'NV \\ *„ *- V- I — v V' - ' "^f / r I ^ ^ITN OVtn , "3 oV> >> O.N TllK Financial Operations of the Three Years since Conrederation. In th(> CoiTiinitt<>(» on Public Ai'onunts l«sf Session, thero was some disf-nssioi; as to tilt' proprioty ol' so romodd.inu' oiir stateiniMit of liiM'cipts and ICxpi-nditur", ko as to distinguish the ordinary from the extraordinary. I then exprcsswl an opinion, whi made a matter of account. There is a I)road dillerence between KeceiiUs and I'^xpeiiditure, which are authorized l»y Parliament to belon? to Capital, and those which apiiertain to Consolidated Fund, or in other words are applicable to, or eharirenble airainst Income. Ihit no rule can be laid down to distiniruish between ordinary and extraordinary T(e<'eipts and I'lxpenditure. In almost every year some extraordinarv items will occur, and it depends altoirether ixpon their maiynitude whether it is worth while to take any notice of them at all. No one, for instance, would think of keeping' a separate account of the uain or lo.ss we may make in rreminm discount and Kxi'liamre in the minor movements which are every year takinpf place in Loans, Redemptions and Investments • tmt if we happen — t-r~ to contract a larije loan these items may assume important dimensiims : and who is to '^ determine the limit l)efore and alter which they are to be deidt with ililferently. Sf> also if a small debtor, like the Northern Railway, falls behind for a year .or two in its interest, and then pa\s up its arrears, thi' case is distinyuisbable onlv in ils niaunitnde from the similar oi.'curreiice with iiie (ireat We.stiM-n. l)r we may have an extraordinary expenditure of '■W to ^40,(H)0 for I'^misrration and Quarantine, if a sickly season should occur: or (»ne of ten times the amount in conse(]uence of a l'"enian raid, nr the decennial occurreni-e of llie Census. None of tlie.se liiin^rs <'au proi»erly be said to belun;; t'l Capital, but which of them are of sullicient importance to be specially classed as extraordinary is a matter of discretion, on which liardh any two men would auree. aiul nothinir ouffht to bi- lelt to discveiion in book-keepin;;'. .*»nch items may very i)roperly be made a matter of comment in the rejiort of the Hoard of Audit, and no ]>rndent Minister of l''inaiice wonhl leave them out of account, if of any mauiiitnde. in basinnr his linancial arransemenls for one year on the experieiK'c (d' another. Hi- iiiiu'ht even be compelled to contract a temporary loan to cover a casual deliciciii'y in the licvenues of Cunsulidated l''iind to meet tin' charireh auniinst it, as he is authorized to d" by :!1 \ie. Cap, 4 Sei'. 4 ; and ^ll(■h casual loans niiirht verv projierly be ke]>t distinct IV'Hii the mdinary debt, and the redem|ilioii of tlo'in be made a chnriir iiiiiiiiisl Cnnsolidated l'"uiid in more lavorable years : but until Parliament has pioiKiumecl ii|i(in the subject, I do not see how any chanL'"' can be made in the methcMl of ciiterins'' siu'li transaciiiiiis in the books. Mvervthiiiir, wliii'h has not been s|)ecially atilhor- izcd to be considered Capital, must be credited or charycd to Couscdidated Fund, and the ciinnire in the bali.nce of that Fund from year to year, will shew whether the income has bet>n in excess, or has fallen short of. tin- charyi's auainst it. For these reasons 1 pro])ose, unless I receive yoiir inslriK dons to the <'ontrary, to brinir out the statement of Receipts and Expenditure in the sam« form an in the last year's Pnblii" Accounts, shewinir tho»e of ( 'onsoliilati'd l'"uinl se)>arati' I'rcn those a|>plicable to o|ien ai-counts. l>\it not takind, if wo t«ke Rcveral years tourison between their results. I. A statemimt shewini; the excess of receipts of Consolidated Fund over the t'X]>en- diture in each year. In this statement I have given the amounts as they stand in tlie Public Accounts, without takinff into ron''!deration whether some §40, (MK) charged asainsl I'ublic Works Capital in the lirst two years should not. i)erhaps, in accordance with the distinction drawn in the estimates of last year, have l)een more properly charged to Consolidatc>d Fund: and I have mad>' no chanfre in the manner of dealintr with the IVemiitms on the Intercolonial Loan, and the arrears of ihe (ireat Western interest, to which exception was taken last year. These were certaiidy extraordinary receipts, but if, upon that srronnd, some jmrtions of them were dcdu'ted Irom the receipts of the year, the whole amount certainly .should not be so deducted If l»t>>< and IWJ have not cr 'dit given to them for all the arrears of the Great Westi^m interest, they musi at least huve it for the amounts falling due in them, which even on ourjiresent reduced settlement would have been !5;221,4")8.72 ; and similarly they would be entitled to credit for the profit on a 35 years' loan ttccruing in the three years under consideration, which would be *:il,'2H4.ST, leaving only l^>'^',-j"? '^1 of the.se extraordinary receipts, i-espectinir which there can l)e any douht. Airain-^' a. 's may be set extraordinary expenditure like that resultiui, from the Feniiin raid last year, and the decennial Census now in ])rogress. If the statement had embraced four years instead oC three, the extraordinary items would probably have balanced each other. It must, howevi'r, be borne in mind that the Consolidated Fund Fxpendilurt- embraces one item which is a reduction ol' the debt. A\'e are pledged to expend a certain sum annually towards paying oil the debt through the Sinkintr Fund, and that expenditure is, th(»r( fore, properly charL''<"d aixainst I'onsolidated l'"nnd. Hut it is really so much debt redeemed, and it must be added to the excess of Consolidated Fund Receipts in order to shew the amount of Income which, ovi'r aiul almve Mn' aniiuai expenditure, has been available for ))urposes of Capital. II. A detailed statement of all the items of whii'h our debt consists, and of the available assets we have to meet it with, shewinir the movement of each durinc each year. The ditlereiice between the increa.se ofdi'lil thus shewn, and the amount which we have expended during the period on I'nblio Works, and other accounts which are authorized as cai)ital exjiendituri', but which are not inchuled in the stati'ment as available assets, will indicate in another way the amnunl of expenditure aulhnri/ed on aci'ouni i>\' capital, which has in fact been met out of current income. There is another point in this statement which is wioihy of remark — thai whilst the net debt has been increased durintr the period in (jueslion by #'_',4;il,'t.1e in the balaiiee of Consolidaterl I'und indieules the same eipendiluro fir Capital jiurposcs out of income. V,> „ ,: It will 1..' s,>t>n that tho rt^sults of tht> thr«>t> stattMnoiits are not idontiral, and iho H<''"ont\v»>.>u thi> thrco, thouijh «ome triKm!? roctifications of accounts in i)revious jcars will from time to lime occur, which will ad.Mt the corrcspoudcuce between the (statements based upon the ohanpe in the debt- and that fouiuled on the cash transactions of the year. But in th.- three years under consideration, in consequence of tlie settlement with the Provinces, the dilferences are more iini)ortant. The it.'ms which have affected the accounts formimr t':e n.'t debt, which have not ])assed throuL'h cash are the following: Debt increased 1M(!-.H by credit to Indian Fund (R A. 'fiTp.R) $ VUm 1H Arrears to .SciiTii,. ins do '2.:VAii 4-J — i l;!,lt07 »*><( Debt increaseitin'r\ova Sootin (P.A.'O!) pit) A !t7:! :i:; Township Indemnitv .")47 o:', Debt reduc.'d 1.si;k.9 |,y debitino- Township Imlemnityi* t;-J:! 4.-) ]?aukist!4 0.*, Hidnuce i(i:i7:!.22t» 7» So also in ISCT-H Consolidated Fuiul was credited with ss.VJ.tlHI.Kl, an amount of expenditure mi Public Works Capital charged to the P-.vin.'e. and which, therefore, did not affect (Jashofth.. Dominiou or any o.iier debt account. The comparison of the three methods of judsrintj- of llie liuancial j.roirress of th« country will then stand thus: Excess of Con.solidaled Fund h'eceijUs.. S1.771..")4:2 fu Sinkintr Fund " iMiH.tiut! r,:, *2.iV'.(!(t4 24 Public Work.s, as above .V.'.cs) si s2.?}o«,!t22 4:1 .TOITV LAVCrTOX. Docomber :lrd, 1»70. A„>/ilor. I Htatkmknt of the Rt-coiptN and Kxi)iMi(litnri> ol' Consolidated Fund in ISCT-S. mtif.;» II lid lSti!t-70. li'i'.cipts. iMCT-s $ l.i,7.'J7,470 12 Kxpciiditun' 1 :!,.■).!.), ti.l;> l!t Excoss ol' RecHpts $ •Jo|,s:!.'i ,"i3 Rt'.i-ipts. ISCS-li «c 14.4'<.">.I.SIt .",7 Kxiicnditiirt' 14,l44.o4lt n.'. Excfss of Ifcct'ipts s :!41,0".m .",:; K'l'ccipts ISC.O.-n ii. ir)..'..'!;!.7it7 7:1 Expt'ndituro 14.:!o.").lSl :il I^xci'ss of Ifoocipts sl,2'28,t!1ti ;V_' Total KxcPKs of |{fceipt.s.. sl.T'L.UJ .'>7 Sinkintr Fund, lMti7-8 S .'!.'>.').2t)i! tii; lSti«-!l 4-_'ti.S(l i till 1Hti!t-7(l 1 iitl,.V!:! :',:',— ^ iMlH.tiiltJ i;.", Total siirplns Inromo of Consolidatod l""und fx- clusivc of that applied in ri'diirtion of ih.' debt I •J.<;^0,14!l -2.1 fJ. V ;.:,"!■ 1 1. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT or Hie Di'Ut of llir DoMiinion. 1SG7, IH<;k iHCi!) aiui IH70. .lulv l.vl, l>i''.". .Inly 1st. isiis. July l>t, 1m;!". .Inly M. isTii. Viii/iihlf in Liim/dii. # crs. liii|>i'iiiil (luaritiiit'iMl F^iOiin (olil) J ]>. i'. Jtii Iiitcnoliiiiiiil 4 p. r Intorcoloiiiiil Loiiii .'> p. <• Coiisolidati'd Ciiiiiuliaii Luaii riiintls...r) ]). c. 27,7S4,4(1I !>-2 1)(. Sln.k...;j p. e. :!.77iMri:l ;•:; ('Miiada Bonds (did) ;'» j). f. 2ii7,tltlii 7n Do do i! p. c. :i4,'.>47,.')(iti 71 Nova Scotia l!oiids ti p. c. 4,.')f^n,;')'MI tit! Ni-w Brun>s\vii'k lioni.s " P- f- ."»,t';!7,4>*it Oti Puj/nlilf ill Vditmln. Canada J'.onds (oM) .'. p. c. ll'J.'.fj:. (II Do do.. t; p <•. 1.J.")4,:i,-)() (t2 Do do 7 p. C.I .S7:).200 (10 Ni.va Scotia ti p. c.i 1,4> J)o Nova Scotia...... 4 p. c, t;44,«H7 02 Do New iSmnswick .") p. c.i .'.ItU,:;.-)'.! K") \)o ^^ur^ tJa^ Ao U p. c. 178,000 10 Nova ^colifLSu.si)(>n.s(> Acconnt Indt'innily U) Seigneurs and To\vnshii)s tJ p.c: 8,S(ilt,H|0 02 Not.-s, Canada j :5,11;!,7"t) 0<» D.. NovaScotia i (!0/i,H59 12 s cts.' tiM ,;!;!;! :!4 r\s. •ts. 27.0X2,201 !t2 l.»72.4i:! !t:l 2(17. out; 70 24.'.'4.-).(i7:! .-iS |,4C,(i.,l(M) 00 7.:iiio.noo 00 2.4:t.!. ;!;!••! -'A 2(i.s!i'.t. 127 0(> 4.t;.".7,4xH 7!> 2(i7.t!(;ii 70 24.!i42.ii4o 0.'» t. 401). -too 00 4,8stl,ti20 (Ml , 4, ^.'^(■..020 00 r.i2,'.»2.') (II 1.24'!, (WO 02 x7:;, .:/0 (Id l,4'i!..ioO 00 l!lt;,»00 00 (100.000 on 1,127.."):!H ()(! l.'iO.OKS ,S!t 7:!.'.ioo 00 (i70,2s7 IK (;:!;!.2.'.0 24 17S,000 00 .'i.Hti'.i.HIO 02 8,71i.'),000 00 .552,825 71> l!(2.'.'2."> (I I I,227,t;i0 (12 .'idO 00 1.481, (too (10 liUl.iioO 00 (l,:i7.'.,410 0;') .-,78.000 00 :i.272,8(;i 0!t o0;{,t!14 20 ;{.'>:i.2O0 00 (!5H,784 !»3 0!i4,10(l 8:i 17H.OO0 00 04, KiS 70 :'.,,H(i'.i.8lo (12 4.8.'JO,(l(IO 00 407,743 12 Totijl Funded Debt. .^. 8o,07ri,70(i !M; 82,7I4,!i4.') 08 !|(iO.!t'.t2,75:3 97 Trust I-unds •! P- <•■' 1.178,410 .",8 Do 3 p. C.I ,").2.1(l,:!(;ii -l.') Miscellancou.s i 458.0'.i2 ;!8 rrovinccs— ( Intario and (^uehcc, Nova Scotia New Brunswick ..J p. c. .•i.',8,822 01 l,2ti0.r.27 .'iO !l.):!,!t4;{ 01 1.178,410 .•■8 .■,.27(l.:lx8 (lil 2.-.2.78:! 21 2,1.'>l.1!i2 i;i 84;i.8r)7 72 i'>(l4,»j28 (iO 1.178.410 .")8 .■(,2'.i!i,207 87 '.•7,1148 n.-, 4.o|0,8(i2 (14 (;.vi,7(i8 18 7,:!00.(iiiii tio 2,4:;:!,;!;!:l :!4 2«,:!7.V47:! 74 .5,181,142 II 2(>7.(i(i(i 70 24. '.•42,(14(1 (•.■) 4,400,:>(i(i (•(• 4,8,sf,.(i20 00 r.i2,'.^2.5 01 1,227,210 02 800 00 1,481. '.100 00 1!>ti,!IOO 00 2.224,353 70 57(!,OOn 6(f 4,o!»;i,ooi :>1 8!i.',,(i70 41 (i48,itO0 00 770,570 85 .'<0!^,521 50 17h,ooo 00 (14,1(18 70 •'!,80O,ii45 :>K 7,47'.i,:55:{ .-t.'! .•i;i4,;!ol 05 10O,8H0,(lOt; 01 1,178,410 58 »,:!:!t;,2:!:! '.«:! 12'.(,12tl 40 5,748,774 (it* 4;i5,712 04 Total Miscellaneous i? Bankinu: Ar.roiints. l^ondon 'Ajfcnts Bank of Montreal.. Mit-cellaneous !t,440,1(i5 23 ' 10,207,2tlO HO | 11,240,077 32 various, .lo.... 1,22(1,548 .'iS 2.240,410 (17 50,214 :J4 1.;!72,87:! 87 2,5(10,000 00 101,580 ;!5 4'.»,080 01 80,080 I'J Total Banking- Accounts * ;152(1,17!» 54 Total Liabilities.... S»3,046,0ol 73 3,974,4(10 22 129,Hi7 10 !iti,81K3,C(i(i 20 '112,3tn,99H 89 12,828,257 70 215,570 75 2,022.805 51 85,223 tj5 2,32.!,599 91 11(1,032,404 22 . .if-*=T>yi-t5*'. %-'.'' -i**^ •W- ■*f assi^:ts. July 1st, 1^61. July 1st, iHtiH. ; July Isl, iSti!^. July l.st, IS70. hivrstments. t'oiisolid.iii'd Can, Loan Fund Iiitortuiduial do '^ New IJrunswick Bonds tj Slorlintf Dchcntun's (! Xurthi'iii Railway Binds tl C'obourif Bonds i; Toronto Bonds ti Montreal Turnpike a p. Con. Can. Loan Bonds ."> p. Montreal Harhour Bond.s .", p. Port Hope Bonds o p. Hamilton Coupons .', p. India Bonds -, n Bonds lor Savings Bank .'i p. I'o Intercolonial ,j p. Gran-2,488 92 i H:i,7(lO ()(j H:i,70(i 6« 24:!,3:i:i 3:; :il,210 47 l«,Ms:i (10 t'7,2oo 00 2ll.2t;ti 2;!.5H7 '^2,24« (58 77 80 t;81,:^:{S ;U 24:!.3:!;} :53 2L2in 4" I7,ix:{ OC 07,200 00 .V!.o;i;! «;? 211.2ti(i (IS 2.'!,5S7 77 llt,.S4:) S5 (j.sL;i;f;i 34 .!t')2.7!t.'» ;i(;..ioo 8;i,70(i 14,tioO 24a,:i:!;i 21.210 12,«03 07,200 2n,2(itJ 2;i,o87 10,781 681,3;!3 ct,s 58 00 00 00 3.{ 47 00 00 33 68 77 3,-> 34 121,(!tUi (W! 121,7;!!* tiO !ts,:i.^0 25 2,81O,.-)O0 00 121,0(i0 (;o 121,73't 06 !»8,350 25 2 810,500 00 Total Investments Miscellaneous. 'roviii' i ■ ■>> ...•) p. c c of Canada Debt New Brunswiik Debt 5 p Provincial Accounts Nova Scotia Suspense Account MiscoUaneous Total Miscellaneous. Bimkiiitx Aecoifnts. Cash Issue Account ai'/l Specie reserve.... •Financial Aa'cnts Bank oC Montreal Silver IJebentun>s., 5 785,782 30 j 6,136,446 92 234,000 (M) i2i,(;oi; 00 121,739 66 98,350 25 2.708.234 70 2.000,000 00 6,575,410 05 * cts. 2,001,-102 24 1 1 4. .100 07 HS.70(i Oi; 14.000 no 24.!,333 33 21,210 47 7,203 no 67,200 00 53,533 33 211,206 OS 23,587 77 I6,7S! 35 OSl U33 31 9,000 00 157,100 00 121.000 00 121,739 (»0 9s,350 25 2,076,176 03 4,88:{,0H9 49 2,224,353 70 15,388,052 83 j 13,231,127 2i» 10,045,533 63 I 10,iO2,o;]0 07 10,489.769 30 10,504,914 47 940,()99 44 319.822 77 3,842, 1(>5 67 125,054 61 5(!9,541 89 5,959,(i02 32 125,054 01 21,258 29 10,045,533 63 5S!t,ns5 23 ! 757,140 00 22,40.3 59 ' 11,723,359 51 1.425,786 00 <(3S,440 00 lo,5ti!t IH \ 572,443 47 '' 14,770,812 35 17,180.431 58 2,966,930 73 1.X99.O00 00 1. II 8^259 m 72,443 47 2,252,602 38 2.H83,430 07 12,204 42 Silvei' Deposit Acco>int ; I ' ! ' 1 277 8I.s" 4!t Silver CJiaru-es .locount | , I '" ''...'.'...".. ...... .. '58 7-'4 0.'» Silver Coinnae Account | ...'..,.......... (i57 K2(i 25 Miscellaneous Banking: Accounts Total Bankiiiir .Vccounls. Total As.sels 117,465 61 I 332,487 ;iK I 331,180 13 I 317,721 40 ...$ 1.480 ,094 43 ...* 17,317,410 36 3,279,72603 21,139,531 46 6,887,814 01 I 7,400,333 60 36,502,679 19 | 37,871,892 53 ■ ■■■■-:'.. ./'■.-'..^.'■■.■■'■'^:.^.r ■]■ comparat:ve statement Of tht' Pi'1)t (if the l)oriiitiii>ii rrmii .liilv i, I'^UT, to.Iiilv 1, 1><7". mcordiiii! t" thi' riit<> of iiiffrcst it )»':ir!*. I-UBIMTIKS. i- 1, . '572,873 ST! 4!I,0H0 '.tl 21.">/.7i> 7'. At 4 per cent iiitori'st ! l,:i2(J,r iiii.Ti'^l. 4,s:>l,710 70 4. '.171.270 O;) .J.lss.tiU On .'•..1.'..'!.8:.2 08 U.21 ; .-1.1. i j 4.(12 , 4.44 as.-;kt.<. Without iiitc-ri'j^t At varyiiii^ rale.s At •'] mid 3?. pi'rciMit iiiteri'st. At 4 per rent interest « fi " >> K*(>*K.>*.1***«*-.,'' " ti " " ! , I • 1.4t;;l(i!Mi h:\ 4.20!i.s,jt; 2'.» I.".,s|2.|S4 lU; l.",.0OS..'.4H o' •!. 174. Olio It; ;!. I (;2.>*2."> 7". 1.4i;o.(Uti 2."i l.".:!.s71 (ix •2."0fi.iH!() Oil 4,sx:l.(ix Oti 14.01!t.:!!tii 1 J 14.342.804 Jl.l,■J|•,^ -ji) l.imO.JiH,') 11 i I Aveni-re iM(e (>r iiileresi 4.1*4 I .•;..'>7 I 2.58 i 2,04 lHil7. lHi;s. lHtl',1. iK'lt. I # pIk. 8 cts. * cLs. t* lis. Total debt ; O3,04»i,n".1 73 0(!,KOt!,titt(i 20 112,iHi1,00H 3!t ll(i.C.'12,4t;4 22 I i Ti)tal assets 17,317,410 30 21,130,'i31 Hi 3tl..';02,(170 ]!♦ !17,«71.H02 ;".3 Net deht 7.".,728,i;41 37, 7.'>.7;')7,134 74 7.'>..'<.'.0,:il!» 20, 7H.Hiti,,")71 00 Tiitiil interest on delit 4.H.M,71(l 7t) 4,074,270 !•:! ."..ISS.iUl <»)] .".,I.">3.H.V2 OM Tu.al interest on assets liOO.HlM) 77 7.'.3.400 00 020.208 20 1,(100.08.-, 41 Net interest 4,ir.l,Sl!t ;i;! 4,22<».7HO' !i:! 4.2.".0,:i7:! 70 4,1'i3.1fi7 .'.7 Averoiferate ' f>.4H | g. M - :;j '>.03 ;-..31 CAPITAL Kyri-:NDITl'i;K. lHi!T.8. I ISliH-D lHtJ!t-70 TOTAL. I'lihlic AVnrks ' 6!!7.T01 tW ' :$8-..4n7 "0 , 200.93.10(5 l.fss Sal.'s and Stores..; 1;!,5\o "(» 4l.ltit;71 i |*.*'"" "l^ 1,193,044 44 63,741 71 I 5''412t) 68 ! 344,240 99 ! 2(J0,93-) OH 1,129,302 73 Intovcolonial T?;.ihvay....' o14.02:! 11 :!,imO.(!2I -U '. 4,7:!H,8')2 74 lucreaso of .lel.t ' -^-^"^ J!^..! _^!!^"lii'i-L-'i!'^'-^- -*'' i --^^^l- ''^^ ^- ''tnl£;;:fr .45,7.4.. i 4n,83«n5 :l,349.3«8S2 ^.30fi.922 42 111, St\tkmfnt oI' th.' iliniiire in tli.' 1)nl:iiice of (V>iis..liilMl.'(l FuikI rroiii .Ttily 1, 1Mi;7 to .Inly I, l«7ilitii's ii.«- t suiin' T. 1^7(1 4.107,198 SO « 2,359,t!ti4 24 ('o^^•ARl>;()\ oi' i\t 'H I" roMrrTKD and in'tkres IniporiHl Guitraiitot'd (> m J)o IiiliTcolonial I) 111.... IiitiMvolDiiial !t 111 Conisolitlatt'il Caiuuliuu Loan. Do ."^tock . Canada.') per coiit Do ti jK-r (•('lit Nova S('f)tia Ni'W JJiiiii.swick Total London. Canada 5 p. c do. 6 p. c do. 7 1). c Nova Scotia N(>\v Brun.swick Convertible to Stot-k Sto(-ii (JO .SS.il 1 4 00 1I,S14 00 :)t.(!S(l (10 1!'(i,:!71 00 ;!7,S04 (■>(! 2(>.:!4!l ?,C, 4:'). -is.') 00 2:!2,IS.S 0(1 14:!,r)ini d'! 1!I2,1.V". Hi ;!2,(ls.") 40 1,227 04 ;},!I74.. •'.«(! 04 !•,(;:!»; 24 7.'!,(!SH 8(i :!0,.")ti2 00 .SS,!I14 00 11,S14 00 i 2.".,o20 22 Ns.4(i4 i".(l ! 21,0114 72- I 2(;,:!i);! ^-2 i\ 4:!.2I!I ?,H \\ 2;!2.]S8 (J0-|i 14.-),771 71 J 1!'^,2(17 2o I: A/l,o2:; 12 r,,:!74 2« , 70,.'J7.5 85 >*in'l^iiii!' I'iukLs \. li. lionds NorllK^r.! IJ. 1{ Coliour,';" lionds Toroiii'i lionds Montreal Tunipike Ikmds Miiiilroal llarlmr do Tort Hope do Ilainilton Coupons ; (IT.IM'o.slal JJonds ! (r.W. Bonds j India Bonds \ Bank ol' Montreal ! Canada ') ]). o do G ]). e London Agents Total. Computed. t redite(L A ctis. # ets. r.24,4H8 40 .524.SS7 04 l.-..'.i!M l.i J>9,4ti4 77 SI.2S7 76 r).022 'M 4.l'o.') 60 14,000 00 14,(100 00 1.272 00 I.HOS .ss 7 OS IS l,:i.')S 24 4.(i-12 00 (l,04S 00 10..')ii:! .'!;) l.')..s4.") 00 1,1711 3H 1.7ti!i o:i sl^il 06 :!.041 06 '.I.S42 .Vi 110,721) 36 .'■).■>.:!(; 4 till 84,006 ihi .■14,0(i(; 67 1)0,000 00 4;i,o03 .-)S 14.:{70 is7t) 66 ) 00 ( 7.H40 01 27.!ir,(i 41t :!(;,121 24 !i21t,2i;S 10 8:iH,i108 24 r>.lS8,641 82 !t21>,26S 10 4,25!t,37ii 72 Interest on Del)! com pitted . J)o paid I)lte-(f)/7 on Assets eoiiipiited. Do eredlled..., s.").1,s8.()41 82 .3,1.-)7,804 Oil !I2!I,268 10 S:!8,!I08 24 830,8;!7 tiO,3.V.l M ])ill'"r"llfe*'n Net Del)) .■)!i,r)22 13 f. I'he amounts paid andireeeived are thus diaru'ed Interest on Tuhlic Deht Ontario and (^uehec tSiilisidy Accounts. Province of Nova .Scotia Deiit 4.n07,013 71 1!V,.267 2;i /i:i.52;! 12 Interest en Investments ^: O. \' Q. Suhsidy Account \.. .«;314,021 20 .. 024,887 04 .■),ir)7,804 OS \ i|838,5»08 24 V