.^SOCIAL FEOBLEIiIS ^ CONFBEENCB. FOR TH E ADVANCEMENT OF PUBLIC EDUCATION ON SOCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, ECONOMICAL, AND POLITICAL KEFORMS, Meetings held Sundny Afternoons, commencing at 3 o'clock, In FORUM HALL, Cor. Yonge and Geriard Sts. SEASON 1893-94. Jan. 7 — Jonepl Tait, M.P.P. : Co-operation. Jan. 14— Rev. Uiias Shortt : Stephen Remarx. Jan. 21 — Symposium of Four Papers, by different Speakers. Subject: Are our City Charities Beneficial or Injurious ? Jan. 28 — S. T. Wood : Taxation, a Problem. Feb. 4 — Symposium of FourPapers. Subject: What is the Duty of the State towards Children ? Feb. 11— Rev. Chas Duff: Fundamental Ethics, Feb. 18— Symposium of Four Papers. Subject : The Relation of Strong Drink to Poverty, Crime and Insanity. Feb. 25— -Chas. Sheard, M.D.: Hints as to Healthy Li\ing. Mar. 4 — Symposium of Four [Papers. 'Subject: The Sweating System. Mar. 11 — Rev. Henry Woude : The Personal Fac- tor in our Social Problems. Mar. 18 — Symposium of Four Papers. Subject : Have we too much Legislation ? Mar. 25 — Robert Glockling : The Economy of the Labor Movement. Miss Hampden, Pianist. Pupils received at 287 Enclid Ave. FreHident, Secretary, Rev. Wm. Galbraith, D D. Geo. A. Howell, 316 Wellesle y St. For tJie latest books on Social and Polincal Reform g'o to BisBor & Oo's Mammoth Book Stofe, 248 YONGE ST., TORONTO. NEW AND iMPORTANT WORKS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE. The History of the Rochdale Pioneers. By (leorge Jacob llolyoake. Cloth, 90c. The Theory and Policy of Labour Protection. r>y Dr. A. Schaeffle. Cloth 90c. England's F<'reign Trade in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. By Arthur L. Bovvley , B. A . Cloth 90c. A Brief History of Panics in the United States. By Clement Juglar. With introductory Essny on the Indications of Approaching Panic. By D. W. Thorn. Cloth $1.20. Pax Muiidi. A Concise Account of the Movement for Peace by means of Arbitration, Neutrali- zation, &c. By K. P. Arnoldson. Cloth, 90c. The Heavenly Twins. A novel. By Sarah Grand. Cloth, $1.25. On the Principle ot Population. By Rev. T. R. Malthns. Cloth, $1.75. The Social Contract ; or the Principles of Political Rights. By J. J . Rousseau Cloth, $1.50. Factors in Amencnn Civilization. Studies in Applied Sociology. Brooklyn Ethical Asso- ciation Lectures. Cloth, $2.25. Man and the State, Studies in Applied Sociology. Brooklyn Ethical Ass'n Lectures. Cloth $2.'J5. Stephen Rwrnarx. By J. Adderly. Cloth, 90c. The Agricultural Laborer. By T. E. Kebbel. Cloth, 90c. Drunkenness By Geo. R. Wilson, M,B. Clo , i)Oc. The Fallacy of Saving. l3y )hn M. Robertson. Cloth, 90c. "ix Centuries of Work and Wages. By J. E. Thorold Refers Paper, 25c.; cloth, DOc. Socialism. By.'^ohn Stuart Mill. Paper, 25c. All Henry G0orge's Works in cloth and paper. Aiul nwiny fi^iore works in Political and Social ^ Science for sale al Eisser & COi^r Itlaiamotli Book Store, 248 YONGE ST., TORONTO. N.B— A Genei:al,Catalogne of New and Slttiulnrd Kocks Free. [OVEK]