^A'u nkv ADJUSTABLE FKDKIIATION. It haH nlwnyH sermcfl to the that a very siniplo Hdliitioii uniilil, UN tliu natural mil', forcu itself qiiii'tly into lUHuiiHHion on tliu jiroliltnn nf Inipvriiil Keilcrution. Soniu iluli- iiiti' pliui i» |iluinly ncoilcil, if wc am to ovur- I'oniu thu niiNgivingH of the ]>co|>1i'h int<'rcMtt'il, at entering into a new ruliition of i>ni'li vaxt iniportunec and totally nntrieil lc no elalmrato uontrlvanee or thcoretiial experiment, and nnint auk no ^'M'at outlay, to Iw Inst if it ihi not BUc icimI. Hut tlie thief feature it niunt place lievoiid »uspl