1\r 7 0"*/^ 3^158 BY-LAA^^S OF THE ! QUEBEC RUBBER COMPANY. m mtm ^ Adopted 24tli Februaey, 1870. QUEBEC: PRINTED AT THE 'MORNING CHRONICLE " OFFICE. 1870. "I Tll'tl / BY-LA.\VS OF TUB QUEBEC RUBBER COMPANY. Adopted 24th February, 1870. QUEBEC : PRINTED AT TUB " MORNING CHRONICLE " OFFICE. 1870. > ^ i ■ i \ BY-LA.^VVrs OF TIIK QiJEBEC RIIIIBER COIMY, ADorTED 24th Feuuuakv, 1S70. 1st. The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company for the Election of Directors and the trans- action of the general business of the Company, shall be htld at the principal otlice of the Company, in the City of Quebec, on the last Tuesday of January in each year. 2nd. At the said Annual General Meeting, the Shar,'- olders of the said Company, those present, shall, by vote, elect two persons to be a Board of Audit, and sucli persons mayor may not be shareholders, and ii sliall be the duly of said Board of Audit to exam- ine the Books of account of the Company, and papers • and vouchers thereof, which books, papers and vouchers, shall be accessible to the said Board of Audit, and U) make th.eir report (hereon at the next Annual General Meeting, or any other General Meeting. / 3rd. A Special General Meeting of the Company, I may, at any time, be called by the President of [ the Company, or whenever required, by not leas than \ five Shareholders, who, together, shall be proprietors of at least one-fourth of the shares. 4th. Notice of all General Meetings of the Company shall be given by the publication of the same in, at k 2 (' lennt, two Qnrlx'c Cily Xcwspaprrs, one Eng- IIhIi an'l one Krcncli, at least ten days previously thereto, statiniif the clay, lime and place of the meeting, and in- tlicaling its |)urpo!je and objects. 61I1. At all Meetings of the Company, seven Shirc- hoiders at lea>t,niust be perionaliy present to conslitue a (juorurn for the transaction of business. 6th. The President, or in his al)s of said Directors. lOdi. Three Directors j^resent shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, at any meeting of the Direc- tors. 5 ; i/ 'I III). It sliall be the duty of the Direclors to inaiui^u the affairs and business of tlie Company genernlly in , and records of the Company, either required by tiicir Charter or by their By-Laws, or by t!ie exigencies of Iheir business, including the minutes of the proceed- ings of the Directors, are regularly and properly ke{)t ; and the said Secretary shall not allow any person to ex- amine the Books of the Conlpany, and take communi- cations of the same except by and with the approval of the Board of Directors. It shall also be his duty to call the meetings of the Shareholders and Directors, and to countersign all certificates of shares issued to partirs holding stock in this Company. 16lh. Tliey shall in like manner appoint a fit and pro- per person to be Treasurer of the' Company, whose duty it shall be to sign cheques for money, to counter- sign Promisory Notes, Drafts and Bills Receivable, and the certificates of the Capital Stock, issued by the Com- pany, none of which shall be valid and binding ou this Cornpany unless they also bear the signature of the President or Vice-President. It shall also behisdiitv to keep proper and correct records of all his trans- actions on behalf of the Company. / V I7ili. Tlio olliarne person. 10:li. CertificMtes of Shares of the Capital Sto(di of the Company shall be granted and issued to the proprietor.s I'.iereof in >l:e following forui : No. share?* Tliis is to cerfit'y, that is the proprietor of - Shares of the Cnpnal Stock of The Quebec Rubber ('ompany of Quebec, sub- ject to the provisions of the Act ol Incorj)oration, and ilic Bv-Lavvsof the Company, transferable only at the principal otlice of the Company, in the City of Quebec, by the said or a'.fornev In witness wheroof the President and Secretary Ijavp lu»r(?unto afllxed their Signatures and tue corporate seal of the said Company, this any shall only be trdn.s- ferabie by recording in the Stock Bookof tlie Company, at the principal oflice of the Company, in the City of Quebec, by the Shareholder or Attorney, , and itu? Iraiisfer shall he in tiie follow! ni( form, an«l not olherwisf?. KoHM or Transfer. I of in consideration oftlio .suiii oi' dollars paid to me by of do luTfby bargain, sell and transfer to tlie >;»id Shares of the Capital Stock of the Qiiebcc Riibbt-r Corn- panvj now standing in my name on the Books of the :>ai(.l Company, to iiold to the said heirs, executors, curators, adminis- !rutor>^ or assigns, subject to the same conditions that liold llie same. And I the said do hereby agree io accept and receive of the said tiie above named shares subject to the same rul-'s, liabilities and conditions upon which the said held said shares. VViii-L'^s our hands and seals, this day T^t 187 ils!. Xo Slock sliall be transferred in the boo.v - af His Company until the said Shares shall be paid u[) in full without the consent and approval of the Board Directors. ^ind. Shareholders may grant powers of attorney for tne transfer, purchase or sale of Stock or receipt of dividends, &c., wiiich may be in the following jtinu : VouM ov Power or Attorney. Know all men by these presents, that of t!o make, constitute and appoint of my true and lawful atlornev for me and in my tnmeandonmy behalf to purchase and receive, or sell, assign and transfer all or any part, interest or share of the Capilal Stock of Tiie Quebec Rubber Company of (■Quebec, or to me belonging or standing In my iriiiT , 9 tn rcc'ivt-* ilic ri.r.s:(!<'ration t!i.'rti'nr, and c.i'^e rpccipt (T receipts lor \hn same, to iicrejjt all irin-lVrs tluit now ; re or lu're;ilt.'T may be made unto me, to receive and rive teceij;' for dividends tliat now are r.r s!]ad liere- ; tier Ijeenriic due me, (Vi.m lime In iime, ar.d i(''nera!ly o do ail I'dwfu! acts r;'<|e.;^iie for ell'ectinu tt;e |)remi>rs, ferel;v riiiivit;:/ and coafirmiiiiT -iil '--^ H'V sai'l aMorney s"!;aii do :i;er;in, Iti Vv'i'i^csv \\-]i'::[--Ui I ;:ave !iere;:n;o «<•'! mv h i '^ ! and «ea!, at tliis day nl IS in pre-ii.-ni ;.• of 2,]r\ FiiJ>i ('F F'n ^XY I of liereov aDOom^ - ■ :;.-f Company t-i (.yuebec, t.> r''p;!->t'iit h.e !■. V '-(/xy. ^s mv hand, tUs ;!av of 1 >7 2itii. T;^-" Seal ';-re;m'v) af!i^:i^d shad be the >eal of liie (h'i^inanv. A !!•><', Secretary,