IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ^1^ 1^ I.I ■u iiii 12.2 |A0 It! ■ 2.0 im 1.25 III 1.4 |,.6 ^ 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET VEBSTER.N.Y. MS80 (716)872-4503 I tha ganaroaity of: D.B.Waldon Library Univiraity of Woittm Ontario (Regional History Room) Tha imagaa appaaring hara ara tha baat quality posaibia conaidaring tha condition and lagibility of tha original copy and in icaaping with tha filming contract apacificationa. L'axamplaira fiimi fut raproduit grAca k la g^Aroait* da: D. B. Weidon Library Univanity of Wattem Ontario (Regional HUtory Room) Laa imagaa suivantaa ont 4ti raproduitaa avac la piua grand soin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattati da l'axamplaira film*, at an conformit* avac laa condltiona du contrat da filmaga. Original eopiaa in printad papar eovars ara fiimad baginning with tha front eovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- •ion, or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original eopiaa ara fiimad baginning on tha firat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- sion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraaaton. Tha laat racordad frama on aach microficha shall contain tha symbol -^ (maaning "CON- TINUEO"), or tha symbol y (maaning "END"), whichavar applias. Laa axamplalraa originaux dont la couvartura mn papiar aat imprim^a sont filmte an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la damlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'iiiuatration, soit par la sacond plat, salon la caa. Taua laa autras axamplairas originaux sont fllmte an commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'iiiuatration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparattra sur la damiAra imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la caa: la symbols **> signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbols ▼ signifia "FIN". Mapa, plataa. charts, ate., may ba fiimad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly includad in ona axpoaura ara fiimad baginning in tha uppar laft hand comar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framas aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama iiluatrata tha mathod: Laa cartaa. planchas, tablaaux. ate, pauvant Atra filmte A daa taux da rMuction diff Grants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clich4, il est film* A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha i droita. at da haut an baa, an pranant ia nombra d'Imagas n4cassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 ■> <•. W ^'') Nht LH -> l^f^ 1 SH m i 1 I ^^a^j^iS^^Tl^ ip of Mcigh PAiiC*D- Prom April 26, 1897, to February i4/i89S t 1 -WITH- ,...i.*"- AUDITORS' REPORT FOR 189T. \ N. H. SHEPLEY. Au E. ROBINSON, CHATHAM, ONT, : vLAsm BooK| j-Kersey Drain , ,.;Oct. 18, 4|4— Symon Drain Oct 18, 4I5— To amend No. 681 Nov. 1, 686— Bell Drain. Nov. 15, 6te — To a|^int Deputy Returnir^ Officers Nov. 15, 6S|i — Respecting office of Clerk Jan. ip, 68^1 — To ai:|>oii:|t Municipal Officers ............. . . jan. i<^ 69Q1— To appropriate certain sums of money .. . . 'eb. 14, 691 — To amend No. 636 S. L. Div Feb. 14, 69a*-To appoint certain Municipal Officers. .Feb. t4, 693— To appoint Engineer, D. and W. C ; . . . .Feb. 14, 1897 1897 t897 1897 1897 1897 Ii i897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 i80 1898 Z898 1898 1898 1898 - ^1 Sin •<>^'yi. 'rSfe -V . ) - rr-r-' -^ • ••* - BT-LAWS OF THB TOWNSHIP OF RAI1BI8E ,1 li-^ A NO. 668— A BY-LAW To ftlter the existing boundaries of School Section Nos. Five and ^Twelve in the Township of Raleigh. WHEREAS certaiii ratepayers, the owners of the lands hereinafter descril^ ed, have petitioned the Municipal Council of the township of Raleigh to detach the south half of Lot Number Twenty-two and the whole, of XiOt dumber Twenty-four in the Third Concession E.*B. Lk of Raleigh finisl &^ool Section Number Five and to attach the same to School Section Nttmbw Twelve. And whereas the Secretary-Treasurer and Trustees of the said School Sections respectively have been duly notified of the proposed alteratiom* And whereas all persons interested have had anopportunityof being heard who desired to be so heard. And whereas all the provisions of The Pub- lic Schools Act have been dul^ complied with. Therefore the said Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh en- acts as follows: — / v^< I. The south half of Lot Twenty-two in the Third Concession E. II. L. is hereby detached from School Section Number Five and attached to School Section Number Twelve of Raleigh. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on, from and after the Twenty-fifth day of December A. D. 1897. Read a third time and passed this Twenty-shcth day of AprU A; D. 1897. • V''- \',?:'.^/'/M, v:>.< it /'-..s'S 7; .■-.!•'■, ■■;■• .* . --!>. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A. H. WHITE, Reevte. . BL-LAW NO. 669, C\. Municipality of Raleigh. - ^^ A BY-LAW to impose a special drainage rate upon west half Lot No. 147 in the Talbot Road Range. Passed 26th April, 1897. WHEREAS Frank Hughson, the owner of west half Lot 147 in the Tal- bot Road Range of this Township^ applied under t£& provisions of the Act respecting Tile, Stone and Timber Drainage Debeiitures fora loan to be made to him for the purpose of draining the ssid lili^j And whereas the Municipal Council has, upon his said appticatibn, r4 r V/M&i - f; loifiid the nid Ftuik Hughaon the stun of ooe hundred dollara, to he re* j^ lliitl^hiterast by meuM of the rate hereuuifter impoied: j^ it therefore enacted by the said Municipal Council pf the said ToWQship of "Raleigh that an anunal rate of seven dollars and thirty-six cents ibbdrhy imposed upon the said land for a period of twenty years, such rate to be levied and collected at the same time and manner as ordinary taxes are levied and collected. J. a STEWART, Township Clerk. .■■■ '. ■ i !■■, 1 V ■■ ■'■«■■. 'y' li*-- & ofMiMwaiios 6f such ttrfttniige work by every lot and road or portion of )ot ; th« nlS MWnnient so made being thef aMcnsment hereinafter bf thii By- tew enaicted to be atsesied and levied upon the lots or .parts of lota and rMds l^reinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described, and the Ifpoft of the said «W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof and of the said dimin- age work being as follows : Chatham, 3rd October, 1896. To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh : Gemtlbmicn, — Having been appointed to make an examination and survey of Government Drain Number One, south of the Raleigh Plains brain in the Township of Raleigh, with a view to its repair and ii;nprove- ment for its proper roamtenance, I beg to report that I have made such examination and survey. I find the drain much out of repair. As will be seen by the profile, the fall in the drain, taken as a whole, is very great but is not uniformly ^tributed, and I have endeavored to place the improvements to deepen and enlaige the work chiefly where lands are injuriously affected, as at iU junction with the Simmonds, Symon dnd Doyle Drains. At these points IQW lying lands are flooded at times, more particularly from the junction ' wiUi the Symon Drain on to the Raleigh Plains Drain, and here the im- fMTovement has to be extensive, owing to the very large quantity of water conducted^ through these drains as well as the Government Drain itself, and owing to the decreased fall In Concessions 6th and 7th and north part of Concession "A." t, . •- . . y Lands are somewhat low and fiat immediately south of the Michigan Central Railway, and this part of the drain is the most difficult to deal . with, as the railway company has placed its two iron tubular culverts at too high an elevation to permit of a proper deepening here. The inverts c^ the culverts should be two feet lower at least, and all that can be done is to widen the drain to increase the water-way approachiag the culverts. ^ The bottom of the drain will be narrowed towards its head, as con- siderable water has &een cut ofi" by the construction of the Burns Drain. All the data for the riepair and improvement are furnished on the pro- file accbmpanying this as r^ards dimensions. < The earth excavated "will be cast three feet cl^r of the drain, and where the drain is ialong the rofid it wi.l be spread evenly to form the wagon-way to a width of eighteen feet, and where it passes through lands it will be spread sufficiently for easy cultivation; If, however, it is desired % i3«nhs alongside whosig^lands the drain passes, the Commissioner in chaxige of the work may have earth from the drain placed to form an embankment -m tow placer at the side of the drain opposite" the wagon-way. ;.;■ -■ . -■ . '■ ' . . . ■ - :#■ fvSif-'^i&^iM ^^'tifeS;£iM4iS '.' »•* ■ I estiniate the cost of the work as follows, be^vming tt the head of thednun: VttmtUkit 41s to ttiike 410, a distance of 77 rodt, at 60& per rod. .1 Fntei stake 410 to stake 400, a distance of 60 rods, at 75c. per rod . . Frmb stake 400 to nake 300, a disunce of 60 rgds, at 90c. per rod . Fkud staks 390 to stake 380, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.20 per rod. From StaJM 380 to stake 370, a distance of 60 rods, at $t.30 per rad . Ffon stake 370 to stake ^, a distance of 60 rods, at 90c. per rod . . Fran stake 360 to stake 350, a distance of 60 rods, at 80c. per rod. . Ffom sUke 350 to stake 340, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.00 per rod. From stake 340 to stake 330, a distance of 60 rods, at 8sc. per rod . . From stake 330 to stake 320, a distance of 60 rods, at ',$c per rod. . from stake 330 to stake 310, a distance of 60 rods, at 95c. per rod .. B^rom stake 310 to stake 300, a distance of 60 rodi, at 80c. per rod. . From stalie 300 to stake ago, a distance of 60 rods, at 7Sc. per rod . . From stake 290 to stake a8o, a distance of 60 rods, at 75c. per rod. . From stake a$a to stake 340, a distance of 7a rods, at $1.50 per rod. From stake 240 to stake 330, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.75 per rod . From stake 33010 stake 330, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.75 per rod. Frtifm stake sao to stake aio, a distance of 60 .ads, at $1.75 per rod. li'r'UQ stake 310 to stake soo, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.35 per rod From M%J.'« 300 to stake 190, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.50 per rod. F^m stake 190 to stake 180, a distance of 60 rods, at $3.50 per rod. From stake 180 to stake 170, a distance of 60 rods, at S3.00 per rod. From stake 170 to stake 160, a distance of 60 rods, at S1.35 per rod. From stake 160 to stake 150, a distance of 60 rods, at Si.oo per rod. From stake 150. to stake 140, a distance of 60 rods, at Si.oo per rod. Ffom stake 140 to stake 130, a distance of 60 rods, at $1. 10 per rod. From stake 130 to stake lao, a distance of 60 rods, at 7sc. per rod. . From stoke 130 to stake 1 10, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.00 per rod. From sUke no to stake 100, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.00 per rod. From stake too to stake 90, a distance of 60 rods, at 90c per rod. . . From stake 90 to stake 80, a distance of 60 rods, at 90c. per rod .... From stake 80 to stake 70, a distance of 60 rods, at | per rod . . . From stake 70 to stake 60, a distance of 60 rods, at $7-00 per rod. . . From stuke 60 to stake 50, a distance of 60 rods, at $7.40 per rod . . . From stake 50 to stake 40, a distance of 60 rods, at $8.00 per rod. . . From stoke 40 to stake 30, a distance of 60 rods, at $7.00 per rod. . . From stake 30 to stake 30, a distance of 60 rods, at $6. 50 per rod . . . Fiom stake ao to stake 10, a distance of 60 rods, at $5.50 per rod. . . From stake 10 to stake o, a distance of 60 rods, at $5.00 per rod . . . t 46 ao 45 00 $400 73 00 73 00 54 00 48 00 60 00 5« 00 45 00 57 00 48 00 45 00 45 00 loS 00 105 00 105 00 105 00 75 00 90 00 •»i5o 00 I30 00 7500 60 00 60 00 66 00 is 00 00 60 00 »54 0o 5400 73 00 420 00 444 00 480 00 430 00 390 00 330 00 300 00 Making for earth work . « $4990 30 I4990 so Bridges under sub section i of section 9 of the Diainage MU 1894 : Byklge at road, Coos. "A" and 7 1 135 00 Bridge §t road, Cons. 6 and 7. 135 Mi ■m 00 Hach charged half to drain and half to Municipality $ 350 00 f 350 oo) Sorri^, plans, estimates and report ©9 75 Assistants in surrey 1500 Xetting sod superintending m, 100*00 Pittbliwing By-law. ... .... ......'^ 15000 ^ Onk's fees, say. , 50 00 Registering By-law and delwntures 3 OQ Maldng a total of. .. . . I407 75f 40; 75 ♦5647 9r klAs^V'fV'"'^'; ' vk- '■i-'M ?» i') f'< &■ ' t-'*' 9\ f Sx '\. " ll . ^ - ■ a- . , , '■ - This sum I ««sess in the annexed gchedule w the lands; and ?oad^ and milroadsSnefited And using the drain as an outlet. '' l have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, W. G. McGEORGE. And whereas, the said Council are of opinion that the work so report- ed on by the Engineei iS necessary and desirable. Be it therefore enacted by the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleigh, pursuant to the provisions of •* The Drain^e Act, 1 $94," and amendments thereto. I. That the said report, plans and estimates be adopted, and the said drain and the works connected merewith be made and constructed m ac- cordance therewith. a That the Reeve of the said Township may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of Five Thou- sand, Six Hundred and Forty-seven Dollars and Ninety-five Cents, bemg the funds necessairy for the work, and may issue debentures of the Corpora- tion for that ^tiount and interest, in sums of not less than Fifty Dollars e^ch. payable within ten years from the date thereof with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say, in ten consecutive annual pay- ments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for pnn- cilAl and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly^as may be to the amount payable for principal and interest during each of the other years^ such period of ten years j such debentutes to be made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the Town Of Chatham. 3. Thar for the purpose of paying the sum of $i682.47,^being the amount charged against the^said lands for Ijenefi^ and che sum of $3381.77 being the Amount charged against the said lands fcr outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and to cover interest thereon for ten years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the following special raies, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxesare •levied), upon the undermentioned lots and parts ^f lots, and the amoMnt (rf^ the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot mpeetively, shall be d?vided into ten equal parts, and one siich Sart shall be assessed and levied as^aforesaid, in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which the said debentures have to run: 9 *1^ •»t»a l»pwls l»V>x •rtt* M N « vpiO"" to 0. 0» 0» Ot OiOO 00 » « o jp'fi'ios S£ ^d > )« SJ|«9i( OI j(9 )saia)ai jmoo ox i iiiii r ii iu iii i w^ •»S9«»a JO OTPA ^ o I fit s l"^. to :2 X ! fi I t^ CO .tn'Jw X c<|bOi4o9 S»S»g,&a8 8^f S»aS»S,a8 8 8^5JCS,KS?R5 M M ii« ' . »«»•»< 53«s!a SSuiiss^ US 2 M O 'i si I _ ^ »o - 1 .3 lO w. 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And whereas .he total amount required to be raised annually by special rate to disc narge the several instalments of principal and interest accru- ing due on such debt, is the sum of one hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty-five cents. And whereas there is no exisiting debenture debt of the said School Section. And whereas the whole amount of the rateable property of the said Township of Raleigh, according to the last revised Assessment Roll is ^2,450,345- And*whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Township of Raleigh is $84,116.95, and no part of the principal or interest is in arrear. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh enacts as follows: 1. The Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township of Raleigh may bor- row on the credit of the corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of one hundredand fifty dollars,and may issue five debentures ofthe corporat- ion for the sum of one hundred and seventy-three dollars 25-100 dollars each without interest, being equal to the said sum of seven hundred atid fifty dollars and interest thereon at five per centum for five years; such deben- tures to be made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, in the City of Chatham. ' 2. That for the purpose of paying the said sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, with interest thereon, for the perod of five years at the rate of five per centum per annum, a special rate in the dollar, sufficient to raise the sum of $173.25 shall, in addition to all other rates, be levied and col- lected, upon all the ratable property of the said School Section Number I'iftten, in each year, for five years after the passing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. 3. This By-law shall take effect from and after the passing thereof. Passed in open Council this nth day of August, A. D. 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.j A. H. WHITE, Reeve. ! NO. 677— A BY-LAW To provide for the repair, improvement and maintenance of Drainage Works, known as the Flook and Hinton Drains, in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality, the sum of $5290 00, the proposition to be contribut- ed by the said Municipality for completing the same. Provisionally adopted the 26th day of April, A. D. 1897. WHEREAS the Flook Drain and the Hinton Drain are drainage works originally constructed under the provisions of the Act then in force, res- pecting drainage by local assessment. m SI 36 And whereas, certain owners of lands assessed for the said drainage works have given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by the pre- sent condition of the said drain; and asking that the same be repaired, deepened, and otherwise i'rjproved. And whereas it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of the said drain; and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to repair, en- large or otherwise improve the said drain; and with that object, the said Township of Raleigh appointed Covee & Robertson, O.L.S. (being persons competent for such purpose) to examine and report upon the same. And whereas, the said Council has procured such examination, to be made, by the said Covee & Robertson, of the said drain; and of the area affected by the proposed work, and of the lands and roads liable •to assess- ment therefore under The Drainage Act, 1894, and amendments thereto; and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said drainage work proposed to be made by the said Covee & Robertson, and an assess- ment to be made by them, ofthe lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage work, and of other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in con- sequence of such drainage "work by every lot and road or portion of lot; the said assessment so made, being the assessment hereinafter set forth as part of the report of the said Engineers, together with that hereinafter bji this By-law enacted to b j assessed and levied upon the lots, or parts of lots and roads herinafter by that behalf specially set forth and described, the description, extent, and estimated cost of the work to be done, and the amount to be contributed thereon by each Municipality being fully set forth in the report of the said Covee & Robertson in respect thereof and of the said drainage work, as follows: „ , To the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh. Gentlemen, — Having been appointed by Your Honorable Body to ex- amine and report on the condition of the Hinton Drain, or any portion thereof, which it may be the duty of the Municipality to maintain, and of the repairs, extension or other improvement, which in our opinion will be required for the prorper maintenance of the said drainage work, and to carry the same to a sufficient outlet, with plans, specifications, and esti- mates of the work so reported by us, atid to make an assessment therefor, of all lands and roads and municipalities in any way liable for contribution thereto, we beg to submit this our report: — We have made an examination of said drainage work, and have pre- pared plans, mcluding profiles, specifications and estimates for the work of repair, extension and other improvements which we propose and recom- mend to have carried out, and have made an assessment upoh the lands and roads and railroads liable to assessment under The Dramage Act, 1894, for the expense thereof. The Hinton Drain, or the Higgins Drain, which it was originally called, has its head on the south side of the road allowance, between con- cessions nine and ten in front of lot 23, and its course north-westerly 37 througti the east half of the south half of lot 23 in the 9th concession, and its outlet into the Flook Drain on the east half of south half of lot 23, in the ninth concession, and is 125 rods long. We find that The Hinton Drain, although considerably wider in parts than when originally constructed, is out of repair, by having its sides broken and irregular, and being filled in throughout its length, and more particularly towards its outlet, and in its present condition is not sufficient to carry off the large volume of water, passing through it, without damage to adjacent lands and roads. We find also that the Flook Creek Drain does not form a sufficient outlet to the said Hinton Drain, and that in our opinion, a sufficient outlet is not obtained till the head of the Raleigh Plains Drain (recently con- structed) is reached at the line between the east and west halves of the south of lot 15 in the 7 concession. Throughout the distance from the outlet of the Hinton Drain, the course has been ditched, except about 40 or 50 rods at the lower end, un- der the name of the Flook Creek and Moody Drain, but the lands and roads along both sides for the greater part of the way, are badly flooded and injured during times of ordinary rainfall. We would therefore recommend that the Hinton Drain be repaired and improved throughout, and that to provide a sufficient outlet for the water of the same, the work of repair and improvement be carried on through the Flook and Moody Drains and extended to the Raleigh. Plains Drains, making in all a distance of 1562 rods. The course of proposed work after it enters the Flook Creek Drain is westerly through the ninth and eighth concessions, and through a part of concessions 4 £. B. L. and A to the road allowance between concessions A and 7 at lot 19, thence following the road allowance for some distance on the north side, and south-westerly on concession 7, to the head of the Raleigh Plains Drain as before described, all in the Township of Raleigh. The course is more particularly shown on the plan which accompanies this report. Over this course we have planted numbered stakes, eight rods apart, stake number eight being at the head of the Hinton Drain and stake num- ber 203 1-4 being at Raleigh Plains Drain. The profile which accompanies this report shows the depth and other dimensions of the work we recommend to liave carried out. The work will average about 5 feet deep throughout, and the bottom width will be as follows: From stake 8 to stake 23^^ at the Flook Creek Drain, 8 feet. From 23 J^ to 154, or where the Towl Drain enters 10 feet. From 154 to 197^ where the Waddick Drain enters 14 feet, and from 197^ to the outlet 24 feet. The side slopes throughout shall be one foot verticle to one foot horizontal. We have provided for the construction of bridges or culverts on the course of the drainage work rendered necessary by such work, crossing the travelled portion of the public highways, as set forth in the estimates. We have also provided for farm bridges, rendered necessary by the drain- .'*v. '^ 3« age work upon the lands of owners, and have fixed the value of the con- struction thereof, to be paid to the respective owners entitled as hereto as set forth in the estimates. When this work is carried out, as herein proposed and set forth, it will much benefit the land, both in the Township of Raleigh and the Township of Harwich, through the medium of other drainage works, swales, ravines, creeks and watercourses, as shown by the plan. There are passing through this drainage work before reaching its out- let, including road allowances, and the lands of the Canada Southern, and Laike Erie and Detroit River Railway Companies, the waters of about 21580 acres of land, of which about 1100 acres drain directly into it, and about 1 1 538 acres are contributed bv the Waddick Drain system, about ao2o acres by the Towl Drain system, 1265 acres by the Ferguson Drain sys- tem, 1095 acres by the Flook Drain svstemand about 4562 acres enter the drain at its head, thus using the whole length of the work of this latter amount abuot 2474 acres are from the Township of Harwich, and are contributed by the Howard Drain, an^ of that passing through the Flook Drain, 362 acres are also from the Township of Harwich and contributed by the Lewis Drain, thus making the total drainage from the Township of Raleigh about 18744 acres, and from the Township of Harwich about 2836 acres. SPECIFICATIONS. r^' The work shall be performed on the course marked on the ground by the numbered stakes, and as shown by the red line on the plan: The new part at the outlet shall be dug in a strait line, and where the old ditch is followed, it shall be straightened as much as possible within its limits by cutting off projecting points on opposite sides alternately. From 61 J to 63 all the enlarging shall be done from the south side. Be- tween 114 and 117 there is to be about 14 rods of new ditch as shown on the profile. The ditch shall be dug to the depths and other dimensions shown and given on the profile of work. The material taken from the drainage work shall be disposed of as follows: Where not along road allowance orwherenot interfered with by stationary fences, it shall cast about evenly on both sides, where the ditch or old channel is left for the purpose of straightening, it shall first be filled to the natural surface at the place, and the remainder to be put about equally on both sides. Where along the road allowance from 144 to 154, all the earth shall be put to the south side and moved over the present grade and spread even with its surf:.oe, and from 170 to 177 it shall also be put to the south side and spread evenly 18 feet wide on the grade on top. Where the fences will not permit of it being put on both sides, it shall be put on the op- posite side. In no place shall the excavated earth be left closer than four feet from the edge of work. It shall be deposited evenly along the drain and shall not be left in irregular heaps. No excavated material shall be ns shown and 39 cast upon or against any fence nor into or within four feet of any lateral drain or channel by which water enters the main drain. ' \ The slopes of the spoil banks shall not be greater than one foot vertical to two horizontal on that side next the drain, and lateral drains or channels. All trees, stumps, roots, logs, willows and other obstructions shall be cut and removed from the body of the ditch to some point beyond the spoil bank. Where it shall be necessary to remove any fence for the proper prose- cution of the work, it shall be done by the contractor and replaced by him in as good condition as before removal. The bridges or culverts across the concession roads shall be i6 feet wide clear inside, and the bridge across the side road shall be 24 feet wide, and all shall be constructed with wings and hand rail. •C'i' '■''-; ESTIMATES. ^' > ' " !■< * We estimate the cost of the work to be as follows: ^ Excavating and disposing of material from 8 to 23;^ $ 115 00 ti II 11 II 1123^1050 57500 II II II ^'i.; '•*''.: |< 11 50 to 80 610 CX) II II "f ,: --^f-'-'i' "Soto no 70500 II M " ?;vj " 1111010130 51000 11 II II \ . . »'• ,/ M 13010144 34000 II II II 'V . 11 ' II 14410154 24000 II II II ^. . « ■ ; II 154 to 170 650 00 11 i iifr' i» II 170 to 177 32500 .1 I. "£* «:^ Mi77toi97i 97500 II II II n iii97ito203X 5^5 00 Total cost of excavation $5570 00 I road bridge for Side Road at stake 144 1 90 00 3 road bridges for Con-Road at stake 8, 54 & 103, $60 each 180 00 I farm bridge on Ehf. lot 15 con. 7 C. W. Huthnance, owner 15 00 I farm bridge on Whf. 16 con. 7 C. Goodyear, owner 15 00 I farm bridge on Ehf. 16 on. 7 F. Bennet, owner 15 00 I (arm bridge on Ehf. 17 con. 7 D. W. Grice, owner 15 00 I farm bridge on Whf. 18 con. 7 G. R. Grice, owner 15 00 I farm bridge on E82 ac. con. 19 A. J. Cameron, owner i 12 00 I farm bridge on Ehf. Ehf. Nhf. 20 con. 8 D. Ball, owner 12 00 I farm bridge on Ehf. Shf. 21 con. 8 Geo. Towl, owner 12 00 I sarm bridge on W3-4, Shf. 22 con. 8 O. Cailey, owner 1200 I farm bridge on Nhf. 22 con. 9 J . L. Doyle, owner 12 00 I .'arm bridge on Whf. Nhf. 23 con. 9 Mrs. C. Doyle, owner '. 12 00 I farm bridge on Ehf. Shf. 23 con. 9 A. Highgace, owner 12 00 Assistance on survey .* 9 50 Clerks fees, Township of Raleigh . . 100 00 Clerks fees, Township of Harwich 25 00 Publishing By-law, Township of Raleigh 125 00 Publishing By-law. Township of Harwich 50 00 Registering By-law anl Debentures and publishing notice thereof, 2 Townships $5.00 each 10 00 Letting and supermtending construction of work 146 50 Survey, plans, estimates &c. (in duplicate) 135 00 Total estimated cost of work 966oo 00 This sum we assess and charge against the lands and roads and rail roads in the Township of Raleigh and Harwich in any way liable to assess- ment under the Drainage Act, 1894, as follows: ^'4 40 1^ v. 1 'SJBSX OI ioj JBsX i|3Bd Suunp 3 tuaiusssssy iBnuuy • • 1 (K •ajBH ITBiosds IB)0X ^ *tt O •luao g jad S )s sjvsX OI : 8 JIOJ )39J3)UI J3A03 O^ 1 6 'aoi&iAd^ jO iino3 Xq ( papuduiy SB iBjox 1 • S.S.8 888888S.8S, S, S, 88 3,8 83, 3, ' •XjjijqBji »0 N w *0O u^\0 « N j3|jno JO anjBA ._ f« N •* <- a « t - . .■ U3 .... . ^ •jysuaa JO sniBA .... ■s ■ • • • 1 • S • ' £ . • bA ' ■ ;; §:: : :d :•? : : : 1 II- •c : : « i S . 4j 1 ft • • o -a ■ 1 .s* 5 1 JJl|S|i|||il 1 Iw>tna3-a o •«? <«• £.u N MOO . HN to M ooooo a *rt m 3r M ■S M »« »«• \r> M ..^ (§ 00M<->MC4mr<^'^' .« • •a-s J : c s "t! J. ; ,>^>8 u til* y o Q -« o ■SJBdX oi loj jiesX q3B9 Suunp )U3UJss3ssy iBnuuy •ajB^ ppads l»;ox ')a93 jsd S )e sjesX oi 'uoistAS^ JO iino3 Xq papusiuB sb \v]oj^ •XjjiiqBiq lannojoaniBA OOOOOOQQOOOQir>OQQC too vo l^ Q Q Q Q N Tj-ioiounrjioo O O w^v'^O N fOrfO O »^0\m'9"0 O O O •• NO0mi-"i-i>i»^m flvO ►< « fn O M OO rO fOOO OO t^ ►• fO OVOO 00 O •^gauaa Jo 9n\v\ O in CO u V OS « _ a ^ Oh ^ O ^ ^ I - o : H S 3 rt O a o III in ^^j g p^ c/) h pg I .H H->~.C«i ^ HN t^'itvONNNNtotoONN "100 a>TtvO»0«vO »- f«0 «n»AW O O N N PI « N N N fOPOrOMTj-TtTf'tlJ-TfUMnintn c.a <*- 2 4> i: °8So O O «1 rt .a a c « O o V 00 a> a-^ e U1-H bfl-' 5^3S5^-"^»> g O o M rt rt rt > '-' Soo "TO 00 o-cuo* a « ^'c -« ^ _ U S .5 S J» « o 'wwij-vo N >.i ij I "8 ^;z;ai2i5a;2icfl^acflcnwa^w ■— .>-3 ^ Ct^ w H Q^ ^Km w jg ^ ?,^'ir 4« *SJV9X OI loj mi qo«9 aounp lusinssany (vnuuy §^ i; •9)»H I'padS I»»0X lad S 1« sjvaX OI joj )taJ3)ai J9A03 ox 'aou{A9^ JO wnoQ iCqipsptnai* tB \v\oj^ 'Xii|iqmq tsniiOJoaniBA •^gsasgjosniBA < o 8 8888888 ^^» 00 8 8 « r •s' 8 Mi' « Ov Q N ft M 1 S| fa S< 9 8 8 OnSvu^vO ■" •c Q d N «0 »0 w wS.o- g.'s M •a a M u « o •a ^ M ** oB.S .3 «to^ 3*8 ** III 8. a. o U o i o s 0!: (J n *2. 1 M ■ V M ! O ^ !0 2 Il 43 -7. V « N u^ O *8ilI3X OI lOj JB9A q:Mi9 Suunp )u»ui88»s8Y (vnuay •9JB^ l»j39dS IB»OX *)U39 jad S IV SJB3.( OI JOJ )8aj9)UI J9A03 OJ, ■•'?■. '.'^ ij> ;A« -iUy:r'^.:- •Xjjiiqwq PUnojoaniBA. JC s8 ^ 8 888 00 MOO M •^gauag Jo »ni«A 5 S N •O "O ? to I ''j^; j,;H.J;v '■.•''v-i .^^'i:' *-. . <• ■ "■' '•■-* .-■•'- .',;.■ A- ... Ji >'.iA- a ^ c • 4^ «• o !> a Hi' 'u t ■,■ . 73 H"^ <« o S ■• ^•' -U : '■■f''^r'^(■■''■■^-';'H^^'., ■■/■■■. j-.^i ,:::■''' ■ ■ • . ' . . , ■ ■, (.1 § f^-St^i S J^gg jS '«;«:;! k^y^v ^^^^1^ ^ ss H ^SHH H s 11 .2 s. |?;.:ij I^ 44 The Drainage work shall, after the completion thereof, be maintained at the expense of the Municipality of Raleigh and Harwich, and the lands and roads and railroads therein in any way assessed for construction, and in the same relative proportion. We have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servants, COVEE & ROBERTSON. Dated at Glencoc this 6th day of April, 1897. And whtreas the amount to be contributed towards the said work by the Municipality of Harwich, is the sum of $1310.00. 'k':^'^^:?: And whereas the total estimated cost of the proposed work is $6600.00, The balance of which, is namely $5290.00, is to be contributed by the Municipality of Raleigh. And whereas, the said Council are r*" the opinion that the aiid work, so reported on by the Engineer is necessary and desirable. Therefore the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleigh, pursuant to the provisions of "The Drainage Act, 1894," and amendments thereto, enacts as follows: if St. The said report, "plans, estimates, assessments and specifications are hereby adopted, and the said Drainage Work and the works connected therewith as therin set forth, shall be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow, on the credit of the Coporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of Five thousand, two hundred and ninety dollars; being said Municipalities' proportion of the funds necessary for the work, and may issue Debentures of the Cor- poration for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than Fifty Dollars each, payable within ten years from date thereof, with interest at the rate- of five per centum perannum, that is to say in ten consecutive annual pay- ments, to be ofsuch amount that the aggregate amount payable for principle and interest in any year shall be' equal as nearly as may be to the amount payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period often years; such Debentures to be made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the City of Chatham, in the County of Kent. 3. That for the purpose o^ paying the sum of $2130.11, the amount charged againat the said lands for benefit, and the sum of $2265.00, the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for cover- ing interest thereon for ten years at the rate of five per centum per an- num, the foUownig total special rates, over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and collected ((n same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into ten equal parts, and one shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which the said Debentures have to run. „ ^ nt servants, ROBERTSON. ork is $6600.00, tributed by the ship of Raleigh, d amendments d specifications ^orks connected in accordance le credit of the Five thousand, s' proportion of res of the Cor- in Fifty Dollars rest at the rate- ve annual pay- »le for principle to the amount ;r years of such e Branch of the bounty of Kent. I, the amount $2265.00, the )art from lands and for cover- ;ntum per an- ill other rates i at the same oned lots and Raleigh, and d as aforesaid into ten equal in each year rhich the said •45 .S s 8 ■5 a a I a I u *•» u (2. M a 4) ■3 .S m -^ o § s 3! Cd S u C/3 '8JB3X 01 joj jmX qosj Suunp )U3iu8sassv iBnuuy I t^ t*> 'I'.M O l*» >♦ f^ C^ N a> a\ o o u% ON^r^S ■**« >i w^O ♦ ^ If o> »r» ON irtM ^ ^0 r> N O u^«0 M i,:'. '""1 J <■■.£♦. - - - « - .;fA;:-ftf ■aiBH I'P'ds iBjoj, w «o ^f^ju-iw 0*0 Qn"" OOQ «vO '-' Ov^ mvO M 00 O 1 *>.'!r.'r OSO^O 8 5;- <*• o\ ^t^ 5;:';^ ^"R^f js;^':? M M M M M a» '1U39 lad S )v SJVsX 01 JOJ )83J3}UI J3A03 OJ^ »^vO «0 M (fy ^fOu^— 0> O "*vO Q ro N *0 »" O^ ^ fONO "" 00 moo M N M N M r^ 't **» o* onno 5 0\tOM N MON CQ fO" 'uotsiAs^ jo ;ino3 Xq pspuauiy SB icioj^ 8 8 8 8 S.8 8 8 J?jrS.!CS>8 ^O000NNtr)t^>ON ^00 OmOONO>000 « ro ^ ^ * ui 11 « r»> U100 «^ ' O (^ " u^M \o N m «• M M M M •igauag jo 3n[BA 8888888 t^ t^ O O ui fo O r- .' (4 U ■ • 0) 888 »ri O "^ ■ a • o . t^ r^oO O «« u^vO vO r^ OiOO 00 O'.OnOnOxOs^^ irtvO vO t>. t<«00 00 O* O* O O tri to*" ta M VO 5- M ^ Cd ^ W ^ Hwaw^M^ia '^ W 3< ^ W ^ M^Z «»-i -= v»- "5 vk I n 46 'tJvaX 01 joj j»aX q3«3 Suunp )u»ui8898tv (vnauy •8;«H l»p»ds I'^oi 13d S )B SJB9i[ 01 JOJ )83J9)ai J3A03 OX O 'too tr> ir» w lO O «'>*0 "> ro mvO »<1'0 vo 3» « '•100 * 3f M »« « « u^l MM MM >A o> r^OQ wnmi^tMVOM mmnmmn voMtrtoOvtit vtvo - \ m •.00 »nfni/»M f^l •;;';f#'- • ^'' r; t<*^0\^"" ^MOptNii^p OOnOO 0»m no trt\0 «0 00 f 00 « t>l « « Mvo m roe« M '^'If ■'.'/' , v." >' -i,' '. M MM«Mr<)MMtsl ■uot8iAa>{ JO )jnoQ Xq pspdstDB 8« i«)oj. %^8 8 8 ^8 S,8 i?S.8 8 8 8 8 8 ^S 8 S>8 8 8 8 8« t<> t«.OC 000000 0\0^0\OsO O 01 NNMNNMC4C4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMSXXf|ri(H 4> (3 !^ • **' >•» ^r — — — .M .43 rt ""S *s •« 'a -a h5 00 : = r 47 f ) n m O O >/> I/) i/tvo M I 8 2^888 8g<^d 8fe»88888<2 8i OOO O \r\\r\\r\Q o OOO OiO^OiOtO O ■•JtaX oi bj jvsX q3B3 8u{jnp tusnufldssy ivnuay , ir» ir»\6 r^ fO 'A Q r^ t<» 0> «*> •'^^ vO VO M 0> C4 rOONMMM (4» M f»»»M I»!3adS l«10X 00 r^ONfifOxvo "• Ov«n «>>oo r^ f» »r> OtvO VQ OO O ^ N N O M *^ N O O J9d S 1« tJvaX OI j )8aj9)UI J3A03 ox 00 »^o6 00 r>o\fn«/>«oON»%rn»o ••00^'*i»'>fOfO wrofi w 00 N t*> roag w «o fo mx M N « ;^'.. ■uoniA3^ jo iJnoQ papudoiB 8« i«iox 8 82^g,2§8J?588»8 8 8 <85v2 ^8 8 J?i?i5 ^8 8 r%vO •*• VO «r» P «n « « ^»vO 00 N O M flOO w w M « B MM ^Mr^M f»)t>MMOlMM M M ^ Pljno JO anjBA •jgauag jo stquA ~8 8 2^Pn2S8{r>8 8 8SJ8 8 8 »^vO «t mOvrtN M MVOOO N tart Ntf N4 P4 CI ta4 h« O m fOOO M N M M ^ MM «» 8 8 88 8R 8 g^ I c2 SCZ& .8«aMl-S Q S Q CD — ^ CdMOg'^OSH is s s, IT) Q O M ^HN Tl-O O O O U^iOtOO LnirnoOOONN •'lOO O O i(fM M inu^i/)M M N o\tou^ 8QMMMMMMMNMNN ff) «*» . a it 2 -a "S M vm <- u- ■« •»- •° 2 S -a !S "'^ J3 «« N N N N W W.N N M M M MJ3 l« •5S: «M .. . a w' J3 J3- i u 00 S=SS = = i=OS N,.. --;i- H7,ii''5V ".r-:iv-^ ' "» ;B(p"' \ ' '•JUff-f^.h 48 ijmX 01 JOJ j«aX i|3«a Su;jnp laauinsny ]«nuuy 2 2J?:?2 2a,2^JJJ2SJ&2 5iaa»»R?55;^:<.;r'^ fl M M M ■• os*n ON •aj»H I»|3ads l»)ox Ta^sTa^^T^^^^ 2? 3, ji J 3»"2 -s "S 'iS "^^ :: ? r ;? a M M « M M M m\o o o o o "^onq m 9tu^tn«'^«'>o ^^ « ^ fi a« jsd S )« ijvai 01 JOJ )iaj9)ai -KAOO ox 'UPifliAa^ JO )jno3 . »^ r^OO 0000OnO\OvOOQ6"»>-""-«-"«NNNNNM 5-^ M »> M,;2o2 00 ja «*« 'S S *?! y: s-«s in"' . . _ u, jj « Tis :s 13 JOJ 103 •UOI Xqpai 1 'U <^ m M M M «* 1^ ft^s^r^ps, s.^ss;3;><; « c*> •*> N W »Ovp O O 8n^« •aiBH lupads jmox ■1U33 jsd S )B 8JC3X 01 JOJ )a3J3)UJ J9A03 OX ■ao;8iA9^ JO jjno^ Xq papiiauiv SB i«iox 00 5 vO ^ t-'^t ONr^ ^fOf •«* 't O 0»N t^ O « « OnO* 00 On t r^ Q 00 0» *^cq ir,m pinnxww — ni-imk nm 00 4» , 00 "•>« ■<^^li^*rO^^O^O^^•«'> *0O O OnQO On O ««<• r* t^ On N On O NO ro p ro «o 6 Q OOQOQvOQiriTfQpQvOOO ^00 Q "^u^N Q fi 0> "^ »0 O fO O "On£ NOOOnO O On 0< O N « On P lAiOr^NNOONN •.«►<». !>, f) "O N "« v3 m ^%% <-" M -« N •» •XljUqBiq isnno JO aniBA igauaa jo aniBA POOOPOQOQir>pQPQNOQP a-<» P"^«naQ vOvOCt N On "TO fO P mN© vONflNO NoSOnP O On On PNNOnP >J5*^ mm ^^ fi t^ m^ m* f^ *» « 8888 a ^ <; ag — .^ H-.CU H cj Qg >-.^ oi ^ oi w ^ w RHiHnRHiHn QPPPPPP«'>r'>ON»'>PPPOOPOf^ONO»'> I'lNO o> fO m i-« Ch >n trt to MMT) irt d m p vA <4- ^ u^ p ^f it lO N N 0>0i PNN 3 r*»fnrO'fTf'*^ •«2:5 5 in to ;ww W ^ W ^ W ^ W 25 2 S5 w Z ^ W ^; y: cT! 25 OT 25 Z en Z «3 j^W (O ^33 On = = - P V a a 3isa p-s^fW^^;^^-^"^-'^: 50 'SJBSX 01 loj nai \pv9 Saijnp lastussassy iBnuuy ■ajB^ ITjpads lB»ox MiOir)r^d>000>->O^MTft^tNMO>"vO«*NM>«MMMMO O ■ O 0\ fO CT» u^fO » 49d S )8 sjvsX 01 JOJ )S3J9)UI J3A03 OJ, rOM M M ^N d f/) M IN. 1- moo MM Mm 'aoisiAS^ JO iJnoQ Xq pspusuii; sb ib)ox N N '^■vO t^VO 1^00 ^N <*1 vo m ^00 « m hMmmmmCSm •AjjijqBn jannojo'aniBA MOOOvO000O<-iboOO tnvo >i5^o«'^vr)boOOOO^^ « N ^vO t>.vO r^OO N romrOTtOO « w i-icsit-iMwwWw e» 88 :8 •jgauaa jo ani^A O ■..■;■ I 00 *r, inao 00QO^O'*'QOOQQOQOO>'>l«QOOOOQOO tJ-»nNtJ-^0'*«0 Ovot'lOO'-«0"1tr>NtNO»')VOU^mOOON Oi-iM«MNC4C4Nrnmm^rf u^vo vo vo tN r-. r^oo 00 00 00 Ci On O^ X J3 <<-i ^ A^ 143 a >*! >J ''a iJ ! -O ' c.-" «, U) •fllaS'^i a o a o = ^;^-! m ro fO «*>xO M trt ■• w « « N N O 3 O O O o\ r^ N O ro ro rvO OOO^Ntn-OQQOQ M (4 M ►> « TfN W t o o88 'O 'O *0 '^ Cli Ck Qit CU 3Jt/h IBIoadS l^ioj. ^^Nt'»OOT^T^o »o\c oo o\ *n «© , •juao ■jsd S )B sjBdX OI JOJ )83J3)UI J3A03 OJ. 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PS 3 a c« ^ N a 14 6 to <«> , (A a a «o « • «» « g a S *:-2 oiS, 'I Ctf "la ol »3 :^ g 8 "O I'D c« '. 3 to • * MUM 01 Vl Oi 96 as VO M s > 3 > •s 8 -a o _ o a S 5 to * «o o3 p vol *^ M g M OS 64 sivai 01 joj JTssX qoiss Saunp lasiusssssy |itnuuy ^ ft; e» o •a^BH iBioads jbiox •jaao jsd S )6 sjcsX oi lOJ )S3J3)ai J3A03 OJ, N •" ►" 1-1 O^ ^ jCSl N \o «» VOVO NOO to s 8» >;(:• .'n; •■•••v.; 'uoisiA3'^ JO jjno3 Xq papusuiB SB [B)oj^ o o t» lr> 8 o U M ro t>. r<^ & S N M i« »o e» «» •X^jjiqBiT laiinojo'sniBA o o •1 *r> «» fO •}g?u3a JO sni^A en x'^r V ! r- 00 "1 N" O » .112 "1 73 "- — .5 S' V 4^ hri So, o^ ^ 2 U it -s"T C o .a « o2"S s a - o a>t: ■J" PI' »o N N 1- N 00 N c4 a, Oh o .;V 8 O ««Q vot^O MOO 00 O O r»»t^ N i 65 • 4. For paying the sum of eight hundred and ninety-four dollars and ighty-nine cents, the amount assessed against the said roads and lands If the Munic^ality, together with interest at the rate of five per cen- im per annum for ten years, A special rate in the dollar sufficient to Iroducs the required yearly amount thereof, shall, over and above all ther rates, be levie4 and collected, (in the same manner and at the ime time as taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole Stable property in the Township of Raleigh, in each year for ten years Iter the final passing of this By-law, during which the said Debentures lave to run. 5. Jas. Chinnick and R. A. Pardo, are hereby appointed Commission- }fs to let the contract or contracts for the said drainage work and works )nnected therewith, by public sale, to the lowest bidder (not exceeding le estimate), but every such contractor, with one good sufficient surety, ^all be required forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance id completion of such contract according to said plans and specificat- |ns, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise or- tred by the Council), and it shall be the duty of the said Commission- to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance th such plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such Inds (unless otherwise ordered by the Council), and it shall be the |ty of the said Commissioners to cause the said works to. be made completed in accordance with such plans and specifications, and lo mt orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty-five per It of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed and duly :epted by a competent engineer; and for the due performance of these [d all duties of Commissioners shall be paid the sum of one hundred id twenty-five dollars. ■>■■,■-,•■•■'■;■ ■"■ ..■.:^I^^;^.>.V■' ;:.-''','/" 6. This by-law shall be published as provided in Section 22 of the ramage Act, 1894, and shall come into force upon and after the lal passing thereof, and may be cited "The Flook and Hinton Drain -law." ■ ;, .. ^ Read a third time and passed this nth day of August, 1897. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A. H. WHITE, Reeve. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a By-law pro- Monally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, the 26th day of April, 1897. ui , ..V '* ' J. G. STEWART, ; vir-fcf''' ;;% ' f^ Clerk of the said Municipality. >v-- '■'.'?■ ;■■:»«■.' NOTICE.. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the l^wnship Hall, in Raleigh, on Monday the 31st day of May, A. D. |7, at the hour of eleven a. m., for the hearing and trial of complaints appeals made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894: a notice of such com- 66 ■,<';v i 2. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow, on the Corporat- ion of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of six hundred and thirty- nine dollars, being that portion of the funds hecessary for the work not hereinafter otherwise provided for; and may issue Debentures of the Cor- poration for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than Fifty Dollars each, payable within five years from the date thereof with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say in five consecut- ive annual payments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period of five years; such Debentures to be made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the City of Chatham, " in the County of Kent. 3. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $340.00, the amount charged against the said lands for benefit, the sum of $299.00, the amount charged against lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads be- longing to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for five years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the follow- ing total special rates over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, and levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into five equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as afore-^aid, in each year for five years, after the final passing of the By law, durir j which the said De- bentures have to run. . ' ,. • I •3} 1 r 10} ra ^ ; • [S \~ 'i ip V M «-• .s an .. TS ft &i TS Cl a o s « Q IB 73 5t3r7^i?^^srrri2iftS2\io?!r^^^ ipality that will ■ waters therein, ed at the joint nying schedule, repair deem it specifications ks connected ted in accor- 69 itt I*) P h , o [^ a tt M a o a a M a> I u C/3 'SJcaX S joj JB3A qoBd Suunp }a»aiss3S8y [cnauy O O O 00 vo "^ t^ t^ »>. iriOO 00 00 O !-• t^oo m rN.vo vo vo r^ fi *>o vo »^ m •ajBH l«!33dS F»ox m onoo ooONOt^'-'i^rr. oo^o r<.oo t^ 1^ t^ n i^vo » 00 oo 00 O rOOO 00 mN OnO\N O Os>0"ir0'* — oo fO tnoo 00 vC N fs rOOO «» lOJ )S313)UI I9A03 OJ, »^ O\00 00 O N O Tj-00 ■ • - - - 0\ »ri N N il- "i- OMrt M vO •^j-^iOrffOM fO^iOr^O TO lOOO 't^i-iooC^rO^*'* N Tj- *irir»» lOfJ ^ N f» •UOjSIAS^ JO IJinOQ Xq pspuauie SB pjoj. 8QQQQOQQOCOOOQOOOQQQQQQtO«OQ 0000'oOOO>'iiriurnnOioOOOOOOOO»^l^O ►H Qo vo vO OSOO OT^^^O^NTtf<^0^ OnvO tr>fnfnroir>N N N NVO ppno jo'a'niBA 8QQQQOQQQOOOOQOQQQQQQQQ«otoQ VO 00 00 00 »>.>0 tr\\0 NNNNOwiOi-iOvO >«0O O O "-< '-' VO •jgauaa jo anjBA 73 Si §;\ o a 88888888 :88888888888888888 10 O 00 00 M c» «O00 • t> O N rOOO '*ioioOO>'>ioNmN'-'0 g> I O '■a en 0) , u ,0 , •-! > p-5>>S^raO-<->_,_ • •^ *^ pTS ^ O _ *^ > -Pi k^ « - . o u = e a V pq o o >- = 13^ OPS O <5H OOOOCoOOOO»OON<*»ir>NONO'-«»OOf<1t^Of^<^fO M H M ,«■:: "-" N N** rorO'4-iO r^\0 «Oioir>'t«d-»ouit'4-'*-^'«*-to*^'j' ■-i-i'-ii-ii-ii-c«wi-i>-iw .a a d h c« (« 73 S"- 9 o o ,K>' O o a a, WOcfl2:^W<5!2;^25v:<<^^^<^ VO >« :?= = 'ii ,|l 70 1 1 !«?! i^ifc % ■siv»A S ^J?8 : 5 iOj JvsX q3«3 Suunp W^M )U3iusv3ssv i«nruy «* »,58 ! : ^ •a»BH iBiaadS I'JOX ~, «\ m • 'I V'!. «© •» •juso M M Q ? jsd S 4V sjcaX S « « « 8-^ -;; JOJ )89J9)ai J9A03 0^ />',■ •» «^ gas RR3 R 'noi8iA3>{ }0 wno3 lOt^ f»l Q 0> *• 00 iCq pDpiiauiB SB i«iox m t~i m ^ vO « «» «» ! Q Q • -^O txt>. ■ •itit'Tqvii tr.\nm y.' llo • fAf to ■ . 888 88 : •jyawajj p anj^i ■ N N P( M M >*i M h . * * ' V , a • » • a ■■■ ■ 1 1 ; •— > '' •^trifi* • sr N t^ • ''\;^H ■ ,g : t*50\ • "' "S ' , • .*'."=' ' , , ■ ' ' .2< * h ' T' • 1 4-1 1^ 3 T IP -1 i PLi Cii •Q J ' f i. 8 i 3 * 5 i■'.)^«;«.i;^^iJffi^f5?f :,.4, ..^■^•^■•■v^^i"''i::i ^V; j'T^yV IV! /. .t ' V - ttfi 7^ 4. The sum of Forty 70-100 dollars^ the amount assessed against le said roads and lands of the Municipality, shall be paid by the Trea- |rer of this corporation out of the general funds of the municipality. 5. James Clayton, is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the con- ract or contracts for the said drainage work and works connected there- with, by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate), jut every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be required forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and complet- )n of f':^; .3. The rate so imposed by this By-law, shall be collected by the Col- sctor of rates for the said Township of Raleigh, and paid over to the >easuser of this Corporation, in bankable funds, on or before the 14th day ^f December, A. D. 1897, in so far as the law will enabl'! him so to do, ^nless otherwise ordered by this Council. 4. Harvey Jenner is hereby appointed Collector of rates for the said township of Raleigh during the current year, and until the said are all col- ected and a due reti^rn made to the Treasurer of this Corporation, (the Amount so collected to be paid over to the Treasurer at least every two ireeks) conditionally on his furnishing bonds duly executed by himself and i[ood and sufficient sureties to be approved by this Council, in the sum o^ ten thousand dollars. And for due performance of these and all duties of Collector, as provided by the Statutes of Ontario and the By-laws of this Municipality, he, the said Collector shall be paid the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, inclusive of all duties that do or may per- tain thereto. , . .^>r_ ; Passed this aSth day of August, A. D., 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A. H. WHITE, Reeve. SCHEDULE "a" '^ Election Expenses $ 145 00 Charity ^ 328 98 Law 512 46 Salaries 1422 40 Roads and Bridges , 1 150 00 Miscellaneous > 412 21 Pike Pump 8 16 Simpson Drain ^ 258 84 Burns Drain 42 30 Raleigh Plains Drain 640 95 NO. 2 Government Drain 136 16 Chinnick' Drain 47 00 Irwin Drain 37 22 NO. I Government Drain 75 60 Four Rod Drain 40 70 Flook & Hinton Drain 142 02 . '^/t;, ",'.',■ .'-. ■'. " '" $5400 00 , = ; ■ 1^0. 681— A BY-LAW '• To authorize the Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township - of Raleigh to borrow certain sums to meet the now current expenditure. WHEREAS the taxes levied for the current expenditure of the said Cor- poration for the year, have not yet been fully collected, there being uncol- lected of such taxes a sum not less than the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed; And whereas the sum of Six Thousand Dollars is required to meet the , now current expenses of the said Corporation, and it is expedient to aut- horize the Head and Treasurer to borrow the said sum; Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh as follows: — I That the Head, with the Treasurer of the said Corporation, be, and they are hereby authorized, under the seal of the Corporation, to bor- row from The Canadian Bank of Commerce the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, required to meet the now current expenditure of said Corporation. 2. That the said Head with the Treasurer aforesaid, be, and they are 75 hereby authorized to pay or allow the said Bank interest on the said sum so borrowed at the rate (of not exceeding) six per cent, per annum. 3. That a promissory note or notes covenant or agreement, sealed with the corporate seal, and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Reeve and Treasurer, be duly executed and given to the said Bank as afore- said as security for the amount borrowed, with interest thereon as afore- said. <» Passed in open Council this 27th day of September in the year of our Lord, 1897. - , :, ■■<•■;■•* ^ J. G. STjEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) Certified a true duplicate copy. A. H. WHITE, Reeve. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. To NO. 682— A BY-LAW repair, improvement and maintenance of provide for the repair, improvement and maintenance of Drainage , ; Works, known as the Moore and Larbee Drains in the Township of ■ Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of ■ . the Municipality, the sum of $389.75 for completing the same. Provisionally adopted the nth day of August, A. D. 1897. WHEREAS the Moore Drain and the Larbee Drain were drainage works originally constructed under the provisions of Acts then in force respecting drainage by local assessment. And whereas certain owners of lands assessed for the said drainage works have given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by the present condition of the said drains and asking that the same be extended, repaired and otherwise improved. And whereas it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of the said drain, and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to repair, en- large, extend or otherwise improve the said drains and with that object the Council of the said Township of Raleigh appointed Angus Smith O. L. S. (being a person competent for such purpose) to examine and report upon the same. And whereas, the said Council has procured such examination to be made by the said Angus Smith O. L. S. of the said drain, and of the area affected by the proposed work, and of the lands and roads liable to assess- ment therefor under The Drainage Act, 1894, and amendments thereto; and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said drainage work proposed to be made by the said Angus Smith and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage work, and of other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring Hability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in consequence of such drainage work by every lot and road or portion of lot; the said assessment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this By-law enact- ed to be assessed and levied upon the lots or parts of lots and roads here- inafter in that behalf specially set forth and described and the report of the ■ J;' I* J m ,'f,..'' ;|-7j I m:- 1^' said Angus Smith in respect thereof and of the said drainage work being ts follows: .^, To the Municipal Council of Raleigh Township. GiNTLBMKN,— In accordance with initructiont from Your Honorable Body, in- ■tructing me to examine and report on the condition of the drainage works known as the Moore Drain, The Flater Drain and The Larbee Drain. I beg to say that I have made the necessary survey and examination, and find that certain improvements and changes are necessary and desirable for the better drainage of the interested lands, and for the better maintenance of the different drainage works. The Flater Drain is situated on the westerly side of the Centre Road in the 13th and 14th concessions, but it can hardly be called a drain on account of the small drainage area and the condition cf the drain itself. The Larbee Drain begins on the road allowance between concessions 13 and 14 about the middle of lot 9, and continues south-westerly along the said road allowance to the side-road between lots 6 and 7, thence northerly, along the easterly side of said side-road. The Moore Drain begins at the road at the rear of the lake lots on lot 9 concession l|, and continues north-westerly along the lot line between lots 8 and 9 to the Larbee Drain in the road allowance between concessions 13 and 14. I would therefore recommend: 1. That the Moore drain be repaired in accordance with the accompanying profile and specifications. 2. That the Larbee Drain be extended fifty-six rods to meet the Flater Drain, and cut the waters from the head of this drain into the Larbee Drain. 3. That the Larbee Drain be improved in accordance with the accompanying profile and specifications. 4. That the extension and improvement be known as "The Moore and Larbee Im- provement." The Moore Drain shall have a bottom width of 3 feet from stake "o" to stake 13, and 2 feel 6 inches from stake 13 to stake 38. The Larbee Drain shall have a bottom width of 3 feet throughout, and shall be straight. The side slopes to be one foot horizontal to one foot vertical. The earth may be cast on either side of the drain, except where a fence follows it, then the earth shall be cast to the opposite side, and in all cases kept three feet clear from the edge of the drain. Where the ilrain follows a road, the earth shall be spread evenlY over the grade of the road, as the Commissioner may direct. All bridges and fences removed shall be replaced in as good repair as when found, and without unnecessary delay. The bridge on the 9& 10 side-road shall be taken up and a dam or embankment shall be made in its place. An allowance of $2$ is made in the estimates for a road culvert on the 6 & 7 Side Road where the drain crosses the road allowance between concessions 13 and 14. I estimate the cost of the drain to be, all expenses included, $440. 96, made up as follows: For excavating and spreading material — Moore Drain, stake o to stake 13, 104 rods at 30c . . f 31 20 .-, II II " 13" " 21,64 •' II 37c 2368 M II II 21 M II 30,72 II II 40c 2880 II II II 30 11 " 38,64 II II 42c 2688 $ no 56 Larbee Drain, stake o to stake 15, 12 rods at 25c $ 30 00 II II II 15 II II 25, 80 II M 39c 31 20 t-f; '' II II II 25 II II 35t 80^ II II 6sc 52 00 ir^,.t ■■ II II II 35 " " 4S» 80 II II 70c. 56 GO H " II 45 " " S5> 80 II II 40c 32 00 ',' II II II 55 " " 67, 96 II II 20c 19 20 Add to this for — $ 220 40 New culvert 3 25 00 Taking up bridge and making dam 500 Survey, plans, profile, report &c 20 00 Assistance on survey 400 , 1 ■■V.V'.-' ■'■- 77 Clerk's feci ...,,, i la nn PublUhlng Bylaw, 4c ' .lll'.'.'ll".]]]'.' .[[][ i6 oo Court of Revision ''[ lo oo LiCtting tnd superintending !...!*....!]...!!.!,,.!!! i8 9 MO oo _ . ■ " Making a total of $44096 This sum I assess and charge apainst the lands and roads in your Municipality that will be benefited by, and that use this drain as an outlet for discharging their waters therein, and those from which the water is cut oflF, in accordance with the scheduli of assessment hereto attached. I would also recommend that this drain be kept up and maintained in the same re- lative proportions. All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, Ridgetown, July 26th, 1896. ANGUS SMITH, O. L. S. And whereas, the said Council are of opinion that the said work of re- pair, extension and improvement so reported on by the Engineer is neces- sary and desirable. ;■; Therefore the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleigh pursuant to the provisions of "The Drainage Act, 1894," and amendments thereto, enacts as follows: 1. The said report, plans, estimates, assessments and specifications are hereby adopted, and the said drainagework and the works connected therewith as therein set forth, shall be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the s?id Township may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of three hundred and eighty-nine dollars and seventv-five cents, being the portion of the funds necessary for the work not hereinafter otherwise provided for; and may issue Debentures of the Corporation for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than fifty dollars each, payable within five years from the date thereof with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say in five consecutive annual payments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period of five years; such Debentures to be made pay- able at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the City of Chatham, in the County of Kent. 3. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $280.50 the amount charged against the said lands for benefit, and the sum of $io9..25 the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from the lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest theron for five years at ■ the rate of five per centum per annum, the following total special rates, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into five ^qual parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, in each year for five years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which the said Debentures have to run. 2^.'-« H't •l" i^Kf-. 78 / :^m •^ -..v'ji ,•■■''■'^.■ 4> e2 •a a w M 4> a I a .<3 'SJBSiC ^ joj nsjC q3«9 Saunp )a»ui •ssassy iBnuuy 0\ fO ON ONVO OOVO " O ^ IBIDSdS IBJOX u-iio«/ltOOOOO«'>OOOQOOO«£> O rf Ml On On M OnOO N "% t^ »" fONO O fJ f^ On "" ^ M vo vO M On lO ri tf> t>*5. P Q 5 Q. 5. o f m mvO N fO fOV roro>-i «» O ')U33 .19d S )B J3)ai iSAOO OJ, ONI-' On OnOO no 00 M lO t^OO O •■ "-i O U10 "MOO O miTO — ~ GO'* MM . •'too POTtNtOOOO '*••*»-' ;V'V ■uoisiAa^ }o uno;;) Xq pa puauiB SB iBjox OOOOQiOOOOOT-'^OOT'lO •'»000'0«OOOONN«'>»'>NN«'l N wNOnO « l^iOt^u^'^wvO N NnOnO On W4 MM o loui O O " VON »4 »4 »4 C^ 8 OTOO O lOmO tx lO rfVO >0 N N NO vO 't lO M NO «» •igauag JO aniBA o O en V u § u 8S>88 8 8 88 88 8888888 O u^vr)0>'>"%000»nOOOOO"^ M MM M^MNNTfrfNN LOO 00 ■* N M. o m N •2 •« . -S U3. "■ "a! "S 2 S-2 u> D - O' >. = • S5^ 3J3C2»c>!-S3S5«S'^o6rtl?h3 »Oir>iOioo O GOO O «O»oio0 G ""> 'OOO 00>-iNCtvoiOior>>OONNNiO>ONNM r^t^OOOOOO ONONr^OOOO On on On On on on O vLi- •,« .fi N*-» 13 e On "^^ ^ *♦***-• N>^ t^ ** o O ir>M »ON « <» O 5i N M V s 3 ;2n2o I i ',■.«»< =• ro - - _ - _ t _ _ :|vV' ::,;t^ ) "■•I. O "^ ■-• ION N % CI w 1 for Benefit for Outlet 5 of Municipality ■• Total Total Road _^. ... hM 79 4. The sum of $51.21, the amount assessed against the said roads and lands of the Municipality, shall be paid by the Treasurer of this corporation out of the general funds of the municipality. 5. George McKay is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the con- tract or contracts for the said drainage work and works connected there- with, by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate), but every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be requir- ed forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion jf such contract according to said plans and specitications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Council), and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifica- tions, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty- five per cent of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed and duly accepted by a competent engineer; and for the due performance of these and all duties of Commissioner, he, the said Commissioner, shall be paid the sum of eighteen dollars. 6. This by-law shall be published as provided in Section 22 of the Drainage Act, 1894, and shall come into force upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited "The Moore and Larbee Drains By-law 1897." Read a third time and passed this i8th day of October, 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. " A. H. WHITE, Reeve. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a by-law provision- ally adopted by the Municipal Council ot the Township of Raleigh, on the nth day of August, 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk of the said Municipality. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that a Court" of I^evision will be held a.; the Township Hall, in Raleig'.i, on Monday the 13th day of September, A. D. 1897 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., for the hearing and trial of com- plaints and appeals made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894; a notice of such com- plaint or appeal must be served on the Clerk of the said Municipality of Raleigh at least ten days before the final sittings of the Court. And further notice is hereby given, that any one intending to apply to have the above By-law or any part thereof quashed must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other Head Officer, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court, at Toronto, during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the above By-law. , , r A Dated at -Raleigh, in the County of Kent, this nth day of August, A.D. 1897. J. G. STEWART, ^^ . > Clerk of the Municipality. mm 'III III :^-' ^S . .uU>r. . So f . NO. 683— A BY-LAW , >.. To provide for the repair, improvement and maintenance of Drainage Works, known as the Kersey Drain in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality, the sum of $3709.25 for completing the same. ' * ' ''?'^'^!'v^/ Provisionally adopted the nth day of August, 1897. WHEREAS, The Kirby Drain is a drainage work originally constructed un- der the provisions of Acts then in force respecting drainage by local as- sment. And whereas, certain owners of lands assessed for the said drainage works have been given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by the present condition of said drain, and asking that the same be repaired and otherwise improved. And whereas it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of the said drain, and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to repair, en- large or otherwise improve the said drain, and with that object the Council of the said Township of Raleigh appointed W. G. McGeorge, O. L. S. (being a person competent for such purpose) to examine and report upon the same. And whereas, the said Council has procifred such examinati«n to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge, O L. S. of the said drain, and of the area affected by the proposed work, and of the lands and roads liable to assessment thereof under The Drainage Act, 1894, and amendments thereto; and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said drainage work proposed to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge, O. L. S. and an assessment to be rtiade by him of the lands and road? to be benefited by such drainage work, and of other lands roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in conseouv- e of such drainage work by every lot and road or portion of lot; the said assessment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this By-law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the lots or parts of lots and roads hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described, and the report of the said W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof and of the said drainage work being as follows : Chatham, 27th July, 1897. ^ To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh: Gentlemen, — Having been instructed by Your Honorable Hody to make an exi- mination and survey of the Kersey Drain, with a view to reporting on its condition, and CO its repair and improvement where necessary. I beg to report that I have made such examination and survey, and I find the drain very much out of repair and re- quiring improvement, as it is inadequate to convey away without d;»mage to lands, the large vo'ame of water conveyed to it by numerous feeding drains in its course and converged to its head, and ! recommend that it be repaired and improved to accord to the data furnished on the plan and profile accompaying this my repor*. The excavated earth will be cast three feet clear of the drain, and on lands will be spiead sufficiently for easy cultivation, and on roads, to a width of at least 20 feet, and sufficiently for easy public travel and traffic. The drain will generally follow the course of the drain as at present, easing oflf sharp corners, so as to make an evener course for the water, and leaving in the hands of the ■•\ns Commissioner in charge of the work, such small deviations as may be made with the consent of the owner of the land affected, to straighten off bends to afford a more uni- form flow of the water and an evener course of the drain, the drain in places being very crooked and with abrupt turns. v I estimate the cost of the work as follows, stations being gencially six rods apart: ■tFrom stake o to stake lo a distance of 60 rods a^ $ 3 50 $ M II 10 II 20 II II 20 II 30 II II 30 II 40 II II 40 II 50 II II 50 II 60 II II 60 II 70 II II 70 M 80 II II 80 M 96 II II 90 It 100 II II 100 M no II II no II 120 II II 120 II 130 M II 130 11 140 II II 140 II ISO II II ISO II 160 II II 160 M 170 1 II 170 II 180 II 11 180 II , I go II tl 190 -1 M 202 60 II II s 60 'i II 2 60 II II ^ 60 II II ^ 60 II II 2 60 II II I 60 II II 2 60 II II 2 60 II II 2 60 II II ^ 60 II II 2 60 II II 2 60 II II I 60 II II I 60 ,, It 2 60 II II 2 60 II II 2 60 II M 2 72 II II I 30. 50. 00. 00. so 80. 00. SO- SO. 00. 2S- 20 70. 80 00. 20 60, so. 80. Making for excavation . Bridges under Section 9, Sub-Section i of The Drainage Act — Bridge at "A" and 7 Con. Road, charged to munici^^ality $ Bridge at "A" and 8 Con. Road, charged to municipality Bridge at 6 and 7 Side Road, charged to municipality Bridge at 9 and 9 Con. Road, charged to municipality Bridges under Section 9, Sub-Sectiom 3 of The Drainage Act, 2 Bridges on w hf, Lot 9 Con. 8 $ Bridgeon e 1-6 nhf. 8Con. "A" Bridge on w 5-6 n hf. Con. "A" Bridge on s hf. Lot 8 Con. "A" Bridge on e 2-5 e hf. e hf, n hf. Lot 7 Con. 8 Bridge on w 3-5 e hf. e hf. n hf. Lot 7 Con. 8 Bridge on w hf. e hf. n hf. Lot 7 Con. 8 Bridge on e hf. w hf. n hf. Lot 7 Con. 8 Bridge on w hf. w hf. n hf. Lot 7 Con. 8 Bridge on e hf. n hf. Lot 6 Con. 8 Bridge on s hf. Lot 6 Con. 8 . . Bridge on n hf. whf. Lot 6 Con. 9 Bridge on n hf. Lot 5 Con. 9 210 198 ISO 180 180 00 00 00 00 00 ISO 108 00 00 120 00 ISO ISO 180 00 00 00 13s 132 102 108 00 00 00 00 v. 120 00 ■; 132 1S6 150 108 00 .. - 00 ,^,,; 00 $2919 00 45 4S 45 45 00 00 00 $ 180 00 40 20 00 ^ ■• ■' 00 , ,^ 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 20 00 00 — -, r $ 280 00 report, &c $ 63 75 To this add for — Survey, plans, estimates, Assistants in survey 13 So Letting and superintending 100 00 Bylaw 120 00 Clerk's fees 30 00 Registering By-law and debentures 3 00 $ 330 25 Making a total of $3709 25 d, This sum I assess as in the annexed schedule, ajjainst the lands and roads benefited and using the drain as an outlet. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, .;* W. G. McGEORGE. P. S.— On the south half of Lot 9 in the 7th Concession, the earth excavated wilt be placed east of the drain to form a barrier to the overflow of the water eastward, this however at the discretion of the Commissioner, who will judge the places where this is chiefly necessary. r And whereas, the said Council are of opinion that the said work of repair and improvement so reported on by the Engineer is necessary and desirable. , i , x Therefore the said Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, pur- suant to the provisions of "The Drainage Act, 1894," and amendments thereto, enacts as follows : 1. The said report, plans, estimates, assessments and specifications are hereby adopted, and the said Drainage Works, and the works connected therewith as herewith set forth, shall be made and constructed in accord- ance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of Three Thousand, Seven Hundred and Nine Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents, being the funds necessary for the work; and may issue Debentures of the Corporation for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than Fifty Dollars each, pay- able within ten years from date thereof with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say in ten consecutive annual payments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principle and in- terest during each of the other years of such period of ten years; such De- bentures to be made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, in the City of Chatham iru the County of Kent. , ': ■. 3. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $1438.00, the amount charged against the said lands for benefit, and the sum of $1867.22 the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for cover- ing interest thereon for ten years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the following total special rates, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into ten equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, 'n each year for ten years, after the final passing of thia By-law, during which the said l>ebenture» have to >un. 83 enefited RGE. ited will astward, ;s where work of ary and gh, pur- idments tions are jnnected 1 accord- lit of the lousand, ;he funds ation for ach, pay- f five per ments, to eand in- such De- : of Com- e amount 67.22 the rom lands for cover- sr annum, shall be tie time as Its of lots amount of ich lot or I one such ^ears, after tures have Q ST i2 u c V S u s» o w a. 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Tj mvo C ■*00 ■ • • 1 • • -a " : o Q > IS. A and 7 . A ,1 8. 8 and 9 . 9 and 10 . 10 and 1 1 . 11 and 12 . 12 and 13 . 13 and 14 . > u ■a^t/)W:J'73Ms -CTiC 3.-JS §: = = = = = s^-^ u §« o ' T ; % = = = =."2:5 1 ^-i _C «r.|: 1 III •3 (2 • ■ ^. * ;■ -% i oot = = - - PS 1 if ' 1 ,,i, . ^w >•' SI 4. The sum of ^4 18,03, ^^^ '^^^ nt assessed against the said roads and lands of the municipality, together with interest at the rate of fiv per centum per annum, for ten years, a special rate in the dollar suffi- cient to produce the required yearly amount thereof, shall over and abuve oil other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected, upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Raleigh, in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which said Debentures have to run. 5. A. H. White is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the contract for the said drainage work connected therewith, by public sale to the low- est bidder (not exceeding the estimate) but every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be required forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion of such contract according to such plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Council,) and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifications, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty-five per cent of the amount due until the contract is fully completed and duly accepted by a competent en- gineer; and for due performance of these and all duties of Commissioner, shall be paid the sum of Seventy-five Dollars. 6. This By law shall be puhfi^hed as provided in Section 22 of The Drainage Act, 1894, and shall come iiito force upon and after the final pas- sing thereof, and may be cived * The Kersey Drain By-law, 1897. Read a third time i;nd passed this i8th day of October, 1897. J. G, STEWART, Clerk. (Seal) A. H. WHITE, Reeve. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a By-law provision- ;uiy adopted by the Muncipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, on the nth day of August, 1897. , ^ J. G. STEWART V 1 .^ • Clerk of the said Municipality. ■■^'-v ■''"'"■■ . NOTICE. - .\ . ,. .;/.^' Notice is hereby given, that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall, in Raleigh, on Monday the Thirteenth day of September, A. D. 1897, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m., for hearing and trial of com- plaints and appeals made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894; a notice of such comp- laint or appeal must be served on the Clerk of the said Municipality of at least ten days before the first sitting of said Court, And further notice is hereby given, that any one intending to apply to have the above By-law or any part quashed must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other Head Officer, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make application fof that purpose to the High Court, at Toronto, during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the above By-law. Dated at Raleigh, in the Couaty of Kent, this nth day of August, A. D., 1897. J. G. STEWART, J Clerk of the said Municipality. NO. 684— A BY-LAW To provide for the repair, improvement and mainte known as the Symon Drain in the Towns inage Works aleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality, • v the sum of $4450.80 for completing the same. , ,;/:i >> Provisionally adopted the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1897 WHEREAS, the Symon Drain is a drainage work originally constructed under the provisions of Acts then in force respecting drainage by local as- sessment. And whereas certain owners of lands assessed for the said drainage works have given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by the pre- sent condition of the sa d drain and asking that the same be repaired and otherwise improved. And whereas it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of the said drain, and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to repair, en- large or otherwise improve the said drain, and with that object the Council of the said Township of Raleigh appointed W. G. McGeorge O. L. S. (being a person competent for such purpose) to examine and report upon the same. ' ; h And whereas, the said Council has procured such examination to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge O. L. S., of the said drain, and of the area affected by the proposed work, and of the lands and roads liable to assessment therefor under The Drainage Act, 1894, and amendments thereto; and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said drainage work proposed to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage work by every lot and road or portion of lot; the said assess- ment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this By-law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the lots or parts of lots and roads hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described and the report of the said W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof and of the said drainage work being as follows: ; ''- " ^ Chatham, Sth July, 1897. To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh. Gentlemen,— Having been instructed by Your Honorable Body to examine and report on the condition of the Symon Drain or any portion thereof which it may be the u #..- i Mi- m ;:'?ff i ■::''i&& ^, ^f^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^O ^^^ K^ C ^\4^ 4i. V.x 1.0 I.I 1.25 Li|28 12.5 jam _j^ £ US 12.0 I U 11.6 ^ ^. 4V/ % ^ ^/^^ '/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)873-4503 'rS^. . .,..,,'■' \;^o "* 90 s dntf of the Municipality to maintain, and the lands affected thereby, and of the repairs or other improvements which, in my opinion, wil4 be reqitired for the proper and nplter maintenance of the said works, and the relief of any lands affected thereby, or to prevent damage to lands and roads, and to make plans, specifications and estimates of the work so reported on or recommended by me and to make an assessment therefor upon all lands, roads or municipalities in any way liable to contribute therefor under the Drainage Act. I beg to report that I have such examination and survey. I find the drain very much out of repair, and all along its course requiring more or less of repair and improvement, lands being flooded and injured. I find also that it is impossible to improve the drain to a suffiaent capacity without improving the Carter Drain from its function with the Symon Drain to its outfall in Government Drain No. One, at the 12 ft 13 Side Road, which GovemmeAt Drain No. One is now undergoing repair and improvement. The work now being done in the Government Drain will afford an improved outlet. I recommend, therefore, that the Symon Drain and the portion of the Carter Drain below its Junction with the Symon Drain, be repaired and improved, to accord to the data furnished on the profile accompanying this my report, which profile is to be read as forming part of this my report. . r The excavated earth will be cast three feet clear of the cut or drain, and on lands will be levelled sufficiently for easy public travel and traffic. My estimate of the cost of the work is as follows : From stake o to stake 10 a distance of 60 rods at $ .60 per rod . .$ 36 00 II II 10 II II 20 II II II 60 II II 1.20 II II . . 72 00 » II 20 II II 30 II 11 II 60 II ti 1.80 11 II . . 108 00 j M fl 30 II II 40 II II. II 60 II II 2.00 II M ., 120 00 II II 40 11 II 5^ " *■ >■ ^ " " 2.40 II M . . 144 CO -•• 11 $0 II II 6011 II II 60 II M 2.80 II II . . 168 00 II II 60 \\ II JO II II II 60 II II 2.90 II II . . 174 00 •I II 70 M 11 80 II II II 60 II II 2.60 II . II . . 156 00 II II 80 II II Qo II II II 60 II II 1.90 II II . . 114 00 II II 90 II II 100 II II II 60 II II 1.80 II II . . 108 00 It fl 100 II II no II II II 60 II M 1.80 II II . . 108 00 •I II no II II I-20 II II II 60 II II 2.00 II II . . 120 00- II 11 120 II 11 130 II II II 60 II II 1.60 II II . . 96 00 II II 130 II II 140 II II II 60 II II 1.60 II ti . . 96 00 II II 140 II II 150 II II II 60 II II 1.4.0 It II . . 84 00 . ~ II (I 150 II II 160 II II II 60 II II 1.50 II II .. 90 00 II II 160 II 11 170 II II 11 60 II II 2.00 II II .. 120 00 II It 170 II II 180 II II II 60 II II 2.50 II II . . 150 00 II II 180 II II 190 II II II 60 II II 2.00 11 II . . 120 00 ti II 190 11 n 200 II 11 li 60 II II 2.40 II 11 . . 144 00 II 11 200 It II 210 II II II 60 II II 2.30 II II . . 138 00 11 II 210 II II ^220 II II II 60 II II 1.80 II II . . 108 00 , ti II 220 II II 230 II II II 60 II II 2.60 II M .. 156 00 II II 230 II II 240 II II II 60, II 11 4.20 II II . . 252 00 II II 240 II II 250 II II II 60 II n 3.70 II II . . 222 00 II II 250 II II 265 7-12 a distance of 93^ rods at $3.80 perrod , 355 30 tpm-v. Making for earth work , $3559 30 For bridges under Sub-section i of Section 9 of The Drainage Act, 1894. Bridge on "A" and 8 Con. Road, charged to municipality $ 40 00 " Bridge on 8 and 9 Con. Road, charged to municipality 40 00 Bridge on 9 and 10 Con. Road, charged to municipality 40 00 Bridge on 10 and 11 Con. Road, charged to munapality. .i 30 00 e 91 Iffdge at cehtre (9 and lo) Side Road, charted to municipality .... $ 35 00 Bridge at Middle Road, repair, charged to municipality . . .V. . i? co Bridge at 12 and 13 Si.le Road, charged to municipality. ...*.*" .* .* .' 40 co $ 240 00 For bridges under Sub sectson 3 of Section 9 of the Drainage Act, 1894. Bridgeonehfshflot<2. Con. "A" 1 .^... * ^^ ^ Bridge on n hf lot 12, con. 8 * 2000 Bridge on shf lot 12, con. 8 20 00 Bridge on e hfn hf Lot 12, con. 9 ..!"..!!!....'. l8 00 * Bridge on s hf lot 12, con. 9 !!!."..'!!*.*..'.".'! 18 00 Bridge on e hf shf lot II, con. 9 ; '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.." 1800 Bridge on e ^ n hf lot 1 1, con. 10 18 00 Bridge on w qr. n hf lot 1 1 con. 10 \\][ ,8 qq Bridge on w ^ s hf lot 11, con. 10 !..!.!.!! 18 00 Bridge on s 2-$ n hf lot 10, con. 10 ; 1 .... ! 18 00 Bridge on s hf lot 10, con. 10 .• ...!.!!!!! 18 00 Bringe on n hf let 10, con. 11 ^ .............. . 18 00 Bridge on s hf n hf lot 9, con. 1 1 iS 00' .Bridge on s hf.lot 9, con. 10 .*.'.' ig go ; ^ $ 258 00 To this add for Survey, plans, estimates, -report etc $ 82 50 Assistants in survey 18 00 Letting and superintending 100 00 Bv-lawsay , 15000 Clerks fees say , 40 00 Reiristering By-law and Debentures 3 00 $ 393 50 Makinginall $445080 This sum I assess in the annexed schedule on the lands and roads benefited and us- ing the drain as an outlet. I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, Your obedjVnt servant, W. G. McGEORGE. And whereas, the said Council are of opinion that the work of repair and improvement so reported on by the Engineer is necessary and desir- able. Therefore the said Municipal Council of, the said Township of Raleigh, pursuant to the provisions of "The Drainage Act, 1894," and amendments thereto, enacts as follows: 1. The said report, plans, estimates, assessments and specifications are hereby adopted, and the said Drainage Work and the works connected therewith as therein set forth, shall be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation of :he said Township of Raleigh, the sum of four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars and eighty cents, being the portion of the ■M 41. '4f Mir funds necessary not hereinafter otherwise providedfor; and may issue De- bentures of the Corporation for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than fifty dollars each, payable within ten years from the date thereof virith interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say in ten consecutive annual payments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable fqf principal and i(iterest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to tne amount payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period of ten ye;\rs; such Debentures to be * made payable at the Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the City of Chatham in the County of Kent. 3. That for the purpose of paying he sum of $1841.00 the amount charged against the said lands for benefit, and the sum of $2083.68 the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest theron for ten years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the following total special rates, over and above all other rates, shall be assess- ed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the said special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into ten equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which the said Debentures have to run. ■ ' ■."-,/:■,/', - ■■• ; ,■■■ ■' ■; - ■' ■! r r_ . - --., ^...■■■.^ fjv "■ L ' 93 'SJB3A OI joj j«9iC q3«3 Sutjnp luainsssssy [Bnaay a 'B CO O « 0» fO ♦no •-• 0\0 0t0\9>0«>-> O unw •« ~ »r> S o» 0» **! »n »nco 0% fOl^iriN M a;»a i»p3«IS l«»ox 4ad S )« sjcaX OI JOJ )S3Ji9)ai J9A03 ox *uo!SiA3>{ JO ?ino3 i(q pjpaauiB sv ibioj. «r» Oi r^ fO ^va t^ >. ^ d COM «OOt>.N'*'<»- ^%(!6Cfi f^O ** ^vO rs.00 CMSOO O N N C< C< N ^0'^0^ O 0« Q O V< M m ■^ -4 ^ M Mm 8 8 {?«S-«;?«?ftv&S5'"S8 8 8 S{SiS,8^g^lCSrg:8 8 S, O f* M («) M t^ m\c u% t» ^0 rs. 1^ t^ Q^ ^«0 t^ N O >0 O u%<5 (Orotx >«x«*» t^««»0 •Xiijiqisiq •jyauag jo 8ni«A ■ O N vOOO 80 r^vO <*>0 OkO O O *rt*riin*n\r\t^m t>.0 O *n MMOONNO^^ro M M r*) »^ M H« »4 rst^O s H-»~,t«4 a s s cj i-.o >~.>-^co 2 f^Hc9**4!* HC9 H6* •HSHN O O O Q OO 00 00 * W Hw d>OOOOOQOOONpc^OQ.O »or<5mO * 'J' •* N « ^ ir> m «/l »« «r> O v^ "> «« ^ xftinm NNWNNN'i*" — 0000\0»NWN»"w»-'»- xQOO vO _ •*a in 9 >!! >- vT Pi e< c^ ^ p?M i«- 'a J- *- i ««- — S — -i^ 'a u, 'a § w a o •<« = =00 = = = = = s r r OS I ." -(.; ^P^^^W^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w 94 *sjvaX oi ioj JvaX i|3«9 3aunp )uaui8898By i«nuuv »>.•< roOvONONO O t«»w 0\OnOn**O>O\C>>i OM^** 0»«'»0 •" O ^ Mir>fO«*»*i«»n«*J»or'» "tM vO000'"*'>««^O00>'>>'>00Oa0^r^N ^OiO>*OvO« •ai»H I«3a^vO O^ N toOO 00 vO N M N N N w M H M MM ■uoniAa^ JO linoQ Xq papuaoi* sb {biox ^OQOOO'^-NmttOQO O QO OO C>Oit^*r%rxk>.«'»'*r^ 00 >♦!» ooO«"^«rtOOOO«o*>ooo'oO'-i»n— •->►»« mvo »« •» « r^ «>» »^ lO •» t% t^ r^ ro ro l>» !>. 1^ **0 O* — 00 «*> <^ •■ On ^ •Xiii!q»!l Pljno JO aniBA 00 ■** 6O-0M^u^0O00»««^C0Om"'»"»fO—>-»"« five . ^ * On<0 00 00 00 V© ON * * •• w N "• « a» ntjauaa JO aniBA 88 :8888888 o «^ «» irto \rnrnno o 00 »«^fO— r*«*»N s-s I 8 ||s g •r! >«•? 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MM • '^ -^ a ui ..... g ". • a,*- «-j* S -fl "* •*' S -^^ « •'^ "^ •*' s « •^ ivj.«»- •.-'tS'— »— 2<— ^^»M 9 }£} "./*.»-* ''V' ",>*'a ■'.s*£ '^M '■[■■^Jk fc:^ I02 :::r-:'.>:fy:nm 'SivsX oi joj naX ipv3 Suunp luauissassy (Bnuay MMVOONOO^(^>• •31BH iwaads l«1ox 00 vO fO Tj-vO O^iOO O N CO r^ u^M O O r^tO« t^mi^ro rOVO r^ O O N ro N M i-imvoONOONro>-< VO VO ')U93 JSd 9 IB S1B3X OI JOJ )S3J9)UJ J3A03 OJ, "•ooo^^NC^^^oo•«»•foo^ onqo rtvo • t».00 t^ ». w N lO TJ-OO 0> re t^ HI ro<*J«'>*«^N O O N "-■ N N W PI ro ee 00 N •t'oisiAS jj JO ; jno3 Aq papusuiy SB ibjcj. r^oo Tto ■*Qfno Ooot>. t^oo r^ •* rj- ►" VO fo moo O 00 »o «ivo w w in »« 00 fi « w I'joo ov t^ r^ O o 00 o •xijiRBn PUno JO anjBA t^QO •<*-C'*Q'*>00'*l^ «^00 t^ Tf rt 11 vO fO tr^OO 000"^«'^C0i-ii-i«O"»00re OOU^N "" tOmtOO O OVOO 00 t^ >-< N Oi «» •jgisaaa jo aniB^ V c O u < O •4-* ,3 a o a o U da.. o o si fOO 8 o o o N tr>»ri«0 o o 't r>00 t^ t^ Ov e» •4>J O H rl-u^Tj-(r>N 11 O C\Xi tJ 'O 'U T3 "^ n3 'O ''J .cccacac '■ "< »)rtc«««rtcScSc« ^ Q ^ ^ K O r 1 r "• c " « 2 << t-i ^ -G Lj O O o t^ ■ N 8 00 (^ 1 VO - k4 rovo 1 <;? "8 m »4 N 6 O O H c ° c a V U k. 4> (U 4> (4 4) ?i » »3 •tS 13 'O 'O en <4 oj c4 * o o o o • 73 73 (tt « O O b w 0) v o »^ - - c a Ovvo 73 a. B *j 3 mo-"- vSvS o ?;*'■■ ■' ^?^, '.*«v \'iW .'* ■* ' ^.•■>f ¥(r, ^.^# ' ■- * r -■•-V ,:- - • ; 103 y 4. To pay the sum of 526 12-100 dollars, the amount assessed against the said roads and lands of the municipality, together with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum for ten years, a special rate on the dollar, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount thereof, shall over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected), upon and from the whole reliable property in the Township of Raleigh, in each year for ten years after the final passing of this By-lay, during which the said Deben- tures have to run. . ? ^: "'# ^' 1;. George McKay is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the con- tract or contracts for the said drainage work and works connected there- with, by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate), but every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be requir- ed forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion of such contract according to said plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Council), and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifica- tions, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty- five per cent of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed and duly accepted by a competent engineer; and for the due performance of these and all duties of Commissioner, he, the said Commissioner shall be paid the sum of seventy-five dollars. 6. This by-law shall be published as provided in Section 22 of Ihe Drainage Act, 1894, and shall come into force upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited "The Symon Drain By-law, 1897." Read a third time and passed this 18th day of October, 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A. H. WHITE, Reeve. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a by-law provision- ally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, on the 2^rd day of August, 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk of the Municipality. NOTICE. - ."' Notice is hereby given, that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall, in Raleigh, on Monday the 27th day of September, A. D. 1897, at the hour often o'clock a. m., for the hearing and trial of com- plaints and appeals made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894; z^ notice of such com- plaint or appeal must be served on the Clerk of the said Municipality of Raleigh at least ten days before the first sitting of said Court. And further notice is hereby given, that any one intending to apply to have the above By-law or any part thereof quashed out must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other Head Officer, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of m Mil his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Coiirt, at Toronto, during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the above By-law. ,;■.■ ^,. /:\;:-;;:f\. . .. ■; ^ ■ - Dat^d at Raleigh, in the County of Kent, this 23rd day of August, A. D. 1897. '■ .^u- ::i«- ^'■::: ':X.^.<''i:'r'' •■ J- G. Stewart, ■-•.:<■:' .;■-;'■>• >:^f .. Clerk of the Said Municipality. '!:**>.-! 685— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 681 passed on the twenty-seventh day of September, 1897, and instituted a By-law to authorize the Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of Raleigh to borrow certain sums to meet the now current expenditure. ;:'':'9:^ WHEREAS, a By-law No. 681 was passed on 27th day of September, 1897, by the Council and instituted a By-law to authorize the Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of Raleigh, to borrow certain sums to meet the now current expenditure. ^ And whereas, the amount of Six Thousand Dollars therein authorized to be borrowed, has not been sufficient to meet the payments maturing due. And whereas, it is necessary to amend the said By-law in order to provide the sum required. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, enacts as follows; 1. That the words "Fifteen Thousand Dollars" be substituted for the words "Six Thousand Dollars" wherever the same occurs in the said By-law. Read a third time and passed this third day of November, A. D. 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A. H. WHITE, Reeve. NO. 686— A BY-LAW :ti< To provide for the repair, improvement and maintenance of Drainage Works, known as the Bell Drain in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality, the sum of $1002.50 for completing the same. Provisionally adopted the 13th day of September, A. D, 1897. WHEREAS the Bell Drain is a drainage work originally constructed under the provisions of Acts then in force respecting drainage by local assess- ment. And whereas certain owners of lands assessed for the said drainage works have given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by the pre- sent condition of the said drain and asking that the drain be repaired and otherwise improved. And whereas it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of the said drain, and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to repair, enlarge / or otherwise improve the said drain, and with that object the Council of the said Township of Raleigh appointed W. G. McGeorge, O. L. S. (being a person competent for such purpose) to examine and report upon the same. And whereas, the said Council has procured such examination to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge of the said drain, and of the area affect- ed by the proposed work, and of the lands and roads liable to assessment therefor under The Drainage Act, 1894, and amendments thereto; and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said drainage work pro- posed to be made by the said VV. G. McGeorge and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage work, and of other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuryig liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in consequence of such drainage work by every lot and road or portion of lot; the said assess- ment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this By-law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the lots or parts of lots and roads herinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described and the report of the said W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof and of the said drainage work being as follows: V Chatham, August 23, 1897. To the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh. Gentlemen — Having been entrusted by Your Honorable Body to make an exami- nation and survey of the Bell Drain in the Township of Raleigh, with a view to its re- pair and improvement. I beg to report that I have made such examination and survey. I find the drain out of repair and insufficient for the work it is required to do, and since the recent improvement in the Raleigh Plains Drain the opportunity presents it- self to deepen it and make it efficient, an J I recommend that this be done to accord to the data furnished on the plan and profile accompanying this my report and to be taken and read as part thereof. It will be necessary to entei the Raleigh Plains Drain by a cast iron pipe culvert through the south embankment of the same, the pipe to be 36 inches bore with a stop gate at the outer end of the same. Two thirds of the cost of this pipe and work to he charged to the Bell Drain as per agreement to that affect. The pipe to be laid to grade in a bed excavated to fit the invert and with the embankment filled in over it to its nor- mal height. . J . The earth excavated from the open drain to be cast three feet from the dram and on lands to be spread sufficiently for easy cultivation and on roads to be spread evenly on the wagon way to a width of at least 18 feet and suitably for easy public travel and traffic. - ,: ' ";*V>i My estimate of the cost of the work is as follows: '" •" -^ < From stake o to stake 10 a distance o.' 60 rods at 90c per rod ... .$ 54 00 „ „ 10 11 M 20 ti II 11 60 II M $1.50 II II ,... 9000 „ „ 20 II II 30 It li 11 60 11 II $1.50 II 1 90 00 „ II 30 11 II 40 II II II 60 II II $1.00 II II .... 6000 V gt^i; „ „ 40 II II 5011 11 " 60 11 II $1.00 11 II 6000 ;'' ■^;*' „ „ 50 „ n 6211 II M 72 II II ^2.00 II 11 .... 144 00 ;•• Two thirds cost of cast iron pine of 36 inch bore laid in place with gate and refilling over same say 30O 00 Bridges under Subsection i of Section 9 of the Drainage Act. Bridge at Sth and 6th Con. Road charged to Municipality 35 0° Bridge at 6th and 7th Con. Road charged to Municipality 4° 00 *» _, -? 873 00 ' I M if , '?'• sv^r-'-i^^ ' 106 To this add for Survey, plans, estimated, reports, etc. I 27 50 AaaistaAts in surrey 600 By-law 50 00 Lietting and superintending .' 35 00 ^ Clerk's fees, say 8 00 Registering By-law and Debentures 3 00 1 129 so Making a total of I looa 50 The pipe is estimated as a length of 48 feet and is to be laid to the gradient shewn on the profile with the bed excavated to fit the invert with spaces for the ball joints and near the mouth the space where there is now a washout to be made up substantially witib concrete of Hydraulic cement sand and broken brick or stone or in such other sub- stantial way as the Commissioner shall deem best. The Commissioner to have full dis- cretion in this work as to length of pipe, plan of gate and means of protection at the ends, etc. The work costs rather more than at first anticipated but it is better to make the drain and other work good and sufficient rather than at a less cost to make only temporary, repairs, I assess the cost in the annexed schedule against the lands and roads benefited. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, W. Q. McGEORGE. /And whereas the said Council are of opinion that the said work so re- ported on by the Engineer is necessary and desirable. Therefore the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleigh pursuant to the provisions of "The Drainage Act, 1894," and amendments thereto, enacts as follows: 1. The said report, plans estimates, assessments and specifications are hereby adopted, and the said Drainage Work and the works connected there- with as therein set forth,shall bemadeand constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow, on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh, the sum of one hundred and two and 50-100 dollars, being the funds necessary for the work not herein- after otherwise provided for; and may issue Debentures of the Corporation for that amount and interest, in sums of not less than fifty dollars each, pay- able within five years from the date thereof with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to say in five consecutive annual payments, to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount pay- able fo' principal and interest during each of the other years of such period of five years^ such Debentures to be made payable at the Branch of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, in the City of Chatham, in the County of Kent. 3. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $881.57 the amount charged against the said lands for benefit, apart from lands and roads be- longing to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for five years at the rate of five per centum per annum, the follow- ing total special rates, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots under the jurisdiction of the said Council of Raleigh, and the amount of the special rates and interest assessed as aforesaid against each lot or part of lot re- spectively, shall be divided into five equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied as aforesaid, in each year for five years, after the final passing of this By-law, during which the said Debentures have to run. e •a 6 n S s I a .& s o. o '% I I .s I o D u 107 ', pay- )ffive lents, il and It pay- )eriod rCana- Kent. ' lount Is be- ^terest )llow- ;ssed, les are ;r the )ecial )t re- lallbe final fi •aiBjl ivpads itjw>1 as o 00 e» A, vO t>.O0O t^u%«^»0« t>vO •-> m «^ «?».* IX. to t». w eot^oo ■♦ 1^ m On t^OO Q 00 VO O M «« «( looO O Q •A « «3 «^ »'>00 jad S It: sjrdX oi JOJ )S3J3)UI JSAOD OJL <» "^ moo t>.«r)N. Qym Q QVN OM^* «OW O OV'AwNO *• »^*«« * f*»0 <-> « *"« 't« «n *aoisiA3){ jo 'jjno^ 8 8888888888^a8i?888 6> 00, M ■H (4 N NOQ v?8IC888 OvOO Q mOO mmtrk •iCiiuquiq •jyauoa jo ani«A u o a 8 8g8g38g38S%a8i?8g8^8K8 ID OOtnt^OtlOONOOOMMVlNQO OxOO O «• OQ <0 « C*3 »^ WW _ vOOOQOOOOOto«^0000«nm vS O O O "^ ■*»'>«'> * u^t^K « t^ w N M »88«?! O M s .s P..Q "0 0«NOvOvOOOOOOO»«»"«**""WWO>Ov >«• J3 vm o _ v*« " a u XI o2 a- o Bi d » *•- "S — Bl «»^ fl *** J3 >*' •*< ; vO = = = *^ . '^n > t^x'sa X •■jt . ^^--tS io8 •siwA 01 ^uainssassy iBnuuy '9Vm i^iodds iBiox 1- '1033 jsd S IB sjBaX oi JOJ lS3J9)aX J3A03 OJ. *0 ««0n«0 «» to 00 0» ■*fON w 0\»0 fOvO ^ W On ON « «0 rO ^o\ S8 * OM^ oo e» *aoisiA3^ JO jino^ Xq papudUB SB |B)ox ooo o o o ro rr N w t^ % VO Tj-N ^N M ^O 2 O N »« "*00 g& o 8 japno JO aniBA •jijauaa JO anjBA • u • 3 ooo Q O O «» ^8588 M to Q U-l V) O in N 8 a> «n in oo I ^'S^'^^ -*" "^S i o w O w O O o o "55 M rt |> ••« 00 ft ON " J3 if »> rt uj 4^0 51^- « cone VO IS a a in ifl a B o o CJU e e li^ON « o 00 N CO •-■ o M 8 u •5 o roa< five > ent othe time prop final contr publii such ( with t contra nientic shall h made i fograr cent, o cepted all dutii sum of 6. ^rainagl passing Re J- G. S: Ihj ally adoj 13th dai 5 g a 1—. *" I o Not) Townshif '897, at f plaints aJ in the ml plaint or] Raleigh d J AndJ [have the I ten daysi [Reeve or] 109 i 4. To pay the sum of 1 128.43 the amount assessed against the said roads and lands of the Municipality, together with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum for five years, a special rate in the dollar suffici- ent to produce the required, yearly amount thereof, shall over and above ali other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and -^t the same time as taxes ar6 levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Raleigh in each year for five years after the final passing of this By-law daring which the said debentures h^ve to run. A. H. White is hereby appointed Commissioner to let the contract or contractsj^for the said drainage work and. works connected therewith, by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate), but every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be required forth- with to enter into bonds for the due performance and. completion of such contract according to said plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Council), and it shall be the duty of the said Confmissioner to cause the said w^orks to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifications, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each contractor, less twenty-five per cent, of the amount due, until the contract is fully rompleted and duly ac- cepted by a competent engineer; and for the due performance of these and all duties of Commissioner, he, the said Commissioner, shali be paid the sum of thirty dollars. 6. This by-law shall be published as provided in Section 22 of The Drainage Act, 1894, and shall come into force upon and aflef- the final passing thereof, and may be cited "The Bell Drain By-law." Read a third time and passed this 15th day of November, 1897.* J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) A H. WHITE, Reeve. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a by-law provision- ally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh; on the 13th day of Septemper, 1897. J.G.STEWART, ': . ':'<^.'\4-^''.s'"'i.[^''^'-''--i\>::'': Clerk of the Mi!nicipality. ■:;■. :■;.'■■:■ A -•:'•:■;,;■: NOTICE. . /,vo- Notice is hereby given, that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall, in Raleigh, on Mondav the ti8th day of October, A. D. 1897, at the hour often o'clock a. m., for the hearing and trial of com- plaints and appeals made against the above assessment or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894; a notice of such com; plaint or appeal must be served on the Clerk of the said Municipality of Raleigh at least ten days before the first sitting of the said Court. And further notice is hereby given, that any one intending to apply to have the above By-law or any part thereof quashed must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other Head Officer, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of ^\.ji^.ir. "^■'WJ^lf^ no his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court, at Toronto, during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the above By-law. Dated at Raleigh, in the County of Kent, this 13th day of Septenjber, A. D. 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk of the said Municipality. J' rt y •1 M ^.^ A ^' II f II II 1 It K' II NO. 687— A BY-LAW To appoint Deputy Returning Officers and to provide Polling places for holding Elections, in the lownship of Raleigh during the year 1897. Also to appoint a place for holding nominations therefore. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, enacts as fol- lows: 1. In c^se a poll be demanded by any candidate or elector at the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeves and Councillors of the Municipality during the year 1898, the elections shall take place and be held in the several Polling Sub-divisions of the Muni- cipality as provided by law, and at the following places, that is to say: In Polling Sub-division No. One — At the S. H. in S. S. No. 6. II • 11 Two— At the S. H. in S. S. No. 3. 11 II Three— At the South S. H. in S. S, No. 4. II n Four — At the S. H. in S. S, No. 13. II II Five — At the Seperate S. H. in S. S. No* 5. •I II Six — At the house of Robert Mason, Merlin. II II Seven — At Forester's Hall, vil. of Buxton. .1 II Eight— At the S. H. in S. S. No. 8. II II Nine — At the S. H. in S. S. No. 9. II II Ten— At the S. H. in S. S. No. ic, 2. The following named persons are hereby appointed Deputy-Re- turning Officers to hold any Municipal election required to take place in the several polling subdivisions as aforesaid during the year 1898, viz: In Polling Sub-division No. One — John Johnston. II II M Two — Joseph J. Payne. II II II Three— Elbert S. Dyke. It n II Four — George B. Shreeve. II II II Five — Micheal Doyle. •I II II Six — Mathew Dillon. " II II Seven — James Hancock, v^ " - . " II II II Eight — John Harvey. II II II Nine — James Goulet. II II II Ten — Wm. H. Pardo, Jr. . • 3. The Public meeting required to be held at noon on the last Monday of December for the purpose of nominating candidates as afore- t'^^J.i Ill said, shall take place and be held in the Township Hall in the said Township of Raleigh, at noon on Monday, the Twenty-seventh day of December, A. D. 1897. Read a third time and and finally passed this fifth day of Novem- ber, 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk, (Seal.) A. H, WHITE, Reeve. NO.. 688— A BY-LAW Respecting the Office of Clerks. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, enacts as follows: 1. Albert E. Robinson is hereby appointed Clerk of the Municipal- ity of the Township of Raleigh, in place of John Grassick Stewart, de- ceased. 2. The said Albert E. Robinson shall truly record in a book, with- out note or comment, all resolutions decisions and other proceedings of the Council and if required by any member present shall record the name and vote of every member voting on any matter submitted, and shall keep the books, records and accounts of the Council, and shall preserve and file all accounts acted upon by the Council and also the originals or certified copies of all by-laws and of all minutes of the proceedings of the Council, all of which he shall so keep in his office or in the place appointed by By-law of the Council. 3. The said Albert E. Robinson shall be paid for his services the sum of Four Hundred Dollars per annum, to be paid by four equal quarterly instalments of One Hundred Dollars each, which sum shall include all duties required to be performed by the Clerk under the Municipal Act, the Assessment Act, the Drainage Act, the Wutercoursc Act, the Tile Drainage Act, the Voters Lists Act, the Public Schools Act, the Separate Schools Act and by any By-law or resolution of Council for this Municipality. The said Clerk to be repaid all disbursements • necessarily incurred by him in the discharge of his duties. 4. The said Clerk shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council. Dated at Raleigh, in the County of Kent, this loth day of January, A. D. 1898. A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLEY, Reeve. NO. 689— A BY-LAW To appoint certain Municipal Officers. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, enacts as follows: m m ■t^trt, ?^ ';■■'• ■■*" -i? In the second R. R. In the third R. R- In t^he fourth R. R. In the fifth R. R. i/i; m- ■ iia 1. The following named persons are hereby appointed Commissioners of Rural Road Divisions and Watercourses, viz: In the first R. R. Div. — Jas. Chinnick. Div. — Nelson H. Shepley. Div. — Henry Linley. Div. — L. A. Pardo. Div. — Jas. Clayton. 2. The following named persons are hereby appointed a Local Board of Health, under the provisions of the Public Health Act and amend- ments thereto, viz: Nelson H. Shepley, chairman (ex-ofiicio). Albert E. Robinson, secretary (ex-officio). S. N. Young, Medical Health Officer. J. P. Chinnick, (3 years). a. The said Medical Health Officer and Secretary shall each be paid a salary of Fifteen Dollars per annum, and each member of the Board shall be paid Two Dollars per day for each day he is called upon to act. 3. The following named persons are hereby appointed Auditors, viz: Louis Goulet, nominated by the Reeve, and Jno. Clarkson, nominated by the Council, who, in consideration of the sum of Twelve Dollars each per annum, shall perform all duties required by Section 263 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892. 4. Jas. R. Irving is hereby appointed assessor, who, in addition to the duties required under the provisions of the Assessment Act, shall perform all the duties required under Section 1 1, of the Truancy Act, and equa- lizing of Union School rates, and the said assessor for such duties duly performed, shall be paid the sum of Nintey Dollars. Passed in open Council this loth day of January, A. D. 1898. A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLEY, Reeve. of NO. 690— A BY-LAW _. To appropriate certain surhs of money for the improvement of the roads and bridges in the Township of Raleigh. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Raleigh, enacts as follows: a The following sums are hereby appropriated for the improvements of the roads and bridges in the said Township of Raleigh, that is to say: In the First R. R. Div , the sum of. Three Hundred Dollars. In the Second R. R. Div, the sum of. Three Hundred Dollars. In the Third R. R. Div., the sum of, Three Hundred Dollars. In the Fourth R. R- Div., the sum of, Three Hundred Dollars. In the Fifth R. R. Div., the sum of. Three Hundred Dollars. The Commissioner of the said Rural Road Division respectivly shall expend the same. "3 On the Town Line between Raleigh and the City of Chatham, the sum of none. Mr. Jas. Chinnick to be Commissioner and to expend the same. On the Town Line between Raleigh and Harwich, the sum of One Hundred Dollars. Mr. N. H. Shepley to expend the same. On the Town Line north between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the sum of Fifty Dollars. N. H. Shepley to be Commissioner and expend the same. On the Town Line south between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the sum of Fifty Dollars. Harvey Linley to be Commissioner and expend the same. ' Provided that the same sums so appropriated for town-lines are con^- ditional on equal amounts being appropriated for the said purposes respect- ively by the adjoining Municipalities. 2. The following sums accuring due from Statute Labor Divisions from which they were collected as reported by the Clerk, that is to say: In the First R. R. Division, the sum of, $26.84. In the Second R. R. Division, the sum of, 39.00. * In the Third R. R. Division, the sum of, 44.50. In the Fourth R. R. Division, the sum of, 15.23. In the Fifth R. R. Division, the sum of, 12.00. The Commissioner of the said R. R. Divisions shall superintend the expenditure of the same, within their respective Staute Labor Divisions. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to expend the sums hereinbefore appropriated for the purposes and in the manner so provided, and they are hereby authorized to grant orders on the Treasurer of this Corporation to persons filling contracts thereon not exceeding the amounts so appropriated for such purposes respectively, less the amounts hereinafter specified as overdrawn by the respective Commissioners of the previous year stating on each order the nature of the work done and where it was per- formed. Provided always that no Commissioner sbal$bxceed the amounts hereinbefore appropriated without having first obtained the consent of the Council and the Treasurer notified thereof by the Clerk. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to charge the respective ac- ^ counts with the following shown by the Auditor's report to overdrawn, viz: In the Rural Road Division No. 5 the sum or $296.44. ,r, , Raleigh and Harwich, the sum of Town Line, 18.92. Read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of February, A.D. 1898. A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLFY, Reeve. H; NO. 691— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 636. WHEREAS it is expedient to change certain Statute Labor Divisions. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh enacts 9S follows; TT;wr»iW'''^>?^^'*?^^'^*'^'W^'Wwwl -^ "T'-'^'^' "4 I. In R. R. Division No. 4— Statute Labor Div. No. 49 shall consist of north halves of lots No. i3« i4> 15 >nd i<^ in the 9 con. and south halves of lots No. 13, 14, 15 and 16, in the 8 con. Statute Labor Div. No. 49^ shall consist of north halves of lots No. 17, 18, 19 and ao in the 9 con. and south halves of lots No. 17, 18, 19 and ao in 8 con. and 18 and 19 Side Road from Blind line in the 8 con. to Blind line in the 9 con. Statute Labor Div. No. 50 shall consist of the north halves of lots No. ai, aa, a3, a4 and 35 in the 9 con. and south halves of lots No. ai, aa, a3, 34 and a 5 in the 8 con. a. In R. R. Div. No. 5. Statute Labor Div. No. 7 a shall consist of north ^ of lots 134 to 138 and lots 139 and 140 in T. R Range. Statute Labor Div. No. 75 shall consist of the north }( of lots No. .134 to 138 T. R. Range and Gore lots ao, ai and a a south of Blind line in 16 con. and S. East ^ of 19, 16 con. Read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of February, 1898. A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLEY, Reeve. NO. 69a— A BY-LAW To appoint certain Municipal Officers. Be it enacted by the Municipni Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent: That the following named persons be appointed Overseers of the Highways in the several Statute Labor Division, as follows: S. L. Div., No IN T.I(E SECOND RURAL ROAD DIVISIONS. I Joseph Thomas, a Snsxander Peck. 3 George Bruette. 4 George Bailey. 5 Meritt Williams. 6 Chas. Phipps. 7 Richard Allen. 8 Issac Green. 9 Wm. D. &hreeve. 10 Wm. McFadden. 11 Geo. F. Suitor. Lucas Lecocq. Tohn T. Dean. ' .Mbc^ Forhan. Peter Milne. AjithonyShVpe. h.. G. Robertson. 18 Patrick Kahler. r::^: I iiij.'^ «'5 IN THE FIRST RURAL ROAD DIVISIONS. S. L. Div., No. 19 Anthony Edwards. 20 Wm. liulion. at Wm- Drury. a a Thos. Granbois. 23 Samuel BuUis. ^ a4 Thos. Smith, a 5 John Mahler. a6 Samuel Longmore. ay David Payne. a8 Chas. Lenover. ag John Moore. 30 Geo. Jordan. 31 David Bell. 3a Abram Huff. IN THE THIRD RURAL ROAD DIVISIONS. S. L. Div., No. 33 Geo. Lewis. 34 Wm. Higgins. 35 Michael Dillion. 36 Lemuel Gevens. 37 Patrick Gilhula. 38 Robert Vincent. . .- «, ■ v 39 Wm. Randall. " ^ l^^"^" k^ 40 A.. A. Baoadbent. 41 David Hall. f 4a A. Parker. -Vr ; 43 Robt. Welsh. * 44 Wm. Lancaster. 45 A. Williams. ; .-^ 1 46 Issac Simpson. 47 Wm. Barry. /.;' 48 Jas. Mason. V' " - IN THE FOURTH RURAL ROAD DISTRICTS. S. L. Div., No. 49 James Brady. 49 J Thos. Doyle. 50 James Lamb. ;.i) 51 Andrew Horn. 52 Nelson Robinson. >■ 53 Daniel Haskell. 54 Thos. Wright. 55 Thos. Bennett. 56 Tol!«t Harvey. 57 John O'Phee. " 58 Jamen Russell. 59 Alex. McKay. ^;v '.•li-'iy ','{■: '^i 1 m m^ '0 ii6 .V.r* ■ ly .'i';. :■■¥.' ^■/^^^ .1.V- > .' ( S. L. Div. No. 60. John Jenner. 61. W. A. Broadbent. 62. John Stringer. 1;/;^ * ' 63. Chas. Harvey. '-■;a^-S"4v,:'> IN THE FIFTH RURAL ROAD DIVISION, S. L. Div. No. 64. Chas. McNeil. ...... 65. Jas. Webb. ; >-^^ ''('■;,■ ',1" ^^ '-^'v 66. Jas. Reid. ? ^^ ; ; ; .. 67. Edward Murdock. . ''iK-':W: '■■.,■ , 63. Jas. Rodgers. . - v • 69. Peter Gray. ' : ^o. Robert Green. ; 71. James Forbes. ' 72. Wm. H. Pardo, Sr. ; 73. Samuel Reek. '_ ; 74. John P. Hughson. ^^^^^^^/'^ --^ 75. Jos. Lancaster. 2. That the following named persons be and they are hereby appoint- ed Poundkeepers, viz: In the first R. R. Division — -■■ Thos. Smith, Arthur A. Mummery, David Smith and Farmer Bennet. In the second R. R. Division — Fred Williams, Bellamy Martin, John Travis, George E. Cromwell and Isaac Green. In the third R. R. Division — ^ > . " •» Fergus Parks, John H. Ballah, Samuel Hitchcock, Wm. Finlin and Geo. I^wis. In the fourth R. R. Division — Fred Stover, John Goulett, Joseph Calhoun, Duncan Ritchie and Sfd- ney White. In the fifth R. R. Division— ,. t- Alex. Goulett, James Miller and Wm. Ronson. 3. That the following persons be and are hereby appointed Fence Viewers, viz. In the First R. R. Division — James Rhodes, Thos. Irwin and John Cameron. ' In the Second R. R. Division — Elbert S. Dyke, Henry Parson and John Little. " . ;" '^ In the Third R. R. Division— ' v - \ ' Wm. Randall, Wm. Pratt and Matthew Dillion. ^ >. 5 :. ''CB In the Fourth R. R. Division — / - ;. ' : I;lt Thomas Jenner, Lawrence Higgins and Paul Russel. ^lll In the Fifth R. R. Division— Wm. H. Taylor, Samuel J. Pardo and Thomas E. Doey Jr, >-S-i,:...- #w;' v-;^ 117 5. That each of the said officers shall forthwith comply with the con- ditions, and perform the duties pertaining to the several offices to which they are herein appointed as confined in the By-laws of this Municipality and of the Statutes of Ontario in that behalf subject to the penalities in the said By-laws and Statutes contained. Read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of February, A. D. 1898. A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLEY, Reeve'. ::^-y:,:^''/ ■ no. 693— a by-law '^'^vJ-.'yV For the appointment of an Engineer under the Ditches and Watercourses The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh in the County of Kent, enacts as follows: 1. Pursuant to provisions of Section 4 of the Ditches and Water- courses Act, 1894. , W. G. McGeorge, of the City of Chatham, in the County of Kent, is hereby appointed as the Engineer for this Municipality to carry out the provisions of the said Act. 2. The said Engineer shall be paid the sum of five dollars per day for services rendered under the said Act. 3. This By-law shall take effect from and after the final passing thereof. Read a ihird time and finally passed this Fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1898. ■ ,>;-'■ --:£■ ■■i';;^'^v::-.=' A. E. ROBINSON, Clerk. (Seal.) N. H. SHEPLEY, Reeve. ,'1,' .«>■'-, ■'■i- . .1 >^: -'■•,■■ * r t» ■^'^-[■.^'[^y'/i^ J'^. 't-M' '^'4 H ' '•i|rP':k?F»5 w ii8 S. J. HARVEY, TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE Township of Raleigh for the Yoar A. D. 1897. Dec. Receipts Account, 1897. 1897. Tan. I To Balance from 1896 2 II Sec. Treas. Union S. S. No. 6 Dover, portion to pay Dover 13 To Co. Treas. Ass. to 31st December, '96 and land sale 23 •* City of Chatham asst. Mud and Indian Creek Drains 28 II H. Jenner, collected 96 on taxes Feb. 4 11 Town Blenheim asst. Mud & Indian Ck. Drain ... 13 II Tp. Harwich u n h h » . . . 22 II H. Jenner collected on taxes '96 1 Mar. 4 n Co. Treas. Warden's order, case of insane 22 II H. Jenner collected balance taxes '96 May 22 II Hon. Treas. Ont. debentures No. 15 Tile Drain re F. Hughson ; 25 To S. J. Pardo asst. in full on Govt. Drain No. I Dover "^ II Chas. Stovei per S. J. Pardo n n n n 29 i. T. C. McNabb, Inspector Licences 31 II Can. Bank Commerce int. 6 months to date June II II S. J. Pardo asst. in full Flook & Hinton Drain 18 II J. M. Shepley n u n m h n ,'u .■)/;'"" 24 II T. C. McNabb, License Inspector :i"^ '"^^s' , July 2 II Co. Treas. Legislation to schools..'. II II II arreas taxes to June 30 '97 II Hon. Treas. Ont. proceeds Debenture No. i!6, tile drain per F. Hughson 30 To L. Benedict, $1.00; J. Rogers, $1.00; J. C. Clayton, $2.50; S. J. Harvey & Sons, C^S.oo asst. in full Flook k Hinton Drain Aug. 20 To S. J. Pardo asst. in full Four Rod Road Drain 23 II L A. Pardo to pay witness fees re Appeal to Judge Houston and Broadbent 28 To J. Clarkson asst. in full Fook &, Hinton Drain 30 II N.H. Shepley M n n n n n Sept 7 II Treas. Tilbuiy E. on assti Gov. N5 01 397666 4770 .19 1043 67 10 00 65 51 7467 21 $ 67684 69 Abstract of Expenditure. 1897 Dec. 27 Paid Co. rate in full $ 4314 26 31 ■ II Election account 145 00 II Charity i 441 16 II Salary n 1398 90 II Law II 106700 II Sheep and dogs account 150 53 II Miscellaneous h 81 1 02 II Lake Erie & D. R. R. R. account 650 52 II Noxious Weeds account ...: , 3 00 Special School Rate account Z'. . , . . $ 7615 47 School Section No. 3 1 259 01 Union S. S. No. 6 h 289 00 School Section No. 15 h 773 65 Legislative School Grant account 448 00 Road Division No. i account $ 544 06 II II II 2 II ..* 33467 II II II 3 " 4^5 44 Road Division No. 4 Account 334 65 II II 5 <• 210 9g Ral. and Har. T. Line n 73 40 II i| Tilbury h „ 18 02 II •* Chatham m i 'toe Tile Drainage , n 1 $ 320 56 Ditches Sc Watercourses n 265 00 Pike Drainage work m ; 2197 25 Pike Pump ti 77o 04 Raleigh Plains Drdin .. 7698 35 Mud & Indian Creek Drain Account 1893 72 Bums Drain 1 269 85 Veil Drain 1 357 S6 Webb Drain .1 6756 Ferguson Extension Drain n 294 41 Deechan n ^ n 293 20 Government No i h u 419^ 08 Irwin n II 27221 Chinnick h 1 '. 173696 Flook and Hinton •• 1 5^35 37 $ 8981 39 9 9385 13 $ 1924 2i m-i ,_.,. ;,^,,^ , .. 1 20 • Government No. 2 Drain Account $ 7820 45 Robbing h » r. 331 88 Coatts ti loi 08 Simpson . » „ .......... 1229 57 Stewart „ „ 15 33 Symon u « , 2634 97 Four Rod Road „ » 485 19 Moore and Larbee ,» » 35i 80 Kersey n 261867 Howard u 1 1288 Pike Extension OuUet Drain m 68 00 Government Dolson Drain m : 415 61 Bell M ,) 847 97 Backus II II 147 65 Tilbury East Gov. n n 36 72 Goulet 11 II 463 20 Simmons n n 20 54 Gregory n > u 36 50 Dahymple m h 9 88 Ball II II 23 64 Moodie n h 223 50 Home II II 20 00 Waddick » ' ,, 235 00 Rice II II 15 00 Crow II II 34084 Blytbe n n 1800 Doyle H II V 27 fio ■^f-. -';_,;, ••;#--.^-,.r ' ■■ 4443859 Total amount expended 1897 $ 64729 33 Balance on hand v 2955 36 Examined and found correct. ^ Raleigh, Jan. 26, A. D. 1897. $ 67684 69 , JNO. CLARKSON, Auditors LOUIS GOULET, /auditors. ■ Expenditure In Detail. '%M i 1897 ELECTION ACCOUNT. Jan. II Paid J. G. Stewart expenses Returning Officer f 20 , M M. Doyle, fees Returning Officer 7 II Jas. Goulet, n » II Alex. Goulet, use of S. H. No. 9 Mun. Election II Jno. O'Neil, use of S. H. No. 5 » n II L. B. Marshall, use of Cheese Factory Mun. Election. II J. H. Gilhuly, use of Forester's Hall n n 13 It r* H. Harvey, fees Dept. R. O. m m 16 II Jas. Hancock, fees Eept. R. O. » n 18 II Jno. Johnson, useofS. Honse n » 28 II M. Dillion, fees Dept. R. O. n 11 Feb. I II J.J.Payne, fees Dept. R. O. n ' « II Donald McPherson, fees Dept. R. O. n n 11 G. B. Shreeves, fees Dept. R. O. m h „ E. S. Dyke, fees Dept. R. O. n h M W. H. Pardo, tees Dept. R. O. m m 00 Feb i{ Jan. Feb. Mar Apn May June July Aug. ■ ■:■- ' ' r I Sept 8 SO ' ■■^- ^ .■■- 8 so 4 00 Oct. 4 00 4 00 4 00 8 so Nov. 8 50 -''.,■"■ V *-■'. 400 8 50 Dec. 8 so 8 so 8 so 8 SO i 8 50 -f ^ ■ ^ ^■m^. ;Jb|^ ^^Utk : i^mnijN Feb. 20 00 8 50 8 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 8 so 8 50 4 00 8 50 8 50 8 50 8 so 8 50 8 50 II 121 I Paid Milton Baccus, use of S. H. No. 3 M A. S. Shreeve, use of S. H. No. 4 M Geo. B. Shreeves, use of S. H. N«. II T. L. Pardo, use of S. H. No. 10 S. F. White, use oi S. H. No. 8 Mun. Election 13 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Total paid $ 145 00 1897 Jan. IS Feb. I Mar. I 4 22 31 31 31 Apr.- 26 28 30 May 31 June I 30 July 31 Aug. 13 23 31 Sept. 13 • 27 30 Oct. 18 30 Nov. s IS 30 Dec. II 23 3, ;...-;i..M, -^fe';iv>...i'- CHARITY ACCOUNT. •> .. . Paid Mrs. Harrington . $ II Mrs. J. Sheff, care of Mrs. Labutc 2 orders M S. Jankhe, funeral expenses J. Westy M Mrs. Harrington II Jas, Browing, food to W. Mathews II Mrs. Shelf, care of Mrs. Labute , II Frank Hock, care of Mrs. Labute 2 orders II Dr. Siverwiight, medicine W. Mathews .' Paid C. H. Shupe, goods to Sol. Newby II Jas. Browing, care of W. Mathews in full ... II Mrs. Harringtan I) C. B. Shreeves, goods to T. Terrell II Pub. General Hospital, case of J. Wertz II George Berkley It St. Josephs Hospital care of W. Mathews II S. A. Jahnke, coffin and funeral expenses W. Mathews ... . II Cemetery City of Chatham grave for h II Mrs. A. Sheff, care of Mrs. Labute II Frank Hoek, S weeks n n II F. Bennett, ^ board G. McLeod Home of Friendless II Mrs. Harrington , Mrs. Sheff, care of Mrs Labute C. H. Shupe, goods to S. Newby . . . G. Berkley G. B. Shreeves, goods to T. Terrell Mrs. Harrington G. Berkley Mrs. Shen, care of Mrs. Labute . . . G. Berkley Mrs. Harrington .*. Mrs. F. Sheff, care of Mrs. Labute Dr. C. B. Oliver assist payment account, services Mr. McCarty, F. Bennett, to assist care of McLeod, Home of Friendless C, H. Shupe, goods to S. Newby. . . . G. Berkley 1 Mrs. F. Sheff, care of Mrs. Labute Mrs. Harrington G. Berkley Mrs. F. Sheff, care of Mrs. Labute Mrs. Harrington Tolliver Tyrell . G. Berkley to Dec. 24th G. B. Shreeves, goods to T. Terrell Mrs. Sheff, 4 weeks care of Mrs. Labute $ 6 00 9 00 13 SO 13 SO I 00 4 SO 14 00 I 00 II 11 10 00 12 00 14 8q . S 00 3 00 2 so 9 50 4 00 8 00 10 00 60 00 6 00 7 SO 7 SO 8 96 6 00 9 22 7 SO 3 00 14 SO 3 00 2 00 7 SO 12 00 2S 00 2$ 00 IS 32 3 00 6 00 4 SO 6 00 8 00 6 00 2 00 9 00 16 16 8 00 Total.. i $441 1$ 1897 Mar. I 22 June 9 1897 Feb. Mar. May 122 SALARY ACCOUNT. Paid A. E. Robinson, auditor 9 T. N. Haliday, auditor H. Tenner, collector '96 J. G. Stewart, clerk 3 months 30 Oct. 18 27 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 15 23 3» I 3« June 30 Nov. 30 1897 Feb. May June July I 25 31 9 28 31 S. J. Harvey, Treas Jamei Chinnick, attending Council J. R. Irving, assessor May 25th L. A. Pardo, attending Council James Clayton, m h George McKay, h i A. U. White 1. n T. G. Stewart, selecting jurors J. R. Irving, » » A. H. White, » , i. G. Stewart, 3 months. I. Eagan, inspector n«xious weeds S. N. Young, M. D. M. II. O. and services 1897. Geo. McKay, wages and milage ernes Chinnick wages and milage A. Pardo, wages and milage James Clayton, wages and milage S. J. Harvey, balance J. G. Stewart, balance A. H. White, wi^es and milage « 12 00 12 00 120 00 137 50 137 SO 150 00 23 40 90 00 18 00 22 19 ^ 27 90 6 00 3 00 3 00 137 SO 27 so 30 00 24 20 26 00 22 00 27 so 150 00 137 SO 34 10 Total .$1398 90 LAW ACCOUNT. '^ Paid Douglas k Ireland costs Williams & Raleigh ( 25 00 II Wilson, Rankin JD Co., account 1896 28000 •I J. H. White, settlement F. A. Shreeves & Raleigh 100 00 II Scane, Houston & Co., consultatioa re Williams & Raleigh 1894. 2 00 II Douglas & Ireland re Jno. Sewell «. . IS 00 II Jno. Sewell, claim on Raleigh 45 00 II Jno. B. Thackeray, settlement claim in Suit for $Spo 00 125 00 II W. J. Morrison, settlement re Suit 48 00 II Douglass & Ireland cotts re Morrison & Raleigh 27 00 II J. B. Rankin, Release, Discharge & Discontinuance in claims in question Williams vs. Raleigh 400 00 Total I 1067 00 SHEEP AND DOGS ACCOUNT. 4 H B - Paid Thos. Nichol, Soo dog tags 1896 , | 16 25 II Jno. Patterson, 4 sheep kiued by dogs 11 66 11 Jos. D. Lamb, i sheep killed by dogs 2 00 M Jos. Bennett, 2 lambs killed by dogs 4 66 II D. Ross, I sheep killed and'2 injured by dogs 6 66 II Thos. Brady, 9 sheep killed and 4 injured 37 33 II Wm. Larabee, I sheep killed by dogs , 2 00 II Jas. Waddick, 2 sheep killed by dogs 8 66 Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec 185 Feb. Mar. Apr. May '9 July J Aug.1 •J Sept. Oct. oo 00 oo 50 50 00 40 00 00 2 00 4 66 6 66 37 33 a 00 866 Aug. 33 Paid ^ R. Irving, i sheep killed bj dogs. ... ; . . .| Sept. 13 Nov. Dec. I »S 30 IS by dogs. 3 33 a 00 4 oc 3 33 3 33 Tlios. Doyle, i lamb Icilled Joel Smith, i sheep Icilled by dogs I). Ross, I sheep killed by dogi T. Doyle, i lamb killed by dogs Thoa. Smith, 5 lamb? killed by dogs , 13 33 Jas. Blythe, i sheep kilted by dogs ^ uu Alex. Rice, i sheep killed by dogs 4 00 Richd. Moore, i sheep killed and wounded 16 33 Samuel Suitor, a sheep killed and 10 wounded 9 00 Total 9 150 S3 1897 Feb. I Paid 22 Mar. I aa 3« Apr. 30 May as a9 June I 9 a8 30 July 31 Aug. II II II M 20 II 23 3< II II II Sept. 13 II II M 30 Oct. 8 18 II It II MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. A. Ouellette rent of n. lot I Rd | C. A. WiUianns, re Action Williams & Raleigh , Jno. O'Rourke, S. L. Tax refd J. G. Stewart, Reg. Births, Marriages and Deaths PUmtt Publishing Co., Acst., Rolls and Adv H. Jenner, Collector Postage Banner Prtg. Co., general prtg. and adV R. Cooper, stationary R. Pardo, a cods wood, F. Hale Robt. Wilson, error in School rate Banner Prtg. Co., general ptrg. and adv J. Homes, stationary T. A. Pardo, fence at T. Hall Tingley & Stewart, stamps Treas. Office Mnnicipal World, forms Geo. Colridge, refd. surplus re J. Symon, pd. repair J. G. Stewart, postage. L. A. Pardo, Comm. fees, W. Bumps, S. L Wm. Hickey, damage to cutter, in full Dr. Rutherford, S. L. Tax, refd P. Rutherford, S. L. Tax P. D. McKellar, S. L. Tax J. Gouley, repairs T. Hall's farm Planet prtg. Co., general adv Jas. Clayton, com. work Jas. Chinnick, » 1 G. McKay, n n ^ L. A. Pardo, n h Planet Prt. Co., general adv A. H. White, com. work G. McKay, re Hickey and Sharps, com. S. Labute N. H. Shepley, witness fees, re Co. equalization Wm. Callivan, n " n n m L. A. Pardo, re Sullivan R. Knot;, com. S. L. Municipal World stationary J. R. Irving, assessment postage Jas. Newby, S. S. tax refunded Robert Cooper, stationary D. W. Grice, bridge Govt. No. i Drain, Line 6 and 7 Thomas Hacket, bridge Govt. No. I Drain, Line 10 and 11 Geo. McKay, fees ree Pipes and Dillon S. Labor Banner Prtg Co. printing voters' lists, $S5-40; gen. printing $29.97 Register Kent, rq;istering By-law line 2 and 3 John Hamlet, witness fees equalization Co. rate I 1 00 50 00 '2 00 35 80 24 80 2 8a 57 75 a ao 3 00 I 95 75 75 »7 65 a6 00 00 48 a 95 7 95 1 00 500 2 50 4 00 4 00 11 00 /06 8 00 a 00 4 00 8 16 10 00 2 00 12 40 2 00 I 00 1 06 6 00 10 40 47 50 20 00 2 00 95 37 2 00 2 00 viviisi,; f>M'S Iv V ' ffif c. Oct. Nov. 30 1 4 17 20 30 Dec. 23 24 31 t«4 Paid Planet Prtg. Co. advertising meetings • 3 00 II Isaac Green, P. K., uncollected sale of horse a So II Municipal World, Ditches and Watercourses forms 3 57 II Municipal World, Ditches and Watercourses forms 1 W M J. G. Stewart, postage • • • • ,- • • • " o» II Thos. Hackett, bridge Govt. No. i Dram by order of Council. . . 21 50 II Joel Smith, bridge con. 12 Govt. No. f "raia by order of Council 27 fX) M Jno. Dowling, witness fees equalization Co. rate 2 90 II Thos. Irwin, bridge con. lo by order of Council 32 00 II Geo. McKay, i day to Chatham re suit of Doolen 2 00 II 'ames Chinnick, i day to Chatham re suit of Doolen 1 00 I! "john Goulett, caretaker Town Hall : 8 00 It 1 . A. Pardo, Com. meeting 6 00 II ST- Harvey, postage * 40 11 < jeo. McKay, lee re Coram. S. Labor J. E. Dillon i 00 II Tas. Clayton, com. meeting 4 00 II 7^h Div. Court per J. Stewart use Court rooms to Jan. '98 >4 38 II Gvc Graham, bridge Govt. No. x Drain con. 13 by order 23 .00 II Ab Huff, windmill and water trough T. Line 5 00 II A. :i. White, fees re comm. S. Labor J. E. Dillion 1 00 II Bannn Printing Co., printing s 32 60 II R. D. Payne, Co. equalization i day i 00 ., A. H. White, com. work 5 26 II A. H. White, fees re S. L., F. Park con. 5 1 00 Total... $ 811 02 LEGISLATIVE GRANT TO SCHOOLS ACCOUNT. 1897 July 2 To Cash Co. Treas. Legislative Grant $ 448 00 June 24 Paid John Hunter Sec. Treas. U. S. S. No. 2>^ $ 14 So 25 II George B. Shreeve, Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 13 47 40 26 II John Roe, Sec. Treas. S S. No. 7 S8 00 30 II Caroline Mummery, teacher U. S. S. No. 4 ... 7 40 II Flora Campbell teacher S. S. 9 22 40 11 John Clarkson, Sec. Treas. S. S. 5 40 io July 7 II Cassie Hill, teacher S. S. 14 16 25 '14 II J. N. Halliday, Sec. Treas. U. S. S. 5 32 30 31 II John Ghinnick, Sec, Treas. S. S. 12 3^ *S II A. S. ^hreeve. Sec. Treas. S. S. 4 2 orders 48 00 ,1 Wm. Sparks, teacher U. S. S. 6 i860 II M. E. Colics, teacher U. S. S. 3 2930 It John A. Campbell, teacher S. S. 10 30 40 Aug. 31 II S. F. White, Sec. Treas. S. S. 8 2500 OrX. 30 II Joseph Larsh, Sec. Treas. U. S. S. i 6 60 Nov. 8 11 Lome Campbell, teacher ti . S. S. 3 19 10 Dec. 31 11 Milton Simpson, trustee, U. S. S. 2 I SO ',.'.$ 448 00 Oct. Feb. Mar. .: Dec. I II i; 2< 2: .1, 1897 SPECIAL SCHOOL RATES ACCOUNT. Special rate General rate Jan. I To balance 1896, To U. S. S. i & 3. . Oct. 8 To amonnt levied S. S. 3 To amount levied S. S. 4 $ 594 60 2 45-100 $ 150 00 420 37 2 300 00 751 22 1897 Jan. Oct. 125 00. SO 57 Oct. 02 8 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To auiount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levied levind levied levied S. S. S. S. S. S. S. s. s. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. u. s, s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. R R. R. R, Special rate 3 3S-'oo .... I 85-100 81-100 I 2-10 2 4-10 S 7 8 10 12 I 85-100 13 >4 IS S. I s.2'A s. 3 S.5 t V^* *^ ••••*•■ \^9 3 * * * * ' * y.yu 17 ■■■•••• , C. Chatham . 8-10 8-10 I-IO 34- 100 87-100 57- 100 7-10 68-100 6-10 8-10 4-IO Genen. te 9 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 I'S 50 50 00 30 00 78 00 84 00 105 00 116 00 Feb. Mar. Dec. I I IS 16 17 20 22 31 CONTRA. Paid trustees U. S. S. 3, S. S. rate '. . .$ Joseph Larsh, Sec.-Treas. S. S. i S. S. rate " 5 •• >5 .. 4 u. s. .s. u. J. Clarkson, h ames Marriott, n II A. S. Shreeves, n II Jno Hunter, m 11 C. Jenner, n II Ed. Murdock, n II Trustees, M Milton Baccus, •I S. F. White, Sec-Treas, II Alex. Goulett, n II T. L; Pardo, n ti Jno. Chinnick, n :,•, II Geo. B. Shreeve, n II John Johnston, n II Ralph Story, h h II J. W. Halliday, n h II Tohn O'Neil, n R. C. II M. Gleason, n n II S. L. Willwood, II II II Trustees, h Total V. . Balance II II H u. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 2iS 14 4 7 9 10 12 13 6 3 S S 4 6 Chatham 11 . . . . S. rate . I II I II II . II > II II II . II . II II It . II II II II < .9 SS067 39085 299 98 31S86 500 36 449 74 505 02 425 48 339 38 259 18 164 94 59 99 234 80 224 09 246 60 406 77 167 58 277 64 267 30 82 22 • 793464 261 42 333 18 550 67 339 38 751 22 164 94 42s 48 224 09 39085 420 37 299 98 31586 500 36 449 74 505 02 406 77 234 80 246 60 277 64 167 58 267 30 82 22 7615 47 319 17 * 7934 64 SCHOOL SECTION NO. 3 ACCOUNT. 1897 Jan. I To Balance from 1896 ....... 259 01 Oct. 8 II amount levied to meet debentures 259 OT Total $ 51802 m ia6 CONTRA. June 30 Paid debenture No. 340 $ Balance 359 01 359 01 Jan 1897. UNION SCHOOL SECTION NO. 6 ACCOUNT. 1 To Balance from 1896 $ 2 II John Johnston, Sec-Treas. from Dover re Debentures 1896. . . Oct. 8 II amount levied to meet debenture Raleigh Dec. 32 M Sec.' Treas. U. S. S. No. 6 Dover portion re debenture 518 02 aa3 49 65 5' aas 49 65 51 Total . CONTRA. April 30 Paid debenture No. 385 f *' ■'^/.,; •'> Balance SCHOOL SECTION NO. 15 ACCOUNT. 1897 Oct. 8 To amount levied Dec. 10 11 cash proceeds debenture No. 691 to 696 including $30.19 premium ,., c ....... . vl : . : : Total $ 57800 289 00 289 00 57800 173 as 63443 807 68 1897 ' " CONTRA. July 31 Paid Jno. Figgott Co., lumber 9 242 50 11 Trustees to apply on expenses 57 50 De& 23 II Trustees part proceeds Debrs. 450 00 29 I) II snare of Int. over draft, C. B. Commerce i 74 31 II Jas. Mariott, bal. proceeds Debrs 2018 II Expenses re sale of Debrs. and transfer of money per A. H. W. i 73 Total paid I 773 65 Interest on loan 9500.00, 3 per cent. 3 months 3 35 3178 Balance . 9 807 68 1897 Jan. Mar. ROAD DIVISION NO. i ACCOUNT. ,vi^; I To Balance from 1896 r. ..........;. .1.. ............. ......9 327 60 To Appropriation as per By-lav/'. 300 00 Statute Labor tax 56 16 June 10 Share in Austin scraper, Raleigh and Harwich Town Line 60 00 Share in Old Champion, n 40 00 7 * Total 9 583 76 CONTRA. Jan. 1 1 Paid D. A. Laquir, ditching and grading line A. 9 12 60 Mar. I W. Irwin, reprs. culvert. Con. 5 . 2 50 Mar. 31 Paid Vl 68 Apr. 26 ti 30 II II May 31 II u II II II II June I II 39 II 30 It Tuly 30 II Aug. 31 II Sept. 27 II 30 II Oct. 6 II 30 II II Nov. 23 II 30 II Dec. 23 II 31 II II II II II II ' II II II "7 Geo. Robinson, reprs. bridge 18 and 19 Side Road | R. McGarvin, plank F. .Slade, reprs. bridge, line 7 and 8 Gov. Drain D. W. Grice, bridge line 8 and 9 ino. Sewell, j| pay for filling washout 12 and 13 S. Road larry Webster, culvert lo and 20 S. R., E. B. L Geo. Robinson, reprs. bridge 12 and 13 S. R. Canton Drain. . . . Tno. Roe, sidewallc and ditching n. sub-div Thos. Grice, filline washout line 6 Dan. Dagnir, ditching and hauling tile, Rhode's ditch iuo. Sewell, reprs, bridge 12 and 13 S. Road G>n. 4 f itchel Ball, filling washout and reprs. bridge line 7 . . . . N. White, scraping Front and 2nd Con F. C. Austin & Co., road machine Coleman Roe, reprs. bridee 18 and 19 S. R. Backus Drain ~no. Crouchman, removed bridge No. i Government Drain. . . . no. O'Rourke, cutting thistles 12 and 13 S. Road as. Fergusitn, tile ana repairs Con. 7 m. Stannard, reprs. bridges 18 and 19 R. R. and Con. 7 . . . . Wm. Brown, use of wheel scraper Geo. Hichcock, filling culvert Con. 5 Jno. Fiemming, grading approach to bridge 12 and 13 S. R. . . . Jerry Haskel, reprs. bridge 12 and 13 S. R. Con. 7 James Chinnick, Com. tees ^. Geo. Lawrie, reprs. 2 bridges line 7 and 8 Rob. Dunlop, reprs. culvert Con. 2 Oscar Noak, reprs. bridge Con. 8 T. & J. Oldershaw, sewer-pipe D. R. McGarvin, lumber 2 orders Chas. Lenover, reprs. bridge 8 and S. R. 19 and line 3 and 7.. S. Hadley Co., lumber and posts Coleman Roe, reprs. culvert, Payne Drain Con. 2 E. B. L .... Fred Laguie, trimming trees Con. 12 and 13 S. Road Co I 7 as 10 87 Soo 39 SO 6 00 4 00 2 00 4 50 2 00 6 00 SOO 10 00 9 00 250 00 3 00 3 00 I 50 2 00 7 00 2 00 400 3 00 8 00 29 SO 300 7 SO 300 37 3S 21 IS 12 00 IS 44 3 SO a so 12 00 2 50 ^ ^ V V Total $ S44 06 ■^- Balance 39 70 : >^'r;- :-■;•:..:'■'• • *^ ■■• ■ $ s83 76 ' ; . , ROAD DIVISION NO 2 ACCOUNT. '^' : ; 1897 - ■ "^ > ' '■ ■■'■••■'■ Jrn. I To Balance from 1896 $32706 Mar. I II Appropriation as per By- law 200 00 II Statute Tax 3060 II Solomon Zebbs per R. J. Morrison, for old plank i 00 " > ,, ^ Total $ SS8 66 "^ ^^ CONTRA. Feb. IS Paid A. G. Robertson, reprs. Rd. Scraper re Ferguson 1896 | so Mar. 31 II Erastus Hitchcock, filling washout Con. 5 Soo Apr. 30 II H. Morris, balance on bridge line 8 and 9 675 II W. G. Shreeve, reprs. bridge 9 and 7 S. Rd 275 II T. Timbers, filling washout Con. 7 i 7S 11 Jno. Sewell, half pay for filling washout 12 and 13 600 II Solomom Zebbs, bridge Con. 6 lot 7 35 00 May 31 II Jno. Pleasance, part on bridge C. R. Con. 6 , S 00 II Thos. McCarte, balance on bridge C. R. Con. 8 5 00 II Chas. Shreeve, tile culvert line 4 and $ • 6 00 /;^,il ^1 May 31 Paid Wm. Pnundexter, tile culvert line 6 and 7 $ 5 00 July 31 H Jno. Thackeray, tile culvert tine 5 and 6 , 500 M A. Shupe, bridge N. Buxton 6 65 II K. S. Dyke, extra work on Dyke Drain 5 50 II M. Kearns, reprs. bridge D. Road 12 00 II K. S. Dyke, work line 4 and 5 300 M Scott & Flater, per S. Tebbs reprs. Bell Drain 4 00 Sept. 27 M Gillicrt Odelant, clean culvert line 6 and 7 , .' ; . i 00 II Thos. Clark, 2 Tile culverts Con. 7 and 8 800 30 II Patrick Kearns, bridge Doane Drain line 6 ank 7 16 00 II Wm. Sokes, reprs. bridge Con. 3 9 17 Oct. 30 II O. B. Mulin, sewer pipe 24 ft. 8 in. 2$ ft. 10 in. 3 ft. 22 in . . . 32 06 II Henry Parsons, re^rs. 2 bridge D. R 6 00 II A. S. Shreeve, cutting weeds, iine 5 and 6 300 II Thos. Clark, S. Road 4 and 7 12 00 II Wm. Clark, reprs. bridge line A. and 8..' 200 Nov. 30 II H. Myers, grading Con. 4 i 50 II Wm. Daw.son, laying tiie 12 and '^3 ^. Rd 12 cx) II Tile culvert and draining tile line 5 and 6, 2 orders 22 30 II Neh. Zebbs, bridge Con. 8 18 00 Dec. 4 II Samuel Zebbs, 24 rods drain, N. Buxton 9 60 15 II Chas. P'.ipps, filling approach, and repr. bridge Con. 4 3 00 II M. KearnL^ Tile culvert D. Rd. line 6 and 7 5 cx> II Jas. Pool, 32 rds Tile R. Rd ,>^:i ^^« 12 48 23 II Thos. Clark, filling approach to bridge Con. 7 ...... 1 i 00 31 II T. & J. Oldershaw, tile 24 ft. of 18 in. 24 ft. 9 in. 24 ft. 6 in, . . 12 60 It Henry Parsons, reprs. bridge Con. 7 i 00 II Alpeous Prince, to apply on Sec. 2 drain N. Buxton 10 00 II A. H. White, com. fees 23 06 Total $ 334 67 II Sol. Zebbs per R. J. M. rep. bridge for old plank i 00 II Old Champion Scraper 40 00 - <■;;■ Total $37567 .>:■;- ^- • Balance • 18290 ■ .■^^■: •-^':^K •.,,' '■'.:: 'f '• • "''■■•■v :•■ '''--^ '-': ^ .' ■'■-■ ■^l^'" ■ ■ -■■ ^ ,, ,._,^^^, t' , ROAD DIVISION NO. 3 ACCOUNT. . \v . 1897 Jan. I To Balance from 1896 245 40 Mar. I II appropriation as per By-law 200 00 II S. Labor Tax , . 27 50 Total $ 472 90 •.:■■; •:;;,,:/ ^^/'., ■- CONTRA. , '. ...,:,■..,>-,..,-». ™, Jan. 20 Paid J. L. Piper, rep. bridge con. road, Snell div $ 10 00 Feb. 15 II liiram Morris, 30 rods ditching con. 9 lot 10 3 00 Mar. I II Robt. MeKay, rep. bridge S. Rd. 4 and 5 i 00 31 II Matthew Dillion, bridge Finn Drain con. 10 31 00 April 13 II Robt. McKay, bridge C. Road con. ll 11 00 II Jos. Ellis, rep. bridge Buxton 6 co 23 II J. H. Gillhully, rep. bridge Brady Drain con. 13 10 00 •I J . H. Gillhuly, tile culvert Mid. Rd. D. Rd 4 00 28 II E)d. Granam, rep. bridge lot 7 M. Pd. ,... . 100' May Fune May 7 I '•id 10 II «5 II aa M fune 5 II 31 II 38 II 30 II July 30 II II II II II Aug. 11 II Sept. •1 II II Oct. IS II Dec. I 11 6 II IS II II 23 II II II 31 II II II "9 I Geo. Graham, ditching and leveling con. 14 lot 10 $ 10 00 John Lee ditchinj? and grading ao rods, con. 1 lot* 5 and 6 15 00 Geo. Graham, breakwater D. Rd '3 ^5 John Crouchnian rep. 2 l)ridges D. Rd 8 00 Is uc Connor, scraping C. Rd. and removing obstruction from drain 6 00 A, Williams, rep, culvert C. Rd. con. 10 4 00 R. McKav, tile culvert C. Rd. con. 10 a 75 f. & I. Oldershaw, tile 3 culverts 18 48 Ed. Randal rep. bridge M. Rd. lot 3 I 00 John Graham, rep. a bridges lot 7 and D. Rd. con. 13 4 75 B. A. Martin, rep. bridge con. 9 lot 6 6 25 Frank Gillhuly, rep. bridge con. 11 lot I 3 00 J. A. Finland, rep. culvert con. 11 lot 4 3 00 Robt. Vinsoa, bridge con. 1 1 , Gillhuly Drain 35 OO R. McKay, rep. 2 bridges con. 1 1 Symon Drair 3 00 Thos. Huckett, bridge M. Rd. Govt. Drain con 10 lot la 9 35 Abraham Williams, bridge M. Rd. Gillhuly Drain lot 16 1 1 75 II II rep. 2 bridges M. Rd. lot 10 and con. 13 lot 33 14 50 John Piggott, plank sidewalk Merlin .• 11 40 Robt. McKay, tile culvert con. 14 14 00 Jas. Ross, 60 ft. tile Merlin 25 00 Thomas Clark, rep. bridge 4 & 5 S. Road Finnn Drain i 00 George McKay, Com. fees 33 96 iames Marshall, rep. culvert line 13 lot 3 i 00 *rince Chaso, 32 rods ditching C. Road North Buxton 9 60 i. & J. Oldershaw, 60 ft. ot 24 in. & 20 ft. of 15 in. pipe con. 14 84 00 Lobert Welsh, rep. bridge con. 14 lot 4 50 Total $40544 Balance 67 46 • 472 90 00 00 00 00 00" ROAD DIVISION NO. 4 ACCOUNT. 1897 Jan. I To Balance from 1896 $ 120 55 Mar. I II Appropriation as per By-law aoo 00 I. S. Labor Tax 3124 « 351 79 CONTRA. V Feb. 15 Paid Roy Jenner, rep. bridge 4 Rod Road $ i 00 April 7 II Ed. Robinson, rep. bridge con. 10 2 75 10 II All. Parker, rep. bridge con 12 lot 20 8 40 ti II II II II II 1 1 lot 20 S 75 „ M II bridge con. 12 lot 16 11 00 II Joel Smith, rep. bridge 12 and 13 S. Road con. 11 clearing ob- struction Home Drain _ 3 00 15 Paid J. L. Piper, rep. bridge and filling washout con. 1 1 lot' 16 4 00 17 II Geo. Graham, rep. bridge Four Rod Road con. 13 400 17 ,1 Jas. Ross, rep. bridge lot 15 con. 11 250 23 II Geo. Graham, rep. bridge lot 19 Con. 9 .... 700 26 II Jno. Knott, rep. bridge 18 and 19 500 „ Thos. Irving, rep. bridge Con. II lot 13 300 15 II Geo. Graham, break-water Vail Drain 7 00 19 ,1 Alex. McKay, bridge lot 14 Con. la, Four Rod Road 26 00 „ „ ,1 rep bridge and cleaning watercourses . 5 00 aa II Alf. Parker, grading Con. 1 3 lot 13 850 June 25 Paid 30 II July Aug. 24 21 28 II M II Sept. '3 II II Oct. 18 II 11 25 II Nov. 30 I II tl II 20 II 26 II Dec. 6 II 7 II 10 II 20 21 .11 II II II 130 . W. II. Calhoun, rep. bridge 18 and 16 $ Jas. Ellis, break -water 18 and 19 S. Kd. Con. 12 Blonde Bros , looo ft. plank and 18 cedar posts S. Sheeler, rep. bridge Con. 13 Allan Russell, cleanir.<; watercourses Con. 13 lot 19 J. & J. Oldersbaw, sewer-pipe culvert 18 and 19 S. Rd ... ... S. Sheeler, rep. Con. 13 » Thos. Eves, cutting thistles S. L. Div., 51 Con. 10 Jno. O'Phee, 60 rds. grading lyt Is Con. 13 (Jeo. Stannard, rep. 2 culverts 18 and 19 S. R. Con. 9 Thos. Hackett, bridge lot 24 Con. 11 Jas. O'Neil, rep. part washout 18 and 19 Home Dr John Goulett, rep. culvert lot 13 Con. 12 Chas. Slade, rep. bridge lot 13 Con. 9 Joel Smith, bridge lot 15 Con. 10 Alex. McKay, rep. 2 bridge Con. 12 lot 23 and Con. 13 and 17 Jas. Cornbill, 1 1 10 ft. 6 in. tile Con. 9 Joel Smith, rep. I bridge 18 and 19 S. Rd. and 2 bridges Con. n pardner Bros., 8 in. tile, front of parsonage and church Charing Cross Wm. Davison, rep. bridge lot 24 Con. 10 M. Doyle, cleaning 60 rods ditch 18 and 19 S. Rd. Con. 8 L. A. Pardo, comm. fees Wm. Calhoun, rep. loda scraper •4 00 20 90 «5 50 5 00 I 00 7 20 3 50 2 00 10 06 3 00 24 00 17 SO 3 00 6 00 21 SO 3 00 27 75 7 00 10 40 50 9 00 18 00 I 00 Dec Total... Balarce. 1897 ROAD DIVISION NO. 5. • •..$ 33465 .... 17 14 • 351 79 li Jan. Mai Dpc Apr Aug Oct. Dec Dec. Mar. I To Appropriation as per By-law $ 200 00 II S. Labor tax 31 35 Dec. 31 II Overdrawn 296 44 li Mar Apr Dec Total. •t 527 79 k; ' CONTRA. Dec April 3 Paid E. J. Toll, rep. bridge Burns Draiu E. Road % 10 M Walter Tye, ditching 31 rods con. 15 lot 23 M Walter Tye, culvert Millar Drain con. is lot 22 26 II Jas. Taylor, drawing sewer pipe fron^ Chatham II Clayton, ditching 37 rodi lot 155 T. Road 27 II Thomas Clayton, scraping C. Road . May 19 II Frank Tisdale, 25 rods tile drain and 30 rods ditching lot 162 T. Road 25 II I.«tson Hughson, fence at bridge Simpson Drain 31 II J. & J. Oldershaw, IS sewer pipe June 28 II Ed. Gill, rep. culvert 18 and 19 S. Road con. 16 II Wm. Lancaster, rep. culvert 12 and 13 S. Road con. 13 Aug. 10 II Thomas Clayton, dam lot 148 & 149 con. 16 Oct. 8 II John Green, tile at J. Hughsqn's lot 164 T. Road II John Green, tile at Simpsons lot 162 T. Road..... 95 00 4 34 10 00 2 50 II 10 3 (X> 19 00 1 00 10 5 00 I SO I 00 16 (X> 16 00 Jan Ma De . oo ) 90 1 50 ; 00 : 00 ' 20 3 50 2 00 06 3 00 4 00 7 50 3 00 6 00 ' 50 3 00 7 75 7 OQ 40 50 9 00 [8 00 I 00 3465 17 14 SI 79 '^- ">wW^ !00 00 31 35 596 44 127 79 95 00 4 34 10 00 2 SO II 10 3 00 19 00 3 00 8 10 5 00 I SO I 00 16 00 16 00 ,3, -:-:,.,.;::. ^-^ Dec. 16 Paid Clarence Jenner, rep. culvert Vail Drain con. 15 $ 2 00 23 II |. C. Clayton, Com. feei 11 94 31 II E. Butler, filling culvert corner Four Rod Road ..... i 50 Total Oyerdrfwn 1896. ■'■ ;'■(*■'.■.*■ ■ .9 $ 527 79 210 98 316 81 RALEIGH AND HARWICH TOWN LINE ACCOUNT. 1897 Jan. I To Balance from 1896 Mar. I ,, Appropriation as per By law . . . Dpc. 31 Overdrawn , 14 48 100 oo 18 92 :■'*.£« « i;i" i'/^'- ■■•t '<,'?>' ,,,,:.. : --■■•_• - - ■ - ■ - - - CONTRA. Apr. 30 Paid N. White, scraping. ;;;«!/ " Wm. Summerfield, plank and rep. bridge Gregory Dr... •' Wm; Davison, rep. bridge Aug, 10 •• N. White, scraping Oct. 30 " O. B. Hulin, 40 ft. 12 in. sewer-pipe. , Dec. 31 " Jno. Howard, plank and rep. bridge w . V Total Dec. 31 *' 'Share in Austin Scraper. 133 40 32 00 I 50 1 00 24 00 12 40 2 so 73 40 60 00 W ■' <■!■; '-i'l,,v; ; ;i';j?KS,"V I 133 40 RALEIGH AND TILBURY TOWN LINE ACCOUNT. 1897 Mar. I To Appr. North $50.00 South $50.00 per By-law $ 100 00 CONTRA, Apr. 26 Paid D. Hickey , scraping South end ....'........'...... Dec. 15 II Jas. Ross, deepening ditch 24 rods 23 II G. McKay, comr. fee 31 II Geo. Marshall, 3 carloads gravel for Rd. in Merlin. .f 5 00 3 00 I 02 ■ 9 PO Dec. 31 ' Total $ 18 02 Overdrawn 1896 1527 Balance 66 71 *^'''\,. "^^0 ■9 '. .■O'' $ too 00 ■':'M RALEIGH AND CHATHAM LINE ACCOUNT. Jan. I To Balance from 1896 ;...,... .V.V.. .....,...; ....r. $ 6994 Mar. I II Appr. as per By-law 25 00 CONTRA. Dec. 15 Paid Jas. Pool, /or digging across River Rd 3 00 Balance 91 94 i, • ' $ 94 94 ^%l ill :»; -iw 1897 Jau. I Oct. 8 132 LAKE ERIE AND D. R. R. RY. ACCOUNT. To Balance from 1896 II Amt. levied to meet Debr. 683 44 671 92 Total. 1 I 1355 36 r, ,,-.;■;,.:;--, CONTRA. Mar. I Paid Debr. No. 7........ 650 52 Dec. 31 704 84 . $ I3SS 36 1897. TILE DRAINAGE ACCOUNT. Jan. 1 To balance from 1896. . , f 43 60 May 22 t Hon. Treas. Ont. proceeds Debenture No. 15 100 00 July 2 II Hon. Treas. Ont. proceeds Debenture No. 16 .^ . 100 00 Oct. 8 amount levied 117 76 Feb. May I I 25 31 July 31 Sept. Nov. Dec. 30 30 31 ,;;.;,: , ■ rr Total $ 361 36 CONTRA. Paid 1st coupons debentures 13 and 14 > $ 14 72 II F. Hughson, loan S. W. yi 147 T. Rd. debenture 15 100 co II F. Hughson, bal. loan less expenses T. Rd. debenture 16 94 50 II Milton Backus, inspecting F. Hughson's work, 2 orders 5 II 2nd coupon debenture No. 10 and 11, $7.36 each 14 II Register Kent, registering By-law 2 II 2nd coupon debenture No. 12 . 7 3rd coupon debenture I to 7, $7. 36 each 51 debentures No. 13 and :4, 2nd coupons . 3rd coupons debenture No. 8 and 9 . . . . SO 72 80 36 52 14 72 «4 72 TotRl... Balance. ■')■■. K . 'jit*i ■■■. ■ ■.'*,•- ^; t- ■': ■" ■ , ■ $ 320 56 40 80 $ 361 36 DITCHES AND WATERCOURSE ACCOUNT. 1897. Oct. 8 To amount levied , : ]$ 50 29 Dec. 31 " Overdrawn , 233 93 Total. .$ 284 22 CONTRA. Aug. 23 Paid James Chinnick to pay assistance survey, Grice, Barfoot and BennetD. & W. C ,.. 31 Paid W. G. McGeorge, award Baifoot & Bennett D. & W. C Geo. McKay to pay assistance Dolsen Ditch L. A. Pardo, to pay assessment survey Apthorp Debars W. O. McGoerge, survey and award " " " . " " " " Dolsen Ditch Jas. Chinnick, to pay assessments survey Hitchcock Ditch Geo. McKay, •• •• •• Thomas Ditch Jas. Clayton, " •• ** Lancaster Ditch H. Linderbeck, half pay for underbrushing Rd. allowance 7 &nc.i«ter Ditrh *-•■ ■-' ' ■ < Nov. IS t< 30 II «i jp,- Dec. 15 II II 16 Dec. 2 2; 31 S,t- 1897 Oct. g, Aug. II «897. Jan. I ■: Oct. 8 Dec. 31 Mar. I Aug. II Sept. 30 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 Dec. 4 3« 3 00 j6 50 5 25 1897. 500 T*n. I 1 19 00 Aug. 26 ■ 24 50 Oct. 8 , 7 00 a as 3 75 .ancoater Ditch 17 00 >** LiitM{i,2tili& Mi^Ji^hkjIiiJ^kMi^iiA «A^^ J33 Dec. 23 Paid Jas. Clayton, com. meeting | i 00 27 31 Jas. Morris, Municipality part of Lancaster Ditch 90 00 W. G. McGeor^e, award Thomas Ditch 14 00 II II II II Hitchccck It 21 50 II II . II II Lancaster h 21 75 Jas. Lancaster, underbrushing E. half roads, Lancaster Ditch. . . . 13 50 Total. $ 26500 Overdrawn 15 93 ^r Interest 1896 3 29 A •ft':- h^'jfUr.i ■' *; -' . I ''■ I 284 22 1897 NOXIOUS WEEDS ACCOUNT. !)i.'- : !•; . Oct. g To amount levied on land .;..... 9F 300 CONTRA. Aug. II Paid Jas. Roberton, cutting noxious weeds Fletcher Sr $ 3 00 36 1897. PIKE DRAINAGE WORKS ACCOUNT. :*' Jan. I To Balance from 1896 $ Oct. 8 II amount levied to meet No. 1 last Debr II II II II It II 2 It II II It II ,>< II It 3 " Dec. 31 It It ~ " It II ^ II Overdrawn 57 82 1607 52 295 81 145 06 91 04 !S ■ Paid W. G. McGeorge, 2nd rept., etc $ 3S 00 J. G. Stewart, to pay piinting and serving By-laws 40 00 Banner Ptg. Co., adv. sale 300 Debr. No. 304 295 80 A. H. Whitf , Appeals to Judge 12 00 W. G. McGeorge, 5 days Appeals to Judje 25 00 Planet Ptg. Co., adv. sale 288 Debrs No. 184 and Coupon 990.72, error in Coupon 69 1606 22 It It 524 ; 14624 J. G. Stewart, postage 4 61 A. H. White, I day interviewing Tilbury East Council 3 00 Wm. Stokes, witness fee re Appeal to Judge * 3 V* Judge Bell, hearing Appeal ■■>• 20 00 Total • 2197 25 1S97. PIKE PUMP ACCOUNT. ^\}- Tan. I To balance from 1896 f 25 18 Aug. 26 • It transfer bal. Pike Extension Drain by order i 18 Oct. 8 ti amount levied annually 29200 II amount levied annually Extension 93 00 11 amount levied annually extension on roads 8 16 Overdrawn 350 52 Total • 77004 ^ ■>':•; i^Hnojs^j^Jirjs w: n4 CONTRA. Mar. I 3« Jan. 1 1 t^aid Wm. Stokes, lo days woik M A. Coutts, supplies II D. B. Armstrong, supplies II Wm. Trudell, 2 days II ^Chas. Crow, Com. fees II J. Crow, work and supplies rep II Chas. Crow, square timt)er and lumber II Chas. Crow, to pay wages rep II Atkinson & Rispin, insurine; house and machinery . II W. Trudell, 12 days work II James Trudell, care of floodgates II W. Stokes, work rep II S. Hadley Co., lumber II Morton & Adam, supplies II McKeongh &, Trutter, supplies . . . II John Crow, 1 10 cords wood ti J. Nelson, bal. work rep It Wm. Trudell, 6 days wrik , II Wm. Stoken, 68 days work at $1.25, teaming 50, . II D. R. McGarvin 600 feet elm II Frank Crackle, work 5 nights II Wm. Stokes, 28 days work II Armstrong & Fletcher, supplies. II Wm. Stokes, 19 days wotk , II Park Bros., supplies II Jno. Crow, 65 cords' wood II Wm. Trudell, 3^ days work , , n Wm Stokes, 4 „ April 26 30 May 25 June 18 July 31 Dec. 31 9 12 50 ? 25 i 48 2 00 15 00 2 25 23 00 99 00 ifi 00 12 00 4 00 36 45 19 44 9 14 23 IS 165 00 40 00 6 00 85 50 6 00 62s 35 00 I 20 23 75 16 81 97 50 4 37 5 00 Total $ 770 04 t'v:;#f^'v «897' Jan. Aug. Oct. I 26 8 Dec. 2 Feb. 561 1 IS 20 81 3360 47 640 95 977 26 RALEIGH PLAINS DRAIN ACCOUNT. ^ To Balance from 1896 \ II Transfer of balance from R. P. Ouellete Dr. by order II Amount levied on Innds to meet Debrs II Amount levied on roads to meet Debrs II Interest on Bank account less 3 per cent on amounts overdrawn Total I icf TO 64 CONTRA. Paid Jas. Fleming, putting in sewer-pipe at Rhode's and grading at Moore's etc $ " N. E. Gibbs, part on Iron bridges " J. N. Gibbs, furnishing and driving extra piles, D. Rd ** Johnson Orr, 2 approaches at Iron bridge line 4 and 5. " Regr. Kent, regr. deeds and discharging mortage '• .McKetujh & Trotter, 5 Dr. pipes " N. E. Gibbs, on cont. re liii«l>,c.>, 2 orders " Atkinson & Atkinson, advice .....".. , Apr. 30 " Hamilton Bridge Co., bi^!. on cont. Iron Bridges " Jno. Bell, grading approach to bridge and help " J. McWhinney, land to widen Dr..S. hf. lot n Con. 6 " Jas. Fleming, filling washout $20.00, balance, contract f 5.00. . rep. bridge 75c " W. McGeorge, Inspection of bridges Mar. 61 00 50 33 18 00 00 00 2 80 40 00 150 2 00 00 540 22 00 00 103 00 25 75 6 00 Oct. Jan. Mar. June Jn.- '■I;- 6i 00 50 33 18 00 00 00 2 80 40 00 ISO 2 00 00 540 22 00 00 103 00 25 75 6 00 13s June 30 Paid Jno. Bell, grading and fencing etc. and assist, at Moore's Br.f 36 50 '' Johnson Orr, grading approach at forks bridge 4 00 July 31 •• Register Kent, regisieriug deeds 405 " N. I'hipps, grading at Iron Bridge D. Rd 4 25 " James Fleming, 4}^ days ploughing and hauling lumber Moore's Bridge 1380 " John Bell, grading at Iron Bridge 3 00 " Robert Riddle, gate at Moore's Bridge 2 30 Auij. II " R. J. Morrison, on Com. fees. 25 00 " R. J. Morrison, to pay witness fees Thackery vs. Raleigh. . . . 41 10 26 " N. H. Sheplcy, bal. Com. fee. 39 00 30 " Angus Smith, inspectine; 1700 31 " John Dowling, 40 cedar posts Moore's Bridge 3 48 "^'-fi'' .. " C. B. Moore % acre S. yi lot 8, con. 4 to widen rd 10 00 "^''^ " Geo. Stephens & Co., wire, nails, hinges and staples Moore's 314 " John Pi){ott & Sons, fencing lumber approach to bridges .... 18 15 Sept. 30 " S. T. Martin, Mangr. Dredging Co., bal. in full of contract. . 2275 00 '* Debenture No. 532 , 400043 Nov. 30 " E. S. Dyke, work at iron pipe Bell Drain outlet 80 00 Dec. 31 •• R. J. Morrison, bal. Com. fee ,... 2500 Total '. .......L...9 76983s ' v^ Balance 291229 :';•"•■;'" '--^ ''■"..' ■'>■'*■"•■'■■■■•->, 11061064 MUD AND INDIAN CREEK DRAIN ACCOUNT. <'4l ?^ k 1897. ■^:<-:?-^':^y Jan. 23 To Cash Chatham (]ity assessment in full $ 705 54 Feb. 4 " cash Town Blenheim " " "...•. 1697 13 " " HarwichTp. " «• " 1519 82 Oct. 8 " " amount levied to meet debenture 290 87 ;^ ^. ^ Total 9 253320 CONTRA. Jan. 2 Paid Jas. Summers, Sec. 3 Ind. Creek ^ % 10 00 , ;r " Thomas Grice, " 2 " " ;... 1000 18 " Jas. Summers, " 3 " " 2500 Mar. I " Hooper King, bridge N. W. part S. W. part lot 2 Ind. Creek . . 25 00 ^, " James Pool Sec. 5 Ind. Creek 1000 vS .,H V «« Jas. Summers " 3 " " 2500 April 30 " W. G. McGeorge, inspecting 300 May 31 " Jas. Summers, section 3 and 6, Indian Creek, two orders. 24 00 > ' . " Jas. Pool, clearing obstructions sec. 7, 8 and 9, two orders 60 00 , V ,v *• Mrs. R O. Miller, bridge Tisman ave., Chatbam 25 00 , jr!<'.'3*i" '' " Alex. Finley, sec. 2, Indian Creek, three orders 80 00 fune 5 " Tas. Svri.mers, sec. 6, Indian Creek 1500 " jas. Pooi, clearing obstructions sec. 7, 8 and 9 10 00 26 " jerry Farby, sec. 4, Indian Creek 3000 30 '* Alex. Findley, sec. 2, Indian Creek 20 00 •* Jno. Brennen, sec. i 50 00 " Jas. Pool, sec. 5 *. 20 00 " J. J. Payne, assistance survey I 5© July 31 ** W. G. McGeorge survey and assts. re division 1 . . 5 00 " Jerry Farby, sec. 4 25 00 " Jas. Summers, sec. 3, three orders 45 ^^ " D. Payne, sec 8 and 9 1500 •' Joe Payne, sec. 8 and 9 .. 1500 p. 136 < Augt 33 Paid [as. Chinnick, asst. survey ..$ 3 do 31 " fas. Summers, sec. 3 30 00 •* Alex Finley, sec. 2 .... 15 00 " Wm. Whitebread, asst 2 25 " lerry Farby, sec. 4, two orders 60 00 " W. G. McGeorge, releveling, etc 7 50 " " '• inspection 4 c» •• N. Coates, error ref. .-. 300 Sept. 4 " Jas. Pool, bal. sec. 3. 4, 5 and 6 63 40 , 30 " Jas. Po il, sec. 3 30 00 " Jerry Farby, see. 2 i 40 00 " li Crump, sec. 5 1500 " Jas. Summers, sec. i .^ 30 00 " Alex. Finelby, sec. 2, two orders 45 00 •• Deb. No. 551 18712 Oati^ 30 " Jno. Brennan, sec. i 115 00 " Jno. Brennan, sec. 6 and 7 ... 13500 ** Jas. Summers, sec. i 10 00 " D.Payne, sec. 8 12000 " Robt. Moso, " 2 branch 18 00 *• Jas. Pool, "2 " 3 orders 8000 •« " " "3 2000 " H. Crump, "52 orders 3000 Nov. 30 " Geo. Coply, "i 1340 " n. Crump, "s 525 " Robt. Moore, "5 6 75 *' Jas. Pool, "3 and 4 2000 " D.Payne, " 8 and 9 6500 " W. G. McGeorge, inspecting Mud Creek 125 Dec. I " Jas. Pool, sec. 3, ^ and 5 / 12 co 23 " Jas. Chinnick, balance comr. fees 13 00 31 " Robt. Dunlop, sec. i 1430 " Geo. McCrea, sec. 2 branch 6 00 " Jno. Brennan, " i Indian Creek 10 00 " •' •' •♦ 6and7 Mud Creek 1500 ^ ^ TbtaK. !..... T; ...:^Vi7.. ........ $1893 72 ■ii: V * '■ v Overdrawn 171 62 Balance 46786 '^ ■;>:]! A. v^ . v:-.^'.' />f-.;:^v $«S33 20 1897. BURNS DRAIN ACCOUNT. ' Jan. I To Balance from 1896 f 57 08 Oc. 8 " Amount levied on lands 194 19 •• " " •• roads.. »....,... 4230 Total $29357 CONTRA. Jan. II Paid Ing'. ^m Taylor, refund ;-> $ 7 26 " F J. Toll, •• 580 " ''ATheeler Declute, " 10 16 '* Thos. Moore,' " 434 14 '• F. Hughson, " 5 80 Dec. 4 " Debr.No. 505 •• ,. 236 49 Total f 269 85 Refund to roads 727 Balance 16 45 . $293 57 18 May *• 293 57 7 26 58o lo i6 1^ 236 49 269 85 7 27 16 45 VAIL DRAIN ACCOUNT. 1897. Jan. I To balance from 1896 $ 177 93 Oct. 8 •• amount levied on lands 179 63 ." Total $357 56 -..,, ,. CONTRA. . , ,,-.-.. Mar. I Paid Deb. 478 i . . '.\ i . . . . . ^ ■ 1 . .^ . 1 . ; .V" . : . .$ 178 78 Dec. 31 " Deb. 479 17878 Total $"357 56 : ■ 4 WEBL DRAIN ACCOUNT. 1897. -. ■ ■ '■' ■'' '■ ■■-'- ■!•:-« Jan. I To balance from 1896 $ 72 1 1 Oct. 8 " amount levied to meet last Deb 6301 . t ; Total. $ 135 12 ■ ' CONTRA. Feb. I Paid Deb. No. 501. $ 67 56 , ^ Balance 67 S6 -,.,v:- * ' ;^:/' '•.■:v^..., :...... .•..;..^,, ,-.,;,,-2= $ 135 »2 FERGUSON EXTENSION DRAIN ACCOUNT. ' ' > ' 1897. Jan. I To balance from 1896 $ 207 90 Oct. 8 " amount levied last payment 61 82 Dec. 31 " interest on amount levied 1893-4-5 «nd 6, at 3 per cent 14 52 Overdrawn 10 17 :; Total. $ 294 41 ,v\--' \&' .''''.'■ ;''■/■', r'-^i^' ■'; CONTRA. : ■■ ,.-,.._. "■■' \ ' ''ii 'K ;,•' Wr. I Paid Ccipon No. 4, Deb. No. 483.... .$ 1338 Dec. 31 " Deb. No. 483 and last coupon. 281 03 V Total.... .$ 294 41 DEECHAN DRAIN ACCOUNT.* I 1897. Jan. I 1 o balance from 1896 $ 147 01 Oct. 8 " amount levied 14619 ; ; Total.... ;i $29320 , -.,.' CONTRA. , ;-;;:';^;v ■'■V^tu April 30 Paid Deb. No. 491. ..!............$ 146 60 Dec. 31 *' Deb. No. 492 146 60 h ■ ~ ' - ■■■iii— n Total $29320 GOVERNMENT DRAIN N0> I ACCOUNT. 1897. . May 25 To cash S. J. Pardo, asst. in full $ 39 68 " Chas. Stover, " " ....,.; 1984 138 Oct. 8 To amount levied on lands I 648 15 " " " roads 7560 iJec. 10 '* proceeds Debs. 681 to 689, including $337.16 prem. and bonus... 5481 28 Total $626455 ' CONTRA. Mar, I Paid T. G. Stewart, printing and publishing by-law ( 100 00 May 31 " W. G. McGeorge 2 days re appeals to Judge 1000 June I '* A. H. White 2^ days re appeals to Judge 500 9 " J. G. Stewart, postage acct 5 44 21 " Thos. Wallace, sec. 1 5000 28 " Jas. Guy, sec. 21 and 23 , 9000 " Sam. Hitchcock, sec. 22 43 00 *' Thos. Irving, sec. 13 and 20, two orders 53 00 " Fr«d Slade, sec. 8, 12 and 17, ^three orders 97 00 " H. Morris, sec. 10 2800 " Chas. Slade, sec. 18 50 d 30 " Jas. Wellwood, sec. 25, 37, 39 and 40 9000 " Alfred f arker, sec. 31 8 00 *' Jas. Chinnick, com. work 2 00 " Tdo. Dawson, sec. 3, three orders 150 00 " Judge Bell, two days hearing appeals I5 55 July 2 " Thos. Wallace, sec. 1 15000 3 " Alfred Parker, sec. 31 5 00 16 " Thos. Irving, sec. 20 t... 3600 " Fred Slade, sec 24 3000 " H. Morris, sec. 19 70 00 30 " Jno. Crouchman, sec. 34. 10 00 31 " Jno. Crouchman, sec. 34. and 38 2500 " Registrar Kent, registering bv- law 200 " Jno. Crouchman, sec. 2, two orders 115 00 " A. H. White, interest fees appeal to Judge 14 40 " D- W. Grice, bridge con. 6 40 00 " F. Slade, per A. H. White, Sec. 8 and 12 20 00 " John Dawson. Sec. 3 2500. " Planet Pte.'Co., adv. ditching 3 22 Aug. 6 " Chas. Slade, Sec. 18 1000 13 " Jno. Crouchman, Sec. 2 9000 " Alfred Parker, "13 800 l6 " Jas. Wellwood, " 7 19000 23 " Dan. Shea, " 4 10 00 31 " Thos. McCWte, " 6 10 OO' <* Thos. Wallace, ** 14, 15 and 16 10000 " D. W. Grice, on account bridge 750 " Jos. Ryan, Sec. 1 1 39 00 " Jno. Couchman, Sec. 2 and 9, 2 orders ° 57 00 Sept. 21 " Wm. Graham, "36 35 00 " Geo. Graham, "33 27 00 27 '* Fred. Slade, bal. " 17 and 24 rzo 00 " Thos. Irving, " " 20, 8, 10, 12 and 13 2 orders 39 00 " H.Morris. " "19 • 2400 " Chas. Slade, " "18 1400 " T.Wallace, •• « 14, 15 and 16 3500 " John O'Rourke, bridge line 7 and A 79 00 30 , " Nicholas Reams, Sec. 4 ... 265 00 " Thos. McCarte, ** 5. 2500 '* Wilson; Rankin & Co. Appeals to Judge 4300 " L. L- Doyle, farm bridge con. 10 15 00 . *' Thomas Wallace, Sec i 65 00 Dec. 189 Mar. May June. July : 139 «ec. 5 Oct. 9 Paidjas. Fetguaon, 23 " Alfred Parker, *• 3a 35 " Thos. Hackett, farm bildge T. Bndy. 30 " Jno. Dawson, Sec. 3 " J. Crouchman, '* ;> and 9 2 orderi . . . Samuel Hitchcock, bal. Sec. 32 Nov. I 3 15 IS »7 20 30 Dec. 7 15 23 27 29 31 ^'■■^t. Vinson, balance section 29 Alfd. Parker, balance sec. 38 F. Bennett, bridge " Pardo and Chinnick, com. fees, half to each Joel Smith, farm bridge S i lot 15, con. 12 Daniel Haskel, farm bridge S ^ lot 13, con. 10 Share of int. on overdrafts C. B. Commerce A. H. White, expenses re Debs, and transfer of money. Jas. Wellwood, balcnce sections 25, 37, 39 and 40 ... . as 00 ao 00 25 00 100 00 38 00 16 00 500 00 7 SO 34 00 30 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 25 00 82 00 38 00 265 00 25 00 26 00 1 25 54 00 90 00 14 QO 5 00 2 00 6 so 70 00 18 00 25 00 22 98 1 74 41 00 Total I4198 08 Overdrawn, 1896 82317 Balance 1243 30 • " ■•..■■-: ^ ^ ' ■■■■'■': ' $6264 55 1897. Oct. 8 Dec. 10 1897. Mar. I May 31 June. 9 26 July 31 X IRWIN DRAIN ACCOUNT. ;*i To amount levied on lands $ loi 29 " amount levied ou roads 37 22 " cash proceeds Debs. No. 691 to 694, including $12.73 premium. . . 402 41 '}*;;■ Vhlv^^ Total I 540 92 ■,••::.'■ .V '■.■;,.k^ •;•-■- " -;■_••■.'■:*'■:•';• '-4: CONTIiA. Paid W. G. McGeorge, 2nd report etc | 10 00 II J. G. Stewart, to pay for ptg. and pub. 17 S^^ II II II II postage 85 II H. Crump, sec. 10 606 II Registering Kent and registering By-law 2 00 II Jerry Haskell, sec. 112 orders 13 .00 II H. Boley, u i and 2 13 00 II D. W. Grice, n 3 2 oicders 1300 II Jno. Sewell, h 7 1700 •I Thos. McCarte, II 9, 1500 • -. \. ■''■■'■■■■■ ■■ ■;-.,/. :■ . -.' -::'r f 140 Aug. 31 Paid |as. Ryan, sec. 5 $ 20 00 Sept. 30 II Alex. Findley, m 10 900 Oct. 18 ii Fred Le^uie, n 8 30 00 30 II D. Let^uie, n 6 qnd 8 35 00 Nov. 30 I. Fied Leguie, ■■ 6 6 50 M Alex. Findley, n 10 5 Oo II Jerry Haskell, n II..... 3 00 II Jno. Sewell, n 7 800 II W. G. McGeorge, inspector « 135 Dec. 7 II Thos. Grice, sec. 4 19 50 23 II Jat. Chinnick, comr. fees 1750 29 11 C. B. Commerce share interest on overdraft I 38 31 II Expenses re Debrs. and transfer of money per A. H. W I 73 II D. Leguie, sec. 6 and 8 7 00 Total 9 27221 > , . , ?^,..:^", > Overdrawn 25 00 N" ; ; Balance 343 Jl y^v.'^U CHINNICK DRAIN ACCOUNT. ' .^ •' ''•X'^^-i.^v/',: : 1897. '',■•''."':■..■.-• ^ • ,■ •■ ..•/ ,'ts:'''' v-il' ;:^', Oct. 8 To Amount levied on lands $ 250 77 II 11 II II roads 4^ ^t Dec. 10 II Cash proceeds Debrs. Nos. 671 to 679 including $141.58 premium and bonus 226949 ■ '-,... . : Total $2568 87 CONTRA. , Feb. I Paid Register of Kent, registering By-law .' . .",'. ... .9 2 00 Sept. 21 II Geo. Graham, bridge 12 and 13 Side Rd 3000 30 11 Alex. Findley, Sec. 2 .... 10 00 Oct. 18 II E. S. D^ke, assessments re staking 450 II Jas. Chmnick, n re survey 4 00 II Jno. Dawson, Sec. 13 4000 II Jno. Crouchman n 5 20 00 30 II Jno. Sewell, h i i 50 00 II Jno. Lee, bridge lot 18 con. 6 10 00 ..■■ \: - II W. G. McGeorge, re Staking 900 II Geo. Mardelling, Sec. i 25 00 II Wm. Irwin, m 15 and 16 , 8000 II Wm. Irwin, bridge N. ^ lot 14 con. 6 10 00 II Geo. Robinson, Sec. 9 and 12 130 00 II Jas. Chinnick, farm bridge W. ^ lot 19 10 00 II Geo. Sewell, Sec. 14 40 00 II David Leguire, n 42 orders 95 00 II Alex. Findley, n 33 orders . ... 22 00 II Jno. Dawson, 2 bridges, Dowling and Morrison 28 00 II Jno. Crouchman, Sec. 2, 5, 8 and 17, 3 orders 150 00 II Geo. Graham, n 18, 19, 20 and 21, 2 orders 400 00 Nov. 8 II Geo. Robinson, n 9 and 12 13 00 30 II Jno. Chinnick, n 3 4 00 II Jno. Chinnick, bridge 19 and 20 Side Rd ;^>u> 31 50 II Geo. Robinson, Sec. 8 .\ . . . 12 00 II Fred Leguire, n 3, 5 and 7, 2 orders 28 00 II Thos. Montgomery farm bridge lot 17 10 00 II II II Sec. 10 7800 July 31 Aug. 30 31 x> X) 30 50 DO 30 00 as 50 5° 38 73 00 21 00 7« Nov. y Dec. Dec. 7 29 3« »:;;:: • 77 ; 61 ) 49 00 > 00 > 00 ^ 50 00 , 00 oo.«' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i 00 1 00 00 : 00 8 00 00 |o 00 00 00 1 SO 2 00 18 00 io 00 '8 00 141 Ptid Wm. Irwin, sec. 15 and 16 | 10 OO It Cleu. Mardelling, „ i and 2, 2 orders 16 00 M Jnu. Thackery, farm bridge N. E. jiait 15 10 00 Chat. Lenover, Sec. 6 70 00 II II bridge 18 and 19 S. Kd.. . 2000 tno. Sewell, Sec. 11 1 5 00 lenry Fagan, farm bridge at Thackera>'a 15 00 Alex. Findley, tecs. 2 and 3, two orders 17 00 D. Payne, farm bridge, lot 20 . I 00 W. G. Mc(>jeorge, inspection I 25 F. Suiter, farm bridge, lot 16, con. 6 10 00 Geo. Graham, sees. 18, 19, 20 and 21 88 00 II II breakwater on bridge 12 and 13 S. Kd 3 00 Jas. Chinnick, comr. fees 50 00 C. B. Commerce, share of int. overdraft 8 97 expenses re debrs. find transfer of money per A. H. W i 74 Jno. Chinnick, farm bridge, E. 135 a. lot 19, con. 6 10 00 ino. Crouchman, sec. 5 S 00 'red. Leguie, n 17 6 00 Geo. Sewell, h 14 400 L. Howard, farm bridge, lot 20 10 00 Jas. Suiter, m » n 16 1000 M II H •I II •I II II II II Total I1736 96 Overdrawn 1896 IS7 30 Balance 674 61 |2S68 87 1897. Jan. Sept. Oct. 8 GOVERNMENT DRAIN NO. 2 ACCOUNT. I To Balance from 1896 $6687 98 7 II Treasr. Tilbury East, asst. less 947-28 1 164 46 II Amt. levied on lands 490 59 I. II II II 138 16 II *v April 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 30 31 Total I8481 19 CONTRA. Paid S. T. ' fartin on contract $ 500 00 II Nehn. Tebbs, moving fence 10 00 II Sol. Tebbs, p-. on waterbreak ■ 10 00 It Geo. Graham, work 75 ^^ II Perry Chase, land to widen Rd. s ^ lot 5, con. 5 95 00 II S. T. Martin on contract looo 00 II Geo. Graham, work, 2 orders 35° 00 II J. S. Piper, posts floodgate, Stewart drain 6 67 11 S. T. Martin, on contract, 2 Orders .'.... 2000 00 ^l Geo. Graham, work, 2 orders. 375 ^^ , " McKeough & Trotter, gate to iron pipe 20 00 " E. S. Dyke, culvert Dyke drain outlet I7 5o II Sol Tebbs, balaace and extra work on outlet 20 00 II J. S. Piper, on bridges, 3 orders 150 00 •I W. G. McGeorge, inspection ... 5 0° II Registrar Kent, registering deedi 4 6S II J. S. Piper, on bridges 25 00 II Geo. Graham, work, 2 orders 394 00 100 00 II J. S. Piper, work on bridges, 3 orders. Aug. 31 Paid C. Slmmoni. 4 iron rods, nuti and watheri $ II S. T. Martin, balance on contract 1 II Gartshore, Tompson h Co. , iron pipe II W. G. McGeorge, invpeclion .'. Sept. 30 '• Thoa. McCarte, work II P. Kearns, land to widen road line 6 and 7 and land and Shirled banks in re drain II P. Kearns, bridge lot 7, con. 6 I) J. S, Piper, bridges, a orders II J. S. Piper per F. Slade, work on bridges II Debenture No. 556 Oct. 30 II J. S. Piper, bridges at Linnes and J. Kearns , ,,^,, , M jas. Stewart, lumber re J. S. Piper , '■ ' ' II j. S. Piper, per W. E.Merritt, bridges and grading II Sol. Tebbs, for f . S. Piper, drawing plank II J. S. Piper, bridging and i;iading .... •I Adolphe Myres, land to widen road, lot 7, con. 4 y;. II Peter Ferguson, land for Sopoiled biink, lot 6, coo. 4 ' ' ■"' ' ' II J. L. Pipei, 1-3 for bridge and floodgate BIythe drain II It II balance re Rox. Webb bridges and grading con. 6. . Dec. 23 M Pat. Kearns, pt. on bridge, lot 6, con. 5 / 31 II James BIythe, bridge II II u land to widen road ; ■■II A. H. While, Com. fees 7 SO 184 30 20 00 5 00 28 00 54 00 35 00 65 00 40 00 6a8 75 66 00 5891 87 00 I 50 to cx> 90 00 as 00 8 00 >5 i^ 24*53 30 00 114 00 65 00 :.-\.'A', •^V Total $7820 45 1 ransfer of amount overdrawn by Cooper Dr. by order .... 65 Balance 660 09 •8481 19 1897 Jan. I June II FLOOK-HINTON DRAIN ACCOUNT. (1 ,, F, To balance from 1896 Flook Drain 9 1 16 55 II S. J. Pardo, $1.50; J. M. Shepley, $i 40; L. Benedict, $1.00 assessment in full .... 2 90 July 30 II Mrs. J. Rodgers, 9l.oo; J. C. Clayton, fa 50; S. J. Harvey & Sons, $4800 5150 Aug. 28 II J. Carkson,; N. H. Shepley, 96.90 790 Oct. 8 II amount levied on lands 561 96 II II II II roads 115 88 29 II Ed. Murdock, assessment in full .. 15 15 Dec. 10 II Proceeds debentures No. 701 to 609 incluJing 9314.94 premium and bonus 51 13 07 ' "^ ' V. J,^^^^ Ij^^ ^j CONTRA. -.,■■ r' r"j^"'''''tT^;,. Paid 'N. II. Shepley, assistance survey ..\ .... . $ 300 April 28 1 30 ilay 31 , une 9 July 31 Pai< M 11 II II Aug. 31 II Sept. 4 18 II II II Banner Ptg. Co. , post cards J. (i. Stewart, to pay printing and publishing By-law.. 1: II pobtaj^e Covee & Robertson, survey Jas. Chinnick, n 4 25 125 00 3 >2 13s 00 . 150 Wm. Rhue, Sec. i 2 orders 175 00 J. Croiichman, h 12 125 00 II II II 10 ' 12500 Nov. Dec. Wm Rhue, 1 11. J. Crouchman, h 10. 23 00 125 00 oo 50 116 55 2 90 )984 91 3 po 4 25 125 00 3 12 >35 00 I 50 175 00 125 00 »25 00 23 00 125 00 »43 Sept. 18 Paid J. Crouchmtn, sec. 10, 4 orders M Ilenry Boley, it 10 II Fred Slade, ••5 2 orders Wni Khuc, II n . . . . Ret;islerin^' ICcnt registering By-law. Oct. 8 II 18 !'i 23 " 30 II II II II II II Nov. I II >5 20 27 Nov. 27 30 Dec. 7 II II II II IS II II 23 II 29 II 3» II II II II II II Fred. Sladc, sea K. N Robinson, h M II II II I no. Crouchman, h Thos. Grice, •■ \Vm. Rhue, h Jas. Stover, . h Henry Chase, h Fred. Slade, n Thos Wallace, h 3 I. I. 10 8 u 4- 9- 3- 7. 3- and 15. 3 orders. a II 2 II branch . and 6 . . L. A. Pardo, to pay asstm. servey E. branch . H. Morris, sec. 4 Ed. Robinson, on branch Planet Ptg Co., adv. sale Fied. Slade, sec. 4 Joel Smith, bridge con. 10 Ed. Robinson, balance sec. i II II II 2 Fred Slade, '. m 5 G. Crummell, u 1 1 Farmer Bennett n 10... W. G. McGeorge, survey branch _. Thos. Grice, sec. 8 '. Jno. Travis, 1 1 Jas. .Stover, bal. pt. 4 * Owen Carley, farm bridge David Ball, 2 farm biidges Hiram Mains, balaice pt. sec. 4 J. L. Doyle, farm bridge Fred. Slade, balance sec. 2 Jas. Chinnick, assmts. Hinton Dr Farmer Bennett, bridge lot 17 Chinnick & Pardo, comr. fees, half to each C. B. Commerce, share int. overdraft Saml. Barfoot, farm bridge, lot 18, con. 7 II II II II II 16, II 7 Jas. Robertson, restaking Hinton drain and expenses. . . Cynthia Goodyear, larm bridge, E. i 15, con. 7 Wm. Grice, h u S. ^ 17, n 7 Chas. Lenover, n h 19, n 7 Geo. Towl, II I Expenses re debrs. and transfer of money per A. H. W. :„ Total $5235 37 'V ' : Overdrawn re Hinton Drain, 1896. .... 35 9^ Balance 7^3 55 1 270 CO 38 so 32s 00 100 00 2 00 .?oo 00 55 00 »7 00 •85 00 39S 00 20 SO 200 00 10 00 162 00 225 00 41S 00 3 SO 263 00 45 00 2 10 200 00 30 00 23 00 75 00 ISO 00 18 50 16 00 3 SO 100 00 S8 00 58 72 12 00 24 00 87 00 12 00 200 00 I 75 IS 00 125 •1 00 74 IS 00 IS 00 32 95 15 00 15 00 12 00 12 00 I 74 ROBBINS DRAIN ACCOUNT. $5984 91 ^897- Jan. I To bal. from 1896 $ lai 18 Oct. 8 II amt. levied on lands 1 10 70 Total I 231 88 April 30 Dec. 31 144 "-':'::/V .•■*;. CONTRA. n 'V, Paid debr. No. 486 in part I 1 15 94 II )i II 487 M M 115 94 Total I 231 88 1897. Jan. I Oct. 8 April 30 June I Dec. 31 To bal. from 1896 , $ 68 54 II amt. levied on lands 32 54 :J: , Total • , Z loi 08 CONTRA. Paid debr. No. 486 in part $ 46 29 G. W. Odelant, repg. and material 7 00 • I 50 49 29 M AH. White, comr. fees. II debr. No. 487 in part $ loi 08 1897. June I Oct. 8 Dec. 31 May 31 July 31 Aug. ID II 31 Nov. 30 ^ SIMPSON DRAIN ACCOUNT. V V • To bal. from i8g6 $ 39 11 II amt. levied on lands 914 83 II II II II roadfi 258 84 M overdrawn 16 79 Total $1229 57 CONTRA. . .V.,- 850 30 00 8 00 I 00 8 40 Paid W. G. McGeorg^e, examining and assistants II H. Rose Clark, settlement of claim for damages . . . II Thos. Clayton, culvert and dam C. Rd , II Jas. Clayton, comr. fees re Cut-otf J. & J.' Oldershaw, sewer pipe C. Rd . debr. No. 376 1173 67 Total $1229 57 1897. Dec. 31 May 25 Dec. 31 ")*vV .. . ■, 1897. Dec. 10 N STEWART DRAIN ACCOUNT. To amt. overdrawn CONTRA. Paid J. L. Piper, part on flood-gate at mouth II A. H. White, re flood-gate IS 33 13 33 2 00 Total ■'■r': Airs' -'■ SYMON DRAIN ACCOUNT. ^:''v''T'^'' 15 33 To proceeus debrs. No. 730 to 739, including $319.69, premium and bonus $477049 r 15 33 13 33 2 00 15 33 May 31 Aug 31 Sept. 27 Oct. 20 30 Nov. 1 13 IS 24 26 30 Doc. I 7 IS 17 22 23 ■/■"•"'•:" 27 29 31 I4S CONTRA. Paid A. H. White, to pay assistants, survey $ 12 4X> M W. G. McGeorge, survey, &c 82 50 II W. Whitebread, assisting. 6 00 II J. G. Stewart, to pay printing and services 90 00 II Jas. Morris, sec. 2 and 5 100 00 II Saml. Givens, work...H,.. ..^ 5100 II Jno. Hill, sec. i 20 00 11 Jno Dawson, work ,.., 117 00 II O. Bennett, sec. 3 and 4 _ 125 00 II A. Scott, 1124 ,. 100 00 II Jno. O'Rourke, 1124 100 00 II Prince Gtase, work 51 00 II Jno. Holland, sec. 17 , . , 55 00 II .Saml. Hitdbcock, n 15 55 00 II J. Irving, II 8 and 9 130 db II Robt. Vinson, nil 54 00 II Geo. Morris 1123 6000 II J. G. Stewart, postage I 97 II Ed. Bennett,. sec. u ♦ 55 cx) II Joel Smith, bridge 4200 II Albert Scott, sec. 26 9000 II Jno. Dawson, m 20 and 21 2 orders 130 00 11 Geo. Graham, n 6 90 OD II J R. Irving, m 7 , 104 00 II G. Wilkinson, II 10 5000 II J. E. Bennett, bridge N. hf. N. hf. lot 9 con. 11 18 00 II O. F. Bennett, n n n S. n n m m II . . . 18 00 II Jas. Ross, repr. bridge >. . '. . . 8 00 ii Mary Straith, farm bridge .... 18 00 II Ed. Bennett, balance sec. 12 19 00 II Robt. Vinson, h u ii.... 1800 II R. McKay. m 22 in fall 87 00 II Samael Givens, bBlance sec. 13 17 00 II M II bridge £. hf. S. hf. lot II con. 9 1800 II Jno. O'Rourke, balance sec. 24 100 00 II II II bridge N. hf. lot 12 con. 8 20 00 " Geo. Graham, M. Rd. acrc^-s Dr 21 00 II II II balance sec. 6 • 29 00 II Geo. Morris, n 23 30 00 II O. Bennett, balance n 3 and 4 4900 II Jas. Morris, n 2 and 5 53 00 II Wm. Higgins, n 16 20 00 Paid C. B. Commerce, share of int. on overdraft 10 26 II expenses re Debentures and transfer of money per A. H. W. . . . i 74 II Wm. Higgins, Sec. 16 59 00 II Jno. Dawson, n 20, 21 and 25 2 orders 107 00 II Abr. Scott, bal. u 26 64 00 II Prince Chase, bal h 14 17 50 II Geo. McKay, bridge W. ^ S. >^ lot 11 con. 10 18 00 II Maria Maloney, bridge W. ^ N. J^ lot xi con. 10 18 00 II Geo. Wilcoxson, bal. Sec. 10 25 00 Total $263497 Overdrawn 1896 35 00 Balance, . , , ,...,..,,.,.,,,,,... 21QO 52 04770 49 i897 FOUR ROD ROAD DRAIN ACCOUNT. Aug. zi To Cash S. J. Pardo, asst $ loi oo Oct. 8 II amount levied on lands 12427 II amount levied on roads 40 70 Dec. 10 II procesds debrs. No. 711 to 714 including $14.38 premium 455 02 Total $ 720 99 1*0 De CONTRA. June July Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9 3» II 18 28 8 30 13 IS 19 23 I 4 IS 27 29 31 Paid L. A. Pardo to pay asst. II Angus Smith, survey. . . survey $ II J. G. Stewarl, to pay printing and serving By-law. Robt. Vinden, culvert T. D. Irving, Sec. 12 Register Kent registering By-law Tas. Ross, Sec. 9 Geo. Graham, Sec. 4 and 7 2 orders Jas. Morriss, n 6, 10 and 113 orders. Alfred Parker n I 2 orders : . T. G. Stewart, postage Wm. Steward, Sec. 3 Jno. O'Phee, sec. 8 Geo. Graham, n 7 , Wm.Stannard, m 3 Jas. Pike, n 3 Wm.Stannard, m 3 Jno. Lazert, m 3 Alfd. Parker, h I 8 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 43 00 2 00 33 00 SO 00 00 II <> ' Fred. Slade, bal. sec. 12 i . Jno. O'Phee, n ii 8 Ja.s. Ross, II II 9.. , jas. Morris, pt. h 5 Geo. Graham, n 4 ,.. C. B. Commerce, share of int. on overdraft Jas. Morris, bal. sec. 11,2 orders expenses re debrs. and transfer of money per A. H. W 00 7S 2 00 38 00 12 00 4 00 12 00 5 00 2 14 14 00 14 20 2 00 II 00 15 00 15 00 2 37 15 00 I 73 Total $485 19 II Transfer of amt. overdrawn re Sandi«on & Brush Drain, by order i 26 v ^^ ' , i Balance , 23454 $ 720 99 MOORE-LARABEE DRAIN ACCOUNT. i 1897. ^ • Aug. 26 To bal. last acct. Larabee dram 9 3 67 Dec. 10 II cash proceeds debrs. No. 715 to 719, including $15.26 premium. . . 405 oi $ 40S 68 CONTRA. Aug. 1 1 Paid Geo. McKay, to pay assts., survey 9 . 4 06 Sept. 13 II J. G. Stewart, to pay printing and service By-law 1600 Nov. .9 II Mrs. Sykes, sees, i and 2 40 00 13 II Jas. Peters, work 39 00 15 II J. G. Stewart, postage 59 I Dec Tulj Aug Sep Oct •■*;■■ No' D« ,''.?"i i*fov. 31 Paid Jod Smith, culvert Laiabee drain. Dec. 4 II IS 23 27 t 29 31 Rd. Pepper, sec. 5, n 1 Jas. Peters, n 4, n n Fred. Pepper, n 4, n » Joseph Burse, sec. i, Moore drain Jas. Marriot', n 2, » „ Wm. Sykes, >, i and 2, Larabee draini C. Rd . . . . Ed.Broomfieldj „ 3, Moore drain Geo. McKay, comr. fees Paul Thebo, sees. 3 and 6, Larabee drain C. B. Commerce, share ot int. on overdraft expenses re debrs. and traj^sfer of money re A. H. W $ 8 SO 25 50 13 g 26 29 00 22 7S 14 00 26 00 18 00 65 SO 85 I 73 ■mwi Total f 351 80 Balance 56 88 1897. Dec. 10 KERSEY DRAIN ACCOUNT. To cash proceeds debrs. No. 720 to 729, including $267 41-100 prem- ium and bonus f 3976 66 Tuly Aug Oct. CONTRA. '. L^ >■ ■■■ -k'r.Mv'-'T;;^ Paid A H. White, to pay asstg. survey $ 7 50 W. G. McGeorge, survey 63 75 W. Whitebread, asstg. survey 4 So E. "S. Dyke, „ , I SO ^ept. 13 II T (x. Stewart, to pay printing and serving by-laws 80 00 30 II Banner Ptg. Co. , advg. sale I 76 J. A. Travis, work 40 00 20 II Alex. McKay, sees. 17, 18 and 19 150 00 30 II Albert Scott, n 16, 3 orders SS 00 J. A. Travis, .1 14 and 15 7000 Wm. Higgins, per P. Millar, sec. 8 7 75 Jos. Ryan, per — . Sykes, work 140 00 Nics. Kearns, sec. 6 96 00 Henry Parsons, u 9 94 00 Jno. Travis, per Jim Travis, work 20 00 Thos. McCatte, sec. 7, 2 orders 130 oo Pat. Doyle, n 18 and 19 , 6 30 Sol. Zebbs, n 4 and 13, 2 orders 175 00 A. II. White, appeals to judge 3 50 Chas. Lewis, per A. McKay, work 19 00 Joseph Ryan, sec. 2 and 3 140 00 Geo. Wilcoxson, sec. 12 30 00 J. D. Houston, per A. McKay, board 34 30 Wm Lecocq, sec. 8 12 00 W. G. McGeorge, attd. appeal to judge 5 00 J. G. Stewart, postage 2 06 Nov. 30 II Jos. Ryan, work 150 00 P. Millnes, sec. 8 2000 Albert Scott, 11 16 1200 H. Parsons, u 11 12000 Roxa. Webb, bridge, w ^ lot 9, con. 7 • • 20 00 H II 11 n i II 9, II 7 • 20 00 C. H. Shupe, for J. C. Piper, material for bridge 27 4S Dec. 15 II M. Kearns, sec. J 30 00 23 II Thos. Clark, bridge, e 1-6 n ^ 8, con. A .• 20 00 II II .1 si lot 8, II " 2000 ■m ■^ 148 Dec. 27 P^d Matthew Dillon, for R. Kraft, sec. 17, 18 and 19, A. McKay. . .$ 10 50 J. D. [louston, II II II 1 5 ^ II II II bridge 20 00 Duncan Houston, bridge, w ^ n bf 6, con. 9 30 00 28 II Gordon Drew, for A. McKay, sec. ;7, 18 and 19 12 50 29 II C. B. Commr share of int. on ovsrdraft 10 21 Thos. Ryan, 3 and 5 140 00 31 II Expenses re s. and transfer of money per A. H. W i 74 Jno. Travis, J. Travis, bal. sec. 14 and 15 43 00 Abbt. Scott, uaI. sec. 16 22 00 Sol. Tebbs, bal. 4 and 13 8000 Alex. McKay, bal sec. 17, 18 an(| 19 66 00 Alex. Jamison, work re A. McKay 20 75 Geo. Wilcoxson, sec. 12 50 00 Ada C. Shadd, bridge W 5-6 N ^^ 8, con. A 20 00 Sol. Tebbs, per f. Kyan, sec. 20, 2 orders. 30 00 P. Milne, sec. 8 '. . . . 45 00 H. Parsons, work 40 00 Herbt. Robbins, bridge 20 00 Adam Loai";, n W. >^ E. >^ N. |^ lot 7 con. 8 20 00 R. Timbers for J. Ryan, Sec. i 2000 Walter Dillion for Mary Dilliou bridge N. %, lot 5 con. 9 30 00 Naomi O. Williams, bridge lot 7 con. 8 20 00 A. H. White, Com. fees 50 00 W. G. McGeorge, inspection , 3 00 Total .$2618 67 Transfer of amount ovevdrawn re Snell Drain by order 10 Overdrawn 1896 615 Balance 1351 74 . 13976 66 H0\7ARD DRAIN ACCOUNT. > / - '^ ' '897 ■'■ '. ■,• . Aog. 26 To balance from last account ..".... .......... . . , .$ 22 35 II Transfer of balance McGuigan Drain by order 90 Totol 3 23 25 CONTRA. .',',/..„,.■ .% '/■■"':':' Oct. 20 Paid Tames Tompson refund ., . .........% 75 30 II Ezekial West , '. 11 II Taylor & Williamson' n ' 21 II Saml. McDowel n 48 Nov. 30 11 Mrs. A. Elmer 1 1 39 13 II Albert Humprhy n I 18 23 II Wm. Clayton n 42 "■ I) Jos. McDowel n 48 26 II Mrs. S. A. Dayus n I 28 Dec. 2 II Robt. McDowel n 181 3 II Thos. McDowel 85 27 II Henry Linley n i 48 29 II Thos. Heathering 1 32 II Robt. Shaw n .>,.... i ^9 II Paul Russell, repr , 53 Total $ 12 88 149 35 9° 25 75 II 21 48 39 i8 42 48 28 81 *§ 48 32 53 88 Refund to roadii. Balance 8 84 I 53 • 33 25 1897. PIKE EXTENSION OUTLET DRAIN ACCOUNT. Oqt. 8 To Amount levied on lands I 6800 CONTRA. June 30 Paid W. F. O'Hara, survey etc. 6 and 7 S. Rd $ 68 oa 1897. GOVT. OR DOLSON DRAIN ACCOUNT. Dec. 31 To Amount overdrawn , $ 507 54 . CONTRA, June 39 Paid J no. Dowling, lumber for flood, gate Riv. Rd r 26 64 Aog^ 31 •' W. G. McGeorge, survey 37 50 " " •* asstm. and livery 600 E. S. Dyke, ' survey 450 Chas. Shreeves, '• " I 50 W. G. McGeorge. re reporting etc 10 00 Jas.. Summers, sec 9 and 10 2500 " " •♦ •• •• 4000 " Robt. Warwick, "3 52 orders 40 00 Jno. Dawson, " i 4 2875 •• " " 6 7 5000 Jas. Chir/nick, comr. fees 7 bo Jas. Pool, sec. 8 45 •• Robt. Warwick, 3 §00 Chas. Shretves, 8 38 22 Jas. Summers, 9 and 10 5 <^ Jerry Haskell, 2, 3 and 5 25 50 Jnq. Davison, 6 and 7 2000 Total : 1 • 415 61 Overdrawn Govt. Drain account 9' 93 Oct. Nov. 30 »3 30 Dec. Dec 30 7 (1 (1 25 29 31 (( K (1 (1 4 . <( 9 507 54 1897 BACKUS DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan. I To balance from 1896 I 1 1 91 Oct. 8 II amt. levied on lands 146 03 Dec * Total ^ •22r94 CONTRA. ,, . 4 Paid debr. No. 528 ......... i^:^' . . .$ I47 65 Balance 80 29 .^r 227 94 1897 BELL DRAIN ACCOUNT. Jan. I To balance from 2896 ...$ 24 Dec. 10 '* cash proceeds deb< ;es No. 74010744 including $41.17 preminm and bonus I043 67 A4;> ■■■^'■yl- Total ......... ..;... . . f . : : ." V a $1043 91 ■| \ CONTRA. Aug. 31 Paid W. G. McGeorge, survey $ 27 50 " W. Whitebread, assisting survey i 50 Oct. 18 30 Nov. 15 30 Dec. IS 23 3» E. S. Dyke, assisting survey J. G. Stewart, to pay printing and services J. W.^ • • • • 4 SO 25 00 Tlitckery, Seci 6 75 00 jco. Sewel), " i, 4, S and 8 2 orders. 100 00 N. Kearns, 2 55 5° E. S. Dyke, put in tile at Ouelette 25 00 •• T.G.Stewart.; 101 Jno. Sewell, S«:. 1, 4 and 5 46 00 Jpo. Thackery, l)al. Sec. 6. .' '21 48 E. S. Dyke, work at Ouelette 10 00 Gartshore Piping Co. 48 ft. of 36 inch cast iron pipe 216 00 McKeough & Trotter f&te for iron pipe 20 00 •• N. Kearns bal. Sec. 10 . It i \K.:k k 1897. Dec. 31 To overdrawn. DYKE DRAIN ACCOUNT. ■vi; •^l^^y *I043 91 .« 1:7 CO CONTRA. Aug. 31 Paid Gartshore, Thompson & Co., iron pipe 9 115 00 Dec. 31 II A. H. White, com. fees. «' ..i;*: , 2 00 Oc( Dei V~ II Oct, Oct. Dec jc? Total. .;| 117 00 '•?;,■ GOULETT DRAIN ACCOUNT. 1897. Jan. I To balance from 1896 $ 1857 Oct. 8 II amount levied on lands 463 20 Dec. Total 8 481 77 ^,.. ■ CONTRA. ., ^ y^^-^-/..:r-:, ..yV'.' 6 Paid Deb. No. 497.. Ti/-'.'. \^17.!. . .. .Tl . .T.;' . . 8 463 20 Balance 18 57 ,;*-'"•! '', J,; 'f I*!- $ 481 77 Oct. Oct. Nov Dec. 1897. BALL DRAIN ACCOUNT. Oct. 30 To balance from last account $ 40 91 18 Oct. 40 91 'SI ' CONTRA Oct. 30 Paid E. Edwaids, refd , , .$ Dec 7 20 31 Mrs. L. Fields, lefd. D. Ball, refd Wni. Morrison, refd. . . Peter '"erguson, lefd . , A. R. Mummery, refd. Total. . . Refd. to roads .... Balance. V 40s 16 I 89 9 45 5 39 2 70 $ 23 64 5 93 II 34 % 40 91 1897. TIL6URY EAST GOVERNMENT DRAIN ACCOUNT. Oct. 28 To amount balance last account % CONTRA. ._ ■ . -..v;,,--^ Oct. 28 Paid Tbos Drace, refd I .... . / . . . . . . II D. B. Armstrong, refd II Peter Legrand, r« fd Pat. Kahler, refd Dec. 7 II Too* Ilolmes, refd Jos. Beaudreau, refd. Chas. Crow, ref' D. Carr, refd Tas. Suitor, agt. S % lot i, con. 5, refd Wm. Finn, lefd Alex Coutts, refd .' . . . Harry Parkhurst 58 44 30 11 7 II II IS II 31 M M II II 9 04 16 I 47 4 44 4 30 6 06 287 2 88 5 73 8 60 06 II ,-Mi.m-U' 4^v v<^i^ Total $ 36 72 '^l^'^-Hefd. to roads 8 61 $ ; ■' Balance 13 11 1897. ,::-V.,, DALRYMPLE DRAIN ACCOUNT. $ 58 44 % 13 58 Oct. 27 To amount balance last account ' CONTRA. I y J Oct. 30 Paid Tno. Hamlett, refd ,V...:.% 92 Nov. I II Rich. Gill, refd ". 92 9 II Duncan Gray, refd 3 70 30 II . Jno.. M. Sanford, refd 183 Dec. 28 II Robt. Ramsdale, refd 181 II W. D. Kato 70 Total. . . Balance. .% 9 88 3 70 « 13 58 SIMMONS DRAIN ACCOUNT. 1897. . Oct. 27 To Amount balance last account $ 20 to ..■X' : ,Oet. 37 Paid J. R. Irving, Mov. 2 9 IS 40 Dec 15 I 4* «p. David Row, S. Gleaaop, " T. Wallace, " Mrs. T. Ilunier, ** W. Giw, T. D. Irving, {OS. Be-." i' { IS 60 a 03 17 vV> 10 36 4 46 [9 74 to ic' r? 06 ioo8 If «9 tchcn -^. /"■ STATEMENT OF BALANCES AND AMOUNTS OVERDRAWN DEC. 31ST, 1897. ■iUUUtCBS. Special Schcxil Rat* Account. , School Section No. 3 .. D Union S. S No. 6 » D, School Section Na 15 m Road Div. ^o. i m Road Div. No. a „ Road Div. No. 3 » Road Div. No. 4 .. Raleigh and Tilbury T. L. Acct, Raleigh and Chatham L. Acct. L. £. & D. R. Ry. Account D Tile Drainage •• Raleigh PlainB Drain 1. D Mud ft Indian Cieek Dr'n Ac. D Bums Drain Account Webb Drain » D Government Drain No. i Acct. Irwin Drain Account Chinnick Drain » Government Drain No. a Acct. Fk>ok-Hinton Drain Account.. Symon Drain h Four Rod Road Drain n Moore-Larabee Drain n Keraey Drain ■■ Howwd Drain « Backus IXrain m Bell Drain » Gouilett Drain «i Tilbury E. Gov'ment Dr'n Acct, Simmons Drain Account . , Dali^mple Drain n Ball Drain m . A Of ftlt •-■^•••••« • • Note — D denotes Debenture « 319 3« 183 67 17 66 91 704 40 3913 467 16 67 "43 243 674 660 7i3 3 100 234 .56 «3S» I 80 18 13 I 3 II 17 01 oc 78 70 99 46 71 u 80 39 86 45 56 30 71 61 09 55 52 5^ 88 74 53 39 94 57 II 52 70 34 $I3»79 included. 64 OVBRDRAWH. Principal. 458 56 7491 98 ■337 55 Interest. 34 47 218 24 3404 17 458 S3 345 38 132 04 537 39 823 66 S26 12 404 03 120 93 $ 12660 85 92 41 16 84 143 01 219 26 «5S28 119 17 18 72 $ 4879 80 Yiwror Maturitr 1908 1898 1899 1898 1898 1913 1915 1899 191 1 I9OI 1906 I9OI 1906 I9OI 1906 1902 1907 1907 1902 Principal. $ 2466 139 1699 139 440 2104 4"53 274 5090 1018 1782 257 4606 440 3974 389 3924 3305 881 47 28 15 62 64 52 23 54 54 13 53 64 64 47 61 22 57 Interest. $ 787 74 696 130 SI 698 22 S6 1002 52 19958 36 20 76 191 5 88 130 35 474 46 34 04 1226 44 56 40 1058 06 60 « I 157 82. 975 29 136 48 $ 74089 35 29161 66 ') . ,-.l. V' «57 TILE DRAINAGE INDEBTEDNESS. i «1 '19 X 1.. •bI g i Description of Landt Benefited. When iMucd. II Principal IntenxK a II rfta |aoo 00 W 4.5 lot 7 F. Riv. R. Sept. I, 1894 1 14 7* 1914 1 179 02 * 71 aa 3. 4* 5 300 00 W hi lot 10 II II II 22 08 1914 26853 106 83 6 ICO 00 E 1-5 lot 7 II II II II 736 1914 89 51 35 6' .1 ICO 00 E 1-2 lot II .11 II i» II 7 36 1914 89 5< 35 61 8*9 aoo 00 E i-a lot II H Dec 28, 1894 14 7a 1914 17902 71 22 10 100 00 Winilota2Rb.L3 May 8, 1895. 7 36 1915 93 'A 39 34 11 too 00 W 4-5 lot - )f\ RiT. R. II 28, 1895 7 36 i9iS 93 U 39 34 13 100 00 E|ni^ lot 23 E.B.L.3 Eliot 154 T. Rd.... July 8, 1895. 7 36 1915 93 4 93 a8 39 34 86 40 13 & 14 200 00 Nov. 11,1895. 14 72 191S 1916 »S 100 00 WW lot 147T. Rd.. May 8, 1897. 736 too 00 47 20 i6 100 CO II M II . . , II 28, 1897. 7 36 1916 100 00 47 ao *ii7 76 ♦1478 29 J19 3« f ' 'A -.iil 1 \.. k'l'- , '58 RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES, DEC. 3«ST, 1897. RESOURCES. ' Balance cash on hand and in bank | 2955 36 Account overdrawn as shown 3267 30 Uncollected taxes Rest. Collectois Roll 16626 18 Non-resident taxes '043 Arreas taxes Co. Treasurer > 195 22 Township Real Estate 1000 00 Drainage asst. to meet debentures 74089 School Sec" " " " 2763 Railway Debr. asst 8774 45 Tile Drainage Debr. asst 1478 'ig Township Debit ....,..; 186600 $113066 42 LIABILITIES. Balance to accts. as shown in statement 13179 64 Salary of Collector 120 00 Draina^ indebtedness 74089 35 " assessment on roads 12660 85 School Section indebtedness 2763 84 Railway " 8774 45 Tile Drainage " 147829 Examined and found corriect. Raleigh Township, January Twenty-eight, 1898. I113066 42 JNO. CLARKSON 1 LOUIS GOULET/^"^*^®''*- I'j"'. / y--^WBSfftB^( ; ■n^:.-A -i^- ^'^fi'iW'J"' '--h-^'' ^^h':&^' ■ ■. ,- -.,■ ' -^ : . •i,:tS*' m iUu