. Box GUTTA PERCHA PROTECTIVE, 1 yds |» Yard ABSORBENT COTTON fttt 'i , ■ ''.v- Royal Belgian Tonic. Tucker Trusses. Medicine Chests. Antiseptic Towels. Hard Rubber Trusses. Leather Trusses. Supporters of all kinds. Teufel's Supporters. Shoulder Braces. Knee Caps. Silk Elastic Hosiery. Chamois Jackets. Powder Blowers. " Marine Lint. Antiseptic Gauze. Absorbent Cottons. Mead's Plaster. Adhesive *' Atomizers, Hard Rubber. " Magic. '< Millard's. Douches. Thermometers Japanned. _ ^ lITitiftal'. Urinary Test Cases. Accident Cases. Buggy " Pocket " Minor Operating Cases. Amputating Cases. Obstetric Bags. I. R. Bandages. Cotton " Drainage Tubes. Surgeons' Sponges. Silk. Catgut Ligatures. Catheters (all kinds). Ether Inhalers. Bone Pins. Gutta Percha Protective. Carb. Wood Wool. Carb. Jute. Royal Pepsine Comp. Absorbent Peat. Listerine. Dispensing Scales. Stethescopes, all kinds. Esmarch's Inhalers. Embalming Syringes. Hypodermic Tablets. Pocket Syringes. Farney Sutures. Graduates. Bougies. Uk'inals. Sponge and Sea Tangle Tents. Hypodermic Syringes. Ice Bags. Chest Protectors. Air Cushions. Operating Sleeves and Apron. Warners' Douches. Catneters' Urinometers. Lutz Syringes. " Supporter. " Hypodermic (Expanding — Plungen)' "" Suspensory Bandages. Throat Mirrors. Rectal Speculums. Vaginal " Ear " Nasal " Uterine Sounds. Fitch's " Tongue Depressors. Scissors . , ,, Peasley's Needles. Riverdon's " /^ Goetz' Emmet's " ! : ;-^ - ^ Caustic Holders. Currettes. Mcintosh Supporters. Laryngoscopes. Nelaton's Probes. Pile Needles. Frankel's Powder Blower. Hameostatic Forcf;p. Artery Forcepand Needle Holder. N. P. Tapes. Trocars. Pocket Case, French. • ', Gross Pocket Cases. Warner's Cocaine Cases. Hoffman's S.R.Pess. Silver Combined Catiieters. N.P. Spiral Bristle Probangs. Wire Throat Brushes. Forceps. Hypodermic Needles. Seeley's Pile Pipes with Ointment. Vaccine. Thumb Lancets. Goodell's Dilator. Palmer's Dilator. Politzer Air Bags fitted. Empty Pocket Cases. "'Cliiol'Olu'rlil/ull.Uc.. ■" ' "■ "i" Oiled SUk. Antiseptic Gauze Thymol. " " Eucal3rptol. Watk'ns Salve. " Hoof Ointment. Cinchonidia. Quinine. Rare Chemicals. Antipyrine. Cocoame. Morphia. Gelatin? Capsules. Gaseous Eneemeta (Bergeon's) Pepsines. Pancreatine. Galvanic Batteues. / Electric " Smith&Shaw" Corks. • v '?««»W«*VU»rk^»»r ,J m M Headquarters for Crutches. 1 ''k' •!•'