- L-v_li1»T^U winiy. DESCRIPTION 'f^^^iU..i^ . .<• >%<:,-/:-■' OF THE INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, CONSTRUCTED OVER THE NIAGARA RIVER, ( NEAR i FORT ERIE, CANADA, and BUFFALO, U.S. of AMERICA. TORONTO : COPP, CLARK & CO., PRINTERS, 67 & 69, COLBORNE STREET. «8 73- J i lu THE HlliHT lloNOl HAULK Silt FllEDERICK TEMPLE, EARL OF PUFFERIX, K.T., K.C.B., &c., &c. Governou-Gkm;i!ai. ok Caxada. My Lord, IVfien I asked permission to dedicate these pages to you, I was so much impressed with the interest taken />i/ ijour Lordship in the Works of the International Dridije and their detail, that I did not feel, as I do now, I was presuming upon t/our good nature, and arer-estimating the value of mg little book. The ready and graeious manner in which mg request was acceded to, assures me, however, tliat gonr Lordship saw no presumption in it. I have, therefore, some pride in inscribing these pages to you, and am convinced that, containing, as tliey do, an account of a work of some public importance to Canada, they will possess an interest to your Lordship beyond their own merits. I have the honour to be. My Lord, Your /wardship's most obedient Servant, C. S. GZOWSKI. Toronto, 30th September, IS 73. •"HI ll^tH!Wl«"^pii r R J^ F A C E In the construction of the International Bridge, difficulties and obstacles presented themselves which, I believe, rarely if ever occurred together before in any similar work. They wer j as follows : Depth of water nearly 50 feet, with frequent, sudden and considerable fluctuations Rapid and changeable current, varying from five-and-a-half to nearly twelve miles an hour. Unreliable anchorage. E.xposure of caissons, with all the appliances and plant, to destruction from rafts of unmanageable and enormous dimensions during the entire season of navigation. Impossibility of carrying on the work during the winter on account of enormous masses of floating ice. Treacherous bottom. Limited amount of capital furnished for construction of the work. Some of these obstacles were quite unexpected ; and while, in overcoming al! the difficulties, means were used well known to Engineers, in many instances new applications were made of such means, and in others plans entirely novel were designed and executed. These difficulties, and my intimacy with them, caused me, as they presented themselves, much anxiety. The contract for building the Bridge having been taken by the firm of which I am a member, all practical operations devolved upon myself; and as the cost of the undertaking was limited in price, much thought was necessarily devoted to overcoming every obstacle economically as well as perfectly. In the belief that a description of the construction of so important a work cannot but interest the public, and that much may be found in it of practical utility to my own profession, I am induced to publish the following pages. I must add that the skill, zeal and industry of the Staff connected with the work have been beyond praise. But for them many difficulties which were soon overcome would have proved to be great and serious obstacles ; and to their active co-operation I am mainly indebted for the early completion of the Bridge. TAJJLE OF CONTEISTS. CHAP T , R I. Page. History of the Bridge -. , CHAPTER II. Characteristics of Niagara River and Location of the Bridge .... iq CHAPTER III. Progress of the Work— Directorate and Staff employed 23 CHAPTER IV. Foundations and Subaqueous Work 26 CHAPTER V. Masonry .g CHAPTER VI. Superstructure, and Mode of raising it 54 CHAPTER VII. Ice ,. 63 LIST OF TLATES. Xo. Plan of Location '• General Plan of Bridge *^' Currents, Velocities, and Water Gauge '•'• Outer Caisson, No. 5 ^^• Water-tight Caisson V. Anchorage ^'• Abutment No. 2 'V- Pier No. 2 VIII. „ No. 5 IX. „ No. 6 x- „ No. 7 ^^■ Abutment No. 3- XII. 190-ft. Girder and Details XIII. 240-ft. Girder and Details XIV. Main River and Canal Draw Girder XV. Turn-table and Locking Gear -- XVI. Method adopted for Erecting Superstructure over Deep Water Spans - - xvil. Diagram of Strains XVIII. Traveller - XIX. Saw used for Cutting off Piles under Water ------- XX. Dredging Machinery XXI. INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. CIIATTEU I. H I STO K V (J K T II I: li R I DO K . Tho first Bridge over erected to carry liailway trains across the waters dividing Canada and the United Stat(\s, was tlio great Siisi)en.sion Bridge, aliout two miles below Niagara Falls. Tliis Bridge was completed and opened for Railway trallic in tho year 18:)4. It connected the (ireat Western Railway, tlu-n ninning to the Niagara frontier, with the Now York Central Itailroad to Boston and Now York. The completion of that Bridge gave a great in.petns to the consideration of tho question of bridging navigable waters on tho American continent ; and railwav brid-'os Lave since l)een constructed across the Hudson IJiver at All)any, and at several points both across the Mississipj)i and Missouri IJivers. It gave Inrth also to tho idea of tho great International Bridge at Bulfalo, now completed, which was designed to facilitate interconnnunication between tho llaihvays of Canada and tho United States at tho important City of Buffalo. Charters for the construction of this work were passed in the year 1857, by the Parliament of Canada, and by the Legislature of the State of New York. They were obtained by the Railway interests upon the two sides of the River, and were intended to connect the .system of Railways then being constructed in Canada— converging at Fort Erie, at the eastern extremity of Lake Erie with tho Railways through the State of New York centreing in tlie City of Buffalo. These Charters lay dormant for several years, owing to the impossibility of securing the funds necessary for tho construction of so great a work. The New York Central Railroad, which has one of its termini at Buffalo, secured a connection, upon the south shore of Lake Erie, with the Lake Shore Railroad running through to Chicago. It had also, by tho Suspension Bridge already named, a direct connection with the Railway system of Canada, extending from Clifton to Windsor, opposite Detroit. The parties first interested, in Canada, in the construction of tho BufTsilo Bridge, wore connected with tho Buffivlo, Brantford and Goderich Railway, a lino starting from Fort Erie, and running across the peninsula of Upper Canada to Goderich upon Lake Huron. This was, however, for many years a weak Corporation, and became ultimately bankrupt, neccssitatiiif;- tho reorganizfition of its affairs, wliich finally passed into the hands of a now Company -tlii' title lioing t'liani,n>(l from its ori>j;inal oiu' of " lluflalo' ]irantford and (iodericii Kitilway," to " liufl'alo and Lako Jlui'on liaihvay." This latter Company was owned ahnosc entirely in England. Considerahlo sums were advaneed for the eonipletion of the line, so that it was at length finished, from Fort Erie to (ioderieh, crossing; in its conrse the Great Western Railway at Paris, and the (Irand Trnidv Railway at Stratford. I'.y these nu-ans it olitained a eonnoetion with the West; Iml alllioii^h slreunons ell'orts u > re made liy its friends, they were unable to raise the neressary funds for tlie eoHsiruriion of the Uridye. The Railways I'entreiiiy- at IJullalo, althongh greatly desiring the eonipletion of the work, failed, from various eanses, to lend lliat material assistance wliieli was indispensable. Varions plans were from time to ti'ie proposed to obtain nmnicipal aid fi'om the City of IJulUdo, and Aets were passed liy the Eegislature of tlie Sta.te of New York, in the year ISJH, authorizing tho City, upon certain eonditions, to guarantee interest upon a portion of tho Capital Stoek of the Interuiitional JJridge Comi)any ; but this, after nmeh negotiation, was never carried into ojteration. Matters remahied in this state for several years. Tiie l')nlfahi and T.ake Ilunm Company, like its predeee.ssors, fell into hnaiicial dillieulties. and for several years tho control of it was eompeted for liy tiie (ireat Western and < irand Trunk Companies, Ultimately an agreement was made lielween the Jlntfalo and Lake Huron and (Jraud Trunk Companies, l)y winch tho latter ti)ok a leas(> of the ]5ulfalo antl Lake Huron line, ac(juiring the entire control of the proiu-i'ly for a specilied rental. These arrangements being concluded, vigorous efforts were agaiu made to revive the scheme lor eoustructing the luteruatioual Bridge, but which weri' not sucees.sful for several years. At length the agreements between the Grand Trunk and IJntfalo and Lake Huron Companies were reduced to a practical ami simple eondititm, and tlu' whole .sanctioned by tiie Parliament of tlie Dominion of Canada. Cpon these arrangenu'nts lieing comiileted, and the Grand Trunk Comj)any authorized by Parliament to guarantee interest upon the cost of tho JJridgo to tho extent of tl'O.OOO sterling per annum, the Capital for its construction was at length raised in England in tho year 1870. The total amount of Capital thus raised amounted to . . £'_'7-,")i)(> The amount of ]?()nds being '2(t."),ro(» And ol' Preforenco .Share t,'ai)ital (J(},8((() By Acts passed by the Parliament of Canada, and by the Legishiture of the State of New York, the two Companies, which had be«n Incorporateil by those Legi.slaturps, were authorized to amalgamate aad form one Company, under the title of "The International Bridge Company," with a nominal Capital of 31,i)(K),()0(). They were authorized, in the same way, to issue Bonds to the extent of 61,()0(),()()0. The issue of the Securities before mentioned was successfully carried out at a net price of rather more than 90. As soon as these financial an-angcments liad been completed, a Contract was let by the International Bridge Company, with the concurrence of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, to INIcssrs. C. S. Gzowski and D. L. j\Iacpherson, of Toronto. The Contract was for the completion of the Bridge from the Canada shore at Fort Erie, to the American shore at Black Rock, and was for the sum of §1,000,000. The Contract required that the Bridge should bo constructed with stone piers and iron superstructure, with the Draw-bridges in the main river and across the artificial navigation at Black Rock in such a manner as might be required by the proper authorities. It should hero be .stated that in order to avoid all question of interference between the rights of Great Britain and the United States — the territories of which the Niagara River divides — the Act passed by the Parliament of Canada authorizing the construction of the Bridge was reserved for Her INIajosty's assent, which was given after the whole matter had been fully investigated by the Imperial authorities. In like manner, in order to give full legality to the authority granted by the State of New York, an Act of Congress was passed at Washington, by which the United States GoAcrnment agreed to the construction of the Bridge, and declared it to be a post route of the United States. This Act required that the Bridge, in regard to its fonn of construction and the size and position of the Draw-bridges, shoidd be subject to the approval of a Board of United States Military Engineers, who were instructed to examine into the question, and the plans proposed for the Bridge were in due coiu-se submitted to their consideration. They made various suggestions in regard to the position of the Drav-bridges, which were adopted, and the Bridge is now completed in accordance with their views, and under the instructions which their Report contained. These changes involved certain departm-es from the original Contract. They altered the position of the Draw in the main river, and to a certain extent added to the cost of constructing the work. The Draw-bridge in the main river is a double one, worked upon a pivot or centre pier, the whole length of the Draw being 362 feet, giving two openings on each side of the pivot pier of 160 feet. The Draw-bridge across the artificial navigation of Black Rock Harbour was settled by the Commissioners for the Eric Canal, which navigation forms the outlet 6 of the canal into Buffalo, and the Draw-bridge here consists of a Bridge worked from a centre or pivot pier with two openings on each side of the pivot of 90 feet each. The same Contractors also took tlie contract for completing the works necessary to connect the Bridge with the New Yorlv Central Railway at Black Rock Harbour, and also about 3^ miles of railway iVom the Canada end of the Bridge to form a connection with the main lino of the Buflalo and Lake Huron line. The contract did not include engineering expenses or the necessary land to bo acquired for the construction of the works. Upon these preliminary arrangements being made, the necessary engineering staff was appointed : the Enginecr-in-Chicf being ]\Ir. E. V. llaniuiford, the Engineer of the Grand Trunk Railway, who had for his resident Engineer, Mr. Joseph Hobson, (who has resided continuously upon tlie spot) with the necessary staff of assistants. The length of the Bridge from the abntmcnt on the Canada shore to the abutment on Squaw Island, which lies between the main river and Black Rock, is 1,967^ feet. The distance across Squaw Island is 1,167 feet, and from the ainxtment on Squaw Island to the abutment on the main shore on the American side is 617 feet, making the total length of the Bridge 3,05 l.i, feet. A full description of the Bridge and Avorks will be found in the following pages, but it may be well to give here a brief general outline. From the abutment on the Canada .shore, the Bridge is carried by six piers to the end of the main Draw. The first three spans are of 197 feet each, and the next three 248 feet each. The Draw-bridge rests upon a pivot pier, which is No. 7, and the eastern end of the Draw rests upon the last pier in the river, which is No. 8. From that pier to the abutment on Squaw Island is a span of 197 feet. The depth of water at each of these piers is as follows : No. 1 10 feet, 2 -ji) '< 3 33 " 4 47 " 5 48 " tJ 3(» " 7 IC, " 8 !» " It is not npcossnry to doscribo hero the mode of constructing the caissons on which the piors are l)uilt, but it is safe to say that the plan adopted is a novel one in on^incoiiiiff works, and ilisplays great skill on the part of the Engineers who designed and exocutod it. Across S(|uaw Island the Bridge is carried at present by a lino of trestle work twenty feet high, which is to be filled in from a cutting on the Canada shore, but which could not be done until the Bridge enabled trains to take the material to tlio spot where it was to be deposited. It is intended to widen considerably the present structure across Squaw Island as it is filled in with earth, so as to give room for three or four linos of rails between the two Bridges, which will add materially to tlio amount of trailic which can be passed from one side of the river to tlie other. The Draw-bridgf s across the main river and the canal are both worketl by .steam power, and the large Draw, 364 feet in length, can be opened or shut in rather ie.s.s than 60 seconds. The current in the river, which added very largely to the difficulty of executing the work, nin.s on an average about f),^ miles an hour, and under the influence of a strong southerly wind blowing down I,ake Erie, will run as fast as 12 miles an hour. In order to prevent the possibility of any damage arising either to the Bridge or to vessels navigating the river owing to tiie strength of this current, the law requires that a Steam Tug be always maintained during the season of navigation by the Bridge Conqjany, to aid vessels and rafts in passing through the Draw. Considerable discussion arose during the construction of these works from their novelty, and from the peculiar conditions under which they had to be executed, in regard to thj stability of the structure. The first three piers, from the Canada side, have now been down during three wintens, — in two of which the ice has been heavier and stronger than had been known for many previous years, and far above the average. Four of the other piers, including tiioso in the deepest water, and where the greatest strain caused by the tlirectiou of tlie current will come upon tliem from ice, have been down throughout last winter, which, for severity of cold and strength of ice, was much above the average. It is, therefore, satisfactory to be al)le to say that the piers, which had to encounter these exceptioiudly severe winters and runs of ice, have shown not the smallest settlement or injury, and have i)roved beyond all doubt the perfect stability of the works, and their capacity to bear any strain that, under any circumstances, can ever be placed upon them. In point of fact, their strength is greatly in excess of that usually required in works of this kiml. They have been well designed and executed, and in every resix^ct form a work of the very best class. There are always persons who, in a work of any magnitude, are ready to give expression to fears and doubts as to its stability and strength. 8 This, of course, is more commonly the case in matters wliero the novelty of the work and peculiarity of position are out of tlio usual course of things, as these conditions afford the greatest latitude to those who aio always ready to find fault, who are, as a rule, exccUont critics, however ineiJicient they may bo as authors or designers. The great Victoria Bridge at Montreal, built under the direction of the late Robert Stephenson, was condemned in advance by persons of the class referred to, as being incapable of >vithstanding the strain to which tlio runs of ice would subject it. The critics in that case, like tliose in that of the International Bridge at Buffalo, have been sternly rel>ukc(l by the inexorable logic of events, which affords another proof, if any were wanting, of the facility with which people can find fault. The iron superstructure of this Bridge has been constiiicted at the extensive Iron Works at Phoenix\-ille, Pennsylvania. It is known as the " Pratt" or quadrangular truss, and is of a kind being very generally adopted in the United States and Canada. The two largo Bridges on the Intercolonial Railway in Canada, across the Restigouche and Miramichi Rivers, are being constructed by the .same firm, and on the same plan. Every part of the material employed in the constiniction of this Bridge was subjected, at the Phrenixville Work.=i, to the severest tests before being allowei. o form part of the .superstructure. Tlie quality of the iron is omnistakably equal to that of any iron to bo found in tlie world, and the workmanship in every part has been subjected to most careful inspection, and is of the very highest quality. The appearance of the Bridge is exceedingly light and graceful. It derives its great strength from the depths of the trass, and presents no great surface to the wind, as is the case Avith the Victoria Bridge at Montreal. Since the first Acts were passed authorising the construction of the Bridge, the Railway system both of Canada and the United States has rapidly grown, and in consequence there will be a very large traffic indeed over the Bridge. On the American side both the New York Central and New York and Erie Railroads have one of their tenmni at Buffalo, and both will have a connection with the Bridge. There are Railways also now running fi-om Buft'alo to I'hiladelphia, Baltimore, and into the Iron and Coal Districts of Pennsylvania and Ohio. On the Canada side of this Bridge will bo the only outlet across the NiagSTa frontier for the traffic of the Grand Trunk Railway, which extends through the whole of Western Canada, and has one of its termini at Detroit. It connects at that city with the Michigan Central Railway, thus forming a direct connectitm between Buffalo and Chicago, and the vast Western country which has Railway communication with that great centre. During the season of navigation lines of Propellers nm at Sarnia in connection with the Grand Ti-unk Railway to and from Chicago, Milwaukee, Green Bay, l\Iuckiimc, Sanlt 8ti'. Marii', Dulutli, Fort William, i*tc. This routo cuts off the great detour formed l)y the Detroit liiver and Luke Erie, and these vessels will i)our into Sarnia vast ((uantitios of produce for transport across the neck of country and the ]>ridj^e, to IJuffalo. The (Ireat Western Itailway — seeing the great IJailway centre now forming at Biitfaln, and in order to relieve the strain upon its own Suspension Bridge, which is taxed nearly to its utmost capacity — are building, and liave nearly completed, a duplication of thi-ir line from (ilencoe to the International liridge, and will thus send over the IWidge a veiy considerable portion of the largo business now passing over the Great Western Railway. A third iini' of railway through the peninsula of Upper Canada, the Canada Southern Railway, which runs liom Andierstburg to l'"ort Erie, h.as been under construction during tin? last two years, and is now completed, waiting to send its tratlic also over the International Bridge. At Andierstburg that Itailway will cross the Detroit River by means of a ferry, forming a connection with the Toledo, Waliasli and Western Kailway, and, it is also understood, will form connections with IJailways running to Chicago, so securing a large trallic, the eastern outlet for which can only be over the International Bridge. On both sides of the Iii\'er, therefore, there arc now converging several thousand miles of Railway, m hich will tinil this Biidgo the main, if not the only, outlet for their traflBc. There seems no reason to doubt, therefore, that the capacity of the Bridge will bo fully tested by the amount of tratlic that is to pass over it, which, from the stability of its works and the speed at which trains can run, will be very large. The cost of the Bridge, including the connections with the New York Central Railroad, and with the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway, including all the extra outlay occasioned by the dilHculties in the foundation of some of the piers, and the changes recomnu'uded by the United States Engineers, adding also Interest upon the outlay during construction, will not quite reach the sum of .'?1,.")0(>,(I(M), or about i'otUt.DOO sterling. There are few, if any, works of the same magnitude, constructed of the same permanent materials, and executed under such great difliculties, which have been completed at so small a cost. For the moile and details in which that construction has been carried on, the reader is referred to the pages which follow. CHAPTER II. CHARACTERISTICS OF NIALiARA KIVKK A.Mi LOCATION' Oi TIIF. liKinci-.. Wliile the advantajics that woiiM accrue from a Bridfjo across the Niagara River near Buffalo were obvious, the practicability of the proi)osal to erect one was by no means so apparent. The difficulties to be overcome in buihling a permanent and rigid structure across the River were so great, that the project was viewed, even by the boldest, with some degree of distrust. The facts, arguments, and conjectures of the advocates of the scheme were certainly not devoid of plausibility, but at the same time there hung over it an element of extreme uncertainty, which only the actual success of the work has been able fully to dispel. It is true, the Niagara River is free from some of the i)ecu]iarities of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, which have rendered the work of bridging them memorable triumphs of engineering skill. It has not the moving san.ls, the unstable bottom, the ever-changing channel, and the periodically high floods which are among the charac- teristics of those Rivers. It has, however, diflieultios wiiich are peculiarly furmidable, and which sufficiently wan-anted the doubt of the proposition to cross it with a permanent structure. The great depth of water, the force of the current, and the ice runs, which were believed by those best accpuiinted with the River to be almost, if not altogether, irresistible, vnth the sudden riscjs of water,— which, although not of great height and duration, are as dangerous and destructive in some respects as the freshets in many other Rivers— presented obstacles of no light character to the successful erection of a Bridge. The Niagara River being of short length, and a .strait ccmnecting link Ijetwceii Lakes Erie and Ontario, the elevation of its surface and the fluctuations in the height of the River are coincident with those in Lake Erie, which, leaving out of consideration the sudden rises and falls caused by storms, &c., do not vary more than two feet. The general level of the River being, therefore, nearly permanent, there is very little danger of the re(/i»ien of the stream being disturbed, even were its beil much looser and more easily moved than it is. But when it was ascertained that the pcution of the bed of the River which is not rock consists of a heavy clay, with a light covering of gravel over it, the probability of danger from any serious scour was considered to lie 11 reduced to an almost infiiiitosiniiil extent, as all that coiiM happen would be the removal by the current of the gravel overlaying the clay which is too compact to be at all ad'ectod by it. In tact, the i)ernuuuMit character ot the Itiver bed and banks was one (if the few favourable features tliat lirought the scheme of bridging the lliver, at this point, within the bounds of probability. Although tlie uualtciable nutaio of the channel and bed of the Niagartr River gave assurance of the pormancnce of any structure thrown across it, so far as stability depends upon good foundations and unyielding Ijanks, yet the accidental disturbances to which the water in tiie liivcr at the IJridge site is subject, in consequence of its proximity to Lake Eric, aie of such a description, that the actual construction of the liridgc had to be carried on in the face of constantly recurring ditticulties ; while, as already stateil, the general elevation of the water, extending over long periods, is not great, the occasional rises, lasting for a few hours, are sudden and of great violence. A heavy north-east wind causes the lliver to fall nearly two feet in the course of less than iialf a day, Ijy forcing the water from the entrance of the River Inick hito the Lake ; on the other hand, a south-west gale, by bringing the whole " fetch " of the Lake to bear upon its outlet, has the etfect of raising, occasionally, the water at the Bridge from four to live feet above its ordinary level in less than as many hours. Such a rise taking place increases the surface iuchnation of the River and accelerates the current, which at times has been known to attain at the Bridge site a sj)eed not less than twelve miles an hour. Although the sudden rises in the surface of tiie River are invariably caused by winds blowing down the Lake, it is noticed as a curious circumstance, that the water generally rises a little in advance of the wind ; that is to say, before the wind, which is producing the increased heiglit of water, actually reaches the east end of Lake Erie. The normal velocity of the water is high, as the surface inclination of the River between Lake Erie and the head of the Rapids altove Niagara Falls — a distance of nineteen miles nearly — is tifteen feet. Tiie iuchnation is not, however, uniform, the steepest part of it Iteing between the entrance of the River and the head of Grand Island, embracing the Bridge site. The depth of the River between these two limits is extremely irregular, varying from about eighteen feet to nearly forty-live. The River bed is known to be solid rock above Stpiaw Island ; along side of the Island it consists partly of rock and partly of clay, with a thin covering of gravel above the clay. Below Squaw Island no examinations v,ore nuxde by the Bridge Staff to discover the nature of the bottom, but it is well '-uiown to be of the same irregular and composite character as above. 2 12 Tlio banks of tli(> llWcv above tlio Falls arc low, cxcopt in front of Unff'alo on tlic Aiinrican sido and near the Falls on the Canadian side. Tlioy rarely exceed iifteen or twenty feet in lieij;ht, and are composed of clay, with occasional exposures of rock. It may be well lo explain that in front of linlfalo, and, in fact, all the way to Tonawfrnda, tlu' east lianlc of tiie Erie Canal is considered to bo the east bank of the Rivei', as tiie Canal is formed by takinj; in ov endosinji', part of the lliver, by means of a mole or l)reakwater. J>y reason of the changes which were made when forming the Canal, the west siile of Scpiaw Island, which is about a mile long, is now the east si^innins f>'" middle of April, but sometimes not until much later. In 1H71 tho last piece of ice disappeared on tho 11th of April; in 1>*7-' there was ice in the River on the :2:;nl of May, but for some days previously there had not been (>nou,i,'h of it to retard or pi-event the movements of barges; in 1S73 the ice remained until the 13th of May. Almost invariably the Lake opposite liuffalo, and i'or miles westAvard up tho Lake, is either frozen or Jammed full ol ice from the Anicrican to the C'anajiHt. He came out to Canada near tlu> ond of 1x71, and made a very earefiil insjjection of the picra built the previous year; lio ol)tained, also from most trustworthy stuirces, evidonco iu reference to the ice flows and other eharacteristies of the Niagara Uiver. His own personal observations, with tiie information he obtained from others, fully satisfied him that there were no grounds for alarm. lie therefore reported as follows : — " I have made particular inquiry into the thickness and force of the ico which these piers will have to resist, and have visited numerous other structures exposed to the action of ico under various circumstances, and I have come to the conclusion that the cut waters of the three piers now erected are calculated, when shod with iron, with the slope on which they are constructed of yi to t, to cut through and to resist, without danger of failure, any i('(> which can come in contact with them." Captain Tyler's opinion has proved to be perfectly correct, as the piers have since then been expo.sed to the ice of two winters of almost unprecedented severity without exliibiting any indication of failure. Anyone Avho has been connected with engineering works of a novel character and of considerable magnituositi()n, .so that vessels entering it might not be exposed to the danger of being drawn into the Niagara R'ver ; and he deemed this danger to be of suflicient magnitude to justify the i)ridge Company in devoting part of their capital towards making the contemplated change in the Harbour. A tliird objection to a location above Stpiaw Island is the costFy approach on the east side of the River, and the ditliculty of making Kjunections with the Railways terminating in Buffalo. It would have been necessary either to tunnel under the city, or to have made a deep and very long excavation through valuable property. In either case the cost of this approach alone would probably have exceeded the whole expenditure on the Bridge pro[)er. The drawbacks to a location below .Squaw Island were, the gi'eat width "of the River, the increased length of (loop line) Railway which would have to be constructed to join the Bridge witii the (irand Trunk Railway, and the distance of the structure from the City of Buffalo. The last objection might not have carried much weight, had the Bridge been only intended to connect the American and Canadian lines of Railways. Another reason which had som<^ weight iu causing any location between Squaw I.sland and Grand Island to be rejected was, that as the water was .shallow, there would be considerable danger of the piers causing the ice to goige and form a dam across the River. Although this consideration had its influence in determining the site of the Bridge, sufficient imi)ortance was not i>robably attached to it at the time. 1 Sns(|itchaiina River, near its mouth, in tlie lii'ninninLj of lM'lini;iry, 1^71!. 'I'his aiciinuilation of ice was caused by a nuinlter of piers, which were Imih near the liead of Watson's Island for the purpose of intercepting; and K-ec|tin^ hack tinilicr. (Ireat risk was iiiirjuestionalily avoided, and possibly jj;reat calamity averted, iiy locaiiiiii' the International Hrid i;-or;;e in (he NiM;.;ara Ifiver i-; hy no means an impossibility was shewn a number of years an'o. when a dam was formed in the shallow water near the mouth of the River. This dam kept back the water t'n\- .several hours, and lowered the surface of the River so much that a lar^c part of the lied of the Rapids above Niai^ara Falls was ilry, enablini;' people to walk out for a considerable distance from the shores. So little watm- was there rmininj;' that timber lod^-cd afjainst tin; rocks and wat! drawn ashore from near mid-channel above the Falls, a place which, in ordinary stages of the water, is absolutely inaccessible. The considerations enumerated above confined the choice of location within the narrow limits between the head and foot «>f Squaw r.sland. l?elween theso |)oints lher(! could be no dillicultv in determining the proper place for the lVid<;'e ; in fact, the advanta,;,'es possessed l>y the site .selected were so obvious that they could .scarcely be overlooked. They were briefly these : Fir.st. The River and Black Rock Harbour are narrower at the [)rosent site of the Bridge than they are anywhere else l)etween the up[)er and lower ends of S(piaw Island. Second. The water being deep, the current is less rapid. The great depth of water, taken per se, is certainly objectionable, bat it is less so than a violent current. Third. The depth of water is so great, that it is confidently believed no danger exists of the ice gorging all the way across the Kiver. Fourth. The bottom of the River atl'ords good holding ground for anchor-; for more than half a mile above the Bridge, so that in the event of an accident to a vessel it can, in all probability, be brought safely to anchor before reaching the Bridge. Fifth. The approach upon the Canaila side of the River is good, that upon the American shore is not only an excellent one from an engineering point of view, but ■ ; a favourable one, in so far that it destroys very little valuable property, and can easily be connectcil with the Railway lines terminating in Buffalo. In locating the Briilge the interests of navigation were ke})t in view ; but so far as they were concerned, it made very little difference wlu'ie the Bridge was built .so long as it was kept out of the swift current above Black Rock Ferry. The Bridge wherever placed must interfere to some extent with navigation, and it was simply 17 iibsmd to cry ii»tl t'» ''i' traversed liy tiie lines of IJailway connecting the International ISridj^e and the llrand Trunk Haihvay on the Canadian side of the River, and the New Y'ork Central itailway on the American side, had not actually been surveyed previously to the site of the J5ridge being chosen, a reconnahsance had been made of it, from which it was known that there would be no diillculties whatever of an engineering character in forming the connections. VV'lien the connecting lines were located, the length of Railway re(|uired to join the Bridge and the Grand Trunk Railway was found to bo 'M^ miles. This line was a favourable one, with a good approach to the Bridge, on a tangent with an inclination towards tho River of only 15 feet per mile. On the American side two connections wore needed with tho New York Central Railway ; the aggi'egate length of these was nearly half a mile. One of them was to join with tho New York Central Junction Railway, running round the City of Buffiilo and into tho Station on Exchange Street. The other was to connect with the Niagara Falls Branch of the New York Central Railway, terminating at tho Erie Street Station. The line across Sipiaw Island, connecting the Bridge across the River with the Bridge over Black Rock Harbour, was on a curve described with a radius of 1,910 feet. Tho distance between the Bridges measured on this curve was 1,106 feet. In addition to the connections with the Ciraud Trunk and New York Central Railways, for which provision was made by the International Bridge Company, junctions wore formed with other Railways built since the Bridge works were begun. On the Canadian side of tho River two new Railways were run directly to tho Bridge, and are now finished, — tho Great Western Air Lino from Glencoe, the Canada Southern Railway from i\.mherstl)urg on the Detroit River and Courtwright on the St. Clair River. Both of these lines are first class roads, Iniilt with easy curves and low gradients, , intended for American through travel princii)ally, and will therefore brhig a vast I accession of business to the Bridge. t8 On the Anipricau side of tho River tin* New York. West Shore an soundings threw the lead overboard and aHowcd it to remain susjiended troiu tlie Ixiat and at a distance of one or two feet from the liottoni of the River. It will be seen that hy allowing; the lead to hauy in tliis way finm a lioat which was driftinj; down the stream it would iiauji' iJerpeiidicularly under tlie boat, as botli it and the boat would have the same velocity the velocity of the current. The water wouhl eertainly move with .Munewhat less rapidity near the bottom of the Jviver than at the surface, but the weij,dit of the leail was in all cases snilicieut to overcome the difference, and to maintain the lead line in as nearly as possible a vertical position. As the yawl drifted nmler the end of the lirst timber the man with the lead dropped it the required distance, one or two b-et as the case mi^ht be, toucheil bottom and called out the readinj;, which was recorded by an assistant ui>on a diagram pre\ iously lu-epared. I'robably before the man with the lead line cmdil recover himself and be ready for another soundin;;, the boat had drifted uny repeatinj;- the operation described ab(»ve. perhaps three or four tinies in each line, a sounding' was obtained under the end of each timber. When the .soundings on one line were finished the barge was moved nine and a half feet over, and soundings again taken in the .saiue way as liefore. and >;o on until five lines were gone over, covering a si)ace of eighty icet long by thirly-iight IihI wiile. The scour for every lino of soundings was accurately placeit in accordance with signals given from the en cubic icct per second, or say 1,535,040 imperial gallons. T\w iliscliiir.nc, Imwcvcr, riv(|iioiiily (liH'cinl iii;iti>riiilly from this, the variations being ranscd liy tlic Huctiialinns in tiii' ii(-i,i,'hr of the .sinraco of the Kivcr produced by winds and iec. A record of tlic-^c Huctiiations was liept daily from the 1st of Anj,'ust, 1S7(», to ihc Isi of Aii-ii>l, H7;:. Till' ilianrani coinpiled from these daily oliservations and shcwni.n the rise .nul fill of tlii" water, is siiewn by l'"i,L;iires 1 and 2 on Plate 111 in icference to tile low water liiu' siiewn on the water f^'nay-e, it may not be umiss to state thai it was established from the evideiu'e of iiitelli^'cnt, trustworthy witnesses who had resided (or many years in the vicinity of the i;ridj,'e site. It was important to determine this with a near ajjiiroacii to aecuracy, as, in aeeordance with the terms of the r.iidyc Charter, theiv had to be a clear liei,y:ht of -JO feet fnmi low water level to the under side of the I'.ridnv snpei'strueture. It was satisfactory to find before t!ie Ihid-e wa-; finislie.l that in this matter tlie le-al re(iuirements liad been liberally comiilied with, as fiv(iiieiitly dmin- the pro-irss of the work tlie Kiver fell C(msiderably lielow the assni I low water line. Tlii' hei.-ht of low water was taken as datum and was ealled lud ; all siilisei|ueir. levels were referred to this datum. Inconsequence of the liiver never freezing all tile way aero.ss, it was impos.sible to .set out the position of the i)iers by measurinj,' the distances between them on the ice, as was done at the Victoria 15rid;,'e at Montreal, neither eould the intervals between the jjiers bo obtained, as is freqiu^ntly done in similar works, by measurin.i,' alon^i; the falso works used in the erection of the permanent portions of the structure, as no fixed staging eonld be hnilt in the Ifiver I)y reason of the great dei>tli and velocity of the water. for the reasons given above it was decided, at the very begimiing of the work, that every piece of masonry should be set out trigonometrically. For this jjurpose a base line l,7>^!t,' feet long was measured on the Canada .shore, and extended in a southerly direction from the centre line of the l?ridge produced in a westerly direction. The angle contained by (he centre liiu> of the IJridge and the base line M'as not .so well conditioned as was desirable, being !»2 :51' on the side of the ba.se line next to the Kiver. IJiit as tlio instrument used in determining the positions of the different points for the .structure was a remarkably good one, the fact of the angles being a litth- too large po.sition of every point was determined from one base line and verified from the other. The lengths of the base lines were established by measuring the exact distances between the ceutr(> of sipuire headed stakes, driven at short intervals and accurately rangeil into line with the theodolite. The relative elevations of the tops of the stakes were then carefully takcMi with a level, and by with the steel tape, prior to any work being set out froni it. ^Vl'ter the lengths of both Ijaso lines had been determined, they were coiuiected by •rianguhition, and the length of the ba.so on Squaw Island calculated from that on tiie Canada shore. The result was most gratifying, and gave that degree of confidence in (he measurements without which tho work could not have been carried on with any satisfaction. After verifying the base lines, the next step was to ealculate the angles contained by them, and the lines drawn from their southern ends to the centre points of the piers on the axis of the Bridge, and to the points formed by the intersection of thi.s axis with the lines of the points of the abutment at Jhidge seat level. These angles were all worked out to seconds, as tho instrumeut u-sed in setting them off was divided to ten seconds, and could bo read by estimation to five seconds. On the Canadian side of the Eiver a small wooden buihling w.as erected on tho highest ground near the end of tho Bridge, but west of the base line, to contain tho instrument to be used in " keeping up " the centre lino of tho Bridge across the Ilivcr. This instrument was permanently placed on a stone pedestal exactly over the centre lino of the Bridge. Tho other end of the centre lino was defmed by a square cedar post placed firmly in the ground about 1,^00 feet Ijcyond the east end of the IJriilge. This post was painted Avhite with a black stripe about two inches wide drawn vertically down tho side facing tho west. No trouble was at any time expei'ienced in seeing this stripe through the large instrument set on masoniy west of the Bridge, and there was consequently no dilliculty upon any occasion in ranging the caissons, piers, &c., into line with the axis of the Bridge. The above description of the preliminary arranginu*nts for setting out the works refers wholly to tho Bridge across the Niagara liiver. For the Biidge over Black llock Harbour exactly the same course was followed, excepting that the base lines were not quite so long, and that the centre lino or axis of the Bridge? was not defined by an instrument set in masonry at one end of the line and by a s(piared post at tho other. This line was established by a stout stake driven level with the gi'ountl near the Niagara Street, with a nail in the centre over which a theodolito couhl be set, and by another stake driven on the top of tho west bank of tho Niagara Kiver exactly in tho centre line produced. An account of the details of the i)lan pur.sued in giving the position of the caissons and piers will not be inserted here, as it can perhaps l)e more conveniently introduced when describing the foundation, works, and masonry. CHAPTER III. PROGRESS OF THE WOKK-DIRECTORATE AND STAl'F EMn.OYF.D. AVliou the constnictioii of tlui r)ri(lj,'o Avas l)i'j,'un in the early jiart of 1870, it ^vas dctcrminiHl to coinmcnco witli Pier No. 1, next tho Canadian shore, and to build regularly towards tlie east, postponing the erection of tho west (Canada shore) abutment till tho winter, when operations in tho River were impracticable. In piu'suanco of this plan Piers Nos. 1, '2 and ;i, innnbering from the west or Canada .shore, were built during tho first season ; Pier Xo. U was finished on the L';5rd D(>cemb(>r. Taking into account that the fust caisson was not launched until tho l:]th July, — that everything connected with the works in the way of plant had to bo provided, and a system of operations had to be inaugiuatcMl and organized involving many points of great uncertainty and dilliculty, — fair progress was made during the fust season. In the month of January, 1871, tho west abutment was begun, and was finished in tlie month of April following. With the opening of tho .spring of t>^71, vig(jrous mea.sures were taken to cany out the in'ogramine drawn up at the conunencement of the work. A cais.son was launch(>d for Pier Xo. 4 in .September, ls7(l, and an elVort was maile to sink it in May, ls71,bnt for reasons, which will be detailed in a subseiiuent chapter, it did not prove successful. It was not considered ad\isable to make any fu.rther attempt to erect this pier that vi'ar, Imt to go on with X^o. .">, for which a cai.sson was launciied in May. In duly it was ready lor sinking, but the same untoward accidents t)ccurred when trying to jyut tlie (nie for Xo. .'> into position which prevented the placing of Caisson Xo. 4. J3y this time tho season was so far advanced that all idea of (loing anything moro in tho river until the following year had to be abandoned, .\lthough it was impracticable to carry on masonry in the liiver until ls7i'. there were no reasons why the abutment in the east sidi" of the Iliver on Stiuaw Lsland, and the Bridge as the l'3r(I May before it had wholly disa|)peared. As soon as jn'acticable the bnildin,y of Pier No. s was connnenccil. and it was completed in July. Pier Xo. 7 \Nas iinished about the end of Ani^ust. Pier Xo. (» on tlu" i(tli X'oveniber, and the last stone of Pier Xo. .') was laid on llu' I7th December. This tinishod buildinir operations for the year 1^7-. In addition to the stone piers biult during- this season a wooden rest pier for tlio upj)er end of the main draw girder was ercctc(l. .\t the clo.-c of li^72, as will bo <,'athercil from the prccedinj; account, the only pier remaining.,' to bo built wa.s No. 4. The caisson tor tliis jiier was placed in position on the 7th -Tidy, lS7i), and the la.st stone of the i)ier ami of the P>ridge was laid on tlie 4lli (Jctober, 1873. Although duriii;;- the buildini;' season of 1s71 no masonry was laid in the Niajjara River, the iron .suiierstruitnre over tiiree spans, lictwcen Nos. 1, "2 and 3, was finished by the 1st October. In February of the fnllowiii,;- year, 1S7:>, the suporstructuro of the Ijrid^e over JJIack Uock Ilarliour was s No. f>, 4 and .") were erected in the order in which they are named, the last meiitioiu'd .span beini;- lowcreil on to the masmn-y on the 'J3rd October, 1X73. Durintr the winter of ]s71-l* the piles for the trestle work, s])oken . .)(»./,■,■;, It,,,./, „t. V. M. (iZOWSKl, Jmir <',i/no„,i „iul Divh/iuy. JA.MK.S ll.MKlAitT Cii/ilniii in. c/iuiye nf Ti"js, S-oir-i, ,( ,■. S. K. CITFITIS ('iij,i,n,i. of Tmj "Juli-riinliuiio/." WK15STKU COLLINS /„ c/,u,yc of the Dvcd.jc. FUANK DAVIS />;,vr. JOSKPH i;oi;rUKU Dicer. J. AlnPvRISON- CoHtnwtor for Jfamnr;/ for Cl,i,f Conlrnetors. IIKNRY .MAd'AKLANK Cnlmrttir fi^r ('(iuj<.„m ,i,nl Titnhrr Wurk 'j, luinlh/ " J. K. liACJLliiY Contractor for Jirectiiiy Iron Work " CIIArTER lY. I'OlXnATlONS AM) SlT.AylT.OlS WOUK. Surveys ami cxaininations, Mitli tlic soiiniliiij,^s that won' taken, l)rou feet from the Canada shore the bed of tho River consisted of rock ahnost smooth, and that for about 700 feet from Squaw Island tho bottom was composed of strong chiy covered with gra\'el. Kespecting tlio intervening 500 feet in tho middK; of tlie Eiver, the same trustworthy information couhl not bo ol)taincd, but tho conchision arrived at after the most searching investigation, under very adverse conditions, Avas that tlio bottom was rock. A good deal of dilliculty was experienced in conducting this investigation. Borings could not be made without incurring expense and loss of time that would go a long way towards building tho piers. To explore the 1)ottom of the l\iver flowing at tho rate of nearly six miles an liour, by divers, at a depth of over 40 feet, was (piito out of the question. TIio conclusion, therefore, after making tlio examination and obtaining the most reliable evidence, was that Piers 1, l', V>, 4 and 5 could be l)uilt upon rock without removal of gravel or any other material beyond perhaps some few boulders or loose pieces of rock. Having •arrived at that decision, the liest course; to adoi)t in putting in tho foundations had next to be considered. Ordinary cofler-dams, in ileep water flowing with a high velocity over rock bottom, could not l>o used. Otiier methods were proposed and discussed, and the plan ultimately determined upon for I'iers 1, 2, ',i, 4 and 5 was a water-tight floating caisson, to be sunk directly on the rock where it was not covered by a deposit. For River Piers Nos. 0, 7 and 8, and for those in IJlaek ]{ock Harbour (known as Piers Nos. 9 and 10), under all of which there was a great de]ith of clay, it was decided to drive ,'i)iles ; to cut them off at a uniform level as closely as po.ssiblo to tho bottom, and sink upon them water-tight caissons similar to those sunk upon tho rock ; round the piles heavy " riprap " to l)o thrown to avert the danger of scour. Neither of these plans was new, and therefore not cxperinunital ; the hitter has been used in many instances, tho former had almost fallen into desuetude. Mr. Mylne, in building JJlackfriars ]5ridg(! over the River Thames in London, and Mr. Labelye, in constructing Westminster Bridge over the same River, employed 27 water-tifflit caissons sunk on tlie bed of the River; but at Westminster Bridge the bottom was clay, and the plan did not provo (luito successful, owing to the scour which took place under sonic of the caissons, although pits had been dredged for their reception. This mode consequently became discredited to [a certain extent; but the fact of an injudicious application of it having resulted in partial failure was no reason for rejecting it where it could bo employed under more favourable conditions. There are many examples of foundations formed by piling for the reception of a water-tight caisson. .Vmong tiiem may be mentioue and in every instance tho amoimt of internal bracing was regidated by the depth of water in which tho caisson had to stand. In No. 1 comparatively little bracing was needed, and only one tow post was required ; but in deep water tho caissons were braced exactly as represented on tho drawing, and three white oak tow posts, from 10 to 18 inches square, were used. None of tlio braces below the concrete level were removed, the concrete being packed carefully under and around them, but everything that interfered with tho masonry was taken out as tho work progressed. No brace was, however, disturbed before it was actually in the way of the masonry, and not even then was it cut out, until tho wedges had been firmly driven between the stono work and tho sides of the caisson to resist the outside pressure of water After tho pier was finished, the upper portion of tho caisson was detached easily from the lower one by unscrewing the bolts by which tho two sections were connected, and it was removed. This first caisson was launched on the 13th July, 1870. As soon as it was in tho water tho work of putting concrete into it was begun, and was pushed on vigorously until 4 feet were in it, which caused the caisson to draw nearly 9 feet of water. As this was nearly tho depth of the shallowest water at the site of the pier, it became necessary to put the caisson into position before putting in more concrete. It wjvs therefore towed from tho service ground, and placed in position on tho 4th August. The method followed in placing it was as follows : — Tho caisson was towed down tho Ilivcr until within a distance of 600 feet of the position it was to occupy. An anchor was then dropped from its bow, and the caisson was lowered very slowly by letting out the cable attached to a tow-post imtil its stem reached the point which would bo ultimately occupied by its bow. A diver was then sent down to examine the ground upon which it would stand. Ho reported the bottom smooth rock, with only one large boulder, which was removed. Tho reason for the examination of tho bed of the River being deferred until the caisson had been lowered to near its permanent position, was the impossibility of a diver working in tho current until protected from it by the caisson itself. When tho exploration of the site for tho pier had been completed, the caisson was again lowered down the stream until its stern was 19 feet below the centre line I ■t of tho Britlgc, lit wliicli tlistiinco IVoni tlic sti'iii, iiml immllol to it, a hcnni wan spiked across tho oiiisson into wiiirli liircc poles wciv inserted, ono nt pucIi end with a white fln^; attached, and ono iu tho eentro witli ii red lhi>,'. Thoso picketH woro for tho observers on shoro to sij,dit npon when f,'ivin<,' tlie position. When tlio nvisson was far euouuli down the stream, — whieli was known from tho sipiials disphiyed by the person at tho instnimiMit placed on tlio centre lino of tlie Ihidfje, attention was given to tho si^^nals shown by tho transit man at the sontli end of tho base lino on tho Canada shore, who, liavin;,' turned oil" the proper anj,'le from the base line, was watchin),' tho jacket with the red tlajj in tho centre of the caisson. As soon as ho gave tlio signal " all rij,dit," which was done by dtsplayiii}; a red anil white tlay Bimultancously, the position of the caisson was a^^ain examined as regards tho centre line of tho bridge. When the three ])oles or the cross beam oi tho caisson wore brought into range with tho instrument on the centre lino of tho Bridge, and tho middle pole Avas right with tho instnunent at the .south end of the base lino, tho caisson was then exactly in position and w.is ready for sinkhig, which, in the case of No. 1, was done partly by loading it with stone, and partly l)y letting water into it. Tho operation of placing tho cais.son was exceedingly tedious and almost irritating, AS the movement to bring it into lino M-ith one instnunent Avas apt to disturb its position with the other, and it recpiired numerous trials to make it succeed. In placing the caisson many details were introduced, some of which appear too trifling to mention, but they were of material service, and answered their purpose so well tliat they were rigidly adhered to during construction. For example, to enable the men engaged upon the caisson to know approximately its position as regards distance from the shore, a code of signals was arranged with the transit man at the south end of tho base line, who had two Hag poles erected, ono with a red and the other with a white flag : both flags could bo run up or ilown tho poles as occasion required. When tho red flag was at tho top of the pole, it jndicateil that the caisson was a great deal too far west ; \yhcn half way down tho pole, it signified that tho caisson was within 10 feet of being far enough east; and when within 3 feet above ground, it meant that a movement towards the east of less than 6 inches Avas required. The signals with the white flags conveyed tho .same instructions as to distances required to be gone towards tho west. Both flags flying at the Ijottom of tho poles announced that all was right so far as distance from shoro was concenjed. For obtaining the positions approximately with respect to tho centre lino of tho Bridge, the course pursued was very simple, being nothing more than placing two flag poles on Squaw Island exactly in range with tho centre lino of the Bridge. 81 Thoso poll's pnal)ln(l tlioso on thn tiij,' Itoat to lino tlio caiasons ho closoly, that signals from tlui oh.s(M-vor at tlio instrument were nMiuirod for tlio fmiil Hiittiiif,' only. Wlicn tlio tlin-o poli-s inscrtoil into tlio cfohh timber, HpiUcil to tho top of the caisson 11> foot from its stern, wcro on tho axis of tho Bridge, tho lougitudhial coutro lino of tho caisson was at ri;,'ht angles to this axis. This caisson being tho first that was placed, a good deal of interest and somo anxiety was felt when workin-,' it into position ; lint althongh tho operation was tedious, comparatively little dillieiiUy was experienced. For tho purpose of steadying tho caisson laterally, before it actually gi'onnded, hawsers were extended from it to tho Canada shore. After tlio caisson was in i)laco, a delay occurred in loading it Avith additional concrete; tho consequence was that four days after it had been placed, the caisson was lifted and moved HO feet east by tho water rising suddenly nearly two feet. Tho accident, although excessively annoying as evincing a want of precaution, did not cause much trouble, but it clearly and practically showed tho treacherous nature of tho lliver, anil tho absolute necessity of being prepared for a sudden and unexpected rise of water. After tho caisson Avas fairly placed tho second time, two feet inoro concrete were put in, making 6 feet in all. Tho final elevation of the surface of tho concrete was 97.30. Tho masonry was commenced at this level. PIER No. 2. The caisson for this pier was of the same general description as that for Pier No. 1. Its length from stern to shoulder was 45 feet 9 inches, and from stem to stern 54 1 feet; its width was 17 feet 2 inches, and height 20 feet. There was no occasion to frame its bottom irregularly, as tho bed rock upon which it had to stand Avas quite level. Tho sides and bottom Avero sheeted Avitli plank similarly to No. 1, and the seams betAveen tho planks Avero caulked. They Avere also heavily payed over with pitch, as it Avas desu-able to take additional precautions against leakage. OAving to tho greater depth of Avater, a regular system of internal cross-bracing was introduced to prevent leaks, and resist the pressure of tho external Avater. This caisson Avas built to tho full height on tho stocks. It consisted of two sections, the lower one being H feet high, tho upper one 9 feet high, to be removed at the close of the Avork. It was launched on tho 6th August, 1870, and was loaded with concrete to a depth of 7 feet before being removed from tho service ground to near the position it was finally to occupy. , II II 32 Before attempting to take it down the River a lui^^o barge was lashed to each side of it. " These barges a(Uled very much to the steadiness of the tow, while they at the same time did away with all risk of the caisson being upset in the current. Before moving the barges and caisson from the wharf, the former were loaded with broken stone, sand and cement for the concrete, so that the wdrk of putting it into the caisson could be pushed forward the moment it was in place. In lashing the barges and caisson together care was taken to connect them in such a way that the latter could sink iutlependently of the former. The barges were about 40 feet longer than tho caiss(ju ; they we.'e allowed to project beyond it at each end, and were connected by chains stretched across each end of the caisson. In this way the caisson was embraced between the barges without being actually connected, and could consi'quently bo simk without them. Before describing tho mode in which tho caisson was taken do^vn the River, and the method adapted for determining tho position of the point at which its anchor was to be let go, it may not bo out of place to remark that precisely tho same course was followed for taking down and anchoring all tho caissons subsequently placed as was piusued for this one. No other plan, possessing greater advantages, suggested itself during the progi-ess of the work. These observations will save a good deal of repetition when describing the foundations of the other piers. On the 1st September, 1870, tho caisson was floated down tho River, guided by two tugs, each attiiched by hawsers to the two jjosts of the caisson. Working the engines of the tugs sulliciently to control their movement in tho current, gave tho required direction to the caisson, and allowed it to descend the River with a velocity somewhat less than the current. Tho anchor was dropjiod when 600 foot above the Bridge, and tho caisson itself was io'.'ered very gradually down tho River by letting out the cable, as was done in No. . As it neared the point at which tho anchor was to bo dropped, tho engines of the tugs by degrees worked up to such a speed that tho caisson was held nearly, if not quite, stationary. This wao necessary, as the point at which tho anchor had to bo lot go had to be determined instrumentally from tho shore. The way of doing this was to put up two flag poles on shore in a lino parallel to and 600 feet distant from tho axis of tho Bridge. The bow of the caisson was brought into this line, and was then moved east or west in accordance with signals given by the observer stationed at tho south end of the base, who had tiu-ned off such an angle that tho lino of sight through his instrument intersected the lino in which tho two poles were placed at the point in which it would •also be intersected by tho longitudinal centre line of the pier produced u]) stream. : I 33 The anchor was dropped from the bow of the caisson directly the signal was given that it was right, and it was then very gradually and slowly lowered down stream by letting out the cable. When the stern of the caisson was about 40 feet above the centre lino of tho Bridge, and nftoi it had been furtlier loaded with concrete to within a foot of the bottom of tho Eiver, a diver was sent down to examine tho rock. lie was able to do this without any difliculty in tho slack water behind tho caisson. After having examined the bed rock tho full width of the caisson, and for a distance of 6 or 8 feet down stream, and reported, tho caisson was allowed to go down stream 5 feet more, when ho again examined tho bottom in advance of it. These operations, of letting down tho caisson and inspecting tho bed of the River, were repeated until tho caisson was immediately over tho permanent site for Tier No. 2. Tlie bottom was found to bo of good character, requiring only tho removal of a few boulders. Three anchors were used for holding and for bringing tho caisson into place, ono leading up stream directly from the bow, to which rofereneo has already been made, and one at each side of the bow, nearly at right angles with the first, bearing a little up stream. In jilacing the caisson upon tho rock, tho same course Avas followed as in No. 1. The operation, however, proved to bo nuich more tedious and troublesome, owing to the additional depth of water ajid iucrea.sed current. Tho greater part of three days was ecmsumed by it. The caisson was finally placed on the 7tli September, ls70. Tho concrete was brought to tho full height, and levelled three days later, when the first stone was laid. The elevation of the bed rock under the pier was 84(M>, and of tiio finished surface of concrete upon which the masonry was founded was JH]G4. No "riprap" was put around either this caisson or No. 1, as tliero was no possibility of any scour. PIER No. 3. Tho caisson for this pier was not built to tho full heiglit on tho stocks, but was launched on tho Gth Sci)teml)(>r, 1S70, when only 20 feet high. It was considered unadvisablo to put in all tho side timl)ers before it was in tho water and partly ballasted with concrete, as it would have been top-heavy, with a tendency to upset. When it had been loaded with a few feet of concrete, additional timbers wore built on until a height of 20 feet was attained. Sufficient concrete was then put in 1 1 34 to sink it to the deptli of IX foot, hoiii*,' within one foot of the dcptii of water on a reef extending across tlie Itivcr at tlic ujuxm- end of S(jiui\v Island. On tlio 8tli October, 1870, the caisson was Hoatcd to within a short distauci> of the Bridgo sites. Four powerful tugs wore re(|nirod for this service. Tiie side liar|j;es that wero considered useful in phicinj; 2*.'o. l' wero deemed absolutely essential to the .safety of No. 3. The depth of water and strenf,'th of current at the site of this pier beinj,' very much greater, it was thought advisal>le not to lower the caisson within 40 or yO feet of the position its bow would ultimately occupy belore it was almost ready for sinking, as it was feared that the great strain that would bo thrown upon tho anchors might cause them to drag a little, and whether the anchors dragged or not, tho caisson would certainly, while bi-ing loaded, descend the stream a few feet by tho straightening out and tightening of the rallies. After it was anchored, the work of putting on the timber rccpiired to bring it to tho height of liO feet, and of loading it with concrete, proceeded satisfactorily until tho evening of the 17th October, when a violent south-west winil began to blow. IJuring tho night its force increased so much that the anchors dragged, and tho caisson v.as carried about half-a-mile down the River, where it grounded. During the gale the water rose ui»wanls of thnse feet above its usual level, and continued at tlii:, height until the storm aiiated. The caisson was in consequence carried much further on the bank than it would have been had the Kiver been in its normal state when the anchors gave way, and added greatly to tho dillicidty of moving it, as it became imbedded in tho giavel when the water .subsided to its usual level. The season was getting late ; there was therefore no time to be lost in adopting vigorous measures to bring the caisson back to its i)lace. A considerable quantity of the concrete was immediately throv.;i ')ut, large holes were cut through each side of tho caisson opposite each other. Just above the level of tho decks of barge.s, which were placed one on each sioIes heavy scpiaro timbers were inserted long enough to reach across the caisson and barge.s. The cais.son was then raised by means of lifting screws. The operation of lifting ,>-o large a mass was a .slow one. On the morning of tho 24th Octol)er tho caisson was afloat again, and by means of seven of the most powerful tugs that could be obtaineing dispeu.sed with. It was found in (,'aissons 1 and '2 that the planking formed a skin much too v.i.^.;, injured by the rough u.sage to which it was occasionally exposed. A blow from a barge or a tng, particularly when it wius struck near the corners, was apt to start the jjlanks and cause a leak. It was tliereforo considered much better, when buiUling Caisson No. 3, to leave off the planking, and to caulk between the solid timbers from tho outiiido. Before it was launched its bottom was caulked from below. Each joint or seam was caulked witli two "threads" of oakum; it was then " hawsered," and afterwards received another "thread." In this way tho oakum was forced about four inches between the timbers. All the scams were thoroughly pitche current. I On the 20th September, 1870, a caisson was launched, which it was intended to "" use early in the following year for Pier No. 4. On the 5th May, 1871, it w.as floated to near the site of the Bridge, and moored by five anchors ; the front one, or one directly up the River, being a I ■ "Trotman," weighing 3^ tons. The other four were also of the largest size, and were ranged two on each side, loading diagonally up stream. Before making the .. final examination of the bed of the Kiver, and prior to floating the caisson directly .over the site to be occupied by it, 11 feet more timber were added to it, making a total height of 41 feet. It was then loaded with concrete till a draught of about 38 feet was obtained. An attempt was then made on tha 27th May to place it in position. Everything went on without any trouble luitil the signal "all right" wa« given, and the caisson had actually touched bottom at one point, when one of the side cables, although formed of IJ inch iron, parted, and threw so sudden a strain upon the remaining cables, that the anchors began to tlrag and the caisson to swing violently from side to side in the current. After oscillating in this way for perhaps nearly a minute, it grounded nearly 60 feet below the line of the Bridge. About a week after, and before it was practicable to procure proper appliances for raising it, a violent gale removed all that portion of the caisson above the 37 concrete, about 12 feet tleep, and carrieil it down the lliver. No further attempt was made to obtain a foundation for this pier duriny 1871. Meanwhile, when endea^'()urinf,' to place a caisson for Pier No. 5, the unwelcome discovery was made that what liad always been supposed to be hard rock at the sites for Piers Nos. 4 and .'), was in reality boulders, with the interstices between them filled with gravel. As soon as this was known it became apparent that another plan for foundations would have to bo devised, as all the loose material ovcrlyiny the rock would have to be removed. Mr. Hannaford, the Chief Engineer of the Company, having given the matter his most careful consideration during the autumn of 1871, dctcnnined to use bottomless caissons, which were to enclose water-tight caissons similar to those previously used. Although the general idea of a bottomless caisson was approved and adopted, it was considered of gix>at importance, before deciding upon its exact form and size, to make a number of experiments with models of various .shapes and dimensions. The plan of the caissons ultimately ailoptcd and used for Piers Nos. 4, 5 and Q is shewn in Plate No. IV. Their extreme length, exclusive of the fin at the stem, is 97 feet; their width, from out to out, 31 feet. The bow of the caisson pointed, being formed of two short sides containing an angle of 90°. The stem is also pointed, but much more sharply, forming an angle of only 60". The experiments made with the models shewed conclusively that their steadiness, M'hen lying in a swift current, was more affected by the eddy at the stern than by the pressure of the stream at the bow. Deducting the pointed portions at l)ow and stern of the caisson, the rectangular part was only 54^ feet long. The walls or sides were solid for about 6 or 8 feet from the bottom ; above this height they consisted of two " skins," with a clear space between them of 2 feet. The bottom of the sides or walls is V shaped, shod with a cast-iron shoe to protect the timber from abrasion, and to form an edge to penetrate gravel or clay. This solid i»art was composed of three courses of vertical timbers 12" X 12", set close together and spiked with |-inch rag bolts between 2 and 3 feet long. The outside of the outer row of timber immediately above the cast-iron shoe is dressed down 2 inch(>s, so that a course of 2-inch planking, spiked horizontally to the outside of the first course of vertical timbers, is flush with the face of the shoe. In the inside of the caisson, horizontal timbers 12" x 12" are bolted to the inner or third row of vertical pieces. The object of the longitudinal planking on the outside and of the 12" x 12" pieces on the inside of the vertical timbers is to tie them thoroughly together. The bottom ' ! K. • 1!, p ^ 1 ':' of these vertical timbers, ami so much as was rccjuisitc of tlio inn(>r horizontal tiniiiors spiked to them, wero l)cvcllc(l to present a ciiisfl imI^'c with lln> slofjo on the iiisido of the caisson. Tlie outside of the caisson [jresciiti'd u vertical face from the edj,'o of the shoo all the way to the top. As it was expected that the depth of f,navel or clay into which it would be neces.sary for the caisson to penetrate wcmid be .small, it was not considered worth while to make the outside of the walls with a batter to prevent it from binding in the material tluDUgh whiih it had to pass. From the preceding description it will ajtpear that the walls above the bevelled portion at the bottom were 4 feet thick, made up, counting from the ontsith>, of 3 vertical timbers and 1 horizontal, .\bove this solid part they consisted, as already stated, of two skins, with an interval of '2 I'ct between them. To ccmnect these skins, vertical timbers, forming the inner or central part of the solid })ortion of the walls at the bottom, were carried up in i)airs at intervals of about (5 feet all tho way round tho caisson. These vertical timbers served a double jiurpose — to tie tho skins together and to keep them at a uniform distance aj>art ; they also formed a very strong connection between these skins and the solid section of tiie walls. For the purpose of giving adilitional strength at the angles of the cai.sson, tho timbers forming the inner skin, at vertical intervals of a k'w feet, were increased in length, so that they might l)e extended across the space between the skins, and dovetailed into the outer skin. The timbers of the inner skins, thus produced, were halved into each other where they crossed. To give stiffness laterally to the whole caisson 48 cro.ss ties were inserted. These cross ties extended from side to side of the structure, and were dovetailed into the wall timbers. Four oak snuljbing posts, or " bits," 18" square, were built in near the bow, these were placed between beams, extending across the caisson, and at the same time, to give additional strength, horizontal braces were carried frt)ni these beams, extending across the caisson ; for tho same puqiose, horizontal braces were carried from these beams forward to tho walls of the bow, these walls being made solid where tho bearing of the braces came. In short, wherever additional and exceptional strains were expected to occur, extra resisting power was provided. Beyond the stem a fin or innnoval)le rudiler (if such a term does not involve a contradiction) was carried out 2;') feet into the stream to the depth of 24 feet oidy. The caisson, before being launched, was built to a height of aWut 14 feet. Additional timbers were then put on, and when a draught of about 18 feet was attained, it was floated to the vicinity of tho Bridge. Before floating the cai.s.sou down the River, which was done on the 12th June, 1873, a large can buoy wa.s nnclioroil in line of tlic sito of tlic ]>icr, nnd aliout HK» foot down stream, as a f,'iiidinf» jioiiit for tloatin,!;' the caisson in tlio iijj;lit (iiroction, it lu-ini,' dosiniltlo, wlion anclioiinj; il, thai it slioulil lio so locatoii as to avoiil tlio noocssity of niovinj,' such an unwicldly muss as it prosontod with the liariics at its si(h' oilhor to tlio oast or wost. When it was at tho spot for h'ttiiiL; i,'o the anchors, six powerful tnys, working,' two and two al)roast, wore ro<|uirod to iiold tiio caisson in position. Hofore leaving tho wharf tlio calilos woro all attached to the caisson, and tho anchors wore loaded on tho .side barj;(>s, and wore so arranj^cd that they could ho dropped hvn of anchorajie is shewn on Plate No. VI. Anchors A, 15 anil (r were loaded on naryo Xo. "J, the two la.st named bcinj,' deposited at the jioint //. Tho Anchors 1), ]•] and I'' were loaded tni bargo No. 1, tho first named being at the point ,/•. As soon as tho bow of the caisson had been brought into proper positiim, eiiuitted to como on to them viry gradually by slowly rodiu-ing tho working of tho tugs. Tho caisson was then allowed to descend the stream until it was about 140 feet above its final position. The object in keeping it so far above its true jdaco was to allow for the straightening out of the cables when tho full strain Avas upon them, and for tho inevitable descent when the caliles were lifted, Avhich had to bo done as each rise of five feet of timber was added t<} tho height of the caisson. As .soon as tho caisson became stationary, at a distance of 140 feet up stream, tho Anchors A, 15, E and F woro carried out aud dropped into positions shovra on the plan. When these side anchors w(>re in place their cables were drawn as "taut" as practicable, so as to keep as nearly as pos.siblo tho bow of tho cai.sson immovable. Tho anchors 11 and I wore then carried tmt from the stern and the cal)lcs were laid in festoon form. Theses anchors and cables were not intended to hold the stern rigidly in place, but to steady it and coimtoract any tendency to sheer. In .short, they were designed to act like springs or elastic bands in chocking and controlling lateral motion in tho caisson. Tho guidhig priuci[)lo in anchoring the caisson was to attach the cables as ch)sely as possible to tho bow for tho purposo of holding it .stationary, as, if tho bow could be kept immovable, it was not anticipated that there would bo any trouble with tho stern, and in practice this was found tt^ be the case. When tho anchors were all out the work of building up tho caisson was resumed. An additional height of 5 feet was put on, and then it becanu> necos.sary to raise the cables to tho top of this lift as they were becoming submerged by the sinking of tho caisson. This work required gi-eat care. Each cable, with tho cast-iron chaulk through which r 40 it passed, was raised separately, and projjerly secured helbre another oiio was touched. Two days were reciuireil for raising 8 cables the height of ;"> feet to top of caisson. Notwithstanding all the care which was exercised in raising the cables, it was found that the caisson went down the stream from 8 to 1(» feet each time the operation was repeated, for which movement, however, provision had been made. Each time the cables were raised the position of the bow of the caisson was taken trigonometrically, and if it was found to have deviated from the longitudinal centre lino of the Pier produced up stream, the error was at once corrected by cables attached to anchors A, B, E and V. These repeated trials of position were of the most satisfactory and reassuring character. It was fomul that the system of anchorage was so nearly perfect that the oscillations of the bow wore confined to 2 or a inches. As the caisson was being built up by adding on the side timbers, it became necessary to sink it more rapidly than by the weight of only the superimposed material used in construction. This was done by partially filling the space between the skins with stone and gravel. The plan of loading the caissons till they nearly touched the bottom, and of adding more weight when they were exactly in position, as done with those for Piers Nos. 1, 2 and '3, was found to bo defective. The extra weight could not bo added instantaneously, and in the meantime there was great danger of tho caisson changing its position. It was therefore determined to follow a different course in sinking tho largo bottomless caissons by loading them before attempting to put them into position, with sutticient weight to make them bear firmly upon tho bottom, l»ut at the same time to give them sufficient buoyancy by some temporary and easily removed attachments, keeping them afloat several inches above the bed of the liiver until they were brought exactly in position, then to sink them by the removal of the temporary flotation power. Tho plan devised for that purpose was to lash together from 130 to 150 empty coal oil barrels in such a Avay that by tho cutting of a single rope the barrels were detached from the caisson, which immediately sank to the bottom of tho lliver. Each !' barrel had a buoyancy of nearly 400 lbs., so that in the aggregate they represented * a sustaining force of from 20 to 30 tons of 2,000 lbs. each. Knowing the buoyancy of the 1)arrels and the size and weight of the caisson, it became a matter of very simple calculation to determine how far from tho bed of the River the caisson could safely be kept floating while being Avorkcd into position. j ill J To give further security against any displacement of tho caisson, six iron bars, — 16 ft. {;■ J, long by 4 inches in diameter, and sharp pointed, three on each side,— were dropped I ';', through openings in the sides of the caisson at the same moment that tho lashing I ji of the barrels was cut. Plate IV. represents some of the openings and iron bars. r . ' i1 : I ill 41 These bars woro arrangod to have a clear fall of fully UO foot. On the 7th July, 1873, thi.s caisson was successfully placcil on the liottora of the Ilivcr. The courso pursued in giving its position was substantially the same as that followed in placing Piers Nos. 1, 2 and 3. As soon as the barrels could bo removed from the interior, divers were sent down to examine the bottom of tho lliver. Their report was looked for with much anxiety, us there were diflercnt opinions as to what it would be ; but the prevailing impression was that tho bed of the Kivcr was rock, Avith a very thin covering of gravel. Tho divers reported that about half way along the caisson a gravel baml extended transversely, upon wliich tho caisson rested, but that it was not bearing at either end, and that at each end tho bottom of tho lliver was rock. This intelligenco was satisfactory, as no difficulty was anticipated in removing tho small quantity of gravel which was reported to overlie the rock near tho middle of tho caisson. Hand-bags were lowered, and placed by tho divers to prevent tho strong current from rushing in through tho opening below the shoo of the caisson near the Ijow. One of Morris and Cumming's dredges was then set to work to take out tho loose niaterial from tho interior of tho caisson. Tho material dredged up apparently confirmed the report of the divers, as it consisted principally of loose shale, such as is frecjuently found overlying rock. As it was determined to remove tho whole of this loose material, tho dredge was kept steadily at work for several days ; but to tho great surprise and disappointment of all concerned, it suddenly broke tlirough the hard crust into soft material. A few more hours' work unmistakably revealed the fact that the bed of tho River at this point coiiS!i:t»d of a hard shell of indurated or compacted gravel, intermixed with flat stones, overlying 9 feet or more of coarse sand and crushed shale, under which the rock was found, at a depth of 48 feet lielow the siu-face of tlie Kivcr. The depth of water where tho caisson stood was 38 feet before any dredging was done. A most arduous undertaking was before us, — to remove a tlcpth of nearly 10 feet of this loose material from tho whole area of tho caisson. Tho most difficult and slowest portion of tho dredging was to break tin-ough tho hard surface. Tho course pursued in Avorking tho dredge was to take out longitudinal trenches on each side, close to the caisson. Tho divers then removed tho material from under tho shoes, and pulled it into these trenches, from where it was taken up by tho dredge. Tho whole process proved to be both costly and tedious, as tho hard crust had to bo taken out froni under the shoes in small pieces by divers working in absolute darkness, and whoso only guide was tho sense of feeling. Weeks of patient labour were spent before a satisfactory settlement of the caisson took place. At length the difficulties were surmounted : tho whole of the rock within tho caisson was cleared of gravel, and 42 tho eniaflon itself sottlotl alninat to tlio rock. Tlic orosH tics wore at onco cut out, and the inner caisson was Moated in on the sUi of Anj^ust. |s7;i, This insido caisson was of tlie same {,'eneral form as those used for I'iers No9. 1, 2 and 3. Its len^jtli was the same, hut its width was somewliat >,'reater, heinj; IJ) feet. It differed chiefly from the otliers in the moih" of hracinj,' and in the thickness of the bottom. Tlie (h'pth of water at fiiis pier was .so K''''iit, that it was con.siih'nMl essential to use a stron;,fer system of liracin;.; than had yet been employed. This consisted in holtinj,' vertical timlu'rs in pairs to tiie inside of the walls of the cai.s.son. These timlter.s were H inches by 1^ inches, and were liolted with the wide side n^ninst tho cais.son. The ilistaiice from centre to centre of each i)air of tind)crs was about «) feet 4 inches. The di.stunce between tho individual timbers of each pair was about 7 or H inches. The twin timbers on one side of the caisson were exactly opposite to corresponding,' timbers on the other. t'ross ties, .s\ich as were used on tho other cai.ssons, were framed and dovetailed into the side timlicrs and between the alnive described twin vertical tinilft'rs, and shouldered on both sides from '_' to '2h inches. Tho bow and .stern were .supported in a similar niamier by loiij^itudiiial timbers e.vtended from end to end of the caisson. This plan of bracinj,' answered admirably. Tho bottom of the cai.s.son, instead of bein;,' composed of only one or two thicknesses of 12'xl2" timber, was formeil of s courses of 12 x li' pieces, laid alternately longitudinally and transversely. Tlie timbers in each course, excejit the botton one, which was laid doso and was caulked and pitched, were jjlaced about an incii apart, and tho interstices were filled with a grout of ei[nal parts of cement and .sand. Tho tindjors in each course were .securely spiked by ;-incii sipiare drift bolts to tho course below. A bottom formetl in this way was sullicicntly strong to bridge over any ociuality or depression in the rock, and |)revent the danger of tho masonry being fractured by any inieiinal settlement. Over this solitl timber bottom feet of concrete were placed and the ma.sonry built ujion it. riEIl No. -.. On the Isth May, 1h71, nine days before an attempt was made to place Caisson No. 4, another of the .sanu> description was launched for I'ier No. T). It was floated to tho vicinity of the JJridgo site on the 21st day of Juno following. Although in tho meantime the attempt to place No. 4 proved unsuccessful, it was considered that by using larger anchors and more of them success might reasonably be looked for. No misgivings had- yet been entertained respecting tho nature of tho bottom of the River, or tho applicabiUty of tho plans that had answered so well m tho esirlv stages of the work. 4:5 III atlilition to tlio iinmon.so power roquirod to hold this caisson in place, in t'on.s('i(ii(>nc« of its bciny in tlio tlcopost part of tho Kivcr and exposed to the maxiiuiuii forco of current, provinioii iiad to bo made for strains under circumstances whieii were of u wholly exeeplional and unexpected character, and from which Cai.s.sons 1, '2, y and 4 had been free. These were, tho liability of being struck liy rafts, Caisson Xo. f) lying in mid-channel for raft navigation. It was tliiM-el'oro dt^terniined to use such a number of ancliors and strong cables tliat there should bo no danger of their being broken by any force that would likely bo applied liy rafts coming against them. An opportunity soon occurred for testing tho strength of tho cables and tho holding power of anchors. Incidents connected with it aro worth relating. Three days after tho caisson had been iioatod to tho neighbourhood of tho Bridge site, a raft of unusual dimensions canio down tho lliver. It was over 3,000 feet in length and of about HO feet in width ; the timbers of which it was composed woro large, and most of them over 00 feet long. Immediately opposite Fort Porter (Bullalo) tho water rushes by at tho rate of nearly nine miles an hour, while directly below tho velocity is reduced to a very littlo over seven. The effect of this is, that unless tho tug towing tho raft has sullicient power to maintain the head of the raft when it gets into tho slacker water at tho speed accpiired in tho rapids, tho tail of the long raft, which still remains in swift water, curv(;s rapidly down stream until tho rear part of tho raft assumes tho form of an immense hor.sc-shoo. The raft in this form struck, and, it may be said, embraced tho caisson ami tho bargos, exposing the cables not only to the strain of tho full weight of tho raft, but to the hauling by tho tug steamer, which worked to its full power endeavouring to straighten the raft. In a very short time, perhaps not exceeding one or two minutes, tho sound of crashing timber was heard and huge logs were seen to assume all sorts of irregular positions. Meanwhile tho back end of tho raft had swung fully and fairly into the stream, and the cables holding the caisson and scows were exposed to the tremendous St lain of this huge raft and tug with a vessel attached to it. For a few moments the whole confused mass remained stationary, then it began to move slowly down stream, dragging tho eight largo anchors by which tho caisson was held. It grounded near the lower end of .S(piaw Island, about 2,000 feet below tho Bridge site, in about 27 feet of water. This accitlent was of a grave character, involving, as it did, a serious loss of time and tho expenditure of many thousand dollars. It was all tho more annoying from the reflection that it might easily have been avoided had those in charge of the raft displayed oven ordinary prudence. '11 ■ I Mi 44 After tho ftocidont, tlioro was no othor course to adopt Imt to tow the cnisson Imck to tlu> (loik at Fori Kric^ and prcnarc it a^jain for licinf,' ant'liorcd a second tinio; this was done on the I'ilth .Tune. Six powerful isteani t\i;,'s were re(iuired for that service. IJy the 7tli .Tuly following', all the ei{,dit anchors l)y wliich the caisson had been held wore taken up and re attached to it, and everything was in readiness for af,'ain nnchoriuf,' it near the Jh-id'^'e site. On the followin;.,' day it was floated the second tinio dowr. the Hiver, and setnred once more in the position it formerly occupied, By the 12th August the caisson had been built to the full hei() lbs., with a fall of 35 feet. Tlio whole space enclosed by the caisson was piled, the piles being driven 3 feet from centre to centre. Some doubt was entertained about the practicability of cutting off piles by machinery 30 feet under water. The atteni])t was at the time looked ujion as an experiment believed to bo wholly une.Kanii)led. The givat dilliculty consisted in giving stiffness to tho shaft carrying the circular saw. The depth of water, as mentioned, was 30 feet, and tho nearest immovable bearing of the .shaft was feet above water. Tho saw was therefore working at tho end of a lever 30 feet long. When stillicient pressure s brought upon tho saw to cause it to work into the pile, tho shaft had a tendency to bend. Another difficulty was that tho i)ile3 had to be driven and cut of!" before the cross ties, binding together tho ends of the caisson, could be removed ; therefore, after cutting oflf all piles at one side of a cross tie, the saw had to be lifted to the surface of tlio water and moved over to tho other side. This involved tho raising vertically of tho long shaft to which tho saw was attached, to a height of 30 feet — a work of great trouble, and requiring gi-eat care, at the .same time of some risk to the men engagtMl in it. The drawings of the saw usod for cutting off the piles arc .shewn on Plate No. XX. It answered its purpo.so very well indeed, and had very little tendency to get out of order. In water not exceeding 10 or 12 feet deep, 1")0 piles could be cut oft" by it in ten hours, after it was got fairly into working order. At Pier No. 6, in consequence of the extreme care which had to be exercised to prevent tho shaft from being bent by feeding tho saw too rapidly, and of tho trouble of raising it over tho cross ties of iIjo outer caisson and resetting it, not moro than 20 piles were cut in tho same time. Wlien all tho piles had been cut off, .stono was firmly rammed into the clay between them by the divers. In this way a uniform paving, exactly level with tho tops of tho piles, was prepared for the rccepticm of the inner water-tight caisson. Tho cross ties of the outer caisson were then sawn off close to the sides. This work waa likewise performed by divers. The inner cui»»on was Ouated iu on tho 47 30th Aufjnst, 1872; by tlin 2(5tli Soptpnibor 5 feet of concrete had been phiccd in it, and the first stone of the nia.sonry was hiid. The inside caisson of this pier was exactly the same as to size and shape as those used for Piers Nos. 4 and 5, exc;ept that the bottom was only 2 feet thick. I'lEKS Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10 & llEST TIERS. The foundations of all these piers were identically the same in principle. Piles were driven in cai'li three feet from centic to centre, and Avcre then cut off at a uniform heijiht close to the bed of the River. When this was not (piito level at the site of the piei', as was the case iit \o. 7 and the rest pier, stone was rammed in between the ])iK's and biouifht u]) to the level nf their tops. Water tight caissons were then sunk on the piles with concrete. The caisson for Piers Nos. 7 and J), beinj^' pivot piers, was octagonal in form, 40 feet in dianu-ter when measured at right angles to the sides. A caisson of tho ordinary shape, rectangular at each end, was used for I'iers Xos.' 8 and 10, Avhero there was no current. For the rest pier — intended to support the upper end of main draw girder when open — a caisson .")."> i'eet long and 1!) feet wide was constructed. The stern of this was rectangular ; its bow was pointed, l)eing formed of two short sides including a right angle, and was niaiK; for a height of about 12 feet, with an inclination or slope of 1 'o 1 ; above this its slope was ^ to 1. The face and shoulder of this ico breaker were sheeted with boiler plate to high water mark. Tho sides of this wooden rest pier were tied togetlier by iron rods, and the interior was filled with stone. The rest pier for tho sui)port of the ui)pcr end of the draw span in tho Harbour was a rectangular caisson, 12 feet by 20 feet; its longest side being parallel to tho centre lino of the Ihidge. This caissou renuired no ice-breaker, as there was scarcely any current in Black Rock lIarl)our. To protect it, however, from being struck by vessels, a cluster of largo piles was driven near its south-west and south-east corners. The interior of tho caisson was iilleil with stone. liounil each of these ])iers a large cpiantity of stone was thrown, to protect them from the action of the current in the Itiver and from dredging operations in the Harbour. These stones varied in size from about a cubic yard downwards. They havo been found to form an ellicient safeguard in tho Iviver, not only against the scorning action of tho water but also against tho ice. 48 FOLrXDATIOXS OF AliuiMh.MS. There was very little difficulty experienced in founding the abutments. Abutment No. 1 stands on the rock. For Abutments Nos. 2 and 3, jiiles were driven, and were cut oft' 3 feet under low water. These piles were driven in regular rows, 8 feet from centre to centre. On the tops of these, caps 12 inciies s«iuaro were spiked, and transversely to these a close floonng of 12 inch sipiare timbers was laid for the reception of masonry. In AbutnuMit No. 3 concrete Avas tilled in and carefully levelled between tho tops of the piles and the caps spiked on to tliem ; and between the joints of tho floor upon which the masonry was founded, thin cement gi-out was poured. The breast wall of Abutment No. 4 was piled, concreted, and prei)are(l for building upon in tlie manner dcscriDed for Xo. 3. The wing walls were built directly from the clay, which was hard and unyielding. CHAPTER V. MASONRY. In designing the snbstructnro of the International Bridge, the problem that presented itself for solntion was to devise a plan of foundation whicli could bo carried out -without the aid of fixed coffer-dams, and a ftjrni of i)ier that would effectually resist the thrust of the largo ico fields which descend the Niagara River during the ^nnter and spring of each year. The mode of setting in the foundations has already been exphiined. The pier that was supposed to meet the requirements of the case most fully was one with an ice-breaker triangular in plan, and with the cutting edge retreating six inches for each foot in height, the angle of the point formed by the two sides of the base of the ice-breaker being 90°. This ice-breaker, in Piers Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 8, commences at the smfacc of the concrete, and is carried up to an elevation of 11110, where it is surmoinited 1)y a pp-amidal hood or cope-stone; in Tiers Nos. 4, 5 and 6 the ice-breaker, as abovo described, Itegins at an elevation of 90, being 10 feet imder water ; from this down to the top of the concrete it is still triangidar in plan, but its up stream or cutting edge only recedes from the peri)endicular by an amount due to the intersection of two planes battering 1 in 24. The reason for not carrying tho ice-breaker all the way down to tho concrete on the same slope as the upper part is, that tho length of the base of the pier would have been hicreased without commensurate advantage. Ice fields never strike tho piers more than two or three feet below the .surface of the water. What comes in contact with the ice-breaker below this are masses of ice locally termed " Ciami)ers," and pieces broken off" the ice fields. The former are generally so deeply inunersed in tho water, that their tendency is not to rise upon the inclined .surface but to turn off" either to the right or to the left. So far as they arc concerned, a vertical cutting edge is theref(n-e as good as a sloping one ; with regard to the latter, they cannot climb the ice-breaker, as they arc portions of tho field that are forced under when it is broken up by coming in contact with tho pier, and, as a matter of fact, they do not strike the nose of tho ice-breaker when driven down below water in this way, but impinge on the shoulders, and are immediately swept past the side of the pier by the current ; consequently, in their case also, nothing would be gained by lengthening the slopes of tho cutwater. When a field of ice is broken up by striking a pier, the general tendency of those portions of it which come directly in contact with the ice-breaker is to rise 50 ujjon its sloping faces, and then fall oft" on each side ; and it will lie ohvions that tho less the inclination of these faces, tlie greater will hv tlie probaliiiity of the ico running a long way up them licfoii' falling off. Tiic tliorungli laiowlodgo of this action of the ice which Mr. llaiuiaford had a(((iiired from many years' observation on tho Victoria Ikidge at oSIontrcal, convinced him that the slope given to tiio ice-breakers at that Ihidge— oms to one — would not answer at the International JWidgo by reason of tho superstrneture of tlie latter being oidy •-'(• feet above low water; if a slope of one to one had been adojited, tlie danger of ice running up tho cutwaters and striking tlie trusses would hav(> been vi-ry great. These considerations led to tlie ice-breakers being di'signeil with a slope of inches horizontal to 1 foot vertical. Tho experience of three winters has clearly demonstrated tho correctness of the oi)inion entertained in reh'reiiee to this matter. The sliipc of the ice breakers has been fouml to be anqily sullicient to divide tho ice easily, and at the same time not to be so great as to create any danger of its coming in contact with the superstructure. Piers Nos. 7 and 9 are pivot piers for supporting tho draw girders. They aro built without ice-breakers, and are oetagcjual in plan ; they are 0-1 feet in diameter under the coping when nu>asured at right angles to their sides. Piers Nos. 7 and 9 are biu.ked partly with concrete. They consist of an outsidi; ring of ma.sonry, 4 feet thick under the cojiing, tied together by two cross wads which are likewise 4 foot in thickness. The open spaces between tli'' niasoniy are filled with concrete, which, during the work, was kept at a uniform lext-l with the stonework. It was not considered necessary to attach ice-breakers to these piers. No. 9 stands in Black Kock Harbour, where there is no ai)pri'eiable eiirrent ; No. 7 is exposed to ice runs, but is snilieiently protected by the rest i)ier built up stream to support tho end of tho draw girder when open, and by the crib-work exlending between this rest and tho pier itself Pier No. 10 is semi-circular, or bull-m)sed, up stream. Tiie sides and ends of all tho piers, excepting I lie ice breakers, are built with a batter of 1 in L'4. In Piers Nos. 4, ."> and (i, an olf-^et was made in tho masonry, at an elevation of 90, or, in other words, at the bottom of tho ice-breakers. On each side of all (pioins or angles a li-ineh margin draft is cut. Piers Nos. 0, H and 10, upon which the ends of tlio draw girdei's rest, aro built with a recess in width eipial to half tho breadth of tho pier, and ;] feet 2 inches deep for their rece])tion. All the piers in lH)th I'.iidges, except tho pivot piers, aro finished with coping Is inches thick, ami projecting ',) inches all round. In Piers Nos. 7 and 9 the copuig is 18 inches thick on the outside, and 22]^ inches thick in .■)1 tlio r(>ntrr. Kor aliunt '.', feet Imck trmn tlio ontsidc" it is of a uniform thirkncss of li-i iuclics, s(i lis Id atlnnl a Icvrl Im'iI lur llic lulh c plate; at tlic ccDtrc tlicro is also ii level space, lieiii^' a circle ."> feet in diameter lur llie ])iv(it caslinj,' of the tnrn-tablo to stainl upon. The copini:; of the pi\ot piets alMi projects i! inches. The laces of ice lireaki'rs, surface of i npiiius. and bottoms and back walls of recesses lor ends of draw }.;irdcis are linel}' hush liannncrcMl ; all the rest of the masonry is rock or ()narr\d'aced ashlar. .\11 ihe piers, except the ])i\iits, are linisiied at an elevation of ^'2^)^U^2. The hi'd of the centre casting- on pivots is at an elevation of lltJtiO. J'iers Nos. 1, i' and :> are '2^\ feet Iohl; ami 7 feet wide under co])in,fj ; Piers iS'os. 4, ii, () and >< are :i>*,', feet loni; and 11 feet wide, at .same level; and I'ier No. 10 is iN', feet Ion;;- and s feet wide. The ]ihiii of J'ier No. '_', as shown in I'late N'lll.. may lie taken as Ihe type of Xos. 1, :! and S, in which the ice lireakers start inimedialely from the comrete. I'lale Nil. iX., represent inn' ilelails of i'iei' Ni>. .">, represents also the p;eneral form cpf I'iers I and ti. The octagon piers, Mos. 7 and 1>, are shown in I'late XI. The form of reces.s foi' the ends of ihe swin;^ uirders may lie sei-n liy reference to plan of I'ier Xn. (> in i'late X. The alintmcnts are rectanL^ular in plaiij Ii(>in!f ')() feet wide and 40 feet lonj,' at Iirid-^-e seat level, nr at an elevation of I'JO!':.'. At this level the hreast walls are feel y two counterforts 4 feel liy '2\ feel. .\l the hack nf thi- l>rid;;e seal, which is Is inches thick and projects ;} inches lieyond the face of the al>ntmenl, a hallasl or rclaiiun,!.v wall. '2 feet lii.nh, is linilt. The wini;- walls alMi\e the Mridyc seat are surmounteil liy parapets :J,^ feet high, exclusive lin,i; upon it. It is re|iresenti'd in I'lale XII. ^Vll the masonry in tlu" alinlmculs is (piarry or rock faced, except the tops of the copings, the upper sidi's of the I'.iidge seals, and the front and top of lhi> liallast walls, which are linely linsh-liannnered. The angles have the usual '2 inch margin draft.s to pluuil) liy. A portion of the stone used for the .sul)a (irand Trunk Kailway, and has been found to he '} a most desirable and durable niateiial. The Credit ^■iadu(•t. the most imi)ortant structure on the Western Division of the Uoad, was built of it, and after '•taudinu- for nearly 20 years, the material manifests no symptoms of disintci^ration. in fact it seems to have hardened and improved with a^e. Courses from 14 to 'M inches in thickness were obtained from the (ieorj^etown (|uarries. A small quantity of stone was got about ."> miles from Acton (a station H miles west of Georgetown). This was of exactly the saiiu' (|uality as the (ieorgetown stone, but was free from discoloiuatiou by iron. A few lumdred yards of stone were alsf) brought from the lleii'a i|uarries, near Cleveland, Ohio. This stone harmonized in colour and composition with that which was procured at Georgetown and Acton. . By the specifications the courses were allowed to range in thickness from 112 to 24 ' I inches, but as it was found when the (piarries were proju'rly opened up that very laign .1 i material could be procured, the bottom courses weic made in several instances nearly I ^ 3 feet thick, and no course less than 14 inches in thickness was used, for the I ' sake of appearance, the thinner courses \\er(> always kept near the top. The top and bottom .surface of every face .stone are dressed tin- full size of the stone and the If heading points were cut back .s(iuare 2 feet from the face. The backing consists of ii ■! heavy uncut stone, scob))led so as to lit as ncailv as i)racticable the ])laces intended ♦I' li!' ■ • ■ . . , il' for them. All interstices were carefully packed. Kvery stone was hiiil in a full bed of I i;j| : mortar, and each course is thoroughly grouted. In building the piers all the .stones compo.sing the ice-breakers, and idso the quoins at the back ends of the piers, are clamped and doweleil together. The mode of doing this is shewn in detail on Plate No. X. It was originally intended to build the masoniy up to high water with cement, and above that with cfunmon lime, but shortly after the work was begun it was dctermiucd to use cumeiit throuyliuut. The (piuntilies of cement and sand were one ll!' 53 part of tlio f'oniK-r iiml Iwu of tlic latlrr. It, was fnuml that tljoso proportions |.1(mIiic(m1 a iiK.rliir lliat M-t as Imnl as the .stunc itself. Tho oi'iiiont was ol)taimMl at Akron, near liiiiralci. ll was inndc im|icrativc tliat it slioiiM alway.s bo broufjht to 111!' woik ill liairi'ls ami iimI in l.iiik, as, if stnrcd in tiir latter form, it deteriorated in i|iiaiity. For tlic concrete a niiicli larger inujiortion of ccinent was u.scd, as it was mo.st dcsiraMe that it slumld set (|iiirki_v. I'.y tlie s|)ecification, wliicli wa.s clo.sely followed, the e(iiiciele was to consist of 1 cnliie yard of lime or sandstone Itrokon to go throu-ili a L",-ineli rin^ and screened. 1 ,; barrels of cement, and an equal (piantity of clear sliarp .sand. The stone was liroken by a JMake Stone-Crusher, worked by steam power. All the iiuiteiials for the concrete were loaded in proper proportions, but unmixed, on to a scow, and were taken down to the I'ier. The mode of nii\in-4 was to cover a space carefully mea.sured out on the bottom of the scow, to a depth of <» inches, with broken stone. A convenient size was 9 feet )iy t, as this area, covered with (> inches of stone, contained exactly a yard. Tho proj)er (piantity of cement and sand were th(>n mi.xed and .spread evenly over tho broken material ; water was then thrown on, and tho whole U)ai3.s turned over as rajiidly as possible with shovels until the niateriaks were properly incorporated and wheeled into the caisson. As no scaifoldinj,' oi- false works of any kind could be erected in the Eiver, by reason of tin; L^rcat di>])th of water and force of ciuTent, all the materials for the nuLsonry had to l)e delivered in bar.Ltes laiil alongside the pier.s. The two largest of these barj,'es were providccl with horse derricks capable of lifting with safety 5 tons each. These were used for hoisting: the stone into the caissons while they were afloat. After the caisson was fairly grounded, a traveller — the plans of which are shown in Plate XIX. was erected upon it, by means of which all the subsequent hoisting and setting were done. The icebreakers of I'i-is Xos. 2, I!, 4, f), (» and 8 are covered from the bottom to a height of 4 feel above low wati'r liiu^ with wrought iron plating half-an-inch thick. This covi-ring is fastened to the masonry by fixed bolts with countersunk heads. The nose of the ice breaker above the armour is protected by a 4' x 4' x ^" angle iron. Tho first stone of the IJridge was laid on the lUtli August, 1870, in Pier No. 1, and tho last was laid in Pier Xo. 4 on the 4th October, 1873. ClIArTEH VI. srricRSTia'CTi-iu;, and mhui: ci- K.\tsi\ its advocates ; Imt |ierha|(s, on the whole, there is n.me whii !i has ^iven more L;i'ni'ral salisfaclion than tlu' " I'ratt,'' jiarticnlarly >iiiee liu' inxcntion ol' the I'lioiiix \vron,L;ht iron eoinmn has |ilaced wilhin the reach tif the l'ai;;ineer a eomliinalion of iron [lossessinj;- ;;reat strenj^th to resist a strain uf eoniitression with the least e\|K'nililn"e of mateiial. The theori'tiea! merits of the truss are —1st. The liiK's of .-trains are so cKarl_\ defined and easily traced that each memlier can lie acimately iiro|portioned to lln' duly it has to perforin. "Jnd, 'l"he strains of eominesiion and tension are so arranged tiiat the former art' always either vertical or hori/onlal, with the exct'ption of the end posts. :h(l. The height of the truss, ami the donlile >ysten\ of Irian.nnlation of \\hi(h it consists, enalile a very liL;iit weh like arrangement to he adopted, while the yreat height Ol' tlie truss rednces the thrust clionls and Ixitli end ami interior posts consist of J'lioMiix wronjjlit iron colniniis. 'i'lu! Inj> riiot-d piccivs and end posts are composed of eij^ht sections, tlic interior colinnii of fmir mdv. 'J'lie cml colnnins have a rake or inclination towards the centre of the trn-y rolling' loads reduced. All the connections of the vertical trusses arc made by means of pins. The tloor lieams are in pairs; they are 1.") im-hes deep, with top and bottom tlan.u'es ."> inches wide, i;iviii,<;- a breadth of 10 inches for tho support of tho hnigitudinal stringers. Th(>se tloor beams are .suspeniled«4i-om tho trus.ses by 4 wrouirht iron loops —2 at each end of the beams. The horizontal hitoral braces, i-equired to ^'iv(> rigidity to the tloor of the I>rid,!j:e, are placvl between and are secured to the tloor beams. At the top the trusses an; kept apart by lii^dit I'luenix cohunns cxtendinL!: horizinitally between the corresponding joint boxes coinicctinj,' the hi>,i,'ths of the top chonls, and lateral bracinix is also uiscrteil b(>tween them to nniintain the to]) in position. These braces are connected with th(> top chords by means of wroiinht iron loops or stirrups. All the horizontal braces aro secured to their attachments at the ends with screw connections, so a.s to bo adjustable; tho uiiri.<;ht trusses are kept in a vertical position by anj,de braces at the top, conneeteil with the perpendicular jjosts of tho sido trusses and tho horizontal straininj,' tubes, which aro usimI to keep the top chords of the two trusses apart. From tho above description, it will bo seeu that each span consists of 4 trusses — 66 ■jl , , , two vortical to nirry the whole static wcij^'lil of tlic I'lidp' tii;;('tlicr witii the rolliiijj load, ami two liori/oiital to resist the I'urtc ol' winds and to iircvcnt oscillation or |i ' side motion. 'I'lu* trusses rest on cast iron lud |ilates holled to the niasoni'v; one I' \ |; I end ol' the truss ri'sts directly on the l)ed plate and i^ iniinn\iilile. the other iiears li !,' upon I'ollers so as to admit of thi' expansion and (untraction of the metal in the ' ;; trusses, 'I ; ' '! The tloorinu; of the I?iidH;e is composed of four longitudinal strinj;ers with cross ;, ties laid on them. The nmin or permanent way striiiLjcrs consist of two pieces, each K l»y !>< , laid side iiy side, with a space > hy \'2 and are laid uiie foot apart. Outside of each rail, ami al a uniform distance of eij^ht inches from it, an oak guard piece (>" hy <7t> ca.st iron was used for the upper chords, and in .some of , ij them the jiosls were of the .same material. In the International IJridge, Thienix wrought ' [ i iron columns have hern employed for every nu'mher in compression, cast iron lieing : !' only u.sed for the bed plates on the masonry, for the pedt'stals of the end and vertical j Iji' ! columns, and for the joint hlocks of the top chord. From the ali<>v(! description : i' I and examination of the drawings, it will he apparent that the (piantity of ca.st iron 1 ; !l has been reduced to the smallest amount, ami wherever used it is in such a form as to ' avoid even a possiliility of its failing to perform the duty ii.ssigned to it. The main tension rods and lower chord links aic composed of Hat bars, with eyes at each I'ud for the rece{)tion of the pins by means of which the connections are made. These I tension rods and chord links are formed without a weld. The ends which recpiire to I be enhirged for the eyes are upset by hydraulic [tressnre and the eye is bored out of the .solid metal. All the pins are acciuately turned. No wrought iron bar having I an error of over l-t)4th oi an inch betwtu'u the centres of the pinholes is allowed to be used, and in no ca.se was an eiTor of over l-Ktoth of the diameter of jnn or hole permitted to pass. All the screw bars had their ends enlarged to such an extent that the full section was preserved when the threads were cut. The abutting joints in the top chords, in fact ill such joints in every part of the Bridge, were accui'ately 1' ' planed or turueil. In the swing girders the top and bottom chords are conii)osed of plates riveted toci'ther. The use of links in the lower chords of these girders was, of course, inadmissible. Till" tension rcids, instead iA' liaviiiH; an eye at oaeli end, have one only at tlio lower end ; tlic n|(|ii'r ends pass tlirnn^'li the Inp chord, and are I'ornied as screw bars ho as to allow of the Irnss lieinj,' aeeuiately adjusted hy tiH;hleniny or loOMOuing the nuts at the ends of the iiais. The turn tallies are of a ])attcrn desij,'ned at the I'lia-nixvillo Works, and are shown in detail on I'iate No. Ki. In the ((/iistrnction of tliese tallies :i novelty is introduced in planing; the cast iron lied plates, on which the friction rollers travel. 'I'lie under surface of the heavy rastinfTs aliove the rolhis was also jilaned. So accurately are tliese top and liottom circles fitted, that althon^di the Joints of the sej;nients coinposin<; them can lie seen, they cannot lie discovered liy jiassin;,' the liand over them on the planed surfaces. The turn tallies are made adjnstalile, so that the whole weij^ht of the l'>rid<;o can be thrown singly either on to the centre piers or on to the friction rollers. ]5y throwing it wholly on to the former the l'iridj;c can be made to turn very easily, but ntit .so .steatlily as when the rollers cany a portion of the weight. The machinery ftir turning the Ihidge is worked by steam power, although ]>rovision is made for turning by hand. The engines used on the swings are maile by Wilbraham and Jh'os., of I'hiladelphia. They are double action uiiright engines with link motion. There are two cylinders 8" by I'S. The boilers are upright and tubular. The engines and boiler are placed on the level with the tloor of the IJridge, in a hou.se outside of one of the girders and innnediately above the turn tabli- ; on the opjiosite side of the turn table, and also outside of the other girder, there is a corre.si)onding house, containing coal buidvcrs antl watei' tank. For supporting the ends of the swing giiders when closed, cams aie >ised ; these cams are raised and lowered by the same engines that work the turn table, the coimections being made by a Hue of shafting extending from the engines. I*\ir the purpose of locking the Bridge when closed, the rails of the pernuuieut way are extended six inches beyond the ends of the swing, and rest in strong cast iron chairs '2}," deej), bolted to heavy cross timbers on the adjoining fixed spans. These end rails are not spiked down, but are arranged so that the ends which rest in the chairs can be raised \i^ inches, to clear the sides of the chairs when it is necessary to open the Ihidge. The raising of the rails is done simultaneously with the lifting of the cams and by the .same machinery. A very ingenious indicator is placed in the engine room to show the engineer when the cams and rails are either raised or lowered sulhcicntly. It consists of a long vertical screw working into a scinaro nut, which is fitted between two upright guides which prevent the nut from turning. While the machinery is at work, this vertical screw works hi such a direction that the nut is carried upwards r ;i 68 to a cfTtiiin point, wliirli wlion reached shows that tho Hridj^o [» uidocla-tl, the cnni.s and rails raised, and ready fur (i|ieiiin;{. Thu actitm of the luaehiiiery lor idosiiij^ beinj,' of eoiirse in an o|)|io.sito direction from that rei|nirod for raisinj; tlio cams, tho : motion of the nut is downwards to a point near the i)ottom of tho gui(h's, which indicates that tho cams and i-ails arc down, tlio swin;; closed, and th(! iJriilgo ready for the i)assaf,M< of trains. In tho earlier swin;,' lirid<,'es of hu},'o ilimensions which were built for railway tralhc, the trusses were so adjusted that, when closed ami before beinj,' locked, theii* ends wenrexactly at the proper level; that is to say, that tho surlaco of tho rails at the ends of the dr,iwl)rid},'e eorrespomled exactly witii tho rails at tho adjoining ends of tho lixed spans. In adjustin;,' tho swing girders in this way, tho very impintant i.i li fact was overlooked that when only ono half tho girder is loailed tho iletlection in this half has tho etl'ect of throwing such a strain on tho toj» chord that tho other end j, of tho girder has a tendency to rise. Tho lift in some cases amounted to nearly I of an inch. To counteract thi.s, the expedient was ailoptetl in the international Bridge of adjusting the ends of the swing girders in such a way that when clo.sed, and before tho cams were lowered, they should bo aliont J' lielow the level of tho i fixed spans. Tho lowering of the cams raised the ends of the girders to tho proper level. This plan answered peifectly, and now no vertical movement takes phico at tho emls of tho swing girders under the i)a.ssage of the heaviest trains. ,; j The iron u.sed in the constructicm of the Bridge was of the tougliest and best kind manufactrnvd, and was recpiired to come nj) fully to the following I'laeuixvillo tests, viz. : — Uhiniato .strength tensile .strain, r)y,0O(l to ()t»,()U(( H's. per .sipiare inch, with no permanent .set at L'."),(MH) to ;'.(»,()(»() liis. Reduction of area at ineaking point average, 27> i»er cent. Ehingation of area at breaking point average, 15 per cent. Cold bend without signs of fracture, from 1)0° to 180°. The manufacture of th(> various members of tho Bridge was all carried on under inspection of an olllcer of tho Bridge Company, residi-nt at I'lKcni-wUle.^^ For tho main swing the static load was assumed to be 14,4;!() Iks. Rolling load 17,^4-4 " Total 31,7741bs. The lengths of this truss from centre to centre of end I'iers is 3r)8 feet. AVidth of panels twelve and a half feet each, except the two centre panels which are only twelve feet. • For oitlcttUtiona of •tniiw in tpana of 248 and 197 feot, refer to VUte No. XVIII. IIM. :.}i Height of truss, 2 middle. For tho ti'ii.silo and coini»i'e.s.sivo .stmius j)niclically the wimo I'uctor of safety was U8ud as for fixed NpauM, A conipai'iHon of tlio above nientionod workiniL,' strains with the tests which the best I'ha-nixvillo iron is wjirrantcd to stand, will show very clearly that the factor of .safety 'isetl in dctcrniinin'' the dimensions of the various members of the trusses was certainly a hi^h <»ne. With r(.'n,uil to th(< mode of compulinf; the strains, it has not been deemed desiralile to };ive it in dolail, as it is pi-ri'i'dly familiar to every Engineer. No serious ilitliculty was anticii)ated or experienced in raisinj.; the superstructure of the Bridge over lUack U(m1v Ilarlnmr, of .Si)ans Xos. 1 and 7, nor of the swing girder in the Bridge over the Niagara lliver. A common staging, resting on piles or directly on the rock in the bollom of the Itiver, was used. The only danger appreheniled was from the ice, wlu'n the .si)an.s of the main swing wore being l)uilt. These were begim in Septend)er, 1S7J, and were not finished until the 3rd January- following, On the 12th December a very hi-avy run of ice occurred, which caused some luieasiness while it lasted, but i'ortuiiately no damage was done. The best mode of setting up Spans Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0, was, however, a matter of anxious consideration. It wa.s impossible to drive piles owing to the rocky bottom in Spans Nos. ii and 3, and to the grcut drpili of water and velocity of current in Spans Nos. 4, 5 and 0. Several plans were discussed and rejected as impracticable. The idea t)f a floating staging was the one which seemed to promise best results. It was therefore determined to test it by actual experiment in Span No. 2. The plan answered beyond the exi»ectations (.f the most sanguine, and was consequently adopted in the erection of all the deep water .spans. The floating staging con.sisted of three distinct parts, viz., the pontoons for the support of the staging ; the lower staging, which extended no higher than the under side of the iron floor beams of the permanent superstructure ; and the upi^er staging. The pontoons — of ^\hich five were used for the 197 feet spans and six for the 248 feet — wore 5."! feet long from stem to stern, 17 feet wide, and 10 feet high. They were rectangular at the back end and pointed at the bow, being of the same general form as the water-tight caissons used for the piers. Each pontoon was divided into two parts by a partition running transversely, so that water could be let into one end only. At the bottom of this partition a common hinged valve was placed to allow the water to run from one compartment to the other when necessary. Each pontoon was also provided \vith two hydiunts near the bottom — one at each end communicating with the water outside. '' .'''!■ I no : 'I. By means of tlicso the water could l)e lot in at iiicii-iUrc. Tliesi- pontoons w(>n' placed eqniilistaiit from cadi other, and ihc spaces lictwccn tlicni and the piers were one-half of the width of openin;jf between any two pontoons. ]'>etwcen tJic eml pontoons and the piers, rafts were placed lo steady and prevent tlieni from sheering;. Each pontoon was provideii with a t.iw post and loiu' >iiidiliin,u' posts two on each side; the use of tlie latter was to ati'ord a l>earin,y' at tlie liaik of the sills ol' the lower sta^:ing and to prevent the pontoon lieini;- drawn from under it. Each pontoon was Iiidd liy one calde. All tlu' caMes were Ljatliered together about 5(»0 feet above the i5ridj,'e. and were madi' fast to a single ])ontoon- a camel, which was kept in place by three heavy anchors dropped about .")(»(» feet up the Hiver. The staj,dnys were of a simjile but very strong character, and w(-r(> of the form sho\vti on riate No. XVII. They consisted of two .systems of IVamin^', wholly separate and distinct from each other, tla^ uj)pcr one merely restin;^ on the lower one, but not fastened to it. On the top of the upper stajiin^' common railway bars were laid to form a track to carry a powerful traveller used for hoisting- the various parts of the iron srperstructure. This traveller is shown in the drawings. In building the staging for yjian Xo. 2, the pontoons were Hoated singly between Piers 2 and 0, and the upper works were then erected. While the iron sujierstrueture was being jmt uj), the whole staging was ke])t about 8 or 10 feet up stream, so as to make provision against the anchors dragging during a severe storm. The top of the lower staging was kept about a foot above the tO]).' of the piers, to avoid tLo danger of the superstructure landing in an mifinislicd state on the masonry l)y a fall of water hi the Kivcr. The determination of a safe height for the staging was nearly a matter of certainly with the data furnished In the daily observations of the rise and full (ji the River, taken n\cr a long period. In building the iron work it was neces.sary to support the jiedestals or foot blocks of the sloping end columns. This was done by lilocking up between the under side of the first i)air of lower chord links, and the wooden cross lieam or sill at the bottom of first, bent at each end of the top staging. IJetween the pedestals at each end a straining piece was inserted of such a length that they were kept exactly 20 feet apart from centre to centre. The pedestals were also bound together firmly so that they could not separate more than :i(» feet. When the iron superstructure was ready for being placed on the masonry, the pontoons were lowered down stream to the jiroper position. IJlocks and tackle were then fastened to each of the top corners of the lower staging. These blocks upon the down stream corners were connected with the up stream ends of the piers, while those on the upper corner were connected with the lower ends of tlie piers. (11 'I'liis tiickliiif? was used to stiNidy tlio cuds of Mic sta^'ing and to bring the pedi'slals exactly over tlu; lu-d jjlatcs. IJcforc sinkiii;^- tlic iMiutooiis. tlio ujukt staj;iii^' was secured to the inm work in siH'h a way tliai it wdiild icinaiii siisix.'udcd when the pontoons were lowered sullicieiitly to admit of the ImiHoip statin;; heiu;,' iloated away from under tlie iron siipeistni Mile. 'I'his was done to avoid thc^ and u}) the stream to a position above Span No. 3, where they were allowed to remain until Tier No. 4 was completed. Seven powerful tugs were re(|uired for this service, owing to the greater length of tho span and the additional force of the current in the middle of the river. When the masomy was finished, the staging was moved into placo between Piers N ;. 3 and 4. The operation of moving a structure 240 feet long and 40 feet high exactly into position was one reipiiring nuich care. The method adopted was to jilace a large anchor directly above tho centi-c Span No. 4, 1,200 feet up stream. The ealile attached to this anchor was then carried over and connected with tiie camel pontoon. The cables of tho other two anchors holding this pontoon were then gradually .slackened, ami the .strain allowed to comc on to the cable first iilaced aluive the centre of Span No. 4. In this way the staging was brcnight directly above the [tlace intended for it, and all that was then reipured to be done was to slacken the cables connecting the pontoons supporting the scaffold with the camel. When Span No. 4 was coiepleted, the mode of transferring tho pontoons to Span No. o was changed. In.stead of lowering and hauling them rouii I, they were drawn up stream about 3()(» feet aliove the Ih'idge, and were then moved iulo place in tho same way as they were from their position above Span No. 3 ii> ' I. V: ' I ' . ' ' to Span No. 4. Tho operation of drawini,' the pontoons np from S])an No. 4 was laborious ami tedious, pai'tieul;iily ill its early sta^e, wlieii tiie pcnitooiis were weiffhtcd down with water, which eould not he pumped out till the stauini; was (piite clear of tho iron suporstnicture. Two tuijs were eniployeci in hauliiii;- the pontoons up stream on their o>vn cables. Two days were eoiisuiii(>d in aeeoitiplisiiin;; tliis. When the six pontoons used in the erection of the 'J4ii feet spaivs were fully loaded with all the false works ami the iron superstructure, their inunersion was four feet while that of the camel was about five feet. Tiie suugestion to use a floating scaffold for buihlin.u' the iron work was \iewe(l with considerable (hmbt. A tloatiiifj; stapin<^ for tho erection of a rit^'iil structure, Avliich rei|nired to be phiced with (>xtremo ^i accuracy, was a novelty: but as no other plan seemed to otfcr such yootl chances of success, it was decided to try the ex])eriment. As already stated, it an.swered the ])urpose admirably. In some respects it was decidedly better than an ordinary scaffohi built on tho bottom. Any irre;,'u!arity of shape in th(> stai^iny- when alloat was more easily rectified by filling in and immping out water than it einild have been on a fixed one. The operation of sinking the jumtoons to let down the iron work on the mas(mry was exceedingly simple and thoroughly under control. The inflow of the water could also l>e regnlatiMl Mith great ease and exactness^, * and tho iron work lowered at any desired rate. Tlie time taken from the opening of tin- hydrants till the iron superstructure was re.sting .safely on the piers was from half to three !|uarters of an hour. 'I'lie first piece of iron for tin; .superstructure was raised on the 17th .Fniie, Is71, and the hist span, No. 5, was lowered into place on the -iinh October, l><7o. The Bridge was opened for the passage of trains Ity Mr. Ifichard Totter, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, and by Mr. C. -T. IJrydges, I'resident of the International Bridge Company, on the third day of November, 187:!. CIIArTER VII. I c i; . Rof(>ronco lias aliunidy I toon mailo to the large (luantitios of ice which pass down the Xiayai'ji Rivci', ami to predictions as to the destructive force it wovdd exert on the piers. The desi.uiiers of the structure had full coufidenco in the stability of the masonry in the piers ; hut, as a matter of interest, and by way of further investigatini,' the rpiestion of the force of moving masses of ice, it was determined to make a series of exi)erim(>nts upon the crushing strain of ice, and to deduce from them, by calculation, the forces which the masonry would have to withstand. Im'oiu a number of carefully conducted trials, made at the Toronto IJoUing Mills during the month of February, 1S71, it was foinid that the eiushing strain of ice is 2()8':J:J lbs. i)er .scpiare inch. The experiments wen- made with blocks containing exactly a cubic foot each, and were sulliciently numerous for a thoroughly trustworthy inference I)eiug drawn from them. However much oi)inions may ditt'er as to the action of ice against an inunovablo body, there is one fact that nuist be acknowledged by all, which is, that the force exerted cannot be greater than is sullicient to crush or disintegi'ate the ice which comes in contact with that body. Assuming this to lie correct, we have the following data from which to calculate the .strains to which the piers will be exposed from ice : — 1. The thickness of the ice. 2. Tlie force recpiired to crush it jjcr square inch. :). The area of masonry exposed to its acti(m. 4. The velocity of the current. As Piers Nos. 1, '2 and ',] are uuich smaller than the others, and consequently less able to resist a strain, the results of the t-alculatious made for them only will bo given. PIER No. 1. Thickness of ice, '3 feet. Area exposed, '30^2 square feet. Current, 4 miles an hour; in reality, it is only 2^ miles. The hori/ontal pressure necessary to set this pier in motion down stream bodily is 1,222,500 lbs. 64 The horizontal prcssuro uocessary to snt the piiT in motion >iili-\viiy.s hoilily is— Towards the iiiiddlo of tiic strciiiii I»:{7,()0(» ilis. Towards •' 9 .shore 1.474,7uar-i fluid resislanee •)-.) iZ Uis. Total maxinuim ])ressure of ice is *)>i^ :!.")!' llis. PIKK No. •_'. The data for tliis I>ier are the siime as for I'ier No, 1 , extH^ptinj,' of eonrse that it stanils in deeper water, and that there is a tlitferenee of one or two inehes iu the Avidth. The horizontal pressure required to set Pier iu motion down stream bodily is 1,41^,200 Ih.s. To set it in motion sideways towards eeutre of stream ... l,li»l,it()(t Ihs. To set it in motion towards shore 1 ^^50 4(^0 jj ,... To overturn it sideways hy a hori.>:ontal pressui'e apjilied -JO feet bolow top Towards centre of stream j,s5 1 ^5 i^.^. Towards .shore 1,083,450 lbs. Pressin-e of ice on Pier in direetioii of stream is duo to crushin- strain 7:25,200 lbs. Qua.si lluid resistanee 334 lbs. Total maximum pressure of iee 725 534 lbs PIElt No. 3. Data same as before, except current, which is assumed to bo six miles per hour. The height of pier from Iwttom of river is greater, and the area exposed to ico is 38.20 .square feet. The horizontal pros.snre neces.sary to set this pier in motion down stream bodily is 2 204 800 lbs Horizontal prcs.sure rcciuircd to set it liodily in motion sideways towards shore is 2,473,400 lbs. 65 llori/ontiil | nvsMm; riMiuircd to .set it bodily in motion sidoways towards centre of .stream is 1,801,500 llj.s. Horizontal pre.s.snre reiiuired to (jvcrturn the pier (ai)i>lie(l at 20 fi'ct vtTtiealiy Ijidow top) towards centre of .stream is 803,050 lbs. Horizontal pressure reipiiied to overturn the pier (a])plied at 'JO feet vertically liclow toji) towards .shore is 900,040 Ib.s. Pressure of ice on i)ier in direction of stream due to jru.shiu"' «t''ii''> i« 758,800 Iks. (Juasi thiid resistance 7;j8 !)«. Total niaxiinnui , re.s.sure of ice is 750,538 11 is. The reason for calculatin}^' the pressure i'e(|uire(l to overtiu'n the pier applied 20 feet vertically below the top is, that it was .supposed tliat po.s.sibly ice nii-ht become wed^^'.l or packed lu-tween two piers, and have a tendency to overturn tluun sideway. The height of the piei's above water was assumed t(j bo 20 feet, althouyh in reality it is 21 feet, the ditfereuce beiug in favour of stabilitv. All the calculations made to determine the forces recpiired to move or overturn the piers were made upon tlie as.sumptiou that the piers were standing alone, and Avithout the superstructure resting upon tiiem. The sui)ei'structnro will add greatly to their stability, not only by its weight but by bracing one pier against another. Notwithstanding the fact that I'iers Xos. 1, 2 and 3 have withstood, without moviu". the ice of three winter.s— two of them having been of lumsual .severity -and all the other piers except No. 4 were also exposed to the ice of last winter, assertions are still made that although the ice was of extraordinary thickness during the last two winters, yet the Dridge has not been fully tested. It is a.sserted that dimng some winter-s the fields ai'c larger and more numerou.s, but it is not said they are thicker. The fact is o\erlooked that if the piers can stand against an ice field three feet in thickness and of snilicient size to bring pres.sure enough against the pier to crush the ice, they can stand against othei- fields which are infinitely larger. The size of the field of ice makes no diH'erence whatever so long as there is no increase of thickness. To assert that it does would be as reasonable as to tell a farmer that the draught of his plough is determined by the size of tho field ho is cultivating. ■"o"- ERRATA. Page 20. For " scour " read " scow," or barge, " 25. For"C.E., M.A., I.E.C." read "C.E., M.A.I.C.E." " 50. For " wads " read " walls." — -I - . " fi ' r. , 2 s •* . ' . ' > Sj ■ V fit IXTKl {NATIONAL HhMnC.l PLAN OF LOCATION -.>-*lecfFpet nV: ..u -..kS i '..nh wmm ^.tf ?■ '"' % J-. ?. t f, ■HMi!! ^1 40' ...193 5. .19 7'. H-r ni s 7\ A r- ,f ..f j^j, A I A V /\ / x7 if It XtA lit 1 -I^H: ^- *-<«H -V^- '^ T'TnrT'Tfw \^x4VH jh immmdk i • 19 "7'. 2 48:. Ill T ,fv ,1. > \ fv i f c r .y . ^ "^ ■^ '-^ ^-rt^r -V, *rMW ? /- -T'— ■ L^ ■7^ JL \/\/ J^^ ^ ^ ^ ^r :^ i /^ L \/ ^-- r^ ^ ^m\i ■^\ •'-V- w / 7\ *- ^ ^ ^ -^ '^ X 517.' C;f>. "'.jrtc ^ '.'^ Mth Tor :ti>'>. m ± IT' \/ N/ V A '-■w-C ^A A ~V-/- -A- ^ 7F V / v v^ V \;;i / .i'- X *w ■^^. -AT \ / M W7\ m ]\ \/ 7 \ X 5*yy^j^^p.- •i'-'I "■•■''J/ .?-'>''•>;> ■■■• •• c- •-■ ^■-:^'-Oi»iJ rJ^.^->/ ''^J',.-'^-^'^. ^^-;-v-^^ ..v-^- .=^ ^-y "" ;. ■ - . - .,'^..^. .., ; , -^v^ A ' ^^A-^- ■ ■ ■ - i ■ t ■ 1 j • 1 ~ ■^' ""' •■ 1 t_ ■ ^^ ,'v,.' '~T>'\^' .-31--, ^^'^^•rj^-^c'-^ ■ 1 : ■ ; i i 1 ■ i i ; - - . 1 - . — - ■ 1 ■ 1 : 1 ■ ■ i ■ 1 j ■ . , ; . I Q, ■ i 1 ' - ■ ! ' ■ : . . 1 1 ■' i j . 1 . ; , ' j . : . i .._, ., _4^ _._^_ '■- I 4 ■ ■ J — : — . , A" /./ 'J , 1 1 1 1 //, ;-^ -*—-»- .^-«-' \ IXTKUNATI Diagram shewing i rrom the I'-of Augi Diaf^ram shewing vi in Niagara River a 1 1 ' ■ 1 ' ■ \ ■\ 1 . . . . , 1 . , 1 : 1 , , j .... I . ; 1 , i . ; ! . :. ■ i A • 1 ■ ■ ■ ,. , ,.[ . ^ ■ La ■ ■■ 1- f^. ,.'■ s t^'-"^^ '"•*"'*--^.r -^■"■7 i*. .«3^ t';;-2rS '""^ ■ ^ ■ ,,. . _.,'•-->•' ^s.......^ Y ^z vK '' ./ ^/-C-V. ...'-V'' -'"""■^'•-^-- -yv^-'-^-^s^^^^-^^T^ — ■ -...- ^ ■ ' . ■! ■ -■ . t '^'^>-,:^* * "*' r v,v f .■ ' _:_:__^ • :. ■■: ■ Y . 1 . . . . . j . . , 1 1 1 . . , . j . . . ^.. ..] . A. . : .-.-i 1 „ \ . ! , . . j . , . . t ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ -• 1 ■ ■ rr— ]. . . . - . - . . 1 1 , ._- : ■ ■ 1';.- >^ u ' ■ ■ ^ ■ ^\ \ \ \ ■ \ ■ '\ ■ i ■ /\ j ■ ■ ; \ -t— • .jturr. Li'.; = X- :*- ---- IXTKILWnoXAL ISKIDCIv -•_ . i^K 1 ZK .; iagram shewing rise and Fall of the Niagara River om the P-' of August 1870 to 1^' of August 1873 ■ ■!■;•■ I ' . \:> '"' '1 ■ '-'A: a^ram shewini^ velocities and directions uf currents Niagara River at international Bridi^e site. ■:% jr 3 i a m u J u ^ 3 a HQ a 23 M "A m (a m 3 l'll III llli' Erection of Piers N"M.5(^6, f If! IjiV-** l.ilhT.rvfi. . '-' a if- tt F*. '' " M ^ ^ "JLrt taM «Ji' ^ ^ "f'*' j^itmrn m m.i^±u i m .¥^.i\ .r i 4'i: - i ^ tj < n n n ! M 1 Ti yfyi i r; 'i r rrri. t *- to _: B I y. u 09 u 3 si X •^ x. 3 3 r-^^-4 3 :; t.-v.-r-ij:-. 1- h h-i "^ ' q N a -i:^ p.: T :- '-■-•1^ m 9- I •• ^ • I Sl- "i' a- ii IXTKUXATIONAL IM^IlXilv Method oF Anchoring Outer Caissons. »^:-*?ii'rin:if>r;i>V5;^^ :^'-?.-.^V»\ "?:'.! ;;?/;>■. :Vrv^»/;*'''-'- \. 'v r"* ^! ili!^--.::. I |! iM t a-. ;jtit-i .'- \ rr.■»:■■■:\^^C _■» Us!';i-^«'-i.' r;'^-.'': •.■^■^.''r i^ V V\Vr- .'!. IKMDCi:. Caissons C " - ' — - -•'• ■■ :>'i'- Kl^'Viti ri f" — -rar--"^ ■ ■ ' ■ ' . j'-* ' - --.-^^m, ■ '■■ ' "-'W*" 1 -^ ^un;w fc l *ii . uia Mi — INTKIiNATlONAL HKIDC.K •^■mi^^ PLANS HF 'rv !•' (•J.V |fl>,!l .;l! .4*::! ■ ■ .-I ■ ^ \-l!;^ '_ d 1^ ' nil ■ i wmimmm^sEm ABUTMENT ^^■w^jfc'WiiMWjiiiM^ inii't'.T I *! I mill mmm^imm^Hn^ ■■ ' m 'i .jfii i ■ ' ■!■ i — - ■■ ■ ■ *H '* ,'^ V .i>&'-o: I'l-T -..,. "111 iWlliii :"i ^^.^i #Jv^ \h. ^^ ' : f^ ' -■' ' i ~ ~~~ r~ — '" — ,'■- -■-.J- — fe- ^,ir- ;•■•• r- PiF-i vr: ' R^l ': }•■, ' . • • i '■•''' •. ': t "■ :-;i -1 s'4 in! 6 i .;': r S- 5^j! . ■" • ■■- , ' A ■' - 1 /• ' ' ' ". •v'. \\> \" .•t '■-. ^•^i ^^'i ^;- :'-i '■ .' 1 ■r :- L I- ■^;S ,„|.H!i 'la ■A ' - -i I '■ 'Kf; ^•:^!tv^ \V.j ,c, * ;vj 1' ■.;-.i ^ V\ ,*»■- ;.-.:^! , :*' ' f,' f '* . ' . ' -i^-aJimi M .iBkyaM^w* lUi" m^^ 7'-:v \\\;i il . P ■-.. —.k" -•_». -^ -j -.:..:.,L...,..,J,.. ■„ I /tmrJi^ttili I II I] -^'.< -U. -I Z^ 'ill' " iT,f.'ii|. '"""iji' J V**, ;'.::i^. :;j*| q 'J J._... r 1 ?^'& -A.^.^.. '"'■■ '''^^:^ 7^f ?^n rT '-•'■ ii'i y. ':■• ;".■ t". ■' "'',1 ,• ^ ', \ 'M ',' t:i: ', > i '.'»/; S't-i! ■ssr Sf -—if--' =■= if A:4 I .-^m. ^.|i;,- ^ : J^ ..^;^ -t ,^,, .-4--- j*^i.|^ii^ r-5f»-- = :r'le i.V.^'.•.■' Pe;.-^' ■■.KV ■J..' I I rr-i Ttir - - ■ III! I ' ■■ ■ ■ n ■ 11 ■ " " - ■ - /"-"'- ■•■■■■ I -—'■ - ■ - - - - •''.- --T^-'- JL^..y^ F]JU IXTKKXA'l'IONAh 1{|{|I)(;K JJ-E j t i PlL I IJ- gfia g u '^ PLANS OF PIER N9 2, •t|- 'Ijrl'. i ' I.ith t wr.r.. r- . J i ■'.»>■ •, » .■;.'• *;'. •■ ■.. . ■ j i , l-o-i F-.. I / . ^^- .'v WP'i^afc;-^';a... ! ^T I-!r'nzoi;r,.. I I ■- ■ r ■■ i'-:- trenkei. '■ft. IXTKKNA'riOXAL IMillXlK PLANS OF PIER N? 5 .11 \\'.:^ .,'.-■.'1 T- I' t -*V^J| ; .J(l HU H lWpjM ^IBfHPPIj^gg" i-j- ,i-i-e!.j.^iJ ^wj!g»jsa> •II (f--^ ■^^-^^.w^ iiniifinr**'^~~~iB^"^"T™™"*'*T*™ * i ' t I up .-.'';'-...ir., -11 C !n:i:T:r:riiiixi3:T nASniTjCSTDT F:^ed Rock. • 11' I* i> ■,•■.!' 1' INTKKXA'riOXAL WUWMW. PLANS OF PIER N? 6. (Shewing recess for End of draw girder) m, , I II I .»i«. i.. . ,.;,«» ., i,... ^. „^ . M l * ll||i ii ., i,i. 'm iw. ■! . il ' ■ II ... , l p^, — I ^ »■» ^u^^i-m, :si«' •J'i.Vv,';'"!-" n ! < •;■ • .», *•^■• ,■( v-:-i rm; .-••i J---1 - ■•, 9 .■•>3ft ^■^W"**^^- ^'^v M<»tliod of cUnijinit; and dowelliiig the courst-: Scile '6 mch - 1 Foot 1. • ■ '1 4 J '' «m ■% %• ! ■ >! . '■< ■ r-i 3>— j(.. . ' . . . '' 1^ I ■'. f • I. ■ Ji, i ■■■' ll • t J- -J ' w LMI W Ti r%ii '■T'-f- 11 '> 1' • t I ■ .1 iFirMir n ■ .'^ / \ INTKltXATIONAl. Ill PLAN fJF PIER N°7T0R T \ ,i:'ioii 'hi "•»';;-y.:.j>..»..-. ■*■:.. J » ' '«'*t# i»"'^ r*>* • ' '^•,/i'./;»'>';'»"v? PIMiH *-|-vl *;. XATIONAI. IIUllMilv PIER N'^VTOR TURNTABLE \n e m © u (?•'.*. Vi'-^. , ■"•.••■.'••■:''^-r,'-H*?1 '''.■.'*,.■>■« •• '.■»■•■ •■'•"' "■.».; w ' ■,»U?^'<''»- 'f.iV'v'.'? ■'if:"c;''.l»-1 >/i'f-.'--^>.-4.-.'^.<;:..-<'/i>1 Q © e ® vi^ ' '''^ @ © © >3 @ @ © © v."? e © C) ® © '"*' ^^ © ^\*\^ '■tl^v-: ■•.^*'"--7!;- .<,» -.">• »• ». ■. • i'i.V ..":.•.'; K ..^^/'iv^^ ■ ■ .■"•'»■'•■<•■■•«.: ^V'> **&.v r ;.?:;^rt ■;!»;? '% ■*•„ -■■•»•; -1 1' l.M'KKX.VnoXAL HI |*>-«m4 ^ mm '^' I III! i iii i "t >ii ifapiiiiti w li iT H uMMB ii 'A'' mi l I itl T" . HI I i ^ i i l i WM t miin- .i. ,' l 3 .,.w y LM . |.i , a . ■, „, , , , ^ 1— .1. Mj , . , '!! . ,' i I i fifljW , . j^j l/ yiiii«atfHif i nmi|»- I ii li g .i.w y . L . - fja - iu.. . ^ — I I . ' — I. ui t ^ . r-f . — , i i i l i irAp. . . -»^* L- •■ a: •'■■'-ii-Jt-t - - . .iM- ■ - -V^ - "t- -^' , ,- . ,L .;1S„ i S'Wi v;v«feji*w- •>4. „:-•;;■■*. -j:*;^, , A . .i> .^.Hiili 3 H r .W '' f' r"""j1IU '' ^T lip- #•■ ^ ^:'#''''-' # - :5!lir r » • ■ ■■■I ;. . m -.1 ^1 ' .1 ■.i ■I PLANS OF ABUTM m 3 *uji| "IjiVA' lii'l' Till ■ni".. 7rz:zr:xz::i:T^:-^^:'^:^'^'^:^Bc:::m — <' :^ t! I -■sr T; I'-'-ir "I! x.vnoxAi, UHincK FruM' Pilovdlioi;. NS DF ABUTMENT N? 3. \iy} ".>iV A . U'liTut tlJL::M.;:;|l:^';.^3'i'' 1 '^y^"'' "■''^"' iti> iiini I 111* JimiSfMfl ^ m i pfn s .....A i ' I ' ' i t « i »B|(pB||i|>Mw ..>'^s-r^«^•^^' if;" "'f"- 1 '■{y.-< JII.L}:. '■ " I' •' <. •,'.;; ■ ■ :ru ,•^■3 1. ,y ■■^ - <' i'. '. ■■/■: ' ~t' - .■ ! /■■■', e ■ ' -5 ■••V ;.■! .■* J - '.' •"•/■ ' , ' ' ' ' /i '. •.( .- 'i . > - \\i ;, , \ ■ ' 1 ^ ' .•V; ;■; .'' ' 1 •'':i',i • ) ' '; * » '"' ' ' i '• ') I ^ •;. ; ■■• ; Si^ k'.-'tl.-'l: ■ 'M I ,l!i" A P -.C'titif. o;i 1 uu A !,i:^r. '>;. .-. C "4 IJ HI 5^^r- mm Tr-insversl.-' '.01 Tn,"'?!. 1 to 4 inclnsiv-f. ir Copp, CUfk * t'y Uth T.Tcnu Till. X ElcnMlujii. (MaiTi l-'iv< r [ v/^' /^ '^y^- •■y-/,.y/iif^-^//^f/4'^/^-<'-\ _ j. wij ' t\t;. a. .? ! / , ' r\. r. T : . r- n .i% /n ,fl aitiiiUfflnin'H ■*-■ ■ » ■ I IJ f A I UgjJ igBgiBBB Laj i t l lllJtf-Jfe.U I Bgf^^kiyUR i WMMJig^HyMfltM tBi .l^^ ^_..l PierN" 7 p'.U'V-^ition ( '"anH; Dnv.'.) • - , -~_1"C .-^: !i^»-.^. l A M \ V \. \ \ 1 1' ■ t \, \ \ ■ ■ / ■ / «.5-^''"- ■« _1i ;-... ■'■"\ ... :■;/' 1 JiA^raTi :f ':^S'.? ijij. ■in -J .'lilil-l'. -:(''!! ',' 'yj\iv r'Yum.'. i h '> - />■ X/,i//r /,;,,/ nl' Iriixx pi/ /hi////. 2(i.('l'(> . /ii I:'.iin:s- t'I'K/i/u/ic Italic/ />(•/■ f>ii,i/-l X." rt' /'<'// //r /A II, //lilt ,)l l'<,,/(L- yfo." /,//////// «ir,i////x 12 Id' '^■■: ?a;. ^ \ pC ^i K .V I* '■* A'.- N*;' ^;^- A' ■ V / V, -^X; i>^ ,*3cvs 4' . f '->-'',.•"■.«• *^ '.;->' - '..''iiJ-— ■;■.,>'-. : (i< --^ *.'Av:''+'; Diav'?rr.un .t fjirvjitir ■p'-ins ! i',. l)/,t'.' Li n/flJi nl'imiir/x /2' /(' /". , - 19.^ c . -u-i'-r : va;is ■'ptin:-' .. i^v^ ;-:vi^ . '3 :V k -\/ / / "' '4 \ "'V' - .>v/ p4 -/ ^'' vT .■■ // \ P' #\5 ^S -J, >^ rj~ • \- #1 \c^ .4^ 5^ ^^^ p, ■''\*r 1 ll'/frin,/ S/rmn.v (hitipmrsu'iiiiii '/i/> . . Tlirxc Imuh hriiitj %"'ol'l)ii- iillinnih' \/rrti(jth lifr/lirfil lhn/ fi/iif '/iiv l 7!i oii,S'u,\/)('nxiori /on/i.w 7M> ... S'hifirini,\- S.(i(• 9. Uor/cititf yi rill in ( riii/iirvrifii on '/o/i ( 'h<(>/' . Sliciiii iiif Sliiiiii (£^d«i;il /. \ 'M-^^M^^^^fmmp 1'^-i'.-nfe-f»ac'»; 1 s=y^^s^ "JC 1:ie? Jau -1 "^ -^•g"' Vj-, j ;^-^.:r -T^r •>"» k-.. i^ "^^ ^6.^X1. -n-^ / *fl •>» 'i ' / i^iif / VJ_ V3y^ v. "/. X, c , 13 ' nS i ^ < -a 1/] 13 Cl, S! d: it: ^ ■on c < 1 i u P- 1.- .0 1 -J rq 1 'I :l :i 1 • — — ■•- H N 1 '^ ,. r-^ . I -■:?s.' i ^^1 ; 3m k 4 a, .tfc -v .=< ?3- J INTKKXATIOXAL UUmiV PLAN OF DREDGING MACHIMERY r ! .1 • ■ vxi m :iiti t-. yjp -am