IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // %' y^. y {■/ .^^t^ .v^. i/.A (/. -5 « ; i P^. ^ 7W ^ //A / OmA w 1.0 ^na i« 1.1 £ US 12.0 11:25 i 1.4 PhnfriiTPQTnhir* Sciences Corporation 1.6 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ¥^^. iV \\ ■"^^^V"^ "G^ 6^ #1^ '/. i/.A (/. \ "^O t^^ ' BIBLIOTHEQUE I DE - — OF CANADIAN PATENTS FllOxM The begiimiiig of the Patent Office, (June, 1824,) Till the 1st of January, 1869. I'RISTKU AT THE •■ TIMES " STEAM I'OWER WORKS, 38 gl'ARKS STREET, CENTRAL OTTAWA. 1868. FROM LIST OF CANADIAN PATENTS, No i_CU8HIN0, (A^oaA,)oftheoityofQucbec,in the district of Q«ebec-for a 3l8t October, 1826. „* t aPhpnave in the district of Montreal, No. 6-l.AUmER, (^^-';;'>;[1'^^^^ the nuM- tbr a Machine or instrument called LooH lERBBSTRB, TO ^m, „t„„e8 4o Quebec, bor of Rotatory motions or .revolutions of carnage-wheels, mill-stones, fto. VI , dated 31 st October, 1826. :„ ii,„ district of Quebec ; N0.7-CUSHING (Noah,) of the parish of 1^°"''- '"^ "^' J''^^^^ J^.^^ Ma- and WELTON, («««,««,) of the city of Quebec-for a Thkeshino and M chine., Quebec, dated 3l8t October, 18'2G. Dbfssiho Flax or Hemp. No. 8-HOYLE, (Robert,).io. an Improved Machine for Dbfssiko Quebec, dated 3rd October, 1829. «„„*,pai for a Machine for Dis- No. 9- SPENCB, ( William Johr,,) of the city of Montreal, tor a m TKiBLTiKO INK over Printing Types. Q-^-^^ate^ ^^'^ ^''^^'^f^; Irmand, in the No. 10_SCHOOLORAFT, iPhiUp,) of the seigniory of ^ ;^ ™^';^,^^^„ districtofMontreal, for a "Machine for Cutting Timber into Sio.MOS. Cl^p-boahos. Shingles, Lath., &c., &c,, Quebec, dated 15th May, 1830^ ^.^^.^t No. n-BCHOOLORAFT (rA.7t>,) of the seigniory ojf • ^™ ^ j^ti, j of Montreal, for a "New and Improved Spinning Machine. Quebec, datea 1830. . . r r »^,^ii<. in the district of Montreal, No. 12-HOYLB, (Robert,) of the seigniory o I^'«=;"Y2 *rJunT for an "Improved HvDRAiLic Steam ENmNB." ^^'^^l^ 'f^^'^.fr^^'^Z for a "Ma- So.l3-ANDRES, ^««. •l'^*^'^ 25th October, 1830 ^^ ^^^^ No. 16-MANNING, (John,) of the Township of H>nchi„biooke. ^^^ treal, for a "Machine for Threshing Grain and Hulling Clover ^eed. Qucbe , November, 1830. ♦„? Montreal for a "Machine for No. n-ATISTIN, i^Amo,,) of Bolton, in the district of Montreal, Threshing Grain.'' Quebec, dated 3rd January, 1831. Montreal, for a "Ma- No. 18_ANDRES, Sam«./,)of Blairtindi", >" ^^e district of Monti^ Chine for manufacturing Cracrebs and B.scoit. .'■ Quebec, dated 3rd January, 4 No. 21-ANDUES (.V.,,.W,) and aCks l^^ ' ^''^ Montroal, fc- . ..T«,.o' W„... or 1^^;,^^ ,„ l^*^' ''' !!'' " '"-"'"'-- '''strict of Machinery, witl. eitla. Wat.r orHorHoPrC 4' - n , ""'""*'' ""'""« '^""'^ '"■ No. 22..-BELANOKH, (A'/«.,„.,/) ofUiv ', o' „«""'«"'.>'»«-'> «!' March, ,«;„. <1«-W,,l,„„,12rtl,s,.pt,.ml,c.,, ,„|""''^"'»« »"».»", <«llrt SAt„v s„., „„,.„„ rP^^^^z:<:t::^z:T'''' '"'■■'" '■■' • """ No. 27_H|.;NKV, UI,„,,,) „f St V,.nn ,. ^^"'-'^'■'^' ''"''■•I •■5'<1 October, 1831 " bo, j;:ar..c^'n?Ju' in tSii^:;^::;^;;; "^^"-"'' "- ..isfi,. of q... date,! .ioth November, 1831 . of I3u,hl,„g „r ConHtructing lia.noKS." Quebec, Que^'Ii^^Sr^^^^^ Queb^-.S...,';^'^,ii^;;J:'" '-*^^^) of the city of g,.b., tor a .-CnaoM...,,,, .. ''^■'"K 3S32. i'-^" Macinm „,nv ,„ use." Quebec, dated 1 8th De' No. 32 BAIRD /■ V / rr ' ; district of Quo- 'RIDGES." Quebec, -PTTINO MaCJIINE." 'C'lMliiMATOMETEIi." 't of Montri'id, dated istli Do- ll ode of Con. for tJ.XTRACTlNfi ■nt in (he Con- Jbruary, 1834. <■' forltENDEnivo a rnpuration an "Jmprovod oru "Now and odel for Build- raft." Quebec, Jscful , Water lethod of Con- >or, 1835. , for a "New th November, No. 42— HARRINGTON, (y^/wArt W»«iam,) of fouoauU, dlitrlct of Montreftl, fora "CompoHitionnf Mattirdistiiiguisiicd by tlio name ofLisiB Watir." Quebec, dated 20th Kiluiiiiry, IHMil. No 43— ANDRES, (Amhw/,) and ANDRES, {Slei>lini H ,) of Cbamlily, dintrict of Montreal, for a "New Discovery in tlio apiiliciition of Htkki, Hpnivos an a PropcllinR PowiT, witli a moveiible Iron Rim for i}w purpose of npjilying the Lever." Quebec, dated 2nd l''i,liruary, 1837. ' No. 44— ANDURS, (.fr/mw/,) and ANDRKS, {S(tn>hm li ,) of Clmmbiy, district of Montreal, for a "Moveaiilk, Falling or Duaw Iho.s and Woooen BninoB, applicable to Rapids and ether Streams". Quebec, dided 4tb February, 1837. No. l.-i-ANDUl'IS, (S,imurl,)aw\ ANDHRS, (Sir'hfn R.,) of Cbambly, district of Montreal, fora "l'"!!!!.)-!'!!'" k SAFB,a« ap|iliiable to Vaults, CelU for Gaols, &o., construct- ed of Hydraulic Cement or Water Lime." Quebec, dated 1st April, 1837. No. 4>i— VANN0V0U8, (./o/ih,) of Quebec, for a "New and Useful Btovr '" Quebec, dated Ttb November, 1837. • No. 47— JOHNSON, {\Vi/li,iiii l'o/)l<,) ofnivivto da Loup, district of Quebec, for a "Method of connuctiug Stove Pii'ES and other Tubes of thin Metal." Quebec, dated 8th .June, 1838. No, 4'<-SISS0N, (;?-;/i(>>/i.M), (if Quebec, for an "Improved Planino and Machink." Montreal, dated 13th June, 18,39. ■ No. 4 »' Wontreal, for «„ ..i„„r« No. r4-0UELL, if ""!'•" Montreal, dJted 3^2"'"'"' '" "'" ^'«'«'« ^ •• No.75-NIeHOLS,(^;,,,«)ofH . Mo""-e»l, dated MEWums of the d,ll- . ^"'^ "^ Montreal for «. .,w ^' ^ ^'*'- and other Veiel^ ^ •t;;^-;' «-m. C.::::r'^? "^— ""^ P- HOMO- .TUCHM«NTS for Pi„„o pl.l..'^ ''*J'«'"-«I, for a "*fethof Montreal, for »,.«„„ ;«rth, .listHctof Mon. of constructing p„^„ ^'''cu.t iron cooking " ""•"^•kory „r ^riclt ' VAss„Vi,v.x" Mon- lentintho Tbms f„r 18J5. ^t';o.J of prop,.lli„g -J" Montreal, dated ' of Se. Francis, for a ^Pril, 18J6. «ful method of con- 15. >f constructing Pad- P'opelling steam constructing -Har- «ng Instruments I'y, 1845. 'New method of fmprovod St BAM ^ and improved »J, for a "N,w "bee, for .. No. 90— ROCKWELI,, (fforalio A.,) ol the township of Farnharn, In the dlntilct of Montreal, fora "Now ornl improved Yoki for Oxkn." Mon'renI, date I 24th March, 1846. No. 91— LEE,(./ona« /'Ai/i/.,) ofthe town of Shurbrjoke, In the /nn,) ot Montreal, f .r a ''New and useful improvement in tbe method of constructing Woodsn Bhidobs." Montreal, dated 28th Novemb. r, 1846. No. 106— PARADIS, {Joseph,) of Montreal, for a "New method of constructing Rakrs fOf raking hay and grain, called the Improvbd Rbvolviso Joist Tooth Sprino Lbvbr Housb Raki.' Montreal, dated 8th October, 1 846. No. 107— LEMIEUX,(Zoui«,) of the city of Quebec, for a "Machine for making WooDiN Shavinob suitable for the fabrication of Band-boxes for Hats, Matches, and cases of ttH descriptions." Montreal, dated 25th January, 1847. No. 108— MASSEY, {Jonathan B.,) of the city of Montreal, for a "Now and improved method of constructing Cistkhns." Montreal, dated 3rd April, 1847. No. 109— DAVISON, {Horace II.,) ot Montreal, for a "Useful method of constructinj; Steel Rings for fastening the Scythe to the Snath." Montreal, dated 14th April, 1847. No. 110— DAVISON, (Horace n.,) of Montreal, for a "New m-thoJ of compounding J)Olti Lie Lamp Fliid." Iduiitiea!, dated 15th April, 1847. No. I13--LEM0INE r/ ■ "—. -«.d 19th April, in th.Ml strict of M,.„t. 1 '' ^'"""''^ '^^'/^ '•enter) of tl, ^"bUSf. 1847. N0.126-BAILIF .• s ^^"■'rca(,dat,..d icth Jja^ch, ;---.nt.._...t..;i«.X:^;':--^^ - a„... ms. o L... «,u. fe„,„. „^,^ „ ^ I. thod o con- »« ■"...■o.ra „tr;it;,:'^^"'«'". ■.■'..*. o, «..,„., .., ,„ App„.ansfort,ki„lli ^;''.''^ "^ Moufoal, for « ..U.oful n, ., J8 'e. "'' '-■■ "'^- top, wh.„ Hevate,! " Mo ' ^■^"''' "'"^ ^'"' """^- Jioiitrcai. ijiittvi !'i VAh Ulfeusf, -v mothod of constru.tinn ouffal, .!ut.,d 19th April, ' "-W'i''''«'u8 for raisins- all "d otlior si>,,.c.o8 of Fish." •ovementintho method of ■d 29th June, I847 «'". «"• -^ "N,n. n..thod ""*"''*'■»•;•% "nd olher 'th Aiiguaf, J847 ^ P''"'^" .'f St. Oesairo tnutiug Flouh Siptbi.s..' «'• C'.sain", district of '''■' W".LS." Montreal, "v ""'I useful method of ' -Alienist, 1847. Kevolviso BinoK Kb. « "Hot Am Pt™,CB," "'St. in the district of c«KW liioin- and 1,.^^ mode of constructing "placing the supply '■. 1847. f'W method ofcou- and improved Hohse ict of Montreal, for a •J«f'd iGth Uanh, treal, for an "Idi- 'J, dated 12th April, ' "M.thod ofcoQ- dattdigth June_ '"'• an "iMprove- "■ fi'tilitatiug the odofoonstructing ^^■w mode, or art duted25th Juiy_ «*il method of t-. ''ind formak- "'i J'Jtii Aufeu,,(, No. 132 -MIDGLEY, (CharU,,) of the city of Montr. h1, for a "New and Improved Padbl« Whsil for Steam aud Horse-boHts, and for propelling Vessels." Montrtal dated 10th August, 1848. ' No. 133-.NEWMAN,()rni^erP^rAm,) of the village of Elora, in ihe Wellington district, Upper Canada, for "The Hydro pnucmatic Watbr Wusbi,." Montreal, dated 12th Sdpt mber, 1848. No. 134-PIERCE, (Martin,) of the townnhip of Stanbridge. in the county of Misais- quoi, for a "New and improved Maphinb, for washing clothes, *c." Montreal dated 15th September, 1848. ' No. 135— WELLS, (TFii^^fr /To/O of the city of Montreal, for a "New and useful Inv. ntioi), called the Abhuvorm or Atmosvhkhio Cuurk." Montreal, dated 13th Novem- ber, 1848. No. 136-BOWEN, (P«iei7,) of the city of Montrpal, for anew and useful "Coiled SpiugTooih revolving Rake.- Montreal, dated 14th November, 184y. No. 137 - La GRANGE, (Omie,) of the parish of St. Aroiand, district of Montreal, for a "New and improved Carkiaqb and Waqoon Whbel." Montreal, dated 6th Novemben 1848. No. 138— BOST WICK, (John P.,) of the township of Compton, district of St. Francis, for "An Office Slidino Calbndab." Montreal, dated 20th November, 1848. No. 139-McQUILKIN, (P<;,) of Kingston, in the Midland District, for "An Im- provement in the Steam Engine, called the Rk-actino Engine." Yo.k, dated 2l8t Novem- ber, 1833. No. 147— SANDFORD, {Nathan,)o{ Prescott, in the district of Johnstown, for "A New and useful Improvement in the principle of building Stbam Vbssbls." Toronto, dated ii3rd May, 1834. No. 148— CARPENTER, (Alexander,) of the town of Hamilton, ditrict of Gore, for 'A Ilevolving Flue, as applied to a Cocki.nq Apparatus, Ac." Toronto, dated 17th February, 1834. No. 149— BURLINGHAM, (Joseph,) of the town of Hamilton, U. C.,8nd BEWLEY, (r/joma»,)of Laprairip, L. C, for "An Improved method of Buildi.nq Ships, Boats, and other Craft, suitable for Navigation on Si as. Rivers, f.akes, and Canals, to bo propelled with Steam or any other power." Toronto, dated 6th November, 1834. No. ISO—TALBOT, (Edward Allen,) township of Loudon, for " 4. new method of f.opelling Vessels and Carriages, designated by the name of Talbot's Atmospubiuo Pro- PELL1.M0 Enqink." Toronto, dated 18th July, 1834. No. 151— GRAHAM, (Thomat,) township of Tborol< listritt of Niagars, for "A new method of Propei,li.n8 Vessels Navigated by Steam," io. Toronto, dated L'5th Margh, 1835. ' No.I58^WiLSON,r . '""-'«'^«t«d 15th April, 1 ebrnary, 1937, ^'" '«'"°vmg Smut puoa Wh«a. . -r ■''"'"'^' '^'■'*^■■'■^■'- No. I60-.sCRlAfGER ./, ""'''' '*"*' ^^ 23.ei 18M. No. iGd—CHATTERTOv d Newcastle, f,,r << An T ' ^ ^'^""'^ ^'"""■,) oftht-to^vn ^e n . No. 1 70-TATP .U """*'■>'■ '842. ' ^^" Imjnwed Guard ttefhod of .ivin. ' ' ^^^"^''"^ ^^«VA,«rf), of tho torn- „f t- 11 f the town of Kingston, for .d«tecl 28th April, ,835 "^•^ofLundon, for ...,„,, ■* "^^"^^"'•'SrovBupoca '«^';'"e for Planing, j„-;^ "fh.rwi«o prepawo. for «■ loronto, dattd 25tli «t'ictofL„n^„„^f^,^„^^^ ^'«. lated 20th January, new- iraprovi-ment in th" ■•'^"•O, dated 10th April, -in the district of Go; e 28fh,J,in(iurr, J837 ';h>'Ne«.castiedi.stn\.i, • ^"'■"nto, datd23.d district Of Gore, Upper ' ^^''kingg-ea.'of Saw rf'^tnct of Gore, f„r d 8th Febra«rjr, jg^^ 'wtthodof consiriRt- f the city ofToronio ae 'n. of which their "d-' Toronto, dat..d rict„f Gore, for «a 'h F'bruarv, 1840 ''■st.ict of Gor.., for . dated 2l8t August, ■fe'> '!i the district of 01' other vessuls." Newcastle district, '« Water Whbel.' "- Newcastle dis- ie-action Watbb. Inu)roved Guard "An improved nd other vessels.' method of con- st' ii'n i;iijri,,e.<.-i No. 172— TATE, (Charlet Muitland,) for "A new method of Tannwo Hides or Skins.' Kingston, dated 2Tlh January, 1842. No. 173 — TATE. (PAcr;** J/ai/^awrf,) of Kingston, for "A new and improved method of extracting the Tannin from Bahk." Kingston, dated 27th January, 1842. No. 174 -FLEMiyG, (Pelod of making mIs'o f "*'"•'•) "^ "'« -"tx of To^ f '''"' "'*^' ^«^«- "•eal so much as wR^ th! T' "" ""^P""'' «' ^^ndfnl ^, ' " ^"^ ^'»P^--' No. 212-ELr rf "'■'^"""■^ **'■" Sfone." 3,^*1^.^''' ''"''°"* »'«a«nff th. No. 3i3:jeS\:t.'""« ^- -^'". C'-f i::: rf ; '; ''- ^-'^^ '^'•«- ^ 'V ""applied lo~^„,„, '^"; ^'"- "An .•a,provo,„..„t ;°'^''r "An improved Em- igara, for a '.Portable P,rk "^ n«'v m.thod of con. ""*''■' "■• "f'er weight,.-. »"Provem,.nt In th« n improved Capstan for«ted..Jv«soo.„CT.o ° 'raprored method of ^d method of .o.wNo»„d "An improved metliod ■0 DiooMs." Montreal, «Wct, for ..A Revolving New principle of D'g. »nd R^icmiBR." Mon- fSt. Francis, f„r „^ I"Hs« Ram, for raking »d district, for.. A ne;r ^t'fy'nsr of «pir,tuo.» er, 1845. f'-"- 'A new and im- '• Franci*, for «An ^ry, 1846. • method of making ices, into any form, district of Gore, for '7th February, J 846. PCRNACB by Which '*ted2ndMay.i84G ««• "An Improved "thout heating tli,> th April, 1846. >n the London dls- d 25th April, 1846. 'OLvj.vo BATrenv. • 18 Ko. 214 JONES, (Samuel S.,) of Hamilton, in the Gore district, for "An Improved CooKiNO Stovb." Montreal, dated 13th June, 1846. No. 2I5-JOHNSON, (Gordon Warrsn,) of Williamstown, in the county of Glengarry , for " An Improved Hoisting Machinb." Montreal, dated 26th June, 1846. No. 216— MILLS, (John,) of the town of St. Catharines, in the Niagara district, for 'An improved method of Generating and Distributing Hbatbd Air." Montreal, dated Ist September, 1846. No 217-BARNES, ( William T.,) of the town of Hamilton, in the district of Gori, !for "An improved description of Tubm Ikon to be used in Blacksmith's Forges.' Montreal, dated 21st October, 1846. No. 218— PARADKE, (Joseph,) of the town of Barrie, in the district of Simcoe, for " A Revolving Joint tooth Hobsk Rakb." Montreal, dated 24th Decumber, 1846. No. 219_LIVINGSTON, (Mv,) of Cavan, Newcastle district, for "A new descrip- tion of Watkh Wukkl." Montreal, dated 14tli December, 1846." No. 220 McLBAN, ( WMiam,) of Toronto, for a " Stsaicboat Rsgclator." Montreal, dftttd 17th December, 1846. No 221— COLBY, (Harrison,) of Lancaster, in the Eastern district for "A New Gas Gb.nbrator" Montreal, dated 12th December, 1846." No. 222-RUTTAN, (Henry,) of Cobourg, for "A Mbtal Hb*t«b for Houses, ftc.,and a Cooking range and Hot Air and Vapour Obhbbatob." Montreal, dated 12th Decern- ber, 1846. No. 223— McLaren, (JoAn,) township of Nelson, (Jore district, for "An improved Stump Exthactor." Montreal, dated 11th January, 1847. No. 224— CLEAL, (Daniel,) city cf Toronto, for "Anew mode of setting Boilersand arranging the Flues and applying heit to the same, for Stbam Knoinks." Montreal, dated 23rd January, 1847. No. 225 RUTTAN, (Henry,) of Cobourg, in the district of Newcastle, for "An iaiproved Cooking Range and Hot Air Vapour Gbnkrator." Montreal, dated 27th Jan- uary, 1847. No 226— DAVISON, (Horace //.,) of the township of Sidney, in the district of Victoria, for " An improved Portable Lamp Fluid." Montreal, dated 10th April, 1847. No. 227— DAVISON, (Horace //.,) of the township of Sidney, in the district of Victoria, for " An improved Hesl Rino for fastening the Scythe to the Snath." Mon- treal, dated 10th April. 1847. No. 228 -DAVISON, (Horace H.,) of the township of Sidney, in the district of Victoria, for " An improved Double Revertable Flue St«am Gbnbrator and Boilbp for Locomotives, Steamboats, and other purposes." Montreal, dated 10th April, 1847. No. 229— GILLETT, (,Ai,?on C ,) of the township of Sandwich, in the Western district, for " An improved Machine for cutting Shinolks, Staves, Vb.vbers, 4c." Montreal, dated Ist May, 1847. No. 230— WE3TMAN, (Joseph,) city of Toronto, for ft "Machine usually known by the name of Bellows." Montreal, dated 9th May, 1847. No. 231— McMICKEN, (Gilbert,) of Queenstown, district of Niagara, for "Certain Improvemeiits in the application of the principle cf th° Electro Magnetic Telograpli, designated the Notiflcr and Connector or Transfek Ma<\ ;-.' Montreal, dated 8th June. 1847. No. 232— FLEMING, (Sand/ord A.,) of the town of Peterborough, district of Colborne, for " A new method of propelling Locomotives." Montreal, dated 4th June, 1847. No. LJj— rRAi'^U, (Peter,) of Dundas, Gore district, for "A new description of Machine for Chuhnino." Montreal, dated 26th June, 1847. I' to J»th July, 1817. '"*'»*■ «'>'^fl<>»f«SfMAR,NB Dock" Montreal, daUU No. 2.35-MoGKK, (./„,^,,) eity of Toronto fn- ai ■'•'- o, he,„p„n,. fl.x hy artificial m..,. " Mol ' '"" "-"""' •"• Proce.s for nor- - "A n«. Co... s..;: xoofa 1 1 ^rtl" T^^'^' ''" '"^ •"^'''"•' «^ '^--'=<^ i«.iib..r, ]847. *^^'"-^'No HoRSfi IUkb." Montr, a), daM 13^1, jjj No. 238— BliOWV /'Pk V . ^o. 2a<,-BUTTfc:R, (./o,,,) „, ,,„ ^, ',',3,; . *^""''"'^'- '-''^^i 2na March, 1848. • 'na„„factur,-ngB„cKs." Montreal, da.-, 2nd v/ar's " -.--.. machine for No. 240 P-VRTUIDP6' 11- """ " "y, i»48. .l.t«l2SII,J,„e, |,4j "'»«(I,ii«U=, ,,,1, ci,™],„ s,„.. „^^__^^| No. 213 — McQueen ci ^ ' ^An Eoo„o.,ea. or Hvor;: ;^^^^^ i^^f '^ ''^ ^'f'^-' '^'«"-'^* of Oore, for whio^B, •tln;^':!^^'^^;^^^^"^;^^ '-e P,„o.opMca, p-inolpl. „po. a^r .ay be ..^ed. Montreal, dated :::it:e:ts''''" '^ ^^''^'^ ^'^^ ^-'"«"'^^^ ;-.Hjn.r::;^^:rtr;;::-^-^. ^'^'^'^^ - — . -^ -... Jated 23rd June, 1848. '^ «««'•«'> CARn, ages in a short space." Montreal, ^BuoV'and' Hal^a^// plt'e^i^ir t f Ib aT"''' '"^ "^"^ '"'"'"—' - Montreal, .,..,.„ lat August, 1848 ' '"' *'" ^*''^"'^'' Hot A.„ Sxov« " -n.|ct,for.. H.Rr.i:::w^^^^^^^^ - -„ constructing HonsB Powkhs to be applied to t.rrt"' '" "^"^'"P-ved method of ^^"^';;-^^-" Montreal, dated l4thCber 1847"' '"" ""'^ °"- ^^-cription of N0.203-MIDQLEY, (CW«,) " V of ,f'"f"^f''^"''^''^'"' November, 1848. WneKr. for steam or hor J ^,^'1^^ '' '''''' :'"^' ^"' "^ -<>- and useful P^nn, . ■I'lnuary.. ,S49. ' " "' ""^' '"' ProP>--i'^"K vosseLs." Montreal, dated V^ 16 'npi-f>«r«m...nt, in th^ mon- H Dock » Montreal, dated iJthrtd or procosg for rot- 4th Augmt, J 84 7. "atou, in the district of 347. tlie (listriot of N.-wcagtu., ontr. a), (latvd I3th De- f Montreal, for u^ new '. riftted 2nd March, 1848. 1 iraiTuvcd mathiae for iu tho Western district, ro district, fw "An im. r^ttl, dated 26th Mu,-, in luaprovenipnts in tho ilitr SawH." Montreal, r, district of Gore, for "OK BuilQing>., Stumps, | ophical priiiciples upon 'liich tho Ventilating ITontreuI, for "Apian rt space." Montreal, improved method of 'or "An improved Air- r an improvement on AN Hot Am Stovjs." \ the district of Johns- li of saws usfd for , in the Wellington 5th September, 1848. ilmproved method of dotiior description of find useful macliiuc November, 1848. and useful Paddle ontroal, dated 27th i No. 264— SMITH, (Ananian,) of Simcoi>, Talbot district, for "A new and unefnl Am Di3TRiDt:Tou, or GriATB, for tlio purpose of burning sawdust, tan, peat, turf, cobI, or any other fine fuel, in sieves or any other cliamburs of combustion. " Montreal, dated 30th .January, 1H19. "So. 2ri5— HALF., (Jiimfs Wclister,) of Fitzroy Square, in the County of Middlesex, Entilsnd, for " I nprovements in Machinery for cleanina; or fre«ing Wool, and other hibrous mattrials of burrs and other extraneous substances." Dated Montreal, 2nd March, [1849. . Hfhiff an English Patent, bearing date IGlh October, lSi5, registered in Canada. No. liCG — BAIRD, {John,) city of Toronto, for "Improvements in the arrangement [and construction of tho S TEAM Knoinb." Montreal, dated 5th May, 1849. No. 257 SKVERANCE,(£:i!w» ./ coucnKUii's Assistant." Montreal, dated ISth August, 1849. No. 261 — HIGLKY, {Peter Row,) of Osbawa, township of Whitby, in the Home dis- trict, for an "Improved Churn, callid tho "Propbllbr Churn." Montreal, dated 30th August, 1849. No. 262— MANDIGO, (/.>aB«W,) of the parish of St. John's, in the district of Mon- tri al, for "A Japan Varnihh, cullt d the Chemical Elastic Japan Varnish." Montreal, dated August, 1849. No. 263— TATE, {Charles Maitland,) of the city of Montreal, for "A new and im- proved method of Raising and Loweiing Wkiohts." Montreal, dated 3rd September, 1849. No. 264— TUKMAIN, {Richard,) township of Clark, Newcastle district, for "An improved Straw Clttkr." Montreal, dated 2 tth Septtmbur, 1849. No. 265— WINGEK, {John,) village of Berlin, district of Wellington, for "A Re- action I'cmp." Montreal, dated 28th September, 1849. No. 206— CULL, {John Angell,) city of Toronto, for "Improvements in the art of Starch Makinc, vvhereby the process is greatly improved, and rendered ruore certain and cfl'ectual.'' Montreal, dated 24th September, 1849. No. 267— MIDGLEY, {Charle.i,) city of Mjutreal, for "A new and useful Saw Mii.l." Montreal, dated 13th August, 1849. No. 268— GTLMOUR, (./o/i/i,) city of Quebec, for "A new metliod of cont-tructing Capstans, callid tiii.Mouit's C.\p.stan." Toronto, dated llth December, 1849. No. 269 - ARMS, (in/uam,) town of Sherbrooke, for "The Lion Plough." Toronto dated 28tli necemlier, 1849. No. 270— MANDIOO, {Daniel,) of the town of St. John's, for "An improved Plough, called Mandiuo's Imi-iiovkd Plouoii." Toronto, dated 30th ^muary, 1850. No. 271— MANDIGO, {Daniel,) of ihe town of St. John's, for an "Improved Car. RiAGK Si'iiiNO." Toronto, dated 22iid January, 1850. No. 272 — NIXON, {William,) of the township of Grimsby, in the county of Lincoln, for "An improved Skeu Drilling Maciunb." Toronto, dated 28th February, 1850. No. 273— SAMPSON, {James Henry,) of the town.ship of Glanford, Upper Canada, '■■•r "A new and ugefui mavhine or appaiauri for CtrrriKG Mk.v's Boots, and dctrrmininf, with accuracy, the situation of the spring in centre upon which the foot move*. ' To- ronto, datid Cth Maicii, 1850. I t I! ;li ' lit I li proc No. 274 PEN'NEY Ta.nn 'rofvmvnt «Nm L.AmH" "7 ';"";"'' "^ Kingston, for "An No. -'81_WiLBUR ( iu,„n , Toronto, tk.ed 2,5th Marrh i«-rt ''Ti MP Extractor >' t \ ^ "'^ ***■ L( on, count v Af «* •> , -t-... T.oneo,U«,;c,;v;:4;';^^^-^'--*».'or «An .•u.p,.o.eci„, s... >io. :>84 HOUf'Ff fr No. 291_SEAVFR /ur/,- ' "»i«a .jod July, igjo. . ,No. 292 — SEAVER /wn- '■'"• ^ "'""t"» dated 1 7th October, i elo ''"P'-ovemcnt 17 f "An JmproreiDent in the Iton, f„r «A poit.ble auSth March, 1850. "^i^h, Jn the county of '«"'.fnctur(ng wheHt and 1850. »f VVentworth, fur "An 25th March, 18.")0. Jf Wentworth, for an 1, 1»50. St- MaurlcB, for UA "ored Ob.fetiitHl 8(1-. furn, for "An improve- "i ••op.otred p,^„^^^g^ ^^ irnship ot Trafalgar, guUtor, appliiftbic tj of Montreal, for «Ai> 0. method of conslruct- •"JU"', 18j0. -^tw and improved , fur '-A' furthur jni- 'AnimproTed St.vvb ^ "IniproTed Stave he manufacture of 1850. )rovcment in Loco- 1 be propelled uloiiy «v nnd improved , 1850. 'd portable Gnisi- scfal improvement No SO'^l— TIFP'ANY, (O/in,,;) f.f thn . ity of Hnmil ton, for a "Certain iraprovcmciit in the appiiratUH for warming houses and other inliabitod apartments, green houses, grain, IVuit, malt drying nnd other kilns, and for other uses." Toronto, dated 30th October, 1850. No. 299— MIDGLEY, (Charles,) of the city of Montreal, for "A new and useful Ma- ehino called A Si-ahk Kii.licr and Heat Ketainku." Toronto, dated 2ud November, 1P50. No aoo— SMITH, (////amur 7'.,) ■: the village of Duudas, in the county of Hal ttn, ir a "New and improved Combinntioii of Machinery for a Cutting Box, for cntting traw, Hiiy, or Stalks." Toronto, dated 7th December, 1850. No :jo1— HAMILTON, (.A/mci,) of the town of Peterborough, for "An improved 't.nuoH." Toronto, dated 13th December, 1850. No. 302— LAMU, (/>«m'W Jfa<<^i(/,»,) of the city of Toronto, for "An improved Mil- blue for making Ni-m and Wa.sueiis." Toronto, dated 28tli December, 1850. No. 303— DUPONT, (EuscIji',) town of St. J-jhn'.s, for "A new and Improved Pump or Apparatus for lifting Water." Toronto, dated IVth December, 1850. No. 304 -OKI FPIN,(irlated 31st Juiuuiry, 1851. No. 309— HEAltLE, (,/n/u>,) of the village of Ualt, in the county of Halton, for "An Improvement in Pumps and Fikb E.ngi.nes." Toronto*, dated 3l8t January, 1851. No 310— DARLING, (./o/i»,) of the township of Yarmouth, in the county of Mid. (llesu.y, for "A naw nnd useful composition to be used as u Soap for the saving of labor iu washing clothes " Toronto, dated 31st, January, 1851. No. 3U— IIUTTAN, {//enrtj,) of the town of Cobourg, for "A machine called a Vbn- riLATiNO Stove and the means by which the ventilating air may be made to circulate under a floor und between the joists." Toronto, 31st January, 1851 Surrendered and it new f/iUriU issued, VMk November, 1858. No. 312-GrJFFIN, (James Kent,) of the Villngo of Waterdown, in the County c( Halt;. n, for "Several importimt improvements in Cooking Stoves, and in the metlicd of applying and using heat for cooking purposes." Toronto, 13th March, 1851. No. 313—HOLTON, (IKi^iw/H,) of the township of East Tilbury, in Uie county of Kent, for "A neV kind of Plouuii." Toronto, dated Ijtli March, 1851, No. 31-1-CULL, (John An /el',) of tUti city of Toronto, for "Certain Machines called a III U.SBU and -"' CooKiNo Stove" t ^ ''*"" ''"fi-'f in what hn ember, IS,-, J, 19 I Rubbotod revolving ali •onto, foi- .^iw for sttivirg '"'ty of Lincoln, ^808,' Torontii Leeds, ,or n a. ■•f' in wliat ho tniier, 1851. tlio connty of "'er." gu,bor, :celsior Cylin- for ttiiy othcp V'eniber, I8,")i. No. 339— OOLKMAN, (milium,) of Iho City oj Toronto, for " A Circnlir an I I'd Stia'g t MouMing, Rabbi lling, I'loiigblna aud Arehitrnvo Machine" Quebic, ditd Cth Nuv.uibiir, 18:.l. No. 31U— LAMB, (Peter liothioetl,) of thi City of Toronto, for <' A n w and Im^o.tunt Micliino forthemanufiuturo of Latiw." Qnubi-c, dkted Bth November, 1851. No. 341— HIOLKY, ( AV'*'/' Kr.ii;) of Onhiiwa, in tho ootinty of York, for " A m w Hnd linproviid Machlnt- forcnttlng Hav or Sthaw." Queb c, dattd litli Novumber, 1851. No. 342— VilLLS, ( T'/KO'd.t,) of tlic C^ty of T./ronto, " A now mothod of countriict- ii.g C\HiiiAnB< ftNcl i>lht;t V'lhicl.H ly wbijli they are inablud to turn In much ban spate tb*n formally." Qu bve, dated 25'.h Novemb r, 1851. No. 3J3— MACliAUKN, (./(iHiM,) of the City ot Quebec, for "An iniprovtd modu ofinitiiinK llHiCKH and Architectural UinHDuait.>." Cjiabec, dated 8tb January, 1852. No. 3 14— PaON V l-^LO, (■/uKi-filt,) of the city of Muotreal, for " An iroprovod Fuk.nace." Quebec, flatted 8tli J-mnary, 1853. No 345-.IONES, (ynenii,) of the Vllliig« of Stewa'tstown, in the Towmliip of I'jqn'fini:, in tlic Connty of Ilnlton, f.r "A mw and imolul Improviment in tliuconHtruc- tion of WAfiOONS, comlining the spiingt and toiipling." Quebec, diitd 19th Jitniiory, 1852 No 34G -ANOKKSON, (Atemmler,) of Merltham, in tlie County of York, for " Certain i.npidvcmeiit-* tf) a Mu' bine (nlle I a Okaiv Sepahatoii, f r the purpose of cleiin'ng grain and Be: an.ting it from tlie straw and chaff." Quebic,d»tc d 19th Januar;', 1852. No. 347— ANDEUHON, (./ames,) of tlie Townsliip of Dknhcim, la tho County of O.k- I'oid, for "A new iinil useful plan f ^ ^ <>~ii"w„ in f,, „%- No.375_ExV.Vls ,V; ?''''''■"' '"^'^-J 8th October I,,., ' "■^-^.W-U ■■--:£~=r.r--'-"".-»........ — ^ -^^^i^n.,ro..:^^^;^lr'^'^^-^'^-^^o^^t. An„e,.. „ I-o ,- fJ'-t^d 13lb 0,.t,b". jo..,'" "'" '"<"'<-* "f co„,st,.,!,..,-.„. n '"^'"toire, for «A .L-;!LB ■3I0VE.S." Qiiebt III N jiii hi N IVK.' N rovci ^ ppHr, piirti » N |of 101 »i Ani ^ 'Th. for »i VVbitI aniJ 8 1 of E<>i Qm-b. 1 Lly, 1 bei'i (] 1 for "i Qui; Ik ! woitV 1853. 1 '•A t', worti Ciiuti ] wortl (Itttvd ] villi', 18.-)3. Kam the V Kam yiiel 21 "". In tl.„ To*n,h/p „f In.. ''''^"I«^ In tho County „u '" »<^r floM^I,,... Quel,,,., "■•"". f'- "A n,,wan,llm.i 2!'»l" ./Illy, 1H32. ,' ""' ^'"""'>' "f O'lih-im. t of M. ntnnl, f„r "A now K (lHto.1 12th AllJ{U8f, *^'"''"T, in the Connfy of "M".L Sroxa PicKsris.' f'^^y, in tho Coiinty , i 'Ti,K.v,i IMS Klkvaiok." "-^ new and iwiful Im- J'vn, in the Coanty , ( '•N» SeoYB.V Quebec, in tlio County of Ox- 'August, 18 ji. ""-■ ^'">"ity of art,,. 'y <>U„ino,l a p,.t,„f ' "'o Couiity ot On. f^ruKw, ptttt„t,.>« City oJMontienl, for "An Improved Ciicm.' !mbc',(li.tid 27th Octobtr, 13^2. No, :ho— MIIUil.KY, (rA(i/'/.'»,)of t'eClty of Montrcil, for "\n Iniprovod D»u [IlVK."- Qnelfc, d,t.d 27lb Oitoh. r, IH:.2. Ni>, an— nilOVVN, (iri//(//OT,) ot Iho City Toront'*, for "A no ■» «nl mrfijl Im- irovcmcnt in nmUIng Ohaih Hakb:*." Quebec, diitid 0th Nov inber, l'iJ2. No. 382— TIFFANV, (yifderick,) of tho City of Toronto, fir "A nt-w nnd iropmviid ippanitnn for warniing iiir nml (or warmlnj; and v.^ntibilin)} husks and other inhi.biteil ipartnuntH." «Jtiilor, dtud Oih November, 18")2. No. 383— I'LINN, (/'rt.fic*,) <.f tho City of Montreal, f<;r "A C iniponnd A. tb n ^V4T«R WiiKKL." g uber, d-^tcd 8tb Novmibpr, 18J2. \j 3H4-SrACY, (r/cor^fc) of tim City of Minlieiil, lor "A n 'w and nm'fnl nietl.oil |of lonKiriating Simke Maciiinb-." Qutlcc, dHtMJ 21th .InnUHry, 1853. No an— ALLCHIN, (triV/iam,) of Ihu Villagtof thi! (Jjtinty of lUiint, for "An impn vcd Scytiib Folubii." Qu. bee, duti^d 2(iili Januiiry, 19S3. N). aao-ANSLEY, (^George,) of the Vill»gu of Vienna, In tho Connty ol Elgin, for '■Tb. C nlrifut,al imd Cui.trlpL-ial Ciiuu.s." Qujbeo, (fa'eJ 8th Fubruary, 1853. No. 337-IU'ULP:V, {Kzfkiel,) of tho Township ol Claike, In tho C 'Unty of Du hiin, for "An impiovi m nt on the Woods.v I'l.otoii " Qiiubui;, datud Uth FubrUMry, 1853. No. 3S3 H 10 L i; V, (/'e/er /JoiM,) of the Villiwo of Osliawn, in thu Township of Whitby, in iho County of Onlarlo, fjr ''A new aiid lmi)rovud Mauhino for tu t'ng Hav aniJ SiBAw.' Qiii bfu, diitid 7th March, 1953. No. 3:9- WlLDEIl, (Amm Andrews,) vi tho T )wn»lilp ot Smdwich, in the County of Ess. X, for "A nuw and usi fill M.ithlnj for l\A.vl.^o, ToNa.Bi.MO and Qiioovuno Uoabdh." gcicbfc, dated 7'.h Miircb, 1853. No. 300— MANDIGO, {Danie',) of the Village of St. JobL'^, In tho County ot Cham- Lly, for "A riew and UHrful improveino'it iu the eou8trnotion of Liaiirxiso Ui ds." Qi^;- beo, d tod Ibtli Fi.biiiary, 1353. No 391— UOUNDS, {AlberQvi ihn Villiigj (f St. Johu's, in tlio County of Chirablr, for "A new and nsefiil imtirovemunt In tliu conntructlon of Lioiii.nino Conduotorh " yneboo, dulod lOih Fibriiary, 1853. N... 3y2 — .MUllDOCH, (/'(*r,) of the Tovnsldp ot Ancnst r, in tho County of W-'nt- woith, fir "Nuw iind Improved running GgA-.t for VJiiuKs." Q n-bec, dated 15ihA,rl, 1853. No 303— ANSLEY, (.George,) of tl.o Village of Vienna, in tlie County of Elisir., for *'A I'oitable Iiot Air Fuhnack and (booking Srovs." Queb c, dated 15 h April, 18:.3. No. 3y.l — UUSSELL, (./ "A „„ „„ „..;„< ,:;; 2,:;;;: ,i:'ir r °;"*~' ^" "» -"•" - ».. "■■sa.M 29,1, April, 1833. """- ""»•'""'""" ",r™,.,6 U„,t. " g, \o.408-HOLWliLL M.7// / ^"^''-'°. ""'"^l l^th May, I85;i. ^ ---"• R,,,., y„,,„^_ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^- ^^^ ".., or B„.,. .s, .0 ,.e ..„„. ..Th« Dc^x '-''71-^-.- .uejelt^a^r ;:-':s3""^'-^^'^" •-"'"- -^""X : >io, 411— TJBBIT.S ^/. • . ' • i^^s^H.. Of Mont.., ^r .1^^:: H^::':,:',:'^; ^--"^' - ----., ,„ . „ N. r olK, or "New and ..efu, improv. 11 e::"'^''''"^.'^ '•-•--•. '" the Co,.„t. ..• 'J'.ol^o, dated 20.h June, 18o3. ""^■"-^-'^'i-' of H.vhv,,,,.,. m,c,„v,. ■ So. 4U_„„,s.i.i-„„ (.,„,„„, , „ ,'"' ''™' '-"'-l -"'.I, J„„,, ,8.,;, . ' ;;■ .:»-™rs:'^r:.:rrsr.;': ™r -' "--■ - - > - - K 'InU a .Mst June, ,85. """"^■■'" "' '"" "^ -'-- tio. '.f li,l",'"'j;^ ^» n:.-M-AI.U:K, «„),(.,,, J,;;- • ^ -^-> '"^^-i 21.. June, ,8.3. m 23 "A u«e(ul in.prov.meut ^ A.-i-il, 1S5J. N .rwi.l,, i„ the Co.Mty "^•v, of Elf,M-n, for "..^ '' W-st, in the CoHiMy ifc, for .:a new an.l B called "The Duplex Kl'ton, in the County ''g'iifiij [u^.l^ Works, 5"'ity of K.nt, f„r '•s aud dJHposiiijr ^j "j^n Improved tii(d> 'f Farnhnm, in t a nth June, iSj'j. <'. Ml the CoiihtK r "A new and iis. - •.(J^it.d Uith Jiiij , '•1 *)!(-• C'lunty of f I'LOKJII;. ' Q,, . the C'jiinfy ,,f fie, ISj3. ilanbddg-, in the Distriit of Montn-Hl, for "A new and useful machine for sawing and pknlnjr all Litmbkii by one opcTHti .n." Quebor, dated 20th .Jrilv, 1853. No. 420-UR:jUaART,(OWy.',) of the Township of Eaton, in the District of St. Franctfi, for "An imp.ovemcnt in the manufaoturo of Motallio Cirring.! S,)ring8, to he called 'The Uuquimi'.t.Elliptic Si'ri.nt, " Qieb-ic, datt-d 20th .July, I3j3. No. 421— LADD, (Mvin Paliwr,) of the City of Montrsil, for "A Mktallio Dj.u.u, Cas::." Quebec, dited 8th Jnly, 1853. No. 422-TFOM.\S, (ffo&r',) of the Cty jf Toronto, for "A P.iddle Bo.-c T.ibuli Kaft." Qieber, diit. d 19th .July, 1853. No. 423-SPENCE, (ir,-Wam.7oAn,) of the Cityof Queber, for "A self-adjuslin- Paddu; WhLEi,. ' Q leliec, dated 26th July, 18 J3. No. 421-n03ITAILLE, (^Akxis,) of tau City of Quehec, fur "A new and iraprove.l apparatus for produtinK ovs from rtsin, oil, and olher sub*53. No. 427— SOUTHWICK, (,Ut October, 1853. No. 431-MODELAND. (/«,«,■,) nf tlu- Township of, in tne C, unt/ ot Peel, for "Improvements in the construction of Plui,-o:i3.'' Quebec, dated 10th Sep- tember, 1853. No. 432-STEPMENS, (Robert j.'.mrrt,) of the Town of Owen Sound, in the County of Grey, for "A new and improved E.xcvvatoh for cutting or cxcivating and movin- clay, MUid, gravel, or other sub.stances." Qu.b.'c, dated 7th tober, 185.3. No. 433-PAllSONS, (.fo/,„,) of tho City of Toronto, for "An Improved Machine f'u- n;al' "'"-^ P'"'^t'" M>b.,tance.. ' Q„ebec, dated No. 4 J2-MUUD0C'{I, (I\>ter ) of fl, 'p ~u., r., ..A c™.„„,. oil. J :\:,:, :„:: L"'^'^"'-.'"';'. >■■ "■" «-»«., o, >.„„,. U-<-, dated 28th Ai.rd, 1S51. V'ov.sion>, hot, by ihe rppUcUiou of U.^s." Que. ^"'t' r "A Ufw and u,si . for dniriHg,., new- I- ' Qi'obec, dutid ' County of VVont- w[ uiiniiijus may County of VVent- ' iSth Apr], isi.i. L'ounty of Dran! 'it in for eooUini; iLC, tor siasonin;^ batcbinff j.oul- lut'U.vs." Que. 'iiity uf \\\nt. wotth for « New Bnd useful l«prore«enta in the construction of the C,nK„ Miu and PnB-s.» Qufbec, dated 2nd Ftbruary, 1854. No. 457- WAIT, (y„r.un,) of Willoughby, in the Cour.ty of Wclland, for "A com- b nanon of ^ach.nery for the making of B*u«..s, K«ob, Tt;BS, and other bilge worls" Qmbec, dati'd 6th June, 1854. * worKs. for ..?■ ''^'-f ^^f ^'^^ (^'"•^^.) «"»^ Town Of Preseott, in the County of Qrenvill,. UthJunTl'l" ""P-~'- the construction of Cu„H«B." Quebec, d^ No.459-HOyT,(fla/M,)oftheCityofH.,mUton,for..Aa improved Odstbtr.oai, Slitortbh." Qu. bee, dated 2qth June, 1854. ^bstbtrioal No. 4G0-SCOEIiLL, (Joseph,) of th« City of Montreal, for "A new and imn,-^ . m .tbod of maoufacturing P"*'«'' 19tn September, 1854 No. 479-uATISS ffTlr^ , ' "'"'' 2""' ^i-'tobor, 1854. No. 480-LI^DO, (//..;.,! ^^u'cit?': O T T ''"^'"^' ^^^*- proceHsfordeprivin,hUie«an,.«,U„Ho h.>h r w , L ^•■' M ne. and u.-f,., •'Cerr:„::;-t"rn;fi!C^^^^^^^^^^^ "^^ ^'-^^ -^ P.te:borongh, fo,- dat«d 19th October, 1854. "'^ Ao„,cl'i.t.«al Opb.atio.s." Q« b :c, No. 482 WA TFRHTTU /■/-ri «"fb,c, d.led aih Sov,nb(^r, i8S4. »"•«.«> from a l„,ta,, b,r of m,i,i.' No. 484-CUTTKR , <, ,. , °°' ***"' ^'^ November, 1854. -bod of.a., jc!::;!;:::; ,: rr^^^^ - --^ ---p-- or any use to wl.ich a./i« ,, . ^'^ '"""P'''" °^ i'lumiuation, heating, «eod, fla.,castoroil,it!;Lr :r'n : ' ''"" "'' '''^tlMationof ripe sun flow!. cracked, .vith or without hulls huHkn • *'"'' T^'' '" ""'""'' '""' "" ""•^' ^^''"''^ °' 1834. ''""«' ''"«^^«. «-•'-*, or HhelLs," Qu.b.c, dat.d 7th November, No. 485 -LE.MIRF /r . B"^, called the W„.; a'^r^.tr^; ro'';'"' ""^-'^'^ "^ n..,o^M.., 14th November, 1854. ' ^^"K"^'''-otypic purposes." Quebec, date.l Uy<'^'^nZ~!:,TofT^^^^ '': '^°^^"«^"P «f «"->^y, and LYONS, now and useful Machine, o Tp I e'if t'' • f ' '' "" '"""'^ '" "'"^«'"' ^^ ''^ K....... c.„v...a...' Quel!:: d!;;: ;i. t:;b;ri;"''^'^' ''-- '™^^ ^"'-- te.,1 20.1, J.a„,, ,85,''- '"' '""'"I'"''". ».li«. in,„„.,.. „„„,,.,, No. 491— BliOWV (-// /) \,.fn ,„ 'bran ''i..u>-cmeut ;>:.h;o;;::,,^:: ^ J:;''' '«;-':: '" '"" ""-'^ ^' '^^-^' ary,i855. '"«„ oit, , n.v„ lio., " y „,b.,.c, dai.-.l ia:h,Jarn,. No. 492 ADAVW /■ ff \ (• i.1 looo. . ^"'"' y I. ■>.'(■, d^lt■•i 2ijih JiMiiirv 27 » the Ci)UQtjr of Ensex, Togresa of railway oar« , 1854. wm, In eha County of 1854. the County of Wnnt- 8th October, 1854. ur "A new and u.i.-fni !s preparatory to being of Prte; borough, fo: 3pb:iatio<(3." Qu b.c, ntf)rd, in the County uatu.l bur of metal.' nts, in tlio County of ling off tlic track or 154. now and improved umination, heating, n of ripe sun flower all nuts, wliole or ttud 7th November, " A now Polisliinn es." Quebec, dated nsby, and LYONS, of Lincoln, for 'A 9 Canadian Thistlk ichinc for clearing 'U." Q lebuc, dated 1, in tlio County of intyof Haldimand, able or Stationary "inty of Durham, 'iinbiiland, f)r a ip ).-^es." Qiiebee, unty (if 0.\f,rd, •laied ia:ii Jauu- ^01 k, fir a ''Hk- inty of Montreil, -ij'h Jiiiinry, No. 404-OVEBHOLT, {J.,) of the Town8hip of Blandford, in the County of Oxford, for a "Horizontal Sawing Machlnb for cross-cutting logs of wood." Quebec, dated 20th January, 1865. No. 495— McBKTH, («.,) of the Township of South Dorchester, in the County ot Klgin, for a "Loogitudinil motioned KiNNmo Mill." Quebec, dated 3rd February, 1855. No. 496— COWING, (//.,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for "Cer- tain improvements upon Maciunbry." Qiebec, datdd 8th February, 1855. N». 497— PINOLE, (./;,) of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, for a "Potato Dioobr." Quebec, dated 8th February, 1855. No. 498 -ROBINSON, (/..,) of the Town of S*ndwich, in the County of Essex, and WOODBUIDGE, (J.,) for a "Safety Lbvkb Bucklb." Quebec, 13th March, 1855. No. 499-McDOUGALL, (.7.,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for a "CooKiNoand BotuNO Apparatus." Quebec, dated 6th March, 1855. No. 500— FOX, ( That. S.,) of the Town of Prescott, in the County of Urenville, for a "Self-acting apparatus applicable to Locomotive Enoinbs and RaiUload Cars, for mak- ing and a'tjuating their owu tracks with safety upon liail Roads, commonly called Switch- ing." Quebec, dated 6th March, 1855. No. 501 -ANDERSON, (.1.,) of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, for an "Improved Culiivator." Quebec, dated 6th March, 1855. No. 502— PALMER, {A.,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for a "New and useful Rbaping Machine." Quebec, dated Iflth March, 1855. No. 503— MARKLE, (II.,) of the Township of East Flamboro', in the County of Wentworth, for a "New and improved Double Dasiibb Churn." Quebec, dated 15th March, 1855. No. 504— FETCH, (Charles,) of the Town of Port Hope, in the Countv ot Durham, Assignee of Reuben P. Benton, of the City of Toronto, for "Improvements in machinery for manufacturing Waggon Spokes and other articles irregular in their form." Quebec dated 22nd March, 1855. ' No. 505— ATKINSON, (J.,) of Pine Grove, in the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, forau "Innprovement upon the Drill and Broad-cast Sowiicq Machih«." Quebec, dated 22nd March, 1855. No. 506-CRAWFORD, (I).,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for an "Improved machinery for filling Steam Boilers with Water." Quebec, dated 24th March" 1855. No, 507— EQAN, (J/.,) of the Town of Niagara, in the County of Lincoln, for a ''New and improved Method of oiling Car Jocrnals." Qaeb-sc, dated 27th March, 1855. No. 508— DARLING, (S.,) ot the Village of Dunnvllle, in th« County of Haldi- mand, for "The art of raising sunken vessels or other objects, by means of Bijoys and Wkights." Quebec, dated 5th April, 1855. No. 509 -STEERS, (A.,) of the City of Torrfnto, in the Cosnty of York, for a "New and improved method of manufacturing the dtb, saccharins salts, or e.xtract8 of vege- table substances, without the usual evaporation." Quebec, dated 21st April, 1855. No. 510— oTEERS, (.4,,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for a "New and improved method of Quick Tanning." Quebec, dated 20th April, 1855. No. 511— DORION, (Charles,) of the Parish of St. Laurent, in the District of Mon- treal, for a "New aiid improved method of constructing Cuttbbs, for the purpose of racing." Quebec, dated 10th April, 1855. No. 512— WILLIAMS, (J.,) of the City of Montreal, for a "New and useful improve- ment in the blast of Looomotivb Enoinbs." Quebec, dated 24th April, 1855. •iii' No. SiO-LACROIY fV 1 e 1 ' ' No. 522-FITZPATUrCK nr ^ rl '*"'''"'-'''"*'"'^2"'J'"»«ary,,855. inu.rov.n.entsi.K„„ ,,,,,„; ^-^^^J^^^^^ for .• .o. ..„, „,,,., No. 523-JE\VELL, (// ) of »1.,. , '! , " ' "'' ""'' ^"'•'-•^ 1855. :'f7'™*«-"SI'i°:;t:^ „,,„„ ilutod 4th June, 1855. ' '-'"'"""'"J or smooth borod." Quoboc, No. 527— NrBLOCK i-ir ^ t ■ • " An i.,p„.„„„. ,/; ' i^z::': i'"T"°""' '" "'° ^""'^ ■" '■"*, <- U«tao,.i«tal„ 5,.j. ,855. -' -»»."™».,ns H,.„„ „„„ ,„, „,^|„^ ■ „ No. ,'528 — L1<;e r/ P ^nfx^• -----t";;:;i:',;^^s\s=n:r":v'-- No. .-iso-RODrKR ,r/, / w. ^ , '^*^"«^'»- y'"-'boc, .ktdHthJun.. 185-, of the u„it.d oo„..i;f o^^C: j:;u:::,;i^\;^t.:'s'"'':/'^''^^ .N,.„?|_DUlSCOLL,nr ■) ofthnT ."-"'■' '^'""•'^^" > ''■•it<''l 7th July, ],sr,5. '■ .■ -N... ,„.„ „.,,„ ,,;,i,, ;';•'; '~ ;■■ ; , r:*^'; ' " ''-■""' '—^. No.5:'5_mk;ht, r/.^^.,r ..... v.„^ .' '''^'■' '"' -^"'y. '«^' -^"^fHT, (/V,)of th,, V, '«ff<'of Milll )i--()lv-, in tik' T owiiship of l^ivnn, 29 ityofH.lfo.1, for M --In. itheCountrof Po,|, f„r 'Of Whitohiiroh, in t».o May, I8SS. //,)ofthe Citjrof H«m. init thu wiaJ «q,i j^ ,|, stmlrst r, in the Cuaty of p.psti and rail* of * "N'ow and us.,f,ii ,,„. 'd IStli May, 1855, nuw uud useful mode of 55. 'w and Improved Water 1H55. 3W and useful improve- fanuary, 1855. for "New ,ind useful Tch, 1855. "id useful machine for •iKtriut of St Franc, 185 ncis, A new and improved I'i'KK." gu-ibec, dated I useful improvomcnf Jotli bored." Quebec, County of Leeds, for KKH for Hiking hay," 3r a " Hound Rotary "nty of York, f,,,- aii il"t,d Hth June, 185.-, 'V *• New iiud useful It)' of Hdlton, for ii lio City of Hamilton, y of (ireuville, one for tlu^ purjjose of 7th July, 1S55. (^uiHity of Lanark, ■"«liip of Ciivnii, ill the ro»nty of Durham, fora "Porta-lc vibratlugandself-actias circular 8*w...o M*c«r», •• Quebec, datt'd 25tli July, 1H55. No. 5.1«_Hr(;LKr, (/.. «.,) ofthe VilUgo ofOshawa, in the t;«unty of Oatario for an " Improvd Cxrhuo, Sph,.,,,." guebvc, dated 7th July, 1855. No 537_MUKDOOH, (/•„) of the Village of Amanter, in the Cauut, of Wontworth for^an" Improvement in A.x.,« and »..b...o« for Carriages." Qnebec, dated 21st August, No 538 FOUnKS (.A. ,r..)of the Vniag, of Dunnville, in the Countyof Haldim-wl, for a "Self artiug and S.lf adjusting EvauoAn Hw,Tcu,and Alarm and Begister' 'Quebec dated Ist Heptemher, 1855, ' No. ,V'.9 MITUDOCH, (P.,) of the Village of Ancastcr, County of Wentworth, for at, A!ig,m''i'™r '" ^''" ''""'"'■"'''"'^'' of dou-ble and single Trk«,,- Quebec, dated 2lKt No 540 -SELLECK,(/>.,)of thoTownofrr.«:ott,inthe County of Orenville, foi lute's" Tr"!" "''"'"'''"'""*"' *•- construction of Chuhms." Quebec, dated 23r.l No 5u~MILLKR,(.A./.,)ofD«nnvillc,inthe County of ffaldimand, for an "Im- proved R( DDBR," Quebec, dated Ith September, 1855 No .542_DBLANEV, ( r,) of the Town of Port Hope, .n the County of Durban^ for „„ . nnproved method of constructing the O^.n,.,, of Bug,ies and other Spring Vehicles" Quebec, dated 4th September, 1855. No. 543-ANDEKSON, (A.,) of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, for «n Improved Wam.i.vo Macuvb " Quebec, dated 5th September, 1855 No^544-DONAOHUE, (,/.,) of Chippawa, in the County of Welland,' for a "New and useful imp,ovement in the Sm.., Plate, P,llah and Column, usually placed at graves in memory of the dead." Qu.bec, dated 5th September, 1855 No. 545-OATEa, (Richunt, II.,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of Yoik for " An .UBtantaneous Rkbfkii." Qu-bec, dated 5th September, 1 855. N0.54G OILL,(./,) of the Town of St. Catharines, in the County of Lincoln for •' Improvements in the machinery of Ebapino and Mowi.vo M AcmNB8." Quebec, dated 6tl, bei)teniber, 1H55. ' No. 547-DUNN, (./.,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, for a "New and improved method of constructing alarms or signals, to be called Du.nn'.s A>„ UiiiSTLB." Quebec, dated 12tb September, 1H55. N..548-CLAliKK,(./.7>.,)oftheCityotToronto,int.,c County of York, for » N^w K.yod Musical Instrument named the 'HrAHisNA or Glass 0«gan. • Quebec, dated 18th September, 1855. No. 549-FULLElt, ( Thoma,,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for an "Improved Ploiiou" "Qiubec, . lit' VeMtlh.i.ti'in. O^'.el): Jl.-t No. 555— MlLMUl, (7 (',) of Ih- T 'f I'Utoii, III till! C iiint" of I'll uce Kilwiird, 30 ^•"•« "MHchin.-ioeHcoL-Iemting th t-iabr, 18 -.5 ng thi) proui-Hg of tunning H No. 556— WIGOINS, (n, t'ln, f r n"C;iiKMiu Prbss." t BS.^" Quebec, d .tort 2nh H uront .) of the Township of Kiiton, in »h. ;'>,<1atc.l2lHtNovomber, 1855 ^^^ County of (;oint,. No. 5.'.8_S\IAI{T CJ ^ of .1, '.. 8«pt.inb.r, 1855. --'-"-«. »™"i:r:r.r.;::L';^^^^^^^^^^ No. 5r.9— STAINTliOkP /-A ^ r u. . "" "'P'^mbei, 18.).>. l^'-r, 1855. »^turt ol Undlich." Qu>3b«c, dao.J 21th 8epte,n- • --";r-"c::::::^^^r:;::r:r^7:r--- ---^ of ... ^^ No. 561-DKNNI«, (.,) of the To:::;; on^^^C Hi ";!"-™'"'' ^^=^- Jmprovemonts in the constructloa of CuvuL • V! ! \ ^"""'^ "^ ^'"^' '<"• No.5G2-PonTKR,(Z>.,) of ,h. City „ Lnn; ' '"'^''^ '"" Novo™ber, is.'-.y 'IWnto, dated 2J st November. 1855 ^''"*"^"'-"''" "^ '"o-"* « >^ lU.n.e Mac„,..k8.'' No. 501 -CONDKLL, (J ) of KFUPTvrr r p • . >onto,2lHtNoTemb«r, 1855. '^''"''" '""^ "'" ^■°"«"-"^'"''" of an artificial L.mb." To- wort';"^:™^;;^^ ;!:;;; --'^Porsa, '"^^ -nnt, of ^en. November, 1855. 'atruct.on of Loco.v,o„vk E.vom«8." Toronto, .2Ut November, 18.55. '»'»""'a<-tu'e of Cahhuge8." Toronto, dated 2 l8t x\o. 571_BEAR 6/ 1 of th« T ^■'"""'t''. dated Jrd December, 1855. -n '-p-ementin\^h?mrfi :::rr:;^-^"-' T' """'-^ ^-M- No. eV2-HIBBEBD, (^. ^ ) of t, ' ™- /"^*'°*"' '^'"^ 3.d December, 1855. ror a ..New and unefu, J. o, conve 1^^ "^^t''^"^'' ^ '"^^ Count, of Haiton 4th December, 1855. ^ ^ '"''''' '"*" S^'^'^- i^o.LBRs." Toronto, dated - ^-w :^Sf::;^:^:irr:;r r'"'^" ^- --^^ -o^f^rd, 8th December. 1835. "'"» "^« "^aaufacture ot IWohs." Toronto, dated -^'-^■<>"«--i'^^^ ..New and improved oember, 1855. ' ^'" ""'^ ^""«- Toronto, dated loth De- ia,prr;edt7a'ldSng'^o!i^^^^^^^^^ ^- * "Meta.iic in the Count, of Ea^'e^f ia ^Kew '^r: ":''^';!-' ''^ ''^ '^--'^^P of «and- ., - - -.e« to r. upo. ,.^z:T'zz::z^zxr^^^' 81 ISO. 577-nERaUE, CC/uul,.. /.. A. rf,,) of the City of Montrc«l, for an " ApnaratUH f-ractin,. on W.x.u an,l otl.or li,,ui.l, .o n. to force, displace, or p onol U.e .ZTZ body HoHting tl.ereoa." Tor,.«to, dated 10th December, 1853. ' L':tr:;. J^;;;" '"""'-"--^^"^ '-r... Mo.vx.,..a W.,. T,... Toro,.to,d,J lot.. tmmt. ,n a Washi.v,, Macuixk." Toronto, dated 15tli December, 18,-,5. Xo 580-RO8S, (./,) of the Township of Nicho/, in the County of Wellington, for an .. In.,.roved Leverage Power Fh.« K.a.... - Toronto, d,Ued 15th December 1855 a " Z^l^n^'}^'' °'"'" \""'^''^ "' ''''' «>--• '" "- County of Norfolk, fo, " Jufd^t nr r'"" '"' «— --<'"-lo--sWho«tand other araiu." loronio, flateu L'4th December, 1855. for ..ulfl? ~'''^'''^'"''"'' ^'' ^^'^ "' "'" ''«-'' •'^ B-^tf-'l «" f'O County of Brant T ro,U 2r;r:r'^'r "^ --^'^''-'-'-^^team ana water Circular /.v Mr- 101 onto, dated 2Uh Dcct-mbcr, 1855. No 5a,,-TANMKK ( ir„,„f Sn,ith,Iil<, i„ „„ Coml, „fl,|„c„,„, ,„, ,.,„„„„„„,; No,) of the City of Montreal, f.r an " Imp ovement in ti- construcfon and mode of connecting R..w.. C.auo.;. Toronto,Sr;^:;l:i: No. 5S7-ORI), (A..,) of the Town of Niagara in the County of Lincoln for " Now ....useful .mproveme.t« in a machine for screwing Bo..- Toronto, dated '33 ;d ^Z imn,o^;.r7'''!f ™'''' ^^'^ '•' "" ^'''>' °^ ''•--">- """"ty of York fo- '< Se. "New^^'''~'^,°-'^'' '"'•■•^•■^ °^ ""^ '"''^ "^ '^»^°"*°' "» t'"^ County of York for a m ,1 . r . . ' ^ '^ ""^ *''^ City Of Toronto, in the County of York for a "Sew lumo, oat'd 11th Ii i-I)iiiary, 1856. "V. w'i;,n?~'''''^ ■■'■'^:'"" ■''""^^•'•P^f N'^"<". '" '•- C .uuty of WcUiugion, f r 'AFhTW^iNk. Toronto, .' Countv of G rcn- 32 III No 5»8— HAWKINS (F n \ No. 600_BROWV /'/\ No 60)-0OODENAW r V / Wf .k "''"'"♦''. '»-e. - -. r.. H....... CO.... «.,,,„ 'r:: r;.37rrr' ""^^" -^ "•^ ^-" No. 602_CULL, A/ 4 w,f*h„rv. , ' Ftl>.u.ry, ,85«. "".. -P'-'^-ilj^'^:;,:!;;;;^^;;^^-"'". '° ""' ^ -'r "^ ^or.. for a .. New '■^^«- ** '"""'" »'^<''"'>'»''-" Toronto, dated March No. 600— WliSTMAN CA \ f*v ' 0.uble action W.«„,.« M:.1; ^ t.rol "l ^r'"' '" "" ^'°""*^»^ ^-''. f*' "A No. 607_HUU1LL cr , off ' "^ '"' '^'''''^' 1S"'«' '- . ..Duoo... W.,«;;i:! 'i; :2;^ ^^_^--'.^ in the count, or U-e„two.K No. G08-H1CKOK (S V n /"™"'"' '^'"'^'' '^'h March, 1856. March, 1856. ""'"" "^ I^'-otub* Uohsks." Toron.o, dateU iutl. No. 609— PETTIT /'V^ «f*i. m ^r ...Circular «haWn,^.::;:.:^7-;;P-^^^^^^ '-land, far ..C.r.ain I.^ ovemlt n ., '^"'""'■''' '" "^" C"""'/ "^ Northu.n wh.eled Vehicles ' T. T"""''"'^'''"'-'''on of CAHKixn.- . ""'""- -•'.K,, for an '•Improvon^out in th oh Jr aLlTT " °* """"'•'"' '"^ "-' ^'-'"'v of Wat " ^--*«' dated 20th March, 1856. '' "' '" "'*'''"^' '""--^ - other MachioL! No. 613 FLWIGAV trs ao.614-HUFP,(,,,,„,,j, j^ '7° "• I'M 1211, „.„„, „5„ %""e;;'i°^„ „„ ^ , , „ ' '"'"' ""-•• ■---. -- Xi "'" *■«*• PtouoBi." Toront.,, ' "'"f'l'i'ntyofW.otworlb "••' I>'<<|...." Toronto, d«t«j *'"""'" nf Wontworth, foi "•■." Toronto, .Itttad 23r.J omty of York, for a "Xow "ithnm, in th . County of lal'le (lepoalt of flog iron Vlvmry, 185«. irovemont in the propar- >, dtttod 2i>th FuUuHry, »pi-ov.m^ntinthoni«nn- ruHry, 1858. ran "ImproTod n'r of york, for a "New onto, dated March, l^ountyof York, f*r «a ' County of Wentworth )«. ' (-•)UBty of Ontario, for Toronto, dated iiitn '0 County of Ontario, *ruh, 18.-16. County of Norfiiuin- *o«8 and other four le County of Lennox, ■'ted 12th Marcli,l85o'. n the County of Wat- ts or other Machinus.' ity of Qrenville, for ' Boats, and other samo timo' Cinders, 85G. of Northumberlan./, «■" 'I'oronto, dated 1*7 of Hastingu, f.j,. County of Haldi- uronto, dated 27th ''■^^^^"-^^y>^r!:^-^^^^ tor a ..SeI^«e,lng Railway '"v.." Toronto, dafd St.rCiT.S. """*'"'■•''''* ''"" """.-IMtho tm.on Bk. •''''^^^^^'!^u!^:4C:':^^ ^ ^^y -'■ ^^^"a^d, .,r , .laC.d,Mh.Vp,il,l8,v; ""-"-"'o' ..volving W..v„ r,„v«„... Toronto, No.ea-I.KTTKIWSM f ' """""fe <-"■•"• ■roH.nt.-.dated I4,h April, 1^,-.; ^^. -'Hor.on.ul notl:^ Si .1' ;,;:::!"•;: J ^'^^^f"*^- '« «. Cou,Uy of'u "turio, r.uHn -hnproved Ov... for L';nVandu«ki:rM' !'"'"'"''' '" "'" ^^""'-^ "'^ ''-K '«ch .ipnl, i.,o. '^ ' '^""'^"'« *'■ "'-^ "'• '^«''- '• '^rthlcH." Toronto, d„t,..l Vo. ti,j,-,_uiijjj';uT tA' /.• ^ f 1 I«.V;. • '"" '^ ''"^'^■^ '^^^^^•'^■"- ' Toronto, ,lat,:d l'2nd April. "•™" '=■■«'■;;..• ivr„.„,, ,„,., Lire, "« '■'""° "' " '"' ""'»"" '" ^-.k;:;!.^^!;;::^:;;;';;;;;; »'';-"'•"■.■ «a,.„„ „, , "'■■■>■ ' '•"■■"'""""S<"'"«H" Cw„„.,,,i,a„i ;,„„,,,„,, '■" " 'Hot or cold Cv.,v,.K Iw?' T '"' "'■ ''^^■'*'""' '" ""-• ^'-'"ty cf Yorn ;- " "^--c. a>r With,,.;- .g'thj j^;':;^';:;' """"'r"- '" '"^ ^"""'^ -^ ^^'-'-^^ -h «nd dry in a Ly brief til .^T^^'V^"''"' "">' -"''-"« ''- --" "0 "eo With n.,.tter, or ins. tinTt'h , "" " """ '"'^''"'^ *'- ^-^ <" fc--uo,d.ay,orre;der.,j:t';::;::r::!t;;;;::L^^ ;;- '•^''H'-edr.voiw„;i,.;'t':;;:T;'';.::^;:;:^'T' '-'-•--. ^i vo., .No. u:m—TH(JM1-«o\ /■/ 1/ , , n .., ■' ' '^t'-^iJ»i^x, (/i'.,^,Joftl,..T own^hip o!' ciiu h . in the (' (jf 31 K' (it, fur l»ui; ISM n'ltiiii •'rin|)r()v.inoriU "toiiu U.i..TCH,mPis!(jMACi!i ^K." Ti.ronto.dttt.,! lOil. •>n, 'or««N.w«D,iu,ofullmp till. Tiwrihliip „t (iilrnMtv, in tlio ''"•', If, 1(1 'lov.mi.nt in f; .«. I'Mxriciis." T ('((iintjr „{ I, uriiiito, ititt (I litrii I83fl. "' """'*• ^""K l.Tiiutd, (|«t..u '.'rUi Jill.,- c:n.£n:^s,Lii.^^:^ ;;;;;;; ,;:r ""•—>'"'--. -^ n..- ^.a:'::^::;:r::^:--v <:->-.;;•--- ., „. o. J.11.M856. "" 01 iL-LOii C.T.gKs.' 'IVroiif,., lintH r.t.l, ro, ^p^':^^:Zi:i:::^:f:r; :■-:;; '■■ "■- - ' - -« routo.dited 15th July, 18,36. '♦»"•- Id ^an,; lYouiiis." Vo- w,.„r;:^f™:™-sj;s:v''':' "■'■"■•"'" "■ •• -- <■ ..■ •■' ..... S^^i^"^^>::!.::r^i:;^:"ZTT -; '-'■ - • - - -> "Improved method;;- con' trl l^rr!'"";' "^r"''' '" "'" ^""'^'>' "^ ^^'"-^> f'^' Kdiflcos." Toronto, dated 2,Z^y' is^"'' '"' "''""'' ^'^'^•"""J Houne. «„„ oUu:.. Angnst, 185S. nscructm,? Was,,..,, Macm;m.;h.' To:ont ,, dated 8.1. Mo.652— BRANDER cir inf n vn, 18,-.G. ""''"'^ '" <* P""'*''>-' ^'m:.:.v." Toront,,, dated Jvth No. 653-.SUPPER, f^. g ) of th^ T, No. 653— FITZJIORPIS c V p "'" ■^i"oi'''f, iSiiG. of(.ilinp,)tho.ioi,.nal.sofp,;!„.,,. ^'^.^T'!,"^^*^^'''''''^ "^^^ «".! improved mo,l.. •. <.\u... -c:oni..,oitui:;7lhAnrin.sM85i3 iirsK." T.iroDto.dtttd intli ''>.v, in tlio ('.(iintx i.r |/;i. l->." ToMllto, ititt (t IDIIi . ill til.- County ( |- Y.nk, '■ronto, (latvU •J7th .liiii.' • y I'l llruiit, li.r II '-N.-u- till! Cimnty of IJiilni.rmiHl, l'»t IVU' C'\ltlllAliK.H.' T , in th.! t'.iiiK'v i.C dxfiinl, i ll T |)1L'>,<, II i;||,),HU prt!.-i, le f'dUnty n( fi^oiti, lor „ lil'Moii !>T.,vKi." Toroiit... "Irnpriivcil stivim I'.ull,-, at(d liitli July, IH-Mi. County of Lincoln, fori. till! County of Oiiturlo. uuiiiitiii^ Stovu Pi),.. • Ivj County of Norfolk, Toroiit.i, d»t.".| ntli tlie County of Noif,.lk. Qaxu Plokiiis,'- 'j„. "> in tliu Ciunty ,.( Watru WuKEt, " '1',.- ty of York, for a "N. w atodaothJuly, 185U. < County of Oxford, fo' ig Houses and otiit.c atynf W.ntworth, for Toiont), diited SHi C.)ui,t/ of Oxford, for Toronto, dated 27th muty of Haldimand, Lincoln, for an •■lm- I) in tliu County of ind improved mndo lor 35 v.. m" u t 11/1 1'Ki... ••■•■I 'iiitjiiMC, |H3o. No. r.i.-.SAUO|.,.V r, (V. ,1.,) of It „.fl„,,, ,„ n,„ ,,, ; rr;;ir;;:;:r;r'''- ■■••'■••■■ ■■•-'-^ I';;-'"'. '- "■••'■■'" .'■.." ."^ol ::;':'.';;:::, :;t; ;- "■•• -■»" or p..„. j loron(o,dnltd i;{ihJ„„.., i8-,,j, '" •^" ''i'»" for IIkmdi.xo Wood" I'-'^y^'y::^^:^!.^:::::^;;::}^^^^ ,„„ '■" ' ■'«■' ' .li.,:,ta L ; :' ";;:: r :', ";"""" ""-'■■ "" -""■■■■ I .-.,.<«.., r„, „ !;",:i ■*::",.; r ::•■":'■"■, •■' '-■'"■-■ ■■■ ■"» »»«r ... "....,-...,- T,..,„,,;/,,;;;i;!,',t,;°r;''';;,'/'""''"''. '...■. .K.,..,,a, , -.f:r«",^::;^::;::^;:;:,^;;:;::;ir?;^^:;i\;- f^- -«. |!d 2.tth f)ctob.!r, is:,*;. '"' ^'"'■••'"f FKK0KB8." Toiotlt,., N'o ties— PAIiSo.VS, (.; u.fti,.. (it, f r lited2!»diC)ctob«r, ISjij. N'o. r,-!l) - Krrnr in old /loo/c i»f^^o::r-:r:::':r;:-:r ^'-- .^"...- \' .«", .l»t.d =»th 0,,„|,.,, imJ' ■ **"""l"> "n.l H su,„ ,,„„ „„„, . V ,. < . ■ " « v>^- I ^ 'i ttl (iff *!'■ H' . . 3(J f.r certain "Improvements mhh Patent proce,. for withdrawing th TV / " "" " '.. wly ftlleJ, &c." Toronto, dated 29tl. CMober. 1850. '^ '" ^^^"^ ^'"""' TrocM -or coSin 'aniili^^ml^t^ l^^urau!! U a^"' ^^T'T' •" ''" ' "'"'^' " ^^'•■"'-^"'' October, 185C. '^'"8 VV hk-.t hu I ot,..,r (Jralus " Tor.nto, d.tul 29t„ No. C80-GOL'LD, (-A./,,) of th- Villacr.,f r i i tbr a "New«„.,i„,prove. C„.„..'- T:ro„t,, dafed 7 d 'x!^:; J^ ';:;^"""'^ "^ '^""•'■'"' No. 081— OARLETOX, (/?. »r ) „ftheT„u-,w,n , . ' ' ' umb.rl„„d,f.ra ...Son.. t;L..w • T l^^" titlT' " ?^ '"'"'^ '"' ^-"- . . jr rrr/; 'jiii ;'::r-c:;r '•"■.,;,:- -::•- -«-«, - - dated llt.liDecemb..r, isr,(i "aiuy ^aU... for Hydkaxm." Toronl,. Toronto, dated ITth Decmbcr 185G ' '^"^«'"'ff I^nil^linfe-.s." U.c,n,b,.,, isM. ""^"' "*"' "»""" S«"' «"•=« «nd other <^-^;:^^S;;f;i:::f~^ >- tbeCount.ofXor.,., dated 14£h is-,7 ' °^^""^'"= «'• I'oli.slung IWcr G.Asmn...'' Toronto Ko.00r-MAOKK,c;r^,)oftbe Vina,,i.,t,. Co„., Of Or..' m. .37 "«'»!? tl„. SvP from TrofM ntLeCmntyof AV.ritttordi. u-i" Tor.nto, d ,tul 2'Jtn '" ""• <''>unty of OtitMiio. in the Csuuty <,[ N.irili-. Vdinb.r, I85{i. bounty of Middlesex, f. r liitjd 7th No/emlmr, Igjij. m 'I'lipiovel form of Ra,,. ivember, IgyC. tli« Oily of Toronto, f„r u «"'", or oHier muti)rm!s." ^iiKhip of U'iMdhiin, of tli« art of taking ami •" Toronto, il:itul :jist County of Voik, for a r, 1856*. the .City of Moutr,.(il, for "■ HvD.iANfs." Toronti", in tht! Oonnty of WVnf- "• covering Uuiluings." County of Ontario, for maohiiiery and Hor.^e , in the County of Pr.s- of BuK-:(s." Toronto, ii|> of S,)uth Gower, in ordrillingiiithL- j; ,ck l8oG. he County of Ontario, Toronto, dated 4th rict of Montreal, f,.r January, 1857. r !» "C'vi.rNDitiCAi. Saw Torooto, dated lath 'U»ty of Grey, for a >f HoisKs and other le County of Norfolk, GASTixfiM.'' Toronto,' County ol Grrn- |vill.,,oneof the United CountifsofLe.daandGrenvill.. f..r„ ..V I Toronto, dited .iOtj, Jannarv. 1857. """"'''"^"'^ '"^« "^««' ««d .mproved PtoroH." No.398-G(.KTSHORE,(.A,)oftl,o To.n of Unnda«, i„ the Conntv of «'.... m ,or eerUin ..,ro..ent« in the con.rn.ion of S.. M..n."' Z::Z:'Z fibriwy, is:,7. > s^-am Lnmsr... .otoato, dHt,.di2.h i2th Pebruury, l?-.; • '"'^"''S'-'' '""> "H'ef Oar«.- Toronto, dated .No. -0.,-CULL, (.A .4.,) of the City of Toronto, in fhe Uonatv o Vork f, .- • •'im.rov. ments in th. raunnfactruv of Rotary ["lmps " ,"^^"'' -'^, f /""'■ '"' «-'"•""" l8.-,7. ^ "'■^- 1"'<""", 'lat.-d iynl K, brunry, I " sJ'^'r'VT''':' ^'''^ "' ""^ ''"'"^' "' ''''"'''■'' "' «'- ^--ty of On,.rlo ..r a I ^^-It-iangcyhndr.calLATHK." Torouto. dat.d 5;j d l.'ebr„a,y, i,s-.7 No 71,,-WHITNKY, (/: .1,; ot tho City of r.routo, in the CnnUy of V,.rk for « l-U.taryFn.KE.Nr.KsK." Toronto, dated 19th March 18-.7 No. Tll-TOVV-KRS, ( r/,.,„..g of the T.nvn of St. Catharine,s, in tho Count, of , in. M.ln, torcrta^n "Im;,roveruo„t. ia .h, con.str.K.tion of Wxo, v s.s for V J'l ' r ['onto, ditidTOth March, 18j7 » '^d'. vssg.s lor \e.s*|.s.' To- |m...i!!;^5^ ' "'""' ''"'■"" """ ^^^-^" ^'-•-'' T..ronto, dated HOth |...^Ne::::^:;;:^-^^^^^^^^ anarch, :8J7. "", in.'i>.sh JIvivk,. loronlo, d,t,d ;{oth holn'l;;^'.:;'''''''? ""'Z'' ''^''■^"'"'^^"-'^'1'''^^-^''-.'" f.^' County of i.- u.ed a. a .noUve power to S r.AM" Toronto, dated March, 1857 N Janadii 15 mk Note Pi< Ini o. 71U-LYLE, ( H'.,) cf the Town of proved VVatei. WiiKKr,," Toronto, dafod 7lh A No. 717— ANOKUSON', (I.,) rf ixTt.vo Tint." Tornnt... dated ! at. .April DundaH, in the County of WVutworth for nt flio City cf Lotv'. pril, 1357. on, in the County of Midrl lepex, ■\:ul 38 I; 4 " N^'w «..! useful i,n,.,.„,..,^ „f , f„ '" ' "^'-^^''P "^ -V-wi,.„, (,,unty of O... .v r iVo. 7] 9 -KK I.Jan, ,/ . „,, .„ "•' ■ ■■"" "-' "■'■■" '".™-: :.;:.,' ■;;:;:':':; "',::::;■■■;'• '« -^ ., ., ..„.., ;«■ ■'^— ""••■"' -"•'' '"■■."-:;::;::;::!"■ ■;: :'■■;■ -'- N., -...., ' ^""'^"' "'"'^'d rtl, April, '"•ont,, ,lHt..l 7th April, „„. ' * '^ '^ ""■ ^" ■•"i--tiou ...,,■, u,ic L^,,,, ,.,,11 ' >fo. 722-.DGNXI8,//,).,ftI, ■T.,v .• >J . '• '"'■'•« to, Jrtt.^d :;::?€""'''■"''---- ^ ■■■^■™.'"" '«.»■-. c;;::'L:;t.:''':r*"' '"■'«'■ .v..n-„,M,.„ ^». ^=T-„„„cK. <,r,,„r „„. VII „,/„,„ ,""";'■ """■" =«'" -'»■", '».- No. 7''8-r VNT '■ ,";'"*"• •'""-■•^ '"' »"»y. l«.-^7. '"'^ "' ^■•""-■'•■• "••'"I I.,th JiHy, 1857. » ■"'"'^'t''' ^'f<"-.uu„n,I »i.e,i,s.. Toronto No. 731_Hi;i)SOV in // ^ , „ ;;^';'^-ti„, c...„, or ^':J^z^;^:;i TT' '- '"^ '^''""^^' -^ ^-'^, '^■.- .. '-'-•^ ear, Stoa... .01., ,.„,,,, tZ^: ^^^'^^ :?^'"''^^' «"«'«. - «". s, No. 732-JiOi3LVSf)v n- ,f- . of : . ' ''''"' '^'^ -^^"y. '«<• »"itli, for a "OiiKf sif , I ,. • "^ '-» 01 "'*-■ tity ofliuniitu,, in h... . ■ . .Vo.;3;.os„„oD, (/,..,, ,„,'"; '""""'.''« 12.1, J,,,,-, I «37. '(/ '. * L.IC I 4^iU »!»-■*. I " ..1' 'I'l . . 'PofTli,.ro|,| i„ ,|„. f,^ '""f.v "(■ \\-..I|,,:Mt, :;o '"fy "(• WiuhvoK/,. ^^^«'::^:Z:^:::;:z:::ti:::7 'vv '■■« ■Oth Mdv, l,s--,7. ' ^ ^^'*"*'* l'>"-Ki»-' Tonmto, .?;,t ,1 N,.„„_BKIIMIGIt, («,,,;„,„ ,.„,i U,„l„i„i(.,,,|„„,„r ,,.,, , ,,. ., -\»;-»^;;p;:>v"; .»■"*.»,,,,,. ,■„„ ,„„,„„:,.„.;:";:; "' ' '■■ .Vf). 744— UAGXO.V. CA ,; i ,.f ,,,.. p,t„ .n i r.wifo, '" H''it<>-.- T... .. ..^';,« ^;;r^:;;/:;;::;,:i 'l;:;^ ■;, -;;;-;, >■'.;- ^ -r .... ., K^^,7. • '"'''••"'^«" lon.ntM, .ht.d -otl, ,i,„,.. .■!.»; ":ZT„a':j:„:^'„:;:;:.j"""; - '~-'- '•■ >■ ■•' " ..- ™„.„. ,'„,rd smh .,„, m, '"'""""■' "■■"•'" '""'■■■ ■'■■•■ ...I s.,.,-n.„... ™i';;,; i:, :;:,[■':;; ■'"-."'" """"'■'■ """"'"'■ ■ '°" """'"•■■ ..»f::i:^^2r>;i:-r-:-;,;r' -<'-. '"• '""««'','.'..i-'"a:i:: ;^^ ».«-. of ci,.ff,.., i„p„,.„, „. ,„ „„i„„ . ,, ^ : " >'■ ;•' ; ~i'...., ...Ho, „„. filly, 18S7. ■"iii'^iinv IkiK'in. T..v,.tno, ,1,^.1 |:ii|, *Jf^"!iTiri'or;:\!:*:T''''":'/"°'"''^^'>^-^ ■ N ■r o. ToG-WRAV, (/:,)ofHxoT r.Kcs.s for producing and XI own of Brnntfonl ■ HOI] (ORIS." Tmou'o Iiiiiejo, and uU o( ■■'a'o-' .':ir.! J Jil>-, !8; ■r v;irii,'f( s SiJi. > ill tljo Cuunty of Bnint, f,„ ■kMi/, .1 S:iga •, Jiyrup and Molas, ' f til- ^Tl ddui.s SAncirAr.A-n< 40 No. 75;_lJOLSTKn '• Wii»tiolj^j»m,ag b' (G..) of tlio City of T 1857 irounl VViifor Proof C '"'•UNti, i„ the County of Y.m No. r^S-M A ({/;,(/, /> h"..8o,iutho County of Xorf, for fl )o(in,^^» To ;^'""1011KSJ.KY, (/?,),., k, for 'Ik, fo. IIU "III '""' "f "'-' Township of \V„ '' ••■■""to, 2:;nl ,,u,y, „,,. ' - '-— -.ot in tl.a .oustn.,..„.. „. , ,„, ,.^^, „ '^- ''Ne.Tannin,P.o,„,,^;^ ; ;;-';P;rM.,.U.„,i; the County of Yor. iVn 7t"> l.r.. , ''"f.V, I. .root). No. 7C0_PoaTEK ,/> ^ ;«or. .. '^'co...J;t;^:: ZT'"-': "'■"■■> '"'■"'"-... .„ „,,„ t'T a "Sdf-loadinij < 'aJp " ' r" /"' '''""'"■^'"'P "^ N"'«icb, in ,h,. c ,„nf to be at achou to a Qau^Vovn, ■ "T" "'"' '" '"" County of VorK f r «. «''ta.a.^ta::':; ' No. 775-LOWEJ7 (ly jt , „. „ . ' '^'^ S^'Ptembcr, J85r. uoiberknd, for a -Feed Work-'! ' """'"'''P "^ ^'"'"'''"^ in the . : . ^'o. 77c-iiuxoEi r " r ; f:'"'^'"'^'-''-. i«'7. "• '"^^"•>- "• ''^••■■o- tLeTo.n.hipofOo.fl.,d;oth ;•;,:; ^^^''/'^«.(^^-.^ "t" th. Townshin of Coi . of constructing Pu„pk " r ^""""'•J' "*' ^«8«*, fora "\ „ . ^'^'"•'"-s"-''-, -i 41 '. '" Ui.. i;.,n„ty „f V,„k iff, 1857. . 'ini'i.-, Uns.N On,.' locnto, dated 10 I, Scrtpni- Tu,-.onto. dated October I" r ' ' "" •''•'"'"•^^' '"^"'•^'^•"' «-'^'^- f' -k " .. - Nr;;;^tf!^^;^;^.S,^!::-»^ -: '^-^t,., .. t,. cou„t. o. ..„t.,...t,.; No. r00-YATE.S "o of t t Tn r. ^-•""'<^. ^^-'^l ' "^ Nove.ub,,.. isr.r. "Improved perforated V'^^^^^Jr.'J.r^.^^';;"'^-'^' -, "- ^-"ty of Brant, for a. lu.tivos and other Steam Kndnos - ^ T^ f"""'-""^! D-UrPBa combiued, for Loeo- No VuI-PapTfT;; V r;. ,^°'''»'0'''"t^'J<:tl. November, l8,-.r. No. 7U2-P1RKKS ;,'; \ ? If- ^'''"°*"' *^''*«*1 «"> November, 1857 No. 703-TUTTLE CH' A/- ^nffl ,-ii . •''"^o*^^''- i't.i November. 1857. 42 TCI. xVovemb„r, 1H57. P'^^^m-^nt .n thoconHtruotionof G.t«..'- Toronto, dat..( No. SOO-IIYSEllT nr ^ ofH vn ' *""' ^"' November, l8.-,7. N'ovombor, 1857. ' *"''" MiCn.vEs." Toronto, dated 7th No. 801_STIRER, /(r C •) of fi„. T No. 802— TAYLOR, (j. /• ) of - >• November, 18a7. •^ New and useful Maclnne tor co„nI " ' /" t' P^'"f "'■' '" *'" ^"""*^ "^ ^s.sox, for ;. Pi.s Savbh.- Toronto, dated 18th No ■ ' y^J^^«'t^'-''"-'''»«'^i-F.Oo.i.LEK and Ooltm.n.. November, 1857. '' ^'" '""' ^'"'vanizod frou." Toronto, dated 28(,!, .V.c:„N°. '°«:ou; Unen''!proi"'i';;^ dlSTrV"?" '''™^-"-«"d W,.v.vow,k« Ko. 805~CAMPBEr 1 ./i n V/, '. ^"^^^ ^"^ ^"'•'^•'' 1^*57. Toronto, dated 15tU December, i'^" ' """""^^ ''' ^'°'''-' ^^ ""^ "Imi.roved Soap." No. 807-CROUTER cf 'P °'"°' *"'-«^ IStli December, 1857. No. 809 -FOWLER r/A -> nffi t I>.H-ember, 1857. "■■i""- A,„«„; '«;:;.! ;:7wl!t ol'"' '■" :""r »" °' "'"""^- «■' "'ir.v, 1858. ^ "" »vring,ng Clothes." Toronto, dated 12th Jun- 'or a^.'Cand Zrd'w:«:::^^ - "'« County of O.xfor d No. 815-FARE\VELL, (/ w" ) of ho" T T ' '^""''^ ''"' ^'-''^'•"-•>'. ''^58. "^ Outario, ferthe '^..^cel^Lr S. .tjl „ J^^J: ^^ T?" ''''^^' *" "'^ '''""-^ No 8I6-OLIVER, (,K. (;,) of the cTt/of T T ' "' '''' *^^'^"'^^>'' ''''■ '■ New and useful method of ap^,^:^^^^^^^^^^^ of York, for a ' .trading Teeth and in other ^Jgie!, oplrt L^ T "'7 "! " ^""'"'"^' ^^''°' ^" No.817-MORRIS,(.7..; of tlfe VilLror^dfo^Tn tl ^ ^ ''*"'^''' '«-^«- '• N.w and improved Room and House H^T^n •' iw'/ . ^'"'^ "' ''°^'='>''' ^^ '^ xNo. 818-CRAWFORD, (//,) of the CiL of T T ! '"^ '"^ *^'"-'^''' '^^S. '•Improvement in the ManufLti f So^ • { I \ ? ''" "^"'"'^ °^ ^"■"' '- - No. 8.0-CHAWFORD, . ) of the C tv 0^7 / ' ''" ''""'^' ^^■^«- ''I.«provomentinthey,„u;ac.ta or '; V7r"r' ? "'" ^"""^^ "^ ^or., for «„ -OAi. l^ToiHo, .Jitred 14th .Vliifch, 1858. an 'I Leed 'Jatei an "I 7th i ] " Ma' motif .■.,) of the City of Montreal, for a " Combined Churn and Cream •MiKEZKR." Toronto, daced 3l8t March 1858. m ana Cream No. 823 -BaysON.cyA^m,., .»/.,) of th« City of .Mimtreal, for a >o. w« UAVLS, (ff ,) of tl,e Village of Yorkville, in the Countv of York- f ,. '^:z:z:::^::;:r "^""^^ ------^ antifri,i:^i^i.^L- York''L?.:;'T'''f'^'''^''"''^^'''''^)"f"-C''y''f Toronto, in the .f N sIo^ArES r^t'^^^^ Toronto, dated'8th June, 1858 No 841-MlLLER,cX,)oftheTowLfCh;th;„n,I:;rCrV^^^^^^^^^ "Safety Steam Alaum." Toronto, dated 8th 1858 ' No. 812-SCnOFIELD, (r.,) of the Town of Woolstock, in the County of Oxford, 44 for crtHlu-ImprovomoaU in the Method AiuroiiH." T,.ioiito. vm "' ""'^- ''''■ ' '• ••-• - "Improved wis „;^m:1 :;/' r''^^^^''-"^''^'. >- »'- Co..nty of .,„•. xo. 847-wALmirnGK f 4 tT !; , T "' """"' '"" -""^' i«''^- ^V^■ut.o^th,fo^«n..I^,p..o;L,(:2,':,'i ''".'-''^ <>< Huu,iI,on, iu the County .,f •«-^8. ^'""" "— -'" «-.. .M,u.... Toronto, dated Uth Jun,, wo.t^'l'tl^^j;;;^;^;^;;;^^^^ of We,.,- No. 850_\VEBSTt:il (S 7- ' ,'"'""'"- '^'''^•l -'ml Julv, 18,58. -^' D... H.„ ,, coup,;^^;;:.^- :?';::;^- ---'. - - ..i.p..ed ... Xo. 801-DicK, (n« A.,..,,.,.//? ^ IV M ," • "'""^ "■" •^■■"^' i«^8- "■■•"AnewSy«tomofBook.keepi„g c.Ued Di . ''?' ''"""*°' '"'' "''^ ^'"""*>' "^ ^ork. ^•''th July, 1858. ^ '^' '""'''' ^""''« A.;c„u.NTA.vr J-.tknt." Toronto, d«t ■ I -r-N::^:;^^:^:-:;-^.);-;;-^^ --;-. ^^ *,. co.„ty of'..,.. ' -.-vo of JiooKs, and for all siLn.r op.l • " ^^T '■' "" '"'■"'""' ^ '^'-•^'^' ^^ ^'- ;;--.... or ... to . ., J ....:: ^r;c:r-; :; --:;;; No. 85J— COLE, M Vinfti -,. J,,,,, ,,, ,^^^^^„ ^,^^^^J^ " ^'^^^n^^^':l t^"'";ol":"';'r:' ■'" "" "^""^ ^^^Vent.orth, f.r No. 855-HUBST, ( »' ) of .Z -n ^' ''"^'''^ ' ^"' J"Jy. 1 MS. '--.^fora..BaleLUveiuo':/'';:^^^^^^^^^^^ ^" ^'^ bounty of P.t.- ^o.Son-THOUAS ff u, 7 ■^"'^«"'".'l'^"-di;nh July, 1858. -■• u ■.elf.OUin. Bo. ^^ k^i:^;::!^':;::;^^ ^V^nthy^ eounty of Ontario, No. 857-Mc DONALD rn , of M o. '"'^' ''''■ '^^-^S- ^ u-arin^. lon.nto, dated 13th July No. 858— KEITH (I) V \ ^r n -,- " certain " Ne^ and imp.o^d' me hod ""ll'''"* °f '"^"■'""' '" *'''-' ^"""'^ -^ for Jated2Gth July, 1858. '"" "' ^^^^tructinjf- S,„,,, y^^j^^.^ „ ■;f-J;^;- iiUt Iniry, Septi fur a ''7, l-^^?. lucthi tion u ''Nt <.'oud1 Wind, N Klaml •latod ; N. for a J Ni ail "lu N( »n '•la Nc 11 ml Sp; N( 45 iiiiAsmv.j Uat'liiiifH iirid Ski. iisby, in llie Poiinty if I.ju. fCumpKm, f,,r a "New a„,i "I, for a 'HoHl Protector H, 18, OS. ftio, in the County of IJ,,,-- I 2n(l July, I8r,<». County of Mii8i«qi,oi, i,,,- 3r(IJnly, 185H. uiilton, iu tho Connty ,.( Toronto, duted 9th Jim.-, in the County of VVeni- I July, I8r,8. il, for an "Improved Link '1 J--ily, J 858. 3, iti the County of York rl'ATKNT." Toroiilo, (hit'l '■" the County of Voil BiiocJical piruelM, for tho a-ittn-e by the application N-T." Toronto, duted I'tjth e (bounty of LaedH, for a and Levkl." Toronto, oimtyofWeutwortb, for ', 18J8. ^ tliu County of P.ter- y, 1858. the County of Ontario, July, 18J8. County of Went worth, ronto, dated 13th July, I'ty of Vork, for a "Sol f- the County of Vork, (or ■ County of Oxford, for Mathines." Toront.., '7 of Hastings, for a id 2Gth July, 1858. y of Essex, for an the City of Hamilton, IVeventing and Air N„.8M-lIircnEI,L,,/(,,)..tth„Cil, of Mo„l„.l for. .v„ , . No. e67_aMVTH, ,ir,) ot ti,. cii, „r »!„„„„., ,„, ,„„ T ' '; „ M.i... To,„„t.,, dal„l : A,,.,,., 1,-,, ' ' -^""1»'"1 Bo.,, „.l ,t.r ;':™"r :■ vii;: * :„™"r ,r ' 't- "■ "■'■ ■■■" "■ -' ^•'■"''•. - "■• A„s.,.l, 18S,, ' b,.l/.p,„l.„„n|, ,„,,„„„„,,, .r„,„„,„^ ^^^^ ,,.^^^ ... i"^ '?oTrj:.::.:,''i.;;,', :;;;',* ;:.:°"'""'' '■■' " " '■''-'= '»— -■.. ^ .. .:: :;:;::f:^:i:! 'ir:-^:-- -,;-;'- .- ..«..™„.. Xo. 874-WA Y, (./. li.,) of the Township of Whitby in th« r.,nnf„ r -w : No. 87,5-COLnY, (rh„rl.. C.,) of tho Village of Stanstrnd for a "Co.r^nn "r ;;2 .. A.ri.ul.ura. uses, ...ed the O.adian K...,.,..,- VIL, ^r;:!;; ^.y":;":c::™'^:- :';j;;> "^^^r;::^^>-"— -f Ea,t«.„i.. Sopfmbcr, 1858. *-"'' of Uotatiuif H..n«owH. ' Toronto, dated 1 3tb No. S77-LOUNT, ((.'.,) of the Township of Whitchurch in fl.. r< , Wo H«n \f»Ti.,i. . ir s ■'"'"'"O) a'*t«d 28tn b 'ptember, 1859 w,.do„ s.„,„,. i.„,.,o, ,.,,, ,,,:;:; :,iz' :;, """"""" '^'■" *- "•"«'»-■ ~'PUUK i.-ash-CHLitN.-' Toiontn Uatcd No. 887_LAU'nEXcr':, (J.,) of the Villag '^'overaber, 185.H. lofPiikrmo, in the County of Hal lor;. fl 'I Oxfor.l, fn, '"- •" "'"'"' "- «" - -^»»:'. ";i;,; ---" - -» '^"^ November, i.s^;;'™"" ^^''' -•^»' U,.iv„r«., ,/oiat i': "l"";'"^;' "' ^^""•«'"". No. 8«5-DicK rn ^ """"' '"'^^ '«''^ No-' f^i-an "Accouutunt a, '"■"'"' '""'^ "f"'» Cifv of r No. SOr-VAYDFPVnnn^ * rcH«.a." Toroulo, - ''Improved P.o'^;, IV:;:^ »f <'" ViUa,. of ,,,^^^^^^^^^^ County of Durhun .■ ' '"^ *'"'' Towmhin of P>.. , " for a "Platform Puuv " 'p '"^ ^ ^^^ ^""'r^^hlp of jt ,„„„ . No. ao^^Hu^KKTr ;:;;; n^ ^" ^--^k mt- '" "^^ ^--^^ «^ ^0^.,., ^r'' '- "An SrrV ''^^'"""'> Of the CU o?Sr"f ^■^' '^=«' . '^'--«-'«t.,,«.!^JJ;^;-J-^^^ conn,. Of No.904_NOTTKR .7^/ '"^ Railway Car Seat." 47 « "10 fClfe of , D. '"■;" C'..ntr„fOxW..f„, r B.«ntfor,|, in tho CoMMfv JfU >(oveinb.r,. "Oonntyof v.,rk, f,„ •''n"'«C.M,ntyofUV„,. bounty of W.II,„gt„„, ^'"^'"•' Toron.o, „u,„, ">»C,uutyofH.8tfn;<, '*huCV„„ty of Vo,k ' '» 'he Couufy „, JHjhXovembor, IS.VH "'•nty of VV,ilau,/, /„r ^""'^-'ngs, Kailr:.a,| ' of J^ffwcastle and County otNotfM, fh9 County of Tork 1858. '" t''" Conntv of ""»»«/ Car Seat.." 'eCouiKyofr.rU, 'r of r,r,,_ f ,,. ember, is-jh. County ofT,ot. '"'^ datrid 5(>, *ho County of ^er, 1853. -ountyof York, muwf, 1859, 5- of York, ,,„■ .•A^»ew(iut.o,UI«dC..I.-« So.f.c.o.i.« Fab«««', O.t.." Turouto, d«r«d Uth January. " Xo OIO-aiLUKrir, (/^. a;,; ..f .l.. Ci.y of M,ntr,a>, f„r -. Vn M,ro.«d Srr«. lIi/iUKii." Ti-ronto, d.ted 20th January, 1839. "^ ^'^rKAM No 911-RUmN. (//,„,,,) of tho T,.wn of Oob-HK^, i,. th« ro„„ty of North-.m- ' "'"'' ^"' "^ '"''' '"• ''"Pf-vod method of WALMma and V.nfUaUng Uuil Uug. Hail- luH.! CifH and V. sselH." Toronto, dattd 3lHt D»eembflr, 1858 No. 9! 2 -ARMOUR, (././,.,) of the Townnhipof York, in th« County of York f,.r ••An ruprovud straight portable or p-rnnnct, and Uat. P.«r." Tor .nt . d'u.d ■i (I tclirimry, IH.59. ' No. 9Ki-.MATrHEV>r.S, ( WM.,n,) of the City of To.onto, in tb„ County of York No 9U-Iin,JK.RN, (./.,„.,,) of t:.., Township of Rea.)., in tho County of Ontario . -r -An Improved Maculnk ' To onto, da-od Olh February 1859 NX 915 -BAHKElt, ( mm..n,,) of tn. T.n.n.hip of Whitby, in the County of On- tur.o, f,.r "AFu..lSa.eraudfIotAirCo.sDUOToa." To.onto, dat.d 9th F.brnary 18'9 No. 9.0-SAMPSON. (/./..,, of th« City of, for "An Improve Int i. i.oof ri,B«s." Toronto, .lated 14th Fobruury 1859 No. 9. T-WORTUINaTON, (.A,) and imo VVN, (,.,) b„th of the City of Toronto i„ .betonrUyofYork,for.- No. 918_WALKKR, (Ju,ne, II,) of the City of IlarniUou, iu the County of ^Vent- HortU, for .'A Smoke consuming L^NrKUN and Lamp to burn coal and otn.r Oil. - To ronto, dated I4ih February, 1859. o'ui r una. u>. No 919-.METno r, (^Ka.ara E.,) of the Paush of Lotbini^re in the County of Lot- b m.e.v, or ..New and improved .Mo U-U and de.igas for «rov«,.- Toronto, dat-d iOiU l'ebrU4ry, 1859. ' No. y20-UODLEY, ^Sid,^e,,,) o , Township of Sandwich, in the County of Es,,-, .or "An Improved St.vk.- Toronto, dated Ist .March, 1859 ' No. 921_JAME.S, (C. R,) of the City of Toronto, in the County o, York for .-Cer ;;'l7;;r "'•" '" "" ""'" ' "^ ^•''^'^"■'""''^ ^^^"^^^ ^^"-- •■' rorontMid ;:; No. 922-LEMON, (C/..^.,,) of th. To.nsbip of A.g ,sK in th : County of Gr.- No. 923-GnURlHN, ( r.,,..,) of lielle Rivic.v, i. the Township of Rochester, in '^am"Z ' T' '"' "^ "'""' ^"i"'"^-'^"« «-- V-v« for Locou.oUve« .. ateumEaaineh." Toro-^to, d^tcd Ist March, 1859 N0.924-WALSH, (J.6'.,)oftheCayofMo.utreal,for ..Wal.h'. Canadian Self- regulating Gas Bu«nbb." Toronto, dt^tud 8th March 1859 No. 9i;5-GURNEY, (A'.,) QUIiNEY, (6^) and CAUPENrER, (.1.,) of th, City o" l^rt^M^ '"^"^^""'""^ ""^^' -""'" P..o™r.o..l..' Toronto,.:: No.92«-L,ONER,(6-..)ofn.cVUl.soofCa.hd,intheTo.n.hipof Markh.m in the County of York, for --A Portable Counterpoise Ga.k." Toront ,, 'dated 14th Ma'rl, No. 927-UR:Ga.S, (f.uuc.) of Gananoque, in the County of Le.ds, for .'Certiin iii.pi-'Venuutsnitliemu.uf.ictureotOrr N',..r«" T ,. Ij^-y •" 1 ■> Ui.1 a Hi bi'iivB,. loiouro, dated Uth March, No. 92S-McDO>^ALU, (.l/^,.,) of the Town of I^Cleville. in the County of R... t.ntfs, for ..A Portable Gu,,sr.M,u,." Toronto, d..teJ 16th March, 1859. 48 '- (O. II.,) of (ho T , I- "All improvnl IUkk for II •o-n.hl,. of Wo.t FU^borongh, l7 K or ll.irv.,^>.... .. ,» " ' '" •rvcstoN." To o.o.lo-MOWHV, (.,/,/„,_) .,f th "■"'I'o, Ulti-cl Kill, 'woHgh, for "A (;„o,- iN niNimi,' tliu Vlllfti,, o( Ah!i A '"•o.Ji-()Ai<;i.:, fr«r,A Toronto, cl,,tM,l iii.i, j; ",) of tlui Town of Wilitl.y j t'lirritrnm, In ||, all, 1S,V». Hid (,'oii i" I'lilDly ft p,,(^ n"w«mi.i,„,,rov.,rM,,.tl.o,lofTAN.v,.oL«.TMK,."" Tr , , • '- ^-~^:iii:::::^:'^^^^^ ^^-^ -->• - vor. .. ..... C'ountyofWfntworth, for ..An IinoL. '."*"'•'''''' «f»'vrlr, in ,|„. ^o. o:m-AH.u, (.A-/,; ,f z ; ;1 ;'""• ''"■'■"'-■ ■'"''•" •^"' •^""•. ■«^. '■ ••-'"•" i.uprovemc.n;« in te :.:';"; "' ."""f^"' '« "- <' -"y o." Vo.l, f. .• •'"tfd .Uh April, i«r,o. '-"n»tM,ct.n« TuH4.,„.a M.oui.vbs.- Toro.u,., No.Dj8-AUMSTi:u\(j rn ' "' . ^"^"n'".'""«'l -itt, April, i8r,!, ApUl, ,8,V,. ""'"' '^^ """"« •""' -'"'P'-"!^ »'.ors.. -iVronto. .lut..l "al. No.a.,0-FxO]lN'f.Va,(r. i/w,f,J!,y , ""'; Torou.o, d.le.l (Jlh April, KS.Vi. Of VVcntworth, for -An ini r ovui i' ,1 C! r':"'. '^:' I'''a,nb„roug„, ,n the Conn,. '-• "T.IO Wil.ia,,....,. cu. D.;,,; .. To °1 ^ V """' '" "" ^'""'"^ "^ ^-^ No. Ot:!-TOU11ANUKAL- (T (' ^..ffv ".'.V '•-m.'; Toronto, dated 1 ah>r«y, m.. " '" "' '"" '"'"^ '"■'"•-"'"i P-aftin. ,h,r,.. • ■Mntiai,.N. roronto,dated23rd Jfrtv, ,8j9. 4» "". I'T "Vii rtniirov,..! . X f °;f?*-''''i'^'"''^- (•^-*.) «'»•"• 'i'— »»'P of D-I.w.ra, ,„ the Count, of MWdlo. . X, lor ..A new 1 *N»ma Oomp««t.on.» Toronto, d,t.„| 23al Mv 1858 No 955-KKKn V. (P. A'.,) of tU. Vi.U,. of Wm,„gt<,n, i» tL Towu^hlp of Rillior ... .U. ...un.y on..,,... Kdwar.l, for ■• An Pu.,... ■• Toronto, ,J, ,,r, A.y, No »:,fi_mCKKY, (./.,„,,,) of tia. City of Toronto, (n the County of York f.,> lb. UroutolIvKHOw .nJCuu.,v*TOB." Toronto, dated Ut, 1 Hi/ ' No W7-KAT0N. (RicA„rU,) of the City of ir.™||tau. fn the County of Wontwor.l. luronto, dattd 2«(b Muy, 1859. «■ am nngmrK. No 958-HU.KMAN,(^...6.)of .h« Township of Camden. ,„ the County .f Ad- '.H.Ktou. for .. An Improred G,.*m Fo,.k." Toronto, dated Ut June, iai9. No. 950 UALL. ( ,r. J.^ of Boxton FhIIb. i« the County of 8Uffo«l, for " Au Im- ^oveu^ent in the construction of Churn-, c.llud H„r« In,proved L=.bor.«Wng cLk - IWouk.. dated 28th June, 1859. "-^r w»ing t^HLKX. No.0<;« MITOHKLL, ,., .) of th„ City c.f Montreni, for .u ^. rn,pro.e.ent .,. .;;;:;:!; '^"'"" ""'*'' ^*""'' '^ """ ^"^'^""'- ^""'^'^^•" '^'-'""^' ''^"^^'^'"^ -11 dh/hi ■p.;;'''"?' ^''"""''^ "' "" ""''' "' Montreal, for "An I.prov.i U,t .-lied by him P.lbe.m PcrfoCuH iMHr." Tore, .tated 2 oin for •An ImprovficnBUt Washing Ma , ■ ^ "" / "' Liimoin, for Toronto, dated l.t June, ml ' "''"''"'« ""'' ''""'"'' Wasubo^.d. '• Na gOi-HTILLWELL, (//.«,^.) of Vienna, in the County of Elgin, for " Ka .ut. uifton Uatk." Toronto, dated 8(li June. 1859. ' " No. 905_EAL «, ( Walter,) of the Ci^y of Toronto, in t:,e County of York, for a •Kc* and rmproved Paint." Toronto, dated 8th June, 185) No. goa-PALMEi:, (Denni,,) of the Townnhip of Orimnby. in the Coun.y of Lincol,. -or New Improrements in MowiM. Macu.n...-' Toronto, daL 8th June, 1859 ' .-.ra'^Ku'll^f r.!'^*' t'^"'" ''" ^"'"^^"^ «--.'« tl^" county of Addington. o '^''" '";-^""!^'"'- ^'-^-' fo' -"-'i»« «tump.. and for previa, chce., c'och I "P.^r, Apples for Cider, &c. To.onto, da(ed 2nd June, 1859 No^9G8-UALL, ^Sa.nuel,) of the Township of Welhley, in ,ho County of \Y«.er.o.. M.H "New Portable Fk«ck." Toronto, datod 22nd June, 1859 ' f \ , '■Tw!irBln.c''r/f'7?:'''^ '"^"^ Hamilton, Cou.ty Of Vrentworth f , r ..luu" 18^ ^-^ «-«»V>f ca„t «teel.ith Roihrs.- Toronto.dat.. xVo. 970-WniTE, («..,,,., of the Vi.Ug,, of N.w .VlarUet, in the County of Yo.. |;» -^^J.,v.d M. bin. ..r Uu,. .. 1.. .. , „th.r .^eUls.- Toronto. LHJ::!:, P.opUla,eallolLomav..romponB..i.g,v..u..- g . b-.. d.tod 29.h S.ptemb... 50 m Cbnd.' Quebec, flated 29th Sept-^mber, 1850. Coun,,„nraut, for -An Improved araia DriU PWa." To,o-,t ., d.a.d ntl/ .,,.lv •ano, for «A Mill btone D«b88Bk." Toronto, dated isth July IS-,', ' ^ " ^ ' f r -A New Rot.tmg Harrow." T„ront.,, dated 18th J.ilv 18-.9 No 976-1 HOMAS,(;f.J..,,) of the City of Toronto; 'ia the Gountv of York fo Thoma. Ant..F,iction Compound Pump." Toronto, dated ,8th ,I„Iv, iL No 977-HILL, (^. Z,) of the Town of Sandwich, in the County of Ess-, for '- \ now an,l ,r^prored Method of Tak»,.o H.o.s and Skin, into ordinary LchI ' of tl composition of matter." Quebec, dated .30th September, 1859 tajLZ ~'^''''^''} ^^''"'•^'> °f '»>^ Township of Pickering, i„ th. County o\ On- tario for .'An improved" Toronto, daf d 16th July, 1859 No. 9r9--McALPIN,(^,) of the Town of Clifton, in the County of uvUand f,., for .rITT''.^^'''^^!'' (^^'"•^^'> ''f '•>" ^-" «f Br«ntf..rd,in the Countv of Brant for Re.nasol'8 unproved Kkkd Ma.." Quebec, dated 30th September 1859 h.m t ?':f"''f '^'' ''"'"" '' •"« •^-" "^ >--' Hope, in the Countv of Du,- i'thrprmtr'r^"^^^^^"""'"'^-^'--^ ^'--•- --'■' «'-- ^^_^^ .mproved S„o. tor Horses, Mules and Donkeyn." Quebec, daUd 6th October, sJl^'V'"''^'''' ^■' '-'^ "' "" ^'*>' °^'^'-»»'>- •" "- C"-')- of York for .• V New btump Extractor.' Q„eber, dated 6th October, 1359 .mpro^cj p,,^ Mol,™ ,„ Sx«,» c.,t„.. .- Q,„b.c, d.M 21,1 o.-.ob.,, i.S9 i>iipi( I ivood M 1.11 "J Ih.; Ml N ll.'iltot N. villi, i /.Il's I N( iiniti U Ni iii>'i-vii; ('((I'llTO, No A CuA No ueiv Ml 'iatod 2( No. .\ varla :iiiuK." No. ill the C( liebec, I No. A Porta ;itii Nov. No. Ki'iit, for lliisk or No. 1 ■All impi |',»'ieb.!c, di No. 1 No. 1 i'l tlie Coi: 1'anu Uaj No. 1( i,'''l0W 51 !• " An Improved Stove Pij of the Town of Paris, in tjio Toio-iti., d.ilud r)tli Jiilv, iiff, in th(tob:r, 1859. the County of York, fur d 2l8t October, 1859. o Couuty of Orenviile, onto, dated 8th June, ill the Couity of On- Toronto, date i 22n ""19. -No »l,3_J,AUTl», (J.„,„.,) ., ,1, uiy of r„oo„, ,„ ,h. c^y, .; y^^ ,' „" ° ..,.».. ro, w„„.u,.,„a 0.W K.„,„,,. ToronCI'^MWatt^ '" """" No 90C-INXES, (Alexander,) of the City ot Montreal f,r -A \. ^ M.r.l .1 . lN>Ks' SmL." Q.ebcc, dated 29,h S.ptemb.r, 1859. ' "^ ^"" ""'^^ No. V9T-WniTEHKAD, (/.«.,,) of the Ci.y of Toronto, in the County of Yuri Xo ..^O-BENNEFT, ^Geor.e,^ and l.ALZELL, (i?.,) both of the Town of Bro k ru.UTois SrovB." Quebec, dated 20fh Octoler 1859 ' ^ '^'^^^'^ n « a-.d No.l004-YATKS,(//.„;y,)of .h«Tow„ of Brantford, iu the County of B«at fo,' ■■\ variable and double annular Blast Aonaraln • fo,vT „ .• ' ;."e..'. Quebec, dated 31st October,^^ '«''-^"-'»'>— « and other Steam En- X„ lOnS-WOOD, (.,/./„<„,) of the Village of Spar.a, in the To^nnhlp of Yarmont. No. 1007-lUCKMAN, (&.«W ir„) of .he Township of Howard iu the Countv . f, for^A new and Machine for SnK.u.s« uL or India.: C n ^T^: or Cob." Quebec, dated 2.nh Octob. r, 1850 ' No. 1008-PATTISON, (,r. .If.,) „f Frelighsburg', in the County of Missi.,,., : ,,. '^';; 1010-ANDEESON, (.1.,) and UILM.^N, ^R. /,,, hoth of the Cit, of L.nlon 5! Nrr:zr"'°""' '■""'"""- ■^•»»-'" ""-"»-' ^.^^^^^^.i^t;;; •Joth NoTeraber, 1859 '"uv^lttbw Vt'itboe, da e t ..^ J^'-xr^vi'^tr: rrrr":';";"' "■•■"" •' -"- V ,„ i. '^'«*w L,(jTTKR. Quibec.dated 26th November 18-.9 No. 1017-WATSON r »^7/ . .. ^"""■'"''"■' ''''»• No. 1018-ANDERSOV ,^; . Hecember, 1859. No. 1019_UOLLAED .^ V ., ^''^"'' '*'*'''* '"> De.e,«t,«,, 1859. .or Ma in^provritri/orr^ruJ:: iSr 't *- '" ^"-'^ -^ ^--• No. 1020-CUXNlNGHAM f / T/of n. ^•'"•'"''"•. ^859. '■ABc„.wo„K... Qaebee'^i'draiirrbriL'" •" ^°--'^^-^. -^ laso. Prove.^eut,oroW8R Looms," Quebec, Uatod 17th J.nuarv J ...a.ry, mo. ""' '•°"' "■' I"' • """"'"S Ii.t.a.- Q.,«|„c, d UcJ 21 ], No. 1028-McGAFFEF n W ^ „t iu .,• No. 1032-TATK (C M ^ nt a, n.' , February, I8S0. No. ,.33-DVSO.V, <*«„„ „f „„ ■„„ „, ,„., „^^ ,__^ , , ^_^ ^^_^ ^^_^ ^^^^ ^^ sn iribew." Q„eb o, .fat d 9t'i n'r.ul, for "A S, If-.Vrti,;!< 159. »', fi>r "A Double Acflr.,, 1 the County of VVontworth. ICcTTBBS ' Quhtfc, f!aei I tlie C'.iintr t,f W.-Ilin- d 26th November, 1859. tioV, in the County of in the Conuty of AfidiJIe- Eiiettrood's Newnndlm- , a^d EMERY, (T r,) 1th Pecembtfr, 1859. n, in the County of Mid- Dei ember, 1859. in thf County of LeJe, in the County of Diir. ated 17th Jaauarr, ISdO. )wville, .n the County of 1 dated 2.5th Jttijuary, iviUo, for "A new ami '•" Qiebec, dited 27 h County of Wentwoit'., Jn'iary, 18J0. in the County of Yorl<. I the County of Winr- dat«d 6th Fcbruarv, nty of Oxford, for ^'A iry, 1860. 'oiinty of Went»Torth, ditid 1st Foliruary, he County .of Ontario, 30. Alt of cxtracling Oir ■"r Mt'.(! imp-ovei! I'l (frnment for oppninj Oy-(»er«, to b» rnllrd Dy«. n'« OraTER Opbvee " Qiipbcc, d'^.t d 12th fumrry, 1860. No 1031— TUCK, (S!.,mu,'f,) of (he Tovn of Sh. rbrooke, in the DlHtrict of St. Frarriv, for ".V nevran I imrrored Ca t Iron Plough Sh.\) of the City of Quebec, for "A Vertically flotcting and Stationary Brbak CnnRN." Quel;»fi. dated 24th February, 1860. No. 1041— TRt-J.VHOLM, (Elwur,!,) of the liwn of Kingsey, in the Connty of Drumroond, for " A Machine for Clearing S.\ow or other obstruction from a Railroad Track, to be called Treuholm's Railroad Track Cleaner.." Qui,bec, dated 2rth January, 18G0. No. in42-MILLIGAN, (Francis^) of the City of Quebec, for "An Improvement in the 4ction of Vertical Pianofortes." Quebec, dated 23rd March, 1860. No. 1043— WATSON, (Joseph,) of the Township of Norwich, in the County of Oxfor.l, for *' An Improved CiiiiBN." .IJuebec, dated 13th December, 1859. No. 1044— WATERO S, (Charles Horatio,) of the Township of Brantford, in the County of Brant, for " An improvement in the application of Stbam Powbb, and in the manner of making such application, for the purposes of moving and working Steam Ploughs, Steam Fire Engines, &c , &c &.;." Queb 'c, dated 27th January, 1 861. No 1 045 -CLEMO ,(Khejiczer,) of the City of Montfeal, for " A New process of manii- fiictuiing Pllp, for the manufacture of paper and parchment, from straw and other vego- talile substances." Quebec, dated 27th January, 1800. No 1046— TUCK, (Simnel,) of the Town of Shcrbrooke. for "A new and useful manufacture, styled Tuck's Cast ir()n Sloab Boilkr." Quebec, dated 2nd March, 1860. No. 10 17— COII^J, (Louis,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " An improved Self-Bindkr for papers." Quebec, dated 7th March, 1860. No. 1048-ELVIDGE, (Charles,) of Newmarket, in the County of York, for " A certain Sbwino Machini." Quebec, dated 7th March, 1860. No. 1049- JEBB, (Thomas A.,) of the Township of WtstOwJUimbury, in the County of Simcoe. for " An Improved Churn." Quebec, dated 7th March, 1860. No. 1050— MAYNARD, (George,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " An ^rio Aquatic" Quebec, dat-d 7th March, 1860. No 1051— SCOTT, (Thomas,) of Newburg, in the County of Addington, for " A new CrLTiVATOR." Quebec, dated 7th March, 1860. No, 1052-OAGE, (Arnold,) of the Township of Burford, in the County of Brant, for " An improved Churn." Quebec, dated 13th March, 1860. No. 1053- WORTMAN, (Charles Wnr^,) of the Village of Colbrook, in the County ofAddington, for "An improved Eavc Trough M.vciiixs." Quebec, dated 13th March, 1360. 54 A Jk No. 105 l-LUSH, (/>,,„,,) „f the >wg I for clouninc ( Village of Ne..vmirk t,i„the nsUiain" Quebec, dated 1 yth m' No. 10fl5_WJ£lTE, ^a.orge HUlia, larch, 18G0. '" ""' mulling of Boots and Sh inanufactiiro, «tyl,,d Hen "•.) of the City of Montreal, for Quebec, dated Uth March, ISCO. • •untyof York, for An improvement •^'-mpton, for " A iiH(... •I'ltedlOthMurcb, 18G0. No <:.>uiUy of Alttleh, IBGO. fill 'vnHhip of rompton, i- fe County of iryHcon.ave.Su«A„ B „LEr..» Quebec, ''0. '-.^^ Qiubeo, dat)d 27tb Xo. 1053— IIOLMEN, ICharL,^ of tl -n ^i-..n, f.r -An Im.-ov'e/ura^^s „:, .^ .,"'.^; '' '' ^^-;'-- - - t-.e County o. No. 1059-PEKKV, (..S^,««,../r,,o t, T.w?^^ '^ "arch, ,« iO. '-"A.N." Quebec, dat,U:;.,h March -SiO ' ^"""'""K' «•?»'•*'»'« .^nd uhaoing •'•W 411, „v.b„,.„., .si, ""' "■•""f.«»r.. „r lu,„,,„,„ „,.^,. ^,^', J >«o. 10C2— McLARKV //; ; . , " ''ohruarr, 18;o ;.-b, .n the County of On.urio, f ." . a I ubU a •, p'' "'' '^'' "" '^■'""'''"■*' "'• l-.b,u:.;y, ISGJ. "'"^''- ^-'"o" Ckank " Q„ b..,,d.t.d 18:h '"'•"'• ' ^ '""""* *i '■-•''«'•, U.'d 25th February -No. I0G7-.CIXNAUO\ r/.M ^ A , ^""''^'=' '^"''^^ -'7th AWch, 18GU. J -::^csi;:;;::-:rr f c ■ r^^^^^ .„, -No. 1070 — HUf RPTT /e -No. l071_rATCirrV(j // ,^ , "^ ""'•''•t"'' latli Aor l, i,sgo _. ^ No. 1072-soPER, (w^i ::;;::::;'■; !;?"' "^'^^ ^'^"^ ^-^^ -- 'o.'l,for..Aa improved SKw,.v«Machia,'. U.l , ^'•*'^'''"'' '" 'he County „, Ox- t"", ^-'•AaAir-tightoulrminrs' :'$,';;;' "''''.;•■'''•'•'""'« ""-^^ "^ ^V•.llin.- - .'An improve,, Ch,u.;,^,y,.. ol^n;' E ^ l^^^i^t' '" ""' ^"""'^ "^^-'^ -9'h Apnl, 18,!0. •'*'"^f'-- ^ '"ble D.«h Cul-hn." Qaobec, dated -^^^XrU^:ii^::^';^^^^ "f H. uiUo«, ,n ...e Conn.y of W.nt- ''"''■ '""f'"«^-onh,aw..v.. Q.b,., dated 20!h April, IH'JO fur 55 '>the ••untyof York, for JGO. '*'• '"'^ " -^n improvement , 18C0. Pton, i.. t!ie County of ^uuAB B)iLEii." Quebec, jKf of Port Bruc.., in fi.g Qiulteo, •■, io th . Co'int.i ot ' 'r'li'y, 180). 'i of th.^T-wns'iij) .,f " Q" li.'', d.t.,J 18:1, 11 tlie (,'oui,ty of ii,gt. ''t il'uniiuitiug py,.. '•i"'>rJ, in tliH Cm itv •li- U 26tlj February, '^""inty ofD:uij«ni, IB County of Ontario, y, iS'io. "iintyof Middl sex, 'ljii«t«l.lo Ur,ig,>Dal )'x- (l,it. d 4t!i Vprjlj i R.ilwiy CVi-Vkn- Couirth,for "A new Silf-acling Coupler and uncoupliir for Railway Ciriiaged." Quebec, (iHt'd 9th May, 18G0. No. 1086-BOYS, (ffi'rtr.v, R. A,) cf the Town of h.iuu; iu the Coui.ty of Sim o ;, for "A ScRHW MiTjn." Q lehec, dated 9th May, 1860. No. 1087— PARK, (John C.,) of the Town of Brintford, in tlie County of Brant, for •A new and improved combined Macliine for VVkldixo, and otherwise repairing the iron lailg used for Cars to run up )n 11 lilways by tho application of Steam Power." Quc- Uuc, dtttad 9(h May, 1809. No. 1088— CAMPBELL, (Hiii/h Sym,) of the C'ty of Toronto, in the County of Yori;, loi "An improved Chuun." Q lebec, dated llth May, 1830. No. 1039-COUBS,(//(.ra«^.,) and ASHMAN, (P.,) both of the Village of On- tii i >, in the County of Wentworth, for "An improved Double Acting Chcbn." Quebec " dated nth May, 1860. No. 1^090-THOMSOX, (.7;/«i"»/;.,)and KEITH, [OaviJ S.] both of the City of Toronto, in the County of Y'ork, for "A circu'atiiig Tubular Jacked Boilbr." Quebec, (lut d llth Mny, 1860. No. 1091— V1cD0UGAL,(./&An C,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, lor "An Octngonal CHor.s." Q'lebic, dat.-d llth May, 1860. No. 1092-NIGOL,(7'/iom»,) cf tha Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, for "A Portiiblo tro8»-Cut Sawing Machine, with parallel movemtnts." QuL-bcc, d^ted 9;h Miy, 1860. No 1093- J AMES, (Josiah,) of th ■ Townnhipof Whitchurch, in tl.e County of York, for "A universal Joint Walking for Churns and other Machinerv." Quebec, dated 29th' April, 1860, No. 1094— YATKS, (Henry,) of the Town of Brantford, in the County of Brant, for "An Improvement in Machinery for Coupling, Snaping and renewing the surfaces of Mrtal IUkh." Quebi'C, dated 9th May, 1800. No. 1095-CONGER, ( If. S ,) of the Town of Peterhorough, in the County of Petor- brrounh, and ASHPORD, (Jamef,) of the Township of Hope, in the County of Durham, .\HsigneeHofLEWIS,r5.,)of thoTown ol Port Hope, in the County of Durham, for "A new and improved Machinery or Appar.itus for the purpoio of extracting a Polishing sub- ft 56 WJ'iIajc, d»t.f«l 22u«j| :lf; MHy, I860. • " "" ^"»""'' '^"» S"* .'. or Sa,,« «,,, , VT X »nottC ajt.'d no,,,) N». i09«_srRul'WEIf ,/,.. , "■"'•; ^"«^'^. '^«-' ^^2ud May, ,800 ' ""^' ^'^""""^"'' — "•/ i ^- ■•>^--' V.ioc.ipodo aa,, n... Wo. 1103— ST GERVfAiv ■i'lO 1105— KEIiBV r II L . . '-.tea, f.„u ..Improved ^ailw^J^i.^C, ^^--^J-Ip,. .-^ the Ccun.,or VV, .. -No. n»7_j'KyQg '•'"• '^"' **«>•> «iatudl5tli June I ««„ No.lioo-PARADIS //■ ■ ,, <^"-buo, „ , •^'- '^"«i"'<'',rf'itod.itiijmy No 1 UH -.MORSE ti"'ty of Halton. for l-itcd Ith July, I860 'hip of fork, in th.; ".toJ Uh July, it)co, ' '^ '""mpositlou for 'Uuiy ..fJissex fi.r JUUty of VcTk, te; Ul>on j)apor, pag,.,; ^ Oth July, 1860. "'"''"« r'""^*^"" from the log." Quobec, doted Uated Mth July, i860. aenommated by h,m Stai-lk FimiR." y,u.b,c-, No. H.'r-BBOADBENT ,;,■ >T ""'"■''«'•'» =»""S««, 1S80. .l...b.c, d.ted sti, Angu,t, 13eo '""' "'"" "»'' <"l.«' ati-s n.kri.i .. - "-™--i"^'^:sL°'.:rsi^^^^^ -"'^- , ■ No 1 1 ^r n i irr. ' "^ ^^''^ September, i860. <^uebec, dated 2n^T„pt"r6u."' *""^' "" ''^■^""' "-^-- -<' ^fo--" 8 i I'll No. 1138— FINDI.AV /r ""^ ~~ "" No.H40^LANa8TAFP^A; ^ '''' -'"''^ '^"P'ember, i860. -5th September, iffGO. a^ucung 1 Urashing Macuines." Quebec dated No. 1144— McKEV7TP //^i No. 1 145_YERK« fTo/is ) otChJ.i. „ *'OI''ombcr, 18G0. No. 1.47-JAME8, ( ."Z, Of M? °' I"""" ''»'■ "I"™"". 'm M 0«tob„, 1S6». " """ "" •"I"' 'Wblo „,l„toccs.. Q».b,.o" .„j No. 1149— WEBS'I'PP ,\-, ^i in.proven.ents la thelX^t' t'^'pl^^'^'t ' ''' "'^'''^ ^^ -" "- fnala.'. Quebec, dated 3rd October, 1800 """ '"'"^ ""^^ •'"'<'^ Al^'ou* ,„a. Quebec, dated 4tli October, iseo ' ^^ *° ^"^'"^ "^"^ KBAr,.vo Machines " No. nns-ACKERMAK /r . ,,"''^' '""^'* 6"' October, i860. Addington.for..AnArS:ifteS^^^^^ ^^'ago of Morven, in the Count, or 12th October, 18G0. Wasulno Machine." Quebec, dated -^'^^X^'^^a^i^;^:^:^^'^ '^'--^•^'^ ^^ Onei..a, in the County „f Haldi No.ll57-BUCKLER,(oLoo (W .^"^ ^^'''•'^r, iSCO. "*""■ Chair o. Lounge termed ..oLa.vm/s..; ?"' 'V'" ''°"''*^°^ ^^'^"-^'-. ^or "A . No. n58-TEES. (A.,,,,) o the / I" ''T' '''''' ^'^"' ««Ptember, 18G C«e. denominated >,y ,,•„.. t L' a, ."u .' , '""'"""' ^'''^ "^^" ^^''-^'S'^t Coffin or Lurinl 26th Octobm, U'.;n. •^"■*'^'"' '"""' "f Burial Oau.t," g,„.,,„ ^^T. Sj)in(! 1 Jworth worth [iUtl I^ |for "i N Ifor "i [withoti Ni |Ontari( N< in the ( Nc i"ANei No for<'A N Nc to be ca No, certain : 18C0. No. lord, As for "A 1 with tlie O'ntflrio, 6a . f-^r "A Self-acting Car- No. liea-KLEIN, (Daoid^ of the City of Quebec for «A PiZTT"" ^ Im, dated isth December, 1 SCO '^"''"<'°» '"' "A Ploatfnfi: Dbidoi." Quf- fnd November, I860. "»'""S;»n<» Ta^.^isq Hides and Skins." Quebec.dated f«l 21.. Dec.„b.,, „e„ ° '"" ""■ """•"•», "mbiM.. Q„.i„, j^ [1860. 088<" limber." Quebec, dated 2 let December I No 1168 JTA.fTrTV« ,^ ^^Noms. Quebec, dated 2lKt December, 1860. l^vorth, for .'An Article fo coun inraadtLn/th V^''' '" *'' bounty of Went- |21.t December, ISGO. ^' *'°^ *'"' "J'""'*^ "^ ^'■^"as." Qa.bec, d.t«l '',!( CO No. 1182-AI{USTR0N(J // /' "atclictl. .Ianu..iry, isoi. ' "™°'' ^^<^ Jwnv Lind Chmk." Quebec No. 1183-PALMFn /i-r . ' Brantford, in tho County of JJamt for » a rr ' ^ """'^ ''"''» «' f'o Town.hin nf "-.^«te.i,anua..;i8c" ''" ''"•'"^-'*^'^'-- Machine Qu' No. i]85~SKiv\nj:i> .c , No. 1 ] S!)-I!ELL, (Z^«,,v ) of st v". , ' *^''*"'^ ^"' ^f'^f'-h, 18G1 n-ro„... ,..,ec, „at'oi U.t'ifJilt 1^'"'' " "'^' "''""^^ "^ ^-'•-. ^- "A New 8... No. 1192— KEMPLTlsr /■/-- ,• t-^ki^E, (Jnhus,) nllof tl.oTowaof W.L»* V'.'^ ^^•^•'>A98igncos of BLANOR- . N»-I1«-0ATHCAKT,A,A,> ", ,*""'"''"^'«'*".M«"1., 18C,. /' ^o.' ';a combined OnUn and'si:^^?;;?, f t;::'-"f ',' ^' '''^^'^' ^ ^'"'^ ^'-"'^of Yor. No.lias— LUSK- /•/) wx <• , ^"'^"'''^''ted 4th March 1861 ^"' ^^rs, No. 1 1 99_M,> NI8II r r,„ \ f ',„ ' ''"*"' ^"' ^'^'■^'l'. 1 8G i !l!i 61 5nto, in tho County of York J 12th Janumy, 1801. ' Richmond. In tho County of Buttor, t3nno(J tho D^mv »n, In tho County of Weit. <»■ Cfttch Pia of Sewing "ti^'Tst, i„ tlio County of ■NT LiND Churk." Quebec, tim County of MUUI.hox, lOtli Jantuiry, iSGi. '">th of tho Township „f 'Vasuinq Machine." Q„o. i'"iu<', in tho County of iJlos, &c., |,y end prc8H. ronto, in tiio County „f . for "A Solf.Hctin,T I'm 1, l-'iro-placos, Ac" yue- tho County of Lincoln, 'An Imprcvod lfy,I,ft„iii, March, ISGI. Levig, for "A New Snow in tho County of Stan- th March, 18G1. i'l'io, in tlie County „f f, (iatod ]9th Marcli i8i,gQoos of BLANCK- of AVoodstock, for "A le, in tho County of •ch, 1861. iu tho County of On- tiated 4tli March, 1861. oth of tho City of To- ' t-'ooLER." Quebec, :ountyof\Ventirortl., a tho County of York ,1861. ' 3 County of York, for 1,1861. County of Leeds, for h, 1861. L'ounty vf Middle.sef, Quelwso, (latcd 4tli m1'cM8GK "'''''"''' ''"''""""'' *'"""■ ''""' ^""^ "»» ^"'"••" BronrVr'°l';v?''n"°'''' <^'''''" '''••) "^ »'- Town of, i„ the County of Bront^ for A Water Draw««.' (J,„.b„c, dat.d 4th March, 1861 . ^t:ii^B™^^^^^^ '^^ r SSEF--^''^^^^^ - Coun.of .... Ontan:- ;°t?r^"'"' ^"^'""-'> "^"-^-nship^f U.bridg, i: thj County of No. 106-.JOSLYN,(//„iW,) of th- Township of Stan.tead, in tho Countr of, for .-An improved Maohiao for ..ringing Clothe, to be ca.'lei ,„" n^ imp ov "d C.,o™k8 VrnmiKR." Quebac, dated 4th April, 18C1 . /.,r ..a^mI'm"^^'"''"' ^■''''"' ^'"''''-^ "" "'" '^'"'° of Brantford, in tho (Jounty of Drant No. 1208-COCKnUllN, CAle...ukr F,) of tho City of Montreal, foe "A , ompr.s,- -on Swivel Action Watk«.Cock." Quebec, dated llth April. 1861. No ,000^1;" ?;;'';r''/-f;''^ Su^^or Cour>, dated 2m of April, IU2.) for "A F s„l It ^-y''"' V^^'«''') ^'f "'-'-^^° Ouelle, in tho Countr of Kamoura,k«. Storumt flrT. V r^''p' ^•'""' -'• ''■■) °^ *"" '^-^ °f Cornwall, 'in the County of Moimoat f^or''ACnnnNPo,vEH..' Quebec. d«ted 25th April, 1851. ^ „..inrtnf,r 7 « f^'^^'""'^'^ o^n^a'^tford, Assignee for the residue of tho unexpired re..odocorta,n Patent granted to one Mc LENNAN, (.W.) on the ,r,th Deeomber. tZlll) r ''^^'^'""'■"^tl^" ^^P-'inng of lao.., used for Car. and vanm8esto.unuponK..ilwnys." Quebec, dated 16th Pebruarr, 1861. N0.1212-GRA/ES, (^Lonnzo,) of the Township of Barnsf.on, in the County of ^tanstead. for -a Double Pressure Clothes Wu.o.n." Quebec, dated lOth May, 1861 No.1213 WESTMAN, (U'.i,.,),, Township of King, in the County of York, for ■'An,mprovedScHEE.N for Fanning Mills." Quebec, dated 12th March. 18oM Sri;! i^sor."'' "'''''^""^^'"^'- "^"^ ""P'-«' MaL." Quebec, dated Sidnfv"- ''^'-°^'""''^'('''- '»•.) «»" SUTTON. ^Jo,eph,) both of the Tow^.hip of JjLTrchlVGr"^ "^'" improved CH.n,n.a U..b.' Quebec, dated (or ..'In .^-'^-■^^^'^•^^^^.( »'''''«'".) "f tlio Township of Vaughan. in the County of York .or "An .mprovcment in the manufacture of 0,. Gas." QueL. dated 23rd March, 1 861 ton f°;/f ^-^^^;^L'^«.(-4'i^^' O.,) of the Township of Erin, in the County of ^Velling- tOD, or A new and po.lahle labour saving Macaine for cutting Mortices in carriage and all other Hubs by hand." Quebec, dated 2l8t March, 1861 ^T^liV'r''"'^^^'''^"''''''""'^ "■^" WEAVER, (,teO both of the Township ot ^^^^^l',2'^^^ Q«abec. dated 23rd ^°-l-'''-«MlTiI,(^iWmrc/,)oflheTownofSherbrooko,inthoDi»trIctofSt.Franci8, lor An Improved Extension Algeh." Quebec, dated 8th May. 1861 . -; "• ^ 220-,SMITH, {Richard,) of the To w.i of Sherbrooke, in the District of St. FraociF. tor A now and improved Belt Li.nk." Quebec, dated 8th May, 1861. No. 1221-COLE,(/.. .V.,) of the City of Montreal, for "A Metallic HsKr. for Boot* 'M Wioo,-!," Qiiebor, dnt.'d Rtli Ai.iy, 18G1. 02 I "mbcrJand for « a . ' ^ '''''"'''> "^ 'lio Town r.f r„u '■aproved Pow,B for P. ' ^'^"'""''^ "^ I^'-'H^villc in thin °"'' ''"'■ <'«*od 3rd June, ,8G,. "' *"P-^«--t in tl,e ordina., T.ll;^!"' . "^''^ "'^'"'• '«•• "A ^V'Asu^o Machine •'Qil-^'^"/'''''To,,nHbip of Brome i„ t„. ,. No. UCJ-JAMFS ,/ .^"f '"' ^''**"1 JSlii July, jsei t-'^unt^of Bromo, '-.♦tingSheotHo M ' ^^'"''"''> "'■'"o City of S. ,^''' ^"^' ^8°'- No. 1243-WABR ,^ /„ '^"^I'ec, dated 3rd ''AnIn.p.ovedS.w,.aMlc,Ie';'\:?;'"^f "' '^'"™'^^'>' '" t"^" County of V . ^*^' (•^^'"^••,) Of ilic Town of Ht rni^ , ^«of.^t.(.atL«lnc.,JatJ;. county of ;.i;Mho county Of onurio. JarkciJNo. 1213. -in 11,0 County of Oxi„rj, "'" County of Durham, County of ',Vo„„aj^ ,^^ ■'^Pfll, ISC I. h (Alexander,) of tijo vj|. ''' "KAPEft Atlaclimeot." 'o"ntyofKsm,for..An 'tljo County of Morth- ""vits of Khips." Q„e- l'" County of Ontario, P'i', 18GI. County of Wonl^rortb. "', 18C1. of Ilastlngg, for <.x„ dated 20tb April, leai. •') of the City of Mod. 1 Saw Sbt.- yuebec, 'the County of Bromc, itheCouatyofVork, 'ounty of York, f,j «> elated -Mot May, I'*, in the County of 8t May, 1861. "ImproTomenta in "cbec, dated 2nh County of Durham^ •^'"ebec, dated 3rd unty of Ycif, fo, i tliu County of 63 l-incoln, for "A RofriKorator termed '■ Tho P.inr.. ,.f w . n ^ ~ ~~ '^ Qneboc. d«t<.d 25tl. Juno, 1H61. ^'^"^''"^" "f W«ln. Cupboard RtrR.oaRATOR." Prin^'^0d^;;:r'Sit2or wl':I"'o'''; '" ^'"""^^•"^«'>' '" "-County of V-. I...., \, " ''-'^"iimor WAsiiKR." Quchoi-, (latod 4tli Juno iflfii .p , Z ^^'(■"""^.'A) ofAuroM, inthoCmintyof York fnr < a t, . . Toot., for Harrows." Quebec, dated irth July ,.«, ^"''°'^'^' ^"^ "^ Rotatory _ No. l.-.S-DOJaVIN, (./WW/aA //,.) of tho Ciu .f M^ntrn,) - " V, ' ^ercudal i,A„o«wr.." Qnob., cla<..,MstL H,,,teu.ber, IS^K ' ■■^" ^'"^^^^^ . 64 No. 1270— SLATFR /-e ,> "'"'ator. Quebec, dated -'nfk u . "'•7 or ux- "°7- """ - -^-i:? tt::;::;' .r;r""f "'■="■"• -' - -„. No. 1279_McILROr rr/,«„. x .„ Nov-mber, ISGI. ■No. 1280— NUTTING fN n Prince Ed«rard, for «Tho Ontor'lo w"^ ^'^ Township of Marysburg ia th., p , Pio^I.82,ASHE, (5rf,^a,,,*^, . Steap E.0.-H3 to be called S„.., E„gf„es -t "JI,'"^" -"'--^ -othod of consfuctln. No. 1283-SEYMOUB, m ) of tf « r-< ' ^"''''' -'^'^ Decombor, Z8GI ""^ «".K dated 5.1, D„o=mW, j,,,'"'™"""'. E.;!.,..., T»do,., and Ml,., .»,££-c:d^cr;'';!re^:i?:r''"''-""»'-'-»p- No. 1287. .BAY, [Smnan.] of the Tnt , ' '^"' ^''^^^ov, mi. No. 1283— HFTCillNS w "-"'uei, ■''>i>. i.;'ifo.,X^AUKN'i' I/'/ ,. '' " --"■" •'~"'">'.. lni;i. 65 ^""'J of Middlesex, for "An ;-^.) both of the Township Of '0 Wasumo Machiae." Que, '' ^°' "^^" i'BProved Driving. 'Y'»tho countr of Huron '"'"-•c, dated 29th Novomberi " tbe County of WoHi„g,.,„ ^I'itchurch, County of York, l-oth of the Township of -'u C'ARDiNn Maciiine." Que- 'l^orong^for^AnAutomat- '■» or, 1861. tl>e County of Stan- l''ted 18th December, ■'. f^'' "A RivBT Ma- ?i '» the Coiintv- (if oa.u M , * °° *'"-'^"'«l'-^P'msiouSteam-Cuto(r Valvm" n„ i w. J8th November, 18G1 ^"x "■» v ames. Quebec, dtteU No. U'9._CHAMBER3, („,«.•.„,) of London, in the County of Mid. , improved Carriage Hub." Quebec dated oqfu v. , ^ M'ddlosex, for " An No l-'96_TAVrnn 7"°"^''' **"'°'-' 29th November, 18G1. No. 1297-LAWSr)V //A . /^'"-"ec, ^^atcd 29th November, 18G1. 2Mli November, 18G1 '"•"»■■"""'»= l-A" ffOiUi.-bon OU." Q„|,„^ j.,„j No. 1 JOJ-MoDOUOAI t Ml' » ? ; .. *"'• '''"'" ='"' """"tor, HOI. As,ii„„ or rrn 7 ' '^ ^'' *'" city of Toronto, i„ the Co'un.v of Y^k, ":J'-",') lor ,"") Iiifroductiou >K..„o „l WLh, (li.hvard Mro,,,) the Inventor 66 No. I3I2 — KEACHIE fn r for ..An Improved Staples; L;,;!°';l"'^^^^^ County of Brant No. 1313-PISHeS, (^. ,;") Oft Sv :1/''' ''"'""•'"' ^««'- K dated 7th February, 1862. "' "' ''""*''"*'' f"'" "A HoUow B«,ck " Que No. l.-'K-WEAGANT, <•// if Wf m ■ v Tripod C„,™Machine..^Sbt;aJ;r^^^^^ "'« '^^-^y of Dunda, for .-A No. 13IC-McKBNZrB, (4 D ) Til \ '"■"'"^' ' "^''■ (j'. »r.,) Of the City ot HamfLn, c ul Of " t' T'l °' ^"''^'"°' ^"^ """^F^Y To^^rA^Tc;^^^^ ""^™'^^^'" '■" ^" -«A.o._; "^« bounty of Norfolk r No. 1324-AUSTIN, (./X) of the T " '' ''"^ ''*°"*^^' ^862. """' '"^ ro. 7«MinstoneAss;3L.;:.^r:.,X-S;^;:','-'^'^« ^^^^ of V.eliin.ton, No. 1325-LOC£:maN rrA,. y 1 ' "'*^^« '9t" February, 1862. ' Cockle, and other Seeds from Wlieat " 0„». . "'*''""' ^"' Seperatinff Oat. No.l327~MANNER, ^04% the To'' , '' ''''^''^"-^' 1«C2 ' **"' coe, for .'A Double Lever pLcrVo an Ln '" °' ^°'^'^'^'' ^" '^e County of bim ^Vi^eel... Quebec, dated 28th F:b;ua:;,;87"^^'""' ^'^ ^''^ ^-- Po.eTo"/ t: !^-r™:c:-r -":s; ::r- ^ --- of ..ter. No. 132. -MILL .B ,, „- , , „ ' '"■ *^*^'^ ^'''^ ^^«^-"/. No. 1331— CLENDENINr, /e •.; , Of .^in, i.. .,A Portable Clo^i:; ^Z/^^^J^f'^ ^^ ^^-^^^, ia the County ^o- 1332_BOCEKII, (Cl,arln ) oh. i. A? ' '"' ^''''^'> ^802 . ^ 'A Ump Chimney CuAHH." . .ubri", ,""*'^' '"''''' ^'-"'>' •^f Vork fo. -Vo. 1333-TUBNfrOLW.cAC"; '-.'/'""' ''''■^• i'lobnc, datdd 3?ih Do- in the County of Brant, ober, I86I. "A Hollow Brick." Que. unty of Dondag, for "A >avillo, and McUAFFY, 'Improrements in Ois 'wond useful Machine for "Munro's Patent •as, in the County of !th January, 1862. in the County of Tork 'i Jated 9th January,' bounty of Wentwortb, e Cotinty of York, for ' Wentwortlj, for "An ^ec, dated 13th Janu- ounty of Norfolk, for )62. 'aty of V/ellington, the County of Went- '« " Family Shuttle irgh, in the County or Seperating Oatu, 1862. ■he County of bin,, ■r Power on Butr, County of Water- ited 28 th February, e of Monisburgb the Mould Boards *lio Township of ihe < Lincolnshire flu. in the County 3G3. '/ of Vork, for °'*'^''^'*^"^'^'''°"^o.''» I'^e County Of York k::i:::i^::.'"^'^''°'''"^'^'°^'''^*^>^'^ ^'^^ '^-- ^-^' Q-bec,'dat.d ::!• Peel'fo; "Anl^'^^^'^^Tf '! t^^-'T'-^ *"^" '^''^'^"''"P 01 Toronto, in the County of 1 ■ ' Bi 68 No. 1352— NORTON ( 1.' r \ „f .», ... .'" ~~ *^~ "''^-^---'-'=^^^==^==^^^^^::=-=^ i-an., for -A Now and im^ov;; sllwo.U 1. f """"^-•"«. '" "'o County of D..r «luebec. dated 12th April, ,802 '^"""' ^''"'"' ^-'on'B Diamond .Straw Cnrr."' "*P"1,I8G2. «'''0'»''r«ndCL'LTivATOR.'' Quebec, dated 12th No. 135C— FOltSTER ci/ n *ii ' ««n, for ..An improved Sa^ /t , ^ xl^f °' J'"!^ ^^^"--' ^ "- County of Ha,. 1 dated 12th April, 18G3. "'" ""'^ 'P""^ ^'"^^d hold backa." Quebec, ' No. 1366— -fJAriii' /I .t^ataueous Adjustment W;J.c:r Q lb : tS Kth7°";'^ "' ^'°"'' ^^ '"^'^ I- No. 1350-MAItTINAU .//. ■ , ^ '*''"'' ^^"2. proved Metal Koo, made w^Cairr;^^^^^^ ^- "An im- MV. 1862. ''"'""^•"' ^'•«» "»<' o"»cr Metals." Quebec, dated 30th -^^^^^'^^^^a^:^i^ in the coun^ o. 18th June, 1862. ' '' "■^'""« '">^ ^^•"««'''a Machine." Q„,bec, dated No. 1362_MORBILL, (//. T ) of th. ,p ^''';'"*'''> ^«"» J"ne, 1862. Th«««.„ Machine... Qui, d^" l';:^;;;;''' ''^"^^ ^-"^" ^^i-ed ^^p^d 2^rc::?^::^::r^ - --o.. .r ..a New .d No. 1365-ROMBOUQII, ^Jie.cren,U. // ) of tile To . '"'^' ''"• County of Stormont, for -^A Self-feedin^.THnlVj. u ^ " "' ''^'^*''"'-'''' '" '•'° J-wning Ma...' Quebec, dated 27th May IsC " "' '"^""'' »''^"™'- -d -;d^ersub.nee.and.rc;e.urtr;:::^^ No. 1367— MITPiri!"T T ^ 1 J, V 1863. ^"UATB. Quebec, dated ,^rd .Tune No. 19tl— M^BTIxr r,-t 'or "A New F^nf^^Mn; l^^^^:^'^ ''^'"^ -«'--- - the Count, o. o.,... ^O"." Quabeo, dated aVdVuno.'i'ao;,"'''''''""'''""''-^^''"'*'^'"'?^''^^'! Wheat .S^pIh'^; 69 ''llo, in the County of Diir. s Diamond Straw Cdttbr.-' "' '" "'« County of Water- ■OR." Quebec, dated 12th \.n improved Sifter Fanning n», in llio County of Hal-, ed hold back.." Quebec,' ^otah, in Hie Coimly of ', in the Couuly of Dur- 5c, dated 15th April, 1862. y of Kent, for f'An In- ISUL'. 'ngueuil, for «An im- s." Quebec, dated aotli lie, in the County of chine." Quobcc, dated » of tlic Township of 10, 1802. "1, for "An Improyed mond for «'A New and County of Essex, for [ay, 1862. of Oanabruck, in the proved »epaiator and h in the County of c, India Corn in the ' Quebec, dated 27th of tbc Town of Paris, 'c, dated ,^rd June rmont, for "A Churn .8C2. i«co, in the County NS." Quebec, dated e CounJy of 0.tford »ry Motion with a ^'ounty of Ontari.i e'l Wheat Sbpar*,' f nfant Zf "'' ^"""''"^ "■' Oft"" Township Of Bmntford, In tho Count, of Bran , for "A Confr.petal Churn and Centripetal Agitator, for Refining and fitting for u« Kock Oil, or Petroleum and Coa. Oa." Q.ebec, dated (Uh June, 1802. No. 1373_DKEW, (//. c.,] of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario for An improved Waggon and CAim.AQB." Quebec, dated 9th JunMSO" No^l374_BiaELOW, iAlbert,] of the City of Hamilton, for "A New and im- proved Compression Cock." Quebec, dated Oth June, 18G2 Steam ENahvu." Quebec, dated 9th June, 1802. ' Welland '!oXa7''1^''' ^T"'^ "' "'" ''"""''"^ °' ""'»b-atone, in the County of for ..Ani!!""^^"^'^' C-^"'*^'''-)""^ ^ATON, [7J.CW,] both of the City of Hamilton. KnoiNis." Quebec, dated 9lh June, 1832. No. ]378_WHITE, [fl<,i..g of the' City ot Kingston, for " Au Adjustable Conoa.e ILKAKKB." Quebec, dated 9th June, 1803. ford fo"; 'f'Tr^r'^'^'^^; ^"- ^'^ "^ ''" ■^''^'^"^'"'P "f Tilsonbury, in the County of Ox. J ford, for "A Bee and Miller Destuovr«." Quebec, dated 9th iuno, 1862 r Z^''''"'''^''^^^^' IRM^ardAoi the Town of Whitby, in the County 'of Ontario for A Double attached Clothes Whi.v«.<.." Quebec, date.l 20tli June, 1802 Branffoi'^Irf ''''''''',?''' t^^' '^'J "^ *"« ^ow^ship of Brantford, in the County of July 1802. ' "'''"'' "^'^^'Sooi^s Bkb Quebec, dated 7th dlesex Vr'S'^^^^^l'^' ^f f'^ "' "'«'^"'^*^"«'"P "^ Westminster, in the County of Mid- Quebe^da ^^ T? ''"''"^""''''"*'"' '" *'"' iilanufacture of R«,„,oLroHe." yueboc, dated 7th July, 1802. in. I^H !^®^-"°^'^'' ['^''W«''',] Of Vork Mills, in the County of York, for "A Plough- ' ^T.t l^"'A '°'"'"«**°' ^'"^'^"S *^^'^""'-" ^"o*"'". '^-t'^'l ' '^ July, 1862. No. 1384-aRKaORY, (m...,] of the Township of King, in the Cun"; of York for "An improved Straw Machine." Quebec, d.ted 7th July, 18G2 f<°-1385-PHILLIPS, [/«„,«,] of the City of Toronto, in the County of fork for "AnunprovedSelf-heating Box Smoothing Iro.s." Quebec, dated 7th July 1802 I PnnpVri^^*'7r*^*^°^'^' f^^'''""'^ °f"»« Township ofSophia8burgh,iu the County of I Prmce Edward, for "A Revolving Float OncRN." Quebec, dated 8th July, 186-> on. f<^- ;f ^-"^^^"^U*^. r^- -^-^.1 of the Town of Cornwall, in the County of Storm- out, for "A Double Dasher Churn Power." Quebec, dated 8th July, 1862 tin/r.u'7^^,f ''■"'' [•^<'A"J<'f"'« Township of Madoc, in the County of Ha," tmgs, for "A Combination Sieve." Quebec, dated 8th July, 1802. fnr nan 'f "f ^''^^"^' t^'' ^^''^ ^^ ^^'^ Village of St. Mary's, in the County of P^rtl, for a .. Hydropult, to be called the Pneumatic repeating IIvoropult." Quebec, dated 8th No- 1390~WARD, yj. C.,i of Strcetvillc, in the County of Peel, f.r a « New methoj Of constructing Washing Machines with WR,.v«.a utt.chcci." Quebec, dated Tth July' Vo/?"'''!Tw n™''^'^''' ^''''""•' '■■-J'^'' ^''" ^'"y ^' '^'^>-°'^t°. - the County of i oik for a Metallic Carriage m.'I Waggon II.u." Quebec, dated 8th July 180" No. 1392-WATEROUS, [««./„ /..,] of Brantford, in the County of Brant, for an .^Z7l1^!y^uS.^^^ ofhors3sand other animals." .Quebec, No. 1393-TAYLOR, [ Kmersori,] of the Villatro of ,qprinafi,.l,f in t*,-. rv,„,.ty ^r p_,.j a m 70 Mr f ■■'..: miii No. 1.134— WaTSOm r» '~-~ ^^— --' — ^ . - . Provf;,;:^^^^^^^^^ the county of Oxford, for an « , OB." Quebec, dated 8th July, 18C2 ""' ""^ '"'■ ^^''^"^'"S Window S J No. J39?— GOLDIF rir-j,- ', I No. I398-.PERRY. ISa^uel,' oTtZ7ty „? x, ,' '*"' ''"' •'"'^- ^««-- -deof.anufactuW„,Ho.. J/,;:S:2l;^.'ttc ^ and i.proj No. 1399^MACPARLANE r/A ^. Q"^^"''- ^ia'cl loth July, 1862. . "A n,. and ln.p..ed S^ltl^' if^Z^'I "^''T' '." ^ ^'"""^ ^^ «'«'^«"-. • No. HOO-KIMPTON (Afar, M T* ' "''' ""^ *^"'^' ^8«2. ro--Anewandi.pJr{,?f;:;^^^^^^^^^^^^ No. 1401-.GAULD, ((?,o,,, )ofT« S„ ^T}""' "^"^"^ '^^^ July, J862. 1 No. 1404— .MORRlr T /n ■ . I or8,aostea, for. A ^e^^^'ZlZ^^'^l ^'f 'T^'^'''' «^ -"-'-^. ^'o-j No. 1405-QOULD, (CA„,,„ ^J.^^^, oL ;>>"'' "'" ""^' ^^^^^ --ei-n , approvement in F«rc„o...G J::'' Im '/' ''•''^*""'' ^^ "^ue.,^ No.H06-STEPHENSONOr/rr« '^"^ '*'*'«'' -'«' August, 1862. ^ *. '«. "A ..,f.«,i.,.„„4 '"»S Po""' Boor C„m™.J No. 1411— PRYATT ///■ X . I »A-»p»v...„...r£:ii°'^i7:,*«;'^-^^^ c.o„.„ ., ,„„ j No. 1412-DOYLE (Thn,n. , ','^' '''**^'' -^ud August, 1862. f oxford, in the county oflS^^rll':;^"- of S.eahur, ..he aWn.lp o| AW.18G2. ' A Ciuin and boK^ Combined." Quebec, dated 22n J ;or " aIw tTa'IdS/'S ^" "- county of Durha. I Quebec. datedj2nd Augua't, I862 ^' " ^ ^"""''*' --"'-" ^^w Skt and Lw clTi ^ter^^^t:^^^^:;^:?^:;,::^!:^ --.-'aleMim county oJ Mon...o«." Quebec, dated 25th Aug^ut lie ""''''''' '^"'^'^^ «<>"oo. Mechan.calf "'"•■■■ ■"•• '''"^ "««»^«'».'' Queboc,d«teU 38th A^gn'; fslr "' ''"'°'' "''''«'"l 71 Howard, in thft County of Ki -, dated 8th July, 1802 '•yJbothofthcCityofToroi drosperser." Quebec, dated bounty of Oxford, for an «ii 'd for balancing AVindow Si of p'lelph, in tho Coimty l*ted 14th July, 18C2. al.fora "New and iiapro ec.datol loth July, 1862. *9 County ofEiohelien, ed 10th July, 1862. tanstoad, County of stanstoi 19th July, J 862. 'ago, County of Brant, for tl le, In the County of Dmha, "'" self-adjusting and ge] •kham, iu th« Township vATon." Quebec, dated 21 iship of Stanstead, C'oun Jrd July, 1862. Montreal, for "A news !lst August, 1862. Ity of Montreal, for " ,i averness, county of Meg, 1st, 1862. Montreal, for" A compro 02. treal, U- " The di.scoyer/] ' both of th9 Village of J Power Boot Crimpbr,' tlie County ol' York, fori t, 1862. "■g, in the Township oil 3d." Quebec, dated 22n(l the County of DurhamJ ' Set and Saw Clakp.' '"dale Mills, County oil ug School Mechanical f of BrantforJ, countjl aittud tfoulo's tiprighlf No 141«-CANT,(/V,c.>,)of the Town of Qalt, County of Waterloo, for "An im- ^ed cam for working the under-needle or catch-pin of Sawm" Quebec d 25th August, 1 8G2. v»iouoi, .r°;'!/lTf!^'''^'''"''"*'^"'*'°'^°''"''"P"'^«'«"«y'*° '•^°<=o«n'y of Went- :th for "A Machine applied to every kindof CuanN for more efflciont and spoody way aakmg Butter." Quebec, dated 25th August, 1862 No 1418-NORTH, (Mc/,a./,) of the Town of BranVord in the County of Bran, for IaZ^^sT ^'^^^''^^''''''^•^ '^^^ -^ ^--.ical Ma»o.../ Quebec daL:. mrtL7Z!'''^''T''j ^"'"''^ "'"' ^^«^2^AU. iSUnUla^ both of the Parish <.l Crer'^r''^' '"*■'''''• "^'^"'' "''' "^'--' ^--" '^-'^-.''^ted ^.-rd-^thZ^'lS:^''^" Brook,in,Couutyof Ontario, for a « T.. No. 1421_MARRITT, (/./,„,) of the Township of King, in tho County of York for Clothks Washsu." Toronto, dated 2Sth Auguat, I8fli No.l422-FARRELL,(inWa,„,)ofC.rleton Place, In the County of Lanark for n apparatus for working a Common Chubs." Quebec, dated 25th August 1 sc" ' No 1423-ROSS, (Oeor,e,) of the City c: Kingston, in the County of Frentenac for portable frost-proof Fb.nck." Quebec, da.ed25th August, 186:5 No^U24-ADDlSON, (./„/«,) of the City of Hamilton, in the" County of Wentworth "A Spring Mattrass." Quebec, dated 25th August 180" wentworth, No. 1425-DKE W, (//. C.,) of the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario for ^^ new and improved Water Conductor and E.^vatok." Quebec, d .ted 2nd Septem'be.-, No. U2C-DREW, (EUred,) and JOHNS, (/?«. (.iA,-,«.;«A,)and CAMPBELL, (^SalUan,) both of the Town of btratford, County of Parth, for an improved Churn, to be callod the "Pin.v.« Churn " Quebec, ''atcd 22nd August, 1862. • ^°- ^^"-*"^^'^'^'^'^"^^) «*■"'» City of Toronto, Cunty of York, for an Ill„- nnnating 0.1, to b. calle.l "MillerM Ir.M,M..VATOR." Quebec, .latedOth October, 1862. No. 1446-ROSE, {David Allen,) of tho Townslitp of KnioHtow,,, County of Lennox and Addington, for "An improvement of a CiriRN for maUini; Butt.-r" Qnobe" dated 10th October, 18G2. ' No. 1447-WORTMAN, {Charle, ITenn,,) of tho Township ot Camden East, County of Addlngton, for a Force and Suction Pump, called Wortnian's Combined Force and Suction Pump." Quebec, dated 17th October, 1832. No. 1448-McCONNELL, (John,) of Cornwall, County of Wentworth, for ".A Shift- ing HiKOB, Joint or Coupling." Quebec, dfitod I7tli October, 1862. No. U49-PORTEB, (/J'^rcy,) of tho City of Toronto, County of York for "A Railroad Car Roop." Quebec, dated 23rd October, 1802. ' No. 1450-ROBINSON, (:lf/<:At,;d 2.ttli October, 1852 No. 1452-HILBDRN, {Jume,,) of the Township of It.ucli, County of Ontario for " A Door, Table and Counter Bkll." Quebec, dated 24th Octobsr 1862 No. 1453-SCHNEIDER, (John }Vaiiam mnn,,) of tl/o Township of Thorold County of Welland, for "New and useful impfovomcnis on Striw or Iliy Cutting Boxas.', Quebec, dated 24th October, 18G2. No.l4S4-PORTER,(Z>'.-lr<:,y,) of the City of Toronto, County of York, for "A Dopillating Compound for Skins and Hidbs." Quebjc, date 1 24th October, 1862. No. 1455_CULL, (.M« .l«i,.;/,) Assignee of CULL, (/«„.ar,/ L'froy,) both of the City of Toronto, County of York, for an Article style J tlie " Fobsst Ccltuator •' Que- bee, dated 6th October, 1862. NW. 1456-PORTEU, {D'Arcy,) of tho City of Toronto, County of Yo.k, for "A Wbinginc. Machine." Quebec, dated 25th October, 1862. No. 1437-PRITCirARD, (Thomas,) of the Village of Aurori, County of York lor "A Colouring Machine, to l,o used in tho Tanning of Leather." Q,,objc dated ' 27th October, 1862. ' No. 1458-THOMPSON,(ir<%W, /.,.<..,) of th.,>ni,, and Count- of Stan- ' stead, lor -A n,w and improved Window an,l lilind |.'ast>«.„.", datt^l :i()tli Oc tober, 1862. 73 No. 1459-RODGBES, (David,) of tho VUlago of St. EOBtaohe, County of Two Mountains, for "An In3Tboment for measuring unltnoirn dlstnnoes." Qaeboc, dated 30th October, 1862. No, 1460— LEWIS, (Richard,) of Molboumo, County ot Blolimond, for "N«w and improved Hamqino Gates." Quebec, dated 30tli October, 1862. No. 14G1— BOOTH, (Henry,) of tho City of Toronto, County of York, for «A CniM!°''''"^'"y«fl^°°''»". •" ^^^ County of Mhldio- •ex, for "A Tanner's Oil." Quebec, dated 1 0th May, 1803. No. 1627-JONES, (C/<«r/«,) of tho VUlugo of Palormo, ia tho County of Ualtou A«B,gnee of Samuel MorH,, of tho Town of Milton, la tho County ot Ilalton, for " Improve-' ments to Fraaer's CiiuBN." Quebec, dated 19th May 1 803 for "A Ship Collision QcAHD.' Quebec, dated 1 9th May, 18.;3 M. .oU ^^^'^'"'"'^"''''^'°«'""^ cooling G,u,.v." (idobec, dated 10th t,rere'll?„°f7'''"'T?K''''^''''' ^^"'"'^ '' '''' ^'"^ "' '^^'""t"' ''' " ^ Solution for tho iZl ' P"^««°'^>^'»""» of ^ood from decay." (Jucbec, datc-d 21«t May, . ^flV^,^'~^^^^'^''^^^' f^''"''''''-^ °'*^° '''°'^» «'' I''"'^'"''. '^'^ "A portable and 8olf.odjU8ting Fbnce." Qaebec,dattdl8tJuno,18G3. M*^"' i"2-SEYM0UR, ilJarryJ of tho City of Montreal, for " A chemical compound white and body Pa.nt." Quebec, dated Ist Juno, 1863. compound f„r..!''",'"'~^^o°^"^^^' f^"'"""'^ ""^ ^^^"'^^' t^^''?""'",] of theCity of Montreal for"Au improved Portland CSM,NT." Quebec, dated ist June, 1803 Quobec?dit"di;t*!lt"S^^^^^^^^^ "'''"'"^ of Montreal, for -A Seamless IUt.'' TT./°" ^?'7!lt^^' t^'""«*^'^""«».] Of tho Town of Belleville, In tho County of Hastings, for " ARollerand Wash Boabd." Quebec, dated 3rd June, 1863. No 1536-HENNESSEY, [iT^yA,] of tho City ot Hamilton, in tho County of Went- worth, for A sell-acting CoDPLBa for coupling Railway Cars." Quebec, dated 3rd June 1863. , ' ...f !: ^"/-^E^SON, [John,) of tho Town of Napanec, In tho County of Lennox and i^X^i "^ "'^" °^ constructing wrought iron Thrashing Cvlindb bs." Quebec dated 3rd June, 1803. ^.''-oee, No. 1638^AMES, [Joiiah,] of Whitechurcli, in the County of York for " \n Im provement in Pumps." Quebec,dated 4th June, 18C3. No.1539 cOREY,[iJa«.,,/;,AP.,]ofHimer,intho County of Prince Edward, for " An Apple Grindeii." Quebec, dated 9th Juno, 18G3. V w \f f -S^^V^STEB, [Richard,] of the Township of Scarboro', in tho County of York, for " An improved Cbadle." Quebec, dated 3rd Juno, 1SC3. *h.V^iV^",7:u«^^™'^^''"^''^ ^^^^^' <^''"'"^-.J«nd MILWARD,tJ/a,/^,]of th.VUlageofClifton,inthoCountrof Wei land, for <■ Improvements in Wood Baling Machwes." Quebec, dated 4th June, 1863. No. 1542-ELLSWORTH, (0. ffamilton,] of the Village of .Bayfield; in tho County Sif r!' f°;„"^"^WWtl,«' Pqtont. Level Power or er.d}es8 T.^uhep Planb." Quebec, dated inty of Trlnco Kil. 13. ec, for "A Cough !Oth April, 1863. in tlio Count/ of combined." Quo- villo, in tho County h April, 18G3. 10 County of Dur- County of Mlddlo- L'ounty of Uallou, lton,for "Itnprovc- County of Durlioui, till) County of Vic- luoboc, dated lOtli \ Solution for tlio c, dated 2lBt May, " A portable ami lomical compound )City of Montreal, ^ Seamless Hat." n tho County of IC3. Coxmty of Went- , dated 3rd June, • ly ofLonnctand ,2 of 1 Wood Sawing i;in tho County ' Quebec, dated n No. 1543..IUCHMOND, [franeii T.,] and THOMAS, [William,} both of tho City of London, in tho County (yf Ulddlesox, for "Tho Locomotive CroMcut Hawiho Maouibi." Quebec, dated Quebec, dated 8th June, 1803. No. 15G0— KENDALL, (Orert,) of tho Village of Coaticook, in tho County of Stan- stead, for " An improvement in Water Wheels, to be called " O. Kendall's Improved Tuhbine." Quebec, dated 3rd July, 1863. No, 16C1— DUNN, {Alexander,} of the City of Montreal, for "A new and improved »RPjjratU8 for tho better ventilation of Pdbho Buildings, Houses and tho like." Quebec, iia+ed griJ July, 1803. b. 1 18 ^s If 4 No. ]fiC2-McD0NALD, (Alexander,) of the City of Montreal, for "A now and im- Zra3r7ny!Tsc7. '^'''^*'"«""^' "^-''"S «™ i^toand out of ships." Quebec, nrJ°'s'TZ^^^^' ("''''""' ^'■"J^^'^'",) of tho City of Montreal, and EMERY, ( Thomas IUU,am,)of tlio same place, for "Ano.v and improved Ventilator, to bo called "UaBg and Emery's VaNmiTon." (Juobec, dated 7th July, 18G3 for ■al?"'"^?^^^.'^^^^' ^'^"''"'^ "^ "'° ^"'"^^ "' ""-l'". >" tho Count, of Walorlao, for "Improvements m Agricultural Implements for pulverizing and cleaning the soil and casting S.ED and other substances thereon." Quebec, dated 18th June, 18G3. of wfilo'rtw f J^";' ^ '"' '^"^^'"ff^^ford,) of tho City of Hamilton, in the Cm.nty of Wentworth, for -A Regulating Dampeu." Quebec, dated 2na July, 18C3. v.,f ,^' ^/'^'^-^^^^^I^SON, (J,me, Elijah,) of tho Town of Port Dover, in tho County of Norfolk, for " Anderson-s Gig." Quebec, dated 2nd July, 18G3. <'A™^''f~,^°^^^'^'^''"""^'^°^*''''^°'"'°f ^"'«^''» "'" t'ountyof Ilalton.for A means of giving motion to certain parts of a T.ruKsu.NO machine and Separator." Quebec, dated 8th July, 18G3. n„ /I°H '/f ^7^;f ^WFORD, (Daln,mplc,) of the City of Toronto, for '■ I mnrovciuonts in UiLS and fats." Quebec, dated 8th July, 18G3. No. 1569_WRAY, (Joseph,) of the City of Montreal, for "A llcfiigcmtov for tho lue- s.rvaUon of Dead bodies." Quebec, dated 13th July, 1863 No. isro -BERRY, OVUUam,) of the City of Montreai, for ■' An anii-lVVtioa loop st3i,per for Sewi.vo machines." Quebec, dated 1 .Ith Julv, 1 8G'! No mi-STEPHENS0N,(](7Wa;« ^"■•"^«'',) of ^'ho City of Mont.v.l, for "A now and useful i ube and Valve atmospheric Cnua.N Dash..." Quebec, dated 1 7th July 180 ! ^^ No. 1572-COLLKy, (Edward Wclliam,) of St. Mary'., in tho County of IVrih, for An Eave4rough and metallic MocLDixa machine." Quebec, dated 28th July, 18G3. No. 1573-I3EEBE, (George F.,) of Sophiasburgh, in tho County of Prince Edward fur " A Stump E.xTnACTOR." Quebec, dated 28th July, 1SG3. ■'^' ' No. l-.r4-MIL0, (Francis.) of Kingston, in tho (Jounty of Frontcnnc, for " A Tbans- PLANTBn."_ Quebec, dated 28th July, 18G3. No. 1675-OHASE, (James,) of Brooklin, in tho Couivty of Ontario, ibr " A machin.' for siidung Field Duains." Quebec, dated 3l8t July, 18G3 No. 15TG-B0WERMAN, (L»vi V.,) of Hallowell, in tho County ot Prince Edward, for " A Waouon B©.\." Quebec, dated 31st July, 18C:t. No. 15TV-.MCKAY, (Marshall,) of tho City of Loudon, for ■' A Slat Splittin;- ma- chine." Quebec, dated 31st July, i8G3. No. 15r8-BRICE, (George JSyron,) of Ingersoll, in the County of O.xford, far "A .,-, '^f-J'''^~^^^^> O^'^^li^r James Handscomhe,) and LOVELL, (.7-,..;,,s,) both of the C.ty of Toronto, for ■' A process for the manufacture of paper and textile fabrics from the Heltanthua or SoNPLOWEn," Quebec, dated 3rd August, 18G3, No 1580-pRISCOLL, (WUliam,) of Merriekville. in tho County of Orcnville, for A double crank churning and Horizontal Boring Machine.' Quebec, dated Cth August 18G3. ' ^ No. 1381-MEAKINO, (George Henry,) of Belleville, in the County of Hnstings, for • An improved Sewing Machine." Quebec, dated 12th August, 13G3. No. 1582-HURLBUT,(.7,o«c3,) of tho Township of Reach, in tho County of Ontario for " A Water Meteb." Quebec, dated 7th August, 18G3. ' No. 1583- LISTER, (David,) of tho City of Toronto, in the County of York for "A new and useful hopper shaped Fire Grate for Locomotive Knsine.,." Quebec, dated 18th August, 18C3. ' No. 15S4-RODDEN, ( Wdliam Henry,) of the City of Toronto, in tho County of York, for ''A slsd Snow Suotei.," Quebec, Juwa 22ud August, iao3. 79 or " A now and Jm- )f ships." Quebec, EMERY, (Thomas J bo called " Uagg ount> of WatorlDo, 1 clonning tho soil uiio, 18G3. Iton, in the County 18C3. r, in the County of nty of Ilulton, for 30 nnil Separator." ' Improvements in luiiitov for tho prc- anii-fiictioa loop U\v.], for "A now 1 I7th July, IHO;;. mty of IVrlli, for li July, 1803. [^rincc Edward, fur ic, for " A Trans- I, for " A niaeliinc ( I'rinco Edward, I.AT Splittin;; nia- f Oxford, for " A Jiiebec, dated P.rd nes,) both of the i fabrics from the of Qrenville, for ated Cth Aifgust, of Ilnstingw, for ounty of Ontario, 3f York, for " A ebec, dated 18 th County of York, No. 1585— GOOD, (James,) of tho City of Toronto, in tho [County of Yor!;, for" An ash box for tho deEcripUou of stovo known as tlio Albanian radiating stove." Quebec, dated 25th August, 18G3. No. 1680— HO WEN, ( William Reniloiu,) of tho Township of Haldimand, iu tho County of Northumberland, for " A machine for tho shrinking of Wagoon tires." Quebec, dated i:2ud August, 1803. No. 1587— CHASE, (Jwmfis,) of Brooklin, in tlie County of Catario, for "A window curtain roller fixture, called " Chase's magic curtain Fixture." Quoboc, dated 2.')th August, 18G3. No. 1 538— SLAT2K, (George,) of Mount Forest, in tho County of Cirey, for " An article called a V.'cather Strii- to bo attaclicd to outside doors.'' Quobcc, dated 2Gth August, 18C3. No. 1580— FAIKMAN, (Warren,) of tho Township of I'ittsburg, in tlio County of Frontonac, for "An improved Fence called " Fairman's Fence." Quebec, dated 21st August, 18G3. No. 1500— FwOBLIN, (Edwin,) bl tho Township of Sophiasburgli, iu the County of Trincc Edward, for " An improved Snatu." Quebec, dated 3Ist August, 18G3. No. 1591— WAG NEll, ( William,) of the City of Montreal, lor '• A new and injproved KiLN' or OvB.N- for burning bricks, tiles, &c." Quebec, dated llth September, 1803. No. 1092— TULLEY, (/iTiTOs,) of tiio Oily of Toronto, for "A valvo rROPSiiEa,'' Quobcc, dated 12th September, 18G3. No. 1593— CHURCHILL, (Jc/uel,) and CIIURCHILL, (Thomas,) botli of tho Town- ship of rickering, in tho County of Ontario, for " A machine for tho fabrication of Haskbts." Quebec, dated 22nd September, 18G3. No; 1591— McDonald, (Charles,) of tho Village of Embro, in the Township of West Zorra. in^tiie County of Oxford, for " An improvement to tlio double or wool custom carding Maciiink." Quebec, dated 28th September, 18G3. No. 1505— DEAN, (Cyrus,) of the Town ot St. Cathariucp, in tho County of Lincoln, for" Amachine for tffocting moro perfect combustion of fuel in tho furnaces of Locomo- tives." Quebec, dated 2Sth September, 1803. No. 1596— bllEPARD, (Daniel,) of the Villasc of Waterdown, in tho County of ■Wontworth, for " The Stave cross Cutter." Quebec, dated 2nd October, 1SG3. No. 159T — SHAW, (Arthur,) Assignee of Jonathan 11. Havens, both of tho Village of Quccnston, inthe County of Lincoln, for '= A new and useful Window Lock." Quebec, dated 5th October, 1803. No. 1598— CUANDELL, (Charles Newton,) of tho Townsliip of Onondaga, in tho County of Biant, for "An Improved Bee-hive, called 'Crandell's patent moveable comb iind miller catcher Bke-hive.' " Quebec, dated 7tb October, 18G3. No. 1599— FEAK, (John,) of tho Village of Washington, in the Townsliip oi Blenheim, ill ihe County of Oxford, for " An improved I'ump, called ' The Balance Pump.'" Quebec, dated 8th October, 1803. No. 1000— SOPEll, (Ali>ha,) of tho Village of Oiono, in t!ie Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, for " An apparatus for the raising of sunken vessels, called ' 'Soper's portable sub-mavinc air Tanks.' " Quebec, dated 15th October, 18G3. No. IGOl— CHAMBERS, ( William,) of tho City of London, inlho County of Middlesex, lor " A combined Cultivator and grain and seed Dei-osi ion." Quebec, dated 15th October, 18G3. No. 1002— MILNEU, (iT/imas,) of tho City oi Montreal, for "A now and useful Coiiowi." Quebec, dated 2Gth October, 1863. No. 1G03— JENKS, (Syh'csler B.,) of the Town of Shoibrooki', for "A new and hn- in()vc/tf,) of tho City of Montreal, ijr ■■ A sulj-mnrine Elevat- ing l'...u;.'- QiicKi., dated 27th Ootobcr, ISO:;. r« i 80 4 No. bee, dated 27th October, J8G3. improvcU Water tube BoiLBa." Quo- No. 1606-PAINCHAUD, (Charles Ffancoi,,^ of the Parish of Ste Ann h ,r ior ..Au improved lions. R.k." Quebec, dated 27th Octob is . ° '" '''"'"^"' No. 1607-LYMBUBNER, (Marvel E.,) of the City of Z La) for « A •mprorcd SKinxuPTKB." Quebec, dated 27th October 1863 ' """^ '"''' November, 18C3 cios.sinj,s. Quebec, dated 2Gth Quebec, dated 2nd November 18G3 ^^''*' P''*°"* ''°" ^^'« Tree.'. UNO for carnages, railway earn, &c.« Quebec, dated 29th November 18G3 J01.NTER." Quebec, dated 23rd November 1863 ' ""' ^^'^""^ Nn ifti« -nuvAXT ,,n, '^"'•oec, aated 23rd November, 1863. No. 1021-SUTTON, iFredeTick £.,) Aaslgneo of 8UTT0V rw ;> r . .- ., Village of Oshawa, in the Couuty of Ontario, for '■ In im ™' Pa Ir ^ 'Si' ." . ^ ton's Canadian R..r..K.r." Quebec, dated 24th November ISg" '' " ""■ No. 1622--WALKEB, (Robert Edwin,) of the Town of Stratford in fl,„ r . . iVrth, for .< An improved Straw Carrier, called rov.-d Pins y IW.EK.' Q.iel-v, d.-vtcd Isl IMoinbeiMSO: 81 No 1625~CARRIER, (//«,^,) of Roxton Falls, in tho County oTi^^fi^iT^ new Md improved Bm H.vb." Quebec, dated 3rd December 1863 No. 1626-PRmOLE, (rAo,-„a.,,) of tho City of Montreal, 'for <'' A Tidal erain Ex..., OB." Quebec, dated 3rd December, 1863. ^ ° ^"''•*'" No. 1627-aALLAOHER, (^John McAuley,) of the City of Montreal, for « A new and Dt^::^ *^ '^ ^""' "OaIIacher.fe.iIi.n.Co..o...-> iuebec'daTd :;d No. 1628-SUMMEBS, (^IlyatQ of tho Township of Thorolrl ^n ii. n . Welland, for "An improved Horso Bake, called SuCrJ "du^^^^^^^^ "^^^ "' Quebec, dated 9th December 1863. a summers ' Duplicate Hobsb Bakb." No. 1629-SNIDER,(Z>an,e/,) of the Township of Vauffhat, i,w.. /. . . for an "An improved Churn, called " SniderT Level lludTo' L A T^ Quebec, dated 10th December, 1863. ^ '^"P '^^ ^'a"""-" No.l630-SAMPSON,(Jam«s//.„ry,ofthe Village of Belmont i„ fh r . , Middlese,,for " An improved Boot Tree, called -< SampLs BotS.rtrl^!^ Uth December, 1863. viui.uec, aaiea No. 1631_AUBIN, (^Ame^ Mchola. Napoleon,) of Bdtoil, in tho County of Verchc^res iLitnir ''"'^"^■^' ^^"^^ '""^•^" '-' ''-^' ^^^^^- «-^'^. <^'i' ^oS No 1632-PEOWSE, ((7.or^« iJo^er,) of tho City of Montreal, for " A new and imnr„,.H St,am Radiator." Quebec, dated 19th December, 1863. >B>proTed No. 1633-HAVENS, (Jonathan Jlillon,) of tho Town of (}uf>Inl, ,•„ *x. n . . W.lin.ton, for -< An improved Cou^.o for^oad Zl^ i:T:Z^:^TZl No. 1634-HARRISON, (James Edward,) of the Village of Bridgewater and WOLFE (G«ry.,)«f the same place, for "An Improved machine for the Extra, Hn! V V called the •' Bridgewater S.ump Machine." Quebed. datJd 1 JanuaTisef ' No 1635-CLEMENT,(/J.-,A..rf,) of the Township of Stamford,' in tho County of IT\ Zlt. '"'""' ^'°*'" """^''^' "^^"^^ "^^— *•« Clothes Wh"L" Quebec, dated 8th January, 1864. "Rinobs. No. 1636-CAMERON, (,roA«,) of the Township of Pickering m tho Cnnn*. , ntario, for -A churn and washing-machine iombined which is aTilTaMo to ^^^ (iftmg, and grating purposes, called " Cameron's combined circular Cn,„» A«d Wo u- machine." Quebec, dated 9th January, 1864 '"'''°«'' ^'"'^"'a^ Culbk and Washing. .^Il l«f-CHATTERTON, (iJ,VAari i>o...,) of the Town of Cobourg, in the County of Northumberland, for MAnew and useful coupling for carriages on R«iiJ ^ o^nR^, called " Chatterton-s improved sLt^ Cou^^ur,"^;!' Pxnnf.'V ''''-^,^^^1^' (•^''''«.) °* tl>« City Of Montreal, for " A new and useful lever Paddi,» for propelling and steering vessels." Quebec, dated 13th January isel N^ 1639-KENDALL, OVUUar,,. C.,) of Buckingham, in the County' of Ottawa, for "A new and improyed water wheel, to bo called "Kend-ill'« «o ,.„ii«j /.,.... 1^ .rr^,_ ,. ,. .. ' bec dttt«(l 181 1 Febinarv, ]80l, ^ 83 aty of Mitldlesex, r, 1864. junty of Ontario, GoiOB." Qaebeo, .0 Township and md other Teasels, lary, 1864. in the County of lAEBiHO machiBe." ty of Wentworth, lading the parti- lary, 1864. Couaty of Wei- ' adjusting Snow ship of Oakland, ed 3rd February, aterloo, for « An iiaiNE." Quebec, • ntyofNorthum- >f Waggons acd Quebec, dated limond, for " A atter," Quebec iproTed system I the County of iry, 1864. the County of .d other irons." iip of Norwich, 63 of wheels of TiNO machine." bounty of Nor- tho County of AT«." Quebec, lew and useful tiled " Payne'* Middlesex, for No. 5." Que- atc No. 1661— MILLER, (James,) of the Parish of St. Pie, in th'j County of Bagot, for " The discovery of the art of manufiutnring from tan-bark a tubstance for tanning or dyeing purposeii, to be called " Miller's Extract of Tan-Bahk," Quebec, dated 12th March, 18C4. No. 1662— MoCARTEB, {Alexander,) of the Village of Walkerton, in tLo County of Bruce, for "Anew and useful improrement in boxing-machine for Carriage and Weggon Wbeils." Quebec, dated 16th March, 1864. No. 1663— CUNNINGHAM, (Henry,) of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, for " A new and useful double top, and return fine heating and smolce con- suming Stotb." Quebec, dated 16th March, 1864. No. 1664 — LOFTUS, (Robert George,) of the Township of Enniskillen, in the County of Lambton, for " A new and useful process by which the sulphuric acid used in refining distilled petroleum coal oil, naptha, and other products of the distillation of petroleum and coal, can be recovered and made equal to the acid in its original stato for the Bifinino of the aforesaid articles." Quebec, dated 21st March. 1864. No. 1665— RICHARDSON, (David,) of the Township of Brantford, in the County of Brant, for " An article, called •'Richardson's Cnciut." Quebec, dated 2l8t March, 1864. No. 1666— V/ILSON, (Samuel,) of the Village of Norwood, in the County of Peter- borough, and McGEE, (James If.,) of the Town of Port-Hope, in the County of Durham, for " A new and improved method of constructing Elbows for stove-pipes, the Elbow aa Improved being called " McGeo & Wilson's stove-pipo Elbow." Quebec, dated 4th April, 1864. No. 1667— LEONARD, (^/yoA,) of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, for "Au improved sawing machine for the cross cuttinic of Tuibbb." Quebec, date\ No. 1695— PULLER, {Richard,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wantwortb, lor " A new and useful method of impregnating and precerring wood with FaTBOUmi or th« extracts thereof." Quebec, dated 6th May, 1864. No. 169G— HANNUM, (Sila$ Pomeroy) oi the Town of L'Orlgnal, in the County of Prescott, and HAMILTON, ( William,) of the same place, for " An improved aoLD-wiBHW* machine." Quebec, dated Ist June, 1864. No. 1697— MOODY; (John,) of the Town of Terrebonne, for " Additional new and useful improvements in the machine for breaking and cleaning Flax, Hemp and other like fibre yitlding plants." Quebec, dated 27th May, 1864. No. 1698— OAKELY, (WiUiani,) of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, for " A new and useful Life Preserver, called ' Oakley's Polyeone Lim Pbkbbbvib." Quebec dated 30th May, 1864. No. 1699— STOVEL, {George,) of the Township of Minto, in the County of Welllng- foD,for " A new and useful Hay Elevatob." Quebec, dated 3l8t May, 1864. No. 1700— PERKS, (Ocor^e,) of the Town of Port Hope, in the County of Durham^ for " An improvement in Lamps, wUch he calls the Fan Blast." Quebec, dated Slst May, 1864. No. 1 701— HARRIS, {Alanaon,) of the Village of Beamsvillo, in the County of Lincoln, for •' A new and useful improvement in land Rollbrs." Quebec, dated 1st June, 1864. No. 1702— KBPPBR, {Benjamin,) of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Chum, called ' Tho British American CnuRS." Quebec, dated lit June, 1864. No. 1703— COUPL AND, (5fan»uc;,) of tho Township of Blanshard, in the County of Perth, and ADAIR, (John,) of tho Town of St. Mary's, in tho same County, for "A new and improved machine, called Caupland and Adair's combined Cultivator and seed Sowbb." Quebec, dated 1st June, 18G4. No. 1704— PATTERSON, {Alexander,) of the Village of Gananoque, in tho County of Leeds, for " A machine called Patterson's Excelsior Mattrass Filling Cuttbr." Quebec, dated 1st June, 1864. No. 1705— CALCUTT, {Henry,) of tho Village of Ashbumham, in tho County of Peterborough, for "A compound liquid cooler and heater for cooling and heating liquids of every description, to be called < Calcutt's compound Liquid cooler and Hbatbb.'' Quebec, dated 3rd June, 1864. No. 1706— CLARKE, {Hugh,) of the Village of Orono, in the County of Durham, for "A new Cultivator." Quebec, dated 1st Juno, 1864. No. 1707— JAMES, (1Ft(7i(iOT,) of the Township of Soutli Norwich, in the County of Oxford, for "A new and improved carriage Jack." Quebec, dr.ted 4th June, 1864. No. 1708— BOYCE, {George W.,) of the Village of Addison, in the Township of Eliaabethtown, in the Countyof Leeds, for "An improved Churn." Quebec, dated 4th June, 1864. No. 1709— M08IMAN, {John Frederick,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " An improved hot air Stove or Furnace." Quebec, dated 9th June, 1864 No. 1710— WHITTY, {Philip,) of tho City of Quebec, for " A new and useful gold mining Pick, called < Wliitty's solid eye mining Pick." Quebec, dated 16th June, 1864. No. 1711— BEATY, {John J.,) of the Village of StreetsviUe, in the County of Peel, for "An Eqq Bhateb." Quebec, dated 13th June, 18G4. No. 1712— KINNEY, {Israel,) of tho Township of Oakland, in the County of Brant, for " An improved Bos and Axle, called ' Kinney's anti-friction Box and Axlh." Quebec, dated 14th June, 1864. No; 1713— MILLER, {Abraham P.,) of tho Village of Norwich, in tho Cornty of Oxford, foB " A new and useful Hydrostatic ENoraK." Quebec, dated 14th June, 1864. No. 1714— CHASE, {James,) of the Village of Brooklin, in the County of Ontario, for " A new and useful Reaper Attaciimbnt." Quebec, daie "^ ^l^" City of Montreal, for -An TlyTsel Btrengthening and arching Vksse..." Quebec, dated I6th of N^rli?'r'!.'f ^'''^*''''' ^''''"' '^'"'""'"'^ "' "" '^'^^^ "^ P°^* ^°-'>^. '■'^ the County Juneiael!' "''' ""'* "'*'"' '"'"P"""'' ''''^"=''' «°^-" Q-'obec, dated 2l8t « A^lw ^llZ'lf''\^''fr'^ '' '''' ^""'S'' "'^ ^"--. - the County of York, for T*11U rnS^^\ , ''" ^'^"'"'"' ^'•°™''" ^"'""''^' dated 6th July, 1864. i«n,„ Mir ^^^^' ^"^"'^"'^ °^ *^^ '^'^'^'^ Of Brockrille, County of Leed» for "An Improred Artificial Lm." Quebec, dated 23rd July, 1864 ^^ <>• i^eed», for An n^.f^!; ^"/7^0^™AN, (Dawrf,) of Castleton, County of Northumberland for "A new and useful DmftN.CK.ToM,' Quebec, dated 26th July, 18G4 ''""*°'*'^°' ^ • ^''- '!".7^°^^^^^'('^''^"'>°^**'''Townof Brockville.CountyofLeed8 for "An jmp«:oved Artificial Limb. called .Condell'sAHr™.Lin.b;QL^^^^^^ Na nas-HORTON, (C7yr«^) of the Township of Southwold, County of Kkin for ..A^n,wand useful Combined Dea. and Sowing Machine. Quebec, dLd 26^b Jul; «A ^"' '"^-^^^'(^''""'^''.X'f the Township of West 2orra, County of Oxford for "A n*w«d useful S.mT Rail-Coupling." Q.ebec, Sth August, 1864. ' No 17?0-MALPUSS. (Sanuel,) of Middleton Centre. County of Norfolk for "Anew and useful 8h«olb^ointkr.» Quebec, dated 16th August 1864 for ""l'- ne?:ndTful\if rrr'"? ''*'^ Augususel ««^f-^'J^'"t-S S--^-" Piston.Packing-^Quebec, dated 17th ^uilcWxmT^f^^^^''^' ^'"'"'''^'' the Township ol Ktobicoke, County of York of Lincoln, for "A new le County of I,eedi, for uebec, dated 30th Ju»e, iham, in tho County of orest, in the County of useful combined Hoop rict of Bedford, for " A I fuel." Qfccbec, dated of Montreal, for «'An " Quebec, dated 16th it Dover, in tho County ." Quebec, dated 2l8t 3 County of York, for dated ZlstJune, 1864. I, County of Perth, tor ;, dated 5th July, 1864. nty of Leeds, for " An rthuraberlond, for " A aty of Frontenac, for le, lurnishing a fit and manufacture of Paper, nty of Leeds, for " An ebec, dated 23rd July, County of Klgin, for Bbcc, dated 26th July, :ountyof Oxford, for 64. F>orfolk, for"Anew County of Elgin, for !K Spring." Quebec, ity of Ealton, for " A 3, dated 1 7th August, n. County of Outwio, -Quebec, dated 17th te, County of York, iproved Mechanical iallod and known as )4. 87 No i735_MERRILL,(46«/,)ofthe Township of Houghton, In th.Coontyof Noi- folk for « Att improved KBsr, for VossoU." Quebec, dated I7th Angmt, 1884. No IWO- GALLOWAY, (Andrew,) of the Township of Qlanford ia tho County of Wontworth, for " A now and useful.discovery, which ho calls 'Qalloway's portable combi. nation single and double Ladder." Quebec, I7th August, 1864 No. 1737-THOMPSON, (^Thomas,) of the City of Quebec, for " An Improved Smoking PiPB " Quebec, dated 24th September, 1864. No. 1738-THOMPSON, {Thomai,) of the City of Quebec, for " A new and nseful Puw- fMR." Quebec, datsd 24th September, 1864. No 1739-GAMACHE, {haac,-) of the Town of Levis, for a new and useful apparatus for loading and unloading VKSSKL3." Quebec, dated 24th September, 1864. No 1740-SMirH, (Richard,) of the Town of Sherbrooke, in the District of St. Francis, ■ ' for " A new and improved Tobacco-cutter, to be called « Smith's Eureka Tobacoo-ccttib." Quebec, dated 24th September, 18G4. No 1741-QIBSON, (.7oA»,) of the Town Of St. Mary's, in the County of Perth, for u A new Mill.Pick, called ' Gibson's Mill-Pick." Quebec, dated 20th September, 1864. No 1742 ~MOYER,(/«aatf^«6rij7A<,) of tho Township of Clinton, County of Lin- coln, for " A new and useful Meat-chopper, called tho « Empire MBAT-cnorr«." Quebec, dated 27th September, 1864. _ „ ^, No 1743_THAYER, (Joseph,) of the Town of Belleville, in the County of Hastings, for "A new and useful Guide-head for Lathes, called 'Thayer's eccentric" Uuebec, dated 27th September, 1864. No 1744— PAYNE (Frederick John,) oi tho Tovfaahip of Soxithyiold, in tho County of Elgin, for "A new and useful field Cdltivatob." Quebec, dated 20th September, 1864. No. 1745-THOMSON, (Jame, E.,) of the City of Toronto, in tho County of York, for " An improved Safety-Look." Quebec, dated 24th September, 1864. No 1746-QUACKENBUSH, (Alomo,) of the Tillage of Port Dalhousie, County of Lincoln, for " An improved CntraN." Quebec, dated 28th September, 1844. No 1747— STOVEL, (Eien«er,) of the Village of Mount Forest, County ot Gray, for"Ai»ew and useful Self-Regulating Snow Gate." Quebec, dated 28th Septembar, No 1748— DONNELLY, (iraZiamCtoA,) of the Township of Walpole, County of Haldimand, and PARKER, (Jem,) of the same Township, for <' A Safety Carriage Spbijio." Qaobec, dated 4th October, 1864. No 1749-YEAGER, (Henry,)^oi the Township of West Flamborough, County of Wentworth, for " A new and useful machine which ho calls a ' Tire Upsbttinq Machine." Quebec, dated 24th October, 1864. No. 1750— LAMAIN,(C/.fflWes,) of the Township of Hamilton, County of Northum- berland] for " A new. and useful Sbbd-Sowino Machine." Quebec, dated 24th October, 1864. No 1751— HENDERSON, (Joseph C.,) of the Town of Brookville, County of Leeda, for " An improved Coal- Stove, called ' Henderson'fl New Co al-Bobhbb." Quebec, dated 24th October, 1864. No. 1752— VAN BUSKIRK, (William C.,) of the Town of St. Thomas, County of El- gin for « A new and useful Dbainino Plough." Quebec, dated 25tt. October, 1864. No. 1753— JOHNS, (David,) of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron, for " A new and useful machine for n. oulding Eavb-Tbouohs." Quebec, dat^tl 26th October, 1864. No. 1754— ASKEW, (/oAn,) of the Township of Raleigh, County of Kent, for "A cast-iron Arm to apply to wrought-iion axle-trees." Quebec, datod :36th October, 1864. No. 1755— EDTTON, (William,) of the Township of Vespra, County of Simoo«,for "A new and useful system of dressing mill-stones, calted ' Th^ Auxiliary Mill-Stone iJKBSS.'' Quebec, dated 25tU October, '•964. No. ITDC-RICHARDSON, (Willif Brant, for st NovomlMsr, 'rontonac, for d Norember, for " A new 1 water from i64. Ellington, for , dated 22nd tor " A new 1 CHAR30AI.." 1 the Town» rHBBL-HUB." AliddlesoT, 'n'H Straw- lam, in tho )or, 18G4. and useful r of Brant, ebcc, dated sin, for " A rorfollt, for J 864. 89 Ko. T775— MITCHE {.ramti i. ; of I Town of Pnrl«, County of Branf 'or "A new nnd . .efiil maU a,; lachinc, ti> ho . tied " Mitchell's non-paf^"< '«| Ji ohing .Macbub." Qn('lmr,(late, . (05. No. 1784— WELLS, {Reuben Trumbull Monroe,) of th« To iship of Stanbridge, 5n the District of Bedford, for " A new and useful Machine for starting Cars." Qaebecj dated IGth January, 18Gj. No. 1785— CRAWFORD, (./osAua,) of the City of Toronto, in the Coimty of York, for " An Abdominal Scppouted." Quebec, dated 17th January, 18G5. No. 178S- LINTON, (-.'Irtro/i,) of the Town of Brockville, in tho County of Leeds, for " An improved Mill Pick." Quetoc, dated 21st January, 1865. No. 1787— FEELY, {John C.,) of the Town cf Brantford, in tho County of Brant, for " A new and useful Horse Bakb." Quebec, dated 23rd January, 1865. No. 1788— TOMLINSON, {William,) of the Township of Brantford, in the County ot ikant, for " The Economical Turesiiino Machine." Quebec, dated 3rd February, 1865. No. 1789-ARMSTRONG, {Javies Rogers,) of tho City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Cooking Stove, called ' The AnMstaoNO.'' Quebec, dated 3rd February, 18G5. No. 1790— WESTCOTT, {Isaac,) of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, for "A new and useful machine, called 'Wcstcott's Coltitator." Quebec, dated 3rd February, 1805. No. 1791— WORT, {John,) and CLAYTON, {Peter,) both of the Township of Mala- hide, in the County of Elgin, for "Anew and improved Washing Machine, called • Wort and Clayton's Improved Washing Machine." Quebec, dated 8th February, 1865. No. 1T92— BRUCE, {David,) of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, for " A now and useful Improved Sawixo Machine." Quebec, dated 8th February, 18G5. No. 1793— WHITMORE, {Samuel Mowe,) of the Parish of St. Francois du Lac, in the County of Yamaska, for " A new and useful improvement in tho art of Tannino." Quebec, (iftfcdlOth October, 18G4. No. 1794— MITCHELL (TJoi^r/,) of tho City of Montreal, for " A new and improved K(oHm IUdi.xto!!.'' Quebei', lUtod H 111 February, ISO,".. IG ■I e> ^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y / / O Ua A 1.0 I.I 1.25 |50 ""'=s^ 1.4 1^ 2.2 1.6 Fhofe)graphic Sciences Corporation r^ r^ ■^ t % \\ -^"is >'■ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 o"^ '% 90 No. 1795— IIOBART, {(Icorgc 6'(/tvj.yc,)oftlic City of Kingston, in llic County of Fron- teuac, and EN8LEY, (./aAn /araci,) of the Bamo place, for "A now and useful combined Burner and Ciumnev, with non-onnducting wick tubis of Lamps." Quebec, dated Utii February, liQ'o. No, nss—EITCIIIE, {John,) of Etchomiu, in tlio County of Loviii, for " A new and useful Maciiins for holding Saw Logs, to bo called ' Ritchie's patent attached Sawmill Chairs." Quebec, dated 15th February, 18G5. No. 1797— PAYNE, (Edicnrd,) of theCity of Montreal, for " A new and useful Staple Clamp for supporting and insulatiugovor ground telegraph wires." Dated 15th February, 1665. No. 1798— LIBBY, {Mark,) of the Township of Boltcn.U. E., for " A new and useful Haohikb for raising alluvium, muck and soft earth, from swamps, ponds, marshes, bcda of rivorB, or any other place." Quebec, dated 1 5th Febr. ;ary, ] 8GC . No. 1799— DAIGNEAU, (Jeremiah,) of Boston Pond, in the County of Shefford, for "A new and useful Stove IIeoistbb." Quebec, dated 15th February, 18G5. No. 1800— LEGGO, (irajjam Auffustus,) and D^SBAUKTS, (George Edward,) of the City of Quebec, for " A new and useful Art of Photo-Electrotyping, to be called ' Legoo- TVPINQ." Quebec, dated 22nd February, 18G5. No. 1801— PEEKIE, (David,) of the Township of Georgina, in the County of Y(..k, for " A now and useful Liftino-Gatb.'' Quebec, dated 4th March, 18G5. No. 1802— WKiiJINS, (William Augustus,) of the Town ot Belleville, in the County of Hastings, for "A new and useful Trap Hook, called ' Wiggins' Trap Hook." Quebec, dated 4th Match, 1S65. No. 1893— BROWN, (John,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Horse Rake, called 'John Brown's Horse R\ee." Quebec, dated ICth March, 1865. No. 1801— HINMAN, (Z)emcA: ,7«y,) of the Township of Haldimand,- in the County of Northumberland, for " A new and improved Broom." Quebec, dated 22nd March, 18G5. No, 1805— NORTHEY, (Thomas,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentworth, for "A new and improved Differential Governor for Steam E.ngines." Que- bec, dated 22nd March, 1865. No. ISOe—EQVl, (Giovanni Bartolomeo,) o( the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for "A new and improved process for preparing Hemp and Flax, so that either may be spun and wove by the same machinery, that is commonly used for spinning and weaving Cotton." Quebec, dated 23rd March, 1SG5. No, 1807 — EQUI, (Giovanni Bartolomeo,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A process of manufacturing and refining white and brown sugar and syrup out ot Indian Coun and othcv Cereals." Quebec, dated 23rd March, 1865. No. 1808— BLACK, (George,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentwortli, for " A new and useful Am heating apparat-jF." Quebec, dated 22nd March, 18G5. No. 1809— THOMAS, (John Hopkins,) of the Village of Brooklin, in the County of Ontario, for " A combined moveable Comb and double boarded Bbe-Hivb." Quebec, dated 22nd March, 1865. No. 1810— SHUPE, (A7i,)of the Village of St. George, in the Township of Dum- pbries, in ths County of Brant, for '• The Reel and Finger board motion, being an improve- ment on " Shupos' combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, and others." Quebec, dated 22nd March, 1865. No. 1811— HOUTON, (Jaiiiet,) of the Town of Duudas, in the County of Wentworth, for " Certain now and useful improvements in the manufacturing, building and working of the Excelsior combined reaping and mowing machine, called "The improved Excelsior combined Reaping aad Mowing Machine." Quebec, dated 2ord March, 18G5. No. 1812— ANDERSON, (Alexandn,) of the City of London, in tiie (Jouiity of Mid- dlflse.x, for " A new and useful Aiidi-rson'ii even liaianced viliratini;' Oui/nvAToa.'' Que- bec, dated 2:;rd March, 1805. he County of Fron- nd useful combined Jucboc, dated Uth is, for "A new and attached Bawniill \r and useful Staple Ued 15 th February, ' A new and useful mds, marshcB, bcdn ity of Shefford, for 3G5. ■ge Edward,) of the be culled ' Lsaao- le County of Y(..k, illc, in the County ? Hook." Quebec, ;y of York, for " A luebcc, dated ICth and,- in the County [ 22nd March, 18G5. in the County of n Engines." Que- , in the County of 'lax, Bo that either d for spinning and in the County of a sugar and syrup d. nty of Went worth, ;arch, 18C5. , in the County of VR." Quebec, dated rownship of Dum- , being an Improve- •H." Quebec, dated nty of Wentwortli, idiug and working m proved Excelsior 1865. le County of Mid- /ULTIVATOR.'' Que- 91 No. 1813— CHASE, (Jamw,) of the Village of llrooklin, in the County of Ontario, for " A new and useful improved Spring Bed-Bottom." Quebec, dated 2Tth March, 1865. No. 1814— SHAVER, (iriM»ami?o6cW,) of Ancaster, in the County of Wentworth, for " A safety Cap for oovering the joints of connecting rods in Threshing and other machines." Quebec, dated 27th March, 18fi5. No. 1815-WILLIAM8, (John,) of the City of Montreal, for " An improved Tuddllng KcBXAOE." Quebec, dated 11th April, 1805. . n > » No. 1816_JULIEN, (Henri,) of the City of Quebec, for "Anew aud improved Print- ing Pbbbs." Quebec, dated 11th April, 1865, No. 181V— FINDLAY, (James,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for » A new Spring, called ' Findlay's SpBiNa." Quebec, dated 17th April, -805. No. 1818-WEALCH, (George Henry,) of the Village of Blenheim, in the County of Ktiit, for "A new and improved Spinning Wheel." Quebec, dated 17th April, 1865. No. 1819-LEONARD. (i>amci,)ofthe Township of Onondaga, in the County of Brant, for " A new and useful Wheel for creating a motive power by Horse power, called •'Leonard's Inclined Wheel." Quebec, dated ITth April, 18G5. No. 1820— WOOD, (James,) of the Township of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, lor "A new and useful Slide Door for Oil-lamp Burner.t." Quebec, dated 17th Apri), 1865. . , , No. 1821— BETRIMOULX, (Henry,) of the Township of Sandwich, in the County of Essex, for " A new andimproved Portable Crane." Quebec, dattd 17th April, 1865. No. 1822-OAKELY, (Frederick,) otthe City of Toronto, in tlio County of YorV, for " A new and useful improvement in Lamp Burners." Quebec, dated l7th April, 1865. No. 1823-DONER, (Christopher,) of the Village of Aurora, in the County of York, for "A reversible saturated Wasu-Board." Quebec, dated 17th April, 1865. No. 1824-HOCKIN, (HWiam,) of the Town of Guolpb, in the County of W.L lington, for " A stave chamfering and Crozing Machine." Quebec, dated I7th April, 1865. No. 1825-McGEE,(,7bH^oftho City of Toronto, Assignee ot William Hickin, of the Township of Draper, in the County of Victoria, for '■ A new and useful Die for stamp- iug sheet metal for bottoms of Kettles, Boilers, &c.» Quebec, dated 19th April, 1865. No. 1826-GORUON, (John HamUton,) and TAILOR, (Richard,) Assignees of Michael .Judge, all of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful process for the manufacture of Boiler and Kettle Bottoms (known as a collar for Dies used m stamping sheet metal); also a d.plicate collar-die, an'l also a new application of BaU and Socket to the upper or cameo die, and .alFO a process of trimming Sheet Mital. Quebec, dated 19th April, 1805. No 1827— KITCHEN, (}yiliiam Whitney,) of th« Township of Grimsby, in the County of Lincoln, lor " A new and useful Knuckle-Hubbing Clothes Washer." Quebec, dated 24th April, 1865. . No. 1828— WELCH, (James,) oi the Township ol Uunwich, iu the County of Elgin, t-v " A selt-acting Portable Cheese Press." Quebec, dated 21st April, 1865. No 18'>9-POCOCK, (Sleph,:,,,) of the Town of Woodstock, iu the Countv of Oxford, for " An improved Window Blind, culled ' the O.Kford Wiudo^v Blind." Quebec, dated 24thApiil, 1805. No. 1830-COUSIN, (James J/,) of the City ol London, in the County of Middlesex, lor " A self-acting Cattle I'ump." Quebec, dated 25th April, 180.".. No. i831-DION,(C/m/to,)of the City of Montreal, for "A new and useful Fire Alarm, to be called 'Sonnerio d'Alarme Dio.n." Quebec, dated 17th .January, 1865. No. 1832-BEVIEU, (Kda;n,) of the City of Hamilton, iu the County of Wentworth, f.,r " A new and useful Chuhn, < ailed ' Th. Ladies' Friend." Quebec, dated Ist May, 1865 . No 183'! -iUmCH, ( Thomas John,) of tli.' Town of Stratford, in the County of Perth, f,u"Anew and useful artirl.' called ' liirch's Lock-scam Eivc-t rough and Fobhm." Quebec, dated Irt Mny, 1805, -|!. if 4 92 No. 1834 — DION, (Charles,) of tho City of Montreal, for "A now and in»proveth May, Kmncia, for " A ovcmcnts in Coal County of Slan- ' Slcepei'd Patent County of iStuiu called ' SloepcrV inty of Httstiugs,. 'e Doublo-acttoii junty of Ontario, :65. County of Peol, axles." Quebec, and useful Art ot Indian Corn or the County of r round Churn." ill, in the County :ovcd to becallcit County of Kent, lied ' Johnston's j5, liasbuig, in the srs' Easy Borer." y of Wollingtou, called 'Smith'rt useful improved gines." Quebec, lutomatie Safety I biatrict of St. L Conjpi'ution of 93 No. 1855-MYHUS, (JiudolO of the Town of Berlin, in liie County of Waterloo, for " A new «nd useful Gu.n Lock, to bo applied to the Breech Loading Needle Gun, the gua with the addition of such improved lock to be called ' Mylius' Breech Loading Needle OuD." Quebec, dated nh July, 18G5. No. 1850— MYLIUS, (^Rudolf,) of the Town of Berlin, li the County ot Waterloo, tor 'f A now and useful composition of Matter consisting of nu inflammable substance for igniting by friction, with an iron or steel Needle, the powder in a Cartridge, the said composition to bo called ' Mylius' rniMER." Quebec, dated T th July, 18G5. No. 1857— LISTER, (David,) of tli^ City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful improved Steam Packing for Pist .ns." Quebec, dated 7th July, 18C5. No. 1858-LAMBERT, (Richarcf,) of the City of Quebec, for « A machine for operatingand working Bored Oil AVklls." Quebec, dated 18th July, 1883. No. 1859— GIBSON, (li'i7/iV«;H,) of the Township of Granby, in the County of Shefford, for " A now and useful Bag String or Tin." Quebec, dated 10th Jul7, 1 8G5. No. 1860- WALTON, (Brooks W.,) of the Village of Kettloby, in the Township of King, in the County of York, for " A new and uselul Drill and Cultivator combined.' Quebec, dated 15th July, 18C5. No. 1861-UOBERTS, (.J/«/ru»,) of tho Township of Barnston, in tho County of Stanstead, for " A new and useful Improved Beb-IIivb." Quebec, dated 4th September, 1 A \R No. 1890— CHAMPION, {Alexander,) of tho Town of Stratford, in the County of l'erth,for "New and useful improvements in Ueaping Macii(ni£h." Quebec, dated Gth September, 1865. No. 1891— ROGERS, (Thomas,) of tho City of Toronto, in the County ot York, for '■ A new and useful Bindbr for Sawing Machines." Quebec, dated 6th Septemb^-r, 1865. No. 1892— WOODBURY, (^.,) of the Township of llaldimand, in th« County of Northumberland, for « A new and useful Kelt .icting Urakih for Carrioge*." OtUwa dated 3Ut October, 1835. No. 191 1-ROBINSON, ( Wd/iam Apilaj,) of the City of Hamilton, in tho County of Wentworth, for "Certain now andiiRcfulimprovomontaiii Locomotlyes , the first thereof boingr in that, part called tho ' Safoty Valve,' and the other In the mode of counter- weighing or balancing that psrt called tho ' I-ink Motion or Slido-valve Qbar.' " Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1912~PETTIT, (itfiVM,) ot tho Township of Hallowcll, in the County of Prince Edward, for " A now and useful Spinning and Quilling machine, callad « Pettefi Shuttle- head Spinning and Quilling .Maoiii.vb." Ottawa, dated 23rd Norembar, 1865. No. 1913— PITTS, (./oj,v-A Nehon,) of tho Town of Port Dover, in tho County of Norfolk, for " A Turbine Water WiiKm,." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 18 65. No. 1914— BOLTON, {Henry,) of tho Township of Eramosa, in the County of Welling- ton, for « A now and useful Pig's Nose Cartilage Dividbb." Ottawa, dated 23rd November 1805, ' No. 1915_DEWITT, (^Thom.x,,) of the Village of Morpeth, in the County of Kent, for " A new and useful Springjack and Coupling for Wheel Caiuiiaom." ttawa, datf d 23rd November, 18G5. • • No. 1916-CAItTER, {Henry,-) of tho Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, for "A now and useful macliino, called 'Carter's Balance C; uhn." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1917— FKASER, {George Corwin,) of the Township of Pickering, in tho County of Ontario, for "An improved apparatus for the Coupling or Joining together of Railroad cars, called < Tlui Universal Solf-Couplor." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1918— VANHORN, (IF/Wwm,) of the Township of Pittsburg, la tho County of Frontenac, for "A new and useful Portable Foot Carriage Warmer." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1919-KINNEY, ((7i/r(«,) of tho Township of Dereham, in tho County of OxforU, for " A Portable Combined Sheep-Rack and Snao."- Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865 No. 1920-PILKEy, (.4//mO of tho Town of Stratford, in the County of Perth, for "A new and useful Compound to bo used in connection with the Liquor Of Hemlock Bark, for tho Tunning of Lkatubr." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1921 -DARLING, ((7wi?«i,;«y,) of the Town of Simcoo, in tho County of Norfolk, and GARDINER, {Samuel,) of the saiuj place, for « A now an d useful Machine or Implement for Boring in Rock, called 'The Combination Rool: Drill." Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 1865. No. 1922— PITTS, {Joseph Nehon,) of the Town of Port Dover, in the County Of Norfolk, for " A Universal Loom-Head." Ottawa, dated 23i-d November, 1865. No. 1923— PITTS, {Joseph Nelson,) .of the Town of Port Dover, in the County of Norfolk, for " A Ventilating Drum Stove." Ottawa, dated 23rJ November, 1865. No. 1924-NEVILLE, {Anthony,) of the Township of Eruesttown, in tho County of Lennox & Addingtou, f jr '• An Improvement in Lamps." Ottawa, dated 23rd November 1865. ' No. 1925— JAMES, {Josiah,) of the Towmhip of Whitjchurjh, in tho County of York, for " A new and useful improvement in tho Tiuk of Carriage Wheels ; the Wheel with the improvement being called ' The Eureka Carriage Wheel.' " Ottawa, dated 24th November, 1865. No. 1926— KINNEY, (/ira?;,) of the Township of Oakland, in tho County of Brant, for " A new and useful appliance fjr sooiniug Doors against tho weather, called ' Israel Kinney's Weather Door Leaf." Ottawa, dated 24th November, 1865. No. 1927— TAYLOR, (C/ia/V<',t,) ol' lionavcnturo, in the District of Gasp6, for "A new and useful Machine for D.ifpening aud Hharpaning the Teeth of Saws." Otlaffa, (Uted 35th November, 1865. id, in th« County of get." OtUwa dated >D, in tho Countjr of 98 , tha flrat tbrrsof e mode of counter- Ive Qbar.' " Ottawa, lin Connty of Prince d < Pettet'i Shuttle- •, 1865. r, in tho County of ibor, 18 65. 1 County of WelliiiK- ted23rdNoveittbor, County of Kent, «s." ttawa, datf d le County of Elgin, Ottawa, dated 23rd ■ing, in tho County ogether of Railroad nber, 1865. in the County of Ottawa, dated 23rd County of Oxford, November, 18C5. County of Perth, iquor Of Hemloclc 65. in the County of 1 d uBoful Machine .." Ottawa, dated n the County Of ', 1865. n the County of i)er, 1865. , in tho County of d 23rd November, a tho County of leels ; the Wheel 'ttawa, dated 24 th County of Brant, er, cillod ' I«ri»ei of aaiiji6, for " A Saws." Ottapa. 97 No. 1938— HODQES, (James,) ol tho Township of Bul«trodo, in the District of Arthabaska, for " A new and usoftil improved Uachine for Pulping and Manufiwkariof Peat Foil." Ottawa, dated 27th November, 1805. ITo. 1920— GORDON, (Alexander,) of the City of Hamilton, ia the County of Went- worth, for " A new itud uaeiul Bjk-Hivk." Ottawa, dated 28th November, 186S. No. 1930— O'DELL, (Ahiel,) of tho Town of BowmanviUe, in tho County of Purha^, for "A now and useful Improved Woshiog Machine, called ' The Ajuston.'" OttavK, dated 28th Novembfr, 1865. No. 1931— WHITE, (TriWiam,) of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carlaton, for " A new and useful Art for Preserving Eggs, called ' White's Novel Egg Preserving Art.'" Ottawa, dated 30th November, 1865. No. 1933— PERRY, (Edward,) of the City of Montreal, for "A new and useful Trunk Hasp," Ottawa, dated l5th Drtcembor, 1865. No. 1933— WOODWARD, (Alfred,) of the City of Montreal, for " A new and usoftil Apparatus for Oarburretting iIas." Ottawa, ditod 1 5th December, 1865. No. 1934— INCE, (Thomas Henry,) of the City of Toronto, in tho County of Yotk,' for " Certain new and useful improvement! in ahouing Honsioa." Ottuwu, datfcd llsth December, 1865. No. 1935— DION, (Charles,) of the City of Montreal, for " A new and useful improved Domestic Fire Alarm." Ottawa, dated 21st December, 1865. Iiniii.i No. 1936— MILLS, (Minard,) of tho Township of Yarmouth, in tho County of Bigin, for "A new and useful machine, called 'Mills's Beef Steak Manglbb.' " Ottawa, dated 19th December, 1865. No. 1937— MORNl^QSTAR, (Jesse,) of the Village of Waterloo, In the County of Waterloo, for "A new and useful Grain Separator, called 'The self-regulating. Qbain Separator.'" Ottawa, dated 10th January, 1866. ,. ■'■ No. 1938— THERRIEN, (Louis Chrysanth;,) of the City of Montreal, for "A now a^d improved Stop-Cock." Ottawa, dated 23rd January, 1866. No. 1939- HOUGH, (Charles,) o. the City of Quebec, for " A new and useful Stbap to prevent horaes from moving when left alone." Ottawa, dated 23rd January, 18G6. No. 1940— BAINES, (Iluyh,) of tho City of Moutroal, fjr " A new, useful and easy Railroad Thack." Ottawa, dated 23id January, 1866. . . > - No. 1941— GOULD, (fra,) of tha City of Montreal, for "A new and' useful 'Otkin " Stench prevention Trap." Ottawa, dated 23rd January, 1833. — No. 1942— HILL, (.4rc;Wciw3 IF.,) of tho Township of Stanstead, for "A new and useful Rotatory Harbow." Ottawa, dated 23rd January, 1866. No. 1943— WOOD, (Henry,) of tho Cityof Montrpal, for "An improved Machinery for producing extract of hemlock, oak or other bark, and for manufacturing fan bark SuOAi."' Ottawa, dated 23rd January, 1866. ' ■'' ' No. 1944— TAYLOR, (ffcnry S.,) of Stanstead, in tlm County of Stanstead, fbr « A new and useful superheated Steam Generator." Ottawa, dated 26th January, 1866. ''" ' No. 1045— SWEENEY, (/V^r,) of tho Town of Windsor, in the County of Ei^*^"'" for " A new and useful Rock-Boring Machins.'' Ottawa, dated 11th January, 1866. No. 1946— HALL, (William S.,) of the Township of Stanstead, for "A newafad 'liii'ftfl Improved Rotary IIarrow." Ottawa, dated 30th January, 1386. .w;'.' No. 1947— ROTTON, (Otlo,) of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontanap, ,, for "Anew and useful apparatus for extracting Coal-Oil or Petroleum from WelFa or" Reservoirs by mcan^ of Hydraulic pressure, which apparatus he calls ' Otto'Rottdti'i" ' adjustable Hydraulic Tubing for Oil- Wells.' " Ottawa, dated 30th January,- 1866. No. 1948- POR'IKR, (D'Arcy,) of tho City of Toronto, in tho County of York, for " A n«w and useful improvement in Rip Saws." Ot^"w.i, dated aut January, 1806, 18 98 h iff It. No. 1040-VALIQnET, (^Thom.,,) of Bt. Hilalre, in the County of Rourllle for " An Iz::;'i8::;''"' *" '" ^'^"^" ' '"'° ^^'"""^""^ ^'""»"'« ^— •• •• ^"-m1 .t: r„, ..?■ '°'°-"ALf • (^^-'".) °f "'0 Village Of nobcygeou, in tl.oConn.y of Victoria Perth^ini^N^FN^^?'^?";' ^IT'^ "' '''" '^'"'" °^ ^'- M'*^''-' "» the County of ■ ♦ ' It NIVEN (.4te,„/.r.) of the eaaio placo, for " Th« application of compreB.ed «tr.o.phericnirtotho b.akingofBpoedor stopping of railway trains and railway car » plan for the above montlonod purpose, to bo called < Tho Atmospheric liailway cL Brim.'" Ottawo, dated aist January, 18GG. ^» 'way car No 195WOIl:^8, ^Franc,,,) of tl.o Township of Ascot, for « \ now and .useful rruary Tsm" '"""'' ''^*'""'' ^''*'"' ^^aterprooi Safety Fu.e.' " Ottawa, dated 3Ut No. 195a-.KALL, {John,) of tho City of Toronto, in the County of York for " A cer Uln new and useful improvement in Granaries and FaniT Houses." Ottawk, dated 2nam Gbnerator.'" Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 186G. No. 19G5— kirk, (Andrew,) of tho Village of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, for " A new and useful Cultivator Tooth." Ottawa, dated •-'3rd February, 18CC. No. lyeC-CALDWELL, (Leslie JJ.,) of the Village of Myrtle, in tho County of On- Urie, for "A now and useful E(iualizing Si-Ki.Nii." Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 1566, H9 )f Rouville, for •< An Ottawa, tlated ;iUt eCoiinly of Victorin, cthod of Tanning.' " ia the County of tlon of compressed a and railway cars, sreoQ together with )heric liailwny Cak " \ now ond useful Ottawa, doted 3Ut '. York, for " A cer- Ottawa, doted 2n(l ho Introduction of of which ho has ol- 1 February, 18C6. troul, for " A now ;ed 18th February, ounty of Hastings, I TurpentiDP, and treol, lor "Anew I Cabr,'" Ottowo. proved Fire Orato 1, 18GC. > County of Stan- I's patent compo- ih, 186G. roved and useful J, in the County Tn as ' Waterous •y, 186C. in tlio County of 5 Tension Mower ' of Carleton, for id r.ain Kiukr." n the County of Mn Gb.nerator."' nty ofUruce, for C. County of ()n- jruary, 1566, No 1907-MORNINGSTAR, {.hue,) of the Vllltgo of Waterloo, iii the County of Waterloo, for "A new ond jselul machine, called ' Morniugstor's osciUotirvg reoctlon (•iii'u.i." Ottowo, doted 23rd February, 1808. No. 1008-UOTTON, (Olto,) of the City of Kingston, in the County ..I Fronteiiw, lor " A nnw and useful composition for cementing barroU or o»ho.- vessels ond preventing hakage of petroleum and its distilled products from barrels or other venseU so cemented, called ' The Compound SlUeote Barrel Ohu.nt." OtUwa, dated 2:ird February, 1800. No. 1060-IlOTTON,cO«o,)of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontonac, l„r " A machine for Cementing Petroleum ond other Barrels or vessel*, called ' Tht Ccnttitugal Harrcl Cbmuntkii." Quebec, dated 23rd February, 1866. No. 1!»70— ROTTON, (Oito,) of the City of KinRSton, in tho County of Front en»<-, lor » A new and useful Cement for rendering barrels or other vchsoIs impervious to Alcohol nnd its extracts, ond wines, colognes, fixed oils and water, with its extracts as also som. kinds of rotroleum, the .mid invention to bo known iw "Tho I'aronino Barrel C.-iSiT. Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 18CG. No. 1071-HATCH,(fl.rAar(/,)of the Town of Whitby, in tlie County ol Ontario, lor '< A new anil useful central pipe and damper for DuMii-fiTOYKR." Uttawo, doted 23rd I'tbruary, IHOG. No. 1072— STKVBNSON, (Thomat,) of tlio City of Hamilton, in tho County of Wentworth, for " A new nnd improved method of costing tlio threads or scrowrf ond the rnds of AxLKS." Ottawa, doted 23rd February, 180(5. No. 1973-AIKMAN, (Uanitl Thomas,) of the Township of Dumfries, in the Connty (,f Brant, for " The Dairy-gueen CnuiiN Motion." Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 1800. No 1974-H01lNER,(/^a«W .P.,) of tho Township ofMarkham,in tho County of York, lor "A new and useful m..rhine for roHking BottkR into rolls of any required weight." Ottawa, dated 23rd Febnury, 18G0. No. 1975-LOG.\N, (0«br^« Washini/ton,-) of the I'nitud Townships of Sherbrook. i^xvl Moulton, in tho County of Haldimand, for " A n jw and useful bored or drove Will." I )itowa, ddted 23rd February, 18UG. No. 1970— ROTTON, (Q«o,) of tho City of Kington, in tlio County ot Frontcnoc, for "A new ond useful Composition of matter for the purpose of Cementing barrels or other vessels and rendering them impervious to IVtroleum or other fluids impregnated Willi water or otherwise as tho case may be, colled ■ The Resistant Uluten CoMPonso." O'.tawB, dated 23rd February, 1800. No lt)77-I)AWSON, (0""'^,) ^''' "'" ■l'o'*"«'''P "f Blandford, in the County of oxford, for "A new and useful Root-Cutter, called ' The WooJstock Swing Root- CcTTKR."' Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 18CC. No. iy7S-UAVKN, {Jonathan IMor.,) of the Village of Queentown, in the County of Lincoln, for " An improved Motive Powkb." Ottawa dated, 24th February, 1866. No 1079-ACRES, {Jomihan miliam,) of the Town of Paris, in the County of Brant, for " Certain new and improved meuus of preventing tho bursting ot water Pipes." Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 18GG. . , , v» No 1980^WILSON, (Georye,) of tho Village of Warwick, in the County of Lambton, for "A new ond improved method of procuring o well of Watbii" Ottawa, dated 24tU February, 18GG. ,. „ 4 „» No. 1981-CRA\VFORU, (DalrympU,) of tho City of Toronto, m tho County of York, for " Certain new and useful Improvements in tliu preparation and use of Palm-Oil." Ottawo, dated 24th February, ISGG. No. iy82-BRINUHAM, (Z?./a,) ot the City of London, for ■' A n*" •JT useful improvement in tho sinking of W»l..-Tube3.- Ottowo, dated 24th February, 1866. No 1983-POWKRS, {Thonm Jhrt,) of the Township of North Fredericksburgh ia the united Counties of Lennox ond Addington, for « A new and u.oful improvement in Brooms and BRi-aiim." Ottawa, duted 23rd Febrwry, 1899. lOO *Ta- KITZ^OEim n^^^"^^'''' ^^'^""■■"•^ "'*''" ^'"'"''"^ "^^^"■•O"^. '" *''« County of York «u,i No. 1996-TUTTLE, (A'6.„ Clark,) of the Township of Eas* Wbithv in ,h ,. . ^' 101 [a the County of Ing the thi'0ftd or by, In th« VomMj ng Hoed, Sp/Mle», L>rboth niaterialM, 8Gfi. • County of Went. ng, hnllding and ichino." Ottdwn, nty of York, and "An improved County of Mid- "irnii County, for ." Ottawa, dated County of Kent, G. the County of Vonango, iu the useful mftchinM nmm." Ottawa, ty of York, for for pajjer Fvlv." nty of Victoria, Ottawa, dated junty of Went- eg !' Compound of Ontario, for y, 1866. nty of Ontario, cd i!nd Marcli, . in tliu County " Tuttle-s fm- for " A new Dttawa, dated {ailway Joint ity ofCarle- arial for the 1 UthWdrcJi, No. aooo— AUDIN, (Aime' A'teholhcm,) tl tlio Town of lUttuttoid iu tin,' County of Braitt, for "A new ond useful improvoinont In t'.io nttucturoof Bridge h uud othur Kubrics, calkd ' the extended Tncss." Ottawa, datjd 2:!rd March, IHtiG. No. Sooti— FIELD, ( William Aimm) of tliu Town of St. CatbaiincH, in tho County of Lincoln, for "A new and useful improvement in PiMr.i." Ottawa, d.itod 2:ird March, ISfifl. No. 2007— WALMSLEV, {.John,) of tha Town of Ilcrlin, in tho Cnuaty of Waterloo, r " A low and meful implement, called ' Walmsley'H I'otato llAi^Kn.'" Ottawa, dated 23td March, 1 SCO. No. 2008— KINNY,(,/mc,) of Ih.^ Vilhrto of Orumbi, of t!io Township of Ulenhelm, in tiieCounty of Oxford, for "A new and u^'fnl Uoot Cutter, called 'The Dollar Hoot CutUiT.'" OtUwa, dated 23rd Blarch, IStJG. No. 2009-MACEY, (^William Couch,) of tho Villijjc of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, for "A now and useful compo>:ition of m>itter or material tor buihliu!: purpoKci." Ottawa, dated 23rd March, 18GC. No. 2010— HOPKINS, (Samuel. loneph,) ofthj City of Toronto, in tho County of York, lor " A new and useful Sash Fa.htenku." Ott «wa, d itod '.iDrd JIarch, IGGO. No. 2011— DOTY, (,fohn,) of the City of itimilton, ir. tha County of Wentworlh, for "A new and useful machine tor tappin;; nuts, c;ai,-l ' I>,.ty'.< nut Tapping Maouisb." Ottawa, dated 23rd March, 18('.6. No. 2012— FORFAR, (yA.^wqi,) of tlic Township of Sciirboro, in tho County of York, for "A new and useful douMc or single action WashinK JIachine." Ottawa, dated 24th March, 18GC. No. 2013— MOUNTCASlIIiLL, {T/if lUjIU Uo;ti,ral,U' Uliflun, J-:>irl of,) of Lobo-Uouse, in the County of Middlesex, for " A mw and useful Double Window, called " Tho Mount- cashell Double Window.' Ottawa, dated 24th March, 18GC. No. 2014— PRINCE, (Juhn,) of the Township of Ascot, in tiie County of Compton, for " A new and useful Sap Feedbk." Ottawa, dated April, ISGG. No. 2015-FLEMINU, {llwatio Nehon,) of the Townsliip of Compton, in the ijouuty uf Compton, for "A new and useful double daslr Cufii.N." Uttiiwji, lUitcd 2lst April, 186G- No. 201G-rO\VELL, (C/iurlef,) of the Township of York, in the County of York. fur "A rod coupling or joint for securing and lUsteuing tjg.tlur wood or iron Rods for immps or other purposes." Ottawa, dated 13th April, 18GG. No. 2017— TAYLOR, (Juiiiff,) of tlie Township of lihmchford, in tir! County of Oxford, for " A new and useful improvement in tho Rbgclatuu for Tuc-lrons, knowa as ' BaiTett'8 Patent Tuycr,' the said improvement to bo called ' Tayh-r's improved Tuo-lron Regajator.'" OtUiwa, dated 13t)i April, tSGG. No. 2018-SPARLING, (Richard,) of tlie Township of Mosa, in tlio County of Middle iv^, for "A new and useful Maciiixk far dji-'siug pi,)tatQ'js, calloa tho ' Cnuodian Potft^V- Diffrev.'" Ottftwa, -lit .d \MS April, ISviO i»''i,; It) |i 102 Waggons." O^Zr^LTlfuTZ' ■"'"^*^"''"* "" "" '"""^^^ '^^'^ ''' ^--^- No. 2033-POPE, ^Robert,) of the Village of New.a.iU, in the County of Bu.hmn |or .-A „.. ana ,.efu. Main-lino an.,, ,.,.;„. Ottawa, dated IT^! CoJttJ'v:'''^"'''''''' ^ "'"'"" '■'■'" '-'^ "'■ *'"' '^'---'"'i' "f Malahide in the '^\ now and useful Dov,.\vr'^,'' '^ ^^^ "' "■^'''"^••^. '" t'-« ^-'oruty of Ontario, for ard Ma; IBor "'''"•"'''•''''"'''•'' ''^''^ I-vk.,.,. ,.,- oh..., M., li» Couuty cf Petei.. Vpril, i86G. untjrot Wentwortb, p, for making paper JouQty of Hastin-i, io Spinnbr." otta- e, ia thfl County of nking 'yelld, called ary'g, iu the County cftlled ' McGregor'K , in tho County of May, 18G0. e, in I'le County of '." Ottawa, dated :<", in tho County of mprovcd Spinning ninty of Broni, for a, dated 3rd May, ic County of Wel. rriages." Ottawa, 3 Couuty of Went- nism for Dsinwu le County of Vvul- lonominates ' The inty of Kunt, for ^lament with the >tttiwa, dated 3rd 'uuty of Kent, for SKKi.v for liumbor unty of Duiluuu, I, dated 3rd May, Uulahide, in the ' tlio Meal to the County of ^Vel- y of Ontario, for (>(t-'Mv(i, dnto'l 103 No. 2037— SELLS, {Hugh,) of tho Village of Vienna, in the County of Elgin, for " A new and useful improved Cider Mill." Ottawa, dated 0th May, 186G. J, nriii^explo.^.ivo, up U\ ,».l!0!it^i..ii'. hundr«S and fifty ■Mavc.^-A f.f Fahrenheit, by th«Kpi)li(-atioii ol certain clioniicalu, (team and heat." Ottawa, datad liTtb June, ISCS. 104. Oltowntod 1311, June, ISGO P'troloummdoUier b.rt.1. mdra™!,.. H.r »„..,.-. Oltawa, of Sulphuric Acid spent in the refin:ng of Coal Oil." Ottawa, dated Slst July, 1 860. No. 2085— D'ARC Y, (George Joseph,) of the Village of Oil Springs, in the County of Lambton, for "A new and useful mode of extracting Gas. Lubricating Oil, Burning OH and Tar from Shale Rock." Ottawa, dated 3l8t July, 1866. No. 2086— KIRKVVOOD, (Alexander,) of the City of Ottawa, in tho County of Carlr- tou, for "A now and useful kind of paper called ' Meliotus Paper.' " Ottawa, dated 8th August, 1866. No. 2087— CARTER, (Henry,) of the Township of Malahide, in tho County of Elgin, for "A new and useful Machine, called Cartel's combined Ditching and Sod and Turf Cutter." Ottawa, dated 18th August, ISCG. • No. 2088— LAMB, (John,) of tho City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, for « A new and useful Water Wheel." Ottawa, dated 23rd August, 1866. No. 2089— VAN CAMP, (Letvis,) of the Town of Berlin, in tho County of Waterloo, for "A certain new and useful improvement in Instruments for the application of Fluids for tho production of topical anasthesia, called ' Van Camp's Patsnt Spray-TuDS.' " Ottawa, dated 23rd August, 18GG. No. 2090— WATSON, (John,) of the Town of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, for " A certain new and useful improvement in tho Turbine Water Wheel." Ottawa, dated 23rd August, I8G6. No. 2091— ATHERTON, (Calvin,) of Iho Village of Union, Township of Yarmouth, Cnnnty of RIgin, for " Athvrton'.= Union Carriage Sr-ni.Nos.'' Otiawa, dated 31st August, 18CS. 20 H,. i \ i 106 No. 2002-EODDEN, (WUliam Henry,) of tho City of Toronto, in the Connty of Tor rr't rj/"'^ ^'"^'°'''' "^"^""^ °^ '''""" ^•^' ''**" °'«t«^««-" 0"«wa, dated 31 Aug^St| I860. No. 2093-BURKE, (/<,/.«,) of .the Town'of Bolleville, in the County of Hastin. for J. An improvement in Breech-loading Fire An«s." Ottawa, dated nth 8epten.l« .^n'ewand u, ^lled'Tlie Di No. 2111- 186S. Wliuln°ft:'f n™' <:'"'''*/■"'"■' »" SfENCE, (/)..«,) A,.lg.,., of Tl,o„, Ko. 21U- dtted 31st August, 1866 No. 2095--COLLET, ^Martin,) of the City of Toronto, in the County ot York fo Collet 8 method of slaughtering and preserring Mbat." Ottawa, dated 1 Uh September 1806. .^;^:^?SS:ee^^;;i:f- -!-^ - *. 2^2^ county of Cford, for .-A ertain new and u'.f. irprorJn7on\r.° iZg So^ '^:LZ'zz:.::^Zi:r' *"^^"^ ^— Be.oMngHojK?.:: No. 209r-SPENCER, (^,.„,) of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton. fo> • A certem new and useful .mprovement in the manner of Inserting India Rubber Elastic Into leather Boots and SnoKs." Ottawa, dated lath September 18GG ^o. 2098-nAINER,(Jo..M Frederick,) oi the Town of 'whitby, in the Counts of OttawaMd t^r. '^f V ''''° °' '''"'• '"^'^''" - ' «-«^« new E pHc So» UttawB, dated 13th September, 186G No.2099-AYRES,(PaW.j.j;,6;.,) of the Town of Peterboro', in the County of Peterboro', for « A new and useful Auger Handle, called < Ayres- magic Auger-nrNo I - Ottawa, dated 13th September, 18GC '"»»"- •'luger-JiANDLB. machines, to be called ■ Clench-s E.bow ^l::2TSr:i'Zi:T^^^ •ttachment for Sewing Machines.'" Ottawa, dated 13th Septembri8G6 No. 2101-AYRE8, (Z'^.^.y ^ai..,) of the Town of Peterboro', in the County of Peter boro', for "A now and useful tire upsetting machine called ' A^..' , I rl upsetting Machine.'" Ottawa, dated 13th September! 186G ^^■^*'^""P'-°^«^ ^.b. No. 2102-HILL, (ffioJsrt,) of the Village ofNobleton in the Counts nr v.,i. < ..Certainimprovemnntsin«.e Side gearing forThreshing;i™,..?nat^ forwWchhehas already obtained Letters Patent of Invention in Canada bear ng da the 2nd day of August, A. D.18G5. Ottawa, dated 13th September 18GG No. 2I03-BAINES, (//„,.,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of Yorlc for « A new and u.': steeUased axle and Shaft with stP«i hn»i..^ u , J- "» -i""!, lor a kinds of Rolling-Stoc. and MachineryroZa did" L S ptX ^^t'' ''' "" Tor/?; Z ""f; '"'°^'"' '' "'^ ''"""^'"■P °^ Whitec'huSri'„r-Couuty of r;^^rirLX^ri'sc^^^^^^ '-^^^^^^ — - »-'•" No. 2105-.KENNEDY, (.Mn .d/.xani.,.) of the Township of Blenheim in tbo eeXb'ro"'"' *" -and usetunmproved waggon ..." Ottawa, da;ed\;:: No. 2106-BUNTm, (Alexander,) of the City of Montreal, for the introduction of "Anew and usefuHnventionknownas < Hemrich Valter's machine for PnTmowl f the manufacture of Paper.' " Ottawa, dated 19th September. 186G No^ 210V-BUNTIN, (Alerander,) of the City of Montreal, for the introduction of '. A "or:xr2;:h s;^^^^^^^^^^^^ '''^--^ °^ ^^-^ ^- «- — <■-- ^^ ^^■- No. 2108-ROTTON, (Otio,) of the Cifv of Kin«fo„ j„ ..,„ ..„...,... ., ^..-. , ••Anew.,«e.„tanU improved Sr„.^^T..eDo;i;,7Exh;ustc:;;;^^^^ rator.' " Ottawa, dated 17th September, 1866. No. 2109- " A new an( till Soptembe; No. 2110- No. 2112- ibPtTori!, for " No. 2113- No. 2U4- ompton, for kr, 18CG. No. 2115- lawa, for " A 1 No. 21 IG piovements ir No. 2117' trcal, for "Co: Ottawa, dated No. 2 US. itfiul, for " A No. 2119 liedstead Fas No. 212C tliumberland No. 212: " A certain : Sdptnmbor, ] No. 212 (if Wentwort Vai'obb and No. 212 " A Horse-bi No. 2i: Welland, foi Ottawa, dat( No. 2i; in the Coun September, No. 2i; » A Steel H tiead of a ra completely No. 21 in the Cour Steam Boil combinatio Ottawa, da No. 21 tu be calle 107 No 2109-ROTTON, (0«o,) of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontea«, » A new and useful improred Still, called ' The Acepbaloid Still.' " Ottawa, dated Ith September, 18G6. ,,, . . . v..uu.^ „. xiaswng No 2110-BOTTON, (0«o,) of the City ot Kingaton, in the County of K .ontonac, for dated lUhSeptenii; ,^ new and useful method of applying Ckmbnt within closed barrels or ether veaselB, lued 'The DirectForce Cementing Proeess.'" Ottawa,dated iVth boptembor,18G6. No 2111-MoDOWELL, (/?ame/,) of the City of Montreal, for "A new and useful Ottawlpparatus fov cleaning flues of Steam Boilkhs." Ottawa, dated 18th Sfeptomber 1866. ■ No.2U2-MaEVILLA,(jrai'.,) of the City of Quebec, for " Now and useful im- provements in Macliines." Ottawa, dated 19th September, 18G6. No 2117-FELL, {Thomai Mara,) and FELL, (Ambrose George,) of the Cify ot Mon- trcal, for "Certain new and useful improvements iu the manufacture of Wuith Lrad." Ottawa, dated 19th September, 18G6. , . ^. r. t , „f ««»„ No 2U3-MAGOON, (Aaror,,) of the Township of Stan.toad, m the County of Stan- ,lnul for "A new and improved Rotary Hakrow." Ottawa, dated 25th September, 1866 No. 2119-SCOTT, (^Oeorge,) of the City of Montreal, for "A new and improved Hedstead Fastbsbr." Ottawa, dated 25th September, 1866. r „„*„«» Vnr No 2120-LAMAIN,(CTarto,)ofthe Township of Hamilton, m the CounyotNor- thumberland for " A new and useful Cultivator." Ottawa, dated 29th September, 186G. NO. 2121-BARCLAY, (Robert,) of the Town of Paris, In the County ot Brant for "A certain new and useful improvement in Sewing Mac.unes." Ottawa, dated 29th Sdptembor, 1866. , . 1, i-. 1 No o 102- ALEXANDER, (Alexander Oale,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County ofWentworth.for "A new and useful means and apparatus for generating nTdrocarbon aJoh Ld c'onunuing an uniform flow thereof.- Ottawa, dated 20th ^ep ember, «C No. 2123-JONES, (John,) of the City ot Kingston, In the County of F rontenac, for "AHorse-bayFoBK." Ottawa, dated 29th September, 18GG. No 2124-TENCH, (F.W.a™ £a.(«;o Assignees of Thoma icr purposes." 9 County ot York, fo dated nth September >f East Oxford, the revalving Horse volving Hor3e-Rakr." ounty of Carleton, foi : India Rubber Elastic )G. itby, in the Connty of s new Elliptic Piano,' 0', in the County agic Auger-HANDLB n the County of Perth, ttachment for sewing 1 and oscillatfng feed isce. a the County of Peter- yres' improved Tibi County of York, for " in addition to those Canada, bearing date 8CG. nty of York, for '< A and bearings for all aber, 1866. ch, in the County of :e new anei useful." if Blenheim, in the Ottawa, dated Uth Iho introduction of )r PuLriNo Wood for introduction of "A ufacturo of Pai-sr.' ical Still or Evapo- / -is 108 1,11 (-3 «W' f- 11^ il No.2I31_BltUTON,a.r.T., °"'"'' •""="«> Oolote,, 1806. ^.M on octob.,, ,s„: '""'O'-"' """'l oloU. M ,„„ „„„„ „ ' °' No. 2132— ENSr PV /r I > ' No 2133-EAKlNS, (Mr, Henry ) of Ta t ' ^''^'"^ ^^th October, 186G Perth, V;!l n?J'a?d'lI;flft..t.^c,:/ '': '"7" °' ''™'^--^' - *»•« Oouut, o, Ottawa, datedjoth October, 1,66 ' ^'""^"^ '°^ ^'™P <^'l"-n-ios and ^ G.ol' -''^:^d:s;:;^:::i:::----^^^ "-o„..or nauo. Phcuon Non.Friction V..vk.» Ottawa, dated nth 'm' "'" " ' '''"° ^«"'-' ^P" No. 2136-SHERBURNB (FN ■ ; il '''^•"'' ^^''''^• ^•ounty of Middlesex, for Sf ?:'f ";"'''> °^ "'" ^'"-"Bl'ip of East Williams iu tu "tT3rBoor^'^«-^^^^^^^ to be known as < Boole's Granulated EoL " Z T " " '"""'''*'"^ "^ ''"'"i'-' f--. ^o. 2138_WILLIS, (T'/K,^,,,, ^ of »,«T ,"*' "'*'''* '^"' ""'^l^^r, 1860 ^-''Ane.andusef.U.UTtap2^^^^^^ No.2139-liOGEIlS, (J?oi.w,) of tho Cilv" f M "' *"' ''"^ °^^°'^«'' ^«««- -Anewandnseful^^^X::::!;^^^^^^^^ -nnt.of Halto, and stirrup leathers, and for the fastening otlltLr^t''' '"""' ^"''^' '""'-&''•- tawa, dated 30th October, 18CG. otherstra^^s used about HAnNsssM." Of- No. 214Z— BEMIS m ■ "";' °-"_°'tawM..»a3,.;zt"f/cr ''"''■"•' ™*'''»^ 'o»-" '^^^ .....""'"-DAVIS, (!.,„„, „, '„:„';,':L. °«r"' ""«' '"> "ovomber, ,868. ' i.\ 109 ^'ountyofVVontwortb, raw, called < Veagor'g bounty of York, and 10 for the safer and 18G6. 00, in the County of MiXTunE." Ottawa, -oimty of Middlesex, Itli October, 186G. lieu, in the County od la pumping Oil in the County of ind filaas Olobbs." :!ouutyr of ilaltou, The Central Ap- 8t Williamg, in thu filler and Robber ie County of Car. or compact foro), er, 1860. County of Pertl), tober, 186G. and useful Qas >unty of Halton, iins, martingules fAnusssEs." ot- srbonrne, ia the )f grain, called the County o'' Patent Ribbon unty of Prince "nmon illumj. he County of October, 1866. n the County the Power o of Waterloo, )er, 18C6. Jnty ot" S'roc- 1 Novembcy No. 2148— WALTON, (.TowpA A'.,) of the Town of 8hcrbrooko, A«8igneo of Richard Smith, of the game place, for " A now and useful macliine, called ' Smith's Egg B«AT«n.' " Ottawa, dated 12th NoTember, 1866. No. 2149— WYATT, (iJ/iKAew y.,) of the City of Quebec, for "A new and useful liutting Machine." Ottawa, dated 12th November, 1866. No. 21D0-WYATT, (J/a T.,) of the City of Quebec, for "A now and ugoful Combined Butting, f plitting, and Lath making Haw Bbncu." Ottawa, dated 13th NoTo.n- ber, 1866. No. 2151— DAVIDSON, (Thomo),) of the City of Montreal, for " Aa improved Bottom or Top of Blioet Metal Vkbbkls." Ottawa, dated 13th November, L8G6. Ho. 2\02~W\miE^, (Samuel Russell,) oi the City of Monttcal, for "An improved Miniature Orqas." Ottawa, dated 13th Novembflr, 18GG. No. 2153— BOOiE, (Leonard Hoffman,) of the City of Ottawa, in the Countv of Carle- ton, for " A new and useful combination of Machinery, to be hereafter known an ' Boolos' DnviNO Machine.'" Ottawa, dated 4th December, 18GG. No. 2154- HAMILTON, (IFiWiam,) ot the City of Toronto, in tho-<;ounty of York, lor "A new and useful improvement in the fastening of Nuts on llailway and othtr 150LTB." Ottawa, dated 13th November, 1866. No. 2155— rUITCHARD, (ircnry C.,) of the City of Toiouto, in the County of York, and I/ATHAM, (Samuel,) of the wme City, for "A new and UKcful Shoo Thimmrb." OtU- wa, dated 15th November, 18G6. No. 2inG_F0STEIl, (Archibald McDonald,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentworth, for " A new and useful Anti-incrustatiou PowoBn for Boilers." Ottawa, dated 1 5th November, 1866. No. 2157— JELLET,(iJo6err Patterson,) of the Town of Belleville, in the County of Hastings, for " A new and useful Telescopic Jointed (J un." Ottawa, dated 1 5th November, 1866. No. 2158— THOMPSON, (yVilliam,) of thsCity of Toronto, in the County of York, for "An Improved apparatus for Carbonating Illuminating Gahbs." Ottawa, dated 19th November, 18 OG. No. 2159-OLIVER, (John Price,) of the Village of Kingsville, in the County of Essex, and DRAKE, (William Malott,) of the same Village, for "A now ond useful QuiLTiNO Frame." Ottawa, dated 2l8t November, 18GG. No. 2160— HALL, (James Johnson,)ot the Town of St. Mary's, In the County ot Perth, fur ' A new illuminating Oil, to be known as ' Hall's Illuminating Ok .' " Ottawa, dated 22nd November, 1866. No. 2161— McBEAN, (John,) of the Village of Coruana, in the Township of Moore, in the County of Lambtpn, for " A new and useful Pavement, called ' The Improved McBeth Pavement." Ottawa, dated 22nd November, 1806, No. 2182— HALL, (James Johnson,) of the Town of St. Mary's, in t'Ae County of Perth, for " A new and useful Spirit Gas." Ottawa, dated 22nd November, 1866. No. 2163— HOPKINS, (5o6<;rt,) of the Township of East Williamii, in the County of Middlesex, for "A Lamp, known as 'The Victoria Oil Lamp.'" Ottawa, dated 23rd November, 186G. No. 2164— HENDERSON, (Jos^ij/* Clinton,) of the Town -f Brockville, in the County of Leeds, for "A new and -JsefulJoint for the Rails of Railways, called 'Henderson's Patent Rail Joint.' " Ottawa, dated 24th November, iSOG. No. 2165— FERL, (Peter Henry,) of the Town of Windsor, in the County ot Esses, for " A new and and useful deep water Fishing Machine, called ' Peter H. Ferl's vertical deeD water Pishing Machine.' " Ottawa, dated 24th November, 180C. ' No. 21G0-Lr,MON, ( IfiWum,) of the Village of Lynden, iu thoCouutyot WeiitwoTtC. tor f A aevy snd useful metljod of aifi^ring the Euflcld Ritle, or any other Muzzle-lwUng 21 mi i ■ ; 110 Ottawit, I No. 2100_COLLrNS .4 r, Ottawa, datoil 27th November, ISGG. «.d 1 UL D„.„t.",T«6" '"°° '" '''""'•- "■' """'•" ^«'«- OIU,., Uocomb.r,lses. " »'"' »»f Wellington, fclay orqtboi tlio County of ;rubbor, inado tof 8t. Fran. i-'iren, to bo il December) " A now ami ses, &e., with T." Ottawa, 10 County of s." Ottawa, zabetlifown, dated 10th 3 County of 8 County of and known Oxford, for 1 for Spin- lated loth new and SCO. rk, for " A ler hydro- ind so pro- f Lincoln, ', for "A of York, 'P Ladder 'ZTZl'li.nOV.. (Ctol..,) of Ih. Cou»lr »i B««....l.r«, In th. DUWcl.t aj;.;»l~^»w«' s-o- "^ «"•'• "•"""•' """*• ■^«"""^°- manufacture of Paper Stock from straw, nag, gtMo » ""nricUMMINGS. (....) Of the Townehlp of E.t ^^-2^:::^l 0£roVd?and HAHlUNaTON, (//.>am,) of the said Townsh.p, for "An improved Threshing Hastfn;rf!r "A now and 'useful dog-power Washing M.c.k-..- Ottawa, dated 0th '"Z'a'o-BARKES, (JacoL,) of the Town of Oakville. in the Coun.y of Ilalton, for 18G7. _ ,, _ , X „f thn Tnwn of BrockviUe, in the County No. 2195--BEKCIIEa, iWilUam Fordyc^,) of ^l^^ J^oJ a" j.ted 12th Decembor, of Leeds,for "A now and useful improred RADi.ioa. Ottawa, f«tftwa dated 13th December, 18GG. r: tlOT-PEIlUY, (.V....,>of the City of Montreal, for « A now and useful Pl.ot llmnB" ottawa.dutednUiDeccmbor, 186C. , ,w.i L .,M-aAUVUEAU, (Jk,./. «.".,) of ih. Clt, of «u.b,c,f..- A ■.«-»""'; OoJ„;1otcra.O»;l'.0,..-n,dr™,.. C»..r,- 0...... d«Ud 1S.U "'TlirBOBD™,,.,,.. .r.,, o,Bodfo.,Uo «..Cou..x o, M«..«o.,,. "A „, ..d ».,.i dou* «.,o„ c..».- ofu..^ ^';;fx. rB°;Sm« ■.» .b. c.„,ux- -Tonr::;.:^:::;™^^^^^^^^^^ «< - •« ■— Arn'ora Flax ruT.i.^a." Ottawa, dated 22nd December, 1860. Ko 2202_CLArUAM.(.ra.. /f.«r.-/,) of the City of Quebec, o. •' A now and useful Driulg and Pumplns" Ottawa, dated 18th December. 1866. m N». 2303-.8MTTH frk„.i^. i l . ' ■ ...^i; No.2206-Wonn /// *^ "**"*"• "»*»"". dated 2l8t January. 1867 b.mbo«B, Indian corn or m^lT'ZltZL'"'^''''''''^^^^^^ other such r.getabla materia.^ or'tho pu 1 ,' "11,'? ''ir*' "'^'"^' ''-' "^^P « d oxtilo materials, &c., and pap r sto.k by treat-n*^^ m^ '°' *"' °>«""f«'"»"' ot bleaching (ho same. Loth opomUon^LlLntr <=»>«">'«'« and atoam, and fo. w«, dated 2l8t January, 1867 ^ ^ '"""''' "°''^'- P""""" «' in vact.o." Ott«! «-pr^;cdtu;:o7c;;r;S:'"o^^^^^^^^^ ^'«''"" of BeauhamoiMor ..An No 220S wnnr> .,. ""*""»■ dated 2Igt January, 18G7 notaine;Bo,Jr:;Sr^l--V^^^^^ bleaching Ac, and iordesulphurisinrl. ^ ^ disintegrating vegetable matter al. under pres;ure or in ZTZZ.ZtTt' '" '""'^' "^ °"'' -'--'«.'*' No. 2200-MILrs /J/- ,• ,,'""*'* 21 8t January, 1867. ' ' or Elgin, tor...ra^^i::r;,^^^^^^^^ the Cou.ty . No. 2210-STOAKES. (,Ac/,„ r.vL ) of th„ P . ' "' '''* '"'""^'"''' ^«««- County Of St. John, in th^ District olUrviiefo;"! '' 1''""" "" ^'-''«'. '" *"» coupling buffer for lUilroad C,n.." Otta Jdald .,:t T ""* ""''"' '**"*' «^""e«'f No. 2211— WAIT TS ^j-;- x ,,' ""'^'^ ^Ist January, 1867. Mri J«,™,,, 18G>. ' '•''°' •*""« "«""•• tomblo«l." ou.™ d,tai No. 2217-ROTTON, (Otlo ) of the 01(7^;'^ """^' ^^"• « A ne. and useful S™, called'Vhe Spray S^P^S:;' ^" T ^°"«*^ «^ ^'-'-ac, for No. 2218_BOWMAN, ()ra/«„. ) oVthe C v nf T h '"'' • '"^ ^^^^ '^'"'"'''i'. 18G7. for .. A Crude Peetroleum bL.„,- 'ittlla 2d ^th" °"' " ^'^^ ^°""*^ "^ Mi'J.,) and POWERS (I) j, s ., ■ new and useful improvement in the Cross Cut S. w S' n7T' °^ ^- °- «°«^' ^^ "A dated 25th January, 18G7. '''^ '"''' ^"""^ ^aw respectively" Ottawa, dated 26th January, I8C7. "^'*' '^*"ed 'Th» arauiham Oatb.'" Ottawa No. 3233— Dl oo«, for " A new a No. 2233— L' folk, for " An Imi No. 2324— N of Uklng photog without ftguros." No. 2225—0 Oarleton, for " A uied In connectic effected without tire Kngincs, am track whendesir No. 2226-: County of Oxfon roofs, forming pi No. 2227— County of Oxfor from the solids 1867. No. 2228— Perth, for ' A « raochino for lU; No. 2229— sex, for " A ne^ WA, dated 16th No. 2230- Yotk, for " Coi adapted to the Ottawa, dated No. 2231- Lanark, for " . 18G7. No. 2232- for " Certain n to any other a dadd 4th Fel No. 2233- for " Certain 1867. No. 2234 and useful ii Copper, Nick No. 2235 County of Ba Acid, Sulpha bait." Ottai No. 3231 County of SI of accidents] No. 223 Lanark, for thi Countjr of «o«." OtUwa, ;he County of 1th Januarjr, svrand uieful efulJmproro- tter, asoaneg, ix, hemp and mufacturo ot Mm, and for 'c'^'^ J °^ ^ hole hand drilling Perth, for 'A new and useful Diuluno Machine called A double „.achine for lUllroad Iron.' " Ottawa, dated 2nd ^ e;-"/.;^^- ^, ^,,,.,. Xi:r:n:Z:^^^^^:^^ — -- toBreech^oader. OtUwa, dated 3Ist January, 18G7. of Pakenh.m, In the County of No. 2231-DOUD, ^Bernanl Sprcul,) ° "^°J«,f ,,;,, ,t, February, Lanark, for " A new and improved Composition Ckment. uiw , 1867. ^ , ,, riu. nf Toronto in the County of York, No. 2232-KREIGlIOFF, iErnest,) of he City "^ Toronto in ' 4^.^,, dalld 4th February, 1867. . fi „„ty of aronTlllo, „„„ tiTTT wwRT <■ - JheJ^ Juncoupler in (case County of Simcoc, for " A new and useful ^^'^-^f^^l^^'Z^^ ,\g,. Of accldents)andhand uncoupler." ^'^ll^^lZ^^'T^^^ in the County of NO. 2237-DOUD, (B.«ar. f -^"^ ^/^.r^^^^l^ dated 8th February. 1867. Lanark, for " A new and improTod Sleigh Brakb. v'«aw , .11 t^^- /*! lU Ko J3M -DE WB, (./**«,) of the CUj of Toronto, in th. Couuty of York fc, " A «w.iid«MfuI Stamp Improver." Ottaw., «th February, 1S87 No. 3230-ROBERT8. (.I/.M«» /.ym««,) of the Village of SmlthWHe In th. Conntr Of ^Lincoln, .or «. A ncw.n. „sofu, ,.„pro.d P.o.a,,." O.Uwa, d J 'n^hC;^. No. 3340_HIBBARD. (^M%,) of tUo City of Montreal, for >' A new and u.efu. Im prorement in the manufactare of -ClrOe B....»o.". Ottawa. 'dated 13th Fobrlry : 7 ^^^^ 2241-LAWUIiC.(7'W,)ofthoCity of Hamilton in thaCoantyofZ^^^^^ efGr!rfr'l'^''''*f^'Vff ^' '-''""'''' *'" '"'^"^ ^-"^ »-■'<» in tho County mUwTl^urrH ""^"' "'""^•^ ^'"'""« ^'- ^-.-"ed 'The Stephens G.„..' Ottawa, dated Htfa Kobrunry, 1807. V /;-"f-^0^^'<'^"^'""'«^''-''«'«'"'.)of the City of Toronto, in the (.'ounty of Vork, for " A new and uaeful AutomaUc RapaAtaa for n.o in Telegraph I.inos •- Ottawa dated Uth February, 1867. ^ Ottawa, No.2244-VICKERS,(B7«/«.,) of the Townahip of Blanshard, in tho County of Perth,for« A Swirol Oat,." Ottawa, dated Hth February, 18G7 No 2a46-aREEN, (./«.« Adams,) of tho City of Hamilton, in the County of Went- worth, for " A now and useful improved method of Casting Iron Abhs for Waggon Axle- treea and the nuts used in connection therewith." Ottawa, dated 19th February 18C7 No. 2246-MOORE, (^IfonMe. Phili, H.,) for .' A new method of Manufacturing l^lTl' ' P'"''^""^ Steam," under Special Act, Cap 101,20 & 30 Vict. Ottawa, dated 26th February, 18G7. No. 2247-DOUD, (nemard Sproul.) of the Township of Pakonham, in the County of Unarlc, for " A new and useful Hand Grain RAKi." Ottawa, dated 6th February 1867 No. 2248-ANCTIL, (Eu>e'l.e,) of the Parish of St. Anne de la Pocatiire, in the Provmoe Of Canada, and ANCTIL, (Francoi. A'avier,) of the same place, lor "A new and Improved Printing Pb«38, to bo called -Presso Anctil.'" Quebec, dated 20tli February 1867. ' No. 2249-LYONS, (Robert Charle,,)of the Town of Slmcoe, In the County of Norfolk for " A new ond useful iojprovement in Rolls for the rolling of steel headed Railway Rail. -' Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 18C7. No,2260_MACKENZIB, (Daniel,) of tho Town of Belleville, In the County of' Hastings, for "A new and useful Gas Gknbrator and Carburetter." Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 1807. No. 2251-WIARD, (Aorman,) of the Village of Ancaster, in the County of Went- wortb, for "Certain improvements in the means of preventing, indicating and co-o tin- an undue degree of the super-heating of Steam in Steam Boilers, and for promoai. • equality of temperature in tlie parts for the more economical working thereof, and w the preventions of explosions." Ottawa, dated 23rd February, 1867. No. 2262-THOMSON, (Ocorffc Monlayn,) of the City of' Ottawa, in the County of Oarleton, for "A certain new and useful improvement in Machines for crushing cutting and pressing Hay, and other similar subatancep, called " The Roller Hay Press • " 'ott««« dated 25th February, 1867. "'wwa No. 2253-SCF OF '\1 ^^, (^Harmon Steven,,) of the Town of Brockviile, in the County of Leede, for "A n:- vrf ..seful Tlotter and Eraser combined." Ottawa dated 2ctli Febroary, 1867. ' No.2254— Ba.';AV, O'mr'es Walker,) of t!»e City of Montreal, for "A f.::v ,,B»Ait apparatus Icr geneiutmg heat and light l.y iU,> decomposition of Coal or other Or'.'" ««awa, dated 27th February, ISOT. 115 'ork, for" A In th« Countj 3th Febnwry, ad uieful Im- >ruary, 1887. f Wontirortb, II." Ottawa, in t]io County phens aoM.'" le County of )s." Ottawa, bo County of Dty of Went- iggon Axle- ary, 18C7. turing Put >ttawu, dated e County of lary, 1867. Adtc, in the ' A new and 1 February, of Norfolk, Iway Raila." • County of , dated 23rd ty of Went- I CO' u: ting )mouuf; hn iOf, •it/'' \.i- County of ing, cutting " Ottawa the County fated 2Utlj new tisefiil her Om." anarERRIN,(44r<.Aam,)of theiamepUoe.for A ow ami 8oMW.» OtUyra, dated 7th March, 1867. ,ni,oductioa of a Patent under cap. Harn..8.Tui««,a«." OtUwa, dated OtU March 1867. ,,..,,, i, t^o Count, oor." Ottawa, dated 4th March, 1867. Toronto, io the County of No. 22G2-THOM80N, (/a«« EdwarJ,) "7f/"\°; '*'.g,^ ' York, for "An In,proved Seal Look." Ottawa, ^*f J^l " la tie County of Oxford, NO. 2263-KINNEY, (W,) of theTown oj y"°^«;-^> Z^L'r Ottawa, for '• A new and useful Ai^ABUBOAHD, to be Unown as The 1 araton dated 4th March, 1867. Township of Dereham, in the NO. 2264-.PENDLETON, (/"-V '^'*>j; ^^.^J^S Canadian Dish Wash..." county of Oxford, for « A new and useful apparatus, callea •. A Breach Loading" Ottawa, dated '^J^";*"' ^^Lrd.) of the City of Montreal, V t f-v ..Ccrta!unr.wandusefunmprovcment3m gram crusmng 5*',__^^ ,^^^^ Lt; Se mXi of "n,»Uin, th. fluted Iron «o,^.«. fu. tu. seme U-t... ...~ -- HJBVCb, 1867, I,' I J. I 1 116 Ho. J2M-TAN BmKIRK, (r.lto, C.^pMI,) ottlli^fT, Tho™T,/ . or the introduction of a new and useful composition of mattei called ' The aJZ'" Ottawa, dated 23rd March, 1867 IheAgrlcul. Perth ; '?f-"^^^^«' (''^'"^ ^^*-'.> of the Town of Stratford, in the County of m2x^ '^^ '^" "'^^"^ ""' ''-'''''' ''-- --'-^-^•" ^"-: daZTa.: No 2286-CRANDELL, (i?.;,a;;„v.,) of the Villaga of Borolia in tho Countv of No. 2291-HARVEY, (lAmn Adolf hus,) Assignee of LutJier Dunn of tu > v,i No. 2294- EnnlsWUon, i fuel, Tetroleui Nc.2295- Grain SarABA No. 2296' for "Anew Fuel, Petrole ^o. 229i " A new and No. 2291 for " A new 1867. No. 229 for " A now April, 1867 No. 23i Elgin, for" 10th April, No. 23 '• A new. u No. 2; of Norfolk Acting Wi No. 2: sex, for " (leodorizii No. 5 Halton, f< April, 18 No.: for " A n( No. in the C( Ottawa, ' No. Lincoln 17th Ap No Brant, i Ottawa, Nc ««eful 1 N< Organ N useful N Btead, :^ Hasti uv St. Thomas, in the , dated Hth March, ounty of Brant, for 7. ounty of York, for Cleaner." Ottawa, for "A new and th March, 18U7. .1, for " An Impro- ! City of Montreal, l-8th March, 1867. in the County of ch. 1867. ! County of Bruce, Whccl-Wrlght. .•' Couaty of Bruce, rights." Ottawa, County of York , id 'TheAgrlcul. 1 tho County of awa, dated 23rd I the County of i way bo applied ity of York, for ^ORK." Ottawa, estville, in tho , 'UMP." Ottawa, , in tha County >vating Plcid.'' tho County of > Expert Axle the Village of the stretching Ottawa, dated the Village of >r the Edging, d -'3rd March, uuty of York, proved Arcb\. 117 A ____—■ EnnlBWllen, in the County °^^^^^^^°J' rottewa, dated.lst April, 1807. ,„el.retroleun.,orF..os .ad. f - t J ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^_ ,„, .. ^ No. a295-PR^TT, (Moses,) of the rown o Grain S.fabatob." Ottawa, dated !«' ^f '' '^'^^^j ^IndBor, in the County of bnses, '" No..29e--yiELDINO.(.;^^^^^^^^^ ^pp„,tuB for hurnlng, as for " A new and useful invention, called "'"^ ^ ^^^ 3,^ April, 18G7. fuel. Petroleum, and other kind.ed F.uiob; ^^^'^^^ ,^ ^he County of York for l.o.m7-PATTEUSON,(P.^..)of heC^^^^^^^^^ Ottawa, dated 5th April. 18C. .. A new and useful Concave Tibe and Tue Co^PlJ'^S^ ' .^e County of Oxford, for " A new and useful Seat for Bu^giuB lofh ipril, i -167. s,,,j i^ the County of/'^^^wsc"' NO.230- -CLIFF, C^^^f •>,°1 '^ 'Xnd Loom." Ottawa, dated 10th Apnl, 18G7. No. 2303-ROBINSON, iJohn ^'-''''"''^"^^L which is an improved method ot tott.Cout,tyt.tH.lK",f»'"Ao"M''° ^^ 17th April, 1867 . ^ / ^ ut the Town of Brentford, in the County of Ottawa, dated 10th April, 1867^ „^ Montreal, for " A new and No. 2309-BATCHELDER, iGrecnleaJ K.,) of „.efulHayPaKSS." 0*»«-' ^^^^^^^t.^T ' f 2; City of Montreal, for " An improved No 2310-WAlWEN, (S«m«i Russell,^ olino , Org^^Vlad ChestSuo." Ottawa dated ^th Ap;^^^^^^^^^ ,,erhrooU.., for -'Anew and No. 2311-MERIlIAM, (C'""-'" '«''"''"''' °'.'^°" „,eful Tin SapSPO.x." Ottawa ^^^»f ^f^^^^X^:^^'^ in the County of Stan- H,,312-HOUSTONy..^,of t^^^^^^^^^^ ,th April, ISO 7. ^ ^^. Stead, for " A new ana ;.3cu.. ..•.^S'--. - ueileviUe, m the •.•-••-.. k2313-BIlOWN,(0^or,a^,y.«tu^.) of h« ^0 , ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^p.j^ Hastings, for -. A new and useful Spring Reach CAnuuo,. m^ ' 23 118 No. 2314-AUBIN, ^Aim' Nichola, JSapoUon,) of BetoO, in the C.unty of V.rch. f jr " An apparatus for lightinjr VillaeeB or Tnwnc j,» , . • '^•""*' "' V«rch»t., ST-AM.'. Ottawa, dated lethlptuTSr''^"'''"''"' A.r and Hydrooarburetfj No.2315-TAyLOR,(i?o«,r,;of thoCityof Montreal, for "Anew and lmn« . poseB." Ottawa, dated I8th April, 1867. «>-oang, and for other pr, No. 2317-VExtNON, (/<,A« if.,) of the City of Montreal, for "A new andn..r,l improved composition for Coatmo Wnnri ri«»v. ir » i ex ° ""'"• journal Bo.s%ooan. Pa^^S^^^S^^^ ^ ^^^^ .ect^,^^SZ:£2;;; ^r S '' ""-''-'' '- ™---, No^23ia-UTLE5f,(Jf.„.,.i,,,,„,)of the City of Montreal, for "A new and I„ ir^^rrpln;""^""^^"^^"""' -treatment and .re of disease.... oll" well Sinker and Wei..- -^ m^Mald i^srCiMser ""'' " "'"'"""'' ...^nr;^:;r^-:ts^---p^^^^ Of El^^n r!r/^™f °' (^"-'^^ ^-) 0^ tJ^e Township of Yarmouth, in the Count, 0;iTdr2ltri;"i:er ^"'"^ — .-.edBaymond-s MetaUic Beiti„; MiddTe^;'??/"''™?' ^ '"'"•''"" '^"'^'^"'^ «' '""^ ^"^ «'^^°'»^-. - *•>«• Count, o, M.ddlesex,for "A new and useful Founders Pacing or Dcsr." Ottawa, dated 25th April, No. 2324-STEVENS, ^San^uel,) of the Town of Belleville, in the Couutyof Hasting, .or. .certain new and useful improvements in Cheese Vats." Ottawa, d.Ied 7^5 No. 2323-SMITH, ^Robert,) of the City of Toronto, ia the County of York for Certain new and useful improvements in the construction of Amalgam.Lg tVb^^ L Sr'^Mat iS.'"'"'"' '""' ^" *'^ ''^^"^^"^ ''°"°«^'^'» tlrewlth.. C Wenfwor'fr/.T^"' ^'J'"""'^ °* ''^ '''°''"^''*^ ''f ^="* ^'»'-»«'°'. - *»»« bounty o( S^rMaMSel."^'' and useful CH.H». to be called ■ The Dairy Chum.- - oJw, certafn°f ""/'''I'w ' ' ^"""'''''^ "' '''' ''°'^° °'' ^''"«' '« ^'^ ^'''"«^/ "^ B«nt, for " A rteT7tr;:y:?8r'"'"~*'"*'° construction of S.w.ko Machines." 'otta., of Oxford for « Anewand useful Spinning Wu.^r.." Ottawa, dated 7 th Sm 7 No. 2329-CHATTERTON, (;j.c/.arr, In tho County of D Jtl T» ,- outward opening Doo« for Churches and I'ubll. Uuild. I'"!'- i^ttawa, dated Cth .Tune, 18G7. Ii 120 No. 2352-aZOWSKI, (Catimir StaniUaus,) and MACPHPRBON, {David LewU,) (by Special Act, Cap. 1G2, 29th and 30th Vic.,) for "Certain improvments in treating certain Ores and Alloys.and in obtaining Metals and other products therefrom." Ottawa, dated 23rd Juno, 1867. No. 2353-GZOWSKr, (Caiimir Slanislaw,,) and MACPHERSON, (David Lem,,) (by Special Act, Cap. 162, 29th and 3pth Vic.,) for " Certain improvements In treating cortam Ores and Alloys, and in obtaining Mbtals and other products therefrom." Ottawa dated 23rd June, 1867. No. 2354-C f lASE, (James,) of tho Village of Brooklin, in the County of Ontario, for " A new, useful and improved Barrel Head Tcrnbr." Ottawa, dated Gth Jane 1867 No. 2355-BIGELOW, (Silas,) of the Town of Lindsay, in the County'of Victo ria for "A useful Water or Boat Wheel, callcl 'The Extension Pulley Water Whml • •' Ottawa, dated l7th May,-I86r. ." No. 235C_CLAY, (William Thomas,) of the Village of Thornhill, in the County of \ork, for " A new and useful machine, styled 'Clay's Canadian Bolt Feed lor Qrist and Merchant Mills.' " Ottawa, dated 6th Jane, 1867. No. 23r.7-CHASH, (.lames,) of tho Village of Brooklin in the County of Ontario for "A new, useful and improved Shingle and Heading Sawino Machine." Ottawa, dated 6th June, 18G7. ' No. 2338-WILSON, (John Midien,) of tho City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton for 'vrment8 ia treating therefrom." Ottawa, SON, (David Letcii,} jTcments in troatiog therefrom." Ottawa, lounty of Ontario, for th Jane, 1867. County of Victoria, ey Water Whbbl.' '• 11, in the County of Feed lor Orist and lunty of Ontario, for Inc." Ottawa, dated County of Catleton, iva, dated Ctb June, it, in the County of MAoniNli." Ottawa, ounty of Middlesex, dorizing Petroleum ST, in the County of yFork."' Ottawa, , in the County of ihimble Skeins for , in the County of loading hay, jirain I, for " A new and junty of Bruce, for lie Water Power.'" ton, in the County cting Honey from dated Uth June, bounty of Durham, y Brakes arc made dated 14th Juno, in the County of th June, 18fi7. 421 No. 23 77-818 HOP / 7-; n '^"'''^''' ^'^^^^^ 15th June, 1867. No 2iRn rnoirxjAXT " """ '"°'^« "Ate. Ottawa, dated 26th June isr? d.t.a M,h J.„., 1807. " ""*""■ '""••"" T»«^W„.,. otto,.; Ko. 2386-CAIlNIE, (,,.«,,, „, „,. T„,„hip „, s„„H D««W„ i„ ...^ , , «8"Dobbin'B one horse Cultivator for t,.rn,-n« ..,„ not--, ! -, «" ana Known .. »„,„.«, ,„ „„„. „ .„,, ,;";.M io;h't:r;,"' "" ""'" """""' " 24 ■ J 22 No. 2380— EVANS, (WiUiamC.,) of the Cityot Kinggton, in tho County of Frontenao, for " A new and useful Mineral Cbmbst." Ottawa, dated 19th June, 1 867. No. 2390— THOMAS, (John B.,) ot the Township of Ernestown, in the Countr of Lennox and Addington, for « A new and useful Invention, called ' Tho Metallic Hame Fastikino.'" Ottawa, dated 19th June, 1867. No. 2391 — AUSTIN, (Grinmon,) of tho Town of Perth, in the County of Lanark, for " A new and nsoful improvement in Cheeeo Vats." Ottawa, dated 24th June, 1867. No. 2392— PARSON, (William, Jr of tho City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " New and useful improvements in manufucturing Gas from spirits of Petroleum." Ottawa, dated 21th June, 1867. No. 2393— BETHUNE, (Donald,) ot the Xowu of Port Hope, in the County of Durham, for < Bethune'g Railway Train Stopper.' " Ottawa, dated 24th June, 1867. No. 2394- EOTTON, (Otto,) of the City of Kingston, in tho County of Frontenao, for "'New and useful Deodorizers, called < Tlie Safe Dbodoriziks.' " Ottawa, dated 25th June, 1867. No. 2395— HUNTLEY, (Francis Stevens,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Portahlo Lamp Shade Holder.'' Ottawa, dated 2Gth June, 1867. No. 2396— WHITE, (Solomon,) of the Town of Windsor, in the County of Essex, Assignee of Samuel H. Cain, of the same place, for " A new and improved motion for Tertical Saw or method of giving an upright Saw (single or gangs), the oscillating, re- cirtoc(i"ng or whip saw or rocking motion." Ottawa, dated 28th June, 1867. No. 2397— WHELPLEY, (James Davenport,) and 8T0RER, (Jacob Jones,) by Special Act, 29 and 30 Vic, Cap. 163, for " A new and useful Crusher and Pulveriser, for reducing to powder, by a novel and improved method, metallic and mineral substances including fuel." Ottawa, dated 28th June 1867. No. 2398— WHELPLEY, (James Davenport,) and STORER, (Jacob Jones,) by Special Act, 29 and 30 Vic, Cap. 163, for " New and useful improvements in the application of pulverised fuel as a combustible for the generation of Heat and Liqht." Ottawa, dated 28th June, 1867. No. 2399— WHELPLEY, (James Davenport,) a»d STORER, (Jacob Jones,) by Special Act, 29 and 30 Vic, Cap. 163, for " A new and useful process for the treatment of Metallic Ores and fuel pulverized in a peculiar furnace and a Eubsequent operation in the reduction of metal thus treated." Ottawa, dated 28th June, 1867. No. 2400— WHELPLEY, (James Davenport,) and STORER, (Jacob Jones,) by Special Act, 27 and 36 Vic, Cap. 163, for " A Spray Wheel for melting down and precipitating dust and noxious gas from furnaces." Ottawa, dated 28th June, 1867. No. 2401— OWEN, (TriWjam,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Reversible Rotary Steam Engine." Ottawa, dated 3rd January, 1868. No. 2402-CURRIE; (I^eil,) of tho City of Toronto, and CURRIE, (James,) of the City of Toronto, and OWEN, (William,) of the same City of Toronto, for " A new and useful Steam Injector for injecting water into Steam Boilers or Tanks, without tho aid of Pumps ; for lifting and hoisting purposes ; for driving water wheels, and for supplying Reservoirs with water." Ottawa, dated 3rd January, 1868. No. 2403— WILSON, (A'/red,) of the Village of Belle Ewort, in the County of Simcoe, for " A new and useful Self-acting Car CorpLBR." Ottawa, dated 7th January, 1868. No. 2404-WALES, (Henry BeMdiet,) of St. Andrews, in the County of Argenteuil, for "A new and useful drilling, planting, cultivating and potato-digging machine com- bined, called 'Wales' Combined Drilling, Planting, Cultivating and Potato-Digging Machines." ^itawa, dated 7th January, 1868. No. 2405— McMlCHAEL, (Lafayette D.,) of tho Township of Townshend, in the (;ounty ot >iorfolk, for " A new and useful apparatus for the Carbuietting and vpyulntlrn tks now of (Ji)i." Ottawa, datml 7th January, 18C8. 123 annty of Frontenao, 867. n, in the Conntf of Tho Metallic Hame inty of Lauark, for Ith June, 186T. lO County of York, rits of Petroleum." County of Durham) 67. ;y of Frontenao, for ra, dated 25th June, , in the County of A, dated 2Gth June, County of Kasex, proved motion for tho oscillating, re- , 1867. b Jones,) by Special eriser, for reducing ibstances including b Jones,) by Special the application of T." Ottawa, dated ') Jones,) by Special atment of Metallic )n in the reduction Jones,) by Special I and precipitating y of York, for " A January, 1868. E, (James,) of the , for " A new and s, without tho aid and for supplying County of Simcoe, auary, 1868. nty of Argenteuil, ing machine com- id Potato-Digging ownshend, in the ng and vpjTilatlnt ^^ " "'* '' ' ' * m i tt I ~ I | „ i i' i n' i -r , 7TiiT- ii aiw M^— No. a406-GEBOLAM Y, ( William Augtuiui,) of the Vlllogo of Tara, ip the TowniUip of Arran, in tho County of Bruce, for •< An Improved Fannlng-MiLL." Ottawa, dated 7th January, 1868. No. 2407— THOMPSON, (John,) of the Town of Woodstock, in the County of Oxford, for » Certain new and uieful Improvements In the Gang Plough.'' Ottawa, dated 8th January, 1868. No. 2408— MAllCH, (TTiMjam W.,) of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, for "A now and useful improvement in Habvjbsmhs." Ottawa, dated 9th January, 1868. No. 2409— ADAM, (John,) of the Town of Chatham, In tho County of Kent, for "A new and useful improvement in the mechanism of Fanning Mills, such improvement consisiiug in the peculiar arrangement of the Shafts and Pinions therein,— whereby the speed of the vibration of the shoe, screens and riddles is increased without the motion of the fans being at the same time increased." Ottawa, dated 9th January, 1868. No. 2410— QEISS, (William,) of the Town of Paris, in the County of Brant, for "A new and useful Lever for Sewing Machines (for taking up tho slack thread therein), called ' The Positive take-up Lbveb.'" Ottawa, dated 9th January, 1868. No. 2411— JACKSON, (Ilenry,) of the Town of Chatham, in the County of Kent, for "A new and useful double Cooking Stoti." Ottawa, dated 9th January, 1868. No. 2412— HARRIS, (David, ot the Town of Ingersoll, in the County of Oxford, for " A Curd DnrsB." Ottawa, dated 10th January, 1868. No. 241 3-EVANS, (Frank,) of the Village of Orilla, in the County of Simcoe, for '< A new and useful Trifoliate Hinqb, opening both Inwards and outwards." Ottawa, dated 10th January, 1868. No. 2414— REYNOLDS, (Patrick,) ci the Township of Sarnia, in the County of Lambton, for " A new and useful improved Horse Baku." Ottawa, dated loth January 1868. ' No. 2415— JOHNSON, (Jacob Smith,) of tho Town of Picton, in the County of Prince Edward, for "A new and useful Hay and Manure Fork, called ' The Dominion Fork.'" Ottawa, dated 11th January, 1868. No. 2416— CLEMENTS, (Fi«iani,) of tho Village ol Newbury, in the County of Middlesex, for " A now and useful Veneer Knifb." Ottawa, dated 11th January, 1868. No. 2417— LENHARD, (George,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful method of arranging springs for Bbds, Mattrassef, Seats of Sofas, Chairs and Ottomans." Ottawa, dated 13th January, 1868. No. :lll8— SMITH, ( Weslei/,) of the Town of Brantford, in the County of Brant, for " A new and useful compopition for the tanning of Hides and Skiss." Ottawa, dated 13th January, 1868. • • No. 2419— EASTMAN, (Sand/ord Moore,) of the Town of St. Mary's, iu the County of Perth, tor <■ A new and useful combined Foot Stove and Lantern, called < Eastman's Com- bined Foot Stove and Lantern.' ' Ottawa, dated 13th January, 18C8. No. 2420— PIKB, (John,) Assignee of Thomas Orsen Spencer, of the Ulty of Ottawa, In the Countyof Cftrlelon,fov " A new and useful Washing Maoui.nk." Ottawa, dated 14th January, 18C8. No.2421— DEEN, (Ci/fw*,) of the Village of Port Robinson, in the County of Welland, lor " A new and useful Force and Lift Pomp combined, to bo colled and known as ' Dean's Force and Lift Pump.'" Ottawa, dated 14th January, 1868. No. 2422— ASH, (George,) of the Township ot Brantford, in the County of Brant, for "Ash's Canadian Horse Grappling Fork." Ottawa, dated 14th January, 1868. No. 'J423— CLARK, (Barnahai,) of the Town of St. Catharines, in tho County of Lincoln, for "A new, useful nnd improved Corn Plastku." Ottawa, dated 14th January, 1863. No. 2424— UUUHES, (John Watmn,) of the Village of Schomberg, in the Township ot King, in the County of York, for "Certain new and useful improvements in Foot Wabmim." Ott»wn, dated 14lh January, 180S.. 124 'J ton f r.?l"~'^^^.°°*^' ^^"^^ •^''*'''> °^ »^« City of Ottawo, In th, Couuty of Owl*. WelUnd ZTkI^^ '1 """f , ''^'"'^'^ "' "" ^"'"S" "^ I'"'' Colborn,, ia the County o, or ..?nel""/^?.V"''"''^ "''"• '^""'«'' --^"'PPo-. inthecounty of WelUnd, or^..Ane.aadu,.fm Breech Loading Rifle and Gn«." Ot.uwa, dated 15.h January. Branffo^^fA"^^^'^'. ^•'^'"^''"' ''"'"'''"''^ ''^ '^^ ^own of Drantford, in the County of £r!868 ""'' " ""'"' ''"''*' ^"*""' Uhaouatob.- Ottawa, dated IC.h "Ijaal;;"^" '' "^""^''^'"'*' "' cast Mai..ab.o lao.- Ottawa, dated Who!i°r„^N^Irt"^^,; ^f*""""-) ''^ ">« City of Moutrail, for "A now and useful Fly Wheel CopHng I'BES.." Ottawa, dated 20tli January, 18G8. f.r ..?■ ^''^ '^'^^^UNE, (Z?onaW,) of tho Town of Port Hope, in the County of Durban. . wr A new and^^«ful di.covery, called ' Bethune'. new and improved mode of working Railway P ...g... Ottawa, dated 20th January, I8G8. and u'lefJl W^''''°^.f ''''' ^'^''""'''''^ "' "'" ^'*^ "^ "°"'^^"»'' ^'^^ " ^ certain new or As hSLi 7T IV'" n^anufacturo of subst.noes made from a mixture of T.r orAsphalteandBroI^en Stones and analogous sub.tanceR, to bo called ' The Concrete rarCoMPOsmoK.- Ottawa, dated 22nd January, 1 8G8. l.r uT ^"*--^0^^«l^. (•^'»'»«.) of the City of Hamilton, in thoCounty of Wentwortb. he calls The Hydropyroleon,' » Ottawa, dated 22ad January, 1868. of LincoirforT,?'''^"'''; (^'"*-^'^'"'"',) of tho Village of Smithvillo, in the County ofLlncoln, for "A new and useful Hay and Straw El.vato,.;- Ottawa, iated 17tb Jac newrnVn^fTS^!^'!*^""*''^"^ *'" ^"^ "f '^''"•'"»*''' ^"^^« County of Yoi, for "A new and us ful Nectar Cream Mineral WxTKa." Ottawa, dated 17th January, 18G8. Lincoln ^fS. .'a "^"^J^^^^' ^^'""""^'^ °' i^'^y^.^'^ of Smithville, in tho County of I^incoln. for A new and useful Carriage AVukeu" Ottawa, dated I7th January, 18G8 for "Tnfw 1";;^? ^ r?c'/""""^'^ °^ "'" '^'""''"' "^" «'>'PP°"». i"^ th« County of Welland, f„r ..a" -*f -^^^^UP, (^LancHot,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of IMontreal. for "A certain new and useful Railway Spike and Nail." Ottawa, dated 17th January No. 2440-.COOK, (iV«7.)ofthoTownof Prcscolt, in the County of arenvllle, for "A new and useful Door and Gate SpniN-a." Ottawa, dated 1 7th January, 1868. No. 2441-EADIB. (^George W.,) of the City of Montreal, for "A new and useful improrement in Spadks." Ottawa, dated 1 7lh January, 18G3. No. 2442-COOK, (^Solon Martin,) of the Town of Brantford, in the Count» of Bmnt Janofry^T^GT** useful machine for the Sharpening of Horse" Ottawa, dated 17th No. 2443-PEASE, {Quu Carleton,) of the City of Ottawa, in Iho County of Carleton , for " A new and useful Gatb." Ottawa, dated 14th January, 18GS. "" 'I {.""^"it'ij VL idc »i"»s« of Glcuwiliiams.iu the County nl-S^Il^J ^"' "^ °''^"'' ""'*""' improvement 5n Haistiows.-' Ottawa, dated 15th Jan, bounty gf OarI»> h January, 1688. in the County of t«wa, dated 14th inty of WelUnd, d 16(h January, 1 the County of [ydraulio Glita- n the County of iwa, dated 16 th >t " Curtain new Ottawa, dated xad useful Fly nty of Durham, oda of working 'A certain new mixture of Tar ' The Concrete of Wentworth, as FcKL, which in the County aied 17th Jac> Yo^, for " A y, I8G8. tho County of oary, 1808. ty of Welland, January, 1868. ct of Montreal, 17 th January, mville, for " A )w and useful UDty of Brant, *a, dated 17th ;y of Carleton > in the County «d ]$th Jan- lai Ho. 2448— LEM05, (Al/r*iJamii,) of the Township of Bererly, In the County of Wentworth, for " A new and nieful Potato DiooiH and Turnip Puller." O.tawa, dated 16th January, 1808. No, 2446— LEEMINO, {Sarah Coatei,) )f the City of Montreal, In tho District of Montreal, the wife of John Leomlng, of the kttme City of Montreal, for " The Introduction of certain improrements in Brick making Machines." Ottawa, dutud lOtb Janukry, 1863. No. 2447— DAMUDE, {Jacob,) of Fonthill, In the County of Welland, tor " A new and Improved Oatb, to be called 'The New Dominion Qata.'" Ottawa, dated 17th January, 18G8. No. 3448— INGE, (rAoma«/y«nry,) of the City of Toronto, In tho County of York, for " The introdnotlon of a new and useful apparatus for extinguishing flres, called * L'Extincteur or Portable Finic E.soin«.' » Ottawa, dated 18th January, 18G8. No. 2449— LaRUE, (Franeoii AUiandre mbert,) ol the City of gu«bec,and DUQUET (CyrilU,) of the same Clly of Quebec, for •' A now and useful Purifier of Magnetic Band, (Puriflcatour du Hablo M«gn6tiquo.) Ottawa, dated 20th January, 18G8. No. 2460 -GARRETT, (7um<(i,) of tho Township of Malahldo, in the County of Elgin, for " A new on J useful Mauure and Hay Elevating Horse Foim." Ottawa, dated 20th January, 1HG8. No. 2451— MoMURRAY,(,/am"■ "V h'. .ppllrt.- l'«l.rMarjr, 1888. * "*^ '"" '^'"'''y •""««■" Ott»w., dated I9tl, ^^r:mo"::7^^^^^^^^ «t. AtK.n.0. ,a the Couat, of vo.M;;^::r::^^.;::;~:;;^)-- -.. To.„tMo .« co..., or mor...' OlUw«, dated 20th Foblr^TS """• °' *'""'""'^ ^'"-'' «"'' «•"»- "A j:: ^":r^i^"r:iir^i:;i^.!!"r "^. <« tao count, or ox,.,, ^, Oated 22nd n.Lnmry, 1809. "''■' '"'^ '''*"«" 'Th« Improved Trace Buckle.'" Ottaw., mrr, 18CH. *''"*'"° ^"°* ■"'• S''o« ""<-."• Ottawa, datod 28th Fob- February. 18G8. ' '"' '° *''"" ' ^•"''' ^'•'^"' ^"""P-.' " Ottawa, dated 28.h Ottawa, dattd 23th February 1808 Atmodpherio Churn Da.h.b.' '- 18C8. ^"'"°« *"«' 1.00No„,za„..» Ottawa, dutud asth February, the County of iJoX TolTnZZT^'')' I"" °^ "'" ^""«" orKincardlne, iu No 2C08-LEEMINO (John ^ ZIT ' "^"^"^ '^"' ^'"^'""^y' l^GS. -w and UHcfu. u.uuh. Ov'^rk^own ^^H J "' ""?""' '"' "''"« ^''*'-'-"- ^^ coutinuous l.-ni„,„rMiac.rl Z Brr'^rl ,''„;' """"'" "^*'*' ^^ *"<» and other things.' ■■ Ottawa, dat'ad 28th F^bruly iJJs '' ''"'" """' '^'*^"' ^""^^ naldin.;, LT'^llVtl^.^;^^^^^^^^^ "'^ ^"- ^^ ^--'•"'•. 'n the County of to bo caned .Ila.nn. Movrr^. ^/^ rr^^^'; 'Tr ''' ''''''''' ^'"- No. 2.>12_MARENOO / <; T , *' ''''*''' ^"^"^ M«<=h, 1868. /or cigaruud cigarette mSi g ^^^^ ;^,^,;^"'!f ' ^^ .'l^ -- -'i uaeful .achin, 1868. ' ^'"' C'g'retto SfAKBR.' " Ottawa, dated 4th March, ■■ 1 n!: « u-rr^'^i.s:; !*• ™T^?'"'''°' '° "• ^°"°" °' «»-'«. " 10 Conntjr of York, ^tirwiM, bedi, iofiM, CTf mar h.» applied." 9 County of Kot folk, Ottswa, dated IDtli in tbo Couat/ of ho calif '0«lcotna- , In tho County of SriMPS and Ham. inty of Oxford, for Jucklo.'" Ottawa, ounty of Lincoln, , datod 28th Feb- inty of Leodi, for ttawo, dated :'8tU 1 tho Coanty of ULurn Dasiiih.' '• nty of Lcedi, for mlzing fuel to bo known ai ' The I asth Fobruary, u, in tho County >f Kincardine, in 88 'ElUwoith'u biuary, lecS. iutroduction of : OvKNs for the Ware, Pottory let of Montreal, ana, dated 3nd )unty of Drnce, tho County of iprovod Fence b, 1368. tbo County of seful machine ;ed 4th March, if Ontario, for wa, dated 4th M.reh, n««. AO,„.ll„|, 1UI„ Vf,te, CmoTO." (,11.,., d.Ud 1.1b March, 1868. °'"' """^ °"""" t "rnnces." Ottawa, dated lOth lod .,. KcouomiZ ; r!:'"«otL:r; r^um' T'' r """^ ^"«'' '- • - Oxford, called ' l-atent Sa«h Supporter and Fa^tcer.' " Oltaw^at dril 868 "* ^^""'''' No. 252r.-PALMKR, (./„.,;,,) of tho City ^f Otl v „ t Co 1" of r- , , , " A now and useful metbod of mauufaCMinK Headn for F lh,t 1 S„^ ,"*""' ^'"" •P.lmer'H new and i.nproved ,„ethod of ,tanu It „, Sh for'^Ho^^^ t"""" " OtUwa, dated mth March, 1H08. ^ ^^^ ""'P"° "pr'ngH.- " No.'2520_HOWAUD, (./.,«,.,) of tbo Cif r of Hamilton, in tho County of W«nt»n „ for ..A new and UHcful fi-colorcd Signal L.m. - Ottawa, dated 13th M ^ I '" ' No. 2C27-INCE,(7V,«m.,,,) of tbo City ofToronto In *. T No. 2028— WAnO, (\h:a,ii:ler FiM,) of the Townshin of tl... r nr .-^ , Improved Valvo Gear for Cro.«.cutliuK Lon.s." 0(t«,va, dated l.lth March 1808 No. 252!)_COPKLAND, (/>„,•„»,<•„ r7,7A.,0 of the dty of Montreal in L DM , . No. 25ao-IUUNEV. (.,„/,„ y.„„,,) of the City of Toronto, in tho County of York No 2632-BOISSONNAULT, (.V,r/,o^,; /w,W„rf.) ..f tho City of Ottnwa for an No. 253.',-WILSON, (^oA« Wi,UamO Of the TowuBbip of William., in ,h„ c...- of HiadU.M, lor ^ A now and useful,. • Ottawa, dated Mti> Mnroli,""l8n«" ' 130 ,^V> No. 263i-WILDER, (^Mathev, Euphrktus,) of the Township of Ononda^ i7thc paints, Ottawa, dated 16th March, 1868. <.uleton, for A ne,r Sle»m TiitWno Md. notary Enj-ln- o.llcd ■ T,,.„ . v ai..A.v Otto., .llT?™' ^^;:2 w"^^^^^ *'^^^"^«^ ^-*-^ - t'- District o. of cio:^.! ,~i , s fs f"'" 1 "" "'"^ "' """-"'■ '» "» ^•'"•'■i.' ,,0. .*tane..;^ J: ™':i:ri.''„7,*f ". *" """''" """ °"'°' °°"'- No, 254!)~.MUDGE. r^,A^/ «'„WA.,-..^,.».^!_ ,. ._. . or Uxford, for " A new and MHi^M!^Z„'i^ r '""^'''"'' °' '»<^"''eim, in tho County Carriugo.; Ottawa, dlted BOtrMLr^fof "' *''^'"'^ ^^ "^^'^-^ "«S^- nnd oth.. Onondaga, in the ing and mixin,^ of in tho Cuuntjr of ' Ti-nnisK-VAPEurt- M, in the County I Ladies FijiK.\n.' " lUntyofCompton, c-tiiro of Seamles* ■ iship of HawkcK- oring tJie hubs of farch, ]868. n the County of ntoil 2nrd March. County of York, f and useful im- itcd 23rd Mavcli, fi the County ol ilo-headof Spin- iVn;j."' Ottawa, n the District of ted 2(th March, tlio District of useful FcnxAOB d steel plates." Qty of Simeon, wa, dated 27tli tof MontreaJ, ting lieat and d .'lOth March, mnty of Nor- / Ottawa, dated r of Tork, for g beer, uallol , ISGS. ho Township rovements in J other anal- 1 the I'ounty OS and other 131 No. 2560— BARCLAY, (Robert,) of Paris, In tho County of Drant, for « A certain now nod useful improvement in tho construction of Sewing Macbims." Ottawa, dated ls( April, 1868.1 No. 2551— LAMOUUEUX, {Damaie,} of tho City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, for "A new and useful Curb for Pavements, to bo known us —CllA'D\VlCK, (benjamin Ihock,) of the City of Hamilton, in the Count.v' of Wontwoith, Assignee of Lewis Baxter, of tho Village of Ridgeway, in the County cf Welland, foi Anew and useful Petroleum Gas Fi'bxace." Ottawa, dated 15th April, 1868. No. 2500— BLAKi;, (O'tvrye,) of the Town of Whitby, iu tho County of Ontario, for 'I ■' A new ani nv ful oscillating ?>a? Ottawa, dated 15th April, 1898. i..« ,....^.1 t» connection witl J 32 No. asOT-^MUNOEB, (John (£v^6nh«'o^''' •',Y~^~"~^-'''''''^--^=='*^^*«»» »^"ex, and HUNGER, ( riLref^^^^V^: rZf' "/?.'"'^^«'«'' - ^^^ Couut, «r , ".«ful aA«,to be called . M„„; r-B aIZ r ' ''°^''^'""'^' '"' "^ "^ «d Innisai, in tho County of Simcoe for « forta n '*' '" "'" T*"^"»»»'P «' Ci«Ks." Otte,v«, dated isth April, 18GS ""l^'-"^'«°'««<« m tho .construction of Iron ^on::,:r:i^^^t;:i!:::;:^t 1^^"^°'^''-''^ "- -^-^^-or 15th April, laoa. """■'""" ^^" <"'« 'n«l<'>'ff -f ]!,„cks." Ottawa, dated No. 3:,ri-DI0KKnrT ,L. ; ^'''''"''. '•»*«! Kith April, if.^68 I1.>»S. ly providing .„Il.b,„ ,„„ti|.„„„ , „, ' , '" """'. *'■««. Ovorall, „d <.ll„, i5e HiY-FonKs." Ottiwa, dated 220.1 A>r " -;t:i:t:^;^f :;,^;:;;:>^;^^^^ -^ ^^^HL,, la the 00^., of on arlo. -ents added to be .,e„o.nin„ted 'ZTol'T^^:'^^^^^^^^^^^ . Ottawa, dated 22nd April, iSGi. Ilomm.on General Purpose Plouga.' ' 'or ''''^'nt.'a:^ZnS^^ 1 1"" T,'? '' ''■ ^''^>'-' '" "- ^'-°«^ of Pert. '^-Sb.. « Ottawa, datedYard Tp.;, isg:. "'"^^ ""' -■"^'^" ''^ ' '^''^ °- Jscanf Ea.; 133 ) the Oouat/ gf OT "A new and ith ApMI, 1868. i Township of truction of Iron ho District of Ottawa, dated >f Haldimand, Dty of Oxford, 1 Pocking Ma- ntjr of York, d IGth April, District of lis and other 3ro perfectly i»ty Of StdM. «." Ottawa, ' County of ttawa, dated 3urliam, for Wringer.' " the City of «nd useful ^pril, 1,868. lie County ■^v, Sin AW 7Ui April, Jc,for 'I A mortaias bounty of m'i Sub- laatings, ;ed 2iwl On utio, mprore- louga.' ' f Perth, im Eare . ,^p. 2584— LESSEll, (J/a;w,) of the City of Montreal, In the County o: Uooholaga, for "A new and useful article of womnn'» wearing apparel, to wit, 'an appendage to the «KiBT.' " Ottawa, dated 2:Jrd April, 18G3. No. 2585-McKELCAN, {Frederick Fuyne,) of the City of Montreal, in the County of Hochelaga, for <• A now and ujrful Stov», called < The Ultimatum Stove.' " OtUwa, dated 33rd April, 18G8. No. 2680— SENN, {Mark Anthony,) of the Township of Sbuth Cayuga, in the County of Haldimand, and HAGNEY, (Corn^/iiM,) of the lame Townahlpof South Ca>-ngB, for " A new uud useful CianN, called ' The Ontario yueen Churn.' " Ottawa, dated 25th April, 1808. No. 2587— THOMPSON, (Alcxandiir,) of the Township of WawanosU, in the County of Huron, for " A new aud useful Steam Hock Dbill and stone dressing Machioo." Otta^ wa, dated .10th April, 18U8. No, 2588-HAMILTON, (William,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of Voik, and HAMILTON, ( inV^WMj, .7;^.,; of the Jiamo City of Toronto, for " A new and useful Machine for pressing Plug Touacoo." Ottawa, dated and May, 1 808. No. 2583— GOING, (Uenry,) of Wolfe Island, in the County of Frontona;, for " A new and useful combined Mowing and Ucaping Macuink.'^ Ottawa, dated 2ua Moy, 18G8. No. 2500— WEAOANl, (Henry Ludwick,) of the Village of Morrisburgh, lu Ihti County of Dundstf, for "A new and useful machine for cutting Slats, called 'The HIat Cutter.' " Ottawa, dated 2nd May, 1 8(ja. No. 2591— HEALY, (Jetae Marliu,) of the City of Ottawa, In the Coinly of Carlolon, for " Certain now and useful improvements in tl.e Ppokes and Hubs of Whikls." Ottawa, dated 2nd May, 1808. No. 2592— REID, (Robert Uerald,) of the Township of Walsingham, in th« County of ^orfolk,tor " A now and useful Washing Macuinic, named ' The Dominion Steam Wa-ih- Jng Machine.'" Ottawa, dated 6th May, 1803. No. 2593— ROCIIFOIID, (Qeorge Benjamin,) of the Town of llowinanville, in the County of Durham, for "A new and useful Self-Heating Smoothing Iiio.-*, called 'Roch- ford'a Self-heating Smoothing Iron.' " Ottawa, dated 0th May, 1808. No. 2594— GOODALL, (Charlee,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, foj " A new and useful Inclined Grnovo Stove Pipe FAHTKNua." Ottawa, dated Clh May 18G8. No. 2595— RKLYEA, (Ueorge Van Ne,l\) of tho Town of Jielloville, in the County of Uaatiogs, for " A new and useful Trim for Jlernia, to be known as ' Tho Uelyoa Truss.' " Ottawa, dated 'I'th May, 1808, No. 2590- CORNWALL, (Joshua Starr,) ol the Township of lieverly, in the County of Wentworth, for " A new and useful Water Klivatob." Ottawa, dated Hth May, 18CS. No. 2697— STEPHENSON, ( iyniiam,) of tho Village of Knatchbull, in tho County of Ualton, for ' . new and useful Wrought Iron Plough Buabh. " Ottawa, dated 1 1 th May 1868. No. 2698— LAKE, (haae Spencer,) of the Village of HulUviUo, '.a tho County of Haldimand, for "A now and useful OATB,to bo called ' Tho Canadian t>onilaion Gat**.'" Ottawa, dated nth May, 1808. Np. 2599 -WILTON, (CAu// H« a?y Rsrky Fork.' ' ' Oitasa, dated 18th May, 18t;>!. *7 134 s^csaxai '%. o-o;'L!::;;r.™';:;;\r;rrir;:;''':s°'"r'''"'^' " "- ^■""'■' OctaH d.M2S:hM., i8(iB *"""""•'"""''>" «M»n'"l«mi,tc,i„Sp„o«T.,,." Ottawa, d«ted 2Gth May, I8G8. ^ """ """^ ^'"'♦« '»♦«* ^''''^^'''■" intbfDr'c7ofSint1ol'" Pr«p' the Pun.n »• , , ' ' °''"^'* "'"'"^ improvements in the 'Force dUed 30tl. May, I8G3 ' "'' """'"'"' '^"" ^'"'^*^" -"'< l*?^""' "'" " Ottawa, of oiJ^'^rTr n™;i^:;i^irj: /i ^" "r ^"^ "^'"'^ '^^ ^^'"""^-' - ^"^ *^-"tv ror or other Sap. Otl^ireti^M^'^.^;: ^^'"^^'""' ^^'^ ^"^ ^^ -> «:• Nor,hnn,be.,an..>r ' A '^ ,;,: .Mr ' ^ ^ '^ ''"'^" "^ "°*^°"^^' '» *- bounty Pd->"..r^ :. n.'-- . / . °'''^"' •"""■'''"« '»■ '^PI"»™tu3 lor matin,. nfn..r...^ Dorchester, in tlid Spinning Whki.h, oinlnton Spinning York, for "A new tlio^Couoty ol Oii- ror LogPoMi', td.- Berolvinpf Crank oCouuty of I'rrlli, together Ilailway in- tho County of tfachine or Imple. rd, In the County tcrine Scpponraii." rd, in the Couuly 8 into Lumber." ihip of Clevelnnd, 8 in tho 'Force connection with d useful CoiuiH- manufiioturo c r of Eouvlllf, for , 18G8. )istrlctof Boaii- eStenm KuginoR I ounty of Brant, Ottawa, (latoil •f Montreal, for miock. ti^ltand me." Ottawa, I, in the County PnBSM and Mill t of iionheai, IS, called ' Tho luo, 18C8. ia the County om iJttilwayp, latod4UiJunp, ' ^liu, in thp ffof Oisfrc-ns 135 No. 2610--NICHOL, (Jamet,) o/ tlm Township of Nelson, in tho County ot naltou, for " A new and useful Machine or apparatus: for olraning tha Boilers of gte^m Ewisus." Ottawa, dated 30thMay, 1SC3. No. 2620— 4NDERS0N, (_RuOert,) of tho City of Toronto, in tho County of York.for ' A now and useful machine or apparatus, for tho coupling of tha foro and hind pans of fiarriages, intended to supersede what is sometimes called tho ' li'ifth "Wiieel • thereof, and tho king bolt, to bo called ana known as ' Anderson's Safety Ooui-lin'o.' ' Ottawa, datod •fth June, 1863. No. 2621— MILLS, {Mortimer JJlrdtell,) of (lie Villago of SparU, in tho County of Kssex, for "A now and useful machine for slltohing Hnrnois, to be called ' Jlills' improv- pd Stitching Hohsb.' " Ottawa, dated 13vh June, 1803. No. 2622— LECKIE, (iJo6(!rt,) ot Acton Vulo in tho County of Bagot, for "Anew and useful machine or apparatus us3d for producing illuminating Gas fioin Crude Putn - Icum or other similar substances." Ottawa, dated .Jth Juno, 1SG3. No. 2023— GRANT, (.ffo6'o«««,iof tho Village ot Danvillo, in tlio Dintdct.of St. Francis, for '• Certain now and uselut iinprovemouts in the aiticlo ot manuf.ictnru ft-om India Rubbei, (commonly calloa a ' Wmtihoi Sinu'' ) applied to door* and also to tho windows of Houses and and railway coaches, for thn purpojis of cn^luding tho wcatlmr anl dust." Ottawa, datod 18th June, 1868. iU 3' rearer" '"• "-^'-^ "-•- -■ -'-rMirr- -; No. 2635-NORTON. (.A.A«,) oftho To^n.hip of Yarmouth, in tho Oounty of K.gla or A new .nd «.eful n,.chino or App.«tu. for «wln, «nd boring timber Jlod .Nor' .oa-, 8.wing .ad Borlug M*on.x.; - OtUwa, d.tcd 1 8th Juno, . 808 No. 2e36-.DAYFOOT, (/oA„ i»„//o.*,) of tho Village of Georgetown in the Countv l-J^ementon .certajn m.hi. forc^traotin,. rS ^.^ McG?0Cn''.7A''f 'IIl'^'^' ^■"''•? "' "" '''"•«° "' ^^""-- =° ">» f^-'-ty of Elgin, .n.1 o b. c. iod Tl "":; , T'"I '"P'°'--' '" ^•""''»«« «'-"-.. tho impLd spring al of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for <■ A now and „«„f„l ,..„,ook to be called and knowna, 'The Detector Lock.- Ottawa, dated loth June, 18G8 ' No. 2041_KLINOENMEIKR, (/oA„ MaMa,,) of tho Town of St. Catharine, in the county Of Lincoln for •■ A now and u.aiU. articlo of manufaoturo, the .amo be g a k„ J^ .UtlJlS 'r ;?8c;"""^^"'"""'- """"^ ^^-''^ ^^^^« - '^"^"- ^■"'''-t' " Ottawa.' No. 2042-MAKENao, (.W,.,) of tho Parish of St. in tho County of Ibervi 10. or "A certain new and useful machine or apparatus intended to diminish th« n^ual frict on between the axles and hoxrs in tho hub. of wheels in wheeled vehdes and between .haft, and their Journals in Mach.k.hv. ' Ottawa, .iated intll Juno, 18G8 No. 2G43-1IUKPMAN, (0«r^.,) of the T.wnship of IK-rlio, in tho County of WolUnd i Lnded tir ""T ''""" " ^^'""*"' ^" '""^'"« ^'^y -" «^'-' *'--e ting' IH died Huflman's Hay and Straw B.Mn.a.' " Ottawa, dated 20tU June, 1808 w";.^;:.:i:'re:;or;:orTi^ ■■" '^- -— « -vhee^d r,, ..?■ ^^*''-^^^^^^> (^'«a«*r,) of the Township ,.r li trfard, in tho County of Kent for .. A new and useful Machine for dressing or patting the ncce^s'ary face on Ami Sto^e I to be known .s - Oib.o„-s Improved Mil, Stonn mr,.r.n.''' Ottawa, dated .0th jZ, No. 204e-WKSTLrcK, (.M„.) of the Township of Hope, f „ the County of Durh.m or .. A now and useful Agricultural Machine or Implement fo; sowing seed anJ .r iS Manure ate same time, callod < Westlick's Canadian Combined So,d Pn,r., - o t!w datud 20th Jiin3, 18G9. ^^*> No. 2e47~OAQE, (Roberi,) of the City of Iflngston, in tho County of rronteuao fo. •• A certam new and useful Improvement in tho Machin;, or Apparatus .l.lTor ba Ir POS. of qUIItini?, And ,omtB.^*l» r-n,^ . Qli»Mn~ «•».«- • •• -■ ^ j^gjg - ■ ■' • "^-"H fSArf.:,, ■ uttRwn, uat.Hi goih June, 137 Countj of Kent, boring: and mor. mjiT..'" Ottawa, bounty of Klgln, or, cftllod < Nor- n, In (he County :)ent Tftn Bark," a, in the County 1 now and u8otul oLcttrri Patent !nd of Ootobor, y of Elgin, and forming Jtfetal mty of Mlddlo- iiprovod Spring ith June, 1868. loloinew Lalor , I'adloor, to bo I I barinos, in thn leing A Knead< noatic urtiolcti, »t'" Ottawa, lie County of diminith the lvehiclo«,and I, 18C8. yofWoIIand, lu same being 10, and wliicb 38. if Northum- of Wheeled nly of Kent, Mill Stoneit 20th Juno, of Durham, 3(» artlflclol "• Otttiwa, intonao, for or tba pur- aoiK June, No, 2648— PATRICK, (tfoor^fl Moniion,) of the Clly ot Ottawa, in tbo County of rarloton, for " A uow ami ug»ful Machine or Apparalus to be applied to SliioOs, Railway Dumping Care and otiuic Cnrringoa for carrying doad woigbt, fortho purpoioof faoilitating the unloading thnrcof." Ottawa, dated J Itb Juno, 1R6R. No. 2018— llAKKU,(^;rnr/;<) .A.rwc*,) of tho Town of Oakvlllo, liithn County of Halton l4» " A new and Improved Washing Maouink." nttawa, dated 6th June 18(18. No. ae.-.O— Corr, ( Witli-m .hnfph,) of tho city of liamlUon, in the Coon i v of Went- wortli, for " A (orlaln uow imd luofiil Improvement lu Fibbdoi.h and Oroni* < t Cooking Btoroa, Cooking Stovoji with tho Buld improroment to bo called ' Copp'a cold air Kiredoj and lolf ventilating liot nir Oyon.'" Ottawa, dated 30th June, 1808. No. ■J(!ni-KM,KUSIIAITSI':N, (Frnnris,) of tho City of Montreal, In tho Dlitrlot of Montreal, for '■ A now aud iiHoful procooe fur the manufaoturo of Oast Htkhi. and Malloablo Iron from Ca«tT(nn." th July, igflg' ' ' "^ '' ' '^"'' ''"'*''= J'-e-C>«im 139 t. Maurice, for " A oe, 1868. 'ounty of Onfario, 13 ior tbo purpose ilatod 27(li Jun -, in the County of Claw Horse Ifny inty of Hastings, hino." Ottawa, of York, for "A called ' Collett's Junfyof.Middle- )wu 08 'Merrill'* lunty ofHalton, ig and Mowing ■ounty of Haldi- »wa, dated 10th t of Quebec, for nd chain Tiller Ueering Appar- 1 the County of i Meal into the 6th July, 1868. n the County Id CLEMENT, ■ " A new and ited loth July, in the County ig of Milk and Township ot s for Churning 38. Igin, assignee ding driving. nty of Essex, OD of making ng therefrom y of Middle. 31, dated 1 4th UontroaJ, for ; Jcc-rrsam No.2680-PANNIN1, (JoAn,)oftho Town of Petrolia, In tht County of Limbton, for " A new and usefu' . acdini for washing clothes, called < The Improved Waahiag Machine.'" Ottawa, dated 16th July, 1868. No. 2681— MERRILL, (CAar/«jZ«,) of the City of Loudon, iu iLo County of Mld- (lleiox, for " A new and useful Machine for pumping liquids, to bo called ' MorriU'a Counterbalance Combined Suction and Forcu Pump.' " Ottaw.;, dated '.Ath July, 1868. No. 2082— JAMES, XC/tar;».M,,18.S. "'•°''"'' "'»'»"■»'• Hj1™»II=E«Bi...» Oll„.,d.„«, ,„. n.i) -1 .rr,.. »> .' ^ "°^ and useful Manuiactcre. to wit • a p:* c^^ tt^,- . . -...-I .u,.u.,eyi5»,-" Ottawa, dntedth0 4tb August, isVsV '="' '' ^■?. UI B County of Uid- Ward's Imperial inly of WelliDg- le Double Acting » tho County of (efacalfi Butter 'unty of Oxford, niodgett'B Hay- tho District of rm weather, to tho 28th Jul-, t, for " Certain wa, dated the unty of Haldl. ve.>" Ottawa, •untyoffeter- 1 ' ■Williams's ho County of to bs called ■be Township SpiiiNo, to bo ttontreal, for cles of mer- •'■' Ottawa, District of and useful isaisquoi, in ' motion to , dated the County of and useful r. and W. iiu, iu the od the 3rd cott, in the No. 3713-ANaEB, (AltMntUr,) of the Towiuhlp of Bertie, in the County of Wei. land, for " A now and useful Mioiittia or Appahatcb for the Heating and Ventilating of lUilroad Cars, Houses and Buildings and Kilns for drying purpoaee." OtUwa, dated th« Sth August, 1808. No. 2714— I'lmsToy, (_l'otUr,) of the Village of Bethany, In tue Township of Man- vers, in the County of Durham, for "A new and useful MAOm.Nr or Watib Whml for Mlll-driving purpose?, to ba tailed ' Preston's Direct Pressure Voluted Conoid Turbtoe Wheel.'" Ottawa, dated the 10th August, 1808. No.27l5-BOWEIlMAN,(/*a«c JifaiUll,) of the Township of South Norwich, In the County of Oxfurd, for " A new and useful Macbini or Toot, namely, a Vioa, to be known as ' Tho Universal Adjustoble Vice.' " Ottawa, date . the 10th August, 1808. NO.2710-LAMBKIN, (Philo,) of the Village ofBioeburg, in the District of Bedford, fjr "A uew and useful Portable Self-adjusting Pmoi." Ottawa, dated 10th August, 1868. No. 2717— KOBERTS, (Francit,) of tho Township of West awilllmbury, In the County of Slmcoe, for " A now and useful Machine or Apparatus for the purpose of cuU ting and destroying Thistks and other weeds, such Machine or Apparatus to be attached to and ustd in connection with any ordinary plough either by means of a shear bearer or or shear point, such Machine or Appar.»tu8 to bo called ' Robert's Thistle Cdttir No. 3." Ottawa, dattd 17'th August, 1868. No. 2718-DOTy— (JoAn,) of the Town of OakvUle, in the County of Halton, for" A new and useful Machine for the upsetting of Axlis." Ottawo, datad 19th August, 1868. No. 2719-PEARCE, (Stephen Theodore,) of the Village of Buckingham, in the County of Ottawa, for "A certain new and useful Improvement In the art of mechanically separating from each other without tho use of water, air, or any fluid particles o( mineral or other substances which may bo mixed together and having specific gravities dififoring from tach other, the said Improvement to be called ' Pearce's Improved Method of Dry DnEssma ' ; and also ior twocortam new and useful machines, the use of which are necosoary to tUo carrying out and effecting of such improvement ; the first of which said machines Is to be called or known as ' Pearce's Centrifugal Ssparatob,' and the second thereof as ' Pearce's Cone Sbtaratob.' " Ottawa, dated 4th August, 1809. No. 2720-GILPILLAN, (WUHam,) of the Township ol Marmora, In tho County of Hastings, for » A new and useful mRchlne namely : a Spring for the doora of Railway Cars or Carriages, to be called ' Tho Reverse Pressure Car Door Spring."' Ottawa, dated a4th August, 18G8. No. 272I-MARKLE, (/,*.« j5wci,) of the VilUge of Elmira, in the County of Waterloo, for •' A certain new and useful Improvement In ploughs, namely : In the attach- ing of the points to tho shares thereof, ta be called < The Unlversul Moveable Plough Shara Poisi.'" Ottawa, dated 24th July, 1868. No. 2722— LEWIS, (Jiie/uird,) of Melbourne, In the County of Richmond, for" A new and useful Gat», namely : 'An inclined or gelf-closing Uite.'" Ottawa, dated 12th August. 1808. No. 2 72:)— UlLFILL AN, ( mtliam,) of tl^e Township ot Marmoro, in the County of ' Hastings, for " A new and useful Machine, namely : a spring ffir doors and gates, to bo colled ' the Double Acting rtvi-rse Pressure Door and Gate Spbino.' " Ottawa, dated a4th July, 1868. No. 2724— FERGUSON, (/Juvi(i Cameron,) of the Town ol Scarboto, iu the County of York, for " Certain new and useful improvements in the suction Pump for raising water, the Pump with such improvements to be called ' Fertjuson's improved Pcicp."' Ottawa, dated 24th July, 18C8. No. 272.';_ST. JACQUES, {Antoine,) of the Parish of S t, Anno d' Vamachiche, in the jjp^imyofst Mftvuf>e, for "A certain new and nipfiil composition i>f matter forming a 20 *'5 % ■'l^^h^il^^ Balm for tbo r«Hef of Cough,, called ' D«.ime odoucliuut pour 1« tout.' '■ Ottawt. dtUd 'i4(n July, 1808. ^ No. 2t2fl— GREEN, (freeman,) of tho Towu.hip of 8«tfl«et, In it . County of W«nt. worth, for » A cortuio now anU m.ful improrement on the Spinning Wmt, to b« called or known ■■ < Kreoinan flrcor.'e Canadian Spinning Whael."' OtUwa, dated aOtli July. 18(J8. " No. 2T27-.lvKKFKa, (,»AV/.aW,./r ,) of tho Town.hip of Vaughnn, in the County of \ork, for '-A corUIn now auU usoful Impioremont in lustrumonU for unlowling or otherwiio removing hey, .traw, corn nnd other tuoh lilio proUuo tho UaT.foilc with luch improvement .viUcd to bo callmi ' Koofof:. Uarpoon lUv-FonK.'" OlUwa, datf d 10th Augutt, 1863. No. 2728— LEAN, (liodtfkk,) of tho Townaiiip of Eaatiiope, in tbo County of Perth, for " A new and ugeful maohlnr, namely ' A I'unching Dia." Ottawa, dated 6th Angnit 1868. ' No. 2720-aENTESSB, (C'.m Ottowa, dated lOth Augutt, 18C8. No. 2730— DAVIS, (AJolp/ms,) of tho City of Montreal, in tho Dipttl«t of Montreal for 'A new and uneful adf-Coimm for llsilway C«r», to be called ' Davl.' Self-Coupiel for Railway Cars.' ' OtUwa, dated 20th August, 1868. No. 2731-BLAKE, (George,) of tho Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, for » A new and uiofui self-acting Semapiiouic for Hallway purposes." OtUwa, dated 22nd August, 1868. No. 2732-CLOTHEK, (KicharJ Uenr,/,) ot tbo Viilago of Kmptville, in the Co^uty of Orenvilie, for "A new uud useful Machine for the purpose pf drying clothes, aaid " machine to bo called 'Tho Escolslor Clothes Hanqkr.'" Ottawa, dated 22nd August. 1808. * ' No. 27.13— BENTLEy,((,Vo/-^eIK««A.ny<9n,) of tlw Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, for "A now and useful Machine for Qummlng Saws, to , bo' calUd • IJenUey's Saw Gumroer, Uriuder and Upset."' Ottawa, dated 22nd August, J8^8. No. 273.t-HAMMOND (John rale,) of tho Town of St. John's, in tfaL District of Iberrille, for " A new and useful Machine for ruislng water, to be called ' The Common Sense Pump.' " Ottawa, datod 22nd August, 18G8. No. 2733— LAUAUD (Keffinald,) of the Village of Oahawa, in tho County of Ontai io, for " A new and useful improvement in the method of securing spring head^ la the.oon- •tructionof apring mattmssoa and other nrticleB where spiral springs Me used, to he called 'Larard'a Patent Button Head ATTAonMKKi."' Ottawa, dated a6t.h August, 1868. No. 2730— COONE, (James,) i.f tho Village of Manilla, in thr County of Victoria, for " Certain new and useful inre/<,).olthe Town of Wen Sound, In the County of Grey, for "A now nnd useful improvement in the manner of hnngirg and fesiening Gates, to bo called < Stephen's self locking adjustable Hinge and Latch.'" OttawiL dated 27th August, 18C8. No. 2738— McCALL, (A'dwiii Hobttt,) ut the Township of tharlotteville, in tl»e County of Norfolk, for '• A uew nnd usfrfiU Machine for tho purpose of gauging the depth of furrow in ploughing land, to be caliod ' Mi Call a Improved Plough G ami *" Ottawa dated 27th August, 1803. ' No. 2739— Mahi., (J^nn:,,) ot the 'J'o^vh8hip wt Wootihouso, in tbo County of NoMblk ■ A certain new iind useful imnrovpinmif. tn ).;< « t>]/,>.„i, n..! > , »» » tur " A certom new iind useful improvement to hia «riouffh Oijl.]* nr.-i H"''^' he obtained LctUTS I'ntcnt for the Province of Canada i" the ytnv ISOO." Oltnwn, dated ■-'Sth Augusl, mr.H. day of June, Ottava, dtUd junty of W«nt. lu, to b« called Ui«d :)Oth July, t the UouQty of unloAdiog or vfotic withiuoh twa, dutrd 10th Jountjr or Perth, od Sth Angait, rict of Moutreal, 9edi and gralao awa, dated lOth ;( of Moutreal, U' BeirCoupler Jatario, for •' A 9d22adAuguit, , ia the Coi^aty \fS olotbei) said J 22ud August, ikcring, in tlit ■ calUd ta Dittrict of ■ Tile ConmoD nty of Ontai io, di< la the uoa- >ra used, to be Angiut, 186«. 3f Victoria, for 1 aTth Augtut, in the County and fMteaixig Ottawis ^t«» '•^■^l »■„„<, VKr-'uT "'"""i *"«'H«i Soplcmbcr, IBM. ... «d=:s;j?r^l^™!!::^>.°' ^f"^'"'. '" "■' '■»-. «' «"d,.... ,„ , A,i,:"7";u:""7"Tr*''"^^ *""''*""^y of enow and mud lU M No. 3753~JOHNSON, (Robert Wellington,) of Tihonbary, in the Township of Dereham, in the County of Oxford, for " A new and useful tackle and Levor Power Stump Extract, ing Machine, to be called 'Johnson's tackle Lever Power Stump MAcnixB." Ottawa, dated 5th Aug! st, 1868. '' No. 2734— VASS, (David,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, for " A now and moM Teicscopio Fire Escape Laddkb for rescuing the inmates of burning houseg to be called' Vass' Telescopic Fire Escape Ladder.' " Ottawa, dated 24th Jul", 18G8. No. 2755— PROWSE, (^George Roger,) of the City of Montreal, in the Distr' ' of Mon- treal, for "A new and useful fmproTed Washing Boilib for tho purpose of cleaning or removing iajpuritles from clothes, by the rapid circulation of boiling water through" the boiler, called ' Prowse's improved Washing Boiler.' " Ottawa, dated 28th August, 1868. No. 2756— CUMMINGS, (George Waihington,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for "A now and useful Machine for the purpose of making Bricks, to bo called • The New Dominion Brick Pbhbs.'" Ottawa, dattd 4th September, 1868. No. 2757-ANDERSON, (Jamee Way,) of the Township of Amcliasburgh, in the County of Prince Edward, for "A new and useful wire and slat Ponce with equal wire tension windlass, to be called • The Dominion Fence.' " Ottawa, dated 4th September 18G8 No. 2758-LAWRENCB, (Jacob,) of the Village of Palermo, in the County of Halton, for "A new and useful improvement on Reaping and Mowing Machines, namely : the addition of a geared winrllass thereto, for raising and lowering the Cutter Bar, with eaoe, at the will of the operator, to be called 'The Cutter Bar AnjcsTEn.' " Ottawa dated Olh September, 1868. ' No. 2759-CORDINaLEY, (William George,) of tlie City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, for "A new and useful Machine or Apparatus for cooking meat or vegetables by either steaming or boiling." Ottawa, dated 7th September, 1868. No. 27SO— BLACK, (Norris,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Hand Shuttle Sewing Machitie, #hioh he calls ' Black's Sewing Maohinu.'" Ottawa, dated 7th September, 1868. vii; ;No. 2761-JONES, (Benjamin Potter,) of the City of Ottawa, in tbo County of Carle- ton, for " A new and useful Window Holdeb or support dispensing with cords and weights now in ordinary use, to be called 'Jones' Improved Sash Press and Holder."' Ottawa dated 8th September, 1868. ' No. 2762-ROBERGE, (David,) of the City of MoDtreal, in the District of Montreal, for "A new and useful improved Hobsb Shob, for curing and preventing lameness in horses, to be called ' Roberge's improved Horse Shoe, for curing and preventing lameness in Horses.'" Ottawa, dated 9th September, 1868. No. 2763-HAMILTON, (William,) of the City of Toronto, iu the County of York, for « A now and useful Improved Varnish Paint." Ottawa, dated 9th September 1868 No. 2764-GALIBBRT, (Theodore,) of the Ci*y of Montreal, in the District of Mon- treal.for the introduction of "A new and useful Respiring Apparatus permitting tlie wearer to penetrate and remain without danger, in places whore ordinary breathing is impossible cither from foul air or smoke, called 'Galibert's Respiiiiko Apparatus or ' Ap- pareils Respiratoircs.'" Ottawa, dated i2th September, 1868. No.- 2765-DIMMA,(7'/wMia»,) of the Township of Scott, in the County of Ontario, for " A new and useful Lever spinning Wheel for the purpose of spinning Wool." Ottawa dated 4th September, 1868. ' No. 2766-PARSON,(irjWiam,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for «' A new and useful method by which to connect toffetber thD peg fount, and stand of Glass Limps without the use of cement." Ottawi, ^tcd, rih September, 1 868.' No. 2767-ANDERSON, (Alexander,) offhe City of London, in the County of Mid- dlesex, for "A new and useful Machine for raking Hay and pulling peas, to bo called ' Anderson's Patent Hay Rake and Pea Pm,T.«B," Ottawa, dated 1 Uh Rnpt.".r«bor 1863 No. 2768— HALLAM, (John,) of the Village of Bruce Mines, in the district of Algoma, fr.r " A t»«w and nseftil Maohiiie for choming and for washing clothes, to b« iship of Dereham, r Stump Estract- ." Ottawa, dated MTontroal, for " A f burning liouseB, th Jul", 18G8. Distr' of Mon- !o of cleaning or ■ater through the h August, 1868. ),ia the County cks, to bo called asburgh, in the with equal wire September, 1868. the County of chines, namely : Cutter Bar, with ' Ottawa, dated n tho County of sat or vegetables of York, for >' A 'ing Maohinb.' " bounty of Carle- )rds and weights der.' >> Ottawa, ict of Montreal, )g lameness in nting lameness jupty of York, tembcr, 1868. istrict of Mon- permitting the ■y breathing is araius or ' Ap- ity of Ontario, Voot." Ottawa ty of York, for [ stand of Glass ■•1 ■ !:;ounty of Mid- 1, to bo called mhc.T, \?m. he 'istrlct of clolhfi, to b» i^ aned'Hallam's Now Dominion Churn and WASHta." 6ttaw«, dat«d nth Septeab*, To,k''L!/r"Jf ^^'"°'!' ^"^''^'''^ "' *'" '^'"•'^^ *»' «°™I«^. '» tJ^» county of York, for A certain new and useful improvement in the construction of plonghs : the plough with such improvement added to ba called 'Wilkinson's Dominion PtocoH- Ottawa, dated 11th September, 1868. No. 2770-J5LLIOT, (James,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal for " A new and Useful Machine for tho stopping of runaway horses, to be called ' EUiofa Horse Bbam.'" Ottawa, dated llth September, 1808. No. 2771-.PIKB, (John,) of tho City of Toronto, in the County of York, for "A new •nd useful Machine for cutUng roots or vegetables for feeding Stock." Ottawa dated 15th September, 1868. ' No. 27r2-FORFAR, (Thoma,,) of tho Village of Waterdown, in the County of Wentworth, for "A new and useful metallic frame and toothed apparatus or gearing for «prl.c»t.on to any description of clothes wringer, thepurpos.s of which are to prevent the Machine being thrown out of gear on account of the separation ot the rollers by the passage of heavy articles between them." Ottawa, dat' d 1 Ith September 1868 No. 2773-MoCONKEY, (Thomas,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York for «A new and useful art for the manufacture of Embossed, Etched, Glass Letters' •nd Figures for Signs, Windows, Door Plates, &c." Ottawa, dated 15th September, 1868 No. 2774-BUTTERFIELD, (/.o«.o«.) of the Village of Bmdford, in the County of Simcoe^ for "Anew and useful Gang Plough for cultivating land, to be called ' The im- proved Gang Plocqh.'" Ottawa, dated ICth September, 1868. No. 2775-BROWN, (CharUs Frederick)) of the Town of Berlin, in tho County of Waterloo, for " A new and useful Spring Mattrass, to be called ' Brown's Superior Sprln* Mattrass.'" Ottawa, dated 16th September, 1868. No. 2776-HARRIS, (Edward Marshall.) of the Town of St. John . in the County of St. Johns, for "A new and useful process and Machine for refining spirituous hydro- carbon and other liquids, thereby imparting to them that ripeness and quality which they would not otherwise acquire than by being kept for many years, such Machine to bo called "Apparatus for refining Spirituous Hydro-Carbon and other Liquids."' Ottawa dated 18th September, 1868. v/»ww». No. 2777-CAMPBELL, (Oeorge,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York for " A new and useful Blower and Damper, Stovepipe Fastener and House RiODORim" Ottawa, dated I7th September, 1868. No. 2778-LEUGe, (John,) of the Village of Buckingham, in the County of Ottawa, for " A new and useful improvement in Saw T«tu, and in the apparatus for forming the same, to be called " Lcugh's Improvement in B.w Tjeth and an apparatus for formlw the fame." Ottawa, dated 18th September, 1868. No. 2770-RU88ELL, (Calvin Foiled,) of tho TuWnship of Horton, in th-. County of Renfrew, for « A new and useful Machine, to be called < Tho Extension Fu. LadB.b. " Otttwa, dated 18th September, 1868, No. 2780-LUSTBR, (Samuel,) of the Township of Cleveland, la the County of Richmond, i.the District of St. Francis, for " A new and useful composition of matter for the tanning of Lbathbb, called 'Luster's composition for TahnIho Lbathib.' '• Ottawd dated I8th September, 1868. ' No.2781-TILLY,(iriW,am^rf,.arrf,)ln the Village of Hampton, in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, for " A new and useful Quilting Fram to be called « The Ontario Quilting Frame. " Ottawa, d .ted 18lh September, 1868 No.2782-ROBEBTS,(fr of the Township of West OwilUmhn^ «« «he County ot Simcoe, for " A now and useful machine for Ccttiso Tuwrtn.' " ottaw*. dated filst September, 1868. ^•■mwm, amj^ea 146 t ,".? i#Pl '^^^^^^l^^^>:K^<>f^ Robert,) <){ tba Town, of Stn^tfoird, ia ti^ Qonnty. of Perth, for " A now and useful improved HAt-FonK, to bo called ' Miller's Hay. Foi*, a ». pttajya,d^tod3?«d September, 18C8. / , ■ , .' * ; .No.2784-.:?Ic[4B£N, ,(/%/g of tjho Village of Sttathfpjr,io tho County of Hid- «ilosex, apd,JiIcL4U|i;iJ,,(4^<^,,w,), of the saipQ ; place, for " A nev and useful art Or method of manufacturing Brtiflclal Lkos and Arms from Vulcanite Rubber bt VulcanisabU Giu^, tp be (jailed 'McLaren's RcBapB Limb.' " OtUwa, dated Mad Septeteber, 1808, •■,'.> .??P-^§:5nKC^DpBT&QfJ,.(^Vi,/,,) of ThoroM, in the Coutrty ot Welland, for'SA new and useful art or mode of Hitchiko Horsb9.'" ; Ottawji, dftted 22tid S.>ptemb8r, 1888^ No. 2r8G-r^DlillS0N,(CArH i ! , i ■ • ri ;;i -.i:; •^.'» ? '''P— JACIxSON, (John,) ot the Town of Simcpg, in the County of Norfolk, ^nd Jackson, (George,) of the same, place, for " ^ new and useful Mangle for mangling clothes, to be called (a kpown as ' Jackson's Masolb.' " Ottawa, d»fco'p«Mt« or mineral Phosrihate of Liv».'' Ottawa, d«t,»d 2.')th S«pt«mb9r, 18GS. £i/!e m ko : Oountf «f Hay.Forfc/f ;'!.■■„' ' ■' »ty of Wid- isafnl art Or VuIcaniiAbU r, .1808, land, for "i A ;emb8r, laeSL trict of Mon- HaOW-SHOB.^f fpf " A.:new t rr-iii ■>'[ f,n i ' Tho Elq. le County -of fi TrimmkjiAji Norfolk, Apd or maQgiiQi; I September, ■ . ,,1 ■"' )f Montrealy ipparatUB for ., dated 22nd cf Well Ing- iter Balance 3, County of )ing Obais.'' anty. of On- m Scythe.'. '( County of Tvbea either tawa, dated 1 County of sd lo Biley's Druntmqi^l, by coropres- 10 8tein« oc doted 23al,U,W.?lW<9VATop-M'", ^^m* date^i^tj^iqftt^ljM,.!^^ p,.,,,;^, w *«»j«a».«^fll5&-^Mi**«i*S.0», (^Jilftiaf,^ .o«,*fco'3'o«iiBbr5hi;i -:.,..■.: u') " Nq..^^.Q9— DIMON, (i/awy >r«od,). of the.yil.laee. of ,¥i«:top«,.JO) «ih» ;ftoBR)aODf{„ Norfolk,, for, "A now and useful, Self-tidjugting Waggon BitAKBi'; ltoffa,.-4«te4.i»lli< October, 18G8. ^; ' '1'" '^ NO 1i8M>~DBUL0Iii, (fioeAm.y of thdCttyOf Montreal, in iUelDiStiict Of Montreal, for '• A new and useful Coxl Scuttub, to bo called / Beaux DtWoU.".'! Ottewft,d«tod 8kb. October, 18G8. ■ ':,«:',., ',' ' .J(o.,28U— EVAN&i'(2VH»M;>,>ol tUe.«ity of LoadoD, in the- County of Middlesex, for "A new and useful, Un am Bwi.ufo,riagi»cuUuial poriwace, to bo callpd ' litwna'.'I?oteftVv eiiain Drill.'" • Ott«wn, dated 8th. October, 18«8. , - .; ,i . - : < ■> ,:■: •. ■-' : No 2812— McDonald, (John Duncan,) of tho Towhship' ot Sombw.ln tba County. ofIiambtort,"aild.MoDONALD, (/oA«i>«»/wr,) of the; Bamo.plaM, for " A certain. new useful ttiKl iraprovHt ViMv, to be called ' Tho Viot^iri* P*Ap.' » Ottawa,' dated' let X)o^ toUer, 1803. . . •*■>,'■.,,. '' ■ m. islt-^JAKt^'^, (Jirflwj dAaV'.'»,) ofthd ToirnsTilp of R.ntcT), irt 'ttio Coimfy of . OntnVloi foV'«' A cdrtaiu new, risefiiVand improved AVaciuoh Jack, Ciillcd ' f.ikchs' tm-'^ prtfred W.iinion Waggon Jack.'"' Ottawa, dated (5th October, 18G3. *' ' "' ' No. 281t-MORTON, {James,) the younger, of tho Village of Everton, ia the>Couiity of Wiiilltogton, for « A hk' and nscful hay, riianuro or earth J'-i-KVAToii, to bo called' The OlitarlO Mevator'.'" Ottawa, datedCth October, 13C3. ' " ,\'. ' <, i' ■ "^ i ■vV No "3],.-i -DuQUISE, (Joiq>hj}aUU:nr,) of the City of Mouteal, for>',A . now and usefulToBAcio CcTiER,to,be ci^lled ' The New ItflU for Cutting Jo%co.;; ...p.tta^.a^ dated Cth October, 1P('8, i48 ■n^ TTtjrr 1 J:* wtr I I it 4 No. 3816— (JUMMlNa8,(0«or^« JTaiAiVon,) of the CiJy of Toronto, In the County of York, for « A certain new and useful improvement in certain doacriptionn of CookIho Stotm." Ottawa, d»ted ISth October, 18G8. No, 8017— WHITESIDE, {Henry,) the younger, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Oarloton, for » A certain new, ub ful and imurovrud Spiuno Bbo, to bj called < The Whiteside Spjing Bed '" Ottawa, datod Uth October, 1869. Ko. 2818— SHELLY, ()f,7/iam,) of the City of Montnal, in the District of Montreal, fo» " A now and unoful Cabuuob Wuicrls UIm Joist Sdpportbb, to be called and known as • Shelly'i) Improred Rim Joint Supportur for Carriage Wheels. " Ottawo, dated 15lh Oo. tober, 1868. No. 2il9-PAYNE, {Edward,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, for " A new aud useful composition . >r feed for cattle, to be called ' Piiyue's improred composition for Cattli Fmd.'" Ottawa, dat d 15th October, 18G8. No. 3820— APPLETON, (iPT'^J^:XLml !^, and their attachment., for beds, sofas, chairs, lounges, AC Ottawa, dated 30in ucioo , ''''no 2844-QIBSON,(^Ja«.ifcC«a./..«.) of the Township of Reach, m the County of Onta^o-, Z A new and'uUal art or method ol connecting the link, o^^^^ te called ' The spring connecting and selMockiog stove pipe joint.' Ottawa, dated ''To':84rROCKEY.(^,.,.a«u.OoftheTownshlpofMalahide.^i^^^ Eigin lor "A new and useful machine tov making DnoHM, to be called 'l he Bock.y ^"i-':84Sl^^^c"^:^5orSe VilUgeof orafton, in the Township . Ha« inthecountj of Northumberland, ^o-' ^t^ll^rnrnt'Er;; „euts in the art ormethod of lubricating A,t.K8 0,V.a.c..s,caUedo^^^^^^^^^ ImproYedCombined Lubricator and Axle-B« Fastener.'" Ottawa. <..*ted Qth r^o . , 1|68. ' Re.Id8UeotXo. 27*0 I'- t It , ■«' • I"' I ife" l.'il^-'^^^ir''^^^^^^'^*'*'''^'*'^''"^'^ "'*'»<' CltyofToronto.fn the Countr of Tork " fbt«A certirftt neit an.l usefnl SleiRh Bhakb, to bj called ' Colllna' Self-acting Sloteh Brakp.'" Ottiwrt, dated let Decombor, 1808 „„■ ^"^ ?a«-^EeaU80N, (S^pAa, y/,) oftbe Toirnship of HolloweU, ia the County QrV^.ncoi.dwfurd, for 'Au<,w and useful Washiag MacLiuo, to bu called 'ThoEaUroad Washing, Maquink.'" Ottawa, dated Ist Dccombor, lhG8 -¥ ...^swij., No.28.l9-ANDaEWS.(JoA«67a«;,^.)of the Town of Brantford, la theCoua.y'of B.unt, for " A new and useful Bucklk. to be called ' Tbo Buokeyo Buuklc' " Ottawa dated l^t December, 18G8. ' ^y ■ No. 2850-STEri-IKNSOK,(;ro/,«,) of tho TowoHhip of Markham, in the County of >ork,and STEPHEi^SON, (r<7/.a„,) of th. Town.hip of East awillimbury in 'he said County of York, for < A certain new, U8,ful and improved PuMr, to be called < Stephen- Hond Eccentric Spring tump." Ottawa, dated Ist December ]8C8 ' of p"!?'? 'l~?"??f ^^J^''"''' ""'"'"'^ "^ "^° '^'"''«'' '' Streitsville, in tho County r«tencMi.ldlinK8t\-eder.-» Ottawa, dated ist December, 18G8 • ' ompsonH rJlZ'^Ti^'^T^Y' ("^'"'^r^'-""-') of .ho City of theCouatyof Jllv W uJ. i^r/ ' improvement, on tho art or method of mstenin,. or s^cUWng .g^, toteoalfed "WtUmmSou'g Improved inothod fe'f : PJoorimg* atid other thttfgs.!-" Ottawa; dated' isi Pl.«k Watk«,' ria^injraud b.h.r thing., to *edalfed "WmiamBon'a Improved inoibo^^ lastoningor secmiofe-'Plante'WALita.'PJo-'-' ■ " ."'"'"o^ar for " A new ana. :„H.ful ,*achl*oi f«n.r«i.i«y,,,lif,fog,a„d • drS^*ing of ,*«ter^^^ «ftH«jlW«f V^d f j'S^wi"-?, t3,ho gi^H^cJ j;rj,e ?yl£.»9Mn« ^udMaaic Piwp--. « ott»w». ^ated i^IJecoqiVefujeGfl,,,, ,, t,^ , , . ' '---n.. sliding, balance, suspension arid swing G.U^,' " . 9t^tawa„dated jat nJembJr. WOa ' ' . .No^ 2855— BROWN RT.T, m„... s^'J.^A Jr'\,u: 'cr'jIa^Jen;)o{i^^ City of Ilainilton^ in the County of Went wortn, for " A new and useful Beti Bbttom, to be called ' Hurd« Excelsior Bod'BoTTOi,^"' Ottawa, dated latpecemlier, 1 808. ""■ ■-. N°- 28#^rFAnME^,(il(';/£,;ri»\.;/i/^^ the rownsLlUf Reach; ii 'the County of Ontario, for," A ne^ and usoiul improved Saw-SEr; to be' called ' FaWr's Patent Lever Saw-Set.'" Ottawa, dated Ist December, 18 G8. ' ' i^'> « ,Np.28607PAIR|.IB,(y?oM/'/-anm,)oftho City of Montreal, in the District '-of Montreal, for '^ Certain iieV and useful iiproVemenb In nsllwriy locomotive E.nqi.Ves and Bo.i,E8s,and the adaptation of IdcDtaotfVes t6 thef carf tako of &o6ds and pasSenjtors tobi called ' Fairlie's new and useful improvements inlocomotive engines and boilers, and the adaptation of locomotives for the' da'rrtn^e of feoods and paasengors;-^' Ottawa dated 1st btccmtcr, 18081 ...)■■ nl ,:^ ,...,nii ,,<-^i io Viiui'i ' 'J.) Ill ,!;.,,',, ,,;ji ^ ' ^o^280X-wmkm;(k^l>f^^Soii^6 Vnta^e oriic6eorg^; la ^he (iou^r of, f.r " A new and usoiul Snow G..t'e with hinses ami fastenings." Ottawa, dated Ist December, 18C8. ' =' No. 2802-McCARTY, ^Jeremiah,) of the Village of Petrolin,'in the 'county of Lamb, ton, for " A new and useful machine for the purpose of separating from Petroleum and m othsrlilliclred oils the g;aaq8 commonly ;uaitcdwlt)i, tho«e oil^, •^- b*- joajlod ,' MpCsrty'i .QaaShpabatdb.'" OtUwn, 4atad l»t; DeccmbM^ 18G3., ■ . ■ 1 .^ • t : !i . ; ' -h * N0.28C3— j:NOUQLM,<(Xr, A8fi8. , , ■ .. No. 2804— THAlN,(>'/-a)i(!isyln(/rtfW',)cftho City of Montreal, h» the DI«t*iflt;.of ilontioal, fot " Certain nflw and useful Improyemeala in the monu&cttufeof Albomiv, and «n *he fumaoo aj»d appanitiia used therefor, to becaliod ' Thatn'i he# and ueefnl improVei mentson the manufacture of Albumen, and on the furnaco and apparatus used ttierbfoi'i*^'' Ottawa, dated l8t Decrtmbor, 180R. ' :-;;"..:.--. • ■- No.asoS.JSMITH, (i»f<«>-«^wX«).of the €ity ol Montreal, in the ,Di»tpict :0f Montreal, lor " Cottai»i now and uspfiil iropTQV«iii«Tita iP the constmcWDU and coupling of ileUway Cam."' Ottawa, dntwl IstPoeember; IWfiv/ v ,»: _■. t ;. - , • ; /. ' No. 28G9— HENDIIV, (Chrislian,) of the; ViUimo of Waterloo, in the Countjr.„of Waterloo, for V A new and useful, SToy^J')P«DAWH^ to be ,cajlpdi f Hendry's Canadian Wov^ Savef."', pttttwa, datqa liiitDec.«Wher, ISiCS. ■ .^,., o:.., . .1 ,.,:,.. ..i No. ;2879— TROTT, (^Jo/m,) of tbo Villftfje of Winghifm, U thePounty p( Hurpn,,M " A new, useful and ijqaprovid.Air:ilvatiQg Apparatupj,to,bc^.c(^l,lud ' Troth's Aia-HsATii^tt and Damper DpuM," ipltawa, dated Itt December, 1808. ,,.,,,.;,,':;; . No! ?8n— TURNER, (fl(pA(i ot Newbury, m , the County of M^fldlese?, fpr '■ A new; and useful combined w4uMMi9A'riNMfoi:.Kailr«afl. Cars, Waggons and Carriages." Ottawa, dated Ist' December, 18G8. ,< , No- 3.8,76-«-JANSON, (CAar//!»,) of tbo Tow,DBbip of East UwJllimbnry, in the County of York, and ARNOLD, (Jmut,) of the same place, tor, "A ceiaain aow, usofol and hm proved Force or SDctiouPump, to be called ' JansoB and Arnold'* dottblaactioned Suction or Force PpMP,"! Ottawa, datoA.lst Ducomber** 18«8^ yo. 2877r-HAMILTON, (lKi«W'«. of the City pf Toronto, iu tbe.County of York, ,ma ii&SIIUT.QN, ( frJ^wm, .r?,,) of ihe sama place, for .« A: now, iigBful and imptoved BigjlWyiENoiiiH, to Recalled 'ja«DMl(top'o.JmF<»w4tO»lwce(J Rotary Epgiofr.':^ .Ottawa, dated lit December, 18(Jf. •-^■sv .-^■■■^^^-''f ''tv ''.'*.•.' ^SSS^' m m >'4 i i No. JeTg—VANDRT, (/?i)';>e/jrf#,) of Shufford Mountain, In tlin Cotinfy of«hftfforJ8. No. 2915— BIDDY, (Robert Samuel,) of the Town of Windsor, in the County of Essex, for " A new and useful composition of matter for rendering light and agreeable cakes, puddings and fancy breads of all kinds, to be called ' Egg H.ibatituto or Excelsior EoJ PowDBR.' ' ottowa, dated 18 th December, 1868. No. 2916— COLLEY,(£r/«;arrf William,) of St. Mary's, In the County of Perth, for" A new and useful Force Pump for forcing water for the purpose of extinguishing fire and for other purposes, to be called ' Colley's Patent Firo Engine.' " Ottawa, dated 18th December, 1868. No. 2917- HURD, (Proiper Armstronff,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentworth, for " A new and useful Washing, called ' The Ontario Washing Machine.'" Ottawa dated 18th December, 1868. No. 2918— GORDON, {Jamet Kent,) of the City of Hamilton, in the Couu^ of Went- worth, for " A new and useful Stove Drum for heating rooms, to bo called ' Gordon's Mammoth Hot Air Drum.'" Ottawa, dated 18th December, 1808. No. 2919— McMINN, (John,) of the Village of Schomberg, in the County of York, for " A new and useful Stove Pipe Dampbr, to be called 'Mc.VIian'a Stove Pipe Damper and Regulator.'" Ottawa, dated 18th December, 1868. NO.2920-GILMORE, (Robert,) of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentworth, for « A new and useful Improvement in the manufacture of Corn Buuoms and Brushes ; the Broom with such improvement added to be called 'Gilmore's Improved Shifting Handle."' Ottawa, dated 18th December, 1868. No. 2921— EWINO,(/Vanft«n,) of the Township of Percy, In the County of Northum- berland, for " A new and uaeful Cmubn, to be called ' E wing's four dash Ohurn.' " Ottawa, dated 18th December, 1868. t ijfisL. the County of 3anK of 8«wii,) rjr.' " OtUwH, of Oxford, for 8 Clotbog Line inty of Lotbi> Kail way Car« I way Uahh.'" ]ihlp of Houth (1 Vblocipioi, Elgin, for '< A IN.'" Ottawa, iinty of Carle- < Whitt8ido'8 r of Iberville, sis, Bairackv, the machine , dated 18 Ih f Went worth, 8, to be called ir, 1868. nty of E88CZ, 'euablu cakes, ixcelaiur Eon Porth, for " A linK fire and t, ditted 18 th 16 County of riu Washing u^ of Went- d ■ Oordon'8 of York, for Damper and Wentworth, nd Brushes ; red Shifting ofNorthum- .' " Ottawa, 155 No. 2«2a— ABRAMB, {Gwrge WiUiam,) of the Towniblp of Plttabargh, Id the County of FronteoM for "A new and uieful improTtmant on the Hone Hay Fobk, to be callnd 'Abram'8 improvement on the Uorw Hay Fork.'" Ottawa, dated 18th Droember, 1888. No. 2923— McLACHLAN, (John,) of the Village of Newmarket, In the County of York, for ' A new and useful Sleigh BRiKi, to be called ' McLachlan's Dominion HIeIgh Brake.' " Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1868. No. 2924 -I'lOKLES, (John,) of the City of Montreal, in the District of Montreal, for "A new and useful art or process of solidifying the Liqom or Seml-llfjuld oonoentratod extract of Hemlock, Oak and other barks for tanning, dyeing and other purpost-s, and also, ot a new and useful machine for effetti-ng such piocesa." Ottawa, dated 23rd Decem- ber, 1868. No. 2925— BLACKBURN, (StfpAen,) of the City of London, In the County of Mid- dlesex, tor •' A certain new, us jful and Improved Stuict «■««■«."• Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1808. N«. 2926— CLOW, (Ffolmet Purdee,) of the Town of Napanee, in the County of Len- nox and Addlngton, for " Certain new and useful improvemenU in the machine known as the Horse Hay Raki ; the rake, • ith such imprc ■'emanta, to be called ' Clow's Self- delivering Wheel-horse Rake.' " Ottawa, dated 23rd December, l»Q<\. No. 2927 - BREACH, (./oMijA) of the Township of Markham, la the County of York, ff/r " A new and useful machine for the applying of lever power to machinery, such machine to be called ' Breack's Application of Lever Power to Maohiswv.'" Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1868. No. 2928— SMITH, (nowai,) of the City of O awa. In the County "f Carleton, for 1 A new and useful machine for lifting hay, to be called ' The Excelsior HaV Fohk." " Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1868. Nu. 2929— NAT LON,(./oAa Joitpk,) of the Village of Newmarket, In the County of York, for " A n«w, useful and improved '.'OTAfo DiaosB, to »m cailod ' Naylou'b Improved Potato Digger.'" Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1868. No. 2930— OSBORNE, {I'hilo Tanner,) of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, for " A new and useful machine for Wringing Mops, to be called • Oshorne's Mop Wiiinobr.' " Ottawa, dated 23rd December, 1888. No. 2931— CAM I'BBLL, (George,) ot the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " Ani'W and us.liil Steam W«8hing Maoiiini." Ottawa, dated 24th December, 1868. No. 2932— ENGHOLM, (Otto,) of the City of Montreal, In the District of Mon- treal in our Province of Quebec, one of the Provinces of Canada, for the inti-oduction of "A new and useful machine for prtB-rvinK caught tish alive, to be called ' Engholra's new and useful machine for preserving CAuauT Fish alive for a number of days during transport to market and afterwards ; also for use in the manufacture ot milt." Ottawa, dated 24Hi I' k-mber, 1868. No. 2933— FRY, (John Sharlanil,) of the City of Quebec, in the District of Quebec, one of the Provinces of Canada, for the introduction of "A new and useful art of purifying and deodorizing FaTReLBUHsand other liquid and solid Hyuro-Cabbonh, snlmal and vege- table ollH,fat8andfitty acids, to be called 'Lamb and Steny'snew and useful art of pu- rifying and deodoriiing petroleums and oth er liquid and solid hydro-carbons, animal and vegetable oils, fats and fatty acids.." Ottawa, dated 24th December, 1868. No. 2934— STUART, (Henry,) of the Township of Hay, in the County ot Huron, for " A new and useful machine for Boring Holes in the ground for fence-posto, to be called 'Stuart's fence-post Hoi,bBok«r."' Ottawa, dated 26th December, 1868. No. 2935— WORKMAN, (George,) of the Village of Mount Plea8«>nt,in the County of Durham, foi "A new and useful Harrow, to be called ' Workman's Improved Har- row.'" Ottawa, dated 26th December, 1868. No. 2936— BARNES, (Thomat,) of the Township of Harwich, In the County of Kent, for " A new, useful and improved Fbnch to be called ' Barnes' portable and stationary fence combined.' " Ottawa, dated 26th December, 1868. 156 If. No. 20a7«— HALL, (Samuel StiUman,) of the City of Unntroal, in tko DUtrlct of Montreal, for "A mw anJ UB<;ful niaihine or «pp«r»tii« for holding together securely tlio poata and lido raiU or ondg and side bars of bodgtoada, to be called 'Hall'* im- proved BiBiTiAD rABTiNiR.'" Ottawa, dated 20th December, 1808. Ko. -i^-iS—RlVLEY, (Albert Foittr,) of the ViUago of Tbnr/io, In the Townflhlp of Lochaber, In the County of Ottawa, for "A certain now, useful and improved Spinning WiiBii, to be called or known as ■ Blploy's Improved Spinning Wheel.'" Ottawa, datud 2Uth December, 1808. No. 20M— BIIOWNELL, (Myron Sucratei,) of the Village of Vienna, In the Countr of Elgin, for " Certain new and useful improvements In the machine used for agricul- tural purposes, and called or known as ' The Combined Sower, Cultivator and Rollib.'" Ottawa, dated 2Uth December, 1808. No. 2940— WALM8LEY, (John,) of the Town of Berlin, In the County of Waterloo, In our Province of Ontario, one c.f the Provinces of Canada, and ZIKQLEB, (Enoch,) of the same plese, for " A certain new, nseful and Improved Plouoii Siiari, to be called or known as ' The Ontario' Improved Plough Sharo.' " Ottawa, dated 29th December, 1868. No. 2911— SMITH, (/ijiAarJ,) of the Town of Shorbrooke, In the District of Saint Francis, for " A new and useful machine for making seamless boxes or other hollow ar- ticles from Pulp." Ottawa, dated 29th December, 1808. No. 2942— ROCHFORD((?eori?e Bet^jamin,) of the Town of nowmanvillp, in the County of fiurham, for " A certain new, useful and improved Stove Pipe Dampkii, to be called < Roobford's Ventilator and Damper combined.' " Ottawa, dated 29tb De- cember, 1868. No. 294.3— HUBST, ( Mllliam,) of the Village of Coldwater, In the County of Simcoe, lor '■ A new and usefnl CncnN, to be called or known as the < Excelsior Churn.' " Ottawa, dated 29th December, 18G8. No. 2944— POWELL,, (John Oeorge,) of the Township of East Oxford, in the Counfy of Oxford, for " A certain new and useful improvement in the manutacture of Tcb-Irons ; the tue-iron, with such improrements added, to be called or known as 'Powell's Im- proved Tue-Iron.' " Ottawa, dated 29th December, 1868. No. 2945— LANGWORTH, (John,) of the Village of Queonston, in the County of Lincoln, for " A certain new, useful and improved Hay Fork, to be called or known IIS ' Langworth's Double Harpoon Hay Fork.'" Ottawa, dated 29th December, 1808. No. 2946— REED, ((7eor(7e %ar,) of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, for " A certain new and useful artklo of manufacture, namely, a shelf to be attached to the Smoke-pipes of Stoves, to bo called or known as ' The adjustable self-sustaining and extension stove shelf.' " Ottawn, dated JiOth December, 1868. J I [ ) Dkiitrict of hpr securely 'Halt's Im- TowDBhlp of rei\ Si-iNNiNd Ottawa, datud tho Count"' for ngricul- lll ROLLIB.'" of Waterloo, inoch,) of thu ;o b« calloit I) Ducomb«r, trict of Saint ir hollow ar- illc, in the }e Dampeii, d 29 tb Du- y of Sinicoe, ."' Ottawa, I the Connty Tcb-Irons ; owell's Im- County of id or known r, 1868. ty of York, I attached to 'tainiug and 4 [ •j'-/-" I ' if I f .3 I