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CAMPBELL Montreal ** ** " Souiito " " " Kxiiiiiinors <( Educatiounl Hoard of the Presby teriau Church of the Lower ProvincoH . U. P. GIIANT, Esu KEV. P. McGliEGOU. Sec... Halifax. Theological Hall, Halifax— Comiuittee of Superiu- DK. BUKNS ,, teiuleuco Senate " PRINCIPAL Mcknight... HON. A. (}. BANNATYNE 1, Maiiito)>a ('ollc(,'o Hoard Winnipeg. Brantford Home Aliasioiis, (Ontario, (Quebec and Manitoba) REV. DU COCHUANE •' " (Maritime Provinces) " G. M.tiHANT, M.A " R. TOltUANCE Halifax. Distribution of Pro)>ationers Guelph. MtMitrful. French Kvan^clization , " PRINCIPAL McVICAR " PUOF. McLaren Foreit,'u Missions (Ontario ami Quebec) " " (Maritime I'roviuces) Toronto. GEORGE WALKER New (ilasfiow. Juvenile Mission " PROF. MOWAT Kiuf^ston. Suiii)lenit'nts i Maritime Provinces) THOS. SEDGWICK Sabbatli Schools ... " JOHN MrEWKN In^jersoU. Finance, (Toronto Section) HON. J. :McMrRl{ICH Toronto. " (Montreal Section) WARDEN KIN(i, V.tui Montii 111. " (Halifax Section) J. S McLEAN, y.HQ Halifax. A(;ed and Intjrm Jlinisters'Fund, (Ontario and Quebec) " " (Maritime Provincesi State of Religion REV. J. MIDDJiEMISS Dlora. DR. PATTERSON (rreenhill. N.S. " D. MORRISON, M.A Owen Soiuul. " R. LAIRD Princeton, Sabbath Observance " W. T. MrMfLLEN P. E I Woodstock. Widows' and Orjihans' Fund of tho late Canada J Presl)yterian Clnu-ch | Widows' and Ori)luuiH' Fund of the late Presbyterian ) Church, Lower Proviuci ■ j Mission to the Luuibermei) . .. Messrs. W. ALKXANDER, and 1 T. W. TAYLOR, Jouit Conveu. i REV. D.B.BLAIR Toronto. " D. M. GORDON, M.A., B.D.. " R.TORRANCE Ottawa Statistics (iuolpb. AFoiiti'dil " Presbyterian Hecord " DR. JENKINS Protection of Church Property JAMES MACLENNAN, M.A., Q.C. Agent for the Cliurch and Treasurer of the Schemes | ill Wistcrn Section, (with tlic exception of - Eev. WM. BEID, D.D., Toronto. I'rcuch Evnngehzation) J AGENTjor^thojJhureh^and Treasurer of the Schemes | jj,^^._ p ^ McGREGOK, 1..L.., HALir..x. A.a:N-r of the Board for French EvdUKohzution .... \ ^^'''- J; ^; ™DE\, 21U St. James "^ ( Street, Aloutreal. Editou of " The Presbyterian Ivecord" JAMES CltOIL, Esq., Montreal. [114] THE ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE usmmm (^hm\x in €mUiA. FIRST SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and within St. Matthew's Church there ; Wednesday, the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years : — Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met accord- ing to appointment. The Retiring Moderator, the Rev. Alexander Topp, D.D., Minister of Knox Church, Toronto, conducted Divine Service and preached a sermon from Esther iv. 14: " For if thou altogether boldest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place ; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed ; and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Thereafter the General Assembly was constituted with prayer by the said Rev. Dr. Topp. ROLL. The Roll of the Assembly, composed of the Commissioners from the several Presby- teries of the Chmxh, was called, and the attendance of members marked. The Roll is as follows, viz. : — The names of those present are marked with an asterisk. SYNOD OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES. I.— PllESBYTEKY OF SYDNEY. :wixisTr:ns. • HuRb McLeo.l, D.l). Matthew Wilson, M.A. * Jumos Ross, ELDF.RS. ' Robert Munity. ' Wm. Gammc'll. * D. MuLeuuau. [115] ACT8 AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF U.— PRESBYTEKY OF VICTOIIIA AND WCHMOND. MINIHTERS. • K. McKenzie. • A. F. Thomson. ELDRRH. • I). Mct'urdy. Lewis McKeen. • (ico Wftlkor. • A. P. MilltT. • IJ. B. Bliiir. •James Tliorapsou. *Alux. Boss, M. A. m.— PRESBYTERY OF PICTOU. ]). Miller. *A. McKny. • .lauu's Cninniing. AIpx. Ciruut. • Harvey Gnilmm. • H. B. McKny. * JamoH Miin.iy. *J. M. Siitht'riand. IV.— PRESBYTERY OF WALLACE. * Williniii Blackwood. * W. 1). Main. * Prof. Currio. v.— PRESBYTERY OF TRURO. *. lames Bvcrs. *J. Mc(i.'Mclvay. *Johu McMillau, B.D. •Joseph Pcppard. * James K. Bliiir. Samui'l Bvaii. VI.— PRESBYTERY OF HALIFAX. * R. SedRwick. * H. F. Burns, D.D. * A. Stuart. * Thomas Duncan. * Prof "nKnight, D.D. M> (Iraut, M.A. * .1, OK'an. C. I,. 'itblado. •P. (i. Mc(iregor, D.D. *C. Rdb^on. * J. S. Hutton. * Win. Anderson. *C. yi. Forbes. F. Frieze. *W. H. Blauchard. * Dr. Avery. VII.— PRESBYTERY OF LUNENBURG AND YARMOUTH. *tieo. Christie. * VVUliam Duff. * Matthew G. Henry. Andrew Gow. * Gabriel Robertson. * James Essenhaur. Vm.— PRESBYTERY OF ST. JOHN. * James Bennett. * Donald McRae, M.A. *David Waters, LL.D. * J. C. Burgess, B.A. * J. Hogg. * W. Mitchell, B.A. * J. McRobbie. * R. Cruikshank. J. Hegan. John Campbell. Judge Stevens. * J. J. Bremner. IX.— PRESBYTERY OF MIRAMICHI. T. G. Johnstone. W. M. Wilson, M.A. Samuel Houston, M.A. Hon. W. Hamilton. * John Nicholson. M. S. McLean. X.— PRESBYTERY OP PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. * R. S. Patterson, M.A. * Alexander Campbell. * Isaac Murray, D.D. * K. Maclennan, M.A. 'Alexander McLean, M.A. * Neil McKay. A. C. Stewart. .1. A. McLaine. ^ James McEwen. * Andrew Sinclair. Alex, ilatthews. *Jas. Henderson. 'Alex. Ross. J. D. Paterson. XI.— PRESBYTERY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. [116] THE PUESUYTERIAN OBUROn IN CANADA. SYNOD OF MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. I.— PKESBYTEUY OF QUEBEC. MINISTERS. ILDP.ns. •John Cook, D.D, • iEneas McMaster. •.TiimoH ^rcCiuil, H.A. • J. C. Thomson. ' I'oicr WriKlit. * C. Mclvor. ^ Malcolm McKuuzie. J. L. Gibb. II.-l'l!i;SBYTEllY OF MONTREAL. • .Tohn .Tonkins, D.D. • Warden King. •I'rincijial McVicar, LI,.D. John Stirliiii.,'. ' TrofcBsor tliiiupbill, M.A. •A. C. Hutchison. ' .Tohn C. Biixtur. *Alex. Mel'iierson. •R. II. Wiinleu. John McDougall. * John ScriiuKt'i'i M.A. Dr. Ro(1kiirie. • James Tait. " S. S. .M. Hunter. * W. D. TJallantyne. ♦ .Tohn McMillan. * Alex. McLaren. * Hiram Robinson. IV.— PRESBYTERY OF GLENGARRY. •Kenneth JrcDonaUl. * D. B. McLennan. •H. Lamont, D.D. * H. Robertson. * Robert Binuie. *Wm. Colciuhouu. V.-PRESBYTERY OF BROCKVILLE. •William Bain, D.D. "R. Cassels. ♦ Geo. W. Clark. J. MeGill. •JobnCrombie, M.A. ♦ Walter Kerr. *W. McKibbon,B.A. ' D. Rne. ; W. J. Doy, M.A. ' John Hart. * Solomon ilylne. W. J. Christie. SYNOD OF TORONTO AND KINGSTON. I.— PRESBYTERY OP KINGSTON. UimSTEBS. ♦ Principal Snodgrass, D.D. * Professor Williamson, LL.D. •T. G. Smith. Alex. Young. •Jas. M. Gray. • M. W. Maclean, M.A. * David Wishart. [117] ELDERS. John Cook. G. H. Boulter, M.D. "J. H. McKerras, M.A. •G. S. Hobart. George Davidson. * Thomas Rutherford A. G. Northrop. 6 ACTS ANb PROCEEDINOS OF THE THIHD OENERAIi ASMEMBLY OK II.-PRESDYTERY OP PETERfJORO. MINIRTKBH. ■JnnioH Clolaml. ' \Vm. Itonnot. 'N.Clark. '.liiiiii'M Miillantino. !•',. F. Tdiranco. • William i)oiial(l. Jolin ('iirnoK'ie. GciirKo Morriaon. .laint'H K(irr. .1. I). ArniHtronpr. • Williui 1 K. Jdhnston. Mnni.s Hall, Jr. UI.— PRESBYTERY OF WHITBY. Walter B. Ross. 'Wilter M. Hi.b'cr, M.A. .Illllll llogg. .Tanii'H R. Fairlmim. ' .lohn I'nrker. J. Ratcliffo. IV.-PRESBYTERY OF LINDSAY. * D. ^[c(irp^;or. Jolin li. >Iurray. * E. C'ockbiun, M.A. ' Donald Grant. Dnnii'l Dunoon. Roliert Douglas. v.— PRESBYTERY OF TORONTO. •Alex. Topp, D.D. * I'rincipal Caven, D.D. * Professor MoLari'n. M. (}. Rabl), D.D. •J. M. King, M.A. 'D. ,1. Macdonnell, B.D. * Jolin Smith. Joseph Alexander. *JaH. Carmichael. * Janie.i Breckeuiidge. ' Hon. J. MrMnrrich. •W. Ueid, D.D. "John Harvio. Moses Stauntoii. * W. Anderson. * Janu'8 .McLennan, M. * John McBoan. * John Briico. * John K. McDonald. * A. J. Jardine. Vl.— PRESBYTERY OF BAitRIK. ' WiUiam Eraser. " John Gray, M.A. "J. Ferguson, M.A. «D. McDonald, M.A. • William McConnell. ' Robert Rodgers. A. D. McNab. • Peter Murray. W. McWhinney. • George DuiT. Simon Eraser. • WiUiam Sutherland. VII.— PRESBYTERY OF OWEN SOUND. •D. Morrison, M.A. .John Somerville, M.A. Jas. Cameron. Thos. McKnight. Gideon Harkneas. J. Douglas. * Richard Bentley. Jas. Middlemiss. •A. D. McDonald, * John Davidson. Geo. Smellie. •D. B. Cameron. Vm.— PRESBYTERY OF GUELPH. * Thomas McCrae. * Charles Davidson J. Massie, * Archibald Campbell. I W. Kerr. * Thomas Rutherford. * Patrick Greig. * John McMillan. John Morrison. * R. F. Gunn. IX.— PRESBYTERY OF SAUGEEN. [1 •Jas. Gunn, M.D. * James Scott. • J. B. Robinson. George Johnstone. 8] THE PRE8IIYTERI.**' OBURCU IN CANADA. SYNOD OF HAMILTON AND LONDON. I.-rilESBYTEUY OF IU.MILTON. MINIRTRnS. F)oiial(l H. I'litclipr. • .Idlm liaiiif?. M.A. • (iiorgf) HriiRc, M.A. ' Jaiiu'H lUiick. ■ Willidin CriiiRic. •J. ('. Siuitli, M.A. •J. A. F. Mcliiiin. ■ Thds. Mediiire. • •!. Vt. Muirav. ilolin MoTiivisli. • Jolm Mcl^vcn. 1). J>. ^r(•Leo,l. ■ W. Cocliraiio, D.D. • John M. AuU. Ri.DKnn. • .TaH. lliitchii'on. ' Dr. McPoimM. • Will. Ilt'iidci -<'M. W. .F. McCiUlii. • U. Mci^ii.in. ' Tlios. Kt'niii'riirHliftll. • I'ct.r Wilson. • 1>. Turnliiill. M. 'ruriiliuU. ' Jauii'8 Lillico. III.- • William R. HiUhorlaud. " James B. l)iincttn. • J. .1. A. I'roiidfoot, D.D. JamoH Ftr^'uson. Neil McKiuuon.; ' (itistavus Miinro. ' CicorRo Sutborland. Lachlan Cameron. • David Camolon. -rKESBYTEKY OF LONDON. • Adam Murray, ' Thomas (iordon. • Ale.x. Stt'c k". llobcri. ■ low. • JanicB Allan. ' James iirown. •(1. ]). McKay. JamcH (.'owan. lloburt Scott. John (iray. William Walker. Jobu Becket. * Thomas MePherson, ■ Jolm McAljiine. ' J. W. MitcbeU, M.A. * Kobt. HnU. * J. J. Cameron, M.A. ' George Bell, LL.D, * Jobu Scott. * Andrew Tolmie. * John Anderson. * John Straith. * David Wordrope. * John FergTison. ' Stephen Young. * Finlay McCuaig. ' Hector McQuarrie. * Robert Leask. James Pritchard. IV.— PRESBYTERY OF CHATHAM. * William Carlyle, John Taylor. * George F. Burns. v.— PRESBYTERY OF STRATFORD. * Jolm Stewart. * Jolm McLean. * David Oliver. * David Barton. * Robert Heron. VI.-PRESBYTERY vn.-: OF BRUCE. • \Vm. McKnguc. • John Kwing. • K. M. Hay. C. MfiRae. Jolm Dewar. Robert Esplin. PRESBYTERY OF HURON. Arch. Matbeson. • Andrew McAa. • W. R.Wilson John Gardner. • John Jackson. • Thomas Stracban. PRESBYTERY OF MANITOBA. John Black, D.D. John Scott. James Robertson. • George Bryce, M.A. ' James Court. ' .Fudge Blansbard. Jamea Hossack. J. L. Morris. [119] ACTH \NI) PBOnKEDINOH OF TIIK TtllHU OENERAL AHHEMKLY OF CHANOKH IN SYNOD B0LL8. Rppnrts as to tlio clianfjoR in tho Tl.illfl of tho Rovoral Synodfl and tlio Proshytrry of Maniti)l)ii, whioli hud takou [Aace duriug tho pant year, were giveu in. Those will he found in tho aiipcndix. ELECTION OP MODERATOR. Noniinntions to tho oOlco of ISFodorator, Ront np hy certain rrofibytorios, woro pro- duced and road. ThoHo wcro liy tlic i'roHhytories of Sydney and flaniilton, in favour of tho liev. IIuj,'h MoLood, D.D. ; l»y tlio Prosliytorios of St. John, Minvniiohi, and Princo Edward Island, in favour of tho Ilov. .TaincR Honnot ; hy tho ProHliytory of Yarmouth and Lunonhurj,', in favour of tho Ilov. Principal McKniRht, D.D. ; and hy the Preshytory of Stratford, in favour of tho llev. P. G. McGregor, D.D. It was moved hy Mr. William M. Wilson and pocondcd hy Mr. Solomon ^^ylno, that tho Rov. Janus lionnot, Minister of St. John'H Church, St. .Tolm, ho Moderator of this AsRombly for the year. To tluH it was moved in amendment hy Mr. D. B. Blair and seconded hy Dr. Cook. Tliat tho Uov. IIu<,'h ^^rcliood, D.D., Minister of Sydney, C.B., ho elected to tho ollico of Modorator. A vote having hocn taken, tho amoudiru'nt was car- ried over tho nu)tion, and Dr. McFiOod was declared duly elected. Dr. Mcljcod was con- ducted to the chair atul thanked tho IIouso for the honour thus conferred. THANKS TO THE RKTIRINO MODERATOR. On motion of Dr. Bain, seconded hj' Mr. McTavish and passed unanimously, the thanks of tho Assembly were ciuivoyed to the Retiring IModorator, the Rev. Dr. Topp, for his able conduct in tho chair during tho past year and tho excellent discourse preached by him this evening. COMMITTEE ON RILLS AND OVERTURES. It was moved l)y Principal Mc Vicar, seconded by Dr. Robb and passed unanimously, That, in addition to tho ollicials mentioned in Standing Order 2, adopted by last Assembly, consisting of the Clerks of Assembly, and of Synods and Presbyteries, who may bo Commissioners, tho following members shall constitute tho Committee on Bills and Overtures, and also on Business, viz. : — Dr. Topp, Dr. Bell, Dr. Robb, Dr. McGregor, Messrs. John !McTavish, Finlay McCuaig, Jamos Bonnet, James Cameron, R. H. Warden, T. G. Smith, R. S. Patterson, Donald McRae ; James Brown, John Durie, D. McCurdy. Further, that Mr. William Fraser, ono of the Clerks of Assembly, act as Clerk of this Committee. The Committee was instructed to meet at half-past nine o'clock to-morrow forenoon, and thereafter from time to time by adjournment. HOURS OF MEETING. The Assembly resolved to adopt the following hours of meeting for the present Ses- sion, viz., in the forenoon, from ten o'clock until one, with the exception of to-morrow, when the Assembly shall meet at eleven o'clock ; in the afternoon, from three o'clock until six ; and in the evening, from eight o'clock until ten. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-morrow forenoon at eleven o'clock, of which pubUc intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. [120] TUK PHKttUYTKUUN CUUHCU IN CANADA. SEc . SEDERUNT. At Ilnli/ax, ami within St. Matthew'a Church there ; Thuradaijt the fourteenth day o/ June, one thouiaml eight hundred and Biventyteven ycar$ ;^ Tho Qciioral AHHOinhly of tlio Prcshytoriau Clmrcli in CftimJa mot pursiunt to ftdjoiinuiu'iit, iiiul wiiH cdiiHtitutod with piftyt*!" '^y tl'o Motlcnitor. Tho MiniitoH of tho Kunt Kcddnint wcit) iciid and hiiHtiiincd. Dovotioual KorvicoH of a Kproial ohaiactor wero oii^^a^'od in, in accnrdanco witij tho latter clauKo of Standing Order 1, adoptod hy last Assonihly. Tlioso consiKtod of praiso, roadiuR a portion of Hcriptnro and prayer, in which Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Mc Vicar, Mr. James liounut and Dr. Cuveu led. RKI'ORT OP COMMITTKE ON I1USINK8S. Mr. Frascr, Clcrit of thu Conimitlro on IJiiHinosH, prcscnti'd and read a report. Tho AsRoniltly iinaiiiniously af,'rced to receive tho same and adopt it^ recommendationK as to the order of buslut.'^s for this I)ict. UKI'LIKS TO ADDKKSSK.S. There was read a copy of a despatch from the Secretary of Slate for tho Colonics to the GoverMor-(Jeneral, intimating; that tho Address of hvst Assemhly to the Queen had boon laid Ijoforo Her Majesty, who was pleased to receive it veiy graciously. There was also roiid a reply from His Excellency the Governor-General to tho Address presented to him by last Assembly. APPOINTMF.NT OF COMMITTEKS. Mr. Frascr, on behalf of tho Comniitteo on Pjiisinoas and iJills and Overtures, pre- sented a list of Committees proposed for the following' purposes. This list was received, read and amended. As finally adopted by the Assembly, it is as foUows, viz.: — 1. To draft Addresses to Her Majesty tho Queen and Ills Excellency the Governor- General : — Dr. Topp, Convener, Dr. ^Villiamson, Dr. Robb, Messrs. Thomas Duncan, Thomas G. Smith, Donald McRae. 2. To consider aijplications for License : — Mr. Finlay McCuaig, Convener, Dr. Cook, Dr. Caven, Dr. Snod^rass, Dr. McVicar, Dr. .McKnight, Dr. Waters, Messrs. John M. King, James B. Muir; Dr. Macdonald, Messrs. Alexander Macpherson, J. J. Bremncr, James Brown. 3. To consider applications for the admission of Ministers and Licentiates from other Churches: — Mr. John McTavish, Convener, Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Caven, Dr. Snodgrass, Dr. McVicar, Dr. Proudfoot, Dr. Cochrane, Professor McLaren, Professor Campbell, Messrs. James Bonnet, G. M. Grant, D. B. Blair, J. McEwen, D. II. Fletcher ; Hon. John McMurrich, Hon. George Bryson, Messrs. A. C. Hutchison, James Gumming, J. K. Blab:, Eobert Cassels, Peter Wilson, G. S. Hobart, J. Hardie. 4. To consider applications for leave to retire from the active duties of the Ministry, and to have names placed on Presbytery Rolls: — Dr. Robb, Convener, Dr. Burns, Messrs. John Smith, J. C. Smith, J. W. Mitchell, M. W. Maclean, W. M. WUson, J. Crombie ; J. McBean, J. McRobie, J. C. Thomson, J. Lillico, J. Durie. 5. To consider and amend, if necessary, the RoU of Assembly : — Mr. D. M. Gordon, Convener, Messrs. James Middlemiss, John Laing, J. L. Murray, W. Mitchell, James Cameron, Alexander Young, C. B. Pitblado ; Thomas McCrae, James Maclennan, R. Cruikshauks. [121] 10 ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF fi. To revise the Records of the Assembly, of Ssmods, and the Presbytery of Mani- toba : — Dr. McGregor, Convener, Dr. Bain, Dr. McKnight, Dr. Murray, Professor Bryce, Messrs. Peter Wright, James Black, J. Breckenridge, A. D. Macdonald ; Judge Blan- chard, Messrs. John S. Maclean, Warden King, J. Bruce, J. Jackson, James Court. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE. Application was made by the Presbytery of Montreal for leave to take Messrs. Robert Hamilton, F. Maclennan, A. C. Morton, M. F. Boudreau and N. McPhee, Students of Divinity, on public probationary trials for License. A similar application was made by the Presbytery of Kingston in behalf of Mr. Alexander McGillivray ; by the Presbytery of Lindsay in behalf of Mr. J. J. Henry, M.A. ; by the Presbytery of Toronto in behalf of Messrs. A. R. Kennedy, M.A., M.D., and AV. A. Wilson, M.A. ; by the Presbytery of Barrie in behalf of Mr. Alexander Russe ' • by the Presbytery of Hamiltou in behalf of Mr. A. A. Scott, M.A. ; by the Presbytery of Guelph in behalf at Mr. Rol)ert Fowlie ; by the Presbytery of I'aris in behalf of Mr. R. P. Mac- kay, M.A. ; by the Presbytery of London in behalf of Mr. P. C. Goldie ; by the Presby- tery of Saugeen in behalf of ]\Ir. A. F. Macken/.'9 ; by the Presbytery of Chatham in behalf of Mr. Mexander Macfarlane, and by the Presbytery of Quebec in behalf of Messrs. John C. Cattanach, B.A., and F. L. Dewey. These applications with relative documents were referred to the Committee already appointed for this purpose, with in- structions to report at a subsequent Sederunt. APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION. There was read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Hamilton, transmitting an application of Mr. J. L. Robertson, a Minister of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, to be admitted as a Minister of this Church. A similar appUcation was pre- sented by the Presbytery of Toronto in behalf of Mr. A. Beamer, a Minister of the ^Methodist Episcopal Church ; also by the Presbytery of Montreal in behalf of Mr. R. P. Duclos, Minister of the French Protestant Church at St. Hyacinthe, Que. ; Mr. Omer Camerle, formerly a Priest of the Roman Catholic Church in France ; and Mr. B. Ouriere, who was placed by last Assembly under the care of the said Presbytery. There was also read an application by the Presbytery of Toronto in behalf of Mr. James Campbell, a Licentiate of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, to be received as a Probationer of this Chxirch. These applications with accompanying papers wore referred to the Committee already ^appointed for this purpose, with instructions lo ^r: .e very careful consideration to them and report at a future Diet. !.';..• Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this afternoon at three o'clock, of v;iucii pubhc intimation was made, and the Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. THIKD SEDEEUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at three o'clock in the afternoon : — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment, and was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. The Minutes of the Second Sederunt were read and sustained. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. There was read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Bruce, applying for leave to take Mr. Hugh Mackay, Student of Divinity, on public probationary trials for License. [122] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. 11 This application was referred to the Committee already appointed to consider such appli- cations. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION. Dr. Reid produced and read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of London, em- bodying an application of Mr. William Galloway, a Probationer of the Baptist Church, to be received into connection with this Church and taken on trials for License. This application was referred to the Committee already appointed to consider such applica- tions. REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE WITH OTHER CHURCHES. Principal Snodgrass, Convener, presented and read the report of the Committee ap" pointed to correspond with other Churches. There was read iu connection with this report a communication from the Eev. A. P. Van Gicson, D.D., who had been appointed by the General Synod of the Informed Church in America a Delegate to attend this meeting, regretting his inability to be present, and convoying to this Assembly the cordial greetings of the Church which he representi d. On motion of Dr. Burns, secoudeil by Mr. J. B. Miiir, the Synod '.manimously resolved to receive and adopt the rep' i-t and thank the Committee, especially the Convener, for their diligence. Further, the Clerk nas instructed to communicate with Dr. Van Gieson, and through him reciprocate the fraternal salutations of the Beformed Church in America. 30tt ; — to ad- .4: REFERENCE AND APPEAL8 FROM THE PRESBYTERY OF ST. JOHN. There were produced and read Extract Minutes of the Presbytery of St. John, N.B., transmitting — (1.) Complaint and appeal: — the Bev. Samuel Houston vs. Mr. James A. Tufts. (2.) Complaint and appeal: — the Rev. Samuel Houston vs. the Bev. David Maclise, D.D. (3.) Reference anent a libel instituted by tlie Bev. Samuel Houston against certain Trustees of Calvin Church, St. John. Whereupon it was moved by Mr. John Laing, seconded by Mr. John M. King and passed unanimously, That, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee on BiUs and Overtiu-es, these papers and all relative documents be referred l'..r consideration to a Committee, consisting of Dr. Jenkins, Convener, Dr. Topp, Dr. Proudfoot, Dr. Cochrane, Dr. Bobb, Professor McLaren, Messrs. Thomas Macpherson, J. C. Baxter, W. Walker. J. L. Murray, Bobert Campbell (^Macuab and Horton) ; Hon. John ]McMurri,b, Messrs. James Maclennan, Andrew Drummond, Cohn Mclvor, with power to call for parties and papers and frame a dehverance in the matter. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE Y.M.C.A. There was read a communication, which had been received from the Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association in this City, placing the rooms of the Association at the disposal of members of Assembly during this Session. A similar communication from the Superintendent of the Institution for the Blind, inviting the members to visit that Benevolent Institution, was read. The Assembly agreed to record their sense of the courtesy evinced in both these communications. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this evening at half-past seven o'olock, of which pubUc intimation was made, and the Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. leave icense. [123] 12 ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1' FOURTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at half-past seven' o'clock in the evening : — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Chiu-ch in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment, and was constituted by the Moderator. „ Devotional sei-vicos were conducted by the Ilev. John Scott (Noi-th Bniccj. The Minutes of the Third Sederunt were read and sustained. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS. Mr. Fraser, Clerk of the Committee on Business, presented and read a report. The Assembly unanimously resolved to adopt its recommendations as to the order of business for to-morrow, and also to change to half-past seven o'clock the hour of meeting at the Evening Sederunts. In consequence of the adoption of this change of horn*, it was agreed to adjourn each afternoon at half-past five o'clock. REPORTS ON HOME MISSIONS. The General Assembly called for the report of the Committee on Home Missions. That for the Western section of the Chm-ch was presented by Dr. Cochrane, Convener, and that for the Maritime Provinces by Dr. McGregor, Secretarrj. The report of the Committee on Supplements in the Maritime Provinces was read by Mr. G, M. Grant. ■Whereupon it was moved by Mr. McTavish, seconded by ^Ir. William Mitchell and passed unanimously. That the reports, now read, be received and referred for considera- tion to a Committee, consisting of IMr. John Gray (Orillia), Convener, Dr. Cochrane, Dr. McGregor, Dr. Waters, Professor Bryce, Messrs. George Christie, G. "SI. Grant, John Laing, D. Wishart.D. B.Cameron, D. M. Gordon, C.B.Pitblado, E. H. Warden, George Bruce ; Dr. Eodger, Messrs. James Court, Simon Fraser. W. H. Blanchard, W. Black- wood, W. Carlyle, with instructions to report at a future Diet ; and that the thanks of the Assembly be given to the Presbyterian Churches of Ireland and Scotland for theu* generous and liberal donations as well as to the Sub-Committees and their Conveners for the efficient manner in which the business, entrusted to them, has been conducted. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-moiTow forenoon at ten o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. ll ti a th ■M fo '^ th FIFTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and within St. Mattheiv's Church there ; Friday, the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years : — Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Chiu'ch in Canada met pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Robert Sedgwick. The Minutes of the Fourth Sederunt v )re read and sustained. The Moderator, the Ex-Moderators and the Mini^:.>r of St. Matthew's Church were appointed a Committee to make the necessary arrangements for Divine Semce in this Church on Sabbath next. [124] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHL'RCH IN CANADA, 18 COMMITTEE ON RETURNS TO REMITS. The Af38embly appointed a Committee, consisting of Mr. John Laing, Convener, Messrs. Kenneth Maclennan, James Carmichael (King), John Fergtison (Honej'wood), Walter R. Ross, John Gray (Windsor), H. B. McKay, Alex. Ross ; Hon. W. Hamilton, Messrs. J. K. Macdonald, Charles Robson, Thomas Gordon, W. Kerr, D. Aikman, to ex- amine the Returns from the several Presbyteries to the Remits sent down for considera- tion by last Assembly, and report at a subsequent Sederunt. REPORT ON ROLL OF ASSEMBLY. ]Mr. D. M. Gordon, Convener of the Committee appointed to consider the Roll of As- sembly, gave in and read a report bearing — 1. That commissions have been received (a) from the Presbytery of IMiramichi in favour of Mr. John S. McLean, of Halifax, in room of Dr. A. Gordon, as one of its Representative Elders, and (6) from the Presbytery of Huron in favour of Mr. Anch-ew McAa instead of Mr. TurnbuU. 2. That the Presbytery of Newfoundland, while entitled to be represented by one Minister and one Elder, have appointed instead two Ministers as members of Assembly. In terms of the recommendations of the Committee, the Assembly unanimously agreed to place the names of Messrs. John S. McLean and Andrew McAa as Representa- tive Elders on the Roll of Assembly, and also, in the circumstances, to retain on the Roll the names of the Representatives, who have been appointed by the Presliytery of New- foundland, with the understanding that this departure from the terms of the Act anent the Assembly as a Representative Body shall not be regarded as a precedent. REPORT OF MR. D. J MACDONNELL The Clerk produced and read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Toronto, trans- mitting a report from the Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, B.D., as required by last Assembly. Said report is as follows, viz. : — " The General Assembly of 1876 having required me to report through the Presbytery of Toronto to this Assembly, whether I accept the teaching of the Church on the eternity of the future punishment of the wicked, I beg respect- fully to state that I hold no opinion at variance with that teaching." The Assembly entered upon consideration of this report, and discussed the same un- til near the hoar of adjournment. Further debate on the question was adjourned until the afternoon Sederunt. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION. There was read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Saugeen, transmitting an ap- plication of Mr. G. A. Smith, a ^Minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, to be received as a Minister of this Church. This application was referred to the Committee already appointed to consider such applications. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Application was made by the Presbytery of Chatham for leave to take Mr. John Cairns, Catecbist, on public probationary trials for License. This application was referred to the Committee appointed to give attention to such applications. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this afternoon at three o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. [125] 14 ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIBD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SIXTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at three o'clock in the afternoon :— The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. J. C. Smith, M.A. The Minutes of the Fifth Sederunt were read and sustained. On motion of Professor McLaren, seconded by Mr. J. B. Duncan, the Assembly by a majority of votes resolved so far to depart from the order of business adopted for this Diet, as that the debate on the report of Mr. Macdonnell shall continue until the matter has been disposed of. REPORT OF MR. D. J. MAODONNELL. The Assembly resumed consideration of the said report of Mr. Macdonnell and con- tinued the same until the hour of adjournment. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this evening at half-past seven o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closid with the Bene- diction. SEVENTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at ualf-jiaat seven o'clock in the evening : — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Eev. John Smith. The Minutes of the Sixth Sederunt were read and soetaiued. REPORT OF MR. D. J. MACDONNELL. The Assembly resumed consideration of Mr. Macdonnell's report, and continued the discussion of the same unt:l ten o'clock, the hour fixed for adjournment. Whereupon it Wiis moved by Dr. liobb and seconded by Mr. John Smith, That the House continue to sit untH the vote be taken upon the question now before it. To this it was moved in amend- ment by Mr. John Scott (North Bruce) and seconded by Mr. Tolmie, That the House continue the Sederunt for the purpose of taking the vote. A further amendment was proposed by Professor Mackei-ras and seconded by Principal McVicar, That the House do now adjourn, and that the debate on Mr. Macdonnell's report be resumed as the first item of business to morrow forenoon. A vote having been taken, the second amendment became the judgment of the House. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to morrow forenoon at ten o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. EIGHTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and within St. Matthew's Church there ; Saturday, the sixteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years :— Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pur- suant to adjourumeut, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Bev. Dr. Burns. The Minutes of the Seventh Sederunt were read and sustained. [12G] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. 15 SERVICES FOR SABBATH. The Moderator intimated tbat the following Ministers bad been appointed to conduct Divins service in tbis Church to-morrow, viz. : — The Rev. Dr. Jenkins in the forenoon. The Eev. Dr. Cochrane in the evening. REPORT OF MR. D. J. MACDONNELL. The Assembly resmned consideration of Mr. Macdounell's report. The debate was continued until one o'clock, the hour fixed for adjournment; when it was moved by Mr. McTa\'ish and seconded by Mr. II. S. Mackay, That the House continue to sit for the pur- pose of taking the vote. It was moved in amendment to this by Dr. "Waters and seconded by Mr. John Bennett, Tbat the House do now adjourn to meet in the afternoon at three o'clock, for the purpose of resuming the debate. A vote having been taken, the motion was carried over the amendment, and the Moderator declared accordingly. From this decision Dr. Jenkins dissented. The House then proceeded to vote upon the following motions which had been sub' mitted at the opening of the debate : — Move(J by Dr. McGregor and seconded by Mr. William Duff, That the Assembly receive the report ; and, inasmuch as Mr. Macdonnell has expressed his regret for having preached the sermon, which gave occasion for the Reference to the Assembly, and has now — as required by last Assembly — presented through his Presbytery a statement in which he declares that he holds no opinion at variance with the teaching of the Church on the eternity of the future punishment of the wicked, resolve that proceedings in re- gard to this matter do now terminate. Moved in amendment by Dr. Topp and seconded by Mr. James Thompson, The General Assembly, having heard the statement of Mr. D. J. Macdonnell, given in as his reply to the injunction of last Assembly, whereby he was refjuired to report through liis Presbytery whether he accepts the teaching of the Church on the subject of the eternity or endless duration of the future punishment of the wicked, as taught in the Confession of Faith and as a doctrine of Scripture, finds that, while representing tbat ho holds no opin- ion at variance with that teaching, he has failed to state that he accepts it, and accord- ingly re(iuires bim to give in writing, addressed to the Moderator, before ten o'clock on Monday forenoon, a categorical answer to the said question in terms of the deUverauce of last Assembly :-:- The roll having been called and the votes marked, it was found that the amendment was carried over the motion by a majority of one hundred and seventy-four ^17•l) to eighty-two (8'i), and the Moderator declared the same to be the judgment of the House. From this finding Principal Snodgrass craved leave to dissent in his own name and in the name of all who may adhere to him for the following reasons, viz. : — 1. Because Mr. IMacdonnell has already reported an answer in a form as categorical as can faii-ly and constitutionally be requii-ed of a Minister, who adheres to the Confession of Faith. 2. Because the Assembly has' no constitutional right, at this stage of the proceedings in the matter before it, to rec^uire Mr. ^Macdonnell to give his answer in any particular form. To this dissent and for these I'easons the following members adhered, viz. : — Dr. Cook, Dr. Jenkins, Dr. "Williamson, Dr. Bell, Dr. Bain, Messrs. George Smellie, James Bennet, Donald McRao, Kenneth Maclennan, G. M. Grant, T. G. Smith, Neil McKay, James C. Smith, J. D. Patterson, J. B. Muir, James Carmichael (Kiugi, W. M. "Wilson, M. [127] 16 ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF W. Maclean, W. R. Ross. J. M. Sutherland, Dnncan Macdonald, John Ferp;nson (Honey- wood), A. F. Thomson, J. M. Gray, J. J. Cameron ; James Maclennan, Andrew Drum- mond, AloxanderjMacpherson, Robert Cassclp, Charles DavidHon, Thomas Rutherford (Belleville), John H. McRobie, W. D. y.ain, Colin Mclvor, G. S. Ilobart, James Hutche- son, William Colquhoun, Wilham Sutherland, J. R. !McEwen, J. 11. Mackerras. Dr. Topp, Dr. McVicar and Mr. J. M. King were appointed a Committee to answer the above reasons of dissent and report. COMMITTEK TO NOMINATE STANDING COMMITTKES. The Assembly appointed the following members, viz. : — Mr. Kenneth Maclennan, Convener, Dr. Burns, I'rofessor Bryce, Messrs. James Watson, James Whyte, John M. King, John Scott (North Bruce), Thomas G. Smith, James C. Smith, R. Uodgers, H. McQuarrie, J. C. Burgess, R. 11. Warden ; John 0. Thomson, D. McCurtly, Thomas Gordon, James Court, Thomas McCrae, a Committee to nominate Standing Committees and report. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place on Monday forenoon at ten o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. NINTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and within St. Matthew's Church there ; Monday, the eighteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years : — Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pui'- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. J. B. Logan. The Minutes of the Eighth Seden;nt were read and sustained. Mr. Fraser, on behalf of the Committee on Business, presented and read a report. Its recommendations as to the order of business for to-day were adopted. REPLY OF MR. D. J. MACDONNELL. Tlie Clerk produced and read a communication which'the Moderator had this morn- ing received from Mr. Macdonnell, in roiponse to the requirement embodied in the motion, which on Saturday had become the judgment of the House. Said commiinica- tion is in the following terms, viz. : — " I herewith submit in writing what I said on Saturday last, when it was an- nounced that the amendment proposed by Dr. Topp had become the judgment of the Assembly. I hold that I have already given an answer to the question embodied in that resolution as categorical as a Minister within the Church, who has declared his adherence to the Confession of Faith, and who still adheres to it, can fairly or constitutionally be required to give on a point on which he is confessedly in diificulty. If that answer be not deemed sufficient, I reqaect, as I have a constitutional right to do, that the Presbytery of Toronto be instructed to frame a libel and deal with the matter according to the laws of the Church." It was moved by Ar. Middlemiss, seconded by Dr. Topp and passed unanimously, That Mr. Macdonnell's statement, now read, be received ; that the consideration of the same be taken up at ten o'clock to-morrow morning ; and that meantime the statement be printed and copies placed in the hands of members. [128] THE PBESilYTKRIAN CUURCH IN CANADA. 17 B to answer ANSWERS TO REASONS OF DISSENT. Dr. Topp, Convener of the Coiuinilteo appointed to prepare answers to the reasons of dissent presented l)y Di. HnodgraHs and others at Saturday's Diet, gave in a report. On motion of Mr. Jolm Lainy, duly seconded, these answers were received, adoptod and entered on the Minutes. They are as follows, viz. : — I. It is replied to the first reason of dissent. (1.) That the statement of Mr. Miicdoiinell cannot be regarded as in any sense an answer to the question which the Assembly in the exercise of its constitutional rights put to hiiu. (2.) To justify the answer of Mr. Macdonnell by the statement that it is all that can bo constitutionally re(iuirod of a Minister who adheres to the Confession of Faith is to present a false issue, inasmuch as the adherence of Mr. Macdonnell to the Confession of Faith iij regard to the doctrine of the endless duration of future punishment is the very point in question before the Court ; and, so far from the dissentients having the right to affirm his adherence in the present instance, Mr. Macdonnell in his last statement before the previous Ganoral Assembly expressed his inability at that time to give it. I I . riiat the Assembly has certainly a constitutional right in such a case as the present, for the maintenance of the truth of God, to require an answer in whatever form it deems best fitted to satisfy itself of his acceptance of the doctrine involved (vide " Rules and Forms of Procedure of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces," pp. 103,104, and " ilill's Practice in thoChurcn Com'ts," p. 54). REPORTS ON COLLEGES. The reports of the Board of Management, of the Senate and of the Board of Ex- aminers of Knox College, having been called for, were given in and rea I by Dr. Proud- foot, Principal Caven and Mr. J. M. King respectively. Whereupon it was moved by Dr. Waters and seconded by Mr. Houston, That the re- ports, now read, be received and remitted for consideration to the following Committee, viz.: — Dr. Topp, Convener, Principal Snodgrass, Principal Caven, Dr. Proudfoot, Messrs. Ilichard Bentley, John Laing, J. C. Smith, J. L. Murray, J. M. King, Jamf.s Cameron, William Donald, D. M. Gordon, George Bruce, J. Scrimger, J. W. Mitchell, Thomas Mac- pherson, liobert Hall, A. D. Macdonald, D. H. Fletcher ; Robert Cniikshanks, James Maclennan, John McLean, Thomas McCrae, with instructions to report. It was moved in amendment to this by Professor Mackerras and seconded by Dr. Jenkins, That the reports of the several Colleges and Halls be first read, and thereafter a Committee be appointel to take thom all into consideration and report. A voto having been taken, the amendment was carried over the motion, and the Moderator declared ac- cordingly. Principal Snodgrass presented and read the annual report of the Board of Trustees of Queen's University and College. This was accompanied by the Treasurer's financial statement and the Calendar for 1877-78. The reports of the Board of Management, of the Senate and of the Board of Exami- ners of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, were given in and read by Mr. Scrimger. Dr. Cook, Principal of Morrin College, Quebec, made a verbal statement as to tiro condition and prospects of that Institution. Xho Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this afternoon at three o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. [129] It 18 ACTB AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE TUIKD GENERAL ASSEMJILY OV TENTH SEDERUNT. ft ' In the name place, and on the name daij, at three o'clock in the afternoon : — Tlio fleiienil Assomlily (if tlio I'resliytcriaii Clinrcli in C'iumda iiiot 'pursimiit to ail- jonniiucnt, aiul wiiB constilutcd liy flic ]\Iv pt'i-iiiittcd til study t'nr tlio work of tho Holy Miiii-^tiy midi r tho care of the Troshytory at Mauitolia Ciill(},'o." Tliis Overture was supported by Trofessor liryce. On motiiiu of ^[r. K. H. Wariloii. Kromidod liy ^fr. F. ^rcCuai<,', tlio Asscnilily roscdvcd to receive thualiovo 'Iverliireaiid lofer it to^'other witli tlio reports on the several t'ollot;es for coiisidoratioii to a Committee composed of the followiiit,' iiicmltors.vi/. : — Mr. W'ardon, Con- vener; I' vinci\ni\ Mclviiii,'ht, rrincipal Conk, i'riucipal McVicar, Principal Snod<,'rasF, Pi-in- cipal Caveii.i'rofossorCaiiipbell, l'rof"ssur Mackorras, I'mfesKor Mcr„'iroii. I'rofossnr Bryce, I»r. Topp, Dr. Ikid, Dr. McLiro;,'or. Dr. Jeiikius, Dr. Duriis, Dr. Hell, Dr. i'lmid'oot, Dr. liobb, Dr. Waters, Dr. Cochrane, Messrs. .rohn McTavisli, (1. ^f. (Irant, J. C. lia:*ter, J. M. Kin};, John Laiiij;, D. M. Gordon, i>. P>innie, -I. C ^'niitli, J. Sciim},'er, J. V<. Duncan, David Caiiielon, K. Hall. Potcr \Vri<,'lit, D. H. I'lotohti, M. W. Maclean, T. (1. Smith, Robert Campbell (Macnab and Hurtniii, William Mitfholl, Fiiiiay McCuaif;, Gustavus Munro ; Hon. John JIcMurricli, Messrs. Warden Kiiif,', A. C. Hutchison, D. McCurdy, Alex. Macplierson, G. S. Hobart, J. Durie, Thomas McCrae, Charles Davidson, James Macknuau, IJubort Cassells, Adam Murray, with instructions to report at a future Diet. IJUANTI'OKl) YOUNG I-AUIKs' COLLlKiE. Dr. Cochrane, President of tlie Faculty of the Youiif,' Ladies' Collo^'e at iJrantford, Out., f,'avc' in the annual report of the Directors uf tliat Institution. D was moved by Dr. Waters, seconded by Dr. liurns, and passed unanimously. That, in terms of the applica- tion coutauied in the report, the follouinf,' shareholders bo named as Directors, viz.; — Dr. Cochrane, Dr. W. Nichol, Messrs. William W^att, -Ucxaudor llobertson, IJobert Russell, Thomas McLean, Adam Spence, William Grant, C. B. Heyd, William Mcintosh, John Sutherland and Robert Henry. Further, the Assembly desire to express their satisfaction at the gratifying success that has thus far attended the College, and commeud it to the Chm'ch at large as worthy of their generous confidence and support. of Paris, section of Overture on of dis- )i tjueen's appointed mdergone McCrae, e table. following is of great ire suffer- ed by the 1 for more I, and the liable dur- ^ipUcation I to study ja ot the fccssfully : REPORT ON TUE UISTRIDUTION OF PROBATIONERS. The report of the Committee on the distribution of Probationers for the Western sec- tion of the Chm'ch was read, received and remitted to the Committee already appointed to consider the reports on Home Missions. OVERTURE ANENT HOME MISSION WORK FROM THE PRESBYTERY OF BARRIE. There was next read an Overture from the Presbytery of Barrie, craving the Assembly to entertain favourably the following proposals, viz.: — " 1. That tho whole Home Mission tield be divided into two distinct districts, to be known respectively as ' the Near' and 'the Remote.' 2. That the former district be during the winter attached for supply of ordin- ances to the pastoral charges most contiguous or convenient to said district ; that lay Missionaries, capable of conducting religious services, be appuiuted temporarily from these charges to conduct worship on the Lord's day within said Mission dis- trict, giving their services gratuitously for that purpose, and that the carrj'ing out of such arrangements bo under the supervision uf the several Presbyteries. 3. That, with the view of providing more fully for the present destitution of the remote district diu'ing the winter months, steps be taken to ascertain how many of the Students, connected with the several Colleges of our Church, would be will- ing to remain in the Mission-field throughout the winter ; and that, if a sutlicient number of such Students should offer their services, arrangements be made for calhng together a Council of the Professors of said Colleges for the purpose of insti- tuting a simimer session in Theology for those Students, who may spend the winter in the remote ^Mission district." [131] so ACTS AM) I'ROCEEDINOrt OF THK THini) OK.NERAl. ASSEMIILY OK This Ovortiiro was supported hy ^^es8rfl. Jobu Gray (Orillin) and R. RodgcrB. The Asbfuilily roHolved to rrceivo it and refer it to the Committee charged with the cousideratinii ol'tho reports on Home MisHions. The Asfiembly adjourned to meet in tliis place this evening at half- past seven o'clock, of which puhUc intimation was made, and this Sedoriiut was closed with the Benediction. ELEVENTH SEDERUNT. In the tame place and on the same day, at halfj)aat seven o'clock in the evening: — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Uev. Thomas ^^cGuire. The Minutes of the Tenth Sederunt were read and sustained. APPLICATIONS FO; LICKN8E. Application was made by the Presbytery of Owen Sound for leave to take Messrs. A. H. Kippau and Alexander Nichol, Students of Divinity, on public probationary trials for License. These applications were referred to the Committee already appointed to consider Buch appUcatious. FRENCH CANADIAN EVANGELIZATION. The Assembly called for the report of the Board on French-Canadian Evangelization, which was presented and read by Principal McVicar, Chairman. It was moved by Mr. D. H. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. Burns and passed unanimously, That the report be re- ceived and the thanks of the Assembly tendered to the Board, especially the Chan-man, the Vice-Chairman for the Maritime Provinces, and the General Secretary ; that the Assembly record their gratitude to the Great King and Head of the Church for the very large measure of success which has attended the work of the Board, as indicated by the great increase in the number of fields and Missionaries, as well as in the contributions of the Church during the year ; and that the report be referred to a Committee, consisting of the followng members, viz. : — Mr. D. H. Fletcher, Convener, Dr. Burns, Dr. Bain, Dr. McGregor, Principal McVicar, Professor Campbell, ^lessrs. Thomas Duncan, J. C. Baxter, John Scott (North Bruce,) D. M. Gt)rdon, William Mitchell, M. W. Maclean, W. M. Roger, John Becket, D. D. McLeod, E. Cockburn ; A. 0. Hutchison, John K. Mac- douald, W. Given, W. Adamson, James B. Fairbaii'n, /Eneas McMaster, Robert ilc- Queen, H. Robinson, and Dr. Gi;nn, with instructions to consider the same and report at a future Sederunt. TLe Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-morrow forenoon at ten o'clock, of which pubUc intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. TWELFTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and %oithhi St. Matthew's Church there ; Tuesday, the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sccenty-aeven years : — Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Geo. Smellie, Duncan Mor- rison, and John Scott (North Bruce). [132] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHIROU IN CANADA. u The Minntffi of tlio Klevontli Sederunt were read and HURtftined, ^[r. FrnKcr, on bcbnlf racdonnpll'R ans'^er sivn in yesterday niorniti},', as reijnired by tbo (biivoranco aibiptod at Saturday's Diet. Soon after tlio de))ato im tbis bad cotninonccd on a motion snbinittcd by Mr. MiddbuiisH and seconded by Or. I'roudfoot, it was moved by Dr. C'ocbrane, secondod by IMr. Wi^bart and carrifd, That, before tlio .\sRenibly proceeds furtbor in considerinf? wliat Inturc action slionid I'o taivon in tiiis case, a Coinniittoo lio anjiointed to ni((ot and delibcrato witb tiio view of presenting' a basis for a satisfactory adjustment of the case, and tliat tlie debate Jic ill tbo iiioantiiiu' suspended. Tin' following' iiioiubcrs were appointed a ('oiiiniittoe in terms of tliis motion, viz. : — Dr. Jenkins, Convener, Dr. Cook, Dr. Topp, Dr. Caveii, Dr. McVicar, Dr. Sii()df,Ma8s, Dr. liell, Dr. Mc(Jref:;or, l)r. Miu-ray, Dr. Waters. Dr. I'roud- foot, Dr. Cochrane, I'rofessor McLaren, Messrs. John McTavisli, .John M. Kiiifj, O. "SI. Grant; Hon. Jolm >rc>rurricli, Dr. Macdonabl, ^[os.sl•R. .Tames Macleiinan. Tliomas Afo Crae, A. Mtiteiimor, Uobcrt Casscis, Alexander Macpherson, John S. McLean, with in- structions to report at tbo afternoon Sederunt. AITLKATIONS I OK I.KAVK TO UETIKK AND TO HAVE NAMES PLACED ON PRESUYTKIIY ROLLS. There was read an I'xtract Minute of the Presbytery of Hamilton, trausmittinK ap- plicatii)us from tbo Rev. John Portecs and the Itev. James Herald for leave to retire from the aeiivc duties of the Minisiry, and to have their names retained on the roll of Presbytery. A similar application was made by (ho Presbytery of Stratford in behalf of the Rev. Tliomas Macphersou ; by the Presbytery of Guelph in be- half of the Rev. Dr. Barrio ; and by the Presbytery of Owen Sound in behalf of the Rev. K. Dewar. In connection with this subject there was also read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Ottawa, making application to have the names of the Rev. Joseph White, Ordained Missionary at Rochesterville, and the Rev. Marc Ami, Ordained Mis- sionary of the French Presbyterian Church at Ottawa, placed on the roll of that Presby- tery. These applications were received and referred to tho Committee already appointed to consider such applications. RETURNS TO REMITS. Mr. Laiug, Convener of the Committee appointed to examine and classify the Re- tiu*ns from Presbyteries to the Remits sent down by last Assemlily, presented and read a report. The Assembly resolved to receive the report and consider the Remits teriatim. I. Shall there be one common fund for Home Missions proper and for supplementing the stipends of Ministers in weak congregations, or two separate fmids? As several of the Returns on thissiibject suggested certain modilieations or proposals, it was agreed to send these for consideration to the Committee already appointed to consider the reports on Homo Missions. II. Proposed Regulations anent Minister?' Widows' and Orphans' Fund : — Tho fol- lowing motion was proposed, duly seconded and agreed to, That a Committee, consisting of Dr. Reid, Convener, Dr. Patterson, Professor Mackerras, Messrs. Robert Campbell (Montreall, James Croil, T. W. Taylor, J. J. Bremner, be appointed to revise these regu- lations in the light of the proposed alterations specified in the Returns on this subject ; and that said Committee be authorized to send the amended regulations to Presbyteries, that they may be again considered by Presbyteries and reported on to next General Assembly. [183] 22 ACTS AND PROCEKDIVnS OF TIIK. THIRn OENKnAI, AHSEMllI.V DF III. Ri'KuliitionH luiont Awed nnd Infirm Ministers' Fund. — Ah a majority of ProHby- terics have exprcKsed approval, tliOHO woro adopted by the ABHcujldy. IV. PropoHiMl rej^uliitioiis uh to tlm lato of iiiiniml cuiitriliiiti m to tlio Apvl itnd Tii- firm Ministtws' I'lind. — It wiis agreed to dcfor cuUHidiration of tlio ciiaii^'os hiit;i,'ts(»'(l iu tlio KcturiiH aniiittiiis niatttn- until such tinio as tlio anuual reports uu the A^c-d and Iu- firm MiuisterH' Fund have bc^en presented to the House. V. Kuj,'j,'eRtious iuad(3 by the I'rosliytery of Whitby with rofemnce to the proposed ret;ida(ions aucnt the Aned and Intiriu Ministers' I'und. — As a tuajurity of the Pri'sltv- torioH havo reported disapproval of thcsi', tlio Assfiiiiily dodinud to entertain tluiii. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this afternoon at three o'clock, of which public iutiiuatiun was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the BeneiMction. THIUTEENTH SEDERUNT. In the tame place and on the same day, at thrcn o'clnnk in the afternoon: — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church iu Canada mot pursuant to ad- journment, and was constituted by the Moderator. iJevotioual services were conducted by the Kov. Thomas Duncan. BETUUNS TO REMITS. The Assembly resumed consideration of the report of the Committee appointed to classify the Returns from Presbyteries to Uoiuits. Th je anent — VI. The Barrier Act, and VII. The Act anent the Assembly as ft Representative Body were taken up. As a majority of Presbyteries have approved of these, it was determined to pass them into per- manent enactments of the Church. OVERTURE ANENT THE ALLOCATION OF STCDENTS TO MISSION-FIELDS. There was read an Overture from the Presbytery of Torouto anent the allocation of Students to the Mission-lields of the Church durinij the summer months. Said Overture Bubmittod the foUowiu;,' proposals, viz.: — " That, iu the event of the Home, Mission Committee being unable to give ap- pointments to all the Students, whose names have been sent in as dusiringemploy- ii nt, a preference shall be f,'iven to applications under the foUowing rules : 1st. { .udents in the Theoloj,ncal course shall take precedence of those in the Literary course ; '2iid. Auionf; Students in the Theolojjical course seniority of year shall be a ground of preference ; JJrd. Students of our own Church shall be preferred to Stuuents of foreign Churches. It is not here implied that, in the selection of Stu- dents by the representatives of Presbyteries, appropriation of individual labourers shall actually be made in the order aliove indicated as entitling to precedence, but that on completion of the process of distribution the above rules shall be found to have been complied with." This Overture was supported by Mr. -Tames Carmichaei (King). The Assembly agreed to receive this Overture and remit it to the Committee charged with the consideration of the reports on Home Missions. OVERTURE ANENT RELAXATION OF HOME MISSION COMMITTEE S REGULATIONS IN CERTAIN CASES. The Assembly next heard read an Overture from the Presbytery of Ottawa in the following terms, viz.: — [134] THK i'RKHHYTKUIAN CUt'RCIl IN CANADA. W "W'prpfts tlnrt> nro within the honndH of tho Pronhytory <>!' Ottawa cprtiiln BUIU'li'iiniittMl coiit,'i''i^fttoti..(; tli<> rcipiiniiicntH (if tilt) Act III' hist AkhoiuIiIv iiiu'ut Hii|i|)lif their nifuihors nml aillitrniitN uro HotthMl on cxceciUiiKly luior fiiruii, uixl iiminiy (h>|>|ircsscii ; whcrc- aH tlicro lire other sMpiilciiicntcil ciin},'rc};iitinnM iukI misHion-Htatioiis, hi wiiicii a tew I'r(fsi)ytcriiiii aiul other I'rotestiiiit t'limiheH arc siirroimih'd hy n (ItMiHc IIdiikui C'lUholic poiMilatioii ; wiiereac tiicHc have put t'ortii ovory ulVort in tlicirowii hehaU" and have even K""" f'lr beyond the rniiiin'mciitH oftlio ahovo mentioned Act. ho far aH tho rate per communicant and jier family is concerned, mid yet lind (Utllculty in olituininK' a HiitVicicnt t,'rant from tlio Ilomt^ Mission land ; whereas thero arfl certain mission stations, m which tiiere are I'resliyterian famihes scattered over a hir),'o extent nf country and not to ho lirouicht together in numberH ; and wlier>as these misHion-tieidH are nomimilly witiiin thi' hoiuids of tlin Trt'shytery hut in real- ity aro outlying,' districts, which mijjht properly lie cared for hy tho Church at hirtje: — the Assendiiy is herehy overtured to take into coiiHidoration tin* rase of thos<> sup- plemented conv,'re(»ations and mission-stations, an. .1. MACDONNDLI.. Dr. Jenkins, Convenor of tho Committee appointed at tho former Sederunt to meot and deliberate with the view of presenting a basis for a satisfactory settlement of tho matter relating to Mr. Macdonnoll, reported — "That they Imvo ascertained from Mr. Macdonnoll, thronRli a sub-Com- mittee, that, in hitimating in his last statement to tho General Assemlily his ad- herence to tho Confession of Faith, he intends to bo understood as sayinj,' : — "' I consider myself as under subscription to tho Confession of Faith in ac- cordance with my Ordination vows, and I therefore adhere to tho teaching of the Chiurch as contained therein on the doctrine of the eternity or endless duration of tho future punishment of the wicked, notwithstanding doubts or ditiiculties which perplex my mind,' " The Committee therefore unanimously recommend that this statement be accepted as satisfactory, and that further proceedings be dropped." On motion of Dr. Topp, seconded by Dr. McGregor, the Assembly tinanimously re- solved. That the report, now road, be received and adopted, and that the Assembly decern in terms thereof. Mr, MiddlemisK, v»ith the consent of his seconder, craved leave to withdraw the re- solution he had proposed in the forenoon, and tho leave craved was granted. The House joined in singing Psalm cxxii. 0-'*, and Mr. Robert Sedgwick led in prayer. The Assembly adjonmed to meet in this place this evening at half-past seven o'clock, of vvbioh public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. FOURTEENTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at half past seven o'clock in the evening: — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to ad- joxirnment and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Bell. The Minutes of the Twelfth and Thu-teentk Sederunts were read and sustained. [135] ' 24 ACTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. The Assembly called for the reports on Foreign Missions. That for the Western section of the Church was presented and read by Professor McLaren, Convener, and that for the Maritime Provinces by Dr. McGregor, Secretary. It xvas moved by Mr. George Christie, seconded by Dr. Burns and passed unanimously, That the reports, now read, be received, and the thanks of the Assembly returned to the Committees and especi- ally the Conveners ; and that these reports be referred to a Committee, consisting of Mr. John Laing, Convener, Dr. Bell, Dr. McGregor, Professor McLaren, Messrs. Thomas Duncan, John McEwen, D. M. Gordon, T. G. Smith, William Donald, J. A. F. "McBain, Peter Wright, Alex. McLean, C. B. Pitblado, J. L. Murray ; Hon. George Bryson, Dr. Macdonald, Messrs. C. Davidson, Warden King, John McBean, James B. Fairbairu, E. Robson, W. H. Blanchard, J. M. McRobie, with instructions to consider them and mature a deliverance. Further, the General Assembly desires to record fervent gratitude to God for the measure of success which has attended the labours of our faithful Missionaries during the past year, and also for the increasing usefulness of the Woman's Boards, and to commend the five fields of our Church's Foreign Mission operations to the continued sympathy, prayers and liberaUty of the entire Church. The Roll was called. NEXT MEETING OF ASSEMBLY. The House next proceeded to decide on the time and place for holding the next meeting of Assembly. The following places were proposed, viz.: — Hamilton, Ottawa, and Montreal. The Assembly resolved by a majority of votes to meet in Hamilton and within the Central Chm:ch there. The time fixed upon was the second Wcduesdaj' of June, at half-past seven o'clock in the evening. The Clerk read a communication, inviting the members of Assembly and theu' friends to an excursion in the Harbour on the afternoon of Saturday next. The invita- tion was cordially accepted. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. FIFTEENTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and within St. Matthew's Church there ; Wednesday the tivcntieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven years : — ^^^uch day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Bell. The Minutes of the Fourteenth Sederunt were read and sustained. Mr. Fraser, on behalf of the Committee on Business, presented and read a report. Its recommendations as to the order of business for to-day were adopted. OVERTURES ANENT A GENERAL SUSTENTATION FUN)). There were produced and read Overtures anent a General Sustentation Fund, sent up by the Synod of Toronto and Kingston and the Presbytery of Toronto. The former Overture is of the following tenor, viz. : — " Whereas the adequate maintenance of her Ministry is a question of vital importance to the Church ; whereas great inequality exists in the department of Ministers' salaries and in the demands of the congregations for the support of their [18G] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. 26 s'i ■;S respective pastors— an evil, which otir Home Mission Committee, excellent as its pliins of operations have been, has foiiml it impossible to remove ; and whereas, liu-tber, a General Fund for the support of the Ministry in Tresbyterian Churches in other lands has been found so practicable and so advantageous to the purposes contemplated : — the Assembly is overtured to appoint a Committee to consider whetlier a General Snstentation Fund in the present state of the Church is prac- ticable, and, if so, what measures may be necessary for the establishment of a scheme suitable to the wants of the Church, and to report at next meeting of As- sembly." Mr. "William Bennet was heard in support of this Overture. The Overture from the Presbytery of Toronto is as follows, viz. : — " Whereas the Home Mission field is now so great and extensive as to de- mand the undivided atttnti(ui of the Home Mission Committee ; and wlicreas it is very desirable that provision should lu? made for the more adequate maintenance <'f all' Ministers of the Church in localities where aid is required :— the Assembly is overtured to consider the propriety of separating the two d^^partments of work at present under the superintendence of the Home Mission Committee, viz. : — Home Missionary operations, and the work of supplementary stipends, so as to enal)le the Church on the one hand more etliciei.tly to prosecute Homo Missionary work, and on the other hand to endeavour by a distinct Supplementary Fund to raise the stipends of all Ministers, whose congregations are not able to do so of them- selves, to a mininnmi stipend of eight hundred dollars (^BUU.OO)." Dr. Topp supported this Overture. The following motion was proposed by Dr. Topp, seconded by Dr. Burns and passed unanimously : The General Assembly, deeply regretting the fact that, notwithstanding the great resources of the Church, so many of our Ministers should be so inadetiuately supported, expresses its deep interest in the subject brought before it bj- the Overtures now read and supported, and therefore appoints a Committee composed of the following members, viz.: — Dr. Topp, Convener, Dr. Burns, Dr. Cochrane, Dr. ^McGregor, Dr. Robb. Dr. Troudfoot, Messrs. W. Bennet, J. M. King, D. J. Macdounell, John Laing, D. IT. Fletcher, John Smith, Thomas Macpherson, J. Middlemiss, T. G. Smith. D. M. Gordon, John Straith, B. Hall, J. B. Duncan, A. Tolmie, J. Scrimger, Peter Wright ; Hoi>. John Mc!\[nrrich, Hon. George Bryson, Dr. Macdonald, Messrs. James Maclennan, Robert Cassei.,, Warden King, John Stirling, John McBeau, John L.Gibli, John Batcliff, Donald Grant, J. B. Fairbairn, Thomas McCrae, T. W.Taylor, McCalla, with instructions to con- sider the whole suliject, as also the best mode of accomplishing the end that is sought to be attained and to report at next Assembly. ¥■ i 'I i OVP^nTURE .\NENT MANAGEMENT OF HOME MISSIONS liY SYNODS. The Assembly next considered an Overture from the Presbytery of London aneut the management of Home Mission work. Said Overture is as follows, viz.: — " Whereas the management of the Home Mission woi-k of the Church by one Central Connuittee has practically not been in force, inasnnich as the Synod of the Maritime Provinces is entrusted with the management of its own Homo ^Mission business ; whereas, even the Western section of the Church furnislies an amount of Home Mission business which cannot l)e eflicieutly managed by one Committee — members of the Committee being often required to decide in reference to claims on iuadpquate information, and with little time for mature consideration ; and Presby- teries being frecpiently disappointed when aid which thej- have led weak congrega- tions to expect cannot be obtained, their operations thus being seriously interfered with, and their inlluence with the people impaired ; whereas the Central Commit- tee has been under the necessity of adopting a reduced scale of disbursement, with the view of keeping the expenditure within the ordinary revenue, thus tending gradually to the suspension of Home Mission operations, instead of being in a posi- tion to take eflficient means to procure necessary funds ; and whereas the Synods have generally very little to occupy their attention, and thus have abundant leisure to take the oversight of mission work within their own bounds, in reference to which [1871 26 ACTS AND PBOCEEDINGS OF THE THIED GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 'II :! they can obtain tlie most ample information, and they have also great facilities fur hrin'finf:^ the necessities and claims of tlir Homo Mission field under the favoiu'alile notice of sessions and congregations, with tlic view nf awakening a deej) interest in the work of obtaining the means of extending and sustaining it ; — it is therefore humbly overtured to the General Assemljly — 1st. Tliat the entire management of Homo Mission work, including the procur- ing of means for carrying it on, and for supplementing salaries paid by weak con- gregations, be within the bounds of each of the Synods assigned to these Synods rosi)ectively, and that it be left to each Synod to determine for itself whether it shall have two funds for this purpose or only one. 2nd. That a small Committee, representing all the Synods of the Church equally, bo annuallj' appointed by the General Assembly to take the management of Home Mission work in Manitoba, in the Lake Superior region, and in outlying fields which the Synods cannot overtake, said Committee to receive all grants for Home mission work from sister Cinu'ches, unless otherwise specially designated ; and also to l)ring the claims of these tields under the notice of the Church, and es- pecially of the Synods, and to seek to obtain from each Synod such an annual grant towards the sustenance of these Missions as may seem to be a fair and equitable share of the expenses. 3rd. That the Assembly do cause a remit in terms of this Overture to be pre- pared and sent down to Presbyteries for their consideration. Dr. Prondfoot was heard in support of this Overture. Whereupon it was moved by Dr. Proudfoot, and seconded by the Hon. John McMur- rich, That the Assembly cause a remit in terms of the Overture to be prepared and sent down to the Presbyteries for their consideration. To this it was moved in amendment by Dr.McKuight and seconded by Professor ]5 lyce. That the Overture be remitted to the Com- mittee appointed to consider the reports on Home Missions, ^\•ith instructions to that Com- mittee to consider and report on the same. A vote having been taken, the amendment was carried over the motion and the Moderator declared accordingly. i!i:' .'!i DISSKNT AND COMPLAINT : BARRIE PRESBYTERY VS. THE SYNOD OF TORONTO AND KINGSTON. The Assembly took up a Dissent and Complaint — the Presbytery of Barrie vs. the Synod of Toronto and Kingston anent a complaint of Mr. Marples. Dr. Piobb, on the part of the aforesaid Synod, objected in limine that reasons in support of the dissent had not been furnished by the appellants within ten days of the time when the dissent was taken, as re(iiiit('d by the laws of the Church, and accordingly claimed that the Complaint should not be entertained by the Assembly. Mr. Gray, on behalf of the appellants, was heard on this point. The Moderator sustained Dr. Robb's objection, and the matter was thus dis- missed. CHANGES IN PRESBYTERIES. The House proceeded to consider certain recommendations anent changes in Presby- teries, which had beeu allowed to lie over from last meeting of Assembly. It was unanimously agreed to transfer the congregation of Fenelon Falls and Somer- ville from the Presbytery of Peterborough to that of Lindsiiy. Consideration of the proposal to erect a new Presbytery to be desigBated the " Pi'es- bytery of Lanark and Renfrew," and to include all the congi-egatious and mission-stations within the Counties of Lanark, Renfrew and Pontiac, the congregation of Kitley in the County of Leeds and the Palmerstou mission-stations in the County of Frontenac, was entered upon and continued up to the hour of adjournment. Mr. D. B. Maclennan was added to the Committee appointed to consider the reports on Colleges in room of Mr. Alexander Macpherson, who has left Hahfax. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this evening at half-past seven o'clock, of which publicintimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction, [138] THE PUESliYTEEUX CHIRCU IN CANADA. 27 SIXTEENTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on the same day, at half-past seven o'clock in the evening:— The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church iu Canada met pm'suant to ad- journment, and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. James Watson, M.A. The Minutes of the Fifteenth Sederunt were read and sustained. OBITUAKV NOTICKS. The Clerks of Assembly and such Presbytery Clerks as may be Commissioners were named as a Committee to prepare obituary notices of those Ministers of the Church who have died durinjif the past year, with a Aiew to the insertion of this report as an appendix to the Minutes ; Dr. lleid to be Convener. DELEGATE FROM THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U. S. OF AMERICA. There was read a commission from the General Assembly of the Presbyttriau Church in the United States of America, appoiutinj,' the Rev. R(jbert J. Laidlaw, of Do» troit, to represent that Church at this meeting of Assembly. Mr. Laidlaw addressed the House in felicitous terms. The Moderator suitably conveyed to Mr. Laidlaw the thanks of the Assembly for his presence and address. JUVENILE MISSION. The report on the Juvenile Mission having been given in and read, the following de- liverance was proposed by Mr. JL W. Maclean, seconded by Dr. McGregor and passed unanimously : Receive the report ; thank the Committee, and especially the Secretary- Treasurer, for their dihgence ; rejoice to hear of the continued prosperity of this Mis- sion — the effort of the children of our Church to send the Gospel to the girls and women of India ; and commend the Mission to the hearty sympathy and asci .tancf of the Sabbath Schools of our Church. REPOR ON STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Kenneth ]\Iaclennan, Convener of the Committee appointed to nominate Stand- ing Committees, reported a list of names to constitute the Home Mission and Foreign Mission Committees in both sections of the Church. The former was adopted. The latter was remitted to the Committee to be amended and again brought up at a subsequent Sederunt. MISSION TO THE LUMBERMEN. The annual report of the Committee, entrusted with the management of the Mission to the Lumbermen in the valley of the Ottawa and its tributaries, was presented and read by Mr. D. M. Gordon, Convener. It was moved by Dr. Waters, seconded by Mr. Crombie and passed unanimously, That the report be received and approved ; that the thanks ef the Assembly be given to the Committee, and especially to the Convener, for their dili- gence in the prosecution of this department of the work of the Church ; that the support of the Mission be specially commended to the members of the Church in the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa ; and that Presbyteries of the Church in those parts of the Domin- ion, where lumbering operations are largely carried on, be instructed to consider and as far as possible promote the spiritual welfare cf the limibermen. REPORT ON THE RECORDS. The report of the Committee appointed to revise the Records of the Assembly, of the several Synods, and of the Presbytery of Manitoba, was given in and read. On motion to that eflfect, the report was adopted, and, in terms thereof, the Assembly ordered the said Records to be attested as carefully and correctly kept. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-morrow forenoon at ten o'clock, of which pubhc intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the lieuediction. [189] m ^ 28 ACTS AND PROCEEDINOS OF THE THIRD GENEKAI, ASSEMfiLY OF SEVENTEENTH SEDERUNT. I|l! At Halifax, and within St. Matthew's Church there ; Thursday, the tiuenty-first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and aeventy-stven years : — "Which (Jay tlie General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. J )evoti()ual services were conducted by the Rev. James Breckeuridge. The -Minutes of the Sixteenth Sederunt were read and sustained. Mr. Fraser, on ])ehalf of the Committee on Business, presented and read a report. Its recommendations as to the order of business for to-day, after amendment, were adopted. " THE PRESBYTERIAN RECORD." Dr. Jculdns, Convener of the Committee appointed to Buperintond the publication of " The Presbyterian Becord,"' gave in and read a report. The report was received and referred tor consideration to a Committee, consisting of Professor Campbell, Convener, Dr. Jenkins, Dr. Beid, Messrs. G. M. Grant, J. C. Baxter, D. H. Fletcher, J. Brecken- ridge, C. B. Pitblado, S. Houston, J. B. Logan, W. D. Bahantyne, James Cameron ; James Brown, A. C. Hutchison, John S. ^McLean, James Cumming, James B. Fan-bairn, Robert Cassels, J. J. Bremuer, with instructions to report at a future Diet. REPORT ON STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Kenneth Maclcunan, Convener of the Committee appointed to nominate Stand- ing Committees, presented a list of names to constitute the Foreign ^Mission Committee. After consideration of the same, the matter was again remitted to the Committee, with instructions to amend the report by limiting the number nominated for the Western sec- tion to twenty-one, and that for the Maritime Provinces to fifteen, and to report at the openmg of the afternoon Sederunt. m\^ COMPLAINTS AND REFERENCE FROM THE PRESBYTERY OF ST. JOHN, N.B. Dr. Jenkins, Convener of the Committee appointed to consider tho Rcfercnco and two Complaints from the Presbytery of St. John, N.B., and recommend a deliverance thereanent, presented and read a report. Said report is of the following tenor, viz. : — " I. With reference to the first case, viz. : — an appeal by the Rev. Samuel Houston from the finding of the Session of Calvin Church, St. John, on the matter of a libel by him against James Logan and others, Elders in said Calvin Church. At the suggestion of the Committee, the respective parties agreed to withdraw the charges and imputations on the one side and on the other, which were the sub- ject of libei and appeal, and accordingly subscribed in presence of the Committee the following documents, viz. : — " The undersigned, having written a letter in the 'New ^ork Evai..,alJst' over the signature of ' Erigena,' making certain references to the affairs of Calvin Chm-ch, St. John, and having also written other letters on the same subject, hereby disclaims all intention in the said letters of imputing fraud or dishonesty to the officers of that Church, and hereby expresses his regret at having used any language which may have been deemed offensive." (Signed), Samuel Houston. " The undersigned, having written certain letters, some of which were pub- lished in the newspapers of St. John and elsewhere, affecting the character and standing of tiie Rev. S. Houston, formerly Minister of Calvin Church, St. John, and now Minister of St. Luke's Church, Bathurst, hereby withdraw all in- jurious imputations contained in such letters or any of them, and express cm' re- gret for having written the same." ^ (Signed) LUO] j James Logan. \ Alexander Stewart. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. 29 Co.lviu liereby to the sed any re pub- ter and li. St. / all in- oiu' re- 11 The latter of tlie above documents was agreed to by Mr. Logan and Mr. Stewart, as well on their own behalf as on behalf of Messrs. Tnt'ts and McLiiughlin, for whom they were duly authorized to act, setting their authority before the Com- mittee. II. With reference to tlie second case, viz. : — an appeal by Mr. Houston ai,'ainst the tinding of tlie Presbytery of St. John upon a libel by him against Mr. Tufts, an Elder of Calvin Church ; also a dissent and appeal from the same finding by the Ilev. Dr. Waters. At the suggestion of the Committee, the parties, including Dr. Waters, agree to the following deliverance, viz. : — " Mr. Tufts having in writing withdrawn all iujimous imputations upon the character and standing of the Rev. Samuel Houston in the letter referred to by Mr. Tufts in his letter to Dr. Duncan, and having expressed regret at having im- puted the same, we are of opinion that further action in this case be stayed, be- lieving that there was warrant for tlie libel taken upon said letter to Dr. Duncan and for dealing with Mr. Tufts in reference thereto." III. With reference to the third case, ^^z. : — a libel by Mr. Houston against the Ilev. Dr. Maclise, the parties appeared before the Committee and, after open- ing of the case. Dr. Maclise, in presence of the Committee, made the following statement, viz. : — "That he does not know facts which would drive Mr. Houston from the Min- istry ; that he does not believe he used the words; and that, if he did use the words, he did not mean to use them, and now withdraws them." With the above statement Mr. Hcuston expressed himself satisfied. The Committee, therefore, recommend that no further proceedings be had or taken on the several cases, and that the parties be urged henceforth to study the things that make for peace. The Assembly unanimously agreed to decern in terms of the report. PROPOSED NEW PRESBYTERY OF " LANARK AND RENFREW." The House resumed consideration of the proposal to erect a new Presbytery to be called the " Presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew," deferred from yesterday. It was moved by Mr. Crombi'a and seconded by Dr. Bain, That a new Presbytery be erected \\ithin the bounds of the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, to be known as the " Presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew ;" and that said Presbytery comprise all the congregations in the Counties of Lpuark and Renfrew with the congregation of Kitley in the County of Leeds and the mission-stations of Palmerston in the County of Frontenac. To this it was moved in amendment by Mr. Robert Campbell (Macnab and Hortonj and seconded by Mr. G. M. Grant, That the matter be remitted to the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, with power to take action thereon. A vote having been taken, the amendment was carried over the notion and became the finding of the House. FIRE AT ST. JOHN, N. U. The attention of the Assembly having been drawn to the fire which during yesterdaj- afternoon and last night has desolated the City of St. John, N. 13., it was moved by Dr. Topp, seconded by Dr. Snodgrass and passed unanimously, That the General Assembly of the Presbj'toriau Church in Canada, now in session in Halifax, having heard of the very severe calamity which has fallen upon the City of St. John in the destruction by fire of a large portion of that city, occasioning' a vast amount of suffering to many of the inhabit- ants and at tlie same time a lamentable loss of life, desires to express to His Worship the iLayor of St. Jolm the great grief with which the members of Assembly have received such iutelligeucQ, their deep-felt sympathy with those who have been visited with such a terrible disaster and their earnest prayer that the Divine hand maj' be recognized in this calamity and that God in his mercy may vouchsafe all needed comfort and support to the sufferers. [141] 80 ACTS AND PnOCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEJIULY OF MEMOIilAL ANENT RErKKSENTATIoN OF THE ELDERS ON THE COMMITTEES. The Clork inoiluced imd read a ^Mtinorial, Ktibmitted by certain J-Ilder'-, members of the present Assembly, statiuj,' tluit in tlie apjioiutment of Committees at this UL'stinj,' the Eldeis liave not had assigned to them their due representation, and sugfjesting that a rule or Standing Order lie adopted, whereby the Mini'^ters and Elders shall be equally represented on ail Committees. The Memorial was supported by Messrs. James B. Fairbairn, James lliown, W. Adamson, J. liatclilf and Walter Kerr. It was moved by Dr. Caven and seconded by Mr. G. M. Grant, That tlie General Assemlily, recognizing tlie great importanco to the Church of enlisting as fully as possible the interest and services of the Elders in the work of the Assembly and of the Church, res(dves to record its sense of the justice and pro- pi'iety of having the Elders adeijuately lepresented on the Committees appointed during the Assembly, or the Standing Committees of the j-ear. It was moved in amendment by .Mr. John Laiug and seconded bj' Dr. McVicar, Tlnit the Assembly receive tlie Memo- rial and, in view of the imjiortance of the matter thus brought ur.der the notice of the Court, resolve to appoint a small Committee to prepare a reconunen Jatiou as to the whole mode of appointing Committees of Assembly, to be submitted to next Assembly. It was further moved in amendment by Dr. Kobb and duly seconded, I'liut the Assembly receive the Memorial and commend its prayer to the consideration of those proposing Committees to the House. A vote having been taken, the first amendment was carried over both the second amendment and the motion, and the Moderator declared accord- iugly. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this afternoon at four o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. EIGHTEENTH SEDERUNT. Ill the same place and on the same day, at four o'clock in the afternoon : — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Chm-ch in Canada met pursuant to ad- journment and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Itev. W. D. Ballantyne. The Minutes of the Seventeenth Sederunt were read and sustained. OVERTURE ANENT INDIAN MISSIONS IN THE XORTH-WEST. There was submitted to the House an Overture from the Presbytery o^ Manitoba, setting forth the propriety of prosecuting more vigorously than hitherto the work of evangelizing and educating the Indians situated in the North-west Territories and Kee- watin, and praying the Assembly to institute a special Committee for Indian Missions, who shall receive siich an appropriation from the Foreign Mission funds or other re- sources of the Church as may be adequate to the necessities of the work. On motion of Mr. D. H. Fletcher, seconded by Dr. McKnight, the Overture was referred for considera- tion to the Foreign Mission Committee. OVERTURE ANENT DAY OF THANKSGIVING. There was next read an Overture from the Presbytery of Ottawa, praying the As- sembly to memorialize His Excellency, the Governor-General, to nominate annually a day, which he shall recommend to be observed as a day of national Thanksgiving through- out the whole Dominion. This Overture was supported by Mr. D. M. Gordon, whereupon, on motion of Mr. D. M. Gordon, seconded by Mr. Thomas Duncan, it was agreed. That the Assembly decern in terms of the Overture, and that a Committee, consisting of the Moderator, [142] TUE PRESUYTEEIAN CHl'RCH IN CANADA. 81 Dr. Topp ami tlie Clerks of Assembly, be appointed to carry out the purpose therein con. tc'Uiplated. OVERTURE ANENT A HYMN liOOK. Tiiu Assembly proceeded to consider an Overture from the Presbytery of Ottawa, craving the Assembly to take steps, with a view to secure uniformity, to have one Ilymn Jlodk ailopted for the service of praise in the couKVCj,'ations of tlie Cliurch. This overture was sni)ported by Messrs. Clark and D. M. Gordon. The debate on this snliject continued up to the hour of adjuurnmeut. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this evening at half-past seven o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt >/as closed with tlio Benediction. NINETEENTH SEDERUNT. In the same place mul on the same daij, at half-past seven o'clock in the evening: — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada met pursuant to adjourn- ment and was constituted by the Moderator. De\otional services were coinlucted by the liov. John .McMillan, B.D. (Truro). The minutes of the Ei''hteenth Sederimt were read and sustained. It REPORT ON THE STATE OF RELIGION. Tlie annual report of the Committee on the state of Eelij,'ion, havinj,' been called for, was given in and read by Mr. Duncan Morrison, one of the Conveners. The foUowiufi; motion was proposed by Mr. G. M. Grant, seconded by Dr. McYicar and passed uuaui- mouslj- : — The General Assembly reeeiv i the report, and, in doing so, would express their thanks to .Vlmighty God for the many encouraging facts which it reveals, especiallj' for the signal blessings vouchsafed to many congregations during the year; and, in reference to the evils complained of — such as the neglect of family worship by many of our people, the small share of labour taken iu the work of the Church on the part of many Elders, the prevalence of intemperance and other sins, and the great number that have reached mature years living unpledged to a Christian life — the General Assembly deplore the same and appoint that, iu their devotions to-morrow morning, humble confession of these sins be made at the throne of Heavenly Grace, and that suppUcation for a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord bo olfered up. 3' I )^ REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Kenneth Maclennan, on behalf of the Committee appointed to nominate Standing Committees, presented a list of names to constitute the Foreign Mission Committee for both sections of the Church. The list was adopted. The General Assembly adjourned to meet in this place to-morrow forenoon at ten o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. of Mr. jsembly lerator, ■■■a TWENTIETH SEDERUNT. At Halijax, and within St. Alattliew's Church there : Friday, the twenty-second day of June, one thousaud eight hundred and seventy-seven years : — Which day the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada mot pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted by the Moderator. [143] 82 ACTS ANI> PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OK Dovotioual services were conducted by the Rev. J. L. Murray and also by the Rev, WiUiam Drnald iu terms of last night's deliverance ou the report on the state of Religion, The Minutes of the Nineteenth Sederunt were read and sustained. Mr. Fraser, ou behalf of the Committee on Business, presented and read a report. Its recommendations as to the order of business for to-day, after amendment, were adopted. OVERTUUE ANENT A HYMN-BOOK. The Assembly resumed consideration of the Overture anent the preparation of a Hymn-Book, deferred from yesterday's Diet. It was moved by Mr. Clark (Kemptville) ami seconded by Mr. D. M. Gordon, That the General Assembly receive the Overture and appoint a committee to report at next General Assembly the best means of promoting uuilormity in the matter of praise. It was moved in amendment to this by Ur. Robb and seconded by Mr. Thomas Macpherson, "Whereas in the Resolution on Forms of Worship annexed to the Basis of Union the present practice of the several Churches is allowed ; and whereas the use of uninspired hymns in the pubho worship of God has not been therein authorized, the Assembly resol o that, until the sanction of this Church for the use of imiuspired hymns be in a constitutional way obtained, it is premature to appoint a Committbe to form a Book of uninspired hymns. It was further moved in amendment by Mr. Straith and seconded by Di\ Proudfoot, That further consideration of the Overture be deferred till next Assembly. A vote having been taken, the second amendment was carried over the hrst amendment and the motion and the Moderator declared accordingly. ADDRKSSES TO THE QUEEN AND GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Draft Addresses to Her Majesty the Queen and His Excellency the Governor-Gen- eral were read, adopted and ordered to be transmitted through the proper channel. ■ ' '' I HOME MISSIONS. The Assembly called for the report of the Committee appointed to consider the reports of the Homo Mission Committee and certain Overtures, which had been submitted to them. Tliis was presented and read by Mr. John Gray (Orillia). It was agreed to receive the same and consider its recommendations seriatim. The several paragraphs down to that relating to the appointment of a Home Mission Secretary were adopted. A debate arose on this paragraph, when it was moved by Mr. John Laing and seconded by Mr. W. Adamsou, That the recommendation be adopted. It was moved in amendment to this by Dr. Proudfoot and seconded by Mr. Straith, That the matter of appointing an Agent for the purpose of promoting the Scheme of Home Missions iu connection with the other general schemes of the Church be sent down to Presbyteries for consideration and that they be recjuired to i-eport thereon to the next General Assembly. A vote havi)ig been taken, the amendment was carried over the motion and became the finding of the House. Tho next three paragraphs were adopted. The paragraph following these was order- ed to lie over until next meeting of Assembly. Said paragraph is as follows, viz.: — " The " period of service for Probationers shall be shortened so that Preachers shall serve for four " years and Ministers for three years ; and Presbyteries are enjoined to see that thoy do " not report as vacancies for supply by Probationers mere mission-stations or places wliicli " have no prospect nor design of calling a minister for some time.'' The next paragraph was adopted. The paragraph subsequent thereto was under con- sideration when the hour of adjournment arrived. The Assembly adjourned to meet iu this place this afternoon at three o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closed with the Benediction. [144] TUE PUESUYTKUIAN llliaiClI IN CANADA. 83 TWENTY-FIUST SEDERUNT. In ike name place and on the saino day, (it three o'clock in tho afternoon: — The Genoml Assomlily of tho l'iosl)ytcriiiu Chtirch in Cuiiacla mot pursuant to luljoaruiuoiit ami was constitulcd l)y tlio Moilenilnr. Dcvotioiiiil soi'vicos woro couductcil Ity tho Kov. .loliu Mc'ruvish. Tho Miuutos of tho Twontioth Sodoiuut wcro read aud suataiuod. ISSIOU by Mr. :ed. It That Houae owu to next ,-er the order- The 'or four hey do which cr ecu- I 1 m \v hich HOMK MISSIONS. Tlio Afist'iubly rosunicd cousidoration of tho report of tho Coniiuittoo appointed to consider tlio Homo Mission roports and overtures rohitinj to this Hul)ject. Tho remain- in;,' parayraplis of tho report wore adopted with the oxcjption of two — tho one referring,' to the eniploynicnt as Studont-Catochists of Students of Tiioolo-^'y, in preforenco to those in tho Literary course, and thereafter of those pursuing,' their Literary course under tho care of this Church with a view to the work of tho Ministry ; and the other recommend- ing an instruction to rroshytories to report to the Clerks of Assembly before tho annual moetin;,' of the Supremo t!ourf the names of those con;,'rcgations which have not con- tributed to tho schemes of the Church. In accordance with the recommendations of the Committee, amended as above, tho (Joueral Assembly resolved as follows, viz.: — 1. Thanks are due, and are hereby t,'iven, to tho Homo Mission Counnitten, and especially to Dr. Cochrane, Convener, and Mr. Warden, .secretary of tho Western sub- committee, as well as to Mr. G. M. Grant, Convener, and Dr. McGregor, Secretary of the Eastern sub-Committee. 2. Tho Assembly grant throe himdrcd dollars (!?;50()J to Dr. Cochrane, for attending to the business and enabling him to procure tho assistance necessary to overtake the work of the Western section during the past year. 3. The warm thanks of the General Assembly are hereby accorded to tho Church of Scotland, tho Presbyterian Church in Ireland, aud the Free Church of Scotland, for their liberal contributions in aid of tho Home Mission work of the Church. 4. The sum of fifty dollars (>^-'A)} is hereby granted to tho llev. Robert Torrance, for expenses incurred as Convener of the Conimittoo on the distribution of Probationers for tho Western section, and in recognition of Mr. Torrance's valuable services to tho Church. Tho Assembly, in recognizing tho important services rendered by tho Students' Missionary Associations, renew the advice tendered to such Associations by last General Assembly. G. As tho Trustees of New Westminster Church, in British Columbia, have com- plied with the conditions re(iuired Ijy a former Assembly, the suui of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200), for the past year is hereby granted to Mr. Jamiosou, and the Assembly request him, in order to the continuance of tlie grant, to send the necessary statistics either dh'ectly through tho Session or through the Presbytery with which he is connected. 7. In regard to Manitoba, the Assembly (1) liequire each station, or group of stations, hereafter to guarantee a certain siuu per annum or for each Sabbath's supply according to tho ability of the people. ('2) Instruct the Presbytery of Manitoba to forward before the 1st October in each year to the Home Mission Committee a statement of the amount which each station has agreed to pay, and which, in the opinion of the Prosbyterj', is an ecjuitablo smu to be contributed by each station. 8 [145] JM ACTS AND l'KO( i;l.I)IN(l.i 01 Till': TIIIl;i) olitaiii siicli addilioiial MiKHionuries as in tiicir Jmlj^'niont may lie drcmcil nc'ct'ssary fur thai field ; and fiirllier, ('in)i tho Hivtial SclioiiifM of tlio Cliiircli. 17. Tho Asst'iulily horoby iinpuwi r Iho Wtstorn Hub-Couuiiiltoo to f,'niiit to weak coiiKn'KatioiiH in (lisliiut or dcHtitute I'iuUh hucIi aid m iiuiy in thoir Jiid>,'iaoiit be noci'H- sary, aUliuiii,'li this aid may bo in cxci^k of the aniniuil poiinittcd liy tho niltm which aru laid down tor tln^ ^'iiidaucD ul' the Coinniiltco, witli iustnicliim to ru[i(ii'l tlioir action lu all NUcli cuHos to the Lluneral AHhcnibly. IH. The AsHonibly ducia it inuxpodicnt to adopt ho radical a chanMo in tho niodo of c )ndiictinK tho llonio Mission svork as is proposed in tho Ovorturo IVoiu tho I'loshytory i,f London, aiu'ut an 'usi^Miiuont of tho luttna^'eiuont thereof to llio suvoral Synods of tlio (Mmrch. !'.». Tho Assnnildy rejoice to learn that the eil'ort made last yoar by tho Wostcrn sub- Ciiinniittoo to hipiidati' tiio dclit lias boon so HUCcosBful uh to roali/.o the Hum of eiKht tholl^Jilnd seven hnndriMl and ninoty-oiu) dollars (^H,7'.)l)— almost tho entire amount re- i|iiire(l ; and at tho sauio tiui'' re;,'rot to observe that several rresbytorios have failed to contribute that portion of the assessment assi^'ued to them. TllANKSCilVlNCl UAY. Dr. Toin), on luiliiiU' of the Committee apiioiuted to memoriali/e his Excellency tho (Jovornor-Genoi'iil in ro^jard to the iipijointment of a uniform Thanksyivinjj-day through- niit the Dominion, reported vorlially. In terms oi tho report, tho iMoilerator was om- pouorod to correspond with tho authorities of tho other reli^'ious denominations as well as with the Goveruor-Gunoral, with a viuw to bocure this dosirablo end. " THK I'RESflYTKKIAN KKCORD." Mr. J. 0. Daxtor presented a report tVoin the Committee appointed to consider the report anoiit " riie i'rosl)yterian Ivocoru." Said reptu-t is of the following tenor, viz. : — '* The Oommittoo dosire to express yralilicatiou on account of tho circulation and success of tho Itecord. Further, tho Committee, sensible of tho services rendered by Mr. Croil, refjret to learn that h" declines to continue the duties of Editor beyond the current year, ending' Decemlior, 1H77 ; and reconnuend as his successor the llev. K. H. Warden, bet^inniu^' with tho issue of iH7H. Lastly, the Committee suLf^jost tiuit Mr. Warden's salary as Editor be pix him- drod dollars (^(jOd) annually, and that Mr. Uobort Murray, of Halifax, be retained as Assistant EcUtor at the annual salary of two hundred dollars ()ii!2U())." On motion of Dr. McGregor, seconded by Dr. Jenkins, the Assembly agreed to re- ceive and adopt tho report with tho exception of that portion of it relating to tho Editor, ill regard to which it was resolved as follows: — The Assembly hereby reconls its satisfac- tion with Mr. Croi''s past servicts and its desire for their continuance ; but, should ho after reconsideration still press his resignation, the Assembly autiiorizcs the Publication Cumniittoe to make arrangements for the editing of the " ilecord" till the 'iieeting of next Uenoral Assembly. FOUEION MISSIONS. The Assembly called for the report of the Committee ciiargi.'d with tho consideration of tho reports on Foreign Missions, which was given in and read by Mr. John Liing. It was agreed to receive tlio sumo and consider its paragraphs seriatim . In accordance with its reccnnniendations, slightly amended, it was I'esolvedas follows, viz.: — 1. The Assembly record thou- gratitude to Almighty God for tho large and one enrag- ing measure of success vouchsafed during the past year to all tho dopartm uit-i of tho Mi-i- siou work of the Church. They also learn with satisfaction that new places are opening [U7J 86 At'TH ANJi I'HOCKKblNOH OK illK TIIIUI* OKNKUAli AHHKMHI.Y OK tr up, into which tho CJmrch in eiillinl upon to ontor, ami that thuro in n ^ooil prospect of an incr(iaHiii({ iMiMilKtr of labuurcrH, who uro prupuriuK for thosu ticUlH which uru ovcu now white for tho liarvont. '2. Thaui(H arc (hio and arc horoL}' n luloroil to Ixitli Hootionn of thuC'imimittco for the very otViciout uud puin.stukiug munucr iu which thoy huvu diuchurgoil the Iruut cuuimiltod to thoui. a, Tho AHHombly authorize a K(!paratiou botwoon tho luiHsionwork anionj^'tho IndiariH and tho niaiiitonauco of GoHpol ordinaucrs anionf^ the HctlU th at llic I'rincc Alhtat MisHion iu tlio North- \V»'Ht— tho Hcliool to l)0 inaiutaiuod iu tiio luoautinio iu couuootiou with and under the HuporviHion of tho Foreign MiwHiou, jjut thi' supply of Oospol ordinances to tho EnghKh-Hpoaiiinj,' pooplo to dovolvo on tho Homo Mission Conimittoo. 4. Tiie AHsonibly onipowor tho Foroigii Mission Commit too to sond another Mission- ary to tho Islaiul of Formosa, if tho stato of tho funds sliould warrant tho nocossarily in- croaaod oxpondituro. Further, tho Assoiultly agree, iu tlio event of tlio llov. J. Frasor Campbell aiguityiug Iuh desire to bo at Indore in connection with Mr. Douglas, to accede to his wish ; his support from January 1st, 1H7H, to dovolvo on the funds of the Western section of the Foroi;^'n Mission Committoo. 5. The Assembly authorize tho Foreign Mission Committoo to send deputations to visit the congregations of tho Church or to employ other suitable means to evoke increas- ing liborahty in support of this ychemo. 0. Tho Assembly loavo the appointment of a fourth Missionary to Trinidad witli tho Bub-Committee for tho Maritime Proviuses, to bo dealt with as thoy may find it to ba ex- podiout and practicable. 7. With a view to awakon deeper interest in the Mission work of tiio Church by alTord- ing more full and accm-ato information, tho Assembly authorizo tho Wostorn sub (J jm - mitteo to procure suitable wall-maps of the dilTorent Mission-lields, and instruct bath sec- tions of tho Committoo to furnish interesting information rosp jctiug tho origin and history of our several Missions. B. Tho Assembly refer for consideration to tho Foreign Mission Connnittne tho sn'>icct- mattor of tho following recommendation, viz.: — " The Committoo suggest to tho Goi I " Assembly that it would bo desirable to recommend tho formation of Woman's Ft reign " Mission iSociotios ineach Presbytery of the Church, with branch societies in tho suvoral " congregations of tho Presbytery ; ond that tho Prosbytorial S jcioties should, if they see " lit, sond their reports to the Convonors of tho sub-0 jm'nittoos on b'oroiga Missions aud " theii' contributions to tlio Treasurers of the Foreign Mission funds." COLLEGES. Tho report of tho Committee, appointed to consider tho reports on the several Collegob and Halls of the Church, toguthor with the Overture from the l'iosi)ytory of Manitoba, was given in and road. It was agreed to receive tho same aud consider its paragraphs seriatim. In accordance with its recommendations, the Assembly unanimously decerned as follows, viz.: — KNOX COLLEGK. 1. The Assembly approve of tho proposal, contained iu tho report of tho College Board, for li(]uidating tho debt on the ordinary fund, aud authorize a Committee, consist- ing of Dr. Topp, Convener, Principal Caven, Dr. Proudi'oot, Dr. Robb and Mr. J. M. King, to appeal to tho friends of the Institution with a view to secure this desirable end. 2. The Assembly authorize such portion of Dr. Wilhs' retiring allowance to be paid from the Fund for Aged and luiirm Ministers as lio would bo entitled to, were ho a Min- ister retiring from a pastoral charge in the ordinary way. L148] TIIK I'KKHIIYTKUIAN (!llll|Uil IN CANADA. 87 !l. Tlifi AHHrnildy appoint a rcminiittfo, onnsiHHnj' of Prinripal Snn(lj,'rft«f<, Cnnitrnrr, Trincipnl Cavpii, I'liiicipiil McVicivr, rrituipiil Conk, riiiicipiil McKiiiulit, I'rofcssor Mac- k(!rraH, I'rolcHHor Mcliart'ii, ProfcHsor Camiilpcll, ^^osn^H. (1. >[. Omul mi I J. M. King, to consider tho wholo riuowtion of Tln'olouical I'.iliiciitioii in connection witli tlic Hovoral rollt'},'CH, PKpf'ciiilly with tlu> view of .scciirin',' siniiliirily, aw fur an niiiy lio di'i'iiiotl dcHir- ft|)l«', ill tli(! curriculum of these institiitioiiH. I'miIIh r, the AsHeiidily refer t i tiiis Com- niitton the matter of granting' Degrees in Divinity, witli inBtnictionH to consider it in ro- hitiou to tho Hovoral CoUogeH of tho Church a»d report to next Assomhly. qukkn's cou.kok. The ARHond)Iy recognize the desiraldoncsH of having an additional i'rofessor in Tho- (dogy in tliis Institution so soon us the state of the finances shall admit, and recommend the IViinds <»f tho (!ollege to exercisf all pnssiMo lilierality in the way of incnasing tho cndowmout so that Huch appointment may ho made without unnecessary delay. THK rUKi .:YTKUIAN (JOLI.F.ai;, montrkal. 1. Tlio AsBcmlily instruct tho Treasurer of tho Western section of tho Church to pay the sum of Rovon Inunlred and lifty dollars cifToO) to the Treasurer of this College from tho fund contributed liy the territory assigned for the support of Queen's and Knox Col- leges. Tho Assenddy — desiring to have an eipial eare of the interests of the several Theo- logical Seminaries and to provide fur their maintenance in away which shall ho entirely just and oiiuitahlo to each of them, and taking into account tho groot ditlicultyof making u division of territory for tho support of tho Theological Colleges in Montreal, Kingston, and Toronto, in such manner as shall secure this impartiality of interest and prove satis- factory on all hands — ronut to Presbyteries for consideration tho qnoBtion of having a common Fund for the maintenance of said Colleges, to bo apportioned among them in a way just to tho claims and necessities of each. 2. Tho Assembly hereby appoint the Rov. J. Scrimgor, M.A., Loctnror, on the termfl mentioned in tho report of tho Doard of Management. 3. Tho Assembly empower tho Board to appoint a suitable Lecturer in connection with tho French work of tho College. 4. The Assembly sanction tho appointment of a Coramittoo by tbo r>oard of Manage- ment to dovise and adopt means to li(]uidatc at once tho debt on tho ordinary fund. KNDOWMRNT. The Assembly hereby express a strong opinion in favour of largely increasing the en- dowmon'.s of the Theological Colleges, and, with the view of attaining this end, instruct tho Boards of the several Colleges to uso such means as in their judgment may seein proper to developo within the several College constituencies a sentiment in favour of endowment. THE THEOLOGICAL HALL, HALIFAX. The Assembly congratulate the authorities and friends of this Instituticm on tho great success that has thus far attended their elforts at endowment, and express the hope that such a sum may speedily bo reached as shall place it on a sccm'o and adequate finan- cial basis. MESSRS. OMAND AND CUNNINGHAM. The Assembly, in terms of the Overture from the Presbytery of ^lanitoba, encourage Messrs. Omand and Cunningham to prosecute their literary studies with a view to the Ministry at Manitoba College, and defer consideration of their theological training until such time as they are prepared to enter on the study of Theology. [149] 88 ACTS AND PROCEFDINGR OF THE THIRD GENERAL ASSKMT^LY OF w lif:: MANITOHA (;0I,1.KflK. Mr. D. H. Fletcher, Convener of tLo Crnunitteo nppointod at last Assembly to raise tlio annual revenue required for the maintenanee of Manitoba College with a view to re- lievo the Home Mission Fund of the charf^e of its support, fjave in a report hearing — " That a circular, staling that the amount anually re(|uired for the support of the College is near four thousand dollars (^4.(i()(i) and re (piestiiif.' Sessions and Con- gregations to contrihute to the same, was issued, as directed hy the Assembly. That only a few have responded to this call, viz.: — Halifax, St. IMatthew's, $rA) ; Halifax, Fort Masscy, ^40 ; Toionto, St. Andrew's, l^'iO ; Toronto, Gould St., »ii() ; Hamilton, McNab St., «'20 ; HiMxrt, n'n.'M) : Montreal, St. Joseph St., $10; Ottawa, Knox, f 10 ; Thnmesford, SIO; Flandoio We.st, ^21)0- Watei- down, Knox, $2; Home Mission Fund of Maritime I'rovinces, ftl88. The whole amounting to $399.60. That the attention of Western Synods was directed to the necessity of for- warding ar oon as possible to the Treasurer the amount expected from them to- wards the new Collegiate Building at Winnipeg, and that in res-ponse thereto the amount expected from the Synoel of Hamilton and London, viz., five hundred dollars (^oOO). has been contributed. The Synod of Toronto and Kingston at its last meeting apportioned its (juota of five hundred dollars (Sr)00) among its several Presbyteries, and it is confidently hoped that the whole amount will in a short time be forwarded to the Treasurer. That your Committee did not correspond with the Parent Churches, as a special Committee appointed by the Assembly was bringing before the attention of these (/hurches the whole matter of aid to this Church in a statement, in which the special claims of Manitoba were forcibly urged. That it may be regarded as a result of this appeal that larger grants were given last year than before tobeith sectiems of the Home IMission Committee, though no direct contribution to Manitoba College has yet been sent. The Committee, however, hope that a grant or grants may be received from the Churches in Brit- ain ai'd Ireland." It was moved by Mr. G. M. Grant and seconded by Dr. Burns, That, in order to meet the deficit of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine dollars and seventy-two cents, ($2,869.72) against Manitoba College, as well as the expenditure for the current year, two thousand dollurs ($2,000) be paid from the Western and five hundred dedlars ($5(!0) from the Eastern Section of the Home Mission Committee; and that the special Committee be re- appointed to app.^al urgently to our congregations and to wealthy members of the Church, and also to the Parent Churches on behalf of the College. It was moved in amendment by Mr. Laing and seconeled by Mr. McCuaig, That the motion be ameueled by inserting one thousa'.ul dollars (%i],000)in place of two thousand dollars (|2(1(,'0) as the contribu- tion from tht W^estem section of the Church. A vote having been taken, the motion was carried over the amendment ond became the Judgment of the House. The Assembly adjourned to meet in this place this evening at eight o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and thie !^f deruut was closed with the Benediction. TWENTY-SECOND SEDERUNT. ill the same j)lace and on the same day, at eight o'clocJc in thr evening: — The General Assembly eif the Presbyterian Church in Canada met jmrsuant to ad- journment and was constituted bj' the i\Ioderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Rev. James Ross. APPLICATION For. LEAVE TO RETIRE. Mr. J. W. Mitchell, on behalf of the Committee appointed to consider the applications oi Ministers for leave to retire from the active tlutics ef the IMinij-trv and to have their [150] THK TRESBYTEBIAN CnilRCH IN CANADA. 89 naiiioR retained on 1 lie it 1] of their respective rrepbyteries, presentc d a repoil. Snid re- port was ordered to lie reccinniilti'd. As several mendicrs ol'thc Coniniittee luve left llul- ifax, Dr. Bell, Messrs. Julm Laing, Dunean Morrison ; Itul'erl Cassels, were added to (ho (committee. FUKNCn KVANiirr.IZATION. The Assemlily called for the report (!' the ("nuiiuitteo appointed to consider the re- port of the Board of Fr* nch Evaiiirelizatimi, which was piven in, road and recoived. In terms of its rcconuuendations, tlio Assomhly resolved — 1. To record tlieir frratitnde to Alniifjlity God for the sifjnal success with which this d( partnient of our Mist^idu worl< lias been favoured during the past year, and heartily conuiund it to the liberal suppfirt of the Church. 2. To reconnnend that, in order to avoid confusion, all moneys contributed to the supi)ort of French Fvanj^'elization be sent direct to the Treasurer, the Rev. 11. H. Warden. 210 St. James Street, Montreal. 5J. To place the entii'e control of the woik of French Evancrelixatiommder one Board of )uanai,'enient. which shall carry on its o]). OuiiiTc, jVIiriisttrR ; Mos.srs. ^Val•(I(■^ Kin;,', Aloxandor Mac']ilif rsoii, -lamoK Cnurt, Alcxaiidfr .Moflat. .Tosrpli IMcKay, J. Stirling,', James Crdil, A. K. EwiiiK, A. C Ilntcliisoii, W. 1'. Eojier, John L. Morris, Itoliert Anderson, David Mon-ice, AVilliani lioss, Jolm Devinc, David Yuill, A. T. Drnmmond, John C. Thomson, James ^Valker (Ifamilton). The mcuiLers of the Board resident in ^fontrr al to form the Execxitive Committee. Xlll. ]\IISSlON TO TnE LUMBERMEN. Mr. D. M. Gordon, Convener ; Dr. Ilain, jMessrs. Solomon ^^ylne, William Burns, William Moore, Kohert Caniidull (]\iacnal) and IToi ten), W. D. Bnllantyne, D. J. Mc- Lean, James Fraser, John Bennett, INIinisters ; Hon. O'-orf,'0 Bryson, Messrs. Andrew Drummoud, Gee rge Hay, Archibald Garrioch, Kobeit Croskory, S. S. M. Hunter. XIV. ON THE STATE OF BELIGTON. Mr. Duncan jMoriison, Ccnviner; Prot'essor Bryce, Messrs. Thomas Duncan, Wm. Burns, William Donald, J. W. Mitchell. XV. ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. ^h•. John l\rcEwen, Convcnir; Dr. Bjell, Jfessrs. J. Thomson (Ayr), Thomas Mc- Guire, Ministers ; Messrs. W. N. Hossie, Peter Marshall. XVI. ON SABBATH OBSERVANCE. Messrs. R. Laird and W. T. McMidlcn, Joint-Conveners ; Dr. McLcod, Dr. Black, Dr. Bain, MesFrs. Robert Wallace, Donald Mcllae, J. C. Baxter, F. W. Faiiif s, Francis Andrews, Janice T. Paul, Walter M. Roger, John Ijadie, James Boyd, Andrew Barron, Ministers; Messrs. J. 15. Blanchard, liobcit IMuiray, A. F. Foot, G. S. Ilobart, James neudcrsou. XVII. ON "THE PRESBYTERIAN RECORD." Dr. Jenkins, Convcnf r, I'rofessor Campbell, Messrs. Robert Campbell (Montreal), J. C. Baxter, J. S. P.lack, and the Editor. XVIIT. WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND. I. OF T H i: LATE CANADA PKESHYTERIAN CHURCH. Messrs. W. Alexander and T. W. Taylor, Joint-Conveners ; Dr. Reid, Messrs. James Dick, James Pringlc, William Fraser, George Burson, Ministers ; Messrs. James Brown, J. K. !Macdouald, J. Osboruo, Thomas Gordon, A. Mutchmojo, James Bethune, Warden King. II. OF THE LATE rKESHYTEIUAN CHURCH IN THE LOWER rROVINCES. Mr. D. B. Blair, Convener; Dr. Patterson, Secretary; Dr. McLeod, Dr. McCuUoch, Messrs. John Stewart, Alex. Ross. W^. Maxwell, Thomas Sedgwick, A. L. Wyllio, James Bennet, James Law, John McKinnon, E. A. McCi;rdy, L. G. JfcNcill, iMinisters; Messrs. Howard Primrose, George Ilattie. John S. McLean, James D. McGregor. in. OF THE LATE PRKaBYTEniAN CHUltCH IN THE MARITIME PROVINCES IN CONNECTION WITH TUK CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Mr. J. J. Bromner, Convener ; Mr. George Mitcliell, Trtasurer ; IMessrs. G. M. [151] TIIK PRKSr.YTKKIAN rHT-RCII IN CANADA. 48 Grant, Alex. McLean, Jnmos Andoison. .1. ^I. Sutherland, Ministers; Messrs. (icor^'o McLean, J. Nicholson, James S. Macdouukl. XIX. AGED AND INFIKM MINISTERS' FUND. I. FOR THK WKSTKUN SKCTION OF TUF, <,'inil!('ll. Mr. l\n(l(llcmiRs, Convener; Messrs. .lohi; Scott (North Itrnce), Richard TJowtliy, Geor^'o Simpson, H. ]\ic(^)tiarrie, Itohert Leask, Daniel Mctiillivraj", IMnnj^'o Frasi r, TMinisters ; Messrs. Wilham Walker, Alexander Maephersou, James Croil, Thomas Me- Crao, George Iladdcu. II. FOR THE MARITIMK I'ROVINCKS. Dr. Patterson, Convener; I'riucipal iMcKnif,'ht, Dr. Murray, Messrs. Gcorp;o Roddick, A. Pioss. II. B. McKay, R .li-ii Cummin^,', A. McL. Sinclair, J. H. Chase, .John McMil- lan (Truro), Ministers ; Messrs. Howard Prinn'os.', G. Underwood. XX. ON FINANCE. I. TORONTO SECTION. Hon. John MclMnrrich, Convener; Dr. Reid ; ^Messrs. J. L. IJlaikie, Charles Diivid- son, J. K. Macdonald, James Maclennan, James Brown, John Kerr, Archibald Mc- Murchy (Toronto), James B, Fairbairn. II. .\rOMTRE4I- SF.GTION. Mr. Warden King, Convener ; Messrs. Robirt Campbell (^Montreal), R. II. Warder;, Ministers; Messrs. James Croil, P. J. Ross, David Morrice, J. Stirling, J. L. Morris. ill. HALIFAX Si:CTION. Mr. John S. McLean, Convener ; Judge James, Messrs. J. J. Bremnor, J. W. Car- michael. XXI. STATISTICS. Mr. Robert Torrance, Convener : Principal McKni<;ht. Dr. Bell, Dr. Waters, Mr. II. II. Macpherson, Ministers ; Messrs. James Croil, W. Mitchell, R. Lawrie, D. Me- llac, James Maclennan. XXII. ON THE PROTECTION OF CHURCH PROPERTY. Mr. James Maclennan, Convener ; Dr. Bell, Dr. Urc, jVIr. Thomas Macpherson, Ministers ; Messrs. James Cowan, D. B. Maclennan, Thomas McLean, J. L. Blaikie. The appointment of a Committee to watch over public education in the Maritiit.e Provinces was referred to the Synod of the ;\[aritime Provinces, and the Buxton Finance Trust was transferred to the care of the Synod of Haniiltf Kingston, in connexion with the rresliytcriiui Church in Canada," was read and received. FIUE AT ST. JOHN, N.B. Dr. Reid road a tclcf,"'nphic despatch whicli ho Iiad received from the llov. Dr. Waters and the Kev. Wui. Mitchell, stating that tho Churches of St. Andrew's and St David's had been hurned in the recent fire which had desolated the City of St. fohn — that said fire had very seriously crippled the financial resources of the niondjors of their coDgrega- tious, and requesting the Apsembly to commend the case of these congregations to the Church at large, that they may receive assistance in rebuilding their places of worship. It was agreed to refer this communication for consideration to a Committee, consisting of Messrs. G. IM. Grant, l\. Cassels, W. Adamson and Dr. Macdouald, with instructions to report. The members of this Committee were permitted to leave the Coiirt for a time. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO RETIRE. The Assembly called for the report of the Committee appointed to consider the applications of Ministers for leave to retire, and of Presbyteries to have the names of certain Ministrrs retained, and of Ordained IMissionarics placed on the roll of their rospectivo Presbytoiies, which was given in and road by Mr. .1. W ]\ritchell. It was agreed to receive the same and consider its paragraphs seriatim.. After discussion of several clauses, it was agi-ced to recommit the report. FIRE AT ST. JOHN, N.B. Mr. G. M. Grant, on behalf of the Committee appointed to consider the tolegi-aphic message from St. John, gave in a report. In accordance with its recommendations, it was resolved as follows, vi?; : — The General Assembly, having already expressed their deep sympathy with the afilicted people of St. John, and now learning that the churches under the charge of respected and valued brethren, the Eev. Dr. Waters and the Rev. W. Mitchell, have been burned down, and knowing that in the circumstances their o^-n congregations will be unable to rebuild them, commend the case to the Church generally, as one peculiarly calling for sympathy and ready aid. ADMISSION OF MINISTERS AND LICENTIATES FROM OTHER CHURCHES. The Assembly took up consideration of the report of the Committee on the recejition of IMinisters and Licentiates from other Churches, which was given in and read by Mr. -T, McEwen. The report was received. In terms of its recommendations, the Assembly resolved — 1. To admit INIessrs. Abraham Beamer, James Campbell, J. L. Robertson, and R. D. Duclos as Ministers of this Church. 2. To remit to the Synod of the Maritime Provinces the application of Mr. James Fitzpatrick, a Licentiate of +he Presbyterian Church iu the United States of America, to be received as a Probationer of this Church. fj. To remit Mr. C .acrle to the care of the Presbytery of Montreal for a year, with a view to the direction of his studies ; but require that Presbytery to make a fresh apphc- ation to the Supreme Court of the Church, before they admit him to the status of a Minister of this Church. The Assembly further resolved to receive Mr. B. Ouriere, as a Minister of this Church ; biit, consideri'^g that there is diversity of opinion on the question of Roman Catholic ordination, and agreeing that this act is not to be regarded as a precedent decisive of the question, refer the general question of Roman Catholic ordination to a Committee, con- [15G] THE PUESUYTERIAN CIIUIICII IN CANADA. i; onnexion sisting of Mr. John Laiag, Convenor, Professors I'oUok, Mowat, Orogg anil C'liinpholl, with instructions to report to next Assembly. From this decision aucnt the reception of Mr. Ouriero Mr. Laing disseuteii. A ilelmto arose on the following appUcations, viz : — 1. Mr. E. lloberts. — The Conuuittee declined to recommend the application made m his behalf by the i'rosbytery of Lunenburg and Yarmouth, to the oU'ect that, if the Presbytery should, on further examination, be satisflcl with his views on doctrine and Church government, the Synod of the Maritime Provinces might be allowed to take iinal action in the case, and that the Presbytery bo permitted to employ him in the meantime in the Mission-held. It was moved by Mr. John Smith and duly secomled. That the recommendation of the Committee be adopted. It was moved in amendment by Mr. Neil AIcKay and seconded by Mr. Wilham Eraser, That the Presbytery continue their caio of Mr. lioberts, and report to next General Assemlily. A farther amendment was moved by Mr. Ilobert Ilall and seconded by Mr. Houston, That the request of the Presbytery be granted. A vote having been taken, the first amendment was carried over both the second amendment and the motion, and in terms thereof Mr. lioberts was remitted to the care of the Presbytery of Lunonburgh and Yarmouth. ^ 2. Mr. WiUiam Galloway. — The Committee recommended that Mr. Galloway be placed under the care of the Presbytery of London, with a view to the prosecution of his studios at one of our Colleges. It was moved by Mr. Tolmio and seconded by Mr. Thomas Duncan, That the recommendation of the Committee be adopted. It was moved in amendment by Mr. G. M. Grant and seconded by Mr. Robert Hall, That the Assembly decuno to entertain the proposal anent Mr. Galloway. A vote having been taken, the motion was carried over the amondment, and tho Moderator declared accordingly. 3. Mr. Gilbert A. Smith. — The Committee recommended that Mr. Smith, who had prosecuted his studios to some extent in our Colleges at Toronto and Montreal, and had afterwards become a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, bo taken on trial for a ye£«r and be employed in mission work. It was moved and duly seconded, That the recommendation of the Committee be adopted. It was m)ved in auiondiuent to this by Mr. McAli)ine and seconded by P" fessor Bryce, That the application of Mr. Smith be not entertained. A vote having beei. aken, the amendment was carried over the motion and became the judgment of the House. \ [ PERMISSION TO LICENSE STUDENTS. Mr. McOuaig, Convener, presented a report from the Committee on the Licensure of Students of Divi.ity. The report was received and, in terms of its recommendations, the Assembly agreed to grant leave to the Presbyteiy of Quebec to take Messrs. John C. Oattanach and Finlay M. Dewey on probationary trials for license. Similar leave was accorded to the Presbytery of Montreal, with respect to Messrs. Ilobert Hamilton, F. Maclennan, A. C. Morton, M. F. Bjudreau, and N. McPhee. To tho Presbytery of Kingston, with respect to Mr. Alexander McGillivray. To the Presbytery of Toronto, with respect to Messrs. A. II. Kennedy and W. D. Wilson. To the Presbytery of Barrie, with respect to Mr. Alexander Ilussell. To the Presbytery of Paris, with respect to Mr. li. P. Mackay. To the Presbytery of Hamilton, with resp ect to Mr. A. A. Scott. To the Presbytery of Guolph, with respect to Mr. li jbert Fowhe. To the Presbytery of London, with respect to Mr. Peter Goklie. To the Presbytery of Owen Sound, with respect to Messrs. A. H. Kippan and Alexander Nicol. To the Presbytery of Saugeen, with respect to Mr. Alexander Mackenzie. To the Presbytery of Bruce, with respect to Mr. Hugh McKay. To the Presbytery of Chatham, with respect to Mr. A. McFarlane. And to the Presbytery of Lindsay, with respect to Mr. J . J. Henry, on his producing satisfactory evidence of his attendance for a session at Kuux CoUogo, Columbia, South Carolina. [157] I ' ; V 46 t AOTM ANI> FUOL;Et!:i)INUS OK Till': TUIUD UKNEllAL ASSKMIILY UK A(ii;i) AND INl'IUM MlNISTKltS I'UND OF TOK LATK C. 1'. CIIUUCH. Tlio Assombly called for the report of tlio (Jounnittoo for inanii;^'in},' tlio A;,'('(l uiid Inlii'iH ^^illiKtorK' Fund of the Ir.tn Caiuula I'rosbytorian CImrcli, which was f,'i\ )ii in, read and r(3Cf'ivod. With roforciico to Mv, ]{. I). Alackay, it waKdnly movodaiid Kocondod, Tliat tlio Ashoiii- bly doclinc to placo his uaiiio on the roll of annuitants. It wlis moved in aniondinont by iMr. Uobort Hall and seconded by Mr. IMcAlpino, That the Coniniittoo correspond with tiio I'l-cHbytory of Stratford in n t'ercnco to tliis case and snlmiit the matter to next Uonoral Assembly. A vote haviiif,' buen taken, tuo anioudiuout was carried over the motion, and the Moderator declared accordinf,'ly. On motion of Mr. Tolmie, secondel by Dr. Btirn^, tho Assombly agreed to entertain favourably tho a|)plicatii,'n of tho Presbytory of Hamilton in favour of Mr. i\)rtoous formerly of Beverly, and refer it to tlio Committee. In ref,'ard to Mr. .Meldrum, late of Ilarrinj^ton, it was moved by Mr. McAlpino, and seconded iiy Mr. W. Adamson, That tho .\s3ombly decline to entertain Mi-. M ;! Iriim's application. It was moved in avnondnnnt by Mr. McOiiai;,' and socoiided Ity Mr. 11. F. Gunn, that this application be referred to the Committeo for further consideration. A vote having' be(;u taken, the amuuduieut was carried over the motion and became tho find- ing of tho House. SEKVICES FOR SAIillATlI. The Moderator intimated that Divine service would be conducted in this church to- morrow, by tho Ibllowiii^ Ministers, viz : — The llev. 1). J. Macdoimell, L.i)., in tho forenoon. Tho Rov. J. W. iNIitchell, M.A., in tho oveuiug. Tho ABsembly adjourned to meet intliis place on Monday forenoon, at half-past nine o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this tiuderuut was close I with the Bouodictiou. TWENTY-FOURTH SEDERUNT. At Halifax, and tvithin St. Matthoiu's Church there; Monday ^ tho twenty-Jiftli day of June, one thousand eight Itundred and aeventy-secen years : — Which day tho Goueral Assembly of the Prosbyterian Church in Canada met pur- suant to adjournment, and was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. ])cvotiunal services were conducted l^y tho Re\. John Crombie. The Minutes of tho Twenty-third Sederunt were read and sustained. APl'LICATIONS FOB LEAVE TO RETIRE, AND RETENTION OF NAMES ON ROL, , Tho report of the Committee, charged with the consideration of the applic otions of Ministers for ler.vo to retire from tho active duties of th J Miaistry, and those relating to the retention or placing of certain names on Presbytery Pulls, rjomuitted on Saturday, was given in, read and received. In accordance with its recommendations, the Assembly resolved to grant leave to Messrs. Thomas ilacphersou, John Porteous, James Herald, li. Dewar and Dr. Barrie to retire from the active duties of tlio Ministry. With referonco to the retention of the names of these Ministers on chc II oil of the Presbytery to which they respectively bsloug, it was mjved by Dr. Jenkins and soconlod by Mr. Binnie, Tiiat no further names of retired Ministers be retained ou Presbytery [lu8J Till-; I'niisiiY'iKuiAN ciitmcii in canada. 47 If lldlls, until tlio mind of tlio Chnrch in regard to tliis sulijcct lio ascprtainctl by nmittinf,' tilt' ^{ont'nil (lUCKtiou to I'rt'sbytcric's for considi ration, it was moved in amendiiiont to tills Ity l>r. i>nnis and seconded liy I'rofi'ssor JJrycc'riiiit ilio wliulo Asseml) Mr. J. in the over tho '\lJ.: THE PREHIIYTERIAN CFIfRCU IN CANADA. 40 FINANCE. Reports of the Finance CoinmittoeH for tlio Toronto and TTftlifax sections wore given in and read. It was a>{roed to receive tlio same and approve Uio diliyeuco of the Committees. 4UEHTI0NS TO OFFICE UEAKERS AND FORMULA. Tho Aspoiubly resolved to adont ad interim the (picstions to be put to oft'ice-bearors, and tho formula to be Huliscribod by them, allowed to lie over from last Assemldy {uide Minutes 1H70. pp. 70, 71), and to si'ud down the same to Presbyteries *".r considera- tion iu terms of the Barrier Act, with instructions to report to next Assembly. EXI'ENSKS OF COMMI»8IONK,HH TO THE OENERAl, ASSEMBLY. The Clerk produced and read nn Overture from the Presbytery of Urockville, craving tho Assembly to devise such a scheme as in its wisdom it may see lit, for the equitable dis- tribution over the whole Churcii of the expenses of Commissioners to the General Assembly, and to submit the same for the cont-ideriition of Presbyteries duriuf,' the present year. It was moved by Mr. W. 1). BuUaiityue and seconded liy Dr. Jenkins, That tho overture be received and that, in terms thereof, a Committee bo appointed by the Assembly, to draw up an ecjuitable scheme for defrayin;,' the travelling expenses of Commissioners to the General Assemldy, with instructions to report at next meeting of Assembly. To this it was moved in amendment by Mr. G. M. Grant and seconded by Mr. .7. W. Mitchell, That the matter of paying the expenses of Commissioners be left in the hands of Presbyteries. A vote having; been taken, the amendment was carried over the motion and became the finding of the House. OVERTURES ANENT AMUSEMENTS. There was next read an Overture from the Presbytery of Ottawa, praying the Assembh- to take into consideration the duty of Church members with relation to amusements, and to issue such a Pastoral Letter as may lead to more intelligent and consistent action on their part with reference thereto. On uiutiou to that effect, this overture was received. The Assemljly adjourned to meet iu this place this evening at half-past seven o'clock, of which public intimation was made, and this Sederunt was closi d with the Benediction. TWENTY-SIXTH SEDERUNT. In the same place and on tlie same day, at half-paat sven o'clock iii tlie evening : — The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church iu Canada met pursuant to adjournment and was constituted by the Moderator. Devotional services were conducted by the Ilev. James Black. The Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Sederunt were read and susnuned. REGULATIONS ANENT PROBATIONERS AND VACANCIES. The Assembly adopted ad in terim the lle, p. iidy ontrustod to them. Ft was also ajjreed to iuHtruct the Committoo to print and send ilown to I'resbyteiies such further portion of Procedure, as they lay he ahlo to prepare within the next six months. COMMITfKK ON OoUUKSI'ONDKNCK wmi OTUKll ('UUKCUI'IS. Principal Snodj^rass, Principal Caven, Dr. Topp, I )r. .Tenkina, Dr. McOroi,'or, I'ro- fessor McLaren, Mr. O. M. Grant, Mr. T. W. Taylor, were ro-appointod a Committee on Correspondence with other Churches — Principal Snodgrass to be Convener. COMMITTI'.K ANKNT MODK Ol' AI'l'OINTINti COMMITTKKS OF ASSK.MIII.Y. Tlio folliwinj,' members of Assembly, viz : — Mr. Lain*,', Convt'Hfr, Dr. Ueid, Professor McLaren, Professor Mackerras, Messrs. Willinm l''raser, Middlemiss, .lOhn Smith, .Tames Brown, W. Adamson, J. B. Pairbairn, Walter Kerr, J. Uatclirfe, wore appointed a (,'om- mittoc in terms of tho resolution adopted at tho Seventeenth Sederunt to prepare a recommendation as to tho whole mode of appuintirig Committees of Assembly, to bo .submitted to next Assembly. iMKMoiUAi, ani;nt tempkrancp:. Tiie Clerk read a Memorial from the Dominion Alliance for the total suppression of the Licpior TrafBc. The f)Uowin<,' motion was proposed l)y Dr. Burns, seconded by Mr. G. M. Grant and passed nuanimousl}', Tlie Assembly reiterates its testimony as to the enormous evils entailed by intemperance on tho Church and tho world. The Assemblj' expresses satis- faction at the progress of legislation for the repression of these evils, and at the growth of a healthful Temperance sontiment throui^'hont the community. Further, the Assembly instructs Sessions to have continued regard to tlu; causes and cure of intemperance within their respective hounds, and recommends to the office-bearers and members of our Church generally to cultivate and exemplify the principles of Bible temperance. COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRKSBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE U.S. Dr. Reid produced and read a communication received from the Presbyterian His- torical Society of the United States of America, desiring to be furnished witli the Minutes of this Church, and the several branches composing it, from the earliest date, with such •works delineating the history of Presbyteriauism in Canada as may have been published, with tho publishel monographs of our distinguished members and our Institutions of loarniug, ami in general with whatever may be judged helpful in collecting the materials for preserving the history of our common Presbyteriauism. This conuuunication was retVrrod to the Clerks of Assembly, with instructions to comply with tli'^ re(|uest of the said Historical Society, so far as it may be in their power to do so. [102] TIIK I'llKSltVTKHIAN (HlUiH IN i'ANADA. A PUBLIC COLLKCTKtNS. Tlio Assembly procoi'dtd to consider tlio inoilo in wliich moneys shcitild bo provided to meet tiio wants of tlie several Sclienies nf the Clnireh duiiiii,' tlie y(vir. On niotidii to that efl'oct, it was unaninioii'^ly rcsnlveil, Thai in CAiii^jre;,'atioiis, in whieh thero are not Missionaiy AssociatinUH, collections for the several Schemes shall bo taken up as follows, viz : I. French I'.vnn<,'< lization Third Sabbath of July. II. At,'ed anil Inlinii Ministers' Fund, and i „„ .,.,,,., ... .,,. , , 1,, , • I' 1 1 hud Sabbath ot AiiKUf^t. Widciws and Orpliaus lund ) III. Assembly I'liiid Last Sabbath of September. I\'. lund for CoUoices I'irst Sabbath of December. \'. Utiuie Mission Fund Fourth Sabbath of January. VI. I'lirei^'u Missiciu I'liiid Third Sabbath nf March. or on such other days as nuiy bo most convenient for the con^'rej,'atious. VOTKS OF THANKS. It was duly moveil, seconded and passed witli acclamation, 'i'hat the thanks of this Assembly are duo and are hereby f,'iven — 1. To the Christian friends in the city of Halifax n-ul the Town of I)artmouth, for thoir generous hospitality, as well as to the C'onnnittee i I Arran;,'ements, for the attention and caro with which they have dischart,'ed their onerous duties. •2. To the Minister and Trustees of St. Matthew's Church, for the accommodation idforded this meetiu]L,' of Asseniblj'. 3. To the several Hail way and Steamboat Comiianies, for tlieh' kindness in granting reduced fares. 4. To the Directors of the Dartmouth Ferry Company, for their kindness in carrying, free of charge, in thoir boats, the members of Assembly residing,' on the other side of the Harbour. 5. To the newspapers of this City, for their full and accurate reports of the proceed- ings of this Assembly. C. To the Postmaster of Halifax, for his kin(hiess in regard to postal conveniences furnished to the members of Assembly during this Session. The Minutes of this Sederunt were read and sustained. CLOSING OF SKSSION. The Moderator then addressed the Assembly. After prayer, in which Dr. Jenkins led, and singing Psalm cxxii. G-S), the ^Moderator said — In the name of the Lord Jesus Ciikist, the King and only Head of this Church, and by authority of this Assembly, I dissolve this meeting, and appoint tlie next annual meeting of Assembly to convene in the City of Haniilton, and within the Central ('hurch there, on the second Wednesday of June, one thousand C'^'hl hundred and seventy-eight yea>rs, at half-past seven o'clock, p.m. (Signet-,) HUGH McLEOD, D.D., i¥oder«^or. to .'er [108] *l HO e,e:poK;T OF THB HOME MISSION COMMITTEE OF THE PRESBYTEEIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. (WESTERN SECTION,) FOR 1876-77. should e.e:poe.t DF TIIK HOME MISSION COMMITTEE, op Tiir PPiESBYTERIAN CHUllCH IN CANADA. (WESTERN SECTION,) FOR 187()-"77. The Conimittec, in prcsontiiiK their second iinuuul lli'ijort to the tieiii'iiil Assembly, desire to ncknowledf^o with thanksi;iviiig, the f,'oodiiess (jf God continued (hiriiif,' imolher yeiir to the Connuittce — to the Missionaries and Miui^;ters nn(U-r its care, and to the many tields of hibour under its direction. '"Tlie Lord liatli done ^;rcat things for us, \vh(;reof we are f^hid.'' The har- mony of feeling existing on the suLject of Home Missions within the Committee itself, and the growing interest taken in the work liy tlie church at large, is most encouraging. As yet, how- over, we hut stand upon the threshold of our great work as a United Church, which is nothing less than to plant a church in every village and hamlet of our land, and send forth our mission- aries to the distant islands of the sea. With us it is still the day of small things, hut that same God who so highly bles.ied the churches from wliich we sprang, still lives to prosper us, in our endeavors to emulate their nii.-sionaiy spirit and realize their fondest expectations. (Jheered and encouragetl 1 v the past, let us go ft)rward to possess this goodly land; which tlu^ Lord God of our fathers \v (late tliey are move than 2,100. Tlio contvibution.s to the stipend fmid were then ^(l.HlS, now they aiiionnt to ■i?l-'),l."iO, cxchisivc f>f mission stations. For the schemes of the church was given then tlie Slim of ffl'M, of which one con^'regation '^nw. nearly a third. Last year we contributed !?1,H7'.(, to which has just been added S;J17, the amount in full asked fi'om this I'resbytery for Home Mission debt. Of the thirty-threi Presbyteries which eoiuiiose the Ast^emlily, Ijruce I'anks third in its con- tributions per commiini<'.ant for stipend fund, and fifth in avera;;l(>y, frame and brick 2(10 J'inkerton, frame 2(10 Teeswater, Westminster Church, brick ."iOO Tara, brick 100 Paisley, Knox Church, lirick HOO Allaiiford, lirick ;J00 Centre Bruce, brick 100 Kincardine, Knox Church 1000 \Valkcrton, St. Paul's Church, brick 100 Tee.swater, Zion Church, brick (iOO s crcc- terv ol COST. ?> 1,200 1,H00 1,1101) 7,000 .^.,0(10 10,000 l.HOO 1,000 20,000 7,000 H,(l(l() Lucknow, Kt. Andrew's Church, stone, tlie size and cost I have not learned. Jhist of the,-e buildini^'s are in such style that they would he an oriiament to any city, e? peeially those in Kin- cardine, Walkertou, Teeswater, Tara and Paisley. They are not all (juite liuishod nor fully paid for, but provision is eitlior already madi; or will soon be for Itoth. Besides the edifice. above almost every other congregation have enlarged or imi)roved thc'ir church In Port Elghi a handsome brick church has been finished. The building in Southampton has been i)ainted, and otherwise roiuiwed. In Salem the church has been enlarged, and in some cases debt on church property has been removed. Next to the church edifice the mi>nso receives the attention of a Christian iieo))l(; whose hoart.s arc warm to the Master. Of those not a few have been built or provided within three years. In North Bruce a fine brick manse, cost §2,000 Langside, fiamc.*. 700 Lucknow, Knox Church, brick .'i.OOO Teeswater, Zion Church, frame T. . . 700 Glenmorris, frame 1,;;00 Pine lliver, frame J^,000 Huron, fr.amo 1,000 Bipley 1)00 Underwood and (icntcr Bruce, brick 2,500 Lucknow, St. Andrew's Chur.n, cost I failed to learn. The aggregate expenditure fm' churches, manses and other imiirovements, must have beiu wall nigh onf. iiuNnaED thousand dollars, which in a county so recently settled atatime of finan- cial d(!pressian\/.- iiiK mission stntioiis, but tlicy wcro dotci tcmI lust yt^ftr hy tlio stiitc of tlm fiuiil from iiicnrriiig >ui incn'iisoit oxiicndituic. The Aymi)'.-< Avcnuo Chuvfh, St. Ciitliaiiiics, ^'ivcs ])idmisc! of soon bciiiK an important oonprt.^ation. It lias Loon worked in connection with Port Dalhousio ; hut the in- terests of hotli stations call for their se]iaration, and as soon as possible a imstor for each. Another station may be formed in connection with the Port. The stations at Fort lOrie and lIiilj.;wayiiro;,'rcss slowly. The new station at Kt.'nnedy's is successful, and an effort is to bo made to oi)en a station at Stro)nsville. Delhi, Kelvin and Windham have not been ref,'ularly ,-u|ii)lied. In a large section of country towards the Ijaki; Erie Shore' there is a field for mission- ijjy labour. The community are [ujorly supplied with churches of any denomination, and Sab- bath Schools arc neitlua' numerous nor eflicient. It is a field which would r(>ijuii'e missionaries of pecaliai' Rifts, able to adajit themselves to the state of the penidc ; and libera) aid from the elinich, and earnest work carried on for a term of yc^ars would undoubtedly rese.it in much guud. A Mission in the city of Hamilton will be undertaken immediately. Presbytery of Toronto. From the excix'diiif^'ly amjile and intorestinti report of Home Mission work in this Prcsby tery, we extract the following particulars: pRnrnosE and SuKLnrnNn. These stations we've supplied during the summer by a student, and met the expenses without assistance. On the Sth October a commodious church was (erected in Shelburne, and on the 10th of the same month Mr. Gilciu'ist was -ill for a time absorb resources otherwise available for ministerial supjiort, but the progress made is highly sat.-factory and encour'.^,'ing. Mount Aliieut and Ualliniuae. These statioi'.s have received ccnitinuons su|)i)ly throughout tliti year. A church has been erected at Ballintrae, and a congregation organized. Steps are being taken by the Presbytery to increase the contril)Utions of these stations, which have not been satisfactory, considering tlu; number of families included in tlu? liild. J^IoNo Mir.i.s, Cai.i;- Do.\ East and Sand Iliu.. Mono East and St. Anduuw'k (Jnuncn, Cai.kdon. Alton and Cal- EDON Wkst. t^uF.KNsvir.i.R, Me^IiLLAN'.s CouNr.RS, AND IJavknsuok, hav(! all received pnaching during the year, either by students sent by the Honn; Mission Committee or by supi'ly from the city. In some cases the stations have I'aised all the money needed without takinj; from the general fund the grant allowed them. Nf.wmaukkt. This station is supplied by Mr. Uattisby, and makes good ju-ogress. It has contributed for all inu'iioscs during Uw. year, ^l'il8.Sl. Tlie Sabbath School, as well as that of Aurora, enjoys tlu; ellicient aid of Mr. D. Fotheringham. St. M.vuk's, Toronto. This station has been most reluctantly abandoned by the Presbytery in the meantime, after considerable ei'l'ort to gather the nucleus of a congregation. It is situated in a district urgently demanding mission work. Brockton. This station gives promise of consider- able strength. The church extension association have erected a commodious building for lublic worship, at a cost, including the ])urchase of the land, of ^HOOO. A congregation has been organ- ized witli a communion roll of H'i persons, and a J5oard of Jfan.agement appointed to superintend ;ho temporal affairs of th(! church. SAiniATir Schools, of a more or less missionary character, are sustained by Knox Church at Duchess Street, Cooke's Cliurch at Elizabeth Street, Charles Street Church at Davenport and Yonge Street, and by (hnild Stitct Church .at Sherbourne and Cr.crhowel Street. From the list of supplemented congregations in this Presbytery, C,'o attoiidanco cf olevou groups, ns reported, in 1038. Thia will give an iiYcrage (ittondaiieo to cacli miflHionary of 139 or 140. The number of communicants, as reported in ton groups, in 'i3'2, being m. average! to each group of 43J, and the amount coutributcul by the name during the year is ?lt07.CO. With tLo exception of two groups, tliiB haa been contributed for tLo Hummer six mouths. 3. Tho ordijianco of the Lord's Supper has been celebrated at all the gronjiH, at least 20 different stations, and 20 missionary meetings were held on tho mission field during the winter. 4. There arc ton churches on tho field now occupied for worship, and thoro arc four in pro- cosB of erection, at Iluntavillc, Gravuuhurst, Ft. Sydney and Rousseau. 5. The demand for supply from our church is very urgent. The district is filling up rapidly, and in many places the majority are Presbyterians. And our missionary says that, as a matter' of fact. Episcopalians and Baptists look to our church for supply. Could our laborers occupy tho f eld during tho whole year, our prosperity would be greatly promoted. The congregations would bi. Irfvoased in numbers, ami our financial income would soon bo doubled, and, I have no doubt, tripled. I do not need to say that tho evils of partial supply arc manifold. It hindo.s many from giving us the co'dial support they would otherwise give. It lays our statioas o\wii to bo occupied by others who reap the fruits of our labors; and it gives an opportunity' to the young to seek a homo in other churches. Wliat is urgently called for is ordained missionaries at cen- tral points, who in tho absence of tho student missionaries, may bo able to visit all t)ie stationa at least occasionally. It is io bo hoped that the several Synods, in discussing this subject, may bo able to devise some oiricicnt remedies for existing evils. r>. The spirit of church building is greatly increased, and in this work more off. rt is being put forth in proportion to their moans, than in more favored localities. But in this work, as well as in sustaining ordinances, they need help from tho more wealthy districts. Tho Rev. Allan Findlay, who has charge of the Muskoka Mission district, and has done noblo work during the past year, furnishes us with tho following interesting details of the field, gath- ered by actual observation : "The territory to be occupied is extensive, tho three districts covering an area of 150 miles by 100. This territory is of course not all settled up, but it is being settled rapidly, calling for more vigorous efforts on the part of the church to meet the calls which are naturally being made for tho supply of ordinances. "In tho districts of Muskoka and Nipissing wo have at present twenty-one stations which have boon receiving supply. Of these fifteen are organized, and tho remainder will be shortly. Of those twonty-ono stations eight have hitherto been under the care of tho Student's Missionary Society of Knox College. As three of those have reached a stage suiliciently advanced to be placed on tho list of regular mission stations, they will come under the care of the Presbytery moro directly. "As tho result of inquiiv and personal investigation during this winter, we find some twelve points in these districts where stations will require to bo established during the coming summer. Some of these wo trust the Missionary Society will attend to, but others will fall to the lot of the Presbytery. " Ii may appear to some as though this were hurrying matters too fast to undertake so much new ground in one season. Wo cannot see it in that liglit, however. Some of these localities ought to have been attended to before now. Beside, tho country is settling up rapidly, more so perhaps than t!ioso outside the district have any idea of. The peop'c, moreover, are in caniost in this matter of supply, as the following incident will illustrate. A few weeks ago, a settler called upon mc and asked mo to visit their sottlcmont at as early a date as possible. 'I have mado bold,' said ho, 'to come and ask you, as we are tired of waiting for a Presbyterian minister to come our way. Come Monday next if you can, as we arc to raise tho church that day, and would like your presence with us.' I have since visited them, and found the walls of the church up. When people raise a church, even though an humble log building, before they see tho faco of a missionary among them, I conclude they are in earnest in tho mattrr of enjoying church privileges. While the work in these districts will for some time to come be chiefiy missionary in its character, some of tho fields urgently require something more than the presence of a laborer among them during tho sunnnor months. There arc two or three in which it is absolutely ne- cessary that an ordained missionary be stationed, not only because of the wants of these respec- tive points, but also because they arc the centres of important groups of stations. First there 1X« ifl Obavhniiukht, wliicli is n tnwii of ^rowiiiK importiiiici) at tin; ttTmiiius lion witli tlie district. Tlio iiitiTcsts of t\w cliurdi lic-ri.' sulTcr very iimcli .. _ _ _ , , luitji 1^ in (Fiiitunn ui uii.imiii. ^vf^iuii iMcu; is j\()S«l..\u, widl known to nil who nink(! tliis district a «innin H. (JiuulMrliuiil.for siinii'tinii!iinst rciiortcil unimij; the list of vafiancicH, has now the prn.iiH'ct of Ijcini: ::|i '('.lily ami lia|i]ii!y si Ulcil. Thix coni^'it^^sition is o;ic of our most needy, and at tLo Biimo tinir |iri.-!('iit-ia most iuvitin^; liold for an unoij^ttic and lU voted laborer. SI. Aylwin, now \;tciiiit tlii'iiU',;li the translation of its ordained nlis.•^ionlU•y, the Kev. lliij^ii Ma),'uir(.', 1\I. A., to Waketii'ld, scek.s Kiiiijily through proi ationers with a viow to Bucuvin^' for itsuU' the serviceH of a settled jiastor. 1(1. The Deseit and Six I'ortrfjo:; has enjoyed since last Ootolier the Sfrvices of the Ucv. T. lirouillette a;-, ordained mi s, aiaiy. Besides mission woik anion;; the Kni,'li>h . iieakin;,' lesideiits, ho (,'ives liis attention to v aiif,'eli'/,at!en anion;,' the Fn n(di s]ieukin;-' jioimliition, as well us to the work of siiantv visitation durin;.^ tl t! winter. In doin^ this latter W(ak, he i; (.xjiected to iireacii in l''rench as well a; in Eii;,'lisli, r.s oflt'ii as opjiortunities present thenisehes. Aitlio'iali v(> have nothini.; special to repoit about our live remitininf,' mission llelds, viz: (1) IJedibiook and (.'ambrid^;<^ ("2) I'Jast T :ni]'l(!ton, ^;!) Castlefordand Devart Settlement, (1) Cantly anil t'ortland, (5) l'lantll^,'en(■t, yet, our work proi^'resses favorably in most of them. MANITOBA The (Viminitlci^ tiave br'^n I'lilirrly iinablo (hii'iii|; tlio ]i;)'t ,\.^ar to >:iipjily the nrj^jent neecs- nities of this imiioi'taiit Province. 'Die Presliyt,' ry of l\ranitoba liave sinil repcateil eonimunica- tioiis for mis^.iona^ies and mini'-ter. to Inboin' in new lields, oi' to take ch)ir;.,'o of organized con- };ie;.;ations. Lack of ncn and means has prevented compliance witli their vo([nests. Since last Assi iiibly tin- llev. IMe^s's. Hiu'tliwick and .1. S. Stewrrt have been sent to tla^ I'rov'ince, and are now occui'yin;,' iniiiortmit ])oints. T! ■> llev. II. .■\lclvellu'', fonneily at I'rince Albert, who re- turned to Ontario lust fall, lias also l)een appointed to Jfaniloba, ann is now on liis way to the I'rovince. The I'ev. Alexiinder Stewart, on the removiil of the (lovernn)ent of the Noi'thwest Territory from Fort I'llly to liattlefoid, wn' instrnctrd by tlir (Jommittee to occujiy che last named ii lint. On his ari'ival tliere, howevcn', b.e lor.nd tluit no niission work could be iirosecu- ted suce<'ssfnlly during' tlie past year, on recount of the unsettled stiitt; o. ift'airs. Wliile await- ing insti'uetions at liatlli'lord, at the urf^ent reipu'st of tlu^ Forei^^'u Misr.ion Committee 'le pri - ceeded to Prince Albert to (ill the vacancy cans( d by fhi' dejiarturc of Mr. McKellar. JMr. Stew- art has in several C(anmnnication' to your Ojiiimittee, t^iven full d tails of his work iit Prince Al'iert, but thes*^ will more appro])riatoly be referre'd to in the lleiiort of tins Foreign Missions Committee. l'"i'oni tiie Aiinunl Iti'iiort of the Presbytery oi' Arimitoba we extract the followin;^ i.articulars of mission woi'k duriii;.; the year : The I'resbyteiy of ^M'lUitoba begs to rei>iiii npiui iJie mnny iutei'ests, and wide extent of the niis.sion work entrusted to its care. The jia^t year has heen marked by the favor of God, so far as teini)oral tilings arc concerned in tla- Northwest. The rava^'ej, of the grasshopper, which for three y<'ars had been so great, have happily been unknown in Manitoba during the past year, and the settlers have had plenty, enough at least to wipe off the inih-btedness iiicuired for the neces- siiries of life (luving- the years of sulTering. As was to have lu.'en exiiected, tliere has been au elTort made in almost all oui- stations to raise as much as jK.ssible, i.nd so se(!uru ministers for the several grnujis ( f stations. The want of a sullieient number of labouna's has up to the i)res- ent frustrated tiie Iiojk.'s of some of the most likely groujis of stations. When the work is ojien- ing U]) on every hand it is a source of great regret to this Presbytca-y to note the scarcity of nu)noy at the disposiil of the Uonimittee, and to set; hints thrown out of a probable diminution of expen- diture in the Nortlnvest. It is the o])inion of the I'resbytery f'at the tide of immigration will for the present and future years far exceed anything the past hrs 'ieen, and wo shall be uufaith- tul to (Utr position as a church if the expenditure, instead of bring diminished, be not greatly increased m these future yi'ars. In oi'der to help on th(! work of tlu^ church, the Presbytery pledges itself to do all in its power to raises 'is mucli as possible fnau local sources. On account of there being little, if any, iunnigration to the Provin ■() during the; i>ast year, no now stations have be(Mi cpi'ned, unless it be the ground t;iken up by our most west' rn missionary in this Prov- ince, J\[r. Stewart, of Palestine, by his visit du/'ing the winter to a group of families on the Little Saskatchewan, ajioint UK) or 170 miles west of \Viunii)eg. The jilan pursued by the Pri'sbytery of taking ui" as many jmuuising places as possible, as the skeletons of fuller organizations by and Viy, will necnssitiite a considerable expenditure boih of •<] •Hfl o H I— t 525 < P^ O n 73 ;<< o CO 55 O M EH ^5 O (—1 OJ CQ w o w o cc t— I Eh ig ■ubSjO a' -ifqsaaj •Siaj'jj.iy u! -aines ui •unilaq J •uuSoq %i O It r. 1) tt 10 i; IK to (0 III of B- IH .1. at 1- -t- of of m r- y- to CO ■:rJ 1 c o ■Hmi(Nljtii{ I- •^iiipiiiiH 4> S5 7.r.^f> '*> i"* «5 !S -255 <*» o ^ iJI : : S : i: Si ^ ?5 = S : 3 : ; ■ S8 3 O o CO 25 O <1 Eh S5 O 73 o o E-i 02 •i)ouii|)ii.i'jiv c o 'S ~ 'I? ? "•5 '(5 s c 1.^ . . 1- 5 !.•} s i« 15 a f» in. w - ?i 2 ')i>)![il>liiH Hi[;iiiiiiii«ij 5 -f -K '— vs c c - ■-; c = o CI r* ?i 7-1 ri ?i ?i ri -h -^ • ■ S "5 S «55 •- ■fi fi Htnon 9*m la Oi X ■9 A AX O 113 — «» ,; paHiM(lKi([ <■ I.'^ >. >, >. CO ^ t« 10 CO ^ f* 00 m taot r. ■~ 1^ c » o ".-5 -f c ex •8J9[»;i>y uoK ^irtntg •!}tl9Ul •iiii^l.Tq auu{au| CI 1— 1 1— I 1-H .-" 1^ I-l « -?< z n ts tc •£ it « -o "Mr" 1-^ c X ri (- ?i • fl fl M . '!• '■ 'i> c c ; ; g 9 ^ a a a a £1 •£ i £ ^ T. t. t. -rr.r.z ~ « V * :. i s "•i J». >1 >, I'. i». -i< 1.* -r X 1-1 W I* rH -J" ,r '- t" 'i i (M — ~ O !C t- « « X M X f-l CI *l ■ — ^ >.- X c •1—1 fl 'M ri X «5 \n » 1^ d « -t 1^ 'MX t»- I— «^ If; O X 'O X ifl IS -^ i-< • •■■ t^ t^ t^ • . t^ i^ •• - (^ t^ 1^ IS i^ i^ t^ |, i^ t~- '5 > a X v: « XX •; - x x x x x x x x x x SjiO „rtr-.^ -irH O- nrtrl i-li-l rHi-HrH r--■ 'i i.C -« ■— •i 1^ -C t^ l-l^l-l- I- — I- XX X X X X X X X XX ■uti3aq ^aaiuomog S "5 jHCIXX i-iC"! -^O •»«<'»• -S X XXXX XX XX XX g ^ rl^^rw ,HrH -IrH -r-, % g § s o ::^ ^2-? H H i a « _: c'-a ■ tc a. ■ a y ri w w h- 1 5^ X X - V S S5 V. or- o -^ 'fl -^ "fl — t^ t^ 1^ t^ XX XX X X K ■ a: c 11^ S ei a c C > Bo XI X X X X ; a :« a 7; «. '-^- ^ ■ o X -►> Ji C3 r- z -5 ~ E!-JL'-;i=*--~:U-i i:-:: -'-^^^ iT'^^ % K K pair gall th(! int- of ) aam M(u the Bro ho f wor in f Ilea: iiiul \i: f-itie tiiiii Ass( now tuni i'n)\ Ton nam toil f i"K i cued art 1 Alb(3 Com of m lilies as tu tlir('( tlio > Miri(! clTor the s lilt f ii'.U I" at' til (litur I'.ir l] lill t( iucvo plodg of til liavc iiicc, Krtslii Til in;.; oS I'l'c tho iiiis^i Paledo Som have boo the Sjn-ii iiiL'ar*^iiu ininiNior, the Colic JlocK-w Th( taut. S HUl)])Uod Tavtial 1 §:«)() iK'i iov this lantls. WOODL Mr. XI. men and mcniiw, l)ut will tt'll most umlciially in roKultw, iuid lie the mimns of nvoiiliiifc the alinnst fatal niistakos iiiado in many loealitiLS in the Eastoin I'l'ovinf'cs nf alldwin^' {rnmiis of I'nsliy- tci'ians, unablo in tlio mcantimu to Hn])]ioit ordinances, wholly to ^o fur yoars unsniiiiliud. Tlu! I'rcsbytcry endeavors to occuiij an many placorf as jjossible, cv«n if only monthly service tit .some points can ho f,'ivcn. The PreFliytery would mention some of the points in win'eh substantial i)rop;ress seems to have been made. Portage La Prairie and Burnside. Din'in^ the ))ast year the llouri.-liinii; settlements of I'ortat-^e Ija I'l-airie and liurnsidi', about (if) miles west of Winni])ef;, called tlii! liev. Allan Jiell, and the first pastoial charKi' we^;t of the lied Iiiver valley was tlms formed. These con^'i'ef,'ations will take rank asu su|iiilcment( d<'liai;.:e ; it is to be hoped that in a very few years they may be self-sustaining. Tlie member.'-hip during the ])ftst year has risen from '27 to 50 in the two stations. High Bluff and Portage Creek. These two stations have received about half suiijily during the jiast year— one of them being visited by Mr. Bell (if tlic Portage, the otlua' by Mr. Donaldson of Woodlands. Induci'd, no doubt, by their imperfect supply, the two stations n few months ago, put forth a very strenuous cllort and laid U))on the table at last meeting of I'resbytery a subscrijition list, ))romising ■!:;!()() ]ior amnim on condition of obtaining a minister, and an ajiplication was made for a moderation in a call, which was granted. Little Britain: Selkirk, and Park's Creek. During the past year these .stations, north of Winnipeg, have still been under the can! of Mr. Miitliison. The stone ehurch at Little Britain has a debt of §1000 remaining upon it, les., some ^2;'50 rais(Hl bya sjiecial eifort of the congi'egation a coujile of months sincie. At le.st I'rcs- byteiy nicetin," an annual subsciijition of $'MM was given in, and a mmismg stations. They have been supplied once a month from Winnijx'g during the j)ast winter. When the matter of tlu; Sjn'ingtield and Huiniyside call was under cou'^iileration, the Pi'esbytery decided that in the meantime these two stations should be su])iilied fortnightly by the Springlield and Sunnyside minisior, and that on one of these Sabbaths, Springfield an I Sunnyside woul miles from this city. Partial li'-ts have been presented to the Presbytery, sliowing that these stations will c(jntribute ^ji^OO jier aniunn on getting a minister. It is to lie liojH'd that a missionai'v may be got at once for this very wide field, (irassmere lias received partial service from Mr. l^onaldson of Wood- lands. )V00DLANDS AND j=OPLAR J^OINT, Mr. Donaldson, who has charge of the.se, has only been able to supply them partially, hav- "k'h xu. ing to Hujiijly High Bliill' to tho Wust, iiiul GrasHmoro to tho East, points some dO miles apart. Tlioso places liavo contributed to tho cxtunt of thoir ability. I^FADINGLY AND fllVIERE SaLE. TlioRc two jilaco.s have boon snp))lio(l from WinniiiOR, tho one with fortnightly, tho other witii monthly .service. Tlic contributions have boon «mall, some $H(J subscribed, but tho supply has necessarily been defective. Palestine, poLDEN ^tream, ^econd Prossing, Totogan, &c Rev. Mr. Stewart, on his arrival from Ontario last summer, took chargo of these stations. One hundred dollars is tho whole amount contributed, and although tho Presbytery has boon jiorsisti'ut, no more has been obtained. Those places woro in excoptionolly low circuuistaucos through tho grasshopper plague. BOYNE AND ^EMBINA /VloUNTAINS. During the past year these stations united in a call to Mr. Stewart, of Palestine, having pre- viously laid a subscri]ition list of ■?.!()() before the rre.sliytory. Mr. Stewart declined the call, and liev. Ml-. Borthwick was sent to tliis extensive and va|)idly increasing Held. It is some forty miles ill longtli, and nnist very soon have a second missiuii;iry, as in this direetiveral thousands of immigrants come, our demands will be greater still. jStatistics. The Presbytery regrets that the Home Mission Connnittee sliould have found fault with the returns made, as incomplete. All was forwarded that it was thought tlie Connnittee could require. The Presbytery regrets that from tlu^ scattered character of the stations, and the; very dilferent circumstances of the Presbytery from those of any other Presbytery in the elnncli, it should fail to meet the wishes of the Committee, and so seem unwilling to carry out all the requirements. The Eev. John Scott, our missionary at Emerson, Manitoba, in liis last communication to the Committee, writes as follows in reference to his work : In the village, the attendance at the School House has been veiy liopeful. Quite a number 3nng people attend. The influences there against the gospel are very strong. Capt. lirad- .-.f ili^ T?..«* «^.,.,i^.*l „1„ - ^..1 _■ _ - -'-.^i . ^r r_ ^:i„,. rf^.. a1... t — IV^ .1«*. +1.,... r^.-.. i.^ of young peop ley, of the Fort, counted eleven saloons in a circle of four miles. On the Lore full blast, and the custom of the poor J'rench K. C. half-breeds is to go to ma^s in the K. C On the Lord's day they nre in Strug as tlie saloon keepers "" out of tlie town of Church in the forenoon, and into the salocjns in the afternoon and thoir patrons are, they have failed "to run the gospel and its preachers Pembina. Pray for one, preaching the word of Vuxi in one of the strongholds of Satan ! In Emerson we have built a Presbyterian Church, .30 by .'JO feet. It is a neat frame build- ing, inclosed, with windows in and Hoor laid. The cost has been about $1,000. On it we have a debt of about $200. At present we arc at a standstill from lack of funds to finish the build- ing. By getting seats we hope to make use of it during the snmmei' for preaching and for iSab- bath School. On the .5th of January, 1H77, wo organized, and on the 7th a little eomiiany of eleven sat down to the Lord's Supper, and formed the first Presbyterian Church in Enur^on. On the first Sabbath " ■ ■ - on Saturday, March besides the preaching house on week evenings. In summer evenings ... ^■.,.,, ...^ ,.-. , . „ to the gospel preached on the street. We hope to have similar meetings tliis summer. At the Roseau settlement, 10 miles from Emerson, the people wore tried very much by the great rains of 187G. The low prairi(! bocarae fiooded ; many lost a great part of their crops. As there is no school house and no ehnnli.'^onr meetings were from house to house. As new^ set- \ fll I i ii XIV. •tlurH aro coming in, tlio hope is that wo will soon have a fixed place in which to meet and wov- Hliip the Lord (iod of our fathers. On the [iidiiui IJt'Scrvo, ill tlio inoutli of the Iiosudii Uivor, Ihi! I'lCHliyloiy of Manitolm lu- t^triicti'd niu to hiiild a uiissioi) school-hoUKO for tlio liciiellt of tlu^ Indians l(jcatcd thcro. In N o- vcnibiir a n(,'at fninii;1)iiildin|^' IH hy 21 fuul was put up and linislu'd, at a cost of ahout IflVJ;". Uji to dat(^, fi'oiii fricMids in Winnipcf,', Kildonnii and Ontario, tlioic lias bciMi received ^V^i',, kaviu;.^ II Imlanoo on tlu; scliool liouso of ^IH'.). On llio 7th I'ecLinhrr the scliool was opinu:d uudor tiio care of Ciithlicrt (irant iMcKay, from l>r. lilaclv's conj^n ^'iitioii, Kildoniiii, who can speak liotli i';n;^nsh ,iii(l aushene to '21$ couuuunicants and baptized 2 children. Contributions. — Waubaushene and Port Seveiri, S."iO.'20 ; Stur>.'< on Bay, ^'id: (t. P>. L. Co., 970.O0, Total, §ll(;.7n. II.— MANITOULIN ISLAND- SOUTH S1J>L;. Tho good land on this side is mostly taken up by settlers, a large proportion of whom are Presbyterians. Number of stations (1, Manitowauing, the chief village, contains about "io houses. Service every alternate Sabbath ; average; ;ateii^fince o5 to 50. Budge's School Hous(.! — service juonthly ; average utteud"nce l."). South Bay — service fortnightly ; average attendance '20, (h'cen Bush settlement gr(iwing rapidly, liegnlar s<'rvice in IMr. P.'binson's house ; average at- ■'t' i xn. tendance 30. Wo('k-ovMiing meetinf;.s were also lold; averaRO attendance 25. Michael's Bay, a liiiiilicring villiiKe, scrvico fdi'tniKlitly ; attendance '25 to 10. Providence Day, growing,' rapidly, yervioe furtnijrlitly ; attendnnce .'iO to (10. A Sabbath School and liible CIiihh, organized during the smiinier, cnntinue during winter. Union Sabliath Scliools are held at mot of the other place.s. Kev. J. Anderson, of Tiverton, dispensed the Sacrament to '25 eommuuicants— to 5 (or the firat time. Number of Trc'sbyteriau fumil:( s in tlic district upwards of 00. CoNTninuTioNH.— Alnuitowaniug, South JJay, etc., $1H.<10 ; Providence Bay, 810. Total, ?31.',)0. III.— MANITOULIN ISLAND -NOHTII SIDE. In the East fortnightly services wore liold at Little Current and Shcguiaudah. Attendanco at the former 10 ; Presbyterian families 5. Attendance at the latter 50 ; Presbyterian families (i. A Sabbath Scliool and week-evening service also at eacli of tlieso places. In the West fortnightly services weri' held at Gore Bay and Kagawong. Attendance at the former 100, with a Sabbath School of ;!(). Attendance at the latter 30, with a Sabbath School of 20. This part of the field is more encouraging. About 70 families are now settled in it. Ilov. J. Anderson, of Tiverton, dispensed the Sacrament at Gore Bay, when 7 members were added by certificate, 13 by profes- .'-■ion of faith, 4 children baptized, and 3 (>lders ordained. Steps were also taken to erect a church. CoKTiuiuTTioNH.- -Litthi Cnrr. nt and Sliegniandah, ^13; Gore Bay, $35; Kagawong, $-15. Total, 9'J3. IV.-IIOSSEAU. There arc four station.^ connected with this field, Musquosh, on the west side of Lake Mus- koka, about 15 miles from Gravenhnrst, a small station and not likely to grow, being unfavorably .''ituated. No organized congregation. Attendanco 20 to 25. Port darling, situated '^n the rivor comiecting Lakes !\Inskoka and Eosseau, service fortnightly ; attendance 10 to 50. A congrega- tion was organized by Messrs. Findlay of Bracebridge, and Hamilton of Fullartou, who also dis- pensed the Sacrament. Members 21. Steps were tak(!n to erect a church, the work to go on during winter, so as to have the building ready for summer use. The station now passes into the hands oi the Barrie Presbytery. Itosseau, situated at the head of navigation on Lake Eos- seau, service fortnightly on l)oard the steamer "Nipissing." Attendance 30 to CO. Eev. E. Pan- ton, of Bradford, disptinsed the Sacrament to 11) communicants, and baptized i children. Mem- bers 'U. A site for a church has betn purchased, and steps taken to erect a suitable building. Tm'tle Lake, H miles from Eosseau, is a hopeful field. Settlers almost exclusively Presbyterians. Service in tlio house of Mr. Eess, elder. Attendance 30 to 40. Eev. E. Panton dispensed the Sacranuait to 11 communicants. Members 13. * CoNTRimiTioNs.— Musquosh, »5 ; Port Carling, ^18 ; Eosseau, ^39.r)0. Total, S62,fi0. v.— NOETH HASTINGS. This field lias been occupied by the Society for several years. Formerly two missionaries were sent ; tliis year but one. In this largo field there are two stations. In Carlow, the prin- cipal station, a new cliurch has been ere ;ted, but not quite finished. Service evei-y Sabbath ; average attendance 110. Sabbath School, attendance 20. In Mayo there is as yet neither church nor school house. On alternate Sabbatlis service was held in the houses of Messrs. Crcighton and Douglass, attendance in each case 25. Number of families in this field 100, the greater part of whom are Presbyterians. Members 65. CoNT uBUTioNs. — Carlow, $12.50. VI.— MEEiJEA. Throe stations wcru supplied in this field, viz : — Blythoswood, Leamington and Campbell's Settlement. Tn Campbell's Settlement, an outlying braTich of the BIylhcswood congregation, ser- vice was lield lortniglitly ; avi^rage attendance 10. At lUytheswood tliorois a regularly organized congregation and a comfortable cliurch. Number of Presbyterian families, including Clampbell's Si'ttlemeiit, I'.l ; niemb(!rs -10. Service every Sabbath, .average att(aidance HO; Sabbath School 30 to 10 ; Bible Class 3(). Daring the summer 12 were admitted to membership, and two elders ordained. In Leamington a new congregation was regularly Mganizod, 11 new members admit- ted, and two elders ordained. Number of Presbyterian families 11 ; members 24. Service every Sabbath; average attendonco 75 ; Bible Class 30. This lield reached the self-sustaining point and now passes from the hands of the Society. ^ CONTRIDUTIONS. Total, «151.75. -Blytheswood, 876.50; Leamington, $52.30; CampbGll's Settlement, $22.95. XVII. VII-McMUiailCII. Tills is a now ru'li'l for tl'o Hocitt.v in tlie I'lirry Souiiil ])istiict. Niuubir of Stations 4. IMaKiiC'tinvau, in tlio tosvnslii)' of ('lmi)man, lil miles noitli of Uoshpuu, siTvicc fi)rtnif,'litly, avcr- a,-,'o attoinlauco 2"(. No ori^mizi'd ciiut,'rt'giition, Imt Hti'its have buon taken to secure u clmirh site. llov. A. FinJlay o i^'auized a conKiv^'ation lure, and baittizctl three cliildren. A union Sabliath School here. .Si)onci', seven mihi nouth of M ifinctewan, no orKaniz'il eon(,'re};atioii, service f(irtiiit,'iilly, avera^^o J.ttcndanco 80. A union Sabbath School here also, 1)0(! Lake, twelve ni'Ies north east of Spenco, ser\i;o fortai;,'htly, avera;^'e alien buice :i'>. llev. A. FiiuUay orj^'au- i/.eil a con;^'re^;ation h(!re, a;ul dispensed the s-jranicnt to l:i counuunicants. south of Doe Like, no orj-'an' average atten(bujcc pectod from them CoNTUinUTIONS Total, ^2.S.OO ; Ayton, §1.00; E. Normanbv, S.'i.OO; I^Iount Albert, ti'13.2 J ; Ballantrae, §1.50; I\hiryboro, ^1.00; Wintcr- l)ourno, i:20.0() ; Friend, 1 1.00 ; Ilibbert, '318.00 ; E. Adelaide, ^n.OO'; (ilenmorris, 612,10; . FuUarton. f.;i7.yO ; Duudalk, S'2.ol ; Eraser Settlement, 6',).00 ; E. I'usllnch, $20.(;r) ; Friend, ?2.00; Brinceville, ?8.1-j; Binkerton, 52.10; Hagerraan, §2.00; College Stroi!< Cliurcli, Toronto, §17.oO ; Barrie, §18.00 ; Elmira, Illinois, f(;.28; Toronto, Friends, §2t;. 00 ; Nas- sagaweva and Campbellville, §20.00; Students, §',J8.50 ; Friend, §20.00. Total, §018.43. Mission Fields fou 1m77. Waubaushone ; Manitoulin island, North and South; le rich; Coljoconk ; Lake Niin.ssing. seau ; North Hastings ; McMur- NusiJiEU OK MissioNAiiiKs FOU 1877 : Eight. Ill conchisioii, the members of the Society desire to express their sincere thaiiKsto tbcmany friends throughout the church who, by their contributions, have enabled the Society to carry ou its work, and pray tliat the (treat Read of the Church may still continue to bless it in advancing Ills cause and Kingdom. D. C. MACKENZIE, liccordiug Secretary. Kno$ Coi.lece, April 1st, 1«77. A. A. SCOTT, M. A., President. STUPKNTS' !\11SHI()NAUV KOCIKTY OF TIIi: I' 11 E B r. Y T E II 1 A N CI L L K G 1^ , ]\I N T K K A L I^eport for ltr3T-. ; , '.ij (jiiiiy nil iM.ssiiJii wdik r.:Lii,1jii's jirciic , distribntu Olio (if tin; llectio)is. Last year tlie worl; of tlie Society was carried on in live mission fields: Cantley iind rorlLind, situate between the ('latinean and Liovn; rivers, witliin Ottawa Pres- bytery, was ojn'iicd as a mission lield for Uie fin-t tinio, la.-t sjiriuf-s by our missionary, Mr. .(. Allii'.i B. A. Tlio averaj'e attendance at tJu; four stations was one luuidred and sixteen, on ae- count of wnicl: tin: !".'ildin{^' of a church lias 1)ee;i already counneiiced, 'I'lic worli will be resumed there this year by Jlr. Donald nn. Coatieoola', also a new field, 20 niile:^ from Siierbroidvo, in tlie Eastern Tov,ii:.!iii)s, was oc- cu]iied lust smnmei' by Mr. l)onald, whose labors liave been attended with marked success. Tlie .attendance at tlie services there :ind at Nortli Coaticooke and liicliby, avera^;ed one hundred and lifty-six. We trust the ]iec)])le will e(jually suiiiiort IMr. Nelson, our missionary there durin;,' tho cominf,' suiumer. There is another iii Id in that neighborhood, J;nown as Massawippi, in which the Society has resolved to work tliis year. Wc feel confident our missionary tlicre, Mr. Itussell, will meet with every enciuraK( nient to success. L'Amabl ■ district, in Nortli lhistini;s, contains three iircachinj,' stations, L'Aniable, Vorl; River, and Egan Farm. The attendance at these jilaces under the zealmis effort:- of our mission- ary, Mr. McKilloi), li. A., was very enc()ura,','ing, avuountinK to an average (^f one hundred and twenty. Tlie Sabbath School and Bible Class at L'Amalde was highly successful, shewing the ardent desire of the young jieople for tlie Imowledj.'e of "Christ and llim crucified." The erection of a place of worship has Ijccome a necessity there, and by tho energetic ejideavors of Mr. McKil- lo]), and tho liberality of friends, it is likely soon to be accomplished. Mr. Donald cGCUpicB tlu.s field next summer. Thanet and The lUdgc has been a weak, yet interesting field, eutii'ely in the hands of Pres- byterians. At ))resent a church is in course of erection in that I'lace. Mr. McLean successfully laborcnl tlieri;, and will be succeeded this year jjy Mr. ]Munro, B. A. Kiver Des(;rt, on the (iatineau, lf)U miles from Ottav.a, is the local head (juarters of several large lumlier iirms. The Society has occKi)ied that held for thi'ee years, with so much success that the; Presljyterian Cliiircli in Canada has kindly appointed to it an ordained missionary, Kev. Mr. Brouillc'tte, so witli llie termination of IMr. Scott's labois there last year, v.c n tin d from tliat field, to send the gosi>el to otiiers. ("lialk lliver, near rembr(die, in Ottav>a Presbytery, will this yeai be occupied for the first time bv the Socielv. j\Ir. Siieiirerhas been ajijiointed to that lield. The Society's rea.ipts for IHTH, were from li'Amablo, HO:i.T.) ; Thanet, 92',).5.5 ; Desert, SIC.O ; Coaticooke, S'lnd.lO : Cantley, ?;5(i.()0 ; other sources, S'GH',). (13. Total, ^Win/M. Kxiienditure, 9i07r..:j7. Tho Society takes this ojiportunity of thanking its many friend;; for tlieir liberal contributions, I'nd expressing its deep gratitude to (:<.d for the measure of [Ucccs- that ha-^ blessed its liiimblo alTorts. A. (!. MOBTON, I'resident. J'ltKBIiyTF.lUAN CoI,I,K(;K, MoN IKKM., Hrd Ajuit, 1H77. .1. V. MeBAREN, Secretary. XIX. Homo Mission Fund, Prosbytorian Church in Canada, 187G-77 a 71 u a o H ft Eh u a a is ',»7',) 20.*ir. 27 Id 2(K) ir.io 2."r,7 1210 2.Vi i;i' 7^ 71; .V.)l Sir.i .'io M',) 25 1(11 7',l •iii'no ■Mi'j 2r> 'i21 2 ri02 (;rJ '137^* 11", f,;V. • • • > • KUH 00! 217 00 HSH 05'. • • - ( • • 78H 11 7' > 2!)1 00 , • • • ■ ' iir.fi 10 IH'J 00 h;57 50i. 2(179 1)1 ■I2rt ir, ii:ii or, iGi ir, inr, oo'. (122 001 ; 1 r,o ■UV.i m: 100 00 i(;:>:{ m . iir.o 00 . • > ■ • • • ■ 1030 81 . 770 :il 112 '2r,> i;i() 00' :^r,o 00; 500 (Mt| Hr.l r,i)| 314!,18 l-l'«32l3 'M Hll'.IS 11 AceorJiiii,' to the above statement, tlio actual state "f tlm fuml iit the clof?o of the Financial Year is as follows : Amount duo rroslytorios ^3,2 13 1J',» Less balance in liand , Ho 1 u'J Inaebtcdncss ^2,3«',J 40 NoTK. — Since tliat date money has been bonnwcd to pay the claims of Presbyteries in full, but the indebtedness is as above. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR Till'] YEAR 1870-77. From TresbyteriGs, Sabbath Schools, and Donations from Foreign Churches ^3-1, i^8 14 " Knox College Missionary Society , 1,20',» &i " Montreal CoUogo Missionary Society 1,07;") 37 Total »S(],783 17 A> ME^roUIAh FUND ¥\{(m SAUBATLI SCHOOLS. PunsnYTKitY oi' QdF.f'KC. Danville, St. Anilrew's, ^8 ; (iui'hi'c, (-'hulmers (!hnri!i, $•2'); liui'liuc St. Aniiruw's 8!'t SKJ 00 PUEHBYTRnv OK ^roNTUKAL— Mnntrt-al ErsUim-f hurch, .SIO ; do St. Tanl'M, .'5!28.20; dn (^)tc) Strtft (;tmrcli.!?'2ri; .lo St. .\ti iri'^v's Union, S-'') ; ilo Knox Chiiivli, .S'2i); 'lo St. MiitlK'w's, >ir.l; i12 ; i!o ('ol.' St. AntniiR., .^10 do I'etito dtv, S7.t.'U ; do Victori". .Miswion, SlO S") ; ilo (.'Irdmor -i Churcli, •■^•_'7.7.S ; do KaHt Kud, 812; North (loor^'utown, .-SIO : 272 2.S PUKsnVTr.llY OP Cr.KNllAlUiY I'UlisiivTKitY OK OiTWVA.-l'i'mhroko (Jalvin (!biirch, .SIO ; Ottaw.i St. An, Ijowcr Town, SS ; do do do, lU1 ; rr.nmilton Central Churcli, .■-■lO: Urnnnu'inclvillo, >^i! ; Ancastor villaife, S4.()5 ; (Irimsliy, 8.'{ ; Ifaniilton MeN.ab Street, 8.'50 ; Hamilton St. Paul's, 825 ; (Jneida, 85 121 ..55 I'ttESBYTEUY r.F PARIS.— Paris lliver Street. 815. '!5 15 ;)5 PUESBYTERV OF LONDON,— Dorchester, >H; K.ast Vv'illi.ams St. Andrew's, 811.. 28 00 2(;t PllEaBYTEUV OF Cll VTIIAM, Pkehbytkuv OI' Stuatfokd.— St. Marys, ^17. 30; Avonton, 815.40 ; Stratford St, Andrew "s, 812 1 1 70 PuESiiYTEUY OP 13uucE.— Prince .\rthur'.s Landing, 80 ; Port Kl|,iu, 812..50 IS .50 Presbyteky OF IIoiiSN.- Thames Ivoad, .88 ; 13ruHSels Melville Church, 810 23 18 2.3 PUESBYTERY OF ^Ianitoba. — Winnipeg Kuo.K Church I'ilde Class, 820 ; do do Sabbath School, 817 .J 00 118 8S% Il.alf appropriated to Home Missions 448 08 Foreign " 448 08 8^^.% 10 800 ijo 43 10 10 XXI, HOME MISSION SABUA'nr-SCnroOL CON^lMlflUJ'riONS. i'unH»YTKi(v (ir (ji!Kiu:c I'HEsiiv'ir.uY OK .Mdnthkal -Muiitrcil St.aiiKy Street, !<4li ; do Nnzfreth Htroct, >!■]■>; do INtitc CotH, ?H.l.-. ; do ;-;t. I'liul's, M't Vin ^.'i 81 PlUNIIYTKllV OP (il.I'.yiAKUV ( 'oriiwidl St. .rohll'M, S."!,')*! i") 50 I'kkhiivtkuv oi' Oitawa - Hryvoti,.-?}.:*' ; Ivocln'MtiTvillc, ■^'.\ 7 •'<7 i'HEHUVTF.uv OK lii:o('K\ ILLK - liathiiFHt Huiitchliiio Central, .'?;},40 j Smith's VnWii VniU'iX Schools, .S7 10 ID runsiivTiitv or Kinuston -.^^.■lllo^l St. I'eter's, ><:( ;( oo I'HK.siivrKKV OF riTKUMouoi'ijii -I'lteiljoroUKliSt. I'aul'H, .'?.')0 ; Ket'nn, 87.40; I'ort I[oi)u l«t Clnircli, .>?20 77 I') IS!) IS I'nK^nyTKUV oi' WnrniY OhIuiw.-i, .^10; AFblmm for iMimitoba, i^^y.-IO lit .10 ]'hksmvti;i:y ok I - in i is ay ruisDYTi liY op 'rouoNTO-TdrontoCharleH Street lUliIoCIlnnB, .'$57.^ ; West Street Chnreli. •■?li) ; do Colle;.'!' Street, .■?:») ; do Sliertiotinie Street, -S-'t ; ilo (JouM Street, .Si-O ; .lo Caer Howell Street, .^JIM) ; do CeiitrMl f'lnireli, 31o ; do Iviiox Clrir h, ■<'>!) ; 'I'oronto l)uclieHH Mif^ion Seliool, S'J'i ', Toronto Knox Chunh llilde Class, 8:Vj;Lt); Toronto Hay Street, Wl 338 02 PitKSItYTKUY OF li A Kit IK I'llFSMVTKKY oF OWFN S(a'\l) I'UKsiiYiFHY ofSaiufkn' -Norlli llraiit, ■'^1 ; Walkerton Freo St John's, .'85 ; llolh- H.iy ( 'alviii ( 'hiireli, .s;! ; Dnrliam, So til 17 (i5 rnEKiiVTi UY OF (JiKi.i'll Klora Cliidnier'H CIuutIi l'>ilile ClanH, s|,l!5 ; (Jult Union CluHcli, Miss I'reston's Class, s5 ; Kr;niiosa, f^7 ; Kdeii Mills, .SI ; (lalt Ivnox Clmreli, S:;0; (Jueiph Cli dm. r's Chnreh, ^20 ,57 25 512 [)X ruKsiiviFUY OF II., Mil. TON (Hamilton IV:irl Street, ^80; Hamilton CentralChurdi, •SKil), tor IS75 and lS7(i) ; Himdton Central Chureti, S170 110 00 rilKHUVTKiiY OF rAiU.s-'rilsoiitmrk', !?.'{; (Jleninorris, .S3.;'.2 ; Ayr Stanley Strei^, .'>25li2, M) 51 ^iiEsiiVTEUY OF JiOXDON— London iHt Church, .S55 .55 00 " " Chatham, " " Sthatfoud- (Jranton, S5 5 00 500 54 " I'-IUCF " HUKON, " " Manitoba •Sl-O'J O'l From Memorial Fund, one-half of-3806.'G 118 08 Total from Sabbath Schoola, Sl()57 08 HOME MISSION DONATIONS, &c. W.,i?l ; .Tohn MeHenn, l'>|., Toronto, .S50 .?51 00 Cheerfully, Walincetnwn, s:( ; A. W., I.on'on, s5 S ( () Treshyterian Church of Ireland, SIXMI ; K. \. M., *10 ; -J. H,, Mtratford, S2 50... 4'.i(; '.H Friend, li'Ori^'inal, .^5 ; Friend, .Mclvilloi), -SO 75 5 75 . 5(11 (1!) Anonyniou.s. Toronto, S'J 50 ; llev. Samuel l''enti>n, Vittoria, -So ; J, A., SI 8 50 .Miss Luarra, Hamilton, s'5 ; Friend, >;|0; "rien I, Taru))erry, SI 17 00 Le^'acy of the late .lames Mair, N(.ttnv,asa>,'.a, SlOO TOO iiO Free Chnreh of .Scotland, -SI 455; Friend, London, .S-'O 1175 OOloOO .50 Friend, (hdt, SI ; Le.caey of the lato Mr. iMcVey, London, •S:i72 . : ;i70 00 l''riend, lUu.'vale,S10 ; I'Ist.'ite of the Late Itev. AnthVl Henderson, SlOO 110(0 Mr.-i. .Amlrew Wilson, Cheyne Chnreh, SaltHeet, S5 5 00 Friends, Durham ana I'ricevilh!. SlO ; A. Clark, E8(i., Smith's Falls, S50 00 00 Friend, London, .'J5; Friend, .Scarboro, S2.50 7 50 558 50 S2720 0!» Sundry donations for di-ht 59 00 ?277'J 09 XXII. SI'iM'lil'l.MI'.N'I'KI) ('(iNonild \TI()NS |{K(!(),\I ,\l l-iN DI'ID Tit TIIK ASSI'.MI'.LV. Aiii'iiiU llii' rrj;iiliilioiit) mil lit. Ilmnr Mi...-ii(iii wmk iiuhmcI liy Iii4 A .1 uilily. Ilui (uUiiwiiik "C!'>iil;i'> ;.;iili(iii.s iiuL m lf-nii; iMiitrllMiti iil li'iitl liiiviiiu ri'i"iv<'lut'('il (III till) li-t ci (;(iiu,'ri'(,'.'itiiiii:i ncciviiif; su|i- pli iiiciit. ('iisi;, ill wli'cli llir ii]iiil'"ciiti(iii i.f this I'uji' iii'|M'iir.M t-i iilTcct injiiriuiisly ^•llnK^l'^^lltilllls now upon tlio lii^t or s'!(kin),'to ln^ [iliKii.d on it, :n;^'rc"!ilion ••, wl'.osc! ponlriliutjoin ui'(! lidow the niiniicil niininnnii ; iiihI in tlm i vriil of till' A:!;fc'ihlily KiviiiK itH suTiction to tlii'ir liciiii,' iiliuod on tlm Hnpiilcim ntcil Li,->t, tlm followiinj (ii'unt.s wcro iif^'ci >1 niuni f.r tlir yi av, l)rMli'iiiii;^ l-t DlIoIu'I', 187(i : I'KEHIlYTrUV or (^UF.IIF.l-- St. Sylvcfti'i. — ?"2()0 pel miiiuin. I'llKHllYIKllY OF MoNTllKAI- — Miilc lie. -5200 pir ntininu. Furiilimii Ccnti'o — J^iiO pn aiiiiiiiu. I'uKHi.vrr'KY or KiN.firoN- ■■ Caniilon mul Sli' iliciil. — 'ri^'iO prr nniiini. • PnusiiYi'KiiY or S.vroi;i;N I'roto'i, — ^I'tf) pel' minuiii. coNTixrorjs supl'ly of mission stations. At tin; last (idu nil Assi'Uihly, instnictioiis wt 11; Kivcn to tliu Cuinuiittiu to innluieii ;c]u'ini', under whii'ii Mifsimi Stations niiiy liiivo niori' continuous sujiply of scrvicL's by frobatlomrs 01 htiulunt^, in cants in which such stiilions may thorcby ho tin; nioru readily nourished into ••■■elf-sustaiiiiuK coni^'refjiitions. In coniiilimico witli tlie.i.' iii>iniction,-i, the Connuittte is of dpinion that tlm timu has not yet arrived lev tho detailed pri\sontation of a scjicini', hut that the foll«wiiig 'general rcoonnuen- diitions may ho laid hi fore the (i('ner;il Assembly: I. 'I'liat i'l'i'shytei'ies : houM aim at [.'ronp!n}.i; IMi'sion Stations in such 11 way as may alTord full employiiu'iit for an activo minister, witli a consideralilu proportion of tlio salary from tlio iit'ld in which he labors. '2. That the salaries of suitable !\lis,sionaries, acoeiitiu^' un euKaKemciit tor nua'e than 0110 year, should be on a liberal ^cale and not subject to the i-cf^uhvtious alTictin;^ Suppleuieuted C'on- grcfjutions. :<. That an el'fort should be made to .-ecure llio services oi our youut:! men immodiattly ou llieir beiii(< licensed, fiU' misKion enf.;a|^'ements for a term of not leds than two years. 1. That when deeme.l ni'ees;-aiy, such Missionaries may bo ordained by Presbyteries witli a view to lahori':!}; for sucli term in a ])articular tield, andacay enjoy the full privlleKo of ministtrb of the chinch. "). That provision be nuide for the more continuous supjily durin;; whiter of tie Jliss'ou Fields which are wrou;,'ht Ijy students duriug liie summer, by a dil'ferent class of Missionaries. AH) FUUM MAIUTIME PROVINCES. The Western Connuittec li;ive been in correspondence with tlu; I'^astern branch, m) as to secure monetary assistnnci' in carrying on tlie work in Manitoba. As the work is common to ilic t'litij sioiiiiry i'liiir''h. At l| UK an ■ lulopli'i linriiMiiM 1. per mil.. 11. It btiiti ii —mid : doemeil tlato. 111. I'll' -bv It llii'iCom any i"U|" will, llic t'titiii" cliuicli, .voiirCiiiriiiiitlcr nrc of ii|iiiii>)ii tlrnl tln' ^;r^•llt luiil iiicri'itiiiiK cxpoiiii' of iiiIn- fiiiiiurv work in Hint iiii|il)u, iiml l!i" rollnwiiij; ii"1 >rrinitolm in Imrmony witli.thnt in other l'rc^hvtiri< s of the (Mmrch, the Coniinittee rer'-oiveil, I. 'I'll. it cjich Strilion or ^roii|i of Slut 'oris Im hen'iiflei n i)iiir<'il toj,'nuraiitei 11 ce: miii Mini per iiiinaiu, or for e.icii .SiiMmthV iip|ily. .■iec, Mild if by tlieni (Ic'L'iiii.'d f tnted ^npplv f'i" iM. m ' heielofoi,., be ■my ioiij^er curried out in •iieli cu-e^ Corre, llolldeucu Wil-. Hccordillj'lv I'p.lled Willi lln' I'le^hyteiy of Miinilo'jii, 111 older to .-I'lirn llic full Ktnti.-itici desired in the foregoiti},' ri'-.'omiuitt.!e, v»-ithout :<'ich a tiioroUKh investif^atioii as cvmy ca-u de- mands, livery application tliat comes bifore a Presbytery slionld lie calmly cui!>.idered, and ouly K'l'finted when tlie illation or cou^'rcf^'atiou aj'plyin^' lias been stimuluted to do its very nt- most towards si'lf-sujiport. 0:]y thus can the c. oifide M-e o. the clinvcli be retained, in the wise apportioument of Home Mission funds. Tlie Commitlee wiiuld id ;o seidc the aid of I're-byterieK in (h\( lopin;; the mi:-.-ioimiy f-jiirit of our Kabljidh Seliool st-hol.ir.s. Children ^.]loldd be taiiKlit to love and jaay for tl..'ir eountry, and to ;,'ivi.' of their ;.avings towards its evan;' 'l'',alio 1. It' tlie last j^eiieratioii of Sah;.ath School children liad thus been tau;,'lit, tlie t'.ea-uvy ' ' our Home ■Mission fund ;v"uld not : iilTer so much at t!ie present day forlucU of fioidK. Coii{,'r(;;,'ations wliose Mission coutributiou- are i-yslemalieiill\ eolkchd duriiii; the eiitire year, would <'oid'er a (,'reat I enelit ujion the ConnMittee, by reinittioj; from time totime the funds ill hand, so as to lesst!!! tho interest jiaid oa lavj;. amounts borrowed from the banks. Indeed, to einiblo the Committee cointorlably to jueet its pressiiif,' od!j,'alions, there shiaUd be at the tie;.'imiinf;- of tlie eccK:-a'astical year, a balance hxu.^ enough to carry 011 the work of the lannmer iiioutlis and pay tlie claims due in October. As it is at present, we end and begin in the year in debt, and for nine moiith-^ of tlie year are di'iu'Dcbad upon borinv.cd money to pay our i^fis- sionaries. In name of the ('niiiiiiittei WlliTJAM (U)(11I1:ANK, CoNvr:N'F.n. HiUNTKOun, Ont., June loth, 1h77. llfH ^J §' EOBT. APPENDICES TO TUE (WESTERN SECTION), IFOR lSTe-77 EOBT. H. WARDEN, Montreal. WM. COCHRANE, D.D., Brantford. Secretary, Conxvner. ■^ \ XXVI. APPENDIX. o I— I O I— I 02 so «» o ^ <1 f^ 9q?3nijnpoo 'i CD O C > • o i.'T 5 c IBS • O us o -raoQ -j^ H™^ •M «5 N 'M C to Cj rH i-H C5 CC »0 • tC i-H O P9AI900J |anoc_7 rH >;« • ' • CO ,-1 as ?H T-( • |oo 1 •jBOjf fiq; on" lO O • . . lO oocoooo o o --CIO • • Oi 0OCU5000 "O o 10} Ti;T}qf,«s aod ^<=^-^ • • ■ c^ cfS'jiNiMWc^ev » 1 -ii ;nwat) uoissi.j^araojj • • •JB9^ 9q^ 03 • . . . , . Suunp 8aipim{[ , , loj piTjd 'jnuouiv (y> . . . • • •,ni9.^ 9q; 3nuup no O O O C -g o o c t • • • c O O Q C OO C O O OO CO c o 8 8oi[d(hi<:5 jojsuoi'j o ->< o t- • ^ « cr: 'C c 'o o X '0 — -UiS'^^fl V]'^'^ ^auomy * M S-5 'O K ■ ■ • • (>) r- rH 1- T-H r- IN l>- CO r-4 I— "0 "N 1— t •suoii«;c5 « O "O O C . , >.t 1 o..- O O 10 i - o tt o c^ o u: • • I- 1 O (M O C C C C 10 o jfq pDsiuio.td q;uq ^ C!t M -^ I- , CO CI l-t) CO CO -^ CO CO ■^ -qug J9d nunotuv <» '• '■ - r •j«a^ Sumip pajid (M IN -C o: lO l« Ol iH • • " l> I-H IN CO IN OI « CO -.Jl us CO lO Ifl i-l ■>* ab IN !?1 -dug sq'jtjqqBg -o^ r^ Ol o '.'^ 5 c -+ O -f 'O O O iM ■-I O •s^uBoiunniinoQ -:)i !N eo ec crt CO IM I<1 • t~ IN IC ■ (N N US •pi9T J u^sstj^ q'^I.^i iH «C lO iM ■^ rt t^ 'ii ^ 1?) Oq rH CO m -.^ O O «5 C-1 IN -^ tH -^ 'fo o pgpouuoo soniuinj tH |.. •()Ouu[:a,):);V c o c ;c «c O us OO C US O o o « C5 re 1.-; i^ CO -j; X- « o us o o qijuqquy 93t3IOAV OJ i-H L.'s T-H ^H 1— 1 us I-H •suoi:>T3:)y i-H CO iH H5 CO IN ■* iH DO . 03 • "t-i • 05 cr A • a • o :-3 i^i^i fo * > . en ^.sa§2 g .1 ^ ^ f— ere-du-Loup.. . , ng Expenses of ^ Tington and Gren ndel and De Sala ^rairie and St. L helaga and Long lor Church, Mon Cll .... 2 cr U tiOA c o! ° 1 W .>3 W <- h5 tn H «j5 ;i? 03 03 iH ci M M< '-' ?^* cc •^ us « l> i-i , (<« 1 4 M , t4 P s X s n K z 1 H D 1 o 1 1. I-H II i-i I-H I-H HH a a 3 o O o a o -3 APPENDIX. xxvn. I O X >« o 1 O !:: i-H ic 00 .-I .— I •^ rH * t~ N lO lO t> 00 O < 'COO , o o o «& as iH (M c) « a: O X O O O 1.1 - O — O C C b- O CO O O M X » 5 :S 00 X O l~ 8S O Q O C O O O O O O O C^C O -^t^so^t^xc^oso tH CO CO tH O t>. ■■£> CO OOOOOOOOC' -p OOOwOOCOO -o 't'MrHIMC^CCOUJcrj .05 O O O o p o o o c o lO 'C -^ X t^ 00 -.J" tH m 1.^ o o o oo '•: o o o o C^ CC (Jl Ol CO o o coo O C' o « X cc CC O -T< o o o p o o o o C lO .-1 o 1.1 w t- c o o o o -*^ o o o o o o C* i.'S -^ -^ cc ^s 5< X c c o o o o r- O W C O O O 1-1 T-1 t^ X c^ ;c o t- IS CC 'C O X o 1— I rl i-l rH CO O >/5 O C c-O O C^ 50 ■^ >*< CO CO •^ X OCOCO©'*pOCC u3 o o o c o CO o 1.-; c o !>* 1-C o X c c; ~ o d -- :c 1 "M i-H -^ 1.0 oi s>i O) oi ^>^ rtXUSt^i-ICOINO'JX'Nt^ C^ I>J ffj Ol 1.0 •'It lO 10 -M 1.0 1-1 t- O O « X O O (M CO O »o o o n; o t^ ■r»< CO 00 -^ 30 CO X C^ •t^-OlMC'lO •C<0 iH •■'J'-^OJNlO -COO IM i.O CO CO 05 1.0 c c: -H lo CO t •>! 0-1 ;r C5 X -t> -^ CO CO 0> T1 I») i 1-1 ->c -?< X r: o O C O C X lO C O «0 X Ci -^ W (N 1-1 1-t 1-1 rH X o o o o lo o o ' Tj( Tjt t- t- •* Tt< «5 CO CO X 1-1 CI ■N •* CO -f X N ic o o o p o oj o o 1.0 o c o 1-1 ' — " ' t^ ■* X Cs < X X t~ 1.0 t.0 oi CO ci"; -^ -^ Clt-l'N'MrH'Mi-l-^COOl-* tH iH 1— I iH iH rH -tl I 'l* CO CO CO CO M Si s «fl ^ oS rri on >> 1—1 a o X I . rH i-l IH . rH O O i-(iHTHt-(i— (rH^-iHi— IrHtH O .*^ i/t Q ITS OS O 2 o W. 02 a - >H !« p fl o _ „ -j:; e8 g •t; aJ 03 5 ^ M en o , ' r: o H iH « e<5 -^ »« «o bo 'C a o a O H >-l o J^ o -^ fi-S » o o 93 i^ o H '2 d == *- S 'J M 01 C3 O C tC -^^ S.S S3« o 5 -? -^i is "^ a a (S 1'' « CO 0) "o U "3 13 .a s> , M - .2 M .«i a 9 " -= 2 — - ?, o •« Ji tr .~^ S 3 r c JS A £ o 2 1) 5 5 < P ^ . K* l-l t-l H-i l«^ O )f^ s r J tc .a ^H ■j> 4( &. o ■HSXCi o-^ 03 •"I ■< H H O n xxviii. APPENDIX. otu flaijnp osi^mi p.)Aioo3i ^nuoray $ cts. 159 00 110 00 233 68 65 00 to CO us >o o t-lN rH r-t O S3 SSg8§SS8g§ l-O © t^ iC -t< iS -M -^ l.-l © i-l©COiM©'«-*?f5INi-l T-4 1— ( iH iH © o o - JOJ t[)l!l[llUS •»'"i wi O O O O -g "C "S O >C M S-5 US 5-1 .—1 1 c = s © © >.0 © © O O O (M • -M W -H tH -M M « X -r* • © Sni.uip 3inp|ui}[ CO . • • • -^ • • ■ > u , . . . «*-^ ; .■ ! I 1565 00 25 00 o 1—1 800 00 170 00 500 00, 600 00 20((0 00 © |85S§ 'O o o o «/> ;0 05 »o l^ 2 222 75 32 00 •11 © © © © © c '« c © • '.■^ ©© = ©©©•-=©© • I © t^ © © © © t^ — rH 1- . .-, "O l^ © rt © l^ ■>] ?? C'1 • — ( T-iiqi-HM'f-lt eq • © !?1 A([p98nu().id i[:(uq •/ o o o o -g i.t! 1.T — la IM •M CC « O •J 1 oo in o re K !0 S§5g^8 -f -i< -f 1.^ I- © 4 50 4 20 42 40 -.njOii jiui.rap p3i[d -dns smvqqug -o^ Jlt rH Cl ■ ■>J< M UO I CO 1-1 © "O i-H CI CI -t< ■>! © X lo "o CI m o o i-( "-•^ •s;uB3iuuuttnoQ I © © |.^ © 1-1 -* ci 00 -^ © t^ © © -t< d CJ C- CO «5 •.)ouiqnw!)'JV ■^H © © © C^ © © l^ 6 qoanqo b aiaqij sj ,i p9JIufM)J pjY sj o O CO -^ CI d • CO rH © I rH © 1.1 © © r^ CO • M C -V 00 CO © lO 00 t^ © • CO lO l^ CO CI -r IS CI CO 00 rH © 1-0 -t< ■* lO 1.0 « l.O , -o o ' rH -O 1.0 CJ CO © IQ I i-O I © CO © ".O © © C O O • I X lO CI t^ ' l.O rH Ir~ l^ i.t l.O -t X © ■ CI rH rH CI I C'i CI rH CJ 1— I rH T~i ~^ IM -^ ! © O rH CO PQ r3 a CO o o O Q .2T H 01 OCOClClCOiHrHrHCJ CJ X CI CI rH rH rH T-i CI 72 IS o o en >5 o ^ 9 o T-l IN O H a ® s -^ PM — r:; X©, 5 IK' o 55 In X a o ri o i: o a .o •e o .a 3:i - ;z r< a cs "s a o o ^ *> *^ : I t APPENDIX. XXIX. \''. ~ o o o o ■g o o c o o — lO 00 i:£ 5^ \lf)-Z, I^ O C5 >o 'COO 'COO > -M 55 O • re i-t o o o o c o I o X o ; rj rt O --0 rH 00 X 01 u; o o CO v; ■?! O O O O *; -^ 5 o £ o r. M ■^ -^ ■* o o o i-( ?! -It o o U5 lO o o o o o o o o C(5 -t< o o o o I* 1 ; O O o o o o o o o < C O W 1-1 ~ — l~ < > c o o a> 1 o '■"^ c I-- C- o » re li^ -M — * o f-H o * ^ C i.*^ Ci ^ "^ • -?^ >— ■ ?C "^ X (?^ -M -^ r-. ri i-l l-t o ~oo OOOCOOOOO o o c o o c o c c o r. '.-: -ri C5 'M n ■>] CIS -.s -o M e>j w »-< • 00 00 o I o O I o ■ o ' o c o L-5 O © QO "o c --5 ■^ -t< C CO ^ O «>J cc -»( c o o o '.■; o o c -f W X -J o o i^ :* 't ri X :- o ".■5 l.-i o »1 (M IM -J< CO M IM ?C ■M C>) "O :0 X O lO >.1 C-] (?l rH ■?! I>] CC -f rH ^1 .-I — < t^ i.'; O '-C X ^5 lO -f --O M lO ~. CO CO lO -rl* O rj l.l T'1 >H . rH «-*0-1l 1-5 W5 00 3i CO CO iH iM 7) -f 00 1.^ O i-O CC o o o o >.■; — O X O CO o CO o o "--^ o lo ■M L-; C5 o CO I— tCC rHrHi-Hi-H-Mt— t tHt— I a:coc- C>1 1-H -*< -^ c- :c CO -M Tl *l r-l o CO 'C o m o C^ U3 X "O o CO 30 •H :o CO « ^ 3 u "^ qT .-« tc rt ■en. 9 =5 C (1) am m ^a c3 O CCOt~0DC5C'-l'MCO.'-; »— t 1-H rH I— I fc-l P3 •< p. I"! P O 02 oi _^ •M .— ,»1 i-H i-H rH i-H n i-l d d o • is a •J -«( 72 a . a . ^ ;= s ^ - a tc p- K S W O r-i c>i CO •<< us XI — t« UO o ■^ CO IS Id o o o a M 4 3 s O 1^ XXX. APPENDIX. -« %> I I QQ 5z; o EH EH SQ !Zi O l-< 02 GQ -mof) iv H rao^tj ■*^ — O c^ ».■: Ti • • o o • • 55 35 • ; — O 888SSSS8?2 o -^ r x -J vj 1.-5 X l.'^ to ■M C; ~- '•". ■M ^ "i C". « •X' I-H r— t I— t I-H T-l l-H ^tiBji) ii ti :0 O O O C O m O O O -g = o o o o o o o o o CC ?1 C'l M *1 1' ?1 (N C^ I'l o lO CI ■M 7-1 O O '* -M -H -* -t< 'M 1-H X W -^ "~ o c o c o -M '4: t- ^t I- I -dnjj Bq;'8([qi!Cj -o^ >1 « 0 — CO M CH (M CO CI c; o '.-J ::: ■n' o t:~ '.•^ 6 qojnq.) v r\xsx\% sj CO CO tH i-t • o o 1(5 CO o 10 i ydxirib^ii p!v sj 00 CO en a O is r3 0) '^ - 2 § « CO 1* 'tf 10 -^ M< 1< 1.0 1-1 -^ 5>1 CO •.^ X c>i -.r i.i r; • o .-^ ^ 1-1 n — I •M • CC o 1.0 C- X' 1.0 ~ n i-i 'M i-l (M CO i.T o o c o o • o o o s-i -^ o ^ • o (NiHi-HC-llNrHr-ICJiHr-l vH»— tr-4rHi— i.--.-J71f— ti— ( o p4 :^ W .* p CC to ••J J q . . . . C3 i-H IM CO ■<*< •-' ai o -^3 2 3 ■^ "^1 - GO 0) t» „ ^ „ ^ . . _ i.5 3 3'2 ' t, o iH C3 _ • &, o c ~ i X X O Q Z O h3 ><1 CO O o 10 1.0 o 3 ft ^* u .. .-a T-; (M ■?! ' c X > «> 1.-: 'f < (M ^C ■*^ ^ f^ ( -.O 1.0 "- «» 1.0 CO r I-H -I* C 03 ' -Soc -^ 00 -- CO 1.'. 1 CO ■-< s ■»tt CI c 05 "i* C eo CO « 1.0 t- z CO ■M •- lH l-H r CO '-I iH i-i e IH i-l r- 3 X APPENDIX. XXXI. 1 X 1 C o •« 5 o CI 'O o l-H SS22S :S 8 o o ' • X 00 888 8 O 1 X o .^ ~ t t- • eo h- — ^ ( ■ CO •>^ t~ CI I- •X ^ 1 X W O -M O iO . 8 >o t • o CJ « O rH lO i2 1 rr :0 Cl 1< rH .-H 2 • 8 1 ; • • • , rH rH 8 88 CJ 1 rH Cl |ss ? : : : : : 8 \ • . . 01 Ol '74 >>} • C5 IN Cl CI N « . . . . . » • m" c 1-1 O »— < 1 . i . o 8 ■gO-f O -n^ • • • • • — C x >/: * T ' , . . ■ CO CO «»•.■; f cs . Ci • • . . • X CO 5>1 -H ■>! • • • -o * 1.0 . .88 lO |S8§{28 : c '■■r o o • O 'X C-. o • ■1^ I-- ?ss s • 1 8 tc i.-i -o cc o • o '^ 00 1,^ 'tt ?^ ■ T S?S8 ~. • • . -^ o CO «> 1--; cc r-< — o • c c: C '.-S CO C-. • ■J- ^ • . » CO C5 fH TJi M (M >-l • CO rH rH ■M CI l.'i rH X CI •o 1 1< •Ttt |g8§§S : o c o o o o • T fSt 1.= , o c o c o ■--. • !.■: • . . . ' -f 00 «D >0 M . « « X i.-,i rn rr . c i; -^ lO 1 c- , . . . » • w CO =1 i- rH 11 • ... .^-.^^ — O O !M t^ >C • ■^ k: ^ "■in " or CI f-H .'' ( ^^ cc ic I" -n" c>j • c- :-: CO r-1 CI • Cl lo '-■: '^ • • s- ■" 1-^ • • ■ CO r-i s -Tt eq . »* O t^ rH C; . r- X rH -f 1 CO . Tf C-l Ci --O IN • ■•H t \S Ci CC CI • -f X C ».o • • . o o ■ri Cl ^o rH • . rH C5 -i< s Ort • ■t* c ^-■^ >0 'ft o • •^ Cl 50 • eo M « CO iH . t> er «5 CO O CO • 0( eo f ifl c: • • 00 X rH L.'t' "C • rH o -^ »o t-C o o • c- c 1.0 c o O uo . CO oi v: X -^ • o »fl t~ -.^ O rH • f> CO o ".'; *- ■ • • o . o iH rH i.^ rH ta rH rH CI rH CI X Cl .-H •^ Irt » i-l iM CO "M • rH IM CI rH ro -ri . f rH Cl -H 1- , » • Cl CO • rH I ' iH iH (M rH iH • VS rH CI rH .. . CO rH Cl rH *** . . . fH rH • ir. r- < • rH r-^ • c -H rH r- 1 : • • *H f-< Cl . ] : i TT : : : 1 I ^ 3 ' * f— ' o • *" J -4 1 O i« o a .. a. 00 .2 1 1 1 1 : : ; rH a o O r* ^ «*H ^ 2 a c3 ■ ni. -J '■ '■ S i .2 a c^- 2 'J £i1 ^ : : % o OQ a »4 N 1 X a : 1 2. a P. :3 d C F- 1 •a ^ c ^ s : .9 J : > ^ 3 o Pombra Dresden Tilbury Mersea* Maidstoi veiling E "a C 1 1 (3 O iH M ffl-^ 3 .9 >; a ee a 5 1 WSS g > 5 « . . , . - § ^ O d I-H • < iH CV CO -^ "O Jrj < 1 rH CI cr i ) M H I-H « W 3 rH Cl CO 't 1 . X 5 1 c 1 1 t 5 i ; [ s c W 1 P. Hi ( pas > 1 >• 3 r 1 > 4 ^ >1 >^, .a ^ M XXXll. APPENDIX. a GQ JZ3 O EH DQ Jz; o I— I CQ CQ 1— I ><1 poAieooi ;auotny Jfiiunp Hniinuifi JOJ prud ■juiiDiiiy •jbojC eq; Saunp K.)I[(l(lllS -10} HUOI') -myA'ii piuil juuotuy u 0» •snonmc' if([ paHim().i(l \\'\vi[ -qug jod ^auooiv '/j ■g l-- Ci C ;0 lO l-» I- (M V5 M< CO CI CI C5 rH '/j 1< CO wl -^ -T* CI '" O -^< c ■ CO -»< I , oo 1 o © o r- Si -o O U5 CO i-( CO O •jBOii iinijup poifd •sjauoinumtnof) CO ~ O 5-1 Cl X CO C4 iH C) 01 C>1 i-l C^ -1< ■l'I'^L'I"i'''*''IKmF*^ po;D3uuoa sojiirtiti^j •00TTnpu3:):)y CO i-H CV X >.C CO -f I CO (M CO e>l '.O «3 i-l -^ X • -t< O [>• O ro O ■ «5 W5 e>1 » N CO 'O •HUOT;my SniqoBojj JO 'oNj i Tioinqr) B ejaq; sj Q '« O O O CO irt O C5 ^H IC «0 O C3 iH rH (M r-l 1— I 1-1 iH CO » -t "f CO •* CO ^ pairabajj piy bi OQ a o • C5 W rH CI "H 1— I O O 50 o CO CO in •CI CI o 1-1 CI CJ rH CI -# -It (M O CI 05 eo o lo iH lO • I— I to X X CO CO CO CI -f CI XM - o o Sea" ago C3 O O S H a tc . a o O H T-I c4 e> D O Lj EH e X H a * 9 ■3 §-« OQ r^ O -^ O .In iH IN CO Tli US O 5g H o DQ £^ APPENDIX. XXXUl. •jB9jf flniJiip OD^iitn fj * * X-H 1 ©X i >t -tno,-) • i^ • ji tu().i} ■M^P^CtOrHb- .C5CS!i-lt>-r^p -CCt^OCCOMQ O 3i X t" M 'C '^ ■ C> 'O ;C «0 t- C. » • O 1(5 lO S'l O M * CI CO paAieoaa !janoniv 7>«X M1 'M«F-l c« ?5 •jns.C © . l.O . 88S .8 . rH .8 rH «5 3 •3 gnunp flaipituH • rH • o o o . »o . r^ l^ ,-) .».-;) . C5 • :?S US 8 juj piuil 'jiiuouiv *» • • 1-- • f-H -r *M ■ • •S • • lO X .3 MTja^ oqi Hnunp „• c c p M ^^ -^ o 11^ 1- X rs o c o o p '* c '■'^ c is -r o p >>< -r M 3 • I- -o o -ti lo 5 P o p I- P c- 1.0 • 5 © i55 aoi^ddng .loj siioi) -H "- C irt -f :C '« • -t» r-l ■M X t^ [~ C-. C Si e 'Q « JC >■; •-: ri i£ x -^ i^ ■ i~ — -^ lo s >o -.r it re - v: si r- :§ CO -tUtj iiq piud ^nuouiy «» o X rH i^- -^ o M .5-10-^ o r-. -^ i-H Ti ^: -^ i.-s ■■£ l-H rH • Ol 1-1 .H i-H • -i< © © i M rA s y< , ■S o "i.'^O-l-OOO -OOCiPCCOOCOOOO o r- is c -.i lO o i« • 1.0 Ti ic c 1.-: 1.0 c? o o o O 1.0 o c- 2" 1 ■sn.tJ^g [i(\ pesiraojd CO q^uqqiig ,iod ^anoray n « -^1 iS 1.0 01 « ■ vs oi •-£ w »H sv ro O i.o •■£ is s: t^ • © H - 1 jTia.f oq'j 3nT.iiip i^ c» w ■^< w --s O CO ro r-i t^ r- C. S5 CO o -^ 1.0 « 10 -r X Ol •>= C. lO -< ■ X l.O lO -1< X -f -f OJ ~ ~ Ol o o • • X rH — a §1 O pjddnssi[:Hiq(jug 'o^ r-HO) i-Hmx'-i. co^: i-ti-< -t^n ih^ • • Jo o^ H i -2 OQ CQ 9 ■^rHOXi-ii-ii-i T-io« -r-iocsio^omt^n: O *■ 1 "" •S!)nt3yininnnioQ CO Ol l.O « C5 35 aj • X O X • lO C5 S5 0< I^ -T* -1< iH IC rH OJ 0-1 CI CI l-H • -1( •« CI r-t I-l d O '-' • .-0 § •pjai J noissij^ qjiAi OLOI'thOCJIC •t^CJClCOCOl-O -^t-COXCl • CJ o 2 popanaoo SciqicaB^ i-(Ci cc-^iOfH' ecntiHiH ?-t i-*i-( i-ir- • X CO ts S o •eomjpnaj^v O O © CO 1-1 J> -^ >0 X O O O t~ iC O 1.0 Ol O O 10 lO CI P X 50 X "O . C^ (N iS t^ to rH ;S lO -1» CI I.o 01 1— o -'- a -4 o *• • l-.t' 1- 'S JS qijuqqBy e^BJOAy »«lOl-HOlO — CO •CJ-^l--*COCI5COrHlOOrHXTt' tH l-H i-H I-H • f-H a 3 S 1 s Q0COr-l-H-f(-*llO 5Ot-«'1OlXt-XrH-*-H SC rH CO -i y-K t~ 02 f^ ■soqojnqo jo -o^sr rH rH rH • - Q ^ § s'? g C0I>rH«O©rH-* 50lC0 • ^ \n i-^ V* V r» 5 s s i pexrabaa pjy sj rH rH . rH . rH • c ^ ._.. !. S "^ a ID o o «0 C» l-H ST rH rH -f C^ Ci CO W 'tf* US US CO © «5 rH f CO -^ u; •spioij UOIBSipi ' r- o • D § 3 ■^ 15 to . : a i "e! a ^ 1|l2ll||«§^ a &i S as C 1 c ! C — < a> ^ §5 9 rH ci CO •^' va © l> CO Oi C' r-H W Co' ••1< 1.0 «£ t-^ X OS o — oi CO § y~^ ^- r- r- r- — 1— l-H rH 1— C- CJ Cl CJ QQ XXXIV. APPENDIX. m\ ^ CO ^-^ si; 04 i I -s g. w « -d ^ CO -^ rO a ID 525 r o 1— ( !~ a o o H Ji -< Srs o O 8nunp •mo;') i^ '^iioiiioidiiiiH puox -inp noi-juHiuMiio.) Xjiipis JO gitiiioiKV «S88 S «388 0888 8 8 S??33S 88388 S3S88 a; ■* ^lg?^ ?232?3 838888 3833ii «r -r n* -T" O ^ S!3 8!fl :8 S3?!n88S 'OonDpno!))!! •simiaiuntntno.') ^H sss 5)S3 S ?S2SS i3 io r> ^ to i.T -»• irt rt -J •|5 -M m -^i M O 91 7. »l ^ to O s •I fi 51 ri rs s SSS33 .^ .^ * * 3 ■; .? ?5 f5 3 3ii§5 if r:?2t2S ;S; esJSSSS I igsiSS 13 •X^aoiloj,! qoantia uo %c\oa 3S3 33 iosnuiv Ti ojom Bi i qo.mqo ti ofaxi% bi I i iH fHiH « a a a w S « n 2 si cS a o o 013 a a 2 j; o o •: 0) »-5 l-t '-5 O l-S ^3° « a a I g'co a) q m t ID ® a o;5 ° d O < »J N -, N ; 3 . oOp> .,=3 o H J) : o : to 2^o =3 li=C o -S-a.t: f< gcc 31-1 ■S^I^a T-l^?? ^ W5 O CO >— < . J I* .-3 -£ 05 L, a ;j ai m as at, gi, 3 d i 3! o S a U.2 o J 3 m o 5j q.ji o g S^a ; o :0 o -"2 a r3 a 3 d.2 iH 01 CfJ ■* O CO t- » «S§83; «, » * s i . 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I Eh Oh P CQ O P5 O I— ( E-t <1 o I •n.anoo Xq 9np ptiodi^ij jo Binouy 3n|jnp -tnoD -jv ^asdioiddiis imox 'jiia.< oq) I U.-S .2 8 a» 3a.33 !S O fl 2 o g o ■a IE' a a >^ ^ a iH rHeim o Si Hi a CO APPENDIX. xxxvu. > •*< 3 > > I 8 i'S I i S 3t a. =?1 li isj X « ! K ; ( M Sl-M f >0 EH QQ o J2J o M H o « o o 1— I :^ M ft Stninp qojnqg eq; JO Koraaqog oq? o^ pajnqu^aoDri^auoiav •snon -BSaiSnoQ ifq enp puadps JO sJB9JuY •jTJoi aq; 3nunp 99:>')iniuio3 uoissij^j euiojjuio.ij p,Aioooj s^nauioidtlns ib;oj^ •Jtio^ oq; 3ni.inp saouBSaiiiiio.^ iCq p.nnqi.i;uo,) Aiujus JO ■junotny O CO • «fl O "ft • lO X w • rH « 3S • -t< -r '-■; • « i^ M ift CI • e» X . « IN X ec oi • fc ;c • ■^ 1— 1 X UJ IS • X C5 « JO iH • >-l . « O -t" © ' X i.t f o • X o SI t< • m ?s X VS IN O ■ O ' O :85 •C t- • X w CI o • >.-: X o o C • X M o o o • IN 't" CJ N « C O X ?1 -1» 'C ift ^ 1.7 C -r t"- >— I t^ ^H CO X c~ c- IN 1.-; O O O O I O '* >-7 *?* I c "M -f -^ c c X Ift .-c Q X w C -H ic d c -»< t-i -t< d •eccoor:e «^ O c C X 1-1 -r - o -f o v; « ~ o (fc O W '7 1^ « 'ft o o CI rj >ft o r". -H >-i O 7^1 ?! 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APPENDIX. 1 ;;■; '■: Appendix III— CURRENT GRANTS. The followiug is a complete list of the SupplemgnteJ Congregations and Mission Stations of the Church (Western Section), with the Current Grants to each as revised by the Committee in April, 1877 :— The Grants to those marked * ore conditioual on the Assembly's sanction being obtained. Those marked 1 are conditional upon settlement. SUPPLEMENTED CONGREGATIONS. Preshyteries : I. QUEBEC— Dnuvillo Grant of §200 per annum. Scotstown " 150 tHampden " 100 *St. Sylvester " 200 n. MONTREAL— *Mille Isie.s Grant of $200 per annum, *Faruham Centre " 200 Laguerre " ir)0 Valleylield " 200 m. GLENGARRY— Alexandria Grant of $200 per annum. IV. BROCKVILLE— S. Gower and Mountain Grant of 8150 per annum. N. Augusta and Fairfield " 200 Edwardsbtirg and Iroquois " 150 Dunbar and Colqulioun's Settlement " 100 Morrisburgh " 150 V. OTTAWA— t Avlwin Grant of J200 per annam. Metcalfe " 150 Aylmer(,7) " 100 Chelsea " 150 Alice and Pettawawa " 200 (a) The Assembly recommended to increase the grant owing to the exceptional liberality of the people. VI. KINGSTON— St. John's, Pittsburg Grant of 3150 per annum. St. Columba and St. Paul " 150 Melrose and Lonsdale " 200 Demorestville " 200 •Camden and Sheffield " 150 tLansdown and Fairfax " 200 Glenvale, Harrowsmith, &c " 150 KosUn and Thurlow " 200 Vn. PETEIIBORO'— Fenelon Falls, &c Grant of ?125 per annum. Bobcaygeon, itc " 150 Warsaw and Dummer " 100 Vm. WHITBY— No supplemented congregations. APPENDIX. XX XIX. ned. Those cr anuum. sr annum. T annum. r annum. r annum. IX. LINDSAY— N. Mara and Garden Grant of ?1.')0 per annum. Balsover " 100 " Kirktield and VictoriaviJlo " 150 X. TORONTO— York Mills aud Fisherville Grant of $100 per annum. Mono Centre and West " 50 XI. BARRIE— Town Line and Ivy Grant of $50 for 6 months XII. 0^^"EN SOUND— *N. Keppel aud Sarawak Grant of $200 per annum. XnL SAUGEEN— 'Proton Gram of 9100 per annum. Hanover and W. Beutinck " 150 ■ Osprey " 150 tN. Luther and Ross " '200 N.Arthur " 25 for G months. XIV. GUELPH— Hillsburg and Price's Comers Grant of 8100 per annum. tElmira and HawksviUe " 200 XV. HAMILTON— Kilbride Grant of 8100 per annum. Vittoria " 200 Grimsby " 100 N. Pelham, &c " 100 Dunnville " 100 XVI. PARIS— Mount Pleasant and Burford Grant of $100 per anuum. St. Anckew'b Church, E. Oxford " 75 XVII. LONDON— WardsviUe Grant of §100 per annum. Napier " 75 Ah-inston, &c " 100 Point Edward (a) " 100 New Glasgow " 100 Port Stanley " 200 Camlachie " 50 (a) The Committee agreed to recommend Assembly to grant ?100 additional from let October, 1876. XVni. CHATHAM— Buxton Grant of $100 per annum. Amherstburgh " 250 Florence and Dawn " 200 tDover and Ohver's Settlement " 150 XIX. STRATFORD— Listowell Grant of $100 per annum. tMolesworth and Trowbridge " 100 XX. BRUCE— Kinloss and Bervie Grant of $200 per annum. Laugside " 100 Pine River " 100 XXI. HURON— Crnubrook and Ethel Grant of $180 per annum. tBayfield and Bethany ((z) " 200 (a) And .*2 per Sabbath while vacant. 4' fU I i'^^i APPENDIX. MISSION STATIONS. Pbehdttebies : I. QUEHEC- Kcnnebec Road Grant of .?3.00 per Sabbath . Viilciutier " 3.0U Lake* Me({autio No grant. Uroiuptou Ooro " MaHsiwippi " Coaticuok " n. MONTREAL— The Tanneries Grant of $1.00 per Sabbath. Hoohelana " 4.00 Taylor Church, Montreal " 3.00 St. Lamberts and Laprairie " 2.00 Arimdel and Do Salabcrry " 4.00 Avdca " 2.00 Han iiigton and Grenville " 2.50 ni. GLEN(tARRY— Suniinfi'stown Grant of §4.00 per Sabbath. E. Hawkesbury No yrant. S. Fiuuh " IV. BROCKVILLE— Nt'wboro and Westport Grant of ?3.00 per Sabbath. Kitlcy Batlmrst and S Darling La van t Palnicrstou. . , . Shorbrook. 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Merrickvillo No grant. V. OTTAWA— Bt'arbrook and Cambridge Grant of $4.00 per Sabbath. East Teuipluton " 2.00 Castleford " 1.00 Wilberforce " 2.00 Hull 1 .. snrt RocheRterville [ ''•"" Desert and Six Portages " 3.00 Ujjper Ottawa " 5.00 Cantly and Portland " 3.00 Plantagenet " 3.00 Huntly and Kiubiirn No grant. VI. KINGSTON— Fredericksburg and Mill Haven Grant of $2.00 per Sabbath. Huntingdon. Consecon N. Hastings' group Hinchinbrook and Bedford Morton Wolfe Island Rawdon, Marmora and Blairtown . 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Vn. PETER BORO'— Mindcn Grant of $5.00 per Sabbath Chandos and Burleigh " 3.50 Harvey , " 3.50 Hahburton " 2.50 YIII. WHITBY- No Mission Stations. ''}" APPENDIX. xli. IX. LINDSAY— Sunderland and Vrnomanton Grant of 92.50 per Sabbath. 2.50 Grant of 92.00 per Sabbath. 41 2.00 It 1.00 II 2.00 ) ((() And .'^200 per atiuaiu if aottloU. XI. BARRIE— Brac'jbridKe Grant of 99.60 per Sabb".*h, PenetanKuisheno " 4.00 Gravenhurst " 3.00 AUansville, &c " 2.00 Raymond, Port Carliug, lie " 3.00 Tay, Medonte, and Coldwator " 1.00 Washano, Severn Bridge, and Ardtrea " 2.00 Baysville, Drake, and Hamilton " 3.00 Stisted, Town Line, and Port Sydney " 3.00 RosHcan and Turtle Lake No grant. Waubashene, iVc " Burns' Church and Dunn's Settlement " Beggsboro " XIL OWEN SOUND— Parry Sound Grant of .So.OO per Sabbath. T -. ,, • , f The Committee promise all Inoiau IVumsula | reasonable aid if occupied. XIII. SAUGEEN— Dundalk aud Eraser's Settlement Grant of $1.50 per Sabbath. Waldemar and Amaranth , " 2.50 Aytou and E. Normauby , No grant. XIV. GUELPH— Preston and New Hamburg, (German) Grant of 93.50 per Sabbath. Eden Mills " 1.50 New Hamburg, (English) No grant. Everton and Ospriuge " XV, HAMILTON— Fort Erie aud Ridgeway Grant of 93.00 per Sabbath. Delhi " 3.00 Port Dalhousie No grant. East St. Catharines " X\l. PARIS— West Brantford No grant. Beachville " OldEast Oxford ,^ t I X\TI. LONDON— Port Burwell Grant of 93.00 per Sabbath, Hyde Park " 3.00 Springfield " 2.00 Lucan " 3.00 Corunna and Mooretown " 2.00 London East " 4.00 Oilspriugs " 2.00 E. Adelaide " 3.00 W. Williams aud N. Adelaide No grant. Arkoua and W. Adelaide , " D ni jdii. APPENDIX. XVUI. CHATHAM— Sombra Oraut of 92.00 per Sabbath. Tilbury W. and Comber " 2.00 Mernea " 2.50 DrcHdun No graut. MaidBtone " XIX. STllATFOllD— BuruB' Churcb, E. Zona No grant. XX. BRUCE— Bivcrsdale and EnniBkillen No grant. I'iukerton " Manituulin Island, South Sido L) " " North aide ((7) " (a) Cojumittoe agreed to BU|>i>lenieut the coutributiouB of the people to ir'700 per annuui, l)rovi(led uu Urduiued MiBuionury outer the tleld. XXI. HURON— Stiplicn ; Grant of 83.00 per Sabbath. Goderidi, (Gaelic) " 2.00 E. Ashtield No grant. XXII. MANITOBA— Married Missionaries, each 9000 per annum, less amount paid by stations. Unmarried " " 700 " " " " " XXL NDER HOME MISSION COMMITTEE— New Westminister, B. C Grant of $1,000 per annum. Thimder Bay " 800 " less amount paid by people. Sault Ste. Marie " 800 " " " " APPENDIX. I SuMMAUY OF Appendix III, per annuui, CURRENT GRANTS. 8rpr CONUI 1 O cc ti °^ o to "A [.KMKNTKD IKUAT10N8. M18H10N Stations. I'RESBYTKRIES Total Orauts pel* Auuum. •3 ■3 d 55 Total UriintH per Sabbath. Z S 3*. §•2--® '•S q S.-a .» It. A y-n >. , 1 . Onebcc 4 4 1 ? i) 8 3 '3 2 1 1 5 2 5 2 7 4 2 3 2 • • • ■ % c. 650 00 750 00 200 00 750 00 800 00 1400 00 375 00 '466 "60 150 00 50 00 200 00 625 00 300 00 600 00 176 00 725 00 700 00 200 00 400 00 380 00 6 7 3 7 11 8 4 • • 2 5 13 2 3 4 4 3 10 5 1 4 3 12 3 % c. 6 00 21 50 4 00 13 00 31 CM) 21 50 14 50 '"5*66 10 00 30 60 5 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 '22*66 6 50 "566 40 40 35 34 40 38 40 44 45 40 40 30 44 40 41 43 ■ • 40 1 » c. i 240 00 : 860 00 140 00 440 (to 1240 0(» h2() 00 580 00 '226 "60 450 0(t 1220 00 200 00 120 00 220 00 240 00 '966 '60 280 00 266 60 4500 00 1800 00 1 « c. i «'.»0 00 2 Montreal 11)10 (H) H- Glentfftrrv :uo 00 4- Brockvillc ! 1190 00 i>- OttiLwa •J04(» 00 ()• Kiui^ston 2220 00 7- Peterboro' 955 00 s. Whitby y. Lindsay 10. Toronto 620 00 600 00 11. Barrie 1270 00 12. Owen Sound 13. Sautieeu 400 00 745 00 14. Guelpb 520 00 l-x Hainilt3n 840 00 16. Paris 175 00 17. London 1625 00 18. Chatham 9H0 00 11). Stratford 200 00 20. Briico 400 00 21. Huron 22. Manitoba 580 00 4500 00 23. Under Home Mission Committee 1800 00 Tolals 69 $9830 00 120 »210 60 1 ^14670 00 ! 1 f24500 00 Estimated amount required during current year — For Supplemented Congregations, as above $9,830 00 " Mission Stations, as above 14,670 00 " Expenses of Committee, Printing, Interest, etc say 2,000 00 Estimated total amount required for the current year $26,5U0 00 This is exclusive of the balance against the fund at this date. * The average number of Sabbaths in this column is based on the Reports of the respective Presby- teries for the past year. J xliv. APPENDIX. I' Appendix IV. MISSIONARIES.— APRIL 1H77. I. MiNiKTEHS AND Li( KNTiATEH. — Mc'ssrs. P. McKcrrac'lier, A. ISt;!!, Alix. Stowttrt, J. Scott, A. Matbieson, S. Dondlilsoii, M. J. Bortliwick, H. ^rcKclliir. J. Miuue, T. Feuvvick, J. McKtit- eht'on, A. Findliiy, J. H. IJattisby, li. Scott, J. (laiiM, M. S. Livingston, T. Johnston, S. C. Finser, A. McNauKhton, W. Meldruiu, H. Gibson, J. Stowart, J. Jones, H. T. .Miller, G. Jamietion, K. Jamieson, K. Wilson. — '27. II. TuEOLOdit AL Stcuents. — MfBsrs. James G. Stuart, Alex. McLean, Alex. Scott, Thos. Glass- ford, lln^h Taylor, John FLiguson, Kobt. Fowlie, Alex. .McFarluno, J. Geddes, A. Kippcn. A. A. Scott, It.' r. McKay, \V. A. Wilson. P. C. (ioldie, A. F. .McKonzie, Alex. Nicol, A. K. Kennedy, J. Johnston, 1). C'urric, John Wilkie, A. Leslie, D. G. McKay, .\. T. Coulter, Alex. Fraser, J. !?. Hamilton, li, J. lirown, Jos. McCoy, Thos. Atkinson, David Koss, Jas. Smith, D. Tait, A. W. Marling, S. H. Eastman, J. W. Cameron, W. Fitzimmons, D. C. JlcKenzie, J. 11. Johnston, J. 15. Dinkel, F. McLennan, N. Mcl'hee, A. C. Morton, It. Hamilton, M. F. Houdreau, C. E. Amuron, ^L H. Scott, C. McKillop, J. K. McLeod, D. Bannerman, John Mordy, G. F Walker, W. D. Russell, J. T. Donald, John Mathesou, J. W. Penman, I'e Laccy NVardhiw, James Chambers, C. E. Cunningham, J. M. McCahon, H. P. Hamilton, James lieid, A. G. Kogers, Wm. Anderson, Edward l5ro\vn, Andrew Hen- derson. — 04. III. Stcpent CATEcnisrs, — Messrs Hugh Mcintosh, (roorgo McArtliur, W. E. D' Argent, Donald McCannel, .fohn Chisholm, M. S. Oxlev, James Hoss, A. A. Mackenzie, Gilbert Patterson, W. A. Hunter, J. C. Tibb, N. McCireggor, J. A. Turnbull, Charles H. Cook, W. G. Wallaee. Wm. McKay, T. Kenning, A. N. Campbell, David Forest, J. K. Wright, J. B. Gallowav, G. D. McKay. Ah. Dobson, W. P. H. Fishburn, John Mowat. A. McKay, A. Wilson, V. McLean, W. McKinley, J. Jamieson, Jolui Currie, \. Cuthbertson, D. B. McDonald, J. A. Anderson. Alex. York, J. P. Grant, Robert McKibbin, J. Mitchell, J. F. McLaren, J. Hemy, Charles McLean, Arch. Hvde, Wm. Shearer, J. K. Bailie, T. Nelson, T. Holiday, S. J. Taylor, P. 11. Ross.— 48. IV. Lay Catechists. — Messrs. J. W. Meikle, A. McCHlvrny, James Robertson, Angus McLeod, L. G. Henderson, James Miller, J. Cairns, S. Armstrong, J. Lawrence, — Watt, B. G. Brown, J. K. Anibews. — 12. Total Mis.^iouarics, lol.] APPL..D1X. xlv. RErORT OF THE MARITIME SECTION OF TUE COMMITTEE OF HOME MISSIONS FOR 1877. Home MisBion work in tin' Ijowor Provinct-- i-^ comlnrtt'd under two ConiinitteeH, nnd tlieir lU'pnrtments tire diHtinet — tlie one tlie dejmrtnii lit of Hiii)j)ly and pxtenHioii, llir < ilier the depurt- uiciit for aiding' liy suiijilemeiit our woiikcr clinr^'es. Tlic sul)joiiieon tlie ]iiitience nf the (icnenil A-isenil>ly. Our eonKroKdtidUs niny !»■ jilftced iit one hundieil and Hevcnty, tliirtytivc df th.Ni. lieinK' vacant one year aj,'o. Hut while our viicniieifH wcrr thirty-tiv(s otir preachers, ineludiiiK' Imth ordained ministers and Prohatiouers, who were at the ('oniiiiittec's div|i(i-;iil Utr siiii|ily, wire mily thirteen ; the ordained iiiiniherinj,' eleven, and the liecntiates two. These have litfii ili-trihutod atnon^ the Pre-hyteries liy the I'onimittee with all the wisdom and iui|iartiality which tiny cniild hriii^' to hear on tho snhject. (irent care lias hccn Riven to this work of distrilmtion, ho dinicult ill thu circnmstanceH, and the results have proved satisfai'tury. Out of the thirteen two weir located iu Mission charges, and of the reiiiaiiiiiii,' eleven, niiieliave heen called and imlucteil as I'astorH. The dose of i,liG year compares favorably with tht^ coniuieiic<'meiit. for we have now iu he^'in- iiinp tlie |>reHent year, fewer vacant charges and ninre men to supjily tlieiii ; the vacancies being thirty-one, and the iiiinisterH under a|>pointineiit seventeen ; ten beinj; ordained, ami seven Proha- tiouers. Presbyteries will tlius have fuller supply diiriii>{ the current year than they have had in the year past. It will thus be seen that thirteen havi' been addrd tn the nunibtr available for supply ; one licensed in Scotland, one in the I'nited States, tive iu the Provinces, and six ordained miniBters who have offered their services iu the Home Field. EXTENSION. Besides the work of supplyinR the vacancies occurring' throuj^'hout the Church, which is a matter of the f,'reatest importauce and of the most imperious necessity, there is another part of the work more strictly missionary, and therefore more intiresting iu its character — the s(>nding of the Heralds of Salvation beyond the bounds of our organized and regularly supplied churches. The greater part of this work has devolved on that class of workers called Catechists, made up chiefly of our theological students both of the first and second years, who devote their summer niontlis to evangelistic work uuder charge of the respective Presbyteries. In this department of work, hfjwever, two ordained miuisters have been engaged in special fields, — Kov. Peter Melville in the New Kincardine district, in Victoria County, New lirnnswick, aud Rev. D. F. Creelman, iu the Bay of Islands ou the west coast of Newfoundland. As the pro- giess of the New Kincardine colony is watched with gi'eat interest by people on both sides of the Atlantic, it seems desirable in itself, and just to Mr. Melville aud his jieople, to embody the chief part of his report in this statement. EXTBACT FROM BEI'OnX. Mr. Melville \vrite8 : — "Four comely and commodious school-houses have Vieen built in the colony. Three of these are already opened for teaching, aud for preaching, too ; and when the fourth is completed, it will bo inferior to none of them. These schools were a work of great anxiety to us, and might well demand all our spare emrgies for thi^ whole year. "Although those schools have cost us all a good dial besides, yet we rejoice that they are now secured to the colony as 'a thing of beauty, and a joy forever.' I was happy to be able to give a considerable part of my own salary to aid iu comjiletiiig them. " We have now three teachers (all beiug Colonist;-) busy in our schools. At our late examina- tion of the schools, I was much gratified iu obser\ ing the substantial progress made by the scholars. It reminded me of what Scotland has gained by its Parish Schools. Four other teaclk f rs from this Colony are engaged in honorable and successful tuition iu other parts of Now Brunswick, and are still climbing upwards. " Our regular meetings for pubUc worship are now held in our new school houses, and are large, cordial, and much more comfortable than when they were held in private houses. The fervour of the singing is remarkable, and many souls, young and old, are evidently being taught of God. It is refreshing, after the week's toil and conflict, to meet in His name, see eye to eye, and feel His presence and saving influence in our souls. The result of our meetings appeared at our communion season, \i\iQn fifty-five members were added to the Church. Of these, twenty- seven were admitted by examination, and twenty-eight by certificate. May they show their faith by then: works, and prove that they have life and that tliey love the Lord by their ilaily faithful- ness and charity. " We have now seven regular Sabbath Schools, with small but select S. S. libraries. These, along with our prayer meetings, have been a means of sacred solace and edification; not lea.st during the dark days of doubt and agitation. In my missionary visitations of Tilleyville and other outlying settlements that have no pastor, I tried to organize regular Sabbath schools and prayer-meetings, with varying results. As Tilleyville is largely a Scottish Presbyterian settle- ment, I have sent thither a supply of Catechisms aud other S. S. books, and hope to give a good xlvi. APPKNDIX. report of my inxt vinit. At Iiowor P< iih, wo have inHtituttd u ChriHtinu AHROcintiou. which mrpt- I'vory week. It is (idiiiK a gooii wo \, uihI |)r<)v»t^ n vtihialiif Cdininoii proiiinl on whidi our viirious donoriiiiiHtidiiH aH«nnl)lr iis ouo iiM.ly in ChriHt, witii His WOril a-* their only nilf. " Sinci my aiiivul, seventeen mnnthM hk«>, tht re have heeii livo niarriat,'eH, tiiirtynino haptisinn, anil ten ileatiis ni tiiis Culoiiy. Tlirt « worthy fainnrH, four t'.\<'ellent motherK, two yoiuiK men. and oin little hoy. have heencailid away, and have left sad hlanks in their homeH." In the (litlinilt Work of iirovidin^? ^oocl hcIiooI Iioiihoh, Mr. Melville'H own lihorality is wortliy of honoriiry meiitinn, and eiiually so the luindsuiniMldnationH of Alexander McLeod, Esq., uf Hali- fax, of 9 KM); and of MrH. Ponahison of Kejipoeh, .Secitland. of .•S'i'). iiiit another work lies before them of which Mr. Melville thus writefl: — OCR CIIUIICH llUlLDINd ENTmrRISE. " This will he our next iluty, and will prove the heaviest task of all; for the reKourcos of the Colonists ure cNliausted hy four yearH of preparatory toil and expense in thin vant forent. Still they hiive wisfly resolved that till' Lord's housi^ muHt he huilt. Alreatly they havi aKreeil upon its Hite. secured a (ilehe tlieic, and laid the foundation of their church, Til lx:i() feet. We liavi- also sfcured planH and s]iecilication», collected .iji'iTn, chielly from friendu in 1'. K. Island and Montreal, and are ahout to he^-in the jjreat work of huildinj;. The ColonintH have proved their deep interest in tliiw piod work by their cordial co-operation in laying the foundations and choer- lully olYtrinK (H)ntinued until their church is erected. The^'eater part of the salary, howevir. has been pro\ ided by the Colonial Committee of the Fice Church of .Scotland. Very munilici lit Ki'iintw have been received from the Colonial Ccnnmittees of the Free and Kstab- lished Chureiio of Scotland; also from MisHion lioard of the IriHh Tresbyterian Church. The>e were all h)r Home MisHiou work, but the latter two were passed over to the Supplementary Com- mittee and will tind suitable acknowled>,'ment in their rejiort. 'J"he Kift of t\w Free Church, how- ever, was divided ; one half passed to the credit of the Supjilementary Coniraittee, and the other half, one hundred piuinds, stK-, retained for Church extension under this Committuo, anil used for the jtayment. so far fts it went, of Mr. Melville's salary, as being, in the Committee's opinion, the most ai>propriate aiiplication of it that tlu'y could make. BAY OF ISLANDS. — REV. D. F. CRKELMAN, The fact of ^fr. Creehnan's dosif,'nation to this settlement havinu been stated in last report, it is proper that a few additional facts should he Bubmitted now as regards results. Leaving Halifax on ^lay tith. Mr. Creehnan arrived at Bay of Islands on the 1 tth, and immediately ]iriiceeded to Work, around the Hay, exploring, visiting, teaching and preaching. From the first he had two preachingstatinns.threeaud-a-half miles apart, conducted public worship and held Sabbath School at both places every Lord's day. Hefore long he proceeded up theHutnber liiver.ou which there are some Presbyterian settlers, and having gone over the field, gives the following descriptive statement ; — " The Hay proper is a sheet of water about fifteen miles siinare, but divided into three arms, running generally parallel, east and west. The southern arm, known as Huniher Sound, is about fifteen miles long and from oiu' to three broad. Into the head of this arm flows the Humber, a hirge beautiful river flowing near its mouth through mountains of marble, from '200 feet to HOO feet high. About ten miles uji that river is a lake, through which the river flows, called Deir- rund, about twenty miles long and from one to three broad. At the head and foot of this lake along the shores of the Humber Sound, settlements have been formed, but principally on the Sound. The poi)ulatioii is about l.oOO. " The Presbyterians an; scattered over an extentof forty miles, the only communication being by boats. They are. however, principally, with the exception of a large number of young men, settled iu two coves on the south side of the Humber Sound, two and five miles respectively from its luad. In the upper covi', called Corner Brook, a largo lumbering establishment is situated. Within the last six months our people with a little helji from other denominations have huilt a school-house in this cove, which is nearly finished, and is open to all Protestants. The Protestants have also a school-house in the other cove, in which our people have settled, and iu these two school-houses I conducted service and Sabbath-school regularly on Sabbath mornings and afternoons. The at- tendance was from twenty to forty. Both Sabbath-schools were encouraging." Mr. Creehnan's labors having awakened among the people a strong desire for a more regular Biipply of the means of grace, he proceeded by appointment of Presbytery to take steps for the or- ganization of a Church. He found nine church-members, 1(54 adherents, of whom about sixty were childreu. Several others appHed for membership. In this work of organization he was interrupt- ed by his recall. Before leaving, the people subscribed about S500 to build a church, besides pay- ing part of the expense of the Mission, and would have cheerfutly done more had time to collect been allowed. By request Mr. Creelman visited St. Jolm, tu route for Nova Scotia, and received iu a few days the sum of §874.60 to aid in the finishing of the Church contracted fer, the size being 36x20. AI'l'KNDIX. X Ivii. PrcHbvtcry ami pooplfl having d"!' i rt'turn to May of iHlainl-*, >rr. ('n'cliuan, at the requi'st of tlio ('onini ttro, wiiit liaik aiix reK Mtiid IiIh laborM, to coiitiiiiiu till the Piid nf Juno, at H -iiliiry of ."*H()0 per ntiiiiiin, iiicliidiiij? truviHinK cxpcii^t'H, tlio pnoplr» huvint^ Hub^orihnl mo as to (^ivi* promiHcuf ?■>(»(), and tlu' I'm-bytiryKUarantofinK' .'i'l'iOadilitinnal. 'riinCominittft' liavi- Miiioo ii?(im('iits variod froiu thn^o months to six, one briii).; cm- jiloyod the whole yi'ar, making the averaK'' about live months, the oiiuivalent of tho labor of thir- teen men for tho whole year. From tho roports receivtMl auil approveil by tho l'*'esbyteries named, it iH evident that a hir^'e amount of work ban been dono, and well done; familien visited, .Sabliath hoIiooIb ami prayer moetinus eonducteii, lilble-clasHi^s tuiii^'ht, tho sick especially cared for, iitul tho water of life iliHperst'd abroad freely on the Fiord's day and week-day. In several cases, the Lord's Siiitper was portunity, first, because fewer coni^rogations havi^ (,'iven than last year, and thereforo a smaller sum has been received. Last year 18'2 con^re),'ntionfl helped, and certainly tho numiier was capaoieoi increase, xnis year twenty-tive have withdrawn from the honor list, and only 107 have given. Instead of .•'2fll(2 from conf,'re);atioas we have como down to .•'•J') 15.1."), but as wo r(^- ceived from individuals this year .SH'24.7U* af,'aiiist .SllK.Ml last year, our total receii>ts from our people are better by .S19H.()7. Still, all boastiuK will be etiectually excluded by the simple process of Ki'oir maritime people to remember first, that for the year now commenced there are over forty paid agents employed for tin; summer, and there will be we trust, nearly half that number for the whole year. Their rate of jiayment is not high ; they are doing the Lord's work, and they are doing it as our representatives. Their legitimate claims should be honourably and promptly mot ; ana we have strong faith that as our people, apart, sustained their respective Missions, that our people iinitfd will do at least as well, and that we shall not require, from deficiency of funds, to refuse employment to earnest and willing labourers. • With minor donations we are indebted lor this increase to A. McLeod, S400; Mrs. Donaldson, •'$25 ; John Miller, Pictou Co., *100; Young Men, St. John, Nlld., .SlOO; Arch. Wingood, Hamilton, Her, .S20; A. Campbell, Dartmouth, .$10. . 5' i. - *i l;i 1 i.. l('>nl xlviii. APPENDIX. But secondly we aek them in devising for, and giving to Home Missions, to extend their vision towards the setting sun, and to realize the fact that the North- West does not belong ex- clusively either to Quebec or Ontario. It is our common luritoi^e, and our field is from Ocean to Ocean. The evangelization of those young but large and rising provinces, along with the people of our own sea-coast, hill, and river settlements, is the 7vork, tho one great, grand work of this Chiu-ch. Our foreign work has not hindcrtd us and never will. History verities the assertion that the conn nssion of the church when drawn out first to the distant and " dark places of the earth," returns to labour with fresh zeal at home, to sow the seed in the native soil, and to look for tlie spiritual harvest among fellow citizens and fellow countrymen. And thirdly, that the present is our time for energetically prosecuting this work ; first, because the country is young and growing, its institutions elastic, and its population specially impressible, and secondly because the present is our only time for action in this sjthere of duty. Whether workers or idlers, liberal or miserly, we sLiill soon have disappeared from the scene; but effects and consequences will remain and will tell on generations to come. Other men have laboured, and we have entered into their labours ; shall we not then from gratitude for our goodly heritage, from Lyve to our Brethren far from the Sanctuary, and from loyalty to our i;"deemer King, lay ourselves out to carry on with brave hearts and jubilant songs, this great, an^i V'lcssed work of Home Missions ? Sli.ill we nfit follow up free giving and earnest working with inii>as8.'oned and incessant pleading for the mightiest agencies, imd to the greatest possible extent ? What the grand source of success is we all know — the Spirit of the Lord resting on all our labourers in this great harvest field on those whom they represent, and on those to whom they are sent. So if we could see those fields ripe and reaped, and the goiden grain gathered in, it behoves us all, filled with the love of Christ and of souls, in faith and in prayer, to wait upon the Lord, " until the Spirit bo poured out from on high, and the wilderut^ss become a fruitful field, and the fruit- ful field be counted for a forest." All which is respectfully submitted, G. M. GRANT, Chairman. Halifax, June, 1877. P. G. McGREGOK, Secrdary. Appendix I. ORDAINLD MINISTEES AND PROBATIONERS. Und.^r appointment for the whole or part of the year, iSjd-j. Name. i\ov.;P. Melville ," J. R. Kean ■" A. L. Wyme '■ S.Boyd ' .T.Wallace " A.Mc^ae ^> \¥. W. lieorge K j'7. ■( APPENDIX. xlix. Appendix II. CATECHISTS EMPLOYED, 187G. Name and Pkesbytert. PllEBnYTKRY OF HALIFAX — — Harliour Janu's McKean E. D. Comlit David Scott James C'arruthers A. O. Kerr PBEsnTTEnY OF Truro — John Logan B. K. Mci^lmon Presbytery of Wall.«;k — a. W. Gallagher Presiiytery op Lunenburg & Yarmouth — Daniel McGregor Frederick Johnson Presbytery of Pictou — Archibald Gunn Presbytery of Victoeia and RiCHMONn — ^L McGregor ^Vngus Mc^Iillan J. MacLean Presbytery of Sidney — A. Stewart Locality. Time. 73 a o sS O o Presbytery of P. E. Island- Charles McLaren Donald McLeod G. Lawson Gordon A. McLeod M. C. Cameron Presbytery of Miramichi— J. Thomson Henry Gulick Pbes. of Newfoundland — Rev. D. F. Creelman .... Presbytery of St. Jodn — D. Styles Fraser W. C. Stevens H. M. Rogers W. K. Eddy Andrew Love Henry Gulick William Meyer J. 0. Averill H. W. Harvey West Cornwallis Eastern Shore Bay view and ' lillslioro' liedford and Fall River N. W. Arm and Goodwood... Annapolis North River Parrsboro, etc "Wentworth Black and Blue Rocks New Dublin Gran ton and Eastern Shore. N. E. Margaree Malagawatch Lake Ainslie Loch Lomond Cardigan New Caledonia Various places Alberton Neighborhood Mctapedia New Bandon Hopewell, Albert Co Quaco Black River , Bailhe, etc Harvey and Acton , Nerepis and Jerusalem . . Shediac Pisarinco Campbell Settlement. . .. 4 mos. o mos. I •1 mos 4 mos. 6 mos. 6 mos. 4 mos. 6 j moH. 3 mos. 4 mos. 3 mos. 7 mos. 4 mos. 4 mos. 4 mos. 6 mos. 2 mos. 4 mos. 4 mos. 4 mos. a 3. s o a' < 2 Pd.infuU '3" j m'46 2 I .... 2 Pd.in^lll lO'J 00 4 2 136 60 Pd.infuU Pd.infuU 30 00 j 51 30 ! 25 GO 1 Pd.infuU Pd.infuU P( infuU Pd.m fuU Pd.infuU Pd.infuU 72 53 124 87 Pd.infuU 64 00 66 86 ■3S4 §5 $68 00 91 44 40 50 35 60 4 55 4y 55 26 00 25 40 5 uuiiics liad not been reported to your Committee, which should leave eighty-one existing vacancies. The scheme for the current quarter gives, however, only sixty, or making allowance for non-reporting Presbyteries, seventy. In explanation of this discrepancy it must be stated that, in some in- stances, places at one time reported as vacant congregations have become Mission Stations, as East and North Adelaide in the Presbytery of London. In other cases two separate congregations have been united, as Knox Church, Brampton, and Malton, once a vacant charge, with First Con- gregation, Brampton, and Derry West, in the Presbytery of Toronto. It must also be taken into consideration that in some instances Presbyteries report vacancies during the winter, when the supply of student labor is not available, that they may obtain supply from the Probationer's EoU, and do not report them in summer, but place them under the care of students, a practice by no means commendable in all cases, if in any. Were your Committee aware of the number of these, which they are not, it would make up the discrepancy between the vacancies actually reported, or allowed for, and tlie aggregate made uj) from the reports of Presbyteries for the year. Your Committee will be pardoned for remarking that they have had to deal witli several cases of a very delicate nature, and entailing a large amount of correspondence, but as they have aU been arranged, particular reference need not be made to them in this report. At the commencement of the Committee's year, blank forms were prepared, of which a co))y is annexed, and sent to the Convener of the Committee on Distribution in each Presbytery, to be supplied to the Probationers sent to the bounds, that they might report, before leaving, on the items specified; thus enabling the Presbytery to know if they had fulfilled their appointment, and tlie service expected of them, as defined in "Regulations anent Probationers and Vacancies," No. eight. Minutes of Assembly, 1870, page 51), and also the fulfilment by congregations of theii- obli- gations for the sujiply received. Your Committee would close with the following recommendations : — 1. That either the period for probationary service should be shortened, or that the distribution extend over the whole Church,, as contemplated when that period was determined. 2. That i'resbyteries be enjoined to see that vacant congregations pay Probationers in pro- portion to the salary they have been paying their minister, when a settled charge, or which they are prepared to offer when giving a call. 3. That in appointing your Committee one of their [number be taken from those who have been on the I'robationer's Roll, and seen most of the field, and obtained a settlement in the course of the previous year. His experience may be valuable in making out the distril ition. 4. It is earnestly urged that all Presbyteries be required to report quarterl.. all their vacan- liv. APPENDIX. cies, and that all justice be shown Probationers in appointing them to the best, and not merely to the second and tliird rate, or the worst in their bounds. 5. That rrcsbytiTifcs be enjoined to see to it that they do not report as vacancies for supply from the Probationer's lioll, Mission Stations, or places which have no prospect nor design of calling a minister for some time. All which is respectfully submitted. GuELPH, May, 1877. IIOBERT TOllRANCE, Convmcr. Appendix I. VACANCIES AND SETTLEMENTS. Prosbyteries. Quebec . CongrugtitiouB. MoNTBBAIi , Glengarry Brockville Ottawa Kingston , Peterbobo' Whitby Lindsay Toronto Liugwick Huuiixltiu (a) ScotBtown Wiudsor Mills and Uicbmond Danville Valcurtier Winslow Cote St. Church I Ueuuharuois and Chateauguay liasiu... St. Mark's Valley tield Dundee St. Louis De Gonzague St. Matthew's Elgin aud Athelstane Chatham and Grenville Faruham Centre Kenyon DalhouRie Mills aud Cote St. George ... DalhouBie Mills Alexaudria Williamstown Lunenburg and Avonmore Kitley Momsburg Prescott Carletou Place Metcalfe Beckwith aiid Ashton Osgoode Cumberland Admaston, Douglas and Grattan Wakefield Almonte Kichmond Buckingham and Lochaber Aylwin Westmeath Glenvale, Harrowsmitb and Wilton Lansdowne and Fairfax Trenton Koslin and Thurlow Hawdon and Marmora Chalmers' Church, Kingston St. Columba and St. Paul, Madoc Warsaw and Dummer Cobourg St. Andrew's Church, Peterboro Newcastle Newtouville Orono (b) and Kendal (c) Columbus and Brooklin Kirkfleld and Victoriaville Scott and Uxbridge Shelbourne and Primrose Aurora Seal )rough and HiKhland Creek Brampton (d), Knox Church and Maltou King aud Laskey Old St. Andrew's, Toronto Georgetown and Limehouse Mono Centre aud West May Oct. July Oct. t« April April t)ct. Jan. -■Vpril July Oct. Jan. April July Oct. Jan. Oct. Jan. July Oct. July Oct. Jan. Put on List. Settled. Nnme of Minister. 1H75 Malcolm McLeod Feb. 13 '77 John Mciveuzie 1870! , March I, John McDonald. 1877 1875 " |Oct. 2.), '7C,Tho8. Bennet , 1876 Sept. 21, "J. Nicholls " jJuIy 10, '7G|J. S. Lochead . 1877 II 1874 1875 1876 II 1877 1675 Mar 20, '77'C. Brouillette 1!), Deo. 12, 76 S. S. Stobbs . J. J.Casey .. Mar. 6, ■77lD. H. McLennan 1870|Sept. 5, '70 18741 1875' Oct. 24, '76 Arch. Henderson. Thomas Muir 1876 Jan. 25, '77 J McAllister. April July Oct. (« Jan. I. April July April Mar. 6, J. A. G. Calder . Dec. 11, '76 Hugh Magulre 1877 1875 1876 Oct. Jan. May July Oct. Jan. April ti Oct. April Oct. Jan. Oct. Jan. July 1877 11 1875 1876 1877 1875 II 1876 1877 1875 1877 1875 1876 Dec. 28, May 1, Aug. 8, '76 J. B. Edmondson A. M. McClelland James Connack.B. A. I. Sept. 26, ^OjJohn L. Stuart, B.A. Oct. 3, '76iDonald Kelso Feb. 21, •77iWm. White Nov. 15, '76 J. Ballantine ... June 5, '77iAlex. Bell Aug. 23. '76 ~ Mar. 15, '77 Oct. 10," '76 Nov. 9, Oct, 24, '76 A. A. Drummond.. — Camiichael D. D. Maclennan.. J. B. Gilchrist Walter Amos... G. M. Milligan (a) Separated from Scotstown, Deo. 13, 1876. (b) Disjoined from Orono, and united with Newionville. (c) Orono and Enniskillen are now mission stations. (rl) United in January 1877 with First Brampton and Dvrry West. APPENDIX. Iv. VACANCIES AND SETTLEMENT8~Con«tHuerf. PresbyterieB. Babrib Owen Sound bADOKEN tiUELPa Hamilton Pabib London , Chatham .. Stbatfobd Brucb Huron Congregations. AUistou and Carluke Cookstown and First Easa Harrie Tosorontio and Muluiur Keady, Desboro and Puabody Leith and Jolinstone North Luthor aud Koi -i Priceville aud Durhaiii Hoad St. Andrew's Church, Mount Forest Palmerstou Kuox Church, Arthur Priceville Clilford aud Balaklava Mcintosh and itchuoro South Luther and Little Toronto Winterbourne Boon, Ueapeler aud Preston Hillsijurgh and Price's Corners Krin St. Andrew's Church, Guelph Welland Clifton Aucastor and Albertou Lyuedocli and Silverhill Knox Church, Hamilton Flamboro Central Church, Hamilton Kilbride Thorold and Merriton Beverly Strabane Waterdown and Nelson Port Colborne Glenmorris Tilsonbiirgh and CuUoden Princeton and Urumbo Chalmers' Church, Dunwich Wallacetowu St. Thomas South Plympton and Wyoming North East Nissouri Lobo and Caradoc West Williams Lucan and Biddulph (a) East and North Adelaide (6) East Williams DelawHre North Porchester Dorchester Parkhill St. Andrew's, Westminster Mosa , Napier Melbourne and Station Florence and Dawn Elmira, 111 Wallaceburg and Sydenham (c) Dover and Oliver Section St. Andrew's Church, Chatham First Presbyterian Church, St. Anne, 111. Burns' Church, East Zorra North Easthope Molesworth Granton Shakespeare St. Andrew's Church, Stratford Bipley Cranbrook and Ethel Bayfield and Bethany Brucefleld Wingbam Dungannon, Port Albert and Ashfleld . Walton McKillop and Winthrop Belgrave Put on List. July 1875 ,Vpril 1870 Jan. 1877 Oct. 187:J Jan. 1877 April 1870 July Settled. Jan. 23, '77 Oct. 11, '7(i Feb. 1, '77 Oct. April Oct. Nov. April July April July 1877 1873 1875 1870 1877 1875 Jan. 11, "77 Ai)ril24, 77 April 1870 May '22, '77 April 24, " July tt Oct. Jan. April 1877 Aug. 4, '70 Nov. 1, Oct. 11, " Jan. 11, '77 Aug. 22, '70 James Gordon, A M. John Ratclitfe James Pullur Dr. James Geo. Cbrystal May 1, '77 July Jan. 1870, Jan. 30, '77 " Aprils, " 1877 1873 Feb. 22, '77 1874 1876 April Oct. Jan. 1877 April •' Oct. 1872 '• 1873 July 1875 April 1876 " 1877 Oct, 1874 Jan. 1876 AprU " July " Oct. " Jan. 1877 'July 1875 Jan. " Oct. " Jan. 1876 April " Oct. " AprU 1877 Dec. 5, '70 Nov. 21, " April 18, '77 Mar. 8, '77 Jan. 7, '77 Aug.' is, '"'76 April 18, '77 Jan. 13, " July 18, '76 Name of Minister. J. U. Burnett.. J. Acheson John Leiper .. H. Currie.. Donald Stuart . A. M. Hamilton George Haigh . . . R. Tbynne . A. Gleudinning . G. G. McBobbie Alex. Urquhart Rev. J. A. McDonald Rev. M. Eraser Geo. Cutbbertsou .... W. C.Armstrong.. A. Stewart ... David Mann W. Wait Alex. Sutherland... Donald B. McRae Feb. 21, '77 Thomas Thomson , Dec. 28, '76 May 8, '77 Hector McQuorrie . R. W. Leitch ■n (a) Reported as M. S. Dec. 1876, replaced April 1877. (b) Reported aa a M. S. April 1877. (c) These Congregations were separated on the 28th March, 1877. H n , Ivi. APPENDIX. Appendix II. LIST OF PKOBATIONERS— 187G-77. Name. Put on Liist. Hottlod. With- (Iruwu. REy'A^RES. 1 Alex. Urquhart. . . 2 Noil Currie a Finlay J. McLeod 4 Will. M. Christie 5 Walter Wright... D. C. Jobnaon.. .. 7 Duvid Taylor .... 8 William Stuart.. !» William Uariiliill 10 J. J. Casey 11 Alexander Burr.. I'i Malcolm McLood i:i .Joliu Mcljood .... 14 Peter Straith 15 Donald MacUao.. 10 A. M. McClelland 17 AudrewUryburgU 18 Joshua Fraser ... lit J. Mclntyre '2ti Jamea Curmack . . 21 John Marples.. .. 22 Samuel Uussel. . 2;i Gavin Sinclair.. . . 21 John MoAlister.. '2."i U. J. Ciirswell 2t) William Kay 27 .VlexanderFraaer. 2« Wm. Hawthorne.. 29 liohert Stevenson 30 J. D. West 31 Robert Watt ."32 W. C. Armstrong 33 Donald Kelao .... 34 D. W. Cameron . . 35 Chan. Hrouillette iV'i A. (Hendinuing. .. 37 George Haigh 38 Thomas Muir.... 39 Jolin MacKenzie 40 Thomas Bennett 41 G.ColborneHaney 42 Walter Aiiioa 43 John McQueen .. 44 A.M. Hamilton.. 45 Nathl. Patorson . . 4() Hugh Mcl'liayden 47 E. N. B. Millard . 4S John JjOgie 49 A. Maclennan .... 50 Isaac Campbell.. 51 J. S. Eakin 52 I>. Muuro 53 Frederick Home 54 John Wells 55 A. McNaughton.. 5(i 1).C. .Maclutyre.. 57 John McFarlaue.. Ai)rlll873 Dunwich, 22nd Feb. 1877. Oct. " April 1874 It it Aug. " Deo. 1876 Appointed to Prince Albert. July 1875 Transferred^ to N. S,, Mission at GrenviUe and Harrington. Jan. 1877, Oct. 1875iElgin and Athelstano, 12th Dec. 1870. Ling wick 'Nov. Doc. Frb. 1876 Aj.ril " July Craubrook aud Ethel, 18th July, 1877. Uichmond, Ist May, 1H77 Knox Church, Harriston, 10th May, 1876' Glenvale, Harrowsmith and Milton, 8th August, 1870 Beckwith and Ashton, 25th Jan., 187'i Aug. 14 Oct. Nov. Jan. Florence and Dawn, 8th March, 187 Roslin and Thurlow, 3rd Oct., 1870. . . St. Louis de Gonzague, 20th March, 1877 Glenraorris, 30th .Ian., 1877 Doon.Hespeler.iS: Preston,. \pril 24,1877 Metcalfe, 24th October, 1870 Hampden, 13th February, 1877 Beauharnois and Chateauguay, 23rd October, 1870 Aurora, 9th March, 1876 Wiuterbourne, 22ud May, 1877. 1877; April Riohmondhill&Thoruhill.April 30,1877 Ai)ril, 187' Gone to California. Mission at Elmore aud Huntsville. Transferred to Mari- I time Pro., Nov. 1876. Left the Church. High School Xeacher. 1 1 1 1 1 i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Assistant St. Andrew's Church, Que. APPENDIX. Ivii REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SUPPLEMENTS. — SYNOD MARITIME PROVINCES. OF THE Thf Gcnoial Asftfinbly'H Committee ou Supplements for the Synod of the Maritime Provinces hubniit the following Ueport : — During the year eiuliuK May Iflt, 1K77, the list of Snpplementeil ConRrPKi'tions uumhereil litty; hut us ten of those were not settled only forty iiotiially received supplement. The expenditure of the year amounted to .S">'2()'.t. Itl, The reeeijits were ."<'.*niO.H5 from con- (.-re^tations; and. 'r!'2i;U.;{l from the British Churches, viz.:— .-"iisil, 11 from the Free Chureh cif S'otland, .'^iMO.dT from the Irish Church, and .'^llflU.'JU from the Kstablished Church of Scotland. There would thus have been a deficit of .SKi;) 1. but as we bej.'(in tlieyear with a balance of ."^'.ilu. i:i, the actual deficit is small. To meet the half-yearly payments due on .Tune HOth, almut .S2,()l)(i are needed in addition to the sums that usually come in previous to that date. The Committee at its meetint.' in May foresaw this, and beinK unwillinj;; to l)urden thi^ l''und with debt, and resolved not to diminish by one dollar the supiilements voted by last -isfmbly, they aKrecil to take steps to rai-e the amount by special apjieals to the wealthier coiigre^rutions of the Church. I'lom the r •- spouse that is beiiiK made by a few cliiiit Hiirliur, 1^2.S0 ; tliisuinoiiiit to lio rfdiicoil lit the nitc of at leiist f>'M) aiiiiiially. .SO. Noel, * 120; tlii-.(ini(>unt tnlic rcilncfdiit tlio nitoof at IcaHt ^30 aDinially. 'M, Finnn iicctowii, 1)1 i(). 32. Kichiririiid and N. W. Arm, at tlio rntoof 8'2.")0 for tlic (irst six inontiis, and of 5200 for tlio second six. .33. Kempt and Walton, »120, if Hottlrd. 34. Annapolis and Jirid(,'etowu, ^I.IO, if settled. nn. West Cornwallis, ?200, if settled. iH'). St. tli'oix, ?t((t for lirst six mouths, and 510 for tlie next six. VII. PiCTOU I'llKSIlYTKnY — 37. Fn^neli Kiver, Jl'JO for one year. VIII. I'llKHllVTKRY OF .SYDNEY — .'W. Cape North, flfiO. :<(». Cow lliiy, 91,'iO for one year. 4(1. (liil)iiiiis, 5200. 11. lititi'h's Creek, 5130, if settled. IX. Puesiivtehy ok Victohia a.nh Hicumond — 12. Port ffii-^tinhs, 5B0. •13. Luke .\inslie, 5100. II. MiiIm.ii, 5100. 1.'). Uidudcove, 5I0O, if settled. X. I'liEHDYTEnY OF Prince EriWAUP Island — •»(). C')Veliead. 5hO. •17. May P'ortune and Soiiris, 5ho. 4H. West Cape, at the rate of 5200 for first six niontliH, and of 5100 for next six months. 4!». Tryou and JJonshaw, 5150. In submitting' this ISeport it may not be out of place to state tothe Assembly tliat the division of tlie Home Mission woi k of the( 'hureh into two hrr.nehes has proved successful in the Maritimo Provinces. We have never lieen aided by a Temporalities Fund or endowments of any kind. Wo have never failed to pay the Su]i)ilementH promised, and on the day they were due. We have nev(!r liiul to borrow except from one division of the Treasury totheotlier. And all the engo^'e- ments connected with Home Missions proper liiive been invariably and repularly implemented. All that is needed under (iod to make the Home Mission ojierations of our Church completely successful in these Provinces is that some means should be devised to ensure tin; co-operation of all our couf,'reKations. It is at this point that at present we sif;nally fail. Some coiiKregations do well, but they get disheartened wlien they find that other congregations in their neighborhood do nothing. The neglect of one is thus apt to jmralyse another ; and if something in not done to oure the eyl, the paralysis threnti ns to become comjilete. What means should be devised ; whe- ther the work should be committed to Synods ; or whether it should be committed to Presbyteries, ft Home Mission Committee being appointed in each Presbytery to take oversight of the work and to report at every regular meeting of Presbytery ; or whether the present mode should be contin- ued with some improvements annexed, it is not for your Committee to say. This as well as the question of the proposed assimilation of our practice to that of the late Canada Presbyterian Church the Assembly must decide. Your Committee would be ungrateful did it not in conclusion call the special attention of the General Assembly to the very great liberality of the home Churches, a liberality all the more valued by us from the gracious manner in which it is exercised, and the freedom with which its adminis- tration is left to our own judgment. All which is respectfully submitted. Signed in the name and by authority of the CommiHee, WM. McCULLOCH, Chairman. GEO. M. GRANT, Secretary, pro tern. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF FOREIGN MISSIONS— EASTERN SECTION. The two mission fields, wliich, prior to the Union, belonged to the churches in the Maritime Provinces, have been so far continued under the management of what is called the Maritime or Eastern Section of the General Assembly's Committee on Foreign Missions. The subjoined an- nual statement will refer exclusively to these, and to the designation and departure of Kev. J. F. Campbell, and his arrival and commencement of work in India ; and it has been the aim of the Committee to avoid the repetition of information already laid before the church, except such facts as lie at the foundation of the work, and which must be recalled to moke the narrative intelligible. THE TRINIDAD MISSION. This mission aims at the evangelization of Asiatics in Trinidad, who have been brought from India and China, but chiefly from India, as indentured labourers, bound to remain five years, and then at liberty to return home ; a free passage being secured, or to make their own engagements as free labourers. Some seek employment at once in Trinidad, and many return to their native land, a API'KNDIX. lix. iglit from and then its as free re land, a conKidernble portion of whum conw luick to Mottle pmuiint'iitly, and to licconic a part of tlio rt'Bidcnt jiopiilation. In all thoy atiiniiiit to not ]>■'*•< than thirty thoiiHiiml. ami tlicir niinih.iH arc iiipreaHiuK. Tlify art' zi^alou-^ly attaclinl to the form ami kimi of ri'liwion in winch tiny \sfrr cilu- <, and iM'roint' CliriHtiany, mcri'ly liy contact with nomimil (hri-tinnity. They will rcmaui in what iH little hotter than heatlufninni, and Hprcad dc>,'rii(latioji aroiunl, nnUss they arc apiuonchrd, and won hy tho followcrn of Him who le, thrown by I'roviilencf; within reach of the Cliri'tiaiiity of Mriti^h .\merica. Our Work was represented la--t year iis conducti'd within three diHtricts, each having' its own MisHiouary. his native awBistant, iiml his School TeMcherH. .Siilistanf inliy that view is >tdl correct, iiuil these tlneti districts will thercfoie ho revieweil in order. I. MISSION VILLAdK HISTIUCT. Missionary, Rev. John Morton; Assistant-Missionary, Mr. J.ihn A. McDonald; Native Rv.m- pelist, Mr. Joseph Annajee. For several months of tho )iast year Mr. Morton's services were divided hetween hi'^ own dis- trlct and Mr. Grant's owini,' to the ahscnce (pf Mr. (Iriint. In Mr. .Morton's district, the work was conducted as usiiiii, so far as time and stren>,'th allowed ; mni the cervices at tin' central point. Mission Village, were well attended, the teai^liers and scholars from Jordan Hill (•omin^; thither and forming; a choir as well as an addition to the audience. Nine were ha)iti/.ec| iliirin^ the year iind ailded to the memhership of the C'hiircli, and one removed hy death. Ann .lalaheiite Kuntoo. a \ounK mother, who was called away suddenly, exprtssinj,' her hope in Jesus and submission to tho Divine will in great sulferin^'. CATECniRT'fl WORK. Mr. Morton thus rejiorts respectin,, ids native evan^'elist. " Annajee has Kfnprally Kiveii bin mornings to tenchinK, and bis afternoon to work anions the atlidts. Of tliis wfirk he usunlly brings me a weekly rejiort, and the work is laid out between us, so as to Kive first attention to places where an interest has been awakened, but not to overlook any portion of the field taken up. Tejab after joins Annajee in his Sabbatli afternoon meetings, and Kantoo has latterly had a dis- trict of liis own in Jordan Hill neighbourhood." scnooLS. There are three Schools in this district — Ist. Jordan Hill continued under the same teacher and with about the same attendance as formerly, the advanced cliildreu being taught to read Hindui as well an English. 2nd. Cedar Hill opened within the year, taught for a time by Annajee, and on his removal by Arthiu Tejab — attendance good, but reduced by the opening of No. 3. 3rd. The Mission School, which was opened July 24, imder charge of Annajee, but since the middle of November, Mr. J. A. McDonald has been teacher ard Aiiuajeo assistant. The at- tendance has risen to sixty. Each School has had its own Sabbath School with a somewhat smaller attendance, the aver- age daily attendance being 100, and on the Lord's day about eighty. BUILDINGS. When our last report was submitted, a house was in course of erection for Mr. Morton's use. This has been completed in July at a cost of $2,382.48 for buildings, and .*34..58 for incidental ex- penses, and paid from what is called the "Crerar lleserve," being a Bequest of late James Crerar of Pictou, which has done good service to the Church, being set apart chiefly to meet ex- l^enditure for Buildings and extra demands, similar in character. The H(jusu thus erected and l>aid for, is carefuUy built and finished ; and will add greatly to the comfort, and we trust to the health of the Mission family. Within the year, a lot with a building on it for School purposes was purchased by Mr. Mor- ton, and the building enlarged so as to become both Church and School-house, at a total cost of ?44o, of which ■?270 are in Mr. Morton's hands from local sources, and all of which he hopes to obtain without asking any thing from our Mission funds. MR. m'donald. Mr. McDonald has been employed during the past year both in the San Fernando and Mission village districts. During Mr. (irant's absence he continued his oversight of the I'ictou, Welling- ton, and other Schools, and after Mr. Grant's return, Mr. McDonald was appointed to labour under direction of Mr. Morton, in Mission village, but directed by the Mission Council to give special attention to the study of the language, so as to be prepared soon to take charge of a dis- trict of his own. Mr. Morton, with whom he has been closely associated during the year, bears ample testimony to his exemplary diligence and general usefulness. Ix. APPRNDIX. IT^ Mr. M<'I>()Uiilir^4 niipport no liitiKur ilr|i.'iiil-i on tlic voliinttu>r K*'t>u>'iiniilil will in fiitnri' lio roniiiiKiriiti'il. 'I'lir Ciiiiimitti'i' nil' tliiinkful tliiit !>>' iIiIh HniiiiK'i'ini'iit, li.v \sliii'h Mr. ^[cl)l>l||tlcl is nnw at MiHHiitn VilliiKK, Ml. Mnitnii lins Im'I'h ulilo witli cDinfuit to rutin' (oni f«nv wri'ks fnnii \i\n Htiitinu, ti* take Mr-^. ^[n bri'c/.u; ami tlir ('oiauiittt'u uurnoitly hope uuu |>iuy tliut tliu uhiiuKO may pruvu lioiiDllciul iiiul aid iu liur convak •'Ci uco. II. SAN rKHNANiX) DISTHK'T. Rev. K. .T. Grant, ^fiHsionary; Liil Hclimi, Niitivo Kvun^'nli^t ; Tiilak-^iiiR, (tforKc .''ailaplml, Tt^aclnis imil A^MiMtaiUrt ; Miss iMiickiuliliT, Hfinl Ti'ucIht in Sun I'criminlci Sdiiml. |)uiiiiK tilt' Miniiiiicr sfuson, Mr. ( imiit \>v\\in in tiii'--ti I'luvinccH on fiiilou^;li, tii i'lii>t niin-ion woik of tlu! ilistiii't WHS (li)ii(i by tlio Sciiiur Mi^-'ioniiiy. Mi'. Morton HiipdiiiitciiiU'il tin' Sun Fcr- niinilo School, tauKht it for a tiiiio, NouKiit Imt in viiin to prcvfiit tlio witlulriiwul of ^'oMi'iiiiifiit nid for th Iiu'iitioiiiil work douc, and Itnully for witnt of a siiitiiblo ti'ui'in'r, idlowt'd it for tlu' tinio liiiiiK to 111' clo.scil. He kept up tlu' Siililmth Survicu vi'iy I'llicifntly, and visited tin' l''->tateH in Mr. (iiunt's Iji'Id, a-; fur a-i pon-^ililc, puyiiiu' ^pociul attention to Concord and I. a Fortuni, as places lit tiie time reipiiriiiK Hpecial encouruKeiuent. lie administered till! ordinance of Ituptism to four perstma from La Fortune, and dispensed tlie Lout's supper in tliu San Fernundo Mission Cburch. y\r. (Want on bis return in October resumed tlie work witii bis clmractoristic anlour, and in addition to tiie routinn of evangelistic clTort, tbo elfcct of wbicb cannot alwavH bo jireseiited in ■wniten repoi'l or statistical tablo, foiiinl scope for the energy ai'ipiired by a sistb montbs' resideucf a.'>onj,'us in tbo Nortb, bv engaging iu a series of building operations •.vbicb mav be presented iu bn.f. 1. Tbe painting of tbe Han Fernando Clmrcb for Asiatics, externally and internally nt an ex- pense of f:Vl [AH, raised, to use bis own words, by " our own little congregation :" by special ctlort §7().7'i, the remainder from tbe weekly offering. 2. Tbe manse was rejiaired, and coniiei'ted prcinises improved at a cost of .Sl'2().40, paid from tbat jportion of tbe Itetiuest of tbe late James ^IcDouald of Green Hill, which was placed at tbe disposal of the Trinidad Missionaries. il, Tbe )iroviding of a Meeting-house ami School-room for the young men, whom tbe congre- gation of I'uited Ciiurcb, Now (tlasgow, have engagitd to support us a Cat(^cbist. l!y tbe hearty co-operation of Mr. Frost, who has often, and in many ways, befriemb'd our MisHiomiries, and helped the '.onl's work in Trinidad, a bouse wliicb was available was placed at Mr. Grant's dis- posal, and by the expunditurt,' ol ^ibl fitted for the purjiose. •f. Tbo providing of a bouse for tbo same uses to be a centre of work for Tulaksing, the Cutecbist a(bipted by the Sabbath School of Fort Massey Church. This was accomplished by tlie erection and opening on Jan. 7th of a suitable building 40x21, to accommodate eighty people, at a cost of ^4();i.7'.*, of which there remains a balance of $287. 8(), by which Mr. Grant says •• I don't feel ojipressod. The house was uocesaary. We believe it to bo advantageous to the Lord'.s cause, and I know that He will provide tbe means." 5. Tb<3 erection of a large and well-ventilated School Building in San Fernando, containing two rooms, Olio for the smaller children and the other for those more advanced. This has been completed at an expenditure of £135 18s. C>d. stg., and provided for, out of the Crerar Mission fund already referred to. Mr. Grant bears testimony to the fidelity and zeal of the little band who work under his di- re -.ion; of liiil Behari, with whose name we are familiar and whose praise is in tbe Churches ; of Tulaksing and George Sadaphal, who are paid agents; of Soudeen, who supports himself as a clerk and gives valuable aid in th(» Sabbath School ; and of Jacob Corsbie now prohably on his way to study under Dr. Tussio at Gait, supported by tbe liberality of Eev. J. K. Smith's Congregation. MISS BLACKADDER. About nine months ago, Jliss Blackadder was accepted as Teacher for the San Fernando School, and arrived in San Fernando near the end of November. The School was soon re-opened, and ere long the place was found too small for the pupils. Hence the pushing forward of the new building as alri'ady described. Miss Blackadder 1ms en- tered with enthufeiasm into the work, and now the daily attendance is large, and the School a decided success. The Sabbath School, with its new Bibles containing Psalms and Paraphrases, furnished by the Ladies of (talt and Hopewell, with its International Lessons, and other modem appliances, not to speak of the benelit from clothing sent by kind friends, has risen to 104 on the roll, and an average of eighty Scholars — all Asiatics. Before the close of Miss Blackadder's second quarter the Woman's Missionary Society of Halifax offered from that date to provide for her support, an offer which was gratefully accepted. This important step introduced this young and useful association to tbe Committee iu a very practical and pleasing manner, and we would joyfully hail them as zealous and valuable coadju- tors in this blessed work, and express the hope that their zeal may provoke very many of oui' Clnistian women to higher efforts to advance Clirist's Kingdom. Ari'EXDIX. Ixi. ,'h dis- 11XHCLT8. Tlio u«nnl nervioKi in En>?Ii»li ujhI in Ilindnwtftiii liiivo )><>«n nRiiIftrlv kopt np, nml well unfi- taiticil, nn;«'M iiml iilmiit twenty tlvc Impti-niK, ont>-tiiirJ childrfn, tu'i>-tliirdit mlultN." " \V<< brlinve tho Lord ia with iim, Wii trj tu truitt Iliiii, aud to give Iliiu the Klory- Wci expect Hiiocesa." III. COUVA DISTHK T. Rev. ThntnaH M. Christie. MiKnionnry ; Benjiiiuin Duiiimni, AH^iHtant. In Mr. ('llri^ti<•'H di-'trict tlicn' Ihim Incii n<» txponditurc for hiiiliiinK', iind liin \v(iikwa-titini' oharacter, hax a hopiful aspect." In nint'ral it may b(^ stated tliat the work of the year has been thrtifold. carinjf for the ScIiooIh, preparing yoiinj,' men to lie tcadicrH and ratcdiists, that they may be c|naliti(>il to in-'trnct aud intliiCMicc tlicir conntrymi'ii, ami tin' pn•aclliu^,' of thu (ro-pt-l. lit -pcctmi; the tiriit, the School iStntiBticH will coustitute a report. ON BoLI, DKC. 31hT. • Name of ScnooL. Coolies. Creoh's. Total. Avi'rauo ftttcnd- ancf. Esjx'ran/a •27 27 22 H2 111 2(» 17 Si'iilla •_>(» '2 ir, Exi'haiine . 2'.t l'.> 20 3 17 Pcrst'vt'rance 11 Spring It lotal. i 115 ') 120 77 As ri'Knrds the second, Mr. Cbvistio is fif opinion that ninch of tho School woik will bo Inst nnU'ss followed u)i by teacln rs in sympathy with the people, who will visit them at their homes, and seek to win and retain the voiuin, as they are withdrawn fnan School al about twelve year.-, o( age ; and to this department of work he has (,'iven special attention. " One of my teachers" |ho reports) " .Iiiraman, has now six men, whom he is teachiu^,' to read their own lauKiniKe, and who seem also interested in religion. For these reasons, I have thoiitjht it rit,'ht to give three after- noons at least of each week to this work, and I aiu beKinnin^; the new year with a regular cla^s of eight or nine, and a fe ■ who get lesson.-; more irregularly." Prtcic/iiti:^. — Services were held in the Hosjiitals and in houses f)f Coolies, and for several months a service for Christians aud inquirers every Sabbath, willi an attendance of about twenty at Mr. Christie's house. At other im^etings attendance has varied from hve to sixty or seventy. In these services the Missionary has been aided liy his Catechist, who '■ lias been busily em- ployed during the whole year." He spi'nt the greater jiart of n,ery Sabbath and a jiortion nl nearly every day in the week, in going to estates and villages, and )>reachink' the (Jospel, and so Mr. Christie was able to report that between them, they had maile the round of the estates and villages, at least once a fortnight, excejit where the roads lucunie impa-^able tlirouKh rain: .ind it .should be remembered that Mr. Christie's district haviuK but little of KravelU-d walk, jire-.! nta difficulties in the rainy season, beyond that of the districts of th" other Mis..ionaries. During the year thu'teen adults aud one child were baptized in this district. FOrRTH MISSIONAhT. A year ago the Committee expected by this time to have a fourth ^Missionary in Trinidad. Eev. D. F. Creelman had expressed his willingness to go, if called by the Church, and in the meantime had gone for the summer on retpiest of the Maritime Board of Home Missions to the Bay of Islands in Newfoimdlaud. From that employment he returned at the request of tjie Foreign Mission Committee, to be ready, if the funds at command would wan-ant, to proceed to Trinidad, aud it was agreed, as the responsibility of providing support rests at present on the Maritime Section of the Church, to ask the advice of its Synod on that particular point. Before this reference for advice was submitted, the Home Mission Board at tho earnest reque-t of the Presbytery of Newfoundland addressed a call to Mr. Creelman to return to Bay of Islands, for at least one year, to which Mr. Oreelman felt constrained to yield. In these circumstances the re- ference for advice, as to whether ;t was prudent with funds now deficient to assume the liability Ixii. APPENDIX. of fiiiothf-T MinHJoiiary to Triiiidful, was Htill Bubinitted, ami rosiiltcd in thri Synod's oxprf^HHin^ fi HtroiiK di'siri! for tlw ftdviinco (;ont<'mi)lfiti'l, with aflvict; to thi' Coiniiiittci' to seek iiiiotlici- .Mis-iion- ary, askiriK the j)fO]il(; for th(! m^coHHiiry fiinil.H, with pUmIko from tho inomhi^rH of Hytiod for iii- crofisod etTortH. Thi;Hi; fuctH hiivi; bocii piililinljcd and tin; fourth Mi«.-iioiiiiry advfrtiH(;d for. Iiitfiitioiuilly tli'- Comiiiitt<;(; iiiovid with (hdihcnition, dusiriii^,' tliat th<; .situation should pass iij rcviow hcforo the (Jeiit-ral AsHiiiildy, subject to any direction wldch tho .XBHemhly may givt! for the ^;uidaii'je of the (^jmmittee. .\ppeiideil wil! hi; found the list of Trinidad schools, ami in conciiiHion, it is oviih;nt from the increasin^^ niimher of teadiers, schools and Hcliolars, of cateehists and evangelists, especially frt^m the e-xteiit to whicli tli<' coriv<;rted are Kivint; tliemsolves to the work of extondin^ the kingdom of Christ, that there; has heen, within the year, an advance alon;,' tlie whf)le lini;. Tlie conviction of the (Committee is that tlie (/reat Master ifl ojienin^ up tho way hefore us. and calling; on us t(j (^o forward, and their hope is that the whole people will regard the call and respond cheerfully so that the Committee may feel that the people also are beckoninj; them to move on. REPOKT OF BCnOOL FOU INDIAN IMMIGRANTS, TBINIDAD, TEAB ENDINO DEC. 31, 1870. Onj; i 1 08 27 13 12 26 20 20 32 29 ir, 12- Creoles. •" Total. Z ~ 1 << rA 17 17 14 32 1.5 29 24 17 14 1 Name ok Sciiooi-. On Itoll, Dec. .31 i Name of School. 'A 1 5 'i H n go > •** << San Fernando • • 11 4 23 2 22 3 9 08 27 24 10 49 22 42 32 32 24 ! Cedar (irove (Janaan 13 17 22 19 20 27 80 17 477 6 7 '8 •• 19 17 29 19 15 Esperanza V?. Marahella Palmiste I'erseveranco 20 Union 14 Pictoii Spring Cedar Hill 20 14 Sevilla 3CI 25 Wellington MisHion* 801 54 Jordan f lill Coucordt Total 171 15 . 399 rhiiippine .'e of the AneiteuineHC. Dr. (ifMliJie's lalniurM have heen f(;llowed up iiy .Mes.srs. In^li^ and (.'opelaiLd, and now the work of n viiiuri heiuK coniph-ti), thi^ translation will he i^sued under the Hiiperiritenil- ence of .Mr. IiiKlis, and in anticipation of tlie hoon, tlie nativ(;s, the people on .Mr. Inglis' side of the island, have last year coutrihuted '2H(;o Ihs. of arrowroot of the V)eHt cpuility in puyin(;nt. (ien- erally the natives on the other side are e(|unlly forward in contrihuticjUH, and .Mr. Iiif^liH teHti- ties of the .\neiteutnes(! generally, that there i.i nothing.' which could he reaHonably asked in labour for .Mission purpose.s, which they would not cheerfully do. ■ A MB. INOLIB .S I>KI'1RTCRK. The' return of llev. John InKlis to his fathyrland calU for ucMce. Mr. Inglis hIuco Dr. Geddie's death has been the Htmior Missionary aii'l father of the Mission Synod. For a quarter of a century he lia.t done excellf'nt service, and on returning to Scotland will still maintain liis interest in the (^vanKelization of these islands, and niay do as much by tongue and pen on bidialf of the New Hebrides as if he had continued to labour among tlmm in person. F, whicli was plastered and made at least tenantable, the jieofile giving all thr; aid they could, in building, cutting down trees and carrying them mi their shouldt^r.H to the destined jjlace. Women wrought also in sewing the cane-leaf for rooting. The people also assisted .Mr. llobertHrjn in another work of interest, jiliicing a suitable inclosure of stone and lime- around the gravt^ of the late lamented .lames D. (itjrdon. The way has been Well prepared apparently at Cook's Bay for a new Missionary. The high chir'f, a Sorcerer too he was, gave uji his gods, and with seven of his young niiii, was baptized. This hopeful opf'ning will be regarded with great interest by those who remember Ikjw the (>or- dons longeil and priiyi.'d for sUch a lesult. Their desire to occupy Cook's Bay was akin to David's irrepressible loiging to drink of the well of Bethlehem I What these men desirc-d to see but saw not, Hugh A. Kobertson has realized. _ One sowetli and another reaj)eth — they sowed, lie has en- tered into their labours. The following statistics are submitted from Mr. Ho'ifrtson's report : — ]xiv. APl'KNDIX. STATISTICS. Christian teachers on the Dillon's Bay side of Erromanga 5 Cook'.s Bay 7 At Portinia Bay 3 Twicliers settled since Nov. 1875 H Suspended 2 llestored 1 New out-stations opened during the year H The chief station at the head of Cook's Bay was opened, a mission cottage was huilt (29x15) plastered and made passably comfortable. Two daily morning schools have been held regularly on the Dillon's Bay side of the island, and ten on the Cook's Bay side, making twelve Schools in all. Adult Baptisms 1.5. — 11 males and four females. Infants baptized 3. Admitted to tlie Lord's Supper, 7. Cluuch members (not teachers i suspended, 2. Number of Erromanga Cliristians nt N'guna and H:i\:ninah Hiuliour, 3. Total assisting missionaries on the islands, 4. Deaths among the Christians, 2. Births at Dillon's Bay, -i; deaths, 3. Mr. Bobertson landed on Erromanga in June 1872. At that time there were seven Church members in full standing on the island, — and two under suspension, — making a total of nine. Since that time ^Ir. Robertson has baptized forty-nine, and restored the two who had been under suspension. This gave a total of tifty-eight Church members on the island. Six hiive been re- removed by death ; and this loss with the exercise of discipline, has reduced the present full membership to forty-six. Of this number fifteen are teachers, and most of the remainder are under instruction with the hope of becoming useful. * About two hundred attend the Sabbath Services on the Dillon's Bay side w^ith more or less regularity ; and 400 on the Cook's Bay side, — making a total of GOO. Number of heathen 2,040. A class of children was taught "oy the missionary and his wife at Cook's Bay. Two classt^s are taught at Dillon's Bay, four days a week, for the first four months of the year. On one occasion there were 325 in church at Cook's Bay. The natives made a "great oven of food" in honour of the completion of the cottage at Cook's Bay. as usn vir-itin Miss'o tributi cocoar tralia, (tospe doni, cspres to joir m EBAKER — REV. J. W. M KKXZIE. Nothing of a very exciting character has occurred at Mr. McKenzie's Stations during the past year, and yet there are evidences of progress decisive and encouraging. The change noticed in our last report in the heathen villages of Eralap and Bufa have become more pronounced. Those who slew the first messenger of Christianity, Mr. Morrison's native teacher, have renounced heathenism, and twelve attend the Candidate's Class. About 270 attend worship, on Sabbath, at the four villages — Eraker, Pango, Eralap and Bufa, and at three of these the whole i)0]iulation attend School. Two additional facts may be given of an encouraging character. 1st. — During the past four years there has been no decrease in the population, the births being equal to the deaths; and, 2nd, — Kava, which was drunk to excess by nearly all the natives, has been totally given up by the Church members. IRRIRIKI. This Station having lost the services of Rev. !Mr. Annand, has been placed under charge of Mr. McKenzie. Two teachers from Pango have been settled there, and so far have met with no hostility. As yet, however, nothing really decisive in favor of '^ hristianity can be reported; but l)rayer should go up on behalf of it as one of the dark places of the earth yet to be enlightened, ami we trust soon, b)^ the benign rays of the Sun of Righteousness, with healing in his wings. The New Hebrides Mission, as a whole, is advancing, though slowly. The hindrances, from the labor traflic by which the natives are decoyed away and demoralized, from their deep and hereditary degradation, from their isolation and polyglottism, are very great, and still these are being steadily overcome by hard work and the mighty power of the word of the liOrd. Rev. .T. Inglis has, in published letters, compared the Mission with that of the Episcopal Church, con- ducted by the noble Bishops Selwyn and Paterson, v>n a different plan, with greater resources and mor.' unity of effort, and has shewn that ours has hatl, ai, Icpst, equal success. The races may be feeble, they may be diminishing, they may not be destined to play any importinit ])art in the world's history, but are they to be abandoned? Do they not come within the range of the (ireat Commission? And was not our Church led providentially into this valley of dry hones to preach and to invoke the power and presence of the Divine Spirit? So far our Missionaries have gathered as juany sheaves as the majority of their brethren, either at home or abroad. And now having the joy of welcoming the Free Church of Scotland as the heir of the late Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and the prosjiect of even heartier co-operation from the Australian Churches, it surely devolves on this Church — the banner Church at least in this Mission — vhich had the honor of drawing in the others as fellow-workers, to strengthen the hands of her present band, and, if at all jiossiblc, to increase their number. Memorial Tablets have been erected within the year in the Anelcauhat Church to Rev. Dr Geddie, and in Dillon's Bay Chapel, to the memory of the Gordon Brothers, and while they as an impressive memento of the zeal and devotion of our Missionary Pioneers, they may also serve to remind us of obligations to follow up their work and gather in the fruit which they sowed. APrENDTX. Ixv. THE "DAYSPRING ns usual has been of invaluable servioo during the year. She made two voj-agcs to Australia, visiting Gtelongand M^lboninc as well as Sydney: She made five voyages round the iolnndswith Mission Stations, and chised by f,'oing to Now Zealand, carrying Mr. and Mrs. Inglis, and the con- tribution of nearly iJOOO lbs. of Arrowroot, and for the children of New Zealand a present of 14000 Cdcoanuts from Aneiteum. She has carried the Mission mails and iirovi:«ionB, invalids to Aus- tralia, and convalescents to their posts again, natives to their homes, and printed hymns and (iiispels to their readers, while she lias bridged the chasm between the Mission-band in heathen- dom, and the Churches by whom they were sent far hence to the Gentiles. The Committee would express cordial thanks to the Sabbath Schools which have done so well, and would invite others to join them to keep our noble Days/^?ing in sailing trim. /• INDIA MISSION — UEV. J. F. CAMPIiELL. A year ago there were two Missionaries in the Lower Provinces about to sail ';ir their respective fields, one to return to his loved employment in Trinidad, after a six month's furlougli ; the other to proceed to India to give himself to the work of bringing the Indians to Christ. Arrangements being comjileted, the Board held a farewell Prayer and Missionary Meeting with them in St. Matthew's Ciiuich. This jiroved an occasion of very great interest, and ministers and people rejoiced in the tokens of the Divine presence. On tin; next day Mr. (irant and family sailed for Trinidad, and on the day following Mr. Campbell sailed for Liverpool, <•// route for India. • It was equally the desire of the Committee and of ^fr. Campbell that he should break his voyage by stopping at St. John's, and spend a fortnight at Newfoundland. Our Missionary did so. a)id laboured with his wonted energy during that fortnight, addressing public meetings, chil- dren's meetings, and women's meetings, on the Lord's days, and, on week days, in St. John's and Harbour (trace. He was met not only with a cordial welcome, but with enthusiasm ; goo Mission. At present two ordained Missionaries, Messrs. Stewart and .Johnson, labour at Prince All)ert. They are assisted by Mr. .Tohn Mackay as interpreter and Missionary Catecliist. .Mr. Mackuy. who has been connected with the Mission from the first exerts a great intiuence among the Indians, and has proved himself a most valuable labourer. Last November, Rev. Hugh McKellar, who was sent out from Manitoba to fill the vacancy occasioned by the unexpected death of Mr. Nisbet, was under the necessity of returning to Ontario. During the two years which he spent at Prince Al- bi rt, he did excellent service in the difficult position which be was called to till. Your Committee ri gret that he could not be induced to return permanently to a position for which he proved him- self so well qualified. Mr. McKellar reports that, during the two years that he was in the iNIis- i-ion, he baptized sixty-seven persons, of whom twenty-nine were Indians. Of the Indians bap- tized, seventeen were adults, and twelve children. The number of communicants on the Roll when he left Prince; Albert was thirty-eight, of whom sixteen were Indians. There were also four or five Indians who had been baptized who were from home at the Communion season, and who were expected to come to the Lord's tnble. In this field there arc four stations in which preacliing is regidarly maintained. In two of these Churches have been erected. V Ixviii. APPENDIX. \l.l\ Last nntunin Mr. D. C. .Johnson, a prolmtioner of tlioChnrch, was Rent ont to take cliarRe df the School iKtablisLfd at I'liuce Albert, and to render kucIi other Hervice to the Mission as hi.s time and strength would allnw. On his way, he was ordained by the Presbytery of Manitoba. He reaeheil his destination on tlie 1st of November, and entered, at once, with energy on his work. The School is Kmall, hut has increased under Mr. .JohnHon's able management. He rejiorts nu average of about thirty pupils during the winter. The attendance was remarkably regular. He ajiliears to have been able to establish a proper understanding with the people and to hnve awakened interest even beyond his expectations. The settlers have evinced their interest priic- tically liy subscribing a considerable jjortion of his salary. From various sources very favourable accounts have come of Mr. .Johnson's success. ^Vhell Mr. .McKellar returned to Ontario, his place was taken by the Rev. Alexander Stewm t, at the recjuest of the Presbytery of Manitoba. Mr. Stewart had been sent West under the Husjii- ces of the Home Mission Committee, to supply Battleford, the inciiiient capital of the North- West, but discovering that the city was still unhuiU and that nothing could be done in what will soon be an important centre, he returned to Prine^e AUiert. Your Committee deemed thenisehiv^ fortunate in seenring such a Missionary for a few months. His period of service has now nearly expired, and another laJiourer is urgently required to fill his place. Messrs. McKellar, Ktewart, and .Johnson all think that the time has come when tiieEngli'^h and the Indian work should be separated. Mixed services in Fnglish and in Cree are no lougi r adapted to the wants of the po])uhitiou. Many of the English (o not understand Cree. and many of the iiulians do not understand English. Your Committee fully concur in tjiis o]iiiii(in. and have taken stejis to give it practical effect. They may add that as the English dei>artment of the work will in future be purely Home Missionary in its nature, they trust this Assembly will at once transfer it to the care of the Home Mission Committee. At Okanasae, an Indian Reserve, about twenty miles from Fort Pelly, Rev. (ieorge Flett has laboured during the year with an encouraging measure of success. ^Ir. Flett has access to nearly 400 Indians in that region, about 200 of whom are settled at Okanasse, and about 200 make Fort I'elly their head(iuarters. He re]iorts twenty-eight communicants, twelve Indians, twelve half-breeds and four whites. Of these ten reside at Okanasse, ten at Fort I'elly, and eight at Little Saskatchewan. During the year there liaT^becn fifteen bajitisms ; thirteen children and two adults have received the initiatory rite of Christianity. Intelligent visitorswho have been at Okanasse au he states that 1,856 new patients were treated by him, which will give some idea of the extent of his opportunities of usefulness. In jirfisecuting his work at Tamsui, Dr. Frasei' has continued to enjoy the valuable aid of Dr. Ringer, the physician of the English residents at Tamsui. who has given almost daily attendance at the hospital. Of the patients treated, 1,155 were males, and 201 females. "The disparity in the numbers of the different sexes will ho easily understood." Dr. Eraser remarks, "by those who arc acquainted with woman's social jiosition in China. There are numbers of Chinese women who would be greatly the better of some rational medical advice and treatment, but who, tlu'ough false ideas of ju'opriety, will never come to a public hospital for relief. It is jileasing to have i^veii as many exceptions as we have had to this miserable and absurd social custom." Daily religious services are lield in the hospital and all the patients are cordially invited to attdid. The ma- jority embrace the opportunity thus presented of hearing the Ciospel, and in this way and by personal conversation the minds of many afllicted ones are directed to the Cheat Physician. The medical work done in Tamsui by no means represents the extent to which the healing art is made tributary to the cause of Christ in Northern Formosa. Rev. Ct. L. Mackay has, from APPENDIX. ixix the lii |.'iiniiii},' iif the inissidii, inade uso r ' his mediciil knowlwlgo to (ipcu the hearts of the iitMii>lf to the roci'ptioii of his niessage. lie still i)ursucH the same course with success. In travi Hint,' from }ilaee to place in his evuDKelistio tours, he disiJcnsed medicine, during the past yrar to nut less than 2, -i;tO patients, lint while Mr. Maekay makes use of the healing' art as ft hiiiiiliiiaid to the in-caching of the (iospel, it is specially to the work of iirodaiminK' the uu- iicarclmhlf riches of Christ, and to the training' of native helpers that he devotes his energies, llr also takes the constant oversi^-ht of all the stations which he visits in succession. The jiro- irres- made since he connneuced his lahours, a little more than tiv years ii>,'o, is matt( r for di voiit t-'ratitude to (lod. Since that time eleven chapels have been built, seventy-tive comn.ani- ciiiit- have been received iiito full fellowship with the Church, and a native Christian community now nuniherin^^ four or fivc'huiidrcc! gathered out of heathenism. I'lleven native Jielpers, enre- fiilly trained by Mr. Maekay, aid him in his work, six teachers are engaKed in training the young, and eight students are now under instruction for missionary service. It is, jjcrhaps, impossible to give a better idea of the work accomplislied and the change wrought since Mr. Maekay entered on his work, than by (juoting the words of the last letter re- dived from him. It is dated Au-po. I'ith March, 1H77. " Ihuvellons are Thy works. Lord God Almighty.' When I lamled here Hound Northern Formosa an unbroken field, where gross darkness prevailed and horrid cruelty reigned. I rented a small house which the owner intended to use as a horse stable, and began to use broken sentences in Chinese, and in two months i made' known the way of salvation through Christ, every morning and evening, to those who felt disjjosed to listen. I soon left the Port, went into th(! country, and made known the Gospel of Jesus in nearly every village within twelve miles around. By this time large crowds began to assemble, to the great indignation of the literati, otlicials and underlings. The former followed me, and on many occasions a dozen teachers, and several graduates stood around me, ready for discussion. Kight or wrong I was determined to fight out the battle with them, and studied night after night, and went forth in the day time to meet them. In a few months I could not get a man in Northern Formosa who wished to discuss Confucianism, Buddhism, Tanism, or Christianity. From that time to the jiresent we have hail /tv/iv, and our eleven helpers are neither afraid ni r ashamed to preach Christ to any 1/ody of men who may assemble in Northern Formosa. Another class besides tlie literati followed me for a different ]iurpose. I could not go away from the house without six or twelve soldiers being close after me, and ciadd scarcely pass a night away from the fort without several sleeping outside of the house in which 1 chanced to take up my abode. When sick, I gave them medicines, which made tliem more friendly. I was not long here until foul placards were posted up in many places. These represented me as the Queen's agent, for plucking out eyes, etc., and sending them to England to manufacture opium out of them. My life was threatened many times, and every conceivable obstruction put in my way. As I thus review the past and compare the present, I observe many marked and notable changes, and last Friday reminded me of some of them. Nineteen young men, all of whom I taught myself, met me in a good comfortable house for examination. Eleven are helpers and eighi, are students. There are eleven Chapels where people can hear the Gospel ;ireached, every morning and evening, and there are upwards of seventy names on the Connuunion lioll, and there have been no suspensions. Hundreds attend the eleven Chapels, and hundreds juore hear the (jospel in the hospital. I travelled barefooted over hills and mountains, under torrents of rain, and preached salvation through a critcified Saz'iour, in every village in Northern Formosa, several times. To-day I find hundreds friendly wherever I go. I feel as safe as if in Toronto or Woodstock. No soldiers follow. No literati come boasting their classics, and no Buddhist priests gather around to display their knowledge of Buddha. Still there are enemies innumerable, and foes ever watching us. The literati are not converted, and the soldiers are not Christians. For all the work done, for all achieved during the past five years, I say, from the depths of my soul, let Jehovah, our God, have all the praise, now and forever." Labours such as Mr. Maekay has undergone, in Formosa, are more than the most robust con- stitution can, especially in such a climate, safely endure. It need not excite surjirise that his health has begun to suffer, and that to others, if not to himself, the need of rest is apparent. It is icry diflicidt, however, for him, in the present state of the Mission, to leave even for a short season. Other labourers should be sent at once to relieve the overtasked brethren now in the field, and to carry on the wi)rk which promises such a rich return. Your ('ommittee, feeling the iniiiortance of sending more Missionaries to Formosa, recently applied, in succession, to two Min- isters of the Church, who were regarded as well iiualified for the position, but, in both cases, the brethren so called did not feel themselves in circumstances to accept the call tendered to them. Iir. — MISSION TO INDIA. In this department the Church has, during the year, taken a decided step in advance. It can now be said that there is a Canadian Mission in India. Since 187-i Misses Rodger and Fair- weather Lave laboured in India under the care of tiie American Presbyterian Missionaries. But 1-. Ixx. APPENDIX. while tlii'V wero sustained by tlieCiuiftdiiin Cliurcli, C'finada hail no rPK'ila'ly iii^nnizeil Mission of its (iwn, with whieii liny ciPtiUl he ciinnected. Now, after having done rxi-elleiit service for tlir hrethren of tjic American I'reshyterinn Mission, tliey form jiartof the regular staff of the t'aiiadiaii Mission, estal)!ished in Central India hy Uev. J. M. Douglas. Mr. I)ou^'la« having iieen acce)>ted hy the last General Asseiulily as a Missicpuary to Indio, was designated to his work at Cohonrg, on the 'iCith September last, and early in October lie li ft fur India, with instructions to establish, should the way ajipear open, a ^^iKsion in Indore. After a prosperous voyage he reached lioinbay on the '2'2nd December, wliere he received ,i cordial wilcome from liev. K. Stotliert, and f)ther Missionary brethren. He then iiroceeded in .Mlahabad, wiic re he met a considerable inimber of the Mission;"', les oQhe American I'resbyterinii I'll iirch,wlK) could not have shown him any greater kindness hnd he been *)e of their own Mission stall. And when, on tbe l!)tb .January, be set out for ('entral India, liev. .1. 1' Ilolcomb accompanied bim nW tile way to Indore, and gave iiim the benefit of his exiierience and counsel in selecting the Mission tield t^) be permanently occuiiied. They also sujijiiied Mr. Douglas with atrained native Catechist, through whose agency the work of preaching the (iosjad to tbe heathen could be commi'iiced ;it once. On the'J.'ith of .laimary they reached tbe Capital of the Holkar"s territory, and Mr. Dou^'lus found himself tbe sole Protestant Slissionary in a heathen city of 70,000 inhabitants. As Imloic is in a native state, under Pritish jirotection, but not directly under British iiiK- some uncertaintv was felt in regard to the receiition which Missionaries might receive, .\fter surveying the tiell and gaining such information as Ik! could collect on the spot, !Mr. Douglas judged that a, favoridile opening jiresented itself and he decided to .stablisb himself there. A suitable house was secured for himsi'lf, and another for Mis' es Fair veatiier and Itodger, who removed immediately to Indole and entered on their work. They ha\'^ already obtained access to a number of high-casti; Zenanas, und a school for Mahomnudau girls has been begun. Educated native gentlemen have ex- pressed their cordial interest in female education, and there seems to be a good jirospcct that tbe young ladies sent out from Canada will find in this growing city an ample Held for successful work. Mr. Douglas has been appointed otliciating Chaplain to Her Majesty's troojis at Mhow, which is thir- teen miles from Indore. Tliis position he values highly for the influence which it gives him. I3y the ollicers of the British Oovernment he has been shown much kindness, and, from one of them, be has received the donation of a valuable case of Bibles, books and tracts. These are sold V)y the Catechist to the people, who seem ready to secure them. It is too soon to speak of results. And it may be well for the Church, while resting with con- fidence in the promises of her Head, not to grow impatient if the seedtime and the harvest are in such a region as Indoro separated by a very considerable interval. The influence of that prepara- tory work which for seventy years has been going on in India, may be less felt in these semi-inde- pendent States, like the Holkar's, than in other parts of the country nearer the gieat centres of missionary work. And when success comes, it need excite no surprise if special difficulties have to be encountered by the converts. Your Committee rejoice that during the year the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society has made gratifying progress. Vvhen its constitution was sanctioned by last Assembly, the Society had scarcely entered on its work. At the close of the first year of its history it was able to report eighteen au.\iliaries and four or five mission bands, and contributions to the amount of §1,107.00, of which the sum of §1, 000. 00 has been handed over to your Committee for the support of the ladies now labouring in India. Such substantial aid already rendered to the work of carrying f'je gospel to the women and children of heathen lands is itself a pledge that this Society is destined to become a most important auxiliary to your Committee. It is satisfactory to note that the work of this Society does not appear in any case to have interfered with the ordinary Foreign Mission Fund, or with the other schemes of the Church. It seems much more likely by increasing the interest felt in the cause of Christ, to evoke a larger liberality in sunport of every form of Christian wf rk. Your Committae trust that the cordial support of the Cnurch will enable the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society to extend itself rapidly in the future. The services of two young ladies, Misses Forrester and McGregor, who will be prepared to proceed to India in autumn, have been accepted by your Committee. There are many doors of usefulness there open for them, and it ii, hoped that the liberality of the Church, and especially of the Christian women of the Church, will amply sustain the Committee in sending them forth on their noble mission. Your Committee have learned with pleasure that the Kev. J. F. Campbell has, as authorized by last Assembly, decided to visit Indore, and they would greatly rejoice should his visit result in his permanent removal to that tield. It seems desirable that all the missionaries sustained by the Church in India should in the meantime be united in one vigorous mission. Attention is called to the following statement of receipts and payments for the year : — FOREIGN MISSION FUND, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA, 1876-7. EECEIPTS. May 1, 1876, Balance on hand $390 56 Receipts from all sources lo,039 18 $15,429 74 APPENDIX. rAYMEMTB. On account of SaBkatchewan Mission $3,(591 07 Formosa — Halarics, helpers, stiulents, chapels, etc 0,781 71 Indiii, in all H,r)07 82 Kxpenses of Committee, etc 150 .'j') liitercHt for advanui'8 : 17') •'<• (itiiiiral expenaoH '20(1 00 Salary of AKt'nt Mi'> 00 Uemittud for /Aji'J/w/j,'' ami Trinidad . 7n <)() Balaucu 17 1 <>»> Ixxi. SI 5,420 71 From this statement it appears that while the recipts are not wliat raiuht have heeu expected, tlioy show a total of f 15,();t',(. IH, an compared with .^14,H11.S5, or aninereaHe of 8227. :W. It is true that .'?l,0()(l of this sum comes from the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soeiety, hut as a special do- nation of >!l,00(> was last year received from one gentleman, the onUnary revenue is still a little in nilvanoe of the previous year. Tlie expenditure is also much less. In the Formosa Mission alone the payments are nearly ten thousand dollars loss than on the previous year. The large jiaynu^nts made hist year for house ImiidiuK will not recjuire to he rejieated for some years to come, hut the ordinary ex()endituro for the working of all the missions must he exjx'cted to increase gradually. Your Committee feel that the trilling halance on hand which they report is altogether inade([uato at the commencement of the year. It involves the necessity of horrowing large amounts to meet current expenses. Hut as no special elfort has for several years heen put forth on huhalf of the Foreign Mission F'und, it seems reasouahle that such an effort should ho made duruig the current year. In closing, yotir Committee submit to the General Assembly, for acceptance, the following recommendations, viz : I. That the English department of the work at ^rinco Albert be transferred to the Homo Mission Committee. II. That the Foreign Mission Committee be authorized to send deputations to visit the con- fliegations of the Church, or to employ other suitable means to evoke increased liberality in sup- port of this scheme. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. McLaren, Convener, ToBONXO, Wk June, 1877. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE MISSION TO THE LUMBER- MEN IN THE VALLEY OF THE OTTAWA. The Mission to the Lumbermen has been more widely extended during the past winter than during any previous season. Three Missionaries have been directly employed in the work of the Mission, who, in addition to preaching the Gospel in the shanties, depots, etc. visited by them, have, as usual, distributed large quantities of appropriate literature, and have forwarded a great deal of such literature to districts which they were unable to visit. A considerable quantity of literature, supplied by the Committee, has also been forwarded through the kind co-operation of Bible Society colporteurs and of the lumberers themselves, some of whom have taken a deep interest in the work of the Mission. The literature thus distributed, comprises, among other publications, a very great variety of tracts in English and French, many copies of " British Workman," "Family i'riend," "Cottager and Artizan," " Weekly Welcome," " L'Ami de la Maison," '• LOuvrier F'rancais," " Le Messager Les Families," bound volumes of "Sunday at Home," '•Leisure Hour," "Tract Magazine," etc. The shantymen are accustomed to contribute to the fundsof the Mission, but the receipts from them have been much diminished during the past season, owing to the severe depression of the lumber trade and the consequent reduction of wages. Our Missionaries are instructed carefully to abstain from soliciting any subscriptions from the men, yet, at the same time, to accept any voluntary contributions. This practise removes all ground for supposing that our Missionaries visit the shanties for the purpose of collecting money, while, if any of the men desire to express their sympathy with the Mission and their gratitude for benefit received from it, they may do ao by assisting its funds. Though the receipts from the men this year have been much smaller than last year, yet there is ample evidence that the visits of the Missionaries and the suppUes of literature have been as p Ixxii. APPENDIX. ! Pi It ; i I l?'i lit heartily wclcomoil iih (luring niiy provioiiH seaHoii. The neopsBity nml vnliio of tlio ^[ission aro uniliiiiiiii.Hlii'il, and, ho far from (Mirtailinu operations, tlie (Joiiiniittee havo uimiially lalmtiroil to extend tliein, believing that tho ne(!0SHary support would not be witlilield. Ah was expected a year aKo, tho Couimitteo have hec^n onaltled during the winter to secure the Hcrvici's of three MisHiouarieH, one for the lunilitrinK di^tri<■tH hcyoiul I'enihrokc, one for tho diHtrict between Pembroke and Ottawa, and one for tho district of tho (latineau and Liovres. Owinj,', however, to tho nature of the season and condition of tho roadw, tiio MissionarioH were not able to spend (luito aa uiueh time in tho shantieu an had been expected at tho beginning of the winter. The U( V. M. Turnbull, who has been visiting in the lumbering districts of th" Ottawa and its tributaries above Pembroke, reports, — " l)in'iiig .lanuury and l''ebruary 1 was fully occujiied, but in tho beginning of Mareh tho road got so bare of snow that 1 was compelled to giV(^ up the work. Later on snow fell, and the sleigh- ing became bettor, but as I Iiad sent away my team I did not think of resuming the work for the short season that remained ; and, besriles, a gooil many of the shaiitios which I Hhould linvo visited had received visits from tie! Agents of the Bibb^ Society. I may mentiou that, knowing that th(;se visits would bo paiil Ijy tho Sociioty's Colporteurs, I laid myself out to go to the shanties at a distanco, — on 'I'eniiscamingue and Kippewa. There I visited •ir> shanties and 15 depots, (fMuling access, in this way, to about 1,000 persons,) ]>reacliing the (rospel in nearly all, and dis- tributing tho literature with wiiich I was so lilxM'ally su))p!ioJ by thi^ Committee. ".\s regards contributions from shantymen, I have to report only tho receipt of S'20.00.'' The Committee regret that Mr. T'urnbull will Im unablo to o^^;age any longer in tho Mission work of tho Cppor Ottawa. He has been earnest and unwearied in liis laliours among tho Shanty, men. Tho Committee hope that, during the i)ri'sent season, an appropriate successor to .Mr. Turnbull may bo secured, who .shall, during tho winter, labour among the shantymen. Tho Rev. ■!. Gaudier, of Fort (Jolongo, who visited shanties on the tributaries of the Ottawa, between Pembroke and Ottawa, rei)orts— "I mado great efforts to spend from three to four months in the work of the]Nfission, butt^ick neaa, and the want of sleighing and delay in getting the literature prevented me, so that nine weeks has been all tho timo that I could devote to the work. During that time 1 visiteil ii\) shanties, 13 depots, 17 stopping places, and 19 families — in all HH visits — i)roached tho Word iV.i times, and thus addressed about 1300 i)orsons. I baptized seven children. I visited nearly all the shanties on Black liiver and the Colonge, several on the I'iokanock, and all on tho (Ottawa as far up as Dorau's on Deep liiver. I started to visit thoso on the Bonchero and Madawaska, but "n attack of intlammation of the throat and quinsy compelled mo to return. When 1 was sullicu-ntly recovered to go again, the bad sleighing would not permit. As there were parts thus left unvisited, I forwarded pajiers. as far as possible, to those shanties. "The amount cnutributed to the funds of tho Mission, oy men in the shanties, isft94.2o. By tho universally kind manner in which your missionary is received, by the eagerness to get, and intense interest in reading the now literature, by the strict attention during the whole of the religious services, and by tho pecuniary support from the shanties, we have much reason to conclude tliat our work is prospering. Tho Lord grant that it may prosper a thousand fold more. The llev. T. Brouillotto, who is ordained missionary at tho Desert, and who has been visiting the shanties on tho Gatineau and Lievres, reports : " I entered on this mission in the second week of January, and continued my visits until the roads broke np, about the 2'2nd JIarch, having been interrupted nearly two weeks by sickness in my family. During this time, a little over c ight weeks. I visited the shanties of Messrs. Gilmour & Co., Hall cfc Co., Hamilton Bros., and Edwards; in all twenty-one shanties, ami twenty-two farms and depots, representing ()f)'2 mqp. With two exceptions I furnished all these shanties, farms and depots with the tracts and other literature which your Convener sent me. The re- spect shown to your missionary, the attention paid to his addresses, the joy with which many of these men listened to the preached Gospel are sufficient evidence that your missionary was really welcome. I feel satisfied that the benefit received from the tracts and literature is very, very great. Tho French particularly, are getting untold benefit from the French tracts, which most of these received with joy and gratitude. " Contributions to the amount of |41.8'^ were received from some of the shantymen, without any solicitation, simply accepted when preseuted." Mr. Day, Colporteur of the Ottawa Auxiliary Bible Society, who distributed a quantity of literature while visiting the shanties, in the interests of the Bible Society, rejiorts : " The tracts and other papers with which you kindly furnished me have been distributed, in seventeen shanties that had not been previously visited. At five depots and a number of stop- ])ing places some reading matter was left and very kindly received. These very excellent papers will reach about 600 souls." Sui)plies of literature were also furnished to Mr. 4)avid Scharf, who, though not under the direction of the committee, visited and addressed the men in many of the shanties on the Mada- waska and adjacent rivers, including those of Hon. James Skead, Messrs. IJronson & Weston, Batson ifc Currier, J. R. Booth, McLaren & Co., and some belonging to Messrs. Gilmour & Co., on the Trent. Mr. Scharf thinks that the literature supplied to him by the committee must have been distributed among nearly 2,000 men. The Rev. Mr. Hughes, oi Alice and Pettawawa, also visited a number of shanties, holding service among the men. AIM'KNDIX. Ixxiii. 1 Fiom thcHO roportH it will Im Honn tliiU, by mcanH of t\uA miHsion, tlio (loupol liaB, iliiritiK tlie paxt wiiitdr, lircii iinnuiluMl, (iiii'.< iit Iciiit, to lUMirly li.oo) ptirsonH, wlio would imt uthurwirtd hava Diijovutl tliiH privilit^t', iiiul thniii^li tlm (!(i-(iporulH>n of Itililo Souicty (Jolpurtuiini, liiiuburtTs urid otlii'iN. Hi two uonHucutivti yiarn in tlu^ Hatmi district ; tlui im|>roKMion inudu uu tlii.'m in ono si'aHon by tint mi^)sionary cannot often br followed up hy liim in the Hiu^cei.'diiiK Hoason, nor lias he niiieh opportunity of nioasurin^ thu extent of work auttially accMimplislieil by hin effortH. It in a luisHion in which tlioso who -^ow may soldoni rtwip. Tho fruit»< may be ^'athured in ninny a country conj,'rt'Katiou when tiiu men return to their hoiiu^H, or in .some of the districtH ciiltivattMl, or waiting to bo cultivated, by tiio Freiuih KvaiiKulizatioii t'oinniittue. Diit wu cannot doubt that l,'(M)d must follow tho ))reacliinK of tho (ios)iel and tlu^ distribution of reliKioiiH literatur.j amonj^ .so larKu a number of men, whose only opportunity, diiriiif,' a Inr^o portion of tho year of enjoying Hiicli inlluencu in furnished by this mission. The Committee, therefore, hojie that every needful assistance will berendiiied to enable them to |ir(jsecuto with increased oueri^y and usefulness this important branch of the work of the Church. The Committee Ki'atefuUy acknowled(,'o the generous dona*'on from tho London Tract Society of a quantity of their publications, ciijual in value to the amount purchased ; also, contri- butions of literature from Messrs. S. W. I'artrid^'e (V Co., of London, and from the French Cana- dian Missionary Society, of Montreal. Tlioy also acknowledge with gratitude tho support rendered to tho mission by some of the lumberers and by many of the shantymeu, as well as by otlii.'rs, through whose co-operation the work of the missionaries has been sustained. Tho Com- mittee are awaro that there are other portions of the country besides the Ottawa Valley whoro luinheriug is e.Ktensively carried on, and they are not awaro of any efforts to meet the spiritual wants of the lumbermen in such districts. They venture to suggest tliat work similar to that which has been sc favourably prosecuted in tho Valley of the Ottawa might be undertaken in other sections of tho Church. Till! Committee are of opinion that though this mission may well deserve tho attention and elicit tho sympathy of the (!hurch at largo, it should ospecially commend itself to tho membership of the Church within tho Synod of Montreal and Ottawa. No assistance has hitherto been asked or received for it from the Home Mission Fund: and, amid the many demands made upon that fund it may be desirable that this work among the lumbermen should be carried on independent of it, although under better circumst.,ncos it might liave a very fair claim upon its support. Tho C!ominittoe theixifore suggest that tho \ssembly should specially recommend this mission to the support of tho congregations within the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa. All which is respectfully submitted, DANIEL M. GORDON, B.D., Convener. June, 1877. AN DUE W • Dll UMMOND, Secretary- Treasurer. MISSION TO THE LUMBERMEN IN ACCOUNT WITH ANDREW DRUMMOND, TREASURER. 1870. Db. July 4. To contributions from J. C. Thomson, Quebec $1 Oct. " " " Montreal 14'J 1877. May " " " Perth 2.'} •« " " " Ottawa Idf) '• •' " Lancaster, per Rev. I). Ross 12 «« " " Calvin Ch., reinbroke, per S. S. M. Hunter... r>{) •• •• " Almonte, Union Tlmuksgiviiig S(;rvico 10 " '» " St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa ,50 «' '• " Sab. School, St. Andrew's Church, Arnprior. . 12 " •' " Bank St. Church, Ottawa 2.'> " «' " Kuo.x Church, Ottawa 2(1 •' " " Hon. George 'Biysoii 20 " " " Shantymen, per Rev. M. Turnbull 20 »• '• " " " unacknowledged in 1870 I'J Contributions per F-ov. J. Gandier — from Shanty of T. McTierman »30 00 " " Coburn it Loverdure 4 00 " Depot of .Tohn Uochester GO " Shanty of J. McCoshen It 00 " " J. Fiudlay, Black River H 7.'> «« " " Ottawa River 8 50 " Others, as per statement 17 00 > a4 Esq., 00 00 2.') 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (10 00 00 00 25 LiIBi Ixxiv. AI'PKNDIX. CoutribiitioiiH \wt Ilrv. J. Uiniiilltilto from Slianty of I lamilluii IIiuh., llibon '.MiU " l»(|H.t " " '2 ("»(> " SImnty " " ((Joriiiuii's) 7 75 " Fon^iuHii of Ui'diin I'lirni 1 00 " Hhimty of Hull A Co., (MiilomrH) (I HO " " " (CiirrV) 7 7'» " " " ({''illidirK) 2 50 " " Oilinoiir.V Co., (Hliickldini'H) 2 00 " " KdwiutlH, (M(.ITuU'h) 2 CO 41 HO Jiiuo 15. iiiiltiucu duo TrciVHuror 16 22 .y721 12 lH7n. Cn. ~"^~' June i:i. Ily IJaliinco iliui Trcivsiiror 1J27 1)7 Nov. 15. " ruliliiiiitions from /IriliJi H^orima// Ufliw, (llO Ht^. with 1'. (). Oidt'i) 4!» i)0 I )('(!. 2;{. " I'lei^ht itiul Duly on ditto l.'J 02 1H77. Jan. 3. " Pal)lie;ltion^^ from Ficuch Cttuadiiin Misnionary Society, Montroiil 40 00 " " FrcMt^ht on ditto 2 (K) " " l'ul)lic'iitions of London Tract Society $75 45 I'.O. Order 1 75 77 20 " " FroiK'ht and Duty on ditto 10 03 Jan. 27. " WrapjiinK piijior, twiue, etc., (or parcels . ." $2 50 " Exi)resH cburguB 8 05 5 di " Printing circulars 4 50 " Stamps 85 5 35 Juno 1. " Rov. J. Gaudier, salary for nine weeks 112 50 " " expenses " 77 00 189 50 •' Rov. J. Bronillotto, salary and expenses, eight weoks 150 00 " Rov. Mark Turubull " " " 150 00 »721 12 REPORT OF THE INDIAN ORPHANAGE AND JUVENILE MISSION SCHEME FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 81st, 1877. The Committoo of tho Indian Orphanage and Juvenile Mission Scheme thankfully report tho continued UKofulness of tho schenio, under tho Divine blessing, as well as tho continued interest of children of the Churcli in itsi nupport. It has felt a little, during tho past year, the crami)ing in- lluouco of tho general lluancial depression ; but, owing to the widening interest shown in it from year to year, this circumstance has not appreciably alTected its receipts. Although one or two schools which were wont to contribute, have, owing to various causes, ceased to do so, others which promise to contribute still more generously, are coming forward to supply their place. Tho work of this Scheme has been, in tho past, mainly confined to supporting Hindoo chil- dren — chiolly low-caste children, — at tho various Orphanages, in which they received a Chri-tian education and training. Now, however, owing to the rapidly changing circumstances of the coun- try, to th(! much freer access to Zenana homes, and to the children of the higher castes which is now permitted, -it is tiiought that a greater amount of good can be accomplished at less ex- pense, through the agency of higii-ciiste .schools, and of native Bibiewomcn wlio, for a small salary, undertake to visit several Zenanas daily, carrying to the imi)risouod inmates, — often weary and heavy-laden, — the glad tidings of Gospid liglit, and in many cases, a now life. Four high-casto schools have been maintained at Cabiutta by tiiis scheme for some years past, and of these wo have had, from time to time, very satisfactory accounts, several of tlie girls supported at the Cal- cutta Orphanage by our Sabbath Scliools having proved themselves excellent and efficient teachers of the bright little creatures, from three years old upward, who gladly come to be taught. Recently, tho Madras Orphanage has been relin(|uished, for tho reason already referred to, and the Sabbath Schools formerly supporting ori)hans at that institution have been asked, for tho present at least, to unite in groups of four or live to support native Biblewomen at a salary of #100 per annum. Most of these schools have cordially responded to tho invitation, to av.iil them- solvea of this new and interesting opening, whilo ono or two have wiUingly agreed to undertake AI'I'KNDIX. Ixxv. tlip liiiK aiitl ovoii tlio wliold miliiry o( hucIi nn ui^'iut iilonc Ao tliin work has j it t lu.n lioKiin, tliirii urti iiH vkI, no roportH friiiii liihlowoiiii'ii, l>iit liy liimtlKi' vnir it in )|(i|m'i| tliiil wo may liave Hiilliciiiiit uviiluiMMi (i( itH iiMt'fiiltii'HH. S<>iiui aiil tiuH aUii liiM'ii I'Xti'iKti'il, ill till' way of pri/)iili>iii'(>, in wliicli nearly fou'' liun- (lii'il clulilrcn, many of tlii'iii liuioiiKinK t'> t'"' Vfry hiftinHt (!aMtducnto tliii hi^hor and thu ///-7/ci/ ciiHtiH, anions whom tliuri: ari' many ^,>,>r thoiiKli wtdl-liorn, wlio, if oiKM! Ohrlstians, would, I doiiht imt, iih '^ >nii' already do, k'''*"}' >'>^''» their living — and HurTo their (lod, also, hy hueoiuin({ Uihlewomeii anioiiK their > around thuin. In addition to thu orphiiiis meiitionud in the present statoment, thruo others have boou for Homu time supported hy the contrihutions of Habhuth Schools in the Lower I'rovincoB, sunt di- rectly to Edinburgh, by a troasiirur acting for them. As the linancial yuar in Edinhurgh now closes with thu calunilar year, it is hoped that schools and contributorti will bear this fact iniuind, iiud will, whoru it is possiblu, forward their romittancoa to thu Treasurer early in Decombur, that thu aggrugate amimut^may bu transmitted to Edinburgh in timu to bu inuludud in the accounts .'or thu present year. In conclusion, your Committed t'arnoHtly hopu and pray that bleHsini' which alono '• giveth llu) increase" may continue to inaku this Scheme a channel of life-giving light from the childrou uf our own favoured land and C'hurch, to the many sitting in spiritual darkness in distant India, mid that it may bu privileged to bear its humlile part in bringing about thu blessed time when itvcn that magnificent but still darkened realm .shall be " full of the knowledge of tho Lord, as ths waters cover the 8oa." All which iu rospectfully submittod. AGNES M. MACHAU, Sem'tary- Treasurer. INWAN Olll'HANAUE AND JUVENILE MISSION. TUKASUaiill'S 8TATKM KNT. It If WUOM CONTRIBUTKl). St. AiiUrow'B Sabbath School If «i fi 11 «i 11 11 It ■< II I* 11 ■I 11 11 11 (I II St. (iabriol Street " St. Matlhow's Victoria Mission " St. Paul's St. Jamos' " " Sabbath School II 14 Ottawa , Kingston . Toronto I'oi-th Suyiiioiir Aniiirior Fergus St. John, N. U. Moutreiii Charlottot'n, P. E.I. Iianark Huntingdon Lachiue 'tttlt Martintown S. Georgetown a o ^H «i — ohi'Han o u 1' n A N - .3.0 p !3-i S ON AOK OB o«a Noa OIIJKCT. PLACE. .a" So* SCN iM i^ .« C, if c. Helen Calcutta 11 (Id Cliristiiia II Poena '21 (HI '211 (Ml Dorothea liihlewoiiiuu. .^hl tlian the avtrnpe amount liavf put forth no additional ifTort. Could tlie latter lie induced seriously to consider and resi>ect tlte clnims of the colleges, ail luuplo revenue would at onoc! he >eeur((l, and the hurden of ^upi'orlinK Ihc ccdk'pes woulil he -pread over so large a surface that it would he scarcely felt. J'.ut n- it seems to he inijiossihle to cduvinco the conprepations; penerally of the pre at value of our Theolopie-nl Seminaries to tho t'liurch, and of the'ir vital cemneetinn with the Church's edification and extensio7i, and thus to stimulate! them to a conscientiems elischnrpe^ of the'ir duty to these institutions, nnel as e'ven tho most willinp tei cenitribute heeome weary of rejieated sjucinl apjiealp, it is the opinion of the Board that an effort should be made as soon as possible larpely to increase the cndowme'nt of the ceillepe. The exfc-ndiiure of the year amounted to $1 3,779. .^9; which is Jir)2.*'l less than that of the preceding year. From these state me'nts it will he seen that the oxjicnditure of the^ year is ?;i,9iri. GO greater than the ineenne. Tliis, with S9,5.S1.2r), the accumulated arrears of several ])recoding years, makes thede-bt on the Ordinary Fund §13,177.8.0. Mr. Hiickins has been re-ajipointe il ste'ward, the> experie'nce of the last two years, as to the number of students like'ly to hoard in the iustitutiem, enabling the Board to effect considerable retrenchment in this appointnu'nt. It is evide'ut that tho great difliculty in meeting the curre^nt expenditure of tho College is eiccasioned by the debt on the' Ordinary Fund. We're this debt cle'anil off by a sjiecial e-ffort, so that tho iute'rest on it coulel he' at emee geit rid e)f, tluTe' is reason te> believe that with a small incre'ase in the contributions of congre'pations, anel with the' adelitioinil interest which will henceforth bo derived from tho Endowment Fund, the ince)nu; eif the cedh'ge wemld eejual its cxpe'uditure. The Emimwicnt Fiiniinovi amounts to $10,292.10. Tho Ihtrsary Fund, derived from all seuuce's, including a balance of .StSR-Sfi, amounted to $1,886.3-1. The amount expended on scholarsliips, bursaries, and general e'X]ie'nse.s is $l,(i(U), leaving a balance of $220.31 in favour of the fund. This balance being addeel to the money already invested makys thewhede investme'nt ft8,7r)1.34. College BiiUdiii}; Fund. — Subscrijitions paid during the ye^ar amounted to $]i1, 078. 49. There was received also for part of the old college site $12,850. Total receipts for the ye'ar we're ?28,828.49. 1\iQ sHhscriptious io ihc Building Fund now amount to $130,000; of the'se $81,l,')l.r)5 has been paid, leaving a balance unjiaid of f i.'),;")8l.35. As the' liabilities of the Building Futul amount to $17,r)8l.7.''. and as a large' allowance must be made for subscrijitions winch canne)t be colloctcd, friends will sao the urge'ut necessity of paying tlu'ir subse'riiitiems ; anel cemgregatiems neit ye.'t canvassed will see the' importance', when cnileel upon, of subscribing liberally, that the new ceilh'ge building may neit bebuidone'd with debt. The C'e;llege! Beiard, with the view of iniprdvinp the financial ]iosition of the cedlepe and of pronu)ting its ellicie'ncy, weiuld most re'sjM'ctfully submit the feillowinp recommendations: — 1st. That the ( roneral Assembly elo sanction the appeiintment of a Committe'e compose'd of Drs. Top]), l're)Uelfoe)t, Iteibb, and lle'V. Mr. King, to ekvise anel aeleijit means te) li(]uidate at one'ei the deibt on tho Ordinary Fund. 2nd. That, in view of tl.>e fact tliat tho retiring salary eif niiniste'rs should be borne eeinitably by the! funds representing the' sove'ral eleparlnwuts eif the' Church's work which the'y may have seirve'd, tho General Assembly de) cause $41K) of Dr. Willis' reitirinp alleiwance to bo made a charge on the Retired Ministers' Fund. 3rd. That the General Assembly ajiply for the' lepislation requisite tei modify the Charter of Knox College in such manne'r that the Cedlepe' shall have' the' ]i(iwe'r eif granting Degi'ees of Divinity, subject to such regulations as the Assendily shall see lit to adopt. Toronto, June, 1877. JOHN J. A. rilOUDFOOT, Chairman of Board oj Management. first year, ton in the! Collc'f,'o tho miuisti" lUogo. Tims liter in Kaux tho year wiis irtiem duo tn ^uox Colleges 5. ore $1,(U)1.')8 st and unite'd I's and Kneii -tho iucreiaio REPORT OF THE SENATE OF KNOX COLLEGE.— SESSION 1876-77. The Senate of Knox College have to report that the number of Students enrolled in tho Tlieeilogical Department, during last Session was forty. The lists for tho several years are as follows, viz : — Fir.st yar.—io\\\\ Boss, B.A.; S. II. Eastman; A. W. Marling: P. H. Brycc, B.A.; W. Fitz- simmons ,' W. K. MeCulleich ; Don. Munro, U. A.; David Findhiy, B.A.; J. W. Cameron ; Donald Tait, H./.; J. li. Johnston ; B. J. Breiwn ; James Smith, M.A.; J. (.!ram. Secona year — Alex. Leslie', M.A.: J. B. Hamilton, M.A.; J. Johnston; J. Wilkie, M.A.; F. R. Beattie, M.A.; Joseph McCoy, M.A.; D. (}. McKay: David Koss, M.A.; Don. Ciirrio ; W.J. Smith ; A. T. Colter ; T. Atkinson ; Alex. Eraser. i' >: Ifl: t' ~ '; ; : .}■ ii ■ i 1 i ' Ixxviii. APPENDIX. Third year.— klen. A. Rcott, M.A.; R. P. McKay, M.A.; P. C. Goldio ; W. A. Wilson, M.A.: A. Nicol; A. F. McKcnzie ; JoLn Geddos; Hut^li McKny ; Alex. lUiSHell ; A. H. Kippaii; Robert Fowlio; Alex. McFarlano; A. K. Kennedy, M. A., M.I). Two of the Students of the lirst year, J. Cram and W. K. McCullocl), withdrew from the olaBses on account of impaired health — the former shortly after the commencement of the Session, the latter in the month of February. P. H. Bryce, B.A., accepted, for a time, an ajipointment in the Agricultural College of Ontario, and retii-cd from the classes a few weeks before the close of the Session. The following abstract of the Class Reports is here given. Princijjal Caven, as in past Ses- sions, had three classes under his care — the Senior and Junior Exegetical (.'lasses, and the Class in Biblical Criticism. In the Senior Exegetical Class lectures were given on the first five Chapters of the Epistle to the Romans, and on portions of Isaiah and of the Ptalms. Eacli Student of the third year prepared a Critical Exercise with Additions. The Junior Exegetical Class read critically the first five Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles, and the first five Chapters of Genesis. A series of lectures on the Principles of Interpretation was given in this Class. The Class in Biblical Criticism went over all the main topics embraced in the elements of that study. Professor Gregg conducted the following Classes: First — Apologetical, attended by Students of the first year. The usual topics were discussed in this Class. 5(), awarded to George Inglis ; Alexander Scholarship (II.), $40, awarded to John Gibson. Tzvo in the third year: Cooke's Church Scholarship, $00, awarded to Mai. McGregor ; Andrew F. Skinner Hcholarshij), $o(», awarded to John A. Turnbull. Two in the fourth year: Loudon Scholarship (I.), $00, awarded lO D. C. Mackenzie ; London Scholarship (II.), $40, awarded to a meritorious sttident. Somo of these University Scholarships have been given by the congregation whoso name they bear, for several years. That from Zion Church, Brantford, was giver, for tho first time last ses- sion; as was also the \. P. Skinner Scholarship. This latter was contributed by relations of tho lately deceased Mr. Skinner, of Hamilton, as a fitting honour to one who took so largisan intercut in Knox College, as in tho general work of th(i Presbyterian Chir'cli, and whoso very last public service was the raising of a Scholarship from a few friends in Hamilton. In the Theological department a Scholarshi]) of tho annual valui' of $0^^ has been founded by M. C. Cameron, Esq., of Goderich, in memory of lis son, a very excdleni young man, who was removed from earth in December last. To Mr. Cameron, also, the thanks of the Senate are tendered, with earnest sympathy. At least twenty students, some in tho Theological cotirso and some attending tho University, boarded outside the college. Tho following Scholarships were awarded in tho Theological Department:— Hayne SonoLABsniP Alexander ScnoiiARsnip (I.), Gillies Scholabbhip (I.) Gillies Scholaebhip (IL),. . Fir si Year. $50 : for proficiency in Hebrew at Entrance Examina- tion, Divided iiiually between James Smitli, M.A., and J. W. Cameron. General proficicTU'y in Closing Awarded to Donald Tait, B.A. for Systematic Theology: Closing Divided between J. W. Cameron and Jno. Smith, B.A. $r)0 : for Chui'ch History : Closing Examination. Award- ed to Duuald Muaro, B.A. $50: $50: Examination. Examination. i f ! 1 K ■ 5i( Ixxx. APPENDIX. GoLDiE ScnoLAnsniP ?/)0 : for ExoRoties: ClosinR Examination. Awarded to A W. Marling. ScHoi.AiisniP OF $10 : for Bililical History : Closing Examination. Awarded to D. Findlay, 35. A. Ddnbah ScnoLARsniP $10 : for Apologng Fund account 7328 94 due on Site 9000 00 Balance, being excess of Assets 12255 79 S47584 73 ASSETS. Balance of Subscript'ons $45548 35 Jjot on Grosvenor ; . • ot $4200 00 Less amount due on Old College Property 2163 62 $2036 38 $47684 73 In the above no allowance has been made for the amount which cannot be collected. It will be necessa ry to allow a very considerable amount for this. W. REID, Treasurer. Toronto, yune, 1877. AI'PKNDIX. Ixxxiii, REPORT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF THE PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, MONTREAL, 187G-77. Tho Board of Miinapoiiiont of tlio rreKliytcrinn Collppo, Montreal, bop; herewith to tranmnit to the llcverend the (icncral AssomMy tlm TicnKurcr's Fiiiiinciiil Stiitcniint, tlic Kc'iorts of tlie Sinatc and Board of I'lxaiiiincrH and the Collc^'" Calendar for the A(^adeniic year 1H77-7H. From the rcjuirt of the Board of KxaniincrH it a))pearB that at the comnieneenient of last session seventeen students were adn-ittcd to the (ir^t year's Literai'y eonrso, and one to the third. In Tlieolo(,'y two students were admitted to the first year, one to tlie second and ouo to the third, the latter gentlemen hein^' received ad aindiDi statum from other colleges. Thi; report of the Senate shows that at the final examinations in the end of March, eighteen students were certified as liaving eom))leted theii' first year in the Literary course; eleven tlieir second; and eight their tliird. At the same time nine students coffii)leted their first year in Tlie- ology ; and seven their second ; while five ended sticcessfully their course of prejiarntion for the work of the ministry, and are now ayijilying to be rectived on trials for license. In addition to these fifty-eight classified students there are seven in Theology, and as many in the Literary Department as yet unclassified, who will take their places in the October examination. Tlie increase in the number of students attending the College, and their ])roficiency in tlie various dejiartments of study, as attested by the above-mentioned reports, are a gratifying testi- mony to the popularity and efticieney of the institution, an)hip, second year Thcdlo^y, t^loO, W. D. Itiissi'il ; Sicoiul ScliuliUHhip, scconil yciir Tlu-olo^'y, ft7<*. Donald IJannurnmu ; Tliinl Scliolai^liip, second yv iir Tlioioj^'y, (Andcr-cn Sc'ioliii'shi)),) *')(), C. ^^(•KiIlop, li.A.; Speinui Scliolarsiiip, sccniid year 'riicology, *K», J. Mordy, li.A.: Spcuial Scliolarihip, second year Tlu^olof/y, J 10, J. U. McLeod; First Scholaisldp, first year TIieolo|,'y, f0, ,1. Matlieson, H.A.; fourth year IJniver.iity Scholarship, >!,;0, M. II. Scott, li.A.; third year University Scholarship, 1*00, .1. T. Donald; first year University Scholarship, ?")0, W. .Mackenzie. First French Scholarship, 810, A. 15. Crnchet ; second French Scholarship, .■i?10, C. K. Amaron, li.A.; third French ScholarHhiii, ^ K), M. F. Iloudrf^ui ; fourth Krench Scholar.-lii)), #10, Jas. Moriu ; Scholarship for English Students preparing for Fritnch work, #(iO, U. IFiuniltou; Gaelic Scholarship, #10, Donald liaiinornian ; tlrsti)'iz(i in Sacred Uluitoric and lOlocution, Alex. Morton; second ))rize in Sacred Klieloric and Elocution, W. I), llussell ; tirst jiri/.e in EccU^si- astical Architecture, C. McKillop, B.A.; second prize in I'iCclesiastical Architecture. J. F. McLaren ; Oaelic ])rix.e, C. Mcljean. Students' Literary and I'hilosophical Society's prizes, presented hy the Senate : — First prize for I'uhlic Speakuig, A. U. M(irton ; seeiond prize for Public Speaking,', C. E. Amaron, I5.A.; first prize for Enj^lish Essay, (J. ^IcKillop, li.A.; second prize for English lOssay, J. F. i\[cfiaren ; prize for French ilssay, A. 13. Crnchet; first prize for EiiKlish Heading, J. Munro, ii.A.; second i)rize for English Heading, J. Anderson, B.A.; prize for French lieading, M. F. iJoudreuu. THEOLOaiCAIi CliASBES. The Professors and Lecturers in the several departments report regnlar attondanci' and uniform diligence and .success on the imrt of all students under their care. Thowork of each year was carried on in the manner and to the extent indicated in the Calendar. The llev. Principal McVicar, LL.D., had charge of the classes in Systematic Theology, ilomiletics andChurch Government; the llev. Professor Campbell, M.A., conducted the classics in Church History and Apologetics; and the llev. John Scrimger, M.A., those in Greek and Hebrew Exegesis. For instruction in the Hebrew Language and in Oriental Literature, students attended, as heretofore, classes in McGill College. The class in Sacred Rhetoric and Elocution, under the care of the Rev. W. Mitchell, 15. A., met twice a week during the tirst term. The attendance of studeuts of the several years was largo and regular, and the progress made highly satisfactory. Tlie special training of French Studeuts was carried on in a thoroughly olBcicnt and saoisfac- tory manner, by the llev. iienjamin Ouriere, whoso services were secureil after tho declinature by the llev. C. Doudiet, at the beginning of tlio Session of tho General Assembly's ajipointment as Lecturer in this department. The Senate have this Session again tho pleasant iluty of acknowledging the obligations under which A. C. Hutchison has placed tho College, by delivering a special course of lectures in Ecclesiastical Architecture. These wore of much practical value, and were largely attended by studeuts of the several years, both Literary and Theological. PRErAKATORV CLASSES. Li this department Mr. Alexander MacFarlane acted as Classical tutor, and Mr. A. C. Morton as Mathematical tutor. In addition to the classes conducted by the tutors, students in this course wore required to take lectures and pass examinations in the following subjects at McGill College : — First year. — English, Ancient History, and Outlines of Chemistry, &•(■(;«(/ i'iV7r.— History of English liiterature, Outlines of Modern History, Outlines of I5(jt- any or Zoology, Logic, and the Elements of Hebrew Grammar. Tliird year. — Outlines of Geology, Mental and Moral Philosophy, with Hebrew Grammar and Translation. nONOUB COURSE. In addition to the ordinary subjects taught in the classes of the various Professors, as pre- scribed for each year, in which every student must pass an examination at the close of the session, an honour course is provided, which is optional, and in which exammations are held without lectures, and to which certificates of honour, scholarshijis and mudals are attached. This course is found to be of great value in elevathig the standard of theologicjd attainments; and tho Senate observe with deep satisfaction the increased number of competitors during the past session, as well as the unusually high order of the examinations jjassed. The books of the honour course in each year are generally selected from among those to which attention has been directed, and a jjartial analysis of which has been given m *the classes. The following are the books at present in use : — First year. — Butler's Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course of Nature ; Rawlin- sOn's Historical Evidences ; Blaikie's " For the Work of the Ministry;" Book of Joshua, chaps, i.-iii., in Hebrew ; Epistle to Pliihppians in Greek. Ixxxvi. AIM'KNDIX. 11 1^ V V ..ll' i! S,; (in(f yi'iir.— CrnwUml on tlio FiitliorliDod of (loil ; Farrar'H ("ritioal llmtory of Free Tliou^'lit ; Cuuniut^liiuirs llistiiriciil Tlnolo^'y, vdI. 1., uliiiim. iii.-vi., xiv.-xviii., iuduMvo ; Wfstcutt on the Canon; liook of .loil, in llchrow. 'J'Jiinl y,'iir. AiiKHstino'ri (Jonfossions, Imokn vii., viii., ix, (liiitin) ; Calvin's Institute's, liixik iv.; Klli(!i)tt'H CoimiKintary i>n tlio Pastoral Epi.stlos ; Fairbairn's llcrnionoiitical Manual ; Walkur's Thuolo^y and I'liuolonicans of HcotlanJ. Tiio Honat(! ruport, witli iiloasurt', that tho GovcrnorH of McOill Univorsity havo under con- Hiiloration tho aiu.ption of statiitos for tlui purpose of ^^'rantiiiK (h'i,'r(!Ort in Divinity, by which u Htill wider lauyo of htudios and highur distinctions luny bu olTurod to our students. students' HOCIETIES, ETC. Tho Studontt' Literary and l'hilosophi(!al Sooiuty prosocutod its work duriiif,' tho Hussion with much vigor and succoss, and its private and i)ubUc muutiugs arc bulioved to havo boon productive of tho very best results. The report of tlio Students' Missionary Society siiowB decided progress aH compared with pre- vious Hossions. Thu total inoouie amounted to #1, 075. 37. Six missionaries are employed during tho present summer, three in Ontario and three in (Quebec. Tho latter esi)ocially occupy uew and dillicult lields in the Eastern Townships which havo been long neglected. With one oxce|)tion tho health of tli ? sL;i I miI< duriug tlu s jssiou w.is i^xcijllont, whilu their devotion to study aud ,tho spn-it which prevailed auJ.ong them wore all that the Senate could de- sire. All stutlouts, both literary and theoli>gical, assembled for one hour every Monday for devotional (ixorcises, and for tho disemsiou of | ractical sul)jocts conuectod with their prese'ut and future work. Tliese meetings whicli wore much appreciated by thu students were presided over by tho Trofossors and Jjocturors. Tlio closuig address uf tho dossion was delivered by Principal Mao Vicar. All which iH respectfaUy submitted, D. II. MAC VIC All, Principal. rilEHUVIKUlAN COLLBGK, MONTREAL, jfunc 5i/l, 1877. REPOKT OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, MONTREAL, 1870-77. The Board of Examiners of the i'reabytorian College, Montreal, beg to report that tho usual examinations were held at the commencement and at the close of last session. At tho examination in October the following students were admitted : — To the first year's Literary course. — G. Allard, J. C. Alguire, S. -J. Ami, R. B.Arthur, G. T. Bayno, A. Blonin, A. C. Cruchet, C. Currie, J. (.. Donaldson, W. U. Goddes, J. Grant, li. Grant, J. McFarlaud, \V. A. Moli[nmt »15()()0 (M) " " Coutribu Ion 25 00 ir>()2C 00 1877 $i()U)r, ;{'2 May 31. By Balonoo on hand » 10 Ifi.'i :J2 ORDINARY REVENUE. '^"""^ 1877. UECEIl'TS. May 31. To Cash Collections $2221 ns Dr. MiicVicivr's proportion of TaxoH and Wator Uivtos . . 7(1 HO IntcruHt from MortKiigus '.li-< 01 '• " City Stock 420 00 •• " Bank, etc I2u 07 " " Gas Co.'b Stock 40 (K) " on Loan to Building Fund 315 00 " on Loan to Library Fund 24 CO Special collections for Theological Chair '2iW>r> 00 To Balance 73H3 07 813G14 00 1870. EXPKNDITOnE. Juno 1. By Balance »319G I'J " CaHh Salaries, viz. — Principal MacVicar 82500 00 Prof. Campbell 2500 00 Lecturers 650 00 Janitor, 9400, Tutors, »24'J.'J9 G49 99 Bookkeeper 100 00 Librarian 50 00 6449 99 «♦ Interest, viz. — Land -. 420 40 BnUding Fund debt 315 00 Library Fund debt 24 50 Borrowed money 27 93 787 83 " Taxes, viz. — Assessmenv's 3G1 50 Water Rates 63 G5 Gas 363 8.S Insurance 98 38 887 36 " Furnishings, viz. — Hardware, Crockery, etc 61 31 Furniture and Dry Goods 176 76 238 07 " Building, viz.. Repairs — Painting, Cleaning, etc 421 97 Iron Steps, and Rubber for do 62 12 Plumber's accounts . 191 48 675 57 " Stationery, Printing and Periodicals 199 Hi Fuel 482 10 " Sundries, viz. — Fire Extinguisher 60 00 Henderson's Library, Case, etc 73 03 Engraving Diploma 82 50 Legal Expenses 65 15 Travelling Expenses, Hall Money 23 90 304 m " RoutofRooma 393 10 $1,'5(>14 (iO Ixxxviii. AI'I'KNDIX. I*i SCIIOLAIISTTIP FUND. 1H77. IlKCKIPTH. Mny :M. To ISiilimoj) »11 K) " CiihIi, iiicliiiliiij^ :?:»(» rcfuniliid 7 »ti (M> " lliiltiuco 4U2 HO KXi'KNiirrrnK. May ;Jl, liy UiwU to SludentH, lnclullill^{ lo.iii i>l ft "lO, wliicli whh mfiiinlud $l\\)() oo SCIIOI-AHSIIII' HNDOWMKNT l-MINI). lH7(i. Jiin.. 1. To Itivliinm) I'.l'jniO 1H77. Mfty 31. liy biilimco $'.>'i I oo LIUliAUY FUND. 1H77. Muy :M. To liiilimc.i »a51 7*1 iH7(;. Juuo 1. By HiilaiKH) $:»Hl 1« " Ciwh 20 (iO Jt'j.^1 7C I'.UII.DING FUND. — i— 1H77. nKCEU'TH. Miiy 31. To CukIi $1'2H7 2.'. " Baliinco l» J23 11 $10HlO 10 1H76. EXI'ENDITDnE. Juuo 1. By I'.alimco *1!»10 10 " Ciisli in full of I iund .Or.OU 00 •' Baliinco of Architect's accoimt 100 00 flOHlO 10 HECAPITULATION. """" 1H77. May 31. To IJalanco End()\vra(>nt Fund ^lOlO.'') 32 " Scliolarship Endowment Fund 021 0(J $11389 32 1877. May 31. By Balance Ordinary Itovenuo 17383 07 " " HcliolarHhip Fund 432 GO " " Library Fund 3.517(5 " " Building Fund 'J523 14 " Balance 23«1831 17 City of Montreal Stock G07(i 2,") 031 00 New City Gas Company Stock 542 00 Mortgage COOO 00 .500 00 3147 00 2;jM,s 07 2'2() OH 20iii')iu of it tliu liciiltli of liotli I'rufi'sHoi's mill Ntmleiits Im^ liicii iiiiusiially ^ood. 'I lie ii|>|i(iiiitetl clii'-H meotiiiKs liiivo lieeii rej,'iilaily litld in all the (leimrtuiciits, except in ii very few iimtiUiccH when tiiei'o Were srillicient leaHoiis for not lioliliiiK them. The \sork |ii("-riil)eii has iieeii well oviitakon, uiid the resiiltn of tho I'uivt'i'Hity luiHrt exauiiiiatiouh Imvu hueii eoirt'Hiiondiiij'iy ^utis- fiictory. ORUINAIIY AND HIKCIAI, COtJIlSEB IN AHl'S. 'I'lio chimKOH advertt'd t(» lit wonio lonj^tli in our k ports for hint year, as liiivinj^ heeii introducod into the ih'partiiieiit of .\rts, have not, in respect of iidvaiitiiKeH, fallen whort of the olijects for which they Were proposed or of tlio hopes with which they we're iustitiitid. The Htandard of M'holastie attaiiiiiieiit is fully HUHtaiui'd, whilu Hupuriority of tuluut aud imliuiiuary training! Las ample .scope for application. The (irst thiiiK aimed at is the imparting of ii sound iint essays on sub- jects announced at the close of last session. Much gratitude is due to the beuifuctors who put it in the power of the Senate to award these useful and valuable prizes. Special jiremiums of this kind, of the aggregate value of #210, are otiered for competition next session. THEOLOGICAL STUDIES. In one of the departments of the Theological Faculty the subjects of study v.-cre tlie Evi- dences of Eeligion, particularly the auxiliary evidences of Christianity, tho Inspiration of Scriiiture, and the doctrines of Sin, the Atonement, and I'redestinatiou, with cognate tojiics. 1 ctures were rilio given once a week, ou F'riday afternoon, on Ilomiletics aud Pastoral Theology, an 1 on Monday afternoon, on a portion of the Greek New Testament. IIIB» rr,v, (rescnius' Grammar, verbs iind syntax, Psalms i.-xxx., Chaldee, Daniel ii.-iii. In both classes translation into Hebrew wererpijuired in the form of writti n exercises ; for liUdical Criticism, the f;reater jiart of the Epistle to the llomans iu Greek, Biblical llcrmeneutics (An^us), New Testament Introduction (lectures) ; for Church History, Ancient Church (Killen), Centuries vi.-xii. (Wharey), with lectures by the Professor on the first three centuries. In both departments discourses re(iuired by the Church were heard, essays were prescribed, and periodical examinations in writing were held. There were oral examinations almost daily. DEOREK OF lUCIIELOB OF mVI.MTT. The regulations respecting the degree of Bachelor of Divinity have been revised by the Sen- ate, and, as revised, they have been sanctioned by the Boavi. It is hoped tliat tlicy will prove to \:Q better adapted to the jiurposes contemplated than those hitherto in force.; In framing them the leading features of the Scottish University regulations have been followed. All candidatos must bo graduates in Arts of some recognized University. The examinations are open to students at- tending any Theological College, and while they may be passed at intervals the degree is not conferred until the candidate has completed his curriculum. The subjects are divided into two departments, in the first of which students may be examined after attending two sessions. Can- didates who have completed their course may be examined in either of the dejiartments and defer their examination in the other, provided there be not a greater interval tlian two years be- tween the two examinations. The regulatv.>ns are given in full on page twenty-six of the Calendar. OBITUARY N0TICE8. On the 11th of June last occurred the deatli of one of tlie best and most constant friends of the institution. The allusion is to the late John Wathins, Esq., of Kingston. During his life- time he manifested a generous interest in everything alTecting the welfare of the College, and contributed to its support and usefulness by many benefactions. His liberality is the more to be appr(!ciated because he was not a Presbyteri<;n, but a member of the Church of England. Among his bequests to public institutions were $4,000 for the use of the College, and a further sum of ^1,300 for the endowment of a scholarship given annually by him, since the year 1802, to the pupil of the Kingston Collegiate Institute, who, having passed the best examination on the matri- culation subjects of the University, became an intrant in the Faculty of Arts. The executcTs of Mr. Watkins paid the amount of these bequests on the 27th March. By the death of Mrs. Edward H. Hardy, which took place on 13th December, another warm friend of the College has been taken away. Following the example of her late husband she con- tributed annually i scholarship of 850. This scholarship ceases, but the Senate has been enabled to supply thf blank with another of the same value. LECTURESHIP IN ELOCUTION. Deeming it advisable to devote the Watkins bequest "f $4,000 to some purpose of common advantage to the students, the Board has resolved that the interest which shall accrue from its investment shall be appropriated in the meantime to the support of a '"ctureship in Elocution, and has appointed Alexander Melville Bell, Esq., formerly Lecturer on Elocution iu University College, London, to the oilice thus instituted. MEDALS. An effort has been made to obtain by sub.^criptions a sufficient sum to defray the expense of procuring a pair of dies for the stamping of medals, and the effort has been so far successful, that two gold medals, the gift of John Carruthers, Esq., Kingston, are announced for competition next session. One is offered for the best examination in the honour work in Mathematics and tho other for the best examination in the honour work in Greek — the competition to be open to all undergraduates attending the classes in Arts. The dies will be the property of the University. Under this arrangement a benefactor may at any time either authorize the giving of a single medal or by an endowment (from f (iOO to $700) provide for a permanent annual award. In like manner, bui a,t less expense, silver modals may be given or founded. COLLEGE SOCIETIES. The various College So' 'eties, such as the Missionary Association, the Alma Mater Society, Elocution Association, CileeClub, etc., by their meetings for business, debates, readings, practice of music, etc., afford a relaxation, at once agreeable and useful, from continuous study and the ex- acting routine of class work. In connection with them students hold intercourse with ex-stu- dents, anil both have opportunities of cultivating those gifts and acciuiring those habits which are specially helpful in the api)lication of scholastic attainments to the duties of active, professional life. The authorities have pleasure in giving facilities to these Societies for the holding of meet- ings within the College buildings, and have every reason to express their satisfaction with the vigorous yet orderly manner iu which the meetings are cou'lucted. APPENDIX. XCU COLLEGE JOURNAL. The Queen's College Journal, managed by a Committee of tlio Alma Mater Society and pub- lished fortnightly during the session, han completed its fourth volume. It has been favoured with such a steady increase of patronage that the Society thinks itself warranted in announcing its de- termination to incur a greater expenditure, for tin; enlargement of its contents and the improve- ment of the press work. It has been a useful means of circuliiting intelligence V)eariug upon the progress of the University, of stimulating a friendly interest in its affairs, and of maintaining fra- ternal communication between the men of to-day and those who, in successive sessions during the lengthening history of past years, have gone forth from College Halls into the vocations of active life. The Trustees are pleased to recognize the ability with which it has hitherto been conducted and the respectful manner in which its suggestions and opinions have been expressed. UNIVEBSITT COUNCIL. The University Council which came into existence this time last year under the Act of the Province of Ontario, 38 V'ic. Cap. Ixxvi. , has had three meetings during the session, including the first annual mt^eting which was held yesterday. As empowered by ju-ovincnal statute it has framed a code of by-laws relative to the exercise of its function^, and has discussed several ques- tiniis of importance to the welfare of the University. The Council consists of six-six members be- sides the Chancellor, of whom the Trustees and members of Senate form one-half, the other half being elective members representing lie registered graduates and alunnii of all former years. The deliberations and proceedings of so large and influential a body, uniting as it does the whole brotherhood of ex-students with the governing and teaching functionaries, should be attended with advantage to every class of interest pertaining to the stability and prosperity of the institu- tion, and the few meetings that have been held afford assurances that this will not fail to be the case. FIRST CHANCELLOR. The above mentioned statute provides for the triennial election of a Chancellor, whom it de- scribes as " the highest officer of the University and College." C:i the lOth day of January Dr. Cook, of Quebec, was unanimously chosen first Chancellor. His installation to office took place at the annual Convocation held yesterday afternoon, when the attendance of the public, including many graduates and friends from a distance, far exceeded the limits of comfortable accommoda- tion. ADDITION TO LIBRARTf AND MUSEUM. During the past year numerous important works have been added to the Library. These con- sist of lyi volumes obtained by purchase, 186 by binding, and 80 by donation, total 463. Pamph- lets on miscellaneous subjects, to the number of 50, som" of them being of more than passing or local interest, have also been received. Periodical Literature has been represented by sixteen publications, consisting of leading reviews, journals, and records. The Curator of the Museum reports the receipt of two valuable collections, one from the Hon. Robert Hamilton, late inspecting Chief Factor of the Hudson's Bay Company, and the other from a graduate, Kenneth N. Fenwick, M.A., M.D., Kingston. The Board has pleasure in record- mg its gratitude to those friends who have kindly aided the Institution in these useful departments of its appliances. BCBOLABSHIP AMD BUBSABY FUND. The Scholarship and Bursary Fund, a statement of which is appended, show.s receipts from thirteen congregations amounting to $295, and the sum of $121.67, proceeds of a be(iuest by the late Miss Armour of Montreal, a lady who ever manifested a deep and intelligent interest in the success of Queen's College The payments were for five scholarships $310, three bursaries $120, one loan $30, and expenses $5.20. The balance on hand is $242.34, sufficient to enable the Com- mittee to meet its obligations in respect of tlu-ee scholarships of $70 each, announced for compe- tition at the beginning of next session. The thanks of t.'^e College authorities are deservedly duo and are hereby tendered to those congregations which have remembered this important fund. The example set by a few in offering competitive scholarships is entitled to special commendation, and will, it is hoped, be followed by others. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The Treasurer's financial statements, duly audited, are herewith submitted. The statement No. 1 shows a deficiency of $543.29 in the revenue required to meet expenditure — $10,817.77 — for the year. This apparent deficiency is by no means formidable, and it is only stating the bare truth to say that but for the most rigid economy it would have been mr.ch greater. At the ssme time the attention of the Assembly must be called to the entry, " biUs payable paid $1865.21," in state- ment No. 2. This amount represents a debt incurred in 1875 for jmyment of salaries. A.s it could not be discharged from ordinary revenue it was paid out of capital, until repaid interest ui)on it at seven per cent is fairly chargeable to required expenditure. The charge for salaries as per statement No. 1 is a total of $15,205, and for general expenses $1,612.77. The latter amount in- cludes the cost of a new heating apparnius, $282;50, and double sashes for windows, $199.75. XCll. APPENDIX. Acting in concert with a Committee of the Board of Management of Knox College, the Fiu- ance and Estate Committee of this College appointed deputations to appear at the meetings of the Presbyteries within the constituency set apart for the support of the two Colleges, and to urge upon them the claims of the College Fund. The amountb asked from the constituency were $11,900 for Knox College and $2,450 for Queen's. Of the latter sum the Treasurer of Queen's College received $1,095.88 on the 10th April. An additional sum will no doubt be received before the meeting of the General Assembly. The amount required by Queen's College from the Church for the ensuing year is estimated at $2,280. ANOTHER THEOLOGICAL PROFESSORSHIP. Without specifying other purposes to which a larger revenue, if available, might be advanta- ^'cously applied, the Trustees again refer to the importance of increasing the number of Profrssors in Tlieology, a«d earnestly express the hope that the " financial situation " is now such as to warrant the General Assembly to recommend the institution of a third professorship in that Faculty. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS. There is an urgent necessity for additional buildings. The class rooms are for present needs suiTiciently commodious, but their number should be increased by one or two. Tlie valuable contents of thelibrniy and museum are placed at great disadvantage, as regards serviceableness, by tliu limited space at command for the proper arrangement of them. This subject has been very fully discussed by the University Council, and aCommittoe appoint- ed by that body is acting conjointly with the Finance and Estate Committee of tl.is lioard, in the preparation of plans and estimates and in the consideration of measures to be adopted for pro- curing the necessary funds. Their delibciations have been so far matured that the erection of a building projecting from the present edifice and affording a suitable front, to it, facing Lake Ontario, is found to be practicable. This addition will give an exeulleiTt Convocation Hall, con 'i. rably larger than the present one, which is too small, and also spacious rooms for the ac- commodation of the library and museum, with convenient access from every part of the College as it now stands With sliglit and inexpensive alterations the rooms which would become vacated by this enlargement will furnish all the additional accommodation required for teaching and other purposes. The cost is not expected to exceed §10,000. All which is respectfully submitted. JOHN HAMILTON, Chairman. Qcken's Colleoe, 11th April, 1877. SCHOLARSHIP AND BURSARY FUND. This fund consists chiefly of congregational contributions, and is administered by a Com- mittee appointed by the Supreme Coui't of the Church. The following are the receipt:^ for the year ending 20th April — Balance in hand §290 87 Mountain and South Gower 10 00 Portsmouth 40 00 Bequest by Miss Armour, Montreal 121 G7 E. Nottawasaga and Creemoro 10 00 Gait, St. Andrew's 6 00 Scarboro,' St. Andrew's, and Markliam, St. John's 37 00 L'Orignal and Hawkesbury 7 00 Fergus, St. Andrew's 10 00 St. Paul's, Hamilton 25 00 St. Andrew's, Toronto (10 00 Westmeath = 10 00 McNab and Horton 50 00 St. Gabriel's, Montreal 25 00 Fort Coulongo 5 00 Total $707 54 Payments were made to the College Treasurer for Sch>' i.. -ships awarded as announced in the Calendar for 187(3-77 : namely, $110 for two Church Scholarsl '. s of $70 each, SdO for the St. I'aul's, Montreal. Scholarship; $50 for the ]McNabl) and Horton Scholarship; and $()0 to account of the Toronto Ladies' and St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, Scliobu'slii])S. IJursaries amounting to $120 were given, and an advance of $30 in the form of a loan was made. Expenses for printing and postage came to $5.20. These expenditures leave a balauce of $242.34. It ip n'counnended that contributions to this fund be forwarded to the treasurer not later than tiie middle of the session. GEO. D. FERGUSON, Treasurer. QfEEN's College, April 20//4, 1877. A cojitribution of $75 was received from St, Andrew's Church, Kingston, after the account was closed. APPENDIX. xcm. No. 1.— ORDINABY REVENUE. 1877. RBVBNUE. April 10. Grant from Col. Committee of Churoh of Scotland Temporalities' Board Dividends on Bank Stock Kingston Observatory Fees — Class and Graduation Interest on IMortRages, Government .Securities, Debentures and Bank Deposits Tho Principal and Professors, beneficiaries of the Temporalities' Fund, amount of their allowance for year ending 31st December, 1870 Rev. Dr. Eeid— Proportion of funds collected to 9th April, for Queen's and Knox Colleges Congregation of Goderich — Contribution towards Revenue .... D. B. McLennan — For Prize Books Balance — Deficiency 82422 22 2m) 00 2925 00 500 00 373 50 4957 57 1950 00 1877. April 10. Saliiries- BXPESniTURE. 1877. April 10. -The Principal Professor WiUiamson Professor Mowatt Professor Mackerras Professor Dupui.s Professor Ferguson Professor Watson Secretary and Treasurer Registrar and Secretary to Senate Librarian Janitor Insurance Repairs, including new Heating Apparatus Ta:;es— City Lots Travelling Expenses Advertizing Printing and Stationery Prize Books Observatory Repairs Sodding Grounds Fuel Water Rent and Repairs to Pipes Postage and Telegrams Rent .Janitor's House Cleaning Class Rooms Tinsmith's Work, putting up Stoves, etc. . . 1095 88 25 31 25 00 643 29 D16817 77 82500 00 2000 00 2000 00 1800 00 1800 00 2000 00 2000 00 COO 00 50 00 80 00 375 00 515205 00 145 00 658 16 25 60 63 14 33 35 254 55 69 57 15 00 40 00 19H 88 16 10 10 02 66 00 6 40 11 00 1612 77 816817 77 No. 2.— RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. — — — RECEIPTS. Balaueo of College funds in Merchants' Bank on lUth April, 1876, ns per statement 81411 08 Grant frcjm Col. Com. of Church of Scotland 8'2422 22 Temporali Dies' Board 2000 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, viz. — Six months on 390 shares Merchants' Bank stock, 839,000 at 8 per cent per annum 81560 00 Six uioutlis on 839,000 at 7 per cent jier annum. 1365 00 ■ 2926 00 Interest 518 1 68 Less uupiiAl 2i)'.) i")0 4915 18 XCIV. APPENDIX. Fees — Registration, Class and Graduation §758 50 Scholarships and Pri'ze Essays as per Statement No. 4 1766 60 Mortgages paid 3100 00 Debentures paid — County of Frontenac 3000 00 Observatory — Grant from Government 500 00 arrears 1875-76 500 00 Scholarship Endowments 2800 00 Bequest— John Watkins 4000 00 George Raworth, arrears 20 00 A. Ferguson 210 00 County of Drummond, arrears 180 00 Bursary Erdowment Stock — Procsv. 1' sale of 7 shares Merchants' Bank Stock 558 25 The Principal and Professors, beneficiaries of the Temporalities' Board Fund, amount of their allowance for year ending 31st Dec, 1876 1950 GO Payments on Subscriptions to Endowment Fund 130 00 Rev. Dr. Reid for proportion of amount collected for Queen's and Knox Colleges 1095 88 Congregation of Goderich, Subscription 25 31 Bank Stock sold 33764 00 66620 94 $68032 02 1877. DISBURSEMENTS. April 10. Salaries as per Statement No. 1 .?15205 00 Disbursements as per Statement No. 1 1612 77 S16817 77 Fees — Registration, paid Treasurer of Library 8272 00 Apparatus, paid Professor of Natural Philosophy 56 00 Apparatus, paid Professor of Chemistry 57 00 385 00 Scholarships as per Statement No. 4 1492 00 Investments 23'")0 00 Interest on Discounts, etc .^27 11 Bills Payable paid 1865 21 James Burnett, Com. on Sale of 390 shares Merchants' Bank Stock.... 97 00 Furniture, paid for Lawn Mower 13 00 Bank of Montreal — Proceeds Bursary Endowment Stock sold and deposited in Bank of Montreal 558 25 Macdonnell & Mudie, Funds for Investment 1736 04 Merchants' Bank, Funds for Investment on deposit $19227 44 " " General Account 1912 70 21140 14 $68032 02 It is to be remembered that the Promissory Note (Bills Payable) for S1865 21, charged as paid in this Statement, represents a debt incurred in 1875, for payment of salaries, and has been paid out of capital during the tinancial year just closed, as it could not be discharged from ordinary revenue. No. 3.— ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. 1877. Dr. April 10. Royal Charter, cost of $3107 37 Class apparatus 3633 92 Library, Expenditure on 3399 68 Furniture account 1462 19 College Premises 41955 11 Debentures 26500 00 Canada Dominion Stock 3.2900 00 Montreal Property Stock 10010 00 APPENDIX. XCV. 1877. April 10. 385 00 492 00 "00 00 ^27 11 865 21 97 00 13 00 558 25 736 04 1877. i\pril 10. Bills Receivable $500 00 Archibala Ferguson 210 00 Lands 600 00 Morttjages 634G1 55 Bursary Endowment Deposit in Bank of Montreal — Toronto Ladies Scholarship §319 00 Kingston Ladies Scholarship 239 25 558 25 W. Ross 24 50 R. Hay 35 00 Macdonell it Mudie, for Investment 1736 04 Merchants' Bank of (Jauada $1912 70 " " Funds for Investment.. 19227 44 21140 14 -$181233 75 Cn. Endowment New Chair in Theology §1163 22 Michie Be;. Balance on hand 10th April, 1876, as pur luo't §1017 84 Prize Essays $H0 00 Cataraqui Scholarship 50 00 Prince of Wales " 53 47 St. Andrew's, Scotland " 48 66 Toronto Ladies " 90 00 Kingston Ladies " 22 50 Mowat " 57 75 St. Paul's " 60 00 Synod " No. 1 70 00 Synod " No. 2 70 00 Synod, 1875-76, " No. 3 70 00 Leitch Memorial " No. 1 57 60 Leitch Memorial " No. 2 86 40 Watkius " 80 00 Henry Glass Memo. " 40 00 Dominion " 80 00 McNab and Horton " 50 00 Senate " 70 00 Buchan " 240 00 Montreal " 50 00 Reekie " 50 00 Mclntyre " 16 00 Lewis " 32 00 Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland Grant £50 stg. . 242 22 1766 60 $2784 44 3 c!. XCVl. APPENDIX. 1B77. D18BDB8KMENTS April 10. Prize P'saays — I\loL(niian Prize . . J. Ferguson »25 00 Alma Plater (i It 1 ( 25 00 26 00 Kirkpatrick Macplierson II It . . George Bell 25 00 TasHie tt ..W. Briden 25 00 Catara(iui Scholarship . ,G. Claxton 60 00 Prince of WaloH (1 . . J. B. McLaren. . . , 60 00 Abcnleen u . . J. W. Mason 50 00 Toronto Latlios t ( . .G. C. Patterson. . . fiO 00 Kingston Ladies 4( . .George Kitchie. . . ,S5 00 Mowat it .1. 1). liissonctte 50 00 ()0 00 St. Paul's, No. 1 (1 ...H. H. McMillan.. Synod, No. 1 (( . .M. Mackay 70 00 Synod, No. 2 U . .A. A. Mackenzie. . 70 00 Leitcb Memorial No. 1 " . . Jas. Downing .... 57 00 Leitch Memorial No. 2 " . . T. D. Cumberland. •10 00 Watkins' ti . .W. Briden 80 00 Dominion (i , .H. Taylor 80 00 Senate (( .F. M. McLennan. 70 00 Ch. of Scotland, No. 1 No. 2 u . G. McJIillau ..A. H. Scott CO 00 55 00 Cli. of Scotland, 1 i Bnchan, No. 1 (( . J. Ferguson 100 00 Buchan, No. 2 u . .H. Cameron 80 00 Montreal (( .D. A. Givens 50 00 Dow It . . J. G. Stuart 90 00 Hardy II . . James Boss 50 00 lleekie il .J. B. Lavell 50 00 «1492 00 Balance 1292 44 «2784 44 Queen's College, Kingston, 2\st April, 1877. W. IRELAND, S. crctary- T> easurer Certified correct as per separate report. John Cbeighton, ) John Kerr, \ Kingston, 2oth April, 1877. Auditors. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE THEO- LOGICAL HALL, HALIFAX, 1876-77. The annual session was formally opened on November 1st, by a lecture delivered in Fo't Massey Cbureb bvEev. Professor Currie, on " The Ministry of the\Yord." The students enrolled were : First Year: — James Alex. MacLcan, Archibald McDougall, Charles W. Brydone, Thomas C Jack, Andrew Gray, George L. Gordon. ScccDid Year. — Archibald Gunn, Jas C. Carruthers, Alexander Stewart, James A. McKean. Third Ytar.—V>. Styles Fraf?r, John Logan, Donald McLcod, Daniel McGregor, W. C. Herd- man, B K. ]\IpKlmon. llespecting tiie course of instruction and the progress of the students, the fullest information will be gathered from the subjoined reports of the Professors. CLASSES OF THEOLOGY. The session began on the 1st November, 1876, and closed on the 2oth April, I877. I had two theological classes : — onc^ chieily occupied with Apologetics, which was attended by seven students of the first year ; the other, that of Systematic Theology, which was attended by ten students of the second and third years. I also took the class of New Testament Exegesis one day in the week. The numbers now given, amounting to seventeen in all, include a student of the third year from Princeton, who joined us after the Christmas holidays. The theological classes were taught, as usual, partly by lecture and partly on the tutorial method, the text book chieily employed being Hodge'.s Systematic Theology, m the Exegetical APPENDIX. xcvn. class wc read five chapters of tlie Epistle to the Romans. I liave much pleasure in testifying to the diligence of the students, and tlie propriety of their deportment. In addition to the usual oral examinations, a system of monthly examinations in writing was introduced, and steadily carried out throughout the session. Tlie review of eaeh month's work, prejiaratory to the examination at its close, was fitted to impress the outlines of t!ie course i)f instruction more deeply on the mind. Possibly an examination at th(> end of every two months might servi' the purpose. But I am satisfied that it ^s better to disti'ibute work of tliis kind o\er the session than to leave the whole for one big push at the end. Through thi kindness of tlie Established and Free Churches of Scotland, in rchjionse to an appeal addressed to them by this Senate, a sum of 'f'280 was found available at thi' close of tlie session for distribution as i>ri/e^ to those who had made the largest number of marks at the written examinations. The amount was divided into ten prizes, ranging in value from ^.")() to SIO. The i)rizes were not distributed amongst the several classes ; but the percentages of marks made in the departments of Helirew, Church History and Theology res])ectively were added together, so r.a to afford a measure of llie effective work done by each .student in pursuing the studies of the curriculum as a whole. All which is respectfully submitted. Alkx. McKniuut, CnUBCH niSTOnY and pastoral TnEOLOOY. The work performed in the class of Church History and Pastoral Thef)logy, during the Ses- sion 1876-7, has been as follows : By means of examinations, generally held twice a week, the Christian centuries, extending from the fifth to Wx*tles to the Corinthians and Romans, and the many important (juestions relating to the Primitive Church brought forward in these writings. Regular examinations upon these lectures also were held at intervals. A course of lectures on Pastoral Theology was begun on the 8th February, and continued till the close of the Session. The topics treated of were the Pastoral oftice as compared with other offices, and as it is in itself; the necessity and authority ior such an ottice ; the Pastoral Call, in- cluding the personal and public calls to the Ministry; the steps required in the settlement of a Minister ; subscription to Confessions of Faith, with some account of these; the Pastor's inner life, his pulpit preparation ; the parts, peculiarities and conduct of public worshij), etc. These subjects and examinations were regularly brought imder review by means of monthly examinations, which tested the standing of every student. These examinations, while adding greatly to the work of Professors and students, have greatly increased the order and etliciency of the course of study. On one day of each week, also, an additional hour was enqiloyed in reading the Pastoral Epistles. The First and Second Epistles to Timothy, and the Epistles to Titus and Philemon were thus read with attention to tlie lexicon and grammar of the Greek, and the interpretation. The progress of the Class during the past Session, and the good conduct of the Students, deserve to be jiarticularly mentioned. Fifteen discourses, required by the Church, were delivered, and criticised in the course of the Session. Respectfully submitted, Allan Pollok. hebrew, etc. As on former years, during the term which has just closed, I conducted three classes, two in Hebrew meeting daily, and one in Exegetics meeting three tinM.s a week. The -Junior Hebrc w class was attended by seven students, all of the first year. CVunmencing with the alphabet, they mastered the elements of the grammar, and read in lessons what is ciiuivalent to aliout twelve chapters of average length. Considerable attention was devoted to Hebrew composition. The Senior Hebrew class was attended by four students of the second year, ami six of the tliiid. They revised Green's large grammar, and read twenty-nine chapters, many of which were selected from the more dillicult books. The exegesis of these passages received attention so far as time and the state of advanaement of the class permitted. In Chaldee this class read a few chaptei's of Daniel and Ezra, and selections from two of the Targums. Special attention was given to Hebrew composition, the exercises prescribed having in view a good outline of the syntax of the language. Towards the close of the session a few lessons in Syriac were given. The Exegetical class was attended by all the students. To tliis class I lectured once a week. After four or five lectures on Inspiration. I took up the subject of Hermeneutics, discussing such topics as the history of Biblical interpretation, the hermeneutical canons, aid derived to interpreta- tion from ancient versions and the cognate languages. Hebrew poetry, the interpretation of prophecy, tyjjcs and paraiiles, etc. Greek exegesis occupied the time of this class on one of the three days a week during which I coudacted it. and the first two chapters of the Epistle to the Ephesians was the subject of study. The remaining day was devoted to au examination of the xcvin. APPENDIX. Fotirth Part of Harrow's Introduction to the study of the Bible, which treats of the principles of Biblical Interpretation. The Httidents of the first year prepared each a Greek critical exercise. This and a few He- brew critical oxercises, which remained over from last term, wore read in the class and criticised by fellow students. The system of written examinations introduced into the Hull for the first time has been productive of the best results. I have iileasuro in testifying to the Christian deportment, commendable diligence and marked prepress of tlie stndc^nts. In closing', I have no hesitation to say, that this has been the most successful term of study wliich our instituti(jn has seen for a series of year.s. liespectfuUy submitted. , * John Currie. CLOSK. The Session closed on the evoninp of the last Wednesday of April, at a large meeting held in St. Andrew's t'liurch, at which Br. I?urns, the Chairman, presided. The Professors explained the course of study in their rtsspective classes. A Hebrc'v chant was sung with admirable oflect by the students. ]Nfr. D. S. Fraser u^'ivered a valedictory address, and Professor MacKnight gave the students words of counsel appropriate to the occasion. Six of the students completed their curriculum — Messrs. D. S. Fraser, John A. Logan, Daniel McGregor, Donald Macleod, W. C. Herdman and U. E. McElmon. PRIZES. Monthly examinations had been held by the Professors ui their respective classes, and the fol- lowing prizes were awarded to— D. S. Fraser, ;?.50 ; James A. McKoan, §4.5 ; A. Macdougall. S-iO ; J. A. Logan, ! 12 I II •< 4 8 I II II (^ I 11 1 1 .t From Individuals . 135 $1()3 2<) -1877, 15 . . . " 11 ... " Iti ... " 10 ... " 10 ... " 1 ... " 2 . . , " (> ... " r, ... " 2 ... 81 »010 1(5 :t'.),1 30 31.5 49 187 03 171 15 5(1 Of) 1'2 32 58 10 35 !)0 38 50 »2211 01 135 50 Total from People $234() 51 Amount invested for Collegiate and Theological Education *5i)917 81 """""" BURSARIES. The Sub-Committee, nppc.inted to take charge of the Bursary Fund, beg to report as follows : — ■ Ist. Thirteen Bursaries have been granted during the past year, ranging from ^10 to $100, and amounting altogether to ?8!)9. This is an increase of three in the number of Bursaries paid the preceding year. Six of the Bursars attended the Theological Hall, and five the Arts course, in Dalhousie College. Two, who were preparing to enter College, receive of which ixisscd thronph the troasurrr'n h.inds. Thf diffcrt inc ?l,()',''l.f)0 added to the iiiaount : -t forth in the TreaBurer's acconiit, will make the whole expiudi- turo for the ^-ear fi^»,HH0.b8. THE LIIIIUHY cuntaind about 7,000 volumes with a fair collection of litdary and theological quarteilics ami misaiouary periodicals. Tho 8um of $70.05 was ex', tended on it lust year. FINANCIAL. A tabular statement already submitted, i.iiows eighty-one collections within tho year, ngaiii-t Ijj.'j for til' preceding,' year, and as a coubeiiuence, > m fur us this eleiucnt of supjiort is conccrueil, $'2Hli)..')l against §;J0li8.!tli, a falling off in number -i contributing, and in amount given, too sfri(jii. to be i)ass('d over without notice or comment \v'ith such a serious delicieucy on the part of our lie(>ple, the hoard feel thai'k'ul that the exhibit as respects linances is as favorable as it is. Htiil they fiel constrained to say that if nil our Ministers and Sessions had moved in iliis matter, tin' result would b»vc ln'in very dil'ferent, and oiu' balance sheet highly hivourable. Tlit y ffcl that it is not creditable to tho congrer^ iti(>nb of the IVIaritime Province.-,, that three should li'ive given one-fourth of tiie whole sum, and with tin additici'. of an individual — a young man of St. John, Newfoundland — about oue-thi;d : and would respectiully suggest that measures be taki.'n to guard against a monopoly of contribution, go that the bh ssedness of giving should be as v.idely dilTuscil as possible. Those wlio arj shutting themselves out from honour and jirivilegt,' should be gently awakened to a sense of their exce.ssi.e abnegation of self, and consetjuent loss; and urgid t? claim all the glory and blessedness of their si)iritual irth-right. The Boaid are of oiiiiiidii that this work of widening the foundation of popular and pecuniary sipport on which the Hull rests, :'an bi^ best accomplished by calling in the active co-operation of Presbyteries, and wouKl leave the (ienerai Assembly to give such direction for securing their valuable aid as may seiiu Lest in tho circumstances. BUILDINGS AND E:IDOW JiENTS. Unquestionably the event of the year lias been the ))rosecution of the Building and Endow- ment Fund The iiermission of the (ieneial Assembly was last year sought and obtained for tlif Board to adopt measures for dis])o.sing of buildings in Halifax and Truro, and to inoceed to tbe eri ction of one more attractive and wiJi better accommodations for Professors and Students tliiiu either of those named. The jiermission given was conditional, as the Board desired that it shouM be on the cordial concurrence of the Sy)iod of the Maritime Provinces, on whose people the suppert of the Hall hid been devolved by the tuneral Assianbly. 'J lie -Maritime Synod at its meiting in Octobur, decided that it would bo unadvisable to re- move the Classes to Truro, and further, that tlij ])eople should be appealed to for the sum of ^100,000 to pioviile building, and to bring up the ei.dowment so as to meet the outlay for salariis as nearly as possible, These decisions being almost unanimous, the Board met within a mentli and lu'oceeded to devise measures to accomi)lish the objects. Sub-Committi;es were appointed on Finan(.'t!s, o)i Sites nnd on Plans uf Building, circulars were issued explaining the movement, ami earnest^.' requostiiig the hearty co-oiieration of o,., whole ]ieoplo. The issue of the circular was followed up hy subscription.-; and collections in Halifax, and by deputations to various jilaces. These ileputat'ons have been received everywhere with grciU cordiality and in nuiuj- ))laces with enthusiasm. The following sums have been subscribed: — In Halifax 82:b')07 00 Dartmouth 1*200 00 *■ Kichmond -loO 00 . $252-17 00 Maitland 511(1 00 Pictou IS 12 00 New Glasgow HI 1-1 do Antigonisb 2020 00 Locbaber (;i5 00 G^euelg 1025 00 APPKNUIX. CI. Inn •■tellies ami In aiiorbronko f IfiflO 00 Ooldenville H-r.i ()() Wine Harbour '2'2ii (X) JS2712 00 vVJndsor 1000 00 St. John, N.:^. miflnishca '2000 00 Fredcrii'toii " 7lo 00 MoiK^ton " 400 00 Hcrmmla, Warwick, for tills year ?H') 00 Hamilton " H") 00 120 00 NuwfonniUnnd -l-'fJO 00 Kcnry H. Webster 1000 00 A friun.l per Itov. J. Forrest 1(K)0 00 l; -v. H. H. I'litterKou 100 00 U,!V. John Muiiro 100 00 I ,. Cmmninh'i'r, Wilmut 'lO 00 l>. Cnrrio, 1'. E. Islmid no 00 I >!■. (icddes, Yiiimoutb '.() 00 .'.iliii H. Lusliuim, London 7~>0 00 111 Kcntvillc 221 00 I'rinco Mdwiird Island, (not finished) 1200 00 Noel (iOO 00 Sr,901(5 05 In dosing? this report the Board are thankful to Ix! nblo to say tlmt our th"olo^,'ieal scliool is iiiiikiiif,' manifest P!ul satisfaetory ailvancement. Its Htudents are increasing', its cnrrieiiliini has li'eu extended, iis I'l ofessors are (,'llicient, united, and hopeful, its alTairs are ailininisteriMl witlioiit a jiir, the opening and ( losing meetiuK^ shew immensely ir.creased interest in the City of Halifax, and, what is better, tlui w'.ole eountry seems rising up to earry out the projio.^al siiliuiitted, to provide II suitable building and a supplementary endowment. These are elements of prosjjerity which tlie (ieiieral Assembly will notice with satisfaction and gratitude; and in coni'liision the lioard would expriws the hope that the General Assembly would recommend to every I'resbytery under theii care, and to every minister' in thc! body, to uso their utmost endeavours to increase tho iimuber of laomising candidates for the holy Uiinistry, to press- it on tin; parents of pious youth of good talent to endeavour to educate them for the jjublic work of the Ciuirch, and on young nu'U ef piety to devote their talents and their lives to the sacred calling; and on the whole (,'hurch the duty of pray^T and jirovision ; /;v?y<'r for Professors and fltudents, so tliat these who ecuno forth iMiiy be well furnished for tlieir great work ; /ror'/jww, so that all that is really reijuired for salaries, buildings and btirsaries, maybe liberally, joyfully, and promptly forthcoming. Respectfully submitted, E. F. 15URNS, Chairman. Halifax, May, Vill. V. G. McGllEGOli, Secrdary, REPORT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT OF MANITOBA COL- LEGE.— SESSION 1876-77. The ^^' \ of Management begs to report that the past year has been characterized by much activity i mnectiou with the College. The changes through which the College has been jntssing vi ir by yei.i 'ince its founding, have this ytiar happily bi^en wanting, and all things now begin to rts-,mue a m»..e permanent and comfortable -hape, and the College seems to have taken a good pbiee in the fouutry. During the jiast year an Act has been jtassed by the fiegislature establishing ii I'niversity of Manitoba — solely an examining body — very similar to the Universities of Tuninto and Nova Scotia, in constitution; and Manitoba College along with the l-lpiscopal and lininan Ciitliolic Colleges have been put in connection witli this Institution, and given representation in its Council. The union of the three princi))al denominations of the country is an omen of good, and it is earnestly hoped that the co-operation of the several denominations may be more and more thorough, and in all departnumts of education as well. The whole number entered upon the College KoU during tho past year was forty-five, of whom twenty-eight were in the senior dejiartment and seventcH'n in the elementary. The Work of the past session has been of a substantial and satisfaetory character. The Col- lege staff is very short in numbers of that of either of the other two colleges u{ the country, while the actual amount of work done will compare favourably. The Board is glad to report that tliough the College has been in existence less than six years, and has not been incor])oi'atoil four years yet, live of its students have during the past three years gone to pursue the highest Cll. APl'KNDIX. Hit lINi hraiiclu's f)f odncatiiiii in tlu> (Jollngtm of tho EiiHturn Provinctm, und linvn lieM hoiKiiiriililc )il icos; tliut a liii'Ki* iiiiKilit'r (if Htmli^iitH liavd ))ussii(l tliti I'roviiK'ial cxaiiiinatious an ttiacliurs ; thiil mhiih) Mix nr siivcii of itH pit'Mi'iit Htiiilc'iitH aio cithrr HtudyiiiK' fm' tim luiniHtry (pr (roii-iiilt'riiiK tin' i|iitM- tion, wliili' H tiiimbcr of others intend iiiitcrin^ tlm (liiiversity. 'L'hu tlioi'iniKiiiy olViciciit inaiiitrnniifi' of till' Ciilli-)^!) is an all iiii|iiirtaiit tiling' for the iiiteruKtM of the I're^hyteriiin Church in the Nditli- Wi'Ht, The lloiird niilii'ed with pleasure that the Hpuciul attontion of theChiirehes of the ( )ld Worjil waH ciilli'd to the support of Mimitolia Collep', and Ih of opinion that eonid a liiri;er portion of thu anioiiiit iH HHiiry for jiayiuK the I'mfcHKors' hiilaries bo olitained thus, nuidi sums as are necessary for hulldliiK' up ami iiicreasiii)^' tlu^ usefiilnoHs of thu Colle^^e could ho ohtaiued from loi.'al souriT-i, In a new coiiutry where the people are everywhero niakiiiK a Btruf^K'le to contrihute as uiiicli lu poMsihle towards iiiuinteiianee of the ordiniuices of rellKioii, and yet need ho iiuich help frf Orosshill, from friondn in Scotland, and now numbers about 7o<)viilunu's. An elTort is on foot in Wiunipog t" increase the number of bursaries, and al^o to add to tiiu library. The Hoard has to recuive nearly $1, ()()() yet of tho ^;5,'it)() voted by the Ansombly, whicli iH represented by a mortgaKo on the building, and there are iikcwiso other obligations nientioucd in tho accompanying statemont of liabilitii's which need to *ie met. Tho Board has commissioned the repreHontative of the Presbytory to tho General Asaombly to lay this, and othia* matters connected with the College, before the various committees cmi- cernod, and earnestly to solicit assistance in devising some means of obtaining the amount required. The following are nominated as momborH of tho "lioard of Management for the comiii" year :— liy the Prcs^vtcry of Manitoba. — llev, James Robertson, llev. John Scott, G. McMickon, George Watt, auit J. F. Bain. By k'tuhx Churchy Winnipesi. — Hon. A. G. B. Banuatyne, D. Maoartbur, audi). Sinclair. By Kildonan. — Rev. Dr. Black, W. Frasor, and J. Sutherland, M.P.P. By J.iltlf Britain. — Rev. A. Matbeson. By Portage I.a Prairie. — K. McKeuzie, M.P.P. Ex-offieio. —Rev. Prof. Bryco, and Rev. Prof. Hart. Hon. A. (r. B. Bannatyne, Chairman. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. G. B. BANNATYNE, Chairman. EEPORT OF THE SENATE OF MANITOBA COLLEGE FOR THE YEAR 1876-77. STAFF OF INSTRDCTOBS. Rev. George Bryco, M.A., Professor of Science and Literature; Rev. Thomas Hart, M.A., Professor of Classics and French ; Rev. James Robertson, Lecturer on Systematic Theology ; Rev. John Black, D.D., Lecturer on Biblical Criticism ; Mi-. Alexander Ferguson, Elementary Tutor. NAMES OF STUDENTS. "^ Senior department—^. Poison, J. Dimcan, A. Ferguson, J. McVicar, J. McBeatb, D. R. Sinclair, A. McPhillips, W. R. Gunn, R. Wood, L. McPhillips, W. Omand, J. B. Polwortb, J. Newcomb, H. Ferguson, F. Brown, J. Power, S. Woods, T. Lillie, W. Johnstone, R. Kean, ('. Stewart, D. Mcintosh, J. Ferguson, J. W. Cunningham, T. Nevin, R. C. Laurie, R. G. Mc- Beatb.— 27. Elementary department — W. Bortbwick, P. Wood, A. McDermott, R. Bannatyne, L. Bovette, H. Hercbmor, H. Stevenson, J. Peach, G. Bird, T. Power, J. Mould, F. Wagner, R Strang, N. Sinclair, H. McGregor, Fred. Besant, F. Bovette— 17. Total number of Students, 44. The Senior department includes the Students in all tbe forms. Tbe Theological instruction authorized by tbe General Assembly, was duly imparted. ,••* Al'FENDIX. ciH. EXAHINATinNR. Till' UMiiiil ChiistmaH and Eastor cxiuinimtinim wcro Imld ami cnr<'fiill>' con.luct*!!. Tlii> ii'siiltH wiTd, ill most uuHi'M, hiKi>ly MatixfiictDi'v to tli<' iixaiiiiiitTH, muHt HtiiiliiitH il-iu'Iiiiiij till' Htiiinlaril n'lniired hy tlii' St'iiiitc, and Mtuw attaining a IiikIi di'fjrct' (i( fxt'cllnicu. It ulTuidn tliii Siiuttf niiicii iiloaHiirc to ri'port tlio contiiiuid sutiHfartory jiionrosH made Ity MimMi-s. I'oUnii and Ihmcuii - tliii stiidciils iu 'I'liiiolony audi r tliti caro of tlif PrcMliytiTy of Manitoba. ThiMtpcciul Milijt^cts Htiidird and tlu' uniount of work porfoiiind liy tlic-io ntudiiit^f liavf bi't-n ii'iiortid h\ tlio Siimto to tin: I'rti^liytciy. Tlicy have a^ain liucn appoiutud by the I'li'sbyttry to iiupoitant M i^xiou Stations tuT tliu cUHUiug huiuuht. Tnt; ANNTAL MEETISO. The Annual ^^('0tinK was this year held on tlu' fitii of Filiriniry, in tho Collc^'o. It was well attrn led, unil very BiicccMMful. Intt rc^tinj,' addicHHcs wi'ic made by mt'iubi'id of tliu t'oUfyo Si-uate, and othurs iutcrusted in thu wtlfaru uf tin; institution. UEDALS, lirnSAIIIES AN'I> I'lU/Ra. Tho " Govcrnor-Genurars Medal' was tlii^ Ht'asion awarded to U. (». Molieath— tbe student HtiindinK liighf'Ht in Classics in tlio fourth form. The" hiilTiTin Miitlii'inatii'al Medal," iiwiirdfd for ]ii(iti('ien(!y in Mathematics in the siimefurm, was gained by 11. ( '. Laurie, now iiroseeiitin^,' his studies ii! the Military College, KiiiKstoii, with marked success. Another iitiul'iit of the College, J. .Mc- V'ii'iir, who, last session, recoived a Imrsiiry of .*<'J0, has recently very successfully passed the entrance examination of the same institution. In the second form ii bursary of ^'20 wan Kiiined by W. U. Gimn, and a jiri/.e in books by l> U. Sinclair. In the same form J. Duncan received lionorabU; mention. In tin: first fruni the (irst pri/e was gained by V. Hrowii, tlie second by .1. Ii. I'olworth. Through the liberality ol certain friends of the ( 'olieni', the Senate expects to be in a position to offer three bursaries of the respective valui's of ^'2.'), ^20 and $li), to candidateg from tho Common Schools of tlw; I'rovince and the Elementary Ditpartimmt of tie; College, piussing the lirst, second, and third be4 ftiaminations, in certain specified subjects, with tin; intention of entering upon the regular College course the ensuing Session. There is no more ctTective way in which individuals and congregations in the older Provinces can promoie tho interests of our Churcli iu tho North- West, than by establishing bursaries for deserving students, who have tho sacred Ministry in view. There are groups of Mission Station.^ in every part of the Province that have been long and urgently asking for .Missionaries or settled Pastors to labour among them ; but the supply is far short of the (hjiuand. Every effort, there- fore, should bo put forth to meet the pressing spiritual necessities of this portion of our Dominion. And the utmost encouragement should bo given to those who, in the future, must bo our main dependence for labourers in tliis important and rapidly increasing Mission field. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEOliGE BRYCE, Chairman. THE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH MANITOBA COLLEGE. Ordinary Account. Dr. To amount received from Fees $420 50 " " Board 1418 17A Subscriptions and Church Collections 2('0 52 Marriage License Fees 135 00 Amount due Treasurer 32f] 73 J Cb. By amounts paid on Building Fund and repairs ^2'-)f> 57 J " " Bursaries and Prizes 39 91 " " lusunnce 45 GO •« " City Ta,xes 31)00 " " Printing 4.5 Ho " " Fuel 300 75 " " Household Expenses 1.590 72.^ " Due Treasurer last year 184 1 1 S2504 92 S2504 92 CIV. APPENDIX. EEPOrT ON THE ST.VTE OF RELIGION. it|; lii li In prosentini,' tlu'ir report to the General ii.sscinbly, your Committee have to stftto that the groat mutter entrusted to their care has enga^,'( I the attention of tlie chureli only to a limited ex- tent ; tlmt is to say, only about odo eharges out of (ilO have sent in returns to their res])ective Presbyteries ; but it is pleasing to report tlmt every Presbytery in the church, with the exception of Newfoundland in the extreme oast, and Manitoba in the extreme west, has had the state of ro- li|.;ion under consich'ration, and that in many instances the reports sent up to the Synod arefif the most cheering description, more so perhaps than in any past year in the history of Prosbyteriau- i>m in this country. As regards these returns the following order of excellence will be noied with interest on the jiart of Synods. That of Hamilton ami London stands first, having sent in 117 out of ISO char^ris ; that of tlu^ Maritime Provinces, .wroiit/, having sent in 80 out of l.'i5 ; that of Kingston and Tcjr- oiito third, having sent lOU out of IS? ; and that of Montreal and Ottawa fourth, having sent iu (iO out of \\2. Then, iu respect to Pre.-byterial distinction, it will be interesting to learn that in the Synodof the Maritime Provinces it is the I'resbytery of Pictou that stands highest, having si'ut in nine- teen cut of twenty one ; in the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, it is the Presbytery of Brockville, having sent in eighteen from twenty-three ; in the Synod of Kingstcm and Toronto, it is the Pres- bytery of Lindsay, having sent in twvlvo from twelve ; and iu the Synod of Hamilton and London, it is the Presbytery of llurou that has wou for itself this distinction, having sent in twenty out (jf twenty-three charges. Prom this it will be seen that the I'resbytery of Lindsay is the highest iu the church, having reached the maxinuim number, twlve out of twelve. A still more interesting feature of these reports is that bearing on the additions made to the membersliip of the church during the year. The Presbytery most distinguished iu this respect is that of Toronto, and if the (juestioii bo raised as to congregaticuial distinctioa throughout the church, the committee have to say, that according to these sheets, taking the rate fcr centum, that in the Presbytery of Miramichi, Tabusintac stands highest ; in the Presbytery of Halifax, Windsor ; in the Presbytery of Quebec, Chalmers' Church ; iu the Presbytery of Glengarry, Mar- tintown ; in the Presbytery of Ottawa, ^IcNab and Hortou ; in the Presbytery of Brockville, Dalhousie and Sherbrooke ; in the Presbytery of (rueli)h, Knox's Church, Gait ; in the Presbytery of Owen Sound, Division Street Church ; iu the Presbytery of Paris, Zion Church, Brantford ; in the i'resbytery of Lindsay, Penelou : iu the Presbytery of Peterboro, Norwood; in the Presbytery of Stratford, liidduliih ; in the Presbytery of I'ietdU, Sharon Church, Stellarton in the Presby- tca-y of Harrie, 13arrie; iu the Presbytery of Hamilton, St. Catharine's First Congregation. The committee regret ihat thijy are not able to complete the list, and give the tigures iu full, shewing both the iiuni/h-r adJcd, and the I'ate per centum, but hope to do so in larger measure next year ; and the defective returns, and the late hour at which some of them came iu, must bo their apology for any error that may apjjcar iu these statements. The total number added to the Comnuuiion Boll during the year, so far as reported ia 11,195, — removals, 5, 127, net iniTease o,7(iH. The total number now on the Boll is ',(3,788. This is a huge number, but when we take into account the fact that we have about ,'^00,000 i)ersons claim- ing connection with us, that number great as it is, must l)e deemed unsatisfactory. IVe have probably not more than the oHf-half of our people who have reached mature years in actual fellowship vith the cliurcii -that is to s:v- there must be nearly ico,ooo of mature years livim^ unpledged to a Christian lif — standing at a distance from tJie Holy Communion. On every hand this fact meets us, and from many a (juarter comjilaints are to be heard in referenci, to this great evil. Scores are growing uj) to manluiod and rushing into life's solemn responsibilities, without, it would seem, a single thought of consecrating themselves to the Lord. All over the land there are fathers and mothers that have grown gray beneath the preaching of the word or within easy access to it, that have not yet taken the iirst step towards a higher life. Among the causes assigned for this deplorable state of things arc the love of the present world — intemperance -the dislike of Coming under the obligations involved iu a jirofession — the inconsistencies of many that have made a profession, and the feeling that it is better not to vow, than vowing, fail to jierfoim; and above all, iu the way of excuses preferred, is a sense of uutitness or unworthiness. The Connnittee iiave received no hint or suggestion from any one as to how the great evil under consideration is to be met, and they themselves have none to otter, save that of a more careful and individual treatment of those coming to mature y(>ars. The period of youth it is well known — the period intervening between the time they leave the Sabbath School or Bible Class and that of mature age, is a dangerous one — one of cou)]ianionships and strange (juestion- ings, when the fountains of thought ai'e stirred, and black doubt easts its shadow over early instruction — when jiassiou pleads for indulgence, and the restraints of home are felt to be irksome, and the boast and bravado of impudence or irreverence is ajit to be mistaken for manliness. At surli a tinu^ a young man stauds much in need of the loving counsel and care of his pastor, and he tliat is "wise to win souls" will not be an idle spectator at such a time; and though there is difhculty iu aiiproaehing many on the subject of religion, yet everyone knows that 110 young heart is altogther proof agaiust such approaches. Moreover after the trausitiou period APPENDIX. CV. may bo regarded as past — after n graver stac;e of lif<; has been attained, and a nioro sober current of thought has set in, many a one begins to look wistfully to a religious life, and to long for light on the darlv i)robk'His that have been disturbing him. In such a casi' a young man would welcome a minister who would speak to him — take him asides and talk with him not in a pompouH, perfunctory way, Imt frankly and ali'ectionately — would welcome such as an angel of (rod. This is what not a few of our ministers do. Alarmed at the extent of non-profession, notably among young men, they seek to improve the occasion of tlieir pastoral rounds for their Plieciai benelit, of dealing jirivatuly and personally with them, and the committi'C are jiersuaded. tiwt if more efforts of this kind were put forth — more private and personal dealing were resorted to, in regard to all those that are standing aloof from the Holy Communion, a great eliiiuge for the better would be eti'ected. Thi're is reason to ,fear that the jiastoral olHce which fnmi it^ very Uiiture implies an individual as well as a general oversight, has been greatly lowered and suffered to go into abeyance, and tlierefore your committee would call attention to the tenderness of the pastoral tie and the permanent obligation of the Christian Ministry, to deal habitually with their people, in a more close, personal, loving manner than has been sei'u in some cases. In regard to the duty of family worship your Committee has nothing very definite to state. From the report of the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, tlu'V gather that it is observed by about one-half of our people there, rnd from the other Synods that it is pri'tty generally observed by those who have entered into fellowship with the Church. One or two Congregations in the Presbytery of Lindsay in their repcu'ts sjieak of it as being universally attended to by the families that have joined tlie Church, but the fear on the jiart of the Committee is, that through- out the Church, this duty to a very large extent is neglected. What the report of the Synod of Hamilton and London says on this head is worthy of consideration. '•The indefinite character of the answers which sessions have given on this head indicate very clearly that in the great majority of cases no sufficient means have been emjiloyed to ascertain how the matter really stands. For the most part the reports merely indicate the o]iini(m of the members of Session, without specific inquiry. There are, however, exceptions ; some have evidently set themselves to ascertain to what extent family worshiii is observed, and as a result, one re})orts 12 families neglecting it, another that, of 120 families visited, 07 observed it twice daily, 8 ojice a day, while the remaining 45 were living in the total neglect of it. . . . There is moreover great reason to fear that there is great failure in the duty of parental instruction in the way of leading children to Christ. One Presb%iery sums up all it has to say on the subject in these words: 'Parental instruction is rare.' Another notes the tendency to remit the instruction of children too exclusively to the Sabbath-school, and anotlier states that it is a matter of universal rerret that family instruction in Divine things and honest dealing with an aim at the conversion of Uieir children is wanting on the part of many parents." Our space will not permii us to saj more or give any further extracts, but the Committee would take occasion to say, that they were struck with the remark which many Kiik Sessions make on this .subject, tia»n\y, that they do not ktio^v to what extent, or by hoxv many the duty in question was ol>senrd. They do not even, it would seem, make an approximation to the uumber. Surely on a question so vital as family worship, pains should be taken to see how far it is observed in a congregation, and every means used to bring those famiUes neglecting it, to do so no more, and surely a minister charged with the care of souls, cannot hold himself guiltless if he fail to bring this duty often and earnestly before his people. It is plain to the Committee, that family religion is on the decline, that the old custom of Sabbath evening catechising is passing away — that blessed custom which not only gave the cliild a Ught, but a memory — not ouly instruction, but instruction associated with a father's worth and a mother's love which follows like a ministering ange) through Ufe, and speaks with power when father and mother are able to speak no more. Beli(!ving that many of the evils affecting society proceed from the neglect of family worship, your Committee express the hope that the (ieneral As.-embly will not dispose of this report with- out giving forth an expression of its mind in this regard, and lending the weight of its authority to the suggestions which they would make on the subject. They believe that if Pastors in their pubhc ministrations and in their private intercourse with their people, would bring this jduty more prominently before them, and, in the cas^ of those who plead want of ability — furnish them with some suitable manual — Like that furnished by the (,'hurch of Scotland or the Free Church, the best of results would follow. And forasmuch as the duty of instructing children in Divine things — of bringing them to the Saviour, cannot be delegated to another — as the responsibihty rests witli tue parent and not the Sabbath School teacher, however useful the Sabbath School teacher may I'f as &\x(i\\^— that czcry father and cz'ery mother throui^hout the ehiireh be again and again reminded (/ this truth, and urged to bring up their ehildren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. As to prayer meetings held during the week in connection with cougiegations, these sheets bring to light the cheering fact that there are very few without them — only four reported in the whole Synod of Kingston and Toronto, and two in the Synod of Hamilton and London. And in addi- tion to the central or Church prayer meeting there are in some congregations district prayer meet- ings presided over by elders, with the best results to all concerned. But great comi)laint8 have reached your Committee in regard to the small share that many elders take in these meetings, as well as in the general work of the Church — how that in many cases not one can be found to open his mouth at such a meeting or carry to a dying man the cou- CVl. APPENDIX. llM ll ' ?■' solations of the Go.'^pcl — how tliat there are hundreds jierislnng for lack of knowledgp, while there are pjifted men and women on every hand, professini^ to love the Lord, standing all the day idle ; hilt if there he a lack of Huitahle ))ursons to co-operate with the ministry in curryiuf,' forwaid the work of tlio Church, the Committee are persuaded, it is from no lack of ])iety, or talent, or educa- tion on the jiart of our Church as compared with other Churches, but from the fact rather tliat our jieoph; are not taught or trained to exercise their gifts. If the Sahbath School is jioorly e(nii])- l)ed — the missions of the Church languishing — the jirayer meeting in a low state, — it may lie duo to som<' extent to a want of will on the part of our people, but far more they believe it i^ due to the want of organization — to the fact that the man at the helm is at fault — working with a slack hand and an unwatchful eye. In every church, if there are not those that 9ro able and willing to work, that can be found to lead in i)rayer — it is presununl there are those that can be trained to do so. And if there In; no likely subjects in the congregation of maturo years on whom a minister can lay his hands — he has the ilible-class which he can fill with jiromising youth, and among these he va\u raise up a (ludly seed that will be willing to eo-oi)erate with him in any or all of tlij departments of Church labor. And more than all, there are young communicants coming forward from time to tiint! tn profess their faith in tlie Lord .Jesus, and might not he teach these to jiruy as J.^hn also lau:^ht his Disciples. And further that they will be expected to make themselves useful in the cougiegation, and employ such gifts as they have in the serxice of God ? I^ot ])ropi'r efforts be put forth in every congregation in the direction indieategations have been greatly blessed in this way — that many beUevers, previously cold, have been revive(l ; many that were careless have been awakened, and that many that were all but unap- proachable on the subject of personal religion are now happy in the faith they once despised. This lias been the case in the Presbytery of Halifax, particularly in the congregations of Maitland and St. Croix, and Ellershouse, and even in Windsor, where there were no special services— noth- ing beyond the ordinary praj er meeting that is weekly observed in that church, but which on this occasion grew in interest and in the attendance of the people to an extraordinary extent. Then in the Presbyteries of Peterboro', and Whitby, and Lindsay, and Barrie, and Glengarry, there have been also great awakenings— and in none more than in the congregations of Martin- town, Cornwall, and Lancaster. Very interesting accounts have also been received from Goderich, Walkertown, Woodstock, Ingeraoll, Ailsa Craig, Listowel and London. One of many extracts may be given as a specimen of the working of these Evangelistic services. "As the work is stUl going on, the results in all respects must yet be waited for. But there are siuue already apparent. That most directly evident is the influence exerted on those who are already believers. There has been a great waking up and increased spirituality and earnestness among such, as well as greatly mcreased light and clearness in their religious views. In this all the Churches are participating ; it seems as if a fog were lifted up and sunshine had come in. Another benefit is in the readiness and willingness with which persons careless before will welcome the Gospel message. Many wUl willingly converse on personal religion now who would not do so before and thus practically come within the means of grace. The number of persons who have directly been brought in from the world and who are now resting on the Saviour in jjossessiou of his salvation, must be pretty numerous, but it is impossible for me to give a numerical estimate as there are so many who are seeking salvation or v ti . roots, and all this in view of [iromises exceeding great and precious, while the little cloud, mit larger at hrst than a man's hand, is spreading over all the heavens, and wiiile there is the sound of an abundance of rain, surely (iod has been remembering Zion. Surely tho set time to favour her has come. Why then such a *^^ate of things ? The only suggestion which tlie Committee have to olTer in the way of meeting the evil in {[uestion, is a deei)er consecration to the work on the part of the Ministry. A low condition of spiritual life is not peculiar to Canada, or to any section of the Church of God. It is one which is as wide as humanity, but it is one which, under the Divuie Spirit, evi^rywhere yields to one in (iommunion with Crod all alive to the value of immortal souls. Who does not know that love and faith and fervency of spirit are irresistible? Who does not see this at the i)resent time in tho labors of self-devoted men, who are working with a single eye to the glory of God? Forgetting the things which are hehind — leaving secular matters to others — they give themselves wholly to the ministry of the Word and prayer. There are hundreds of men, ample in power, rich in learning, ponderous in ancient love, that put m their days — fifty years, perhajis, in ime place, and yet accomplish ahnost nothing, simply because working at a low temperature, — while right hy the side of some sucli men is one that is greatly blessed in his work, and yet one who can scarcely lay claim to anything hut devotion to his work, and who, because of his devotion to his work, and his fer- vency of spirit, has power with God. The only other question on which your Committee would venture to report, is that pertaining to Sabbath Schools. There is no more cheering feature of our Churcli tn.^n this. It would seem that nearly all our children capable of availing the: : elves of the instruction which the Church offers, do so, and that the congregations are few and far between that have no Sabbath School. In a few sections the School is kept open only during tho summer mouths, in conseciuence of tho state of the roads, and the distance to be travelled ; but, generally speaking, the children are well looked after by a noble band of some 7000 teachers, wlio sow the seed beside all waters. The entire number reported for 1876 in attendance was 79,204, of whom 17,0t)'J were in Bible classes, and this year the number is probably grei-ter. All this as far as it goes is very cheering, but complaints have reached the Committee from several quarters that much of the teaching in the Sabbath Schools goes for little — that it is far from being satisfactory — that in many cases the Shorter Catechism is not used — that the teaching is fragmentary and unconnected, — not only fathng to make any salutary impression on the young. but failing even to attach them to the Church. They are not ac(iuainted with the distinctive principles of Presbyterianism. Many never saw the Confession of Faith. They don't know any- thing about the doctrine of infant baptism, or how to defend it, and thousands leave the Schools ignorant of what be the first principles of the oracles of God. The result is that they become an easy prey to sectarian and proselytising spirits, and settle down into other communions, or, what is worse, into the soft, easy ways of the world. In view of these facts, certain brethren suggest that a manual, having the sanction of the General Assembly, setting forth the distinctive principles of our Pn'sbyterianism, should be published and put into the hands of the more advancedyouth, to theeud that they may not only be estalilished in the faith, but be prepared to defend the same, and give a reason for the hope that is in them With meekness and fear. And seeing that the instruction of the Sabbath School is all thi^ instruction in divine things that many a young person will ever receive, the Committee wt)uld recommend ihat, in any case where it is practicable, the Minister liimself superintend the Sabbath School in eoiiueetioii with his Church — that iie meet, with the teachers, from time to time, with the view of the better pre- paring them for theu' work, and that none but the best teachers he can lind be so employed — not boys and girls nearly as ignorant as the children themselves, but jiersons of mature years and christian experience — motherK and matronly women, whose deeper life and riper knowledge of divine things might be expected to lend aU tiie greater weight to their counsels. The returns to the questions anent hberality in the way of sustaining the Schemes of tho Church — prevaihng sins — cases of discipline, etc., are so defective that nothing of any value can be furnished on these heads to the General Assembly; but they would suggest that a pa-toral M i mMk ,1 1 iilaki iffi ' ' iii^hh ' 'HI ' II^^^^H iH lif^^^^^l VtfflU |5 '■■ \'il ^'*1:l CVIU. APPENDIX. letter be issued by the very reverend the Moderator, during the year, say in the month of January, addressed to all Ministers and Kirk Sessions, recjuiriiis,' tlu' same td be read frnni every ]iulpit in the Church — a letter giving prominence to the several recommendations of your Committee, and especially to that anent Family Worship. All of which is :'esi)ectfully submitted by DUN'CAN MORRISON, M.A., ) Joint Comvih-n of the Gcu. Assemblv THOS. WARDROl'E, S Committee m the State of Religion. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF FRENCH EVANGELIZATION OF THE • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. In presentin^' their Second Annual Report to the General Assembly, the Board of French Evangelizati(3n desire to record their deej) gratitude to tlie Great King and Head of the (Jhurch for the lar;^e uKiasure of success which has accompanie(l the labors of the missionaries and col- porteurs of the Board, and for the increased S)3irit of libLTahty manifested by our jieople in the fiupjiort (jf this most imjiortani department of '.ho Churcli's work darinj,' the past year. TIk rapid and encouraging growth of the work is S(!en in the fact that while the number of Mission- aries reported last vear as employed bv the Board was twentv-six, the number at present is forty. CHANOES IN EXECCTIVE. The Rev. R. H. Warden was appointed Agent of the Board by last Assembly. Mr. Warden entered upon his duties in September. Rev. C. A. Tanner, having accepted the Principalshiji of St. Frances College, Richmond, Que., retii'ed from his position as Agent on the 1st October, the Board placing on record a minute expressive of their sense of tlie value of his services, and their best wishes for his prosperity in his new si)her(.' of labor. Mr. A. B. Stewart ceased to act as Treasurer in December and Mr. Warden was installed as his successor. The Board, in viijw of the magnitude of the work and the necessities of the case, have opened an olUce for the Secre- tary-Treasurer at 210 St. James Street, Montreal, where all letters should be addressed, and contributions forwarded. SYNOD DES EflLISES EVANGELIOTES. For a time the French Canadian Missionary Society sought to foster au:! direct the formation of churches. Several years ago it abandoned this department of its operations, and the few churches under its care formed themselves into an independent Synod, under the name of the " Synod des Eglises Evangeliqiwsy After struggling to maintain existence for three or four years, the attempt to establish and build up an independent French Protestant Church was found to be futile, and in April last the Sjniod was dissolved. Its President, Rev. R. P. Duclos, is an appli- cant before the Assembly for admission to our church. All the congregations of the Synod, with one or two exceptions, have been taken imder the care of the Board, thus considerably strengtlien- iug oirr work and at the same time adding largely to our future expenditure. BKITISH AGENCY. In view of the rapid expansion of the work and the increased expenditure consequent on the erection of chiu"ches and mission premises, the Board deemed it necessary to have th-; claims of the Mission laid before the Christian people of Ih'itain and Ireland. In response to their invi- tation, the Rev. li. Campbell, M.A., of St. (iabriers Churcli, Montreal, generously came to theii' aid and agreed to devote five months to furtht. the object in view. Mr. Campbell left Montreal in the middle of January, and up to the end of the ecclesiastical year had 'isited the northern part of Ireland and the west coast of Scotland, meeting with a cordial reception, and, considering the great stagnation of trade, a generous response to his appeals for aid. Up to the date of this Report the Treasurer has received from Mr. Campbell .S'i,56o.56, as per the annexed. L^.naucial statement. CHURCH BCILDINO. During the year three new churches have been built in connection with the Board, one hi Quebec City at a cost of about ^8, ODD, chiefly provided by the friends in thni city; one in Montreal, Canning street, the total expense of which, including ground, was .?10,91'2.5d ; and out at Namur, in the township of Suffolk, which has been erected for the modest sum of .S448.ol. In addition to these, temporary mission premises have been provided at Belle River, Out., and Point Aux Bouleaux, Que., by the congregations in these fields, without expense to the Board Two other churches are at present in course of erection by the Board, viz.: at St. Paul de Chester and St. Autoine Abbe, Que., both of which it is hoped v^'ill be ready for occupation this fuL. REPORTS CONCERNING FIELPS. Particulars as to the work accomplished during) the year will be found iu th^followiug review of the several fields oocupied by the Board. APPENDIX. CIX EASTERN SECTION. Rev. Dr. Waters, Vice-Chainiiau vi tlie Maritime Province Section of tlio Board fnmi?!:rg the fdllowing rcjiort : In preseutinfj the report of the Board of French Evani,'olizatiiin for the Maritime Provinc e-;, it may he noted that while thci^c is nethin?,' very striking to report, tliero ha.s at the same time, heeu a satisfactory measure of jiro^rress during tlie year. I. — '.n.VND r.iLLS, NEW mU'NSWICK. The licv. Mr. I'aradi.s has labored he: e citli diligence and a gooil degree of snccess. The station is in some respects favourably sitnatid for the carr^■ing on of a;^gressive work among the Frencli iiojiulatiou. It lias all the advantages of a centre. Vhietly inhahiled hy English sjieak- ing peoide. while in its immediate ui'ighhourhood there is a hirw I'reiudi ]K)iMilaUon. A commodious and conifortabk^ clnirch has been erected, in which >erviccs are conducted both in English and French, by the missionary, while a congregation has been formed, with a com- munion I'ol! numbering between twenty iind tlnrty, Ihe missionary is i. freiiuent visitor at th(; houses of the Ereiich people, liy whom he is Kcuernlly well vfCfived. There is reason to believe that good work is being done, and that at no di>tant future the result of patient and jiersev' "ing effort will become abundantly manifest. During the year 5100 have been contributed by the peojile for the support of ordinances. 11. — VIOJ.KT lii;oOK, NKW IIUUNSWICK. At this place Mr. I'mneau labored earnestly during the whole of last summer. During thv. fir.-t part of the season he taught a school, but as it was found that the })ersons f(n' whose beiietit it was specially intended did not avail themselves of its i>rivileges, he was instructed to discon- tinue that branch of the work and confine himself to colportnge and the visitation of tlu; peiijile in their homes. He was well received by the peoiile, and the Board was so well satistied both with his diligence and the result of ks labors, that ho has been appointed to the same tield for the present hummer. III. — ST. FBANCIS, NEW BKUXSWICK. This is an entirely new station, about half-way bt'tween Grand Falls and Piivierc du Loup. Last winter Mr. I'aradis visited this district of country, and learned that the jieoplewere earnestly desirous of obtaining the services of a mio.'ionary, whc couhl preach both in French and I'Inglish. 'J'he people promised a subscri])tion of idiout SUK) for the supijoii oi a missionary. The subscrip- tion list was signed by twenty-nine persons. Mr. -Jes-ie J. ^\■heelock, in a letter written on the •2(>th of February, says ; — " The people seem to be anxious to have a minister for next summer. It Seems to be a great pity that we cannot iiave some placid of wor^;hip to go to, there are so many young peo})le growing up round us without being taught any religion of any kind. For my part I would like to liave a minister who could siieak both French and English. The peoi)le in general are very anxious to hear from you." The i)ei)ple are chietly on the Anierican side of the line, in the State of Maine, but as it appeared to your CommittL'e to be a promising opening, ^Mr. S. Ann was appointed to labor at this place during the suunuer mouths. At the clese of his period of service, the capabilities of the held will have become manifest, and tlie Committee will then be in a positi(jn to determine upon its future action. IV. — STELLAKTON, NOVA SCOIIA. The work at this }ilace has been carried on chietly among the miners from Alsace and Lorraine, who are employed in the collieries which are situated in the county of Pictou. Tlio llev. Mr. Pelletier has laboured diligently during the year, with some measure of encouragenu'iit. However, many of the families have left, so tiiat now the splicre of his oiieration has become somewhat limited. The missionary reports regarding the present state of the mission as follows ; " I am sorry to say that a very large number of the people have gone away since the depression in the coal trade. 1 enclose a list of those here at ])resent, and who will likely remain. Among those who had left were those who had joined us from the beginning, and from whom I hoped the most. Indeed, our number would be very small now had it not been that while simio went away, others came from other localities and tilled their jdaces. It was, and is yet to a large extent, like working in a new tield, and I have no doubt that however discouraging that change; may have been to me, yet it has this advantage that those who go will carry witli them what they reci'ived. We have yet a few good men who are in earnest, and it is to be hoped that with their help, perseverance, and faithful prayer, and with continued zeal and energy, we shall cc tiuuo to experience success." The missionary reports the baptism of eight children, whose parents professed their faith in Christ. Under the guidance of the Pre.sbytery of Pictou, Mr. Pelletier has been engaged in exploring the French districts in the counties of Antigonish and tniysboro'. In these localities he says, ■ there is not one Presbyterian Church, and for the most part it is nothing more than a vast religious waste. The different localities that I visited seemed to be very fertile, and the people are materially prosperous. I could see no indication of poverty any^vhere. Morally, however, ex. M'PENmX. and intellectually the people arc voi-y far behind. They are here as mnch opposed to schools as they are in \<\v Rmiiswlok. The jjriesta have the entire control of the people, who are kept in igndraiice and sniierstition." JudKiii^' fro':, tlie report of the inis-ioiiary, the Board is of the niiinion that if the state of the funds woulii inir.>it, this district of country should be thoroughly explored, and, if possible, occu- pied by II periiinneni missionary. In coiu'ludint; this brief statement regarding tlie wo.k of French Evangehzatiou in tlie Maritime I'rovinciis. the Hoard desires to express the o])inion that the time has come when sejiarate I''x(cutive Jioards for the Ivist and West are not reijuiri'd. The Board would therefore recomtni'iid the (General Assembly to ])\nfe the coiitiol of thi^vork of French I'^vangeli/ation under one Board of management, which shall carry on its o])erations, as far as possible, througli the Presbyteries within whose bounds the special fields of laboi- may be found. H(!rewith I forward the financial statement, furnished by th(^ Agent of the Church, in Halifax, (Itev. Dr. McGregor,) of receipts and expenditures, to the first of May of the cmreut year. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. Waters, Viiv-C hair mail, Board cf French Evangelization, Maritime PrrAnces. St. John, N.B., May 2Qlk, iSjy. &^ ^VESTERN SECTION. V. — PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. At the solicitation of the P.ince Edward Island Auxilliory Bible Society, the Board appointed one of their Colporteurs, Mr. A. C. Cruchet, to labor in the French settlements of the Island, the districts assigned him being ^Nliscouche, Egmont Bay, Fifteen Point, Tignish, Alberion and Eustico. The French population is almost entirely Roman Catholic, and though generally hostile and indisposed to receive Mr. Cruchefs visits, he yet has succeeded in disposing of quite a few copies of God's word during the two months he has been at work. VI. — rOINTE ADX BOLEAUX AND PORT AU PERSIL, QUE. Tliis field has been occupied for several years by the Missionaries of the Board. It is situ- ated on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, near Tadousac, in the Saguenay district, the two stations being about twenty-one miles apart. Pointo aux Boleanx is a small village with a popula - tion of 300, of whom about .35 are French Protestants. One dLfSculty heretofore experienced has been the want of a suitable building in which" to conduct the day schawl and Sabbath services. This dilhculty has now been overcome, the people having, at their own expense, provided a room and adapted it for the purpose. The missionary of the Board, Mr. A. L. Guertin, reports an attendance of seventeen nt the day school. Ho holds service in the forenoon of each Sabbatli in a private liouse, and in tlio evening in the school room, the attendance being encouraging. During the latter ]iart of the present summer he is to teach at Port au Persil, whore there are twenty-five French Protestants. So desirous are the people to have their famihcs educated at a Protestant mission school, that those in Pointe aux Boleaux have arranged to send their children with the Missionary to Port au Persil, so &i. to enjoy the full benefit of his summer's work. Several of the French speaking families in this jeld are of Scotch descent. The s])iritual interests of the early Scotch settlers having been entirely neglected by the Church of their fathers, they became careless and indifferent, intermarried with French Koman Catholics, and had their children baptized in the Churcli of Home. Since the establishment of our Mission a change has taken place, and under Cod much good appears to have been accomijiished. VII. — ST. PAUL PE CHESTER, QUEBEC. This Mission lies in the County of Arthabaska, about thirty-six miles from Three Rivers and sixtc 'U from DanvOle. The settlement being comparatively new, and the land mountainous and rock^ , the people are not only few in number, but are generally poor. As stated in the re])ort of last J ear, St. Paul de Chester is worthy of special note, and must always possess peculiar interest in the history of the Church, on account of the bitter persecution which our missionaries and converts have there endured for the sake of the truth. The missionary who labored there last summer says, that on reaching the field he found six French Protestant families in the district, all of whom had been brought to the knowledge of the truth by the missionaries of the Board who labored there the two previous summi^rs. These converts were meekly sutTering severe and long- continued persecution at the hands of their Roman Catholic neighbors. Referring to the persecu- tion of the handful who had renounced llomanism, the missionary thus writes : — "By order of the priests, their best friends cease to speak to them, and become their enemies, merchants be- come tyrants, employers refuse them work, neighbors damage their property, and the whole popu- lation unite as one man, under the leadership of th" 'priest, to persecute, shun and despise them as pariahs." Mr. Cruchet endeavoured to reach the Roman Catholic population, but found them extremely hostile to him and his propcsed work, and fully determined to oppose him by all means. Out of many houses he was violently turned.. Yet, by the blesuing of God on his persistent labours, and in no email measure, by the fideUty to the truth and patient bearing under persecution of the few APPENDIX. CXI. Protestants, .h7rii rcnonn'od liomanism duriiiR tlio snmmcr, and joined tlio little mission liand. Si'eakinK of tliesc, Mr. C'.'ucliet Hays : — " I wTote a letter of abjiiratien wliieh tliey signed, and I took it in person to tlir priest, who turned mo out of liiH house like a do^. i>n hearing' that seven of Lis peo|de had found the truth." The Lord manifestly over-ruled the hitter )>erseeution encount- ereil, to the streni'tnenin),' of the faith of the eonverts, and it isdeejdy interestinK to learn that the son of ojie of th' 8e — a younf,' man of marked ahilityand ackno\vle(l^'i'd piety -has resolved to eon- Bfcrate his lif' to the Berviee of tl.13 Master, in the work of the (io.spel Ministry. Last year thirty copies of the Word of God and so,ne sixty religious hooks were distrihuted throughout thodistriet. The Sahbath services, as well as the mission day school, have heretofore heen held in a private bouse. One of the converts recently deeded gratuitously to tln^ Board a piece of ground, on whiih niission premises are being built. As will bo seen from the linaucial statement, the sum of %\^'2 has already been obtained t(>v,ards i ,e erection of these, the total cost of which will be under S'>lMi. In Danville and neighboring districts, promises of liberal assistance havi^ l)een gi\en by friends interested in the work of French evangelization. The attendance at the day school this sumni! r is fifteen. It is coniidently helievc.'d tliat this uumbor, as well as the .Sabbath attendance will be considerably increased, when the mission premises are occui)ied, VIII. — ARTHABASIlAVILLE, qcebec. This village is within two miles of the line of the Grand Trunk Tlailway, twenty miles east of Danville, and seven miles from the St. Paul de Chester Mission. While the population is (diietiy French Catholic, there are yet a few English speaking Protestants in Aj'thabaskaville and the ad- joining village at the railway station. In tlu' former a (?entleman otTers to contribute .SI ")() tenvardsi the erection of a church, provided the Board wOl establish a mission there. Owing to the large number of new fields overtaken during the year, the Board have not been in a position to begin operations in this district. It is hoped, however, that arrangements will ere long be made, where- by the Presbytery of Quebec and the Board may jointly occupy this field, by means of a missionary speaking both French and English. In the meanwhile the missionary at Danville has instruc- tions occasionally to visit the place. IX.— DANVILLE, QCEBEC. Here, for a few years past, our Presbyterian Chiurch has had a struggling, yet spirited and energetic English congregation. The village is in the very heart of a large French lloman Catholiv' section of country. Situated on the line of the Grand Trunk Itailway, it affords easy access to the surrounding district, and is an important centre for French evangelization. Bealizuig this, and knowing that tiie congregation had recently become vacant, the Board made overtures to «he Presbytery of Quebec last winter, with a view to having it supplied by a missionary speaking both French and English. The PrcBbytery, as well as the English-speaking congregation, heartily entered into this proposal, the more so from the fact that the English- speaking Protestants are gradually decreasing in numbers by emigration, etc., and in April last, one of the graduating French students of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, began operations in the field. The experiment has thus far been a gratifying success, and the congregation contem- plate calling the missionary, M. F. lioudreau, as soon as he is licensed this Binumer. Mr. Boudreau conducts the regular English services at Danville in the morning, and at King- sey Falls in the afternoon ; and in the evening of each Sabbath holds a French scrvici; in Danville. This service is growing in attendance and in interest, the average number i)resent duiing the month of May being about forty, many of whom are Eoman Catholics, there being only four French Protestant families in the village and immediate vicinity. Already ^Ir. Boudreiiu can tell of twelve or fifteen heads of families in the neighborhood oi Danville, whose faith in the teachings of Home has been shaken. In a recent letter he specifies several individual cases, of which the following are instances : "A young man by the name of , came to convcTse with me last week. He told me he was a Protestant at heart, but that he does not like to give in his resignation to t'.ie priest, as his wife rages Uke a maniac. She watches him so closely that he cannot always attend our meetings, and occasionally keeps away fiom them for the sake of jieace." "A very intelligent Roman Catholic, near the village has recently become a Protestant, and the / priest has offered to buy his farm and pay bim a large sum of mon" district entirely." for it, if he will leave the X. — ST. JEAN CnRYSoSTOM AND ST. ANTOINE ABBE, QUEBEC. These stations, which are seven miles distant from each other, are in the County of Chateau- guay. For several years they have been occupied by the Board. The present Missionary, Mr. Joseph Morin, reports ten French Protestant families in the field, besides a few others in the neighborhood to whom he has access. The' .Sabbath Services are well attended by the converts, and generally by a few Koman Catholics. As indicative of the desire of the people to advance in religious knowledge, Mr. Morin reports that the Sabbath School is attended by adults as well as by children, indeed by the entire congregation. At St. Antoine Abbe one of the people, Mr. S. Pettis, has given gratuitously an acre of ground, on which the Mission premises are now being built, tiie C(jn- gregaiion contributing f 50 towards their erection. Here it is intended to hold not only the Sab- bath services, but a day school taught by one of our missionary teachers. CXll. APPENDIX. led in tlir town a Frcudi I'l-dtcstniit, Lmiu -• here i'l'intr nt i)i('>('ii^ in connii'tinn witli it •ii(>n (uid the I'nitt • .itiitcs. Tlir ('(ill(;f ■':;. , •K'lMiiiicH ii pi'unii' .i ^itr, and litis nccdiii- U.. in onnei'tidn wit. .t is a elmiiel, .JUx Iti, XI. — ST. nYAriNTHE, gfEIIEC. This city, tlif cniiitnl of tlie county of tlio same name with a population of t.OCO, is one cf the nio^t ]iios])('rons in the Province. It is tiic most important station on tlic drand Tninli lini.. way lii'twecn Montiiiil and (^Uieliec. Jlcrc tlic Ciuirch of liomc is nunnricaliy stronf;, Wlmt with its ('atht'(lrul inul liisliojj's Paiaci', its two nunneries — one of wliich wfi.s comjiletid last yeiir at a cost of nearly ■Sl'25,()n(t- its Seminary or Colkj-'e for youny nun, with its twelve ]iidf(s8or-, and ueurly 2")0 resident HtudentH — it exercis<'s j;reat iiilluence in the eoninnniity. In I SOS, the lltv. li. 1'. Dnclos he^an to lahor here in connection with the French Canadian Missionary Society, there heiuK tiien only one Frencli l'rot(!stant in the |)lace. I>y the hlesHing of (iod upon liis lahors there is now a rcKuhtily oi'gani/ed con^jreKation in St. Hyacinthe, with a Kcssion, staff «.{ Sabhuth School teachers, and a communion roll containing the nniiies of ujiwiirdH of foity mei,!- hers. Of the twenty-nint^ faniilieH connected with the con^re^ratioii, four are Knglish spi akin^', for whose heiielit ii service is held in Kngi'^-h every i/tern, te Sahhath. Willi indomitahle (tieri-'y and iieisrvenince Mr. Duci'i--, a few years ;>. est' Colle^;e, w ill has met with, encouraging ". ee thirty lady lioanier.s from different parts •' ■; ' biiildiiiK, a siilistaiitial anil comuKMliuiis lirii.. ■ • uiodatiun for lifty lioanler-, besides class roo where the Sabbath services are held. The aver,i;^e nttei i « at these ii lifty in tlie niorniiiguud seventy in theevetiing, exclusive of the lady piijiils attendini,' t; e (loUege, ;ho swell the numliersto about Urn. The families connected with the coiigregation occuiiy a good social position, and enjoy the respect of the entire commnnity. About the time of the dissolution of the *• Synod o resolved to seek admission to our C'liurdi, IS i,'>w U".ler the care of tli>j lioard. ^Ir. Dnclos holds occasional service at Kiviere Noir, twelve miles ilistant from St. Hyacinthe, where there area few French I'rote-tants — the nucleus of what, it is hoped, will soon become a lart.'e and prosperous congregation. Mr. Uuclos is (/ic only Protestant jMiitister residing in St. Hyacinthe. Xn. — JOI.IF.Tl'E, QV"EnEC. This is a nourishing ti)wn of 'iJMO inhabitants, the cnitital of .Joliette County, about forty- five miles north-ea-t of ^Montreal. Tlu' town itself is twelve miles distant from, the St. Lawrence, with a harbuur on which — Lanoraie — it is ^'ounected by rail. The French congregation here, as in St. Hyaciiitho, was under the jurisdiction of the " Synod dcs E};/isa Iizriiigc!i(/ttor liii.s re('ently accepteil a call to tlu' United States, and tlu^ congregation has resolved to unite with our Churcli. Towards tht' satisfactory accomplishiuent of this object, negotiations ar(! at prt'^ent being carried on. There is here a church tdiiice — the jnoperty of the }ieoph — in which a mission day school is conducted, and the Sabbath services htdd. /I is the only Protestant place of loorship in the to~.i>n, .Joliette being the business centre of tliirty French jiarishes, scattered throughout which are a few Protestants, it forms a good base for missionary ojierations. The services of a suitabli^ missionary are at tlu' dis]io>al of tlio Board for this tield, as soon as the congregation hi!S been leceived into the Church. XIII. — NEW ULASGOW, Ql'EIlEC. This tield, sitnated thirty-sis miles north of Montreal, in the County of Terrebonne, con- tinues to be supplied by moans of missionaries, able to minister to the spiritual interests of botli the French and lilnglish jieople of the settlement. During the past year seivice has been main- tained regularly — in the winter fortnightly, and in the sunnner weekly. The French Protestant lamilies, nine i;i numVier, are steadfast in their adherence to the truth, and as Mr. A. 15. Ciuchet, one of the missionaries of the Board, attests, "are never ashamed of their faith — indeed every one of them is a missionary in word and often in deed.'' The lloman Catholic po]Milation ai»])enr friendly in manner, but are really hostile in spirit, the jiriests watching over them with jealous solicitude. The attendance at the French service averages thirty. The people, though by no means wealthy, yet contribute towards the support of ordinancis at the rate of S() per family annually. Mr. Amnion, at present supplying this tield, is soon to be succeeded by Mr. S. J. Taylor, an English student of the I'resbyteri'iu College, Montreal, who is preparing himself for French evangelization work. XIV. — GREXVILLE, QUEBEC. In the village of Grenville, on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river, onr Church has long had an English congregation, wliich, united with Chatham, forms a pastoral charge. The French Jlission is in the township of (irenville. distant from the village about three miles. This mission was ftir several years under the French Canadian Missionary Society, but more latterly in connec- tion with the " Synod des E[:^lises Ezan<;elii]iies." On the dissolution of that Synod the congregation petition'.d the Board to be taken under their care. In response to their petition Mr. B. Hamilton was appointed to labor as Missionary among them. ;Mr. Hamilton is one of last session's graduating class of the Presbyterian Church, Montreal. APPENDIX. CXlll. Wliilt^ iiciirly fill tiip fiiiuilic'i left tlio Cliurcli nf lionic in u liody several .vciiivs n^o, uot oiks of th( 01 iginiil Pi()te>t;iiits liiis f.'(iiie Imck t(j lidUiniiism. Fonr nr tlvo oi the yoiiiiK jieojilc \vlio liuvi iiiiiniiMl 1111(1 gone tiMitlicrdi.-ti'iots liuvi' ' - - ' '-' ■- ' ■ '" ■ '^^ ■■■■<> ■- -- /.^i. It iH worthy of remnrk tliat Mr. Hamilton, wlio spenks Frmcli well, tlirew np ii lucrative -.itnation in Montreal a few vinrs n^o to eutir ii|ion a conrBe of study for tlie work of the iiiiniHtry, Willi a view to French evnni.'idi/ation. He i> the lirst FdkHsIi f,'rniiimte of the Moiitn ul t'oilei'o who liii.'^ divoti'd hiniHtlf to French work, and his self-denial Ih worthy of all eonmundation. Ho l"j.:nn his Inhors in (ireiiville in the end of April. He reports sixteen French Protestant families in the -ettlement, eleven of wluun live on adjoining farms. These faniilii's iiiimlier IdO niemi)ers, fifty of whom are under seventeen year.i of nt,"-'. He has instituted a Saliliath School and I'.ihlo cliiss, the nttendanee at hoth of which as wi'll as the regular liord's Hay scixioes is eacoura^'in^,^ ho jieopie wlio liavo ln'cn instiMmiiitnl in leading' s^iiiie of their lloinan Catho- lir miKlilioiirs to the truth. From Mr. lliiniiltnn's ln>t letter the following; extract u taken: — •• The people are extremely fond i>f sin^'in^' hymns, and frc(|iiently tlieir lionian Catholic ueif,'h- liouis join them in sin^^'ing. Hymns are readily learmd and easily retnim d, and hy means of thciu much truth maybe convived. We have 'I'liur-dny evening re-unions from hou>e to hor.se for reading' and exiiosition, >im,'in^' and juaycr. In addition to this I make fn ijuent visits, which iin; taken u)) lar^'ely with readinu and jirayer. This is easily accom]dished, as all the families are within a radius of two miles of the house where I stay. The eagerness of all for Gospel iiistruc tioii is really encouraging- All my services yet have been attended l>y some llomaii ('alludics, whether throiifrh curiosity or not I have heen uiiahle to ascertain, and in the few li'oman Catholic houses where I have he.ii I have heen well received, th- iiig on hut shir trowsers and hat. And I don't think any groceries, unless it be sii'', . ■ \ .io.'^i.t by any of the families, esce[)t where I live, some oatmeal lias been bought since ac "Ut. I have given these items to show that the peojile are' extremely poor, though not, i tli'"! ueces- -arily uneomfortrtblo. I hear of two little French Protestant communities back u th i-ou'itry, that are beginning to rela)i>e thnaigh neglect. They have not had a missionary > nong them, or only v.'^ry occasionally, for years. The peojile among whom I labor have a tinr.s . • h ' 1 on the tio-pel. and their childre", .jumbering seventy or eighty, young and old, will ki. .v lothiug of Uoiiiani-ni at all." XV.— NAMUK, QUEBEC. On Ihe loth of ;\Iay, ls7(i, three French Protestant families from Montreal, recent converts of ^[r. Chinii|uy's, acconnjanied by a devoted missionary of the Hoard — Mr. (t. C. Mousseau — ar- rived at Naiaur, in the Townshipof Suffolk, a township lately ojieued for settlement, abiaittwenty- tive miles to the iiorth-west of Greuville. They found but tin other families in the settlement, all of whom were French Catholics. These were regularly visited by the priest, who come to cele- brate mass monthly. At the end of the first month after ]\Ir. Mousscau's arrival throe of these families renounced Romanism. At the end of the second month the priest ceased bis visits, only two of the ten families being able to hold out against the truth. Through the columns of the French jiress Mr. Mousseau made known the existence of the colony, and the terms nn which land could be obtained from the (iovernment, and invited French Protestants to join the little baud already there. In response to his invitation a larg(i number setthd in Namur last fall, and Mr. Mousseau now ministers to thirty-one families, besides seven single men, who have taken uji land in tlie district. In addition to these many lloman Catholics have located there, concerning whom ^fr. Mousseau thus writes: — -'Their houses are all open to me, every cme. I am welcome in every house, and with the exception of three houses I am every- where permitted to talk on religious matters and read the Gospel. I ex])ect that they will all join our missidu soon.'' The people went into the district poor, and like all new settlers have had many dilliculties to contend with, but their trials have been sweetened by the freedom from jier- secution, and by the religious privileges enjoyed by them in their new homos. To secure a suit- able place in which to conduct the Day School and hold the Sabbath services, the Board commis- sioned Mr. Mousseau to visit OHawa. and a few of the eongregiitions in (Mengarry. Ho met with gratifying success in his canvass, as the accompanying financial statement shows, and with great satisfaction the Board report the erection of commodious mission premises at Namur, in which tlie iieoplenow regularly gather for public worship, and in wliicli the Hay School is held. To com- plete the building only about ftlOO additional to the sum collected by the missionary will be re- quired. Mr. Mousseau himself took up 100 acres of laud, ten of which he has generously deeded to the Board, and on this site the mission premises have been built. The field promises well ; ujiwards of thirty French Protestant families are expected to settle there this fall ; the soil is good, and it is contidently hoped that before the lapse of many years there will he a large and self-sus- taining congregation there in connection with our Church, * XVI. — RIVER DESERT AND SIX PORTAflES, QUEBEC. This field is situated about ninety miles direct rorth of the City of Ottawa. In the fall of last year the Rev. T. Bromllette was appointed to it, his salary been drawn in part from the funds of the Lumberman's Mission, the PLrme Mission, and this Board. •t; cxiv. APPENDIX. Tho ticld fxtcnds nlo'iR tlin (tatincan Ilivor over n roiipli tract of country <>f about tiftv niilcK in Irnj^tli byci(ilit in luciulth. I'licrt' nrc tlinc rcKuliir intiiicliiiij? stiitiotis, one of wliidi i- iii It I'"rriich rtcttiiMiuuit tlircii niilc.-i from Sis I'ortiitti"-. ib re Mr. Brouillctti' iircnclic.-- in Krt'ncli every Siililmtli (Acnin^ Tlio imnilxM' of I'"rcncli i'rntt'Htiints is us yet vrry siniill, but tiic Hirvi\t two otlnr stutinns in tlio immi'liate vicinity, lie lias recently ori^'imizi'il ii Siiblmth ScIkioI, with an altenilaiiei' of /ifteeii t) JK'^jin witli. TliMii^'hoiit the County of Khrpx — wlnTe nn^ npwariN nf |(>.0(l(» Krenoli s|ipiil< in the we^ti'rly s('ctii>n of tiio noiKhiiorini^ eoiiiity of luint, theie are (.Mini (i|>eninKM for soveral French uuHHiouiirios, providud tiio men and meauH wm; at the disposal of tbu Hoard. XX.— ST. ANNK. KASKAKEK roUSTY, ILLINOIS. This field, the fonnor lionie of tlio Itev. C. Chini(iiiy, presents no features calling for special noti'c in re{,'ar(l to the Wdik of the pii>t year. The Itev. .fosepli Parndis has taken chart-'e nf the ji'ill'.l ilin'iiiK nio.st of the year, the entire expense of sujijily beinj,' drfniyed hy the piDpli'. 'Die attinilunce contiiiues the same as ill the pre'.'edint; year, vi/.: an avera^'e of "JdO in tiie ninrnin^ ami 101) in the evi iiinj,', the niimlier of (.'oniuiiinicaiits beini^' lot). The day school ha< \>r n curried on with (jreat elliciency under Itev. (_'. Lafontaine, MrH. Thoiiuis, and Mr. (ienrf^'c relletirr, the three teachers, assisted by several innuitors, The teachiuKis thorouKh. Besides tlie ordinary iViiiintary branches, particular attention i> given to the moral and religious training of the liii|iil>, the Word of God is daily read, and the WestniinHter Assembly's Shorter Cateidiism is Kiiiilarly taught, both in French and English, in all the classes of the senior department. The avirage attendance has been nearly lUO during the year. The Sabbath School has an attendance of i:tO, including several adult.s who avail thomsi'lves of the opi)ortuuity thus presented of adding til their stores of religious knowledge. Tlie (reneral Assembly last year gave power to the Presbytery of Chathara to transfer this mission to the American Presbyterian Church. Adeputatinu of Presbytery visited St. Anne in .liily, to endeavor to efl'ect a union between our own congregation and that connected with t)io .American Church. The litigatiDU witii the Koman Catholic Mishoi) as to the Church proi)crty, prevented a formal union taking place, tlidUgh the congregations are very friendly and have met together on the Ijord's Day during a considerable jiurt of the year. There is a prospect of tiio litigation ceasing before long, when it is liojied tlie union will be effected, and the whole luissiou transferred, if deemed desiraole, to tlu! American Presbyterian Church. Since the above was written, the Boanl learns, by a letter from Hev. C. Lafontaiue, that in tilt- last week of May, St. Anne was visited by nine priests, who held sjiecial services everj' day for n whole week, but in vain, so far as our congregation was concerned, not a single Protestant Laving been movoil from his steadfastness. XXI.^KiCEDEC CITY. It is gratifying to be able to report that there is now a French congregation in connection with our own chnrcli in this stronghold of Homanism. The congregation was formerly conneeteil with the " Synoii Jes /\:;lises ETani^eliijuts," In the end of last summer the people, along with their minister — llev. Ij. Jjangel — applied to be tak(!n under the care of the Board. The api)lica- tiun was granted, and the chairman visited Queliec in October and completed arrangements for the transfer of the mission. The I'.nglish friends in Quebec have organized a local committee, and (,'uaranteed the salary of the missionary to the extent of JtiOO per annum, the balancb (100,1 being mot by the funds of the Board. A beautiful and commodious church edifice, erected at a cost of uiuvards of ijKOOO, was completed in the early part of the winter, and opened, under encouraging circumstances, in the month of November. The entire (expense of the building has thus far been defrayed by the t^uebec friends, there only remaining a debt of SI, 800 upon it. The site selected is most advantaget)us, and the opening of the church — the first and only French Protestant Church ill the city — marks an epoch in the history of French evangelization in the ancient capital of Quebec. Mr. Langel having received and accej)ted a call to Switzerland, his place has been sup- jilied by the appointment, temporarily, of the Rev. B. Ouricre, a gentleman thoroughly (pialitied in every respect for so important a held. Mr. Ouriero entered upon his dutie's there in the be- f-'inuiiig of 5lay. He reports a membership of thirt}'. Services are held regularly in the morning luul evening of every Lord's Day, the attendance varying from forty to seventy, including a few Homau Catholics at nearly every service. The cit" is almost wholly under the control of the priests, the entire Protestant population numbering in 1871 but 7,000, whereas there are upwards of 5"J,000 Roman Catholics. In such a field the work necessarily is uphill, reipiiriug strong faith on the part of the minister and his little band of followers. Tii the eye of sens 3 it would seem utterly futile to labor with any hope of success among a people so fanatic and priest-ridden, bnt there is nothing too hard for the Lord, and with all its discouragements, the;e are not awant- ing indications of lietter days to come in this Popish stronghold. The organization of a Protestant Defence Alliance, or some similar society, for the protection of converts from Roiuau- isiu, would probably tend to advance the interests of the work; and the establishment of a gi;od primary and high school for French Protestants, would prove of a decided advantage — a boon which, it is hoped, will soon he supphed. XXII. — OTTAWA CITY. In this city, the capital of the Dominion, our missionary — Rev. M. Ami — continues to labor / with great diligence and lldelity. The congregation have had during the year to face many dis- / couragements, chiefly arising from the depression of business and the consequent scarcity of work, (!XV1. APPENDIX. Wi ricci'sHitatitiK tlic rrraovnl fif «iveriil fnniiliog. in m-nrcli cf eiiiiilnytiK'iit, to other I'lirtH nf tlie Domitiidii aiiil td tlif I'liitcd StatrH. Tlic l'',iiKli»
  • ly cdUK' til tliti Il^'^i^tllm•l■ of tli(i jiiiorcst nf tlic I'diivcrt- iiinl rditiviil tlu'ir tt'inpoiul wnnu, Aiiotlicr (.'ri'iit want fi It I . II siiitulilr iiliicc ill \slii('li In Imld tlic Snlilmtli -I'lvicca. Tliciu luiu^ 11(1 cliiiich tililico, till' coiiKicniitii'ii imct in a liall iiiitri! fur tlir iiiir|")>(.', at an ex)>unHu nf *7.", )ier annnni. F"'r* takuu:— "Tim >-itii|iii8it(' tlio Cnuviiit (if Notre I>anic, nndniiliti dlv innvciit^^ niiiiiy tiriiiil lidiimu ^'ulll(>li(•^^ from coming' to hear tlio k<'-)'<'1- It ^^ ilillicult tnlicfnuinl, mihI liavin^; im iiuknowldl;,' 4 liliici nf wor>lii|), we caiiiint cxiKct to attract to niir strxii-cs tin.' liniuaii C'alli(jlic jiortinn of (,iir I''r('n('li fcilnw-ciii/cnx." 'I'lio l!niiri)(akint.' i'mtotai.t't of Ottawa will »('t on font a .-clii'inc fur tiic iimclmsc or ( rcct'nu of a >nitalilo iilacc iif worhlii|i ini- oiir I'kiicIi I'rcslAtcrian (■on;.'i('^'ation — ihc only Itauh /'ivl,.\t,iiil lon-jri^titiiit in tlw nif'iliiL Nut- witli-tiiiHhn^.' tlic ili'|irf--ii'ii I f hnsiiiisM. and the cniiscinicnt iiovcity of the coiiKrci-'atidii, lliiy have rai--cdMnioiiK tin tnsclves dniiiiK the y( iir ii|iwiirds nf s|(M) fnr tho HUii|inrt of oidiniiiicis, I c sidcf< fofwaidin),' a contrihution tdWariU the (irdiiinry work of the ISoitrd; and, noiwitli-tiindiiij,' t'lo diMidvaiitnt;c-i in connection with the place of niectint; and the oiiimsitiou nf UniiianihtH, •• tiii Cluirch," ns the report states, "has numerically increased hy the conversion of several linmiin (athnlics. Twelve persons have puhlicly ahjurcd Uninanisni, and our session has received tiiirfcui new niemhers, cievi 11 of wlmm were hy profcHHinii nf faith." In addition to the services on Suii. bath, there is a Sahhath school and Ilililc class condncted hy ^Ir. Ami, to)-'cthei with a wci kly prayer meeting', and ntlur meetiutjs occaBionally on wei keveuiu^'s in tholiditse of one of the cMcri. XXIir.— OTTAWA CITY, WEST END. To assist !\Ir. Ami in his anhious lalmrs, and with a view to open a preacliinfj station in tl:o western part of the city, the Ijoanl has ajipointed a student missionary— Mr. Jo-epli .Mlaril to Ottawa lor the summer. Having' only entered the field a lew weeks a^^'o, it is too soon to -|i('iik of his work fiirtlier than to state tliat a new preaching place has heen opened on the Flats, with a fair iittendanco to commence with. Since tlie rcc(]itionof the annual rcjiort of the eon(,'re^'ation, a devoted elih-r of the chnicli has lieen called to liis rest. !\fr. .\nii has frei|uently referred in his monthly statements tn the devntion cf this elder. I'l cnmmuni*'atin),' the great loss sustained hy the cnn).'rc).ration in hi.-) diath, he thus writes: — " It is needless fnr me to enter into any details of the last moments of uiir deceased hrother. His faith was tirm, his hoiie a living one, and his testimony to the pnwiidf the (tospel unshaken. His sjiiritual progress was astonishing, and his death a perfect tiiumiih.' Owing to the dimensions of the work in this city, and the number of laborers employcil m connection therewith, together with the fact that tlie hcnd(|nartcrs of the I'oard arc here, tliu Church generally is more familiar with the jirogress made during the year in Montical, than iiiiiiiy of the other tields occupied )(y the Hoard. In the beginning nf the year services were coiitined to the one church — Itussell Hall — conducted by ^Messrs. Chiniipiy and I'oudiet. To provide iic- comnindatinn for the rajiidly increasing number nf coiivi'rts from Kcunaiiisiii, the ISoard secineil an eligible site on Canning street, in the west end nf the city, on which they elected a large iiud substantial brick cliurch, caimble of accommodating six hundred persons. The church wasiipeiml fnr public wnr.ship on the I4tli nf January, the llev. Hr. Itobb.of Tor(mto, '■ ndering signal service in connection therewith. The opening services in the morning and afuruoon wen; conducted in English, and the evening service in Frencli ; the attendance being large at each of th(! diets, especially in the evening, when tlie church was filled to nvertlnwing. The llev. C. Chiniiiuy w;is placed in charge of the new church, and the Kcv. Mr. Hondiet. was ap]ioiuted to that of St. John's Church, (liussell Hall,) liev. Mr. Ouriere assisting him by conducting the morning service. Mr. Chini([uy has occasionally been assisted hy the Hev. O. Camerle, an ex-Priost of ll(nne, whose apiilication for reception is before the (kneral AssemVily. That tlie Board acted wisely iu erecting a new church, 1ms been abundantly evidenced by the remarkalile success atteni^ont there- on. Sabbath after Sabbath the numbi'rs wnrshipping there have been well maintai" ed, the church generally being cttmfortably tilled, es]iccially at the evening service. It is somewbat dilli- cult to estimate the number of converts to Protestantism during the year in connection with ^Ir. Chini(iuy's labors,- but it is safe to state that at least "i.'iO families have been bronght uudc r thu sound of the Gospel. Tlu; Ordinance of the Lord's Supper was administered in the new churob in Ajtril. Of tlie converts from Eomanism, a large lunnber applied for membership, After care- ful and minute examination of each applicant individually, one hundred and fifteen were received into felh)wship with the Church. The Commimion service was one of deep solemnity, and will long bo remembered by those privileged to takt' part in it. The centre pews wore occupied by the communicants, and the side seats by a large and apparently interested congregation, among whom were several Eomau Catho- lics. The venerable appearance of the "old man eloquent,'" — himself tor many' years a priest of Rome — as after clearly explaining the nature of the ordinance and the solemn obligation resting Thii Society 1 Services ducted I APPENDIX. CXVll. spoil tlioHi' wlio pnrtiink of it, ho liroko tlie lnoml niul (liHiriluitcil it imtl tlii' wine t<> tin- i'0<'|ilo; till ii>;lit of thn coiiiiaMtiicniits— nrarly nil of wIkuii ii fow iiioiitlis pn vinmly wi ro in tlu' Clmroli if licpint'— H> tliey (•oiiiiriciiKiiiiti'd the iltiitli of ii criuntii'il Hnltcmir, mnl tlw huIhIiumI u^i'ri-t aiul iliiiHtoiictl ilciiiriiiioiir (if till' tliiDii;^' of Hpouliitors, coiilil not fail to iTfatt! a lailint; iiiipit'--f of the cliiirch a Siihlmth school was oi(.'iinizP(l, tin' attonilancc iit which liiia 4ver(i^?((l ahoiit forty livr. Scparatcil fidiii tlicchiiicli pio|ii'r hy iiiraii- of folding' ilom-' lire twolarK'' flfiSH rooiiH, ill fine of which a day hcIiooI is c(aiilMct''il hy Mr. L. F. II chaid. ii iiii-sionary of thr liDiinl, the iiiimhor in iittiiulauco haviiit^ diniiiv,' th.- wintir rcitclnd as hi^h a-, forty. Tho ic^'iilar weekly prayer meetiun on 'I'lMUNdtiy evening's has hieii widl Mistiiined. the niuu- Irrs jiri'sent raii^'int,' from l')0 to 'MM. On one of the stormiest nights of the ^eusou the t'hiiir- timii and Secretary of the Koiird, in coinpHny with a ininiou- mt irpoiis tlie fitteiidftiice as lar^e all tln'ouvjli the winter, tlie clmn-li lieiiiK' " frc'iueiiLly lilled to :'." lUiiiost eaiiucity." As in Canniiif,' Ktrcict so in St. .lohu's Church, the iitteiidanci' at the weekly |in\yer nieetiuKs is very lar^,'e. These meetings, Mr. Doudiet reports. '• selduiu heing inferior iu LnmliorH to the Sahhath gatherings." The Lord's Supjier was disjjensed onee in this church during the year, tho nunihor coiumuni- latinj; heing seventy-tive. Several apidications for adniission were refused, the S(.'s>ion jiidniiig it li'cessnry to give the applicants a longer pioh.ition. Acce(l for current exjienses ahmit Slid for the four mouths ending Jtittli .\)iril. They have also iluriiig the year given a haiidsoiui* collection towards the oidinary fund of the iJoaril, hesides n l:l)tral sum towards tlio Canning Street Church, and a small coiitiiliution to the House of Kefiige. A lUble class was conducted by Mr. |)oiidii't, during the winter. The Sabbath School has n roll of thirty-two scholars. Concerning spiritual results, .Mr. Doudiet rejiorts large niuiil)er> as having professed to him to abjure l{omanism, during the year, and luUls that of these he believes (iipil has changed the hearts of about a score. Since the appointment of Itov. .Mr. Oiiriere to Quebec, Mr. A. 15. Cruchet assists Mr. Doudiet in St. .John's Church, sliariug the services and pastoral work with him. It cannot be denied there are impostors in a wiuk of this nature. Many, for tin s.ike u; obtaining relief from the Proti^stant House of Uefuge, or from private charity, profess to have lieeome converts to Protestantism. IJut impostors of this class are by no means coutiued to I'lfiich Canadians, it being a commonly received axiom that those wlio most jiersisteiitly seek relief from a House of Refuge are many of them the very scum of society. Thi' Board have sought, during the jiast winter, as far as possible, to prevent imposition in this direction, being I xtrumely desirous to encourage and foster a spirit of indeiiendeuce and self-reliance among the CTinvorts. They have employed a staff of paid visitors. Alphabetical lists of all Fiench applicants for aid, with their addresses, have been kept. These have been thoroughly and systematically visited. The Secretary has met weekly with the visitors to compare notes and revise the lists. Mr. Doudiet, tho liible woman, and generally one of the visitors have attended thi' House of Hefng(! each day that relief was distributed, "ind no mi'aus have been left untried to j)reveiit im- liositioD. In the ollice of the Board there in kejit a list of all the French I'rotestant families in the city, with thidr addi-esses, and ' in^ especially of the families cliMming conneetion with our I'Wu Church. During the present ,- inner, in addition to the ordained Missionaries, there are tbree F'rench students engaged by til Hoard, along with a liible woman and the Matron of the Ladies' French Ijvaugelization Society, by whom all the French Protestant familit^s are being regularly visited and instructed. In tie early part of last winter tho congregation worshipping in St. .John's Church (Russell Hall) were frLi{uently tlisturbed on Sabbath evenings, and stones were thrown through the windows. The Board asked protection from the civic authorities, wliich was Riven, and the disturbances soon ceased. Since then there has been n(i open i)crsecution of the Ciiiigregatiou or the ^Missionaries, yet tlie converts personally are exposed to persecution, theii .-ituations being taken from them, and in the depressed state of business it is generally impo^sil, I fur them to obtain others. The distress and suffering caused iu this way are incredible to all but those who are personally cognizant of the mattor. It assuredly requires considerable faith aii'l Courage on the jiart of a Roman Catholic iu this city, with a family dependent upon him, to cast iu his lot with those identified with, our French Protestant congregations. THE ladies' FRENCH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETT. This important auxiliary of the Board has been in active operation during the year. The Society leased a house in the central part of the city for a Mission House, and engaged the services of a lady as Matron. In the Mission House a mothers" meeting was held each Monday, con- ducted by the Matron, with an average attendance of twenty. / CXVlll. APPENDIX. wn On Wcdnoxlay aftcruoon a lUble reading was lickl, couJneted l)y n Bible woman, under the supervision of ^^l■s, Prof, t'auiiiljell, tlio numbers of Freucli Canadian women attfuding Jurin;.'thf winter ran^'in^' from 70 to 100. On Saturday afternoon a young K'irl^' class for sewing and religious instruction was condiictid by ]\[rs. A. 1!. Stewart and tlie Matron; the uimiber availing tLeuiselves of this cpMortunuv of rcci'iving good was about twenty. The ^Matron's time i> cliielly ^|)ent in visiting, e.^preially wliere there is sickia-s (,r distress, and in distributinti; relief, chiclly in the way of clot' in;; to those of the converts wLn are destitute. The monthly meetings (jf the Society liave been well sustained, several of the most aotivi ladies of the various congregations of our Church in Montreal taking part therein. The total ex)H'nditure for the year was ff.jl7.o7, and the receipts, SOiJO. As the Society jiuriiose )uiblishiug a rejiort of their work in the fall of the year, together with a full tiuaneial statement, it is only necessary here to commend their work to the sympathy auil liberality of idl I lur iieo])le. and to solicit on their liehalf donations of clothing, bedding, and i-uii- tributions in mom^y — the former of whicii should be forwarded in October. The Treasiuir's address is: Miss (iordon, Kildouau, lOo'J Sherbn Mike street, Montreal. oTlIEn FIELDS. In addition to the fields directly under tlie can,' of the Board and supported by its funds, tli. re are a number of otliers in whicli Frencli evangelistic woik is carried on liy ollice-bearers of our Churih, such as Metis, (,>ue., wlure the Bev. T. Fenwick holds occasional services in French; Biviere du Loup, wliere elTorts are being made to benetit spiritually the Boman Cai,holic popnlii- tion, and St. Louis de Gouzague, where a French pastor, the Bev. C. Brouillette, has recently been inducted, and where he has access to a large French Cathohc community. The ,,f Fren least I'^i next As! Co. ESKO> Mai Am .VlK Col (ios Ml Sill Siu Sill \Vi Mi Koi Til Keut- Til Kill Hill l>ii C'lii Cht Bothwill Son LllLUbtl JOINT KNCiLISH AND FEENCH WOBK. One very imjiortant feature in regard to the French evangelization work of the Church, is iu connection with its bearing on Home Mission work, especially in the Province of Quebec. The fact is apparent that, apart from the city of ^lontrenl and one or two other points, the Eu(;lish population is yearly decreasing, and there are at jiresent u large number of districts with a s]iarse Englisli speakmg Protestant population — whose places are gradually being taken by French Bomanists — where, if Gospel ordinances are to be maintained at all, it must be by means of missionaries able to minister to the wants of the English-speaking section, and at the same time to make inroads on the French community. In such districts it is to the interests of the English- sjieaking Protestants to have a missionary who cfin preach in both languages, so as to ensure their having ordinances maintained among them at all, while at the same time it is in the interests of J'"rench evangelization to have the co-operation and moral sujiport of the Engli.-h- sneaking community in making inroads on the masses of French Bomanists by whom they are BiU'roundod — without which co-operation and support it would, in many instances, bo hazardous to imdertake mission work at all. In some of these districts the number of English-speaking Protestants is so rapidly diminishing, owing to emigration and other causes, that if a foothold is to be maintained, active, energetic steps must be taken without delay to plant missionarii-s ipiali- lied to conduct ser\ ices iu both languages. The future of our Church in the Province of (^uehec depends, under God, not so much upon our Home ^lission Committee, in granting supplements to sustam ministers in weak and struggling English-speaking congregations, as upon cordial co- oiieration and united action on the part both of our Home Mission Committee and our Board of Fre)uh evangelization in giving the gospel, by means of missionaries able to speak in both languages, to the English and French communities. FBENCn I'0rrL.\TI0N OF TUE DOMINION. jSjn erroneous idea exists in the minds of most of our people as to the /ieM for French Evangelistic effort. Many suppose that it is confined exclusively or nearly so to the Pro\-ince of Quebec. A glance at the census returns of 1871 shows that in the Province of Ontario tJiere are upwards of 75, 'lOO French-.speaking people. \M)il« these are scattered all through the Province (as will be seen from the sulijoincd statistics) — there being some in every one of the ninety electoral districts — there are grouped together from one to two thousand in each of no le*8 than sixteen differiiit towushijis, and upwards of two hundred iu each of sixty-eight other township-;. In th" Province of New liruuswick there are 45,000, and in that of Nova iScotia, 3;?,iiu0 French-.-jieaking people. If to these are added the large numbers in the Province of Manitoba, as well as those iu Newfouudlaud and Prince Edward Island, it will be seen that Frencli Evangelistic effort needs by no means be confined to the Iroviu'ie of Quebec. Indeed there is scarcely au,y limit to this department of the Church's work in the Dominion. The task cdiumitteJ to the IJoard of French Evangelization is assmedly a herculean one, and one that will tax to the uttermost the energies of the Church for many a long year to come. Self-interest, the politicd, social, moral aud religious liberties of our children, and the future destiny of our Dominion, all dem.iiul that vigilant and unremitting eff'ort be jiut forth for the evangelization of the l,'_'.30.t»(lO of our French-speaking fellowcitizens, the vast ma>s of whom are at present ignorant of the way of snKation through a crucified Bedeemer. El^ APPENDIX. CXIX. e most uetivi THE FRENCH POPULATION OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. The following statistics, cdmpilcil from tlio otrieial returns Of 1871, show the poimlution of French oiifrin in those luunicipiilities of Ontario where the number of such reaches at Irast I'tO. How far these are supplied with the means of j^'race, the I3oaril hope to repi rt to next Assemblv : Co. Ekkcx— Maiden 729 Aniherstburt,' 5.").! Aiidcnlon Hl,5 C'dU'liestor iiT'.l (T(]Stieia i:.7 Mrrsea 217 SuiKhvicii (town) Cf.") Suiiilwicli, Knst Hi(it) SiuKhvicli, West l'.)7o Win. Isor (town) Ill Mai.lstor.o I'.i:! IfoclU'ster 111.'. Tilbury, West IJ'.Hi Kent— Tilburv, East :!47 Knlei«h 190 Hiu-wich 1'27 Dover 17('pi> f'hatlunii "lOi; Chathani (town) ii'M Bothw.ai— Soiiihra 205 Liimbton — Mooro 2'.l.5 Sarnia 107 Sarnia (town) 172 El^'in. K.- Variiioutli lO;') Malahiilo i;iO ISavbam 102 Norfollv.S ^ Walsingham 274 Cliarlotteville 145 lliildimaiul — Hainham 191! WoUand- Humberstoue 121 Wilioughby 190 Lincoln — Granth am 115 St. Catbai-ines (town)... 152 Haron, S.— Stephen 150 Hay 254 Stanley 190 Brace. S.— Carrick ■128 Perth - Lofjau 108 Waterloo, S.— Wilmot 489 Waterloo, N.— Wolleslev 242 Woolwich 12i) Waterloo, N 359 Simcoe, N.— Snunidale 211 Tiny 1807 Tay 376 York,N.— King 135 York, N.--Coa.— G willimbury N Georgiua York, K.— Scarboro Toroijtii- C.ity Ontario, S.— riekeriut; Ontario, \.— Vxliridge Iteacli Viot(n'iii, S.— Lindsay (town) Nortlnniiberi'd, K. — ]iri,L;liton Mnrray I'ercv Seymour Peterboro — Town Prince Kdward — Ameliasburg Sopbiasburg Hastings, W.— Sidney Trenton (village) Belleville (town) Hastings, 10. — Tliurlow Tyendinaga Hnnj^erford Hastings, N. — Madoo Marmora Lake Klzevir, Grimsthorpe... Addington— Camden East K aladar, Anglesea Palmerston, Canonto -. Frontonac— Portsmouth (vill.) Garden Island _ Wolfe Island Pittsburg, Howe Inland K'jgston — City Leeds. S. — Gananoque (vilL) Crosby, N „ Brockvillo— Town Grenville— Augusta Prescott (town) Edwardbburg Dundas— Matilda Williamsburg Morrisburg (village) Mountain Winchester 114 17G 124 572 100 112 145 317 101 119 242 132 510 202 132 183 330 42S 219 190 595 100 118 261 121 140 140 102 173 289 303 237 106 570 186 245 194 1.^ 211 129 207 290 Stoi'iuont— Osuabruck Finch Koxborough Cornwall- Town Cornwall— Towushii> Glenga rry— Cbiirlottenburg liancaster Ke\iyou Locbiel Prescott— Hawkesbury, K \V " Village .. Longueuil Caledonia Alfred Plautageuet, N S Uussell— Clarence Cambridge ('umborland Kussell Gloucester Ottawa — City Carloton Nepean Crower, N Lanark, S. — Smith's Falls Lanark, N.— Darling Renfrew, S.— Aruprior (vill) ^vlatawat.l'.an, Griffith.. Kenfrew (village) Aduiaston Grattau Renfrew, N.— Westmeath Pembroke (villagel Staltonl Alice, Frasor Petawawa Kolpb, Huchanaa [ Wylie, McKay ) Parry Sound - Magauetawan Algonia, K — Spanish Kiver Killarney Algoma, C, - Bruce Minos Sault Ste. Marie Algoma, W.— Kamiuistiquia Total of French origin » in Ontario. / ' 350 405 511 323 644 1262 047 2.s(i 412 2l'i01 515 N44 1223 l;i9 i:i4S 1892 734 1900 149 739 1290 1084 7214 497 140 114 LJO 291 109 184 140 225 462 .129 i:i7 188 103 114 100 ICS loo 250 286 100 5,3.h3 FINANCE. The Board regret that the accounts of the year 1875-76 were not audited in time for jjulilica- tiou ill the appendix to the minuteH of last Assembly. This was owing to no fault of the Executive, every effort having been made to have it done. They have, however, been carefully audited and certilied, the balance on hand at 1st .Tune, 1876, being ."S.'?, 770. 21).' Frfun tlie fuil liuancial statements accomi)anying this report, it will be observed that the receipts for tlie jia^t year from all sources for the ordinary fund amounted to ^30, o7S. 79. Of this amount SI, ',177. o") • We certify that we have audited the Books of Mr, A. B. Stewart, the late Treasnrm- of the Board crmipared the entries with tlie Vouchers, and ttnd the same correct, the balance in the treasury on 1st June, 1876, being Three tbousanil seven hundred and seventy dollars and twentv-nino cents. ALEX, MOFFAT, A. MACPHEKSOX, ) Aiiditnr!', cxx. APPENDIX. was received by Rt Dr. McGregor in Halifax, an(u-tant department of the Church's work, the Board earnestly solicit the prayers and sym])athy and increasing liberality of all the friends of the Mis- ,'^iou, and i'.liove alL the continuance of the Di\-ine blessing and favoiu-, without which all elje is vain. All which is respecifully submitted, D. H. MACVICAR, LL.D.. Chairman. R. H. ^YAliDE^:, Sccretary-Tnasurer. 210 St. J.\mes Steeet, MoNTKEiL, l.j/ June. 1877. FORM OF BEQUE T. I GIVE and bequeath to the Ire^asnror, for the time binug, of the Board of French Evan- gelization of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, iu tru>t for the said Board the sum of to be jiu'd out of my personal estate, with- out any deduction whatever ; and I direct that the receipt f i >r the said sum of the Treasurer of the above named BoAnn oe French Evangelization shall oustitute and be sufficient discharge therefor. [N.B. — The accounts liere presented are mere abstracts, A full financial statement with the names of all contributors was appended to the Report (jf the Boanl as presi-nted to the General Assembly. Copies of this have been forwarded to all contributors, etc. Extra copies can be had on application to the Secretary- Treasurer.^ BOARD OF FRENCH EVANGELIZATION. ORDINARY FUND. Presbyterian Clmrc/i in Canada, in account with Rev. R. H. Warden, Treasurer, RECEIPTS. By Balance on hand 1st June, 1876 §3770 29 Cash received from 1st June, 1870, to 1st May, 1877 — Congregational Contributions 89689 22 Sabbath School " i469 l*i APPENDIX. CXXl. Contributions from Parent Churches 2425 91 Contributions from Great Britain and Ireland per Rev. R. CampbeU, M.A 2505 5G Bequests 10111 ti3 Miscellaneous Coutributions 2188 85 Interest 28-150 33 150 91 $32371 53 DISnUBSEMENTS. To Salaries paid Missionaries, Colporteurs, and Agents Mortgage on Piussull Hall Loan repaid ^liuistors' Widows' and Orphan's Fund (Church of Scotland) Canning Stiuet Church Ground on account Transferred to Canning Street Church Building Fund Interest on Mortgages and Loans Koofiug Husscll Hall, and other repairs, Furniture, etc Fuel, Kussell Hall, Canning Street Church, and St. Anne, 111 Insurance, Gas, Water, and other assessments Notaries" Fees Printing lieports. Circulars, etc., Stationery, Bibles and Books for Mission Schools Montreal College, French Department, Salary of Lecturer, etc Balance on hand, 1st May, 1877 Montreal, 18M May, 1877. ? 132-14 30 10000 00 800 no 1308 00 ISfil 08 17G2 58 405 91) 237 15 245 73 39 13 440 m 1025 50 1001 42 832371 53 BUILDING FUND. Canvinfj Street French Church, Montreal, in account ivith Rev. li. H. Warden, Treasurer. HECEIPTS. By Contributions- City of Montreal »2191 76 Miscellaneous, other than in Montreal 1181 72 Amount transferred fi im Ordinary Fund 1861 08 ■ »5234 56 DISBCESEMENTS. To Paid J. Morrison, Builder, as per Contract $3945 00 Extras 427 75 »4372 76 Paid for Furnishings — Tees Brothers, Seats, also Desks for Schools 368 55 Atkinson k Co.. Chandeliers and Lamps 95 95 Clendinning, Furnaces 84 20 Baylis, Matting, etc 69 15 Patton, Plumbing work 25 00 Sandhani, Decorations 28 00 Extras, Pulpit Bible, Collection Plates, etc 31 65 702 50 Paid Expenses of Opening Services — Travelling Expenses, etc., of Supply 45 00 Advertising and Printing 38 13 83 13 Paid Interest on Note Discounted 72 24 Paid Discount on Money, Postage, etc 3 94 85234 56 Mission Premises at Namur, Quebec, in account tcith Rev. R. H. Warden, Treasurer. RECEIPTS. By Contributions #410 33 Balance due Treasurer Isi May, 1877 38 21 »448 54 DISBURSEMENTS To paid on account of the erection of ihe building, including material, etc $448 54 I I fi ' Ml' CXXll. APPENDIX. Misshti. Proniscs at St. I'dul dc Chester, Quebec, in account with I'wc. R. II. ]Varili'ii, Treasurer. RECEIPTS. . By conti'ibutious ■'?182 ;i8 DI81iL'BSEMENTS. To balance on baud, 1st May, 1877 ?' 82 as Mis.siua Premises at St. Antoine Abbe, (Juebec, in account with Ucr. U. II. Wartliii, Treasurer. BECEIPTS. By contributions ?1;J8 '>0 rilSRURSEVENTS. To balance on band 1st May, 1877 H'^H 'lO MONTHEAL, 18//^ J/,?)', 1877. BALANCE SHEET, lax MAi', 1877. 11H. (.'i;. Ordinary I' and •§].,Oi)l t> Building Fund, Canning Street Church, Montreal Mission Promises, Namur, Que .s;^.S 21 " " •' St. Piiul de Chester 182 MS '% •' " St. Antoine Abbe l.-Jh .JO Cash in Merchants' Bank 1.'284 09 ^..■522 30 §i,3i>2 ,30 We certify that we have examined the Books and Acceiiul? oi in' Ilev. R. H. Warpi x, as Treasurer of the Board of French EvauLjrlization, and t'nd the satu'- .Trectly vouched, aud kei)t in m(jst admirable order, the balances being as aln ve state '. A. MACPHERSON, ) , ,., ff \. Auditors. MoNTBBAL, 2m May, 1877.'! ALEX. MOFFAT, j — a ORDINARY FUND — MAIUTIME PROVINCE SECTION. Preshijterian Church in Canada, in account with Rev. P. G. McGregor, Treasurer. RECEIPTS. By Balance on hand Ist May, I87t5 8161 37 Contributionsasper acknowledgement, in August A'l'ccra' 819 75 Sept. " 394 14 •• " October " 2r)l 05 " " " NoY. " 118 41 " ■' " January " 39() 32 " " " February " 101 90 " " Mar. ' " 2o9 23 " Apnt " 100 Oti " May " «I 93 " •' " .Tune " 133 HI " " •' July " il '25 fr.^t, Co n He'.<^ not In Avor,; r, 07 " crea'.;.eu 'jv i.j'f.iaj£e to Foreign Missions iu Jaiiuitfy P ■:'*r ■ i, , ,, ,,,,. 6 40 1977 55 S2438 n 1 iwv^ APPENDIX. CXXlll. DlSIirUSEMEN'TS. To Mr. Iiivard, balance duo W 00 Mr. I. P. 15nuuaii, Missitmari' 'J.'iU |0 Rev. E. D. IVUrtier 71-j 7-3 Kcv. M. U. I'p.radis 7S1 CO Statiouurv, po^ta^'c, ami I'xpeiise of Drafts, V2 H'.i Iicv. Dr. Wiitor^. for copyini,' press, posta^'e, etc 12 (lO Dedur.'tidii inim Sheet Harbor Remittance i) ."lO Proportion of Aj,'','Ut's salary 2(10 00 Balance on band 1st May, 1877 Ki'i .V-S H.vLUAs, 21j/ .]/dv, 1«77. ?24.iS ','2 LIAHirjTIES OF THE BOARD OX Isr :\rAY, 1S77. Mortga^-es on RussoU Hall j'rc^perty .•^I(),(l0i) 0() Mo]tx'aj,'e-s on Canning Street I'roiierty 1, tiH) 00 Mort;,'a!,'es on Dorchester St. Church, M'Hitreal 2,147 12 Mission Premises being erected at St. Paul de Chester and St. Autoine Abbe, say l.oOO 00 »17,sl7 12 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 1877-78. To enable the Boaid to carry on elliciently the work during the (iusuiiig year, the sum of •ii2-<,000 will be r>>ipiired for mrn-iif :xpcn,litH>\-. This estimate does not include the amounts at ]ireseut ilue on Ihiihlings, as above given. In addition to the balance on hanil at ist May, the ^um of ?iO,UO0 will be reiiuired prior to ist October iir.xt, to meet the salaries of Missionaries then due. SABBATH SCHOOL EEPORT. Sabbatli t of the • Lond'H Sabbath insion that ditYer ma- liientiou to all ;r value. And The various communications and reports received by the Com-cni-r of your I'ommittee are not as numerous and full as in former years, nor do they furnish much that is new to the Assembly. They almost all give a list of subjects which were discussed at the various School Con-ciitious, and Scilfniiits of Presbyteries, but many of these subjects have been mentioaed in former rejjorts. Cue reason, no doubt, why more and fuller communications were not sent is, that last year's report was not read before the Assembly, but was laid on the table. Every report received this vear mentions the fact and regrets it. To give a synopsis of what has been done this year woi 'I not add anything new to what has been brought before tlie Assembly on former occasions; r» 1 very much would be a repetition of last j'ear's report. It is quite evideMt, however, from what has been recei'^ed, that the impidse towai School work is greatly on the increase all over the Church. During the past year Presbyteries and Synods have bad their attention turned to this important matter. lUid Hamilton Synod unanimously agreed to give two Sederunts to the discussii School subjects. In every Court of the Church, except the Assembly, thero is no ■ evokes a more profouxid interest. Your Committee do not think it necessary to draw up a report wlibdi would terially from that presented last year, but they ask the Assembly to ])ay special the rcconiiitcndatiims of last year's report, as being in their judgment of permai' to these they add two others : 1. That more importance be attached to ■ , '1? |B Ml ''^ ex XIV. APPENDIX. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SABBATH OBSERVANCE. To the General Assi'vihly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada : Your committee acknowledge that they are not in 'i position to present a report of much interest, especially as regards efforts put foith during the year. The circumstances iu which they are ])liiced have jireciuded the opportunity of a meeting for consultation, and agreement on matter to lie presented in their report. This, however, is less to he regretted, as from i)revious reports the Gi-neral Assembly is already iu jiossession of extensive information as t(» the various forms of Sahbath desecration existing in different parts of the Dominion. These painful facts still riMpiire to be kept before tlio Church which you represent, that every member of it may be led to persevere in consistent and united elTorts to remove prevailing sinful practices, and to resist encroachments on the sanctity of the Lord's Day. Infornuition has not reached your Committee of any marked increase of Sabbath profanation in its ordinary chauntds, or of the develojunent of any new forms of this otTence against good morals und^Ood's Law. At the same time your committee cannot report satisfactory progress in endeavours to lessen the existing violations of I'ivine Law; nor can they ])oint to the .success of the measures of the previous year as commensurate with the etforts put forth, or eipial to the ex- pectations raised, liailway tralhc is still carried on, it is believed as extensively as ever. Postal communication is also, it is feared, increasingly open on the fjord's l)ay. Other forms of the evil appear to maintain their ground with undiminished force. Aftei' tlie opening of the Intercolonial Kaihvay last summer, the running of trains was in some degree allowed on the Sabbath, resulting in an increase of the desecration of the day iu the Pro- vince of Nova Scotia. This was promptly and energetically (jpposed, especially by the Presbytery of Truro. A (inference of the friends of the Sabbath, representing different Christian denomi- nations, was held in Truro last autumn. As a result of the conference, strong and decided representations were made to the general (iovernment on the subject. The railway authorities then made arraiij'.'ments which partly lessened the trailic complained of. But very soon, on the occasion of the departure of the r.uglish mail from Halifax in the British steamers, an increased number of trains came rolling into Halifax on the Lord's Daj'. This, with the conveyance of large mails to the wharf, and the de])arture of the steamers on the same day, produced a greater amount of Sabbiith desecration thru previously existed. Such a glarh:;-' aid public otTeuce, and committed by < lilcers of the Government, ought not to continue, or to be repeated. Much credit is due to the I'resbytery of Truro for its prompt and well-timed action. In vitw of the numerous forms of Sabbath desecration, the Church represented by the Ceneral Assembly is undeniably called on by her Divine Head to continue her testimony again- 1 these, and to use every legitimate means to eradicate the evil. Her pulpits should give forth no uncertain sound on this subject. The sin of breaking the fourth commandment ought to be exhibited in its true colours, and most pernicious conseipienees. The great value of a Scriptural observance of the Lord's Day in Hs moral and spiritual advantages, ought iu be pre- sented with frequency and force. Sabbati, .Schools can do much to imbue the mind.s of the young with the love of the "one day in seven." Parental instruction and example ought to be very decided and consistent on this vitally important subject. P^very member of the Church should discountenance the shghtest breach of the precious command, and ought conscientiously " to spend the whole of the sacred day in the public and private exercises of (.Jod's worslup, except lb (occupied in the works of necessity and mercy." Widely extended as the Church is, and numerous as are its members, were the jiractice thus recommended universal, a most important inlluei 31 would be exerted throughout the Dominion in favour of the due sanctificatiou of the Lord's Day. But without this, committees may report and recommend, and General Assembhes may agree and resolve, yet the sin of Sal)bath desecration will prevail and advance. Sabbath profanation, lil .■ every moral ami spiritual disease, has a strong tendency to increase. This is specially observable in this bustling and trallicking age. Hailway trains can with dithculty be made to stiMid still. Telegraph messages are very reluctantly laid aside. A iiews-loWug and money-making people can scarcely be restrained from indulging in the pleasure that comes through the post ollice, even though the Great Jehovah be dishonored thereby. All this loudly calls for inereaseo. activity on the jiart of the Church of Christ. Here, as elsewhere, " (Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." The followers of Christ must unitedly, decidedly, and continually resist encroachments on the Lord's Day f-om the "world, the flesh, and the devil.' O]iposition to these enemies of God and man is nible, it is Christ-like, and cannot \)i' altogether unavailing. Nor will it be unrewarded. 'When individual eilon fails in preventing open acts of transgression against the law of the Sabbath, let apidication be made to the courts of the t'burch. Our Precbyterian .system alTo-ds a fine oiiportunity of doing this. Jiet sessions report faithfully to Presbyteri* .? the offences of which they are cognizant. Then. Presliyteries can bring the subject under the notice oi Synods, or report the matter to the Assembly's Committee. Tlius, the comlaned action and influence of the whole Presbyterian Church of the Doniinioji may he brought to bear oti Ih'ce who openly violate the law of God, and often also the law of the land. Vour Committee lo(jk tut co-operation of this kind. Without this, they cannot be expected to be well informed of tlie existence or progres.^ of the evils connected with the subject whicli they have bee/j unjiointed to guard. Ou 1c. APPENDIX. C'XXV. tlie question of Sabbath oljservdm-e, well may it be Buid, "the Church expects every muu to Jo liis duty." In dosing, your Committee do not see cause to locommend any Hpeeial line of imblic action lieyond the Hnnj,'estions already ntTeri'd. In the event, however, of tlu^ incri'ase of Sabbatii dese- cration on public work^, the General Assembly, through its accredited otlicers, duuht decididly to remind the Premier of the Doiiiiuion (iovernnient of his iissuynfic; giv -n during; tlie diseus^iun nf the subject in I'arliiiment in 187(!, " that the (rcivurnment would do whatever wa-; in their power to better the ciuestiou.'' All which is respectfnliy submitted, ROBERT LAIRD, i-i:.■ci|^lino. It was found im]iractical)le for tiie members of the Cdmmiltee in the ". : i'ime Provinces to attend the meetings, and, in order to jbtain the lieuelit of their assistuuc \\. v,as intended that they should have an oi)portunity of examining the work as revi^,ed and making sug:.,'estions, which would be considered at a meeting of the whole Committee during the jiresent Assembly. It has been found irapustained a great loss by the death (if Mr. Ai'chi- bald Ferguson, which took place in the month of October last. For twenty-one years Mr. Fer- guson had been a member (>f the Hoard. For the last twelve years he was its treasurer. In that capacity, and without emolu)uent, he devoted a large amnunt of time and labor to the manage- ment of its affairs, and to his diligence and prudence is dui', in a lar^o measmc, the preseait pros- perous condition of the Fund. Mr. .lames Croil of Montreal was appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Board en the '27th of October last. ('//(/;/:,'«.- Mrs. Janet Thom. widow of the late tU'v. .Tames Thorn of Woolwich, Ont., dii t nntho Mrs. Thorn had been an annuitant on the Finid since 2Hth Nov., 18()K. Two Mrs. Hogg of •J-ind March la 4. ■vidows have been added to the list .of amutitants during the past year, namely, Guelph, and iXi^. 'tawsn of King. Neitln'r of them have families mider age. 4iiniiilm. — The number of annitants for the current half-year Is forty, and the number of children, iinip'r age, receiving benefit from the fund, is twenty-eight. TIk- annuitie- lan^'e from .'?82 to S:50Udt)er annum. The whole amount to be paid for the current half-year is .rj'J.f^Ki. lin\'stimiils. — The Funds of the Board are chiefly invested in Mortgages on real estate. The amoiuit invested is .?8l,708.50,the yearly interest thereon is ;5G,"280.'2n ; the average rate of inter- CXSVl. APPENDIX. est being 7h per cent jicr iinnum. Tlic ecinh in bunk, and tlif interest due lat Juno — the ilnte ol last report— lunount to 81, 1'iT.l'^, nmkin^,' th(( wiiolc AssctH IBsO.ISo.Oh. Paynitriits. — The amount paitl to wiilow.s ami orphans was .>!5, 100. There was iuvtsteil the sum of JiO.l'ia.SO; of this amount .■ril,O0tl.25 was derived from returned loans. Coiitril'iilions. — Tlie contributions received from Ministers anifiuiited to S'l.'Xi- : /. <'., 812 fr^iiii each minister. Th(! con^'rej^'utional collections amounted to .*'2,()8.").o'.) a> jur detailed statement. Thciutiofi ill Lnu taken a^jainst the boaid at the instunco of the Rev. William .*simpson, to wLiuli reference wiis made in last rejMirt, was vi(!cided by the Court of t^ueen's liench in favor of tin Board. The followinj,' statement to whieh is appended ininted copy of the Act of Incorporation, ami amenilment thereto, together with a copy of the Rules and Hy-laws of the IJoard, arc .submitt'il for the inforniation of the (ieiieial Assembly of the Presbyterian ('Imich in Canada. The iioiud was incorporated by an Act of thi^ Lef,'islature of the Province (jf (^aiu.da, 10th and Uth Met., Cap. lo.'i, 2Hth .July, bslT. This Act provides that the corporation shall always cnu- sist of twelve members, four of whom shall be Minister.s, and eight shall bo liaymcn. The said AcL ipoweis a majority of the e grant an annuity exceeding 585. In the case of Widow.s having children, nniles under eighteen years, and females iinder twenty-one years of age, an additional payment is nuule on the scale following : — For one cliild $16 j)er annum. " t"\j children 28 " " " tlireo " 36 " '• fom- " 40 " " .\ud .S4 per annum for each additional child. Prior to the union of the Churches, to wit, in February, 1875. an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec was passed— 38 Victoria, Cap. :'1 — to amend the first cited Act of lu- corjuiiation. This Act makes provision for the separate istence and management of the lund. until such time as an equitable arrangement shall li:ive been agreed upon by the Genend Assembly of the Presbytei'iau Church in Canada for amab- "latiugthe several fund< existing prior to the union. APPENDIX. CXXVU. StrlioH 2 of saiil Act jirovidcs that tho mnnaRors df tlie Fuml, at the datt of tlie imion, hIihII not rfMiniri! to be clccti'i pcrioilieally, as foriniTly, but sliiill contiuuo in oflicc, iinleHS tlicy i<'Hipii or oift--(' to bti iiicmliers or adlitMcnts (if tlic Cnitcil Clmrch. aiul that vacaiich's occurriuK iu the Board shall he tilled iiji from time to tiiucb.- the rciuaiiiiag uienihorH (jf the IJnard. St\/i\>>i J authorizeH the iiayniiut of anuuitits at a rate not leHS than jinvious to the union to Widow.H and Oijihans. StYfioi 4 jirovides fur a union of tho Fuu1 <"'' Interest 5,53:1 36 Principal repaid 10,202 14 g!27,120 28 There has been expended — In pavment of Annuities 85,000 00 Invested ." 11.482 76 Transferred to F'u'id for Aged and Infirm Ministers 1,250 00 Transmitted to James Croil, Es(| 63 00 Printing and Advertising 24 37 Proportiim of General Expenses 350 00 Proportion of Salary 525 00 Balance, Cash and temporarv Loans 8.431 15 S27.126 28 4. Tho number of Annuitants nt the date of the last report was 33, the present number is 39, and of these, as required by the Assembly, a list is annexed. 5. Two applications have been made to the Committee with which 'they are not competent to deal ; they are therefore referred to the General Assembly for {n.^itructions. 6. Mrs. Traver, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Traver, of Brockvdle, has applied to be placed ou th..' list of annuitants, although her husband, who was for eight years a minister of the Church, r inn ■ 1 CXXVlll. APPENDIX. had novor connected liimsolf with the Fnnd. Mrs. Travfir oxpr-ctcd to derive a sutVicifnt inonma from tlio intpi'i'st nf money, the procoeds of an Insuranco elTrctcd by Mr. Travrr on liis \iU\ with an " Aniorican Insuran*'!' ('()in))rtny," Imt instead of Hcvcnil tlioiiHund dollars, h]h' Iuih been nMe, after Kroat dillicultiofl, to recover only two luindrctd dollarw. MrH. Traver iH willing to ))ay t.\ieb anioiuit of feeft and interest an may be tliouKht proper. 7. The Kev. (ieoi>,'e Flett hiiH applied to be iillowecl to eonuect himself with the Fund, nl. thouKli at the time of his ordination he was over sixty years of age. This appliiulion has Ijeeii made on behalf of Mr. Flett through tlio Presbytery of ^lunitoba. All 'vliich is rospi'clfiiUy submitted. T. W. TAYLOR, 7<'/«/ Cottwmr. 1. 2. •A. 4. 0. (). 7. 8. 'J. 10. 11. 12. i;«. 11. 15. Ifi. 17. 18. 19. Ml E. .7. McKinnon. .hme Hiirri'n. Henrietta McArthur. A. M. (iir'Kie. Jane AVit,'hUniin. .loniinia Mcliean .Tessio Young. H. I). Henry. Annie (ilassford. C. Rintoul. E. Esso)i. Violot Sliinner. .lane liid.h'U. E. liiiikie. Martha Fiindsay. Annie MeLachlnn. ('at)ierine C'aiupb(;ll. C. McLean. Elizabeth Stewart, LIST or ANNU1T.\NT8. 20. Mrs. A'lni 21. 22. 2:j. 24. Miilcdlm. Aunubellii liethune. M. A. Harris. (iracii McLean. E. J3. r.urns. 2."). " Clara H. Ueinielsdn 2(1. " M. C. Milne. 27. " E. L. Fiiyetto. 28. " Margaret .lenninRH. 2!». " E. W. Thomson. iJO. " C. McK.nzie. 8L •' Mary McColl, 32. " .lane H. (Iriiv. W.\. " Sarah Smnrt. 34. Mr. Murdoch's Orphans. 35. Ori)hau Child of the late 30. " Children 37. Elizabeth McTican. — Xo piiynient ha yet been made. Mr. Tjundv. Mr. Ni>lM't. REPORT OP THE WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND OF THE LOWER PROVINCES. The Trustees of the Presbyterian Ministers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund for the Lower Pro- vinces beg leave to report: That the receipts during the past year has been as follows: — From Meml)ers' dues $l.0r)5 00 " Interests and Dividends 1,050 70 " Donations 27 84 " Fines 7 22 S2.150 70 During the year the two widows, Mrs. A. Olendinuing, and Mrs. Dr. llayne, each with an orphan child under sixteen years of age, have come upon tJie fund and have received the half- yearly annuity payable on the 1st .January last, making the total expenditure as follows :— Payment to six widows at ?120 S720 one " (10 00 " two " ." six months 120 " three orphans at t'2() 00 " four " 10 I'll " two " six mouths 20 SL074 leaving a balance of Sil,076.70 to bo added to the capital fund, which now amounts to $20,472.27, to which, however, is to be added the intcri'st on shares of tin Ihiildiiij,' Society accrued, but not yet entered in the Treasurer's books, amounting to $1,558.10, making our total capital fund .'^22.030.43, which with cash in the Treasurer's hands, makes our assists 1?22, 135.03. To this might also be added the increase in the value of stocks, and arrears diie from members, which would make our total assets nearly $23,000. The receipts during the jiast year have been slightly short of those of the previous year, the deliciency being .S80.50, and lieing entirely in the paj'ment of uiembev^' dues, the cause doubtksa being that members have delayed paying, in the expectation that by the nrrangemeiits of the new fund, they will only require to pay at a lower rate than they have been hitherto doing. APPENDIX. CXXIX. By tlip liy-lawBof tlio fiiml, no cliaii^'i' can be mado in tlio regulivtions utToctiiiK tlio iiih'r<«Htsof nirmliors without tlrst liuiii^' HiOimittoil to a iiU'Otini^ uf all tlioMt.' ('(iniiccti'cl witli tiic fuiicl, iiml iip- liiiivcil liya inajcjiity of tlio.so incsciit. AincitiiiK wan aocnriiiiiKly rallid, at tlii' tiiiir i^f the ini'( I'lovinci.'- in OotoliiT liiHt, at wliicli it was rcHolviMl tiiat tlif Trii-ti'i'M be iiutlii>ri/i'il to conipli^tc ai'ran(,'iiiit'nt- fur tlir union of tliiH fuiul with thu W'iilowH' Finiil of thi> ithcr liodit's now unitt'd, on tcnn> that tlii'v may derm iu>t to tho-^t- inlcii'Htcd. Tlie Tni^tct's liavo. tliiTcfori), conHidLTcd the iiroiioscil ic^'ulations for thi' unitod fimd, and Iuivd n^Tcfcl to recommend that thcro ho added to Rule I, wliut tiny und' inland was a^'n-ed on ly Vw coinniittiMi lit Moiitieul, which pri'jiared tlu-e rcKuliition-', liiit was In' some iiiistaico uiuittcd, " Tlial all those now in KO'xl fitiinding upon this fund he admitted to tli" henetit of the new fund at thii lowest rate projio-ed, viz : eij^lii dollars p-r annum from each mil. inter, and that all those ministers of tlie lato Preshyterian Church (.f the I.owir PiovinceH, who have not hitherto contrihiitid to tlio fund, he admitted on the same terms, witli those hereafter ordained, >iihjc('t also tr> liide 11, as to arrears," hut they would sii<,'gest that in no cii-e should arrears bo charKed for more than four years. Tlio Trustees would also submit to tlio (reneral A!*senibly their opiniim, that the arranKO- inents propo-^ed in liuin 7, re^-aiilin).; ehildieii deprived of both jiaronts, of ^'ivinj,' one luphan 51."iO, hut the second only l^iin, or .SI"') for tlio two, and for an increiixd niinih( r of oiphans at ;i still diuiinishin^; rate, to be uiieipial and unwise. They see no reason why the iimouiit should not ho eipiiil, say Irli) for eui'b orphan. This would not give as much for a small family, but would Kivo a lar^e'r amount for a lar^'o one. If, however, tho tieneral .Vssombly would -till adliero to the idea of a f,'raduatod scale, the Trustees would rospoctfiilly but earnestly recommend, that ii luoro e(|ual rate be a.lopted, say for («ne oriihaii $C)(), for tho second S.'jO, for the third SM, atul for each additional S'MK The Trustees, moreover, do not consider, that there is an> reason for continiiiiii.' the annuity to sirls to a later age than to hoys. The Trustees in view of the aniiilj,'iiniation of their fund with the' funds of the other bodies now united, have agreed to iilace on their rocoid an expression of their deej> obli^'ati(Uis to Howard I'lirarose. Esq., their Treasurer, for the manner in which lie has kept the accounts of tho fund and managed all our financial allairs for upwards of twelve years, not only without remuner- iitioii, hut without claim for expenses, and the jiri'^ound gratitude due to him fnun o\(^iy jierson I'onnected with tho fund. They have also placed o.i their records a similar expression of their sense of tho services of their Secretary, and have reniiosted each of them to accept the sum of 8200 as a small acknowledgment of the oliliga'ior.s uu ler which all connected with the fund are jilaced to them. The Trustees have also to acknowledge the loss su-tained by the death of their Chairman, the late Dr. liayne, and have elected tb.o llev. D. 15, Blair t arc strictly (enforced, in the event of death occurring in the meaB time, forfi ued the title of tlair families to i)artici])ate in the benefit of the fund. The number of Sul)scriberH is (as per Ust annexed) 14 These may be divided into 4 classes, viz. — ist. — Those who have paid up all due^ and whose congi'egations have forwarded collections annually 5 2nd. — Those who have ]iaid up all dues, but whose congregations have forwarded only one collection 4 3rd. — Those who have paid up all dues, but whose congregations have forwarded no collection 2 4th. — Those who have i)aid only one year's dues and whose congregations have forwarded only one collection 3 14 Memo.— The schemt has been in operntiou for only two years, tbis being the third. There are two Ministers' widows receiving annuities from the fund, viz. : — Mrs. Donald ami Mrs. Keay, 1^(iO i ach. Application has repeatedly been made to the Committee for an increase of the amount jiaid to these widows, but as it had been fixed at %0 \)l't annum by the late Synod of the Maritime Provinces in connection with the Church of Scotland, previous to Union, the Committee did not fi'el authorised hitherto to accede to the application in view of the proposed amalgamation of the several funds ; but as the amalgamation i^ again delayed, and as the fund is in a good condition, the C'onimitteo would now recommend that instead of $C>0 per annum. 8120 be jtaid resjieetively to Mrs. Donald and Mrs. Keay. On account of the delay in amalgamating the various funds, cases are emerging that cannot be dealt with acccfrding to ordinary rules. Ministers who Were ni connection with the Kirk, are being called to cougreg; tions that were not; and congrega- tions that were comiected with the Kirk are calling ministers that were not. It is respectfully suggested that full jiower l)e given to the Committee to deiil with such individual cases as they occur (m an e(juitable basis, so that the interests of the fund shall not suffer. It is a fundamental i)rineiple of the fund,* that all who are entitled to its benelit shall pay a regular a inual rate, and make an annual congregational (.-oUection for it. In accordance with this, the Committee might liave struck otT the list of beneficiaries, cla.^ses 2, 3, and 4 before this ; but knowing that at the inception of such a fund delays and misunderstandings are inevitable in some cases, they would iiggest that th<' time allowed to those clashes to comply with the regulations be extended to December 31st of this year. All which is respectively submitted, J. J. BHEMNER, Convener. %lst May, 1877. For Uulos us to those o ■titluil to the beiielits of the Fuiul, see Heco>->T, Nov. IsT-l. i>. 'iOO. APPKNDIX. CXXXl. NAMES OF BENEFICIARIES. CLASS I. Tliosf who liavc jiaiil u]) all dues, and wbosi' C(iugregiition> Lavu forwarded colkctioua aumiiiUy — Eev. (ao. M. (irant, Malifiix. N.S. I Rov. A. Maclean, Belfast, I'.E.I. '• A. W. Herduiau, rictdU. N.S. | " .1. M. Sutherland, I'ligwash, N.S. Rev. W. Stewart, McLellau's Mountain. CLASS II. Those wlio have jiaid np all dues, but whose Conp-cfiations have only forwarded one auimal CMillcetiou— Rev. Dr. Brooke, Fredericton, N.B. '• R. McCunu, River John, N.S. Rcv. .las. Murray, Wallace, N.S. " J. D. I'atersou, St. John's, New'fld. CLASS III. Those who hove paid up all dues, hut whose Coufrregations have not forwarded any collections — Rev. Jno. Robertson, Tabusiutac, N,B. | Ikv. W. M. Wilson, Chatham, N.B. CLASS IV. * Those who have only paid one year's dues, and whose Congregations have only forwarded one annual collection — Rev. James Anderson, Newcastle, N.B. | Rev. J. W. Fraser, Roger'*; Hill, N.S. Rev. 1). Macrae, St. John, N.B. NAMES or WIDO*^. '",V ON TliE FCND. Mrs. Louisa Agnes Donald, St. John, N.B,, reiieiviug ftdO 00 per annum. " Alexina Keay, St. Andrew's, N. B . " 00 00 MINISTERS' WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND, LATE SYNOD OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, IN ACCOUNT WITH GEO. MITCHELL, Treasurer. 1876. Dr. July 21. To paid for P.O. Orders, to remit six months' allowance to 30th June, to Mrs. Donald, ».30, and Mrs. Keay, $30 «fiO 40 Nov. 23. For 1 share Bank of Nova Scotia, at 140 per cent 280 00 1877. Jan. 3. For P.O. Orders to remit six months' allowance to 31st Dec. 1876, to Mrs. Donald, $30, and Mrs. Keay $30 60 40 Feb. 28. Almon and Mackintosh, for ten shares Canadian Bank of Commerce, at 1'20 per cent 600 00 May 7. Postage at sundry times 1 00 " 28. N.S. Printing Co's. account for Postal Cards and printing. .. . 1 tiO " 31. Balance carried down 16'.) 0'2 §1172 4-2 1S76. • Cr. May 31. By Balance brought down as per account this dat(> .^U 84 July 21. Half-yearly dividend. Merchant's Bank of Halifax 43 20 " Six li^onths' interest on School 1 )eb<>ntiire3 "(HO Aug. 5. Six months' dividend Biiuk of Nova Scotia 168 00 15. Six months' dividend People's Bank of Halifax 5 60 Oct. 2!t. Collection from St. Matthi'w's Church, Halifax 100 00 Nov. 9, " St. Andrew's Church " 12 00 " 30. " Rev. W. Stewart's Cong., McLellan's Mount. '> 00 Aimual subscription from Rev. W. Stewart 12 00 Dec. 5. " " D. McRae, St. John, N.B 12 00 " Collection from St. Stephen's cong. " 13 00 " 8. Annual subscriptions for 1875-76, from Rev. A. Maclean, Belfast, P.E.I 24 00 " 9, Annual subifcription for 1876, from Rev. A. W. Herdman, Pictou 12 00 " 23. Collection from Rev. T. Tallach's cong., Amherst, N.S 18 2j m m cxxxu. 1877. Jan. 2. 20. " 30. " ;{1. Feb. 27. " 28. Mar. r,. " 7. " is! It Ai>ril 2. •' 2;i. May 81. APPENDIX. Uy Collection from St. Andrew's Chureli. I'icton, N.S St. Miitth.w's Church, Wallace, N.S Annual Buhscrijitions for l^i7^J-7<>, from IJov. Jas. Murray, Wallacr, N.S Six months intrrcst on Selio()l Dclicutures Annual suhscriptiims from l!ev. .1. M. Sutlierland, for 1875-70 Collection from I'li^'wash coUK'ri^'atiou for lH7')-7() Annual Mihscriptions for ls7i")-7<'), from Kev. .1. liobertsou, Tahusintac N.l> Six montlis" dividend ^firchants' Bank of Halifax " JJank of Nova Scotia Annual collection froui lirlfast, I'.E.I. con^'reKntion Six iiionths' dividend I'coide's Bank of ilaHfax Amount deposit nceijit withdrawn from Merchant's Bank of Halifax, ^'JloJiO, and intercut on sanu , s!().7"> Ann. subscription from Kev. .7. ]>. I'ntcrson, St. .Folm's, N'lkl. " Kev. l)r. Brooke, Fredericton, N.B. .. " for lN7.'i, Kev. Jas. Anderson. Newcastle, N. B. Collection from St. .lames' Church, Newcastle, N.K Annual subscriiitions for lH7,'j-7(;, from Kev. W. Wilson, Chathaiu. N.r> Collection frojii St. John's, Newfoundland, congregation Annual subscription from Kev. K. McCunn, Kiver John Collection from St. Cieorge's Church, Kiver John Kcceived from Kev. H. A. Kobertson, Erromangn, per Kev. r. G. Mc( i rigor Collection from St. Janus' Church, Charlottetown, P.E.I. , pur Kev. r. G. McGregor 2() 20 14 21 00 i) 80 24 00 10 00 24 00 4H 20 I7r, 00 10 44 !j (JO 220 •6r, 12 00 12 00 12 00 20 00 24 00 20 00 12 00 7 00 5 00 ;{0 00 ?1172 12 1877. May;n. By Balance in hands of Treasurer, brought down iWJ 02 1877. ^ ASSETS. ^lay :n. Twenty-two shares Bank of Nova Scotia each 8270.00 $0072 00 Twelve diaros Merchants' Bank of Halifax 118.80 142.5 00 Seven shares People's Bank of Halifax 20.40 184 80 Ten shari'S Canailian Bank of Commerce (iO.OO 000 00 Two City of Halifax School Debentures lOO.OO 200 00 Cash in Treasurer's hands 10i» 02 ?8(iol 12 H.\.urAX, N.S.,7«;/t' 7///, 1877. GEO. MITCHELL, Tn-asurer, IV. d- O. Fund. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE AGED AND INFIRM MINIS- TERS' FUND— WESTERN SECTION- 1877. Your Committee liavc to repoit that they began the ytar with fifteen names, exclusive of Jlr. Malcolm's, on their Koll. Mr. Malcolm's name has not appeared for some years, as the Com- niitteedid not know how to vi'fer to it. They have now to state that they, some time ago, paid the Provincial authorities of Ontario the &um of ^iJOO on his account, in lieu of all ]>ast claims, and tliat they are in ioires]iondence regarding his future maintenance. The terms when tixed will be madi' known to the Assembly. The Committee, as directed last year, made further en(|uiry regarding Mr. 1!. D. Mackr.y, and learned that he laboured for four years as .Minister in Wellesley, and for four or live years as Missionary, but with.uit Prcsbyterial recognition, within the bounds of the Presbytery of Ontario — that he had laboured in other places in this country for one year, for seven in connection with the original Seceders, and for one in the Free Church. It is for the Assembly now to dispone of bis case. APPENDIX. CXXXiLL The names on the Roll and the rates of payment for the- past year were : — J. Fotheringham JilHO 00 H. Gordon 2")() 00 D. Mackenzie 250 00 W. Smart 12;'j 00 (K) 00 00 I). CouLts 250 Wm. Lochead 250 Chas, Fletcher 250 J. Duff 250 00 D. MacMillan §250 00 G. Cheyue 250 00 J. R. Scott 250 00 J. G. Carruthers 100 00 J. Paterson 250 00 J )aniel Allan 250 00 J. Malcohn 335 00 Of these the name of Mr. Kmart is now removed by his death. The Committee agreed to admit the following to jmrticipate in the benefits of tlio Fund. Dr. Darrie, of Kramosa, at tht.' rate of .S250, payments to be reckoned from the date at which Lc ceases from diseliarge of pastoral duty. Mr. Robert Dewar, of Lake Shore, at the rate of .?200, when he shall have ceased from repular jtastoral work. Mr. James Mitchell, once of Milton, at the rate of ?100, payments to be reckoned from Ist of April. Your Committee have had applications also on Ixhalf of Mr. Porteous, formerly of Beverly, ami of Mr. Wm. Meldnnn, late of Harrin^;ton. Your Committee felt tliat they had not sutlieient (viiience that these brethren are too infirm for pastoral work, and while they did not wish to place any bar in the way of their reception, tlu-y thought it best to report the eases to the Assembly. Your Committee are glad to find that the income assigned tliem is larger than that of last year, and that the expenditure is somewhat leas ; but they have to call the attention of the Assembly to the fact, that tiny have again reduced their capital nearly §1100, and that, as far as appears, the exjienditure of the current year shall largely exceed that of any which preceiled it. Y'our Committee are anxious to extend the benefits of the Fund, and increase tlie grants, and they earnestly hope that the Assembly will take the necessary steps to enable them to do so ; and at the same time they would urge that Presbyteries should furnish the Committee with the grounds on which they make application. The Committee further wish it clearly understood that all jmyments are conditional on the Fimd being equal to meet the claims against it. JOHN MACTA\1SH, Convener. Haxifax, 2Ij/ June, 1877. REPORT OF AGED AND INFIRM MINISTERS' FUND- TION— 1877. -EASTERN SEC- The Committee on the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund for the Maritime Provinces beg leave to report that the receipts for the past year have been as follows : — From Scbscriptions and Donations, $233 17 " Interest and dividends 346 20 ?579 37 In our last report it was mentioned that the committee had agreed on application of the Presby- tery of Hahfax to place the name of the Rev. J. 1). McGillivray, late of Newport, upon the li.tt of annuitants. But soon after they learned that his health was sutliciently restored to enable him to undertake the duties of Inspector of schools for Hants County, and accordingly his name was dropped from the list. Since that time they have placed upon the fund the Rev. James Waison, of New Annan, on ap- plication of the Presl)ytery of Wallace, and the Rev. Ebenezer Ross o' Upper Londonderry on ap- plication of the Presbytery of Truro, each at the rate of .S20fl per annum, commenciugjou the Ist of January last. These brethren have received two-quarters' annuity. The whole payments have been .SGOO, so that there has been in the receipts the small deficiency of $20.63, which deducted from the balance on hand at the beginning of the year leaves the amount now in fund as follows : — Invested, $6,124 17 Cash in Treasurer's hands, 389 54 86,513 71 They also agreed, on application of the Presbytery of Miramichi, to place the name of the Rev, A. McMaster, of Newmills, upon the list of annuitants, but as the arrarfgements for his severance from his congregation are not yet completed, he has not yet received any annuity. \ h : I ^ 11 tell. CXXXIV. AI'l'KNDlX. Since tilt' iiccnints were cldsoti, thr coiniiiittcc Imv.. aNo iiKi'i'dl to placv the llcv. .Iiimos Fowk'r iiipiin the fninl, nml lie i..ts l)Oi'n paid iinnuiiy fnliU)(J fonliitj', tlicrn iw y l liope, tlmt ho may err loiiK lie rcstorcil to vigour niinii.'ii'iit tu ciiaMf liiiii ti) dischargi^ thi' dntifS of an active iH'ofe^siDii, and tliat tlio fund will lie thus rrlii'\id oi ibis ciaini. It is duo to that i){iitii)ii of the ( 'hmch which \vc rcpreupjit, in order that tlic ( iiiicral Assem- bly may understand the siiiall airiiniiit contriliiitcd to tln' fund hy the coiiKref/utions diuiiiK tip- year, to e.\|iijiin, that tliere ha-^ lieeii tio i'e;,'iilai' uniuiul colliciioii for it> sn]i)iorl. When the fund was in tiliited hy th'.' late Synod of the I'lishytnian Chnrch of the fjower I'mvince-i, it whs imt deenieil advisulile to appoint ;iny additional annual colli ctioii, m t-oii-cciuence of the niniiiMT id- ready iciniired. It was thend'ore agreed to make an ajipeal to conKie^'ationN and individuals, tu contrilaite siudi a snm a- would with intt>re^t, ami occa-ional donations, render any i-'eneral cnl- lection iinneci's>ary for sonio year^. A i)ortion of tin; (.'liurcdi liberally responded, and the fmil has increased every year till the jiresent. Were the coii^'rcKations of the Maritinii; Provinces, wli.i have not already contribiiteil, to do so with the same hberality, the fund would he in a still inoic Houri-hinf,' condition, atid in a po-itioii to meet the increased demands henceforward to he mad'' Ujton it. In view cf the circum-tances inentiomd, it niinht be just, --bould thi' As-emhly re^olvi' on the imuiediati aiiviltramation of the fuu'I-. and a]>iioint )in ainiual collection, not to make it imperative for a time on tliose couKre^'alioiis tliroueh whoso liberality tln' jaesent fund has been raised. Your Committoe, in vi(!W of the responsibility liithoi'to resting uiion them in the manaKenicni of this fund, feel it their duty rosp;ctfully to repre>ent their views regardine the proposed rcKula- tions for the new fund. In jiarticular they would object to the sliding scale i)r()posed. liy it a Uiin- ister of ten years' standing, disableil in the Provi(h>nce of God, is oidy to receive ?l(Ht ])er amnuu, while a minister of forty years is to receivi; ? liH). It must be evident, tliat as a general ride, the former nnist be the more necessitous of the two. A minister disabled at that period of his career, will, in the large majority of cases, have a young family dependent on him, and from the CApen- ses, which he must in various ways have incurred at the coninu'iicement of his ministry, cannot possibly ha >o saved anything, worth ineiitioning, while the ministei', who has served forty years or more, can scarcely have the sanu- number of helidess dejieiidant^, and will in most cases have been able to lay by something for (dd age. Congregations too are UKue likely to do liberally fur persons who have served them so long, than in the cast; of those, who have served for shorter peri(jds. On merely commercial princijiles. it might be proper to regard merely length of service, yet as tb(^ sui)port of the fund must depend on the Christian symjiathy of the members of th,' Church, wi^ are convinced that neither the |ieo|de nor our nnni.sters will be .satislied with an ar- rangement by which a servant of (iod. disabled in Providence from active service, it may be through liis toils in tlie service of the gosjiel, with tive or six helpless cliililren deiiendent on him, shall receive only one liunilred dollars from this fund, while another with no such burden, anil who may be provided for otherwise, may receive four times the amount. We may add as to the amounts jiroposed. that we regard the highest, as higher than the pre- sent liberality of th(^ Cliurch will warrant the (reneral Assembly in promising, and the smalkr as entirely too low. We would therefore suggest a medium sum, say S'ioO. It is indeed said, that the larger sum shall he granted only " if the funds permit." Your Counnittee strongly object to any such uncertainty. In the ojiinicm of your Committee, it would bo better to jjromise a lower sum than to have any contingency about it. It will be easy to increase the amount should the fimds warrant. Sliould there be any difTerence of rates, the Committee believe that tlie principle adopted iu the management of this fund is the fairer one, viz., to give the full annuity to those who by reason of age or ill health are disabled from tlio duties of an active jirofessiou, and a less to those wdio though not entirely disable nmnhfr of tho t'oii^Tcfrations at the oiilHct --iilisi'iilMHl for i l.iM.'('r nmiila'r of c'o)iic> than was rcnuirpil. Tin'Sf iuive now cuitaihMl tln'ir onhrs -n aw to nitit l'i( II' actual ri'i|niri'iriints. The linancial coiiilition of tlu' coiintiv, too, notwiihstuiiiliii.,' tiio -iiiiiil |iri('c flmifjcil for tin' AW, •!-,/, has (louhtli"-s tfiuh'il in hoiik; lii^'r't' to chi'ck ihi circuhition. Wlicn it is fuitiier taken into lu iint that no juiiil aj/ints li'i\n hcen iiiiployi'il to canvas-, fur the Iu\,>r.{ nor (iihcr nil an., (iril to (xtrinl its circ-nhition- cx cjit tiiroii;.'li it- own cuhiinns,- -thu I iiiMiiiittii' fci'i tliiit tiicro i-< can-c for can(,'rutulation in tlio sntiHfai-tory conilition in wliich it ia f.iinul, tinancially and othcr\vi-.e. In order tliat it niit,'ht better meet tho want'i and expeetations of the chnrdi at hirt'e, th \\\- nittee deemed it advisable, suliject to tho ap)iroval i^f the (leneral Assnnlily, to apiioint an as-is- t lilt editor wliose |iir-oii!il auiiuaiiitaiice witii tlie Ka-tern Seftioii fp' the ( liiinli would, a, the I iiiiiiiittee believed, be advanta^,'ioMs — es]iecia'ly ill coniKU'tioii with ilie llome iimI l'(aei>.'ii Mis- ■ ; iiiary opi'iatiiiiis of that -ectioii. Accordingly. ^I''- Hobeit Murray uf Halifax,- a t;entleiii.in of ! -;'e expi rieiice ill tliis d'partin<'nt of literature, was i isociated with Mr. Cioil in li.cemliev lust, lUil has ili^chaiTTeii the diities reipiired of hiin entirely to the saiisfaction of the < oinniitti \ ainl I- they believi , to t he Kati^tactioii al-o of the readers of the nia},'a/.ine. It cannot bediuibteil that iiiucli of the liberality which has been manifested in sii)'|i.ii; uf lii various ."icnenies of tlie (diurch dnriiii^ the past year is lai^rely owini; to the dilTusiiaiof nii.s>ionary iitclliKeiu'e from month t > month in the colnmnB of the Rrcord. UelievinK that it may and "iit;lit to liecome increasiii!.'ly useful in this reKfii'iJ- t^"-' t-'ommittee earneHtly invite, ihroiieh the leiieral A^siinlily, the continued hearty co-ojieration of all the ministers and other otVice-bearers if the chuich ill their eudeavoiu's so to extend the circulation of the A'lront as that it may be -apjiiied re(.^ulaily to every family connected with tho church. With such an increased circulation ;i- may bo reasonably looked for, the committee entertain tho possjhility of enlarKiiie tho si/.o o|' ■.i:e imiKazino, a.nd elTectine other improvements without addini,' to its in-iee. Owing to the demands made ujion his time by other important duties, Mr. ('roil lias intimated iiis de>ire to bo relieved from the editorship, and has iilaoed his resignation in the hand-, of your Li'iumittee. He lias at tlie same time expressed his willingne.-is to eontinue the mangeiiieiit of ;li; A'lTt;'-./ until the close of tho present year, should the General A.-sembly consider it de-^irable that be should do so. JOHN JENKINS, D.D. 91170:'. ID FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS, ENDIN(t Itu .UNK, 1877. Durhf^ -Mhuh period there 7vere printed 664,400 eopies, nECEIPTS. From Subscriptions and Advertisements since January 1870, to 4tli June, 1877 . . . ExrKMirrcuK. Canada Paper Co., for paper for I'.t months 8t'.142 78 A. A. Stevenson for printing for 18 mouths 3^15 10 F.ditorial services, 18 mouths i;{0(i 00 Ollice Clerk -ISH (lO Kent. Taxe.,, Insurance ;5 Ki \h Sundries, F- .el, (ias, Furniture, &c 14(» •!•_» Printing and Stationery 184 44 Kiigraviiig and Electrotyping (14 lo Postages, Express charges, Telegrams, etc 77i> 00 Balance in Bank IC.iKi ,-53 ASSETS. Balance as above 81'>00 33 Unjiaid Subscriptions 'H)\)'l 4.5 Advertising accounts 500 00 Piistage Stamps 3(1 28 8.>32.". Qi; LIABILITIES. For publishing 6 months to December, 1877, including all expenses, estimate 'MVM lO SI 170:5 to 81 <;•_'(> fM) JOHN JENKINS, D.D. . I CXXXVl APPENDIX. IIEPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS. 187G-1877. " The AHscmldy further agri'o to diroct tlio attention of tlic Conunittce for tlic onsuinf? year to the ilcsiriil)ility of rediw^iiiK' thtj si/o of the U('|Mirt l>y IcsHt ninK the nuinlicr of detailx.'' Sucli were thf! iiislnictionH ^'ivon to tlie ('(inimittoo by the hist (''■ncriil AsHcmhly. In cnrry- int,' thfiii out (.'orrcsiiiinih'nci; wiis opened by the Cunvcuer with eaci. A its monihcrH, (iiul ns the result of thi>, and ciiibodyinK the sunncstiouH of tliowe from whom replies were rercivod, lilank forms wciT prcpurod for (:l>UKrl•^,'ations and i'resbyti'rics, " leHHiniiuf,' the number of dotailH" from that ri'iiuirod Komc years )irevioU8ly, by oiuitting Home ijut'stions, and combining others, and, at the same time, keepinj,' in view such itemw of information as would ^ive some jiroper idea of tin; ()]>erntions and position of the (.'hureh, and the i)roinise she in holilin^ out of increase, and nf renewed (■ner^'y in the ]irosecutio!i of the work to which she is called by her Kin^ ainl Head. Your ('oimnittee have reason to state that the chanKi's made have met with the approlmtinn of some, who have diclared the fcprms pr(tpared this year pn'ferable to thos(' formerlj' employed, while they have not met IIks a)ii)robation of others, a result which they anticipated. It has, We iielieve, been customiiry with ]irecedinK Committees to alter, when they judt.'eii necessary, the returns received fiom Presbyteries, so as to make them iii)pear consistent with themselves. I-'.xception has been inkvn aKainst this course in some cases. It must 1)6 admitted, too, that instances opcur in whi(di the faci; of the returns would iudicatis errors, whereas, if uU circumstances were known, a- ' jtroper explanations Kiven, no errors existed. It mif,'lit hajipen, for exam))le, that a certain su. vas entered in the column for " stipend jiromised,'" and a smaller sum in the oni' tor "stipend ]iaid," and the inference would be that there were "arrears due,'' wbih' no eul"y was made in the column for such, and tlie Committee might cimsider themselves justified in niakinf; one, while, in reality the correction should be madi^ in the entry of " stijiend promised," the sum beinj,' returned to which the stipend had been raised in the course of the yenr, nnd at which it stood at the close of it, as if it had been promised at tlie bi'giuning of the year— a fact of which the Clommittet! could liave no knowledge, and in which there was an incorrect return. In consecjuence of these and other considerations, which need not be si)ecified. the returns are printed this year as they have been received from Presbj-tories. No corrections have been engrossed of the entries or the additions, where tliese have been made by Presbytery Clerks. All the Committee is responsible for is accuracy of printing. The Assembly and Church will thus hav(! an oiiportnnity of ascertaining the shape in which these returns have been received, and it is lioped that the effect will be greater care on the part of Presbyteries iu rjompiliug their reports from those si'Ut iu by congregations ; for examination will show thit very few of the thirty-tlireo arc! either full or accurate. Wliile, however, the Committee have adopted this course as to/r/«//«^, they would state that all the returns have been subjected to as careful an inspection as was found practicable. In con- sequence of the lateness of the arrival of some there was but little time to examine them. Those, for exauii)le, from tlie Presbytery of Quebec, did not come to band till thojirs/, and those from that of Prince Edward Island, till the srromi of June — oidy a few days prior to the meeting of the Assembly — and that although notices had been issued iu the Halifax IVittiess and Montreal Kfford — thus, it is jiresuraed, falling under the notice of all Presbytery Clerks — that the Com- mittee would not be responsible for engrossing in this report any returns wliich h'-.d not reached the Convener by the 9th of May. The results of the corrections are published in Table A for the Statistics, and in Table B for the Financial Statement ; but it is thought requisite to call atten- tion tothe fact, that even in these no correction has been made iii the returns of stipend promised or paid, nor in arrears ; — no attempt has been made to harmonize these ; all that has been done has been to give the correct addition of each of tlie columns. Even when an entry has been made of " stipend paid," and none of " stipend promised." or the reverse; — and instances of both occur, — or the name of a congregation reporting is omitted, while that of the pastor is given, the blank has not been supi)licd. It is gratifying to your Committee to be able to report that returns have been received this year from all the I'resbytories. Last year there were two in default, and even three when the General Assembly met, but one of these was received while they were in session. Some are very incomplete, as an example of which, we may mention the Presbytery of Quebec, from which only 6 Financial Statements of congregations have been received, 2 of these being mission con- gregations. But there is no report from St. Andrew's Church, Quebec ; Sherbrooke; Point Levi; Scotstown; — which, however, returns its Statistics. Tliree Elvers; Melbourne; Hampden ; Rich- mond ; and Windsor Mills; Lingwick; Winslow; nor lanville ; — 11 congregations, 4 of which are vacancies; iu other words, out of 15 congregations and 2 mission congr.,>gatious, 11 have not reported, nor has any return been sent in from the mission stations, 5 in number. On the other hand, the Presbjiery of Paris has but one blank, and in the Presbytery of Huron there is not one. It may have been only by perseverance on the part of the Clerks that so full reports were procured, but the result was worth the trouble, and it would be well if all Clerks were equally painstaking. In the Statistical Tables the names of 805 congregations have been given, of which 122 are vacancies, and I'i'.t do not send any report. Adding the delayed returns which have been printed, the number of Churches amount to 1,042, and the number of " Other Stations," sup- plied by pastor, to 364, all it is to be presumed, the nuclei of separate and self-sustaining cougre- APPENDIX. CXXXVll. m. HHuijiK year Ill cnrrv. "11(1 an tin. 'ivpil, l.laiik 'tiiilH" frcia I'l's 1111(1, at Klca uf tli(i i'asc, Hiiil ,,f 'iii'i Hiiid. >n)l)iitj,,ii (if 'V(mI, while. •'.V jiidK'ci tent with luhuitti^d, ■icfis. if all lit Jiiijiiii'ii, il fi .sill a Her rt'iirH duo," th( •111 Selves f '• .sti|ic'nd f tlin year, the year— u incorrect ecified. the ctiou.s have cry Clerks, liurch will 11 received, piliuK tlieir few of the 1 state that J. In cou- m. Tlio>c, those from meetiiiK of I Montreal the Coni- ut reached A for the call atten- I promised been done has been es of both Riven, the ?ived this when the » are very liicb only ion coii- int Levi ; m ; Eich- of which have not he other not one. rts were equally 122 are tvo been IS," pup- congre- of our Zion The number of families reportal iipwunlH of .••.,0 (juarter of a million, and whom ll.Ut.'i havo been ft(l(l(Hl during' tin) means outside of the pale of the Iresby- onc congregation to another. The Weekly prayer meetings imike Tiie number of these not lieing cations, at no distant day in the hirttory \» .'iti.lU.), re]i>eBenting a population of the number of communicants !(;i,7W4, of year, and .'>,127 removed, — not by any terian Church in Canada, but principally fmm unuiberof elders is 3,596, and of "other ottice bearers ' .0,'J7H. up an aggregate of 1,02", and 21 prayer meetings are reported as oaasiimnl. baptisms has been 9,214, including adults and infants, separate columns for retained in the forms for this year's returns. In Sabbath schools and Bible classes, there am 7'-' H()7 receiving instruction, under a .staff of 7,40,') teachers, who have cheerfully offered and ffi ely given their services to this interesting and important sphere of Christian usefulness,— representing an average of nearly l(i scholars to each teacher. Volumes in libraries are reported as l.')M,003, including both congregational and Sabbath school. Two hundred and forty-two Missionary Associations exist— certainly far from the nnmber that ought to be. To the (juestioii '•Is there a manse or rented house for the pastor?'" 2;>7 rejjort manses, \'.\ rented houses, and 88 simply reply " yes," leaving it uncertain whether it is one or the other, for it cannot be both, that is jtrovided. There ia a similar uncertainty regarding the column " Was Church or Manse built during the year," 5 answering " yes " but not specifying which ; Uti havo built churches. and 21 have built manses. It would be unsatisfactory to make any allowance for the congregations that have not re- ported. Oue-fourth added to the above might give a pretty correct total. lUit the only reliable ti^-'ures, — and even these, it is to be feared, not always strictly accurate — are those procured from congregaticns and Presbyteries which should foel themselves under solemn obligations to make the returns re(iuired of them. This ia no impossibility. Even this year's statistics with all their blanks, show that it is attainable. It has been done by some ; it could have been done by all. Turning now to the Financial Statements, we find the names of 590 ministers, exclusive of professors in colleges; 715 pastoral charges, a discrepancy of 90 from the statistical reports ; 119 vacancies, a discrepancy of 3 ; and 660 congregations report, a difference of 3H in favour of the latter. These discrepancies arise in part from financial statements being sent in, wliile the statistics have not been, and conversely ; and in part from the reports from joint congregations being combined in one schedule, and separate in the other. Ashburn and Utica, for example, in the Presbytery of Whitby, report their finances separately, but combine or appear to combine their statistics, and other cases might be specified. Your Committee cannot but remark the very unsatisfactory manner in which entries have been made in the Schedule for Presbyteries for Financial Statements. They bad caused to be printed on the corner margin of these Schedules very plain and precise directions, and pointed out particular columns the entries in which should be the sums of certain preceding columns. Column No. 9 was to contain the sum of columns 4, 6, 7 and 8, that is, should show tlie Stipend paid from all sources ; the amount expended on Church during the year ; the amount expended on Manse during the year ; and all other congregational expenditure, whatever the object was. Column 16, again, was to show the amount contributed for all the Schemes of the Chiuch, inclu- ding Sabbath School contributions to missions. And column 19 was to be filled in with the de- tails of columns 9, 16, and 18, in the last of which " Contributions to benevolent objects not pre- viously specified" were to be entered. Attention, however, has not been given, in many cases, to these directions, and thus the correctness and agreement of the reports have been interfered with. Sometimes the Stipend promised from all sources has been set down for congregations, from which there are no returns, and when there is no entry of Stipend paid ; and in other instances the Stipend promised has been entered as having been paid, while still the report is " no returns" from the congregations. Examples illustrative of both points occur in the Presbytery of Mir- amichi. Kingston and Kichibucto have ?700 entered as Stipend promised and Stipend paid. Camp. bellton has similar entries of $800. Yet in both cases "no returns." New Carhsle, Hopetown, aud Port Daniel (P.Q.) have the Stipend promised given, but there are no other entries. Of course this destroys any possibility of a balance between the two columns. In the same connection we may remark that, in many cases, arrears have not been entered, although one would expect these to be inserted as faithfully as the Stipend promised, and the Stipend paid. The Committee may be allowed to state here that they would havo preferred to retain a column from last year's forms, namely, that for the amount of Stipend paid by the congregation alone, and even to have added one for " Stipend derived from other sourcPB," whether the Tem- poralities or Home Mission Funds, but were led to curtail by the instructions under which they were acting. There were other items towards which they felt in the same manner. Proceeding now to the summings up of the different returns as they have been reviewed and prepared by the Committee, and including those that were delayed, we find that $467,275.45 was the aggregate amount of Stipend promised, which gives an average to each minister of a little un- der $800. A few years ago it was not much more than one-half of this amount. Of this sum $451,549,714 have been paid, or an average of §765 to each minister. From table B it would ap- pear that the Presbytery of Newfoundland is without arrears of Stipend, but in the "Delayed Returns" the congregation of Bay of Islands, which is described as having been a Mission station for ten months is reported as under a promise of $800, and as having paitl only 8206.90, while the arrears are set down as S84 ; figures which plainly indicate that there is some great error, — for if the K cxxxviu. Ari'KNJ)IX. fii fntrio« in tbo Inst two rolnmns aro correct, tlicn tlic Htipcnd can linvc liccn only 5'2'.H>.00 itist. nd (if ^MdO. 'I'lid (;(ininiitt(ni ciiii siiriiiiHc wIhip the error cxi--t-t. In uU |irf)lml>ilit.v it lies in the i iitr? of Htipeiul iironiJHoil. Tlin I'resliytorv of Wliitiiy iilso ujipearM to he without iirreiir-, hut on ,■{. iiniinin^' tho StatouiontH it will hf) Keen thiit there tire tiini(! eont^re^ations which hiiv() not nii|il.;. Mienti il their en^'uKenient-i. Tlie Mime reniiirk iipjilieH to the I'reHlivtery of riiiulHiiy.— nnl. hj llie way, the conj^reKiitinri of l.inilMiv is reportc I iis ImviiiK )(roiuim'il $1,2(M) of Stipend, iiii. I t» ha\(t paid nothing, while ftiil.^it in not charKeil with any arrears, hut, on coin])arinK I'oliiinn-i fl uikI K with !( it would HOeni that the stipend has heen paid in full, tho entry to that etfi ol having; Imhi (Hiiitti'il in tlie eolunin ilesi^'ii>'d for it. It doen not appear, howuver, in thn summing up of enjinnii 4. An entry of ii'>i>{) Ktijienil promised occurs in Stratford I'reshytery, another in which noainiirs are reported, while only ??:t'2."» wore i)aid, and another CliarKe in the same reportM tho ^uni paid without ^'ivin^J lli(! HumpromiHed. In fact tiie I're diytery of Paris i^ tho only ouo iu which liica two columns halance, ami in which wo can say that no arrearH are due. The amount expendecl in huildint^ ami repairing' ('hurclnn, or in iiaym.mt of deht collein>>(l for liuildin^' purposes has hivn ?171, t'.t:t..')i); and on Manser SlH.dOlt.O'.t. Itoth of these item- -lu.w that e huildinns havo ix^en umlertaken, whether in tli.i newer and more dostituti; HettlementH, or in the older and moro wealthy, but your Committee ffcl themselves precluded from enteriuK njioii it. The total amount conlril n'.'d for conKift^'atioiml purposes has reached the sum of JH17,ri",)0.12. C'ollectiiiK the totals at tho foot of tlie proper columns it should he .SHl'.t.tjyri.ftH, but the remarks wo have made on the i-arelessncss (lis))layed in luukiiiK tho entries in th(! )irecedinK columns will su^'^,'e-t the source of the dilTerence, The contributions to the Schemes of the t'hurch sum up loVXlfioH.')!, made up as follows:— $ir>.7N!».'2(4 for ColleKO Fund ; *;n.H(i:j.i(S.J for Homo Missions ; ?1h,hH).11 for I'lirei^n Missions; $^'l^)i^ ').{)') for the Fund for A^'eil andlntirm Ministers, and the Widows and Orphans of Ministers; *;{,H!(r(.l(; for tho Assembly Fund ; nn.'2:\'>.2'.) for French F,vanKclization. These Rums should iiKKreKato jH2,;')()!).lti :— a discrepancy of g/;41(.3.j, accounted for by the fact that in sev.ral cotiKref^'iitions tho amount contributed for tho Schemes has been entered in tho column for tlio total while it has not been eiit(u-eJ in the columns for tho jiarticulars. As ono example we may refer to Knox Church, Hamilton, or Kill»ride, iu the same Presbytery Tim amount raised by Sabbath Schools, with thuir 7'2,8()7 members was ?20,800.99, not nn average of tiiiuty cents to each, l>rovin^; what reports in former years have proved, that sulllciciit attention is not given to instruct tho young iu our congregations in tho grace of liberality, nor to call into exercise the energy latent here for the spread of the Gospel. The contributions to objects not yet specified were 945,402. PJ ; and tho contributious to all purposes '&'J86,lir).S.3, showing that entries to the amouut of 904.51 have been mado iu tho last column which have not appeared elsewhere. The amount of debt as reported— but your Comiuittee have good reason to know that tbo real 6um is iu excess of this — is 9527,977.93, of which the largest item is iutho Presbytery of Toronto; tho second iu that of Ottawa ; the third in that of Hamilton ; the fourth in that of Halifax, etc. Comparing, so far as can be done, tho returns for this year with those for last, there is an in- crease of three vacant congregations. There is a falling off of 84 in the number of congregations reporting. This may arise, in part, from some joint Charges combining their Returns this year that gave them separately last year, but it is also owing to the fact that aomo reported then that havo not done so now. The number of stations supplied by Pastors given last year was 1,135, tliia year it is 1,406. Families reported then 54,1.32J ; this year 56,103, au increase of 2,031. Number of Oommunicauts then 88,228 ; now it is given at 93,788. Number of Elders in tlie former year 3,412; in tho latter 3,590. Number of other Oilice-bearers 4,970 last year; this year 5,278. Week-day meetings 1,050 as against, this year 1,020. The number in Religious Classes shows a fallin.L,' off, only apparent, however, of 0,337. Volumes in Sabbath Scliool and Congregational Libraries also show a decrease. Tho number of Missionary Associations shows an increase of 21), with ono Ladies' Association. There is a decrease in the r.umbcr of Mauses and Eeuted Houses reported. Passing to the Financial Statements there is an increase of 924,381.24, on Stipend Promised, and of 99,228.04, on Stipend Paid. There is a falling off in tho amouut expended on Churches and on Manses, but an increase of nearly 930,000 on " Other Congregational Expenditure ;" and au increase of 911,922.03 on Total Contributions for strictly Congregational purposes. On the College Fund there is a slight decrease ; on the Home Mission Fund, an iucreaseof nearly 90,000; on the Foreign Mission Fund, an increase of about 91.000; on the Fund for Aged and Infirm Ministers, and for tho Widows and Orphans of Ministers, an increase of between 9-100 and 9500; on tho Assembly Fuud, there is a decrease, but on French Evangelization, an increase of con- siderably upwards of $;i,000. Sabbath School Contributious liave been almost double, a fact full of promise. Total Contributions to tho Schemes of tho Church show a falling off of somewhat more than 9500, but there can bo no doubt there would have been au evident increase if all tho Cougro.Lrations that re))orted last year had reported this one. Total Contributions for all Purposes show au increase of more than '53000. All things considered, it may bo confidently concluded that God is blessing the Presbyterian Church iu Canada with prosperity. It may be assumed that AITRNDFX. CXXXIX. tlif inimbor of her CoitimiuiiuaiitH txueod niii> hiiiulruil tliou^utnl, and tliat )iv r Itovouno for tlid yt'iir huH reiii'lit'd iipwiii-drt of oiio million dollurM. A nmtlcr tuwhich tliu (miiltiiI Ah-fiiiliiy Kliniiiil, in the oiiininn of v(.ur ('cinmiittee, nivc ,tll till' wcIkIiI of its inlliicnot! and nuthority ix thu |irii<'iiri'tu<'nl of full itnd curri'dt Statii:ani/,ation hetter fitted to ohtiiin them, than thiit which vxists in the I'reshyterian Church, Would it not be well for every Tresliytery to devoto some portion of a Hoderunt, in the early part of the year, to u consideration of reports from Conjjrrt'a- tiouH, ohtainiiiK from the Clerk the names of those not rfportin^. anil enjoining; tliem to ~iiid in their Ititiirns l>y, siiy, the middle of Ajinl, that they may he examined and forwarded to the Committee that may lie ajipointed hy the (Jeiirrul AsMcmMy. And I'rushytery Clerks should ho instnieted to lue all diligence to compile accurate sheets from tho forms they roc.oivo lilled up, ^upplyinK iimissioiis where tlioy can, or sending; for luoro iiarticular and detinite information from Con^^ret-'a- tions when tliis in defective, and doiug what lie.-* in their power to make their lUiports as .full and iiccurate a ropretiontation of tho statu of the Proshytery, and of each Cont,'rogatiou therein, aH they can. Nor can your Committee he expected to have their Report for the Aflsembiy ready in a shorter time than a month, ho that delay on tho part of ProHbyteries is an injiistici; to them, and freijuently causes such haste that jierfoct accuracy is scarcely attainable. That there is un- necessary delay by some Presbyteries is establishod by tho fact that one, the ecclesiastical year of whose Con^reKatious ended on .^l-t December last, had not its lieport in the hands of the Com- luitteo till after tho beginning of the present month- five months after tho (iUiso of the year it covered, or say four months after C i^'re^ational Reports had been received. Your Comniittoe think that it should bo made a rule that all Presbytery Statistics atid Financial Statements should be despatched so as to bo with tho Convener by the first day of May in each year. A review of the Reports thus summarily presented to th(^ Assembly shows that (rod is waterinR tho Presbyterian Chnrcli in Canada with tho dews of Heaven. He has done great things whereof let us be glad. Is Ho not promising to do still greater? Let iis be believing. .\t the same time let all Ministers and Elders, let all the people, young and old, be co-workors with Him in giving efTect to tho counsels of His grace and the assurances of His word. Let past prosperity be an incentive and encouragement to the more active prosecution of our generation service, persuaded that God is with us, that He will bless us, and increase us in days yet to come even more than Ho has done in those which have gone by. RispectfuUy submitted, >l GcELPH, 9M June, 1877, ROBERT TORRANCE, Comenfr. cxl. AI'l'KNDIX. CQ pa H^ fii 525 o <1 D H m H b <1 E-t o w p? o o o PM Q <1 W e o P4 -jni>il!i>'l"'*'"'K JO n-umj, ) Mi,\\ 4i(.l-ll,[ JO) i aoptiiaoHHV A'jii •Houniqiq ai •BJOqOBOX jO "OiJ •BOiflflJ,') 8noT8ji''»a ni -on id : : : i i :ee :| : : : :cd : :d :::::::::$ (^ jli;:;;::: • A ^ • • «c if» «e «e 0» 'BoifrndvU )<) '(^K Al90Ai JO -ON 'BJ9J«n}{ oogjo Joqi') jo ojj •BJopia JO -ON 8niinp poAoinoj -o^ •j«9^ oq; Satjnp peppu "0^ -lunmraoQ jo -o^ •sarnmBj jo •o>i I 15 X "(J X -f . >ft t- t~ i QD Cl M W « • t^ I ^ X »H -fi « •«f CI »- ?r •ci«t»usoM5»rt 'mc«i • 8>1 « »»< ' «s 00 00 »ft '.'; o iM oj •-< i-c ^M rH CC ■ ooO'-i'ri-i 't^co^ i^xgooiooooi OJOXlMiOffsiNtW I rH 1— ( ^ I— I ?-H 61 rH •JO^BBJ yCq poqddnB snon -Bjs Jeq'jo JO ■•0^1 •BoqoJuq3 jo "ojj ■ 1H • . CO ^ 'CtJpH'l'IMlHi-HWf-I.H o . 03 r3 c 04 i! 93_ » ^ ^ s « c ^ i a . a, ■ eS B - s n '^ ;§ .5 ^ w "^ b42 o5 s < . ;= o c ^ ^ c a.£ « *: c o ci cj C3 uC C M !;j fa • U3 • 9 g '.%% :2S :S22 :S : :g ■ W M s i v\ t- > X o > S X - o Art'Fvrnx. cxli. • ! 1 ; • . . 9 • • ! .3 ; CI n n .« . ^ f ■«»< s • • • • » ?! S2 3 I «a I *> • • • * ;:S % f <« « C ^ tH •!» • • •'«< •f W5 3 [ p^ • ^ • • us 1 : : . • • • ! S ^ • ^ ^ «H • t» \ : :3 -« ^4 • • 1 • • • f • • • • fft *^ . X 'f -o f ".t • r- • « ■ « f {<« ■ *l > ^» • : : ^M «S 91 • « W I-* • -H • 1 : : : ^ « 1-* • « 1-4 j 1 « m ■ w o> « *j us • 0V9VO •b-W '■^ i r* • f 1- 1 t 4 • • «o » -It f -^ • r- • i« X'f .1/5 . =2 • • • • • «fl t • • • • 1?! »H • ■?! « W 1-1 'H . .— t • i-H • • ■ '•■5 • * • ^-< t • * • I ^ M "MM • • OD ^H • • • t» 1-^ • • • • • • • M • • ■ 1 • • ' 1 •v 'n . « ■ X w "I" i^:^ .-M W 'r « CJ • O • '!i t- • ri !>• ^^ * . W 5 OJ . i.t © O t^ t* ■^ c . t^ t- 5v -^ f c o c »^ \2 l.t r** CO -t c c»» r. T t- 1 CI « . rH i« 1— -N l-« jq . . • I-I .1-1 • • 1- • * « • • 1 • . • • • t • 1 • . • . • • • . . — r- *i— (71f-1^H»H».H fM ^H ^ . ^ — ..? • 1 • i 5 »2 03 M CC 1 • 3 1 -i ^ 1 H ; ^ a ^ 2 =^ I 3 if 'i 5 ^ • f -^.- ■ ^'— . ^ — — <^/^ ■X c c ■4^ a .«-a X ■r . -^ a a H 2 a 5 ■JX M ic.2 23 S d 3 . .^ 5 s a --^ "^ '^2 tc^ ■'" S -^3 3 ^ '5 ^ b '^ - 2 go ^ fc, -- <* 3 »?< :c T id '^ > t'. ' a 00 CO OS H pq w ia ^ II X3 I 10 :a i CI . t^. o- ■■£ «e W X ' »-< « CI -f Ifl ' M >-< rt ^ 'C t« tot. ' (» 90 to • t» ^ w > tout X O 09 00 I-H 1-4 :S?.« . • CI f « • rt CI ifl CI 3 X CI • ■n 1- • •»< I-H rH • Cl 71 f' S> i(S « CI ■ X X I-I I-H • US O KS • • -t" t- t- • :5Sci . . • 71 • . • * • • • • • • • I-H i-H • . ^t 1— * 1-4 • . -H -H 71 ^-4 I-H ^ a 3 3 :2a 2 ? oQ 5 ^ S- a a •'» -3 S 1 3 Q >■' 1-5 S, I" -S O ■< >- d 1 1 ) ition » >^ • • ;c . . Hj a '. . to 3 ■? 1 'a *4 -^ > — I. 3 ■-J c 1. . . a 1 -^'^2? 5 y ^ -: ^ 'liH > 5 .a : .■ri fl a 5 a o .'^ "_' . — X =5 — .:: a 2 ® S ^:= -: a . — es «s LjCniiiS^cavr^jJi, r ii 5 < .j^ I-H CJ W f i« -s t- X Si s — < •■<> i i ■ i 1 m m 1%', cxlii. APPENDIX. I o F£4 o W Eh pa « JO II.IJIITI;") su^ saranio^ jo -o^ "sj3qoB.->x JO "o^ ^ •o -cfl -p • • •£• • : t^ lh UH : u : : : "^ : : a: . . • m m . . . » ►^ . . ■►^ •c o • o a • o ■ c • CI5 •OC •« Q , OC 50 • I— ( CO • I?) N -WW ■808BB10 •Btnsi^dBa JO "o^ ^Pli'iO • (M • -"l* iH • iH i-H • S4 • (N •CO •«« -coo -KCC •t-C(5 ■ t^ «) Ci • 0« CC • IM (M •coco •-!»•« • 1-t ^ •©IM -©I-H •©© •CO .©© ■CCM -COUS .l.OOD -©05 •X'-( •i-HrH •rHlH •i-HrH -(MiH • rH IH •CI IN • N ff» • 1^ r-i • IN IN • CC "^ • (N rt O O H < o S3 -" o o 0) ^60 •— r- o : S ? "^ a M -= a: I— ( '^ ^< 6 r^ ' a (= c2 ^ c a r. » J o o H o P «<; c o I c .5 ^^ --a ^„ 5"5 • ^5'^-'^ s ■- ^ 3 ^ ;j S .t: u; ^ 2 t:-S ;:i.'3 S'S « S i^*^ c ^*t - ^ -^ j!^ ^ "1 T '■^^ '^ '.^ ^ I- ;_ a. X T ~ c — CI 00 H n a H U H m « O <1 < o w H pa P5 • •••**' • « 01 • ■ • a a ; : : : >>>. : (M N :S|§ : 1-H • K m -»< . ; N ?: ■ IN IN N • C5 I.I • © C-. !.■? . • IN N N • >.a 1-1 1» • cc « cc • IS N ::'—;; W CO • QC t^ t» • • •© t> . • • rH • i"~ C^ o • • IN N rH • • ■ ^8 • t- C X • • 1-4 CC ri • • • ©rH 1-1 • ^ *c c • • c ?: o • •IN • • 1— 1 • • rH ■»*< • CO IH Tt4 * • • • • • ■ M ' O • 6C OS 5''£ • f: O ei H 5 ** • ■s s 1= i c^ : a ^ ^: £ ^ o : * • . o . I* • l- :b w •,a ^ • 05 OJ ;l -*-i ■? . s b— f ■!^ ^ ^< ?; -J} ^ « H w ■-• i.T •— t^ APPKXDI.X. cxl 111. ! • CC •c 5 2 w S • £^ t^ O • ' • X . • C X ia I K fe ■n '• ' s i : : : M : : : 1^ . • j • j © "V CO 1 t^ >.-; • • § 1 o §S : : i ^ IN t*ec • 5 tH 1 - 1-H iM «•! n !g -*■' I m Cti • • • i-H Oi «'!<«'}< ■>1i «A « OS t- C» «5 , O fH • 3 cc t* O _ 'N *— ) ■* M<«£ « -* IM 1-H •>»" tH O uo o IC c» K .^ (N u-j 'rt i « ?i f w • C> ^ f-H T-l Cl ■^ C ?: CI ?) (M »-H o ■ X • • *• • l.C CI • X ©o • !C t~ l- e c 5>i c = c o IC X ?5 c C -t t- 1-H rt ri ci ?i ci rt • us rH • ui M « • 1-H lO t^ (^ t^ © X o rH iH N 1-H »-i C>1 rH .in • • • • rH • ' • CO 1-H • w: ?^ cj -^ M >-< >.C w 5; CI . rH . . . ; CI cc • 00 ■« X O i-C rH cc K 'I" X . t^ . . . ; • C5 C5 t~ O « X 1-H 1 1-H • 1.-5 • • • ! C5 • w • 1-H X cc O «C X t~ -^ • 1-H (?» IM ; ; • +- ;C5 ; ; ; ; Ci • O CC «c 1-H rH t- -^ r-i CM IC CI 1-H • a> • • • • 1-H . . . ; CI rH rH • -« O CI • X >+< -f • 1-H rH 1-H '.c cr. i« CC C-. rH .'^ cc r- • 1-1 1-H 1-H UC X IC rH ^ r- SSiis;:; :'^ : : : ■; rH (S I z ■ rH C» rH • y-\ y-i. r-\ >i^ CC CC rH C"4 CI rH rH CI CI CI o a ft O i; ■ ® S-9 .r. a "3 ■ s >. -r- — *'. i« — J3 si's "^i 1— I a ? ,•— 7: ^ 4 « i, c ar: ^ IS « .c* cs ca -3 a (S s a> s a a 5 _h - ci cS o "^ - o t) •-s 1-5 ■S ^ c i^- a c S? cs a ;*;:-.= is ^ r; ■/: .1- -= (D . - -^ CJ -! r- s « H ;j Uj w t: Jh y: X o x r-. ;.- ? — < »^. — irr ■" r^ X ~. C 1— CI I I 'li cxliv. APPENDIX. t- H H P H w c CO pi; JO tiDJnio H«^vV ; ; ! ! ! • 1 • . . ; • 6 lO^KBJ JOJ osuojj pa^na^ jo • • ! CO ! » : ^ :^ • * s ® s • • : : >.>.>. : : : : X I ! ® 1 i ncmiioossv ^JB 1 ! ! 1 a!i OQ ! I ! I ? ® : : ; : f^ >^ : t^i^ : ~~~ • • • a> B . . . . . : I . f^ s^ I : * • • • •H.iijwjqyj ni siHiinio^^ JO "OX • • Q O © • • C « lO • . C<5 ■* l-H '• 5 • M • >.- -o re : 2-1 • "' "" CI • •CO • o c • • IS a • c >o • o 5 • ■" ci 1 X •sjaqoB.ix JO •okj • • W ^ -l* • ©Q rH 1-1 M C^ • IN « » . -^ t- O 't" tc eo CC IH ^ -H :2g • © X • ^H ft ■ •SOSKTtJ,') aiioiaip)! ai -0^ • • o o o • • -^ X t~ • C S C "C'.'S • -f 'C C£ t- l.-S • !-( rH CI C-l i-t • CC O >-< • -t< 1^ -^ • 1-1 ■>'> 1< .1.0 • pj lo o o • t- • K C5 iC S • — t • >— IS? 'i-i cii-i-Hi— I .iHM •«'.■: ■saai^aoj^ jaXBJ.i A^'WAV JO -o^ •S.l.)JB9}J ooipo -I'l'Uo JO -"N CI CI i-( -I-i • -^ T-H 1-1 CI CI • .-I 1-1 CO • 1-4 rH « rH CI -f • CI C5 • CI CI • nt 'vs CO • o • o • ~ re !>• • Lc CI t» • -^ i-< ift x ic cc ■ se '.c • c •s.tapia JO -osj ci«:'.c ••o .t^xxsitt • XCJ05 -^scx^cso -xci -c-c ^1 « : •.umX e\\% iini.mp paAomoj 'ojj I : X 1-1 © ci t^ • >.c © iO ;0 — I 1-1 • Cl ci ' O • CI -I* • cc © CI 8mjtip pappB -osj -lunrarnoQ jo -o^ ■saiitrauj JO "Okj •JO^SBJ ^q psjiddns snoi^ -U)tj Jdqjo JO -o^ © CI CO , ,-1 . CO CI CI 'C CI I-I ""I 1—1 -CI • CI CI CO CO CI • 35 1-1 • d • © t^ I© -r* ■ 'C rj • t^ CI 'CI CO • '-Tli-ltH ..-I.-I .LOX • ;r CO © . -T< • — ' © 1.0 'C ©. • x lo © • ci © t^ lo © © -as © ■ r. x ■ 1.0 CI 1-1 • -f • -r © CI CI © • © lO CI • 1.0 CI © »-l CI © • © iH . CI X 1-ItH .iH .CI 1-1 CI CI N ■ CICO • 1-lCI-HCICJ irHd -tMCI • • CI 'O © • © • © lO © © CI • 1.0 © © • I© © © CO © © • CO O • 1.0 © • -coi^© •© •costxxi© • t^ci© • 1.0 CI© 10 1— CO -eco -t^ci ' •* tH d W rH IN • « CI • d ~ I 34 1 •soqojtiqQ JO -o^ i CliHrHClrHCJi-ICICICOi-i'-HrH CI iH— Hi-ICIrOCflCOdTHrHINClTttlMi-li-l g i o . C a o -1^ >^ "^ -Ti .O a o f^ if ;;^f£:i: tin" >■ ^ Q Hi f?.,^ hH >> OQ ■< >■ 1-5 *"5 o fee rs ^ P h< o ~ 2 a 3 t; ■ 02 c^sii :< .2 o — o 1SS o o "^^32 = : & cc gj a 5 -S^^J a _ .a c4 Q ra r? r^. ; a OS To 1— ( ^ 2 o o i a ^3 •Jl Z a S3 .a ^ ■— ^ O ;j .-H ■-■^ a .J- li' .Th •* :i " ca o 08 xxcc -2-2 S a^ 0; A 3 ^ -2 S Ws; =532. ^ • r-; _3 O ai r— a , CS , C3 ci M M o 3J ■./J ^ a 50 OQ ^ i-ICICOTj.-i o s ■ 1 • ~ c i yi _. • " ".■5 00 » u « H n 1-1 CO H E-t P O « ^ tt cc Pi • k> i^ t>> >» -^ (*> >> O O '."^ O t- C O CO (M i-l l-H IN « ■M « »-H ■»*< OS IN O O OC t- ^ -^ • <-l o O O O Q O O -t< *! ifl • OXQCCCJOtOCCm • 1-H CC "-1 .-( tH rH • CO 1— ( TjH CO 'f CI O • O t> •* .H rH 1-1 C^ -IN .-l.-('fi-IC^i-IINi-Hi-CC0 . 1— I I— I CO • 1 ?0 00 CI • 1— I » CO • "N r-t cot--^C5c;~t>oco "3 " 3 fH 30 O IC X C O -t< O C5 o o X CO X) CO .5^(N5«rH Mi-IIN't'COi-HNCOiHiN o ci I a o u o a o J3 o O IN t£ OS o ^ : 3 s o I^ J ^ : JZ S to o ,:. ; <^ a^ 'C •- "^ b ■* o! o c-i 2^ o o e «S rj a y S 2 g i cc a 9 ra d c3 > ^ o Ji M hJ ^ ~ <^ u »-t««co'<''oot-aei© CO ;^ R o O « W « P4 00 a y ....... . . . . ;m .^ :::::;■ ■ : • :^ :'^ aa *flfl--aa ss • • • • * ' «sfe • -sa ©oC'Ooop Q .cpoo .".O oricoooLoo © • — 3iN» -t^- Wi-lrHO-^INi-l IC •i-IXfCO • ocooio©i©oj «c O'«oc" i-H C^CI'— t INl— l»-H*— t»^W T-H cccis'0 0<-i -^ io©©os»oo »-i0 © CO -^ -H . © l."5 • rt rH . CO -t" iNiH^X^tiOO CO C ■N t~ ;S O •■£ "O rH CO 1.0 rH rH :3 X X ::c — CO O •>! -^ c r-. -t © rH -t> i; lo i~ X r-i t^ lo -? rH rH "N rH CO' rH l■^ r '.-J rH . . o r-. ^: t^ X • • X r« IJ rH • • a o 3 © 1.0 X © -H o — - O '■" — 'O o Lo -r s © © »c • >.-^ X Ti © ■ rH r^ Qi ^1 rH rH 1 1^8 • >-0 rH -f iH • I-H • n 1-H iHe^NrHrHrHIN iH rHINi-HlH'tlrH'^rHl-HCO i-H^_P -i5 - c " Q . .i; ~; f^ a • r: a- = -^ ir .2 o s <5 r ■ a ; I •< -< -»l >-■ "^ • 5 2r- : 23 "5 M -?; ^ • ^j^ a s'l; — .-■'=; = 2?ii- -• a — '^' << . rr Sh ;^ rj S . X 3 ? = <-< '-' a h-! a .a X . ;;> "^ • . a hi cc-.r tc O - -^ H-. ^ f.r at a ^ .a r T ri ^ a •/; r3 a ^ Ol 1 "« ^ .a 1-1 , o CO 'a lU .a „ *=- S a '3 P - ^ 2 /H .JS h2 a ^ - x S rJ .'7 ^ .a -'' ..^ .a a -■-a X ^ 51)!:^ - 2 — c* t- _ -. E 'T:' _*^ iii o a o ^ >> o = 2j . a o ^"1 '^■'-':-> a.,-'" 1^ j'^a^^T^-a-'-a^ cc © t-^ © = - ^ 3 OS • © t- » r5 I'D: I r ■ m cxlvi. APPENDIX. ,10 noanq.i 8«;\v osnoif pn^ua.i lo i nojiwioossv if Ju -UOISHJIV V ojoip HI •S3i.n;.iqirj nt O *-> to P^ O fH P5 M CO •HI9I{01MJ^ JO 'O^ snoiiltioji ai -o^ ■BmBi}d«g JO -oj^ ^WaaAi JO 'ON 03100 -tORlo JO -o^ •SJOpi^I JO -ONJ •1V0& 911% goTJcnp peAoraej -o^ 'md£. aq^ Suunp peppu 'o^ -rauraraoQ jo ox •B9I[iniB^ JO -0^ •J0?8«(I ifq peqddiiH snoi^ -tUS ■joq'jo JO -o^ •soqojnqo jo "o^ o u N 5Z I o » a c ■ r=li3-£ :£> • o5 -•J , ;'c ; o i- ^' . e3 . <4^ H o X ■! n ri iTJ 5 .S I ^ o S 5 3^ ^ C>1 cc APPENDIX. cxlvii. 3 c s « V te ► > r. 1^ •P o v; y: m •f. 31 *—~ _ ? a 0) > , t^ , >> >> \^ >^ , • ^-4 • • • • W 01 m , , 0) , o , a o , ^ , , • >. • • >> • " >> • • \ rH 8 cc cc rH 1 s \ o o ; ; IN Ui l-H rH o rH 00 00 O rH u ; ts • • « C <_, ^ © o t l.C -tl . c ^ , T'J r-( l-H rH OD *?l rH X • U) • • 'It CO t^ «r .- W ■* 00 C . • , , 5^ «v» cc CC •>!}' IN IN ^ rH \ • • : ; IH T^ w-i rH rH ; rH CC • • • '(S • • • • • n a: 5 IN W (N t^ 00 v\ . • u 1— t rH 1-1 rH 1-1 T^ < • ■♦- • • • C) » o 00 t* O «S t- 00 us »« ; , ^ n • ;z5 l-H CO o 1-1 00 « y-\ CC ; ^ • • • M • • • • fi o ■T ■•*< 00 ,^ o «o ,_« IN IN , , M rH IN T^ cc rH 1^ • h-l • ■ ■ !<* • * • « o CO o Ml o »A rH c o .o o Lr: i-\ > ^ rH s^ w rH rH • '■ Ci^ O x> « ■^ '• ^ 'C O o ^^ o O • • v> o o c; -N •^ 1-1 Q 00 1—4 »0 • • rH IN rH rH i-i i-i rH rH P^ • • K H rH « ?H , , CC ■A IN H • > CO W M W rH rH rH rH Vi rH -, i—i 1-* T-H 1— t P^ j3 o a o O .a o a o o a o O !<5 o H CO o H 3 a C3 > a O o a o ■ c cj s X a '73 ^ a s 5 s-5 ! • is a5S5 a a !" C4 ^ ii X O X i X' — — t3 -^ r: ^a^i o S O fl !f a lui xs t~ C ■— ' ri ; ^ : ; • :j ; . .o . . . . .u . . • • cfi • en a: • • • on a: • -a ' a a • • ' a a • -a "sg^ • • -^s OQ r. x> tc ai a: o o lu u a< c t»^ ^ •»< >> >»i P»> IN U5 t» « 9J ' "N ■O f flC ' CC rH rH 00 I © c c c =■ (N t- IN IN ■?! ■ « CC rH 2 a; < u ;>* u n H M O Eh Q 55 k^ H O I— I o w cc c: w o '.c lo rH rH O) CC as • 5>i eo «£ • CM ec 1-1 « cc X ■>* ~. >n ■ n 1-1 IS* ■ X N -^ cc • • OT t» U5 00 •««< W O -"fi IN • •©©« cc •e« © © • © IN CC , r-i 1^ 1-^ ■> -■ a s • v; iJ ►15 < -!j ^ii C? K H^ S5 5 Q • =£h - ==55-^ o -tto-- ,5 IB w ; - r) y ;; ?; 02 IX -H 1-" if c-J -A :iN;x I cxlviii. APPENDIX. mm m M o hi I— I P3 Q W o Pi <;JO}BBcI JOJ 9sno H po^ue^i jo -UOIHHI]^ B 9J9q| HJ •SOIJBJqil ni saranio^ jo ■ojsj •SJoqoTJox JO "o*^ •89BSBIQ 'Kra«I!tdBa JO -oij AH99i\i JO -ON 9OT0O •laq'jo JO 'o^ tS" a 3 a , o • • o o in • 00 • (N O «0 t^ W » ,© . o © © ■ W • lO >o us o 00 o . OS • oc o eo . 1-H • (M •* o O 00 I -O • (M IM rH »J , CO • O 00 t> o •sjapia JO -OM • C5 • t^ CI OS • • • • • • to • • • 00 • • •iB9;£ eq^ 3nunp p9Aoinaj -o)^ • t^ • CO CO ; . »« • © I • • • • • •JtJOjJ 9q^ 8ni.mp pappu -o^i • 'It • 1-t • rH • fH ; 00 1 CO \ -innnimoo jo -o^j • CO • 10 1-H 436 • -*< • 5 rH • • •sonjoiuj JO -ON • to • -»< • 1-1 • »— t f-H OS • • • ■JOHSBJ ifq pDi|(ldiis suoTi -B!jg auq^o JO '•ojs: • W • • \ T-* • • IN • • • • CO • • •soqojnqo jo -0^1 • 1-1 • • CO (N • \ W • w • 14 O H to I s o S C 3 a S3 P^ a C3 a o It « a C3 O ;-i a C3 c3 a CS I s .^ ■ P5 ice ^ a a S3 a S3 O S 60 a B is H S d.S OPh t: a CS C5 -M /^ *— I 2 s- v: , a C O m a > § -3 5 M -^ ^ :k -a -3 o M tp — - » - CD P5 <; H ^ O ;::: ^ h:5 H =: :S 3 T'l :c -* 1.1 w t- ao CS © IN (N CO 04 a o IS a o a; APPENDIX. cxlix. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s s s • fl a fl • u u^:-. »*% i^i^ * • • • • ■ • • ■ • • • • • • • o o 1/5 © ««-*-• •^ OC » • pH »— t »H * so OD a • l-H r-4 • i-l 1-1 i-( . » CI5«C • • • < U5 « Mt • 52 « • t~ • & O • • iz; ^ ■* l-H 1(5 . o W) ei5 o • P>^ Ph H © o « • H H n m • • • > H • • « • • • • • iH iH f-< • rvey & 1 Bythe 1 Koss . . terson . . elman . . 05 fc- " -tJ Q •th o «g * S ri « . S . o p.^^^a m a J -— ^ o to . ■-s a • •44 ,a • a: o • i-s ; m *>• • ?, 02 °2 1 l«s a £ ^ m <5 O gi-* VI o a . . . C3 « J cc -v •^ oo »; M ••1 U a H M o O" o : :8 • 5 5 5 • 0) 43 . . oa . • . • • : S , . • • . . >, • >»>k>» . . f^ . • . • • . ►> , , , , , • « • • * • ■ ' • • • • • • • • • • 00 . ID • . • m • • o a . , . . . >, • • • • '• • • • « • "• • • • • • '2 : :8 : : :S • • • • • • • 1-4 CO CO X • • • • • CD . . (f 1 • • « • • • O • • : • ' iH '• ' • • • f-t . .o» , rt «S lO . • «o , , , • , Oi ^ • , . . • • wi • ■ • ^H • ■ • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • a • ■ • ' • • • • • • • * • ■ oc • o -f © . CIS . -^ 00 'It • • • • O CO 53 • .-( cfl 1-1 o : •CO •«!-•» • • «0 o ■* • «0 • CC 00 'll ■ IN o w • O • CO «« • • . S>1 w o CI5 , o • o © o • cn • t- to M ' *« • 1-1 >© in oi . «5 . 1-1 -^ © ' OJ . Tj< cq 111 to 1-t IN *» • CO • « « « • • 1-1 IN 00 m a o s 04 1—1 w Ui O J» OS a « 9 0) -a' a; o o o u J- r3 Qi & ® •■ « a m C k. IS ii g : : : S : : : S : — OQ • ■ • ra • ■ • .9 : : : c? : : : n3 ; : : § : ; : ■13 • • : •O ^ a a S5 o H o o u ?: c o M o .a OS o IH H •«1 H CO 55 O o o a. d o )4 05 C 1-t ^ iHC=^ s i-i zi m -^ d. APPE.NDI.X. m no t- co a u y u Q H »-( CO 4 < « H O O w H m -Jllli^IIIUJOSHBJ^ ao na.iiiij,') HM.w nsnojj poitio^x .lo .... .... M'use ... M'nse Mnse • a 8 -a • "S :::: I .... 1 M'nse 1 Mnse! M'nse i M'nse" ;,a , >» >> >j >i >» ! I I i yes yes • • • • • • • • • • • • :i.i.ii;^i ii. N.n.iii.in!''j ni S0UUl[O^^ JO "OKJ CO • c 1.^ »-< • cc r o :?? •H.i.)q;)iMX J" -nv; X -^ fl f 'O ■ ".■5 n • "."S • *! » "J • C O ^ -M •■•ti 1^ t- • ri -c --< ?i anoiaii.i}! Ill "ovj •Hai8i;ch?g JO -oji •Haa.tB.)j[ osioo -loino JO -o^^ •bMopia JO -ON •luo.C oq'j Suianp paAoiuaj osj ■ Cl -<< -t« O O • • O O • >.'! IS IS 5 • • O • © 5 O O 5 iH 1.-5 .5 • I- -H « 5 '3 • • r. i-i • I', ri 1^ 5 • • o • -^ o o> n 3 c o -5 'XW -H •■ ■ ,-,1— (I— I.. •f-<^^ ;5i— i.j^ • 00 I.'? CO ~ 5» • • S-. iH • » O ^ S . • ifl C>1 t^ r; XI "t O rt t- . -4 ' r-t C^l 1-^ .H . • ^H • I— ( ^1 r-^ ^H • rC t"! • ■M X Lt t~ ■-< . . I.-? n • -^ i.'T c) b- ■ :-, vi lf^ i— n t" o ■>! o ■ o ■ i.r n T'l ".; t- • • -^ -!< • '.*3 i.T !>• « ' t- 'f >n o 5© T)< t« t~ -^ .us 8nunp poppu -oij -inniutuo3 jo "o^ •soiiTtnuj JO "0^ •jo^suj ;Cq paijclilns snoi^ -«»S .i9q?ojojoK_ •soqoitiqo jo •ojj ri ri • • • iM • • ■ rH -.t* 1-1 • re . 1.1 10 5>1 O *J . • "1< CI • N >.-5 1-1 1-H . • CS iH O X ;0 • • X 55 • • ■ ^ ■ iH ■V « • • • 1-1 ■*f» • ' us CO 50 O M -«t us •O M 55 .1^ • — ' o us -r ^ t— t 1— ( > rH rH fC CI C» us i-( i-i CI « • — tCusciS X .Usui -rs-HCO • .us/ioOci-^Ot-ui • a-\ •COM-T'i.'SC- • .^Ci-H .t-CVCinS • .WC^CJltSCSCIt-ClM -o CJ •• • i-(iH.. t-(CI rH.rH 3 s ;W.S ; -.^ 1-5 ■-si-s • O as ;2=a 1^ 1-S 1-5 P* hJ cS a 05 1-5 a o :J.aS<1 -IS? ^ 0) ' £ 3 1^. M cS .3 -«5 a a - ,. ^ £ o B<-3 „' 2 .^ \^A ►^ Q d 2 i-i Q 1-i a: Ch a a: 1-5 1-6 < : g.a c :-S l-S O r.^ o 9 . - C3 a X''- u ■c '>' x a ^ o .r ■ '^ ^. . a *; o I r3 • .2 • a ■§-§ a.3 ~ J *; ti -3 , o fc< a -•r-=;^5 rSf " .5 5 .2 . S ill Co .- — . I- "J , fe ■- «' > .■3 OS '3 2a a^ ^^ o ■ S 3 ? 5 5? c ^- .>; P^S — — -- — '^;Ii a !^ '^ I .S >..S g < -Eb- -^ -S ^ ^ .? x li: X X hJ >- rt a _ CI r ^ I S a;«= ~ ? Crf -*j -.-• — • o • ¥ o .■ - tc^a • _2 c • ^ > ;: K ;^ PiH X X ;.> ::^ O a o -^ t-i :: Tj- i- -^ t.^ J- ~. ~ — -1 rt — i* -^ i^ X ~ ~ — I ci :■: — < 17 •-; t>- 1-^ — — •— 1— r^ 1-1 rl t-i r^ Cl CI Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CI APPENDIX. ell. $ . « a ." a • a__ •s •■ • ■ w 4/ • , : >> ■ 1 ^^ S :§ t- .« :"? o W P4 xMW^ X ~. S i-H * • • t • • • • • e o ■/. S r. • a a • ^^ -> i O "C ■ t^ .(S • i.-S • M —1 w . ... >o n 1 W S ■ X e> »-H . • 71 wo • cc « ! • m ' • 1-H • f-H • C o • ev n (M * ' • C •!=■ • iH • F- • 1< I OS » • u; t» lO 00 • .- « rH . >- OJ ' t lo rt . 1.-; o i t-SO . X ■■* l-( • « i : : : « ! . . . rH C<« • i^ C5 • 1 <= : : *-3 ■ rs a : y s fl .^ -a i ■« „ rr tc •" o g s «z H •x: a=^ c OS 0|_" S UHi-jH: 1 1 95 1 i & cS rt ci N -Si 1 o.i2*=3S TS c 00 M CO El m Ph ,•• s •>< s >^ ^ M ^ M .s.* . a a •2SS?S?5iir:5r.§?S? :?? ^ r4 1* r: >0 i :^ "t* ">) ■t" • —1 r- fl ■ i::?!'^ :SS « C » t» irt n) Ci X v; O 3 X I- M ■•? S 3 "I* M 'X • f W ^ •"«<«« >— 11-H l-Hi— l*JW I— II— 1 ^H i-H i-H 71 Fl »— ( 5 -H =• O 71 S -.r O C O 3 C 71 '.7 CV lO C O © • r i.'S © • P 3 5 -r X X -H o t- 1.1 I- 5 I- 71 r- t-- u5 -^ 5 S O • •'■5 7i 5 • S t- I ^ pH — > i-i « 71 »H I— I 1— I iH 71 rH t- « ' M X Ci f 71 S5 ~ -H •^ . •-£ 1(5 '1— 11— li-H7)i-< I— IX '71 X X -f n '.7 71 X "(7 X ■« 1.7 C CI i-<'XXO-.CI>.71'1"XC~71XC5XOOt»b--HS5;ct~i;Oi it»X3iOaCiHt»OMO>«i?J>OX'«1<*l©eON'7ieOSaH)i5fl • 1-1 X 1.7 ;2 t^ >.'5 • — ~ C .-tXT*!— •»<-5c -f X ci '■■ ' M t- 71 1.7 71 t^ X !>• VC O « O rH i.O © — -< ~ ".'5 71 « 1" >n 1.7 rH ?t 1.7 rH 7» 1.7 -^ o o ■-» X -^ o -*< 1.7 r> 7» -H c s s c rv -c 1.7 1 7 X71t^'T.7 -^ 71 X lO -'fl C^ -T" 71 -1< M 't X 71 ,^e^;.~^Ti— !,-<.— —<—< 71 171 "-IrHrHMWrHe^rHrHTlrH .i-(THrHrH.-l ■^o ^ .-S3 ...... a • . • • • ^3 • QD ■ O '< . a*' a b a ' ^ s a S -; O O >5 a 9 M . ■Sis L-^ :3 -: O '^ ij a '-'>-• o i_3 ;SS as a c'-3'H t«'3 " b a - 1^ uj -" ~ w 9 «■ ^ a t. _ §2: !3 -e Of -T- -^ O ».> ?= :m S S^Hli ^ .=3 ,^ •-? U HN =5 a 3. ;D a <>> i-a'u :2 ^ !h ^S >- a o a i> ■= ^^.5 c «5 a -^ •■< ^^ • -a « b ■ " i? 2 S -^ a o So ■^ cS •c s '-^ a 0. K." a -a 2; — -^ J • ^S-3^aMnr-^ C S3 c8^ = ^-a ;j a N a l^^t<-~-%l it i i 3 -a a -,^ .= . a..;zj "t^ z - r,! •— >^ .^ , , . ,9 _o • -vi •/-• _■ , -■ .^" t^ X ci c* —' 71 rt -H L.7 •^' i-^ X ri © r-^ 71 r- ■ ,-1,^— ,-.»-<,HrHrHrHrH71 71 71 71' •jK\ '. clii. H H O O CO W -inpi(uiqi>Hav|f JO !|Ojntjf) hv\\ OHnoH ps^ao^j jo esti«i\[ V ejiiij) Bj i nopwiooHHy AIju -uuiBsi}^ « ojoqi HJ •finiJUjqTrj ni Bomiijo^^^ JO "ojj •■J0ipB9X JO 'OJ^ Bnoiaijea nj "o^ •stohivIbh jo "ojj iC^ooAi JO -ON Hjajvajl 00550 W'Oo JO -Oil APPENDIX. jdi • • : : : : : :o£ : : a • • 88S : g S : :g : ©00^ ; « 00^«C ; «o o» US • o .H in •^ W ■ W 1-1 i-i 11 CJ rt i-< -IN 50 ^ s I J3 • § a c a? 1 - 1 ''. 4) s ; I--1 w 't 1 w^c ■^ to Tti • Ui 00 «0 «l QC © ■SJOpiJ£ JO 'O^J •JU3;C 9q^ Snunp poAoraoj 'O^ dinjnp peppB -o^ -lunratnog jo o^vi •BonrtuBj JO 'o^ flO eC rH (O t«^ kA CO $ « IN • iM • eo (N (N «n cc Ci • 00 i« « eo < •^ O -^ ■ (M «> 00 t^ ( r-l«5e>» • 1-1 i-HU5«OU5 £c{ peqddns snoi; -BUg jeqjo JO -ojii •Boqajnqo jo 'o^ iH 0» • • rH O) ©J • i-H m U5 M< (N US CO i H i • 4J "2 ass SCO S P '° 2 o OS eg 1^ =3 a J •? -r t3 115 J t~ 00 «» IN CJ IN o o -> . r. cS . iJ 11^ . :% -TS .' • OS a "^3 ' :,« a : is 0) - § u ^1 a^ Wcstm Zion C Adinas I-* ©1 CQ Tjl us W A U 9 o n 2 a a a X M f r - ' S . use T — C-N <* H . -^ •« C • ^ ^ tH I- ;-i*i rim c « ■ -S* I z — :2 § 2« 2 5 ■3 .2 I APPENDIX. cliii, 00 S I s o ' £ t p « n 1 CO o 180 ■a A U - 1 e« a 3 1^ a a a a S $ $ a a c «.< to!9 Wrf taH , »H toM taH ^ S 8 S III. I I N -!• t»lft ?§5 5 ri '5 W « 255'' :f?S : ?} I ,M ■«)< « 1-4 • »H '94 >" irt C ■>» CS ' VI ■^ — -1< f. t'lH (D n •t»QO— < r- ■ us /. N iH iH rH •iH -* CH »H X ® 9 2G a 5 Sii fl ,Tsa -:: --^ r^ vr «-- £D S -:5 u -3 S " 5-5 « 3 g.2 •3^ = iJ T: o; X ca a^^isa; — I^ O -H ■ ,• OS 'S^qi »-,h:;S W/5 !?iP * *— V •J-S • Knox Chiirc Kuox Chur k vn . . . . x a X n* ■j: i- --a 2 ox^ -r m'2 > ?, ■•r.'-s O) ^ O j- -? -= a o ?= 5S^ c ^- a -t ^ a r^ £ ^ S 3 2 "S'-^ S X* " .— JiJ ^ 13 t- ^H f^ >-! « M -^ IS IS* t^ 30 ci o ,-1 -.--^-0 = 3 5 5^3 -It OD O -1< 1-1 tH ■ri • CI o « • 1-1 ; ; : : : \ \ ; ; : : : • *» rt IN o j ', * '. '. • • • ; \ \ r c '« t^ -H i-H ,-H • o \ '. • ■ • \ \ ■ • • i I I H W a a a e ?$ . * ? ? S 'a A ; ,B a a a a 7>,'P, ■?^ S ?;?!a ►«s^ : >. 1 S 2 5 -2 iS .-^ c 3 -c « ic 5 5 US IC lit t^ -> ?1 V£ tC t^ »9 S>5r»r>-xS^St^S 9) 00^ 1-^ vH ©5 «-. - CC fH fH fH f'H f rt *H t-.^ ^ S X o X t- s» t- I.": 1.1 1>- ic -f 'C o 5> C^X^CUSi-iW'r'iftSiit « n •* w ira -^ *i c X u? I-? I L^ -Hpccr-C^t'TJX-fW o QQ '^ o Q t^ o "»•'■* o ri wj ?; c> o t-- >.* >- X t- X t- i-< iM Tl — ' ?1 ?1 — '^ —< ■-< ; ; •.2 : :■< : s . • .-! w * ^^ . -^.3 ;~ tc :.£a8 - „' ^ X J; 1=:|5 r-, „ -^ — - ^ -- ^ « ■ t: -s « — -: -5 ■ a J T. - -v: =- x S rS -^ -. "^ > -' — — 51 :■: -:< i.-: '^ t- X 7> II :..'i: cliv. AITKNUIX. ,;.iD.iA" otp fill] • •iiipiliinifiinij^ . iO I(.)Jtll(,') HDW /, 40»H«,| iOj s; 0Hll()I|l>'1"'»ll-'" a niiiii|\' )t tu.>i|) H{ ^ ' "" S <-. 1^. <♦. • s ■ s s ^ 91 -UU1H-!|\[ II .U.>l{| HI •H,»i.ni.i(jrj (i; •Hioiiouax |o oji •HOBHtllf) $3 • t • M f% •)< f I • f I A 'X X • M « ift I- •.'S C -1" • t— ■ «S • >0 t- « « •flIHHH(lBl[ JO "O^J ^IM'''»AV JO '"K « C -M t» M C TI I- -- C ' O M 'O •M i-H , .M i.-S « iS i -t *> ri w rt »i iH . iH • fH • t>. m »o « o -t" a a t^ n 3 ;£ »i ■ »i • « w sj o> ■* t^ S I ■? •si.)ina JO "OM •.I1I9\' 9^ Stiunp p.JAotu.ta •< 1< f f r^ "»< 1^ X » '» *1 X • ■- -c M *! f •-! M i.t ic oc « M X ri r v; vs M • -• • X -< "*" X d 5 3 t a -mnrnraof) jo "ovj X "M '■? ~. '■" T -^ —^ 'Z I- ■M t^ I'- ct :* '■'? "T« t* r- » o 1^ • — -^ -r ri X I- ■ Z X -r ri I- -T •satitrawj JO 'OX •JO^BB,! ifq pajidilua stioi^ -B!)B 'j9ino JO -OM •soipjmif) JO '0^ o xcx-T^?. t~-3-— 5-fc =^«?iriM «« «cc • • • Si tHi-»Hl-HlH'>Ji-lt-lrHi-( CO •»! 5^ W 'tl C^ a u o o S3 *- c >- 12 is t: 5s H • - .^ -s 2 ^ C4 ^ Oi o ^- i I HH 63 ^ -< cwJsd-3 i-i-"! i -2 o o H M I s O U< ^ -^S3 I- o ^' a. m SO t ■_ 5^ • . c •3 # a o o « cc ' n ; cs so 5 ^ to s m -2 il « ,5 ^ ;5 (C :c S if ,2 v. w >^ 2 a s tj CO ^5 a) E 3 o •3 a I s a a ^ll * r =^ ^ Cti S t' « a •• ^r y ? _5 = C c fc. - .:; cS OS S3 es « 1-1 W M Tfi »» «! X e 03 CI H « 1 « •"1 • u : PH • u . Cd • H ; W o Ik. ; •■ 1 * 55 ! • c> l~ H • W O • 55 — M , w ■ pl^ • o tH : « • w - H : {« • « -; 03 o W 7, « IP p^ p APPKNOrX. oIt. ?i a! ■ '■ 3 71 5> S 3 • h- ; • •* , *- , ri • • n _ . . c * a , f ^ W « rj w 5 o eo H M 02 O '*! § :i3 i^ S h. «a , ifl ac -< • v; X « , (ft ec . lo 5 • -r I- S • t- u5 : cc i.-S '«e ■ 0» .-< • »1 '.O M • W « « ' »-• ?o • »-^ ■-< • -1 w w ,^ . •fH'M .^ « 94 . rt rt 5« • • ■ ! ^ ! • o • • t^ t^ CI • O O l> • • • ; X • • • • • • • o • « • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • « l- • • • « ».^ • M M 1.1 • ; • ri I • • t» • « • • • • \ '■ t • • 1-H • • ■ .1.-5 • • • • ■ ! . . . ?] • • • ', ', I • 1-H • 00 • iH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . l.t . ^ Cl • » WO • 1 ; ; . ^ • pH • • • • 1 ' '■ ■ :?5 ": • ^H • • X ^ • 1-1 Z • C X CI • l» M u? • • • ; • • fH : " • • • S : : • • 1 • o 1— t • M lO M • -»< « in • :g • • • • • : 8 • S : : • • • • ; ; ; ; • w • • • • • • 1-H i • • . 1-H ^ . ■ • I j ; • C^ • ui . . < . • . 1-H • . • 'TJ . • rH 1-H • i-H CO 1-1 .^-H-, • pH • . iH • ^H . fH • • "2 It- «lvi. APPENDIX. If ■;2; o 1—1 H a CO H K Ch , -Jnp'jjTnqnsuBj^ JO i[o.nu[0 su^vV • • 1 f;ao?8w,i joj OHnojj pa^nojijo 1 oami]^ u 9Jr3q; bj CO ,; nopTiioossy Adv -uoissij^ V o.i.iq:j kj :::::: • 1 ! •soi.iu.iqri 'IJ > 80tnuio^\^ JO "o^sj :::::: t-H : •SJ9H0B3X JO -O^SJ 1 : : : : : : C5 rH •KOKStJ|f) snoii^ipu ni -osj i-H 1 ■Binsi'jdi!}! JO -0^ 1 GO •B8aiJ99I^ .l9;CDi,I l^HooAi JO -on • • • • • • :::::: .0 .0 •sjaiBosj C5 i-H •sjapia JO -0^ Snunp poAoragi'ox 00 X Smanp poppu -okj I I I i I I X I-H •S^UBO -rantninog jo -o^ :::::: rH •sgjtiinB^ JO -0^ rH •J0}8«J yfq paipldus snoi^ -TJ^S Jaq^o JO "-okj rH rH 1 •saqojnqQ jo -o^i !!!!!! 1 i < Ph Hj >5 Total * 1 ■" ■ 1 r ;; i-B : ■^^ : -^ : :h5 :§^ : *" B • "5 • TS "^ .OX • £-;°-5 : ^s3 5-3 : a a s s - '• •^ _q 3 -ti ^ .ii .= o-=g,g5 ,^, ::- w :;^ K <^ -1H ut d L^ X rv 1 i 1 « a < o CQ a 2 si a: a o > rH ' O -cS ^ 00 1 1 ; ; ; ; : ^ ': • • • • • ; ', '• '. '. ; 1 1 • 00 • -n ; \ ; 1 . . gg . a) yes ; ; 01 a 00 i- » 1 800 200 500 ■ - - • 1.7 10 t» u: • ■^' • ^ * ^^ . M T-) rH •i : g? . 1.-5 . ■ \n O 3 L^ Tl -.O t» x> ' t» CI o t^ SI- a -::i *H Q 1 2; H' ri tf ' d -H • < t£ ■* C(5 ^ C^ • ■Ji^ . 10 ; • rH -^ • • iq • rH rH 40 00 rH ; -11 -^ rH • rH M . 05 ■»!< UO 5S « OS o 00 •lOUIt-XO-^rH >■ e! in 1.0 M o .S r- 5C • X O rH 5>) o -I" o >o rH . rH C^ . JO rHrH rH C^MCiri' tj « 60 V g ;j i# •n W .!> q d .^3 OS l-S l-S a o , 03 . ; 13 ? 1 .T. -r» t-5 f^ r- f^ --^ r-- r- i i* • © :.3 . .** • a 1;^ ! OS S-Sf s a a ■a J >r, 3 o a a -a —I '-J j S 5 > 1* ?.£ s S a c • 1 _3 - *" jq j^iu-i j3 a a a c3 ^ a li i.^ ; i) o .a i -a 3 ro ui -^ t- X r: C rH ?1 APPENDIX. clvii. • • , • • , , , fH • : • : • . m . , • 00 • • « *Q)*Oa; .g)... . • 11 • • N P*. • . >. • k>>> • t^ • • • • • • t^ • • rH " • . . . • . * ■ , • DO tD « 00 X m , , , 1-1 • a « a> oi (U 1— t • •>>>.>.; ; 1 • • >.f^ t^ • • : : . . • • .coccoooo • . . c »c 10 c c; 'i:! g , ~t » • • *^ • • • ■ cc cc rH 1.0 5>1 Cl IN >-< X • • • Tt . ,H rH iH rH t-H rH S ; X ; ; OCCX rH rl rt X (M • ts : : M , i-H«SOOC^XrH0>t>0>i-l , • • 1-1 • • • I-l IM rt -«5t:--^U5CV)t--xaO'l050 HH . IM • • i!i rH .-H rH • T- • • 00 • ■ rH •*^ v» ^ K !-iGa-^'o».'^Ci-^'^'* CC tH ; • • 1 • • * iH • . cc •* • r-iirtuscqiot-iNN . • >H , , , t3 • (M rH rt . . • , i-C o * • • • ■ • M o ■* • ccc5«o-^t^»«-^aic>) OS . 'O ■ t^ "I" « • Cl I-H rH i-H iH Ol w ; . ^ p; • • • H H OO>CMCDlOOX-«l Ph rH rH »H fH rH i— ( cc • 10 CO o W5iCOO»0CiCii-(OcDO»0 :i! ■ r^ « CC p- iHXX«t-iBXlOCCt-Q0 • t- IM Cfl Ui rN rH ki • »1 cc , rt ■ • • , W •OJ OJ H • • • ' K-< . • • • rH I-H rH • • ■s G H IS 1 :1 "i^ ^ 2^52^ J: B »H to -3 S a s tt p^ a < a c ■ 2 > a i rt ^ H a c a ! a 0( <- s :^ ^ a cc ^ CO M< >o o t> H )-H w o « M H P3 PL| : : : i : XX a : 'S^ .V* WH . M'nse M'nse M'nse • a •a : ! : : 00 • -n • 71 X • >S >fl X •« -H o c^ -^ :S X t^O CC t~ X M l-H • to rH -M • iH O U-S rH 1.1 M iM X rH rH rH . IM • M • M ot-jr>o3»oi?» -I* t CC so ec o '.-i t- 'SI « O X rH IM .0 • so rH . IC • rH rl a> CC M • rH .X rH CC O^ • lA • «CC'CXOXO •© S X X f t.~ ~- O • SC I-H rH ^M . rH 03 ■a o .a X >o X -*< o so o ■ o ■^■<: 5/5 3^ b. «j * a >. =s ^ "-I 'O W M ji; d CM -»! H '^ 'J S a 5 '3 a 3 rH »1 CC -1" LZ -^ f » 11 ^ti 1 '^■■' clviii. APPENDIX. .8 O W w M fin i,nioA' oq? 3nt ostiBjv; II a.if>in sj O 9 to '/^ ■uoisHiivT ti o.ini\% sj ■soi.iuaqii nt 69Tiinio_\ JO -as^ '•% IN O •saoipTinj^ JO -o^si C>1 •S0SSt!J3 suui.iiiaji HI 'o^ ' o ' I- 8 •srasi'jdiifi JO '"X 30 •KSnT'joaj^ .i,).^ui,i •s.iaaBoj[ •s.iopia JO -osj •.ni.iA" OTi^ Snijup poAom.i.i •oj.j ■M < a ^ ^ T'3 •^ '^ s Z <;^ ■ o a § c H »5 O » O ii 9 a ■- £ 3 •.niaA' oTj; Sni.inp poppu -0^ • ri j j f. T— t •s^nwo -Tnnnimo,") jo -o^ O =5 1 ! !2 I-H •setitniBj JO -o^ 5 M01SUJ ■v\r -*< — t^ t^ r» ■M 'M • C C C ~ -r --C i.t t~ -i< ~: i; It ri rH t^ ^^ — M . ;r It t- — *4I "^ • !C "5 71 m t~ -H f-H • ■?! I-H -M .-H rH ;■: . X 1 I-H I • ' a, W i-H • . ^ < 1 • * * t u S , _ _ -f CC • "^ o c o c rt e •- :^ m Lt ^ f^ 1 ■v. 1 • 2 »H 1 . "3 Ml > O -t* « • « -^ ri ~. w; X >.-: .-H rt -H tH 3 S'. * ^i a c ■ ifc^ T-< . ■ ;c ri X fi ^ -H « • "M :; i-i -^ K i-H -r< • • 1-^ 1-1 •:; < • • 3 u^ >* T O -t • -r t^ ?T ■ri i-H M • ^ i.t ri i-< j3 '^ ?C ■H C(t r-H -H • -M I-! ^ *<•* ' * 3 'OR TI « -^ ' a O l.t >C 'S i-l <-l O -!< C Ct c l~ -^ . Tt< 5C t^ « « M -!' X :0 O IM 1 • 1— ( 1-H i-H -^1 IH as ;>^'" -■ ^ Oio • C d w It c r O C ~ X N "^ CO -r -* •c;i-Hj(;i-i-f"0--Ji^o-rpH o c • »-t fH 1— 1 1— t ^ '^ ^ h-l •M ri • •» I— t**^ iJ 5 fa o o I-l T-l kH • *3 M a "o ^'^^4 M i^W' f-i ." '• • : : : _.-. ._ .^ '. '. : : : ■ .2 rS • • 3; • T* o . • • C3 • ^"* tc : I ! '^1 • a . . ->J o . • -x • .s ■ ^ t • : ;1 r:: •1-3 -r :g , a ■ • • c(J a • a a • -1 ' cs : : : 13 * : =i « :; 1 - >^ IS J rt OJ cc T}! iri 5~ t^ x" -; -■ r-i r- APPENDIX. dix. ■o . : : Kv; a-. 2- • ~ O -^ « : !i: = '■'5 ^ t>. t>. ^ »^ f-^ IH ; — '-t ri « '■' '-' ^ 'H « g 1— I rt -2 O -^ ~ ~: « J "Ti X O 1- (M =s '■■: cj I OC = S = = X -^ " — L~ '" -r i-( o ■' " — I 1-1 l-H o : : < a es a o i f = § CG 5< H ; : : : ^ o d ■ • • • i-i o - • T. J2 , • a a : • •j?a • • 1.-5 • ■ : ; "^ ■ • • • • ■ • . ■ z> • o . j . 1.-5 • ^ ; ; . ^ 1.-5 C^ 1.0 • • • • 2 • • l-H : : : : • M W -f O t-H . . . . i-H 1 • X X O 1.-5 •«(••• • CS , • » lO ri M r-l N 1-1 5 ri ri • • i- i~ • — n . t— i ■ i.^ t^ • t^ © • 'M -f -^ c^ !.■? -^ I.'? » M •'/":■: . c • X '.t' l.t -^ • "M »— ( f-H .-i . -H ^^ . -^ . 1—1 — S •CWCOOOO'HOCO« '■" t- • c ~ ri :*: n _ • t^ M i.^ t^ -h ■ O • O '(TO '■^ • X T-i CO ^ i^ t-^M'MC •CiSSOt^ •'TO'-iCC'^ •t>-MI>" ■T) 1-1 X >-l M • 1-1 ■ 1— 1 rH . ^1 • 1— I . 3 - «0 ■-< -^ "M rt X _ , - S . _ ■M ' -- sh X i^ 1.0 c. t-: -^ X r ic i.o w o M (N -^ -^ cs • lo i^ i.-j ?1 a v. n --1 1—1 I— 1 rH i-l • i-i to W U O ri-Mt-Cl'Mi-it^t-MX-1'X "fries •■^i-IM I' s iz; I t« i.-S Mi ?0 iS >.0 1^ •■£ X ^ --C -- CI ' t^ W W M O • >.0 • M l> 1 —I * r-t • ?0 • 1— t O O tS X C") -H ■M rH rH C>1 M ~ o -f o -t< 1-1 i.o o o w -^ n s — -o • i.o i~ 1-1 ;s 1 ri rH O 1-1 » M ' C 0-1 T r ri r x — r- i.o i.-: i- i.~ — ' o i" rr ■* lo • ^'i -" x ■M 7-1 X -ri -M X TC — ri 1,0 — < X — 1.0 71 -r O • oi X l.-i 1-1 r-f CI 1 -^ fh I -n^ • 1— I 1.0 iM 'c 00 s rs — I 1— I 1— I W ^H r :- X O "O M lO C; -r' •/ C -^ C rt O lO » I t^ 1.; 1—1 I'- 1.0 1—1 1—" 1—1 * :* 1—1 1.0 C' 1—1 :^ 1—1 - /<; i-i— 11— li-li— IrHi— li-ii—li— li-HC<)!Ni-IOrHi-^i-IMrHiH H ; — ^ ^ i <1 •^" :i " ^ r 3 •r; :/2ir-. X ., a a :? uj — i J : ^ ill ^- ■-=:^ '^ '^ — .a 1. 'H ^ n '2 (i; '-I c3 .'5 ■^ 't ^ ^ ^ <1 ►-: -i -^ •-» -^ U a to a :3 o ^ ■- S v: J 5- o ci ; ) T. a •-- « :i o ^ a o ^ r-i 71 M 1*1 i-o' iS O .1-1 O u H r- a . o •J'S. ■ -^ a -" - . _ a a ■/: H 9 £ - - c-'a o T' o 2? ;" n >; 'A tc a o a : X : o_s -l: - a/; 5 ^ "" • *^ ^ — ' ^i-* fZi ^/ "^ _ i W "^ ■''• ■— '- ■'^ -" ^ - '-' •- >-• L'Z ~ i, i- o s .'2 1-3 cj CO -^ "-o' '.i t-^ X c-I o -H oJ r: -* 'o -o clx. APPENDIX. Ml K*i ►■"111 Si e o c o o o W pq cc W P^ iJB9jf eq; Sot JO n oiu iQ stiA V iiojHXij jo; aftuojj pa^na}! jo iuor^iiioossv AJB -noissi]^ V 8jai{^ sj •SOI.lll.tqrj tit sotunpA JO 'OX o o o O CO l.Ti CO '— '?J §000 -oo ".'5 '.-5 O -co I.':) cc -1" CO • s-i ci • 000 • o • o o ■ C '.'5 — • N -CO 35 • CO eO ■?) . rH . 0> US •sj.)tioBax JO -ox •S9SSWI3 HuoiSijaji m •o^ •srasi^dBjx JO 'OM •sjajBD^ 90550 -i^H^o J" 'ON 00 o o « -r t- «c -^ d r-l ri •ClOUJCOOfOO 1-1 • CO 1-1 CO i-i r-< » !.•) O 05 >« O O O O O O '-"i O l.-S U5 t- CC O 1— I 1-1 IN ■COOOOOOO O tr-OO ' M O !>• M US •^ in 35 W 'O ;c o 00 CO 1-1 eo i-l O >(5 «5 O eo N IH tH CO rH 'C5t»TjOoi iHOO •• COCOl-(i-C ••«rH O1H 'l^a • • • • • U • a 00 Ui 00 • • 1-1 CO-^OOOt-CO • •C0U5?Ci«5OO«a » -^uoc"* 1-1 C5C'l'iCOtHU5 ••CO1-I i-(i-lt-TttCJ C^-- • • • ■ o • • • • >> 3l CO 35 1-1 O O 05 Oi O -l* 'I' C- -t< 1-1 -^ to -rfl t- CO 35 -^ i-< r-l CO • • N OCO;OC03535 1M CO Xr-^O-i Ex O a < < a S a 1 (—J •.£P ■ J -a ^ .SP t? Q s-^ « M a 2' 11^ J t. -^5 ;^ • -^fe . , «Sa2 1 .2 w p4i< 0) ■s. O 1) o o a ^ to 3 03 cc ^ 5 '? 3 - 2 o o flog 2-2 5 ^-^-§ « .^ .^, ■'■no ■^- t'. o -^ = a o ■c! .* •r'^ k5 5 "^ -^ *-^ -^ "J- 5 OD C5 o 1— I 1— I c< 1-1 i?a CO -^ CI CJ S^ I>1 t^ » 35 n M M O 1-1 "N APPENDIX. clxi « ^ -1 ? 15 ■2n?g O 5) 73 5 ?g^ » O Q O O .C 1.-5 CC --I M • Ol i o ■ CI ".■5 o 55 o • o o '.t • CO o ■ M •^ fH ■IN • tH • t> t- « 00 O o O H o o EH o » Eh pq « Ii4 m lo ao CO • lo us CO w e^ ' 00 .-( ■ w -^ «o IN « o • eo e us -a o o c a s :^ -^ > p o a W 0) .4^ a C 3 o o a -1 2 S ^ o o s ^3 I iJ pt] ^ r«=i W <; .<5 M c m ^ ■ ^ ; - a i 3 3 us eo '^ I J .3 ! a CO » eo « .a 3 O a '' S « P4 -^ O >^ P5 W H >^ OQ § S eo OD CO o eo O 1-1 1-1 • S £i XI •!»■/: ro :n : tn * s fl ca a a • a 3 • • •s??:s •« • S s -ss • • 1-1 . 1^^ i-i • fH • I . . r-H • r-H • §SS':i? • o • . ^liSS : : : ■ l.*^ • rH — 1 ri (N ■M -o . . . WTjiocxuseo'^oot-'i'f • • r-i rl *' '. '. ususriNOooo => C Q •■•S • • X CO 5 CO • • CO CO o us iS -r •-£! ■-» IN IN n ■I US --1 IN rH O '^ o r^ • »H ri us c-i 1- rH i-( CO iH • n M rt 'H iH • 1-1 S-) • • f-H 1-1 . rH rH • iH • • • o • 0> IN O » CI ■ i .S :* X 3i r- US t^ IN US IN r- ■^ •^ *i US CO -It •«*<'- -i tj eo ■N '-S t>- 'N 1-4 C4 • O O t- eo flfl PH •iH CO . •«1l 5>) m -Ji ".■S iM X • X o -o r> t- . (r»M • I^ U-S 1H ^ us tc o o as o -t • C>1 O CO -I* c^ ■V -fi CO O « 1-1 « X • -< CO -o '>o t> ^ O) I-t rH • iH ■N CD CO O O us CO -t • 9 '« 2 2 2 on C- t^ N CO ■* -1 • X ■N CO CO CO 1— r^ : : : a « • • • ,-ICOl-ll-(— Ir-I— IW.HrH-tf-ll-l.-l '. r^ • - ^— ■ — , — - " fH g O ^ * 1 1 a : o . ^ • -1 bH ■ ^1 . a s--i r!=5 C - ^ J • C3 C3 ^ t3 t, "li -« Willi Willi Kobe .Tnlin a C S a . Q •g .a :^ a « >-» ^ 1 - ' • a : a , rl .-3 S'g a ,£3 >. CJ ^ a a Sa J3 E a 1st West Gw West Cfwillii Collingwood. Orillift -31 a s > ««-i IE -♦- — > 3! 3 3 a a « o a) - H 3 S 3* iio J >. X Nl » U. -72 j .lu 6 noi^titooxHy a'.ih -tioissi[^ V o.ioq; sj o 'CO • k-j X CO •/; •s.)i.ttj.niifi tu l« O W O O 00 CJ 1-t =• 3 t- e 1.-1 •H.WqOBOX J'> 'OM rs » o ■o M "^t o w o "."s o •>;■ •a ••■tl -o o I •8i>SS1l[f) snoii(i{,)}j ui '0^ i-H s rH •3 '■ o M ^: X '.T -o 10 o -ri '.■:i o f-H . lO : • -X . ■Bmsi^dvji JO '0^ CO t- ■M t- X • t^ • • -1< t^ -»< • • i-H • ■ • ■^ 1 • • • ri . •Silnn'iaKJO^B.i,! ' iH o O • i-H M "I* i-H rH • • • • • fH • tH \ • • < • * • • • • •sja.iTin}[ » o 00 I-H f X >.-5 -o • • • • •s.ifipia JO -n^ c; M » ■-♦< -t< -tlMCOM-MMOMM >fl -M -^ n • ^5 T'J ani.mp poAomo.i -ojj O rH — ^ • ■^ IM ■M O rH . . rH -^ LO • • CO W 1- ; : : : iiuunp p.ippu -ovj •B'tntio -innniraog jo ■ojj 'O O rO (M to CS • iM n ••-+>.■? t- tH -M rJ rH ■ fl • • rH •H . M "^ i.-s c; n e> o X r- [>• X m o X o >o ?0 CC U5 iS X -O -O l."5 10 -^ l.-S X M t- ri -H o ■>! '■'5 --3 -i< CO M S^ •sajiiniBj; jo •osj MO'JSIIJ I jCq pajiddns snoi'j -BIS .wq^o JO ■Qji •soip.jiuio JO -ONJ *, O '*' ■MOO o o X' X o ;r ri o n 'H L^ r'S "M ?t -T* ■>! M '.1 M CO >.0 rs O X -*l • 1.0 TJI ^) M< rH rH • O rH C 1-H rj X • • « « M CS b- U5 -M rO 1-H -*l -f 'M X O C^l -w "M -r 7>1 iH 55 1.0 ^M eo M ?0 C) ri i-t (M r1 i-H >( ._ ^ r-H CO c^i i.o ^o » ».o '-.0 [V] :o'-H.-i M M-?< pq « w w >. 3 a cS ' c 1-5 » *e •/; c.a r. ^o -^o a • • * V . u< . - y, r-. ^ u H 2 "id ;■; ^:^ ^ ^ a Kflr^r^ a i o o a r3 o » * • • — TC TC -M rH ^ • ?C 01 ■M TC ■•-H _ 01 I-H rH rt 1 • • • • ": \ • • ; ] • • • t^ ■^ 9 a V. o to ^3 X tc a ^ CI;•'T3C-^'^* ^.;5.a* .aj-:^ •tT^^.z:^ ri- ^ s a >- >' '^"^ '^ ^ ""■ ^ f^ ^ a y: _• o x a a 2 g '-n ^ ^ *-- r; V. ;^ .0 -^ clxiv. APPENDIX. m -jnp'}[iiiqoHtitii\; i noi'jiipoHBV S.XV •jCiiijqiri ni :o • ? ; ,0 ,c a : ! ^a *-! ^ i l«^ .t -1< • »1 "J K t- o • «e o 5) r-l iH • 1-1 iH rH >H 01 • • • 0'«'^xn5«Mi-fM'M o f irt >nioc5:siNr-(c>ii-ios<>e»;5*'M'-t ••^■^wx • ■ O i-( rH N L-S «q i-H i !.■? . O X -^ 1(5 • • IO «s eo o i-i • O CO t» iH e« •S!)nBO -ranraraog jo -o^ OnS-^t- •lO'Mt--t^O'M'-lXO»X«Ot-0'1< »H r-( W .'5 0t-t^05t~iH5'J • t-( rH i-l IO C>1 CO IM »--5 r-l C r^ I— I : 03 I— I a o 4^ -a c a o (-1 S li-l a i o > a: s o 9 I O ^ cS si OS h-; )-:;«« a § ►^ o £ o^ ci H * fco 3 a ei CrS O o! eg M WO o.S -5 JO ci OD a c !u . 'A . O • u^ • ■< • H : 9 !=> 01 .!-« .5 s '55 o i'3 •10 I X fc'fl > a .2 ^ >- OS -OS o*i Is .s-s OS 1-1 OJ CO M< 10 1 CO -^ 10 1; t> X C5 I i-H 1— ( 1— I 1— 1 iH t— 1 r^ APl'ENDIX. Cl XV •» - "■3 '»< US t. : • •• : : 1 * • • X 1-^ »*4 1* • • c •>o I X I ?1 ••9 ; 'S ; n § I § O — >H OS or; o 'X> 3 "8 ; ; fl : • , , • • , >> • • • ••••••• ■ • , , MH , , . , . • • • • • . . ^ . • • • • • • • • •••••• ■ > • o ; : ;_j • '/' 00 I : J^ ; s a ■ a . .$ • • a • • • • • • • • fcl '. >t>^ . • u ^ • fe •s • s • 8 :i^S :§ c >.-; o 5.^8 ? i?.? -J< N • i-H iH *1 M « S'l •^ !-< oc i C5 SS . iM •-< X rt t^ t"- "M « • i-H i-H 1— t -M »-^ »-< ^H O • >C O • >(5 ><* O • O O ' X t> . iM fH • M X o » X -I ?i ri ■M i-i • r-i VI •-I . (£, (Q • « «^ iH • 1^ 1-1 8 O. i-H W • -H s -t< • 5C -H . O lO X '.I C" X M l.-S Ift 'XCC •f-HCVi— If- — '"^ cv i r-l i-H rH n T-l X Lt 1 X> X r- uj O C » "•■? ■ •-)i r = a - — 2 a ■<5 -- ^ ■^ J ¥~:?-=: <-= =■ .a SI - li ^'^'^Piy,-/:^;^- ri (>i M -ri i."; -J t- X cv e — c-i m -f< r-1 »-< i-i I— 1 r— I 3 r- a = := a^r^ i 5J -^ i - — _ ^ ^ .. .jj ~ ' i t< ^ ;i^ >.-: -^^ c^ x' r: d -4 ri 1-1 1-1 -1 r-i r-l -M ri -M !U clxvi. Ari'ENDIX. /, jiin^C axil Sat -iUliiiiti'ioHinij^ JO tli>Jiii(,) I'BAV ,;j<)]sii,l .III] i nonBiodHBV X^v -aoiKHtj^ 11 oioi{> HI • •••••• •M ■Koi.iTiJfin ni •H.ioi{Dn.)j;, JO 'o^ $ $ r * v. • "01 v. 00 a a c c ; ; a a a S S S '^ ■ ■ ?; ?! S ; a s ; c a .a • .a _3 a ; p ; a d It!. I-H.— I—I'M ?i*i'— 1^" 1-t l-ll— I l-< 1—1 • ? ; : ^^ ^ • • • • • CO u S3 en CO & o M ■< U tH U u O h td" Ph P o p^ o H OQ I Ph •fiOHHIlIf) 8noiHt[.-t}i III -i)^ •BtHHIvIUU JO "OJJ ■^ 'JJ ? '-* '2 "? 5 ® =• '' '" — ■? s S :J ® "-5 9 o © r Q c © o ii: o X x >« r: -f « 5 '^ « i^ -t t- 1^ t- i X « >.•: 55 X ^ o 5 -1-3 x -J -; «0 ift 42 M C O « « ■>! ?■. ift * »-i CC X « X t- 'M M X «C •'5 "« i-< «a •S>Jui19tI^J9;fT).t,J f-(F-i-(fH'M'1<>(?-^iHFHiMfHl-Hi-l*li-ll-liHiMl-l»HIN0^»1»H »1 •Hjaauofi •saopia JO -o^ Sui.inp poAoiuoa -0^^ J* ;.mp pappt) 'o^ Si i.T « 'w I- ■?! 'O -r -H [>. i~ lo a» ifl « t>- r- « X ci u? sv -c •-: i** '~ rH i-l f-l S^l <— I I— • I— I F-ii— t ^ ^lOi— liH •Cli-H I— I r^i-i ,—1,—.^ O iH i.t CI W X « X O CS • -f t* -C X 'S in O •MM MiHi-Hp; 1--4S1-IM •Mi-i i-iMi-4i-t ffin— <>S •'Mt-i -innmtnof) jo 'o^ •BoyiitntJj JO 'o^ CC • ■ -M l.'^ t~ i; h- r-l M t-- C-I t- C C5 C (M -f »« -t" ;C — M C '-T C © r- ir.. -M O '-T 1-1 'O ".-i l^ 1-1 f i-i -t< i; -»• M © C "-c l-" X X t" t- >.t O CCl-IM«<-(C»5X*>'Ni-l Mr-I S>)C>Ji-li-li-t t-< rl r-lrH X — 'c c s 1— I ~ c cc o ^c © cc X '■'^ -^ « *! c 'C 1.'; © o © >o "O «o ;r i-t I - X — © CI I* i^ 'M '•■5 t^ « -f ■M o u^ t- Ti c to t- •<»' t>- -J" IM W C tS *) K © -e © i^ "* O 1< *i -r C- © l.T •JO^SDJ ifq paqcldns saoj; -HIS wq?" JO -ON •soqojtiqg jo 'o^ g P4 •I«a a> c; o - b-^ d o S 01 « H 3 ci S —1 g CK ; ^.- ^ ^v» » f-H C^ r- • . as en •/ c3 ce ; § 1 V. eS *" a a z CS (J) a o O u p <4 a^ §:§ 1^ ^^ ^_^ _^ r/) »« '^--a-s s a g a a ■7 -^ ^ i; L* /h 1—1 p— I 1-5 >-5 a o 03 . "in '../ a U02 a o ^ c 03 ;-i • ^ c C3 . a to 0) Ph S3 tc • r ^ - - • ri O Et a • ri >-i o ; m 1-1 ° w §^a« .2'" ig.H a,- •• r5£ ^ a a •/: . a o « ■« "^ •'" £> o - o S3 H e» CO Al'PKXUIX. Cl XVII. 9'~ __ e . D • O go ^,' -ti-fs « o o ,JM M '^ an P3 ^ b o ^02 fl a 1 a fc '^ a| s ■3 = c M-^Q^ on ei «■ e-t ■^ iNi • rH . O ■* Ifl w • 1-* a w P3 r-l rl Cl 41 1.-5 cr l-l ?l ■ f-H eC rH '.-5 "It •Tl C O f ■« M M i-H t-- ec « M 1-* .-H Ol , • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • ■ • • • • . *1 i-H rH • i-H • iH i-t iH iH • iH CO OJ fl O QQ 4) 3 S5 to CO' ft a O .'S v: 5; OQ a ^ S .5332 C i9 ,-^ ^ -^•a gSgK 5. iUBf^WOM aWHfS^z; •»(<»« «o i n eo 5 § (».i>i S$ l»i K i». >. >• >» ;|S?2S«5RS >i=j 2 • 00 X • • ^^ ^^ • • • S • • • • 180 210 !£ s us m »o » t-ti « S.-S « — -N fi >.t I* I- >— -• '.a c X 5 -f = r. '-5 a p c c 1-5 1» *' S '3 ,k "S •- •- H « rJ <5 •»• ? i-« « ^ « flO « IS M ' »fl I." • 'C c ■/ iS Si M . i-< 1-* n . 1— ?■! I— . 1" « -t" -" •-« IN t- "M ■?! ■ t'- •-? X vi t^r-i iS t- -c o 00 >.i cc n c o o OT ss t- • « «a n • f c « ^ «« 00 X « t>--£ M « t • rH • ' ■N •«»< M «;r- .t-3sXM"*-<»x 0> 0» m ■^ M -H 1H «^ • »H « « '^ I-t X t>. PM ^4 ■-t< >.": w 7 . ^ -tl -i< c »»• f v: ri rH • l-H er . rH f rH rH 45 rH l^ rH • T XI h4 • * ri irt '.t C> . -« i;t r: o> O X X 1.-5 M e '^ n X ?: l.« t-. l-H >.- -r — • ' "" t^ 50 (N C^i l^ t- l'- w' « ri I- t- C"! ^ oi n . l-H !-■: 'T 'M rH CI ri -M >.t l-* ^ IS • o X © © c ■» • r- 8 'C X .<. ,« i.-S h. ec c<- • X W IN f W -T" • t- t>- T >.- X •^ fH rH I— » -M f-H r^ • so • r- • • • ^ , „ • • ^ , • ■ • • • • • • • t • • " • • • • ' • • ■ 1 svi 1-H ri f- • rH 1— • • • f-i 1~^ 1—^ 1—* r^ r^ •M X rH rH f^ rH ■M • < . • • • • — '- ■'^,- '— .— . . 1 ! ' • < S :P : : : : : < ■ < ; J . Hancock pn 1 1 in Jo t.^i a> ,- oj . - " ^=--5 2 ■ ^"^ HH K C c 1 si b-H rr' '3 a^* 3.= a s^ >4 UQHO V-H 1> C '^ s < p:'x as c ei >• C ^ < H >-i • ^'. • ■ • . _»_ ,^j_ . . c . . . . . . o a ■ • • • • DQ ■ ' •"' V^ • • d • -Jl t • • u • E — .S c; o £ 'i- • ; » 72 %a -4J 55 SJ S c o a • II c C e: S 3; cj ■^ ^, ^ -^- -H r^ = : 1 . ^g' _ ^ ^ > .^ IS-^:^ _^ HH 5 ._ v. ;'■ c 2 = O -, ;i y ^' ■J-. C Ji — it 00 - ; — s o ::= c s* .^.=si ;zij>i5wGwi25SMS6winyoc^>^?=xxCu rHC«e(STtt»fltSt»X C5 C rH iM CO -^ >T ic r- X clxviii. Al'l'ENDIX. \\ a ^ o H I— I ■Kf, w o « w « W •JiilUiuicjosin/j^ JO i).»,mn;) n'i,\V ,. .IDJHII.l Jilj OHI|l)|{ |>,l)ll,l}[ JO 2 :l : 8 ■**-x •„ •*_ •$•$ ; n \ a a a ; 5 ; ,s 8 '. P r a w • o • • •HitlfDUOJ, JO "OJI . C C ?■• — !* 5» « VS «C W -<■?< 0» 35 w* w^ tX 1— 1 fH t^ 111 1 •BUlKIvhlll JO 'OSJ k\\y<\y\ JO OM ■wjoiB.ig 8« • c » • • s v; i.t c p; >•■? o ri o 'ft o © M o CC • t>- 1< • • X l- t- fl C t- I- •- -< I'. 5 i »! t'- • ^1 I— ) f-H rl t — oeo» •«ft«i< • •otiifty. ffiaoeo •»! •»«»c»*» to «"* 8S : : tH « fh ei 'S v\ • 'o ■^ • • * ift t; ^ ifl US t» 1ft o •— w t^ 3v -H •HJ9lll%X JO 'OX X CO • i>. e-1 t- CO *> -r '* '•■: 'ft ift 1 55 M !S *» >« MIIO.V .)I{^ Siiunp p.ippu -ox 'Jt » -coco • • t>- t^ t- « -« • tN. ift t^ 5q (N '«< X ^ O i-( • • • M ?i • >-< CO i-i S -janramog jo 'o^ •sajiiraBj JO 'osj > us 00 • >'ftso'i5 5 ^ S x I ;• I- -^ t~ -/: ■M n ^1 ri ?i !■] CI iH i-i M ■»*< ift •,; D- AI'PFNDIX. •Ixix I • t t • • • EJi^ui. ; ^!.ii.ii.u^:^. B ?3 s Q M H < U (H H B) H £ CO* O tc W « t- 1/5 »-< 3 >« f •% I- • « • « 5 -J ift rt « -■ •» "3 ■/ X « c r. c « • T« ? S"' 'M X » » « « •-» "M *l <-" f >-t • W 'fl "^ -" i-l ^ >-( X t- i« 5 o "t -« 17 ■^ i."5 • o ?. r. 1^ X !■• lit -»< w i-i Ti <-i re • • i-H ■fi — < ,-< fi I ^ • ■ I M i-< "P^Wpi^ti^ V> «>-l •■A>A*X •<00»©W iftioousxw X wf •t»xx'oi ■^ ■^ ti i-< 'M Cl >-l W • « -M 1-1 r-t rH 1-1 o>ipQOi-<© i« ffjx •fl OXXWMt^ «>< CI© •X©OM»»-HaDt>- I *J M l-^ '."S -^ •.■:i 00 • Q O X O "M 5 X "It i-^0«0«OX « t-O •OfOOUSXC-O •HWlHi-Hi— li— I 1— ( I-(rH» i-HlH^ll-Hi-HC^i-IS'l I- CI a ..: o c • • • w.- SC.i • • o : a 2 9 ii -^ a?i o w a - - o s '^' (J -5 s ^ - ''^ ^ 2 ii ^" <; ^ o • U) • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • M :JS .© • « 5= >i >H a pq c3 r a OS ■ ^ ■ o • c xn 1 oS c ^ Is [® o ii a -2 S S 2 2 ecu wo a cS n _ o -^ "o '^ "^ • X -f "r t. . ^(S £ .- o . Si ^* 'i^ *- 4'^ n -H .SSa-^i:c^a ^ >< H WK:z;t2a«w3 '- .2 a . M c1 o K ^ • 5 Z':^ : S ^ o : CO en 3^ -w J rrt a! «! iH « SO lit: ;::i-t. [^ clx X. APPENDIX. O Q o Em O m fejo^sB,! joj eenoH po'jnoa io -uoissij^ B ejaq; bj •soi.iTJ.uii^ ni Boninio^ JO 'o^ •a 05 • 1—1 •o • coo • CC • -o oo ■ -C -o • -o -o ■ © • o •;: 'M • 1-1 • • o o i.T • • e • o • • c • o •saoiiotiox JO 'o^ suoi8i|3g in 'okj •srasi'jdBji JO "o^ OO • O i-t >-l -CD -Op -O • CC «co • cr, t~t- ' >o •wo •[>• -i-i ' o o • o c o p ic o '.■5 • o ' t- CO • w X f o w in cj • 1.0 • W -Tf 1H (N r-< . rt (NOC • MiNi-ii-liM •-)'t^ • 'aOCO • --1* ■OlMiit'^iSO -OC •« ifmoaAV JO •o.sj eogjo -w'no JO oN •SJ9pia JO -o^ •JB9i 9q^ 3nutip p9Aora9J "o^ MBg^C 9q^ 8inanp p9ppB t^ IN W 'I-H •>— I ■!— I -l-H .CI .?!,— Ir-HrHr— li— 11-( -M CC O in ' «£ O >" O • • C>1 • ■* lO -* Ci ' »C • • 1— I • rH o >.■: Ci c; a CC « • i« tc-* . eccico -i-H -oj-* •« •«■*»«■«*•* •c;oct»'>»TH • • •* • O t~ 00 • iH • t- .O •^ ta • -^ (N Tf rH W • C!*< O U5 Oq • i-H rH • • IM t- . lo CI o Lo ■* • X • -o 5 • IM >.1 rt i-l rH • • CJ 2 •S^UBO -ranmraoQ jo 'o;^ •B9J]ICa«J JO -oj^ •ao'jsBj ^q pai^ddns unoi^ -w:>y J9q')0 jo "-o^i •seqojnqg jo 'o^ as 'C i-t ;c c; o c: c: t~i-i a 5C ■ IN X . CO 50 ■ rH I— I • I— I C0 X 5^ O • ra "5 • r-H -^ X 1-1 -«f 3» O ■g •? • «o e<5 1 « o H oa •»1 CM Ik o ts : — - all 111 CC .ft: • o • ; MO t;» cS '. S aj o -§1 n o fl a O CS B a a o Q 2 a fl a o X C3 o o 5J pa: 6 o g -t o c CS s '5 a 5 ?' < -sj <; >5 t: ?: yj rH rj « »r i-t a »- o -a o ' = a ►-"a'c ' i; 55 g a ^- ■ ;:; >i ;::; S3 ;:; •-3 ; . CO ^ 1 I 9 i- ■ . a •t^ -iJ -r^ X -X P^ x . a !X CD 05 3 a3 X Si o r-i s>i n: -^ ".-^ tr r- X c; o >-< ■- 1— I I— I f-H ,-(i- • I ; 1 O '^ ^ • t/1 tn cfi • fl !=) a • • • • • en * d ; ZJ Qi ^ xjn 'h xn • ^2 a d ; ^ ^ u^ ', to 1 . .^ . 1 • ^ • • • \ 1-H I i 1 • O >Jt O • • • \ ; '.^ o o c C') •-£ =; o rH i-H rs C^ '--^ ^ 1 • o »o t- • • • ■ * • • • u» O t» 00 X . o c »« • O O O t^ c ' ;r T^ t- -^ O . i-H ■-( N • 05 Oi» o ■ Vi , »« fC r>:c '^ ■— ^ rH C- rH • iH CI I— t tH • (M 1-1 oa ■ • ffl • IH • • • ■ • " • o " • • ■ a o ■ • ■ • o • ■* C5 t» •>*< • • o ; O O >0 lO w «o • O O ••* i-l . • o ; U5 iC -^ ;C CO ■* • ID ttt CO • • • J • (N • • •* C^ '1' X -so • to o o t» • • «o • ro • iH W X i-l 7< to K • S^ S a o. i « 02 .^i a N ■M W M ^ ^ X ■— 3 -a o 3 s 2 ^ o 00 CO W « w w fe (If e d ::j 01 o :) a . OD OD y. <". ■/. _- a C c 2 = — ;s rs • s> in to >.o c OXtOCIUS-^i-lCOWtOi-t O-fUSUStOSti-ltOUSSSCi ■^ 'M CO 1-1 -^ 1-1 -f CO '^O — [^ 05 • O O O O 1-1 l.S rH -.O -# ■ 5>1 -^ X i.S X X 35 t- -^ :3 xn ^ rHf-Hr-ti— I.— "li— tCCi— 1*|i— I ■3 6C-^ ^71 - P=ii;i3; « c"? 5 V -^ c -^u: tx *-• *-" ^ Ci pt<);i<^H^^;^u • ,, ^ ... . ^ arnoc . . "3 O • =-3 ti •a • y • • • d A : C^^^3 • ; -7 c a ^ ^ . " ** 5 J 3 t'">.| 5 a = to "^ 3 i =-5 2 :;-a C - Ti - .3 ^'.-3 5 a -5 ^ a r-l CI CO -C 1.0 to t- X — . o — ri •^ fi clxxii. APPRa'DIX. s o O ■<\ ft O W W -.^lll)}]^lH.^^^u![^T .10 l[.).ltll[f) Sl!\\^ i.io?si?,i aoj 98noj-j po^uo^x •"' ,;no!iwi.)ossv A'.io •sni.ni.iqiq ut BOtUllJOA JO '^il O I- s c o 1.-: — -^ c O ijotpBox J" 'o.M 'M ^^ O '-S W5 o o . o ' CO ■ irs "O CO -ti • >« « t-- (M •scnsi'jdD'j JO -o]!! o ■* 0 IM (» O !' _, r}* ■ M< -O Hauiip paAooiej "o^ ' 1 rH W o H •< K M o o ^ ci !- I— I :; ^ r3 go j:2^ wr-- " v« ?r t^ » C-. c --I n r^ r- ?i ri M ri . a> • S • o m -4J m rr -ri OJ =3 o m B b< (4 o Et. H O « a: O i-i H O o O 03 H « O ft Ph O P^ Eh O « OQ O PH Ph 02 P4 rn 'J. •JU J. 'f. -s. X y. r-, !<; r-, ^, ^, <-, ^, ?? o o lo ri CI = 1* cc Cl 1-^ • ci 6 : CM i-H StrH 1-^ ci •jO ^ 1-1 i^ Cl . CI • o o o o o o t^ O t^ QC C -ri CO tH cm r-l X CJ CO X O • •M 1-1 CI r-l o lO Cl 1-1 Cl CO Cl •« Cl -^ : 1-1 CI CI tH S^ ;^ 1-1 iH Cl 1.'5 CtOOSLOO-l-Cl-^CIi-l • o p. co>cxMi«aoic-^oci -^ 1-1 iH . >S • 1^ d rH rH 1-1 1-1 ri 1.0 CI X « Cl 1-1 CO • X X W Cl >.0 CI 1-1 CO • CI 1-1 • ■ • IC X O Cl -f t- t~ CO t^ '.0 O O Cl CI i.C X -" t~ Ci w COi-li-li-ICIi-iCl 1-ICO ; co5-tiooxo>nin • COVSO-tCOCi-l-7'i-lO • 1—1 rH »— I 1— i 1— 1 ^H CI * rHClrHiHe^ -2 1? ~ ^ '-i -t* :q^ « ; S e 1 ■•.* S :-- O 1 '_ 1 Q CO M O U — H r! -5 '-'^ P^ , H - m Cl Id Ph I*' O i ;>! '.o « 'iX w H 1- H ; pq \ m H i « . PM APPENDIX. clxxiii. f.^ • ■M •M t o a. 'S 1.-5 . 5 -H o ■ ii >- CI « ri -. * . . ai 11 . . . A r4 1-1 » 1 ♦ ■ V •-3 I Q 9 I If. re »!5 -< c, ^ . a: 3 c3 C3 o H l<«=5 r :h3 M o ^ a 15S« = 'S i CI CO -r 1- s cs • to ~ X =5 OS .*> ^ ^a^ H .-3 X X ^ H -11 H EC ?! O o c3 ra* a d Cl on O 72 C-. "O CO X X Cl C-. CO — Cl — ■ 1-1 C X — < Cl — Cl IT CO ;c X O 'O 1.0 C O O f-i — X -!< -f "f — ■-* 1.0 Cl ^§5§Fi^^SS U5C15C1— ixo— "f wccx'—ot^ioncox rH Cl Cl tH M Cl Cl Cl -H r-< >H i-ii-iOICl'-irO-^ -^ Xi-iCOi-iClCli-i-H -.C Cl O Cl X Cl t^ Cl — ~ — C 1-1 01 31 eo IH CO -I* Ci i« U5 -.S X ;c « X ■■.z — ^z iH . 1-1 50 cs'f-fint-c^i.oiftccJO 55 OCl •CXCli«W'-i<-i f— 1 . 1— 1 T-H c; 1.0 X c. c o c^ 1-1 1-1 Cl Cl rH Cl Cl rH CO C5 o Cl I- — '."i -^ CO ;2 X Cl rH -1" 1-1 Cl 1-1 Cl Cl O ^ CO Cl — ■ X O Cl 1.0 I- 1-1 CO r: c »-< 1—1 Cl I— 1 -C< O lO -.i C O '- CO *.C Cli Cl « I- '0 — . ri tr- - ■•— -t< Cl -H 1-1 Cl 10 o o — — 1 -c o o C-' "o o 'o c c 1.0 1-1 o c *'..'*■ . • • ■ :V. i r ■ r > ; , a1^:| *i .3 a c : X i, u; u: j!? 5 ~ H< il 5 ill 2 = Xl5JP rn' ji CO -f If \ -c c-^ x' • C* r^ cl CO — 'O -.r l- clxxiv. APPENDIX. o o pi C ^- Ph P5 JO ({a.[iu[,-) sB^^ AJOjau,! jo; eanoji p.j^a.ijj .10 i aoputoossv ^-i" -U0!8SI]\^ V 9J9q'J Bi •s.ji.i«jqii ni •sjaipBox }o •ovj O C V , o _4 • /: /. vt i_i • A ' >j-i • 3 a a w a , p- .^ f.f^^*^' >» t«i . i.-i m 1.-5 r-i 10 C ;o «£> i I— I i-l 1— I rl C^ M iH •BoasBif) •HOIStjdBJI JO 'OJJ ^C -^ -O "l* l^ :£ M< -O ■ -o M >.•? t- 1.-5 ri ;o -T* ootgo -latl^o jo -o^ i-H i-H CI rH CO O O Ci!0«»50«0-*0 0»0 ■SI0pi3 }() -ONJ CO « (M « "O M ■* (H CI •JuoX oq:) 3uunp p.iAoraai "o^ 3aunp popp*} -oji -tumnraoo }0 'o^ •S9qtnrej[ jo -o^j >» CO • c^ t~ ic 31 n ■* 5C35COCOt-lU5-^-'lft iC OD 1-1 i-H CO «£»rH«5I>-^00?lCO •aO'JBBtJ ^q paqdduB snoi; •soqoitiqg jo •ojj I-HrHi— IrHrHlHrHi-ie'l i OS c • o CO-'fCOOO'MOl'tl t- -00 o ■ t- IM • CO O H O a; "^ t.22 ^•Z^ -^^ "-^ *2 "^ •— _^ S;~ ~ ti S ■< -H. "c e 00 ci o >— o>i CO -^ 1-H 1-1 IM W 01 C^ CJ « 9 3 5 a a 00 03 HI o P3 W Eh |H P3 P? ca m (r. a C^ ' NM :^ S •« • s ! to ai v; T . » . >- !>-.t>. i»l s :S * % f^ \^ • ■M « « 1-H ^^ to CO 'M W US • — o ri ■^ ■ C O ^'1 o • -r ri — -1" • 50 W >0 •-' — f (>••»»< O ^ • -1« CO (N '* CO • ■H rH 00 to • :a t- -I* -r • W -H ^ CO 1— 1 CO 00 ■0 CO eo • >rt c CO X ■ O CO O X • CI I-l iH • «o o « o • « -^ t^ t *3 o >— 1 nri £ 0* C 15 Joh San Mat 1 a o "^ 3 05 H a 5^ :- S c 5 o .'•^' n .i; O c -i •:; n ~ O .£ h2 - -a a3 aj g q^ a ^ i; (. c fc -^ w si APPENDIX. clxxv. w 00 X y) . -^ -71 ••I c M r> P M V5 X I-l rH i-H «o o w o 00 -). [^ -f. 3 ats H s-r; 'H '^ ^'.v^ S c ■ •- =1 ■ ■ H i;,fc. 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CIS 1 CO rH rH rH rH rH rH ^^ • rH 1 IC ' CO »« • 1 V S s -o«c ^ I> iS-^w«-^ui!S"*'fl>fliaT}(?^0'Mm'v5q •X ■>*< • OS 50 « «2 1 s * rH iH us Tjt «D • « ■♦ 00 l« us rH 31 «0 '*' S» 10 M< Ol -00 • •X ..H . CO ^ 05 CrS rH rH j-l ■ • 35 ^ , CO 1 C ■«t<0 00 >o -i^l-ttUSrHrH.O.DOCl'MOOOlrHSOOiUSXM • X US ■ ■* CIS ;c X P m -H CO rH5^ t-< 1-1 t-t VI rHSq t:^ r-i rHrH rH • 5^ rH ■ CO 1 «^ 1 w • pq >o «o 00 aC5t~05rHrHrHO«0't"OrHOO]r(3Q^C4 rH« US osSX'OWr-JXOt-XMtCi-SiuOaS • 35 C5 • 0» « u; — 1 (.'J Tl( S>1 cc >o .Hfl US . CO-* s< us Cq iH (M rHrHrHrHrH C^rHrHrHrHrH rH rH ■ 1-t P3 -1< U5 © oo>rao'«>oo-i'cooc.'5i>.T»<«ususoxa»eoo-^c-'*r- . OS us ■ CO as u: X iH rH <-l rH rH us * j/j • • rH rH • • y-^ r-i • • • • r-t rH . . t- pq ■ • • . . . rt . . . . . . . . . . . . d. rH C^ S4 04 r-l r-t ' co . ■3 • X V Qi «r: a . >? a § a • ! ° OS eS a -a a 1 •/ c ^ -^ -5 a- g S c 3 5^ ^ :&H^ i 1 : Is 73 ■~B 55 IS p t2 ^ ^ t> S ri 5 s: 5 '^ ^ :S if i a - -*^ tX-r- s K Oi «. ) t> x* r; rH ci M -»< i.t" \d t>- X ci ■£ -' C) OS H! tr. -z t^ r-l rH rH r- r- r- T-i f— ) rH r- S^ S'l e> 1 ^ 1 Ti * « s o n s S I » a d : '^. CiXXVU APPENDIX. t- 00 a g •< u u n o O W Eh CO W Ph fin JO q ojii'if) ««AV JOJ OsllOJJ l)0}ll^J[ ^ nopBiaoHHV ^JU -notssij\[ 1? o.iotj'j 81 •HoiaBiqtrj ui Bomnio^\ JO -o^ « © ■^1 •Haeiiodx JO -ox • CI •snisiidtiri jo o^ ■ *1 "H O 1.-5 .-H 'ifl3l3!)A\.}0-OM •S.IO.IBOJI aoi^jy .wqio JO •ofj « •SJOpia JO -ONJ ■IC SJuixnp paAonioj 'o^ Suuup poppu -o^ ■ o ■ -- n i-H -mnramof) jo o^ o ;«".■? «5 O -COX »-H rH i-H »0 • »-H rH "Soqini'B^.j JO "OKj •JOJSUJ :Cq pojiddns snoi; -mS .laq^o JO -o^i o l> M CC 5C t^ O ■ -^ I- ^ c X X • c c "■•I ■ n 1-1 (?1 rH -t< • -)< -f soqoinTjf) JO -o^sj S5 03 C c a o _S^ o K a o Hi O a> o a 9 3 to 02 i«1 C -a C3 M h3M iH Ol M >« X t> O r-l Ari'EN'DIX. clxxv 11. 1= clxxviii. APPENDIX. n > "'. » •: 03 EH P o cJ P ei a : > =3 a [/: /::•< Is 3 p.^ d • o O ee cS 3 Si i 3 8 a (3 s 8 o EH iH(Nn'"oc:c-xc!0 '"'22 0) (U g ?! is n 3 5 ,3 S £ « '^ ^ t- r> OS "■ ■*. w (H IS S a - X H 0S C 1 ^ 3 (•• -1 ■7' ?: - -N ii p-t 3 ■: ^ II-'' : s Q * i -< < :k ?. rt : -' K 5 ? H S^s DC §^^ P. , - T APrK.VDIX. cl XXIX, o 1 : : § :3 : I ; 3 il \^\i\ i S $ !i 23ufli"S " i5S 3 Sr 2 i: - «i -f ?!.•» -H cl ?l X =* 1 i s" ; e 3 i 8 M i 3 8 P ; 3 j i i a " ; n 91 ; S !5 s ; ; ; ; s i 8 ?! " M M ^ i 5 5 «' SS32 JJ 3 i 3 s : « S P. S?!tlS S 'i\ ; S 5 ^ S s 3 ; :^S 3 8 s M ? 1 1 :»|irt IN « 1 ,3 .7 i i8« 8 ! 8 n\ t^ : : • i ■* ?5| 1 : ; i ;S : S 8 i i : ; "K : 01 : CO '5 g gaSS £ ■■ 8 8 ,3 X t- 1> » ?1 •» : • 10 O « 1-1 rt 5^ ! n is {5^55 J a n -*< : 58 ?. s 1 I! : o o *) »H 1 !8 S 853 : S : ^' Sl r. X « 5) <* : a: $ .•3 3 535S3 {: g8 8 SB S !3 ^ sis'- 3 S| a SS i 13 SSl* ; S ? i S 8 O g^* : S 2 ; S 8 5 ^ o 't^ r.. 1 S s : : ; 8 :S B 3 : 3 s : ; : s :c 5 s . S t ; : i ; " i t- pH -«1 -«l ii S?3 i I 88 5 C4 "Si;: 88 w ^ ^ : r : — *-i -•W iS i? i-izH 5 :f- 5 i i ^ z ri i^ r if: *1 1 § g §5g8 g 3; 3 5 §?.,^z ; 2 ' ' n ' M "— (— ' — r— ' •^^1-^ ^ tc :l H ^ i : i art. For 6 ... SOU . 1 1 o s 1 i il " i « £ g 5 S 3 S g fe H a ^ w < < 1 : _ji^ ^^,^^^'. ^-'-s— »— : : : : : a : ■ a : o B ; : : : 1 : ; . 3 : :.2 iS ■ • « : si O ::;::•: 1 3 : : : d :■" * ^ ■♦J CO i-H _ H M S ^ > a: ,^, i; "if-2 : o§?, '3 3-9 9 iS-sSS- i| ! ^ei n tc o o i> «■ C5 h ac » I M CO P5 « 1 S i ■: i 5 i 8 i i i MS M \ \ ^i ,' '£ a f S : 8 S 8 : fffg? S8 T, ^ u-: 8 e ?j ; ■ Is : ;S : S :§ : B : 8 A .^3 5 8 8 S S ^"j s i :* ; 2 ji i« ; S |i 33 5 S f s " 8 : :3 : ^;3 9 ;:8 :33?;S ^ M? ^ MS S ^:2 -Sfii;! 2S i S ES : SS53iS'i? 5 .' ?i 38 3 8 a 3 i 8 "^ is5 i S sc p n^ ^?-: ? 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Uluo Mountaii ney's River & Salcia Church Ceutral Church Lille Harbour Fisher's Gran Westville Middle River... West River Rcotsburu : :;3 Is- c ; : o«5 : . -1 : : '— . ; >. ai ■ ■ -S X r.. w Q , 0! g , C.S a i-i SJ K ■>!; O C l~ X Ci'O -i tin 1-1 r-t t-t '-^ li u-j uii.) i'i)'>j, ■u 'saO|S8!it oinoH 'pnii.t r)^(o]ioo •saHod.tnd pjiionnS Hiii)nu(i!.Hi'<'>) im"iL ■o.irnn'"3iK-o I11U0I1. -D.^o.iaiioj jotno in' MIMA otl") Hiu.iuii os(tii]\; IK) voptiotlxo ;uuoiuv :x\t,tX •»m anuiip tir).uu[,) no poiiiMilxo ■jiinoiiiv 6^3 'O S8 ■rJI : = 5 ''■■ i ii iH : O -f c M" --^ X •iioijiiW'i.tS -IIOQ Xq on)! 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C _5 c* ?; S J : a l-5> a a r! a Cj •■ ® a o E;S.S^c a = =-> X f'— as > ^ « a = 5 a a S -OS . ,-< ,^ K=* "3 < 1-5 >■» 1^ ri. * i«f< : ; ; : :'r3 "'' ' ' ' \ -h : o : • o : o : :3 I : u • , a) -i*^U» a ■-''a''" !>• : o d :.^.a o > ,5 5 ^^- IS :3 a 'J K ^^ - o ■a ■J 3 Hi o z> >5 d 3 rn a d o = o Ir-ITlC^TjioaJt-.OOOOTH'MrS i. I P3 8 % s ^. i i -' «i I i S Irt S S ;£ 2 S M ?! 8 8 8 8 S 3 « sj 3 S S 8 8 8 8 8 S ? 8 8 8 aS ^ 2 a s s~ Hi S 5 a I ti 2'" fi 'ii :1 S S 1-88 I- -r ?: 39^38 •*: "f -r »• c ^ •»• rt i» ?i I Ht ut AITKNDIX. «-nr$irT I 8!38SS 8 5585 !! = :•« = :£ ?i ?i U ■ 88S38 885i8 8 s .-= ti * 8! S3- S 8 = 8 S'S X C '2 v; T S8SS8 S 2 2 .:* § -^ ?1 ^ ^<; ?I2 ;fl^ 8 -iS" 388 ^ A ^ 888 883 ?^^S "88? S2S- 8??. lis c -S" o o S S m S « = 5° '■■' -r 5^2 3 -■ > 1 *J .2U;: w =.a R ^ 3 iSi IS 8 51 {=SS5 "iiiJlj ^ ^H fiH S3 X ?: S fl F- t- t- £ «i t^ S 8 'r^8S8 8 8 8 8 53 o 58 8 t''^?>i%, % 5 2.-. 88 2 58 5 s sasg 3 8 8?SS ■^ L- ^ C I- t- I o cs o S-Ss^" ri 8S 3 Sf?S ?8 33 8$ 85 S3 82 K,s 12^ clxxxi. S, S i ;8tS8S3 |! Ill IM^P^P'ii "8:, S888?;i3;£|i 8:8s§3 •?i .^-_i' 83 2S 88 88 S« SrJ 8 a SP3 -S • J a S;:^ a s-s fe3 •3 ui -^ C>< ^2. O p zi ig^ 2 "^^ Ej : m,^ ^'.^^ = ■«! )-,5 = i; S,0 .': l-T- 3 fc, _ o - •" : >-— s< -5 2:;^- Cti— Ocx;'r-M^^^H.''3"i- :-^ ~= 553 =5 :.^^->Pm«-<«:xcc "H =^ i c gs ^.^' =•= [£ c f- c> o <:» o-'o ca oca 0) CD _■-_ a o ':3 r/: j3 h o 2 ;!; c: ^ I « ^ •/: r; 9 5S 55 tSssSsSsSs ■ji « — Ti • 88S3 33" » s 8 ;3 M 88853 ;85S s I- a 5 3 g 2J i: " s8 3 (S 83883 : = 8i5 18 i A- - I ^ 1— I 8, K c. c ¥ o . ^ f ?i -3 • 38 SS 2 888888838 ►-i !3 I ." 5 ^ r: n t- « ■■: ** r" ^ jr ■ - .:^ T. 2 ii »?? : —■ a ? c X 55.KI oi;h' 3 ; « !« ^ : :883 ■ 2 O i."5 W 88 ;S88 ;3 ii : u 55 « fe 8 :88S : rt i- u5 5^, w 888888883 ~ ^ i Z t^ fi .-5.5-y'5 2;< 5 w 88?855i88 HH 5. 2 2 S X I- !;•{ :; 3 _= F X s : :r •:' ■!? V- 5 T i^ "^ -.i '^^ E '5 " "T- -■ £ rt i ^ a :; 3 S J) c a - a ^■2 S'a 8 s; 8 ¥!l c?c . ,ii I-: rf. r" «* - h •~ z o y. : '-. "S^^.'- s W^JJ ? B O O O ^ icx^xjs •H X c: o -h ■m cc -^ in -o t~ x- r. a> — ■?! r^ -t- ."5 -d-- i-li^T-liHrH rH'-lr^r-if-i^l II Ji ii II ii ?i ( is ?i?5 ■2>^ i-a ; :a 1-1 oi r: T o •— c- X ; clxxxii. AIM'KNDIX. m 00 B O H o H 25 w •.i([ ;<> )iini>(iiv ^oaH).).if(|i)Vi'>|"'^" 333 ;3SI23S ?-J S = 8S8 SSi2 igSaSS '■■' ?53SS« 2Si^ 8 1-2 3S? 8S.^333«i:S 5! SsSSS ?8S?5§3?'5S K §8333 •4 f » ■?! 1 m o rf *i S S 3 §1 3 ;§i8?53 3 SS8 S. o o o Jp ?! r- -ri.* o SSS3SS?5§S 3 SS3S3 = 52 g SS2SS i't o ?i 11 3 S i< > O l.T c >iri 32§?i[ ^ O -^ ^ O 1- 1 1^ iTJ £ 8 38 3 53 2f8 t- Z O o O a a ; :i _. =3 = ! '''J^ ;•<_; ica ST 38 ••a 8 82] '^ ■n 88 "a 8"8?i a ■oil 3 S3SK ^ §3Si 3 3333 3 o s 2 a fi 5 is; g3SS i-cO-Hli 1- OS- 1^ i^j: ■ PiZtX'^Ci: 7. o H ■< a 3 o . --a 5 = u o 5 5 ^ - = ri ■/: - : a a fa —^ : a i> ■ --3 -S : : 3 i|i2 ~ >^^ o S - > a 3 K ." a ^^ * M -H "^ ■*-* 8 ;3 2^ ■ f a M — r^ _ri — -^ ■y ■ ! 1 I ^3 w cc ;^ S3; >^^x- a 5 -^ d - -■ a iH £ ■ ■JO, §1 S H 4 3 I 3. ^1 I 8 =3 3 W ^ ~f- » § "311 oil ~ o r^ '#- *^ - - _^ - -. c X X — 2; ,-, X >: ;^ :; X - w -!^ L-f ;~ t>i X ci 0—1 fM n -^ o tr t^ X rs ;^ — I -M rr -r i.-^ :£» t* X C5 ::; _5 rt « ^ _ s !-< iH ^ i"! 51 ?i mi rs ?) n 3 iS 555 xx::;>H a .- ,X' ;S o i-l ^ X /^ HH 5'. 2 H Z o : Li : -J : > :Ji1 ai a AI'l'ENUIX. clxxxin. -'-4 IS ;;!§ ^."^ "S ; ; 8 9 ^ 6' t- "5 i- ••fi Vi i t* ^ % 3 tH i! oil H I' « s K ;:'-;;n - •^' n 8 8 « 8 a Si sr X8 a* r 8S) S 3 .-t^ S ?l 25 "S" 8 8 i 88 " IS i 8 : ■9 8 'A 8 8 SS 8 S 8 8 „ ;c 553 S8' ? S S5 8 S 8 8 S S!2?8 ?, S: 2 S -^SS SS !S O Ml3 g g'2 :8 g gg 8"" :8 8 88 '■2 ^ 3S . O ^ i-( : <-» 8 8 SSS§ S SSJ §■■5 i5?5 8 53 8 8' 8 8 8 SS5S 8 88 8 885 ill i I 55: 2 S? ■55 2 «5 o a B '2 = 2 S 2 o S-2 2 £ H a ^ S >5 3 ^— ;S -9 '^~ "i > > B H K?S>73 h? <> 2 3^ L . - - c -> 5 3-vS Xi3 H I = "= a 3 .~~-fc..'o=s- <:.y:-eo -rr., .-*-..■- .;:;>;>- !■ ^ w - •-■ 3~ y'-^ ' f.^'-i =i .^ !_ .-, ^. = ~ = x s — §■33 >5 < '^ '^ — .2 L^ > ai)STi;-;_;=:;=,r c= <; ^ = ^2? -5 = ii-, r; >r: jc'jSi; 3 ;::=: •JIXT.X. t- X C-. c -< c ^/'.; * ,1.2 h5 ha 09 1 9 •IS R W 0; PS i SiiOUT r. ■* f S z -.1 ^^'^l A 5 sr 1! 3 ; 3j 18 71 « '?! ?l -^ I I Z 8 88 ss 4 ii : S i.- u : : ; r-1 : "^ : : ojn^nmodxo innoj') 6 ■: : iS3 iS i i ^•i i i-^ i"M' ■JT19:I 9m Snunp 99ntK HO pgpn'odxg ^anoaiy d : : : « i SS if i i s is i i Dq? Snjxnp qoanqo no p9pti9(IX9 ^unoiny « i i iS : : :o * i : :« •nonnSa-tS -noo Xq enp siBaajy d i i i -1 •B90anO8 IXB mo^j pjud puedi^s d : i igS i8 ; i ^ ; i i!5s is ^ ; •S90jnoB 11" nioij pgsuuoid pngdi^s d ; : ;88 iS i ; * i \ M-^w 04 55 Jobn SIcKinnon William Grant Cliarles Fraser -Vrtluir V Tiirr A \i - c c; 4- < . -J. •?2 i i 3 : : c : h : : 1 § io^l^ ^ 5 5? 1/ -*- it : C ■'/■ h. 'a J: c £ 3 : $ \ ' a 51 « Sz; -Jl )-3 O Jz; o o Ph E-i 02 « Ph ill 8 00 CI* o C5 88" g 8S as s s c6 ?o s ss 8 28 »j 1-1 5* rt " ■ rH . .a b; c H iS:i. ^ i^ C; 4J" 3 ■- • a] . ?^ .-. yti o« «- . ^ m a .a o 1-5 a 1-5 ■3 - t -4- - is John Mckenzie' James Hume o 'S ; ; ; a : : : (U : ; : § i i ; a Hi o ... ■a ; ; 1 c 1 a o V 2 c X £ c cc 1 .-o ax 3 a o X 73 '> 2 5 5 X 3! u 3 C w 2 i c 11. Hampden VACANCIES. 1. Richmond & Windsor i Mills 1 2. liinfTwifk 3. WiiiBlow 4. Danville MISSION CONOREGATIONS. 1. Kennebec Road 01 MISSION STATIONS. Ijako MoKantic Valcartier Riviere du liOup Cacouna H « p^ H pq CO S 55828?-! ^ r"! X ■ ■ -2 "■ S 8 83 "8 SS8 8 888 8 "??i 8 888 O M — O 8 8 :S i-t ^T88 8 -'^^ 8 818 888 S 8 538 8 8 S3:2 ?i •£ 5i -M t- rt X O 8 8 So8 S 88 8S 3 8 588 8 8 888 88 88^ 88 55 88" S 88 o 88 5- 8 §5§8 r. i — aj ■.; t- X 25 .^1 ?* -.1 88 88" c. u; o Ti •I- X I- u"5 8888 r; i ?. '■i3 8883 88 88 •- 1- s -" 8§§S 8888 rt »-i "^ O ssfs" S8S8 8888 '^i 'r; -M !0 lo c -n; o SY88^ •M o •>! y. 8 8 8 888 88|S -M a^H •a c2 o a'i-'c3a».2„-i,= ■'•' 'F- W 3:1 2 - O •*^ » " li .*j =a ^•5 ^ >< t! - ^ f- O O C .:!■-■ - ►^►^ <-i '^.^<~>>^ ^ i-auK-oG it. Ch., Mont . C!h., Mont « 2 ■ a a : m. u ■ c ' o a OX! ."" DOS »! a: .i ■- — - -^ 'J ,; a J "T ' -H ?i ri ^ o !D t> adei p -« ?' ri -ti uS clxxxvi. APPENDIX. iP. no ifiofi }o ^unouiy * 3 : I 1 i \ ; 8 •s.)H()(t.in(l 'I'lv joj 6 igsggssgisgg ■ :? " r: --' ^ -*• -r o t- -ri r; : s-5 ?: - :i ;= r-. o 1- I- -* -* -r- •„ f-« T-» -1 -N rt ,-( 38 8 ^'rs'3 ; 8 ; i I- o ■JOIIHJOOl'IO }ll.)[OA.IlI -Oil "J HUO!4iiqu;uo,) : ; ■.•■■■yi \ ': ■■ ■ •HtlOISHII? .lOJ stiontKii.iliii),-) 'SS 6 ■1.' M '^S M :2 i : : •■ 1 ^ •cio.inqo ,iq') JO souioic^tj aoj Hlioi^iuil.lllln,) imo,], ■l)nn^.I A'ii|trioKsv 'Ij u 'ft : ' x ^ ■ ' 71 ^ " i^ :g§g§gS§^igg : -T cc C c -: 1 :■: ■.■^ c I- c. 3 :88 8 :":S 8 ; 8 \ I : :5 5 : : 1.-; c ; 8 - •pnn,.T '()li'n''A\ I'nii.s.iois! -luiv iii.ujiii pini |i,)^Jv :8SS?§ ; isg :S : i8 :i.-5 ; 8 rH •saoissjiM n3io.TOj; •/:■ : :SS is :SSS2 ; ;8 8 ; 8 •>3 •saoiSHjiv oraoH 'ft i§S 3 ;T3 3 : 8 •ft ; 8 -.la^lIO,) A] ,1I.i:}8 .T().f Httoi^uquvioo in^'ox ;ggggggggggg i (r = = ,? '/ 9 •: s 3 = 2 :88 S i53 1^ : -^ :3S a ; ; i 5 : 1 : L' : : : L> > ; 3 o ! -uliaariiio,) .i3[[:jo nv 6 ■ ■ ■ J. ZiT '/: tH ■ -^J ; : : CO > : i3 \ n 1-1 '^ — ( OT} Snijnp esHiire no i)o\)ut)(Ixa ^iinoniv 6 'b 18 : : :S :S ;888 ? : 8 ■xvoS. ! oqi 3tit.inp txojnixo no ii9iiuoilxo ^nnorav 6 'ft :8 ;Si ;8§E8gS : t* : o i> : ^ c r: ~ o o ;8 ; S - •noi^iiSaja -uoo Xq enp sjueixv 6 ; i : i i :S : : : ;8 M M M^ M MS •soojnoa 1 iiu luoj; ptud puoilt^s 6 ;8S888885g§8 : r^. =^ X 5i a r: e o L 2 5 '■28" i 5 ; S t- •a93.inos \\xi mo.Tj posuuont pnodns 6 'ft :SSSi§g8SS88 i ; 8 - ; 1 : Si 1 1 fa o 1 •§ i ^ 1 5 5 - :: * ^« *-* "^ •- z. 1 ^•c?;;--^?:;<'^:^'^ : u a ■ 3 , O ;3 Ss5 a - :| i|M ^ - //I ■ '-^ - "S w '# -a ^ '^•^^ ^^11 = 1^ ^. :: < •/: pq r- - i - • a r7 1" 1-7 o t-^ JC r: ^ -j ^ -j ?!S ^ H ■ H :•'; ? O fa O "" - s >* rt !ij w H >^ « r/3 W « ' c- Al'l'KN'DIX. cl.W.KVll ^ - 'i '..•'-■-. r = 5^5 :§ '-^v- ^ : - o 5 ?i L: J5 :,' ?i 2 '' ; r 5 1 m^i< ^ b ta 1 - 5 § i : 3 3 J .'.-.^^PJ'xR.tliE: 3 ■ % = ; :8 8 ;2 M :5i : ; ? - R ?i 5 ;i a ^ "y. :^ '4 8 8 ■; : 7\"r:!2\^'J,£ ' ;: r .=. 2 3 : J .;-?..:■: X Z r: « s.-. = i-5 : f- — :- -i-l- 3 1 - r ■■ 8 f"^ ; ~ "I : : ;S8 ^2 : : ; ;5" ;?i i ; 3 S iS ; ; ; M 3 rH a ''; ri r. ^ a "?» — a "M :^ "^ - - - X •:! ; X :: 3 - -1 J § t:8r.585 4 !i:s^vi;^ ; f- ^-r-;-: i §?i;^i^55?iz8 8 i •ax^a,-:-iai'*"*-i ;" ~ 8 .^118.^ ; SS888855S jS 8 8588855 ;Sg8 : ; i ■- a 7'. •-•: i-i ■M -i> -!< -r . 1- 71 -r r: i.-: 71 1.-: -r -m ■ ?< '"5 -? ■ 5a8i:^5?J88 - § B% :8858 8 :S ■ : : '^^?iii!:i'^^-2 r ^ '"^ ;a;-'-- ^ •'" : ; ; i 8?i5S :8888 :8 8 888 ;828 ;£ ;8 ; M ^ Mrji o rH ' 288S88§582^?? 8 SS8S8S 13 1 %'^s ;s ;3Ss 1 j 8 8 t588 \Sa •^ I.-: c '.': r: : r. l- a i3 ;§ j ; : ■^ : ■^ : -^ : : : ' .i?i55tiS?J?i8Sl^ S S?8?^3S ;fe:3§8§ : o 1 ;i ^ H?i38?^ ;?S85[2 S 88 ;s358 £ :8 : : ; o a • X ■ 1.-: a t ■."^ 2 : i- : t^ : c~ => -r •M a : ~i M • — .H ^: 5 ; ; ■ O ■ -^ ^ ; ; : igrig ^2gs-^- : ;s : la :-ii8 ; . . --ji . - o - : ; i-H : : ■*}« o S ! : -r to 3g 1-H i i :S8 M ; ; : : ^^ : : : . .. rH --■;•• ; ; Ms : M M M ■ . . r-t : |2 :5 j : : -M ■ X : • : -»■ : S : g g8S5;888g888 S 8888888 iBSSiM, i CI 1 SSiSSSEBiB ■ 8 8888? 8 ;8g8i8 : : I||ipilii:iiyi3ii iplii ; 1 a I : : . : : ^ : : -^ax-:-^ a ^ -^ -^ = ^3 2""^ i-s J .ia g a,- o3>: o Hi 3 S ^ ; : : a ; o : : >- : ^ ^'■^^ -j d -3 3^. ■- — a d (H t: ^ ;,.^ a ;^ •-5 s>-.<; k. :<::::: ls.2d|.til i : 1 : -a : : a : ; : : : :^. .4J - .*^ 2 i| M M ;a ; <5a3 i •; i :Ss ■■ ^~:>Ja ; :§1 : 31^11 Hill -r o «: t-* X ri q rn ^j p^ T-l rH f-( tH rt 71 C'l * * : a : o :.ai : ri : i^ id a.>i 3-2- 55 : 4J ; : : : : i'^ i ; M : :.as : : : : : : u : ; ; ■ : . o ; . . : . :»::::>. • - : : ,' : *^ '^ ; ^ a' \h~~^'\ ' a cc o a t- ~ ." >.» -:;;:;:: o ill ; :^ : : | : *4i I : ^ 1 ; M ;0"1 ii^S : : .:r: '^ - ""•" "3 '.; a .£ = < " :M>S:3a 3= ^ :3 -J-^i5.2§-3 " § u 1 a c : © : : a : ■s ■■ : D : ; h a^ •• ti a - _■ a a -"' '^ ■^i.-: aJ 1 1 1 ;5 :5 SJ ■a — ■>! ■■■: u 'i 13 5?>li ri: ;s 1 2 i 5 : S 8 8 3 - '* X c^ a r" o [- ^ — : i~ -• a i~. 5 5 5 5 88S £; ~ ~i (,- '" ii "^ 8888 ! -, 888? ;8S :5??3 r-\llB BIBB a I :BB -I r-l — fl 'r ' '-• '- "^ -V- -V _■ I a ;;■: 5 o 5 r> 88 £885 8i8S ■a :-i< a ; n :/2 , W a = 5 I- L- Z 8888 « ^ .^ S •a VI i: -^1 BBB% •3 ^ af -M I i^ 5.2:1 i^i"!,- i; = =£b2^.1 o ■-< L, — " .cr a * a - a ? .^ -^- ./ _: - jj a3 a a u ;.= - ' ..' Ml-iJ 1^^ tr .^ t r -"^ ■" r-J -i r: -r ..-' -a t- X aJ clxxxviii APPENDIX. 4 < o o o » pq or: (1. •.t:».i3(Ioad qojnriO no ;qDa JO iiiuottiy f j : : : : * : ■ : : ; : : ii : ; : : •saBotland ^^v joj • ; eaonnqujaoa p^ox « j : ; ; ■ ■ * • ! i 1 1 j -aAOTri pgiipaila 1 }oiiHioorqo -jtiafoAou 1 -Ojx o» Buonnqu;iio3 u : : : : f- : : •9UOIH8IIV 1 xoi snoniiqi-nuog -fj -tj u : : : : •q.ijuq^ aqj JO socnaqos joj suonuqu:)uoo lH}oi -uziieSuDAa; qouoj^ « : : '■ ': o : : : : •/.»:: : : ■ : ■ •pnna Xiqmessv o : : : : * i ; : i '• : : ; "0 ptTB 'AY I'W' .sjaiBt - iij^ nuijtiipin) i)9JiV o : : : : * ■ : : : 1 1 ■saoissjK nStajoj CJ : : ; : * : : : i ■suoisativ ottiOH 7.' ; : : ; •piiuj: oSano;) 0} suoiiiiqu^uof) 1 6 ■ ': 1> : : : : 1 ' ■sasoiUud inuoTjuS 1 -a.t3no,-) .\[^r)U}s xo} snoi^uqinHo,) [xnojj o : : : : ' * : ; : ; : t 1 ' 'ajuiipnaclxo iiinoi; i -BSeiSnoo Jieq^o 'ii^' * i ■ i i : 1 I -xvd.i i 9q; Snijnp osinij^ tio papnadxo 'jtmoray * • : ■ : : 9X1% Snuup qojnqo no pepuadxe luiiomv i •non'"9a-i3 -uoQ Aq anp' sjnawy u : ; : ■ : I •saaanos nn tnojj piT3(.l pnadijs d : ; : : : •saa.tiios nn "lojj posuTioaci puadi^y * : ; • : i Name of Pastor. ; 1 i is o o o : : : : «) : : : ;o J : "f Ms W :d S? O : £ II ilM c i-i ei ?^' -ii r-t r-* I— 1 r-( .-H 1.-: a - !« ■^ s 3 3 S3 n 3 1 i i 1 1 ■ w : S ? S S • • 1^ i5 . •« 5 • ^H f?1 rH i-< 'Jl i^ ' ^ Z3 ■? --5 ■■ o : -J c = : ■ ■ -1 ■'. j i i '-? .^ 21? r"" "^ TT '^ ■= - "I ■>! ^: — : ■>- ■ ■ fe ~ ■■- 1: --^ ^ '^ ^ !■- 5-1 n n o r-c : ; ' "5 C O -^ O : C I- ^==5 -2-^^ S8SS :S :SS ;5S8T 1-1 X o c — : -M 71 o — : ^i ■ , L~ I-- rt -1 : „ ._ ,^ ~| ■• -' : '^ \ ■ '■ I J! I ■ : : OS I ^ _ " a 1 ;_ _ .; : ;gl3 . ■ I> "** +J ■ . .._ o S 2 5, Ei ;2? :25; 1-3 SI ?; 2 n tJ' '-C c. -M ri i.T : r: O : fe " ;-^ : - i;'; 2 o! w H PQ t: 05 :55 :* ;?5 ;o CD ; — O .- & : a ■. O ; O : >> : '3 'iSsSS8SgS8gt2gSS8?S g?5gc?^'i2;tA3?;2^gi5g9g5 I-' * o 5 rt •-'5 t- X -r :^ r-. r: r: •^S -r L- c r: ; • >— ' — I-H I— ! r-( f^: 881 888' isg^g 8Sl"8~l 8 t- : u- 5 5 c C-. t- : 2 :^ -r S 71 ^ L- 5 -2 a o 1 r: •? u; c L^ X r. c — I APPENDIX. clxxxix. X .'.? s •Ji'^ 5 :?3 71 ; ^ ^ - o jot-. .■52?. D i :S3 5 5 ?JS 5^ se; -r rJC. a ;5 -■■3 o ■ o ', — SJ en o : "^ »4 ;:.' a O : »H —^ .a T» f.. -3 a 5=5 — ■?! r; -fi i.*: o ■ : : : : :i2 ; ; i ; ;5;5 : -^ • -I'M i I :8 : : :» I- :5S :SS : ^Sa :§§ ; i«S s ;^5 : : :S H; :=J2 : : :S5 y: 1 O 5z; u-i.^ \ ■?J?, ■ •iS — t: :«« ;S5 3 8"S ^SS8 5oS S i 5 2 ?. !.1 S '5 5 .■= 5 5 - 55 -H Tl 5 : 1- 71 t2 5 S ; :ss .^ t.'^ : ^0 >-< 7I S s~ ^S8S ?5 12 7) :?i=^?^ s s ■ 1*, t2 i i " i s « 8 :5.~5 1-H Tli 2 ■51 ^3 g" ;§ss ii a L^ ; 5 S '~i •^ -^ . O "^ o :=25 .■S2S a "3 o ajr£^ d-^ >5 ;5 :S ■ f 1 :5 •5 :5 :5 r3 Q o 03 a ; a Tf o ■ : C s- -iJ . : 4J s ■/: • _^j_ ::: M . C > I— ■ ai a ^ - C ?■ i i* r r^ i-j .. — '*^J — :^ a . ' Ih 5! ■ ri „ ■a •a ■ n 5-1 ■'^.■^■=i : S s c > ■ ir,^ = . -^ - ,• r; < H .■^ -^ --- ^ -»» "^ "^ S , 2 <— « -'■''■ -"Z ^c a ^ :: s-r ;— . s o Q :rS.^^-?aH:;a ►? = e -■^ t- a - . a o :: o 1 ^an ' ? T -i ~ „ a ta a o 5 •— _^ .«^ .y^ -^ :j r: a: C X -x < Z a: — aj r-. —. v. r. P- v. \, r- r-. z PS • z C-. o — - fc •- t^ r r. cxc. APPfLVDIX. '..■ft £ S 0) ? S b a --^^ g fc c 5 -- s w o; C t* f' > CI la eft Hii 5o "S pi 1= -. « - K S'' H §?3 W -t Pi -J< fe Tl o t- >* ai pq ,So ^ 9.^. P5 t/; W « fH APPENDIX. 5 ! i 5i : : Is?. !jV.3 ': % r.. 5i -K •5 ^ :3 :?! ; ;£'-i .■» 7. 7l r! r? ?I T !^ ■ f iH ~. r. ~. — —Z'C ^ : c r: Z x lA i; i- rr i- x :S3 a »»S!3 i ; ;8S 8 ;s • : SSft 88" ;?iss iss ;i? s 5Si??;??;??5 ; §" ■51 5 6 :55 ■-< X :c -M »H ic-^ -H cr^t--i- — r. •I' : r: ^ rs 'M I- X 40 r; -^ f : tt 71 P O O 51 '^ t- u « S ■§ K o p c (S o fa H c n 04 53 :7 7i 55 01.7 83 t-<-l :855 ;8 : O M" "?! - •?! . ^ ■ • * . • ; 'P r: t- : c^ • t* i.-: ?4 . c :S5 3 S^tase : : : o cv "X uTN -r ?: 71 I I :55 3 SSl2355?i ■ c 17 -r T = t:: 1.7 c t- X 8 i S 33 3 l23S?S?i33 71 -^ L7 c: c; :7 ~ '.7 X C5 01 ; ^ O O 1.7 »7 C 77 L7 5 O ^53 5 7\c5;5-"55 :S3 S"3"S"SSS5 3^ ; '.-5 -f O b- -n* O *J r* X Ci St^ o'gp'x^oc c '.'; ::^:c X co — xiftt-o ■ t^ X 1* c: o '": '-.; '-*: t^ ri ■ t- — I- 1- '^ L- ^ ■'T -C t* 3 : *?■ 2 C : '7 c ■ t^ o c X 1'. t^ :^ 3 c- '7 ; ^^ ■ i~ 5 5 : r. i : o 55 5 -r -, ; t- 1- 5 = ol ; m ■ SJ i7 '7 ■ — ' o : c7 ri CI ; 71 ^ X . "t •=> '■■' o -J- -^ z o c: o ; CO I- L- r-i C-. C X -»• S : pH »! r1 i-c i-H 71 il 188 10 o ;C7 5 :C2 5g ;5 i ; : 88 o ??i : -r -T- -ri 88 ; ;sgs ■ c = o ^ '■■ S 33 S S333333S 8 3 ; :l^S 2 3?5555i3 S — ■ ■ i-*^ O --^ -f -^ 'T r" L- -^ w X 71 S ; :?3 3 333gR33S 8 L^ ; 17 r^ O ^ ^ C7 r^ l" -^ i X -Ti si r; c o o ^ § 3 -5 " a s •< -.^ .^ = < 03 r. < i ; ;a :< s tJ tNs^^ a •c ; -a ; £ 2 --'^^ ;?t 4) 53 ; 5 : O ^ O .^H -y: •;£ U(<: . i,«'• 'SS^a-^^-^S o Pi o -2 u o O J3 *^ "^ ~ « o ■ .— o o '5 3 c -.ii \ ^ O d O 0) a t. i c -:X a a a d !- .a ;3 d CXCl i i MS ; : : : F^ gg«?J = ,5,^ :???',^fi ii^i S -.'il :3 ;S S3 :5 ;S3 is "88 ns'^s So ^ ; ; 8S ; ;S ;5 •71 ; • ■ S 3 S ?^ 3 5 1^- L-=3 : ;£•■'■• -'il Vi ^TlH i 'S3^.^.53S 8 ■:2S333 U5 ■ •? '?! \n l.* ►^ '835^5333 ? 3:1 [333 3 ;3S :8ST :3 :3" -r : o S;'5 71333 1-7 X t'' C. 5 *f TP L7 -^ -« ^ .^ i iiS 83!33i :8 •■J c '-c c-i o : o •ri -t- : -T* ;8S o g> C7 1.7 O ifl I- O I OC ^ ^ C* r7 I OS 2* H >^ P3 !2 I: « 55 i: ^ 253 ^i^ i3 - 71 .>: i; S, ■ -z, .3 '-7 -f 33 : : : ; : o a a I i^ -cl ^ a i j-;a a-^-2±; aii -^ a a ■.a .5i a--wr^? ' li^.s -a !- X = :^ s ." d D n .to, 5 5 f .= a 5 S;- = ^ a^ -r 1.7 •.; I- X CXCll. APPENDIX. :p O « w EH m en « a* 3 ! '10 Tl'>(l l'> ^"iioi'iV u : • i ■BOHocUnil Tiv aoj i 8tiou'iIHHIl\[ : .lojHiioiinqi.ntioj'-HS o5 i ; ; *3 : i ; Si 6S : : ■ •qoanqo om JO HnmnijoH ioj Kiioiiiiqi.uiio,) li';ox «S5 ; o8 : ; ; \ noil o : : : •pniiji XifnuosHV ■.1 I orinrAWuii.Baa^s! 1 •suoissijM nJliojoj *3 ■ : i s i •fctioissiK otrioH i 1 fH ; ■pntvi .'.iono.) i 0^ H(ii)!)iuii.mioo L2 •BosocLmd pmot'jTiH -oaaiio^ A'noi.iiH joj snonii(i!.x4U()0 imox *^ ; M rH : C -iiH.uBiio.) jomo nv 1 om Stiu'ip osudit no poimbilxo ;uuotiiv s ' 9q^ Siii.in ) qD.mn,-) ^ uo i)oi)aj( xo >imouiv ^ •iiot)T)33a3 j -iioo .iq eni) wuo.uy o ': ': : : ■sao.mos nu inoaj piud iHiaili^y c3 : : ; *ii M T-t CO § •soo.nios IP' "10.1} posuuo.ul IJUOlll^S "8 ; « o H <: 1 c 1 ''' < : : ' : : : : ; + . . ■ ■ c 3 i o H ■«! y. O K P W - U ' z • < c ■«i - 12. Newtonviilo MISSION STATIONS. Orono Enniskillen 00 n 0} 13 » u u n H M O III 5?; o H PH W ;8 : !8 :8 i : i l§ MS il N i " ;^^^^ MM;"'; «C1 ;S:'2^?:5J£ ;SfiS?3 :S3i*:^s ;?i8S 7 ■ i.'5 a; cs c- 11 :o • n c^ m iH ;3 ;SSS8 iSaSS : M ■ in M 1.1 1- : us -f 00 ■n" : f-4 ■^ ri rH ; CI ri 55 :gSS'i§§2 ;S?J8? : -M 'M C -f 1." CO ; X — ♦ r ' o : s-i re t- 1- r-t rt : ri ^i r5 ;gSS!ilS8 ;§?i ; 2 : U 5 L- :^ -f o ; =. -3 I- CI rS '.I ■^ rH : f-< rH ; ;S ; ; ;8S ; ; ; ;S ; ; ;SS ; ; ; 1.1 c. c^ o : t^ ; -c t» 1.1 : 11 1.1 r- a : « ; i~ rn rn : 88 ;g ;88?Sgggg8 -.c p : r. : o c 1.1 1.1 X o s = 2 g8";SSg88S8g8'8 Rg ti 1.1 . O O O C 11 1.1 c c s o ■ £ o o o I- 11 1.1 11 11 1.1 ; -j: 11 X _ II t •- ^: rt 1.1 ;c;'« ri5l ;7? -3 -' "3 :;? ;»§ 'g 1 1.1 1.1 n r- r -I : :l H 5 :22 ; § o •c ,';S^^ ? = 3 5 .> L( rU t— I '^ ^ 1^ ^ a 3 l-5»-S'-5 P C<_ ;S C.:ri S Si^TJ.o.rx: c3 o o ~.5 ■ q • =^ S^'- - _ „ ■ C" t-,.Z ii'Z OS a — i-KMrliPLICCt-X CiO I. r. ^1 5 S ? ■■ ;-5 Ok-: X o O C H ^^ M s 8 S i § 3 3 3 ^ ^ n 8 8 i o EH SI OQ - O aX (D M r a - = « 73 'S o C » -'3 a o o ..= s "He H o H ts H m o O H O o H Ph ;8 APPENDIX. jS ; ;S ; i ;3 ;S CXClll. iS ;3 SS I- 1- tU': i ri r: -i jt i^ 5 "^ - "J '" "" '- -• i - o S 2^ is i^ iS^ i^ ;S -. -^ -o ^ •* "M '- -« r i^ X I- "Ti -r ?i -N ^ I - rf : '3 33533 3 3 12 3"? 3 1 S SS 3~~8 3"S'S" ^53" 23 S3s5 5'-;1333S :33S ; tj so "T s X -M Ti o to ^ : '-S "^ 2 : 5 X t !•: r i.T -r = •:i X : ?) : x : 383333 :§51-i3 :3S 3 ?i 3 3 3 ^'i = 3 ?! - '^ E i S 5 5 1-c r: I- 1- s o II — X ;: J c •;! ^; -»> t- |S!sc£ 3 •.0 « •>! O 3 S 38" :3S3 3 3 ■555 J5 5 ;33 5 3 53 — -• 2 f '0 3 - 1^ *i» ^ i*» "* ** ^5555: ??i53 :3 s r. ■:! • o X -»•';;>: ''^ 5 2 C t- «'o = o -i m -r ^i X I- 11 r. I- X i i c 1- ■M I 3 "^ c c -^ c -.r -r X X = -c -1 -r -r /: -M - ■-: — = -r -r r. -r '* t- r- i~ ~i ^ i-; r. * "i i' i- "ii •.; -H — X -^ r? -.i -r -r r^ 5 X v; .- X 11 tH M m ri ,33 3 133 a ;!tyi5?i i33?- 3333^3 -T -r -T — . ■= ~ 5- '^ S C i"! 1-- ; :3 • ;« ;33 i ;S : t- : o ^3 : : ?! :C :fh7i ;w S5SSS3SS':?S8o33333 i3?iii^i5S2 5x5o55i ) i* r- o i rH 71 X '.•; "M e r; X ' ■: -• — S 1 -^ II -1 r: SSSS : :83 ■ :3S3333S 22^53 O i^ T^ LI ; n " il ~ "" n ii o .= 3 I. 13 r^ ^1 -1 '•r O H r^:::; a 03 HI ci ^ 3 ^ -1 a: _< — ^- o -5 >-^ -J 5 2.il 3 33 C- :! X C -TO r c II o ^ 'I cr. i^ II I- I- i> 333 3 S3 ili1 = 5'=' 2 S j.n^ii 3 r- HI— e o o ;3 ^.i* ^ 8 ;s r- « 8 '.I -r ?) t- •3 1! [r IJ 2 2 S is *J?8 : S3 i t5 •?' ; 2 "" 'T "" O « ' 5 -r I) -^ t- in -J 11 73 S o 5! ; I- i< 6 « 8 33SS3 ta « :'T>'<»'inei 8 ul : 3 5 S Sl II Q : o ^ 1-m »-i o : iH '8~'83 2S5 3 ITs giS^' 3 ; u5 3 3 X S 11 : O => IJ ^^ 1.1 o : X m i-i }» -H 3 3i55SLv; L'^ o I*: -f X r^ o 5) « C* ^ fH iH S SS3?5"3 2 i5 = 55iA o c -M «^ t^i -^ ri S 333333 X o II iii S ^ io o 1 >• 03 « .3 u 'X -^ '- "-^ ■< It =5 .^ >r — > od>_. - _.;i Jl ills X ■A ^ ? a >> ^ t; - *j .w o - o C O ^ "i^ Tj -^ r -K 5 5^e5^5:-^" ». .•:; •-•:; r- i ci r /— * . L,. 3^ T^ -r n n» ■ tc : g -• fl ■a ; -- -.- i =? ists CA -X. = O ci o : a wot- X ~- O — II CI 1< ■ in: • . .t; I- a « — ^"" r" ■< X w -^ w : d t-| x' ri 2 X ..I ts ■^ oa > -S «<; -3 = M a : 2 c3 '2 .^ ■■ *j :.j c! : ■r ^i;; a zi •J o^ Bi » 1— t : ■^ o ■ '^ irt : §5^ t. n ^d " si --5 '-5'-3 ■S 5 'rri 5J Q w ^ ^ _. : : , .^,^'» - U\^ ; :a : : ; aj : M > a ; :a ■■ t <^ 3 ; 3 :f^ ■f >^»^ : - C : U— 1^ C £ > i ^^ 5^ 53 5133! a S CXCIV, o Eh o O H P^ O p; H M HO ii[«)(i ;(j inuuiiiv •Hnmicljiid 'riv .loj MAnqil |>.>|||.).i(Ih I •■1(1 i)| sii()l(nil!.Ili"*;) I .i()iSUo|)ii(iujiio,) 'h 'a •||;.IQI(;) •'lOIJ initial A"[i(IH.)HHV piiii.r ■t)I'""'A\ l>iiii,K.io4H[ -nil\i iiuiMii puii ijo^jy •flIIOISSIlV H9l9JOJ HtlOISHIH 91IIOH ■pan,.! oH.Tijof) O^ HUOnUllU}llO^ •BOHocUiiiI [iinoijiifi Huoi^iuimiioo li)}<'X -liaaaauoo aoq-)o nV Ml 0\ no i),)ptio(lx9 ^uuoinv ori4 Mtii.iiii) iio.mi{,) uo i)>i\)Uij([:o ^imotiiv •no!:>T}3a.ii) -noo Xq 9111) iiail9J.IV •so.i.inoB [111 luo.ij piTiil imoili^s "BDD.iuiis 111! uio.i; p.jtiuuo.iit inijilns 3 « S AI'l'KXDrX. 13 8 3 :3 mil u S 3 13 ?j S S » - 5 ? 2 o :nr; '// o «sl5S3;!« : 3 SSI" 5 « : ; O : ■;!-.■ « X o _i j;: = ;f, ■ o or. S S : C : O W" ? rO $ a: .J r" ^ *j c . 'i3 3' 13 S is ?^ Vi n I Si a 8 43 Is 3 S I- 8t2 ?: ;i3's' ^. -3 1;? Hi ■« o : 03 -^^ c " ■ — ;,s> gx: ■ J.f.r.^- C ;-; a c ^ c ■X .<; - - h-' <-, «« ^S : O := g ■« O a r* .-^ a'^i^'tn APPENDIX. cxcv. S3 f.fi7.='7-~ iU ^^3?^ = •••) i i 3 S '-5 X s; : = ^T "^ i=:b^?"■ n '^ 2 "-' <| '.-35* U 'i; ?i 2 .5 7 :-' i Jia-3 S'S35 I- .' —1 i.i 'J ^ .■!iS *=iua ! sss" 818 I flSj iji 5 3 33 5 8 :'-3|4^ Hjr-Vi 2 S U :i.i5;5.7?5 ! i ; 5 5 « |-2 s:-j ii^i-i'it- 1- « 8— t- 1^ *!» c »-< '— I" I* -f* '" ^ ■?' K r. -P ; •!« •-* ;s ( 2g;5g<5S?S 1:3,= ? $ ? g SSSSSs -gs iS ? 8 8 ")• rt O P5 ssasiislsVisass s s s' ■ss=--^;;"=i X i-* ^ 'N ifi 5SS855S8S*r-§?8 § S 3 i.5 I.*! L* tr, tn c c c i.T tn r: c i-'i ^ Q 8 3 ?!S???333SS?.SS?S 3 S 5 :c i?i -r — Pi ■?! 71 -f .-" -ri -^ ^ "f cl re H I— I Si Si H W S :SSr'i?.gS253 n ; c o 01 1- oil o t- "I r-l : t-H O "^ PH rH 8 8 8 S5S3?:? :25S S3« SS3S3SS i-i « S 1) M M « 833 i i88 83 :fi3 f X rH ?: X •.; r- ■?■ 33 3388 Q -8 S3 25S s 3312 SsS 8 S:'SSe3b-n?liJ'rt?-J5SiS 3 3 S S33S3SS2S3S5S 8S884'8 O O fC 1- f H 9 ■* ■£ t- 3 o Q -^ ft S I- 10 -i 1.^ S ri •>! o t -^ r: 16 S r* ■» -.^ r> -f 51 1- ■.* -f t^ ■? 51 -M .-i rH SS^S3SSSr-:3S;'!52S 3 8 S S '■■ S o&xS l>.t->-l3?ltS S5 3 I- S ;2?33 ??5 ^ : I- X t . •». 3 8 ;3S3in t^ : 10 X ?! o 2 r-l I- 1- o ia ;s ;833 53 Sh :353 O ?t -^ CO ; 1-1 « 3 is Sgi;g8'iSS888SSS 3 S 3 S858S388?i8838 &-38553 « -^ 1.- X •:! •;' ■;! "^ -T -H a; 01 71 ■M i.-: i< x r: t ^ •m ?5 -r t ;i •ji i- .^ -? !•; 71 7) -> -^ r-i 3S8S'c35 = i i - 2 =: ? r-: Z Z Ti -M 71 J ■883 8 3 3 38888383 : I- 5, Ti 8 i 8 8 .? I 8 8 i 5 ^ X X X o -f rt ^ r: f7 -T • : 71 7^ ■N 333 8 = 8 3 333 ?58 7i ■?! 71 8" ■5 s s'S S 3 fl ^ S3S 8 S 8 8 3 S so ■♦ 7\ ?l > ■•a o 833 8 8 3 8 S i 3 fi i ^ T -fs "• is d^ S* ..- -i -■ .^ o g d " o •<1 o o u G -^ i^' X H ;^ a o ^ a? s ^ 1-5 1-5 cc = a-72 .« ? 5f :i ? >'. > = — O u5 ^2 a •- o a *< 30 3: .a - p X ~ ■■ a c-n S:JC = 5 3 ^^ *fc- " ^ " O r- -> d rt S -3 1. V ■ c 3 ■;; ;c * _ 3 3 rj d d ? -M o V. SS a E a ci •< Si S it t;. - o -: S .a - ■" t. g o i = c .: c o c ■>: uc: a^ '^'r Hi dr- c c : '■ a ?; H < H 5 r.~ « 4-> Z- ■a i"" 33 U CO u w "^ — ■r. r *C .li! ^ 33 a ||5 3 ^ ac£a's"a -^ C = ji s-i ? £1 v' X " "S -i r^ »^ .— t .^ H.t p^ M-t ^ a -J. 5:3 C'ji 3 g a i- O — 7) rt ■»»» L7 i? X : < \. CXCVl. ArM'K,N'l)IX. Oh O « W H « w a. no 9q«(l io itinodiv ■(nHoiUnil iTv joj Hiiu|)n(||-<)«o,) [iivj, •OAorpi |ini|I,>.MlH -OJJ l)% MIIOIIIUIIJ^IIOO i|ruiui,) oin JO H.iiiioiiasadj MaoniKiutiio.) imox •lion •ir/!i.i3iiiiA:,[ riDii,i.i_,i •IIIUI..I .?[qni,)nsv 08 S 13 3 ' r^ P4 p^ 8 8" S 9 •ptin.T •nimr-,\\i)mi,HjoiHi •ii!I\; Kui.irif imii |i.(,1v snojuBiivi «8lo.jo^ u 'I.' O' snojSHin omoH •pnn.T i>.l'">n"D ()■) Knonii<|!.uiioo •ojn^ipnodxo junoj^ -■Df)o.ifltioo joiito jiv I no popiioilxa ^nnotiiv MIMA no popitoilxe itinomv •nnijiiSo.iH -noc Aq onp H.iiiowy «8 8 8 3 •soo.tnos ll'n moaj pnul pnodi^y u5 8 8 S ,, ^ g '5 3 7.' p^ ^4 ^ •BOD.mos nil tnojj imsinio.irt puodi^y I s 'A I <:l< 2 -;d LL' C ■ O o H ^ a d o ® >• - a . :S k< ■'!+'a.5t:*^>f_;'-3-"a o o = ts^S'^ o 3:::;3c S o p. >.— ' .,0— .f-r ^-'=' J^ 2 S t- ts u PS eo o 'A s w C H 8 ^3 3? 3 c U H !; 2 5 s ;■; 3 rf ?3 n H ft '4 s 4 S 5 12 ii g 5 r- 5 .^ i -f> * ^. — -1 p- -• -ji .^ •71 f S3 1'C 5 ; ,^ 'j 'J ;i ll 3 ;3 31 r. -M — f f st;?S f 5 c r. ■/, 1- * I- ^ 71 — 71 ? 5 ':3 g L; - r r. o II H-^ ■ X •■». C ' ; ,_. K :° :?i '^> H 8 'r?8 .1 |2 Ph c 'i ^ % Ph PJ «-« 03 1"H 85 ■558888558S 8888 ^8 S S i 2 : S a ^ Z S : -i da f a c X fc. 2 - s '■•-'"''- .P. r 3 ■; oc ; cc ® : I!j a d a a o u a o 5 i d : a ■ o ■•:) rt si H -r^ uj o APPENDIX. CXCVII. ■TT.,..-,,^,., ; ,^ ,~ I 5 : t I r! I ?. i-it-i- I- r 5 S ifl ./S i3 8S9 3S ^ j »i »i Ti ri o n ■?! i!^3 52 'rt- s33S ■5 2 I- B 3 r1 3 5 8 : 3 ^ : 5 8 S :: n S33 S '33SSS83S , rt .* -« -^ Z rj r 33835838 a U hi ] 0_ la ° a g a ■a s o .2 .a : __'3 l; I' - T'.a o s o .= 3 o ® £ •^^^ -1 9 « 8 IN 03 Oi 2 SS <-.a i 1 12 a •1 ♦I X 8.vi3 S3-i S IS I !3 9 O g^ a a y r^ - ., .5 C :— : y - S CE O H — d ;5 s " 2-'-o-*as£o Bifi S.J ;-- 2 •«1« Irt '-£ t-^ 30 o -«3 3 a o o a < CO O w H >-i 23 i i 8 '2 5 4 S = 3 mrr s a ! it I |i g f i i I : 3 3 ?. 5 5 ; « IT Tl -r ■?! n 3 S .1 3" 8 = 33 8 3 ssy 3?33 "t 3 ?r 4l 913 S 53 X 3« fl ei 3 5 => '-5 3 .? i3 3 3 9 2 z t- a U3 33SS 3 3S ' -. •— I- i— ■; I •» X, 3SS i 3 S3 ?5 '-^ •i S s 3 S S S 5S2J ?5 s;4 ij c> s S o >H o >" 03 IT S> O « iJ S33 3 33 2 1 3 i i ; 333?. 3 33 33?.^ s 2S 333 3 33 .n iS i< IS :3 ■ M Is" '«3 i3 is ■ n ■ ir 5 1 1 -.9 18 O 3 a — s ® i 1:3 .2 "It : a a hi .J. >. !?:^ ^ So r-5 a ** 3 CO — "I- r? -^ ,. a ■^ Si - 3 c = ci = a c o.'-g •-< si r: ^ ■--" ■■£ c^ a L« :=:*'cs C .> ^ t ■= 3 .F.5 ~ .2 -i X Z> C -^ Tl cxcvm. APPENDIX. O H X^jodoad i[r).iiitiD no ;q9,i aionu;) im<'X I •not; -^lZ^loHll1!A^[ iiJiio.ij; | ,/.. "I'WI'lI .^iqinossy •[iun,i 'oric'.W I'mi.s.i.ijsi -lUK lu.iiitii imi! iD.iy •sii0!ssti\; nSioaoji suoiBsiiv niiioH •pnnj 9H9IIO.-) 0% siioi^iiqj.mtoo sosodjiiit iiiiioi^ii;) -a.iiiuo,) A'lpijjs .loj Hiioi^iuimuo,) [ujox no popriodxa 'jutioiiiv •J119A 9m "nunp qo.iuq,) no popitoilxa ijimuinv •noi:}Ti3o.i3 -noo Xq onp sau9.i.iv •saoinos IIB moaj \nxid iniadus •seojnos nn mojj peemioad pned^s § H 01 ->! bi O W 2; o 2 '■5 ~\ 4 . ■M I -71 o ^ a •J) I i. v- x v; (■_ " ''^ c IS :? 15 :2 c; tM t": -* x c r. M i^ o — ■ X <•: ci ts — 'r i- - i^ T f I- X -:i-rr-iri -li* S Z -) 5 ■??:■: .'^ 1^ i 2 i.' '2: i ?■ ~'i ^ r- -i-4 Ti ?:'/ c5i^ — fi- ^ ~- 5 = - J; ;,: '-", S ■■" '- S ■^*' '-J-'-^'-i 9 it ir; I- 5s5rr^2 8'f;'^.5l-E552.v? 5.?.?;3 iri L^ .-^ i S -A r- 1~ ,^ '•:"! i ii "'■ ; !r ;r 5 ; .^ 8 S s 5 E 8 5 L": 2 5 ; S 8 5 8 8 .? 5 5 B s g t2?iSSg5 :§ j x r-3 5 =55 §8 ? L-- cSS^iiC;S :" ■ J5 L-51 « t-i ' ' "*'"*'" X f— 1 "s 2 8 8'^8S8/=r 1§ X X i8 5£.-.S t^ ~ ?.'?, ;?,l^ii-" '* " -^ f , Ti i. = - ■■= 5 g X 3 8S5KI2.5 ;8 :5 is §88888 ?. L* ^ii-U^igrt :'- ^5 — •« 9.9.'^r,'J^" H H H o -^ I- o c T) ~ !■: I- 3 : r: "M ~. 7J — '- c »- -•" i-< i.i c". "M r. ^ a:; c C'l i-H : i- ri r-i ~ ti -j — -^ S' 8' S 8 8 8 8 ?i " ; 8 Vl 8 88 88^888 C. -* ^ I.*: X -^ -f -i« rt C ^ X — O ^i -^ — *f C t- to -^ 5 -^l ■?> ^ -^ '.I o 2 X -j' o 5 '^ '■•: --D r: 5 X ep oi cc — - jC i- ti r: re t^ —. x O t^ X t. — x *. r; 3 ci re X 3t -^ I' ut! - r: r^ "^ t- t.^ -i -.-*•« t- t) ^ X O t- L- 3 •* C I.-, 1- t- O L- -N -H ,.-. t- t- C I- t-l -M r^ C'l f T) ^ rt <— »- ri 171 rH — _ •:-i X T- z L- 5 ^ -r O ■ t.- -r- 1- r; 5 '1* X X *i — ( X re -1 '": 'C L- — X c : c -f r» X c -*< O c: o L^ X •- r- c: -r i-e ::: r -^ : ci ii l- i- -r t-h ro t--^r-i.-'rj-i'« rHO -rc-^ i-h Ol r-i tH 3 = : ^f- X T- ^ g ; : ;?3 :S«8£S 88 : f^ : t- rH ^ ei —^ 5 ; re w ^ 8888838858 88 888888 S o ri ■? i ^ 3 5 e ^ — ?1 ■- ii X 5 ^ ^ v: o 8 o 5888888888 .8 88 8 888 §8 8888818888 8?i *S8i8 r-li-l-^r-iHr-l i-l 1 8888 o J ?i rt" »!>' I,-: -^ t~ 3C r^ c' — ' *' —•*■■: -.; ^- is 9 {to |o 9 s en 88 ?.il6 p 1— < -^ S8 fr 'r!:.-z 1 s 1 K rt H rH tH L__ APPENDIX. f.\(.'lX. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ~ - X, £ ■' ,^ z ;- s - ' '-r.il r. ee^eS 3l^,^.53 ?, O W 2 X s is" ii 2 : 1 : ■^ ; i ; 5 1 ^' 1 1 i O -T< I.- -T — ' -.^ t- " 51 1- -r I- I- t- 1 li i i' 1." :5. Hi 3 71 :5 :« : i ; > ' 1 5 : sf : I* ;3 :?1 ;3 : i t- 1 ■3 :5 : -.a 88?? : ; -M 'rtL-r-i- O ; -M 8 : 5 « ^s a ; -J ; : I* 53 :S1.53 X : u: t- 1- -^ -J S 3 ■ in-s :2 :=■• : -H 3 :8S : 71 r: ■s - 8 ;8§S5 3 |^H?r- 5 •-* :83 i? g 3 ieii? O : :^3 is I- I'M 71 ) ; -T" : : 1 : C3 ; :5?5 5 o r-* 5?§8?.i i' ':■ -^ - a 5 5 IS K 5i§8?.i r-H —1 J. § ?i ?i 2 ■ri 71 s ■'.-: 5 = O -M t- l- UJ ^ j3 3 S§§S88 .^ -f C O 3 o ci -H £ .«. rs I- 8 1— 1 r? ■ T t' i :j?;88 \ 5 '-il ?i »H : : : ; M M Ms M ; M 3 CI 388 iS ; S ■t ■ -^ :8SS : o -M ^ 1-( 1-t 888588 ■88. ^ CO S 88?5 = 85 CO CO =: o •— I.-: 2^ W tH -?! "M 71 ^ -3 88888 8 888888 -g £ 2 i 5 888888 ■■% ^ 5i « ?5 .^ 5 552 ^ i -5^ 5» : ? ' ; s — r— — I — ■ — , _ - , _ : ; : ^ O : u ■ Sia S c ; 3f. -t^ s2 o : "iS =3 ■; : : : : < t-H -,t^ -s* V p^ u: fC ;0 S! ;3 p 3 ;a ;3 :-'J ■ _• -^ 3 ; js :i "i a.? CI r; — ;- a : H-r tx. r - u; ::- -^ is ri —1 71 r: :5 ■5i :^ 5 i8 ■ I.-- : : -r Si =53 ^S r-i iS -^ ~ 3 • — ■ 1^ ^ ~i ■; ?: — i' •i •?. tr. Ti o : v; — :- 5 ■- '■; •- : = -< 'e P^, t-1 1^ :2 • - i-* - - = n z -zj =; : L~ o r. *t -r X i'- i - ' fi ^ ?i «3 fi -ri 5 : i S^:?(-588 £ S? ■ lO : '.o « I ^ — : 5 555 :5 i~55: f -MOO I : r: -• ii ' 2? ; 2; ^~i —~ U ^ ^5 5; .2 ^ SS 2222 2 Bg ■ C c -r C OX) S :S§S55§5 2 88 71 -^it^ - -< — f? ^ -r o r: ; -r -i rH I- 71 -r 71 1?: 7U- = :^ .22; -*-* r 4 ri ~ ';*; 5-, 71 : 71 iCi 5 S3 3 -fi?l 5 -j: i 71 . "T X '7 c - 1- — '- 5 c '- 5 -i ■ - :; a •■-: -Ti- -.a ;i^-S o c; X -r — -^ 5 — • 1-3 u :'^2S2~Lzi7 3 i -"O^j = i I- 5 t- 71 71 -H i-^r-f'*! >'. I-:; 1-1 71 CO : TI I- 5S=:8 ^ ?JaJ ^ 2 «7i - « :a O C B Pi^ « •5 w X J -J ;omo< r-* 5 X ■ t- t- 1-7 ; "■'2 3 :8S :S52S8S : t- r: -H X = t- ■T.~'-.— <•> x> -f* LO 71 7i -r c r. -^ "1" -i« r5 X X : -- 71 n« 2 5 :8 :55; 8588888 8 88 ca i 2 rt :* :-2!-'~15'^5S i- 55 pr^iSr7|'^;t-'K-T' ?: p ir. -r {- X -r •« '"^ !8 BB^ 8 :888§88i i- ^8 ^ 12 2 = 8 is -£22 = 222, 3i S ;£ :S5. 5 5 : L~ : •»■ tS ^^'^5'- 5 5 I- 5 5 :i3.s y- >. 1.1 -5 « 2 «?i ;sid- u :ii ill :il ^l^i|3 lI ^ £ :|| \ -_ li: -_ :£ ii ; •" 7Jni>OCt-X OC—71— — *1 ■ : 00. APPENDIX. I O H O no ?qo(i JO ^anouiy Buoi^nquiaoo pnox •OAC)f(Ti jinyinods !)OaB')00f(|O^Il0[OA9n -0{[ ot auo!;iKir.naoo i -s- 5 -ii •HtlOIHHtIV' •tioanqo oq'j JO soiiiotios aoj BUoriiKiu^uoj P'^ox •not! -DznoSwBAg; qouwj imnj: A[qnios8V .: t.* Q -^ t'- tr^ o u •j5 5 -r X -;i 11 1* ■M X -r r: r: ... 71 X -- L-: -1 1.-; * : o •siiotHSirj n^Jiiuoj; CJ 8S- 8 •BnoTSBiiv atnoH ,: 1- = 13 1.-5 O u -ri o 11 r: oi ij o -r 1 X 71 X n y, ? O f 11 ll t-- •piin J oSoiioo o^ saonnqmuoo •sosodjiid iiinoi^iia -oaSiioD Atjouts 111} BHOHnciuiiudj imoji i 9 ? S ' ■ojinipnodxa itiuoi? -•uaoaiJuoo joqjo nv o g 15 S 5 ?. 2 r- ^ irt -^ r; -^ '/.■SHl-t^xS M 11 fH O -C — X 11 I* ,, -p n c; 11 't' o '/>-MXr-l (Mil uo popu'odxa ;nnoaiv W H P3 Ph 5 no pox'tioiixo niuoinv •uonuSeiS -aoo iJq 9np sj-neixv soojnos \iV vaoii pnid puadi^s •Bso^noB m tnojj XiOBituoad pHod!:js -' L- r-i :8 88 8 3 « ip, 'J ,^ -^ iH ►-. ^ l'-^ ^ 5i I" ^ r: rt 88 r-l »H "S~8^ ssss : 8 8 8 5 8 c 8 i ■ O LI o C = c r; I - *f o ■ o-n-'i^iinnitii-t* ss ^S' ss :SS888888 Js ? S?5 a" ■^ St? « ' ^^ ,:*; .13 a *j = >H o d 30." 8 88 I < 'is': .• < C--! go q o ■ a; • o d o ttX4 I'sil'^" x ;:5 i 2 -Si ;; ►? H;; > > 8S 8S iPa a a a -I vx y -c .^ -- ^ 'a .- .> a K^*i a s -.a o o^ an * ■ a. 4i'rx a :.a a^ >.g o Li cc Ui w 1-1 a: Z r a: . >: a ■' ^< '■c, o ■i"?? a 00 o H 00 a •fcS o 11 - aiO -2. «. a s e£ a~ dx:^ i £ S o .s >^^ d d o i; ^ rHrHTl rtCSOlCl Wll(^S C5S S SS «ffiA o •— 11; X ■-* I !3 '* 5 CI L-O ^ , < • r-t rl L.' S 1 8^? S L-.C1 z w ,- :??s 5 i (MX ; K 1 aa^ t^ 5)S'. (MX ; « [X. 1 fK M P3 * r-t W H i : : PH » X 88 Cd 5 ni « * ^* t. , APPENDIX. CCl. :8S : 8 SSS : iSSS I tsnv~ 15 •J ii »; .-.* .^- " iigjigs ssss 5 5 2 ■#. K i S 8 - 5 S ?. i 5 ~ ?■ - ?• ?i ^ ~ 2 CI I- -2 ^^ r: !■: '■: c ri r. -^ OJ — I -M -i — « ,., -1 — ^ :S:^8S1=;S2553 ; I- ^» O t^ ■?! O -?! u* i.^ ■£ i88 8 9 :2 ;8!;?!33 : : -J : ^ ^: X y: 2 ; r^ :« '^ i^ Lt o -1- '-■: ■■■: 5 1- r-< -' ?i -H cZ: o us :8SS 8 :8I58S§8^ :§: 8^8888 8 SS':i?SSS8 [iiS o X 2 i H I- r* t- o t- i -> 8SS5S jc ^ 3x: ; X ; 7 5i 5 ^• g 8 i 5 S 5 § r: s 5 :3 o X w c ^. L* o o — 01 rj (M t-( (M S ?• I- ?. « i< X I.-: 8^3888 '■*'=gJS8S <5 x2iS£-_-riS ; :SS S= '^1 5 '.5 ^ "'' ■ ■ '.3 ^ c o 02' 3 < c H '-' Q c: O >.'5 O ■>ji 7 ?: 5 rt -ri (N X r^ -/: -- - 3 3 i-. L- t~ -o f-( ^1 r- 5S x82S , = .£ -r -^ :; O is >< - i; T; ii g - •- .2 - "3 : 7; 5; a ►^ si P3 tf _ >-» 1-5 -y ; ^j'C c- t:^ ^ ■ t^^ • ■ C : X : ; .5 r :- tc : o :5 8 . a x.::-_5>^ a a ^- ^ '' -= P5 *5 5^ j2-'.^ tx s s^ar >- .a a _o a 3 ^ 0) *=! . - :i c b a 5 §o^C-c -523 h'^ r '^ a < 3 a OS -< Ti r: "I- « i; t. i ~. c — •?> rt x-3 > »H — 3 ■ u- :; t-; x' 3 C n •r !i 2 - I! 3 o 1* c .a c - >- r •= >- c . ? T '*" "ti t/: -T" o s i :£2«SS i'^a ;8S ;22::«s xr.^ .■§,'-5 :5? i S- s : [;8 : :j! : : 5) :3 : : 4-1 ;S :5S?iz3g3 •88 ■^58 S S85S?i S' X gS.^SS 8 8 B :g3S2JS21 888 : insl3i8i? g = S"^S o5 :gi^8 2 5 i~g '88 « : 3 r; ii-Mi 24 : L^ •?» ci r; ^ ! 1 o il (£< o « H m « = : 5 ?! 51 5 i?. 2 S :£ : 5 C-. X !.•: - r^ ■ i8 ;3 « ^ L-5 o >.^ ?! o X -r X 'CO CI ; s '.I t» X -M 1- X t- : C T "3 '-' ; 3 1.-. ij •^1 51 ;i ■^l -T : = 4 S a : 1^ o rt X — = 01 r;. : ei : g< ■«• t- X 71 -r X ~. : ■ ■:* ^igii jSsgg 888 ;88 88888 8 :8 '88 8?iig8 8 ;f i^S ^ O i— ' C - — : .5 5^-d : a : ; : : : t: c :iS -■ a a tn :t:-= C — ^ t* a *-• a .a a =-=3 ^"^•^•^ .a: K c e ■. n a c a = 50 — < »1 n ^ o M- X r: o I ecu. no ^fioti ji) ^iinoinv ??^S2Seg8irg 3 = h5K; ■^5SiJ ig^Szigggg >i -1" « -c o _■ X J :S ;5 I "ss :8 Em 1 -J . :1s ;2S :S3 ; o c o ■ t^ .-'. -o Si§SSS88SSS S ' ^^^*^^-**= g?.S _ .-« . ._ ^- 5 1^ «j SSSSSsaSSSS *— r. t^ r~. c L' t' -3 o t^ o >^-w.S •3 a p o s; ^ lii :? Sj ~- .ti ^ >..^ a :*5 ii ^ c r-. « t- •* I- r. •_ Ji :5a5 ;8 « r. [^ i; "-■; -] 2 in :;; e :S SSSSi .SK ;8S V; - o d u V. a ■i S d d 2 ^ •■c s ~ s -t) -•—•-?— o o ^ .= 1-1 ■3 .•;:::; o 0.3 < -^r». lT .r .-^ - » '-- tc i^ J2 ^ ■a^ O c3j 2 ^ o a o d -4 ■>) :;3 . = i = = ii 3 ?! - X 3 5 'X-S o S o -^ -M « -w L-: tc t- 00 ?^ ? — 23" Em H 5- b S !-^ M -a i?5 » - -H — -1 „ ^ 888 55 = 8 :5§i3 X c -T r. X : — X : 5 X f Ion: J 55 885: 5?. = iz:3 5§ 5 ri; 5 5 .'. 5 ^ .:^ 5 1- o r. - i.-. T. ■r-. r-. ■:'. -^-^ ;8^5 Tl Tl -1 1< ~\ r- ^ ^.■^■~ --2 = '^ i55 = ^n ;i:i55 ■S ;^-^i5i: 11 : — — — n 8555 = : /;Vlr.5 ;-:15rir; X -ri -r c t- t- •- -M — ■r. S 3 -2 r. ■? i il ; = 5-1 = ■ 'SS8 388 *H C 11 5 5 c 71 r t- r; r; X c C5 -r = •>U- ^ So i8 :8S = 5 553525 5:2;:s~8 ia is ;s8 •3 Oi gggggggggg iggSg §58 $5.2 « .■s « » IZ S t-^ 5 i- ^: o S gggg gg g? ; 5 ' 5 5 5 5 « : a 3 : !:-♦ — "^ ^ C- •— ' ■ X ~ r^ ■" !^ r* ■ ""• -,1 -^ ■a : 5 :^ -S ■ d" a ; J ^ !* ; a : 5 ■ O : 1^ c - -. O '•7' i«5 • ■ - t. aj ■ .fj •■::r~^--i :«> :-: a =! — j: _ zii ■ A- 'A s >-. 9. . u: ? =: ;s u. ;^. < z i X u: ; :aQ .; t- X ~ o -1 ci r: ■* le -j CCIV. APPENDIX. o w o <) Pi H cc O •X'jjodo.td q,i.iut|,) HO Vi'Hl JO H'>"J"'\' ■HoaoiUnd tiv .ioj 8iioni>'l'-'luo.} pijoj, ')O«S^D0r<|()}tlJlO.\0Il -o{£ o; Huol^^url!.l;uo,> ■milMKHIlt iOJBtKIIllKimilO,) S S ^55 ~ — r. 1-5 •ao}j -iiziioSHTJAa qouoij 7. " ~ 'I. " punj: Aifiraossy •ptin,.! -mil iiuu"I I'liu iM.Tv •suoisfitj^ nSia.ioj •anoissijt oaiOH o^ Huoi^uqu^iioj •sosoiT.iiul piiioi'jiiri -o.iSuo;) .^ijoi.ns .loj o.uuipuoilxo iimoi) -^'a^Aauoy adqjo uv u ; ••/.■ ': o : I. : 7. " 7. ■ S :~1 •jua.v 9q? Snt.inp osmin no popa'adsa ^iinuuiv ■.iiia\ oq; 3ni.inp qo.mi(.) no popunilxo ^tinDiuy ?! '_3 ^' ^ 7. ^ -v 8 1 1 ■7.' 7. -^ •aoi;uS3a" •uoQ Xq enp" 8at;d.i.iv •so.uncs IITJ utojf piTicl ptlddlJS •soa.mos ipi tuo.ij poaiiuojil puoilptj o H a: h O rt -1 O ; 5 : -I ■7;- ■'■£ c H — ■ o cZcc J3 c N 00 o O 5 o W :5 a « O O H « S3S3 ; ;s » :i 5 .7i i 2 - '- 'S? :«S :3S O « ; o t~ • -i t- ■ : : ■ : ;5 : •;■•;■": C 5 5 = O S ■M /. r. t- -J -J I- t- -^ Tl f-t »-i ^^ : o : ■■■: XXirt 555 :55 5-^ r: 11 c ; X o X -i 8? I :3§38 Ti .n : ; t- X r: r: 35 : :35i3 X 5 5 7. ?i S 5 3 c ■=. -c v: -r ,:5 -; 3^ nse ;3s^s " 3 = 3 '-Ji 3 2 ~i 11 1^ r; ?i ?. i2 -r X X ;; X •.; i-. o -ri 35 ri 1--; ^: I- - Q -:) -r 2! — C-. j; 1.- 5 l■^ L- ;58SS3 :32«S5 s ;5 iS 15552 C ;2 o --r •» ^cacx^jcg^s^ «55S; ? = 3 " "B ?.si 25 SS :3?. 3 3i?3 3 S 1- 1J 3 I- ? 2 X » 3; 3; t- 1- 1* rt ?! Z4 :-i^ ~ =1 ?i ~ ~ *•' ;a Y ;"8ss"' : s S3 ;5i-: 5 5i^s 5- r? iSTs 5555 'd :~=v 5 5ri5 — X rt Ti r: X 3 333 3 3 33 3 335 :Sg g gig"" rss 3 333 3 3 : X 11 I.-: e 'C I- o i- : — • r: ^ 5 i- x S -t< ; j.t 5 :S2 :38 u ;g '5 3 3 o c ;5 ; :S5 : fg'g'g'ggg g 2 :s5 2 222 2 2 :5El- 2 t-5L- C 3 :2g 2 ggg 2 g :22 2 222 2 2 :XL- 2 L-51- e -2 t-i S : i ■ o ! >- t- :— = - **• ** -^ i "^ ■7 = C r .5 ^ £•=0' <; J? c l-Srt l-s —~,< c 2 w- J r^ r/- - — — ■ >. : O ; U !r -" i — J r rt- ■-» :.2 a • ? ^ hS Pi 5 £5 ; cc - c " >■ St' i-i 71 .— -^ O 'C t-^ X > c 5-: i ;; s • o c: -H ci r; -^ ■■■ ".3 APPENDIX. CCV. |2 ■ :S zS '3S"«,v£r'A :: 5 = 2 3 iS^J-iS Si 3 53 ?5323S3 »i r- c t- ml o '35SSS?3 — -1 •!> x — -^ r: 5 i 5 i€ ?. ? 3 -I •.- -MX-,:- r- i?3 T3 S 3i5l:S33 ?1 -?• O .i — -J '1 S33 q o o 3SW25 43 3"S|2S 3S ^ c mic~.H 8 533 ^: -?* o — -H o -p -?* ^ -^ 71 I- ?. r: 5. •Ji o I- v; ^ j: — — 7 — r-^ -c -ji t-~ n K .- :-: * 5 IS : Q 55 •H aD s ^.^33 535355;;: 3 £33 3 1 W : - ii '^^ -M iS »o 3 •— "M -Ti i-< 3333555 ^ ^53 9 CO ? 1^ .a O a >? 0_; : o f3 0.3 : a : 3 a >,^ t: 3 ^ • -^ siJ a ^ a 2 SM a "^ .i "■ IS a ^ ^•a :j ^.^ ^ o r 'I -#- _ 'n •/^ » J u a o a a a a ; '3 1 a i-a re o ■ a <0 r a |! o ;'a i! ^ ' u 11 ft ■'a ^ '-^ rr, JJ •" y ^ :., =-c a Jo a a: a a a xU7:»-J;S7: iiwCn Ui:^^ ccvi. appp:ndix. '..I- ti M-at. •• y. I 82, O 1^ o CO ■A").l.)lI(U(I I[.).IIU1,) nij VI'MI 10 )iiiiijiiiv o :3 3 I: ; *i t- S3 M •KOSOiI.llllI 'I'lV .KIJ «ll()!)iici!.mii),) pqox •.i.\i)i|ii |i.iii!0.)iIh ')OtIH'). >•>['!( » JU.)[i)At)ll -i)([ Ui HIIII|)ll(ll.l)(I(),) •HIIOIHHII^ jo.iKU()!}iic(!.i}ii();)'-s 'H •t[ojiit(;) Bin ;o HJiiMnos Joj HtIOt1IU(!.l tlD.) Ili^OJ, ii ;S55 '"- * i; u OHS333' ,.,, 5 ^ ? ?; '-Ti ■3 ; -33 T~8~W ^ i gsrr l.uu^ Cl , 1- o 3SS •()l)aT)-.\\ptni,H4.)}H! -uflV uui|ii[ piiii ]io,iv' •snoisHiiv nH;oj<)..i «3 o •ft-' •siioissiiv otnoH 3 I .7.' «5S333 'I J 3 1.1 "IHJS.? 8S S 8 S3 •pnnj oaaiioo ■fiesocUnd iiuionuS j -9afluo.) .Vipi.x^h' .toj I Buonn •^ 5 o C sii;c^SB 2 .= .2 tc — o T.^ a H d £ c KS;3 .3 -a a CO a o u o « I 8 ! i rr '8 "8" 3 X (= u P3 o S H n s pa o H ^ fe K Ph 8^ I s g 5 *1 X I ^8' 8 8 -"S! i s 8888 S a o 1-S ■<1 1% >^3 c.i;^ C I** "5 U '^ . 5o = 3a-^^!i i^-P;^. S so id APPKN'DIX. CCVll. n (A 8 < ; ; S ' i 8 . 9 ; 8 I : I S : : -8 i8 8 1 M^ ;i ! ~H — r 8 ; i i a i i i i M 1 1 1 -;- - - -! :-f "f 3 10 1 8 5 8 8 M iS :3 in ; -'0:0 1 8 : ; : 1 8 ■; : ; : ^ 8 : : :s ; ; M i - 1 : 2 8 ; 8 ;s ;5 ; ^ i 3 1 c p < • 1 i 1 5 i a : K 1 a < ►- 1 J \ i : ; : : 1 M! 1 ^ , 1 ■ ■ . ■ >; X ; .-> j> • ^ CD > »H :" --s I- 05 m II 4- a ': M : : o . . 3 '■ '■ .-as id'? 5 ■ E Sh - d d 5 ■:- v. J r-i -i ^: ii I- '/■■^ I' 't II I CCVllJ. s » I H < O t-H H CO ►—I » t»^ >"* ■ 5S "^ 3^ a i5 : : : : • : OHllOJJ ll.)]tlOJX JO a _a a ,a S ?5 J^ S ■n a ,; 1101)11!. )i)-Nv A'.ni . . . rM «H ^ • • • ; • • • "X •Hr»I.HIiq[rj ni H9tnn[o_\^ jo 'o>^ : ; ;§ ^ 1 •H-iaijoudj; JO "ojj M c^ »o i(S -cift o » "i* •SI)HHB13 Hnoiiiipjx \\\ -o^ij ooocororg ?C X "t t^ '-^ '■'? "f ^^ 'T ?1 i-l iH r-( ^::i ? v\ 1-1 •sniHi](luq JO 'oj^ nrs-Hssssw-oMift M >.t M ->» "JO ^1 iM •*• ro ^['(•'■>AV J" ON •8.iaiBa(i ■H.tapia JO -oij -.inp p.iAom.i.t "ONj ..Hf^— HJ VX I— (»-ti-lfl5 1— I I-( t« X -too 9> ■ CO «Q l> » i» X 5«I 1(5 5fli«'M>flt»e(5'»J1«J W •"11 s 8ni,mp pappu -oj^ -innratnof) jo "ofj •soi[nmij JO •ojj MO^SUJ jfq pajididis kuoi) -tc)«.j .loqio JO "-ojj ■83I{0.IUtlQ JO 'O^ ■r> o ■ 3> » X t- 'o t- CI '.■^ '■•^ —I ~ CI "f: 5 I *0 X O ■■■:i '"J O O -f O W5 O X M -<< X *1 i-HS>t-x^w5;srsx t> is-ox'C ?s « CO i-H IM r-( X -H M ~ -M — n x t>- o M r- 'o o s o ro vs -t< -J ~ n -* ifl « iS 'M ■>! :c -?< -J O liNi-l W 'N'MiHi-H M iH •M I-- iM a o H to p-l o < o o § 23 « a. 2 '^'^ fe 2 § g ■r. • C 03 CS Mh3 .at; fc- 00 .—I CO .?! l-( jj S a K- ^r.*- C3 o -a > ^ cc .a c to a o •-; w a»^ o c ,;- -Sen o • S rt 3 V "^ ? a /■ .S.laa'^y-^S'^^^-^S^ o I a 5 ICZ2CC g^l^^^l H^ i o 1 M —" -" iT -^ -►^ s w o o H :zS « o O o H -< pi- O H o » o o a: o Q ?; o 1^ 11 W M ■<)* lO ?C t^ C ^- "M nr Al'PKNDIX. CCIX. •i 00 Q a w W H J l-H o no )qo(i JO )uiiouiv tanodjtKl TIV J0| ■HA()(li? p.)iiin.)ils toil ai.)o|((() jii.i[oA.)il I •iioinqr) orn JO Hatnoips •'") HtlOJlllflHIMO.O l"lox «J 8 S3 3 11 3 S «'"4 « i iS r. i 'i ,"? S 5 '- i E T: {■: 5 'y « 5 '£ 3ii '■3 1 1: £ 2 1! '; i' S t2 :2 5i:JY33 S 3 » ^ ^333 i ■8 -S ^"i : : 3 8 o i « 5 .^ » ? 5 5 -5 5 « f 3 S ,T? « •noij •pnnj XiqTOOgHv () V 'A\ 1'"" ,«itJ)n! b 1^ i"?^ ^ 5 2 S -? 3 « ; :S3~n'SS"8 3" '/. o 5gf522?'»Sg •( '-?.-'z«--"2 •snojstinc Ol'tnil ,, ?■. i-- 1"; 1.1 ^t -^ -f c s ^ /. ~ Ti t- Ti 5^1 S 1^ ■"i ■ 5 5 5 5 S S ?i ?? 2 ., •; -M c = = •.; e -M -ii -log o; stioijuqp^no.') •BOfiOfUnd tmiotiiift ■.i.i,1ti()3 A"ii;'!U« ■••'J suo[}uc|U}noo i"V'X 83 S'" ?.et2 3 C t- -" fi m -i S : •^ -H ^ 5t33~i' Ti ?i ? i,^5 S S i I" I- aci ^ ** 5 IS -■n9oj.iiio.) aotno [iv 'xvo.i o ': ■ ,5 .■» i 5 « 5 5 as ■^olj 5 S = S 5 ? tl: g^3~i is T.T" T. O I- ■ t'- *» ^ « "^ 5 O ,, *i — -Ji : r. ir: •■. i i- S -^ : t- t- X X r; 7T r^ - — — J i.'i X •r -»• 71 ri 5i *i -I 2 S S ?1 S 1' •ft •3 i" 1. 2 a « u u o ::3;5 : ;3 : -M — 71 : : o : -t -'' l> ; ■ ■* S S S§3 •.niDA om f(ai.inp Tio.inq;) uo pepiioilxo (junoiny •no!}ii!1n.i-! 1-5 1-5 j3 1-5 K ^ . ^C - <-T ^ X. ^ r'*^a^4j^'-'7*i:<-.- 2;=..J=*i i-i-tci;-*;— a«-^ S »** In -1 *j „ <-> cc a -M ■ i s a .= ■> ~ ^ b'S s =; ~ ? as to % a -••-;?;.•' ^ ■ <: : ; C 2 S ? d . .: d 5 la ? z s . o w ;: c :;? - a - a 5 ? i^ ■-i li ro i> «' a t-; X 7: d -H Ti r: "■■ o O "" S, a < .2 ^^ 0) is a a ■2 o s a .2 •- ?- o ^ m P o !r a Cm ccx. API'KNDIX, t -. 00 i^ K .1 (o » •« K •«; y. iC « <; p o H fr H l>« P4 c H m ■V, l-H H V. <1 ■C" H •<. 73 «2 ■^ x ^o •()>! ■H3HHH(,) & E g 3 ■71 — J f "3 «i^ 2«2a'3 g a gaa <^ \j '-J U 0^* M u "^ Xi i^ '•^ i^ a <^ Q '^ ij U -- Ti -- r: -■ Ti ^ 71 fh f"^ -f -H t* -H -^ -< 71 -Ti ■?! -" #! 1^ dAlA r; p rj .-. 'J — ^ •- •- rt "t» -s •? (f» f? i.^ (- .-^ -3 i3 .-^ ^•ai a ^a 2 a a 5.3 3 a a ::.i^3 3 a a a a 3 a Si,3 a 3 a 3 = ^ I- I- ^ n r; c r? zl ^ *' '-^ *' JC X -^ Ti '1 p: ^ jr rt -I ji r. i.* .-i t ^ 6 t^xjxj S • a ■-■•■■•' ■ 3^33 3 33 3' t N 3 O 2; o a 1.-5 - 4 p-t ^ i.*: -r P3 "t- S is z 3 r-. — rt 17 n "H -J o IT! I » ^ — -1 I 71 71 J5 E 71 -< O 91 T r> '5 2' -• <; i i 2 - 5 ''■ 71 r ri 2.' 3 '-I 71 5 1- M 2 5! 2 ?; c '5 5 :5 r7 n 71 ^ -H 71 5 H :7 71 -I 71 -^ -^ 1.7 ? -< -I * •■4 M S rt fl 71 rt •Bnisudflu JO -OK rj r-i c'. -c — S rS 71 •* rj T -H in -H rt -N '.7 .rS ?5 si S rt 71 •)• -< 7l * •»• -i u u O « O 8 S V S o o o o "."5 -H r- 1" to •Hjajiinti ooigo jDino JO -OK •B^spia JO -ON flnianp poAoiuaa oji oq} Stiunp iLijiini -ox s^tinonintninoj jo 'OX H 1! 2 S 2! =! '-^ I- 3= ■■« " => '"} ■" 71 •!> o 1.7 71 X -i a 71 -J 5 1~ -«">i S '- f 2 ^ «4lOsri«1<>-(71 O t-C71->'-H"j-l~ja<'7m5l7«-r*5 tC O P7 — * fN f ri X C: r7 t.7 P 2 O C- -r T. 1.7 71 -H ?7 OD t'. 71 71 t^ 71 r.- 1^ r> n 1' ^ 33 r r ? 0> '-i '5 S3 u 71 ■ if '^ n 1.7 r. O 1.7 l-H 1-t rH *-l F-4 ^H t-1 ^ 54 fH oh rH iH ph »h pH "^ ^ ^ e •sanunnj jo -o^ •lo^SMj Xi) pniiildna I Bnoi^n^S .wilio JO 'Om •Baqoaxiio jo "OM r-. i.7rtr:23-<35 7ii-202-fi255P?T-7^7'-^^-^33>'tir52^jP2 r-it--i>i5-<'»i 71 r7 r; — 1 -I X -M t- 711- x o X r. 71 71 -J ^ -H 1.7 i 3 -I -■ '7 1.7 S 1.7 c s 7. ri X. — 1 1.~ 17 I- 3 71 71 il S 3 ^ 'J -^ -I r7 -1 -1 1.7 « -1 71 ■? 1 - -1 -f -I r: — 71 d ^7 -1 « 36 1- no ?J rf ti o |5 ?. 1.-5 p^ X — t -■ 2 r: 1 « 2 1- 1> u5 71 1- 71 [- 1.7 » » r; B a -H 71 2 h- 1'- ?> •»< J -H -d 1; ij 71 r: 71 o -I £ i7 S 71 -.^ -r i -I il 71 ^ i?5 1- 7I S Z I- VI 5 1.7 1- 1- 1- o 1- t- «7 17 11 -1 » X i~ -< 71 71 £ rl 71 .-i — -11 o rP 1-; = — I -r -< 71 : -3 p J -. t- 'i n 1.7 -^ 71 f7 71 rt :7 -^ o -H n -H r7 p^ ph t- r: ph 71 •.:5 -J f7 ft -< ?i 71 -r •^ -«■ ~ 1- I- x r 3 •.; — ' c r. ^ — 1- -1 r7 r7 71 -)• 17 vD -?• 1- /: c- r -< '.5 Z = :5 17 17 -I ■■-. T. — oi r. 71 71 -1 1.7 - r. r. 2i 5 -• -c i -f I- :: Z -H '7 1- ^ T. t~ r7 '■5 o p^ -^ 71 -H 5l -1—71 71 71 il — 7 1 r-l rt — -1 :7 71 -H 71 -1 71 71 X .V I ..: •O 71 I- 7U 71 c 71 2 -) 2] r. 77 : 1.7 X t- IN c "H 01 n t- « 171 » « »i rt : o t- ^ 31 c- : rHpHr^7171-^^?1. i— tH ^ r-i;t-ll^ o o a t> r. T^i 2 -f >«• 71 ^: M r, •■5 2 a i~ a » 2 71 1- n J] I- 1.7 M -f t = i < ■ u ^1 -lo.O •89 -OJ BU •ax on r ii §=3 71 s ^1 V. If* c« N 71 H •<^ Z 5 M :^ a ^ a ** H t: < < h -c ' T. ic ^ <• M ? '>> <: •A M b =1 "» >• K !j < %^ is s k D "S 03 "r- ^ ', =< •Aj.l'iil'Uil i|.).liir(,) no \i\o^ ;o )uuuiuv •OAoqii |)0|t|nnc(N >)({ II) t!iiii!)iii|U)iii),) •Hn()(HH|n jo; siionmimnoj H H •ipiiiri;-) HlIDIJllllU^tlo,) ITIIOX -non AITKNDIX. CCXI. Vt I ^ 1^ linnj X[q(i(98fly •pnn..i ■() pnii w iinn,H.i,>|Hi •snoiHBjrc nJIfajo J -< iS -» 1^ -. M -< — c • -" rf -• fl -> ri 7f 'I .u -« iT "j -* .f s •I •♦ n « '4 § ? *,' '£ ? 5 5 .^ ;-: '5 M s ^ - ■^ ,■:; 5 i <'^ '£ H » ?i * ;•= 3 'f'.fii i 3 s '//••'' 3 ' -J 1 3 - - ^ y * I iS ii i S -!) A ?i ?; -J * J 3 1' 6 fl fl ?i 4 ?i i' - */,• -Jl ^ ^ r-< . t(« *H -« M ^^ n ?t -^ f-t ^ ^ 71 . :3 irf 2t: I- ■?! u tf ■snojBBiK omoH •H3S()(Tjn({xD innoi; •xv.oi OtO Hlll.ttip OSKHlt no poptiailxs ^unoniv •.11I3A" >11 tlni.mp i(Dani[,) ) poptiadxo ^auotny .'5 r: -* — !•; -^ t- o r; 30 r; t-^ r; f 1^ '^ T Ti ^ f- — t* Ti ri r i; X 2 ^ -r 5 »fr -< >!i t- •! * rl ^ 1^ M 1^ I- -^ r; -• Z -* -* i< X Ii 71 71 ?. •; i-. t) e- u a r^ -i „ I- ^ t- rt ^ 5 ^. •» v± }; : 71 3 ^ — y — 71 '3 '" 'i ;^ i X. 5 5 ■? ' ' "^ 3 'P -f -^ * •»• ■ji:'. — 7l . f7 r! t- -, ft T ^ r5 -< j5 ?1 r- i 2'^ -• " ^ ■^ '-S -I ,; 7U- »H X O f C "^J t' — ^ "?' C O 'O t- 17 r- 1.7 » t» X -f s ^ 5 '7 O "J 7) fS -J t-- O rS 1.7 -f -a fl 117 5 O X — 17 -»• 1^ S *J 71 rf rt f S 71 rt T n S I 7) 711- *i -. i75 O 71 t- 71 -r 71 '4 71 I- t- 1-7 -r 71 'J * 17 '5 '^ » f -- — '.^ "T* *• 3 ""J; Zi ^ * T * t^ '^, :■* -'i a ^ 2 -i 2 i? :^ ,•? 'J '- i i '4 5 2 .-j r; l: 3 -i >r .^ 7 * i ;» ? ? « 5 '^/.i b 'ji 5 - ;c o -r 7l -H *.i 5 -r rj — 1 71 — 1 71 r7 1.7 -^ I- 71 -T* 71 1 - "T T* -* A ^ ■'« — ' A -H -5- -H ^ — 1 - -H -^ — — ..-5 ~ -f f n •!■ 7* r: y r7 -1 f 1 -' 1.7 Vi C- 7l 1.7 ;* 1.7 u 5 1 - 7) ?1 2 17 _ 5 S o / -3 5 i ^7 -i< 5 /. 5 H v; -!■ - ^ - — =-. - r7 r. 3 -J 5 o I' t o -< -H 1* t* 71 '7 - ■; r. -ti r. I- r; 1* o -^ t* 17 ^ 1- t' — 17 r-- 71 1-; — . -^ 1- ^ 3 X 17 Z '7 3 r! -.i A / -• 5 1.7 1 7 — 17 -r :■; 3 -J: « r. T. /: -• 71 1 - -< i^ -4 x -^ -h X -< 1.7 3 1-< -i ~t^ X -•71 '■'5*1 2 -1 ? ~ « n: i "1 '* - 1"^ J^ 'r ~i 2 L: ~- ^' ~ -1 i-^r^ 1^1- -t- ^t-xoi-5-t'5i7 3:3*73f~r.r. r*— — i?::7-c— '-t-ri— <7ic^F^7i'^ -r X -J -r 17 r. -. -^ :7 T r. ,-. 71 T7 ^: X 71 ij t — 71 /. -f 71 1 :7 r7 r: — -z r. -K o -r 1- -^ c- -. '^ ^. ?; 17 71 — *i -r 17 r. ~\z i T. — t- -'-' -fi 17 -c 71 — x 5 x — '-f ., 2 :7 5. •-< 71 -^ X 71 -r -T- 71 1 7 -r ;<; 1 7 71 -• ?. :7 -• w X v; r - — 1 - 1 7 r7 I - 1^ — t - X 'tlO-^-r — I 7l 71 .-7 17 -. "Jii^ 7ir5 ri 1- — . -r Tl :7 1.7 71 71 y^ « X J 5i5 1} 71 3 -3 «i'2 ■noni'SajS -no, > i(\ enp s.ui9.u7 I' f . * TT'.. i r" 2 V. i 71 « " 3 ■ X .2 -r r7 I I - .3 '^ ki 3 " I " ^ X I X ,3 ^, 1^, 2 "'" i I '-7 5 I - ^ ! -- , O '2 xa ^ ^ '7.' 71 3 -»• ft r? -r i-. -1 Z : 71 — t- ^ Ji 1.7 ^1 : ; 17 r. 11 1.7 Ti 1.7 : i.-i -I •-!•-< ■si.i.mos ipi irio.ij pnul [jiMdi^g •S3D.UIOS ipi m().IJ pasuiio.iil pujili^y oH'2if'5SSS3 5?!3£ii>.5 8S3'r?3i-25S?2?iii?r.;.12SSB 5 7117 -I - r: I -I e ; 3 X 17 r. 2 r; 71 :7 X 711- -. X ■■•• :7 17 :■ 17 7U.- i-r- X „ ?7 I- 17 » -1 -« 3 - 5 5 71 i f I- 3 -r -■ I- C 71 '7 i -1 — 7 -!• -. ■_ V *' 'I « 1 - '/.' r. 71 — 1 f7 71 X — • 1^ — 17 c ?. 1- -J" T -r ^: X -• -- X ;1 ;- ■- . : X ^ i^ ^ x ad 3 71 ii 71 17 -T [- n •.; ■.; X = -f r: 17 X 1.7 •..; 3 — X -^ 3 ■_ 1 • -.; -fi • -^ n c. --• •_ x i- -•, 4V ^ = -i ■ a 1.7 -lit- » 315 1 M = « '■' 1 ;: * -r a « 5 3 S 3 3 It 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 'i |i ^ i 5 3 3 5 7I ? » < ~i ~ 'Si ,, 3 5 Z — /. 17 -r ?7 7) 71 = 71 /. 71 :^ I- X :^ -1 — --I- ■ i^ :; r. 7U- X ^ i-. r . =: J \d '• ~' 3 3 57 -r -ji I- n i X -H -^ -Ji — I- r- — — 3 ")i X X ■.:. :7 1 - :s --1 1.7 1.7 r5 X — I- J. c; S ?S I 1 - -, H « 01 H : a : O : a ::a ;Jd :« : : a 1 : O : : :« : : S : :'3 : •■ ►^ : :■.;; ■ .- 3J : :.^ • ■> ■ ■'pS i: . — ~ " • — ■ bs -?:::■ a a a 9 cexu. APPENDIX. ROLLS OF SV^NODS AND PRESBYTERIES. SYNOD OF THE MARITIME riiOVIXCES. 1. PKESBYTEIIY OF SYDNEY. MIXISTKRS. DATE OF 'oUDINATl'N" EI.nr.HS. CONOEKfiATION-K. POST OFFU i:s. 10. 11. }Innh McLeod.D.D Nov., M. Wilson, M.A Juno J^i UK'S liciss Sept., Alii'iilmin Mcliitos-h . . Auf,'., ] loimld Sulhci'liLiiu Juuo (i A. I'uiiinharsou 1). Mcl)()iif,'iill.., ls;i3N McOdrom Mira iSydney, C.)5. 1612 J.W.flainnioll Sydney Mines { SJMiiey Mines, IS.");) Doniild McKiiy fh'and River firHH(illivtr.('.B. l''^"'!' St. Aim's St. Auii'B, V.h. If^iji) I'll. Arc Doniild Giibiirua Giilmnis, C'.li. I>ec. It.iwil 1). Mcl.oiinuu Sydiifv, St. .Andrew's SvdDcy, C.H. iNov.J.'J, isC") T. 1>. Jones Cow ]?iiy Mines tun iiiiy, C.B. 1 1. Dnuiinioud Jiilic IS.lST'i 1). MeUoiiald lioulardcvio liorlaiNlciMn.C.B. .Iiiliii MiiiTuy Jan. -J, ls7:i T. Falconer Sydiiov. Second Congregation Svdiipv, C.H. I'l-tcr Clark Nov. l-J.LSTM Ciipo Nortli Ca]io North, C.B. Gavin Sinclair ,Ai)ril 5, 1877 IjOcIi liOUiond, etc Loch I,oiuon(l, i ' , C.B. VACANCIES. W. A. McKoon Tattle Glace Bay iGlaco Bay. Jas. Johnston Leitch's Creek Leitch's Creek. A. FAiiyonAiisoN, J'/rs. C/rrk. 2. PRESBYTERY OF VICTORIA AND RICHMOND. M. Stewart IOct.20, ISlMiN. :\lcljean Wlivcocoinah \Vhycoconiah. \V. (i. Forlies I lxr,-J. iPort Hastings P'.rt Hastings. K. McKonzio JDoc. 2. 1k")7 D. McCnrdy jHaddeck, etc Baddeck. A. (rrant Dec. i>, 1.S71 W. Diinliar !l;ako Ainslio .l^ako Aiiislie. .V.l'". Tlioiiison iSept.x, 1.S7I L. Mciveon jMabon iMaboii. Alo.x. IMcRao June 7, lS77i Middle River, etc Middle Kivur. I I I VACANCY. I ' ! [ A. McQunrrio Broad Cove iBroad Cove. K. McKenzie, Pn-s. Clerk. 13. PRESHYTERY OF PICTOU. 10. It. 1'-', i:i. 11. Job n Stewart (;er)rge Walker A. P. Miller May n. H. Hliiir Oct. James 'J'hoiiiiison July William Alaxwell July John Lees July (ie(n'go Roddick (-"^lay .Mex. Stirling i Alex. Ross. M.A jSev't Peter fiond fellow '.Tan. Thomas Cnmmiiig '.\ug. 18: t8 l.'^44 I.slC, l.s.-,) l.'^-.t Hugh Ross , .lesBe Hingloy .... Charles McLean Robert Stewart... Ih.-)-) 18.JH .A. McCurdy M. L. Sinclair 1.".. J. F. Forbes Iti, IT. IS, 10, 20, June July Feb. l.SCO im;2 im;:! l.si'ii; ISllC, Donald Mcintosh. Joliii Mackenzie. Diiiieaii AlacKay .Mex. AFacKay John Macdonald. .Alex, (irant Harry Cirahaiii. ... Jiinies Ciiu.u;'".','. ' 20. 2."), 27, 1807 Peter Stewart Pictou.' New Glnsgow INewfUasgow.. I'l'enoli River Merigoiiiish. Barney's R. and B. Alonntaiu jBariiey's River. Central (.'hiireh, West River ..Durham. Little Har. and Fisher's Grant T,ittle Harbour. Westville amniiddle River .. Westville. West River Ch . West River. Durhai'i. Scotsburn and Salt Si)rings . .. Scetsbiirii. Rnox Church. Pictou Pictou. Antigonishaiid ('ap(> George... Ant iron ish. Sharon Church, Stellarton Stellartoii. James' Church, New Glasgow, New Glasgow, East River !S)>ringville. Lochabor and Union Centre ( T'nion Centre. Robert Ciimming Afar. 10, l.'^OO .\lex..VrchibaM .. -' II.McI).Scott,M.A..B.D.'june'2:!,l.'>71 James Macdonald. F. I). P.'lletier James Quinn Wm.T. Bruce, M.D. VACANCIES, May 10, Sept. 20, 1870 'T"''n A. Macdonald 1870 Daniel Ross | ( I Ar.tigonish. Glenelg, Caledonia, and K. ) J,,, ,,._„„ R., St. Mary's HMehose. Meriiiomiph Merigouiish. French. Stellarton and Valo) 'cfol1l.,•f/^,. Colliery ^^ ,htellrtitoii. Sherlirorkc Sherl >r<)oke. Yah' Colliery and Suther- 1 Suthei land's land's Rivor I River. H. I?. Lowden Prince St. Church, Pictou Pictou. David Afiller Salem Church, Green Hill ! Donald Shaw Hoiiewell..-. i T. Cl-MMlNii, Prc!:. Clerk. APPENDIX. CiXlll. :s. 4. riJESDYTEKY OF WALLACE. .MINISTKIIS. HATE Ol- OUDINATIN CONOnEOATIOXS. ri ST ol'l'lcES. I'OST OPFKKS. '.V.lllcy, C'.I5. •V'liiuv Miues, C.l'.. '■"iiiiUivcr.r.B. '•-Vun's, CJi. iiImu-iis, C 1! Ii'iv. C.h.' 'J^^ i^iiV, C.I3. iorliirdcrio, c.B Tv,ln(>v, (Mi. upo North, C.B. 'Och Louioml, C.B. Inco Buy. 'Oitcli's Creek. 'n-s. Clerk. kliycocoiuab. '"I't Hustings, iiiililock. iiku Aiiislio. Niboii, liJdle Kivur. roiid Cove. 'VJ-. Clerk. ^"Mi'ui.^^u'r*'^""' '*^''"'r Oct. 1.-., ls:iii(le.ii-yo [.uugiil Now Auuau !now .\miiui. W .■>. IJarriixli Xov.1'2, l.'^.Vt JaiiicH Burns [Goose Uiver Gooso Uivev. .Jiiiji(--s Mumiy Nov. M, XKfi — Bi.ss WiiUuco Wullnci'. I j H. li. Mackiiy •luiio'JJ.l^'i.'i .Tiuncs liiuulfr Kivfr .lolni Kivcr .loliii. TliO'. Si"lt;\v:ck Soiit.l'.i.l.'^iio Win. Blackwood ... TiitKiuiif,'ouclie Tatiiiiiat;ouclie. []. M. SutliorUiud Dec's, \>',i — l-'rasi-r Pii>,'wasli I'liiiwash. '/riio.-,. TuliacU AV. J). Main .-Vuihcr.st Anilifist. ' • Clmrles Gordon Glass.. iMiir. 27, 1877 — Davidson iSpriuf' Hill SiiriugHill. ^H fi. ^^^1 ctoii,' ^H :' WfJI'lSftOW.. HS 'rii,'onuKli. wM ''' nicy's Kivcr. ^^H !-■ rliaiii. ^^H 1 '. tlo Daibour. I^^H ii. ■stville. ^^H l> rhai'i. ^^B i' ■ itsliiini. ^^1 \'. ton. ^H b. tirnnish. ^H i:> llartou. ^H J^i ft-GIriscow. ^B -1 iii;,'\ille. ^^1 ^- 1011 Centre. ^H ::.) I'.tiRoiiish. ^H -'' rose. ^1 ',' ifioinish. 1 '' liirrnn. H '. rbrookc. ^B lei land's ^H T. SlCDclWICK, /';■.:. CUrli. nUvSLYTLKY OF TUURO. ^ :l'l John J. Baxter May, is;f2 : Wni. iMcCuUocb, D.D.. I'eb.ll, IKi'.i Henry Tupiior... Juitu's Hyers May, IM.") Jan-.-^s Davis L ,Iiis. .Mc(i. McKay Juue-Ji.lho.j , Jaun-'sUcl.cau Josejili I'eiiparil . Ale\. C-'aUK'rou Sept. 111,18.57 — (.'roeliiian \ii' hew Burrows, B. A Jus. K. Bliur ..rului .McMiUiin, B.D. .. Mar.2f,, 18t;il .lolni S.Crowe ... Jiuues Sinclair Soi)t.lO,lNi7 J. Creelinnn , .f. H. Chase, A.M May .0, l.sr.'.i . Kdwanl (irant Oct. •JCi, 1.M19 K:-:is, D.D Julv.rt, Prof. I'oilok, D.D Declu, A. L. Wyllie Thomas Duncan Oct., .Uex. Stuart Oct.*), Prof. .McKnight Feb. 20, (Ipo. M. Grant, A.M. ... Dec. Prof. Currii! .\ug.li, I). McKinnmi .1. A. V. Sutherland Mav4, lHi4 ChuH. li. Pitblado Fob.l."), let;.) P. Jl. .Morrison A. .1. Mowatt ,June.">, l-flC .Ulan Simiisou .Aug. 7, 18iir> .John Forrest Dec. 13, 1M«'. Samuel Bernard i'-fn E. G. >[cNab May lO.lMiT .loliii B. Down Oct. 1. IKli; A.B. Dickie Dec.22, IMl'.i 1.. G. McNeill Nov.ll, InT'.; James Itosborongb July 2:i, Is7:i K. F. .lunor Nov.:iiJ, lH7;i David Neish Dec. 2, 1.--7:; Isaac .-iniiison 187;i i'.phrahii Scott Se)'. 20,lsT," .\daiii Guun Feb. h, \^^'< \A< ANCIES. Wi'-. McCurdy iai7 18.52 1852 i8-)t; 1.'<,5IJ 1N57 IHUO J. J. Bremner Ihj' John Hostoru. .. W. G. Pender... .loseph Coni'od Charles Sprott John Dill Alex. McKenzic . . Juor. , Poplar (irove, Halifax Halifax. . St. John'.-,. Halifax Halifax. Noel Noel. Newport Newjiort. Kentvillc and Wolfvillo Keutville. . Sheet Harbor Sheet Harbor. . Maitlaud Jhiitliiiid. . Mus(|uoilolioit Harbor MusfiiKiiloboit II. . St. .Xndrew's .. , Jiermuda. . North ('(irnwaUis Canard. . rppir Muiiuodoboit r. Musijuodoboit , Milford and Gay's Uiver Milford. . Keunatcook and (jore .. Keimetcook. fUiavles Forbes W. Burg( ss T. Ariii-.troug.... John Frasor . . A. C. Caliier .\iinai)olis, etc \miai«olis. Wi.'st Ciu'uwallis W Cornwallis. Kemjit and Walton Keuiiit. . i'.lmsdale uiiil Nine Mile Uiver Klmsdale Shubenacadie and Stewiacke. Shubeiiacadie. Clerk. J. FonUEST, Pr. .V, Clerl;. CCXIV. APPENDIX. 7. PI'ESBYTERY OF LUNENBUKG AND YAliMOUTH. .MINISTl'.nS. DATi: or , OUDINATl'.V ELDKUS. CON(iREGATIONS. POST OFFIrKS. (^(•ol•^'(^ CliriKtio John ])(iuf,'lass Williiiiii Diitl .Inijies i;isi-iiliiLUi'. Ixmald McMilliiii Dec, •1. M:ittlif\v (i. Henry. n. JdIiii C. ."Mcfk (i. Klu'uc/orl). Millnr 7. TIhiiiims Murray ^^. Dniiii'l McUrcHor ... Feb., Doc, . Oct., IhlU 'I'luDJlMS Ccok JMll Jiiiiics Ni'lisciu InT'J Siiiu'l iiirlmrdsoil. Is":) .Idliii Bower , I'^TiJ Jiiiiii's .M(>ssiiian ... .Mii\ 'Jl, 1877 New Dubiiu . Yiiriiiouth YiiriiM.utli. Iiiiiiciiliurg I.iiiiiiiliur^'. I'll lliLve J, a Ilavi.'. Clyde Kiver ''Ivde Jiivur. Carlton Carltdii. Sliellniriio Slicll.urne. liiv(.'ish Hot,'t,' Oct. 1, 1H;.h W". Mitchell, B.A ApI. 22, IMW P. Melville, M.A., B.D. \\<\. 12, ls7() J. C. Hnryess, B.A Mav .">, 1^7(1 K. McKenzie, B.A Feb.22,1^7•2 \V. I>. Bek'«, M.A Juue2h,l,s72 M. K. I'aradis May I'.i, lK7o W. Itoss .Nov. 14. 1«70 Jas. CaniiibcU... St Panl'R Frodericton, Retired \V. Burn .St. Jcihn's I). Murray S)irinKtield,etc JoliU Orr Boeabec, etc .V. Stewart Calvin Clnireh J. Hegan St. Stejibcu's Cliiiinnin J. McDiarniid Susse.x R. Crniksluiiiks.... St. David's Cbnreh. - Frinr k. \.. Writ^lit J. H. MeRobbie.. Greenock Chnreli Bnetouehe, etc St. John's Clmrcli St. An•,■. W. Lawson i^ove Head Cove Head. 4. Isii.ic Murray, D.D lh.".o W. S McNeill (av.'ndish Cavendish. .'). .\lix. Munro 1,n-)1i Aniens Bruce. Brown's Creek & VuUey Field Vallev Field. r. .U..\. McLean, M.A .. 1S52 Belfast.. Belfast. APPENDIX. ft- XV. It on-ic, h. Jiicutli. Iinlmry. JIllVO. li'ifivur. l>ubliii. I- C/a-k. erictou. Im. it,'(iola. )jn. iiiau. X. )!in. iiiirew's. ten. .liii, KiucMrdiiio. 'tou.St.Juhil iiioiid. itt'iilicn. flll-),'0. :t' WiUiiim. 10. PRESBYTERY OF PltlXCE F.DWAIM) ISLAND— r<'////«//,v/. MINISTERS. HATK OF OUDINAT'oX KLDEHS. CONGREGATIOXS. POST orKIl KS. Kt'iL^IfLennim, M.A ls."):i A. McKiiinon \V. Scott lK">:i Isauc Thomiisoii.. H.Crawford ls.-,:i J. M. Jlclioocl l^."j:i rroi'. A. Anderson. N. .McKay. is.-,.") R. JFcC. .Stavirt.. . John Mt.'kinnon ..i l.S.'i-' \. V. Stowiirt It. I.aird iM'.ii A. Sinclair \V. K. Frame IM'.'.^ J. Mcliwen J, (i. Cameron IMiV S. C. Gnnn isTn .1. A. JIcLninc Wni. Ciriint Ini'.i K. :\IcMnllan C'hus. l-'rascr Is71 A. Uiinisuv A. V. Carr l.-^Tl A. M!itlicw:< J. Sntlicrland lN7:t .1. McDonald W. P. Aichilmld IsT."> A. Morrison K. S. Jiavno 1^7(i \V. McLcod fbarlottotown {'liarlottitown. St.l'ctcr, etc Hraclilcv I't. Kd. Kicliniond Hay Port Hill. Charlottotowu C'hariottctown. Stniiincrside Siiiiniicrsiilc. (icoryctown f;c(lr^■^•to\vIl. I'rii cctown rrincctown. Mt. Stewart, etc Mt. St('\vait. Hav Fortune, etc Souris Fast St. Peter's Fast St. Peter's, Clsile Kiver, etc Wcf-I S(. Peter's. West ('ajie West Cape. Albcrtoii, etc .Mberton. Wundville, etc Wood vi lie. Tryon. etc CraiMiud. Miu-ray Uurbor Murray Harbor. V.\C ANXIES, tT. Henderson New London G. McKenzio Dundas .]. M. McLe.ui, /'; €/,■>■'[■. 11. PBESBYTKRY OF NEAVFOUNDLAND. 1. Moses Harvey ' .I'rec St. Andrew's St. John's. •j. Alex.Koss ' Harbor Grace. ■S. J. I). I'atterson St. Andrew's 'St. Jfilin's. 4. D. Creehnan Hay of Island.s. J. D. Pattebso.s;, /'/vf. Cln-k. SYNOD OF MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. Clerk. Is.Resti.Co. ton. Kent C. wile. lille. ihtle. an;. rst. iisie. ank. iiui. ivcr. ntac. iver. ibouguac. lellton. ichniond. arlisle. 1. PRESBYTERY OF QUEBEC. Ibvu. a,l. sh. ■ield. MTNIST2BS. DATE OF j OKmNA'll'N! '^T.DERS. CONGREGATIONS. POST OKFICES. 1. John Cook, D.D ■1. William i;. Clark S. Peter Lindsay, H..V 4. James McConechy .... .'). Duncan Anderson, A.M. H. Janjes Hanran 7. Malcolm McKenzie,... h. John MacdonaM James McCaul.H.A 10. Henrv l)dmison, A.M.. 11. Peter Wright Yl. John McKenzie I)ec.2.5, IKf.-) Sejit. , 18;i'.> Oct. ]'2,]M.5;! Mar., isrjt Dec, 'Ji. 1K.")4 July 4, l.sid Fel). I'i.lwy Feb.'^O, lWi4 AuK.'24,lsi',4 ,Oct. l^i. 1W.»; AuR.'23,1871) Feb. 13, 1877 George Weir, A.JL John Tanner William Melrose. . James Fertruson . . Janaes Kelso jKneasMcMaster . .\lexander Haiitist. Colin Mclver Robert Neil Angus Morrison. . . St. Andrew's, Quebec Quebec. Without Charge Quebec. Sherlirooke Sherbrooke. Que. Leeds Kinnear'sMills.Q Point Levi Li'vis, Que. St. Sylvestre St.Sylvestre.Que. Inverness Invern<'SH, Que. Scotstown Scotstown, Que. Three Rivers Three Kiver-^. Q. Melbourne Melbourne, Que. Chalmers' Cliurcu, Quebec... Quebec. IJamiideu WUitton, Que. ORDAINED MISSIONARIES. 1 James Hume Fob.20, 1R14! Kennebec Road. Thomas Fenwick .. . . Oct. yi,18Cl| Metis Kennebec IM., (^i. Metis, Que. VACANCIES. MISSION STATIONS. .^rch. McCnllum . . William Stewart. . iJonuld Morrison. . Jiio. R, McDonald. Danville Danville. Que. Richmond and Windsor Mills. Ricbiooud, Que. Lii'gwick fiould. Que. Winslow Storm rwny. Que. Valcurtier Valcartier, Que. Lake Megantic. Cncouna Rivero du Louji Coaticook. Malcol.m Mackenzie, Pns. Clerk. §. CCXVl. APPENDIX. 2. PIIESBYTEHY OF MONTREAL. i MINISTKR8. I UATl- OF I OUDINATI'N ELDKHS. CONGKEOATIONH. POST OFFICES 10. u. 12. la. 14. l(i. 17. 18. li). yi). 21. 2'2. 2:!. 24. 2,'3. 2(i. 27. 28, 2U. ao, 1)1 , 32. Jiiuics C. ,Muir, 1),D.. Ji)si'|ili I'^Uiot .(dim ,I<-nkiu.s, D.D.., .lohti Irvine .John <',. liii.xtor JiiniL'S W at.son, A.JI. Williiini J'orlonf,' Jiinii's J'littorHou S. SoniiTvillu Stobbs .. .lohn JIucki(,' i). H. MiLcVicar, IJ,.I). Diuiiul I'littcisoii, .\.M CIhis. M. Mi'Kenichor. , KobcrtCiuniibcll, A.M. Jaii]i!S li. Muir, A.M. . Doniild UdHs. I!.]), . .lobn S, i.ocluMicl, .\.M, Kohcil II. Wtivden Williiiui A. .lolinstdii Joliii {':unirbcll, A.M..., .lanu'K Flooli, 1!..\ Jolm Nicholls Jimios S. lilack 1'. S. Livinf^ston, H.A . Janios Hally John Seriiimor, A.M. ... JaniL's \\(!ll\vood (ieovt;o McKay U. W. Morisoii, B.A., Charles Biouilctto .. Apr. lOct. :Aut,'. .Ian. Fob. Anu. Oct. Sc'ii. Hoc. May Oct. Oct. Anr A I a-. AVV. Oct. Sc).. . N.n-, Sep. . .Nov, , Mar . .Mhv . -Mar, Aug .Dec. .'auk . Sep. . Nov. . Nov 2'.i, lh:t(; lh:iii 1K)7 IMC. 7, IM'.I 2'.l, i.^l'.l n, iNi.i ] 1,1^)7 2'.i, 18r,7 11,1S.VJ 111, l^.")'.l iil, l.M'.d ■i2,]M-,l III, lsr,2 :(, i.sc.:) :i. i.M.r, 2i,lMir, i."-.,1.m;i-i 2."., iw,7 .'i, bSCiS •li, IMV.l 1, IMi'.l :tl, l.'-Td 17. 1H71 .lames liioilie H. .MtchiMin ... A. Mcl'liersdn 1). Alaclarlaue. .JanicH liainl Dr. <.:iirihti(,. Hii^ih Jlerlin Dr. Itodgor (icdrf,'otn\vn Nazareth St. Ch., Mdiitreal ... .^t. Paul's Church, Moutrual .Mille Isles Stanley St. Churcli, .Montreal |Huutinadon and Athlestane . Henry's C'hiircb, Dacliuto Henniiinj^rord .James Jliddleton. William :\IcKell . David 'I'ait .lames Learmont . I). McNuuijhton .. .John C'richton .. . .James Uonnie David Aikmau . Kdlieit Kerr . .. .James Walker Dr. I>ivint,'Hton. St. JIatiliew's Ch., .Aloutroal ■ First Church, Lachuto Presb. College, Montreal St. .\ndre\v's Knt.'lish Kiver and Howick SI. O'lbriel Cli.,Mdnti'eal St. .\n.lrew'sCh., Ihintinj^don. Lachine Vulleyfield Agency of I'r. Evangelizatidjj. Hdckburn and (iore Presb. College, Montreal Kno.\ (,'hurcii. Montreal St. Mark's Church, M(..'itreal., Krskine Church, Jloiit'..'al Kusscltown 17,l872i 28, 187.'i IC, is7:i ,-., ls7:f . l'.M87;i Thohias OaviUsoii. Williaiu Boa St .\foutr.- .1 • Guerre ., Thomas Bennett Jolm J. Casov .... W''Uiam White., 'oct. 21,187.j William Sintou . iOet, 12,187G|Jolm AuJersou.. Dee. V>, 1870 George Elder Thereso, etc. St. Jose]rli St. Ch Cote lies Neige? (Wilvii. Church I Ormstown St. Louis dr. Gonzrigivj ■' Uettuharnois&Ch.itei ugu&y | Klp-'.\ and Atbleati'.ui N Cieorgetown.Q, .■Montreal, Que. .Mdutreal. Que. Mille Isles. <,|iio. .Montreal, Que. liuntingddu.yuo. Lacliiue. Que, Heminingfdrd.Q, ;Pt. St, Charles, \ M(i!;treal,(jue. Lachute, t^ue, Jldntreal, Que St..\n(h'eu's,Quo. Howick, <^uc. Montreal, f^ue Huntingdon, Que. Jjucliine, (^)ue, A'alleyfleld, Que Montreal, Que. Hockburn, Que. Montreal, Que. AJontreal, Q>ic. .Montre'il, Que. Montreal, t)ui_, Kusselto\vn,(,)uo. St. Tberese de Blainville, Que. Montreal. Que, CotedesNeiges,Q St. Anicei, Que, OruiKtown, Que. I St. Louis de I Gonzague, Q. jClia teagua y Basin, Quo. .\thlestaue, Quo. VACANCIKS. Janiealioss FreeCb., Col' St., Moi.ureal...l^Iontreal, Quo. John .1. I'raser Duud 3 .Dundee, Que. J M. C'uHhiug Clmtli.u)! and (irenvi'.iv Cushing. Que. 'ol. 1 M. Ddugall . Chalmer's Chi.rch, Montreal Mdiitreal, Que. VU< LLiasDi-vden ... l''andiani Ceulx FarnhamCeut.,( La Prairie Tavlor Church, Ajoutreal ' MISSION ST.vriON'S. Hugh Niven iKetired Minister, Herdnnin's Cor; Robert Laing jAssistant in St. Pauls Church, Jlout! Charles (r. Glass iOrdaiueil ^lissionarv. Charles Chini(juy Ordaineil Missioiuiry, Josluui I'rascr, B.A Orilained Missionary. .John Jones .! Minister witliout Charge. R. H.Hoskiu ! R. Wilson " J.Hutchison " Xcw Glasgow Harrington Avoca .\riindel and DeSalaberry . Victoria Mission, Montreal. St .Vntoine, Montreal Tuiiiuries, Montreal Que. al. 14. J. H, 1 ir,. W, 1), ic. 1', W. 1.', John IS. .lani.^ I'.l. John 211. U.S. : 21, Udhel 22. R. H, 2:!. Janu' 21, J.M, 2'i. llenr\ 21'.. Josep 27 .\lcxa '2.S .John 2',l Mark ;«) Wm. yi Hugh :t2 A. 0. Xi liobe 34 Thon 35 A. M, \ James PATi'EnsoN, rns. Clerk. 3. rHESBYTERY OF OTTAV.'A. \ illium Locboftd ., .". e.N, Ma •" D.D. I.'iMOK W h\ :.e C.'.irge Brciiiiier . WaUerRoss, A.M ... D. J. MacIiOaii '■' lii'is Caaierou U i'.l:.. II .■^loore J . }\. (ior.hin, B.D. ', 1. Kaiider Smith .. • .^.lesT'.'t 'obert Kiiowles 13. Jume.sCarswell., DvC Muv 14, Nov 24, Feb I-"', f)et. 1"', Feb 11. Aug .) Mar 28, .\ug '■., Sep. •27, Oct. :t. Oct 31. Oct 17, IKiO |.v(ii 1K-,,S iMlll isiy i.m;,-) l.M'.(i i-y/; ffw p./;<) lt«:.7 William Hliiir... Hugh Til.! 11 .lohii Wallace Robert Jtell 'I'hontiiH Hiiiikln 4 I'liinniioinl Hilliani Steele Without Cha :.' St. .Andrew's Ch., Pakenham. Maiiotic and Glou. 1 ster McNab Beekwitli Arnpilor New KiHnbur(/)i |f(i;/k St, Churcli, Ottawa St All. Irew'H Church, Ottawa. Clielsea I'itzroy ami TorboHon Kams'av AyliiK'r .Vlmonte, Out. Pakenham, Out. Mniiotie. Onl. White Lake. Out. Car!etonPlace,0. Arnprior, Out, New Kdinburg.O. Ottawa, Out. Ottawa, Ont. Chelsea, Que. [Fitzroy H.irbor.O iBlakeiiey. out iAylmer, Que. 12. 13. 14, 1.-). I'l, 17. APPENDIX. H. PRESBYTERY OF OTT\\\\\-C,>>t(inuti^. fCXVll. MINISTEUS. DATE 01" OltDINATl'.V IILPKRS. CONGIIEOATIONS. PO.'T OFFICE. 14. 1,5. Ill 17. lb. 111. 'Jil. 21. 22. 2")! 21. .)-,_ 211. 27. 28. :«). yi. .■t2, ;',:{. 31. 3d. J. B. K(lmoudf:ou W. 1). HiiUiintyni) F. W. i'lU'rios ." John bfiiuutt ., iriiuiis i'msor Joliii .v. (i. Calilcr H. H. MclJiaruud Uobcrt Ciuiliibell, .\..M. R. H. Whilliius, 15. .V. .. Jiinii's Stowurt .J..M. Miic.VliHtor, li..\ Henry Siiu-Iiiir Jusepli (iaiuiier .Muxauder .MacLarou . Johu I'airiio Hark TurnlniU Will. Aniistrui'!^, A.M. Hugh Ma^,'iiiro A. C. Stuwiirt Itobcrt Hushes ThdUias Muir A. .M. McLlclhuiil VACAKXIKS OBUAINF.D MISSIONARIES. 1. Joseph Whyto 2. Marc Ami 3. TelosphorellrouiUette, MISSION STATIONS. SETIRF.D MI.VISTEBS. 1. Alexander Spenco, U.D 2. Thomas Scott 3. JamcH Hinclair ■WITHOUT CHAUGK. 1. Frederick Home .... Oct. l.%7 Nov. 1, lNtl7 .May IS, lh().i .IllIU!2'.l,lKll'.» .Fan l.">, 1m7ii .Vpril, 1^71 Juno2'.Mfi71 Oct. 211, ls71 Set). 211,1,^72 Sep. 27, 1«72 Nov. 8, lf^72 Nov. 11,1n72 Doc. :;i,l>72 .Mar. 12,l.-'7:i Auj,'.21, lf~r.i Sop. 7, 187^! May 11,1871 Dec. 8, l'^71 Oct. K), 187,') .Mar. 2:),:N7(i Oct. 21, l>'7l) .May 1, 1877 WilHaiii Viiuiia ... S. S. .M. Hunter ilohu Durie Williaiu Wilson ... William (iardeiier. William Hruiiton. • losoi'li Taylor •lohn Nesbit Alex. Stowurt John Kerr William Bovlo. William Whillans John I'richard Z. McMillan St. John's Church, Almoute.!.A.lmrinto, Ont. Pitiibroke. | Pembroke, Ont. Knox Chiivoh. Ottawa ()ttawa, Out. St. .Viidruw's eh., Almonte '.Vliiionte, Out. liitchlield Hr>ssl;oo(1(> . . 0.''J;iua. Curran, Ort. Huntl'-y, ULt. Ottawa, Ont. James Cabswell, /'ns. Clerk. 4. PRESBYTERY OF BKijCKVILLE. 1. John MoiTison May 12, 2. William Bain, D.I) Oct. 2>), 3. William T. Canning . .May], 4. Solomon Myliie Oct. Ill, .0. James W. Chesmit Mario, fi. Robert .McKenzie May, 7. (ieor^'e JI Clark Sej). l(i, 8. John Crombie X\\\x. **, '.I. James W"ilsoii, A.M. , . July M, lU. (ieorjie P(n-teiius .Kxm.Si, 11. William Cochrane Nov 13, 12. .\rchil)ald Brown Fan. 27, 13. D. .McOillivrav, B.A.. . Julvltl, 11. Kill's Mnllan Sep. 18, 1-1. William Buriih May l',i, in 'ieoit,'e Burntield, B.A. Jan. 3, 17. Andrew Rowat .Mar. 2. P 18211 Adam Habkirk Waidington, Now York -^ 181.-i!jolin Hart St. Andrew's Ch., Perth IH-liiLlohn Anderson Oxford 18.M)|D. Campbell St. .Viidrew's Ch., Smith's Falls 18.")3 Thomas (!arlyle . Dunbar and Cobpiboun's Is.vi .Tolm Donald" Da': nisie and N. Sherbrooke ls;-i:l Walter Kerr Keii:i viUe Is."!.") Francis T. Frost . I'ui'u Ch., Smith's Falls IS.")!! Lanark IsilitUobert Toye Matilda iMiJ; William Boyd Middleville and Dalhousie 18i)l|Uob('rt CaSHels I.vn and Voiige 18r,7!J. W. Christie St. John's Ch., Brockvillo lHri7J\Villiiim -Mian . . . North .Vngufita and Fairfield ., 18r,y Duncan .Mrl.aron .. Knox Ch., Perth l871jJohii M. Gill First Presb. Ch., Brockvillo. ,, l87llDavidRue North and West Wiucheater... Madrid .npriu^s. New York Perth. Oxford Mills. Smith's Falls. Dunbar. MeDouald's Cor. Kemptville. Smith's Fall.?. Lanark. Iroijuoia. .Middleville. Lyn. Brockville. North Amgu.sttt Perth. Brockville. West ^V'iuchester ccxviu. APPENDIX . I'RESliYTERY OF lil\OGK\UJ.E~C,»i/if,iuJ. MINlSTKItS. DATi; OF OltmNATl'N KLDKUH. <()S(iHE(iATUiNS. PORT orrii i: iw. ,To)ii) J. liioluinls AUK-K), IhT'l John Priillin Westiiort and N(^\v)ioro Wcf.tiiort. K. McCoy 'Pn.'scdtt I'rescutt. , , 1 (St. Atiilit'WK el!., S. Ciower ,, , James Anderson , , „„,, M„untaiii Hrck^t.-i. David McCaut'lioy ISoutli (iowcr ami Mountain Soiitli fiowir, ,., |K(l\VMr(lsliiii-f,'li ainl hdiiimis Kdwiii-ii-linri,')!, ,\u(l. {'aniiichacl Siicnaei'ville and Maiusvilli' Si.fiic't'i-villc. 111. Archibald Henderson iSe]). 27, 1H7I 2(1. .\lexander H. OanieroniN'ov.l'J, 1871 21. .lolin licisliiiiaii Dec. 'JO, 1H71 22. W. M.MoKilil.un, H A.. Oct. 7, 1-7.". 2.1. William J. Doy.M.A. ... Jan. ."), 1870 VACA.vfins. iTobn J. Lnckey Kitley iTtonias Cdiiltbart. Morvisbnrgh MISSION srATIf)NS, iHatlinrst and S. Shcrbrooke... il)arlin« Iralnierstdu Lavjint loliver's Ferry and I.,ouibardy. ! Merrick ville !t. 10. 11. John Cromi'.ik, J'ns. Clerk. :,. l'];]:S]5YT]:]iY OF OLKNGAKKY. Donnlil Koss William Koss rbarles Cameron . Jiol'crf- Hiiinio .r. S. Miillan J. S. liuniet H. l-aniont, J).D .. . K.niuetli Maodonald N. Mc>'i ill, LI;.D. .. William (Irant Oct. 18, ls( 1). H. McLennan Mar. ('., lf< VACANCIES. ! Jnlv 20,lS.')n D. J. McTnlvre .. Sept.."., lsr,o Alex. McNab Mav 1. IKCl Huyl] Mcintosh , Mav2'.i. isc.l Robert Craiy lH'c.:il, l.-'lU Kichard I,ow ilar. (i, lN'i:i Hugh Uobertsou , Feb.22, lUCr, .Tame". Steele ... , Oct. 2.5, IsCi.J D, Ft .'ison .Vpr. J'.i. 18I1.S 1), j{. .lUcLennan . I r Hubert Wilson'.. , , Knox Church, I^ancaster Lancaf-ter, Ont. .;Kirk)iin Kirkliill. Ont. 'Knox Church, Ko.xborongh .. Moo.-^c Crc'k.Oiit. , !Ku1)mi-l;)i (-•IK ci-villf'. .'■. Cu-ri: iiciisttT, (Int. ililiill. Out. sc C'lo'k.diit. rtiwiill. Out. HMlllllllis. Out. ii'tiiitowii.Oiit. •wiii;;ton, Out. lui!, Out. iruwiill. Out iiikltck Hill.O. (.'Xiiudriii, Out. Jl. !<'^^11S. DATK or OHIUNATI'N KI.HKHS. CONOKI fiAl luNS. I .1ST dlFK i:. ir,, .Joliii TmiihuU JuuoJI.lNOii H. F, ivt^un I1C<1 .foI]ii Burton Xov.17. In'' I .V fi. Noitlirup .. y\. \\. Miiclciin, M.A...'.\ut;.ir,, 1m,c. TIios. Itutlurford Juui(-s M. (iray jAu^;. I, l(!Mi'.Ml. H. Koiilt.r.M.D. Ji!iii*-K M.Hoy.I IJiilyU.lhTJ ■' .loliii (riilliilifir I Nov.! l.T^Tl Jauies Uiivues Hobevt \V,I,eitclj So|i. 10, 1.^71 Johiili Stuart, n.rV 'emorc.stvUle. l'ittsfeiT\-. (■|.'ntrc\iil(' 'rrcntnn MilU'oint Hiurow-mitb. Kohliu. tlkiiigBton. Wolfe Island Mill JIaven and Frt'dcricks- l>"rg Coiist'con HnntiuKdon , Mincliinlirooko and Bi/dlord.. 'VoUaKton and l.'.Xmable . . . . ( 1 low and .Mayo ' .(.intc^aglu andMcI.,uro Morton T, S. CnAMiiEiiR, Pres. Clerk. illiamstowij.O, Vf, Out. ilUousio Mills. 2. PRESBYTEIJY OF PETEHBOHOUGH. es. Ckrh. OST OKFUK. nnnoque. 1 librae, ifjston. it'ston. IpBtOIl iKRton. iRKton. iR.ston. iibnry. iCnt.m. "lla. luiiiee. doc. 'ton. nuno'jiK- J. M. Roger, M.A. . . . .Tohn I'aterson James {'lelaud 4. John KwiuK :,. \\. C. Windel C. John W. Smith 7. Francis Andrew's H, William Heimett 9. Wm. White 10. Petor .')imcan U. Wm, Locbottd \-L Wm. Donald l;). Wm. MacXMUiam, M.A 14. Jas Hallantinc I."). Jas. M. linutjlae IC. Wm. Hodnett 17. W. A. McKay, M.A 18. N.Clark lit. 1). Sutherland, M.A. .. 20. T. F. Fotherinfjhain, ) M.A 1 21. A.F. TuUv 2'2. .Tas. Cameron, M.A 2;!. E. F. Torrauce, M.A. .. J I. S.Achesou, Ord. Mis... VACANT. March, 1833 1840 May 9, 1813 John Ballagh Jun., 1840 S.H. Best .. .. Nov. 2, 1847 March, 184'.! 1851 Sept., IH.").') June24,18."7 Oct. 27, ]K')7 Sep 21.ia50 Oct. :!1, IHIJC Sop. 2:t,18()H April2«,lKr.(i Oct , 0, 1BG7 Juno 4, 1809 Dec. 10. 18711 May 10, 1K71 Nov.ll,lh7:i John Hooey Wm. K. JohiiHton . (ieor(.;e GilloBpie .. Jolm Dick H. McFee .f. Scougiill, . . , Thos Lockhart . . . . Wm. Doiij,'las OeorKe Kennedy.. .Vlex. Fra.-:tri .loliii rmkcr A. A. Dnniiiiiliiul Oct. 'l'), In 17 David ( 'out it- Will. I'tuttio ruiio:)l,lhti() ' W. Miict.irliiiic ) 1 \V. Wilkio \ .. Duiilmrtou uiiiH'iiiitmi Duiilmvtdii. Nowciistlu Ni'wcii^itlc Krskinc Cli., and Cliirouiont.. (1 iirumijiit. . , Aul; .|Nov John Litllf.M.A. .. 5. Widtfi- 1{. IloHS.... 6. .Tolm IIo>,')4 7. JiiliiCK li(iii;^lii« 8. W. M. Unnvr, M.A, 9. Adam S]i(usi'r ! Auk. 4 10. ]{. Cliaiiilx'is, li.A I.liily. 11. J. A. Carmichael jMay'2.1 VAC.VNT. MISSION STATION.S. Nov. IWlo ,luH. I'liiibiiini ISowuiuiivillc Howinnuville Fol). (1, isci Jms. Mudill I'ickiTiufi Pickering \\\H. ■!, l^'Ol I). Scdtt f)sliu\Vii (trtlia'.VU. iHi'i.") 'I'. (' Idniiiiu I'ort I'lrry niid Piiiico Albort, I'uit Perry IM'iCi Will. IliTiiii \.-ililiurii find I'tica \slilitirii.' IMi.'- Neil Siiiitli Unwnuiuvillt' liowniiuiMllo 1^70 (icoi'),'!' Liiiiu Wliifliv Whitl.v lh7.j .loliii Katclill' ColuiiihuHiiiid Kvookliii ('()lul^lJU^ .Tames Starke .Inliii Ui iiwicd; . . . \Vm. biiigliaiii . . . Ncwtoiivillo and K<'iidal .... Nowtom illtv Oioiio ( irimo Kuni.skilien Diiniskillcii MINIS" ' \\ iUiain .\ ,, II. J. Mac. '\ (i. M. Mill .- K M. Crol i' .I'.isCarmi .■ .1, lircckci :- . M, Cam .V |{. I'ettit^n :;i Don. Moll ,U K. I). McI ;,j. K. 1). I'riii :;:'.. .\lex. Can VI. Kobt. H. ( W. fetor Nic I'l, Irtaac ("an 7. .\le\. (.ilr ;.■' MalcoUii vi'iiv, H ,'.i. ,Ino. it. ( iO Walter .\ 1. o "). 4. G. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Waltep. It. Kos.s, /V«. C/rr,:-. vaca; 4. TOESBYTEEY OF LINDSAY. DuRald McGregor .j. ..Mar. 1)1,184^ A. McKiuuon North Jliiru auil Louj^ford I'litergrove .Iame^ T. Paul ;July f), 18,0()]l?). 5IeUao |Halsover BalHovcr A. McKav.M.A 'Auc. Ki.lK-.'i'C. McPhavdou ...iKldou . A. Currie, M.A ;Oct. '2.'), IHCi ('lias. Kcnnie iHrock . James Iliistio iOct. 2:). Wid Jas. Watson Lindsay ■lohu .McNalib jDec. 11, Islw M. Montgomery J. L. Murray |Oct. 28, lhii8 Anyuf, Mcliuod . . 1). Muf- loiiald iNov. •2('>,187'2 Kobert iJoiiglas . P. 1). McLenn' n pec. 18,i.m7'2 ,lohn MeTaggart E Cockbuvn, M.A JMar. 18,187:) .lam's Leask ••I I.oiueville. Sonva. Lindsay. Ueaverton and South Mai-a.. Heavcrtou. Woiidville Woodville Cambruy and Feiielon Canibiav Kirktiidd and Victorinville Miktielil l'xbrid>!e and Lenskdale I'.Kliridj^e J. Gami>bell, U.A Sej). 2, 1874 1). Dunoon Canuingtou and Manilla VACANT. (JauniiiKtun. MISSION STATIONS. George Smith Scott and T'xhriilf,'e SandforU. John Gilroy -Wick and (ireenbank W ick. UKTIUEl) MINlSTKIl. J. K. Scott Sunderland and Vroomantou. Sunderland jCobocouk C'oboconk. [Head Lake Head Lake. |I)i(jby Uphill. Garden Dalrymple. Cambray. J. L. McRUAY, yViM. C/c'ri. RF.TIBED : WITHOtJ I. James H' .'. David C( i. George I 4. A. Lewis 5. U. Mont( ('). J. Bavclr 7. Wm. luf s. Arch. Cr 0. Wm. Ba 10. Jas. Stii II. John Br 12. W. C. Y. l;i. W. Barn 5. riiESBYTERY OF TORONTO. 1. M. Willis, D.D..LL.D. I 2. Alex. Topp D.D .Tan. 2.'., ii. Wm. Reid, 1)1) Jan '2',t, 4. James Dick, Emeri-'' ,,„„ ,,„ tu^ Minister I '-"-^—'' 5 Kobt. Walliice Julyl">, (). Wm. Gre^r, M.A Jan. '22, 7. Jas. Prinyle Jan. 10, 8. Wm. Stewart Mar 22, 0. ,Wm. Meikle Sep. 2."i. 1(1. Josh .Uixiinder, M A . May20, 11. Joiin Smith Sep 2, 12. Jamek Adams July2^, 13. Wm. Caven, D.D. ... Hot. 7, 14. Wm. McLaren Tune, 15. Will. K Ma.kay, B.A. . (■ i '29, It;. J. M. ]\iiu^. M.A < 17. Alex. MiFaul M ...17, 18. J. (t Hold). D.D Juii.'24, 10. liavid Miteholl O' • 20, Jas. Carmichael ■ i 21. JohnF.adie an ., 18-21 18W Hon. J McMurrich 1S40 I.s.t2 Alex. Marsh 184(1 John Harvie 1847 1^48 Samuel Wallace . . 1848 184H ]{obt. Haliuer 18r>l ThoH Taylor 18,51 .lobn Hiiiii 18;V2 S. McCuteheon . . . 18.-)2 185:1 1K")('> John Drown 1K")7 (;oorj,'<' Smith .... 1S.5H Wm. Dell ,18.")8 Wni Wilson 18J.S .\lex. Dull l8C.li ,j^s Burns W)2 John Turnbull . . ,. Ex-Principal of Knox CoUege London, Eug. Knox Church, Toronto Toiouto. Western .\yent of Church . . Toronto. UichmoiKl Hill and ThornhOl. Kichmond Dill Wefct Cliurch, Toronto Toronto. Professor of Knox Colletie .... ■ Toronto. !-iranipton and Derry West . .. Brampton. Hornby Hornbv. Oakville Oak\ilie. I'uion and Norval Norval. Buy St Church, Toronto Toronto. West King INobleton. Principal (if Knox ColIe;.e .. ..Toronto. Profissor of Knox College. . Toronto. Hetlicl Church, Orangeville .. Orangeville (ioiild St. Church, Toronto. .. Toronti.i. Caledoii Caleiion. CookeV Church. Toronto Toronto. Central Church, Toronto Toronto St. Aiiilrew s Ch.. King Laskey Boston Ctrurch and Miltou . . . Miltoii 1. Wm. F 2. Wm CI 3. Robert 4. John G r,. Wm. M 6. George 7. Robert 8. John L 9. J as. A. 10, D. Mac U. A. Mac 12. A. Fim I'i. John B 14. Smith 15. Thomi Itj. Rober 17. E. W. lb. J. U. £ AITHNDIX. CCXXl. 5. T'RESUYTERY OF TORONTO— c>«///;w. J. Madouufll, U.I).| (i. M, MilliKiin, H.A....! R. M. ('roll I Jiis ('iirniicliiKjl, M.A. . . .1. Hreckfiiridyo ■'. M. (lamoroii H. I'cttiKrew, M.A Don. Mclntnsli K. 1). Mcl.avcii, H.l). .. K. 1) I'riisor, M .\ .\Jex. Cairick Robt. H. (iriiy I'etor Nicol Ifiiiae rmiiiibell .... Alex, (iiliiiy Mak'ohii .Sractiilli- ) vriiv, J5..\ i' ■Jno. k, (iilchrist, B.A Walter Amos. V.^CANCIKH. Nov. 1, Nov. 'JO, Fell, t, Miiv I'J, Nov. 1(1, Miir.>, Nov.'ii, Juii. s, June 17 Sep. 2:!, Sej). J!!, Oct. It, April 7, Oct. ^7, ;Nov. 2, Jan. .'), :;Oct. r,, Oct in, , Nov. '.I, l.'-Cil l,-i'..s 1n;,m l'-7(l IHTI 1H71 lH7:t ,1S7:I 1.S7;! Ih7l 1H7:) 1H74 1871 1874 1H7,5 1K7I1 lh7(i Diiviil KMer .Iii.i Miicl.c'ntiiiii . .\ Mc.Miircliy, M A .Idlin Heiittie Will. I'.iikin .Ims. Hiirlier Aiiilrew Seott I'etii Wiiriiliiw.. .. .riilm linice .Iiihn Heiiilerwou .. Jurf. ('iiiniilK'll . . . . Slim .McKitrick .. Will. Miller ' Wm. Archer ... I Georno Smith .. Diivid Salmon .. .. Jno. I.. I'atorHon . . Cohvell (Iriiham .. 1>. I'othoriiighum.. St .\ nilrewH Cli., ViiiiKluiii . .. St. .\ii(lrew'H ('li , 'roriiutii.. oM St. .\nilrow'8 Cli., Toronto ('liiii(4iiiH'oiisy St .Viidren'sCh., Marklittiu .. StreetHviUe . . KiiHt Cliiircli, Toronto WeHtoii ami Woo(ll)riil;,'0 Melville Cli., Miirkliaiii Clielteliliiiin. etc Cluirles St. Cliiircli, Toronto /ion Chun.'li, Oraii^;eville ... York MilU iiiid Kisliervilfu. . .. Kno.N Cliureli, ViuiKhan, and i Albion i" UicbiiK.nd Hill ami Tliornliill t'(dletie St. Church, Toronto.. St. .Vndrew'w Ch., Scarborough. Woburn. Maple. Toronto. Toronto. Claude. Markhiim. StroetHville. Toronto. WoBton. CiiHliel. Cheltenliam. Toroiitn ( lrlUl^^eville. York Mills Klder's Willa. Riiliinond HilL Toronto. Shelburne, etc. .\;irora Shelburno. .\urora. Will. Fert;iison . . HurIi .McKay .. . , David Johnston .. JoHejih Cockburn I'etcr C'ranu Wm. Barr . Jas. Stuiirt John Brown W. C. Young .... W, Barnhill.B.D. Sep. ix, IsiH Aug.-2'2, IM'.t May .'iO, IHTii Sep. 0, 1H5-1 Knox Cliuieh, Scarborough .. Apincourt. (reor{,'itown. etc (ieor^etown. l.iiHkt^y and Kast King Temperiuiceville (ieorgiua Sutton. - (.Uueusville, etc Quueiisvillo. R. Dodds Mono unci Calodou Thos. RussoU .\ltoii. etc .UtOE. Miinsiu'.s Corners Newmarket John Armstrong .. Mount .\lbert, etc .Mono Centre Roucl, etc. Brockton Markliani. Brauiptou Toronto. Mono Mills. Toronto. Toronto. Toronto. Yorkville. Oran^-'eville. Toronto. Newmarket. Toronto. Toronto. James Main. David (JouttB ! lh.3r, George Lawrence ' .\pr. 'ix, lKt7 A. Lewis Aug. ('.. imo R. Monteath .Vpr. ■>.), I,s41 (. lerk of Pres. of Toronto. J. Barclay, D.D Dec. (J, IMi Wm. Inglis IJec.'il, l(s47 Ai'ch. Cross ;Aug. 17, 1m4s 11. Monteath, /'ns. '. lerk. 6. PRESBYTERY (»F BARRIE Wm. Fraser Sep. 2, 1h:u Wm (Teltind Augilst,lH4',) Robert Rodgers Dec. 4, ls.jO John Gray, M.A May 21, 1851 Wm. McConneU April, 18,54 George Craw Dec. laiii Robert Moodie March, iwi,*! John Leiper July, iw.4 Jas. A. McConnell Hec, 1804 D. Macdonald, M.A. . . .Ian. 11, 18G.5 A. Macdonald, B..^ lau. Ul, 1S(10 A. Fiudlay, Ord. MiB... .Ian. 7, 18C7 John Ferguson, B.A .... 'Apr 22, 1868 Smith Hutoheaon ^Feb. 10,1871 Thomas McKee ^Oct. 10, 1871 Robert Fairbuirn Dec. 11, 1872 E. W. Panton Dec. 9, 187;) J. R. S. Burnett Dec. IG, 1874 John Cerswell . . W. Sutherliuid.. .Vndrew Telfer . . Peter .Muriay .. R. Rogerson . . . . Jno. Johnston .. Martin Mcl.eod X. D. McNab.... Samson Steele . . S. Blackburn — Jas. Campbell .. A. Spring W. Pearson John Brown \. Coojier John -Xndersou ... Simon Fraser . . W. MkcWhinnev , First West Gwillimbnry West Gwillimbury & Iiinistil.. Collingwood Orillia Central Church, Craigvale, \ and Lefroy ) Flos and Medonto Stayner and Suuuidale Barrio First audSecondTocumBoth, t and .\djala i E. Nottawasaga, & Creomore West .Nottawasaga Bracebridge, Mouck and) South Fulls » S. Osprey, Honeywood and ). Slngha'mplon )" Gutlirio Churcli, Oro .Vugiis and New Lowell Essou and Willis Church Bradford anu Second West ) Gwillimbury ) .'Vllistou and Carluka Bond Head- Bradford. Collii.gwood. Orillin. Lefroy. Hillsdale. Stayner. Barrie. Tottenham. Croemore. Duntroou. Bracebriilge. Honey wood. Slianty Bay. Angus. Jarret s Cornera. Bradford. Al list on. CPXXU. APPENDIX. t;. pitKsuvTKitv or \:\m\u:-c\'>u,;iiu./. MINIS I'KRS liATi: iiF OIlDlNAirS'i I'.i. Kolit. Sfiitt, Oi.l. .Mi>.. All};. :i, Imt; 'Jii J. G. Ciic-lii'iviK.'. . 'Jl. Htiiart Aclu'Hoii .. KI.DF.US. toNfiR:f,ATIONS. i'o>T or, ic i: ( I'i'ii<'tim(,'tilHlieuf, Vint'tt 1 S, fill. 111. 'lit, \Vv<'l,i-i.l«o. ' ... , ., , .Mi.lluii.l, n.i. A- MoUruc'r, >>vi.l)n,l,., I [' Scttliliiciit j Apr. I, l.s7»i .\lox. AnioM 'I'owu liiiic luicl Ivy Tlidiiitoi, Oi-'t. 11, l^Ti'i liicli. MoKut) t'niiUst(\( n \A( ANIIEh. 'Will. McT.uvty .... Knox ('hurcli, Ttro . . \"fvi» l{ol)t. McCriiL'kou liiistiiiunt :uicl Miilmur Hortt'iiiot t Villous Jlcll J)llIltl-(. 1)11 •.till NdttuWH NcittlUVH ( Munis' Ciiun-li uiid Dunn'H ... . ,, I ■( Sc.ttlomciit '* ""'^ '^•'•■'" MISSION SIATIONS. I 'I'liy, .^^^'llollto 1111(1 (■( lid water. ( Winli.i !,'(), .xi'viTii HriilHo iiiiil I "( .\r.ltr<'u .loaoiili Telforil .... (irnviuliiirst luul Dniiior KohSfiiu mill 'I'll rt Id l.uko I i'ort {'iirliii;^, Kayiuuml, ami I ( li'i\Hvillt), Drako'fl ami I I '( MuL'iiulay I \ll:niri villi' mill lluiitsville. . . .i ( Stistc'il, I'liit Syiluoy, auil ) Town Ijiiii) ". ( Hiissi'l Si'ttlomont and Sliil- "( ilUi Mi'iloiiti) i Minisiu;^ mill (Troiifoll ' ( Wuubau.-'lR'iio. I'dit Soveru; '( ami Sturv;i'iiii Iliiy | ( Due Lakrt, Jie,L;cslioro', Mug-: "( aiiotawaii ami Spuucu nrnuKD ministkrh. i wiTntii r ( iiARiii:. 1. Saiinu'l I'ortPi' Viir.iil, IslCi Harrie. 2. W. Jolinsou, M.A Nov. l.s;Vi , ' " 3. Wui. McKeo, iJ.A ;Mar. 2, iHiVi luspoctorof Scbool.s,S.Simcoo C'lovoi- Hill. PuiiiEUT MooDiE, /'n-.i. Clcrh. 7. PRESBYTERY OF OWEN SOUND. I ! I), Morrisiiii. M..V Oct. '2.!, ^■i.'.l W. Irclaml Knox Cliurch. Owon Souml. .. Owen S!<".;iil K. Dewar Oct. 7, 1n"i;j (i. Hnrkuesa Lake Siioic aiul lA'itU Viinan. J. Cainoroii \\'\i HI, Isf,;! .1. Smith Ciiat.swortli Cliatswoni! A. MrDiiiviniil \!>r. 'iT, H.V.i D. Mi'DmiaM li'itoiui I.aton.i. 1). McNiuii^hton, ."\1..V . Ool. isiw Thos. Oruustou... North Ki'vpi.-l ami Sarawak . North Ki';"-.!. ,\. Moliciuiaa Mavi'), l.sf,!t J. Koss Knox Church, Svdouhiini llouth \:K-.:X 1). ,T. Mcluuos Jul"vis, isiisi H. Wullaco Thonibury and llcathcotc ,. Clarksbur- H. Currii' Fob. IsTo 1). Mc.Vrthur Ki>adv, Dcshoro, and I'cabodv Koads. 1), 15. Whiinstcr Oct. I."i, 1«7:! .1. Cliu-k Mcaford .Mcaford .■Vrcli'd. Stovon.-iiiu Ian. 'iO, l.sTl J. Gardner St. Vincent and Svdcnhani .. Hhiutyri . J. Somcrville. M..V Vii^;. 'i.l, Ls7."> J. Douglass Division St. C'b., Owon Sofiud. Owen Sound V.\CANT. Jas. Cochrane Kilsyth and North Derby Kilsyth. MISSION STATIONS. Colliuswood M. and Kaveiiua Griersville Kui'lirasia and I'wist HoUaud. Wiartoii. etc I'arry Sound District D. .r. McInnks, Pr.-s. CUrk. ai'1'i:ndi.\. L'fxxm H. ruKsiivTKUV 1)1' sAi (ii:i:.\. MINIHTERS. ii.vrr. or fdlDINAll'N r.i.iii;i(«. tiiNl*Iir.i.ATI')SK. pii^r orKK i; I'litrioU (irciw Ih.'j Juiiioh PocMs John Miic.Milliiu hmo'2'.i,l«."pT st Itfiitinck, .Iiio. A. .Ml Aliiiou Oct. I'i, In".'/ SlK'iilicril Hoyuo Mnrkilalo, Hi rkflcy, etc .. Unl't. Hiirkui'HH .Idiiii liikHtor OBpruy . . ,Iolin M. Mcliityro Hoj). 17, lft"'t Joliii Iloinlorsou . . Knox Cluircli, lliirristdii Orcliii'-ilvillr'. Miiiiiit I'Vu'i'st. Wiilki'i'tiui Omi'Iiiiiii. MiMiiit I'liri'st. Miiiii'liii. ClMlRtVillC IldNt.'iii llmiHtdii lIlllluMT M ink. 1. lie , Miixwoll Hiirviritoii TACANClfcH. niiKiil'l .Mffji'iiii . St. .\nilrii\v'M Cli,, Prici'villo 'I'liduiiii SwMii St. Aiiiln'w'sC'li, Mt. Fori'St •I'll ... ... !,!• mid liittlo I I'rii'oviUr. Mount Knrn'St liiirliuin. .Vk'X. Tuniliiill Itdcky Sim I Hnlltll Ij'l 1 Tofdlltci . . N'>rtli .Vrtliiir . Clill'di-.l and li:il,il:lavii . .. Miickiiitdsli mid lii'linori' ... I'ricevillo tiud Durhum Uimd. I'ricovilU' Alox. Fraaer .1. IV Uoliiiisdii Will. Hiirkiu'rtH iNfilMcCannt'll laitlirr. .\rtliur ciiUdnl. I W.M. r.MiK, /Ws: CUrh. 9. PliESBVTEUY OF GUELPli. V. H. !l. 11). 11, 12. i;i. 14. l,"j. frooriJO SiiuUio Win. itarrii', J).U. .. lUcliard Utiiitloy . TliOH. Wardropo l{obt. Torriiiii;!; Wni. S Hall, H.A. ,. Jus. K. Slllitll, M. A. Jus. Middlemiss Will. Masrton . Daiuul .Vudtrsoii .V. 1). MivDdiiald . Win. Milliuan .Utx McKav,!).!), J. H. Miillaii ticor^i; Haii^li JoLiii Davidson 17. IM. I'.l. 20. 21. 22. 2a. Neil .MclHariiiid Donald Slraijlum Donald Hiiyd Cameron .laH. 1'. Dickie Jas. Hryant . .. 11. H. Mauidierson, M..V. A. M. Hamilton, M,.V. VACANCIKS. Miir.is, Jan. 1, Sop. IK, AuM.KI, Nov.U, Feb. 2s, Jan. 11!, Jnno:i, Oct. 11, Dee.j;), .Vi>ril20, "i|'p.21, . A)ii-il2.-|, Jiilv2:i, April. . Feb. 1, . Fob. ti, Sep. .H, Dec. Hi, .liilyl;!, Jan. 211, Nov.21, May 22, l.s:ir, lHi;j IMM is(t; I si; I lN.-i;i ls,-.t; IH.-iii l.H,"i7 1,S;V.I 1. S.V.I IslXI l,sii2 iwi:i lS<)f) VSll.- ISIW 1 HI 'ill 1.S72 1m7.") 1,M7.-) 1M77 Hetor Dow Jiio. .\niistrong ... ,lno. Scriiii(4er .las. Mi'Iiitdrtli Tlids. Mc( 'rao Alo.x. O. .Mdwatt I'hoH. Uutliorford. Will. Kor Ali'.\. (.'oiikey Jdliu Hiiutor John I'.ssoii Kolit. Hcattio .Fas. Ki'ttio Will. Hoiidersiiii I Hrebiior Cadiii- '( head Will. McCoriiiuek Will. Drydoii .\rcli Campbell . . J. Mitir .\li'.\. HeudersdU •fas. Menzio.s Jus. Hurnett iMelvillcChnndi 'First ( liiiicl:. Kriunosa I'liidii Clinrili CliiiliiuTK Clniri'li I'irHt {'dii|,'iV'4ution Kiid.v Ctinndi Knox Cliureh Clialiiier's Church St. .\iidrcw's Chiirch Calvin Cli. and Mooretlelil Kno.\ Church St .Idhn'sCh. and Mimosa Dull' Church St. .Vndrew's Chiircli Ddon, Hesjielcv and Pres* w Alma, and Ziou C'h'irci Nichdl ) West I'usliucli Ucickwodd Kniix Ciiurch SI. .Vii.lrcw's Cbiircli (flclialhiii and Holliii . NassauawaKa and Camp- > heUviUc ) Chill mer's Church Fergus, (liielpli. fialt. (illel)ili, (illl'l|lll. (llH Ipll. (flllt Flora. (rait. lJdthHii\. iddra. (iftiafriixa. Morrist'in. I'"""1S. CrlelT. Itockwcod. .\ctou. Hcrlin. (ilenallaiii Nassau;!'. ^'•■:;ya. Winterl diin.c. MISSION STAIIOXS. Ildht. Fcrunsou . . llillsbiuuli mid Trice'sConierK I'fter Uciinie Kriii and ()sprini;c ... F.riii. Charles Davidson.. St. .Andrew's Church Ouelph. A. Scrocdcr Onl. i ^- jj^^,,,, ,, ^ jj,„j i>,.pstoii. Preston. Alissioiiarv . 1 Allan Kam-iiiv ... F.deii Mill.s Fden MilN. John Cadwell Flmira and llawksviUlo Hawksvillc. RETiaEn jriNisTF.u with-; ' OUT llIAlUiE. I * 1. ,1. G. MacOregor Florr.. 2. John Dull' Flora. Ill '1ST. Tdiu;ANCE. r>:s. CL-i!c- ^> ^> ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Y A y. (A H! 1.0 I.I 1.25 f,^ 2.5 Iti 1 2.2 M 1.8 U i 1.6 V] <^ /a c-^ A ">/ o> y -(^^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 CCXXIV. APPENDIX. SYNOD OF HAMILTON AND LONDON. Mr I 1. PRESBYTEUY OF HAMILTON. MINISTERS. I DATE OF I lOUnlNATI'N KLDBR8. William Hancock ! IKH n. Reamer 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. IR. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 21). 24. 25. 26. 27. 2H. 29. Samuel Fenton i 1H4.3 JameH Ulack 1H53 John LainK, M.A Jainf'H (iordon, M.A. William Craiuie John Junics, I),D. ... John Ci. Murray CharleH Canipboll . . Donald H. Fletcher . ThonuiB Wilson George BurHon Alex. DaWBon, M.A.. Wm. Guyler A. C. Buck . . 1854 Tho8. Kennedy.. 1«54| Wm. Duncan . . . ISStilWui. Burt lH37lAnd. Wilsou .... lHj-,8lJ.D. Fitch IWHR. N. Ball iN'id JuiiicK WatKon . . iHtll) .Ftinies Stewart. . ISfiit Robert LHurie .. IWia-Matt. IJurham .. Alex, (iraut, M.A , IWilVA. D. Mcleod ... Thos. McGuire [ 1W.4 L. Hunter James C. Smith 1 WA Jumcs Hutcliinson James Little IWHi, A. I. McKenzie .... J. A. F. McBain ' IMi'.t H. C.Howard (ioorge YeomauB I IhflUi (Jeorge Chrystal 18. Sm ■ oe. ,Elfdda. i Lynedoch. iCanfield. I Waterdown. Without Charge. St. Catherines. St. Ann's. Ancuster. Tapleytown. Simcoe. Hamilton. Dundas. Waterdown. Greensville. Hugh Young Dr. W. McLure..., iNalm Church jThorold and Merriton Beverlv Welland, Crowland, etc Hauiilton Central Church . Kilbride St. Catherines, Aymes'Av.Ch. Port Dnlhousie Fort Frie and Ridgeway Ste vensville Delhi J. Laing, Pres. Clerk. 2. PRESBYTERY OF PARIS. 1. Thomas Lowry 'Sep. 24,1833 2. Thomas Alexander.. .. iMarcb, IHW 3. Walter Inglis .Oct. 1842 4. John McTavish ." 1844 5. W. T. McMullen Nov. 5, 18,50 0. Wm. Robertson, M.A... Jan. 26, 1859 7. W. Cochrane,M.A.,D.D. June 7, 1859! 8. John'TIcEwen :Sep. b, 1859, 9. Robt. Hume.M.A !May26,18<)0i 10. Hugh Thomson ! Oct. 17, 1864 11. K.N.Grant |Dec.21, 1865; 12. D. D . McLeod July 3, IHr. |t(>ij. >y. •a. ton. milt. Jicriuea. villo. in. ton. noiidvillo. il'o. or >. u. I. ocli. 1(1. down. therines. 11 's. ;er. town. ). ;on. a. iown. viUe. h-i: APPENDIX. PRESBYTERY OF T\RlS—Conti»utd. CCXXV. MINISTERS. DATE OF OKDINATI'N ELDERS. C0NGREOATION8. POST OFFICH. 14. John Thomson, M.A. . . 'Nov. 21,1H71 .Tamos Lillico Kno\ Church, Ayr Ayr. 15. Andrew Olundinning.. July 10,1873 Wm. Ronald (ilenuiorria Glenniorris. 16. G. C. McKobbie Nov. 1874 John Dewar Tilsonburu and Cullodon TilsoLburg. 17. John Anderson iNov.25, 1874 I'etor WilHou Uivor Street, Paris Paris. 18. W. M. Martin July21, 1875 Hugh McKee Norwich and Wyndhani Norwich. VACANCIES. Thomas Spiers.. Arch. McArthur. . .'Drumbo and Princeton ) Rich wood usd Shower's ) ( Corners ) MISSION STATIONS. 'Old St. Andrew's, E. Oxford.. Hrantford Zicn Ch. Mission.. iBeachvillo William Cocurane, D.D., P/-<-s. Cli-rk. 3. PRESBYTERY OF LONDON. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. H. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. IG. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. '£\ 'iA. 25. 20. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Donald McKenzie Wm. R.Sutherland.... James B. Duncan J. J. A. Proudfoot, D.D. James Ferguson John Rennie John McRobio David Caiuelou John Milloy Neil McKinnon Peter McDermid James Donaldson . . . . George Simpson Lacluan Cameron John Thompson . . . . George Sutherland — J. Allister Murray Mungo Fraser James P. Baikie John A. McDanald John Abraham Donald F. Sage Gustavus Munro Robert Scobie John Munro May, 18.34' Feb. 10, 1840 John McCrackeu . . July 1, 1848 James Moffat July 10, 1848 Wm. Grieve Nov.21, 1855:Douald McLean .. Apr. 22, 18;»7| \ndrow Farish Oct. 21; 1857' 18,58 James Cowan Feb. 2, 1859i Feb.22, 18Cl!Alex. McCallum .. Nov. 0, 18C1 June 3, 1802 James Douglas July 21, 18(i2 Robt. Flemmg . . . . Nov. 5, 1802. Thomas Paterson. Apr. 25, 181)6 1 Alex. Craiso Nov. 14,18»i«rAlex. Steele Oct. 7, 1807, Robt. Scott Oct. 10, 1867 Nov. 2, 1870 Deo. 1870 Nov. .'>, 1872 July 23, 1873 Robert Thynne John M. Goodwillie. D. McEachern C. D. McDonald Hugh McGregor Hector Currie Alex. Urqiihart Robert Gow Jas. McNaughtou. Alex. McKay Aug.lO, 1873, H.S. McKay Aug. 20, 18731 Jas. Thompson.... 1874 Daniel Mc Arthur. . Feb 17,1875 ' P/'"'. ?'i?'if *"*» '- i ( David McNair. ) Julyl3, 1875lJohn Simpson .... Oct. 8, 1875 K. McLean Nov.23,l875| 1 1 John Lamont Apr. 25, 187C'Mal. Thompson . . . James Seattle . . i VACANCIES. d. iEkfrid Forest nud McKay 1st Presb. Church, London... .\lvin8ton and Euphemia Carlisle and Ailsa Craig Petrolia St. Jamep', Lorn. Allsa Craig. jPetrolia. London. jCrinan. Belmont. iBrigden. 'Wardsville. I Wilton Grove. Thamesford. Sarnia, iFingal. il/ondon. I St. Thomas. jPort Star ley. 'Wallacetown. Watford. iParkhiU. 'Embro. Strathroy. JAldboro. Vauneck. iCamlachio. 'Ctlencoe. [Point Edward. Rodney. Thedford. Cowal. Wyoming and Plympton Delaware Guthrie's Ch , Longwood, etc, . jMosa j Cromlin and Dorchester > Station i Lobo and Caradock East Williams Napier Parkhill Lucan Adelaide and WiUiams ck. eld. d. {6. GEOnOK COTHBERTSON, PrfS. Clfrk. 4. PRESBYTERY OF CHATHAM. 1. Alex. W. Waddell Nov. 30, 1847 Joseph Laird Harwich iRondeau. 2. Angus McCoU Feb. 18,1848 Wm. Coltart Adelaide St., Chatham :Chathain. 3. Wm. King iMay l851IDavid Taylor ,Buxton Buxton. 4. William Walker |Oct. 25, 1853|jolm McKerral. . . . IWeUington St., Chatham ... . Ichatham. CCXXVl. APPENDIX. 4. PRESBYTERY OF CHATHAM— C.'«//////v. Hothwcll Will. U'ebHtur '. . .. . !• loroiioo and Dawn Teacher, St. Ann School \\ iiid.sor. Hothwell. Flori'iico. :St. Ann, 111. r.s. MIHBION 8TATIONS. Jauios Siuip.sou. St. Andrew's, Chathiini . . . I'.lmira. Illinois \V'iilhicol)ur« Dovor and Oiivor Sectiou. Richard Dodson.. Sombrii Dresden WallaceburR Tilbury West iiud Comber, Mersea jMuidHtoue William Walker, Prfs. C/cr/: r,. PRESBYTERY OF STRATFORD. 1. Thomas McPherson .. 2. JamoH Hoyd ;i. I>aniel (Jordon 4. Pavid Mann .'). Robert Hamilton 0. Robert Hall 7. John K. Hisloi) 8. Archibald Stewart . . . !). Robert Ron wick 10. John McAlpine 11. Jas. W. Mitchell, M.A. . 12. retcr Mnsgrave 13. J. EdRar Croly, M.A . . . 14. John W. Hell, M.A .... ir.. Peter Scott 10. John J. Cameron, M.A. VACANCIES. Oct. 10, IKV, iJuIy 7, 1K47 I Oct. IH4'.l tl)ec.2C),lHr,5 jJuneHO.lH.W, ].\l)r.l7, IHdO JNov. l'.t,lHr,2 ■Nov. 'iO.lHiy I Jan. 28, W)!! I mvX |May2:), 18<;7j iMaySO, 1808: |nov.2.5, 18081 I Dec. 22,18081 iMar. r<, J872| 1874' William Dimn James Hammond . Robert Heron . . . . W. Fotherinj^ham. David Oliver .\le.\. Hannorman . Alex. Rol)ortson . . John Stewart Thomas Moore.. . . John McLean Geo. Graham 1 '( Jno. W Chalmers. Samuel Pavidson.. Gilbert Mclntyre.. Knox Church, Stratford Wellesley Harrint^ton Biddulph Fnllarton & Avonbank Nissouri N. & S .Vvonton & Carlingford North Easthope I'Uma Centre & W. Moncktnn. St. Mary's Knox Church, Mitchell Hums' Ch., Milvertou and i North Morninyton i Millbank Listowel Hibbcrt St. Andrew's Ch.,N. Easthope. Stratff>rd. Cmsshill. Harrington. Gruutou. Mothorwoil, Thorndalc. .Vvonton. ShakeH])eiiro. Nowry Station, St. Mary's, Mitchell. Milvertoii. I Millbank. [ijihtOWOl. Cromartj'. Shakes))eare. MISSION STATIONS. I Samuel Ro})b St. Andrew's Ch., Stratford . . 'R. I). McKay j Shakespeare and Hampstead, '.Vrch. McDonald . . iMoleswortli and Trowbridge . . Hon. Sutherland . . Stratford. Sliakespciire. Moleswortli. Burns' Ch., East ZoiTa Strathallun. Ellice and Logan ' i John Fotherinoham, Ptvs. Clerk. fi. PRESBYTERY OF HURON. 1. (^harles Fletcher Nov., 1.S42 2. Thomas (ioldsmith Jan., 184") 3. Robert Uro, U. D Oct.,' 18.-)() 4. John Ross Sept., IN')! 5. Samuel Jones Sept , 18").'t 6. JIatthew Harr Feb., 18,". i 7. George lirowii Au^., IsriO 8. James Sievoright, R. A. July, 18J7 i). Alex, (irant .Vus,'., 18").s 10. Finlay McCuaig Nov., 1801) 11. HuRh Cameron Oct., 1802 12. A. Y. Hartley Juno, 1804 13. John Ferguson Jan., 1805 14. Henry Gracey Mar., 180") l.">. Robt. Leask Nov., LSO.", 10. Hector McQuarrie .... May, 1800 17. Stoiihen Young Sept., ISlMl 18. Arcli, McLean 'Nov., 1800 t Retired Gnderich. Kob.:rt TunibuU . . Seafoith Seaforth. Robert Young Knox Cli.. Goderich, etc ■ Goderich. Hrucefleld lirueetield. Thos. Stracban ... Knox Cli., Hrussela Hrussels. James Scott McKillop and Tuckersiiiith .. Seaforth. .V. L. (iibson Wroxeter and Fordwich Wroxeter. Robert Young Knox Ch., Cfodorich, etc Goderich. Ashfield Kintail \rch. Mathesou. .. Willis Ch., Clinton Clinton. Jolm Scott Kijipen Kippen. William Kefth Rodgerville and Exeter Exeter. R. W. Wilson Melville Ch., Rrussel.s Brussels. John Gardner Thames Road and K-rkton ... Farquliar. James .\gnow St. Helen's and Whitchurch.. St. Helens. James Dickson Wingham Wingham. John Jackson Manchester and HuUet Auburn. And. MoCaa Blyth Blyth APPKNDIX. CCXXVII. C. PRESBYTERY OF HURON— C>«//;///,v/. SriNISTERS. I DATR OP ! ORDINATI'X' i:r.i)BRs. COKllREdATIONS. IMST OFFIl K. 1!). James Pritcbard Oct., 2i». Murk Diuiliy I-'ob., 21. ThoiuRH 'rUomson Nov. 'i± J. H. Scott Dec, li:t. D. a. McUao June, VACANT. lH(i8' Jolm Mossor Iniuoviilo and Kadio Illuovalo. 1H73 Joliii Mc.Vsli iHaytH^ld lloml luid Hcriio \'arna. 1871,l{ol)t. riaiidesboro'riiion I'll., Hruci'tiold HniL'.'lioM. 1H71 David Maiiwon KRiiiondvillo .Scalortb. l87o Jobn SbiLds 'Craiibrook and Ktbel Grev. George Habkirk Dutl'sCb.aiid Wiiitlirop Seaforth. DuriKamion and Pt. Albert ... Jauies Smellio . . . ; Walton Wnltnu. James GalbiKlior.. MulKnive llc'l>4rnvo. James Torrauco ..Uaytield aud Uotbauy Porter's Hill. MISSION STATIONS. William Tnrubull. llobert Harrison . . Brewster Brewster. (loderieli, (finelii ) EastAsbtiold ; Aucn. McLean, Pns. CloL-. 7. PRESBYTERY OF BRUCE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 0, 7. 8. 0. 10. 11. 12. l:t. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2a. 24. G. Bell. B A., LL.D . . . . May 30, Wm. Grabam Jan. 15, Jolm Fraser .\ug. Jobu Scott Oct. 8, Andrew Tolmie June 2, Duncan Cameron Mar. 3, John Anderson Oct. 11, Alex. Sutherland William lilain July 4, Peter Currie Feb. 19, Jobn Stewart Mar. b, David Wardrope ..... June, John Straith Jan. 13, A. F. McQueen Dec. 15, Wm. Anderson, M.A. . |Juue2(», A. G. Forbes Dec. 11, Georye McLennan .... Nov. 8, Donald Fraser, M. A.. .'Aug. 14, John Bethune i Feb. 15, Duncan Davidson jOct. 15, William Ferguson i Jan. 2, J. B. Taylor 'July '23, Donald MoKoracher . . 'July 7, James Gourlay, M.A.. Mar. 3, MISSION stations. 1844 James Blair ls45'Wm. Galley IH-I.l lH.TO|C.McRae 1853'Robert Ksplin 1854, James Baird 18.54, Jobu Dewar 184t) 18,54!.. 18.55' James Lean 18.55! Forbes Kobertson. 1855! Wm. McKague 18.57 14. M. Hay 18.58 James Boll 18(iO'M. McPberson .. .. 18C2I William Malcolm. 18(i4iE. J. Brown 18(i7 1871 1872 1873 187.3 1874 1875 D. G. MacGillivray William Park .... Angus McDonald. Kobert Malcom.. Arnold Kobs . St. Paul's 'walkcrton iPiuo Kiver I'iuo Kiver Knox Chiircb, Kincardine .... Kincardine INortb Bruce North Bruce Southampton and W. Arran.. Soutliunipton. Lucknow aud South Kiuloss.. Lucknow. [Tiverton Tiveiton. iKnox (Jhurcb, Kipley Dingwall. Tar I, .\llanford, etc Tara. iZion ("hurch, Toeswatcr Teeswater. Chalmers' Ch., Kincardine... Kincardine i Westminster Teeswater. Knox Church, Paisley Paisley. ^Grant's Church, Huron |l)ingwall. St. .Xndrow's Ch., Kincardine. Kincardine. j Kiuloss ivud Bervie Kinloss. i(!eutr« Bruce and Underwood. I'ndorwood. iSaugoon Port Elgin. Chesky aud Salem Church ... ''hosley. Lan^sido Langsido . Glammis Gluinniis St. .Vndrew's Ch., bucknow... . liUckuow. Prince .Vrthur's Landing I'. .\r. Lauding. Port Elgin and Dunblane Port Elgin Riversdalo and Enniskillon.. . Kiversdale Pinkertou Kim Grove \. G. Forbes, Fra. Clerk. PRESBYTERY OF MANITOBA. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. John Black, D.D John Scott H. J. Borthwick, M.A. A. Mathosou Jas. Robertson Geo. Brvco, M.A S. Donaldson, B.A Thos. riart, M.B H. McKoUar Allau Hell Cfco.Flett A Stewart, B..\ J. S. Stewart D. C. Johnson i July 31, Juae2'.t August, Nov. 21). I Nov. 18, Sop. Ill, July », July 31, Oct. 27, July 14, Aug. 10, Sop. 2-', .■Vug. !». Oct. 11, VACANCIKS. 1851 ,1853 ,1853' 18110 18ll'.» 1871 ; 1872, 1872 1874 1875 1875 1875 1870 18761 J. Sutherland. I,.-; Kildonan iKildonau, Man. Emerson, etc Emerson, Miiu. Boyne, etc ihoyne, Man Hon. D. Guun Iiittle Britain, etc LoWerEt. (iarry. R. D. Patterson .. Knox Churcli, Winnipeg Winnipeg, Man. Manitoba College Wiuniiieg, Man. Woodlands, etc ! Woodlands, Jlan. Manitoba College [Winnipeg, Man. Clear Springs iWinnipeg. Man. R. Sutherland Portage la Prairie d'ortgela Prairie Okanase, etc Okanaso. N.W.T. Battleford. etc Battleford, " Palestine, etc |Palostine, Man. Prince Albert School Prince .\lbert, I [N.W.T. i Prince .\lbert Mission Prince .Ubort :J. O. Fra?!er High Blull" 'Higb lUuff I Rockwood, etc JRockwood 'j. Sutharlaud Headiugly, etc iHeadiugly ; . Caledonia, etc |Caledonia. James Robertson, Pns. Clerk. ccxxvin. APPENDIX. CHANGES IN ROLLS OF THE SEVERAL SYNODS. , I.— SYNOD OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES. DEATHS. PreBb-jtery of Vicloii— Juines iiayne, D.D., of Prince street Church, Pictou, 9th December, 1870. Pre$byteri/ of Wallace- John Munro, of Wallace, 25th May, l**??. DEUIS8I0NS. Fretbytery of Pictoi^— O. PatterBOu, D.D., of Salem Chtircb, Greeuhill, 30th October, 187C. Preabyttry of Wallace— J. Wutaou, of New Annan, 3lBt December, 1870. Presbytery of Lunenburg and larmouth— G. Christie, of Yarmouth, 8th May, 1877 : to take effect 20th June, 1877. Presbytery of St. John— J. K. Beatisto, of Salt Springs, etc., 12th September, 1876, J. Wallace, B.A., of St. George, 5th October, 1876. Presbytery of itiramichi— 3. P. Bryant, of Kouchibouguac, let October, 1876. J. Fowler, JJ.A., of Bass Kivor congregation, 7th November, 1876. J. N. Allan, M.A., of Chatham, St. Jolin'a church, 6th December, 1876. J. KobertsoD, of TabuBintac, etc., let May, 1877. Presbytery of Prince Edward Islandr— Allan JIcLean, of Dundas, 10th April, 1877. Presbytery of Newfoundland — N. K. Forsythe, of Free St. Andrew's, St. John's, 20th February, 1877. i;ii "'I INDDCTIONS, Presbytery of Sydney— Q. Sinclair, Loch Iiomond, etc., 25th April, 1877 Presbytery of Victoria and Richmond — A. McBae, Middle Biver, etc., 7th June, 1877. Presbytery of Pictou — J. Quinu, Sherbrooke, etc., Ist May, 1877. Pretbytery of "Wallace— C. G. Glass, Springhill, 27th March, 1877. Presbytery of Truro— And. burrows, Truro West, 25th July, 1876. James McLean, Great Village. Presbytery of Halifax— D. Neish, North Comwallis, 29th August, 1876. Isaac Simpson, Upper Musquodoboit, 23rd October, 1876. Duncan McKinnon, Little Biver, etc., 24th October, 1876. ThoB. Duncan, St. Amlrew's church, Halifax, 5th December, 1876. A. L. Wyllie, Bichmond and N. W. Arm, 16th January, 1877. E. G. McNab, Newport, 9th May, 1877. P. M. Morrison, Dartmouth, 5th June, 1877. Presbytery of Lunenburg and Yarmouth^ » Thos. Murray, Eiversdale, 26th May, 1876. Presbytery of St. John— W. Boss, Prince William, 14th November, 1876. W. Mitchell, B.A., St. Andrew's church, St. John, 30th January, 1877. Presbytery of Prince Edward Island— W. Scott, St. Peter's, and Brackley Pt. Road, 24th October, 1876. J. McKinnon, Georgetown, 11th January, 1877. W. Grant, W. Clyde Biver, etc., lOth April, 1877. APPENDIX. ecxxix. TBANBLATIONS. Presbytery of Wallace— W. Grant, from Earltown to Clyde River, Presbytery of P. E. I., 15th January, 1«77. Presbytery of I'ictou— John McKinnon, from UopowoU to Georgetown, Presbytery of P. E. I. Presbytery of Halifax— Jaiiiea McLean, from Shubenacadio to Great VillaRo, Prosbytory of Truro, 4th Octolior, 1870. A. Falconer, from Dartmouth to Port of Si)uiu, Trinidad, 25th Decembu r, 1«7G. Presbytery of Lunenburg and Yarmouth— E. G. McNub, from Mahone Bay to Newport, Presbytery of Halifax. Prfsbytery of St. John— S. Johnson, from Harvey to Chipman, 18th July, 1870. Presbytery of Pritice Edward Island — Thos. Duncan, from Charlottetowu to St. Amlrew's Church, Halifax. ORDINATIONS, Presbytery of Sydney— (i. Sinclair, Loch Lomond, !?.')th April, 1877. Presbytery of Victoriaand Itichmmid— A. McKae. Middle Hiver, 7th June, 1877. Presbytery of Halifax— D. F. Creelman, for Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. Presbytery of Lunetiburg ond Yarmouth— Thos. Murray, Uiversdale, '2Cth May, 1877. D. McGregor, New Dublin, '24th May, 1877. Presbytery of St. John— W. Boss, Prince William, 14th November, 1870. LICEMSCBES. Presbytery of Truro— J. A. Logon and W. R. McElmou, 29th May, 1877. Presbytery of Halifax— D. F. Creelman. John McLean, 5th June, 1877. Presbytery of Lunenburg and Yarmouth— Thos. Murray, 20th April, 1877. D. McGregor, 17th May, 1877. COMOBSOATIONS BBECTBD. Presbytery of Lunenburg and Yarmouth— New Dublin, October, 1876. Biversdale, March, 1877. COKOREGATIONB BECEITBD. Presbytery of Miramichi— St. .Vudrew'B, New Richmond, P. Q., 7th February, 1877. St, Andrew's, Campbelltowu, N. B., Ist May, 1877. n.— SYNOD OF MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. DEATHS. Presbytery of Montreal. William Tnylor, D.D., Erskine Church, Montreal, 4th September, 1870. Archibald Henderson, A.M., St. Andrew's, Que., I'Jth January, 1877. DEMISSIONS. Presbytery of Quebec. John McKay, lUchmond, llith September, 1870. Telosphore BrouiUette, Valcartier, i:tth Sejitember, 1870. Presbytery of Montreal- Charles A. Tauuer, St. John's Church, Montreal, 11th July, 1870. William Simpson, Lachine, '2yrd July, 1870. William Mitchell, B.A., Chalmer's Church, Montreal, Hth December. 1870. Jolm McFarlane, Farnham Centre, 18th April, 1877. CCXXN. ArrENDix. Vrcibytery of Ottiiica — Fri'iloick Hcmir, Hiicliiiijjhiiiii nnd rjoclmhpr, Itli Itocciiiber, lh7i'll, WoNtiiU'iitli. 7tli Fcbriinry, 1m77. I'reihyterij of J-rovkviUe- Joliii Diiviilsoii, Nurt)i WilliuiuBburijh, '^iHt March, 1877. •rit\NsI,ATI0N8. I'veihijlerii of Qiiiliec — JoLn Milioiiiild, from Wiuslow to Hc(jtstown. Ist Marcli, 1877. I'lt'sbytriii of Montreal— Jolin K. I.dcliciul, IVI.A.. fnun Kl^;in niiil AtlielHtiiiui, to ViilleyHcM, loth July, 187tl. I'oiiiilil HoHs, U.l)., fidiii Clmtlinin iiiul (irt'iivillc to Liicliiiio, Kith October, lH7ii. rreshjjtiii/ -. St. .Ainlrowh Cliiircli, (iiicliih, ^rd Marcli, 1S77. HEMISAIONH. Presbytery of Kiiifintou-- David Uoiittie, fit. Columba iiud St. Paul, Mmloc, IJth April, 1877. Pre/bytery of Cohoury— .JiuiiohM. I>uii|jla8, Coboui'K't itli July, l^TC-, wit'i tliu viuw of jiruceediug tu India, uh a roi'eii^ii Mlsaiunary, Presbytery of WMlhy— Jolin A. (t. C'aldur, Orono and Kendal, 22tb July, 187U. Presbytery of TAndmy— .\. McIjiMiniin, H.A., Scott and l'.\brid(,'\ ClilTil Cari'i| j'rtibyterii Kt. A| May, 1H7| MooiT I'n'hll Hawl temliiT, f Cic'-if Pretbytery ' Woll Vresbyterii Care rresbytery Dm Bay Doe Btis Port Bay Stis Pretbytery Job Kui Eas Pretbytery Boc Preibyter M M Presbyte BECEFTIOM OF MINISTERS. Presbytery of Lindsay— Dugald MaoGregor, 24th July, 1876. Presbytery of Toronto— Thomas Johnstone, 4th July, 1870. WilUani Frizzell, 4tli July, 1870. J. Dobbin West, 4th July, 1876. Jas. Uallautiue, 4th July, 1870, ^ Arch. Hondorson, 4th July, 1870. John Leipor, 7th November, 1870. Edward Millard, 2nd January, 1877. Presbytery of Guelph W. F. Clarke. 11th July, 1870. Charles Urouillotte, Uth July, 1800. C0XOBEOATI0N9 ERECTED. Presbytery of Whitby- Two Cougregntions of Newtonville, united into one, 13th January, 1877. Kendal, separated from Orono and united with Newtonville, 3rd April, 1877. Presbyte 1 Presbyti 12t Presby Presby iri'EWDIX. CCXXXIU. ^u tlio Jith of Prub^tery 0/ Toronto— HftlaiitriiP, 'iltit Novjiinber, 1H70. Hnx'kton, Ilotli .littiimry, 1H77. First t'(»ii(,'re(,'iitl()ii, ami Kuox Cburcb, llramptoti, unltoil Into ono, Uth January, 1877. Prethylery of Owen Sound I.oltli iind I.iiko HLoro Congrocatioui, united Into one, 17tb April, 1877. I're^yterii of Sdityvm— Cliircird, Hoiiiiriitfcl from Carrick. and inined to Hiiliilavn, I'Jtli .July, IHTfi. Currick, disjoiiiod from Clillonl, uud cbanyoa to Muckiiitosb and iJoluioro, i2tb July, 1876. I'rtthyterii of Ciitelph— St. Andrew's and CbaluiorH' Churchi^H, Wiutorboiirnc, united into one, aa Cbaliuorg' Cburcb, 9th May, 1H7II. Mdori'tUild, joined to Calvin C'lmrnh, UotliHay, lltli July, 1h7«. I'n'Ktdii, (irKiini/.cd uh u ('(>ll^;rl•^^lltiou, and uiiited with Hoon und Hos)icler, '.Kitli AuKunt, lH7t!. HawkHvillo, dinjoini'd from CUaliiier»' Cburcli, Wiuterbouruo, and joinuj to Kliaira, IJtb 8op- teiubur, isTC). OH|irin;^«, ctiHjoinod from Kvortou (wbicb in diflcontiuuod), and joined to Kriu, 9tb Jauuary, lH7(t. Uurman .MisHiou at I'ruHtou, to be diauoutiuuod, after iBt June, 1H77. MIHBION BTATIOMB KRECTEI). Vreibyiery of Kiuyston— Wolfo Island con(,'ro«ation reduced to a Mission Station, lltb .\i)ril, 1877, Presbyterji of Ai/H/.ia.//— Garden Misniun joined to North Mai-a, yist July 1870, und disjoined on l.'itb March, 1877. Presbytery nf Darrie— Draper or(,'aiiized, 8th AuRUst, 1870. Baysvillo, I'.lth August, lff70. Doe Lakv, Kltli Koptoiuber, 1870. Btisted, I'ith February, 1H77. Port Carlin),', disjoiued from Uossean, and joined to Rayraond and Shannon, 20tb Sept., 1876. Baysvillo, Orakes, and Macauluy united, Otb March, 1877. Stisted and Port Sidney, disjoined from Uuutsvllle, etc., and joined to Town Line, Cth March, 1677. Pretbytery of Owen Sou7>d— Johnson disjoined from Loitli, 20th March, 1877. Eui)hrnsia disjoined from cliarRu of Bev. A. Stevenson, 20tb March, 1877. East Holland, 20th March, 1877. Presbytery of Saugeen— Rocky Saugeen, diBjoinod from PriceylUe and Durham Road, 19th Sptember, 1876. • JOHN GRAY, S}'>wJ Cltrk. IV.— THE SYNOD OF HAMILTON AN© LONDON. DEATna. Pretbytery of Hamilton— Mr. John McColi, Minister of Central Church, Hamilton, 7th June, 1870. Mr. Alexander McLean, M.A., of Nu^n Church, 3rd April, 1877. Presbytery of Bruce- Mi. Adam MaoKay, of Knox Church, Ripley, 28th May, 1870. DISMISBIONS. Pretbytery of Hamilton— Mr. William Stephenson to the Presbytery of Detroit, U.S., 6th November, 1870. Pretbytery of Bruce— Messrs. U. C. Moffat and D. Dufl, by action of General Assembly, to the Presbytery of Saugeen, 12th July, 1870. DEMISRIOMS. Presbytery of Hamilton- Mr S. C. Fraser, Minister at Thoroldand Merriton,2Gth September, 1870. Mr. James Herald, Minister at St. Andrew's Church, Duudas, Ist November, 1870. Mr. Isaac Campbell, Minister at Beverly, Ist November, 1870. Mr. W. F. Clarke, Minister at Wellaud, Crowland and Port Colborne, 11th January, 1877. Presbytery of London — Mr. Robert Chambers, Minister of East Williams, Ist July, 1670. Mr. James K. Hay, Minister of Delaware, 13th June, 1870. Mr. Joseph S. Eakins, Minister at Parkhill, 27tb September, 1876. Mr. D. McDonald, Minister at St. Andrew's, Westminster, 20th Deceniber, 1876. CCXXXIV. AIM'KNDIX. 1:^1 I'ie$bytery of Stnilfnril— Mr. VV. T. Wilkiui, II.A., Mlnirttor of St. Androw'n Church, Htratfonl, :itNt Dooomber, 1R70. rreMbytery of Tirucr - Mr. 1). \Viirvciiil)or, IHTti. Presliytery nf honilon— Mr. .Faiiii'H (ionlon, "W.K., from Crnnilin Church, North DorchoHter. to Clifton, in tho ProRbytnry of Hamilton, 'Jltli .Inly, \h~,C,. Mr. .Mi'.xiiiiclor Siithiirliind. from (luthrio'ii Church and Cook'8 Church, Cariidoc, to I{l)ilcy, in tho PrcHhytcry of ltrnc«i, :)ril Dcctunhcr, 1m7iI. Mr. .(olm ,\. Miiccloimlil, fniiii DorcluiHtor Stiitioii, to VViilliicctown, on tli« :iril Pfccmlicr, inTtl. Mr. \. Sttnviirt, frmii Mown to North Kiint Hope, in tin' I'n'Hhytcry of Ktriitford. 7tli ,)iiiiiiiiry, I'<77. Mr. Ilu«li Ciirrin, from .Nuiii«?r tn Ki'iidy, in tho I'rcslivtcry of Owen Hound, 7th .riiininry, 1^77. Mr. (i. (i. Mclioliltio, fruni Sliiuihiumin to TilHonhnrji, in tho rroshyli'ry of I'nriM, :ird .Xjiril, 1^77 Presbytery af Htrdtfnrd-— .Mr. .Mux. .\. DruMimond, from SliakoHpoaro and IIiimi)Htniiril— ^fr. Willlimi ('. ArmitrotiK, Llcotitlata of the rrONl>yturliiit (Viurcb, V.H., JdiI Aujput, l^'<'<. Iri'sbytery of Ilunm Mr. KuvKl Miinu, from tho L'uiteil rre»bytoriiiu Cburcb of North Aimricii, lltli July, Ih'rt. COXllRKDATIoNAL CriANdRH. PnHliyterii nf Lontlon— Norili Donlumtor ami DurclicHtor Htatinn, uuitod into one imiitornl obaruu, to bo il««l|(uate(l Cniiu- lin and l)c)i(lit!-,tc!r Htutlou, JOtli March, lh77, i'linbi/terytif Huron — Wiiltoii, Hujiaratuil from MulvlUo C^hurch, MniNHolH, aiid oructoil luto u ROli HUNtaiiilnu cbargo, iXitb Jamiary, 1h77. llflk'ravo Hupariiti'd from Hlyth. iiml iTdctiul lutu u Hclf-KiiHtaiiiinn cliiiruf. :'<'tli Jiitiiiary, 1877. l^Hillc, rcL'uiviicl from tho I'roMlivtory of llriici', '.ilh .liiiiiiary, If^TT, iiinl miittil with lUuuvalu, ICaHt AhIiUuIiI, Hiiiiaratod from IxiUKauuou and i'ort Albert, '.'th Jamiary, 1M77. WIIJJAM fOCIlllANK, D.D.. Svno,i Clcrl: 'ulon Chiircli, V.-1'RESBYTERY OF .MANITOBA. DKMIKSIUN. Uobort JamicBOD, Now Westiniustor, Ueccmbor flth, 1870. INDUCTION. Allan Bell, to the pastoral charge of Portago la Prairie and liumside, January 3rd, 1677. ORDINATIONS. JameB S. Stewart, on the 9th day of August, 1H7C, 1). C. JohnBon, uiiSBiouary and teacher, at Prince Albert, October 11th, 1870. RECEPTION OF MINI8TERB. James 8. Stewart, AuRust nth, 1R70. H. J. Uorthwick, October llth, 1870. 1). C. Johnson, October lltli, 1870. C0NOBEaATI0N.S KRSOTED. Springfleld and Sunnyside, July 19th, 1876. Portage la Prairie, October llth, 1870. Little Britain, Selkirk and Park's Creek, March Otb, 1877 Hish BluS and Portage Creek, March Utb, 1877. UIBSION STATIONS EBECTBD. Emerson and Roseau, August nth, 1870. Clear Springs and Caledonia, October lltb, 1876. JAMES ROBERTSON, Prahtcry CU-rk. CCXXXVl. APPENDIX. OBITUARY NOTICES. BEV. WILLIAM TAYLOU, D.D. In the removal of Dr. Tayloi , the Church has snstnimd a very heavy loss. His influence as a minister of the Gospel and ns one interested in every tlung connected with the intcllcotuiil moral, and spiritual interests of the cinmtry, was extensively felt, not only within the I'reslivteriiiul Church, but nmonR all classes of the community. Dr. Taylor was born and educated in Scotland, He came to Canada in June, 1HH3, and organized what is ir,»w known as Erskine Church, di>]i(n-| sing the communion to 105 communicants. He almost imnied lately commenced his labours in tliel sphere which he so worthily and successfully tilled for upwards of forty-tlnee years. He was al very earnest fri(aid of Presbyterian Union, and after tiie Cnlon of 18(11, was unanimously I called to the Moderator's chair. As a Biblical scholar Pr. Taylor had few superiois; us a i)ublicl speaker, he was impressive and persuasive ; as a Pastor he was attentive^ and dili^'cnt. For a few years before his death his labours were shared by a colleague and successor, but he con- tinued to the end to take part in the various duties of the pastoral office. His death took place at ' Portland, Maine, after a short illness, on the 4th September, 1870. BEV. WILLIAM SMAr.T. The Eev. William Smart, who may be truly regarded as one of the Fathers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, died at (iananoque on the 9th September, 187<). He was educated for the min- istry of the Congregational Church, and was ordained in 1810, with the view of going to the West Indies; but he was providentially led to come to Canada. He arrived at Brockville in 1811. For a number of years he itinerated extensively in all the settlements between Cornwall and Kingston. He was connected with the United Synod of Upper Canada, which body in 1840 joined the Synod in connection with the Church of Scotland. In 1844 he identified bimself with the Presbyterian Church of Canada. He was a warm friend and advocate of Sabbath Schools and Bible Societies, and will long o remembered by many as a faithful minister and an earnest preacher of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Chiist. EEV. PATRICK GBAY. Mr. Gray began his Theological studies at Queen's College, Kingston, and completed them at Knox College, Toronto. His first charge was Nerval and associated congregations, over which ho was ordained in 1846. Afterwards he removed to Beckwith and Carloton Place, and, subse- quently to Chalmers' Church, Kingston, in 1858. His death took place on the '29th October, 187*), in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Mr. Gray was as a scholar and a preacher above the average standard. His thoughts were often striking and original, and they were always expressed in chaste and beautiful language. His sermons were carefully prepared, and delivered with great earnestness and impressiveness. He was greatly beloved by his people, and by all who had the privilege of his acquaintance. He left a widow and several children to mourn his loss. EEV. JAMES BATNE, D.D. Dr. Bayne, of Pictou, N.S., died after a brief illness on the 9th D-^cember, 1876, having al- most completed his sixty-second year. He was a native of Dunbar, >>Lotland, and entered the ministry in Nova Scotia in 1842. He was first settled at Londonderry, N.S., and in 1851 was translated to Pictou, where he laboured till the close of his ministry. His ministry was, by the blessing of God, eminently successful. While he laboured faithfully as a pastor, he was much in- terested in the work of Foreign Missions, and was for many years Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, and to the last took a great interest in the Mission cause. More than once he was called by his brethren to occupy the honourable position of Moderator of the Synod. About fifteen years ago he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Queen's University, Kingston. He was a man of sound judgment, and was held in very high respect by all who knew him. THE BE7. ABCniB.VLD HEXDEBSON, M.A. This venerable father passed away at the ripe age of ninety-three, on the 19th Jannarv. 1877. He was born near Stirling, Scotland, and was educated at St. Andrew's, where he distinguished him- self as a student. He was licensed as a preacher in connection with the Associate Synod. He was first settled at Carlisle, in 1810, but in 1818 came to Canada, having been appointed by tlm British Government as Presbyterian Minister of the Coimty of Argenteuil. with a salary of JJloO. He settled in St. Andrew's, preaching with great earnestness, not only there, but in many places around, till they had obtained ministers of their own. He enjoyed in a high degree tlie respect of the whole community. Since 1860 he had the assistance of tlie Rev. D. Paterson, JI.A., as a colleague and successor ; but to the end he occasionally addressed the people with no apparent falling off in riicntal, and very little in bodily power. Ho continued to the last to take a very deep interest in ever'ything connected with the welfare of the Church, and to several of the schemes of the Chiueh, and especially to the College of Montreal he left substantial tokens of his interest. APPENDIX, CCXXXVU. THE REV. .TOHK HdOO, Ti.P. By the death of Dr. Hogf,'. which took iilace on 'Mi March, 1877, the Prosbytcrian Clinrcli lias lost au CKtiinablo aud learned miuister,. Dr. Hof/K wis a native of KoxbinRh.shirc, and was (Min- iated for the ministry of the Ktlief Chnrch, at (ilasgow. He was of studimis habits and was a man of superior scholarship and literary- taste. He was first settled as n pa-tor at Dumfries, Scotland. Subse(iuently he laboured at Hamilton, Ont., Detroit, Mielii^'an, ami in IH.V.) was in- ducted as minister of St. Andrew's Church, (hielph. He was known as a writer, and contributed to several periodicals some able articles. By his conpregntion and his bntlirc ii in the ministry he was greatly beloved, while he was held in high esteem by the whole community. THE REV. ,TOnN' M LEAN. The Rev John McLean, minister of Knox Church, Oro, died at Stnyucr in the house of his -on-in-law, Mr. Alexander McLean, on the '21th March, ls77. While jireacliitig at Osjirey, where iio was on a visit to friends, he was suddenly taken ill. Having recovered a little from the first attack he wished to return home, but was unable to accomplish the journey. He rested at the house of his son-in-law in Stavnier, where after a time of great sulTering he died on the day already mentioned. He was formerly a minister of the Congregational Church, and laboiued in Chin- >;aacousy and Osprey. After joining the Presbyterian Church he laboured at Finch, from which iharge he was translated to Knox Church, Oro. ^Ir. McLean was a man of decided piety, and of great devoteduess, and faithfully preached the glorious Gospel of our Lord aud -iaviour Jesns Christ. I'M THE REV. ALEXANDER MLEAN, M.A. The Kev. Alexander McLean, M.A., of Nairn Church, Flamboro', had laboured long in the Gospel ^linistry. Pieton, in the Prt^sbytery of Kingston, wht^re he was ordained in February, 1848, Wellington Square, and Waterdown. Kilbride and Nairn Church, Flamboro'. were succes- sively the scenes of his ministerial hibours. He was born near Drockville, and was educated mostly in Canada, but completed his studies in Scotland. ^Ir. McLean was a warm-hearted and iiilectiouate pastor aud a faithful jireacher of the Gospel. Wherever he was known he was re- spected and beloved. His death took place on the 3rd April, 1877. THE RKV. .lOirN TAWSE, M.A. The Eev. .John Tawse, who was a native of Aberdeenshire, came to Canada in the year 1887, nnder the auspices of the Glasgow Colonial Society, through whose means many ministers were Bent to the North American Colonies. He was soon after his arrival settled in King, where he lived forty years. A few years ago he retired from t!:e active duties of the ministry, but continued to preach occasion.ally aud to sujjerintend the Sabbath School, aud conduct a Bible class up to the end of last year. Mr. Tawse was a good scholar and a faithful pastor, greatly respected by liis people aud by his brethren in the ministry. THE REV. ,70UN MUNRO, WALLACE, N.S. The Rev. John Munro, of W^allace, N.S. . died on the morning of Friday, '2;')th May, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Mr. Munro was a zealous and devoted minister, /,>'alous for purity of doctrine, an ardent friend of union, faithful in lucachiug the truth, wliicii he adorned by a con- sistent walk and conversation. He was for some tinii^ employed as a city missionary in Edinburgh, and came to Nova Scotia in 1848. He preached in (iai lie as well as in English, with g- at accept- ance. Some years ago he published a tract on />'.?////// which had a large circulation. Just before his death he had written a tract on '• The Place and Work of Woiunn in the Church.' He had been appointed a delegate to the Presbyterian Council at Ediuburj^ i, but God called him to the " General Assembly" above. ADDRESS TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty : — May it pliusk Yock Ma.testy, — The Mijiisters and Elders of the General Assembly of tlus Presbyterian Church in Canada embrace the opportunity presented by their Annual Aleeting of anew expressing their attachment to Your Majesty's person and Crown. For a number of years Your Majesty was graciously pleased to intimate your satisfaction at receiving Loyal Addresses of a similar nature, from each of the four Presbyterian Churches then labouring ajiart within the different Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. The Union, however, of these several Cli'irohes was recently consummated, and is, we believe, like the Confederation of its several Provinces, every year becoming more Hrmand indissoluble. Knowing, therefore, Your Majesty's deep interest in every thing which concerns the spiritual as well as the temporal wel- CCXXXVlll. APPENDIX. fare of your pc^ople, we feci fissured, that it will afford Your Majesty still preater gratification, that thi'y now, as one; united body, through this their representative Assembly, lay before the Tlironi' the expiessious of thuif devoted loyalty and aft'ection. We bliss (iod for die encouragement and support wliich Your Majesty's per lual iiifliu>nce and example hiive given throughout the whole United Empire to the advancement of those nil im- portant ends, which it is our great aim to promote, and we assure Your Majesty, that it will ever be our i)rayer iiiid endcivour, under the blessing of God, to increase in this part of Your ^[ajrsty's Dominions that pure and undeliled ri'ligion, without wliich no Government can be stable, aud no l)eople really prosixrnus or haiijiy. That Ahiiighty God may bless Your Majesty and all the M( j, bers of Your Koyal Family in nil the relations of life, and that the King of Kings may at Ic^ngth bestow ajion you a Crown tliat f, leth u ( ■ To /lis Excellency the Governor- General : — May it Please Youn Excellency, — The General Assembly of the Pnwbyterian Church in Canada, convened in its annual meeting, desire anew to tender to Your Excellency our expressions' of loyalty aud regard to you as Her Maj(!sty".s representative in this Dominion. Wlien we (irst heard of your Excellency's appoint)nent by our bi'loved Queen, to the position whicii you now hold, knowing that you had already occupied a place of imp(U-tant trust in the Home (iovernuient, aud your distinguished littirnry abilities and attainments, we were led to form high expectations of thti success which would attend Voiir Excellency's discharge of the duties of your exalted station. We now rejoice that our anticipations have been realized. Your unremit- ting watchfulness over the affairs, and concern for the prosperity of the land in wliich we dwell, your eloquent utterances both here aiul in tlu; Mother Country m behalf of its various interests ; and, may we be pcirmitted to add, your dignified yet ailable manners, have excited the admiratiou, and call for the grateful acknowledgments of all classes of Her Majesty's subjects in the Dominion of Canada. Our Clmrcb has shared in the bi'uofits which the country has thus enjoyed. Ever since Your Excellency'^ apjiointment to your high office we have been privileged to pursue in peace our labours in our sacred calling, aud it will be ever memorable in the history of our Church aud of the Dominion, that, during the period of your Government, the union of all the sections of the Pres- byterian body has been happily consummated. That \our Excellency may be blessed in every personal and famUy relation, and guided by that wisdom wliich cometh only from above, in further administering the Government of this portion of Her Majesty's Dominions, is our earnest prayer. FINANCE REPORT— EASTERN SECTION. THE FOREIGN MISSION FUND OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGREGOR, Treasurer. 1870. r)r. July 10. To Widows' Rates for Messrs. Murray, AIcKenzie & Annaud SOO 00 '■ Travelling Kxiieusesof Kev. K. J. Grant iu Nova Scotia :i9 .lO Half Year's Halury toltov. J. Mortou , COS 'HA Sopt. 2. liev. J. F. Cami'ukll— Kxpeusos from Halifax to India .S500 00 Draft for remitting .'Ir.'iO of this to Montreal 2.) Outfit 200 00 Travelling Expenses iu Nova Scotia ,'")7 .50 Tbirtueu montliB' Halary at ;$800 per aunuui, to Dec. 31, 1870 8(Ui 07 1024 42 Rev. K. J. Grant — Travelling expenses to, in, and from Ontario 96 70 " " in Nova Scotia to Aug. 31 :i(i 00 Salary at ;£150 sterling from July 1 to Sept. 1 ViX 07 i'2.")0 " Sept. 1 to Dec. ;U 40.'5 "w Passage from Halifax to St. Thomas loo (k) " St. Thomas to Trinidad Vtsr, (Vi 924 92 Rev. J. MouTON— lUilauco ouKeut Bill 12 84 Fitting 111) Preaching Place .<;" 40 0.5 20 Two nacster Hibles, Moody size, for Messrs. Campbell and Grant i:i iiO Oct. 25, Bill ol i/xehauge on London for salaries of Now Hebrides Missionaries, i:juO steriiiig at0.t 1099 44 " 28. Paid W. C. Silver, being the proportion of McDonald Bequest accruing to Messrs. Morton ct Cliristie 232 69 Kov. 13. BiU of Exchange on London for Salaries of New Hebrides Missionaries, i'200 sterling at 9J 973 34 APPENDIX. CCXXXIX. SBYTEEIAN reasurer. Less by Mrs. Morrison •. £^2 17 3 " M'rs. Geddio 24 1-2 C. «279 77 Dec. 1. Paid to tlio order of Rev. J. McKonzie " *' Uev. iT. Anniiiid " " Kov. H. Uobertson Keei) of Horse for John A. McTJoniild, first three months of Mr. (irnnt's absence Kev. K J. Grant, beiiiR the proportion of McDouakl iJequust accrniiig to Mr. Grant 110 30 Rev. K. J. Grant, from Merif,'ouiisb, at his disiiosal at 00 8003 75 •24 :i3 24 .t:! 40 IH) 30 (M) Aug. 7. Dec. 23. Paid to Daypring Fund the follnwinfi sums received— From United Cliuro'b, New Glasgow I'iO 00 From .Tames " " 30 (M) From River .Tohn 82 IK) From Halifax Woman's Missionary Society 100 00 Half year's Salary to Rev. K. J- Grant Expenses of sliippiuK Mission Croods Froiglit and Insurance of " Advertising San Foriuiudo Teacher I'rintinf,' Hills Janitor of I'nited CMmrch Sum remitted to Rev. K. J. Grant by the Messrs. Stark Stationery Paid for Cashing Montreal Cheque John A. McDonald— One Quarter's Salary 100 00 Addition to Salary for second year 100 («» One Quarter's Salary 100 00 Half year's Salary to .Tune 1 2.')0 00 One montli's Salary to bring date of payment same as other Missionaries 41 33 130 30 3,32 00 OOK 34 2 1.5 i) 17 11 m 500 2 00 40 00 S 00 2.5 April 1. 1876. July 1. Sept. 1. Oct. 1. Dec. 1. 1877. Jan. 1. Feb. 1. Mar. 1. April 1. May 1. Apr. 30. Postage Secretary's Expenses attending Meetings at New Glasgow French "Evanoei.ization— Money from St. I'oter's, C.B., repaid Proportion of Agent's Salary Half Year's Salary to Rev. J. Morton, paid Dec. '2ii, 1876, in advance, but omitted in account in its proper ))lace Interest paid to College account on 6300 loaned for six mouths at 4 per cent Keep of horse for J. A. McDonald, six mouths Balance Cr. rm 33 14 00 14 00 .'5 40 350 00 008 34 00 00 no 00 148 35 s'.)n83 o« By Balance Cash received in May and June, acknowledged in Sejitomber Record . " " July and August, " October " " " September, " November " " " October and November " January " December January February March April Febniary March April May Juno 1419 43 405 76 1001 23 2a'i 87 C.S2 24 ,0.^1 41 524 36 874 51 9 00 Hev C. Namnith, one day H 00 Rev. \V. Dawson, balimcodue in P. F.. I 22 00 David Scott, travelliue oxiienses in Ha]ifax Presbytery 3 00 " " supply or Hodford and Wtivorly 40 50 Rev. P. Melville, balf year's salary 300 00 GAELIC CATECH1BT8, BTDNEY PRESDYTERY. Donald McDonald, St. Ann's " " Boularderio Angus McDonald, Gabarus Miirdocli Hoaton, hocli Ijomond Angus McLean, Cape North ao 00 40 (JO 20 00 20 (K) 40 00 VICTORIA AND RICHMOND PRESBYTERY. Anpiis :McIjeod, Little Kiver Donald Campbell, Haddeck 20 00 20 00 Rev. A. Falconer, expenses toDigby, Halifax Presbytery F. W. (leorKe, balance P. E. L Presbytery Rev. A. L. Wyllie " " " " Truro " •«19 and ■■?8 " Halifax " Rev. J. Bonnet, stipply of Salmon River Rev. E. Hoke, supply of Woodstock Rov. \. Burrows, expenses on arrival and to Truro Rev. \V. T. Bruce, balance <) 00 50 00 40 00 75 00 40 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 32 .50 75 00 40 00 40 00 100 00 75 00 115 00 65 00 70 00 115 00 19 00 ■HI 00 W 00 30 00 75 00 100 00 2.V24 00 PrintiURBill 3 50 Stationery and Postage 10 00 Proportion of Agent's Salary 200 00 Mr. Burgess, travelling expenses , 6 00 Cash toKev. T. Sedgewick, Secretary's allowance .50 00 Drafts and Money Orders, Exchange and charges 3 50 Payments for first half year, as above 2:)62 16 " " second " " 2524 00 273 00 4886 16 851.59 16 May 1. Balance f73 57 •ccxliv. APPENDIX. 187ft (^y By Balance ' g^,, ,, Junb 1. Cash received in May, and acknowledged in AuRUBt Record 14 Ji Aug- 1. " " JimeandJuly " Septoniber " i-jc JA ««Pt.l. " " AuKiiBt " October " i-m S i>ot. 1. " " September " November " 75 ?? I'ec. 1. " " Oct. andNov. " January " ■.....',..■.■.;■.'.■■.'. 820 22 1877i J'ln- 1- " " noconiber " Fobruaij " iw 00 Voh. 1. " " January ". March ' m lo Mar. 1. " " February " AprU " in m AprUl. " '• March " ftfay ■• ,,« .J May 1. " " Apiil " June " ..^..^'^^''...Z''. 507 , " " dtirinf! the few dayH of grace after May 1 110 1)6 " Paid over by Home Mission Board 481 44 Balance due Treasiu-er 7;( 57 ._-,,„.„„ P. G. McGKKOOR, Halifax, May 18, 1877. , TreuBurer. Audited. |j_ M^(.LBAN. EDUCATION FUND OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRESBYTEKIAN CHURCH IN CANADA, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGREGOR, Treasurer. 1876. Dr. May 1. To Balance due Treasurer $514 98 SALARIES. Quarterly. June 1, Rev. Dr. Ross, lat of June, Sojitomber, Dtcember, and March §375 00 Rov. Prof. McKnight, " " " ;17,'; (X) July 1. Rev. Dr. Lyall, Ist of July, October, January, and April llV.'i (K) Rev. J. Currie, " " " " :i7.5 00 Kev. Prof. McDonald, Oct. 1, IhTO, and April :iO, 1877 150 00 FUKNIBHINO AND 8UPPLIK8. .Stove for Class Room No. 1 J. Coleman, plastering J. Van Malder, paintins Wm. Roche, coal Malcolm Campbell, repairs Reilly & Davison, stove-pipe repairs Mrs. Hershman Y. M. C. A. Committee Room. Insurance Printer's Bills James & Foster for Release .. MISCELLAKEOCS. Lmn.VRY. Prof. McKnight for Books Wesleyan Book Room for Quarterly Reviews. . B. A. Book Store, Reviews Travelling expenses of Rev. Messrs. Bennet, Waters, Houston, and Mitchell . Stationery Postage 8 50 1 00 800 18 90 42 00 1 20 5.3 00 1 00 48 75 11 00 5 00 56 80 5 50 7 75 \:m 00 1,500 00 1.500 00 1.500 00 300 00 79 60 118 75 70 05 18 .50 5 00 10 00 BURSARY FUND. Interest of Hunter's Bursary Investment 120 00 Matheson's " " 50 00 Proportion of Agent's Salary. 170 00 500 00 3^7786 88 Mav 1. Balance $103 29 1876. July Ani,'. Sept Oct. Deo. 1(S77. Jan. 1. Fob. 1, Mnr. 1, April 1 May 1, Cr. By Cash received in June, and acknowledged in August Record SlOl 27 July " September " 193 88 " " August " October " 1124 67 " " September " November " 133 03 " " Oct. andNov. " January " 417 63 December January February March April Before closing of accounts February March April May June July Collection at St. Andrew's Church for Library 937 07 442 28 644 04 470 84 488 18 396 28 27 19 APPENDIX. cexl\ $!V)1 43 M 41 I'.lfi 40 12 77 friO -22 IS! 00 6r•.• " Hunk of Nova Scotia, 8 sliaros, AuRUHt, 1H76 tl4 iH) " " " " Fobruaryl877 f>4 (K) " on Union Dank, IK) sliaros, February, 1877, not acknuwledgod 4.") oo Interest on Pro. UebeutureH, ,£1,200 storlinR, not acknowledged 175 20 " from Huil«:iOO Halancedue on Win. >io Donald's Mortgage IXH) (X) Casli from Stock l)eiiig .*i:i2.:i7 Halancedue on John Heughan's Mortgage 1H2 :I7 4.12 :i7 Balance li;;t l".) r7H*) MM Audited. f J. MacLean. (JaH. J. HUEMNER. r. G. McCiUl'.fiOU, Treasurer. THE FRENCH EVANGELIZATION FUND OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGUiUiOU, Tnasttrer. $514 98 79 60 70 05 18 .50 5 00 10 00 1870. /;;-. MARITIUE PROVINCES. To Cash to Mr. Rivard, balance due " Ishmael P. Hruneau !?G OO ,50 0. Uy niilanco Halo of Forty HliuroH T. H. Stock at. •5< 130 Dividuna oil two Slian-s U. N. H IJIH (X) 1*1:17 11 aiOO 00 Kortv SliarcH, I'liiou Hunk, at *'2 IiitfiroBt oil .-iKliM), N.H. ciirroncy, at li prr ciiiit. from Joliii Miller Iiiti^rcKt on Iii'iiocit Ui'cciiit of .^liMiO for :i iiioiitbHat 5 per cent hiviilmiil of II) Slmrt'H, In ion Hank, at ■-'I. .1(1 ,. Diviiloiul on 'J SlnireH, H.N.S IiittiroHt on RIovtKii(,'o of -rlluo, N. S. iMirronoy, by D. Sutherland lutorust on .-?i;t7. 11 lor it riionths at 1 per aunt :i.> 04 till INI ir> u(i 81 70 4 11 Bulunco duo Treasurer 30r. 41 12 12 .■<:)0.-)4 117 Halifax, May 2(i, 1877. A,. iu„,i JT MACIjKAN. Audited. Ijah. J. UUEMNEB. P. O. McQREOOn, 2Ye«»i*rtr. ZENANA MISSION, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGREGOR, Treasunr. Dr. Feb. 14. To George Mitchell, Esq., to pay Memorial Stone for Miss Johns ■CSO 00 Balance 25a 70 »308 76 Cr. """^ May 1. By Balance .*244 00 St. Matthew's S.S 50 00 Kov. Hugh llobertaou 5 00 , Intereaton 5S244 i) 70 ^30H 76 CHILDREN'S MEMORLiL FUND, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGREGOR, Treasurer. Dr. To Dayspring and Mission Schools $1H2 11 HomeMissions for North-West 1H9 12 Cr. By Snms received and acknowledged in Hecord for September 83;!7 23 " " October 20 00 . Bridge-water 7 00 Clyde and Barrington, for North-West 7 00 «:i71 23 .■?371 '23 MANITOBA COLLEGE, IN ACCOUNT WITH REV. P. G. McGREGOR, Treasurer. Dr. To Cash Bemittcd to Dr. Reid :*90 1877. Cr. By Contribution from Fort Massev ?40 00 " St. Matthew's, Halifax 50 00 .?90 00 APPENDIX. ccxlvii. FOREKIN MISSION BUllSAUY FUND, IN ACCOUNT WITH IlEV. P. 0. McGllEOOll, Trfasurer. Cr. May 1. nyHalanco In Fiin'l nt ilate .. lutorost ou tliu Sum fur ona yonr »t 4 p«r amt. 4 77 *IJt 'a Halifax, 3/ai/2;i, 1877. Amlitn.l J''' MACr-FAN. V. O. M((IHFfi01{, 'i'r«a«i(rer, NEH. STOCK IIEI.D I!Y lioAIin OF EDUCATION OF THE (iENEHAL ASSEMIU-Y OF THE I'UKSIiVTEUlAN CIU lull IN CANADA. I.— Foil C'or.i,i:(ii\TK Kuccation— Hank Stock ia:m,(in« {« >ri'iiti,'at;('S Noti'n OtlitT St'curitioH.. l)0]lOHit Uoi'Ol|it8.. l:),7Ki m :),!M17 14 t!,4:)4 (17 3,77iJ «) II.— For Foui:i()| .-.1 l.'.idi 117 #4.i.->l 21 HOO 00 \m; (17 i:i ;i3 3,C51 21 1000 00 *(■>■», .7J9 (K> Audited, ! .1. MAf'LRAN. IJAS. J. BRElfNER. P. O. McGUEOOK, Treasurer. FUNDS BALANCED. 1S77. May 1. In Fund. Deficit. Foroifin Mission Fund iJHb 35 Doyspring and Mission Soliools 6777 'J'3 Crorai' Uoserve Mission Fund .... lli 12 Foreign Mission Uursary Fund 1'24 l.*; Zonnna Mission liW 7(1 .... Homo Missions . ., 507 ti5 .... Supplementing Fund 73 57 French Evangelization 403 5a College Fund 1R3 29 *i.50-.i vi .ifio-j; 'JO Balances to Cr ■>1502 49 Dr 1020 90 Difference in Treasurer's bands 8475 69 Halifax, May 31, 1877. Audited \ •^*^- •'• BREimSB. Auoitea. j J j^^cLeam. P. G. McGKEGOlJ, Treasurer. AGENT'S SALARY. 1877. Drawn from College cash account J.'KH) 00 Home Missions .'iOO oo Supplementing Fund 200 do Foreign Missions 8.50 IX) Dayapring 200 00 French Evangelization 200 00 Hunter Church Building Committee 250 (X) S2000 00 ATKiito,! (JMacLean. p. G. McGUKGOR, Auauea. | j^g j jjbemner. Treasurer. ccxlviii. APFEKDIX. r ■« FINANCE REPORT— WESTERN SECTION.— 1870-77. Tho nrfompaiiyiiiK HtatcmciitN ami RcciniiitB show tin' rtcoiptH nutl cxiHiKliluii' fur tlui variouR BohoiuoH of the Cliiirch iliiriiiK tlio pust ycnr. Whilr dome of tlif Mcln'intH un- not in hiicIi a prospcidiiM condition hm ininlit l>o (Itsin^il, tlio iinioiintH rt'ccivod, ponHidcrinK tlm very Kicut b^Mi U08H di'prt'Msion wliioli linn ixiKtud throu^'liout tlu' year, may he roRiirdt'd aH not unHatisfactorv. Thf r< portu of tlio varioiu (Jominitticj* involve the financial condition of the sfvcrai (icIh'iuoh, BO that it irt not nrcscHsary to ivU-r to tlioni fiirtln r Iuti'. In rt'Kard to the AMKrinlily l-'und, it will b(t Ht'cn that lln' rxprnditiirc Iwim hnn larRu, and that a very coiHidcrahli' dilicirni'V rxintcd at tho cloHt^ of the rinuni^ial yrar. It nniy ho ntnttd, howivcr, that tin' laiyi' advtirHo halaiifi- iian licnn largely o\viIl^' to thotxpcnsi's of inci'tinK of ('urnniittff, in Montreal, in Siiitiinlirr, lH7"(, ami to tho oxpenHes of deputations. Had nil the eonj,'reKationH paid th(^ proportion ulloiMited (live ceiitM per uieniher) there nii^'ht have heen no delloieniiy, or the deticiency woidd havo heeii preatlv reduced. Notwitlntmidin^.^ the deht on the .\ssenihly Fund, it i-i helieved tliilt the .siinie rate of ooutrihntion, if faithfully (•olle(rted and remitted, would he tullieient f^r thepurposi'nof the I''und. In Home l'n-ihyleri( H, espeeiully in tho I'ri'shytery of Harrie, the rontrihiitionrt for the AsHemhly Fund have heen (collected hy the Troaniirer of the I'rf'shytery and reniitteil hy him. It would be desirahle that the Name wmrne shonM he follow*'d hy other l'renhyterieH. The report of Mr. .John McMiurich and Mr. John L. lUaikie, on tho accounts of tho a^ent of the Church, i.-< hereto apptMulcd. WM. UEII), Gfnfr„l Agtnt. COLLEGE FUND— (KNOX AND QUEEN'S). r.ECEIPTH. Keceivod from all soiu'ceH S987C SS KXl'ENDITURK. Amount paid to Knox CollPRe $8001) 14 " Queen's CoIleRe 181095 88 Expenses of Deputations, etc 42 00 Balance 229 58 1807 41 KNOX COLLEGE. RECEIPTS. Amount received from College Fund $8009 14 •' " " Special oontributiouB, Ac 457 00 " " " Interest from Endowment I'und 18()(J 85 Balance at Dr 13477 85 EXPENDITURE. Balance at beginning of year 89531 25 Salaries of Professors, etc 8450 00 Dr. Willis, retiring allowance 1200 00 Library 151 01 I'rinting 129 10 Fuel, light, water 2288 58 Sundry accounts 117 02 Mr. Taverner 150 00 Students' Library Society 25 00 Insurance 67 OS Interest 700 00 General expenses 125 00 Proportion of salary 375 00 BURSARY FUND. RECEIPTS. Balance from last year ^488 30 Receipts from all soiu'ces 1397 98 EXPENDITURE. Bursaries paid $1595 00 General expenses, etc 65 00 Balance 226 34 $9876 65 823810 84 $23310 84 81886 34 81886 34 Al'l'ENDIX. ccxlix. COLLEGE HUILDINU. RKCi;lPT8. Subscript ioiiH rocoivoil Sl-^HTH 49 Siilo of lutri — old CoUcKo property I'Jm.'iK do Dalaiice 7!i"Jh lU KXPKNIHTnii;. Lalance i^H'lr,'.} IK I). S. Keith \ Co., Ipiiliuifc of coiitnict ami miiuliioH •2'>'1'.) (l*i iialiiiicfs duo on lniiidiiij,' and cost of douldo Ha.siioH, etc ItlMl) ;!,"» Halanco of accounts for Eurnisliing ti.")2 14 Laying' out Krouiids -j;! 7,> Printing and advertiKing ;t2 (iO <'aiivassiu!.r, indudiii;,' Ucv. H. 11. Warden's salary and cxpcnHcs. 712 IH Interest on site, loans and advances MHit l'» Kepaynient of loans, etc l7tU() (Ml Taxes, (jld Colle^'u property •^tll :!() I'liotoKiaphs of Colk'Ko anil Portrait of W. Hall J21 00 Discoiuits on ciicfjues, etc 10 I') Proportion of general expenses '2')(» (10 Salary 17". 00 980157 48 :*i3G157 48 COLLEGE ENDOWMENT. RKC'Kll'TS. Balance ■?(l-.i'.)'2 10 Ueceived from Hall Estate..,. ;M.')0 (;;{ MortKa^es ;!(m lit ;J7 Interest from Mortf,'af,'e.s !SH() oo " '• other fcources ").J0 oO EXPENDITURE. Sundry expenses SI/) 00 Charge for tran.sference of mortgage, etc 'A I't Credited to Knox College Ordinary Fund l.'ifiti 85 Balance 4()2ifJ 10 $47728 10 S47728 10 MANITOBA COLLEGE— ENDOWMENT. RECEIPTS. Balance ^](!()4 ;!0 Interest -ilo oo EXPENDITURE. Credited to Manitoba College Ordinary Fund 5*210 01 Balance I<">ti4 :50 81874 30 ei874 80 MANITOBA COLLEGE— ORDINARY FUND. RECEIPTS. Received from Congregations S899 tJG Interest from Endowment Fmid -10 00 Balance "istlO 72 EXPENDITURE. Paid on account of Professors $3380 32 Interest !»() <>0 $3479 82 SB479 32 B ccl. APPENDIX. AGED AND INFIRM MINISTERS' FUND. RECEIPTS. Balance S817 12 Collections and d(. nations l-j-V.t (;4 From Willows' Fuud l-iild 00 Interest 3;50 00 Investment paid iiOOO 00 EXPENDITl'RI';.' Ministers paid, including amount for Rev. .7. Tdidcolni oT35 40 Expenses of Counnitteo ;{8 do Proportion of gfiiural expenses M (M) " " Salary 7') oo Balance 17:57 4() CHILDREN OF LATE REV. J. NISBET. Balance on hand ."i^lLSi) 'A\ Received 41;} 00 Interest 7'> 00 GENERAL ASSEMBLY FUND, RECEIPTS. Balance from last j-ear ^101 08 Receipts 8;! .")( > 1 1 Balance 1(382 77 E.KPENDITURE. Expenses connected with Assemblj' in Toronto 812'.) 00 Accoimncdation of Members JJlJO 4(j Printing at Assembly 88 50 Printing Minutes, with paper 220;) 18 Sundry accounts 80 25 Mailing and transmission of Minutes 88 03 Paid on account of Delegates toother churches 880 80 Expenses of meeting in Montreal 908 81 Paid in connection with various schemes 1)1 05 Ou account of statistics. Rev. R. Torrance 100 00 Several accounts, per Rev. Dr. McGregor 15 88 Expenses in connection with Conunittee on Book of Procedure... 80 80 Expenses incurred by Rev. Professor j\Iackerras 14 50 Salaries of Assembly Clerks (550 00 FOREIGN MISSIONS. RECEIPTS. Balance S800 50 Receipts from Congregations, dice 14080 24 AVoman's Foreign Missionary Society lUOO 00 EXI'ENUITI'RE. Paid on account of Missions in Noitli-AVcst 8001 07 Formosa, iuchuliiig salaries, helpers, students, chopel-ljuildiiig, etc. 0784 74 India, incliulin.L; outiil and passage of Mr. Douglas 85(»7 N2 Sundry ( xpenses of Committee 150 55 Remitted to Dr. ^McGregor for " Dayspring," Trinidad, etc 70 00 Interest 175 00 G ent ral expenses 200 00 Salary o75 oi) Balance 471 00 55G3G 70 ^5080 70 $1608 84 8513!) 90 8513'.) 90 $15429 7-1 $15429 74 APPENDIX. ccli. FRENCH EVANGELIZATION. RECEIPTS. Balance S4G2 05 Ileceived per collections, donatious, etc •i()'.i4 17 S4i88 22 EXPENDITURE. Remitted to Montreal 844'i7 0(> General expenses -J..') (lit Balance ;)4 1 (> §44«(] 22 HOME MISSION FUND. RECEIPTS. Ueceived from all sources 1^34498 14 PAYMENTS. lialance at Dr SOjIS ">() I'aid Presbytery of Quebec '.t7i» ')0 Montreal 2(i:{5 25 •♦ Ottawa 274() 13 " / Glen<,'arrv 2(10 2') " Brockvilie 1.110 73 " Kingston 2.-)(i7 74 " Peterboro' 1210 r>7 '• Whitby " Lindsay 802 (io " TorontI) 14-;-. (33 " Barrie 1(548 00 " Owen Sound .S88 05 " Saugeen 783 44 ■ " Guelph 2'.)1 00 " Haaiilton 11(;4 40 " Paris 337*-)0 " London 2(!7!) 90 *• Chatham 1134 95 " Stratford ■ 185 00 " Huron (;22 00 " Bruce 4(J3 85 " Manitoba 4033 08 " British Colmnbia 1150 00 •' Lake Superior 1030 81 Expenses of Committee, Deputations, and iiiuiniiitfor Convener.. 770 34 Accounts tor Printing and Advertising 442 25 Interest 400 00 General expenses 350 oO Salary of Agent 500 00 Balance 854 50 $34498 14 WIDOWS' bUND. RECEIPTS. Balance S(]22(> 24 Collections and donations 3141 54 Ministers' Rates 1901 00 Interest 5535 30 Principal repaid 10202 14 ??2712U 28 EXPENDITURE. Annuities 5000 00 Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund 1250 00 Printing, etc 24 37 Remitted J. Croii, Esq 03 00 Invested 114H2 70 Proportion of general expenses 350 00 " " Salary 525 (JO Balance 8431 15 827120 28 cclii. APPENDIX. PRESENT STATE OF FUND. Debentures SGOSno 00 Mortgages llfiO/j f5'2 Temporary loans and cash 8431 W §88190 77 BALANCE SHEET. Db. $13,477 85 Knox College Ordiunry Fund , 7,328 91 " ' "'■ Cn. Building " " Bursary " S'i'iO 34 " " Emlowmeut Fund 40,29-2 10 Homo Mission 8o4 59 Foreign 474 Cti French Eviiugelization 34 Ki 1,682 77 General Assembly Fund Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund 1,737 4(1 Widows' Fund 8,431 15 Manitoba College, Endowment 1,6(54 30 2,869 72 " " Ordinary Children of late Eev. J. Nisbet 1.008 .59 Queen's College 238 67 171 29 (ieneral Esp(>nse9 36,549 37 Mortgages, Knox College Notes Discounted 5,000 00 1,878 19 Ontario Bank 1,118 51 Merchants' 544 48 Federal 1,000 90 Cash «66,622 02 m>fi'22 02 We hereby certify that having audited the books and accounts of the Rev. Dr. Eeid, and com- pared the entries with the vouchors, we have found the same to be correct. The above Balance Sheet shows the amount at the debit or credit of each account. J. McMURHICH. JOHN L. BLAIiaE, Audifors Toronto, 1st May, 1877. A APPENDIX. ccHii. $88190 77 Cb. S2'2f, 34 40,292 10 85-1 5!) 471 CO 34 10 1,7H7 40 8,431 15 1,004 30 1,008 ol) 238 07 BUSINESS TO WHICH PRESBYTERIES ARE REQUIREx) TO GIVE ATTENTION. 5,000 00 ?0O,0'2'2 02 ., and corn- re Balance ditors. 1. Amended reffnlations anent Ministers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund. To bo remitted to Pres- byteries by amending Committee. ( Vide Minutes, pji. 21|. 2. Shall an Agent be appointed for the piu-pose of promoting the Scheme of Home Missions in connection with the other general Schemes of the Church ? ( Vide Minutes, p]i. 32). 3. Shall there be a common Fund for the maintenance of the Theological Colleges in Montreal, Kingston and Toronto, to be apportioned among them in a way just to the claims and ne- cessities of each? {^^V'ldc Minutes, pp. 37.) 4. Shall the names of Retired Ministers be retained on Presbytery EoUs ? ( Vide Minutes, pp. 47). 5. Shall the names of Ordained Missionaries employed for one year or a longer period by Presby- teries in paricuL mission districts with the sanction of the Assembly's Home ^Mission Com- mittee, be placed on the lloll of the Presbytery within whoso bounds they labour ? [I'ide Minutes, pp. 47). 6. Questions proposed to be put to office-bearers and formula to be subscribed by them. ( Vide Minutes, pp. 49). 7. Ecclesiastical Procedure. To be remitted by the Committee to Presbjteries. (['/(/■■ ^Minute-;, pp. 50). 8. Injunction to deal with those congregations which hiive not contributed to the Homo Mis.-,ion Fund. ( Vide Minutes, pp. 34) . 9. Instruction to see that Mis^^iouary Associations be established in all the congregations within their bounds. (rVt/t' Minutes, pp. 34). * INDEX. •I r.uiE. Address to tlie (^ueen. t'omtuiltee to prepare <) " " " Adoptiou of ;{2 " " CJoveruor-(ieneral, ('oniiaittet' to prepare " " " •' Ikported on ' U " " Leave to retire from the active Ministry "21 " " " '■ Committee on i) Reported on :{s. 11, 16 " License Iti, i:!, 20 " i« II Committee on !> Report of 15 " A Place on the Roll of Presbytery 21 ■• '• " " Reported on 17 Buirrie, Rev. Pr., Permitted to retire from the active Ministry .... I'i '• Presbytery ry. Synod of Toronto an^ Kin;,'ston /// n- Marpks 2(\ " and Toronto Pre.sbyteries, Boundaries of ">0 Barrier Act i)usseil into a ])erin;inent enactment 22 Beauier, Rev. Abraham, admitted as a .Minister il Bills and Overtures, Committee on 8 Boudrean, "SI. ¥., ])ermisBion t,'ranted to License 15 Boundaries of Toronto and Barrie I'resbyterie.i 50 Brantford Young Ladies' College, Dii-ectors of B* Report on l'.> Business, Committee on 8 Reports of ^K 1-', Kl, 21, 24, L'8, H2 Buxton Finance Trust transferred to S.) nod of Hamilton and London 13 I Camerle, M., remitted to car(,> of Montreal Presbytery 44 Campbell, Rev. James, admitted as a Minister 11 Cattanach, John C, permission granted to License -15 INDE^V- Cclv. I'AOK 0 " " " " Report of 11 Collections, Public, Appointment of ol College, Knox, Board of Management. , HI) " " Senate 3, Committee on 42 " Report on 27 Macdonalil, Rev. A. , name of, retained on the Presbytery Roll 17 M.icdonnell, Rev. D. J., matter relating to 13, It, 1-"), It!, '21, 23 Miijfarlano, A., permission granted to License, I'j MacgiUivray. Alex., '• •' " 15 Mackay, Hu^'h, " •' " 1") Mackay, R. P., '• •• ■■ 15 Mackenzie, Alex. , " " " 45 Macleunan, F., " '.' " • 45 Macphee, N. , " " " 45 Macpherson, Rev. Thomas, permitted to retire from active Min istry 4() McLeod, Rev. Hugh, D.D., elected Moderator H Manitoba College. Roara of Management 40 Reports on .' 18, 38 " " Arrangements for the maintenance of '*8 Melville, Rev. Peter, name of, retained on the Presbytery Roll 47 Missions, Foreign, Committee on 41 " Reports on 24 " " " Report of Committee on 35 " " Proposed Regulations anent 4!) " Home, Committee on 41 " " Reports on 12 " " " Report of Committee on 32, 33 " " Overtures anent 19, '22, '25 Missions, Juvenile, Committee on 41 " " Report cm 27 " to the Lumbermen, Committee on, 42 " " Report on 27 Mode of Appointing Committees of Assembly, Committee to consider oO Moderator, Election of 8 " Thanks to the Retiring 8 Montreal College, Board of Jlanagement 40 Senate 40 " " Examiners 40 " '' Reports on 17,37 Morriu, " Verbal report on 17 Morton, A. C, permission grouted to License 45 Nicol, Alexander, permission granted to License 45 Obituary Notices, Committee to prepare 27 OIBce-bearers, Questions to be put to, and Formula to be signed by 49 Omand, William, remitted to care of Manitoba Presbytery 18, 37 Ordained Missionaries, names of, on Presbytery Rolls, to be considered 47 Ouriere, Rev. B., admitted as a Minister ^^ Overture anent Amusements 4'^ " " Colleges of the Church 18 ii :i_ cclviii. INDEX. PAtIB Overtnre nncnt Exponsea of Commissioners to the Assembly jo " " Homo Mission Work ly " " " " Committeo's llt'Rulntions '22 " '• " " Fields, Allocation of Stutlonts to 2'i " " " Missions, management of by Synods '25 " " Hymn-Hook ;n, 32 " " Indian Missions in the North-West ;jO " " Messrs. Oinund and Cunningham IH. ;i7 " " Hustentation Fnnd 21, 2o " " Thanksgiving Day !J0, :!5 Paterson, llev. J., name of, retained on Presbytery Roll 17 Porteons, llev. John, permitted to retire from active Miuistrj' lii Presbytery of " Iianark and Renfrew,'' proposed new 20, 29 Probationers, Admission of, from other Churclies 10, U. 11 " Distribution of, Committee on U «« " Report on * U) " and Vacancies, Regulations auent, adopted aJ inUnm ID Pnblic Collections, Appointment of 51 " Education in the Maritime Provinces, Appointment of Com. transferred 13 Queen, Address to the ...,.» Sabbath Observance, Committi'e on 12 Report on 48 " Schools. Committee on 42 " " Report on 48 Scott, A. A., permission granted to License 4.5 Scrimger, Rev. .lolin, re-appointed Lecturer in Montreal College 37 Services in St. Matthew's Chiu'ch on Sabbath, arranged for 12, 15, 4(3 Smith, Gilbert A., Application of, not entertained 45 Standing Committees, Committee to nominate 16 " " " " Report of 27, 28, 31, 39 PAilB 1!) 19 ^2 22 '2'i 31, 32 30 IH. 37 ....21. 25 .. ..30, 3o 17 1() ....20, 2!) lit, 11, Ji 11 19 'It) 51 13 9, 32 i) 17,37 10 49 10 10 10 27 11, 28 ..13. 21, 22 30 21 9 ..38, li, 40 . .21, 4(J, -17 .13, 21, 22 45 41 3 3,24 .... ',1, 13 45 42 48 42 18 15 37 . 12, 15, 40 45 16 28, 31, 39 A INDEX. eclix, PAOK State of Religion, Committee on 42 " " " lleporton .'. 31 Statistics, Committee ou 43 " lleporton IH St. John, Sympathy with Hutlerera by tire iit 29, 44 SupplemoutH, Committee ou 41 " lleport ou 12 Temperance, Memorial anent JO Thunka, Votes of I'd Thanksgiving Day, Overture anent 30, ..5 T/ie rresbyUrian Kccofii, Committee on 42 " " " lleport ou 2m " " " " Committee o'l 2H " " " " •• Kejiort of 35 Theological Hall, Halifax, Committt v of Superinteudcuct' 40 " " Semite JO " " " Report ou ' 1h, 37 Vacancies and Probationers, llegulatious aneut 49 Widows' aud Orphans' Fund, Committees ou 42 " " " Reports ou 47 " " " Returns on Regulations anent 21 Wilson, W. A., permission granted to License 45 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Kingston, Report of 44 Young Men's Christian Association, Invitation from 11 ■W' INDEX TO APPENDIX. Reiiort of Home Mission Coniniitttc, W'estrm Sectiou, with Appoiidicos . " " " Enstirn " " " Committee on Hni>iil(monts — Muiitime Trovinfi's " " Fiiii'i(.'ii MissiouH— Eiistcrn Sectidii , i. . xlv. . Ivii. . Iviii. •• " —Western Section Ixvii. '' MisHJdn to the liUiiilieniicii Ixxi. Indian Oiplinniige iiiul .Iiivenilt^ JliHsiun Ixxiv. Board of Management of Knox College, with Report of Senate, etc Ixxvi. " " I'n'slpyteriiin ColieKO, Jfontreal, with Report of Senate, Ac. Ixxxiii. Trustees of (Queen's University and (.'(lUoge, witii Statements lx:c.\ix. Board of Siiperintendeuco of Theoloj^icnl Hull, Halifax, with Statements xcvi. Board uf Manat'eiiuiit of JIanitoba College, with Statements ci. Committee on State of Religion ' civ. Board of Freueh Evangelization cviii. Sabbath School Committee cxxiii. Sabbath Observance cxxiv. Committee on Ecclesiastical Procedure cx\v. Managers of JI .asters' Widows' and Oi-phans' Fund — Presbyterian Church of Canada, in ""uuection with Church of Scotland. . . cxxv. Canada Presbyterian Church cxxvii. Presbyterian Cliurch of the Lower Proviucee cxxviii. Presbyterian Church of the Maritime Provinces, in connection with Church of Scotland cxxix. Committee on Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund — Western Section cxxxii. " " " Eastern Section cxxxiii. Pi-csbylcrian Record exxx^•. Committee on Statistic- cxxxvi. Statistical Returns cxl. Financial Returns clxxviii. Rolls of Synods and Presbyteries ecxii. Changes in Rolls ccxxviii. Obituary Notices ccxxxvi. Address to the Queen ccxxxvii. " Governor-General ccxxxviii. Finance Reports — Eastern Ki^ction ccxxxviii. " —Western Section ccxiviii. Business to which Presbyteries are recjuired to give attention ccliii. ■ . . i. . .. xlv. ... Ivii. , .. Iviii. . . l.wii. .. Ixxi, . . Jxxiv, .. Isxvi. 'io. hxKui. .. lx:;xix. . . xcvi. . . ci. . . eiv. . . oviii. . . cxxiii. . . cxxiv. . . cxxv. . cxxv. . cxxvii. . cxxviii. h . cxxix. . cxxxii. . cxxxiii. . cxxxv. . cxxxvi. . cxl. clxxviii. ecxii. ccxxviii, ccxxxvi. ccxxxvii. ccxxxviii. ccxxxviii. ccxlviii. ccliii.