,,, OS < Occupatioa. Desci-lpUon of Proptrty or Resideucs 100 lUl 102 lo:) 104 105 1116 107 .Miuray, William.. lOH Miirrav, .Mathew 109 McMutlen, (ieui-ge 110 MeMuUen. Richard, jr 111 Notell, James R 112 Percival, Samuel li:i Percival. Roper 114 Powell. .Martin 115 I'ickens, John 116 Parks, ('harles 117 Percival, Matthew II.. 118 Robinson, Thomas A.. 119 Reynolds, William 120 Reymilds, James 121 Reynolds, Samuel ■Vii lievnolds, John 123 IliAunson. William... 124 Russell. John 125 Reynolds. Joseph 126 Ralph, John 127 Ralph. Charles 128 Ralph, William 129 Ral|ih, William i:tO !Ragailiile. Joseph ml Revnolds, James, jr .32 [Ro^iinson. W 133 i Reynolds, Richard 134 !Roliinson, Robeit 135 Reynolds, Robert i:i« Streight. John 137 Streight. Thomas 134 iSophy, Sorrell 139 jSunderland. Thomas 140 Steaey. Joseph 141 Sophy, Henry 142 Sunderland, "William H.. 143 Sunderland, Thomas B.. 144 iHuuderland. Benjamin... l-tn IThorp. Richard 146 Taggert, John 147 Taggart. James I4H /I'vpner, Alexander 148 jVlncent, Seymour 150 IWeir, Jame's 151 iWhalen, John 152 Walker, (icorgc 153 IWalkcr. Philip 164 Walker, William 2 Farmer.. Cheese maker. Farmer FS T T FS O O o o o FS FS FS o FS FS FS FS FS T FS o o OS FS I FS o FS FS FS O O O O O O FS O O T O O O FS FS Pt 18 10 23 22 6 22 3 2 19 7 16 17 18 11 10 15 19 16 19 2 11 14 13 East com 1 2 Pt 14 17 10 U 10 14 11 18 19 18 19 16 17 16 17 23 23 7 Con 9 10 10 ,:: 3 4 21 :'2 2' -J 23 12 21 11 14 22 1 56 11 11 65 1 19 56 26 26 21 26 Pt21 1 56 1 II 13 1 56 2 3 8 23 25 26 4c 8 24 25 23 33 14 2 1 20 4 20 16 4 4 4 10 10 10 10 9 9 « 10 89 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 8 9 8 10 8 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 89 89 10 10 m 9 5 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 L of. Number.. ..page , and containing.. ..the undersigned . do hereby certify that the foregoing list, con$isting . names, is a true copy of the List of Voters for Polling District . in the Electoral District qf- ^aa finally revised for tht year 1894, under " The Electoral Franchise Act." Dated at.. J89 -\n