^ ^^. > *->.v^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // & 1.0 II I.I 11.25 ■a|2i 125 Iti lit |22 Mjl 2.0 (^ ^>'' Photographic Sciences Corporailion M \ ^ ^ s? v> U ^^\/^(^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) S72-4503 ; ! ^ (uieil. ,J TRADE MARK. ^ Finest Electi^o Gold ^5 Silver . / ^cROO''^'^^ "AMILTON.ONT. new YORK MERIDERCOHHSAHFRJlNCISCOjCALCHiCAGOlU mt^" LONDONlNG. . , _,^ . ^ PlKrilASIiKS of natoiJVait' arc iiiiitiiHini ajiainst jlu-woithli'ss irasli with wliirli Canada is Irint; IliKuk'd tiiiouuli |ii'ilicrs and nninin- ci plal dea lers. CANADIAN FACTORY, HAMILTON ONTARIO. 'Phe above cut shows the XII sectional plating whereby the surfaces most exposed to wear are protected by an extra coating of pure silver of four times the usual thickness. KNIVES, FORKS P.^' SPOONS STAMPED 1S47, ROGERS BROS. XII. ARE GENUINE ROGERS GOODS." ' /■ .V •// vi <•< Mrn.ltii llni ^MARK. f( iOlILL / .V ^5:- a I' to rli< vriir It.i;^. no whitt' ninn li;iiiimI ti|>-ii \\hu\\ till- U'liiitiriil aii\r* in II Hliitc (if iiiitun-. 'VUv iMMiintitiii wa* iiuwiM'tl lt\ ii f-Mt—i df mihl: tlifc stiitfly tri'CH iiMlijjniMu* In I l'> II taiiuli'il iMii^h t>f ^I'iiwiii^ »>u\ Inm-lv ilittTWnViMI lllltt IpuI llttir nf tlli> li« k\ Itl'lnw. wlliTc tln' rit\ linw hIuikU. with lis rci-tttiiunliu' liliH'kH nf tim* Itiiililin^H. itH tiniiiy H|iirfH. Inft , lintiM-s. lull flitiniH'>H iiiitl iM'iiiitifiilK I'liilMivvci-i'tl |tri\utr n wiit4>rc4l )>> till' niitunil spriiius nf ttii- iiiniiiit:iiii t-Iiadf nf wliiili i;ri'W it jnm;lt' "'f iiiiiicrlinisli wliirli k< |Hllilir t'lltiifH. ^nhillv iMllIt till.l hli-lM-i'H, titi' rirli •^)il. iilt'iillftilK wii>4 tliirklv stiiiMfil with I'i^iuitic tn-i-. ni t)i<- >t thi' t^rniiiiil nmisi utxl tiiiirHh\ IhrniiL^htnil Ihi- ni- MiiniiMsiih lU-iiiitifiil uiitcri hv tin- IndiiiiiM -s ih|>|M't| illtn thi- Watl-r liml lllTnnlrtl snlllsintl mninilnin in thnsi' ('nrl\ ilux-* wiin uniiht. Thr I'/l-. t> tn tlu- thi' U-iiiilifiil ni niitiirt' iih hut fi'w imrtH nf thin ^'ti-ut wnrht ciin I'until. I>nrin^ thi- il(i> the nitt- of thi- fnliin- iiinhitiniiH rity ri>Hnuiiili-il wiih thr \ni(-c>4 of thi- ( iiniultiiii Hnn;* hitils ; tin ) vvi\ ilf4-r ff-i| iiinon^ thi- tn-cM, iin ami mwuhs saih-il ti|Min Ihi- |ihirint iMiirkt'; Mjinu'i-. the crx nf tin* wiltlrat mi tin- imunitatn sidf, tht- h|-itm-hi-H of thi- h^litninti shiiiti-n-il nak, tin- hharp hark nf thi- )ii'nwliii^ fn\ ami the NonnrmiK rnmk nf tlu- hiiljfru^, tmiM-d the |)aniiliHi- nf th<- ila>li^ht into the infi-rnn nf the .Jinkm-HH. Oni- ihi> ill Si>|it«-ni)K-r. HW'i'.t. Hnim- Imliniis who wcrt- t-m'iun)H-il at tht- Ihiilin^tmi cml nf thr U-at-li naw u Htraii^i' Ni^ht. Cninin^ over tht- liikt- frmn tht- ilin-rtinii nf (hi- ^it-at iiv«-r ihiit |ihnii;i-s nver tin- immiitaiii wan n4m-ii a ^n-at Mhip nf the pali- I-, with itK HiiilK H|tr(-iiil li> thi- ^i-ntlc hrit-zi-. Thi- ^n-at Khip ^^Inlnl iitnn^ |iuntlli'l tn tlu- )n>iii'Ii. wix'* »ti-ci'tMl into tin- niititral ranal near the nm-thi-ni ciiil of th«- U-arh, luul whii-h thru (-mnn-rti-d tlu- huy v.iih tin- lake. On ovi-r tin- Hiirfai-i- of tin- Ma(-iih«a vatt-r went th<> t!n-at Mhip. until it t'lnally ^to|i)H-(l iimli-r tlu- hliilT mi tlu- Hoiilh short- imw known as Pmnt Hill. Tlu* ImliaiiH lotii-t-il that till' iiii-ii in Ihr tin-at i-iiiuk> wnn- Mtraii^i- inHtntiM's. carrit-il straii^c arnw. and that thi-ir fares wi-n- pair. It wan Siciir a Salli* and hin advi-nturmis rmnpiiii> of i-xplnri-is. and tlu- ^irl^^^\ I'lciirhiinin's \\aH Ihi- first w hiti- man's fiH>t that cvi-r tr . I.ii Salli- had startiil frmn l.achitu- with tlu- avnwi-d pni'tNisc of fnllnwiii;^ thi- hikes uml ri\i-rs until hi- •d the !*iiii(ir oreaii. Me ci -listed alonj; the southern slmre of Lake < hitai in, passed the Niatiura ri\er. eaine mi west to tlu* Ih*hii Manihsa hay, ami found that there was no tlmrmi^hfurt* to the Paeitit- in this piirticnliir dirt-i-tinn. l.a Salle and Iiik partv ed at till- spot upon whii-h the (iiand 'I'riink station now siamls. emiiMiped upon ihe hhilfs ul>o\e. and priHi-tded In the eiijnxinent -hunt, (lame was very plentiful, ami Ihe adven , . » •• . I Freiu-hnu'ii revelled fordaxsiii vehismi. grouse. i and jiiHise. I.u Salle was not fa\nrahl\ iinpreHsed I the soil. 'I'he mountain sprin^n made it marshy, the Indian ^rans huh tall and rank. ItattlesuakeH .varnu-d everywhere, and the SepteiiiU-r mnwpiito le smallest and most noiHeless ami uetive of his H'l-ieH eauseil much diM-uiiifmt. During his ntny • followed up the I'ourse of a mountain torri'iit round liiniHelf on tlie mountain top near the H|H)t I whieh the Mountivtu View hotel now stands, and from which lUitlimk lie enjoyed the most ulnrinus view the new world hail afforded him. The l-'rem-h partv s visit to Hamilton huy resulted in nothing of anv i-oii Hi-ipieiire. La Salle made a reiiiarkuhly iuaeiurate mup. whieh wiih Huhseipientlv piihlished hy Father (ialnuH*. La Salle anil hin voyiijji'urH Hiiited away and sit4' of Humilton saw white inaii no more. • •••••••• When the Amenetin i-olmiies rclM^lkKl ufjainHt HrittHit rule and dndartul thoniHelvf h an hulo|>oiul- ent mition. there lived in I'enusylvauia. on the Hhore of the I»elaware river, one lloliert l-and. He wan loyal tn the old titii;, us hrave as he was loyal, and iih strung, ai-tive and <>ndurin^ uk he was l>ra\e. He joined the ruiikH of the royulists. ami his iutelti^'enee. nripuiintam-e with the eoiiutr>. loyalty, remark ahle iHJwer of physieal endurance and knowledge of. wiMMleraft hoom hroii^ht him to the notice of those ill authority, and he was <>mplnyed as a K|H'eial m-out. One ui^ht. uh he waH conveying an im|Htrtaut inesKajic to the roynliKt ramp, he Htumhied u|Km a picket nf tlu* i'lieiny. He waw iliHcovered. (ired u|w)n and wmmiltHl. Itut he HucciH*ded in ^I'ttiu^ away and ecairealiii^ himwdf in a tliiekt>t. when* he iln-sseil Iiis wound and retnainitl until dayhreak. He delivered Iiih ineKKa^e to the rnyaliHtH and returned to his house, hna^'ine liiH ^rief when he ditu-ovenHl Iuk one4> happy home a heap of Kiixuilderin^ aKhen. and his family miHsin^ niurdereil hy the IndiaiiH. The Htrnn^ man l>owed low under the heavy load of Urief that weighed him down ; he limt all intereHt in the proj,'reHH of the war; there wan now no tie to hind him to Iuh ohl liotne, and he took the trail fnr Caiuida, in which colnny, Ktill loyal to the rrowii, there wan |M*ace and an opiKirtunity fnr |KHir Land to hury linn)M.-lf and Iuh j^reat ^rief in the unexplored •» ft,'.' ' w ■ \i-: HAMILTON A CENTURY AQO. HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARV ufi j|\N2-\963 '■^ — :"---- rmr-fhhr-^ ••• <^^^'-^^/^^ Eslition •:• fli^^u^t, i88q Mini ,-M-PI\'.'ll jTci'^'dv;!., hkUj Wrl• \w iiiailc ii HJM'rt h|u\ 'I'lit'ii )h> hIimiiI • (fti'f U'tlilitifc! iiixl • <>l hiH liiuk. > (luiill^ll iilil III' ar if Miictix'tii >k ii|i :tiH( I.I for. >.l at ll'IK ll» t>i ■.•.1 11. VMl M' W niiIh II III!' Nhot l'.< UTI* lu> t.« lull llll lilt nnW tHTIIpK .1 )i \ tin- tirti f tlif i-it\ iif llaniil tnll. lltTf l.iitll |ivi> lil(li> \nu. <'alitii. iiikI U- raiiii' ilaiiiilltiiiM tttMl mlllt-r Tilt' lalmi llaitiiltoiiH hi-t tioii Hlrrt.hr A.»lfHkll Mllltnl. It WttN 111 till' .luili- • if IT7H wlii'ii iruvr atii) iKlui' IhiU'tt Latnl t fiitii i^t-fiit .'ii\. Ili- iifrtiT««t in'ijjhUnH wiTc jii \iini*»lfi\ wlnTf a iH'ijimiiiii; hail lufii iiiailr towaiti*. thf huihlliii; i)f tl \lMii;:4'. Till' uiil> riMulH niTf ilit-|- trails. One I'f tlifHt- i-\(i'titlf . hikI aiinthcr will haf thr nnmiit ileliiictl trail hil frnm llu- (triniil rivi-r, thrniiuh the t>iiti HAMILTON IN 1846 am at tlic hi'inl of the hikr 'riUTf WUH I if tluH valli>>, ami iluwn to (In* hay. rniihiiit: tin alcr at Ilit liidiHti iiiiiuiiil W'hirh in Htilt to U- mi-m at llii' fiHtt of Kii rralil •ail of tin- hik**. iiiid thi> |)liii'k> woiiiaii ilfiiili-il to I'M III! lirriiiil KolNTt I.I hiiHh'iiitl. Shi' H4*t III VI iifiirtal)l\ -uiiiihnl aH tlu* friiitM tif till rhi Hi< Hiiiall |>att')i of urn with vi'i-itahli'H a tirnt r\|HTiiiH'iit III the nrt-iil hiii- wa>< tin- miwiiii* of i't*H lUl^iMl■l•l^ wi'!l fur til |iii>4ht'l of wlu>iit. ami its III NtN* for hrrst'lf whi>llirr or not i| waM imici'il hi-r htiiti inoiiriii-i| oh ftKtt with her rhihircii. ami ih-^tam-t' thioiii:h thr traikh'MM fort>Nt. Sill' foitml lirr ii-uanl, ami tin- ri-iiiiit4'i| family livi>t| (iml • licil Ml thi'ir litllt- piirmliM' in tin fatnilv of till' iiiiihitioiiM ritv of llaniiltoii. li'aiii|K' il tht kIh tht fiKiir of hiH llo ain of :MHt arrcs. |)<> livi-il alont* fo Tht olil lioiii('Nt4'Hil, Kitiiattnl on the rnstrni hi liU> of iiiaii> M-uiH. tndiiHtry uililiii^' to Iiim loinfort ami Wfalth Wiiitworth stn-ct, U'lwifii Ihirto 111 tini ithi linii hiH ^rt'at iwirrnw-. allhi Uh h. oiiifortahlr n'Hiih' Htrii't ami tht' ha> , ih iirroiiiiilcd hv iH'aiitifiil •iihl foftjrt the ili'Ntriirtion of hiH lVnn>4ylvuniii Ihmiu- ami ^iouiuIh. hIiuiIi-iI h\ a rcninant of the |irin a I fort'Ht I tlif vioh-iit ilt-ath of lii!< wift- ainl chilitri'ii. <)iii-ihi\ till- Htihtarx man was startlnl l>\ tlu am'«' itrllfrar. ami ih jiiHt nik-Ii a half, hfurty old man as lhi> MJnii of liiH |iioii(t-r parcntH nii^lil U- (>x|H'rt4il to Ik-. Col. \lvaiiia hiihic had Wt-n attacked li\ In I, ami iH full of rfiiiiniKi \ftiT tlu- arrival of tlii' iwu of the fail \ da>H of II ami! ton. , IhiU'rt and I-!)iliraini, sht and hi'r (hildii Shf tiat-kfd lu't of i-onrciilnii'nt. and lindiiis^ it hu»hand to his phi cri'd with h|(HH). i-ai hhiin. ill dt'Hpair the hrokm lu-arttnl wiuiian and lit-r ' to tlu iini-luHion that hf had Ihh'Ii i-liildrcn th'd to Ni-w Itnin-^wick. 'I'lit-y iindfrv ntolil privHtions ami hanlMlnp .m thf joiirm-v. and fan-d wlim kIh' had n-iuhi-d a pliH'i- of Hufii\ in tin- |.>\al ii>loiiv an till' iM'nnih'H iii.mhir of alh llo. It hai hi and 1h, ItoU'rt hand iH'^aii fiirminu in fariu'Ht. In a Mliort tinif thf fiiniil> was jomt'il hy twi? otiii'r HoiiH and thru<> itaii>{ht4 . Horning and llii^jliHon. HfKidfH tlu-w rami' thVi'f iiifii naiiifil Miicatif. Kirkland uiid I-'fr^iimm. and HfVfnil otluTN. All tlifw immi^nintrt to Iiand'H wild hut shf niiina^^fd to kffp lu-rni-lf and paradiHi' t yoiin^ nifti. til H' foiirxf of til lioiiifHtt'iidH. Thf liitli MiH Land iiww di-satiHlii-d with hi-r siirronndintis in Nf (Mhfr Hi-ttlfrs HruiiHW ilk. and nlif mi^^ratcd Wfxt to thf iifi^hhorhiNid of rattlfHiiakf Kti lit-r fathi-rH forimT honit FalU •^horth after her at Niagara >d Tliin fals4- impi'fHMion wi. ihif to thf pri'Mfiirf of tlu* rank Indian t^raHH, whirh had inifd ItoU-rt Land hatl ifsidf^l tlifif for Honif time; hut taken such a hold ii|>oii the soil that its f xtfrmimilio a work of ^real dit1ifiill>. wardu the To fast the Imliaii t^rasn hv ahiind ant. and at Stniiy CrtH'k tlierf wan not any. It thiiN came aUMit that at Stony Cret^k tliere wuh wmui a thriving Hottle iiieiit. id Ul HAMILTON'S FIRST SCHOOL HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARV ot her on t he lii^h land on the nionntain. For many \earM the Stony Creek and Mountain st'ttle iiieiitH were Iiirj; er and inori'proH- {icrouH than thf Land Hi-ttlement. To ilhmtrate the foiidition of af fairs tilMiiit thiH time it may Ik; mentioned that a liitiidrfd iifTfH of land, iMUiiidfil hv Main Htreeton thu HoutJ), Bar ton utrect on tho Hll^lXimi' of thf fiirly arrivals was Mild for a harrel of |iork and a yoke of Htet-rs, and Itoln-rt Land Inmi^IiI the one hnndn-d acres from the piirchas^-r at a slight aihame in the price. Moiiev was enlirelN iinkiiown as lati' as IT'.t'i and nfarl> alt tnuisactinm tistk thf form of hartfr. The f.irmer paid Ins hills in urain. and even the dni's of the Masonic hsl^f were paid in tlii> Harm- eoninioihtv . It is said that the pricf of a pair of Units was a ^ihmI ox niid that a new dress f olil days arc themes ii|Min which volumes could Im- written. Life was no joke witli the earlier si-ttlers of nainilton ; hut they iniinatiifd to (^et uloti^ siunfhow. and were not entirely without jollity and happiness. When thf .Vmeriean invusion of iNpJ tiNtk plnee, lUm illon was l>N>kfd u)N)n hv iMitli sides aH an ini)N>rtant stratfi^ic (Nttnt, and it was fiilh e\|>4'cted that a dfetsive Itattlf would lie foii|.:h( here. The hreastworks Udiinil which the Canadian tnsips awaitfd thu coming of the eneni> may still U' traced in Dnndnrn pnrk and ltiirlint{- ton eeiiift4!ry. Itnt the hatlle was not foiifjht lieru. Stoii> Crit'k. seven miles east, had the distin^iiiHlied honor of witnessing tlie li^ht in which the AniericanH w'erf routed, and which liuht prai-tically HuttltMl tliu whole husilifSH. Ill the vt'ar lHl;i (ietir^e Hamilton, nifinU'r of parlia- ment for the (hire district, laid out the sit*' of the nneltMiH of thf present ritv in town lots, and the plat'c was nainetl for him. Hamilton was what wouhl Ih« ealltil in tlifH(> ila>s a iMHinifr. He had ^reat loiilhlenre in tht' future of the place and tlfvotinl Imt ener^ieH to pushiii^ thu new town forward. The result mmhi U'caine apparunt and Hamilton U'^aii to ^row. In 1n|| William Kheldon ii(H'iifd a ^fiifral store in ii little frame hiiildiiii; at the loriifr of Kin^ and dohn strffts. I*rfsentl> John .\ik man lH-t{an to make and repair wa}.;ons. his shop U'ln^ situated on till' south side of Kin^ street, opisisite (lore park. Near h\ l^dward .lacker started u tinslit>p. Other trades followitl. until Hamilton was provided with every tiling that was titH'fssary for a self contaiiifd villa({4t. Things moved ahtiiu ipiiellv for some yeiirs. In IH24 the government pasM'd an act for the construction of HurlinK- hay ranal. and the result was that Hamilton immediately U'^an to iNMun. The canal now^*allfd Haniilton canal coiiiiefts Lake Ontario with Hamilton hay. It is alKtut tliriH! ipiarte.H of a mile in leiii^th and it took nearly nine years to constrnct it. Canal coiistrnclion was a slow o|ii'ratiou in Canada sixty yi-urs a>{o. The canal has rfceiitly l>een dee|H'ned and improvt'd. It now adniitH any \essfl that can pass through WfllamI canal. On the comph'tion of the canal, in lH;t2. Hamilton iHM-aiiie the hfud of navigation on Lake Ontario. The coiiHtruetion of thf canal had attractfd a lar^f numlM>r of worknum to Hamilton. Housfs tor the accommodation of these dur- ing; the lU-ot^resHof the work had to lie built, and nnwt n^ these I' M H4>ttlfd lifre |M'rnianently. With the o|ienin>; of the lal the |M)pulati(>n and conimeree of the town U'^an to ^row rapidly, and AncaHt4>r and Dimdas, both of which had had a lon^ start of Hamilton, were left entirely l>ehind in the ra<-e. The c(unmanilin^ geographical jxmi- tii>ii of Hainilt4)n had asserted itmdf, and the now town knew no rival in this district. Hamilton hcH'aine known far and wide aH a place of ^ri'at pmsiierity and rapid pro- gress, and a lar^e iinini>;ration from the old world wati attracted to the " head of the lake." The H(nk1 of iinnii- ^ration was m> ^n■>'" rnilMHl I.I ■il.'iM HiMtuI M'iir» Ik'""' tl„. Iii.l iii.'i.l l.liil.-. li..«.Mr, ll»"i lltoll l„..| l-«"ll I "«ll"'< llHIX'HII'K Mihi'i'iil "iil'T w..rK». wlil.li Kf "I""' U.,1 ill llic liuiiiiiiii.il. mill ll"' '"'•' •'""' ^) Kt.." * III llllM-. IliliU lUI.I iXRuntH, thai tlu. ,i.> «u»bnn„.,iU.v .il"".""'>" ; ""^ hiiih carnival w»« held for several -lays. 1" l^J" '"^ .Jpulation o( the t.,wn wa« «,HM, a.i.l the a,«e»«Kl value JCllT 720. On the «th of Jnne in that year, Han..lt«n »a8 inc«riH.rateeare^ m^ "<^' ' ^ ;!b. jiAtff, JT, 1889. illfl ¥lSiW I (I'kom I iiK OnsF.K\ Aloi ml MU'lltiiUlcil tlllll far illlil ui.lc M- :l li|;lrc nf -i •be llbamilton fpeebbp v e^pnival E^lition v 'i\u 'III I" . ^ ^^ ^ 'li^ l^-^ ■♦ \xia •■^rufc' ,^VU IvAk MiiUMAIN \IK\V I1..IKI..) r«!»i r«Si '^p li:irt CIMJ;,' it was INIhSl'll, inliiiliit.iiil-^, th.-il til, i'lVciiis mill jiiliil;uit were tl ■il\ \^.i- liiilliinitU ill II' iiiid tlicrc iiiiiiiatril. :ni liiinilH.r .if liiT HiipiKiset t.i lie strung Mrs. I.an.l g Hriinswirk, i hi'r falh,.r'8 afli-r her ar iiaini.il l{,,l)ei HAMILTON'S FIRST SCHOOL H/IM/LTON PUBLIC LIBRARY ■ ""I J I'V Main stiwt ini tlic wiiith, Iliir li.n Ktiwt cm the . Wirt • hrffP ImtniVrati.in f,„,:, ,1,:, „|,| „,j;:^,| V;, ' ■'»n., mljut-nit F^cttliriit'iitH. Tlif rnimlno'tiuii uf tin- l>i>s jiinlhrM ruiiul uitNiiiiotlicr iiM|inrtuiit |irnji-i't wliirli i-n^ui^i-il I he uttciitiou I if till' |H> of iMimlus iiiid llainiltoii aiNiiit tins tiiiii'. It wiiH rliiirU'i-i'il in iNlt'i. iind roniplrti'd in lH:fJ. Ilic silMii' Vi'iii- that witnt-hM-il tlif rnMi|ili'tiiiii uf the lliiinilton Dinii) i-ntiTprisf. I''nr rniin> vciuh the iHMJur H|H>ril> wuh '.Inuly ainl nninti-r riiptcil. Ill lN.'i(i thf |Mipiilatinii tiiitl in i-i-cUHt'tl ti)ai.K.V(. Si*\»'nil \cuiM U-fnn- till' hiHt iiH<|iial- li'il in till- hdininitin. uimI tlit- total <-oHt of wllit-li liiiH Ih'I'Ii nviT our lllllllnii dol lurH. It iiivi'xtcil lui'ui'JN in iitluT niiiiii ('i|Mil itii)irM\(-ini-ntN, im iihlin^ i'\)h'ii'^jm- HrWiTs aii'l M{|M wii|-k-t. It alnct tiHtk il lar^i- aniniuit of stoik in tlir Ilannltoii aiiil INnt l>n\i'r ltiiilwii\ . jin>l in ntltir i'nl(-r|>riMi-H wliii-li |ii-n\t'il iniri'iiiiiiiciii li\i-. Altot^fdit'i-, it )>lunu<'4 blurt' liiul to |ia> tli-ail\ for itM ttHi i-a|ii<| ai(\iiii(-fiiiriit ilurih;^ till' fi'W \vni>* to wimli W'- liavf n-fcin-d. Tilt' crisis of |K.j hiiijtlini^ of un> kind was erected within the eitv limits. Itiit llainilton diil not retiiaiii in the niihl. Its |ieo|ile were ejicrt^etic and pro ^irt'ssixe; its situation was most favor- ithlc ; the surrounding i'ountr> was llic niiist fi'iiitfiil in the iNuniiiioii ; and the amhitioiis cil\ w.is sihiii cnahlcd to pull itself uut of the tittle. [F(i^i^i?ij>\(iif^'s il\(^m©'^hio ROBERT LAND'S CABIN, 1778 'I World WRH x'd of iinnii- ru unable to i^'riiiitK were fiirni houHOB CHRIST CHURCH. iiiQuN mm; coMPKTCD mm, dtmolisheu iHirk. wa« ftdvaui'iiiji westward. A puhlic iiicetiii^ was at ouee called, and measures were taken ff the mmitary condition of the strtH'ts. NotwitliHtaiidiii^ all preiaiitioiirt, the cholera uiadc its ap|>eurance on tliu twelfth of .Inly, aud a nuiiilH-r nf the iuhahituutH fell vie- tiinH to it. It hroki> out in the jail, and the jailor and hiH wife liotli Kiiccumhed ti> it. The medical hoard ('.x- prcHKCil the iiiiiuion lliat the prisoners. unlesH siM'edily released from durance, were all likely to Ih,' attacked, Ac- cordint^ly Mr. lafterwants Sir Allaiil McNah ami another gentleman nameil Stephen, U'caine s«>curiti(>Htothe ma>jiK- trates, who authorizecl the sluu'itT to release from custody all tlie priKoncrs, except one wlui had lH>t>n sentf-nced to be lumped. I'lHiii this authority the primmerH, with the ex- ception nieutioned, were lilK-rateil. In the folhtwinjj No- vemlier a deHtructive (ire reducetl a larj^e part of the town to awhes, hut the part ilestroy^d was s|M'edily rebuilt ; and on the twelfth of February. Ik:i;i, the town bail increased to sncb aM ttxtcnt that an act was passi>d to ilelhie its limitH and to establish a market and jMitict^ The reMlion of IHAT-H produced uoetTecton Hamilton, and the town ih in no way s|>ecially identified with it. The next event of importance was the coUHtruction -«f the (treat WeHtern Hailway. This wan necesKarily a nmttor reijuirin^ yearu for its accmnplishment' When the bill chartering it was puKHcil, so joyous and jubilant were the inbabituntK, that the city was brilliantly illuminated, and hijjli carnival was belt) for several days. In 1H4(> the IKipnlation of the town wat* (i,Hll2, and the aBHesHed value £117,720. On thu Utb of June in that year, Hamilton wait incorpiirated aH a city, and for Homu yearn subsetjuently .N Imh;(. oil the occasion of the fiftieth anni- versar> of his arrival in Hamilton, 1''. \V. I'earinaii sent to the press the following: reiiiiniHceticeH of the Hamilton of half a century a;io : Fifty years a^o this uHHitli (in iKCd, our f:imil\ came from Norfolk, l-'n^bind. In the New York packet ship Ontaiio. We were on the ocean six weeks, and two weeks on the Frie Canal to (>swe;;o. Then we liKik passage on a schooner to Port Dal- Hiusie. and fnun thence t4) Hamilton in royal style in a farmer's hayrack. Ham ilton was hut a small place tbeii. There were hut three brick boiisi's In it. and tht; bush came up to the corner of Wellington and Kiiit!- Wellington street was i-alled lOver's Lane. It was lH-aiitlfull\ shadeit with forest trees at that tinu'. and for smiu! years after. Peter Haniillons lields rcui-lud down close to the wisul market, and the oys used to have t,'ranil times t^atheriiiti ickory nuts. His residence was on the spot where Mr. Hendrie \utw lives, and the farm ^ate was on Main stri'ct. At Duiittiirn the wtMids iK'fian attain, and there was a <-rooke:h ground fnun over the lake and hay tbe\ could l>c kinx-ked down by sticks or shot by hundreared from tliiB part i>f the ctiuntr> altogether now. On the southeast side of the citv there were hut few houses south of Main st. The Springier lioiiie siead was loca- ted near the i-or ner of Hunter and Sprint^, and in the fall, in ci der time, it was the s|Kit where most boys . The meet- ing' was held, dohn Fisher, Mayor, was chairman. ni>self secretary, and from that meeting sprmitj »>iii' waterworks, which have Ih-cii of such vast henetit to the community The (Jore was a vi-ry Saluu'a tlust. Hand aiitl mud the most of the year. 1 have seen thin spot nearl> lilled with lonj', white cttvered cmit,'rant waf^oiiH, on their way from the Kastern States to the then far west of Illinois, Western nhlo and Indiana. 1 was t;>ld then that the farm was sold to the lirst man on it for 91 an acre, and if not taken up the first \car after survey, then "■> cents; next '»0 cents, and if iit>t taken lip then they were called swamii lands, and stdd to any one who wouhl jiive 2't cents an acre ft»r them. Hut the tirst sale was to actual settlers onl\. It is evident that railwax sciMips. tennK-rance society ^irabs. and min istcrial l>oomers had not come into existence, as almost all the tillable land of those States was taken up by actual settlers. I reniemlH-r the ila> of the (.Mieen's coioinitioii. It was the thst celebration of the kind held here, ami a jolly time we bad iMuiliii-s and tiieworks of a primi- tive kind. ' don't think we had any lire i-rackers. .\nyway. the Ixtys were Iw-tter then than they are now. ami wouldn't use tbei-.i if tlic> had. There were Home hotels of note. The old Promenade House was the principal one. It sto. was u|>t ti) ihaw lilt- I'Hi;: Imw. This hoiise uas situ iiti-il Mil till' cnnH-r "f .joint ami .Mam stj-frts, uimI waw ))rMiri)>all> |iutr<>iii/i-tl hx hM ni)iiitr\ iiiiiiii<^niiits nf tht' iH-tti-r sort, aiiil it was liir. \\)\*r>- ;(ll the l>l^' hll'^s |Mlt ll|>. aii iM-arl> ali- iis n|ii. iiiiassi-i| ]iwa\. ami I nou liml more niunes of ae.jiiaiiit un.es III oiir .emeler\ than I ran in the iit>. Such is life. Times were liar.l s,.nn after ihis. In ill, it.", aird ".W, Inisiness was iia clieup. liiiltir. 7 to H centK; viiu*^, -"i CI Ills; wliitelish. three lo four laiu'e .lUcs f.ir ii ijiiurter: polatoi-K. 1.". cents a hushd ; wo...|. Ifl to *'J a e.iril ; meats, ^Tuins ami lloiir eipnilly low. hut still luinl t.i yet, as there was no tiaile. luisiness or ni.ine>. (ieneral ilii'otitent pi'eviiileij, ami the relM'llion of ^17 l<>.ik place. The r'amiiy (nmpuet was wijieil nut ; rcsp.>nsihle novern- iiieiit Ix'came a fact, inul the counlr\ prospcreil. Siune \ears afti-r ihc hnliaiis snr remlere.l the townships of Seiieca ami \ hair the pine liinher on It. I liel|H'il lo sni\e> this lami ler the late .Mr. KiiKpiilnck. I'. 1.. S I mention tins to sli..w lli.- e\t raoi'i|inar> use ni thi' value of tiniher ami IimiiIht since then. These line laiLle pincs Were then sol. I at fi ?»l lo *'J apiii-e. Mr, Itni.lle.v. ..r this cMv. in f.nnis n>e thai he pa v s from *so lo *liin for each of thcin. There was plelit> .if \cr> line walnut, als.i cut inio lumher at «|.~> to yjit a thoiisuml. which is now worth *U(0 for the same ipialilv . an.l none to he ha. I in this lo.ahtv. These liimls arc n.>w worth fr.>m $*)0 to fHii an acre. The ehiirehes were few an.l far helween. Cl.l Kiiu^ sinet .Meih...list was m iise. although I have seen it full of sheep since then. It was siiliscpientlv M'paire.j ami llse.i tor divine service. Tlieie Were no l-!|ilsc(tpal. I'resl)\ leiniii. or ( atholu' churdics h,ic. i!ev. Mr. (M'.ldes llse.i the Coint House. .\s to scho..ls. I lirst Went to a school called ■■ .Miss SewelTs Seh'ct l.a dus' Kstahlisliineiil." wlu-ie a few la. Is were adii.ilted. It was kept on the corner of Kin;: mill Walnut streets 1 think the name is on it shil as the liud.lm;: has not had a coal ..f paint sime iheii. .\ Mr. Kan.lalt also had a lai^i' school ill tUe old Cam -" '*""'" '■••'-'■ hria Mouse on .lolin stree', hittly puHeil down hy Mr. |[.>..dless. Ill- was a eliih f.Hited man. I>nt lonlil throw a ruler straight as a sliol. Most of the teachers then Were nu'ii who were imahle to make a living; oi aiiV o'.her wa>. I t^ive >oii a few e.xtiacts fr the earl\ pnhlic sch.Hd rec..rils of a later date; I he earliest .late of the piihlic KeiiiH.j reciU'ds yo hack t.. l^M a perio.1 ,,f :]\\ vcais. At that time tlir city was -livi.U.I int. I SIX s,-. 11., lis. m each of which there was one s( hool h.iiisi-. coiilainiii;; one sclio..| r.Mini. presided over hy one teacher. ( )ne of these schools is di*scrilK-d as jiood. four as niiddlin;^, and one as inferior. Two were NvJii feet, an.l Iw.i 'ili x 'J I feet. The houses were all frame l>uildm;.'s. not one of theni was hehl in fee simple, four in ordinary repair, two m had repair. All were suiial.iv furnished with desks and seats, airor.lm^' to the idea of the time; four lia.l sjK-rial aiian^ienients for veniilaiion; not ..nc had a plav;:ronml. Uf these six school huil.lintis .me uiih was owned l.v the Itoard, Hie others were rented. No maps or other seliMol appuraiiis. There Well' IIO fewil lliail (Welltv ei;;hl private si-hnoU III Hamilton: to dav there are not inoie than two w.'itliN of the name. ( ential opene.l 1h.*i;i: pnp arat ions ocenpnd tinee \cars, I do not reiiiem Inr lint one vvliote siile li(Mise. This was Colin i '. l-'ei'lie A Co.s. ,1 l,ir;:e. vvliite claplHiarded sirneture uti the corner of Kinu iind Hil^^hson, where the hank of Ctiinmerce is situated. They dill i|uite u lar^e biiHitiuKH. Munitfdc- lurua wvYQ wlim. * ^ Tin re was a Mr. Harris, a ^iin maker, where Mvles' coal otliee now siaiids, and he would perhaps turn oiil a \n\i\ or a iille a month, hnt tlie> were noted as ^ood artndes. Thcii' was also a nnui. on llii' I'orner of .lolm and duek s.tii strii-ts. noted for making ^ihhI iiuj'.ers, and I ^ness he could tnr t a dozen nr no in the yntr. There wile iio railwa.Ns. Tlu* Orst railroad meelin;: was held on the wihuI market, on .lolm slreet. and un it\ was roasted, or rather wurmed. us when it was eiit up it was as raw as an east wind, and used as tlie Iiovs use a haHehiill now ; the ealeheis. however, eoininij otl the worst, l.oin; since then I have Ihhii tweiitv four hours on the road U-lweeli the I'alls ami here, un.l travel all the lime, and twelve to f.ailleell hours iH-tweell liele and To roiito, I think the first sleainer lure was the .lolm U\, a small ciiifl lliiil was aflerwards wrecked on Marvj^ol.l roiul, across the lake. When she caiiie in at Laml's wharf, where ihe H. .V N. W. eh-vudu- is imw, there was ■ piite a commolion. Now alt this is chanyeil. We li\e in the hesl i^v the worhl e\er saw. .\ii a;ie of steam, rail wa\s. tele^iraphs. telephones, ipiick transit and passa^ie. low poslat^c. and a greater shari- of comforts to the whole pi-ople; less political w ran;:les. and jiieater catliolicil\ of spirit aiuon^i the dilferenl deiiouiinalioiis of the land; churches ami sihools eMivwhere. and a rc^^aid for the Sahhalh thill is ol.,erval'le hy i-vcrvhody. Our merclniiits an.l manufacturers, with e.pial railwav facilities, ask odds from no one. Tliev are primes in their culliiitj, unit llii-ir molt. I is. as it ahvavs has heeii, ■■ I advunee." 1 consider llainiltoii Is the most pleasant and favoiahl\ situated place in Canada, lis loealiotl a) the hrilik of ihe lake and hav Is iHanlifiil. It is now clean and well provided with water, ami I here as line limldin^is. residenees. churches, ami pnhlic otfices as are to U- found aii\ where, and also th.aisamls of houses that are prineipall> .iwne.l h\ the people who live in them huill oiil of tlu-ir eaium^is since thev .aim- here. .Most of the streets ale well planted with shade trees and well drained. The sod is cxcelleiil. .\ll Ihe varieties of fruit and ves^etahles snitahle to this eli mate are ^iiiiwn here and in the vicinitv to perfection, as our inurket will deiiionslrate. 1 joined with a few. if the l«'ople on I'ark Ktre*-t in planlinj' the first street wilh shade trees, uml now almost all tlie private streets are planted with tliem. We have eopied a ^^ood deal m this mailer fr-.m the Slates, and we have cuisideiaitle to learn. The hahit of Ihiowin^i -'1.1 li.iols. stovepipes, etc. into the strei t. will have »o 1h- ;.'oI ri.l ..f. nianv of the u^il.v iii^-li front femes taken awav.and the ol.l leaves from the trees swept iipli.lilv, u. I asphall si.lewalks provided, the streets kepi ill U-tter repair, and last and most important of all. two or more t;ood parks set a|iait and made free to the people. iK-fore we can he called u lirst -class citv. I hope to sti- this done. We ha. I once the oiiportumlv !<> pur chase iMindiirii for less than 9'-'0.lHlll. It was prevented h\ a few who would op|M>se any improvenu-nt. and though we Would have U'eii ^-really l«iielitteil h\ the purchase, the opporliinitv was lost. I have ^iiven you these few notes as thev liave pres- ented tliemseKes to my mind, and if lliey ale of interest to M.iir reailers y.ai are at lilnMiv t-i use llieni. I wish a cnnimiied increase and piosprritv to the Anihitioiis ( its . I'. W. I'l \HMvs. A rrvv \iars a^^.i a ehanye was made in some of the I.K-al nonu'iicluture. The village of Wellin;!tou Sipiure l>eeame HuHin^jton. It hecanie apparent to Hamilton I'eople that to continue the use of the names Ifmliiiyton hay. Hurliiiuton Iteaeh ami Hurlin^ton Canal was not desirahle. In fact it was niisleadin^i. The hay is iin- .loiihleilly llamilloiis. A tiieat part of thelKadi JH-lont^s to Hamiltiai, ami the canal is the entianie to Hamilton ItarlM.r. Theief.ue, h> ciuniiion consent, the mimes Hatn- illoii Hav, Hamilloii Heach and Hamitlon Canal wvfv snhsiitiited for the older names. BIT OF AINSLlE PARK. 'I7G )f?amil[on C Fe<.-:[;\loi-' •:• (' cM- nival L-liLi^ii U :U\ ilii'io M\\vH ('i>mI '^ turn niit a uim •'" i;i«"l iiiihli's. |f •l"lni iiimI .link , IMJil I i;ilr«» ir. Jnulr.ia.l iiu'iliiij; III mIiitI. ujt.l 11,, Iwlli'll il K|,„ ,.„( Iii-'iil 11, III,. |„,^^ I. '"Illill^ nil till' |il> fiiiir liiiiirs nil "I liali'l all III,. I'll Iii-IT nil, I ■)■,, |»» llii. .Iiiliii 111 -.1 nil M lll>^'nM Ml I.iiimI's ■1. WV h, nf -.t. II"!' ami 'am. nut il» I" thr wlinl,. |lii- lallinlinti nf '- "f U:r Ian, I; I lvyal-,1 fn|. III,. "<'>f tlll'lllkrailil ri"ii,l,.,l «it|| »'S ilillirlh.s. "I" IV. an, I als„ '"lii.,| In ||„. !"■ falliiiiiiH Kil|(.(.. 'II |'laiil,.,| ivilh .■\.,ii, nt. All il,l. I,, Mils ,11 I" l"ificlh.ii. as •nil a f,.« ,,f |1„. 'iisi sir,.,. I jijii, il<- sir,.,. Is an. "I 'liai iM ilijs .kiaM,.|,,|,.„|.„. !li-.. Mil,, III,. ■"t'l.v l";:lifn.nl III,. 11. IS s\l,.|,| III'- sli,,.K k,.|,l M"'iliiiil .,f all. "'il' fl.-i I., III,. Us ,in. I |„,|„. ii'liinil.v I,. |>ii|. I was |in.i,.|,|,.,| I'MI. aial lli,,iij.|| * 'III' IMinlias,., llicy lia\i> p|.(.s- "'•<■ of llit.ii.sl lliiMii. I wixh 'III' .Atlllllhnlls \\. I'l \IIM\\. Ill snni,. ,,f III,, ilift'in S,|iian. I" llannll.iii II'" Hinlinylnn 'anal Was imt III' liiu is nii- Ih'IUIi l«.ln|i^,s ' III llaiiiilt,,ii ■ liiuncB llaiii I <'anal wi'n' LV3©-sI}|S"@'j^3,Jli Stiaitilit iiM a jiiiii'. with Nitnii> liiiii' 'I'liat n|,|ill',l 1,1 llJK HhnlllillTM Willi*. Villi ,'l,.|ir hill,. ,.\|.s that lN'aliii.,1 with truth, ('niini;:!*. anil \niitlifiil jiriili'. 'Iht'iii 'liil till' slni|ili' iiati\('H ^'I'lH't With frirnillv uwc iintnii<>lii>,l h> fi'iir. Ami. Iiasl|.|iin;<. sil U.rni',. tliilii niiat. .\ml fn-.h flints ,,f tli,. hml.linu M'ar. .\ml Ihilii.v fl'nni till' li,ill,.» In,'. .\liil small hllils siian.l vtitliin Ilii' hnikr. Sut'i't liiltH. ami lish llml Mshri.M. Ah.l III,. I»n I.I III til,. II \n<\\< f. I.ik,. .»,..t hinls siifi »ltllM< III all. as all 'I'll.' il I iiMil fair ami t..|i,l,.r ar,.; II. -r tllllll\ \nw,'ll.'>l liahali iialllc M.ahl tin. : I hi' l'.vi. In Until. Ih.' siiir nf , \.' n. ,1' sh.iiK' Mnn' s,.fl than -h,'. n swi...t an.l hilKlit. Ilraniiiii^ n|inii the .iiltli ainlll' Kniin nut till' llinshnhl ,,f Ihl' iiiMlit. ■I'h,. wil.l fn... hf,- nl w I ami hill In hir .l,'.'|i I'W's ha. I I. 'ft its Int.'.'; .Ml li..aiiti.'s .,f Ih,' ,.arlh iiml sUv W.l',. iinrnir..,! Ill lar fa,.'. N., \niilli lia.l hnalh,.! t.. hll' ..f Inv.-: ' 'riii'> wat.'li.'.l ami w'..l'slii|i|i.',l fi'.iln iifar : Slit' si'i'nit'.l hk.' s.tni. tiling st't al«i\,' 'I'll.' tiin.'li nf nun. as an^^i'ls alt'; An.l all Inr li.'alt. with all Its I..M'. Its nivsti." \..ariiiii;is, hhml .li'siii'H. .\li.l {lassinns Willi anil . half siilalni.l. Was natini's .iml h.l' sMC's. Milt nnt' then' was wlm l.iM'il hi'l' Wi'll \ (lii;4llt,\ hl'ilM' ami hiiiit.'r II.' . Whi'n'i'i' till' II, il Wnlf s Init.'hcl fill 'r.'n'nr an, I .l.'iith w.t.' sun' tn Ik'; I If 111; I hi'ast a lifi' w.nl nnl Wh..ii..,'i' 111.' II. il W.,!fs ,|||,,K sp.',l, Ami thiikh in his l.ul;;,. w..n. Iiiiin; I h,. s,;,||,s ,,f f,l,.|||,.|| il.'inl. II.' was hk.' s,.iii.' ..Ill u'liarl.'.l tn'i' III willtrr. .It'l'alllill|4 nf Its \nllth; .\ sill. lit. siiiil.'k'ss man was la-. Slrnllti as th.' Iliniis... an.l llinri' llll.'nllth. Ills ..1..S. ,l..i'|. .avi rn.'il. h.'hl im Infill I.ik.' hhn k ami sla;:iniiit jinnls tli.'V s.'i.iii'il. I'.M'.'l.t III tinii' nf hatth' thi'ii I.ik.' fun. 'fill tin's th.'V uli'iini'il. III. I' filtll.'r's fl'i.'ll.l. Ill' nft.'ll I'llllR' At rins.' .if Ihl' Inm.; snmmi'l' .hcs, 'I'n h.'iil' 111 r sW('t'll\ call his iiaiiii', Tn ,lriiik lii'i' slink's an, I wat.'li li.T wti\s. II.. hi,.iii;hl hi'i' ln,|.lii.'s nf Ihl' I'hasi' lllluht liliiinau.'.l hii'.ls. Ihl' n',1 ,l,','i' t1.',.|. 'I'llr ri.'ht'sl lifi' nf w I ami jiliiin .\ii.l lai.l llii'iii at hi'l' fi.'l. Niiw wlii'li 111.' snniini.i's rcvcnilis liinulll Mail ilniiik th.' halni> hr.'iith of s|ii-iii^, I'll fnim till' ilini iiivsti'iinns sniitli I'lii'i'i' niiuii' a sti'iiiiui' iiml wnnilrniis tliiiii^ .\ ;;n.at I'llllni* that sUinini.il tlln w;i\rs Swift as till' ilailili;; swallnws lliyht ; Nn |.ail.ll.' nr^i'.l its 'si' it tl.'w With wilitis nf siinwv whit.'. .\ii.l s..,,n tln'\ saw the wnmlniUH tliim: I,\iii;i at r.'st ani'iii' thn slinr,' ; till,.' tl I nf l.aim.l ik'lli^hl. ,\ii,l Miiiiinnis |,iin' hiil i.assiniiat.. ; 11.. I InW. hlllsl finlh llkl- snilll' I'irll tlnwi'l- W hns.. ul,il'\ hk.ssnms latn .\ml h... Ihl' M.llth III. Il'ss liivi'il hi' 'I'll.' inaiill'll's lH'llllt> nil llilll sink' l.ikr 1111 .'nti'ani'iii;^ in.'l.i.l\. .\ml st,.|.ii'il with 1..%.' his \i'r\ s.,iil. Il sank int.. Ii.i' Int, I's si.k.. Mnaiiiiii;. hi. hll; thin, tinniiii;. siiiili Ami f.iinlK stn.M In s|,. ak hi r iiai Wink.. ::iisli,i,j fi his slii.k.i, si.l.. 'I h.. .'iiiiis.Mi hh hi I iiiim I.I si,„„| lak' ami ii^i.l; sh. lli'l' lal'..' wil.l \. ami sj.ak.. tin wni. a.ci.il t. ail. s.K I.ik.' .'\.s nf a snaki I'lial'iiiiil l.ir.l. Clnsi' h.lih'il wa l.iki' snIiH' w ell siinwv \\ill;i. hit.' hinls wlii'ii .lav is rill'll fnlll' pall' Hll'll I'lii'h with fiii'i* iiilid. Anil mii'ii that spnki' ..f liiiili ..1 Sli'ppi'.l ipiii'kly thi'.iiiijh the hIiiiIIiiw wnvi>, .\nil riittui unto th(> Intnl. 'riii'ir .li'css. tlu'ir lonks. wiTi' stl'iiui^i'. anil tlu'V ('mil. I H]H'ak lint ill tlit' Iniliiin toniiiii'; 'I'hri't' w.'i't' Hti'i'ii warrini'M, liriiii ami iivf\\ Hut oiu' waK fair anil tall ami >iiniiM sur ill 111. nj..a. U.iili.aii... WEBSTER'S FALLS nl.l liojK's Wi'li' u>>u lit hiiri iis ilriul A'i si;ti>. luilti a lillrnl iiiiiii iirt- ; (Mif iJL^ht iiltiiii' n-iiiiiiiini fur liini Till- tciitlcr i;vi'iiiiii^ Stiir. I'jir iiivviHil tiiiitiiLili the smiliiiu' liiii.!. On- siiMM> lull. Ill f.>r<^t slni.lt-. r>\ wiriiliii^ I'lVt'i'-. IiiiikI in liaii'l Tlic maul ami youth to^t'tlni slravt'>l. All strjifs to thrill Wflr hi-illltnMls, yi-t 'l'hf\ i-lm(1> lu\(tl til liii;jt'r uhiTr 'VUv mist rhui ratiUJl.fs i\vr\> \..i)f rilli-i,|,-M I1..111 'I'll*- \oiith ami mai.l t<>;^i-thrr | Ihf lalanut's 111 tniti'. AikI oft tht-ir hair was iluiiip with ^\i\n\ H> frrsliciiiii;' l>ric/,fs lilctwn. Nn iii-cd Imd tlii>> nf iittt'i'i'il s|)i>(,>||.-s UM.I tuilf Mltlr.l si^hs. Wrn- laiitiiia:4c swriti-r far tliaii s(iicih : Vi't, imiiiy lii|Uii| Imliati wmils Slic tuui.'lit him names of tluwcrs ainl tro-*. Of iiisi-rls. In-asts ati lilinsful cln-am nf lust- Nh iim- ilid rhiMiHt' to wa\ tln-m na\. el, rnutii u. or I'cprn Thi' pi'oph' (hiK till' uriiii Ki'.l Wnlf; ami I'llll'il t.i ll.iti.'.' IIIlll;^lll StilT sirii'k.'ii. hiirn.r frn/iii. .1 h. Sn stn...l sin' fur ;i In. nn. 'ill's spa. r ; TIli'M st..np..il. ami niinol wmni kissrs nn Mir lin.r's iialliil fin.'. rpnii his hrnw 111,. i;atli.rin;i .It w*. Th. finlinu lii^ht williin his |.\... Ills hi.jiviiii; hr.'ilst. sh.- saw. ami kll.'W That sunn llin .\,.iilii wniikl siiii.ly ,li... Tlii'M st I shi' lip. ami s|.|it hrr \niri. .Min.ii.l. till all Ihl' w,.n.lhiiiil ran;;. An.l till' far hilllnps i.,'lin...l hnk I'll,' ,kath I haul that sin. saiii;. Whik- wt thai »|.inl. nm-artliK s.,11,.; Till' i.i hnt's iniiiii. k.'.l far amiiml. II.. r iliisk> amis, s,, hlli.. ami si|.,,iiy, Ahniil ihl. .I\iin: \niiili s|„. w..nml. .Villi -wiftK hnn' llilll fn.in lli.. h.iw.r (Ins.. I., Ihl. riishiii;; wall. Is hriln. ' Willi him. " sli|. tliniiulii. " I in;u Iim. . Ililt I ran ih. with him: ' Witliiii hir arms siill . Ins, K ,|.,sp',| (Ins,, as a i,i,,lli..| .l;is|,s h.., , hil.l 'I'll., imu.l.n s mtmi. h.. fainlU l';is|.'.I. Vml I.M.ki.l ml,, h.'r fait' ami smi|,.,{. I Int. I, .11;;. last, pailini: l..,.k sh,. i;iu... (In Ins pall, lips pr,.ss,.,| ..n,. Inn;, kiss; Thin. 111. art In livait. with hnn slii' plimui'il I'rnlli' lllln thi' ah\ss. Whin l,> 111,, pi,, pi,, llin w,.|,. h.iiml. Ilia. I nn th.. shalp 1,1. ks \a\ tin. pair Ilir arms still .'k.s.lv ..|as|..,| hmi n.iiinl. Hi'l' hair was iiiiii;;l..,l with his hair. 'I'lii'V laiil Ihl' Invirs hii'.- t.. fa..'. Sili'iltlv shi-il II' kiiiw Wlifi'.' till' lii'.l W..lf iiii;;lit Ik-. ('Ins.. tn III 111 1.IK> ill'. II' .atarai't i III llnri. tht'\ sit. It w'UH nil I'Veliin^ I'alin ami still; Till' miiiiiiii'i' wimls lia.l I't'iisnil In sinh ; Till' Kim lia.l sunk U'liiinl tlui hill, .■\iiil Hi't on liri' tht' w't'Ht.t'ni skv. W't'hstfr's I a t'lilariu't a fi'W iiiik's wfst nf Muni- iltoll. Tht' wall I 1 iilim'H ilnwil a sllri'l' pri'iipil'i- nf HO ft. {^l^e Ibamilton Jpeetoxtop •:• CoXi^nival lEslition •:• ^,up^[, i88q I mi i]jii}i>5.yte3^t's jtSP/o . si; ,.f tiuniii.-t. if i,.ii till' ..i.i.->t. iMiiiii.iiiuit nriiitly [kmuu'cI llii' fcillciwin;; iiiliTcslliit; rrriiiiilsci'luT: Tlic lull' (;i'i'rs;i' Ihiriiiltiili iiiu.lc tlio fii>t siir\(._\ uf town hits ill wlint i>* imu till' ( tt> of illllllilloli (prfvinllM to tllllt i-ii!U-.l UuiIiiiLitoiii ill iHlli. Tills siirvfV i'..iiil.iiM'il thivl poitinii of till' iit> boiiniU'il li> Kilia. .Iiiliii's uiiil lluiiti'l- ^tri'fts ami V till vvi'stcrli liiif of tin- Spriiit^iT farm al">iit half- way lit'twwn Culliiiriiu' ami Walmil str.ils. Ill In'.'ip tlii-li' liail liivll lull tlllTO or four liiiil.iiii>;s .•re. ti'.l on lli.so lots, mul i|i,.rtt. stiKiil on Kins;. 'Ilu- (iro\f Inn stoo.l on tin- ;iroiiii. This name was jjivcii to llic Inn on aii was Ihi' ol.l l,.;i jail, laiill in INIT-Is. It stooil ni'iir 111. sonth-VM'si lormr of thi' si|iiari' Imiiiiili'il h\ .loliii. Miiiii. Catliiiriiit' anil .Ia» ksoii stri't-ts. This Hi|iiarL' hail 111. 11 ili'i'.li'.l to th.' dori' llislriit for thu site of tlii' I'lil ami thoiis,- in H|i;. 'I'lio jail was liiiilt of lu'wcil loM, I,, th,' hiiuht of tin fii't. ami on the top of this was rieiti'il II frame Itiiililiiijj for n einirthoiise. The prison was .hviilf'l into four rooms two for eriminals. one for liehtors. aliil the other was occupieil h\ the jailor anil his faliiil.\. .\11 the riMilns wt-re preeisely alike, iiliil alHiiit I'Jxll fiet in size, iliviileil two on the east ami two on the west h\ a hall ahoiit f.air feet wi.le. The "(Jov iinor's" room ser\e(l for kiti'hen. jiarlor. i]iiiiii}4-roinii ami lieil room, for that otlieer ami his wife. They Inel iliree little iKiyswho lo,l(;eil in the ilehtors room U-iuH loikeil up ihiriiiu the iiijjht ami lila'tnteil in the iiioi'iiiii)>. This jail was extremely stron;- so far as the outer walls were loiirenieil. lait the ilesiyner seenieil to have entirely over- lookeil the floors ami fonmlatioii, soil wasfoiiml neeessary to proviile the two eriniiiuil eells with siihstuntial eliains. whiih were seeiirely riveteil roiinil the leys of the worst ilass of prisoners. The others liHik their ilepartnri' at sliill times as seemei! to themselves la'st. Ii\ raisino a jilaiik of the lliNir ami .liniiinj; out nmler the foinnlatiiui. NnmeroiiK eseuiM'H were iiiiule in this iiiiinner. In those (lays i-riiiiiiials were not feil as tlii-y are now. one poimil of l.riail anil a ipiart of water U'liia the ilaily allowance; hnui'Mi. ihei were Hot stiiiteil in the matter of fruit, as the jailors ho\s kept them well silpplieil with apjiles iliir- inji the season. The prison was loealeil a short ilistame haek from 'loltn street, ami on the vaeaiit Kjiaee. fnllv ex jiosi'd to {uihlie view, the pillory ami sloel's ami whipiiim;- post were in ri-iuliness. These iiistrnnieiits of jainishment were ealleil into reijnisition after the session of almost every I'oiirt. two hours in the pillory or stoeks, or thirty- nine lashes with eat-'o-ninetailK, U'luH the eomiiion seii- teme for ri>(,Mie« whoc niitteil small olTeiiees. The more serious eririiiiials were hanishuil to the I'niteil States. Dui-iiiK eimrt times the ohl jail wiih the eentre of i;rcat triuihle ami exiMtemeiit, In those ilays jurors, witnesses 1111(1 liti|ialits tame m r\ Ions; ilistanees to nttenil assi/es from west of lirantforil ami north of (iiielph. Itootlis were eructeil on the vaeant sjiaee on the .lolili street eliil of the Hijuare. iiiaile of IkuihIis of trees, ami from them were COURT HOUSE. ilis|K'iisi'.l spnii'e Is'iT. i;iii);er eakea ami apple pies. I.oMilty was in hiyh feather those days, ami the writer of this sketch saw a man who hail iiiihitleil too much "lilaek strap" committeil to the cells for ^H hiuirs for sayiiij; "il 11 the Kin;;." -he referred to his Majesty (itsir^le I \'. The lirst man handed in the old (iore district was from this jail. His name was N'iuceiit : he had murdered his wife. .\ miseriihle jolt was maile of this execution, as the colored man who otViciated as hangman hail to swiiij; hy the culprit's lejjs for some time liefore death relieved the siitk'l-er. Two youiis; "ladies" were at one time ex|M)seil in the pillor\' for alsiiit two hours, much to the ainiiseineiit of the inhaliitants of the village. Until the iiliinlerer Vincent and the ^.'irls were from Beverly. This jail wiis pulled down at the eoinpletion of the stone eitilii'e in rrince's Stpiare in iH'JIt. "^•1 TWT'f K foUnwinji iuterestinji rt'iKHt uiiiH-urt'i! in ^^ I I tlic S)-K< r.vTiiii iiftiu* tilt' juliilee Hcrvici^s in -"'■fA^ t ■* tl>M I-'irtit MetliiMliHtchinvh Kome yoavHu^'o: 'VUv piuiiccr wliti (irHt introduet'il n-Ii- ^iiius Ht^viccM ill Huniiltoii was the veiit'i- iiliU' Itiflmnl Siirinj»fr. lit; riiDved lit-rt.' ulnnit till! Ilrnt yeiir of this century. Tlic litiincst('tnl wuM in the rear of the Catholii- scliooIhouHL' un Iluntei- street, ami some of (III' trees of the old orchard are staiidinu there Htill. lie WHS of (rerinan descent. an;er. Charles l>e- |tew, John Aiknutn. •lolm I'Witon and Peter l''er;iusoh. The contract for Imildin^ was ^jiven t derlicated in :\ray. IH'JI. It is iH-lieved that KIder William Case, who Hucceeded ityan as Presidin^i KIder in the west of Canada, preached the sermon. Old l>r. Case was not a relative of the itinerant, nor was he a Methodist, hut he had a threat likinj,' for KIder Case, and often ■■nter- taiiied him at his hoiiMc. The vear of the dedication of this church was the year of the virtual separalion of the Methoilist Church of Cunadii from that in the I'niUMl States. lU'r profiress was all the more rapid thereafter. This ye;ir was the he-^innin^ of the Metho.jist .Missionary SiH'iety. and it is noted in the mimites that the .Vnciister circuil, reaching |K'rhaps for thirty miles to each iH.int of the compass. iiu\f ^•^•>. Hcv. isaac H. Smith and Hev, Duviil Culp were the preachers on the circuit at this time, and Hev. Joseph Messmore. whose presence at these juhilce services has so delit^hteil all his hearers, was junior supply in the latter part of the year. Alxuit this same time Hev. Dr. Hyerson was a youth of twenty, studyintj classii-s ni Hamilton with Mr. I, aw. well known us a skillful teacher. He intended to remain (phetly at his studies, Itnt Father Sprin),;er ^ot his eye u|K>n him at the meetings, and hrou;;ht him u|i to the altar to exhort with the stinin^ api>eal, "No crosH. no t-rown." The rowlxiats of Hamilton are one <»f its institutionH. There are ihuusandsof them, and they are all li^ht. yraw- ful, handsome and safe. In Hamilton hay one sees nune of the heavy, lumlK-riiifi craft that at tminy famous trnm- mer resorts are called pleasure hoats. The Hamilton Units are huilt on the finest lines, of the touifliest and lightest tinilHT. They are hi^'hly finished, and thorou>>hly ecpiipped with the hest oars, and are in every reK|)ect the tinest lot of snuill Ixiats to Ik> found anywhere in the Dtuninioh of Canada. forth o|R'ned his house to the wandering itiuerant4 who preached in the s<;at- lered settlements of the land. They held mwtinUB in his harn or In his capa- cious kitchen, and when ipiaiierly meetin(i came, he woulij take a lartie wa-^onful to the old Boninan cha|K'l on the mountain, or to the still older tuie at Stimy CriH'k. which was ridflled liy the hullets of the hattle of IKI'2. lntlir)sean was the l>est kiKiwu itinerant, and trav- elled as the Presiding I-^lder from one end of the Prov- ince to the other. Theoltl- est regular place of wor- ship in Hamilton wuh the little frame schcHilhoiiHe on thu c<)rner now occupied by H. K. ('harlton's fiu'tory. In this little huildin^. in the uhsence of preucherH, Mr. Hprinjier t■! |lli|Hllt flllJil i>f H'. winch u'ttH • in tliiiw lUvH. xirt'. in |ii» |i> lit the leu ivi'iiiii);. Hiati.H if till' funiifrH \w »it<' lit Main Ml'thlxliHtH. I'K, LtlllllM. Ai|( IMIIIH, lllll^tl •*. Mi'iot, Kirk In INW (ni. I );u\i' till' lot • (UIII-tlT IMTI'M U Uriiliiiil iiMil Ttif I'lirlii'Ht > lilt' iii'iiiinil |>nuii'l I'lici' 111 ilali'il |N'J2. |li'rtl wiiH niiule lUHlci'B. Hicli- ". <"IiarlfH lie. Aikniiiii. .Iiilni IT l''i'ri^iiw)n. Il fur iMiililiii); l>M> Kiii;;lit, Mr. Spriniit'r, iiliiw. MiK. Ki- lling in lliiiii 11" »l «!' I rniiny of liu-H. Till' pritT ■Il «1|K III In. Vill.lKNIWiillI,! ftt'dii-uUiI ill ^Vijliiini Cum.. Illl' Wl'Ht of ii»<' WHS Hot u ll.'lllO.llNl. hut I ofi™ -utfr- Inllca'iun of ijiriLliiiii iif tli(> II Illl- liiiU'il ■ill Ihi'ii-uflcr. ist MirtNinimrv I till' Anrinitfr In t'lu-li imiiit 11. Smith uiiil tilt' liii'iiit lit liodo iirt'scncc II liiH hfurerH, .Mur. .Vlmiit a .Vdiilh of iHi Mr. I.„w. illli'tllil'li to iriii,;i'r tjiit liis liini lip to the No crosH, no wT I ?|^'"'' i"'1"^ "' iiiiiiii^rithtH, iiiihii-t'il tu Huiiiiltnn L^LJj^^ liy tlif work tn U^ liail in the < niiMtiucttnii ^^tfi^^fj <>' ('■'' nitriiiltoii iiiid l><'MJurilni'4 niiiaU, wtiM H KiU'c trinl til the vitluiitTH. Thfri' ^"r^ were ni> iiiiniiunuit mIicIh in tlmw (!ay», imr ^^ ', riiiuttcniivi' Jutni Hniitli fo look uftrr tin* T^lb. wiinlH nf new HiriMiU. 'I'ln* \ Jltn^j.-rH uiivf r till- ininii^'nintH tlir iih«> of tlirir Nlifil tlu>in to tlu- Ih'hI of llii*ir iitiiljiy: (- * thi' lU'iniUhl fill* lU'coinninihitiDn itml fiHul wuh iM>r.<' \ . 'riiiTi' wiiH no hint; Htii-ct in lM:tO. Main Hticct t«*ii'.>' tin- (^ri'Ht tlMM-Mii^lifKri-. I'ctt'i' llniiiini.' ^vllK iiiitlnnaiitt'r or tlu> villa<„'t'. iin uttur tlu>n wjik iniu-li rnnrr i>.xaltt>> initni ^runtH I'lillin^ a( IiIh (Inoi-. Hnln-ilin^ relief ami Nhelter. In' Iniil the mud now knawii an Km;; wtieet opened iim the |»rniri|)ul Htreet of tin- vilhr^e. ho that stianiiers niiiiht n<»l i'aHil\ find him nnl. Sonic idea of the nninner in wliieh hnnineHH wuk lon- dnel4il in thoM' da>H may Ik- gleaned fi'oin tlu' following ndvertiKeineiit, wliiih »|i|H'ared in theWeHtem Merenry : '• .\Nr\!,|Kli l''lol II ISlll.f.s \Nti I )|s lil.|.KI(\ . 'I'hc HUh- MTilMTb ninh to inform the laihlir thai ihev have rented the Klonr MMK and l>i»itille)y fonncilv iHi'iiiiied h> -loh Lrwiei. I-)*|.. iind are now i-eiid> to kii|i)iI\ kucIi oiiIits as the\ nia> Ih- favoii>d with, and will ;^ive m exihan^^e two unllonHof whiskey for t'A\ llm. of lyi- i.r Indian r.nn. They will alno uive for five himhelh and -JO ths. if ini'iehaMtahle wheat, oni' han'4>l of HU]H'iMne llonr. '*»() II>h, of hnin and 10 Ihn. shortK; or one harrel of tine (tour, oil llm. hi an and II) Ihn. shorts for (i\e hnnhelM of wheal. The owner of tlie wheat to hnd eanks and iiaiU. I'\iikkk iV \Vk.si.\i>»:." That the (lore of Kin;j ntreet wum then as it i** nnw H favoriti- reKort for inonienaders a|i|H'ars from the fol lowimj advertisement whieh ap|teured in the Westi-rn Me|- I'lirv. then |i(ihliH)ied in Hamilton h\ dames .IoIiiihoii : ••I'lJMKU Hi Kf.K\. formeily of the ,\n<.i«ter llotid, has rented the new tavern Htiind in Ihunilton (sonth-eaHt cor Iter .InmcK and Kin^, railed the Hamilton |iromenade,| directly o|>|M)Hite MeNah'K otliee, and ex|H'ctM to i-omin*.*iii-e hiinineHH three week.s from the prcwent ilate." •• Hamilton, July 4, lH3a.' JAMES STREET STEPS. MO FUT HIOH, HOPKINS' FALLS. It WHS ill \r*A'2 that \V. L. Miieken/ie made hiniK4>lf ^enerall> heard over the iiniritry. thi IMareh i'.flh of that vi'ur a meetltiij whh lalltnl hy Sheriff darvis, ii|Kni |«ti tioiiK of |{o)H-rt Land and others, for the |iur|NiHfof eoiisid erin^ an addresK to Hi^ I-'.xi-elleiiey (iovernor Cojlionrne oii the snhject of the |H-tltions of ^rievaiiee» wnt hy \V. L. Maikeii/ie and others to His Mujeslv Kin;; William the l-'oiirth. The following aeeoimt of (he meeting is from the Mercury of that date: •' .\t the hour apiminted a numeroMs mwtin;* of free- liolderH ttM)k place, and ainon^Kt the rest apiK'ared the A|M>Htle of DiM-ord (Mackenzie) with a Hinull hut well disciplined hand at his luu-k, many of whoKe faces were unknown tn the otdcHt in- hahitants of the diKtrict, iMitl in his fr int a Htand- ard Iwarer with a hlue and white Htri|M-.eNah attempt- ed to siihmit an address to the iiieetin^, this selected ^an|{ of disturlH'i'H re- itouliled tht'ir clamour, and for thrw> ipiarlers of an hour would not |K'rmit a word to lie heard. " Kunrin;;this|>er- iod .Mackenzie tried fre- (jueiitly to usurp the Sher- iff's place, and witli his 'isuiil insolence told him he had no huHiiiess there, hut was as often ejected from it hy force. At tin; same time, his faction en- ileavored tn put one of their own partv in the chair, hut a motion Itcin^ made uinl curried that Mr. i^lacken/.ie In* retpiested to retire, he and his party withdrew amid the groans and hisKCH of the Free- holdcrH of (iore. This, IHThap.4, they would not lave dime hail they not ohnerved Hymptoms of the iinjiemliii^ chastisement which their foul, ham*, and ditthniiorahlc conduct hud " Keiiieniber thiH, ye FrochulderH of Gore, tliat though the AiwHtlo of Dis- cord and his dist^iplca held ten different meetiiiKB in I N. »N>oo>t PMoto *^'*''® district undisturlwd hy von, they would not prrniil >oii (<• li.ilil . \eii one wKh ftui resot'lin>^ to hasr and unfair means |o pi-t'\ent it, whn h you wiliiessed on thisdav. Iteniemliii (h;il fortlii ptii |M>He of aHsenihlin-^ a ^aM;j lo iutompl \oni' proceeding's, thev had a nnmher of pM-.t nders nrit for siA.ial days di-^ trihutin^ inllammatoiN hand hills n-, fjilsc as ilir min who presented them, and rrmciiilier that \oii saw the utmost muster tlie> eonid make. Itememhrr, also, that a iiumtier of those min did not IkIimi;; to (iiu'e districl : and. ahove all. he.ir in mind tlie tla^ tlie\ i-xhihited as a token of their love for \rnn' comilr\ and \onr Sador Kmi;. •• As soiHi as Macken/.ie's corps retireil from tlic eoiirl Iionsi', W. M. darvis, Ksip, Sherill. was voted into the chair, and John Law, Lsip, was appointed Se<-retary. when the following; reHoliitions and addressi's were sui) mitled to the meeting; and carried unaninuMisly amid deafenini; cheers of approbation. " The resolutions eondeniiied Mackeii/ie's "intlammalory and revo]utionai'> )>rincipleH and lilielloim pulilieatioiis." and endorsed the conduct of tlieir own representatives, namely, .lolin Wilson an;ed ■■on account of the threat increase in the |>opulation of the town," to detine the liinitsof the town of Hamilton and to estahlisli a market and police therein. The limits were dehued thus: Commencing; at the iioith east corner of hroken lot No. IM, in the tir>.t concession of the Townsjiip of Ihirtoii, at the western etl^e of Hiirhntitoii Ita.\ ; thence ahni^ the shore of the said lpa> to tlit> north-west tiorner of lot No. ll>; theiiee southerly alon^ the allowance for road in the rear of the third conct-ssion ; thence easterly alouK the said allowance to the allowance for road U'tween lots No. Lt ami 12; thence aloii;< the said alIowanc : The street here tofore called the ^^lunlain street or .\ncaster road, and which shall lie hereafter calleil .lohn's street, and the street leading from the eastern part of the district, in the direction towards Dundas, hereafter to he called Kiiiy street ; and alt thai part of the town l.\in^ we*t of Jolin's street and south of Kin^ stri>et shall comprise the lirst ward: ami all that part of the town l> in;; north of Kin;; strift and west of .JmIiii's street shall compri/e the second ward; lunl that part east of .John's Street and north of Kill;; street shall comprise the third ward: and all that part of the town Ivin;; opposite to it shall ctnnprise the fourth ward." Ilach ward was to elect a inemlHT of the Corporation, heheiii;;a householder therein to the assesstni value of Clitt. The election of niemheis to Iw held on the lirst Moinlay in the following mouth of March, (he mem hers holding their seats until the lirst Monday of the folhmin;; year. It was further enacted that a tiiwn hit should he rated on the assessment rolls at K'2't, and that every lot or portimi of a lot on which a house was huilt should Ih- deemed and taken for a town lot. It was further enacted that the Corporation shoiihl a|>point a surveyor of streets for the said town, ii Clerk, an Assessor tU" .\ssesKors. a Itailiff or HailitTs, a Collector or Collectors. a Treasurer, ami as many other officers as they mi;ilil reipiire. New streets were not to 1h» less than lili feet wide. The Cori>oratioii was also authoii/i'd to h.x the Kituation of the marki>t and to iHirrow the sum of ilLlHHl for (he pur|ioHe of huildin;; a market liousi< and for pur clnisin;{ one (tr more lire eii;;ines as niiuht lie deemed iieccHsary. Altliou;;li the Town of Hamilton was incm*- IKiratod in IHHH, aconsiderahle [Hirtion of the hiisiness part of the town was ilestroyed hy tire the year Iwfore. while '\l'z l|:amilton I'peehs^top •:• (Cs^pnival Edition •:• ^xi-Ju^t, 188^ (I i t)u> rliolrrit MWi'pt iiwii> ti ^rnit tiiiiiiv i)f the iiiliahitnitU. Till' vciir |K;rj wtiH an iinrorttiiiiitc u)u> for Ilniniltoii. On Novi'mU-r Hitli nf tliut ycitr 11 ilcHtnictivt' Hrc lirnki^ tint in till' town. Ilu> tvli'ht t>lin>{H of thi' immnI itjiiiifiil nutiirt* wi> prorfed td ilt'M-i'ihc the niMi uf time. 'I'hi! th'c c<)Mitiiciic<>il Ik*- twct>n cli-vch iiml twelve u'cliK'k a. in. nn I'Viiliiy. tlic Kith inst., iinil tti iiliniit three { the wtoreK of Mchhi-n. I'VruuMiii and Nhnp nf !\lr. Sc )l>ie, Mr. .\. MillerV la\ern and onthtiildin^H, all nf which were cnnHnnied in Ichh than three hniirH from the lirMi a|»|K'nrunce nf the (ire." Till- WcHtern Meriiirv ntllce reoiioned lit thi» ofllrc fnrmerly imi iipied hy the Clerk of the Peace, next di«»r to M. LawH. neur the Court Hoiim". The |Hmt oltice referred to had lM>en removed. < H-tolK>r ;ird, to a nH>m aiNive the Western Merrurx ot!ice, wn that they Imth came to yrief to;:i'lher. At the iH'i^inniiiii of the new >ear the followinn adver- tisement apiM-arc'l in the WeHtern Mercury: • THK (HtltK IHSritlcr Siied after the |ii-escnt \acittinn nn Mnnday hitiht. the llth inst.. in the new hiiilclin;^ nn Mnniitain (now 'lohn) Ktreet, fronting the Court Douse Si|uare. 'I'Kinis OK 'rnrms kmh \\\\ Sciioi.uis. In the ChinHicM, L' I ; in the Citmmon HraiichcH, Hih. Knr lioarderH, who ninsi supph their nwn U-ds and iM'ddinn. TiK. ltd. jht week, nr tii'i INT iinnnm. An eveninii schnni will he opeiie*! hy Mr. Kandall from 7 to II, Ml rtiiun as twelxe appliiatinhH an- received. Ti-rins. L'l |H-r «pmrter, pa>ah]i> in adxance. SIKrilKN HANItAI.I,. Hamilton. .)an. 1(». lH:t;i." Teacher (J. I». SchiH)!. The th'e diH's not npiH-ar to havi- ilepreswii trade very much, for an adM-rtisement ap|H'ared in the Wt^Htt^'rn Mer- cury, dan. ;i, 1h:i;1. as follows: •TltAVKI.I.KHS." ••Andrew Miller's extensive S(k\m Hovt Hotki. we lUuN. that were hnrnt on the Itith Novendier last, at a lows nf S)i.)Hhl, Hie tinw partly lestnred. lie has erecttKl a new harii, i>i) feet hy 40, and a shed I'l feet lon^. and an additinn nf 'M) feet to Iuh Hmall white house next iloor to hi-' ol.l stand. or n(g[Ni.^i)o Y. M. C. A. BUILOINO. " Me can now render travellers as coinfortahit as l«'fore. He intendh. hy te complete without a sketch of the life of the late Sir .\lhin McNab. who bad much to do with '/ the early history ami prnj-ress nf (he place. .\llan Napier Mi'Nah was Imrn at Nia^ ara nii the -Lake in I7'.IH. He was the son of a Hij^hlaiid Scottish gentleman whosi> father was the nwner nf a small estate. .Mian's father jnined the army and came t»t Canada on the staff of (ieneral SiuiccM-. TIui \in^ then oidy in his four teenth year. He serveil during the war lM)th in the held aiul on Ixianl the fleet and took part in several enna»»e- nieiits. Peace found him an ensign on luilf-pay. It is |>ossihle that lie saw but little pros l»eet of future active emphtyment in the army, for he soon aft^^rward turned his attention to the study of law. In IH2') he was called to the bar and deeideil to curry on the practice of his new profes- aion in Hamilton. In 1H'2U a c!i-cuin- Htanee occurred that proved the direct means of his entrance into public life. 'I'he " Hamiltnn outraj{e." as the e.xbi- hitiiui of Sir John CollM>rne in erti^y in the streets of tins city was called. Ih?- came the subject of parliamentary in- quiry, McNah was summoned as a wit- ness, and certain questions In-in^ put to him, he decline to testify, averring that if he dill he ini<{ht eoinprtnnis(> himself. He was declared iim\U of contempt, and the serjeant-at-arms promptly tisik Inin into custody and brought liim to the bar of the boUHe. On motion of Williatn Lyon Mucken/.ie, the leader of the rel>el- lion of eij»bt years afterwanl. the recal- citrant witness was committed to the common jail. He was con lined for a brief ]>ertod only ; but the Conservatives chose tn rejjard him as a martyr, and when the nenetal election of iHHt) itccurred McNab was wdetited as their candidate. He was sent to the house of assembly us the representative of Wentworth county, and one of bis first acts in the legislature was to Kecoml n motion for the expulsion of William Lyon Macken/tu from jiarlianieiit for breach of privile^^e, the offence I»einj< the publication in Mackenzie's newspai>er of some sharp criticism of the jiovernment's |H>Iicy, McNab followed this with a series of attacks u|H)n Mackenzie, which hardly coasted during the life of the latter. In IH'Al McNab was electei) siienker of the house of assembly, and lie C(H1- tinuefl to hold that otficc un- til the union of 1H4L He re- presented Wentworth county for three termn, and then sat for Hamilton. There)>eUion of 1837-H Kive him another oplM>rtunity to employ bin hoI- dier-like qualities. As soon as the upriBinf4 took place be put himself at the head of a band of followers, whom he styleil hia " Men of Gore," and procee4ie{aniery'H tavern, the dis|>ersion of the malcontents of the western district, the Niaj^ara frontier '^-TST~ i^i^^^^-: epittode. and the cutting wed in ipiick successiftu. Kor serviccM hr retidered in that campaign McNah was knighted, ami received the thanks of the pmvinciul leiiislatnre. Later he was creattHH^ueen's counM'l. SiMHi after the utnon of Ipjifr and Lower Can ada Sir Allan iMTame leader of the (Nuiwrvatives, then in oppnsitiiHi. On the defeat nf the Haldwiii Lafontaiue adininstnition. Mi-Nab was elected to the s|M*aker'H chair, ami lieiHcnpied it from iHll to iHiH. when he mice more iHH'atne chief of the Conwrvative op|sisition. and Haldwin anti Lafontaiue succtH-ded to |Niwer for a second time. Sir .Mhiii opiHised with (.treat vehemence Lafoiitaine's re- Is-llion losses bill, and even went to lsn»iland to invoke ini)H*rtal interference. His mission failed, altlnni^b (Had- stone strongly HUp)K)rted bis cause, (hi the defeat of tltu Hincks Morin ^n\ernineiit in iH.'.*, Sir .\Ilan was iiske*! by the I'.arl r of tin same year be suc- ceeded in foiminti "i »'oalition ministry, taking the offices of president of the council and mttdster of agriculture, in this cabinet hy far the nmre active spirit was John A. Macdonald, Sir Allan's lient«'nant. This ^•overn inent siuceedcd in iiejiotiatinu a reciprocity treaty with the I'nited Stales, in altolishin^ the seigniorial tenure laws and seciilan/iuii the t\vixy reH*'rves. Sir Allan suffered s»>verely from unut. and his eiierny and force U'piii to shnw hiKiis nf weakucHs. < »n Macthmahl's shoublers fell the real work of the tioveMiment. it was McNab's wish that John Hillyaid Cameron should sue ciHk place l>e- tween Sir Allan ami Jtdni A. Macdonald, but the old feel- ing was still strong. While in lOn^land Sir .Mlun bad Imimi coiisulteti by the home government on the subject of colonial defences. For Die advice be ^ave he was made an honorary colonel of the Hritisli army. He was also acciu'dei) the rank of honorary aide-de-camp to the Queen — an honor that is never li>{htly ^{iven and in that capacity be attended the Prince of Wales dnrin^ the latter's visit to C-mada in iMtiO. When the parliamentary session of |H(i2 o|>ened Sir Allan was chosen as the first elective s|)eaker of the legislative cinmcil. Failing health and Ijeneral prostration, bowevei , had done their work. anerform the duties of his office. In tlie dedininji ilays of the session he was too ill to be in his place. Wlien prorojjation came in June be was Imrely able to ^et to his luiine in Hamilton, and six weeks later he died. Throughout his lifetime be liad l>een a zealous nieml>er of the Church of Kn^Iand. but just after his death his sister in-law, wlui had attended him ecame the subject of coiitrnversy ip the Si'Kctatoii. Hir Allan mar- ried in IH'JL l-',li/al)eth, daughter of Lieuuinant Daniel Hroke, by whom he had a son and a daughter, and who died in ]H2>. In lH:Ht he married Mary Htiiart, elder daughter of the sheritT of Johnstown district, who bore him two daughters, but whose death in 1H4H left him again a widower. The daughters i)y bis second wife both married. One. Sophia Mary, in iH'tli. liecame the wife of William Coutts Keppel, Viscount Bury, who eita as Baron Ashford in the house of lords; and Mary Btuart, in IHfU, nuirried a son of the late Sir Dominick Daly, Thk old Mac(^uesten foundry occupied the ground upon which the Koyial Hotel now stands. HAMILTON'S F(R8T FOUNORV, ^1 I Ml i^U' t^l^e Hamilton Jrsectatoc* •:• Coxr^riVal Eo^ition •:• flu'^ud, i88q ^^ G N tilt! vk'inUy Canada art* tn Hllcll llllHtttll- Vt*H aH iiIniiiiiiI ill tho mihiirtm tuiil iiiiineiltHtc iit^j^hlNirlHKHl uf llainiltdii. M«iintaiii, lake, and tho numt deliuhtful hvIvuii weiu'ry, iilti-rimU- with vitmn of iixUMihivt- mid valuulilr frnit fariiiN. luid the pr(it4|MTniiH and (iriHluctive hHtt>Hd.4 of a wealthy fanninji ronimunity. It \h w'tduin that hikIi a variety ot Ki-^.m.iy in to Im> found in one \t\nrv: hut Ham ilton IM eniKMiully favored hy nature in thiit rcHiM-it, A innuiitatnouM tMiuntry Heldoin taktn a In^h rank an tin a«ricultiir.il country, hut in tluH vahi< there in an excep- tion, nainlltuii JH huiltnii the [Hirtic nlarly rich and fer td«^l*ltof luitd that licHMween the hiiw of the hei^htH. niniinnnly termed Hamilton mountain, aii.l the hay wide. Thin U'll )if hinil lien aKiii;; the luiHe of tho lieinhtM, lietwwn them and the lake, all the way U) the Niagara frontier, and iM noted thrnuKhoiit Canada aH the j^arden of that funiouH fruit Kn.wiuK dintrict tho Niuj. wt prouecialty of furnishing excel- lently trained animals for riding p«r|Ki8es. Frotiuently riding l>artieH numbering thirty or forty ladies and gentlemen may Iw Heon on the country i-oads. and it is probable that tliiu fall one or mure e4 vigorous and manly pastime, are tho young fellows who go out in tho early morning, with malice afiirethoiight, to have a g ehoHon than by taking a drive along the hrow of the mountain, which is reached by .lames street or John Mtreet. From the platform on the nntf of tho Mountain View hotel, on the edge of the mount- ain alstve •lames street, a view niay l>e obtained of the whole city, lying immoeaeh, prolongs the view almost to tho horizon, where, on a clear day. the spires of Toronto, forty uiileB away, may Ihj diatinctly seen. This will be one of the Iwst isiints alxiut the city from which to view the great illumination of tho bay, city and beach during the Carnival. A short erous looking farms and the handsome residences of city {Nioplo who have a love for the beautiful in nature. About a mile east from the Jolley cut the road strikes a deep and broad ravine, cutting into the mountain about three miles. Tho road fol- lows the verge of this ravine back to Albion Mills village, and is one of the coolest, most beautiful and enjoyable drives to be found any- where, and alTording a charming view of the well-kept groimda of the city reservoir. At ALJli A-lbion Mills there ia a small waterfall, several ^ *^s^ natural gas wells', and some very pretty scenic * H. combinations of rock and woodland. If it is tlesireil to prolong the trip, the road trending northeast from the Mills may be taken. This skirts tlu eastern verge of tho big ravine and is fairly shut out from the sky by the foliage of the maple trees which meet alwve it. After traversing alMiit throe miles of this road the old " King's highway " is reached, at a (mint about a mile east of the scone of the battle of Stony Creek, one of the moat important defeats administered to the American forces by British and Canadian troops in the war of 1812. A word or two regarding the old " King's highway " may prove interesting. In the early days when New- ark (now Niagara-on-tlie-Lake) was the capital of this province, a road was built to Montreal by the King's troops for the transport of provisions and munitions of war. This rood passed through ht. Cathftfinea, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston POST OFFICE and other cities en rmite. or rather they grew up on either side of this " King's roatl," and now each city |>eri>otuates the denignation within its liinitH uniler the name of King street. Hut to reHuine. as the orator remarks: The scene of the buttle of Stony Creek is unmarked by any memorial, but tho W'entworth Histfuical s(x:iety is now engaged in Hrrangiug to have the Hpot iHtingly distinguished. .At present, however, the soil that drank the blood of patriot and invader in principally eii- gagoil in the rather plebian occupation of providing paH- tnre for live stock. A cemetery on the right of the road marks the place wtiore stood an old Methodist meeting house. A tierce tight took place here on the night of tho battle, which was fought Iteforo daylight on June «!, lHl:(, and the Inxlies of the slain are buried there. The Hritish and Canailian trmips surprised a picket of fifty men in tho church, but the main battle t(M>k place aiNUit three hundred yards further oast, acroHs the small cn^ek that runs through tlie meadow. Tho old-fushioned KMiking wtnidon houst! on tho hill on the right of the road was occupied by Wm. (*age at tho time of tho battle. Quite a numlier of interoKting ohl houses may l>c secMi in the vicinity which date back nearly a hinidretl years. Another very popular and pleasant drive is that to the beach, by way of Harton or King street, which takes you to the city pumping house and filtering basin. This place is particularly worthy of a visit. Leaving the pumping house, the drive can be continued along the lake shore on a delightfully shady road where there is nearly always a ^ool breeze from the water. On the right of the road lie a succeHsioii of handsome new, or pictures(pto old, manor- houses occupied' by the wealthy Baltfleet S({uireB. The fine wide beach of white sand that lies between the roacach -the narrow strip of sand, some t\ve miles in length, which suparatcs Hamilton bay from Lake Ontario- -and passes a a succession of summer hotels and cottages that form almost a continuous street to the canal. Across the canal the ground is occupied mostly by canitwrs, and sometimes a score of tents may Iw seen there. While on the beach, it is the custom to drop in at Patriarch John Dynes' place and enjoy a flsh dinner. Another very nice drive is westward from the city to Ancaster, ascending the picturos(]ue steep called the An- caster mountain. About two miles past Ancaster are situated the celebrated sulphur springs, with a woll-kept hotel, where baths may bo had.^ Or by taking the York street ruad from the city the celebrated Uesjardin's bridge and canal is passed, — the spot where, thirty years ago, an 10 i^bc ij^umillon J['^et4<-.\lof-' •:• CoXPnival E-?li[ion •:• f\u<^u^[, i88(^ •:• i:: ET GROUND. v.ni ' iTf iin^'iiiullv pirkfd up. Stn ,•( rur lii-k)'l^"i!«'' mi llit-i •. It .t KIM NU I41. lu'lli'll )>oii1s, riiiiiiii;li I'uik. jiit*t t'liHt of thfcitv. iKunotlur iMunti fill ^i-ut wIh-iv tiiunv II im-iiic fmlir in lu>l. oil till' 1)111* of till* llilliilltoti lilitl liiiii.liiH iiiilwii>, in Aiii-thi* piuk. u tliirkls wtKMlcii plfitMUit- unmiiil. vvliiTf all |iii-iiii- fm-ilitii'M arc ut lill tiiiicM nml>. iuhI wlu'ii- tin' visitor u\n\ •*»•<• tin- iiiit-liiiir of tlif tiii)rt> ini |Hiitiiiit wilt U> foiiihl Ml tliiH hiiinlM'r. r)ii' fiilU ih |l)Ht Mlltsjllt- (hr llMlltH llf tlll'l|t> III lIU* HOlllllWfHt. 'I'llf stiiNiiii tliiit iiliiiiklt-H over till- inoiiiititiii Hide nn^iiiatcH ii mill' oi two )iiM-k ill (iallu^)u'r'N Hpriii^. it tlnwin^ well tliiit sfiiilH niit H voliiiiii- of |inrt> rotil wutiT timl woiilil ilrivc a iiiill. <'h(>i|ok<- i** II favoiili- H|N>t for riti/t'iin, uiul thu fiillM. |>urtiniltu'lv iii H|irin;i uml full wlu'ii tlu' wuUt from Ciilliti^liiTs spriii^ iH itiitjiiit'iitctl tiloh^ till' foiii-Ht' of tlio stiriiin II ri- iH-iiiitifiil. Tlu' '411 rroii in lilies urr in h Httitc of imtiiif. mill till' wii'iic is ini|>oKiiii;. Wrlmtt-r's fiillM. II fi'W iiiili'N to thf ii..rtliw«'Ht of tliu rit\ IS. 1»\ rcuHoii of Its coiiHiitcnilili' xoliitiif of wutcr, |K-rlMi)>H tilt' ^ruinli-Ht wittt-rfiill in tlir Mriiiit\. Tin- water |iliiiiL;rs ilown 11 [M-riK-inliriiliir iirccipiti' almut n^iJity fi'ft III lii-i^lil. uiiil IN lii'oki'ii into a hit^t' lH)iii|iift of iMiilmt* fuain n|Hiii tlii> roii^jli uinl ja^^fil rorks at tlit' iHittom. '\'hv Hci'iicrv Ill-re iwwilit ami iM-aiitifnl Ih'VomiI tioii. Till' |H'iwin who follovK the Htrcaiii down tliroii^li tlu* i^or^it' TiH'ctH will] a i-tuiHtaiil miutchkioii of tlii> iiiohI iN'anti- fiil <-oin))iiiationH of ('M't'i^rii'ii fori'^t, li>af> slniiU>. towi>riii^ iiH-k. fallen aihl HtiiiHlin^^ tiin)H>i' anlmi^' iiiii water. A KJinrl tlisslaine eani of Wi-hntei'M falls, on aiiotlier lirani'li of the same river, lto)ikinK' falls is fonmi. Ileri' the stream jiiin|ts ntrai^^ht ilown, without hreak. a iliHtaiiei' of ciiiir lnmidetl ami fortv feet into a narrow eliaHin, thu s4(N>|iint: of whieh out nf the soliij nnk must liave taken milliitiiH of \<>ai'H of lime. \S lu'ii. in the F.|irjnt.', theri> ih (ileiity of water this fall roars out rij^lil niernly, ami niakes a trrmeiidons iliHtiirhunre at the iMittoiii of the ^ort.'e. Hut in initlHunimer, wiien the stream is low, this fall is setii at its U-st. 'I'he falliii^i water hreakn in itH )tass]t;{e through the air, anil before it reuelu'H Ihu bottom It is eoiiverted iiitti mist. In winter the si-ene it* nia^- niliient. The Hunoiindinj/ nn-ks ami treeH Iwin^ heavily euated with ice, ulilter in the sun and form a Ixiaiitifiil |iietiire. The waterfall at Albion MHIh HihIh a leuH precipitoUH route on its way to tlie valley; but the surrtmndinKH uf nan iind forest trees make the seeiie )iii|Hmiii^. Liku all well lej^ulatwl preeipiees, that at Albion MiIIh has a full of trees t/rowini^ nut of rloHely shorn turf. But there are no scat^^ tliere. The sundurii park is the ^reat breathiii>{ plaee of tlie city. It rontainH thirty aeres of lawn, iiitersin-rsed with well- kept and shady proves. tbriini.')i whit-li wind gravelled carria^ic ways. Dundurn eastle, the residence of tlie lat4» Sir Allan McN'.b, forms a prominent feature of the park landscatw. Althnntjh of this century, tlie castle, by DUNDURN CASTLE. lilt; otT tbn pierK. watching the iminenHO Hwjn^ bridge at tlie canal, i»allieriiiu' shells by the shore, strollintj alony the esplanade, ^'ettin^ tliddy on a iDerry-^o-rnund, tinnb- lin^ out of a swiiit,' well swiin^i, Haniplin|{ the nectar at the bars, or ilininu <»> li^b in the liotela. No matter what the temiHTatnre may l»e in the city, it is alwaya cool at the l)oach, and it does not cost inneh to j^et there. Twenty- live centK is the railroad fare for the round trip, and the street car men will pick ynu up in any part of the town, and sell you six tickets for a ijuarter. upon which you may ride to the beach ami return to the siwit at which t. HtMtNQ ML. legend. The place is one of the hundredn of lovers' loapn which are found scattered throughout the cmintry. The Htory in this ; It was over aixty yeara a^o. A yount^ woman i>f the neiKhl>orho U.K»|,.,| * '>>!' I4t nil tlllH'H |Im- IIIK'Ii'IIN l.f I, lit. WHH niuilii |iii liiiN I'liiivi'rtttl II till' vii'inity nf 'f (lit- iiiitrt' DM I li'^liikf fiill« „ -"iiiliw,.«t. Til,. ''lilt' ii|-it»4|,.f:ff piir|HiHc: liu( wlifii slii< iirrivcil ut llic |iri'ri|ti4^-(> hIi(> l<-ti)K'hh uihI iiiHiii)|i('tiri'it from tin- virw nf Irt Imr nti'-Htrii-kfii cnmiiiuiinii. Sinric irit'ii wlui Wfif workiiin in the ravipc Ih'Iow hhw Ikt full. They siii(l swiftly clown, fret fori'iiioHt, lirr rlottiiii^ fornicil a |)uruc-liuti> aixl rtitH-knl Iut full. Vmt\- iii^ tliiit kIr- waK oH(' thf ^irl n-aclR-*! ilnwii, (-olla|>H(' lived an lionr hIic never hpoki* a^jain- The wm of the man loved hy thin heroine wan iim-e a deteetive in the employ of the city of lianiil HAMILTON FIELD BATTERY. ton. The trnlh of the le>4end i^ vonched for hy old Het tiers. The Alliion Mills ra\im' is eeleliratt>d for its natural ({as. (ias liiihhles np thmn^'h the wat4-r in the stream. and visitors arnuHi- (hemsi'lves hy lijjhtinn the saiMir with nnitehes as neai' an approueh to setting' the river on lire as most nu-n are uhle to aeemnplisli. l*i|K-rt driven into the roek within the mill alTord ^as enon^li to hrilliantl\ illuminate the mill, and the supply is i-oiistaiit. A few years at{i> an attempt was imide to lind natnral ^as hy lM)rin>i in this iKM^hlNirlxMHl. The pros|K>eto)'s evidently hit n|>on the wron^ s|N)t, fur a very lon^ hole was put down withont rmilini{ ^as in snIVieient ipiantities to Ih> nH.-fiil. Tl\® FmU lum^fo f ^IIK Uumilton field hattery is the ohli m vol mi leer artillery eorps in Ontario. l-'oi' nniiiy veins U-fore its or^iani/atiori on its presfht fiMilmj* in !h.'i(1, it was known as the Hamilton \oliniteer th-ld artiller> , and was then what in the early days was railed ll "eannon eompiinv," that is ah inde|H'n di-ht eorps with a ••m^le tleld pieee. Citi /ens now urown uia> will rememU'r when, snnill Imi\s, Ihey followed tin- eannon eornpanv out to MORNING DRILL AT NIAGARA GAMP. ;rL, .ill-. ■il>2i£iz^vUM ... f^ .^^\.f,.\ r_i:T^^^^^^^ 12 ■^hc bMmillon J|.-^ecbbf^ •:■ C<-Nfpival iE^^ili'^n •:• f\u'!;u^[, M'j •:• , ) >))>«« ''in JAMES STREET LOOKING SOUTH. till- (■i-iniiiitii nil <,lut'cn'H lijrihittiy to lii-ai it- l.>ii.| tMui l>.>i)iitlir Utiirti uiit II niMil suliiii'. I'lrxii-iiH lo Im.'hI. ("upt. Alfri'il ll.M.kt-r hii-* in r.iiiiiiuiiiil, ainl when 1 1 ot|.s \mih rr.trnimi/i-tl lit- Utuuu' ni|'tiun SiiliHf«(!H-iill> he \\»h U|i|KM1ltl'.l n'lnml nf t)l|t^ iiiiiitiii> .li^i net wlicii till- Tliir tt't'htli Imttuliini wiiH or^jiiiiizcil. luul In* wuh Hucffiiliil l'\ Ciiptiiin (icnruf ]■'. <;liis<*(ii. .Inlin IIiutim. tlini ii Icutliiii! .by phhIh iiHTflmnt. sure, c.lr.l tmri. uimI W, K. Miiir. the wi'll known niilwu> num. n..\\ nf Uetioit. iilsn i-onirninnlcil tin- li»ttcr> for a h\u,\\ luin-. Cnli.ntl Villu-iH. imw nf WinniiK-ii, )unl i-lnirtii' nf tlu' mrpK fnr iwn y.-urM. an* tin- ImttiTV i-vt-r liitil. wuh lifiitcnunt. Thf rnips. whirli uiiN thfn iUMU-d with nm- tWfUf |M.unclfr lirnn/f ^iin un.l Ihiff '^iv iH.iin.li'is. wii^ jioHtcil hi thf ImrnukH nf thf i-funlur tnH.|is tn |ir.'tt-it thf -.tni-cH when tin- n-mihirs Wfif nnlcrcl tn thf fi. 'III. ( n|..iifl H.H.kiT. in hiMH|iuiit> iiH .onunaiulant .-f thr niihtiit .li-^tnct. t.H.k r..nini»n at Hiili;*\va\ iM-f.-ir (hi iit:iihir f.M'ffH. winch hml ;:>>nf n.iiinl l.> Nni-^aia in- i i-.i.l to rnt the I'Vliiaii^otT. Wficahli' to niakf r.iMlifrtloii, l lit- I lain iU>)n ticl.l hattfi> saw noai-tivf M-i\iff fhniiiM that ram jiaii:!!. hfiii^' kfpt tm t;arriH. unh-^H their )-oniln< t ilurina tlif famous nit^ht ulanii that t«Mik |iluff at thai tiinf may foiiif uinUr thf hi-ail of actiVf stTviff. ihiv iiitjlit a siniiitif tiafi wa?- >.ftii at thf htath. iiiiil thf alatni w«« wanaiftt. It ua- th.ai^ht that a rfiiiaii foicf was uhoiit to Ian. I ill tin- cits. TIk- hattfiv ho\ s Wf re so cam r tr» tift at tliiiii ihiit wluii ihf alarm suiiiulfii llify wiml.l not wait tn lianifss np. hut put tin- «ira^ r.)i.fs nn thf <:imis un.l ran ihciii to tin- ha\ Hk'- tin- < n-^Mii-. 11- niN'ftfrioUM straiiiifi' tiiniftl nnt !-> \h>. a frifinlly craft, and f\fr> thin;^ wan Invfly nnff ni.HL'. Aftfv tlu- Feniiui tmuhlfH Clfnr^if H. Smith wiLH niadf (-a|itaui, ami lu-h) that |K)8ition until |mh1. Hf was un t-n thusiaslic; ami ahlf (..mmandant aixl hroujiht thf cnrps up to a liiiili wtate of t'tVicifucy. In thnsf days thf hut- tfry luul its full ctpiipnu'iit nf wa;^- .ms. formic-' an.l t^nns, all full\ horsed, and thf .orps put in 'Jl vfar. Chief A. \V. Aitrhison. of thf tiredfpait- ment. was a nifmlH'r ..f the Imtterv and at thattinn- cvfiy man attaihfd to liiK tiiin stood six feet in his s.k ks, .After Cai.taiii Smith resi«ined. Cap- tain MeMahon was appointed witli S. (i. Trfhlean.l 11. 1'. Van \Va;.'iier aH his lieu tenants. Suhse.pientl\ . in IHH'J. Mr. Van Waiiiier reeeived luK cominission as fa|>tain. and was on May II. iHKi. ija/.i-lted mujor ef)iniiiundi)i^. In Ihk) ( 'aptain .lolin Strnthearn llendrie. It. S. A., re- eeivL'd Ins appointment, and Lien- tciiaiitM Anthony Cop|). jr.. an.l I*. ^I. liankier. were suhalteins. Lieu- tenant C.)pp was kilted hy a fall on the da\ after the disastrous Mr.' at ( *opp Itr.fthers' foundry on \ .jrk . Ih. sii'i-et Ml the •^unmifi of |hni>. an.l hm .lialh was a ^tcat 1 mn |o Ihf e.ii pH. lie had taki>n a ijieat mleiest ni the hjitter\ iluriiix: the tune hf was t'.iinifi-tfd with il. and wiiM an aec-oiiipliHliel a i-ra.luale ..f thf Itoyal s.-h.>ol .>f arlilli>r\. At present the llainiltori lieid hatler> is one of the U-t \ohinteer eorp** Hi the Canadian Meiviee, in faet it is no tetret tlial if the shtHitin^ at Kinijstoti this fall is aii> where near the Ntan.lard of the eM it will a^aiii ^aiii the Hist |HiHition for etVi.'iencx wliu-h it held in Ihh". unci nearly siTiire.l in Ihhn. Ah e.mHtituted at present the fnjlowiii;; are the names nf the otlii-ers mitl men: Major llrnrv rit't<.ii N'anWa^ni-i . <'< ; (aptain •Inlin Strathearn Heudrie. It. S. \, ; Lieutenant ralrirk Mue in.loe Miiiikier. It. S. A. : Lnntenant Ale\aii.ler Tlioiiias iMnu-aii. It. S. A . Lieutenant William Kerley. IL S. A.; St-r^-uiit Maj.ir Win. Wlinlton, U.S.A.; (Quartermaster Sirtieaiit T. Mailiiwiek; l-'urrier Serjeant. Win. Homer, l!. S. A.; Sertlfaiit Win. I-Vaniside. IL S. A.: Seri^eunt l;. ■rrumhiili. U.S.A.: Seri;eaiit Win. Pilt.m, U.S.A.; Corp.aal CampUOl. IL S. A. : ( nr|M)ral It.ii-frs. IL S. ,\. . C.niHiral iJieh. Camp. IL S. .\, ; CoriH.ral -1. M.-lionald. IL S. \ . Corporal •!. Shaw, lloinhanlierH U. Ilarrison. IL S. \,: .1. Ililhanl. It. S. A.: IL llnushv\. It. S. A., Win. Co\. ■rruin|M'ters lleiir> Co\. It. S. A.: .lames Mi-Lean, (iunners (ieo .\.lamH. Iliitlh Itowditrh. W. C..\. ('has. Cniinors, W. C.iitoii. -lames Cranston. Charles Carle)'. ( has. Ifndmaii. 'his. l>onaM.->iit , <'haH. (Ileadow. W. Crow)('>. H. Ilo|K-. F. iour. ("has. Kin^, .laine^ L."-hhea.l. .I..hn Lloy.l. -las. Miir.ly. Dav. Moss. Maxwell Noillett. (has. ItohertH.Mi. Tlios. ItolierlHon. •!. Saun.lers, .1. Swinton. C. W. Smith. K. Sin*iiee. .1. Se\m.nir. F. Simp ^oii, Ceo. Stee\es. .L Wit hers]HM»ii. I', Welliiijj. Frederi.k Wak.-liam. .1. Warmii'.'. F. Whatel\, Mark Wilson. IL Wat>«(in..hm, Yoliiiu. Will Diiwe. 1. F.viiiiM Urtvern (ieo. (hNid ale. <►. Markle. .L Cuinmlii«H, W. »are>. )■'.. Stewart. CliarlfH Hmkh-^.W. Marshall,. LConnell. .luN, Trii^'sdale. Wm.t are>.(h>«i llendi'r>«on, •Iumikh Mnllir. Net H.,n Me( alter, CIhim, Tw.anhh'V. Si-\ernl Ihiiifc!" e..nihine in nnikmu the hatter) wiellieieiit. ri (hierK and men lake a dii-p intereHl in the .orps. the> are prnU'l nf It, an.l the\ unite in workmij hard t.. maintain the hi;lli repiitalioii il Iuih w hir 111^ Hie pant few year* ler Muior Van W u^MerH eomiiiantl Ni'iirl) t'\*'%\ one of the olVlrel s an.l noil e.imnintHioni'd ..nieerM have alien. le.l the lloval nel 1 nf iirtilletv at Kiii^Hton. and are wril mte.l t.i liiHtruet reeniitt* and hundh- the hatti-ry. The IN Unit there Ih aii\ laek ..f men, ami at la-l tamp llii\ wi-re out o\er the regulation sirenutli. In ad dilioii to Ihis the olhi-ers ha\e the U'lietil of llii' Herviten uf lill e\.-(llent aitilli-rist in Hie |M-r- •.nii of Iiisirui'tor Kerle> . late ^er^;eaiil Majoi of It haltery, IL C. \. liistnietor Kerle.\ wum .Mit Willi ihi' Heeon.l north WfHi tApe.htioii IH 1^*71, an.l also willi ( nlonel (MIei s r.ihinm at Cut Knife Cri-ek tii;l.l in Ikh.',. In Auynsi. Imhi). hi- wuh at- laehe.l t.i the llatmlloii hatterv us mslruelor, an.l from that tiate Hie real ^iiei-esH of the e.irps iJateM. Ill Hh7 the hattfiy won the tirst pri/.e niuler the P.'iniiii.m aiiiller.v asHiM-iation rules f.ir general etVnieney. inakitn; 'J'iM in drill nut .)f a |HmMihle 'J.T.I, LiihI year it was in Heeoiid )Hmitii>n, and tliiH >ear It is fond I, \ hopt-d that Hie eorps will iiKiiit) head the batteries nf the Dianiiiioii- A few \ears haek. when there was nnieh rivalry anions the hatteries in jiuii shifting <-oiitfsts. the Hamilton haltery U-sted all the .itlier Ontario hatteries with a reeonl ..f .me minute ami tiftreii •.eeoii.ls. This n|H'ralinn ennsisN in hriiii,' om- roim.l. dis iitin:4 the ^uii an at present eonsintH of four servieeahle 11 |Hiunder mu//.lf loadiiit* ritle ^miiih, with a full eoinph'iiieiit of liarness and nther stores. The men are armed with earhmis uiid sword ha>onfts. The four t'lniH were si-nt out here h> the Iini«Tial auth.irilieK in 1h7L and are lirst idass of their kind. The harness has iH-eii in use since lH.'i(t. aii.l tlmu^ll well kept an kept, and the armory and st.ire roniiis lire well worth a visit. The men are jiist U'ljinmn;' to fctd at h.iiiie in the han.lsome new armory. The ntVn-ers" rtncption riMun. niai e.nniniHsuaied .itVieerH" mess room, leeture room ami other apurtineiilH are lii'iii>; very tastefutlv arranged. There are swoitl exereih*' and lanee classes in eoimeclKUi with Hie corps in training under liistrnctoi Kerle> . ami tlit'y have ap|H-ared al several pnhlic enteitainineiitH. The ranks of the hutter\ are full. and. as the iiiHlrnclnr reinarke.l. il is ready to t;n on active service al twtdity-four hniiiH' notice, thor oii;;hly tnpiipiK'd and ready for husine-^s. KING STREET LOOKINQ EAST. ■^hc ,(;)Mmill:on rr-'eeUtor^ •:• C^r-niv^il E-iiLion •:• j\u(^u^^ -v\i'i-l till' tloMi'K'lx HiTiiii-il III -riK II «>%V^ Mnvv t'I'lUllI III" Niin Imlit HJiniii- \ll llll\ Wf •lllllli Mill llll|>|lS HMlllil. \ll.l nil' tih' XMill.l ..'•rnr.l VM.Ir. WtiiM Mil Mill nIimii uiiIi xiiIIi'ii nmi ('illlM- l'n>l-|i1IIU III Ml< tl< itll (ili'ilkint; lii-iirtn, \llil li'HI'H II'IM' In\i- iiWII) , Xiul < liiiiiMf* ■^tiiiNliiiit' into riiiii, Ami iJiM-H lit mulit f'»' ilti) . \ll ' tilth' l"\»-. Ill\ nVVII Inif |M\f Till nmlol \t\ ill)' Hill, Dm tll(>U> mI'I ltl\« Mf i>n|.| lav- Unwit lim-t* \Min iliniiijIilH ( ■ ' 'I'llr •'||||||1IL> lllllMtM IlKM' IIUIIiIn'iI 1II\ lll'lllt SllHi' hiMt wr "ilhl ' i!MM.| tivr. Ami hI I |n with tiiiii nf .■liiiii-lii-« in nimli luiiji-r I'ltli'h Mnnt nf llu- cliiirrlnM llli- nn iiiiImiWci i-.l III hIuhIc tiCCM timt It i« iltl|inH«lliIf tn Ul't Unnil lillntn;il ii|.lil,' pir tini't*. lull llii- |K*ii iiihl ink iiidsi liii'* i-mii-iivtin-il In ^^im- ri'tldrl'M nf iIiIm ]>ii|i(-|' nil lilcil nf tilt' ^t'lli'l'ill tl|)|H-ill ithri' nf II U'W nf tilt' iiimv |irniniiiciit tliiiirli lniiMiiii^H. Iluiiiilttin iM a Stilil.utli nhMTviiin iit>. iiiiil tin' tMn^iit'tiiitinim nf tin- viirimiM cliiirrlu-H iiic iilwit.VN luryf. Tin* i'l('i>!>iiu'ii. uh a lull', iiri' well puiil; iiinl nmut nf tlw ctm^i-t'^iitlimM um' Hii)i|ilit>il with I'M-clli-iit \ii(-ii1 iukI iiiNtniiiii'iitiil iniiMir, TIk' |H-n|i1i' nf Hiillllltnll Innk ilfttT tlit-ir M|iint1l.ll VVi'll Im'Iii^ with niiirli ciirnt'HtiifHN, uml it iimv Ih> hiikI witlimit ritttt(>i> tliitl tlif> iMiiHtitiitt' II t'Diiitiiiiiiitv lis i)nlt>i'l\ IIS any in thi- Itiml. KI-IM Ml-AI.. ChriMt (Inm-h ('utlirilral, .luiiift* Htit-fl, iH-tut-i-n l!nl«*rt iind Miirtnii Htt-i'fU. Stitiii'. with Ht'|iiiniti' htmu' Smnhn scIiiMiI huit.iiiiii. St'iitinn ciipiu-ity. 'J.IHMI. |{i^lit Ht'\. t'luiH. Miiiniltoii, l>. I)., !>.('. I... hiHlinp nf Nni^iLiii ilio rent'. Wry \U\ Dniii .1. (i. (U-dili'M. M. A., D. C. I... rtH-tur. Hi'V. K. M. I^lund, M. A., it't-tnr in c-huruc. I'liiiii'liwanlciiK (m'o. lEitiich. aii>(| H Aintirn>««'. Hiir |)|liii'iiih'iiili>nt, M Ht . I.iikif K ( linrrli. innii'r uf •tiiliii ami >|ai-iiii hi\ HiriTtN. Ilrirk. Hi'iilinu i-a|>iii-ity , ;liNi Ili'\ Will. MaKN«>. M. \. r 'I ttir riitinli Wil1i|i-ll» .Inlili • lllrkHiili. .Iimt-ph ii>h\\. .lux I'nr iM*r ami 'riiniiia<4 l-'liK'li. Oi-uaniM atnl rliuir IcatU'r, 'riiMiiniH r'lnrh Hurphi-i'il rliiih. Hitiiita> whiHil iH iimlcr Hiiinrvisinii nf tlir icctMr. All SuiiiIh' Cliiii'i'li. iMMii-r Kmu uiul (/itri-ii Htri'i'tH. Hi -. with N<|iiari- lourr. Sralinu (-a|Hit-ity. l-'dl. lU-v, KuTiil Dt-aii tii-M. A. l-Mrni-ri'l. n-itnr, Chun hwunli'iiH S K. KnsH and I-'. If. MdU. SidtHint'n tt. U. I'l-rru-. .1. II lli-rrin^, Win. Nu-linUiii, ('. Ki-nu-r, W. llirhard*Hiii. I i: Leather. T. (', Allaithei'. W. Hull. nn;ani>«t. N. DirkMi'ii. Leader nf i-hi.ir. I(. '\'\um Steele. SeMnii. .las. I''iiiri-liiiiuli. Siiiiilay hi-|i>h>1 Mii|M'riMleiidi-iit. .1. |{. Mt-ade. ( liiiri-h nf the .\si-eiiMinii, inriu'r •Inliii and >Iiiria •. "''n, |{t-\. I-'., I', (niwfnid. ret tnr. ( liiinhwardeiiH llinrv Mr l.iLien and .Vn lnliile WiImhh. Sidi-Hinen Mdwurd Hrnwiie. Win. (intVttli, Adiiin llr.iwn. M. I*.. Alex. Hrm-e, ItnU-rt si-linni HU)H'riiitemleiil. the rerlnr: aHHiHtunt Thnn. ItiiriiH. St. 'I'linmiiH" (liiireh. inriier Main street iiiid West iiM-tiite. Stniie. with se|iiirate Sunday mi-IiomI linildin^. Seiitiii^; rii|iii(it\. 7iM). Hev. ('aiinii W. U. t'lirraii. rertnr. Oiiiri'liwiinleiiH i;. |{. Mnr^aii and It. l-'ullt-r. Si.h-i men II. r. Stei-le. jlni). Dr. lU'viiuliU. K. ,|. MjUh. (>r i^aiiiHt. Mt'M. .Vvehuts Leader nf elmir. L. (l. I'ayne. Se\tiiii. .1. Smith. Siindax hi-IuhiI kii|H>riiiteiid<'nt. II. Iledhn^tnn St. Murk's Chiiirh. cnnitT Huv mid Huntir streets. III ilk. Si'iitini! (-ii|iaeity, 2>'i(i. Itt v. Caiinii It. (i. Snthei hiiid, ti'i'tni. ChiU't-liwarili'ns .Inseph 'I'iiiHley and .Inhii Haillii' SideHtiiaii C. W.M.Ii-ntt, .1 Tiiriiin. T. M. Wu! ker. M. Wrinlit, <;. K. Mamm, Drjiaiiist. Mihm .\. hri«ik. Lender nf Hiir|)h(-eil elmir. W. CrnHMinan. Sunday hcIkimI -u|HriiiteiiiU'nt, Cyrus tHiver. St. Miirk'w MiMMMii, Herkimer street, near (Jurtli. S. S. ra|i)>K. Hii)H-rhileud4'iit. St. Mallu-WH Chiireli. cnriier Hartnii street iiiul Smith avenue. Hriek. Seiitiiit; eapatity. tUHl, lte\. C. K. Whit rtinilMN iiHHJHtiint. Churi-liwurdeiiH 'rimniiiN Irvine and •lames Murtnii. SideKiiiuii I!ii-liard Itidhy. •!. Da\u-s. ThninHH Tay Inr, ■Inhn Stemlfiude. Otnimist and leader nf Hiiriilited fhnir. Itev. C. K. Wliitt-nml)e. Sextnn, It. Itidh\. Sumlay st-hnnl sii]K-rliit(-iident. He\. C. K. Whit .ninl.e. CRYSTAL PALACE ■ nil lilni'k hniiiidi >l l>\ Kiii^ aitd Miiiii slieit-. \ h'tiiria and I'.iikI a\enues. Sinni-. \Mtli si|iiiiii- tM\M'l'. rniitailillii! |m')iI nf Ih'IIn. I'lire tintllie st\li' nf iil i llHei t Ule. Heiltlim ni |iaiity. '.HMl. Iti'\. l-'ather Cia\en. I'l'etnr. Ilev. riilht-r Kelley. asHislaill. .Ian. I', Mniri-Hev, nruanitt ; elintr llllder dilerljnunr leetnr. M. L> IH'h. •Mxinli. St. .Inseph H Chnreh Itierniaiii, cnrm-r of .Imk-Min mid Cliiii'lt'H SireetH. l-'niine. Seating t'a|iiirit>. 'JtHi. |te\. l-'iithi-r Halm, rt'i'tnr. •!. /.inuMheim. I'lederiek Hehcller. .iMHej.h Nt'tl and .Ims«.|>|i lUu.k. triislre., >||H. M. Miir keii/.ie. nruailist. SiiiiiliiN Hi'liMtil I liisM'N are liiiiulil >n the iIkhh riHunn nf all the Hi-hnnls h\ the HinttTH nf St. .lMHe|ili. under HH|ii'r- VI-HUI nf the It-rtni s. 1 ;# ^ V .aaaggag^ WBsm: ■■ '. '^-■^y^S^K^Ktkii—^.Li^j-L. m -'? -TV'; ' • i ■'" V- .j^y'-i-i I ill H VIEW AT THE BEACH. LAIOLAM, »4010> l-'irst Meth.HliHt ( liiiirh. rnnier W i-lliMi.;tMii and hiuu. streets. Stnne. with se)ianite stnne Sinn lay mcIhmiI hiiildinu, Seatnii/ ra)iaiit\. l.hKi. Ite\. W, H. Laird. [lasinr. 'rriiHtet'M 'rhuH. Mniris. Win. Iliniter. W. 'rriie»*- date, .1. Skinner, -las. MuIIuwm. .1. (irltVin, Thim. tiain, J. It >!' Kielian..lMH.'|ih llnsK W. H. MehnllH. Dr. D Day Smith. tNet-retiir> ), DiiMd DeMi-r and >l. raut. ( M'i^miiHt, MisH .1 I'll hie M llllll. I liMii nni'^ter. Wallt-r linhiiiHtin. Se\titn. iiinrije l-'inher. Sunday Ht-hiKij Nii)H-rinteniU-iit. II. S. Williaiiis. Centenary Chun li. Main street. U-twei-n .liimeH and MiK-mih Hin-etH. Hriek St-utiiu; laiuit it>, I.'JIHI. |te\. J. S. ItnHK, pastiir. Trn'.teeH Hnii. W. \'.. Sanfnnl (Keert* (aryl, W. .\. llnhinMiUi itn-iiHiireri, !•'. W. r"i'armiin, S. K, Lii/ier. M. .\.. .fnseph Lister, .1. 11. Mnnn-. J. W. Itnne hriiu'li. M. D.. W. W. Itnhinsnti. A. S. Viiil. On-uiilHt. L. H. Parker, (.limrtetle ilmir Mrs. (ienr^c Hiimiltiui isit|inuin|. Mis« L. Knift (i-nntraltnl. K. Alexander iteimri. .Inhn Mi>rlt'> (hassni. Sextnn. (it-n, Itij.l, Sunday s. IkhiI sii])erI. K. M. l-'nnii»<'*. •«i| iia re tower. Zinn TaU'riiai-le. mriier Pearl ami N a) tier si reel s, liehiiilt in iHt'tO. Hriek. Seating! eapanty. sun. Ite\. (i. A. Mili-hell. H. Seating t-apai-i- .\.. pastnr. Trustees Itjilit. CainplK-II. sr,. Win, ,1, Kerr ty. l.lMMt. Ki^ht (Herretaryl. C. L. 'rimnius (treasiiien. Pnl.t. Itaw, (;enrj{e Itev. .Jnseph Mnrrin. W. .L Mnnleii. Mi<-hat-l Panniii^!. .Ins4>ph Kaiilk Dnwlin^i. hislinp tier. It. K. Williams. William INInrns, Wm. Kin;.', M. l\. nf dincese. Itev. Ityinal. DruuniHt, .Master Manly Mnrdi-n. Leader nf Pather MeKviiy. eluur. Pn»f. <'liiie. Sextnn. W. .1. Weller. Suiidii\ schnnl reetnr ; Uev. I-'a sni»'riiiteinU'nt. Wm. .1. Kerr. therH Hrady . Simcno Street Cliuri-h. eorner .Inhn and Siniene streets. H i nclu'V ami Itriek. Seatin;^ eapaeity. -'tiNt. |te\. '1'. .MU'rt MiHire. Cody. aHHJstautrt puHtnr. Trustees Tims. Horn (siH-retary t, .lames Main D. J. D'Hricn. (treiiHurer). .Iiu-nh Viunit'. ('apt. llamiltoM. Win. Main. iirnaniKt ; V. L. .Iuk. .Mines. Tlinmas C. Watkins. ()r;,'tniist. Mi>,s Ma;jj,'ie Cherrier, chnir MiiieH. Clnur leader, (ien. Siddall. Se\tMii. David Mul- cnndut'tnr. M. lin. Siiinlay scIkmiI supi-rintfinlent. .Iiu-nh ^■nlln;,'. OSliea. aexton. Knierald Street Church, eorner Kmeralil and WIIhod St. Piitrick'H KtreelH, Hrick. Spatini* capacity. ;nnt. Itev. (J. W. Dean. Church. Hituatud jsaifdl'. TnisteeH Jnlm ^Martin. .Inhn (lee. .htlni Ciard- 1^ Uo llr:^ g m 1 1 k aa-jCl^£ilt:ainF <- (fi;=xr^nival EjIiITTi 14 \w ■, T. I,ii\i-|"\ , .liiliii I'.niiir\ ii.rrM'iai V. .1 It. Ml Ku liiiii ilr •UHtircn, .1. Miliiiiiii. S. McNitir. Ori^iiiiint ivinl i-lmir l.a Icr, IV ill'!'. SiiMiln> •M-))iNiNn)K>riiiti>iiiti'Mt. T. I.iiM'jiiv. Illlllllull SI. ('lil)lrll. riinifr Ililllliull mill llrin stri'l-N. l!> Ilk. Willi <«i'|iiinili- SiMiilay Hrjiiml liinlilinu. Sculiii;^ rii 1'" il> .•ilNP. lti'>. 11. .1. r.lliiill, iniMi.t Tniiti-i'i. .\illiiir Si iiiiMMik irt'i'iiriliiiij Hi-rri'itir\ t, Si-ihtii •Iihii-h hmtitiui's III limill. |lf. ll..»ililliull, 'I'llim. .\llllll, .1. (1. Krik. \\ M rmli'M. (;. W. Ciiriv. .1. liii.l, (i. Si.ivMiiiil, \V. || Mm III Or;.'iiiii'«l. .\illiiir Piii\. Cliiiir iiiiiili-r. .\lfriii Itn ki' SlAtilM. .1. Sl'IHMli.. SlIM.IlU Mll,.n| ^11 1 .1 ll 1 ill 1 1, 1,11 1 . 1 .. .. W Calli VIEW ALONG THE BAY FRONT. liM II-I. Jatiit-H StriH-( nu)>li'-t l'liiin-)i, i-i>iiii>r •liiittcH iiiinitiin iliiiiN Stitiilax wIiiMiI ill ItUHfiMfiit ; wntiiitj ni|piintv. K. |I.Mikrr Hitrki. I». K. HnlM-rtH. Sunnu-I \V.hh|Ii>. I* I,. Snixoii. \hU. H.uiimfnnl. H.'iir> New ilrt-iiHiimi, Aliiii/o l.iitfH. ( h'i.'»>ii'«t iitnl i-hoir ti-itttir. (liuM. \. Mi'I'ilIiI, Si'Xtoh. Hi'iijumih ('iHuiitiH. Suii •.ilhHil sii|H-rihli-ii<. Hiii'oM ( Mpi) nii4iru«> WIiim'Ut. Or^iiiiiHt. Mrn. A. II. C'liitk. Siimltiv HcIiiHtl Hii|M'riiitriKli'iit. It. ('. Hti'VfiiMoti. \'irlnriii Avnnii' Hii|iliHt Cluirili. i-oriit-r VirturJii uvi> nut- ititil KviiiiM stri>t-t. Ilrick ; K4>utiiii; rit|pii<'it>. -UNI. Iti'V. (till. AimUthimi. |iiiNtor. Mi-ai-niiH l>, K. ('iun|ilN-ll. r, \\. Siinw. W ltnU-rtH,iii nnii-^iiirii. Oiiircli clrik, Itultt. Diitr. (iruaniKt un.j rlmir l«iiiii».irili kikI Kiim VVil l»i kwiii nlrf*'!* HI H Iil\ l> I) . |iuxl..l '.'"■f i \ WnilkWnrlll MiMluli, hmii NtrnvU. rilMllltltKUII. Ml I'miln rlninti, rttriMT •Umicn himI . KtllllC. with H|Mri- , it'HiltlU I lt|il4rllV, !HNI whtHtl tittililiiit;. Itct It .1 |,Hf.)UH. Kltltrt UiM Alltn. li.-. Illiti k. \U\ ( rxu! Un ti.iv .Un Iliitt'lMMiii. .Ihm Inili. M I <>UMMl. MmvkI MotlMii. \ A. Ml Kll|n|t Alrx Ml I.HUHM. Ni-iImHI, 'lUM \ hIImimi'. .Uh. Uiitmiii, hiilwill \\n\. ^iWuiUt ^\itH«i|i itiiil i\ttt \. YiMiMti |i*li-rki. Iloiir-I nf Miiiiiitft'rH .1,,' » Murtniiii'lutir iiiHMl, Jtiltii I-* HttHiiii (liriiNiiri'r'. I.\iiiiifi ' >v. h A. (Nt>«'ri'ttir\ I. M tV I itlpMrii. H llnutf^ 'l>*Nii A i MrM- I^mi nlil liriir, l>ii\hl Kiii Itiilitr^' "^Atiiii, Will AhutiM (triiniiiil iintl .1, '• ii*.««t*T, (' i. M M#r rU. Hiiinhiv M4htMt| mii)h'I iiitMiiU'ni i* Mnrtmi, hi , j«*> MiHtitiil NM|)friiili'iii|<'iil, l.vniiiii IrfH', h A >liii> HtDH't MiHH iniiiKi >|iu> Jtixl hHi»; Willmni olrn'tM. (1(11 A. Voiiii^, -iiiN'riiili'iiili-iil : M'h' Mlm h iisn|*|i|li( I'l'iilnil rifxhstt'iiiiii rhiiii'li.ruriii-r .Ituktoii itii>l Mm imh MlriH-tn. NVhili- hrii k , H«>iitiiiu niinii il\. l.liHl Ittv K. I.Uf. II. I>.. |HiHt..t. KI.UiH Will VV.nm(>., ll.Hi Kiiih crforil. .Iiilin Stiii/ 1. W. y. r'iniMii\ ilit'iixiircri. W. A. Aiiilfiwiii, linn .1. M. OiliMiii. r. lliiirniii. .1. llitrvo, I'. L. Wiiii/i>r, .1 I.iih. Win. I.M. ('iiiiifinn th^iin iHt, J. K. IV AMiMin. I.DnliT iif (liMtr, MiH. KcnMiik. HfXltin, Hciir> 'riiinhnll HiiiHTiiitiinh-nt nf KiiMilti\ M-hiKil. (ifn llnthiironi Knii\ ( hiin-h. rmiici .lnnirM iiniii-il>, l.'ilNt. lti-\. Million I'ntMi'r. I>. |). iuMtnr KMith .lohn rmtioUH. I>iivi n^ilwf. Muh'uhn MiKi-n/if. .Inhn Mitilu'll. 'Dm-. W. I.iiinl uml Alex. MrrhiTHiiti. ( iiinniitti-i' nf intiini^riin-nt Atiilii'W Uh'liiii'ilHon h Intii iiiiihl, .1. A. Mntfiitt tHt'rri'lur.M. <'nlMi .\ilhiir. tn-UHiiri't t. •Iiiiim>4 Ktluixir. Itiivnl llmwn. r. 11 ItnHH. W'. II Ml l.iuiii, W'. Iliinniin liml .h>hriS...tl. 'rniHtt^'H II. A. MruNiih, S MuliMlniwui iiml W Mi Aiilay. <)ri!>iiiiMi, W'. A. Cuiinintjhiiin. l'n>4i*ntnr, Jiiim-^ .Inlinw'ii. Oinn h nthri-i, hnniilil Wiiririi. SiiiiiIun HihtNiJ Hii|M'nntt>nii. Kno\ MiMHiuji. .htnifH Hln-ct. U'lvvcrii Muriiulii> iumI W'.hhI, Itruk. Sfutiiiu ru|>iuit>, .I."')!. SI. .liihiiH ("liiin li. i-ninri Kinti imil r.iin-nil.l •^tii-it-. Itrirk: M44 |chiiinintni. W', 41. Uciil (trciiMiiicri. A. W. Sniull i-.cn*lur>K A.CIiukc .Inhii Mcl'n\, .Inhn Mt-rccr, .liiini'H Liihlhiw. lltiUTt llv Hln|> iinil HiiIhtI I:. Oi'vinc. Or^miiHt. .1. t'.Miii. ('Imir IiwUt, Itnht. K. I>c\ilic. ScMnU. .IhIHCh Allilr.. SlMliliiv HchiMtl miiHTintcjiilcnt, \. I Miickcn/.if. KrHkine Cliiirrh. cnrncr nf IViirl uinl l.ittic Market Mtrc**tH. Sfiitin^! c)i|mi-it>, IHH). Itcv. W. .1. I)c>, |m**tnr. KlilfiH .Inhn Hinih'y, .Iiiiiich NcwhimU. Itnht. .MIcu ami AlfX. 'rhnnipMin. Hnanl nf iiuiini^fini'nt \. M. Sniitcr, Juint'H Hr(iwii,.Inhn I'atttrHnii, Michael rnrntinll, W'illnun ItrniiKhtdii, jr., Wtn. 1>. McLhicii, William Mihic. .lanicN Sluter iiihI It. McClcrnihan. Oruanint, MisK Mary Mc Mean, rrt'ceiitnr. .laniert Smith. Su|H'rinteniletit nf Sun ■ lay HchiNil, Jiinu'M NewlaiiilH. McNah Strei't l*reNl>>teriiin Churih, corner Huntir ami McNah Hlrei'tn. Stnnc. with Meparatc Htnne mcIiimiI hoiiHe. Itev. I). II. I-'let< her. I> l>.. jHiHtni. KlileiH Kev. .lanicH Itliu-k. .1. M. Dingwall, l>r. ■). I>. MacilnnaM. lien. II. Milne. ('. llnlu-rtMin. M. A.. I. 'i'aylnr. It. I'nrlH-s, .\. W. LciUh, Alex. DaviilHiii) (i-Ierk). MoanI nf Mana Uir* \li« luMKi \ Knlhttt.iifl l> Ml l*lili>. A llallt'iiliiie. Wm IUmiv. IhIhi Miimhi*. Jan MiiMlinlMi. M A . f K Vtir rii\. .1 M Wilhrtinii. |Mn . I,iiii(i HieMarl, tli'iii \ Mall oliiiMin rriiate*'* Mnn -la*. Inrmr, ll>in Anh MiKrlhtt -I M W il li.in... .«ii . .Vh'H 11.11 ^ivW It Mmil ilil. •Inhn > I Ulmrne Miimliiv -m Ii.h.I oiiiNrtit tt'iiileiit. I'r Manliinahl OruaiiHi. Mrx J. I, Wfir rhiirrh ..thiir, Knht Mmithv Weiitwnrlh rrtHhvlirlaii rhiinh, .oiner Maitnii Ntret'l ami hinitit uvrtnie MiMk. H«iilMiti ia|'aluniii"«iiii. Win. W ilMtti. Th.m It.^t^tn, VSin Ili.h(li\, Alex M< In fw ')'*-* lli-«M-ll, .Inn Ml Ma>«h'r Urtjuiii-t. Mihs M V i''-t>»ll HiiiMla\ •M hiN.I xiiiM rill li'Milent. III.' inHfi'i UHHiHtaiit, •Inhn 'liun II Mill. ll^MUlMI'h I I iMMl'tl, HI. .laiiM'x ( Inirrli |i'«iiiuii>tniti<>iil "111 1 III U..|kMi*ii hull. McNah MtrtH-t lltuhi H(\ KKtiiiiel li jl ■^^. i»,|»., hiNliiip III I harni WiinteiiN .iaiiM'K .|..l>«in ami M. H Hnnn ta^ \eHtivineM (i S. |(ih.|iI\. .laim"* lliiv tar> t Kdwanl reuiii ThuM. Iliinliniaii. I icntu'c rinnii'll, tici.. I> riiihhx. HiL'aiiixi. i:>iMiti SI HlepheliH I'lilirell, nil t'liiiaila «tii>«|, iiiiir I'earl. I-'rame lle\. Win Me\er>». Iiitnr. MiHMiiiii at !!'>\al 'r<'iii)iliirM hall, mriier ..r Wclliiikitnii mt.l Kniki William -ircel. Ill miKu. Annhe Shnlcrii S> naiinUHe. lliinliNiin Htri*«'l. Iw-tuei-h Aiik'n^la and Nntinu Mlrei'tN. Itrn-k. \titli i'ii|Hthi HliafNil Inwcri nil fniiil. Sealing ca|iacil>. 'i-Vi |)r. Ilirkcnlhal. lahhl. .inH|.|.h It. Wnlfe. l.reHl.ieiil . (i. Ilailf«, Vln- I'l'i'MiiJeiit ; lli-rtiijin I. cm. ti'ea>«urci'. II'|vmu . 'IMiHteet II Straiix.,, ||. Siimin and .1 lla|ihael. (ht'aui>.l. Mihk S. Hirkciithul. Leader >*f SiMYfiit chnn-. K. ItnHenNiaill. Sextnii, W. Mminl. Sahhatli MihiHd Hlljiel ihlclldcllt, -InHClill It. W'l.lfe. I.I inrw. St. I'aul H tniinaii l.iillieraii ( hurrh. ii.riier HuuIi-^dii and (nire sireels. Ilrirk : ncalinu i'a|ia(-il> . (ilMI. Iti \ \'. Ilntriiian. iiiiHlia KIders K. Kraft and Win, Iturtmunti. 'rriixle«>H (iiti. Hurtniann. .Inhn llanaii. Carl Nei^hmn. l-'crtlinand |tet:knianii ami William Iteckmaim. I >rt.iaii iHt. MiHN Li/zie lleili^. t'hnir leader. W'llliclm Ncii^hi.rn. Sextnti. Fran/ Ki.tlnw. Siiiida> ScIuhiI Hii|H . tiNi. Iti\. J. |-'iiiklH>iMcr. pastnr. 'rniMtei-M I'. Itcliin. K. Ilehnei, Cluis. linUidcii. Ort^atiiNl. Mish Lnldie Mciler. Se\tnii, Tied. Until. Sniiday m-IhhiI hii|M-riiitenileiit, S. Set/.knrn. 1 nr.nl. Kl>. .Inhn street .Vfricaii MethndiHt l'l)iiMcit|ial (hiircli. •Inlni striH't. iK'lweeii ilnre and Caiitinii HtrcetH. I-'rame. Seatintj ca|uicit>. KMt. Itev. .lnHe|ih II. Itell, iHiMtnr. 'I'niHtii'H .AinnM .InhtiHtnii, (Ic*!. W. liryant, 'I'Ihim. .1. llnlluml. 'Inlin I-:. llarrtHand (ien. W. Mnrtnti. Stewanln Itii'hard llaniiimiid, Itichard (iw>di-r, Samiad l.iicits. Henry Merry and Aimm .InlniHtnii. Ort^anlMt. yi\n>* .lulni I.ewiH. Clmir leader. AiimM .InhiiKtnn. Sextmi. Itichard 11 am mm id. Siimlay kcIum)! Hi4H>riiiteiidc>nt, Itichard llamii'nnd. Macnah Street MuiitiKt ('Imrcli, ^liiciiuh street. U'tween raiiiinn and >IulU-ry Htret'tH. Hrick. Seating capacity. Illlt. W. II, ('. llarriHon, proacher. HeacnuH and triH m ^lie fad t)i'. MiUiie uruw mil CirV HALL ti*ttM .Inhn Slaiiuhler >i . Wtlliam Carter, '•r,. and .faiiirH LewiM. ' h..ir lemler. .1, ?*|jiiiuhler, -1. hM \ \||t>N \HM\. Hunter r^trett Marrack>^. near ci.rm r llnntei and .lanid Hln-ets. Hruk ; setilfMi^ • ap-n ii\ , l..'.)Ni, faplain. 1,1. me Kei-lch : lieutenant. Mu-jkiu (. 1 — Itartnn Stieel Harrack-<. near ••'vm 1 Maitn.i and W'el lin^liHi Mtreet>«. t'aplHin. AiiHie llastnii; liciiii'iKiiit, M >-lM'll\ m XnMIWItnNs, ('niiureuatiniial I'hnrcl inter lluiilMnn and rmuinii ••tivetM. lirick. Seatini( 1 apacit>. 'hmi. Itev. 'Inhii .Mnr tmi. pawtor. heacntiH .K. Mixainhr |secretar> t, l> .id AitiluHnii ttreaHiiieri. >l. (' Hale. riinv\ Sandern. (hnii- leader. .1. ('. Hale. ScMnn. Itnht. I.cfcvre. S Ia\ s.h.H.I sii|H'rniIiiidi'nt. Walter Hale. Firnt rnitariaii Church. I nnurei^alinii iiiectH m |-'nr cMterV hall. .lanieH Hireet mrtli. .1. C. Ilnduxe*. pa^tur. Hrethrennf (lii.> ruilh meet 111 Imll cnriici .litmcH and ItelM'Cca Mtreelw. Iteliever>« meet in hall 1 nrmr Mcrnrk and McNah Mtrei'lH. Yo tl €0 Ao • tl 'I"" Viiiuij; Mi'ri's ( hn~lmi] Aswiciulinii. vvliicli ^,*XI— — -I tlirivcM Kti well ill )tll Ilir i-ltlfw iif tluM new MARKET HOUSE. wnrlil. vvuH nr^ani/ed in llamillnn in lHli7. It-. earl> vearH were micMnf ureal Miicce****. and many nf nur leading cili/eiiH were fmmd iijtnn iiW; '' '""" "' "'^'*'**''* '""1 nicliilM'lM. rmlei the ' r -( ilireiiminf enicient nlVuer-* ils wmk Iwcaine Well knnvyii, and received the hearty irt f the puhlic. Aii mit,' the iiiti-restin^i ileiiiH in its hiMnry prcHeiit |M)pnlar ami iisi-fnl ItnXH* le Mnciet>*H Wnrk fnr that chiMH nf iMiyH. I''tir many yiavH pUHt tin- UHHuciatimi has had tn carry nii itM work under the disi'mira^jin}; inlliieiicenf ]MH.r and illy furnisheil n-nted riHiniH. \h a rcKuU its wnrk, cnmpared ^vltli ntlier citicK, han fallen smnewh: iH'hind. The energetic men whn ha\c Htnml at its head the iia^t fi'W yeartt haM- hd felt the mi-it nf the snciitx seem in;' a huihlin^ fm' its nwii iikc cmitainiii;: prnper farilitic-^. that they have pressed the matter upnn the alleiitinn nf the puhlic, and tlu' latter Innc rcHimnded »n l)U-rall\ that tluH year a huildinti «ucli as is neeilcd is in prnci-ss nf crcctinii. The tntal cost nf tluK siihstantial and cnnimmliniis stnic- tiire, including the fnniiHhin^, will U' ahmit IfUMHill. The ciirner Htmie was laid nn dniui 'Jlth h\ (ten. Itutherfnril. in the preMeiice nf a lar^^t' auilieiice. it is e.\|M'cteil thu liiiildinij will Ih> ready fnr line h\ tlu- iKt nf NnM'mU>r nf thiw year. Uk up|H)iiitnu'nts inclmle reiuliut- riMun, lihrury. parlnr. writint; riMun. me<'tin>i rnmn. M-cretary'H nrtice. nymnasimu. hath riKniiH. a lar;;e lecture and cnn- cert hall tn Heat H'>0 nn the ^rmind ll(H)r. and rmH fnr rental and uxtcnt^inn nf thu wnrk in the future The oIlicerM are. W. .1. Wautih. president : .1 ines Wat- son and l''redt'rick W. Watkinw. yicepreHiduiu ■ ; l>ayid McLellan, treasurer, and Frank M. Pratt, t{enu> 1 sec- retary. /' I FrliHon .!. ■^iiiOiiA iHMn .:. ^^be lamilhon /peets^top •:• C^r^nival E^litionj- Ji^ji^^t, 1889 j- ^ ^^ a ^Bli^ (bamilton Jpechatop •:• C^^t^nival Eslition •:• f\u^u<^[, i88q 'T'W :?S4i^Sf, 5. G.TREBLi: •' .7 ir»>,,' < ■"^"^•Ili^;'l ^^v>|B^ JAMES STREET LOOKING NORTH. Tk^B $\l[pf^i ^^t^m^•ki. 0N'(; t>rfnrt> tliu huil{ of the (irt'iit WcHtiTii riiilwiiy. Iluniil- tun wiiK tlie niitlt^t fur thf piu- (iuci? of tilt' wt'Hti'iii rtoction of the country, wliicli found itw way from licri' by wiiter tt) the seulMiurd. wliile this net-tion rv- (-eiv(>il itH iniported HupiilieK by the Hiune routv. The i'nni|ii'ti- tion of the riiilwuys, however, iilTected tlie hike trade here uh at 111', other imJutH, but it in ntill uu iniiMirtunt branch of the eonnneree of thin city. A hirj^e anu)uiit of coal iH brought in annually by isuilin|l> veKKeln, and the pro- |»elU'rH a lar;;e buKiueHw in t,'eneral frei^{ht durinj^ the BtiaKou of iiavitiatiiui, and prove healthy competi- tors with the railway lines. The timlter trade waw formerly an in)|K)rtant nutrine industry, and each Hprin^ a larjje tinilH.'r tli-et arriveed each season, but since that it has lieen fuuud more satis- factory to load tlie lo^H ri^ht into vessels in the nuiimer indicated in the illustration on another pa^e, and this is the process j»euerally pursued on the lake now, as it t^uanls at^ainst the loss that is certain to ensue shoulil a raft ^o to picKTcs in a heavy ^alo. In former years larj^'e ipuintities of sijuare tinilR.'r lui^ht be noticed floatiutj in the bay otT the (jraud Trunk railway dtK'ks, enclostHl by lar^^e tlnatinj{ booms to keep the lo>{s from <)riftin>; away, and generally al>out the end of April an old black steam bar>;e with a lii>,'h forecastle and poop something like the pictures you set; of the ships of Hir Walti>r Halei^h, oidy not half so inucli style about hor, used to pntT imi>ortautly up the hay towing a line of cbnekle-headed, stumpy tiuisted barj^es much larger than herself. Another tloet used to i^ome from Kin^^slon towed by a tine steam har^e called the l>. I). Calvin, aiul as they all anchored in a clnHt43r ofT the olil emigrant wharf near the Grand Trunk station, they presentetl a very pictur- esfpie a)>{H>arance. The fleets were numned by descend- ants of the old I'Vuuul) Canadian voya|{enrs, with bristly black nu)usta('hes and wearing red tuques, blue shirts, corduroy trousers and bi>f rul)lH>r )MK)ts coming np to their thighs. The barges were anchored with tluur sterns to- ward the iMKints. two large trap diH>rs on either side of the rudder down near the surface of the water wen^ pulled 01*611 by a pulley and ro[)OH from above, and the logs wore coaxed up to these a|>erturcs by some of the bristly wliiskereil brigands, who balanced themsclvos on the roll- ing logs with marvellous dexterity as a rule— ami occas- ionally went souse into the iced water as an exception ~ until the ends of the logs were tilteil up with a block and tackle, then a chain was brought from the interior of the vessers hold and grappled on to them. A direct descend- ant of tTaced hts long pike polo fiercely, the big log was yankwl iKkUly into the bowels of the barge, if the vessel hap[>ene<1 to have a |HUty engine on board, or boostetl slowly in by the power afforded by a couple of angular inulos that promenaded sleepily around the bi<{ capstan away up forward on the foi-t>ciistlc, unit wavcii their big ears with graci-fiil laiit^nor as if to inipresK the iH'holder with the fact that they could uniJerMtauil the voluminous ancl gaudy article of French talked by their sailor ■!ehu, with one hand tied behind their backs. When all the tieet bad tilled their intestinal parts with squared timU'r, the little bhu-k steam bar-^e marshalleeach, and gives a good idea of the hay frotit on a breezy after- lUHtn. Ilamiltcui has gooers of cereals, principally barley and wheat. There is a dock yanl at the fiMtt of Itay street at which Homo of the Itest wiHxlen Iniats on the lakes have l>cen built. TuK view from the mountain at night, particularly in winter, when the foliage of the shade tree does not obscure the electric lights, is Iwantiful U'youd ilescription. ■t:^Y- '•'.ir* ••■■'*■ J I, 11 AMII/ntN rejoices ill ii Vl' il ' "f"' ^"I'l'iy "f ""■ {/* - ^ • V* piiiest diiiiking water. <''j>*'/^-'^ Thc|)nnniiioi,iiii.il\st *'' -^^^ has crrlilied that the •*.^'.'-j f. city water of Ilamilton i^ "^ ■*^'' the very best in Canada. y^ ' The waterwiirks nystem lieing as eflii-ieully num- a;^ed and Uell equipped as her other inHiltuti'iiis. since the new pumping mac)iiiier> has U'cn )iiit in the water for lire pnr|His<-s is all that cnii be ije- Hii'cil. All IIk' water is piiinped from I.itke Hiitiirio, a disiiince of ti\c itiile-i. Iiaxiii'j lirst hecii liltered li\ a m r> simple mid eH4'iti\e process. A ln\i limits, and Is.', f«.,-l above the level of the laki'. This reservoir has a capacity of eli'Ven uiiUion gallons. When a high Are jiressun- is needed a stand-|ape can U' put on which is h:, feet al«ive the reservoir, anti that gives a pr<-ssnre of al«mt Hil pounds to the inch on the city hydrants, and enal)les the tire- men to S4>cnre all the streams necessary, capable of throwing water seventy feet high. The pumping house at the iM'iich is W('ll worth a visit by anyone interested in seeing ponderous machinery in motion. I'litil last \ear the cit> was snpplii'd with water by a pair of oldfash ioued walking beam pumps, bnih in iH.'iM at the (laitshore foundry in puiidas. Tbi>se pniiqis are i-oiilaiiied in a nuissive stone itnilding. and are remarkably tine spe4-i mens of their class. They are almost as seiviealiU' as they were mi the day they were put in, and have been kept in excellent <»rder by l-lngineei- Md'arlane. Their capacity is live million gallons per twenty four hours, but the city has grown ho rapidly during the past ten years that it was necessary to increase the supply. The (Js- borne-Killey Company of Hamilton was awarded the con- tract for a pair of compound engines and pumps, and these luive been completed this season, ami occupy a new brick building especially erected for them. Their joint capacity is eight luillioii gallons, which, with the ohl pumps, which are still good for many years' seivice. will make tlit> available daily siqiply of the city thirteen mil- lion gallons. Visitors to the pumping station will lind nnu^h to interest them in comparing the extensive ant> (<> r\)tluiii till' lini' |injii1>^ or tlir niii i-liiiii'r> to xiHiliiiM. Wiliiii'.ii HiiHkiiiH, ril> I'u^imi'r. is llii* mium^iT "f llif wiiti't'Wol'kf, iiihl fntlll Ills rt-)Mirt to tllr rit\ cnuili-il lit till' i-liisf iif till' M'lii- issn Hit' fiilliiwiii^ iiiriinniitiiMi i» liikni : Till- iitiioiiiit of iiii'iiiiu' fniiM wiitcr-nilrs tliiiiii^ tin- Mill' wiis $1 1'.l.Mllll.N.'!. iitiil till' i'\|H'iiililiiri' fur iiiiiiiilc iiiiiicf. niiiiiiii;; i-\|.i-iisi's. si left wiiti-riiiti. iiiiiiii fxti'iisitnis, I'll'., wiis Slill.l'JI.r.l. li'iiMiiu 11 liiiliiiiri' iif ?W..7r.'.i •-'•-' 111 till' I'll'iiit "f till' Wnlks. It will ri'llilllv 111' si'iMI tlllll till' a lilt sjH'iit ill rt'i'iitiiii^ lliilniltinrs nni^iiilii'i'iit KXstt'in iif vMitirwi.iks WHS w.'ll mill |ir..|iliilil> iiivi'sti'il. 'I'lii' liitiil I'l.si of till' s>,i,.,ii to .liiiiiiiii'> I. ISMD, WHS «l.:iMii.l-.)7..-.ii, .\t till' I'llil i.f I'^HM till. 11' ttl'l'l' lll.'.l.'il hollsi' si'l'\ ill's ill ilsi'; tlllll' Mill' si; null's of iiMiiiis. ,■.11 sti,,.| liv.lriiiits, mill :!(i:i sio|i laKi's. Iliiriii;; till' M-;ir I .r,!.'. tons of loiil iiii.l 111 .oi.isof m I will' ronsinni'il to |)iiiii|i wiiti'l'. iis follows: .liiniiiin '.il..V.'l,'.iMl ..:iillons, l''ilil'iliin '.!.'.. s'js. nil Miiivli '.iT.Nnl.^lll .\|iril s.«..-,iiil..-,lll May llHl.7l'"i.T7". .linii. III7.I.V.I.1I.-, .Inly I|.-..(il',i.."..lii Aiiuiisl ll7.'-'".l.i;iKt si l.linilKi' Ili.-..ll(:l.'.i."iii 11,1, ,1,11' lill.'JfJ.II.', N,.»,iiil«'i' '.lil.li.V.'.l.'C, ]),.,...i,il,(.i '.ir,.s',i|,iisii •r,,iiii i.-.'iii.i;'.ii;.7iiii:iiii,,ns. Iti'int; III! uvi't'ii^i- iliiily r,iitsinni>tiiiii of :(.:tn.ii;t.'» liiillons. 'I'lnit |nirt of till' I'ity kiiiiwii lis till' liiyli li'vi'l ilistii, t. I»iiiiiili',l 1,11 till' nortli liy lliiiiniili. Iliikinii'i' iiiul Miil'iii stri'i'ls, 1111,1 ,,ii ihi' s,,iilli liy till' inoiiiiliiiii. is sii|i|.liiil liy ,1 sii|i|ili.nii.iitiii'y fnj;iin'. wliirli |iniiiiH'il ilniiiii; llii' mhi' 7'-'.177.1-Jl liulloliB of wiitiT into till' liijili li'M'l I'l'si r\,,ii'. wliii'li is sitimtt'il fur up tin- inonntiiin si,li'. .\t tlii' i'ii,l ,,f I'lU'li M'lir till' I'lmirniiin of tlio wiiti'iworks I'oiniiiitli'r liiis i;,H„l ri'iisi.n to roniplinii'iit tlii' i'iiti'|,ii>rrs ii|»,ii tlii' siilistiintiiil roiislrilrti,,M. sliinly |iro;;ri'ss uml s,,iiii,l tiniin I'illl sli,,wiii;; of till' wilti'l'Wiil'ks systfin. Till' iilVu'i'rs of till' wiitfrworks lU'i'iu'tiiii'iit ari' tlu's ; \\ illiiini Iliiskiiis. iniiniijii-r ; .Iiuiirs Miufiirluiii'. iiii:iiiri'i' : Williain Monk, si-intury ; W. .\. K,ir. W. 1!. ( ■,iMi|il,ill. .\. '1'. .Iiinii's aii,l Wiliiuin Mnrriiv. .Ii'iks. Williuni .\nstry. liriu'i'iii f,,i't'iiniii. ■^]*^rV I A M I L'H >N i-. |.r.- irnim-iitly tlic iii-.'iit iiiiiiin ^jr!j| *r*l fii( tniiiiii iit\ nf \\\f Oiniiiiiiuii. It i- fn- ^ v/^^^^S^TTT*' I '"■"''.'' ti<>h tilt- rnni[iiU'isiiii with tin- wuild's ;.iri'iiti'sl wiiikslmn rmiv mini <^ til Ih' s.niiL>\vluit jiit'Miiri|itiMiis it i;^ iml al ti>','itlu-i' uMWiiniiiiti'ii, W'licit it is <>>i|.»i.l- J{ vvvi\ that witliiii the riirMM>r\ or hvili;^ iiii'ii Ihi' >-iti' nf llartiilti'it was a howhii;^ wiltfir- iie>H. its ]ii'i-si-iit I'l'Miiil iiMsitiuii as thi' ^ri'at iiiainifartui'- iiiU center uf t'aiiaila jiistihcs its in'oplc in their iianltni ul'lt' jtriile. utid tlie> rintv Im' rniisiiitied to Ih- elititleil to i-niiiparc their town willi any other, llaniiltnn resi-mliles Hinnin^ham in her tlirifly ap|»li<-ati illversilit-il indixiilnal o{H'ratii)ns. ami thire is haiHIv a nnuinfaetureil artirh* of eitnmiei-L-e maiU- in the hroiiil liniuinion for t lie maiinfacture of vvhieh one oi' more estahlishrni-iits lia\e not U-eii "ct np in llainillon. 'J'his has Ix-fii her ilistiii^^ui^hin;^ cliaracteristie foi' at least a < ,::'■■;-.-*- it .r. y—'^lasswan'. potter> and elolhiii;:. The curing and packing; of meats, and eanniiit,' of fruits and ve^etaliles. are aUi eurried i>n in ueeordanee with a.UantaiieoUH methods in-cilliar to the westi'ni side of the -Mlantie. The last eensiis of Canada, taken in Ih.sI. ^ho\s anil t^ii'l^ ii>< ^vell us the adults einpio>ed. and is in e.vtess of the avera;ie earninys of similar employes, taking the wh>de of Canada into aeeoiuit. Inelutlinv: the whole nniimfaetiirinti |Hipnlatioii of Canada, the aveia^ie \early earnintiH per person iinplo\i!d amount to S2;i;(.ll. The e.\ai-t returns of the l>ominion census for Ihm] are: |1 llllilK 111 (Mv 111 ( apital Invested in Manufac i')ii>.i.i[i iiiu.iiIiim ttirin^i (t|«-niti..ns $l(;.-,.:i(i*_>.ivj;t ti|.H2.V.-a(0 No. of Hauds i:mi)lo>e.l -J.M.'.Kt.-. \\A%\ .\vera;;e of Vearl> W a^^es .V.I. CJlLfHrj ■J.'JIC.l'J? \alue of liaw .Matirial 17'.K'.I|H..V.K{ l.:ili;(.(l'.i;i Total \alueof .\r(icles rroduccd :in'.l.r.7H.(H;M h.-J(|'.I.»ki» It must Ih> ivinemU'ieil that that censns was taken neail> ten years a^^o, and that smce that time inanv new factories liave heeii o|H-netl in the city, and inosl of those then eslahlisheil have U-en enlart;ed and extended to such a de^;ree that the ti^iurcM tlo not now represent the ai-tnal existinti condition of alTairs. Steaily pnt^ress has hww made since IMHI. and it is entirely Kufe U\ sa.\ that lift> |K'r cent added to the figures of that year would not i'\a;jtiei-ate the presiiit nnmnfaciurinj^ standin;^ of the eil> . I'ullowin^ is a partial list of the maiinfactnres m Hanulton, Mime of them heint^ repreHL-nti-d hy one factory, and ulhrrs )>v a do/.en : Itntton Makin-.:. { arpct Makihi*. Cork Cuttin-;. I-"ittin;i and l-'ouinh'\ Working'. (ilasH W'orkin;^, Indian Wares. Lamp and < 'handelirr ^lakiii^. Native Wine MakiniJ. Plaster and Stucco Work. Scwiiij.; Machitic l-'actoi ies. Maiiufacturt- of Shippin-i Materials. Whip l''iutories, Straw Working, Wi^i Makinji. Itope and Twine Kactory. Paper l-'ac-tory. (ias Works, (;nn IMakinu, Car and Lm lotive Works, Colfeeand Spice Mills. Cotton Kactoiies, Fire proof Safe Making'. (ihie Makint^. lion Smelling Kurnai-e, .Mattiass Makin^i. Nail and Tack Kactory. Paper llaji and Mo\ Makin;^. Itolhni^ IMills. Shin, Collar and Tn- Makiiif^. \ incHur l''actoiics. Wiu'lttw Shade Kaelory. Ilutter Factiiry. Trunk and Mo\ Making;, Patent Medicines. MiiHieal Instrument Makin<^, Hosiery, (iold and Silver SnuthiiiM. Knuine ItuihlinM. Potteries. Hyeiny aixl Siourin'„', Miscellaneous Wares, Itiiskct Making. Sasli. Door and Mlind I-'ailories. Printiii;^ OHiccs, Mi-at Cuttiii-'. Pot and Pearl .\sluries. Hatters. Watchmakers, Mrewcries. Tailors. Tin and Sheet Iron Works I'titmdries. Saddk- Makers, Coopt-rat-e. rioiir Mills. Carriale( utliiii'. Pump MakuiH. Painting, (ita/in^', etc. I'uriiers, .Icvvelers, iloat Hnilders, Hroom Makers. Wh.desaleClothierH. Taimeties. Mai-hiiie Shops, Harness Makers, Dress Makirif.!, Carpenters and Joiners. Itrick Makm>^. .\>^i'icultural liit|ilein<'nts. Saw Makini,^. Wire Drawinii. Lamp Making. Hoots and Sh.u's. Kurniture Makin;.'. Kile MakiiiH, Wire Nail Making. MIeetric l.i'-litinu, Telephone. Tiir Hamilton --mountain" is a continuation of tlie Nia^iara escarpment, over which tlu' Nia;;ain falls pluiii^es forty mites to the east. The escarpment runs nearly parallel to the present shore of Lake Ontario, and is tost, west of Hamilton, in the Dundas valley. A continuation max In- seen to the nortli, where it terminates in a hinh hlntf a landmark known to all Knilormen in the fruHli water seas as ■■ I'lanihoro" Head." there, nor U-cause of its sln4»t>, which is much like that which dressmakers <-all a ^ore. The little park was t^iven to the cit\ liy Mr. Hu;;hson. one of the lirst settlers, the londitiou U-m<; that it shoidd :ilwa>s Im' a park, "(ioie" was at that time a favorite nanu- Hamilton heiii;^ in the " (ioie disti ict." W. J COPPS RESIDENCE. Ln^ravin^aiid Litlio;^rapIiiiiu',<'ar\inu ami (lildint^. Aerated Water Mr lufacture. Spinninn Wheel Making. Tol.iuco Workint;. Wood Turning. MRS. SKINNER'S RESIDENCE FAIRLEIGH PARK ii^i^e jb a mil ton Jpeebbt* •:• Cs^t^nival E^lilion •:• ^u^u^^t, ibB^ 111 tioii rs lU'f tlH> luiinlHniiH' iiiiil HuliHlnntiitl litiil<>iin issnini' pnlicirs in July nf tlit- Hanu> ycur. 'I'lu- last annual re pnrt tht' Kt'Vi'iitli shftwfd a cnnilitiun i»f alTairs that was highly ^^ratifyln^ to all toiii-t'inctl ; the roni|ian> a t-oni }>iirativi'ly >oun;{ conii rn. was altir, hy tliiit of <(iHt<| nniii atjt'nu'iit aiitl cincfiil supt-rv ision of all tin- H well- i'<-;n«'(l tlniin;^ thr year. rcprcucMtini' *:!.:i;i.'.. .'((HI (if new husiiiiss. anil briiijiintj the total insuraiiri- on the Company's hooks up to d* iiinl li<[itoiN to a \ery laryc nunilKT of dealers ju alt parts of the country. The linn is widely known, and is c\»M'> where looked n|M>ii as lieinji solid and reliahle. lion, .hunes Turner, senator, is senior partner. V. l\ DAIdd-iV A CO. ANn\\cTci;i:itsofhiai-k iui'. inks, shoe ilressiii>,'. har spices, iiess oils, tlavorini{ extracts, patent medicines, dye stutTs. hakin-i powdiT. etc., anX and spice null, mixers, ete. The second llat is used for putting up the varioiisailii les manufactureil. Hei-e from tliirt.\ to forty hands are kept const ant l> employed the titp llat is the lalMiratoi'y, where all jiood« are made under the personal super- vision of Mr. i;. A. I 'alley, whose thorou>4l) knowledge of the various hranclu'H of this intricate husi- news eminently lit liirii for this f its t;oods. The husi- nesH extends throu;^hout the Dominion, and half a dozen travellers are con- stantly on the road iHiokin^* orders. Iiine IX, JAMES TURNER & CO. from the seventeenth annual report, presented •! IHS'.I. are here reproduced: The ihilaiice at credit tif I'rolit and Loss Ac count. :ilst :May. Ihsk, was ^ 2.KI0 0-J The profits for the year ending; ;i1st May. iHHll. after detluclin^i charges of mana;:etneiit uikI makin*^ full provision for ah had and douhtful debts, are F. F. DALLEY & CO. In winter the faciliticH cnjoyt'd by Ilaniiltoii for two of the most exhilarat- ing of outdoor sports tolKi-it-aiiinti and icelHtalin^ uie not etpnilled aiiywln-re. The mountain side is one vast tolhi^i^-an slide and coastin;; ground, where runs of a mile or a mile and a half may readily 1k' had. while the land liM-ked bay affords a capital sheet of ice cm- braciut' over twenty sipiare miles, upttii which the ieeUmt»of the Mainilton tlwt fly to and fro at a spi-ed that no railroad train can equal. Owin^ to the fact that the ice in the bay never shifts until it is thawed in sprinj*. and to the other fact that the fall of snow in Mamilton is lijiht, icelNiatin^^ is imlulned in durin^i the entire winter, and the bay is con- Btantly alivo with icu-yachtH. From which has ln-en declared Dividend I per cent., paid 1st DeeemU'r, I^hh *Hl.(KHI (HI Dividend 1 |H'r cent., pavable IstJune. IHHII HI.IMMI IHI i;(7 ,l'.fj HO .:ia2 K-i Kii.imii (10 » (i(i.;j;i2 Ml Carried to Heservo Fund » 10,11(1(1 (M) Carried to Itcbate on .Current Hills Discounteil .'..(MM) (10 Written otT Hank FremiseH and Of- lice Furniture Accounts i,*M\7 O'.l _ ^ l'.l,'IH7 flit Halanee of I'rolit and lioss earriether banks with lart*er capitals ; but there is no bank in Canada that can nnike so k<««1 o. showiuj^ of businuHH and proMtH in proportion to the capital employed. HAMIITUN PUBLIC LlB«Artt so ^170 l^amllton J i^ects^hop •:• Cs^f^nival Edition •:• Jl^f^^t, 1889 •:• [p@!loe@ [R@^AHii«^®a|to ^OI.K'I''. 111 lliliniltnii \H (M'lfnriiu'tl tiy ti t'.tm|iurii tivt'ly Hiimll ImU i-tlU-ifiit iind wi'll iiis»i|iliiiiMl fi»rc<' of tifty iiH'ii. Cliicf Unnh ^IfKiiinuii. nm- nf tin* iimst rxiH'iii'ni'i'il iK'ti'i-tivu utVi ri'is in tlif l>i»mlniitii, h iit ff^ -^ ^^"^i^KSltb. •'"' ''I'*"* "' ''"■ '""■•'• "'"' ^ ^^ ' I' liiiH tllf lirart> r.» ulHT .|fc?'J--* iititiii uimI Mii'i'i.it of liis ini'u ill tiisi-lmr^^iiiii tlu' .liHiiMilt .lutit-sof llmt Mttici'. \'\*\- nii-rlv Ihiiiiiltoii IukI \\\\\tv u ci-iiniiiul rcmrit. I)iit Hin<'t> tlu- n-nr^'iuii/iitinii of till' |tolii.-i' Unvv iilHiiit li-ii mmth 11^:0, (-ntiu- liiiH t'U|iully (lont'iist'il. iinil tlio \\\^X iiiiiiiuil report wlioweil tliut tlu- Io>*H by ilf|iri>tiitMs iliiriii^; IHHH wiiH niiiltT 1*"».H((n. mul tlu* umiti-r |mrl of tin- v;oniiH Htolfii wtTf rtrowrinl. Hut. whilf tin- /fiil iiinl iiilflli^^nu-f of tlu- prt'snit fon-i' Iiuh liidicrto ri-ii.lrri' \vlii«-li uutiri'M of liisturlnnu't't* or aliinns art- |»r»iniittl,\ rrfci\i(i, tlu'v lire iilile to ]ilaci' mm wlu-n nectlfil unywlun- within the Hty limits. TliiK Hysteni liaw Ih-iii ft'unit to have a (tarticuhirly suUitary fiTect u)«tn rounhsttf all (U'scriptionH. iRvuiiKf, slioiilil tliey create a iliHturbaiicc. tiny lion't know what moment a patrol wa^ion Miimmoiu'ti hv a still alarm fnnu the resiih-ncf of a citi/.en. tiiay tiasli r.>inul the corner antl scoop theni in. It is tlu* intention of the autlioritieK at an early tlay to add n wpiad of mounted policemen and to have the imlice call system introduce)!. I'lider this arra^^;ement. a call l)ox with a telephone in it will lie placed on each patrolman's heat and so arranjied that the attention of the otlicer can Ik' attracted to it at ni^ht or in the daytime hy a ni^jual when it is desired to comnmnieate iufornuition to him from lu-adipiartcrs. Or if he iiiiH information to Meiul iii. or needs assistance, or wishes to have a drunk conveyed to the i < lis. \\v calln up police headipiarters. IK takin;; advanta-^e of all such modern improvements in detective ai>pariitns and keepiiij^ the iwrsinnu'l of the force in its present evcellent state the commissioners lielieve that the most elTective ser\ice cp.n he ohtained. The force as at present constituted i- conijxiscd of the following olhcers and men : Hu'h McKinnou. chief eonstahle; Alexander Smith stTt^eant-majiu' : .h)seph Prentice. Janus Castell. .Ianie« IMncli, sergeants; W. MeMahou. .1. Vaiiatter. \V. Itohin- son. patrol st'r^'eants : Constables. V. Terris, \V. Me- Menemy, .1. Lowery. I'. .(. Fenton. J. itainhridt;e. Alex. Knulish. Samuel Fuller, (ieor^je ^liller. .hilm Cruickshank, ThonuiH \Vats«ui. Ilirain Walsh, Alex. (amplH-ll. .himeH Uarron. .hdin Ford. .lohii Hlakely. S. ('. (Iri^tis. .hmeph Duncan. .h)hn Timsiui, .lolm Hawthorne. David Wark. \Vm. Hawkins. Joseph Cable. Win. Hallisy. Theodore /eats. Jas. \'enard, .h»lin Knox, \Vm. Hunter. \Vm. Cani- paiM»- Henry Tuck. ThomaH Johnston, ffohn Cameron Alfred Moore, Thonuis NixfUi. ("has. (iibbs, John Creen, Thos. Steward; Patrol Drivers. David Coulter anell. At present, dnrinji the erection of tin- haiMKonie new .ity hall, the chief's othee is located at No. :i station, on Kiut* William street near 'SXivry street. When tlie new buildinti is tinished. No. 1 station will l»e reopened there. ;iud a commodious suite of roiunw at the s(Uitheast i-orner of the striiciiire is bein;i si>eeially prepared fiu- poiiee CHIEF McKINNON. headiinarlers. Chief MeKinmm will have a private ollice, aH will also Police Ma>iistrate James Cahill, and there will Iw a lariie room for the detectives. No. '1 station is 1oeateort the men ill the een put to the test, and Is now enjoying a comparative rest throuf^h the simple medium of haviu^ secured for Hamilton anion^ the shady fraternity a reputati>ui as a ^iMid place to keep away from. The biNtory of the Hamilton )iolice department has boon quite nn ovontfiil one. Away back In the fortie*, JameH McCiackeii, hijih bailiff nf the enmity, had juriH- dictioii here, and John Md in that year of Mayitr (letir«e Milts, Ho- corder Stark aiu! Captain Armstrou^. In those days there was no bn-al judne. the buHiuess usually tranHacttnl hy that fuucti^Huiry U-inn done hy a reciuder. The force at that tinu' eousisted of "JM men. but in IHU'J and iHtiii, when the city «ot into financial dilficulty and nolnnly paid taxes ft u- two years, the force was reduced t(t seven men. It was in the latter year that James Cahill, the prenent iNdice Magistrate was apiMtinted. Dnrinu Chief Carruth- erH* njiime several ncitable criminals were siuit down. Amiui<^ the most notable of these eases was a mnrdenuis assault by masked bnr>;lars 011 ex-alderman John Henry at his residence on James strtn-t south. Three hurjihirs entered his house, and on U-invt discovered attacked him. Lawyer John Ihirr. u neit-dilMU-. came to Mr. Heiiry'H as- sistanc-e, and they succeeded in secnriui; (uie of the trio. Mr. Henry was daii^eronsly wounded. Chief Carriithera scoiiretl the city and c )uiit\ next tnorninj^ and succeeded ill arrestiiiji the other two misi-reants. They were tl'ied and found ^juilty. and one was seuteiicei! to death, but the KiMitence was snbsopiently commuted to imprisiuiment for life. The breakiiin up of the Mor^ianioih ^ian*.' was another clever bit of work. .\ nninl)er 4)f robberies had Iweii committed, when Chief Carruthers and Ccuistable McliO>;au arrested a (Jernian named Mort;aiiroth at bin house, ouucr of Ym'k and l.ocke streets, and there all the stiilen hcmhIh were discovered Injienionsly hidileii in the walls and under false steps in the stairs. Three or four wa^on loads of ^'oods were found secretetl on the preiniHes. Mmvanroth was convicted and died in the i»enitentiary. During lHfi4 and the winter of 1H(m a particularly Blick ^•aiin of criMiks located here, since known as the I'arker ^anj*. and their depredations lieeame so Ixdcl and e.xten- sive that the assistance of a (iovernnient detective named Armstnmn was called in to work up the case. Jck? Parker, alias Parish, waH at the head of the ^an^, and his head- (puirters was in a house on Market street near iVIacnab, where he lived with a brother-in-law named Taylor. A iiotorat« outfit may 1m' seen in the [lolice niuseinn. It includes a lar^e rost'WiHKl Ik)x, handsomely inlaid with brass, C4)utaiuiiig alKuit thirty packs of cards, counters, shutHers, et<;. This ^'aii^ roblM^l Heveral pnuniiient wholesale houses until the proprietors were nearly ruineed over the adjacent fences and waH seen no more. Taylor, his brother-in-law, was sentenced to a t^'rm of years, and considerable sway was recovered. In iHli.'i (!hief Carruthers resi^jned and Captain NicoU was api>ointed on June 7th of that year, Hn>jli McKinnou, the present chief <»f jKdice, iK'iiif* api«iiiit4'd his deputy, hut resi^iieil shortly after and went on the t,'overnment detec- tive stafT. Captain Nicoll had scarcely t;ot well into har- ness when the famous (ialt bank hiirtjlary case occurred. An Kn^lish burglar known as Hristol Hill, having; emi- grated to America and found the Stales t«Mi hot for him, came to Hamiltitn. He was one of the most ex^Mirt menil«rK of his profession, and had made his name a SCCNI IN DUNDURM I THE POLICE FORCE V i^l^e Ijgamilton Jpecbtop •:• ^ai^nival Esliti°n •:• fr^LJ^t, i88q 21 '^'■■VKAii).^^' hniiseliold word by two hi^ bank steiils in New York and PittHburt;. Ho was Hurrounded by a wilect j^an^ of palH. inoRtly Kn»>liHh exiiertH. Tbo ni^bt they cbow to try tbu Gait bank there waH a bi^ ball in tbo town, and t'very- b(Kly waH at it, inclmlin^, of coiirHp, Kiieh ornanientH of Hociety ao tbo bank clorkH. During the ni^ht the Hurvant ^irl at a houne acroKH from tbo bank obHt-rvetl li^htH in the bank and men moving atxtiit in a RiiHpii-iouH way. She quietly alipiHid ont, and t!(tin}^' over to the tiall, Informed her niaHter. A party at once came back to invt'Htit^ate, but they made mich a hurrah alvint it that HriMtnl Hill and bin merry men nlid off in the ^'toamin*^. It wan found that the lockR were all drilled and the eliarjics laid ready to blow tbo vault d(H)rR. The aiiparatuM to lire the chiirne waH very in>{onionH, conHiHtin<; of a pintol faHteiit-d mi the Bide of tbo d(M»r with a Htrin<* attiichod to the trit;i;er luid earrietl out through the office. A very tiuv kit of bur^larM' tools were left )>ehintl. The ImrKlarH eHcaiH-d to the StatcH, but DriHtfd Kill found it too hot over there and came baek. He wan arreHteenitontiary. (iandiler .limmv Jeffery, previon^'ly ini-n tioned, waH alno arrented in ('onne<'tion with thiK, hut broke jail and OHcaiM'd to lititTalo, where he died kouiu years aao. Hin ^audiliii^' nuttit waH sei/.ed, and in now in the muacuni at iH>lice headqui'iterH. In Iun houMe was found an in^entouH Hi^tuillin^ nyHtem by whieh he rould lean back a^aiuHt the wall tm he Hat playing at the tiihle and a confoderate in the rcMun al>ove who was no placed as to l>e able to Hoe Iuh victimV cardn. couM sii^nal to biin hy makin>j a button in the wall hit IiIh head. After Captain Nicoll resigned in IKtJM. a lawyer'w elerk named Halpb Davit) wafl ap|>ointed, but ho ilid nut leave a very brilliant record for efficiency, and Motbin^j of partli'ular interest Hooma to have occurreil durin^' IiIh incundM>tic\. Captain Henry, aftvrwardH ^'overnor of the jail, was ap|Kiinted in 1H71. He waa adjutant of the Thirteenth battalion at the Imttle of ltid({oway in 1 Hi it; and made a worthy rivord for himself in that diwiHtrouH en^a^ement. Duriufj the heat of the Agbt he wont about otHtlly eueoura^iu^ the men, and won enviable diHtinetioii by bin bravei'y. He waH very HuceeHaful an a chief of )M>liee. The nioHt im|Hirtant event durin>{ bia term wan the arrent of Mill Knight and Mc- Cardel for robbing; Cbarlen Fonter'n Htoro. AI>ont 91. worth of cloth waa taken, but it waH nearly all recovered under tbo Uerjardin'H canal bridge by Kert^eant Major Hmitb, who wat> then a eouBtablo on the force. Wlien Captain llonry was made governor of the jail, DuttH-tive Mat. Logan waa apiM)intetl chief in 1H7>>. and it wan dur- ing his roKimo that tbo Young murder occurred, the de- taiU of wh ch are Rtill in the miintH of many citi/euH. The Young bmthera waylaiil a farmer on the mountain between Here and Caledonia one night and robl>ed ami then murdoro light. The men were fcmnd hiding in a hay- tnnw and they resisted. Sergeant Major Mc^Ienemy shot •buncs William Young through t)ie wrist, and then the unndei-crH sulisided. John Yotmg waa bung and JamcH \V. Young was sentenced to inipriHimment for life, but was pardoned last fall. The Hamilton force was oandHomely rewanled for the capture. Suhsetpiently Logan waa made deputy warden of the Central prison, and Alexander Mc- Mfueniy Kucceedeil him in the fall of lH7li. He was chief at the time tif the munler of Nelson Mill.^, brother of the late lion. Sanniel Mills. Mr. Mills baeak to him, de- hU'ratcly and brutally stab)>ed him in st'veral places. Mr. Milts livetl for a few dayK, but there was no lu)t>e of bis reco\ery fmm the tirst. Detective MclMierson ar- rested McComiell at bis house while be was washing the hliMHt olY bis hands, anil the nnirderer waK Hubsen at the same time was doing for the fire i\t pnrtmetit. He riiorgani/etl it, improvetl its methoils and infusetl discipline into it. He increased the detective force from two to four men, instituted a rogue's gallery, anit in 1HH4 was the flrst chief in Canada to introduce a patnd-wagou service. In 18H3, in company with Detec- tives Gates and ^IcKenzie, Chief Stewart arrestetl the Halton nnirderer O'ltourkc, who killed old John Malmr and liiH ilaugbter, and was subsu^juently hangeetown for robbing post oftices. On Septendwr 10, 1882. Major Ellis Phipps, an absconding officer ()f the Rlackley almshouse in Philadelphia, was arrested here for forgerv by Detective Leslie Wright, wlio got a reward .f ^■'iOO. Phipps was extradited and got a term in the |)enitentiary. Sergeant Castell, one of the l)eKt detective oflicers on the force, made a very clever capture of a man named John Miller, a sneak burglar, who roblied houses in the day time while the inmates were away. Over 91,*il)0 worth of silver plate and valuable furs and silks were recovered, and !^tiller got ten years. Tliese are only a few of the ini|H)rtant and skilfully acconqilished arrests made during these years. Cliief Stewart was an enthu- siastic, able ami indefatigable otlicer, and the force umier his charge had made a record throughout the country fur etticiency, when, much to the regret of the citizens, ho severed his connection with the tlamilton department in 1HH(). He is now in the auction business in tbia city. Chief Hugh McKinnon, of lielleville, was apiH)inted in 1K8<>, and his record Inith here and previously, while in the government service and as chief of tK>lice at Belleville, is familiar to Hamiltonians. His career as a detective ofticer has been one of uniform success, and re- plete with brilliant achievements. Since be took bold of the force there has l)een very little crinu! of any imjHirt- auce in Hamilttm ; in fact at no time in its history has the city been as free from thievish depredators as during the past two years. Li IHHH there were 2.71MI arrests, only 490 of which were made on warrants. There were '27'.) cases of burglary, larceny, pickiHK'keting and kindretl infringe- ments of the laws of meum and teum, mostly cases of a l)etty nature. Of the iwrsons arrested l,7r»;i were fined, 777 acquitted, and the balance sent to prison. The value of g(HMl8 stolen was 94,P.I!>, while over 911,I>(H) worth of stolen giwds were recovered by the Hamilton jHilice. Chief McKinnon's tH)Hce reciu'd has Ihhmi a brilliant one. He was instrumental ni breaking up the famous Donnelly gang in lliildulph and Lucan, several niemlM?rs of whicli were suhsetpiontly massacreil by vigilantes. He dier history. Since coming to Hamilton there have luckily been no cases of such im- portance as to enable the {Mtpular chief to add further scalps to his record, but he and bis merry men are ready to handle anything iu the crook line that comes along. 11 HAMILTOM Mijp' !♦ IU ?h\i)^ 22 '§\2c Ibamilton jCpecbtop •:• Carnival Edition •:• ^.u^u^l i88g h) ■tr' V THE. E & C. GURNEY CO. MAIN BUILDING. T\® ^^r^!Bf&o tt, IN llic M'lir l«t'-' iIh'ii' univiil in lliiiiiiltini lliiii iiii iiisiaiiiliruni pliiii' Iw.i bliri'wil mmihi; iiifii. wliii wiTf in.MiMi'is. Willi llmt lii'iii |iiMc'iptinii wliiih \vll^^ II >tri>ii;i i-lmriu-l*-risl:i' nf tlifM' men. llii'\ at -i- saw tin- nut mill iicUiiiitiiili's iillnrilcil li> lliiiiiill..ii us 11 iiiiiniifiu'tiirini; |i"inl. iiii.l tln'> .U'lriininnl tn scttli' lii-r.' mill u'lt iiitn till* fiiiiiulr\ Iiiisiiu'ss. 'I'lii'si' iiH'ii wvyv Mil uiiiil mill Cliiirli"* (luniiy. iiml tlii'ii' liistiiiy in wirlnsdy iiitnwim'ii witli till' liictiMA iif tlii-iriiii fnuiiiliy liusini'ss n, Ciiniiilu. tliiit till- >t..i> i.f till- ..111- IS till' sliin iif thf i.thii-. Wlun t!.- (liinu> s iinivi.l tli.Ti' wus a siniill f"niiilr.v. run l.v I'lsli.-r ,V Mrl,lilf»lili. situiiti-.l mi tin- ^liniliil now ..iiil|.ii-il liv til.' I!..>ill li.'ti'l. '11 itl.H'k 1.' till' i.r.liiiiiry i>i- wiis in'l iiir..niii;;ini! ; lull llii- [lliiiii.-y- -.i«- the futini- I.f lliiniilli.il. iiinl "rut t.. wmk with an . inT;;y iiii.l inti'lli;;i-nri. Iliat nmst siiit..|..1. In 1hi:i ^h,-\ uiiii'iiivil l.iisiin-s a, f,.iiii.lirs ill a uTy ni.iili'st Imilil- iii.. nil .Ii.lili -tifft a |...itiiin ..f till' i;r..iiii.l li.iw iici'il picil liy tliiiii-xti'iisin' w,.ikB. 'I'll.' iiitin- i-stalilislnniMit nifusllliiil III l>y r.11 f«t. anil ».. linnli.l was tlir .li'iiiiiii.l f..|- »tiivi-s ill lliiisiTiil'ly .lays tlmt ll l|.Mt .•( thnstal. li-lillli'lit was ki'lit il.iwn t.i illmllt twi. ~l,.vis a .la\. I'.ilwanl aii.l Cliurli's l.iirncy. lApi'it iiioiiMiis ami fi.iiii .liMiiiii as liny wiTi . ilnl tlir yiTati'l- |...iliiiii ..f till wi.rk tlii'insi-hcs. '..'in;; a—isti'il iilily l.y a man ali.l ii ".>. Ihis stall' ..f allail's .till m.l last ..liu. \s inimiHrati..ii p..iiii-.l in. I 'I"' -,ttli-iiii'iils l.i.v:iiii n. i;r..w. tin- ili- .naiiil fi.r llnniiys' ~t,nis immisi-il. I ilia fi'W yiai- il lii-niiiif liiri's- - .iiy In ill III I <. till si /,..<. f till- pri'iiiisi's a.'.i iiiiriMsi- llii ..iilpiil. Dm.- I'li- larj.inii'lit ..f tin pr. iiii-.s f.illi.wi.il aiMitlli'l- iinlil a lars;i' ana i.f yrnilinl was riivcrcil. It ivcli lai-anic m-rrs -ary t'l pnrfliasc a i-liiii'i'li ami ailil it t.. till' i.slal.lislinii'iil. Ill IW." tin ..I.I f.aiii.ll-y. 11 inliKl..in(rilliiiil i.f I. nil. lilies of viiri.iiis si/.i's 1111.1 iiiiiii> a a's. was i-fimiviil. anil ll"' plcsint iil.slaiitial and inip'isiiia I'llilii-i.- was , r.il.'il. Ill 1X7". till' liali'ls.iiin' f.'lil- .l.iiy i.lli.i' ami uariln.ils.. was ilii I... I at till' I'.. mil "f -li'liii an. I tU l..i'iii sti'i'i'tH. I''r..iii till' snialli'sl li. '.iiiiiinu till' fniimlry Ini.l m.w Hr.iwn I.. In' till' liifi;ist in til.' Diiiiiiniiin. anil llii' iiunii' iif llii' t;iiiiii'>s was In.iwii ami ii's|K'.>iiiiiiii.ii. Si.im* yi'iirs U'lnn- lliii" 111!' (iiinii'ys Imuylit tlir lar;;<' ■r..r.iiitn fiiiimlry uwiit'il liy .Inlin Mi' Cir. mill iiitiiiilii.'ini! ll"' saiiir push all. I I'litoi'prist' tlirri' as liinl rlim-ur- t.'i'izuil tliL'ir llaiiiiltoii i.pfnitiiiiis. th.' 'r..n.iit.. liLiisc s.mii assiinii'.l \t'r\ hil'Ui' pr.i)H.rli..iis. anil N'taii 1.. \ii' witlitlu' lluiiiilt..ii fi.iimlry in Ih.iIi tlii' nianufiU'tiirin;; aliil -ali's .li.paitnifiits. lair^'i- wiil'i' ri...liis wi'i'i' alsii I'slahlislii'il ill Mnnli'cal ami \Viiiiii|H'U. Tilt' liist.iry ..f llic (iiirncys afli.i.ls it lint' illiisti'ati.iii .if tilt' tifi'ilt Witrk lllill I'lin 1k' urt'iilnplislli'il liy i*lit'i'i.i'tir. iiiiliistii.iiis, slii't'Wil mill iiliKi'i'viii^ iiii'ii. 'r.iChmlfs (iiir iii'V. thf siii-vivlnt; lil-iillit'i'. mill In I'alwiii'il (iiiiiii'v. w Im passril ii\vii\ a ffw vi'iil's ii^n. Ilmiiilt.in nwrs nilli'h. Tin; !■;. .V C. (ilHNKY Itl. (l.lMin:i.|. IN .\ll^!llsl. iHHJt, tilt' I'llllt'lTII WftK iliriir|HirHtL'll US 'lilt' E. \ ('. (iiinu'y Cniiipiuiy. iliinitt'.ll, with K. (iunu'y. -- pri'siili'iit : ('. (iiinu'y. viri' pit'siili'iit ; I'i. (Jiinii'v. jr.. li't'iisiirtT mill inana^t'l' at 'r..r.iiil.. ; iiml .1. II. Tilili'ii. st'i'it'tiirv ami liiaiia;;i'r at Hmnillnn. 'I'lii' l-l. ,V ('. (iiinii'y (■nnipilli\. inmiilfiutiii't's rnnkiui; st..\i's mnl rmi^^i's. Imt air fiirnai't'M. lint air rt'iiislfrs. aaririilturiil fiiniiiri's. ami I'M-ry tliiiit; ill tilt' hut' Till' (iiiriify sto\v.i an. I riin^H's Inive Iniit; Iii't'ii kiinwii fnr tlit'ir lii-i'iil ln'aiily .if ili'si^n. lint' lliiisli. iliiniliilily. lit'iilini; ipuilitii'.^. ami fiii'l saviiii; pi'ii|it'in.itit'K. Tilt! iinnipany'a t'utalii>;iu., I'liiitaltiiiii; t'li- u'raviiitis Mlinwiiii; tlit> Vftrimii. ilt'Hit;tis in stiivt" , ran^t's. lint air apparatiis. ami h.iltnwarc. yivi . niit' sniii.' i.lta nf inrri'i'l at thf iiiilil tlii'V iilf till' rfwiiirffH nf tliiit ijrt'at fniiipaiiy, ami nf thf inllnitf \arifly nf liumnillffiit ly fiiruiHlif.l aii.l arlialiially ilfniuiifil sliivfs iiniili' in its fxlfn«i\t' wnrkslinpH. Iliil ll visit tn till' fstalilishiiifiit iH iiiiifli lifltir. 1111.1 visit. .rs l.illif lariilval shnillil iinl iifflfil tn "ff thf lliirni'y wari'- I HI'S. Thf linn lias iiifiitlv iK'naii Ilif iiimiil fill lilif nf rim an. I iiinrtisf Hprinu l.K'kK, ilnnr km.liH, fsi'iitfhfniiH anil all liH-k rv- .piisitfs. TlifHt- art' iiiailf nf thf Im'hI iiiatfrials. in arlislii' ilfhiuus. ami imiil nifialilf pallfriiM. Tlif i paliy maki'M 11 sfH'fiiilly I.f Its liifkH. ami ultliniiuli Iml lun yt'ars in llif IruiU'. has laptmi'il Ihf iiiarkft. (.1 liNI'.VS ,v W.MU-;. Wlll;l!l'.\ I'.lf sfiilfs alf Usi'il ill thf Kniiiiiiinn. Ilif linn iuiiiil. ..f lliiriifys .\ Wari. is Wfll ami favnralily kniiwii. Thf fxifli -iVl' fill t. .IV is llH'lllfll nil .IllllU'H strt'i'l. at Ihf t'liriifr nf CnllHinii' slri'fl. I''nr almul thirty yi'urs tins linn lias nivf ii its attflitinll fM'hlslVfly In Ihf iiialiiifaitillf nf si'alfs. I'niitlniiatly niukinu iiiiprnvt' infills, ali.l always iisiiif Ihf Ih-sI ma- Itriiil 1111.1 .iiiplnyini; thf iimsl skillful wnrknialiship. Tlif lisiill is Unit lllfir si'iilfs art' as nt'ur |H'rft'flinii as any lliiiii; niailf liy iiinrtal liamls ran Im'. ami havf I If tn 1k' llit'afkiii.wh'.l(;i'.l»taml aril Hi'iilfH nf Canaila. Sfuli's ..f all va rit'lii'H anil si/t'siiri' ma.lf. frniii thf must ili'lifalf mai'liiiif Inllif imiiilft'iiiiH lifty Inn si'iilf. ami fVfry si'iilf tunifil iiiit nf this fiiftnry. haviiin iiiiilfrunuf a sfiifs nf thf must Hfiirt'liinu Ifsts, tiniy Im' lhiiitnn.|ily anil fniiliilfiitly ifliiil ii|kiii In 1h' I'nrrfft. Ami llifV art' m.l iinly iiilsi'l. hill Ihfy iiiainlain tlifir t'nrrfi'liii'ss iniiiplflfly w.irn nut. Tlifrf is nil iK't'ii- sinii 111 priiil a list nf thf sialfs miiilf liy this liriii ; il is MilVuifiil In say Unit (lurnt'ys .V Waff iiiakf Ht'alfs fnr f vt'i'y piirpnsf f.ir wliii-li si-alfs iirf itsfil. Thf Hifat siit'it'sKnt thf (iiiriu'yM.V Wai'f stalf is iliif I'liliifly In its iiilrinsif it. IMlifr sfulf iiianiifaflm'fi s liiivi' spriinu up. Iiavf put ihfapi'r stall's in Hit irkft. an. I havf. with tlifir sialts. ilisap|K'an'il frniii piihlif vifW. Hilar sfiilf inakfrs may I'.inif ami nllifr si'alf iiiakfiii may U" ■ I'Hl (iiirnivs ,V Waif u.i nli fnlfVt'r. HUT W.\li;i.' lIKATINd. i^^lll'. (iunify Ilnl Wattr llfiilint! Cniiipaliy mami- ,'/((Ov\ fai'liirt's Ilnl walt'r ht'iilin^ iip|iaiiilns fnr .Ivvfll- ^ — ^ iiif^s. ntliffs. piihlif hiiililin^s. fnnsfrviilnrifs. ftc. Thnrniitih Ifsts liavt' prnvt'il U'ynnil |.t'i'iiilvt'iitill'i. thai lint wiitt'i- lifiitini; is Ihf hfsl. nii.st hfaltlifiil anil i-lit'iipt'st syslt-in fnr Cam ila, ami llial llif (iiinifv sVHtem is thf U'sl nf all sy stt'iiis. Thf ( iiiriifv lifiitfrs arf known Ihf wi.rlil..Vfr. Twnnf Ihf prim-inal tlu'Ulrt's in liutnltin. Knjlaml. ai'f lit'ulfil liv llif (luriify iippuraliis. an. I iiiuiiy tli.aisaiiils nf thfiii i.r.' 1.. 1h' f.ain.i in thf riiitf.l M.ilfs. It THE GURNEYS & WARE SCALElWORKS. tint f\| ar.lun lii^li s| liiLinllrf fnr tllll WllT Laxifrl Hiitlu'il .'-. K. }|. S. {■iillf« Alt'xml Ilfll. thf HI IllfHHfl Till Willi thf 111 Hiiini| tiiifiill Im I'M IH a tlistl trict only I lllH ilil 'I'll lyiii(.| iifiiii r thu l,| ^12^ bamilton ^peci^xioi'' •:• CoXPnival E?lil:ion •:• f\.u^u^[, 1889 T\s f^Wm ^&\®®ho ■-♦. V JWy III-; lliiiiiiltoii it.tiinl of I'Miu'iUitiii is a I Kniimtli - niiiiiiii'' uihI rlTci-tivi' |»iiTc of * iiiiiiiici|ml nuu-lurnTv. ulwuvs ilmii^ llir tliiii;^ lit till- ri;'ht tiint'. uinl lu'vcr fiiiliti;; in \hv m-('i)ni|ilis)iiiuMit nf the \v: y W-st ri'siilts ih.ssil.Ic. Tin- MillU'il is <-()l1l|inKt'(l (if ;^t'lltlcilU-Il will) tuki' u (lifp iiitfit'Ht ill tlif clunitinii of tlu' yoiin;^, unit wlni t;ivt' lart't'l\' nf tlu'ir tinir to fiirtluT tlu* iiitm-sts of the tiiiMic hcIiuiiIh. TIu'V an- ini'U of ('\)H'rit'n('i'. tjoiiil jiiilj^nit'iit unI- vAii oxciMitivt' iilMlity. lunl tiir result of tl'-ir sonn'wlmt unltiiiiis ami alto>^i>tlu-r self sai-rilirht^ lah ir is si-ru in tlu- lii^h Htaiiiliinl attaiiit'd )i\ tlii> piihlic Kclmnlsof tliu am biliiiiiH eity. Tlu> tn.-iiil>.>rs of tliu It.tAnI of Kduration f))r tlif yi'iir IHM'.t m-c us follows : Wai'.l 1 \V. ,1. (inuit. I). Uc\\vv. War.l l S. V. l.iv/.wr, .liilni Hla:i(l Hills. An>jUH Sntlierlaiut. \Vai\l 1 John (liviw, Wrii. Chicus. W'anl "► V. V. Dallcy. A. M. Koss. Wanl il William Huwnian. II. H. HrcmiiMi. Wanl 7 Tlioinas Morris. .lanu's St-ott. ('i>lli>>jiat4> Institiitt! W. I[. MrLurfn, Hn^ti >rnrray, Alt'xanilor 'I'unHM', William Yonn;;, ('. K. Suiitli. Wilham llcll. W. II. HallanI is the iiis|)i'rtitr. Thomas HfusU'V the si'rn-tary. .V. Stuart tlio tivasurfv. ami Charli-s Smith m('HS(Mi^{('r. They coiistitnto a ri'pr; siMitatiw hinly of ritizons. in whow ability, i'ni'rt»y and j^tHnt jml^nu-nt tlu- |n'o|>l(r luivc the ntmost faitli. 'I'licv have hhci-ci' li-.t in proviitinj,' Iliimilton witli srhonlliniiHCH s(>i>onit In iiiini' 011 the t-uu- tliiiMit, ami liavr i.r^iLni/ed a stalTof tcachfi's that i-aniiot 1m^ cxrcllcil anywhere. For sriiool piivpiises the eity haw Im'imi (tividt'il into five distrittts, in cacti of wliii-h there is a dislriet Hehool liesiites primary si'houls. Over e."-h dis- trict is placed a head master, who has supervision, not only of hiH own kcIiihiI but u1hi> of all primary h(;Iioi>Ih in liiH dlstrit^t. The Qiioen'H dJHtrict inehidea that part nf tln> rity \y\i\fl Honth of linin street ami east of James street. Tlie lieait maHter ih W. (!. Morton, ami his headipiarters are at the QutM»n Victoria si'hool, a handsome editiee, ereeted in Her Majesty's jubilee yi-ar. The l^)ueen N'ictoria school is not only strikingly handsome as to its e\t<-rior. but it is fitted up internally, and heated and ventilated in the l>est and most approved manner. It is a model scIkhiI buiblin^ in every respect. In this district is also the Hunter m-hiH.l,' The Central district imhides Ibal part of the cit> south of Kiu;^ street and west of James street. G. W. Johnson is the liead master, and his headquarters are at the Central school, a solid stone structure built in the lon;^ aijo, and liable to b;- as durable as the pyramids if some future hoiLrd of ediiciition does not impnive it (tut of reeo<4- nitiiiu. 'I"h« C'.Mitral school has spacious ^'rounds about it, and b^'iuu situated upon lii^ a ^ooil deal of room, T'lie I'ictou school, a businesH-Iike structure. Is in this district. The Victoria district iuctudes want seviwi. and John Koss, whose hcailipiarters are at the Victoria school, is the headmaster. 'I'he Victoria suhooi is a very lar^e, roiuny buildinj^ of i-.insiderahle architectural beauty, and laid tint in a convenient manner. The new West avenue school, a neat and roomy buildin^r, is in this ilistrict, as is also the new Wentworth school, a tine building,' which is much appreciated in that part of the i>ity. itesldes the scliooIhoiiMes mt>ntioiiett, tlii're are many smaller buildings used for kindergartens and primary 'dasHCH, At the end of lHH."i ttiere were 101 riHuns occupied by classes; in 1HS7 there were U>!» rotims, in Ihmh ttiere were I'Jl riHtniH, and in the preHent your the miniber liaH [mvu iucrcaHed to 14;i. 'I'he tt^achiu^ statT. dnriiiK the last HeHsion, cuuHisted of VM\ ladies and ^'entlenieii, as follows: (Ihurles AthawoB, drill instructor; .\. S. Cniicksliank. (ieoriic W. JohMsi.n. Thomas L. Kinrade, William C. Morton, and John Itoss, headmasters; Walter H. Davis, commercial ilepartineut; William C. I'\irster, drawing master ; James »Iohnson, professor of music; Samuel U. Sinclair, moitel schoul director, and the following liradi.' teachers; Susan Hen- iictto, Tunny ll. (ireer, Mary Morton. Mary K. ArnistioU','. ItelH'i'ca Henry. Idcanor White, Susun C. Hums, tlli/a- beth Harris. Mary Hem\. .lane Lister, .\nnie Slocomb, I'lli/a J. West, l)sahel \\. Hiirrows, .Xnne Ivennedy. Mar- >jaret McKay, Sara H. McKean. Kli/alx-tb Marshall. Char- lotte Moore. Annie itamsay. I':ti/.abi-tli 'I'mnbiiU. Isabella Armstrong. Kmily Hastedo. Mary Cook. IJelM-cca HeCou, Jessie Keimeily. .leiinie Main. Ma-j-^ie Mesion. Carrie Moore, Julie Somerville. Cora ('ovi'ntr\ . Ivnnna (M-or^e, Annie Harvey, Martha tvirkendall. Louisa .McDonald, Martha Mcl''erran. Jessie Stewait. Mary 'frouj), Henrietta Twoliy. Fairlina rwoh>. Hatlie l>alte>, Mdith Durdan, Hella (}illesj>ie. May L. l-'ieldinn. Jennie McCusker. Carrii* Mathews, Anna I.. Meikle. Majit^ie t'attou. I.i//ii' V. Hindi, Annie Sinclair. .Vtiucs Stes'dniaii. Annie Tniup, ■ Li/./ie Daville, Li/./.ie 1!. Davis, Hlamhe Davis, Mary C. ( Ireer. (lussie Hamilton. Charlotte Hendry. Mary Mc- lU-aii. Ida Malcnlmson. .\nnie Mituliell. .Vuna Morton. Ida Morton. Lily K. Niiumo, Anna Orton. Annie Iti^^sby, Lizzie Tnmp. Jessie K. White. Hrlla Cox, lU-lla Din;;walt. Miuniv (iautd, Annie Hendry. Kate McKeii/ie, Hilda Sav- age. Lily Simpson, I telle Somerville. ^liinne Woolcott. MaMj^ie H. Adam, Annie Ainslie. iHaln'lla lllack. Ma-^^'ic Howes. Lizzie Chisholin, Mary Columan. .\niiie l>ii-kson, Annie Durdan, Mary H\nilmaii, Janet Jann-s. Louisa Lloyd. .Mice McCartei'. Jennie Himiey. Ivate llownian, Annie Cf -.'n. Leoimre Locke. Nellie ^lorris. Li/./ie Mur- ray, Kathleen Shearman. .\nua Townsend. t-'raiu-i's Wclli- erall. Louise Wood. Carrie Davis, Hosina Jamison, An^icla Jarvis. Annie Jermyii, Maria Lawson, .V-ij^ie McKay. Klla Marr, Sarah Marshall, Llla Meade, ICnima Hetti^rew, Nettie Haycn.ft. Mary Hioeh. Jennie Itoss, Nellie HusseJl, llelen Shepant. Kanuy Sheritf. Alice Stuart. Ma^itiie Sutherland. MaU't Thompson. The follnwin^i are the naiin-s of the kinder>iarten stall: L. T. NewcnmlM', supervisor; and Nettie H. Cbisliohu, Minni(> 11. McKeaii, Itertlia Sava<^e, Ada i>rnwn, Liz/.ie Coleman, Anna .1. Henderson, Ma;it^i(? Hamsay, Jessie Holiertsiui, Louie Turnbull, Mabel McKiudsey and Flul' t'lice Bowditch, direcuji-H. \ 24 ^l2e feamilbn Jpeets^top •:• C^pnival Esliti°n •:• ^u^u<^[, 188^ of tlii'Hf ti'iu'liiTB HI liolil Hmt'C'liiHai'crtiHi'iitt'H u( <|uuli Hriiliiin. "!i li"lil wcniiil iliiHn I'crtillciitoii, 1'^ liiilil kiihliT Uiirti'ii i'iTtil\riit<'», I" liiilil lliinl rliiHii irrtilliiiti'ii with Hfi-dlul cliiHH MMii |iri)f(>HHi(iiijil, mill ):t Iiiilil thirit ctiiFiH nr Njifcial fiTlilli'iitci*. 'I'lii'M' liiiiliiTB iir<> III! uiiili r llw KiiiK'iviniiiii nf W. II. hiilliii'il. M. A., innpiHlnr. a i>i'iilli'iiiuii wlui in tiiiilnuijlilv i|uiilit)nl l>\ i-iliinitiiiii. triiiniii^ iinil iiutiirul iiliililN fur tin* |hiHitioii. I'l-iun Mr. ItiillunrH luiniiul rf)tiirt fur the yciir IHNN art' tiiki'ii tltt' folliiwiiit^, wliii-h will Ih> foiiiiil ilitt-r- 1'ntinii : Thi' tiitui iiiiiiilit'r iif iiiipilH iiiiriilli'il ilurin^ tliu vt'ar WUK M.'Jl'.l ; iif thcw 1,'ilMI wiTf ImvH. ami l.dt'.l tjirlH. 'I'lif autMvuali' alli'iiilanri' fur tlu' lirMl half year «a» liM,'i.!l(i:l, ami fur Ihr wi'i'miil half 47".l:l'.i. Hiiiin; an aviTaui' ilaily alli'liilaiu'i' iif 'i.lill'.t fur thi> tirMt half ami li.lIT fur thf hint half iif the yt'ar. U-iii^; rt'Mi«'i-tivi'l> liTO unil "J^M niuri' than fur thf i-urrfMimiiililiji iH-riuiU uf tin- |ireviiiUM year. 'I'lit' avi'rai;!' ilaily atlcmlaiui' fur thr whuli' yi'ar wan liH per ivnt. uf till' tiilal iiuinlK'r tiirullt'il. 'I'Ik' tulal I'tiiulliiu'iil fur IHUH I'M'i'i'ili'il that fur 1«M7 hy :)«ll. 'Jl'il'i pn|iiln atti'iiili'il It'iH than 'Jll ilays. ll'J.'i " '■ iH'lwi'i'ii "Jtl ami .*iO ilavH. 14117 •• •• " ul •• UK) " l:l.-i4 •• •• ■• 1111 •■ l")!) " 4.-1II7 " " " IM •• aw " .\t tliu I'liist' uf tin.' yi-ar tin' niiniU'r uf pniiiU in the Kinilfiiiartt'li wai* (i-V.I ; in the rirst Itt'iiiU'r. I'art I.. l.«.'i;l: in till' l-'irnl lUaili'r, I'art II., l.'JI'ill ; in tlic Si'iuml lii'ailcr, l.'J."ill; in till' Thiril Iti'ililcr. I.Ml-'i; in ihi' Fimrth KcaiU'r. I.IIHI; in the Fifth Hi'aiii'r. 'Jlti: thf nnniW'r in Writinu wais 7,-">'.HI ; in .Vrithniftif. H.'jlll; in l)rawint,', M.'JUl; in (iiHt^raphy, 1.707; in MiiMii-. H.'JllI; in (iruintnar anil Ciimiiuiitnin, -'i.'Jl'i; in I-ji^HhIi llintury . l.l'.ll ; in ('ana ilian MiMtory. l.ti.'i.'i; in 'I'finiH'ranff ami llyi^ifnf, l.iiill; in Drill ur <'ahHthfnii:s. .'lIIU; in lloiik-kfi'pin^ anil uthfr hranclu'H uf the Cununfn-ial CunrHf, 'Jill. Till' fulluwiini tahlfH hIiuw thf niiinthly attfnilani-f. fii- ruUnu'nt ami ffi's fur thf year 1hm:i tu Ihkm, im'liiHivf. Nr\niKI< UK ITI'II.S KNIIUl.l.Kli. IMHH 1HK4 INK."! ISHIi IMN7 IHHH .Taninirv 4."i.-i7 47!i;l .IIMW r,->l\H Ail 111 ill7s I'Vliina'rv 44:111 4H'ill 4..-, I'.HIH .-,417 XiM ll'JII .\pnl 4.V.II .•iii47 I1I7M ."i.-i71 'i7iw ii:im4 Ma\ 4.-|M!l ."il-.M .-,144 ."11171 .V.rili I.:17'.' .lui'if I4ii:t imil I'.wn ."..".'."J .■i7l."i I1I4H Sfptfnilx.'r ."ill'i :,l'.H .'il'.w ."iH'iil iV2'.n IKmI OftulK'r .'inw .jl.vj ."i4ii."i .v.i."ii ii:):i'i lima Nuvfniln'r IHKll ril'JM ."il77 .V.ll:l (l:t07 mil'.i DfffinlH'r 411117 .'iliri:) 'ilW."! Il:l."i'l Averaxf 4702 4!IK.> .VHIH 'iHIH .'irtll'i (i:)7."i AVKIUIIIv MiiNTIII.Y .vr rKNIUNCK. IKNH 1MH4 IHM.I IHHII IMH7 1KH« •laimarv ;i'.i:i:i 4:iOI 444(1 4S(a 4!lll.'i .'iKKl I'Vhrna'rv :)1I14 4:i'i(l 4'2:i:) 47411 4.j(17 ."i41l(i March..' :ik47 4:)h;; 44.-iI 477'. I.".:i4 •jIU'.' .\pril :i'.i'2ii 4."i«(l 4.vi'i I'.i.V) Til'Jd ."ih:i4 May :1H7H V,'2H 4(.(« .".ii4m 'iSdll 'ilM ■Inlie 4U."i:) 441111 47.)ll .-illW "i4lll .'iHdil IHM7 IHMH ■.7'-'''i I'lllHII .■.N'.>7 111 I'J .'•Mll.'i llll.VJ .■iM7ll ll'.llll .•iM'i 1 .-.«I7 |NH:I 1hH| lHH.'i iHNt'i Si-|it(-in)HT i<;h'J irrfiii 1711 .vi'jo O.tnUr 47'J:t UK17 47Im :.:i!t7 NuvfiiilHT I77» ^lUM mw .'.;t7'.i I)i-4i'iiiU'r I7".'i -ilMit Avfiii^i' ivxi \m iv.ti .Mui It JM worthy of iii>t4' tlitit (lit- ri-)>«>rtN of tlir iniiiiHtft- uf t'ntuo uttt'iKluiici' lit the |iiihlii' HchtHilM of lluniilloii vviiH (.'t'l'iiti'i' than that in \\u\ ollu>r \Anvv in Ihi' tn-ovinrc. Thi' iiniunnt |mi city to thf |iiihhc HchcHtln m IHHH WllH »l'i*J..'ll7.;i.">. THI-: li'l.l.KlllAlK INHTIilTi:. Ho ^rt'ul IniH )M>i-n tlic |irt'Htiiri> of )»o\h liinl ii'wU ilt'HJr- in^ a hi^;lll'r fihH-ation. that it wuh ivrciitly foiiml mrcH nary to vciv niiuli fiilar^ic tlu- ahcaily foiimiotiioiiH lol h'^iati' inHlitut** lniiltliuK. ami now fnrthri- nihtrtit'inrnt liaH iH-conu' iin|it'i'alivi'1y iicri-NHary. [>iirin|j thi> luHt hvh HJoti thiTf wtTf on thf roll 'Jiim Uiy** uikI 'J;t0 j-iiln, niakni;^ a total of \:\H. '\'hv folli>x.'iatt> inHtitiitt- iH oUh'tMi'il li> a tiioHt I'tVu'it'iit HlalT of tnii'JH-ir*. wliotH' 4>\ri'lli-nt work in inadi' niaiiift'» i-a|>ital Hhowin^ iniult' hv their |)ti|)ilM. 'I'Ir' tfachfrw an-: ('luirlcH lloU-rtMon, M. A., prim-ipal anil Kiit^liHli and niodi'rn laiitjiiai{f iiniHtfr : U. A. 'rhoni|>Hon. n. A., vii-fpriiuipiil ami niatlu'niatiral nia>^tt-r; A. \V. Stratton. I*. A., ncnior i-lasMical niaMtcr ; .1. I*. 'I'lirniT, Niicncc inantcr ; A. .1. Mrown, M. A., assiKtaiit . laMHiiul hiawtcr ; A. I'attiM>*oii. history aiitt m'o;;ra|>h> : ,1. T. Crawforil, IT A., iiiathcmnliial ansiMtant ; Mrs. M. l)aviiIrtoii, ii|HH'r rti-i-ontl form; Minn T. t*. Hi-ll. lower mrond fortn ; W. M. Klliott, ii|t|HT tii-Ht : A. K. Manning, lower tirnt ; lieortie .lohuHtun. lower tirMt ; M. Hirkrii- tlial, [Ml.))., (ieruian; •Iiuhch .InhiiHon, iiiUHJe ; Ser^'eaiit Athawen, i-aliMtlu'iiir« ami drill. SK''UI\rK M llOL's is coin|>ost'i| of John Itoiiaii, •!. IV. chairman ; ('. .1. liird secretary : P. Itoiian, treaHiiri-r ; \iv\. I'alher Ilalm, suiH-rintenik'nt ; aniiriii>j the winter moiitliH ni^ht schools are niain- taiiiL'd hy the )iiihlie school hoard. (iimhI teachers an- \>rovided. and the classes are open to all. Many yomi^ men and woim n who have not had the advantage of edu- cation in the day hcIumiIk. attend these ni;jht clasm'S with much prolit to themselveH and credit to their teaeherrt. The ni^ht schooU have lieen so successful that they may W' looked upon as iH'iiiti a permanent feature of the Ham- ilton school system. TH^t (S^B'O^JM. utlll jii^ — JL I |J', a Home for .Vt^ed Women, a Homo of the Friendless, an Drplian Asylum, a House of Uefu^e, and the St. Clary's I Irplian .Vsyluin. Tlu'se have suitahlu commodious huildmt's, tin' outcome of private U'lievn- lence. ami ai'<> sustained hy voluntary cnntrihntions. Tliu St. Mary's Asylinn is in charge of Sisters of Charily, aiul the other homes are iimler the direct management of coin- Miittecs of ladies. The inmates of these lionies are well cared for. and the children etlucated and instructed in thn way to iiiak«- for themscKes a ii>s|M'ctahle li\ihtj. Domi- tions to thesi> i-liarities ini hide. Ii< sides nioncy , lloiir. meal, meat and vt't(» patients. Tlu* pa- vilion style of construction was adopted, with approved uiethods of ohtaiuin^ a <-opious supply of li^ht ami air. Last year i'tl'.i patients wert> admittetl. H is Hustaiiied liy the city, aided hy au animal ^raiit from the Provincial t'DVermueiit, ami hy contrihiitious from such patients iih can alTord to pay for nnuiiti>nance. The maiia^(>ment of the institution is umtei the direition of an hospital eoiii- initlee appointi'd >early hy the cit\ coum-il. (tratuitoiiH attendance is rendered hy the luedical praetitiiuiers uf thu citv. 'I'm: pro^^ress of Hamilton has U-eti steady and factory. No mmatural impulse has Ih-ch ^iven to " liiH>in " has e\ei' dri\eu it lK>yond its steady, safe The ;;rowtli of the )Hipiilatioii is shown in the fol tahle: lH;)r. 'J.Mii; iKtU 7.(MH( 1H.*,1 II.IPJ iHlil llt.tUMi Fifty years ai;o the as'«'Mm;d value of pro|HTly citv was less than ftl.Ml.tHM). Now it is over »2(l,IKM>, 1H7I . lH7li . IMHI . iHHlt . HUtlH- ii ; no pace. lowing 2li,71ll :H,7(M it) the .(KM>. .'\ I'Kcrr.iAitii V of the Hamilton "lutumtain" is that it has hut one side. VisittirH who make the elindi are |{en- erall\ startled to tiud a level plain, with higher laml a little way hack than that on the "top" of the mountain. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT MAKING A RUN V •E\2^ .by mil ton Ji'-^eeULoi-^ •:• Covi-nival £. lu'^u^i THE RESERVOIR T\® IFoii Bi ^ ■>:!/ I '■' tlH'i" ts niK- institution iif uliu-h Huiinll.». ^|, £ |H>o)t|f -tie ntoi'f )iriMi* rniTHi'tic und flVwii-nt chief fii«iini't'r. Alf.vaiittrr W. Aitcliisoii. tlii' ili'imrtiiicMt liiiH rciit'lu')! It stiiti' iif t'lTtHtivfiH'KM tliiit Ihii-iIith oti iibHiiliili* )K>rfi-<-tinii. tiiul iIk |K'r forniiiiiiTK ill some (liii'i-tiniiN liu\<* t^ivt-ii it II ciintiiit'iiliil fitiiir. Tliniiuli i'iitii)iiii iitivcly Hiiiiill. tlif r(|iii|ini('iit is of tin- very U-wt ; the iiifii itrc wrll-triuiirtl, |>ioini>t iin|>iirtnifnt thai in n'ffnt vt'iirH tliiTc have U'vu very few tircw < T any coiisc qui'iicc in thi- nt>. In't-iiiiHu the ever rt-udy ftirw h\vc*'|i^. (Iiiwn nil an incl|iit'nt ointlii^iratiim with niich H|Kfil. and H)H'M U> work n|Kin it with hui'Ii wi-II diicitrd iMicitjy and iniifiirTn kiii-i-i-hh, that it in (|nitc a <-oiniiu)ii Haying that thi'y nt-vt'i- allow a tiiv to tifi Mtartcil hi-rc. The H<'iTt't nf the Miii-ceKH of tht' depart iiKMit may In- foneisely yi\fii in the wcirdH of it-^ ehii'f; "I U-heve the win-cesH of the modern tire di'|i;f inient hes wdely in the fiict of t,'ettiii>i the iduriii niore ))ioni)itl> , tiirnin;' out more rapidl\ . eover in^ the ground i|iiirki>r and ^ettin;: to work fiLKter thiiti e\er In-fore. The niodeni department does no lielter work when it diH-s ifct there, hut hy t^ettin>4 thire ipiiekly it has not so iniieli work to do." And the llaniilloii department is rijilit in the van. ainonv'st the very U-st lire deinirtmeiits on the i-oiitineiit in tliiH reH|H.Tt,and the uudeiiiahh> In-netit of uiieh a system may In- nioHt eliMpiently expressi-d in the fart that Dp to the tiiiie t»f writinti. the lire loss of this city for tKN'.l hiiH Ut-ii lesH than 9'J.(HHI. That ik the rea- son that Hamilton is proud of Hh department, proud of its "li^htnint; (piiek liitehes," and proud of the Uiys and their chief ah they riu'o throii^^h tlie strtH'tw at hruakiioek HiRtfl, but with such well traiueii liorseKanil Hkiltul drivers that aeeideuts ar<> atiiioHt unheard of. One of the ni^lits of the eity is to kih^ Chief .AitchiHoii i^oinj; to a lire at the head of hiH lire hrinade, and the e.Kpurience of no viHitor in eonsideretl complete until he has nwn the chief in his l»rcat " tiini-the-eoriH'r " act. a>* shown in our illiiHtrutidii. Previous to IH7',» Haniiltou had a volunteer tire depart- ment, provideil with very iiienii-ieiit apparatus. There were engine hiniKen itn Hay strtH't, Vicitorla avenue, Wal- nut street, No. 'J |K>lice Htation, No. H iK>lice station and at the corner of McNnhand Merrick streets, while an anti- quated liook-aud-lnihler truck was statiitued on James street where tlie Arcade now is. In the early days the volunteer force was providee by their entliUHiastic companieH, but of little practi- cal vttluo ill case of a bij^ fire. Later on the city was pro- viilc>ade. and a inure fortunate scli-eliou Aitchison was a Ih " ran wid de mush, went home from ii <'oiild not |ia\e been made. Chief rn tiretnau. In tlii* early times he 'ell " on niiin> a iii^ht. and eheerfnll\ lire to take his dose of punishment fioiii an irule parent in the morning'. Later on. as a \ou(|i, he carried a torch as a meniU'r of one of the com- panies, anil while yet a yiiuu(j man he lH>camo distin- 1,'insli by his dashing bravery and elVieient work at several hiriie tires. It is said that his fearless conduct at a ilis astrous lire whieli destioyed the Harvey warehouses in |m7h so (hslin^mshed him that Aid. .MeI.ellaii. then eliair- inan of the market, tire and )>oli<-e eouimittee, had his ulteiitioii directed to the >oun^ lireiiian, and deterinin(>d to make him ehu-f of tli department, which was doiie in the earl> ))art of IhT'.i. He at once proceeded to institute a radical reforntation in the working of the department, liiit. like most reformers. encouiiteri-oorly disciplined semi- \oliiiiteer or^'ani/atiou. In the face of ^reat opposition he succeeded in effi-ctntK the chan;;e. and the >'>un;4 chief found himself in eomniand of a picked force of i.'U-\en paid men in JK"',!. I'"iom that time the success of the CHIEF AITCHI80N. cochhan mhotu Hamilton tire department dates. Shorllx iafler ihis'thi' «reat tire ocenrreil which destro\ed tlu- Mclnnes hliH'k ai the corner of Kin<^ and .lohn street-, mid lln- t^allant work of the hitle hii;:ade at that tire aunkxurd the itdnnraliMn of the eiti/ens. It aUo awakeiu'il tlu' authorities to the fact that the apparatus was insulhcieiit. and improve iiients ill that res|K-et were instituted, and since that time each succeeding market, lire and (Milice committee has cordially supiMirted Chief .\ttcliis street an{ that tlie> are still doin;^ excellent service. The Hamilton department was the lirst in Can atla to adopt the swint^in^ harness and the slidnit^ pole. the latter to enable the men to tleseeiid rapidly from their dormitorics. Constant ex)H>riments were made witli a vii'w tti secni'inji the most prompt and «'xpetlitioiis reH|H»nse to lire alarms. The old style of reel was too cumlM-rsonie. and the chief ori^iinated the idea (»f the hose watjon. ni which the hose is carried ftdded up in the U.tlo f the wa^on insteail of reeled on a dnnn. This idea has siuci' l>een adopted bv most of tli' leadiii<^ departments mi the other side. The iKiiellt of this system ciuisists in the fact that mor*' men i an lie carried, the hose can lie ti"t out more ipiii'kl>. cut olT promptly when inomih is out. and ran be loaded up mole easily an|! < kl>. He im|iro\< - in^ hose. Hy the system in use now. in which horse |M»wer is utilized, the men can elevate as much Iiom' in is minutes as would have taken them three hours to do un der the old system. The hre alarm system has been liivided int(* circuits to fa< ditite the locating of breaks, ^{rounds or »-rossin^s. and the utility of this was seen on lust Dominion day when a danjieroiis electric storm shat tered a score of poles himI crippled the entire s\stein. Within three hours evMV difliculty had Iwen Im-ated and removed. There ib at present iH'inu cimstructed in To ront4i, under the supervisiiui of the chief, a combined chemical enj^ine and hose wayon that promises toeelipsi' in erticiency other apparatus of that (diaracter in In-iii;: able to coj>e immediately on urrivinti at a tire either with an incipient or serious conf.a^ration. The new nun bine is Iwin^ built from designs supplied by Chief Aitchison. The chemical engine which has been in ubc in the depart ■ -'^ bnmilton JpecUtor^ •:• iC?xr'"^nivnI E^^ili^r^ •;• '^us^u^[, i88n ■:• JAMES STREET LOOKING SOUTH FROM VINE iiu'iit fi'f till- I'lii-t twii vtiirn liiiH iir"\<'l it^ilf n timsiui. Altuclii'il til a tritin I'f ^\\\i\ liMr>il li\ ii pii kfti »'iiiii]nti> itf iiit'ii. iiiiiliT I'onrimn (inniic I.nWf. the rllMllit'ul IlllM H(|Ufli-hi'|)iir1iii('>it ii<4 lit prcsi-iit (■i>ii<«t)tiil4- -tlll'i>i> titliri'iN uinl llli'li, IIh f>i|]t)\v>. : A. \\, AitcIilM.h. fliicf fiiuiiifi'i- iiimI -iiiMiiMtctHlnii nf lilt' alarm lilmraph; 'riininiiK WilHuM, hiiIi furciniin . A. ir TiiillMk. Hiili f.irt'iiiiiii. I'lliL^lMc niin}ijui> No. 1 Iji-jiiitri .latin h \. Uniatjij. • ln\i>i'M)aviiii|.att\ Nu. :;. Iltiull-oli -Itfrl |..|r)naii Mfiv.l ll.MiH.-. .Irivrr llillianit' WaMu-; tiiviiH-n. Win. \ ml. .I..)n, \Vt>.>il iiixl Maiirirt' ('oliiicll. il'ftk ami tail) In- i-oinpaiix No. 'J I'oD'Iiium ll<>l)i>i't WIlHitn. (Irivi-r Iltni-v lliiiitinu: ; ]a. (iiMi-iH- War.!. .\inlnu IImmI. (iruii^i- hitinit'tt. IloKf c'liMliaiiN N't. 1, \ I'tMiiji aM'iiiK- I'l'lrtiiaii S. (;. Itn-u^tcr. .liner iivnViio rnrU-: lir.in.n. II. K. K-ll. .lohii Martin ami An-tiii' ( 'aiiu-roii. Il No. '*. hav »*In'»t mhiiIi Ioi fiiiaii U . T. .lamr-. ill ixcr ('lia>. Ilarpir ; tinim-ii. 'rin'n.|..n' Smith. I'rt-il. I >aiilM-rMll<' ami If. tti-n'> man. Clicmiral roMipaiiv No. 1. Kin<: William ■^tii'ti I'nir man (ii>nr;;t- l.owi*. ilrivtM' 'Dmina-* ('aiiar\ : Iiosi'Mkii. .I.. l-'arri'll, .Ii>remiiili 'I'lmmiiM aii'l Airliiliala\i.| !,..«,■, A lianilMiiiR' \\v\\ Htatioii \ui^ in-vn i>ri>(-li' n|N-ii(')ii tn t'u- a|i|iaratiis iim-<| hv the a)K>\t- nun puiiit-s, the tU'purtmi'iit |mis**csm*s a Mi>rr>AVcatlii-r lili - ciipir lire (-.i*a|M'. SJiu-c it-. >)ri.'aiii/.atii'n imt a mcinht-i .if tin- Hainilion lii-partnii-iii ha>. Iii-i-tt killt-il nr ix-rniaiii'Mtlv (lisahlcl uhilt' in thf cli^ihartit- ..f hio (hil>. 'Iln- cMinfnrt nf tlu' mm i^> wi'll liKikt'd afti-r ami the fil\ |irtivii|<-s foi them haiKUuiiK'ly in the matliT nf <-lntlim^ and •jitar tiM-s, 'rii(\. 111 turn. •*lio\v tht'ir a|'|'t<- riiitmn of It h\ ilcrnratiii;; ami U-ai(tif\ - im^ tht'ii- i|naitt'rs, ami tlif hmist-wnrk nf tlic ilcpartrnciit rcmU-rs tin- ititTfri-iit stiitiuiiH mnijcls nf i)t>at:i<-Hx. .V nrnx- active. iiiH-llii:)-Mt aii<| rfVuifiit h-t nf im-n ail- imt tn Ih' f<: of the variniis eniiipanics is one nf tin- most intcrtstiiii; features of tin- (lepartrncnl. Kvervthiny luiH ht'eii hrnnijht tn stirli ji state t»f |ht- fectioii. as far us time savin-i \^ fn\- ceriK-d. that the hitehin^ o)iei-atinii is KJiiipIy a marvel of cek-nty. On .\mv;. 12. IHM.-,. in preneiK f I.uj.l I.ans- (lowtie. late (Jovrnior Ceiieral of Can acta, at tin- Kin;.' William street "station, the iinii;i vas sonmleij with the horwH « tieil in their ntalU. ami a Htnp wateh held hy hin exeelleliey re;iiKtererl (i ;(-;"» seroiids as the how waijon i-leared the doors. The liiteh-up without ilriviii;; init has iM-eij aer-nmpliKhed hy the \'ic-- l^iria avenue eompany in one Heeond and a half. .\t 'a speiial trial, made f,,r r rord iii'this ( arnivid mimlM>]-. on JnU II, at uhi. h U. 1!. Iiavis. j.-wrlter, liild tlu' -top \\ jileh. the Ust jin-\iot|H reenid nf the depai tiiienl wiis liiokeii. The eheinii'jd elii^ine enm)ian> hitrheit up ami drn\r niit on the street ill li H4-eniids. itiid a liiteli up wan uceniiipliHlied in M -eeiinds, hi the tlrst ii-eonl the time wan (aki-ii fmm tiie tap nf lilt- ^'oiijj, at wliieh the lioi-HeH were turned Uhmv. the stall dnorM n)H>iied, the Iioim-m rushed into their plaees. were luirMeHN4>d. II driver juMi)K'd ini the Ihix. and the himl » heels nf lhi> eiiuiiie rleai'ed the llireNlmld nf thednnr in Hi\ sce.tnds, iK-aliny. il is iM-lieved. the wnrld'H reeonl. Tin- t liermnil eii;.:ine wa>« siihscipii>iitl\ weighed and the rertiti eate slmwid 't.ll't |M.iiiids. I )n the eVelilliii nf tile same • la\. after midliiuhl. ( liief .Vitt hisnii allnWed a Sil • ivim; reporter In pull aiiv Im>\ he liked m the eit> . three ^ent le men In Imld nlop watehes. 1.. sec liovv fast the men re-<]Hinded. The depaiiim nl had not the least )irevinus iintiee. |tn\ I'l, eoriier nf .laiiieH and ( im-e streelH. wiih <-lioH( n. iiiid taking' the lime ft- the liell. Ilie ditTerent pieees iif apparatun arrived in this time ami i>rdi-r : Host- wau'oii Nn, ;(. Munhsnii street. tift\ two hitoihU : rheum al entwine. Kim^ W illiaiii stret-t, niic minute and fmii st-eondK : honk and ladder truek. lliit nine seeniiils: sti-unier, Ilii>:liH nf the lar^e and i-nlhii -iashe vnhmleer department that of llaimttuii's most lesperA'd and -olid eiti/eiis helontied m llieir \oiiit;i da>s. When he < lime tn Kamiltnn in Ih.'.O. the department emisisted nf tlire.' nid fashioned hand i-numes mid a Imse trnek. ami the hiiu'ade iiuinlH-red I'-'o men. I.aier nn tun en^^mes and a hnm' i-niiipiin\ ueri' added, and llii' memUrship ineii-ieHd tn KNt (iteat storieM are told nf the i'i\alr> Ihal existed anions the vHrioiiM (oinpatiieM and (he M>itl with MJinh Ihev l|x4fl to foot It U* hreM with ihe " iminheeii ' The HtH-ial fiiitiire of the ile piirliiieiit wtiM ei(lll\iited lit thoHi> da>H, and the statloliM were Mirt of elilliH at wlmh the im-iiilH>is loiii/ri-ualed. A iiiimlHrof the mem Ih4Is slept III earh hoi|M«<, ami f-\ei\ e\i>iiliiu folt\ or lift> of the U»>H would eon«lei£»le there to U- nn llie alerl for hrex. and llte\ H|H'nl the eveiimu in a \er> eii|o\ahle mhiiiI WHS. The I'oimeil in tlioMc da>H granted the department l^l.lltKI a vear. wliieh wan dl \ided up tpnirlerlv h> Kdwatd Mitehell. wlm aeteit Kt* Mt'eretary Ireawitrer. The liom- roiii punv waH i'oiii|NiH4'd of the uilded vonlh of t'le eil.v.'lohii KaxtwiHtd was the eaptaiii for iiiaii> >earH, Hut. itnluitliNlamtmij their dmh-tshnesH and the faet that thev turned out nil parades with uliite straw liatH, hlne shirts. hla> k hroadilolh pantn and shmv white leiilhei Ixlt s, i|n-tr inmnideM U-ar wit iiess to then haidihiHtd ami lirii\ei\. ami eall to iiiimi nianv a imdiniihl llri' al wliit-li the hnMi> Ihi\n turned up Ml white kill ^loveH, dresH I'oatK ami hnltniilmle iHtuipietH freHh from the hall riNtm and wmkeil with tin- In-hI nf them. Maii\ Hie Mtor> of Ixave dei-dn and hiininroiiM inenlenls ean U- iiaiiu'd from etti /eitK wlm tire 4ild now. hut whosi- i-vi-h mIiU thinh iiN thev rt iiiit the iiehieveinentH of the amateur lire laddies nf Imii; a^o, llnw, at a tire in I'lsher A Me<,liieHlen h fnunilr\, on tlic MJte of the preHi'iil l{n>al Imtel. twt- ailvi-nturniiH (ire men. laiwieme Powern and Willi .t.i W.hhIh. were killed, and Win. Omand. nlill livin:. uas neverely hurt. How. at the hiirnii)^ nf I>ixon A' 'Uva'e'n exIeiiKUe doek warehniise. the hn\ s hlled the engine lH>xeM up with eham patjne and ilniii|H'd laneH in the hat. with weiijhtH on tlieiii. for future refereiiee. Mow Charli's llnrtnii. the pn-Miil caretaker of the city hall, while at work nn a hmniiiti hiitldiii^ oil the comer of Catheart and Kinu streets, was thrown otT the nH)f and lamed for life. ( h* almiil the ureat test U-tweeii the livdrants und the old pumping engines in |K.MI, that fnii-vi-r relegated tlmw old maehines tn die Hlnrehnlist-, .\ parade of the lire depart meiil in tlioM la; s was a ^•rea1 evi-iit. 'I'lie eii«ineM were su|MThl\ det-or k>-l.and on thi> top of the hi^vest enijiiie rnde little .limtioe SteveiiH. Mlill wfll known to many of the citizens. Hut an evrl da> came ii}miii the department. The Ihivs i;ot HtM-tlicient that the citi/eiiH and iiisiiranee eninpauieH IN-L^aii uivin^ them pres4*iitH of tiioiiev, and in adilitinn to this, it was the rule that the th'sl i-ompan> at a (ire ^^ot live dollars. .\t last the rivalrv U-caine mo kti'ii that incinU'rN of the department used to t Would creep nut several Itlneks frniii their en;^ine hniise, Waiting tn )h- nfT at the liist lap nf the hie U-ll. ('ntistahle Veter r'erris eail^iht two niemlHis nf theih-pai tmeut while en^a;'ed inadelicate inci-ndiarv diitv on Kin^i stre*'t west, near the old Kloiein-e hliH-k, and one of them ^nt tliret- years in the |MMietentiarv . Aiinthi-r was alsn arrcHtetl and several sus|H'i'ti'in U-r of the department siihscipiently admitted. Iiefore he diet), that he had Ket 'Jh nf thes<- tires. Of i -se the huildiiiLis were n|d. and the hnv s didii t think It a verv ^reat sill under the eiiiuiiistaiici-s. The eliu-fs m Ihentd hri^ade were elected liv an exeeiitive i-nimnittee i-om|H)Hi>d nf ininpaiiv ntlii-ers. siilijc(-t In ratilicattoii hv the eoiincil. T)ie fnllnwm<< is a enmplete lls| nf the ehiefs who held KING STREET LOOKING WEST. nrth-e, maiiv of u hn ThoiniiM (irav. InU ri'Nidentnf I'oronin Hart, .la n Mil a AltWiHid, Jeweller , Keitna and •laimm miioiiK itN iiieiiiU-ri /.eii"*. I )f eotirw- at Hlhle, hut the fnllnW iHuiah het'i , .loH4<| llumillon, Man V l>iinciin, Knhard Wni, Allen. .Inhn H.HHiletiH. K. .Mitel A. McKttV. M. IV, Hinitli, ( harles Miii Hon. Iliireniiit I eiti/eliH. nnW decejis On Ihe wlinle. the " pre* nrnnrs of the s let Ih the pl'o|H*rl,V ol 1^9 Ikh regiment. On July list: on Nov. 10. \H^ No. ;t was rt-nioved a hattalinii of six ctn das and W'atel'dn^^ part of the regiment M4'ventli iCoimty of came the nueteiis i IHM.'). two new i-oiii during the iinrtliwe*< that the hattalion The lirtit cnimnand iHaac Itiichaiian, wl remained in (-eedeil hy Ijieiit, Ci alsn held the lanl llamiltiiii from retired from the iHi'ii;, when Lieut. |K)iiited, and retain reHi^jiiin^ on Au^. M. V. v.. the l.leut.Cot. the Iln tenaiit-ciiloiiel on otVn-erH of (Inh dii of ortlcerH in the (iihsoii. M. IV Mcljireii ; Captaii eoinpaiiy : Captam company ; Caplal W, (t. iieid. i:. t i^bc hamillon J pee U to i- •:• (*-M'iMVal E-IiInu <^ l^u-^'t^p! iilllro, liiiin\ of uhuiii lire \t't nUw .1.1'. Kf ii , iitiu i|fiit'. rile ImIMH'U' IIIIIIiIh-I-I-iI IIIIIMV lllllll^^ lU iih'MiIn'I'n wh'i liiiM' H Milili', lull till* fulliiMiii^ wfi'c iii)'iilh>iii-)th (iiilcN, .liiiiii'H HuiiiiltMi), ll)tri\ Hui-cliiiiiM. Mi'iii'> lliinliiii;. ItnlH-rt Oiinriin, Uirhitnl hnwiiiiu i Hiii riMiiMii. •liinifH Tiivlui', Will. AiifM. .iniih r:HHt\v...Hi. wiiihuii \v..m|i>>. .ioHi>|.h ll.H»|l.<«ii. K Milc'lh'll, M. \S. Allw.H.,|. Owt-ii NhwIuii, A. M>'Kii\, >r. v.. \\ Di'cIm.n. (ifni'uf Miii^ill. I-ImiiIih Hiiiith, < hiiili'H lliirtoii. H. l>o\«, •Iiumi'n Itt'ht. Mill), 11.111 Hiirl hull. M. <' Mukrr, ttml nllin- li-u<|iiiu riti/i'iiH. iiinv th'iTiiwil, wvrv iriciiilM'i.* nf (Ih< i|r|hii'tiiii-nt. On till- wttolr. till' " Ih>>h I if thi> ujil III t^mlt' ' Ui'if wurlliv l>ii t iirtiirH iif ihi' Hpli-mliil ili'|iiiiliMi'iit hIiIiIi imw |>i<' !('• tH the |>n>|H'rt\ <>r lliiiiiilt'iii. . i>i:(i:\iiti;ii. ihhj, tUv ri.n h-i'lltll liiiltillinll Wiimit'illilli/i'ij. iiiiii mil -.ti'il tlii'li iif Mcvt'li l'iirK III I'xlHtfiH'f UH \i)liiiiti'ci' ntlc i-uiii|iiuii<'*«. iumI Nm, :\ iiH II IIiuIiIxihI I'Miiiimiiv , A lu'vv riHlf|iUll\, Nu. H, wiiH uiltlcil ntt |)i'i'i'IiiIh'|' Itl nf till' Hitnu' >nii', ami (111 .luti. ','. iHii:!, Nu. '.I cniii |iiiiiy wuH ailili'il. Tills wuh till- lar^i>M( iiiiiiilK'r of rnlii |IUIItrH tllCl'l- luiH Ih-CM III (III' rc^iiiK'iit. Oh .hily III, lHi;:t. Nti. h wuh ri'iiinvnl fimn llic lint: nil Niiv. Ill, iHl'i.*). Nil. 7 wuh ronnM-il, uml (in |i(-> . I.'> Nn. ;f waH re veil atul \>> ■-»:(. lHt;7, tin* Hun iluH and \Vat<-i-«|.i\vn c.imiianit'H wcr*- anil n-tnaiiifd a part of llu' n ^iiim-nt till tin* forinutioii of tlu' Sf\f'nt> Ht-vt-ritli (CiMinty of Wt'iilworllu liattalimi. when tlicy hv i-utnc tlu' nnclcnH nf t\w ni>w rti^iint'iit. On A|>nl '-M. !hh.'». two iii-\v cotnimhii'M wcif aiiiifil In tlif icunnt'iit ilnririu llif iiortiivvi'Mt iiU-IIinii, wln-n it iM'tann- |irnlialilc tlial the liattalinn wonl.i »h< oi-I.tciI for H.-tiw s4T\iic. The lirwt mintnaiulinji ntVtrcr wum I.h'UI. Cnl. the linn. iHaac lliit'luinaii. who wan ^a/fltfil on Nov. 'JH, Imi-J. mni rniniiiiUMi ill i-oinniand until Ht-t-. :iu, |hi;i. lit- wuh miic cot'di'd by Mfut. Col. Alfrc*! H.Hikrr nti .Ian. 'J7. 1hI'..'p. (whn uIho held tluf rank of cnnnnaMilant of thr ^iirriHon nf llatniUnii from April 'JA. 1h:,7, to .lunc 11. |m(i7i wlm retired from the i-nitiniaiid of the re^inieiil mi An^. In. IMIIH. when Lieut. Cnl. .lainew Ai'licHon Skinner wuh up lH)inted. and retained thi'minriiaiid fnr overtweiit> yean*. reMinnin»i nn Aiin, 'J7. IhhCi. Lieut. Col. .1. M. (lilmmi. M. V. v., the preHeiit enniiuaiiiler. wum then apitouited. Lieut. Col. the lion. •!. M. Oilmoii wan hrevelted a lieu tenant eidonel on Ort. *Jii. lH7i;, and in one of the Heiiinr ntVii-erM nf tliiH iliHlrii-t. The follnwinn ih the preHfiit lint nf ntticerM in the haltnlioii ; Lieut. Cnl. the linn. .1. M. u«i'd fnr < uieei't pur|HiMeHneeaHinii rninpanv. LieitleiiaiilM \V. O. TIdHWell, >l. W. Itnwnian. ally, when it KeatH cninfnrtiihly :(, and the iiinltn illl\ expresM'H the miiditmii of llie lIoliHon. C. |). rearman, .1. I'. Luidlaw, .1. II. Ileirini.'. Thirtirnlh nt ull linieH. The deHtruetioii of the drill C. A. I'owiM. \V. II. Itriire. .1. (i, Mart;ettH, It, II. La Inill mid lu-miitrcrneMt-. Ilitee \<'"H''' "i^" was n ureal iuih halt. linn. Major ( has. .XrinHtron^, pa\ niaster. Cap fnr time tn llu- inmniaiid. and it wuh onl\ li> tlie haul and lam .1. .1. Stuart, adjutant; Hon. Major .1. •!. Mason. faithful work of Ihe nlticeis Hint the integrity nf the ipiai termastei- ; Surueoii, II. S. ( iriltiii. M. I>. ; Asnihtaiil nruiiMi/alioii was pri'>'eon. A. M. OsUirne, M. I>. the i-r>rpH had iiol prnpiT niiifnrin and arcnulreineiits and Ah la'fnre meiilioned, the regiment is at present eoin nn )ilaee fnr ImllalinM drill hnt llie sin-et. Hut that is all pnsed of ei;iie into 4-ainp, annual drill heiii^ per plemeiit nf ijnod otVti-ers and an I'xrellent eipiipineiit. the formed at nielli in the haiidsnnie hnrk arinnry on •lunies hatlalion will snoii resume its plare ainnnu the lunnt street iKU'th. The ottict'iH and men of the hatlalion liaM> etheieiit volunteer reuiinenls of the Hnmiiiinii. alwayn taken a fnreninsl plai-e In ritle slinntint,', and The splendid hand of the rei^iintiit. wliieh is rneiitmned nearly every si-ason are repreHeiiled nn the \\ imhlednii at tirealer len;;l!i in another rnhiniu. in one of the U-nt team. Captain >Ihiii('s .\dani is mie of the must ettieiint mihtiii'> Imnds on lIu' mniiiunt. iiiiHketr> iiistrnrtni's in Ihe prn\hi(-e, and acts in that euparity at the hri^ade camps of this distrn-t. Huriii^ the past Near H|H-i-ial atteiitimi han heen paid tn this esHfiilial aei-omplishmeut of a Holdier, and ritle asHoeia limiH have U'en formed in (-mineetion with nearly all the conipatiieH. and the nienilHTs ^o mil to Ihe ran>;es oiiee a week. In |Hi;:i, Hliortl> aflet'the formation of the hatlalion, a lar^e wnoden drill hull was huill at a i-nr.t nf l^l.iHin. ruisfd liy suhseriptinn. Snhstaiilial hriek iirniorieH were addi'd ahmit lH7t. On May 2:i, iMMii, the ilrill hall took lire and wus almnsl entirely (-niiHiinied. tnHfthrr witli most of the arniH and eijuipnienlH nf the hatlalmn, the leuinieiilal and l,liieen'H enlm-H. however, Ihmii;; Huved. the nunierieal standinj.' nf llu- \ariniis ii-liuimis dem .\n exeeedin^ily HuhHtaiitial, liandsntne and i-nminndioiiH natiniis al that time. Tin us n'tnriirt .if |sn1 ,^\\v the fnllnuinn tit>nres an slrueture t)f hriek wan oreeted hy the unvernmeiit two yeai'K a>;o. It coHt in all atmut flM.IHHl, and in 'Jlili \ lii.'i feel, titled with arnmries. hand rnmn. otlieerK' room, etr.. and in healed )i> steam thrmiuhnul. 'Die parade in hlneked with ledar and is 'JIKl \ MO U-vX. Tlie acnlistii- prnpertiis Cliun'h of Kniiland 'l.)".)).'. Mi'thndists H.;[17 I'reshyteriuns 7.h7',i Ihaiiaii Cuthnlies 7.l:H |tapti>Hts l.iHKi r.lH 172 ' 177 Hl-.'tlireii 17"- Hisfiples ;ti •_M t With the liu'l-euse nf | inain alinul the same. npuhl mn the p ■opnrt nns If ^^■^ CENTRAL SCHOOL. HAMILTON'S FIRST CHUHCH. W •:• i^bc )[p/imill.on J'[''C('l.?.\toi" •:• Covr^nivnl E-lilion •:• flu'J'av;t, iBHo M. K @i;r fuhV^is (Am HAMII.'I'llN I, Imi|.|.iK li\.'.l III llii iiiiillir i.f |iiiIiIm iiirli. Sill I. ri|ili's|.|i|i,| III llir I'uiiiii lU nf till' iiiiliMii, mill III lii-r nvMi I'liiiji'il li\ II HI I iif liniiiiv iiH'ii who • liM'li' iiLliiit ili'iil of liliii- liiiil I'tii ri:> ^ In llil Mlll'll-lH. i'lliM'r HIT hill ll'»i --i lIlMII tllll'l' Idtlllllihih -fllUti'lH will! iiiiiKi' ff* llitiiiiliiMi llii-ir tioiiii-. Si'lllltnl' DiillilM Mrllllll'K IlilK liinu Ihtii I'liiiiii'i'tfij with HitniilliiiiM iiifi-i-iiiilili' liUHinrNi., uuil ultliMii^li liw liiiHMii'xs now Ih'M iiiiuiilv tile I'ltV. Ill' IIiiiIh llml ( iiiiiiilii iilli>r.l> iin plm <- liki' lliiiiiilliiii fm Ii-'l.jt'liiT |ilt|-|>.».i'>. unit III- nilttlhlH-* t.t U' It n-lilrlll nf till- IlltlliltiulW ' itv SiMialiir •liiMii-H 'I iinnr to tin- ■•iiiiMr luirtiici' in ii lui: \vliiilt-Muli< i;i'ni'i-|-y liliHim-NH. l{i> IH u NhrrUil illnl li|in^lit tiiiKJncHH mull iiMil 11 iiiiiMt |iii|iuliu- rili/i'ii. IIih U'ltiitifiil ri'Miilflirf, Iliuhtti'M rri-«|lli'litl> Hlicltt-IM Hillniltiili'M iimHt hniinrtnl i,'iii>wt>>, Illnl Mniiiy tiri- tin- hfi'i>iil ini'ii who hiiM- thi-l'i- h-itmi-il tliiit lio<.ptiitlit\ I- 11 |io|>iiliir miiiii- hi tlii- Si-iiMtoi U ilhiiiii !-'. Stiiifi.i.l iH III till' liiii.l of ihi' i^ri'jil i'1-itlllllL: niulltlfitrt<>l'\ of tlirU. y. Sjllifol'il liliUMlfltrtlll' nii: i'oiii|iiiiiv . Ill' Is full of |iiihIi iumI iiitri |>riHi'. kiiiI ]■< out' of lliiinillon H iiiohI Milin-d rtti/i-ii-i. His iH-iintifiil uroiitnlu iiii'l ii-Hi w citl/i-ns, anil IS tiri-li-sH in Ins i-tTorls to forwanl Ilii- inli-ri-sts of llaiinlton or to lii-t|i kIohm dun •hsfrvinu si'lu-mi-. Hi- is |Mil'tl\ aii-l )io|niljir, anil ilot's Ins .it\ rli'iln vi l|<-ri-vi-r he l his i.aislitui'iits. Hi- .l<»'s not talk liiin-h. hill -loi-s a w-r\ ^ii-al ilial of i{iiii I work for llii' 1.1 III III ol llanolloi, III IS -li..i>i'ill> |>i|aihil. ami lakis -irotiil |ilni'i- I itmii Ml (III- tiiHlli-l of Wf'll ilin-rti-il . tiili'ittor III lillllil ll|i Ull- KMllllllolls I'll) Hon .1 M lliliMoii, I'rotiiiriiil M-irt-Un. im a hiw\i>r III Is lommitniliiit/ oith-i-r of iIm- 'i'tiirfii'tttli htittalioii III' IS a L''H> an iirili-iil military niiin. aliil lian i«|m'|iI iiiiirli tinii' ami lalior In ki I'l'im^ Ills liattallon in a ronililion of i-llh li-ni'V I III I in (III \i II . \ ulaiii'i' at till- Kroiip of iiortriiitM of tin- alili rimiii will show (III- n-ailrr lliiit MalitllloitM i-oiini-il is i'i>im|niiwiI of HO orilinai'\ (iMilN'r. r)\i'r\ i'Immn in ri-|irt>M-titial. anil worllilh i'i-)ir*-m-lit4-il. mill (In- fai-t that Itmiilllon i:ios|M'i iiiu ftoiii \riir to vrar. without tin- MramlaU. ami sti-iiU. ami I't'ooki-il transarlioiiH that iiiiforlitiial<-l\ rliiir artt-rl/r till- llllllllrl|Hll tJo\<-rilllll-lllN of iithl-r l-llil-N. |il'o\t'H thai Hamilton s iivir ri-|iri-si-nlaliM-M ati- iin Iioih-mI as lhi'\ ari' iilili- ami as ii|irii;lil as tln-\ an- liamlsoiin-. 'I liiil Ihi-v all' i-iili-i'|)riHiiiu as wi-ll as liom-st mas In- infi-rri-il fi'->lii till- fill t that lhi-\ voti'il a I ■iiisnlrralili- siiin of molir\ lo till- fiiiiil for tin- uri-at siiinim-i tarnlMil. 'I'hi' liii-liilH-rs of till' roiinnl art- : \\ illiain I lorali. iiniMtr. Waul I .Mili-rtiii'ii '11 ii. Ilii.k. U .1 M.I il.l ami William H. Moritali. Wiiril 'J .Milirini-ii llola-rl lirilhlh. IIoInii liiink «liiink anil Willimii I.ii-n. jr. Waril :l Milirlmii -I -I. Mas I I, 'I'li a> ami Mla-rt I'aiii Wai.l I Mili-r M -I Mor.li-ii. T, .1 Ihvoii ami W H -Iml.l. Waril -•. Al-hrimii \ II ^siinson. Ilutnl Mil.i'llan ami llnliaril SNillimiison VVaril I'. .M.h'iini'ii \h-xamli-r II. Moon-, .loliii I'ar nithir- ami l>a 1 Millrnli- I1-. W i;. Uai'.l T .\l.li-riHi-ii -I. till .lolin I'altiison. l-'ollowini; I-- a list of th.- iiia>-.|'s i-halr. ami tin- -lati- (ohii c. l--.-rri.-. (o'or;;i- S. TilTaii \V. 1,. Dist.in. .. .lohll I'lshl I Ki'iirn-k. -laiin-s liiMiii ami ^i-iith-im-n who ha \ I- sat in thr ,.f ihi'ir si-rui-i-s: llntrliinson Clark .... INliN .laini-H I-:. Il'lli>ill> ... |HI'i Mi'Kilisti-> ... IM.V.I lli'iir\ Mi'Kinstry . . . .IHi'jl lli-nrv M('Kliistr\ .... IHIH llola-rl Mi-l';ii-.iy: iNi;-.' liola-rt Mi-Klrov IW.-'I ILiUrt Mi-l-;lro'y iMIit Charli-s Ma;iill ' Ihim Charles MiiKill IWill llelij. I-;. Charlton .... I«l'.7 The i.-ity ottii-ers not ineiiliom-il elM-where in this |ia|H.r are theae: City Clerk'a oirn-e 'riioinaa llenHley, i-ity i-lerk ; Sum II. Kent, asHistant i-ity i-li-rk ; llerU-rt Ilurr. clerk. Colleetor'a iirtu-e .lulllea Cilliilniiit^a, i-olleetor; Diilialil I'aws Amlrew '!'. Neil. l!olK-rt V. Mattliewa. -iml (i. H. Hojikin. UHaiatmit enlleetors. Treasiirer'a otVn-e Alexamler Stuart, ar., treuailrer; .Mexamler Stiiurt, jr., aHsistant treaaiirer, .\ssi'ssor's oHii-e I'eter Hulfoiir, HiiiK-rviKoi", .lohll Myrne, William Sliurp. .loBepli Kent, .1. H, Nelliiiun, l.m mil Hills, W'illiain 'riirnhnll uml K. I-'.llicutt, UHacHadra, lloai-ilof Health laaae Uyall, M. I)„ imalical officer; II. .s. .1 \m s 'I'l i.M 1,. Si Ml. .11. Williani H. Nixon, .latiieN l-'onl. -loliii I'l-aioek. ami \ri'lit lial-l Mi'Killii|i. lliN|H.i'lorN, ^l.OHlXM^.^ I ot I h 1\1 -. Till' lleeiiNe I'oiiimissioiii I s are .lohll W . Miirtiiii. .lohll rroeior anil Nelson ltiiiii|iliri-\ . -loliii I. Miiekeii/ie, in H|».i-tiir. Ill the |Mis|iil1ii-e max la- fonml H. N Cuni-, |hihIiiii|s ter: II. ColU'ik. ile|iiit> |iiiNtliiasler, ami lliese ilerkx : II, A, l-jiiier, T. MiirtiN, (i. II Hull, (oorue lln.., A I' CriN|i, .1. H Multlii-wn, I-;. II. I ell. II. I-'. llarU r. W II. Keili-Ntolie, I'. .1. llDi II, II. M. l-'it/.ueral.l, W l-'Uiin, |i |i Caiii|ilH-ll, \\ I.. Walennaii, II. I'. Hill. .1. A Wi-hU-r. 11 i: I'llma C. .Imhl. <> hiatly , ji ., .1. II .Morilem.l. I';, 11- Mi-Kax. .1' <> MiCnlloih. \,.l, lleiron. W. I'. .M. Cawley. A. H. Miller. .1, II. ( I li-ln|i"e> , (i Siiiiih. .1 M. I.. ( 'iisHai-k. The letter larners, a aiiiart, inlelliKi-iit uml oliliuiiiu Ih.iIx ..f iiit.n, are .lohll Miirphx, sii|it.; .1. 11. l-'i-aniNiili-, as.i. aiipt,: .1. (lore, T. II. H. Aii«liii, W. (i. l-'loiikH. 11. M. Ciiatl-N, ( . W. W. rielililltt, ,liim>|ill Wllm I, (hlfill iier. 11 Striittoli, W. AlliJilN. W. Ileliliie, C. AliHtex. |1 C. Iiowrie. W. Iiawe. W II .laiiiiH, K. I'raiik, -I W. Worth, I'. I'). KiKerl.i-olh'itor . A. 1 .Maeken/ie. silrxi-Mir ; 11. I., Wliyle. cltn-r I'li-rk ; .loliii Tl ipsoii. u|i|ii'uiser , H. W. WimhI wiii'il. Hiii^li .Mnrrax. .lohll Ca|a-, S. W. Townseiiil, 1>. It. (oilhreuith, A. Alexamler, Unlit. 11. I'ark, .liiliii l.ulliulii. •lohll Mi'Kenini, i-Ii-rka; II. A. Di.xiin, i-lin-f laniliii^ wail i-r. .lohll Mi-Kilitx. A. W iiiKllelil, .lolm llnriiH. Win, An ih-rsoii. lamliii^ waiterH : .laiiiih Hali-row. loi-kt-r; lleitrx < iri-y, iiHst. loi'ker ; Shi-iiheril I li-iirx , searilier ami |iaekt'r. The iiilami rexi-ime im i-arefiillx looke.l after hy W. I-', Miller. I'olli-elor; S. \\ IIosh. ili-|iiit> i'..lli-i'tor ; H. (In-x. \\ . P. Ciawfoi'il, .\. I'',^i-liel, .\le\. Muelihersiill. (>. N. ll.ihim, W. (i Mai-kav. .1. I.otun, Win. Aiiior, .1. I-'. II linen, W. A. II. Ilaliy. Win. Iionauhy, .1. .1. Courtney, li*. W . Iliinilirille, llolit. Irxviii, exeise olhi-ers, 111 the ueiijlits ami iiieiiNiirea ile|iai'tiiieiit are T. H. .Mai'keii/ie. iiiH|iei'tiir : Win, .Mi-I lonnell, -lolin Mi-I>iiimlil, I liaa. K. S. Illa<-k. TlioK. Keattx. .Mex. Marintetle. Itolit. Maiilless, aHslHlant ilis|iertor. aiifl lloniihl Mi-I'llle ia tlie ^ias iiispei-tor. Aijcx. MpKav, M. v. I'm. k. uimI \>.I.i Ml W Mini. Inlni I I Mil. k.'ii/li'. ill N ( ii"i'. iMiHtttm.. uiiil llii'i*)' rlt'l'kN (i...ii;i' II..". A <■ II. II I' IIiuIhi'. W M lil/u.nil.l. \N. iiiiiii. II. r. Hill. . I. 11 lli'Hlly. jl.. .1. II iiII.kIi. \..I. Ili'inni. II. I . |)('III|IM(>>, (i. t'lliui'lil aliil nliliuiliu .1.; .1. II. l''l'l>l'M»l.l.'. II. W. U. I'l.».k». II |ill \Niln..ii. .1. (iiir.li IIIC-. C. .\ii»lc>. lie liiink. .1 W. \V..illi. i.r. W .\ Miiii.l>. W. tn-H. .1. I'hillipK. (ii'.i. tl.l. U Niiiiii. W I' atli'liili'il li. I..\ I'', i:. ii\i'>iir; II. I.. Whjtc. rui.*fr : II. W. WihkI W. I'liUllxi'llil. I>. II. I'lllll. .I.lllll I.Utlllllll. II. .'Iil.'f liilnllll;! wiiil ..llll lllinin. Will. .\ll Irr.iw. I.icki'l : llrlil\ , Hi'lu.'lici- till. I packi't . l.Hik.'.l iifi.T liy W. I'. I> .■..MiTiiir; H. (;«■>. . MlU'liluTHilII. ..iiul.l. i'\. M.iriiiti'lli'. Il.il.t loiiiil.l M.-rinc IH till' V ^l2«' bamilloi.i /I'-^ecblor •:• Crxr-niv^l L lili^n •:• jf\u^u^\, iH(i(^ •:• .\ii. w I I I.M-...S. CITY COUNCIL .\i n. K(\iii. u .\ii.M....i.i. \i n. .M. I.M I IS. .Vi 1.. Tii...! ..■ \.i.. M..,..\ .1, |1|\..S. \l I.. CVIIIII IIIMIH. Vl.li, .ll I.I.. \| I.. M..1II.IN. .\l.|.. M..I1..1V. \ll. I'MN. \ii.Mi hiin.t. .\ii.. Ml l>i.\ni.. All.. I'\iiui«.s. .\i 1., Hri>(%i\. Ai n. 'I'. IMm.n. \ii. IIi.i \m. I 'l;l t. li^niM.. \l I- I il II I M M. \lK I.I Jl \\\' 'III'''- iii4iiiiiiiiii|iiii»f.i. -ii i\ii> iiLiii .llll l]Lj|\\ iiii; riiliilMil w.i'k t.' pli'iiKi' nil. I iiiiiiiw. luT ?3r "" hIh t.f MHitnrH. the Wvvk JM rii>t In )h ^/S^l^*^ fntjicl\ ili'vuti'il to li/./. aiM( liJiii^. |»nn-cH ^^\.JL>*' Hinii uiiil miiMJc, rmiiin iiml Hiuliti^, iiiili 11^*^ turv imnnic lunl Mncict.v wiirniiMi»»rii'MM. Mrc • fL workH mill tlu^H. 'I'tiiM't' will Ih> plfiitv nf 4 tlicw, Hiid tlic\ Mill Ik' iihiiiiiliiiitly i'|i]uv iilih-. Hut tlif^jri'iit fi'iitiin- '»f till' riinnviil wfck will U- tin- incrcliiiiitM' ciiiiviMilinii II Miii'liii^ of vunt iiii|Hiiiiuii'c imt iiiily tu till' htiHiiu'HH nu'ii nf the cniiiitry, but ti> cvrry iiiiui lillil WMliilitl wliu l>ll> H ^doiIm uiid ]'H\>* llin III' IliM' |pni|)i)l |Hirtiuii nf till' ntuil inrnlmnt's InHN hy IiikI I'otivnilion )iuh Ut'ii lalUil. Mt'HHiH. Kiinx luid liriHtnl mi' kit-ii. wiiln uwiiki'. Hhrt'Wd IdiKiiu'MH im-n. Tliry wvrv iiiiicli irii|)i('HHt'cl with the ilfHinihility nf ulKilisliiiii;. nr iit the vi-ry IriiKt, i-ctluc iim tn niininiiiin tin- Iohwi-m HiiHluiiu'.l hy tlii' nii-iTiiiitilf roiiimuiiity liy tin- iiiiiimiii-r ilinpoHul of l>iitikiii|it Htnckn l»y tlif liMiHi* iniiiiiHT III wliirli i-oni|HdiniHcH lm\4- Ih-imi tiMult' iM'twi'cii rriMlitni-^ ami iiimilvi-iil iU-IiIoim: iuuI I)V llu- iiuryiiiu nil the puitof .InilcrH nf inmilVn-U'iit iiMHiir nine. Ill till' invitiillniiH Mi'iit liroiulciiwt Ihroiinlioiit tli<- iniintiy llll' piiiHii'iil itMim for iliHciiKHioii iit the i vcii tioii lilt' tliUH Mi't tlowii ; (I.I III ifliition In l.uiiUrui't -^t.Mk tin- U^t iti.-uiis fm \\m. PM MWn H»N. J. M. Glltt^i'N, ril.MMlAI. SpniKTAIiy. llh-ir iliH|HiHul Ko UH to I'uiiKt' tliu It'liHl injury himI tiiiiioy itiii'c tn nlliiTH in 11 siniitar Ifniiirh of huHiiii'MH in hixuiv Int-iility. (*J.I I'liJIIMt inliijunmiMCs. i<'(.| liiHiiniiK'i-. Mm'I'V ili'iiliT kiinWH tiit< evil iiilli)('ii<-i* nf till- UHiiiil niiLiiiii'r of iliNpnHin^ nf l)iiiikru|it stockN. mhl nil will ml- uiit tlif tjchiniliility nf iiiukjii^ Hniiii' ri'^uliitioii wlii'ri'by till- fniiiij ii|Kin the coiiHUUU'r uiiil tlir nijuHtii't' to thi* iiifnimiil. nitailcil hy thi' ciirrt'tit nioiU' of (liHiKmiu^j of IhiHc stnt-ks, i-mi Ih' 4ihviiit«<|. I'm- M'uiH till- I'lnUtT nf nnjtwt I'niiniromiMi'H Iihh Ihtii 11 Htmiiliiiti r)'|)rnii(i' In the i-ouiitry. u Moiircr of lifiivy litnH to till- wlioli-HuIcr, llll iiijiiHtirf tolhi- liniu'Kt ri-tiiilrr. and ti Honi't-i' of loHM tn all. So ^liu-jn^ liuM hucii thr injuHtiiri' fvi-ii friiiid nf tlii'Hi- truiiNiu-tiniiH th.il tlii' (jucKtinii, " Mow niiifli did he nmki' mit of hiw failuri- .' " hus tnnii' to 1)1' tin- r<';iiilar Ihiii^'. It is (dt-ar to rvcrvlMHly that lln' wlutlfsuif nii'uhant niiint protcf^t hinisflf a^iaiiint tin- Iomm Htistained hy dislioiicwt i-ustnittiTH wlm fail to win, or hy iiironi|icti.>iit ri'taili'|-H who Hhould never have heeii in liUHineHH, and Hhoiihl not Ite encoura^^t'd to remain in hiiHiiit'HH, mid he iiiiisl add a perceiita^^c to Iiih margin for thiH very purpose. Thus tin; wholesale irn'rehaut's loss -eoincH the retail nieri-liant's loss, and he. in tinte. shovt-M tlu! hurdeii U|Hin th<> Hhoiildertt of lii»4 riistoinurH. It is dItVu-ult for the honest and rapahle retail mereliaut, who payrt one hundred centH on the dollar, to cniniH'te with ihe fraud.ilei.t or ineapable retailer wlm pays "itt or ID eents on Vhe di.'lar f iiliffi to see the injustieo i>f this phase of the tpiestioii at a ulani'p, and the consumer, who must, in the end, pay thi' l.mHes nf hotit Wlinh-alel aild I't'l a lltl . . >Muhl lo Ih< pm- lei'ted. If he U* not reipiired In pay fitr the limseH of the nieirhani, he will have nmre riinney to hiiy ifnodN, iind the men-lianl will reap it tjieater leiiinmale pmtit h\ lea Hoh of Ihe expanNinii nf It!" xalex. 'i he matter of in>«iitaure is an inipnilani oiie. In iIichi' ilaVH tin iiHTi'liant vtlmosviM iimiiey on his i^nnds und iie- i:let'lH or n fuoes to iiiHiii'i> his pieinistM mid stot k, is Inking • haiM'i's that no ihnmnuhl) ruinpt t< nt, und perfrriU I eHt man Mould take. If Ins pieiiii-^t ^ he hitined hii nedi- tnr-*' scturitN IS liorie. ami the li"! nf losNe- is jneieaMid. Insuram-e eosts Imt a Irille, and a resoliitinii to sell U"<>dM to iin man whn dia-s not rarry ample msiirunee woiiM re -lilt in the sa\ iiit; nf a va»t deal of money that is now Inst. Then, there is the matter nf had debt-* on the bonks nf the retail inenhanl. There is in e\er> ennimitnitv snnie dead U-ats Mhnsi- habit il is tn live otT tlietr neii>liU is. I'hi'se ^et i-redit at the retail inerehanis, und run up as \t\U a bill as |HisNibte. When the alarmed inenbiint I loses down upon Iheiii IIua traiisft-i' their patmna^r lo aiiolher shop, mid tlie bad work ynes on. With jnmt iii-lioii and ^nnil nr^ani/atinii this chiss nf Insses cmilil Iw aliiinsl et.tirely alHitislie I. Whene\t-r a riislnmer i- found In ls< miMillin^ or unable to pay. his name shoiiM he immediately enininuiiieatecl to all |HTsons in trade In this way the merehant would msm Is- ahh' to know wlmm In trust and wlmiii to refuse. There unfortunately eMsts ill almost all eommunities |»ett\ jealousies Is-tweeii retail dealers in the same braneh of trade, and they refuse to help each other. It is pinposed tn enable these dealers to see that their |H-tty Jealousy resiills in loss to themselves as well as to their tninpelitors. au ri'iiliils. I'niiii r^ \,.iHiHM i I '.iiii|«ii> . Ilir Iniiliin; lifi' r.iiii|'nM> uf ith.ns 111!' l..'11-i; iim.li' I.M' ..rt:iiii l/ i|„. I l,.iiiiiii.>ii. iiimI srn.lhl I" iHinc III llir »"liii i" MU.I \l..llll. llldii'il f"l '■»'!> ® ,;,...,: iMiilnli;illlinl. |irii.:irss lllul »i.li.lit>. 'Ilu' friilmv nf iMiisruiilMH «..rl,, ,.,„ii|„i,u «„s , -luLli^luil fi'llN ""'' M'"!" ii«"- ''I"' '""' ,„„l the .■. iTl liiill "' ll""'l i.i.iiiiiil iv|...il sli,.«,',l Ihiit .lining 111.' >i'iii- l'*'*^ mlii'iT 1,.M,. is I,. W l.ii.iiiihl iiilM ri'.|iii vv.if ii.l.l.'.l !.• till' l.iisiMrss •.'.■j:.? m» pcllcir", iiumi'Uiiliiit; silinn lll.'H- fll'i|llflllK lllllll III <|.;,sl,ll7.'i. llllllilll;; llii' Inllll llssimiliri' ill ("I'l Ill.iullltii Ihr past. I'lilli" "iv l'<'"i>; I""' «I:I.'.p7.'i.'.'."iI, illuli'l- ■J'!.\.'ll7 |«ili.it" ll|iuli ICi.'.l'.'lHms, I In- l,.r llif slill Uiviiti-r ••iVuMi'ii.) i.f „,s,,|H niiiiMiiili'il In -M.'.I.M.Mi::! nI iin.l III.' Iiiii'ilili.s ilii' lilt il.'iiiiitnu'iil. iiii'l 11 IS «s.:i|."i,ris;i I'.', rii,. .■..iii|iiiii\'s luail mIVi.'.' iil II111111I1..11 i" , \l.i'.-li'il 1.1 Ik' iii.iri' |.i..s|..r..iis ,„„, ,,f ||„. |,„iil li.iiis. iiii.l III.' Iiiiil.liiii; is iiiii.li iiiliiiii.'.! lllllll .'V.T lllii. .M'lll'- 'I'll.' 1"'" l.y III! \islt..rs, mill 111.' 'r.il'.llll.' I'lVU'l'S. II.IW ill .'Mills.' i.f .'iiliil.i:;!!.' slums iimi'ki.l (.."U , c.iisini.'iiiiii, «ill Ik' Hi.' Iinii.ls..iiii'ht luiililiii;; in llml iil>' r.ssiii till' lili'l'iir> .li'imiliiH'iil. Tlic Ciiiiu.lii l.ifi' is u wliiil.' iiiiiniii: II liiiii.ms ..f us No l.ill.'i' w.il'k is .lull.' Ill II"' siiniii.i". lis sliiiMlliif; is 'ill.iu.'lli.r Ih'\..ii.I .|ii. sll..ii. iiii.l |i,,'iiilil.ni lllllll ill 111.' Iliiliiill"" ttliili' It ,|,..'S will li> its sliiH.'lli.lil.'IS. Ii> li'iis f il» lu.ll.s' .'.llifi;.'. |,,|^,, I, .lllllll' ..f IlllSllH'SH, it lllLnils its , ll.'llts till I., si iiii.l 'I'll,' l,>,iir,l ;il II n.'.'iil 111.'. 1 ,,,(,,^1 lif,, ii.siiiiiii,' I 111.' iii.i-l ii|.|.iM\.'.l |.hiiis, lii.j ii.l.l.'l 1" III.' fii.iill,^ 1"". '.. MnL»W.S F.-IUNDRV llll. l.MI'l.WV M \M l\i I I l;l\i. I 11 .-T- III- lin.i I,.,- .sKilili-li.'.l II- «"il.- .11 -I. -'■■ -••■ '"' /VTs Mm sir,', I. uii.l hiis f 111.' lili.'sl sli.'U .....iii- vi/ HI til. .lU I'll.' I i|.iiii\ iiiiiiiildi.'liir.s -1"^.-' I'lili^.s.. lllllll. 'II. '.I mill'. Iiiil nil' flll'liii.'.'s mill .list 111:.'- "f I'l.l'i .lis,'ri|itii.M. 'I'll.' liilsiiiiss «:is lir-l 111-11 INti'.l III \V .1 '1, ■riirliliiill iH. 1 lllllll wm- ii'J" 111 l^'i'-' \li. I lUilliiu nil- tiiUi'ii lilt" till' l.ii-iiii'- iiiiil.'i' till' liiiii I, mill' ..f Tiiiiil.illl 'V <|'' I'lM- ^.'I'l- lil'i ^li I'^ii'll"" ,,,,11 1 1 niilMil III' 111.' I.ii-iiii— .mil ill.' I'r.-.iil 111 • nil- ii.|..|.l.'il. 'I'll.' .■.iiul'ilin liii- I'li'ii *.'" -Ill '■. -fill 111 tli.ii' liusiM.'-s. Hill tli.'ir lili.' Ill' -I'll.- mil liiiii;.- ll"' I', liiiisiilui' IS nlli.'ll llUs llllllllllil illl 1 liMiil'li li'l'il tiiti.iii illl I'-i'i- til.' Aiiii'ii.'iiii .'.niliii.iil. Till' lli'Miti'ii mi. I I'.'iiiiisilliii li.it nil' fiiriiiii'.- 111. Ill-" iiii.iiiifiiiliii.'l l,\ till |iiili\.i.ii'l lii'i.' ,illmii.'.liiliii;li i'"sili"ii iiiii.'iii; til. I'liili' tlili.;ii;li"iil 111.' I'.'iii "I I'"" ".'" '"»- ''■'*'' III, II ii.l.l.'.l I" ill! 11 h-l I.f iiiiiiiiifiiitiiii- "lllllll 111. I''i-I I, ill "I 111", till. "( till 111 till' I 11 li"l "iil'i' i""l -tiiiiii iii.liiil'ir Illl- liiiil ii i.'iiiiH'liill.l.' sill,', illl. I I..111- 1' •|',. -II. .11 limi lli.'i il" limits 111 lliiilillliili. IiiIm' til.' iiisi'iif til.' iii'ii Illl liiill. Til.' »l. "1 111"' liiiiiil-.'iii.'' si.li.l sliii.'lin.' .11111.' fi'i.iii N.'« lliiiiisvii.'k. 'I'll.' liisl St. 111.' Ill 111.' t.iiiii.liil WHS liii.l Aiiiil ■-'■-'11.1. I'"*'*. Ilwiiii; t.i fiiiliir.' ill till' St. III.' sii|i|il.\ »i;ik WHS sii-|..'iiil.'.l fr.iiii til,' mill. II.' . if .lull.' until lIu' lull.T imlt "' 'lub- '11"' .1.111. r sliiiii' WHS liiiil .lull r.itli. |siM. till' ii.iltli I'ust ...1 u.'l' ,uilv ,if til.' luiil.lillH In'liiH up I" til.' I'U».' Ill llui' •I'l"'- Kiui; iif (111' 'I'l' 111.' Il.iiiil -tmiiiiii'iiiiiti. 1. , ,1..' ,.i'i.-i..'.'.s fi.i' lis, tiiiui'j , iiiuiiti ,|;;:-,./„^„„,,:^ ,„„, ,,.,;,,.„ .,, ,„, m-,' ,'\i',ll,'i,t. Illl "lli.r u.w lllU' IS tliut iif l.l'i.'k mill ', ,. ,,, ,,.,11.,,,. 111.' iiiiiiliiii.n mill lu'i.kiiiiik.'is' sii|i|ili,s. 'Illl' ll.'iiri Mill'tiu liri.'k lllil.lllll.'. Illil.l.' Ii.i illl- liliii' 1- il, liii"wlrili;i'il til.' lu'st lllilrlliu.' lllllll.'. mill il. II- lllillillfil. tin.' ill tlii- fiiuliili'i It liisi's 1 .' iif Its .'X.', Ui'i.i 1, -. N.'W. II - I'l.li.'i' i/.-r, liuiliii.il.l's |..rliill '.■ |il.— . I'liiil.'l I'li.k mill til.' iiiii.'liiu.'. 1111,1 til.' Vi.t.iriii -.1111 illl pi.'ss iiiii.liiiii'. m,' iilsii iiii'lii,l.'.l III till- Illl,'. Is -111. -illl "tli.r ii.'..'-i.ii iiiii.'liiiii'r.l 111 til.' I'li.'k iimkilii; In.. . liilllU's thill "ill 111' il m.iil in ,.,.s,uuit.. 111.' ."lli'Ui' i.ii.l illl' iiinsii'ul I'liil- "I 111.' .11*' ^li- Clui'.'iii'. I.ii.'i.-' "li" lui- l.u- sci.'l'ul I. ills lii'i'll stil.ilillU 111 Miintiiiil, I'iiil-. It.iln,', rl..i.ii.'.' uii.l I I uliil f.u ll„. piisi ii'iii' t,i„ '4 111 111.' ■I'l.i.'nt" .'..ll.'t.' "I innsn' iin.l.'i' Ml. 'I'..iiiii);l"ii. luis li.'.'ii .'L.t-'il .lii'.'.'l.u- ■•' III" ,„iis,.ii;,i..n Mmlrnn.' Asli.T l.ii.'""' pupil nf Clum . ^ , I .., ,, ,,., „f ,i„. Paris ,',.iis.'iiiil,.i'V..,f Alinul August 1st ii.tun ,.p.'rali„iis ..nniiu'ii.'.'.l .m tl"' ti;:;:::!',;: pi Ilia I.' ami .'.'vstal pal...... mm .im'k wanmu .n.. «i'..i,n.l l.'v.^. ami .,iiii.'.l nutH I- !'i"„, iiall ."lii'i'ils. will I..' .11.' I'.'-i t -I" I"""'-"' ■'"'"''"'■ '^'- "'"•" "'" -"•"■"•""" '■' '■' »■- '"'"►= '"" N.':;iit till u 111- all' |ii mini;; "Uli "ll"' .'liiin.'iil iiiti-l- lllllll till' -lii" '- i.iiiipl.li.L Mr l.ll. .1-1 - lii;;lil.^ 1. 11.1.. 1-1. 1 1. 1 Mr '|..iiiin:l.iii mi'l "till I liil.lln- inil-l.imi- "f I'-'l" Ill- nni-iiiil i'"iiip"-iliiili- ill.' ".II kiiiiwn t.. til,' pi.il,-- i.iii. aii'l 11.' 1- ,',.lisi,|,'i,.,l ,1111' "f ill,' iiii-l pr.iiiii- iin: iniisii imis ii't )ir,iilit.'.-il in Can aila. liiil.'i'il. 11.' IS III.' .ilil.v 11111-1 ,'liin wli.t lia- ;;ii,li in ('ana, la ii ."n lilt iif Ills l.W II ,',llllpllsltlllllS I'llllllll Maililln.' A-ll.T l.il.'ils is a pill Ill ■ pimii-1. Sill' liiis plali'.l 111 fill.' II \Mii.riiN i.Ai>ii;s 1 iii.i.i;(ii: 1.1. ,.i,i th.' I1..II1I111I111 I'f Ciiliii'la iiiiil il Illl pml- ,.f till I iiiti'.l Statis. .ji'iiiliial.'s "f tl"' llmiiill.iii l.ailii- Ciilli'i;.' ai'.' In in;; .'\ i.l.iii.' "f tli,'.'\.','ll.'ii.'.' "f tliis ili-lltiltliin fill' till' lii;;lii T .'.lii.iilii.ii "f yiiilli;; wiilii.'li. 'I'lii' pliniisi'S 111'.' \ty\ ]:\yj.i- .iiiil "I'll -ilnati'il. 'I'll.' ...ll.'K.' will ..|K'ii l.ll S.'ptinili.r I. mill n.iisi'i'iatiirv ,if iiiii-l, aililiil. Maii.i m " fiiiluri- liian.l , tl fmiiill "f llliuliili.l. ami till' lii.'-l intiiiil mnli.'ii.'.s in Kn-liiml ami mill I'liiiii.'. Sill' I- "itliiint iliiiilit til.' imist liiililiilit pimiist 111 till' .'..uiitr.i. I'll.' i'..ll.'i;i' is t.. Ih' .I'll I "ii;;iiitiiliiti'ii Illl 111. 'SO iu't'.'ssiiilis. IM'. lliirns is r.'.'i'iiiii;; iii'.l.'i- fill" i,..iiii- ilml.v. ami is pi'.'parin;; t" a, '.'.lllllll. ..Int.' a'lar;;.' iiu'r.'iis.' "f jni pils till- inai'. (Ii'.'al iiiipr.,v.'iii.'iils liiiii' Ink. 11 pill.'.' .Iiiiiin; tills Ml. a ti.iii. HAH/IILTON LADIES COLLEGE. Till l.ii; Liiliis in 111.' (iistiil I'iila..' i;i'.ni,iils.in.'i' tliui ilii'.l fi..iii till' Willi- "f S.'l.asliipiil. ami lilllli'.l I'liur till' full "f till' i:ri'iit l!i|s-nili stl'iiii;;ll"l.l tlli'sc lii w,r,' -liippi'.l I" II illi'li anil pn -I'lil.'il t" tl MORTONS SOAP FACTORY. mm ii'iii;; llial 111.' I.nililim; llml Ih'.i, put up ftnlll Ul'i'llU'l til riiiif sim.' August 1st. S.'ii'iit.'.'ii ila>s iift.'rwar.ls till' nil if liiiaiillli;; was ii.iiipl.'t.'il ami r.'Uilv fur slat, r ami till- f II ll till' llritisli tiiiiips 111 till' Iri'lu'li.'s. III. ..mill, M. .\. Pi,;.itt. tlm .'iiiitra.'ti.l'. win. a,',',iliiplislii'il tills iistiiiiisliiii;; n-siill. ,'laiiiis that il hi'uls tin' ii I'll thill iiii.ithir al'i'lliti'i'tllial st.uu' liiiilililii; has .'i.T iKt'll hiiilt s.i raplill.l 111 Illii. r.uintrv. Tlu' liipiil wi.rk was il.,ii.' withiiiit a.'.'i.li'iit .11' iujui'.N I.f aii.v kiml. Tli.' luiilil- 111^ i- m.w lu'iirint; .'.unpl.'ti.in. ami in iilmiil Iim' wi'i'ks fniiii Ihi' iliit,' iif III,' ,iiriiHiil will Ik- rimli fm mi npaluin. Till llaiiiilt.ui ami Diimlus i'iiilwa\ is imc nf llii' iiisti tntiiins I.f th.' .'ill . Visit. us iiiai iiiaki' 111.' iiuiii.l flip fur a iplalt.'l. anil .'iijn.v a linisl pli'usaiit liilc 111 "IM'ii I'ai'H lliriiunh till iH'aliliflll Dmi.las liilli'.v. Tin' littli' .lillillii.v .■ii;;iii.'s pull l.ii; ttiiiiis at a lapnl rut*', mnl a riilc mi llic iliililin.v train is a pli'iiHiint cxpcrii'liia'. Aiinlii' park au.l Clilu's jiiliil.'i' pink ali' liotli nil 111.' Ii if this mail, ami till' I'luiniiin;; Inwii nf 1 iiimlas ithf Villi. '\ .'itil, hill aiii.inj; llu' lulls, is w.irlli s..|'ini;. I'lif lliiiinltiiu ami lliimliis mail liius fiu'tl trains a day ami ■j liiiils pliiiti iif liiisin.ss fur lllllll all. 1). Mlllfl'DN .\ SONS. 0\ Kni.'ial.l sli'i'i't. u littl.' siiutli iif Kiiii;. tlu' hii';;.' w.iiksi.f tliiBllrm ari'l.. Iii'f.uni.l. In lav.l Ihivi.l ;\I.irtiiii. sr.. i'.milii.'ii.'r.I tlit' luisiiirss iif snap iiiakili)., ami ua tillin piiHst'it tra.le imri'ilsi'il iiipi.llv. rivirv hiuist'wifi' in tlir D.iiiiiiii.iii will -iwak liii;lil\ iif this linn's Vi.l.ir liranil. ami llu' N. I'.. tli,.ii«li a lati'i- iimiliu'ti.ui. liaa riipnll.l ;;iiiii.'.l favi.r tliriui;;li,iiit all till' pr.iviiiri'K. This linn iilsn inuliufiu'liirt's th.'draml ami a ilnwii liramlH »f laiimlrv snaps. Tlii' iiiiiiiiifa.'tiii'i' iif liiii' snaps has hi'i'li liili'ly pnslii'il. ami Mnrtnn's tnil.'t snaps hail' rapliiri'il iii'iirly 111.' wlmh' Irii.lc nf 111.' I>.i mini. 111. Till' hiisiiu'sH uf llhs linn I'.vli'inls fmiii Halifax til \'am'iiiivi'i'. 'I'll nii'i't tin' ili'inamls nf im'r.'iisiii;; trii.lr 111,' fa.'l,ti'\ has 1m'.'Ii i'iilnri;.'il scvi'i'iil liiiU's. ami is tti iliiy .III.' .it lal'iii'sl ami liamlsiiiui'Ht snap faclnrii's 111 th.' .'ity. Th,' llriii , '.insists .if f.uir iiii'iiilH'rs Haviil. sr.. .I.iliii, II.iIh'I'I. ami Davi.l. jr. ■:• i!^l^c bamilton Ji^eetoxtof^ •:• vC<.\i'nival L-lili-n •:• ^flup^f., 1880 •:• linU i:s. .1 \M!i:suN >\ ( (». ^yti MuNt; ilic iiiiiri> i*iili-i'|iriHi nlljiw'H niinii- wiis ilro)>|ifi| unil tlif linn iiiirnc ln'i-jirni' itowcK, ,lainJr''oii A Co. 'Ilic foinnhx iiiitl workn lire ai-kiiow jnliictl lo lii> litti-il n|i for the hiisiiKsH in it sts Ic HUpcrior to iiii> workn of u siiniliir cIush in tin- Ihuniiiioii. Sitniitnl on Kiiiij ^^In-it uist. ut IIk' cortirr \\\ 'l'iMliili>, till* wiirkM lire ntNtly rnii-licd li\ llit- (i. T. I'. iiii> tlii'iii, till- Art <;iiiliinnt iiinl mIIiii<.4 fiatiin- known lo inoilrni ^toM- lonsinution, Usiilrs inanv ^tprrial jiiiil t>\i'|in otlMi line of ;^ooi|s. 'I'lir lonml lirr|H. While 110 |tHiitw arc spurcd \%\ the niainifactnicrs i.) makr this sto\e the most liaiMlsoiitc in iippcarancc. I lie •• uoi K in;i'" fciitnrcH lia\c not hern at all Hli>;hteil. and it is to al inaunfartiir iUL! ceiitM' of (he Dominion. llll- lloilM'. \\ llil-r th.v air -llte to l-cI e\er\llMni that IIk'V nill po'.sllilv i|r<.M-e ti'olll tll<'lii. aihl thns krrp llieir ar.'oiiNt \Mtli one linn. .1 \s. A. SKl\M:ir A CO. \\A^ hark m ls:,n this tin eoninieiier.l hnsHiess. an. I th mouth of Iheil l.ic-me^-^ ha kepi pace Willi ilia! of th Poininion. The tn in ikaU in eioe)' kci-\ . jjliisswaie. china roo.N. eiiiiei \ plaleil ware, lamp e U iiml fam- W. (;. IUNN A 4(>.. IMrnirri'.KS ami Mannfiteiiirers. Caiia. m esiahlishcit for ncarix I went > veais; i|iiriti<: I his pel io<| ilie\ lia\c liMill up a rcpnialioii niiHurpasscd in ( iinaita in then- hnsiiu-ss. Their lea* lint; lines of hakinii powiler. uai'c. iiiiil iH to ila\ the lemliiiti lioiise miisianls ami pare spu-cs. are to he fonml in ulinosi i'\ei \ in the whole of Canaila. I{«-ro;;ni/.iiiw store from Monlrral t havi-also the fart that to make a hiisiiicss u con a hrancli fariiir\ in llni^lamL an.l are meeting; with rieat timiol snrress it is nrccssar) to keep up success there. This also ei\,.s 1 hem an important atl\ ant with the adviincinu a>.:i-. the lirni has ul CHINA PALACE JAMES A. SKINNER & CO. rilK IIAMII/I'ON ( (»l roN ( OMI'ANV. (^^IIK llamtltoii Coton Co. was estal)lislie^uralcil h\ this com pan\ has Ntcailil> incivused, unlit now it i-xicnds from the Atlantic to the rucitic slope. Tlic nulls are snh slant nil hrick hlruc-tiircH. haviun a fronlajic on Mai> street of 2.'>n feet, with various other l)uildin>:s situated al llie buck of the iiuiin milt. The power is furnished hy an i varus, l>alt kllIllill^i cotton, cop \anis. twines of white ami fancy olors. lamp wicks. iMKti well, skirl (aiH-. lu-ll web and »to\c wicks. .\ specialty is nuiile of hosiery varnH. Tills milt has oh- taiiicd llirou}^li(Uit the entire country an en\ial>le repnia tion for tlii> ipiality of llieir viirioiis products, huviii^ also in llieir |HissesHion a immlH'r of medals ohtained at \ari otiH cxIiiliitionK. Ivvcelleiit rnainif^ement. comhined with u thorough knowledi^e of the faluicH ami their maiiufac ture luiH produced IIichc resultH. This company repre KcutH one of the lending imliislricH of tlic citv. and has rnntrilaited very rnateriHily in tlivin-.; to Ilamittoii itH si^- ua>s,amed a fnll and i-oniplcte stork of tlie latest and most improveit arli rl.'s in the iliirereiil hues of Ilie hnsi lu-ss. and a look tlirou<>li the estal> > li-ilimciil. which i> alw.i\ s open to\ isii ors. ' wdl I edi at<'l\ show llial thr mteiiti r the honsr IS. if pnssihlr. lo krcp ahead of rather ihan ahieasl of the liuu's. The lai't.;!' premises IS rroudc't on >dl llooi-s with \w\\ aiidi'le::aiit •4oo<|s. j'he lllosl driiratr -prriinms of the r|ass uorkcr's art lure liiid a ]ilace on the iiiimeroiis >,|iel\es and lahles. and the rrmark on the street lliiil ■•SkninnA (o.'s windtiWH are re dressed." is a sit; nal for pedestrians, who iii\ariah|\ slop and iidinire Ihc wares tlius dlspla\ed. ''•agytt'O- ^ CANADA COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS auc 111 hciiiii able to persimallv sole, t tlir -lork lor tlinr Canadiiin milts. This lirm has on]\ ohtaimd stirh a reputation by selling' eoods upon thni niniis. and Limn:; holirsl \allie. 't'llev lia\e ne\er rrs.nl.d to ihr nnbusi liesslikc s\steiii to force sales h\ tl,e prrlinre of LilMlii; prescnis with their ;:oods. so often done, hut \\\\\v irlied Upon llie sound common sense ami jmli^ment of llieii- rns tomers. hetie\inf4 this lo he the onl\ true prim'i|i1e of The rity retail tr'ide is c\lensi\e and business. This wilt no d.nihl nisior tlieiii a loiiMandsnr IMoMtahU'. This linn also liolds Ilic cnxiable rcpntatuni cessfnl career, of biiiiL: the pioneer house in opciim^; up the iiorthursi trade, anti the early etforts put forth in this direction A ii.omiwm .\merii-aii lra\eller. who M>.iird ilaniil lia\e been rewarded by a continued iin'i'cust' of business ton ii few xt-ais ai^o. stood upon the mountain bniw. i;a/.ed IbronLiboiil thewhoh-of the uortliwest and Itritisli Col lone and earnestly, and said: "It is the Naples of .\me iinibia. and to da> the linn of .las. A. Ski n tier <\ Co. nia> rica." <'lailll to be the hu-L^cst import er 111 Canada of cioi-kcry, yliiss ware, etc., and the lart;«'st ship peisio Manitoba. itrtlish Colum bill a iielter than deal direct with HAMILTON COTTON FACTORY. Ab. ^^^^Elll Bi .... \\ 111' ^? .^^ , - •.■«*'""J m P''^^^ 32 ^lie ibamilton fpecbtop •:• (C?xpnival lEslitioii v fi^^i^^U 188^ T\® W^^'sm'^h '^^"^^ JiK Tliirtfi-iith l.iittiihon tian.l is oi:»' nf llif oMrst Hint ril.ist linlMilcil uf till' iinisiiiil iuHtitiititiiis nf Huni jPTp^^MnB ^ lltnlt. It Iliis Ik'CII nr;iillti/.t-i foc '^* tlu' last twi-iity tlirrc \rius. its first liiUMtiiiustcr U'iii;^ I'l-tcr (iri»sni:ui. wliti is iinw pntiuiitor of nlii nf tile liiij:t'st music Kt^ircs in }|iimilt«Mi. It hiiH l)efii uniit tnimimitstor, (ifinm' niihiiiHoii, for nearly twi-iity yt-ars. he luiviiii.' ulttiiilic'l till- |)nsittnii in ixr.li. Mr. Unl)iiisnii IS 111! Kii^lisli mail Iiy liirtli. limine rccfiMil ctm -I'lcrahli' if Ins imisical training at Kiicllar Hall, wliidi I'sliuati'il iit-ar I.Diiclnn. Kinilarnl, wlicre he stmlifil fnr • them lui llnir piltirinia^'e to Wash iiiiiton, stopping.' at I'lttsliitrji, llarnshurt; ami New York also \ isitin<^ the tonih of Washin^^lon at Mount \'ernon The return trip will inelud<> stoppat^es at many import ant cities, where the peuph' will have another diance 1 heariritl Caimda's favorite hand. The instruments used h> the hand are all made l>y th linn of r. Messon A Co.. London. Ijijiland, who con PRIZE CUP I'llKSKNrKI* HV IHi; MKIIlIiKN HIIIIWMV liiMl-V\^ roH nil M i.r. < oMi-Krii ion. WM. fANMER. PHOTO Htantly receive larjie ortierH to supply the Imi>erial army, and who recently have received a larue order from this or^ianization for new instruments, which, when tilled, will add (greatly to the volume and unpular, and immeuHe crowds are always in attend- anee. In addition to the lianilsome uniform provided for the memlM-rs as a regimental band by the l>(uninion. the Tliirt<>enth Iiuh also an expensive and tasteful uiiiforin for private ent^'atjemcntH. }H!r)ni))H the most ImndHome posKCHHed by any l>und on the i'oniinent. The following are the names of the memlKTs, with the instrunientK they play ; (tcor^e IL Hobins. .\ii deistui. piiM-olo: .\. Iluttoii, itlHM- ; Wm. I'eel, (i. Hutton. Win. Mchou^all, lirst Hb cornet : Wni. Walsh, It. Lmnas. second Hb cornet: T. (ieiitle. trum)iet ; (i. d. Itobinson. first Inirn ; -1. I'ryke, second horn: A. (inissinan. third horn ; A. Taylor, fourth horn ; T. Kin^i. jr., hrst tenor 'ritml«ine; T. Kinj,;. sr., second tenor troml)one; S. Koh- er. bass trombone; .1. McKen/ie, baritone: Wm. .\ddi- son, euphonium : It. Mai^niis and Wm. Taylor, double Hli liass: \ . Hyrne ami II. Sweetman, Mb bass; Win. Mc- Coomb and 'L Pett, snare drums; .1. Itutley. bass drum ; •L Lvans. cymbals. Tin: ro<-k strata of the Ilamiltnn escai')tmeiit belong tu tlu! middle Silurian ueolo^ical system. Coiintiii;^ from their liast; upwards, they frtrm thr<><> well deliued ^rotipH known us the Medina. Clinton and Niagara formationH. (•■tod building stone is found in Udh the Medina and Clin- ton (.'roups, tliout^h a threat part of the Medina series is a friable shiile, the detritus of which maiiily forms the line fruit tirowiiiii lands hetweeii the escaipment and lake Ontario. It is throufjh the Medina formation that the falls of Niii^^arii have <*ut tlieii- stupendous niir^e. and in feeble imitatinn each streamlet falling over the ettcurp- nieiit cuts ttlr<)U^h thoHO panty nhaleH a KnHy of contiider- able si/e. Tmk llrant house, a hotel Kitiiatejreat Inilian chief. ¥l7e bamilton JpecbtoF •:• Cs^Ptiival Eilition •:• flu^u^i, 1889 00., WIKH.KSAU: IMroUTKItS OK (JKNKUAL DKY (lOODS. HAMII/IOX, ONT ^ KN'OX. MOIUIAN A CO. ItKVIOI'S to the ruilroiul i-nt in Oiilurii) jj; ton. U-in^i til. Ilani- lifuil tif nuvijjiitinii on I.aki' On- tario, hclil the ti-iul in the l>r> (iooiIh triide, iiinl Ko Htron^j wuH luT IiuM uikui thin tnnlf tliiit nhv. iiiaintainud it niiin\ ycmH uftcr llu' hnihliiiy of milroads licjiftti to nnikc tnkc uuil ri\t>r nuvi^^Htiun uf U-hn import- luice to tlif tnuic of tlu* i'oinitr\ . Sitnv the const rnction (if till- Cri'ut WVsti'rii uikI (Iruml 'I'rnnk ruilwiiys the vicissitudt'H of hiisint-Ks hiivt- lit'cn HtroiitiI\ nmrkcd in thi- lunlutions fity. l-'roni iH.Mi m IH70 llaniilttMi boasted of snch strong and fiivoralily known dry t-oods honscs as thoH(M)f Huchanaii, Harris A- Co.. (Jordon, Matkay iV Co.. Vnnnn, Tiwood and Marrle. and a vast IniHinesM in dry titKtdn wuh done hy the wholesah' men of Hamilton. The |)res('nt IcadiTs of tlir whnlesale dry t^oods tnuh' of Hamilton lUf Kuo\, !Vloite^an to Ik' reeo>,'nized as a tirstelass buyer, houn oxiMirience has j^iven him a thorough acquaintance with the valnet of ^oods, and what is of nuire consetpience, an intimate knowledj^e of the styles of dry jummIm suitable for (hitarii). These qmiHtieatitins, udiled to a tliorout^li familiarity with the best markets for purchasing'. placeH his hrm on a par with the best in the Dominion. Knox, Morgan A Co.'s estahlishnient is situated on the south si(h> of Kin^ street, immediately op|Hisite (lore park, It contains no less than Kl.OlK) stpnire feet of ttiK)r- a^^e, is conveniently laid out for the business, iKrcupies a "eentral pttsition, and is in every way an attractive whole- sale (h*y ({oods house. It (umtaiiis a basement and is four st4>rius in height, and is in every respect adapted for tho business. The li^ht is |>erfecl both from the north and Houtli, with additional advantages in this res{H;ct from ft well which admits the oastern light, thus afTorditiif the Hreates^t facility for inspeetinn the sttn-k, while the arran^ienieuts for the display of «,'oods nnike it easy and pleasant fcir buyers. Owin;^ to the recent increase in business an bydranlii- elevator has been addeii to facilitate the haiHlhn^ of the ^oods. The push and ener^'y shewn hy this younj; honse. with ample and steadily inilier Irainiii;; and greater skill and self restraint than possibly those in any other business, to emible them not ordy to cuter to but anticipate the ever varying wants of a fastidious public, who iK'ccnne more dillicidt to please atid more versatile in their tastes from season to seasttn. The ^^roup of intellijieut faces lit the top of this paj^e not mdy leprescnts the force of inti-Ilwt necessai-y fctr a hut^e distribulinj,' liusiness. but is the iK'st e\idence friuu an advertiser's point of view of the vohmu' of their turnover. Twice each year the foreit^n inarki'ts are seai-.hed by represenlati\es tif the tirni. ^Ir. Mor;ian tookinti after the fall t!(iods and Mr, Knox devoting his attention to the spriny supplies, each beint; accompanied by the buyers. J. .\. Mackie and l>tnald Mclnnes. jr.. srs. The business is conthicted on a e impossible to enumerate a tithe of what is to ln' wwu her^'. A visit is ntHiessary in order to have any idea of the contents. Department A, umlcr the management of J. KUlun Hull, contains the " Staples,"- cuttons from every Cana- dian milt, Camidian flannels, cottonadett. shirtings, blank- ets, houaekoopiiitf linens, towels and quilts. A. Finlayscui, in department B. can show Canadian and imported tweeds, woolens, tailor's triminintis, tapes- try, hruHsels and hemp i-arpets. floor oil cloths, etc. Department C. of which .1. -I. IMcsser has chart,'e. eni- brai-es nuistly forei;in imports, amonj^st which may be mentioneil silks, satins, plushes, velvets, moires, nierintm, cashmeres. era|>es and dress (^nods in all colors, together with prints, muslins, tiinj^hams, linintis. etc. dents' furnishings also f.u-m a branch of this depart- ment, where all ^;oods coming under this heatl will Iw found in endless variety. In department D, over which F. I.. Lauder presides, will l>e found Kn^ilish, ,\merican and Clerman smallwares and novelties. Kmbroideries. laces, lace curtains, Herlin w'hand)rook. Heetiey and Fit/pati'ick have Unxti presided, while the enteriuj; room, umler Mr. A. T. Duncan, shows on its dial the pulse of the trade over the province of Ontario. Letter orilers have particu- lar care in wlectitm and dispatch, and are quite a feature in the daily duties, from the increase in their loimber of late. Many of the oliler merchants who have not visited the city for years are exiH'cted tti attend the merchants' con- vention during Carnival week, aiul to these as well as Htrauf^ers a cordial invitation is extended to look over this establishment aiul Hee for themselves that Hamilton is an important dry ^oods manufacturing and distributin>> city. The stii« iiiilii»lni'». aii.l .iiu' wliirli williiii till' la»l fnw .VMirx lm« "m'i<- nipiil «lri.li'» li.Kurilslhf lii'iulit nf iiin~i» ril> . i» timt "f 'rh.w. I.ii\\r> iinil Si>ii. kuDWn u» Uif lliiin ill. Ill I'lU'kiiiy lliiilHr. Ill IMI'.l (lie fiiliTiirisi' wiwi-tuli IikIm'iI In 'rill'". I.IUMV. Binii' wliii'll tiini' tln' lin-im-«H liim sU'iiclilv ihiTi'iisi.l. until now tlu' iiiiiii»trv in tlir must I'X l,.|isiv>.,if itB khwl iutlir ll.iniMii.iM. ■nifrxiill('iili|imlilv ,.f till' UoihIs tmilf.l nut IS no ilculit till' k.'\ tn lis plos piTiH. as till' I.. .V S. itnil linpiriiil liruinls nt meats unci lunl liiiM' nmilc for thi'msi'lvcs n iviuitiitimi us wiiU' us tlir .•.iiilnaiit. lai'i!!' mlisiniimi'iits Ihiuu maili' ilaily tn tin' Miiritimi' iirnviiiws, Ni'wf.imiillaml. Manilolm ami Uril Isli Cilimiliia niarki'ts, l»si,iis imslm ins; tin' |iiiiicipal ilntiirl.i sniiply. Williin llu' last fi'W >cais tlir iii|«l , ilv ..f till' Hamilton I'aikinsj lloiiw has liirii .lonliloil In lAlinsiM' impnniinonts. I»'siiics »lin'h. tin' Ari;>li' I (liitano l'ail:ini; lloiisi's liavo also lu'on si-iiircl, tin' latli'l'of wliiili aloiif IniMii;; a .apaiity of Klllll lions piT lin, 'I'll.' I'l-.'si'iit mi'hilii'is of till' linn .irr I'lios. I.awrv iui.l Ins son 'I', il. Lawi's. M. ni!KNM':N A SUNS. ■^7—111; M. liriiiiM'ii A Sons Mannfiiilnnii;; Company ((^ Jiiniti'.ll. was .'stahlislu'il in l.i.".l'. In tlii' senior ^-^ niiniln'i' of tlu' company. In l.s.sl tlic sons wiri' ailmiltt'il to iiartni'i'slnp. ami in the pi'i'si'nt yiai' iMH't-ni was fonntvl into a limiteil coinpany nmlt'r tin- 111 st>U'. Till' linsini'ss is oni' of tlu' lai'Ui'st in Can- II llii- nniniifintiiri' of sash, lilimls. iloois, moulilint;s. 'I'lii' loinpany aKo iloi's a lai-[;i' trailc in liiinlior. shinnies, etc. In onlei' to supply its extensive works in this eity the eoni|»in,\ has wi'll estitlilished saw mills at 'I'iaao, Connty of Siineoe; lluntsville. Miiskoka; an. I Snmlriilee. I'ariv Siiiin.l \t these null- TIKIS. I,A\V;iY A SON'S I'ACKINd IIOI'SI''. ntin, it till pri ail: etc lath. lit all till lukle.l to the reserve fnii.l ami «-.',7-.".l..'ll to tin fmi.l. The lesi'rve fninl now amonnls to }'.>l.'.,llllll ami the eontiiiMent fluid to «'i.'i.r,IIH,ll(l. 'I'lie total amount, in ary, Issil. iHirrowi'il In the society npnn ilelH'nturi' stock was il.'Jnl,!'!-'.!!.".'!, ami the aonri'^ate ___ ,.,1 to *'_'.-.'irj,.".l«l.l'.(l. 'I'he total society were t:l.l'i'.'7,:)71.iil. 'The Ilamilte I'll. I'"elirna ami ilelH-ntlirt Uin-nwetl capital ainoini assets of the si I'.KKNNI'.N ,v nllipi CIN^ IIIN'TSVIT.T.I', Mil. I 111 manilf; material i|seorln»id of the resi'rvoir, a distance of ahoiit four miles, and Hamilton would then have a park nneipiallcd in the world. Alone Its whole extent the visitor would have a view of a mdile paiio raiiia, iiiclmliiia n lH>autiful city, a wide and rolliu!; cliampaiK". and the nohli'st lake in all the world. This park would cost comparatively a IriHe. It vvmihl adorn ami make valuahle the adjoiniiie property. It would furnish hveathins; space for all the people. It would inaki' a drive thronah which it would he the pride and pleasure of citizens to , lint visitors. It would furnish I'Usy and free access to the country at holh emis of the city, and to some ex- tent ciialile farmers to avoid the toll (jates. In a word, the carryini; out of such a selieme would Ix' an act of wisdom for which future tienerutions would hiess this feneration. Hiviii.ioN uses more teleiihone instruments, in proportion to its population, than any other citv in the world. Tin: city is well supplied with drinkinj! fountains, which are located at ennvenieiit lioints. 'Till liK are hfty street letter Imxes. one aeiieral jMistotlice. and two hraneli iiostolhces. in the litv. .lAMI'.S STKW.MI'T HIIS linn of iron founders was estahlished in iMI.'.. and has on its list of outputs, stoves, ranges, hot water furnaces, parlor coal jjrates. reuisters. etc. 'The cut shows the othee and warerooms on Mae mill street, and the mouhlinu shop on Vine street. 'The littinw and mounting shop, pattern shop, nickelplatinj; room and uilditiiuial niouldiuj; shops, etc., are within the hh.ck. two thirds of which is occupied hy the foumlry premises. Two lari;e storehouses are also occupied one on Merrick street and the otli.'r on I'ark, which euahle the linn to carry an immense stock of inanufuctiiri'd nooils, 'The trade of this linn covers the whole Dominion, the leadina hardware and stove dealers in llritish Coluni hia, the N. W. 'Territories, Maiiitoha. Ontario, (.lueliee and the Maritime provinces, all liandliiij; .las, Stewart A ('o,'s ao,«Is. which stands very liinh in the estimation of the puhlie, 'The .luhilee rauMe, intro.luced in I.KM", eoiupris ma some thirty six si/.es and styles, is a most complete line of coal and wood raises. The (Hipular Sultana ami Art Sultana line of liase hurners is this year a verv at ira.'tive one. and the many new patterns for IHH'.l will he appreciateil In the liruTs mmii'roiis customers. Is Ills time Chief McKiimon was a successful athlete. He won over (Uie thousaml lirat prizes in throwiui; the liaht and heavy ha lers. throwinj; the .-jll-poiiml weialit. timsiuH the ciila.r. vanltiii|.i with p.de and riiiminn hi^h leap. These prizes include the heavy weiaht chanipioii ship of Norlh Ameriia. w.ai at Charlotte. Prince TMwar.l Islaml. August :l, 1M7T.; the general athletic interiiati.uial cliampionship, won 111 iKI'ia, ami the athletic ehampion- ship. w.in at IMiila.lelphia. Aiiaust 11 ami l.'n 1k7T.. i" which year he nia.le an athletic tour of the fiiited States. He then announced his retirement from athletics, and left the lield c.nered with ti'orv, and as may 1h' wen In reference to his portrait medals. OvviM. to the fact that Ilaiiiilt.iii is liiiilt .m sandy soil, the hhiek pavements Ih'Ic last a ver> lone time ami are very clean. .lAMKS S'TKWAIiT A CO.'S roi'NDItY, rnOVIDKNT A LOAN SOCTI'.TY IU-iT.PIN(l, ■^12^ ibamiltoii Jpeetoxtop •:• Coxr^nivul Eiliti^n •:• f\up<):, i88(^ ciU si;.\i.Mi:\s. w Alii) A i;\ki.s ia( rniiv. miM>iN(;s and ^aijd. \i( rmtiA wiitt-: mii.ls. ES'IAIIMSIIKII IS.VI. llHnllM.ml4'\ - --' tniHiVf UnrksMf tlir II. (llViiiinti Wilr Co. (Tt'.h iif thJK city. iiltliiiiiHJi till' nipc •Icpurtinciit. staiT rnuiiiM iiiid w i Will kiiii^ 'lr]i!iiiiMfiit m the n-iir iin- nut Hliowti. 'I'Ih- tifinr sjiufi- rniiliiiiicd in tin- Mtriinis hiiilil iii;;H uinniiiil tn -'I'l. I'lli Kt(iiurc fret, iiml Inr^^c iidditiniiH iirr cniitc'iiiplulcd ill tlif iiriir fuliirc. Ah ticiii'ial niiuiiifiM- turer» nf win* ^i<»i(lK. tlir tirin is the nn>Kt cxtt'iiNiM' in Caiiiiilii. 'j'lu' [iriii(-i|iHl lint>H iniiiiiifiictiii't'il iiri- : win- nipc. wire rlntli, iK'i'fdnitcfl kIiccI Mictiils, Iptink uihI ntVuc cninittT riiilin^. win- f('n(-in<;. nii'tiillic liitliin^, sura atid rimir M|irinv;s. fiiiiiiilr^ sii|i]>liL*K. wire i,'iici(is. etc. fur which they tiiid ;i market frnin llic Atliuitic tu the rucitU'. h'or the ciniveiiience uf their lliistern cnntonieiH they have en- tal.lislf.l 11 hiaii'h a^-ency at *2"J St. I'aiil street. M.m- treal, where their i>rinci|ial lines are k.|tf in stuck. They are ulsii sulu wliulesule ai^ents in Ontario fur the sule of the ceh'hruteil Ontariu Wire l''en<'inti Cu.'h t^uuils. 'I'lic present year is tiie thirtieth uiiiiiversury uf the estiihlish- nient uf the wurks in ( 'aiiailu. ami S4>es niaiiy impurtatit \vi;avin(; and hopk miij.s. thaii^es uii'l a-hlitiuns in the husiiiesH. The thin of It. (irwMinti A Cu. has heen -iicceeiled I«y the U. (ireeniii'^ Wire Cu. i Limited), the st<»ck huwever heiiit^ all taken up hy the uhl tiriii and nninii-iemeiit. The new wire mill. t-reeteil tu draw and inantifacture all kinds uf hri»iht. tinned. j;alvani/ed. coppered, irun and steel wire, is now receiving the machinery and will he in oiM-ratiun this full. The company have purchased and now eontrul all the »M'»t and must successful imtents for lire-proof metallic lathinti, im urticlc that will in time entirely supplant the old .vuuden lath in all «iJ lutjland hefurethe s4>coud half of the 17th century. Tlir draw plate throuj;li which the wire passes in euurse uf nianufaeture. is ii disk of hard steel jiien-ed with a serte-- of holes corrcspuiidiny in apeiiiirc with the size uf the wires to he made. The holes are funnel shaped, heinu wiliest at the side at which the metal eiil<'rs. In drawing: down to smaller dimensiuns, the wire passes thruu^'h suc- cessive smaller holes in the druwplate. one at a time, and is wound uii reels or fiarnes on the U-neh. Durin^i the drawing the wire reipiirts to he annealed more or less frcipiciitly. accurdin;^ tu the nature uf the metal undi'r trentmeiit. The ductility iif the metal and the diameter uf the wire uperatetl u|Min determine the rapi frictitm in passing through the drawplate. Much of the iron wii-e which is to he used in exposed sitiui tiuns is further protected from <»xi- dation h\ a euverin-^ uf zinc iu the s(t-i-alled iiaUanizin*,' process. The pi-ocess of iiiakiu': wire is ver> cuii ous. and can In* seen, as it is »lone hy the latest iinpru\ed Tiiachiner>. at the factory of the U. (ireeuim; Wire l\f. This faclur\ is perhaps the Scry latest ads ill the liirt.'e huildini^ to the liliest ehtth caskets p\ei -liuwu SK.MMKNS. WAIID A KVKL. f.KMMICNS, Ward A- Kvel are successors tu Senimens Hros. .V Co.. who oimmeueed doiut; hiisiness in un- dertakers' supplies some twehe years past. This firm are well known thruu^huut the Dominion, as they send tlu'ir make of j*ouds frum ocean tuueean. ha\- iiit^ eiistumers in the Kast as well as iu the far West. The factories arc iu Hamiltou. hut they havi- a lar^;e hraiuh in Montreal, and another in Tonnito. in which the)' keep on hand a lar^^'e assortment of the diflerent st\les and sizes c)f those ^oods as used hy under- takers, llesides the factory and hranehes, this linn liave tlirc' trav- ellers constantly uu the road, show - inn their wares tu the wary under- takers who cautiously iiuhil^^e. and are never known tu carry very lar^^e stocks. A photu-en^^ravinji is here shown of the factur> and other hiiild- iu;;s. which covers some eleven lots situated in the western i>art of the city, antl U-in^i cunvenient to the Crystal Palace ^numds and Dun- durn park. The nniin factory, where tlie wtmdwurk is in procesH of com- pletiun. is a very tur^o htiildiutj ; it is fully eipiip|>ed with the most im- pruveft tnachinery, and uives eui- ployniunt to some tifty men. Two in Ciuunla or the Stiites lia\e heen made here, where a lai>,'e stati of ein)>luyes ha\e coiistant wurl\. The tinisliiui4 ruuiiis and stuck rooms are in the hrick huild in^s to the left, and when it is known that each ca-^ket ami colVm receives six to ei;*ht eoats of tinishiiiii hefure il is ready for the inaiket. it will }tv understood that a lar«e iiumlH'r uf men are kept tioin;^ on this wmk. The salei'ocun ctnnes n(?xt ; in it several ladies are dc\ isiu;i. planniii;^, shapin;^' and making; the many ditTereiit styles in use for dressiui^ the dcud iind tin- trimming; uf casket->. The platiiit; ruotn is anuther 'Miim-h. w here caskit handles are made in endless variety, and plated and finished in the liiiihest st\les. This linn are constantly addiii;; new- lines, seeking tti siipplv ever\ reipiisite the public ma\ demaml fur t^ooils of their make. TniitK. is perhaps no mule intei-estin-^ uhject in Chris- tendom than the burial tasket. K\ery man, wotnan and child is uatiii-Hlly interested in what must eventuall> he their last ubidiii<.' place, and the people uf Canada must Im' grateful tliat their burial rites are not those of some uther peu|)les. .\ burial at best is a melanchuly atfair; hut anuin<: < In istian ]>eopIe the manner of tlie dis|H)sal of the dead robs burial of much of its terror. The tribes uf mudern (iiiinea tliiuw their dead into the sea; the Wait yamwesi earrv them a little wa> into tlie forest and lea\e them to be devuiin-d by beasts uf prey ; the Kanit<-hadales keeji special da\s fin- the purpose of ecnisuniin^ tlie dead ; the I'arsees expose their dead upuii certain ruimd tuweis tu he eaten b\ vultures. The ancient Scythians are -aid to ha\e eaten their dead, and at Dahomey the Inidies of perstius killed by liuhtniii^ are eaten by the priests tu this da>. The ancient Culchiaiis susjK*rided the ctu-pses uf their men in trees; but their women they buried. The Tudas burn all I'xcept the i hildien. the \ictims of infaiiti eide, whulii they hui v. The ^Inddikeis burn lepers, and the Kalmucks full..w all modes. rhcii usual custom i-> <\ltosiire; but they also burn, or bury, or tlirow the euipse intu the water ur under a heap uf stoius. or build a but o\ei- it. The i-uHiii -It'll Is to be tlie tnai k uf civilizat iuu. ami the Imndsumer the coftin, the mure hi;ilily civil- ized tlie petiple. The'-e has Ik-cii in Canada, within the memory uf the present t^eiieratiun. an extraurdinary advance in the manufaiture of burial caskets. Not iiian\ year« ai^o the eottin in ordinary use was very plain, and an a) tide with any st>le alH>iit it cost a small fortune, Kx|>erience. new machinery, modern ideas and brains, have coinhiiu'd to make a threat chaii^'e. and handsome colVms are now witliin the reach of all. To noiu' more than Semmens, Ward A' ICvel is due this chant,'e. Their extensive premises and wide-awake modes of doinj^i biisi ness enable them to mamifacture liandsoint>, eveit elegant caskets, at such prices as make them available to all but the very jMior. WIHK MILLH. n .t(t ii, .1. i;ii«iwii."i, .1. W. >lurti.li,.lii'<. Hli'Wiiii. .I..I.SIimil. W. !■'. Iin,lla\,.l. Il.l'uik. 11.111. W. !■•.. Hiiiif,.ril,< ..I. Il.i|«'. .liiH. WiilkiT. .1. .1. Mii»..ii, .\li.\. ■I'liriicr. r. C. Ilni.f, d.". i;. ■I'uikiU, \V. ll.dLi.Mo, .Iji... Snitt. Ilimlil .if Hrliitliill..n .\. T. W I. 11. 'I'. Sl.'il.'. H. K. ll.i|M'. .I.iliii rnKli.i. II. \. I.iui\», .1. N. rniKiH. SI. Cliiii- HiilfiMir. II. II. (lifini'. n.iiir.l tif l''.\iiiniii.'i'H II. r.MiiiH. .1. I''. Ilr.iwn. .1. M. I.nllri.li;!'. .I.'Iim .\. line-.'. II. C. |-'i'iiniiiiii. .\,i.lil..r» .l.iliM llilliiii!-, II. N. Kill«..M. M.inlnrs C. .\llusli-.iiit:. WiiliT .\ii.|i-lwni. II. C. ItiikiT. .Xihl'll Iliill.illih.'. r. Iliull.tl. .1. .\ I1.1I1-. S. Iliiik.T. r. II. II..1.I.H', I. Il.cr. I!. Il.rr\niiili. .1. \V. Hi.kli'. II. I'. Ilii.;>. (i. II. Ili»l.>. V. ('. Illiiuli.r |i. lihik.'h. C. IliiniM.r. M. Iliiun.'ii, (1. K. Ilri»l.il. 11 llr..iiill..>nt. 11. I'.. Ilr.millli'l.l, I.. ll..ii«l.iiil. .1. (i. Il.nv.s, \V. Il.iwiuiiii. Dr. Ilinii". -1. M. lliiiH-. W . s. Hum. TIlih. Iluni.wh, .I..I111 II,. II. .Inliii (al.l.T. Win. ('iin'\. A. I'.. I'nr |iinlcr. .1. ('. ('iii|i.'iili'r. .1. rurnitlii !■•.. U. I'.. ( liiirllnii. .1. \. ChiiU. .1. 11. CliiHii' r. \V. riin.-ii. II. I'. C"!.."-!.. \v. .1. r..|.p. !■:. a. (■.ili|iili.Miii. W. 1,. Ciiiniii.T. 1'. 1'. Uiilli'S. \V. li. Diivin, l>. II. llf«i-.v. \V. UiM.M. r I'.. |i..,.liltl.'. II. Diiiii'iiu. II. I'liiiniii. AI.-\. hiiiui. W {',. Diniii. K. I'liusliiii. AI.'Miiiili'i' Hiiviil- ,.n. .InliM l'ii-nv.....l. W. A. l;,lwiir.U. .1. I). i.Miii-, .iiiiii.'s i;iiiii». I'. ('. I'Viii-Miuii. II. ('. I . iiiiinin. ('. IViiir. .1. KiTi.'s. W. .1. I'iii.llu>, .1. 1. I'hill. .\. T. I'r.'.'il. \V. A. Kricnuiii. 11. liill.T. II. I'. (Iiir.liiii-r. II. I'.- (liill.i'^liii. 1-. (Iiii'hiii.l. Ali'V. (liirlHliniT. .1. (lilliu.l. (1. 1'. Clii-s.'.!. W.diHTlii!;. \V..l. dniiil.'l'. II. (.r.'in ini;. .1. A. (Irilliii. Win. (liillilli, C. (luiii.>. 11..IhtI (Inffilli. W. I'. (lilloBliN, S. I). (Iri'Mi- iii'j. .1. Iliill'ii'iiii. 'las. Iliiiiiill.'ii. M. Iliiriliiii.'. ,\. llar\r>. .Lihii IliUM.v. W. C. lliirn->. .1. S. ll.h.lri.'. .1. W. ll.ii.lni '\ II 111.'. W. 11. n cliii, jr., .1. Ilcir.in. 'I' "I, •!. 1I.k„I1i-»h, A. II. II.i|H,. C. llnlH'. d, ll.ilic. I". •!■ lliiKill. N. llnini.lMi'V, Win. lliUM.ii-k, .1. T. Irwin. ,1 I'. .l,,linsi,ii. ('. .1. .1..MCS, S. .I.ini'a. W. II. .lu.l.l. .1. I-. Kuvana^li. II. K.nni„l.v. M. A. C. I'.. ll.Win, H. 11. M,.r«,iii. .1. Mini Korr, .1. K.nri.k, C. Kini;. V. II. I.imili. II. Murn.y. C. M.vIo». ('. S. Miiriay. 11 N LuiiilK,. T. I.uwrv. M. I,i-Kalt, .1. I.flin.is. W. ()sl,„nu-, A. I'.iili, .1. K- I'ailv.'r QUEEN VICTO(|iA SCHOOL. l.,,slcr. A I.ivy. W. II. I..M11;, d.,,1. I.u M. r.. .1. II. MiKiiy. II. . M.-Li'lluii. .I.S. M.-Maliiiii win. .law. A. Mi-I'Ihtsiui. Ali'x. MilMi. .1. Mall.iy. .1. .1. MilH.111, ('. W. Jh-akiii K. Mil. Ii.ll. -1. Miliii', A. II. M.i.irc, l.yi :. .J. d. Millwraitli. Alfs. : M.KMizii'. T. II. Mi-Ki'ii/.ii', .I'liii', Ciiliii M.llai', del. > .11, Tims. M.llii.lc. W. M .. T. Mmvlaiin, .1. 1'. Mii M.iiilii, S. .1. Mcinrc, Alf. : H. M.irt.in. ('. W. Jliilli ,1, W. Niili.il».iii, Will. N 1. I'llttcimin. jr.. .1. I'a THE BOARD OF TRADE' EXECUTIVE 1888-9. I lohn Proclor. 2 K.K.Morgan. , 1. .1. ^"i."C. < Jaiiie> Sltu.irl. 5 K. f. Utii,-.-. ' W. 11 . .I...~c,,. ; W. II. C ;ill;ir,l. S licorse K.iach. 9 WilUam Hemlne. i., J.,nie» M. l.„llri.'Bt. . i K ,l,.:rl Kv.1,1.. ij K. 11, (;,«ac. . , K. A, ll,.llcy. ■ 4 \V. K. Fla,llai. li Jaiae> W-'l',-'' !■ ". W. -ew.-ll. i;.. ;e,,rL;e E. la.l^t .iriuiimli'.l uii.l larrii'il tml tlif |ir,iji'it fur 11 {iriin.l siiniiiit'r carniviil. Ily tin- mic'css .if tin- ciniiial iiiu> Ih' iiK'asiiii'.l 111.' al.iliu. im"!. Ill; llaiiiilMn lliiar.i;.if „|„| ,.v,.i.|itivi' liiimiity f.ir inanauiin.iit |mii. I'ra.l.- is an lln|»nlaiit s,.ssf.l liv til.' iiii'iiilK'is uf tl»- llainill.in llnar.l Ih..1> .if l.iisiii.ss ni.'ii ,,f 'l-niili'. 'I'lin. Innly has 1h-< n a |.r..iiiilii'iit wh.i liiiik sharply iifl.r instiliiliiin .if tlu-.ily I'vi-rsinn. |s|."i, hi wlii.li tliciiitcrosts.if llu-.it>. Mar. .Ill llii' ■J'.MIi "f .Vpril. Ihf li.iar.1 was in anil arc at all tiiiii-. aiiu'iirat.il. (In that .lay thirty six iir.iiiiiiunl ri'U.ly to .1.1 what th. y ,,„.„ ,,f ih,. y.iiiii(! city iiiut at tlii' Il.iyal r.\ laii f.ir till' iKinlit nf ,.|,aiii;c li.iti'l. uuil nryaiiiziil tliiiiiisi'lvcs iiiln a th.' ainliiliiius .ity. 'In l„,ar. nf traili'. aii.l fr.uii that .lay tn this th.' the liiiaril iif Traill' |„„|^ 1,^,^ ..xercisi'il a f.istcrini; fari' mcr tlu' • llaniilt.in |k'ii|i1(' ami .-in,, jnti'i-i'sts. ami marly .'very imlilii- 111. 'us the many thiiusamls nf visitnrs nwc thanks f.ir liavint; / .1. li. l'\llli'lllKVK' I'uKsIIJh.M lilUlll) 111 TlUliK. IMHH-i.l. nri' nf jiii.1'1 rniisciiii.'m'i' ran Ih' Irarcii tn Ihis Iniily nf wis.' ami prml.nl iii.'ii. Thi' iiri;;iiial im'lllht'rs were : Alvhilialil K.rr.Tlins.C. Kirr. I-M. Iiit.hn'. Iliiliaril 'liisiiii. Ili'iijalnin iMiili.r. .lanii's Cnl.' man. lliuli Mnnrc. Win. Atkins A. Mill.iii- alil. II. »'. Haki-r. .I.isi'pll dilkisnn, .lainis Walkir. 'laiii.'s (Islinrn.', H. Ilahliiiiatmi. .1111111 II. l.arkin, T. 11. JliKi'lizic Win. Hison, .1;. Ki'iin.ily. A. Itiyilnw. M. U. Itr.iwn. C. C. I'',.rrii'. .1. li. Kwart. ll.iht. rmlK's, .Inliii WaK stalT. Uaiiii'l N'l'N'alili. d. 1.. lii'arilninri'. M. Mi-Ki'ii/.ic. •liiliii V'innji. sr.. .Inliii Yniiiij;. jr.. I). Miiiiri'. Tllns. lialnsay. .laliu'H M.llityr.'. .I.ihn Wiiiir, .liiliii darlslinri'. Kaai- liii.hanan. Win. r. Mil.ann. (If lliis.' .ilil> Iliiuh Mnnrcaml I'. II. M.' Ki'iizii' siirvivi', all llic nsl IkIiik .l.'ail. Tin' linanl was inr.iriinrat.'.l in .Inn.' l«l'il. Mil. ii.i.\uii in IKSK s!). In Ihi' iKiar.l yi'ar Isws Kll, ti'lliiinatinj; in .Inly 1K«'.I. 111.' fnll.iwinn wiri' tlw nUi.-.'rs ami lm'nih.'rsiif tlui linar.l : .1. li. rairnrii'vc. pr.'si.l.'iit; K. A. Ilallfy, vi.'i' lirisiil.'iit ; ('. U. Siiiilh, BiTr.'tarytrnis- iirer. Mi'iiilH'lK .if th.' (111111111 W. 11. dillaril. T, II. Ma.-phi'lsnn. Win. ILlnhii'. (I.n. Il.ia.^h, .l.iliii Km).\, U. U..>lori4an. Ailani liniwii. M.U'. '5«?f THE FIRE BPARTMENT. tjil^c l^amilton JtsecUtot^ •:• vCoXfnivul E^lili^n •:• f\'^p<)^, i88(^ W> 1 m ;«.*■— --^.,„1«^^'^' QUEEN VICTOfiA SCHOOL. ,'. 1). I.ciiiu. (ii'ii. l.u: ly, It. (). MrKiiy. .1. , .1. S. McMulidii. 1). uTson, Ali'X, JIi'Plii iiHim. ('. \V. Mi'iikiii II', A. I!. Moore, livi U. MorKiin, ■!■ Mnr ('. S. Miirmy, I'. No I'liiii, .1, K. I'lukei :, ,J. (i. M-.l. I,. |l. S.iwNer. .IlinieH Scott. \V. II. Sewell. .luuM •< Sillipw II. Simon. \V. II. Skinner. II. II. Skinner. Win. Sontlmni, li. S. Stcr Mils;. M.S. Sti'veiiM. .1. I'. StcHuit. .lolni Stewiui. jr.. < '. HUH. A. Strouil, 'I'. II. StiiiHon, .liio: Stimrt, C. S. Si-oll. .Ino. Slniirt, .1. I'. 'I'liylor, ('. I.. 'I'lioinuw. Ilolierl 'I'lioinp Hon. S. 'riuini. ('. W. Tiiiliiej, I''.. TiilHley. .1. II. 'riMen. \V. •rnwni.en.i, .1. S, I'luver-. S. II. I'relple, .1. K. Tnckctl. (leo. .1. 'rneketl. .1. '1'ille.teinl. lion. .1. 'rnriier. Alex. 'I'm ner, W. It. 'I'nnier, .1. 'rnrnl.iill. \V. Valliinec. .la >. Walker. W. II. Walker. II. M. Waii/er. I'. 1.. Wan/.ir. I', W. Wat kiiiH. 'I'lioiniiH ('. WatkiiiB. .1. Wat-on. W. .1. Waii;;li, .lolm Wriitlici-™ton. ('..I. William... (1. .1. Williamn. A. WiK II. W imiifritli. W. ,\. Woo,l. WiiltiT Wo..,!, W. (1, Wriyht. ,1. M. Vomii;. M. Vmin;;. W. ^.unej. .\. ZlMiinennan. .1. /,iiii;»iicim, 'I'lioH. Irwin, W. II. Irwin. .1;. .Imi\ i». I(. liaw. I Ml, orrliKliH roil IHM'.l llil. III! 'riim-ilay. .Inly |H. IMM'.I, the al il ni-ctiiiL: was licM. .1. II. Kairnrave. the •■etiriny |ire>.iilent. |ileseiiteil the ri'iiort of the neil. which lontained the follnwin;; irfi retice to the sniiiiner earniviil : ■■The Hamilton Htimmer carnival, to he licM hcic in Aiii;nst next, iiml which wiih ntarteil lei III,' iin-.|iici.. of the Iponril of Iraili'. has met with the hcart\ siipport of onr eiti/cns. anil hids fan to he a tjreat siuci ss aiel cri. lilahle to the inanv mcmhcisof the luuir.l who liiue thrown their eiierny mill uhilitv to make il so in the interests of llii' i;it>. 'I'lie mm hauls' conveiilion. to meet hcic .liirinu carnival week, is receivin:! atlention from the mriciiiitile conmninitv all over ( 'aniula. and should receive the indi- vidual siipiiort of cver> inemher of this hoard of trade iis likely to iK'Come a power for i;ood in enneelin;; many ahlises and contlictini; elements which heset the wholesale and retail trade of onr cuimlrv . Ilmini; cariiiinl week a larj^e miinher of merchants and miimifactiners will he present from all parts of the dominion very many of them linniliers of sister hoards of triide. Voiir council recommends that every hosiiitahty he exteinled to them, and that all iiHsistance he niveii the earniml commiltee to carry out its i^ood work to make our cit\ well known ill every land," 'I'hese otVKcrs were el.'ctcd ; 1'. C. Ilrilce. president; .loliii Knox, vice-prcBidelit ; ('. II. Smith, scclelarv trea surer. Council lieo. K. llrist.d. Adam llrowii. M. I'. .1 .1. Mason, H, N. Kittiioii, .1, M. I.ottriihje, Alex. 'I'lirner. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. .I.ilai llomlle-n. a W I. (Ir.ea. i \V.lli.i.a V.iana. 4 .\l=x. rurntr. 5 Oan.l Dcxlcr. - J,.lia C.reiK'. 7 K..ll..iat Hill,. S f.ime> Sciitt. .1. .\imlls SiillifTl.iint. i» t'. Ilciisley (^wJicLiry) 11 I'tinmas Morris la \V. liowiicin. i_i S, !■■. t.ii/k.r(,h..iriii.in) 1 , A. .M R.i.s. 1 j VVlll'am Cluc.is. 1' \Vm. II . llMl.ir.l (iii»peclorl .7 II, s. llreiHiLii. 18 Hujh .Murr.iy. e, \V. tl. .Mct.^irea. j., K K. Haliey. J. Willi.oa Ikll, THE FIRE •PARTMENT. (;.-nr;.'i' Iti'iu-h. It II. M.iiMiui, T ..hu-plur- soii. .I.ilni Kiistwnn.l. III. II. W. K. Simfonl. Win. Ilriidii.'. \V. Il.dillunl. \V. 11. ({liiss»-M, .ImIdi llou(lli-s. .1. . I. Stimrt, It. .!■:. Kt'iim-tlv. I!. I'.. SkiniuT, Clu-strr Ki'uriinm. .1. K. I'liir- uiirN.-. Win. Itowniiiii. AivlulnU' Wilson. l;.iiU'it of :ii'hitriilh>n JDlin (iilltinl. A. 'I'. Wouil. I!. 'I'. Stiflr. St. Cluir liiilfnur. U.-l't. 'ninnii)SMii. C. .1. HuiH', I-;. A. Diillcy. 1!. A. I.ur:i^. W. V. WalkiT. -lanu'H A. Mcl'luTsi.n. Win. Si.iitlmin. It. H. (iiiriic. Amlilnis ('. W. 'rinliiiLiiui.l Alfirtl I'nuis. Tim: Snuivinii rccrnlly suiil tU\^: •• Uiini- ilton's prt'sfiit pn)K|H'i'il> is full of wu^iyt'stivf- ni'ss. The cittiins put forth by om* iiuirliiuitH for i-.innufrciiil rL'i-ot^nition \i\u\ IioiKuublf busiiu'ss cI(;iiiiiihIm lunoii;^ tlu' iiniiistiijil crii- tfiM of tliiw i'oiitint'ut. me wi'll foiiiidftl. IVr hiipH at no tinif tlunnt! tiie iiint (k'Ciulu has IIitTo bi'i'ii rt nn)i(' i«isitive i'\ iilfiu-c iiinoii;^ tlu' larut'i" of >>'"■ iiiilu^^tiiul |mrstiits tlint lli\inil toll WUH rapidiv ami siin-Iy for.-iiiLi its way to tlif very front rank, ainont: lur sister titirs of the Iloininion. paiti*iihu)y in Iior special anil t^eneral inaniifai'tiiriii'i interests. of wlntle- saliiif,; of Aliat eaii Im- tcrmeil tlie nutional staple of trade iiroeeries. elothin;^. lioots and shoes, drills and dry floods, than the present. We elnilleii.Lie. ^vitll some pride, any otlitr eity of twiee our popnlation in theentire dominion the result to he lifiured upon the hasis of ii pro rata population to show the diversilietl product ill its nnuiiifacturin^. or an>thiii;i to iil)proach the ^inuid a^v'ieL;ate of the animal output of Hainiltoii's nianufact'irers. We have the lartiest sewiii;* nuvchine inaiiufiic- tnries in the Dtunlnion. frequently represent- inii a weekly product of more than '2,000 niaehiiii's, which serve to carry the name and fame of our city over the entire inhabitable ol.die. We have iiH lai'L'e sttwe works as can be found in the Dominion, while our Hourisbin^ mills, boot and shoe factories, and wholesale ^'roeery and fruit trades tiinl a market at the doors of Hritish Ccdum bin anil in the but of the lone tishernian in Newfoundland and Trinee Mdwanl Island. It is estimated that last \car'« sales, exclusively amoii^ our wholesale ;,'rocers, a-jiireuatetl over *10.1)IMI,000."" K ini: various industries, upwanls of i."t,lH)0 workiiij^ people liiid eniploynieiit. The larjiest interests are the wholesale grocers' trade. dru;;s, the manufacture of cloth- iti;;. boots and shoes, the sewiii>^ machine auil a<4rii-ultural implements manufactories, foundries, marble works, viiie- ;,'ar works, ^jhiss works, and the lumber trade. Tnr.in: are three daily newspapers in Hamilton: The Spectator, moruiiit, unrl eveiiiiiii, established forty -two \ears: the Times, eveninji. established thirty-two years, and the Hcrahl. eveuint,'. established Au^. '2. IUH'.I. C. R. Smith, Pkciikt.vhv Bo.vhd or Thadf. :'.s .;. (f I7C Ibamilton Jpeebxtop •:• iC^APnival lEslition •:• ^fl^f^S^' ^^^^9 JOHN A BHUCt & CO S SEED WAREHOUSE • Kills A. mil ( 1: A CI" :^a!lIK Sri.l iHtalili-lMiHiil nf ilii" liiiii •■! m-i-.I iiht IU(S^ i-hiiiit-.auil i;n.\nT<.ul ii" uiiil :i'.i kinu-ln'cl «isi, ^=^' i« tllr ;il,l<'!.t iiikI 1M..^I !.lhTI-»s(lll l.ll»nil-.- ■■t It" rlmiiiclc'i- ill 111!' Ui'iiiiiiiiin iif Cuiiiulii. I'.»liil' h-liiil ill iH.'iO. till' liii^iliif" llil» »lrililil> llicli'il'J''l "I'll till' iHiiiili'-^ "f till' oiiiiiliN. iiii'l it ran Ik' wild timt IliiTi' lUf fi'W iiuimil I'll tlir mil "t i'uiiailinn nit'rrlmiil- In iliiv tImt iiri' liuiri' whlflv klimvii. WluMi'vcr llic - lilifsnt ciiir Willi mill tnii-klc«» fnri'Ms niiil iiit.Mniiiiiilili' |iniiru-». s,i Minn ii« tlic iriiviii); tnr cxiilorulinii lin»ii'ii-i'i'.lsiiiiiu i» i-ullfil int. I rci|iii»iliiiii ii- «iiri'l> ii-i till' il.K-tnr when Mc-kni'»s strikes lln' li.iii-|K'. with the smell of home ah.iilt Iheni. that some wearv emisiiaiit will sow to try ami wean the hoineslek liess that eliii;;* to him in the liaekwooils for the lirsl year ..rtw..; or it imn !»■ an order of siilheieiil mauiiitude l.i ir..|i;i (lerimin |iriiici|iality ; hut whether lari;e or small It H'.i ivi'sthemelho.liealalteiili f men who thor..in:lil\ im.lersland their liiisiness, and it is to this perfect know led;;iMif the seed hilsmes, that their sueeessnia> hetraeed. ■r''e tine warehouses ..f the linn, in ad.lition to tiie usual assortment of farm aii.l ;;arden seeds, are stocked with tli.iusaiids of lamsot tlie dilTeri'lit varieties of idciviT seeds, timothy ami hlue urass and other i;rass neeils, as well as theelmiie varieties of tianleli [H'as, all of which are es pccrted in lartje iii-iititie» to Kuroiie: tins trade is eiilti vated extensively in addition to supplviiiH the home mar kels. 'I'he senior mi iiiImu- of tin- linn, .Icdin A. liriice. is at present in Kiirope inspeetiii;; the ;;rowiiu; seed crops, and the junior. 1'. ('. liril.e. the liewl> elected President of till' Hoard "f Trade, will he pleased to se,- all fricuids ,,f the hon-c- diiniii; carnival wiik. (;i;ii. K. 11 (KI'.TT A SON •71 1!K maiiiifactiirers of the eelehrated '1 . A Ii. hraiid Tl of sniokiiis; tohaeco, which is so favorahly known "^ all liver Canada and I'liited Stales and liasa world wide reputation for its pniit,\ and e\cellcnce. Kor ;17 years this hrand has heen hefore the piihlie and to clay the demand is "renter than ever, a fact w liidi holds Hood in the case of no other hrand. Maiiitaininjj the exc'elleiice of of llie yoods inaliilfaetlirecl has la-en the secret of success ..f this iMiii. t:rc:it c-are lia\ilij^ always lieelt taken in the C.tOHUE b lUCKEtl le of l.iiiimhy A Tilekett. A few years later Mr. t.iiiimhv retired and Mr. .lolin Hilling" wa» taken as partner iinchr the linn name of 'I'lickett A llillmtis. In lf<7'.l >Ir. Ilillim^H retired and the tirm name was elian;:ccl Id (ieo. K. 'I'lickett A Seal. 'I'liey uive eniploMiieul t" alioiit IIKI luinds. Ilecentl.v the linn estahlislied works 111 lialiville, Virginia. COl'l' llllli.-^. 'I' Ihe c riLcr of York and lla> streets ma> he- seiu the larae works nf the Knipire foiiiiclr\. Copp llros., proprietors. A tjreat many years aco. iiii der the linn name of Copp, I'incli A Copp, a hiisiness was carried on in WnodBtock. With the cdianue of tirm iianie came a ehani.'e of IcM-ation, and the present works wcri' erected ill llamiltoii. 'I'he linn has heen in existence over fortv Ncars, and is at present one of the most scdici houses in the city. The i-ompany manufacture the eelehrated line of Warrior stcnesand ranges, also, euamelled ware, and Kntjllsh urates. Last >ear reaisters and hot air fur iiaces were added to their already lar)ic hnsiness, 'I'liese latter have uained a prominent position in the trade throimlioiit the country. A.,;ricultiiral impleiuents are also a featii.c of their hnsiness. 'Ilu trade of this linn covers the \h"le of ('aiiiida. and hranch Incuses are located in Montreal. Winnipeg; and Vam-ouver, W AI.TKH WdiiUS A (I), •71 MOSd the many solid wholesale hccuses of the (g/J city that of Walter Woods A Co.. inamifaclurels / 1 iiiid dealers in hriHuns, wiKcd and willow w are and e/ liicicers' sundries, stands well at the head. Kif teen \ears ajo the hnsiness was tirst inlrccdncid, and its crowth since that time has la-en one of unwaverinu sue- less. The secret of this fact is to l»' found ill thenni fccniily stanclard cpialitv of the »;"ods handled and niaiin factiired. and a tlicronuli system of plain deallln; with ciistcimers. Hy this means the merehants of thecoimtry have c-oiiie to know the linn, and once dealing; with them the conneclicHi is retained. Messrs. WchhIs' warerooms are larj;e and spacious, and the stock carried is always kept up to the times. The sample room I, a lid of nealness, unci in it is I.' he fciiiuil a variety of articles winch rcipnre a catalogue of c.\cr line hundred |ianes to eiiiimerati'. Ill liroonis and hrushcs this Ii.iiim- IS m Ihe lead, their list cc.mpnsmu I'll Weill thin> and forty dllTcrelit hues. Ilaskets. laiileriis, lialcy cai ria«es,hirclca«es, wire llower Htaiids, and an innnmeral'lc list of unw'ers' sup plies make up the stock in trade, and no matter when you call at the warehonse, at I'.'J Maciiah street north, yon will alwa>s lincl Mr. Wcsids and his ellicieiit »ta(T of cderksand warehousemen up to their eyes in hnsiness. shippiiic and reeeivinu orders for needs from their very lar;;e li-t of iMisloniers thioiinliont the liominioii. While conlimiall> linsy. meml'ers i.f the linn can alwa\s|\nd time to riceeive their many visitors fr the trade of the conntrv.and will invariahlv Ih' found ccuirteons and ohlij;iiit;. SOMi: tll.l) I'Uil'lll'.S. Il \ns III till' year l.-H 11; Ac tiial value. . t ll.ll-.'l) I«:i7 :rii'.7 do . ■ l.''.l''J-J 1h:ih :i;i.-|« do - ■ .V.M:iii IHIII :1:14a do ■ . IKI.II'ill IHM :)I4I'. do H4,Nl-2 |H4'2 4'ilitl iHia 4MI'ill IMI.'l I'i47h do llii,ii:iH IN 111 i;M:f2 do li:i,7'2ii 11 IK A iliiiul value. |n4!I 11)1711 do ilii,:il7 |H.'ill lir24« do The term ••actual v.ihie' is not strictly icriect ; it is the value I'lit on the pr'.|«rly h> law and 1- in most cases cccusideiahly In'Iow the true value. Colip llros.' Iiiimdrv. a view of which is shown on this pane, in an imposiiii; edillce. and one of tlie lineHt laiildiiic- devoted to manufacturinn [Uiri'iises in the city. \. J^' COl'l' liliUS. S'lONK I'lJI'NIiltV. WAI,l'i;ii WililDS A Cd.S WAUKlliHSK, (i£)'l2^ j^Mmill^ii Ji'-'eeULor •:• dw-nWdl E^^lili^n •:• fl^^^^^t* i^^y .;il' \. iti iiiiuw, s 1 1;\\ Alt r A mii.m:. •tMif'* 1 1 1*. Iiir^i- wnrliM of lliiH linn lii'i' Mitiiul*' ul ninicr nf (^^i) Jnliii tiliil t'lililioii M||-|>*'tM, liliil tilt- lil|N> lllini nf 'SE'^ iimi'liiiHT> wlmli iH lu'iml in the vii-initv, «tvi'H i'\ hlcnrr nf tin- I'Xttnl uf tin* hiiHincNM iliiin<. Tin' tlrnt mnnncnrtHt ItnHiMc**^* in iMtU. unit ut ini'wnt cm |tlnyHu)Nint Iwu hniiilrfil nu'ii. Hni-ri'HH IntN nnirknl iIh'. riiiTi'i' nf the )>nKinr>«H at xin irict'|ilion, mul Iiuh fnllowctl it riMt>H hIdvi-h, nin^cH. lint uii' fnni in-fH, niiilli'iililc iron I'tiHtniL'H. wu^nn, run iui^r iui«i-fl liini'oiiM ti'ui-h iln-v un- nnw known lliiMiiLlli tilhiMHi tin- i-nlin> hmninittn. 'I'lir Jt-wt-l Htu\rN iiihl rimiii'M iir<> itUu niannfii*'tnri-(l, itiul thr lur^r hiihilNT nf HiilfH ui^i' 1'Vhlfiii-f of thr liii^li (Htjrniitinn i. 'I'lirir wiirk M)H>ukH ihclr winth, utnl the iiiiinnfHrtnrcts I'hiini tliiit thi'> arc now H^ huvt' hiMU^hl liini. lir i» )lhl\ UNHlNtnl ill tllM hllH|ni-"N h> IiIn WHIM. ( ht'Hti'i un malt a^i-r , ltotM>rt, lU'i'otintaiit and ruhhirr ; Harry. Iih-uI johhinu uinI ri'lail lU'iiart iiinil : I'nink., iit tin- |iat'k \\i\[ iiiHJ iliHlnliiilni^ iiiil partinilar llltrnt to Die wiintx of I III' ( ' It iiiitl I un Irinh' iiml niilkri II imint til si-h-i't tlit> U'Ht •|iiiilit\ nf hn^N for that )iin'|NiH4'. itH Mr. I'l'iirinun rniiMitlt'rH that tlit' Cana- ihuiiH un-i'iititlcil to tlii'iM'Mt of t'\i'r> thiii^ that thiHi'arth |>roiiiti'i'H, itiiil UH fur iiM III' is i-ohrcnii'il, III hi*< liiu'. tlu-y lift il. 1 ^ . • 4 K* ■ ' ' ft r -—■ 1 - ^ >— ~- — •■**■ 1 lU'ltliOW. SI l.WAItr .V M1I,M:s WnlJKS. in CuniKJu, ami otTcr uh KuhHtiintiatinn nf the fiu-t tlir r(-|iortrt of the ((ovcriiint'iit riir«|i(>('tor of wi oil Ktuvt> is iinotlicr iiiunnfiu'tiii'i' of this tirni, and willi itn liitt'Ht iiii)irMM'iiii>iitH is one of tlu- sufi'sl, inoht dtiriililc and iiiimt I'l-oiiMiniial nil stuM's made. Tln-ir w'a<^nn. curriu^L' and sudiUiTN liiii'dwui'c is nf the hni-st class, and a lar;^t' trade is done in this lliu'. 1 1 is ro|ilc from other pai ts of the conntrx . liiiMi'i's iti{i;\\i:itv .Kills iloMI'l'. hiii.wr.K. JOHN (iUMI'l-'. hrewer. Ih a typieal li I inttiired 1| (ieniiaii. Ki^iht years nun he hecuine the |irn|irie j^Ji tor nf the hrewinn eMtuhlishment of Lenpold Haner. at iltIO John street north. Mr. Mailer con trolleil the liiisincHH for snine thirt\ twn >curs prtA miis tn that time, so it will U- seen that this is one of tlu'nldi-st estahlished hiisinesses of its kind in the rit>. Mr. (ioni|if is not wildly uinhitioiis. and hi'\ I the trade nf the i-itv and eonnt.\ he doi-n not do aii> hiisnicKs. hut it is Hife to Ha\ that in the two |ilu(-i"* rneiitinned he lius the linn s hhare of tile trade, which is snnirieiit terty to take his choice. TvKi: a walk alniitj the a\eiiiies and throiii^h the ri">i deiu'e |H)rtinii institution in this city that has ihuie more to inukt; the name )f Hamilton favorahly known in Ciiiiuduund elsewhere. Founded in lH.VJ.it has steudil> i;rt»wii from its small heninuiut,' to its present very exten sive propnrtiniis, tukinj^ from the farmer fnuii Mtl.tHlO tn r.it.iMHt hniis a year, und fnruiHhiiiu the prndiict, in the slia|H' nf hams, hrcukfast bacon, spiced rolls, slionlders. loni; clears, mess piirk, short cut |«u*k, lard. etc.. in mutehli'KS ipiality, to the distrilmtor and consumer. In order to acnunplish this, it has Ikh-'Ii necessary to erect extensive premises of modern pattirrn. fully e»jnipiwd with all the latest approved uppliuuces and machinery. H4I tliat to-duv F. \V. Feurnuin staiids ut the head of the puekin^i industry, und dewrves the reward wliicli the reputation of his meats, ami striet attention to hnslness ONTAIUO COTTON MIM-S. F. W. FKAUMAN'8 IWCKINC! HOrSF. ONTAHH) COTTON COMTANV. r/" ■• HIS company wan organized in June, Ihhh, and was ((5) t^'y'*''^ ^'•^' ^^ntftfio ('niton Comjiany. succeeding tlu- ^■^ Ontario Cotton Mills Company. The stnckhnlders are principally Hamilton cupitulists. und the direc tors are William Hendrie, president; Kdward (inriiey. vice-president; 'lolin II. Tilden. muuads are shipj>eil to all parts Lif Canada in Kueh quantitieH as to iiecenHitate the conNtimption of :t.lHUl hales of raw cotton each year. 'I'lu' premises nci-uji^ a block near the Oram! Trunk station, and the buililin^s Hubstantial buihiln^s of brick- are three stories In height. Steam i>ower is furnished by a pair of Corliss en^iines of 2'>0 liorHe-iHtwer each. The uoods tiirneil out b\ this company are known teiiin of a very superior quality, and the demand huH been so ^reat that during the past year the company found it recessary to increase its preduct. Kacli day. at 3 p. m.. during the convention, merchants wisliing to see the process of tnannfoctiirp will be shown through the mills. ! I : ! Ill i^bc bnmilton Ji-vebtor* •:• Crxr-'-niVMl E-liliop .,. j^u'^u^i^ i88q ^*lli: wlM>li<«itli> uriNi'rv Irml** of HHinlllnii in llir \(S)) "'■'•■■i^ fi'titiiri- iif till' hiiMiiii-HM iif till' rity. 'I lu* ^^ riMiii\ itiiil ixliriHivf wlinlfMttlr ur i'it> iiiitki' ii|>, HI till' iiu^i'i-^uti', » )pulk of liii-i ni'»<« xiii )i tiN hH I'llur Uiiliiiiti i it\ iiui hIidw, uii<( i-iiiiUlt' Hiiiniltoii tn ri>iiln>l (lit' (nt<|r. rii>( milx -if llir l.nvt'l'n htiiH ti-nitntv |)r>>|>cil> Ih'Imii^miu In (he iiMilnltoiis t-ity, lint i>r Muiitlolxi, i|ii< ^rciit iiortliMCMt, uixl MiitiNli ( ul.i n titii. KioiM 'rnrmilo to Viiiit'uiivt-r llii' i^rrtii Imlk nf tin* tnuli* )H -uiii'lii'il fmiii llitMiiltnii. mill l|iiitiill>iri ^riNir) iniVflli'i'M uri< iiH |i|i'iitiful iitoji^ llit> line of llif Cuntittluii rucillt- niilMiiy. fniMi I tttitwu tn ViiiifnUMi. ii* llii>> aff III till' Nlll^lllll )>(-llllinltlil. 'I'llt' Hlloli'Hiilr urorrrv lill Mi-MM uf tliiN rit> |M ill till' IiiiiiiIh of u M-l (if i-ir*-iv*'li>'< |>lln|llll^, ('llli-r|)| IMJIIU 1111*11. ullii ttinnniulllv lllhlflMlHIul till- ti'iLilc mill iin- iiti|i> itt 111! liiiit'M Im ^im* their t'ii»(itiii 11- till- )h'M ^.n..|- lit till* InVU'-t llllv'o. Ill till' \mitif the ^t-iMTi) Iniiji-nf iIm- ntv -(uimU Ilii* I'li'iii of liUt'UM. 1*111 k t\ Co.. wliuMi- iiiui.:iiillt'i'iit tiutjit HtoiM- |ii('iiiiHi'H lu'f Mitnuti-tl lit 'I'.t Mill-null ndt-i-t iniith. u ■ ■nliiil mill ('(itivciiu'iit liii'uliiiii, 'I'lit' |)rt-ntiM-N uic urrmiufit in -iii'li iiiiuiiu'r UN (•iiuhli-M till- tli'tii t>i hmitltf i-nnriiiniiM i|iimilitii-H of ^riirnirM wilh tin- iiiniott |in>iii|>tittiilr. rill- wurt-rtNiiiiH arc >«)iu rtlf. riif liii>.|iiisH wuH fitiiinlnl III l^ilt li\ (i. ,1. r'tifNtt-r A ('«•.. wlilrli t)rin carrifil it Mil ftii- i-li-V(-ii ycuiM ut -Vi mi'l .'(T Kiiiu Kin-i't wi-nt. Mr. rniHicr ilicil in Ih7ii, uml wu-* Hiiirct-ilril li\ It. A l.iiraN uml .1. [I. Turk. U.tli iif whnni hml loii;; lufii cnn nt'ctfil with thf l»iiHiiii-»>.. 'Ilu-sf ^fiitli-iiK-ii Hiirr('<«Nfiil l> curriitl •>n tin- Im-iiu-s^ iiimIci- the hriM iiitiiu' nf l(. A. l.m'a*« >v ( 'n. until 'luu iiury Ihn|, when tin- ru)>iil UrnWth nf till- htlHilU'MH llliKtc it nt-ct-HMiuy tn tuki- in mlih tiniiul |iartiit-i>. It. Tu^ktr Sli-t-U- ami <;. i;. Ilnstnl \M-rt- u*lniitl(- |i10M ]ii-rniiH tinn, uinl tin- Imihi- uvst, (-tinliiiiii-tl In iiii'i-ciiM- \Mlli Hiu-li ru|)iility thut. in IxxJ. tin- s|iuriniiH pri-niiKi-H nil Kiii;^ htrci't wt-rt- n'utf ni- ll'lfjliull- tn tht< lil-t'ils nf tllt- truili' thut liu'l U-(-n liuilt up hy thi- (irni. ('uMtiiiii ulmnt for a ^ii thf Mui-nuh stn-ct ).. i-utinii, ujinn whirli thi-ir iinposini: sti-nt- tditirt* rmw stuinls. llcrt- w iH fri-ftt-'l u liiiildin^ of siK'li ilinH-n sinnH. unit with siii'It ur riin^ciiii'ntH as ure uvvi"- nary to the HiorinouK hiisi iieHH now ht'inu clont- by tlii^ )io|iiihir and ener^i'tii- tinn .,f^.'rnr.-rs. A \i-it tn thi" prt'iniHCH nf tins tirni is wi-ll wortli tin- tiirii- t'liiplnyt'il. uinl \i' lowest prices known to the trude, they endeavor to retain all ciistoinerH, und they have Hucceedei-ial stutT in WiiiniiR't!, who control the buHiness of the new proviiH'CH. Thi' Northwest buHinesH bus acipiired very lurt;e prniM)rtions. a fart that in bij*hly creditable to the Maniilton firm, for the reason that the retuil iiier- chantH of the northwest are keen buyerH. sharp business men, uiid have every wholesale city in Canaiia to choose fruni. NotwithHtandin^j this the inerclmnts of Maiiituba Jni.ii'l, rll ij ( II. \, l.lf (N. 1. M. I'tliK. It, 1. HIM l>. >i, \. iiiii»rMr. and Ihc Ihwi -t cbo<.e to biiv the hidk nf their KriHcrMH III lluniiltmi. uml ii \cr> lurue piopm tmn ..f fhiii bulk fi'nni III! tinn nf l.mio-. Purk A <' i. If Ihenudirmit lake u ^luiic. ut the nnip be iiiii> U- uble. b> Hliulvinn the territory cnv(-red b> thin tinn, to form MMiiti- idiu nf the enormoiH t-xteiit and with- Hpreiid n.iture of the bus .-, • niidurted U LihiiK, Pmk.vro, l.rcAS. I'AliK .\ in. S W AIM.IHUSi:. In Ontario tlie reader will obsiTVe the Niu^iaru peninsii- lur, the ^r(>ut fruit tiurdeii of Ciinuilu. contuinint^ the weulthy counties of Wenworth, l.incnln. Ilaldimainl und Wellund, dotted with prnspentits ntics. i.»wiis und \il lu^es. Jn (.'\t-ry purt of this iicnin-iiilu the inline of I.iicas. I'urk A- Co is well known, l-'ollnw tin- linenf ihi- (Wuml Trunk ruilwiiy westward, thmu-ih l)undHs, \Vnodsto<-k, Inut'i'^oll. lioiidoii und Struthroy, to Windsor uml Sarniu, and Itiid that the lirni's nunie there is a hoiiseliold world. (lo north through (ialt, (iiietph. Ker^iiH and I'uhnerHton. to Wulkertoii. Sniitliumptnii. Mrussels, Wintfliuin. I.iick- iiuw anrl KiMcardiiie. and discover thut I.iicas, I'arkACn. arc the fuvnrite wholesaU* iiroc<-rs. Tuke a trip throiiuli I'uris. Stiutford und Clinton to (foderich. und the iiunie is us funiiliur as the nuine of tiie week. (Jo up tlirou^jh Milton, (icor^etowii and Iturrie to Mnskoku, or to Owen Konnd. Collinuwnnd uml I'urry Sound, uml the nunie of IjUcus, I'urk A- Co. is well and fu\(iiubly known, (lo fur ther afield. Take the Cmiudiun I'aiMtic und ridf! throu^jli the ^reat scenery of the iiortb shore of I.uke Superior, und at Port Arthur you find the name uh well known us at home. On to W'inniiHjj^ und you discover that Lucus. J'ark iV Co. are as |Mjptilar there us in the city of Hamil- ton. I'iihIi ncroNN the plalm>, and ut I'nrta^e la I'rairii*. Itritiulon, <,hi ApiH'lle, Id'tjina, Medirine Mai and Cul^urv. >oii find thai IjicUm, I'luk A Co. h travellers |ia\e tH-eli there III uilvmic*' if >on. ami liH\e placed the nan f Iheir ttrm at the head of the lonu lixt nf wholeMuh' miMcit in Cunada l-'iom \Viniti)M>if, ^>o houIIi. •uMilbeast, noiih \«i-s| III- north, und Hliere\ci- >nii i-m-oiinler a tovMi or ii coiiHideruble \illaue. voii llnd hoiiii InhIv retailing i-xcelleiil urtHericH pnrrhu!> ^lumub -(reel iini'lb. Ilunilllnii. (In Ihronuli llie niountuins, ad nine (III- ktraiidext itcener) Ibe world prodm cm, and when >o|| eliierue llllo llntlxh CnluilllMu t he nailli- of the |H)plllai llmnilton urnceiM a^am iN-comeM an fitmiliur iin li'hviuph poles \\\ the wa>Hlde. Itcliivn to Ontiiriti, uihl, h-uvin^ the nimn urteru's of truvi-1 alreud> onlhnt-il, >oii iiia\ fhid thai (-\er> back uimhIn \illaui-, e\er> four rorm-r CNtabliHlinient tbrmi^h \vbicli till- olat^e dailv pasNi-M, i \i'r\ baiiili-t in the InnI purl nf Oitlailn klin\\H tlie liuilie nf LiiciiH. I'ui'k A Co . und cull \oni-li fur the e ihiiitf in cniilieclinn with the bilNl liesN It. SM HS sirniutt/cd tilut eirnts in till- tilling nf nrdels .■p IM the dcliverv nf liimmIs In clistnliiels uri- ulllinsl ilil pnshildc. The HVslein is -licli thul the snialh-Nl or t!ie greatest order of the SI U40II is Hliip|H''l> upon liotificutlnll. 1A< rytbinu wnrkH likecliH-k ui>ik. und imstiikt-s in this well re^nluled (stublisb iiu-nt huM' been mo \( few (hut tlie\ muy l>e suid to In> entirely lion t-xistent. Not only do KiicuM, I'ark A Co. do inlinile credit to ihi< umbiiiniis city by rt-asoii >if their fair and honesl bnsi m-ss nii-tlinds, which liave i-uiist-i| liuniilloii In Ih- known fur und wide us the best riimket for the pnr i-huse nf nioccri 's ; hut llu-y tuki- un itclivi interest in till- ulfiiii'H of th .1 ily, and endeuvor i-. ev»*ry wuy to ))Usli its interests whenever op|iort unity iM*curs. The nu-inhi-rs of the tinn are uIho ui'tivi* nienilH-rs nf th<» liMurd of truth', und are al wu>H reudv.witb \oice. in thience uml purse, to >lo their shurc of whatever is tn be dtiiii- for the ^ood of the uinbitioiiH cily. The nii-iiilH-rs of the linn have tuken un active interest in tile summer earn ivul scheme and have done all in their )>«>wer t«> make it a ^rainl suceesH. They havt- tuken purliculur interest in the inr-rchuiits' cniiventioii. their ^reut e.\|H-nt-ni-e in deulin^ with retailers ull over the countr> eiiuhlin^ them to nee clearly that iiiiuli ^ooil muy Ut done by intelligent- ly iliHt-iiHttin^ the evils that l)e(*et the trade, and by care- fully coDHiderint^' uml adopting such measuren as may lie deeineil necessary to the abatement of many trade nuis- ances, and for tbv saving of lur^e huiiis of money that are now wustetl. ,Vcry niucli mure couM be said of Lucas, Purk tV Co., ami their exteiiKive estttblishment : of their i-nti-rpri/e ami its merits; of tluir buHinesH niethoilH and the i|uality of their ^cHids ; ttf tbeir integrity uuil the extensive nature of their trade; but it isHuflicieiit to say to those who have had the tiood fortune to In* cus- tniners of this house that Lucas, Park A' (%>. pin'potte to l^o on as heretofore. ^ivint{ ^ixsl vuliu! and continuing their biisiii(-ss on huHiness lines. To those who have not hud the ^o(h1 fortune to lie custonu^rH of tluH tinn we ite- sire to say that they HboiiM not longer remain ho. LiicaR. Purk A' Co.'s place is wide open; the intifnl)erH of the firm extend a hearty Wt-lcomc to all ; they bavo uome- thiii;) to show those who do not know them ; they auk for un inspection t>f their preiniHes and of their price liHtH, and they feel <|uite confident of the reHiilt. for there ia no grocery concern in ('uiiada that can Huri>aflatbcni. Tbore- fore, gentlemen, while you are viHitin^ Hamilton make it a particular point to call ui>um LueuH, Park Hi Co.'ut SU Mttcnah street nurtli. I \ V '^\i^ ;bamilton JpeeUlop •:• (C.-xi-nival E-litioti •:• flii'Ju^l:, i8Hn •:• 41 W: yfi. jJ^/ZMr/KCf? '/fVOf///' J^'/fry/j. WAHKHorsK AMt (H'FICKH. '■^^ilK ('il\ 'if Miiniilloii i-iijdns h funtiiu'ntiil \ nimtiitinii for the viirii-ty uml txtfMt nf licr kI lint rial irit4-n'HtH.tiiit tlicrciK iDlmiiicli nf lu-r loniiiirni' wliirli Iiiih l«'fii mm run w|ihuuiiH|\ HiicTi'HKfuI r,H tlic tiri«i'r\' triulc. NulMitliMliiriil' j tlu'^in-nt MtrhlcH mill i|i'vi'|n|iin<'iit i> i M.'iitri'iil iiihI Turuiito, llaiii ihnii Htilt hoMs tlif furt >" *lii> ^rcdt (Uh triliiiljii^ rciiirt' nf till' urtx'crv truilc Thf iKmiliitn in till- rcrtiilt of till' l^H'l■uMi^^• uiul well )iiri'ftr<( i-lT.irtM nf luT ^*nHTrH, thiin wlioni a mure Mhrcwil. ciicrni-tic iiiul t'litcriiriKJii^ rItisH 'if iiicii roiil'l iKit Ih- fdinnl. Of the linii^i |ir<>riiiiii'iiil> 4-ii^ii<{i-il in thin liiiHiiu'HH. tlirre art' imni' who lia\i' Htmn^t'i rliiinit* npnn our iiDtirc tluih the lirni nf \V. II. Cillar I A Cu,. a Mki'tfh of wIioho wari'lioiiHc rtiUM-arwon tliiH piit^)-. 'I'Iiik tinn, ('oiii|iriBt*il of \V. H. (lillanl, .lolin (lillanl ami Ih'nry N. Kittnon, waw fiiuiuliMl ill lH7<.i, tlH> xi'iiior |iartnrr. W. II. (iiUHnl, Imvin^j Iwen fur twinty foiir yciii-K iircvioiiMly iirnniincnty idcii- titiftl with till' wliolfHiilc (fnnM-ry trailr. The in'»i«rcrtH of tluH (irm since its f'lrnnitioii Iiuh Ik-cii hih'Ii an ttt alTord HtrikiiiM tcKtinioiiy to tlir diHi-ritninatin^ juiii'iit, bimi- lU'SH tart ami enti'rpriw of itK iiu'tnln'ru. Tinn HUfCt-MH iw (iue to tliP iiitplliiit!iit upiilifuti')!! to tlieir buHine»H of mxind iiioilern buHineHK prinrijilfH, iViiion^ whirli woini^ht i)iiiii)H>rat<' : Iiuyiiit{ frctin plai'v of prwluction. Handliiitt idih* but merchantable Koods. m • ^H pi ''*^ IH Li t- '^^^1 1 1 ■WL H N K;' 1 1 1 p- '<»w l9HBpH v^ffivn -J*''' 'S"i\ \.^.- '' ■" JOHN UgLLAKU. \V. II. (ilM.AUl). Spllin>{ on cIoho niar^iiiH. Faithful t-xecntion and (inick diKpaU-b of onlurn. In tliiH connection wi* were Kurpritted Xa\ loarn on in- quiry that tlic excellent faciliticH for Hbippin^ in their coniin./diouH and tliorouKhly eipiipiwd warehonne, enable thiH linn, even under the presBure of their e.\tonHive biiHinertH, to Hliip all ordern on the day of tbeir receipt. The importance t4) the trade of hucIi prompt attention can not Ixj tco Htron^Iy enipbaHt/ed. The condition of buHineKK and the metlKxl of trans- acting i' to-day are widely different from what they wore twenty yi-rH aj^o, when the principalK of buHinesH tirniH had the pleaHure and advantage of pernonal con- tact with their custect ami contidonce, and deserve the attention of businesH men. tlii» tlrni have on their staff only hijjh elasK men men of integrity, who have a thorou^jh knowledge of the trade. Their lar^e staff of travelers, comprised t>f Tluunas Hayw(H>d, John Stoneman. (i. A. Turner, Kam Wilkiiin, M. P. Malono, (lerald Haskins. G. Fimllay and 11 ('. Beckett, are kept actively busy covering the large area of terriUiry in the provinceB, Ontario, Manitoba, llritish Columbia, and the Northwest, over which their busineHs extends. ThoRe gentlemen are favorably known in their respective territories. \Ai\v from their well known buHille^H i(nalif1catlonH iin'l their rectitmlr, proinpliieHK mi'l th-mrved micios in inatterH iM-rtuiniii^ to truile. the nieridH'rM of the hrni i>f \V. II. liillard A Co. are highly iHtceine'l uml ino-t )>opii liir citi/ciiM, They are in the front lunk whenever the city nei-dK entcrpriHc and lilien(lit\ to promote her pro ^ircKH. The ItiiiMint* owned and oci-iipicd by this tinn in acknowled|,'e'l t'l U e of the niost complete comnier i-itil iirt'hitectunil features of (he unibitioUH city. It is centrally liH'ated, and beiiiy built of prcsKed brick with bamlsonie Ht ob Hcrveil on all wiiles speaks of the character of the business transacted. While W. 11. (lillanl .V Co. thus iitten.l to the health and comfort of their Iim^*' «talT, the airan^e nients and appliaiu-es for the haii'llin^ of their lur^^e stink are of an eipially com|i|ete ami a'lvantai^cous character, und to no lirrn is i^i-euter credit due for preserving; by their enterprise ami energy tlu' hi-ih standard of intetjrity and prosiH;rity to day enjoyed by this hranrli of commerce. The warehouses and ofhces of W. II. (iitlard A Co. are conveniently situated at No. '-»•"( Main street west, near the Hank nf Montreal, and visitors durint.' carnival week shouhl not lose the op|Mirtuuity of viewing these commo dioiis and liamlsonu- premises. H. N. KITTHON. 11 13 H\W>i;il \ M\HHt.\ CM. i|,iMiir> I 8MIH llrill la It rMliihtllitll f IWii m( III!' IIII..I I Xtl'li.lti' nil. I Kl.li'll kii'mii iiiiiiiitftii'tiitiTN iif iiurii'iil tiirnl iiii|ili>iiii'iiU 111 llic hiiiiiiii loll, mill lU'i- till* Niirii'MwirN iif ilti' liutt i'>liil>li>lu.| ilriii iif I.. I>, Hn»>.r.\ In., uliiili fur ihi- |iii«t hftv lliri'f \furii Iiiin c Ibnmilkon Jr-vcUbj'^ •:• 'C.'xr'^nivMl E-^ili'M} •:• flu'Juv;[, i88(i •:• wlihh (..r ihi' |iit>t tlfn lliw M'ltra liiia pW ■" tyi "' "^RlwvJ '- IJ"!* litN'li iniilii iitit hli'lilllli'il »Ml. till' Ilia ^ NJ'*),, ' tj P't'fi ' - ^ |..r» iif ll.iiiiilliiii. mill Im. Iiilil mi |.„i, S) 'i Ft'fe ' .r'pVli,' "■ . i.ivil |i.mitl,iii II ^ Ihi I.'iiiIiiiu iiuIii. ^S.'^Dfrt*.', ' * P C' •") ' ^^^i^*<^»u;J■ K| III the M'lir Im.h; U\ i||i> lirin ••r M<'*,iiii"*irii A r'wiiir. II wtxH riii-m \i'Ul'>»nlll till Mil III u llii»|r»t iHiikliiu III! I III lilt: «llllil(ri| (III tllf nil-lli'l' nf .lutllt'M ttinl M« rri. k •lii-rl-. tlit- |tri»fiit *ih' nf iIh U>>\iil lioti'l, hill iiiiriKHiiiu JMiHiiM'NH lull Mill fi)!' Iiirci'i' |trriMiHi>». llii- |piiil imw • HI ii)t|r\i-iit» nf uriiit iiiliriHt iiiiil iiii|Hirt jtiii-i* to III! riMiiiu t'itv iif lluiiiilliMi. iiM iN'iriU lliitl ill wlllrti llii> ii-.iii liii|->M' lihiilr lllo lll»l i'lill\ nil llif liiwU lillil llllU nf till- (ili'lll Witti III KiulwilV. In ii'lilitinii to III!' riiukiiiu of imiiriitliiriil iiii|)li'ini'iit<*, till ticvv fiii|.>|'\ i'iiUiiL!i-il I'MrlJHiM'lv for li iiillllU'l' i>r yarn III tiiiiiihiiii* till- I'uili'uiitl vvttli imiiiN of llii' |»ini'i|>iil riil' iiUo ilN.Mi Mr. IjitliiT l>. Haw >i-rllrNi tHTiiiiit' niMiii'i'lnl with till' workM, uihl in In/Im, U-nih joiiicti |i\ hu hnitlii't'o. Hiiiiiiii'l iiiiil I'ltXHoii, tlu- htioini'itM |iuHHf into thi-tr IihihIh, ittid l>u*> Mim-i' Ui-ii riMilliii'il i>\rlii»tvi-lv III till* Miiiioifiu-lnri' of uurinil luriil iTii|t|i-riiii, It xiii'i iiilt\ iH-iiiu iiMvv iiiuilr of Ihiioh i-r»* jiii'l i'1il:iim'>». I'lirtlii'nliiinu*"* in tlii' |H-rMitiiiii'l of tti«> tlriii tifti'i'wunln (nok I'liiri- h> till- th'utli of SiiiiiiH'l Hiiw>**r. till' riMiioviil I'KKHI.KSS SKI'AltAHU; I' (.IIWI A SONS iiiicwcm It" |iii<*'<'. hIhuiI I'i tli'^niH |''iiliri'iilii'll li\ h-iimoh iif llu' fm i ihni TIm' iilr Miiitli' li> r. (iiiiiit.V Soiin MtiiiiiU iii till' H|Miiii,t |lri'Wi'r> |m'o|>Ii' hii\r luki'ii luUiiiiluuf of Ihr Mllh the In'M of r.lliiiilliili lilcM, iiikI IioMh Mm itwil Wi'll ktlowi. .{lirill lltw I hut I'olil iiir iliHri'inr., 'Ihr n^lrl itiiitiiv think It >I« to tlii< muiIIn IinIi utt"*. U liiu. Thi' ulr niiiiMir>ii'tiiriii;j ili'|iiirliiii'iit of ihi' S|>rinu 'I'hr iiilo|ilioii nf llh' |i|ihi nf ii|Hninu )>«'•')' hs intinii Itrt'WiM'v IniH II ra|iiirjl\ i)f 'J.lHHt ini|H>t ihI ^iillniri )N , nciit n'fritii'i'titinn iiuirkiil llu- iN'Uinninu of u iirv\ i-ni in iiml till' )>liiiil ii U■\\^^^ <| to thi> nlmiiHt of Hm i-u|iiiril> tin* liiiHinrMM, in vvlinh ini|irovi't| ini-thoilN iiitil iiiathiniT) to int-i't till' roiiHiiuil '«tt-i>uni of onli'iH ihut gioiir in from hi>i-i' In tiikr lln< |iIhi>i' of ihi- rnnlr ii|i|iliiiiiri>H mid |i|-ii I it> tJi-iilirM mill from all |>ui'tM of tlir loiiiiliv . In ithm'm furnH-rl) riii|ihi>r ki'|)t ln'twiH-n 'JiHt ttii' iinini'iiNi- ntoruui' rt'lliiiH tlitn hii iiiiu' fruliiti'N of tlir uihI :IIKI liot{N|iciii|H of uli' uiiil |Mirlrr. till nf wliirli lin-wfi \ . mxl Ihr hnxiiiioN wuh Ihiiitt'fniih i-oiMltirtt*il in ri'iif lii-N till! ui-ronlmiri' with piiri'lv Hi-iinlitlr imthiHU. pnilliiHt I'oliilj 'I'hi' |i|otini'MH. Ui'ii in iiii\ way <'lini|H>iii- itr il hy thi* nw nf HuhMtitiili's nr ailnlli-mntK. havi' niiwinHliM'k TIh* Ui-r ih ii |iiin> fxtnu't of mull ainl ho|>M. Nn utlitr iiiutniiii^ nviT iii^ri'ilii>iitH iirc iihciI in itn uianiifurhiri<. It iH ilatiiii'i) rjo.iHMilHtltli'Hof that wlirii (iriuit'M Init iH ilrnnk iritiUnttilv it will in all' anil |>ort«'r. \ i^'iiralr ami toiu> up t)ii' MyKtrm murh iiioir i lutviiliHi-d iniiirM, wIiomi' only vuilIU uri' ritpa ilailil to lArrlklirc iw till' fact thai lltr |iliiiri|*al roiiMtiln rioiiM anil vvi'll ciiIh of liraiitH U'lT iirt> uwil in •^inall miioiinlH in tliuir iirran ^'nl . aint niiki' ii|>. hiiM- II < upucity 'I'Im' |Ht|iiiIanty of Oraiil'M ah- uinl U'l-r in lai'i.-.i'ly to Im^ of lun.iMiiiiin- atliilmti'il to the |Mtrity o' ,ni' inatt-iialK iimiI uiuI to tlii< jH'ritil ^iilloiiH. nnvarxin^ niii- i'\i"rtM4'il iii itn nniiiiifartiii't*. 'I'lu* malt 'I'lu' I apiilil y IM mailf at )'■ (ir.int >V Hoiim' own malt Iioiih', mul in tlit< wilh whirh la«itr proiliirt of i'anailian haili-\ of tin- hinh.'Ht t;rinh'. Tlu' Imht iH-tami' a lirt'wi*ry iHHii|i)>lii'limii'i>>* »hir1i fiivufitf lM>\t'riiKi> Hcioni-r liii** |ilari>il at Ilic >lH)HiHal of tlir nianiifai tiirt-r. Ml ttiiH part of and it in Hiifi* to Hay that thi'tr ix no rhtiililiHliniiiil in the Canada only a country hctUT ii|ni|ii>i'>l. or iiittcr Hii|i|>Iiiil with farilitii-H <.f rii\-'iii ti> till' Wr-ti-ni StJiIrs, jind tin- •^iili-«(-i|iM'tit ar (I'xxioit nf Ili>ni'\ I'. Cnlinrn ami .Inmitlimi Anirx. \s hn, him-t- IHNI', till thi- disMnhitinii nf iiai-tiifTHliip in tlu- |irf Mint vi'iir, havi- takt-n a li-adiiiij part in Ihi' (-ondint <>f tln- iMiwiiu-HH, and it is not tiH> mnch to huv. that to tin- pro tii'cHsivf I'littTpriHo of I,. I). SiiwM-r.v Co. \h lariit'lv dm- nnu'li nf thi' ^'I'l'ut irnpi-nxi-nii-nt that ha>^ U-en inadi' of n-ri-nt yiMirn in liiirvi'HtiniJ and thri'Mliinu marliini'ry. Mr. Sa\v>i'raitd Mr. .Xiiil-h, rarl.v in tin- pri'M-nt yi*ar. wiHliinji to ri'tiri' from artivc life. diH|H(Hfd of tlu-ir intcri'Mt-i to H. A. Massi'v A SoiiH. nf Tnrmitn. who naw in thi- tliiiHlii-r and iMnjim- hiiHim-HH a hranrli that wonid work Hl|('l>t•n^ fiill> and hiirtnonioiiHly with tlirir own oiitpnl nf )i)iiik-i>>. innwi-rs. etc., thi'ir th.iiniii^li mid iilniost wnrld widi- or iimii/: miirki't i-vitn kind nf imn-hiiifry r» tin- agriculturalist. With Mr. H. V. (.'ohuni uk vice prt-MidiMit and ninu- ui^rr of tliL' new firm, liin Imi^ and varied cxiHTiciicc in tliiw liiu'. the capacity and ctlicii'iH-y nf the wnrks. and tin- r.iiistaiitly incrcasiiii; di'tnand for hit,'h clasn thn-hhinti niiichim-ry. it in ri-nHonahli' to asHiiinc that the future hin- tory of tliiH hnsiness will Im-. if pnssihle. still innre hrllliitnt than the puHt. and it is intended to opiLre no painn nr ex peiiHt- to IncreaHi* not only itK erticiem-y. hut also to add to tlie prewnl list of machini's made. niicIi otlierH an a wideii- iiit^ market and the im'rer.''iiif4 intelli^'eiiCL' of Canudimi ii^^ricultuniliHtH may reipiirc. few \eiirs miti. iiiduied the Spriii^i |lrewer\ |H'ople to ^o into lis manufai tnie. and the> put in a plant having a producing! capui-itv nf 'J.iHHi iinjHiial ^allniiM a day. 'I'lu* rno^^t apprnved appliances are nsed in iIiik department hy II must skilful liit.'er heer hrewir. and the result is a jHtpu- tar U'Veraue nf which lar^^e ipimittties are dml\ cnnsuined III Ilmnilton and in the Hiirroundin^ country. The stm k la^er vmilts have a capacit\ nf .'t.lMHI harrelH. and iiIhim- lliese vaiiltH ih Htored each wanon alMiiit 't.lMHI tons nf ice. Ill nrder to proline*' |H'rfect lazier U-er it \h necessary In constuiitl) inuintain a very low |em)N'ratnre in thevuultH, ami ihe ice Immiilj Htored aUive, the \anltH ale kept tit fnr a lar^^e production t'lini this. II \MM.ro\ is the pleasant est rihideiice lilv neiil. over a liiindied Hi-cret .•" on the conti- >'t\ Ind^eH in TiiKiiK are llamiltoii. TiiK Hamilton HleainhnaU arc the tliK-st. fastest ami most Heawnrtliy on Lake Ontaiio. lIurii.ioN CvN\i, in free from toll, and the ferry that curries puHMeiiuerH and liorsen acrosn it is free. V. (iHANT .V SONS. (^^JlIKIti; iH no hetter known hrewery in the Ooniin- (l^^) ''"' *'""' *'"^^ "^ '*' *'•"""* '^' ^""" '" *'''^ '"i^.v. It =^-^ is knifwn uh the Spririj; Itrewery. and the ales ami hii;er l«H!r made here have a provincial reputu- ti'tii. The hrewery is situated at the corner of Itay and Mnlln'rry HtreetH. and. as may 1m' Heeii on refi.'rencc to thu cut repreKeiitin^^ it. is a most extensive and complete hrewin^' hoiisi-. The Sprint" Hrewery is the oldent in thu city, and from a small lH';^lnnint{ <» the early days when |M-nple were few ni llainilton, it has \H}en ^ritiliially en- larked ami develn|«'d until it Ih imw not only iihle to supply nearly all the ale used in the city and a pri'iHinder- atinn prapurtion uf the la^^er uwd here, but it wjiids I.. I). H. KNOINK. sup, arte tin pr. liMht llh Ktll ever, iit^lil III ti. made liKht- hITii: mill. Ui la (inly ttl^t-H (lity Imliiiii rt'cr Iri.' Vl'lll- li«litc with aililitl Imiiilr III niiiHt iii');iiti tliu |ll ■riui excel li ft'UilU' llOiVC C(ini|iil Till. Ii Imil-ii i liMhl ( was tliiiroi li^htii celebr Pa., fo outiyi ^[?c ^/imillon j'|.^e(4;.\toi- •:• (".M-niv/il £-lilioi> .;. flu'Ju^^fc, i8H( •1.1 II \\lll.l()\ 11, 1. ( I UK f Tilth rit> iM V4)ltul>l\ IIM l')li'll|l llM Ull> lit) thfl'illl tini'iit. MHiiit .liilv, INHI, the liMMili'h-<'tnrriini|Hill> uf Moiitrciil H<'ii( thftr u^iM>l. W. II. Itnmft-tiiUct. tn lliuiiiltitii tn miiki' II re poll on lhi> |M'<)N|H'<>1 (if ihtruthirin^ itH m\m- ti'tii of lilt' h^hltiiu iitt4i llainiltuii. uiitl wilh iiiNtiih-liohH, if the nts wuh |H('|mii'il tiMMitfi- inin a rntitnirt fur Hirn't h»tt>tii>U. nr IH'IVIllo I'ili/CIIH i-ntllil l»i' illitlli'i'tl tn r^uh- w'lihc for frmii Iwcnty tlvc tu fifty Mj^htH. lit iititify tht> ('iHfL-m>lli>t, with chill iu't*'riHlii' ciicr^iy , Miicccciii'il in t^i'ttiML! Ihirly live HiihHcrilH'nt. the iic<'ch htiry |niwcr vmih ohtiiiiicti froni the S|K-'ctu- tni- {irintiii^' i'niii)>uii\ , iiixl in W'hh than tmv mull I h Hit mil tun incri'liiiiit>4 were U-iii^ Mii|iphc(| with the hew h^ht. Iinincihiitcly iiflcrwiinU nci^otiutiotiM were ii)it'nt>il with the city liiitlioriticH, uiul Mr. HniHft>uillt(il the cnn tract fur Kdcet h^jhtiii^ imtil Aii^UHt 1, 1HH.'>. IIdw- ever. an exhihitinh wuh ^i\en of the arc liuhtH on Mcvcrul Mtrcctn. iitnl the unani- niniiM viTilict waH that as mi ion iih tliecon- tiact with the ^hh coiM))uiiy expired an ctTort wouhl l>e nnide to h^ht the huHini-sH imrtitui of the city with the arc h^)itH. 'I hi> t^iiH coinpaiiy oppom-d nioHt Ktrt>iiiioUHly the otTortH of the electric htfht people to introduce their H^ht. and. unions other thin^H, put up Heveral hir^e ^a^ himpH to )m> I'ompared with thv arc li^htH. ThiH compiirihon only hail the (•fTeet of convincing' the piihlie of the iiduui iimvH of tlu) electric illinnitiaiit. unti in April, Inn.~». the city advertiKcil for teinlerH for fifty live arc li>ihti*, the hiilance of the city to ht- jitihted with awn. Tcnde'-M were recei\eit from two coinpaiiicH, hiit that uf the Itovul elec trie cnriipiiny waw arcepteil. and on Aii^iUMt I of timt year (he utreetM of Hamilton were for the lirht time li^^hlcd with electricity. So well pleawd were thecili/eiiH with tlieser\ice and )H>titionH were coming in hu faHt for adtlitional liwhtH that in Ichh than two yuarn over one hntidred lijihtH were in uhc. In NoveniU'r. iHH'i, 11. M. Wanzer, one »if Hamilton's niimt enterprinin^ citi/ciiH and nmnnfactnrerH, opened n4><,'i)liiiti(ins through Mr. ItoiMfenillet for the piircham- of the plant, franchineH, etc., of the Itoyiil electric ci-tatinit, and ««■ i^i'itt Iihn U'lh the denitihd for thl-* claNN of h^lil that thellaniill htlitt Jmhl ■ Mhipiiiiv him tiiMiiit^'ed to pnl In lif tern Inindt* d lolditinnal halitx Kroin till- ht-t iiiuhl lliedvnaMiu »ttM Hiart • d the lltflllM )'it\r ^IVcli the ver> Utxt -aliNfiit tioM. Theenrrenl iNcharueil fnr li> a MyoltMn of nn-ler reylxtra (Ion. Ml that a i nitomer need not pa\ r>>r wliiil he dm-M not iimi, The ciiterpriNe of the ciiinpaii\ reevived u well nierileij II ward when a Nlmrt liiiM'Uijn the cuiilratt uat uwardeil for li:.'h(iit^ the whole >>t the HtriH>tH of llaniilton by ihiirnits foi a term • >r h\e ycltrH. Tilt' I'onliutt ciilU for (he Hiipph of 'i.'iO are and '.\'J ini'iin dcHceiit liuhl*. and any iiddidoiial liuhtH that iniy In* reipiired. The are li^diln Mill he placed in theceii (re of the illy, and the im andeHieiit Ii^IiIm III the oiilHkirtN, and when they are in o|N>nilion Hamilton will Ut one of the U-i4t illiiniinated citicH on the conlinenl The arrange iiicnlH for Hiipply in^ power are nioNt lomplele. In the buildlliU <>f the < tpaiis, at the corner of Kinu and Cittliai me Htreet'*, are xeM.n hnilerM nf one hiindied liorNc |Miwer each, two three liiin«ilorM to the carnival hIiouIiI not fail to call lit (111 fit. Ii>r\ iumI see IIiin splendid rnllii tmri of nui chiiiery in nperatiiui. The courteoUH nmnuticr. Mr. Hoiwfeiiillct, iH ahviiyK happy to explain the system and plant to tlioHc ilesirin^ information. The bnildiiit; is centrally lociited. beinn only one block east of the post- oltlce. The lower Hat is nned e.xchiKively for the electric litjilt plant, and the other Hats are rented for ditTereiit Tnannftlt■tnrill^^ purpones. The electric li^^ht cmnpany heats the iunldin^ and niip plieH the neceHsar\ power to all. The company Iiiih a ten years' franchise from the city for pole ritihts. and sole con tml of the Thomson Houston arc linht syHteni, the \Ve«t- innhoiise incandeMcent nyn- teni, the Sawyer .Man electric lamps and the \Vestint{lioUHe electric nH)tors, all of which HyHtems are uneipialted in their particular lineH. The company iias jjiven excellent Hatisfaction to the citizeiiH ever since it be^an operations here, and, no doubt, with ita improved e(pupment and e.\- temled resourceH, it will Iw in a U-tter posit ion than ever Ix'fore to fully meet tlie di- nmndH of the citizens in pro- viflin^ them with manufac- tured sunlight. Mr. Hois- fenillet is at present engaged in locating the new city lights, and about fifty of them will twin iNmitioii ihirlnu rarnltal wieli. When thi \ itre all m pro|Mr Morkinu order lln i iiv Mill ptiMiit a \i it hid haul ap|HataiHe frtiin (Ik iihniiitain al niuht, I he in I aiideat eiil lik'hu are UihtJ ptai i d III the oiilUm^ •tmt- Mheii' It In not iM'tiMNarv that the laitte iir> -tHlem «boiild In' eMtaldwhtd. riity ait ahoiit 'l\ candle |HiMt r. mid have (he iidwiiitaue M^ir l;iin III (hat th^y are ■ hni|H'r iind ran U> all liuhled ami eylinuHi^hrd a( iMue. wlierea- iindi r the >>td My.iem \\ wan nt* c-hik \ for ini n to go alHin( at temlmM to Hum Hulk Mhnh ofti-n guw rui> to lomphtiiitN, mill aei'ideiitt hapiN'iiinu "U aeiouni of uidiultteil wlrietN. All ihiN will U- done away mth in the fiitnri . and the ellui'iiM may !»• • onuratiilnled on (he \\iii|..in of the tHianl ..f workn III makiiib/ tlii' elnijce of electric liuht iii-.ti'io| nf ga** for the llhll itlotl of the Ntl-eetn of the I'tls . The eh-i tile litiUt roiiipanv lia» an iigreeini nl with the iltv. niude hixt «|iMiig. iiimI hilihrd b\ the teli|>H (he miiix of ihr liuht loinpany -hull U- p!iotd on (In poles, und hit.^ ulwiiyx hhoHii a inaiked deHin- to r< Hpe* t the n^'htH > and rig. and It In Um duty (o rrHpiiiid to all tire atannn uilhiii the himln of (be electric likdit i irciiit«, wi an to In- prepared (o cut oti the current and. if neceM>.ar\ , the h in ••, in order to facilitate the o|M readily put in o|ieratioii again. This, however. In an cx|H'dieiit that need only U> iiHi-d in caNe» of large (IreN. and merely shows the |M'rfect systf «|ir which the business of the rumpany i» conducted. Mr. MoisfeiiiJIet bus un>ler him it large and ellicient Htalt of v\>>rknieii and ^killed elertririaiis. iiml hf is binis*-lf one of the lie*-' electrical eiigineerH on the continent. Ai the presi-nt time of wilting, ir>o aiv lights and atsnit '>IHI in caiideHcent lights are in use, and the stall is actively engaged in extending the sys' teni throughout the city to keep pai-e with the increasing demand for incandescent lights for orivate use, and in fultllnient of the recently signeil contract for the light iiig of the streets of the city. The science of electric illumiiiatioii ban been inuking great strides durmg the pa^t few years, and hus now attained to a stale of |H'rfectioii beyond the expectation of its most sanguine advocates. There is no longer any >l<>iiht that it is the light of the futiiit'. and il i^ rapidly illHplacing gas a'^ an illuininating agent in every place where the two are brought iiitti i'oiii)M'titioii. As a motive [Miwer, tiHi, electi Icity is rapitlly iH'coming known, and it is usi>d in most of the leading cities for driving street cars and light ma'hinery of various descrip- tions. For railway purposes it is fxpiTtcd that a system will speedily he in use that will enable people to travel siifi ly at a rule of speed hitherto undreamed of, and in reality to annibil ate space, as it has already Ihcii said to aiiiiibiliitc time, by transporting persons and freigbl at the rate of one bundled and eighty miles an bmir and over, .\lready experiinentr' are in progress, and a motor has breii built which is reported to have attained this unheard of speid. which, considering the power, is not to he WomU'red at KNGINK UOOM, 44 •:• 517© l^amiltorj Jf'pectsitop •:• C§.pnlval Esliti°n •:• fiu^u^i, i88g iHi: 1). :\i(Mtui: coMrANV. iKimiiki-.i ¥MIS nltl iin>l \viilt'l\ kiKPwn tiriii vvuh cstultliHliHl in IH'2H h\ Ktlvvimi .liicksnii, who, Ktniif years IiittT. fiinnccl It iiurtnrrslii|i uitli tin- lute IhiiniM Moore. In InT'J Mr. .Im-kHon dietl. and Mr. Moore iissnnied full rontrol of the huMineKH. Tlie prewnt joint stoek tnni pftiiy. i'oin|irit*inii the nietnlHTH of Mr. Mitni'e'n family, with W. A. Ilohinmm hh preHident. \V. W. UohinHon, \ii'e- president . and I'.d. .1. MtHire, Meeretary. was forintd shortly after Mr. D. >Eres death, in Novetnln-r. Ihh7, Tlie (■ninpitfiiy IH now one tif the numt exteiiHive rnuiinfiu-liirin^ eoneerns in the city. uUo U-in^ inii«irlers t»f untl whole sale dealers in tin plate and Canada i)lute, shei-t iron, nheet ropper. ^uUanl/cd iron. l\iissiau iron, hloik tin. wn'c. etc. 'riu'\ also handle a full line of tinsuiitliM' t(K)ls and inaclnni's. pressed. stani))ed and spun ware, iron- ehid rndk ean lixtnres, tmd ^em-ral tinsnnths' tntiinnui^s ill ^reut variety. 'I'lie hiiildint^ i-e)U'esenle. .Mooiti; ( o. iLiMnhi>.y The foundry is situated at the corner of Cathariiif and HoIktI streets, and here is nuiiiufuituieil the "Superior" line of KU|H'rior Mtovew and ran^jes, hollow ware and gen- eral small wares in ;;reat variety, umnii;^ whieh are the following,' ; Saralotju rau^ie. foi- eoal kB: Loyal ("anailian. hi>;h art sipiare hase Imrner and double heater, with and without oven : New .lewel. round hase hnrner. with and without oveii ; Hnrlint^tcui. sheet iron suifine hnrner and donhle heater, with and without uveii : Hiveiside Oak. the new and latest improvement in ronnil hot hlastdouhle heaters, for coal or wood ; KorcKt Kinj^ and Finest (^Uieen. round heaters, for coal or wooil ; \'euus Krankliii. open j^rate stove for eoal ; Snnheani. «(piare parlor, and a ueu- eral assortment of box stoves for 'a mkI. anri the celehrnted New ( rown oil stove, in rMan\ st\Ies. MKAKINH A* SONS, ^yj^ ANrKAf'TriiKiis of i \\ *"■'>**'•*'**■ Hamilton, To / iV rontoand Montreal. This \\n\i, a cut of whose fac- tory is lii-re shown, is one c)f tin* tar^-est (inns in the iiiaimfaeturin>{ of brnslu's on this contimuit, and also one of the oldest, having an ind>roken record of over thirty years in this line. The present partners lire ('. Wtn. MeakiiiH. of Maniilt^ni. and ( 'has. \V. Meiikins of Miuitreiil. hein^" the siui and j;raiidson of the oriiiinal senior nu-mlHT of the lirm. The dimensions of the factory are MO X KHI feel, aud iH'iuf^ f-'ur stories hit,'li tjives alxMit MJ.IHKI feet of ll.«u- space, all of which is takiui up with the most improvcit machinery and appliances known in the business. and to which the lirm are constantly uddmu. Thislirm manu factures everything' con- ceivable in the way of brushes for all known purposes, from the finest artists' and paiiders" tools to the chea|H-st,UUein^ made from the factiu-y. The iirm has lately oi>ened a larjje sample riHim in Toronto, at ."»0 \Vellinnt»ui street, where its represeiilative is always pleased to meet any [Rirson interesteil in their line of jioods. The cataloj,'ne of hnishes is one of the most complete that is published, and is revised and re- printed at the Uif^'inninn of each year at considerable exiM?nse. Mea kins iV Sons would Ix; pleased to mail copies of the same to any [ler- son re.piirnit; their ji»iods. ami also to t,'ive esti- nuites of cost (Ui mill and nnu-hiiiery brushes on receipt of siH-citications. They extend to any of their friends and patrons visiting the carnival a cordial invitatiAy, Ar(irsT i!t. The XLIl. Halt. Millitary Hand will play at the Gore at III o'clock, from thence by boat to Ilamilttui Heach. The Lake Yacht Itacin^ Asso<-iatioii Ite^atta, held under the auspices of the Hamilt(ui Yacht Club, will take place off Hamilton I'icrs, tui Lake Ontario, cummencin^ at 11. SO a. in. No entrance ft!e : 10 \tvr cent, deilncted fr(un wiiniinns. Two tniats t(( start or no race; tliree Itoats to start or no second prize ; four Iwats to start or no third pri/e. riii/Ks. Ist. 2nd. itrd. 7'i L. W. I »hM» »r,() .'.0 " UMI nO $H(I ■M\ •• HO 4U 2rt ■M) " HO 40 2'. and m aria, ai h-^hed mp:akins a- sons. JOHN McPIIKHSON .V CO. T the corncrof John and Jackson strLt'ts iruiy U' seen the lar^e Ixsit and kIuk- manufactory of John Mcl'hers(»n tV Co., one of the lari^est establiHliments ost reliable Iniot and shoe tirtns in Can- iid the lart-est in Ontario The business of lon^ standint!. iiavin^ l>een estah in iM-'i.'i. when the premises occupied were situated on Kin^ street east. With the i-rowiun den landsof trade tile tirm was forced to vacate their nnicb too snnill fact(ny and erect the present larne works. The success of this enterprising move is now more than assured. The new biiildinn has h !i'n occupied only two years, ami the factory is nmninu at its full capacity, having; orders placed for months ahead. The trade covers the whole of the OoMiinitni. and the standard quality of ttic floods manufactured is well known amoii^ dealers. It is no flattery, hut a hare stat*; munt of fact to say that the ^(kkIh turned i>nt at this establishment are lb(' very U-st in Camida. The ikm-hou who has onc-e trierl a pair of Mcl'her- Hoii's l) I'l :(:> feet steam Launch 40 20 10 The Steam Launch lUce is quit« a novelty, and will lie a very pleasing feature of the Ite^atta. The Mercliants' Cuuveiitioii will o|M'n its first seHsion at Court House at 12 o'idcK-k lUHin. International League Itaseball Match, k>etwtH>ii Ham- ilton and Hochuster clubs, at Dundnrn Hall OruiindH, eomiiiencini{ at HMO p. m. Victoria HiHe Club will bold their annual maichcH at their own >irotmds.commencint< at H o'clock a. tn. and con- tinuing all day. Over JilOO in prizes will lie ^iven. Coni- lH3titorH from a distance allowed to make entries after the arrival of the morning! trainn. There will Iw a match of 200, oOO and r>00 yards with Knider riHe : at AOO and (MM) yards with the Martini rifle; and extra matches at 200 and fiOO yards with Hnidor or Martini. The XIIL Hatt. Hand will play at the Heach during the afternoon and evening. MONDAY NIGHT. ProooBsion and Hlumination,— Proceuiion of tUamin* cil A. H Sl2® l^amilton /peebbrs •:• Cs^i^nival Edition •:• fl!^f<^^t, i88q 45 :tril. «HII i I lited i-raft on t\\v hny nnil laki-. I)liiminatiuit of tlm fleet of yuclitrt, NteiiitilHiutH, Hlfiiii) IttiindieH anil other t'raft. lllnniiniitioM all Match. Hamilton vh. Londmi, Inteniatiunal liea){ue teaniH, on the 'Dnndtirn Hall (ironndH, at lO.HO in the inorninu and 4 o'clock ii. the afterno(ni. Annual Uet^utta Ciiuadian AHHociatitui of Amateur OarHUH'n will take place at Hamilton Heaeh, Htartin^ at 2.(H) p. m. I.IHI- or KVKNTS. F()nruared hIicIIh (senior! ftCilHI challenge cup, j^old nu'dal anouhle scull HhellH (junior) -Two tjold mciJalK and banner. I'air-oaretl HhellH -('hallen>{u cup, two Hold medalu ami banner. The Kxeentive of the North AmoricH St. (ienrj;e"H Tnion will meet at I o'clock p. m. in the St. (leorne'H Hall. Ti:i:si>AV NKiiiT. The North America St. (ieorjje'H I'nion. The dele- ^ateK, with their ladies and frIundH, will l>c welcomed by eitizoHH at St. (.ieori^e's Hall at 7. Ml) p. m. until \i.'M). AddreHKeH will Iw ^iven hy HIk WorKhIp the Mayor, W. H. (lillard, Khi|., I'reHident of the I'nion, and otlieru; «. 'a >^. » , .Lj wp ^ T TliE AUMOUY. :^^^^Mf, i'i,wu}Jm,w^ ON HAMILTON BAY. after which a social reunion of the Hamilton socii-ty and the delet^atcH will take place. General ilhimination of the City. rrusentation of i)rizes wim durin;,' the day. Hrilliant illumination of and f^rand display of fire- works on the bay. in which will be introduced a pyrotech- nic naval battU? or sea li;;bt. which will ex(;eed in weird aM ..f till Niili.iiis \mII :it "licr rntimit-tui' uM tin- Hil^tldill i;ritUii.U. Iliulrl' t!u- lllilli iiL'ciiiciit ..f rlik'f Mri. tctin.l ^^ciunil umi hiiiw wci;.')it rh(tiii]iii)n nf Aiiu'iii'ii. In tlit'Kc iiiinii-s tlit- iiuo^t ii"tr.| iitliit-ti- in Aiin-ii.;i will take i-arl. ''^nn in pn/.t-s -..l.laiMl ! 1 \ I \ 1^. lill/l ~. 1. It..\v' Kiir.- iiMxIt r II >rars) ^IJ rJ iu-.ls K 1 -J li. ■■ ■■ (AniiLtrui- ..mI\ i (i-.i.l Mr.liil. SlU.-r .Mc.lal. 7. Swnnl Danrc in Iliulilan.i I'uvtnrnr « I •_' N. Irish .li^ in CustiiirH- >< I J '.t. 'riiinuni;.' Ili-iiw MiitrMiitr >^ 1 '_' 1(1. I.ii-ht •■ « I *-' II. (,Hiartii-:». il.' l.'iKT N I •-' I'J. ■• '■ I .\niatrius uiil\ ). Cnl.l Mi. iUi.i-.Jiini|> M i -J n . IIi;.lilaii.l I-linti in <'ostinnc... h l •_> IT. Saijnr's |{ ■_'l . ■ ■■ I AnialcHis (iiil\ I (m.1.1 M.-lal. Silver M.'.lul. ■_'-'. StitiKlin- lli;.li Jnni|> h 1 2 2.1. riimwin;^ ."d'. Ih. w.-ifjlit k 1 -_» •_M. On.' Mlh- ituro 10 H I 2*i. Vmiltinu with P.tlc h i ■_' 'Hi. Unci' I'lll yiiids ioi"'ii iinl\ t-i miMnlHTt* nf S(K'irtii;M whci u|n«'iii(;i| in |»r(M.'eHHinn) . x 1 2 27. Mine lIMi \(Im. itrR'ii iivfi- T)!! vfiirH of iij^fi h l 2 ■JH, (iiii)i(l 'i'liK-nf-Wur il>et\vc'fn u tt-uni of mix iiicM frniM each Society rt-iirnHcnted in iniiiulr' 12 li H 1st. Unit's of till' \. A. I'A'. A. iind the AniiUt-nr Ath- li'tir .\st*oriutit>h of Anifricii will ^iuvcin nil foin|« titii.nK. 'Jnii. CumiM'titorH will Tniiku their entries with the the Seeretury either hy mail to Ilnniilton or on the •irouiids. Four entries in each t^aine or no corn|ietition. .tnl. ConipetitorH nuist he reiidy when ^'unie is culled or' forfeit enti'v. tth. Last t'litrv to leml oH. -~ith. No person allowed in the rin^ or iraek e.\re|itinu ■lnd;^es and coinpetitorK etif^a^eil in t;oni)M'titioim. itth. ConipetitioiiH will nut iiecoHHurilx ronie ott in the the ahove order. Tth. DeeisiiiHof Keferee MeKinnoh tinal. Mth. \\\ entranee fee of 'J.h-. for earh ^ianie. WKDNKSKAY NUllir. Vi' olde Time Com-erte will take place at the CrVHtal I'ahii-e, i-onimenein^ at h o'lliHrk p. m. The Coinmittefl havint^this partienlar part of Carnival Work in ehar^e ha\e niadi' -ireat elTortK to delight the vast ainhence whieh will iittend the Concert. Thel>est vocal and instrumental talent luiH been retained, and all the choiccHt "old time " Hon^^H and musical wlectioUK will U- rendered. This fea- ture of ninsi<-al entertainment Iiuh often )K.'eM sn^Kcsted liy lovers ttf music, and the Committee have thought it weP worths' of Carnival week. The l:i(li Mattalion Hand will plu> at the Core thence to the CrvMtal I'ulact^ ami iMmdurn. where a tjrand pro- menade ctinirert will Ih^ held, and a ^or^etnis display of fireworks. The army of Bicyclists will parade thrnu^h the prin- cipal Htreets with Chinese lanterns, Itonmu candles and Tor4'lu's thence to I'undurn. (ietieral illumination of the city. runtSDAY, AC(J1*HT w. The Merchants' Convention at Court Jlouse, MMO n.ni. The North American St. (Jcorj^u'H Union at St. (leor»io'n Hall at c?niuistra- tiou in Ltunlon, Kn^laiid, after the Crimean war. .\n aerial display of mines, slu^lls, balloons, etc. ()|K.'n air ndlitary band cont-ert all the evenitit;. Ocneral illumination of the citv. FUIHAV. ACtHS'I 2;t. Military day. North AiiuTicft St. (Jeorj^o's I'nion resume their seti- sion at U o'clock a. m. The Merchants* Convention resume their labors at ll.:tU u. m. (Irand military parade, in wliicb crack regiments of the Dmninion will take part cavalry, infantry artil- lery, and veterans of the Hritish army and navy. KHIDAY KVKNINU. (General ciiv illuininatiun. S'll^ l|amill:on Jfpccts^toi^ •:• ©apnival E'slition •:• fiu^u^[, 188^ •:• I ASYI.C.M KOI! Till': INSANIO MAIN IHII.DINd i ) ... ■ \ 1 t '.-.■' ■sm:i^r^%j:^ j^' ■' i^^»'--. mf^^mmm^ J« u£J Rj • -.t>' '>i-f.'^^^r^^ V f ■ ^ ■•- v.,; 5^ . ';> k ■"- ^vxxxT^J ^ "'> ^ ASYLTM KOH THi; INSANi: NKW lUIMMNd. "TIIK ,101.1. V TA|{.- Cmlutm, plioto^'mplur. 121 Kiii« street east, in highly HuccebBful in iiitch iii^' til.' plenwiiit; (*xi>reH«iim« of the littlo folkH, similftr to the iilxive pii-tiUT SiH-riul iittcriti.m ^.-ivi'ii tn tlie iwHinn, li^litiiiM atnl expression of ull suhjiTtw I'iiiisli inisiir|mss(.>(|. .1. M. \villia:\is a co. -Jlsr^HlS \vi(iel\ -kiios.n tiiin of iron ?^' f'uinilers imd niiinufiicturcrs of Ktoves, furiuu't's, etc.. has for some yearn piist K'en uiliHnji iiTiprove- nrjntsto its extensive works, until now it has unriviilleii fiieilities for turnin;* out arhiKsof t^o. wareluJUHeand shops in connection, are situated on HuyliKon street. Ix'tween Heliecea and (lore streets, ami are central aiul eonvenient of aecess. Tliu business rauiitications of the tirni ex- tend all over Ontario (^uehee. Mani- toba, Itritish Cohnnbia and the North- west Territories. A larye trade is carried on with those distant points. They niannfacture a lar^e line of tlniversal stoves and ranj^es for heating and t^ookin^,' purposes, for hurniuf* either coal or wood. Their leadin^,' ran^e called tlie (irand I'ni- versal. is made in forty difTcrent styles and sizes, and either round or sipnire tire jKit, anesideH realizinj^ all the advantages of steatu or hot water heatiuK at one-third the cost. When (tuality is con- siilered it is the cheajwst furnace in the nuirket. In eon- sideriuK the first cost of a furnace remem- ber that a few dollars apparently tlins saved often proves very expensive econo- my. A first class furnace will return its additional cost the ftrst season in econo- my of fuel and re pairs, to say nothing of thoimprovt " at all times cannot he c ).ulcd in dolhuN and satisfaction wherever placed. They also mannfaclnre the I'uiversal Wond I-'urmiec. hut air and ventilating,' Ke^^isters, and Ihf celebrated I'ui- vcrsiil Hollow ware. DOMINION Miti:\\ i:i;^ . V N Itay street north, hclwcen Kin-i and V.nk. can he )li seen the lar-,'e Dominion hicwin^- estahlisliuient, of which Henry Kimtz is sole pn.pri. tor. The premises are lar^'e. and the trade done is likewise e\ten*s is d<.ne, the detnand for Kunt/.' Ia>ier exlendin-i into the outlyiu;; comities, eities and town-. I'erfect onler and cleanliness are to be observed all over the works, the proprietor evidently believin-i in the ada;ie that -whatever is wortli dojnj- at all is wortli lUmiU. well." Mottled, eased and ke;i la-^er is iminufaetured iu lartie (pnmtilies, and .hirin^j the sunuuer season the lar^'e stafT of employes arc kept continually in a bustle and rush to supply the demands of the trade. The pro- prietcu- has his t;oods analyzed from time to tune, auil tbeyare invariably pn.uomieed pure and free from adnl- teration. The fact that nothing' but hops and nnilt are used iu their tmuMifacture is a sulticient u'liaraiitee of their ^^Kid ipiality. ifpmli- ty of the air supplied. The indirect ctTeet of a ^owl lieater on the health of. the family (O.S FOlNDiiV. 48 V Sl^e IJ'amilton fpeebtop •:• 0svPnivaI Eslition •:• pu^ii^t, i88q ♦ a^^/.i. WINNIPEG, MAN. \Viim-\ Iti.iKK. Ai.itKKT St. VICTORIA, B. C. WllABl' HT. 11 .rf!-i'*',i -1^.-^1 ■{■"HIS ^H Iff t 1 ^^^^^KBK.M' ■ B':Bn P'-..W. JI^HIS hrni of wholenalf clr)thinn niamifacturorH J[ aiut iiiititary uiiiforin cuiitractorH carrien an eiuiniumH stuck. 'I'lie extciiKivc premises of the company. HJtnated at the rorHer of Kinti ami John Ktreetw, are packed froni cel- lar to shin^ileH with clothH, clotliinj^ in pro- ce«K of manufacture. anm tailor'K HliearH. The biittineHH done by thia company it* very lar^c. 'i'hi- fourteen travelerH of the firm cover the entire Do- minion, from ocean to ocean, and the Kanford clothing ih the favorite amon^,' the Canadian |>euple in all partH uf the country. No other firm in the Kame Hue of huHiueHH in Canada carries a Iarj,'er stock, dtws a more e.\tonHive trade, or employs a {.ireater iniMt)>er of {K'oplc than r this. The Kuniples hIiowu l>y the Tirni's travelers and aj^ents, in every city, town, village and handet in the Dominion, embrace full lin<>H of men's, h »vs' and cbildren'tt Huits, overcoats and trouHers ; Huminer clothing, smokiuK jackets, dressin<^ r^owns. overalls, woolen shirts, and ladies' mantlcfl. nutnb4!rinegan making garniei)*" that bad style, finish and fit almut thent. and created a revohi- tjon in the ready-made clothing business of Canada. The revolution was complete. The old style of misfitting gar- ment was relegated to the rear ami Hanford's ready-tnade clothing, stylishly cut, neatly maeration converting the large piles of cloth into shape preparatory to being placed in the hanection, discover that every garment is jwrfectly and elegantly finished to the smallest detail. There is nothing but the price to indicate to the visitor that the garments he is examining were not maproVcd s s = s BUDDIN(iTON This is a perfect tailor system, by actual meaauremeiit, easy to learn. Used at Alma and Ilellmuth Ladies' Col- leges, by leading dressmakers, and many ladies who speak highly of it. T. J. HAY, DRESSCUTTING SCHOOL, 1*3 JAMES MT. MOKTH, CaMlBI ■•■(. PerfMt FIIUbc ralMrai. realkerbaae €«rs«U astt Walils !• •nier. P. GROSSMAN. DRALIR IN SHEET MUSIC, * * MUSIC BOOKS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CANADA BliSlNliSS COLLEOii ARCADB mULOINaa, ^cier)ces eir)a ol;)eplt)ai)fl ir) ^ar)aelei' Ro|intation founded ui>on nearly ilO years of successful i>|)eration. Has more tlian a thousand graduates in business. For C;atali>gue and terms, apply to R, E. GALLAGHER, F«CIORY £8I«BII8HCD AIID II MIITINIIOIIS OPtlKTIOII SillCt HI6. deorge Mather'^ $m% No. 60 JOHN STREET. MANUFAOTURERS OP BlxAGK AND GOLORED mmu \m Wood Qiit, Book, Job, ^eWs ai^d Extra NeWs [i^k Yapplsl^es, etc. 47 James Street Nortln, SPECIMEN BOOMS AND PRICE LISTS HAMILTON, ONT., CANADA. gENT ON APPLICATION. Band and Orobeatral Instruments a specialty. Agent for Besion's celebrated Prototype and Booaey's Patent Light Valve Baud Instrumenta. AIM " KNABE " and BEUR BBOTBEKB' PIAMOS. • HAiniLTON • College of M^isie COR. MAIN AND CHARLES STREETS. FAL2L TERM WILL CeMMENGE ON MONDAY, SEPT. 9. Full staff of thoroughly qualified and tiniiiitint teachern in every department of inuflic. Piano, Or^an, Voice, Violin and all Orchestral L"d Band Intitrumentii, Harmony, Thorou^h-llaHH, Counter Point, etc. Hight Hin^inK (HtafT nutation), Tonio Bol Fft in claHHeH. Piano in ^radeH. TerniH ran^in^ from 90 to 930, according to advancement. Quarterly examinatioiiH and ret>ortH to parentH and ffuurdiantt. Organ and Piano practice in the college. Elocution hy H. H. Clark. Terms to resident studentH on appHcation. D. J. O'BRIEN, DIfotor. ROBERTSON BROS., \Yl70lesale #- Goi^fectioi^ers KUK TllR fiEbT CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. NO. 1 WALNUT STREET NORTH, TELEPHONE 683. HAMILTON, ONTARIO. - TUB ~ |andi9i linking sni loan ^0. HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Capital Mnbacrlbcd, .... 9700,000 Palil I'p, 581,000 Total AHselM, over 1,300,000 DIRECTORS: -\ ' Matthew Lkuoat, President. .Ion.N Walhie, Vice-President. Bamuki. BAHKEn. H. JE. Kennehv. J. J. Mason. HiJNiiv McLabem. TmiMAK Bais, M. P. MONEY TO LOAN on improved Farm, City and Town Property at current rates, and on easy terms of repayments. DEPOSITS received on interest at liighest rates. DEBENTURES issued witli Half-yearly Interest Cou- pons attached. Samuel Slater, Treasurer, Tke Canilnl ■■Mker af tk« ■*e*laUr Is ttlmu* with ae*ne Matker's ••■*■ lak. I'- ll,;.. i >1 1.