X "c^ LAWS sifi^C^fiTILE-fCIPPE^-fCeDE FOR- ORWARDING BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS BY TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE OR POSTAL CARD, WITH SECRECY AND ECONOMY. PUBLISHED BY UNION LOAN BUILDINGS, NOS. 28 AND 30 TORONTO STREET I USE BY SUBSCRIBERS AND ATTORNEYS OF THE CANADIAN REPORTING AND COLLECTING ASSOCIATION. nttrtd according to the Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thoiuand eight hundred and eighty, by W.A. LA W, in the offict of the Minister of Agriculture. TORONTO: BiNORAM A Taylor, Printers, 33 Colbornb St. 1880. CIPHER CODE. Having been frequently askeii U) introduce a "Cipher Code" for use of our members, we have taken considerable pains to ai range a C< which will not only serve the pu pose of ordinary mercantile reports, have so enlarged it as to make it serviceable — both as to secrecy economy — that it will be found to be of great advantage to our menii in their ordinary business transactions. I The economical manner in which telegraphic messages may be i; ^ mitted by the aid of this Cotle will be sufhcient inducement for membei i to tlie Association, aside from the ordinary benefits to be derived froiJ as by use of the " Code" lengthy communications may be red-iCed trds are inded to represent ; then entering the number of such sentences the sixth column, opposite the Cipher words selected. This is (wn as the " Double Code." bus sundry persons may even use this same Code, and yet be unable lecipher each other's messages, unless they are in possession of the \e combination. examples of the different ways tha Code may be used ; — it. In the ordinary way, in which all communications must be made our Attorneys, unless by special arrangement to the contrary. Kxamplc Km, 1— nBBCAlVTII^E REPORTS. (" Enquiry.") Toronto, January 1880. Messrs. Aikin; & .VIonkman, Winnipeg, Manitoba, anger, John fioe. General Merchant, Winnipeg. (Words, 6.) (Signed) Jos. Robinson & Co., 28 Front Street East. ich being interprited, reads :— " Telegraph at our expense, per Code, information you n\ay have or can obtain regarding the responsibility standing of John Doe, General Merchant, Winnipeg. (Words, 25.) (Reply.) Winnipeg, January, 1880. Jos. Robinson & Co., 28 Front Street East, Toronto, lacking. Hag, Halyard, Hamlet, Hairbreath, Halve, Hammock, Kimbo. pial. Half-pay. (Words, 10.) (Signed) Aikins & Monkman. rhich being interpreted, reads :— " Only a short time in business ; racter and habits and business capacity good ; close, industrious, and ^tul in expenses ; thoroughly acquainted with his business : doing a business ; making money; no property outside business; estimated |U from *3,ooo to $5,000 ; not fully insured." (Words, 45.) !ves, Haggle, Hand-craft, Hardship, Hand, haply. Handspike Ipenny. (Words, 8.) Iterpreted :— " Has failed; settlement not satisfactory to creditors; lacier and habits not good, but is a man of good business capacity; Ir heavy expenses ; has given a chattel mortgage ; his real estate is ■in his own name; pressed by creditors; not known to be worth Ihing; not insured." (Words, 48.) kckle, Hackney, Halve, Kimbo, Habituate, Half. (Words, 6.) lerpreted :-^ " An old established house ; has always borne a good Nation ; making money ; estimated worth #300,000 and upwards ; insured." (Words ai.) C. R. & C. Association. Toronto, ist January, t8.*v| To Messrs. (iolding. Brown & Co., Montreal. Haydtn, I-alconor & Co., Toronto " LanUKinous, Cactyl, Ken, dog." (\,ords, 9.) I (SiRtied) T. William i Interprettid — "I can seli him (or them) a bill amounting to ■frso.'. ^ months ; shall I take the order ; everythinR appears satisfactory ht:^ (Words, 22.) (Signed* T. W Rei'lv. MoNTRKAL, 2nd January, i T. Willi. mis. Rossin House, Toronto. " Enactment, Iiiimoial, A> breviate.'' (Words, 3.) (Signeil) GoLDiNG, Brown & Ci<.i. ORANGtviLLE, ist February, i;j Larboard, Lancet, Definition, Defender, Backsround, Dc.ii| iambic. Adroit, Iceberg, Accede, Icehouse, Ken. (Words, 12.) Interpreted: — 'T'll the following order, prices as per list invij send me immediately in usual way by Gr.ir.d Trunk and Credit Vj Railway 50 li.ilf chests Japan teas, 25 d.. to Voung Hyson, 10 ditto 'i powder ; terms, 4 months'' (Words, ^j.) (Si(ued) Kxitaiipiv i.-UKAli-TS. Ecstatic, Keep, Fecundity, Carronade, Kindly, Edition." (Woriil Interpreted : — " Have drawn on you at ten days ' hrougli B.irj Montreal for .•?300 ; accept ; pay our draft and draw back on us.'' (Rei'lv.) Marble, Edify, Martial, Machine. (Words, 4.) Interpreted : — " Recall draft; we have remitted by certified clj when you want funds do not draw but advise me (us) in tiiue and i will remit." (Words, 24.) Example J.-VO.THfllMMIOnr. Enforce, Background. Debark, Innerve , Large, Flail, Embezzle. (Words, 8.) Interpreted : — " Can you secure us consignment of fifty pac choice butter at to-day's quotations, to be shipped immediately byl if we receive no reply from you we will undcrsidnd your answt'!| no." (Words, 34.) la ■a Ik in bn M( h |i-( il\ in low ]ile ^eri flee ble hitt Ipn ans C. R. & C. Association. Kxaiiipi*- 6— 4'<»I.I.K4;TI0NM. Harmony, Jones and Smith, Election, Adored, luunoitalize. Madam, rds, 8.) frrpreted : — "Telej^raph at our expense at once the condition of our inv) rlaiin rs. Jones and Smith : payment must be made on or before 2ist May : if pot you are instructed to take the necessary procecdinKS." 'ids, 35. > lies, Harmonic, Man, Ladle, Embargo. (Words, 5.) iitMpretcd : — 'Jones, the moneyed man, has retired, f.ikinj; out liis tal ; transaction not yet completed : prompt action is required : •rapli instructions." (Words, 2o.1 (Rkpi.y to last.) issing, Mark, Smith, Marine, Jones, Marl, I aush. Madam. )rds, 8.) terpreted :^" We hereby sive you authority to act for us in thu matter note of Smith with endorsement of Jones ; if not, f?et cha'.tel mort- if not, you are instructed to take the necessary proceediii);s. rds, 35.) Kxamplc 7— lilFE lIVilUKANCK. (From an .\gk.nt.) I'lquent, Above, Brown, Lastly, Ha.s, Latch, Laudanum. Lanq lish, .•s, Eiysian, (Words, 10.) jterpreted : — " Your coummnication received of the stli inst. ; Brown la gocxl practice : character, habits and business capacity good : good l.il position; shall I hand him examinations; what is the cause of delay lie matter of Jones ? Answer immediately, (Words, 39.) (Peply — From a Like Comi>.\ny,) kiies. Lateral, Lath, Lathy, Latin, Latinist, La.s, Lash, Latent. }>ids, 9.) lter|)reted ;—" Jones' application laid over for further consideration ; habits good ? ^'ive day, month, and year of birth ; give age next li-day ; particulars .ilready received do not agree ; you must report le piomptly; you must observe instructions; have mailed supplies.' Irds, 40.) Kxainplc 8.— liOAIVINCS. (To A Loan Company.) ill, Brown, Jones, Smith, Thompson, Eiysian. (Words, 6.) [terpreted:— "What disposition has been made of applications of ifn, Jones, Smith and Thompson ; answer immediately. (Words, 15.) Reply. |own, Mallet, Daily, Jones, Malt, Smith, Mallet, Abstinence, Faulty, Ic, ThompEon's, Lateral, Embower. (Words, 13.) |erprt.'ttd : — " Brown's application accepted, $1,500 ; Jones' applica" declined ; Smith's application accepted 8 per cent, per annunt interes iMe half-yearly, January and July ; Thompson's application laid over pi tlier information ; wc are writing you full particulars. (Words, 38.) [HI .irrangement and understanding the above communications can insmitted by the sender adding and the receiver deducting, or vice C. li. & C. Association. vetia, ix., counting a certain number of words forward or back* For instance, in Example i, instead of using " Hanger " the sender j add five to the number of Hanger (ii68), which would make the word Hap; the receiver would deduct five from the number of thei Hap (1 173), the remaining number would be i:6K, the number d| original sentence. The number agreed upon may be varied as ott( desired. Bzample ^f the IJac sf the I>*aM« C*«ie. If 1664 be written in the third column opposite No. 1610," We ( advise you as we are unable to get any rsliable information," andl be written in the iixth column opposite the Cipher word " LairdJ party desiring to telegraph the above sentence will find the writte^ 1664 ; then by turning to the printed No. 1664 the Cipher word found to be " Laird," which being telegraphed the receiver finds opposite " Laird " 1610, the number of the original sentence. In this case correspondents will have to be iurt that the alteratic exact duplicates. There are other combinations which could be but the above will be found quite sufficient for all ordinary purpos When any of the subscribers of the Association telegraph to any q Attorneys for information to be sent by mail, immediately send the \ sary postage by mail, as they are not expected to pay postage. Always give address and business of party enquired about. Our correspondents will not answer enquiries unless requests on our blanks, or per Qode, In correspondinJI. whh Attorneys the Code can only be usedj Dominion, W. A. LAW & C(l Ma CIPHER CODE, To BE Used in Fokwardinq Business Communications n TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE OR POSTAL CARD. WITH SECRECY AND ECONOMY, io. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 H '5 1ft Sentences. No. of Ci- pher Word. No. * Cipher. No. of Sentence. QUOTA- TIONS AND NUMBERS. I-20th i-i6 1-8 1-4 3-8 1-2 3-8 1. I.I-8 1. 1-2 i.';-8 I 2 3 4 5 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 33 54 55 36 Aback Abaft Abandon Abase Abash Abate Abbess .' Abbey Abbot Z' Abbreviate Abdicate Abdication .. Abdomen ' Abduce Abducent 1.3-" I? --4 2.3-8 2.1-2 2.5-8 2-3-4 2.7-8 3. 3.1-8 3-1-4 3-3-8 3-1-2 3-5-8 3-3-4 3 7-8 4. 4.1-8 4.1-4 4-3-8 4.1-2 4.5-8 43-4 4.7-8 5. 5.1-8 5.1-4 5.3-8 5.1-2 5-5-8 5-3-4 5.7-8 6. 6.1-8 6.1-4 6.3-8 6.1-a 6.5-8 6.3.4 Abduction 10 Aberration Abet Abettor Abeyance II Abhor ... 2 A bide. \A Ability Abject Abjectly 6 . , < ■' Abjure 7 Abjuration 8 Ab ative 9 Able Ableness T Abnormal 2 Aboard Abode , Abolish r Abolition f Abominate Aboriginal Abortion Abortive Abound About Above Abrade Abrasion Abreast Abridge Abridgment Abroach Abroad Abrogate ... *. .. Abrupt Abruptly Abscind Abscess Abscond Absconding ., C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. QUOTA- TIONS AND NUMBERS. 6.7-8th 7- 7.1-8 7.1-4 7.3-8 7.1-2 7.3-8 7-3-4 r» 8.1-8 8.1-4 8.3-8 8.1-Z 8.5-8 8.3-4 8.7-8 9. 9.1-8 9.1-4 9.3-8 9.1-2 9.5-8 9.3-4 9.7-8 10. 10.1-8 10. 1-4 10.3-8 10.1-2 10.5-8 10.3-4 10.7-8 II. 11.1-8 II 1-4 11.3-8 II. 1-2 11.5-8 n.3-4 11,^-8 12. 12. 1-8 12. 1-4 12.3-8 12.1-2 12.5-8 12.3-4 12.7-8 13.1-8 13.1-4 13-3-8 13,1-a 13.5-8 13.3-4 13.7-8 . 14. 14.1-8 14.1-4 14.J-8 14. 1-3 14.3-8 I No. of Ci- pher Word No. Cipher. Absent Absently Absolute Absolve Absorb Absorbent Abstain Abstemious ... Absterge Abstinence Abstract Abstracted Abstruse Absurd Absurdity Absurdly Abundance ... Abundantly ... Abuse Abusive Abut - Abutment Abuttal Abyss Academy Accede Accelerate Accent Accentation ... Accept Acceptable Acceptance ... Access Accessible Accession Accessory Accident Accidental Acclamation ... .\cclimate Acclivity Accommodate Accompany ... Accomplish ... Accord According Accost Account Accountable ... Accountant ... Accoutre Accredit Accrue Accumulate ... Accuracy Accurately Accuse Accursed Accusation Accustom Ace Achieve Acid No. of Sentence! *C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. 5 6 ! 8 9 I ?l QUOTA- TIONS AND NL'MBEKS i4-3-4th 147-8 13- 151-8 13. 1-4 15-3-8 15.1-2 15.5-S 153-4 157-8 16. 16.1-8 16. 1-4 16.3.8 16.1-2 16.5-8 16.3-4 16.7.8 17- 17. 1-8 17.1-4 17-3-8 17.1-2 17-5-8 17-3-4 177-8 18. 18.1-8 18.1-4 18.3-8 iS.i-a 18.5.8 18.3-4 18.7-8 19- 19.T.8 19.1-4 19.3-8 19.1-2 195-8 19.3-4 197-8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 - 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 No. of Ci- pher Word. No. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 Cipher. No. of Sentence. Acknowledge. Adage AH imant Adapt Adaption Addict Addition Additional .... Addle Address Adduce Adducible .... Adept Adequate Adequately . Adhere Adherent Adhesion ..... Adhesive Adieu Adit Adjacent Adjective .... Aajoin Adjourn Adjudge Adjudicate Adjuration .... Adjure Adjust Adjutant Administer.... Admirable .... Admiral Admiralty .... Admire Admiration . Admission .... Admit Admonish .... Admonition . Adoption Adorn Adored Adorning .... Adriatic Adrift Adroit Adroitness .... Adulation .... Adult Adulterate .... Advance Advantage .... Adventure .... Adverb Adversary .... Adversity .... Advertency . Advertise .... Advise Babe Babble Babbler lO C. R. & C. Association Sentences. QUOTA- TIONS AND NUMB ERS. 4a 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5X 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 94 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 73 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8J 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 08 99 luo 101 102 103 104 103 ] No.ofCi- jpher Word. No. Cipher. 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 ai8 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 i Baboon Babylon Bacchanal Bachelor Back Backhtre Backbone Backdoor Background .. Backgammon Backslide Backward Badge Badger Badinage Badly Bag Bagatelle Baggage Bagpipe Bail Bailifl Bairn Baited Baize Bake Bakehouse Balance Balcony Bald Baldness Balk Ballad Ballast Ballot Balmy Balsam Balustrade Bamboo Ban Band Bandage Bandit Bandy Baneful Bang Banish Bank Bauker Banking Bankrupt Banner Banquet Banter Bantling Baptism Baptismal Beacon Beach Bead Beadle Seal Beam Beaming C. R. & C. Association. II No. of Ci- pher Word. No. Cipher. No. of Sentence. 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 26Q 27b 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 ' 296 : 297 ; 298 299 3CO 301 302 303 304 305 ! 306 13 309 310 3" ■ Bear Beard ***"*"**** — Bearing Beast Beat ....... .M Beating '*****'****' Beatitude Beauteous Beautify ■■■■" Beautiful Beaver 1 R«>c^use ■■" ! b. .nee 1 Bb^A Beckon ■■"" 1 Becloud Become Becoming » - 1 Bedim Bedlam Bedrip Bedroom Bedtime Bedrop Beehive Beechen Beef Beetle Befall Befit Before Befriend Beget Bwggar Begging Begin ... . Begirt Begrudge Beguile Behave Behaviour Behead Behest Behind Behold Being Belay Belabor Belated Belch Belial Belied Believe " Bend Bench Bemoan Bended Beneath Benedict Cabal Cabiit Caboose Cabriolet •>• Cabbage ....M xa C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. QUOTA- TIONS AND NUMBERS. 169 .70 171 172 175 176 178 179 180 181 183 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 109 zoo 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 2at 22a 223 224 223 226 227 228 229 230 231 23a No. of Ci- pher Word. Na 312 3:3 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 34fi 347 348 349 350 331 352 333 334 335 136 S38 359 380 361 36a 363 3«4 365 366 367 3M 369 370 37t 37a 373 374 375 Cipher. Cackle Cadaverous ... Caddy Cadence Cadet Cadger Cadii Cage Caitiff Cajole Cake Calabash ... ., Calamity Calamus Calash Calcine Calculate , Calculous Caldron Calender Calibre Calico , Caliph Caligraphy Calisthenics ... Calling Callosity Callous , Callow Calumet Calm Calmness Calomel Caloric Calumniate .. Calumny Calve Calvinist Calvity Calyx Cambric Game Camel Camlet Camomile Camp Campaign Camphor Camphorated Canal Canary Cancel Cancer Candent Candid Candidate Candle Candor Candy Cane Canine Canister Cannel CannibaL C. R. & C. Association. 13 I No. ofCi- Sentences. ^^^^^ v^^rd, QUOTA- TIONS AND NUMBERS. 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 256 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 276 *72 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 283 286 288 289 290 291 292 293 204 2r^ No. Cipher. 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 381 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 I 400 I 401 4i>2 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 4i8 419 430 421 422 423 4*4 4as 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 43S 436 437 438 439 Cannon Canoe Canonical .. Canonize .. Canopy Cant Cantata Canter Canteen Canticle Canto Canton Canvass Canzon Cap Capable Capacious .. Capacity .. Caper Capillary .. Capital Capitalist .. Capitation .. Capitulate .. Capon Caprice Capricorn ., Capsize Capstan Capsular .. Captain Caption .... Captious.... Captive .... Captivate . Captor Caracole.... Carat Caravan .... Carbine .... Carbinier . Carbon .... Carbonic... Carbuncle . Carcass .... Card Cardinal .... Careen Careful .... Careless .. Caress Cargo Caricature . Carman ..., Carmine .... Carnage ... Carnal .... Carnation Carnelion Carnival ... Carol Carousal . Carpet Carpenter No. of Sentence. 14 C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. I No. of Ci- pher Word, QUOTA- TIONS AN. NUMBERS. 297 298 299 300 400 500 60c 700 800 900 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,5«> 4,000 4.500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7-500 8.000 8,500 9,000 9.500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35.000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,00c 65,000 70,000 75.000 80,000 85 ,'000 90.000 95,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 No. 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 46? 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 Cipher. Carriage.... Carrier .... Corrioa .... Carronade . Carry Cactyl Ca£fodil .... Caft Cagger .... CagRle Dahlia Daily Dainty Dairy Dai^y Dally Dam Damage .... Damask .... Damp Damper .... Dampish.... Damsel .... Damson... . Dance Dancing .... Dandelion.. Dandle .... Dandy Danger .... Dangerous. Dankish .... Dapper .... Dapple .... Daring Dark Darkness . Darling .... Darnel Darting .... Dash Dashing .... Dastard .... Data Dateless .... Dative Daub Dauber .... Daughter . Daunt Dauntless . No. 01 Sentencf C. R. & C. Association. X5 lOO 01 ,02 03 04 05 06 07 08 >9 10 III .2 13 14 15 [6 17 18 19 |o ii t2 13 (4 Sentences. WEIGHTS AND QUANTITIES. How much (or many)dn you want ? How much is there ? What quantity is on the way I n lots of In lots to suit purchaser ... We have on hand Bag — s Bale— s Barrel — s Half Barrels Box — es Bushel — s Cask— s !Half-Cask— s Chest— s 1 Gallon — s Keg— s Package — s Per Bag Per Bale Per half barrel ! " box ; " bushel " cask " halfcask " half chest " gallon " kee ,, *> ounce 'Pound— s Per pound i " 100 pounds iTon — % Ipoot — feet !Per foot ■Per cubic foot Sujierficial feet Load Pieces Doz— 8 Gross Yards jCord — s ( i I \ 1 FREIGHTS. .Can we get freight, and at what rate ? No. 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 343 Dawn Day Daybreak .. Daylight Dazzle Deacon Deaconr; .. Deaden Deadly Deaf Deafen Deafness Deal Dean Deanery Dearness .. Dearth Debar Debark Debase Debate Debateable Debauch Debilitate .. Debility Debit Debt Debtor Debut Decade Decadence., Decalogue .. Decamp Decanter .. Decay , Decrease Deceit Deceitful Deceive Deceiving . December . Decency Decent Deception . Deceptive . Decide ... . Decided .... Decimal Decimate ., Decipher . Decision. Decisive . Deck .... Decimal . Declaration. x6 C. R. & C. Association. No. 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 J7« 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 58c 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 Sentences. How are freights ? Shall we engage freights ? What are rates oi freight by rail ? V/hat are rates of freight by steamer ? What will it be delivered here for freight, and charges paid? What per cent, will cost and charges amount to ? What shall we do with your freight ? Cost and charges will am't! to ? Shall we ship by usual con-' veyance? j Shall we ship immediately? Shall we ship as soon as' favorable ? ' Stop shipping | Do not ship Do not ship but sell Do not ship but store Do you advise shipment .. We advise shipment Have forwarded the ship ment Have stored the shipment. We can ship We cai ot ship Per boat RAILWAYS. Arthabaska & Three Rivers iirockville and Ottawa Brantford. Norfolk and Foit Burwel! Buffalo and Goderich Div G. T. Ry Credit Valley Railway Canada Central , Canada Southern Cobourg, Peterboro' and Marmora Frederickton Glencairn Branch H. and I N. W jGrand Trunk Ic.reat Western I Hamilton & North Western ! Intercolonial 'international Kingston and Pembroke ... I.achine and Province Line Laurentian Levis and Kennebec Loudon aad Port Stanley No. 546 547 5 48 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 Cipher Declare Declension Decline .. Declivity. Decoction ... Decompose . Decorum ... Decoy Decretal Decry Dedicate ' Deduce ' Deduct j Deducible ..J Deduction ...| Deep ' Deepen ... Deer Deface Defalcation Defame Default Defaulter Defeat 570 Defect . 571 Defection ... 572 Defective 573 I Defence .. 574 'Defend 575 'Defendant ... 576 Defender ... 577 Defensive ... 578 'Defer 579 Deficiency 580 Deficient... 589 590 39« Defraud Defray... Defunct 581 ;Defile 582 Definition ... 583 iDefiance 584 Definitive ... 585 I Deflection ... 586 Deform 587 Demotic 588 Deformity C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. London. Huron and Bnice. Loop Line Midland New Brunswick New Brunswick & Canada. Niagara Brauch C. S. R. R. Nortiiern Passumps.'c & Massawippi. PetifjCodiac and Elgin ... PortT)over & Lake Huron. Prince Edward Island Quebec Central Quebec, Montreal and Oc- cidental 1 Riviere du Loup Div. G. I T. Ry 'Rouse's Point and Montreal jSarnia Branch G. W. R.... jSorel I St. John and Main Railway. ISouth Eastern iSt. Clair Div. C, S. Ry ,St. Lawrence and Ottawa.. jToronto and Nipissing {Toronto, Grey and Bruce... Vermont Central Victoria Waterloo and Magog Wellington, Grey & Bruce.. We.land Whitby, .Port Perry and Lindsay Windsor and Annapolis ... ST.'^TE OF MARKETS. IPrice low JHolders are very firm jHrisk demand jc.ood demand IWe expect an advance ■ Market has advanced to- day Quotations are favorable from Demand exceeds supply... Supply exceeds demand ... Vll on the market have been bought up at an advance of. Market quiet but firm, and prices unchanged from... pull Dull and declining ''e have placed the amount to your credit with.... 685 686 687 688 68g 690 6gi 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 Effluent .... Effort Effrontery . Effulgence . Effusion .... Egg Egotist Egress Eglantine . Eightfold . Either Ejaculate . Eject Ejection .... Eiectment . Elaborate . Elapse Elastic Elate Elation Elbow .. Elder .. Elderly Eldest .. Elect .. Election .. Elector .. Electric . Electrify Elegance Elegant .. Elegy Element Elementary Elephant Elevate Elevation Elicit .. Eligible Elimate Elision Elixir .. Elliptical Elocution C. R. •& C. Association. Sentences. Who furnishes the cash for disbursements COMMUNICATIONS. re- Your communication ceived of the | Did you receive our com-! niunication of I Does your telegram read as follows Is there time for letters to reach ; When did you write last ?...' Why don't you answer our! rcmmunication of ' Answer immediately Answer in plain language... Let us know by telegraph what >ou have done Send our communication to Keep us well posted Telegr-ph arrival of Telegraph in any event Telegraph instructions Telegraph what mforma- tion you have Answer by mail Full particulars by letter... Has left for j Have not received letter ofj If accepted, telegraph im-' mediately If declined telegraph im- mediately If we receive no reply from you by — we will If we receive no reply from you we will understand your answer to be yes ... If we receive no reply from you we will understand your answt. to be no Keep this strictly private ; the information given me is confidential Please repeat your des- patch ; we do not under- stand it Return immediately Stay longer There is a mistake in our telegram ; read — in- stead of Until further notice address all communications to ... Wait for advice by mail ... No. 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 74/ 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 Cipher. Elogy Elongate.... Elope Elopement. Eloquence . Eloquent Elsewhere Elucidate Elusive Elude .. Elute ... Elysian Elysium Emaciate .. Emanate 'Emanation . I Emancipate , Embalm Embargo Embark Embarkation Embarrass ... Embase Embassy Embattle I Embay ... 755 Embellish ; 7 3 756 Embers 757 758 759 760 761 Embezzle .., i Emblaze ... Emblazon ... Emblem Emblematic 762 'Embody 763 764 Embolden I Emboss ... C. R. & C. Association. ai Sentences. We are writing you full particulars V\'e give you refusal, sub- ject to your replying by telegraph within — hours. NOTES AND PROTESTS Your note is due at — on ... Your note is payable to order of Yoji note is out of our hands We cannot protect your note , you must manage to do so If you cannot pay your note m lull, pay part and draw for balance Remit for amount of note due Your note was protested to-day ; what is to be done ? Have retired your note and drawn for the amount at Have retired your note ; remit immediately Retire note and draw on us[ for the amount at [ Where and when is our note due ? To whose order is our note Dayable ? Who holds our note ? Can you protect our note ? Cannot pay our note due — in full Hold our note for — and we will attend to it Do not allow our note to go to protest ; will see you or write SELLING. Can you sell ? ... Have you sold ? No. Cipher. 765 i Embower 766 767 768 769 770 77i 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 Embrace .. Embrasure.. Embrocate.. Embroider . Embroidery Embroil Embryo Emendation Emerald . Emerge Emergency , Emersion .. Emery Emetic Emigrant . Emigrate . 'Emigration lEminence . Eminent.... Emissary Emit Emmet Emolument...! i I Emotion .... I Empale .... 'Empannel . 792 Emperor... 793 Emphasis aa C. R. & C. Association. No. 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 8<.7 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 8J5 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 8^3 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 Sentences. price you Is there any prospect of selling? Name the best can get Name the lowest price you will sell Shall we close the sale? ... Shall wesell? What is — selling for? What price did you get for — ? Sell and remit proceeds ... Sell and deposit proceeds to our credit with Sell only in large lots Sell only in small lots Can self at Close our balance of stock and send account sales... Do not sell any more at present Exercise your judgment in selling If our offer is not accepted withdraw it If you cannot do better Sell at the price you name All sold We repudiate the sade Willsellat Take order for amount and terms as per your com- munication of BUYING. At what price can you buy ? Can you duplicate the pur- chase ? Have you bought ? Have you filled our order for How much have you bought ? How much shall we buy ?... Is it safe to buy ? Name the lowest price you can buy Shall we buy ? Buy to fill contract Buy up with the market ... Buy with caution, even if you have to pay more .. All orders to buy are coun termanded Can be bought at Cannot buy any No. 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 Cipher. Emphasize... Emphatic ... (Empire Empirical ...|.. Employ I [Employmenti Emporium...] Empower ...; i Empress Empty Emptmess...! Empurple ...i Emulate .... Emulation . Emulous.... Emulsion Emulsive .. Eniunctory... Enable Enact i. 5 814 Enactment...; 815 Enamel ' « 816 lEnamour 8.7 |Encamp .. i 818 ! Encase .. 819 820 821 Encaustic |Enciente i Enchain ... 822 lEn-hant 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 Enchanting.. Enchantress I Encircle 3 Encomium...' ' Encompass ' " Encore ' Encounter ... i Encourage... i Encroach . Encumber . End I C. R. & C. Association. «3 Sentences. No. Cipher. [Decline immediateljf by telegraph it not satisfac- tory |Do not buy until you hear from us iBuy promptly |Go on Ouymg until you hear from us [Have bought jKeep us ad%ised of all pur- chases |Stop buying ^ We can buy at We decline the purchase... We will buy for lYour order received, but cannot buy at your limit SHIPPING AND FORWARDING. ire the bills of lading com- plete Vre you making any ship- ments ? Ueyou shipping tons ? Vt what rate can you char- ter? [-low have you shipped ? ... Tan you secure us consign- ment of ^an you ship our goods by.. 'an jou ship so that we can deliver on or before.. ;;an you ship to-day ? lave you shipped ? low much have you ship- ped ? Ifow soon can you ship? ... >Iayweship? ship immediately shipped as per orders shipped by shipped the usual way 3an charter al ^'e can ship by jonot charter Collect on delivery ^o uot ship any more at present )o not ship until you hea from us Cot yet loaded h'ow loading ;rder executed as per in- struction )o not ship until there is a prospect of getting goods through 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 Endanger Endear Endearment. Endeavour. Ending .... Endive Endless Endow , Endowment Endurable.. Enduring . Endurance. 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 Endure Enemy Energetic ... Enerev Enervate ... Enervation... Enfeeble Enfilade Enforce Fable Fabric Fabricate ... Fabulous ... Facade Face Faces Facet Facetious ... Facial Facility Facilities ... Facsimile ... Faction Factious Factitious ... Factor Factory Factotum ... Faculty ; • iprf Faddle 24 C. R. & C. Association. No. 8-6 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 Sentences. as< The goods are shipped. To be shipped as soon possible To be shipped by To be shipped immediately by We will receive consign- ments from you, aud at- tend to them promptly ... Your shipment has arrived. 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 S93 894 893 896 ARRIVALS. Has it arrived (have they) ? Inform us of the arrival of.. When is vessel due? Arrived Has not arrived Very few arrivals — to arrive within ADVANCES. advance can 897 How much you get on 898 How much advance do you want ? 899 How much will you ad- vance on 900 Want us to advance, would you advise us to do so ? 901 Advance no more than . 902 Advance nothing 903 Cannot get an advance 904 Cannot make any advance on 905 Do not advance to run any risk I 906 Do you think we should be| safe in advancing ? | 907 Had we better stop advan- cing, we have already advanced 908 |Have(has)met with aheavy loss, would advise caution in advancing 909 It we advance you must ' give us security No. 876 877 878 Cipher. F'ading. !Fag .. Fagot 879 'Flail 880 881 882 Failure Faint .. Fainting , 883 Fair 884 Fairness 885 ^ Fairy .... 886 Faith 887 Faithful 888 Faithless 889 Falcon 890 Falchion ... 891 Fallacious ... 892 Fallacy 893 'Fallible 894 Fallow 895 896 Falsity. Falsify 897 Fame .... 898 Famed .. 899 Familiar 900 Family... 901 'Famine 902 j Famous 903 iFan 904 'Fanatic 90s 'Fanciful 906 Fancy ... 907 908 Fang Fangled 909 Fantasm . C. R. & C. Association. «5 No. Sentences. 910 No advance necessary 911 Not less to be advanced ! than I 912 Not more to be advanced' j than ' 013 'will you advance ' 914 ;Will advance on it I 915 |Would not advise you to, advance ' 916 917 919 920 921 922 923 9^4 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 COMMISSION. Are commissions include 1 ? What are commissions, cost and charges? ' What commissions are I there on this? I What commissions will : there be on this? j What commission will you charge ? | Will there be any commis-' sion on I Commission amounts to ...I Commissions will be I promptly attended to Cash, charges, and com- mission I Deducting commission I Free of commission ' Including commission... The whole commission amounts to 937 P3S 840 941 942 943 944 945 46 INTEREST. I I Do you charge interest ? ... '.\t what rate of interest can we do it ' No. j Cipher. 910 Fantastic gn 'Farce 912 Farcical 913 Farina 914 Farinacious. 915 Farmer , 916 Farmmg . 917 j Farrago . 918 I Farrier . 919 Farrow . 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 Does that include interest? ] 939 Interest added 940 Interest and expenses I added 941 Interest after 30 days 942 Interest after 60 days 943 Interest after 90 days 944 Interest payable monthly 945 Interest payable every six months ' 946 Farther ... Farthing.. Fascia Fascinate Fascine .. Fashion Fashionable . Fast Fasten Fastness ... Fastening Fastidious Fatal Fatalism . Fatalist . Fatality . Fated .... Father Fatherly Fathom Fathomless Fatigue Fatling Fatness Fatten ... Fatuity Fatuous 26 C. R. & C. Association. No. Sentences. 947 'interest payable annually, 948 ilnterest per month 949 Interest per an. pay i yearly 950 'VVill charge inter-ist at the I rate of 951 iWill charge interest on advanc('S at the rate of. 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 9S0 981 982 983 984 985 9S6 987 988 989 990 991 STOCKS, BANKS, Etc, ^British North America 'Canadian Bank oi Com- merce Consolidated Bank Bank Du Peuple Dominion Bank Exchange Bank Federal Bank Bank of Hamilton Imperial Bank Jacques Cartier Bank Merchants Bank of Canada Molsons' Bark iBank of Monti eal 'Maritime Bank jNational Bank Ontario Bank jOttawa Bank 'Quebec Bank IStandard Bank iBank of Toronto [Union Bank j Eastern Townships' Bank. Ville Marie Agriculturcl Savings and Loan Co Anglo-Canadian Mortgage Co- Bristol and West of Eng- '' land Canadian Loan and Investment Co British Canadian Loan and Investment Co Building and Loan Asso- ciation Canada Co Canada Landed Credit Co, Canada Permanent Loan j and Savings Co Commercial Building and i Investment Co Dominion Savings and In- I vostinent Society Dominion Telegraph Co.... English and Scottish In- I vestment Co. of Canada I (Limited) Farmers' Loan and Savings ' Co No. Cipher. .[ 947 Fault ... .; 948 Faultless 949 Faulty 950 -Favour 1 951 .Favourable.. I 952 iFavourite ... I 953 ti'avouritism. j 954 iFawn 955 Fawning 956 Fay 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 96» 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 Fealty jFear Fearless .... Feasible .... [Feast ■Feathers.... Feathery.... Feature Febrile .... Fecal JFeculent ; Fecundity . 'Federal Federate.... Federation. |Feeble Feebleness. iFeed 'Feeding .... iFeel !Feeling .... jFeign I 979 |Feigned ... 980 Feignedly 981 Felicity .. 982 Felicitate 983 Felicitous .. 984 Feline 985 Fellmonger. 986 Fellow ,. 987 Fellowship. 988 Feign 989 Felonious . 990 Felony. 991 Felt C. R. & C. Association. 27 No. 99 i 993 594 995 996 997 998 999 I, ceo I, GDI 1 ,0C2 1,003 f.004 ,005 ,006 ,007 1,008 1,009 1,010 1,011 L0I2 L0I3 10I4 |oi5 Dl6 D18 319 b30 P2I 22 M3 \'* »5 Ii3 Sentences. Freehold Loan and Savings ; Co Hamilton Provident and I Loan Society Home Savings and Loan : Co iHuron and Erie Savings ' and Loan Society Imperial Loan and Invest ment Co London and Canadian Loan and Agency Co London Loan Co (Limited) London and Ontario In- '. vestment Co. (Limited).. Montreal Building Asso ciafion I Montreal Loan and Mort- i Rage Co Montreal Telegraph Co ... National Investment Co. (Limited) North British Canadian In- vestment Co. (Limited)... North of Scotland Cana- dian Mortgage Co. (Li- mited) People's Loan and Deposit Co Real Estate Loan and De- benture Co Ontario Loan and Deben- ture Co Toronto Consumers' Gas Co Union Loan and Savings' Co Western Canada Loan and Savings Society Canadian Government De-| bentures 6 per cent. stg... Canadian Government De- j bentures 5 per cent. In- 1 i scribed stock j Canada Government De-i bentures 5 per cent. stg. ' Inscribed Stock, 1903 Dominion 6 per cent, stock. Dominion 7 per cent, stock. Dominion 4 per cent., 1903 I to 1913, guaranteed j Montreal Harbor Bonds I 6 per cent ! Montreal Corporation 6 per j cent 'Montreal 7 per cent, stock.' Toronto Corporation 6 per! I cent., 20 years |Counly Deoentures 6 per ' cent Township Debentures 6 per cent No. Cipher. 992 Gab ..... 993 iGabble.. 994 I Gabion 995 jGage 996 iGager .. 997 [Gaiety , 998 999 1,000 1,001 1,002 Gain. Gainsay Gait Gaiter . Gala.... 1.003 Galaxy. 1.004 {Gale.... I 1.005 IGallant .. 1.006 'Gallantry 1,007 1,008 1 009 1,010 1,011 Galleon Gallery Galley .. Ga'.iic . Gallon. 1,012 jGallop. 1,013 Galloway 1.014 Galvanic... 1.015 tGalvanism , 1.016 jGamble .... 1.017 |Gamblcr .. 1.018 I Gamboge 1.019 {Gambol .. 1.020 Game 1,021 Gaming 1,022 {Gammon 1,023 1,024 1.025 1,026 Gamut Gander .. Gangrene Gangway as C. R. & C. Association. No. 1,027 1,028 1,029 1,030 1,031 1,032 1,033 1,034 1,035 1,036 1,037 1,038 1,039 1,040 1,041 1,042 1,043 1,044 1,045 1,046 1,047 1,048 1,049 1,050 i,C5i 1,052 1,053 i,C54 1,055 1,056 1,057 1,058 1,059 1,060 1,061 1,062 1,063 1,064 1,065 1,066 1,007 1,068 1,069 1,070 1,071 1,072 1,073 Sentences. No. INSURANCE COM- PANIES. Accident Insurance Co. of Canada iCtna Fire ittna Life Anchor Marine British America F. & M ... Canada Fire and Marine... Canada Guarantee Canada Life Canadian Lloyd's (Fire and Marine) Citizens' F. A L Commercial Union fPire and Life) Confederation Life Dominion Fire and Marine Hand in Hand Mutual Fire Imperial Fire Lancashire London Assurance Cor- poration Liverpool, London and Globe jMerchants' Marine jMontreal Assurance Pacific Mutual I Phoenix Fire of England... Phoenix Mutual Fire Queen City Fire Queen Insurance Co iQueen City Fire iQuebec Fire Quebec Marine koyal Insurance Co Royal Canadian Scottish Commercial Fire I InsuranceCo (Sovereign Fire jStandard Fire iStandard Life I Star Life Sun Mutual Life and Ac- I cident j Toronto Life , Travellers' Life and Acci- dent L'nion Fire Victoria Mutual Fire Western Assurance RAILWAYS. Atlantic and St. Lawrence. Atlantic and St. Lawrence 6 per cent. stg. M. bds... Canada Southern 3 per cent, ist mortgage Cipher. 1,027 1,028 1,029 1,030 1,031 *,032 1,033 1,034 1,035 1,036 Gap , 'Gape jGarb {Garbage [ ^ ;Garble .......L Garden I ^ iGargle ' Garish I ^ jGarlick 1 Garland \.... ^ 1.037 i Garment 1.038 jGarner 1.039 , Garnish ... 1.040 Garret 1.041 Garrison 1.042 , Garrulous 1.043 iGas i t 1.044 I Gaseous ... 1.045 iGash 1.046 :Gasp 1.047 Gastric ... 1.048 ^Gateway ].. of 1.049 |Gather 1.050 Gaudy 1.051 ;Gaunt 1,062 jGear 1.053 {Gem 1.054 Gemini 1.055 Gendarme.. 1.056 I Gender .... 1.057 Genealogy ...' | 1.058 Generally ...j. 1.059 Generate . 1.060 Generic .... 1.061 Generous . 1.062 i Generosity 1.063 iGenial 1.064 Genitive . 1.065 Genius... 1.066 Genteel , 1.067 Gentian . 1.068 Gentile ' 1,069 Gentle. 1,070 Gentry. 1,071 Genuine . 1,07a j Geography. 1,073 Geology ... C. R. & C. Association. Sentences. ^ 'Grand Trunk 5 INew Prov. certificates is- I sued at 22} New Prov. Eq. F. M. bds. 1 ch. 6 percent New Prov. Eq. Bonds 2nd charge New Prov. First Preference 5 per cent New Prov. Second Pref. Stock 5 percent New Prov. Third Pref. Stock 4 percent Great Western ! Great Western 5 per cent. Deb. Stock Great Western 6 per cent. Bonds, 1890 International Bridge 6 per cent. Mort. Bonds International Bridge 6 per cent. Mort. Bonds, 2nd series Midland 2J per cent. First Pref. Bonds Northern of Can. 6 per cent. First Pref. Bonds ... Northern of Can. 6 per cent. Second Pref. Bonds Toronto, Grey and Bruce per cent. Bonds Toront^ and Nipissing stock Toronto and Nipissing bonds Wellington, Grey & Bruce ; per cent., tst mort... MERCANTILE RE- PORTS — AMOUNTS 50 to .^lOO 100 to #200 200 to 1*300 , 300 to .'J400 400 to •■?500 500 to .*750 750 to .'•i.ooo 1,000 to !?i,500 ,. 1,500 to #2,000 .., .1,000 to >3.ooo .., 3,1x10 to #5,000 .., 5.1K0 to #7,500 ... .-,400 to #xo,ooo .., lo.iwo to •*i5,ooo 15,000 to #20,000 20,000 to #30,000 30.000 to $50,000 No. 1.074 1.075 1.076 Cipher. Geometry Germ 1.077 'German .. 1.078 Germinal 1.079 Germinate. 1.080 Gesture 1,081 1,082 Gibbet. 1.083 !Gibe .... 1.084 iGiblets 1,085 jGiday 1,086 1,087 1,088 Gift ... Gifted Gig ... 1,089 'Gigantic 1,090 1,091 1,092 1.093 1,094 Giggle .. Gild Gilding Gilt Gimlet 1,095 Gimp i,096Gin .. .^J97 ,098 ,099 ,100 ,101 ,102 .103 ,104 ,105 ,106 ,107 ,1(8 ,109 .110 ,111 ,112 Ginger .... Gingle Gipsy i Giraffe Gird I Girder ' Girdle I Girlish i Gist ' Give ! Glacial i Glacier j iGlacis Habeas ! Haberdasher' Habiliment.. Habit ' 30 C. R. & C. Association. No. 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1 120 II2I II22 I II23 1 124 1 125 II26 II27 II28 II29 1130 1131 1132 II33 II34 "35 1136 1137 1138 1139 1 140 1141 1 142 "43 1 144 1145 X146 1 147 I14S "49 "50 "51 1152 "53 Sentences. ^50,000 to $75,cxx3 $75,000 to $100,000 $100,000 to $200,000 $200,000 to $3or?,ooo $300,000 an-i upwards Just commenced business ; credit not yet established. Only a short time in busi- ness An old established house... Has always borne a good reputation A mmor, but of good char- acter A minor; not entitled to credit ' Character and habits good.i Character, habits and busi-' ness capacity good Character and habits good, I I but no business capacity..! Character and habits net! good, but IS a man of I good business capacity...! Very attentive to business... ! Not very good private char- j I acter I Poor business qualifica- tions ' Good business qualifica- ' tions iDoing a good business Pays promptly JNot always prompt on open account, but meets his notes Honest Insured fully Not insured fully Not insured Not always prompt in his payments Doing too much business^ for capital Pays his small local bills promptly j Too small a dealer to war-i rant ciedit away froml home I |Not making money I 'Making money | jHas failed; settlement notj j satisfactory to creditors ..I Has failed; settled honor-l . ably IClose, industrions, and! careful in expenses ( I Not sufficiently attentive to^ > business ' jThoroughly acquainted i with his business j Does not understand hisi business i No property outside busi- ness I Has property outside busi-j ness No. 1114 "15 1116 1117 1118 1119 1 120 1121 1122 1 123 1 124 1 125 112G 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 "32 "33 "34 "35 1136 1138 "39 1 140 1141 1 142 "43 "44 "45 1 146 "47 1148 "49 IIJO 1151 11)2 "53 Cipher. Habitable . Habitant... Habitation . Habitual ... Habituate . Hack Hacking . Hackle . Hackney Haddock Haft Hag Haggard . Haggle Hail Hailstone Hair Hairy Hairiness ... Hairbreadth. Halbert Halcyon .... Hale Half Halfpay .... Halfpenny . Halibut Hallow Halo IHalt Halter JHalve Halves Halving jHalyard 'Ham Hamlet jHammer , Hammock .. I Hamper C. R. & C. Association. 31 I169 170 I171 73 74 F"5 76 f"7 [79 1 80 182 |S4 I Sentences. No. Capital all borrowed Capital part borrowed His real estate is not in his own name Under heavy expenses Expenses light Economical Extravagant Bears the reputation of a sharper Sti anger (s) here; nothing definite known about (hini) them Intemperate .-.. Does not buy prudently ... Buys prudently Not known to be worth any- thing Worth a few hundred dol- lars Telegraph at our expense • per code any information I you may have or can ob- i tain regarding the res- ponsibility and standing of Write us by first mail full I report ; postage will be sent by mail in re In good credit, but gives credit too freelj Sued, and judgments against him In hands of the Sherifl Oflering to sell out Has made an assignment... Sold out Pressed by creditors Said to De preparing to leave Left for parts unknown Bankruptcy proceedings commenced by creditors. Burned out ; fully insured. Burned out ; partly insured Burne.d out ; no insurance. 1 Dissohed • Sci king a compromise [ Asking an (Xtension t Failed I Paper gone to protest ' Suspended j Has given a chattel mort- gage Deceased Telegraph at our expense if they (or he) owes in your city, and how much. The party inquired about owes nothing here so far as we can hear The party enquired about is in debt here H as (or have; called a meet- ing of creditors Protested through an over- sight or error Cipher. 1154 Hamstring,. M.55 JHanap. ■ 1156 jHand 1 157 j Handicraft. 1158 jHandcufl . 1159 jHandful 1160 jHandy 1 161 Handiness . 1162 Handle 1163 Handmaid, 1 164 Handbell. 1 165 Handsome. 1 166 1167 1168 1169 1 170 Handspike. Hang Hanger Hangings Hangman 1 171 'Hanker 1 172 1 173 1 174 1175 1 176 1 177 1178 1 179 1 180 1181 1 182 1183 11S4 1185 1 186 1187 1 188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1 194 1 195 Hankering . Hap Haphazard. Hapless .... Haply Happen Happily Hardship Hardware Hardy Harelip ... Hark Harlequin Harlot Happiness,.. Harangue , Harass Harbinger , Harbour ... Hard Harden .... Hardihood. Hardiness , Hardly 32 C. R. & C. Association. No. Sentences. No. Cipher. 1 196 Partners are disagreeing... 1197 The moneyed man has re- I tired, leaving his capital I at the risk of the business 1198 iThe moneyed man has re- tired, taking out his cap- I ital 1 1 99 In trouble, particulars by i mail X200 Telegaph at our expense at once the condition of our (or my)claim vs 1201 Please write by return post the condition of our (or my) claim vs 1202 Have made no further pro- gress in claim mentioned 1203 The collection of the claim mentioned is doubtful 1204 Claim mentioned can be collected in time 1205 Claim mentioned is in suit. 1206 Claim mentioned is in judg- ment 1207 120S 1209 1210 Execution sherifi ... in hands of ARTICLES. 1211 Wheat, No. I Spring 1212 Wheat, No. 2 Spring 1213 Wheat, No. 3 Spring 1214 Wheat, No. i Fall , I2ii Wheat, No. 2 Fall 1216 iWheat, No. 3 Fall 1217 Wheat, No. 1 Red Winter. 1218 Wheat, No. 2 Red Winter. 1219 Corn 1220 iCom, rejected 1221 ]Corn, No. i White 1222 jCorn, No. i Yellow 1223 [Oats, No. 1 1224 lOats, No. 2 1225 Oats, rejected 1226 Rye, No. 1 1227 iRye, No. 2 1228 Rye, rejected 1229 .Barley, No. i 1230 [Barley, No. 2 1231 Barley, No. 3 Extra 1232 'Barley, No. 3 1233 'Flour, Superior Extra .... 1234 Flour, Extra 1235 Flour, Strong Bakers' .... 1236 Flour, Fancy 1237 Flour, Spring Extra 1238 Flour, Superfine 1239 Flour, Fine 1240 Flour, Middlings 1241 pats. No. I White 1242 iOat' No. 2 1196 Harm 1 1 97 Harmless 1 198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1S06 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 12 12 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 I2I9 1220 I22I 1222 1223 1224 1 225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 Harmonic .. Harmonize.. Harmony .. Harness Harp Harper Harpoon... Harpischord Harpy .. Harrier Harrow Harsh .. Harshness Hartshorn ... Harvest Hash Hasp Hassock Haste Hasten Hasty Hatch Hatchet Hatchway ... Hatred Hateful Haughty Haul Haunch Haunt Hautboy Haven Haversack... Havoc Hawk Hawker Hawking ... Hawser Hawthorn ... Haycock .... Hayloft Hazard Hazardous... Haze Hazy C. R. & C. Association. ' 33 Sentences. 246 :59 !6o 161 62 Oats, Black Rye, No. i Rye, No. 2 Barley, No. i Barley, No. 2 Barley, No. 3 Peas 'Com Meal Pork, Prime Mess , jPork, Thin Mess , ; Hams, Sweet Pickled 'Hams, Green Hams, Dry Salted Shoulders, Sweet Pickled I Bellies, Sweet Pickled Shoulders, Green IShoulders, Dry Salted |Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Cumberland Cut .. Bacon, Smoked IDressedHogs Live Hogs jButter, Choice, per lb Butter, Creamery, per lb... j Butter, Good Tub, per lb.. iButter, Prime Firkin Butter, Common Firkin ... Butter, Western Dairy Butter, Store Packed Butter, Grease Cheese, Fa. 'ory Cheese, Dairy Lard Eggs Hops Salt, Liverpool Coarse, per .bag Salt, Canadian, per barrel. Salt, Stored Coffee, Java, per lb Coffee, Rio Coffee, Mocha Coffee, Ceylon, native Coffee, Ceylon, plantation.. Herrings, Lab., new Herrings, Lab., scaled Salmon, Saltwater I^ry Cod, per 112 lbs Raisins, Layer Kiiisins, London Layer Raisins, Sultanas, new Raisins, Sultanas, old Raisins, Muscatel Currants, new Currants old Molasses, per gal Syrups, Golden Syrups, Amber Syrups, Pale Amber Rice Allspice .Cassia, Whole, per lb Cloves Ginger, Ground Ginger, Jamaica Root iNutmegs fepper No. 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 "54 1255 1256 1257 1258 X259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 i26r 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 I 1276 1277 I 1278 1279 12S0 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 13CO 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 Cipher. Inject Injection Injudicious . Injunction... ilnjure Injurious llnjury Injustice .... Ink Tnkhorn Inkiness Inkle Inkstind .... Inland Inlay Inlet Innate Inmost Inn Innate Inner Innermost .. Innerve Innkeeper .. Innocent Innocently.. Injury Inquisition . Inquisitive.. Inquisitor .. Inroad Insane Insanity Insatiable .., Insatiate |Insatiety ... 1 Inscribe jlnscription... Inscrutable.. Insculp Insect Insection ... Insecure Insecurity ... Insensate ... Insensible ... Insentient ... Inseparable . Insert Insertion ilnshrint jinside • Insidious ... ilnsight ilnsigui.i I Insignificant. 1 Insincere ... [Insincerity... Insinuate ... Insinuation.. Insipid Insipidity ... Insist Insnare Insolate jinsolence ... 34 C. R. & C. Association. No. 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 J3I5 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 133+ 1335 1336 1337 X338 1339 1340 X34I 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 135 1 1352 1353 Sentences. No. Sugar, Porto Rico, per lbs. jSugar, Cuba Sugar, English and Scotch I refined I Sugar, Canadian refined .. ! Sugar, Standard Granula- j ted Sugar, Redpaths' Cub. Loaf {Teas, Japan iTeas, Colored iTeas, Congou Louchong. JTeas, Oolong 1 'Teas, Young Hyson j Teas, Gunpowder ' Teas, Hyson I Teas, Imperial I Tobaccos, Myrtle Navy I jTobaccos, Prince of WaleS; Tobaccos, Gold Flake (cut)' Tobaccos, Rough and 1 I Ready, small plug I Tobaccos, Rough and j Ready, large plug ' Tobaccos, Old Man's Fav-' orite, twist as | Tobaccos, Old Man's Fav-' orite, twist, 53 I jTobaccos, Old Man's Fav-' orite, twist, 8s I Tobaccos, British Consul... Tobaccos, Solace I Tobaccos, Victoria, cutl chewing ' Tobaccos, Globe ! iTobacroT, May Flower ' 'Tobaccos, Sitting Bull, cut plug, 10 lb. pails ' Tobaccos, Sitting Bull, cut! plug, 6 lb. boxes, J lb pkgs Tobaccos, Vanity Fair ITobaccos, Blue Light, \s... Tobaccos, Marquis of Lome Navy, 3s Tobaccos, Robert Burns Navy, 3s Little Wonder Wool, Fleece, per lb Wool, Pulled, superior Wool, extra 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 Cipher. Insolent .. Insoluble Insolvable ... Insolvency... Insolvent ... ! Insomuch ... Ilambic Ilbex Ibis lice Ilceberg Icehouse ... Ilchor I Ichorous I Ichthyology., 'Icicle 1325 Iciness. 1326 I Iconoclast 1327 I Icterical 1328 1329 Icy... Idea 1330 Ideal .... 1331 'Idealism 1332 j {identical. 1333 < 'identity . 1334 ! {Identify . 1335 1336 Ides Idiocrasy HARDWARE Iron Wire Sheet Copper Copper Pitts Ingot Copper Idiomatic Idiopathy 1337 I Idiocy 1338 Idiom 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 Idiot Idiotic ... Idiotism Idle Idleness Idler Idol Idolater ... Idolatrous 1350 Idolatry 1351 j Idolise , 1352 i {Idyl 1353 1 Igneous 13 131 »3« »3l in 138 C. R. & C. Association. 35 354 355 356 3>;- 358 B59 k66 Y'7 168 I69 -o ;i "2 73 "4 75 1:6 Sentences. Sheet Brass Tin Plates Ingot Tin Pig Lead , Lead Pipe Iron Pipe Galvanized Sheet Iron . Sheet Iron Sheet Zinc Block Zinc Antimony Brass Wire Copper Wire Brass Tubes Horse Nails Cut Nails Rope Borax Spades and Shovels .... Canada Plates Press Spikes Window Glass Powder Pig Iron No. 1354 n55 1356 1357 J358 1359 "?6o 1362 1363 1364 1365 i3f;6 1367 1368 1369 1372 1373 1374 ii75 1376 1377 Cipher. Igniferous Ignite Ignition .... Ignoble ..., Ignominy Ignoramus...' Ignorant ! He I Iliac : Iliad ' Iliapse [ Illation ! Hired i Illegal i Illegality ' Illegible ' Illegitimate..* Illiberal I IlUcit Illiniitable .. ; Illiterate ' Ilhi.;ture ....' lUnatured ... \ Illness i 1378 Illogical 1379 Illude 1380 llllume ti \ i 1381 Illumine... b ' 1382 Illuminate I ! OILS. Coal Oil, Canadian, Head Light Coal Oil, Canadian, extra.. Coal Oil, Canadian, No. i.. Co.il Oil, Canadian, Stan- dard Coal Oil, -American, safety. Machine Oils, Winter test, .\nierican, dark Machine Oils, Winter test, .■\merican, dark, extra ... Machine Oils, Winter test, .\merican, dark, XX Machine Oils, Winter test, .■\merican, dark, XXX. ... Light Colored Engine Oils, Heavy Engine Light Colored Engine Oils, Sperm Patent .' Light Colored, Spindle and Sewing Machine light Colored, Seal Pale ... Light Colored, Seal Patent] ' Light Colored, Olive Light Colored, Rangoon .... Light Colored, Elephant, No. I : Light Colored, Elephant, No. z 1383 1384 1385 13S6 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 Illustration.. Illustrative . Illustrious . Illwill Image Imagery Imaginable . Imaginery .. Illusion ... Illusive I Illustrate i Imagine >. Imbank i. Imbecile '. Imbecility ...'. Imbed '. Imbedded Imbibe 3« C. R. & C. Association. No. 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 J412 1413 MM 1415 1416 1417 1418 Sentences. Light Colored, Wool OH ... Light Colored, Lard, Extra Light Colored, Lard, No. i. Light Colored, Lard, No. 2. Light Colored, Binnacle Oil Light Colored, Bolt Cutting Virginia Oil, No. i Virginia Oil, No. 2 Canadian Common Black Oil Canadian Pure Surface Oil Canadian Sun;mer Black... Castorine, No. i Castorine, No. 2 1419 1420 1421 1422 J 423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 ; 1430 i 1431 1432 J433 1434 1435 1436 LUMBER. Bill Stuff (comprising all sorts of square timber)... Mill Cull Boards Shipping Cull Boards Common Boards Stock Boards Dressing Boards Flooring Pickings Clear and pickings Clear No. I Shingles No. 2 Shingles Lath Joistings MONTHS. 1437 January .... 1438 irebruary . 1439 [March 1440 April 1441 May I.H2 June 1443 July 1444 August 1445 September. 1446 October .... 1447 November . No. Cipher. 1 401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 143 1 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 Imbitter .. Imbosom Imbricate Imbrown.. Imbrue .. Imbrute .. Imitate .. Imitable .. Imitative ... Imitator Immaculate. Imminent .. Immaterial.. Immature .., Immaturity.. Immediate.. Immemorial Immense (Immensity ... {Immerge 'Immerse > Immersion... Immesh Immigrant ... Immigrate ... Immigration. Imminence.. Imminent ... Immission... Immix Immobility... Immoderate. Immodest ... Immodesty... Immolate ... Immolation.. Immoral Immorality...! Immortal ...j Immortality.! 'Immortalise., Immovable..! Immunity ... jlmmure , Immutable...! limp .Impact I C. R. ft C. Association. 37 (62 Sentences. t' December anuary and luljr 'ebruary and August..., March and September April and October May and November ... June and December ... July and January August and February... September and March October and April November and May ... December and June ... LEATHER. 66 Spanish Sole, No. i Light.. 67 Spanish Sole, No. i Me- dium Spanish Sole, No. i Heavy bg Spanish Sole No. 2 Light.. fo Spanish Sole, No. 2 Me- dium 71 Spanish Sole, No. 2 Heavy fz Slaughter Sole No. 1 Light. ^3 Slaughter Sole No. i Me- dium 4 Slaughter Sole No. i Heavy 5 Slaughter Sole No. 2 Light. 6 Slaughter Sole, No. 2 Me- dium Slaughter Sole, No 2 Heavy Harness Leather, No. z Light Harness Leather, No. i Me- dium Harness Leather, No. i heavy Harness Leather, No. 2... Upper Leather, No. i Light Upper Leather, No. i Me- dmm Upper Leather, No. i Heavy Upper Leather, Shaved or Split Bufl Leather, No. i, Light. Buff Leather, No. i. Me- dium Buff Leather, No. i. Heavy Pebble Leather, No. 1, Light Pebble Leather, No. 1, Medium Pebble Leather, No. i Heavy No. Cipher. 1448 1449 1450 1431 145a 1453 »454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 Impair Impale Impannel .; Imparity Impart Impartial .. Impartible .. Impartment. Impassable . Impassion .. Impassive .. Impatience . Impatient .. 1 46 1 Impeach 1462 Impeachable 1463 jimpearl 1464 Impeccable 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 i486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 Impeccance Impede mpediment mpel mpellent ... mpend mpendence. mpendent... mpentitence mpenitent... mperative... mperfect mperial .. mpenous ...I., mpersonal...'.. mpersonate 1 mpertinent .i mpervious .. mpetible .. mpetrate .. mpetration. mpetuous.. mpetus mpiety mpmge mpious Implacable.. C. R. & C. Association. No. 1492 1493 '494 1495 1496 '497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 15" 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 15 17 1518 1519 15-20 I5-!I 1522 15^3 J5-24 15^5 1526 15^7 1528 15^9 1530 «53» 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 Sentences. No. Calf Splits, No. 1 Kip Splits, No. I JHeavy Splits, No. i Upper Leather Splits English Oak Sole Leather. English Oak Sole, Trim- I med lEnglish Kip, trimmed French Calf, Deitz, Kilos... French Calf, Fisher & Levy, I Kilograms French Caif, Beaumville, Kilos French Calf, C. S. ot Co., Kilos Cipher. 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 Implant Implead ... Implement. Impletion . Implex Implicate . Jabber ■ ^^ Jacent .... 1500 Jacinth.... Jackal .... Jackdaw . liOI 1502 1503 French Calf, Rhctori, Kilos: 1504 French Calf, Durand, Kilos, i 1505 French Calf, Koch, Kilos...; 1506 ;FrenchCalf, Symon. Kilos.: 1507 iFrcnch Calf, Ulino, Kilos.. ■ 150S F'rench Kip, Deitz, Kilos...; 1509 French Kip, Fisher & Levy.j i Kilos 1 1510 .French Kip, Beaumville, Kilo 1511 French Kip, C. S. & Co., I Kilos 1512 j French Kip, Rhetori, Kilos 1513 French Kip, Durand, Kilos. | 1514 IFrcnch Kip, Koch, Kilos ...j j 1515 French Kip, Symon, Kilos..! 1516 Jacket , Jackobin... Jackboots , Jaconet .... Jade I .::::: ^3 Jadish !.. ^ as !. i Jai aggy »34i French Kip, Ulmo, Kilos. Bassett Kid. .• x Bassett Kid, 5 x Glace Goat, No. i Glace Goal, No. 2 Glace Goat, No. x Blue Backs, No. i Blue Backs, No. 2 Blue Backs. No.x White Backs, No. i White Backs, No. 2 White Backs, No x Canadian Oak Sole Lea- i thrr, Untriiiiined ,Can -di,n Oak Sole Lea- ; t'.v r, Trimmed ^Can-idiin Oak Harness, ■ ! Tririuiied Can::di.in Oak Belting in I rout;li, whole hide Canadian Oak Bridle Canadian Oak .Skirting Canadian Calf No. i Boot skins Canadian Calt No. i Boot skins, second choice Canadian Call No. i, Light Canadian Calf No i. Light, i second choice Canadian Calf, No. i, Me- ' dium 'Canadian Caif No 1, Me- ' dium, second choice Hides, No. i Steeis, 60 andj I up., Chicago inspection...: 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 ailer alap am ainb an?;le anit.T .mtily anty .ipan ar argon argonelle asmine ... asper aundice ... avelin ealous ... Ijealously. 'Jean Jejune Jelly.. ! jenny Jerk .. 15.^5 Joiner 1536 1537 1538 X539 1540 134J Joint '.. Joint.. Prospects are doubtful Prospects are good Remain where you are Get refusal for Have got refusal for ... Will return on the See about it as soon as pos- sible, and report Has been settled Shall we sue ? Shall we resist the claim ?... It looks suspicious On the best terms you can. On the same terms as On the terms you name The best we can do is Valued at We are posted by parties that know We do not know what you mean We leave the matter in your hands What is your opinion in reg.ird to— ? No. I Cipher. 1623 1624 1625 [Knarled j Knave ... Knavery 1626 Knavish 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 Knead . Knee . Kneel . Knell . Knew . Knight. Knighthood . Knightly Knit Knob Knobby Knock Knocker Knocking Knotty Lace Lacerate ... Laceration Lachrymal. Lack Lacky Laconic .... Laconism . Lacker Lacteal .... Lacteous.... Lad Ladder .... Lading.... Ladle Lady Ladybird . Ladyship Lag Lagoon .. Laid Lain Laird Laity Lake Lamb Lambent... Lambkin Lamel Lamellar... Lamely ... Lameness Lament Lamentable. Laminar Laminated .. 4* C. R. & C. Association. No. 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1667 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 Sentences, "Vhen and where can we fl) meet you? When do you expect he (or they) will be here ? Will be satisfactorily ar- ranged Will be there on the ... Send as per last invoice ... Duplicate last invoice im- mediately Report upon matters in your hands per first mail. Send me immediately in usual way ■< Papers found in re Changed mortgage as pro- posed or requested inyour communication in re Have you any executions* lands against Think loan will go through in re Mistake in statement ; amount now claimed jJ — shall we pay ? In re Was he (or she) married in ? How much required to pay off prior claims in re Send declaration (s) of pos- session since in re — Send by first mail complete abstract of title of fol- lowing property, con- cession lot, and town- ship, as follows Send by first mail continu- ation of abstract of fol- lowing property, from No. — , concession lot, and township Ntrth half South half East half West half Send by first mail certifi- cate as to taxes against the following property, concession lot and town- ship, as follows : When will the loan likely be completed in re ?... Is loan accepted, and for how much mi re ? What is the cause of delay in the matter of ^---v. Have you sent papers t«! re ? •.■•! Are the papers ready in\ «— ? ... Forward papers immedi-| atel. in re What are your quotations for ? I can sell him (or them) a bill amounting to — , shall 1 take the order ? No. 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 Cipher. Lammas .. Lamp Lampass Lampoon .. Lampooner . Lamprey. Lance .... Lancet. Land .. Landau . Landed Landfall . Landgrave. 'Landing .. Landlady ! Landless.. Landlock . Landlord . Landmark . Landscape.. Landslip ... Landsturm. 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 Landwehr . Language . Languid .... Lanquisb Languor .... Lank Lankness ,.^ Lantern Lanuginous . C. R. & C. Association. 43 No. 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 17«7 1718 1719 17^0 1721 1722 1723 1724 17-25 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1/31 1732 1733 >734 1735 1736 '737 ■ 738 '-3<» 1740 "741 I. 42 1743 [744 |745 '4'J |747 748 ^50 Sentences. Hverything appears satis- factory here Matters do not look satis- factory here You may forward the order and we will take it into consideration A responsible party Will accept order for the amount Send by Send by express Fill the following order as per last invoice What is the cash valuation of ? I have an application for Forward a iuU- report and valuation of At to-day's quotations .... Shall I attach ? Shall \ capias ? Shall I tafce security ? Shall I remain until I hear from you ? You must observe instruc tions .T. You must report more promptly '... Has but a small practice.. Has a good practice Good social position Don't make an oflFer until you hear from us Application (s) received and accepted Policy has been issued and mailed Have mailed Have mailed supplies Application held over for further information Are habits goo