AJ .■.'^. A/x ^>, ^^%%X.% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I «- ilIM ■ 50 '""== |M Z2 M 1.8 1.25 U IIIIII.6 W/ ^;. c- c^^ >rm 0%, :> % ^^. W nu^+ v^ *-irw^/~»'»-v K* ■« ^~» XJ riil>iugiapilj Sciences Corporation 23 W£ST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY, 14S80 (716) 872-4503 iV "q \^ M M ^9> V k 4? %. :\ \ signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbols V sigrifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmte d dea taux de rMuction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, ii est filmd i partir do i'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche 4 droits, et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'images n^csssaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mmtmmmmm /3 STATE or MAIi\E. IN l-riK YE.\K OF Oin LOUD OXF. THOUSAND KICUT HINHRKD AND FIFTY. AN ACT to incori)or;ite tlie European and North-Amor- ican Ixailway Company. He it enacted hj the Senate and Home of /Representatives in Leg- islature assembled — as follows : Section 1. Elijah L. Ilainlin^ Anson G. Chandler, ,;,.hn A. Poor. Musos L. Apploton, Saimiol P. Strickland, Leonard March, Wyiiian ]J. S. IVIoor, Danicd AV. Bradloy, George W. Piekorjng, Wiildo T. Pierce, Kufus ])winal, Jo^iah S. T.ittle, James B. Calioon,' Charles Q. Clnpp, F. (). J. Smith, John B. Bmwn, John Anderson! George F. Sepley, Henry Carter, Thomas J. D. Fuller, John Stick- noy, George .^I. Chase, George Down(-s, xXoah Smith, junior, Icha- ' h1 ]{. Chadhourno, Bion Bradhury, James P. Wh(>eler, James S. Pike, Stephen 11. Ilanscom, John N. M. Brewer, and Stephen Em- erson, their associates, successors and assigns, are herel)y made and conslifufed a hody politic and corporate l.y the name of the iMiropean iind North-American Baihvay Company, and l.y that name may sue and he sued, plead and he impleaileil, and shaU have and enjoy all pi'opov remedies at law and in e^piity, to secure and protect them in tlieexer.'isc and use of the rights and privileges, and in the perform- ance of tlie duties hereinafter gnuited and enjoined, and to prevent all invnsi(m thereof, or interrujition in exercising and performing the *aJl3lt 2 ClIARTKR OF THE EUHOPEAN AND route, in a lino to the city of St. John, in New Ikunswidc, to the Eiistcm iK.unclary of the State ; so as Ticst to connect tlioro, with a railway to be constructoa from said city of St. John to «.i(l eastern boundary, under a charter from naid rrovinee, with the like name as is u'^ed in this charter a^^ the 'Erectors of said eorporation in the exer- cise of their best jndgine-it and discretion shall ju.lge most favcrahle nnd be^t calculated to pronu.te the public convenience and carry into effect the intentions ond purposes of this act. And said corporation shall be and hereby are, invested with all the powers, pnvdep;es and immunities, which are or maybe necessary to carry mto effect the purpose, and objects of this act as herein set forth. And for tin. purpose said corporuti.m shall have the right to purchase, or to take in any «■ lhmd» or forest,, the ^..d compv radroad slia.l pa»3 llirou„ii any ^,.„,\{„,. tliemii. V e ♦! ..\r natural falling might obstruct or impair said ra.l down, or from their natural laui.io, o mmm NORTII-AMEIIICAN lUILWiVT CO.Ml'ANV. 8 road, by paying a just compensation tIi(>rcfor, to bo recovered in tho same manner as is provided for the ret-overy of other damages in this act. And furthonnoro said corporation shall have all t\w powers, privileges and innnunities, and bo subject to all tho duties and liabili- ties, provided and prescribed, respecting railroads in chapter eighty- one of the revised statutes, not inconsistent with the oxi)res3 provisions of this charter. Sect. 2. When said corporation shall take any land, or other estate, as aforesaid, of any infant, p(>rson non compos mentis, or feme covert, whose husband is under guardianship, tho guardian of such infant, or piirson non compus mentis, and such feme covert, with tho guardian of her husband, shall have full power and authority to am>e and settle with said corporation, fordanugos or claims for .lamn-es''by reason of taking such land and estate aforesaid, and give good and valid releases and discharges therefor. Sect. 3. Tho capital stock of said corporation shall consist of not less than ten thousand, nor more than forty thousand shares ; and the mnnediate goveinme:it and direction of the affai,-s of said corporation shall bo vested in seven, nine, or thirteen ilircctors, who shall bo chosen by the members of said corporation in the manner hereinafter provided, and shall hold their oflices until others sliall have boon duly elected and .lualificl to take their places, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the trans;iction of business ; and they shall elect one of their number to be president of the board, who shall also be the president of the corporation ; and shall have authority to choose a clerk, who shall be sworn to the faitiiful discharge of his duty • -md -i treasurer, who shall be sworn an.l also give bon.ls to the corporation, with .sureties to the satisfaction of the directors, in the sum of not k-s than fitly thou.san.l dollars, for the faithful discharge of his trust. And for tiie purpose, of receiving subscriptions to the said stock, books sh-iU be opened under th.. direction of the three persons first name.l in the first section of this act, at such time as they may determine, in tho town of (^dais, aiul the cities of Augusta, J?angor and Portland, in >i.s State, and elsewhere as they may app.^int, to remain open for ten locessive days, of which time and place of subscription, publie notice all be given in some newspaper printed in Portland, Augusta, Ban- • and Calais, twenty days at least previous to tho opening of such 4 rilAKTI'.K OK TIIK KUROPEAN AMt subscription ; i.ml in .ms.' llu' amount snliscrilu'd .shall oxoccd forty tliousand shares, tho same shall ho distrihuti'd anion.i; all th.' suhswi- bers, amn-diug to such rcguhitions as tin- jum^ous hiivinii cliarge of the oj)(.nin'4 of tho suhscnj-lion hooks slnll jtrcscrilit-, ht-fon- the opening <.f siid^houks. And the (hive persons tirst named in tho first section of tliis act. are herehy autlu.ri/ed to call tlio first meetuig of said mr- poratioii. l)y giving notice in one or more newspapers puhlished in tlio town and cities last above named, of the time, and place, and the pur- poses of such meeting, at least twenty days before the time mentioned in such notice. t^KCT. 4. f^aid corporation shall have power to make, ordain and establish, all necessary by-hiws and regulations, consistent witii tlio constitution and the laws of this State, for their government, and for the due and orderly conducting of their affairs, and tho managenunt ef their property. SSect. r>. The pn'sident and directors for th.; time being, are herehy authoii/.ed and empowered, by themselves or their agents, to exercise all tlie powers herein granted to the corporation, for the purpose of locating, constructing and completing sai.l railroad, and for the trans- portation of pors^ms, goods andproi-erty of all des.'ription-:. i.nd all such power and authorhy f-r the management of the aHairs of tlie cer- p.»ration, as maybe necJssary and pn.perto carry into etVect the ohject.s of this grant ; to purchase and hohl within or without the Stattt, land, materials engines, and .ar.-, and other necessary things, in the namo of tho coriioration for tli.- use of s;ud road, and for the transportation of persons, goods and property of all dexriptions ; to make such c.pial as.se8snients tVnm time to time, on all the shan- in said eorporation as they may deem expedient and necessary in the executiou and the pro- gress of the work, and direct the same to be paid to the treasurer of "tlie corporatiou. And the treasurer shall give notice of all sm'h assoss- uionts ; and in case any subs.riber or stockholder ^hall neglect to pay any assessment on his share or .^hares for the spue., of thirty days after Mieh notice is given as shall be prescribed by the by-laws ol said cor- poration, the .lirectors may order the treaM.rer to sell such slian-r shares, at public auction, after giving such notice as n,ay be prescn .cU as atoresaid. to tho highest bidder, and the same shall be translerrod to the purchaser, and such delin(p.ent subscriber or stockholder shall Do jxcccd forty the sulisori- •liarge of the till' oponiiiij; first SLM'timi (if s:iiil (.■iir- illMic'd in tlio iind tlio jiur- le iiK>uti(»iuMl , orduiu and lent witii till' iiont, uiiil fur ;uiai';eiueiit of g, are hori'ly .«i, to exercise It! jmrjMise of for tlie trans- •idiis, and all irs uf the cor- ;ct the (ilijei't.s e State, land, ill the name transportation ko sneli eijual ;;orjioratioii as I and the pro- c treasurer uf II sueh a?st;ss- logleet to pay rty days after ,-s of said eor- siieli share "r lie preserilied transferred to loldor r^huU ho Nor.Tir-A^rKriifAN railway compaxy. h(dil aeeiMintalde to the cni'iMiratiiin fur the lialaneo, if his ,sl '^liarr-; shall sell for less than tho assessments ihle there.in, with tl ferest and costs of sale ; and shall lie entitled to tl 6 tare or le in- sliaro or shares shall s(dl for moni than tl I' OVrr|illlS if hiy terest and costs of sale ; prnriilctl, that I the assessments \\\\i\ with ir no share h(dd er HI said eoni|)any shall he in any manner whatever, lialde for any del.t or demand duo hy saiil eomiiany, lieyond the extent of his, her or their si lares in the n no assessment shall lie [litMl stoek of said company not paid np ; and hiid npon any shares In said companyof a greater amount in the whole, tlian one hundred (hdlars. SiiCT. <;. A toll is h.'rel.y nrrant-d and estaldished for the sole heiielit of said corporation, upon all passengers and property of all descriptions, whi(di may he conveyed or transported l.y them upon said load, at su(di rate as may he agreeport all p.'rsons. good.s, and property of all descriptions whieiigers, goods and other pro[ierty as may he received from s\ieh other lailmads, so connertcd with .sud nulroad as aforesaid, shall not exceed tile general ratos of freight and toll oil s.iid railroad received for freiuht ■lid pa.'iseiigers at any of the deposits of ,siid corporation. ^v.rw S. If the said railroad in the course thereof shall cross any private way, tho said corporation shall su construct said railroad as not lUAHTKU OF THE ELUOl'EAN AND lo oltstrtu't the s«f<* aiifl nmvcnii'nt use of Huch privnto wiiy ; nml if tho :«aitl railp«!iil sliall in the ounrso tlu-rcnf. citw any ounal, tiirii[iiki'. rnilroail, or otluT hij^hway. tlic sild railinnd ^llall Ik' K) niiistnichnl ii> not (!) <.li>-trut't tlu- .sifo ami ciinvfiiii'iit n.-r of siu-h canal, tuni|iik('w otiu'i- hiujliway ; ami the saiil corporation slmll liavo power to rais-e or lower such turnpiko, liigliway or privnto way, so tliat tho said railroud, if neci'ssary, may oonvoniontly pa.«a under or over tho .«anie, and orcii H\uh gate or j^atcH tliorcon, as may bo necessary for the safety of trav- elers on said tiunpike, railroad, lii^jhway or private way. Skct. !>. Said railroail (■(ir|inration shall constantly maintain in good rei>!iir all bridges with their abutments ami endiankments wlud; thty may construct for the purpose of eoi\ductin<; their railniail in-i any canal, turnpike, hi-^diway or private way, or for conducting such private way or turnpike over sai so constructed as not unnecessarily to obstruct orhnpede the navigati.m of said waters. Skct. 11. Said railroad coriw.rafion shall erect and maintain sul- stantial, legal and sullici(Mit fences on each siile of tlic land takoii by them for their railroad, when; the same passes through inclosed or iiii- j.rovcil lands, or lanriiiiMo the . tho receiving of tolls shall lio Uiuuil at all tiiiii's to have saiil railroad in good r.-jiair, and a Miili- (iont nunilMT of .suitaldo oiigino.s, carriagos and otli.;r vuIuiIl-.s fur tlio tran^-iM.rtation of persons ami articles, and lie ol.liged to receive at all proper times and plai'es, and convoy the sami! when tht; appnipriiitu t(.lls therefor shall he paid and tendered, and a lien is horuhy creatoil on all articles transported for said tells. And the said corporation fnl- tilling (in its part all and siiignlar the several ohligations and dntics l.y this .section imposed and enjoined u[)nn it, shall not lie held or hound to uUow any engine, locomotive, ears, carriages or other vehicle for the transportation of persons or nierchandizo to pass over said railroad other than its own, f'iirni>hed and provided for that purpose, as heroin enjoined and reiiuircd. Prorutvd, howcrvr, that the said corporatior. sliall he under oliligati(.ns to transport over said road, in connexion \\\\\\ their own trains, the passenger and other cars of any other incor- IKM'uled company that may hereafter construct a railroad connecting with tliat hereby authorized ; such other company lieing suhjeet to all ilie provisions of the sixth atid seventh sections of this act, as to rates I'f toll, and all other particulars enumerated in said sections. Skct. 1;}. If any person shall willfully and maliciously or wan- tonly and contrary to law ohstruct the pa.v, A the ilisivlinu of tlic .•.aut hiiorc Almin hu.1i funvii-luin iiwiy Ic litul. Skct. I I. !^:ii'l (•"ip'TiititMi .sliall Uofp iti a U»k fnr that imr|H)R', a regular accunt i.f alltlieir .lishuiHoiuciits, ..xiu'ii.lituivs an.l riMTij.t^, an.lthi. iKu.ks of siiil rurporation ^hall at all tiniw bo oih'I. to tli.. i.,- Hpoc'tliMi «'f tho govi'iiior atul .Mmii.-il, an.l ..f any cminiitt.M. duly nutliuiizo.l 1-y tl..' l.--i«lati.r.' ; an.l at tl;." rximall-n ..f every y.'ar, tlio tioasiuvr .'t' sii'l r.iriioratiuii sliall niak." an oxhiMt uu.ler .latli to tlio leglslatuiv, of till' n.'t profits deiiviul from tlio iiifonie of said railroa.l. Skct. 1 '>. All nal I'stato imrdiast-.l by sai.l iM.rp.irati.ni for tlio ibc of the Kuno under the fifth H'cti.m of this act, >hall ho taxable t.) siil eorporation by th.' s.'veral t..wns, cities an.l i.lantati..ns in which said lamls lie, in the same manner as lan.ls ..wn.-d by private i.eisuus, ami f^hall in the valuation list b.- estimated the same as ..ther real estate ..f the same .piality in such town, .ity ..r plantation, and nut otherwi>c, and the shares owned by the r.'spctive st.M.Uh..l.lorM shall be .Iceni.!.! pcrs.mal estate, aud be tnxaM.« as su.'h to the owners thereof, in tli(> pla.'cs where th.y r.'.-ide and ha v.- th.'ir home. And whenev.«r the iirr income of said corporation >hall liav.> auDunte.l to ten per .•■ .timi ^cr •innum up..n the est of the n.a.l and its app.'U.lag.'s an.l iu.ndcntal c.xpctiM.s, the .lirc'tors shall make a sp.rial r..p..rt of the fact tn tli. le.Mslatnre ; fnmi and after which time one m.^i.'ty ..r su.h eM.T i-r- lio°nasthe legislature may fn-m tim.- to time determine, ..f the nc^ income from said railn.id a.vniing th-'irafter ..ver and ab.,ve ten [kt ,ontum p.r annum, lirst to he paid to the st..ekli..l.lers, shall amuK.lly l,e paid over by the tieas.uvr ..f s.id .•orporatin,,, as a tax, into tliu treasury of the Slate for the u>e of the State. Ami the State nuiy have an.l maintain an a.ti.m against said corporation thereti.r, to le.-.iv.r the same. Ibit n.. other tax than herein is provi.h-.l shall over be lev- ied or ii.ssosse.1 on said eorp..ration, ..r any of tlu^ir privileges or f.;ai- Sect. K). Th.- annual nu'cting of th.' m.'mb.-rs ..f sai.l crporati.'M shall be h.d.len on tlie la.^t W.'dnes.lay in duly, or .MU'h other -lay a> shall be determin..! by the bydaws, at such time and ph.c.' as t!i. direet.>rs fur th.. time being shall app.^int, at which m.-et.ng, the .hm- tors lii» ••om'ft ami (irfvoMf all I'-iss any la>vs imposing' fim-s an-l nfiialt loi inillllt'l ly lit! II I'l'i'ssa ry, nior,' .'fn'.'tnally t. i ooinj.lun.... with tho provisions. Iial.iIiti..M an.l .luti.s I •fort' set forth ami ciijoinci, |,„t uorciir not to till lUtlc liahilitifs, tir ol)|i(ra lion |it)so any othor or fuitl llT '•'I. aiiimlcMl, alft'ivil, limitcl '•t'r|HM-ati..ii, ...xtTpt l)y ,li„. pro.vss of law. 'Skct. IS. If tho saiti ff.rpt.ratitni .>|,all not >^. Ami this, .hai-t.T shall not hort'vok- •T n straiiioil without th uiiil till! location according to actual t' con.scnt of tht. have lifi-n t.r.raniz(>d, m-vcy of th,. route lik^d ^yith (h "unty ctinniiis,siom.rs of t!„. ctmntitH fhroud, which tl lass, 01) or Itofory tlio tl l.iird iiiii> thousaml lirfy-.'irst tlay of I),.,.oinl (iffy-liv. ci.irlit liiimlrcd and liiM shall fail toconiph'tc .sitd niilroad 'if Occcnil on or 11! .saiiio shall 'cr, in the year of our "!■ if Hit' .siiil corjiora- Itcfort' tht! thirty-fir.st tl XT. in tht.' year of o.ir Lord on,, thou.suid ci^dit I si.\ty-livc, in either of the al antl void. Shit. ID. Said company shall 'Ovemeiitioned iMiidiT'd ;ind cases, this aft .shall li null 'iiistriiclioii of ty-fivo po ■finri ""t I'M.traj,'*. ill, nor eoniiiionce tlu ir sci-tiuiis nf said raih Imvc r ceiituiii t,f the estimatetl cost of .said .sect ■ay, until :n-\\.j\- heen suliscrihcd for i)y rcspnnsilik ion or .sections .shall '^i:cT. li(». If the IV. oither of them shall, in an person," i\imes of \i,.\v iJj i''im]i licTcll 'J ■im.-wick aiitl iVovaScoti :i, or any a t-onijta ;ai way and manner, constitute tlii.s I«'ny withm Its limits and juri.sdiction, this etnnpany y antlitiri., privileges or inuuuuitios heroin granted to ii. Approved August 20th, IboO. II STATE 01^ MAINE. IN TIIK VEAU OF OUIl I,OKD ONK THOUSAND KIUIIT HUNDUKD AND FIFTY. AN ACT, oonceriiino- tlio European uiul Nortli-Auiericaii Railway Company. Jk it cnurted by the Srnafe and Ifousc of Representatives in Ley- islotnre assembled, as follows: 111 ciiso the European ami Nortli-Amerieau Ilailway Company shall be eoustitutctl a corporatiun in the Provinces of New Erunswiek ami Nova Srotia, or either of them, then and in tliat case, the said company . may Ix, allowed to increase its capital stocU, in shares of one hundred Mha-s each, to an amount e((ual to the co.st of constructing said road, iu incorporated and con.stitiitc.l, not exuceding the numher^of one hun- dred and fifty thousand shares in all. fn (he IIuusc of Representatives, August :2l5th, 1850. This lull having had three several readings, passed to ))e enacted. SAMl'KL BKI.riJKll, Sj>ral:er. Tn Senate, L'Gth, l^i)0. This bill having had two .several readings, passed to be enacted. PAIJLINUS 31. FU«TEll, President. Approved, August liTth, 1850. dOiLN IiriJBAilD. Secretfti-y's OfHco, Augusta, Aug. JTtli. 1850. 1 hereby certify, that the foregoing is a copy uf the .riginal, depos- iti.d in this oflfice. ALDKX JACKSUX, Deputy Secretary of State. 12 STATE OF MAINE. PiESOLVE in favor of llio European and Noilli-Amer- iean Ivaihvay (\iniitany. Resoh-id, Tli;it tlic (invoninr Id' authorizvil to .'nusc a n'l'onnoisiui, o aiul pi-(.'liniinary Mirvoy to ni- ukkIl' of a nuiti' for said railway, from 111'.' tlio city 111' r>aiignr, frossiii!.'; tin' IV'iioliscdt river north of tlu; Bangor ami IJrowcr briilgo, ovor tlic iimst iiractlcabl'- ami dircc-t route, in a 1 to the (•ity of 8t. John, iu Now IJruii.-wick, to tlio I'astoni liuiinihiry of tho State, s'o as to connect there, with a railway to ho construeted from .said city of 8t. dulin. to said eastern boundary. Kcsoh'cd, That the (loveriiur he authorized to draw his warrant.- upon the T rciusury, fmin tiiiK! to time not exceedintr the sum uf li thou.^and dollars, to defray the neeos.sary exi»ensesof said reeonnoisimo and survey ; said sum to be expended and jiaid under tlie directluii 'i tlie (lovenior and Council. Rcs'ilri'd, That tho per.sinis comlucting saitl survey .sliall examiin' and rcii'irt such "colo'dfal and miueralonrical cvidenee and fact.s as loo t? be di.scovered by tlciii, in making such survey. In the House of Kcprescntatives, August "iO, l^,")(l. ■Iiali E cad anw/w. In Senate, August 'JUtli, IS.50. rAlLlM'S M. I'OSTKK, J'rcaident. dOiLN IHUHAm). Secretary's Oflice, August 2(lth,lS.')0. T liereiiy certify, that tlie foregoing is a true copy of the oriL'iu:! Api irtiveii d( 'posited ill this oiVict AM>KN JACKSON. J), put;/ SWr<-tan/ «/ Sl^it'- 18 STATli OF MMM. t'on^truitcl rj']SOLVE in regard to iho EnrojKNui mul Nurtli-Amer- iciiii Railway Company. J!rsolrrd, 'rint the Govornor is horchy authorized and empowered IM connimiii.^afe ti. the President and Cngress of the United States, fnmi tinio to time, such informatin,, ,.,s he may deem it advisable (o lay licfbre tlieni, as to the advantages of the route through Maine, pro- posed for the European and North-Ameri.,-an IJuihvay, "for seeuring the most rapid means of counnu deation between Europe and Anie°rica, ami ti. invite surh c»-..perafion nn the part, of the General Govern- iiiciil in aid of the same, as the interests of Maim- may require. Tn the House of Representatives, August 2ijth, 1350. Read ami passed. SAMUEL liELUHEK, Spralrr. lu Senate, August liGth, 1850. Read and passed. PAUrjNUS M. FOSTEll, PresMcnL Approved, August 2Stli, 1850. JOHN IIUJJBAKD. Seeretary's Olliee, Augusta, August .'U, lS5i). 1 licreby certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ilt[iii-ited in this ufl!c(,'. JOIlNMi. SAWrKR, .Serrcfan/nf Sfate. SUBSCHIPTTON TO THE EUIlOrEAN AND NORTII-AMEIUCAN RAILWAY. The suBscuinEKS hereby agree to take and fill the numl.er of Shares in tiio Stock of the European and North American Railway Company, set against their names rcspoetively, on the terms and lou- ditions following, viz : 1st. The advance payment on caeh share sliall he one dollar. 2d. The Sluircs shall not l)e assessed more than five dollars cti.Ii, payiilde at one time, nor to a greater amount in all, than one hundrol dollars, including the advance of one dollar, nor shall more than one third the amoutit he called for, in one year. 3d. Whenever the whole amount of one hundred dollars shall If usJessed, and the road put in operation for the whole or any part of \u di-^tance', the holder of stock upon which the assessments shall iwvo heen paid in full, shall receive interest at the rate of six per cent, on the sums paid on his or her share or shares, computed from the days w payment up to tlie time the last assessment shall hecon'.e du- and imy- able. If any stockholder be delin-iuent, after said time, interest shall be ehar<-ed on his aasc^ment from said time till paytnent. 4th. "whenever the Directors shall call for any jussessment, cvrry stockholder shall bo at liberty to pay such sum over and ah.ne vy amount actually assessed, as he ..r she may see fit to pay, not exc ■ in.r one hundred dollars on each .share, and interest shall be allou, ! uud paid thereon, as provi.led in the third regulation. 5th. If the whole number of Shares subscribed for, shall excec . one hundred ami fifty thousand, such excess shall be disposed of ly reducing pro rata, the subscrii-tions wliich are ..ver twenty-live slu.r.« without°making fractions in the apportionment of the excess.