.', ■^iri'f r •7;'; sjj'^'î^t"' ■',' *'-"• « IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MTt3) // // V .r i^ ^ ^À .\ 1 * ,^ Ak^ * Sa O- /^' J • BILL Au Act to incorporate T-he Pfoviace of Québec Association ^^ , pf Architects. W HERE AS it is deemed expédient for the better pro- tection of the public interests in the érection of public and private buildings in the Province of Québec, and in order to enable persons reqniring professional ai4 in architecture, to distingaish ,between qualified aud^ unqualifiéd architects, and to onsuru a standard of effici- ency in the persons practising the profession of architec- ture in the Province, and for the furtherance and advance-, ment pf the art of architecture ; ' And whereas „the persons hereinaftèr named hâve, by pétition, set fOrth that it is désirable that thev, together with BUch other {ièrsons as may be hereafter associated with them, be incorporated by the name of " The Province pf Québec Association of Architects," having for its objects .the acquirement and interchange of professional know- ledge amougst its memburs and more particularly the acqnisitipn of that species of inowledge which shall pro- mote the artistic, scientific, and practical efficionby of the profession of ai^chiteoture ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with tbe advioe and consent of the Législature of Québec, enacts as folio ws : 1» This act may be ciied as " The Province of Québec Aj"chitect8 Act." - \ ■• " '. -A a. J. w. Hopkins, F. X. Berlingaet, Victor Roy, A. 0. Hutchi«on, A. F. Dunlop, A. Raza, A. T. Taylor, M. Perreault. J. F. Peachy, W. E. Doran, C. Olift, J. Nelsoù Chas. BailMrgé, W. T.Thomas, W. McLeaWalbank, Jos. Venue, A. J. Pagean, S. Lesa^e, J. A. Proudfoot Bulman, J. Z. G-autMier, J. Y. Resther, Théo. Daoust, Q. E. Tanguay, D. OuelWte, J. H. Bernard, J. Wright, L. R. Montbriaut, Q-. Or. Languedoc, J. A Chaussé, R. Findlay, A. Geudron, L. 0. BVerest Page, H. Stareley,. J. B. Resther,, W. H. Hodgtoli, J. J. Brown, J. H. Bonel, A. F. Fowler, E. C ^■- -y ■ .'}■ ::.^^' /■ •■^-— ! < ^•. / '}hf i TA W: ^\ ■ t te, t\- if-, -.■•» ' J rU\ > 'f f ^i . . , ! Hopkinii, Bric Mann, aud ail other persons' who may be hor».'aller ussociatcd wilh'^thrîn. ahal) be, aud are h«r(5by cou8titntea a body politic aud co.rporate, uuder the nanw of "The Province of.Qu»»b V ^ -*,v^^ i ■ ^'^"1^^ * iv Xt '^i Jïjpott «nd after the pusinr of thisaot stncfonta shall serve «aoh term as is required to be served hy.the provisious of thi» act. under iudnntnre to a regiateted architeot, which induiiture aud uuy aasigunient thereof with affidavit of ex«cutioii thereto attaoht^, shall be filed with the gecretary upoa paymeut of ëuoh ïw, as the ' council mayby régulation direct. , The couiicil may «horteq the period of stadeutship to a term, however, of not less than three years in fayor of graduâtes of any recogaiztjd yoUege or school of arohitec-. tare or tëohuology. ' ^- T »,. *•• The council shall appoint an examluer or exainiuers for the purpose of a«oerf,ainingi aud reporting on the qua- lification of ail persous who shall présent themselves for admission to the study or praî. r^ ^.^^: / •^^^ ^^^ V^ . , ^^-- • - ^_ WÊM ^1^ ^^^HIk 1^ i^^îS^V^' * 4.4^^.. l.,..i' ?..*iiLL- mtwi to be i ofl\(-e, fret) ' ; ..'f^-Sv . ■ , . ■• ^^^ ■ ■ ■ U'-lt''* ■)'■■■«"' 't',. .' ^ .y:'-' 1 t"' '.t^ ;rf>-; 'ItT^n'". > ,' . ^4 .ùy ÏS'?^- ■ ' -•1 K'>; .- J P«' ■- 1 fe'' ■ 1 E^' ;| p'./v: 1 ¥■'■ '1 M'"-' ■ , 1 Ir •^^ K^-^'. '■ ■? ^:r^'> «' . V ",f ■ ■ .-.^ #; ■ / 4 ■■■*■ • ■ ■«■■ Tho cooiflcil ni'ajr, by r<>Molution, direct tKe Moretairy to r«etnro to tho n^^iatur miy nainn remored th^rofrom oithrr wiihunt feé or upou payintintt pf Huoh Teo not excoi-'^iiig Um'tVos iitjirroar» or uiit)Ai(J, anîl oue addHioaal roiuîwul let* ao iïm coiiucil iftrty<>from'''time to tiiAe/fix ; mid tjio Si'çrotarjjvifjittll rewtore the uamo occordingly^ , Thè namu ofTiiiy pijrson Twmovod iromtho regitJtor al the request of MUoh -person or with ^Îb oonstut, shall, uulcss it ipight, if not «o rem«f^d, hâve baen removed by • order orihe conucil bo reston-d ,to tho ri'gister, on his ^application und ou paymeut of such fées not fxcti»ding »uuh iees au sHall bo in urruurs, aud oilo uddUioii'al rogis- 'tratiou iee, as tho couucil, froin timu lo t^ra<', may.fi|:. 17. If the jsocretary «bail Vilfajly •raako, or cause 'to bo made auy falsification in any mattera rol^ting to the , - registor h "sluill" h.> d.-c.m'd tobo^nilty ofa misdethean' . ■^ur, and shali, on conviction thereof, btf^ impriBO^ed fqjF i any ttjrm not excooding'twblv,e montliB. , IM. ' Auy peraou who wilfùUy procar s or attémpts to , procure re-r(>gistration undcr this act by making or pro- dncing, or causing to bit produocd, or )nado any falso or fraudulent ri'pi-os'ntatious or doclaratiofia, cithcr vcrbally ■ or in writing, t^at hti is «ntitlud to such riS-rt'gistratiou, shajlbu dcciTiind guilty of a niisdointMinwur and shall, on conviction thi'rcof, bo siMitonced tô impriâonineut for any tcrm not excecding twt'lyp inouths. i-lO. Th«re shall b« pajd to aiiy architi^ct registered under thi^s act sumraoned to att-nd a!ny court, civii or ■ ^riminal, foT th- purppse of giving évidence in hiâ pro- fossionul <'a|iacity,or ili con8e<|nouce of profcssional services rondt-red by him u«/au urui^iti'ct, for each payinont of, «àch proaécution. • - ^- , ■ - ^ ^ ' 2I.„ Snbjvi'jt io th«'olli»'ri)i<)vi.sioii!H (WIluKiirt, «Il notices aiid documents roqnlrcd by or for tlu' purposi» ol" this lu-t \» to bo^^H«?nt, niay ho 8«iit \iy pont and Mhull hv dfcint'd to "^ haVir-booii rcfoivvd attKe tinui whi'U thv Iftttr coûtaininp ) the sanip would hv dtjliv^od iu tho ordiiiaiy conrH»* ol" ilu' -r mail, and in proviug Hucffl|^t>n{]inî?, it ishall h,' sulHcit^lit W provo,^hat th*' Ifttor containinjz: thi' notit <'h or 'dowiunv'its - was prepaiU andjpropcrly addrfHHcd.und put' vn Ahc post. , \ , s^ Sùgjir notices and dorUn^onts niay b«'|u-)^iitiii4>-or in piiiîl, orpartly in writin)? and*'partly in jM-inl, unannual renewal ioes. or from the sale of ^ ' copies otthe register or othorwix', shall be paid to th4i secre- ^ tary of the council, aud by \tixn paidover to the tpeasnrer, _ ». ,^ to be applied in accorda nei- willi t>mli régulations oh may be made by the couneiJi, for ^^iifraymg the expeuses of registration, and the othei s'xp uÈes o^ the exécution oi"^ this act, aud subject tl\,ereto to-Wftrds the support oj" museuins, librari^s or lecturoshiph, or for other public purptises counected with the profession oCarchitet ture, OT towards the promotion of leaining and éducation in €t>nnection writh architecture. The coùncil shall havo powv-r to iuvest any sum uot expended as above, in such securities as shill be approved by the G-orernment of the Doiiniuion of Clauada, or of the Prayiuc»! of Québec in the name of any throeoftheir number appointud as trustées, andjiny income^derivod froni Huch invested'sumsHhall b'" added to and consiiK'rod as part of the ordinary iuconie of the association. *~" ; , t *^* ■ V".- ln^:-r. A.,»v i^ ■ ' r't- '*-VV-'-U _"v- ^«---^■--i/u,--*-. >'>J ! - » " I Aikî '^}:My^ / The assqoiation may also itse surplus fnnds (Olr, investect»' câpital/'for tbe rental or pnrchase oi land or ^remise^f, "or for~1;he building of premiseë to serve as offices» examinatiou halls, hbraries, muséums, or for àny other public purpose connected with architecture. :^ / >. s^ 38* Thé secrétary and treasurer shall enter in books, to- be kept for that purpose, a true acconut of ail sutns of ". moiioy by them, or^ither of them received, and paid under this act, 0.1^ such aucouutshsll be audited and submitted to the conucil àt snoh time gr times as the council maj 'require. ^« It shall be the duty of the secrétary to keep the register in accordance with the provisions of this act, /-and thé by-laws, orders.'ànd rogulatious of the council. Ail deeds of the astiouiatiou shall be signed t>y the président and seorotary and sealed with the common ' ' seal of the association.- ' , . ' , -^ 25, This act shall cgme into force ou the day of its sanctiou. \ \ Es.-' ^^^ m- r** .». / >:;/ ■:■'* »>' - •- » s - . -. j!». t, invested Ew offices, any other nbooks, to >. XL sutns of f' >aid ander , Bubmitted uncil maj ke«p Ùke this act, ooancil. id l>y the commoA ' liiy of its ;.;^:-feV- m ."^ 9 SOHEDULE A. . . ' Date of Re|^* tration. Kame. '"Î!nn^/i^°"!»««d6nce tion 11 any. > 1 > - • -^ N 4 > k î. 4 -"■■ « N * ■^ . • • J ■\ , - . • i 1 - ■ V ' ■ l 1 ■ ■ 1 ^ Ta o A u ^■p^' •■'.-■J J-" ;:ki *; ^: __. .- . / : ■ ■■• ■.^•vf^fb'-'ii-'xOsk^^m ms^s^m^:^ism fffl ^f-- 'i^3!r*'ll'>-w3W8S^Pt'5.'--' ;/^v A ' \ # (• , • M, ,, . - » • ■ \'' # ■ ■•'■ t. -- ■ '^^a^K -^,>Vrf . te ^ ^ N-.y»^l sa-. 1 1 4^4*'' Ë • "î "" .'-AI «k ■r o i;^ tJSt- A^^"}