_^ ._ •! i j »i Miiwnj i ..itni.i/^i...«....i i..jtjii i ...i..nft ....i i ...i. i...im..i.i.i.t.i.n..tni .T.TT-.^ ^^ ^Jf UttTintiM-fc*-^ ^'tin^'ti-e* .... I . t |.n»p^|. ». ■»*! :£): THE ! f I ! 1 i ! I : t ! I J VM SANCTIFIED BY THE DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS By Father E. Desjardins ofthe Society of Jesus. | ( Venite ad me omnes. (Matthew). . (a. IW. D. G, ^ Translated from the French ofthe 4tst EDITION By Rev. Ferdinand B61ani^er. I* * P i i QUEBEC LEGER BROUSSEAU'S STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT No. 7, Buade Street 1874 » .i...ni li> m i iiLiiii.JiauiiJ..i..ii ' .g. : „..ji.iiniiiimiun i nmu»»mjui tiiiiimninni.iajiimiiuiw i r r " *" —•••' " — ....^ « MM...... n AJ H-hl ir ■A I :. 'H mn'\r^ 't'mufi H01Tf. O. Translated from the French of tlio 4tst EDITION. QUEBP-IG LEGER DROUSSEAU'S STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT No. 7, Buade Stre«f!t ^1874 A-'\ A ■ i, ::: * t i^;'«^'>- •ti ^ • * « I J Wk » * ^ * * * ' . • A e « .« # > • ■ * e ' •V It ■•'*./♦ J ♦ <» ^ • « .» -<■», '• 6X « 4 » « • « - ♦ »•» **«M * •f # • » I' •< • »• SUNDAY. Consideration. — The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has for its object the adorable Heart of the divine Saviour and the infinite love with which He was consumed for us. The end of this devotion is to render unto Him love for love, to thank Him for His benefits and to repair the outrages which He unceasingly receives, especially in the Sacrament of our altars. It has been revealed by Jesus-Christ himself, as the most efficacious means to re- kindle amongst Christians faith which languishes and charity which is growing cold. No devotion seems more appro- priate to the wants of modern society. «To the egotism of our times, to its religious indifference, to cupidity which divides the hearts, and to discourage- ment which enervates them, it opposes the worship and .the divine influence of the most devoted, of the most pure, of 56637 the most tender and most compassionate of all hearts. In the Blessed Sacrament of the altar it is, that, according to the spirit of the Church, we should particularly render the worship of our adorations, of our gratitude, of our love and of our praises to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, since Faith represents it to us in the holy Tabernacle as animated with the same sentiments which He manifested during His earthly career. Invocatiou* " O Jesus, my sweet hope, may the " divine Heart, already torn by love ** for me and open to all sinners, be the " safie asylum of my soul," (Ste. Ger- trude.) * Practice. Show yourself generous in the service of the Lord, in order to honor the zeal of the Heart of Jesus for the glory of His heavenly Father. Aspiration. Mary, make us know the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ifesoliilioii. I will get myself inscribed in the Association of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I will receive Holy Communion the first friday of each month. On that day, I will recite an act of Conjecration and of solemn reparation. I will get myself inscribed also in the association of the Communion for atonement^ and in that of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Each day I will recite the following invocation : Our Lady of the Sacred Hearty pray for us, Consecra^tion. O Jesus ! I renew the alliance which I have had the happiness of making with Thee on the day of my baptism, and anew renouncing Satan, His pomps and his works, I consecrate myself for ever to the adorable Heart of Jesus and ta the immaculate Heart of Mary. [Recite the Litanies of the Sacred Hearty page [Q. or the Chaplet of thanksgiving^ page 17.) 6 — MONDAY. \ f Consideration. — The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is not the exclusive privilege of a fevvr pious souls only. Our Lord has recommended that it should be published and spread in all places. Are not all men the object of His tenderness ? Have they not all been bedewed with His blood and filled with His benefits ? Have they not all wounded this adorable Heart by their sins ? The Heart of Jesus is the trea- sure of all men ; for all^ it has been opened on the Cross ; and all^ even the most guilty, have a share in his mercy and love. It is therefore a duty for all to bring to the Heart of Jesus a tribute of love, of gratitude and of reparation ; all have a right to seek an asylum and a consolation in this Divine Heart. Hence it is, that the piety of Christians has rejoiced, when Pius I a decreed that the feast of the Sacred Heart would be - 7 - celebrated throughout the Universal Church, that it would henceforward be classed amongst the great feasts of the year. " Jesus Christ holds bound to His Heart by the chain of His lore the gener- ations that love Him I say to myself, on looking at the open heart of Jesus Christ : Oh ! if all our hearts were there." Father Felix. , Aspiration. " My Lord, I desire nothing but Thee, and never shall I find rest until I suc- ceed in concealing myself entirely in Thy Divine Heart." St. Catherine of Genoa. Practice. Exercise youself to-day in the practice of mildness and forbearance towards your neighbor, to honor the clemency and infinite mercy of the Heart of Jesus. Aspiration. O Mary ! make us love and imitate the Sacred Heart of Jesus ! ~ 8 -^ Resolution. Each year, I will celebrate with great piety the feast of the Sacred Heart, and will prepare myself to it by a solemn no vena. I will pray each da^r for sinners, so much loved by the Heart of Jesus and so ungrateful to Him. , ^ I will often meditate on these words of the blessed Margaret Mary : "I am " not aware that there be any exercice of " devotion, in the spiritual life, which is ** better calculated to raise a soul in a *' short time to the highest perfection, " than the worship of the Sacred Heart." Recite three times the following invocatioii : . Loved be every where the Sacred Heart of Jesus (100 days of indulgence) ..■?•■. ■I'u^-y:- ^^'j: \ _ 9 ~ ^. ,. \,> TUESDAY. CoNSiDERATiON.-To understand well the important place which the devotion to the Sacred Heart occupies in Catholic worship, it suffices to consider that our Lord himself has demanded its establi«h- ruent and propagation, that He has determined its principal practices, and that He has made in favor of those who would devote themselves to it, the most consoling promises, such as union in families, fervour in the service of God, consolation in sufferings, success in undertakings, and the sweetest security at the hour of death. " I assert it with " assurance, writes the Blessed Marga- • " ret Mary, if people knew how agreea- " ble this devotion is to Jesus-Christ, " there is not a christian, how little ** soever he might love this amiable ** Redeemer, who would not practice " it. — Our Lord keeps his incomprehen- • " sible treasures for all those who will / " exert themselves in establishing this ^ ^ " devotion. — Our Lord has made me see — 10 ~ *• that the names of a number of persons ** were written in His Heart, on account " of the desire they have of causing it ** to be loved and honored, and, on this " account, they will never be taken *' away from it " '* ^ " Ah ! how sweet it is to die after " having had a tender and constant ** devotion to the Sacred Heart of ** Jesus ! " liivocatioii. " Heart of Jesus, fountain of love, *' source of graces, ocean of goodness, " permit me to enter into thy wound " to receive the forgiveness which Thou '* hast merited for me on the Cross." The Venerable Frances of Seraphs, •,:■: '' . Practice. In your temptations, falls and dis- f couragem^nts, offer to G-od the blood of Jesus Christ and the sufferings of his Divine Hea.rt. . , . . J* '/ • * '•' ■ ■ ■♦ ''■■■•■• ■ ■/ :■. ' ■ ^>- Aspiration. ;. J:.;>1X:.':m - Mary, place us near thee in the Sacred Heart of Jesus ! A — 11 — Resolution. ■^ . » ... •■■', '■ •"■ '■.'"-• , : ■■'..>■'; . , .'• ■ , ' ' > ■ ■'■•'.. Each year I^will consecrate the monih of June in honoring the Heart of Jesus, as I consecrate the beaul^'ful month of May in honoring the Blessed Virgin. Mary will thus be my way and my star to go to Jesus. Prayer. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, bestow Thy blessings upon the Holy Church, upon our Holy Father the Pope, upon the ministers of the Church and upon all its children. Sustain the just, convert sinners, enlighten the infidels, console the aiflicted, comfort the sick, assist the dying, deliver the souls of purgatory and extend over the hearts of all the sweet dominion of Thy love. "- (Recite the Rosary of the Sacaed Hearty p. 16, or that of Thanksgiving^ p. 17). ■f f ■ ■•i JO 1 ■ ' '' ' 1 ■ f r ■ : ■1», Wt]DNESDAY. 1 Consideration. — We can say to Christians, what Saint John the Baptist used to say to the Jews when speaking of Jesvis : " There is one in your midst whom you do not know." In fact, Jesus Christ is not sufficiently known ; His love is not sufficiently understood ; we know, it is true, that He is God, that He died for us, that He is present in the Blessed Eucharist ; but we do not know Him as a child knows his loving father, as a friend loves a devoted friend ; in one word, we do not know Him with this knowledge of the heart, from which spring intimacy and confi- dence. Now, the devotion to the Sacred Heart will make us know and love J esus, in revealing to us the mysteries of His mercy, and in making us understand more and more the sentiments of love with which He is animated for us. "If you knew the gift of Grod, said our Lord — 13 ~ to the Samaritan woman ! " Ah ! if we understood what Jesus Christ has given, in giving us his Heart what con- fidence in Him ! Invocation* '^ O precious wound of the side of " Jesus, source of our happiness ; " attracted by thy sweetness, I establish " my dwelling in thee, and I deposit " in thee all I possess and all I hope for." S. Francis of Borgia. Pratice. To honor the admirable virtues of the Heart of Jesus, labor with ardour to correct your defects. Aspiration. Mary, obtain for us a great con- fidence in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Resolntion. 1 will often P^^y *^ ^^ agonizing Heart of Jesus for the agonizing of each — 14 — day. An act of repentance obtained by my prayers may open Heaven to them. If I succeed in saving one soul each day, what a rich harvest for eterni- ty ! — Saint Bonaventure said, in speak- ing of Jesus, those consoling words : " I will speak to this Heart and I will obtain of Him all I wish." It Prayer* FOR THE AGONIZING. O most merciful Jesus, who burnest with such an ardent love for souls, I conjure Thee by the agony of Thy most Holy Heart and by the sorrows of Thy immaculate Mother, do Thou purify in Thy blood all the sinners of the earth, who are now in their agony, and who will die on this day. Amen. V. Agonizing Heart of Jesus, > R. Have pity on the dying. / ^ r (100 da7/s ofindulg.) — 15 — THURSDAY. * Consideration.— The Heart of Jesus has been formed for us in the. womb of Mary : it has palpitated, it has prayed, it has suffered for our salvation, it has dictated the most touching pages of the Grospel and it is the source of the Sacraments ; this Heart it is, which by its mysterious wound, has given birth to the Church, according to the teach- ings of the Fathers, and which, from the Holy Tabernacle, sustains, directs and consoles it ; this Heart it is, which ins- pires every act of devotedness, which sanctifies all our sorrows and gives rise to all our virtues, which pardons us in the sacred Tribunal and speaks to us in the interior inspirations of grace ; this Heart it is. that has given us Mary for a mother and which, in the Holy Eucha- rist, makes it its delights to dwell amongst us ; in one word, this Heart it is, which is the spring and channel of all heavenly gifts. In fact, Grod having taken, in His incarnation — 16 -~ a human heart to maLo of it the orgau of His infinite love, has thereby confided to it every mir istry of goodness and of mercy ; hence, not one grace, not one gift of God that does not come to us through the Heart of Jesus. Jesus, showing to St. Frances his transpierced Heart, made her hear this consoling invitation. " Let him who is thirsty come to mc and let him drink." Come therefore to the Heart of Jesus, and you will draw with joy from the fountains of the Saviour those salutary waters of grace which spring up to life everlasting. > » Invocation. " love, o sovereign love of the Heart of Jesus, what heart will ever praise Thee with sufficient devotion?.... May this Heart live for ever in our hearts ! " St, Francis of Sales, Practice- Make all your actions in union with the Heart of Jesus, in order to attain a great purity of intention. : ^ ^ ... ■' ■ ■^^ ' ( ■'' -.:.-^-v":; , A Aspiration. -'' ■ ^ -^ O Mary, obtain that we may love l: thee as the Sacred Heart ol' Jesns lov^es Thee ! Kesoliilioii. I will take the sentiments ot the Heart of Jesus towards Mary, St. Joseph, the Angels, the Saints and the souls in pur- gatory. The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, far from lessening any other devotion, will thus become their origin and their support.— " Place in yourselves, says 3t. Paul, the same senti- iments as experienced by Jesus Christ." An Act or olTering^. O Jesus, my Father, my friend, my only good, I offer myself up entirely to Thee. Here I am upon the Altar, penetrate me with Thy spirit, quicken, animate me with it. Make of me a copy of Thy own self. Help me to accom- plish the sacrifice, to immolate with calm, with love, with entire confidence all in me which still holds something of the weaknesses and imperfections of human nature. ... ■^.■■\- (Recite the Rosary of Thanksgiving^ page 1 7 ) — 18 — FRIDAY. ;. -> J' Consideration.— Our Lord has ex- l)ressed the desire which He experien- ced, of seeing His infinite love honored under the figure of His Heart wounded and surrounded by the insignia of His Passion. He has promised that this image would dWuse abundant bles- sings wherever it would be. And what can the Heart of Jesus do wherever it is to be found, if not love, forgive, bless and console ? The image of the Heart of Jesus is a preaching simple indeed, but pressing and continual, which exhorts men to love and confidence towards a Q-od who has so much loved them. It is now too centuries since Jesus Christ has expressed this desire, and nevertheless how many churches, how many christian dwellings that have not yet the image of the Sacred Heart ! How many sick, how many poor, how many afiiicted souls, that have not before their eyes the image of this grand model of resignation ! Oh ! how many graces :- 19 - would not this divine Heart grant, if His image were exposed, during the month of June, in all the churches, upon a richly decorated altar, as upon a throne of mercy, there to receive our homages and to hear our prayers ! It is impossible to be a long time in the presence of the Heart of Jesus without feeling one-self moved by the recollection of all His benefits and sufferings, and without feeling an ardent desire to return unto Him love for love. — Let us often salute this divine Heart, and let us say, with St. Augustin : " O Grod ! the thought of Thee is my delight ; I hunger, I thirst after Thy love ! Invocation, " most sweet Jesus ! transform my " poor heart into thy Sacred Heart ; may " Thy sufferings unite Thy Heart to " mine and ever render it amiable and " propitious to me." — B. H. Suzor. Pratice. ■ -• ■ Try to make up for the indifference of men towards God by a great fervour in your exercices of piety. / ■"^, — 20 — * Aspiration. Mary ! make us zealous for the worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ! ■ , * . r t R^sotiitioii, 1 will have in my dwelling an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and every year I will cause some pictures of it to be had in the houses of the poor. The act of giving passes, but the divine Con- soler will ever remain near the unfor- tunate. This holy picture is a sign which reminds us that in the Tabernacle the Heart of Jesus, really present, loves us and prays for us. Prayer TO ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Beloved disciple of Jesus, privileged child of His holy mother, St. John, Apostle and evangelist of divine charity, make us share in thy tender love for the sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and in the intimate love which these Sacred Hearts have had for thee. Amen. (Recite the Rosary of the Sacred Hearty page 16, and the Act of solemn reparation^i^^ige 18-) — 21 — SATURDAY. Consideration. — St. Augustin com- pares the ^ )art of Jesus to the Ark of Noah ; all who enter it will be Taved from shipwreck. From this opened Heart flows, says St. Cyprian, the spring that gushes forth to life everlasting. The Heart of Jesus, says St. Bernardin, is the furnace of the most ardent charity, destined to inflame the universe. St. Peter Damian calls this Heart the uni- versal treasure of wisdom and science ; St. Francis of Sales, the source of all sorts of goods. St. JPrancis of Assisium, St. Claire, St. Lewis of Gronzaga, invoked it unceasingly, as the burning centre of divine love. In fine, this amiable Heart was given to St. Mechtilda, as a place of refuge during life and as the greatest consolation at the hour of death. ■■■■'■■<'■' ' ' . • '•"- ■ \ *■-..,, .,, ,.sm' -,! Prayer ''•■nf -. v::^' FOR THE SOULS IN PURGATORY. " Lord, I beseech Thee by the pre- cious blood which gushed forth from the M _ 22 — wounded side of Jesus, thy Divine Son, deliver the souls of Purgatory,especially those vv^ho have most loved His Sacred Heartjthat they may enter into glory and begin to praise Thee and thank Thee eternally in the company of the Blessed. Amen. I. Invocation " wounded Heart of my Redeemer ! " o most happy dwelling of souls fired '* with divine love ! ah ! do not refuse to " receive also my own soul !" St, Alph, of Liguori. » Practice. Imitate the zeal of the Heart of Jesus for the salvation of souls, by exercising the threefold apostleship of prayer, of example and of good counsel. A»i»tration« O Mary ! we offer thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus ! Eeceive it, 6 tender mother ! with those of all thy children, whose motto will be : All for the Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary ! „;_^ 23 — . , s ' ■:■* ■ •■' . ■ . •- ' ' :. ' ■':-■. ■'■''■•■ > Resolution* • i i will show myself zealous for the worship of the Sacred Heart, in difFasin.c,'- pictures and practices fit to mske it known and loved —During the month of June and on the first friday of each month, I will contribute towards the keeping of a lamp before the picture of the Sacred Heart in the parish. It will be the symbol of my love, the pledge of my devotedness and the expression of my gratitude towards this adorable Heart. Recite three times the following e/aculator// praters : Praised and thanked be at each moment the most holy and most divine Sacrement ! (100 days ofindulg) My Jesus, mercy ! (100 days of indul- gence) O sweetest Jesus, do not be my judge' but my Saviour ! (50 days oj indulg.) , 1 .•.-;-. ..-,^« '. ^■Xi'Z,;.:^.. 24 — KOSAM OF THE SACRED HEART. This Rosary is composed of five largo beads in honor of the five wounds of our Lord, and of thirty three smaU ones in honor of the thirty three years, of His earthly career. On the Cross is said Ihcjollovjing' prayer^ to which arc atlach(3d 300 days of iiidulg©nco, and 7 years when it is recited after conimiinioii : Soul of Jesus, sanctify me. Heart of Jesus, save me. Blood of Jesus, inebriate me. Water of the side of Jesus, cleanse me. Passion of Christ, strenghten me. O good Jesus, hear me. Hide me in Thy wounds. Do not permit that I ever part with Thee. Defend me against the evil spirit. Call me at the hour of my death. And command that I come to Thee ; In order that I may bless Thee with the elect, ; ^ For ever and evermore. Amen. ' % \ _ 25 — Before each bead say : \ most sweet Jesus, render my heart like unto Thine Heart. '•'■ ■*■■'.'.. On each large bead : We adore Thee, 6 Jesus, sorrowful even unto death in the garden of Olives, • and even now still despised by the impious in the Blessed Eucharist ; for Thou alone art Holy, Thou alone, Lord, - thou alone, Great, 6 Jesus ! I On each small bead : 1 adore Thee, 6 Sacred Heart of Jesus ; kindle in my heart the divine love by which Thou art consumed. (Taken from tlio work of Father de Gallitet, S. J., on the Sacred Heart.) ROSAM OF THANKSGIVING THROUGH THE HEART OF JESUS. « This Rosary is composed like that of the Blessed Virgin. ^ " On the CrosSy say the Magnificat. ' ; > ~ 26 — . On each lav^e bead^ say the following prayer of the Blessed Margaret Mary : r " My God, I oflFer Thee the Heart of " Thy beloved Son, as a thanksgiving " for all the benefits which Thou hast " bestowed upon me." On each small bead, say : Benedicamus Domino, Deo gratias. An Act of Reparation. adorable heart of Jesus ! I expe- rience great pain in seeing tne tokens of thy love received with so much con- tempt and indifference by the greater part of men ; and what fills me with shame and regret, is the thought that I myself have been one of the number of those ungrateful souls. In reparation of so many injuries, I offer Thee, 6 divine Heart, the love of all the just souls, the ardours of the Angels and Saints in Heaven, and especially the tender sentiments of Mary and Joseph. Pertnit me, 6 amiable Jesus ! to unite to this precious offering that of all the affections and of all the good desires of my own heart. ,. — 21 — . ■. ■ ' . I ■■ ■ 1 ' ■ "' ' ' ', LITANY :T:--"' ■'■;', OF THE SACRED HBABT OF JESUS. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, hear us. Jesus Christ, graciously hear us. Grod the Father, from Heaven where Thou sittest, have mercy on us. Grod the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. Grod the Holy Grhost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one Gi-od, have mercy on us. United substantially to the Word, Sanctuary of the Divinity, Temple of the Blessed Trinity, Abyss of Wisdom, Ocean of goodness. fiQ OQ "S \ Throne of Mercy, *- ^ t3- Inexhaustible treasure, Whose fulness spreads itself upon us, Our peace and our reconci- liation, Mr ^el of all virtues, B CD O o / — 28 — i Infinitely amiable and infinit- ely worthy of being loved, Whence spring the waters of life everiasting, The object of the delight of the heavenly Father, Propitiation for own sins. Filled with bitterness on ac- count of us, Sorrowful even unto death in the garden of Olivers, Overwhelmed with ignominy, Wounded with love, Wounded by a lance, Exhausted by the loss of blood on the cross. Bruised onaccount of our sins, Even now outraged by men in the Sacrament of Thy love, Eefuge of sinners, Strength of the weak, Consolation of the afflicted. Perseverance of the just. Salvation of those who hope in Thee, Hope of the dying. Sweet support of all thy wor- [ shippers, ''i:,.:.-:.,,.^}/-^^^^ p CD CD o o — 29 — Heart of Jesus, Delight of all the saints, have mercy on lis. Heart of Jesus, Our help in all the tri- bulations which have fallen \\]yon us, have mercy on us. Lamb of G-od, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, render our hearts like unto Thine. Prayer. All powerful and eternal Grod, cast Thine eyes xi^on the Heart of Thy dearest Son, see the sadsfactions He offers Thee in the name of all sinners ; listen to the praises which He gives Thee for them ; appeased by these divine homages, in the name of Jesus-Christ, of this beloved Son, forgive us our sins and bemerc^'ful unto us. Amen. .'' ■■;, ' — 30 — ASSOCIATION Of Our liady of the Sacred Heart, ESTARLISHED AT ISSOUDUN, In the Chapel of the Missionaries of tho Sacred Heart. To become member of this associa- tion, it suffices to give one's name and to say oncfe in the morning and once in the evening this short invocation : Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us ! In this association special prayers are offered for hopeless cases. TICKET OF ADMISSION to the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart, The Confraternity of the Sacred Heart has for its object to honor the divine Heart of Jesus, to render unto Him love for love, to thank Him for the institution of the Blessed Eucharist, to make amends for the coldness, the indifference and the outrages He experiences from the greater part of the human lace. Plenary indulgence^ applicable to the souls in Purgatory, ^ 31 - 1st Series, Day of admission. — Feast of the S. Heart or the Sunday following. — First friday or first Sunday of each month. — Two days of each month at one's choice. — At the moment of death, by invoking the most Holy Name of Jesus at least interiorly. Conditions to gain these indulgences, . 1st. To be inscribed in the Confra- ternity. 2d. To Recite each day in honor of the Sacred Heart, Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe in God, with the invocation : Rweet Heart of Jesus, that I may love Thee more and more. 2d SERIES. Feast of the Purification.— Of St. Gregory. — Irst day of March, — St. Joseph. — Announaiiklidn. — HolyT^u»r&- , day. — Easter. — Each:of»the}si;c /^"uAdiays^ .j or of the six fridays which .prec ' ^ ' * /, '* '• vt^/, Adiriitted on.tlie^**^*'' • ( . »