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X" /" *■ ^■'■' '■■■■( % vf -■ r V !;^'i>- *■'.., . /• \ • MANaAl2 ) r OF Drill and Physieal Exereise, (torreoted and arranged oBpooially fortheufieof ;1IGH AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. , I BY »■■(,■ MAJOR J0HN T. THeMPSeN. ictor of Drill and Ph ysical Exercise; TORONTO PuaiSRf^^flteSi^ •,_ :w- :;".'. :;■;■ //TORONTO > ■•■■■.;:•,.■ ;' • .• ■ ^.•: CSAS. RoDDt, PrINTBR, 40 & 42 LOMBIRP STBEJEJt.W ^-.:-/ r-. c ■'.I .1 ■ \: Ik SQTJAD DRILL . ./ ^^ S; l.-OENBBAL BULES. . ■ "■ ■ . . ■/ , - ..■■,. , - . : . .•:■■•■ *■ . ^ ■^- .: ' :.■'•'.■- : Imbtbuotxon or ths Pupil.— i. The inBtraotora dilitt Im dear, firm and ooooise in giving their directions ; and mnat allow for the different oapacitiQi of the pnpile, and be patient where endeavor and good-will are apparent. 2. PnpilB Bhonld fnlly ooniprehend one part of their drill before they proceed to another. When ilret taught ?their position, they Bhonld be property placed by the in- Btrabtor; when more advanced tbev ihonld not be tOQched, bat tanght to correct themiaelvefl when admofa- iBhed. They should not be kept too long at any one part of their exercise." ■ ■' - :^l. :'.^ ■',' DufkATioM OF Dbill, , " • .-.■■■ r- MANUAL OF / iMt or ei^Miitive part, whloh in general shoald oontitt of one word or syllable; moet be given sharply and qaiokly, or slowly and smoothly, as the tfioveinent requires. Thus Oompany^Halt, JHalf Bight— Tom. A panpe will inva- .riably be made between the cantion, broautionery part of »a oommand, and the exebntive word. 8. *The words given in the Pbysioal Training exercise and Balanoe Step must be given sharply, or slowly and smoothly, as the nature of the motion may require. 4. When the last word of a oantion is the signal for any preparatory movement, it will be given as an execn. tive word, and separated from the rest of the oomman4 by a pause; thus, Bight— Form. Quiok— March, as though there were two separate comniandSi each with its caution and executive word. 6. When the pupils are in motion, executive words must be completed as they are commencing the pace which will bring them to the spot on which the qpmmand has to be executed. The cautionary part of^the Vprd must, therefore, be commenced accordingly. > * IV. \ GiviNo Dbtaiii of Movs]nNts.~In8trucfor8 will only give at a time the detail of what is to be done on the next word, and not give the detail at once for the whole command, as pupils are likely to forget long deteils. Tak« Uie oommand, «• Stand at Base by Numbers," for instance. It consists of two words, and there is something to be done on each word ; so the instructor should proceed thus, saying : ** On the word one. so and so will be done.*' that is, he will give thetletails of what is to be done on that word, and then give the word " One." and see that they do according to the detail given. If not oorreetly done, he will give the words, "as von were," on which the pnpjLls must smartly return to the position they just m'; /'■'. DRILL AMD PIIYBIOAL KXBRCISB. 6 left : the initrnotor will then make them do it over aK»iu ftnd ftgain, qatil properly done. He will the|i proceed with the word ** Two '' in like manner, and eo on. Bquad DiiLii.^Sqaad Drill ie the foundation of all drill ; it coneieta of three stanee or formatione (let, with intervale ; 3od, in eingle rank ; 8rd, in two ranke) ; and eaoh etafle* hae iti partionlar movemente or formation! ranning in regnlar progreesive order, a thorough know, ledge of whioh i> a key to all drill ; but it mnit flret be mastered before it is poeaible to aohieve anything higher. A person might as well think of commencing in the fonrth book in .learning to read, as to think of learning Oompany Drill properly without having a thorough know> ledge of Squad Drill. BEOBHi:^, OR SQUAD ;>R1LLWITnNTBRYAL% S.*2.— Formaf/ow of the Squads pupils will be placed in line (that is, side by rs length apart ;• while so formed they will be 1. A few Bide) at arm ^ , termed a ** Squad with Intervals." 2. If necessary! the squad may oqhsist of two such lines of piipils. In which case the pqpils in the second line will cover the iiitervals between the pupils in the first, so that in marching they may take up points to maroh'on.' .■;:_..■.::■■.;,;;'■■.■.■ 8. Pupils will in the first instance be placed by the instructor without any dressing ; when they have learned to dress, as directed in S. 6, they will be taught to fall in, as above described/ and then to dress and correct their intervals ; after they have been instructed as far as B. 21, they may fall in in single rank, and then if required to drill with intetvals, be moved as directed in B. 22. • • / H- • '. i. UAHVAh or 4. Papib formed into a iqaad will be directed to ob ■erve the relative placet they hold with each other ; whili reetlDK between the ezeroites they will be permitted U fall out and move abont ; they will be loitracted on thi words " Fi^l in," to fall in as they etood at flret. Thii should be oonitantly praotiied. ^ r S» B.-^Position of Attention* The exact rqaarenera of the ahoolders amnx>dy to the front ie the first principle of the position of attention The heela must be in line and closed ; the knees straight; the toes tnrned oat, so that the feet may form an angle of 45 ^enretiM ; the arms hanginit eisily from the shoalder, elbows to the rear, slightly bent, the, hands partially otosed, the backs of the fingers touching the thighs lightly, thumbs dose to forefingers, the hips rather drawn back, and the breast advanced, but without constraint; th« body straight and inclining forward, so that the weight of it may bear principally on the fore part of the fset ; the head erect but not thrown back, the chin slightly drawn in» and the eyeaiooking straight to .^e front. N.B.— The order in which the position of attention is detailed, after describing the first and great principle of the position of attention, commences at the feet and runs up. % When the puipil falls in for instruction, he will be taught to place himself in the position above described. S. 4. — Standing at Ease. PtipilB will first be taught the motions of standing at ease by nnmberst then judging the t^m'e. N" :^'- -t -/ ■, / . One, "wo. DRILL AND PHYSICAL BXBRCI8K. 11 8. 7.— SALUTING. * L^Saluting to the Front, Cautim— Salute by Numbers, On the word ** One," bring the right ha^d smartly, with a circular motion, to the head, palm to the front, point *\ of the forefinger one inch above the right eye, tbamb dose to the fore- 1 finger; elbow in line, and nearly Vsqa&to, with the Bhonlder. I On the word '* Two," let the arm fall 4 gmartly to the Bide. Caution— Sdlutet Judging the Time, ^ / On the word "Salute," go through j: the two^motions described in One and 1 Two» observing a paase of qniok time V between 2,^— Saluting to the Side. ' . Oautione—Right (or Left) Hand Salute by Numbers; or Right [or Left) Hand Salute, Judging the Time, The Salatci will always be with the hand farther from the fMrson saluted. The preoedure will be as described in One, except that as the hand is brought to the Salute, the head will be slightly turned towards tbe person saluted. Pupils should be practised in marching two or three together, saluting points being placcn^ on either side; when several pupils are together, tbe pupil nearest to tlM point WlU giv? the tim^r — — — ^ — ;— ^ — Salute. ; I" k - L'^ ' t» . V I,' I J 7^ -12 ANUAL OF Wh«>n a papil pasMS i^ person he wishes to salate, will salate on the third pfko» before reaching him, a will lower the hand on the third pace i^ter passing hi .jj S,6.— Length of Pa^e and Time, T ' ' ■': '" •..'>■■. " ■ - ■■ \ ■ ' ■ ■ - •.■■ 1.— 'Length of Pae9.' In slow or qaiok time the length |c^ a soldier's pace 80 inches, exoept in "stepping ont," .when it is 88 uoh and ih ** stepping short," when ifrw 21 inches. In ** doable time," the lengtaof a pa^e is 83 ihchiBs. The length of the side step if iai| inches. When a soldier takes a side pace, to clear or cover a other, as in forming fomrSi the pace will be 27 inches. No exact r^ can be laid down for boys. The ] Btractor shoolcT^preBs on th^m that they shonld, marching, step a ni% orc^nary step, without straining In 8ld# time, 75 pMsni are taken in alainnte. In qui l^me, 120 paces. In doable time, 165 paces. . The tii ' the side step is the same as for qaick step. ^ S, 9.^^Position in Marchjtng* ,i^, In marchifig, the papil mast maintain the position the head adUd body, as directed in the position of atti tion.. Heinost be well bakmcedon his limbs. Inal( time his aripB and hands mast be kept steiftdy by ] sides, cara being taken that the hand does not partake the movement of the leg. ' * In qaick tim e lys arms and hands will swing natnra from tbe sh^tilder/the right arm ewingiog forward wj C , OBILL AND PHYSICAL MBRCI8B. _\^^ 18 MiA Mt W and the left Mm with the right leg, the hwl the hody.- The hand wiU not he weed higher th»n the SSet?^ The movement of the leg mast spring from tht hannoh, and be free an^ natural. Both knaei mart be kept Bt^iRSt'/^^^jSIftlS^kilS is heintf carried from the rear to the front, when the taiee mS neiisBMily.be a Httle benj. to enable the fo^ to clear the ground/ The foot must be oameil straighVto Sh^ront, and. without being drawn back^placedfeijly on the ground, so as not to jerk or shake tBe_body ; the toes turned out at the same angle as when halted. Although several pupilA may b^ drilled together wi^ intervals, they must act independently, and preojsely^aB if they were being instructed singly, i '' / ' 1 Bach pupil must be taught to marih in a straitfbt Mne,^ and to take a correct P«»o. both "Wrds, length ?md time, without reference to the other >upils of the squad. Beforethe Bq[uad is put in motion.^ *he^^s he goes on, , \ l:-^i-:-^:::::--^^^^^^ B. m^QBalance Step. The object of the Balanioe Step is to teach th9 pupil the free movement of his legs, preserving at the same time arfect squareness of shoulders and ste adi ng of body. o labor most b« spared tQ attain this ob|eot, whiiM) t .1 I » ? * I ^ - ■ % fe?» " 1 MANUAL OF '. ; ■ form« the very fotindfttiba of oojrreot mftrohing. Tl InBtruotor must be oarefol that the papil keeps his hex well forward and hie shoulders perfectly square darii these motions. i^vaneffip—Ci^aiition— Balance Siep Advancing, On the Word " Front, '^ the left fo will be raised from the ground ai oarried smartly to the fronts the km being straightened asthe foot is oa ried forward, toes turned out at tl same angle as when halted, the so parallel to, jand about two Inches froi the ground; the heel about tweh inches in advance of the line of tl right toe. . As soon as the pnpile 4re steady] the above position, the word "Fo ward " will be given, on which the le foot will be placed firmly, on tl ground at 30 inches distance from he to heel (this pace is too long f< juniors, tnerefpre the Instructor mm use his disoretibn as to the length < pace for the class), toes turned out t the same angle as when halted, an the right fodt will immediately I raised and held ixtdsded to the rea thi:|oe pointing to the spot on tli Ipronndit has just quitted, both knee t» be k^eteaigl^i. Ihe \^itt **FrOnt." bya qligt of the liinee the right foot #111 fa brought eiua r tly f or w ard, aftd bo o: alternately^ p-^fifif^^ / '-V DRILL AND PHYSICAL BXBROISB. 16 g. Tho ■ . :.' ■ .•/ lis body 1 I daring m Squads Halt, /»- Rear. Oq the W0|rd *• Halt,*' whioli shoiad always be given when the moving foot is to the front, that foot will oomplete ita pace, and the other will be brdpght ^jap emarlly in line with it. . 2 Retiring-^Cautian—Pal^nee Step Retiring, On the Word "Bear,** the left foot will be raised from the gronnd and carried 12 inohes to the rear, the toe pointing to the gronnd ; toes tamed oat at ^he same angle as when halted, both knees to be kept straight. As soon as the pupils are steady in the above position, the word " Ketire 't will be given, on which the left foot will be brought to th^ ground at 80 inohes from heel to heel; the right . foot will be immediately raised and I held extended to the front, as de- 1 scribed in the command "Front," in \ the '* Balance Step Advancing.^' ( On the word "Bear," carry the . •1 right foot to the rear, as directed for { th^ left, and so on alternately. On the word ** Halt," which should always be given when the moving foot is to the rear, thht foot will complete its pace, and' the other will be brought , back smartly in line with it. 0reat care must be tiJcen that the toes reinaiii throughout at the proper angle'; that tjhe body acoomf panics the leg, and that th e inside of the h ee l i s^^aeed^ on the straight line that passes through the points on Betire. Bear, Squad— Halt. r *i' '4 M- JP (■■ ^■■i*- > I Li I ♦ v^" ^ 16 ■\ ■■ MANUAi. or Slow^Mareht \ whioh th» ptipil ia marohiog ; that the body rem* ■traight, bat inoUning forward; that the hea4 it eri and tamed neither ^ the right nor left. &, Ih— The Slow March. , ■ *'■-•■ ■;■ ■•■ ■■ ■■:■■■■■■ '^Iv;- ■,■-:■■;>■*, . •: ;;■■■'■ ■■. . ; " ■■ .'^ The three moBt important objeots in this part 'of i drill are cadenoe, length of paoe, and direction. / ' The time having been given> on \ word *' March," the left foot will carried 80 inches to the front, directed in 8. 9 ; the right foot v then be carried forward in like mi ner» and ao on alternately. Marching in bIow time is merely a step in the traini of the pnpil between the balance step and the csaal pi for all drill, i.e. quick time. No more time, therefc sl^onld be devoted to it than is reqaired to ensure 1 pnpil being properly balanced on his limbs; ^ '..■■■■■■•■■■■ \, . * . • ■■-".■■ • 8. 12,^Qutck March. The time having been given, on i word "March "the squad will step together with the left foot, observ: . the rules given in 8,9. B.t».'-rrhe fialt. i On the word "Halt/* the moving f( will oomplete its p»oe, and the«otl Quitk-^Manh. Squad—HalC will be biY>ught smartly up in line w it. -^■^'tf** DRILL AND PllYSlOAL BXBRCIHB. IT ;S«3^--5/i hart. B. U.'^Siepping Out. "When murohiDft. on the words "Step —Oat." the pnpil will lengthen the «. n * H pace by three inohee, leaningiorw»ra Step— Out, -) J j.^^j^-j There muet be no alteration . in time. This Btep is used when ft slight increftse of speed, with- OQt an alteration of time, is required. On the woras, *♦ Quiok- Step," the nsnal pAe wiU be resumsd. S.W.T-Stepping Short. On the command "Step— Shorty* the foot advancing will complete its pace, and afterwards each pupil will shorten tfie pace by nine inches, until the word •• Forward " is given, when the usual pace will be resumed. . This step is used when a slight check is required. ^ With small boys, ^hen the 80 inch pace has been short. ened for the "Qulck^Step." 9 inches is too much to shorten the pace. The instrucbor m^such cases, must use his discrution as to the proper length of the Short Step."" •. •■--■ ^.■•- .■*'-■ -/W.:- ■ S. 16— Marking Ttme. / On the command " Mark— Time," . the foot then advancing will complete its pace, after which the time will be continued, without advancingJ^yrM"- ing each foot alternately a^f.^FJJ inches, keeping the feet pafiWbl witn the ground, the knebs raised ^Jhe front, the body steady, and the ams to remain steady at the sides. On tnft Mdrk^Time. word "Forward," the pace at whicMbe , pupils were moving will be resumed. •■ a <,'<'.'£ ^^UL. t*«.; If.*;,.-' 11 I- ! 1 I/! •I '■ ■n\ >, ) ■ '. y. ■'t 18 MANUAt. OP ' From the Halt the oomncanA wiU W " Qniok Mtfl Timt." 8 17,--Stepping Back. } ' ' ■ . ■ ■<> ■••''■.'■ .-'■■ '' ■ / in stopping baok, papili mnst tanghl^to take the qniok paoe of ^Paeet inohei etrainht to the rear, preeenri Step Back A their ehonlderi iqnare to the fro — IfareA. f and their bodies ereot. In haltii I the foot in front will be brought bf A square with the other. The step back should not exoeed four paces. ' &.18.—ChangingStep.; I To change step in marching, the vancing foot will complete its pa and the ball of the rear foot will brought up to the heel of the advani one, which will make another atepl ward, so that no time will be lost, i successive steps being taken bijr V same foot. This may be required when part of the squad, or e^ ;^ a single pupil, is stepping with a diffegent root from rest. j To change step when marking time the pupil will b twioe with the same foot* / • S. 19.— T^{^ I On the command ** Double-^Man \ : I the pupils will step off together w th e l e ft foot, taking Change'^Step. T longer than in "Quick Step,**^ and I rate of 166 paces to the minute* Jy ilLL AND PHYSICAL ■XBROlSB. 19 1 On tl Squad— Halt. \ ball m ( the poBi / the •ame time they wlU ralie their ' hande as high as the '^jj"*; JJ^jij? haok the elbowe and olinching the neta* the flat part of the wriet inwarda, arm to the iiSe; the head to be erect, anj the ehonldert equare to the front. The kneee are to be more bent, and the body more advanced than in other marchea* ■, ' ^■ ;.. ' .■,; , On the command " Bquftd— Halt," nenal. dropping the banal to poeition^of Attention. PnpilawiU be'tanght the donble mjjrk «"• *'»*5; ii&me manner ae quick mark time, the handi heing SiSdSdcl?nched%.ta.inthedoubIe. The command win be •• Double, Mark— Time." Is. 20:Side Step. :■ ■'■ ': :.' : \--'--^ :■ - :■'■■■''.■"..■■■ ■'. /' Qaution.— Bigbt Oloee, by Numberg.^^ ' On the word " One," the righ* foot will be carried smartly 18i inches^ to n«« 14 the right, the bhoulders and face bemg ^ ^ kept square to the front, and the knees straight. _ On the word " Two," the left foot Two. i-i will be closed smartly ag^nit the right foot, heels touching, . The word •• One " being repeated, the ^ wg. i r ight f oo t w ill be carried at before ««- soribed/and 80 oq* ' aiJt-i m \ > i 80 UAHVAh OF ••■ / Squad— Halt. When th* oommfatid "Sqai H»U " is Riv6D. the left foot wil oloeed to th« right, m od tlie y "Two." jVt Judging the Time Oftation.— Bight Oloie, Jadgin^!me Time. i^- ;»i_ Right Cloee, Quiek^—March^ or / • ^Paete B^ Cloee, Quit Marth. ^ ^^%* 1^ Squdd-^Hatl^ Papili will iter< They aha ■ide step more / On the command ^' Bight Qaiok-Mftroh," each pUpil will o hie right foot direct to the right, instantly cloee hit left foot to it, completing the pace ; he will pro to take the next pace in the eame i ner ; ■faonldera to be kept Bqnare, k not bent, anleaa on ronKh or br grounds The time mnat be the q step, and the direotia|| in a atri line to the flank. ^ On the command *' Sqaad— II which will be need when the ndi of paces haa not been specifled, > will complete the pace the^l d renlidh steady. -^^ ft Olose " in the name i ally b^ill^d to a flank b] «'paceir'-, .;.. ■■. : • S. 2X*— Turnings on the March, ^ : ■ ■■ ' i ■^ ' '^' '■ ' When marching,; oh receiving command "Bight — Tnrn," ^w w^h* fr..^ ahonld be given as the left foot is t mgnt^iwm. i ipg to the groond. c ach ipopil^iyil^ : j in the named direction, and mov ... y at onoe, wit))pat checking the pacn ■.. 5 't^ MtU'^A.IIor FHVHIUAL BXBRCWl. n 1> When mwohlny, «» ""^^^"iutjj bb^mftod " Left - Tnrn^ which .boittd be (dven m Ihe »i«^» ** » oomiDg to the ground, ewh P0Pj^^»» turn to Ihe lefl. wd move on »l onoe. wilhgat checking the p«»e. tb. lift W. .nd.to »K»» »^** r toJl tatm!n« to SagoVSrectionreeleittng f rerti poinU to m^^^ nt whW^ nm4 he done hy ench pnpil ^<>>». ;*• ®J^ randri» Mme of three pwe.. wllhont lo.in« the KrtS ttUiM oomnletod the turn ahont, the pnpil will Jt oice m JvS to^.?S^e 'onrth v^ ^SlJ^tn^n^to'^thS M hSJre. When retiring. *^- ^In dressing, each pupil will look towards the flanl - which he is ordered to dress with a smart turn of head, as described in 8. 5 ; he mu^ carry his body bi ward or forward with the feet, moving to his dtesi with short, quick steps* without bending backward or . ward ; his snoulders must be keigt perfectly squarCi the positiQn Qt »tl SqvaA—Nuinher, Oddnumbtnf tvoapaeea Fortbara— March --■^ %' DBILL AND PHYSICAL BXBECI8B. 23 Right-^Dresa. My €8 — Front. 1. Dbwmihci n SccdBiSioH.— The in- gtrootor hftvinu placed » Aw* pngll » paoe and a hall inlttrnj ot the^*"««^- ment, on the werd " Dre«i/» the re- mainder will take a pace to t^ f ronj and ihnffie np the remaining half, paoe. The faoee of the pnplte. ndt their breaate or feet, are the. Une dressing. Bach pnpil is to be able just to distl^igaiBh the lower P»rt|<>j the face ^ the seoopd one beyond .him*:.- -■■^■' ..■■'p -:.- IWhen the ihstmotor is satisfied that the line is qorrect, he will giVe the command " Byes-Front," on whioh the pupils will tnrn their hM« «* eyes smartly to the front. Similarly, a sqnad wiU be taught to dress j»fg,*he„ pupils taking a pace to the rear on the command ''Bight —Dress," and moving back into line m suooession. ; . 2. Dbsbbino Toobthsb.— When pupils are on thealign- ment they have to occupy, and *beir d"5f»« f ^fly to be corrected, the command «• Bight-l>reM "will be fliven, on which they wiU move up or back *<> thwr places successively; commencing with the pnpil on the named 'flank. ; . The instructor should invariably fix upon some object on which to dress his line. « ; , : It wUl be found most useful tcr accustom the pap>l;>o dress on an alignment oblique to any well defined adja- cent lin e , such as the s id e Of a bu i ld ing . — -^ — _ *'' r. I r 1 I M MANUAL Of The pnpU will nexl pratiiioe in «in«l« '»°^4'?5!i°^ time^the tnrainga he has been taught by nnmbera. PtipilB ftte never unneoeasarily to stand tnrnea to *ea»»- '---m-' ■ SM.rr-Marchingity Front or Reat^ Betere a eqtifcd w ordered to mareh, the ^^'eoting fl must be indioated by the caution. " ByJ^^^fbt, By centre. BJi the left." During the march. tl|e ehoul must be itept perfectly equare to the front, the 1 steady, afadthreyee off 7he ground. Each pupil preserve his position in the alignment by an ocoasi. glance towards the point of direction. The squad will first be taight to march straight tc front and rear. It will then be^ practised in all th rietiesof step in quick time, and in wrking time, i which it will be practised in double time*^^ The pttpils will be practised in changing the pwstfi^ out halting, from quick to double, on the coram " Double,*' and from double to quick on the comn "Quick.". ■ 'y-\-}^ ^ ;■■ ■■■ v ... -.:;\'"" The instructor should teach «he pupil *o B«lwt points to match on. and before approfwhmg the fir take another in advance on the same linei and so on should remain behind occasionally, and by fixing hia upon some distant object ascertain if thesquad is mi log straight t<» the frontv DB|iL AND PHYSICAL BXBBCI8B. t6.— TA« Diagonal March. 25 Half Bights Turn- Quiek— March. 1 From TM HALT;— On the com- tniid .' Half Right-Turn." ^wp^ will m»ke» half *«° *? tt'*^;„^5 on the oommaiia "5«»«J"'"*"*V each ^upil will step off and tooye cor. reotly iiT the diagonal directton.glMO^ ISg iocaaionally to the 2ft*v"*^J?: gnlating his pace w ^J* >«.^^P Shoiadera are paralleljwth the »hj«l- dersof the pupil on his "8^*; .^« pupil's heikd should oonoy I the^heads Sf the other pupils towards^thedirwt. ?ng flank, fhe right hand pupltwiU diwofe and must therefore pay parti- SS« a^Btion ta the direction and ■••■■■-.• -.-..--.-. paAC.. .^ . -.-'y^.'-'- / On the^mmand " Squad^Halt," I original front. tS^iSS^Mallel to its original position. * ^^^~^^^^-^^h OM^H«^|AB0H.--Wheh the squad IB marching to ^the front, and is re- Sii^tol^ve in a diagonal di^^^ fe^he right, the oomniand "HaM Xh the pupilB ^^'S^,^^^ and move diagonally in tljt dveotaon, as desorihed from Ae halt. W^^ »* is intended to resume the «njjn^ direction, the command^" Front— Turn •• ^1 he given, on which every p^a wiS turnto liiBfinrt ^y^^^^ naif BxgU-- Turn, Front^Twrn. forward without oheoking his pace. Ktfi 26 iilANUAL^ OF Half Right--^ Form, or Right-r-Form, Quick— March, The diMOBftl marbh^wiU also be prftotuecl in *• £ tTime.*' ,It willftlMbe tonght tothe left. When pradftisinir the diftgonftl muroh, the aqnai be tAQght to move «t »n magjLB leas or greater than S MB on receiving the oommand '* Bi^t (or Left) E mnp.;.: .■;■'■■;. " i' .;::.' S. 27.— i4 Single Rank, Halted, Changing F f 1. On the oommand word " F< the rijght-hand papil will tarn, ai remainder will make a half tn the required direction. On the oommand ** Qaiok— Mi all except the right-hand pnpi step off; each, glancing to the will move by the Bhortest line i Elace in the new front; and ta isdreuing. ^ ; • oommand *' Eyes— Fi torn their headf the front. 9. When papile are reqoired to form to the rear < alignment they oconpy, they will be tnmed about then formed air above deacribed, the fiqaad being fr and dreiacd when the formation is complete. a. The aqnad will ahn be practised changing f re angles smaller than half -right. In this base the Ini tor Jirall pUoe the right'hand man, and on the ^ «*Righ1l-^^>;Dr6SS/' the remainder will take np their i ing, as directed1^ 8. 28.^ , v 4. The squad Will also be practised in changing at stogies greater thwi half -right and less than righi this case the Instraotor wiu place the right-hancTm the required alignment, and then give the comi (On the comi the popils will eyes smartly to in ^'Doable .■ . f \ 'A> ■■■■'. .■ fiRttt. AKi> Physical BXB11CI8K. ^ **Rii;ht— Form," when the remainder will make » half toni in the required direction. On the command *• Quick —March," the movement will be performed as in (1). S. 28— -4 singU rank on the March, changing Direction, Half Bight- Form or RigU^ Form. 1. On the word **Form,*Vthe right- hand papil will tarn in the reanired direction and mark time, while the remainder will make a partial turn, and move by the shortest line to their places in the new iront. Bach marks time, takes np his dressing, and looks to his front as he arrives in his place. As soon as the eqnad is formed, the command ** For- ward " will be given. 2. When the sqnad is at the halt, and it is intended to mo^ off on a new fronts the word of command will be *« On the move, Half Bight (or Bif^t)— Form, Quick- March," followed by *' Forward " when the required angle has been reischedi The pupils wiU proceed as in (1). • .^ S. 29,-^Marching as in File. 1. Fbom THB HAUi.^PnpilS, when standing as |n file, must be instructed to cover each other exactly. The head of ihe pupil immediately before each one, when he is correctly covered, will conceal the heads ol all the oUiers in his front/ The strictest observance of all the • / ■..■■■;/.. -Turn. A \ rules for marching is particularly ne- cessary when marching as in file. ■'■ ' ■ . ' ' ■■ . .■ ■ ' ■ " ' ,1 h \ r .V ''-. vs • I '< / r ■~ \ w Vm it'* ja <^ielb— 'ilfafeA. ^ MANUAL Of / On the oomm»ad " Quiok Mai th« whole will step off together, fall paoe, ftnd will so oontione to without inoreaeiog or diminithini interyal between each other. No ing down or leaning baok is to b lowed. The leader is to be direct maioh straight forward on Bome tant object, the remainder ol thi pile covering correctly daring \ march. Squad — Hdk. Front. / fOn the* command " Sqaad— H Front," the pupils will halt and • to their original f roAt, and il marching has been properly peri ed, their dressing will be found reot,/ ■; ( 2. On THH MiROfl.-^ Right— Turn. \ " Turn" the pupil will * ( right, and move on as ip On thb MABca.--On the turn to file. Fffeit— Turn, The original direction is resi by giving the commatid " Fr< Turn," on which iha pupil wiill tu thetront, and then moveon ste , in line.. , ' '- . . . ■ ; .\ •:> ■ \ * S. 80. Wheeling as in File, The squad, when marching as In file, will be tauf 1 change its direction by whe^n g to the right or left #?^^^^i"r^P»j^^S58|!^^^h •^"'" ''h '■• '-'^^F^ DRILL AND PHY810AL RXBK0I8B. 29 ./ Right— WheeL Oq the bommand " Right -Wheel." the leading pn|^ll wP move round % quarter of the olroimi^renQe of a our- ole having • xm^ot fou? feet.^ The others, in euoeeiWon, will follow in hie footsteps without inoreasing or^dim- inishing their distanoe |fom each oth- er or altering the time, but shortening the pace a little with the inner foot as .'.,, V.'. ..::,:•.■ Cr- they wheel.' ■•),.. ■.• _ .. A sqtiad may he wheeli4at^«iy WigleW the 001^ " Bi^-Whwl." followed h^ " ForwMl." when the re- quired direction is obtained. v v If a squad is ordered to halt or mark time when apart of the pupils only have wheeled into the new direction, the^emainder iould be instructed to cover off. if re- quired, by the diagonia march, on the command, "Reajr Files— Cover." ■■■ ' . V. ■■,■■.'.■■■■■■ ■'■•■■ ■■■■"-: V '-r ■ :■■':': ^^ S 9i^Pupik J^^^S: as in Pile, Forming ^'^^^^ Squad. ''■:■-''''■'. K --\i- 1, FoBimio to thb Psont.— When the squad, marching as in flleto tli»^ right, is ordered to forpi to the front, the leader 'Will mark time; the re- mainder will make a half turn to the left, and form upon him, marking time as they come mto the alignment, taking up their dressing, and then loo^ng to the front, • (As soon as the squad is formed, the command "Squad— Halt," or "Folf- ward," will he given. I* ^o/nitr-^Toirn. or Forward. II maronuiK w i.ifg "g" . -^^ >~^ainder will Bnake ahaU right turn, and then follow out the foregoing detail. 1 ^ MANUAL or -■o: ?&r I' I X ■ \ r ) i i ' * iSMir^Jbnii. IKp/it— ^orm. ■/ 2. FOBMIXO TO THS BlAB. — marohing to the right, the ma will proceed m above, except t pnpile will tnrii to the right, ftt up on the right of the leading p When marching to left, as in file, and " Bear- la dven, proceed M in *> Front-^Form " when J leading. *, , 8. FOBMINO TO THl RlOHT.- inarohing as in file, right ' lead the command ** Right— Forn leading papil will wheel to tb( take two paoee to hie front, an the remainder will march oi they arrite oppoeite their place they will wheel iuBncoeeuon, a ^ to the right for their dreseing. > After dreraing the squad, the InBtructoit will s command ^* Byes— Front." Right forin can only be given when ^e squad is to the right, as in file ; and left form only when ii leading. They are seldom used esiicept for gna ceremonies, and when marohing on markers. • /' B. Q2.^The Si4e Step. ' The side step will now be practised, the pupils the time, as laid doivn in S. 20 (2). Oare must b that the shoulders are kept Bquare» andUfbe pact in a direct line to the flankt 4 - ■ '-^ <*■:-■.' ■^:;/ S. 88. — Marching with Arks. ■ Squads with arms will "be practised in the d marches, and Titfiations of step, described ^< V *' J fl^-^l will give the V OKILL AMD PHYS/OAL F.XBB0I81. 81 loraitoinft seotioiif. Poring thww p»otioe» great attan. ion muet be paid to tlie poeltion o! the young pupil. The dieengeged arm wiU be allowed to iwing naturaUy. Wh*n pupile parade with arme, tliey wiU invariably (aU in •<) ^« " Order." All the inetruotionB relating to the poeition and move- pjent of the rifle^ when marohing, will be found in an^ Ether pairt, under Bifle BxeroiBee. ' SQUAD PRILL, XN TWO RANKS, " ■/■■■/■:'- :' ■■■S.,.-- ■ ■■'■^ r- ■■. ^v-j. . ; ■ ■ ..^-.- ■.;■ " ■;'.. S, fl,i,^Fprmation of a Squad in Two Ranks, The squad at this stage of the drill will be formed into kwo ranka. The pupile wiU ^ke their plaoee in suooee- lion* oommencing from the flank on which they are prdered to form. Eaoh rear rank pupil will be plaoed 60 Inohea from the one in front of him, meaauring from heel heel, and will oover him correotlyr the two pupils Uius ilaoed forming a *' File." WheiL there is an uneven JkOmber in a eqioad, the third from the left will be a F Blank (or Inoomplete) File." The squad will be num- Wed from itight to left. The squad will also be taught o drill in haiu-squads. The file on the left of the right lalf- squad' will always be the centre of the squad. ■ - " - , • ■ , ■ ■ ' ^ If the squad is required to drill with intervals, it will .^numbered. ^The> command will then be given^ *^Odd Inumbers of the front rank two paces forward* eyen of Ithe rear rank two paOes to the rear— March." T<^ reform Ithe squad, the odd njtunbers bt t^e front rank; will be b^rs of the rear rank two paces to le front. u:- M '. . 1. HA 1 . ,,, ' " "■' i '■ ■■• ■■';■.■ . ' ii 8. S6.--Dressing. Th« from rank will drM« m dMoribed in B. 28. in the rear rank will look to the front, and will oov oorreot their diitandee, m the front rank take a{ .drewung. 8. 9Q,.^Marching to the Front or Rear, t ' V Marching in File, A Bqaad in two ranks will be praotieed in the m and ▼ariationi of atep taught in single rank. OovaBiMo AHD Di«»TAiiaa.— While marching in line in the rear rank matt aooarately preaerve their oc anddietanoe. MiBOHno IN Fiu.—Marohing and wheeling in i be praotieed aa laid down in 8. 29 and S. 80, oarc taken that the rear rank dreasea oorreotly by th< rank* 8. WJ,— Taking Open Order. The ■qnadi if with arma, will be at the " Order ' taking open order, at the halt. f On the oommand ** Open C Maroh," tfie rear rank will ate two paoea in qniok time, and oommand **Kear Rank, B Dreas," the rear rank will be < ^ by the Inatmotor from the righ On the oommand **Rear Byea— Front," the rear rank will tarn their heada and eya9 1 tothefront. Open Order— Mare^ Rear Rank, Eyee-^Front* Oloee Order-^ March. (On the oommand ** Oloaa ( Maroh," the rear rank will ti paoea to the front. \ ^ T,' »"fr*r' ■, '%rH«(V^""»'^'*. ■.•J\ i ' ■ >?-»'■ Ill DRILL AND PHYSICAL KXBRCISI. 38 Op4(i irdeif. a. On TBI Maboh.- On the oommand ••Open —Order," the rear r*nk will mark time two paoei. oommand •• Oloae— Order/' two ^' ( On the command "Oloee— Ore Clote^'drder. \ the front rank will mar|( tima I paoea. SzrSB.^Chattging RaHks, i On the command "Obang#— JUnka.** \ the iqnad will tarn aboat. Chntiffe— Rank$» The iDRtmctor will explain that when ranke are bhangad, the former front rank b«X)mea the preeeut rear Vtik The former right half-squad now beoomee the left lalf-Boaad. The oriinnal right filee will remain right HeH, and the former left fllei remain left flies. A blank ile, after tnrning aboat, will occupy the vacant apace in (he new front rank. ' > :S,^.''^he Diagonal March. The Diagonal Marcli will be practiied in two ranks in »iie manner described in 8. 26. In addition to the in- itructiona there given, those in tha rear rank must be Dautioned to preserve their relative poaitiona with th*se Df the front rank^ in order that they may be found to Dover ororrectly when they are halted and fronted. The front rank of the sqaad will form from the halt, [>n th% march, or on the move, aocording %b inBtructiona Jiven in S. 27 or 8. 28. "The rear rank will not turn on khe caution, but in formii^will oonforsi to the move- Imeutft of the front rank. When a squad turned about, or moving to the rear, lohangee front or direction, the rear rank acts »b a front Irank, aUd the front r«nk tfi^U «8 a rear n^nk* ,' 'If , . » Form— Four*, ' / ^ ' - \. ■';,', '^ ■ ■ ■■•■ ■ : !#:■ ■ ;■ ■,.,'■. / .■■., M':. . -■;,'•■'■• MANUAL Of ■■;»,.-■■•■■.';•■''• ■ B. 41. — Thi FormaUon o/Maurs* •;■•■'■;;■•. ;;: ■.■ : . ■■-'-■ -^. ••■...■■ w-/T ' • ;• _,.,. '■ It muRt b« ezpUln^d that od^ iiafnb«rfl Me right 1 and even numbers left or moving fllee. : In order Ihat the left foor may alwaye be complete file on the left of a iqaiMl will alwaye eot a« a mo file, and tha second from the toll jUWAyi stand lai forming fours. ^ ^ 1. At the Halt. — Ontheoomm " Form— Fours," the left files will a pace of 80 inches to the rear ^ their left feet and one of 27 inohc the right with their right feet, in q time, so as to cover the right files. this formation the squad will stan ^ fours. On the oommand ** dqiiad— Fro the left flies will move up in line \ the right files by taking a pace o inches to the left with their left i and one of 80 inchesflio the front ^ their right feet: F*)rm —Foun^ • As already described. . \ty I The squad wilt turn as ordered. V :\ ■;. o J vi^* \ ^^* "q^^d will turn to the front 5<^aa*— i'Ywit. I ^ijgQ proceed as already described. In forming fojurs, with ranks changed, the left will step back with the right foot and take the side with the left foot, and the two files on the right of squad will act as they did when on the left of the sq BquaA — FronX. About {or Right, or Ltft)^ -J- DRILL A2fO PBT8I0AL IXIBOIflB. 3A 2. On thi Masob.— a. iqasd marohlog lo lh« fronl, nt, or lo » flank in flit, will bo tanffht to form foart preciMly m whan formiog (oari from tho hall. When marohiog lo Ibo fronl, rtar, or to a flank In flU, or by tbe diagonal marob, on Ibo command ** Form — . Fonra," Ibo rigbl AIm will mark lime two paoM, wbilo tbe left fllea move to thnir plaoee in fbnra ; if the word ••Right (or Left)" followa, tbe ^qnad will tnrn in the direotion ordered. 1 When moving to a flank in fonni, eaoh aeotion of, fonrt^' will move by tbe flank ordered to direct. A eqoad moving to the front, rear, or lo a flank, in foam, may be tamed in any direction, diagonal or other*, wise. Asqaad moving to tihe front, rear, or to a flank. In foam, may be ordered to form two deep ; on the com- mand " Form->-Two Deep,** the left iHea will step np or back into their plaoee in the two dmp formation, the right files marking time two paoee. > A equad moving to a flank in fonni, on receiving the command *' Front (or Bear)— Tarn," will tarn in the re- qnired direction, and re-form two-deep, as above de- scribed. S, 42.^— f'dMys W heeling t and Forming Squad, 1. WHinLiNO.— A iqnad moving to a flank in fours will wheel to the right or left in the same manner as it /Wheels in flle, each fonr wheeling sacoessively roond the same point, as desoribsd in 8. 80. «» ■ . ' '.■ If the sqnad be ordered to hUt, or mark time, when » part*: of the foam only have wheeled, the remainder should be inslrnoted to oover off, if required, by the diagonal march on the command, ** Rear FoarB---Oover.*' •# jS_ -ft * ^' } r;; .36 ' -.■■ •V': MANUAL OF ■■ \ -. i^l 2. FOBMINO TO TH* J^BONT OB BsAB, OB TO THB KlOflf liBrr.— When the squad, moving in fonrt to a flanl ordered to form to the front or i:ear, it will form t deep, and then prooeed^ ae in B. SI (1, 2). the men tal np their proper plaoes as tl^ey oome into the alignme When forming to the right or left, the sqaad will ; form two-deep. The rear rank will act a» in 31 (8)v those of the front rank will move round their respec rear rank men, and form stioceBsively in front of thei Q.4$.-^assiiii Obstacles, A sqnad will be taught to pass an ohBtacIe oh the o mand **— Files on the Right, Xjeft— Tarn," when/tl files will mark time two paoes, and then receive the c mand •* Bight— Wheel,^'resamiikg the original forma on the command ** Files to ther^|*ront," when the na files will make a half turn ontw^rds a>nd doable to t places, taking ap the qaick time iifhen arriving there. The obstacle may be passed by forming fours and < ing upon a named me, fovming two deep when the ol has been passed. The named file during the moveii will step e&ort, but the v^h<^e vrill continue advancin the regular quick pace upon the command "Forward 8. ^^**-^Disfnissing a Squad, < ; / 1. Without Abms.-— On the < Bight—Tum.l | n^and •• Right— Turn," the squad i tiipni as direcied. r Dtf->miM. On the word " pismiss," the k will break off quietly. a. With ,£biis.— Ab above, but on the word " Dism { the pupils will ** Port Arms,'* and, after a pause, de^ Arms ** and break off quietly. SI ^ ,» DBILI. AND PUY8ICAL EXERCISE. 37 PART II. f COMPANY ORGANIZAllION AND DRILL. ■/?• ¥^-:'^ S. A5,— ^General Rules* 1. Oboanizatxon^ — A company dommanded by a oaptaiii [is divided permaneiitly into two naif -companies, the rifiht and the left half-company, 0ach under a Babaltern offi. [cer. Half •companies are permanently divided into two sections, each onder a non commissioned officer. The sections are numbered one to four f nun the right of the Qompany.' ■' ;' ; ■■ A section, when it exceeds ten files, is divided into two sub-sectiona, the right and left ttub section. In this case the section commander will command one subsection I and another upn commissioned officer or selected private ^will command the other. 2. Objects.— This organiasation will be maintMiied both in tiie^i^'racks and in the field, llie men accaslMDined to act together will acquire tho spirit of trusi^comradeBhip and confidence in each other, while the non-commissioned officers will be habituated to command, and to act their own initiative. . By such means aloue can the fighting value of theleom- ]^ny be fully developed,"' and its proper direction and oommand under hostile fire, when suporior control be- comes impoflsible, be maintained. • «*? '"%'^f'?' 38 MASVAL Ot^ 8. EquAUznit iHi> Siziiwi.— OompaiiieB arrnot to ba equaUzed, sited, or mi"* except for cercmoniat pi^ poeee. When fewer than ten fliee of a company are pre- sraTthey Bhonld be attached to another company, bat will retain their own organizationi irreepective of that of the comp*ny ^th wiiich they act. v^ > , I , { HI 1 ijiij I 4. FoBMATioiATO TvuMQ Ow.— Thc^mpany wiU fall in for inspeosi^n by its captain in two feinke, with an in- terval of two paoes between sectionB (or Biib.BectionB). On * the completion of the inspection the intervals will be dosed; and the company will stand as in colnmn by the left. The^en will be numbered from right to left of sections (orwh-sections). The lefB-hand man of the right half- company is the centi^ of the company. • 5/ As^i*ioAtioHO»^QUApDBiLifc--Allthernleslaiddown for4be instmction of a eqnad in two ranks are equally applicable to the movements of a company ; it will, there- fOT3, only be necessary in this part to describe the posi- tions and duties of- the officers and noncommisoioued officers during their movements, and to add the different fdrmations and moyemftnts of halt companies and sed- Inbns. ■ ..v- 6. TBI CAPXAiir.r-The dntieli>f the captain requirethat he be «Uowed greit independence as regards his position. As a general rule ha will be six pacas in front of the centre of hi«|lompMiy in Una or column ; in^qnarter ool, umn two pao^ from the left, and in line with the front I ! i 'Mt, rank of his company ;'and in column of half-companies, seotiohs, or sub-sections, three paoes from the oantre of the cohimn on ^a direotin(( flank. In the absanoa of tha captain, his place will be taken: by the next in rank; » aiii^krrule.wili be followed with^ in the half -oompany^ 'Bao t li fc ortnb'aaotion. I! Hf i A captain in giving wor^ of command, should care- fnUy obaarva th> rnlea laid down in 8. 1 (8). Ba will DRILL AND FBTSIOAL EXBBCiaE. 39 m^e M few oommajiids as possible. On raising fais ri^ht lor leffe arm when advaooing, the men of the oompany lOHldl beJUistl'iioited to brinff U[^ their left or right shoul> |der to oorrect, if necessary, the interval; bat all soch loorreotions shonld be made gradually. 7. Thk SuBALtsmiii^^When J^fae company is in line, )lamn, or oolamh of half companies, each snbaltern fill be three psoas in rear of ^thejoeotre of hut half oom-^ >any. In quarter column he will be two panes in rear of bhe centre of his half-company. In column of sections >r sub-sections be will be two paces from the centre o bhe outer fl»nk of his half company. '■- ■.-■;■■" ■\'-'^--> ■■■;■■ : ■■■■^:.-■s^ ' 'N ■ ■ '-.. i9l. GumBs, MiBKBBs, Sbotiom Ain> SubSbotioii Coif- lANDBBs— Section and sub section commanders will be ICormed in a third or snpernnmetary rank, two pa^ dis* (ant from the rear rank ; the drummer in rear bf the leoond section, the pioneer in rear of the third section. • le guides and supMrnumeraries will usually conform to U orderti given to the company as regards the carrying >f their arms. When the company^* Present Arms," and luring the performance of the ** Manual V and ** Firing "Slercises,** they remain steady at the ** Shoulder ** ; dur- ing the >* Bayonet Exercises" and "Physical Drill," at (he ** Order." They fix bayonets only for filfence against tvalry, in an assault, iuid when esoortintf the oolours. The*four seoiion commanders will aot tm guides and ^arkers when required to do*so. When the company is *h Iine,'column, or quarter column, tihe commander of a lank section (or sub-septionV of a company will act as la guide; the commander of a centre section (or sub- [section) as a marker. • In e ach section, or aub'Beotion, a select e d pr i v ate w ill B trained as leader, and will take command in the ab- snce of the non-commissioned offtoer. N: .-■' ;, .; j,Vf^^ ^^-: ^iT^^' ' 40 MA^^UAL OF No ohange in the oommand of Mcti^nt oir sab'Beoiions, will take place ezoept by the dixeqt order of the. captain. OorporalM and lance-corporals not re4uired to command their sectiona, orsab'BectionB, will be th,the ranka. ■■ -. ■ ■ ■■ .-: ■ -'li ■ ' . In"Line/' both right and left gaidee will be on the ^anks of th^s G|o|npany, and, i^ the a^bsence of tl)9 oolour Sarty, the Mi gmde of the right bentre company will trect oil tlie left of the front rank : the remainiiig com- panies will march by their inner ftinks^ In "Oolaihii,*' " Quarter Column," and "Golumn of Half Oom'panieB,''jtbe commaiider of the sections (or sub^ sections) on tpe inner flank will be on the right (or left) of the leading raiik^ In " Golnmii of Sections '* (or sab-sections) command - enl will lead nheir respective sections (or sab-sections) on the rigEt (oir/ left) of the leading rank. " la " Foars,'( the commander of the leading section (or sab-seotion) will be pa the directing flank of the lead- ing foar. /The remainiog' sai^rnameifaries will retain' ^at '»» Givnro Pox(iTs.^afarker8 aire oaty to be i oelremoiiial aad on iiistractional parMes. In jM theoantioo, ** The Obmpany will .drill with- ^^ — ^ will be givea. When employed they will move ont onihe caution lor the vibvement being given by the instruOtor, ikod will always tarn towards the point' of formation. The inatruotor will cover the niarken and give the word ** Steady." "^en the movement Is com- pleted,, the markers WiU resomiB their positions in the Bupexnamerary rank on the second word ** Steady." A mikrker' moving ont to give a point for hii.oompftny to dress upon, will carry his rifle at the *^ Shonider/' or, w hen doubling, at the ** Trail." In a lihe f ormation he mil stand with reVered i^fms, tqmed towi^ the point y ■^•.' 'Wn DBIL^ AND PHY8ICAI, BXERC18B. 41 to mark the point where the flank, lo whi^ u ^5 « ih^?a reBt ;Vhen the oomlpany^ approaches, he _|rill ^x^ r^nJi Ilia innar arm ai riflht angles to bis body with Mie rt^te?ohTorwhiohJheUne5fll^^^^^^ '^^I":Ju*^' on the ™3fs "Byes-^Pront." from the guide, will re- Bume their hold on their rifles. V A marker, when gi^ng a point for^h^^ on in column, or quarter colomn, will woover arms wmie Sing^veredl^^ coming to ^"^^ ^^^ SF^'^^'^S^^^J^^ when correctly covered ; or when covered Mpo»*«f "^^ wfth other mikers, as^hen ««kerrare g^S? for 001^^ panies to form on parade, on the word " 8««»^y . "^^J," the auide comes up to take his place m column, the SartelrillTesumehispost in the supernumerary rank. 10. CoHPANncs TO Bf Bmboissd on Rouop 6jouNirA»D WITH TEN RANKS#CHANOSDi— A compauy should ^be exer- ?Sfd on rough .ndJ^»ol«« grotind^en Jv-ilaWe. Com- panies should alsql^ exercised with ~nks^<*»°;tf^t°J^; ing the drill, in order that every one^may be equally well praddsed to act as a front or rear rank maih! 1i/dsBAN0«MTOT8 IN TXI.UKO Of» TQ^B^^^ ItsMSPWi).- Great pains must be taken to accustom those Srthe company to remedy q«i«W? «f «>i */'"'»f.r„^^^ cord, itny derangement in the orfex in Which they were last told off. 12. Mabchino ON Points and Judoino Di8TAKq«.r-Hou- oommissioned officew «• *o »» Jhorougljly^raiM^ these impottant duties ; theyiffdl frequent%)>e i^rsotwed separately in marching on p6ints, as described in0.;s6. the iusttuotor standing still in rear of the sergeant, to see that.h§ marches P«rf««%^**»««*»* f> **»" ''^J^iS;^ clear o« the point on which he is moving. Inj^^ging disUnoeaud frontage, the number of flleslor wbichitis taken should fee previously named. * nd the instructor should traotically prove tl|e distanoe or frontage. "^ 'I /.. '/ .' , '■ If a?" j^l '■J i^' t il!':i|'^;l ' fli 1 7 ^ 42 ttANJUAL Of _^18. The Flakk BT wnioH thb Company is to Dbim amo Mahoh, TO BB Naiiw).— When a company is ordered to : DroiB. '.the flank is always to be named ; when ordered to^move, the-flank of direotion will he given. Ab a gene* ral mle, the company will take np its own dreBsing when moyine into oolnmn or quarter column. They will be dressed bythe gnide on the inner flank when forming line, or changing Irbnt ii^ line. / v *^' 0"I<»M' SWOBDS, WBBK TO BB I>BAWN AMD BbTUBM- BD.— When the men are nnder armB^ officers wiU draw Hwords as they fall in ; the commander of a Warade will not draw his sword. Swords Will be at the " Slope," except when the men l^re at the •• Shonl^er r^and on the salaunsbaae in marching past, when they Mil be At the VOariry/* ^ .■:-.■■ ■■ ;■■ .■'''' . Swordfi will be returned when troops are employed in (1) Attack ; (2) Advance or Rear Onards ; (3) OntpostB ; (4) Op€fratwnB by Nighif (6) Shelter Trfnoh and Pit Bx- ercises ; but will be draBrn wlien bAypnets are fixed. 16 ^Oaotxonb and OoitiGuips -^Oauiions-and commands Are given for forxnatiomi to^^mrfrom oiie flank only/but the same rule applies when for miog to or from the other flank, which will alsa be praciisedr >, , ^ . ■ ■ .'■■,' \ " ■•"■ «.■ . The cautions and words of «omm{md pHnted in oapi- tals are given by the instructor, thOBO in b^U type by t^captain or goides. ^ - \ - ^ ■.•■:>• ".\ •■■■:■■ "■" FORBfATIONB AND MQVEMBNTS, S. A6.^^Formationof%C<>fnpany, \ ;.x The c^pany will fall in jmi described in 9. 45 [4J . l' . " '■■ ■ * .. - ■ ■ ■ • DRILL' AMD PHYSICAt BXfRCISl. 43 Q,A7.^ Inspecting and proving a C<0,any. A opmpaiiy on p««de will be inifeoted »olp~ved u Thb rear rink will move M direotea iii ^'^^^^4hl Wnumerary rank will •••P ^^ *J«/P*X\.nwr* neSJeet Motion . or enb eeofcion. oo«»»«*«' ^„Vt d^C- Snmorary rt^nk will giv.;' Bf« J^^V SSk^Bjes- »nd having dreseed it. will give "Bear RanK, Jsyee 1»ie innwotiDS officer will p»" *>wd the »wik8 to eee tl.S^th°1Sl«tot'»<»t«. olotfing. etc.. .re olew .nd in good order. Unfix--Bay(mett, Shoulder— Arm, For Intpecixont Port Armt. ~ . tirKkn At the "Port." open the breeoh, raiee *h«^»<»^- riSil^S^P ^ Bmi^tti t^^rSght iand. thamb pointing to the muzzle. \ * ' the oflftoer wiU inlipect the breeohwtlota. aig wiUhew and theile take a riflelrom the oadet»8 hande and ex- ^eSe bStel by looking do^ »• ^^\?S.^^l nMMtt the file next to him, eftoh oadet wUl oloie the E?2S.p^s8t\etrigger.lowert^^^ from the port and stand lit e^se. ^ AiUnUott. ClouOrder^March, The oompany wiU then i>e formed as a 6on^ptoy in ooltimn by the left, and proved ae fpl^owB :— B^8eetUm$rOr ntd-Seclioiu— Number. .jh, ^muauy W W W W w«»-M»» >— ■■ - ^ proved_as_ jibove. When proved, wilkz^U be ap;wii<^^ ■fl •'& /■. R ' r !a iv \ h ■ 1 - ' &'«■ »■ fe ' • p w^ v\ m^^ H r'lii ■-i 44 llAlVUAIi OF :r^\B, 4B.-— Advancing or Retiring, } 1. Advanoino.- The insfeniotor, having stated the sop. poeed order of the battalion, will proceed M follows :^ Ths Compamt / On the word " Iidvamob," the left WILL ^Advance. guide will seleot points to march on. Bt THS LsrT, ' The company will proceed as in B^ Qdiox^Mabcu. ( 86. - " C 2. BRTiRtNo.^On the caution, *' Tna Gohpant will Rktisk," the left guide wiU turn about, take two paces to the rear, and align himself with t^e rear rank; if. the company is in line, the right guide will do likewise. The instructor will then give the command, ** About — Tubn. BxthbBioht. Quick —Maboh.". ,4V ■•■■ ■ • • ■ ■ •-.- -'-^^ ' - ■' >■■■', ■ '■ ' •■,,■;' y S. 49,— The Diagonal March. * % As in 8. 26 and 8. 89. The guide on the flank to which the company is moving will lead the leading rank, whether the company ie in line or column. 3, 60.—^ Company in Colkmn Forming iniq <■■■:■[}.:_ ,-.-_": ■ V ^' .. ."• .'...:, Line, ■;■•:■■-■ ^ ■ ^,' :. - ;■ ',-;; ;. I. Fbom Tai Hai«t.^A8 in 8. 27 and 8. 40. On the word *' Fobm," the left guide will step back and cover the front nnk man of the left file. The company will act as in squad drill. On the word ** HABoa,'* the right guide will place himself on the right of the front rank. The left guide will move up on the left of the com- pany and dress the files as they oome op into line, and having completed ti-^ the dreertiog will give the c ^■,« ♦ &-" ' / ?'' t.' ■ >- r:: ; I'** \ A" m ill % '■ •m \ n, m M ■ A M 11, 4S ■ *^< /''MANUAL OF ^ ';■.:; ■■■•'■■■■■.• ''V ... ■[■ . ^- /-:•■■■ :■ • ■' '.•.'• ■":.;''-/.,^';;, 8. On TBB Mov«.— If, when the tioinp»ny ii at th« halt, it is intended to move off »t once, the oommand will be ••Oh ran Move, leto Oolumm, Rioht-^Fobm. QoioK— Mahou. Forward, By the Left*' OoLUICtr TO THe BlOHT. About -To KN. Company- Front. ljgft—Drei$. I 4. FoBMitfo Back into Oolumn. — A oouip»oy in line will be formed back into colanan in a similar manner, the oompany being flrsi turned about by order of the instraotor. When in position the captain will order the oompany, to front and dres* by the Ueft. ■ . :■'■.■■•■ ,■ '.■■. ::;.;■;■■ 1 ■ S. 52,— A Company Changing Front as the Base Company of a Line Formation, A change of front will always be made on a flank com- pany to the front, i Ohamqi Front, / HUil* BlOHT . (OB RlOHT<) ' Half Bight (or Bight)— Fvrfn: Quick — March. Eyee— Front, On the word '* March," the men will apt as in 8. 27, and the right gnide will dress the flies aa they come np into' the alignment. When the dressing is opropleted, he will give the words ** Eyes— Front,** and resume his posi- tion on the right of the oom^ny. A company will also be practised in changing front at an angle less than half righti The captain will place the flank man of the ffont rank in the required position, and give the command *^ Right— Dress.'* The company will be dressed by the right guide, who wttl give *X f it... ■H 4d IIANtTAL or Th« initraoiioDS Uid down in S. 88 are also ftpplioi to the oompauy, ba» the aeotions will retain their n ben. In ohangiDg ranke, the directing flank will be named. If the oompaoy Is In quarter-oolaoin the daptafn ob»nge hie flank. The above instraclionf ai regards the oaptain, i mlterne, gnidee and ■apernnmerariee are applicable changing ranks on the march, bat the company will tarnaboot. ,■■.,, '.■,■.■:,■ V - .^ , ■,,■■'' S. 6Q-^Formation of Half-Companies and Sections^ h f '■ Oolamna mast always move with aa large a front the ground allows, and the interior formations of a o< pany should as a rule be made by sections or i sections^ Right Half Company to t)te Front* Bemainder Bight^Turn. By the Left. Quiek— 'March. Left Half Company Halt Left 'Turn, Front— Turn On the catition from the instrtH /'ADVAMOR IN GOLOMN OF HaLT C PANns VBOM TBS BioBT," the capt will give the exeoutive words of oc mand. On the word '*lfaroh," the 1 half company will m^rli time t paces before leAding on. V^hen the leading file of the left h company is in real: of the centre the preceding half-company, its co mandwr will order it to make a hi tnm towards the front, and ■ ^ By the Left. arrives ill oolamn of bAlf-compani WiU tarn it to the front. x .^W^lfl^lJBVT / »' DRILL AND PlIYStOAL HSXiBRClSB. 40 Oolamn of MoUoni. or •ub-iootioni will b« formed on tHe Mwc prinoipla. A dimlDution of front may b« •ffeoted by taming 4o • ^ flank in four«, »nd wheeling to the front. The above movementi may be performed on the marob, the oommand " Qaiok— March " being omitted. A company will alio move to a flank by h»"-«»"P;«5j* or Beotioni»/on the principlee laid down in 9. 60 (2, 8). The iiiBtrUotor'e cantioni are-" Coi^uMM Of Half Ooic- PAMIRS (OB 8.CTI0H8) TO TM BlOHT," Oh Whioh the 0»PJ» « will give the executive word*, ** Into Column o/Ha^f- Companiet (or 8eetion»l Right - Fimn," 'ollowfd by " Forward, By the Left," or •* On the Move, ete.^ #6." An inoreaMQf front from four* to teotiona or half oompaniep, may be effected on the prinoiptoi laid down in 42 (2 ) When it is required to in«rea«e the front, Buoh an from eeotiona to halfoompanl^i, the in»*rootor will give the wordH «• Form— Hamt Oompaniwi." The captain will repeat the command, and the •J^otione, on oommand of their section commanders, will form half companies by the diagoniU march, in quick time if ftt the halt, or in double time if On the march. ^g| S. 59.— Passing Obstacles, Front will be diminished by breaking off flies, or by forming half companies, sections, subsections or fours, as may be necessary. ^; When a stream, ditch or bank is to he crossed, it will be generally found that instead of diminishing the front the contrary should he done, not only by causing the files of each section to gradoally open out before they fcrriv at the obstacle, but by forming Mctions. half companies and company. 'm /'■■ 50 MANUAL OF' '''A" S. 60.— ^i4 Company Meeting an Attach from : Cavalry, v ■; y ;.,/■/ ■ BioHT (Fbont qsRbab) — OaVAIiBT. A 1. ••N ■ On the cftQtion from the iostrnotor. the oaptain will give the command ** Hi^At — j^orm, DauhU^MateK ^*^ -^BayotuU,. Back— The Flank§t** or if oayalry is approaohiog from the fron^, **Fix — Bayoneti, Back the Fkmki^" or if from the rear, " Change —^ Bahk$., Fix — Batfonete. Back'— TheFlanUV He will then giye the , nepeseary oommands for firing. y ' . ■ '..';.■•■■ ■:■■■'■ • . : , ■ ■ " ' ' -. "^ TTsaally the flanks ahonld be only slightly dreeeed back, in order that a mazimnm amonnt of Are may be delivered, bat, if neoessary, they may be farther drerned buck to form a oirote. The captain will be in rear of the centre ; eeotion or flab-seotion commanders in rear of their respective Bedtions or sab sections. , The captain innst determine ths kind of Are and the , position of the oadsts. fThe captain, after .'blowing the whistle to cease fire, will n^ ve the oom^ mand " JJntoad. Orders-Arm. Un- fix Bayonets, Vp-^Thi Fi«mktt** and tarn, or form, the company into its original p(Mdtion. . : ■}'■. &,&l.-^ Company Dispersed, Re •assembling. \ l^e oaptain will place either the right or left gaide with recovered arms tamed towards the front. On the wjord "Asseoable,** the menabers of the company will doable in mod form on him in their original plMM ander tde direction of the captain. .-A DRILL AND PHYSICAL BXBRCISB. 8. 62,— Dismissing a Company. 51 - The offioara, having be«n ordered to fall out. a oom. Ipany will he diBmiMled at described in .8. 44. > I ' A% J. !• J • V 'y J-t,. - X' \ Y <■ -^ j-^j V " J^ <■ , %. * ' A..'^^ /fM , ^^^ f^/>i«^^H 52 MANUAL OF ^f PART III. lii'liiiln FHYBIOAXi TRAJNINO. 1. ^6 6l>jeot of the |oUowuig>^^roiMa iB Dot display, bi^ th« «rt(tiQf{ lip Of tbo pitpil, and Iho Btr«ogthdii>ng and r^daciQg supple of his mCttoleal l • 2. Tliawdrk should |l^ so Mmmged that i| is atwiQrs ohfoging; keeping in «iew the faot th4i the groope of V muscles libst are need in onfrexerbise shotnld be rested in the next, ^oA that no mnsoles in the body shdold be either nfgleoted or nadoly Hred. Agbpd general rnte^lor an : uoriMbniotor to be«r in liiiiid is—lSiercisee for the legs and exercises for th^iurmseiMMdd alternate with one another, and eseroisee tjie both iipper and louver Umbs may be rongfaly divided 'into those that bend and 'those that straighten them, and with the body {trunk} the same* those that bend the body and thos4 that striaighten it. The instrhotor mast never lose sight of the f aot that what ' he is aiming at, is the development -and oonsequent strengtheniogt of the whole of the body, and not of one partionlar part. Kverytning depends Dipbn the instruo- ■ tor, and if he is capable it is certain that good results will enstt^ He mcst never forget that a pupil must be strong aUi over-active, inteiligei^ attd' fui of life and ..■ dash* ■ ,'r. r.:' ■■-'}:/. 8. Too tiiLUOb iniportaiace cannot be placed^n the posi« tion laid down for each exercise being rigidly adhered to, ■♦ ■^ DRILL AND PHYSICAL EXBRCISB. 58 Li« especially hoia. true in " *'«»S*!5'a21uLiSST^ liuataQoe. ia bending wad slretohing the arms, il »• JW lis made by the arms, shoulders, and chest, and the value of the exercise is lost. ' r 4 A striotlv military poflition niust alwaya 1» .<>*>• yrU.2^ri?cu^tom.^^ [like attitude that is best lorJHMpM it tehds R^wjy to the free and full •^ion o^■ip^r»Balung«. and the [consequent deyelopm^t of t|e whole body. I 6. Great attention t^ H^J^^^^^^!^^ the mobiUty of the o&t waUs of the P«P>J» «°?f J^"J" Irtruotion. and for this pnrpo» "/wj^ »'•»*"«« J^' loises muJt be frequently prartised. the mettiodof per- forming the exercise will be a« follows :— ■ ■•'._■ ■ ', . ■ - ; ■*•■,; \ Prom tlie position trf" Attention." slowly exhale .as much as posSble the air from the lungs, bringing the h^aiS shoulders well forward whilst ^ to cont«wt the chest. From this pds^^do^^^^ deep inspiration, gradually «««>r****^^ S! ^S^te^ shoulders and assuming an erect position, the air being inhaled through the nostrils and not thjcough the mouth. After the chest has be^n fully expanded and the air held in the kings lor one or two seconds, plowly ^P>J» « through the mouth, bringing the head and ^ouMers well forward In doing so. This^^^Pl" ■^^o™** «* '«" peated at least six times. ^~\, FBEE GTMNASTIOS. « . The class will be formed in twp ranks, and be num- bered from right* to )eft^ A,' »'ip®|i ' -*x ' W' '**<'"*'' -11'*' ^ ('W''*^*^5^'Y , ^* - iv 64 MANUAL OF I The #bble, exoepft.the file named; will oloM M ordered: Baoh front r»Dk pnpil will raieeHie left arm, pUm of the hind upwards, naile tonofaing the shotildece of the next papil, »n^ take np hie dreeeing : the rear rank to oover .,-;. ;■ ■^-; '■ oorreoUyv;--:-; ^:,.:,v -';:/ ' ' ' ' ' Y ]^eadAndeyi»ewiUbetarhed8ini Bytu—Ffot^. |ly|othefront, tod the arm droppftd to theeide. iPor Pree Gym-^A. The\|i« mn^ wiU take two p^oe's ia«tiM—|Vq»are. 1 to the relr. ,, ~ . "- Odd- numbe^rs of the front rank will "^nt, and the i^itfi rank foor na$tie$'-Prq^e, \ to tM relr. i^ "r , , < f' OdAnumberBof ^1 * WiLfc - I **i* foarpabee toth • V pipee to |he rear. ■. / The o|^ maybe formed aa a eq^adwith intervals, and ordered tQ make a half turn rig^t I fiXBBOISRO. ' Om, { Two, Three. '; Throw the arma np, perpendioalarly, pialma of handa turned' inwarda, and not wider than widtii of ahooldera. / Suringthe arme freely to the remr, roiind to the front, and np again. Bepeat thia^ timea; the sfacth time, inatead of bompleting the oirole, f trike tl^o^paliDa of tnehikndi,! together be^ lUnd ^ho Im^ Mid reinaija ateady. f Bring the arma to the aic^« iUid I reaome the poaltioo of Mtentioo. >^M.L:^£^\ ^^fiif%;^ E.j»4i,* 'i^ i'^-t ^i k.-. \-. % ■v ■■■-/ h DBHiL AJID PHYMOAL laEBCWB. 56. N ' tlie iMona porition, nnd «n the wort •* Throe, Ihoy wiu rediiine the pokition of attention, X EXBBOISBl 11. , CAvnov-^Bending and StreHhing the Body. First Practice. X I Eeepiiig iiothg^ •traight* ^ the rtght h^B^iMiir high m lyeriWoj ton»iS^i6fhMk of it Inwftrde, yid MMh down with tlie left hand, to cloee to the hbdy: ^houldor* Niu*i(|» to the f«mt, heoji; hollowed. W> wdl £iit over to the'^Mt »t th^ wa|et, eyM direoted to the right hknd/ . ^^. (^ Perform the miia# nn>tion\ hnt with the left' hand raited, right lowered, hodyhentii» the right.. ' ^ , V, i nro. : "*' Oautioii— S*coi(i. One, Two, One, Four, One, 01oiM» %h» heels, Ihe rigbl heel Mqg broQffht beok to the left, and drop the handH to the nideii; iremiming the poei. tion of Afttentioo. f v EXBRGI8B in. ■■.■'■'■""■'■ ■,- - '. . ■ ■■ - . OkViiON— Binding and Stt^iching the Arms. t Keeping tile elbows oloeji to'the Bides, qaickly bsnd the ftnus, hands in line with ihe-4ihoolders and loraed>: back, hands olMfd,^ nails to the front. Opening tiie hands and tnrning ths bso|s upwards, shoot them oat right and left, in Una with the shoulders ; thnmbs oloJM.Io the forefingers. Betnrn to tfaa Urstpositioki, dosing ' the arotis to the sides. f Open the hands, palms to tiie front, throw the |Ki^ Qp perpendionli^ly above the sBomdern, the wheals of the Qpper,part of the body stretohed np- . wards. ■ ■^'■.-;: ^- ' As before. :;';';.': ■'''■■'■'::'\ ( Bring the arms smartly to ihe sides , I and resume the position of Attention. •{ Care mnst be taken tl^at in these moveiteuts ihe body and head are re^ ' \ tained in the position of Attention. EXERCIBEIV. Keeping the body nprif^t, smartly raise the hsinds and plaoTthem on the hips, flngsrs to -the front, thnmhs to therear, elbows and shoulders foroed well badk. i s\ <> 58 .; MANUAL OF IKMping the body «reol, fttowlJIyrlM on the toe* M high m potaible^ogi perfeolly strftight, heeli together. Thne, Slowly link on the heele. \ Famr» ; Beeonie the poeitionc^ Attention. \ Thle ezeroiie being chiefly for the oalvee of the legs And initepe,shoald be repeated »t le»tt ten timei. ^ ::.^yy'^■:■'■■^^^^ \ .bxbroisb y»; ■•.:.• ■ ;';/ ''■;: PImo the left hand on the hip, fin- gers to the front, thamb to the rear, keeping the left foot firmly on the grOniid^Mid the left leg straight. Step ont'to the right^ front, right lower leg . perpendioQliur, knee over the instep, ■< body tiimed to the right, and bent from the hipe baokwards ; M the same time rjyBe. the right hand over the^ head, arm straight, head thrown baolk, eyes Greeted to the baok of the right hand./- -';/■■>■■ ■.^■: ■;•;;: ''.■, .,■ Withqat twndihg the left leg, drop ' the right h,and to the side, and spring to the ppeition of Attention. * Sisp oat to the front as direoted for •*One,*Vbnt.wiih both hands raised and separated aboni the width of the shooldenk • , Bedover aa before, bat in bringing the hands dowi^ throw ttiem to the rear with a sefikKoiroalar sweep, and resame the position of Attention. 70 ihe Right J :?^.^ •v74. To the Front >*<■■ ', fOKtLL AND PHTMOAL ■XBRCI8R. fiO One ' To the Left. Tw0, r Ai befoM, ii«ipptog onk with thp it l«ft initMd of the right fool. I BpriBff bcek to tbo potlUon of At^ \ tfntion, u from tho " BiiBht— Front." The cUm wiU »iio be tAOght to oommeooo wlih tho iftfOOt."' ■. / ■'' . I Thifl AxsrciM m»y bo oootinned bj gt^^off tho Matioo, J™riSrthe?imS^» ; tm tho oomulMd " Wght Front/ ^-°hf foregoing inoytme^ wiU bo ripofttod m often m l^iiired. ■ .■■;■;..■;' ^,;.. v-^ ■:_;■..;■..■ ';■ ■:::■,§■:,. . EXEBOISB VJ. V bAOTibK^TVV>r*tif^ nt » minnte. followed hy the word - Btendy " (when be nrmt nre in the eeoond poeition], nnd then ^ve the ■^Three," on which the eqnnd wiU reeame the pooition of kttention. \.^««r,,**« ^ BXBROIBB X. Third Practice, The f quad will tnm to the right as into ille» preyions oommencing the third praolioe. ^ On the word "One " ratio the hands in front of tho body, having than Out olenohod, at tho full a^tent of tho arma. and in Une with the month*, thmbi npwarda, lingen tonohing. «• *« ■^^^' y'^^f^w; tf4 I A 1 " •: Ml' ilj -/T^: Two Three BUady 3ntr •f. MANOAL OJ , On thtB word ^Two/Vleparate the baoda vmartly, tbrowioff the arms back in liaa with the sboulaers, back of the hand downwards. (On the irord "Three," swing the arms round as qniokly as posylble from front to rear. ( On the word *' Steady," resume the 1 second position. On the word *' Four," let the arins fall smartly to tho position of Atten- tion.' ; : I" hi One, 7kp. Tfuree, Four, EXBBdlSB XI. Place the hands smartly oh the hips, fingers together, and extended to the front, thumbs to the rear, elbows and shoulders well back. ] Hop twice on the right foot and \ swing the left foot to the front. j Hop twice on tl^e left foot and swing } the right foot to the rear. Beiume the position of attention. Continue the' movements, hopping lightly on the toes, and swinging the left foot only to the front ftnd the right fuot only to the rear. ^ ' , * ^ZBBOISE Xlt .Same as Exercise XI., with the dght foot tb the front ftnd the left foot to the rear. DllILL AND PRtSIOAL BXBR0I8B. 66 KXEBOIgjB XIIL \ Hoppiuc M in the iMt ezeroiae; ■wlnff the t«fi f^ itwft$i to the lef t, Md the jriglit topt to the right »lter- Thii ezerdse may be prMtised ftdvanoing or retiring. MD^gmnd Bwioging the feet, m in Ezeioieee XI md SSf*" 0n$* Thm, EXEBOiSB XIV. Place He hands as in Exetoise XL V Bonndlljt^igh aa powible, alighting j onthe'toea. Bestioie the position of attention. OQMBIN£I> EXBitOISES. The ezeroiBea of this aeties are performed by the Oodi- ined e£f(»t8 of the pupils; arraidged in oonples. Front position, papUs are arranged in pairs, standing Ide by ilde, faoliig frontr^^th inner hapdsjoinsd. ABM BXBBCI8E.— PBONT POSITION. IBaise inner arms forward in line with the shonlder. j 7\po', One. One, Two. Threes F Tw Three four •. w j;^:,£|^;5j^^-:?'!t* ,.f,. SSt^ » W . MANUAL OP . r Ooe stop lont^Md with left (001, VkDd O^ 1 piMe right hand (hMidt joi|i«d) on ^ pitfiiior'i left ihoiilder. Two / , I^wer »rm» diBfWn to poeitioh ana \ doie beehi. ' w'Sl^^*!!* "5" H ffP^"^' •••rting with the Wgfat foot and left hand, end then alternately/ ABM BXBB0I8E8. B^yttn ^oexnoK. Ul be Offtred to turn baok to baok. h^da ■till joined. One > Two 'One - Two Three Four One 7)00 ( .^^}^ •'"»■ sidewards in line with \ the; shoulders. , liower amis' down to position. ( .^^^ fP^ sidewards in line with (, the shonlders.. Baise arms above, shonlders. Lower arms in line with shonldecsi Lo?rer arms down to position. Baise arms above shooldeifs. Iiower arms down to position* ABM, FOOT, AND TBUNK BXBBOI$ES. One I 7)00. BsJse arms ddewards, In line with the shoulders. {.Lowic fiirdnt arm, and raise rear arm ovsr^OMiddw idth bending body at the waist to the front. v_. DRILL AMD ^HYBIOAt BSlBRQtBK. 69 '1 \ ^ ' fyts AnoM in line wilh lil|||dkOQld«ra. ^ iW lidwtr mtmrn down to |KMdlion. ThU •ziroiM'wJill lio rtpaftttd, ^mmonoiag to the row, iliD front Mkd rwur ftlternataly; {BftiM «rmt aidowAr^i, in line with the ihonlders»ftttd:>t'tne same time . atep lorwik^ with the left fool. £ liower »mii j^own ,to position ^d ,^ 7ko •[ oloie heela. Ca This eieroiae will be repoftted, oomtnen^oing with right foot, ftlBO left fnd right alternately. . ' t POPPING BXfiROISEa Faoino Position. ^^Ehe papils will be ordered to tarn, faoiog eaoh ptheir. Hop twioe on eaoh foot, swinging opMsite' fool^^^tr < wards.) Begin by swinging^ foot to the fronk Eaoh 'of the above exeroises ^11 be repeat^ o^^*^- ooants. ' "* / f *- ' !^ V H^ *y )\-- :.3: ■^m^^i^A^ ^I'm. ■ 7., ■ . ftfti, or ^«r#Mii|ot6rt I* diffenrlit i#(ll|^ tba i. lift li^^teilllid^ *^ ': to mmar jflown on'thf iili|^«ii ^koe^l^iier^^it !■ othenriie '■:ii "i 'i:- ' i^ tike Order. ■■ ■■|p||-.- -.' TiM rill« will b0 plMBd perpendionlftrly it Ihft righl i« bail 6n ih« groniicy W Im in Un« with UM'tM eight fdot^ the^t «b itifthtlir b*tit ; th« tiglit ^ §Utt, ih« butt 6n th« groniiMtt Im in Un« with UM'tM oTtUidghtldot^lhe^rlgh* ann itightlv b*nt ; th« ti|^l liana to liiia the rifili bitw^n the buOt, thnmb pwi i a fl Agtimttho ^i0h ftligtn ilMiting towatdt Iho gvoiuia. Whon tho rifliTbMi bwBi.pUioed at -Tho Orte/' tho Matt miiii bo inatniotoa Aiwa jt to IaU in on pandinvith it in thai position. VBYta/m^ OXBltOISB. 71 ftk-^Mannal Exereise. by Numb$rs, :i^'--K j^jmit**/"^ K F'm Ba^yomtii \\ .\ Pi^B«jfMH$. Fiasinjg BajfoneUi { On ihe oomiiiMia **FU Bi^yoii*!*,'* MiM Ih^ MdlMl of th« b«]roii«l wiih lh« Mi hftttd, kouoklei fo, the fconl, Ihmnbt to the r«ftr, flngsn potnliiig to lh« Kroaiid, Ufi elbow to Ihe N»r ; M al theiiMBe Unie pnili the tnnnle tr litUe fonmrd ; make a- tliitht pftoee, t|ieii dnw the bftyonet, ftiid when the point eleu« the eoftbhnra tnm ft np, keeping Ihe elbow dowCmd ttie nroer pftft of the nrm eloee to the body « , pleee Ihe aooket on the HBtfUBBle [flet perfc^ of the W4» to the fcont] and wh«i il fnlleofer the foro'iight^ torn, it' wif^ the thnmb from left to right -, knd pieee it home.; then torn the look- ^faig ring in the iftme diieotion, nnd . eo&e to ^* The Ofder*' together. - On ttie oolMnntkl«*»i3^Bnm#^ *% pleoe tho rile beiween. the cneiiK '^ gnnrd^to the front, nnd »t the |Mne\ time Ae the^eonbhurd with, the left hnnd, toftting the handle of the be|m ' onet I^WMdS Ihe i&ht front ; '.then ■eize the linndle of the bftyonet with the rii^t head, JmoHriM dowawnrdt, •ad fowlho fpKtothoftoni; toiB the point itplMH|i«n it is weU elewrof Ibebod^, iSPSlie the tOU Sword n ^ ■L^' ^l^ ^ 72 MANUAL or ( Bhouldef— Arms, Twt, "'> r Preieta-^Arnu. h wilh the It! t huid nnder the apper band, plMse the bftok part of the handto Againat tb« righl aida of the barral, knaoUei to the right, arm oIom to the body, and elide the epring on to the oatoh; and the ring on to the monle ; laatlv, aeise the rifte with the right hand between the bands, and taking the time from the right, re^m to "The Order" together* ■;■;.;■;•..;- III. ■. The Shoulder from the Order, On the command *' Shoulder Arms," give the rifle a smart oant npwarda with the right hand,oatohingit witli the left in line with t^e elbow ; at thi same time Miza the guard, at the fall Extent of the arm, with the forefinger gfid thamb of the right hand, the re- maining Angers tindier the hammer ; the npper pmt% of the barrel to rest in ^ the hollow of the shonlder. / On the word ** Two,^' drop the left \ hand smartly to the side. iv. ■- -^:;;:/•■?:;;v:.;:•^v■;:■■ The Present Amu* On the oommand ** Present Arms," seize the rifle mth the/left hand at the lower band, raising it a fefr inohes by sUghtly bending the right arm, with- but moving the barrel from the shoul- der, and tat the same timc( slip the thumb of the right hand under the hammer, and the fingers under the guard slaQtiog downwards ; hoth anne dose to the body. rr ^fT^^Sfe^^-" DRIT.L AND -pHTMOAL BXRBOIfll. 78 Two I On the word " Two." bring llin »!«• to a perprndioolnr portion oloM to front of tbooMitreof «»• »»*J« ^P'JS to tbo front, M low u the rigbt hM will •dmit witbont oonitr*int,^ftna grasp it with tbe left hand, tbe little Anger tonebing the projeotioii in frotj of the look plate* *bumb between etojk and barrel; *»>• .'^^^^""VISSS reeling to tbe emaUof tbe butt, flngwri •traight and^elanting downwarde v tte weight Rthe rifle to be enpported by the left hand. 3r*« Slumlder from the Prt$ent Amu, Shoutder^^ Armt I , On theoomniand ««Shonldem»ii».*^* bring the rifl[e to the right mt jmA seiise it with the right hand at ''The Shoulder," the left hand remaining to •teady it to ite place, arm oloee to the \body. the left „ '« / On the word •* Two, ^"r ^' \ hand emartly to the ei VI. Part^Armt. { the Pert Arm: On the f^brd " Anne," ieiae the rifle ai in the flreypotion o| V The PreieBt Anne." \^ #% 74 Two, if a i^iit CA^rpe — i\ BaymeU. ». UkHOAh OP On th«)i word " Twor^ing lh« riiU to ft •UnttDg podlioain^froDt of Um bodyrgvftM to tbt liM ftoA ^wuvftrds, tbo bftrrd orotiing oppodkifipolnl of iho loft thoiiiaor, ftnd Mpii If M tbo ■ftmo limo with tho thmnb ftoffftoflori of tbo right hftnd round tho ■mall of the butt, tho thnmb jypd fkngor%^ ibo left bond romftining^und tbo ^^i oloM in tiront of tbi book ilght 'jlho left wriit to bo oppoeito iho left bretpt, both elbowe oloeo to the body. VCI. Tht Charge* ^ % ^ On theoomm2nd "C{||»rffe BftTonete;!fti|| turn on the beolo, pofiit tho righitfpol^ to tho right ftnd Ibe left fall to ^f front ; ftt the ■ftmi'Mm«iWithont obftng ingthe grftfep of tho bftndft, bring the - rifle to neoily ft horiiontftl poeition ftt > the right iido. witb^oMiftlf '"©"ft/ ing ft iCttlo np^rda, ft^ the rig^ wriel rertiog ftiPlt tho hollow of tii thigh below ttij^ipbobo. T^ whole * { to be p9rf(»inedin ono emftrt notion. I, The », The BhomerfromiheChairife^ ■^1 ?v :'"»- / On the oomM^i^^ " Qhoolder Anqi,^* riieo tho riflelo ftperpendionlftr poei. tidliiftttlft right ude, leiaoit with tho right hft&d ftt •'The 8ho«Mor ** turning ftt «the aftmo time to the front ; the left hftnd Yomftinihg in ita plloo, ftrm olpee to tho body. DBIIX AND PHYSICAL BX«ilCl9|t. 76 ( Drop th* l»fl bMid imnUy to ttw th« oaution. " Ajft Rear »i«|^««»^ "^^ Tike Sfc» ton tbe word " Two," lower Ibo riflo with tbo Wt band nwly to thagrjand. arm and riflo moving oloia to Uio body^ tbon MiM it with tbo rii^t band wbora it it bald al " Tbo Ordor." at ^WOM timo drop the Idl hand imartly to tha aida and plaoa tba batt guielly on «ba groond* :■-.■-'':.- -* / J^'isi' L- ' liiC -.J&.'.'Sai'-'^..^ ";^'s;W(f-yH!w-'*^' rt:^^' 78 8lop§'-Arn$, , ¥ MANUAL OP Thi Blaye from tht Order. On th« oomiDMid, '* Slopt Armt,*' giv« the riflo » oftot opwards wilh tbt righl hand, and mIm U at the lower baud; then oarrv it to the left tide and Mi«e the bntt with the left hand, the flrtt two iointe of the flogen graep- ing the iutide of the butt, the fore« finger half an inch from the h«el, the thamb in front of «the heel ; at the eame time drop the right hand smartly to the aide. JH' 7l*e. i Order— Arnu. Two* On the word " Two," raiie the rifle nntil the gnard preeeea gently againftt the hollow of the shoulder, mnzde to point to the rear. XI. Th$ Order from the Slope, Oa the oommand ** Order Arme," drop the left arm to its fallest extent and eeize the rifle with the right hand, little finger in line with the point of the shoulder. On the word •• Twb." carry the rifle to the right sidt and oome to the " Or- ^er *'~plaoing the butt on the ground ^ without noise. ^ ■ DRIIX Ohc Change— -Afm$, ^ * , • m; '. ■ ■:* 1.=. Two, Three, ■f Change— Armt, * ■■' • j Slope-^Amu, :-'<^'-': f o ■■"■ A .*\ X- \ A±i „ '"I," DRILL AND PHV810AL BXBSOIM. 77 s.. :iy XII. Changing Armi at th* Slopt, Change — Arnu» Twfp Three. On th« oommMa-OhWM Armt. Pfttt the left bMd up qoiokly, and MiM tb« tmaU o! the ball, AoMri wid Ihnmb around Ibe ilook ; »l tti« tamj time leiM the bull ^i^V^^^^X^ btnd. flrel two Jolnte oMbe flngere ftround tbe itook. tbumb In ffont of the heel. , On tbe word " Two," without mo?- log tbe bead, raiee.tbe rifle to a per- p«ndlcular poiition, carry it •«<>-«»• tody and place It on the right ehoul. , der. ( On the word •* Three." diop the left \ hand smartly to the elde. / On the command «• Change Armi," • Ohange-Arm. carry tha rifle back to tbe feft ehoul. viMHiy* I ^^^ f^ ^ similar manner. iin.. "■\ \ ■1 n' The Slope from the Shoulder, # / On the cdmmand "Slope Arm»," SUpe^Arm, eeize the rifle a. in the Aral motion of " 'V I the " Preaenl Armi." . f Ontbeword"Two,"*rnrtheirffle ' to the let t eboulder, and aefae it i^to the 1.11 band, the flrel two lolntool the flnaers grasping the inrida of the butt, the foreflnger half an «««>»«»» ibeiieel. the thunrt) in ftrool of thf ■♦,. vv\ \ >.,'• _,ijj .^y ^It 78 MAimjnxoF !)■■ ■'K ■t: ' ,.), M v* ..V . \ '. Threti hMtflbe mawle fljUuiliiiji to ihe nar, •nd t^p gawrd PMMed n^ainit Ihe hoi* )oif of ilM ifaoitlder, > Tbe npper pari of'tbe arm i|o be eloM to the side, the lowei* part 6f the arm to b^horizpntal, the toe of the bott 1k> poiot to the oentre of the left thigh, tbf right hand I^olcliQg the Bmall of the batt, thumb an4 fiogera aroand'the stook, a^m olose Intothe body. I dn the word •*1^hree,"drop the^right (hapd partly to the side. >; ' ; " ■ ■» ■ ■'■■ . :./f ^^ Shoulder-^ .« *•■ ft - o Vi % 7A0 Shoulder finm the Slo§e. r| On^he^mnimd M€h.* .*!*•, ^ .r^^,,^ lipuokles toihe front, seize the handle Sdth'the ;i;iA^ hand, knuckles to the JS flngispolntrhgdownwiurdB. fore, l^onthe spring, :^ten theJugw ^au^Jft^ .we bayonet upwMWjr ^:'a: ■ & ■ *r o I. ;:.;■ ':'.... I' r jP- ..S'-' -I'i . F%. 80 If ■ A ,!'. »' •(^'.• V ,/< ' ,V> " ■<''■■'.. ' V I '/^ ' MANUAL or ■> ' _ '■ the ri6 nl towwds the aoMibwd. edM **» *Wf«wt iind elbow vSSi ^ oeiween the bMid«; then t&ikiff tW • ■ -■ •'v-'""'\" ■■ .!'■■■'-:■."■ -'"'" '■'^- '■' i.-"-- ■."■ .'■■>''■■' '■".•-■-v.' ■: ■"" point of bManoe, aid, bring it to a ■'■<.■■ t), V|, " :\\ : ^Shoiadii:frm tie Trail > '»' ..^ , fH ■ StVo^i ■ • ' . /, /■: , /' ■.' "" Orda It Mi fixed. ,y-':f'. (M>Uft! \ Two. 't>BIUi AND PHYSICAL BXERCISB. ^ 81 j On the word "Tf^o," droptbe Wt I hand ■m»rtly to the Bide. -'t- P'„ Srail-ArvM. two; ..'»>■ XVIIl. ^ The TVail fnm the Shoulder. On the oommand "Trail Arme," ' ■eise the rifle with the left han^, little fioger in line with the right elbow, , auD doee to the body. On the word " Two/' seize the rifle with the right hand at the poiht of baUnae } then bring it down to <• The Trail/V at th^; same time drolp the . left Itftnd to the side. 1. • ■ .•v;:-,:::; ^ ;■ - V' , •• XIX. c She^derff mi the trait : ' A On Hie iHmmand «*/fird8r Armi/» M Order— 'Amu. \ raise tl^ mn^aOm and allow the rifle to a ^. \ flip throni^ the hand to " ^he OHer.'* ::M^. - A^me i^ald^ never bit tr^ed/ wit][i bayonets, ^ied. ■■«. .e- ^1 :H -';.■ *?i'.' A (M)uinilT^:^ii7ii|. '^ '^' (7fm«tuii{ii|^ ill Oi ^ odtnmanfp^^Gtoani Ari«^ with a idiarp povenxent of the .wrist turn the .ride on itr heel, ^gnard to rtf^ :!Mi^ panife, st»k th# . 'b:^^]Qdhsg both Jcneen, and £laee the rifle on the gaeonnd, gaMd" %b the tifl^t^ liiEiis^ ^no^ning Iq the r|ght^ Ir0il|ii«^1tikinpiell^t» tin« with ^6 heelii. A^er iidpi^ether Dau8e» ooinsfi m»*rtly to *• Atteh^en." ' ,. ;';. , V t„ ', //- '^^: m.' <>' ^'w. 1 WW. ft« Will be iiiiS »??. %s%£rs 6^^m»^4fm, OiOM ^^ Zu »V* T***''^*"'"*'. ifiw ttilBlf Bmtf la' #i0fllr«^ tKOgbt tb fom «ftc aiikiiidtiir £!l!aft4 at' tfill «b4 ' mm I ' II II I «^ Win "1 i-\ *'u ^,. l>'' "■ lij,!**" IflRd.L AHD FHVMCAL BXK|(018«.' ili4iii» to • liieinftr poittMn ia9««? BftriiiflbMti thioir^ UAiiiutr Sxin^i % mm»»rt, til* (MM* ^l BMrt !>• tMigbt to|»trfom it io 4^df^ii»t; «l«tl ^HR^Wn <» MKsdviiig the oemmaDd lora^ iiMiviJm»l )M^ 1^ dintindtly oiMerving % MMi> iif ^iilek ttai« ^^mm *imf tw0 molioBB, witho# w*iti^ I6C tl^^ wofd "Two <« Standing at Ma$e from ^ Order Oet the ciomioaiud yritbo^t shifMnir Jhe iiflflftd at-^Eaw •A 1«M, ^mflz^le of the fiA%^ the ff«i* the >ight hiiid^ *rin eioiie tp ^ m»»der, marking a point in a line II? •"»" ©V *he butt with the other band MltirZ *hl toe Against hiBohest, ^ ^ ' "Btinp the fm. In addition Wt^moUona of ih^ '^ '^^ f<»^ " Pile." both guidw will plaw themeelvea od their rMpeot. i J^TJf ll^ superintend the mor^, ment ; the rear rank will dose up a pace af.2l inches, and the frwJtTant I men will draw back the right fo6t ^ ^ ready to turn about. . " ■• * ^i** ^il*?"» about, brinmng their 2S«L^*S S*"" ?* **»• short tSirtS S k^" **>«»Pli^ the butts of their rifles between their feet, guards to the lef^ ; after which the* odd number rir "i T>^ Armt* h w 0( b r I I If I l^CUar. \ Stand Stand—To. ^ J UnpiU — .-* %■ ap" , •■■ /? irnii. AlfD FUYBIOAL fXBBClSK, '85 ". ■. ■ ■'■■ ■ /••'■ ,V [■■ ■ '' " ■ ' ' :.'.■■ rikiik. Mid Ihe •yen nQinber front rwakf wtat^inoUne their rifles towwdt e^ ^^thlt, wid oroee rodj^ ThUdomeJ^he odd number front rank rnftn will, with ^is left hand, eeiae the rifle of the ew dumber front wmk Pipkn by the mna^e, bearing it from him, Md with hie right hand look rode by^ peeslng hie own by the left of the rode and to the right of the barrpli of the other riflee ; When firmly lockedrthe even number front rank, Beioibg hie rifle ;>e*^J«* the bandi. wiU move the heel of the butt to hie right front, eo ae to form a tri»ngle of equal rides with the other two butte; faatly. the even number rei^r rank will lodge hie rifle between the muzzlee of the front rank, nUng i unOermoBt. When there la an odd flfeVeaoh man of the *»• w»y«?f«,J^ - - rifle againet the pile on hie right, if it il in hie own section, othwwiee against /; \ the pile on his left. n r On the oommaii "Stand Olear^ ind-CI«ar. 1 the ranks will stSp baok a vy^^]^ \ inches, and turn to the directing flMik. On the command •• Btiiaa To," the ranks will turn inwards, and dose on their arms by tAing a pace of 10 inches forward. itand— To. On the word "Uhpile," seiae the rifle with the right hand ^^ndw ^ upp^r band, the front rank JJM/* ™ iikme time drawing l»ok their right . fee?tea4y tp turn to their fyonti- f a9 \ MANUAL OF Armt. o- I Qn the word "Artm/'lba men will anlook fth* rods withoal hurry, by r»ltioff the pile »nd Allowing Ihe botte J? ;"'!?• i*>^wdi, Md oome to "The Order." The front rank »nd ffoMee -lil u^l " ^"'°*%' *»*• '••f '•A win Btep beck » pace of 81 inohee,. and the guinea will move to their pli .In piling arme oh parade, the word " Break ~ Off »» »tii 'J/,^ •?'•' " 8»*A*-0lir." On agSnalUni in Thi •riS./^ piling ind nnpiUng SSti. ^"^' dftmtge being done to the roda and ** to*ih!'^Sa!".i,'i"'°" »».«<>»»•• tba left footooBM*' Ib^ ooniinand «• Qnick-^Maroh," or'*Qaick Mark TiSJl V? tJj^wiU oon« to the "Trail" aaS^^^ ti^J^JSirS!^^ ^"^ •»*• - • mle. at aH .vS ? ^"^ *"• oomnuwd "Shonlder Amr>> !» MI o«M wbm Um oratmud to "Slioddar Araii" hu DB been giTen, oai epeetive of an: the word to "t 6. Oadeta al " The Order, Maroh," will Btep. 6. Oadeta i Arma'*onth( 7. When m arma at " Th being turned again when t f onri. 8. Oadeta arma,if ordo tion, will rei flsed. 9. When • trailed armi perpendtottli pane of the (the one in riflaa will bt flratmoe, a loJwben fouM, move given nnniili IhoriTiraU ' 11. "Whei ordered the flrat p^oe. and eloped again on the fourth. lomiiAn oadete standing with ordered arms form fouiTot; b7 th? " Sde 4vr -tep back, or move any S?en number of paces forward, they will come to M The Short 5rail»" 4--^ 11. When moving to a flank In font;, unleee otherWw ordeiedw when bayonete are flifd. the rifle will be car- ried aiSe'^^Tr-lT,". a^ "tiring m lours, it will be (Married at the ** Shoulder. iS'" 88 Manual or v^ • •-■.V JIk^^J!^^ ^.•'?.i"^-' SkirmLherp. Support. ■•.: ' ;--^Hi.-^- ■■.■■'■■.■.■ *■•■■.>■■:; ■ The Short Trail. ■••Wig tb. bftml oloM to the •hoQl^er. v., -'\\'-'r-,-^ :■:':■ n .: ^ Changing Arm at tha Trail, V im (On tli« oommand "Gbanffe ArS" left •Ida and PM8 it into the le£^ hard! then lower it to "The Trail "Tat th« same time drop the right han J to thJ I In * umilar manner. ^ III. :^ * / .1 m! ??• «>«>5»m»ocl " Fix Bayonete." ' S; iii*i^ ^*«*' »" ***• right Vreast. G#^e(8 marching at "The SloDe" I op woeiving the command to "Fix I •■i i'l»— B Be Prep Ch Vh Compaq The! bttt., Seotl ;^at. DRILL AHD PBYBIOAi miBOtt** 8» tfm^BayipneU, ( y. 7' Fur Swwd Pattern Bayonet. On th« oommftod " Fix Bmneta^" ohftDgt tba rifle into Ihe l«fl hMid, draw the bayonet w^k the ficht baod, bringing it ont of the eoAbbard be- tween the left Mm and the body ; in- oliniDg the moaile of the rifle npWArda nntU oppoiite the left broMt, fix the bayonet m At th« belt, taking eare not to damage the tight, then oome to ** The Slope." Oadete marchiQg at *'The Slope." on receiving the command ** Fix Bayonets," will flrat oome to ** The Trail," and then proceed m »lr«^y detailed. , ^^ .. , ' ;*■- IV. Ai a Front Rank, Prepare to^ Charge, Charge* Compcmy—Bult. The Charge* ' \- On the word "Oharge.*"' bring the the rifle to the "Port" without loeing the square position of the body or the regularity of the step, j On the command " Charge," brei into a steady dpuble, and when woMi with fche enemy bring tho rifle to the portion of the **Ohar«e." No ruth- It7or breaking away wUl be aUowed. Oome to the " Slope." ^ The Rear Rank will remain at the " Slope " ttirough Section commanders will y^f^fniht Charge. dttt r ••. 1 -v e * r> ^ ■i. J tut w ,'f MKROCOrV MSOUITION TBT CHAtT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) / * > ' if^ 1^118 IM r Ih l» 110 13.6 t^ UA |i;6 ^ /APPLIED IIVMGE rnc ^^B^i *1653 East Main Street ^*^-*' Roehwtw. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - Oadb - Phone (716) 28lBr5989-Fox * ! J.^ 90 HAN{IAL OP . PHYSICAL DRILL WITH ARMS. th2^?8Cw:?i «;i"J?^ ^.^ ~nk« with ana. lift the words •• phyaioal driH »? Wn! ?L?*" Kymnaatiea, «rmiias«c8.»^ -^^ ■ "" "**?*« aabstitated ' ' - * FmiiOeirval fiiom the Left.' Hight^Glose. Quick—March. Eya^Frmt. Oymtu^tie»^ > J^repare. 1 for "free cover correctly. ■ > * ^ '*?* *?» dt9pp,a to the 8id^°*' "* *• "«• „JJ»«W »».kWt.A. twop.0**, V f 4^P^5 nnnaberg of the front rank wUl J take fonr pacea to the front tod SS I •▼•«» nnmberi of the rw ri^^fn^! I paces to the rear. ^^ '™ ^"' OAUMON-^a^; By »«;;,*^„; Seady. DBIIX AND PBYttlC'Al BXBROlSB. 91 7Vh>. Brinff tlofijcifle quickly to » horiBon- tal poBitidn in front of the body, tling downwards, the right h»nd quitting the guard and grasping the butt at the Binall, both arms at their full ez- ^nt ;'at the same time carry HA right foot about 13 iceiies tothe right, keep- ing the knees straight. ^ — ^ {, dAUTiON.— Ft'rs^ practice. By numbers fan to (V. Bend quickly over with the 'arms and knees straight, lowering the rifle the insteps. ' ' SwiUg the rifle above the head, with the arms and knees straight, reaching well out\to the front in doing 9|| eyes .directed towards the rifle. lf% , Bend the arms and drop the rifle to the shoulders, behind the ueck, forcing the c|iest well forward, the eyes directed to the foout; Besumethe second position smartly. Bring the rifle to the «' Beady " post. tion by bending the arms. . ■.■ ' >. ■■■ ■■. Bring th6 right heel to the left, at 8houlder'-'Arm.*\ the same time raise the rifle to the One, Two. Tliree, Four. Steady, Two. Shoulder. prop the left baud to the side. ' Okxrnoli,*--Second.practtcej^ By numbers. Beady. Tiro. Arbefore. ,,~«.MCi»ii>rr**>*f^3ri?r ^ 99 iianvAl- or ■>«'. ShovUder-'Armi, Swing the rifle sideways to the right to ahorisontAl position, and parallel with the shoalders, ahoye the head, "lAijbt leading, with the arms straight, and wrists bent baok, body turned on the hips to the right, back hollowed, eyes directed to the rifle, knees braced up; rising well npon the left toe, the V right foot flat on the ground. Swing the rifle down, with' the mnzele leadingr and np to the left, as described in **One/' enbatitating lef b for r^bt, and vife^ versa* y"posi*. I Bifing down to the 1 tion. ;•' As before. •v M^ OkVTioix,— Third practm. By numbers Efody, Two, \ 1 / Righi-rLuf^e, •/ \\ Jwo» As before, except that the heels are to be kept close together. Keeping the left foot flat on the groimd and the left leg strai^t, lunge to the right aboot 86 inches, the right leg from Jhe knee downwards to be perpendicnlari body turned to the right and bent backirards from the hips ; at the same time throw the rifle to a horissohtal podition and parallel with the shoolderii above the head, ivrists bent back, eyes directed to the ^ riflel . ] _ Withont bending the left leg, spring t to the "Beady," porition. ' Front- Lu / 71 Uft L T Shouldet In mi ^inthed firm on * On tl be perl Lnidge, Oomidt in the I •« Left nsed ii word " DRILL AKD PHYSICAL BlEKOlSfc 03 frtrntr- \ i Ai in •* Right LuoKe/'^ut lunging ».. ^,#-; the front. As before. ./< I As in ''Bight Lunge." Bubetituting j left idr right, and vice vena. Am before. Jibo. . ■ 8houlder---Arm^ MMhvtate. In making the ibove Inngee thelwdingfyrt muetj^ ^inthedireotlon given, the heel of the tear foot to be kept firm on the grqunC WW l^«>ee braced back. On th^ution " Juagingthe Timtf.;; Jh^ be perfcimed by giving the command " Right (or Mt) LuKe, *ommenoS." qpthe command •*»»«*;* ^^ GoSnince." aU theforSoing movemiytB wUl be^^^^ i^tbe aboVe order ae often ae rcquiredj »V*ll*w «uf?u^ IfLett Lunge, Oommftnoe," iegiven, the left Jeg will be need ih^ luDglng to the left and to the front On the WOTd "Steady." come to the " Ready " position. ~~ -I /OAVtiQft^— Fourth prac^iu. By numbers,^ ■ riro. ' Ab in «• Third Practice." dsady. One, Too. Throw the rifle out to the front, arms straight, backs of the hands up and in line with the Bhonlders, slug to the f r6iit* I Bring the rifle smartly to the breast, about 6 inches below the chin, elbows dose to the sides, sling of the rifle npwaxds, forcing the chest well for. ward.' \ ^ ; -/i ■ ■*? ri fi JrMhfei^^w :/.■ %' ^,'\ K i 94 ^ - "■'■:■;•:.' ^■■;' Bight -^Luniiie, Afxmt, TMdo, Reewer, Two. Shoulder— 'Arm$, MANUAL OV il"' WhUe 41 •* Two/* Iang« to ib« rikht. M in **ThiiUl PjrMtioO." body/knd head Inrned to the right but k«m upright ; ftt the iMoe time throw tho riflt out to . tho front.' As before, 1 While ftt "Two," raise the toes, and a^d by a qaiok movement tarn lefl about on the heels, reversing the posi- tion df the legs, vis. :— the left knee bent, the right leg straight, throwing the rifleoati as before. -■* ."'As before. :.-: ' (Bring the right heel to the left, and,< ifhming to the front, throw/the rifle ont, iss before. I From * ' Two," drop the rifle to the V " Beady " position. Asbeforib. In this praotioe "One," **Two" will be repeated. in each position as often as regnired. iff:'' JSaoh .'!^l'^'*5C'*7!h«'"JSd 4. Five" M often as required, before giving the word :««Bteady." : '■■.;>■■: '/■■■^v^.-/;-^-''v ■V 1 1 ^ i*^ "*: i ,:.y: ■:■■;■■•;• ' r 11 V> i .1 -1. # / • ■ "1 . H:- r 4W =]?' ^^*' #- iw^ <* • • • f • " 1 ' • • » • 1- * tf ' « • • V • ■• f • . ii / :^ . • • * * 1* -^ V ■ ■ ^ rf • « k 1 ■V.'t •