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Ne» York U609 uSA (716) 482 - OJOO - P(,one (7'6) 288 - 5989 - Fa, DEPARTxMEXT OF AGRICULTURE DAIRY AND COLD STORAGE BRANCH OTTAWA - - CANADA M Storage for Creameries WITH PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS BV J. A. RUDDICK Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner Bulletin No. 36 Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner's Series Published by direction of the Hon. Kartin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. .•i4S7G— 1 KEBRTTARY. 1»13 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. I , „ ,, Ottawa. .Iiiniiar> 20, 1913. Tlio Mini-UT of Agriculture. S1R.-I havL- the honour to submit for your am.roval th.- uiauus.-ript for a new Ikfiii on the subject of Cold StoroRe for Creameries. I have the honour to recommend that the manuscript Iw publishe.' as Hnllctin 1 :16 (if the Dairy ami Cold Storage Series. I have the honour to Im>, -"ir. ^'our obedient ><'i'v;iiit. J. A. Kl'DUICK. Dairy and Cold Sloia;/^ ('ominisnioner. 34870— ij 1» m li 1 J 1 cri lot COLD STORAGE FOR CREAMERIES WITH PI^AN AND 8PRCIPICATIONH MV J. A. RUDDICK IHTBODVOnOH. Biitt.r is at its host when freshly niado. Strictly Hi.caking, deterioration Ingint luDoe, and it will beoome noticeable sooner or later according to the conditioin r which the butter is kept. The most important condition in this respect is that I temperature, because no other condition ha^ anything like the same influene<> in [preservation of butter. The preservation of butter is effected by checking to ■ liter ur less degree tliosc processes of fennentntion, which eventually destroy its sJavoiir. Temperatures below zero have been employed for long storage of butter. ^t it has never heeu found that even such extremely low temperatures will preserve flavour indefinitely. Cienerally speaking, the lower the temperature the longer I the butter be preserved, other things being equal. There is, of course, a certain Itiod in tlie life of all good butter, during which it may be considered to \h> at its .\-siiining that the buttei has been well made, the duration of this period «ls almost entirely on the temperature at which the butter is kept. .\11 other ifideratio- s fade into insignificance compared with it. It follows then, that the ith of time that may elapse between the manufacture of the butter and the date [iticoii^nmption should be the principal guide in determining the temperature that Hit bfa iloyed to secure the best results. B .akers and creamery managers sometime-! argue tiint as they can dispose ' the biiHer to the merchants or dealers before the deterioration amounts to a perence in price, it does not pay them to provide efficient cold storage at the wmeriea. Even if this were true, \vhiei» it is not, it would be a very shortsighted pi'7. and the person who holds such views, nnd ivis accordingly, is not doing his ptin the interests of the farmers wlio produce the miik. He overlooks the fact that is the condition of the butter wlicu it reaches the table of the consumer that ptermines the ultimate price. Every creamery should have n cold storage in which the tcm|)eraturc can be Mmtained as L v as thirty-eight degree- or lower, but even then the butte.- should f shipped as quickly as nossiW-j to a warehouse where it will be eared for at a much per temperature. The lost of building a good creamery cold storage, and the lack of accurate ^formation on the subject of insulation, have militated to some extent against the poessary improvement. « was with a view of providing some reliable information of this kind, that a Jnes of experiments was recently planr.ed by the Dairy and Cold Storage Commis- loner for the purpose of determining the relative efficiency ..f various materials, and ;1 I cuiabin.tioiu oi m.,t..riHl.. tor the in»uliiti..i. of i.v i-luiinlMr, an.l ,.,1.1 .tor.B..^, partmenlH. Th«. exptrinuMiti wen not iiitendml to be oxhauttive. but dimply t„ c, th« u»o of H»,.|, mHt.riaU nnd plans a» art. likely to be umhI in the cnnMn,rtio„ ' vreanic.. .-..I,! »torag„ in this couutiy. It !• not proposed at thi* tini« t.. ^, f, J in detuil the liHtu that hare been clleete,! .i« u re..ilt of thi. w..rk.» hut .impi, make n few nvonimendationt ba«e«l on tlie eon luiicng drawn fn>tii the exh-itnn.. vouph..] witli rho experienee Knined ii. wut.hing the O'snlt, M-un,! „, „„„„„" creamery iHild gtorageit tliroughout the eountry. Me.-lwnical refrigeration i» indispensable wliero low ten.iR.rat.m., nr.. r.,mifrj «^ in a modem cold itoruire warehouse. anu wall filled with shavings, it. is the shavings which must be protected irom dampness. This can be done by using damp-proof building paper between the two courses of sheathing, or boarding, both on the outside and the inside of the walls. 1 ■ I' 1 . i ; 1 ! I i i" IS Brick or oement concrete abMrb inoiiture readily, and unle^ th«v • I r ?^'' rTT^ '"•"°™'' "" "•-'"■"« '-''"^ of .^ «;:,!; lew. The outside surfaces of brick walls may be painted with .nm« « . u wi^xr "Jir ""^ ^-^^ "^ ^"•^•^ "' --nein:ei:r'ryr writ w 5; '';r" T;"' '*""'' « *'^ ^'**"**^ ""-^'"^ -• '^^ »«ket c S wall, with either pitch or paraffin in cold or even cool weather without ,,!! ' apparj^us is « rather difficult operation, on account of the tenden<^ „f Mh 1^ to.h.«len very quickly. In using pitch, care must be taken nol to ^ t " waterproofed the next best plan is to put one-inch furring strips on tlio w 11 2 The onl i . '"I '^ '^' '^'"'^'''^ '' ^°^«'««1 -'t^ damp-proof pap,.r nunJi^^r.; "''.'"'''' '^'"^ '" '•'^ '^^^^^ «» PJ«t« I » Placed thereC I purpose of stopping the moisture which comes from the ice. The furring strips oTer sZh '"'"^'■"«' -J'-h form this space, should be put on indeUdet ^.^ ' :wtgtt r;nr ^m^^ r^" "-• ^" -- «^ ^- ^^ - '"'- - what the ice is used for. and also on the nature of thTwater supply T ' I creameries where there is an ample supply of cold water. noLesuL 'I "'"" ' eooh^. while in others a large quantity is required for that pi^se. K "at"" Zr^'a cold ZZT' r^y"';°.--«*« — «^ the si.e of Le L;: rcyuirea lor a cold storage on the circulation svstem Wli«.„ *u • i .- is install(><) ;♦ .'. h^* ♦ u .t. , system. Where the circulation ^v^tem often «..„ ,-. .bso.„.";:rj;'^ti„j I'l:'':*:;''^'' "°' "i-r-^ - Pounds of Butter m»de durinjr Summer Seagon. 300.000 Ll». 100,000 „ 50,000 „ Tona of Ice required for Butter .Storagpe only. 1-W Tons. 80 ., ."iO „ Siwof IceChaniltri Cubic Feet. 5,000 Cubic f.-. t. 3,000 ^000 Recommendations. Circu'Ltn Svslem f'^T"";- ""*' ^^P^"™-'"! «"d P-ctical. w. recommend the ^ rculation System for Canadian creameries. We further recommend the construe- 18 Ition shown in Plato I. In advisiiig this form of eojmtruction, we taku into considera- Itivn (1) the duty required, (2) the availability of certain material, and (3) the clau jof workmen uaually employed on creamery construction. There are Beveral special liniultting materials on the market, but most of these require the services of ezperi- Lnced men for proper erection. The construction recommended in these pages is Iprobably the cheapest efBcient plan that can be devised, and it has the further merit I of being easy of erection. Note.— Blue prints of the plan in this bulletin, on a working scale, will ht, impplied free of charge on opplication to the Dair>- and Cold Storage Commissioner, I Ottawa.