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That the objects of the Association shall be First. — The improvement of the spiritual and mental condi- tion of Younp; Men. SiX'ONi). — The formation of a Christian Library and Readinp- Room. Third. — Rooms and accommodation for Bible Classes and social Prayer JMeetings. Fourth. — Courses of Lectures or religious subjects, as well as secular having reference to religion, and the em- ployment of every other available means whereby the increase of real vital religion may be })romoted. ARTICLE IlL This as it is the desire of the Association to admit no one to membership who does not give decided evidence of his con- version to God, therefore no person shall be proposed who shall not be a member in good standing of one of the evangf^li- K "•al denominations. lie shall be proposed by a member of the Association at one of its meetings, and sball be elected by bal- lot by the ji^eneral Committee, after a satisfactory inquiry as to liis eligibility. ARTICLE IV. That all members of the Association subscribing Twenty Shillings and upwards, shall b(; admitted to the privileges of the Library, Reading Room, and Lectures. ARTICLE V. That any person of good moral character ' may become an Associate member of this Association by the payment of Ten Shillings annually and shall be entitled to all the privileges of this Association, the right to vote expected. ARTICLE VL Any member on the payment of Ten Pounds at any one time, shall become a Life Member. ARTICLE VIL The Otiicers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Se- cretary, a Treasurer, Librarian, and a standing Committee, comprising as far as possible members of each evangelical de- nomination, all of whom shall be chosen annually by ballot. ■-•tsfe^- ARTICLE Vlir. o DUTIES OF O F I^ I C i: R S . <' It sliall bo tlie duty of tlic President or one of tho Vict Presidents to preside at all Public meetings of the Assoeiation It shall be the duty of the Recording Seeretiiry to notify i\\i members of the time and place of meeting, attend the same, t n( tify all Olficers of their eh^ction, and to keep a fair and com- plete record of the transactions of the Association. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the organ of the As- sociation in its conference with other societies, and shall retain copies of all letters written by him. The Treasurer shall collect and pay all monies of the As.=(«- ciation under direction of the Connnittee, shall keep a corroc! account of the same, and shall report whenever recpiired to dc' so, to the Committee, and to the Association at least once a year. It shall be the duty of the Librarijm to keep in order all books and documents of the Association, to keep a correct ca- talogue of the same, and an accurate account of all books de- livered to all members. It shall be the duty of the Committee to manage all the. affaii's of the Association, to make liy-Laws, appoint special Committees, decide on all api)lications for membership, a[)point a Recording Secretary and Librarian, and take whatever step,» may be necessary for the promotion of the objects of the As- sociation. ARTICLE IX. All meetings of the Association, and of the Committee, shall be opened and closed with proyer. IP I fW <] A T A L G U E . Ancient History of Greece Anfjel's 8on{» Additional Remains of McClieyne Achievements of Prayer Astoria, Irvinp; Ancient British Church Apostolic Christians, The Astronomical Discourses, Chalmers AUeine's Alarm Athenjeum, The, 1841 Aspects of Nature, Humboldt Anxious Inquirer, The, J A. James Atonement, Winslow Apocalyptic Sketches, 2 vols., Cumming Attraction of the Cross, Spring Astronomy, Herschel Annals of the Poor Ancient Christianity, 2 vols., Isaac Taylor Architecture ef the Heavens, Nichol ArnoId"'s Miscellaneous Works " Ruffby School Sermons Armenia and Erzeroum, Curzon Autobiofiraphy of the Rev. William Jay, 2 vols. Angel Whispers Acadian Geology, J. W. Dawson Abbott's King Charles I., Charles H. « Alfred the Great, Hernando Cortex Marie Antionette, Mary Queen of Scots Empress Josephine Julius Ceasar, Cleopatra, "^evo Madam Roland Queen Elizabeth Henry IV. of France Pyrrhus, Romulus, Hannibal William the Conqueror u 4( 4i 4( 44 .-Ji*«fe^5>a I 8 Arctic Explorations, Dr. Kane, 2 vols. Alexander, Dr. A., en the Canon Anecdotes of the New Testament " " Old " 2 vols. Autumnal Leaves, Mrs Child Anecdotes for the Family Aimwell Stories, Marcus, Oscar, Clinton, Ella, Whistler, 4 vola. B. British Reformers, Hooper Jewell u Fox, Bale, Coverdale Tindal, Frith, Barnes Knox, Cranmer, Rogers, Taylor, Saunders, Carelesa Becon Ridly, Philpot Bradford Barnes on Job, 2 vols. " Isaiah, 8 vols. Matthew and Mark Luke and John Acts Romans Corinthians, 2 vols. Ephesians, Philippians, Colossiana 1st Thessalonians to Titus Hebrews James to Jude Revelation Biblical Antiquities, Nevin Book for the Sabbath Bible Geography Bible in the Counting House Baxter's Saints' Rest Bacon's Essays Bible not of Man Blunt's History of our Saviour, 3 vols, on the Pentateuch, 3 vols. Sermons Posthumous Sermons, 3 vols. History of Jacob " Abraham « Elisha *« St. Peter (( t( u u t( (( u (( (( (( 1( (( (i t( i( u m 'W^ mm ..^' *33 Blunt's History of St. Paul, 2 vols. " Seven Churches of Asia " Discourses on the Articles Benedictions, Gumrainfj British Cabinet in 1853 Botany, Class Book of, Balfour Briflgewater Treatises, complete, 12 vols. Book and its Story, L. N. 11. Bible in Spain, Borrow Butler's Analogy of Religion Bards of the Bible, Giltillan Bancroft's Literary Miscellanies Better Land, Dr. Thomson Bulwark, 1854— '7, 2 vols. Beaumarchais and his Times Balloon Travels Blackwood's Magazine, 4 vols., 1854 — '7 Business, Man of, Essays by six D. D.'s Bunyan's Holy War Bible Class Magazine for 1857. Boat Life in Egypt, Prime Bible in Common Schools, Cheever Burns' Works, Chambers's Ed., 4 vols, in 2 British Museum, Account of, Bow in the Cloud, by Rev. John McDuff Bereavement, The First, by (( c. Conquest of Peru, Prescott, 2 vols. Concordance to the Scriptures. Cottage Lectures, Overton's 1st Series u u u 2d " Christ, God and Man Cosmos, Humboldt, 4 vols. Conquest of Canada, 2 vols. Cloister Life of Charles V. Christ on the Cross Crayon Miscellany, Irving Corner Stone, Abbott Christian Witness, 2 vols. Convict Ship, The Church in Earnest, The Companion to the Bible Churchman Armed, 3 vols. Christian State, The I II 10 (( •Commercial Discourses, Chalmers Complete Duty of Man, Venn Christian Sabbath, The Civil Wars and Monarchy in France Christ in the Wilderness Christ the Theme of the Missionary Cowper's Poetical Works Cornelius the Centurion Contributions of Q. Q. Cecil's Works, 2 vols. Christ our Law, Fry Christ our Example, Fry Course of Faith, J. A. James Christian Father's Present, James Christian Professor, J. A. James Christian Charity, J. A. James Church in Earnest, J. A. James Christian Fellowship, Christian Progress, Cecil's remains Christ receiving Sinners, Cumming Communicant's Manual '* Christ our Passover " Church before the Flood " China Christian Treasury 1853 Cumming's Lectures on Romanism Chalmers on Romans Chalmers's Christian Revelation, 2 vols. Christian Art, Lord Lindsay, 3 vols. Chemistry of Common Life, Professor Johnston Chemistry, Animal, Liebig Christian Philosopher triumphin-gover Death Chemistry, Agricultural, Liebig " Letters on " Chalmers's Works complete in 21 vols, uniform Cyclopedia of Missions, Newcomb Covenant, the Ladies of, Anderson Cumming on Leviticus » " End Cowper, Lectures on, by Cheever Christian Life, Social and Individual, Bayne Christ of History, Young Coleman's Historical Text Book Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, Kitto, 2 vols. Cycloptedia of American Literature, Duychincks, 2 vols. Cyclopaedia of English Literature, Chambers, 2 vols. i I 11 Comfort in Affliction, Buchanan Children of the Manse Christian Associations Churchman's Majjazine, 1857 City ; its Sins and its Sorrows, Dr Guthrie D. Doctrinal Puritans, 13 vols. Divines of the 18th Century, 6 vols. Diffusion of Knowledfje, Dick Demonstration of Christianity, Keith Days of Queen Mary D'Aubigne's Reformation, 5 vols. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Drops from the Derp Well Domestic Portraitures, 2 copies Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, Bates Dr Grant and the Mountain Nestorians Divine Architect, The Dictionary, Webster's Dick's Celestial Scenery DufV on India and India Missions Divine Government, The Method of the, by D. McCosU Davy's Consolations in Travel Daille on the Fathers Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters, by Earl Carlisle De Quincy's Opium Eater and Suspiria De Profundis Death of Little Children Dutch Republic, Motley, 3 vols. Dred, ]\Ir.s Stowe, Death-Bed Triumphs. E. Earnestness, Tayler Esypt, Arabia, Petraea, &c. 2 vols. Elements of Revealed Religion Earth and Man Evidences of Christianity, Mclllvaine Evidences of Prophecy, Keith Evidences of Christianity, Sumner's Emanuel on the Cross and in the Garden Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. Earnest Ministry, J. A. James Expository Readings, Cumming Elisha, Krummacher, 3 vols. mM/J'/ft Mil 12 Elijah, the Tishbite Eclipse of F'-.itb, Rogers " " Defence of Explorinfi Expedition to the South Seas Essays of Professor Wilson, (Christopher North.) Essays of Maeaulay Essays of Allison Essays of Jeffrey Eclectic Magazine, 6 vols Excelsior, complete in 5 vols. Earnest Student, Memorials of John McKintosh Essays of Elia Evenings with the Romanists Emblems from Eden, Hamilton Ellis's Polynesian Researches, 4 vols. Enirlish Hearts and English Hands Emigrant's Manual, Chambers F. i Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott, 3 vols. Floral Biography, C. Elizabeth Fairchild Family, 3 vols. Faithful Friend, The First Impressions of England anc! People, H. Miller Five years in an English University Father Clem.ent, Kennedy Footprints of the Creator, H. Miller Force of Truth, Scott Family Monitor, J. A. James Finger of God, Gumming Flower Faded, The Fox's Martyrology Famous Persons and Places, N. P. Willis Fern Leaves, 1st series " 2d series First lines of Christian Theology, J. Pye Smith Forest Life in Ceylon, 2 vols. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, Creasv Foster's Essays — Popular Ignorance, &c. Forum and Vatican, N. Hall Foster's Essays— Decision of Character, &c. &c. x'^ootsteps of St. Paul Forest Exiles, Reid Faded Hope, Mrs Sigourney Female Scripture Characters, Jay W 13 Fleminnr's Fulfilling of Scripture « , • French and American Literature, Chambers, 2 vola m one 6. Great Teacher, The (ireece, Turkey and Russia, 2 vola. Golden Sceptre Guide for Young Disciples Glimpses of Messiah's Glory Good Things to Come God's Dealings with Israel Gold and the Gospel God in Disease (iospel of St Luke, On the Geology, Richardson Great Commandment, Fry (jobat's Journal of Abyssinia Gatherings Glory of the Redeemed, Winslow Germany, England and Scotland, D'Aubigne God in History, Cumming Glory and Shame of Britain irreek Church Gems from the Coral Islands Gratitude, Stevenson Gospel in Ezekiel, Guthrie. God revealed in Creation and in Christ, Walker. (geological Observer, De La Beche Greyson Letters, Henry Rogers. H. History of England, Macaulay's, 4 vols. '♦ the Jews, 2 vola. Hope Deferred, not Lost History of the Good Knight Hopes of the Church Hirttory of America, Robertson '' Charles V. Robertson " the Popes, Ranke •, *' the Early Puritans " the Later Puritans " the Waldenses, Simo Happy Home, The Holy Land Restored, The r ?-^---^- m^ ^.- - &*■" V^'^ '"'"'" V-- . ■ /■K ^sii^i u'^^^ ■ :. ...„atA«fcV«»a I «:'.■*- -.-.-*? m.^ T ) 14 |U \ Home Truths, J. C. Rylc, 3 vols. Hone Apocalypticji;, E. B. Elliot, 4 vols. History of En.^>* 15 Irvins's Knickerbocker "^ Columbus, 3 vols. " Mahomet ** Mahomet and his Stjccessora- endon Juuea Capta,. C. Elizabeth Jordan and the Dead Sea Jacob's Well Judah's Lion Jopephus eJourney to Central Africa, Bayard Taylor Journal of the Pilgrims, Cheever Journey round Dead Sea, &c., De Saulcy, 2 vols. Julian, William Ware Journal of the Pilgrims, Cheever K. Kingdom of Grace, Krummacher Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations, 8 volsv Knights and their Days, Dr. Doran L. Life of Rev. J. Williams Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hawker Lectures by Cogswell, 2 vols. Life in the Mission, 2 vols. Lovola and Jesuitism, Taylor Letters from Ireland Lord our Shepherd, The London in Modern Times " in Olden Times Lectures on the Polity and History of the Hebrews- Life of Cyrus Lord's Supper, Maturin Lady Powerscourt's Letters and Papers Lord's Supper, Bickersteth Life of Charles Wesley, Jackson, 2 vols. Life and Correspondence of Foster, 2 vols. Lives of the Apostles Letters of the Rev. H. Martyn Life of the Rev. H. Martyn " Rev. D. Brainerd AtwMg. .„., ...,««Mh:!5« • 'If ii ' T 4A 16 Life of the Rev. Roland Hill " Farel " Buxton " Schwartz, 2 vols. Listener, The, Fry, 2 vols. Life of John Elliot Liflht of Prophecy Life in Earnest Lamp and Lantern Lectures on Parables, Camming Lectures on Daniel, Gumming Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 2 vols., Conybeare and Howson Life of Mrs. Judson Lives of Eminent Naturalists Life of Cardinr^l Richelieu " Gustavus Adolphus " Napoleon, 2 vols. Life in the Clearings, Mrs. Moodie Life of John Wesley " Jeffrey, Cockburn, 2 vols. " Wilberforce, 6 vols. Life and Times of Calvin, Henry, 2 vols. Lord Lindsay's Letters on the Holy Land Lives of Eminent Men of Letters, Brougham Life and Voyages of Cook Literary Characters and Essays, Henry Hallane [1847 to 1857 Lectures to Young Men, (London Christian Association's) from Leila Ada Lost Senses, Kitto. Leisure Hour, from 1853 to 1857 ; 5 vols Lectures to Young Men, Thompson Lectures to Young Men, by Scottish Ministers, 2 vols Life of Nelson, Southey Life in Israel Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, Wilson Lady Huntingdon and her Friends Lake Ngami, Andersson Lucilla, Adolphe Monod Livingstone's Travels in Africa Lessons from the Great Biography, Hamilton Life Studies, Baillie Laws of Health, Dr Alcott M. Memoirs of Dr Chalmers, 4 vols. ■SOK •■\^ \^..*?»^^ .J>^i son • to 1857 n's) from I 17 Memoir of Dr JuJson, 2 vols. " of Robert and James A. Ilaldane " of Mrs Fry «' of Oberlin Mark Wilton, or the Merchant's Clerk JSIemoir and Remains of McCheyne Man Primeval IVIargaret, or the Pearl ^lorninfjs among the Jesuits Moral Philosophy, Chalmers jMammon, Harris IMeditationg on the Psalms Millennial Kingdom, The jNIorning of Joy Man. his Religion and his World Montgomery's Travels Men and Things in Europe Memoir of Wilberforce, Richmond Monasteries of the Levant IMilner's Church History, 4 vol?. Memoirs of Sir Andrew Agnew Bickersteith, 2 vols. Miss Graham Rev. Dr. Buchanan H. W. Fox Simeion Felix Neff Rev. Legh Richmond Bacon and Cadogan Rev. Peter Roe Lady Colquhoun Watts Marvels of Science, Fullom Mount of Olives My Schools and My Schoolmasters, H. Miller. McCrie's Life of Knox More Worlds than One, Sir D. Brewster Maitland's Church in the Catacombs Memorandums made in Ireland, by Prof. Forbes, 2 void. Mason and Melmoth Martvrs of Science, Brewster Memoir of Robert Hall Memoirs of Celebrated Characters, Lamartine, 2 vols. Macaslay's Speeches, 2 vols. Minister's Family, Dr Hetherington. Mornings with Jesus, Jay Mayflower, Mrs. Stowe u u 4( (( U ■^mmr. .....«*»•»;«,! ^-- '^^HT 1U.. T ;: ' lit' 18 r "Mi-molrs of Capl. Vicars " Capt. Ilammond "• l)r. Kitto, Rylaiid, 2 vols. " Dr. Cote ^Mexico and its Religion ^lissionary of Kilmany Modern Atheism, l)r Buchanan Memoir of Miss Newton Memorials of His Time, by Lord Cookburn MeGhee on Ephesians Memories of Bethany, MeDufT < Mv Mother, Recollections of Maternal Influence ft ' Memoirs of Urquhart " Ilorne Moriah ^Missionary Life in Lidia -Moral and Religious Anecdotes, 2 vols, ^lemories of Genesaret, McDuff Mothers of the. (ireat and Good Marriage Ring ^ ^Miscellany — Chambers's 20 vols, 10 N. Nineveh and Babylon, Layard Now or never Natural Theology and Horae Pauliniie, Paley Night of Weeping, Bonar Natural Theology, Chalmers, 2 vols. Notes on the Book of Revelations Natural Philosophy, Herschel Narrative of a Mission to the Jews Newton's Works Novelties, Inventions, &e. Norway and its Glaciers, Professor Forbes Natural History of Enthusiasm, Isaac Taylor Nubian Desert, Peel Narrative of Missionary Enterprises, J. Williams Natural Magic, Letters on Sir D. Brewster Napier's Peninsula W^ar National Magazine, 3 vols. Neander's History of the Planting of Christianity, 2 vols. Neander's Memorials of Christian Life Night Lamp, Macfarlane Naval History, Cowper i i. '»^- 10 o. OM Paths, Thn Old lied Sandstons, lliifrh Millor Oriental Illustrations of the Scriptures Optics, I). Brewster Operative Classes Ocean, by Gosse P. Poetical Works, Montgomery 'hilosophy of Common Things " llelietters, Pascal Private Thouj^hts, Adam Priest upon his Throne, Tlu> Power of the Soul over the Body Portrait of Charity Pearl of Days, The Popish Darkness and Millennial Light Philosophy of Salvation, Walker Private JJevotions, Bickersteth Pearls of Great Price Pilgrim's Progress, 2 copies Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible Prophetical Landmarks, Bonar Progress of the Reformation in Ireland Perfect Peace, Pitcairn Principles of Geology, Lyell Protector, The, M. D'Aubignc Pencillings in Palestine Pastoral Addresses, J. A.James Protestant Nonconformity, J. A. James Practical Christianity, Wilbertorce Personal Declension and Revival, Winslow Poetical Works, Milton, 2 vols. " ' . Parables Prophetically Explained ' ./" Pllirrim Fathers, The Poetical Works, Thompson Poeti(.'al Works of Goldsmith, Collins and T. Wartoii Poetical Works of Herbert Polynesia Philosophy, Reid ^^^^MM: i I I 20 I * PLilosopliy of Moral Powers, Abcrcrombie " Intellectual Powers, '• Political Economy, Mill, 2 vols. Pilgnm'.s l*ror»reHa, Lectures on, Cljccver Poetical Works, Woodsworth " " Bishop Ileber Plutarch's Lives, Langliorne, 2 vols. Pollock's C'ourse ot'Tinic I'oetical Works, Longfellow Pictures from Sicily Pursuit of Knowledge under DifTuMiltics Popular Treatise on Magnetism, Sir 1). Brewster Poetical Works of Campbell ' " " Hood Proverbial Philosophy, Tupper Prescott's Concjuest of Mexico, 3 vols. " Miscellanies Peasant Boy Philosopher, Reid Petrifactions, Mantel 1 Philosophy of Sectarianism, Blackic Plurality of Worlds Philip Second, 2 vols. Priest, Puritan, and Preacher, Ryle Penny Magazine, 2 vols. Pilgrimagf^ to Medina and Mecca, byLeiut. Col. Burton Poems by Miss Herbert Poetical Works of Mrs Ileman " " Kirk White Preacher and the King, Bungener Priest and the Huguenot, " 2 vols. Prince of the House of David Poor Boy and the Merchant Prince Paley's Moral Philosophy Political and Social Economy Papers for the People, Chambers's 12 vols, in G Pocket Miscellany *' 16 vols, in 8 Q. Quarterly Reviews; from 1854 to 1858 (North British, Edinburgh, Quarterly.London Quarterly, Princetor.) R. Retrospect Relijjion no Fiction 21 Koyal Exohanfie and Palace of Industry Kcstitution of All Things, The Kace for Kichcs, The Kussian Shores of the Hlack Sc'a ] !f^ ^{i !()! V 24 Voices of the Day, Dr Gumming Voicesof the Niffht, " Voices of the Dead, " Visit to Portugal and Madeira Voyage to the Indian Archipelago, Coppell Visits to European Celebrities, Sprague Victory Won w. Winslow on 8th Romans Walks in London, Old Humphrey Works of Lady Colquhoun Wanderings of a Pilgrim, Chcever Wonders of Geology, Mantell, 2 vols. Walk of Faith, Roraaine Way to do Good Works of William Jay AVidow Directed, J. Angel James Wellington, a Lecture, Dr Gumming W^esley and Methodism, Isaac Taylor AVardlaw's Christian Ethics Walter Scott's Life, 4 vols, by Lockhart Ware's Aurelian " Zenobia " Julian Wellington Life of, by an Old Soldier AVar in Crimea, Russell AVorth and AVealth, Hunt AValdenses A\''ork3 of Creation AVaterloo Soldier AVavland's Moral Gcience " Political Economy Y. Young Man's Friend, Eddy Yonng Christian, Abbott Young Man's Guide, 2 copies, James Young AVoman's Guide, Youthful Consecration Young Man from Home Year with the Turks Yahveh Christ a n z. Zoology, Agassiz and Gould's ^j,^^. mmMiii-p iaMi >m \ wm