IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A /. % A 11.25 2.2 1^ 2.0 IIIU lA 1116 V] <^ /^ / 7 Hiotographic Sciaices Corpordtion 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 1 4580 (716) 87!2-4S03 %^ \w iV \\ ^1.'- ,.<^ .«> B/iWi«5MS!6ra»*iyiS^6^, I FRIDAY, JANUARY 6th A Farcical Comedy, M. P. O'MARA'S MEAT AND POULTRY MARKET, 3 Marl -f-«T|) LUMBERS 26s Dundas Street. Telephone 58.1. ffiwnwmK^KTiinnninmiDiiKiimn London. Popular Prices Parkimson^Ellis Merchant Tailors, -243/i Dundas Street. (4 That's a ^ lob" f Good Job AVERY COMMON JiXPRESSIGN IN- DEED, MOST eOMMONI.Y USED IN REFERENCE TO PRINTING WORK TURNED OUT AT "THE ECHO" OF- FICE. Ladies' Calling Cards ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES. A. Talbot & co., 144 Carling Street. N. W. BMERSON, Druggist^ " The White Drug Store/' lao Dundas St. STROYAN'S ||||4iV|lll|0rH l\W Boarding and Sale Stables. l-HONE No. 503. HACKS. COUPES AND LIGHT LIVERY A. <1. 3TR0YAN, Proprietor. CALL THE USHER WHEN IN WANT OF CAB;0R;C0UPE OHN DAY AND NIbHT. YIRGINia/'S H. McKENNA, 225 Dundas St. Footwear Leaders POCCJCK BI^OS. ® NI,Y one or two more shopping days till New r Years. Everytody buys New Years presents. A most useful gift, anything m Koctwear —Fancy Slippers, Dress Shoes and Skating Boots. Our new stock provides for your every need. Sole agent for . « „ , d. The Slater $3, $4 and $5 Hen's Shoes. They are the best obtainable- fit style and wear fuaranteed. or your money back. All kinds of runks and Valises cheap at POOOCK BROS.. 14-0 Dundas St. Full Line of SOUVMNIRS LONDON VIEWS Useful Wedding and Birthday Presents AT Yeo's China Hall, 17V DUNDAS STREET. China and Glass Goods for all Household Purposes. You are inuited to call and inspect our new fall 3tocl< of fancy China. Blumon KOPFE tHK most desirable gift of the day, a special line, which we i;niii)rted from Germany for our trade. Don't fail to see iMeiii before you purchase your Christmas Gifts. We fill them u ilh delicious confectiors. l'"ancy Boxes, Fancy Baskets, the largest assortment in the city. Our Candies are de- licious; they are made fresh daily and are reliable, I.unch rooms open till 12 p.m. SPECIALTIES :- We cater to Whist Parties, Balls and Sleigh Riding Parties. SHORT BROS. 'Phone 491. 220 DUNDAS STREET. Cast of Characters. jT sT j' ash, giving out all the sort of heat desired. Others (we don't keep it), turns to clinkers and causes trouble and annoyance. TRY A TON AND SEE. CAMERON'S YAHD-Burumli xnd O.T.R. OfFlOE—Hlnax BulldiKV. F. THE TeCUMSEH LONDON ONT. "G> FiRST-Cl.ASS IN ALL Al'POINTMICN TS. Specl\l Katks for Companiks. CHAS. W. DAVIS, Proprietor. Palace Dancing Academy LiiUios and GciitliMiieii ili>sirln({ oi' hoi'oming nieiiibersi will please rejfister (heir iiaiiios enily. Speciul seiiNon tickets nl exceediiiK-ly lowTuivs. PRIMARY CLASSES- AS FOLLOWS : Gentlemen, - Monday Evening, 8 o'clock Ladies, - Tuesday Evening, 8 o'clock Children, Saturday After'n, 3.30 o'clock PUPILS MAY COMMENCE ANY TIME. Dayton & McCormick. King Richard HI, IS NOT AT RICHMOND, H. I.. FHINR Proprietor -*^pi^fc^ Richmond Hotel la then and supplies hia patrons with the best of everything SPECIAL RATES TO THEATRICAL CO'8, F. ri. BUTLER, Stock Broker TOCKS, GR.MNS .WD PROVISIONS /13) boiifflu and .sold for cash or o.i inar^in. I'rivatf wires to N'ow York .Stock Ex- chany:e and Chicago Board oCTrado. Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchange i|uotations received by wire. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 1278. 15-16 Masonie Temple, Iiondon. HERE'S A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY. 15"/. DISCOUNT... Od our regular prices from now until further notice on all our I'antinK^. Fancy VestingB. Suitings and Overcoatings. Our object is to reduce our fall and winter stock, as we have ordered heavily ior spring. Trininiing and making of all orders will be the same as at our regular price, which means the BK.ST that can be procured. Come ill and see us. Remember, our prime object is to reduce stock. All goods marked in plain figures. O. LABELLE, Fashionable Tailor, 372 Richmond St. TELEPHONE 1027. gfe-iiai»»'a;*#iift**t'Aiia## SYNOPSIS. Act First— "HOT!" Act .Si;coni)-"HOTTKR!" Act Thiki)—" HOTTEST!" Scene — LiRhtlieart Apartment, New York. TiJiE— The Present. Just Received KXHCl'TIVK ST.M'H I'OR jri,I.\N MAGNUS. Business Representative Mr. Daniel K. T.e.ster Stage Director Mr. Wni. I,. Roberts .Stage Manager Mr. Samuel C. Hunt Master of Properties Mr. K. McWethy Master Mechanic Mr. Geo. I'. Duncan New Novelties in Ties. Warm and Soft Underwear. Fine Imported Underwear, in all sizes. Men's Beaver Overcoats, ready-made, $4.9^. EXTRA VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING. THOS. PETHIOK, 130 DUNDAS STREET. E. J. PEARCE Successor to E. J. Burke, Photographers' Supplies, 521 RICHMOND ST. FULL LINE /\iviATcuR Supplies ALWAYS IN STOCK. The Famous Bell Orchestral Piano IS USED liXCLL'SIVELY IN THIS THEATRE. mMtwm^m FALL weather jsjvith usjigain and alon g with fall c ome s COLDS To know a cure for the same is veiy important. .. By calling upon P. J. WATT you can secure an infallible remedy. NO WELL RIlGULATED HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TRADING STAMPS. 428 RICHMOND STREET. Next News Office. A man wants to see you between the acts, at Jerry HcDonald's, 131 King Street. WEATHER Diploma Western Fair, London. m 5TRIP5 for Windows and Doors. OFFICE.-JS2 YORK ST. phone 644. ....London, Ont. Guaranteed to stop all draughts. FROM NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS READ THE FOLOWING : Williams Music House, 171 Dundas St., 15. Wiihams. Prop. j^ndou, Ont., Nov. 21, \SW. This is to certify that we have used Yeoman's Weather Strips for the past year and a half, and have found them sati.sfactory, and they are as good to-day as when put on. We are having more put on our cfoors thip^fall^j^jg^ ^j^„^^^_ Established I880. T. FOX The Original Pawnbroker LENDS MONEY On DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and WEARING APPAREL, Etc. All business strictly private and confidential. 383 AND 385 CLARENCE ST. p. S.— Unredeemed \V.-»lches, Diamond Rings, Gun Revolvers, and Musical Goocls on hand. Thoatrical Costumes for sale or hir«. •assTELsasasasiisaBasBSfasESctsrasasasasasaHasa'fasBSdSHSHSHsasa'nT's-^?, a, THE NEATEST PACKAGE. THE PUREST TEA. For Sale by All Grocers If You Think Your Clothes want Repairs, Cleaned and Pressed, go to W. STEIN Work done in the 413 Richmond St. •AorteW nvtllfi. Up-italri. AND NIGHT TO-MORROW, JlEXTAttRACTlON J '^^^'~^ fThe Real Funny "^y° ^-^ mATHEWS AND BULGER 1 The Exponents of Refined and Polite Comedy IN THE NEW RAG TIME OPERA BY THE SAD SEA WAVES Presented by the Strongest Farcical Organization Ever Constructed, and includlnor NELLIE HAWTHORNE- JOSIE DeWITT Will West, Bob Vernon, Netl Wayborn, Gilbert Gregory, W. H. Macart, Gus k Mortimer, Chas. Gebest, George Tabor, Authur Hell, Rose Melville, Julia \i\ Ralph, Uzzie Sanger, Kva Leslie, Agnes Say Wayborn, Bessie Challenger, May Norton, Lottie Ettinger, Elizabeth Geberal. Already Proclaimed " The Limit" in ("lenteel Farcical Plays. Scened Superbly. Co.stiimed Hxtmva- gantly, and with all the Kesource.s of the Comic Opera Stage, IncludinK a Bewildering Gayety of Dashing Handsome Girls. IVIATINEE PRICES— Fiisl two rows circle 75c ; bahince lower floor aiul balcony, 50c ; nailery, 25 ; children jjc. NIGHT PRICES— First two rows circle, $1 ; balance ! .>wer floor and first two rows balcony, 75c ; balance, 50;^ ; ffallery, i^c. Iti-SEATS O/V SALE FOR BOTH PERFORM ANCeS.~^» !}1 (rsaasasasHS SaHSHsasasPSHsasasHsasasasasasasBsasesHSssHsasasasME'ssssl Office open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Doors open for matinees at 2 p.m. ; cur- tains rises 2.30 p.m. Evenings — Doors open at 7.30; and cur- tain 8.15 p.m. sharp. Tickets can be reserved two days in advance without extra charge. Seats can be secured by mail, telephone or telegraph. Tcleplione 732. Carriages can be ordered at the Box Office or of the chief usher. For all lost Office. articles, ajjply at the Box Physicians are requested to register at the Box Office, leaving seat number, as this will enable Ushers to find them, if called for, without disturbing the audience. Children in arms not admitted to evening performances. Children three years old or over, full price. It is strange, but there is a class of people that seem to take an intense delight in be.spattering the floor with tobacco juice, and in being boisterous and using profane language. These people should know at once that the Courts authorize their im- mediate expulsion, should the management see fit to exercise its rights. COMING SOON LAST YEAR'S GREAT SUCCESS! THE The Brightest and Merriest of all Musical Farce Comedlea. CIRCUS From Augustin Daly's New York and London Theatres. GIRL THE MUSICAL TRIUMPH OF BOTH COUNTRIHS. A Cast of Metropolitan Favorites. Original, Picturesque Costumes and Scenery. If the individual members of an audience would stop to think for just an instant, they would uudoulitedly appreciate the fact that the habit of rising from their seats and leaving the theatre before the curtain falls, is a most annoying one, and one that should be stojiped. We therefore beg our audiences to kindly remain in their seats until the close of the per- formance.