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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthoda. 1 2 3 1 8 3 ■'■ ■■ 4 ■ S 6 ■.-N1^(fe(^' '.' *- .'i.. -Hrr ^mmfmmm^i^C'mmmiam^iltm^ £r^ — . . ir .». •v.'.-\-- 1 ■ -,..•>-> •m ACT O^ I]^C§RP(i&A'jri(>K, RUt.ES vANB "reMtLATIONS ^■-^-- ^ T ■<» 1676^ * ;' IMSTITmEDriSZSy \'M^^. ^JRINTED BY THl2»UtX'PKINT|Ma AKB PUBLJ.4HINO.COMP ANY, 7 t7~n i. jp*»iii*"*>w?«*«««fp^*«ii^ip"«i^»>"'^i^ii»« - * s« ■^■w W' , l.*"V: ACT OF INCORPORATION, RULES AND REGULATIONS AND LTST OIF" 3VEE11S4[BE!I^S OF THE UNITED EMPIRE CLUB, ; * 1876. IJYSTITUTED 1875. tJRTNTED BY THE MAIL PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, TORONTO. ipppliilil 'S*. s'ft^ss- ^Ittitwl €m\nu (!Dluk MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. (See Rule 11.) Hon. A. Campbell, Q.C., Senator. " J. H. Cameron, Q.C., M. P. ' *' M. C. Cameron, Q.C., M. P.P. . Col. K. M. Mottatt, Henry O'Brien, T. C. Patteson, W. Canniff, U.D Lewis Moffatt, John Hoskm, (^J.C, P. (I. Close, :. E. O. Bickford, T H Lee Angus Morrison, A. Boultbee, Tohn A Macdonell, A. W. Lauder, M. P. P., R. H. R. Munro. .James F. Smith. , TRUSTEES TO THE STOCKHOLDERS : Right Hon. Sir John A. .Vlacdonakl, K.C.B., M.P., Hon. Geo. W. Allan, Senator, Chas. J. Campbell. TRUSTEES OF LEVSEHOLD W. B. Scarth, ,1. J. Foy, V. E. Fuller. JANKERS TO THE CLUB: Bank of Toronto, Messrs. Campbell & Cassels. Treasurer:— Charles J. Campbell. Corresponding Secretary :— Alfred Boultbee. Secretary:— A. B. Campbell The RepresentatiYes of the Committee from tJacEl««t*ral Divisions of Ontario will appear in the next issue of these Rules. HHI: ^ 7 (pOo ilrjS;, ^ Preamble. An Act to Incorporate the United Empire Club. [Assented to 10th Februanj, 1S76.] T^THEREAS the persona hereinafter named, with a '* large number of others, have associated themselves for the establishment of a club for social purposes, and have prayed to be incorporated under the name of the United Empire Club, and it is expedient to grant their prayer ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the fjegislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1 . The Right Honorable Sir John Alexander Mac- donald. Honorable Charles Tupper, Honorable George William Allan, Honorable Alexander Campbell, Honor- able Thomas Nicholson Gibbs, Honourable Matthew Crooks Cameron, Honourable John Carling, William Ralph Meredith, Adam Brown, Donald Mclnnis, Josiah Burr Plumb, D' Alton McCarthy, Christopher Robinson, James Gooderham Worts, Henry Quetton St. George, Thomas Charles Patteson, George Airey Kirkpatrick, Henry O'Brien, Patrick George Close, and such other persons as now are or hereafter shall become members of the said association, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate in deed and in name, by the name of "The United Empire Club," and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, iand shall have power from time to time to alter, renew or change such common seal at their pleasure, and shall by [the tiame name from time to time, and at all times here- [ after, be able and capable to purchase, acquire, hold, [possess and enjoy, and to have, take and receive to them, Itheir successors and assigns, to and for the actual occupa- |tion of the said corporation, and beirg of an annual value lot exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars, any lands. Lands tenements and hereditaments and real and immovable )roperty and estate and leasehold interest aituate, lying Incorporation Seal. VI. Exiatinj? (''insti- tution aiitl Rules. Property held l>v the Club. Liabilities of Members, Borrowinj,^ era. Pow- and Ixniig within the City of Toronto, and the same to sell, alienate and dispose of whensoever the said corpora- tion may ileoni it proper so to do ; and by the same name shall and nuiy bo a])le and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any manner wliatsoevcr ; and the present consti- tution of the club, and the rules and regulations now in force touching the management and conduct generally of the affiiirs and concerns of the same, and touching the a 1 mission, resignation and removal of members from the club, in so far as they may not be inconsistent with the laws of this [*rovince, shall be the constitution, rules and regulations of the said corporation : Provided always, that the said corporation may from time to time alter, repeal ami change such constitution, rules and regulations in the manner provided by the constitution, rules and regulations of the said corporation. 2. All real and personal property and effects, and all leasehold interests and buildings now owned by or held in trust for the said association, are hereby vested in the said corporation, and shall be applied solely to the main- tenance of the said corporation. 3. No member of the corporation shall be liable for any of the debts thereof beyond a sum which shall be equal to the amount of the original entrance fee, and the annual subscriptions which may remain unpaid by such member ; members of the club not being in arrear for entrance fee, subscription or otherwise, shall be wholly free from liability for any debt or engagement of or on account of the club. 4. It shall be lawful for the said corporation, with the assent of the members as hereinafter provided for, over and above the mortgages and debentures hereinafter men- tioned, to raise or borrow, either upon mortgage of the real or personal property of the corporation, or by the issue of debentures as hereinafter provided, or both, or partly by mortgage and partly by debentures, such further sum of money as they may from time to time deem it necessary, not exceeding in the aggregate at any one time the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, and at such rate of interest as may be deemed advisable, . ,^, Vll. r>. If it be decided to raise (»r borrow the said moneys upon m jrtijagc, tlie said corporation arc hereby author- Mortgaging Pro- ized to execut » a mortgage upon their real and personal V^^^Y' property, or such portions thereof as they may see fit to secure the repayment of moneys so borrowed, and interest, in such way and manner as r lay have been agreed upon. 6. If it be decided to raise money by debentures, the jaid corporation may from time to time issue bonds or issue of Deben- (lebentures in sums of not less than fifty dollars each, turcs. at such rate of interest and redeemable in such time as may therein be specirted, and such bonds or debentures may be made payable to the order of any person or to bearer, and the said bonds or debentures shall next after the mortgage to the Western Canad?, Loan and Savings Company, without formal mortgage or registration, be a lien or charge upon the real and personal property of said corporation, and each holder of any such bond or debenture shall, subject to any previous mortgage or issue of debentures, be held to be a mortgagee of tho real and personal property of the corporation 2>^'0 »'«^^ with the holder of any other bond or debenture of tho same date: Provided always, that no money shall be raised in any way or manner until the consent of the majority of the members of the corporation attending in person or represented by proxy, at a special meeting to be called for that purpose, be first obtained ; such special meeting to be called in the manner pointed out by the said constitution, rules and regulations for the call- ing of special meetings. 7. The funds so raised shall be applied exclusively to the purchase, improvement or erection of a club-house Application osf and dependencies, or to the payment of liabilities mcurred Funds, in the purchase, improvement or erection of the same, or in furnishing the said building, or in the payment of debts incurred for that or any other purpose of the said corpora- tion. 8. If at any time one hundred or more members of the winding up the said corporation shall deem it desirable to wind up the 'Corporation, affairs of the said corporation, it shall be lawful for them to call a special meeting of the members of the corpora- tion, to consider the advisability of winding up the affairs of the corporation : Provided the notice of such meeting, .■ .mtm tt lilftiiiiiiNtlii 9 ', Existing Mort- gages. Vlll. stating distinctly the object thereof, be published in one or more of the daily newspapers published in the City of Toronto for thirty clear days prior to the holding of such meeting, and a notice also distinctly stating the object of such meeting be posted, prepaid, to the address of each member of thc: corporation as shown on the books thereof ; and if a majority of three-fourths in number of the m.embers of such corporation present, or represented by proxy at such meeting, resolve to wind up the aflfairs of such cor- poration, it shall be the duty of the officers of such corpor- ation to proceed forthwith to wind up the affairs thereof, and for that purpose to sell and dispose of all the pro- perty and assets of the corporation, subject to any lien or incumbrance (if any) existing thereon, and with the pro- ceeds therof to pay the debts and liabilities of such cor- poration, and divide the surplus thereof pro rata amongst the members of such corporations. 9. Whereas William B. Scarfch, Valancey E. Fuller, and James JohnFoy are lessees in trust for said associa- tion of certain premises in the City of Toronto, being composed of a part of lot number seven on the north side of King Street, west of Yonge Street, and have at the request of the members of the said club executed a mortgage of the said leasehold premises to the Western Canada Loan and Savings Company, for tlie sum of twenty- thousand dollars, dated the thirtieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, payable in the manner therein set forth; And whereas the said William B. Scarth, Valancey E. Fuller, and James John Foy have also, at the request of the said members, executed a further mortgage to the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald, the Honourable George William Allan und Charles J, Campbell, who have accepted such mortgage in trust to hold the same as a security for the payment of certain debentures made and ibsued by them as such trustees to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, a portion of which debentures have been sold to and are now held by various persons, the money arising from such sources having been applied towards the building and furnishing of a club-house on said premises: Now, therefore, for the security and in- demnity of the said William B. Scarth, Valancey E. IZ. associa- FuUer, and J&mes John Foy, and the said Right Hon- ourable Sir John A. Macdcnald, the Honouitible George William Allan, and Charles J. Campbell, as such trustees as aforesaid; Be it further enacted tliat the said cor- poration shall assume, and are hereby declared to have assumed, the said lease, and the payment of said mortgages and debentures, and of aU sumc of money due thereunder or in connection therewith, and all other sumo in respect of which the said trustees or any other parties are liable for club purposes, and shall indem- nify aud keep harmless the eaid trustees and each and every of t.- ;m and all other parties liable as aforesaid, from all loas, damage or injury by reason of their having become such trus'^*?e or trustees or become liable as afore- said ; and the said indentures of mortgage and debentures are hereby declared to be valid and subsisting liens upon the said leasehold interest therein described, and which was heretofore vested in the said trustees, but is now vested in the said corporation by virtue of this Act, ac- cording to the amounts and nature thereof respectively, and in the order of priorty in which the said mortgages were given 10. Such persons as are at the time of the passing of this Act the committee of the said club shall remain the committee of the said corporation, subject to be increased or changed from time to time, pursuant to the rules of the said club. ■-A-~.f..,_-.-;^^^^.l V'i', mmm mmmm IT tl b r e a UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. HuUs and Regulations^ I. The United Empire Club shall consist of those Number and com position of the now members of the Club, and such others as Club. ., may hereafter be elected in accordance with the rules — ^ = ; the number of members not to exceed one thousand, exclusive of all members of the Senate of the present cr < past or any future House of Commons, or of the late I,egislafcive Assembly or Legislative Council of Canada, or of the present, or past, or any future Legislative As- sembly of any of the Provinces of Canada, who are or ^ j may be elected members of the Club. ^ ^ II. The entrance money to be paid on admission to Entrance fees •^ ^ and annual sub- membership of the Club shall be Thirty Dollars, and scriptions. the annual subscription Twenty Dollars to those mem- bers who reside in the City of Toronto or withii. a radius of twenty miles, and for othors ten dollars entrance fee and ten dollars annual subscription — the annual subscription to be paid on or before the first 12 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. Bank Officers. I day of December, in advance. The officers of char- tered Banks having Banking Houses in Toronto will be admitted at half the Toronto fees. N.B. — Any entrance fee to be raised to the then existing Toronto tariff, when special conditions cease toapplj'^. III. The election of members shall be made by the Committee and by ballot, eight to be a quorum for that purpose, and one black ball in eight to exclude. Namej of Candi- IV. The names of candidates to be taken in the in order with ex- order in which they are inserted in the book, with the cep ions. exception of those members of Parliament and the Legislature who may be in excess of the one thousand, and who may be ballotted for immediately. Election of Mem- bera. Notification of election of new members. Acquiescence in rules. V. On the admission of each new member, the Secretary shall notify the same to him (in duplicate if abroad); furnishing him also with a copy of the Rules of the Club, and requesting him to remit the amount of his entrance money and subscription. VI. As the payment of these sums will entitle a member to enjoy every benefit the Club can afford, so is his acquiescence in the Rules furnished to him thereby distinctly implied, i. ;.■:..:,,-_ ^.,;-/.:.^:T',::-y-]'-''-^'--:'i;;..^, Not to use Club VII. No newly-elected member shall be eligible until payment of i.- • . • r i.u j x • m c entrance monej'. to participate m any of the advantages or privileges of the Club until he has paid his entrance and subscrip- - -" f: ^ tion money. VIII. If such new member does not, in compliance ■ ^uj i ui-Liije ' j ' g.J ' .gg-. ' g W*' RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13 [with the preceding Rule, pay the sum therein specified Entrance and I within the space of one month from the day of his ad- money, when to j mission to the Club, if he be in Ontario, of two months if ^ P*^'*- I elsewhere in Canada, and of six months if abroad, the [Secretary shall report accordingly to the Committee, {who shall cause his name to be erased from the list of Imembers unless he can account for the delay to the Isatisfaction of the Committee. IX. The name of every member failing to pay his Annual subscrip- lannual subscription, due on the first of December, shall *^°^' ^'^®" **"®- Ibe placed over one of the mantel pieces of the Club on the first of February then next, on and after which date [he shall be subject to payment of two dollars, notice of which shall be sent to him by the Secretary, and if the pne and subscription be not paid on or before the first [of March then next, he shall cease to be a member of the Club, and his name shall be erased from the books, )ut he may be re-admitted by the Committee upon [assigning reasons which they shall deem satisfactory v >, , [for his failure of payment. „. , , ' ■ X. All subscriptions shall be paid to the Secretary subscriptionsto [of the Club. ^« P^^** ^"^ *''® ;_■.... -.^.•;^,,_-,,^^,., Secretarj'. XI. The Committee shall consist 1st. Of the Trustees appointed under the Trustees, consti- [fourteenth rule, who shall be ex-offi,cio members of the powers, iiommittee. 2nd. Of one representative, being a member of [the Club, from each electoral division in Ontario, to [be annually elected on the first Wednesday of Janu- . 14 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. ary after New Year's Day, by the members of the Club in the division. 3rd. Of twenty-one members resident in Toronto, seven of whom shall retire by rotation annually, the retirement of seven original members in each of the first two years to be by lot, and the vacancies thus created to be filled up at the Annual Meeting, re- tiring members being eligible for re-election. The Committee's list for the proposed new members of the Committee shall be put up a fortnight before the General Meeting at which they are to be elected, and any member proposing to substitute another list of names shall put up the same a week before the General Meeting ; provided that every Toronto Com- mittee man shall be a full paying member. VLcanciesin XII. In the event of any vacancy occurring in iiTthfAr.*^"'' *^® Committee after the Annual Election on the first how to be filled Wednesday in January, the Committee shall have the power of filling it up. Infraction of Rules. Number of Trus- tees, and invest- ments made in their names. Powers of Com- mittee. ; - XIII. Any infraction of the Rules and Regula- tions of the Club shall be taken immediate cognizance of by the Committee. ' -^:r^-:.r::.'','----'^^n , ^■--■■■/•..^^•■' - ■. --■^^■' :^, ■'."' - - - ' . .ill.,.. -.■ , , '\ 'r ' XIV. There shall bo three Trustees to accept and hold the land for the Club purposes, and grant mortgages in accordance with the scheme as adopted for procuring the building fund, such Trustees to be indemnified by the Club against any loss which may occur to them through accepting the trust. RULES AND REGULATI0NT3. 15 J There shall also be three Trustees to accept the mort- Igage, which is to secure the holders of the debentures, to Ibe issued in accordance with said scheme. Vacancies )ccurring among the Trustees to be filled up by the ICommJttee. any time call an Extraortlinar>- , J- J.1- /^i -u 1 CJenei-al Meeting. of the Club, and » XV. The Committee may at [Extraordinary General Meeting Ishall call one on the written requisition of forty mem- bers, not being of the Committee, giving fourteen days' notice in either case, by posting the same on the notice [board, specifying the object and the discussion shall Ibe confined to that object only. new rule, nor alteration of any old New Rules or any ' '' General Rule. XVI. No [rule shall be made at any Extraordinary General Meeting unless there are at least thirty members present, and without the sanction of a majority of two-thirds of the same. It shall be competent how- lever, for any member to propose at the Annual Meet- ing of the Club any new rule or regulation, or any alteration of an old rule, having caused to be posted [notice thereof at least a fortnight previous, when, in the event of the same being adopted by two-thirds of the members then present, it shall become binding [on the Club. XVII. The Committee shall have power to alter Power of Com- . - 1 , . 1 rnittee to alter or any old rule, or to make any now rule, which new or add to rules. amended rule, as the case may be, shall be posted on ' ^ the notice board, and shall remain in force only until r ; "- confirmed at the next Annual Meeting. ^ ^ 4- i: ..(i-->- 16 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. Corresponding Secretary. ■'> i a I Annual Genera! Meetings. XVIII. There shall be a Corresponding Secre- tary, to be appointed by the Committee, who shall also fix the compensation to be received by him for his services. XIX. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Club on the first Wednesday after New Year's Day, for # the purpose of electing one-third of the Toronto members of the Committee for the succeeding year, and receiving a report and abstract of the state of the accounts and general concerns of the Club for the past year from the Committee, together with an estimate of the receipts and disbursements for the current year, which report, abstract and estimates shall be printed and placed in the Club- Room one week at least before the said meeting, and left there afterwards for the inspection of members, and for the purpose of deciding on such propositions as may have been submitted and for the purpose of pass- ing the year's accounts. The chair to be taken at four o'clock, P.M. Members not to XX. No member shall take away from the Club, take awav any "' article belonging upon any pretence whatever, any newspaper, pam- phlet, book, or other article, the property of the Club. Provisions or XXI. Ko provisions cooked in the Club House, or Liquors not to be ^ sent out of the wines, or other liquors, are to be sent out of the house Club. ^ X 1- J. on any pretence whatever. XXII. Any cause of complaint that may arise is to be written and signed by the member so complaining RULES AND REGULATIONS. 17 on his bill, whicli complaint must be specially noticed by the Committee, on settling the weekly accounts; and any inattention or improper conduct of a servant is to bo entered in the Complaint Book over the signature of such member, which complaint must be laid before the Committee at their next weekly I meeting. ♦ XXIII. All members are to pc ^^ their bills for every 3xpense they incur in the Club, before they leave the louse, the Secretary having positive orders not to )pen an;/ accounts, and being under the necessity of iccounting to the Committee, weekly, for all moneys )as8ing through his hands. Complaints to be written and signed by com- plainant and be dealt with by Committee. Members to pay their bills before leaving the Club. XXIV. No game shall, on any account, be played blames permitted For money, except whist, ecarte, picquet, euchre, bil- played for. Uards, and pool; nor dice used in the Club Room, jKcept in backgammon. No higher stakes than quar- [ter dollar points shall be played for at whist, nor [shall any bet exceed one dollar. The games of ecarte, [picquet, euchre, billiards and pool may be played for 1 limited stakes. XXV. It shall be the duty of the Committee in ^fclo'cInT" case any circumstance occur likely, in their opinion, General Meethig. [to endanger the welfare and good order of the Club, or to militate against the objects for which it has ' been founded, to call a Special General Meeting, ir ^ %/ giving fourteen day's notice; and, in the event of its being voted at that meeting, by two-thirds of the persons present, such voting to be by ballot, that .■il I ,!' t i ! i 1 Member's ad- dresses. Rules tranBinit- ted to Members. 18 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. the name of any member or members shall be re- moved from the Club, a proportion of the subscrip- tion for the unentered quarters of the current year shall be returned, and he, or they, shall cease to belong to the Club, or to have any interest in or claim to any of the property of the Club. XXVI. The members of the Club are expected to communicate their addresses, from time to time, to the Secretary. ' XXVII. These Rules and Regulations, together with the ''House Rules," shall be printed and a copy transmitted to every member of the Club by the Secretary. . : A. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary. J! ■! 5 n HOUSE RULES. 19 ill be re- subscrip- •ent year cease to 1 or claim :pected to time, to , together id and a Club by BELL, Secretary. House EtUj3S» 1. — The Club House shah be open daily from eight o'clock in the morning till 12.30 a.m., and no Member will be allowed in the Club after 1 a.m., except on Saturday and Sunday nights, when the Club shall be closed at midnight. , , 2. — No Member is on any account to bring a dog into the Club House. •» 3. — No games of any kind shall be played on the Club premises on Sunday. ., 4.- Any Member requiring one of the private dining rooms, shall pay for the use of tiie stranger's room the sum of four dollars, and for the use of the private dining room the sum of two dollars, and must give the Steward twenty-four hours' notice of his requiring a room. 5. - No notices or advertisements shall be posted in the Club House without the sanction of the Committee and unless they bear the signature of the Secretary. 6. — No communication dated from the Club, or on Club paper, must be sent to any public journal without having first received the approval of the Committee. 7.— The ballotting for Members shall take place 20 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. .*m at any regular meeting of the Coniniitteo in the Com- mittee Room. 8. — Any Member proposing a candidate for election, shall fill up (me of the "Application Forms" pro- vided for that purpose, which can be obtained from the Secretary, and shall send the same into the Secretary ten days before the ballot takes place, and a list containing the names of the candidates, together with those of their proposers and seconders, sliall be put up in the Reading Room at least ten days before the ballot day, dated and signed by the Secretary. 9. — Smoking sliall not be allowed on the f;round floor, except in the Waiting Room, and only in the Private Dining Room and Stranger's Room when engaged for dinner, and up-staira smoking will only be permitted in the Smoking Room, Card Rooms, Bil- liard Room, and Billiard Room Hall. 10. — No Billiards shall be played before the hour of 11 a.m., nor sliall any game be commenced after 12.30 a.m. ^ 11. — No refreshments shall be served in either the Reading or the Writing Room. . , 12. — No large boxes or articles of baggage belong- ing to a Member shall be admitted into the Hall, and bags or portmanteaus sent by Members wishing to dress will be conveyed to the Dressing Rooms. 13. — A Book shall be kept in the Writing Room, to be called the Complaint Book, in which any HOUSE RULES. 21 Member having fault to find with matters nnder the control of the Comniitteo shall enter ^is comi)laint, dating, minibering, and signing the same. At the next meeting of the Committee complaints so made shall be considered, and the decision of the Connnitteo in each case shall be placed on the notice board. N. B. — Members are invited to contribute to thu Library by donations either of books or money, and the names of such donors shall bo entered in a book provided for that purpose. RULES FOR CASUAL VLSITORS. 1. — Any Member shall have the privilege of intro- ducing a friend or friends to breakfast, lunch, or dine with him in the Strangers' Dining Room ; the name of such friend being first entered in a Visitor's Book, to bo kept on the Hall Porter's desk. 2. — A Member bringing in a friend for any of the above purposes may at any hour take such fi'iend into the Strangers' Dining Koom, or the Waiting Room downstairs ; provided, however, that a Member has at all times the privilege of shewing a friend over the building. "3. — Guests dining with Members shall have access after dinner to all parts of the house except the Dining Room and Writing Room. 4. — Neither Members nor visitors shall be allowed in the basement. 5. — A visitor calling to see a Member of the Club shall hand his care' to the Hall Porter, who shall 22 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. ■■♦' show him into the Waiting Room and at once send a servant upstairs in search of the Member wanted. 6. — Nobody but a Member can either or^er or pay for anything on the Club premises. 1: RULES FOR PRIVILEGED MEMBERS. 1. — Any Member may introduce a non-resident of Ontario to the use of the Club for the space of ten days, and a non-resident of the Dominion for the space of one month, provided that those introduced be of strictly Conservative principles, and their intro- duction be countersigned in the Privileged Members' Book by three members of the Committee. No Privileged Member can introduce a stranger. 2. — All Privileged Members shall be furnished by the Secretary with a card setting forth the limit of their visit. . ^ , 3. — xldmissions, including renewals, cannot be granted more than three times during the same t fl^elve months to the same visitor, and three months must elapse between the expiration of each admission and the commencement of the renewal. 4. — The introducer of a Privileged Member shall be responsible for any debt he may incur to the Club. RULES FOR MEALS. 1. — Breakfast shall be served between the hours of half-past eight and eleven o'clock ; luncheon between the hours of half-past twelve and half-past i HOUSE RULES. 23 two j'ciock ; and dinner at the hour of half -past six o'clock, except on Sundays, when the dinner hour shall be two o'clock. 2. — No Member shall give either money or gratuity of any sort to any servant of tlve Club, and any servant accepting such present will make himself liable to instant dismissal. COMMITTEE. 1. — The ordinary weekly meetings shall be held every Thursday at 4.30 p.m., unless the time be altered by the Committee, and of any alterations so made each member of the Committee shall be notified by the Secretary. A Chairman for the day shall be first elected, and the minutes of the last meeting read. Five Members to constitute a quorum. 2. — If the accuracy of the minutes be called in question by any of the members present, the particular entry objected to shall be discussed and settled before commencing the regular business of the day. After the disposal of the minutes of the previous meeting, all such matters as require the consideration of the Committee shall be brought before them, dis- cussed and decided upon. SECRETARY. He shall have the general control and superintend- ence of the establishment, under the Committee, He shall attend all meetings of the Committee; note thei^* resolutions, and minute them in the books of their proceedings. 24 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. i I Besides his attendance upon the Committee it shal also be his duty : — si ■ • 1. — ^To conduct tlie official correspondence of tlio Club. - ^ ^ ^^ . _._,■.,. 2. — To draw up reports, keep the books of the Club, and settle all receipts and payments. 3. — To enter and countersign all cheques drawn on the Club's Bankers, and all drafts or bills made by the Club, also all bonds or other instruments made by the Club. ,, .... ---;n-;;.. ■- r-. r 4. — To keep an account of the wine and other stores in the cellars of the Club, examine the accounts of the tradesmen, and pay the same when passed by the Committee. ■ ■ > / ■: .-. - ^.- ^ .'x^'^irH'^r^r ^.-^'i-W-^' 5. — To ascertain that all the goods and provisions delivered are in strict accordance with the orders given. 6. — To attend to all communications, receive information upon all subjects connected with the business of the Club, and particularly all matters relating to the Members thereof. 7. — To deposit with the Club's Bankers moneys coming into his hands as often as they shall amount to $100, and he shall submit to the Committee a weekly statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Club. 8. — To keep a register of debentures issued, to whom and when payable, the amount of interest thereon, and when payable. HOUSE RULES. 25 9. — To keep a register of the members of the Olub, together with their addresses, and the names of their proposers and seconders, and the date of their election. 10. — And generally to perform all such other duties as may be required of him by the Committee. The Secretary shall be required to give a bond or other security to the satisfaction of the Committee, for the due and faithful performance of his duties. STEWARD. The steward shall have the general control and superintendence of the servants in his department, and is responsible for their conduct and cleanly appearance, and in case of their misconduct shall report the same to the Secretary. He shall have the custody of the plate, china, cutlery, etc. He shall account daily to the Secretary for all moneys received from the members. He shall be responsible for all wines, liquors, cigars, etc. , brc ught from the cellar to the Bar. HALL PORTER. He shall enter in his book once a day the name of every Member coming into the Club House. He shall give to Members any letters or parcels that may be left with him, on their entering the Hall. He shall not leave his desk on any pretext, unless ■ w -— — — '' -Jg^A J' !" ' " UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. If m WW relieved by another servant of the Club authorized by the Steward to take his place. ,r k He shall assist in writing and despatching circulars, etc., and make himself generally useful in the establishment, in such ways as the Secretary may require. ' BILLIARD MARKER.'. '^ 1. — He shall enter each day in a book to be kept for that purpose the names of the players. 2. — He shall see that the rules of the Billiard Room are strictly enforced, and in case of any Member re- fusing to comply with the rules, he shall at once report the same to the Secretary. SERVANTS. The waiters and all other servants in the estab- lishment shall be subject to the order of the Secre- tary, and under him to the heads of the different departments, and shall perform such duties as he or they may ascribe. No stranger shall be adm^ited into the Club House except on business, and the servants are strictly prohibited from receiving visitors. Any money or article found by the servants in the Club House must be immediately delivered to the Secretary. i;r. t ■! LIST OF MEMBERS. 27 fist 0f llcmkrs. ist June, 1876. O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M. O.M. O.M. 1876.- 1876. O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M. O.M. O.M.- O.M.- O.M. O.M. O.M. Stana. j..r Original Member. ' ■"■■'" A. -Allan, Hon. G. W Toronto.- -Ambery, Rev. J Hamilton. -Aikman, T. H Cayuga. -Atkinson, W. P Toronto. -Applebee, R. S OakviUe, -Anlrews, W. S Toronto. -Anderson, James Georgina. -Atkinson, C. R Chatham. -Armstrong, A Lloydtown. -Andrew, H. P Toronto. -Akers, John - Toronto. B. -Bain, John Toronto. -Baird, Robert Kmcardme. -Baird, A. H Paris. -Barwick, Frederick D Toronto. -Bamhart, Noah Toronto. -Barber, W. B. C Toronto. -Beaty, James, Jr., Q. C Toronto. -Beatty, J. W Toronto. -Beatty, Samuel Toronto. -Beattv, W.H Toronto. 28 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. '1 ! i O.M. — Beattie, John London. y O. M. — Beattie, Thos London. O. M. — Belford, Charles Toronto. O.M. — Bell, Robert., M. P. P Toronto. O.M. — Best, Robert Niagara. ^^ O.M. — Bertram, John Dundas. ^ O.M.— Bickford, E. O Toronto. O.M.— Biggar W. F Grimsby. O.M.— Bickle, J. W Brooklin. O.M. — Billiugton, J. P Dundas. O.M. — Boomer, G. A Toronto. O.M.— Boulton, Lt.-Col D. E Cobourg. O.M. — Bowes, R, H Toronto. O. M. — Boweli, Mackenzie, M. P Belleville. O.M. — Boys, William, LL.D Barrie. O.M.— Boultbee, Alfred Toronto. O.M. — Bos well, Arthur Toronto. O.M.— Boswell, A. G Cobourg. ; ■ O. M. — Boyle, G. B Niagara. ; ' O.M. — Brown, Alexander Aldershot. O. M. — Brown, Thomas Toronto. O.M.— Bunting, C. W Clifton. ■ O.M. — Burnham, A. A Cobourg. •; ' O.M. — Burton, J. L Barrie. O.M.— Boyd, William Toronto. O.M. —Boulter, G. H., M.P.P Sterling. O.M, — Brown, Harry Toronto. O.M.— Bethune, G. S. C Toronto. O.M. —Brooks, E. T., M.P Sherbrooke, Q. O.M. — Breden, John Kingston. 0. M. — Blacklock, John Toronto. O.M. —Baby, S. F. G., M. P Joliette, Que. O.M.— Birchall, T. S Toronto. O.M. — Bourchier, W CoUingwood. O.M. Barry, G. W Toronto. 0, M. -Burns, J. H CoUingwood. O.M.--Bryan, W. J Toronto. O.M. — Bethune, Rev. C. J. S Port Hope. O.M. — Biscoe, Henry Toronto. 1876. — Barry, John Hamilton. 1876. — Barker, Samuel , Hamilton. 0. M. — Beaty, J. Herbert Toronto, > 111 m LIST OF MEMBERS. j 1876. — Brown, Adam Hamilton. 1876.— Brooke, Daniel Toronto. 1876 — Bayley, William, . . Toronto. 1876.— Biscoe, F Guelph. 1876.— Benson, T. M Port Hope. 1876.— Bridges, Capt. W. W., R.N Shanty Bay. 1876. —Bridges, C. C Shanty Bay. 1876.— Barclay, F. W Simcoe. 1876. — Becher, Harry London. 1876.- Birrell, G. S London. , 1876.— Bartlett, CM. H Hamilton. 1876.— Brent, C. .) Toronto. 1876.— Billings, W. H Whitby. 1876. — Buchanan. J. O Toronto. 1876. - Bethune, Norman M.D Toronto. 1876.— Best, W. L Toronto. 1876. — Bayley, R... . London. 1876.— Bickley, F. W Hamilton. 1876.— Brady, P. G Montreal. 1876. — Boulton, Major Charles Lakefield. 1876.— Boyd, G. J Toronto. 1876.— Barker, A M Orangevillc. 1876. — Barker. Arch Markham. . ...'j.-^- ft . ^ ''. - : ■.; ' •;: ;■■■ O.M. — Cameron, Hon. J. H., Q. C, M. P. .Toronto. 0. M. —Cameron, Hon. M. C. , Q. 0. , M. P. P . , Toronto. O.M. — Cameron, Hector, Q. C., M. P Toronto. 0. M. Campbell, Hon. A. , Q. C Toronto. O.M. —Campbell, A. H Toronto. O.M. — Campbell, C. J Toronto. O.M — Canniff, Wm. M.D Toronto. O.M. — Carr, John Toronto. O.M. — Carney, R .Windsor. O.M. — Carnegie, John Peterborough. O.M. — Campbell, A. B Toronto. 0. M. — Carling, Isaac Exeter. O.M. — Carling, Hon. J London. O.M.— Chadwick, E. M Toronto. O.M.— Chadwick, F. J Guelph. I I It-t 30 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. ' O.M.— Close, P. G Toronto. O. M. — Clementi, • .ov. Vincent Peterboro'. O.M. — Cleines, John P Port Hope. O.M.— Coate, F. W Toronto. O.M.-Coen, W. H. Sterling Toronto. O.M. — Cornell, Alderman, John Toronto. O.M. — Cooper, J. G Walkerton. O.M. — Cowan, 8 Harriston. 0, M. — Cochran, Robert Toronto. O.M. —Conger, P. D Toronto. O.M. — Cox, E. Strachan Toronto. / O.M. —Crawford, D. H Toronto. O.M. — Crombie, Ernestus Toronto. O.M. — Crombie, Marcellus Toronto. O.M.— Cruice, R. W Ottawa. O.M.— Code, A., M.P.P Innisvllle. O.M. — Cameron, I. H Toronto. O.M. —Clark, Wm. M.D Guelph. O.M. — Cockbum, Hon. James Ottawa. O.M.— Carrall, Hon. R. W BritishColu Jibia O.M. — Cochrane, Hon. M. H Compton, Que. O.M. —Christie, A. J - Ottawa. O. M. — Clemow, Francis Ottawa. O.M. — Cunningham, Henry Kingston, . O.M. — Cooper, James Toronto. O.M.— Cross, W. H. . . . . Toronto. ■ C O.M. — Clemow, F. C Ottawa. ^ - . O'M. — Caron, Hon. A., M.P Quebec. ' O.M. — Chapleau, Hon. J. A MontreaL O.M. — Cameron, C Collingwood. O.M. —Clark, P. M Toronto. O.M. —Clarke, H. E Toronto. O.M. —Cooper, W. H Toronto. O.M. — Creasor, John Owen Sound. 1876. — Cubitt, Frederick Bowmanville. 1876.— Carvette, J Port Hope. 1876.— Clarke, S, R Toronto. 1876. — Calder, John. Hamilton. 1876.— Chapman, A. W Toronto. 1876.— Carling, T. H London. 1876.— Clark, Cobourg. 1876. — Crawford, George Toronto. T( i! LIST OF MEMBERS 31 1876.— Cameron, J. K Cobourg. 1876.— Crickmore, Edwin Toronto. 1876.— Copland, W Toronto. 1876.— Chatterton, Lt.-Col Cobourg. 1876. -Campbell, W. A Chatham. 1876.— Cory, C. D Hamilton. 1876.— Cameron, C Hamilton. 1876.— Cayley, F Toronto. 1876.— Cockburn, R Campbellford. ; 1876.— Campbell, D : Colbome. ^ 1876.— Cooke, C Cookstown. ^ 1876.— Campbell, J. .L Toronto. J 1876.— Campbell, G Windsor. 1876.— Coombe, A.J Windsor. 1876.— Cooper, R Toronto. 1876.— Cook, Geo. A Norwich. O.M.— Davidson, W. M Toronto. * O.M.— Darling, Frank Toronto. O.M.— Dawson, G. D Toronto. O.M.— Darling, Harry Toronto. O.M. — Davies, Alderman Toronto. O.M.— Denison, Lt.-Col. ft L Toronto.' 0. M. —Deacon, Thomas, M. P. P Pembroke. O.M.— Denison, W. G Orangeville. . O.M.— Defoe, D. M Toronto. O.M.— Dennistoun, J. F Peterboro. O.M. —Dick, D. B Toronto. O.M. —Dickson, Walter Toronto. O.M. —Douglas, Wm Chatham. 0. M.— Drennan, S. T Kingston. O.M.— Duggan, E. H Toronto. O.M— Duff W A. H. Hamilton. O.M. — Domville, James, M.P St. John, N.P. O.M. — Dowker, Col Montreal. O.M. —Devlin, R. J Montreal. O.M. —Dickson, G. D Belleville. O.M. — Dewar, Dr Port Hope. 1876. -Dorman, E. H Toronto. 1876.— Darling, Walter Toronto. 1876.— Darby, George Toronto. 1^ , '< , ■ It' 32 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876. O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- 1876. 1876. 1876.- O.M.- O.M. O.M.- 0-M.- O.M. OM.- O.M.- O.M.- OM. O.M. UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. - Orummond, George Montreal. -Dickson, W. King Toronto. -Dalton, J Toronto. -D'Espard, J. F. L Hamilton. -Dwight, H, P Toronto. -Dalton, J. D London. -Dennistoun, R. A Peterborough. Dobell, 11. R Quebec. -Donovan, Jos. A Toronto. -Douglas, Hon. C. .) Oak Ridges. • , -Douglas, W Toronto. -Drinkwater, C Montreal. -Durand, (I Niagara. -Dalton, Chas. C Toronto. -Denison, F. C Toronto. ; -Denison, E. O Toronto. ■ -Elliott, a. . ::.:. ........ :: . ... . .Oodench. -Elliott, B. V p:xetcr. -Ellis, J. E., Sen Toronto. -Ellis, Wm Prescott. -Ermatinger, C. O St. Thomas. \: -Evans, G. M * Toronto. 1 -Ellis, J. E., Jun Toronto. -Egleson, James Ottawa. -Elmsley, R Toronto. -Edminson, R Toronto. J^ -Fulton, A. T. . . . . . . . Toronto. -Farley, Alderman Toronto. -Falkner, N. B Belleville. -Ferguson, J . H Toronto -Fitzsimmons, W Brockville. -Fralick, B Brussels. -Foy, J. J Toronto. -Foy, Vincent Toronto. -Fuller, V. E Toronto. -Foster, E. H Toronto. m LIST OF MEMBEKS. 33 O.M. . .Flesher, VV. K.. M.P, Flcsherton. O, M. — Forguaon, C. F . , M.P Kemptville. O M — Fraser, Robert Toronto. oIm.— Fuller, T. R Toronto. 1876.— Fraser, D. M J^^^onto. 1876.— Fuller, S. S Stratford. 1876.— Forlong, H. J loronto. 1876. -Foy, John JT^'^' 1876.— Fraser, W Port Hope. 1876.— Furniss, 'A. H Toronto. 1876. — Fraser, J. H London. 1876. -Flock, J. H ^S^^^J"- 1876.— Fisher, R. D Whitby. 1876.— Falconbridge, J. K Richmond Hill. 1876.— Ferguson, Dr Toronto. 1876. —Fulton, L. W Toronto. 1876.— Fitzgibbon, J. Gerald Toronto. 1876— Finkle, T. H Woodstock. G. O.M.— Gamon, C CoUingwcr c O.M.— Gaviller, Maurice > Barrie. O.M.— Gibbs, Hon. T. N Oshawa. O.M.— Gibbs, W. H Oshawa. O.M.— Gifford, Major Chas - Cobourg. O.M.— Gihnour, Robert Toronto. O.M.— Ginty, John Toronto. 0,M. — Gooderham, Geo Toronto. O.M.— Gooderham, Wm Toronto. O.M. —Gravely, J. Vance .-r Cobourg. O.M. —Grant, Robert Toronto. 0. VI.— Grafton, J. B Dundas. O.M. —Graham, Peter, M.P.P Kingston. O.M. —Graham, James, Toronto. O.M. —Griffith, R. J. • Toronto. O.M. —Griffith, T Toronto. O.M. —Grant, J. A., M D Ottawa. O.M.— Gordon, T. W. A Fergus. O.M.— Gwyn, H. Dundas. O.M.— Givens, G., Dr Toronto. 1876.— G^ddes, Massey Toronto. I s H tn- 11 I 1;I 34 I87C 187(>. 187(). 1876. 1876. 1876. 1876. 1S7G. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M.- O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M.- O.M. O.M. 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1876,- 1876.- 1876. 1876. 1876. 1876.- UMTED EMPIllE CLUB. -Gttuible, H. D Toronto, Gilmor, Koborc Toronto. -Ciruillott, C Cobourg. -Goldie, John Toronto. -Gamble, V/ Toronto. -Grant, Wm. Sheavcr Toronto. -Gordon, licslic Cooksville. -Gill, R Gait. -Hale, W. M OriUia. -Hall, C. B., M.D, Toronto. -Hall, J. (J Port Hope. -Hamilton, Wm. Jr Toronto. -Hamilton, (J. W . , M. P Montreal. -Hammond, N Dundas. -Hayes, J. B Port Hope. -Haalett, T. C. W Hamilton. -Henderson, Jas. A;, Q.C Kingston. -Howard, John O Toronto. -Heward, Steplien Toronto. -Hoskin, Alfred Toronto. -Hoskins, R. A Toronto. -Hoskin, R Toronto. -Hubertus, W. L Toronto. -Humberstone, S. T Newton Brook. -Hay, R., Jiin Toronto. -Haggart, John, M.P Perth. -Hamilton, .John, Jun Hawkesbuiy. -Howard, A. McLean Torojito. -Hodder, E , M., M.D Toronto. -Hoski^i, 3 )S n, Q.C Toronto. -HopKins, l^den Toronto. -Hoare, C. S Toronto. -Housman, A . V Toronto. -Hickson, foseph Montreal. -Holdbrooke, Commander Toronto. -Horsman, John Guelph. -Harkin, Dr., M.P.P Prescott. -Helliwell, R . .A, Toronto. -Henry, Robert Brantford. -Hodgins, W. E .Toronto. % .-'k LIST OF MEMBERS. 85 1876.— Hodgins, F. E 'J'oronto. 1876'.— Hall, \Vm Toronto. 1876.— Hamilton, Wm Toronto. 1876.— Howard, A. McLean, jr Toronto. 1876.— Herod, Dr Ouelph. i876.-Hambly, J. H S*'}}®^-!}®' 1876.~Hender8on, L. 11 Belleville. 187G.— Harding, K. J Toronto. 1876.— Him^^^ei, Charles Toronto. 1876.— Haun, R. T OrangcviUe. 1876.— Harvoy, A Hamilton. 1876.— Huntingford, C Woodatoek. 1876.— Hay, J.D New Lowell. 1876.— Harman, G. F Toronto. 1876.— Hayes, Daniel Toronto. 1876.— Hamilton, llobt Hamwood, Q. L O.M— Ince, W Toronto. C).M.— Ince, T. H .Toronto. J. O.M.— Tarvis, E. j/ Z'''^'''^^^ O.M.— Jones, W. H Brockville. 0-M.— Jones, D. Foid, M.P Gananoquc. O.M.— Jones, Owen , Toronto. O.M.— Joseph, Frank J P^^^f®' O.M. -Jones, T. W Toronto. 1876.— Jones, E. C iT'\*'''- 1876.— Jardine, James Peterboro. 1876. -James, J. C Kingston. 1876.— Jones, Strachan i®7 .^; 1876. -Jordan, Francis Goderich. 1876.- Jones, Eev. W Toronto. 1876.— Jarvis, S. M ^^''''^i 1876.— Jones, Frank. '- Kemptvflle. 1876.— Johnson, J. A Consecon. 1876.— Jones, C. A - .Oshawa. 1876.— Jackson, D., Jr Durham. 36 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. ;5 ' O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M.- O.M.- O.M. 18^^).- 18.(>.- 1876.- 1876. 1876.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M. O.M. O.M. O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- O.M.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876. 1876.- 1875.- 1876.- 1876.- 1876.- K. -Kennedy, T Toronto. -Keefler, M. H. YorkvUle. -King, F Port Colborne. -Kirchoffer, J. N Port Hope. -Kirchoffer, N., Q. C Port Hope. -Kirkpatrick, G. A., M.P Kingston. -Kirkpatrick, J. S Kingston. -Keefer, T. A .Toronto. -Kerby, J. T Niagara. -Kingsley, W Elora. -Kerr, T. C Toronto. -Kohl, A Montreal ^ L. -Lauder, A. W., M.P.P Toronto. -Lawless, J. P St. John,N.B, -Lawrence, Isaac , Port Hope. -Lee, T^ H Toronto. -Lemmon, H Brantfor(i. -Labatt, H. P Prescott. -Lovekin, Louis L Toronto. -Lyon, Robert Ottawa. -Light, A . It Quebec. -Lamb, John Toron*;\ ick. O.M. —Marsh, T. Herbert Toronto. O.M. — Macdonell, C Collingwood. O.M. — Murdoch, W Bowmanville . O.M.— Macaulay, A Hamilton. 1876. — Macgregor, R. A Port Hope, 1876. — Morrison, Duncan Owen Sound. -876.— Matchet,!,, R. J Toronto. 1876.— Moffatt, W. R. H PortHope. 1875. — Meldrum, Alex Toronto. 187e.~Mackellar, J. A Toronto. 1876.— -Muttlebury, Geo Toronto. 1876. — Macdonell, Samuel Toronto. 38 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. [i .' 1876.— Mead, C. T Toronto. 1876. — Morrison, Hon. J. C Toronto. 1876. — Muir, John Hamilton. 1876. — Macdonald, J. K Toronto. 1876.— Moberley, F. C. E Fort William. 1876. — Murray, Huson W. M Toronto. 1876.— Moffatt, G, B Prince A. Ld'g. 1876.- Mostyn, Dr., M.P.P Almonte. 1876.— Murray, J. W Toronto. 1876.— Merritt, W. H Toronto. 1876.— Miles, F. B Toronto. 1876.— Marling, P. W Montreal. 1876. - -Merrick, Henry M. P. P Merrickville. 1876. — Murray, James St. Catharines. 1876. — Morrison, J. B Toronto. ^, 1876.— Meredith, R. M London.! ^ 1876. — Maopherson, Henry Owen Sou- si. 1876.- Morris, J. H Toronto. 1876.— Macklem, O. 11 Toronto. 1876.- Macdonald, A. H Guelph. 1876.— Macgregor, M. Guelph. 1876.— Miclean, A Toronto. 1876.— Macdonald, J. K Toronto. 1876.— Meyers, A. H Toronto. 1876.— Merritt, T. L St. Catharines. 1876.— Morris, E Guelph. 1876. — Mercer, John , Chatham. 1876. — Macklem, J. F Chippawa. 1876. — Macklem, S Niagara Falls. 1876.— Murray, John A Toronto. 1876.— MarJiott, S. B Toronto. 1876.— Mitchell, John Toronto. Mc. O. M. -McCuaig, R. C. W Ottawa. O.M.— McCarthy, Dalton, Q.C Barrie. O. M.— McCarthy, IMaitland. Orangeville. O. M.— McFee, Angus Belleville. - O.M.— McGibbon, D Milton. O.M. — Mclntyre, Alderman Kingston. O.M.— McKechnie, Robert Dundas. u. ;■; O.M.-McInijes, Donald HWton O.M.-McTnnes, Alex. • ; f^^^^;, O.M;— McCalluin, L., M.F Toronto O.M.-McMurray, James S •* Toronto' O.M.-McParlane, J. M T^^^o^ 1876.— Mclntyre, A. F. ...... ^ avronto 1876.-McCollum, J. H., M.D Vlu^l^' 1876.-McRae, D, M.P.P ^t Catharines 1876. -McCarthy, Peter. HamiUr 1876.-McKelcan, Francis T^t^nville 1876.-McClung, T BowmanvUle. N. O.M.-Nordheimer, Wm Tor<>n^. 1876.— Northwood, W '^"'*"' O.M.-0'Brien, Henry. Toronto. O.M.-OBrien W. E^ '•'•'•' '.^oion^o. S-5I-~n'l ' r ' T M 1)* MP.. .Fergus. O.M.— Orton, G. T.,, M.r Windsor. O.M.-OueUette, Achille A w ndsor O.M.-OueUolte J A //.Kto O.M.— Osman, C. J Toronto 1876. -Oliver, Stephen A Toronto. P. O.M.-Patton, Hon J.,... Toront^ O.M. —Palmer, R. P S^tvprton O.M.-Paterson, N F ?n?Into O.M.-P&tteson, T. C Toronto. 40 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. m ';< ■;■ I >■ '4 ■ ! O.M.— Patton, A Wroxeter] 0,M. — Peniston, T Toronto. O.M.— Perram, W. H Toronto. O.M.— Pope, G. H Belleville. O.M. — Power, R Barric . O.M.— Plumb, J. B., M. P Niagara. O.M — Postlethwaite, C. W Toronto. O. M. — Proctor, J . A Toronto. O. M. — Pepler, Frank Barrie. O.M. — Pope, Hon. J. H., M.P Cookehire O.M.— Phipps, W. A Toronto. O.M. —Perry, Peter Whitby. O.M. —Piatt, S., Jun Toronto. 1876.— Patoii, T Toronto. 1876.— Patton. G. C Toronto. 1876.— Porter, E Toronto. 1876.— Pickering, W Toronto. 1876.— Pyne, T., M.D Toronto. 1876.— Pringle, R. R Cobourg. 1876.— Pernet, Prof. E., Toronto. 1876.— Patterson, J . C, M.P.P Windsor. . 1876.— Peach, A. E Toronto. 1876.— Price, J.J Toronto. 1876.— Pipon, C. A Toronto. 1876. — Parkes, J Hamilton. 1876.— Plumb, F Niagara. 1876.— Plumb, T. S Niagara. 1876.— Perry, John Ham . . , . : Whitby. 1876.— Plumb, D..C Niagara. 1876. — Pepler, James Toronto. O.M. —Read, D. B., Q. C Toronto. O.M. -Ridley, F. C Belleville. O.M. — Robb, James. , . . . . Simcoe. O.M. — Robinson, Beverley Toronto. O.M. — Robinson, C, Q.C Toronto. O.M. — Romaine, R Peterboro*. O.M. — Rorke, Joseph Clarksburg. O.M. — Rykert. ., J. C St. Catharines, O. M. — Robertson, A Montreal . *V:U. LIST OF MEMBERS. 41 O.M.— Russell, W. L Lindsay. O.M.— Rochester, J., M. P Ottawa. O.M.— Robitaille, Hon. T., M.P New Carlisle. O.M.— Russell, A. W Toronto. O.M.— Ramsay, W Toronto. O.M.— Riddell, J Hamilton. O.M.— Reeve, J. M Toronto. O.M.— Robinson, Hon. J. B, Toronto. 1876.— Ridout, J. Grant Toronto. 1876.— Ross, Walter M Toronto. 1876.— Robertson, T., Q. C Dundas. 1876.— Ramsay, A. G Hamilton. 1876.— Rutledge, Frank Toronto. 1876.— Robb, C. C Toronto. 1876.— Routh, Percy G Toronto. 1876.— Read, Hon. R Belleville. 1876.— Ramsay, W. T. Hamilton. 1876.— Robinson, S.N CapeBreton,NS 1876.— Robertson, W. T Owen Sound. 1876.— Robinson, H. S Toronto. 1876.— Rae, G. M Toronto. 1876.— Ranney, J . L St. Catharines. 1876.— Reid, John, M.D Thornhill. 1876.— Rosamond, Wm Cobourg. S. O.M. -Scarth, W. B Toronto. O.M.- Schofield, Fred Brock viUe. O.M.— Scott, H.J Toronto. O.M.— Scott, W. H., Peterboro . O.M.— Scott, T., M.P.P Owen Sound. O.M.— Shortiss, T Toronto. O.M.— Simpson, Joseph Toronto. O.M.— Skead, Hon. J Ottawa. O.M.— Small, J Toronto. O.M.— Smith, J. E Toronto. O.M.— Smith, A. W Toronto. O.M.— Smith J. Lamond Toronto. O.M.— Smith, C. F Port Hope. O.M.— Smythe, E. H Kingston. O.M.— Sproat, A Walkerton. i 1 w .3i ■I ih 1 , 42 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. O.M.— St. George, 'Ii.Quetton Toronto. O. M.— Stevenson, J. H Toronto. O.M.— Steel, Wm Bethany, O.M.— Staunton, F. H. Lynch Hamilton. O.M. — Staunton, Moses Toronto. O.M. — Staunton, A. A Toronto. O.M. —Stock, T Waterdown. O.M. —Strickland, R. C. . Lakefield. O.M. —Sullivan, W., M.D Kingston. O.M.— Switzer, W. F Toronto. O.M. —Sutherland, C. N .Toronto. O.M. —Sutherland, W BellevUle. O.M. —Stephenson, Rufus, M.P. .| Chatham. O.M. —Stephens, R. P Toronto. O.M. — Scales, Joab Toronto. O.M. —Stephen, A. R Collingwood. O.M. —Shears, G. P Toronto. O.M. -Sterling, C.J BellevUle. O.M. —Shaw, G. A ...Toronto. O.M. — Shields, James Toronto. O.M.— Snarr, W Toronto. O.M. —Stewart, A. D Toronto. O.M. — Stammers, S. J Toronto. O.M. — Sproatt, C Orangeville. 1876.— Smith, Hon. Frank Toronto. 1876.— Sinclair, J . S Toronto. 1876.— Smith, 0. P Toronto. 1876. — Stewart, McLeod Ottawa. 1876.— Stovel, S Toronto. 1876.— Spencer, T. H., L.L.D Toronto. 1876.— Scarth, J. L Toronto. 1886.— Small, J. C Toronto. 1876.— Saunders, B Toronto. 1876.— Shanly, W Montreal. 1876.— Smylie, R. W London. 1876.— Symons, H Toronto. 1876.— Street, W. P. R London. 1876.— Strickland, W. R Toronto. 1876.— Suckling, Henry C Toronto. 1876.— Sing, Gyrus R Meaford. 1876.— Stuart, Kenneth Toronto. 1876.— Schulenbc/g, A. R Windsor. »'*'IW10W»<*^'»»»-WM«-"-< LIST OF MEMBERS. 43 1876.— Simmers, J. A. ... , Toronto. 1876.— Shaw, D .Toronto. 1876.— Smith, J.F Toronto. 1876.— Stewart, A Thunder Bay. 1876.— Smyth, Henry Chatham. 1876.— Scott, D. L Orangeville. 1876.— Strange, F. W., M.D Aurora. 1876.— Stephenson, J Montreal. 1876.--Stovel, Joseph Toronto. T. O.M.— Taylor, John London. O.M.— Tilt, James Toronto. 0. M. — Tisdale, Lt. - Col . D, Simcoe. O.M. — Tizard, G. L Toronto. O.M.— Thompson, T London. O.M.— Tracey, R., M.D Belleville. O.M.— Trayes, J. B Port Hope. O.M.— Tupper, Hon. C, C, B Ottawa. O.M.— Thomas, W Toronto. CM.— Turner, James Hamilton . O.M. -Turner, Frank Buenos Ayres. 1876. — TuUy, W.J Toronto. 1876.— Trew, T. C. P Kincardine. 1876.— Tupper, J. Stewart Toronto. 1876.— Torrances, G. W Toronto. 1876.— Tait, W. K Toronto. 1876.— Thomas, W. H Toronto. 1876.— Thorne, Horace Toronto. O.M.— Vinden, E. S Port Hope. jg^g Vickers, J . J Toronto. 1876! — Vankoughnet, Salter J .Toronto. W. O.M.— Warden, A. R Dundas. I'' ,^l •i.R Ml' i I ) f t: ! .■ 44 UNITED EMPIRE'cLUB. O.M. — Watson. 5. M Hamilton. O.M.— Walsb, A.' Simcoe. O.M. —Walker, A. H Dundas. O.M.— Waddell, R. R HamUton. O.M.— Walkem, R. T Kingston. O.M.- Whitney, J.W. G Toronto. O.M. —White, S CooksviUe. O.M. —Williams, C. H. A Port Hope. O.M. —Wilson, R. J Dundas. O. M. —Wright, W . McKay, M. P Ottawa . O.M. —Wood, J. H Woodstock. O.M. — Woods, S Kingston. O.M. -Worts, J. G., Sen Toronto. O.M. — Wilson, Jacob Cobourg. O.M. —Wink, A. S Dundjjs. O. M.— White, T., Jun Montreal. O.M. —Wallace, W., M.P Simcoe. O. M. — Watson, Dixie Goderich . O. M. —Walker, W. P. , M. A. , L. L. B . . . . Hamilton . O.M.— Wonham, W^. R Montreal. O.M.— Watts, J. A Hamilton. 1876.— Wilson, G. H Toronto. 1876.— Woods, R.S., Q.C Chatham. 1876.— Wilson, A Toronto. 1876.— Wilby, O Toronto. 1876. — Wyndham, Alfred Roaches Point. 1876. — Wilkinson, J. A Oshawa. 1876.— Winstanley, C .Toronto. 1876.— Worts, F. T Toronto. 1876.— Williams, A. H Port Hope. 1876.— Ward, H. A Port Hope. 1876.— Wells, Thomas Ingersoll. 1876.— Watts, Alfred Brantford. 1876. — Wallbridge, T. C BelleviUe. 1876. — Wilmot, Samuel Newcastle . 1876.— Willing, R. B Toronto. 1876.— Wood, J. A Guelph. 1876.— Walker, Henry S Cobourg. 1876.— Wells, Eugene F Toronto. 1876.— Walsh, Richard Toronto. 1876.— Webb, A. C .Toronto. ill!! P«i?tff«?W*W«WP»«^>W LIST OF MEMBERS. 46 Y. O.M. — Young, James Toronto. O.M. — Young, J. W Toronto. 1876.— Young, W. fl Toronto. 1876.— Yarker, G. W Toronto. 1876.— York, W., M.D Simcoe. Members will please address all correspondence, "To the Secretary, U. E. Club," Toronto. A B. CAMPBELL, Secretary, « Ai, ^ UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. Billiard Bxixxm* !' ! !: ii lt-f-# RULES AND REGULATIONS. AMERICAN TABLES. The charge for each four ball game of 34 points up shall be 10 cents. If any larger score be played the charge shall be 20 cents. No four ball game of more than 60 points shall be played. Whefi only three balls are used the game shall be lil, and if a larger score be played the charge shall be doubled as above. No three ball game of over 40 points shall be played. ENGLISH TABLE. The English game shall be 63, and the charge there- for 10 cents. The four ball full American game shall be 100. At the conclusion of a game of billiards, billiards must give way to pool if the table be desired for that purpose by more than two players. The same players shall not be entitled to occupy a table for two consecutive games if other members re- quire the use of it. The priority of applicants shall be decided by the marker, whose business it shall be to plaoe on a slate the names of members who have sigi^ified to him their desire to play. U < li!^ BILLIARD RULES. 47 A player cutting or spoiling the cloth shall pay for the same ; the extent of damage to be decided by Messrs. Riley & May. Only members and privileged members have access to the billiard room before dinner, and after dinner only such strangers as may have dined with a member. This rule will be strictly enforced. All games must be paid for by the loser before leaving the room. All games played with the marker must be paid for whether won or lost. By Order of the Committee. A. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary, 48 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. RULES OF THE GAME OF BILLIARDS. This Game is generally played Fifty or One Hundred up ; it is scored by winning nazzards, losing hazards, cannons, coups, and misses, which can bo made with the point or butt of any cue. Rests of any description may be used. 1. — The choice of balls and order of play shall, un- less mutually agreed upon by the two players, be determined by stringing ; and the striker whose ball stops nearest the lower cushion, after being forced from baulk up the table, may take which ball he likes and play, or direct his opponent to play first, as he may deem expedient ; after the first game the winner breaks the balls. 2.— The red ball shall, at the opening of every game, be pl(\ced on the upper spot, and replaced aft being pocketed or forced olf the table, or wheneve: balls are broken, but if the upper spot be occupiea, me red ball shall be placed on the centre spot, and if that also be occupied on the pyramid spot. 3.— Whoever breaks the balls must play out of baulk, tliough it is not necessary that he shall strike the red ball, and he may give a miss in or out of baulk. The baulk line is a protection throughout the game to any balls behind it; viz., no player who is in hand is allowed to strike any ball in. baulk unless his ball has first been out of baulk. 4. — The player continues to play until he ceases to score, when his opponent follows on. [The scores are counted as below.] 5. — A two stroke is made by pocketing an opponent's ball (i.e., a winning hazard), or by pocketing the striker's ball off his opponent's (i.e., a logging hazard), or by making a cannon ; to effect which the striker must cause his ball to strike both the others, 1 J \i BILLIARD RULES. 49 6. — A three stroke is made by pocketing the red ball {i. e. , a red winning hazard), or by pocketing the striker's ball off the red (i.e., a red losing hazard). 7. — A four stroke may be made by pocketing the white and spot-white balls, or by making a cannon and pocketing an opponent's ball, or by making a can- non and pocketing the striker's ball, the non-striker's ball having been first hit. 8. — A five stroke nay be made by scoring a cannon and pocketing the red ball, or by a cannon and pocket- ing the striker's ball after having struck the red ball first. 9. — A six stroke is made by the red ball being struck first, and the striker's and the red ball pocketed, or by a cannon off an opponent's ball on to the red and pocketing the two white balls. 10. A seven stroke is made by striking an opponent's ball first, pocketing it, making a cannon, and pocketing the red also, or by m dng a cannon and pocketing the red and an opponent's ball, or by playing at an opponent's ball first and pocketing all the balls with- out making a cannon. 11. — An eight stroke is made by striking the red ball first, pocketing it, making a cannon, and pocket- ing the striker's ball ; or by hitting the red first j^d pocketing all the balls without making a cannon. 12. — A nine stroke is made by striking an oppo- nent's ball first, making a cannon, and pocketing all the balls. 13. — A ten stroke is made by striking the red ball first, making a cannon, and pocketing all the balls. 14. — If a player fails to hit another ball it is called a miss, and counts one to his opponent ; but if by the same stroke the player's ball is forced over the table or into a pocket it is called a coup^ and counts three to his opponent. 15. — Misses may be given with the point or butt of any cue, if the player in giving a miss, shall strike his !-m 50 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. ii ' ii'i ball more than once, the non-striker may oblige him to play the stroke again. 16. — The balls must have stopped rolling before another stroke can be played, otherwise it is unfair, and the opponent may claim to have any score so made disallowed, and may take the lead in place of the last striker by striker breaking the balls ; nor can any score at any time be made unless the red ball is on the table, and if any player scores before the red ball has been spotted, his opponent may claim the above penalty. 17. — If the player's ball touches another at the time of playing, the player may either play for safety, or to score, but the score so made does not count and the red ball is spotted, and the balls are broken by his opponent. 18. — If a ball rebounds from the table, and is pre- vented in any way, or by any object except the cushion, or gas fitting, from falling to the groand, it shall be considered in hand, unless it is the red, which must be spotted. 19. — Forcing any ball off the table, either before or after the scoro, causes the player to gain nothing by the stroke, and if a score be made, the balls must be brqjsen by the opponent. If no score be made, the opponent if left on the table, plays from where he is, but if his ball has been forced off the table, he is con- sidered in hand, and plays from the half-circle. 20. — In the event of either player using his oppo- nent's ball and scoring, the score does not count, and the red must be spotted, and the balls broken by the non-striker, but if an opponent plays with the wrong ball, and does not score, the next player may take his choice of ball, find continue to use the ball he so choses to the end of the game. No penalty, however, attaches in either case unless the mistake he discovered and claimed by the opponent before the next stroke. 21. — Ko person, except an opponent, has a right to tell the player that he is using the wrong ball, or to BILLIARD RULES. 51 inform the non-striker that his opponent has used the wrong ball ; and if an opponent does not see the striker use the wrong ball,'or seeing him,'does not claim the penaVoy, the marker is bound to score an] points made to the player. 22. — No benefit can accrue to the player if he scores and makes either of the following foul strokes, pro- vided his opponent sees him, and claims toul, viz., touching any ball with the dress, person, or cue (except to make a stroke) or lifting both ftct oft* the floor when playing. 23. — If in playing a stroke or a pushing stroke the striker pushes or strikes more than once, or after his ball has come in contact with another, it is unfair, and any score he may make does not count, provided his opponent claims foul. The next player follows by breaking the balls. 24. — If in the act of drawing back his cue the striker knocks his ball or any other ball into a pocket, it is reckoned a stroke and counts three to the opponent. 25. — If either player takes up a ball, unless by con- sent, the adversary may either have it replaced by the marker, or may cause the balls to be broken ; but if any other person touches or takes up a bail it must be replaced as nearly as possible. 26. — If, after striking, the player or his opponent should by any means obstruct or hasten the speed of any ball, it is at the opponent's or player's option to have them replaced, or to break the balls. 27. — A ball stopping on the brink of a pocket, need not bo "challenged ;" if it remains stationary, and afterwards falls in, it must be replaced, and the score thus made does not count. 28. — The extreme penalty for scoring by any foul stroke is losing the score so made, and also the lead, as the red b%U must be spotted, and the balls broken by the opponent, the player who made the foul follow- ing suit. But if the foul is not claimed by the oppo- nent the player continues his break. 52 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. 29. — If when moving the cue backwarks and for- wards, and prior to a stroke, it touches and moves the player's ball, the ball must be replaced to the satisfac- tion of the adversary, otherwise it is a foul stroke, ana no score can be allowed ; but if the player strikes, and grazes any part of the ball with any part of the cue, it must be considered a stroke, and the opponent fol- lows on. 30. — Or, if in taking aim the player moves his ball and causes it to strike another, even without intending at the time to make a stroke, a foul stroke may be claimed by the adversary who follows on. ,31. — If in hand, and in the act of playing, the striker shall move his ball with insufficient strength to take it out of baulk, it shall be counted a miss to the opponent, who, however, may have the option of obliging the player to replace his ball and play again, when any score is disallowed, but he cannot claim both penalties. 32. — Should the striker, when in hand, in playing up the table on a ball or balls in baulk, either by acci- dent or design, strike one of them without first going out of baulk, his opponent may have the balls replaced, score a miss, and follow on, the striker being con- sidered off the table ; or may cause the striker to play again when any score is disallowed ; or may claim a foul stroke and have the red spotted, and break the balls. 33. — If a player be in hand and either the red ball or his opponent's ball, or both, shall have stopped directly on the baulk line, the opponent shall, before the player proceeds, call on the marker to decide whether or not the ball or balls may be played at, and the marker shall call a ''line ball," in which case they are not playable ; or "playable." as the case may be. 34. — No player is allowed to receive, nor any by- stander to offer advice on the game, but should any person be appealed to by the marker or either player, he has a right to offer his opinion ; or if a spectator BILLIARD RULES. 53 the bhto • the n of the sees the game wrongly maiked he may state the fact,^ but he must do so prior to another stroke being made. 35. — The game shall be adjudged in favour of who- ever first scores the number of points agreed on, when the marker shall call game;" or it shall be given against whoever, after having commenced, shall neglect or refuse to continue when called upon by his opponent to play. " • 36. — The marker shall be first called on to decide disputes or to act as umpii'e ; but if either player con- siders that he has not decided the case on its merits, the player may call on the spectators, the opinion of • the majority of whom must be 'considered final. RULES OF THE GAME OF POOL. 1. — As many balls as there are players must be placed in a basket, shaken, and given out, one to each, by the marker. Then the players start progressively, as the colours are placed on the pool marking-board, white spotting his ball on the top spot. 2. --Each player has three lives at starting. Red plays from the half circle oi white, and yellow on red, and so on, until the number is run through, each person playing on the last ball. If, however, a miss be given or a coup run, or losing hazard struck, the next player plays at the nearest ball. 3. — The baulk is no protection under any circum- stances. 4. — If a player should lose a life in any way, the next player goes on at the nearest ball to his own ; if the player's ball be in hanu, he plays on the ball nearest to the centre of the baulk-line, whether in or out of baulk. When a ball is played on and pocketed, a life is taken off the colour on the score-board, but should a player force the ball he plays on, off the table the owner of such ball does not lose a life, but remains in hand until it is his turn to play. iifl; '1 51 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. 5. — Should a doubt arise respecting the distance be- tween balls , it must (if at the commencement of the game, or if the player's ball be in hand) be measured from the centre spot in the half circle to the top of the object-balls ; but if the striker's ball be not in hand, the measurement must be made from his ball to the other ball or balls, and in either case decided by the marker, or by a majority of the players. Should the distances be equal, the owners of the nearest ball must draw lots, and the loser is played on. 6. — The player may lose a life by any one of the following means : — By pocketing his own ball ; by running a ^oup ; by missing a ball ; by forcing his own ball off the table ; by playing with or at a wrong ball ; or by playing out of his turn ; but playing with a wrong l3all when in hand, does not cause him to lose a life, and the ball played with must be replaced directly the mistake is discovered. He cannot, how- ever, take a life, this being the penalty of his care- lessness. 7. — Should the striker pocket the ball he plays on, and by the same stroke pocket his own or force it o/er the table, he loses a life, and not the person whose ball he has pocketed. 8. — Should the player strike a wrong ball, he pays forfeit to the person whose ball he ought to have played at. 9. — If the striker misses the ball he ought to play and strikes another ball, whether he pockets it or not he loses a life, and not the person whose ball is hit ; in the former case the striker's ball must be taken off the table, and both must remain in hand until it be their respective owner's turn to play. 10. — If the striker, whilst taking aim, enquires which is the ball he ought to play at, and is misin- formed by any one of the players or by the marker, he does not lose a life ; the balls must, in this case, be replaced, and the stroke played again. I . BILLIARD RULES. 55 11. — If any information be required by the player respecting his ball or his turn to play, he has a right to an answer from the marker or from the players. 12. — When a ball or balls touch the striker's ball, or are in line between it and the ball he has to play at, so as to prevent him hitting the object, they must be taken up, and after the balls have ceased running, replaced. 14. — Or if a ball or balls are in the way of the strflcer's cue, so as in any manner to incommode him, he can have them taken up. 15. — When the striker takes a life, he continues to play at the nearest ball as long as he scores a wiixning hazard, or until the balls are all off the table ; in which case he places his ball on the spot. 15. — The first person who loses his three lives is entitled to star, by paying into the pool the same sum as at the commencement, for which he receives lives equal in number to the lowest number of lives on the board, but only one star is allowed in a pool. 16. — If the first person out declines to star, the second out may do so ; and if the second refuses, the third may ; and so on, until only two persons are left in the pool ; in which case the privilege of starring ceases. 17. — If the striker should move his own or another ball whilst in the act of making a stroke, it is foul ; and if by the same stroke he pockets a ball the owner of the ball does not lose a life, and the ball must be considered in hand ; but if hv the stroke he should pocket his own ball or force it off" the table, he loses a life. 18. — If the striker's ball touches the ball he has to play at, he is at liberty either to play at it or at any other ball on the table ; and he may take a life by pocketing any ball so played on. 19. — After a hazard, if the striker should take up his ball or stop it before it has done running, he can- not claim the life or the stake from the person whose Sv._ 56 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. I f i' ;i'! :!:!;: V^H-i ball he has pocketed ; it being possible that his own ball might have run into a pocket if he had not stopped it: 20. — If before a star two or more balls are pocketed by the same stroke, including the ball played at, each having one life, the owner of the ball first struck has the option of starring • but should he refuse, the colour standing first on the pool board shall have the option. 21. — Should the striker's ball stop on the spot of a ball removed, the ball which has been removed must remain in hand until the place is unoccupied, and then be replaced. 22. — Should the striker miss the ball played at, no person is allowed to remove the ball till^it has ceased running. 23. — If the striker should have his player's ball removed, and stop on the spot it occupied, his ball shall be taken up and his player's replaced, and the player shall play on the nearest ball. 24. — If the striker have a ball removed, and any other than the next player's ball should stop on the spot it occupied, the ball removed must remain in hand till the one in its place be played, unless it should happen to be the turn of the owner of the one removed to play before the one on its place ; in which case that ball must give place to the one originally taken up, and then be replaced. 25. — If the corner of a cushion r re vent the striker from hitting a ball, he can (except in single pool) have his ball sc placed by the marker, as will enable him to play ; but he cannot take a life. 26. — The last two players must divide if they are left with an equal number of lives each ; the striker, however, is entitled to his strike before the division, except in the case of a miss, coupj or losing hazard, by the player last dead. 27. — All disputes must be decided by the marker, or by a majority of the players. \i . II BILLIARD RULES. 67 RULES OF THE GAME OF PYRAMID POOL As Revised by Mr Wm. Cooke, (Champion); Mr. Joseph Bennett, (Ex-Champion), and other Professional Players. 1. — Pyramid is played with sixteen balls; viz., fifteen red, and one white. 2. — The coloured balls are placed on the table in the form of a triangle, the lowest ball or apex standing on the winning spot. 3. — The players string or toss for the lead, both use the white ball, and whoever pocketSjthe greater number of red balls wins, and receives from his opponent the difference between their scores. 4. — Whoever wins the string or toss may play first or order his opponent to do so. 5. — The next player plays from the spot on which the white is left by his opponent, except it should have been pocketed or forced off" the table, in which case he he plays from the baulk as at the commencement. 6. — Winning hazards alone score in favour of the players, and the same rules are generally to be observed as at common pool. 7. — If either player gives a miss, pockets the white ball, or forces it over the table, he loses one; that is to say, he must place one of the coloured balls which he has pocketed on the winning spot, if unoccupied; if occupied, the ball must be placed on the billard spot, and if that be occupied as near as possible behind the winning spot, and a point taken from his score. But if he has not scored, he is said to owe one, and must pay it when he is able. 8. — If the striker holds his own ball, or forces it over the table, and at the same time pockets one or more of the coloured balls, or forces them over the table, he gains nothing by the stroke : the coloured balls so re- moved must be spotted on the table, together with one of the striker's coloured balls, as a penalty. 9. — If the white ball touches a coloured one, the player may score all the coloured balls he pockets; he cannot give a miss. 58 UNITED EMPIRE CLUB. 10. — Should the striker move any ball in taking aim or striking, he looses whatever may be scored by the stroke. 11. — If the striker forces one or more of the coloured balls over the table, he does not score, andthe balls must be replaced as in Rule 7. 12. — When all the coloured balls but one are pocketed, the player who made the last hazard continues to play with the white ball, and his opponent uses the red, as at single pool. 13. — When only two balls are left on the table, should the striker hold the ball he is playing with, or make a miss, the game is finished, and his opponent adds one to his score. 'M^'i im ihe red ills ed, lay ^ as aid ike )ne 60 STATEMKNT. [•:» I, I! if 'I. 1:4 Statement of affairs, from opening of Club toSUt Marchy ^76. ASSETS. United Empire Club House— $ cts. Contract 33,978 00 Extras 1,866 33 Architect's Fees 1,300 00 Real Estate — Cost of 15 feet lane Househotd Furniture — Furnishings 5,249 69 Hangings 684 93 Table Linen, Towelling and Carpets , 2,770 00 Kitchen Utensils 668 23 Clocks 100 50 Weighing Machine 28 30 Crockery, 208 00 Electro Plate, Glass, China and Cuttlery 3,014 00 Household Fixtures — Steam Table, Furnaces, Kitchen Range, Grat'is, Boilers, etc 2,505 65 Gas Fixtures 1,264 30 Wooden Carpets 372 00 Electric Bells, 163 40 $ cts. 37,143 33 1,587 00 13,323 66 Liveries Stock— Wines and Spirits 2,527 00 4,305 35 156 00 Fuel Ales Cigars Groceries , Meat, etc. Sodas Cards, 35 00 97 00 226 90 248 50 40 00 50 65 40 00 3,266 05 Billiard Tables 1,380 00 .... 994 25 105 00 Books, Stationery and Periodicals. Preliminary Expenses — Proportion not written off Insurance — Proportion current, 6 months Accrued Rents of Stores to date Cash — Bank of Toronto 865 11 Campbell & Cassels 1,612 39 Cash on hand 251 02 House Expenses — Cash on hand 50 00 Sundry Drs. — Entrance Fees and Annual Subscriptions unpaid 5,320 00 Current accounts for March unpaid 533 53 Sundry Persons 132 96 166 00 68 67 2,778 52 5,986 29 Total §71,269 11 ■ »-^ STATEMENT. 61 LIABILITIES. Debenture Stock , Mortgage Loan — Balance due "Western Canada," Bills Payable Aoorued Interest— On Bonds On Mortgage Loan $ cts. $ cts. 18,120 00 19,526 00 8,750 51 Contract — J. Walsh . . Architects. 229 75 230 00 4,050 30 450 00 Wages and Salaries for March . Water Hate Gas Co 20 00 275 75 459 75 4,500 30 249 07 295 75 Sundry Creditors— Oshawa Cabinet Co Electric Bell Co Brown Bros., Stationery, etc Conger, Coals Taylor, " Willing & Co., Periodicals, Cards, Writing Desks, etc Dawson & Cc, Cigars. Sodas and Ales Rice Lewis & Son, Weighing Machine Murray, Table Linen, Towelling etc Harrison, Crockery Burroughes & Watts, Billiard- ware Ellis, Clocks Hunter, Rose & Co., Books, Printing, etc Towaisend, Blinds, Screens, Lambricains, Curtains, etc McOormack Bros., Ales *. Cooper, Electro Plate, etc Whatniough, Kitchen Utensils Snarr, Coals Harding, Gas Fittings St. George, Wines, etc Fulton, & Co., Groceries Kay, Carpets, etc Close, Groceries Hurd, Crockery Gurney, Grates Riley & May, Billianl-ware , Rolph Smith & Co., T^.ngraving and Stationery. . '* The Mail " Printing Britton, Butcher Hutty, " Profit and Loss — to balance . 881 00 103 40 08 10 45 07 42 oO V 490 30 405 85 28 30 617 32 112 90 710 05 20 50 109 75 iS14 93 121 58 ^ 243 32 94 25 208 95 540 39 3,299 50 104 48 2,289 37 280 04 97 45 25 60 400 00 207 00 66 00 350 00 134 21 12,578 21 11,772 86 Total. $71,269 11 ;^ 62 STATEMENT. PROFIT AND LOSS. To Exchansre. • 21 40 " Interest on delayed payment of Rent $ 18 73 chanf.ed for Discounts 869 00 " " paid on Mortgage Loan to 1st March, 1876... 00930 ** " accrued on Mortgage Loan to 3l8t March, 1876 230 00 **• " accrued on Bonds to 3l8t March, 1876 229 75 469 76 1,456 78 " Petty Cash 108 10 " Expenses 696 05 " Wjwes and Salaries, 916 60 " Preliminary Expenses, written off Furniture, old office 38 75 Presentation Trowel 22 00 Travelling Expenses 60 00 Sundries 30 26 141 00 " Provisions, Loss on this Account 184 80 " Ales, " " 28 06 212 86 " Periodicals, three months use written off 58 85 •' Liveries, i written off for wear and tear 78 00 I" Crockery, 10 % for wear and tear 2 36 •' Household Funiiture, 10 % for wear and tear. . 36 69 " Furnishing, 1 % for wear and tear 90 96 " Heating apparatus, 1 % for wear and tear 60 60 " Books and Stationery, 26 % for wear and tear. . 227 86 '• Electro Plate, Glass, etc., 1^ % for wear and tear. 48 60 " Insurance, 50 % six months elapsed 166 63 ^ ' 770 24 " Ground Rent, amou ; paid to 1st April, 1876 2,109 32 " Fuel consumption 621 61 " Gas, " 275 75 897 26 " Taxes 262 76 " Laundry account 67 37 " Balance, Net Profit 11.772 86 ■r \ I $19,331 60 STATEMENT. 63 PROFIT AND LOSS. By Profit on Wines «800 94 Cigars 99 76 " ♦' Cards 10 00 *• . " Sodas 32 00 " " Billiards 145 74 1,088 43 " " from Private Dining Rooom 12 00 " " " accrued rents from Stores. . , 68 (57 " Entrance Fees 9,230 00 " Annual Subscriptions to Ist December, 1876. . . 8,932 50 18.162 60 $19,331 60 "Balance • mjm^ 81st March, 1876. A. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary