CIHM Microfiche Series (lUlonograplis) >.„. w ■u ^ ^ A JS?"?- "*^ ICMH Collection d( microfiches (monograpttles) t •% ■/ CanadlMi IratltvM for Historical MIcrbroproduetiofW / Imtitut cMMdion tfo micrortpro4uctiora htotorkiiMO « rM'^-4 C^ ^ copy iMUiMt for fHHiiiil. Fommw of Alt oopy wMeh •fllM iMIlM VM MHMI MODIOd Of tNMMfu MO r~*y| C oloMfOaddad durint raitoration moy a ppaai Witfiin tha taxt<' Whanavar poniMa, inaia nava baan oinittad ffroni ff ilnfiinf/ liiapaottHiacartainMpafBiManahat aioirtiat Ion d'una raitatiration apparainant dam la laKtt. malt; lonqua eala tait poniMa. cat pagn n'ont pai itt filniiat. - . L Imuuiy a MMrofiMMi la MMNia^ aiMMpiaira qu il toia4ai □ npat raitorad and/or laminalad/ nipM raiiaiiraaa at/ov paMaoMas . 0PMat diiaoloiirad •tainad or foaMi/ raiat ■aooNNaai, lao I " I Fapn dataehad/ ""~ 0SlNwirthro(i|li/ Transparanoa' □ Quality of print variat/ Qualit* inip l a da Tinipratpon □ Continuow paginatkm/ Nfination eontinua d Indudat indaxfat)/ Comprand un (dai ) indax Titia on haadar takan from:/ La titra da I'an-tAta prowiant: I livraiMNi □ TitIa pafa of i^pia/ Fata da titra da la li □ Caption of Uma/ Titra da dt^ da la livraiion I IMarthaad/ LJ Gin^iqua (piriodiquat) da la livraiaon Additional eonunant>:/ rfl^ Con K ny n t a iras lu pp Hm antairat: L^'* Irftgular pagination: [1-f], (1]"»14, A-R. 15-92, *i-*59, 93*100. 111-133 p. This ilam b filtnad at tha radiietidn ratio chadiad IM^ Ca dOcpnlMiit aft f itan* au tauii da rMuction iwdi q u* ci-d a Moiw. IPX ux ' lax -22X- -3UL -XX. 12X »x 24X 28X 32X ' ».. TtMoofiy toth* '(. hU9 hM bMn raproduovd thanlu I FMmt Ran Book Ubnty, VniflVIICy Of I OTOmlQ LWIWy . ■ \ ■ ' Tho inwgM appMring h«r» ara tlw liMt quality poaalbia conaMfring tiia condition and laglblMty of tha original copy and In kaapkig with th« fHming contract apacWteatlona. Original coplaa In printad paper covaHi ara filmad l>aglnnlng with tha front eovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or Hluatratad impraa- •alon, or tha back eovar whan appropriata. All Othar original coplas ara filmad baglnning on tha f irsf iliiga with a pfintador Hluatratad impraa- aion; and anding on tha last paga with a printad or Hluatratad impcaation. Tha laat' racordadframa on aach mlcroficha ' ahaH contpin tha aymbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbol ▼ (manning "END"), whiehavar appliaai > . Mapa. platia. charta. ate. may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratloa. Thoaa too iarga to ba > ontiraly Inchidad In ona axpoaura ara filmad baglnning In tha uppar laft hand corhar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa roquirad. Tha following diagrama lllustrata tha**^ mathod: L'axfmplaira film* fut riproUuit grica A to g4n«ro8H«da: ■"^.^■ v_ / ThomM FidMr Rar« Book Library. unMMWiy or loronio uorary Laa imagaa auivantaa onr4t4 raproduitaa avac to plua granj^ adn. >iompta tanu da to condition at da to nattat* da I'axamptoira flimA. at an ^ conformft* avac iaa condltiona du contrat da fllmaga. ; ..^ .. . ;♦. Laa axamptoiraa oflginaux dont to cc)i«inMkuri an papiar aat ImprinMlji aont fHmte an commandant par to pranitor ptot at an tarmlnant aolt par to darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraaaion ou dliluatration. adit par to aacond ptot, aalpn la caa. Toua^ autraa axamptoiraa originaux aont fiimte art commf npaht par ia pramiAra paga qui comporta uni amprainta d'impraifaion ou dUtuatratlon at art tarminant par to darni(lra paga qui comporta una taito amprainta. :.„ ■ ' -■■ ■ ■■■ ; ^ '■.- ■■ -■ ■ ■ -,' Un daa aymboiaa aulvmita apparattra aur to darnlAra Inniaga da chaiiua microKbha. aalon la caa: la aymbda — ► aifflilfia "A SUIVREV. to aymboto ▼ algniflq. "FIN^. . LaTcartaa. pianohaa. tabtoaux; ate. pauvant Atra fllmAa'i daa taux da riduction dIffAranta. \ kpraqua to documant aat trOp grand pour Atca raproduit an up aaol cli ■ \ ■ ■ ■ 4 "'■5 ■. 6 L , •.':. i-'X- - ' : ■ ■■: • f : '■ ■ ■ * ■ - ^ -:■,...-■ ■ . ..-. ■ ■ .' ... / 1 r ) C>9167«^ *M>v.,eftiA( 'pi»»»< af ^►'^trfA VOslTe !!>•€# Wtfrni;H»jv»4y ^uptnY, .1 . t ' ft \ ■ r '■'-.. 1 . -^^ ' ,f \ ■ - .' ' . •■ •. ■ t ■ • ■'•\ IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. \ Xi3S9.:':£t'£rr':T' iJK "J^Ji^^ TH|2^ COMMERCIAL BANK OF CANADA, PLAINTIFFS, VIRRUH THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, DEFENDANTS. ,• * , . ■ C()U^i«EIi FOll PLAINTIPFS: fa-- nON. J. ir. CAMERON, Q.C , SI.IM'. ; IIKNIIY KCCfiJlS, KSQ., Qf^^KIOMAS (JALT, ESQ , Q.O. ; SIR HENRY SMITH, Q.C; ADAM CROOKS, ESQ.; A. .fll^WpONELL, ESQ.; JAMES O'RKILLY, KS(i ^f • ^^ CaU«!8Er, FOR DKFENDANT8: M. C. CAMERON, E8Q.,'M.IM»; TRMflJUS IRVING, ESQ.; IT. 0. BECIIER, ESQ., Q.C; JOHN ROAF, ESQ. ; J. J. BURROWES, ESQ. ;. ftnd Mkbsrs. EMMONS, GRAY, j*d JEROME, . of iho i^Iichignn Bar. , '^ • '' REPORTED BY t. BUCKINGHAM, (SDICOE, CW.) J' yf\ W- f # W. 0. OHEWETT & CO., PRINTERS, 17 & 19 KINO STREET EAST. w^- d et x.» ^ ,4. riMd l>arti< Mr. I KviD Mr! Hon. Judg Quc8 Am \ itlfRflfA^i- *, • •:.■!' ^, TABLK OF CONTENTS. r* Questions put to Jury and their answers thereto 00 Appendix , .: ........;;«........ ., 1-138 I Tj-jP^sjl ' r^tft t •^ ./ \ ^■4^ Wf \ .1 ■ ./v 's^ ^ _ 3^- M=-^^j.,^ '*f»"ic. S f* -»«.''f,i&iV /^ •H*,. ,.'•"'','«.•.,. y.,%.^ nppec ^anaba. IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. .r fisimtm-».i^ir' r-^fr "A ^jt -.^*- ' THK COMMKllCIAL BANK OF CANADil PLAINTIFFS, VIMVI THE GUKAT WKSTKUN UAILWAY COMPANY, DEFENDANTS. COUN«Br. POn PLAINTirW: ^ • / HON. J. II. CAMKIION, gC , .M IM'. ; IIKNIIY KOOLKH, K8Q., Q.O. ; THOMAS CJAf.T, KSQ, Q.O. j 8111 HKNIIY HMITH, (^0. ; ADA.M (MIOOKS, KMQ. ; A. J. MACDONKLL, K8Q. ; JAMES oiiKiLLY, v.m- m ■.»■<• COUNBEI, ron DEFKNDANTO! ♦ M. 0. (!AMEnON, K8Q , M.IM» ; .«MILIUH lUVINd, K,SQ. ; II. 0. DRCHEU, KSQ., Q.O. ; JOHN llOAF, K-Sg. ; J. .1. BUUHOWKS, KSg. j and Mmurii. KMM0N8, Oil AY, and JEROME, of Iho MiohiKon Uiir. ■i REPORTED BY W. BUCKINGHAM, (SIMCOE, C.W.) . t r />' •1— TOROlSfTO: W, 0. CHEWETT A CO., PRINTERS, 17 4 10 KINO STREET EAST. ■■ : ' ' , 1862. , L_ ■"S^: ■ ■ • \ xOb / -^ Pie P«r /* Hr. Evi '.-^Sr^r. .■ 1/ Mr. Ho Qm Api » * -y*- ^?' ]■■ TABLE OF. CONTENTS. ■/■ mo* Pleadings... ... •-( • •: 8 futicaUn of Demand... ... . .......;........i.... .v.... 4-12 "Mr. EcoW Speech (for Plainliffsyhwcrlcd between 18-15 on pages A- R EvioiNOip: .:....: ^ ....•• •• ..........;....., 14-90 /br i^AnW»J«— Evidcnee of Mr. W. H. Park . i....r 1M6 35-47 47 47-60 5ft 56-58 58 .$ ■it . ..v.s; Mr.0.8. no»s . W. K. Henderson .......> W. 0. Stephens ............ Thomas Muir ...... Mr. A. J. Macdonell i.. .% ;.......... Mr. F. Crcsswell ....* ......;..;. Mr. M.W. Strange ...... 69 l)r. T. W. ilobison , 60 »fr. W.Gray CO Pise/iBsion at elose of Plaintiffs' ease as to non-suit .,...., 61-67 /b/D«/e>i- ■ I ■ ■ -;.*-:, *^'' r '1S/^l^fvimyt^!*'^^^^m^f ■■i -•«« y ' Y .:-■ J X ;• \ \ J SSt— ■«ff^Bp*S^ » 'r^fi;;^5i»'pr Hn tbt ^tttien'jsi §«n(li. ComUs of JrooUiwc, one of the: United Countie* o/ Fronte*ae, Lennox and Addingtoni 10 wrt: THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF CANADA, --^-.-^-:^--^-^-^ __v~---f7. :---^--,^ r^-r piaim^. ~ ' . ^ ' " ■■■«.■■■■, THE OREAT WESTERN RAILWAY C^MPANT, J)ffendant$. • The Twenty-fifth day of Manh, in the^iTeu of^nr Lotd 1662. \ JUV 1 The Commeraial Bank of Canada, by John Aleundeir lloDonald, their Attoiney, rae the Great Western ftiSway Company, who hare been ramrooned by virtne of a Writ uraed oa the eighth day <^ Mansh, in the year of oar Lord One thousand eight hundred and aizty-two. . ' ^■ For, that heretofore, and at the time of the oommencement of this suit, the dofSmdants were, and are, bdebted to theplaintiA in the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars>-fbr money payable by the ' defendants to the plaintilfr— for money lent by the plaintiffs to the defendanta^for money pai^ by the plaintilb for the defendants, at tbmr request, for interest upon and for the forbearanee at interest by the idaintifls to the defimdaAfS;*at their request, of moneys owing from the defendants to the plaiotiiGi — and for work and labour aadserriees rendered by theplaintiib for the defendants, at their request— and for money found to be due firora the defendants to the plaintiffii, on aoeounts stated between them : and tk4 phintiffii claim one million five hundred thousand ddOan. \_ (PlMd- 1 ■■ ' . The First day of April, in fhe year Of Our Lord 1882. And the defendants, by ^milius IMng, their Attorney, say they are not indebted as alleged. '. TtieSeconddayof April, in the ywr of our Lord 1862. The plaintiffii join issue npoa the Defendants' plea. / Thertfoie, letaJoij eome, &e. * _!i_„_ 'V; :. DBTTROIT AND MlLWAtfKEB HY. CO. AC. ORKAT WESTKBN Tit. CO. ■ ■ '• ■■■■ /r- X, ••• ■ •*• •••- •*• ^ ObM|ii« •■• ••• ••• ••• D. * M. Ah onLoDdon hovA Q.'w, R. XO.OOO ilg. OhiquM •'• X2,S0O • •• • •t • •• • •• ' ••• ' • •»' • •• • ... 1 ■ D. * M. MMpUaoN ... Proeaadi of BOtM DepoiU , ... ... „ "• BAiMM ofdliet oa BotM er«dll lOtb Dnito on Now York ud oioh. ... nBoqno ... ••• ••• D. AM. dnft o'tt'LopdooBowd O.W.R. jElS.iaO 10 7 ilg. Dnfk on Now York wd txob. ... ..• ••• DoMwil ■ ... ... —. ,"•„ . ■" ( noiikinm on drtft on Now York 18 SQ I Ip. AM. draft ... «. 1,866 40 f *" » VnH on Now York and oiohaogo ..f ••• Oho((aa ». . Ohogoo to lliobigan Int. Cot Draft on Now York and aien. ••• • •• • •• $10,000 00 W.OOO 00 lo!fti9 1* 21,872 76 , 8.000 00 10,344 12 ... •< Draft on London Bd, D.*lfc draft Draft on Now York and osoh. Oheqna ... ..« Draft on Now York and osoh. Obogae to 0. H. Maiooqronnft Draft on Now York and oxoh. Draft on Mob. In*. Bk. Draft an Mioh. In*. Bk. Dopoon ... . •.• Draft on Mioh. Ina. Oo. O.W.R.iBlS.760tt«. a*« #of> ••• at* ••• ••• ••• ••• 0*0 >•« ••• •a* ••• • •• ^- OoiD* on uTAll ••• ••• ••• Kct \ 1 0. W. R. Oo. on London Bonid, £AfiOO ttg. \ 1 Ob«qoM .i ~ Eicb. on dnftt Obeqoi for diaft on Htm York nnd ot. 12 14 15 17 17 17 19 91 22 SS 26 29 81 81 31 81 aho«tiM ao« ••• •0 00* ProooMsofnoto IdtorootModitod O, W. B, Oo. in orror 19tb fob. OlMI^QO ^ aak 00* ••• ^. oao "* GoOpOnS . ••» a.o 'Bi» * ooo Gfaoqteo on ntoh. Int. Coy •.. ... ^ . 0b6(|dM \o» a«« ••• «•• j^ Doposit ••\_ *•• ••• ■■..•*•■; Choqtio on ifieh. Ins. Coj ... .a. / Ooapono ••• \ ••• >•• »•/. Dft on London Bouds£13,250 slg. .., Procaodo of note \.. DepotitoniDotroU • .V Cno(|tt60 : ••• ••• \ • 00 «'• ••• *M ••» ••« • •* • •• ««• ••• - ••• • •• ••• . • •• A • •• ••• ■ .*** • •• ••a -•■ ■•• ••* . ••• ••• 3S9 99 8,805 18 601 40 16,104 46 sio'i'o 00 1,360 06 11,370 24 11,110 00 35,000 00 5,000 00 18,184 40 6,165 48 1,088 71 2.408 02 2.020 00 13.230 52 20,000 00 6,8H 10 I •••rfoa > 69 62 l6!i56 52 3000 1.863 3Q 8.030 00 2.000 00 80.000 00 6.050 00 1.600 00 ladiooooo i 44000 84.068^ 40 00 17,540 40 29,066 60 10,704 11 , 8|0 73,000 00 1,043 70 Dr. Cr. Dr. X2,500 0O Or. Dr. 66,000.00 3jb30 00 4,001 86 imci 8.030 1,988 71 31,525 00 19.640 01 359 99 6,600 00 V 757 18 440 00 64.483 32 17,574 37 2.88100 ^ I? 1381.506 81 $346,125 22 $10,000 00 20,000 00 36 06 16,472 53 88,846 29 40,348 20 06,680 41 45,085 30 45,08!lrilO 46,342 09 ' 40.737 22 50,338 62 66,533 08 6.466 02 2,444 07 1,400 37. 2,770 33/ 14,140 57 25,250 57 60,250 57 05,250 57 78.434 07 83,600 45 86,280 53 20,289 53 22,278 24 , 24,776 26 26.796 2S 40,035 78 60,035 78 65.906 88 62,876 88 58,875 62 67,878 91 58,848 91 52.860 20 52,929 83 21.404 82 31,561 it 31,591 34 33,454 64 .36.484 64 88.484 64 .68.484 64 73.534 64 75,134 64 65,494 63 55,134 64 75.134 64 75,574 04 08.974 04 (03,937 06 103.179 88 102,739 88 102,779 88 38,296 56 20,722 19 17,841 19 35,381 59 1851 Jana ■s jolj Sept. \ \ ^ J ■ DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE BY. CO. AO. GREAT WESTERN BY. CO— (Owlimifd.) 1858. Jqm 1 •flt ••• Oh«qa«i ... Paputlt ..• Cli«qnM Md MMptMOM D«putiU •( Oetroll CbeqaM ... Otptttit kt Detroit Draft OD N«w York ud exoh. ObeqaM Depdaiti •! Detroit Draft* on New York Depoeit ... ••'• Draft on New York and ezoh. OepoelU at Detroit Forward ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Oheqae to Ridley ... ... ... Deposit at Detroit ... ... ... Draft on New York and exeh. ... - ... O. W. R Co. on London Board, de4,000 stg. Aooeptanee ... .** ... Draft on New York and exoh. ... - Ohe(|ue ... , ... ... ... Deposit .... ... .^. ' Depcf it at Detroit '..i Obeqn^ to PaymiMter ... ... ... Deposit at Detroit ... OlieqaM %^ •'• "• ••' ... ■ .. ... ' .i. - "... Deposit at Detroit ... ... ... Prooeeds of note a. ... ... Deposiu at Detroit ... " ...» " . ... N.^. Deposits > ... ... •••^-x, " •«• Cheq^se ... , ••• v ""s."» • •• • •* - ••P . Sept. 5 7 13 13 13 16 19 19 19 21 '21 24 30 1 4 4 6 14 16 16 Deposit proceeds of note ~ D. ft M. aooeptanee . ... 'Cheque rebate of int'r ... ... Jheque to Pajmaatar ... Proceeds of nute ... .. Oheqae D. k M. aooept'ee ... Com. ... ... Dft on New York Exeh. on above ... Deposit if ... Cheque * ... ... ... Deposit ' ... ..." Cheque D. ft H. aooeptanee ' Proceeds of note - ... Cheque ... ... ... ■\ Draft to credit of O. W. R. Co'y D. ft M. acespt'o* Deposit Of O. W. K. Co'y .A / Forward i c. 381,A00 HI 27i&22 \y _s*ee«e . 1 • *•••'• \ "iMl 97 6.040 00 . 38,100 00 51202 40 4!365 60 •■••sa ^••b« r • ••s* 3,000 00 ""839 30 loioiio 00 7,576 00 224 57 •saeea ^iooooo iooooo 25,000 00 3,759 71 37 59 1.211 56 61 04 6.19S 69 6.702 00 16,278 00 10,000 00 152 87 10,856 00 ii"im 58 133 53 1,820 93 18 21 6l272 91 lojobo 00 2 00 18,275 52 35,000 00 846,125 7!& 40 00 '3,863 00 1 921 00 \ 4,043 00 ; 1,388 00 4.102 00 ■1,91078 i,293 Od 1,300 00 i;98O,0O 1,^09 00 1,528 00 1697.412 24 1,854 24,741 1 lil59 ' 240 92 202 96 9,843 84 17,533 fO / 42 10 6.26187 9,819 73 40.000 00 $504,992 26 Dr. " I- »• (^artlsa- . Isrs of r. elabah) 40,898 21 4U.05H 'it 68.380 08 64,517 68o 6:1,596 68 69.633 68 03.401 65 02.013 65 67,063 65 105.163 65 101,061 65 106.354 05 104.434 27 108,799 27 107.506 27 100,200 27 104,226 27 103,017 27 101,489 27 104,489 27 104,139 27 104.978 03 85.556 41 95,550 41 103,131 41 103.355 98 102,930 46 99,415 86 134,415 86 133,555 86 135.555 86 160.555 86 158,701 86 133,960 76 132.801 76 132,551 84 132,348 88 136»108' 59 136,146 18 137,367 74 137.409 68 142,603 37 149,305 37 165.583 37 155.739 53 165,739 53 165.892 40 176.748 40 159^15 00 177,020 68 177.154 11 17H.975 04 178.993 25 178,951 25 184,224 06 178,962 19 188.962 19 179,142 46 l/9.f44 46 197.4(9 98 232.419 98 192,419\^98 \ ■ \ A; ,^i^m*r^w^!sw '^'^ » 4 ...*/ DOTROIT AJirn MttWATOll RT. 00. AC. ORBAT WEMIBRN RT. QQ-^OWflnMrf.) 18M. Bcpk Ool. Not. Dm. 10 2U 7 8 18 10 19 SS 2S 1 IS 15 IS 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 1« 16 16 ,16 16 18 .19 19 U 1« S6 S» S9 iS9 30 SO SO ProflMdi of Not** Ohique tO PkjDutor ... Obrau* ... ' ... , ... ... " dltW MMpt'M ... II ... ... DepotU ... " draft on New York Dnft on Now York .,. Biehwgi OB abofo Ohoqae ... ... ... ... ** D. ft M. Aoetplwoo Oodpona ... 1 •6 7 7 7 7 9 11 14 14 15 18 SO 90 U Torwud ... ... "'i/i#' VT' --,0^ •" /... ■ ... .i. ■Ki- Ohmt Cooppiw. •I M *' Stirling BiU " Ooopou " OoapoQi " DepMlk » to hjmMter o *' DtpodI, T. Revbold's Cbeqae Draft oa London Bo«id, jCSO.OOO Stg. ObAqoo t«o ••* "^ ■•• • •• ••• ■ »••■ Coin, m AOOta ••• . - ova ^ ••• • •• •«• •«• •«• - «•• ••• ••• • •• • •• • •• ••f • •• ••• ■■»••- • •• ••• ••¥ • •• To DftlUI06 •••. -' ••• *•*. ■•«' ••• O. ft M. Aooepfeo to FnUer ft Co. «.. " id. id. . " IUmitt'o6toN«wTork r.. w. " Dnft on New York, &Tor Daneui» S. ft Oo... ** Excluuigeondo... ..« **-DniftonNewToricft Kzobg. .^^ •.. *• Remittiuios to Now York.., ** Ohoqno (PaymMtor) Bj Cnioqno on Mthnft ••• «•• ,.• .•• To Am't oroditod in Knor. 14Ui ... D. ft Bl Aooapf 00 to Fnllar ft Co. Remittonco to New York.^ I p. 0. on £20,000 Sk^ (de^odtod29 alto.).. •«. Bemitt'oe to New Yotk ... Jaiifui 697.412 24 aoioiio 00 512 09 7.203 H3 10.000 00 1,600 00 10,135 22 76 01 10,000 00 , 11.957 08 27,454 07 3,44162 1,040 00 120 00 1,880 00 1,000 00 400 00 1,950 00 420 00 1,520 00 1,120 00 80 00 300 00 220 00 240 00 1,000 00 350TW 40 00 20 001 8,022 50 10,000 00 800 00 40 00 80 00 23|855 48 7,064 83 19,60.1 48 6,488 60 (882,500 85 $262,301 64 7.620 32 10.000 00 5.160 75 43.540 37 326 55 3,526 25 2.540 77 23,633 10 'Jiooooo 10,000 00 21,639 78 222 22 2,540 77 $-^ 504.002 26 9,821 65 73 27 1,702 76 7,191 91 71 92 06,444 44 1620,208 21 4.000 00 Dr. _»-.-■. |S97,070 56 HOOOtXf S 0. 182.508 83 , 202.508 33 208.110 43 210,374 25 220.374 25 221.074 2ft 221.000 08 280.108 22 iSO.333 44 ii30,400 4ft 240,40049 252,366 53 279.821 40 283^263 02 ■sj- 208.003 02 203.813 02 294.048 02 204.963 02 297,085 52 307,985 52 308.90S 59 301,713 61 325,569 09 328,497 17 229.052 73 236.117 66 255.813 04 202,301 64 269,030 06 328,067 63 332.493 88 335,034 6S 354.667 84 358.607 84 368,667 84 390,520 79 893.070 59 BBTROIT ANB HTLWAUKBB BY. CO. AC. ORB AT WESTERN Rt. ••• ••• Forward ... •.., D. A M^ RootpUiiM to W. Uniiin T«]e|[raph Co. '* Intflrenl od ni»io u* JuMtioo ... ••• " lUmltt'ot to N«w Yo^k ... Bj iterllitK oiohange ...» ••• **• ••• To oAuponi ... •». - ••• ».• ••• Id. .•• .f. •»• ... ••• Ida ••« .«. ••. %•• ••• id. _ ••* ••• *•• ' .•• <•• id. «•• **• ••• **• ^ ••• id. ••• . ... •.• 'ifi' .•• id. •«• *•« ■•• ■ ... ••. id. ••• .b'a ••• ' • *•. ... id. ... ... ..^'.*. ... id. .a* *•• «.• *•■ ••• Id. ••■ ' /" ' ;.« ••• ••• ••• ld._ ... *^ ■••' ••• it* ••• " RemlKiuiM id New York ... ..• ••• " Draft on New York favor Dnnoen S. A Co. To eiohenge on draft on New York t ...' ... '* KemUtanee to New York ... ^ " Cheqne to PejmMter ... «.• " RemUtanoe to New York ... id. ... ••• lu. .*• .•• "Id, " Draft on N«r York fkvor Duneui, S. ft Oo, " Biobug. on do. ... ... ... .. " D. A if .note ... . ... ... ... By prootwli Of notM da. 13th Juna ... " braft on Now York ... ,••• •• To remittanoa to Naw York ... ... .. D, A M. nota to W. 11. Birown ... .. id. toS. Juttiea .... - -... Thraa D. A M. aooaptanoaa ... ... .. ChMiua : •»• ... ... ... .1 By prooaada Graat W. R. Coy'a bond, daa lit Juna To Bamittanoa to Windsor By procaada of nota daa 23rd Juna Tooouponi ... „. ...' i By prooaada of nota da. 2!ind Juna ... ., do. daa27lbJuna ... .. To atebanca on draft oir Naw York ... ., Ramitt'oa to Now York ... ... ^>,'.r< By D; A H. obaqua on Windaor ... Prooaada of nO& daa 4th July ... \>, ., To ohaqae ' ...\ ... .... ... .i Ooupona ... ... Draft on Naw York faTor Dnnoan, S. A Co. Etchanga on do. ... ... ... , ' Remitt'oa to N. York ... <» ., ' OhaqAa _ n>: a.t •••; '•• •' lu* *«• ..« ... ... .1 10* i.. ... ... ... .1 ' DvA H. nota ... , ... t.. To ramitt'ca to New York ' ..-. By prooooda of notes due 13th June and 13th July To D. A M. note to E. B. Ward Ramitt'ca to Naw Yoik Id. ... ..... By D. A M. cheque on Windsor ... ... To reinitt'ce to New York ... .,, By D. A M. ohaquea on Windaoir ... : ... .. Forward 1— c. 307,070 60 vn 17 0,071 00 9 83 7 00 30 20 172 80 83 30 13 08 03 !iO 830 64 » 32a 20 i 14 3AO0O ISO 11 10,075 00 5,070 00 - 44 82 1.207 10 22,800 42 410 27 6,037 50 0,U84 74 1,007 50 0,118 08 4) 85 6,000 00 10.076 00 4,004 73 3,441 62 3,022 50 5,837 67 2,617 76 4.66 7 80 6,282 82 6,000 00 40 00 8,554 83 64 16 1,007 60 751 66 1,753 36 17.317 36 6,000 3,026 '4!i42 30 11,512 78 2,540 76 10!880 82 48,166 60 0,7001)3 10,000 00 08,043 00 2,543 47 48,532 20 48,580 75 6,000 00 4,855 14 Ccmlinmtd.) (PytlMs- lar. of Dr. 7,034 68 8,000 00 10,000 00 1690.133 27 $305,374 73 l—iT elata.) 412.418 03 304,251 37 364,504 63 365.754 67 305.7.56 81 306,106 81 366,262 02 376.337 02 382.314 58 382.350 40 383.506 50 406.567 01 406,786 28 418,016 02 426,080 86 420,371 82 420,446 82 428,883 17 431.005 67 437,743 34 330,600 44 330,773 73 330,778 30 201,246 10 242,063 04 248,040 76 230,001 62 244.001 69 252,750 61 253,758 11 273,580 49 278,580 40 278,672 88 280.327 06 291.808 72 2S3.ye8 72 294,758 54 284,758 54 .-J.^-!. / Unof DKTROIT AND UILWAUKII RT. 00. AC dBBAT WESTERN RY. CO-^QmHntuO), f orwwd ,., lal'l mi Not* to JuitiM ... ..> I). A M. CbMu* nn Windmr ... Proetmh of Not* dua 81 July... ... D. A M. Uha^M on Windwir ... Not* tu OI«n«Dt St. Bnal Co';.. Arooaadi of Not* da* ft Awg*!— ... a AM- Not* RmbIu'o* to Wtndaor.. Olwqa* for Draft on N Tork ... .,. D. A M. Ohaqu* on Wlndmr ... KiobMn on Draft on N York ... Ch*qa* fur Draft on London ... ... IkroarofO. II. MIngsj*, FiyniMiW. , BamittuM to N*w York ... «.. . Id. ... ,.i' cb*<|Q* ... ... ... -^^j J D. A H. Ohtqa* on Wlndtor ... Int'ton dopant fftO.OOO by O.W. R. Co. $134 24 lUbnM on 0. W. R. Bond*, $100,000 1,11210 lUmitt'e* to Now York in error (Feb*;) D.. A H. Obequ* on Wind*or RMiiitt'e* to N*w York ... ..; •d. ... ... D. A M. Obaqn* on Windaor ... Romitt'** to N*w York ... ... D. A M. Ohoqa* on Windaor ... Raaltl'o* to Now York t^.. ... ... ■d* ... ... DrafI oh N York favar Danoan, 8. A Co. Biehang* pn Do. ... ... , Romittane* to N*w York Drft on Now York, favor Dunoaa, S. A Co. Eiobx. on do JUniiitt'M to N*w York ... id. Ooopon* ... ... ... • ... , jo. ... ... ... ... ™. ". '**'9- ... ... ... , " ■M"^"'""' ' '- ' -'■ 1: „ • M. ...• • ... ... ... id. Romiltane* to Now York D. A M. Cboqa* on Windtor ... .^. Coupon* ... Ramittc* to Naw York . ;.. Ooopon* ... ... Obe<|na ... D. A M. Cboqna-on Windtor ... ... Rmnitt'o* to Karr York ^^'ijI"! for Draft on Windaor I - itunco'to Now York ... '". id. ... ... Wt on aeot. fhim 20 Nor. '58 to data .'.'. oiittonM to Naw York id. AM. Not* ... lilx^ ..■ . „ '«•• ... ... ... CoapOna ... ... „ D. A M. Not* to 8. 0. Ridley... . ...\ Forward 600,183 V7 170 84 0,204 08 f 533 20 20.000 00 2,820 23 "18 00 1,870 OS 10,051 32 2.540 70 8,752 00 060 84 5,000 00 1,418 00 sisM 11 i'fiio 77 13,520 40 4,300 23 6,734 17 43 00 2,540 76 1,810 20 13 04 10.076 00 10,000 80 10,750 00 40 00 40 00 400 00 426 OO 320 00 3,032 60 600 00 6,562 77 40 00 1,507 06 2,103 20 736 66 18,287 47 3.620 27 11,140 57 11.607 fi6 25,080 31 500 46 SOOOO 600 00 70 00 11,813 53 808,374 73 4,000 00 4,204 88 S.OOOOO 10,420 80 6,000 00 13,000 00 1.246 40 8,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 10.000 00 1822,630 45 $301,336 57 Dr. r i: 284,037 8A 276,643 00 273,643 00 200,516 62 286,040 81 281,888 94 3II.IH2 01 208,182 01 201,035 61 286,038 61 203,364 30 288,884 30 286,038 41 280,470 18 302,000 88 307,306 81 313,172 08 316,7(3 74 317,846 67 827,621 67 337,631 47 348,421 47 840,601 47 347,623 07 348,223 07 363,826 74 346,333 80 366,461 10 370,081 49 881,222 03 302,820 58 418,410 36 410,410 35 410,489 35 _ - y-?r"wr "■a^Eff y ' pUllliipppiUP ii«i!iJ,Uii|| ■ /■•■'■ ,w. CBTBOIt AND MILWAUKBI ft^. CO. AO. QRKAT 1M0. ForwanI iuM 7 Bjr a A M. noU to B. C. Ridley . . 7 '• lUmitt'o* U> Ntw York 10 " lA .. ., 18 By P. * M. cheque on WlndM>» . . 14 To remitUnce to New Yotk 10 nj I). A M. cheque on WIndchr . tS To remitt'ce to New York to retire note Boeton tofo. Works ,. ' Da due ISnd inatuit to 19,091 8A DO,00d 00 18 IH SI SI SI 91 81 81 83 88 88 By proceedii of I). A U. notce ii^TMtedin eicH. 1800,000 DO To intereat on note due 17th May " ^^*" I tor draft on WindMr " Cheque » .. ., .. ., ' " Remlttoe to New York : „ ..,- " Draft on New York fltTor Diineaii, S. A Oo. " Exchange on do. . . ,. By proceeds of note due 96th October To exchanca ,. ' ,', Remitt'ce to New York Remitt'ce to N York to retire hot* due July 94 97 87 88 99 r 1 1 9 B 6 9 11 10 10 18 19 89 80 86 88 88 89 89 . Augolt 9 8 97th init Note due 97th inai $1,007 90 00,000 00 ExehanM and dtaa charved by B*nk of Interior, New York To remitt'ce to New York By D. A If . cheques on Windsor " Proceeds <^t note due 80th October To remittee td New York " 14 .... " Coupons . . .. ■ ,. ., " idT " J>. A If- note due in Detroit . . " Remitt'ce to N York and Windsor . . " Coupons " Id. .. .. ,. .. " Id. .. .. " "id. .. .. '.. 1. " Remitt'ce to New York " id. and Windsor / " icL .. ./ To Draft oit New York &Tor Duncan, 8. A Ca " Ezcbange oh do. . . D. A H. aooept'oe to O. B. Russell ! . Remittee to New York .. Draft on N York (ktor Otmoan, S. A t!o. Exchange on doi ../ ..... Remitt'ce to ^ew York ' .. Draft on Windsor and Cash .. Remitt'ce to New York By proceeds of note diie 18th NoT«mb«r . . To coupons . . -^ •* RemiU'be to New York to retire lioto due 8nd proximo . . 100.000 00 •• Remitt'ce to New York " 'id. id, " Coupon .. ■ . . » By D. A If. cheque on Whidsor To note to Bogert A Kneeland m Forward WBSTERN RT. 00^(C( •sss rtesrrrrr • «• 839,1180 45 l9,Ain 8n 1,078 80 19,980 00 6,m 04 09,910 11 ' 899 18 1,080 40 90,091 78 710 01 9i«87 89 14,980 87 104 98 " io 90 9,040 77 01,994 80 1,814 09 9,040 78 0,870 40 18,408 94 1,809 00 3,940 00 80,000 00 8,619 03 133 00 59 00 91 00 <00 00 4,084 47 4,647 66 1,707 91 1,088 76 7 68 1,779 99 6,064 01 4,788 48 80 87 7,808 00 14,888 19 4,406 10 "m 00 00,870 00 8,040 Y8 84,807 71 ^088 98 00 M61 84 1,801,961 46 891,836 07] 0,000 00 8,000 OOl 196,479 18 48,041 80 10,000 00 48,661 40 ■«■ '• 48,660 40 0,000 00 761,679 40 Dr. '.) (rsrtt««. .__. lere of f^i ldel«.) 441.901 61 464,979 10 409,979 16 464,808 70 406,808 70 81.8,099 41 804,409 18 806,949 90 808,944 90 860,708 87 804,748 8fl 810,134 68 896,088 63 860,120 69 860,744 64 867,010 64 807,860 64 861,896 11 866,049 77 867,760 68 868,788 18 870,868 10 876,686 11 881,444 46 888,647 96 409,986 16 866,776 80 409,880 80 436,288 84 486,824 88 4\ 'I f- "1 '" •- >*■ ' pc^^^^^l^j?" ^^1 to DBTROIT AND MILWAUKM EV. CO. AO. ORiAT WMTIRN RY C.O.~(aniimmi). IS0I. Aug. 4 9 ■ 11 • « )7 i» IS n M : la • •» 19 19 Bapt'r e ? 8 1« 1« .IS 14 14 14 1* to . * «1 • « ta SB ■ W t8 «9 . 80 .80 80 Oetobcrl 4 ■■■■. lOj 11 18 18 i^W* To N«to to C. KiMwUnd. . RwbIu'm |o N*w Yorit Bt I>. * M. Chmira on WIndMV . . To lUmlU'oo to Wlndaor By l>. A If . CliMuo on WkidMt . . To lUiniU'ao to Now York " M. .. « Koto to Wood k Judd . . •• RMnllt'oo to Ntw York "Id. BrOnft on N Yof k A Rich. f' I). * M. Choquo on WlodMr . . To OoupoiM . . • • ^ . Romltt'oo to N York to ntiro NoU 100,000 RnbIIVm to Nnr York Bjr D. A M. ObwiM on WindM#. ; . To-Choqiw ) id. > For dnfta on Windsor W- V . By proet IN IH 10 88 •4 as 86 86 8A aH w 80 M •1 SI 1 7 7 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 "J OKTROll^ AND M ILWAUKKI^RY. CO. AO. OWlArWKOTKRM UY CO-(Om«.«W) % rr Nor. forwwd To rtmilUnra to N*w York Mlti.-* to N«w York to r«tli« D. A If. not*, dti* iflUi IniL "> f lUiiittra t« Now York . . . , ',', I*. 4 M. iiiita ■ml liitOTMl 1, ltmttltt<« t« N«w York l>. Am, noU .. .. - !»«« on Wlmtaof ' . . KentUt«> to Now VoHc lt«niUtre to Now York to retiro noto Juo 30lli iniL Bjr i>r. 4 II. noto .. • .... iii» In cTTiMr , . , , on Mot|opo|it«n Dank . . . , , . dMwwl 38th iiMl. .r ttcotoN^York .... M. note ., . on Motropolitan R«nk . . ,; ', . To ronii|trr •8,866 87 06,138 86 'o inten at on account to date " Noto recalled tnm N Y, due 88th Feb., 1860 By rebat > of intereat on abore Toitoto|oaaiUdle{y Forward 8,000 00 SO 00 80 00 40 00 600 00 1,167 00 006 28 2,040 76 81,116 48 800 80 406 03 108 87 40 00 880 00 106 84 8,081 80 800 80 467 04 840 00 1,060 00 08,800 18 17,188 84 80,000 00 000 00 8,878 87 60,000 00 ■ .*! ■ •■ ■/ ■ 834 68 Dr. 1,887.606 87 1,U^804 07 070,111 04 070,010 84 070,078 88 076,318 88 677,778 88 686,088 01 608,760 65 703,041 80 866,618 PA «07,n»^«.,. • # ■»»♦ t % ^■'' • -!f : •VM I. ■■■r'^. '*'*« n ■%■; . ■l.l' .'"^ Tio.onn TO Tfa,MA n Tt».t,a70 ml . 1742,870 02 . 200,401 11 1048,672 08 . 8,629 48 f '' r. VtAiwrun, Tht Ormi Wnltrn K*»«'*"' »'»• '•P«»^o". •»m« within th. Prorinc, and iom. withiii Ornt BriUin, and each pn. of whom ? ^aV^ »•" int-Wited in the verdict which you will bj«d-by b. oalkd upon to render. On th. othw nana, uum who npnMQt (h. QrMt Weatem, uppMr Won yon limply in the character of truatMi for thorw #• Ti?l I ** ■ 14 i\x.x P«»l«M iDd lome In Gmt Britrin, M»4 who «• *«**^j7„'Ji CnlUHl But-. So you will .t onoe po««lw ^ j^^j ,„ ^hl- «« .«> pwtap., too, ""' *" *;^"'J~ th. Boney wd intetwU of f «"• j;j;,f.„tL, th.t the defendaiu «o intriwU Mturo. ^ho« i "» X™ ^ ^^ trtniwaoii. »>«t*~" J^"* *7 inl, rf twdw men MMOMtomed to i^re .t * P«'I-'J''*^j^;^„, thet it e.n lurdl, b. «P~»«J *^jS°V^«enU of witne«eii, of thi. -tto^ I~^^t, in the eon«e of . ^'"''^J'T.ordTS without the «re.te.t po- *°r« ;?qi^-%bIy.oontr.dio.o.y«gnme^^^^ But the law. of £Xo^tro;n.ide»Uon.nd .ttention, .o «n- -^^^^^ Ubie woo ^^j,^ ,„ wtaoh »u w" _ trihunri to dupoM of thu taSbA'toflnoorpomUon. yonm.ynot,perh.i«,h«e^2« ^ ^„^^^^^ l^M » in thi. Great Wertem Railway ^^'^^''^ ^.^Z^^ZZot the .tookholdera and bondholder. - SrJS^oil Great Wertern,i^pon««,«^^^ , Eg It^in Great Britain, «u^^^ «w«»ntiy— Mr.Brydg«B,^e»an»g. 8 'jm still manage the aflair. of the Ureat Thl «Se Snti«nen who ha,e ni««ged ^^ "^« S^I am ltpU«ed to .p«*, beoan« th«« «o wS^rinCanada. M to the exact extent of theuantho^, I tu^^o^PJ^JJ^ lariat « known only. I «.PP0~, to tl« Board^f^^^^ S^ toth^mwlm; but theyare,! premime, to a eert«n "J-*;"^^^ ,^, abareholder. in their reapeotive ' ^e rBngUnd, and one in Canada, who are nominated »d^ap^»^^^ these Znln^ I hlye no doubt, howof er, that, whatever may ^^* '^^h. . «eat me«.ure by anggeation. made ~rul«. tlie who have the control of afti- at^^^^^^^ ZtZ f^m time to time, a. *» ^^'f™**** toJ« d«iv«^^^^ f,^oommunication. are pa»lng SS^on. dediabl. to be made to their property "^"^j!' ""^^ Ud that bring, me now to the point .: C«nAel)irector.athomeandtheManjg.n8D«^^ two road, meet at Detroit : intiara MMue ante are lezpres- f inoney I niiiple> yofan , « weeks, ihe Utia nutomed ritneMes, iteetpoB- . e laws of een com- i laofUtis i sabjeot- otbebesk lead you, ' eed to ky kyou may bo tell you ida, oonetir nits in tbia jf Toronto, tbe Detroit essetfoTtb mberof the infonn yon x>ndboIdera en seQt ont . ialDireotoT. r tbe Great setboee are ■a ip Canada, of Directors,- ir respective (ed to tbese ^tions made road, or the I are pasnng r to the point have already .merican side. I thftopposito 1 irluob these ) 'of the Qreat e line, grefin^; and tbe Grand Tmnk line, Uaok. He also ezplMoed tbe oouiae each line took^-th* Great Western, starting at Suspension Bridge, eontinued to Hamiltou, where the red unititd with tbe blue, running from Toronto t thence it oon^oued in pretty nearly a straight line to Port Samia, on Lake Huron, and then domted so as to eomo round to Windsor, opposite to Detroit. The Grand Trunk ran to the same point, Port Samia, and had Uketrise a branch fSrom thence to Detroit (Windsor) ; which, therefore, was the termini of the two companies.] Now, both these companies (continued the learned counsel) were exeeedlngly anxious to make their ifity to the Test territory beyond, known as tbe Wisconsin portion of the United States. It is the most fertile and ^rhaps the most promising State in the Union. If either oonld cross there, and, beyond that, cross Lake Michigan by means of steambokts running in eonneotion with their trains, a great point would be gained. Now, the Grand Trunk would hare reaped the benefit of this adTsntage had not the Great Western stepped in and.intereepted them. So you peroeiTe that these managing and financial directors, Mr. Biydges and Mr. Beynolds, seeing the fair prospects which lay before them of making their way across the United States, and perceifing also that their rinls, the Giknd Trunk Directon, were likewise anxious to reaoh Lake Miehigan, and through it the Wisconsin yalley, and feeling too, I have no doubt, exceedingly jealous that the Grand Trunk should take the lead in such a matter as this— I say, seeing all thia, and finding Airther that this railway which you have seen mariced in green had boon commenced under the proviaions of an American Act of Congress, by Tirtue of a charter of inoorpcration, as the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad Company, «nd knowing that this eompany, like a great msny other companies on the American side, had commenced operations under general powers, -without first providing the means necessary for carrying ont their works, and being persuaded that the neoesi^ eonseqnence^iu|* be that the American Company, called the Detroit and Milwaukee, must ftil in their operations for want of means— thought it would he a good opportunity for them, if they could legsUy do so, to unite the Detroii and Milmiukee line with »heir own by purehasing it altogether, and thereby take to themselves the control of the road, already .commenced and .partially completed, and so continuing and extending their line of railway, as it were, from the Niagara River through to Lake Micl^gan, diey set about the plan which gives rise to the present action. Being anxious to do all this, Mr. Brydges went to England to advise and consult with the Board of Directors, and with the Shaiehdden and Bondholders there ; and I have no doubt he pointed out to them in a very elear light the great advantages which were to be gained by such an operation. But they had not the means, eitiier in Canada or in Enghmd, to eahy out this undertak. ing— they had not the money widiin their control sufficient for thepurposeof bayingup and aiding this railway company in the United States, ai^d thus it required aU the financial abUities of the two ^nUemen whom I have named to discover a mode by which all this could be done. They were at that time doing their Imnl^ing business with Oie Bank of Upper Canada. That Bank had extended to them the privilege of drawing from time to time, as funds might be required, to a very Isrge amount over their depoeit»-or, in other words, tiiey had what h oaUed in banking jthraseology a efedit acoqpnt witii the Bank.of Upper Canada, so that they Light draw over and above die finds they had lying in tiie bank to the extent of 1800,000 or t400,000. Tkis I understand, to h«ve been the privilege which they enjoyed while doing business with the Bank of Upper Canada. But about the time these direotors thought it advisable to take up this American eompany, the Bank of Upper Canada was beginning to press them. The Bank of Upper Canada was saying to them in effect, You have overdrawn, to A verykrge extent. Your deposito hero are not what they ought to be. The profita of your company^B business are not so large as we expected, and instead of keeping down and diminishing your ovordiaft account, it is d^y incrMsing. Therefore we must insist on the eompany dosing up with us or at an evento, keeping down thia largeeum of »300^ wiUun reasonable limits." Mb. M. 0. Camibon— I do not wish to inteirapt the learned oounsel unoeoeanrily; but I would like to k^ow if he intends to offer aDy^roof in regard to our dealings witii the Bfeak of U^ Canada. Mb. Eool»-I need dwell no longer on that point, and I will go on and say that thereupon Mr. Reynolds ^mo as the financial director of the Great Western to Mr. P»irk,the Managerat the Branch of the Commereial Bank in HamUton, and telling him that the Bank of Upper Canada and the Great Western Railway Company could no longer agree, made a proposition to Mr. Park lor the tnmsfer of the account from tiie Bank of Upper Canada to the Commenial Bwik. And here, gendemenof the JQiy, is the oonunencement of our intenponrsa •> ■3^r'" X. t»l ■■/I which ^•'•y "^8** "T*^«.r «t h..d^«"U.T. l..~ »» ^^J*",;., i„ oon«K,u,no. of oommunU ««„«nio.t. with Mr. Bo-, ^ ^^,«on oter by merdy "'»"»°8 J^ CommeroW B.nk, the woount A«g«t, 1867. B"*i^»2n mI r,nold.,Mr.Br,dg- wd A^»'!7l;' * „d auW opened with the 0«*» e,aoi«iihiohlpMMdhetw^nMr.W,no ^ ^ ^^ CommerciJ Bank, wd ^^^ Jf^t Wettern should^ ,a t«n.f«r.d from *« »^„f „,T Jdi«o« on which thi. « jJJ" ^-^^^i ltrth.rcondition t»«t ^hj^^ IbcUm jof^^^ .^^j.^j^ "*'"*^/yil Jli«J ^ .t th.t time in^^ h„e a credit or "^ff^ftJ^^t «no«nt of the li^ility whic)^ the Compwy nw ^ n%?i^'^ Oommewid B.«k thooW d«.h«g« 0^" J"^ J ^ ^j,, ^„pn.«^nt which w- ™^« , » ^ ^ ^^ S the B»k of Upper C«.d^JJ^"JJ;,^edl, fort ^»toMr.P«k .o«e t«" « W^^^ ^^'^^ H;L^.^SrSMr.PTkth.t control of the iltoi of the I>«»«>i"* " , ^ ^Ae it into their own hands. He 7'J"r^Jl^ton» haying .ooountof the Detroit and ?J'«*^'""3/ p,A „tumed the wry simple «•'"' .*?*„, r^, ^ ^notorioMJr •» inwlTont company, who cannot •*P"«"*^W\" ^ ^^„t i „faao mort poatiTdy [cl Hr m-. i ^ere tlie pro* mselftoinike rity to open* nngemeot by that h« ihottU ; the month of » of oommunl- k, the Moounl with the Orekt ;\rMteni BhonldJ iditioa i»»t !^C t time ini^l^, X it li.n#)*w|tf_ ;-^ MsooQut pWpip* ». through U»eit andMawinkee V it Mr. Reynold* X to usnme the te the roed from toMr.P»Ath»t iWeitern haying I retonie looked 1 that particuUt raid adTanee on m to go on and that he had no rith Mr.Boe«, at with Mr. Bo«i. •* lUlBTO ihonld he » ntermediate point. be other. So Mr. Tbia *•*»?' *• Bow what I have ,0 whole control of peated also to Mr. [r. Ro», in m^er awaukee Company, ;eign company, they ty for the conrtroo- foae mort pomtively have no objection ion which baa been K)n that propoeitioa presenting the Com- alvBank ehould gjve B should cover those Mrectors here on the foyity's sake, sterling at action ;»nd if we ynolds and Mr. BosSf then the Plaintiffs will have a right to recover in this action, exactly the amonnt which they repnaent u being due to them. At least, that is our view of the legal position of these parties. The account was opened, then, In pursuance of this agreement It bq^u on the 80th December, 1867, and continued until the 80th Decem- ber, 1860-~two yean exactiy— at which time tlfr balance of the general aooonnt current kept with the 'Great Western, wss the sum of 1800,000 and over ; and in addition to that, tliere Was another item of some $200,000 not due at that particular date, but fUling due afterwanls, and which added to the other sum made a' million of dollais, and upon that million of dollars interest has been accmeing' and due from December, 1850, to the present time. In the course of the transactions under this arrangement, we shall shew to yon that the first montti the amounts chequed vut on the Joint cheques of Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds amounted to about 920,000. Tbit was for the first month of January. The first cheque being issued just at the time of the change in the enrrent system of the Province, it was for X2,500, equal to |10,000, and the next cheque was for 910,000, ->-making together 129,000, or thereabouts. Then, in the early part of Febmary— about the 2nd or 8rd of that month-^this was covered, according to arrangement, by a bill drawn on England for X0,000 sterling, which was about equal to the amounts drawn out on the cheques, and was duly parried by the Bank to the ondit of the Great Western. iSo that for the fint month their account stood about balanced. This was sut^tly in conformity witb the contract made between Mr. Ross and Mr, Reynolds, and wib quite to the satis- Action of the Bank. In the Hext month, cheques amounting in number to about a doien, ran up the account to a very considerable extent, and then were some notes put in to their credit. But, gentlemen, I need not detain yon by going through these accounts month by month, and day by day, or with a recital of the particu- lar items of which it is made up. It is suflioient for me to tell yon that the aoeonnt continued to increase day by day from that time up to December, 1858, when tiie balance against the company amounted to soma •200,000 or fSOdjOOO. In consequence of thi8--fii!^ng that the traffic returns ftom the Detroit and Milwaukee Road, so far as it had been in operatiorij were not sufficient to keep down the expensei^ and finding also that, instead of complying with the terms of agreement of which I have spoken, by giving sterling bills on England at tlie end of, each month, the English Kreotors had ordered that these bills should not be drawn, Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds found that they were in a^very awkward position, because what they had promised to the bank were sterling bills to meet'the sdvances, ud tiiey,.were in honour boUnd, as well as legally and technically bound, to the Bank to make good their undertaking, and to give those bills on England. But when they found that the Directors at home were not willing that the. bills should be drawn on them or on the funds of the company in England, and forbade their being so drawn, it became neoessaay for ^hem in their own defence to make some other and better arrangement if they could with thft^ Commeroial Bank. They therefore applied to the Commercial Bank to give them on this aceonnt— I draw a distinction, yon will understand, between the general account of the Great Western Railway and their account as applica- , ble to the Detroit and Munukee Railway — ^they applied, I say, to the Bank hero to give them a Detroit and /Milwaukee credit account, ok privilege of overdrawing to the amoudt of 9100,000. ,That permission for them to drew over and above the a^unt of their credit, to the ex^nt of $100,000, or overdnft, as it is called, waa given by a resolution, of the BoArd of Direotora of the Bank held here in Kingston, which resolution wss at once communicated to Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds in answer to their application. They were given to understand that they should have from that time up to the 1st July, 1858, an overdraft credit to the amonnt of 950,000, and that after 1st July it thould be extended to what they asked, namely, 9100,000. Thipieems ' to have given satisfaction to the appUdants. The condition, however, attached, that they should mMt the k advances by drafts on England was not quite so satis&ftory— that is to say, tfiat the periods at which the English drafts were required made payable were not so satisfactory. But this is not very materiaL All I desire to mention is, that on the> ^J,^- a ir«S. i. 4«d to their gou^al .ocouut. („d to ti-tMr. Boynold. urtBted. ^^^ZT jTSTl .hould taw ob.m.d, th. .gent .t Hwiaton, rtaio«,Mr/R.y»oW.FO«.«Wt«H»J^ M^^^ Wng p.Sn» whih Jl thto w-icung on m ^c^-J-J"*^^ .tH-nilton, whwo Mr. Roynold. p^-nting' SZjI«nt,«d.(Wiiw-oompleUj^he^J^^ ^^ ,„ . „^^„ •^'\''y/~ hi«Jf on tb. foUowing •>*J-*^' .'^^,^"^!r^«,„od. Th. fimt entry wu m.d. in iho d.rbook S^ i^d Beinold.. pr...nUng h.-«lf. »^ "^T^'^^^ri^.oh-^g. fof th7oh«i«e. Th.t p.«o». not . ?7th^trfl.rocp.«»•l«>»«<^•,*^'»^y•^^^ ■ .fitat knowing «».5J»w'«^/«™>«»^i^^^^ Mr, Behold, to .«,, ^ eh«,u. TW» entrj iB th. d.y-book wa in '•»* *™» "3 Mawnkw .weount Th. oth« oh«ine. wer. S-uS to (h. Or«t W«to« B«lw.y ^^-^^^'J^^^^TSZiZt^^^^ .t tho time to think SS 1.-th. ^r^ i- -« -~ "y ••J"'; SJ^ uTwoS, ^d'.-le thr.nly.-Detroit .nd MU- ,^on th.fomot>e«UDg, they n-y taw Mwnjd^ew .^y h.To entor«> : ia ih. lUnk taok., « D. ft Mjo««n^«» ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ U.i.,f^w.y. done, too, under «oount" SofP.Mit«»t«wd.nTWH».«yj^tatyw2^^ ^torti.rtrttotion.git.nbyM».P«k. Andth«.tpj^ it w» found th.t tta Qw.» W-t«n B«lw.y Comply WW notMflmng^^^ - rf„d«ng,onEngta.d -ttay v^^t^Jf^--^ «d Reynold, ww to d.y until it h«i r«ch«l * T«y Uig. unonnt. Th. "f™^ «^ iho wer. dw.TS wiUing to giw them ;:^pl.u««., «d .u«oi.nt for *. "-J^'J^^^r^'^ttf^J^^^ ZX . ?egr«> did tta utaMt Moommodrtion whwh w« wiflun J^.P"'^ *i*°;"l,rTd«. wd Reynold. . lettor oouched in ttay .^ thi. spirit of "'-^^--J^il^SiSo^rifS^ extonJId to itam hy th. B.d. th. rtK»gMt ton*, wpreimng thdr ?»•«»»•»* TTT ^^ frtondly »«.n.r, endeavouring to «d tta „dJl ««A«^with it. 'Thn.wower*^"* « « A^"^™^^ in Co«p«y. «eing ttat the p«-pect. « ^^^'^^^^TJ^^y^ 0^ «P *« *« '^ ^t? tta eonr.. of tim. wpuld ta .normou., tavmg « ^^^^. ^^ j^. Bank in . a.»J»l8.d.«t*t.. Th. itaitowntand.; ^i^>f3^^rf^^^'''^^'^^^7^-^Zn. BnikN^y Comp.ny wer. ^ , dir«.to» rf A. B«k oon«d««IJ-» ttay """"^^^^^^ ^'J^^ L no f«. of lo-. It went on ^,Unden*H,d to ta a w«ltl9 «d dta««t 2«J»f «d »^^ ; BO until in a eun.1 oonm-tion t>.tw«m Mr. P«k, Mr. ""J™""' "^ / ^J ^ ^^^ gentt.meu to .hifk their Vi oftheGr-tW.rt«n,Ar.MoJ^'J",'^:^'\?iSrofriiSit«.dMa^^^^ I ^.ponribiKty fiom iho d««M« of *»'\«"l^-^tlil^^„«^^^^ It w- ttat tta Great W- , j;^ pWn word, to etpie- 1* y^i^tat '*'-^"^^*^^ that th. Vroit «>d MUwaukeaRaUway tom ReihrayCo-panyn^rer tar«wed^-«.I^fi^^^ C«„p«,-an i«»lTen^ broken^own, bankrupt Co«P«y' '«" ^^ ^ the Detroit and MilwwA*—^ tatwee. d*tor and o«diter Ttat, rf coun^^ on«^ ^S."L treated it fio» day to day .. their owp, «ount of ttair aeeouuttad r^oM « -r^ th. G«~»W«rt« amount, ttay ttaughtfit^Ihre^»^*-«^.^^^^ p„^i, fiiad. to m«t tta bilU tran.etioM of the«i extmvagant agent, of ♦^r^^;. ^^^"^ ^ thi., th«K. genU.m«., now in oourt. /■- .^W^W" -r.V r To wliom Mth* OomnMroial Buk land thii money 7 Did UitjClit^d it to tbo Omi WMtora Railimy Con- pukj of CanadA, or did thfj lond it to tha Detroit and Milmrakoe Railwmy Com|»By f Then ia tbo fint point, ■nd in my opinion the only point yon will hnye to ditpqee of. Mr. Boh will prove to yon oreiy word I hare atated in regard to thia tranaaetion. He will prove to yon in the qioat diatinot toqpa that they never gave eredit to the Detroit and Milwaukee Rdlway Company for a aingle ahilHng — that they aoonted the propoeition when it waa made to them — that they told Mr. Beynolda that it waa abanrd to talk about opening an aeooant and giving credit to a broken-down company in the Unitod Butea, but that they would give oredit to the Great Weatem, and that it waa agreed that the oredit ahonld bo given to the Great Weatem. But, indepeident of Uiia, we have ample evideuoe to ahow that the Bank neter had any oominnnioation wbataoever with the Detroit and Milwaukee Co^npany-^that they never knew them. The great di^oulty which hero ariaaa ia thia, that Hcaaia. Brydgea and Beynolda, being offioen of the Great Weatom^Managing a^d Financial Diracton— ehoae, . in th« ezeroiae of the authority with whioh they were armed (I borrow the worda Of Mr, Biydgea himaelf), to ' make thomaelvea Preaident and Vioe-Preaident of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company. Bp then they atood, on the one hand the ropreaentativea of ihe Great Weatom, and on the other oflBoera of the Detroit and Milwau- kee— a poaition whieh they may have thought gave them immenae power, and the great privilege of playing from hand to hand, and qt having all ;within their own graap. No doubt this waa the impreaaion they enter- tained. But, unfortunately for th«m, aa it baa ainoe tamed out, it waa a poaition which led to a gnat deal of trouble between them and the Directota in Enghind. But that we may begin at the beginning of the oommu- nicationa whiqh took, place between the Bank and the two railway companiee, I will give yon the whole thing aa it took place. I hold in my hand a proapectua, iaaucd in the United Statea, and headed, " Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad Company. Stato of Michigan, United States. laaue of ie260,00a atorling, or $1,250,000 of aeven per cent, mortgage bonda,' convertible into aharea until May 18G5, and redeeauble at par in May, 1876. Intereat payable in New York aemi-annually^ on the 15th November, and the 15th May.'\ Thia, gentlemen, ia the heading of the fint proapectua, and it ia signed by the Hon. H. N. Walker, of Detroit, the Preaident, and by four of the English Directon of the Great Western Bail way Company, called traatees for the English bondholders. In that proapcotas you will observe tliat the propoaition is to i^ue bonds of the Company, aecnred by mortgage on the road and the other property of the Company, for the payment in twenty yeara of 91,250,000, with intorest at 7 per oent.', payable semi-annually, and, as 1 have just romarked, naming four of the Engliah Directora of the Great Western Railway as trustees for the English bondholders. The object of that, of course,^ was to give confidence to parties in England.wjio might bo. willing to purohase these seven per cent, bonds. The prospectus goes, on to say that thia lide of railway crosses the Stato of Michigan; that it runs parallel with, but at a distance of mora than forty miles from, the Michigan Central llailway ; and that its eastern tenuinua is Detroit, where it connects with the Great Western, and its western terminus Grand Haven, oppoeite to Milwaukee, on Lake Michigan. Mr. M. C. Camebon— -Wo are not objecting to your reading and roferripg to M this, but I really cannot see how it is to afiect us. Mr. EccLcB— It is the commencement of the trirasadtions out of Which this suit has ariaen. Mr. M. C. Cameron— It is merely a document signed- by four English Directors of the Great Western, and can have no bearipg on this case, which results, aa it is said, from an agreement made in Canada between the Great Western and the Commercial Bank. ,, ■ . ' Mr. EccLSS-r-Then you admit it is the prospectusf K , . Mr. M.C. Cabikbon— There is no doubt it ia a printed prospectus. V Mr. ECCLEB— I don't want to waste a moment's time, bttt I thought this a material part of our case, becau* the further back wo can trace the connection between Chese two railway companies, the atrongcr will be the evidence Of the dwlings which we attribut* to them. What wo desire to show is, that we lent the money to the Great Western Railway Company, and that thcyjqnt the money to this Ami^rican Railway Com- pany; instead of whicli they say,— "You lent the money dweotly to the American Railway Company, and V' \,> '«*' ■■<■ ';#- I .» 1'.' . . .'•' ^„ to « ;" «Hl I k«« ««^ yw ••• " *»» P-^ *«" *»•• P«*P^'^, f •''!1L1 T^nS ZrJouliwo«»»p.«l-WM«»» fonn«d. Th. A»Ti«m Co»p«.ri«« pro^..; ..dinUthJ iTiS Um •Mtern portio* of their Uoe tonnii..tM at • poi.t nw thu of tho Ore.t W<.ton ; and to in.1 r..y3.g^ln »d««. tW. i- -ff**^ ••'d :-" And dl th. B.glW. IM^tOf of th. 0«.t W«tem «t Zm» for th. holdert of our bomh." Th. pro^MMtn. then goM on to Nt forth • oontnot with Mr. Wythoi, thi woll-known Bndkh ooitrMtor, ilh<^4)oni»niot«l tho Toronto ud HwnUton Bowl, for the oompletion of the line before the lit of Augoit, 186r,iind wind« up m followi :-" An e«lw5Te trdBo .greement |he. been entered into betwoen the Direoton of the Detroit end Mil#»nkee, end the DftPeotor. of the Greet Weetem BeUwer Compeny of Cwede, under their oorporete ledf. for the tren^wrt of the ^weengen end goodi oyer their ripeotiTO llnee } ud it ii etipuleted, that fh>in the reoeipta of the through trhlBe, the Director! of the Greet iTcetem ehJI retein > mJIloient ram ae trorteee to meet the intereet on the >apk>li^^ton of the ihoneya (hna ooming into their handa." Thia proq>eotn. ia dated JnljV^66. It would nit pAbaWy be eWdenee of any reiy material fact But it ia material to Uiii extent, that inieta forth an eziating lootttt^t between two . railway eompaniea for uniting their roeda, «a it were, for one common line of trafto ; Dn^ aaaerUng, at it doea, that the GN«t Weatem were to ivtain the tfaroagh-tnJBe reoeipta, lo aa to aeodre the I purohaaeia of tbeae bonda in their intereat The neit atep we find them taking ia, after adTaneea had be«i n»de^-or probably eren before thbae advanoea had been made by the Great Weatem Company to tbia American Company, by wayof aecwing to tho Great Weetem Company die repaymentof ii\ rach advancei^and intereat thereon, two mortgagee ^executed under which theDetroit and Milwaukee Company agree to eony^y to Meaan. Brydgea «nd Keynolda and to Mr. Becher, of London, C.W., alio » Director of the Great Woatw^, all the property of that company, oOniiiting of their line of road, all their franohiiaa, and all their rolling ttock, in aeonrity ta -*them aa truateea fbr the Gr»t Weatem Bulwsy Company, or the holdem of their new iiaue of bpndi, for all •dvaneea mad& We are now gping to abew you that the Groat Weetem ncTer adranoed any money to the Detroit and Milwaukee, aaTO and except the money they got out of our Bank. They got the ffoney frogi ui, and expended It on the American Road-perhapa, alao, they paid off aome of the. floating liabm^f the ' American Company,— and theae tame Direotom took to themaeWei i mortgage on the linoo{^*d to rfeoure the adrancea. Thia, then, ii the fint poaition. When aU waa made aeoure to them— whfti what waa nomi- nally the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, but which company had in reality been completely extinguished— -^en thia company failed to repay, aa in point of fact they wore novor^ expected to repay thia money to the ' Great Weatem, Meaan. Brydgea and Keynolda, who appear in ao many different charaoters, and whti reproaent ao many different interests, that it is almost impassible to undersUnd tho exact position they occupied on each acDkrate occasion. I aay^e'find theae two gentlemen, to whom mortgagee had been given in tho capacity of Tmateea for the Grekt WeStem, commencing proceecBngi in the Conrta of Michigan, upon mortgagee held by them for 4te purpose of foreoloeing Or selliag all the property contained therein. We find, on behalf of the Detroit and Milwaukee Boad, Uie debtora of the Great Weatem, their Counsel appearing in Court and siying, « WsihaTe no defence to offer. We admit that all the money seouriBd by these mortgages haa been advanced by tbeGreat Westem." You' will see, gendeme^j that they say nothing about the Commercial Bank — " W« admit that the money haa been advanced by tho Great Western tons, and they are entitled to be repud, both . principal and interest. But we are unable to pay, having no finds, in liut, to p>ay with; therefore they are empowered to aell the foad." And the decree of the Court waa issued in accordance therewith, and the road waa sold. Wo have now Meapps. Biydges, Reynolds, jmS Becher, appearingyin another capacity, as the pur^ ohaaenof theroad. They buy ihe road under the decree, and become the ^proprietors of it. I understand thit by j^ general'law of the United States, the mortgagees of a rulway may pj^ceed just as tbeae mortices did, and sen it. They are thua the purohaseis of the load, and, as ^uch purchasers, they become tpM /dc/o, by this act, an incorporated rulway company, enjoying all the privileges o^ the old company, standing in their shoes as it were,l>ut with this, peculiar privilege attached, that all the debts of the old company are wiped out, or, in Other words, leaving the new company free ftom their responsibility. They become an incorporated railway company, owning all belonging -to the old company, but free ftontthe liabilities of the old company in the nature of debts or obligsfions. Now, if yon aee as I see the po^ulianties ^f this transaction from beginning wesaj miliiot ^\- ^\- eonn< d in it th« uidtoi VMtern ari^ (r. Wytlit^ letion of tha It {liu bMa MitWcrtern I good* oTer eton of tha araed' The theiiioneji eWdcnoe of Mtween two (, tsitdoM, m of these oi ptobebly lompany, by theraoD, two in. Brydges property of D seoniity ta pndSi for all loney to the iMetot the* M to tfeonre kt wu nonu- tingnished — aoQey to the 'hti represent pied on each e cspaoity of iges held by tehsif of the t and Biying, len advanced Bank—" We repud, both fore they are and the road , as the pnr- I nnderstand ) mortgagees i ipto /AetOf ding in their .ny are wiped incorporated 1 oompany in >m beginning --IT'' r* ■""* '*°f ''«•«• J*'* •» «"**«'''y «• • «»•* «»«?•»««. pi" io psy off old debts, if not one« worthy the roprMentatite. of Kngl-h .haniholde,.. 1 don't like to nae harsh *ord», and I will simply remark 2? "VTi""* !!•" «»«t«"«tion. .poken of u .windllng •x,I.U« , but he« we hare a iransaetio. of two EoglbhgenUemen, representing a number of other Engliah gonHom.n, combining with an American eompaoy for the P«n>^, » I *««>• It, of being able, through a premeditated plan, ,o got a million of dvllart from the Commercial Bank to be expended on making a railway, which, when completed, they Uk. hoM o7 m.der a mor^ge, .„d thus out the debt. You see, gentlemen, they fl«t borrrowed .he money, they then took «««rity on the road, they neit spent this money la eompleUng it, they got it in runnin, order, took proceedmgs h, Cbanoeiy in the names of these three gentlemen UoJud ai t^^* and bought up the road. They «id, "It is true we built this n»d with t"e Commercial B«k's ronerbTi theCommercWBankadfanced itto the Detroit and Milwaukee Company. We hare pureha«Kl the r«,d ^ mti'aTinrtJI «r"^; J^/" "" 'T"^ '"'•• '' ^"^ "^ '" •'••""'^- And »•»» the'elaim of theC^ - Jj^^th it a! ? wn- r i.^ '•'!T ""* "'° P""*"^ "' ' "nwy^undcr such ciroum.Unces doe. no . take with it he I«bll.t,ea of the onginal company." You thus see that they hare the road and they hare the ^ by the Teiy act of the sale of the road 1 suppose it becomes eiUnguished. Messrs. Brydges. Rctnolds «d ^nk "It » .Ast true that what was admced tyfce Company on the othor.ide of the line, was your money, but they ar. now bankrupt, and yott had bet^ run after them and get your million of dollam back.' L^lClL^Mi ''^/' "/^^^^^ They are the gLlemen, too, who rcpr.»;;^ Grl^ wLZ. J^ M rfrr *'" '•"? P"™ '•""• *'"'y ''""* *>•'»" *««'' »»>'' ^^ ««' '^oir running of the Great WestomwcIoM to UjeAmenoaa city of Detroit has nearly spoiled thorn. (Laughter.) In this war ^^i^:lTZlr "^ ''"^ T" '"•"' '"'■°"'- ^ «><'/«<»v.-ced into the interior of the^Stlt^ Snkt^J^ ^ ^'" Ti'"'":"^"'* '"""' ""•* ' '*" *•»» 'f ^''"y ""^"-"o th^y *«» be just as baTas tS W^^rui Jr^Xk^ ^ ^5*"? *"? ^°''' ''"'* " *'"' P""'""" in whio/mattcrs tore placed All ► -ii"^ *^^', ^^ ^°" '^'^' ''" '"'"* y*"* •*» ''"> i» ; bat M yon 4)UKht not to have built it with a - wuIL r 't?«'S°^»'f*''« Commercial Bank «.ffer. Do not let this tinsacUon of the Bank £jof iL^I??* ^^ ^T^^r *" ^*'P"J"'««"' °f *o good name of the institution itself, and to the ««J SeS If wfhavtrlT Y *; *""r"" »« '»»^-«»«"'» •*»""* ° ^ ^ „,„ . ^^.y. Jfo diepow of th.M Stunning, b«^h«l^d;jow« to g^^^^ „,,^ ^„ ,,,,,, TP^-^^J;-; obJ«tiou «r.t, 1 wouM r.f.r you to to ^^'^ .°; J""V^t,™d power., th.t th.y h«l don. what in. ill«g«l g.iu.m.n UA meh mUtA*. ttt «^-» "^^'^^^ J^^/nd MiLukee. .nd th.t in the poeiUon in wh^ 5.nt«inglnto.ny w»ang«ne.b.t dl'Jthth. P«^^^^^^^^^^ the Great We.tern if P.rl«me«i did they th.n .tood M th. * h.d bwn '^'^^'^^ry ^^,i,^ .grf^t Wch ..riou. eon«iq««.c«» .o/oon.. to theirtelief. •^•jXvTh.tTw hTd C^^^^^ '* »^- "-' ^ '' ^ '»"' "' ""* "i^-j^S^tSS'-t^^^^^ tbey .ikht .hould be leg^ .Uo- "^:r:tClJ»otthepro,i.onofthe..T^ . Mr.Boo.«-Te.; there w« . T«|ui«ment th.t.he«q«-<«-o^^^^^ b. Ob" in«l. Th. only objeet 1 h.,. in jiew ^\rf^2^^^^nZ^^^> ^down a road iu . foreign l.gdU.dwhath.dbeendone,andj^T.thema^hontymfc^^^^^ Uamed Judge will ^.tUeaU Xtry. I do not wish to .noun.b.r y""™"*",^'* ^ l t^I ^ni to which I had arrived wa. thi., that ; ^«Sn. of UW, and !«.. ,ou w^th tbe facU. Wd^ A. p^U^i to wW A ^I^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ in aniww to what w. .hall urg., th.y will »y that wu onjy a limUfl j ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^_^^ n«.lution. I«P«i in England, and boyond ftui hunt J^Y^J^. ;jJj;^X^ulUpnaS-th«^ monie., : of th.*T.Sntion., and baring approp«tjd^^^ th. Or.atWe.tem Company were no J''»''•^''*^J^" ^Ut-Zt they were getting the Company .toAholder. thought that Me«. Brydge. -nd J^^ '^"^^loSe .haUolder. and etookbolder.. into diffiftdty-thM tbw were doing^wh.ehw^^ ^ to inveatigato' into tb. To.nq^re into the aUto <>' "^«*^^«": ^l-JJ^^ tt^^ Me-^Brydges and Repold., with ^Wr. of *r<^T^?','l*; '"S^CiTde^^^^^ » Committoe of Inveetigation, ma% enquiry h«ud FMpwting this Committee of Inyeatigation. - Mr. M. 0, Oaii»QK--^<>* •" not '•" "^ "" *•*• "^^^ -> "f ' 1?^ T^pW^"^ X \ [•1 Ainda of Iba irabolden of Mourad by k etatation tod if initMul of 1,000, we did lU iraethkt to the Mlent ' we bolTOwed thmn we were " Theee two 90, the other ere pueed the Jrtwn by the r 11,260,000. irith the Bank the road — and bytherewla' with any Bank tDgenient* thej ere Ulegal firom ipoeeoftheUit wan that theae f hat WM illegal lition in which Parliament did ■ oonaeqneneea* te force of that kholden ahoald jt of Parliament load in a foreign Ige will Mtae all cd was this, that iven them by the )ne to the «**•»* jJ-theae montea, e of the Engliah iDg the Company md Btookholden. reatigate* into the id Reynolds, with }n, mlule enqniiy ippose, commnni- t prepared to' say. tthing further waa \.^ %. .0 Mr. Rooua— I hare only our tide of the book to read from. You are a good deal too elarer to (ell ua your seoraU Mt. M. 0. Cameron— But you ought to know belter than to say that nothing further waa heard of the matter. /> V Mr. EooLU^-So fbr •■ we are eonoerned, nothing farther was heard of It. I will now draw yonr atrei^- tion, gentlemen of the Jury, to Ihia yellow-ooveretl book. [The book produced waa the Report of the Com- mittee, and not the Reply.] I draw 'attantiuo to it, not with a view uf reading Iti oontenta aa eridenoe, but I refer to it aa a book casting reflootiona upon Mr. Urydgea for rainoonduot in (he maoagoment of the affaire of the Company, .and in particular with regard to his traniaetiona in respect to the Detroit and Milwaukee road. They brought at all orenta auQoIent in the way of ohar);os against Mr. Brydges to put him on hia defence. You will aee that Mr. Brydgos atood charged by hia mostom with a breach of that confidence which they had ao long ropoacd in him— with a breach of duty with whoae discharge they had entrustod to him. He wss bound, therefore, to give a history of the transaction. Mr. M. 0. Cahuom— I would not, If I were you, give a aUUment of that kind Juat now. Mr. Eimn (referring to the scarlet-covered book called "The Director's Reply") — I propose resding and ^ring in eTithe Railway. Nbw, a chnrgo of this kind, made by auch persons, can surely have nothing whatovor to do with this affair botwoon the Great Weatorn and the Comniercial Bank. The learned Judoe— I do n0t understand that it is proposed to give evidence of the charge. What BIr, Ecolcs proposes to road is only .wjU). a view of getting the answer. Mr. M. C. Cameron — But unless the charge is heard, we cannot hear the answer to that charge. Of necessity we shall have to ^Into^tb^ charge before wo can get at the answer. The learned Judge — That 1s not always necessary. Mr. M. C. Cameron— My iMrned friend will not read that document, at all events. It is a printed (tooument. Mr. EcOLES— Such documents are usually read in ouea of this kind. . i Mr. M. C. Cameron— At any rate, ho must first show ihat it is Mr. Brydges' answer. TheleamedJuDaE^He has not gone into this ovidence~yct. Mr. M. C. Cameron— But ho is going to. read it without proving it. The learned JuoQE — He may lead it now, and prove it afterwards. ^ ^^ ~" Mr. EcbtEB— 'Do^ mf learned friend mean to say that thia u not a document issued in Canada ? '>S$^%:&I«i BA-tS^^»itil^4^k^X^>^hf/^ ^^i^tf^i^ iw^4*^^^^L^Jt^i^iAmf,i^iiii»^ ■ S^ '..-,•, ■T'J Mitof proof. mA U, tb« 0M« CW go <>n. 1"»«» » n9»"'"H _ J__^ .._j,. ,1,, Vironmrf ) thtoka ho iMj "'^'*'°°" o, «-rfu.n«.i)T if JOUobjooiU) our Ming thoprinUd paper. Mr. EofltM— OlM «• yonr wriMen copy, M jo» " i ^ Mr. »i. 0. CAUraoK-Ob, go on. . , , „, • _ni -^ Ao printed dooumont." I wm . Uhetded "Loam to Iho Detroit and Milwaukee. . . / Mr. M.C.CAM«o«-Wb.t ere you reeding from now? , ' Mr. EcoLWH-^Mr. Brydges' MBWor. / Mr. M. G. Ca-moh-You «e .«« it i. Mr. Brydge.' .newer r . Mr.EcoMii-No,I.mnot. (Ungbter.) / „ , ,■ J, M, MO OAiiMOH-Therei.mote'in that book than Mr. Brydgee. newer. Mr:M.aCA-«o«Ub,,iti.notMr.Bry^«.an.w.^.^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Mr. ECCL»-B«t Mr. Brydge.' .newer come, nekt^ ilTlfe^TtO, from Mr. Troibrldge"— thi. meet Krioo. charge, the Director, beg to eute that the letter rererrea to, Mr. M. C. GAMWOK-Bnt .urely the Director, .re not Mr. BrydgM, Mr. E0CL1&— Mr. Brydge. i. ine of them. Mr. M.C.CAiaEOM^BnttlbiM..n.wer of the Director.. „„ .h« better "In < Mr.l^.^eUkeitufce«.werof«nmn^m^^-;^ •Bnrer to thi. met »erio«. charge, the Director. l«g to .Utot^^^^^^^ ^^^ B.^,,^ - WM not opened by, or ««n b,, to, Member of your B^-.^j^^'" ."™ ^^^^ ^1, ,hich tfci- happened, «i r. well « Mr. Brydge.. fully e«pW»^.j» ,"'« Co"nm.«ce %7^^tn';f Te cLmitte e, therofore, that detailed at length in Mr. Blrydge.' l.ttA in the ^J^J^^J": Jf ' 7,^^^^^^ .utement. to the Shar^ -Ci>^: "^^ io(( a mi. ; \^ Pp«nlng 4n4riiiUd doe»/ a proper' M^. loilonigtlnrt litokt be ttHtj id uUm upon r no farther iment.° I wm l«r trtiWMlion ane. " In sntwer to Idgo" • le better. " In • Mr. Trowbridge jng. Mr. Beker, hia happened, aa e, therefore, that inta to the Share- ike the Loan waa waokee Company ippUcatibn for the Ilia oireumatanoe, however, oolj wada yonr INreotora more oaatioW aa to the appllaation of thn money, and to aaoertain whether it would aeoompilab (he main objeot of upeniiiK the Line. They immeiliately liaaed initraotlona that Mr. Uaynolda, the flnaneitl mina|(ar of the Ureal Wcatem Oonpany, ahould Mmtiniae the hooka of the Dalroil and Mllwaukta (Company. Ha did ao, and reported l<> yuur Hoard on Nov. 2d, IHATi that whatorer might he the inrolvument of the Dotruit and Milwaukee Company, the adraneo of XI r><),000 woald be auffloiant to meet the olaima of the aeeured orediton, and open the Une." There ia tha flrat point. Probably you, gentlemen of the Jury, do not know the manner in whioh Ihay pro«e«d at their meatinga. If not, I will Jual tall you. Mr. lirydgea or Mr. lUynolda take* the chair, and Mr. lieehar, aita by with hia tin boi|'t))e4) with proaioa, gathered up from all parUof creation. The mealing ia opened. Mr. Ileoher cauiea tha py^oiiea In the tin boa to vote aa Mr. lirydgea waiila tham to rote, and the thing ia aooompliithed. (Ijaughter.) Hee how plainly he aeta forth tha tranaaotion at that time, aa we make it manifeat lo-day. Ha laya, before tha Great Weetern people make the loan, Mr. Reynolda moat go to Detroit and overhaul the Iranaactlona of thia Amerioan eompany, ao aa to aatiaiy hlmaelf that the XI 60,000 aterling will tufflce to pay off tha debt and oomplote the road. Mr. Uaynolda went to Detroit, and found ihinga, aa he thought, to hia aaiiafartion, though afterwarda ill waa diaoovared that tha Detroit and Milwaukee Ilailway waa more deeply inrolred than U waa at flrat repreaantad to bo. Al thia tima thay found it all right on the anrfkoe, but there were troubled watera beneath, aa they found to their aorro* after the advanoee wore made. Tlie report then proceoda :— " Whilat hia inquiriea wore pending, your I)iroetor8 felt bound to protect the credit of the Company by advancing (ha money required for the payment of the intereat, which they conaented to do to the eitont of X-0,000. With rcipeet to the proper applioation of the loan, a aeriee of reaolutiona appear upon the minutea, under dato October and November, 1867, laying down a atriet code of inatnotlona for ita diapoaal, the laat of which ia aa followa : 'That it be left to the diacretion of Mr. Brydgea and Mr. Reynolda, after coropleto inveatigation of (ho Detroit and Milwaukee aooounta, and after having made auch arrangemonta with the ereditora forming the floating debt aa tinuanoe of tha worka to be prooeedediwith aa far aa or beyond the Grand Uapida, it being well undorttood that the baaia of aiSry~l^v^oe of funiSa by ihe Ureat Wcatorn Itailway for thia purpoae ia that the oipenditure *hal| be wholly under the direction and oontrol of Mr. Brydgea and Mr. Reynolda, and that auch outlay ahall not in any manner be Jeopardised by Uie oli^ima of eiiiting ereditora of the Detroit ami Milwaukee Company.'. Armed with thia authority, Mr. Brydgda loft England on the 14th and arrived in New York on the 20th November, 1857, to take auch atepa toVaeeure the completion of the Une aa, after due inveatigation and aucoeaafal amngementa with the creditor* of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, he and Mr. Reynolda might oonaider moat deairable. Immediately on hia arrival in America, theap gentlemen applied themaelvea to carry - oiit the ordera of the Board; and, on (he 'i^th December, 1RQ7, they addrcmcd their first detailed Report upon the anhjeot to the Board in London, atating, the arrangement! they had made with the secured ereditora ior the postponement or payment of their debts, ano^also for the carrying on of the worka, so aa to effect the immediato completion of the Line."— So that Mr. Brydgea, it appeara by thia, which ia the Report of all the Engliah Direotora of the Orcat Weatern, notified the Company in England of what ho had done on hia arrival in the United Sutea from England. Then the Report prooeeda :— " While Measra. Brydgea and Reynolda were thaa occupied in carrying out the objeota for whioh thia loan waa made, they also engaged themselvca in obtaining security for the repayment of the money." — ^You will undoratand, geptlemenof the jary, that Mr. Biydgca took aeourity for thia money — the money which we lent. ' . Mir. M. C, Cambbon — But you don't aeem to underataod it at all. Yoii are entirely mistaken. Mr. EcoLEs — ^The gentlemen of the jury will understand it. But the defeuoe which ia to bo set up Bero to-day neither they nor anybody else will be able to nnderatand. Mr. M. C. CAMKaoN— I can understand it. Tho security here referred to is for the tl,2(K),000 which we, and not you, have advanqed to the Detroit and Milwaukae Railway. It is aot a matter which oonoerna you at all, but ua. y-t^-^aVirfyfecaSj ?r^^fcg^ar^-.^^¥Hg7^^g!S?S^TT^ ^.^;?.f^";^£^-.' *''^«Jj;; ^^^ .fci^i„^ ,h., w.„ud out of our ooff.r. „ u b«ing ia th. mo.t pro.per<.u. .UU. Tb,y "P"7°7 ™ 'l^^ ^mb, told th.t the money they got WM to m.k. th. n«d oompleto .0 - to "J '^'^.^fcilU wlwh^p^^ to dr,w In our f.^our for th. from U.WM not e,» *« «*J "J ^ ''*r^''; ™^ .d».nce. were ne«r git.n ui. Th. lUpoH go., on »« "y ' ^"'^ '^ „„, f^ ^^o Groat Wo.terp Company, toking th. l-t favourable .iewlof it. »• »»» -^-' ;,t; tj .ri«Uy -d.. alao upon mortgage, th.«noe.and for the advance of ^^*>®'"J^™^ of Ihi. imporUnt line of Great WeaUrn Company of ^^'^^'^^'^'^'^^'''Ijl':;^^^^^^ ^curing to our Un. ih. Railway. 186 mile. long. n.n„ing through a thnm^^^^^^ J^ ^^^^^^, ^,.„.j. y monopoly of the trdfic of the great W-^™ » J^ w^r «1 w.r««-P*ny '""W "»* B'""*'' P''"*^ ^ Director, would renture to a«k their Shareholder., ''^]^r"'''J ^J .>^^^^^„,um1 It mmit b« S.000 the enUre control o,.r^l85 mil«. of ^^^^l^^^X:! ^l^^^^ f^^^^' »•«» '- '"'«'' '* „me; that „er "- »J« ^'^ '" ^r-^^;; '^ ^Un-errw beautifully Mr. «ryd«.. paInU th. would have been iu a tory different pcition. You ••«. B«""«'°« ^ j „„„ b„,„,wod from the fti, proapcct to hi. m-rtor. at home, when t7'"« ^r^^sl" "" !„ wh.t iow ng colour he .how. to tho« Commercial Bank, to tbi. bankrupt company .n the UmtodStato^^ 185 1.1^ in kngtb. "ninoing through .t home the manifold adyantoge. of .ecunng a hn« of «».'»/»^ "^ '" ' ^V, ^fc, monopoly of , r thriving and improving Urritory, and ^curing to our tf \0^ Yht!^"^ {panada." Anil b^- . Ve traffic of the 'great Wcatern Sutc of ^'"T VH'lta in r hi Sge. for X250.000r what railway company would not rejoice, be ..k.. at abV. ^ J*""'' 'J^^„^^^^^^ „. to lend our,.^uk^.on andjo^t^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ - mo/e, to help them inlihe project. But where are t^e ^ J^t and M^-''^^ C-pany ^^ J^^ ^^^ ^^^ .re no longer in exlatonoe. But M«r.. »'?"»'» . report gocon to.hew what the traffic through amou.tod »«' "f^ *; J»>™ ^^Jway i" « iMte*"! of Uf. multed had the Great AVeaUm not wcured tb« Detroit and Milwaukee Kailway ^ ■ff , r •' ■•If m UA b« purptMM imttj it to nwk* lh«{r I ._•• Thai ■>'t«t»K" *•• nK hi lh<)M la tiiln In lh« <1m<1 of ■%in '^•'' \ allowad 'ifwal obtain Iha aoalral of It, an4 had hava baan Iha poailloB of Iha ipatiiinn with ua at (Mruil undar " "■■ portion of Iha Huia of MUblRss, now MQUcad bi oar oompanjr, mlKhl ha»a baan narrM b^ iba (Jrand Trunk, and in M flir Iha Ibroogh trvSe of the UrMi Waalarn would hafs baan matarially dama||o4.;' Right again, geatleaan. Mr. Rrydgaa is right in arary page, snd In ataty Una, of this ssport i aak yoa also to Uka it as Iha Irua liata of affain. Ask , youisalvaa who daalt With iba Commarolal Hank and with tha Datroil and Milwaubaa lUllwaj The thing ia plain. Tha Graal Westarn borrowe.1 Iha money fVom iha m!! B0Oi«-^-yW«l««dUk-«-^ Mr.M.G.CAiiiEW.--*»n<*"«^*i«»*»y'^''^ — Mr BooWB-^ftrttherehMlHJonnoOTide^ ^ Mr. M. G. CA««««H-Stffl r» « (P>i»g to '^ » "/^"^ Mraxa«-Andiflc«notI««oUitwfflbeBtruckoutof ; ^- . . M.M.O.CA«ioH-yoawmh«etopto,oitn«w. , V,^^ B»k here night «e« how iho b««n««B BWott »» !!»»»•" > ''V -"^ ;9 hia e "^ ;thei W "P* 3 ^"•^ S Com M '">*" '"W ikoopi S nmot Jl disti X .arrti . W <%nBn - m hoM . I ^5 J- '^s«jrs-w r->5s,r ^5 Commcroisl ^ank. Mr. Puk, whan he gOM into tha bos, will ujr that theie ratonii m eorraot — that mob and nioh balanoea were due AoU the Great t^eatem at the end of every week.* And, if this in not evidence I oonfaas I do not know what evidenee >■• i" ' ' . Mr. M. 0. Camehon — Yon will obaerve that we have been lerved with a certain bill of partionlan of ' monies with which we are charged. Mr. Eooiii»— Which bill of particulars is a copy of these retams. . Mr, H. 0. Oamikon-^You will find the bill of particolars altogether different from these aoconntt. Mr. £Scoi.K8 — Youhaveseen them, then F . Mr. M. 0. Camxbon— No; 1 go upon yonr statement. . ., . , • Mr. Eooi.18 — But I have stated nothing at all sA yet. You will see^ gentlemen of the jury, how Mr. Park treated those transactions. The Great Western had a general accoKbt at the Bank, and Mr. Hrk makes his entries in regard to that account in this way, " Great Western ^Iway Company, 1265,000." That was the amount of the balance agninst the Great Western for that particular week. That is not a transaction in regard to the Detrmt and Milwaukee, but relates to thoir general business, and is called " Account Ho. 1." Underneath that entry Mr. Pbrk puts, << Ditto, D. &.M. account" That is to say, "Great Western Railway Company Detroit and Milwaukee account," — just treating the Groat Western as the debtors, and adding the initials « D. & M." to shew that they wore the debtors on the Detroit and Milwaukee account. And so the aocpunts are distinguished in these returns during the whole of two' years. Mr. Park will tell yon that the amounts set fmrth in these accounts are correct, and that he uses the letters "D. & M." for the purpose of distinguishing one branch of the Great Western Railway €ompany'q account from the other, according to the arrangements made in his presence at the Bank. I will now shew you the manner in which Mr. Reynolds, the -^nancial manager of the Great Western, treated this transaction. I hold in my hand a memorandum which be sent in as the baai* of an application for an extension of credit. It is aa follows : i Present D. & M. Dr. Balaiioe .......... Provisions for Ooapons in May,' say .. " "Bills " " >•••«••.'• ••««te*«» *•••••••■■•«• ASSETS AT SlST MAT. ^. . G. W. Balce. at credit 28rd April......i. $35,000 Average weeUy reo'ts, to Slst May.^ 250,000 " "' reo'ts. D. AM.— 5 weeks ...60,000 ' »345,000 MSB. ■ ',-..''' Wages, &c., G. W. .....i,yi '. $.50,000 Wyandotte Bond , 90,000 at . -^^ 165,000 Ziy- _:/ 1180,000 $288,000 42,000 60,000 $300,000 '.•^' I 180,000 .'■ $210/)00 Yon will see that he mixes up the afhin of the Great Western and the Detroit and Milwai&ee aa one tranaac- tioB. Hia object was to shew to the Bank what amoui^wonld probably be required to V overdrawn on the two accounta On the Great Western account proper, Mr. Reynolds had the privilegeof overdrawing to the extentof $200,000, and he was now asking for leave to overdraw on the Detroit and Milwaukee accooat to the amount of $100,000. He aays that the amount of the overdraft on the t^o accounts put together would be leaa than the $800,000, ahewing that Mr. Reynolda treated the affiur as one tranaaetion. The two ^ f • ^.»l --rj«nV J l»l *^j' i:„r«* owrd-w 00 both •fr*'/,rs^r!?Js,Sd^^*»^- ^ ^^ md, thef. M. • -wi- of l«tt«r. '''*«^'£i'"',*^!^,^S»y farther oomment. on *l«t be.d. _ I tlnnk W«Unriuaw.y CoBi.y. Tbemone, w« w lent on A?*'*^^ ^ Q^tt Weetert would giTOtbelr It«it2f«.tn»-Eif tb.B«*g.Teo«diti«|eG^^ ^„^, p^of tb. srS^iTd. « -to keep ^^'^:^'^^ ST^ iSat^^--^- *" r*?^"**;'^. ^, „«w-«.«»B v^;,. ^ - -^'i tt^2SMp!««iri.n»d.b,tk««i. bebjeo^^^ r«.nlld«.o.w.b«lpboed Intbejeoaeo-, f^* ^^^ Xo-» -todt in tk. B«k i. n*»t on tbelr W _ .. ^-^u™ —!.«» »fc« iiw>n«» of the people wnw wwM . •„» av;- — ««« to the the oonfldenoe we ama. p-»« •- -~~ ' - . ^ ^^ ,toek |n me jdww » "P""* " 0««p«y. tbv l-onld now, when ^^^^^^^^^•jy,^, ^^^^^'9^!^^^^ by tbro«.»We.t.«H-«-««mi»dMde.j-^ WW nrtiirfly W giiweda i-diTid«aiy. M ««ne rf the- w«e, J» ^"^^^ ^^7 a^emeelT.. Ui^le ftr it. tep.yn,«A p,Tthem ot«dnA*he,0«j^W-tornR«l«yO^^ lSigi-gI)i~«»««dFinene»l^^^ of the tnn-otion 1.1 em now ■p*M>>g of it-^ • *~T^*!|1 S« norer »id enything to the opntm, oWB.dc tnihe o«e«^«d ibe G«tW-t«.~ U«^^ nntil they found their expebtotion. in wg«d ^ Uie MJ««~ "XftTcoTptty in the United SUte.. Wa ooming J «.d then they «erted thrt dl our dedingj h«i yTT^T^^^ » « ^^^^ ««"*^- helped U.«« to -I down their r«I.-iho mon,^ ^^^^^^^^^,^^ni to p.y U.. inter-t J^ went on weU enough pntil ihey '^^:^fl,'^,^^;^Z^^^i^ in . dUemm.. -Eh^- on the bond.; «d then, to u«th. ..pinion of Mr Ry^^ thought thv murt fbWltii.i' oontmot, «d do ''^f^^^T^^^'^^^ ride of the line, the, took in the «»» •-«^:^y:'^^'::l^ di-bonourOd.. w,y tb^ -right »w Mother ooune open to them. It wa rtggerted ^^^^T^r^^^,,^ 5,^*. nmWng them Ike Iomt. .toid««iiigouttheir.gre«nent,Mdwip.ont ^ ^y^"^ f^PT^^J^^^^ trtboSJof the D..«»U ttd^^"Mo.J---i -f ^'^^ ,iuo»eofth.biH.whiditb^di«w. A.Il-Te«gl««^top«,^^ iede onthe Detrdt Md MUw^iiki. B««d, fl^y AouW rt A. «d ofw^ T"" ^ Ui« d«mld draw the . bm on thrir eoJi^otor. in Engbnd to eom "^J^;;^^^. S'mS^ 2«noed,i« C«»d. money out of the Grert Wertem Ooppw.y'. <««« " J"^ ^"^i?u1JSd EetoL?2nd, 1858. jurt on. byS Commerdri B«k. I hold^i^ n^ h«d *^fi^,J^'r.>^ J^^i^^^ of tbi. Third ,i,nthdler the «nmgMne.4w..«itefed into. ^ J>J »**• ^J"^ J^^r^of W. H. P«k. M«««et of Bxobttg., Flmt «d Second of the -me tenor Mdtoounprid,^^^ rf the SSLnri B«k of Oii% ibeimn om^^ tb.Tr.-.-D.*lL<>»W?^»-^ "Of th. rigned? «aJ.B0dg-.ll«^gW««»«?^ Oomptoy, Qiedawi Hou-, Old B«»d-.tieet, lionwn, *»»»»* . ^ Mwuwipg «>4 Rnmoid : «H»Etoffl«tr»«tion. ^««?-*^f»''?»5f^':;SXri.^Jto^^ : ;■ * - "■:. t. , ' ■ ■ • , ■ . . ' '' ■ " -*' 1 1* '' ^"B - : • -■ i- . < * ' 9 K. •-. . ' « IT «W to U idiffanuM *» f w«ra to bo mi amonnt on subotlUTO me Yam until ead. . I tbink but tlto OiMt ind Roynolda lold i^TO tbeir la put of tbe uted, •ftei bU behalf of tho toniheiriotd a money to tbe ^riaredttOMr lal inthawmo itgo.iawport t^eC theea eon*' Anthem wera> tiiertbanifwo ita lepajmenti pied tbemaelTea tteiathirfipok* lntb«C!omme^ , totbooontnury )tania not fbith- «dSt»t«- "''• iieign oonntiy— pay tbe intenat ^emma. ^"T' aa tbe vieiribey a tbe line, tboy waytb^migbt a«m ibe loaeia II pieaently iJiow t fiir dl ndmoet ]emmeioial Bank r abonld diaw tbe Canada 1, 1858, jwrt one igbt of tlua Tbird a. Puk, tfuagetr I to tho aoooont of loyoa tbink it it what? "Of the Welted Bulmy Bzaetly Mr> Boita^ ^g and Financial B^,fi)r 46,000 ■telling, to be applied on tbe Detnrft and HilwaakeoBMd aeoMMl. And M>th^jBO en frmn month tomontb. For inatanoe, bare ia another dated lat Uareb, 1858. Nine^ daya after aigbt pay to order of Pftrk, aa bofore, £16,120 iterUng, which pUoe t^ D. All. aoconnt 0. J. Brydgeb, Managing. Director, (J. W: R. Co., and Thomaa Reynolda, Finandal Director. It ia addrwMkI to the London Board, in the aame manner aa the other. Here ia No. 8 of preoiaely the lame kind. It ia for X18,7S0 aterliqg ; and it ia aigned and addrewed in the ■ame way. Then cornea No. 4, dated lit May, 1868, for'X18,760 ater^iig. It ia conohed in tbe aame teima m the ptber, and aigned and addreawd in the mme way, Noa. 6, 6; and 7 are preoiaely ■imilan with tbia one ezoe^tion, that in tbe httor I notitte the wor^, « which ^hwe to the account of D. A; M. adTanoe." There were aome eight or nine of theae bilb all dijiWn by the Mlknagiag and Finance Difbotoia of the Great Weatem in Canada upon tbe London Board of Directoia of the' aame Company in^Bnglaad. Theae billa on the fiwe of them ahew that they are Arawn on aoconnt pf the Detroit and Milwaukee Bailway Company, which ia ptedady what Mr. Bom will teH ypu be bargained for. l^ey dii not come to na u puno- tnaU^aa they ought tohare come, bntwhen Aqr did arrite^ey were pltoed to the oreditof the Q'raatWeitem Company, on tbe Detroit and Milwaukee aeconqt And after gir^hl them oiedit f«r all theae billa, then atUI remained due a balinbe of npwarda of a million Of dolUra. I will now read to joi» a letter, written by Mr. Biydgea, aa Managing Director of the Qittti Weitem, and by Mr. Reyndda, aa the Fln«ncial Director of the Company, and dated ISth Deoember, 1868, 1 baTO already remarked to yon, ftote aome oaanal obaerrationo which feU from Mr. BiydgM, Mr. Beynold» or Mr. dtephena, the Secretary of .the Great Western, Mr. Ekrk aaw at the end of 1868, that they wen tryiiig by degreea to ahift tiie aooonnt from their aboulden to the Detnitand Mllwankee Bead. Mr„<>ferk, aeeing thb, ntonoe bedune alarmed, and wrote down to Mr. Bom, and Oat led to an intornew betwebn Mr. Oampbeil, Mr. Beynolda and Mr. Fkrk. At that intMVtew theae who apoke on behalf of the Bank aaid they feared that Meaan. Biydgea aAd Reynolda Ven tryinc^b) ibift tho req^naibility of tbe Gmt WMtem Cofipaay to the aboulden of the Detroit and Milwaukee C^n^any, and they wiahed thoae gentlemen to deJIne, li; meana «f a, letter, pieciBely what thwr poaition waa— What wu the original agnement or nnderrtanding-oo tbat tbey might place' it «n. record in the Bank, and ihna nmore aU flirther donbt on the matter. Tbkt waa netr about the end of the first year's traiuaetionB. /The ^oot of that intenriew waa to eaU forth the followbg letter >*- > I* Omat WiantH^ Rahwat, "Hamimoh, Canada Wmt, '■ " ■■*■ ■ » ■ ■ ■ "1ft* "W. H. Pabk, Esq., . ' - - < ' : . ** Commereiai Bank. "DiAB Sib, '* With nfanneo to the oonTcnttion wfaieh took pliee yiaUiday between yon and Mr. Ca„.|,„«.. -™ «,. Reynolda, upon the aubjeoi of the DetroU.and MUwaukee Railway 9ompany'B account with the Commewial Bank, we beg leaTO'to^ state tbat tbO Gnat Weatem Company bolda itself liable to the Commercial Bank fiw all oTerdraft on the D/and M. Compby'a aooouqt with the aaid Btak. "TbisiaquitoundoirtoodbynsrbntaayouejtpnMed nwiahto bav«itpla«edoaneotd,w«9oirdo«» , by mean) (>f tbia letter^ >: . » ^-^ "Our D. and M. i»l^a wen so^^y disouNed between yon and Mr. Reynolds yeMorday, tbat w« do not deem It neoesnu^ to advert to them^now. , j *:*./>"'...' ^' ■"" > . ''WoareidenrSiri ^ ,.'':, '-^ ■ ' ' ' » .. ■ — ' ■ ■■". " ' ' •- -■■ -"Youn wytmlyv .- •■ ' •. ":,■■■'. - «C. J. BBYD0B8, , V '"MMagiHffD%rielor,G.W,S.Co. .■'■ . r^ > "TH08. BBnrOLDS, ■ % » ' ** f^lKonee Director, O.W.Xi. Co." In that ktteB'you iriU peiceiTa that ^facae gentlemen My— "We hdd-^that ia, the Gnat Wcatern Gob. pany) hold.-ouBekM liable to tho CdfOneioial Bank for aU adnnoM and orerdnft on tbeS. awl M. aoooanf* 1868. ipbell and Mr. \ \ .V - «ji^ i • Y-: i.i .. . Mr M.O.OA«i«oM-Batwhei>jottM«I»wtM>ri . S th« tok«p down 1>«-!?«* :Z:imrth"fJjTe tb^ B^^ Wter , .«d on tbo faith of the letter Ltheywe«,ot going to .bift f f ^*'*^^*J,£; Wn«^Uiingupon wWcbl need further comm'.t. ST-HSntlriidloWt^ toproeeedv I .mnotv«"^ ^ U.^.nc«whiobwaibeoffercdne^noibej^e2lon^.^ ^ ^^_ The arrangeminU. . to aT.»lew word.. But the wm total "^ '*''*!^J*jr^" V:^,,„i hayo repreaentod them) andiueh 5|I XT«dj«rt«rh.t.deaorihedU,e%.ndihed^^^^^ Ih.,e not wSJdii^. « •«>" " *• "W»'« » 8»"« **?? f iL^lTlS! toSv On tliat head, all I oan »y ^'ent r^e line of defence .hieh I»^tand ij^^^ 2^«hi.evideno.,wh.«hiidrf,nc.b; jiO^ b^^^^^^ ^-'-^^f ^' SL^SL^^^S^ tbecorrectne«of-l»h,Iha. iHongbt under yow^w»^- ' , : .' ;• - , :\ " S- ,wantf^mMr.Br,dge.ib.r«K>hUioaofibo Oe";"J M-^« "J^^^^^^ lOotobe^, 1857, and at which the advance yf X150,000 atorung-w y HonJ.HCAiUEOn— t iVcBtem ahaieholderB, held on I Mr. Bijdges in London. j; .^ / .. . ' "'^^ ^^ ^ ^^ /^^ ' ji mJ M GOawboii— Wedonotprodnoeit » X; • v'^/ 18Ui Ble^mber, 1867. ": \ / H' oop' Boi it. , itw vvi » of I *and ^ \ ' *refo *7 ! mad oatic ' Han .,S He the; eotti that Thei throi then ber ( infoi A— main togc r«ki that ■ ,,. ■ ■, .' \. ■. . f* \ 1 ' 1 • 1 . f "•t \ 1 4 T» ','•, — - t - ■' Ar _ • . J».f. - r^ ijM-i . - 'fp^t'^^f^ id" blohitdoM effetiof it ' Great We»- kdentood by Here, then, ■ nnderttood Byj"were«» Iverttothem, ■ . Paikonthe ~ of the Bank, so u to ahew 1 of the letter heroominent. a tell his story arrangements :. em) and inch , I have not ° l,allIoan»y L Their only . delJ9nce.» Ai, ay no more on mhehaat^ven iated with lumi IB advanced by may be offered, liing and exMn- rallthatlhav* ing of the Great 00 sterling -waa I do not wanC to i«ll be compelled^ (lAiighter.> (Jtenew^ Ungh- 857, teoeived by no reply.]. Very and dated. » .ii Mr. M. 0. OAMBiQir— We will prodnoe i(, bnt we obJMt to its admissibility. Hon. J. JI. OAMUON-^And the letter of the 28th Deoember, 1867 ; or in defiviU of the original, » eopy. Also a letter of the 86th Deoember, 18&7— one firom Measrs. Brydgas and Reynolds to the London Board, and another firom the London Board to thorn. Mr. M. C. OaMuon— We have not the original. " ^on. J. H. OAimoM^Then, we will take a eopy. Mr. M. 0. OAMUOii— No { yon will not take a copy. Yoq have , not snbpcDnaod the officer who has got it., Itb in^gland ' lion. J. n. Oahbkor — Bnt it is onr right to have it here. I want also the reply of the President and No. 14 U Direot(fTB of the Great Western Railway to the Oommittoe of Investigittion. I desire a copy of No. 14 on""* Kenly the notioe, on the ground that the oiigbal is in EogUnd, and Ihoy do not produce it. I therefore request ri>cte neoessaiy toTtake these steps in refennoe to the Detroit and Milwa\^eeJiner A.—1[«g,m. The matter ia referred to in the letter of the ^Ith of January. Apn'x e-^ut this was befoM January, We will come to the letter presently. Did Mr. Reynolds at that time jj!! 47 make any»verbid proposition to you in regard to opening a spcdU account; J.— He said it would be neoessary ' toget a apeeial credit for the 1). and M. line itselt « ^ ^.^rDid he then make any written appUcation, or was it merely a verbal application which you younelf nferra^ writing' to Mr. Ross at the head office f A— I told him thatj had no authority to give orcditsi but that rwould refer the matter to Kingston.' ' . ; - ' * » ' ".jyptSV'*": T* vy'''-^ ' ' V ' ^ WJ-V IQ J- ■ <■- V '^ Snffdteadjpionownoed^agMnst opening" j, ^.^1 wm .^Jotedtopaythecbennes. I did n»t « . ^ J ^ -„ . Aeok for IJO.OOO. -«ow t-.he oould flion of tbi» mi^de. But Ids said tbat to comp»Oie» 'g office ibey tbia point •© Iway Acoonn* Jin, M* ba*- BdMil«*«k<» was iutmetod ,kforUO,000. re amble M> ^ pleue, **« tl** ibetfotiE2,500. imiltOD office, in Ae fint entry of »«.B»ydgeiwd ^it AcitowU,". ^ in wblob the Mr. U. C- Camiron~Iii it in your bud-WfiliDgf Hon. J. II. CAte^HON— No; but I will pruvo tho ontry Ity tha oUirk wbo made it. thi» ia.tbo da^^uok, altd tho entry w«a male In the day-book in the regular order in which llr. I'ark wa* reading it. Mr. ;M- 0. OAMnoN-~Bnt yo^i^«e no right to read it. He cannot nay aa a fact that lie paid tho tiionoy. Hon. J.' n. Oamuon— Yea, fJO'^e a right to read it. We hare a porfoct right to read any entry in our booka Iwaring qn thia tnknaaotion. I anbmit to hia Lordihip that tl>oro can be no quoatiun on that point. Mr. M. 0. OAMBRON^-But you cannot prove yonr caae in that way. Hon. i. H. Oahkron — Moat certainly. It ia part of the re* gettee. We have ahewn (ho amount of the ^ohcquei We will now prove by the boollk-that it waa banded in by the company and paid in tho UMual way!. Tho learned Jddoi (to the witneaa)— How wa« thia cheque entered in the boolia ?— A. It waa 'entered— . " 0. W. li R.— D, & M. aoo." . Hon. J. H. CAMKEON^What ia the meaning of " 0. W. R. R.— D. it M. aoo. f " ■ - '^ Mr. M. 0. Camiron— All that you can ahew ia that (hd elerk made tbi« particulars!^. . The learned JopoR — 'But be can certain^ uae it in hia oaao. , ' ': '^^r'-^ | ? lion. J. n. Camkbon — I will now aak tWe witneaa by whoae ordora waA the ontry Mlde In thia particular way? >1.— The ebeque waa ordered to bo paid by mo, and it waa ao paid by u^r^uthijS'ily. Tbeae dircotiom were made by me in eonaeqvenoe of the arrangement entered into between Vir. lQ|oaa and myaelf. .1 explained to the teller, and told him how to make the entry. . / / Q. — Then that oocount waa carried on without any Airtber memorandum from tho day>book to' the journal, and iVom the jonrn«l to the ledger. How ia the account entered in the ledgerf yl.— It'iathe fint itfm whieh waa carried through into the ledger. The entry in the ledger ia "December 80th ....X2,'60O." And tho beading of the aoeount ia " Detroit and Milwaukee ace.— QrMt Wutem Hallway." Hon. J. H. Oamuon (to Mr. Irving)— I now want your paaa-book with the Bank in reference to tho fiiat Roeonnt. [A book vaa produced.] (To tho witndaa)— Have you any meaUa of knowing to whom tho firat cheque waa made payable f A. — Ihairebot. , ;• . > /., \, .^^,.:,.^. >..... ■.......„,.:.;::... f, ,;:■.. il App'x (ao«) pag« 121. Apri'x aVs, iM,) page 109. App'x Pa»110. \ S.' •;. / / •■•«» IB ito. SI page Inn # -M,, oM of wWA I *"> ff '^ plident :" wd oo4oUniign*d ^J »*• ^""J^m p«t in one of thorn m • Kdent; Thorn- lUjnoW. J' ^/^^SliU ^„ .^^ o»h D«^'»»«'' PJj^J, i" J7, taT)«.ember, IBOS- «u thero My oh«nge In the m»w ,^^^ . , ^^ „k., 186» took phwo ? I-wk •* n._Wh«t WM that »»^f' r" . ^^ ^j^ Qw»t W«tern. _ . i„ ^e month, » ^nx.'^Si !.»-»-.«»— ^-^';:rrt:^« '• -a... . . 0._ItirMiiioonMqu««»ofih»a»»«»* jv.«t«8it that totenlew. . ^_^ . »!„ ««„u»t?-^'w- •»*•?«. •»''"' ^^^^ ^..^tttion ; b«t it w- quit« SSZl ih.t the Great ^e-ten. were r«^-W-^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^, ^„t ^J^f J^fe^ , b»Mr.C«npbeUt6bep«tUwnUng,i^«i«J^ ^^^^ '^f w« ther«:,i»ung .t^^jj'» 'J^: te letter w- given quite tolunUr.^. ^ ^^ .^^. did not bold ihen»elve.^re.poM*te T -*' »\ ^^ 3 ^gea and Reynold., or e,Aer of tne ^ Q.-^mendidyo^Tecei,ct^«^.n,^<''^a^^ ^^W, 'itLTliote «d ■epe The raiN . folio ^1 then ■^ ; want Ther ■'54 WO8 re««h the 1 'C eioh ■ w, " f * , yy ^■-'^■ roo.] On |i(lnDinK of Iway Com- r. Brydg«i, . The&nt r thorn u » »ber, 1808- ,««>-No*» •nd leclK«ri iilboiitod by iT Look *t Then wu laynoldi, Jlr. , Mltiio«l«dg- . tbe month, ft a1 (Umding of liiok. At it mkdean lade to you is red Iwd yo« *» j^Mt. Q«mp- tra and had tho nnn^oned that [ he dodMid Mn ing. _ upon irhioh tho % ma the leaoltoi oenied,keptaait jbntitTraaquite opened waa •*«* r with Uio lequest, the Proat Western iitherofthem,inti- •count? il-The llM head ofioe and • * ■ " ■ a ■ ■■■ 'v^ ... . ■■ '^'v -. ■■:. ^ ■■■■•' ■*••" ■■ ■. ■ •'■?^-. ■ ■■■■■•■■ ■ . ' ' '"'^ :■ ' ' . 'Meiib.. :i^dK<>« and lUynolda, a(W N/. Bry^ ntaroMl firom f.ngtand in the hll of lAM). Bat IheM nfttK^uen never deuied iheir rwpoiMibilitjr to me. liwidm, Mr. Bomi lold m« thai they daaiwi their liability. I IkktoKOiad anjr oommuDioaUon penonallj with Matin. lirjrdKwi and Reynoliia on the •ubjaot. " ~Q^h» the paM-book lettiaR forth the drafta on the H«nk waa Bnalljr made up, what win (ht hakDoe wliioh «ras4ne to the Bank T A,*-l think that at the time tho Bank itoppod tho account, tho ndTtnooa amuunled to about 1740,000— or wmething like that. ' Hon. J. II. Gammon {prodneinK i book)— Thl» ia the rtoeipt-book for the vonohen, eomwpondiaR with the paaa-book up to that time, Tho book oonUiiyi the reoolpta for retamod ohoquen Iwiad bj both oonpaniea op to 0th January, l«flO. Doea not thb inolnde all the tMehem on tha t)etroit and Milwaukee aeeountf It includea all the amMlnta, I believe, that the Hank vUImod fi«m tho Ureat Weatero, eieopt tJUO,000 on a aeparate aooonntf ./l.^I read Jn the reeeipt-book — , . 'K\ I . "Ilco'd vouohora to 6 Jan'r/^ 1800, ' ^ For Great W. lUilwaj Co. andvD. * M. aee. . "MioiiAit Jot." ' The learned JuDa*-What ia the halanee W the paM-hook f— A. It ia •743,270 92. Hon. J. H. Oammou— What ii the meaning of the r^OO.OOO addiUonair ^.—That 1200,000 wu » aeparate trantaotion, whieh, if jou pleaae, I will explain. . > ©.— Do aof ^.— In the ipring of 1859, the hfnk pteaaed Moiara. Brydgea and Reynolda fur^^xohange. The bank, jou must underaUnd, oovera ila account in London in the apring of the jear. KiehaM^ was pro. miied by Moaars. Brydgea and llojrnolda from time to Ume to the end of 1868, and up to April^etMay in the followingyear. Tho railway poopio, however, gtvo ua to uadenUnd that it iru not oonveniei^to draw upon them Just then, and they uked the board to poatpbne the Ume for making tho paymenU. Boitheni waa money wanted in tho spring, »Bd instead of giving money, they gave bonds of t|^e Groat Weatern^ilway for 1200,000; There was an equal amount in notea of tho Detroit and Milwaukee which Mr.Uosa took wjthhim down to New York. C — The bonds were two in number, 1, believe, of 1100,000 each J A.-^ho "whole amount, I know, was »200,000. I do not know if there wore two bonds of 1100,000 each, Jiiitl believe thero were. -^ '." ■mik' J T^*^^P»S^*c^' SO '/» I ■ ( o****- T UnA ihl. «nlrj :-" Mqtod«y. l»* ^*'!'''!wr dnA on tho London Do«df 0- W. It » «d^t.iW,0MitB@0y;»'j;'5,fc^bUUCh.ndlngwllne«w^^ , Hon. J. H. CAi«»oM-JwV»w " • . "^'*^'*^ \ ',MofthuiThitdorK.ohange(Fir.t ,, -r£;-i^'^sso,w.on..n.o.a.c. ..c..«vj^^X. Ye,; the g«»«" v v. V „f it . m«no»ndam in wy i nLt W«tMB B«l«»y Company- . ^^ , ^ _t «4d on the back of >t a ^^^^ _^ ig^g » / s W. Ye,;tho««"^i"8Mt.^''"'^t ' ' v v. V „f it . menowndam in wy owiibwdwriUn^M^ow.:- »^ ■■■' '■■■ ■—.,?, : '- ■' . !■ '/fttf-i #■ ■'■,:■ ....••,■•. .■'■'■ ' ■ '• ■" / :,.>^- K' • ;>. /" ft it |« th« OD* BUiboHvMl IkitroU wd a p«nBUted irpoM Ihoy tot -A.-I f<]er « Coin- pluie to M00un» : -r \g Diretior. .DS, -'3, #,r' gay whotber or not Tboro b. boweveri ,e, IbolieyoT A — otrd of DireotoM of mimotanaam in my on 8tb June, 1859. h to • " MDiDonndam of (b« linbiHliM and iMto of th« oCt W«ttni and Datroil and MiliraukM Kailiray " Cofflpany'a to 8 la DMfmbtr, l8flO." Tbo loul amount rf tho liabilitiM U Mt du»o at |Ha),7)(0 1 aad (h« total aaa«U at |],0Aft,0OO. Q.^Vw what did yon raoaivo tbal ttatomant f if .—Ii wa« pat in to ahaw what )bt SoMtial ooadiUoa of Iho roada would b« on lb« 3|it Daoai^W, IH&O, on both aooounto. ■ were made weekly. 'hwIIT, Croaa^ianlaed by Mr. M. 0. OAMWOH-Yon aay, Mr. P.H(, that tha laoonnt of tha Oreat Waatorn rJJml* Railway Company with tha Commeroial Dank waa oponed in AuKuat, IH67 I ^.— About that time. l''|.',','*„ ^^ ^— Had the Oroat Weatorn lUilway Company any ipeoial form of ohe<|ua on which thoy ohwiued out •'"' ■'""'y t their funda t \l..^)r^oourae they had. I can ahow you the form if you like. v'xwJ^' .-Wcro you told in December, 1857, what Wasit that timo tho amount? yl.— I hav^ bo diitinot rooolloctjon. But it jrnn aappoeod fa be largo. * Vw «;>.— Was it not 8000,000 or $760,000 r A— T cannot aay anj n?r^'"'" "'i/'^u"!'!'' '**"' **• ^°"' *''•' '•'' "*•* P^^" y^" " atalettcnt 6t tho kmonnta which tho Detroil and Milwaukee wouW probably require during the year 1858, and of tho manner in which it wax propoeod that thoaoadvancoaahouiabomot? 4— U»"o no reoollection of receiving auoh a atatomont dh«.?7 ^"" '"'" """'^ '*'1"' ~°"!J *° ^' ^^ ' ^-^I "«»y •»»'« "l""- ■<>» »" "inoo for- det.iUnT^''^ ^"T ^'^\ """J '"^^^'PO'^"* oiroumstanoc as that when yottypretond to remember littlo *rta.U pf convcrsaUoDS ? ^.-I do ^ remember about the statement of wl^jcb Joii.^peak, but I Ue good teawm to Koolleot the oonToraatiou. "» J ,^i~«. «"«• ' nave gooa 4. '^■^ T / K .L ' *JiA«. ^ .£ Ai ,/' to Kl«u*« ./ ■■ ■. r •r lh« m«iio«ddom. - ■'"■^--> I'lViiiHwllTT' tato b.»wMn Mr. R«,n«IJ» "d Mr, Ir.ijl-tth.ooi.t.n-Uonqult-w-11 ^^ <,i,«,B.Uno. ! ^ —A""' "• '"."''5'^; »«,,^m,nU were not b.«.dup<«.n,p.rtio«l»rdo«»^^^ ^_I» - •%'!!j\„pp^,ourB.n*W.r,.«io«.toget.hUacco«-tT-4.-Ye.)HW-.««o^^ Bo.JlofDir«^r.ofa»Ore.tW-..rnlUilw.,i.refcr.o«.»«tk.m.iUrr A the bMi> OD which »he «eoant U founded. r«moroi«l Bank, wm there not » minuU of <^.-Whcn the ««.t We..^- opened thi, a,««« «;ihj*»^^^^ U« ttLk on the .object oommunictcd to 50* ? ^-I do -» "^^Imv i«pr«ion U, tb.t.Mr. Ro«, the <,._Wlth whom hMA you the conespoadence «»;»'« "«»»J;«»^ j^^ J ^nLl. to the Con.H«r*W Bank. oormpoBdenoo nbont il. . ,;•.;.. '# were wbni •flur Ihay -^ ,nienn lUblfl nilwi 'to HI or th Ihene fW|U< onoo I ■ome Iihoi ( lodgif ( OODDO Th«p i you Ic with J thiin < Dotroj ^^r^ -I / € 7 1),0w o*«r WM lUted, I woohl b« , I I «n «»■ x» iit WB«W ' A My th«4 • ininil "ll *•»• «dT il— I* ' (M)0 orodit. (1 lo UM U 00 Bank nith the n feferenc* to. lot » nisuta of lero w«i not. nmoreitl Bank.- # Q.— t prMum* yuu u««ar lookail apon th« Dirtmil •■. and M. (!ow|May. V — Thaf yav nuat alau hava knuwa that thay had a dUinot aat of oAaeia, ai«apt that aoiaa of Ihaai wara aba dfloara of tha Uraat Waatan f A'—\ hallara thay warn aat eSaani of tha l»atraU and Milwaukoa whan tha annoant wm opanad v.— 'Whan did thay boooma uAonra of that (Company f ^.— I aadaraland that U WM • fbort tlm« •flarwanb. , ■ V — IHd yon «ft addraaa Iheao KonlliHiian aa ofleara of Iha Uatrirft and Mllwaakaa f A.-^tm, t \^\\m* lliay wan oooaaWnally addraaaad in that way. Q,—\\»m oama you to addraaa ihaiii la luoh f /<— Ho (kr aa I nwiill«nt, In tho oarly part of iho ao>y did you thimk the (Jrawt Woalam warn llahlo for thtwo notaa F yf ,«%f|io MptM war* bitniKhi to ma by Mr. UrydKea o» Ir Heynoldn. .Mr. Hoa/wroto to ini>, I tliitik it waa in i»a8, to got tlio authority of the (ir«)at Weatorn W tbeon. Tliat ia to aay, t||||f'tba Cirvat VVeittara ahuwlJ inaka iUolf ranponaibla for thaaa nol«a, aa wall aa fwr thv ganeral aooount. ^ V.—IWd yoH jgat that authority f y|.— No. 1 waa going un to 1^1 yott what took pkco. I mada a ta(|uaat lo Mr. Ilry^gaa or Mr. Raydolda. Q. Did yott 1*0 it in'wrlting f /l.—No; I do noUhi'nk I did. Q. I ahould havo thuU(;ht you miKbt havo doiin ao, coniidoring that you wore rather f.)iid of oorronpond. 0000 f , A. — All I know ia, that I madu tlio r«<|U°e«t, and that I took down Ihoir tuvw in writing. That waa aoma tiipa In 1858. T hava aeon that anawor ao aa to rofVtMh my miMnuil^. - ^.— Have you that nioinorandum now T /I.— I have not. . ^.— Where did you leave it f yl.— It ia with my papcra in Montreal. ' > iijk V —And what waa your objeetin now ooaattltiDga memoraadui» made three yearn agof .il.->l^MacJ 1 ahould b* taked all aorta of quoatiou. . , .— Why did you prefer brinf^ng a copy to the original f A.— There waa a great maaa of i>apera oonneotod with Iho original, and I eould not bring it. It waa embodied io a private letter to the head office. Tha private letter book I havo atill iii my poaaeaaion. I have eontinued to keep it with a view to thia trial. ^.— When did you leave tha liahk r j4.— In Auguat, 1801. .. <^.— Waa there anything aaid about thia nk at that Umef it.— I think there wan ^ your private corroapondonec. Now how ia it that you did not put that alao in your publio eotreapondanoe f A.—i have only to regret that I did not do ao. ' ().— Did yon wit addrciM a majority of the leUera you aont to'Mr, Reynolds aa the Viee-I^resident of thf Detroit and MUwaokee Railway Conqwny f i.— Yea, I proaume that a majority if tham were ao addreaaed F Z. \ n ^ I # TT .^^ -< ''■::■'■' Wtk' !^V^''y: .i< U.„j^ Q.^H^^^ri^ZtZ^^^^'"'' "^r r'twdEtti-w^id^ which. ; Mt M. G. Oa»»»«o"— "" - " ^.— And you swear to that r ^. »«»> * ^.„.--' O.^When was that? A-^-It was la *o ^.-Wereihey.«r»lredih««5^^ J^ • , e._Toalargeamonntr ^-1&^^^^ X_N,^, n., lord. I The learned JDDOi!.—waa It for any pw our onatomem. . . . .»!.:«» »nnV nlaca in the feU of 1-858 with a tiew of getting a note in wimuH - Railway Company. _ . - ^^ wpreaentatiTeB of the Detroit and Q^And did you previonBly oon«der them 1>^«' "^"^"^ ^ „, whether Meaara. Brydgea and ^ .^. J;:t:: miaLeratandme. ^« JJ-^^^'^'^^SS^I^el^g tobuUdi^^^^ B^ nolda w«e good for, I think, the aum "^ »2^'"^- . ' ' ""4":^ to tow 1300,000. He therefore deair ;;rhe^UrViee-P««dentof aB«k .:■/■■;•:"- / ?» Q.— And I anppoM yon are awaM, alao, that the Oommenial Bank paid oonpona on tho bobda of the Ddtroit and Milwaukee Railway r ^.->Ye«. me chequea) and there ia no official deaignation that I can Bee?A„„., jl.-r-Yea; the ateamboat chequea were like theae. ^ (178, 17«), Q.—Vfu there any change in your mode of doing buaineaa with the Detroit and Milwaukee Company'*** '"'• about the Umo that thia letter waa written I A.— I am not aware ^t anything definite waa done. There waa uo intentional ohango I am very BUTO. ___ — _^;--Kd they do more buaii^eaa then f A.— Yea ; the account inoreaacd rapidly. e:-=Dinryou.reoolIect the opening of an agency of your bank at Windaor? ^.— Yea. I think it waa in theyehrl858. But I a«not aure on thia pout. • «.— Waa it not after the date of the letter of the 16th December, 1858 T A— I cannot exactly recollect My prennt impreasion ia, that it waa about the beginning of 1869. € ~^"" ^'^ «9 olMogo that took place in oonacquoQce of that ? .4.— Thero waa an account kept at the WindaOr branch, tl. .T ©.—Waa there not a traffic account kept there t A— I bellve there waa Qi—And were there not paymenta made there on traffic reoeipta f A.— I believe so. But I knew it only by hearty. ' ^©.— But you brought them in at Hamilton, did yoonot? 4.— No, I did not bring them in. Thiao ^ gentleman made an arrangement with the branch at Windsor, bearing upon the accumulation of traffic there. " The G«sat Western ahra had aome anangement with them. After a time memoranda were iaaued of tho ** eredita made, and these were given in at Hamuton. ©.-rrThen you knew aa a fact that the depoeita carried into the 'Windsor office were credited at the offico in Hamilton? .i.-^Yea. » ©.—And how did yon make that Great Western moneyf 4.— I did not mako it Great Western mopoy. ©.—But yon carried it into the aeconnt as Detroit and Milwaukee money 7 .4.— Yes. They told us to do so. The only account we had Waa the D. and M. account, which I have already explained. ©.—As I undersUnd the operations at Windsor, whenever the traffic receipts tbeinmoeeded the expen- diture on account of the road, the balance would be carried from time to time to the cre^t of tho account at • the office at Hamilton, .4 —Mr. Reynolds or Mr. Brydges gave me the instruotiona. (^ ©.—I suppose yon never applied to any of the other officers of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company about the matter ? - A.—l considered I had nothing to do with any of the other officers. ©.—If you had made snob an ^plication I presume you would have recollected it ? A.— It is just the ■ same in principle — . . v ©.—Never mind the principle, answer my question. 4.— I do not, I cannot pretend to recollect letters Anything that appears in writing there is qo necessity for my recollecting. ©.—Did you writs |o any other officer of the Detroit and Milwaukee ? 4.— I do not recollect. # -s^fe^ t.=»T*C ^1^ -P36t"^'iC* / • ■/ •■ ■H tua wft»«>o« •» page Bo. ^pugeior 1 'p,gel07, Q._-yMi win •••»»•»» . 4_-Now»*"**'^**^ M» M.C.GAiimo!!— >*•»»•'" , i ^No, I did not. , ,„ " O -Wo W no oveidrt^ ** J™*" -^^ ^ wfened to. ^ Wmdwr. ' , X:Juppat papar f ^.-^No, it waa Bot'-^ It WBB taken on tenaa whioh an explainad ia tha oomapoiidaDoa CD thO aabjeoi . ' Q. — Then you do leeoHeet the ciroamatanoe of theae notea beiqg Kot f A:—Yt», ,, * 9. — And do 70a ramember anj q»plioation being made to the Oreat Weataln Ooqpanjr fbr ita bonda ai ooUatMral aeourity 7 -^ — Yea. • Q. — But why did- the Bank take the bonda of the Great Weatern aa eoUateral aeonrity for this paper which vou Bay waa in the b«>ds of private individuala? A.— Vis. Roaa thought that the loan oonid not be raiaed •n New York wtthoot BuOh ooUateial leonrity. • <;^.— Why take the notea of the Detroit and MiHraukee for a debt due by the OrMt Weatern t A. — ^They were not takeA for a debt dae by the Great Western. Q. — If these notea weio paid, to whoae oredit would they go? A. — If they were paid, there would be an /'■•■J aBd4oth«l». ■-■■•■- .■••■ ^ \. ■ ^ '--^ ...^y ■ \ ■ ■ .' : - would go to somebody's oredit f A.~l suppM^ to the parties' credit in Now York, you are aware of the fact that the Comnieroial Bank has changed its poaition niaterfally in accompanying these notes ? A. — Yes. * Ibrkt urangemilnit waa to take the not^ and return the bonds^ 4'— ^Yea} when the notea •. t>»'. ■'._'>■■ '','":-■ ;"-■■ ■■■■,.. 9.— And thtiy afteinntfda maintained that they were not to return the bonds ? 4.— Not until the notea were paid.- ' . . Mr. M. 0. GAhkbon (to the counsel for the plaintiffs) -^ I would like to have the letter faom Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Park of the 28th Mayj 1850. Hon. J. H. Gamkkon. — Here'itia. You shall have it. ^» Mr. M. C. GAMsaoN (to -the witness) — Just look at thia letter, and see if it is a letter ydu received fVom Mr. Beynoldii ? A- — It is. I have seen the letter before. Mr. M. 0. OAMEBON^Read it, please. . % '^ WjTNKSa read the letter. '^ Mr, M. G. Gahebon—I believe yon thought at tliat time that Ifr. Reynolds had overdone himlMslf ? At least I have a littf^ note from yon to that effect Now, did you getKef4. (109), ])■(;« 7S. App'i (122), page 60. ^&\ :f";v .itPW- i ». - . . ^ .v-t ^ ■ ; ft^I oViMrr«llty», » j^ ji rfgbt in thai ledger, wa « i^- , notp«,perl, brought forw«d J'^^'f^loi proA »~»« » **»' °*" ^^"^ jlXe of :tbe t'*l^*5l'rj;g: iuTe ledger! >,-! »W-k -o. , i. ^ ^ <^.-You»y tht the entn« «e j* ng , ^ 5.-N0W to turt to that y «j^*jy ^„t tt, know? " • ^^^ j. ^l„ ^iTN«».e»oLng to «'««>^>^X Portion of the ^^-^ing rcKUng to the G^a^W^^ ^^ ^^^ Mr. M. C. CA»»o«-Yo«»y ^^ ^JJ Milwaukee. Now, I want to know if tn ihan that hating re erence toj^^"^^ ^^^y ^,„ i„ tWs old 1^^^^^ ^ttenat*e»meUmer^^^«..J.J^„^,^ . -..^ ;. „„ a.ffer ^.—Then its amallneM maKee no ui p'x p^WO. *). n-Theniteamallneee^ni^eBuu— ^ , - .. . ^-T think not I ^ eoie^ly opened. .^^^^^,y^^^ Mr.Eooi.M-Thati8.^pw-i«~ n5« Mnerdly the ouBtom to ^ WiT«M»-Ye.. _ _ . ^; ^T ^._No *ery great while. It « generaU, « If n Pamkron— How long o'" nii»"»> . • ri^fL^i^Aetimeof *efirsVtr.n«j«on^^^^^^ r Th Jr«^-r«nTr.tand that that W^ ''"^;t^^f ^^^h^p.rp^.k•'^^^ Hon. J. H- l^AMBBun „i»n«MV-Did jou Bofrecewe the .dook ow» " ,, '^^. i^Sig mot kep^ Mi. M. -0. CAM1 tlMN. I hare direeted an •fa^ni^tlob t(/he made at th« oiBoe, aqd' th«r book b not to be fpiknd. / ^ wm »^ mailer book .than tbia. . m th»begfnning. * .V' • Q^—l aak jdtheentry of cheqneaiajit Mr. Criaweira handwriting. V. ''^ ; ' >* '0*^7on aay that tihere waa a diatinct paaa-b6ok kept for the Oreat Wwtero Raiiway ^hmaaotiona f s ^o^ ''^'\ tm. ■■■■..■-'■■..,,■■■" Q, — ^Willyon look at tbeae'cheqnea (handing witneaa* nnmjber ef «hei|aea) andaee if iihey are cheqneaA{ttu[x oJfthe Great Weatem, and if that ii the way in which the Qi^t;wreBtem ohe(^iie«fere diawnf iL^yea;<_jJ^|5'L that ia t&o way in wbich the Gaeat Weatem cfa«|nea were generally drawn. -- , \ ^ Wixi. . . iff- — Arnd yDn° wonld hare no heaitation in paying, I «lfould bopef, that the' other cheqnea produced here to^, witji^ Heaara. Brydgea and Reyiioldal Ugnaturea imohed as.officen of, the I^troit and Milwaukee Railway, were not'the Great Weatem Bailwi^'oheqnear I 4. -^W hat I wonldaay ia'tWt% were notin the Great W«^atem No. 1 acop^^t.' . ,*' ' • ■ . v* '■ .-^■■'.v','' .'' .,'.;'• • (0.— How ia U that you i^rwwrdasaoceptlgd the I)«^|t«BdMilwankee~oheqtiea7 Hmt ilit Hhat you * x allowed the ohMg^ to be made 7 A— There^oliango made.-^v. - .■■ .' , ,' ' * V €•— But how waa it that there iwera diatinct, cheq^' drawn t ^.^-^^n the aame principle that ran • through' the whole trannaion. Therawera^ be ^tiq,ct dqoumentfL of ere^ kind/ao aa to prevent confusion in.the aocountfi., ^ » * , "P ^ *..' ^ ' , ' ., ' ; ' «' ther that oftbeDetrpitand Hilwaukee'Compapy? .4'~Vea. ^^ ,' * : ' .' Q.rV-Now, first aboq,t the time that^heae ne,w fthequea were first used; I fwlieTe it is a fact that a change had been mad^ in ralation to the tn% acoount^of 4|te Detroit and Milwaukee 7 A.— Yea ; there waa an office ' ' opened in «(Anectira with the ^k«t-WiDdaor3where depoait^ were made and duly entered. Q;^It was about ibis Ume, alsoy^hat yoijt aaked for the letterof guarantee 7 4.r-kt waa nofa letter of 'gUMan^e, buta letter of aoknowledgm«iint.- , • , , C-^ilt jou call it ^ %ter of guarantee J 4!— It waa called a letter of gnailantee for a time, it ia'trae. ,' . ^— And you found it to \^ a nwtter rf aome consequence to m'aktf the ohaiigeT' Do'you recollect atriking a balance ofthia account in December, 1,858 f'' That «m the only time, I believe, that you brought down the balancea-^that you made « rest md began anew 7 4.— It Iraa diw^ by the Book-keeper. . I did not doit^ , ■ ■. ■■,».'■"■ ■ -, .' '■ -r ■' ■ ' ^\. - - : C.-— Do you not recolleot thait you' went on^aflejwards oharging^the'rnmpsum represented by the balance againat the Detroit and Milwaukee Compitfiy7,' 4.;--The acoounta- were enable uato charse the . intereat.. ''.-,•' '''''■'■"•'■'':■.■■. 's , - ,■ ■ ''./■■ .' ,■ •_ 'm % (To the ,©.— -Do yon not find a balance brpnght down 7— a balance of $362,000 oi» the Ist December 7 leaaned Judge)— This, your lordship will find charged in the partl6ulars, Ist I^c&ber, 1262,000. • ' The learned JupoB— Yes, I see it is ao charged.- On %e Ist Deoeml^r they strack a balance, and . afterwards carried on the 1262,000 against the Company. . \' - Mr. M. C. Camkbon (to witness)— Was it you 1*0 charged.tbis balance of »262,000 to the Detroit Milwaukee Company 7 • , .^ ' , , H, WiXMU»-On th« lat December^ 1858 7 I otaflind no auoh baUnoe atntok in tbia bojok! '•1' .*■..'• ■ , , '•• „, * • • . „ f ' ' ..1... ,, I « "•',.■ ■ ■; • ' » t * e i. Beynolds^ whio at that timeasked for the renewal- fit these tdOfOOp ttotea. (To witness)— You see that at thattiiiie tho proposition came from^ont A.-—t wiahed'to have the information to send to Kingston. ' ' ^ H, 9 -^And I suppose that thja dearly jras a Detroit and Milwi^ukee Raill^y Company^s tiranaaotionj A. — -^^ -Yea ; I understood that tbe nogoeiation was for thd Company at that time. ^. ((^.^— Just look at thia letter (producing anotRer letter) and say whether that is npt.apothec letter written [- by you to Mr. Reynolds as Vioe-Preaident of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway ? .^.^>Ye8-^ 'It is dated 2l8t October, and it speaks of e;cohange. ' \ > ' i Mr. M: 0. Cahkron read the letter. : V^ v - App'x lilt. M. G. Cahkron (tavritne8s)~'D<< jon reoolleot getting on anjg other oooasibn a bond of the Greatp«g« w. Western Rulway Cominny for 1100,000, on aooount of the Detroit and Milwauk«<> Rulway Company, ib lieu of exchange t A. — Mr. Irving shewed me just now one that we had aa collateral security for a disooont Mr. M. C. Cahkron— Did yon not get one abaolntely f ' ,, M*. iBTDich— In Febnuuy, 1859J A ' ' ' \ /■ ■r -■•V ^;^I wut to kiiw J^J 'l^TwitOT debt T A.^l «PP«» the uot« were «« j^ _7. .-!_.„» M, Cmobell for WOO.OW. w »"»•»» pige lOJ. page 98. pagaiM. ^«, ^_i »i.k H I. . ,^jj^i:s ~v..«» »*.<«*- «^'*~" •^.•' «- '^^fiJ-.- v^ !\ 1^ to luwt ktare of iha lUi tk« Btnk , doubt iw«».; Detioit »ad that w»y WM kM Oompuiy, b J them. W« Uw>y, If not, nigbtthe mora •nj nonld jo« i •ooottnt. •knd Milwmnkee I .that there U a'^ Here ia another 9 iiaiettlenivnt irere to haw had ' ny, to whom ih« T, 1869; and yon wankee B^way T t wu it a perw>nal kea, I would hate J, witneM added :) Iter to do. aU. know who hel^ihia I \ • •• ■ . Q.—Ki tbe Bank hol^ tiMM Menitlaa. A.— I do aotthlnk tko Bank did ; bat it mlitht haVa held loma •f ^am aa oollatora] Mourity. 9.— How many did thje Bank hold t i4.~WhaUTer the Bank held, tit. Binu or Mr. Oaidpbell oan tell batter tbab I. I'do bot kniow what waa Held. Bnt whataTer wm held, waa lodged in the Dank aa oollaUnl. I have no idea of the aqioiiot. , ^. ' t !.— We had the Groat Weatern aa collateral, ' i^.— But if the Great Waatem had gone down ? A^r-ihen I anppoae'we ahoi^ have sued on the notea Q.— A^lnat whom r -d.— Againat the partiea oonoemad. , . ^ Q.— Now, Mr. Park, I auppose you are aware that the flmt -£160,000 aterling which wia leut'by the Great Weateru Railway Company to the Detroit and Milwaukae Railway Company paaaed into your titada ? ii.— I cannot aay. I ihould have to examine the booka to aee how it waa, before giving .n uawer. ' ^ Q,—t Bup^ your Bank undentanda aome of the legal liabilitiea of. oorporatewbody, doea it not ? '"A — I do not know. I have never troubled„my. head up to thia time about it. • Q.— Did you not represent to Mr. Brydgoathtt they could not guarantee any>per at all?— thai their charter did not allow them to guarantee, a^ that it only held them Uable on endorsementa ? A.—\ do not ' reooileet. ^ , . . - : ( b ^M^*"* '*" rabpanied aa a witneaa of the Oi^t Weatern RaUway, I beUeyof .1.-*^ have two Q— But yoif Were aubpnnaed by the Oieat Weatern Railway in the fint 'instance ? .l.— Yea. ' * Q— And you were aubp6naed by the Bank since yoB came to Kingston? ii.— Yea. . Q.-Youwent to get information for them. I aaked you to do the aame for us, and you reused. Yon objected to giTa m informMipn ; but jrou want to the other aido wd gave them information ? if.^Had your ; ^ ■,r V / /i \ ^, -h ^- p,ge99 .««. U Un o'clock. : iiMf Ofooki thtt I w»nUd to ••• Jf"" ^ tMinuUion* In wg»»« ,teMnbo«t •ooount. . _^ luilwav Company «•• »» j*« *' •*%r. M. 0. CAM-aoN »^ '^'^^ .^oged .iA tko Great WjUrn Bjjwj^ J" ,^ ,y,, p.troiJ , 1200,000, '"'d*"«.^™'*^_It run» ia "»» ""'""* **^ it w« to , Hon. J. H. 0«i»OK— Tbo roMuw ^_____,__^_^^__^_^^.__._^^^^. ,_^ ^i^j^^'fm^' -?^' id they h«l i^thp«nOB* it Kbo«t the tru to be for fottheDetrdt ^ le Deiwit wd AVfl » otodit.! eetoro ovotdrtfl I and Mawfcttkee BGrertW»»toni ,, to the Bw* o' eye, were to (^W Inft. 8« Mr M C. CAimoii— Thk U Mr- Row* letter, I believe ; mm! the emiigemeiil «m nude belbre Mr.. BeyBolde 0M|4 oat to thie oountry T A—Mt. Reynohb Mm* out in 8«pt«robar, 1867 Q.-^^ne «r the objeet* yo« bed In view (n openiiiK (>>>■ eooonnt wu to have joqr bllle eireuleted in Mlvbr^n r i4 — It WM en indaeement, eertainl/ Of ooarM we wuled • eireuluion, though we did not «er* • gM«t deal where th|kt oiroulntion wee. Q— Here ere other Ittten of jtmn (^huHlinK lone other letton to the wlMeee) Ope ia dated 'i'ind Appi Uwf, IHM, written before the ncknowMfniient letter »f whioh we have bmn upeakilK, end both xliiroMMd to''*' ^ Mr. Reynold* •« Vio*-1*reaideot of th* Ueiruil and Milwattkra lUre, bowevar, i* *n<>(h*r l*tt«r addreMMol ti>^, tim by yott m tjk* flnaoo^ direotor uf the Detroit and Milwawkee. What i* the reaaon of the dlfcrenoard*? ' ^4.— The letten were written In thdiwey eo aa to keep the MoonaU eaperate. ff**- 'Q.—tttf yow • lettn of thi ltlh^Iw^uwy, 1858? A—l do not think I b*V«. T . '*Anp'a Mr, M. 0. Oamikon— Then I wlllitMl • copy of iL It ia •« follow* : **^ at Mr. M. 0. Cambwom— Here ia • 1*tur of the V!Oth Qotuber, !«58. Who wrote it, and U> whom wa* itJJT, written f A.-'U ia • letter written by nie\to Mr. lUynolda aa VieeFreaident of the Detroit and Milw*ak*e(M^ Bailwijr. \ , ^ page H. ■A'A one : Q.— Look at thia letter of the 21it May, 1HA9, and lee what yon are able to make out of U»l f i.^ll a loolur Hbe a referenoe tothe diaoonnt of the IjVtroit and Milwaukee |m>n)iiaory notea. ^ Q.— Are you li(war« whether this ooiiee iVow the Windwr oflce or not f A.'-li doA ■" \ • Mr. M. 0. CaAkhon— ReMi it \ \. ■ \ 'y ■ /.'^ •■"■,' WlT^«■M read the letter. "^■- \ '-■' '■\|, ■ , Mr M. C. Oamuon— -What did yoa menW by v. P. r i<.— Vioe-Preaid«|pi Mr M. 0. Ca^iron— I hope your Lordal^ip haa noted the fa«t that there were to be two loana fVoro Company to the other-r^ne for £150,000 attrlii^gi '•»• other for XIOO.OOO aierling. The learned JutKiB— I have noted it. .'* ^ Mr. KooUH (to witneae)— 1 would like to know «xaatiy what Mif. Camerott threatened to do oh Ftatunlay nl|^t, when he began to bvlly you f A— lit told me that he would pay me off for it in Court : o» aomethiiw 'like that. : ':\' Y ■ .,,:,^ Mr. EooLBs—And hia he paid you olTf A— I think he haa acted to-day very muefc nwiv like • barriatar than he aoted oa Bktwrday night. He haa kept hia temper to-day better than he did then. Mr. EooLia— But he had you all alotte with him then. ■• ■ \ ■ ■ • \ •■■';■ ■-:^■..■ ■■■■■■•/■•. p*f*W pet* 10. # Mr. C, S. Rou called ud examined by Mr.'Eoelea. C— You were the caahier of the Commairoial Bank at Kingston, in 1857, I believe T A —I waa . Q.-^What waa the d»te of the 6rit dommunioation you reoe^ from the Groat Western lUilwi^ Company, in regard to your opening a bankjifag aoeonnt with them r yl.— Auguat, 1857. Q.— From whom did U oomef A.—Ut. Park wrote me to go and aoe these gentlemen, and in wniw^ qnenoe of hiB communication I wont up tol Ilantilton. / Q.— Did yon make any arrangement for th* transfer of the acoonnt l A.—Yt» ; we agreed about 4. Q— And wu the account of the Qfpai Weatern tnuuferred to your Bank on the Board approving of tb« arrangement? A. — It waa. / - \. . (?:— Wenrthere any ovei^raOs owitig to the. Bank of Upper Canada which you had to dispoM titi AJ-^-' There were. Our Bank had to pay theb off by ohequea once a week. Q.— In regard to the arrmngemento wiih the Detroit and Milwaukee Road— when was the firat^time yott bMtd about them? it.— The4nrt I hJMrd of the matter waa by receiving alettor from Mr. Park at the end •f December, X867. / , ""__ - 8 . .. , \ ^^ '^~^ w / •f T wr J. / i -.. t « X * 1 / 1 .. a ■ !!Sr' iV|F '''^^i^ZU* '^ f r.'^P ^.4 ,f»M»«M*! ,mmi«« ••'^rr.— »d iiwT ••« •'^* . _- .lu. uf iM ••• *• TbaKUtof 111-, «~r 'Jr jn^ «~ t A-»> — " "* „„ >„ ~.k . «-*•- Q.^And Iha ■jwioa w-!-^^ ^^^j ^^^j^^„l5,aoo w««« »■»•"• C. ■♦ ^1; '/\'- *$ gUtof KtmiA n, •n«l • of dw td ua M mm ••• ^ bHb of |,y UOBihl] n«o««itJ of wUni; M^ 1 Vm hMded, ypropoMl In intervening. B from !!««•• 186«, froni Mr. and B«yi»»^ Mk. K1HI1.M. Ym, llMy •»• Y prodtWHi »ll« bonk* l<> ••»<>• how ll *•• iloiw, yiwi nay lh»t »•*• b»«h» r«n«<>l be r««Hii««4 (TW'i ■f' €» bip key iltnibl iw IIm wi t( f<* ' wll«l»VM. g Mliim, my Im(«1, (UI mi«Ii nfitUiia* li «at *lMiUan>t« HUi :— ^ mil, lf< Ayril, I NAN Afptit^tU, f. Ilt>, Wj'AMO luiton ilniwn up in puniMiKw nf tttU m n - M. RonbM (io wilnawa) (^ <>-lNd yViK^App4iiuti»,p.«a, KtkOitf lti.Vi.\ Tbsit 09tuoa a letter to Mr. il<)a^ ofMtk January, IH5tt :~ [SMrAtUrUMr.llilJf<>9\.\-' .'-On iha 'iHth January, Mr. Roaa writee: — « • .,J (dto« L4tltr o/iHtkJaHU4trf, \M»~AptnnHU. p. 01, BthUfU Ho, \(f.) ^ ' tha neH l» to Mr. Raaa. Mid ia dotad Hlat J'nn^rrfljfcljji— ■ * — . - . [&« £«(t«r(2/- 81(1 /navafy, 1850— f|Mn>, ^ rt9, J&AWt ^ Mr. Roh'i Mwwar ia dated Till FeVniaty, I860. I .will read it :— / [S»*LttUr)^f'ttliFJ>nwrf,\W\>~App»n4iT,p.ia.BxMhUN Such being the oaae, we ware glad to hare the benefit, «a • Bank Aooount, of tha Oreat Weatern Railway Coupauy's boaiiieM ; and we were anxiAua to meet their viewa aa fkr aa powible. Oor whole •vailable capital waa not wanted for ordinary bniinaaa oustomon. Conaequently, we agreed to meet their Tiewa to tbia extent, that whan we^eould aeeoromodate then) we ahoald do ao. Tbia ia a brief eiplanation of the leaaon why the aeeount waa allowed to run up, and aaaame aaeh large dimenaiona. Q.~^ln the whole oomae of your dealinga, did you for a moment oeaae to look nj^n the tranaaetien aa OM ■If .# S fr %"" m) Tt Jt' M. i^ _• 1 • *• .V "1 ■. 1 * > JFT"S ft, "1' ?*■" *"%,♦ 88 '""^S'JSS^Ju »^" g»7 of »» **•• "^^^ :, ^„., 0, their re.,;in»y ^« <2-^,--.L«litwKhihemT „ _„u „„t h.f e .dwnoe* -WW^ °U , ,. ^ _« » tempo™'! Cn",o«ihePr-M.»tortheC-h»TO . reference oMh«« «*tte». toth- to MeiWfc "'J'*^ _^ .^ the Botfd. «or tue •»» _,,tter.of ni*^*'^" ^ . „ li V 4 —I took it for ^^^^H •xiaU ^^1 ther ^H ' Weeb H ' knen ^^^B Huro *^n^H 9H. A — 9 whol 8b Milw iB A — i,^^H when « ? ■Utei Wen (Wit A— ' 1^ that "•j refer 4 M no i' expe befai knov nM Mr. . toac .^M ' ■'■• : . 'm •coo then ■j^M t' ,-■ • ■ .■•«■• • - ninihe ;y, The jmnieroiBl en to the nt » eredtt f lef^rriag [taokitfoT not teipwrt oiyreqaestr il.—l mmt B< A. — I never did. Q.-^Thenjott dealt with them on your own judgment 7 A. — We dealt with them as with gentlemen who knew thiBifown powers. , . «^ Q. — Did they show you a Statement of 4ho probable "amount of Aiwota and Ijiahilities of tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, during tho year 1858, when they saw you, or did Mr.'Park send you a Schedule of them ? A. — I did not,know of such a statement, until I heard Mr. I^jt speak about it. Q.-^l[e showed you the schedule f A. — I fancy that Mr. Reynolds showed me something pf the kind, when we met in Toronto. ^ '* ^.—Was there anything about tho Great Western Railwfy in it 7 A. — This sUtement (referring to a statement which Mr. M. C. Cambron had placed' in his hands,) Was not the statement, t don't think I have Seen this before. .' ' ' ^.-^Look at this letter of the 11 th January, 1858| and tell me what that refers to, if not to this? t (Witness made no reply.) Was it a statement lAj^pendu, p. 45, Exhibit. No, 5{>,] such as this, you saw 7. A\- — I think not such as this. ' ' *: ■ , Q,— What do you juean by " such as this 7" ^.— =1 mean that it was no| made up in that way. ^t ^.^— Did you noV see this statement at the commencement of the arrangement 7 /t.^— I would not' SwOar /M that I did not see it. "> * Q- — Supposing Mr. Reynolds represents this as being the document which he showed you on the occasion roferre^, would you say |hat it is not 7 A.-^TAon't think it is ; but I would not^wear positively that it _^ is'not. jk ^''l^i''*^ ^*" it that Mr/ Park sent you 7 A. — As fitf as I can' recollect, a schedule of the assets and j, expenditure OH the two roads. jf^ Q, — Was that beforo you saw Mr. Reynolds at Toronto 7 A. — I don't think T received any schedule. '% befoi^ that time. o • '# Q. — Then Mr. Park speaks untruly when he says thkt he did send U beforo that meeting 7 A. — I do not ^ know whether I ^received it before or afterwjirds. f^- Q. — Did you lay tho schedule before the Boarcl 7 yl.— Not that Iremember. /.''■ i^i^ Q. — ^Then the Board did not do anything upon that schedule? ^4.— No; not upon^that. I ozplainod the matter to tho Board ; and In the minutes of the 81st Deoember, there is an alUision to it. Q. — So yon must have entere^into the arrangement without the knowledge of the. Board ? A. — I told Mr. Reynolds I had no doubt that the arrangement would be carried out I must have authorised Mr. Park to advance payments without the authority of the Board. . , Q. — But if you did not refer it to them, you could not have had their authority 7 i4.-^In many «asos of negciciations with our customers, I say, " I have no doubt this arrangement will be carried out by the Board:" Th^ necessary action is then at once taken in the matter. Q.-^TAr. Brydges and Mr. Reynolds had both private accounts with you, had they not 7 A.— they had. , Q. — And had they it joint account 7 A. — There was tho steamboat account, if that is what you refer to. Q. — Had they ho other joint aogonnt? A. — I cannot see in the index any reference to any other joint acoonht Q. — And you say, that when these gentlemen wrote, speaking of " oui' joint account," yon undoratood them to speak of the Great Western Railway and the Detroit and Milwaukee account il^^ertainly. ♦ftw J 'zr--r^'^^i:-ff^^^R:;^'r~m-^'^^i^!^Sf^^ — ■sr^t^'-^ — T^t-ji 4, i^ gabjoot. JttMn.widoonTWBedinulu ^ , » " ■ . J- _ ■■■■:■,¥ - \-' ■. ■_- ft Iti ,.14* "■5^ '\. 41 isdidr if neow- it. /.■ . . , ; Vtorobknts' )Tn R«nw«y __I hid no Q.—pa jon ipaak to lir. Juon raoolleotion of having done m. handred* «' I Mil«knke« [not get wy to the att*i tcotWwUtnT DdeTBtood that ion attthorUing -If my nieiuoiy ' l._Iwa8. Mr. Park on the no Sgblic lottem ,o«n here to-day to treat it all »" imet .l.-ltwB Item No- '''•«»•"*''*■ —You will sec that ^rn, besides Mewrs. may have iie«n Mr .'in ''# in reference te the luoney mattcn of the Compuy f >t.--I hKje no Q.— Did yon ever ny a word to him, or to any one else oonnoeted with the Qreat Weatem, in regard to the position of the Detroit and M ilUnkee, with the eieeption of Memrs. Brydgea andKeynolds, up to 1859 f A. — I rannot say that I did. Q.— Did you know that it was eontemplated io get a further loan fttim the shareholders of the Oreat Weatem, in aid of the Detroit and Milwaukee 7 A.— I must havp hoard of it. ' Q Did you ever pnss upon the gentlemen of ihe Oreat West9m the diesinbility of gefing this further loan? A.— I may have done so, but I do not reoolleot it • y., Q.— How is it that your reooUeetion is so bad in regard to these important natters 7 ( "4— I do not know. I have not desired to make it bad. I have endeavoured to speak the truth. Q.— ''Did yon ever see thoae gentlemen in New York 7 .l.—I remember meeting them in New York; but I cannot adl to mind the date. I had gone flrom Kingston, then, moat likely. Q. — Did yon seotnem theru mora than onCe7 il.'— I think 1 did see them thoro more than once. I went to New York to see Mr. Campbell. Q. — He had been to Bdgland, I believe. What for? ^v~He went there to recover his health. Q.-i-Had his Tuit nothing to do with tho Detroit and Milwauked Company 7 .4.^-Notl^ng official. Q. Did he not endeavour to aid the Company in getting Ik new loan 7 A. — ^1 am not aWarc that such was the ease: Q.— Did you receive any letteiB from him, whilst he was In England 7 ^.— Yes; there were letters. Mr.' M. C. Cambbon. — lie good enough to lot us have those Icttore. Hon. J. H. CaMibon.— You cannot have them. You had better confine jwirself; to the legitimate busi- ness of the oaaa My. M. C. CAMiaoM (to witness).— Did ho write to you oil the nffidrs iof the Bank 7 A.—Vly memory is not so certain u to enable me to state positively. But he may have alluded to it. Q.— 'Did you not go to iJew York to meet Mr. Campbell and Mr. Brydgcs, on their return from England ; and did they not inform you that they had been Unable to procure a further loan for the Detroit and MUoui^M Company 7 A. — I did nut go on purpose to see them •, but I did, however, see them at the St. Nieli I forgiet whether Mr. Campbell was withme at the time, or whether I was alone. Ql— Do you not recollect What passed about the Detroit and Milwaukee and the Oreat Western 7 lb jog your memoiy, lot me ask you if your friend Mr. Campbell did not fall asleep in the reading-room, and^ thus; jKtu were disappointed 7 yl.-;^efl, I do recollect that oircumatanee ; but I cannot toll what was said. 1^.— But it was a matter of consequence to you, was it not 7 vl.^-M.Ye(i, inasmuch as they were about a million of dollars in our debt. Still I oagnot remeniber the oonversation, thou^ I presume it must hav^^^n about our advances, and" their plans for repaying them^' % Q.— Did not Mr. Campbell tell you that he had got a couple of nptts from Mr. BrydgoSjin order to stayo off difficulties, /t.— Yes, there were notes given, but they were never used, as the Bank was never in difficulties. Q. — What has become of thy notes ? it.— I bdieve they are ib the Joint Stock Bank, London. M»v Campbelljefr them there. Q.-^Look at this letter (showing witness a letter), and see if it ia not a lett«t written by If r. Park? A.—^ It is evidently Mr, llirk's handifriting, ^t the letter is not addressed to anybody/ Mr. M. C Camibon.— 1 1AII r«Rd it. Vou will iRen see that it is addressed to Mr. Reynolds. It is as fbHowst ' ■'.' iCC- " l8etlMtr0fl(MNiiiitiiaar,lSi9. Appen4ix 154, p. V!.] . Mr. U, C. Camkron. — ^Thil seems to be a nice little reference to the difficulties they had in England ? A. — ^These ai;p Mr. Park's own views. ' ' Q.— Do you remember a request being made by your Directors to the Directors of the Oreat Woitern RMlway Company, in August 1857, to lay a proposition about the opening of an account before their Board 7 il.— I do hot recollect. I'A, »"• 4 ;^ -i ■ •n' \ n Wl«twMtli«(roW( to knoWs^^iow it was that your lUfk paid these notei ? i1.— They Ibre paid beoauae I had promised to the parties iqtereilod that tbo liank would Mtf to their hoing paid, Q. — And yet you My you wore not aoting fuf the Bank f A. — I was not '• ' ? Q.— You say that you pledged the Bank to retire this paper, and yet you were not acting fur the Bank- that j-ou pledged the credit of the Bank without the authority of tbo Bank ? yl.T>-I said that we would aa« ' ■ the n'oles paid. -.; | . , .' , ^.— Whodoyou meap by the '\wo?" i4.—" We," meaning tbo flank. , . ^ Q. — Who endorsed the notel f /(,T-Mr. Brydgos and Mr. KoynuldM perROnally." Mr. Plumb efleoted the .jv. negociation, but I do not know if he enduniod the notes. I did nut etfdone them, nor did any one elae endo^ them on behalf of the Bank Q. — What was your object in discounting them? M.-^Mossrs. Brydges and Ituynolds undertook to gi US a^erling bjlls at a certain date ; though afterwards they fwind that they wore unable to do no. The Ban were to get the proceeds of these bills, f " . ^. <^.-<^Tbe notes wore renewed by ]fou several tiuiqii, as Cashier of the ,Bank, before they w'eru taken up, I believe ? A.--t\Ms ronowala would bo made by mo. The Commoroial Bank paid them at maturity. ' Q.^>.Was tbiB bill (haodiiif; witouitAa bill ) {^ApptHitix, 117, />. 77,] retired by ynu ? /4^By the Bank ^ ^.—^ And when you renewed the not^ it was an the property of iho Bank t .-i-— -It waa. Q. — How did you come to charge them to the Great Western Railway Company 1 .1.— They were taken up for their Itenefit. ~ • Q) — But the liability^pTnot a liability of the Urciitl Wastorn ? A. — 1 bog your pardon, but- it waa. ■Q.—Shon this transaotion waa just a similar trausat'tion to th« others? A. — Not at all; it was a speoial affair, ^iut I may say that this was the only inatanoe of our going out of our way. '^^ .9-.— But why did you claim the bonds of the Great Western, if you^held the Great Western lUfcle for these notes ? .I'l.— As 1 told«Mr. Rilynulds at the time, the Great Western Company were liable |o us for these notes ; but as the ifotes could not he^ transferred in the negociationa at New York without the 'bonds, I asked him to give me lionds of the Great Western Railway. \j -^' ^ ^.— 'Why did you not give tbpse bends up, as at first arranged ? joLSome time afterwards Mr. Reynolds- i Wrote a letter to Mr Parkj^s^eh a character, that w£ did not oonsidej^Sfselves-w a position to give thein up. We then supposed that tlt|pw««l(jihe given up oonuurrently with another arrangonientkbeing made. Q. — 'The bonds were only to be u^d for discounting the notes, and yourselvijp were to protect the notes. ' /Is~not that as you understood it ? X—Xot until afterwards. * • " ' f C..— When did'you first becom^aware of Mr. Park's, letter ? A.—\t wos in the fallkof 1859, or th% end ofl866; I cannot tell the exact date. "gJjT ' • ' ^ ^Q.— You saw the understanding on which these bonds jjte^givcn. and yet you held on to the boOds for . nearly a year'ailerwards. - Do you not recollect that oircumstflBv vl.— Ko; I do notnUM^ >t- ^ do "ot - think it was so h^. _ ^ .' ' Wf: ' .m. ^.— When you were in New York, did you there read a letter from Mr. Park to MWBrydges, on W^ j^r; , Bubjeot of those bonds ? .<4.—l do not recollect. What date do you refer to ? / ^fe" * ^f. Q.-^I do not know. It was ^a letter represented to have been received from Mr. Plark on iWlBfeot. -y' Did you discusaj^he matter of those bonds in New* York ? ^.^I do not recollect reading a letter^%n Mr 5-, Park on the subject:- . ' , .,. t Mr. M. G. Camkron.— Yo^B will see that Mr. 'Brydges has not forgotten it. You have now to deal with • men who do not easily forget. ■' > " Mr. EccLES.— It is somewhat singular though, considering that they have sueh gbod memoriea, that thay ,-^^ * have fergptten to pay this debt. Hon. J. H. Cameron. — No ; they have recollected not to pay it. - Mr. M. C. Camxrom. — ^Allow me to read yon abettor. * -•. "7 , ' ' • 48 ' * I # 'Mnn toti of «itwc«i ii»»i« t^«^ noU hM , The leaned J^wfPJJ^' ^^,,^ ^fc, "•^'^'".1^^' **"'2S^ — — .' 1 nonriaer that Mr. V"™ . „„«.tioB. *ft J! nothing to conceaU '"^^ ^^^er oot «l«ce, Mr. B«» ^ •^^ Hon. J. H. 0AM««.».2^»« 3^^ ,,,^ g,t Bomo of th« \ -1^ Mr M. C. CaMMOS.— WW I _,| , ^ -% ' r" V ■0 tr tb cfil « 1* ri* A. / /. -It mvH bwe faMR the dlnaW-toble, bwtu*. the el* edage iiye, th»t " whw Ita A.—We hid letor, Wdl^. tdgment, but it nu •0™" .rnpt ft>r y«» BQght it ifottld boiidBT^ ^•— onp rthew, Mr- la getting o" '.■^And wo do no^ < lb he weight to be ^rtkedjbut,» itu; wd, thoj^- on. , . be Benk did tAe .ftot the Beourities ,h«»oMMrte*'*^ «! Hon, J. H. CiMimow- ^ ''"^Mr V''rCAiVKoK'(to wit„.-)-Wh.t kind of bond, of the Detroit end Milw.ukce R.ilw, did thj. tienk hoidr ^.^econd mortgage bond, end Intereet bond,. Th.j took them m colUter.1 to > note, 1 eennot Sember the .mount, but it m.y h.»e been flOO^ putting the two together. • , ^ oTTurn to the board minute, of the 29th December, 1869. Do ,oa tJndjJ,^ » """"'%'" "fru ti thl Jnd. J-I do. It «,-" The CMhler reported th.t he h«l puroJ.M.d 114.000 of the Detroit r'^'S!!:Sl;"^t«not.;eeivedMeolUte»l. The, were en «t«lpurchM.. were the, n^T I. thi. letter (binding witnepea letter) in your hendwntingr i4.— It w. f Mr. M. C.CAMHiON.-r'Iwillreedit:— « «• wa.# to. r^^v • -■ [St, UtUr «. 7*.] .' : Mr. ■M.C.-CAM.«orCtoWitn.«i).-You were dealing in the bond, .t that «»«"/ *>««7J ^-JJ'' note you hare r«id relate. Urely to private buaioe... The whole tenor of it i. pnrate-, Md Mr. Reynold. ha.nobu»ine» to introduce Mich a letter. „ , j • j i, Q :-But, after all, you have been dealing with tbew wscuritiee? A.—l never denied it^ S-I .uppo«,, Mr. R'o.., it would not be unnatural to .uppo«,, that if you bad confidenoe in>«H. aecu- ' ,ltie.ra< a privatTindividoal, vou would have the wmo confidence in then. a. a Bank officer T A.-l never allowed my private mattera to Interfere with my official position. ,. . , . . «.„u , a \ <>^And you would perikyour own meana when you would not jeopardue thoae of the Bank ? A— Undoubtedly. I have done ao doaen. of time.. ,\.., i o j .i. . ;* D\lt ha. been «iid; that the Truete*. have awalloWed up the Detroit and Milwaukee Road : th,t. .rt fact. UhSiecome the prdperty of a new Company. The Commercial Bank of Canadk were a party to that arrangeweij^ the, not T A^l do not con.ider myMlf competent to give an an.w,r to a legal queation ofthatkind. ''' , . >-v , , ■. , ^ Hon. J. H. Camkhon.— Decree, and agreemento .peak for themaelvce, Mr.^i|. OM;v*«»<>''~*'"' '•'•"'■P'"''' *>• "'"^' *'^''°*' ''"°* ^^ "*" arrnngementr Hon. J. ]^^Mi»ON,— Don^i.Jnn'iiwrreat queation, Mr. Rom. ^ Mr. M. C. Camwon.-^I aak, doea the witneaa know a. a fact that the proceedings taken by the Tru.teea of the Great Weetetn, w a. to obuiit poweiiaibn of the Bioad„ were concurred in by the CoromercikI Bank ? Hon. J. H. i|i writing? WiTNMB.— It i. not in writing. ' -; ^. - \ \ Mr. M. C. Camkbon (lo witnew).— You had better answer. \ The learned JuDOB.— Yes ; the witness should answer that question. • "tff^ilii^iW'N (>ur inspector, wa. a pa^ to the arrangement. iQl^thus, you see, all the ra8cditj*ciiarg«d against the Trustees, for swallowing ivedauie f jP&lcurrence of the Commercial Bank, ^he Commercial Bank, 1 believe, also y: a boiMht Bonie Detroit afldlPiimiao ^ilway Stock ? i4.— No Q.—im Mri^Camjpbcll, tlien/buy^? ^.— Notff af officer yf the ^l^i.k. • Mr. M. gV^Jambbow.— For hi. pJpate uae|| I Auppoeov * ■ '^' • Mr. ^tEH.— Do not tell hii;, Mr. Rom, an|^lng*Bb3ulllpCampbelrs private affaire. Mr. M. C. Cambbo» (to .wito^to).— Did Mr. Carinpbell repprt the matterof^the arrangement between the trustees of jifi* Great Wertern and the Detroit tjW Miliraulcee, tj^ your Board, and did the Board concur in them or not ? -4.— Yeis, he re|irti4 the nfMH^, Wt there trah nothing done b>Hhc Board in ^he shape of ^haye alrady said thex ' now. concurrence ; there w;^ nothing dfficirf abo^t it. ^ ,\ v^l .. j^ i " , . 0.— Waa it not to serve tbfl intrffttvof the Bpitf^h«|, it^ b?#|e? vl.— I faWy thi^t waa Mr. I'A motive.' ■-■'■■.■'■•.■■■.„,■'■■'' i^j. ■■ ■ J) ''^^ ''^■- ■ ■•■.-■■ >**u^3. ' pference to the notes obtiffied Of ip Ca^pfill; when'm ^ijf KJ«td, from Mi^Bif dges. Where are hex were in thiTii*>&a|^ Stoak JBiw^ f believe they are there ni ' ■•' "-;^'' .>v '%"■■'- «■"' \\ ''■■\''\'- ■ a;;-,.. ■' > ,■ .■;■ \, » ♦. • • ■>' ■ I » lU. i„wHhwl«.w.-tb.fP^I>-»b.r"59 .. >^ i'^'i*'" *"' '"" ''" l*i l°lLt «-k poritiTdy « to th.t being the«ct.on.- ^^ ^^ j^^^ ,|i„ n.-Vo«^« -.a.« . t.. ...du.. ..po....t,o. t.«e ....e« .r^ to.H..cco.., I '^^'J^Auiuun.- no icn to the Omt Western r ^.-No-^ ^^^ ,ot peri^n.", lUWe on thi. Detroit I. O-M they were pe«on.«, U.ble on that .copunt, 'J? '^^^j^g ^, ^,,, We would tmt the- i.dMli««k«,iountr ^-"-rr x^rSe^^^^^ . «.•„., ^aU.«.niH.r«.i.idly.whenwewonldnotg.vecre^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^.^ ^^, ^ji„,^kee lUOw^ ^ Q-l undeniUnd thrt in the .ummerof I860 y^leWiadaor books. There have been advance, made H^ r ^.-1 think ,o« are n.i.Uken^ ^^Z^ WeTa'e made advai*- to t1.e preaeni oorpora- tothVprtaent Company, but they are now a new Company. "^ ^-' ^iXtiS^-account. you lent to the - <^»t:^:eteS:Sa:irt: U Bryd^^n?ie;no.d..A000r A.-Therewa^^^^^^^^ ■ C .^« m«.ii We paid a bond due by them to the Bank ot upper v.» ^ JrteioectiVe of the aeourity £:^rC;win>etroitandMilwaukeeComp.nyo^^ 5 tbe Detroit «d Milwaukee. The loan, to the -' ';3yj.nri^^ Mr. M. C. CA«B0N-Tell me about the account "f«"^ ^^j" »J ^^^ ^ ^^ E^muifo. W WiTHKBi^-lbave not got the ,pcount here. It wa. «>P«''r' 'Vlme of thol^troit and Milwaukee K*il- tion. to put to Mr. Rom. «f „» fi„i.i. the case to-ni«tht, gentlemen, and in adjourning un ti • '^'y )d th«A<50onnt hat aooonnt, I a this Detroit >ald trait theie siikoe Railway advances made iresent corpora- irity of Meaara. made, if that U id not let them e of the security ceipts. ExhihitNo.W dges, Receive Milwatdtee R*il- ve no more quefr I adjourning un ti ith any body elaej . ' . , TuMifiv, itfay 13;*^862. The Court rwurnad at Nine o'elook this morning. » • V. Hod, J. H. Camkron— I want the derendanto to produee the orifflnala of (hia ted book. • tir. M. 0. Cammom— We ha»e nut got them. . - H6a' J H. Cambrqji— Hut you nuat have lhei|;i in your reporU and lelleri. If you will not give them to us, we must mgo the investiffaUon for ourNoUei We will have, if you pleaae, the Minute* for IftfiO and 1861 . The aratVdeaire to have ia, that of the 27lh of March ; and while they are being found I will oalt Mr. .Henderaon. ' » ' „ " I. '..■;■ ■.:■■- ■. ■ ■ ' -■ ■ ■ Hi* Wm. K. HaMOkaaoH called and eiamined: by Hon. J. II. Caiiicrun. ^Ybu are Hooretary to the Oreat W«.terii Railway (Vmpsny, I belieVe? A—\ am AaalaUnt Seorctary. ^Thepo aheetfi, bound up in the book bcfor^ me,' were sent out to '.'aoai)^ aa a pottiou of Iba Minutaa of the English Board r ^— .They wore: \ ' .. . • -lb Mr. M. <'. CAMaaoK— The Knglidh Board la not a legally oonatitttted Board. ^ , Hon. J. H. Cammon— Did thoao of the ajth Mtlfth oouio out aa uupiea of their Mln'utea ?^^— They did. Hon. J. If. Camiron road the Minutea, aa (bllowa :•— ' ' ndyoe with Messrs. Coleman, Turquand, Youngs k Cb,, k with Mr. II. II. Csnnan, was ordered to l>o printed without delay, and a* many copies a* et/uld be gut ready to be posted on Saturday the 30th inat, and the remainder on Monday fulluwtng." .' Hon. J. II. CA^iKuN-^Did you roccive a copy of those [showing the witness some paperaj from the Bo^ in London i* A — I waa not SeoreUry at° that timoi. Mr. Stephens woa then the iiecretary. > ,^, Mr VV. C. SntpiicNB called and eiaminod by Hon. J. II. Cameron. ^ . [jjk/mgitl .-The mifluteaof which you speak wore sent out as copies. This gentleman doca n6t r. lAdoes any other gentleman know, whethe^they were in point of fact correct fcopiis. ' -- [. Camkron-Wo have Mr. Honderapn'B evidence that these pap^.s were Sent out as copies of the London Bo«(|^. They wci^Sbkept and Hctcd upon hero «. '1 ■/■"■ Know, ifly oes a % 'IIoSj.II. i^e minuTn of tl ,«' Mr. M. C; Caukron— lie saya that copies Hon. J. H.-Oi^ttRON— 'These artf the veiy || the contruy, thej majr be the'orlgiiub. * K^ It ho says nithing in regard to'the-origini from England ; and for anything we .^ f Mr. M. O^'Oamiiioii— TUi >• not • pablie I OrMt WotUrn, |l^o, • Dttlnb«r of lia» oharMtor to that, I •bwflhoNMHii.Uiia V- ^■■ «^ ifa print* oorpMloii ; Atrtfbra iu procMdiDgi >ra Mt to b* takap tf iraWio do«iin*nii. All lh«M iritnwM «w m^t U that (haj IwM r«i«lf«d wrtoin p«p«i Mraorttng l« H«opiM of arinutoi, mm! furthtr than that they kn«w nothlnn Ak Th« ittAtd Jopoi— If Iba qw-awi w«»« Mktd, If Umm miaalM WMt f>e«l»«d h«r« for th« purpc-^f Mdr II ili'iflijli" bj Um CuwJiaD B«utd of Dineton, and U «M wid Uwt Ibay wart rwMivad and aotod tl»oo aa toob, I tl^pS^lt would b« Rood oridanM. (VOAmaoii— Bui wbat aolion waa taJnn oa tbam f _ Jdpob— I oaanol toll ; I do not know wbat thaj ara going to prova. I^ J, ^. Oaiumk— I propoat to go on and aak Mr. Stopbona tbia qaaation : Thaa* miojijaa baring Jaan/Mtifad- ^r. M. 0. CAmaw— Yonr Lordabip wiU bava tba kindnaaa to noto my obJaoUon. ■1^ laamad Jooot-I will do ao. Hon. J. H. Caii|m>i(— I intond to aak whiHh«r,il^ tbia gmtlanan waa Saoratarj I tbara did not aom^iHtb bia knowledga, to tba Oflht Waatorn Kailwa; Company at " oopiaa of tbia rad report f WiTiiiaa--8o fwr M 1 ma mnt/^ it TUt%^m « mibw at njfVftt, of a ain ■ant WDIiamilton. • '\ ''m .. - ■ ^And wby jou (^vad thaaa npotto, SA jm not diitTilmto tbtm uavupii •onntTf f A — I did. ^I got one mjaeir, and tbarttea I ouf^t to know aomatbing about it. T^lay raport of tba Company f il—Aa iU ^port. r^ Mr. M. 0. CAnaaoN— For tba priTat«#ifon|Mion of tbaia gat^tleman. : Hon. J. n. CAMnd*— It ia our prirato money thai you hata |»t, and we w^nt t« gat •» back. / Mr. Eocuia^It ta for tbandrato iiftpnaUon of Jfce juiy. k , ^. Mr. M. 0. CaMimw— It^Hto thaf^Vwant the fHTato letton 6f your fitnoaaoa, and you will not let ua /haratliMi. ■ ^ . ' T* ■• Hon. J. H. OAinaoiH^Yon will not' And ua aaking any gentleman, 1 tioni i^ut bia priTato letteia. ^J^M • ■ Jki, m E0OLU— We do not altraoFqueationa aa " ll^ott 6wn ]^on. J. H. Oambson— I prop^ now,.my Load, to get thj^ted 1 j(|e Great Weatem in Canada,' and iiiroalatad amongat ^brJ||||tnholdei IKtBotora on the inreatigating oommittee. * *9r '1'' / gprbe learned Juoai— Yon may ^t one ia^^^^ *. / " ^on. J, H. Camwon.— Mr. Stephens, l^SHl HF"^*** '^r° '<>'»'•'.'•'»' to any^minaMr iilu^*f the London Board, of 8th Augnat, to Mr. Kirkman. I now ftant the Annual report for' the year 18fll. [Mr. Irving prodttoedlt.] I deaire yopr tLordihip to likewiae note the minuto of 11th April, 1861. ^It if aa followa ;— - » .lMinvU((f Uth April, 1M\./S«i4pp*ndi3t,i0r.] .| Hon. J. H. Oammon (to witneea)— Were the Tariou* reporto and ttatomenta made aixd (uloptad at that pneeting, laid before the ahareholdera at their meeting in Canada? A — ^They were. Hon. J. H. OAHKBQN^The meeting in England /Waa held on 11th April, 1861, and the dato of the meeting in Canada, at which these varioua documents were laid before the shareholder} here, wu 17ih May, 1861. I sec by the Minutes—" The report of the co^^mittee of investigation, and the reply of the Direotora thereto were tAen as read." Mr. M.;C. Camxron (to witness)— That ia to i^,'Oppiea ware read? WlTMi8»->No; theooveronly wattead. // .^. ' Qging to the Great Weatom, quaa- ;r".^Laughtor.) ^k markedjja a d()||umentreeeived by (mai otlMirhare,^ tho raport of tbt ^WP-' /. ,'W I - Vi ■ V: Mj Thfl l«*ni«— Tha (In bos taya (hia : !( waa movad (ha( tlw npott of (ha oimimi((aa of iavettiga(icio ita raoaivad ; and, In 4in4ndman(, i( waa mrtvad that it ha nol reeaivpd Tha (in bui «aya (b^jjAe am«iidni«n( waa loal, and (ha( tha ori|(inal niotiira waa narriod. Mr Baohar held up (wo han-lla ftopad it would b* profldad fur In what tnanaart A~H» did aol lay lit aiinply minarkml, l« kopad h would ahlmalaljr ba arraoKad. ^^Waa ll auppoaad ibai ^njihing waa lo ba dona in Kngland bafora tba adranaaa wara tmi»1 A—Uq. Q—Y«u do not andaraUiid mjr quaation. 1 aak yon If ll waa auppoaad in ba naeaaaary that anjthinn •konld ba don* in KnKland bafora ikn advanoaa ooiild b* mada f A— I bag ^nur panlon I did not nndantaiid yuu. ' i V-~l>i(i 7utt not talk about what waa naoaaaar^ loba dona bafura thf adTBhoa btyond lh« i'lflO.OOO oould . It m«d* f il— We rafarrad iNUMalunalljr Ui Iha mbjaot of ^atlinK othnr loam from tha Graal Wmtarn Q— Did jon hara an; eunvanation aa lo the uiannar in which th«m loann wnrn to bn nblainad ? /I— W* Iflkrrad lo tha n«o«a*itjr of thair bain^ pr«*iaualjr aanctlonad kjr thn «haril^-Mo I ahould infar Oom Iha eonvamaliona. ^Wban did you Jrat baooma aware that the iJo.omonial Itank aipfotad that ibatr ulalio againat Iha Detroit and Millraukaa ihould be proteriled by ihe Ureal Waatarnr A—^)n retteipt of iho lolUr from Mr. Roaa in BapUmber or October, I8&0. Mr. M. C. (Umixin— I'leaae lo read thai letUr. I think it ia dal^d 28th October, 1860. Hon. J, H. Oamuom— -It waa pot in yeatarday, ' . Mr. M. 0. (Ummon (to witneaN)— Do you r«ooll-r-l8 not thia a letter which wu written to you (ahewlog witneaa a letter) f Mr. M. 0. Camiiioii read it aa followa :-- " . y [8i»Apimdix\M,pag*n.\ . '' Mr. M. 0. CAHiRON-^That letter waa in reply to a letter from you, whioh 1 will thank yon Ip'rewi, WirNias read the letter aa followa : — • : :'ai;. • {SitAi>ptndixi41i, pofftiO.] ^ Mr. H. C. CAMnoN (to witnc«8)-Allow mo to aak ydn if tha Wyanioila Kolling Mill tranaactioo waa notaOreatWeatern matter proper? yl— It waa. ' T Hon, J. II. Camibon— And bad nothing to do with tha Detroit and Blilwanketf ' WiTNUs — Nothing whatever. . " ' , - ' . Mr. M. C. GAMnoN— Waa then not a letter of the I8th Ootobtrr Wi^Mifs— Yea; I willTead it:— ^ {S*eUtUTofmhOct. »»' ••••k - «» th, ».nn,r in which «h,q„.. •«, „ U wrWnj^, »•«... I i«.gloo .h.l I .ho«ld ,.,• hl« . cop, of ,h. ch«,uo, wl.h .ho .iRO..«r«i 'f ,h. dlTjT pwilM oatburitod to oign iho ohoqao*. — v .»j ui mo Mr. M. C C4«no«-Wo w.ot tho Ittw .f ifc^ Jib 8.p(.»b.r, IMT. ftm Mr Bupboo. to M, P.r|. —^ U Ms preduoH «u •iBAHii.toii, Oa»*b* Wmt. &|X. 1th, IMT. " JKtiM0«r CMDMreM Amir. J^K*^*' *";-'''•''"« "»' '••"P^'*7 •»"»«• »' Mr. Tho.. M«lr. ih. Aooouoiwi. ,h. B„„d bM lailruol«l Mr ^ ^JlT " •• YouM falibfullj, *;" , ,V " W. C. STEPUENS, . "Smuiw^ ■ ,:*' Mr. M. 0. CAiiEBON-^Will jou do« look for on of tkt-SOib Muoh. lM«,f«>iiiMii8npfc«»f J^^ll It wu prodpcad and raad : :^.:. .. v ' v jT^ ■J Q> •^ ' '^ " OaiAT WttTiaji RAitwAT, ;p."pAM,Eaq., "HAJlii«w,CAirai)aWm,«0 . '-t' ■ '". -* ' * . 1 ..• \y. .■ ■■ .- "■ ■ "%^ -VSfHi.-S' - ■ M Mr, M. & Ojdiiio>~i now ihtnt 0B« of dw 8rd A^ 1868. It WM prodvoed and nad ; ♦ ■ ■ ~ ■ ■ . "Ouat WMrm RuLWAT, "W. H. PAac, Eiq., ' -■-' 'j- ., " llmuifitr Otmmtreial Btmk. ' " . "DiA* Siir^lfr. rray.our book-kMp«r,whowuauthoriMiitoeo«int«r^ ohequwintheabMnoeof the>^ iuit, baing iodipoMd, the chaquM wiU for th* oountenigiied m entered by J. H. Watwn, whose liptature iabelow. ' - - ' ~ "W. 0. STEPHENS, "UfMlureof Mr. WatMii: "Siereiary. , "J. a WMKm."- ;. ;■ ^ -. . ■...,__;.,. Mr. M- 0. Cahmok— Be goodenongh to give mo one of tho llfh Jtue, 1858. .^ It WM piodaoed 'ud read : * / ,, ■ ,< ' ■. . . ■ ■ ■ t y' ^ ; /"GBa4rW8BnBii.KAn.#XT; ' .'■ ' • • ■ ■ • ' ' ■ ' ■" ■':■ ■ -•' ' "HAnMOR, Oaxaoa WisviStAJttfM; 1668. « "W. EPA»«,KB«t, < ?v,- ■.:;"■ .|. "JraiuwarCooMMrofolAmA.' • , " ". . * , ^ ' .... . , . .. , • ~~ ^^lAB Sib,— Aa I am about to 6e abaan} from Hamilton for a ahort time, I am inatructed \>y tlie Direetora to ' . requ^ that until my rJKim you will be good enough to honor Uie chequea of thia Company, on the eounttr-aignature' of Ibr. W. K. Henderson, 'pre Secretary,' whoae signature ia at -foot ' > " Be nod enough to advisa your dilTerent Branchea of thia authority. . ' ' " lam, dear Sir, yourafcithftilly,^^ ' " ,, ■ ,: • "W. 0.-8TEPHKNS,: ••W-jCxArpHnraaaoii.'*; \ • /• "Seerttdry. Mr ML 0. CAlal^>R-^ow look Cw on* of t]>» 18th Febrnaiy, 18 ' **HAiiaToii, Oabada Wmt, 18;"^?r- ' ', '.^' ■ ;',(;» •';. ■• ,*■ " ' • : - . : ./■t*mt^-STBPHENS,vi^'/; ..•;'■ ■ ■•^^' ■■••..,■'■'•■■ ■ ■•... ^v-^; -.. \'""-^.> "'S^'^i^**^^'-' 'i:. :M m f • ■ ': ::■";-:: ' ■ - ■ ' ■ - / •^ ■ I* 's r v:t:^' ■■ ■.•*. ' - ■; ' ■■' '-..•■■ ' ■ . ' • ">- *' >) Mr. M. 0. CAMnoN (to wito««)-To ihm At^m, in iuldition to the dgnataN. of ih« SadnUi^ wd AacounUnt, wluit oth«Bgi«tur«wer« .pp«nd«d f il.-Th.rfgn.tuM.of.ny two Director, who ware m^mbe^ »iJS« brUfwT t' -*;!"• **"*"«" !»•« »•■»»-- of »»«• Bo«*w.«not on the Flnnini- Com- mine. ; bntUtoly they h.T.dl«Mnmembm of both. - U-uZ^^ '* *'^ (Jmnding witne.#>. cheque), .nd wy If th.t i. • On.t W.^tom Bulw^y dh«iuef At Q-And i. th.t the kind which wm uMd during th. muy yMi. you were the Secretitrti A-Ym-^ "** there .re the nme kind of ngn.ture..ttMhed. . ., ^ "■» Mr^M O.OAMMbN--Th. jury will obMrretimtthere^ four «gn.ture. to ^hch«,ue. (Handing S^lTiB not. '"»'«-»)-I» *«"•» one ^ the ch^iue. of th. Qre.t Wee'tom lWlw.y^on,p.ny f «iK ?■ "*' ^' ^■■*"'--^»i »^» ** »»•«' the cheque, on which . graet pert of thi. n>on.y wh dr^wn .„„.. (Shewing more cheque, to the witnc^Aw thcN th. ch«nu» of th. dr«it We.tom^R.llw.y Compeny 7 (1?§) ^ Mr. M. 0. Cambwic— Th«t is another kind of oh«ine. They m mule out enUrely in the nunc of the Detroit Mid Milweukee lUUway Company, .nd .re signed by the officw. of the company. (To witOM.)— Har. JO" » pMotioe .t the Board of inspecting the Bank pus-book ? ii.-41ieB.nk pasa-book is laid on the taUe ~ . of the finance committee at each meeting. » ' ^7 ^-> And how often do they meet 7 il— Perhaps once « fortnight. ' ^Hsd you ever placed on thl toble before you Hie pus-bOSk of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company? 4— No. ^ ^ '\ ' ^ ^—On'y tbo pMS-book shewing the money transactio^i/ of the Bank with the Great Weaterli Railwaj wu placed on the table 7 /I— Yes. .,'.■■.' (g— Look at this b^kJk (handing iHtness a plu«.book), and' say if this is one rf the Great W , books 7 il— It is ; and it was alwa>^j|»hwed on the table of the finance committee. Q—Ia there not also an examination by that committee of the cheque-book 7 ^1— Yes ; of the book from' which cheques are drawn. The bo.k is broughHn w^h the chequei, and the Directors sign them there. 4— ThhwastheotherpMS-book of the Great Western Railway (handing witness another pass-book). waattnot7 il— It was... * ^ ,/f. " ' ©—When the pass-book isrliid on the toble, in the way yon 8pei**'of, is there any exunination of the balances made 7 ilr— Yes. Q.— And any examinadon of the cheque, which halve not been presented? il— These are out. There is a list made for each meeting of the committee, shewing the State of the Bank Ul.nces,Md setting forth the . outrtuiding cheques. Those are compared witli the cheques which hate-been paid. And it is seen that the Bank account and the cash-book agree. , ' , -' _ Q— The Detroit, and Milwaukee Company »>«■" not bean amalgamated in any planner with the Great ' Weatem, havethey? u4—No ; thejr are a distinct company. Q^Are you an officer of the Detnrit and Milwaukee Railway Company 7 ^l—I am an officer of the Detroit and Milwaukee " Railroad " Compwy, that is, the new Company haviog ita head-quarters at Detroit. Q-You sent a reply dated 2nd Novembei^, 1869, to the letter of Mr. Ross, of the 28th October. The ' Utter of the 2nd NoT.ut«r wa., I beliere, to this efiiMt :— V-' ■■' ;':■ [% fe««^«*i«^J|^p«iid» 146,, pay* M^^^ ■-'■■V* ■•"■■;- -J ^;,^'"/ ' ; • ■Wrnrass— Yes; I.WMteUiat]jftter.-- '" ''.*: 'i, ' l^''-^" ''. Mr. M. C. Cabimon- Turn to the English Board mintite. of tW 22nd June, 1868, 27th July. 1858. and' - : 12th October, 1858. *- , ° " . ' '": WiTMMS-^The minute of the 22nd 'June, 1858, has reference to the Detroit and Milwaukee loan. It is asfbllows: * , ^ . 4 *'/[■': . [Stt Mimt€ of 2!itaJuM, jfypatdix 36. page 30.} ^^^^^^- '^ .' . / ■\ m . *Kf . " '-'ri^v/iy'V- ■■'■ • ■ V ": :. ■ ^. /• ^ pmetroit and Milwi^akee ^LagottOl Mr. M. C. Camchon (to witness) — Was there ever any prooeedifg bofore the Board in England w thia eonntiy which aathorized'Measrs. Bridges and ifejnolda to open an itoettunt with the Comuercial Bank \ Hon. J. U. Cahirom-^Bo you forget the resolution ^fing ^im (hll discretionary power f ° Mr. M. C. Ca»sron— That resolution did not give '(hear,? discretionary power. It eipreariy oonfinwl^ them toaptrtifular purpose. • Hon. J. H. CAMEB9N— You will see bjt-and-by. (To wi^nasa)— Have yon the account of the 0«aat WMtem with the Detroit and Milwaukee? A. — I have not. , . (51r. Henderson left the Court ^gat it] r- \ • © — Did you oommunioato' any of Ihe oontenta of the lexers ^ich you have just read, to Mr. Park or aM oho else connected with.the Commercial Bank f A.—'&i; I^never communicated outside the board-room tta subjeots.referred to therein. •" | 't • Q.— Did you communicate these lettei[s, or the anbsia|^ of these letten, to anybody belonging to tha Bank f- A— No;, ceruinly not. I should not think, of melktioningsuohB subject. Q.-ir.-Is not the office of the Detroit and Milwaukee t!ompany aliHaaailton in the Great Weatorn Railway Company's Hon, J. H.Cameron— To be sure, there were, lots of letters. - • ' '. Mr. M. C. CaMkron— The office^ of the Company were in Detroit, and the Preaideift and Vice-Preeident • had theirs at Hamilton^ '...'' ■"Son, j; H. Cameron (to jilness)— Is this person, Edmund Joy, in your office f il,— Hais themesaen. ger'who tak«8 the Bank book J^^^ from the office. "' ."""*'" "" *•"« »»" *»•?. -4— Neither ia enteral. >4 ««wfli tnea* l>UJa entered on the Finance Commiltea'a minutea f •4i.(«rt t;?:S^SK?tMlot^J3^ H...wi, Company of «f the Detroit and Milwaukee 4 "••' credit bot;u;inSt';;tr;^S!£:'ssS^^ There waa no..neeting of the Finance EStronulC^ G-t Weatorn m..y for flOO.OOO ? Z «nd .Set;:!:i:«tt^r'*^ "'^^ ^-^^ ^-Oa the 25th Fchruar,. I, ^^^^^s^^::^^^^:^^ y^jL u.. ia^ed^'^ coXifnn^ of this transaction mJ^ . / «-Look and aee vhai authority waa S^M^L!^V' "7. ^^ '''® *"°* ^^^^^ ■ ," -^l^ TiSMl^"^ ^"■y ''""■J" ■» May, 18597 ^-I read aa fbllow^. Z ■(/— lathataminuteof theComa}fetei?»oftheBort^* j ' r. • • . , ^Give «a the n.inutc of the A '}ilne oZ,Li7!i Z TT "' ""^ ''""""'"'"'• ia on the 3rd June- following, where it U,^^ Z S'of he^l r "'''• '" "' """' *''""'"» ' Were read and adopted. - ^7,"" "**"* ^''""''oo Committee dn tho 28th May • srM'a c"rrrn:;" r sr t" '° '^,; ?*: !!~ *• ^"«»" ^»^' «-' «■»'■ Stek ll»k? ^_I u,,"-,. ''^ T"")-'*' "■■ '»» ■»• ■»■"'• of tk.^™.. k.p. .„h. Unto J.S p'*' , / -'■: ^^ r : - '^/'' ' ■;. * ;< " ' •■ , ■ .' ■; .. • , :."■■ / ' ' , • ■;-,^; .:.... ;■■•■'■.- '^ ' ■■"■ .» ■'" ■ y ■ '■ -■■:':'-.■:. I ■ i. t m /- :.r- ■" •$ ■'■,'■ v'l\-'-- 3. ■t'v. (^ ■«,■ ■.P. '■ yr 'i,V-.-. ■ ''^^ ;-^;, ^■, :-^'%.; ■ f,i|j^*si-.v' ■;;-f': %*A«4;)a»i^^«ibM» to t nlhwy ■M-taWm itar !--¥••} U had MftNDM to tlw Sotathtni tUmi. * ' ''^ .» '■'.'■■' ■ .' ■ Hon* J. H, tlAiM»0!i (to witnwl)— Who dww thrt nohaogt 7 A—Mt. lUdcUff, the ViofrPwddont. . 0L,,i4|&. Brydf**, Ithink, WMiapofWWWon? A—Htmu. ,; %. M; 0. Oai«Iu)m (to witn«ii)-Who had theMi bilk r i— Tho Commaroial Bank had part of ihtitt. Th«{7 kMw all ab!«i|>e repndiatioa. ^ Mr. Thomai MoiB, oallad aod examined by fl[on. J. H. Cameron. j" - ■ . ' . ■".■■■■■■" Q— You are i^eoountant of the Oreat Weateni Railway Oompaiiy, I belieTe f A— I am. *^'' i^^And A^ Great Weatehi RaUway Company with the Detroit and Milwaukee ia not henf A — I believe not. ~And yon say you don't keep a Milwaukee account f A— Wei dp not. Mr. A. J. Maodomux called, and examined by Mr. Eodes. '^ . Q'—I believe you were one of the Directors of the Commeroial Bank of Canada, for the year 1867 ' •^*~' I was. Q — Had you, as such Director, any knowledge of an account being opened with your Bank in regard to the Detroit and Milwaukee Ra ilway 1. A — A propoaition to open an account was submitted to the Board. Mr. M. C. Camkhon — irproposition to^open what account? A — An'account with th^ Great Western Rulway on behalf of the Detroit and Milwaukee. That Waa after Mr Ross had been Ha Tpronto to meet Mr. Reynolds Mr. £ooLi8-^Was there a minute made of the a^liption 7 A—l think there was. Mr. M. C. Camibon— Mr. Ross says (hat he waa unable to find it. Yoa had better see what. )ini of lack yours is. Mr. EcoLKS (to iritness) — ^There was no minute made of it. But you appear to have a recollection of the Board moettng on the subject Now, what waa repreaonted hy Mr. BoNi at that meeting as the sobatance of the agreement made between him and Mr. Reynold* t a. » 3 *' s*%^ r>? f.'^l ♦ \ Mr. M. 0. OAMnoif-.! rabaiit thai the irttaiMi ihoald not atete what w. fM»M«.teJ «*.«. -i. .. ^i»k.»«in.te p«.ed. on the l.t Apnl, 1858 ? ^— Yea. I waa present at th||| meeting ' , ' * Mil.Sf"""'^'^'"!! 7°J^^<^' itaelf , An .pen mm^r #100,000 ii ..ked for on the Detroit aoA . Milwaukee account. And aU that is in writing. \ Mr ^Vret„™r'!!!i'*i^°'^^~'^°r'*^"*'^ mr. Koaa a return f .4— Mr; Roaa went to Toronto, and when he caifte b»>k h«, made a verbal report e— But I find that Mr. Maoddpnell wm n^V present at that meeting of the Board ? ^— U was at a me^ tioDfc, with Mr. Ross on the affairs of ihcBaik almost daily. ^jeoonvorsa _ J?^«*'« ?»« •7/««y distinct recollection of thi.^atter beipg d.«,«Med when Mr. R1^' ^ There were so many tbiogs submitted, that I cannot remember it veiy distioctly. - ' . " Tcry SJ7''7r '! w'"'^' «"" """"^ '^ ^""^ "••"* '«>»«<-l«'»%JU;4-^ *«ed to m/^ ' . veryirequeatly. I dp not know «hen first it was oaUed to my mind. ^^--^ ^ ' -;«i.^W *"'"'''' ?•'*"'''*' "** '"' ^' '*" y*"" ''*^"'«'<'« ? vl-I must have considered'it i»modiatclv after- wards becau«, with.n two or three months a further demand was made upon the Bank by the (,,17n7 W« I?r^ ,*v."^ **'• ?"*' "^ "" "" "*"" *^ ''•»'<«"» ^ ^-Mr Ross eommunioate'd to the Board a. Zi!jv"'"''t!^' ^"f \' "''° '"^*'-"« "' '"■P"'*-** '^'^ P^««. »"<* -"J' of the interview wST;,; specially sought for with the chief officer of the Bank. • of the^J^'^V^Iilr'" " "^T"^ importance. If si, how was it that it waa not ent«wi on the minoto - of the Bank f ^-I believe nothing wa» definitely settled m that meeting w>e minqiBt opening of the account I do not think thtf terms were definitely settled ; but very mueb, I believe wljeft ' 10 the discretaoD of the managers of the Bank.- ' Deneve, wwt jeft (I., ril'^^'"' It r*/ "f*^' "^ "^''•*"** importance for the Board to make'a minute of ' ^-I s„Booaa. *e reason was, >at the details were not arranged. i "ttppoaa. m^ntZLrT* ''^* *^u °"^ T°"« '*^'^? "'~'"!* ***^ ' ~'»P«°y. ^o-W »ot be a matter' of «,y im- portance-that the cashier has authority to open a dep(^it aooqunt ? /iThe cashier has aTiZ** »^?^ ™ depodt wcount, beou^ that involves no Tift to »he a«k^ ' '^^'^.^ ^^^y ^ ^P^ > ^P* r' \. ». I " K :-;v . .. { I . flS '.'.\ ■ - ' 1 .;. ■••*;■ ;. ;. { , : V !j- ^-? ■ •'■ ■". ' "■- ■.-, ■■^'' .■ ■ ■; ,-\^:. . ■ K ,t .- -Ml iMdeT ^-V«ty likely _^ ' ^ .__j ^y„^ ,„ we«ife||»oniI 'l"?"*- ' •, p«,peT85Kdone by eorr«ipo«..-.r. :,A*. ;•.:'. • 1 > Q^TbcD you irill not repat whst.yon iiid in the flnt initance, thkt th« cheques of (he Delroit"»od Mlt- wanhee Compiiny wlore lnoludod in the ■rrangeuiont 1 A— I boliove the* were included, beovuae I do not believe we ahould harog'^t^n thoui up without B proper order. A ' «— But euppoaiag you had received an order from Mcaura HryJgo/and lleynold*, roqueMinir you to Rive up their cheque*, you would haye given thoni up f ^— Yc». \ Mr. KccLKs— (to wltnc«»)--But you Would hot hove given them up dnloia you roo^jivcd an order? A—Ho . we ahould not have given titeui up without an order. / ' Mr; M. C. i^AWtmi (to Witngi*)— How lopg hove you boon in/the Bank ? ylA-Sinc6 March, 1863. M— And are you atill In thoUauk r ^1— 1 om. \ »» EooLKf (to Mr. me. Cc^nioron)— You admit theao Icttera of Mr. Kevnolda fl ^r. M. C.CAii«ttON— Yea.; ■ ■■•' '."'■. J': .'• \. , ■:■.':.'.;. . Mr. M. IF:< iS'/ran'/i; called^ and examined by Mr. Eoolca. / *" \ , ©—Wore you prcaont at the Board meeting in Kingnton, yijhttt jfr. ftoas returned from Toronto, and the subject of opening «b aeooutit with the Detroit and Milwauk^ie road waa apokon of? A— I cannot tax my mcmoiy to U the exact dttid> but I know that at one of the iij/eetinga there Was a converaition about openins an account ' .... . • - '^ Mr. Kcc(.E»f^^tora what you underxtood-^^— —^i^--^'- — ^rr— ^— r^--^ !" ■. \: ._ ■:■■■'■ -— ^r^ Mr. M. C. Cambbon— Come now> Mr. Ecclcs, that will not do. What ho understood I ' Mr. EocLKB— Very well ; make your objection to the Court. I shall go on until his LonUhiii t^lla mo to atop, The learned JuooK— I have not heard the queetioq. \ < Mr. M. C. Cambron— Ho aska hihi a» to his undonitanding in the matter. ' \ Tholearned Jddob— Pray dolctusgoton. What is the uao of wasting time in thiamannwy Mr. M. C. Camebon— Will your Urdship plcaaeAo Hoto that I tako exception to this kind of ewdcnoe 1 It irmerely a oooTcrsation with Mr. Kosa that tho withoss is asked to «peak«f. ' Mr EccLES— It is no such thing ; it is what Mf. Boss ropoired to tbo Hoard. " ' Tha learned Judge (to witness)— Please toll i/s, aa a bank director, what thfr Bnirk actually sanctioned .4— -We aanotioned a loan, as I suppoacd, to the Onat Western Board. ' Mr. M. C. Camebon— It could not have bc^\ at tho firs} moctimg, hciause at that meeting there was nothing further done than relates to the opening of iho account. Mr. EcoLEB (to wJtnc8s)-What did Mr. %^ lUrcsent, and what did tlie Board approve o|kt that mtet- idg? ^-I cannot remember exactly; but we ijndokood that Mr. Uoaa had been up toii.eoti'me of Ukm gentlemen about taking aWay their account from) the Bank of Upper (Canada. 'J hat was in the of August, 1857. . ■ " "^ «-Wo will oom^ down, if you please, to I ecerobqr, |857 ? ^— I rtttnot tout my memory esaotls m to what was said. ' ^. ■■;... ■.■■■■:■>;-■.■..,"•:''•;■;;■ ■..,.;■. "'I^",.. , Q— Did you ever on eny occasion sanction the opening of on nooonnt with the Detroit and Milwaukee road A — Certainly not. > ' . * . g •, i Dr. T. \y^ RuherUon ohWeA and examined bV Mr. Eccfea. J Q— You w TV -(. g— Did you ever sanction apy tranaactions bet jreen tho Bank and tho Detroit and Jlilwaukee Road " A— I Mver would have thought of a^ph a tiling. . '• „Q-7Did you eve/hoar bf an^th'liij; of „tbB kind ? vl-Tbero was »u upplicnt!.,n made, but it was reftjsed "" An account waa opened wlt|i, the Great WMtcm .on behalf of the Detroit anj Milwaukee Ra|lway, ' Mr- M.C.(>AMERON(t4witno!«)-WMn did you first hear about it? yl— I heard bT it at a mectinii o{iheBdH,beW,I^hink>ontbel8tApril. That-was the. time tU the application was mode. V 9—j can Bho*» ypd^tlmt there was nnthinjr said Bbout opening an account on bebalf of the Detroit and ■I'- fe « i ^ X a# .'■" '^1 Vi •^i> /"■"*i -' \ rx** 1* / ,^«i ;■ , i;.:.'- ■ - ;^ /, - „ (1 ' J* CI 4V .i»«Ito.Fi«»»»*;T'' V „„ r^„.,» J-uia■>'>'»»"'"• Q-Thete w«. some '»«»<»""**»^ "^ ^Set i-I »«'« represented the lUilw»y. WidMrCrook.tBrepTe«intiDg.theB«i.k,lMuev^^ ^ ' '-■i '/■i: -— '^ / *-•. h ft 0>»Do ;m know if Mr. Cmipb«n, u nprwcntinK th« Bank, whwhUnI to thii trrangenxntT A— Oh jm. t hnd mora than on* lnl«nUw with him, and the matter waa dlaottaaad very (nt\j. lion. J. II Camehow— I want tha minutea of thn ihareholdani' inaallng of laat jaar, in regard to A* foraoloauro of ihoaa muriKigea. Tha mlnataa war* produoed and raad, aa followi :*— i /, • * . " IMroil and MUtrntA** Cnrnpany, " lt.0a» mol»ed-.r^ftniiig' to ihi arrangmtnli neetttary lo bt made <» eotuiqutnrt of Iht furtdomrt ^"T**,.!!", , 7J| .reoTho^Rh undo, ib« furm.Uiy of m.1. Th., ^U»Ulh•d.f.«d.nU.b,.n^ar«m.nto Ihuk l.t.l^ « ^^^ ^^.^^ ^^,^ ^„„,y ^„ bVd no power to borrow moo., o« b.Wr of b. ^ ^^^ ;7 ^^J Uili.y Co-panj. Tho Or..t W«fm „b«ioJ-ib.i U f.r tb, purpoM of »^;»^^7;;;;j^ ':;;', 'purpci only, under tbo Act Ifl^h ^A^r I.V., 0/ «*- 6>-l"-^ /- ' : rlS :/ f;yTlrlr/o.Wror ,o t. W,o.W. .o-.eW/W. into ,(och i!lo/th$ ^ of to be iuued by ' j^ J^"^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^j Milw.ukm, Company In no m.nnor A. OrMt We.t.rn IUilw.y Comptn, to »«"J"^ ^J^^^" ^ ^^ ,,, b„, u ^^ „ot allow of Arrowing Tb. leun«lJuDO^It would .pply to Ibo whole account. ^ ^ - ^ in the Onite.1 Stnte, of America hoe to laydojn »'»/«^ ««' J Wo« rt« |i«t' Ctotd* Quttrii'* llrnoh tVaiUra lUllviy Company and tho PrMkon aaJ narlin- lUporla, 477. TIm t««rn«d Juoai-^I reoullitat (he eum wnj woll. Mr. >I. C. C'AMBaoN-^Yoar Urt'ibip ii awtrt thai in t><||HpPll Or««t \VM(orn had antartd into an •mngonMiit wilh th« I'raatdii and lUrlip lUilwajr, uudor ihn aoal^W tbo (wo t»tinpanir», I'ur (he purpoto of auDipla(ing certain iniprovvmrfnta uo (he latter lino, and fur workin)^ i( ; and ar(«rwarda a claim waa made Ibr repajrmflnt of (ha adranooa uiado bjr (h«m. The ('hicf Jua(ice, in gif ing Jadgi^eot in (he raae, aaid t " /n ihc abitnrt nf ang jioteer givin to lh« plainllffi to nmHrwrl a ritilifaf htltrtrn IWMon ami nfrlim (A«y rouitt in ' Irgnllif emploif tk* /*nail, •'« t>ther juirl nf ikrt rounlry. AmJ ihii he.lug »o, tht jUnintifft tanuol, in our opinitm, inforeti jMiymrHt hy ifui ilr/imlanU for the work to doHf ; fint, bttauit it i« contrary to th* ijintral l>o)iry of fh« late, ami inrorndtUnt wilh tho firolntion du4 tft the tkarthtlJirt in the Great Weileni Jiaifmay, that the pirerAore thoMlil op^'y the poierrt of their charter to, awl expenil the fund* of tht Company on, an ohjrrl not wilkin the tctijm of lk*ir charter 'p (ini/, HeoniUy, heraute th* plaintiffii have not the ]irioilri/e of luimj in a corporate ctfpticily, cjerpl for tauten of . action aritimj out of their Icijitimale Lutinfu. ' ft mag term in *uch niire hflril that the purty which hat nceieed th* advaniagti of Ih* labour or material* of the Comi>any thould he allowed to avoid payimj for lh*m by letting up inch a defence ; but the argument ha* received ihii obvioui antwrr, that it in not for th* late of' the defendant in luch catei that th* defence i* allowed, bttt from neeentity, in order to conjine conjtorationt to the Ugitimate m*e of their power* ; for if they could enforce th*lr demand in iiuch eii»e$, there would l>& no value or force in the legal principle which declarei that they thall htu'e no povfcr to act out of the proper teof* of their charter. * • • " • ♦ * » * « ' « m « *l lint, a* we have atr*ady ttatcd, the plaintiff*' action, in our opinion, fnih at to thf claim for work done on the line; becauie it tea* out of the ecopeof the plaint^fft' charter to eonitruct a ^ihcay hrlkern I'ralon'and Berlin, or to a**i*t in it, and there/ore they cannot in tKeir corporate capacity lukfor payment for fuch vorh." Now, I take it for granted thoro oan be no quoation whatevor that without tho authority ht an act of ParlilmeDt, it would l>o quito imposaiblo fur the Qroat Western Railway Company tu um their fun^ds in any manner or abape in regard to the advanoemont of the Detroit and Milwaukee. They porhapH would bo at liberty to enter into an agreement for tho eianying traffic, which would bo strictly within. the nature of their biuinesa; but as to loqding fVinds for the purpoee of completing a railway, for retiring ita notes and paying iu ooOMnM' and t))e interqst due on its bonds, it seems to mo impossible that the Oreai WoaterK Itailway Company coultT parties to any such transactions.- On that ground, the language which I have road is very atrong. Equally'^ strong ik it in tho case of Lyman and the Bank of Upper Canada, 8 Queen's Ikboh lleports. > The learned Juikib— 'If I recollect right, it relates to the furnishing of supplies to stoamboato. Sir. M. C. Cameron— It applies to the Bank of yppor Canada dealing in steamboats. I would carry the argument to this extent — that tho authority whiqh has been shewn by the plaintifls in this action as given to the Great YTcstern Company, by tho Board tX homo and tho vote's of th« ahardhuldora, is 8iui|ily to authorize the Great Western DireCtoiv in Canada to control the o^pOndituro of certain suma of ^onoy which weiro advanced by .the Great Wesnrn, upon security,, for completing.the working of the railway. It was not ot all authorised by the shareholder; that any of the moneys, so advanced, should be use^ in payment of i\\6 bonds, or interesienthe^ bonds of tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. The minute of 'the, jioard, on this bead, indicates t^at the money wos only to hf> used to complete tho working of the railway, and that it was not to be applied to such puxposcs as have been contended for herotoday. There are numbers of English authorities, which shew xittite distinctly that ji joint-stock company formed under a deed of scttlenjcnt, and having corpo- rate powen to a certain extent, canool make any arrangements whatever for assuming the rcsponHibilitica or liabifitiea of another po'mpanyTTThere are many authorities on this point; but I will now refer to the caio of ■■".■'■•.•-■ \.'- ■. m <:■ '■ . ■ '■ ■'■""': ■ ■''"■''"■- ■ .V. r'-V ^^-^ N .-.A.^:. ■»■■ J '^i If '• T 1* ■ # 4 % ' ■ ■ - * • / • .'•'" 1 ¥ * • _•• \ ■ ' r h ■* ' { 'u •■ ■ ' • . , •;h '• • '■•x, ■ . . .. -. • ^ ■ ■ ^• ':- ?■ ■. -X ., ■ ■■ S-. ■' 1 ' * ■•■ t . , ' / .■■',. : $,.■ ■'• ■ ,. . * ■ . ■ ■' .' ' ' r-- ' t ■ ■ . . ■ ■, ■; ' x ■ • • ' • : . ■■' . •"■^ysifcTiOTi .■<»"' .^^ J 64 ■■H::-^ .•-■ ^, *-r. ^""..Bu, inhere a Corporation u created h, 'if^^^^^^^r.^^enal^^^ po^^ tKenindnd another .iueHionar,e.;tlu,r dee l,^^^^ ^ ^.„;^,„i„, ^ ^ Lnldature meant that *ucn a itidMhould not Wmade. .. „ moneyetothopuTK»o.»ttthori«odbyiUAot. The le«nied JoDOB-Are you from unjit r _^ ^urist.5rf: . Tiiis hai been roggeated Mr. M.C.CAM«EON-No; from Solomoo. -nd U"^-^ Vi.m 14 ,^^^^ ^^^.^^^.^^^ ^j^^ tometoread. But I thought it w«i BufBo.ently wt^« the J^^^ ^„gemenl- entered into b, office™ of a^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ The learned Judoe-I ahouH '^^ ^^I'T IT'T^,^,^\ Bank thought they were acang for the-best Mr. M. C. Camebon-I have no doubt '^''^''P^J^X,^^, Ld'MilwauW Railway; but atill when they permitted thefr fund, to go U, P^^lJ^.^^^ .^^f^J^Sn by their minutea, *nd had the thi. was not k thing contemplated b, th, ««» 7** ^.^i^n 'iul Jd they, therofore, hav« no right to Great Western RaUway given Buoh authority, it would have been illegal. "W, . . '""'^elearn.dJuPO.-Itisclcar^at^theplaintiibUmittedaa of any advantage from it. ' _ . . \ .^ Buffalo and Lake Huron RaUway Company iaono Mr. M. CCAMrooN-The^ofmiteheadand^ with which your Lordship is, no doubt, fam.lmr ^»» »^°'J "^^^^^ ^^ {^ „„, ,^ authority, or scope, thoughhemaybenamedbyActofParh.mentMMan.g.ngDirectoi^h^^^^ £ office would particularly to bind hi. company, except a. to the general '>«7,«'f J^rSl^rof the nature sugg^ted, they , apply. A"d.o,inthUc«K,,if^theae^n^^^^^^^^ could not bind the company I do not think ««" » J ^^^ ^^^^^ „d the defendanta, though a within that daw of cases whero it «. held that a contract J«'«"g SL • becaoLe the evidence hero bfferod is . corporation, having roeeived the benefit of it, they aro to be bd^^^^^^ j^ .^ ^^ \gainstsuch a conclmiion, the Groat Western Comj^ny not hjmngroce.v^^^^^^ Groat Western, ^troit and Milwaukee Company which roceivcd »^«^;;^^ 7,^^^^^^^^ received by Mr. Brydge.,. though it may be of service as a feeder to it. The """"/y '^l f^^"" J/" J"*; . .^ Oompany-iffices quite as the frosidenj and Mr. Reynolds, the Vice-Prosiden.. of *« .^'~ ^^^^^^^^^ It was high and distinct as thj offices '^^ ^ 1 ^of rany ^^^^^^^^^^ paid to them in thW character, and it. could not by «»? P^J"' Ythat was raid on their order, went to the Groat Western. Certainly, everything that was roceived ^y »he°^«J ^^"^^^^ J^ J^^^'^ ^^^ ^\^^^^ ,fc„„id benefit of the Detroit and MUwaukee-RaUway. And, on aU these ground*, 1 thinK tnat i p -"^ ^S'iied Jcpoi^ will roserve you leave, Mr Camero^^ Mr. M. C. CAMEaoH-It\s . matter of oonsequ-c^-; "^SV^u ioSp ^oWs the same'views the matter should not be kept hanging over them unnecessarily. And It your iioros p as I have iust urged, I thiqk your Lordship should rule at once in our fevour " ' tJ: iCncA^oE-lf 'i wcro pr^d now to rule, I ^^-^J^^^^^ -^^"^^ ,„, aispose of the Hon. J. H. Camibon-Yqu must allow us to have a word or two, If you ple«80i Deioro you oBpu matter Ji«f*'"T"W*Mf ^''^■'""^ifi™ >SW ' ■ft'* <:^_ /. f %^s / " The learDedJuiWE-U ii of tho atmo^t importanoe tyi^l .hould form • fiortect opinion of the poinu lubmitted; .nd when I nid th.t if I had to rulo at the/prcicnt luotnont, I .hould rulo iRainit you, Mr C«niqroo,you mast uflder»tand that such is not my fina/ decision, and that I may n«t imibsequently hold inysolf to It. It would U to the advantage of all parties that I should not now rulo eilhc^ way, bcoanso if my ruling were wrong a noi^ trial would be applied for and i«nied, add tho whole of tho ground would have to , be gone over again, which would be a serious disadvantiigo. ' Hon. J. H. Cambron— Then your Lordship iTill^ubinil a certain statement of facta to the jury. Perhaps you will be good enough to indicate What these fuots 4il( bo. . _ The learned Judob^! cannot toll just at prwfent. I must first hoar what fao|s you are going to prove But the main feature to my mind to be submitt^ b this : To whom ond for ;whom was the original credit given? , / • , Hon. J. ir Cameron— That is really th«i only question of fact. There are one or two points which should be mentioned, that your Lordship might go over with us, as yon have done with wluit has'beon submitted by my learned friend. An fur as I can see, rty learned friend's objections are three. Tho first is, that there was Ao account between tho Commercml Bank and the Great \ye8tcrn Railway, in its character of Great Western Railway, on behalf of the Detroit and Milwaukee ; second^, that whatever was done, was done^ ultra vires of the Groat Western; thirdly, that the letter of the 10th December, 1858, though in the nature of a; guarantee would not be binding for want of ponsideration being expressed on the face of it, and for want also pf a seal' I think that the objections taken J»y my learned fViond on any of the pointe arc not tenable. First of alVaa to the question of account, and^^irt to the tf^plication of the various cases my learned friend has cited, it must be remembered that the^plaintiflsxare not dealing vltra virei, but th\f the;^ are dealing in strict conformity with their charter; and thdy ore not dealing with a company having no power to deal wi^h them, iMjcause they havO a" declaratory Act giving them whatever power may have been panting in tho first instance. Wo, therefore 'stand by our charter, and say that that gave us a perfect right to do what was done, and that' wo wore not in any degree engaged in any transaction of business opposed to the powers conferred upon us. That these gen- tlemen of the Great Western, however, did engagb in that which was against the powers contained in their original charter is clear, by goihg into a foreign country and controlling the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway./^ Butthey firooured an Act of Parliament conjr^iiijyi; in the broadest possible way whatt|^.had done. Thai Act enabled the shareholders ialso to go on adva^iiigtoo'neys to the Detroit and Milwaukod^^elrtheondwer to the first question put bjr my learned friend is this : that the Great Western did that wh^^l^hkd power to do ; ^nd the Commercial Baiik did that which they had p9wer to do. Then, as to the qtiMtitii of t^e ultra iiWa, as- to these jtehiis having gone beyond the scope of their charters, I say that-itrdocs not apply to this case at aW, because wo liave extensive authority, as unlimited as wo could desire^/ And authority to the extent of i::J50 000 steriing wa^Aeted upop ; whilst there was also power on tho Mrt of thhom we have opened the account. The jury will havl to mv whether thU waaa Great Western account. Idp^tcare whether it was called the Detroit and Milwaukee ttkilway Company's account, or any other aooouot^^hether the cheques were or were not drawn in the pames o^ the Pre^'dent, Vice-President, Accountant^Sooretary of theDetroitandMilwaukceRaiiwaji,thequestion which! '" submit to be determined is, was the cr^it given to the Great Western Railway by the Commercial Bank » This is the great question of fact to be sijbmitftd to tho jury. We contend that the evidence wo hayo given entitlea us to say that it wfls. We sayTsecondly, with regard to tho ultra vire,, that it is a mattcrwhich cannot concern us. The moment we estoWish the authority of tho Great Western Railway Company, wo shew that we are dealing withm the scopj^f our charter, and theirs as well. We are not bound to examine into the extent of their authority to deal wWj^a party in a foreign country. If they borrowed £100,000, more or less, from us, and expended it on^ii undertaking, security ^n which they had obtained, and the advantage of which they enjoyed, they^ve no right to turn round and say, "We were borrowing beyond our powers; iind, therefore you cann^t^me upon us for any portion of your acJcount." We aay, "The moment you had authority to deal 'V 65 \ •/■ (ANIt aari «> IKT CHMT Nfc|C 1.0 SVL |£ 122 IB Ut IH HI |t25 |i^ ||^ >iPPUB3 MHBE he tIM I«j l Miti l>wl ~ l^""" RMHMHh WWB TWll it)4M-eioo-nM • V 66 nn.bor'1868. wc contena tM t . not O""" «' 8^ J-J" ^^^^ »„»,,. The, do not «.« „,tu«. of the tr.n«.ctlon. which had "'^^^J;" f ^^l Jl »''«'"i'*«' "•^"'''^'"'' '"' "t* ?"•' T th. word " Ruarante*." any *Verc .n it. ^hey «y that they n ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ ., f^, Sat letter for the purpose of putting the --^ ^^^^i,^^ of gaarantee. it i. not a quction l«tterth.nmeroloo.oroconcct.onBofw.tnea808jt fa n^^^^^ want of con«- .bout the corporate M.1, it i. not. qnesuon of ^.tl^^^^^^^^ declare it to be: a .tatement in writing aben . . deration on tho face of the letter-.t « •'"P'j.^'^V^'J^he previous verbal underatonding of the partie. , .«egpne tnia««t.on, .hewing « black "."^^ '^^^'^J^^^'^rU b, my learned friend, the <,«e.tion to be «r.t , f i^. We Bubmit that ''''•'7V-«'';XL^t » »^ by the Commerpiil Bank, or V,> «ib«itted ia, whether this crcd.t wal. «'?" *;'^° J^^'j^ th«re i« the farther qneatio^f were the Commercal Detroit and Milwaukee lUilway. And h, ^^^^J'^'"'^^ Z,^„ ;,«„ them by the Act of Parliameat, »nd LlmnedJ«BOE-You are assuiniog that your arg«m^«nght. Now, 1 ^^ ;. y right or wrong; but if it i. right, there is no ^f^' ^ J^^^''^^ these facta to b<,'fonna by tl^jnry? ^ I fiotf. J. fl. CAMEBON-IIow Can .t be a 'l-**^"-"^.^"; JJ^^ ^ ^ ;„ our favor, lave will 60 reserved iLs yoaKLordship mean to say that if the juryvshould find tho fact, to , • -^. tomylearnJsAfriendtomovetoenteranon-Bwitr ^ ' ' . '■^Bt-''' . us, without further delay, ^ _^^ , ^ Cameron has already pressed me tO ,.:?:;:-fsr^;cS::X:^^i-^^^^ '"' StH:";^:::;;::;^, l-ned «ends beside nie are av " 'TE^There are grave and serious reasons, my Lord;Wthe verdict trammeled with any reserve or condition. » i The learned JPDOK— What difference is It r Mr. Eccws-A great dek^of difference. _ vnur favor-which I do not hold myself todo- the objections being Ukcn under it as are now rawed. ,..-. ;. t-^en . for you are endeavouring to S5 •^-^". ,"aw» '4'' /:^' "-■ ' -'?^. ■ ■ - i - be, beoaiue, !a mj event, the oue wJll proUbly agiin eome berora the oonrU; and we think that bcfora the eue .gam came to trial; we ooold obtain an act of Parliament, .o .» to remedy any cil that taaj hare'been done. Th* l«rned JUDOE-We have had two or three tiqie. to auapend the action of the couft, for the nurpo«> ' ^ of an act of Parliament being obtained ;/and in this rcpect 1 do not «ee that it would make any difference to 1 yon wnolhor you are non-euited or a new trial ia granted. -. 1 *!'; ^'?' ^^J""""'— J» •«»'"■ »» '"« that in a eaae In which there if «ach • vaat amount at aUke, my learned fnenda ought not to heiitato for a ningle moment to re«or*ing ua leave." Hon. J. H. Camibojc— My impreasion ia that there ia perhipa no oEiieetion to (cave being reaerVed : and we will coniicot to that being done, if your Lordahip ao doairca it The learned Jooae — Very good. Mr. ThonuuReynoid* waa thea called and examined by Mr. M. C. Cameron. I ,„?~^'"* '" Vice-Pieaident of the Detroit and Milwaukee Itailway Company, are you not? ^.- n^ .^;rY''**'n'V"" •"""" *" 'W* country*^ fir.t> .4._In the fall of 1857, in connection with tha Gteat Western Railway. C— The arrangement between the Company and the Bank was made prior to that Ume, waa it not f . f Ml ^r^^ ^r t"**" 'x*" "^ •'«'•«?««»«»»■ with the Commercial Bank in regard to the Detroit and Milwaukee ? jA.-Yjs. I aaw Mr. Roaa,And took with me n atatement, and the rcaolution. of the Great . Woalern Boa.^ relative to the loana which Mr. B^dgc. and myaclf Wore inatructod to employ in the completion and equipment of the Detroit and Milwaukee Koad. We ahcwed Mr. llo«. a deUiled aUtement of the monthly requirements and the traffic receipts of the Railway. The traffic rcoeipta and the monthly !!f?7nf"» f**' »' «»'»'ori'y to make arrangements with the Commereial Bank, auch a. you speak of, on account of the Great Western Railway? ^.^None whatever of nar;i7ulr.h«- 1w"^ '^° ^t T'^ ^*"' ^'^ '""^ *'"'»•'•* '»«'"' ""'■' y°« "J"*" «»»• The bill How dTth^ f that during the first month you drew out 129,000, and you paid in $29,060 66. How did^Uiat happen? ^_U .rose from the difrerence « value of the rate of exchange. ^-YeT ^""^'"'''"'^ "•""'' y"" Paii in.wdthat left «66 66a to your credit on the tninsaotidn ? and^i::!^^;::,^"^'''''' ^'•^ "•"''^-•'^^-^ ^How long did those dealings continue unchanged? il-Wntil the eBdr^theyrtir 1858 <^-.Wh.t ch«ge did then take place ? .1-The change then made n^^uat i w^i^e been nude- ;. m r'xr /,' 68 App'i (Uft) Mid (179) fUfft 110. v^- •» ? Aprfi App'x p«g«0O. Q_Pr,vio«. to i/t, the oh,q«« were d-^wn h, y^^^^^^^ tion r^-Ye. J tho/were i««ed .n .ocord.nce ""^ «"« « ^ ^^,.„„, ^^ ,y,,, Ume T ^- O-Uad yott lept . Detroit wd M'»''«»''r''r ? „rl«„ch of the Commoroi.l H.nk w.. opened, w. Yee ,^h«l .^iccoSnt in Detroit ; h»t when the Wu,d«o b«nch of Je^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ oloeed with the Michigan In.»«nee Bank in Detroit, and paia . ^'"'^^aTieacconnt at Wind., .ere,, a .ub.idi.ry account to the Hao..Uoo aeoountr .^-Uwa. ...^ the Finance Director of the Great Western ? ^-Ye., «»"»'•"?• . ^,^ „ j, nothing of conMqueooe i received letter, from Mr Park in that way. ^ p„k i„ your charoctet a. the Vice-Pre8id«*.t, 6ut in C-You not only received letter., you say, from Mr I arK in yo ,oar character aUoa. the Finan/..l Director? ^"J^' ^"^^^^^^^ 1858, .igned by you and Mr. Brydgc, ^ ' ^"^ '*• "" '" „ e_And they complained, you say, of the overdrawn " oonscquCTce df that I gave the letter. ^-Upwards of $300,000 I think. advances. ' \„ ,^ n ™„v aelnallv paid the Detroit and Milwaukee Company the amount whole of the two loans hn. been absoTbod,; /, i\ ^BfeSSii-'^^^gJi^^fe^^ \^' \ i bn..or.„h.n«eooK„«,.„d. J .K. .on";:; o^'Ki?^;..;^ -" •^" -o p«"'---»Jin« Co.„„.croW Bank. Thoro were -ir^id J olr I f " ""'"I!" n '"""'"" "'"' "'" ''"•"''•"'«» "^ "•« w«ren«iredU.fl„i.Mhc„,«|..„dirl;tM^^^^^^^^^ ""• ^^'-'-^ Milwaukee »br iron which .dd that the Great Western' ,LZ;r,rC^;^^^^^^ » '"«y Q-4r.a,o„ any other tr.n./cZ^trL'^ith h;i:Zra7^^^^^^^ ''.the <^n.„.erci«. „,..k' elapsing between 1857 and 185D ? A-Wo flnTir "^ Milwaukee lload during the period Michigan. Mr. H^dge, and m„elf aeeordingir.Jpli d ZihTcL '" ^'"fu ?'?"'''"""' *"' ""• """•" ^-"'" theae .teamboata, and an account wa. opened n olr It nl^ ^"?'"'r"'"' "'""'' ^'^ ^"'"''"''"' '»'"«'"" ''""J were headed "Steamboat Account." To chJu„rnr "'^ «ilw.y, wUh the exception I have IntioLVinrl'^^^^^^^^ ""V"' "'" 'J^*^*- " We did for tb. Q-Thcy have nfver claimed, itlvc ho amount^ f ".K r"" »•*'"« ''-•>«^S»«'«»''o.t Account." ^-Not that 1 am awaro of. ' """""™°» f ">«« •"'^•"'nt fro.^ the Gre^t Western lUilw.j f '2— ^^''«" w" it that you first beoamo aware of theii< in»nn(i„„ ... i .. Western Railway for an, an.ount beyond iho Great wLtr In . Tt" '"^ *'""" "P"'"" •»•« «"«»' The flnrt distinct knowl/dge I had of it was convl7^/^^.!''"'^^^^^^^^ ^- ia connection with the w/andot.o Rolling MSirnl 'x'^' """"" *" *"• «'"""'-'«'> M'-R-Ap,.-. ^-^^^^r'TZZ^:^^^ *^^^o the givi„,of bonds'-- wo eould out of the receipts on this side. tS Git wi^ ^^ "'" " "*""'' *"" '»"» ••»f'<>"wd loan as previously had boon heavil^ against us, LdVn eo^f l^dTL' Sr "i 'r" .'^T"*"'""-' "-"-•""^ there was . credit in the Great Western Railway's favou instJS TaI\ ■ "^ '''" ^^- 'T''"' " ^ -"J homo'being anxious that we should pay as m^h of the a;;!^,, ^"^'^ "^""^ "'•"°- ^nd the Hoard at the.odeweehent.kof .akingth?p.y:er;.L^V:r^^^^^^ ^^'-'^«> we adopted «- vUid you give anything with the bond for «100 OOftl An ' .' of the road, and the weekly traffic eVniuKS- and when i^r!, i "as.nterested generally in the progress 69 V- -i-7 ■-(C> A?^, ^■■■r'y'y\'-*^r-*"''*i'i' ' .> 10 Avtf* '"*"»...,, ^flL-Do yoo know if Aom 8«'"«'"''^ . •„ ^y^ progrew of tbe M«d. , i-,&ys thought Uut U», took w ilftef«t « the progr _ ^^^^ ^^.j^^ ^^ ft— Iheliwo JO* **"''• "^ , j__Ye« * ^1 App'x douiS.^b,";hVD*t»it.~l B«lw.jv^»p»^^^^ j^ th.«ontl|rf Noremher „ eSecl thja.dditioiidB«»ey iftW ? i-I do. I h«d be«» «»*ay **P~"?6 '"""^T;;"" "fi; day^«fejS» the due dat. of the coupon. Vi^^^ ^--i-fw .^ ^ t f i^j:li^S£.% I •:\- ■ ■ ■« ■■^■j--. n rtpiUid by reqqMtinK mo lo Call ia th« mornlnK, whlpk I did ; and u he mU ho oonld not rtoeito my totUr oAoially until ha had cotnmutficatad with KinRnton, I withdrew It until h« euald •ontmvnioata with tkat eltj. II. II, C. CAMKKON—Tha l«tt«r ia to thia affapt :^ [Sm ApiMiiulu, HI, pagi Wi.] He alao immI • latl«r of 7th Noyember, 1860, aa fullowa :— [Stt ApiitndUrXJtT, pag* 04.] WlTNiat— Thai latter waa witbdnwn in eonacqaence of a letter whieb lllr. Park rocelred (h>m Mr. Ilrtaa. na«nt of at laaat two p«ra«n», Tha Sooratary, myaelf, and any ono Director can oioouto a document If nacaaaary. Mr, Brydnea and myaalf bara iimilar kaya ; ao that if I ware abaant, Mr. Brydgea and tba Haeratary oonhl open tba bos, and If Mr- Brydgea ware abfant,^ tha SeeraUry and myaalf eould gat aoeeaa to tha loal. ^Por what purpoaa did you gira the lett«r of tba lOth Dcconibor, 1858 ? A-A» I bare aaid before, Apoa - given in the way of carrying out our gancnl inatructiona from Kngland aa to the eipcnditura of tbci!l «, Western loan. Our inatm.^tinna «■»■ tn »• n« .»>k».:>- «. i. «.-.!..<>«_.-. nr ..... „ p«|[« w. h Oraat Weatern loan. Our inatruotion. gave to ua no authority to borrow for the GraaiWeite"rnlwiw« Compaq on account of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company. 9— In your oommunieationa with Mr. P«rk waa there anything aaid aa to theae papera (the obequoa) not being understood to mean What waa eipreaaed on the faeo of them T In other words, waa it even suggested that the Petrbit and Milwaukee chequca should be regarded m being tba obeqnea of the OrcatWeatem Railwav f .i->Oh deamo, Sir. Not at all. ^— The aooovnt of the Detroit aodf Milwaukee waa distinct flmm that of the Great W(Ht«mf A— Perfhctly diatinot. ~ gS^k^ Q~-Thm were the offloea of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway ? ^— The oiBeca Jiin>Detn>it and Milwaukee and of the Great Weatern at Hamilton wore entirely distinct. ¥ Mr. KooLBB (to witneas)— We will follow this point up now that we are fcirly on the tnwk. Now, where are tbe offieea of the Detroit and Milwaukee situate at UamUt^n T ^— The boainoaa U carried on irt the Groat Weatern Company's office. But there waa a Detroit and Milwaukee President's office in Hamilton. ' • Q-^l see here a letter headed, " Detroi't and Mihri^akee RaUway; Preaident'a office, Hamilton, C-W.*' Now ia tbat office ontaide tba Groat Weatern offioea? ^— Noj tbo bufineea ia carried on in the Great Wcstorft Gompany'a offioea. Q—Yon aay tbat you eame fron^ England in 1857, after the aoeountof tbe Gnat Weatern Railway Company had been opened with the Commdroial Bank ? A— I did. «— From whom did you get inatraotioos before you left England as to what your duties were to bo in this country T il— From the Secretary and membeq of the^Englisb Board. I was nnsblo to attend tbe Board meeting in oonseqneDce of illneaa. Tbe inatructiona were Terbal in tbdr ehanwter. Aa rogarda the Great Western, my position waa to be that of Finance Director, and it waa understood that I waa to be made Chairman of tbe Finance Committee, and tbat all matteraof finance and all internal money anangomenta wen to be under my charge. C— Up to tbat lame, they had been uader charge of Mr. Brydgea, I baliove ? A— I oabDOt aay from experience. . .n. ©— Yoa have aaid that tbe letter of the 16tb December, M58, was not of sock a natara as to roqoiifto be broBgbt under tbo notice of tbo Finance Contmittee, or the Board generally, or to be entered into any of tbe books of the Great Western Company ? A — Certainly not. ^^Altbongh you sUte in tbat letter that the Great Western Railway Company holds itself liable for all orerdraft on the D. and M. Company's account Did you, when you wrote that letter, suppose tbat you were idedging th« Great Western to the payment of the oyerdraft? A— Yea ; up to the extent of tbe kMS whieh Mr. Biydgea and I ware enpow^od to ezpond on the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. J @ '^m^w-^r'-^ \ 79 41. > A-li powers Q , Bailwi; Compa of Iha Great Weetern end IMnit .nd Milw.ukee Here i. tk. progi«mme of tk. ll.b.liUe. of tk. m«.U »'"••"'••' ^ y J ,^, ^.j ^cen IW.7 Comp.nie. wkiok you Uld before Mr. Ro« .t tke mcctinR m Toronto W" ''«f' ••"• ' to Detroit »« l»-;««'- ^K*;'"' »' '^l^tirl m 'l" of fkT tw! con.ll- wu ll.OaS^OOOf Q—l H. by it^tkmt tk. totid amount you m.d. out u "WJ" "• * T A—Ym: but tkere wm .ubMquently anotker lokedule made out. / ' C-lAt prei't I do nTundeitand from your atatement for wkom yo« Were neio9^«t.nK -^^^^^^^^ You kad iuafX. out from England, u I undertUnd, and you -n .ftjr went ^ fc^li «JTkl«k dWr. of tVu Company. You tkon returned to Hamilton '"'^^'i'^/^/'j'J^ '^^^^ 'fct V- ki. Inurrentlon you met Mr. Re In Toronto. Now ''»>«''»»« ""^ 'J'. ^."^'^^^jVoo .tcrlinB in clpIetioR I took witk m* tk. r-oluUon nnd.r wkick we were empowered to .pend th.. ^^'^''TZlZ^^^nA I aaked tke Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. I told kirn *o kad tkat autkonty to go On tko work, and 1 -deed him to aaaiit ni in our undertaking. « j t „..„» Mr Rr«dirM Vwkenyo*.p6.kof«we".pd«our."IwaBttoknowwkoyo,mo.n? ^-I meant Mr. Brydge. and mjr^lf. ^ if you did not make repH»enUtlon. for tko Or«it Wctcrn lUilW Company 7 >- I w-t^pirmakLgTpreJnUtion. for Mr. Brjdge. and m,«.f wken I ^ «kUig f '»'« "^"J^ ^ «"f J L " car^out tke^inatructionaof tko Kngliah Board W.wero f "« "if ^^« ^.-T* ^^J^^^e^ «rrilDgouttko«.in.tructio«.,btttwew.r. «t,ng in our individual capacity .n Mr. Bo«i for the«» ■"*" Tilf yott wer. kcro a. tke Finance Director, and Mr. Brydgc w« hero a. tke Managing Director, of the Great Weaten. R^lway, did you consider tkat you had *utkority to act tkmi for younwlvea J A-l will tell yoTairatlTit We wer. about to commence tke p.y..ent of money for tke Dctrdt and Mdwaukee, m ftrtkeianceof tkeinatructionaoftke Engliak Board, on account of tke loan gaantcd by tko. kareholdera.^ Q-l want to know wkelker wkat you did wa« done in tko capacity of agenta.or director, of tko Great Weatera lUihray 1 .(l—Wc spent tke mon«y for tko Great Western Company. 0_Tkat is all I want to know on that head. Then you met Mr. Rom as agents for the Groat Westom, and h«l this undersUnding on bekJf of tke Great Western T ^-Ye. {but I desire »•"?>""- ^ .-^. w- no .i«U. b.t th. .UU of th. Ln-o it wu . Rft .dnnUg. to the Orett W..t«rn lUUw., Company to . cr^ilt U, bo "' Tw "s :;t;'.::i; rx rrrr^ii ..t^. »„ th. .h . .th ou.„„. ^ fn. « « ,o?to gl on with tho op««tion. .t .11. Thi. WM tho «npl.M.«t (tat-ro of tho omo, to which 1 h.« "'•"SllThen th.y ««l n.ind. f A^Th.,«l their mind, .t th.t Ume, but nK.h.nged tb«n '^'"^rndth.t e.H.1 forth « «pkn..lo. fVom Mr. Brydge. .nd ,o«...If m to tb. pcltlo. ,0. ^ in l ^■"^Upo. rooeiW-g th.t explinalon/th.,. U ,o. «y. ,*oh«.g.d tholi^lnd. ..d .«ow«l jroo to proo.«l f •'*~^^Did you inform .n, officer of the D.nk th.t the Dlr«,tor. .t home h.d ch.ngcd their '"i"*'^ J'^"; AIt^T. nir.! .«iDon.ibii.tie, T0« .p«.k of .. h.»iDy b«.n inourred1>y you I .nppow h.d "f*''"" *« the .S:^lcri::l^rrrtt ..^J^f th, Dctro.. .% >I-Thc« were n.. .t th.t '''TSry:Xrp«;rpl.n.tioath.tyo.b.d-d^ on tbe Com.crci.1 D«.k T ^-No, we liiBpIl -id th.t we h.d rtndercd ourwlve. responMble, without e.pUinlog how. , ^ eu-0„ the 16th December, 1858, wh.t were your i«pre«iion. or ideu u to the .rr.ngement. entered ,„U. wVm" ^ for Unking Jurpo.^. On wbc«. beh.lf did yon think th. .ocount w« open«i 1 A- Th««, «« no doubt »t .11 th»t it WM the-Dctroit .nd Milw.ukee .coouot. ^ T^ifujithl „.me of the DeUx>it.nd Milwaukee Comp.ny w- not uMd, .nd .Ubongh ,on .pp^^ before Mr Ro« with the r««)luUon of the Bo.rd of the Gre.t We.Urn Comp.n, .. EoglwdT ^-Yon are going b.ok now to December, 1867. I thought yoft .poke of 1868. -^%- ymm '"«, ;- O^Th— I — . . k . ; •"•"g»ni«««, i»r lit tliar lh« flral iirriMimiii,.„t ^. «^,.^ u .;. ,z ;wt:T.:„':,;;: ::,:;ir;:!Ntr ''^ """"" '■•'• ' "•■• -^ out . ...fu-ent of tM. kind to LnZTZbH /" j rS"' ".'l'' ^^ ''^ !" '•"" "V'k.J u, ,o ....iI^'^I'tu Wm«lf of it in di.cou„tinK thco ll ^ """"""' ''""'''•• ""» **'• »»- •»'«»;' bo .bl« to " which i., th.t It L . u.,ro mat Hr wuv. L . "' V*'" «'*"'"" "'^ °'"' 'J"" » •^•'J-t. boin.t.cort.Sntia.0. '"' '"^' ''"''•"••"' '-'*"J«<' '" "k"'' »b« P"-m«„ the two „o„.p.„U, ^ Next .„ ,.. .p,L,„;, ,,„^.„; *^]2i^ 2 ~ ;' r r •; 0" •• • i "";;';• * !• *''''''" bond ooupoiM, 1). AM. til 0>0 " Tl. .- i ., n ' . ' •"'""" After. thut, " Hharo iuterent mixing thr;og„thor_' ^'""^"'•'•^" «"<'«««•"».«. W. H^ •.S.OOO." And «. on. Lll W1TNM8-" Adding," not ''miilng.*: Mr. M. 0. Camibon— It in not « uiijture. -^--~'' ' i;;?* >Doce.b.r.,85a,,,ou?;ji:r^^^^^^^^^ Ho .hat np ' Mr LL ;?Zi;wn7'"*'' ''"" ""•" '" •"-"""»«'»•-' -tc- in now York. did not. ho^4 prep,re the rel Twn. in 6.n J. 1„T K ^ ? '' ^"' """^' """^ '"""'''"''"' '" " ^ 0-Dld not Mr RrvdaJTn ,Z. '" Cwad., and th« reply wu prcp.M in London. V-UM nof Mr. Brydges tell you that thm wa« » oorwct c6py of the origin.lf .A-Yo, . , " ■ v- '..■■'■■ 1»« I-,.. ■-0^, ^^ ..^^i T f-%1^ • ' ^ . '' f ' " ' ^Fj^'*-^'^-! fPr-f i'Vf' w ■■^■' '^ O— TlMM iMtructtont tre m oomylete tpd •«"■•'"" .. „„„„ _„„ jid. AH letter, jou felt th»l ohM.4 in the n.m. of the three tr?tl„^W.f that none of the proo««>. of the traffie on th« I>«'«;'\"J . o-in the 14th Sepumber, 1868, 1 find the D. & Mjc'o; ^„i, „p,.i, th.t. The Ore.t Western tothfcredUof the O-^ W-»-,«'J-J,^r'\tU . . h.d certain traffic receipU in the^of ^''"^''-^J^^^J^^^^^,, £„k, from Whence it was po.d -nto the Com ioVet. .old. and paid it into the M-b-gan In^jce Co"^^^^^^^^^^ « ^ ^. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ "^"^^TT^L „ercial Bank ar Oamilton. There 'e«m. to h.vb^^^^^^ J^ ^^^ ^^ ^,^ ^, y„„ ,p«^ of wa. proceed, thu. paid into the account of J'.^"*"* ""*; Vp,_ ^ ,„p., ,„ erroneous deposit. ^ founded to revere the matter and set .t "f^ ".^J^" Jf^arreccived and carried to the credit of he . 0-Ve« it aava that that money waa to gT m. account oi lun the Great We8t«rn. On the pcX^MUwaieo road, when they .u«ht^ ^;:Xtr^ w y C^^^^^^^ WO-OOO on acc«i^t of the TOtb December I ae. there wa. . depoa.t by ^J" O'^^J^^Xuiuron and Milwaukee Railway €djnpany ran Port Huron and Milwaukee Railway ComF«y| r^'J^^^^^^^ ,„^ ^.^ m^^l when finlahed , opposite to Sarnia. and It wa. to be amalgamated wUh the D^^^^^^ ^_Mr. Brydges and my«lf were .utbori^d to expend 140.000 on ««>ount of hat Company, by. tuo g o_That WW under Mparateanstnictiona 7 A-xa. ^ ^^^ „j .u the railway, on SlAnd were you going !<> buy thui«)ad».p« well? (U^gh^^^ aocountof the thiaJS^nentif you only take «" »? .^J^ i^^l".„ Jg^^lll^^^^ , l)etroit.nd Milwaukee Company, inwh^cbthe^w^a^^^^ ^_lt « a paymen >'r::r^!^:i^^::i^^ ^e shareholder, a. W authorUed u. aako Ae payment.^ Hon J H.CAMWOK-LetMh,vethoMlette"- _ 5r MO QAMiHON-Yo, cannot have thorn, letter,. — ,-»*}^ \ right of w., .ro„« th, .in. whirwouid hi Zrt" r£ ItiJ™ .7 T; •'"' TJ •"•"• "' We, in virtu, of In.tniotlon. rweifed nZZ^ i . P^"'*"" '^ «•«•'" P«y«ent. h.d not b««n •Dd Milwuk... ^ '" """"""* •"•-«I""»»'y to the io.t^uotion. r.l.ti„g t„ tho Dotroil . . or »or. .,t.o,i,. th.a lho« with ig.rd to tfio ZZtJdJSluiZ A tI ' ^ ^7^"^ '""' ''"^' ■Itogethtr. ""^'"'""•nai^ukeer ^—Th.jr woro of a different natur. ^^^u' of what money, wero yon to mtke th.t .dvannii f A Ti.- d.- n • .... 0— You atato u a mn.'^l .».- .k 7 ! ' ' . ^ *'' ''"' ^"^ P"'"' '» *''• Company. • i„«^'^'""""""»l.' '<-«'»<'.000.»Ih»,».,8b.™„.4„6.,,.d.l50,000,.J.,; >.,,«5,"5 "'"■""-"•"'■' '«^ 'I** ^-^ •«> *»*^^^ [i««»of26ttJKv-4pp««tel08,pa3«72.] \ .. . M^B. .B«W called, and .xaminod by Mr. Ate. Oaaieron. May,?;^^l'i:„fLT:L;«;':b?:j*^^^^ ^-Ve..a„dlbavebee.«..ine. <»fUfo|threeyeaniatlea«t. • "^ "^ *"* P'*^ ""»*•'' ^•»»°«« Comouttee, but I hare bee. . aomber 77 I ?!l I v: "■s^^ r ^^tf-'lf-^ ^^WUS'lJ^i^^s^fl^ ^1! m of tW fcwn. . «, ^ _ Af .1.- n».t WMtcrn lUilwj Comimny oni of ito Voui oi nine iHrfototi attend the* lo fwqBenUy. w«iti,m tlia mU control of tho Detroit «nd MUwenkee f ^_I^ti«II^tbe.^r««of * B^^'^^^^»8»>roadl,, the intention of tb. ■ "'"S'JS'Vj^S'Aould UkeMr.Becbntoe.ywl.etW>. did not attend • n-ti-B with bi.,whicb,ke«id,beldtwomintonofpro««^^^ -■ W1TM88-I did attend a meeting of sbmbolders, at "»""^ ^"'"' ^ . y 4-Mow tban that, I Hon. J. H. 0AM«OK-to the extent of two mJlionB of ponnd., were tbey not r -a belicTe. ' ■: .S-W.WT i—No • tbev were on the uMe. (Laughter.) Q-And were not Chese proxies in a tin-box 7 ^— ^<> . _«•»«/ ^" . . ^ ^ ^^ ^ia H^. J. H. 0AM«OR-Then the only difference i., that ^peteed of being in a tin box, tney we bowd-room table. (Laughter.) Mr. Frederick W. (?«(«. called, and examined by Mr. M.C Cameron. ^ meiuiid biiiniL "^i ¥' '**~- ^fj^^sf^^f^^^^ s V'-P 'k' 9« |Mge «•. Q— From tti« p«r not in any way a manaKinit director of the Great WMternT ^— No, Sir. ' * s a And you were not therefore in the habit of oouTorsing with partica on Great Western bttoiDeaa? A— Notgcoonlly. Q-If you met i;itb a oontraotor, for instance, it is not at all likely you would oonTeno with htjn on tho ■ubjeot of the On»t Western f ^_No. Out upon the occasions whcq I saw Mr. Ross, the Groat. WSWrn »•■ generally the subject of conversation. I did not often soo him. _ ^--Did yon know, prior to tho period you \iMpfgiAm of, as to tho rooelpi of M^r. Park's note, anything about these WOO.OOO bonds 1 ^—Yee j I was pres^fki jit tho meeting of tho finance committee whoa Ii «a arranged. ^ J~Didyott know anything about the joint letter of Messrs. Brydges and ReynoIdsT A-l madeenqui- riei about what was termed their letter ol guarantee. But I do not know when it was I made the enquiry, or from_whom it was I had been away for nearly two months. I think it probable that I may hive spoken to Mr. f oung about it * r JanuSr woo" ^'^ ^'"' '^* "^ ' °°''' °' *'"*^ '*^*" ' "*"**'• "°" "'"'""' '"" **"• °"«''"'' ' *'"'"''' '" M ?^?'*r\*' *''™'*°'' •* *"" «P'«"««", in regard to that letter, f^om Messrs. Brydges and Bey- nolds r A — Ezpbnationa were given. « «-.J5r^'*'!:!"'''"'*'°°l'""' «''•" *" J"'"& **■"' ""'^K ™«»» • »•"•'. "i'^o"* communicating it to the Board r ^—They stated that the CommeroUI Bank requlrad for^nanoial purposes this |20(li,0q0. ^ (KBut I am now aaking about the letter of guarantee 1 vl-They said they had been pnable to give exchange to the Commoroml Bank; and the Bank wanted iomething to shew the nature of the arrangement which had been made. . * V y^^^'T^"*' "™»K«'"«'»* ' -A— The arrangement for eanying out tho matter of the loan wUeh the ah«i». holders of the Great Western had agreed to advance to the Detroit and Milwaukee. •» •»•*";••"; WHen^ton. I do,»y benklng bnelnee. In pert with the Co«n..rcl.l Il.„k. J >»"• J"" ^'['''l'"/, '^* 0«.twe.terni)Ul849. Mr. 0111 i. now the Preeidcnt, end Mr. Young, the V.ce-Pree.dent. They ^ '"'''ll!S.tyl»i»»«ar.thi.rdofthecWm,g.ln.ttheare.tWe.tern^^^ by tlie^nrtneroi.l B.nk .. being rCHponnible to them for the .ooount ot the Detroit end M.lw.ukee Reilw.y Compeny r 4— in the montli or Jenuery, 1860. . . „ .. . „ v lo^o -i..« Ai 0_Yo« were not pre-nt, I beliete. .t the meeting hold in Hamilton ,a No^mber 1850. when the ».tt«wMdlKu«cdr ^-No. IwuinEngl.nd.tth.tUmc V'"^ I*'" "«••"! '° "l^'^^";;;, th.t time I hid no^ herd of it. I heard of it in Undon, for the firat time, early in 18«0. 1 WM . per.on.1 (Hend of Mr. Roe. the MaOager of the Commercial Bank, and I «»w him frequently. .J «•; bim in Londoa early in 1860. when he mentioned the aubject tome., I am alao well acquainted yith Mr. Park, the late ManaRcr of the Commercial lUnk at Hamilton. But he never .aid anythipg to me on the subjoct. _ O-You are alao a member of the Finance Committee. Tell me now, what waathe practice in regard to the BMTbook r ^-The practice w«i for the p««-book to be laid on the Uble, and al«) a aUtement of the Bankaccount, it each meeting. I ncTcr aaw the pa«hbook of the Detroit and Milwaukee Wd on the toble. I once made enquiiy^bout the paaa-book; but that waa in London. England. ,„--.- 0— Did Mr. Roea at any time ahow you the account T A— Yea ; m London, in 1800. 0-Did be CTcr ahow it you at any place el«> ? A-He did not ; and even then I wa. not deairona of looking at the aoeount, aa 1 had noUiing to 4o with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company. I «.w at that time the heading of the account, and waa atruok with the manner in which it w^ ftamed, conaidering it to be incor^ I aikcd Mr, Rca. if it agreed wUh the pa«i-book. The paaa-book waa aought for and found, when itWScovered Aat the paaa-hook wa. not beaded in the aame way u the account then and now pie- MDted. Mr. Roaa acknowledged that the peaa-book waa not kept in the aame way. The diwrepanoy waa aeen and adtnowledged at oncck ^ ^ av. - C-Me««. Bf^dgea >qd Reynold, had no authority, .1 be|ieTe, to open aucb an Meonnt aa tbi» on behalf of the Great Waateim RaUway t A-They had not ' _ _ _ r ^_ ^ -Hon. J. H. Qai«bo!I (to witncM)— While -you were on the Finance Committee, did you Me W «d« or diafU drawn by.tbe Great Weatera Companya offioera on account of tiie Detroit and Milwauketf? A-I did not. e— They were never brought before the Great Weatem Board then ? A— No. . ^ . • 0-Then you had never anyUiing to do witii them r A-No. Bat I may aay that I underatood oortain mon were not uaed in any manner for the purpoaea of the Great Wcatorn Railway Company M.. "? "^n^I; ^**!™°'' (*". *i"'«««)-Were you not, at the time apoken of? an oiBcer of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company r A — Yea, Sir. V i.*7"°!^ """' '"! *' '^"" ''*' mortgage waa given, that yon became an officer of the Detroit and Milwau- kee Railway Company ? ^-^I did not become an officer of the Detroit and Milwaukee until after the Hoard waa orgnniied. I atill rcmnin in officer of the Detroit and Milwaukee. . .- Q-And the diaburaemcnta made, by you on account of the Detroit and Milwaukee were kcDt-how f A — Separately. "^ ir- j « x ■m, ©-Dp you know what became of t)ie monies received from L Commeroial Bank qn the Detroit abd Milwaukee account r ^-I know how part of them waa used. lU awaro that the money Mr. Mingaye received, aa paymaster, waa paid away aa wages. / ' It h ^"^""^ ^*''"'' '"** Milwaukee Company haa alwaya Been l^etlt diatincC from any olhec Company J A— ■- Mr. a J. Btjfdge, called and examined by Mf. M. a Oameron. / Hi iniaif .^ ' ■lipiWW''' "'"«! -w-f-'— pFjr-7W^ , ^p ■^•v.'HV. •» >k 89 «..•'>■ App'. (»») il— I BB. I bM« bMa ^^ — I ■m. ( Q-Yo« •!• llw »*•"•«'»« DIfMtof of Iha Omt Wwrtorn IUWw»j Comp««jr T •0 fur MmMhtag ovtr nine >r>r«. O— Yon tro •Iw at prwiont oonnocted whh (he ilnml Trunk lUilwij f l— X lou.uuu itarllog. ij_ . V ^1 • r dUpoaal. The aohedule produced to-day, markad A, ia a copy of that paper. The object of taking th«t to MrvPark waa to ihow him the ajiount and nature of the expenditura we ahoold have to make in Michigan, and the mode in which It waa to be provided for. The paper ihowa what the eotimato la of tbo net recelpta, and tha balance waa to be provided for by bills on London ; the bills to be drawn on the Oront Western llailway Comimny, sa part of the loan of £li)0,000 sterling. Q — Were you in this country during the whole time between the opening of the account In 1867, and the giving of the letter of gnaraiitee In 1868? .^4— I was. Q— And during that period waa a further loan granted by the Great Weatorn to tho Petroit and Mil- waukee ? it— Yea ; XIOO.OOO atorilng waa voted in October 1858, and I waa one of those who were autho- riied to JMe to iU expenditure. (Q— Had yooinstruotlons tc contract any debt beyond that? A — Not in tbe least (^What wu your object in algning the letter of guareotee ? i<— Mr. Reynolds came to me about the ' .time, thb lettor waa written, and said that be had had some discussion with the offic«m of the Iknk, who had ukeil blm for exchange on London. He told them— ao he informed m»— that in con8(iqi<%nc« of communica- tiona tma tie Ijondon Board, that they did not wish exchange to be presaed upon them at present ; it would be impoasiUe to draw bills just then. They then requested that some assurance should be given of tho balance of ~ (the authorised loana being forthcoming. It was under these circumstanpes that the letter of guarantee was written andaigned. Q Do yon know whether these loans have been expended by the Great Western on account of the Detroit , land Milwaukee Company ? A — They have. \ i& 3 JvJ-'^ -* ■« ~iem^\ ' . , *<• ^( Ay"^j-\ ■-^x X. \ 5^ ■-*5^Nj<; 9— DM fen mnytmm with tho offlrttn of (ha Dank 1. ~-.^ . , . . .d..»«^ h, .h. <,r^. w«.„„ .. .ho l,..rL «; Mni.Z^ YlT^ '"T'' '"• '**"'' ^'^''^ Krk 00 Ih. .uhj«=», ,od I .U oo««ni«l wUh Mr ii .: , T' •'"' -'"•' ««"'"••'<«» with Mr. Mr. Ifijaold. .»d »jMlf ) go b.rnrhl7„roriJrr.l riL:'^ ""'."V """•"* """W *• CP-k'-K ror ^ly^uM^ifril' "" "'•''""''"« '^ «•' '-■-' •"» »• '- »>•'-» .-- Mi.w,«i„ f «», LI i;;rJ:Th;rj:i;"j.r,::!;';' z^^^ «'-' ^'•"' """-^ ^•-p'-r ».. Oo«.p.„, wr, much Ind.hUKl to Zr b« J«. in cTn.dr ' ' '"'"'''"•* '"'"^ '" '*"•'''» "•" '»« • C^T|'«lrb.iik««l«C.n.d, vl-Yo. ' V—UW you to ihinMiiertum.t.n Y public nii>«iin.,f wpllcd to Mme oUtonionta contained in Uu n-mnhu. i . •»••»"•«' ^— At the h«lf.y«.rlj niMt ng I JtlT'? "y o««' «r th. Comm.rci.1 B.nk pr.«,nt .t th.t qicctinR 1 A-m r.n.nh.11 «"- Co«.p.„j, were Indebted to their banker, w.. cnt^JiJ untrue '*•'""" ""' "'•'^'"' ^V*"*"" Ut. .pokcn wi Jd7n October. ^''" "" "" ""' "' ^'"•""'-'' »«fi»- Th. mcMing of which 1,^.-. whicht:::;tzr.rr.:t u": Lr^^^rti ^--'r'- -' -*"-« --^'- ^^^^ .d« th. Detroit .nd Milw.ukcc were not lwn?^« Ta '' " "**' '"'""P" *° "'"•'» « f"'""' Milwj«k^toco,„th.«»ouotof th.;:::^^^^^^^^^^^ -'»,„t«of w.r. not gi,.n on th. Qf^i%^^ZZ ' ''~'«"'*'-"- """ ^ ""•»' ^-B^.u«, the, Mi,;c:irr' "i"urf dz":^ »:5; "i.itT" f t •"•''""' ---^ - »'«« ^'-'» •"«» w.,:-Duri„« 1858. there h.dU JLT.cuLi J CSh iTr^^^ '''•'•. ,1' T '""■«"' "^"' '" '»"• ~^ ^nc, « Wi„d«,r, «, th.t they might b. in . ZE^!„ d„ .1 .fc ^r"'"'''' ,"'"^ ''""" """ '»P-''"« »' •» A« «on .. thoy were rcdy to open th.t b,«nJh^bo whl of I .' "^ °^ *'" "''~'» •"'' Milw.ukc. HHMl^ then,, .nd th. ch«,/e, wl draw Hltit^^^^^^^^^^^ "' ""Z ^~" •"" »'"-""- were by the dir«,tor. .nd office™. The «HK,nd bal oflLuci now Jr^ ^T "'j"""'^ '''"^"•^' »'"''« "'k--! , «-Do you r«»llcct meeting Mr. Ko-rNewYTon ""^"^'V'"'""'""""' ^'-d of ch^c. w, Ute on the evening of my. rri,.|Ltcn oik. ^nLhf^r^ f~« England r ^-I do. I. w.. !2,^{}}22{ *l«kdy heard the re.„U cJ the meeting in tilt^hezC' n^'.!""" l*"" ""' '"**^' '"'' "'•' ""' ""^ '"t" "•• money for th. Detroit .nd MHwauke. W. iJ.rh.d 'di J ° " ^'' "''"' "^ '"'""P'*^ "^ "'«« """"^l Hi principdiy on th. 1200,000 of Or^t W-i^Li wlTtln °" ^'^.r""' ''"' ""» ''^"«"-»^'»'' ^-'-'d ^ ^You w.r. oompWning of thei; rr„g^t.'''jl*;" ^^ wTh H^/ ^"^ *'" ""''•'■•«• •t that time tb.t the B.nk oontintiing to hold 2Lm W .1. ir .7 "* "'°"* ■»■ And I told Mr. Rom getting . ftarth.r .dv.n«,. " *^"'" '^ *''" •*'•«» "^ pwjudicing our operation, in th. wyTf ^Did,ouMeMr.IU«inKing,toBinr«fe™no.tothi.m«t.rr .|^«.«,, , t «. V 4— It w. ♦».;. . m i, ™««" ^"-^MTewIy in January, 1860. ^ New York, to «» u. in'Xnl J hTo ^itTfdM^ the Bank to continue its adranl unle^fh.tlunl "i'-'^-^T*- ^' ""'^ ^* '•"'" »>« i-»P«^bIe fS Ni 83 V. * ..*►' .'■•«• Ik. ftrt 10 Mr. Ho-, .nd mw W» a Kl^^rto-. ^^ ^^ ,^ „^ W«»«. T wCa .d-U th.. .od« U.!. UiUr »i;J^^21::;:;t%1^^ S. Tt7;«-^«. •« ^.l ...d. for ftm»dl«poiilkUtogH»fMthMfc)Mi,Mafh««w«wmtrjt»iio«MMM-. o i- ^ mmn) Wiium, Of to -ilk* U»«i In My w*J »»•"• ' ^-C« boi, hoc w«. w. liawMk«««»o«i»w«.«««ir ^-Ootb.IMr)UMdMaw«uk««Uii«. Bidlmyr il— I dM. \ Mr. M. C. (Jaiimwi— TMt to your httor : [*i Wtor, 14tt .4«y«««, 1857, i!j>p«ii*, *». B8. P«^» *»•] (To w«U.««)-How ^ »hel»a««. d«. to Iti. B.nk rf Upp« C»«da U (h.t tim. d>«oh»g«l r .i-A bond wugiTon.wkiehwMiBlirod by Mol»Bg« on London. » / V-Hw. yo- «J id- of whM tho nTortg. w.«kly trnflo molpln of tho Drtioil ud Milwwkt. would MnonnttodoringthoUmothUMOountirMrunpingr ^-From 112,000 to 116,000. ^ C-Th.n U would bo a pwtty oontid.r«blo Moonnir ^-Y- j U wu n Urge «)coun^ and it wonld bo to tbo .dnntMO of tho B.nk to haw wah an acoount ^ Hon. J. H. C«i«ao«i— For my part I cannot aee th. advantage to thorn of paying their money out, and not settinit it back asun. i « tu _ II,. i 0. C4Mi|» *|^-AtuJ.( , "T "^ ',"•?' ■\ } Md« hj lh« ()o«..r,I.I H.nk, »«^fc«r llftO, in •o»..,,u.,o. of . eUi* iho. Hon. J. II. (5A...M._Th«, TO g„i„K (o p., „„, iku ,«,. .. uIlL"^' "'•" "•'""»••««"•»"> •«." .' *. »..<.., b.U... u ™ ..»u « u. .*. Ho., J. B. OamMO«-W« II «I4 » » o««, ot Ik. D„k r WlTNU. — I did not UQdanUnd ih.l It wn fiir (h^ II.. k It .l , . . , U.MK.r of Ik. U.„k, .t ILmiltop. ' * "'"^ "' "" """• ""»• "r. I'.rk, how,,.,, U,. Uon. J. H. OAnraoN-Uut did you ,»nd.r.t.nd ih«t h. wu th.r. on bthtlfof th. H.-fc » W.^«J-I undernood th.» ho .«„« of ho,dio« ChU ..ook : t^li^t tH' ■ '^ ^ .adtbopoJ.,o„ofth.uLwo«MlS^^^^^^ And he uaed thi. rom.rk, m I «od.r.tood (hat th. (iJ^ZI^tT '*"?"''"' *'''*•»''<'• "•'Iw.yiltogoih.r. h.d .d«„o«l to the Do.r„it .nd M iZZ^ .Vd .l^rtl » 7 '"'' V "^ "' '"""^ '" "»• '«•"• •''V would bo 10.1. «"w«uke, , .nd th.t wo mu.t do .on,olirioK, or the Gro.t W-Urn Moorit, Hon. J. H. Oaihmh-Yob took it foi; « thrmt, th«n f WiTNiM— I did. ^dtt««d ••>l«»» *» «'»•" •" "' ' '" '" ' * ' / w. _. ^ JL ..a li. 1.^ «rl (»r-l W-M,. .»4 tk. I>.^i .-d Mil...!.* D. ,0- k.«w .»»'«"»« "^'J i,«r.h.iroa.p.n,r v«-Mia rb.,w.r.i-«ia»«i.-a-«taw*»«'»k-*^ O-K .borl ll«. b.for. ibl. .rT-o,(«— » »M .nU...I l»U,« ,«• .nd lb. ('««m«ol.l "••*.{*• ''"T^r:V!;iri;'/r..l.:.Ii« «» «o to. .L ...ub.oo.H .b^cb. .b, U<.Jr7n».ffirdI7a...U.«o.,on«,Ud lb. D.ln.1. .nd Mil».«k- U.« U nol ■utamMl b mlna, tnd ll la oonaot. gt(Mn„ blok i. mi, .1 wbU llm. In lb. .«t««n of th.i ,..r did jroa .rti,^ A. .rtd of It,*«»b*r. I muat bM. r««b*l llamllton on lb. U.I da, of No».«Ur *-"'qI-D.H.i lb. 11.. ,0. w« iP Ha-Utoo, did ,|.««ak. a», an«.g.m.ot^itb lb. Oomm.roial Hank T '^"'«-0a1-»»ing H.«IIU>.. bow Icr Waf ,o« O-a-i (Vo« IbaoUjf ^Four ot ft». daya parbap. •^SlDoycraoollacl wl^. ,o« «l.rn.df ^^-laaa-otaaj. B«l L^bl.k I »«* ba,. b... bMk b, ^"^S?I^L r^n^i^ol maV da,a (t w«i af«l» ,our ralp-ro ibal ji w.n. lo a^i" Mr h,^i. ref-^;.. Q-Uo ,o« Nfloii^l 7 J telei^ph lo Mr. Koaa, wilb a »iaw lo arraoKioK .a rou'iiTb'iircrr "'nr;t^^^^^ .r i-.. "^l^l ^ ib. d., afi.r ib.i «,. K.,«o,da WMtloToroDtof il— llblokllwaalw0orlhw.d.,taflar. / , , ^ - 0-Yo« w«* not ,our..lf pr«a«l al iba inl«f»i«w ib Toronlof A-^ waa not. ' , ^ . ' 5I-Wb«. Mr. Reynold, cam. back f-on. Ton.«lO, did "V-^T" '"*•*" ^"V''* 'TJ^uli^^^^^ . . k. ^^«Ztt A^Vai Ha lold mo ibal lh«r« »4b to bo an aooouot opened for Uw Uatroll r M Iw^k*: X"^ :1L l"::rV--! b^^ua. .. .IL lb.„ IHreotor. of lb. D..II and Mi.- JTukrCo-pan,, and iba aUU«.nl aat «.! l« lb. acbadul. r^.rrad to. waa .. b. lak.n m tb. b-i. irbaiiy» itftWH nn lhYm. dltia V=ABd »b« »h^ wart irliaiiKwl hi tbk maiimf (riiawmi •»«»• w«l»« •fc«|w) | Md •!»; f A-'l "i ' Ikink I toM y Iha npanlnK "' »•>• braneh. wblnh waaaapaatail I41 ba opanail arnna ■■•mlba aarliar. aa «aa |>rimiiM«|. I UK ' <^-{||Ta ma iha ap|ilia«liatriiU ami Mil»auk»a aoooant f 4~Wm iliil V -Anti In thai applMiailoa yim timt tpoka abuul ■ 53 an./ fl;i | (T« wUiiaaa)— IM.I yon no! notion in tbia Inttar that tba Oonimaraial llank had plaoad lliaaa ac<^uunU loKeihar f A— I did not ail uiidaratand il. Hun. J. II. (^AMMUN— Your attanllun waa no4 unlM to il tl illF Wban b yovr ^mrnnT 1 wtti nndUt— lAftptHilLi AV TA, ;mj;« B4.) (To wk|l««i)— Ratwaan (hat fmrUxl and lh« niiddio of Ilaoambar, |H5«, aa I umlaratand, no eonvanaiiona or Intarvtaw* io<.k plana betwaan you and Mr Itnaa or Mr Park in raferai.oa to any olaln of Iha Oommamlal ***A^ '"y^* """ ^^•"'•"» ' -^— N" J ' Had aoan thara. liut I eaanot rafor to any particular oonraraation. y^ fi'j'Wd you raad what you call tha lattar of Kuaranlan bafore liKiiing It f A— I did. ^You obaarvad than lhat tham waa nolhii>R lUtad in tha lattar about a limit oforadit f it— Yaa. <^f-You knew lhat Ihani waa an ovanlrawinx credit on tho aooouut f >l^Yoa. 0~-And you alaoknaw lhat tha aooount had Lean oTardnti^nr yl— Yaa. (f—Vo you aay you notioad that ihera waa no reforenoa mad« to any lima within whiah tha Oraat Waatam . WM h#ld liabla for all ovaiflnift f >1_| knaw that the letter waa worded in Ihia way. V— And ho* did you undenUnd it to apply— aimply to the balance of Iha loan about to be drawn from England or not f y1— That waa well undentood throughout between ouraalT<|a and the Commercial lUnk I bad aa»aral intarriewa with Mr. I'ark, and whanoTar th« queation waa Ulked of, It waa alwaya in refaranoa to tk«,naponaibilily of Iha Hank. / that tha Oraat Weatam woald ba reaponaibla for all overdraft T A— I nndaratand the natunof all yon aay ; but I muat remark that tha intantfon of that latter waa not at all what you would have it to ba. Why it did not occur to ma to make thia letter different from what it waa ia, that at the time tha aeoond loan waa granted, we made ont a aUtemant, which waa aent to London, ahewing that at the end of I85» it waa oipectad that the Detroit and Milwaukee account would be about balanced. Wo wer«» however, diaappointad in onr espacUtiona in regard 7 to the traffio of tha line, At tha Ume the letter waa written, it wu auppoaed that tha unexpended portion of Ihe £100,000 loan would aufflocLto balance tha aooonnt r 1- .„. ; ^I" Daoembar 1868, yon^ wrote a lattar, in whieh yon maka the unraaarvad atotamant that you hold Ht •ad ■l'-\ X ^, Hug !«, M MfM**! Ik.* •!•• »"•- "' »•>. h- .»l il.- »«.tt«<.'i"« (»••«»• •»•»•>••• •«»• ■"• "^ "• ^^"f? -. .,_. ._ -tH k, h^M, fet »ll vnrlnfi At »«f ■««■ »^ Q*— » WI-A ....««.«. •« m..U »«• b^f-.r. J^-t .m wHii-.^ ik« L t^at of Ik. .,f .fU«ft. in-l »k« W«WIUli« MmI Mp-ei"! "-rt. Sf' ll|.«4liM Uu.r. to -• If .k«K. wr. .11 «k.rR- vkUk .k««|.l «««. oA of ih# tJwl Wii»«. k)M f ^-I 4M Mt •■•MiiM li for Ikal purpgM. O-ror Mf o4k«f wirpoM r .4— I had •M«l»«l tl ftrom llm« lo ll«« S-Tk.™ .« y.m pf. p.'«.» «o '«, yo- w«. .w.r. ikal aU Uw pajrntnU ■•4. on iki. .•«»«<>t .r. pr«p*fl, •h«rit««bU to tko (»r««l W.«i»rn r A-»l»»nM^»J. . wi i.i. ii .k Q_n.n Iki. UU. w. Rl».0 b.f..r. ,«« ko.* •kMk.t Ik. Or..! Wntm «. .ktrg^bl. wllkjj ik. p.7»«a. or noir Wk.n lk4;,Uil.r — R^.n, «m It not lh.r.b, InUn.lml th«t ika OT.rartft of WWJ.IMM) •ko«ld b« p.M by Ik. (»r..t '^*rn 1^ A-Ky iko lo«" l c . u i . ^ O^rim lk.r. I. nolklHR^ffll In ik. l.lUr .kont Ik. Un. HappodnK Ik. coupon, to Ik. bond. b.d mU. up Ik. Ivn.. do you tkink tk. -. In »hl«b OM. Iki. l-ltor would h.». ^n . n..r. pl.0. of WMt«gMr. I ««d.«ito«d y«« Ik.t flom Ik. Irtth l)«».mb.r tk. .nm of |3flH,(MK) h.. b«.n f A-l «Ito lk.1 mor. moo.y Ih IkM ben paid. .1.1.1. TTn ■ V-llot you forg.t lk.t » (|TMt d..l mor. money h.. b«.n drtwo out than th.r.JiM b«.n montj ptid In V^And Ih. M«o«iat, InMaM^^iog «li«lni«b«d, ktpl p.rp.tu«lljf inortMlngf wl-Y-j U did rlM _... liA4rw.rd.. ^ "^SLiii' Q—You My that an amount 'tjfftKjMff ■Mounir v!-vm. ^6BK< :J^ ^ . u u i. (^-Wm that won.y *ubMqu«nKl«Kl|i^ ot^j arr.nR.m«nt b«tw«.n you tod tho Hank, on .coount of th. of.rdraft ..Uting #^|w>^»'»""' '"^MR»^»' '" ""'■ '» •" «*'"* '" " P"' "' Um ROnf ral aooount. . * %" ^'^ ° g^I baltoTO thar. wm • large qUaolily of rolling atook purckaMd by Iho tra.t«««, with thoM monlM— to Ika aitont of .boul |:i0O,00fl, I b«li«*. f .4— No rolling .look waa bought apMlally by tha trualMa. <^Uut lb. rolling .took waa purohaaod out of ibia aooountf A—U w.a bought oi»t of tho ganaral Q—li eama onl of th. CommawUI Bank. Who now hold tbo rolling .took f i4— Tho DatroU and Mil- wiukao Hailroad Company. C— Who oompoao th. n.w Company— who *ro tho IMrMton f A— I am tho Pretildont, and Mr. lUyoolda b tho Vioo-Pr«aident. TharO are only two Engli.h Uir««ton. Qna or two »aoaooi«i etiatatlbU momanlj bnt th«ro are nino atill on the Board the ram «( fB&)l,000 waa aolMoquenily paid tn os Oo ■^^^s^i;^^hh»i^*^^ A' lf"'X, ^ 1 In CbANCtrff. % 'tfHAMim / imraoKit, thomah HKYxmMk " w ir*.viir <• ir. ««tAf**. •rir# oMTMotrmiffo miiwavkkm MAitw^r "^'^ Allhtn,iUii»,l0rik4nl»fMt(»tki»tammlktnimMl„u.,mi.i^tk^ , . * " «rf/r,,a«,. „. «/W -„/^ ««/ rfL^. ^^ *"'*^' " -^ '*• ''^'-- /"•!«"# " again,, ail p.r.,n, or corporation, .k«m,a.f.r ^k. maTnT^Jli,2 ^Ttji ^"^ /"r"* '^""^ " 4/A. ;< iV>,M«r und,nl,^l and nijrtf.l, that thi, a.jrtem^nl or any nr.^,.Mu " »-l « a MMiM o/pa^mnl and a prot^ding .o/Wy ro//artr«/. ''^ * ""' '''"*'• (ifv««/) ^^ " WILLIAM Oft A r, — " iSWr. /or CompitiiHMli. " hkrliHtatio^, and trtuurt, initiahd If. O " hnngfirU mud,. (Signtd) X Wm GtAT. ? ■«f.;,> •f • .'S), ■./\ m ■h'f^rf V,, ^' ■ » rf -»^ ^ (V r 1-. /^ A "-1 t"« M ' . .1 ^ J «.«. A«iufr«i anJ lAree urity D«no«.. 8henn« & Co. ''•'>/'«° °" rf^^J ^^^^^ Clarke. How wa. that paid? • O-Then there were 121,000 of second mortgage bonds paid to luy^r* >!— It was BMdbj draft. It went thnrtigh the Commercial Bank. / . . il— -It wu paia oy a™». ii_Tk went thronnh the Commermal Bank. ' " not a term applleabb to the \ way to put the matter to' the ^. iXe^Ctll'T'^lf """''"''oritJ. « not. I contend, the Me«ra B,ydge. .„d Reynolda'h^d .«horinr„\r£ Weslt'r"/'''^ ''""'^ them«>Ive.-whe.her ^ a ei«dit from the Commercial Bank T / ^ ^*''*'" *" *""" ""» «««ngem«nt. for obtaining m"°m^ r°'/'""'""'~^°' *'^' " not the only way to .ubmit It. We.ter;c^paSr::::rit^ :^ej7th I, «Did the 0«.e wankee acooantf Now, that b not a matterSr^i, f k • f- ^»T*""' ^^ "" ''«' »«''«>!» "d Mil- putting the quction would be, whethr ro^ot' S Z '^ ?' *•'•'"""" '* ""• ^he proper wa^of the p««eedB went i^to their ex^Cer? ™°°'^ '" «*?«»•»««»«>•' the property pf the Gr^t wZum, Ld i. «no,eiSb£:rs;:izr ::/5:r r^^^^^ -*-- ^ ^- -po^^ «. ^e t^rd .t»lght. ^-™— Tl-ey n..y myst.fy, .„d therefore do harm. I want the thing both pUin a»d j«.S:;io^sr""-''^ 91 i- # from the evidence which ha. been offered o! their b«hJfLwJ^^^^^^ 'J'^"""" ^"" ^' ^"' ««"""<» EccK the nature of the defence. I^ink X~ iTrL ?^ coneemed, ho opened the caw f«rly eTu.h bd?^- « ^ ^I / f *"''"" *" '^ ^"P«««» ^^ ^J ?<« i- ?«-ib.yfrom anydcire be h^dtolrv ^n L"S fl^^^^^^^ in.ufficienUyin&medofthoc.«,bythowwho.^dLT,^t;!j V ^*~«"«> Wnwif, having been 18 . ^ '^"V >* »•■ to Plwe him in po«Hiaiion of the &ot^ I hate \-, M tt ob^itred, ««Ue«.en of the ja,,, th.t jao l-re mort p.l!.ntly .nd .ItenUT.!, luUmed to th, .Tid..e. I. th» ci« MrCrn^l fri.nd, M, kcol..>. clM you, .tt«ntion to thiCM>t, th.t .t » . cm, .n«W.og m, r.lde«bl diffioultte. » to q«e.Uon. of fcol^uch difficulti^ th.t It wu not cuj OTon for Co«n..l to rd"«rd th*m; .nd .«oh, thlfor.. a would require the oloeeet .ttention on your pert In order to your S to . ju.tconelu.ion: 1. however, gentlemin of the jury, ftnoy th.t the f«t. .re re.lly, .nd ZlVby bringing your .troog netund eon.mon..^n«. to be« in .iding you in your p.Uent deUrm.n.t.on to ^lr.t the truth, wiU re.dily diworer whieh of the two pertie. now befo« you u .n the r.ght. I no ruluh.ttheComn.eroi.1 B.nk.ndtho«,whoh.,eidvoo.tediUc.«..h.dWlreMon to .ppreh.nd th.t there were wriou. diffioultie. .nd ob.Utole. in the w.y. The gre.t .rr.y of Ulent you «« before you would proUbly evince thU w .trongly u proof could be .dduoed. We hare here gathered together .n the C.ty of King.ton_ pl.oe in which I never had the honour of .ppewing in .court of ju.t.ce on .ny previoU. occ- jkrion-L.ver.1 of the Men .t the bar compared with whom I am young in ye.r. .nd .n e.penence. I f "eveTblL been ediled «. far away from home to .ddre«i . jury in a c«e of «.ch preat and paramount ^p^^n^T b-t tbo" by whom I am reuined were plea«d to think that I wou)d be able to Pl«^ • J'/V^" before you u men of int4rity and common .enw, and they chow me becan.. theyxon..derod that befo« ^a iury of my countTjmen I would be able to prevent them from differing injury and «jn.i.oe, though the whole Snt of the bw of Upper Canada were arrayed against them and against me We have here a th„ tn. the Hon. Joha Hillyarf Cameron u leader on the pwt of the pl.intiff., a gentleman whoM reputation .. no| only ProvincUl but h«i extended to Great BriUin, and probably to foreign countne. .. well. Awocmted with him i. Mr. Bceici^ a Queen'. Counwl, Who« reputation is perhape not one wh.t .nferior to that of b.. colleague in the pl.inUfi> cm. A«oci.ted with them i. Sir Henry Smith, in wha«> commend.tK>n I •» P««"»J«J .^ ueed »ynothingtoa juiya-embled in the City of King.ton,ti. home; and Mr. G^t, another Queen. Counwlof eminence, whom, leg^knowledge and attainment, .re known far and wide. We have hkew«e Mr Adam Crook, a. an advocate for the plaintiffii, Mr. James O'Roilley, and I don't ^W how many» and abetten beside, to defend the case of the Commercial Bank. The Great Weatorn »ailw.y, however, unl.kethe Commercial Blink, h»ve not acted on the wise maxim of Solomon, that in the multitude of counsellor, there i. Zei,. I the benefit of the counsel of my Icmed friend Mr. Irving, and I should also b«ve had Ae able Mristance of my lesrned friend Mr. Becher, but for the circumstance of hi. being a ^J«»f.*f »''««'?*. Weetern Railway, and being thus in some degree ittte«»tcd in the matter it w« thought advisable that ho should not appear befo« you in his professional oapacity. Had he taken a bnrf in thn. ««e, >« position at -the W, and hbrank a. a Queen's Counsel, would enUUed him to have ^^"^J^l^^ instead of myself. And here I ipust say that we have had the benefit of such assistance as could be afforded us by MVe, J American gentlemen who have been introduced to you, but introduced in the most unfavourable, and, I cannot help remarking, discourteous manner by my learned friend, Mr. Ecele. ; althougb, perhape, tbow who know Mr. Bode, u well as myself will be Well assured that he never for a moment intended to wound the feeling, of those genUemen, whose mbfortune, a. we would say, it is not to have been born good BntisWsub- jecto. but citiun. of the Republic on the other side of the lineft Several of these genUemen have been interMted In the Great Western Railway, as SoUcitors for them in the City of Detroit, and otherwise, and m toAuK on behalf of the Detroit and MUwaukee Rwlway, which has been k mixed up m the matter of this roit. To these genUemen who understand well the ramification, of these transaction.,, I am much indebted, both a. to the facte and in regard to the legal bearing, of the ewe. Having made these few int^ductory observation*, I will now o»deavo«r to deal with the facta of the j««,, on wh.^^^ will have to arrive at a oondmrion. A. 1 understand from the view taken by His Lordship, he Acta w. 1 besubmitted to you to4ay, leaving important legal question, to be disposed of hereafter by "»*« t™^ You wiU be adied, then, to «y whether, wlien Ac arrangement which ha. been spoken of by the witnesses-- • ' ' ... . 1. iii-_ .1—4^ A i^t^ it »«a intaniiRil thai the credit and upon which it wilUbe my duty to ^mment he«*fter-wa. entered into, U ]^ |f^»«°_^jt;J;;i_*Jf;^.^^ ahonld be given to the oefi .fendMto, the Great WesterrfRailway Company— to, the Detroit and Milwaukee RaU- way Company-or to Messn. Brydge. and Reynolds. Messm. Brydges and Reynolds, you will have gathered fnm theVvidence, are the principal oflicer. of the two Railway Companic. Mr. Brydge. u the Managing Piiector of Uie Great W«ilem Railway, mi hi. gt«it ability and very intimate knowledge of railway matter. ■ » . : I ■:■ . / ;■■■:-...■•„. I- y.;<- ■.:,.'.■■:■■;::.:■■,.;::/, / •■-.V ■ .sp§.r]BB»"»S^ s^fp^Tft K t •! ] •.■-■■■.*• J 7 ■.-..• ■ IttTe Induced thoaeluTlngrte'oontroI of tfc«n»- J T i. «. ' ' «o«rUin if it « not po«ibl« that .he knowIedKT.nd Jud^'IS;''.? ^.^ t™ '' """'' ''~'* ""' '«»»' « »«•* '« of th.Oro.tWe.frn, will b, .bl. lik.wi«, Z^riJ^Za^^S'^Vi''''''^ -"ch .e the .d„n,.g. which that undertaking i, Uboaring. Hi. beinrDui J In ?k^*^""^ ^*"'''"^ '""" ""> '''««»"!«" «»dcr bi«tidenta«w..n„«,«-...ju_.u. . ^ "■ "*'"? ?'•*«» Sn tM poaition .how. how hinhlv hi- .«■,.• J the .ntercf of the Country .t he.rt .n , 1^?. 'V'" r"""- •■"* h«t^en..^„.ppr,oi.tedb,tho.whoi;;;eZL:^ enterpri««. The evidence h1^Vm^hT^^^.*l'*''t""^^''''''^'''''^ iilw.»keeK.ilw.y w„reg.rdj;,r„t:l\^ '^^^^^^^^^^ , , — rr—~-«»« Mj Hiow wno Have t in the raoeea. of our great railwajr enterpri«>«. Th- o»id«n«« fc."""".' r,"- 7'"' """ *"° *•* **«*P'y conccrnc. .T.,y one, that the Detroit "d, Milwaukee Railw.yV^tZ^! ""'ir'' i """«'.''« t»>o «»i.f.etion of «d.tthe™fo«. wa. to the i„te«»t„fthorwb7w""Z^^rfrh"f •"''"'""' the Great Weatem, lU-^ that the Detroit and Milwaukee iUillaTw-^^^^^^^^ advancement of the On,.t Wc.tern •2» "-.^-r material aid to the Gre.t We.tern^nd^^kb^'^'' V TI ' •^'«««'<"J 'o-^Plclion a. would - -*^fl|r"'''^'''«'»''«»«rt~it"dMilw.ukllW^^^^ .""'" ''"«»'">«"tood from whatha. ' •?^"*««» "> cirenmrtancea, it w.. thought that the 0««t W«/« •, ^*^*^^ e-tirely diatitaot. Being ;J.«holde„ of the Great Weatem ««ident h G« J BrfH ^rof^. L" "'^ ^ ''^'" ""•" *°""'' ""• 9f_them I preaume, were men of ve,y .mall mJan. tow^/JT^ " 5*' "«"""' °^ ■»««•. tho»gh many undertdiing would bJ^^ wribu. diMd«nt.«, Trh™ • •. "•""««»f»» ▼"'"ng of the Great W*.terJ^ Educed to. advance mli to the^lStdfi^^^^^^ 'J-» •"ej -^btTrobS t could anywhere find material, to heln th«m in .1. • P^*^ "'' dooumcni. for year. pa«t. to we if "th-, year 1863 for e,t«cU from thlT„t« „f he trT™''';"/ ""* ""' '"«• »^'> ^ave g n iTkL the «^.t« to the Detroit and MilwauTee Silw.l ? T"^ ""• Great W«rtern Board onfvemSnt wh 1 >«.-«.UwiR«ti.fyyouthat.?;it;^^^^ tW have taken the .3ft J^.; W.,eddeai«bIe to make iTloan or advan^ to thX.f»f. ',?"•• *'* *''"' *""""'y' "«> '""g before i aulwa^ the importance of the Detroit ^d SLk^ J^C '" """'•': """""^ ''^ *•"• «"« W^' "» the Umted State, with the Great Western wa. w^H kno"; ^ITTZ^^iT'' P"'""" "' '^^ '«"!»<"> i" W M. map of the countiy before you thn.„grUbThe^^^^^^ ,,, ^.J U.d downmbluo, «,meinpink, wmeinblaek rdtm«1^ T' "."'' ^°" '''''^•' '*«'''«"'• «f the line^ diced that he call, , brown covered book ye W 7wK^^ ^T' ••"' ''•'' """ '^'•'" •»•• »»««»-'« -o j.uT W?.tem had authority to deal with the Detroit and W^t i, • P»''""»«nt "nder which the Great ~Hr.yd.ouldied.utont, if U ~ de^r^ "d J^ ^aTr;'" 7 1''^" "'^^ ^'••^-oZ fejrned fnend then put in thi, red book, which ZyevWenri^k "* ' ■'"*^' «»n»ecUon. My what doe. ,t go to piovef Simply that i man in iff B„^ ^ ^ T" " * ^""y fonnidable document. But p«"w. jip.. .ud. ,b., i.,. Zi „ „T,srt r? '!? '*~°™" B"k, I rti »«i i» Jerf i; ■I: }S -K ?>i 1 '^Tlul li be left to th. diwretion of Mr. Biydge. end Mr. Reypoldi, after oooplete inyeeti^Uoa «' »»«•»•»"«» ' .JSwu^irilTnt. .«d efter luring n.«le eaoh trranpimeoU with the Cr«litor. forming the floating dirZ^mrr.^- M^rX, to o\l «p ..ieUng .ub^-trect. for work.. Mr. W,th« heriog e«pre«ed iU Sl^'ri Sn,«Uh hi, W«.t 0. pT,^^^^ il farthJeipeoditare on the work* etoepl whet i. w'tnelly nece«.r, for working the Line, or to c.«« the ;oB«nu.noe of th, work, to be procemled with m ftr m or beyopd the Gr.nd IUp.d., U being well unde«UHKl It bTbl .ny,.dr.nce of^^ by th. Ore.t We.tern lUilw.y for thi. porpo«, » tb.t '»" «P«"«''^'; Wl b. wlolly nnd« the dir«rtlon end eont«.l of Mr. Brydge. .nd Mr. Reynold., -J tb't .«oh o«tl.y .h. n^iuJy m.»ner be j«,p^i«Hl by the cleim. of ,.i.ting creditor, of the Detrojt end M'';.«k" Co^^j/' The, thelUport goe. onVT-y :-^' Armed with thU .uthority, Mr. Brydge. left Engl.nd on th. 14 h .nd irri'ed in New YoA on the 26th Norember, 1«67, to Uke .uoh .tep. to jeeure the completton of the Line «, 3urdaeinre.tig.Uon .nd .aooe«f«l «r.ngement. with the e«d.tor. of the Detroit .nd M-lw-ke* Comp.ny he. i Mr Reynold, might eon.idermortdeeir.ble. Immedietely on hi. .rnv.l .n Amenc. thwe gentlemw npp".J ImSL to e..^ out the order, of the Bo«d, .nd. on the 28th Daoember. 1857 hey .ddre-ed theirflmtd,tdl«lReportnponthe.nbjeottothe Bo«d in London, .UUng the .rnngement. they b.d m.d. luh rJ««d eredL flr^ ihe poetponement or pi>yme«t of their debt., .nd .1«. for 'h- "-"y'-f «- «' f ' work.7«. M to effeet the immedi.£~mpleUon of the line. Whilet M«.n. Brydge. .nd Reynold, wewthu. Z«J e^in carrying ont the object, ior ihich thi. Loan w« made, they al.0 engag^ »J7'? '-;» "J^';!"! ^nrity for the^pTymentof the money. That .ecnrity wa. certainly a. eomplet. u the D^^^l Jjf^^M J"'^- Company could ofcr Athird mortgage wM effected in favourof three »>o«'»»er. of the C.*-!-; Board of the J» Woatem Railway. «H,uring to tho«. gentlemen, a. Trustee., the whole of the Detn..t -^ M.l*««l"e Line, and placing the whole of it. affkim in the entire contivl of Director., to be nom.naUd from time to time by the areat Wctern Company, thodeed of mortgage being mostrtringent i„ it. covenant,. About thi. .^e, the embarrawed atate of the London money market began to interfere m .enously with the contemplated - arrangement, for adrancing money to a»i.t the and Milwaukee Company, that the Director. Wrote to Mr BrYdaeJthe letter of December 18th, 1857. referred to by the Committee imp««ing very .trongly upon him the neoe«ity for exerciring additional caution, and Mriotly forbidding h.m from entering into any engagement, on their behalf; thi, letter did not reach Mr. Brydge, until the 9th of January following, before which time Me««. Brydge. and Reynold, had "•^'/^^Jf ;™"8«t°''l«^r'^Y°l/ of the iMtnietion, given to Mr. Biydge, when he left England on the 14th of November, 1857. ^You will obwrye that (he pUinUflb inthi, mm have endeavoured to hinge very importonl oonHderation, on thi. lanKuage in the report, and on the letter of the 18th December, 1857, tolling Mewm. Brydge. and Re^noU. that they mmit atop further advance, to the Detroit and Milwaukee Compa^y-that they Ibuat not go on with the wheme provided for in the month o^ October in the mme year, because circumatahce. had ariMn which induced them to think that it would not be convenient to the Great Western to fiimiah the mean,. To that, however, they »j in thi, report that Mewrs. Brydgea and Reynold, had made all their arrangemente in punu- •UM of the iMtracUon, given to Mr. Biydge. when he left England, on the 14th November, 1857. The couumI for the plaintiift, however, may urge upon your consideration, in the moet fallaoiou. manner, that there arrange- meet, applied to the Commercial Bank-arrangemente which had never been heard of in England at thia Ume at all The arrangement, really were, to make the beat of the expwiditure of the loan on behalf of the Detroit •nd MUwaukee Ridlway, and to mo the creditor, of the Company and to induce them if po^iible to lay uide ° for a time tbfcir more urgent demand* There were the arrangement, contemplated at that time, and the Com- mercial Bank had not for a wngle momenti entered into their ponsideiatidn. The report then goea on to My : « There arrangemente being in acoordanre liith power, granted to Mewri. Brydge, and Reynold., and the money maAet having materially amended, the Bbard did not hMitate to confirm them in their letter of the 26th . JanuJoy 1868." And when you come to conwder what-thore powers were, you will ree at onre t^t Menn. Brydgre' and Reynold, had no authority to Me^go the GrMt Western to the Conimercial Bank for oiie sixpence ; and in the itfaiiner in which the letter wa. | [iven on which re much .tr*. has been laid, yon will ree that it doe, . sot apply i* theGrMt WMtem Company at alL Drowning men, however, grasp at .traw., and the^mmewial Bank have wied hold of eveiyilung, howeTor nnfidr it might be to do re, to «d them in their care. At page /" 80, whiah hu atn Imo referred to, tlieio (koU Am mut^A . h n_ tk . . .greed th.t the LoLn cLtor. of the oITw^. "^^^^ "f/K?"*' W-»«"> Co»p.n,. it wu ComptDj. Pftr this parpoe« it beceme d««J!r. .fc ♦ .k T m u . ?" ° ''""*'* "•• '"'*"»" *' y«>"' piirpoee. -They ^ere charged with oorruption, jou will mo, beoaoM when it wu prorided^ llLl^lr tb. »He. of the Qrct Weetem lUilw.y .hould be lent to the Det«,it .nd MZIZtil^urif^Zhll etipoUted thu the Great Weetern Railway .hould hay. the control of the ^Mf^n^iTotT^'lL^^A^:! Mr. Eccle. hM been plea««l to animadvert upon the char«>ter of our neighr«,,tThe United flZ /TiI not follow him in thia matter; but I mav remark that if ,«.. fi„J . r *". " - *^* United fltatoa. I ahall jurtice. I shall perhaps have occasion to refer aUin to tw! rJ^.nd t« T « ? ~^ '*^' " * """"^ '^ on the facts of the owT But I will now deal wS ei»„m..!r ' k- u^?^^^ Park and Mr. Ross. «,ting for tirCommeS J^k e3 ° ^ 7 f °' ""' ~""''""^^^ »''"*''''^° "' . Mr. Reynolds, they in no'manner expectl^lt^h^Te^ "^n "^^^^^^ ^'^'^ ••»«» Company. Now, it is a fact, admittedby Mr Park whTlf t^ *^ Tu ^ " ®""* ^'*'*'"' ^""'y that he L comlnications with rSyJddf and Mr^ S^^^^^ by him that he was shown a memomnrm „ J^i" JSIftn^^^^^^^ *">*'? """*'' ""* '' " "•"«' ^collect, becau^. it is convenient t Jre::.r-2d ^lim fronli'!;tio: '^ H "^ '"1,"* T bngn^ u«Kl then ; but a document placed before him to showhim thel«l., b^Tl" .K "^ """ *'' bo realUed which were to repay the Commercial Bank of CanadI for ti« .IT !k ^ l " ""*""* '*" ** conveniently ovcrlooks.sayinrLt this matter, of so mu ch'^m^oll*^:.^ ^s tlZ S""' *''-,'''* of the jury, I will show you this statement, in order that you m.X.^ to sav JJT •' ^°''' f»»'«°"«» It w«i so insignificant as to have no bearinir on the matter VT^ r ^ ^ *"' '" ^°" J«dgment, the jury, and explained to them irc^Ltr^^^^^^ f»L w r""" TPTu"^ ^*'"^"'" ^ ^'""^ looking document; yet this is the doclcnj Mr P.rklvl Jf^ f "'„ »•»"»''"«•»»''»>• formidable words that were -tt^red he rcmem^rifi Mr C »""' •i«'!*i"g -bout, though a few memory of them. genUemen, I may hive H Seal L!^^ rr""!"* Jl t*"^' '" "^"'""'^ ^ »""» able to diow yon Zt it i. fetdtHn mTv rf ilt. v ^?^ '"^'. ""* ^ '""'' '"'''"" ^ ""'» '>«"«' ^ «>»" »>« y 1 1. taolty in m«,y respects. You will recolleot that the anangement. in regard to the A t V- /;-: :■/■■' ':^ '■■.:. ' :■■■ ■• , i:**!' ■ - ' ■'\- ' «^ <. A Miw«l,.yi lUUwM waN ettUwd Into in D«*mber, 1857, mi the •Utement I hate thoWB you eeto • «d « Mr bS^B- telUu.. he Wiegelmd, h«l eo^^^ ."l^gTwhlh r ftrk kU would necJril, be drtwu h, Me.«. Brydgei end B*,»ol,b on the W B«.rd ^lil^^of mlieing the £150.000 which w« to be «li,U«d. It «J.n» thet in Unking «!««"-• thj »Le o!«^ble .urn. of money by obUining eioheoge in thii W.J : the,h.,e obhp^^^ > Wd irtf Of immenee edTentage to them if they oen find pcnran. in thU eountry who h»»e eredila at horte, end who Sll p1»>e their bill, of etchenge in their hand.. The w.y in which Me«ir.. B'T*'**! f"^ Rqrnold. bed been empowered )n the Greet Weelern lUilwey Compeny'* ehereholde.. to iiif eet the ium of £450.000 eterling of their noneT in the Detroit mi Milweukee lUilwey, oifered them suoh a meane of obUiniog exohange u they did not like io let pea unimproted. You will aee by the aUtement already aubmitted, that the eeUmated receipt* from the Detroit and Milwaukee line waa abi^t 1380.000. aUd the requirementa over a mill(|^. And how waa the * balanoe to be met f Meeaf.. IJiydge. and Reynolde, who were appointed Truateea by the Engliah Shareholden to inreet thia money,' aaid they would draw on England, in their Inditldual eharacter, on account of the £160,000 Bteriiog ban, to the estenk of $705,545--aMking, with the traffio leoeipta, the aum of 11,085,546. Hera, then, wo haTo the oommenoement of the undertiAing. Mr. Brydgea held a teiy high poeition, and Mr. Reynolda waa aent out exprenly to takethe offioe of Finanee Director of the Great Weetem. chewing the eati* mtion in which he alao waa held in iTogUnd. Mr. Roca and Mr. Park, I hare no doubt, were thoroUj^ly 'eatiaficd with the aUnding and integrity of theee gentlemen. They wen aatiaQcd that they wanted juat what theyaiked for; and they were aatiafied, too. with their hcTing at their diapoeal exactly what they aUted. Such being the oaae. they thought they could deal without fear with theae genUemeu. " Thky are not aaking," aaid they, " that we a^uld gife them a credit to- a large amount without eecurity ; but they aay that they nqnin a aum of money for immediate neoeeeitiea, and within a niouth tl>«y *>M *>« •*»•• *<> w»toro t^ ua ao much, and within another month ao much more." Tho Commercial Bank offioera were aatiafied at that time at being able to deal with Meaara. Brydgea and Reynolda in thia way. They did not desira, I am well per- anaded,«t that moment, tohaTO the aeourity of the Great Weatem BaUway Compaby, and I think I ahall bo •bio to caUbliA to your aatiifiMtion that Meaaia. Brydgea and Reynolda had no authority to bind the Great 'Weatem Railway Oompu^ in dealing in the manner they did. At thia point I muat go back a little. In the nondi of Auguat, IRftTvfor Tarioua waaona— the deaire of the ComnMreial Bank to get the account not being perhape the Icaat of theee JWMona— it waa felt that it would be to the interoat of the Great Weetem Railway Company to change ila account to the Commercial Bank of Oanada fiom the Bank of Upper Canada. The Great Weatem Company Ud done ita buuneaa fer abmdtime prenonaly with the Bank of Upper Canada. The Bank of Upper Cauda had dealt liberally with them, aa ia evident from the fact that at the time of the tranafer of the account, the aum of£72,000 waa duo from them to that Bank. Well, they entered into arrangementa with the Commercial Baftk ; and I will now read you a letter ahewing the foirmaliUea they obeerved in opening thu account between the Commercial Bank and the OrMt Weatem, thatpn^juy oontraat it with their manner of dealing aft^rwaida, and thereby ace for yoniiaelvea, ilnd determine the way in^hich the Commercial Bank baa dealt, Whether f ith the Great Weatem, or witt Meaara. Brydgea and Reynolda. in their individual capacity, or aa lei^reaentingWe Detroit and Milwaukee iSIBilWay Company. On the lUh of Auguat, 1857, Mr. Roaa writea t^ letter, being then Caahier of tho Commercial Bank— (he baa been ^t different timea Caahier, Manager, Inapeotor,andfreaident): — . . " COHHKRC ."C. *'SlB, BbtogxI^ Esq., " Managing Director, ' «« Ortat Weitem RaUwajf Company, ifAL Bank or Canj CmaBTON, ll<&.dii 1857. 'oa9tt of the item, will bo kept. , '^ ' '"' **'"' "' ""nveniencc, «nd moan- ofthoB.nk,wilhIkakoftheInt#irAlb7„, ^^ Tl^ .-try t. before/ I ^aWr, CnrblJtZl^^^^^^ wt^-detiringonlythtty^thouldSr, httio" ^^^ !» thi. in itonformitj. ™'* """ '** *•" "• J^'«"« •AI.LH ^.k 'mi--^ '£^-imik^imi^K'£iSdMi^&.m.:\siMM^miii^-m^Amv ^'^^ ' jPFi ^^^^^-^W^' ^ ■^ .[.•■6J' - , ■ Ntir York rtuM *>■• o' '"^ in Oanajii, btiog tqatwkni to 76 dayi diffwWM of Urn*. Bllli tl 80 and 90 dm wiU b« Abjaot rMpaoUvely to adTtOM and roduotion of one-half par oent. . << Tha Bank Diraeton, believing the aeooant of the Great Weatem Railway Company to' be an inporUot one, from the indiieot value of reoeipU, and iaane of onr notea for diaburMmenU, daaire to oonduot the aooouni in the meet liberal manner ;' and, with thia view, haTO aanotioned the term* aa tUted. Hereafler ahonld any ehange be found neoeaaary, either on the part of the Company or of the Bank, auoh alterationa can doubtUaa bo ooDiidered by both partiea in the aame apirit. "In all auoh agreementa, aa the preaent, it ii uaual to name iome period for notiee of withdrawal therefrom. Thia I overlooked when at Hamilton ; and while we look upon the arrangement m a permanent one, it ia but right you ahould have a oondition attaehed in thia reapeet, u to which pleaae adviae me. " It ia nndentood that the debt of the Great Weatem Railway Company to the Bank of Upper Canada, (aay about X7O,OQ0), ia covered, or to be covered by Bond at three montha' date, to be retired by BtU on London. The (fodipany will endeavour to actile Bond by Bill directly with Bank of Upper Canada, and without the intervention of thia Bank. Should, howerer, the Company conaider the rate offered by Bank of Upper Canada for luoh Bill unduly low, thia Bank will interfere in the matter — negotiate the Company'a Billa in New York, or ebewhere, if to better advantage— giving to the Company the bencQt of the Bank'a endone- ment and connection without charge. ^ " But it ia recommended that the Great Western Company ahonld ascertain, on what terma ilia Bank, of Upper Canada will lettle, aay fifteen or twenty daya before maturity of the Bond, to that, ahould the Bank have to intervene, time may be had to negotiate the Billa without being forced to aell for any one packet. ^< I believe the above covera all the mateijal pointa in the agreement, and if you find'them to be correctly atated, pleaae aubmit to the Board, and confirm on the part of the Great Wattorn Railway Company. « I remain. Sir, / ' cmnlal / " Your moat obedient Servant, (Signed) "^0. 8. ROSS, " Oatliier.' lu order that yon may ^nderatand what ia here meant by emulation I will atato a caie :'— Suppoae the Bank iaadea -notea tothe extent of £1,000. The intoreat on £1,000 at six per cent, would be £00. If £1,000 of itotea then are issued by the Bank and remain out for five years, tbey use the moneys which these notes represent, and make out of them £800. Well, small notes being put in circulation, are leaa likely to be returned than large onesj and UQtea of jthat description leaving the Bank to-day may not be returned poasibly for twenty years to come. This, too, iff their object in having their notes circulated as far away from home aa poaaible, the further away they are put in circulation the greater is the chance of thisir teipaining out for a longer time. Yon will thus see that it waa an advantage to the Bank that the Greats Western Railway Company should deal with their notes at a distance from the Bank- And the same observation will apply with even greater force to the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, which carried those notes far into the interior of the United Statu, where, t am happy to say, our' neighbours have confidence in us— though we endeavour to shew that we have but little confidence in them— and whera they take our notes as readily as they take their own. Flom the letter I have read, if was clearly contemplated by both particfii at that time that the negociatioii of the bills should be through the Commercial Bank. Here, then, is error number one on the part of- Mr. Ross and Mr. Park. I am now, gentlemen of the jury, about to call yeiir atttention to a little effort of book-keeping as we see it in the books of this extensive corporation, I am not much of a '^ book-keeper" myself, except in the sense in which, books are kept by moat other legal gentlemen— for the purposes of shew and to get musty on their shelves. But one vouldexpecta different kind of book-keeping from a Banking institution like that of the plaintiflb. Mr. I Park, however, went into tlui witneas-boz and said that he gave inatroctiona to the offioer in regard to the first entry Id th« book baTing refartnot to tbt oNMnt tnn^.tu. r. i . cb,,-. w« Ki».„ 00 the aOth DocmbT C Wm b„, oS^ ^l.V''' "" °' ^-''^' ^»' "'"<"' ' tend u . m.tle, of principle .. well .. of «w Zt Ibll ""''' "" '""^ '" •!«'"«'•'" wy, I con- book. o.nnot be Uken « .Wdonoe for hil'lf tclo IZ "t ":"''"' '"""•" '" "'"« '" »"• — with wh.t obJ«,t It b written. unle« It b eftorZ. , 7 '"'' "'"' ''" ^^'^' -"» "« "-"'ot ..|l .uppoeing tbi. to be tbo correct' origin., ntr^ t I d^ noTMn." ^H "'""i''"'. "" "' «„t 80tb December, 1867. Tbe next ontr, I .b.ll L. .« . '^ "^^ '*'*'"'•"' "'""'"•"• "'« " « d't-d it. .nd it i. eWdent tb.t .be writ ng^^ '/ J j.^^ ''J";':- '» '« -nt.incd In .notbor book. E«m,o. ob«,rTer-,to. m« with keen eyeeit wl bf 1.11™ ^ ^"'"P-. "^ «^ • clc tb.n In tbe otbcr. It -y notr.o^fr 1, jXt'ont „Il !! t" " r'"'' "^ """' "«'''" '" "" »»« of tbe writing being .„..ller tb.„ tbe otberlVu, ^not .t'.TLl^M T. '""u "'""•"""— "^ «- P-^t jo tbo colour of .be ink. Ho tb.t u it m.y. itT,ianSLLt T^"?^^^' '\"' ""«"•« » «kewi.o . difference will .ee tb.t tbe reference In It to tbo g3 W.lZlJ^r "'""'''''"^''J- On examining tbo Ucding you Milwaukee Railway. There i. ^norllX "t riuu' !.' "'"t!*"" ""• : "" "'"'•"« '» ''"' '^«'-' ••"« enough for It to ba,e been written in a p"! "il 'ie «2 ^f '" '"' '"""""•''• " ''""•' '• 1"''" "P"" enee ie, that tbe Great Weatcrn portiO^ wTwrf ei t\Tff r ""• *'^ '"^ •"" "^"""""B for the differ, given to tbi. may bo that If the'^ tTeerte'S d^, 'J^^^^^^^ "'"•'' '"'' '•"' "P'"'''" P"'!*""- The an.wer lingly about their work. But it irfor you rttutn'of .hi" f " """""' f"' "•""'' "''^ ''"•' •^»"« "» »'»"R- and aay on which aide the probabilitica lie. What I «iv I, it ^7' ? """^ oircum.Unco into account, P«ny being written in auoh a manner at the bead of Z 11 ■"«'«« "'"tnnoe of the name of their Com- defendanta. And la tbi. I ,m borne out by the indek 1!.^! . ' ^ "!""."""»"' ^ -ything ng.i„« .he and Milwaukee account, and which does nof con. L n w^^ . ^Jf ^ n '" """«" •'-» "• "'« »««'«" to the pa«.book. I daro aay you .1, know the u,e of Z l,^k ^^^ ^r'"™ ^'-"""y- ' «<"»« "cxt you get them entered In a little look called the paaa-book I^ .„ "iV '" " '""«'••'"'• "'"ro fur good. .0 regard to money were entered in a paaabook. Now lUk'nl ♦J t' "',.''''»''"«?«'» ""' •""''^ - »" transaction. . findbu.^"Dr. Detroitand MilwauZ^ Railway c7 in l^.•^'u«"'^'^^^^ onep« Iwai.bcwyou.hc.econTS inwhir.^^^^^^^^^ ^'■•' Thia i. Wdod-" Detroit and Milwaukee Railway cX;„^!^l'^' rr?^ Here it is. hi. Recollect that all this writing was by the office™ of thl r T''^ ""> Commercial Rank of Canada." Detroit and Milwaukee Railw'ay CoS;p^l;td "i It alnTr^ "Ir.'' ""f " '"""'"'""^ ''^ "«-' ^^ "- « .trong indication that they were doahng IhhiCllir^iV^"^^^^ .ending the bank bad tbe power to estabKfoLlou th^ f. """"*««' ««"''»y Company. Notwith- thoy desired clearly and «tJac.orily to dot, ^UheZt^'J^''^V''' '*'*'«" ^"'^ «^'S"-' -'^0., if "Ij Bole y on tbi, point, upon the .Uten,ent of Mr PaVk ;b^ 1^7 . " T'l ""*""' """^ ""^ '»""» ^^^^y Jo .mailer writing by «,yi„g that it I, all right : Luo mT P T?. """"'^ ''"'" '"' " '»»««"''""'<' •»""•' « to bo made by Mr. Cresswell. Mr. CresswoH wis thei^^^ wrmen to him, direcling him to return the cherues ™M I 1 V ." "''"'"' '^ '""»»'» '«"«"' »>»ving been -BAys. came at one time from Mr. StepTe^ the S :X i*^^^^^^ """^ '». "•« C<"»P«ny- Thee lot.e™, he cms the letters bad reference to ohejues 4o„J^nTtl ^^0 1 '""^" ""'" ^""" *^'- ""''• And in both account had been ,0 entered as to .b^w hat h/iftrStS mJT' "" '"«"' '""* ''"' «'•"■' W-»«™ wtb-it, and therefore, that most naturally, the refill i„ J 'T!^ "'*^""' *"'"'•» '"'^« »'»«' "othing .0 do Si ! J1 .' li *«(M^^Tiw^^', ,— '?siF*"-' "^ '" i l« ind MtlwwkM ^.ll«r.y," ?, 1. ^u. r-*.«.bU toVuppo*, th.t h« W..U1.1 ...». put th.-. word. in. Vou will ll«a«, th^ .n^y .Lply " Dtralt .nd MIIw.ok.o lUiI#«7 C«mp.n,." Mr. I'ool.,, laid ,o, ^orything ho kn.w. llo/did no h.pp;n to be M con»«nlont of .oe«« to the (Wmeroi.l >u wero .ome "f th« oth«r g«nfl|im«n^ I oomV now to .notbor .b.^k, .nd m to th.t, Mr. I'.rk My. .» «IU.r.tlon oorUlnly w.. d>.d« ^o looking Into thi. «in>«ti.a« .fur. II. *y., it w.. th«D foond . nii.Uk. h.d b.«n, .nd It wm cor- n)ot«d. Ilo thu. .oknpwiedge. th.t • oorpor.lion whoM b.»k. ought to U correct .nd, did .01 oon.idcr it beoc^h their po.ltion to m.teri.lly .nd .Iter them. The entry i.. tb« third book, I MT wu rw m.nifeitly .n .ller.tion, th.t it could not be denied. The Word. " Orct W*.tern lUilw.y CflmUn," .re thorolnwriuon .bote the word. " Detroit .nd Milw.ukee lUilw.y Comp.ny/' .nd were not trritteo .t the Mni» time. Mr. I'.rk ..y. thU wm done merely to k«op oorreet .coounl., but book, who h.»e oAeer. employed •peei.lly to mo to entriM b^ing correctly in their book., do not full into n.l.takM of that kind without Mmo gool object i. to bo Mrved.j »o much for the book.. Wo will now teke the ohe.,uo. dnmn by Mowr.. IJrydge. .nd lloyiiold*. You will undomtund that the view I h.T0 boforo you .nd intend ^for your con.idcr.tioa b thi., thut ihcw two gopUomon, whoM pcnwnul ataqding U beyond qw.tion,,won» t* Mr P.rk .nd Mr. HoM, .ubmlttod their ro(iuircmont% thewod the meen. they h.d of meeting them, .ndjAt^iiod lenve to dr.w o* .ocount of thorn. Under thi. .rraugement the cheque I hold in my h.nd wu dr.wittf'Ahp OommeroUl Uebk. It i. ligned by C. J. Brydg»..nd ThomM llcynold., unoffirf«lly, and not iMn.gioif^rifitor^ or fin.noo director of the Great Wcittorn Ilailw.y. The cheque u an ordin.ry one, .nd ohoqut. drawn in lh»i w.y, went down to the Uth December, 1858. Wo will now .hew you .nothor phaae iy the tranwotion. In December, 1868, Mr. P.rk.nd the other officer, of the Unk h.d completed their .trongomont for the opening of an office .t Windnor. Wind«)r, a. I proHumo you .11 know, i. on the Detroit lUvcr, .t tlio extreme woetcrn limit of the Gr«.lWo.tern Ikilway, and immediately opposite Detroit, nothing but the rl»er Intervening betw«en Detroit and Winder. There wm no branch there previously, and I quontionOd Mr. Park m to the Mtabliiihment of a brtnch .t that point of the Commercial Itank. Mr. Park raid that ythat wm merely a traffic arrangement, and he had no recollection of writing to any officer whatever oonneoted/wlth the I^itroit and Milwaukee llailway on the .ubjoct, he declared that hi. whole dealings were with Mossr/ lirydgea and Reynold., and that it wa» a mere traffic arrangement. Thus he wanted to braion it out mjAi a degree of effrontery which is not crodlUblo to a man in his poaltlon. lie pretended th.t it wa. the oninlng of a mere traffio account, and that that nnjounted to nothing. The fact wm proved, however, th.t Uansfors wero made from the Windsor office to tho credit of tho Detroit and Milwaukee Company at the offioe/ln Hamilton, whero^hii account between the Com- mcroinl Dank nnd the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway wa/ kept. 'Mr. Park would not say that this wbs done by tho Detroit .nd Milwaukee Railway (Company, «) as ^ let us have tho benefit of it ; but he Hid, " I know that ohoque. wero prewntcd at the office, but they can/e from tho Gre.t Western Railway Comp.ny, nnd not from the Detroit .nd Milwaukee lUllway Company.''/ Now, wq have documentary ovldenoo contradicting that a. flat M any thing can powibly be contradicted, and showing how little Mr. Park is to bo relied on when his testimony is In odnfllot jrith the testimony of gentlemen of the position of MeMrs. Brydges & R«ynolds. Hero Is a cheque of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, and you will observe how formally It Is drawn. Recollect It u for tho nums of money this and other prooiscly similar cheques drew out from tho Bank, that they are now attempting to make the Groat Western Railway liable. The cheques arc signed by C. J. Brydges, President; Thomw Reynolds, Vice-President; Mr. Trowbridge, SooriBtary, and Mr. Pitman, Acoonntant. Could there possibly bo a better indioation.that the money so drawn out was drawn out by and for tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway t And yet Mr. Park say. that nil this Is a sh.m— a delusion— a enaro to entrap tho Commercial Bank into the giving of credit to different patties from those to whom It was intended to be given I Now, If you will give me tho receipts Mr. Park signed, you will sco holr they agree with these ohoquos. They read In this way, — " Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, to the Commercial Bank of Canada at Hamil- ton. March 10th, 1860. For and on account of overdraft due this offiSe by the said Railway Company." Here, then, we have a declaration In writing that this is a sum of money duo to tho Commercial Bank by the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company ; and Mr. Park says that It does not amount to anything:— that it Is all nouMOso ! Hero la idso something In Mr. Park's huodwriting,— " Received from tho Detroit and Milwaukee -f^K _AKM-iJiH.3 'w 4l^fe feJ™, , ^li*»,, lw«fe^a^^^-d|t4iSL*|a-J»^^4--"*'*-*»/W !— «,iX,i^|^~t^riW&iSi*,-»a<^t *-a*U^ ,ijc^i.^'-^'Vi!^k~1tJ>.^S,!^iMiCt..WII'^^*^^^ •W,'' *l / t^p) Mr ^rk o„ ih„ ,„|y,„t „f ,bc opening „f .ho iH-.n^" .'„7rSw "uT " ^^ " ' '"""'•"" "' ""' *'"''"•'«' «' .nd MU««k,o lWlw.jr Co»p.„,. „,„ ,. j^, ^lorZ' " TrowbridKo, 8.o«t.r, „r .ho I> ■*, " COMMBMUL llAMR or OanAOA, " Uamiltom, 4tk November, IBM. " O.JD. TaowBirooi, R«,., . "DiA»8ii», ..»;;:;!; .SS';!^:;:;;::^;^ ." co„„...„ ,,.h ... h.t . opened, Mr. C.u.pbcll U „.i„r.„, l^^Z^JlTl "" ^'""'••''^ *" ^^'-''«" -K--'- *»- Introduce him.. "^ """""" "^ ""Wng your .cqu.intanrt, .nd I beg .horoforo to "Itm, dear Sir, jroum truly, "Dttroit," "W.H.PARK, l»tr«d«ot.on by Mr. P.rk to Mr. Tn.wbridge of M Sltl T r ^^ '^°'' '^ '» ^' '""" " Ji"^* h.v. here. then. . eon«de«ble conflict between tl JriZiln A" ."''^'*" "'*'" Cou,mer.M Iknk. Yo« to de.1 with it M it Mcmetb to vou beet I^nl^A ^ '^ ^ ""• testimony of Mr. I>.rk. .nd it Im for von thie .oney w« obt«ned, were dZ M W CZnT^t* ' 'T '"'^' ""' "•« "H- o::S wubout .nyoffloid deelgn.tion whatever, .Tdl t7e KaJ^^Li ''" ""• "'^'^'"^ '» "•"' »- "-« ""l riden •• „d « Viee-IWdent," .„d wi.h the n.m« .nC would oatumlly bo .....niHhod if. „,.„ drnwingcreauXS / ^^""'"'y'""! Accountant attaohod. You he nu Sr.w^„g, not for bin,«,If, but for yor.nd trano^mlTb T "" " '"""' '•"' ^'"^"'^ «» ^J "«» TT r J'u "• "^ ~>""^ "tonlahed at the aZpT "tii^ hdd ".werable for the n.oney. And I ca the dr^ of the Detroit .„d Milwaukee, inasmuch^ Ttll^I ^ ""^" "•" ''"«' ^««'*"' «•»»'«' ^o' though they had no connection whatevek WhiLtrn thibTt r? J"' " ''^"•" '~'" ""^ other a. irl-4 WM .aid by Mr. B.ydge. .nd Mr. ReynX rprL^^rl f "^ ' '''" *•'• ^^'^ 'o "'" »« .nd ohar««r You can tell when you hayo.ntteniZ r.„C„r ■»"?«"*•"* ^"''«" "^ """»" »•*»'• he«,B. I»Mr.B.7dge«youh«l.m.„beforoZTlTr ^^""'"'''^y""'"''""^^^^^ d.d not exhibit in any deg^ the .tupidity^^hT^ rit"-*""' '"' ""*''•»* •■"«'««-"-' «<» '»•» box (I am «.ny to ««, the term towardaMr. toL^uTir^^ »« .mpute to Mr. Bo. wblbtin th^ witne.^ pe»ou to whom it applies, to char«>t«ri«e his'^oTdu" Ltrmr»^!^^? ' 'v"!r ""'' ''^ *''« '^''^<"' "^ *»•• went into the witness box and ho told vnn th.^l '*™" P"!*''/ 'Pphoablo to it.) Well, Mr Brvd^i. P^^bly amount to. ^^ M, ,V;::lZX^£::;'Z "LT:"^ "^ "qui^menu^'iS Ae Great Western Company could not bo nesoStoTth^^htip * *?'; ^^^ "k*^ if the exchange if » pi|»|.!^iipipi^|lllJ|li ., i^^sS^PfTsw!^ isi^lR^f^^r'^*"' flOJ Ihii cuBlry nr hi* wfioU ooi.di«», by hi. «f wy .n...lo« t.. ih» in»mH\M, k« kkoWMi Ihil k« WM Ik. wpr«. MnUlif l» coipJan«ll.m with hii Ull<»p;"«. Mr. lUynoM.. of crUin p«t«m. in Kngl .n.l, ....I th.l i. «Mlr.lmK th.« W J««li«K '«• «»'•<' «» P««°"*' '*P<"»»"llly. Mr lir,.l,t«i Jid no! ro »o Mr. I>.rk »lth . .I.k,u....|.I . dr.-ft out by . I.w,«r for lb. purp.-.. of d« •.« Il« Mr. I'.rk • o.«mor.nd«i... ind lolJ Mr l*.rk thai if h. would inwl him, .nd holp him lo crry »ul hk pn-nrtmnl., til would b« wtU I •»«! Mr. jlirk Ml !■ with Iho .rr.nKom.nt on (hi. «nd.r.Undlng Mr. llrydK- ull. you th.l h. «>,^ .u.U.r. fully to Mr. |>.rk 1 .nd Mr. IVirk oonfMM, on lb. «lh«r h.nd, th.l b« rMollmU *M«rthiiiK of • •.•.n...r...duni, bal b. d<)«» not r..n.mb.r of iu b.lnK pr.Hluo.d on lh.1 ooclon. *lr. Uoynold. Ull. you .Ui th.l it w.. pro.luo.d .1 Iho Itoiiin ll»u«», Toronto. Mr. ItoM «iy« b. do*, not know if it wu .o produowl or nol ; but b. .l.tM :^ •• I think lh.r« WM « do«)UU.«nt produced, .bowing Iho .niuuiit of lb. mmU .nd li.bilitiM of both oonipanlM. X will rtftr to Ibb dooum.ot prwKinlly, to ibow you how di»inK«nuou. il w>. on th« p.n of »lr. lloM lo brlnn In th« doouniani tt lh.t Um« ; hcetkut tha doooni.nt wi. .ubu.ituid lo Mr, Uom .1 • lima. It niwil h.vo baan pnKluoad • long pariod .ub.«iu.ntly [ but Mr. Ilo« cndwirour. to m.k« il .ppaar that it wm than produuod In order if poMibl. lo pro»a that iheM compania. ara ona and lh« Mmc I bold in my band the dooument to whioh rtfcranoa I. hara iiiada. Il baam data in iho yo.r IMfil>, no that it could not bate bCMi tha papar reforrwl to in tha jmi Im). You will paroal»a lh»l4t ia • mamomudum of tha li.bilitiaa and wwala of Iho (Jraat WMUm knd tha DatroU and Milwaukaa Railway Companiaa to tha Ulat Daaambar, 1869. For what purpota would you in fairnaaa oonaldor tbia papar |o havo baan praparad f To .bow that tboaa eoihpaniaa vara idantl- oally onar | T" ■ ^m'^-'V f •!! J ik« tf^k »f n A M„„» ) A«tloK npo. ihi. Mil-. ^ Ik. .r^lll K. b* ui«d b,,on4 ho»«d«g ch«,«- i'T .. r T ?"*' *• ""'• «""• -» •"""'"K .«•«.. wb.U».r 1, «i«hi U. Vu« know .i„ Jut "„ i"? ""'" "^ 'S'""" «^"''*"«- '" •»»"• ft.r Iko «.iubi.. i- ^ w.,. ror cbu p.'^. .b, obiil;:::' .ni * r'^^rfc" '"•• '"•' •• --^ -"• J»«b. of .heir b,i„K «.t) .0 .,„nl «f |2ftO oJoTj^TJ' . '^"^;^'^»"'»«'»". »« -how ,.m h.3 no " With «fe,„„„ ,o,„ur r,«.rk .b««t M, r kT .^ '^'""" "'"" "" ^"^ '""""'• oouM no. .void „.„i„„ „p,„ , J Of 11 h, T^l^lZu r •"""■" "'"" '"' '"•^"•«'' '"•' '»••' « ' gl«d to K« >y,u .t .Ji UiM.. ?•'•'" '''"'•' »■"• »»"««»» oC jrow Uippwiqg w. would not ho ; " fi«B«T» mt, a«nti«in«n, • ■ , " FaithfulJy youm, (Signed) ..0. 8. R088, on .hi. tri,!, .hey did not conmdor .ho D.tM. .„d Ml^Xrin « "^" ^''' "' " """^ •«"• "'«' »"'«' make obligntion. of the Detroit .nd Milw.uki iS-?, « •..? ^ "T"' '^' ''"'"""• "' "" "'"k ? Why why, .. in thn next p.« of the Mu, Mr.b^ f!7 T ? ». " '" '""' """« -''"«•"«>•"« ' And .«in th. Gwnt W«.u.rn. I pr«„„e Uicro i. no 2^1^^^ **'''""'"•' "«« »»•• ooH-f «I bond. fVom .houdboMkodtORo M coll.tor.I.,.nd th. Lti^S^.^d Ml.!t ^ ^""'"''^ "" *'"' Jebtoo, U... ,hoy,h...h.Comm«roi.I iLnk^erl ^TZt ,T '^^''^^"'^^^ Thl- letter .heW. mo.! . Company „ prfncip.!,, Ld noj with the G™.t Zte™ iZ uZ t''"«."'"V*''« ^*''' ""' "'""-"keo memor.„dnm of «ot. fnd li^Hitie. of tho twoTm™n|«^lh K^ ''.^*'* "'"'' *" ~'^""'^'«'" *ith tho the purp^ of e.tabli.lf n« the «Wc„oy of thrtw^XL?- • / "^ '^* *•"" "'•'«"'"» *« P«P«d for -o..MtheCo„„ercl.IB.nk officer. rn,„ll^„^^^^^^^ Then. U yet enother imUrUnt oon.ido«tion toTii^^^ h.Te.eonlliotofte.til.ony between men of .U^d|ot„f "^^ :""'•. ^ « we fcronr of either; we f »e to look .i the .ul^^dt. -^ """^ " """' ^ * "^'«''»" n«e-tion to docile lo tmthfulne- contina.rwitb bT»..„dwhri"rr "'"'/"' "^^^"''^ °' i"«'«'°8 '»"<'l' c.ni2 ' A § *>■ K% M^ f ofioet of the 0MDmeroU Bank, but he did it Jiy mjr «r » Mendly tnra to tfa« MpnaeatetlTM of th« Detroit ud Milmvkee Oompanj ud of the Great Wq^jtenk Company. He nid it mw trae that the Oommeraiel Bank finally (...... $50,000 each. 6 Do. do. 8 « .........;........•... 50,000 '« 6 Bonds under the (Mai of the Great Western Co., at 6 months, Co. ..i. 60,000 s« v A memorandum of Liabilities and Assets of the G. W. &^ D. & M. Co's to 81st Deo. next; And lastly, a sUtetaient of tlie total Liabilitiies of the D. AM. Co. on Notes, with dates of olMty' \^ ^'"Thtp. ft M. Bilk and th«G. W. Bondslieing idl'payable to the orderof Mr.Biydges uid me, ii« have Mdoned them in blank. ; ** Two of 'the sets of D. & M. notes are to be returned to ns, and as soon as the set to be made use of by^ Mr. Boss shall have matured, they are, if is understood, to be retired or provided for by^^e Bank to the deUl . of the D. ft II, Co.'s account, and the O. W. Bonds to be returned to the G. W. Co., to be cancelled. " The Bilb and Bonds being all endorsed in blank, the. jMokt^ containing them ia a valuable one ; I hope therefore yon will ezeuae no for asking yoo- to be bo good as send me by the bearer^ two Unea to assure me it Ins safely readied your hands. (Signed) «THOS. BETNOLDS.' Ton will observe there is here a most distinct and emphatic declaration on the part of Mr. ReynoldB, the gentieman who has the carrying out of this transactioil on behalf of the Detroit and Milwaut^ Railway Com- pany, that the amount of $200,000 was to bo retired at maturity by the Commerc&l Bank, and that it was .».b.e to fulfil iU ozpectotba of giving xoh'^A; *' °"«» ^r""" '?^'''' *''"»»«"' '•"»8 »*«"' of the Great Western Railway OoMpanv were Co bo returnrd tn Iw/ n ? ^'^wuk'o account, and tbo bond, nor were the note, retired at maturity. The no..» Vl renewL f "'T t •""' "'" ''""''• **''» ""^ '«'»"'««1 but th. Commercial Bank poeitively rcfuj "0 ToaToI totZn^. T °"'"^' '"'''"'"' '•'""••'«'^ '«<«"<» J which they received under the o,p,L.tirubt?onrtl ""^ " "»* ^V"""*"™ K«llw.y Company the bondi ««-''-- oftheJu.y, was that /,Zg£r ^ ^["".od to be cancelled ' I aak you weommodatiou of a nefghbonr, you J to Wm "'tirr. « ^ ^^ ^"'''^'"^ ^"" S"'" * ««•»• «« 'ho befo,.th.expi™Uon of which Vou will h^ve to ui!u"^ %7Z"'' T P"^''^''"-'' •-«» -h a time, Induce friend Jonea to give you hia bond « Tn f ' • * *'""'''° y°" "» ^'"'^^"^ ">« note, I wil .n«rerableforthem6„eflfyrfanl^rrp"ro:^^^^^ '""'^ - security, ho'wil.t up ihe note you are to returp to friend Jonea hia bond;'^ver, wd l^onr '"" '^"""^ '" '"'''"« ofyouraelf .n giving the note, and of your friend in riv nJS L„l • ^'Khbour, owing to the kindnea- preaaing wanta, and atter one or two rLwS ^s ThTn^ to Of ' ""'««;.''« """"y "herewith to meet hi. up the bond, in accordance with the oriZruilnL . ^ T""' ^"'""' •^•"•"^ ~"- "P"" ^^ to givo «Jthing of the kind. He declares tEiltTtld of ""' '""' "'''«'''^" "'^-^ »« «>» What would you think of such a tmnsa ti^K J And !^5"h- ' ^■'' "i' ^<''"'» '» -""i ">««k« ^oncs pay it.. • Bank in reference to the Great WeaterJ'CiraiXai^;' K" Vhotl*; '"""'^ '''^'"' '""•^''"'••' from an institution like the Commercial Bank ? T ™„.„? ! ■ '**"''* '""' expected auch a thing who value, hi. character and reputirn wlo Joul. not h ^7,: "" "°'V '^''^" « "ot .merchant in thelanS that he could be guilty of so di^Uc^Jd a t^rc In And i? V? '''"^^ "' '' ''" '"•"""""^ '---'^d more ought an inaUtnlion be ashl^ed whictrkls J^tot • '^ ' "l^f"*?!'^"''! ^o' wbamed at it, how much of Canadi? Thi8, then, I aay is anothlci J^! P™'""''"" V ""• '"«'' «'««««tor of the Commercial Bank ' thing they «.y or do when opn't:^^ ^^^^^^^^^ "^^ y"",*" '^k with a^spieion upo'nt; Brydges and Keynolda. With referencXhcr Hi ^0:4/^!^ ^ n ' "^ '" '^' P""'""" "^ Mcssi circumatanco ai bearing strongly upon that 2t' whS w .. ' ■"'".'" f^ ^'"'' ""'""'™ »» •"°"'" "i"?^'-' Railway Company aa .'company, ofwi h the'clrw^" ^ '^^^ t^ "^^^ "•" "*^'"'' »'«' ""'^0 pretend, to re^^ the DetroUaJd Milwaukl S^aJS^n^^ « t" *'' " ^^ ""* *••«-• " *«^ »«"' which he pay. Mr. Reynolds the compliment ofSSSohr^T. """' "\' ^"" *^'- P"*'" letter in would scarcely be able to get the director, togetherloS LS „f L LT 'P^f^'^^t''^ "" %».olds the emergency. Hodid bring them tocether ThZ «. T [,t ^^' '" '"""'• "»*''«' '" «q«»I to whicLcertain formalities had'to be gS^ ttlgf ?,rbotwhlh ""f ^ "'"^ ^ ""''*« ^'^ ^-» ^ key. held by two or three officers. There wJaS a„rr^rK.! «»"'»'?'' t^e wal > opened by different however, aurmounted all these obstaclXanS^w^nT ." ^ '^T^'^'^ """'"^- M- Reynolds, to be accomplished, he wrote him the fl Crinf ^1 ^ III'k""^ that he had done all that was necessary (Uughter.) Hc,«i. the precious epistle S-- •"*''"''' '«' «>? »»«» hohas been equal to himsel? "AlT.DpAB SlB, "H,P.M. " Yours ever, '/■■■ ; -,^'' ..^' "Thos. Rbtnolds, Esq. ' ' (Signed) "WIT PARK. f lUjftiiP^ *^ ".5?^!»^'^ "1 l»f V HaviDg read thii little confidential note flrom Mr. Pkrk to Mr. Rajnolda, I will now read you two ofloial letters, written by Mr. Aon to MosinkBrydgee and Reynolda, on the lubjeot of the notes and bonds. I'he fifst is as follows :— ' "OeNTIjVMIN, CoMUKBOiAL Bank ot Canada, " KiNQSTON, Itk June, 1860, ■ ■ . • " Referring to four notes of the Detroit and Mitwaukeo Railway Company for Fifty Thotuand Dollars [Ezh.^lifos. 112, 113, 114, 115,] each, negotiated by Mr. Plumb, on account of the said Company in New York, I beg to sUto that the Bon'ds of Great Western Railway Company, No. 800 @ 803, iHolusivo, and ampunting to Two Hundred Thousand dollars, are held by the holders of the notes alluded to as collateral seourity for payment of the said notes ; and that on payment of the said notes t& said Bonds will be returned to the Great Western Railway Co. - " I remain, Gentlemen, < ' "Tours faithfully, "C. J. Bbtdoeb, Esq., Jlfan'^ D/rec/or, " TnoHAS Retnoldh, Esq., Financial Director, "Great Wettern Railway Co., "Jlamilton." (%ned) • •' C. S. ROSS. Now read this letter in'oonneotion with the letter of Mr. Reynolds of the 28th May, aooompanying tbe bonds : "Orbat Western Railwat, "Hamilton, Canada West, 28/A May, 1859. > /■ ■ : ' ■ ■ -^ ' ' . ■ ■ ^«W^ H. Park, Esq., ;^_^Jl • " Commereial Bank, ' ^^ " "Dear Sib, • "I have now ttp pleasure to .enclose for transmission to Mr. Ross, at Albany, the followine documents. ""■"■ ■ ■• V ■■■■■■■: 'i^- ■ .-' ■ •■■ '%:■'.'''' ' ':■ '-■■■ 5 D. & M. Nittes, at 2 mo. date... ;. .......... J....;....,. »50,000 each. 5 Do. do.\ 8 " ..,.. 60,000 " 5Db. do. 4 « ^... ..;...........:...... 5(^,000 « . 4 Bonds under the seal of the meat Western Co., at months, Co...... 50 000 " A Memorandum of Liabilities and Assets of the G. W. & D. &. M. Co.'s to fflst Deo.' next. ' And lasUy, a statement of the total Liabilities of the D, & M. Co. on Notes, with datra of maturity. " - The D. & M. Bills and the G. W, Bonds being all pj^yable to the order of Mr. Brydges and mo, We have cndorifcd them in blank. " Two or the sets of D. & M. notes are to be returned to us, and as soon as the set to be ^e nsd of by ^ Mr. Ross shall have matured, they are, it is understood, ta be retired or provided for by the Bank to the debit of the D. & M. Co.'8 account, and the O. W. Bonds to be ^tn^ to the G. W. Co., to be eanoelled. ' ' "The Bill|nnd Bonds being all endorsed in blank, the package containing thorn is a valuable one; I ' hope, therefore, you wiU excuse me for asking you to be so good as to send me by the bearer, two lines to v ewsure me it Hm safely reached your hands. ;."' (Signed) "THOS. REYNOWiS."/ 1^ 5- V ^^tij^i- "-jPT^-fj'^w , i 4,^ ■ • < V. [*15] Ton win here «M that the itiinhtioii •eeoiUMii.lm. .1.- -^. . «ther different f„„ .h, tenor of Mr. SS^hthV?" '^^ ""^ ^'^ *•"*"•« "«'«» »»» *«•• »«»k- The other letter ran. thu.:- ^ '" wrote.nother letter to them- in Mrin^Wida.1 ptpJeJ^. " OiinxifMiN, ■ ■ - ■ ■ •■ / ■ ,' "GOMMBtOIAI, BANlt 0* 0*4*0*^^' ' "KiNOSTOM, 7rt ./iiw,vi869. No.814,.t2moe.d.fftom81etM.y • ««'w.y Co.,,iia^ 817, " 3 mos. date « « ,/ ""'—•• ••.••............'. .'.n... |60,000 82^ " 4 moe, date " « « :"•"•••••••.•;•..........;,. ^.....,,;..;.:...... 60,000 ' 828, w« « „ „ "*^ • •-•••.•... ^. 60,000 '^u* On accoBDt of D. A M. R Co H« !.« • ""'"'"[ ••—'.•... I........ .60,000 / ,'»•«!- ""Other like ,u„,,.eco«„tiigto^^^^ herewith four notes of D. & M. R. Ca for wK 'eJ f ? "'^/''"^ *" *""• »'""«'•. Ibeg to h«ik yS . for hke ,un.e at'2, 8, and 4 montha reap^ctf^ ]! iLt' ?i^" '!' ''ke -amount., three oSZ Great Weatern Railway Co., No. S04 TsO 000 1^'''*^ "'' '^"^ '"'''««»<' ^^^^^^^ •moudt entmated to me. ■ ' '' ^'^' ''"«'' ""'^ "f^ed « the negotiation.making CtheSe ' "I «Bi, Gentlemen, ' •* " f . ■ ,' ♦ f ■ : ,"Ypnr. fkithlblly, ' ' ,, ' ■•■■■"■ '"■..'■ ■ ■■ ' - "0. J. BBTiWis, ag, ::yi ^ ,\ •' (^'8""^) "C.S.ROSS." "THba. RmwoLpa, Esq." V ;'' /^^ 77^ ~ , - 77 S^^lCS,;";;^^"- r;^ '"!^ -"^ *'^" .«'• K«« conaidbred he w^ dealing with of the G«at Weatern,R«,w.y cT; ;%d : t,e brh^t^^ T» ^^^ " tho-preaeS^ Follow me now whikt I read the minute of tL F n!„ i. «ddn»ed them in a wparate capacity altowther to the« honda, on tbeaSti^'MayrS ^L^^r "^^^^^^^^ lUilway,^ Sfnee' written on the ^e day. The minate i. a.7oZ.:l ^'■^:5noW' letter, aeeomp.„yi„g the bond., i. «PkMlN,u,ii,o„„5; y, '^ ' '' "Ox-ast* Jfoy, 1859. •• BlehWJm^^^^^ ^- . ':?»«MERClALBi:^K OF CANADA.* ' iHKthairmanwportedthMthoCommeroialBankreonirpJ .„'i. .u • &0. mer«i by thel6^ June, p«^^ ^^n^'J'TVT'''' '" ^'"'''°' ^^^ ^o*. ending the 30th June. ^^" *^-'°S°^*oBMk Statement, for the «« " The ovejdrafU 1^ thi. Company and the JWrtrft and Milwaukee iu^^ in exodap of the undemtinding eome to with SrSlfc 7/ Company a» at the pre«,nt moment . ^now wi.h4he «.rplu. to b, Aidtd forplt t£ mte "' *~' ^'"' account., and the B«.k !!.-* " The nbjaot had bMD Tery r«ny flOMfdawd tnd dtam«d With the Bank, .nd u U W|. not po.«ble tjeompl, with their leqaeet for ezchaiige njwU Engbnd, the following arrengement haa been auggested by the u the Brinoiparowrdfaft being on account of the Detroit and Sinwankee Company, that Company to glre the Commercml Bank five note. (Bach for 150,000, made payable to Mr. 0. J. Brydgea and Mr. T. Beynoida, and endora^d by them, whieh the Bank proposes to get discounted, *nd place the proceeds to the credit of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company's acobiint.. These notes at maturity to be pro- tected by the Commercial Bank, and the amount debited to the Detroit and Milwaukee aooofint. '^Bailway bonds oil the Detroit and >lilwankee Company's notea being so pai^ by the Commercial ' Bank to be cancelM and returned to the Great Western .Kailway Company, the olyeot being merely to use theto" as collotctal security, and not fpr negotiation in any shape whatever. . " R«tolvett—Th»i these arrangentonts, aa far as this Company is concerned, be appiroved of on the under;; tUnding set forth in the foregoing minute ; and that five tends, each for t50,000, payable in six montha, be prepared and executed, and handed tbihe Detjroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, to bo lodged with the Commercial Bank as oolUteral aecurity to the Detroit and MHwaukee Company's notes. ' ' >i^ . „ "THOMAS REYNOLDS, irdJune,Vm7 ^" - , " Ckairmani' The same roaaon, yoa will observe is here given for the notes and bonds being required by the Commercial Bank as Mr. Reynolds, the Chairman of the Committee, gives to the Bank. That reason was, that the Detroit and MUwaukee Company and the Great Western had overdrawn at the Bank, and made greater demands on the ' weouroes of the Bank than was etiolated for, wjien the arrangement was first entered into. On the other side, my learned friends will attempt to shew you that th«j Imakipg of this minute proved that the Great Western Railway Company were cognisant of the whole ^nsaotions— that they were cognizant the Commercial Bank had a claim against them on account of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. Unfair and unreasonable as it miy be, this wilfbe their line of argument They will say that because Mr. ReynoHs was the gentleman who dealtintho matter for both parties, the Great Western Railway Company mn«t have been cogni»nt of the whole of the transacttw* But you have the dedarationa of «very one who was present at the meeting of the Finance Committee when the minute was passed, that they had n6t the slightest idea of the existence of any claim by the Commercial Bink against th^ Great Western lUtilway on acobunt of the Detroit and MilwankeeV . Railway; *and the hypothesis which will bte raised by my Iwirned friends on the other side, should have no weight when compared with these positive declaratioih. Trom this minute it ia plain that the principal over-, draft being on aooount Of the Detroit andMilwaukeeCompany, that Company was to give the notes, to be protected bythe collateral saeuritios of the Great Western. The- minute, you observe, ia signed "Thomas Reynolds, Churman ;" and at the bottom is the memorandum—" Srd June, 1859.'' , I should not wonder if the Com. ■ meroial Bank, through their counsel, who have grasped at,so many straws already, should fancy that they had here made a greaV dlucovciy — that they would isa^^that this minute, which l^ara di^te the'28th of May, was not, in point of 0ust; passed un^ the 3rd of Juno. But, if they took the trouble ^ reflect, they wouli'find the true meaning to be, that the minute was passed by the Finance Committee on the 28tJ» ftfay, and subse-; quently confirmed by the Board. % fear, however, in making this expUmatien, that Ir^say have takipn some, of thewindoutofthesailaofmylearnodfriend, which I should be very ^oiiy to do. (Jjaughter.) ,• > Hon. J. H. CameroK — ^My dear Sir, there is 8« much wind in pur sails , that you could not take .one-half qf it out wej/you to apeak all day. (Laughter). . ^ ifr. M- 0. Cambroi I am satisfied we shall have iriud «i)ough wli (Laaj^ter). 1 r J r'Ttr--"' ""^ 17J b.ven. wuhout Uiiog tho On^l We.i«rn Kailiay CwlTf * «'"*~' 'J'P' "•" Conunerdi.1 B.nk, to the men of the Ju,y. to 0.II yo»r .ttontiod^to .„„7„^ r!l?./"' '".''T- (La-shtor). I havo,' now. Gentlo- «.,c.., w»au»> iMiDg 11,0 Urwl Western Itailwav Coinn«n„ fi.. . '»"™ ;'"»'' "•» yonuneroitl Btnk, to the ««« Of the J„,y. to 0.11 ,o»r .ttentio«^to .noZ cZmill S" . ^'::"?''""^>' ' '"^''' «»*. O'""- wnU.„.ontbe «n.e day b, Mr. P.rk to Mr. 4noJL tt'l™ " ° ' v- '""I ^ '""" '"'o* you letter, character ui Fina^pial J)irector. .hewin. th.t .1./"?:^ jj" „^'' "•••"""*" "- V.ce.Pro.idont„ .a well a, i,. hi. "-•••vu.uu i.uo oauie uay d* jnr I'ark to Mr tin 11 j i * character a. Fi„.9,ialJ)irector. .hewing th.^h'Sjil '"''??' "" V'^-J^iaont,, ., well a. i„ hi. material i»poru„oe to be attached to thL Iette« fSeT l .„ T" 'f .''P/'"""R''0»'- There i, nothing of Ifept between the t#o Companie., and by theJ^llf^l than to male .t clear that the diatinctioq w«i alL. Mr. Park write, the followirg noi to Mr E^J^L,^ "'""" '' """ ^•'"'- O" '"«' 22„d of May'. 1858, Mr ■^- . ... "fnoB. Reynolds, Esq.-, " Vtai-Pi^ident. ^ "CoMHMoiAL Bank o» Oamada, V " Hamilton, 22nd May, ,1868. . "DiXeSui, „ . r / "I »ni, dearSir, » , , " ^our. rety troly, ^. •- "w! PARK, ;x " ^"roil and JUUwa^kte Railwaj, Company, ^ "^-^ '' ihuager. , Great Wqatew :. ^ ' ■•""«^«* «» Mr. Reynold., a. Finanoial Director of the > ' ' "CoiiMiBoiAi. Bank OF CanadaI /'Th68.R«tnou)8, Esq., ' " Hamiwon, 22Dd May, 1858. " Financial Director. ' ' * "DeabSib^ thopiyment. - ' '^^"""" '"""'^ J°B«''»°g«""^ f»»d« f«m him„ wiUwrvo to^to!^^^ "The interest we wiU adjiut next week. x "liuB, dearSii> , " Yonn tmljr, ' . V "^ H. PARK, "<^WuUm RaUw}, Compangi ' ' \ "SamOum:' i •» both dated «29th May SS^'-^J l: ^°'. *° " Co"*>»»«wiaI Bank of C.nadi,„H.mifton » tC ■ ■ ' '. ■■ ■ » ■ . . « * - « ■ ' . . " --,■." -J- - ■ \ «. 'I — — ^ — — r* — '■ ■ — —■ : «— 1 — : ■ '■ : — "t— 'i • — fvv' ^ "-jfTf- ^;^!'p9 "** t* '■* ,',«'*• ^ * »* t * " •, ■ ' -■...'■* ■ • .■:■ ■' •• ^;' '■;.■■.. I'ls'i ■ ■■■•;.■■■ ; :'■ ' Uut no pc»on or oo»po»tion ha . r.gHuo '«»'*'J.'P^"^2.3infc U>« mao wh«^held it InnooenU, would the document to pr«ent to the maker; W?«., *btl-t .t wu »«'f"»«^^^^^^ ^ ^ ,4 . . jm^^,' .feo^* beentiU^ltoreeoTeijonit, Thi. ^og .. of cou~ .f . note^^ ,,.,i„git,in«mnchMthe^r.onwh^^^^^^^ givei this undertaking: ' ' . ' ' *'^uivtoti,!indAv(futt « Two notee rfThi^t and Milwank«*^5rilway Company, payable at the Merohant-. Bank, New York, on m^Z^^mX ib-^rder of tie Boaton Looomoti,. Work.JorW.661 8^-4 of "^^r;' «"^* Co for 11^)85 57. hating been paid v^d capceiled, and th.'aame haying been lot >»^»!»^»^'i"'" ^ew^**" S,iu pK. on Llfof th4 Oo,*.men^^ of Canada, guarantee tbeD. & M. R'y Co. fro«^ pay such bail a Mcohd time. «W. H. PARK, Jlfa«£»^er." - If the Git-tWeatiirn C6mpany were the Compwiy dealing with the Commewial Bank i" ~tM *« *^T.u^ " hIjMr«lpon«blo. why did not Mr.PaAgive the guarantee in thei, fcvor i«it«,d o'^*'"'"'^*' " J' A m! RVr 00. r^ Thi. thi. i..,nolher inatmment ,homug deding* between the Oomme» B»nk and the Detroit and Milwaukee Company.. I hate now another strong ciroumaUnoe to oafl your attention to. I hay. not the papor it«.lf here, beoauae they do not cboD«. to produce it, and we cannot compel them to PJ^«V documenVSey don't like to place in our h.nda. AH we can do i. to gi»e them noUce ^^I^»«!5 ,'"J/,f.y K do «,, Lonly mkbod i. to gi^ «>conda.y e,idenoo of it. oont*ntt Well.on the Uth Octobe/, 1859, Mr. C. H. Sorley; &e Bank*, accountant at Hamilton, wrote thia UtteiHtt.nMr. Reynold. : . ' _ ■• « CoMMKBOiAi. Bank Of Oahada, '■ n . "HAMoaoii, 14A Octoiw, 1860. , I of thAt ,a]uioe due thia Bank by "JChomas RiwoLDB, Ekj., j " Tiee- A(Mufc«l. 'IteABSn, << Bncloaed I beg to hand you for rignatare and return, blank certificate ' your Company on account aa on the lOtB inatant jf. " W« are preparing for an inapection, and this certificate, with others, we ahaU to s|iow to the acting Inq>eotor, fiom-whom we look f<* an immediate risit; thenrforo you wUl kibdly cause tHe document to be com- pleted and fotamid a» your oonTenienco. . - „^,, •^ ... ' « I am, d««r Bur, yours truly, (Signed) "0. H. aOKLEY, Aet*. : ii D^toU d muHutkee ^iCo., MmiOon, O.W." ^ ■ ■ , « ' ■ ■ ■ . . \ . . ■ , .. What. I should like to know, 'i this, aakii« for ? A eertifipate of the amowht due by tl^ Great ,W«rt«r« JUhnjip the Bank J Clearly not But a certificate of thi? wwrnnt dtt% to the B^nk bj th? Detroit apd, m^t». And yet Mo^k 8ay8,tiiet the Detroit and'IjaWBBkee Company was aU a eham Mhat thf. was ' DOU Detroit andMUwaukpe aqcount, buta6«»» Western acoonnt-and t^jet >f thcHanjiltpn acooDn^nt -^ ad^ed for a certifiefte of the indebtedness of the Detrmt and Milwaukee, U WM • nustaker-h« didoi't meW itrr h WM »o«#>ite of the Great Weetem he wanted ! . Here if IJr. Beyn^ldi^ wplj to Ht. Sfi^* vplwf»*i v- — — ♦ — ^ — — -*— r- . ' .• • -. . — -^ -^ -— — ■ . - — ■ — - V..; ■■■; ; '•■ ■ -•- ^'"' ■'■ , '^ .■■- : : ■ t _ ^^ « DnapiT AND MitwAUKBi Railwat, , "^jj*^*"** ^""■» HAMitTOii, Carada Wmt, 16"' :''-■-: -'Viet-l^'t", aearly an aoknowledgment by Mr. Reynolda of Ib debt doe by the Detroit add Milwankee. In addition to the bond* I ha»e already referred to, there are certain other bonda and traniaotions between the Oreat Weelert Railway Company and the Com^eroial Bank, on aooonnt of the Detroit and Milirankee Railway Oompany Yott will reeollect it appean in evidetioe that $200,006 .were paid by the Groat Weetern Railway Company to the Commercial Bank on^cconnt of the Botroit and Milwaukee Company, through the inttnimentality of the bonds of the Great Weetem Railway Company, initead of ezohange being given by them on Bnghwd The fint gireil waa a bond for $100,000. this was given direct by the Great Western, in payment of aoeouot But there was also a bond of f 100,000 given, which, was collateral to two notes of the Detroit and MOwanke* Company for 150,000 eaeh. |^esire to refer you to the letter on this snbjeet, in order again to shew you how distinct th«iir tiMisacUoii^«||c« kept. Oi, the I9th Februaiy, 1859, Mr. ftrk vivt* this letter to Mr. Bevnonis: r .(. h « OouMuoiAL Baiik or Oamaoa, ' «!t-OMA.J.™ou«,E«^ "HA-.i«,K,lMiWm.^,M60. '*ri<».JVui(hnf, ■ -.'>.-•-■■: •,■■-■:.■■■ ^; 'v :■..■ ■ <;OBAKl^n, '■;■. ■./■.■ ■■';■■'■.■■>■'■'';."'■".■ ^ ^IL^Zl*^*^ with ywir letter of this* day's date, covering a boiy] of the Great Western RaHway Company . Ibr 1100,000, prooeeda of which will be placed to credit of the Detroit and MUwankee Railway Company iu " ^'t *t^tT^ ^"^ of 1100,000, pleuw to send two notes of the Detroit and Milwankee Railway Comj^ny for f50,00» each at this date, and saythe 24th imit, for credit of your Company, as aghicd. ■ ■ :\ (:. ' V /'* I am, dear Sir, ■; :;:■:-' .'•■.■■;; ■■'■■^ ;.:-.. .,■■':/ , ' '■ • "Yowifoithfiilly, -._■.•: .; ;. ■ ; . / '(^fsa$4i ;..■ :.«w. B'.PARK,"' "^: "The proceeds of whieh wiU V piscei to the credit of the Detiiit and Milwaukee Railway Company,'' is the language hcN used. Let us look at the pass-book and see if it rerfy was oarried to the Detroit and iSilwauk'tte •ocwnt Lode at the paH4>ook, and on tho 10th of Februaiy ymsee a' discount of flOO.OOO fMuried to th«r owdit of the Detroit and MUwaukee Railway Company. ThenotesMked ibr in the lastjiilragraph of the letter wewto be appHed to, tlteoedit, not of the OreaiWeetom Railway Company, but of the Detroit and MUwaukee _ Railway OompMy. And still they say that the Djrtroit and Milwankee Railway Company is a shai^ Well, ifso, the sham is kept up on tiie other side of the water-they travel 4000 miles to perpetuate kjham. After whilo they go to England. Mr. Brydgea hu already gone there with a view to indi^oe. if poesij^le, the Oreat Western Badway shareholders to adndioe a Airthersum of money to the Detroit and Milwaukee il^lway Cwn- psny.° 1^. Oampbell,t•• r«oi \. rCrt, the bilk gown. .Un4ou\ with indign.aon ^» » » '^^P'^l^r '," ^"'J iltl 1 olloe Write, to another officer on b«.ine« eonnected with thelnHit«tio». t6 whioh the, bdortg, h.»Jhoir letter, an not priT.te; and if they ohoo«. to mark their lctte«<"PriT.te," there U no moral code. o the u^^tM> S Im JueEfythem in being'«. regarded, if the intere.U of othe« require their content, to ^ M^^ of. So much for the pnTaey of officii letter.; I may have., «,me remark, to make of pri«l. SaniTon the part of thL genUeme, tow«d. th.D.t>oit «,dMUwa uk«.g^wv Company. Mei|n,h,l. I will read thia WHialled private letter : • \'' ," ■ ^' '| | « /p^-.ti,"» "ComiwoiAt Bank or Oawada, j . ^rnvaw.; u nxuivtoHi 16th Navr., 1969. "Mt DEAR Sib, '. ^ / ,- * ' !„' . „ uiu « Sinoe you were her;?. I have A note «om Mr. Ro«. in which he me.»tion. that Mr. Campbell WM .t^^^^ london(aithedate of our U.t advice.), that he had «H,n »^r. Brydge., a4,d that everything looked »r.^»^- Mr. B. «id the broker had nb doubi of placing a miUion, and the oirculwr. were about being got out Mr. Campbell h«l met a Director by chance, and he .Uted the »me tfiing^not a w<*rd •»'°"^ *• J^'^J y?" refemd to thU a. u. Mr. B. knows that Mr. A. H. C i- the authored repr«K,nUtiv. of t^« ^"J »" Kngland. Having buaincM that required full poirer., the Board put him in powe-lon of them. Now it Mem. to me. that if Mr. B. were in any «riomrdlffioulty he would at once teU Mr. CampbeU of it ; and if he were under the impreiion in reference to thejirrmngement for oollaterab, that you and he would at once complain toMr-CandapplyfortheequivJento/i^hatyou wUh; Mr. G having fuU power. Now I prefer to wnto to Tou thb interim letter, before taking upihecommiMioft olcJUig our interview of thi. morning, *. >t will be>fnll month from the interview of Mr. B. and Mr. C, before any action from thiaaide^u reach thein.; and it wem. to me quite impoMdble thatMr. Bry^ge. would be in the poeitioa of not being abh to do any^^ngfor a yihoU, month, and not to tell the Bank', authoriied rnepeoting Director that Mchi. the caw. Don t jm lee the vaat oonfliction between the poeition of Mr. B. befoie Mr. C, and hi. porition a. dewribed by you to-day. I oannot help the compariwrn, and I may not keep it back, u our interoourw ia one of entire candor. O^fjonm you had to repnaent matter, a. they were placed before you; but why, in the name of common mum, did not Mr. B. tell Mr. 0. of hi. great dilemma. I can't mo through it, but time wUI reveaL Ndw, - voMiien m London have no doubt eie tlu. .Mnimed one or other of the .hi^ ptewnted by Mr. B. to Mr. 0„ aetion on thisude would be mort uneourtoou. to the Inepecting Director^ without hi. eonwnt; and the utmoet that fiould be expected from the Chier.would be authority to Mr. A. H. 0. to act wjootdiDg to «r««p«tonoe.; explain your wi.he«. WhenourauthoriMdrepreMntaave, below oonmltation with youn, and both Mucerely dedrauof gettinft thi. Mriou. matter arranged, doe. not ny a word of the dilliouUy you epeak of,.how oould you look for the Bank finding a proper leawn for the ooOtM you vriA. Clearly the Cwduet haa nothing ta come before hi. Board with, and they would only hmgh at him. There a no danger of omt$ntm on the part of ' Mr. A. a 0. ; and my imprarion ia that' it wouM be better not to bring the diwaepmoy or appwent want of candour oki the part of Mr. B. before our people, to do no good, except to put it on rec<«rd. Still I wiU go «n if you ny m; but my impnarion that a month wu quite raffieient to ' UU' or 'cure* the financial opwatton about which our respective envoy. oonverMd on the 28UiOotr.; and that illpiaa better be left to their wudom to help each other, and report the difficulties in the way for our guidance on this side. Mr. B.'s rilenoe to Mr. 0. would of ItMlf be a miffioient reawn for refiual ; but mind, the counw i. a. open u thii raoming it wa.. ^ «Toan nnoeiely, * , '■ «W. H. PABK.'» i'' 7(« T f . f V i i r^« 1 In thli iwifniotlon I mut ratniod you (bat we havo MrVUrydRwi'. iiUtenient on hia onlh, that at the Reneral moetiog, hold in London, he doolarod publicly that the aiM«rtiuii of the llnnkoni of «he (>r«ot Wcntorn Company havinR any claim aRainit thein waa a falio calumny. The Itankon wore tho Comworoial Uank } «nd Mr. Brydgea emphalioally am^ftod that the Great Wealern Company inre not in debt t■■ — ^J .KJkAlfc.aM 1m«4A« aat«i*ua« in I MnK !a— n that the fullaat and beat attention ahould be paid to the I will read another latter written in 1868 :— / . « ObBAT WbBTKBM RAltWAT, «« HAmwoB, Gaiiaba Wist, 26irk and Mr. Ituaa bofora that aUtaniaal waa algnad tuiitht b« ftroduead, to anabia joa tha battar to undaraUnd tha natura of th« traoaautioa. Tbajatiar vriltaa bj Mr. Park to Mr. Roaa waa deapatohcd tha daj bafore tha atatciuflnt wia liKnod by Ma«ini. lirydgaa and HeynM; and Mr. Oanpball waa aald to havo ba«n preaant at tha int«r»low bad balwoon Mr I'ark and Mr. Itajaulda. I want joa to Jadga of tha nioa litUa trap thaao ganllanien of tbo Comwaroial Hank praparad for tha (Waal Wtatarn Railwaj CootpMij'a offioera tu fall into. Tbojr a»idantly thought, whan they got thanr to alRn\a •tetemont I hara refarrad to, that thay had oaaght tka Uraat Waatarn lUilway Company vary oiealv llaral tha lattar writlan by Mr. I'ark to Mr. lloaas— r ., / « a 8. Roaa, kA., v "My DBAi Bm, «W« hava juat oloaed a rery ugneMe interrlew with Mr. Reynolda. Mr. Campboil winlall yo« «n whan ha reliirna. Maantlma, I may aay, that wo mado qp our niinda to aak him for a formal lettar, to put tha D. and M. ovardraft in buainaaa ahapa, ai one with tha O. W. li, and it will ha Riven in oourao. I will forward it to you, raUining copy. Wo alio hava a virtual aMumption of the (loT«rnmcnt diflorenco ; at Icaat, Mr. R. laya ' w« art in commanioatiou with them,' and you (the Rank) )uit ' keep apaik^ Owua that tba* aavad tha monay, ta per my tottar of 2nd January lailjg, T "Falthftillyypurt, "W. H. PARK." See the aUtameat given tiwre, " We made up our mlnda to uk hini [Mr. Reynolda] for a foriual lettar." We will oonaidar for a moment the poaition of maltera at that time. On the lat December, 18ft8, it waa found tb!i'-' , . . i #•■ .. • "0«iAT Wmtbiik R*itw*r, Hamii-toii, Cii«Ai»A Wwr, »-- _ ttViik D0t»mb*r,\nM. « W. U. I'AKK, Km|.. u Otmmmsial Bmnk. ^ ^ " WlA'r.f.r.oM to Ih. oon».r««tlon whioh lo..k pl.c. ,«Urd.y Utw..n you iod Mr (!.inpb.ll .nd Mr. lUrnoldi, upon ih» Mbltfll of lh« I)«lroll Md* lUiliTiy 0«mp«n,'. •««.an» wllh th. ( ..«,m.r«i.l Bank, w. b«« Uf* to ttitt, tbtt th« flr«.t W«il«ni Oouiptoy holdi IhKilf liibjs li th« C««««rc«l U«uk for »lt o»»rdrift 00 th« D. A M. Comptoy'* •eooont with Ik* Mid Bank. ' . , "TfcU U quit* ondontood by ua ; but M you .ipr^Md • wUh to h«»« U pUo«d on r«ord, wo now do ■• by BMant of ihU l«U«r. " Our D. A M. pitoi wtro m ft»lly dUouiMd botweoo yon and Mr. lUynolda yaaUrdajr, tbal w« do M^ daam it niciaaary to advart to Ibam now. ... ^ . • ' "W«»rt,daar8lr,yoii«»«r^lro]y, . ^"a J. DRYDGK8, ^ Managing Dirtrlmr, O, W. R. C». , -^ - "TllOa. IIKYN0LU8, ~" '" "Finantt Dir0etor,O. W. N.Oo." Mark th« language naad hora alao. Th.y do not aay, writing aa o«o«»of tho Oraat W«at«r« Railway Comptny, that tha oonwraatlon rafarrad to took plaoa " upon tho aubjaot ^f «ur aooount," but " .pon tha .»bjact of tho DatroU and MUwanka* Railway Company'a aooount" It ia th* procurloR of tkb loitar which Mr. Park arpaara u> b* ao glad ho haa aooomplUhod, wh«n writing tu Mr. JUiaa tha daj^W^ Maaaia. Hrydgaa and Beynolda howofor alwaya ooo.idered thia Jolter a Wlior of guirantea, and it waa na? «rby thorn ragardad aa anything alaa. Did you pay attanllon to what waa aaid in th« witnaaabox on thia point ? Mr. Park aaid it waa a ktMr of aoknowladgnant, and not • latter of guarantwi ; and p«rhap8 you did not clearly dUtioRuiah tha .liff«renco betwaen tha two worda, A latter of aoknowladgment wo«ld go to ahow that tha dealinga of tho Bank with tho Datroit and MUwanka* waw on aooount of tha Oraat W*»t«ro, whiiat a J*tt*r pf gu«ranta* would only amount to an undertaking on tha p*rt of pna ooinpany to anawor for tho debt of another oonpany. In the eaUmaUon of th* law, there ia a marked diatinotion. The offio*ra of tho Comnieroial Bank, in many other lott*r», iipok* of thla aa being » letUr of guarantee ; bat bafing made enqairiea aa to th* legal effect of it, and hating been duly Bobooled, they now aay that it ia a latter of aehnowledgment, and not a latUr of guarantee. There ia one letter that I regret not having here to lay before you. Mr. Oatea, on* of the Directora of the Grant Weatem Bailway, and one of the cuatomera of the Commercial Hank, whifat on hia way home from tho aea-aide, reeeive* at Montreal a letter from Mr. Park on the aubjeot of thi» claim. That waa tho flrat intimation he had of the elaim of the Commercial Bank againit the Great Weat«m Rdlway. Theee gentlemen had not bad their oyea ■binned by Uwyen* ghMM at that time j for on th* 27kh of AugMt, 1869, Mr. Park write* a prirato letter 40 Mr. Oata*, in which tbia paaaage oooum :— " Tb* O. W. BL ooUateral bonda for $200,000 of th* D. & M. lou remain in tb* bandi of th* Buik of Oommero* till th* loan ia paid, end we haT* the letter of guannle* of tb* 0. W. R. for all the open baknee of the D. k M."— Do you not ae* how Mr. Park attempU to repiw- Mnt tb* mattar in that letter T Hemra. Brydgea and Beynolda did not, ■■ be inalnnatoa, writ* thia letter for the parpoa* of aoenring tb* ConHureiid Bank to any extenl that the Detroit and Milwaukee might draw, but to tbA amount of the advanoaa whioh might be made by the Great Weeler* ahareholdera to th* Detroit and Milwauba*. And I My that tbia money baa in point of fiust b**n idtMoad by th* Great Weatem Railway to tb* Oomffl*ioiid Bank, and that the (}omaB*roial Bank haa re*MT*d all that Meaara. Brydgea and Reynold* guaranteed to pay tt According to Mr. B^olda' teatimony, the Oommeroial Bank bad received 1700,000 in eaab, ezebaage, and on aooount of bowda, firom the GreaiWeatem Railway { and the Great Weatem Railway, with tb* oononnanoe of tb* Commeraial Bank, paidili other ways enough to make np the full amoant pt tb* bana of tb* Onat Woatera Bailway to tb* Drtioit and Mihrankee Railway, of £250,000 alariiag. W« will 'A / '^ • 1 F ' , 1 ^ 1 • 1 ' ' * '^ V ti \ •■ ^B^^- h^. land anj mora. NavarthvUM thay aay, •* Wa h««r« k"' I^*'* M'«r ''<>"• jow i and ibouKb «a admit ha? fn^ 'j*-ffMl«ad all tba mon*/ jroii bad anthorilj lo daal wilb, alill Jrim mnal p«y all our dainaada. It ia tnia enough that wa bava baan impru jnnt in our daalinfp, and that wa hava baan linpmf Idant ; ilill jon, Iba OmU Waalarn Railway ('oinpany, mual b« aniwarabla fur our rully, for our want of fornthouKht, and for qur AngWt of thn inlaraaia ol (ha initi(u(ion wa rppr«aanl. , Wa ba«a Iniiurrad all thn blauia, bul you niuit b« (ho aulfwrar." > Booh la tba abaurd and ridiculoua poaillon now taken by tha Commercial Hank. I dmira n«it tal«ott and Milwaukee undorUklnjr. it | «aa naeeoMry to f(et a apeobi Aot of Farliamoal, and it waa atipulatod in the Aot that no loan ahould Uka plaea Vnleia with the conaent of two-tbirda of tho Groat Weatern iShareholdora. Hubaeque^tly, in October, 1^8, • loan uf £100,01)0 additional waa made ; but the minute abewa that it <«ati not on any aooount to eioeed M>t aam: -^.- '•■■-. ■, : ^.- ^ . . ,■ \ , ■■_ "BxaLiau-BoASD, Or(o6ef'l2(A. ISStt. I>»M]pMT—Bobart QUI, Eaq, iV«M(feN/, In the Chair ; ThomaaCulbo, |fiA{, \ " DBTROIT AND MILWAUKKK LOAN. ' 'f With refereooo to the- further loan of , 4100,000 granted by tba Hhareholdera, at the laat Qeneral Meeting, to ^ Ao Datroit fiid Milwaukee BalIilaj''Cumpan7, the Board wiahea it to bo diatlnctly underatood : " That the eipenditure of (hit aum having, by the Proprietor*, been reaolved to be made, by and under the oonlrol of the DirAclora of the Great Weatern Railway, it ii neoe before any portion of it ia availed «f, that a programme be prepared, abowing the manner In which it ia intended to be appropriated, and which, when approved, moat be adhered toaa alrietly aa cireumatanoea will allow, bearing in mind that thia amount la granted by the Proprielora apecifleally for the pnrpoee of proTiding rodiog atoek and atation aooommodatioa to the line of railway ope*ed by the aid of tho furmor grant. "That ample mortgage aeanrily muat b« obtained for anch adyanoe.of ttanda under legal ad^ioe, the rata of bilaraal being aa for the nfofioua imn. * . ■ ^ ^ (Signed) "J094 "ROBERT GILL.' :>^' m Tba minute, authoriiing the advance of JC 1 50,000, wu pawed on the lOlh of March, and, JUM, in tha asme year, the Kngliah Board adopted th* following minute ''■'■■ "^ on the 22nd of .^ ■'■.•• ■ <. ' ■■'■■■ 1 — — \ •* m ■ -^,'i .;."-■ :•; , -■-^- • ; 7 '^^^^Kf ».«1 { L :%- - minnto which I did not nae. : 9 ^ ' -• ■ * ■■ * . . The leaned Jcdom— Mr. Cameron has a right only to ose those minnies which wero pnt in and prored in eridence. r Mr. M. 0. OAKinoH— These miinntes wsi«, my Lord, pnt in and road in evidence. The learned JoDolt— That is a qhestion to be arranged between yottrselTes. .. _HoB, J. H. Oaubom— My learned friend had better go on reading the minntes, though they an not on < the list. * ■ ■ Mr. M. 0. OAmon— if I mistako not, these minutes wen imd yesterday. Hon. J. H. Oabwboii— Not these two^-not in my hearing, at all events. Mr. M. C. Oamibon— Y«s; four of these minutes were read, one after the other. Hon. J. Camkbqn— I must have been out of Court at the time. Mr. M. C. Cajobom—Hw is another of the 27th July, 1868, which wu also rwdyesterd^^ > ■ . ■ ■ -.■■- - V ■ . : ■ ■ . . . ■ ■ . ■ ■ ,^ ;" EMOUsfi BoA&D, Vti/y 27(A, 1858. ' >i » •2040^'™*'*"^**^ ^^ ^■' ■'''"***^' *" *• *""^J ^"™» ^"""°' ^•' W^"™ Go'"* Esq. "DKTROlt AND MILWAUKEE FINANCIAL POSlTlbN. < "With reference to the joint letter of Messrs. Biydgesand Reynolds, on the Detroit and HUwaukee aflairs. dated *J •'n'y 13, stating, that owing chiefly— aimml^i-^Vi'/'?'"'^ " *• "*^»^^ •mount estimated to be received. iheliloSeSrS^S-Sf^S^^ "'"" ^ unsecured debte of the Com^ny until, " ^^ *^'!!^'^ ' ^^ '^f* ®f «"*" *» «>e wtent of £100,000 is required before the c]«;ao of tiie pnsent year, and a Bimilar sum during next year. ^'^- '^ ^' : . /^^ its minutes, Nos. 1886 aU^ ^^ ^ ;:V::..;.:^:c; ,-■■■■•.;-■■■ ; ; l^fay ■;::::■;/•;;,■.. l014,.^ it feeb il to be the dvty of «h« Boud, under any einramiteiieee, not to eieead the Umit of ito •dTBDO^to the Detroit and Milwadkee Oompujr beyond tlie £160,000 TOted bjr the Shaieholden, nntU their ■nthori^ be obtained to extend that limit' "And the iaj diaoonnging Financial poaition and pnwpeeta of the Detroit and Milwaukee Oompanj, pow « diaeloaed, cenvinoee the Board, that nnleaa a mora Ikvonnble and proniiaing statement can be Mi beforo the Proprietore, no further fnndaiHU be TOted fbr thta parpoee. V- ' Mlthe Board b also induced to enquin as to the validitj of the security held for adrances alreadj made to the Detroit and. Milwaukee Company, the effect of the aboye joint letter baring been to create abrm in . .the minda of the Directon." . ■*.■.. ■ ■(.•'- And on the 12tb of Oetober, 1868, as I have already read to yon, the qinuto was passed fbr the seoond graiA of £100,0€0. Tou hare now befora yon the ftill actioiKof the London Board in raferonee to these advances. Mr Boas stated whibt in the witness Iwi:, that he was in the habit of receiving the published reporta of thb Company,^ and also of the Detroit Jind Milwaukee Bailway Company. So he had before him the meana of knowing that all the Great Western Railway Company were going to do wu to advance thb further sam of £100,000 in October, 1868^ Having arrived thnafiir, I will, have to travel back again to Manh, 18&S,%hen Mesars. Biydges and Reynolds wrote to Mr. Ross on the subject of obtaining a credit of 1100,000. When they at first entered into the arrangement with the Commercial Bank, there was nothing specific : but in Marob, 1858, they wrote, making a definite proposal. It b upon the word "joint" eontained in thb letter that a meaning b attempted to be attached, altogether diffBrant from its natural import, but bearing out the vbw which these gentlemen urge in fiftTor of the Bank's claim. The letter ruui thus : — O^BBAT WumUf RAILWAT, , " Hamutoh, Camaba Wm, " 80M March, 1868.' " OL a Rqb8, Esq., ^ "Seeretaty^ Oonm^reial Bank of Cfanada, KingtKm. "DiabSib, ■'.'■"■'■" *; - ■^• ■ ^r '< In proceeding with our Deteoit and Mihraukee ^|;agementa, we find that it would be a great advantege to us, if we had at times the means at our dbpoeal (beyond onr ordinary resouroes) of making aettloaiente with parties whose claims are put down for payment at a dbtant dato. To enable us to make such 8ettlement^ and to economise the fiinds at onr dbpoeal (which wonll be one effect of our being in a position to do so), we have to request that you will by before your Board our request to be fkvoured with a credit to the extent of sqr 1100,000, if necessary, on our joint Detroit and Milwaukee account here. " The Balance, against the Great Western Company b now so much reduced (and will continue steadily to , decrease), that we imagine you will have no objection to the arrangement here proposed ; and we may mention to you, as some inducement to yon, that the notes to be drawn, under such a credit, would be sent down to oiKubte in the Stete of Michigan, where the not inconsiderable amount of yojir paper already sent by na fbr payment of the indebtedness of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company continues, to oiroulate; C^ ' " We denre to adhere as nearly as we can in drawing on our Eaglbh ooUea^es te the amonnte set down in the schedule we prepared for the j^radual completion of tU^works on the D. and M. Line. And thb pro- posed credit would enable us to d6 so Without the necessity of postponing claims which could, it promptly setded, be so much more satisfactorily arranged. "Do us the favor to inform as of the decision of your Board at your earliest oonvenienoe. « We are^ dear Sir, yonn fidthfuUy, i" (Signed) " 0. J. BRTDOES, '■:^- -^ '■■^■..,: ■; .-,,■ :.'.'■■ ;^:;.--'. .;.*^ ,:■:,;.■,/:....■,.„_,.._■ ;_./ "1008. RETNOLDB." ■"'■-■--■•.: ;■■■-'•'■... :::C.'-;'-.' '■■■;' ■■«'•■;-■■■ -i"' ''■■ m ' fffi V t 1 ^ ^\ -.1 / I', * / :r / 1 .; / 4 • - 1 i \ , i / .-ft 'i iJ'^ On the otlMT lid* it irUl b» Mid that tha phfu* « ow Joint Datrolt anXMilwwik** "«»■» »»•'•." »••'»« *>» toint Mooant of tbo Omt Werteni and the PatroU and Milwaukae BwM^ja. But in truth thara wia no aueh aLouDt What waa meant waa that they ahottld draw for the Detroit aid MUwaukea Railway Company, on their joint aignaturea, to the extent of $100,000 beyond their depoaila; anVwhen you Uke into account that they were alM engaged in a ateamboat tianaacUon, you wUl admit that thia wap not an immodeat requeat orone which wu not likely to be granted. You further obaerre that Heaara. BiydgeH, and Reynolda auggeat that the matter ahouM be kid before the Board at the Bank, and Mr. Roaa in wriUng b^k aaya,-" I hayeTeoewed, and aubmitted to th. Board, Unlay, your letter of the 80th ult." You will not find, howe»fcr, that the matter waa laid before the Great Weftem Boaid-whioh ia a ationg indication that the p^ea making the application did not oonaider themaeWea in any other light than;aavtwo indinduala in whoi^the Bank had confidence dealing with thbaumirreapectiTe of the Compwiy. The/ letter making the application ia aimply aigned « 0. J Brydgea/' and " Thomaa Beynolda ;" not " Mana(^ Director," or " Financial Di^Mtor;" but in the a-me way in which they aigned" their bhequea. There ia only th'u diffinance between thi^^two, that the letter la headed " (Ireat Weatem Railway, Hamilton) CanackWeat." But that wu owing to iMt naing paper with a printed heading, and meana nothing. They wrote in reference to an account opened b^ween them and the Bank,'and»ith which the Great Wiatem Rwlway Company had nothing to do. It ia ^rue they aay "ouf joint Detroit and Milwaukee account;" but, aa I have aaid before, they had no joiot acooiut with the Ore^t Weatem JSailway Company. A joint account would be an account ih which the balaocea oltthe two partica were kept together ; iut the Great Western Railway Company had one account for their tranAaotiona, and the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company had another account for their tranaaetiona^that ia, V the tranaae. tiona to which theae chequea rotate. So that the term "joints" in reference to theae oompaiOea, would ba decidedly inappropriate; and ao alao when you aee the chequea aigned by theae gentlemen with the official deaignaaon at-the top, " Detroit and MUwankeiB account," it ahowa that^theae gentlemen are join% drawing in regard to thia aocount, and not the Great Wea^m at all. Qn the paA of the Bank, no doubt thiy will aay that the Bank did not ao oonaider it ; and to ahow that auch waa the due, thlsy will aaaert that when tW made a minute of this application, they entered the minute u though the application wu from the Great Weatem Railway Company. To that I reply, that thia letter did not authoriie them to make any auch minute. \Theae gentieaien cUd not aign u offioeia of the Great Weatem Railway Company, and the Commercial Bank di^ not aak themSto sign u auch ; though it wu required that a differed kind of chequea were to be use* in ngaM to tranaactiona by which the GraaVSEvatera Railway Company were to be bound. Thna yon wUI obaenre Wuit their minute, auuming it to have been made at the t^me, would not show^hat Heaara. B^dg^ and Reyn— „ "TgOMAa BnNOLDB, EaQ., "Mt OiAk Sib, "A* promiaad, t wilf renaw tha 120,000, Foliar & Co.'i Note for tha I>. and M. Railway, thongh it eaniaa the amoant paat tha June aetUamabt. If I waro te leiaan tha amount of what the balancetpayabia to 08 in Jnna awht ha, hj paaaing oradit of D. and H. acaoant furthar ranawala, it would look at Kingston aa aToidin|rti|wu^xt«nt the Jnna aettlamant in atorliog azchange from 0. W. Railway. !> therefore return Notoa li^M^H^Hn $5,000 (originala, of eonne, protected), that you may put in a note for tha amount payable IZ-^^^^^Bnue) ; and, in oaae yon adopt thia time, then the note of itha Company, without endoraa- Biantwill do^moPlaa anclaaad'otn ba dasttoyed. 1 haTe thought the matter oarefiilly over, and I am oon- vindad tW tit voM not do to r^naw any of the Company 'a paper due thia aide 12th Jun^. We will want all the exckinga we can get for eover of our Engliah credit, and having- admnced largely on p. and M. notea te Contraotbra, due next Fall, we will have a Tory large amount added to the $100,000, di|e January, 1800, to carry oyer. True, wa oould get the 19,538 in August, but we will require it in June, *and^ look. for 'at least £45,000 sterling; then, if our calculation and estimate of tha poaitipn of the aoeounta shpuld turn out correot, I will give yon a memorandum of our eatimatea, that you may correct our anticipationa if we are in error. If the renewal tiU12-16th June of the endqfwd ia any object, then I will paaa the Company'a note cheerfully. ' ■ ■.■'■',■ " ' T- ' ■ - w '.- ' . ' ' ..'\ "In wishing to have these bills in this shape, I belicTe I am taking the beat course for you, aqd I hope to hare your approval after the explanation t have given. - f « i remain, as always, my dear Sir, yonra valy truly, (Signed) "W. H. PARK." << I add, in terma of the above, your Na 272, 97,294 08, just sent in by Mr. Cockayne.'" One of the reasons given by these gentlemen for saying that they were not dealing with the Detroit and Mil- waukee Railway Company Was,' that that Company Waa in an embarrassed condition, and they would have nothing to do with it; and yet they say here that they have discounted largely for the cootractors. ,This, however, did not really amount to anything, as the contractors were men of position. Still all these oiroum- Btenoesgo to prove that thej^ were dealing with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company. Here is a letter addreaaed to Mn Brydgea fud Mr. Reynolds, as Preaident and Yice-Preaident of the Detroit and' Mil- waukee Railwi^ Company :— _, ^iii JR.. •/'•i ^ *' Meaan. C. J. Betdois, PrttiJent, and Tbohab Rbtnolds, Vice-Pre$ident, Dttnit and 2£Uvauke$ Railwijf Comjpany, *^ • ' '<'GiinrLEMXH,, ■'';', <' Co|f MXRoiAL Bank or Canada, "Hamilton, 29ih October, 1858. " I am in reoupt of your favour of this day'a date, with litt of your billa maturing at Merchante' Bank in Novambor, amonnUng to $38,666 49a. ' ff .■■*■- 'i I -Sv. .V. '-N. [*30) • - " I hm tdflirf W agrato; in •dfMOt, to piMMt IImm blHt j Mid.fcr additioBfel ■fnaitj-l wffl ftrwud Mr Eiekwga in nrtii««aiii/N^||k|l pitiKTioiu to »^ .^ I im, Qantltmsn, jmnnrj truly, , r "iroMiTioN.' « ■ I mnoh obliiikfor you note ts nfmiua to tbp N^f /O. liflalU, tna mi i^d tlirt I «M In emk I fooMwhat diMp||^Dt«d to And ^t tlie monqr 'or tlie empIoy«ea, Dttroit ai;d If ilwankee Railway - Oj^mpaiiyy^ a^rbean .takanin l»g« o^. ' If wo afO to bavo aay obaoee llir einralatioD,,it will bo by,aaaortf, bgwitbnotMofamalldenoniiutioii. 8iiobatl«astiaew[Mpori(iiiooof,oimiIatian.* ' * r "YoniafcitkfuUy, . .■"-''..:■'::':■' \;- .,' :'. "W.H. PARK, ' ..■■.■\, ««I4 - •^, r 'Mmagtr.' (\ Then b a anbject wbiob I am abMt Mw to allndo to, wblob I bave alraady {^tod tbo one to, to aome extent, baving refefenoe to tbe reaion of tbe Gommeroial Bank daftling ao 'liberally Witb tbe I>etnrit and Milwankao-^ to tbeir tbrowiog good money after bad, in tbe hope tbat it would all oome jMok. On tbe Otb of April, 18$B| Mr. RoaawroietoMr. ReynoldajufoUowa:^ ^ / «OoiiiUBOiAL Bank or Canada, A "KmoBTOjr, 9(4 4|>nl', 1868. "DbabSis, "I returned Ihom Mew York late tu/afUmoon, and take tbe 'eariieat opportunity of addreaaing you, to adviae tbat Mr. Pafkoommunieated yourwiab or opinion, tbat it wooldbe injndioiona for me to see Mr. M'eClelland sbMt tbe D. and M. Bonda. On tbia I abouM bave airted, but waa Migitd to aae Mr. Fleming (Ute Manager, and DOW one of tbe liqnidaton,) about a property bora beU for tbe Weatem Bank, and anndiy otber tbiogk eonneeted witb our'hte aeeonnt > / « Wben tbeae mattora were diaeuised, Mr. Fleming aald be* would be obliged by my opinion abont^ otber Canadian and Ameriean affiun be bad in band, and allnaion waa made to a rariety «^ tbini^. I oould not, of eourae, avwid answering bia queatrona; Md afterwards, allnaion waa made to w^ D. and M. Bonds.' Hr< MoOlellud tben said, ' Ym bad baoa addng for some :' and I aaked at wbat price tbey bold tbem, aa I bold •ome^aadmi^ttakeafewmeraiif atapri«ietoanitt Mr, Fleming; tben aaid, < Wbat did yonra ooat 7' I nidied, < 66 per oenk witb aoerued oouponainVhided.' He aaidbe wonld not dubk of selling a few ; tbat tbey (tbe M. Bank) beM a Jai^e amMut aiwtvfe/^/ 1^ tbey were quite good, ud would be placed in Glasgow or London without difienlty, at par, in a year or so; tbat tbe Uquidatora oould borrow at 4 per oe^, and tbua aaTO in tbat way by bolding OTor. He said mueb more, sbowing me be quife understood tbeir TiilaeV I referred Ao quotation of 64 per cent, and 57} for 7'a, tbe two days prefioosljr, and said tbat t tbongbt tbe 8'a ooi)ld be ^ about 55 per eenk, with Hay coupona from Oontractora. He tben aaid, < Wonld yon make any proposal for My sum of tbemf I replied tbat that would require some consideration, and thatlmust see Mr. Slliman, while I though I auf^TMtoxe to aet for you ataprieesnohaayM oould buyfinabitwhei^aBsr Mr. SUibm, ^ - \ 1< If 31 1 M,mi Tf turnitd, MjriDg to Mr. FltaiDK, I Mvldtake 160,000 if h« wovlcKnot Mlliao.OOO at 56 {wr cent,, iooladioK . ADvpopt. He nid thu Bf r. Jl^oClelland «jtd kimMir £m1 dlaooMed tha mf tter «gmin, and-droided not to aell any, batlotd all, take all to Olai^ow, and herufter get tfiem placed at par, < tJtirouRh frienda and Grfat Wet- fer« ShanholderBf'M he exproMed it. Qf oounw, nothing waa to be 'done, and tiiero'tho mattetKwta. I feel that I made nb Qnnder, ainoe the matted mu introdaoed, in what ooourred, and it was evident no o'Sbr oould have got them. The roaolt'ia, that theae people will nnke them known in London, andfina^^ a market for , "I h«Te felt it dotftn >on and to mjMt, to inform yon of what paaaed, and that jOVJeijfVB^ p«Tohaa«^ hare ndt been marred throngh any action of mine. .. i' << It oocnn to me Height be judieiona'to hold off^rohaiing any more nt Detroit for a mdnth, to lo^ the holders there aee New Y^rk quoUtions, and that Remand from na,ia Ckni^ has ec^sol apparently. Pray, oonaider the expediency of saoh a conrie. '•■> ' -^ , " , •■ ,'' v . " I alao think it will be well your frienda in London ahould by-and'by roiMirt faTouratly 1p enquirers, for . the sai^ of all concerned. Mr. Park may have told you^e offered to anaiige 'foV payment of-tti* ooapons in ^LoBdoA,in 1856; bat my letter^. Waa not replied to. ' -^ ; .- ,« ' • . . ,„ ,, " It has also Ddburlred to me, that it is noodleaa to send the oonpons on those hbid by Mr. Campbell and myself to.New York for payment It would save you the eowmitaion andJNew York faads to son^ them to ~lBamilt0n.^8hlhldd^f. ' |- ' ;;' •'^/■■V ' V V ^ '"*o«"*'«thfiillj>. \r " Thos. Bi^molqb, Ksq.^ ;». \ «C. ^'R08,8.*% Hero we have a d^alfration from Mr- Ross, that he Jiotd Detroit KB(rMilwaukeejleeuritios;-««d one would naturfttly suppose that If Mr. ^om privately £etd titese j^curities, it would b«,a niktter of interest to him that the road should go on. Tb these andT o^ier ,A||M»rs of- the Bank who deal^' extonsiTely in the bAnds of the De^it. and Milwaukee Railwt^ Company, it w'dnid io little short of absolute-rUiir if the uodeftakinj; was not proseaited to a sace^ssfal termination. It, was tl^6r«f*ro very material to thag^thqt the Bank should advancjS it» ftvids,.to jprevent, if possible,' ijie road-frc^m ftrfling into, puj^lie disgrace. The letter'l'have read i« simply . aervioeabl^ ia proving how business is carried on in lei^r^QM to bonds and socuntiea, ^t may serve ;,to open your eyes aa to th^-maniier In which stocks may be kept up or let doif n. Yon see here the way in which things noem,'. But jVould ask yoa, gentlemen of the jury, whether yon do not think we here^eet with eonsideratioilk of great importance — ^whether they ^ere not, in point of &et,«atra8ting their own. meintB to this Company, to which they now declare the Bank' wmld not advanoejtafancls,beeian8e it waa bankrupt f° Formypartjl believ^ that notwithstanding all that ^. ^^ lud against the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, it is now doing; a reasonable amount of bosinesp, and that in due tiiio it till recover itself. It is more thanJiTident that the Coimmeroial Bank offioen ^emadvea did not look upon its condition as wholly d^perate ; for when the railjiray was sold under the fbre- elosnre of the mort^^ge, the Commercial Bank wteo oaraful to stipuhte that no irrangement which waj made should pnjudioo their interests in the eqnoenk. I have no doubt that4f time is' allowed to the Company, th« Commercial Bank will not lose after all— at all events'no^ to anting like the extfpt'they fear they 'taayj unleaa they make the Great Western Railway Company liable. It haa appeared in evideficeHhat in ontf transaction at least, the Bank wen themselves purohasei;; of the Becari,tie8J>f the Il^ta'n^ Milwaaketf^IVailway Coih^a'ny, Md that too at n time when, aa they now.say, the Gomp|ny wei^'ioiolTent , I assert that the fact of their V* :<" ."^ >. '»,.' .*« s>»- "•M 7 '.IK? f S"p«J. A l.U.r h- b-n >«.d fio. Mr. P.rk to Mr.,IU,Dold., i. r.f«»no. to tb. po««i. of Mr. C«»P»->r Mr Ptok WM th« manager of tba Dankio Haaiiltoii, and ha mwt hara known aomatbinK of tha^dntiea and^ ^ «wanofMr.CampbaU. W«ll, wa «nd Mr. Campball in Bagknd. BIr. Brydgaa ia tbara alao. Thal>opaaof !ba Datioit and MUwaokaa BaUwaj Oompanj bara baan »xllngaiahed, baoanae tba abara>oIdaia of tha Orail Waatam Railway Company wara not dUpoaad to ineiaaaa thair loan. Tbanwa lad Mr. Catapball rapraaanUng to Jir Bndgaa the neoaaaiUea of the Bank, "and tba daaiiablllty of oorering the aoooont with the Joid» Stock Bank In London. Ha thet«fora aaka Mr. Brydgaa for two promlaaory notaa of the Detroit and MUwaakae Bailwar Company, for /26,000 iterling eaoh; and Mr. Biydgea there and then, in England, drawa two promlaaory notaa of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, whtth an aooepted by Mr! Campbell, the MnUeman who had ftall authority In England to act for the Bank. Theaa notaa ware forthwith depoalted by Mr. Campbell In the Joint Stoek Bank, where the Commeraial Bank of Canada kept their London aoooant, and , _«jMaipt WMi takao tharefot. I hare road aome traniaotiOna of Mr. Park, and Mma of Mr. Roaa. 1 will bow . Nad yoa a latter from Mr. Campbell, to ahow that ha alao ootfowrred in the »iew that the Commereial Bank waia dealing with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Comj«ny, and not with the OrwitWcetemRailiwy Company: • ■ ■■ t ■t «Lo9bojf, tZrdiiovr., 1869. '*C. J. B»TPOM, EiQ., ^ , " DlAB 8l», » . " • ^ "I have thia day reoeirad ftom yon two notaa of the Detroit and Mllwaukte Railway Co., fcr twenty-llTe <«honaand ponnda «tg. aaoh,-f-amonnt, when paid, to be paiaed to credit of the Company with the. Commereial B.ok_ofC«»da.tH.«a.«u. .,T««.truly. i> ' I ^ "A. H. CAMPBELL, ,, luplg, Dinel. C.'^B, pfO Kow, I wouMaak any man of ordinary common-aanse, if that latter doeaaotfUly prow that tlw Commeroial Bank k>okad upon the Detroit a%d Milwaukee RaUway Company u their debtoraT The point to be decided la whether the Great Waatam Railway Company wero original debton, or whether it ia the Detroit and Milwaukee Rmlway Compatty who are the debton and the Great Weatarn only the aecurity. Whilat oa thia bnnoh of my aubjaot, I muat nad another letter written by Mr. CampbeU, whom they did not caU: : 1-' ,. « CoinaioiAi. Bavx or'- Camaba, , ; ' V . « KiuOBTOM, 28r4 Jfartt, 188L ^ '' "DMiSni, . :; -'•::^^ ■"■■■.v;:; --'-vV."-;V , •.. .^;, : ,:■■■.'',,:■.■■,■:•;■.■■.:-■.:, .■- « We aw thia niorning fktoBred with your letter to JMr. Roia, of *Ae Slat Dee'r baL Thwe li a dighl adatitke in the. wording of it which might aome day caiue mttapprisheB^OB. « In the Bocond line from the bottom of the fint page, you aay that the Bonda won to be handed over aa eollatenl, for cUma « upon tlua Company,' which would mean the new CorponUon, your letter being headed D. ft M. Railned Co'y : whenaa, the nnkugament hating been made hefoW the old Co'y became d«fti?ct, the a^tenoe ought to hare nad daima ' upon that CoinJany,' whilat the worda ' t?^,©©© of thia Company a Bonda,' in the Hfth line of the aamepage, ought to /hw w«d ' 1200,000 of the Det. & Mil. Railway Ca a Boa4&' I letiin^tha letter Ibrcomction of theaa erron, and am, , /\ _ — - « Dear Sir, yoon truly. « A. H. OAMPBETiL, OuVn" J -h'^. —^^ f^ h~. 'I --^ i ^ J^ K SEua; ■ w f ■ 'Wwsff* ■•■ '-^4,--, W 1 Um » ntha pb.U. Qrtiil , nUng BUwk * ivkM 1 two 1, the • ed by t,and ^ -< -% IboW ^ - ,i (WM« i»»y» , ■ \ [ • 88 1 oreru headed ;ot, the apany's lyCa'a ''■ P. 5.'— n«He add to th« hrtt«rah(H-< and we hereby agiM to eieente any fbrther doeamant whieh may b« fovnd oeoaaMury to the Commereial Bank of Canada holding these nid bonda aa oolbteral aeenrity for any Mm the Bank may have in nspeet of debts 9f aaid Detroit and Milwaakee Railway Company.' '' This ptovea that they wsre not taking these bonds for a debt df the new Corporation, bht /or a debt of the old eorpMVtion ; and Mn Campb^t points out a mistake inadvertently made. If yoa reeolleot Nr. Brydges' evidenoe, St the time of the giviil|( of these tvo promissory notes for £26(000 sterling eaeh, he arranged with Mr. Campbell that the 9200,000 of bonds of thi Detroit and Uilwsnkee Railway Company, whieh were in the hands of the Southcm Railway ComiMny, shoald pass over into the hands of the Commeroial Bank and be sacnrity for theee notes. And it^ iii refersnee to thst transsotion that the letter I hare just read was written. You were told that whan tte par«hase of the Detroit anl«Milwaakee road took phtoe, it waa made snbjsct to existing Ifaibili* ties. Thele were about seren .millions of bonds of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railwayi and there were these 9200,000 of bonds held by {he.Bsnk, whieh wimld stand beibre the claim of the tmstoee. Tbus,'tben, t^re wss a claim npon the road il) favor of tha«Oommeriial Bank* and the CoaMMibial Bank seemed to be aware of thu, for they took care to sea that nothing wal'done to invalidate t^etr claim. I will now, again, gentlemen of the Jniy, have to refer to a letter of Mr. Brydges. I am, |«rhapa, traapassiog upon your patienee in takjng np so mnoh.of your tima ; bat I sm sura that you will bear with- me, when yon consider the respon- sibility which rests on my h«ad. It will not do for me to leave ^ne stone untamed which in my judgment ean tend at all to uphold the interests of those whom I havMhe honor to represent. I sm not desirous of mislaading yon in the dightest pwrtienlar. ■> I am anxious that^n may arrive at the truth of the casaj so thst Wa may reoeiiss at your hands a Just verdict. I do not advocate the iianae of the Oraat Western Railway Company with the de8i||i to do the Coqimercial Bank any wi1>ng. Far (irom it. If justice is on the side of the Com. meroisl Bank in this ease, let ruin, if it must, (all on tW Orest Western Railway Company. But there are many considerations to be addgc^ why yoa should not cast such an ^mmense burden on t^ shouldera of this Company. Now, as to t^i^'reference by Mr. Biydges, on page 65 of tite red book, to the Detroit and Milwau. kee loan, you wUbreadily believe that the repreaentations there made are truthful and* correct But my leamsd flriend will^^i^e' construction on the Btstement there made and t shall put andther. I maintain that it sustains the position nqw assumed J>y the Great Western Railway Compai*y : "Not long after I arrived in I Canada," Mr. Brydges writes, "my attention wss called ^y those'larg^^ interested in this Company, to the benefit which might accfue to our own Line tVom the traffic of the no^ari|,psrt of the State of Michigan. Amongst others, Ut. Safaauel Laing, M.P., who Was Uibn a l|rge shareholder, wrote me^ amongst other mstters, to this effaot,'on 10th Feb., 1854, in which letter he stated, that he did so after' '.seTeral importaBt discussions with our leading shareholders' in England, and beoanse ho thought it ' veixdesirable to put me eonfidentialjy iotofiiU possessioti of the views generally entertained.'". Yon will thus aait that Mr. Brydgaa odtesidered his instructions Wjire to^mako amngementai with the orediton and for the disposal of priassing claims, So that the Aini might be worlied with profit and to advantago. In another part of this same document, Mr\ Bi^dgcH speak| of the debt. He says,v-'<^ Innnst add that rnncb more than the loan c^ £260,000 has been ^ixpended in the'domplotion of theJJin^ andaupplying it with rolling stock, stations, &o., iind for work sbtoally executed nnce the ^te when the first loan was granted. Tha actual outlay for new works, &o.,,entirely irrespective of ' (hese payments, interest Ota bonds, or debto wUch existed before we .aaanined control of the Company, baa been £802,641, (M- £52,541 more than iht amounUff, ^toan* made bytKit Companjf,; the latter, amount hsving been provided outof the traffic of the Line, and money raised in America. These facia ^ere fullyexplained to the Accountants." Lettne ask you, is there one word froni Mr. Brydges sayin;; that he pledged the ore jitof the Great Western Railwsy to the Commercial Bank f There is not a syllable of the kind from beginning to end- Ypu would have Seen, perhaps, a little by-play on myl)artye8teidsy,inrofiireDcetothis letter of Mr.Brydgcs. This is a printed document, which is not, strictly spmking, evidence. I desired, if possible, knowing the force. of 'my learned frielnd's eloquence — aware how easy it is for him to make the worse 'appear the^^better eiuse— 4o'have ' had the last word with you ; snd if I could have made him call Mr. Brydges,^! should hate had'it. That Was the reason why I objected to this document being raoeived. I Ibit, however^ that it was necesss^y for my own sake that Mr. Brydgea should be eallsd, so that by his verbal testimony you might h^ve plsood before you a " ■'' : ' - ■ ■ • -^ # y.*^'-.y.. r^y\ vty^5B^^'7; » * ' ^''^^''v ■'■^ ^ / ■•..•■■ ■■•■ • .-■ 'V' ■ ■ ■■■;■:,.., ^ ^, . ; J ■ ■ '■ ' ■■■■'. .■•..-■■'■ ■■ . ' ■ ; .■■■•'• ■ > , ■ ' « fair rapnMBUUoB of the oimmitaBOM u diaj MtuUy Miatad. Now, gcntlamen of tho Jurj, in theyoar 18&0, aod in Ui« month of Ootobar, • iiOoahj took plaoo balwooo* Um Ortnt WMtoro tUUmy Company and the Commeroial Bank. I do not know that that difionlty waa not broo^t abont bj tba Oommareial Hank, In order that they might Uke the aUnd which thejr eartainly uava Uken^oce that time of making thia direct' elaim againat the Great Wjaatem Railway Company, inatead of againat the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company. It aeoma that the Wyandotto Rolling Milb Company had reoeiTed ' " .' "CoMMBBouL Ban of Casada, . ' '< Hamilton, 28ri{ ^l«;M^ 1850. "# (Confideptlal). .. "Thomas Ritholds, Esq., ■ "Mr oiAR Sta, >'««.* . _ . ■' " It will, of course^ rtach you that we are not giving the- usual fiioilities for assistance in removing the prodnoe this season; and I think it well to let you know the cause. " There is not so good a centre in all Canada^ I am satisfied, as this, for purchasing directly from 4he Farmers, and ooneentrating from out-stations, all kitads of piMuQo, and, of course, none in which you are so dire<$tly interested aa a.Company. For the first reason, demands for money at this point are large, partioMlarly M: \ : ^p «h«n the erop !■ •bnndknt, and iU Batik has ba^ri, (ill thia laaaon. in the hajilt of iaking apall'lha oradlu aakad for wbara thaaa vat obaMoter, and undoubted aafety. Aa the raault of thia, and, to aome oatent, the apathy of other oAoaa here, »e had gathered'^und thia office a//jthe niKable dealer* in produce in Ibia lucalitj. I atote a fact, which haa been eiproaaod by our oniitoineN, thia week, aa a reaaon why «e ahould go on. They Bay, « You h»»e,it all in your bwn handa; and wo want to remain, -arid niako our butiiMaa pay the liank.' But It eannot be doiie; and we bare had, I may any, a geoeral leafo-takinq. I hope they will got aupplied alaewhere. " I regTf t (0 aay that the cauao Ilea with 5ur Railway eonneotion j knd I heartily wiah it were not ao ; and I know yoa did not deaire aaoh i^ denonMunt nor antioipare it^ The;lkult U^ with oaraelvea in allowing the •oooadU to abaorb for the benefit of the people of Michigan what our charter oontoniplatea fpr local trade. "The Lqan nowaUndaaafollowa: — Debit balanotf of D. & M, A«o'»... -~- Steamboat Account;.. . A. P. _ llTSlSTQ 88 tDoat Aewmnk,,iiiri;iiiiVi.^u.x.v.V(Vf,>7rii,:^^ 8&;^p 00 Stewart'a AooonBt,..L.. ,.;... ..,;...„ 70,600 00 Bond^ia**'a • • ••«••••••• . ... •1,001,&20 00 " Such advaneoa in proportion to capital, are, I think you will admit, quite 8iiioifn| to diMrranga any Bank'a affaira ; and our only ezcuae to the Stodcholdera would, I (ear, bo far from tenable in eztanuation. , "I feel It to be my du . , : ' ' •fYoura/ailhlully, ' ' '. :■*--■' "■■■■' . ■■ ■: ■:'.: :'■■:■ . ■■■■ ■■ . ' "^- n. park." You have here trewmi of all the olaima of the Bank at thai time. I muat alw read yon tho letter of Mr. Park to Mr. Rey»>lda on the 29th July, 1859 >^ , ' ' ■ ./■ ■■■".5 -^T - ■■/ ■ '\' •»■ f. t \ ~^w ^ (•361 ■/fe ', ' , " llkMIVMU, .M ht]f,UM. « Mr Dm" 8'«i " - " ikfon uklnn the oonteiil of th« Ifa.fd for lh« <»trj\nn ow wt th« gtMrnboat loan, I wUh to wllolp«l« • dMrtlon which will nttafdly bt ■•k.d, wh-Aw 70" cn.ot l«t ll mtgt into the R«n.r.l MUkm.nt in N..». Ml of trpttto tnd Ih* Oulr. lloud »oto. Tho origia.1 mmnstmtnt promiMd th« Ntan to «■ l« Bfjr- »•»»» •nd of oouni* that ia in mind. ■ " 1 fau Ihkl tha 11,000 a wtA will ba oonaidarad Udlooa, but tbo maUar will lia»a tha araal oonaJdaraUon of all your otbar mattoni. "W. U. PARK.' «-T. BiTNOUMi, Kao." In tkia letUr, yoa ia«, Mr. Reynold* in aaliad to allow tham to marga ona tMt of Inniwillona with tha timniw- „ tiona of tha Detroit and Milw.ulwe Railway Company. On the 28rd of January, 18tt0, Mr. Park again writoa, actually, thla tima, glflng Mr. Rayno|di hia ttdo of Vloa-Preaident of tho Detroit and Mlhraukaa Railway Company : — . , ■ ■ .■■■■■"■■ ■*f^ "TBOMAa RiTNOLM, K«Q., " Viee-J^ttiiieHl, ^ ' ** DHroil di M. K. Companjf. * M DiAS 81*, "Mr. Campbell having beard that the D. k M. Bonda, $200,000, bypotbeoated to the Michigan Southam Railway Oo'y, and now depoait<)d in New York, bad been attoohed by the Howarda ; and that othera holding obligaliona of the D. & M. Co'y, were about to follow auit ; he, fearing the reault of theae movea, went dowo perwinally to New York, and attached tlhe whole amount of tho 1200,000 8 per cent. Bonda of your Company in the Truateea handN under a claim for the Intereiit Bonda due 1 JanW inaUnt, utipaid, held by him. Thia will prorant the Bonda ao attached falling into other handa; but itibuld aimplify mattora, and prcTent all ohanoe of any one elae attoobing, if the D. & M. Company will aiaign thorn now, aubjaot to tha claim of the Bowardi', if any. "It would aeem to be beat oonrae for the Co'y to aaaigu, aa raquaatad ) but, in abaenoe «f thia, the party holding the claim muat proceed in the UBUal way. " I am, dear Sir, " Youri truly, " mmilUm, 23nl Jan., 'GO." •«W. H. PARK." Itr. Campbell ia not called into the witneaa-box to ezpUin thia letter. Now, gentlemen of the jury, I have gone through the oorreapondenee aa far aa I intend to follow it; and I will recapitulate, celling to your view again aa briefly- aa poaaible tho pointa on which I roat my caae, independently of the direct testimony of Mewra. Brydgea. and ReyUolda, that they did not pledge the credit of the Great Weatern Railway Company in thia matter, and that all that waa done in aigntng tho letter of the 16th December, 1858, waa to give a collator ' uudertaking, and that pirevioaa to that time the Great Western Railway Company were not bound in any 1 I will now shortly reverwa^piin to the circumatances. First, there is the pass-book, which ia evidence as betwion two private individuob aa to the manner in whieh the acoount waa kept. I will ask you just to aUppoaar that you were ompannelled not to try whether the Great Western Railway Company were indebted to tha (ymmer- oial Bank, but «rhetheT the Detroit and Milwankeo Railway Company were so indebted, and the Oq^mercial ■-S^ •J*.- .■ * [•n] \- tvAf vtik i ritvia dbi pratbf tfUMt Mm, ImmrIM IbnrwA tluM aliMiaH of iIm IMfoit Mtl IIDvaiikM JbilwBj CompMy, and tkk pMt-book, Md ofarad lh«M m MidcnM hmton jwt, I vanlara to my tkal yo9 moM BOl Imt« liitonMi fur • motaaAt lo Ilia •llagaiiua thai tb* Detroit nd MilwankM ComfMny w«r« n«tt iIm dabton — ttiat lko«||h it waa tnia thair prinaipal oflkan had Vap* thaaa baoka — that ihowftk (kara waa ao diapvt* about tbalr Praaidaqt, Viaa-Pnaldant, Haoratary, tad AotMMUat, ka* iafi aif|«ad tkaaa doanaiaala aad ekaqaaa, Mvartbalaaa it waa not tbay wbo wara liabla, b«l (ha Oraal Waatani Hallway Ooapaay. iwk a atala«aal wo«ld ba loobad apoa arao lONMtditj. 8«pp«a(ii|| Ikrtbar, that Um Oraat WadUni Railway IJompany wara ambamtaad in alraa m ataHoi C >»»4 that tkia aotioii waa brmwbt aRaiaat tka Datroit aad llilwaaka* lUUtraj Compaaj, than U not a nian of raaMa in tha land who would daehra that Iha dabtora wara nut tha Datmil and Milwaokaa Ilailwajr C^ipanjr, bat tha iaaolvant Oraat Waatom. And if that wuald ba to in auah a «aaa, why raraiaa tha rala in Iba pitaant initaaoa t If tha Datroit and Milwaukaa Railway C(iU|Mny war^ aonai- darad good, thay wonM aaak to mak«.tkaa lliAl* on tkia aridanoa. I am aatiaiad tkat avary nan on tha Jnry wonid oonaldar tkaa liabla. Wall, if thay woold ba liabla than, thay ara liabla now ; and thay bainR bald Uabia, tha Qraai Waatarn Railway Company oannot ba bald liabfo too. Thay do noi pratand, in briniiinR for- ward tkia «aao, to ihaw that tha Datroit and Milwaakaa Railway Company ara in tha aliifhtaat dagraa liabU. Thay throw ttwt aompnay aaida, aad wy thay will hava nothing to do wilk tbam. Yat naarly all tha dooo- ■anta prodnoad in aridanoa with tha riaw to aatabliah tkalr olaim, ara doannanta giran by tka Datroit aa4 Milwaokaa Railway Company. - So mueh for tha paaa-book. I tarn now to tka hooka of tka Commaroial Dank, ind point to tha altarationa in thena boaka. Who diraalad thaaa altan(k>aa to ba mada f and at wkoaa promptinga waa tka prdar giron f Why did thay not learo Iha antriaa in tha booka at at flnt mada, and any if mintakca kad ba«n oaaaaioned (hnl they wart aavoad bjt iiiadrartanoa f Thara b no do«bt in tb* world aa (o bow thaaa aoooanta warn intandad jlo bo kapt. Bui dwiribg aftarwarda to do wrong, thay oltarad thdr booka m na to aaaiit Iham in oo doing, tkongh tha altarationa wara mada ao bunglingly oa to ehallanga attaation. I my ik»k no man of rwpaetn b ilitr and atanding would kara ao altarad kia ledger. If be kod mada miatokaa in •kaiging tka Moonnto, ba would k*r« tmitad to an koneai axphumtion to aat (ham right Inotaod of araaing Md making new antriaa on hia ledger, ha would bare aaid plainly tad faarla«ly that ti)«mgh U ao apidwod on Ua booko, ha did not btand (ftat tka Detroit and Milwaukaa Railway Company obould ba hIa dabtom So mueh for tha ladgera, gentlemen oJT tha jnry. Wo will now, If yon plaoae, take the reoeipla. I will Jnat read one aigned by Mr. Sorlay, and one oignad by Mr. Park, na a aample of the whole. Tha flrat iaaa followa :—> y Urn Detroit and Milwaukiia Railway Company, to Commercial Bank of Canada, Hamilton Bmaeh, Dr. loroh 21, 1860. For,pn aeeonnt of ovardmfl due thia oflioe by aaid Railway Company, payable tkrongh a 'ohaque upon tha Windaor Branok. 1,8000." If you took Mr. Park'a ri«w, yon would aay that th«ra waa Bovar any orardraiV at Windaort.— that there waa never any orardfofk by (he company, indeed, eaoept the oter^ draft at Hamilton. Hare ia Mr. Soriay'a Neeipt :— " 13,000. Beomred of the Detroit and Milwaukaa Railway Oonpany tka ouiri of $8000, to be pheed at the eradit of that company on their account at thia Bank, at HamUton. C H. Sorlay, pro Managmr, Hamilton, 2l8t Marck, 1850." Now, I will read one aigned by Mr. Vuk, the Manager, bimoelf:— "Tha Detroit and MUwaakea Roilw^ ComMny, to Commercial Bank of Canada, Hamiltoa Branch, Dr. Blaroh 16^ 1860. [The oamo Month.] For ^aoeount of OTcrdmft duo tkia oAoa by wid railway eompoay, payabk throOgki a.oheque upon tka Windaor Branok. 18,000. W. H. Park, Managar." I ahould like to know what a(ronger aridanaa yon could kare of (he doaliaga of (he Commercial Bank baring beau wi(h the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company f So much for tha reoelpto, We now coma to (ka bundle of a hundred letten or mon addreaaed to Mr. Reynolda, oa the Vic*-Praaident of tha oompnuy . Thara are akmifour letten addreaaed (o him aa the Finance Director of the Oraat Weatem Railwi^ Company, aad four addreaaed to him aa the Vica-Praeident of the Datroit and Milwaukea Railway Company — the (wa kinda of letten being wri((an to kim on the aama day by the offieen of the Conmeraial Bank, and on tha buoinen of tha two Railway Companiaa raapeetiTely. Thia alone ia a atraug ladica^n that the Commercial Bank conaidcNd tbat they wen dealiag with two railway compaaiee diatinct ^n their ehameter. J coma BOW to tha bonda which they took of tka Great Weatem Railway Company aa eollaterol aeim. lity for (ha De(n)it and Milwaakaa Railway Compaay'a aoteo. Then then an the bondb given by tha Oreat Warttrn Railway Oonpaoy, and iBtamM by them m\ payftMBt; and there ara alio the f "\ I I w '•#•' f ■ ,-^.J0 ' C»881 M>r IllfM' «• Um Hank of r«niai«rM. W« M*y rafir io Ik* ■talraiml of *Mr Rim, m bi IIm mUm <■ '•ipnl to IkaM mrtM MnK uk«a m tkal of • privMa tBwt» tkay apaak of tka lattar Ri*an by Mama Urydffaa and lUynolda on tka Idth UaoamUr, 1H5H, to b« only t Vittor of Ruarantaa. Ho tkat fkrou||ko«t Ikara la nd airauHMtanaa, aa Ikr aa tka dooummla aVa indio^to tkat tkay wara not daalinK witk tba Dolfuttand Nllwanka^ Railway Company, and tkat tkay '#aHi dailfnff witk tka Oiaat Waatom Kaktvay Company. Parkap yon lacollaat tka dMlamtlon of my laamad frland, Mr. K«ilaa, ^t watkonld not ba abia toprodnoa any aorta pondanaa to indloata tbat thay bad daalinga wHk tka Datroit and Milw«akea Hallway Company, lint koW aatoniakad miJM ka kara baan wkan Ikaaa kundrad lattora werv produaad aadi pUead in tka kanda of wltnMMa, wko aald tka ona waa Mr. I>ark'a kandwritlnR ; anotkar, Mr. Itoaa'j a tkird, Mr. CampbaU'a ; ami all Koinx to prova tkat tka Datroit and MUwaokaa Railway Company waa elaariy rwogniaad aa a oorpoi^on kavinn a dbUnel an4 aaparato aatatonaa. Tkan you kava tka poalUfa taaUmony of Mr. Raynolda, Financial Diraetpr of tk« Oraat Waatara Railway Company, and Viaa-I'raaidant of tka Datroit and Milwaukaa Railway Company, aa »att> M tka aqoally poaiUfa aridanoa of Mr, Bryd^, tka ManaRing Dlraotor of tba Oraat Waatom lUilway, aai tka Praadaatof tka Datroit and Milwankaa Railway tJompany. Tkay botk gaia tkalr avldanoa olaarly airf diatinatly. Tkara waa no eqnivoaation on tkair part, no'kaaitotion, do irralavant obaaiTatlon*, no Inana mi ampty amllaa in tka plaoa of anawara to Hia point. You a|w notklng of tkat about tham. Tkay appaarad bafora yon aa olaarkaadad, bnalnaaa man, kaving ava^kinR plklnly and diatlnotly bofora tkam. Tkay knaw tkalr biulnaM, and tkay aoqnlttad tkamaaWaa In a boainaaa-llka mannar. Tkaaa ara tka dmh wko ara dcaanrtog of oradit, wkan ooatrutad wrilk tka prtnolpal man eallad on tka olhar alda. I aak tkaaa gantlaman of tka Cam- maraial Bank wkat took pla«a at tka Roaain Ilooaa T Tka reply la, " I aan't raeollaot." " Had yon a maatinft In Naw York V " I can't raeollaot But I knaw I aaw tkaaa gantlaman in New York." " Wljiat wu tka anbjaot of oonToraation f " '%, Y '# " -*-m • ■■■■.' ^ llMk tkonakt of ktrtttft tk|s M«oaiit iMrftd It ika t«4iiw, «*Trut fdndr kal h'«M n^RiitiJ lUl Im(m»4 •r lh« uduuni baiiiK k«pl ia lb>l m»j, U iliouM Im <>|mii«iJ In ihil ■• •• Tli« *>r«»t WmImm lliitwajr of C«a«4*, • DalrMI end UtJwiuktiiB AecuunI i' " but I flMiag iMi •uirji $km imUImiim tf th« j ««*n »n •AMMBI kept lo IiiMwIon la lb* Uo«nl ia r«far|aM tu ib^ trsuMoiion* : . . " l>iiinNT--Kob«H Oilf, '•DRTROrr AND MILWAIJKKI. 4 <«MKKTINa 6 I'liua tu. itMiM bi>iifo bo aigoed bj tboiBaelvea and oountaralgned ; :> l7 the Secretary." ■ "^ ■ ■-,^;,. ■ Aa I hate already aaid, the traffic roeeipta wore to> go In pqiwent of the interoat on the bnndai It may be thit it waa fVom theaa^yiinutaa the Commercial Hank go* tbcidea of entering their encnunt. Hut inatcad of wrilliiK in their booka, '<'The Oteat Woatern Railway of OanaJlaT'^-fMroit and Milwaukee Account,'"»er»od the order, makinf^ the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company firat, and the Oreat Weatem Railway Ct yet aecn, but which received the annction of tho caahjer of tho Bank at Kingaton. In tlic index to the Ledger* you will observe that they forgot to aay anytJiing about, the Great Wcatern, and kept the refer- enee to tlio account in tho name of the Detroit and Milwaukco Railway ('ompany all the time. Referring, to the Bill of partioulara, you will find the account charged aa /• Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Xompahy ^^ account, Great Weatem Railway Com pi>ny." Vou will notice the different waya in which tho account ia ■^.y .ehai|^. But the point to which I more particularly deiiro to direct attention ia thia, that af^er prufeaaiug to , eloae the account, they continue on the aame page to makoishargea on account of the Detroit and Milwaukfeo Railwv^ Company. For «o doing the fliioay raoiiao ia offered by the Bank, (ha( (he acoount was continued i« 13* .-■'',■ i- % / » - / * • . / 'H f ** •> ;• *■>, 1^40 J I'* that manner in order to Mfira tiMmi tbe tnraUe of openiog an aooonnt in a aeparato pago I From all tbose eironmstaiioea I think yon will agreo with mo that theso booKa aro pretty aaUafaotorjr ddoumonta on behalf of the Great Western Railway Company, f on heard what waa aaid by my leaned fHend on the other aide about tho Commercial Bank being • Corporation. The 'Great Western Railway Company ar«' also • Corporation, oomposed of a numbqi; of persons resident in llngland. Uandreda of tbem, amongst the proprietary shareholders, are widows, an^ there are also many tnuteea for orpAna, who are shares- ioldera. There are, indeed, many and dj^erse interests at stako on the part of the Great Weatem Rail- , way Company. And so it might be said in reference to the Commercial Bank of Canada ; amongst their shareholders there are Widows and the tmsteea of orphans, so that they stand on a par in this respebt. My :learned<4'riend will say to you thatlhe eTidenoe mnst lead yon to the belief that the Great Western Railway . Cmnj^ny reoeiTed this money and need it for theil^ own purposes. But I ask yon if they did ure it fbr 'their own pnrpo8es.r I ask you if they used it at all f The evidenoo of Mr. Brydges and Mr- Reynolds is, that they never reeeired it. The erideuce of every one who has been called forward is to the effect that the monies reeeived iVom, the Commeroial Bank have been all expended on the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. Common-sense VMist tell you that the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company are iiot the Great Western Railway Company j and the act of Parliament shows that the powers of the latter corporation are ciroumscribed to^anada, and do nqt extend to the United States. Tho reoeption thoro of monies must have been a reception* of Buoh.monies by the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, a corporation which has an individual existence just upw as distinct and real as ever it had. It is no part of the Great Western Railway, and the Great Wes- tern Railway Company never reocived'the benefit of the money expended upon it, any mote than one individual ''Would receive the benefit of monies paid to another individual with whom he is in no wise connected. Or I would put the oaie in this way : Supposing one of you, gentlemen of the jory, had the misfortune to borrow money on the security of a mortgage on your farm. Perhaps^you build a house on it after it has been mort- gaged, or it may be t^at yon mortgage tho farm w^th the view of building the house. You enter into a bargain with a builder to erect the house, and ho puts it up. Do you think the man who lent the money and took tho mortgage would be liable to the person who built the honsot Surely not He did not enter into any contract with the builder to build the houiM.' And so at is with the Great Western, the Detroit and Milwaukee, and the Commeroial Bank. The Great Western Railway Company lent money^to the Detroit and Milwaukee Com- pany, to the amount of a mHlioh and a half of dollars, and they took a mortgage on the road to secure the claioii. And because they lent tfau money and took the mortgage, ith Commeroial Bank, forsooth, who. had, also lent money to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, endeavours to make the Great Western Railway Oempany liable for their ohum against the Detroit and^ilwaukee Railway Comply as well ! Could inything be more Unreasonable ? It seems an absurdity when ' put in this position. Yet\ is m fact, for it come.i to nothing more nor less than what I have stated^ Let us now consider for" a moment the relative value to tho countiy of Umo two undertakings. The Great Western Railway Company employ two thousand people. They have their artixans aqd tljeir workmen of every description, besides clerks and gentlbmeB high in trust; and at least five thouyand persons are dependent upon them for a livelihood from day to day. The railway has done much for the benefit of the country. It has caased a large return to be qade on our timber, whieh before the introduction of railways ky idle an^ useless, or had to be burnt to facilitate lie clearing of the foreste, and it haa made thousands of acres of land profitable to the owpejs, which otherwisiewonld have been mere wastes. It has been and continues tO be of much advantage to the Province. And What is' the return the Great Wes- tern Railway yielda tMhoJM who spent their money in ita constructiont Why, they have received some three per cent peK annum, and the last hal&ycar the railway was not able to pay any dividend whatever. Look, on the Either hand, at the Commeroial Bank. What have they done, let me ask, to benefit the country 7 They bi^da fine house here and there, and those connected with it live in ease and affluence, whilst the proprietors make out of their inveslmenta lO; aye, 13 and 14 per cent, per annum, notwithataiiding the law says that no tank shall make more than 7 per,cent. of their dealings. Why, we have it in ovidenoe on this trial, that not- withstanding this vast sum of money having been advanced by them out of their treasury, they are paying to their shareholdera at this very mSment a dividend of 8 per cent upon their capital. The shareholdera of the Commeroial Bank are getting £S a-year on every £100 they have invested, whilst the proprietors of the Ju' ' %>i\ ~^^ '^ "^^^ " «■' , •■•«- • *H ''j^f^J*,* f^Vj*! ** ?' "^v "ife'i T*y\ WW^^^W^'^"'t>''^"'^f 'f'!^' Oiwt Wntwn lUiliray aro not getting a MliUiy aixponce upon thoir aggregate advances. I say, then, if jott have any doubt in the case, yoa should give the benefit of it to the Great \Vontorn Coiopany, that not they, but the Commercial Ilunlc, which can well afford it, may be the losora to ^ largo citent. Bnt do not think that I ask you to render a verdict against reason and justice. We oo^hero asking that no favour but that full justice may be done us, and we tecl saUsfled that' we shsll rwseivo it at your hands, ^on have heard the declaration of every pflloer connected with the Couuereial Bank that they never heard of tho ezisteoee of the claim against the Great Western Railway Company until October, I850--you have heard Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds doUil the manner in which tho account was opened— and when you find, as you have forms, the booly^and papers bearing out those declarations, I am sure you will say that tM^oui' mercial Bank are not entitled to recover in this suit, and that the Gr^t Western Railway Com|iny are entitled to pass out of Court without a suspicion upon their honour and integrity for fair and Upright dealing. K.vciy paper they have produced is a proof in their favour. They exhibit no ledgers altered— they bring forward no books changed and blurred; Kverything comes before you as the entries were first made, and ail thew entries are in accordance with the living testimony of the gentlemen I have oalksd before you as witnesses. Then you will be asked the question, to whom was the credit givenf Waa i\ not|;iven in the first instance to Mcsstu.' Brydges and Reynoltind the Urge nnmber of fkcia ■arrounding thia OMO he hu laid before yott iA aneh a way aa will aimply rbndoir it necesaaijr for me to refer (o them, withotit again reading them in the mMiner and order that he haaread them. I moat aay, howeVJr, that a raat maaa of what my learned friend haa read haa nothing to do with. the caiM. Ih fliet the large number of worda he naed pat me in mind of two ciredmatanoea : the firat ia, the manner in which, aa we know of late, from ;' the Chineae mode of warfare, the Celeatlala receive the "barbariana," with a lond beating of tom-toma, (O; fiighten them out of the field with their noisea. (laughter) ; and the other is, that in adranoing to ipeet thc^ enemy, the people of India used to march out a troop of elephants, that, under cover of the dnat #hioh tb^ thAw up, they might bo able to launch .out a lance or two at the heads of their oppohenta (laaghter). Ijfm Bare that you, gentlemen of the jury, are not to be alarmed at the noises, and that tbe laocea were Mont, hdwever well they may have been «imed. Now, I propose to divide this oaseinto four different boadi^' which vliis Lordahip will preaently aubmit to you as the gronnda on whioh you are to pronounce a verdioll^ither in ' liivor of the plain^a or defendanta. I iHll read thoae heada to yon presently, and afterwards leave tbem to Jro'u, aubject to nioll modificationa w his Lordship may think proper to indicate. I believe, with my learned^ friend, that fhim the great attention paid by yoa, yoa will be able, when you retire, to anawer tfaeae qneationa— one, two, three and fituri— in a manner auoh aa will eliable the Court, when it haa to apply the hw to the caae, to give a juat judgment a^tietween the parties, My learned friend aays he deairea no more than that* jnstioo ahall be dona. " Fiat ju$tUia fuat ealum," He ia wiUing to have the Gi^t Western Buhnj destroyed, root and branch, by ypur verdiet, rather than that juatijM ahonid not be done. We also dealMmt justice should bar done; but we do not believe that in whatever way your verdict ia given, it will be aBTd S li ^ Hve in its effects ' aa my learned friend aeema to auppoae.' Moat certainly, however, the iqierests involved are hr^e interests, and it ia deairable that the verdiet which you may gat ahonid be founded on that careful considaibtion of the evidenee which, we, you have brought to bear upon it during the past two days. The^propositiona I intend to aubmit to yon are theae: -Firat, Whether the credit waa originally given to the Great Western Hulway Company, to the Detroit tjsd Milwaukee Railway Company, or to Meaars. Brydgea and Reynolda. penonally, by the Bank f Secondly, Had Me^ra. Biydgei and Reynolda authority frqp the Gnat Weatem Bailwiy Company to make filianoial arrangementa ibr the Detroit and Milwaukee Bailway Company, on^aceount of the Onrat Weatem Rulway Cpiilpany, to the extent of £250,000 ateriing, and waa the acoonnt with the Commercial Bank opened and conducted '%- them in pnnuance of auoh authority? Thirdly, Had the Commercial Bank notioe at any time while the account waa going on, that Meaara. Brydgea and Reynolda had, exceeded their antfaprity, or that more thaiiMlkrjirp loana of X260,00b ateriing had been expended? And, Fourthly, Didthe Great Weateni Railway Company reap the benefit of the expenditure made by the Commercial Bank on the Detroit and Milwaukee account f Now, gentlemen, I tiniat that the anawers you will be able to give to each and every one of theae propoaitiona, will be anawera, the effect of which will be, that on the appiioation of legal principlea thereto, a verdict will reat in favor of my clients. I shall prooMd now to show you, in taking up each one of theae^ points, the groundf upon which I rely for a verdict being given in our favor. The first point to be determined is, whether the credit was originally given to the Great Weatem Railway Company, to the Detroit and Milwapkei Ridlway Company, or to Meaars. Brydgea and Reynolds peiaonally, by the Bank. In order to arrive at a proper conclusion in regard to that, we have to look at the tianaactiona Burronnding the opening of the aoeovnt. . I ahall uot touch here upon any of the qneationaas to the powera or authority of the Great Western, or aa to the instocUons given to Meaars. Brydgea and Reynolds by the persons who were over them in England; but I ahall take on this point the acts of Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds, in ibis oountiy, the events which occurred on the owning of the account, and the varioua transactions they were engaged in from time to time down to the i6th December, 1858, when the letter was given which is called a letter 6f guarantee, or letter of acknowledgment — ^Tdon't care which, although my learned friend haa laidv unusual Btresa qpon the atatement that it waa a letter of guarantee simply: whatever jtheychooae to call it will not alter the naiure of tbe letter itself; and it ipll make no more difference in regard to it, than there would be • difference made in thia account ly ita being called the Detroit and Milwaukee account, or the account of Ue king of Timbnotoo. (I«aghter.) And i!|^4ealing vrith tbe first qneationl we have to divide the evidence bearing tipon it into two brandka. The first ia the v»tNi twee tcatimony, Iho sooond thb written teatimony. ii' \ ' '■■ ■■■■'■' ■'■'■■■■-.;. ■[■•43] S' :./;■'■.' ' "■''■'■-■■■; W« will •niWpr tho qawUoD on the faoU Hirtished by both klncb of evidonoo ; anil I am laro thai beforo I If aro done with it, I ihall eaUbliah aa futlj to yoir aatisfaotion aa I hare to my own, tliat the orodit iraa raaljy and traly given to the Great Western Railway Company. We hare heard obaervationa made aa to the manner ia which MeMra. U^dgea and Keynolda gave their testimony in the witnesa-box, and we have alao hoard obaerva- tiona made aa to the manner in which Meaara. Roas and Park gave their testimony in the witnesa-box ; And as » matter of oonrse, my learned friend thought that bia witnesses gave their evidence a great deahbetRr than , our Witnessea. But some how olr other, t»o have i|n affection for our witoesaes, and we feel that they jw^ as good U my leaded friend'a. We do not aay that they are at all better. No ; we would not for a momint' presuino to say that the Commcrelal Bank officera are bettor than the Great Western and Detroit and Milwaukee Railway offioetB— that they aland better than my granite friend Mr. Brydges, who stood before us yesterday with a face like ^ *' Monnmsntal broau, oiuhsDged In look,"— -". , a man ./-.-.■ " Whom pUy(?)toB«Ji«d, but B«TWihook.'» ' (I«nghtor.) I was delighted to see the cool, calm manner in which Mr. Biydgea gaVe his testimony. But I confess that> them ; and that though they had firequently spoken to Mr. Park about the transactions of the t^o oompanios> • nothing abo had] passed between him«and them to alter the nature of the acoonnt. Therefore we know that no verbal oommunieation took phusein any Ibrm or shape,.so as to alter the account, firom that^.period of time down to the period I now obme to, in dwelling upon the seoohd portion of the viva «ore testimony bearing upca^..-^^ , this point, namely, 10th Deeember, 1858. At that time, for reasons which Mr. Park has^expluned, there ' seems to hare been some suspioion— how created I do not exactly know, and have not pretendol to enquire—;^ ■ that aroee out of enquiries made by certain parties fiom Bhffido ss to steamboat transactions in which Messrs, Brydges and Reynolds were engaged in that city. In conseqnehoe of that suspioion, an interview, was held on the 16th December, 1858, which resulted in the Irtter bdng given by Messrs. Brydgee and Reynolds,, which ' is called " the letter of guarantee." ' This, however, wss preceded by the letter of the 15th December^ to which I shall allude preaentiy, when on the second branch of the evidence. Well, at the interview which took place ' between Mr. Park, Mr. Oampbdl, and Mr. Reynolds, a statement was made bearing upon the position of the account, and the necessity there^was of there being a business-like expoeition made, which could be put on record in regard to the state of the Detroit and Milwaukee account Wo find, that in accordance with what passed at,lAat int^iew, as detailed by Mr. Park, the Ibtter of the 16th December, 1858, was given. This is^^ really all Hre htTeto deal with oa the som of the verbal testimony. Two interviewa wereheld, and wo have ■Vv\. •-.« . c, ■■■■■% V /> r the KOM, D fcr laaert r. I [ WM Rivor- tbiog r»rk . Mn«d . elh« »n, M. rhloh storn nolu- Id l^e nber, ^ a the y [•46) Hn, PkrVt etMr tbd eiplioil lU&menU m to wliat took plaeo at |ham. Wo are onlced wKy w« did not call Hr. Cainpboll f Wo answer that wd^d_not find it neoeaMary |o do 4>, fur reoitong which I ahall atate to you prasently. We have, therefore, io deal with Mr. Park's toatimony in>rofer«oc& to the loooption of the aoooant> and we have to Oppose that OTideooeof a vita voce chanttec to Ifao verbal testimony of Mr. Reynolds. Wo next oome to the evidence of a documentary oharaoter. And the first doeuniontary testimony we hove, is the ewtry Uikde in ihp (x^ks of the Dank nndor Uief' arrangements Iq which ^I have alluded; Wo find them, too, carrying on the •oQount in precisely the sami way. from that period during the nhole of the summer. , We liave the fa^t that on the 22nd Januiiry, 1^8, the Detroit and Milwaukee Ilailway Company were re- orgailixed-^that it had a new Hoard, with Mr: Brydxon as I'rcitidont, and Mr. Reynolds as Vioc-1'rosidont— and we have tho further/act, that notwithstanding all this, the cheques continued to bo drawn in the same way flrdm that time forward. Thus, then, the great point on which my learned, fl-iond re.lies, in regard to the, docu- mentary ^videqce, falls to tho ground; because if his argument is worth )iny thing, on tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Compai^ being>re-organiied, they ought immediately to have coounenccd drawing their cheques tfl ■ C, J. Brydges, rrosident; Thomaa Reynolds, Vkc-I'rcsidcnt ; and with the names of tho Secretary and -Accountant uKached) as they were afterwards drawn. So I think I have established (hat the first item of the documentary evidence is in oiir favour. I come now to the bills: of o'zohango drawn on tho Oreai Western Railway Company in England. You will find thes^to be of twv different characters, and that you may see tho distinction' I will shew you one of each. You will obaerve that one is drawn directly in favour of the Commor- oial Bank. It is signed "0. J. Brydgos, Managing Direotor, and Thomas Reynolds, Finance Director," and is ordered to be placed 4o the accou nt of Jhe Trustees of the D. & M. Company. It is addressed to the Directors of the Oreat Western BailiH9^ Knglandf, The bills are ^11 drawn in the same way witjtthe aiogfe exception of onA or Mo of them being drawn on account of tho D. & M; loan, instead Q^^^pn account of tho Trustees of the D. ^M. Company. They my that these bills belonged to what they call the i] teat WosterD account proper. • Now, J should like to know if you find any difference jn them except aa to the mode of entering the bills in the Great Western Gompaiqr's books at homo. Here is a bill signed in thOJiame manritsr, the only- difference between the two being that oncfe i^ to be placed to tho account of tho D, & M* Company, and the other to the account of the Canada Office. Y ou will thus see that tke ncond portion' of tbe documen- tary evidence f. have given is evidence of the manner in which the credits were iflMh The very first item we haveon the Credit side of the aceoUqW^iJthe sum of £0,000 sterling, which prod«Sg||82b,09d OGc, and that . is credited to the Detroiwnd MitwanaPCO^*— Great Western Account. . Every one of the other biUs is drawn in the same mj, with tho namra of Me'ssn. Brydg^ and Reynblda attached — the one as Maqpging, the other as Finance^rector; and they are drawn upon^^dlho London Board of Directors, Dreaham House, Old Broad Street, London. Thus, documentary evidence, Mwbor't wo, shewft that the drafts were drawn % Messra. Brydg^ and Reynolds, as Managing and Finance Q^liEton, on the head office in 'London. And under what ' ciroum^tancfia ? » You h^ard me desire them (p examine the minutes, and^^^rtain the exact position in which . tbese transactions stood. I asked, ycni may remember, if a minute of thoHHpkwing pf these bills woitf||bei in the proceedings of the Fi^ce Committee. .But no cntiy j|f the kindappeared among the reeolHjrll Fiifance Committee, and there is no accourit of their appearing before 4be Board of Directora eithe^w ar other way.than this— that alter the Bilb had beOtf duly accepted and paid in Slngland, they came back Entered in the minutCH of tho English Board of Directors; I adveift to this as part >of the documentary evidence, M the reason that they say the ^reat W^tcrn people wore so particular that when they opened' thejr account with Hhe Commercial Bank, they indk«ted precisely how their cheques were to be signed, and that they never made . a change in tim signatures, even for two or •^hree days, withouV notifying the Bank< Well, I shew here, that* at the same time they pretend to be so very precise; moneys to the extent of $450,000 were drawn for by these same gentlemen on England, without their appearing on the Finance Cqiqmitiec's minutes, or any jrhcre else, until they went to iSngland, and came back accepted and paid. This is pi statement which comes undei; docu- mentary eviUence^ number two. I come now to the statement in ipgard to documentary pvidenc^, number three. On the 80th March, 1858, these gentlemen' desired to obbfin a credit, and it% accordingly wrote tq ^r. Ross the letter which my learned friend has read to you, and which I will read to you again, because ho. di. .Mi^- .'•r ar in " HAHlttiDM, itniii ifldadai ■ *4 ,rv ^f! li-V i:!; 4owii'foi lia'fbrfcji in tbe ibh^MII credit mivM eoal gimebtt, we find that U would oor ordijiilirjr reMnrcet)'of i^aki: 4*t0.^ To oi»))le n* to ouilce ki wbuld be dne effoot of our being in>i^po«Uion jnpur Ji^Wtd ^qiir liiqneat to be &Tonre(f>ith meruit ' - •' Deti|itiitd Milwaukee aceotMit bero. '^ -'l Weateipn, d^ttpi«ny|i inOw ao muoh^radiicad nvng«niant here pnipoa^ may IDt lyaent by t>>J»u;,thMthtiM>^a\toW drawn, aui|«r such aijDreditjijv^ S^t« of J^%bif!an, irtM^ tbe iDi^^^ '■^' likMa of the I)eitl|ti yudlflriri^cif Oovj^nj oontinTiaa t«|eiro»h^«.t "l^''? " *** '^^ driiliiiag l^'our £!^ngiiab eoUeagues to; tlu^amonnta aet down TiPI^i^f^ribe gradual e«Bl^otion(;^tW'<^brk8enf the doliaiti^^ i\ )i: " We are, Soar Sir, younJifaithfiMly, !(8igne^) tn thla fetter, wi "C. Jj. BBYPlQ! "THOMAS ]IB1^|I0LDS." j of the Detroit ancTMilwankee Company, yon Will obilerTe thai; theae gentlemoi; ip#k.of dmApg owthiiir'lSnglisb colleagues. Now, what English colleagues hfkd the time as o£Eoen of the I>i>t4iMin4^ Milwaukee Rainrky Company? The/had Mr. <}ill, it isHrue, but they never drew upon , Itim in that ^ : ■ r .. ^ • V .^^^. R ■ J IPB m' Vf i^vm v m*m iw . \ \p»* ' I <- .• I l> * ' f47J \ Tbit, RanUamaii; to oar minata of tha lit April, 1858. Tlitt b MtM Itltr* $eripia. Ilora wa find on (hp 4rt ApriJ, 1868, whan tharo wara no bra^ua blowiag, firom tha Qraat Wmtern Railway to tha Banlr> aicopi avoh apioj Sraaiaau^ waftad fVom Arabj tha bloaU-in thoaa daya when ararythioH waa paapa and harmony- thai tha appliaatioM taa nada and raoairad aa a Oraat Waatarn appliaation ; and it u only in thaae daya, when aouathing or othar ha« ehangad tha currant of their true love, which, they aay, in other thinga aa well aa in retjard tothe ttedar fMaion, n^ar doea run auMxtth— it ia only now, laay.that we find tham andeaToukng to create diffi- onltiaa, and lodkibg all ofa anddeh through yellow glaaaea at tha liberal-minded, high-aplritad, joatitnUon which the Ooramaraial'Banfc praTioualy appeared to them to be. aentlemen, that b the third portion of the docu- mentary taatimony. At a time when there wu ao difficulty or danger, when ererytliing waa tailing onward aa - amoodily aa on tha aummer aaa, whan none of thoaa wintry bbata were howling beneath the horiion, we hare thbacoouiit put in a ahape in which my learned friend cannot aay there b no liability on their part to antwor for it Let ua now aa* how the application waa anawerod. . The letter I am about to read, wu not road by uy laamad friand. He only read the letter which waa anoillaiy to thw : — «C0MM|lBCTAi; Bahk Of CANADA, « OlNTLBMlir, " KiMoeTON, l$t April, 1868. i- «rhaTe reoaiTadand anblnltted to^he Board, to-day, your letter of the 30th ult. , "TheDireotorahaTatakan the aubjoct matter of that letter into conaidoration, with tho dbposition to meet your wbhea aa ftr aa cart be doni eodaistently with tho demaada upon ua from other cuitomera, and the (equirementa of the Bank aa to perioda for covering London account, Ac; and also, under the imprcMion, that • any amount on tha %$|^-jf . account, not ooverod by bUl at the end of each month, will be (pi»oUcally) nen)raliaed by a congeaponding redaction of general account, under the limit .of X50,000. We abo under- Btand that, ao lar as poaaibla, the money adraaced wilt be circulated in Michigan, aa hitherto. ■'Upon the aboT*%ait|j|A,underrtandingj tho BiHird'authorbe a limit of 150,000 uncovered at end of month olS the D. and M. account up to Igt July; and tht»rWifter,ifrequirod, an amount not cxceoding|100,000 • aU such advancea to bo repaid.pu or^ before Ist December next; in other worda, that on l«t Docember'noxt' the II. and M. aooonnt ahall bo covered in full by exchange or cmA. ' ' " We aaaume that tha aggregatJB amount of the D. and H. account, uncovered at each month's end and of the general account, wUI not exceed »200,000; but in caae of emergency, wo thall not mind an exce^ of 125,000 @ $40,000 for a short time. • * "laup] t << I am, Qentlemen, « Youra faithfully, a' 'f « «.-■ #^ 4 "C. XB«7i)asB,ElaQ,, i^* " Thob. Bbtnou>8, ESQ.,^ ' -'. ■^ , '* Diredon Gnat Weitem HaiLoai/iCdir y.'-M:- 1 ■-.■'■■■■[ '* BamiltoH.'* ^'^^■V-;. -f^ 'tr>h, «C. Itoss, "Cashier. M- \^: 'h ^: ■^*K ■VJ»,,,, No^ nbth^g can h« dearer than thb, that the Bank IBSiii upon itu aJ t^lii (Jlipit'Waatartf leoount. \nd what u th^ j^eaaon (hik^n they received thja leUer, jjuitM^o^aaawe^ ]W^ answer it, tfc^Mj* not W« have not fihareholden, 'whether tiiey aaM ao IBB m say, " Wo have UjS D.^ H.'^Si^t. .^I^will havfliilftMih^aMUBh a maUwT you in any form or 8ha|W, except A^lj^fruatcea of^' Gi«at Wwtera and VicOnFMiident of ^gQabroit and Milwauk^ta Boad." Wo will aee sjr write :•-<< Upon the abofa baab. and und«viWinding,^'--;||CB;ely, th«t any Tv" -/-»--■- ,-^- ■\-' ■ \ • ■■\v 4r^- ^ ■^.l' ^' • ■ . ■ . .•/ . pnolieal dnwing or|AO,000 or 1200,000 on the loooant of tho Datroil and MUwaalcM would bo neatnliMd by • oomtpondlng radaetion oftho Orwt Wartoni 1000001 propor^— " Upon tho abovp baaU and vndenUnd- ioK, tho Bowd •nthoriie « limit of 160,000 nnooTorad »t ond of month on th« D. Md M. aooount ap to I it Julj ; •nd tharaaftor, if raquirad, an amount not osooodiDg 1100,000 : all anoh adrano«i to bo rapnid on or bofora lit Daoambor nayt; in other wotda, that on Itt December next, the I). and.H. a<^unt ahaU be oorered ip foil bj exohanRa or eaik. We aarame that the aggregate amount of the D. and M. aooount, oneoverad at! Moh Donth'a end, and of the generid «oooon|, will not eioeed 1200,000 ; bot in caie of emer^nej, we ahii)l not mind an exeeaa of §25,000 @ 140,000 for a abort time. I aoppoae thia will meet the reqoiromenU of the OompoDj." Thej had here, yon will tee, a oredit of •200,000 or /A0,000; and thej were told eipreaaly that their applieation would be aeoeded to upon the baaia and onderatanding that the aggregate of the two •Mount*— of the D. and M. aooount and of the general aooount — did not exoeed 1200,000. And what, I aak •gain, wu their answer f Do we And Ifeaara. Biydgea and Reynolda repudiating in the most determined manner thia knguagef Do we find them aajing,'— " Sir, the Qreat Weatem Railwaj Company haa nothing to do with the Detroit and Milwaukee Reihmy Cdrop^nj. We do not deaire that then ahould be •• •ggr«g«tr endit, or that our |i200,000 ahould be mixed up with their 150,000 1" ){o> they do not aay that. But thi* ia what thej realljr do iftj :— "OiiAT WuTKBN Railway, * << IIahiltom, Canada Wi«T, 14rjt, 1858. <«a a Bom, Esq., " CaAitr, ComwureialJBank 0/ Canada, Kingtton, * \ ^- "DBAKSn, ■':.»■■•■-;■' ■ . '. ; ■ ^ '■'" ■■' « Jnat on the ere of pur departure for Detroit end the Weft, whenoe We returned onljr laat^nignt, we had the pleunre of redeiting your (k?our of the lat inttant, in anawer to oura of the 80th ultima, eonaenting to • credit to our Detroit wad Milw»ukee •ooonnt here to the extent of 150,000 up to let July, end $100,000 there- " •ftar, if required, •nd upon the oonditionaaet forth in your aaid letter. .■' ■ " The oonditiona are entirely aetiafaetoiy to ua, with the exception of the one reqniriDg the D. and M. adeount to be corerad in full on or before lat December next. <^We era •nzioua to make our atrangemente to eorer the aooount on the 8IsT Maboh, next year ; but if the inugementa of the Bank render it ueeeaaary that we do ap earlier, we will tako carp to do ao. \ j " We have every expeotetion that withiii aix months Arom thia date the Great Western aooount will be in . s eondition not to lequire the open oredit Whioh it at preaent enjoys ; and if this expeotetion should iW realitpd we preaume therp would be no objection on the part of the Bank- to carry the D. and A|, Prodit on to\t1ie 8Ut March next.' . ■ V. ■ .. .;■ -'V \' ■ <^, that w« 4p Bot itBto in oar.^Jkttr than owing th« Oommareial ^^nlr f^m KoKlanii, and to. Ih||,.ai|t«nt Bat they h«r« oot paid BO ! They ar* a iinHiiiiiUM. a ^iplieatioa of two kaTi, a i *4 fflO] thalf mieh ia tba aitont of o«r Ibbfltty, Irat avaW ia tfia mm." Thtj vara l« nlM littla aam of |!IAH,00O. ,Th<>j had £m),000 atarllnK to rMsiva ind to that «il«nt unljr, at thajr mj now the; iotonded to ba reaponaibk. loney owpt; and atlll my learnad Mend Mya they are not raaponaibla. Oh, they hare a aeal that ia kept in a box, and ean not be got at without the paper ia not good for any thing wilhmit the aoal^lhat it iis 1m it ia, a mere pieoe of waate paper. lR>f M part, I do not thinli that when Meeara. Ilrydgee and Reynolda attaobed their DamM to It, they didfSlttnMt to be ■ mere piece of waate paper. Did they, at that time, mMn to lieep " ih/ word of promiM to thb.eHf and brnk it to the hope f" DM they niMn to My that the oonpona had Mten np •II the loan, and tl^t tWpieoe of paper wu of no ralue f Or rather, when they put their aign manual to the letter, like boneat ^on^ they are, Ml they not intend that we ahould get the money f Did they not mean Ihia latter to be a gnydntee or aunrinoe, that out of the eoffera of the OrMt Wwtem the mMna wert to be drawn for oorering afl overdraft duAito the Comnerotal Dank f If |)key did not niMn that we ahould benpaid, - 1 ahould like to •-■ "^ ' ' - •gainat _ weftod from tha^umming bird'a wingf I would now refer to the letter of Mr. IVrk, on the 15th Deoembor' the day bofbryiia Ml|fr, that they <^)| the leUer of guarantee, wu writt«B. They bare attempted to ue it •gelnat na ; h6t we uao it m ibflf ing it I4g|e atrongly in our farour, benuM it ahewa eiaotly what I hare uid all througMhat in the written tranMotiona of the Commeroial Ilaok, or of any of their oAoets, in relation to thia matu/ they hare ncrer raried at all fV«in the tanner in which they entered the aooount in their hooka on the IlOth of December, howeror much they roar hare 'IMMequently quarreled with the Great WoattllC And Mk 1'iirlr. in srit!n» thia lattap <>oat>.l ik.. _•>>'. Jlk> 1I.JL...I f^^tt i.:A >. ^..^ > ■ . ... he Tid : Park, in writing thia letter, treated the matter 9f thl|rMl footing on j^ioh it aUnda, ahewing that id that there ahould be definite memorandum, initrnd'oftitriiig it loft to tl|e looao rooolleotfon of indl- n, M waa prerionaly the oaae. I will tggjmd totvAi Mr. i^trlA letter i~- i '0. 8. ««, BiQ., " Mt Di4|8i», i!*/ ^'WRmntRDAT Kyinino, 10 ) "^-a: T - / ^1 / !■ h ^ >v- ^'p "% ^f % [•dlj «Ormt WaimiiiN Railwat, " IlAMitTON, Canada Wut, 'Mk Jitn'g, iMto %. C MO., 8. Rom, Rm)., "^ '^ "CafAMf, Commerciitl Bank of C'anatlt^ "DM! Sib, ■■.:■.. , . W ■ 0» " When w« iMd l1i« p1«Miini of M«ing yon iMt wMk in Dttroil, U wm aman*)] that w« thould Mppijr ^ll with Kiohange on Kngland fur the flnt mail in Kebruary. [OiU^Uoalrthat 1 " Oar letten from London, reoeivod on Monday taut, contain rather urgo^y^iuoall'that we delay drawing tat a few months, until • leniporarjr preaaure, under whioh the Doard there ia at praaent auffbring, ahall have bean relieved by tbe iaaae of the Oompany'a IJonda, whioh, however, ia. prugreaaing verjF alvwly, vwiag l9 lb* nalioQ of buMMM oo thia aide, antt the conaequent docreaao in our traflto reoeipla. ^ " Of oonrttf^yott require the promiaed eiohange we mnat aupply it; but as money ia generally rather abundant, it hsa ooouried to us that it uMght bo aatiafaotory to your Doard to take, inatead of Kiohange iland, a Aort bond, under the aeal of Great Wosturn Co., payable here, aay on lit June neat, fur Ten |(jr Thouaand Ponnda, (the aame u the one to be iasAed to Capt Ward,) in relief of the Detroit and I aeonuiit ; th« undontanding being, ^mt if our (Ireat Woatem balance ahall, at the maturity of th« bond, bo inajjilWiai to retire it, aiAange on Kngland ahall then be had reoourao to for the purpoae. l.jl|||0t " Wi)j| jroHp us A« fsTor to give' thia prbpoaal your ooniideration, and inform ua at your early ooove- niMice of ilio daciaion of your Board with reference to it. „■ . " We are, Pear Sir, « « Youra faithfully, * (Signed) " |||. BRYD0K8, lEYNOLDS." I You will here ae« that they do not aay they that they had given a letter of guaij|tt|||^¥"all overdrafk. Not at all. They aay that thoy offotod them eichange ; but now instead of giving theik etehaqge they would give them a bond, whioh thoy wanted thorn to take on the Detroit and Milwaukee account. It will alao be observed that they mix up together their Great Woatem balance with this bond, and with the Detroit and Milwaukee aoooaiki Tbi^^o not offer thia bond as a oollateral aeeurity, such aa wu boasted of by my learned friend. ,x, .'Mb. M. Otf^HBBON — I aaid that the bonds were given u eoUaleral to tha notes of 150,000 eaoh^ ' Hon. J. 11. Cambron — But thia ia a vory different bond fVom those, and if you refer to tho letter you will ate the purpose it was intended to lorvo. . Here is Mr. Ross's reply :-:- ^^ ^^ "CbMMKBCiAL Bank or Canada, \ . -■ *'KlNOBTOif, 2i8/A Janiwry, 1860. "GiNTLiMBM, ■ ■ '■,■'"' ■. ■ , ** Your favor of 20th inst. ia befoh) me, and baa had our best oonsideratioD. "I need not again asanre yout)f our desire to meet your wishes on all occasions when it can be done without serious detriineDt to opr genera) intorosta, and it is in that apirit we view your present application. . ." So far as the Bank is oono«rn,ed, the matter sfanda thus t — our London aooouiftahowsiwianoe of £42,000 aterliqg against us, and there are suiidry dividends, &o., to come in; making it at least X50,000 sterling. The caahiug of bond for Mr. Word will add, say X20,000 a^rling to this, as we must sell atnUng to meat it W« "% \- ^ . pTTWn-fj^^f L- Ihtnfbra . and M. aeooant to aatburiaad limit of X.V),(K)0, or b« mmittad for dWidand. Transfer bjr ohe<|ua could bo made, or «o eould fiire oor bill at (H> daya for the equiralent of aradi* babinea of general aeeount, taking 1>. and M. atarling bill for anougb to redaea I), and M. balance to /ftO,000, on the auppoaitlon we ean afford to bare tbat anonot tbaa anpaid, aa to whieb, wklla I bopa we oan, I aboold not feel JiiaUaed in oommitting the llank at tbii momeak , . ^ I , ■,'■■'.■ <• The reaaon why we mnet have pari lit May, ia, that wa hare Ibaa lo pay ebaquai (br dallea to Baok U. 0-, and muat not *h«w luoh a heavy debt to Loudon. "I aaauma that if wo do not oall for the monthly bill of X10,000 atorling, on lat febraary, Mareh and April, tba D. and M. cheque, beyond ootaa bald by ouraelfaa, will ba aaaall. Wo ouuld not pay much and forego taking the billa until June. "PI ■dfiaa ooDounaoeo In thia arreDgoinant, tbat w« may tbape oar malton aooording)/. . * ^ I am, Qantlomen, ■ " Youra, faithflilly, • ' ■\ (Signed) "0. "C. J. MnTDOM, Ekj., . "TiioB. RiTMOLDB, Kaa ** P.S.—l go to N. York on Monday, and hope tolretnm on Friday next. 8, ROSS, " Pathier. " 0. 8. n." And on Ibe Slat of January thu letter ia further anawered. One would have luppoaed, judging fWnn (heir indignation and disguit now at the attempt to make th6 Great Weatem rekponaibla for the Detroit and Mil- wankee account, that when their attention waa lo pohitedly called to the Great Waatern — Detroit and Mil* waukee aooount, ihere would be lome aort of • repadiation of it. But wbai.ia their letter J <'OftlAT WiBSmN RAHdifAT, -t - . , ... "1IAIIII.T0!!, CaWADA WmT, f '■!'.■ V - « • *' &\it January, lB60f . " C< S; Rom, K8Q., . » " Cathkr, Commereial Bank of Canada, "Kingiton. . f ' ';'M)iAE.S», ' _ ■'.'■">•■ " We hare to acknowledge the receipt of your faTonr of tti« 28lh ^itant, in v 9tt the aubjeot of the DetnAt and Milwaukee account. I to oan of the 20U) ,,.s?^^ > lA ptumi lA I (•Ml "Hi* dasir* otik$ Ihnk to piumi Ia UiU Vnafutfywj rM«iin«bU t»M\tj in r*f»r*n«« la IhairVinhinR Winaw, baa bean amply manifaalaJ t<> aa ; and w« ban b> oflbr our baat ihank* fur tha liiiaral waniiar in wblah a«r wiabaa b«fa baan »l all limaa aimain, ar« inada payabia on lb« la4 M»if n*rl, Inataad of iba 'iOth Janaary, IHfMI, and ona of ilia |i(N),000 bonda for iba I> and M. aowmni ia maVa bara to-day laaaa«l lo Oapl. Ward for lOO.fMNI, dna lal Ifay, IHAlt, on aefnnnl. Tba aooounto not balnx yalW|itila aitrMNl, • bomi fur iha bahnea will kava to ba iaaned on o«r ralurn from Datroil, to wblob plaoa wa ara now K en^ dua lat Juna, IHAO, tha ath«r, 20th January, 1H4H), — and it ia umlontowl, that if on tba data of maturity of Ibaaa, or Iha bonda to (!apt. Ward, Iha 0. W. Co. 'a aooannt baa not at iu oradit auaaieu( to ralirf iheui aa tbay raapaetitaly.flill dua, aiohauKO on England ahall baattppliomy learned fHend pata it in the atrongeat light poaaible — that we received this atatement'for one purpoae, ami aaed it for an entirely different parpoae. He laya it waa given to oa to bo exhibited to the benkera of NeW York on one aooonnt, and we employed it in regard to a very different account. "We ahall aec how (his tallica with the taotfl. People who make theae atatemonta ought not to writo those letters. Persona not having good memories ^ ihotfld qeti^Mtk as tfaioagli^they had good agimoriea It {9 better for aucb, a grcaf deal, (o act oa the non ih* VQ^ neordi principle, than thu< to throw atones tnm (heir glaas hottses. On the 25th of May, 1^0, we received (hia letter! ~ ■/■ J. m p ^ e^ :.:■■ ^tU J0 '•-m «<6BKAT yWUTIRN Bailwat, " Hamilton, 0. 1^., 25 Hay, 1858. « 0. S. Rou, £iq., "Cathier CoMtnireiat Bank, Kingiton " Dbab Sn, *' Itr. F|(^ kindly nndeitook, • few days ago, to oommaniMte oor deiira to b« fitvored with an intorriaw at Kingston, ilTorder that we might eiplain to yoa our jMsition in nferenoe to ovr aooonnta with yonr Bank, and that amngementa^ight be made to relieTe na firam, the neoeaaity of inpplying you with exohanga on BngUnd in Jooe. " InMr. Campl^ll'a reply he atatei that the Bank cannot do withokt onr ^zohange, and that onr Jonmey to Kingston, if we went, would not be pjrodnotiTe of any adrantage regarding the settlement. " We very much rtfret this, as our arraogements aire sQoh that We oipinot give the ezoluknge ; and if,^ therefor^ yon still requira it «f vs, it will entail upon na the naoessity of andngtBg, at any price, od. tJbia aide, ' to keep ftith with.yon. « " ^ « We injencled {o show yon the poaitiqn we are in, and the arjangementa we desired to make to otny, na OTCT the preaent year, '*WeenCloaeyottaaItetohofoarHabiUHM7bDth on 0. W. |ind :p.&1l. ae.,an^atthe foot an estimate of the iwM receipta on both linea, aftor allowing for woricing expenses. The first is as nearly correct u it is poesiblo to m|^e it ; there will be no m^^nrial Tariation in thoae fignrea. The assets are purposely put down -below what- we beliere t^ey .will on the arersge proTO.' " The reaolt ia, that by the end of the year there will be a surplus asset of upwards of |20O,OOO, which will relieve by that'^mount at least the^presedt OTerdraft,and make it then less than the amount we understand aa onr standing credit. ' ,, " We neeid nojb remind yon that of the item ^ Bills payable,' in the enclosed, the largest amount is held by yonr Bank, and ^lerefore the payment of them wHl simply transfer to our debit sums w^ch, to ^t extenti yoa are already under advanoe. for on onr paper to other partita. ^ ii <'ll»ia quite cleajr thatrif we emJd npw draw on England for say $150,000, we ahonld haTC to remit baok apin ia a few months. ' " We>shottld have maoh preferred to place our poaiUon penonally before yoi^. We haTe' ndw done so in wriUuR; and if yon owiiiflana are such Uiat the Bank eanndt do what we require, it will be absolutely neeea- aarytu^ we make arrangemento in thiioountiy to carry out the programme enolospd herewith. 0^ lOJL *'We feel tharif we hare to open, negotiations for 'the supply of our wants, either with Ne^Bork or Canadian' Banks, it will\iost probably render imperatiTe a change in our relations wiith l^e Commeroilf Bank, whieh, firom Ae tery Mliemi and oourteoua treatment we have alwa^ reeeiTed from yourself and all connected with it, we ahonld exoeecHngly deplore. " It is ojar earaeA desire to avoid, aa far as we ean, any such contingen<)y, that we have now phoed" yoq in> full i^MHeasion of our wants; and we need hardly add that the very earliest response to thi^.letter will be' desEbahte; becauacj aa the 15th June u now so nearly at band, we have no time to lose if you^i,iisist upon our redeeming onr pTomi^e4p give you exchange on that day. ^ , 1 • ,■ - ^ , ,^. " We we, dear Sir, faithfully youw, •;■: ■^:.'''■■:^•''..'•• '.■■/. : . ■■ (Signed)^ ; ; „" "C..J. W- (h ni&ia what they fpl^warded to us when they found that they could not give uT exch) . and yet they now say that ^ was sent for ari ehtiroly different pUrposeJ Ttkj sent us May. At the foot'of the statement accompanying them is a note, stating that that the net receipta on both lines, after allowing for working expenses* And what wa|p i] on the 28th of- e estimate of '. iQt sent fqr ? ,. " ,* ■* ' "•#■:■-■'* :'-:::■■-'■,::■:-'-: "■;.,•'•■:'-'■• ffiO] V ■ ' : ::/,V;' :'."■■ ■:■:■.■■-.■ ' Bid it nothiQg to do with tlie tiotea or bonds? Oh, no 1 Hera Is thf letter of the 28tii of Hsy, written three dsjs •fterwuds bj Mr. Bejnolds : N. ' « <• Omut Wismuf Railway, n" HAifibTOM, 'Canada WisT,28(A Jfay, 1859. ♦fW.H.PAWi,Esq., Oommfrtiai^ani. , , "l^lASiSfBf ' '" ' ' ■' •:'■■■'■ •■■ '^- ■■■",..■. '■'., '■ ■' \ "I hare now the plessai;^ to enelose fbr trwumission to Mr. Boss, st 'Alhuj, the following doenmenti Til.:— , , ' >> * - "^ ■■.;";;.■■•' «...•'. ■ ■•,■ ■•.:■■ r 5 D. & M. H^otes, at 2 mo. date..........»........... ..;.!...;.... 160,000 euh. 6 do. do. -4 " ..,....».. 60,000 " 6 do. do. 4 ►" ............; „...,..., i...... 60,000 «' 6Bond8linderthesedof theXirestWe8Uin°0o., •t6months,do .......«.'. 50,000 ',< A memonAdum of Lisbilitiu and Assets of the O. W. and D. & M. Oo.'s to 81st Deo. next. And huitly, a statement of tite total Liabilities of the D. & M. Co. on Notes, with dates of maturity. " '^Hhe D. & M, Bills and the G-. W. Bonds being all payable to tho order of Mr. Arydgu and me^ we have endorsed thett in blank. V " " Two of the sets of O. & M, iiotes are to be returned to us; and u«oon as the set to tra mado um of by Ifai Boss shall have matured, they are, it is understood, to beratiired orprovidedPfor by the Bank to the debit of the D. & M. Go.'s account, and the Cb W. Bond« to be r^nrned fo dieO. W. Co., to be cancelled. ** The Bilhrand Bonds being all endorsed in bUnk,the pukage oonUining them is a valuable one; I hope therefore yon will excuse me for aslifpg you to be so good as^send me by the bearert two lines' to assun me. it has safelynreaohed your hands. • * ^ . • " V (Signed) "THOS. BEYNOLDS." ' And'that, I suppose, was receired-fbr an entiiely^^different pufpose 1 They forgoithe letter accompanying the statement of reoeiptb, as it is described in their letter, when they ttts charged us with being guilty of a frau- dulent and improper act But then is another little memorandum hearing on this point. We abo'receiTed ftom Mr. B^olds a statement, made up to the 31st of May, of the different balances, aid that statement read as Allows:. ■ „ - . ProTision for Coupons in M»7i ny"y"»—i">- » 42,000 */• "Bills « ....,.................^ ...........;. 60,000 ' .,..'•.. ' . :':/'," $d90,QO€r .„• ' ■ . ■ . ■, AS81TS AT SIST^HAY.. ' •-, - ^ ' QW.Baloe. at credit 28rd April , ...136,000 Aierage weekly reo'ts, to &lst May.».., .^'.........,.. .%... 250,000 ^>; « - " rec'ts, D & M.— 6 weeks ^..............,. 60,000 •345,000 ••■■'■ VtBB. [■-.■'■■.■'■'■ , WSflCfla wOij V* W* •••^.■'•••••••'••••••■•••••••••••■••••a ■•••••••■•■••••■•«••■••*» VvUbUUv ' at ^ * ^ m3u qC jUl*.f •■•••«•■••■••■ •••■•••••e«*ej-*a*e«aae«e*sa •••«•••■••••••••• '' ^OallUU f r^^)^' "' ' ' vVjUIuOhO J#0&CI ■'•«ee«eaaee«««a'aae««aeaa»A»«aee«««t«4aeaf aaa'esee* l-seeesea»e ••■'•■ Vv|VUv ■,;j ■.".■- >— '166,000 •..-"•'■■■ ■■■:. "'.^■'•^■^■•^■" :■'■■■,. y'' "■'-■•■'*■• ■■'■■ ''■■'■ .;■ ' V tl80,000 ■.;.;; ■■,;• . : M. V f :.-^ : '.:'/'■■ 'V; ■ .V,.- ' ' " 180>g00 ■■' ■«,> ■''"■■^'- ^ ■■'.-. "■■■■/:':'■■ ■.■■'..^-v-^- .■'■■■■ ;. '■ ' , •210.000 ' .If ' ■■ .,;: •' ■: : ■-t' •"f.^J '**?" ^S' t*. Who wiled ap the ■tolementi hew, I wonder? Thie joint iUtemant b in Mr. Rejinoldi' btndwriUog. Were • we lUndiog by diraoting Ma Bejnolda' pen when he wrote th»t? had we lome one there, whispering peznik- ■ioDB to him to make ont an acoonnt ^qat himself? la thia a forgeiy of onnt la it aOme new enormona ftand of the Connnenial Banli, or is it realy and troly &ona Jide Mr. Reynolds' own handwriting 1 It U Mr. Reynolds' handwriting, and the explanation of it I dare say you heard. At any ntis, I did ;* and it carries ottt our view of the transaotions one after another. Here, then, we have the dooiimentary eridence bearing upon the first proposition. You have hero the tfiva voc$ teatimony and the documentary testimony. I throw aaide . •11 thoae exttaneons things to which niy learned inen^hu referred, as matters of no consequence. Some men think they look well in print; othen,^e they shito in letter-writing. Butwjut Mr. F^ said or wroto privately to Mr. Reynolds, is not a matter of the slightcJit consequence to this case. ^ Unless he wrote pn the direct btasiness of the office, we have noU>ing to do with his letters. Having now gone over the evidence / bearing on the fiist proposition, I will address myself to the second. Had Messrs. Brydges and Reynol^ authority ftom the Great Western Company to mak^ financial arrangemedlb for (he Detroit and; HilwattVn Company, on account of the Great Western Company, to the extent of £^50,000 sterling, and iws the account With the Commeroial Bank opened and conducted by them in pursuance of such authority f Now, the atithority which Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds poasoBsod is contained in the celebrated red book. Hero ia the riaohition passed on the 8th October, 1857 :—" That the Duwotors be authorised to advanee to the Detroit and Milwaukee Company stfeh hn amount, nolf exceeding £\50,(M steriing, as may be necessary to ensure the completion of^i the Railway across Michigan, in connection with the Great Western Railway of Canada ; such advance bein^ made as a temporary loan, and on snfficient4»curityj the oxpenditure^)f the same being subject to the control of the Great Western Railway Company."-iAnd on the 2nd November, 1858, this other resolution was adopted :— " That the Kreotors be authorise^ to advance to the-I>et|roit and Milwaukee Rulway Company a farther sum of money, not etceeding JE100,00() steriing, to be exp^ded by and under the control of the Q*ipt Western Railway^dard of Directors,"— We Jnve here, therefor^, two votes of the shareholders, one for £15«,000, the other for £100,000, to be expended by Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds, the Mana^ng and Financial Direo^rs of the Great Western, wi«hout^referenoe tp their co-Direj^rs here. So that It seems that the Directors in Canada— including my learned friend Mr. Beoher-^n onlfwooden Directors. They had not ' oven that wonderful tin box, described so well by my learned flriencf Mr. Eocles. They were oijly dwd-heads ; nothing more. And it is the men on the Other side of the Atisntic who puH tl^o wires; and as th«yf nil them, you see the Directors on this side pop up and pop down, like a Jaok-in-tha-box. (Laughter.) Aided by such influences, J«r. Brydges has gone on from one degree to another, until nearly all the railways in Canada are uijder hia.«ontrol ; though I must say this for him, tW being under his control, they are under gooA control.- ' Well, Mr. Brydges and Mr. Reynolds did all this without the slightest reference to the other Direicton, including Mr. Bedler, who «»rries a good dad of the wisdom of ithis Company in his pocket, and a good deal too in his Lead. But theather Directors hadMbing to do with it, the whole 6f tiiis great expenditure being placed under the control of Moasrs.'J3ryd^K Reynolds ; and that i? the reason why you do not find au accountant's or secretary's name to the IWtroitUffBlUwaukee cheques.- No one on this nde was to inte'rfero with Messrs. Bruges and Reynolds, but everything wi»s left to tiiem, to be managed entirely in their own way. You will, obs^rvfe that there ^tn two sfets of officers. TKisre were Messrs. Btydges and Reynolds, the Managing and ' Finsnce Directors,, and Messrs. Biydges and Reynolds, the President and Vice-Presidept. And then there vraa Mr. Mingaye, Who was Paymsster of tKe Grea^V«8tern when he held the money in his right-^d pocket, and Paymaster of the Detooit add Milwaukee wten he shifted it into his Jeft-hand pocket. (Uughter.) ^e thing is plain-r-as clear as mud. In the morning of one day they would, ai officers of the Detroit and Milmtukee, have written to themselves al officers of the Great Westemj and in the aflernoon they would, as officers of the - Great Western, have replied to the letter they had written in the morning as^offic^ of the Detroit and Milwanlraev .1 would. like to sc^ the corresponienoe w&eM passed between themselves in reference to this particular tntnaac->^ ■"tion. Their cheques, mylearnod friend iays, lud- a printed heading— « Detroit and Milwaukee Company's Office." But where was that oflBoe ? Was it not Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds' office, attached totho Great Western Ruj^way at Hamiltdh ? ■ , -* «: ^»-v:V >.. 1^ [*67 1 /. Mr. M. C. Cameeok— No. It was the Aooountant'i and ScorotiBy's offiSj^tho offiop of thoso gcnllomcn .who oouatenigned tho choqiioi. \^ Hod. J. H. OAmebon— That ofBoe iii in Detroit, iind it oonid not have been tliorollMt tho Prcnirfcut »nd Vi«»^rreiiident establiBhed themaelTW. I reconoct a prdfenfional friend of ours who used to eanj hi* office in kU hat; «id one (Jay when hia hat fell off, hia office flew away, and all hi» papers wdnt with it. (UuKhtcr.) And I am quite aatisfied that Messrs. Brydgos and lloynolds nii(?ht as well have ha4, their office in »hcir>{its oa Well, for any business they did apart from the Great Western RBUway. It is plain, I thiiVli, that tho two votes of £150,000 and XIOO,000 were to be expended under fte direction of Messrs. llrydfjcs and Ucynolds ; and ,.!*>»tliU connection Uiere is a little fhet alleged Which must hate astounded Messrli. Brydgcs and Ucynolds as nMeh as jt astoundei myself when I first jad it. There «ro such things as " cooked reports," and modes of "jnaking things plaatant." With the intiSdilietion of railways, many ouriqbs things cinio in, and among others that of " making things pleasant." Ileta is a statement, signed by Mr. Oill, in answer to such charges :— " It ought to b§ observed, ftlso," that the faoti contradict Ihe infeniico of the Committee, that these payments could . only be made out of the Un. The following jBgures will show that tho Detroit and Milwaukee tJo-iipftny. had other resouroM— There has beea expct^ded for works, including stations and rollihg stock, aetuolly executed or supplied between the time the O^eat Western loan was granted and September 80t^l, WGO, X5102,54I lOs. Od. ; of which the Great provided £250,000; excess, £&%Ml 40s. 6d."— The poor, innocent share- ' holdefti, who never went Into these aeoollnts, would imagine that^lho £25O,00O had been expended for workr, ineludipg stations and yollW "took- And boar what is sftid further down :— " In addition to this excess of expenditure of capital beyond the amount cjf the Great Western Railway loans, very considorablo sums have idso been" paid for interest on the Detroit anf^ Milwaukee Company's bopds during 2J years, fo; old dcbU due by the Company, for payments to Directors, ifa). These sums amount to about £200,000, 'and which, together • with the above excess of £52,541, have beenlfrovidcd for out of tra|o earnings, or advances from bankers ai^^ other sources; and these latter items form the- floating debt of the Company, for which it is-proposcd to issuo preference shares, ranking after the seonrities held by the Great festern llaUway,"-When they say that these Utter items formed the floating debt of the Company; resting I sa|pose in t)£ clou|l8» you see where the n.illion of dollars belonging' to the Commercial Bank have'gona In the staten|>its of these gentlemen, who arc so . -■■•■ particular as not t^ofl^r anything to the shareholders but what illBtrictlJ^correct, you find the allegation that every fa«Wng of the £250,000'8terling was expeilded on the Wplotion of the works, when in point of fact $400,600 were spent in the bonds. And when «| findthis to^ the case, we cannot perhaps be very much surp^d at finding deficiencies in the various suiift ■ the authority possessed by Mqssrs. Brydges )«ii||iP|rs. On pngo 33 of the red bojA is fhe folIoWmg . paragraph j—" Adverting to the sum of £7,0^ a&nS? by Mcap^rs. Brydges and Reynolds to tho Port Huron and MUwaikee liailWay, it was' unquc? •onabli'^n frregtflar proijiiaing, but tho Boa|l, at the time, considered that the payment had been made in perfect good faith witH thfaelo desire of carrying out what was supposed to be the policy of this Company, and serving its interest* at a yery critical period; and as Messrs. Brydgcs and Reynolds had incurred in .this matter a pew^alresjfoiisibiiity, the London firectors felt called upon to ■ allow thepa^ent, and it was sibsequenUy confirmed by the Cahadfan Board. The ataount was always included inihe itim of " Amounts due to the Company," and has remain^ iS the general balance shect^n the hope that it ctiay be so^e day recovered." In this case you find an instliee of these gentlemen itfcurrinj^rsonal responsi, bility ; but they had no idea of paying the money out of their own pockets, and accordingly made the expenditure m ehuge on the Great Western Company. That»»48 an account due b^ t,he Great Western as Is this account due by tfem to the Commercial Batik. The Gr&tWesternBailway Company /athered thafr Port Udron Railway debt, y and jon, gentlemen of the jury, will m\ke them, I am ^Rre, jfithef this debt in the same way. The third jpoint to • be submitted to you is this-^hii the Commercial Hank notice at any tjme, wliile the account was going on, that 'Messrs. Biydges and Riynolds ^d exceeded thei^#ji'*brity, or that more Aanth» two loans of £l.)0,000 °^ sterling had been expended. I assert that the Commergial Bank never had such notice. The only time when they heard anything at all flboui it *M in Depombcr, 1868,"when it was told them" that the^e was another £100,000 still to bo drawn for. ^Mfdo not 'pretend to s?y that -they gave u» notice in any way whatever. / , T : *%. » \ \' '•^ "\ 01 ■^,, '**% j^jji '\/ ^>^ r •«] tinit o'r IUiIway^.185 milei in len oooneziou *eit of Lake Miohigao, WiMonain, Iowa, and Minnesota, tjii Yon thua tee, gentlemen of the joi^, thai vr And to ahew you what wera the yUm of Mr. Brjdgea hinuelf in reference to tbe tranaaotion, we km to look at the towf^be porraed in London Whf^ he made appKeation for the latt loan. Two, loana, raprpaentins in the nggnffOa thp aam of X260,000, had hSfcn made, and the diraetors aay that for ihat anm ther had raeeive4 • rallwaj; and they go on to aay_«< Your Direoton would Tentnre to aak their VhawWdera. wlk railway ooMp*ny^ovld not gladly purahaae for X260,000 tlie eiitiie oontrol of 186 milea of railway, fbrmine •B «*«n#^of ita own ayitem V And M,/; Biydgea, in hi. letUr, aayi :-" It muat not be\ fonrotte. either, lu.,oon^Mitog thia queation, that forjpii outlay of £260,000 we hare aeeured abaoliL control of.. running through a growing and thriring oounti|T,^ and by ita ing to ua the great bulk of the through traffic of the States of ipulatiou of whiob has more than doubled in the lakt ten yeara." xf J J 1 ^ .. . . '." '\^5^"**^***«™ I^«''«y Company had e«pendedVe260,000 on Jiia Toad and had obtained »>tual poeaeaalouof it. They wei» ita maaten. They had ,ix dirUi. on the Board, and the Managing and Kaance Directom of the Great Weatom-one of the greateetArailwaya in Canada were '^j^jfj^ Preaident and Vice-Prerident, and had complete control of it., Whik then' did they •«»«"<'«;« ^50^ for? Do you not think it wa. hecamw they knew there wa. .till X2Sp,000 duo i ^r^ "V they require «.other £260,000. when the railway with ita rolling .tookknd plant . "^"Pl-^J'dP-^fj-'de' their own eontrol? It could bo for no other rea.on that it w«i felt that the Great n lil :f r !5 f 50,000 had been procured our account would not have been p«d f I. it not OTideiH that tl^y feared-thea. Managing and Financial Directora-that if thi. Just claim w^ not mel the ^ ri?i «' AV«'«-'»f'«'o- would be brought to light in a court of juaticef They had eveiything they L\i ^^;AI«1°^"™^ «. congratolaUng the other Diwotora, and the other Director, weie <»ng,«t. ulatin^he Managing Director, and there wa. .hdting of handabetween them, and bowing to one anotherlle «kT/^Str' 't^'^'"'\f''*^ ^ *»'«''• '"'-g ohi.ln^ po«e«i„. of tbis rL., And yet the^ »k for £250,000 mo'e. For what p«rpo«,r Why that the Great Western, which had no other debl to pay, m,gh pay off th« debt to the Commercial Bank. There is no other way of ««x,nnting for their .derfr* ttZf w£i " w they wanted to bo thu^ relieved from the odium which would be caH upon SmrThlw ? ? « . f " """'""y '"P '^' ^"'^ "f ♦''• expenditure made by the Commercial Bank on the Detrou and Milwaukee accountr I think there can be no doubt they did. The whole of tho W«lf,n^ * .1 ^T'^i^ V^^, '" ''y "•""•^ *^» »»» »' »^« Commercial Bank, and the Great JT^^S^^^h ';K!^'*''l'*''"i?' '°"*~' -'*'*•' "«'■ Then^fore, the fourth question I think mu. be amnrer^i eqn^ly with the other queiUon. in the aiBrmaUVe. > This eompletes the four propositions which I magine h« Lorddup wJl .ubmit to you as the leading principles involved in this t^, and ^each of ihioh JhrSSdTnT T 1^ fi'-o-bl. "Plies. But.p.rtf«,m these comiiderations, iu the course of hlc^ the defendanta made oertam atatamenta and allcgaUpns which had not, in m^ judgment, anything to do with s Si Ztin • T ". " r; **y •^•f -"P*^ »» ""ke what they could out of the statement that at the time of »^f ""K '» l*"do; J«t year, when Mr. Campbell, tho Inspecting Director, of the Commercial Bank. w« STi^dTrhl r "-f""'''* the G^tWesterti were indebted to their Bankl in CaSa a^ Mr. Biydges, wUh tha massive tereeness, which is habitual to him, said it was not true. This may be called .n vulgar parhnce, giving the lie di«ct. It is alleged that Mr. clpbeU heard Mr. BiydR^ saTth^ t w« not true, and that Mr. Campbell did not say it wa* true. cara jur. cryages say tbat it was ^Mn M. 0. CA«EBON-:^e statement was made in » printed'pamj)hlet. I do ^^i^h^th^ut^^^ ge?tle5«u of tfce juiy, ^ be able to read and write ; but . , upwHoujuGuoumstaocos. «'• Biydges w^ looked upon as the gj«at luminary of the West, oomo n. V ■':■■>;• ■■■■■■■ ■•/ • i^ii9] ^ '/'.yy ,, ■ ' ■ MRM tlM KMk And 1 «m oertain that my iMrned ftiend wonld httT^Tbaen awed, too, at the defimnoo paid him— had he leen him aUndiag forward amongst the people^had he aeon the manner in which they made waj for him» and heard the eameat ery which gjoUt through the crowded room oihrach an oocaaion at the London TkTem, or perhape the Albion, of— ''Here ia ^rydgeal" "Whprp is BrydgasT". "Which \* ■ Brydgesf" ETorybody looking for Brydges. And at last, after a goood deal of sqneesing and ozoitementi my granite friend Is seen sUnding near the head of the Uble making, what the next moming'a papers will call « a masterly statement." (Laughter.) Is not this picture true to the life ? And for Mr. Campbell to oflbr any opposition on such an occasion, surrounded, as he wonld be, by aome six or seven hundred' railway mer, would be as foolish M ibr a bull to run against a loeomotiTO. Kve^ one knows that a bull tried this espen- ^ment once, and everyone knowa the oonsequenoe— the looomotire smsshed the bdll. No; Mr. Campbelf, surrounded, as hf was, by such a body-guard, if he had risen to h^ve offered any eontradietion would have met with the fate accorded to the gallant Six Hundred who rode into the Valley of Death. Mr. Campbell wisely . \M his tongue, ak I think* my learned Aiend wonld have held his, had he found himself pUocd in like cireum- stanoee. It would ha«e been better, perhaps, had those from whom he has reoeived his instructions kept in their pockets the private letters which have been read during this trial. We have private letters/ too, 'but w«l' scorn to use them. What we aay u, that it is desirable that a great question like this should be fought out on public grounds, and that no private corrMpondenee should be dragged into it. We have said nothing about the various ohargea against these gentlemen contaiW in the re^it in regard tat]lem.^ Many of them, I believe to have been made by interested persons, and by those having enmity to Mesafrs. Brydges and Reynolds^ and they «||ghi not, therefore, to be believed. And I aaaert thirt Ihe 8am»>feeling ought to have pn>t{9cted tta ih>m any insinuationa of anr unworthy nature on their fUil , and that thejr ought uut to have dealt with the private correspondence of the gentlemen conncttted with the Commereial Bank. Theae letters had nothing to do with the ease, and they were only brou|d|t forward with the view rf injuring tfa^oharajpter of the officers of the Bank. It is well, however, that they wand before a jury from the section of pountry in which they have liv^d for so many years, who have known them In their daily life and conduct, and who are persuaded thsjl they are incapable of using their poution in the Bank to serve their private purposes. I simply allude to thi» because I»d I allowed it to pa^' without observation, it might haye been said that I WaS afraid to answer the charge they have made. It was a great ertpr, a great mistake, (or them to have referred to these matters at all, for they have nothing to do with the case, though they go to shirw the kind of animin with.whioh the defence has been conducted against the Commercial Bank. It has. been said that tliese gentlemen of tho OiMt Western have come into oburt, as it ia hoped th«r will go out of it, without a stain upon 'llfeir character. Bu^ I must be permitted to say this, that If thqr go od^ of it with our money, they also go out of it with tho loss of their credit It cannot be that any man, or any body Of men, can. by a mere quibble, as to what thoy call "the letter of guaiimtee,;Aj;being without aaaal, be allowed to appropriate our fundi to the extent of a million of dollara ; and I believe that you, gentlemen of the jury,^upon the faeU subi^itted to you yesterday and the day before, Will find every one of the four points, which I have read to you, in ourfavour. It is true, that as a banking institution, we have no two thon^nd people employed, for whom we can d*iw your oonaide- ration; but Che. two thousand persons employed on the Great Western, have eaten the iiwd which has \mm supplied by the moneys drawn out frona our Bank"; and why should they be kept at our expense '? Qentlenien of Ule jury, we claim at your hands tbat justice to which We feel we are entitled. We say that ov money has been lent to the Great Western Railway, and they have wM »t on the Detroit and Milwaukee, in conformity with the powers conferred upon'fhem, not merely by vote* of the Shareholders, but by an Act of Pariiaroent, which has made legal that which might not have be«n legal before ; and we say that we h^ve a right, therefore, to come before you and ask for a verdict in oar &Tonr. Feeling that, under all the circumstancea of the case, we have done our duty to the Shareholders of the Bank, we are satisfied to abide' by your judgTSi^ent, assured that you will thereby declare that we have aeted for the best injereats of our conatituents— that we hove adopted astniightforwardoourseofaetion— Umt we are only now cWmipg from the Great Weateril that which, in the ■^ original inception of the account we should have felt boand to have paid them, hud the nemc balance boon a^inst us— and that, in resisting thia cl^m, tho Great Western Railway Company are acting agaihst good fidth and justice, and ought to bo made, tiunvfoi«k to pay it to tho uttermost farthing. i ^c. '^. r \ » i . " , ■ ■ - ■ " *{1 • • • I' II H '»>• •4^ '<-: .:-. ■' .-■.-*• yK: .ir . ■4^ '.■^-^.■^■ /■■ \ H^i- . '■1 ■ t ■ -m^ •X : '■■ X, ^^ .■ OH ARaE. 1 M, in aammiog up, nid— Qentleqifln of tho jury, you httw now haarilMth »ide« of the Me you Uut I'riiall not qocapy your time to any gnfi extent in pleoibg tho evidenoe before I eubmit the queetion to you in writing, and pa atk you to giro me n written rei^y ; 'f^^*^ ■hdl confine myaelf to but k few obeerretiona. With qneitions entirely legd I 'tl^Kot 1^ ttv.uf reeerred for the oonrt aboTe, and the oouVt above will deal with thoae q<||^tioA on hearing argumMMMd on thoae facta, I ahall no doubt hear enough of /them (hep, without Uking up your time in diaouiM^^m now. Neither ahall I. again read through all the fioonmenta and m^»i 'o' >f ^ ^^^ to do ao, I ahould eonaider it a waata (ft my tim«, inaamuoh aa I hare other mattera to^ilpoa«( of beaidea thia oaa« before theae Aaaiiea oloae. If there are any matteii which you would like to Juve inveatigated, aa to queation; of ftofr, or if there ia any doonmenUry etidonce on which you would like to refreah your i&inda, yon hare only to (idl upon' me and ydur wiahea will be complied with. At prea^nt, I do not propoae to read ' over the papefa and make commento upon them. It ia the duty bf pounad on both aidea to do thia, and they have done ao.. Ilaeh party baa had the opportunity of making the moat of auoh oTideuce aa haa been f^iea in their favour, and I auppoae they have both done ao. Bearing upon queationa of fact which will beeubmitted . for your conaideraQoo, and, through you, for the guidance of the court above, on the legal queationa whioV will come before it, there are aeveral poiota which you will have to pronounce upon. We find, in the flrat place, the origin of the tranaaction out of which tKia auit haa grown to be thia : — In Auguat, 1867, the pfwent defen^Ma; the Oreat Weetern Railway Company, for aome reaaon or other which it \t not material or neceaaaiy to«^0 enquiry intp, thought proper to change their account flrom the Bank of Upper Canada to the Comineroial Bank. Anterior to that time, there .had been a growing diapcaiUon on the put of the Uroat Weatem Ridbray Company to obtun the control of the American Company which baa ao Urgely formed the Bubjectof atAtioB' here during the laat three daya. Somewhere about the month of Auguat ihiadiacuiaion waaourried onmtween them in England. It aeema that the reault wai, the Engliah aharoholdera aanctioned the procuring of the road, and appropriated to the purpoae X150,00<) aterling. Mr. Brydgea then came out ftom England, and the aame year Mr. Beynolda, the financial director, arrived. It appeaia that they were armed wit& jpower to cany out the arrangement, having been made by the Englial) ahareholdera diatributora of I the moneyi^and having been by them directed to take control of the road. Mr. M. O.CAMBBOK—i l^r your Lordahipi8puHing*theoaae to the jury ttwatronglyagalnat the Great Weatern. The control of the road waa aimply givenlltemjto aeourc the proper dispoeition of the money which had been advanced. After the«B advaqcoa had bMb ilqpaidr$l>e Great Weatern would have no other inUreat in the rttadthao in Ay other road running in oonneotiiin with ^m. The learned Jvdqi— I am not auppoeing tUey wqijdd. '^U, gentlemen, in December, 1857— the year of the arritai of Mr. B^dgee— it aeema that one of the..^ffi$^raof the .Commercial Bank, the Mainager at the branch in Hamilton, being made aware that a tfonaiderabJte aum gf 4it^rling exchange— aa much aa £150,000 ateriing— would have to be drawn for oii>England. thought it would be wortfi, t|ii\,while of the Commercial Bank to obtain that exohijpge.. Then, th« fitat tiVnaaotion out of whiomhia account arisea ia attributable to .a deaire of the defendattta, or t^^i^.offipera at all eventa, to have.the contr^ of this American 'Company ) and they evinced their taadiiteaa to apend'a certt|in f)um"of ,|noney to thn H ,in qonnection ;f ith thMr own. Nex^. we fi^nd the CommeroU Bank, , through their officilta a)|ready mMti((ned, Veatroua to have tho^ben«fit of ^ exchange I^Dut to be^drawn on Englana. 'Thia ia ^ bri^n of the'tranaactiona which ^gave riao to tb^ au(^' M^.'Par]t)>the SlAbagei^kt i^amilten, lot^paiannicatea wi^). Mr. Roaa| the Oii^r af the'B^^k in Kirigatoh, and .Mr. Rpaa go}{i to TMonrto wi^b * ^«W dt meeting Jl^. Beynolda,, .Ui* financial dtrectw^tiF the Gre^t yi^eat^ia Railway Company,,in order to makq theijr arrange^jfita." Jlaw, let ua 'aee what took place at t^t ii^terview: 'jl|^f iaathfluaand i^itioa'thati^heae parti\te did niot at on'i^ reduce 'to' Vriting^^he agrce%ntkwhj|))h tool place /^ botwoen the B«uaiid,,tho Railway Coqiip«ny;fv, ■ ^ " ■ , » ". ■ , ". ■■:';x; ■„.„ " . '- - ■■ V ^ %;. ■,.. i> •A-. (,11 ■%,.• , (1 X \^ -■♦ . « " «■ ■ ■ '*/■ > ' ;■ Yd' ■ o . ." (■/'" • \: ,- ". A '"'\ (1 iJ.' ,H 08 Iraat bioli ■r«st y yetr tthe ,000 iroial le jo and ■ II., tr^ « ftf« 'in - , and -■ ■'■■ st^ra It *-' ^ »lew; ^^•■^^ place n ■ ■>■ «' . . ■•■■bi-, ■ • MM of tbb Realty. Tha anaDgenaBt, ttbaUTer it waa, aaema'to U^o » men verbal nndentandlBg-^ Mtbiog waa eommittad to paper. At tbat tine fbe Bank were the bankera for the Great Woatorn lUilway proper. Well, they met at Toronto, and lot iL( aee whai.took pkoe there. The i(nter«i«w wu between Mr- Park, Mr. ftoM, and Mr. Reynulda. Mr. Parlk; in ht^^idenoe, aayi that bo wu i^roiont at the meeting in Toronto. Ho ttataa tbat Mr. Rejrnoida repreeented that be wanted a credit aooount to bo opened with the Detroit and Milwaukee Ube. He doSa not remember that any turn waa mentiuned- \ Ho rojra that BIr. Roaa deblined to open aoob aoeoant, and gave aa a reaaon fbi refuoipg that the Detroit a^d Milwaukee Company ware embarr«aaed and tbat tbeir bonda wore depreciated. Mr. I'ark laya that they deoljlned to open an aooount in the name of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, but Mr. Roaa atated that tho U*nfc\ would open an aoponnt . for the Oreat Weatem aa "Aooount No. 2," bearing in mind that they already had another aooount at the Bank. Bat Mr. Park laya that Mr. Koaa refuaed to have anything to do with tho Dotroi^ and Milwaukee line. •■ Mr. Reynolda objected to have the acconnt opened aa " No. 2," on acco\£nt of tho confusion' whiob might thereby ariaein drawing the choquea; and than Mr. Roaa propoied thai they abould open the locoubt aa it aUnda entered in the lM>oka now put in. Mr. Reynolda aaked that the account might be openOdA in thia manher to BTOid confuaion in drawing the cbeqnea ; and tbia, Mr. I'ark laya, waa aaaented to. Thia, you will obaerve, ia Mr. Pitrk'a viaw. Mr. Boaa. whan aalled, oaid,— " At that meeting." meaning the meeting in Toronto, « Mr. " Reynolda propoaed tbat we abodd give credit to the Detroit and Milwaukee Coo^pany, to be met every month « by aterling exobange on the Qreat Weatcrn in England. I declined tbia, but told bim we would give credit " to the Great Weatem, and the paymenta were to be made in tbe lama way. There waa no diaagroement aa " to the mode in which the bank were to be rcimburaed for their ^ymenta." Mr. Roaa went on to say that it wu then propoaed the aeoonnt ahoald be opened aa Great Weatem account No. 2 ; bnt Mr. Reynolda thought tbia would be objectionable on acooont of tbe con fUaion which wonid ariae in drawing tbe choquee. Mr. Roan aaya, he then anggeated that the accouot abould be kept aa it actually haa been kept in the Bank ledger, and tbat to this Mr. Reynolda aaaented. In his crosa-ezamination be aaid, — " I understood at the first meeting *• with Mr. Reynolda that the Oreat Weatem were to have the control of the Detroit and Milwaukee line — that, « in fact, that line waa to be a btanch of tha Great Woitera." Now, in contradiatinetion to this, Mr. Reynolda, on being examined, aaid,—" I aaked MtVRoaa, after showing biuk tbe statement, aa to how it wag " propoaed to raimbuiae the Bank, what was expect^ from trafio receipta, and apaaking of the exchange which <* they might draw upon monthly — I aaked Mr. Roi^, after ahowing him thia statement, and t^ing him thia* / " to allof Mr. Brydgea and myMlf to draw for onr wlsnta, and we would cover it at the end ip^eaoh month. «I novor propoaed that 'the Great Weatem should dmw. I had no aathority to bind them. I never << agieed tbat tbe Great Weatem abould be drawera of the mon^." And he alao s^id, in otofb* examination, — " I told Mr. Rosa that Mr. Biydgea and myself were becoming officers of the Detroit and " Milwaukee Road, bnt .we were not so then, nnd thai waa the difioulty in opening the account. " Therefbra it waa opened in our individual names, and we made the arrangement with Mr. Ross on " opr individual responsibility. I distinctly deny what Robs and Park have said here to-day." Now, here ia the testimony of these three gentlemen aa to what was tho fuundation of the arangemeot for opening the acconnt. It was a verbal tranaaction— a transaction not reduced to writing. It ia not for me, gentlemen of ^* Jo<7r to make any obaervationa derogatory to the, atMding of the gentlemen who made theae difierent^ atatementa. It ia for yea to examine the whole case and find out where the truth lies. Unquestionably there ia a diametrical oontradiotioii between them aa to the mod^ agreed upon for opening this account, and it ia iHthin yolur province to diapoae of the mattwr. On both aides they ap gentlemen oooupjing a high poai^n in the Mmntry-^tmated la^y with, the Ainda of others, and with the iiianagenient of oflKcea which require to ha ^'' OQiidu;^ by gentlemen of integrity and character. It is not for me to make any obaervationa further thk|i-~ draw ywu^attWi^on ^ the fiMt. ' l.wonld ii>., •h ^^ •<»■■ . :*^vvn>:^^^^.^:^':::„'^?^; . ' \' ■ ... -^-1. • • vs An VV '^:, .■■. ■'■ ■•, ' ■ ' . ■ 'i' ;:■ ,: ■ . ■ ■■■■■. •4 s^ i , : ■n > J IntentiodJi. I pNitinM etery panoB eoATemnt with tha ■dminlitnllon of jkutioe tnd th» aiamlnttlon of witoaaMa knowa yary wall that in mattara dapaoding upon tha viaion, thara ia no ona'aubjaot which a» oftan oaeaaiona ramarka aa to the diMrapanoy of OTideooa giTen f>om diffarant pointa of viaw. On* wilnaaa a«aa • tranaaotloa io one light, a aaeond ae^ it io another, a third Haea it in a diffior^Dt aapect ; and thej diffar it may ba widalj in giving avidenoa on the aame matter of fact, ainipljr beoauae thejr did not all view it ft'om the aanie atand poini W« mnat not on that aeoount attribata diahonaat motivaa to them, beoauae they gave different Taraiona of the aame thibga aaen ftom different poaitiona. Saoh being the ease, aa I have mjaolf repeatedly remarked to Jnriea, we mnat take alao tha other facta into oonaideration, and from a review of all the ciroam* atancoa form the judgment And ia here, jon muat take all the facta into aeoount, and render your verdict l||i ,aooordanee therewith. I apprehend that what haa juat been aatd aa being oorroot io regard to the view or viaion of witneaaea, may be equally appliable to the mind and Judgment, inaamuoh aa the peroeptiona, the mind, and the Judgment, may be at timea warped by oiroumstances over which perhapa Wro have no auflSoient control ourMlvea. Tbna it may be preaomed, that aometimca evidence of a contradictory oharaoter may be given honaatly on both aidea. In illuatration of the point we are, now oonaidering wa have a notable instance in one of the writera who waa Utely amongst ua, but who ia now de^d and gone-'-one of the moet agreeable i^nd pleaaing writera known to our literature — I refer to the kte Lord Maoaulay. Hia worka arc agreeable to almoat any peraon who reada them, no matter what the viewa of thtt peraon may bo; yet we know very well at the preaent day, that having analysed Bis writinga, many thinga which have, been atated in thein'^M ftota are in truth miarepreaentationa.^ Still I apprehend that probably not any, except per- hapa a very ftw irbo may be bitter enemiea of Lor» Maoaulay, woukl^tbiok that he wilfully misropresonted things. I apprehend that the great majority woul4 not auppoae for a moment that he would do ao. The preaumpUon would be, that the oireumatancea I have already alluded to as liktly t<^warp the vision might be applied to the mind and to the judgment; it would be auppoaed that his mind would be Warped in a certain direction, and from which he was not able to free himaelf. We well know that human natiHw is liable to err, $nd it ia arliable to err in regard to the mind and judgment aa to the visios. At least auoh is my opinion. Then applying thia teat, it ia neocaaary for you to examine into the whole facta of the case, in order that yoa may determine which of thoee parties has told us what actually did take place at this meeting held in the month of Daoember, when the account was opened, in order that yon may ascertain whether it was opened as a Great Weatem account or a Detroit and Milwaukee aecount; ia other words, who aro reaponsible to the Com- mefoial Bank for the moniea advanced — the Oreat^lfeatern Company, the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, or Neaara. Brydgea and Reynolds. The differont ehequea itu^noi-MeBBsary for me ti> read agun. Yon will see that they have been drawn in the namea of theae gentlemen, and have been faid by the bank. Yon have aeen the aoconnt, and the manner in which it was opened and carried on to the month of December, 1858. You have Been alaO the mode in which the bills for the money wero drawn on England by these two gentlemen. Yon have heard the various aboounta of what took place befor^ the Boards of Directors on both aides, and the non. appearance before the Financial Board and the General Board of Directors of the Great Western Railway in Canada, of all written mention of the moniea which irero to be drawn on England in favour o^ the Bank. Yoa have heard all this, and upon it you have to form your judgment. Stop there^make a pause, and conaider for » moment which party ia right in his statement aa to Whom the credit was to be given. You have heard all the letteiB read, and yon have heard them interpreted in different ways, and you must form your Own conclusions from their eontenta. Then we com? to th^ letter of the 16th Deeember, 1858. That was another important tranaaetion wMoh oeonrred in the carrying on of this aooount That letter, of course, speaks for itself. That the language is phdn, there can be no qneation. But we must consider whsi gave rise to it, and the object for which it waa written, because evidence on j^ surrounding ciroumstancea of a letter like thia i» always admii Bible with a view to itaeorreot interpretation. What Mr. Park aays about it is this: when he looks at the letter he aaya,—" Thia letter waa w^ntten in oonsequence of an interview bad with Mr. Campbell, the Bank" " Inapeetor, and Mr. Reynolda. Thia took place at Hamilton, and waf caused by an enquiry abdut the standing M of MeSBiB. Brydges and Reynolda"— .which we see afterwards is connected with the building of the steamboata on Lake Michigan. Theae boats had aomething to do with the Detroit and Milwaukee, aa woU aa with -^ -. .TK "%■ .. .!i- 'T **•!* . ,....'—•"*■" 9$ A.Oomi»*wWB.nk, Inutnuoh u W« m« (htt ohoqtiM arc dnwo on tho D...k by M«««. llrjdRM .nd lUrooldi .nd headed, " Slcmbcl Accuunt." Mr. I'.rk goes on to mjr-" I» %•• d»lr«d .n under- "Ldlng with M«»n.. llrjdge. .nd Reynold., u to the po.Uion of the .ooount. \n writinK- -beo.««.. M ,o« #111 remember, QenUeinen of the Jury, it wm og^y a verbal undoriUndinR up to ih . tin... . Mr Park MTS : " Mr. Campbell Mid to Mr. Reynold, tb.t thero mu only up to thi. period a ferb. under- "IndinK •tuy the mode in which the .ooount .hould be kept, .nd it wu to h.T. it reduced to M wriUng Mr. Reynold, did not object, but aid it .hould be Rl».n I. .,l.tter,*nd J^. •«»»«*" f '•» »" " d.T Nothing w.. then wid, or .t .ny time .fterw.rd., about the dcfondont. repudi.t.nR the debt. . Thi. U what Mr. Park nid in hi. eiamination-in-ohief, u to wh.t p«.ed with Mr. C.mpb«ll .bout the matter. On the other hand, wo hate Mr; Reynold.' UHitimony, and it i« Tery different on thi, point from r. » "^ '-^ "« , Mid the D.nk wiHhcd to have Ihl. document, th.t they might h.Vo Mme record in the.r offlce of the t^nMC tion. Yott h.fe he.rd from Mr. l-erk how thi. matter .tood between thorn. But Mr. Reyno d. repre|».nU it ... thU way, a. to tb. letter of the 10th December, 1858 . Ho m>, " I «"«» »"• C-'n'Pbell with Mr. 1 .rk. At , " that time the .ceount W«. much oyerdr.wn. .nd he wiahed th.t I .hould cover .t by e.oh.nge ' Thu, . tho n^rcentation of Mr.'Reynold. » to wh.t took pI.oe, and you have he.rd the .rgumenU .bout the m.t tor on both .ide. " I told him," continued Mr. Reynold., " that we ortild nOt draw exchange ju«t then. Thi. ilw " h.d reference to the .eoond loan of XIOO.OOO .tcrling." It wem., therefore, that thi. «cond lo.n had been Mnetioned at tho time thi. OonverMtion took place. HoMy.: " I told them tho Iknk would have to be Mtufied " with thi. letter, without the bill, of exchange, fo^.the preeeot, and in con.e<,uenco of the •3«»» ^'"8 "overdrawn, Lent the account to Mr. Park the next day.'" The«,. then, aro the .tatementa of both part.e.. MrBrydge. wa. not pre«,nt at the meeting, and only heard ^.rd. of the arrangement. Mr. Reyno d. al«, 1. t J. in croM-exaniinatlon : " When I «.nt the letter of ^6th December, 1 .uppo«d w« were "Se Great Wctem to the extent of the loan. A portion^ Or.t loan wa. then unexpended, and the "ieof the .econd loan had not jet been drawn for. The^XcrM.ion '•"^^V^^.^'T'':" "^Tn « SLi only to .ho account overdue ; but I intended thi. leCr to cover eye.ytV.nR to the '^-^-^j^^^^^- "When the negotiation, with M. Rom aro«>, I wa. acting .. tho director and agent of tho Gre.V " Western Railway." Now thi., gentlemen, i. tho tr.n»ction about the letter .n quest.on. and there are two ZZ ca««« given for the Writing of the letter. In how far tho corrcpondenco -J-'V»'" ^^ /^^^ >«» Lr. upon thi. Subject, a. I have already remarked. I muat itprMont leave yoa to and de^ If n i^nything upon which you require to make your mindl ^r, if you a.k for .t, .t .hall ^fl^-J^-J bTthrjlinted out tho diacrepanL between the evidenc^the witncMC. on the one ..dc. and the w.tncMe. r he oth«. A. to the reat of the «.W voce teatimony, il not apprehend thj^t tho w.tno»0. conflict Mch other at all. A great deal of tho evidence in thi. <^ i. pf a documenUry ehan,cter and you muat judge Zi the papen. al«,^here the truth lie., and to w^om the credit i. to be given. But bearde. th..jthere are we or two other matter, to which I. hould draw your attentiojK Mr. Biydge. and Mr Royiold. both deny,, , It th y had .ny authority what«M,ver to bind the Great vMb^ Railway ComW- On the other hand, be e have been n«olution. and dooumenU put in. .bowing wh|ttook place in EngUnd, and . v.ew to W^ve that what McMr.. BrydftC. and Reynold, did in Canada they did with the MnoUon and ooncurrence of C ly wLm th'had LI apt out.' Now, 1 ah.ll gtve to you a .erics of qUesLon. .n, .n effect pr^y much what Mt. Camaxon ha. submitted to the Court, and I .halUSsk jou to your an.Wer. to thom in writing. Fir.tly— To wbich Company wo. the credit j and Milwaukee ? or .was th« credit given upon t' of either Company ? ■ • .. ^^ : "Beoondly— Had*'MeM«. Reynolds and Brydges llnanoialanangciMats ferih«1*Btroit and Milwauk* TKlxSntof £250,000 sterling, agreed to be loaned waukee Company, and was tho account of the Coram of auoh authority ? I have already said (added the t&ey bad sUch authority or not, .,_jl _.„ :_^„._».^_^ _ Bank— to tho Groat Westemi or to the Detroit lility of Messrs.. Brydges .nd fie^nolds, irroipeotive from the Great Western Company V make on account of the Great Western Company to Western Compony to the Detrwt and Mil- ' ittcd and conducted by them in pursuance 'e) that it is for you to determine whetb«t m '*Hw"' "^£ .f^' - f-f-i - fJ7 ' 'ff -TW. iF* . . } ,JR- '^. giT«i by tiM Bank to Um Omtl WMtora ConpMy ob Um limilation UtwMo tk« (mtUm m to the quMtion of liability, 18M, WM given, aithar to tk« aiteat of tho aaoooil loan of aoooank oontiniiad on aftar tkat feiiod^in Iha tamo mannar aa * Mr. M. 0. OaMBMN— I aubailt, my Lard, tkat It #iat«l ba lapropar to pot tka ^tiaatlan io tkia vay. Tka onljr qnaation to ba •ubmittad to tba Jarj ia, whatkar, an band ought to ba inbmittad to tha jury ia ttlta— Waa tha money e«iM,dad on the Ur«at Weatam proper or iU worka f Tka learned Juoaa-^Tkava oaa bOo do«b| on dtia poiaP Tha monay wu not axpandad on tka Oiaat eatem Railway. Mr. iKTUia (aftara briar panaa)— Will yonr Lordaklp be good anongh to aUar tke aspraaaioai in tka laat joaation. Tka learned Jodos— No. I tkiiUi it oanaoaaaaiy. Baeanaa wa all know tkat in point of laat tba ratnagr waa not aspeadad on tke Qreat Weatarn. . ° Hon. J. H. CAMKkioN-^Laara tka matter to tka Jury. If their auwar ia of no ooaaequenoa than tka qnaation falla to tke ground. Tha learned Jupoi^Aa a BuMar of fket, tha money wu not'ao expended. Hon. J' U. OAnanoa — And tkat ia tha raaaon why you oan employ no other ezpraarioD than ^nuf tha . banafit of tba azpanditaro." y Tka jury tkan retired, and after having been abaant for a abort tima, retnmad into oout with tha foUewiaf written anawera to the queatioDB aubinitted to them by Hia Lordahip >-• ' Fint— To the Oraat Weatam. \ Seoond— They kad the authority, and tha aoeonnt wu opened and eon^Mted t>y tham in pttraoaaea of that authority. Third-Tba Bank had no BOtloa that Media. Brydgae and Reynolda exceeded their authority. . Vonrtb— Thara wu no limitation, and the aoconnt wu oontinuad in tha nme manner u before tha latter of tba 16tk Daeambar, 1868, wu giTco. • . - Fiak-Tkeydid. ■ , ■ ' \ ■ ^ ■£;. [■■■: .'■ .-^V^ '■- iTke learned JifooB aeoordingly antarad a Tordiot for th« plabtifi, anliiaal to ba aatarad for ntoh aouittat u ihall be aaoaitainad npoB referanoa u agraed 00. /^« The following it a further endonement on the mcord bjr the leartaed Judge :— Jt ie afrctb hj tkt CoubmI fbr th« partiM !■ (hU owm, Ibkt tk* ■nMBt for whieh • vardiot thall b« •ntortd, if Ika Flaintiffa •hall b* mtillwi to a vardiot, shall ba aaoartainail bj a rafaraa or rafaraca to bo ehoaan \tj tba paiiiaa rMpootivaly in Term or otbarwiaa ; and if tha partial cannot agraa apon a panon a paraon* for that purpoae, than it ii agrood botwcan tha partial that I ihall noniinata tha refonta a* apon a eoropulaorj rafaranoa. The rafaree to hava power, at tha requaat of aithar partj, to report upon the different elaaaoi of tha aeeo«nt, Mob aa amounta paid upon oooponi, upon ohaqnea, upoa proniaaory notoa or otherwiaa ; aad to draw •p a ttatoBant of (hota upon aaoh for the opioioa of tba Court. ■■ ■ i In Easter Ternii 1862, Irving obtained a Rule Nut, in the following terms : — THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF CANADA, , pLAiNTirn, ' ' - .▼.. . .■ ■■■ _ ' . THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, DirBNDANTI. JBIuttr JVrm, 26th Victoria, Tht Nineltenlh Day of May, in lAt Ttar nftmr lord owe ihmuand liyht . hundrtil and ujrty-heo. Jl ia- (Drbercb that the plaiDtiffi* do, upon notioo of this Rule to be giTon to them, their Attorney or Aftants, shew cau«e why the Verdiot in thia cauae should not be lot aside, and a Non-suit entered, pursuant to leare reserved at the Trial, on tlTo points following : — 1. The papera ^ud dooumenta put in shew the claim to ba for moneys advanoed for the pnrposea of tho 'Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company ; and tho ohequea on which the advanoca wera made, do not in iiny way indicate tbeni to be on acoount of the Defendants. From December, 1857, lo Deoember, IK58, ani from December, 1868 to 1859, the cheques put io have engjKved headings of the Detroit and Milwaukee llailwsy Company, and they purport to be signed by officers of that Company, the notion having been (^nod upon an implied assumpsit for money lent, cannot be aupported apop that kind of evidence. 9.^Tb«raoeonBt pnt io ahewa that the chkrges for 1858 have all been met by payments after tha| period; and thai after that time, thi^ is, aaer the leth Deoember, 1858, the letter must bo treated and looked upon asa goaimnty, mM ahottld be sued on M Bueh. '. * ' \ ^ '' ' ^ ■■,■-■'' .■ :'.■ ■■■.■'■•■'" . »■■ . : , 8. No abtio%oan be maintainod on that letter— '"'.'■■ J I lit; Becauae it itnnqprtain whether it covers past transaotions, or eitenda to fatnre advaneaa > . Ji' pastJ|nn«abtioBa, it is void aa not containing a ooosidoratien on the faoe of it ; jf to .^;^ « «OMrpii(rtV»d fi«tar»i it iroald alio ba told. * - r . -m'^.-:. ■ ■■»...■' ■ r * -^^fW^" " f y . J 96 . i^. 'IP Hmrth—Ja not dSreoting tbe Jury that tho letter of Mcsaieaia Biydgcs ond Rcjnoldi, of the 10th Deoembet, 1868, put in eTidenoe, was » doenment beyond the scope and authority of thoso 'gentlemen to givo onbehalf of the Defendants, andHot binding on the Defendant*— that that inatrumont was void as a guan^nl«o diaeloaing no oonsideratiofi, and leating it in doubt whether past ^verdnnght or futiire overdraught, or both were inteitded to be guaranteed ; also in not directing the Jury that that letter was in law, on its face, a colla- tend and not a principal undertaking ; and in failing to give the Jury any directions as to tho legal effect of that document, and in not directing that it would only extend and apply to the overdraught then existing, and not to advailoea made thereafter/fnd that that overdraught having been paid, as appeared by the Plaintiff's Partioulars, the liability under that letter was at an end ; also in not directing the Jury that, assuming that instrument to have been within the scope of the poWera of the said Brydgea and Reynolds, it must, by tho terms thereof, govern the parties, and over-ride all previous verbal arrangements, and that, it in terms showed that the PhunUfls and the wjiter of that instrument regarded* the Detroit and Milwaukee Company as tho principal debtor, and the Defendants as sureties Or guarantors only ; and the action not having been brought on that letter, must fail. ..> . _ \I /liyi'A— In submitting to the Jury questions, the'finding on which could not provide the Court with facts sufficient to determine the legal rights and positions of the parties, by applying the law to tho case, that the finding on the first question that credit was given to the Defendants, would not, without finding further whether the money was received and used by the Defendants, enable the Court to decide whether the case comes within the authority of Plm v. The County Council of Ontario, or tho oliass of cases where corporations aro held liable on exoeuted contracts though not under seal ; and tho question submitted with this question to the Juiyy whether the Defendantsf^" reaped tho benefit " of the moneys advopccd by the PlaintilDb, was altogothor too wide under thi facts to enable the Court to apply the law, it appearing from the evidence that the completion and efficient working of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway benefitted the Defendants, as it increased their traffic, and rendered the aeourity they held, through their trustees fbr tho moneys advanced by them, mora valuable, and so moneys expended toward* the above object, the Defendants vronld reap the benefit of in one sense, but not in a sense |p- attach legal liability to theUk «i;^'^||;t|)ontraot, void for want of a seal, as bringing them within the class of oases above roferrod to, because thotroit and Milwaukee - Company, not embracing' the sum claimed by tho Plainti|Si; the benefit of-the expenditure was thus onlji.ineideotal and collateral, and not direct, for on pay- ment of the money secured to them they could not re^\n ^r hold any lien on tho Detroit and Milwaukee Company for the moneys claimed, in this acdon. \^ Sð— In not directing the Jury what kind of benefit would be necessary to make tho Defendant's liable, and in not expiessly directing then^ that benefits resulting from an increased traffio and better security for tho loan of the Defendants to the Detroit and Milwaukee Company would not bo the kind of benefit to make thciu Irable; and in leaving it to tho Jury, as if such benefit wodld bo suffibieht to sustain this action against the Defendants. • . ' "* ; 09 &rm(A— In not directing the Jury that, assuming the DiAsctors in England had authorized Messrs. Biydgosand Reynolds to obtain moneys from the Plaintiffs to bo used on tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company's works and business, such authority would be insufficient and void, as being beypiid the power of the IMrecton, not being authorised by the Shareholders, and that tho Defendants could not be bound thereby ; and in not directing that the expenditure of money by the Defendants on tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway was a matter beyond the scope and powOr of the Defendants, except to an extent authorised- by a vote of the Shareholders, and so illegal; and the lending of money by the Plaintiffs to the Deifendants, or to their officers, for this purpose, was illegal, and could not, if actually received by the Defendants be recovered by the lender ; and in not directing that the power of the Defendants was simply to'^se their funds, not to borrow, for the. (AMU wHi aomr omir nk I) -..«!•■ 1.0 SK |U S Itt, |20 ll^l at ;^ vIPPUBD M/G^ W ^.^£Sr^ IMM UM 'J«J* % 100 ''..■**■■■ parpOM of proTiding fiiocb for the Detroit aojil MOwrakee lUilwKy ; and In aol direeting that the Defendants oonld only borrow npon their bondf or other instnuient nnder leal, and onlj for the pwpoaei of their owi|/ Railwaj. ' ■ And which aaid reoepUon'^of improper endence waa aa follows : — Isi In allowing the minutes of the Plaintiff's Board 6f IMreotors, on the appUeation of Hesaiean Brydges and Bciynolds for a credit of ^100,000 to be read— tha» application having been in writing, the inteipietiktioa ptat 9i it by the PlaiBtifSi oonld not be material ; and the minntea of their proceedings, not oommnnioated in tehns to the B^hdanta, oonld in no manner be eridence for the Plaintilb against the Befendants, and ahonld not hftve .^n reeeiTcd. 2nd. In receiriag the statement of Directors of the Plaintiff's Board, as to what Mr. Ross, the Phintiff 's Cashier, said as to what had taken pUujc between him and Mr. Reynolds, at the Roasin Honse, Toronto, when thoy arranged for opening the aocoimt, die subject of this action. 8rd. In allowing dbouments tp be put in evidence, as copies of the proceedings of the Defendant'a London Board of Direoton, without its apptering that such documents wen in ftot oopies of the original proeeedings — the only eridence of their being oopies, or that there ever ,were si^oh documents, being that of the Defendant's ^. ,. Secretary, that tiie sud copies were sent to this connti7 bythe Offioen of the Company in Bn^and, as such ^^ oopies, but whether they were oopies or not he did not know. • *■• X Committee of the Shareholders of id«the managen&vt of its affiurs, ~ Iway pomjpany, and the reply 4th. In allowi|^g to be received in eridence certain ohaigea nude ^ the Oreat Western Railway Company against the Directors of the Coi embradng, among other matters, its relation irith the^Detroit and J^i of the IHrectors hereto, and a letter of Mr. Biydgea on the same 5th. And in allowing to bo reoeiyed as eridence a oertun wri&ng, known as a Baqk Statement, made by the Manager of the Branch Bank, at Hamilton, for transmission io the Head Office oC-tiie Phunti&, shewing how the Phuntiffii had made certain entries in snoh Stktsment of the Detroit |j|l Milwaukee Railway Company's Acoonnt. S*." IKvib tifOt, in the meantime, all fhrther prooeedin/^ be stayed. ■ . ■ . " ■■ \ ■ :' ^ \ ... .::.^-; . ;■■"■' N, ■' ■'*■;# ■ . .. ,-■ ^ V ;'" ' ;■ ■ '■..>-,(.., . ■. : , ■ • . ■ ■' ? ■■■' ■ ' . '■ ■ ■ ■ ; - '■'•'■''■■ ' ■'^'' ■- y' ■■ ■- ". ■" "" '*■ '."■ ■ :. ■ y ' ' \ ■' ' :'" ■- "*. ' ■.,-;-— ■ . i' '."""-■" ■- '■' " ■ ~ . -V . - : ■-. .. ■■* . '-'';-■■ """ " " ~ ■ ". :--■--:' - .» ■ ; . ' . : ^ . ': , ■■ •• . ' ' t - * - .• • SL * /. wmmm -"TMIilrti ||k*4|M|^g^|^^ ^^^^^ Se U.""_ 1! -IS! f^BBS%.— - ...— ^_ l^te^^^I— ^»|^^^W ^ "A - .» ^r . , ■ ■ , . Z' * * ■ * . '~\' '■■-■,.' • ■ "* ••• ■ '• if-. 1 ■/ ■- ■ ,■ .'■ y > < • " . / ■ * 1 J, - • . 1 - . ' t '■ ■■■-■' •>■ .' •V' ' '■ . • ' ' • • ■■■ . ■■■ . •. ' 'c. ' ;> ■•■.' / '..-/^ - - - -. '-r— - ■;-. ^- "--.., : > -■ »' ... .,_ _ '.._ .:^-......L.:^:; . ., '-— ■ . ."*?"■ ■- V • ' ■ .'■» ".'■■■■ •, ■ ' " ■ .'■' * ■ ■ .'■ -. ■- ' ■' . ■ '■ ■ , ' «■.■ ■ '. ■' ' ,*-V • '■ ■' i ■ ■ .■■■ r; '. .— ■' : ■ : ' :. ■ '-..•.■ - ■ '. ' ' ■ .?..■■. o ■-' ■ "-■.*" • " % .\s, ■ ^. ■ • ■■■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ^' - . ■ ■ ■ . " ' ' ■ -'. ''■ ■ '■ " .. ' ■ . ■ v ■ , . ■ m •V S, ■■'■■ ' " ■ ■ ■ ' '.-"V 'f: i , X/'-- -■..■.-■ ' ■ l' •' ,. "v: ->i ■■■■■■■■, .' ' ■ '■ ^ -.' \y- ■■..-. -^, . ■ ; :■ ■. ■'. . '.^.. '''-.■'. -, " - * '■ -' \ ■ . . ■ ■ • ■ '-^■■■^■-Sj-'^:^^ ■';"' ■ - ■ ■ ' " ' ■ ,- f >: - \ / % ■■■',-■. ■ ■ ' .■■■- \. ^^"^^';- ; ■■■■ ■ ■ "l X « V - •■ : "' • , ,;: -\ ■ . ■=! \ ' •. h \ ^ : 1- . " -'. ••- , \ ' ^ > w ■ * ■ ~ +* ^'«1* * i,h^ '-' v^* \ \ ~ —'' ~~\. iij„r" ~ '^^hZi^XL. fT if-fr. f"iiTi"ii^^^H^ ' * ->>*'*^^ iii^ffiK^^'*^"i^^^^M^^i^^^^i^'^^^*^^^^^i^ \ "" ' J^t^^fis^^^ ^^^^S^^^U^B^^^H^nB^MHHSl^^K ^MH| ^^ffSS^SHS^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^M^^^r ' r^n^^H "V "\ y *«i':'d •"■■/-■ V ■ .., ■ ' ":. - ''■■.. .- y. , ■ r-'\ r ■\- > . -■>« *• , '"^ '. /.- ^■• J ^ ■ \ ' . ■ - ■■- -, '■ ■»■■■■ S' . * ■ > - ! ■ (*■ #■ ^^■ ■"■■'■- , J . - '■ - ■ / : ■"'". \ ""*• ,. f- /N . * « 'tV • P Ik ■ p '■''/■' I -.V- \. -A THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF CANADA VI, THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. *> '/t- ■f. A#^EJSrDlX. sfferal (L) Resolution passed at a Gefferal Meeting of the proprietors of the Great Western p^'iJ^I"^ Railway Company, held in London, Engt^ul, On the 8th October, 1857, and at the Company's Oilices in Hamilton, l^p'er Canada, on Monday, the 2Hd November, 1857. T" -7,- \, "Thitthe Directors be authorized to advance to tho Detroit and Milwaukee llaiiwny Company such an liinoant, not exceeding Jpl5Q,000 sterling, as may bo necessary to ensure the completion of the llailway across Michigan, in connection with tho Great Western Ilailwny of Canada; such advance being made as a temporary loan, and on sufficient security ; the expenditure of- the same bci^g subject to the control of the (J rcat Wostctu Railway Company." ' '\ , (2.)■ RI:80LUTlow passed at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Great Westeiai p,,,.^, ,^^. Railv^r^y Company, held in London, England, on the 7th October, 1858, and i"»«t"ti*.. at the Compatty's Offices in Hamilton, Upper Canada, on Tuesday, tl^ 2im^^^^ - Noyembef, 1858. "That the Direotoia be authorised to advance to the Detroit a1id Milwaukee Railway Company a further anm of money, not exceeding £f|^QOO sterling, io bo isxppnded by and under tho control of tho Great Wcsteni Bailwajr Board of Dirtffiton." \ y'* ^ir - -^— 4v-^- >* / (8.) "^ ni»d by tha opoiriiiji ACT from Report qf the Directors oF t)jo Great Western Railway Company of ■* Canada, nubmilted to the General Meeting of Shareholders, held in London, England, on 7th Octpber, 1858, and in JIamilton, Upper Canada, on 2nd November,- 1858. ./ , ■dvince of «750,000, or/ 150,000 .lorlinK.jiutl.priMd bjrthe proprwi..™ in Octolcr, 1867, to Moure C or the Detroit And Mrlwaukoo Knitwiy, hu» not heen (,ui(e expended, but fjfc eniiro line wu opened through loVLeko MiohiK*D on the 0th September, m^. ConsidefliblQ progrew he. been tatde toward* relieving that\Conipanjr from it. financial difflcultiea. The local traffio, althoUKh fallinR abort of oar •ntioipationa owing to theWrcat depret.ion of buMnew, promiae. well. . No tbrooijh traffio of importiiDoe haa yet been carried, but ooWthat the lino ia opened througboui, jour Dircotor* believe thut it will ooon loouro n remunerative f nd inpreaoing t^ffio Whieh will materially benefit tho reoeiptaof the Great Wcatom Ilnilway. The providing of proper autlon nnl accommodaliun nnd rolling rtock, the bullasiing, fencingand finiihing of the line and the payment of tho deferred claima on tho Detroit and Milwaukee Co.Hpany, must now, as stated in tho lut report be provided for. Father assiaUnce fVom this Company will bo necessary for these putposes ; and, after full Donsideration of the v>luo of the connexion to the Great Western Itailway, as likely largely to add to the wnount of it» through traffic, tbe Directors have decided on recommending the Shareholder* tj authoriiem fanher loan of / 100,000 sterling, on terms aimifar to those of the former loan^' '• Prom the programiU furnished by our representatives in Canada of tho mode in which they purposed carrying out tho views of romiae held out >n the last Report,and bringing this lino into immediate communication with upwards of 1,800 milea of railway ceotSring in Milwaukee. I ' ; --^ ,, ' " Recent accounta have shewn a marked progress in the Detroit and Milwaukee traffio receipts, which •ugur well for the futuirfl; and the Directors, after carefully considering its financial position, and the prosMct of the advantage which the Great Western Railway must speiflily dorTve from tho connexion, now^jince the line has been opened throughout, hayo no hesitation in proposing the adoption of the courso rocoinmended above. .-,,.■■■,■ . " Although in snch transactions pccuniory gain, in interest, on tho money so advanced, should ne<%r be the motive of action, yet your Directors have been careful to secure • corresponding rate to the advantage conferred on the Detroit and Milwaukee Company in making such advances. ° , "The total cost of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, when finished, With a fairamonnt of rollinr a^ook, will not be more than $18,000 per mile, or £8.600 sterling, and, auppoaing the traffic before tU edd of another year to amoant to £24 per mite a week--our present estimate-this Railway al^ould yfeld upwards of 6 per oent. on ita share capital, after paying interest on the whole of iu bonded debt." —■-s ■ /■• . ( 4* ) llMOtUTioif pMied at a General Meetlirg of the Propriotora of the Great #c«tern|:|Wj^ j Railway Company, held at the Company's OITiccs in IUmilton,jjUpppr Canada, on Friday, the 17th May, IHOl :— " It W«t MMWed, reforrlnR to iJuJ ■rranRomonU nocoi-Mry to bo iniida in conwquciico of tlio forccJoiji^et of th« the MortK«KC» held by the Company on the Detroit ind Milwaukee llailway. » RfBolvd—" That the Loan of X'250,000 aterlioif, with accrued intero«t, remain the Third Moijikago upon the Detroit and Milwaulcee Hallway, carr,inKCumulaaYeinterci.t at the rat< of ten per cent, peij^nnum, at agreed when the loans woro fint granted" ^ 4 . r=^=*fe: MINUTES OF MEETINGS or ENGLISH AND CANADIAN ^|^RDS OF DIRE/pTOUS or GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. 72 f; If Canadian Board, 2Ut iJlctobeTy 1853. ( 6. ) Fll»<>bv ■?> I'laliittih. I, rnESBNT ; C. J. BRi'DGES, Esq., in the Chair, i. BUCHANAN, Esq., W. P. MACLAREN, Esq., 11. JUSON, Es^^, II. MqKINST^Y, Esq., G. S. TIFFANY, Esq. OAKLAND AND OTTAWA RAII/WAY. Retolved—" That this Board view with Rrcat satisfaction the spirited^ progress of tlie Oakland and«Htaw» Line from Detroit west; viewing it as a decidedly sound enterprise^ the being 6arricd out of which was evidently only • matter of time, and the construction of which has always been looked to as o most important outletofourtnTelaDdtralBoaithe western end of this Railway." '■ i ■-^-. vfe.-. > K.^' riMbT ruimiih. p- Cajtadiaw Doahd, nth November, 1853. C. J. IIRYP0K8. Rbq,, WM. P. McLAUEN, KnQ., n. JU80N, EiKj,, FBmuTt ■X ROBERT W. IIAtlRIS, EiQ., in (ho ChaJr. 74. (». 8. TIFFANY, E«q., IIKNUY McKINSTRY, Kiq., I. lUrCUANAN, Esq. OAKLAND AND OTTAWA RAILWAY. H, N. Walker Efq., Presid^jnt of the Oakland and Ottawa Railway, had an interview With the Board in ralalion to that line, and explained the poaition and pros- pects of that Company. ^enrin/'lf'"^"."?" "•'» P^*'"! paving frcqucB.Ijr had under il. con.iden..ion the great imporUnce of fj u'..?C . r "r '""'*"''"' ''^''^ »'■ '^^ »'•'« »' ^V'-o""""' "'•-'by Ae extensive eommercl Of the Grand Rivor andH. nmerou. bnibchc., «a, bo drawn o»cr the Ibo of our JUilwav 76. • ° > ■ ■ . ^ ' ^ RrM~" That in the opinion of thU Board, the line noloctod by the Oakland and OtUwa»., Companjr between thoae poinU, i. c.Ie»l.,ed to .ccuro thi. v.ry desirable objeet iZt'^Mnmlr^^^I tompiiny to »ccuro the early completion of their line. ""» o» tnai 77. • >- /?«o/,W--" That in addition f iho immense value of the Oakland and Ottawa Line as an «ntl«i .„ i"^ rfbe"d"o . "'V°"-"r-' «'—''' «"•' " -« prove a most' profitable inveatmTnt, m" e' paniout ,' n?i! 1 th f "°H '"- ""? ?" *""'"'"' ''^ ^''^'"''•^ • ""'" •' ""l "'•'y ••»-« K"«t pleaau™ ip reeoZenJ^ Ing >t to the fuvourBble of their IVionds in England, and to eapiulist. gcneJilly. • "«o«"»«»<^ (7.) FIMb* PUiatinik ^AKAWAN Board, 30/A March, 1856. ■ ■ ■ PHEBfNT : i ^ W. HARRIS, Pa^DBNT, in the Chair. ' W. LONQSDEN, ViOE-pRESiDJiNT. o t HRvnhpa *r rv H McKINSTRY W.DICKSON. H. WOKINSTRY, COL. GOURLAY, THE MAYOR OF LONDON. ( DETROIT AND MILWilUKEK HAII.WJ ApoPTiNO tho rccommendttion of a m^tiiiK /nr the Directors on ilie 16(h initlant, whert a (Iq)iitulton from the D«lh)it, and /MiUuiikco Uuilwiiy\(\)mpnn)r, emiRiHting . /of II. A. Walker, President, U. liarttion, ami earning; aaliaructory tllviJoiuU, aiij tliat ilio cxloniiio Ilavoti, oppooito Mitwaukcoi will open up, •« tributary to tlio Ori'nt Woittorn Hallway, tant (liHtrivt of country, boiiiJca druwiiif; a luT;;allirou}ih trnflio from Wixcuiiiiin ntij tho KcRolutioim panned on tho 17lh uf Nuvcnibor, 185^1, and and Milwaukee ituilway Company, pruviti); n very vulunblc tritjAtnry to thix Uuilway, Jiu pupport and countebanoo of oil parties uitcrontod in tho (J erted iil thia opinion by their czporionco of tho IraOio wbioh ainoo it opened, anJ|M||ii,thfir experience thus acquired of frontier on tho DctHRHver." * KW. HARRIS, BRYDGES, MANAOiito Directoi 0. J H. McKINSTRY, THE MA 734 their cxpremiiun of cadfidonco in tho Detroit of tbiit lino to (irand a very rich and iiiipor- ho Weal— now eonfirni ond OH Ruch, denvrving Wentorn Railway, an« (holionrd aroMrcn^lh- bccn tok«n on tho < I rojtt Wcatqrn Railway great bnsincH which f9W8 from the AiiHsricnn U (8.) ■%' AJtAtHAtf BOARP, 20fb July, 1855. Fllodbr PlalDtl/b. 4 tKSiDRMT, in the Chair. COL. OOURLAY, THE MAYOR OV llAMILTON, ►R OP LONDON. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY. The Managing Director reported tIAt he -had been applied to by the President and Directors of the Detroit rand Milwaukee Railway Company to obtain fqr them some assistance froiii thia Company to enable them to conniplete their ■ Line. ■' RtmAvtd—" That the Managing Director be requcated to visit the line of the Detroit a«.d Milwaukee Railway, ind after carefiillj enqtiirins into the prcMOt p«|>tion |md future proepecU of the line, to make report thereon in writing to this Board." I . . V 1 riMhT PtalalUlb. 74S Canadiait Hoard, 3rd of Auguitt 1855. MUMIIITI R. W. HARRIS, Pbuipint, In (h« Chtlr. 0. J. BRYTKlRfl, Manauino Dircotob. COL. UOUHLAY, ir. McKINHTRY, TIIK MAYOil (JV HAMILTON. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEK RAILWAY MANAOINO DIRECTOR'S ^ REPORT. ^ Thi Report of the Miniging Director in relation to the Djptroit and Milwaukee Rail, way Company, waa read ; and it waa — Rt$olvtd — " That * oopj of thia R«port be furwarJod to the Lortdoa Dirtoton, with • raoonmndattoD that thay afford any aaaiitaooa they can to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company," and " That (hry alio bo infurmed of the atrong opinion which thia Board entortaloa of the great IniportaBM of proceeding with the ijaruia Line, ao aa to anaure i(a coupletiua at ao early date." (10.) FIMbr PUlntlA. ''■.*"^iK Enolish Board, February 26lh, 1856. pbubnt': ,^ .- J. R. smith, EiQ., M.P., In the Chair. RODERTOILL, Ksq., # ALEXANDER BBATTIE, Esq., PETER BUCHANAN, Eaq., RICHARD JUSON, Eaq. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE COMPANY. The Heads of^a Traffic Agreement with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway having been prepared, pursuant to Board Minute, No. 585, and having been signed by Mr. H. N. Walker, President of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, on behalf of the Company, in double original ; it was— JteBOlvtd—" ThMt Mr. J. B. Smith, Chairman of (his Board, be empowered to sign the same on behalf of the Engliah Board of the .Qreat Weatcrqi of CanadikRailwayj and it waa aigned acoordingly, and one original WM delirered to Mr. H. N. Walker." o:) '* ' r (^ «\ 9 CANAiHAif B0A»Oe«8/* Mareh, IM«. ai.) PUMKNT J. 8. RADCUFF, ViC»-T»Mi»mT. II, McKINHTUY, H. W. IIAIUIW, ruBiioBBT, imh«{;h«ir. u. J, imYiHji':a,wi«A«Mi«o uimcton, W. PICK80X, 928 COI.. OOlIIiLAY, TIIK MAVOU QV HAMILTON, TIIK WARDlfN UF MIDDLEHKX. • DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE. __, ami Till Head* of an Agretmient entirod Into botwMit tho Directors of this Company in England and Iho DiwclorHof tho Detroit and Milkwaukce Railroad Company, to eatablish a Working Tr^flic Arrangument bolwecu the two Companjea, upon *^ condiliona and for reaaona Ihtrein stated, haying been relerrwl to the Com- pany's Solicitor by the Managing Committee, on the 26th initlant, to draw up an Agreement, embodying tho«e conditions, the following Agreement, prepared in conformity therewillil was Bubniitted : — . ^ An Agmmtnt made lh» 28/A dn/ o/ Ufa^htA^D. 1H50, btlirttn tkt Dttmit iiitl MiUanket lioiltcoj, pan^, {of M« aa/« o/ Mlchi'-jan, onKt^jIti UnUtd StotMn/ America,) of ihe one jiarl, and Ik* < Weitern Itailteo^ Compa»jf,(i>/ Canada,} «f ike. ollkfr pari:— c " Whonu an ■grecment b««rinR date t»io 20lh day of Fobruarj, A. I>r ISfiO; !»•• been nude and iignfd by and between John Henjamin Smith of the City of London in EnRland, Finiiuire, Chairman of the Kn^llah Boaid of Directora of the •« id Great W?«tem lUilway Company. aotloR for an«l on behnlf 4if the aaid Oreal Weatern Railway Company, and Henry N. Walker of the City of Detroit in tho State of Michigan, one of the United SUtea of America, FJKjuire, Treahlent of the aaid Detroit and Milwaukee Railway ('ompaiiy. netinR for and on behalf ot tho aaid Detroit and Mi'waukoo Railway Company, which aRrtiement ia in tho wurda following t " Heada of an agrccniont propoaod to be entered into between the Great Weatem, Railway Company ami the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, which agreement ahall be^rmally entered into and extended into a binding traffic arrannonicnt under tho corporate ae^l of both CompCtaica aa aoon aa ■conveniently may be, tad to urry out in good faith tl>o following ofcjccla : — " JfYrifc— The object of the Detroit afid Mllwankee RaHwiay Cotnpany 1%^- negotiate among the Share- holdara of the Oraat Weatern Railway or otherwise one million dollara of Bonda in puiijuance of the proapectui " lodged in the Company'a office, and the covenartta of the agreement to b« entered into are contingent npDirccto» ahall retain io their hanUa and invest at^he current '/ ^ '■ ■- ■ t ■ % '9 •->-<*■- -% " ' * '^^^^«fff«^pr*¥^ HIBJ^SHB* iwpp^ifi'P'vrttfjB'r.j' ;:" '' \ ».■• 10-. ■ .; ■ :'^ ■-■■;■■:•.. nte of interest on good Mcoriliei infficient of the proceeds of the said Bonds so negotiated to cover the flnl ' six months interest due and payable to the Bondholders, proper aqcounU to be reiiderod to the Detroit and . Milfankee Railway Company. " &eond.—A\\ aceoanta of indebtedness shall be sUted and nettled aa far as practioable once in each month, |md allmoniea as is here provided for p'itid over or aoooonted for upon such settlement. u Third, The two roinpanie^will receive and transport over all or part of their jrcspeotive lines all pas- sengon and freight of every sort and description upon terms equally fovourablo as each Company transporta : pa».songep or freight of a like description fVom any source whatever. " foMr^A.— The Detroit and Milwaukee Company shall not, during tho contiauanceof this agreement, viz., until the said DBnda are redeemed in any way directly or indirectly, countenance or promote any line of llail- way, or be interested in any lino of steamboats or sailing vessels intended or resulting in diverting the traffio, wholly or partially, from any part of the said Great Western Railway. - " Fifth.— The Detroit and Milwaukee Company intend to sconre to the Great Western Railway, by virtue of this agreement, so far aa it can control the aaiiie, the 'sole and exclusive monopoly of transport over the - Great Western Railway, of all passengers and freight brought over il« line going East, and therefore will not enter into any traffic or ticketing or checking arrangements with any other Itailway or Steamboat Company, . which is or which may be hereailer in operation and intended to divert the traffio from the Great Western Company. No runners or agents, or placards or adtertisements, to be permitted by either Company tu the detriment of the 6ther. * _ . " Sixth.'— Thia agreement being made in good faith, any additional clauses of a nature to cany out tho intention, shall be admitted, and provision made for arbitration, and for damages, in case of infraction or vio- lation; And whereas the terms of the said, agreement have been approved and adopted by the Di^^tors of the said respective Companies. Nowthisagreementwitnesseth that the said Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Com- ■\ pany for themselves, their successors, and assigns, covenant with the said Great Western Railway Company, , 'their successors and assigns, that when and so soon as seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the Bonds * o'f the said Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company ahall have been negociated, as' contemplated byithe above- recited agreement, they, the aaid Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, shall and will enter into a perfect and formal agreement, executed by and under the corporate seal of the Detroit an'9F Milwaukee Railway Com- pany, with all neeeasary elanses and covenants therein contained for the better and mo^e effectually aai^ perfbctl/carrying into effect the objects and intent of the above-recited agreement, in all things to be in * accordancft^ therewith, done, and observed, by and on behalf of the said Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company; in)d that, until auch further and perfect agreement shall have been so executed, the object, purport, terms, clauscsj^and intent of the above-recited agreement, shall. and will, well, truly, and foithfuUy be observed, perforbed, fulfilled and kept by and on behalf of the aaid Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, thcjir successors and aasigiis, and 'the said Great Western Railway Company, for themselves, their successora and assigns, covenant with the said Detroi^nd Milwaukee Railway Company, their snocessors and assigns, '<, that they, the said Great Western Railway (^ompany, shall and will, by and under the corporate seal of the said Great Weatem Railway Company, make and execute snob more perfect and formal agreement, so as aforesaid to \e made and execqted by the said Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, with all necessary clauses and c6venants therein to be contained, upon the part of the said Great Western Railway Company, for the better and more effectually, and' perfectly earrying into effect the object and intent of the said above firstly recited agreement in all things to be in acAordance therewith, done, and observed, on behalf of the said Great 'Western Railway Company; and that until such further and perfect agreement shall have been so mutually executed by the said respective Companies, the objeet, purport, terms, clauses, and intent of the above firstly- recited agreement shall be well, truly, and faithfully observed, performed, fupied, and kepi by and on behalf ofthosaidGreat Western Railway Company. $, . , -iT.^ f>^' •\,. «._ m \ r ■ .^ f. %- *** • A ' ■^ ^ . . ' -'■-« T?^^ "ff ■"•'• Pi9"'-f^^r% ^n^-T^.'* "In witness whereof the said roBpoollve Compamos liavo cauneJ tlicso presents to bo exccutoJ by »nd under the corporate seal of the said respective Companies in tlio muiincr required by tlio kw us applicable to sneh respective Companies, the day and yea* urgMbovo written. "Signed, sealed, and delivered, by the said fictroit and Milwaukee -v Itaitwiiy Company, at the City of. Detroit, in the State of Michi- V gan, in the presence of , V . '' \^^ "Signed, sealed, and dolivcrcd, by Qto eaid Great ^Vcslern llailwoyv ' ~ ,. _ > Company, at the City of Uqijiilton, in thtt Province of Cauadii, in ^ "^--^.. [ L. 8. ] the presence of ^^ ' [ I' S. ] The foregoing j\greem6iit having been read, was approved, and tho seal of tho Coni- pany ordered to bo aflixed thereto in duplicale, and forwarded to Detroit, for- execution by the l^etroit and Milwaukee Company. ■ .-. . ■■■ vv « . English BdA'Ro, /«(/y I?//*, 1856. '- J ■' '''. pbksent: ;,,■•;■. I... .;■.;.".■■ t, . J. B. SMITH, Esq , in the Chair. ;v < / * ROBERT GILL, Ksq:, ' ALKXANDKR BEATTIB, Esq. osft ■ ■ ^ DETROIT AND 'MILWAUKEE RAILWAY. ■ _ ;REAb— '■"'•'-. fceiter from Mr. H. N. Walker, President of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, dated July 10, stating that all doubt would now be removed as to the ultimate com- pletion of that line, as Mr. George Wythes had entered into a contract for the executiori?of the remaining 75 miles to Grand Haven, the completion of which he guaranteed on or before August l«t, 1857. , Also, a letter from Mr. Wythes, dated July 16, confirming this contract for the sum of £500,000, payment to be made one-half in cash, and the other half in the shares of |^hat Company; and further stating his willingness to take i:50,000 in the proposed new issue of bonds of Detroit and Milwaukee Company. Also, a letter from Mr. H. N. Walker, and Mr. C. C. Trowbridge, Secretary of the ^Detroit and Milwaukee Company, dated July 1^, stating that a Company had been formed in Michigan, pursuant to the laws of that State, for the construc- tionof the lihe from Port Huron, opposite to Port Sarnia, to intersect the Detroit and Milwaukee Line at Corunna or Owasso; and that the contract for constructing this line had been let to Mr. N. P. Stewart, one of the Directors of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway 'i and that such organization ( 12 . ) Fllfdby rialntiffs. ■^' :'■■■-■] ■'rVu if"] 1 r'-- ~w v &ms&M ^^ ^ A^'C^»i.-.'h >^'W ^P^^SMPW^ ■ \- and control were madein theinte^ition that this lino should run in co-opera- tioB with the Detroit and Milwaukee and the Great Western Railway Linen. Also, a letter from Mr. N. P. Stewart, dated July, confirming the above. Mr. H. N. Walker and Mr. C. G. Trowbridge had an intervie«r with the Board. Beferring to English Board Mmutes, Nos. 075, 685 and^93— *"'/?,«)/»«?-" Th»t nndcr these circumstances the Uo.rd will bo jastlOed in recommending to the Groat Western Railway of Canada Shareholders tho bonds of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company yet «o b« J'P^*'"* of,t Tbep rpiof carrying out the above contract with Mr. Wy.hes. «.y to the extent of 81.00t^000or £2(S,000 s'crli^ such binds lo bear interest at tho rate of 7 per cent, per annum, and to »»• '"-"^'f ^"'^ ^k of that Company at the option of the holder up to May, 1865, andjedeemable at par .n May, 18. 5, to^be i«ued at the priee and on the terms to be set forth in a prospectus to bo prepnred by Mr. Wallcer, the Presi- dent of the Company, and to bo approved by this Company; and that the necessary stops bo taken to perfect tho working agreement previously made with tho Detroit and Milwaukee Company. It was referred to Mr. J. B. Smith to settle and carry out the other necessary arrangements. -v (18.) mad by Phdntita, English BoAHD, Jithj 22Ad,\^5(^ PRESENT : 863. ROBERT GILL, Esq., in the Chair, 4ikLEXANDER BEATTIE, Esq , J. B. SMITH, Esq. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY. A Dbaft of the Prospectus prepared by Mr. Walker, relative to the proposed issue of $1,250,000 of seven per dent, convertible Detroit and Milwaukee Bonds, haiing been submitted to the Board as settled by Mr. J. B. Smith, pursuant to the Minute, No. 857, the price of the $1000 bond having been fixed at '/,,''"' «lj58.16. ■ ■.■■::...;.■.-.■.."■-: - ^...•;^: /i. ;■ « **foliwd— That » circular be issued from this office to the Great Western Railway shareholders, inclu- dine Mr Walker's Prospectus j and offering these Bonds, iu the first instance, to them ; and that the prclimu n.^ igi^ment entered into In London, between Mr. J. B. Smith, on behalf of the English Board of Directors, on February 26th, 1856, as per Board Minute No 698, and abo the subsequent agreement entered into under the respeoUve corpox.te seals of both companies on March 28, 1856, as per Canadian Board Mmute No. »-», be further extended, so^as to covenant that in consideration of the issue of said Bonds being extended from SI 000,000 to 81,250,000, so the money to be retained in the hands of the Directors from the traffic w™ng^ ments in the said agreements set forth, shall be sufficient to meet the interest on such increased iwne. Said agreement to be acted npofi, and to take effect as soon as 11,000,000 of Bonds shaU have been subschbed for. i^iji^di^^-S^m^^iV-JBi^^^-^i^ '< ^■^^m-s^ Before the above mentioned circular. Itre issued, the Secretary to Ije satUfledlha^^^^^^ Contract with Mr. Wythe., to complete the Detroit and Milwaukee Ra.Uvay, U executed by both parties, and that Mr. H. N. Walker has power to treat on behalf of the Detroit and Milwaukee Board of Directors. :v: 884. (Copy.) Annexed is a copy of the Circular refejred to :— 'Till Cbbat Western Kaii.wav ot Canadi, 29 AUBTiN Friars, .^TheDirector, of th« Company having, - ^»>™-^ 'f- 'f™'' '"!''» '""'"t!; 't'T^ Milwaukee Railway, ; „; v Vj "Owing to a variety ofclrcumsuncos which operated at that period, the offer made to «>»' /''"'Jf "" of the Sg« bonda of the Detroit and Milwaukee Uuilway Company was only partially aeee^ed ; and it wa. therefore thought advisable to withdraw them. . « Since that date an additional seetion of 28 miW of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway ha. been opened „atinK a Ll of 78 miles, the traffic on whteH,oonfirms th. fuvourabU. opinion previously entertained by our B^aTof Te valio of tlLi line, thirty-two miles ^more nrein ajorwaj^ state ; and, as will be seen by he !:id I^plet;. a contract La, been entered into with Mr. George Wythe,, of Re.gate, Surrey, for the compaction ofthe remaining 75 miles. "To enable the Detroit and Milwaukee Company to /ulfil this contract, it become, neoe,|,ary to raise about J250,000 in Cash , and they propose to dispose of this amount of theit seven P«' -" J»f '•°"'^''' le^eemable fn May, 1875. with the option of conversion into share, of that Company until May, 18Co. .. Offer, have been already made to the extent of £50:000 of these bonds ; and the balance j, offeredy in • the, first inaUnce, to the shareholder, of the Great Western Railway of Canada. " The Broprieton, STlhi, Company will be abUi to estimate th• (15.) Filed by ^ Defend'ts. 907. MEETING OF THE ENGLISH BOARD. . . „ 12th August, 1856. ' pnksENT: / ^ROBERT GILL, Esq. ■ , DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE. It was reported that an Account had b6en opened "with the London Joint Stock Bank, termed " Trust Account of Detroit and Milwaukee Bonds," to which sums for deposit and future instalments oh these Bonds were to be paid, The Trus- tees who would hereafter sign cheques on this account were, R. Gill, A.Beattie, and P. Buchannan, Esqrs., or any two of them, and countersigned by the Secretary.' ■ ;■'''■' '■ ■-''•■• .u.atjAnii'iAS'itui Jr^Ji ii^ ^i. -p in. t^^Sifi^in^ », Jt< l^. '' ' ' • . T • |r<^ IE (SJ &~^i3\? *rffiv r^ *. . Ifi Kngmsii Board, August 2Hlh, 1850. pttr.srNT: ROIJEIIT GILL, Esq, in .tho Chair. ALEXAXDEU HKATTIE, r.HQ. . (16,) I'liilntlH'ii. 043., DETROIT AND MILWAUKEK BANKING ACCOUNT. It was reported t^at owing to Rome legal objection to the Accbunt opened at the London Joint Stock Bank, as the "TniPt Account. 6f Detroit and Milwaukee Bo;id»," as Btated in Minute, No. 907, the Banking Account had been opened in the ^ name of " The Great Western Railway of Canada, • Detroit and Milwaukee Account,'" and a letter was written to Mr. Pollard, by Messrs. Gill and Reattie, inrorming him of this, cheques upon which, until further notice, to be signed by themselves and countersigned by the Secretary. 94Q. EwaLisH BoAHD, August 21th, 185G. rntrsENT : ROBERT OILL, Esq., in the Ghnir. ALEXANDER BEATTIE, Esq, DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE BONDS. (17.) KIIikI 1)V riuiiitiirt. Refebrino to Minute No. 937, it was reported that the amount of Detroit and Mil- waukee Bonds taken up to date was as follows : '793 Bonds, deposit of X18 ISs. per Bond paid 236 " paid up in full . . . . . . . 1* -" Orel Instalment of i!30 paid . £U,8fiS 15 34,650 270 jCin,788 15 : ' . . ' V ■ '■ '■»■..-. r ~ .- ■ . ; * r ". ■ . '^.:- ■ ■ , ■ ■;:•'■ • ;■-. "' '. » ■ 0. . ■ ,- m , . •• ^ <* . \ _ ^- ^ " ■ if ! , . v- tl£^ 1 4^ J t J- J , ' i^ ^Sf^l^^^^W'"' , t _ j|^^ !^^^ fm ^^^^i •o 1> r 1% 10 (la) •. V 1026. « Cakadiaw Board, 29/Ailt/g«aM858. rREBENT t ^ J g. RADCLIFF, ViCB-l'ttEBiDENT, in tU Chnir. 0. J. BRYDGKS, MA..a.NO V^.^^on, y„,!'^Sf/bp MIDDLESEX, COLONEL GOU^LAY. ^„, ,, ..^o, oF llAMltlON^ DETRQIT AND MILWAUKEE RIILWAY-WYTHES. Laid on the TaWe enclosures in Mr. Baker's letter of the 15th August. .-^-^ . «f ih. n.>troit and Milwaukee Railroad Company for issuing $1,250,000 in Prospectus o^J^e P^^-^^^^^ f^^,^^, ^,„ ,,,„ ^f 01,000.000 as previously proposed.) * * ««» .iaffld 8th of Ausrust, 1856, between R. Gill, on behalf of the ana ^'™"" , . ,^ ■ gj,h „f March, for MUblialiing a traffic ComoaTv to retain from time to time sufficient of the monies of the Detroit TE? .1^ romoanv coming into their hands under the traffic arrange- and Milwaukee Company conmig u" «i.« «i nnn nnn nf 7 ner cent V ment therein referred to, to pay the interest on the $1,000,000 of 7 per c^^^^^^ SLs then proposed to be issued, which sum it .s now proposed to increase to 61,250,000. ^. , ♦« *!.« rrpat Western Shareholders, issued by the English Board in reference """^1^^^^^^^ for bonds, of letter ot allotment, and of banker's receipt. CoDV Of a power of attorney from the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad Company to Copy of » P°^y^,j^^^^ ^j^^j^^ p,,,id,„t, to authorize him to enter ,nto a contract for ^ the execution of part of their line (romOwasso to Lake Michigan. Copy of contract for that ^ork with Mr. G. Wythes, m^de under the authority of said -power of attorney. joHN S. RADCLll^F. K / ■ ■'•' ! ■■ ■ T ' '■ y^-^' -y'' ■■ r : . rice-Pra.G. W. B. Co, ■; ■• ;w.-- t^ • '".-• '"- .■-•• . '■■ '\ \ ' '■.■■ ■ ■ ' ; , -■•. ■.■.. ., .V, /\ ■. ■ ■; /•- ■ ■ "■ ■' " . ."■ ■■■ ■ - - ■ '■ '■■ ■ ^iS^i^^* ' '^-T''"^ B. JUSON, J. YOIINO, H. McKlNSTRY, COLONKIi OOUULAY, W. DICK80N, THE MAYOR OF HAMILTON, 17 Canadian Bd^^HO, \3th February, 1857. riir.MKNT : C. J. BUYUGKS, CiiAinMAN, pro lem, 11, OliABK, \VAni»r.N o* MiuDi.KHrx, 11. G ILL, I by their proiy, C. J. BavDOEH. A. BKATTIE, » ' *^ ^' \V. (JOVKN, \V. (JOVKN, ■) t tholr proiy, B. Jusotc. AdMlflAL LAWS, i ' ' " '. CULLKN, by his prosy, J. YounO. ( 10. ) I'UtnlilV*. 1177. STEAMERS STEWART-DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE STOCK. The Secretary was instructed to proceed to Detroit, and in conformity with the recom- mendation oftheManagingCommittee, (Minute No. 871, Feb. 11th,) have the 8180,000 Stock of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company received in purchase of the Steamers Canada and America transferred into the names of John Young and Richard Juson and Charles- John Brydgcs,*in trust for the Company. ^ ^^^ Mbetino op the Finance Cosimittee in Canada, on Thursday, July 20th, 1857. ■j. ' ■ ■ ,■'...,"■.■■■ i»! pbesemt: J. YOUNG, Vice-President, Chairman. C. J. BRYDGES, Manaqiso DiBECTOB, B. JUSON, / , F. W. GATES. (20.) Filed b; ruintii X. 724 "■■■'■■■■.'■- ■ BANK OF UPPER CANADA— COMMERCIAL BANK. The Managing Director reported that the following letter, addressed to him by the Cashier of the Bank of Upper Canada, dated 15lh instant, had been delivered on the 18th inst., after the Bank had been aflforded an opportunity of reflecting on the consequences of the letter. « Bask OP Uppee Canada, Toronto, 15fA ./u/y, 1857. «Mt Dear Sib, , «' The Bo«rd bnog diwititfi"* with jour late reply to Mr. Stow—' that you bad no authority to draw upoa V ■^ Slp^^'* >'«'*«" ,* 1' ,>- • : ■■■■■■■.; ■ IS ■■ Tonf Board In Undon to coT.r yodr iccount, tnd «t«o that jou could not tell when It would bo paid.' It h«« been determined to take lo^al pruocedinjiH .Kaiimt ihc (Jreat Wcatorn Hallway Company for (ho recovery of the debt due by them to ihia «^nk. I taeroforo be^ leave to rIvo you thin notice, it being the only counte loft to this Bank to puHue. -„ » i . i . * " 1 remain, youra truly, « (Signed) ^, <• TIIOS, a. KIDOUT, Cabiuib. , "0. J. Urypoeb, Kbq., " Managing Dinrtor, i " a IK. i?. Co., 7/nmt/fcm." He also reported that on thek23rd inst. he had seen Mr. Ridout In Toronto, who had , expressed his regret at the misunderstanding that had arisen, and stated his - expectation that, alter the explanations given, the Dank Board would withdraw the above offensive lettpr, and make satisfactory arrangements for the future. Subsequently, Mr. Ridout instructed the Cashier in Hamilton to inform the Company that the Bank demanded a Bond under seal, payable in three months, for the amount now overdrawn. After consultation with the members of the Finance Committee, the following communication was made to the Bank of Upper Canada : "The Company will agree to give the Bank of Upper Cjianada a Bond undef aeal, due in three moiithR, dated l«t August, 1857, for the amount overdrawn on the Slat July, 1857, adding interest on tho amount for the three Diontba, and allowing J per cent for Agency, on tho fullowing condition :— that the Company bo allowed, if they Want it, to overdraw their account during tho six months from tho lat August, 1857, to Ih* . extent of £50,000 ounency, such advance being gradual u the necessity for it arises." This morning (30th July) the following reply, by Telegraph, was received from Mf. Ridout: "TOUONTO, TO C. J. BllYDOES, JullfZQlh. «' The Board yesterday determined not to make any further advances, but will take a note at three months for yonr,|)re8ent bahnco, as before offered. ' "1, (j. ridoUT." 7?*»b/i' hi* proxy, J. YooMO. (2L) rtMbv hnlntlOl. COMMERCIAL BANK— BANK OF UPPEU CANADA. E Managing Director reported, that in purRuance of the Kesoliition of thAFinance Coininiltee of the 30th July, he had seen Mr. Park, Manager of the Commerr ^cial Banky who had agreed to open an Account with the Companion the terms proposed, and to advance jC50,000 when and as the Compai^y may require it. The arrangement made by the Managing Director was approved : it was likewise Rttnhtd — ^' that a Bond for the amount found dno to the Hunk of llppcrCunaJu bo wgncd and icalcd bjtheVloo-ProaidcDt, payable io three moatha from the latof Auguil." , ,^ . English Board, Ji/£'usM/'A, 1857. present: ROBERT OtLL, E«Q , Pbebident, in the Chair. THOMAS CULLEN, Esq. ADMIRAL J. M. LAWS. 1651 REPORT ON THE DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY. \( 22. ) Mr. H. N. Walker attended the Board, and it was reported, that looking at the large stake held in the Detroit and Milwaukee Company by this Company, as well as the interest. held in its Bonds and Shapes by the Great Western Share- holders, on the recommendation of thia Board, it appeared highly proper that -theiBoard ajg^d be furnished with an independent and official report on the progress anJHtracter of the \i^||(s, the period of their completion through- out, the probable sources of local amtthrough traffic, the arrangements cpntem- t|,Lf plated for Water <:ommunication withi^ opposite coast of Lake Michigan, and generally on theprospectsandfOieition of that Road, as well as respecting thegrantof 63,000 acres of Land; it was therefore— ^ ■■ .D . ■ ■■..■■;. ■■ ^■■ /■ '/ A"^- ,-mi . i ' ( r^X ^^r-^srr^ ■t!r«¥ ff.Wr^-"Th.t Mr. Thorn.. M.iW.., -t prmnl tn Toronto, .nd b.ln«. In .r,r, w.y q«.lifl«J. b. wm Botrd oflleUlly on th« ibofi polnU." j . . To thii Mr. H. N. Walker iMonted. ruintiib. 1204 Mbbtino or Cawadiaw Boa«d, on FniuAV. Augutt, Uth, 1857. rnucNT ! JOHN YOlj/lO, E«Q , VicE-l'tMioMT, la the Jj''*''- ^ P. W. UATKS. ^^ (fr«a( irM/«rn Railieoy. \ JIOSS-COMMEUCIAL BANK. ^^^^ Re«d the following letter from Mr. C. S. Ro.», Cashier of the Commercial Bank of Canada, ol the Uth August:— / " Commercial Bank or Canada, "KiMOSTON, ll/A /lMi7««', 1867. ■ « 0. J. BsTDOia, Gnq., " Xanoging Birtelor, m' ■ '*' <« RefoninK to our recent interview .n address him, and your .gcii,t •( New York, in oonformity. •t • ■ <•■ ' . ,'1 " TH« OfMl WmUrn lUllvty Corf^Hj *ill «M fund* in Dank, •! llulMo ■■il, fur paymaU rMuirad to |m inaJ« at tU«M pUaa»— r«iulihit( batnliaa* nut rei|uir««l fur •uob luoal um, la b« dniwn for ihroMRh lN«.)lMik. <• Th« lUnk will honor, at par, oliaquaa of'tlia Company on Ilanilllon llraneli, at all tu ojBcta— ll baing andantuod that no brna chequoa (my orer XIOOU) will ba proaouud at tliu ■tiiullur BKonuia^, whvra no graat . ■apply of nolea la livid. •• Tha liank will farni«h ilrnn» oq Maar York for aiioh paymanla aa tba Companj may hart to Maka io tba Unitud Hutoa nl par, when lUcVpajFtuanU cannot b« wada by oh«(|ua. . "Tha (Ireat Wo y^ ^y^- i' ♦ '^: ■m^v** M »* H.UJ pltl .ullllt ikrLrd, ..a «..»« «a .h. p.r» of .h. Or... W..U,„ lUil.., (o^...^ •' I niHln, Sir, your mii«» oMUol 8«r»«»l, . ^ ,, . |8lnn«d) 0- » lf*»» OaHIM. -< TlMi M.n.tln. Director wm requrMed to reply In gon«r«l term- Kf .pprOT.l of th« ^^ p'.l„U mentioned In Mr. Ho«' letter, .nd to .t.te that the »"""' -^j ^^ ;« .Ix moull.. wouhl be « re.«,n.ble notice for an Intention to wit|.drf w the account. ; (84.) mulatto I. r Adjowbwcd Mi:kti!«o 6r Fikawcb Committbb or Cahadian Hoahp. Off TuESPAir, Sth Stptenxbtr, 1867. PBBIBMtt JOHN YOUSU, Vioi rauiDEjiT, ChalrmM. R.JU80M. F. W.0ATE8. ik LCIAL B0ND|„ ,k, of IPRK Sep- ROSS^COMMERCIAL BANK-INTEREST neAD A letter Trom Mr. C. S. Ross, Manager of the ^^^^^-.^h-. ; rnbe^n reply to the Managing Dlrector'HH^^fimt Augu.t expre-Mng . hla dippoaUlon to meet the requirements of the Company by advpncmg the ^' ' amouiU due to the Government for interest, due on 1st July, on Provmcial tnda. if ho con arrange satisfactorily with the Receiver General. MEtTiKO or Cawadiaw Board, ok FriuaV, September XUK 1867. PHKHKNT : • '' '■ JOHN YOUNO, VicE-PaisiDEUT, in tho Chair. R JII80N ^ W. 0ATE8, H. xJ^ R BEOHER, - " THE MAYOR OP HAMU/TON. WM. OOVAN, 1 bytliaIrpro«y,B. T. CULLBN, by hb proiy, J. Touwa. ADMIRAL LAWS, ( JuiOil, '«' 1' COMMERCIAL BANK-INTEREST-CiOVERNMPNT h ■ « isto Till: SocreUry wportml th»t Mr. Rom. Cnnh\fr of tW CoimwrcUr Hank.lW •«« to the (;«mp...y lh« of jEsW^Ja ft*. 8d.. |>«i.l l»y ^r•'-<■^ t.lymll & Co , cli«rgea to ihfl (iovrrntiii^nt hun., ftil interert «hie on th« Ul I«ly 1-^ on X77O,00O MerlinR. Profbcial HoihU. l««iKl liy iho Provincial (Jovoratni on •rcoiiiit of thii <:oiMp«ny ; tl.« H*nk r«i«»iriiiR a boiui from Iho Comp •t 60 tlftyi lor rep«yuieut 9f tito ampinit. Under proper wnctlon. . cheque for the imount. in Irmtr of III Receiver General had been drawn ami paid into the (omnierclil Dank, to the cWilit of H Receiver Gedorol, who had l)ccn adviHed- ' ' The following letter, aubaequently received firom Mr. RoA wai read * " ToMMKiriAL IlANK Of PANADA, " 0. J. BaviMiu, Rm)., &. . ^ ••ii)BAa,H«». ■ . ' '^M • ' ' • «' With rof«,oc« to your l.tltr of .11,1 uUln.o, proTlowly .«kn,«l<,.l,r«d, I !..»• now to nM** Ititl i| h.. !..c„ n..J, with H^ceivor flener.l to-Uko of the •«ount. XJH niU ••-•;^. •"'';'' T I wi.h to inti„.,te, howver, 1I..I wo l-M.k for eh.quo, of ll..«,lvor «wcr.l within ncU.hrco d-,, for lift 000 C«3 XaO.OOO; .n.l, th.r.fore, I will thank jou to h.vo lr«n*f.,r mriio to our credit in London Jo nt Stocir H.«k of . .un. not I«m \h.n the dcp«»it, .0 ll.«t your ov.,dniwin« .n.y not Im. .tfoctcd. by lh« nutter and in order tb.l our lA)ndon .ccount m.y bo put light to « corfMpoi*in« .mount. , , % "Um, dcrSir, ■ \ ''^ ^ «Your«»oit«be«H«nl 6cr»»nl, ;8i«l«<») wUiJiAaiMO DiaECToa, " Or«at Weitarn Railway Co., • 1* " lUmilton," .■. 8. H08S, " Cathitr.". The Board approved the arrangement, and authorised the sealing o^ the reqtiKcd bom . ' and Lcted that a copy of Mr. Roas's letter be sent to Englaml by the fi at ^ inail-the Secretary calling the earncsl attention of the EngliRh Board thereto iit. -. V p^^r "'^H'lg'^'l^' u (30.) MfiBTiNd OF FiwAircE Committee or Canadiaw Board, on •p, PUlntil I FRibAT, 18th September, 1857. i^:S »^ VRUENT ; 762 JOHN VOUNO, ViOE-PnKsiDBMT, Chairman. R. JUSON. . F W.GATES, THE MAYOR OP HAMILTON. RECEIVER GENERAL SINKING FUND— BOND-COMMERCIAL BANK. The Secretary laid on the table a letter from the Receiver General, acknowledging the receipt of a cheque for £28,645 ba. 8d„ in payment of interest due on the 1st July last, on Provincial Bonds; also, a lettier from Mr. Park, Manager of the Commercial Bank, acknowledging the receipt of Bond for £23,645 6a. 8d., '^" ^ the amount advanced by that Bank for repayment*of interest on Provincial Bonds. ■ . ■:■■.'■' . '.^ - "^ ■-, ■,:■' ■ (27.) Filed by Fkintlfi. Meeting of the English Board, Tuesday, September 29th, 1857. ■ pbksent: *■* ., ■ - ROBERT GILL, Esq., Pbesipknt, in the Chair, - > ADMIRAL T. M. LAWS, WILLIAM GOV AN, Esq., THOMAS CWLEN, Esq. C. J. BftYDGES, Esq. 1533. COMMERCLAL BANK OF CANADA. Mr. Brtdces reported that, as recommended in Minutes of this Board, No. 1528, the Banking Account of the Company had been closed at the Bank of Upper Canada^ and as stated in Finance Committee Minutes of July 31st, No. — , ' a Bond at three' months date, due November 1st, had been given for the balance due to that Bank, about £70,000 currency, provision for which must - T^ be made by the English'Boa|d ; and that the Banking Account had been opened wilb the Commercial Bank of Canada, the conditions of such account bein^ set out in the letter of Mr. C. S. Ross, the Manager, of August 11th. The Board approved of this arrangement. \ ■ •"■"--^jUyy-t ^ .^«jif^'«WR§i^ * "-":%-■' ^1 - 'V • ■ W, #" ' '• i ExcLisn BoAUU, Tuesday, lO/A iVbmnifr, 1857. ■•:■*" . PRESh'.NT: ■/ ROBKRT GILL, Esq., 1!j(HE8IDeSt, in the Chair. ADMIRAL T. M. LAWS, j WILLIAM GOVAN. Ksq, THOMAS CULLEN, Esa, 0. J. BllYDGES, Esq. (28.) Filed b IMnlntl' t. The following Resolutions were adopted : "That Mr C J. Brjdges bo empowered and Ih hereby empowered «o nceept of a transfer of 12,500,000, fiilW piid-up Stoek of the Detroit and Milwwkeo Railway Comfiany, on behalf of the English Hoard, and that • form of proxy be signed by the nierabom of the EnRlinh board, autlioriBibg Mr. llrydgcs, failing whom, Mr. Thomas Reynolds, to vote at all general mcciings of iho Detroit and Milwaukee Jiailway Company, in respect of said Stock, in the name of the Englis^ivRoard. • "That Mr Rrydges bo further authorised to obtain from Hid Detroit and Milwaukee Conipany, and hold, ^iiwbohalf of the English Board, 8100,000 of Detroit and Milwaukee Second Mortgage Eight per cent, Bonds, ilwd also the Land Certificates representing 45,000 acres of land, being the undelivered balance of Certificates for 60,t)00 acres granted to the Detroit and Jlilwaukco Company by the State of Michigan. "(Thnt tho Coupons of Interest on Detroit and Jlilwankeo Bonds duo" 15tb November, and paid by Panoan, -Sherman & Co,, and which arc not to be cancelled, be handed to Mr. Brydgcs, or Mr. Ueynold., and they bo instructed to take the necessary steps in Ametica to secure legally the precedence of the claim of the Orwt Western Railway oatho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway property, in respect of tlicso Coupons with interest thereon. « That the two acdeptances, dated July 23rd, 1857, of Major A. H. Sibley, of Mr. U. N. Walker's drafts ' for XIO 000 each, and tho protest for non-payment of tho same, bo handed to Mr. Brydges, ,to bo used in any iray he may deeta necessary for scouring tho Great Western Railway Company from loss. ^ « "That, oxercisin- the powers conferred on tho English Board by tho above-nanied Agreement of nomi- natin" the members composing the Board of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, the" six members of the Great Western Railway Direction be^nominated, together with Mr. II. N. Walker, Mr. C. C.l rowbndgc, and Mr, H, Ledykfd. * '^ "That it be loa to the discretion of Mr. Brydges and Mr. Reynolds, after complete investigation of the Detroit and Milwaukee accounts, and aUr having made such arrangements with tho creditors forming the floating debt as they inay deem satisfactory, to close up o5fl&ting subcontracts for works, Mr. Wylhes liaving expresst^d his willini^ess to relinquish his contract, on piqunent of a balance of not exceeding £5,^90 duo to him, or to stop all future expenditure on the works except what is actually necessary for workmg the line, or to cause the continuance of tho works to bo proceeded with as far as, or beyond. Grand Rapids, it being well UDdentood that the basis of any advance of faods by th^. Great Westefn Railway for t}.,s purpose, is, that the expenditbra shall bo wholly under the direction and control of Mr. Brydges and Mr. Reynolds ; and that such outlay shall not in unj manner be jeopatdiscd by tho claims of existing creditors of the Detroit and Milwaukee Companj." •:/. ?* jiies, p-smf^f^T '*'^. i^^ieif «st-«^f 86 (29.) rUintUb, E50LISH BoABP, A'owmAff 12th, 1867. ■■_■'■;' -PEESENI: _■■./.■■ ROBERT GILL, Esq , Pbebidint, In Ao Chair. ADMIRAL J. M. LAWS, WILLIAM GOV AN. Esq, THOMAS CULLEN, Esq,, C. J, BRYDOES, Esq. ^^^ PROXIES FOttBETROIT AND MILWAUKEE 1^ A form of proxy ^as prepared and signed bjr each of the Directors present lAvor of Mr. C. J. Brydges, failing ^hom Mr. Thomas Reynolds, empowering one of them to vote at all general meetings of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, in respect of 82,500,000 of stock transferred into the name of the English Board as per Minute No. 1674, Four forms of proxy were also prepared and signed respectively by each member of the English Board, in favor of Mr. C. J. Brydges and Mr. Thomas Reynolds, ' empowering one of them to^voteforthe members of this Board at all meetings of t>e Detroit and Milwaukee Board as Directors of that Company, pursuant to the agreement of November 10th last,and,in virtue of a by-law to be passed to that effect by the Detroit and Milwaukee Board. ' (80.) 30 Filed by PUnUffii. 1701. Enolisii Board, November 24th, 1857. -■■_. ■ present: /> ROBERT GILL, Esq., Peesident, in tbe Chair. THOMAS CULLEN, Esq., AdffllRAL J. M. LAWS. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE CpMPANY. Read letter from Mr. C. C. Trowbridge. Secretary of the Detroit and Milwaukee Rail- way, dated Nov. 14, addressed to the Chairman, with copiesof Resolutions of ' ^ the Board of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, of October Slst and November 4th, electing Robert Gill, Esq., a Director of that Company, and directing that a sharfe certiBcate for 20.000 Detroit and Milwaukee sliares of «50 each, amounting to one million of dollars, should be forwarded to Mr. R. GUI, and which so forwarded, the said certificate being made out m the - ' name of the Great Western Railway Company — . ^ ^^ ^kf-* ,'w*t:^rv . *• ,A^;v .'■ ■ •■■ -27 .. ■'■-;■ ■ i?«o;«rf— " Th»t Mr. Drydjtw having been so amply instructed in the views of the Board, relative to roatten in oonoeolion wiih the authorised advance pf fundi |o coinploto thu Detroit and Milwauiice Uailway, U let out in former Minutoa of thi/lJ.ard, and the above mentioned Uesoiution of th» Dtlruit and Milwaukee Board not fuinilin« tho rociuiromont* of the aaid Minutqa, and of tho aRroenicnt with iMr. 11. N Walltcr of "November Oth, tlVis Board dtflcrs taking any further action in these matters, and keeps ihcm tu abeyance until Ureceivcafurthar roporU from'^Ir. Brydgcsaud Mr. lieynolds." , Enoush Board, /a/ii/ary 26/A, 1859. (81.) piiesknt: ROBKRT GILL, EsQ.> PIIE9IDEST, in the Chair. WILLIAM GOVAN, Esq., THOMAS CULLEN, Esq. Filed by I'Ulntifc *"^; ^ DETKOIT AND MILWAUkEE ARRANGEMENTS, ^v The Boarauy until! the line is entirely open and yielding returns. ~rp For these reasons, a further advance of funds to the extent of XlOO.OOO is requi^d before the close of the present year, and a similar sum during next year. U ^4 Reeved—" That this Board regreu to have to repeat, as already recorded in its Minutes, Nos. 1885 and 2014, that it feels it tdbe the duty of the Board, under any oircumstonces, Hot to eicced the liniit of Ks advances to the Detroit and MUwaukee Company beyond tho £150,000 voted by ^e Shareholders, until their authority b« 'obtained to extotfd that limit." And the Very discouraging Financial position and prospects of the Detroit and Mil- waukee Company, now disclosed, convinces the Board, that unless a ihore ,' favourable and promising statement can be laid before the Proprietors, no further funds will be voted for this purpose. The Board is also induced to enquire as to the validity of the security held for advances already made to the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, the effect of the above .^ joint ktter haviug beeji to create alarm r'.: .1- -A, 38 (88.) Dfbnd'u. English Board, October 12/A 1868. PBiaiMTI 2004. ROBBRT GILL, Kbq., I'risidknt, in the Chair. . THOMAS CULLEN, E«Q. DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE LOAN. With reference to the Airther loan of^ 100,000 granted by the ShareholJers at the last ' ' General Meeting to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, the Board wishes it to be distinctly understood : " Tfij«t the expenditure of this jram having by the Proprietora been roaoWcd to be made bj and nnder the control of the Direotora of the Great Weatem llailway, it U rieeeaaary, before any portion of it ia ayailed of, that a programme bo prepared, ahowing the manner in which it ia intended to be appropriated, and which, when approved, must be adhered to aa atrictly aa oirouraaUnoca *iU allow, bearing in mind that thia amount ia granUd by the Proprietora apeoifically for the purpoee of providing rolling atook and aUtion aooommodation to , the line of railway opened by the aid of the former grant. / " That ample mortgage aeourity moat bo obtained for ineh ikdvanoe Of funds under legal advioe, the rata of intereat being aa for the previous loan. * ' "ROBERT GlLL." / (Signed,) * Canadian Board, ^Ath December, 1858. PHiasNt ; (89.) Filed by PUiatlffs. JOHN YOUNG, Vioe-Pbesipent, Chairman. 0. J. BRYPGES, Manaoino Dibkotot, THOMAS REYNOLDS, Financial Dibiotob. RICHARD JUSON, F.W.GATES, THE MAYOR OP HAMILTON, ^^^^' SECURITIES, DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY, , ^ " " - * A CERTincATE was laid on the table, representing 20,000 shares of $50 each, making one million of dollars in the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway, registered in the names of C. J. Brydges, Thomas Reynolds, and H. C R- Becher, as Trustees / idt the Great Western Railway tJompany, as a collateral security for the ^ . repayment of the sum of £100,000 sterling, to be advanced hy **>" Company to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, under a resolution of the ' i Proprietors, passed at the Half-yearly General Meeting in London, on the 7th of October, and in Canada on the 2nd November, 1858, and was deposited in the safe; with the general securities of the Company. /^ V JOHNYOUNGK .:■'-'■ '->-:■ .-.^■J^- ..■...■'":- ... .' ■ ■ ■■ . Viee-Preriient, .38 . . MEETIIfO or FlWANCE COMMITTEE Or / Canadian Uoard, on Friday, 2^//i February, 1830. PnRHKKT : THOMAS UKYNOMW, CiuiBMA!*, JOHN YOtrNO, Vicr-l'BMii.rNT. C. J. HUYIKJKS, MANAniNci DinKCTon, KICIIAIID JIJHON, F. W. (3ATK8, (40.) Ktliil l.r rUliillR'ii ■ml !><■ 058. SHOUT DATK HONDS. 7 7 The Chairman informed tho Committeo that recent letters from the English Ofllco having requested that no further drafts might bo issued on the English Board, . _____ on account of tho second loan to tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Com- pany, at present, it had been arranged to give the Detroit and Milwaukee Company a short date Bond, due June 1-4, 1859, for «100,OqO, which the Commercial Bank had agreed to cash for the Detroit and Milwaukee Uailway Company— the amount to bo carried to the- debit of the Detroit and Mil- waukee Loan Account, and the Bond provided for at maturity, out of the Funds of the Company in Canada. A Bond, No. 279, for that amount had accordingly been pealed, signed, and issued to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company. A Bond, No 278, for ^3798 62c., duo July 1-4, 1859, had also been issued to R. Juson & Co., in payment of their accounts, per vouchers 2956 and 3097. The Committee approved and confirmed these arrangements. \ / Minutes of Meetino of Finance Committee op Canadian Board, ^/k/ ifl;>rt7, 1859. PRESENT : THOMAS REYNOLDS, Chairman. f- (41.3^ Fili-d li I'liiiiitlllH ■ml l>n- fi-nro«t at 10 per cent, from the date of such payment, and B» the balance at the Hank will now admit of it, it wajimjpoafd that the remaining Kum of «50,000 should bo now paid and the ^nd retired, which .. r, !.. , I JtiV/J the Committee approved. 2274 EifOLisH Board, April \2th, 1860. raiCllEMTi V / DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE.^ AJI, ^20,000. A Draft of Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds, oii account of the loan of the Detroit arid Milwaukee Company, for the sum 0^X20,000, accepted by r«aolutlon of this Board, No. 2153, falling due on the 17th April iuipt., a lefter was written to Mr. Pollard, Manager of the I^ondprt Joint Stock Bank, by the Board, rcquest- ' ing him to retire this draft at maturity, and to place the amoftut to the debit of the General Account. (48. ) ^ Filed b PUInl 1574 Canadiaw Board, IC/A Jpri/, 1859. * . ■ , ^- — JOHN VOUNO, Viqa-PafaiSiENT^lGhaUmift. C. J. BUYDOKS, Manaoino PinKCToa,< 11. 0. R. HECIIER, *. TIIOS HKYNOIiDS, Financial i^ihtCToa, F. \V. 0ATK8, RICUAUD JUSON, J5^ ' ' TilB MAYOR OF HAMILTON. >^DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY. LAlft^lhe^able, a Deed of Mortgage to C. J. Brydges, Thomas Reynolds ani» H. C. R. Becher, the Trustees of the Great Western Railway Company, on the properties of the Dei^^, and Milwaukee Railway Company, subject to previ- ous mortgages, andiOO fourth Mortgage Bonds of that Company, of 81000 each, say in all ^0,00C, issued to the Great Western Railway Company as security for tho^payment of the second loan to the Detroit and Milwaukee Company of ^00,000, authoriMd^ by the proprietors of the Great Western Railway at the half-yearly meetfil5s in England on the 7lh October, and in Canada on the 2nd November, 1868. M ;t. I "PJ^JltJ. ' '-'^f^ M % is4 ^n •tr«Ml7 ImumI to Ikk uU|15'ii,or 24l|^I)*, 4|)rt7 lO/A, ^859. (44. Ftlml l>y rialotUn. I, ^.- DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE BOAl It was notified that in the letters from Canada, received thii day, advice was given of the election of Mr. Alexander Hoyes, to a neat at the Detroit and Milwaukee Board, in lieu of the late Admiral Laws, whose election was recorded in V Minute of this Board, No. 1867. Minutes or Meeting or Finance' Committee or (4».) Canadian Board, on 28/A Jtfay, 1869. /^^7^^ PBXflSNT : THOMAS REYNOLDS, Chairman. JOHN YOUNG, Vioe-Pbe8Id«nt, RICHARD JUSON, G, J. BRYDOES, Man^qiao DiaEcroa. F F. W. GATES. ■s'^fw-Ht ^ ' r'^r"^"' ''*'^^ ji-Tpr|E»^ ».» :t : ooa aa COMMERCIAL BANK OF CANADA. 9 Tnu ChtJrman rcportad that thn ComnK^rcial llanK fvqiiirad to have thffir acconnta in London. N«w York, lie., cornrwl by the lAth June, preparatory to the cloaing or the liank Statemeiita I'ur the aix montlui ending the 30lh June. I ' - . '■ • The orerdrafta by tUa Company and the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company are •t the proaent moment in exceaa of tlie iinderitaiidinK come to with tlif Uank when they took the accounia, and the Uank now wish the aurplua to b« pro- vided for prior to the lOth June. The aubject had been very fUlly considered ami diacuaacd with the Hank, and aa it waa not poaaible to comply with their requeat for exchange upon England, the following arrangement had been auggestcd by the Hank : " ^ • ^ The principal overdraft being on account of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, that Company to give the Commercial Dank flvo notoa each for 9A0,000, made payable to Mr. C. J. Drydgea and Mr. T. Reynolds, and endorsed by them, which the Bank proposes to got discounted, and place the proceeds to the credit of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company's account. These notes at ' \ maturity to be protected by the Commercial Bank, and the amount debited to the Detroit and Milwaukee account To enable the Bank to negotiate these notes, they require in addition to the endorsation of MesKrs. Brydges and Reynolds, bonds of the Great Western Railway Com- pany at six months date for the sum of 9250,000 to. be lodged as collateral ■ecuirity with the parties discounting the notes; these Great Western Railway -^ bonds on the Detroit and Milwaukee Company's notes being so paid by the Commercial Bank to be cancf/Zfc/ and returned to the Great Western Railway Company, the object being merely to use them as collateral security, and not . fornegotiation in any shape whatever. y, Rttctvtd — " That those •mngemeDU, u far M thia Company ia ooDoerned, b« approTed of on the undsr- atandibg a«t forth in the foregoing Minute ; and that five bond*, each fur f50,000, payable in nix month*, b« prepared and execnted, and h*ndod to the Detroit and Milwauliee Ilailway Company, to be lodged with the Commareial Bank aa ooUatoral aecurity to the Detroit arid M^aukeo Company's notcB." "THOMAS REYNOLDS, > **Ohairmttn." 8rd June, 1S89. . ^->: \ *l. SI .V MbKTINO or 't-liafCANADUN IIOARO or I)|||RCT0H«, OM ^ I'KiuAT. Iht itrd jfunf, ISAO. JOHN YOUNU, Vwt-l'HwinMt, Cliilrmtn. T,, nnYnOI-TM, Makaiiimo I)i«ErT0B. II. C It IIKJMrKll. TIIOH. IIKYNQI.DH, Finamoiai. DinwrroB. luciiAiit) ji;hon, ■ < ■' V W. OATl':«. TUK MAYOIl OF IIAMILTOX. ISM. (46.) a Ml.* Thb Minute* of Uio Meeting of llio Finance Committee on the 20th May, and of the Special Meeting ou tiie 28th May, were 're|d ami *■.■■-' '■' 'A' ;• ■■ - X ■' ■' '■ ■.. \ ■ ■; ,: ■ ■ ' ■ -" '•''■■./'■■ X - Sfi^'^m^-^ "tS^^v 8^ (it.) nitdbv DvbndV ,' <' OoMMKBoiAL Bark, H. D., ;' " Kingtlon, 20lh Oct., 18be. '< jL W. Harbib, Esq. "DxabSib, y. "On Ist September I nddreised Mr. Baker, Secretary, London, at bis request, on the subject of transfer of funds from London to Canada, and about paying Coupons on Bonds of Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company, but receijred no reply to the letters. -— »^__> "I now |>cg to hand' you copies of these letters, and have to request information whether wo are to consider the matters have lapsed; because, as regards payment of these Coupons, if we are to intervene, it is now full time that instructions Were given to us by the London Joint Stock Bank, the Coupons maturing on the 15th November. ' , " I am, dear Sir, your moat obedient servant, - y . .. ;:■•■■■-; - -■ ■.. , ._ ^ ^ L^S "C. 8. ROSS, ■ "President ' "GaiAief. •; Great Western Railway Co., •'.1 "Hamilton." : - '■ '--■'■''■■ (40.) Filed by DefeiiO'u. " AbeSdmn, 1*< «S5p<., 1856. « B. Bakbe, Esq , ' ' "Seeretarjf Great Weflern'Jiaitwasf Company o/ Canada, ' , ' '^London: . ■. ' ' - \ .' ' - / ' •■■«8», \ .--'■■■ ■" . " With reference to our recent conversation on the subjeqt of arrangements for transfenjng funds from London to Canada, through the medium of the Commercial Bank, M. J):, I beg to addrpsa you with written memoranda of tlie terms which I proposed on behalf of the Bank, and will thank you to submit them to the Booed of Great Western Railway Company. , " '; « I would; however, first premise that we do not desiro to interfere with the existing arrangemento between your Company and the Bank of Upper Canada, or any part of them made with us, presuming that such a thing would at pifMcnt U objecUonable with reference to the Bank of Upper, Canada. . Itot in making proposals as nndemoted, jire of- course object to cheque in our Hamilton ofike being given to the Bank of Upper Canada against the proceeds of sterling deixisits in London transferred to Canada through us, as such « proceeding would enteil positive loss to us in view of the rates offered. The terma for making such transfers of funds which I proposed would therefore be as follows: . " Ist. The Graat Western Railway Compan^Nrould place the kterling ampnnt to be transferred to Canada, to the credit of the Commercial Bank, M. D.j with London Joint Stock Bank in London. These deposits would bo advised in next offic'al letter from the latter to the former, and the equivalent amount in our money placed at credit of thei Groat W«Jtem Railway Company at the Hamilton oflloe of the Commercial Bank, M.D. " 2nd. The amount in. cunency so placed at Hamilton office would be subject to the cheques of the Com- ^y on demand, for all busipess dishursementi of the Company, but not to be transferred to other Banks. " 8rd. The rate of exchange at which entry would be made of such deporits in London would be one per oent over current rates for purohasin^ at the time (to cover the differeBO^ between cash and 60 days discount,) < and the rate for purchasing would be, say i (one-lulf ) per cent, over seUtn^ Bank rate in Montreal. This is predicated upon oar being (generalljr) able to sell our biUa to importen at a lato ezo^ng Hontreal rate bj-i pBreent. -■'>■" -^ "^ ^ P ;•■ 39 « 4tb. The B«nk would •lloW the Company iDtoroit on the daily halanco of amoant at the rate of 3 (three) per cent., per annum, presuming a fair balance were kept ; and if the balance were largo for any length of time, then a higher rate would be given. " 6th. Intereat would accrue to the Company on the storling dopoRits from their rc»pMtivo dutca in liOndon, not from date of entry in Canada. / , "I believe the above embraces the points discussed between us. If the terms meet the concurrence of your Board, please address me at Kingston, Canada, whence I shall reply after having the matter sanctioned by our Board. This I should wish done, although I now hold power-of-attorncy from tho Board to make such -negotiations as the present. Meantime, should you see any modification of the terms to Be neccisary, a letter to my address as under will find me hero up to the 6tb instant. - «< I may add that should the Company offer to sell us Bills in London at Hamilton office, we should take them a* corresponding rates, allowing for the difl"erenco between cash in London and the currency of such Bills added to time required for transmission. ; «; . ' . ' . ^ . " I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, ■' ■':'■ '^'■' ''~'' ./■""-..." "C. 8. ROSS, r ^^Cathitr Commercial Bank, M.D., " Kin>f^iton, Cuncula." W :' - "Aberdeen, Irt Defend'u. J "Pbidat, 146rua»y, 1857. " Mt dkab Sir, " "There la « small ambunt against thpCompeiiy in our books, £1 3b. Id., which Mr. MoKinstry no doubt mad© known at the time, as upon that returned Bill for Southern Railway. — .l -„^: __.__.— f< Please cause it to be covered at ]|||iir convenience. " Yours very truly, «W. H. PARK. "C. J. Bevdom, Esq." V (62.) V Filed bv Defend'u. »i "C&HUBBOiAL Bank or Canada, " HamiWom, 27/A /'«6r«ary, 1867. "W.C. Stephens, Esq. • "BkarEw,': ■■ .■'';.'-...», - i '' "I am this morning -favoured with your note of yesterday's date, by which I observe that ' the ' Gonipany know nothing of the transaot^pos causing the small debit balance referred to in my note addressed to ■jfeBrydges. /: ^'\ ■./■,;:■' :^^' ^^ ;■'■. \'.:, ■■:. ^'.^ '■;, ^■,; " On reference to our bocis, I find that the Company got credit on thel7th July last for Radcliffe, on your London Birecto'rs, currency,.. ..».. .,.. , ..£24,888 17 It " On the 18th August^ placed at interest, to account of (he Company, at 6 per cent........ 24,888 17 11 ^ « On 17th Nov. dishonored bill of Badojiffe, on Great Western Railway, London, charged imb expenses and interest, ......; ;.................... .......£24,758 17 8 " Same day— covered in pari by tnnsfer otdepoiit^attnUrctt, with 6 per cent for time... 24,757 "i-^ f I ■»■'".*,. ■■■■" , ''Il^bitbahnoeaguDBttiieCoiDiMDy., •-••«... ••••••• ..•••.....• £i' 3 1 " The Exchange above referred to was signed officMllg%y Mr. Radoliffe, cbnntersignied by Mr. Dewar; entries made in our book;, by order of Mr. MoKinstry^himseif a Director ; so that it seems strange there should be any want of knowledge on the part of the Company, in reference to the matter, other than their not having received a statement from us of the figures ; but Mr. MoKinstry having promised to see the expenses on this bill paidj the matter has I^herto been \eh with l)dm, and^l^ probably overlooked it. " I feel myself as muck under duty to see a small amount recovered, its a large one ; and tiuating that the above particulars are such us yofi require to authorise the covering of the trifiing balance, ■«'J.renuin, dear Sir^ V' . /■.'■'''■,■ •' ' _ ;_. _L.: •.„..,:. .:ii_„.,J._.-X._^-^-.,.^U^^ ^\ .;':^.._„1 _.„^:__:.^....;:, « Yours,. fiuihAiIly,' . . ^...--u,, ■*''*":'■'■'■■■' ;. '■ ' ":■•■;'-"• . -:'■.■■ ■ <'w.'h;pabk."'. -.■; t Buffalo and Detroit, as hereafter referred to). ' , . ' « "The Bank Will' receive l4t onrrent Canada Bank Notes, and such Che«|ue8 and Drafts at sight, at threo days,' as are payable at places where the Bank ha?' offices, and in the United States genetally At par. Where the Bank incurs charge of commission in ooUeoting cheques and drafts, payable at pofntt'iraero we hare no office, th#' Company will k«imbnne to the Bank amount of commissioi; so paid, attould it be found to teach' any oonsidenble sum, when compared with total receipts; if not, then no charge will bo bade. If charge is raiwle,'<'entry will only be made.once in each half-year for sake of convenience, and, mean- time, accounts oftheiteniB will be kept., ' • • ^a/ " Receipts of the Company at New York will be transferred to Haroillonylby their agent,^ depMiling ume in Meiehanta' Bank, Netr York, to credit of this Bank; and entries will be made at Hamilton by the Company depositing certificate of deposit as so inuoh cash. Receipts at Albany, say balances accruing to Great Western Railway Company, from New York" Central Railroad, will he-deposited by New York Central Railroad, to credit of the Bank, with Bank of tbo. Interior,, Albany ; and certifiWo of deposit will be transmitted to Hamilton for entry as before.' I-^w Mih Pruvn about Ahis maftor; and he expressed his entire willingness to remit in this my,_4Qiirj'ng only that you should instruct'Tiim ta do, 'so. Please address him, and jrour agent at New York, in bonfomfity; . - ■ ' • " The GrcAt Western Railway Compapy will use funds in Bank, at Buffalo and Detroit, for pymcnts , required to be made at these places — ^resulting balanoes not required for such local use, to be drawn for through the Biink. . . ' • -"'-■■ . ■' > ■ •■ ' ■; ■- ■= . ■ . " Tho Bank will ^onor, at par, cheques of the Company on Hamilton Branch, and all its offices— it being undentood that no large cheques (say over £1000) will be presented at the smaller agencies, where no great lapply of notes iA held, i: • ' , • ; ■ ' , *■■'■:..■%■■.'■■■■■.'-.■ - ; •' « The Bank will furnish draflson New York fot snob payments as' tlie Company may have to make in ^e United States (exclusive of Bufblo and Detroit) at par, when such paQrments cannot be made by cheque. .. *t ,,...'• • ' t "-The Gref i^ Western Railway Company," in making payments to ed^loyees and othen, wbere cheques are not given to payees, will use the Bank's notes ; and generally keep in view, so far as praciticable, giving to the Bank the full benefit of circulation on disbursements of the Company. " In eonmderiition of this, and of the total receipts of the Company, aa befbre stated, the Bank consents togive an overdrawing er^it of £50,000 (say fifty thousand pounds currency), it being undentood that such oveijdrawing credit, if gnsed, u for temjporary purposes, (say when receijpts of the Company do not meet tei]iponiy disbnnements),/and not as a fixed Iran for an indefinite period. The oveidnfl, howct^er, to b« avaUaUewlwttnqaiieSby the Company for otdinaiyexpenditare^fwbatcvernataie.'f;- S. ■ ■■•■ ' ■ ' ■■■■\ C68.) Fllrd by riaintilh and l)e< fmdantR, 4 { w ,f; ■: fr -I, - 1- . . ■ : /■■ ■■ . ^, ■ ". ■ ■, . '• .4S ■ ;•. ■ .•■-.'..: ■■'• ■■.■;,■., ,'\ . ' - «lnterM*wilHwoiuirg«don th « RecardinR Sterliog E.ohange, the Bank ^ill Uke the Billa of Ihe^eit Weatert Railway Company on London at aixty days, ateurrent New' York «te of the da, for "finit-claaa 1^1.. When »>>« C«"»P'"'y *•»' j» remit to London, the Bank will ftrniah their 60 daya' Bills at one-half per cent, overrate in New YorjT. Thes* eaioulations, reekoning ono-fonrth eommiasion to be paid in New York and London on the- tran«a?Uon., are based upon the Bank reeeiving one-fourth per cent, jroflt as stated at recent interviews. Cash transfers in "London; to the credit of the Company in Canada^ll cany U per oo"*: P«""'»« »'«' New York rate, at 'time of entry in Canada, being equivaent to 75 days difference of time. Bills at 80 and 9a days will be subject respeotiTcly to advance aifd reduction of one-half per cent. « The Bank Directors, believing the account of the Great Western Railway Company to be an important one from the indirect value of nxieipto, and issue of our notes for disbursements, desire to (tonduct the account ■ in the most libiral manner; and, with this view, have Muetioned th, terms as stated. Hereafter *'^fA*^7 vchauge be found necessary, either on the part of the Com^ny or of the Bank, such alteraUon oan doubtless "'be considered by both parties in the same Bpirit. ' '^n all such agKwmente, aa the present,it U Bsualto name some period for notiM of withdrawal tborefro^^ " This I overlooked when at Hamilton ; and while We look upon the arrangement as. permanent oj»e, it la but right you shouldJiav « condition attached in this rtwpeot, as to which please advise me.' "It is nndeittood that the dSbt of the Great Western Railway Company to the Bank of Upper Canad-T rsav about JCTO.OOttl is covered, or to be covered by Bond at three montha' da*, to 1^ retired b^^illoiy " LndoB. The Company will endeavour to settte Bond by Bill directly with Bank of Upper Canada, j^p*^ ^ without the intervention of tliis Bank. Should, however, the Company consider the rate offered by ^^K^^ - Unner Canada for such Bill unduly low, this Bank will interfere in the matter-negotiate the Company s^Bills in New fork, or elsewhere, if to better advantage-:giving to the Company the benefit of the Bank 8 endorse- inent and connection without chfagc > ' « But it is recommended that the Gi^ Western Company should ascertain, on what ^rms the Bank of ' tipper Canada will eetUe, say fifteen or twenty days before maturity of the Bond, so «.at, should the Bank ■ havVto intervene, time may be had to negotiate the Bilb without being forced to sell for any one p^iket _ , « I believe the above covers all the matbrial pointe in the agreement, and if you &d them to be corrccUy stated, please submit to the Board, and confirm on the part of the Great Weatern RaUway Company. / « I remain^ Sir, your moA obedient Servant|^ Oigned) C. S. ROeS, Cashixk. f.; ,(54.) Filed by FltidUA. I"-* H' "GrKAT WkBIBbA RAtLWATj , / , ' , \, ''^Ja^lMV,CASiBk''^1'^^^'^''9^|^°''^ '^W.E.Vx«f,EBH., . ' ''-..■ n, , - ■ 4J,; ^■■'- . . ■ /■ - ■ " Commercial Banh» > . ' . • ■. ■ " ' ■ '.■■■.-.'»•■■■•■.■ " ^■^' ""'« It will be a Ueat convenience to us to get back our cbeqiles f*»m yon tt cily ai possible after pajnent Ca; you notarrabge for thent to be rtturned'ua drily ; if -ot, at least evfry two or three d|y»? /^f- J ■t^v 4^ impany on ^m V want to ^H jr. Theii ■ jtions, are ^ ^m -anafers in ^^| mium ovo' ^1 It SO and H important ^R he acoovnt H (■*-'-. ibpnld anj ^t > dottbtleu H tltoreftom. ^B e, it is bat JH ' ' «r Canadilf b/j^ill oa, lanada, i(p» « .V !""■ - '" )j n^nlc of * iJiny's Bills* I's endorse- *• he Bank of , the Bank ipket be correctly , n 1. «« QaiAT WiatiBii BUitW** Mahaowo DiRBCtoa'i 0»»io«, (65.) " IlAMittOM, Cakaoa Wmt, 14/A id. " This Company has every hope and expoctpition that the arrangement now made will bo a -permanent one, an'd mutually advantageous to tjie Bank and tbi^Bailway Comp:^ny ; but as you make the suggwlion I would say, that the arrangement should bo liable to, be |crminated upon six months' notice being given by c.thor party. « Your suggestion about coming to an understanding with the Bank of ITppclr Canada, in reference to the rate to bo given for the bills to cover the Bond for X72,OpO shall be attended to; so that you shall have, at least, a fortnight's notice, if it ^hould become necessary, to negotiate such bills throug^ij^ur Bank. ■"■.<■■■■■' ,.,■-•.■;;■'■'''■''■•;•■*< I am. Sir, -■; :■•■■■, •;;...■■ .,">,/■■■ . / ■ ■ \ /, " Your obed't Servant, '''"' (Signed) " C. J. BRYDGES, ^ ^ ^ " Managing Director.^' \ ■ t '0 « « OrM* Wkstkbn Raiiwat Manaoino I^ibbctor's Ofucb, «< Hamilton, Canada West,' 3 1»< iliyiM/, 1857. (56.) Ftlml by rUlntifla. « Since making the arrangement yfiif^ your Bank, in reference to our acc8unt, a careful estimate has been made of the pi^bable position of this Gd'mpany's finances, and in order that you may bo awar« fully of the probable slate of our account w^th you, I enclose you, ofcourte eonfidentiulli/, a copy of the statement made up. We have put down the traffic at something considerably below what was realised last year, so that there can be little chance of eiior in the shape of assets. "The only matter not tncl^de^ in our Statement of Liabilities, are compcnsaticrfls for deaths at the Des- jardins accident, and tho interest, due the Government on their loan, which (the loan) we are now preparing to pay oE v i "The Desjardins amounts it « impossible to estimate with anyd9greo of accuracy, but the payments on '' that account cannot under any circumstances exceed X20,000 during the next six ajonths. The interest due ' thq Government on the 1st of January last, we retain as a set-off against the amount due vs by the Post Office, whidiwe cannot get settled. The interest due Ist July last is £28,613 15s. 6d. This amount we had arrtnged for 6nr London Board to ppyin England Jo Glynn i Co., but they defenod making tho- payment J ^ MiUMSff «*«*'^' inifl*'*" :^", ■'- ■•*|- ' • ^ nntil M>ma amngemepU in eontemplation wen completed, end the intereet U now charged igainit at here bj the Qovemment Unr London Board intend to pay thia aniojint, and will doilbtleaa do ao before manj wceki; but my object in writing to yon now if to know if yOd can armngo to make thia payment for as to the Govern, ment'here at once, and keep it aa a apecial charge to be liquidated by t payment to the London Board. Your arrangementa with that Bank knd with the OoTcrnment hero will probably enablo yoa to arrange thia without any difficnity. It would aeem itota tho encloaed atatement that thia would eaaily coine within our arrangement foracredit ofjCftOfOOO; but I wuh it to bo kept quite diatinot from that, ubu^ London Board have promiaed to pay thia intereat. «: .^ » ^ Will you be good enough to let iqe have an early reply, aa'I laate thia city for England on Monday next, and I ain deairoua of having the matter arranged oefore I leave. 1 ' " I am, dear Sir, youra tmly, , '• : (Signed). ^ "0. J. BRYDGES. ^"0. S, Rob*, EiQ.,; .- : -:■-..•—„-..;.„■ — -^ij^^:...::^ _ ' --— -^ — —-----•- • • ; ,' "Cashier, CommereiaJ 6ank,X'ingftoH." ' . Filed by ! ' .' "OrKAT WmTBUI BaIL#AT OF CANADA, PWatlfc • "Gre$ham Som, Old Broad Slrttt,^iMnd«^ - \:- :■■ W> /■;■;' ^- ^ '.■:-'..'■:' :':':-:\:-\r\ «w;.H. PARK. "Plpaaa drop a memorandatB in poat ibi n^ with thi iigniw of iatoeit. "Say amount to b« ^aid bj «• to OoVWBBMit on 2nd Jftnoary." . • , < »- W!^i^^W \ ■.--IT-l C • fE1?t.^V ''■SJ 40 " 0. A., New Yoiik, '<7M Jan., 1868. y ^ \ [TILEOHArniO MBHiCfl.] " Commtrtiat "Bank, Kingiton : * ' " We want to gWo oqr nccopUnco for tfln thoa»antl dollars to Raynor & CJaA, payabU at tho Blerchanta' Bank hero, at 60 or 00 dam Bight, on account of Detroit and Milwaukee muttorfc It ii very uf Rcnt that said •ccepUoeoahould be dtacointod to-day, to aavoexpeoM. Will you' toloRraph to Merchanta' ^nk on receipt of thia. ao that it may be done by thorn T Answer to u» at St. Iifioholu alao- ' •, ' "0. J. BRYDGES. ' . ' "T. REYNOLDS." - > " Gbeat Webtjbn RAiLwAr, ..-*,. ' "Hamilton, Canada We»t,\\th January, 1%M. « C. S. Rose, Ew-,' ' " Commercial Bank of Canada, KingUon: « " We are glad to be able to report to you that we have made perfectly aatlsfactory ternu with Bonean, Sherman & Co., and Lee k Co., in New York, whence we returned only late on Saturday. "With Mesanf Lee and the repreaintativea of the Western Bank of Scotland, arrangearats havq, been made, by which their claim on the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company will bo satisfled in England by the iasne of Great Western mortgage bonds, having throe years to run, bearing intereat at the r»to of 6 per cent, per annum. ' ' ' ,,•.. „ ■ ■ ■ . " " As far as that claim is concerned, therefore, we shalf not have to alk for any aid or intervention ficom jon—n result with which, no doubt, yon will be as well satisfied as we »n>. " With Duncan, Sherman & Co. we have agreed that we will dra* for the' fnll amount of their oUim, vii., fl00,C99 06, on the English Board of this Company at 6 and 12 months at sig^t, in two equal amounts; and that aa they are to deliver up their securities, we will phtoo in their hands with our said drafts your letter of guarantee for their due acceptance and payment. "We presume you will see no objection to this plan, and we are prepared of course 4o give you in exehango uyeounter guarantee here that you may dMhi necessary. "With Rayner & Clarke, who had a claim fj»r 121,000, we settled by giving our acceptance of Mr. Trowbridge's draft on this Company,' payable at the Merchants' BeuIc, in New York, as follows, vis. : V 111,000, due 15th March, 1858} V 8,000, " 15th June, « /' :' \ ' ■ ISMi^ t* Vlih 'r , ";. ■ Each being dated ftom Detroit, 8th December, 1857, signed by C. C. Trowbridge, Treasurer of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, and accepted by as as Managing and Financial Direotonrespoothely of the Qr^t Western of Canada Company. ** i ^li " WiU you oblige us with a few lines, giving your assent to the proposed guarantee to Detroit and Milwaukee (Clompany, and giid instructions to the MenhuiU' Bank at New York, also fw the protection of these bills to Bajner A Clarke when 6t maturity. y: \*... ■i^; ■; ,-"^' '^r; .J 1 ■ ■ » "Tli« tmi of Ihe Detroll ind Milwaukw programin*, which Mr. RejnoIJi ahowed yoo at Toronto, will bo elowly »dher«d to. ,\v ' /" " Ij«« & Co. glfo op (Muritioo oii i»eo«ipt of tn ordor on tho Rngliih Board for lh« Bondii f 'f^* trOjfcK Sir, fnithfully yours, •1^\ I'a J. BRYDOKa, .; .•V, " Mii»>iijiiitj DImtior, "THOH., " Finanfial Dirtcfor^ « /».5.— Thanka for yodr telegraph to the Iftorohanta' Bank ; but »• Mr. Silliman d«olin«(d to act on tele- graph message, and Rayn ;; A Clarke's wanU wcroWgont, they obUined discount of our sooeptnnco elsewhere." ^i' ' '0\ ,1. " CoMMxinoiAi. Bank or Cawada, VIlAldiLTON, \\lh January f\%b9 "TnoHAs Betnqu>«, Esq. > « Dear Sir, " I am much obliged for your note in reference to tho N. Y. 0. balance, and am r>d that I was In error. ' " I am somewhat disa' find that tho money for the emp%ees Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company has all been Ukeii in targe notes. If we are to hirto any cb»ncJi for eirculation, it will bo by assort- ing with notes of small denomination. Such at least is our eiperlettce-of- circulation 9 << Yours faithfttll; _ "W.U.PARK, ' "/J/anfl^ep.* (62.); FUedby^ PefeadV ■ \J " aBEAT W«iTKB5 Railway, \ " Hamii^ioii, Camada \VM|(r, 11ey will go all right, and have a good circulation. .^ ,/ <'lhaTe, howerer, telegraphed to Mingaye to get from Peacock ^Ony at Windsor, aind Homan at Detroit, aU the small Commeroial Bank paper they haTC for payment to the Mibhii^n Central, and to hand them ten- dollar bills in exchange. ./• ■•;.;■'■" ^y^ ■'■-•, " Whaterer of these he hands to these paruas will of coarse come up in a day or two, and the one and two dollar bills he may get from them will of coun^ hare the circulation in liea of thos^of ten dollsra each. —A- "I wu so anxious that no hitch shoald/4cour in tk^mattcr, tint I begged Mingaye to go np to get the Botes himself. I £nd, howeTcr, be sent a oerk for them. (68.) Filed bj Def'Wid'u. % ^•''^r^^'"^ ^^"ffw^'mr'Vt'^r r» '«^""5^#i^T'-^~s>E / " I hart writUa • toubing tppMl to tiM Ntw York OcnInI, ud I hop« wo ihall got lomo oMk fVoB lb«m •ra long. «« I hear by tol«gnpb thai Ibo Orand Trunk havo paid ai flOOO, and tbai about 17000 woro will bo noolrod tnrn ibom to-morrow. " Yonn, mj dear Sir, Tarj tiaeerolj, "THOfl. RRYN0LD8. -. _ i ■ ' ■ . . ■ " P.S.—The 110,000 aent to-day to Detroit are in part payment of onr balance due to the Michigan Cen- tral Railwiy Company, and the Treuurer undertook to uie the bill* in pajing the ttaff. Tbia ia quite diatioet flrom Detroit and Milwaukee matten, alibougb by your note yott appear to think otberwiae. " I meloae oo|iy of my letter to Mr. Roaa to-day." In:,' 1 \ \' .* '/J / 1 J /,•/:' ,f / "Mi. (64.) tfMhf ' DefaodV ^&f' ' ' ' " CoHMiEOTAL Bank or Canada, , •? " " KiNQBTOM, 18(AVaN«Mi>y, 1868. " C. J. Brtikiu, Eiq., • <'TaoMAa RiTHdtoa, Eaq., "Grea$ Wttttm RaQmijf Company , ffamtlton, "Gentumin, ', << I am favoared with youz latter pT 11th iut, and note th« lottlcmente arranged with MaMn. Lee k Co. attd Doncan, Bberman di Co. . ' *' It iff not in the power of the Board to guarantee aooeptanoe and payment of the billa intended to be f^i«a by yen to Meaan. D., S. A Ca Suoh a proceeding would be altogether ' uUra etrei ' and the Bank'i guarantee eaii only be got in a ahape of endorMment of billa. I need not aay that our ondoisament of bilb at Buoh datea would bo very prejudicial to our atondiog abroad, while we were not the owners. We are thus unable to meet your Tiewa, and the only thing wo can do, apparently, Is to send you the encloaed letter to Meana. D., 8. ft Co., whtoh, while Hi* ho guannle*, and simply^h opinion, may be of ua« ia effecting other arrangamenla. " After reoeiTlni^your telegrapli, the other day, I wrote to Mr. Billimau, expUining our poaition with the Great Weatem Railway Oompany, and apologiiing for troubling him out of the usual course of business. On Tuesday evening I had a telegraph ftom him, stating the acoeptonoe was $11,000^ not 910,000, and aaking if that was all right 7 I replied In the afirmatiTO, and {Mnred he had caahed that one for na for the Merohante' Bank. However, Mr. Pirk will take memorandum of matority of the three aooeptanoes, 911,000 16th Marob, •8,900 l&th June, 97,000 17th Jane, and reodt for them in doe oonise. :/■■ •/. 7: 5;^, ,;/; "I am, Gentlemen, " Toun faithfullT^^ (Signed) "OTsTrOSS, "OcuMer." . ^ I A ■v \. \ "CoMMBUui Bar* or Oavava, ■\ "JkiNotTOM, 13/A Januafj^, ItW. " MiMH. PtfROAM, BNtMIAa A Co., ' (es.) KnrliMnr* In r.lMUH No «l * Alnl l>v Uvflilul'U. "Refening to r«e«nl lnter»l«w« between yo*rhou»«iind Me«Mn. !lr3r<>R«i and tlcjrnoltli, of tho OfMt WMtern lUilmy Company, I im informed th«t it w«i pripowd to •mngo the milter in hand by bills of lb« Company, on I^ondoo, at fl and 12 monthi' tight, f(iiarante|iHl acoeptanoa and paym«nt by thia Itank. I hare written to Meimni. Hrydgeii and lloynolda, that the Board eanhot aaftction fpiarantee of thU or anything elie by the Itank, and that our Kuartntco oonid only be Riven in ahawi of enditnwiuent of Hill* ; while, of ooune, It would iw»er do timt out endonwment ahonld appear on Billa at mjch date* whieh the liank did not hold. A»- tbe iam« time, I havo no heaiution in italinK, that we have i«o dbubt tho llilla in quention, if taken, will b« aoeepted and paid at maturity ; and, in eonflnuation of thia opiniin, I may add, that the credit of the Oreat Weatern lUilway Company with ua ia «200,000, beaidea Hilla of l^tohange on Ijondon; and thia will ahow you that we ooDsidcr tho Company beyond queation. "I am, Oe^tlemcn, " iTonr moat obedient, •t m- goad) e. ROSS, "Catkier: *\ \ n ' ^j "QKIAT WtSTKKN RaiXWAT,. , " IlAMiiTON, Canada WuT, 10/A\^ttu;y, 1858 "C. $ RoiB, £m., -~. .— Commercial Baitk of Canada, ■ . "■ .' "Kingilon. :.'.'"'■ MOVAR Sot,. ■:■"•.■■> ■» .-, _ . <^ We kave to aoknowled^ the rc«oipt of, and thank you for, youi* letter of the 13tb, together iHth the one for Mesara. Dunoao, Shermaa & Co., of New York, wbioh it contained. " We ha,Te forwarded the aaid letter to those Oentlemen, but we hardly eipect it will aatiafy them, to induce then to give up the Raila which they hold, in exchange for our Drafts, at IG and 12 months, on the English Board. It may therefore be necessary to make some other arrangement that will satisfy them ; and if yonr preaence in New York should be found necessary to aid in aecomplisbiog tho object in view (of which we will give yon enrly notiM^both by post and telegraph), we hope you will not object to meet ua at that place. '! We g» to DetjfMt, on Mondays to ;pomplete amngemonts with the Detroit and Milwaukee Company> and (66.) ta. liope to get beck hire by .Thuiaday next. \ " In referenoe to the remarks in yotir letter of the 18th, on Uie subject of Mr. Silliman't telegraph to you, m beg tci obeerre, tlut the ^tclegnjiib yon mention having received on Tutidajf nmittg iaat, cannot A. V y *• Mtrohanl*' Itenk, on «mr ucmunt, for, ■• Mr Hillimin ciMlin«d to Ml o« lb* «•«•«• yott Mnl him, wAtf* iw iwr* i« N«w York, wohMid-d Me«ira IUjbm A CU.ko oor loofpUneM In dUhtrK* of oUim un iho I>»ir.)U ■«•} Milwiukoo CooipuDy (m lUUa to jroB io our Uat Uttor), tnJ ihoM Q«nllfn*«a ward to obtain diMUual «lM«h«r«. « Wo ihdl rtKiu«»t Mr Hiliim.n to giro • Rood iocount of lh« rtputabililjr of th« UilU, If onquirioii thuulJ b« m««|o, «nd ihU, upon your t«l»Rniphlo uieM«g«, ho undortook to do. " Wt oonooiro, ihertforo, Mr. Hillinwn'i t«l«)in«ph to jou, of Tueoday laal, waa In MiMM|Mae« of loiiia anqniry harlog Wb mada aa to th« repuuhility of tha namoa on iht liilla ; and la a Ittll of III.OOO waa aihi- biud, whila your maaaage to htm apoka of ona of 110,004) only, ha probably wi.had you to ba uiada awara of th« variation in iha aiuouMt. lU thia aa it may, w« did Ool aak Mr. Silliinan to coma undor tdranee, or to diaoouiil tha Hill, aftar hi* Aral objaolion to act on your talegraph, and If ho haa doo«^ao ainca wa loft, although itia all ■kfa and right, ha haa duno it on kia own, not on our ae«ouiit. ~ "t , " Wa ara, d«ir Sir, ' •■ ' " Yoon Tory truly, / • ' "0. J. BIlYDaiW, ' / "TIIOS. RKYN0LD8." / (67,) mad by DaftBd'ta. J. BlYDOn, ElQ. « TbOI. J. RlTN0t4>H, Estk- ^3^ " CgnupioiAI. Bahii Of C*NAbA, * "*i F . . «• KiMOWOW, 19/A JaaiMt/y, 1858. -.J ■ T-f . ■ ; " OBMTLKMm, • "I am faTourod with yotir lottor of 10th inat., and note iu oontenU. " Aa I remarked In my laat, it waa sol in our power to grant the guarantee you aaked, and ettn had there not been the obtt^le named, we are aura you would not have wiahed U wheo tke proceeding would have been •Uended with certain injury to the intoreata of the Dank. " I am quite ready to go to fJew York, for the purpoae of negotiatiag an amount of our eichange lufieieol to cover your payment to Duncan, Sherman & Co., and to make aueh payment. Wo aaaume my preaence in New York to aaaist in negotiating any other aetUenwnt ia. not wanted. It would undoobtodly pr^udiw » I ktOttltbto jettlement were I to appear with you. If required io Now York, please advise me early. ' ^^ " Mr. Silliman discounted the 111,000 aeeeptanc« referred to, and while, no do«bt, he would not bay* . ione 80 to hia own prejudice ; yet, I preanmo, since we asked it, this may have influenced him. :^- ^rrn^ " I am, Gentlemen, " Yoon lUthfully, "C. 8. ROSS, / -w ■¥^1 ■ >■« ? ■ ' :^. "D«TROIT AID MlLVAUKKll lUll.WAV I'UMIhKir'n OrruK, C^) « My Prill Sin, U»i.«*k "On the U\tpttn\m», nn iii'.'qiliifw«i by Mr, n»)«l^i« niitl me, i.l ilrMftufr. V. Tr>iwt»riil(j''» of |;l,(M»0, will mnlitri', pii>itlil<) 111 ib.i MmliiiiiV lliult iH New " I cnwU* Chwiutf fur lUo miiouiit, mj Tlirr* Tlioumii..] IMlutK ; plenie 1^ .le (kill .lit« li..«..r U fri>vl4«U fcflhoUill. ' ■ j ' • (%ii»a) • "TIIOM.VH UI'.YNtM.IH ^ .. /',.V— I fiirlJirr oiul.i-o ('lirr|un f.r IllJ.Oni IJ, I.. pfnvM.! f./f trnf iitfi'f|.l4iM.rt t» i'. V.^o, in , f*fc«rof II. K. Hiii'iKitr, iMltiMkiilN«w YoJii, ou »»i«:itd|.riait«i>. . ,.» '• W. H. Paiik, Kcfl , « •' Cmmrriiid Jliink." t^wnJ) y" 1... ' :":i ♦W. n. I'AnK, EiiO , • ' '* ComnvreM Jlmik " Dear Siit, '•OftKAt Wr.wit.RN Uaii.waVj ^ (00.) " tlAMIUnM, C.VSAltA WfcHT, IW ^far^^l, iS*X ni..,|>,v ^"^ l-Woilifti.' 'v.; . ■ "''■. r ^>^- " r l»rp li-nvo lo Imml yon cni'WJ Sfetttwn Braft, by Mr. llryitip^.Vinil one nn ibc I'mhIUU UiMirJ of tliM (?.>riipiniy, nt niin-ty dnyii wuht, IWf 4lia,lJ» UJ". 7«l.,'nJ b« oarrtoj to ll[«» «ri"lit i.f llio I» , olid Miiffuukfo account, at the cxchwigo of 10*1, o»#7U,00(>. i w . .k . M I am, dinr 8ir, fl||| \ , ■■ ^: ■ ■' .^:' '■'. " r«iibr«Hy yoii^ ' r • * ' . '/TUOS. IlKVNOI-DS." r. •Orbat Wmtkiin llAitwAY, " .■ ' »■•■..., ^■ "In cxcbnnj'n for tho onclospil Cbcqno (l>r S'.S^^^ 70, oW\^(T ran wiiU b olgbt order on No VotV, In fttvor of Messrs. Duncan, Sherman Jl_(*o., of tliat ("ilyj for Raid s^m of 8^«;i2 TO. .■■'■■•■ •■■■-■•.■.•-_•■•■ - ■ * .■■.■■ ■ *- • ' '.'■."■■■".■: *■ ,*^^ ; '"I am, dear Sir, ' s;^;..^ . ^" "Faithfully youTd, rr ^ ^ 1 • ■ "TUOS. REYNOLDS." .(70.> lilcl b 1-luiuth' r 1.^' • . 4' (7L) Ttlad 68 ;■.-■■■:■';.; v'^V':; ,""' "Obbat WfmiBN Railway, ■■".■■''■ f " Hamiltoii, Gamaba WuT, 11(A J&ra/ 1858. <''W.'H. Park,. Esq., :■-:../:'■. ■ C '■' S . " Cowtmereittl Bank. <. ,. :'. \ „ ■' ' ■■■..■.•■•.' « I flndoM jtm Cheqaea u follow, dated 18th inai, %l $11,168 11, for wbioh oblige me with Cuh order on New York, ID f«TOnr of the Hartford Bank, due ISth ioat. : — Che<}ue dated 15tB ioat. ^ ,...■••••«•••<•••'.••■••••••••••••••••>••••••••' $11,000 00 ZZnCi ..•••••«atfaaa/«*t**** ••^■•■••••••••«i #••••••• • 0*114 84" V ^ ''■".■■■■/ * ^orcl - •••■ ••••••«••.••*•'•••'■•••••«••••••••••«•••••••• A,00ia 4u « The iaat three to provide for oar Aoeeptance, matnring at the Menhanta' Bank, New York, on .the 18th, 26th and 26th ihat, u already adWaod. '■■■', •'^■T'V':--- ;■ r'": -"I am, dear Sir, :.'■'■' :':V'p'-;'~^': ^T: -y:': '■: ^ «'YoniB trulj. "THOS. REYNOLDS. " P.S.'^a Monday next, Wb ahall require for V. k H. wages, 135,000, or theieaboati) please prepare.' (72.) FUedbv FUntiffi " GbEAT WttTlEN RAItWATT, *< Hamilton, Canada Wist, •'C. 8. Ross, Esq., ° « 80/A JtfaycA, 1858. ** Steretary, Commereial Bank of Canada, Kii>gilo», "DsakSib, " In proceeding with oar Detroit and Milwaukee engagements, we find that it Woald be a graai advantage to OS, if we had at times the means at oar diaposal (beyond oar ordinary resonroes) of making settlements with parties whose claims are pat down for payment at a dutant date. To enable as to make snob settlements, and to economise therfunds at oar disposal (which would be one effect of our being in a position to do ao), we have to request that you Will lay before your B^rd tm request to be favoured with a credit to the extent of say 1100,000, if necessary, on our joint Detroit and Milwaukee account here. " The Bafance against the Great Western Company ia now ao much reduced (and will oontinue ateadily to decrease), that we imagine you will have np objeetioiT to the arrangement here proposed; and we may mention -tQ you, as aome indacement toyou, that the notes to be drawn, under such a credit, would be sent down to circulate in the State of Michigan, where the not inconsiderable amount of yo^r paper already sent by us for payment of the indebtedneas of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company continues to circulate. . " We desire to adhere as nearly as we can in drawing on our Engliah boUeaguea to the amounts set down in the schedule we prepared for the gradual completion of the works on the t). and M. Line. And thisproposed credit would enable us to do so without th« necessity of postponing claims which could, if j>romp<(y set- tled, be so much more satisfiwtorily arranged. ; « Do OS the ikvor to inform us of die decision of your Board at vour earliest eoiiTenience. "■ ■ ' ■ ' . „ ^■ C; « We are, dear Sir, youra faithfully, V _ ■- L L „ (Signad) " C. J. BRYDOES, . " THOS. REYNOLDa" ■"^.sf'T'm- ^ 68 ' , << Yours faithfully. (78.) Tiled by PUintiA. (Signed) "C. BOSS, "Cathier. ««ij, J. Bbtdoks, Esq., =' ~ ' "Tbob. Rktnoldb, Esq., % 3< J' Directon Great Wettern RaUway Oo^, *'ffamiUon\" '* CoMSiEBOiAi. Bank or Canada, "KiMOSTON-, 9lh April, 1858. ' "Dbak/Bib,' . ■ " : « I returned from New York kte thia afternoon, and take the Ir. Campbell and myself to New York for payment. It w6uld save you tho commission and New York funds to send tbcm to Hamilton. Sballldoso? . « Yours fjiithfully, , . ' . ' ' «C. S. ROSS." "Tnos.«ETNOi,DS, Esq." (76,> Filed by ruwtm " GnKAT Western Railway, "Hamilton, Canada W^est, Wth April, 1853. (<€. S. RosSjEsQ., ; .'■ .: ■' '".^" ■■"■;'■ '. *' Cashier, C " Wo are anxious to make ou^r arrangements to cover the account on the 31st ISilAncu, next year ; but if the uraDgemcnts of^h^liank render it necessary that we do 80 earlier, we will tttke care to d<^ ao. sb >-v " We have ovoi'y cxpcolntion thai williin »ix mnntlM from tl>i» date tUo Orcat WcJitcrn nccouut will b«5 in > condition not to rcfjnirb Iho open credit which it at present ciijojjt ; an.! if thin cxp«i«ati.ui ttliould bo realize I wo prosomo there Would bo noobjocliDn on tho part of the Dank to cairy tho D. und M. credit on to the .list Horch next. '■■»„, , . , . ,\ ,, ' "Wo arc, dear sir, farthfiilly jours, V V . (Sisnod) "(J. J. liUYDUKS,' < "THUS. unvNOLns." /^ • .. V. / ' ^ ■ " CoMMErtciAi. Hank of Canada, ' . "KiscisTON, ibth April, ISb^. |Ci£NTLEMKN, ' ■,.■.-.', <( I n\n favoured with your letter of 14th instQrtl. Tho Mipnliition for havin-v** . ^ •;- ■^"*;. (19.) Y FUedby '„ r\ . . « CoMMiRciAii Bamk Of Canada, ' ' "HauiIiTPN, 22ncl Jtfby, 1868.^ GK^d^ «ThobiA8 BiArNoi;Dfl, Esq., ^ • »* • r "Vie^-Firnidnt, ■ •■ .'■ ;-r, : ;; " '"r: :,/ . ' . -" .[;, • ^ .- ■ "IkAB SiB, ■■■> '.■■^," " ,.-■ ^ ; ■ ; ■ .v,' ■""' .■: ■. ':^ J< I beg to hand yon herein, m reqnested, iSxohange on New York for ten thonsand^ dollars, and twenty- fonr thousand dollars, for which please send eheqne as nsoaL ^ . . - . ' ^ « I am, dear Sir, Yonis T«iy truly, r * , W. H. PARK, . ^, . ,:, "Mimagtr." Detroit and HUwaukee RaHmajf Company, " Bamitton." ' i ., ' ' ti n«#MMif AM/7 TMutnuJr^^ • w».A. l\i <■»• '■* DebndSlk "TbOMAS RkTNOLDS, EsQ.^ " Vice-Preiideni, "Deab Sib,' "CoMHKBciAii Bank or Canada, "Hamilton, 29fA May, 18^. 1; '.. «',w. 1 « X ' "thAt ^ » * a notes ti » ,♦. " younp «i please 1 S 1 '< I beg to enclose, paid, your aoceptanoes retired hj Merchanto' Bank, $2,000, $500, $1,000, $l,500i, ' $»,000, 16,106 47 (C. J. T.), " And remain, ^r Sir, . , . •♦ Yours truly, . f • 4- ' 4t. ' "W. H. PARK, * ^ . - ujbnager." " *' Detroit and MOttavkee Railway Company^ ' f J\ "Hamilton Office." ^' • * ■ rir ■ ' H '<\ ■>■- 67 W , * , '^ *' CoMirtolAti Bahk Of Canada, • ^ ■ >- • _ . ^ -yw JJawiftoii, 29rt Jfay, 1858. . MfBOMAt AXTNOLOI, E«Q^, "•''• j ■'";'':■''.;)■'*■ • ' '■ ' '^'- •- , -^ ."iVtiance ^Director, ' . ■ . '^', •' 'Vv '•,-"• "" '■";''■■••■ ii*v*MBA,'\. . '^ ■ V^*' ,••■■■■. - ;'■■:■''.■■' , " I iKg'to hand yon he^l^, at dtbit of yonr CompaDjr^the foUow|iig.I!^ebapge ;~ •'. 1^0.0688. BaDk\>ii 3Ierohant«' Bank .; .....^..'.....k.^.i?,,..'.',, .'...;,.••... |32 fiS "6600. " " " .......i..;......-« .......,......'.... ...;.^...K.". 125000 B. R. M6. 488. Lake ObUrio Bujc, 0>wrgo,onth« Bank of Commerce'' li)G7 42 ll « 'No. 4%l. Lake OhUrio Bank, oa Bank oC,Commereo...i.. .:..... .......,f ..u.* 8000 00 ' ''< No. 485, Ilamilton, Dajfia, & Co., o| Bank iif N. Auorica*' ,.K,..:...f..,...^....f.-. 5000 00 "^ " Great Wetfm Bail^dy^ ' • ' "OimiUoH. *' (8t) FU«d by Dafoml'U. , j. '.'An^am, dear Sir, youia truly, '\» ' - , '. i V '#> "w°n. park; :■• ' ; Vl ^ "■■\'l:i »'::'.' "Manager." %• 'f •■"VA.: ' -^ V" > " "G«KATWtaT«Rii Railway, ^ • (82.) ; ', • " BamiLtoh, Ca^iaba W«bt, 81»< JUa^, 1858. Filed by • . 1 * " ■ • ' / ruidUOii. *. . ('W. H.»5|»ABK,j;sQ%, "#■ ^ "-■ . . " Commereii^ Bank. , - ' ' - ' " - •' . ^ :^ . ■-' xt^iAsStm,' .'■'•.•'".. ,■■■.. ^~^'.'^ * - ■■'-*■.! " .■•.. i- ^ ■ • ■ ^- :, j; ■ , '; "> ■;■- *■ '. .-■■■.;.. : ■ , ..■,;.■ ■ , . * .''• JiSnd •* . 885 ' V * '. ^4til ', ......^ ....,^.«9.^«i 12,881 '< I have telegraphed t6 Detroit to kscertafn the amount ^id in since 24th, and if I get a reply in time to communicate with you before Mrl Cockayne leaves (1 ;?.H.),T will do so, in order that, if so disposed, you may, draw a further amount on Saqger.^ ) ' ,_ " i -s "lam, dear, Sir, • - i } ' *> "FaithfiiUy yours, . \ '*• ' ^ » "THOS. REYNOLDS." •-.. JlK ^ .♦*. *^ 1 _ r^T' * \ I / *^, , 08 .^ (88.) riled b^ • ,' !>•'•"«»»* .rTiios. Reynolds, Emi., YWt.PttMtni'. - ♦ . # " Dear Sib, " CoJfMERciAi. Bank of Canada, " IlAMItTON, 10rtv5iri>'«»»A«»', 1858. « I bo« to hand you herewith D.2t.l2 .eccpuL .^ Mr. «^«o. -^ >-"^'>;:;';;o?.^ tli & Co. for •10.000, and IW8»a aeccptnneo «. .bovo in fuvor of Nel.on P. Stew.rt for $-5,000, e,.lun„o for which bo plengod to send mo the Coinp.njf'* ohequ* " Ditroii and MUmttulee JiaHieatf Compani/, "JIamillon." «' I ftfti, dear Sir, yours truly, > C. II. SORLEY, • ■'• • '^^fcoaniant," :>*:-.^;: _- V ^ „ '.'■^•'' '< CoMMEnctAt Uank oT Canada, ^°*'^ ■ « Zfomfl/on; 29n/, >* i ' Ddroit and MilicaAkct ^ailieay Compamj, "Gentlemen, ■'.'.' ,'^- '\ \ ■ ,/■'**, ■■" ' : "I am in receipt of your (Uvour of this day's date, with liM of your bills .natiring'ut Morchants' Bank, in November, amounting to 8:J3,G0G 49c. ,. * • « Lhavo advised our agents, in advaneo, to protoet these hill,;; .nd for additional security I will forward our Exchange in retiromcut/uMr days pravLous to their maturity. • "lani, Qcntlomcn, youirs Very truly, W. n. PARK, .J * ' . "Manager." ^ " Hqfliilton." : ; ■-; - V- . A ( 86. ) I* Flloil by I«ufvnd ts. \-''" " C. C. TROwflRiDqE, Esq., 'V * , " Seeretnri/, f- De'roitaml Jlilmulee iialUeat/Compaiitjf, %»' Dear Sift, "Commercial Bank op Canada, / " IIamilton, 4th Novevtbtr, 1858. o " A. II Csnlpboil, EsquU one of the Directors of this Bank, visits Windsor in connection with the inten- tionorth* Bank Lpinan agency there; and as Mr. Reynolds has doublles* moutipned to you his purpose -:r V - ■ * ' #■■ ■ . ..flit- \ ,• . •<»-- m ^ tf urugiig wUh joar BMid for « tnufir of tha toeouDt of tha OoniMay to Wiadior agiMy, whan that i« •paaad, Mr. Oaotpball U naturallj daairoua of making jro9ir aeqaaiotanaa, and I bag tharafora to introduoa hia. ' » Dinil. r, '* I am, daar Sir, Jroara truly, W. U. PAEK, » MaMfftr,'* " OoMMMOiAL Biini OF Cawada, " IIamilton, Sth JVbnmfter, 1858. M 0. 0. IWtWMUDOi, Ea4., See'^f . _ _ " Detroit. (se.) FtbKlbT UtfondV «(<, « Yonr fai^ of the 6th inatant to Mr, Reyqolda ia raoairad, with incloanroa, u atated. Prooaada of nota aaat your oare, for Mr. Bladboigh, par Ez'piaM, Sata^y. , J . ^ ^ - «Y^n,reBpectflill7, " . ' / . «W. H. PARK, -, "Manager.". "CoipiMOUL Bam or G^vaoa, ( ' ' " Hamiltok, nth Novmbtr, 1858. y\\»A bj '«aO. TMWauiHn, E|K, Slw'y, . ^ . ' ^ DafauTta. ^ "Jktroil. / ' . . I - - I ''IhiAa Sn, •• , . *' '» iDtwwt . w « I am, dear Sir, yobn tralj, ' \ . ««W. H. PARK, ; M Dmroil." C8».) k*Wu>iiBai>AT]£TiNiio, 16(A D«e., 1^58. •T y-. > n*i Jw «» 0. 8. Roeej Eaq., — ^ — '' - -^ ___^^^ _____ — .: — _1_ ^ :i_l^ — " ■ "Wah.fjo.tol<«d««ry.grto.blelnter,i.wwUliMr.Roynold.. Mr. Campbell will Ml ,ou .11 wli^n h. retam Meintlme,Im.y«,, that we made up ourmind. toaakhimfora ormri letter, to p,t thj „ D. IndToTerdraft ia ba«ni abape. aaone wfth the 0. W. R, and it will b. f^enU oo«™^ I -" 'r««» U to Ton tetaininR copy. We alao bare a tirtual aaaumptiou of .tbe OoYemment differeDoe; at Jeaat, Mr. R. . V *i;:C;;;fatm3«^^^^ Own.tbatth.y«Tedtbe . monqfr M p«» fflj l«tt«f e^ 2nd Januaiy laat. f\ :. ' « Faithfully youn, ■.; .-^^^-v'; ■■..-'■. '.■■■ .-'^ ;:'■-■ ■■ .. • ■ . «W. H. PARK." ■■- (9d.) F>I«dby FlaiDtiA. / ■ ;, ; ""^ " GbIAT WlStBEN RAILWAT, ; « Hasultow, Canada W«8T, "16/A D«ce»6«r> 1858. "W. H.Paek,. EsQ-j- ■■■ . ■' '■ -.."'■ '■'*,> ■ " " With'referenw to the oonTenatlon which tbok place ycaterday betweett you and Mr. Campbell and Mr. Pe^iolZV- theaubject of the Detroit and Milwaukee I^«>w-y «»TS "*^\"* ^ ^^^'ZL f^ Kw« b^J««t»-W that tbe Great Weaurn Company holda itaelf liable to the Commercul Bank for iU pveHriught on the p. & M. Company'a account with the aaid Bank. "Thiaiaquite understood by iia;^ but as you exproawd * wiah to hare it placed on record, we now do lo by meana of thla letter. ' '"' .- "Oto p. and M. plana were w fully discuased between you and Mr. Reynold, yeatwday, that we do not deem it neceaaary to advert to them noWi f ' ' '«« We are, dear Bit ' ^ ^f r %' .• ^ "Youra, rery truly, ; / ' /" ^ ■ ' „ , "0. J. BRYPOES, • ' '• ti Managing Dinelor, O. W. R. Oo^ i; ' "TPOS. RB^NOLPB, , y* i' Finonet J)ireelor, O. W. R. Co." \ l- .., , _^_T , ■ .« ..-'" :'■■*,# ^: pvk the 11 forward i, Mr. R. nted the MOmat Waerami R«aw*», C9L) " Uamuton, Cahada Wier, 2ttrt ^an'jr, 18M. /mM b» "O. 8. Roaa, Ea«., « C^mMct, (7oiiim#reio/ iBaiUi of Canada,, - ' ^. , .. "J^mgtn- .. ■ . ' :■*-".■ "Dim 81%" ''I ■ '■■■ '• ■'■. ■..< « When we had lh« pleairare of eeet^g yon l^t week in DetioH, U Wu arranged that we ih^vild fnpplj jwi with E^iehangeoffEoglaod for the fi^it mail in Kobruiry. ,; « Oor lettera from London, reoeived on^onday iait, oonUin ralhv nrgent reqnoeU^hat we delay drawing N for a few monthi, nnUi a tempomy preanre, nndor .which tho lloarijthoro i» »t prownt .offonnK, ehal liajO brin reliered by the iiaae of thi Oompany'a Bond*, which, howercr ,1. f ro^ro^.R very nlowly^owiog. to th. ■tagnatiofi of buiinew on thia aide, and the oooaeqnent deoreaa^nonr ffalBo r*eiptt. \ *«olooorie, ifyoureqniro thepromiaed Ewhangeweinn^Wpplylt; bnta. mone^ i« generally rather oter ahnndanOit ha. occurred to na that it miRht be aatiaBiStory to yonr Hoard to tokv instead of kachanKe pn England/ . rtiort Bo.d,«nder tin. aeal of Great W.eatern Co., payable here, «.y on IH Jnno ne»t for J.n%r Twen^ ThonaandPounda.lthe a. the one to be imod to Ward,) 'n r.i.of of the l>.troit and Milwaukee aeoonnt; the undenUnding being, that if our Great Weet^rn balanoo .hall, at the maturity <,f the Bond, be inanflicient to retite it, Eichange.on EngUnd .hall then be had M«on«e to, for the pumie-. « Will you do n. the faror to j^Te thia propowdyour oon.ider;tion, ai^d inform u. at yonr early eon|reniono« ^f the deoiaioh of yonr Board with referenoe to It. „r > t, -> " We„are, dear Sir, . « Youra bithfnlly, (Signed) V " C. J. BBYDGE8, ' /v M TUOS. BEyNOLDS." \ .V • '\rf \ . ;.' • ' " CoMinRCiAt Baiik or Cahada, - :\ ' » - « K1M08TO11, 28iA January, 1850. . "Tour fltor of 26th inat i« Wore mV»fl«l has had our boat oonaideration. ^ ^^.^ * ^ "Ipeed not again aarare you of our deairo to meet youriWia^ea on all oocaaiona when it can be done without jeriouddeWnient to our general inteitjata, and it ia in thatapirit we Tiew your preaent application. ' " « So&r aa theBiik iaoonoemed, thciatteratandathuaAonr London account ahowaAalance of X42,000 rterlin»againat v»nnd*there are anndry dividend., &o., to^me in, makUig it at leaat, «0,000 ateriing^ The ouhing of Bond for Mr. Ward will add, aay £20,pOO .terling to thi., aawe ml^t aell aterling to meet it. We therefore Ao want theae monthly £10,000 aterling from you, >count „D. and M. account, and there are rally no produce bUla whatever thia winter to come i June, Ir ia not in our power to ma«9 any anangnmcnt which ^ould preclude our having all that u. avaiUble for ^' that purpose. .;,■ r",-" -^ ■ '..--.■.■' "Bj iMi BamUton retuma,! observe the D. tad M. account .ho*. , a balance of 1406,000, and we ' luve, probably, •160,000 of D. and M. note. Under diaooupt^ the«W»nco of account ia largely u exccaa (92.) FUsdbT llaloUAk (•8.) FlMby PlaliittA andDe- 4'. ■ ''• . ■■'■' :f\ t- oT ratlMwlMd emlil, and ol oo«m bilb OMtariaR, h«ld by oa, or by oibcm, bava to ba protaated, and will add 10 Iba aaioaat. Oo tuUnn raflaatioii, wa aaonol dafcr itariing payaanta bayond tba MIowing j^rioda v aay, lat u ba?a Boada of O. W. R. Co., 1100,000 fidlioff daa lit May, f 100,000 matarioR lal June, to ba efadilad D. and M. aoooani, and Uma radwa balMMa, and to ba paid by itariing bilU, wban dna, at 8 or 4 ■ontMaifbi Than, o« l&th Jana, wa aaauoM tbak O. W. R. fganaral aeoOMt will ahow balanaa at erwlil, wbiab woold ba appliad in radsetion of D. and M. aeoonnt to authoriaad Unit of XftO,000, or ba ramittad for di«idand. Tmnafar by ebaqaa ooald ba aaada, or wa aonid giro oar bill at 60 daya for tba aqnivalaat of dradil balanea of ganaral aoaonnt, tolling D. and U. atorling bill for anongb to radnoa D. and M. balanaa to XAO.OOO, on tba aappoaition wa ean afford to hara tbat amount than unpaid, aa to wbiob, whila I bopa wa oan,' I ahould Mi foal JnatiSad in eommitting tba Bank at tbia monaui . «" " nia ifaaoB wby wa ttnat bara part lit May, ia that wa haTa Uiatt to pay ebaqoaa for dutiaa to Bank JLO-i and moat notabaw aueh a haavy dabt to London. « I aMuma that if wa do not aall for tha a^ontUy bill of £10,000 atorllBgi on lat Fabmaiy, Mamh and April, tha D. and M. ohaqua, bayond notaa bald by oaraalraa, will ba aaukll. Wo ouuld not pay mneh and ' forogo taking tha billa nntilJuna. <* Plaaaa adriaa ooBonnranoa in thia arrangamant, that wa may ahapa oar a«iUm aooordiBf^y. - "Ian, Oanttaman, "Yoonsfkltkftilly, (Signed) "0. 8. ROSS, >• OuUtr. " 0. J. Bktdou, Eaq., "TaOa. RimoLDa, Ea«. '< P.&>-I go to N. Tork on Monday, and hop« to ratam Friday paxi "0. A, Si." ■t. V "OuAT WiBTnii Railway, v . • ;..,,•■" "Hamilton, Canada Wut, 't C. 8. Ros»i,BBQ., "CofAiar, ComaMfaa/ jBb»*o^ ClwKwIa, "s:i»^^^*^" ■ . ' , "^ •■ ■■ -^ . . , ----•--^-^-- ..-■. .- , ^ "DsABSn, ;■''■■; ■ ■'■;^ ■' « Wa hara to aaknowladge tha raeaipt of your &Tor of the 28th inatant, in anawar to oura of'iha 26th, OB the anbjeet of tha Detroit and Milwaukee aeoonnt . '< Tha daaiia of the Bank to extend to thia Company every laaaonable ftdlity in referanoa to their banking bnaineia, haa been amply raanifeatad to ua ; and wa beg to offer our beat tbanka for the liberal manner in whieh our widiea haTa been at all timea oonridared and raaponded to by your Direotora and yoniaelf. • "The plan for oorering the D. and BI. aooount, auggeated in your letter now under aoknowladgmeiit, ahall ba worked up to; but, aa we preaume it will be the aame to the Bank if Capt. Ward'^i bonda for about 1100,000, for rMvUing iioa, am nada payable on the 1«{ Jfoy luxt, inatwd of tibe 20th January, 1860, r: "^■i-:.- ■i^ m4 om of th* 1100,000 Inmdii for tho D. and M. looovnt U mdo to m«t«n 20th jMiwry, lf»(JO, ana tka 0^ on U Juno, 1«M> Wo U»o to «Uy iMoed to ('•pi. W«H for 100,000, duo lit M«y, IH«», on ••wuaal. n« Mooonti not boinii yet quiu tnwod, i bond for the baUnoo Hill hf v« to bo iMuod oo our rolara (Voa BWroJl, to wbloh pkoo wo aro now going, y^ , w • » Wo thill tlw., OB oor retom, hnnd Mr. Park tbo two bond* of 1100,000 oMib (br D. wd M. •ooo*«»— OM dM lot Juno, 1850, tbo othor, 20th Jonwiry, I860,— ajid it i« andon«»od, thot if on tbo doU of motarily If «boM, or iho bond* to Copt. Wtrd, tho (1. W. Oo.'o wwount hM not ot ito orwlit MittoitBt to roUro thorn ■• th^ MipoetiToly Ua duo, Kiobtnge on Kngknd iball bo vuppliod for thit purpooc. " Tbta (light modWcntlon, •Ithonxh it will not nllor or olToot tho loUlity of thf ptn'^Wr lotUr Mta fortfc, Will fuit ui botur, M wo aro dooirouo to d«loy proMing o* out ooilongWM in Knghnd for fund* unUI mbo •t tho prMonI doproMlon ohall hwo pMi«l nwiy. '. -""V' "''' ~"" ' Tv »'Wilw, di»r SIi^ . f^" , ■, '. .-. ; ^~~^*" •' Tottfi (bUhMly, • <8ign«dl "C. J. IIRYDOES, ' tr. » Manai/ing Dimtor, a. V. R. Co. , ' (Signed) "TOOS. REYNOLDS, * ^ » Financial Dirt m -E- .••' ■■'M A Ms- « t «CoHiinunAL'BAMK or Canada, rAA.) "^ .. m «« KiHOOTOW, 7(* /'•trikiry, 1850. ^ "»* I FlMby mQmtuimii, V iM^tfia. " Your TilttodlkTor of Slit ultimo, WM duly roooiTod in my nboenee »t Now York. « The'propoiiod modifloation of tho wnngemont skotobod rat In my letter of 28th ultimo, being mob u wovld not Nit Ui, Mr. Campbell endei»otit*i to bate tbo imo to Mr. Ward, of tho bond m.tunng l.t May, dofened ; bol ho did not iueooed, Mr. Ward'a wanta preolwding delay, and Mf- McDonald had to caih it. Wo are adrtaed, howarer, that tho matter la yet open to refiiioB. I do not lee how it ean wall be made w>, or i^ •n(ib b way ai to towe oa where wo would haTo bean.Mer the anrnagament firat made. " It la well to Btate that, when at Detroit, I menUooed to Mr. Reynolda Mr. Ward'a baTlng told ma of «» tarma under which he wa* toioeeiTO th,b«.d at 12 monthi' date. He desired to haTC it made .failable on like terma j and I WHiiidered it for the Bank's lntet«l^ aa logarded getUng the diabursementa of tho Rolling Mills, to take the reaponiibility of cashi«g such a long^lated security, although the rate barely ooTored the eipenio (two tahiatioDa on Loqdon iccount and coToringa,) iuToWed in tho act. Aa I also mentloMd, I wiabed toahow ^r opinion of the obligation! of tho 0. W. B. Co.} and, nltogether, lihad wppoawl the anugamoBt «aa ntiilbetoiy to all eonoemed. "The proposed modifioation of the P. and M. aceonnt, invoWed in the aubatltuUQu of tbla May bond for one of the storting payments account, D. and M. indebtedness, Is by no means tho same thing to ua. .«e practical result to^ns would bo postponing to Jsnnaiy, 1860, » much of the D. and M indebtednea. which otherwise would be paid 1st May. Apart fVom this, of the portion of tho proceeds already paid to Mr^ Ward (W0,000), odj lU^OOO lutre been in aotca; the reat in gold and N. Y. dmfts; wWle the ~.. -. ^, / ^* M 3. Ii lo us io Mr. Btagn, lii:ifar«k mA IM April. Wa oould not tbw pay IHO.OOO Mali, tiHi Uk« • bMi4 da* IHOO (prMliMlljr), a Iranaaotioa. Inroif Inn at laaal 2| par eanl. Um kj I^naoii aoooanl, raliuliuna tif^ •ovarinfft. <• I do aol aaa what aan now ba dona o(lMr than to lal tha plan for D. and H. aoooont, a* prupoaad ia lattar of 28tk ttltiMO, raaaU at (liara arfMgad ) and aa raffarda bond to Mr. Ward, Iraat it aa a (>. W. R. •bKiplton propar, inaapaotWa of I>. and M. aoeoant alloftaiber; or, uh lit Majr, la* Mr. Ward Uka anotha^ ■ina iaunlbj' bond, nagotiata it, and protaot tba otkar— objaetionabia tbongb luob a tbiBK would obviuwij ba. " Oar airealation ia ataadtljr niMinK down aaob waak. London aao«raM alraadjr abowi • lanp Dr. balaM% Wltb no prodiwa papar to rIto KiohanKO in J una ; and it would ba moat Imprudaat warn wa to loak up t0' MtouDt of 1300,000 at a low liU, «ki«k would ba uuarailabla. I A'AOm Ikia uplaq^4iM, if jou oaa a^^Mt aaj otkar plu «• ibili ba glad to oooaite ll< MMl>tiiM»A„ " I ramain, Oentlanan, ^ « Yowi flillkAilly, t (Bignad) "0.8. ROBS, <• 0. J. Bbtdou, Ek)., . " ^« iBot. RiTMOLoa, EMt." '. JHHB^l *■ -^ -\ •I ■.l> . (08.) niadb* DafandU «OmUT %umN lUlLWAT, "Hamilton^ Canada Win, 1Q(A Fdt'^, 1860. ^■, "0. 8. iloea, Eaq., / "Ca»kur,.Comm«reial Bank Canada, "Kingdom. ,,' - - .,:0 ^' ,' ' .'" "DiAR-Bn, • . . '< Ob oar ratam from fiaiUo yaatorday, we bad tba plaanre of noaifing jour (kror of tha 7th inatant « Wa an aorry to fiod tha ohange wa made, aa to the maturity of Oaptaia Ward'a Bonda, haa pat yott tt any troable or ineonTenianoe ; it appeared to ua to be ao aniikely to make the amalleat difference to.t^e Bank, aa in the aggregate the three Booda p^ppoaed to be giren woald work ont, aa regarda maturity, to aiao^ly the ■ama thing, thai we made the alteratioa withoot heaitation. We oonfeaa that We eannot jet aaa thai it oan make any differenoe; but there are, no doabt, Banking reaaona, whieh we do not prtaume to qoaation, whioh may affeet the eaae ia your eyea matqrtally. " We ahould \it aonry to wk the Bank to do anything for the Company not in atriot aeoordanoe with their own Tiewa of what i%deairab!e and proper; but, as in the eonoluding paragraph of your letter, yon afford na the opportunity of faking another au^^tion for carrying out the urangementa to eoTer the D. and M. •eoonn^ we wooIdiSeg to anbmit for your approval the following :-^ <' A Bond of 1100,000, to mature lat-4th June, to be immediately paaaed, and placed to credit of D. and M. aeooant. If at maturity the bahnoe with the Bank at credit of G. W. account ahould be aufficient to meet aaid Bond, without cauaing an OTerdraught, then no Exchange on England need be given; but exchange be given for any «moant not coveted by the acconat, if the Bank ahould require it. f sp"": .f- •#■ ipw^y '^» I '\^ •;*? f. •4 h f KniAhm 0. W. Bwd fot IIOO.OOO, to m.t«r* 8S«h J.nMry. IHOO, (0 U lodged •! one. u oolUUrt D0(« of Ih. t). .n4 M Oo.. U. b. dr.wn .1 four monlh. f,.,m Iml of K.biWr, titd lo b- «.rTW o».r llll nwlurily of ih. »<>jjL*»»«n, if »h«< Kmotton, lUk Fihruary, ISM. «annuia»i fttmlly \ Ia»t. T11.W m lOTertl H»nk wmom for the •Tr«n(tein«iil .Ir l»«rk to Uka *ot« of U. and M. Co., 1100,000 dat«d la raOTuary, .. .our -.«».„-, .-,-».- .^--'-•wad uotil Jan«.r,, 1800, the O. W. R Bond maturin„ tha/to be lodH .1 ooU.t.r.1, and the note to b7tholl paid by G. W. U. eh«,ue, .f aoeount w.11 admit, or failing Ihb, by itOTling. Prooeeda of the note to be credited to D. and M. account, in rwlaction of balance. « I am farordl wttll jvm Wttit of the 1^ beiag auoh as you propoae, and I therefbre i^ Irt fabruary, at four monthi, payable N. Y., "To ftdaco D. and M. aoMunt ftirifer. Mr. Park will diacounfa (1. W. U. Hond, 1» 1100,000, n.,t«rioK 1-4 J«na, to b« paid in caah, If bal,noe of O. W. U. account admit, failing which, by e.ohangc, lor d.fic.onoy. "O. W. B. Bond p $90,000 to E. B. Ward, will be paid ia Carii, or KxcMg*, ••«»"«■•«"«" "«; parmll, when it ialU due in May. "The abote, wlien carried out, wUl complete arrangement, as formerly made, aa nearly aa they can now b«r _«I«n, QentlomoB, ■. ^ V "/ ^ " youn faithftilly, (Signed) "C. 8. R088, " CaAitr. -0. J. BiTOOii, Esq., " TaoH. Himouw, Eiq." ^ ■i:- ^^. ^l^"*' y t 1-%*^ * m sK ^i. 66 ; • iV " QuAff Wunw Bahwat, "•J[amuto», Oaiada Watt, 12a JU'y, 18&9. SUiJ^ «0.,8. Boss, Bk»., '<(!'«4i>r, 0!l«MMi«ui/itiHar«/ CtoNoda, . ■ A ♦' Kingitom. , ■ - ^ .' . ■'. • ' • ' -^ ::.;'■, <«-DubSu, -■ ' ■■ << We an fiiTond with 7in0IT AMD VSLYABWM BAUVTAT I^UBRDBR'q OlVKJi, •« HAMiLTOir, Cahida Wmx, 19rt FOruat^f 1869. -^DiAsSn, .'^ '■.;■ ...;:•;■.• ^. ■.■.■,■■'■ ^ <' « I hafe the pleanm to forward you hei«w&, Bond of the Ghraat WaiJlttia Co/ No..279, for 1100,000, dne and pajable 1-4 ^«ae nut, which pleaae to filaoe to the oredii of the Detroit and MUwa«kee 'account with yon, in a(^ f-K^-^- ■ ■ ■' ■■ '.'-■:■.■ ■ ■' . ■ -•■ •.■.■'■■ raedby Defond'ta. (102.) " Due, June 22nd, 1869— C. B. 6,949— D. 3,541. """^ «<9ao,ooo. ■■ f- « Office or. THE DEtBOR and Milwaukee Rauwav CoNPANT, . * ^^ ' "Detroit, /Vftr«ar:yj9M, 1859^ «B.B. 304. 1351. <* Four montha after date, the I)etroit and Milwaukee Ridlway Company promises to pay to the Order of W. H. Park; Manager, Commercial Bank of Canada, at the Merchants' Bank, New York, Fifty Thousand Dollars, Talne reeeifed. «fNo. 260. (Endoned) «C. J. BRYDOES, Prtndeia. « THOS. REXNOLDS, YicfPretident." "1^. H.^ABK, -<:. *^ Manager, •'■-.-. .■..■' ■ ■-_ . „: \ ■■•■■ ». '"^■'■'V-. '*,^' 'H, ■^•' 69 "P»y to tbe Order of the MarohaiU.' Bank, N. Y, Taluo In account with the Comii^rcial Bank of Can(id«. I - ;< «c,8. R0S3, ; ;.■■"■". ; - ■ " Cdthi'er. « Not paid, but renewed aa per Company'. Nolo, No,. 827, duo October 22-25, 1850." ■ V . ' ;■ ■ . . ' : ■■*(■» ■ .■ . '•30,04M». " D. R. 819— Duo Juie 27,' 1850~€. B. G,95.1^D. 3,6C3. ;, (•108.-V lAfiiMl'U.'' • <*dl'dfl01 OT TUB DbTEOIT'AND MlLWAUKEB RAlLVfAY COMVANT, ; .- ^ > - ' " DsrBoiT, i'ifc)«ary 2t//i, 1859. ^'^ "Four nlonth, after dato,\hd Detroit and MiUraukco Railway Cojnpa^ pronto* tu w J" '''"ij;;;;;;;;,,;^ ' . W. H. Park, Manager, qommcreial' Bank of Canada, at the ilerchants' Bank, New \ ork, 1- ifty Thousand Doilara, valup received. - ' «C. J. BUYUGflS, /VMV,/enl. ' ' '• ' "No,»^I. • ' >>- ' << f UOS. RKVNOLPS, r.-/V»-«ii/ciU. (Endoiaod) . "?8,4W. ' 7 - "U ^ '• .• « Pay C. S.' Rosa, Esq., Cashier, orOrdcr; ; ^ ' I ; / ,' « Pa^ to th.fOrdor of the Merchants' Bank, N. Y., value in iicoount with the ComPelah V- ' Bank of Canada. ,,^3 W^HSL^nUrr. <« Renewed J^We 7lh, 1^59, per No. 328.' "No." 280. "GREAT WESTERN RAU.W AY Ol*" GANAdX. V' Cl>04. ) FUi'il by Uefi-aa'u.' ' Th» Grbat Wks* en Raiwat op Canada Comf^ny acknowledge to owe »,id pomfee to Ff'*" t^f Co»SSZ.l3a.or their Order,at t^*^ Offices of the Grea,„Ranw.y^^ ^JJ^nnlgJ Canada West, the sum of One Hundred Thousand DoHpra, on the 25th day of January, m the Year Uur Lord phoThousaqd'Eight Hundred and Sirty. ^ - ' "And the said Company further agree that this *bHgatiou.^d all rights and ^^^ ^^-'^"' may bo transfer«=d by special endorsement, as .if the san.o were a Note of Hand payable to ^ EttDOBflED TinrSi— <* Reooifed -payment from the Oreat Weelera Railway Company of D. 5,762 Note of the Detroit 'and Milwankee Railway Company for 950,000, dne in New York, on 25lh innta^t (This amount U in the mean- time plaoeil to credit of the D. and M. Co,/ leatening to that extent their femonqt, oanying lov^n per cent, iniereat, and the bill will he retired in couiae. , ' ■■■'•:' '■•■':■■■" ■...'•;■■-..' ^^^V.;- «^w...B. PARK, ..!■-'' ■, ** Commercial Bank of Canada, ■„-^w^': ■ ; ,■ :';A' . ;. .' "namiUon,mhOctob*r,lS&9. ^ " Roeeived from W. C. Stephen*, Esq.,. Fifty Thooiand Dollara^ by cbe4ne ■ . ■ - m- - '■■ ' ■ ^ - ■ A ■■ ■■ ■ I " CoMMiBOiAL Bank or Canada, '< Hamilton, 28lAJKtfcA) 1850. (108.) Filed bv " Defend ts: I have thdhght the matter carefully over, and am I con- vinced Mat i/ xeouM not e?o to renew any of the Company's paper dwft this side 12th June YITe will want all the exchange we can get for cover of our English eccdit, and having advanced largely on D. 'and M. notes to Contraetors, dne next Fall, we will have a very large amount added to the 9100,000, due January^ 18tJ0, to carry over. True> we could get the 99,533 in August, hut we will require it in June, and l^k for ■ at least £45,000 sterling ; then, if our calonhtion and estimate ofUie position of the^Rfewlpts shoujl.turn Qut correct,- 1 will give you « memorandum ojf our estimates, that y^tt may. correct our anticipations^if we . are in error. If the renewal till l2-15th June of theenchMed is ainy object, then I will pass the Company's note cheerfully. ,. ' " . <' In wishing to have these bills in this shape, I believe I am taking the best course for you, ^nd I hone to havd your approval aftier the explanation I have given. ' - : ■ ',i ' ' ■ '' ■ ^ * .s.. "I lemain, as always, * *' My dear Siry V .,-v '" . *- "^ . . • " Yours very truly, (Sigtied) "W.H.PARK." « I add, in terms of the above, your No. 272, 96,294 08, juat sent in by Mn Cookayne." view ;, Ba»k on E toK J-. ♦■." ^-'- there toke ■m fj vx v "Qsii^ WuTKItN lUltWAT, "Hamil-Kin, C. W., 25 M«y, 1859 WC. 8. RosB, E*q., " GaMer Commtrciol Bank, ' "KinjfitoH. ^,'f''' '■■::. :, ■■^/■' ^/ '■■- ■''.:■■'■ ' «- . << Dkab Bib, '. „ 1 ../'■'""-' ■ ..''■'''■''•:' _ " "'. "Mr Pwk kin^y uiidertoolf, a few days »go, to odmmoniottto our dwilre to, b« fii»ored with tn Iptcr- Tiew tt Kinmton, ia order that wo might explain to you our position in refMenco to oar acoounta with your B»»k,.and that arrangemeota might be made to relievo u» lhe nrf receipt, on both linea/after allowing forWing .xponsea. The first ta aa nearly correct as it w possible ^t9 make it; there will bo no material variation in those figures. The aaseU are purposely put down boloi|^,h»t - .we belieTO they will on tho average prove. \ « The resuft Is, that by the end of the year there will be a surplus asset of ipwAds of »200,000, which will relieve by ttat amount at least the present overdraft, and then less than the amount we. understand •8 our atanding credit. ^ \ # * niml by l>lntlil ■ml I>«- fMulwiU. ) paySijI in tlKC 1 " Wo needfaSttomind you that of the item.' Bills paySP in tl« enclosed; the largest amount is held by yd&r Bank, andlTrSfore the payment of them will simply translbr to our defcit sums which, to thit extent, you are already under advance for on our paper to other parties. \ * , , ' > - « It-is quite dear thi if we couW now djaw on Engli^nd for saj •160,00^ We should have to Wmit back again in a few months. '*vit^.~ \ * ^iT- - "We should havoV much preferred to place |»»08ition personally before you; we have now done so in writing : and If your own plami are such that the ^PTcannot do whit wo re«|j|||j will be absolutely nocea- >ary M we make arrangementa in thb^countiy to carry out the programme cdl^y Kercwith. ^ , ^ "Wofeel thatif woJmVe to open negotiations for the supply of our wa^,eitheyUhli& Ym^ Canadikn Banks, it will most probatty render imperative a change in our rclat.oiiS with UM^m)ercial Itanic, which^from the yery liberal and courteous treatment we have alwaya received from-youi^Pi^ all connected with it, wo should exceedingly deplore. ' ' ' " " " It is our panfist desire to avoid,' as far ^ we can, any' such contingency, that we have tow pl^jced you in full possession of our wants; and we nee4 hard), add that the very earliest response to this '^'^^ »« desitaSeTbecause, a» the 15th June is now so nearly at hand, we have no Ume to lose if you inswt uj^^ur re^eemingour promise to give you Exchange on that day. - "We a|B, dear ^t faithfully yours. '\ "C. J. BRYDOES. "TUO. REYNOLPS." ■•«r > # H3^ * ^ '0'': '. ; ,V . . vU. .f " Mr. Pdrk Jias hnnded to ns this morning your.lcttcf of ycstord* ^Witnout rcpIyiD^/ully, I shall qieantiiiio giTe'our viens^a to what haa t( i; "' We regret £oth the n^ion into which these mattora have, of reitioVing the aoboant,.i^^Lhad to applj to a Bank in Cam fulfilment of the Ongagemjj^BBrepajr part of the- advances by assures us that you discflMRV intention t6 coerce us into meet have therefore ponsidered the question rrrcspective of ihis. ecd not remind you, thatron all occasions and ' frc• ': '*■: \ ^ n •■"/' ■■■■■■ 'V ^It to be i«d beyond limit, honoring Chcquw, &c, &o. ; .nd for thi. end we u«,d I^ndon, EUm.- Wh, .nd N. York crcdiU, i,l the cerfinty th.t we .hould h.,e ca.h or Sterling K^chan^o m J-nclJr th SL wh.U*er it might bo. You know there h„ boon n, produce p«per the p«-t «P""«-^7; ;3re «. other fund, now for remitting, .nd I «., .dd that our Dr. Manee in London exeeed. ^^.OWj.g^ UN York, riOCOOO. Both muat be eovered a. a matter of courae, the f»7«7'"''" »•*»»'"' ">•'•' '»•* '" ii rnie avaiUble, in «,me way, for thi. purpo«, the obligationa of IX & M. & 0. W. lUilwaya « I am Brenared to do eTervlhing practicable to aaaiat you, and will go to Albany and N. York on Mond.y totryihaTinbedore Thebalanee;a.on28rdwero«iy 1378,000 lc« •*iOO 000^ IWOO and adding Sli 23Tm?t tTwth June in our handa«08,000, the reault in round number, i. 1250 000. I .hould propow ;^r X me Not of the D.\ M U. K for JoO.OOO each, (to the order ^'^^-^l^^^^^^^ZHI^^ d^bt of their being mot) to e.tent of li.W.OOO, and at different date, from 30th in. ., I, ». •»"»■* '»;;\'»^ ml nru«Hl of Lni to be returned to you, and we .hould u.e the longer date, f ?««""»• "^'^^/J' fife Bond* of 0. W.H. at month, u eollateral.. On the«. being received hero I would go to Albany and N. iork trfwhat c.; do to negotiate them (the note, to e.tent of 1250,000) 4nd buy to remit, account, fng t; i it aeoH L proofed.. Pleaao give these document., with eo^>ie. »' j''^^-'' J^.^'P'' '""* e/pelituL of both line, to January, and of li.t of Bill, payable, to Mr. I'ark, who will «,nd them to me. " If either of you wi.h to accompany mo and to take part in the ncgociatlon, I can of courao have DO 6bjection, but if I am 4lone, and am to act for you. I muat have full power to cl0.e on your account. • « With reference to your remark about Mr. Campbell'. allu.ion to an interview here »'«''*»?'"'"';"•;»» due to Wm to .tate that it wa. «,lely in view of the fact that our London account must be covered, and tl«t wo J^ldrivoid calling upon you. Of cour«, he never could have dreamt of your .upposing we would not bo g)ad (0 Bce yoi^at all time.. , •' Believe me, Gentlemen. ^ i|ki« << Faithfully your., (Signed) "C. S. ROS.'^. ^ 1 "Ca»Ai«r." ^: ngcncy upon a r. P^gL andiflr . ^ andof only oF nancial whioli liflhing aid im- ' ng the \\ \ 1. t % "B> Telegraph from Kidpon, .» ^v— .-- ^ n W. H. PABK/Commetoial Bank. V > ""^ " MONTUAL T«LBOaAPll CoMPAHY, « No. of Meuage, K 18. ^^7^^ . « Uahilton, 27(A Mag, 1830 \con.ider wholly u«>leM to go witholi.^nd^ thcrefoj^ send thom^. Letter aaked unncces«iry. because bondsirillrevertwheariteeirctiVcd..^ , . •■ .' • \> „c^ g jjogg... 4P 41^ wT '1 * . A %A^U^ "^ ' \ - / , bad w« better do7 If Mr. Roaa deUji hia Jovna^ to Albany a aingle day will it affect the opeiatioq ? \ "Iain, Dear Sir, "W. H. Pam, Esq., " Commereio/ Bank!' ,:\ « Faithftdly yonn, » ' ' "TflOS. REYNflSjQS." ^ Wjd bjr " W. H. Pabk, Esq., "•*"*** « Commarcw/ Bank, «Orbat WiatiBW RailwA,t, - '. « Hamilton, Canada Wxst, 28(A Jfoy, 1869. !■• «DxabSib, << I hiTe now the pleasore to enclose for transmission to Mr. Ross, at Alb Dy, the following doenmenls, Tu. ;— 6 D. & M. Notea, at 2 mo. date....... .............^^ 160,000 each. IKv do. 8 " ......»...l>;.>u 50,000' "**', 5 Do. do. 4 « ..............,..v;;i...., 50,000 " 5 Bondannderthesealof tiie OreatWMternCo., atOmonths, Co...ji|.U,.,< 60,000 " ' A memoimndam of Liabilities and Assets of the G. W. k D. & M. Go's 4> Sls|J(>eo. next And huitly, a statement of the total Liabilities of the D. dc M. Go. on Nci^, with dates of ma^uity. . « The D; & M. Bills and the G. W. Bonds bring all payable to the order of Mr. Biydges and me, wVflfre endorsed them in blaidc. ' . *; "Twoof thesetsof D. & M. hotesare tobe letnmed tons, andas sooA as the set to be maide use of by Mr. Rcss shall hare matured, they are, it is understood, to be retired or proTid«d for by the Bank to the debit of the D. & M. Co.'s account, and the G. W. Bonds to be retoAied to. the G. W. Co., to bb cancelled. ' , « The Bilb and Bonds bein^ all endorsed in blank, the package Containing them is a iklnable one ; I hope therefore you will eionse me for askin|; yon to be so good as send me by the bearer, two lines to assure ma it Iwai^ely teaohed your hands. j (Signed) «THOS. ^YNOLDS." wi^ppwpwf^ , r^ \ «" ij . •■ 15 • - 'To ■ ./■ X. \ %^ No. 801. «' GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OR FIMby ItafendV " TJU Great Wutem RailJay of Cana!^ Company, acknowledge to owe and promiae to pay to Charloi John Brrdgea, and Thomas Reynold., of Hamilton, Canada West, Eaquir.., 6r their carder, at the ofli«» of t|.e dwatWeaternRaUway Company, in Hamilton, Canada Weat, the anm of FiftyThouaand Dollara, on the Fint day of Deoember, in the Year of Onr Lord One Thonaand Eight Hundred and Fiftyntne. ^ *«And the aaid Company further agree that tMl. obligatioA, and all righU and bencllto arising therefrom, 'be transferred by special endorsement, as if the same were a Note of Han* payable to order. « Giren under the Common Seal of the said Company, this twenty^ighlh day of May, iii the Year of JO«r Lord One Thowand Eight Hundred and Fifty-nine. '.A %' "JOHN YOUNG, „ gr '>rtee-IVe$ident. *• ' i" iSta/M and. Sigiud tn the pretence o/T « W..OjJpTEPHEN§|^ f m h^ W^ -m "OBUAT WESTEBIkBAIItWAY 09 OAKAOA. (7r«al Weitori* ffaffiwy 0/ OMwfa ebMfNli|)P wlwilldgt tOiftw* tnd pnmlM to f»j to ChartM Jd|B t^igw, and ThouM lUynolda, of IlMilltoa, Ctnad* W«(,BK|alrM, or ihatr ordar, •! tha OfloM of |h« O yrf W»«rn Rulwa; Conptny, In namil^iH Gantda WMt, tha Mm of Fifty ThoaMnd.Dolkn, on tha PlfH ^of Daoaabar, tn tha ;aar of our Lord Oka TbooMbd Bight Ilandrad and Fiftj ntiw. ^ ||^ W "' « And tha aaid Company furtharagraa that thia obligatioa, and all rlghU and banetta ariaing tharefirom, Mkay 1>« tnaafari^l by ipaaial andoiMBiant, aa if tha lama wara a Note of Iland payabia to ordat. _^j1 M Qiran uMkr tha Comraoo Seal of tha wii Company, thia 28(h day of May, in tha Yaar of Oi* i MJ OiifhoaMnd nght Hnndred and Fifty-niM. _Jk 4 -^ ^^ "JOHNUBfNO, i2),M % ■ " • ^^^ iM aiirf 5 O. W. R. C». (En (iiB.) >? I)- ^ "0, J. BBTDGES. «TW|f. BEYMOLDS." %■*•' > r ^ V # t ^ "iNA^.WESWakWl^AY OF Qh^K. 4 ia « JTHa OrMl Wtaern RdSlteay lAiaTlaa John Brydgaa and Thomaa 4MoeaofyM Oraat Waatera Bailway StM ^ day of Daaamfcr, i^ tha Y V^t, ■ ^W' „ Ompan^, Kbknowladga to «W8 and promiie to pay to- , ofipamilUHi; Canada yfaat, Eaqnirea, or tbair ordar, at tha y, itflbiniltoa, Canada ^Taat, tha aum of Fifty ThoMandT DuUaip, 0«r I. ; i (Bndoiaed) « C. J. BBYDCtES, "IH08. |;EYM0U>aL". / . ^Mi^lfpcj-'" ?^s^msm«Bs^ i •f^o.104. «OIUEAT WKflTKHN KAILWAY OF CAS ADA. (ue.) M. BrtV -»4 Th-M H.yo«U.. of lfi...ilu,n. C'...d. W»i. K-,ulr«.or A..r «"^'' •»,*•"••?;' ^ JtiTTn lUn«, Con.p/n,. i« ri.».iU..... ..n.d. W-J. th. .«n. of Klftj ;-«"•"•"»•'•• ^ '"• ''"" Uj of Dwomlw, Id Iko Yw of Our Lord Ooo Tho«.nJ Kij^undred ind Fifly iiino. ••7 b* in^UntA b, .p««i>l cndorM.p.nt, u If ihe . Noto of ll.»d p.jr.ble to ord.r " 01»«i nndw »he Common H*.l of th. ••IJComp.oy, IhU Tw.Bly^I|1ilh day of M*y, in tk« Ytor o^ OMjx)rd Ono Thou-nd KiKkHIundr.d .od Knjrnln.. ..JOIIN YOUNO fMW. 0. BTKPHKN8, "S»e. Q. W. R. Co. CBndorM) "0. J. nRYDOftS, ■ ' "TIIO. ttUYflOLDa" ■'■■■■ ■ ^ - ■ «OrrioB or thi l>rndkrmiKMihmKV«.** RAitWAt CokrAjiT, ^^^^ SOM, 1869. (m.) nitdbr ' I^?i « tmh mMth. •«« th. Detroit .nd Miiw.ukoo lU.lwj C««p.«y ?«•"»-'» W .*« ^J* ^"*" "J '«*^ C. J. B^dg^«d no. Reynold., nt th. Bank of Commerce, New York, F.ft, Thou-nd Doll..., «1.. «No. 814. "TIIO. RKYNOLDS, Y.PrttidtM." (Endoned) «P«y Bnnk of Oommeroe, in New York,« Ordw. «.i»«o ) J ^^^ J, BRYDGE8, w TH08. RBYNOLD&" ,^l: «/Boo'd p.y«*t ftom CbmrnHToW fl«nk of C.n.d». ' ..' : " H. F. VAIL, CaiVr." « Jhy Renowed by th<^ro.dl«^.nt of th.i i.m. Wt b, tho Co«lB.«k^.^^^^ ••peroopyntuohed. - «.fl. B. P" « The iiew note ftlb du. Not. 16, '60, at Bank of Commwo., N. Y." .■ \ ♦ «:a™if®^f^*'wpff '«~5^^.iSi'»«9^ ,. *^ < • :■ :/: ,"/ (Ut. ) "Orfioi vr 9«i DiTBoiT and Milwavkii iUitWAY OoMrANT, •• DiTMoiT, May SOtk, 1860. ** ThrM BOBtlia tfttr dtU th« Ditrait and MilvaakM Railing Oooipaay promiaaa to pay lo Iha ord«r of 0. J> Biydgaa and Thoi. Kajoolda, at th« Uuk of OomBarM, Naw York, Vlftjr Hioiiaand I>olU», valaa N^aiTavt „„ -„ '"• "0. J. BRYDOKH, frMuIni, , '^ •' TIIO. BBYN0LD8, K. /Vatii^Mi." (Badonod) "/nf Buk of OoaBaraa, h Ka« Tofk or Ordar. ^ V™ iT, iVoy 80(A, 1860. " Four montbi aflar dato tba Datrolt and MHwaukae Railway Conipanjr promiaaa to pay to tba ordar of C. J. Biydgca and Thoa. Keynolda, at tba Bank of Comiuoroo, Naw York, Fifty Thoniand Dollara,-Talna raoairad. ••No. 822. ■ .. * ■■' ■■■'.'' (Endonad) ",P>J Baaji of Gommaree in New York, or Ordar. ' ' '0. J. BRYDaBS, "XnOS, REYNOLDS." ••Bae'd payni^ ftom W. n. FkA, Mana^. '«^. P. VAIL, '< Ailid Collateral! deliTerad to bi* order. •'Renewed per Note, No. 881." « 0. J. BRYPOES, A>M|- 79 •Ovftn Of »»• D««orf abb IIii.w*o««i n*aw»» ConrAtr ••DitibiT, iUii# 80<*, IMOO. (WO.) Xji^ «i^IU, Jld.. .1 iho lUnk of Oo...«n,.. N« York. Vitiy Tho«-na D-JU-.. .oluo r.col..a. . « No. 828. ^l(l^oiMd) >C. J. imVDUKfl. <• firmiint. "TIIO. IlKYNOI.nH, " P«l B«nk of Com««reo, In Now Vofk, W Ofd«r. » C. J. nRYIKlKa, "— ' ••TIIO. IlKYNOLM. " lUo'd poy't ftom W. II. P«k, MoboKor, oikI ColUunl. doU».r.Hj to hi. o.J.r. •^'^ ^ <_'. »< DitmUr, 1850. niiii„ SiUuttlax, SSth Ibr, '0».] FlMbv DafaMl'U " Mr DUft Sib, ^ "11, P. it ^•1^ " y«ir letter, iu •ipUnaU^ oftlia fiokBoUI tnoMoUon Mr. Bom goM to N. j. to look aftar. ia neeired •nd with U tbo 16 D. &M.notei and 5 bonds of the O.W.B.,«U right * ' "You eertainlj haro beoa equal t^ younelf in thia matter; and none of na fare to fear bhme on the aooreofwantofpromptneaa. < . , ■;■ ■. ■■■..'■ * ■ . " Toura eyer, "Tho8.11.t»ou..,Esq> , . (8ig«d) "W^H.PARK; " Mr, M^nro, who gpea with the pared, k the aoB of an old joldier, irtd iffl bew^y of the trust." ■>.■■ /| -7' ■'■*. "S / (128.) % Vttm/ta. "Mt DiA» SiE, "CoMMXHoiAi Bank or C i< Hamilton, 2l$t '4' 1859. . "Mr.Minwewyi^tthe nwie, ai Windaor aa requeetod. To. eali' make a Note of the CompanV. to order ofjouae f a. V. P. thertof, for the wagaa; «,at 45 da,., payable M«» Agene, in Windsor. M ittomeandlwilldiseonntitforyon. b /"»"««». o«« '< Many thankt fdr the reports and new4>per8. Wonder who (hat Manager^'rom Montreal is? ^ *<" Thob, Bbtnolds, Esq." ^ "Yours, Tory truly, - :'«W. H. PABK, V ■■ "^ (i3i) led by itwd'ta. ■ ,-,.^'-\ ' ' *' CoimiBciAi. :^NK «» Canada, "GiNiwMiN, V . • - «^»anw;^*Ji«s,l859. • if, iilk l"***!! *•»* •'.'^'"^ I P«>c^«i to New York last week, and at^^^d ntyselfof the serriees ot Jir. numb. Who made negotiation of four Botes of Detrdt and Mflwauk^BaUwa^Co;, say! . BxU6.iro.n7 ^ No, 814, ^ 2 mos. date from Slat MaT. " " ^ '. ■ u»6nn '*' 817. " 8 mos. date '«- V« « "tki^^sw^tfiiA. ^» 822, "4 mos. date " « « ...... - -"^ '-^^ '* " " »W 828, Mo i« ' i< « On aeeount of D. fcM. R. Co. He hu given na sterling Exchange. , will five na another like ana, aeoonnting to you for the figuraa ia lefeiei herewith four aotoa of D. * M. IC Co. for 160,000 euh, four otheik « Hamiwon.Caiiaba Wist, 22iidJ«()r, 1859. • .«W. fl. Pabk, Esq., ' y fimr DOtee of J50,000 e«h, Utely negoowted by Mr. Bm for the U)., wroug > ; . • • ,. ; ' , (< Ftitbfiilly yonn, ^ * - 1 - : n. (Sign«») ' "IHOS. REYNOLDS. ; \ /•■ i ■ ■ -^ ■. ■■■ .;'. ■ ' r. *• ■ ...■.■ ^- . , ■ ' ■ ■ » .* ■■■.. ••■- .; ■■ V <*■ ■ • ■ -^ : ' ■ • ■• ■ ■■ • ■ ■ ■ - •> - ^ ■■'■■■ - ■ ■ -i. w ■ .1 • '^ t .« -V •^ -^ ■I v... %<■• *'i 4vS';,.::--' /. '*sS %fAT£!MENr iff (M ^OTES and'ACOEPTANOSS of th» Dttnit and MauMukn^Jwaj, Oo'g /alli»g due during the Month of AwfwH, 18Qd. An(. 3 3 A 5 6 9 16 18 . 21 26 20 28 81 lb whoa. a J. BiTdfM & T. Bcjraoidi ,.,., '••••• •••••• M*«««*ai I ••••••■•••••«•«••••••••••■«(••» 18 20 BMton.Iioao, Works S. C. Bidl^y „ „ , ^ H. A. Fallw A Co 0«o. BloBlmrKh j^....^.....'......u5.... HMton LoM. Worka DaBMq, flluniiaii, A Go. ..,.;.:„.„„/. BottoD Imo. Worki ",'. 5" * N. ^y»«^ -..,..., „„,. 0WMa I««o. Woriu „ .„..„ Do. DoiMMi, jBbonnu, A C«- J. Sbawrwr A Bro. >...,.., H. M. BoUiwoa.....^ ifci... .■..•4.......M...*.*< ...i* ......... atf. Bogert A KbmIm4 -.«>. Chwlw KoMlud ...„.„....« tfl Luglcy A Sou C. A. Lbm .,,.,:. nroodAJodd.. .....{ • •^*...«. ••••.••M «•.•••..• M..I I..*. ••••**••• ••••(•.•*;■•..) ri«F«u**t Beak of Common*, IIow Tork... f sr«rehuU' B'k, N. T. ........... .i, i"- ••• J—- do. #...,'.............. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ::iU..,.. a pa******* '^ •••■>*aa* •a^aaaoa* •■•••aSa* •Maaaaaa atj»aaaa« a««*a. 60,000 00 aaa*i«4*«**aa' ••«•••#•. tjllatta^aa ■•••'•«• •«•••• Ooml BMtt.orCui., Htmlltoo....... dp. ,...,, Mftob. lu. B'k aaaaaaaa ««aa •«a ••«»»••••*•• Coiin Bank of Cm., Wiodaor. 2,631 88 8,744 03 20,000 00 4,008 96 3,621 80 80,487 20 2,621 86 617 42 21 86 00 26,182 26 466 00 2,060 89 Koui. .^'f 60,000 00 6,061 24 2,606 06 —;^ 431 47 2,641 07 970 13 97,640 17 7,667 80 481 47 8,613 00 160.161 08 > • 4 FUfdby Defend'ta. ■."■■,■. .^^■.■ .;,.■■ :--:-^.-: . "CoMMUOTA^ Bank OF Canada, ■ ' ' " namilton, 23fd Jul^, 1969. f'TaoHAS Betnoi:,ds,-E8q., . ■^ „ " Yke-iyen'dent. ' , - '.•...; [:■■■■. '^ y' '■.■'■-.■ >i ;■'>■' « 1 > ' a I ^ ' * ,f \ ' ft' ■ /.* ^ l__ i „^.^ ♦ • * OV ■ "" ,■■*'' • * ... ■■• -,• ; •■W >' r>\ ■■■^ .■!^ f ■.^^ ■'. 83 tv "D. AM. R'T Co. » vj; . MPBI8IftlNT'»0»WC«,- ^« W. B. Pabk, Esq., "DiAa Bis, "HikMiiTOM, 2lihM^, W6D. (128.) FUcdb* Defeod'u. 1»A» ore, » u J . «,wlthtfce^tte.tof Mr.Ro«, conveyed to u.Aro,gW,,o«,wc We the p!e.«.retA^^^ ^«,*nn«XrComDm'. Z, due 15th Nov. oexVfor ISO.OOO. with o4r i»dmd«l endor«me»t thereo.. . '■ I- iQiniiuur'i note, due l&th Nov '». -^*^^-^ «'Wean,dmrS{r, "Ftithfullyyonn, (Signed) "C. J. BRYDGES." do. J , "THOS. REYNOLDS." i: HfoOjOoo <^7rt Ji«(y, ISaO. \<.0u the 15th d.y of Novcmher next, the Detroit and Milwankco Railway Oompony pron..««i to pay to the Xder ore. J. Brjdd* and Thos. Reynold,, .t tlie Bank of Commerce, Ne# York, the sum of Hf\y vi.nmund Iliolkn. for vuae received." ' ' " '• « TboQsaod I)olhura, for vatfe received 1 .«■>-■ %^ 'X ' . S* f g" JJOMMKRciAT, BaMK OF CANAPA, ' *i « Hamilton, 29 '"?•/■ ^ '"'■:'■'■' \- \ .■■ \ ■■ - ,-v- (Sign*!)., ■ . ■^.. . "W. H.PAEK.'^ ■■ „ ■>v (182. ) Filed by HaiiitiA. ^(Confldentiel.): '-' ^ ■ " tt ' ' ■ ' / ^ " ./^; "CpMMEKciAt Bank or Canada, ' •. '■'■ , "Hamilton, 23rd .4tt^«»<^ 1850. " TaonAB Rktnolds, TSat^, i "MydeabSir, • \ ,-. " It will, of course, reach yon that we are not giving the usual facilitics/for assutaace in removing the prod^uce this season; and 1 thinlp it well to let yon know the cause. ~ . " There ia not so good a centre io all** Canada, I am satiafiod, as ithis, for purchasing directly from the Farmere, and oonoeiRrating from out-stationi^, all kinds of produce, «od,*of course, none in which you «re so directly inteni^ted as a Company. For. the first reason, dei^iinds for mode^ at this point are Jarjs*, partt(;Ularly when the crop is abundant, ai^d t<»e Bank has been, ttH'^hia sea'son, in the habit'of talfflg upitll the crediW asked fi>r where the^e wa? chuaoter, and uudonbtcd safety. As tho rtjsulc of thjp, sad, to some ertcvt, tih» f . :\ Loan Sund ■>^ 'y..r- -1 \ I ' #1 I Wff •«•. / «6 .«*, or olher office. he«., w. h.d g.tho«d round tW. office a« tb. r,luW. d*.I.« io produce « '»"• »«»»'»y^ ITS .fS which ha^Uo eipJUi.y our,, thl. week, m . .omou wh, we *huulil R" -. Tb.y Ll^Yo. it. it .11 in your own hand^ .nd we w.nt to r.».ln, «d m.k« our«. P-yj»'« B-k_ StU-^ootb^donoi .J4weWeh.d;i m.y«,. «g.ner.1 le-re-Ukftg. I fcop. they w.ll get »|.plM •bawhani. • 'J '•i* . « i „,pet to M, that the cum lies with oaf Uailw., connection 5 .nd I hcrtily wish It wore not w; .nd tknow^yoS not Lire .uch a JenoUeMe,U nor anticipate U. The i»»U lie. ouraelvc. .„ 1 ow g the L^unta to lorb for the benefit of the people of Michigan what our charter contemplate, for local trade. *' The Loan, now stand as follows :— .•• •••'••••••»••• •!■ • •••^»«»f ■ • •«•«• I .).• • • • • Pebit ba].noe of D. & M. Aoct.. ..;.«»«,. ..,.•.•• Steam-boat lAoCOBut .••. ..,..,.,...•.. A. P. Stew«rt'» Account ...... .."t""""*"" Bbtid diMOuntea by authority of Head Office to prolong anjqual ainount^pakl to • >Ward, in May .....,^ ^-v ...,.^.m...-— .....,•••••"••"•--"• ■/• IjOTO Ruarantccd to the Bonk of Ceiwaaeroe, N. t. ..* .^«.., •- ,. , SundrrBills discounted for 8, C. Ridley and ^ers, to enable then, M comple^ " ■' - ..... V - ^ 1. «| JUi aapposed necewary to do««lop«_ work, on both line«, but'eWely D. & M.j traffic >v>t> u^ • " *\ Total lioans to D. & M. Railway ....,..•....,•• flrwt Wctern Railway Ronds^rom Ridfcy, P&sc, & Tttsoft & Co. Leu l»I»noe\at credit of ^. W. ft. •-•■ ••••••• f 175,870. 88 85,500 00 ti\jm 0« 1 687,370 % 345,005 • g80,^ •j:oo,poo 05,605 * m k -. $032,905 "* 38,504 • '.0 ' * 4 A \ ■X^- 1971,520 30,000 ♦1,001,529. Duncan, ShcratA & Co., and other sums in ^ few days ' Tot(d .............N.'"''" ••••• "••"*•♦• «8nc.f5^vanccs in proportion to capital, are, I tbirfk you -« ^f*!' '^-''^ 'l-^'t:';:^^;! "^ ' Bank'. afflT-nd 0" only Vxeuse to the StoekhoUlers would, I fea,, be far f«.m tenable m cxtenuat.on. u T f„M it u, bo mv dntv to put you in^po8««ion of tho« facts ; and if T were to ad^J tWpoeit.on which " I feel It to DO my amy ui pu» juu , ,» „ i.,„»,i <;,„,««, of other twsourccs, you would connections.' ■■'■..■-■■'■ «* "■ ■ ■ ■■'■•' *■' ■',- ■..*■ ' ^ .>■., -^ ' ,. atscoonts in a positi6n to meet valuation.. ^ ^^'^ faithfully, "W. «- PARIC. ^\ ". ' A' * i ■ / -/ _ -■_ 4 " ''■"-■', "■ " '■ ■ ■' " ., ■" ■' ' ■>,;•. :;;-vV:;;- 1 AV <»- -.■.■•. ■^'V ft- ,-;;,/ *■- » ' 7 66 ■ •.- ft ■-■.'-■'■.' ' "BXTBAOT -. **FnmlMtrhii W.B.ParhioF. W. Oatti,],/ Vlth Augu$t,lSM. %i«r "*• ® ^' *" "''•*^ '^■^ *" •200,000, of th« D. A-M. Imui nnmia ta th« htndi of tb« Bank of ^liViiiinom m the lou ia paid, and wo hiro the letter of gneiutee of O, W. B. for aU the open baiuoe of the . •- ■ . • ■■■ .r •- ■ >*^f¥y ■■ ■■■, ■ -■ . . ■ . ^ " Coif HiMUi. Ban K%t Canada, / ^^'HAiiiwoN,14<* "W. H.PJaiK, ■-'"•• .. "Jfan'r.'» ^ LHtoH and M.R. Co., ; ^ . ■ «-Ba«l«ftoi»/' ■ \ ■.■■,-. :"^ v ■■.■'■■ \- ■.■■■ **■ / . •• - ' (M6.) "Tfloa. BiTHOLpS, Eaoi, . « Yiu IVaident. "CQUmamjih Bank or Canada^ • \ "EjMJLTOtl, Brd October, 1859. X. '■■:■ : . '■ ■'■■/■ ''f-r- ■ •,' "I beg to enoloae retired BWa of j^ Detroit *li. Bailwaj Company, aay No. 828, doe 8rd inat., 150,000, and No. 882, dne aame dat^f 50,009, renewed, together w&h the former two Billa of the Bank of ComojieroeLoan. , ■> ' ffl am, Dear Sir, yonta fiuthAilly, W. H. PARK, ' ' . " Mtmostf. « Detroit and M. Saaumy Co., '.'fBiammpn." > 1 '" ' l<: ■ ',i' I', "' ir ' ■« \ - 1) ,.. ■■ O ' " " " y^ ^ ■■* •« , '■» /I ?«\' ■■.\,.-- .'■''^- ■■ ■■.'■■ ■■ (186.) ; «Orbat WurruN Railwat, (°^»> KHAMitTOK, Canada WiW,4/AOcft,6«r, 1859. Kd^u. « W. H. Paik, Em»., ■ X'^^-'^-.- ' -■'';. \ ' " Conmereial Bank. \ '■ Mr. Rajnpld. yetUnUy, »»» *• ""i "• aJLiled b, jou wli ih.» B.nk .. .ooh ColUtor.U, n.., U wturwd „ :^ A-; \->,- « I •m, dear Sir, ^ « Yo«n faithnilly, (^igaed) "W.C. STEPHENS, ' r,' \ 'I' ■ * . ' "Ml « I I< '■ ' " , - " { l|M V ♦« CoMMUOiAfc Bank o» Cawapa, , 'J "Hamilton, BrtOct.» mo. gg,S.. «W,.G./iiwn«NB, Ebq., ■ . ' . / " Steretary, ^ . ■ '•D^SiB, • ., . , , j..« «ferrin«t to cerUin colUtonl Bond, of H»e (We^ / « 1 .m fctoured with your note of yesterday a dale, refemng rttemBailway Company. „ . „j Milwaukei Railib Company wu di«.u««d with ^^.qneiUonof the«,paratel«ntethel^^^^^^^ Mr. Bo.., by Meaara. Biydgea and Beynold.» at Toronto, M. ^«« . „f „„ewal, . no p^tri.iDn for ,„, inthemeanUme, I-'J^^^Sa^lS^XlSLT^^^^^ «Whe»Xhea'ftomM».Ro«, I wiU at once advi* yoa. "Great HVirtm Ji'y Co., « iTamiAon." «Yonw tmly, (SivNd) «W. H.PABK, « Managtr." t .J^* ^ 1. '■■A.. # >"■ „V 09B.) nMbjr "OoMMitoiAL Bank or Canada, /' Hamilton, 8/A Oct., !8W. «W. aRTBPniNf,«M)., " S0ertlarg, . " Great Wtittrn Railva^ Co'y, ) "Diu»8i«, "Referring to yonr letter of the 4th Init., I h.To ntbmitted it to ogr Ouhier and I em I.itn..<»l i . " . •' \, " i remain, dear Sii', .^ ' , * J' Yours wrjr ftilthftilly, " W. H. PARK, #• " Manager." J^ ( 1S9. )"Tho»ia8]Ietnoldb, Esq., nw by' " Vtce-Jhreiidml." Defeod'u. 'in •■Or»- ' ' V ' "CoMMraoiAL Bank or Canada, i "DiA»/8i^ " Hamilton, 14o lb., > ''■■ ■"■■■>■''' ■ .■'.^■- '■''■■.■ "'^ ■ V ■' ■■ .'..' .■VI«««»I>«r8ir, ■ ■ ■ ■■ ' '' ' .\' - ■■' - ''■■'■/' ■::.-'^'-:'-'- -'[''y '-■- ''■-..■'-''<' •,. "Yourrtrulj, > ..■■■ '■''■''.■" V ' (Signed) > C. H. SOtttEY . " PHroiland Mlwaukee IPyCo., . " " A^l. Hamilton, C^W." „. -J- -/ -' .^ -;' ' ' ■■ ' ". ..-: ' ■ .'• ." ■ -l ',1 . .'• -■ .. ' . 2, , , Ward ..* . f' .hlml that tl ,' (pdrol dwiro B. & oonfoi to do . Reyn betw« temyi »>~» f 'Were on til -. time ; rema ..■ — ,■, beyo ■^■v '. later tol •Now -'*' ■ mon ■■ ■ d '■■:. - Lolf ■ ■■■■*| ^ inou . - ' . of . ... exci ■pun V ^::: ■:■ 80 ted to. tt«ral« nniog 10 tho io, to ir~ xpco-, 10 BO viiicd thU itioo ir*- tank liug oin. '. '' I; mo.-) u w. H. Pa«k, Kiq., <• biTBOIT AHD MlLWini* RAItWAT, ■ . ■ rtr . "''"1"" .•Ib..othopl...-r..tor.tan,,do.,..«n«l.tb,ceH«c.^^^^^^^^^ Ihta Company on .he 12th In.Unt, 1502,090 08, enolo.«l In ,o«r (kror of the 14th In.Unt •• I iiB, doer BIr, youTi Inily, • , ■ ^ . ,„, ., "THO. RBYNOLDS, • (Signed) . ; .. Vie^iVeV." **■ "DkarBi», " CoMMEBCiAi. Bank op Canada, "KiNoexoiN, H)poraUon "f^r- Ward and buHuend. m r pec ^ ij,^^ j^ »„ bo my duty, in B. & R. to Detroit, a. .!«, that Mr. W^'^/^fg^""' ^ "^^^^^^ 7 r. Co. bu.ine« when in our power conformity with the welUn^e«t^dw^ ^^ ^^ „, W.H. M. ^ *• M • *° "l^L^ W rS, -a tWfc. S' our interrenUon. I cannot «y that terms wore d.acu«K>d lleynolda ezpifeMed the O. W. K. t/O. a in^^ mr ^ ^^^ proposal of Ween myself and Mr. Beynolds-I rather th.nk not; but «' " r^J"' f^^^ ^^„ Wyandot to ( o., and U. referred to, and I assumed that the bond was a ^-'^'^'^J^Tla ^O W. R. Co. in any way but ^^blo at any price they chose - Uko whi.otbe^erm. ^^ -^-^^^.^.J, ,„ r,„.a tolf pU were purely the matter of WyandoHo to JJert^^^^^^ on the Ist May hst, instead of ^'f •'>'^y' 17,a-^';"°^7^^^^ proceeds at once, and that a part time it had to run. I undorstond Mr. Ward dM not require ^"•"f" ' /p^„^ j„:,,d collateral adVantajro remained for a time on deposit. Probably in this way it is «>>'";«»J*'J^^; S- dtlmenUithout some c,U beyond the igt^t, and certainly we should "-" ''^'J^^^^*;/^^ be carried over lateral advaJLpe.. Mr. Reynolds is quite aware that '•"XTanlTr^,;;!!^^^^^^^ this has been acted upon. ; to 1 Febr'y, 1860, in reapcct of a{j||«jen b'*'^" ^rWard and "J^^- ^^ ^^ ^ .^ j^ ^o. lor 12 ■Now. however, it is de.rod t;«| -«-» 2;:^\^!^ the operation -involved uj» of our months. I esplawed to Mr. ^\ <<^Hm »"i"« "" J . ^ y ork. and tjio commissions thus'to bo Wdon credit twic. two ->« ^^ trth^a^J: 2 c^^^^^^^^^ to us as in the position incurred Were stated. _I ^st be JJ^W^JfT j^^, ,, . .„d when our advance were Jc^ so largely in of an advance to 0. W. U. Co., as ^"'W^, ' ^^ ,^„ ^y Mr. Ward to look alaowhero for » oMcsa of the amount agreed upon^en i^W»«aiy wo auu-" "^ purohaaor for the bond. ^kJ^fHr ' ~- rr " "' " ■■, "C. 8. ROSS, ;^;.' (149.). niadby Dcfond'u. -A' ^ CoMMkBcnAL Bank or Canada, ^ ' 1UMII.T0M, 21« OafoW, 1859. «TnoMAa Rbtnoldb, Esq., " Viet Prttident. "Dkab Sib, "I obaarra by your H^that yon hm to (lay Donoan,8. & Co. in N. York, on 28lb iiiaUnt, 138,881 81. "Tbiayoa will reqoire to^proTida for by renewal or ia;|omfr other way, aa the Bank aqpount add to N. York aooonnt, exoapt tha teadt of Mr. Biydgaa^laaion fu^iahea th^ neoeawiry Exchaago. "ladriaeyoa !n.time,aothal7oaaui anraoga for tha ienaTr|d ; M I have no donbt O. 8. & Co. will ba qaita willing to carry it OTor. , . ^ l ~^ " ^ .. \^ " r«ny, • Bo"* <»' *•• o«*p«"y yoa •» not «od«f wim mtapp«fc«M»«n whleh I MB diiMtod lo •spUis. M la JMotry 1m» thk CoBp«ny wm Indebto nf IMwotor., d«tirln« to wold oh««kloK on jour laiion, th« «ir«ttBUiUne«i oonmrt«a wUk _--«nJ(>lU Co«p««y •o»«»M»ir «>»•» H>0.ld.U«d.rtb..»pr«.lon.b.tyo««nl«.lof.b.tb,in,.b,.„«.^^^^^ \T..O^W«U«Co«^-,'.H.Up^-^^ nmouni h«l b«.n pnld by cbcquo, in.te.d ot IWiing Uw Uona «• ««.«« , |k« •«•»•» of tbi Bond »to« •«"<<*»•*••. ::',,'" — wi'*A*--i» — IpUwit on tbe •moanUi wmnlnlng in Ibelr b»ndi. • « Al «M«rity of lb. Bond, it «m pnid b, thb Co.p«.y'i Ck«lW, «d »«tW' .Tou.p«.koftb..o,onntb.,i-«beenc.rHjdo.^totb^^^^^^^^^^^ Mr. W.»d .nd ,ott««ir, on lb. .pplio-tion of Mr- /t^y-;'^- ..I^J.^ZuL clpan, for •r.O.OOO oLb .t 4 month. dUoo.«t«i b, jour Bank in Febrwr, «"».'«"'';'«;• "^ . ^^^ ^^ ^y^ent of on. of th.m nnd will b« doe in Fobnipry next. «You«p^„g.,.ri^>o«U^.^^^^^^^^ - «til«d to th. .ubjoct. Allow mo to, tbntjt '^."f ""J; '^ "J J^^^ .^,e „f ihe r.t« th« B.nlc . -Sd complet^i tbo rolling of tb. mil. nnd r.nd.nKl « »>"' '^^^^^^ 'J^'n" I m-^„K .b<,ut the ludcb.i.d ondi«H.«.Ung ^''- ^»''' ^^''-VThTw JdiSTcom^^^^^^^ MclWd o„ the .-biccr; rriJp:^:*^;;;^ th. ISlh inrtut . , . ~ • . Witb tbi. .Kpl.n.tion U 4. d.i^ to Icr. tb. m.tUr ..tir.lj In ,o,r b.nd. to d«I with m jou m.y Ulder right, «d , oar decision wUlb.perfeotlj«»l..f.cto7. ^ ' » , » .^•' ' N , ■-/ / ■ * . / "Carrying over the »100,000 from May to Feb. next, in the shap^ of the D. ft M. note, withG W B. Hondas collateral, was practically the same as if the Bond had been Renewed, the only difference between us on this can U, tbM at the expiration of 8 months, one half of th . and al Ua re- qoett, I with- draw thia Irt- ' tcr, nntli harx eomnranieatca wlthHaadOf- ..: /Office. • 8NoT,'8». MoncbiT. 1?W0T. Thia letter withdrawn at Mr. Parkyre- qaeat— in liict - not delivered^ ''I>nmoiT ARs HfnwADKSB Railvat, •P«Mn»Wra'0OfFIOT,HAiaiW)ir,CABADAWlW?' • «W.H.Pa.k;E.,.. '' V •l7ttAi..,i869. „ « >■ "Commcfcui/JBtini, ^^ « "DtAzBafy^ •;' ■ ■ ■-^; ..;-..' 1 .^ ^ "^' negotitUons in Engl»nd for the new loan for this Comptny not yet beiiifc"^V? ^»pfc^ «d^ ujtil fond, ere p,o,ided, it wiH not, ^n ,iew of onr hei^ili^ ^^ ^ Commercul Bwk b. pmdent to incniue our debt, I hire to leqneet, that In the proUbl* *^ •Tent of Conpon. for Interest on Bond, of the Co., dne 15th in^)ZginlZjj^t pe^ent, jrou wJl be ~ good « d«,l,V$ p., them, requeuing tie p..^^ to hoUiem otT^ for . .hort tune, nntil the Comp«,^>, ftm»oiAl mnngemeni. admit of their paymeat *< I am, dour Sir, faithfully yonn, » (Signed) ' THO. RETNOLDS, F. P.'/ (148.) Filed by Defend'ta. « PlTROn AMD MnWATTKlX BaILWAT, "Fbisisxmt's OmoK, / " Haipiton, Caiiaba Wmt, Itk^w. ISfial " W. H. Pabk, E«Q., v- ' / " Conmereiia Bamk. ' ■■ \: ^'■' ' ■' ' '' -.'-^--i '^i'^^: ' . "DiabSib, ■ •: .■ ■'■"..■;'.,,;; ."■*'■".■ thi. ^ I^r^ZSif" ^\^ •»" derived ft«mBfc:B,ydgi^thrEngliA mail delimed forproJitorfMriil Z T"/*^ •"* onr eolleagne. in London SibStiwiifL^^ but it appear, that matter, were at the ^of our letter. ■WMineomplet^ and it wiB, I fear, be two or three week., if not eren longer, ere I dull be in a Mntion to md» tart., and the out of aame amount dne on the 29th iwt > «hw ma»unng on um ivtft ^ ,J,T: ■^"4L*-„^^,^».l,^^ ■^fSN -» -J ."» ■•♦ :?-_ ..-v •r-^ ahiJl b« mneh obliged. . « I *ni, dew Slr^ " FaithfttUy jo«n, ' • < (85p„,) , ..THO. REYNOLDS,^,, •f'l "CowMiBoui, Bam o» Cawada, " Bamiltot, lOM JVoK, 1869. p., 1859. "W.H. PAEK,Esq., ' « CommwetaZ Ain*. «PkabSib, . .^ ,«.!.• »Ti..«ilmnleMaM tobandyouencloMd, two notei of «In.c«»Tdinco with your letter of the 10th >f *' ^ J^'" *' J^ J W^,r „d d»e 15lh Dee., to tdio «I«m,deM8ir, r «FMth(iillyyw>»» ^ ^pj^^ «TH0.M!YN0IJ>8/V (150.) FJMby Defend'W V I - * v. * il*. 'sAa^Kpt'jr Jf^ ' s^;t^ ■^^MB*' 00 (1610 PHmibv DrfendU " W. H. Pa«K, E«j.; " Comm«reia/ Jffanlr. "DiAR 8lB, «DiT»oiT AMD MitwAUKiB Railwat PuupMT's Orrio^ "Hawwoii, Canada Wmt, 14 AobV., 1860. /.fcil-" ~'"^'"""f °' *•" '••7 -trong opinion expnmd by Mr. Bow, in his letter to jou of the 10th in.t .re to ivl;; ^r'7''\«"'''! .»»" P~'»P"^ P«'«»; "><» «Pon the undereUnding thu the Commerci,! Baak LwlrZ, 1.1 r Tl ".'"'' t" r ""?""" ''"*"■• ^»'"»''' «•">"»" * Co, from time to time « the ro«e?S.t ofrd '. ■"' ^i"" 'r™*"^ """^ «•""•"-» todothe„eedf«l; end I now h.od you enolowd . lut of the denoUng numben ind i«onnta of the whole of the Coupon, due to-morrow, for your gwduoe in paying .uch of them u m.y b^ preMnted .t your B.nk. ^ ;i«-."'TK"'*?l''*"' f^'*' '»">*»"««J7'«WIyoommuniceed toybu, th.itheComp.n,', prewnt fln.nci.1 ^ JT^ 11.!; ;.'1w '^ "'•':? *"• '•"' ^"■""'"'^ ""^' •««• iodueed me to eome to th.^diw^r^wWchTdW ^l^^^^^i!'X''^V'"^r^'^^ *° "''"^ *•••* ''«•'* "y p.yi-gtbe^rM:y^rIy'c:u^«ntw of trS!.:w i. ^-^ "how. by hi. letter », oonolueively, th.t he oon.ider. it imp^rUnt to the intereet. P~~rlL^ Jkt* foX ^^^ ^^r^'-'J-PO" -"o-Id oecur. I oonid no loVger he.iUte « to the fiZLTZLrt ,f i Vsi"L'!-S'*^' ""'''"*' **» *••• ^•"^' •'«' •« ""•»'» »'«»«<»>'>«" to them for the " It i., of oourw, nnnecenary for me to record my entire oonoarrenoe In Mr Hon', view, u ta ih. .1.m.«. ertrlT'o? *'" c«dU of the^D. * M. Co.. if Lonor to the CrA^f^nZr'on'V^i 'iX^ debtoocurred The oonwdemtioa of th.t point wm . long .ud .n.iou. one to me: bat m our fin.noUl arrjogemen,. in EngUnd werj, not yet brought to . eonolueion. .nd witho,^ preying Von you-rr.ddrond me.n.,Iw..«'. interest And i I .m alLdv fully ZiWe of the heavy weight th.t the Commerci.1 B.nk I. canying for thi. Co. .t thi. momlrrlld not S,^^^^ regwd to jueuoe or propriety have uked you for further help. • ' ' 1,!™ Z!l?fi.T* ■''"~ ,••"' "ob-f »tW •«!«tance given in thi. matter by Mr. Bo«i. I o.n only «iy*I offer A fi^i.. " "^""y^"""* «'"«'P««»- The amount which may be required for the Coupow wUl. it i. the «ud balance u to be liquidated, and which, it i^« much our wi.h, u I doubt not it byoun, we .hall w all poMible mean, to aocompliah. \ \- »""■""""'»' "lam, dear Sir, "'' \ " Your, faithfully. __ \^ 'fTHO. REYNOLDS. '* K p." . '^i (162.) Filed bv Defend'ta. «Thomh Rkthou)., E.Q., "CokUBBOUL Bakx or Canada, "Hamilioh, 15^ JVo»., 1859. " Vlee-Pi-endmt. " Dbab StB, »tiJ'L'«£jLtf **? ^'J*'**' ^ y«^rf«y« *rt., coTerin'^wnewata, «iy two note. oMlOO.OOO each, to Wtu., Iqr •Bbt.tuUoB; &«, otb« Bot« of th. Co»p«.y f„ « eqW ,„«„,», iy three of $6Q,000/dri8th; ■d^fe*>.fc^f.aV^ijrV4^a-*' -V' K3 «T Comi«nj on thi" •P«o'»P<»*"' . " I waiftioi ' *; "COMMKRCIAL BANK Of C*^*!'*' ^ ^ "Hamilton, 16 MmM, Md not toll lb* BtDk'* aalliorisMl iMpMting Dlrtotot Uial raeh U Um am TBoB't mo ^ A- . . B. toll MJ C. of hU RrMt dil•mll^. 7 o«o't mo through it, but tin. will Mt..!. Now. w n«iu„ In U.^L luT. no 4nbt eQ> tbk ammod on« w other of th. .baM. prmntod b« Mr B tn mJ ^^ !1! If , . wonldj. «^ ^^^ eo .„ ,^,^ Ur^J^.Z::1t iCtfanll'^niro^^Z^^lt «• , J '!! '" '"""*"'*' "Pr^tiith,, In do.. oon.ulutloa with yonr.! .nd bLr.VnZw dltr„r »|bU -rion. ».ttor,«l, 4o« not .., . word of tb. diffloultj L^^Ii of bow ^W Ja U^?« r Board with, and lh«j would only langh at bim. Thare i. no *dlag«, of omiuion on th. nart of Mr AH r '■■'"■!,• / - «^ " Yonn ainMrelj, L "W.H.PARK." (166.) riled by. "0. J. BRtDOES, Bsa, Defeod'ta. " LoftDON, 28«« Abw., 18W. "iVeiV, '< DiAB Sib, " ''•"•' *|»" ^^ "f^'e-J f«>«» you two notes of the Detroit and Milwanke. Railwar Co. for tw.ntT ^'■... ■.■\- /■'':■■"•■.;■'■-■ ■:-'^" ;"■ - No.^79. " I enoloae paid bill by renewal lately p«ed to credit of tbe Company, tb; rebate at di««.«nt tin ma r «™ ^'"" ^^ '• ^'*"' '" *'"' '•°'* ?«•'"»»' Noe. D. 7542 p. 150.000 : No 7648 •50,000. for 150.000; and D. 6408, |50,000 ; or, in all, 1200,000; the ronewl for wbi h ai now "•"""gnnder the G.W. Railway collaterals. «J7aMiZtoR/> ^ « Youw i^peotfally, i (Signed) «W. H. PARK, iSJiS^m: ,_ . '-^^w^^r^^'^ -;- . :v5w.i -'■ 'T'.""^ W- 99 "CoMiittcui- Hank o» Oamada, ^ .ac«cl<»omcmor.adu«.r,ourbllUplacodtocroUUtUUa.y...a* & M Co.. and has, wo believe, com- \ . ' s?-'- i^*jt' w^^"^ .'T^'^'W ' IV'^^^'T^i'^ff^^sS^'S'^'^iT'^W^T^J*"^^^ "'•^♦■^^^"'■'"'^T \ «l^« / 100 ' -v . "Tlio eipmditiiro on OroallTorrto^ii m«I. firom U>/l.t J.„>, will be .Imply tho ch.rRo. for tl.o Worklna of ill. lino-tho (M^mflnt of tho intor«.t »hi. (Jo. tho lion^do of tho Orcot Wortorq Co. for $200 000 of thb b. A M. Loj, not*. no«) noto. h„o boon rtturnod by you ; .nd, under tho .minKomont n.odo .t tho tiuio, M .» ol.«rly .ct forth in tho corrcpondonoo, thoM llond. arc now to bo ruturnod U, thk (Jo. It U r J" r'.'r.'."'V"^ '!'"'"" '^"**''"" "J^" "*" ''•"*•'"" '"'"' •> •"" "" """" '■'""kly «y that . refunnl on the part of tho Bank to rWo up tho Uonda in quoation. will moat «,riou«ly oonipli««lo tl.o arrangowcota now m proKraaa for rolioving you from tho advancea which you arc now under to tho I). & M. Co. Tonient to d««u^ tho wholo quoafon u to what oourao i. to bo takoj. under tho cirouu..Unc« in which wo arc DOW pUOOila '•Wo arc, doar Sir, " Youm faithfully, ' ' (Signed) "C. J. BRYDOI-a, " THO. IlEYNOLDS." " C. 8. Rom, Eag., • -* \ " OiMAT Wmtbrii Railway, ^****"*' " W«i"oii, Caiiada W«at, 18M JiinV, 18(J0. " Aa promised, when wo nW you at Kingston, on Tuesday and Wednoaday last, wo called « Doord moctiDR for this day, and fully reported what passed between us. We now beg to acquaint you that 6ttr Board ^ fully confirmed and adopted tho ground which wo took in onr discussions with you, and thctoforo, of course felt themsolres precluded from agreeing to your proposal, to giro you bills P-T^*" of liqnW*Ung the ^Ivance. which you hate made to "Wearo, doarlSir, « Yours failhfiiUy, / • (Signed) " C. J. BRYDOES, / " CM' r, Commercial Sauk." > ■■/ ^-v- <("' ( leo. ) (Copy) Ml.ppo.r.tomcthutlUcc,«cHio».f.ra«.i-io„oru«rnu.rdw.nK^ Jobt .hull bo pnld pron.plly ? ,,,,»„ o., oluimina iholr tntorvonlion T /» n.,1 Hh.U wo tdJrcw 11.0 Undon IHwctort of 0. W. R. Co., »"yi (Signed) ■M;.H..nOSH. Hvfutttrt*. y C'«»A>. «« C. J. BaYiKJKB, Esq., «'">''J ^''^ "TlIO. UBYNOtBB, E«J., ^<'»'' '*'''' " Gr?fl< Weilif» llnilieaff Co. •< Hamilton." WW' • TiiomasReynoi-ps, Esq., ~" ' " : " Yiee-I'renidenI, .' v . ,. ;- n Dttroit it- M. li. Company, "^■^■^"^ u n*Mlfe*d.»'00 000 J.ypothec.t«d to tho Michigan 8o«t^^^^^ i. Mr. Campbell having heard that '\\^^\^^^1'^^:a]^ tho Ilow.rd^ j .«d th.t «.he,. h« d-ng Railway Co'y, «.d now dopo«itod in Now \ork, had »>««' '"^j;^^^ ,^, ,„,„u uf then* .uprc., went down SSn. onho D. d. M. CVy. wore about to follow u.t b". fj-JK^ ^ ^^ ^„,. ^f you, Company rrn.lly to New York, and attaehed the whole amoun of the i- . J ^^^^ ^^ , .^, ^hw Ke Trltcea hand, under a ''^^^ ^"^ :^ZoTu:^\^i U woV.d .i.pUfy -tten, and pr.^O> ^ Winj^ent tbo Bond- .o a.U.ched alUng -^ <> J;; " ^ „., ,^0. now, aubject to the claun of .he chando of any 000 olM attaching, il the U. « M- ^ I? J , - ■ IJowards'.ifany/ . ' " ..;.,;■':-,.;:'".;.,..: ^^.,_.-, .-_-^..^ ._ (WL) FUe«l by ■.,:\: iMi^i^iig IM bolilioK ( « n wooM M«m to Im bMt n.)iirw for th« (?o'jr to imIkii, m n.|(iMto.l ; but, in ibMnoo of (hi«, tho Mrt* ag tha akim mait prooeoii in the imwI w*j. " UamilUm, •iarJJiin. '00." " I Ml, d««r 8ir. " Yooni »nil/, ^ , "W. n. I'ARk." ^ ( 163. ) i>iirvii f.'w II VMlK." ^■ ..K,».i«oN,aOM/l«:/V, JX'W. (164.) •'0 " (IMfito) . »!.« «rom««a Trip of tho Piinoo of W.lo. «« l^« »»• « ^ ji j,„ ,..„ae •"• T' r ^n ^: •-^»'° - «" " "'rf "■• " « "XiX" ••"• -' •"■ r -"" Train r Thou •Rtln, bow long w ^^^ ^^^ jj,„, i ,„,y pww" J infurmMlon t* uno at think ho wouU UVo Ihb oo««o i ^» '| '; J^, ^„,, .„a .h««W Uko lo h.,o '^'^^^^''^^,„^ ., „,.o hoar robUmoUho mlnutw. !»t«n of iho ImporUnoo of tho .chomc, and ihat .IhoHo,oMr.P«kcon,«un;o.ted-,o;^^^^^^^^^^ Jo i.U.fy tho .hai^holdcm m ►'"8»»f J7; J^- ^ow .h«.l«l«»y «»««««"* " " *^'' "" V«n'l wiuld m.y that ho Sln^ 0^0 that oonldooourlW-^^^^^^^ ^ ^ 'L'IT T o^catC-t '•^"''''""^ bo allowed to leak o«». "''''* ;'^'" „„ ufco « Hook-jobbins tmn«._cl.on. Tho Rrea p. r " I am, Dear Sir, . << Yours fttilbfuHy, ..„„„, f>» •■I ■ ■k Filed by "WOjOOO, Dtfwd'ti. ' «^. 8. 2,179. Bae^ 27-30 Oet., '69. C. B.7,296. D. 6816. /■ *< OinOl Qt THX Dn^IT A)n> MnWAtTKB RauVAY COMPAHT, "Brboit, 2'IlhJune, 1869. « Vjm Months after date, the Detroit and MUwavlcee Bailway Company promues to pay to the Order of W. H. Park, Manager at the Merohanta' Bank, New Tork, Fifty Thowand Dollaie, rake reeeirod. "No 828 « 0. J. BRYBGES, firuident. " THO. RBYNOLBS, Y.^JPrendrnt," '«0. 0. TBOWBBIBQE, iSwfVtdry. ^(Endoned) «r «44,688. ■SI, «'W. H. PABS, "Mm't. «P>y to the Order of the Merohanta' Bank, N. ¥., Talae in Acc't with the OmmnerBial Bank of Canada. ^— »0.B.ttOBa,Oath'r. .if ■ ■.:>.- .-, . M«u«ir«u ^ff jkiVi ( ii«> jvfiv fiu-Aq tn swujf Aoov. ♦ -■..-■. ■ ■ ^-^^^ " - . '■ ■■/-;■,'■■,. •r • ■ .: - '.^ -■ ■ ,- - -■■;■■ - ... -J-.r^.^ •i ■■■.'' .» • ^.-..,^; •■".:; ■■:..■ /■■-.■■,'i 'V ■ ■-■■-■, '•■-fc*. 'i^ X ^ •• .'' ; '" . .- . •."■■;.- ■..,,. |r> »«n i v i »Bn two l i aMwj-nto—ad DitlViw), ,wj I, ■ 1W > l'!z'x '"^"""*' »"'«"^-' ►^. • " Itamilton, » Daan Bib, «• I an, 0«ntl«m«a, . ' • " Your OKMraMl*! ««t'», (fllgMd) "^.,11, CAMI'UMLL, " CWMV." •• Coimaacui. Daii p» C*»AM, " Ki»a»roa, 12M OUct^r, 1800, " From a UlUr raeeirod from Mr. Park il aniiMn tk.t ik.^ u , , hMt Winter waa that 11.000 «\Lk war. .!; iT i tTr. . ^*'*'^^^ '*<"* AcoounU. The a^rta^ieol mad. ".00., ,o« inuod^d for rTtil^ ha bal.nt f'tC l"! b Id.' 'a'*"'*"'' ?" ^•"' """"^ ""»'^ "- wo w„uld purcha*. ehc Uuffalonotea and hold ik.n. 1 li ^. "* '" \"'^* '^ •"•• •""• "«"«"'• "•' •»"' nh. r.«o»il of tba aooounu WM Jrlt JooJi If M ^ T^ " '^'^ 7'"" ''J' '"•'"»^«" """ ""• '•*-'"• Whan A«K.. and .aid that you mShrJ ifJ^'.7oa/'o?;. S'T rTk":^"": "" ""f"'" ""'- '"""« ''"• "- '' >4 Vv ' -. ■.'.■. W. H. P«k ..........•.." '• '• '^VoV, ; C.H. Boriey, • - 'r:::::::::":z:.-^---^ •• *^ *^ K.&J.O.M««.«.........-"-- • ^,308.22 ^ ^ 1 . ■ '.'.-■''■ "■■.'■ ■ " . - ■ ■.--*■' .'.'-.■ '■■'■' : "«% nof M; ::j--' ■. f r-r .cf ■•,■■■■ .■■?; • ■ " Yq«». »'«*J'' (Slg»«4) A. II. tWMPBKUU A' ■ In itda WM (h« that hea 15 In*. Deo > (168;) "0. 8. IU>". *><»' ' \ *-^ •• DlA» 8l», ... Mr CmnWU ••«.» Mr V 3 nry.lit*, In .Ko b.nd. oMh, »i«h.«^^^^^^^ ^'^;:;^, j,,„ r. ...or «,cui«; the '^;'^- J",; ,,^ SL th« order of Ac Comm.rcua ? „ " ...i, j.- „„ beluJf of the Commercial U...k. r«U^»*' i„ f«,i|,er c<.n«i. ■*.„v ■ -r^-'^C—'-^Tii^l^Mk- > . . ' ^i.U,!i.ii^. 9 M * M O.SS £■5 3 o &o " W« m Ihki mofBldn fli»oowa with joor Ic-iur U> Mr lU*., of -t1aaaa add to tha letter alM— 'and w harabj aipraa to axaouta any farthar doramaak whioh may bafonnd ateeaaary to the Comniorolal Hank of Canada holding thciMi naid Ilondu aa collateral Mcurity for any claima tha Hank may hara ia rcapaol of Uabto of laid IMroit and Milwaukaa lUilway Company.' " 4 ■>. ■ Detroit & Milwaukee R. R. i08.' Iedgerfrom20 Sept. im to W Deer. WSQ., "Great Western RaUiwy Company." ^ « Detroit & Milwaukee Railway Company account Index to thu Ledger under the letter D u a» fottom. « Detroit & Milwaukee R. R. Coy 159." I^u.Booke^^^^^^ .. « l>«Uoit & Milwaukee" R. R. Co. In ae. witb.the Commereul Bank of CWa. C, " Dr. The " Detroit & Milwaukee' Marc h 1 8 60, i t at/MtW- ~ PauBot^ Aewtng account from 1 Deer. ISM la D,. Th. Detroit U Milwaukee R;J^C. i-^.J^^^.^^ ^^ ^^^^^ (208) Cr. " • ( . ■ •- * ■ * '' ■■■' ■■■■■•♦■ > ■■"■'. v'^". ■ - • ■ . -. ■ - ■ " ■■ '^ . .■ . ' ■ ■■'"' ■ ;•:• . ' '■[ : ■'..■. . . ■ ■■-'-."■ . ^ ' " ■ ■ .' ■ • ■ .^■- '■-; -■■-■-■:;- ■■ ;|: ■..■■■•.:: •■.:■;••■ DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY COMI»AN|f. Dtf m rim«nt AtM wt t (ITL) iMbwru TU« DETBOIT A MltWAOKIl lAILWAY COMPAUT, i« OOMMKMCUl B4SK OW 04SADA, UAMILTOS MBAKOB, m. HKairftoM or Woaa ftwa. oa «i«i«»«i iwrruiR iiM. 84. Aw «»<•< •'»' */ Otrflfit-Al dm* hf -id Ci>mp«ny ta T.WK) on. 00 mH1*«4« Ma •hottia U paid- ' 0. II. HORLKY. S. I. PITTMAN. I ■ 1^ mm IM«d, Mifc. M. ••••■ ■^' UUKb ... " 6 „. 26 ... 26... April 10 ... 10 ... 20... 20... Jaoe 15 ... Sept. 4 ... ■• / 273 90 205 2^66 2 12 159 46 1 19 324 44 2 43 302 00 797,976 03 ^ 790.901 73 797,186 51 797,347 16 797,674 03 797,976 03 20 IS 10 56 81 v.vt VtUf V 15.938.020 11.957.790 7.973.470 44.669.744- 64.636.050 195.388.777 X '. ■ ^■ ';^ -■ ■ \ , . ' '■ :f i ; ^ ■ ■ : \ ' ->■ A ■ • p ■ -.■■.' s 1 • »■ ■ * - •%;■■■ : , ^ ■■■■■■'■. ■'■^-, • ^ ;.- . ^. .■.; .: . - ■ ■.■,. \ '■•■ ' ' "■ ■ ■ ' '• . . ' - ■* ■ \ . .'; • " , • 'r 7 ■ ' ::/ I - - ;! cm.) nMkv § .prrROIT AND MILWAUKRK R.IILWAY COMPANY. LflBffPPlNN« Ttll DKTROIT k NILWAUKIK RAILWAY COMl>ANY. ^ • •• OOMMKKCUL BANK Of CANADA, flAmiroN. 9t. BAtft IBM. tl. MK)«irtiiNi Of iruaa aiiMi^ ^ MnlM.1 a i. rarrnAM. IMWl Ju« II, IN*. P 00 tA.000. HM*«v«d «f Ik* tMnIi A MllvMkM lUIIW*/ Co«pMj, llM MM •! rif* TkMMMi IMUins !• cradtl la W. ■. tAUK, DMd tta« . J«M 17, IM*. ; A 1 4 . ' . '^ ■ , > '^ . ^- '^Mi^te r— ' EIXHIBIT No. 206— CHEQUE— itfw/a«rf. (206.) ■■■•.....J--' ■.\ - / . At a General Meeting of the ShareKoIdew of the Great Western Railway, of CanadaJ heidat the tdiidoD (JJOT) Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, London, on Thursday, April 11th, 1861, at 12 o'clock, Rb^rt GUI, Esq President of the Company, in the chair, the Secretary read the following Advertisement calling the meetine;, viz : — ■ . Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Shareholders will be held on Thurs^ijy,. the llth day of Apn> next, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, London, at twelve o'clock precisely,, for the purpose of ' considering the reporte and general statements of accounte for the half years ending 31st July 1^60 and 31«t January 1861, and also the Report of the Committee of Investigation, with the reply of the Direotom, preparatory to their submission to the legal meetings to be held in Canada. And Notice is further given that the books kept at this office for the registration and transfer of shares will be closed.on and from the 4th to the llth day of April next, both days inolusivc, and transfers will not be reeistered between these dates. < ' ^; By order. BRACKSTONE BAKER, Np. 126 Grcaham Honae, Old B ro ad St ree t, E.^. ^— — ' . . . ' ' ■ ■ — — — March Sa, 186L « The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in London on April 4th, 1860, the y^ resolutions then adopted having been also adopted at the Statutory Adjourned General Meeting of Shareholdert hdd in Hamilton, Canada West, on 'May 1, 1860, were read and approved. "^ ■ ■ ■■ ,J\:'-.- ■■■.■..;■■■■ ..:^.^j " At BABn.'UMt, l«» •*•• 9t »•••• MfnO. RKYNOLM. (vn.) rbtauii •'DCTROIT AND MII^WAUKMB Acf (17«.) M Al IlAMawM, !«<* JmniMnf, l«5i llalailM "'*••"■ , «, „. O IL Mi-MO or Ueai^r the wo. of IWUW »>•«*•"•' '*''»'» .. I^, ,0 W, IloU 0. Act oC Wic F- 0. 11. Ii..8»,» ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^.^ uTUO BltYMOUlS- 'Ma' '^itM.^&MSt, iKr*^rtff ^''^B^fe (2Q0. ) 'Reoeired theolieqaeaoftheChwtWMteniR. R.ftD,&M. M; todate. r , BDMOND JOY. 27th Angnat. Re«d cka of O. W. Baiiiny Co. to 16th Deor. t EDMOND JOY ReoeiTed the cheques of the Great Weatern and Detroit and Milwaukee R. R. Coy. to date. . . ... MATTHEW HARNEY. Ifl Sept. 1868. - .'-.:■ ■■■■■■..■ ■■■■■ . «t ■ . ; Received the Tonoherg of cliuges against aocoiuitft of O. W. Railway Op. A D. ift If . sec. to 14th day of December, 1859. #i ^ 'MICHAEL JOY. ", ,'■ \,- ■ -■ ""■ ••■■ ' .' « i • ■ "■ ■. '■' ■ , ^ • ■ • / . . - / « ' J* . ■ '■''. .' ' * , / '*' .♦■ • « \ ..... .*__ "* ■ r '-.- :'- -^^ "■:-■-;:'■■ V" ■ • . . y-y- - '--:-■-■ -.^-"■■;- - ;---7— ^^---7 ■■'," ■ ■ * , « . .••■• , < f .* ■»■■■*_■■ ■■ ■ ■ ^ : ■ ■■ ■ » 1 n -■ ' ,■ ■ ■ - '• ■ .■'■-. ■-■ ' '.» ; . ' ■'■ ■\, ■ > > ■ '-. ^ ". ■ ■ ■ I ■•■■•m««| i.. Phyt*4A.lktw«# A 0», M M. v., Ph^4Im* Al ^BMfd. 1, E PnviMii, -a J. BaTMBI. A«M»<. ••TBOi BiyNOU)% r. ^*'*'>-ilW -DITIIOIT AMD MILWAUEU JUUWAY. KSA MONWMrvM il«.A, Mim^Ami, 0. W. "iW. 14M, ISOC ' P»y to .1. FayMMf, o II M,a^,., „ „^„, Xw«i,^ ,fc„^,j j,, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ "IW^Ml ,i|A. "0. 0. TioWBaiDoa, &«r*MJ ii TiTiiJufn&i iiiiiT#itfiitt48jitTiii!riSil.flitf fit iiii •"itifiii iilifiitiirfipiiiiltfmi'iN iiiii I t 4 jlu^a ^l^..l * ^ <. > ^.^...ijfi^JHiBL V ^£ ^ ■ > sJi i^Mii^ of if- Peby. 2. 4. rAI ^ M V iidi «• ■•••. ''**^' '•■'"'^ y A« Ommmttt f*»k ^ O^m^ (lit.) " j\niU Jl«««ir«' ,/AiCmmmiM^oouragement and aasiatanoe to the Detroit and Milwaukee. Early in 1856 a traffic arrangement was entered into between the two ComMi/lics, and the Kngliah Hoard of the Great Western agreed to «fford this Detroit and Nfilwaukco Company their assisUnce in obtaining? capital to complete their lane. Ihe object was not immedUily suooessfiil, because the Great Western themnclvcs were issuinK new Shares which appeared to capiUlists>Osoffer superior ad vanUges, and which the? therefore look in preference to subscribing to^ the capital of the iWt and^Iilw.ukeo. At a later period however of the same year, the ^Oreat Western had obtained i^ capital, and it was then determined to endeavour to float the Detroit and Milwaukee. The first attempt Vm in February, the second woh in July, 1850. In the interme- diate periiod, negotiations had been entered into by the Detroit and Milwaukee Board with Mr. WytlSs TBF great contractor, to take up and coin^lete certain portions of the Line. The Railway was 185 miKnc • of these^it was proposed t« Mr. Wythes to>mplete 75 for a sum of *500,000, to be paid JudfiTshares, and half^in cash, when Mr. Walker, the C|rairman of the Detroit and Milwaukee, again anjvlled to the Board of w ? yt^*"*™ *** ""'" ^^ '''"'" **""'"« "'•''' """''''■ ^P"" "»" a88uranco>^ the contract with Mr Wyth^ had been entered into, pie Board consented to issue a circular amon««r their Shareholders, and to wcomtoend them to take up thrbonds as a matter of importance and benefit to^Great Western itself, the lio»td^howcver t«M.k such precautions as suggested themselves for the prot«4n of the parties interested. A or their resolution to ifend out the circular ran as follows :—. reV( pria of < ■on 18i COD th( 8h bei br m Before the above-i tentiooed Gircnlm are issued , the S ecr sta ry t o b e s atisfi e d ' .hat th e e ontr act w ith Mr. Wythe, t*^ complete the^letrait and Milwaukee Railway Is executed b/bothp'srli^rand ihlt Mr iT legal power on beh»Ify6f the Detroit and Milwaukee Directors." . ^ The Seeretwy ^id satisfy himself upon these matters, and tUere are now in the ofEccs in London properly rSfrl^'" T !l A.r?°"*j S" *|'KMr W.ner was acting, as well as of the contract entered intJ on ttie part of th^ Detroit^ and Milwaukee Conifany with Mr. Wythes, and of a ResoluUon of that Bowd, under the oorponwiflBetJofJ(|B^^CompMiy,«>nfirming the oontriMJt. * " . ' N. Walker has D P I »Mj«k| W9 ^^^H^ 'OUUT WUTtur BAUWAT OOMI'AJIY 'T** HfUP^ UmmA Mtt^MfeM ^.0^,rm QmmmUnuk, W Cf., • (ktm, fmf •110,000 Hi. (> •• '^W^i. fmnUM M»u^ Aunntmal.'' (1l«"»"i"" "■ ■—■"i'— -• u i, ,1, . (!,„„i \«fn S that the DctroU and Milwaukco(:on.panyHhould need a loan, or that tl.ey .bould ,«K th« Or«.vt Wctem of Canailk for buoIi aimintanco, The.o and other rcprcacntation. tallJii^T^ much with the opinionn of your rtofird. '^^''^^T;^ «,«rce. your Director., at the n.eeting of Great Wcatcrn Sh,rch.,ldor». h.ld .n I..ndon on the 8th of C)ct«b«r. 1857, proposed :— i ■• That the Director, .hould he aulhorixcd U. advance to the Detroit and Milwaukee UaiUa, «'""P»"y "^J " r. e/^L* ure of the «.H.e being aubject to the control of .he Oreat Western lU.hvay." Thi.M*) "W II ^*wi» Tmo IU««»w«. %,. ■ ■t tbaj mmy dcM Mtiafketory, to oton* up •ziiting tulHwntrMU for worki, Mr. Wytbei haTini; MprMS«d hii willing. n«M lo nliB<|aiah hit eoutMot on paymanl of • bklano* not czoMdlng X6,000 dae to itim, or to itop all fqrtlwr MpMditoN OD tb« work* MO«pt what ii Mtuklly DMCtury for working tho Line, or to oauw tk* ooatinuuot of th« work* to b* prooMdad with u far m or bojond lb* Oruid Rapid*, it baing waU undantood that tha baaia of any adranoa of Ainda by tba Oraat Waatam Railway for tbi* purpoaa ia tbat tha axpanditara shall b« wholly undar tha diraeUon and oontrol of Mr. Brydgaa and Mr. Reynoldi, and that auoh ouUay ahall not in any nunnar b« jeopardiiad by the olalma of aiiaUng oradilohi of tha Detroit and Milwaukee Company. ^ 4 Annad with this rathorit^, Mr. Brydgea laft England on the 14tb and arrived in New York on tbe^th Norember, 1867,'to take anoh atepa to aeonre the completion of the Lino as, after due investigation and aao- oeaafol arrangementa with the creditors of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, ho and Mr. Reynolds might oonsider most dwirable- Immediately on hia arrival in -America,, thea^ gentlemen applied themaelves to carry out the ordera of thalHoard; and, on the 28th December, 1857, they addressed their first deUiled Report upon the subject to the Board in London, sUting the arrangements they had made with the secured civditors for the postpouem«nt or payment of their debts and also for the carrying on of the works, so as to effect the immediate completion of the Line. Whilst Messrs. Badges and Reynolds were thus occupied in carrying out the objeoU for which this Loan was made, they also engaged themselves in obtaining sJMurity for the repayment of the money. That soourity was eerUinly as complete as the Detroit and Milwaukee Company could offer. A third mortgage Wu effected in Ihvour of thr«e membeia of the Canadian Board of the Great Western Rwlwny, securing to those gentle- men, as Trustees, tho wholo of the Detroit and Milwaukee Lin«, «nJ j,\ ^ ♦!.. ^ i,^^ ^r j t, ^ff,;,, {„ t^p entire control of Directors, to be nomioated from time to time by the Qreat W<»tem Company, the deed of mortgage being most stringent in its ebvenanto. About this Ume, the embarrasmd state of the London minoy n^rket began to interfere so seriously with tt« contemplated arrangementa for advancing money to assist the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, that the ftrectors wrote to Mr. Biydges the letter of December 18th, 1867, referred to by the Committee, impreMtng • ; tioni oont the : Deti of I thrc ~ tha) and • ,iP^' Wi mi Co .■;/i "I (I H«lf-j««» ending 81«t J«ly, ttJM...... « Slat January, 1800. « aidt July, 1860 M 81st January, 1801 • ^•••••« thoy .Ute atao that thii additional traffic boa beep carried iritl out tho nec«»lty of running any addl- tional truna. . -_ - . . _^ _ j^ , -^__^_^_-. . , .. If l,»u.d of «..rl.. Iki. D.i™> »l'«ilw.«k»i U.., jour t)lr«t.r. l»d .«l~l«l UM-intf tbrougb t«ffio of tbe Great Weatem would hare been matorially dama ^d. iof InVeatig 31 OTt. . 91 01 87,728 44 85,007 04 115,223 00 III TM Chargt againtt your Direrton Hut tho Committee ^ ™, £:i^:r»i;wb7.i.=.M "..«... c»h.. .. *"'- •"— - Tbo Committee allege this bribe to have been admlniatered in the " to the members pf tbo London Board, and/the aUff at the office, form of a gratuity of X2,400 tobepaid together with 100 Share* of the Detroit 2^:£z::,7^,'^^^''- ''-^-^ •- or ..«.■■ of .>. Bu o~. tigaUbn have reported to yoa ryy « Weatem JMrectom . The simple facto are these :— , management of the Great Weatem Company, »t wa» agreed that the |l Com^y> a* well aa Means. Brydgea tad Reynolds in Canada, sltDJl London Directors of the Great Weetarn Id be«oma Direoton of the Detroit and 4^_ MarikMMlf ■"*» •-■ ^--i '^'■» * c, »: mm> a**^ iM*T,m ♦ *» '■*fl^ t »*■;-' A IP ff/L. • S ' ), r( %. 4 116 s — .%•-' '' tlW.) JSiSi. "W0,000- »B. R. 804. Dae, Jon« iSni, 1869. 0. B. 6049. D. 8M1. "Omoi or TBM Darion An MnwAindii HuLifAr Oompaiiti "9kTB0R, i^«Iy 19M, 1860. « IV>nr Hontha after date; the Detroit and Hilwankee Railway Oompaoy promisea to pay to the Order of W. H. t^, Manager Com'l Bank of Canada, at the Herchanta' Bank, New York, Fifty ThonBan4 Dollars value received. "No. 260. " 0. J. BRYD0B8, iVw*at « THO. RBYNOLDS, K-iWititoil. (Endonwd), ' "88,406. « -Pay C. 8. Roi8, Esq., Caahier, or Order. - ■; ' ■ •''.-■ ■ - ' „. ^ ./« W. H. PARK, ^ "Man'r: "Pay to the Order of the Merohants' Bafik, N. Y;, Tala^ in * Aco't with the Commercial Baidc of Cftnada. ■^ «0. 8. ROSS, (^itVr: ; ^ (• Not pi^l, bnt renewed, aa per Co.'a Note, No. 827, da« Oct. 22-26, '60.'v \ ( 19a ) ' 2^- B. 2,170. Diie> 27-^0 Oct, '60 Dafand'ta. ' ^ ' 0. &'7,2e6. D. 6816. ■BSS "Oman or th« Dn^ir amd MrvwAwa RAnwAt Cohtant, " DmBOiT, 27rt June, 1860. « Fenr Months after date, the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company promises to pay to (he Ordef of W. H. Park, Mau^ at the Merchants' Bank, New York, Fifty. Ilionsand Dollars, vake receiTcd. "No 828 *' ' - "C. J. BRYDGES, Jhretident. - ,« THO. REYNOLDS, F:-iV«iia«<,"^ "<0. 0. TROWBBIDQE, iSservMry. ^(Endoraed) /«44,688. ««W. H. PABi, « Man'r. 1^^ " Pay to the Order of the Merchants' Bank, N. Y., valae in Aee't wi^ the Conuneroial Bank of Canada. „ "C.S.ROSS,CSMVr. "Renewed per 1^. 874. Due 26-28th IWy, 1860. _ *fp$f^ 1 lit .'« der of >oUars \ i^OT^S ^'tlf MFAnLT AT HAmLTO^^ B Cmnter Jo«l Carpenter & Co. Henderriiott k Wilkiw on Ulhrop^i Sirnth ..... id. 00 '^- . 5. 0. Derby on Utbrop & Smith Henaer.hott ft Wilkina <«»i«t*'«P. * f "^"'' P. Spohn » SpohnA Start ........ jV '. ■ id. .ii....< Oct 20, Not. 4, 6, 7, 11, Deo. 8, T, 29, 4,1857 $1,401 07 1,040 7& 2,a 75 1.001 02 1,040 75 1,001 07 2,080 75 880 88 1,809 95 112,380 49 (IW.) l'|«lailff*.. OVERDRAWN ACCOUNTS^ATnAMlLTOi^^ D. Campbell.... • ' "••• ,...••—••• F. CressweW, jr ■•vv ...........••.••—•.•' M. Irving, Sol. 0. W.J^R. •. • *" •; C. D-GraseU .».^..-..;-^ 'U-'»—- William M»nro .. • ". •••• James MaSdonald ....—> ' P. N. Rogers W. H. Park . 0. H. Sorley.. ....•..:••' • E. & J. 0. Moore....... «••••• >••••. .....K.»i.. .•.. ...'.. * ...i.ii,...y* » • ■ i ,...«••....••'.• 1220 90 229 95 6,197 52 01 15 160 45 45 43 22 21 104 47 227 04 , 43 40 90,308 22 • m «' ■*■ ■! ■ r^ 'k-^ N^h IW 1868, Aoooi |60,( on 01 the ( Cot fa V II tl iOSN k"..'- ■■^: ■:-. ,. -_ ■■■ ■: • ■-■ -^ ■f • . Wr ■■ ' . ■ •* , ' •V ■■■, ■ ■ ■.* " > . - N ■ ■ ^ * » "^ • p «?Titi»v»*. n/viTBfiS— TUB LONDON JOINT «OCK UA-^lv. ^ mile. Theearthworiw,B B . j^^^j ..*„j into a bindinjf contract tbis Company' ' .. ->» .«hanM wi 1 -i? « ■• ^^fvm^ .Sl^ £80 io 80 80 80 ^^ , -•^ _. ■ ^ « Tlw Oonpuj haw d«torah«d, io ordtr to ouiy t 4i. 6d.* • »»•"«.«» ^ "A deposit oC £18 16.. Od. per l>oiie roqairad to IxLpaid to the London Joint Stocfc lUnV ♦ on the 6th September, 1866. ^ " 6thOetober, « • ' " 6th Norember, « " 6th Deoeinber, «\ " Tli« flnkMrik... — :ii li II J . *^ per ■nnum, irom tne loth November next ine aalMonberi will be allowed latereat oo the isatalmeDta at th« t»«. «f t «- » H. N. WALKER, London, Jii(y 22, 1866. •. Z*^***"' •'>•#■*■.*««»<* Conyaiiy. ..H.z;r;:::;?:r:r;i ;rr '*"*^' *^" *^'p'«-'whu*«ua«,^. w.u,.da u.i b*. ■7" • y* ■ .■ / ' . A ' i ■■" .' t f .•''.■■ ■' » • 1 .' '■ ■£■"" ■ , . " '- -i , ■ ' ■ •■ ■ : . '■■ :.'. ■■.. ■ ■ . ■» 't» '.'■ ■ , . ■- t-' .■■- • ; "' * ' » Tsr . 1 =rr - i. ■ , ^ ^ , ta*« i jj • * ^^ T^ ji IA^ * " T -vr* V 'r ^ -I s' ^ 'r* 'X^ ' "» 121 Beading* of the Ledgert in the QffUe of • ^ . =" '^ * the Commercial Bank at Bamtlton. j^g„ containing enlri»/rimfiO Deer, mi t^^^^ « Detroit &MUw»nkcoi«o. Qrttt WMttrn R»Uwiy." ,. . I TheJndextothi,Ledgermd0rtheUtUrbi»a»/oaow». « Detroit & Milwaakee to. 0. W. R. It 806." «' Petipit* Milwaukee R. ». Co 804. " ■ ■ Ledger containing enUie, fr«»-**^"""*^^^^Se^ercialBankofCan.a. (203) w *^^JSV»^tH^ 1 m <9dj|) DBIFROIT A MILWAUKKE RAILWAY CO'V. AOCbUxNT aBBA^ WBOTEftN BAttWAY CO'Y i 1«^ Dm. S3.., n ... > ss ... M- \ \ ,,.. ., 27 ... •.-•>;>•■ » ... .■'"■■>'"-■ " SBi ... Forward • •• - • •• >' \r-- • •• ^ NqI 7«7,17« 0« 18.427 17 13,2S7 SO 4« 07 S31 14 880 70 1,120 36 788 72 1,480 37 800 40 ItOOOOO 805,247 64 1880. , Jtny 1 ... 10... F«by • ... ... 20 ... 20 ... 28 ... March ... 26 ... 9aUac9 20 ... April ?? • 10 ... 20... 20... Jaae 16 ,.. Sept. 4 ... / 742.270 02 24,629 16 183 07 7,810 87 68 68 4,034 80 34 75 16,000 22 127 42 273 09 205 282 60 2 12 150 46 1 10 324 44 2 43 302 00 61,076 62 • 1,000 00 62,076 62 Ik. '\ 706,194 44 .15 00 736,010 18 I 730,461 43 740,100 16 741,670 62 742;270 92 742,270 92 Dr. 707,076 03 766,084 05 774,85^ 60 770,523 05 796,640 09 796,625 60 706,901 73 797,186 Si 707,347 10 707.674 03 707,076 03 16 231 7 14 14 8 7 20 16 10 66 81 16.8384239 736.010 2.220.570 1.483.340 1.484.540 11.134.050 171.464.370 182.608.420 5.368.888 10.847.942 40.U3.322 6.373.120 5.676.375 15.Q38.020 11.057.790 7.973.470 44.660.744- 64.636.050 105.388.777 :i , » ■ ■ . ■ ■ - ■ ' ■ . •■ ( -A ■ • . ■ ■■ ""'V •' i , ■ . . I ' • ■/ "x"' ■ ■ ' . A ■ s ■ - ■■'••■ » ■ ■ * "^ ■ .^ ^ - ■ ' r . ^ ■■ » ■ -f """"--„ *«=w ; . ■ "^ ■ - ■ ■"■".■- / "■ ■ 7. ■■■ . V 4 (Copy) . m "Okbat Wutikm Railwat, •■ Hamilton, Camapa Wilt, 18M (>e<., I860. (909) Th* •■•• " 0. B. Bon, Esq., • unto ^'Comm*re(al Bank, Kingtton. " ' . ' UA^p"*' ,«I>IAbSib, (Ml) "In k itatemont of liooount furniihed us bj the Wyandotte Rolling Mills Company of Detroit, we Qnd paf* •*- that yonr Branch at Windsor oharf;ed 10 per oent. on disoou^ting a sealed bond of thia Company for t90,000, p^d to the Wyandotte Company in January last. V " On receipt of the account, and concluding there had been some mistake by your Agent in charging so htgh a rate, 1 requested Mr. Zabriskio, the Secretary of the Wyandotte Coy, to see Mr. McDonald, your ,Agentat Windsor, and get it rectified. Mr. Zabriskic writes me in reply, that he has Seen Mr. McDonald, who states that the arrangement was made by you with Mr. Reynolds, and that he had nothing to do with the ^ SUktter but to follow inkructions. _ _ ^ '« Mr. Reynolds is aware of having made the arrangement with you to discount the Iwnd, but is cdnVinced r you never intended to charge any such rate as 10 pdjfoent. for doing it, and that it will bo only necessary to call your attention to the matter to got it put right. " 1 am, Dear 8ir, * " Youn faithfully, (Signed) " W. C. 8TKPHBN8, ■■'■■ • ■■ - "5ecy" ■ . ■. •'^^ ,■■'-4. EXHIBIT No. 206— CHEQUE— itfiWairf. (206.) / . At a General Meeting of the ShareHoldcw of the Great Western Railway, of Canada, hold at the liSndon . Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, London, on Thursday, April 11th, 1861, at 12 o'clock, Rb^rt Gill, Esq. President of the Company, in the chair, the Secretary read the following AdvortiBemont calling the meotint;, viz : — ' . Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Shareholders will be held on Thur8%,. the llth day of Apri* next, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, London, at twelve o'clock precisely, fur the purpose of^ considering the reporta and general statementa of accounte for the half years ending 31st July IS6O and Slst January 1861, and also the Report of thp Committee of Investigation, with the reply of the Directors, preparatory to their submission to the legal meetings to bo held in Canada. . And Notice is further given that the books kept at this office for the registration and transfer of shares will be clo8ed,on and from the 4th to the llth day of April next, both days inclusive, and transfere will not be reeistered between these dates. , < ■* ' • m' By order. BRACK8T0NE BAKER, No. 126 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, E.^. . March 30-, 1861. ^ < The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shapeholders held in London on April 4th, 1860, the resolutions then adopted having been also adopted;at the Statutory Adjourned General Meeting of Shareholdera held in Hanulton, Canadft West, on 'May 1, 1860, were read and approved. ^ ': ■ - .•^'h' ■ ; ■ . ■ ■■■'■•■ (20^) ■r^ np^-. 184 The raportt ud Mooanto for th« half j«ua ending July 81, ISAO, and Juraaiy 81, 1861, mre taken 'M reed. It wie propoeed hj the Oheimun tnd aeednded bj Mr. Leo Sohniter,— « That thtf report* of the Diteoton for the half jeari ending Jolj 81, 1860, and Janoaijr 81, 1861, thia day rabmitted, be reoeired and entered on the minnlM." To whieh, aa an amendment, it wu propoeed by Mr. H^ H., and aeeonded by Mr. H. W. Filder,— "That the proposal of the Direoton that a diTidend at the rata of 8 peroent per annnm for the half year endiuK the Slit of January laat be oonfirmei, and that with that exoeption the oonaideratlon of the Direotoifl* half yearly report*, now preaented, be adjonmed; and that the report of the Oommittee of Inveetigation, together with their r«(joinder to the reply of the Direoton, be reoeired." On a show of handa being taken for the amendment, the Chairman deehred it to be loet; the Ohairman then put the original propoaition to the meeting, wUoh he deelared^.to be earried. »> ( 208. ) -^ ^"ff/^ bundle of letters written between Mr. Pirk and the clerks of the Oommerolal Bank at Hamilton, and Mr. Reynolds and hia olerksj on the eubjeot of Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Company a&iia. These letters are fyled to show the general eorrespondenoe tnd oonne of deaUng; but it is not thought neceasaiy to print them. ^ ^, ^ w ( 2Q9. ) ReoeiTed the cheques of the Giaat Western R. R. ft D, & M. ao. to date. r , \.. BDMONDJOY. 27th August. Reed oks of 0. W. Railway Co. to 16th Deer. • BDMOND JOT. Received the cheques of the Great Western and Detroit and Milwaukee R. R. Coy. to date. . . y. MATTHEW HARNEY. 18 Sept. 1868. - ReoeiTed the Touchen of chaiges' against aecountl of O. W. Railway Oo. & D.i& M. aoo. to 14ih day of December, 1859. ^ . MICHAEL JOY. » * T -- '-*' , 1 -• f ^ T ''. ^-'^nw^'Wf^^ 116 tVtmteHpt ^ B«olh m At Windtor Agmuj^ of Tk» Ckmmweial Bamk of Canada. (010.^ TILUK'B DAT BOOR. PebreMyand.lSW 140 Detroit h M. R- Ca Fabrury 8rd, WW 140 Detroit AM. R. Co Febmuy 4lli, 18M 140 Detroit & M. R. Co D. AM. RCo,,.. PetroitAM. R. Co. 4 17 1000 00 ^, Tn«uerift qf Book, at UU WinJ^ Agtiiq, of Th* Qmmereial Bank of Canada. LEDQER.' At*t. B-diat * M^f '*"• " DBTROiT t ". H- K. Co. ( au. ) "^ 8 7 II To ■■ 10 1000 00 4 17 — ■— --: - — — «-' 518 48 1054 78 1840 50 840 50 836 42 Thit oceoimt inimi m Mg*r undn L*U*r D, thu, » DETROIT i •»• « # Co., 140. 287." y. EXTRACTS (Sia.) FROM REPLY OF PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF OREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY TO /■ WSPORTOFCOMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION. V DETROIT AND MILWAUKEE RAILWAY " CHARUSa OF THS COMMITTSS CONCBRmSO THE BOm mUB. line of which your iMrtotoo MO now »bou| to BpeA. ^ ^' «* ... ...» Th« OrMi WMUrn lUilwajr of ObdmU niu through th« Watt of IJpptr Canada (Vom NiaRara Palla (o Windior, on lh« rivar whloh oonnMU tho upper with the lowor likoa of th* prorinoo. On tha otbar tida of that rifar liaa tha American Kuta of MiohlKan, and tha iinporUnt and rapidly inorMainx eity of Oatroit An Amarican (^.iiipan, Mn.a yaara back prupoaad U. oarrjr a lUilway aoroaa tha Huta of Miohigan fW>m t)atroit to Uka Michigan on tha aaiua principle that tha (Iraat Waatarn waa carried aeroaa tha Provinoo uf tfpp.r Canada. ThIa Railway, now called tha Detroit and Milwaukee, waa made in aeolion^ intimately it reached •a tha Map ahowa, from the ofty of Detroit to tha important port alyled (irand Haven on Lake Michigan] . IVom which It comrounioated by atcam uiMela with tho port of Milwnukeo, in tho itUta of Wiaconain, on the other aida of the Uka, a port of tho groateat commoroial imporUnca aa « railway oenira, and aa the ahipplna port of the Rraater portion of tho produce of 4ho Utatea of Wiaconain, Minneaota, and Iowa. A aurrey of the Map muat convince every ono that thia Doiroit i^nd Milwaukee Railwar waa of ihe Kraataat imporUnoa aa a feeder to tk« Oroat Weatern. of which it ia, in fact, on cxieriaion of IH.-i miloa It waa calculated to aeoure for our Um the traffic from tho waat aide of Uko Michigan. But more than thia, it preaented itaclf to t|ie (Jreat We.torn aa the mean, of averting a competition moat likely to be iniiiriou* to our ■ ayatem. It will bo oba*rvod, that whilat tha (ircat Weatern runi on the ;iorth parallel af Uko Krio, there ia upon the -outh aide of the Uko a aeriea of American Linoa called tho Loko Shore Hyatem, which oommunidate with Lake Michigan by another American Kailwny called tho Michigan Houthorn, and that farther aouth alitl other Linoa exiat, connecting Chicago with tho Atlantic. Without tho Detroit and Milwaukee Railway \U produce of the diatrict around I^koMicliigan would paaa to Chicago, and from (Jhipago eaatward to the port* of ahipmont, by tho American Linea, or by wator to Buffalo. By mcana of tho Detroit and. Milwaukee Railway, «he Great Weatern can intercept a great part of thia traffic, and paaa it over iu oirn Lino If therafore, it ia an object with the Great Weatern Company to aecuro tho'trado <5f the dhtrieta b4.rdoting on the great I^ea, and of (he corn.produoing Slatca of Michigan, Minneaota, Wiaconain, and Iowa, the noaaeaaion of a Line from Detroit to Lake Michigan and Jlilwaukeo ia of tho firat importanoo. lit wat in oonaeqnen^of auch conaiderationa and Rcporta aa theao that tho Diroctora of your Compaby thought It right to give over^oouragoment and aasiatance to tho Detroit and Milwaukee. Early in 1856, a traffio annngement waa entered fnt^ between tho two (JoinpBiiica, and the Kngliah Board of tho Great Weatern agreed to afford the Detroit and ftfilwaukco Company their aaaiaUnco in obtaining capital to complete their Line. Ihe object waa not immcdUcly auccoaaftil, bccauac tho Great Weatern theinHclvcs were iaauing new Bharea which appeared to capiuliata ^o^ffor auperior advantagoa, and which ibc^ therefore look in prefercnoo to aubMnbing to the capiul of the iVtroit anA^Iilwaukeo. At a luior period however of the r/^! \r. ^'*'"" "^'''"*"' h "•P'Wl.and it waa then determined to endeavour to float tho Detroit and Milwaukee. The firat attempt Waa in February, the aecond waa in July, 1850. In the interme- diate period, negotiationa had been entorod Vto by tho Detroit and Milwaukee Board with Mr W vtJfia HiF^ preat contractor, to tako up and com^leto ceirtain portiona of the Line, tho Railway waa 18.5 miKng- of thaje^t waa propoaed ta Mr. Wythea to Complete 75 for a aum of j6500,000, to be paidhatfin aharca and half in caah when Mr. Walker, tho Chairman of the Detroit and Milwaukee, again awJiIed to tho Board of w ?'%^^''«'*™ ^ •"'""'« ^^ floating their Bonda. Upon the aaHUMnce^iT tho contract with Mr Wyth^ had been entered into, UTe Board conaented to iaaue a circular amon«<( their Shareholdera, and to Kcomteend them to take up thrtonds aa a matter of importance and benefit t^ Great Western itself. The --rd^however took such pre«iutiona aa suggested themselves for the protection of the parties intereated. A of their reaolution to acnd out tho circular ran aa follows :— WvtheftoL*SaM'2X!!!v'^ ?.""•"'•"'• Sacretaryto be aatiafied that tha contract with Mr. iJ^lL .^^tTT'l •"* Nilwaukee Railway ia executed by both parliea, and that Mr. II. N. Walker ha. legal power on behalfy6f the Detroit and Milwaukee Directora." f . ; "-laarnaa The Secretap^id aatiafy himself upon these matters, and tHcro are now in tho offices in London properly r?hr „!2*Tf lA r-^"*l "Jm"' T"^ Mr Walker waa acting, aa well aa of the contract entered into on the part of thi Detroit atld M.lw«.k*e Conifany with Mr. Wythea, and of a ReaoluUon of that Board, under tho corpor*^ Seal o;4|»,*-C^mi»any,«onflrniingtlw * « ' ccmo* " ;b«. . "and •^ w '*%*^4P' ill* lo i«l« of Aa roil to '|>p«r ohoij, ligin, . ti th« pping /• ^^ 11 LOANS TO THE DETROIT AND MILWAIIKRl. " In M.U(inR th. D.troll .nd«« ('h...p.My f. fl«.t «hclr iM.n.l. .ml lirtJ^in*. Il wm .^M.], ' *W«riou. to th« tlroat Wc.t«rn Comp.n, of Th...« ..mlt^n.. th«ff.,ro .pp<.,r m.l. 1, to h.« Wo ^ ^ S7t forw.r.l .0 .uppo,t the .till mor. .*>rio.H »ll..«»tion. wl.i.,1. follow, to th« of«ct ih.l y..«t iroctor. Crlro'rly induS ,ou to .d««^ two I,o. f X1.'....(H.. 1 XlOO.OoO totho Detroit -d >Ulw.»k- ¥il&^ ; It' the, .lld'.o with.n,t ^ly protecting ,o«r ■ ...d. .1 »il. .h«t th. nu.u.her. .j^ . h "^Lrd then i«offi.o. with tho «ecret.ry and tlui l^.trar. rvc^iv-d d.r.ct o.uney ,««U fr.m, th. iMroU ■ "' und Milwuukco Company lor effecting llio iirraiiK«iiient ' V6u, Dir.elon. will con.ider th«.« oharKC. under th« po»or.l head. of-L The I'olle, of th« L«.n. Th.' Security obtained for them III. The fharg.. SKain^t your Hoard and Oflleen. ..- 1 ThU^lir-9 '/ 'A- /i"«'- T„he attempt of the Detroit, and >lilw,..tkeo to mlHo •"'-"'J' "" '»"'^/;;"; land h. eTiud Kove.lj. partial lailur.. It wu n.ade in .Inly, IH.'.T ; and, in, IH.^7. he Detr.,U I^dMiCuSC^.^^ -"'- difficulties and on the 7.1. or that th an appi.e.t.on W«i mad. to your Hoard, on the prt of the Detroit ami Milwnul(co-«'omp«ny. for ■» Uan Your Dlrectora continued to bo influenced, in 1^57 aa in IHr,tl. by conMderatim. of 'I- «-' l-P;;;*;;- f . Jurio.; iho Detroit and Milwaukee Una in tho (keat WeMern intcreat. I'p to the period in ,...•. ion they ll^ZS; t;.^;r :;: cllulatiuK tl. pro,..,. i.ued m Kn«la..d by t:.o Detroit and ^j ^^^ ^^^^ ' Vour Direetorn Vmw that unle.x money wan obtained fron.Hoine .,"*rter, tl.o l>etro.t and ^ ilwank.e t ompan, lldu t tl^^^^^^ Unoand pr..idc rollinMloek and Mationn. They kneW al.o t at loean. muat b. id b iriMmpanyto meet the intcrent upon their bond, before .he ';""'|2«^ l-'-iJ^lttr ■' Senue Oonaidering Uie «Hanoial ,H«i.ion of Kuropo and America - ""; ""'"""^.f^' /^ ^^ ^ ,^ J,ri.iug that the Detroit and Milwaukee (Vmpany nhould need a loan, or that they ahould the (ireal Woafrn of Canaila for huoIi awiatance Thcc and other reprcaentation. tall^ii;;^ much with the opinion, of your Bo^rd. •'j^jJ ^j;^^^^^^^^ «,"r Director., at tho meeting of Great Wctern Shareholder., held in l-.ndon on the 8th of October. 1867, proposed ; — .. That the Director, .hould be authorised to advance .o ,he Detroit 7'' "''-"I'^'^./X^Cirrh:^^^^^^ In ■ ■ rnonnn .. m«« h» noce.aarv to .oouro the comnledoii "f the llftilway aoroHn .numumi, ih 'Z::{TJ':To'r^iZ;.^^^^^^^^ - .ufficient-oeunty. ^ r. .;;.ndUrof »•.. «.». bemg .object to tho control of the We.tern Hallway." indivillual opinion. 11. TM .Se^uni, oltain^. I* i« -.mpnted to y.^r Director, that in -— °^;7,;^'^^^^^^ ' 'jMnwrkl; „ri.o thia loan they did not take Bufficient precaution, to a«ccrU.n the poaUion of the Detroit and M.lwauka. Company, or to Mcuro tho proper application of tho money. It ia further stated by the Gommittco, that— ..thr.. day, before th. Meeting of Shareholder.^ Br,J^e.r^l^ ^l-j- «J^M^^ Detroit and MHwaakco f o^pa^ ; and_^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mwting of 8h»r.hold«f.." ' . :■ ;i ■ c fi^i^W's;¥^Kw^"^ '^'K^," iT^ "'^ Ii Mnrw to Ihii MWI Mdow «hirK« lk« IXiMton iMf to lUto tkat tka l««t«r r«(bm4 to fh>m Mr. IViwbHdg* »M Dot opviMd by, or ■•«■ bj, tnj M«mbar of jour IkMrd till two or ihrM daji tfUr tb« MmUdr. Hf. Ikk«r, M ««li M Mr. Hryilgw, Atlljr aiplaiiMd to tho Comnittoo tbo eiraumtUncM uniiar whieb tbi« b«p|Mn«d, u d«tail«d M IwKtb In Mr. Hrydgim' lattor in tb« Appoadii. Tbo uMrtioii of lb« l^oinmittM, tbartfora, tbat tbo Cbainnaa, •ft«r bavinf; road that lattar pravioui (o ibo MmtioK, dallborauly lui^o •Ulanant* to tb« 8b«rtbold«n at rarianoa witb it, ia a Kruandloaa and uuwurtby calumny. AfUr tba aittbority to maka tba Uian waa obulnad. It nnquaationably cama to tba knowladKo of joor Diraeton that tba Datroit and Milwaukaa (Company wera mora daaply InroUad iban lb«y bad raportad tbaia- iairaa to ba whan thay uiadn thair applioaliun for tba loan Tbia oireumaUnoa, boWarar, only niada your Diractora mora oautloua aa to tba applioaUon of tba monay, and to aaoarUin whatbar it would aooouipliah tba main objaol of opaniaR tba Lina. Thay iinmadiatoly iaauod iniitructiuna that Mr l(ayi)uld«, th« flnaoeial maoaH^r of tba Oreat Waaiam Company, ihould i«ruliniia thu book* of tba Datruit and Milwaukoa (Company. Ha did ao, and raportad to your Hoard on No». U, IH67, that wbatovar miKbt ba tba involvnant of th« Datroit and Milwankaa Company, tba adraaoa of X150,0(IO would ba auiHoiant to maat tba olaima of tbo Meniad oraditon, aad opao ttta Lio«. Wbiiat bia inquirlaa ware panding, your Plreotom felt bound to protect the orodit of the Company by ■draodDK the monay required for the paymabt of tba interoat, which they conaented to do to the ektcnt of 420,000. , Witb reapaot to tho proper application of the loan, a aariaa of reaolutiona appear upon the luinutaa udar data Oetobar aad Norambar, 1867, laying down a atriot coda of inatmcUona for iu diapoaal, tbi'iaat of wUohiaaartbilowa:— ' "Thai it ba UA to tba diaoratiun of Mr. Brydgaa and Mr. Kaynolda, afWr oomplata InTaatlgatlon of the Uetroll and Milwaakaa aaeoaota, and after haringmada auoh arraogamaaU with the oraditora forming tba floating debt aa / they may deem aatiafhetory, to doaa up aiitting aub^wntraota for worka, Mr. Wytbaa baring aspreaMd hia willing, oeea to raliaqniah hIa eowtraet on payment of a balance not exceeding JCO.OOO due to him, or to atop all further aspaadttara on the worka aioept what ia actually neoeiaary for working the Lina, or to oauta the oontlnuanoa of the worka to ba proceeded with aa far aa or beyond the Grand Kapldi, it iMlng weU undentood that the baaia of any adraaoa of Ainda by tba Great Waatara Railway for thi* purpoaa U that tba expenditure ihall be wholly under the diraeUon aad oontrol of Mr. Brydgaa and Mr. Reynolda, and that auoh outlay ahall not in any manntr be JeopardUad by tbe elaima of asUting oraditor* of the Detroit aad Milwaukee Company. ~s.. > ' ! Armed with tbia authority, Mr. Brydgea left England on the Nth and arrived in Naw York on tho^th NoTamber, l867,'to take auflb atopa to aecnre tho ooiupletiun of tho Lino aa, after due inveatif^tion and aue- eaaaful arrapgementa with tba oraditora of tho Detroit and Milwaukee Company, ho and Mr. Roynolda might eonaider moat deairable. Immediately on hia arriral in -America, thcap gentlemen applied themaelvea to oany Ort the ordera of the "Hoard; and, on the 28th December, 1857, thoy adJreaaed their firat deUiled Report upon the aubject to the Board in London, aUting the arrangemenU thoy had made with the aaoured oreditoia for the poatpunemont or payment of tbair debta and alio for the aanjring on of tba worka, ao aa to affaot (ha immadiata completion of the Lina. - ■ -r-- — ; ^j^. , .-^^ . Whilat Meaaia. Brydgea and Reynolda were tbua oconpied in carrying out the objeoU for which tbia Loan waa nade, they alao engaged tbemaelvea in obtaining aeeurity for tbe repayment of the money. That eeourity waa cerUinly aa complete aa the Detroit and Milwaukee Company could offer. A third mortgage waa effected in fkvour of thr«e membera of the Capadian Board of tba Great Weatam Railway, aaouring to tboaa gentla- men, aa Truateea, tho whole of tho Detroit and Milwaukee Line, and pUoing the whole of ita affaire in the anUre control of Direotora, to be nominated from time to time by the Oreat Weatem Company, tbe deed of mortgage being moat itringent in ita oovennnta. About tbia time, the embarraawtd atate of tbe London money mitrket began to interfenl ao aerioualy with ^a contemplated arrangementa for adTanoing money to aaaiat the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, that the Duaotora wrote to Mr, Brydgea the letter of December 18th, 1867, refened to by tho Committee, impreaaing .t*i- Ifc'f*- **"t V k'^'^"'^w'f" '^ / \ 190 .-« M»>..l. .M« kirn llw n«««Mil» for eiwcblng »d.lWoii»l .««»Wi', mJ HrJoU, r«WJaiB|| hi* tmm (mImw iJLoUoL gl».B l«f M». lirjdg- •h.n h. Uft on ih. Wlh iortff.g., th. <)r..t WmUtk Con.p.n, of C.n.d. h.r. -«ur«l to Th^ Jr.. th^.Cl«.. control 6t thiVl-nporUnt lin. of K.II,.,. IHfTmil- Jong, running through . thrWlng 1-UmnZ in^ torritorv Mid ^.ouung to our l^n. th. monopoly of ^ ^«o .rf tha gr«t W«t*rn Ht.t« of •nd '»?"''"« ^'^'"2^:.u through (!.n.d.. Tour l)ir«>tor. woifloLifar. to wk 8h.rehold.r., wh.t 'rX^coCn wor„t Strch-for X2r.0.1 th. .nt|r, Xllor. .Hf. n.«« of ...w.y, ror»ing la :L3f it. own .,.t:« r It m«.t b.i^.n.mb.r«I th.t ^'j^'^^^^^ ''- ^^ "P-"^ ^ »"- ""• ' ..dMMion of b.d h«,«.U, but for whiah it wo^l^ h»re b..n In . ^ '«'«"'"" »«•'""" ♦ Sine. th. op.ning of the Detroit .nd Milw.uko. Lin., U h- Un con.paU,d b, our oBcr. in (^.n.d^ . tut It luppliM .ddition.1 tr.flio to tho (Jrc.t WcMt.iro lUilwy which without It h»d be«n in op.r.Uon, to tho «t«nt .hown in tho follo*ing;MT ending Hlit July, lOTO....- " 81llt^, 1860. «• 8Ut July, 1800...... " 8Ut January, 1801 . would probably not h.T. bMU lecurMl it.tom.nt, rii. : m AM R9,60i or 87,728 44 86,097 64 115,228 00 They iUto .1.0 that thi. additloi..rtralBc h»i been carried ilrtouttho nee.«dty of running any addl- tlonal tndn*. ■ % . . . i .u through t«ffic of the Great We«teru would haw been mator..lly dam. H. , . • 111 The Chara* aga'nat^ur Dirertor,. But tho Committee ^of IutWUou hav. reports! t^ th*t J"ur Scr«Tre1nbed by tho Detroit and Milwaukee Compa. y to effU theao arraugem^U. , ^c Committee aUeg. U^ hrjo to We J-^J^'-^^ ^::;a:i^:^!n::S ■■•W«t«rnDireotoni." ■■■;••,;,- -7 [ ^.:., 1 The .implo faoU are thoM :— • / . . . i j ^ By tho .rr«.g.m.ut under whioh4,D.t«>lt and Milwaukee Riilwaywuplioedm^^^^^^^^^ ''4 ■ -^^ ^-.iiliWiiyiiirB^- % ;»^- iV. •-a 180 »"^- ■■,"t MOwnkM B^mKj in order to piotMt the ihteraeta of yonr Oompeny. For thie purpoM it bewme nnnnwin tlut th^ iholild be duly qualified u Directors of the Detroit and Milwenkee ; and, aoeordiogly, 100 ShaiM wm duly tranrferred inttf the name of those Direoton, for the purpose of affording them a quaiifloation. Bat !! ^< ,*"»r^ ^'"- "^" "■'«"•''<"• »' o^J^oo ewh D'rootor would return these Shares to the Company Accordingly Mr. Hoyes on his retirement from the Detroit and Milwaukee Board in NoTember, 1859, returned Uieee and then his one hundred Shares. Mr. QoVan on his retirement did the same, and the executors of Admiral tMmn have abo returned the Shares formerly held by that gentleman. Messrs. Gill and Cullerfi as also Messrs , Brydgea and Reynolds, being still Directors of the Detroit and Milwaukee Oompan^ of course retain their '.II!?F~'"° qualifications. Your Directors have further to observe, that the Cbramittcft of Investigation were •Itally aoquaiiited with these facts when they imputed to your Board that the 100 Shares were transferred to and accepted by each m^ber of your Board for a corrupt purpose. ; As to the remuneration denied from the Detroit and Milwaukee Company such members of yaiu Board aa participated therein had no idea or intention.that that Company was to have the benefit of their services, whl^ther as agents or as Directors, without remuneration. The business committed to them occasioned much canKand anxieey, and th6 sums allowed for their services were far below what they must have cost that ComJfany,1iad any other agency been flbleotcd. Whatever diflioulties a Railway may be involved in, it has never jet been suggested that those difficuhics should be overcome at the sacrifice of gentlemen giving up their tune a^d their labour to the task wJtbout remuneration. <* , It ought to be observed, also, that the facts contradict the inference of the Committee, that these pav- mentscouldonlybemadoout of theloap. The following figures wUl show that the Detroit and Milwaukee Uompany had other resources — , There has been expended for works, including Stations and rolling stock, * ' actually executed or supplied between the time the Oreat Western' :■■ '.^ fwn was granted and September 30th, 1860 ' £S02 ivtl 10 (t ;-Qf Which the Great WesternLans provide ................:. :r;:;::r^So^^^ Excess. ^. je52,541 IQ 6 • ln.addition to this excess of expenditure of Capital beyond the amount of the Great Western Railwav Loans, veryconsiderable sums have also been paid for Interest on the Detroit and Milwaukee Gompanys Bonds .C^imfnT A tu ^T •'y .*« f^-P'"'^' ^0' payments to Directoi., &c. ; these sums amount to about £200,000, and which, together with the above excess of £52,541, have been provided for out of traflio earnings, or advances from Bankers and other sources, and these latter iteftls form the floating debt of the WMteraRldhM " ^ P'OPO'O* 'o Me preference Shar^, ranking ^fter the securities held by the Great Adverting to the jnim of £7,900 advanced by Jfessm. tirydges and Reynolda to the Rirt Huron" and Mihiaukee Railway, ,t was. unquestionably an irregular proceeding, but the Board, at that time, considered hatthe payment had been made in perfect good faittf with the sole desire of canying out what w■ I will now prooMd to refer to the Loana to the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway Companj. ;' Not long after I arriTed in Canada, my attention was called by those largely interested in this Company, to tho benefit which might aoome to oar own Line from the traffio of tho Northern part of the State of Michi- gan. Amon^t others, Mr. Samuel Laing, M.P., who was theta a large shareholder, wrote me, amongst other matters, to this effect, on the iOth Feb., 1854, in which litter he stated that he did so after " Beveral important disenssions with our " leadinta; Shareholders" in England, «d because .he thought it " very desirable to put me mnfidentiaNy into fiUl poSiaession of the views generally entertained." When the Grand Trunk Company was first formed, it bkif^ihe o(yii(rpl of a line occupying very nearly tho same ground as that now covered by the present Detroit and Milwaukee Railway. My instructions were to watoh that district, and to see how far it could be mode available V^u/ \xiSaa, and consequently to tho exolu- «on of the Qrand Trunk. The importance of this matter became greatly enhanced when additional lines were commenced to run ftom Chicago to the Sea Board, passing south of Canada through Pennsylvania. It was door that su^h iinea ttinst, when opened, divert some of the tn^ we then enjoyed, and it became, therefore, a matter of vital policy to seek aUialoes which would strengthen our hold on tho traffic of the Western States of America. It waa also always considered of urgeiit importance that this Company shontd'not remain entirely depend, ent npon any one connecting line, but possess an alternative route. The New York Central Company and the Michigan Central Companies when they subscribed towards the construction of this Railway in 1852, naturally ■ought to Ikind ns exclusively to themselves, and to make our lino amere appendage to their interests, to bo used solely as they niight deem most advantageous to themsdves. Sound policy dictated that ^lis Company should not be confined by any such trammels, but, on the oon> trary, whSst continuing to cultivate most friendly rehttions with its ^fisting allies, that it should seek to «xtend the sonroes of ita traffic. * ': '^ It waa with such views that asearly as 1853, the Detroit and Hilwaidcee Railway was looked to as an ally.-ihat on^t not tolM allowed to fidl into the hands of a rival. Since that time it has been gradually more and inore identified with Great Weatem interests, and many Shareholders of this Company recognising its vdue, took an interest in its eompletion, and by their assistahco, eoudderable soms were raised upon its Bonds in 1856. The amount then subscribed was not sufficient to finish and equip the Line, and in the summer of 1857 the approach of the terrible commercial panic of that year ledaoedall the inecdnpleto, and many of the Opened ndlways «f Ameiica, to a stato of bankrnptey. . In August of 1857; I was directed by the London Board to proceed to England, to confer with themupra aeveial important matters relating to'theaffiuiB of the Company. . ..-■ For the reaaona which I have already stated, I was of opinion that the Detroit and Milwaukee Line waf of great impottance to this Gompany, and would prove of vast benefit to ita traffic. I am strongly coofiimed --5 g»- \ ,^* ia Uwl gyhSoB mnr. I flvely •dmil that W6 all took' a more langaino view 'than aubi«qaeDt ertota bare for tiMpNHntJutiiacI; but it iraa then'impossiblo to foresee that Ainerioa waa to bo proatrated by a BU(^ooaaion of daSoknt harreata, and the tindo of the country broqght almost to a dead lock. , The Detroit and Milwankee Company «aa then in difficnities,— it most obtain aasiatanoafrom aomeaourqo, —4t wu known that the Orand trunk Oompany were making arrangementa to make Detroit their Woetern Terminus, and that they would seek to secure the control of all the avenuea bringing Western traffic to that point After having done so much to aid the construction of the Detroit and Milwaukee, and to Beour% ita control, it would have been most improper to perdkit it at that juncture to alip out of our hands. It waa under theae oonviotiona that I fully oonourred with the Board, and the grelit* bo<|y of our Shai^e* holdera, in believing that it waa a matter of great importance to aid the Detroit and Milwaukee in ita then ■ extremity. Of course the great object with all parties-'then was to stenre an additional atream of traffic, and notnitb- Btanding all the drawbacks we have had to contend with, the traffic of the Detroit and Milwaukee line now bringa, an additional business to the Great Western Linq, which yields « large return on^he amdnntjof tho Joans, and which there is every reason to believe will not only b« greater in future, but that the revenue of the Detroit and Milwaukee itself will so improve, aa to enable it ultimately to pay interest on the loan beside. It must not be forgotten either,^in considering this question, that for an outlay of je250,000, we have secured absolute control of a line of Railway 185 milea in length, running through a growing and thriving oounlrj, and by ita oonnections weat of Lake Michigan, securing to ua the great bulk of the through tiaffio ^f the States'of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, the popuhttion of which haH more than doubled in Uie laat t^n Mr. Trowbridge's atetement disclosed k state offinancea At variance with that made in the letter dated 7th September, 1857, from Mr. Walker and Mr. Stewart- to the Board in London. A careful examination, how- ever, showed, that a large amount of the debts could be postponed for a long period of time, that the worka could be earned on with very small cash payments, and that the loan of £150,000, if judiciously expended, would aeonre the opening of the Litae, which waa the object had in view, when it waa de(«Anined to grant it After very great delibetatioA ii waa decided, before I left London, to go <« and complete the Line, pro- nded I found, when I got to America, that I could, in conjunction with Mr. Beynolds, who had juat been appointMl Financial Director of this Company, make such arrangementa withthe creditora aa would set free tho Buk and other maieriala required to finiah the line, and leave auffident fuddato canyon the works rehired for ita completion. ' We did succeed in making the neceasary arxangements, and were enabled to open the tone wit}k the meana at 9ur dispoaah \ * The discretion waa aa to being able to make anoh arrangementa with theaeoared creditora sis would enable ^ the Line to be opened with the meana at onr disposal. Thaw amngemmtB weje oonoludod on even mora^ &vonmble terma than waa expected when I left England. The lettora addnased to me, prior^ to the 18Ui;Deoeinber, 1857, aU diatinotiy lutenM the inatraotions which I had received before 11^ .. : > : arran^ with them aa to tho Immediatdy on landing at New^Tork I met the two, largest ereditoia i poa^nement of thwr debts in tlM manner desired by tbe Board. I then went on to Gttida, and >ithont delay prooeeded, in conjunction with Mr. Beynolds, wifli Uie duty ontraatod to as relatiTe to tbo Detrwt and Uilwaakoo Gompan/a debts, and to the ri^ soiatisy of their ^ooka. w^ 0' ^i^g^-^ »^Mi5 . :.-.V. ■"■ ^^ ■:-■■■:■■■-■-■ ' ■'■ Whan I ntaraed to Hamilton on Juiury 9lh, 1858, 1 noaired Ut. Bdmr'B letter of tho 18th 1857, twelfe days after we had aent off our Report atatii^g the aiepa whieh we had taken, uA tht moata made, under the ioitmotiona of the Board, for poatponing the debta of the^Company. < Upon reoeWing the reporta from na, the Eogliah Board nnammonalj eonfirmed all that we had. don* at fulfilling " the requirement! of the reaolntion of the Ooneral Meeting of Shareholdera on 8th October; 1857," and pained a vote of thapka to ua for the mattner in which we had carried out the duty aaaigned to na. , ' I muat add that much more than the full amount of the loana for je250,000 haa been eipended in the completion of the Line, and aupplying it with rolling atoek, atationa, &o., and for work actually executed ahice - the date when the firat loan wu granted. The actual outlay for new worka, Ac, entirely irreapectire of thcae payments, intereat on bonda, or debta which eziatcd before we aaaumed control of the Company, haa' been X802,541, or £52,641 more IhanOte amount of the Loatu math ly thu Companif—\ho hktter amount having been provided out of the tnffio of the Line, and money raiaed in Americ(k. These facta woftf fully ozplaino«jl to the Accountants, -l^ . .- ■ . ' ' ■ ' i ' -•.'■■■'.■. • ' :" [■■ ■ '.' ■ ...- __ " 'i'i .•* lillNUT^ OF EMGLISn BOARD OF 27rn J)EOEMBER, 1802. (218. ) REPLY TO REPORT OP COSiMlTT^E. ' . The reply of the Beard waa^ 'then finally aettled firom the reviaed complete proof, and approved, and ordered to be signed on behalf of the Bond by the Preaident,, and to be dated to day. '•■.', ■''"■> . ^ »' ' ■ ■ The reply, with the appendices and copied of correspondence with Measn. ,Coloman, Turquand, Youngs & Co., and with Mr. B. H. Cannan, waa ordered to be printed' withput delay, and 84.many cbpies as could be got ready to be posted on Saturday, theSOthinat., and'the remainder on Monday following. • ',' -/• -•— >- -\J ^ 9S R ' ^^fl 7 ■■ iT^^ /■/ >/ r>< ^ ' i ♦ ' (•J / ^ * ♦ H y '• ' ■ '-■^^**^; , -m ; x: ^^:r:m. . i f-a-' \ (/ ^. .<-^:/' ii> A: 1 ■' '■ . ■ .« .■ % ' ' ;.,• • ».. t- •-4,.;.:^' * ' ; ^: V » -■•■.'. .- :'::;-;mtV,^'.^^,;:;' t « 1 ■■ "'..,'■ , . ■";"; .■ . ;.' ■ j" - / ■ . ■ f * :'.! ■ ■ « - ■ ■ I- « . ■■ ■,;>' .. . , -■,■■. ■ V ' • . / ... ' > •.. ■;-«■'?; ■::■.■,'..■'■' ■\: • , 4i ■ 9 i ■• ■ « « 1 ■ f .' ■■■■ ;^^ .■;.■■■ • ■' :'■' ■■■- • I * ■ ' •. '■ ■ ■ '■ 1 . : '■ ■ ^> - ■ '. • .,'•". ':\ ■ 1* ' 1 1 ■ 1 1 B 1 i r ■' • « -1 » ^^^1 k « - i - ll r \ u ijtit^