IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) «// ^ "^^< 1.0 I.I U Hli 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 iiiii/s ^ — — 6" ► p d? /# .% /a AJ ^^' 'w w Photographic Sdences Corpordtion #vV *^ •^ ,\ ^v :\ \ fv ^v 6^ 23 WEST M; Spam. 17 Sweden and Norway 17 Switzerland 1^ Turkey 1| United States 18 Uraguay '-^0 Venezuela 20 West itides 20 Paper Currency 20 " Cou;inental Money 20 " French Assignats 2t « Bank Notes 21 '< Card Money 21 Medals etc., • 2 Numismatic Books i*. Coin Cases 22? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 CATALOGUE. 'iO 2r 21 21 2' '^. . Oil 17 18 19 20 21 MISCELLANEOUS. I 10 Copper coins, assortod 2 10 do do .{ 10 do do 4 10 do do ') 10 do do ti 10 do (io 7 10 do do 8 10 do do y 10 i\0 do 10 10 do do AUSTRALIA, Copper Coins. 11 Melbourne Victoria Token 12 Tasmania Token 13 Melbourne, Australia "Kangaroo"' Half- penny, rare AUSTRIA, Ccpper CoIds. 14 5 Coins, — 30, 15, 6, 3 and 1 Kreutzer, Francis II., rare set 15 3 do 2, 1 and ^ Kreutzer 16 3 do do do do do do 2, 1 and it ' lariiy 52 22 Different varietie" of the " Un Sou, ' fine cpecimens, care- fully selected 63 Celebiated^Kebellion "Token, now ffrywarce 64 6 Varicjus C nts »id Half-pennies, including the remarkable- Polilicn. Satirical token ' Vexator Canadiensis' (1811), the «arJie8l known Canadian Com r t I r t I 3 55 4 Cete^irated < Bout de IMsle ' tokens, Personne, Cheval, Cht- reite and Caleche m 6 Tradesmen's tokeris,-M(.l8on'« (scarce), Jos. Roy, rar« , S, Ikown, Mullins, Shaw « (Quebec), and th» vuhmble' Lachiuo Third Class 'Token 57 8 Various corns, includhig the very rare * Magdalen Penny CANADA. (Upper.) 68 2 Coins, Leslie Half-penny and Two-Penny, this latter piece U exceed innlt/ rare. • , » j 59 '2 Coins, Penny and Half-penny Rank tokens ""Circulated 60 8 Various Upper Car.a-da Couth, inclu.Wng six varieties of th« « Sloop' iiall-penny, no two alike «1 8 Various Upper Canada Coins, no two alike €2 8 do do do do including a Niafi«r» 1812 War issue, rude CHILI, Copper Coins, 63 2 Coinc, 1 and i Centavo, 1851 cam Silver Coins. 64 Un peso, Volcano dollar, Santiago, 1817 65 Un peso. Shield dollar, 1854 66 20 Centavos, 1853 _^ 67 Medio-decinio, 1853 CHINA. €8 4 Cash, different sizes • , . ^ j „,„. mr* 69 One Mil, iJong-Kong, 1863, uncirculated and very rar* COLUMBIA. 70 8 Reals, Cundii>amarca Indian's head, 1820, rare 71 8 do Cornucopi, Danish W. 1. coins, rare 89 8 Skilling Uanake, Christian Vll., 1780, hne 90 4 do do 1H<^ 91 2 do do l'*l EAST INDIES. Copper Coins. 9-? 3 Coins, 2, 1 and i Ceylon ' Elephant ' Stivers, George 111., 1815, 1802, a rare set 93 2 Coins, Half and Quarter Anna, 1835 94 3 Coins, 1, h a"d 1 Victoria cent, scarce 95 2 Coins, East India Company, i ami ^ Anna 96 2 Coins, \ Anna and V Cash q7 4 Coins. Pie, i Anna, X Lash, etc. 98 5 Ve!? rare and valuable Fastern coins, 3 native pieoes, 98 o Very^nir^^^^ characters, 1 Island of Sultana, lb04, am the very celebrated and highly prized Bombay com, 17 7.* EAST INDIES, Silver Coins. 99 Native Rupee, Eastern characters, wide and thin, rare & hne 100 do do do thick, rare and hne 101 Native i Rupee, do 102 One Rupee, Victoria, 1840 103 Half- Rupee, Victoria, 1840 104 i Rupee, Victoria, 1840 105 Two Annas, Victoria, 1841 106 Half Rupee,Winiam 1111,183.5, very fina 107 \ Rupee, William IIIl., 1835 EAST INDIES, Gold Coins. 108 Pagoda, an idol, reverse a temple, rare 109 Native Pagoila, an idol, im reverse, rud and very thick. greatest rarity r i no 111 11-2 \v.\ 114 115 UK 117 IIS 119 vn 1-23 lv!4 126 126 127 128 129 130 131 182 133 134 135 136 ENIiLAND AND WALES, Chopper Coins. Charles It., i- art lung, Cuiolus a Carolo, 1675 William ami Mary. 2 coiiiH, Hall-peiuiy aiul I'urthmg William ill., Hail'-noniiy ^ C.eoi'^ti 1 , 2f()iiis, llait-penny and harthnig C,eoT1 James I,, JSliilliii!.^ Uri do kSi.x-iHTice 161 Charles I., Htil'-'iown, ba»o 164 do ^^hlllill<^ 165 do Six-pt'iico 165i Charlea II., Crown 166 do lialt'-crowu 167 tlo Mulling' . 168 do 5 coins:, 4 pence, 3 pennies, 2 pennies 169 do Set ot iVlaundy-money, (4 coins), by Thomas Simon, rare 170 do do (4 coins;, C's interlinked 171 James II., Htilf-orown 17'i dc Shilling 173 do 4 eoins, Set of Maundy money, rare 174 William and Mary, Shield Half-crown, 1689 175 do do VV and M interlinked, 1693 17fi do ilo 4 coins. Set cf Maundy money, rare and extra tine 177 William III., Half-crown. 1696 178 do Shilling 179 do Six-pence 179,i do Thret-pence 18<) Anne, Crown, 1708 181 do Half-crown, 17()&, struck at Edinburgh 13-2 do .>hillin}?, I7il 183 do Six -pence do 184 do Three-pence, 1707 185 Geoiae 1., Shilling, l7'23 186 do Sixjience do ■ 187 George II., Half-crown, 1 745, Lima 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 20l QO-2 do Shilling. do do do Sixpence, 1746 do do Sixpence, 1757 do Fourpence. 1716 do 4 coins, Set of Maundy j:noney, extra fine George III., Bank of l-iigland dollar, ls04, rare do Three Shilling Token, 18U do Is. 6d. Token, 18U do Is. 6d. Token, 1814, diflferent from last do Crown, I8l9 do Half-crown, 1816 do Shilling, 1787 do do 1817, different from last do Sixpence, 1787 d« 3 coins, 4 pence, 3 pence and 1 penny '2\Z do '21 A do '214 do •215 do •216 do 217 do QO:i George III., 4 coin», ^ot of Maundy niouov, jcuiig hemi 'H)'i G€K)r«e IV., Crown, iKil •205 tlo Ilall-tMovvn, 1825 '21)6 «>o Miilling, IMM, Pxt-^mnly hnn '2(»7 dc do " 1H2(), uiuMrntatHd, Vf-ry fin© '208 do 2 I'liitm, '2 pnife iiinl :» jh- iifO •209 Williurn IIII., llalf-crovrn, v«Ty tine '210 do 3 coins, 4 jxjnco, 2 pence and li penny ♦ill Victoria, Crown, 1851 Half-crown, 1845 GudleHR Fiorin, 1849 Florin, 1858 4 criiist, 4 pence, 3 ppnre, 2 pence and li penny 4 coins, i^et of Manndy money, very tine 2 pattern coinn, penny and tialf-|MMiny, scarce 218 Geor:»e 11.. 12 iManen-GroMcfien, IHI7, rare and veiy (in© •219 RriHtol Sliillms Tolcen. November Isl, 1811 •220 Neath Silver Token, 12 Ponce, 181 1 221 Bristol Medal, issned by Koyal licence FRANCE. NoTi:.— Most (.f tho followinj: Coins of Fr,ncn ptp hi«>)Iy intorosHnR, in ft tint' sMto of picserviitii.ii, :.n'l piuticiil ivly v ilu;ibln to C.inadiiiii Xnniis- niuti'ts,- being intim itoly comco.teJ with th'; c iHy tiistoiy of the Colon/. (Spooial .itieniion i» called to Lot^- N(js. 075 and following ) Billon and Copper Coins. 222 2 coins, « Vivu Ic I oi,' Ecu en losanirt' (Mth Century^ a ship afloat, cross fliig, (15tli CtMitiiry), both very rare 223 Charles Vll., Doubie-'rournois, K. Duplex Turotnis Aiicie, (the captor of OrleanH. aided by Joan d'Arc, 1422) 224 Charles VIII., a Billon Karolns, (Ilili)) 225 Peier, Count of Clairmont, Airn^ of iUurbon, laOl 22tj FUANCiS 1., (under whom Canada was discovered), a Billon Blanc. (1515) 227 Henry II., Gwh de Nernle, struck at Poitiers, (1549) 22S Henry IH., King of France and Poland, Double-Toiimois, 1.575 229 Henri do Bourbon, Prince rle Conti, Double Tournois •230 HE.N'KY 1111., (le boa Henri) Denier Tournois, 1607, fair and rare 230^ do do a Douzam, (IfilO) 2.'U Henri de la Tour de Bullion, Prince de Sedan, 1614 232 Louis XIll., Double- Tournois, or base Double-ecu (brass) 1619 do • Loya XIH.,' Oouble-Tonmois, 1826 Louis XHIL, (Louis Je Grand), 2 Sols piece, 1677 233 234 235 236 237 do piece de XXX deniers, 1711 do 2 coins, Lianl of 1667, 2 deniere, 1711 do 3 various commemorative Naval Tokens, ' Ome;i imperii maritimi,' • Late cuncta profundiit, etc., iuterestitig aud raro . *J38 239 240 241 242 243 244 216 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 LouiB XIIII., commem .rativs War Tokens. ' Frcil v i.-loria iiodum,' • Crescemli poBiiere rnodiun, scarctt and well preserved _ Louis XV., 2 coins, sou i^nd demi-son. 1 /GJ, I, r^ do Billon com, 1739, and medal, 'Vis iuurui vauh corpoie crescit,' 2 pieces Louis XVI., Colon-.e do Cayenne, 2 sous (billon) l«b9. iuiu do 3 coins son 1789, sou and ^'^m.-^""' ' '^^ do 2 coins, sou and deux ^ous, 1791, 1792, ' La nation, la loi, le Roi' Monneron French Revolutionary Token. 1791, ' Liberies sous la loi' ,.^ , , ,..., R^publinnc Frangoise, l-An !L. (1793) ' Liberto, egahte, scales and tablet, 2 ccuis. deux .sous and sor li^pnblique Fran^aise 4 coins, uu decirne, 2 cinq centime.^ and un centime, I'an 4 et 5 Napoleon, (le Grand), 2 coins, un deceime, ISLl N. crowned, 10 centimes. Napoleon Empereur. uillon do 2 Sie>ve pieces, 10 cent, and 5 cent., Monnate obsidioiiale. Anvers (Antwerp) 1814, rare. Loi'ih XVilL, Lla deoeime, 1815. L. crowned, rare, and 254 255 256 257 258 Charles X., 5 cenn, Colonies Francaires, m.i, 2 coiuh Louis I"ilippe I., 2 coins. 10 cei.t., 5 cent., Col. Lrangaise.s Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Rcpublique Frangaise, un centime 1851. (French Revolution pattern) scarce Napoleon IIL, 4 ciins, Dix, cinq, deux and un centime do 4 coins do !'> do Uurmted, the complete Sci rare and beautitui Beautiful French Antique Token, Rogne d'Auguste French Free Ma?on Token. Loge de la Constance Couronnee, Ordre de Paris, Fiat lux, 1806, a temple, etc., a rarity French Revolitionary Token, Caisse de bonne by etable a Paris. 1791, payable en enhange d'Assignats. L An A de la liberie, rare and very fine ..... 4 Bra.'^s iVTedalets. Louis XVI IL, Optimo principi (piece struck by a pistol ball). Louis XVI.. Optime pnucipi. 1790. Inauguration da tombeau de Napoleon, 18.^.J, and Fete du Jhamp de Mai.9, 1848 5 Paris aiu' Versailles' Tradesmen's tokens FRANCE, Silver Coins. 259 Louis XIIL, 1 Crown, 1643, fixcellent preservatiou 260 Louis XIIIL, 1-16 Crown, 1674 261 Louis XV., Crown, 1726 do Halt-crown, 1742 do Quarter Crown, double struck do do 8 L's interlinked, 1720 do XX sols. 1719, fine do Isles du Vent, 1733 Tho Four following Lots are finely preserved coinraeinor.'itive plaiiehett* : 4,r/ do 30 sots, Hex Chrisliani.ssinitis, Trc.sior royal, 1732 262 26.'i 264 265 266 i I i % 270 27 J 273 271 275 27H f^77 278 279 'iSO riSl 282 •283 284 285 286 '387 •288 28<) 290 291 292 •293 294 295 296 297 298 Maria Lecziiiska, Maison de la Reine, 1734 do do Gratissima Phoibo. 1736 Due de Petithie- re, Amiral de France, Marine, 1749 Louis XVI., Crown, 17S7 do Halt-crown. 1791 do I Crown, 1785. very fine Louis XVI., Kegne de la loi crown. 1792 do do do Half-crown, 1792 Republique Frangaise, ' Hercules,- 5 Francs, L'An 8 Bonaparte Premier Consul, 5 Francs, L'*n 12, rare do do do \ Franc do 1, rare Napoleon Empereur, 5 Francs, ^-"ipirf Frangais, 1811 do do do do 6 1 do do Louis XV I II., 6 Francs, 1822, very fine do do d(j do Rcpubliqne Francaise, An 13 i Franc, Empire Frangais, 181'2 i do do do 1814 do do do 17 Charles X., 6 Francs, 1 I 1 do do do do Louis Philippe 1. do do do do do do 18-22 18'24 18-24 1827, very fine 18-28 18-28 1827 1829, very line do do do do , 5 Francs, 1833 '2 do 1 do \ do \ do 50 centinries. 25 do mi3 1845 1839 1842 1846 1810 mi) 301 302 303 304 do do do do 299 Republique Frangaise, ' Hercules,' 5 Francs, 1849, a beauti- ful sfMJcimeri Liberty, 5 Francs, 1850, very fine do 1 do 1850 do 50 Centimes, 1850 do 20 do 1850 Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, 5 Francs, Republique Frangaise, [1852 1 do do do 1852 50 Centimes do do 1852 5 Francs, 18,56, uncirculated I do 1858 do do 50 Centimes, 1857 do 20 do 1860 do laureated. 50 Centimes, 1864, new issue do ^0 do 1864 do ,305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 do do Napoleon III.. Najwleon 111., linipeiour. .'> Franc;^, 1857, thin and wide I 10 FREE CITIES. ,,4F,esCU,ofBre.,e„.:|6G„,e.,J8.|; 31 6 do tlo 4 do 317 Free City of Lubeck, H SchiUii.g, I rin QIC do Hamburg, 1 Schilliiii,', lari 318 319 do Frankfort 1 Kreutzer GERMAN (Smaller) STATES, Copper Coins, 3-i() 1-i Various Tokens, assorted 3'21 do do do q.)o (Jq do do 1 " I 1 333 8 Commemorative tokens, including a Judith and a Lutl.ei coin 3-24 5Bras8 Spiel-marke. assorted GERMAN STATES, Silver Coins. Max-Joseph, Bavarian Crown, the Virgin and child, 1771 Louis 1.. do (Juilder, 1843 Max-Joseph. 6 Kreutzers, 1806 Ernst \u'ni&tus. Hanover Thaler, 185(), hne do " 1-1-iof a thaler, 1841 TFROME NAPOLtON, Wostphalian I thaler, fine and rare i^isc^opalCiermanCoin, CXX Marks, 1766, interesting u* (j-ood condition William II , Hesse \ of a Thaler, 1828 3 Various Hesse coins Leopold, Baden .^(iuilder, 1844 4 Various (German coins . 5 do do small and qune tair 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 GREECE. 337 3 Coins, 10, 5, and 1 Lepion GUATEMALA OR CENTRAL AMERICA, Silver and Gold Coins. 338 Kepublica del Centro de America, 8 Beals, 1840. fine J ,!,» dn 2 do loi'l ;{;; t t ,i nstoie, goW, is^n 339 340 GUERNESEY AND JERSEY. 341 Gueniesey, 3 coin.s, 8,4and^l Double y, 2 coins. 1-13 - ' ' - " 3-13 Silver Kighteen-peii VU l>ueriie.sej^, .. uu.u.^, v^-, -"•'"■ -- - . M2 Jersey, 2 coins, 1-13, l-2b of a Shilling '' ce Token. Mates of Jerf^eV' 1813 -h u re Hi HOLLAND ana the NETHERLANDS. Copper Coins. 344 9 Various coins, assorted 346 10 do do Gold Dollar, 1851, tine NEW BRUNSWICK, Copper Coins, 410 5 Coins, 2 Pennies, 2 Half-pennies and 1 Cent Silver coins. 411 3 Coins, 20, 10 and 5 cents, complete set NEW FOUNDLAND. 412 2 Copper Tokens, Rutherlord, Bros. NEW GliANADA, Cnpi^er Coins, 413 2 Coins, Decimo and Octavo de Real Silver coins. 414 Bojiota Dollar, 8 Reals, 1840 415 do 2 Reals, 1843 416 do 1 Real, 1837 417 do i do 1839 NOVA SCOTIA. 418 9 Various Provincial issues, Pennies, Half-pennies, Cent and 2 Cent 419 7 Various tokens, HalifaJf, Broke, et6. PERSIA. 420 A very rare Eastern coin, native characters 420,^ A Persian H15 433 Joseph I., 200 Reis, 1767 434 Peter V., do 1B54 435 Joseph 1., 40 Reis Gold coins. 436 John V., i Piftole, 1711 437 do 1-6 do 17-W, hne PRINCE EDWAUD ISLAND. 4:W '2 Varieties of the Provincial issue PRUSSIA, Copper Coins. 439 4 Coins, including a rare ' Frederick ■■ Silver coins. 440 Frederick William, I Thaler, 1791 441 do 4 Groschen, 179b 44'i Frederick William III., 1 Thaler, 1817 Tio do 4 coins, Groschens and 1-b I h.ilern iu Frederick William IV., 2 coins, Silber Groschens ROME, (Ancient,) Family Silver Coins. 445 Antonia, Head of Marc. Anthony 446 Fabia, Head of Mercury, If \- ^^^"f ;'"%_„.. rev non- 447 JULIA (Julius CfEsar family) Elephant, * Ca3sar, rev. poi tifical inr,truments, very rare and tine „,,„,j„d 4^18 JUNIA, Head of Liberty, rev. Brutus, Sons of Brutus guardeevera, Concordia Any;., Concord standuig Trajanus Deems, Adventu.s Aug., the Lmperor on huirseback, ■rrebon'ianns (ialUis, Victoria Au2., Victory marching Po,sthiimus, l.3 .524 525 526 527 628 529 Catherine II., 20 Kopecks, 1770 do 20 do 1792 Alexander I., 10 do 1823 Nicholas. ^ Rouble, 1854, very fine ecie dullw, differenC tyv0 Irom No. 6w 571 do fJo J-^ *1" 67-2 do Ho 4 SkiMinj? specie* 673 Oscar, Rix dollnr species, very line specimeo 674 ilo Specie doli»r, 1848 575 do '24 Skiilings 576 do V2 do 577 do I -1») Specie dollar 578 do 1-32 do perfect and soarco SWITZERLAND, Copper Coins. 579 7 coins, Cantons of Geneva, Berne, Lnccrn, Vaud, etc. Silver coins. 580 Canton Lucern, 5 Bat/en 681 do Berne, 1 Batz. 583 do do do 1793, fin«r 688 do Uri, 2 Batzen 584 do (isneva, 25 Centimes 585 do (it. Bunden, 1-6 Batz, rare 586 Helvetia, 1 Franc 687 do li do 688 do 3 coiDs, 20, 10, and 5 Batzen TURKEY, Copper Coins, 58y 4 various coins, complete set, rare Silver coins. 590 1 Utchlik, excellent condition 691 1 Altmichlik 692 3 Base Silver coins UNITED STATES, Copper Coins- 593 Washington Token, United States, 1783, tine 694 Virginia cent, 1773, rare 695 Louisiana cent, 1722, rare 596 do do 1767, R.F., rare 597 do do 1767, without R.F., rare 698 New York cent. Nova Eborac 599 Kentucky Triangle cent, rare 600 5 Vermont cents, Vermon Auctori tSOl Vermont cent, Vermontensium Respublica, rare 602 do Vermonts Respublica, rare 603 4 New Jersey cents, all difletent 104 3 Massachusetts cents, variou* date* 605 Colnmbia farthing 4- V 1» } iM 73 U. S. cents oMhe t'ollowirii? dates, viz. r l-r«3. HM, 1795, 17%, I7?r7, 17f>8, 1800, 1«01,1S02. 1H03, 1805, 1806, 18(>7, 1H08, 1H09, 1810, 1811, 1812, IHi:}, 1811, 1815 (altere(f), 181t), 1817 (2 varietien*), 1818, 1819, 18'20, 1«'21, 1822, I8'i3, 1824, 1«25, 1826, 1827, 18'28, 1829, 1830(2 varieties), 1831, 1832. 1833, 1834, 1835, 18.36, 1837. ia38. 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843 (2 varieties), 1813, 18'tl, 18^15, 18-16. 1847, 1848, 1849, 18.50, 1851. 1852. 18.53, 18.5-t, 1865, 1856, 1857, 1858, 18.59, 1860, 1861. 1H62, 18 3, 1864 tan U U.S. Half-cents of the followin;; dates, viz. : 1797, 1800, 1804. 1809, 1828 (2 varieties), 1829, 1832, 1834, 1853, 1855; coins of this denomination ara becom ins; very scarce ♦)08 8 varieties of Connecticui cents, Auctori Connec 609 Franklin or Fuuio cent 610 3 Nova Constellatio U. S. cents, various till Atn I not ii man and a brother? rare 612 Am I not a woman and a sister 1 e> • j 613 10 vaiious Political Tokens, including the celebrated ' Fnenct to the Constitution,' Bull token, and several other rar» specimens 614 10 various Political Tokens, all different from No. 613 615 7 Presidential and other rare medalefts, some in exceedingly fine preservation 616 20 assorted Tradesmen's Tokens, no two alike 617 20 do do do do 618 20 do do do do 619 48 various small Tradesmen's Tokens, all issued during the late American War t»20 Feuchtvvanger's celebrated composition cent, 1837 t ^ UNITED STATES, Silver Coin!?. 621 MASATHVSETS PINE TRkE SHILLING, 1652, verjr fine and rare 622 do do do 1652 623 U.S. Half-dollar, 1795, scarce 624 do do 1803 625 do do 1805 626 do do 1836. milled edged, very rare type 627 U.S. Quarter dollar, 1806 628ji U. S. Dimes, 1796, first issue, very rat a 629 do 1798, very rare 6.30 do 1803, scarce 631 do 1805 632 do ^^ 1807 633 do* 1809, rare 634 do 1811. rare 635 do 1846, rare 636 do 1853, without arrow hend.i rare 20 fi37 U.S. Hali-ilitnee, HMf), verv rare ♦J38 do I7!>7 do «39 do IHtK) do (J40 do 18^t<) do 041 do 1B53, without arrow headu UNITED STATES, Gold Coins, 642 U.S. Octagon dollar 548 do lialt-dollar, scarce JJ44 do (luarter-dollar, very rare 645 U.S. Round hall-dollar URAGUAY. 64G 40 Cwiteaimos, rare VENEZUELA 647 1 Centavo, fine WEST INDIES, Inlands and Miscellaneous, 648 Hayti, Governnnent issue, 25 eenl, rare 649 do .1. P. Hoyer, President 6.50 do A. Potion, do line 651 do Deux centimes, copper 65'i Barbadoes Fenny, Pineapple and Negro €53 do tlo Moses 'I'olanto 6.54 San Domingo, Quarto, 1844 ^b5 Bahama, Cieor^e HI., Ship atloat, fair and rare '6.56 Bermuda do do 657 JAMAICA, Kinjrston, Howard Halfpenny, rare 658 St. Helena Halfpenny, 1821 659 Gibraltar, 4 coins, assorted 660 Liberia cent, 1833 Silver coins. 661 West India ' Anchor,' dollar, George IV. 6o2 do do Vlli.thdo do 663 do do do do 664 British Guiana, ^ Guilder 665 Las Chiapas por Augustin, (Guatemala) 666 Cobb money thick 667 do thin < plus ultra' 668 Ferdinand Vll., i Medio 669 Isabella 2da do 670 Charles II?., Pillar dollar, base PAPER rUCHENCY, Continental Money. 671 United Co! ^i.;e' . O:'. Dollar Bill, Philadelphia, l()May.l775 672 Maryland, I'Viif OoUar Bill, Anmpolis, 10th April, 1774 775 «7.1 «74 «7o 21 Ntnir .I«rf«i*y, KiltHMtj .Sliillmjj; Hill, June 'ifld, 176^ * Trv us.' ^■" 717 718 719 720 r 721 722 723 724 795 726 NUMISMATIC BOOKS. Dickenson's American Numismatic Manual, (the most nehly published work ever issued), containing 19