//3 2050 'Hft- ■' ' •■?*>, P' ■;• s- f: ^»*i.'' W I '*;;' if V *yf Kniercil according to Act of Parliament of Cana^la, in the year one thousand ei(;ht hundred and niiiely-five, by Thomas William Hand and Walter Tenle, at the Deparimciit of Agriculture. Copyright, IH96, by Thomas William Hand and Waller Teale. HAND & TEALE'S Spectacular Drama " The Relief of I^ucknow." An Original, Outdoor, Military Spectacle, designed tc Exhibit New Pyrotechnic, Scenic and Spectacular Effects. " I The ProiHTty of the PuriNiun Hpeetaciilar €o. ' ' ■<;. ■It'' 1 ,' . t.'M W--"-'- :.. ;|-;0 .. -.. DRAMATIS PERSON/E. • ■ . ^{^: -I -^ h> r- I'. Brio. Gen. Inglis. . . King and Queen of Oude. Gen. Havelock. Nana Sahib, Rajah of Bithoor. Gen. Ou iram. Officers of state and ladies of the court. Capt. Fulton, director of mines An Indian juggler. , . ^ i- Unc.ai), fait'iful native messenger and spy Nymphs and coryphees. ' • ' Larry Loonan, an intrepid .sentry. Standard bearers and servants. Ladies and children People of India. British soldiers, all ranks and arms Mutineer soldiers of all ranks and armj. Enter at left entrance, Ungad, an Indian messenger, bearing dispatches for Gen Inglis ; seeing no one about, he goes toward English position right. Enter at entrance left of center several mutineers. They see Ungad, call upon iiim to stop, he dodges them and outruns them ; when he nears British po sition, mutineers fire at him. The English op^n their gates, sally forth, admit messenger and repulse mutineers, killing two, who are carried away by their comrades. , ; .v ''*•''-•' General Inglis receives and opens dispatches, announces good news to the garrison; cheers for help that is coming. ' ' . Enter mutineers at several points ; they gather near Johannes' house, listen ■■'irtv to British cheers, grow angry, gesticulate, bring up cannon, run it into trench, fire at gate, knock down one of the supports. English rush to support gate, ihrow a shell which dismounts rebel cannon and throws mutineers into disorder ; they retire, taking their wounded behind Johannes' house. (During this incident about twenty-five rebels are engaged in front, but others are seen in the streets and houses overlooking the British en- trenchments, from whence they fire at Ixjsieged when they expose themselves.) Mutineers return and begin to mine toward the gate, throwing up earthworks • to protect themselves. They set up the dismounted cannon. English sentry, right of gate, puts his hat on his bayonet and exposes it round angle of wall, mutineer miners see it, all fire at it, it falls to the ground. Sentry steps smartly into view, fires, killing one, then steps bick into safety Rage of / mutineers, they retreat with dead comrade, sentry shoots another before they can get out of range. Cheers from Engli-.h garrison. English begin to undernune Johannes' house. The Coronation of the King of Oude. Enter Nana Sahib from the palace of the Rajahs, followed by retinue and standard bearers, with banners inscribed, " Hail to Nana Sahib," " Rajah of Bi- thoor." Nana Sahib and suite proceed to platform centre and range round dais. Enter the King and Queen of Oude from the palace of the Rajahs centre. They are carried in palanquins by Hindoos and followed by Brahmin high priests and assistant priests, nawabs, oflficers and ladies of the court, standard bearers with banner inscribed, " Hail to the King of Oude," an J by InJian people of all kinds, who enter at all entrances and gather round. The King takes the seat of honor in front of palace centre. Nana Sahib and everybody greets the king in oriental fashion. The high priest places the crown on the king's head, everybody prostrated meanwhile. At signal everybody rises ; all hail the king with a great shout. > The besieged English try to see what is going on, but are continually fired at by mutineers in buildings. Mutineer officers describe the progress of the siege to the potentates, gestic- ulating toward the British position Nana Sahib tells them that they will soon cut the throats of the English. To encourage the mutineers and to celebrate the coronation, barrels of wine are tapped. Enter at extieme left a regiment of sepoys who have just mutinied at Futtey- porc. They throw the heads of their murdered o'Ticers at the feet of the king. Saturnalia-— the crowds drink and sports begin. ., < r- Performance of Indian acrobats, march of ama7ons, and dance of nautch girls Incidents in the English Garrison. ' \ :4V> Whilst these Testivities are proceeding, the following incidents are taking place in the English garrison : — 1st Incident — A sepoy soldier in Johannes' house is shooting at the Etiro- peans who expose themselves at the residency ; an English sentinel, near the gate, sees him, watches his opportunity, as sepoy exposes himself to fire again ''"\ sentinel shoots him. Sepoy (a dummy) falls from top of house to ground. •Jnd Incident - A woman tries to reach the well to get water for her children She is wounded as she passes an* exposed place. Rescued under fire 3rd Incident — The British bury their dead under fire. 4th Incident — A shell blows down part of the Residency. Anxiety of the English to Find Out What is Going On. They send Ungad disguised as an Indian juggler to find out; he examines the guns, defences, 5rc. Some mutineers suspect him and take him before the i potentates. Nana Sahib interrogates him He describes his profession by throw- I ing up and catching some balls, is derided by Nana Sahib, who summons a real uglier. Juggler places a boy under a basket, then passes a sword through it, takes up basket and boy is gone — boy comes running out of palace left. The ■'il "Py i^ '°'<1 1'' <^° ''^'^ ^'^ caqnot Juggler plants a seed, waters it with water from yi\ a can, and a tree grows ; ipy is commanded to do the same, he cannot. Soldiera, . y j', are about to fall on the spy when he makes them understand that he can show , '^;< them magic \:^i^^'7^^.j^J^!ii:'^^'S- ■■'•^■W»^:!&W«\^K'S:4iA^ .' j^\ J Ungad seizes censor of incense from the attendant, throws powder in flame, "•^' causing red light, waves incense about. The King and others appear dazed. ._ Ungad reproduces their vision on the wall of the palace of the Rajahs, which ,i,,; ; appears to open and exposes the following tajbleaux under strong lime lights. ■ '\*^:^ . :^^.^;,%fJ.y:^^\ 1st Tableau— " Behold hRiTANNiA." ^;^5s;j;: ** / > ' 2nd Tableau — " Britannia, thk. f>ROTECTOR op India." . Srd Tableau— " Britannia Attacked. " .. •::.., 4th Tableau — " BritaNnma Triumphant. " 5(h Tableau— "^Britannia, the Avenger op Cawnporb. " ;: -i' *n ^r V Execution of the M utineers. '^-''-Vi^.^tfc A . ftth — Tableau — 'The Empress or India. " ■•• As the last tableau appears Ungad steals away. At the same time the people ■•■' '-.4 ' :^^^-« *<^''^ ^*^ awake out of « trance the wall is blank again, people are examining it, -f they look for Ungad who is seen running for shelter of British position. They ^y pursue him and fire without effect The gates dpen and Ungad enters the Resi- dency grounds / Ungad informs the Uritish that a great attack up»n their position is iniintnt. Bugles and drums call to (luarters. • Indian citizens and women s«j)arate from soldicrH who arc busy forming ui> centre and right Citizens move left. '"Sii.A:>i '_._:•' * i-.' i:' •♦The Campbells are Coming**. • . A woman at the Residency tells the sUfT officer to listen. All listen, distant fusilade and sound of bagpipes playing " The Campbells are coming " heard at extreme left behind scenery Cheers at the Residency. Making ready for stub- born defence. Tlie wounded, with liandages on heads &c, help to support the gates. 'I'he women load rifles. "• Preparations for grand assault by mutineers Cannon brought up, troops massed near Johannes' house. Trenches reach nearly the gate. Mutineers w th barrels of powder suddenly spring forward to gate, place powder, fire train, great explosion, blowing down the gate. Bagpipes and fusilade left, getting nearer. British fight to repel the attack and repair gate. Highlanders begin to straggle on from left firing and driving some sepoys before them. » Ignominious flight of Nana Sahib, the King of Oude, oflicersi and Indians, who run screaming into th« town by a)l entrances. . ^ Grand double attack by the British right and left. Soldiers swarm over walls from Residency right and through gate, driving ofl* sepoys who fall under ' the fire of the Highlanders left .Mutineers oa buildings all over the city fire at soldiers. Soldiers fire at buildings. Rockets, bombs, explosions and mines active. The mutineers break and vanish into the town. The city in fl imes ' 'Lighting of the fireworks set piece "The Empress of India." . -.i ,. i i