eograpKic,.! - — OF- e '• .. GOUNTy •• ly. Bu K. W. CAMPBELL.. iNfSPCCTOR OF PUBLIC dCHQQLS. SOUTH GREY. iPRlCE 25e. • to Sehcois Witt Map of Grey Comt;, aAmMmmm'm.kmM-k I %^ab;k-^&JSfi&Md!A:% .. .• ■,•' ' ■.;-.l ■/;_> t '•»'.'" ■i: ■ . ,■ (.\ ■-4». / ' " ■,„ -r. fc '.. ." •■ •, "•■ ,':■-"',/;:.}•''■ ' '■ '';' !:::?. :'^ ■ >■.■'< ¥?.;'0 - ■' ■'.*,,, .. : I- '■■(■'■ J ,«,•.-.' N< ill - q eograpKical J[ jflaivdbook-^^ v^ ^ .V GOUNTy .,. . Qj^iy. - By H. W. CAMPBELL. INSPKCTOR OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SOUTH ORKY. PRICE 2ie. • hN to Sthoob With Hip of Grey Gomty. PUBLISHKD BY JNO. MITCHKLL AT Thb Hanovbr Post* book and job offiob, hanovbr, out. >-^).*-^-,^' ' ■ V CrI ■'^'''^^ V^^ ^b ■ /-..ji ' ■ ' , ■•..'i-. •■ 'fin ,' :;■!•■' >•• : ' ■ " ; Vffl, .,t'V'-'i;, ■,.!' ,'■■.. . >m1:> •■.-/! r'. '■ I '''■•.• > , ■ .' '••.•< ;■» V ... : ' ' ' ■, , ' I ■-■)■,'; 1 ■ -V .-xrv- •.■"•;''*■;■■'■• -''•'■'"'■" ■"■' "''^'.^■f "'^.■';; "':y\'^-'y'%''''f.'(':-i-^ ,;' / ' V«' KMrUui^Udi/. 1 Goi\teff\ts.. 1. Position and Bounderies • ^ 2. Physical Features and Scenery 1 ^8. Early Settlement and Surveys 2 Early Hbtory 8 6. Gravel Boads , »; , r . - .,.i'.iuH>!. • * 6. Educational * 7. Rivers ' 8. The Railways , 9 9. Municipalities 1® 10. Local Courts 28 11. Co'inty OflBcials 23 12. Mode of Appointment of various other Officers 24 13. TaWe of Distances 26 14. Aiqpendix 27 16. Index 80 '■.;.: ..:\f\-;,:vi^-'' ' • ■; , ■^■'^■■';- 't,-i<<' ■■■■^. ■■; Mm- :t»'v;i,o.t-,v,.. vtr . '■■:■(. ' : • ■'■. ■! ^■.. i-^v;;" •'■-.-■ ■■ -'■' '■-, - > "" ■"■ - -. ' ■ ' ■' , ■ " . y<''^- ■,::.-.'':'- ' '■■■■,•■* -''^-iit'^-^j^. , V'' ,^ ,. /•>'>>. '<■-■. ■■ ' |. ' " K.'i'r.Jiiu.i iJ', ,'»(»)»■ 111 >iii'*'.''i A. v;. ■*„ A.. V i>; . > . ■ . :• - •-..•■■•■•, .'; ■ Entered aeeordtog to Aet of the Partiament of Canada Jn the jrear One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Five by N. W» Campbbu* in the OOce of the Minister of Agriculture. ^tf;. , vi, - ^%|i^i«j«;«fej . JKe Co\fiB\ty of Qrey. ■•■■n-> -runr' Position and Boundaries. ^H£ COUNTY of Grey occupies the central part of the ui^r lake region of Ontario lying between Lake Huron and Lake Simcoe, usually known as I he Northern Peninsula. It is bounded on the North by Georgian Bay, on the Sast by the counties of Simcoe and Dufferin, on the South by the counties of fDufferin and Wellingtfju and on the West by the County of firuce. Phusioal Features and Soenery. IjHE SURFACE of the County jHresents a pleasing picture !^..K i»,M#(,, .l^V'^«i'4>W'M '.'^'*^''^'*?''' '^<'^*,^'' (Ji^/Hi-fttC;) a-it m v^0 • iitJih^'ic»o?i ^fr-^ — ^■'^ — ^^- — —^ '—i — ,iUwft(iSjwi?i-m!>!lj^iiid ..u, . >:Early: SetUemeat and Surve^Sv •'" W' '-^^^^^^ ^HE TERRITORY comprising the County of Grey (including the Township of Melancthon) was a real "Canadian Wilderness" up to the year 1830. In : this year, the foftf Eastern conc6s)S!ons of ''Melancthon were surveyed, but for some ten years later, it is said, the Township "had not a single resident" In'| the spring of 1834,, the first clearing, within the limits of the present county^' wAsmade'oXiL Lots?, Concession 11, in the Township of St Vincent, In the|; sttQie year, and justice, was administered in courts of compion pleas. Any unorganized torrir tory lying contiguous to a county already formed was usvaUy attached to puch county, and with it formed part of one or other of thedistcicts referred ta This was the case with the ^rea now «G are hero a^p^nde^ for r^rence s— ^ ,,^ "KiJI 4Ji ^i^ WARDENS OF OREir OOUNTT. ^ ,%.:- Jaines Beachell, 1852-8 ; Richard Cam6y, 1854 ; W. K. Flesher, 1855-6-7 . Geofge JacIuHm, 185^-69-60 ; W. K. Flesher, 1861-2 : George Jackson, 186S ; John McDonald, 1864 ; W. K. Flesher, 1865; Thomas Gamey, 1866 ; W. K. Fleaher, 1867 ; S. J. Lane, 1868-9 and ^70 ; James Edge, 1871 ; S. J. Lane, 1872 ; H. Reid, 1878 ; James Patterson, 1874 ; George Jackson, 1875 ; Joseph Bork^, 1876 ; Robert McGhee, 1877 ; James Murdoch^ 1878 ; C. £. Bamhart, 1879; Finlay McRae, 1880; W. S. Christoe, 1881 ; C. R. Sing, 1882; D. Mc- Nichd, 1888 ; John Cameron, 1884; John Chishohn, 1885 ; Victor Lang, 1886; N. Reid, 1887: John Clark, 1888 ; R. McNaught, 1889; Charles Mof- fat, 1890 ; Thomas Gilray, 1891 ; James Cochrane, 1892 ; Samuel Rogers, ' 1893; Charles Lemon, 1894; George Binnie 1895. GraYel Roads. • |H£ Garafbaxa Road. -In 1840-41, Jdm McDonald Bsq., of Goderich, the Canada Company's Surveyor, was emjdoyed to lay out a tier of lots on each side of the Garafraxa Road. The line finaify iidopted by him diverged ill certain points front that ran by Mr. Kaokin in 1887 (see t^2) The new line '■C'.l.'i , '.,«*•..'■? the one now used. It extends from Ouelph to Owen Sound through Fetgaaf' rthor, Mount Forest, Durham and Chatsworth. It was so called from the ownship of Garafraxa, from which it started at a point near Fergus, and hich was then the most Northerly Township settled along the routa It is ill known as the Owen Sound road in Wellington County. Before the end of 41, a considerable portion of the Road was settled, the lots being disposed of"* the government on the *'Free Grant" principle of 50 acres free to eaoh ettler. , . . . • --v J17 . '. . .r ..'.': ; .'■Hi.,. . 2. Thb Durham Road.— In 1848, the Durham Road was laid out It tretched across the southern part of the Townships of Osprey, Artemesia, Jlenelgand Bentinck, from Nottawasaga westwards, and was intended to onnect Lake Simcoe at Barrie with Lake Huron at Kincardine. The portion f it in the County from Durham eastward was surveyed by David Gibson Ssq., and that west of Durham py Mr. Brough, Just east of Priceville, the oad, instead of going on its old course turns to the N. £. towards Flesherton^ thence through Maxwell to Singhampton on the county line. From Singhamp- ton the road takes a northerly course towards Duntroon and Collingwood Town in Simcoe County. Along the Durham road in Grey Couniy the lots were "Free Grants" of 50 acres to actual settlers, and from 1849 may be said to ■have been f ullv settled. . ,. I 3., Thb Toronto AND Sydbmham Road, (Now usually, the Toronto [Line) was surveyed in 1848. It extends diagonally across the County ^from the Garafraxa 'Road at Chatsworth in a direct line through Holland Centre, Berkeley, Markdale, Flesherton, and (near) Dundalk, to Brampton thence to Cooksville where it strikes tto Dundas Road into Toronta It was intended to givp, as direct communication as possible between Sydenham (Owen Sound) f and Toronto, hence iia aame. In 1849 three Ranges of lots were laid ou^ oq each side and 50 acres given free to settlers, /j',,^^'^.,. ,...„, j,!^*, 4. Tdb Northbrn Roao or the Owen Sotmd and Collingwood Ro«vd, because at an early date the only road between these two towns. Before it was gr«ivelled however in 1860, it was a poor road except in winter and *^i. ■ ' - - ■ ■ ■■■■■ - <-/ _ ^,. ^|.'Wiif^<^!tfW"^i^^' There Is, however, room for another High School somewhere in the Southern part of the County. The Northern Business C liege which has its home in Owen Sound, haa? under the able management of C. A. Fleming Esq., the energetic Principal and proprietor, become one of the fbremost of its kind in the Province. There are three Insrectoral Divisirais — West, East and South Grey. West Grey comprises the Townships of Keppel, Sarawak, Derlqr, Sullivan, Sydenham and Holland, and the Town of Owen Sound. East Grey comprises St Vincent, Eufdurasia, Cw Pabley. AU the branches of the Sacs^n are among the best tront streams in the Province. Hay ward's Falls, a favorite picnic resort, are on the Rocky Saugeen branch, about 8 miles from Durham. Normanby, Eg- remont, Glenelg and Bentinck are wholl|y drained by the Saugeen River and Proton, Melancthon, Osprey, Artemesia, Euphrasia, Holland and Sullivan are partially drained by it The total length of the main branch is considerably over 100 miles. ^ BflavBB. —This is the largest river wholly in the Coanty. It rises in the north east of Osprey by several branches which join and within a few mUes form a considerable mill stream. It then passes Feversham aad flows 8. W, to Eugenia in Artemesia^ where after the descent of the Falls and the fftpUa below it turns to the N. E. through Euphrasia and CoUingwood to Geoirgiaa Bay at Thombnry. Before reaching Eugenia it receives a large feeder from the South, and at the foot of the rapids, the Boyne river which rises a slMirt — 8 — distanc* S. of Flasherton Station. The Eugenia Falls are 70 feet high and are the most romantic natural wonder in the county. Belovr the Falls, are the rapids which have a descent of several hundred feet within a mile or two. The rugged scenery of the gorge below the Falls » perhaps unrivalled in Western Ontario. Kimberley, Heathcote and Clarksburg are the onlj villages, on its lower course. „',"■.■),.,■„•.:,, ^ v.- Bia Hbad. — (So called from a remarkably large skull found at its mouth by the first surveying party,or from an Indian Chief bearing that name) Rises in two forks : the Eastern, two miles S. of Walter's Falls, aear the townline be- I tween Holland and Euphrasia ; the Southern or Western, not far from the centr^ of Holland. The Eastern source is a fine spring which with several feelers, foran at Walter's Falls a sufficiently large stream to furnish power for several mills. On each of the forks of the Big Head is a Fnlls 20 or 30 feet ' in height, that on the western fork being known as Philip's Falls and that on the eastern taking the same name as the villaga Around these the scenery is- I^cturesque and beautifuL The two forks unite in Sydenham then flow N. E.' to Georgian Bay at Meaford, a distance of about 20 miles. \ it --<. SyobniiAM.— Rises in a small lake (Williams') in Holland 2 miles east of the Garafraxa Boad and 14 miles from Owen Sound where it empties into the bay af- " The Falls are about 70 feet high but th^deacent is broken and irregular, j^ III high water, the effect is striking and beautiful. Just above the Falls aroj situated Ing^' Mills— eaw, woollen and flour. Several other saw mills ^^^ driven by the Sydenham in its course. < ''^ •-''SAbl^— (]()r6p6rly; Aoz Sable of the North). Rises a ihtle south of thef centre of SuUivan, and flows with a westerly coarse into Bruce County, then northerly passing Invermay and Tara to Lake Huron south of Chiefs Point and the Fishing Islands. 'The Sable drains Shallow Lake and several other lakes'ln'Keppel.'' '■ • - -' ''"t ■(■■•li' it a<.W.'ij>« li.'M.i ■■ . t' ' IT^DIAK— A small sluggish streamy Which, rising ill Bass Lake in Keppel flows ia ift south easterly' direction through Sarawak, iiiiito Owen Sound Bay* aitkilit "i 'ufles from the Town. It is chiefly notieeaUe ttawntMiie Pnlis, over which the wnter dcMsenda by two leapi 80 or 80 feet are lit 2 miles from Owen Bound and ere dnring hi^h water, "very ptetty." ow the Palli, are tituated Jones' saw mill, WrightPf oatmeal miU and & Lealie*! law mill and Door and Sash Factory. From these mills to I bay the valleiy i» about half a mile wide with precipitous and rocky sides, rmmg a sheltered place for gardens and orchards. Mad.— A branch of the Nottawasaga River, which rises by several streani f Osprey and Melanothon. Passing Singhampton it descends rapidly into aooe County and joins the Nottawasaga near Angus. > Prvtty.— This is a small stream that rises at Bob Boy in fhpewy and I N. E. past Nottawa village, thence northward t. »'e bay east of Col- bgwoodTown. The Railways. ,HE NORTHERN— Enters the County on the Shore of Georgian Bay, from the Town of CoUingwood and passes through Craigleith and Thombolry ta ford, its present terminus. This road was opened for traffic in the winter ►f 1854-6, as far north as Barrie. The extension to OoUingWCod was made uring 1865 and that to Meaford by the North Or^ E^ttensiott Oa, fai 18Tfc ?Ym control of the Northern R.R. was teken over by the Grand Tmnk B. Oa; nl887. TUB Owas SOfTKD BitANOa O.P.R— formerly called the ♦TormrtnOr^ and Bruce" was chartered in 1868, built about 1870, completed in AugusilS7S, widened by the O.T.R. Co., and run by h for nearly two years [188Mland takm over by the CP.B. Ca, in 1888. The Rosd enters the County near the & E. ;omer aiDuKUilk, and follows the general dirtctionlof the Toronto line, throngfe Proton RUk\ Flesberton Sta.^ Markdalet BerMeley and Holland Centre to Ghats- worth, then turns north to Ow^ 8oand->-« distanee of aboM 40 ttilaa in the county. ■■ ' • —10— ,..;;;:■.'<,•"■'•■•. . '..';■ ^^: <(>< Thb Dubham BaANOH Q.T.R.— formerly ••TheGeorpan Bay and Wei Uofton RR" This line extends from Palmerston and Mount Forest (both in Welling^ Oa) through Holstein and Vamey (flag station) to Dnrham a dis- tance of 16 mHes in the county. The Road wan chartered in 1878 under the direction of a local company but in 1881, it was taken over by the O.T.R. Ca, and openeb for traffic in 1889. < Thb OWbn Sound Branch O.T.B.,l-i^6c^fl3^'cJiiahe«d ttM "Wlarton Branch** G. T. R The Road was known first as the Stratford and Huron R R., and since 1881 as the Georgian Bay and Lake Erie division G.T.R It was chartered (or an old charter was revived) in 1872 or *78 and opened for traffic in 1882. Enters the county from Harriston, at Alsfeldt (flag station) and pro- ceeds north to Ayton, thence N.W, to Nenstadt, Hanover and Elmwood. IjH ies N^ of Elmwood it crosses the county boundary line, into Bruce Ga, and runs northward to Wiarton. The Owen Sound extension, opened in 1894, Joins the original main line at Park Head. ^ivf^j-jkiuvT)!*! MuniciimlitiM;^. v^-H ! r. : "# . ft' .•*.;->.-.'vi'^t*.. «-'-fa ■■•; '^''^''^' ..; (Ji-i^ ' -i^Nrti )^».'J9 '•s-'i>*t; ffr PRESENT, there are 22 municipalities in the County —4 Towns, 2 VO-^ ^ litges, and 16 Townships. Besides these there are two Police Villages-r^/ Ghatsworth and Plesherton, but, as they are included in their respective Town-,;, ships for MonicipiU purposes, they will require no minute description apart from, ji, these Townsh^.i^li:vtA.«:>' ■ . ^■'^»^^«^*f1^ <^#,.t*!tvH-;(#»a4«*>f o»M '!h>|^-rtat«i;si«t THE TOWKS. ^*( W OWBif.SOUNZMpoP' 8600, acreage 5400). The County Town. Incor- porated as a Town on 1st January 1857 when its name was changed frcnn Sydenham lb Owen Sound. The Town is romantically situated on both sides^' of the Sydenham River where it enters Owen Sound Bay. It appears as if it were originally part of the Townships of Derby and Sydenham but iu rtplity it . never formed a part of either. It is a govemmkmt survey tbr a town iplot. It i however breaik0 into the regular ftHmatioa of both. The Town-flot is bounded on the east 1^ the 10th concession line of Syd«^ \:y^r-^^ -■■:.. ' ' •',.. /':;\:/;;'"'''''., "^y, ■.'•■ a,';' , —11— -:■',:- .;:, ^■•■" "/ > ham, on the north and north weat by Owen Sound Bay and the Pottawatamie ver, on the west by the 8rd conceuion line of Derby and on the south by the lorthern limit of Lot No. 14 in the 1 1th and 12th conceuions of Sydenham and e 1st and 2nd concessions ol Derby. . •■ . t /i.««M ?< Its eastern limit is 4| miles long from north to south and its southern limit about 8| miles from east to west. It was laid out by Chaa. Rankin Esq., L.8., about 1836. >.^U ,,,; , .. >. ; t On account of the ridge of high land on each side of the bay the harbor la robably one of the best sheltered on the upper lakes. For this and other ■easona the town was made the connecting link between the O.P.R. Steamship ne from Port Arthur and intermediate points, and the O.S. Branch C.P.R., ' irom Toronto. It has recently been made the terminus of what wm heretofore nown as the Wiarton Branch of the O.T,R. The Sydenham and Pottawata- * > lie rivers furnish power for flour, oatmeal and woc^en mills and for the Electric Light plant. There are also saw, shingle and planing mills, two bundries, a tannery, and a furniture and beat ohair factory. Shipbuilding is carried on to a considerable extent and there is a Dry Dock for ship repairs of all kinds. Grain, flour, live stock and the produces of the faotoviefl are ihipped. A large C.P.R. Elevator aids the transshipment of grain from the iteamships to the Railway, A general and Marine hospital has recently been mih.. •;■:•■ t!' t-'! !•, . The town is provided with an excellent system of waterworks and is lighted with gas and electricity. It has three newspapers with steam presses : The Times, established in 1853 ; The Advertiser, established- in 1862 and The Sun, astablished in 1890. Besides these, the Northern Business College and John Rutherford's Sons have Book and Job printing offices. ., . Mbaford— (pop. 2000, acreage IfiOO). Meaford is situated on Geor^^ Bay at the mouth of the Big Head River, nearly 20 miles east of Owen Soandit " ' Incorporated on Ist January 1875. The riier suites power, and there are flour, woollen' and saw mills, a foundry, two tanneries, a ribbon and Carpet' 'aetory. a wire mat factory, three planing and Door and Sash Factories and two ruit evaporators. It is the terminus of the N. & N. W. Division of the G.T.R. ish, grain, frtdt, produce, leallher and machipery are ship^. The hasbor s excellent and is a port pf call for all steamers running ^from Cdlingwpod to > the Upper Lakes. There arejwo weeklf newnparersrrr-The 4ifiim>r and The ^ Monitor. TLe town ia lighted with Electricity and a good njBtem of Water- works is now in donrse of eonstraction and within the year (189&) will be in operation. The name Mbaford was given to the village (ij W. R. Qibbard Esq., ^. L.8., when he surveyed it in 1845^ after the country seat ot Admiral Jervis» Earl St Vincent, in whose honor the Township of St. Vincent also wi^b named. Durham— (pop. 1800, Acreage 1100) is situated on the main branch of ^' the Sangeen River (which supplies power) where it crosses the Oarafraza \ Road. Incorporated as a town on 1st January '78, It has two foundries; flour 'S saw, woollen and planing miUs ; a tannery ; two door and sash factories, and > i two weekly newspapers. The Chronicle and The Gr^ Review. The South I Orey Registry Offitse is situated here — Thomas Lauder Esq., Registrar, r Durham is the Northern tormintis of the Durham Branch Q.T.R., by whichi^ giain, live stock, produce, square timber, poles, wood, etc, are shipped. Tha^r town has^andectirie light plant driven by Water powor. jj??;!}; >dkil ;hj««f^! THORMBURt— (popi 1000, Acreage 960) is situated on Georgian Bay t)i^ the month of the Beaver River, which supplies power. Incorporated as a tovm if' on the 2nd May 188?. It contains saw, shingle, floor, oatmeal and wooHaa'^ mills, a tannery, a planing mill, a door and sash factory, and two wefjUy "^ newspapers, The £^Mf0ii5/aMibn/ and The Herald. The Harbor is good and^; steamers call at intervals duruig the season. The N. and N.W. Branch O.T;# R., has a station here and by it are shipped fruit, grain, live-stock wad the produce of the mills. The town is lighted with- electricity and is an exoeUenfl anii beaUhftd Summer Resort. : ^IT : ^ ,;| da bl... '^ KBPPEL-{pop. Slli, acreage 87,536] was surveyed in 18&5 by Mr. Ra»* kin. Several rocky ridges of considerable height extend through the eastern and northern parts of KeppeL These are iia two main w^-deiined ranges or lin^ : — one, begmning at the south end near Owen dound and extending northward along the west side of the Indian River until near its source, where the range breaks, crosses the river in a north easterly direction, then turns in a semicircular curve to the S. W. back to the east side of the river ; the secr ond, beginning in Sarawak and extending northward along the shore to Cape Commodore, thence westward f^ith occasional Inreaks as far as Chcenden, The surface of the western part of the township is stony and in pUces swampy with good rolling land towards the N.W. In, the N. aqd E,, the land such articto« are alio tlltoufactured from this liine depdsit The bike is ownedf by R.^ J. Doyle Esq., Owen SouiM, through whose ehergy and pdrseteyance, li ^dmpaf^— the OWntt SiMtnd Portland Cemtot Company— ivas fdnUed to d#>- velop this growhig and prbfitabto industry. A considerabie viUagfr— ShaBoi^ Laka [popi 200] with two SAW mflls has gniwn dp atntmid tM Cemmit worlDf.'' — IB— Wiwt eH^vBuign.t^ Sapirartli [poffc ftOO]i :oii Sable Bhr«r whh mw tmi. •likiglBindttli;iuii*it«eUy new8pap«v, The/MirwA/; Qzendam cd tbe Stoor iUySf «r QHt»mm€tefA withimit and lav. Jdilli ; North Keppel on Colpoy't )^y, ,A,||0«tAf «idl for Ihfe fih9t>Kgian Baj ateamar^and Kembia [poiK 100] a tluritteg viUagar^a juIIm from Chwen Soqiiifd^ («u,% uijibi liis V(»tlliSB^'~^pi^ 6006, aorMg«^,l99] Wiui irarveyed iii 1841,i*4& atitt *61byJohn McDonald Esq. and David Gibson Esq. The south branch of the. Saogeen .]9iver c^owes the Towwihip ^ia^nally from Mount Forest to Han- over, and divides it into unequal parts, the N.E. being much the larger. This branch is joined S. of Hanover, by the Littlf) or EjeattieSaugeen which crosses theTownslUp ceptrafly from Orcharjivillej, westwards. The^ Iff^®,''? provide excc^ent drainage. The surface pf th* mjrth and east is rather rough and uiMven' with many sandy or g|ra[velly biUs interspersed occasionally with vwam]^ flats, som!^ mii«s in extent . The central and south western parts are lev^ or undniating land, "lying handsomely.'* The prevaiUnjg soil in the level narts is day. ui excelfeut state of cultivation and very productive. The soil in ^uneven puis is generally gravpl or ^ayelly clay with occasional sand- patches of i^oVory gr^at cortent Two yillwre^^ ^jyten (po,!^ WO) »^d Neustadt fpopt^'esbjliie w:hoUy >nthin the t^ ^ stajtioi^s on the O.B. and E.'i. i™oii '^.^.r1 ' Neustadt, ojtt Meaux creeH wjiich a9ppl|es power, has £|(W,flax,i»aw and woollen mills; a foundry, tannery and. breweiry. Graip, j^rait^ Uve stocian/^' the products of ^e mills are shipped. Ayton on the ^^ iirancli. "Saiigeen iivisr ^kch supplies pow^^^^ saw,^hingle apdpliMung ^lills, a stive faictory and a weekly n^w8j«por, Th(B Adj^nte. .The flour mill wfetciiwaa imrned some years ago is in course of rebuilding and. when cfcm- l^'wiii j^ one oiF t^ best pif itej "kind v^ tj^e Province. Large q«»antitie^ rf ianry Md'ciaamery jwo^ucts are shipped in aidition to the usual farm ,. 9fj^i|F,;;r(ppi>» 33K.«M5f:W«^7^!y»: ^fW/Httv^edw |W9ap4?^ ^i^»rt|».W^^^®««^ wWfih.,/iBQi?ii,fTft|p^ exteftdm^- i4^i^^ t^e fSow3Bf#ip|,;sw> 9f itmrnm^mU^mPm heMs ilwWw 70ton^aiidionniiig'«iilll»tfefttM«t«bc0.'' NMw'^lito Koatli ^t «OHM^ tt itthe 8«n» 0dn<^y«f 8 Ikkt* tauith 1SM» fffist Above GeorgiAn dky. fM ^^ ifr^^H^h 4Sl»y loam on; «j grrnnHy gohioiL TUe thrM ««• foor «eiibMiMi« tb f M nbHh Are i& parM reryHlotiy vrHth MMae»«Mun|ykild (tloOg the »ib«MU. ' TlM^ilb^ am Maxwell Fererahanii 8ad)MMS>tVareham; MeliiCyre, ttdb lUt^ aM 8^. hamiiton (M pBrt)r IfaJn^eU (|i6p. 16d) Matr tM BeAttor B1t« hM %'iMilUn miU. Peversham (pop. itO) t.,wJWch supplfo^ ,ppwer. It ha^fl«>«i., saw,, i^iwjfl^n 1^4 ^hingle,i9ai«. , ,„ ,„ ; Proton^PIw »mi acreage 81,182) vnas iwve^ed id 1860 1))< > Darid aibson D*^ Tj^e range* akAgithefloMiotQlMi^weie laid em i» 1848. .Tie surface Qf Ifroton ie alwcMtan onbrdtenletel Uurgety eoreredwith swamplaiidi, The land be4iw«e& the swamps is* gttosraUljr , exceUent with clay soU and hanl- Ksed ^ber. The "Hog'»,»atl^?'! aiaafnmanaluHHke ridgejes bHilc-boiMv spmetunesjIsiQg frpin tO te 5Q feel abom the ooii*igaoDsiJe\«l, r«ia itiiegvlarljy from thi» northto tbe sotitb ofthe TowaHbiii^ t^o to fear «^»ft fsem cKeweit- «ifn boundary. This Airnishe*«bimdaiiee«f. good grarel for the, roads pa«|B^^^^h ^ ®°?i^r ^^ *!^T*^*'^F« ^ '^ ?^V '.Tk«»^ r*"»8^ are Ppdaiyqip (pojfc 150), on the south farancb of the Saogeen i^fh sf^w^ fe^ naA sbingfe, miUs, Township. nSAIM^4iM9»^ 1901 Mnig«. K^AIB) was Mirrcyvd ia IBSffy a BanWaEpq. ,;9arai«ak (fenneriythe Newash EeserTe)^«ae bf ttMsmaleet T«|wisWp»Jn the f!»viiic(K k CwrwaMy iibiale^ tfis westeite rihweof Owen IkHipdBagr* Thw r^g^ UJ^khai,tmaaag,hatk theiaiMhJ of Kappaltoxteiids #^ ^aw«k and eoiiilmMi, with se^e broaksy nortbwarda at.« short diMiwM -20- • from ih» shore. The toil in it$My goodt though in fom* fiaecs rather stony fer eMy eultivatipn. Indian River rises in Bass Lake, Kepfiei, and flows 8.E. ,j4i#gDnally through the Township* to S. Bay, abooi4 miles from the Town. Sf rawah has two villages— Brooke and Presqu* Isle^ Brooke (pop. 760) at the south ead« 1| miles from 0.8.^ cimtaias saw, planing and flour mills. Presqn' Isle (p(^ IQQi) at t)ie extreme north is a beautiful sommer resort and a i»rt of eallfpr stenpers trading in Georgian Bay. The PottawatfRiie, Biver forms the boundary Una between Sarawak and Owen, Sound, f . i if '-M !• < *> > ' ' St. ViNCBMT— (|iopi 8494, a^i^^fl^ <^ti88) was surveyed in 1888 by Charies Bluikin Esq. The surface is generally rolliiig with sotnetimes long and steep grades. A ratage of hills runnhig E. did W. across the Township, liouth of Meaford ; a second range, mnidng N. and 8. along the b6'">'- ^ ■■• '8t/lXtVAi^—(|xq)i 84^, acrMlge 73,106) was' surveyed in 1844, Charles 'kankbn l!sq., Isiyingf out tlii tiortherh part, and J. S. Dennis Esq., thesouthem {Ikrti" TJie north '4esteiiu haff of Sulttvan is unduUting rather than M&y '; the 8(^ a'gtibd'cU^safllbiaii and average pro^uc- tiiott.'' T^ iKMtii east half ^'i^ii^ iMid iapie hilly, bn^en by cedar swami« and several small lakes ; the soil is gravdly and not so wdl cultivated except in a feWaectionsl near Cbatswtnlii where 'Some of tha^ best farms in Stdlivim are ito to. founds The Township is well waterjed by tiiiee riven t the Sabte in the .west,' tiie Sydenham in tUe east mid •the.M. branch of the SiA^[e«n in this ^outh. •TheviOhges ilie DcsberoV MooireBburg, Ksadijr, Peabody^ .i '«yj( a.*>t». The County is at present reinresented by six Members of Parliament- three in the Provincial Legislature and three in the Federal or Dominion Parliament. The Electoral divisions for the two Houses are as follows : — Fbdbral — North Grey, cominrising the Townships of Derby, Hdland, Kepfoit Sarawak, Sullivan and Sydenham and the Town of Owen Sound; East Grey, comprising the Townships of CoUingwood, Euphrasia, Melancthon (in Dufferin Co.), Osprey, Proton and St Vincent, the Towns of Meaford and Thornbury and the villages of Dfuidalkand Shelbume(out of Melancthon); South Grey, comprising the Townships of Artemesia, Bentinck, Egremont, Glenelg and Normanby,ihie Town of Durham and the Village of Markdale. The census of ii^l gives the t(^ piqniation of these as follows :— North Grey, 3Sf«W-; East Grey, 36,»4» ; Sddth Grey, I678OT. —22— FROYINCIAL—North Of J, eomptiflfaif tbeTomuhipiof Keppcl, Sftr«w*k, Derby, Syd^pham, St. Vincent, Aild the Town* of Owen Sound and Meaford ; Oen^re Ore/, comprising the Townihips of CoUingwood, Osprej, Artemesia, Euphrasia, Holland and Sullivan, tho Town of Thombury and the Village of Markdale ; South Qrey comprising the Townships of Proton, Egremont, Nor. mimby, QVsnelg and Bentinck, the Town of Durham and the Village of ^°^***^- ■ ; 1..! ■,^iirs^.".(....f bad (Afun to i. , ■■' ■ '■-■iU lV':;'t 'jU til jtiiiH •.,.' ■ • • ■ ;^':.,.1i^ ,!,•(. ..■■; j ■■•■i.if) lis ,:,r<--, i:tYr.'(';i 'h,'7 'tiv »l''i;«r5 .^'MLttj?' I'.'.'h,, a '•<',■!■:. -.'t Ih'vF,, ;'(.,; ji^-iy ,. , ,.,„•• . ,r • . ,>.^, ,,'". :.ti- .■^,•^,' i,. n .ii ..•>n}ii»io(„;y/':H?Hc..i)- ' - ■■;•.';■! M;-i,.h 1 , ^ ., . , ■ ■ ■ •■■'I' f.i . •/ ,,'i(..'r ■• m; •i«i KnjK V'^ i)'» ii.^r* d^iftj i i.Uil; Looal Courts. ,}-KHf ' lo besides the County Court, Surrogate Court and Court of General Ses- sions, the meetings of which are held in the County town, meetings of the Ditision Court are held at the foBowfaiig places in the County :— Where Cioarii held. Name and P. O. Addreea of Clerk. OwBN, Sound Durham Mbaford (t^qi^tburt Flbshbrton 'n ;.; ) ■ • • , ■'. <^hat8wortr Hanoybr Markdalb Benjamin Allen, Owen Sound. David Jackson, Durham. Thoma$]Plunkett, Meaford. TJioioas J. Bofke, Henthcote. Abraan S. Vanduaen, Flesherton, John If cDonald| Clia|Bworth. Diincaii Can^bell, Bi^mover. 1(ichard I,. Stephen, ICarkdaK -28— " ' ■' ■ .li'sintij') ,.!, ■ i,yViV,'-Ai4u^ The following i a il^Wthe official, of ^eSU^fg'M^^b^a^ except the Warden and County Auditors may be caUed permanent officers, for they are appointed during good behavior or "durmg pleaaure." The Warden and Co. Auditors are appointed Anniudly, The Warden, Ca Treasurer, Co, Cleric. Ca Auditors and PubUo School Inspectors (see page 6) are appointed by the County Council ; the Judges by the Governor-General of Canada acting under the advice of the Dominioi* Government; the Governor or Keeper of the gaol by the Sheriff subject tq ihe approval of the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, and the other officers y by the Lieutenawt-Governor under the advice of the Provincial Government ',,HtiWAB9KHt ..,m *,fejt!^<{J*ii GeorfBBinnieEsiitrfJ^M ^Htn^^ak^^Um-mk^' '' ea TBBASnRinif 'kt-vjmtm. 8. J. Parked Esq.' ^''"^^'''^-'^^--^^^^'--Wwtf^ Ca CLBKIt,'^ ■ ^'- ■ '■•^'^" '■■ '^^^ John Rutherford Esq.' '"^ ^*""«^^'' ^''""^ . Co/aupitors: '"' '" j Robert Edmir 'Esq:' ''^•»''"''-J'!^^> 4 '• '■ ■ '■■ ~- ''■•^' '' /ThoB. BUnbory Esq/M'*- aiii nf ,.-v:>\:>M';'-> Senior Co. Judob, John Creasor Esq. ' Ji7Mios Co. JUDOB, ■■ ■• d. Mori-isoltt Esq. -' "'' ^^W'i^'*in Keeper of the Gaol, John Miller Esq. *"■*«**'«>] j« -' ^ -^' '•SHERi^tV - ■, ./''■"^"■■'ChartesaMooreEi'^^-- ' ^ C6. Court Clerk, Georgelnglis Esq. ' ' ' Co. Crown Attorney, a. G. ^cKayEsq. Clerk op THE PBAqB, Wm. Armstrong Esq. t Be0I8TRA»lLa»B¥, Thomas. McKnight Esq. Registrar 8. GREY, Thomas Lauder Esq. > ; ' ' V, V. ■, '^ -:-".v^^" ■ -24- '- ■ ^■:\,. Mode of Appoi&tfflont of Yarious other Officers. ^^ Jasticea of the Peace, Police and Stipendiary Magistratea, Division Oourt Clerlia, Bailiffs and Provincial Constables are appointed by the Lieuten- ant-Governor in Council, t"^/;*'^ One or more Coroners in and for every County, City and Town in the Prov- ince of Ontario and for any provifional district or County, or for any portion of the territory of Ontario, may be appointed by the Lieutenant-Qovemor when- ever he thinks fit Jurors for service at the several sessions of the Courts during the ensuing year are selected by two Committees or Boards as follows : — First, a body of men, known as "County Selectors," and composed of the Judge or Judges, the Mayor of a city if any in the county, the Warden, the Treasurer, the Sheriff or in his absence the Deputy Sheriff shall meet annually on the Ifith day of September for the purpose of determining the number of Jurors both Grand ahd Petit and for the High Court and Inferior Courts respectively, to be re> turned for each Municipality in such county. Secondly, Another body of men composed of the Mayor or Reeve, the city, ' town, village or township Clerk, and the Assessor or Assessors shall assemble annually on the 10th day of October, to select by ballot from the list of those qualified as shown by the Voter's Lists, the number of Jurors both Grand and Petit required for the respective courts by the County Selectors. An alphabetical list of th^ na^nes of those selected is then sent by the Selectors in the several municipalities to the Clerk of the Peace for the county. ^ .t.i,ft'io*«;nl>ml^i,. ., ■ i npmt^H Constables are of four classes or kinds here distinguished according to mode of appointment. ,,^^,,g-K^,U */• 1. County High Constables and Co. Constables appointed by the Justices of the Peace at any sitting or adjourned sitting of the Court of General, Ses- sions, such appointment to continue at least for one year, and from year to year unless the appointee claims exemption in which case he shall lie released at any time after the end of the first year. These Constables may also be appointed by County Judges subject to notification by tho Judge to the Clerk of the Peace and by the Clerk of the iPeace tq the Court of Genei;!^ Sessions. ■ • , 'i''.. ■■ ■, ' '•■'.,'■>■, '"■,>;• ■ ' ■' ■ -- A Temporary Com tablai, Appointed by « eoanty or diitriot PoUo« Magi* strata, to hold office for not more than thirty dayi, and lubjeot to immediate notification to the Provincial Secretary— the appointment may be revoked by the Magistrate or Provincial Secretary within the thirty days. 8. Provincial Constables, appointed by the Lieutanant-Governor, either permanently or for such a period as he may think fit. such constables to bave authority to act in any part of the Province. The Lientonant-Oovemor may also appoint Oonstables for any onorganised territory in the Province. >■'«> 4. Special Constables appointed by any two or more Justices of the Peace, for any emergency that may arise, to hold office for such time as to the said Justices seems necessary for the preservation of the pablie peace or for the protection of the inhabitanta and the security of property in such territory or place during such emergency. >^ All members of the House of Commons and of the Legislative Assemb^ are elected directly by the people by ballot. Members of Municipal Coon* eils, vis : Mayors and Aldermen in Cities ; Mayors, Reeves ar I Councillors in Towns ; and Beeves and CouuciUors in Villages and Townships are elected an> nually in the same way. Deputy Beeves are sometimes elected as such directly by the people and sometimes by the Councils of which they are mem* bers. The other Municipal officers are the Clerk, the Treasurer, the Auditors, the Assessor,and the CoUector. These are appointed by the Councils,— Clerks and Treasurers during the pleasure of the Council, Auditors, Assessors and Collectors annually. 6f ^fl6- ->v»'^''-l- j'Amtikti "iii^^^sji^afj >!..vii ,)M5sJi?il?.-JJ-, •r?#, Q of Distances. The fUknnng ti^ble showing the distance of each jdace named from OwMi Saand^th»^Coonty Town,may be found. iisefoL Only approximate aoouracy is claimed . for it^ but it is belieyed that meet of the distances are correct to within A mile. The distance given is along the nearest open road, not *'as the crow flies/' nor that given in Bailwagr 7(Mers. For ease of reference the , {daces 'ate i^en- alpbabetioaUy. . io.i-oH?m.c'?.,r:!|,';^ti ■«- .v n-wrr-- i-f.<'i*ra ;..:-- ■.-■>»;., Plaoe AUanford 12 Allan Park...... 84 Annan .ii^iM /s.* ^ Ayton: 44 Berkeley ^20 doghor 16 Brookhokn 1 J Cedarville .51 ChatSWfMrtk 9 Clarksburg.,... 28 Desboro'!.! 17 t)brnoch .;...; 19 Dromore 42 Dundalk 42 Durham 28 Elmwood ^33 Eugenia 35 Feversham 42 Flesherton 8(r Hanover 8* Heathoote 30 HoUand Centre 16 Holstein 38 Hopeville 43 Ready 12 Kemble 11 Kilsyth 7 Kiuiberley 36 Lamlash .'!,....... 32 Lauriston 25 Louise 28 Markdale 26 Maxwell 39 Meaford . . . . i '.T; 19 Mooresbiurg 20 Mclntyre . , . . . 45 Neustadt 45 North Keppel... ...... 18 Orchard 36 Oxenden 18 Priceville 35 Proton Statiou 38 Presqu'Isle 9 Ravenna 34 Rob Roy 45 Rocklyn 28 8halk>w Lake 9 Strathaven 16 Thornbury 27 Traverston 28 Walter's FaUs 23 Wareham 43 Wflliamsfurd 14 Woodford... 10 The Oonstitution of both Houses of Parliament, Federal and Provlneial, is sat fortli in the British North. America Act, 1867, a copy of which should be iu the.liaads of every teacher. Sections, 91, 92 and 98, which specify the powwrs of the Federal Parliament and the Provincial Le^latures respectively shoold be carefully noted and at least some of the more important taugiht.in every school A few SMtiojw 1^9 h^re dyeaibr t,hp tene^t pf,tl^0B9,>fli,o, ^ve not a copy of the Act. •ri-> •-"-.'.:.' ■-• --^ :-. -.^^■■>M' -■'■■. wJ'^-.'iK.-^-':- -,;A.-\ ■>■■-■•■ ..'^.k^-: :■■ < Sec 9. The Executive Government and Authority of and over Canada is , thereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen.' '' ; v {1* ?'^ Sec. 15. The Command-in-Chief of the Land and Naval Militia, and of all Naval and Military Forces, of and in Canada, is hereby declared to con- tinue and.be vjssted in the Queen. ^^,.„^;^^t-,^:.^|.„^/j^.|^:.;,;,;L ',:;,.,:v-.''fvt,^^^;:f ' .> Sec. 17. There shall bo One Parliament for Ciinada, consisting of tl^e ' Queen, an Uj^r House styled the Senate, and the House of Commons. The Qovemor-Gtoneral is appointed by,and is the representative of the Queen The Senate shall consist of Seventy-two Members, and not more than Seventy-eight (Sec. 28) who shall be styled Senators, and who shall, subject to certain provisions, hold their places in the Senate for life (Sec. 29). Senators . are appointed by the Oovernor-Cteneral in the Queen's name, by Instrument ioiider the Great Seal of Canada (Sec. 24). Sec. 34. The Governor-Qeneral may from Time to Time, by Instrument under the Great Seal of Canada, appoint a Senator to be Speaker of the Senate^ and may remove him and appoint another in his stead. Sec. 37. The House of Commons shall, subject to the Provisions of thi^ Act', consist of One hundred and eighty-one Members, of whom Eighty-two shall be elected for Ontario, Sixty-five for Quebec, Nineteen for Nova Scotia, and Fifteen for New Brunswick. itw: The Governor-General shall summon and call together the House of Com- mons (Sec. 38). ;: 4 I > The House of Commons, on its first assembling after a General Election, shall e«eet«Be of its Mettbers to be Speaker, who shall preside at all its meet- mgB(8ec. 44aiid46). ' ^ ■■■■•• ' ■ ■- . .>>^:, >;jvi?*M- Sec. 60. Every House of CkmuiuHU shall continue for I'ive Tears from the day of the Betom of the Writs for choosing the House (suhjectto he sooner dissdved bf the Qoremer-Oeneral) and 90 longer. There shall be a rea4justinent of the Members of the House, after the completion of each decennial Census (the last in 1891), to take e£F«ct at the termination of the then existing Parliament. In mi^^ting such readjustment, the two foUowing Rules (Sec. 61) nuunly govern : — : ?*# :fmi,^ti--iM^mm^.i^^^^^ 1. Quebec shall have the fixed Number of Sixty-five Members ; ^^^'^" -■-•*^ ■ 1)1 2 There shall be assigned to each of the other Provinces such a number of Members as will bear the same Proportion to the Number of its Population (ascertained at such Census) as the Number Sixty-five bears to the Number of the Population of Quebec (so ascertained). •! -* ft> •^'^fr > ? ' ^ ^ Sec. 68. For each Province there shall be an Officer, styled the Lieu- tenant-Gk)vernor, appointed by the Govemor^<}eneraI in Council by Instrument under the Oreat Seal of Canada. ' ■ ' '^^ •* "■'■■■^''\ ' **• ^ '• ' A Lieutenant-Governor holds office for five years except for cause when he is removable 1^ the Governor-General in Council (Sec. 69). Sec. 60. The Salaries of the Lieutenant-Governors shall be fixed and pro- vided by the Parliament of Canada. . , Sec. 69. There shall be a Legislature for Ontario, consisting of the Lieu- tenant-Governor and of One House, styled the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. By Sections ?7 and 70, the Legislative AssemUv of Ontario was composed of eighty-two members. Ey the last Revised Statutes of Ontario (1887) the number of Electoral Districts was made eighty-eight, eighty-seven of which returned one member each and the eighty-eighth,Toronto, returned three Mem- bers, making in all at present ninety members. Every Legislative Assembly of Ontario shall continue for four years (sub- ject to dissdution by the Lieutenant-Governor) and no longer (Sec 86). Sec 96. The Governor-General shall appoint the Judges of the Superior, District and County Courts in each Province, except those of the Courts of Probate in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Seo. 99. The Judges oMhe SuperkHr Courts shall hold office during good ? -29- behavior, bat ahaU be removed by the Gorernor-General on addreM of the SenAte and House of CoimnoiM. The following extract from Boarioot'a Conrtntional Hiitoiy uf Canada, pi 172, emphasiMs a fact of supreme impcMrtance to every true Canadian. •The \ independence of the judiciary has been for veiy many years recogniied in Canada, as one of the fundamental principles necessary to the conservation of pubUc liberty. The judges are not dependent on the mere will of the executive in any essential respect, nor on the caprice of the people of a province for their nomination and retention in office, as in many of the states of the American repubUc. Their tenure is as assured in Canada as in England, and their sal- aries are not voted annuaUy, but are charged permanently upon the civU list. In case it is necessaiy to provide a salary, or increase of saUr7, for a judge, the proper coarse is for the government to proceed by bilL" .BHom«rMs> 'h tfmoH bus. aimoH Index. ^■r^-r .,tfi1- •il-'*. Adamstown, Alsfeldt, Altitude of Countji i , Annan, ",-, V . ■ Appendix, Appointment of Officers, Artemesia, Attorney, Co., Auditors, Co., Aux Sable River, Ayton Badjeros, Bailiffs. Bass Lake, Bay Shore, Bay View, Beatty Saugeen, Beaver River, Beaver Valley, Bentinck, Berkeley, Big Head River, Blue Mountains, Bognor, Boundaries, Bourinot Dr., Extract from. f!''i!'ili;j Page. 13 2, 19 21 27 24, 25 13 23 J'lllH', Boyne River, British N. A. Act, Brooke, Cape Rich, Cedarville, Centreville, Chatsworth, Clarksburg, Clerk, County, Clerk, Co, Court, Clerk of Peace, Clerks, Division Court, Collegiate Institute, Collingwood, Colpoy's Bay, /Commodore, Cape, Commons, Menabers of. Constables, Coroners, County Buildihgs, County Court, Coimty Officials, 8 ■'•■"'", 18 19 24 '■:■■ 8 21 20 7 7 14 13 16 8 14 ■'■ ::"2l 'i- ■ 1 29 13 ;'■" .27 20 20 19 20 16 14 23 23 23 22 6 14 18 17 26 24, 25 24 3 22 23 \ Page, Courts. Local, 0. P. RaUway, Craigleith, " * Crown Attorney, Cuckoo Valley, Derby, DesbOro, Distances, Table of, DiVlsioii Courts, Dornoch, Dromore, Dufferin, Dundalk, Durham, Durham Br. G. T. R., Durham Road, Educational, Egremont, Electoral Divisions, Elmwood, Epping, Eugenia, Eugenia Falls, Euphrasia, Federal Districts, Federal Parliament, Feversham, ' ' Flesherton, Flesherton Station, Oaoler, Oarafraxa, General Sessions, Georgian Bay & Lake Erie Georgian Bay & Wellington Gleason Creek, Glenelg, Goring, Grand Trunk Ry., ' ■ Grand River, Gravel Roads, Griersville, Hanover, Hay>/ard'8 Falls, Heathcote, Hepworth, Hesse, High Schools, History, Early, ■j' ■'■■^••'rt r 14 23 16 14 16 16 la 12 10 5 6 16 21 14 16 13 8 16 21 21 19 IS 13 23 2, 4 22 Ry., 10 Ry., 10 18 16 16 10 a, 19 4 20 13 7 H 15 18 3 6 3 A / INDEX, —Continued. Page. Hoatb Head, 22 Hog's Back, 19, 20 Holland, 16 Holland Centre, u Holatein, 1( Home District, HopevUle, 1^ Houses of Parliament, 21, 27 Huckleberry Marsh, 18 Indian River, 8, 14, 20 Inglis' Falls, '^ ' 8 Inspectoral Divisions, ■ 6 Irish Block, 21 Judges, 23 Jurors, 24 Justices of Peace, 24 Keady, 20 Kemble, 18 Keppel, 17 Kilsyth, 13 Kimberle;^, 15 Knechtel Furniture Ca, 1^3 Lake Shore Road, 3 Legislature, Provincial, 21 Leith, 21 Local Courts, 22 Luueburg, S Mad River,. 9 Magistrates, 24 Markdale, ,12 Massie, 17 Maxwell, 19 Meaford, 11 Malancthon. 2 Members of Parliameni, 21 Mooreiburg, 20 Mountain Lake, 20 Municipalities, 10 Municipal Officers, 23, 25 Nassau, 3 Neustadt, 18 Newash Reserve, 3, 19 Normanby, 18 Northern Business College, 6 Northern Railway, 9 Northern Road,. 6 North Keppel, 18 Nottawa, 9 Nottawasaga R., 2, 14 Officials, Appointment of, 23, 25 Officials, County, ■^ Orchardville, Osprey. Owen»8ound, Br. C. P. R., Br. G. T. R., Oxenden, Park Head, Parliament, Members of, Peabody, Peace, Clerk of. Physical Features, Police Magistrates, Police Villages, Portland Cement, Position of Co., Pottawatamie R.. Presqu' Isle, Pretty R., Priceville, Proton, Provisional Council, Provincial Legislature, .Provincial Ridings, Queen's Valley, Railways, Ravenna, Registrars, Registry Office, Rich, Cape, Rivers, Rob Roy, Rocklyn, Rocky Saugeen, Sable R., Sarawak, Saugeen R., Scenery, Selectors of Jurors, Settlement of Co., Shallow Lake, Sheriff, Singhampton, Stipendiary Magistratei^ Stour R., Stratford & Huron Ry., St Vincent, ^ Strathaven, Sullivan, Surface of Ca, 10. Page. 22 16 18 10 9 18 W 21 20 28 J 24 10 17 1 9 20 IS 19 3 28 22 14 9 14 23 12 20 7 19 15 15 8 19 2,7 1 24 2 17 23 19 ^ li8 10 20 7, 1 ■ »'i*i ' ^^f\ ,,? {, \, INDEX.— Concluded. Surveys, early, Surrogate Court, Sydenham, Table of Diatanceiii Thombury, Toronto Grey & Bruce Ry., Toronto Line, •, Towns, Township, Townships, List of, Traverston, Treasurer, Co., r?y:. t^Mi4^£^t ^^V/ x^a \> tj «j A^ juxJt Pag* P»ge. 2 VaU's Point, 1 22 ViUages, 12 21 Walter's Falls, 17 26 Warden, 98 12 Wardens, List of, 4 9 Wareham, 10 5 Waterloo District, 8 10 Wiarton Br. 0. T. R, 10 13 WUHamsford, 20,21 4 WiUiams' Lake, 8 IG Woodford, 21 23 Yeovil, 16 ." t/,i I A ( i ' ..,1 i >-:■'•*, ,,,•:.■■ •';■■; 7 ft"-; y THE n/IP /INb 5Cn00L - s <»^JUFFLT C2. L'T'D, ^ ^ 31 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. % . ?^ * E6lablisF\ed 1510. » ^'^av^jru^iv*,^^. . , Publishers of CANADIAN SERIES of SCHOOL WAIX MAPS. i.'r' •...■ T~| /HE MAPS of this series are beautifully colored and ^ I ^ revised to date. Towds and natural features have 1 each a special character of lettering;. Hills are printed in different color from outline, giving greater clearness. Coast lines are bold so as to be easily seen in the school room. Mounted by expert mechanics on strong cotton with roll ar and moulding. The series consists of Dominion of Canada, size 5 feet x 9 feet ; World in Hemispheres, siz? 6 feet 6 in. x 9 ft. ; Eastern and Western Hemigpheres of above mounted separately if desired. Europe, Asia, Africa, America, North America, South America, size 56 x 47 inches. British Isles, size 5 ft. 6 in. X 4 ft. 4 in. United States, size 5 ft. 5 in. x4 ft. Most complete stock always on hand of Astronomical, Classical. Physical, Scriptural, Ancient, Botanical, Phil- osophicai and Physiological CKi^rts and Maps. Canadian - Series - Globes. General School Sup- a manufactubcrsanoim- H PORTERS OF CHEMICAL AND plies at Lowest Prices. 1 physical apparatus. *«. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. ^^ft«cn To Attend The "^^ ^'^ ^ OWEN SOUND, ONT., If You Desire to get A Good Business Eduwation. Hundreds of young men and women have taken a bnsiuesa course during the past ten years who are now successful iu business or filling lucrative positions. The business course of study is by far m\ I /i the most thorough and complete in Canada, There is as much in a junior department as in the entire course of many of the so-call- ed business colleges. Our short hand course w thorough and complete. ■ " " . Send for a copy of tbe Annual Annoucement containiug foil partioolan. It ia sent free to any addieae. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. V 9- nMNHM AGNEW. MEAFORD. /^nfcrt**-** »»t =^ I JEWELLER, STATIONER, FANCY GOODS, LAND, LOAN AND INS. AGENT, CONVEYANCING. ^ Always on Hand a LAnas Supplt of School Books and School Supplibs. •^-s Teachers and School Officers will find it Profitable to Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Mm _o MARRIAGE LICENSES, MONEY TO LOAN,! LOCAL MANAGER [ Bell Tklkphonk Co. PRICES RIGHT. Remember The Place. AGNEW'S BOOK STORE, •;'V JeacKers ! Jrxiisiees I ! •<<••■• t oo irou uam MONTHLY School Reports? Whether you do or not, send to this office for a sample of these aids to efficiency and progress. They are the thermometers of the school. We have sup- ..L plied Durham Chatsworth, Orchardville and other schools. i\.Mi: ., © » « © ^ * SCHOOL OR PRIVATE STATIONERY^ ■ Supplied in Blank or Printed, Teachers' Agreements 6c. per pair at the OPFIOmOP • • «, Jtve QreM ReVieW UJ;v;5A*?,.' {;-...■><' . .1'. -:.T >ll» ■ • .'r*i^^:'ii*^|f%j ^ DURHAM, ONT, CHAS. RAMAGE, Prop- ■.■^i(r'?''':,;v*i;(j!<'-:';*5*f?;,'iS:*^ «a<,i.- FINE BANK.OFRCET COURTHOUSE & DRUG STORE RTTINGS :l/', THC- "m Oiitatio eMfltdal UFe Li«fi f'i Eitablished 1870. . ' iHcADOFFicci'^ " - - Waterloo, Ont. Dominion Deposit, $100, OQO., , Assurance in Force Jan. 1st, 1896 ; " , . . . .•18,767,698 New AssuraQces written in 1894 . ; ; vv ? 7'77\\ vV rvvv?.^;V . 2, 88 1 , 854 Cash Income for 1894 659,989 Reserve lor Security of PoUcr-hoIders. Dec. 81, '94 2,566,560 Assets, December iM, 1894. ' 2,865,560 Surplus over all Liabilities, December 31, 1894 277,747 Tboao- Year SURVIVORSHIP DISTRIBUTION POLICY now offered tiuiDraces tbe newest lea tuxea and u the best form oi Protection and In- vestment money can buy. . It baa no equ^l. Ouaranteed values, at- tractive options anfd liberal conditions. SPEOIAL FEATURES 1, Ca'^b and Paid-up Values guarantee.! on each Policy. 2. All dividends belong to aud are paid to Policy holders only. .S. No restriction on travel, residence or occu- pation. 4. Death claims paid at onee on oomplotion of claim papers. Stability, 1 1. e, Bevman. Wm. HendrY. w.H. Riddel, I Progress. tbatmata HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS ¥ >; -ic. J^-" ■ '—"^ ■■• . . ■^-if,",^ ..>•■ ■-'■,*■ /■h-^-M b^^a-n^^n^ PAY YOU TO DEAL AT7T!|%J|!i|ftsfti^ iSfifT / Book Sfope ,■>' r eycyuiycy^c^tyu a^ ^^^^ SOUND. %. Always a full Stook of up-t^o-date Texts and Supplies kept,4nd / TRUSTEES A. TEACHtHi^ ■ ' w^r* * ■/'■ ■><-'^ -^ftb Should remomber that for Maps, Globes, Chalk, FooI«eap,<& - '' Ink; Pencils. Ghaltc Eraisers, and Public School Supplifli^',^ of all kinds IRELAND LEADS TSE VAN with The Best ''''O^pds and L. ;«»««>»ir«*-ww I.,, * < .,i'"«i>l«,it«« ■■" '■ ■ ■ " — ■-■ " " .-*!'. ■|' _^_^^— ^— — ^— ^^.^-^_ .^, This Manual supplies a long felt want to those engaged in : -; '-^.' ■ ■' I'-^y^ '■^'I'-t T MAOHINQ ORAWINQ. -Sf 'i v.- ., f A moat taslpfol work to papilB in High Sohools, Private Sotaools and the Miiisr do* I putmoot of Publio SohooUii i' THM MAMUAL IB OnflDMO INTO TWO PANT9. PANT I.— OoDteiM ttie doflnitiooi of terms employed, »nd fall ezplui»tiooi> ^ eapplemented with ninataen iUnstratiTe charts (white on black) for teaoningdraw* f ing, (a) to dictation, (b) from printed copies, (o) geometric design by ani^ysis and s>n- ' theeis, (d) conTentionalisation of plant forms, and their application in practical design, (e) otmstmotion, or working drawings, pattern making etc., (f) shading, (h) a great variety of examination problems in the dUTerant department* of drawing— trpee of tho->e jiyaQ for several years to pa|^ in the Pnblio and High Ekihools, Art Schools, Moder add Nom^ Schools In the Province of Ontario. PANT ff.— Contains (a) the drawing ezereises In each of the six books of tho Public School Drawing Ooarse in the form of problems, with their dictation and hints as to the' sueceenve stages la drawing them, (b) suggestive problems to be drawn In alternate fleldi on each page of the orawlng book, or on the black board, or on blank paper, at fha eptloh of the teacher. THE CANADA POBLISBIHG CO., LIMITED. ^ 9 WUdUMOvoK St. Wbst, TOBOMTO. '-.****< ». -^-^^^-i 4'.»^- LIST OF Published By He Orlqf which they secure SpecitU Editicms. Prices Subject to Change without noUce. ABHBTBONO'a ARrrBHBTIOAL PBOB- LHm.— For uu in tanlor oImms. 7th Bdition to flS BooK-KBBPiNa BLAint No. 7. tor Pab- lio Botaool Leaving Bz»minfttion. Srepared a .der the dlreotion of . A. Wiinier, B.A. IS BooK-KBBPiNo Blamk No. S,— For Pri- mary. Examination and part 1. Commereial Diploma Course witb notei. Prepared under the direo. tlon of J. A. Wlamer B.A. aS BouBiNOT'9 HOW Canada n Ootbbn- BD,— Cloth 1 00 Ohambbblain's Canadian Biuds. i IIiu8trated"An account of a number of the Common Birds of fiaatem Canada, their plumage.nesta.egga 1 habits, eto„ by Montague Chiun- berlain. Boards 80 Copt Book OF Businbss Fobms And AcoouMTs.— NO. 1. For Senior 8rd and Junior 4th Book Classes. By McAllister, Clare & Slater. 10 Copt Book OF Businws Forms and AooocNTS. No. ^— For 4th class and Entrance to Collegiate Insti tuces and High Schools. By Mo- AlitlSTEB & Clabb 010 Copt Book of Busnotss fobms and Accounts. No 8— Witb Forms of Cheques,Draftr, Bills of Exchange etc., in tint. Fur Collegiate Inst- itutes and High Schools. ByMo- AUister. Clare and Slater. 10 ICnTKBBBT'S EzBBOISBSINABtraMBT- l 10 Part 1, 8M. part iSSo. Ans's f to problems contained in parts 1 and i of Cuthbert's Bxeroises 83 ^Flbtohbb'b Bosxnbss Blanks fob CoHMBBOIAIi CLASSBS. SS c Obaduatbd Bzbboisbs.— For Oram- matical Analysis and parsing, by J. A. Freeman, B.A. 90 99 Mabtin's Simple Bules in Arithmetic For use in iind Book Classes 10 Mabtin's Student's History Notes.— 15 Mbbobant's Botanical Note Hook.— New Edition, illustrated, Contain- ' ing blanks for description of plants, leaves and flowers 9B Moir's Map Geography.— Containing 18 coloured Maps 96 Moir's British History Notes 18 Public School Speller and Word Book.— Enlarged Edition, part ^,v IV. contains liatin and Greek ^* roots. By O, W. Johnston 80 Smith's Lawooaob Bxbboubs.— For pupils in 1st, 8nd. and 8rd Book Glasses. 96 Stories From Canadian History.— | . Some of whlob are based upon | Stories of New France, by Miaa ; i Maeharand T. O. Marquis. Th« *^ volume contains 17 stories from CartiertoTeoumseh. Edited by T. G. Marqnls, M.A. Boards, 86 Strang's Exercises In False Sjmtax and other forms of Bad English. By H. I. Strang,B.A. 86 Strang's praotioal Exercises in Bng- i. lisn Composition 86 White's Practical Problems in Arith- metic—For IsHBnd and 8rd classes New Bdition. Cloth. 96 White's Progressive Problems in Ari- thmetic—For Fourth class and Entrance candidates. 96 Can be obtained from all BookseDers or upon receipt of Price, from The Gopp 6l(ipk 60. L'd*, 'TopobI^ci. \. Q /CHOOL BOOKS " f'- A full stock- Ineltid- :?H -AND- -^ vs , 5 iag Liquid Slating, Cra^l^ 5CnOOL JQ77LlLSi oas. *c. kept on liaad. ^ ^^ i — M««-<-.i Egttmatos furuistaed andpromnt Attention ^ , ♦* ..;^-T/^^^r Given all Orders tra' .4^. ^^ •-JVHf'ff' ^ :' f AT LOWEST POSSIBLE CITY PRICES.' , y^' ap§, @Iobe^ Gir^d ©thei® ^e(E{ai§iies We carry the largest stock in South Grey of Prasentation and Prize Books of Ail kinds. _^ .,«*9-w; ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICIteb."''rf::ifc;H'';>:' Special Discount to Teachers and School Boards, l^^^f-^^''^^^ '' ':;i!lSlX MACFARLAHE & CO., DURHAM,- --"'^ ' .. "■ '^"■'""■"" OUUOOISTS 4 BO Oceab and Railway Tickets to all points at lowest rates. Write Us. . *■■." ', t', -f f ti ■ i.vij. i.n-^vr 'iijis "■a'^v'^ r-e^a-^R •^t«<»«M , . ^n n, t/w»^4 . --i w ■.*«■*.«<. **" $hoppe; TORONTO. J!(>j,i ^ M w |# i# «*• _J*_, ftt a'«» n • ie had by sending a post card to the address below, AT TEN PBR CENT, OFF THE ItBQULA/i FRIGS FOBT FAIO. X. QAQE'S Ijir^^f jtM ■■¥ .■''' •>>*''' ^' Sf 'E;(eel8iap' Sclmol Globes. ^SM ■\ 1., '.^.i,^1l» -'■m I • • • • • • 4 • • • BBAUTI^ULLY PmNTBO , . IN OOLOIte. , The water is printed in blue and ocean currents in white. The principal lines of ocean steam communication and the submarine telegraph cables are clearly indicated. On Handsome Cast-iron and Walnat Stands. Diameters — 6, 9 and 12 in. Only upon the Globe can the teacher present to the pupil the whole earth in its natural form. The Olobe is consequently a most important, and indeed, an Indis- PRNBABiiB AcxiiiiABT in geograph- ical instruction. The teacher needs one and cannot get along without it. ■"- ii^r r, i 4 Pmiomm Of 'ExomtmiOH' QLommm. 6-inoh, plain 92.00 6-inoh. full meridian 8.00 9-inch, plain 6.60 9-inch, full tneridian 6.51 9-inch, full mounted lO.U^ IS-inch. plain, mounted 7.S0 li^inoh, full meridian 9.00 ISI-inoh, fall moonted 14,00 LiamttAi. OimoouHT ro Thm TmAom. iLLumrimrmo OATALoaum MAiumo Fmmm on AffuoaTioh. ■•«A:-'''*'#: S^:^ QAQE'S 'EXGELSIOR' SERteS OF ,->*;•; WALL MAPS. Four Prize Medals. International Exhibition London, '84 nnd '85. Europe, North America, Mercator's World, Asia, South America, England, Africa, Hemispheres Scotland, Ireland, Australia, United States [including Mexico and principal parts of Canada.] New Map of the Dominion aad New Map of Ontario. Jtkst Issued. Price 94.60 each. All the leading cities and towns are shown by bright red spots. Only such names are found on the map as are required for teaching. The different Railway Systems of Canada are shown bv clear and distinctive markings. Outlines and rivers sure printed in blue and hills in brown, leaving the black sblely for names. THE W. J. dACK CO., IT, TOROHTO. WiU i WaMMI W I il MW IWWWWWiPWWPWHW^^I M? OF OREV OOV&HTX. i^*-.«^iiS«i»«>fcW- « ^ Mik iwt! «-*(> st'fltJf' M^ JPf^^Trai:. M^^ I Every School «» well as every home in Grey should hare one of these I Ma]is. The Map shows every concession, side road, farm, river, creek &c, ' in the county. It I I was Copyrighted according to act of Parliament of Can- ada in the year 1894byJ.MitcheU at the Department of Agriculture. Anyone infringing on this copyright will be prosecuted. im iv mim mm iwmh m j i um a jb m w^mm FRKC OF nA7 $3.00. If U wish an up g date newsfafer | m addition to IJ R i home paper send for The Hanover Post ^ It is a big paper for a t. Address, jowniTcncLL, Hanover. Ont. i^ /