'•^^ CATALOGUE O:-' THE CITIZEiNS' FREE LIBRARY, HALIFAX, NOVA S('0TL4. Prepared lay Harry Piers, and Publislied by order of the Library Committee, City Council. HALIFAX, N. S. : PRINTKD BV \\ M. MACNAU, 3 PRINCE STREET. 1894. ^/-^ PREFACE. The Citizens' Fre'^ Library of Halifax owes its origin to tlie Ijeneficence of the late Chief Justice of Xova Scotia, the Hon. Sir William Young, Knt. The nucleus of a popular library, known as the Halifax Mechanics' Library, had been formed in October, 1831. It was supported by a number of share- holders, each of whom paid a subscription so s)nall that it placed the books within the reach of almost any industrious person. This library, which at last amounted to about three thousand volumes, continued in existence until the year 1864, when unfortunately it fell into debt. Thereupon it became necessary to disperse the whole collection. It was purchased by Sir William, 4ind presented as a gift to the city of Halifax, whioh was thenceforth to maintain it as a free institution.* A small, inconvenient room in the old •City Court House, which recently stood near the Market Stpiare, was appro- priated for its use, and early in 1866, Mr. Samuel Creed was appointed to succeed to the late librarian, Mr. John C. Craigen. For several years it did ^ooil service, and no doubt yielded a large amount of instruction and enjoy- ment. In 1873, its founder evinced his continued interest in the institution by presenting it with the library of his late brother, (ieorge R. Young, Esq., which he liad purchased for that purpose. The united collection.s, now numbering about five thousand volumes, were immediately removed to No. 2(\^ Harrington Street, where they were roughly catalogued, and on the 18th August, 1873, the library was once more opened to the pulilic. An annual grant of one thousand dollars was secured to pay rent, salary, and other iiXjx'nscs. Alx>ut fifteen hundred persons of all classes of society had I'lirolled their names a.s borrowers, but of these not more than two hundred •were regular readers — an extremely small proportion of a population of thirty thousand. In order to purchase modern pulilications. Sir William * The library was preaented on 19th February, 1864, and opened on 15th June, following. iv PREFACE. further gave one hundred dollars annually for three years, on condition that the city would grant a like sum. In August, 1824, — forty years previous to Sir William's gift, -the Hali. fax Library had been founded l)y a society of gentlemen belonging to the town. It was an exclusive institution, sup[)orted by shareholders, limited in numl)er to one hundred and twenty, who paitl an annual fee. At length, however, the funds became limited, and finally this excellent collection of well-bound books was sold to the Citizens' Free Library, with wliich it was incorporated. The library, thus augmentele to ascertain what the library contained, so few were the Ijooks remaining which had been included in the now useless catalogues of 1876 and 1878. A number of new ones had also been purchased with that proportion of the grant which had formerly been reserved for the payment of rent. All vliis made it necessary that a cata- logue of the entire collection should innii. diately be proviiled, and in 1893 I was instructed to prepare such a work upon modern principles, the present volume being the result. Work was begun on 11th Deceml er, but owing to the confusion in which PREFACE. V tlie shelves were found, it progresseil with less rapidity than I had hoped, llooks at the same time were being issued to readers. For these and other reasons, it was finally deemed necessary to close tlie institution for a time, beginning with Christmas Day. On '27th February, of the present year, the work of writing the entries upon the cards was completed, and one month later the copy was ready for tlie printer. The volume has been kept within as small a compass as possible. My instructions have forced me to place all second and subsequent lines of an entry in brevier type, which has afl'ected to a large extent the typographical ay)pearanee of the work. With more details in the book, the usefulness of the library woidd have been much enhanced ; for it is now universally acknowledged that the practical value of such an institution is largely pro- j)ortionate to the completeness oi its catalogue. It was not part of my duty to arrange the volumes ujinn the shelves, but I strove to better to some extent the existing conditions. The utmost and constant attention to system is necessary to prevent a large accumulation of books from becoming chaotic. As alphabetical order is maintained throughout, those who consult this catalogue should look for authors or subjects in the same manner in which words are sought for in a dictionary. Readers are cautioned that French surnames are entered under the prefix when it is or contains an article, Le, La, L\ Du, Dei< ; but under the word following, when the [trefix is a pre- position, lie, (V. English names are entered under the prefix. In other languages the record is made under the word following. Xoblemen appear iuieen searched for, and wheir ascertained the entries have been made under the real names, with references from all noias lie plunie. In a few instances this may bring unaccustomed names l)efore us, particularly in Fiction, but it is the only system which can be adopted to gain consistency, and the knowledge thus conveyed is often mobt vi PREFACE. iHtei-estiiif'. Cross-references never leave the reader at a loss. Works of fiction appear only in the class-list Fiction, but references are always made from the author-entry in the general alphabet, and it is there that readers should look for full names of writers whose productions ajipear under the fopmef heatling. The subject entries include all works dealing with a particular subject. These will be found of nuich use to the student. A net-work of cross- references referring to related subjects, binds these entries together. The names of authors are printed in heavy-faced type, and subjects in small capitals. When a name appears both as an author and a subject, p*efereuce is given to the former, and the heading is printed in the heavy- faced author-type. Wherever possible, dates embracing the period treated, are aflfixed to works of history and travel. Information of a similar nature is also given with subjects of biography. This, 1 trust, will prove of great assistance. Lists of contents are also occasionally given. Such indications of what a volume holds, are of the very greatest use. Notes which may bt>. helpful are sooaetimes inserted. Superfluous words are omitted from the titles, but every altered or added word is without exception inclosed within parenthesis. Italics are sometimes similarly used. I earnestly hope that the catalogue will lie found to assist those who con- sult the library, and that it may lead to a greater interest being taken in the only free library which the citizens of Halifax po.ssess. " Sfan;/a7i," Halifax; 'lOth Jnup^ ISiU. Harry Piers. ABBREVIATIONS. Anon .... Anonymous. B Boston. circa about. ed edited by, editor. Kdin Edinl)ur^h. L London. ii. d no date of publication. no number, numbers. 11. p no place of publication. n. t no title-page. N. Y New York. p., pp.... page, pages. pamph. . .pan'phlet, pamphlets. Ph Philadelphia. pseud .... pseudonym, pt part. tr translator, translated by. V volume, volumes. V. d ... various dates of publication. Wash . . . Washington. ('!) probably, perhaps. + a p/nt sign added to the nuw- ber of volumes, etc. , indicates that the series is being con- tinued. { ) , . Words added to a title are iu- oiosed in pirenthesis. Italics are also occasionally Hsed for a similar purpose. iv.,f,v.,e^f.This indicates that the work in (juestion is bound with one or more other works. In apphjirKj far a hool; the aufli(jr't< name ghuuld he writteji lioicn, irith an ahxtract of the title, an I the shelf-mnrk. The latter will tte fottnid as a fi jure awl a letter at the end of eae't entry. CATALOGUE. A. L. O. B., /'^^«'' 'See Tucker (C) Abbeys. See Monasteries and Abbeys. Abbotskord. In-i)i;f (W.) A. and Xewstead Al)bcy. Amm. Ph., 1835. 27a. Abbott {. Jacob). History of Alfred of England. N.Y., 1849. 11a. History of Charles I. 'X. Y., 1854. 11a. History of Charles II. N. Y., 1854. 11a. History of Cleopatra. X. Y., 1851. Ua. . History of Cyrus the Great. X. Y., 1857. 11a History of Darius. X. Y., 1850. 11a. Hi.story of Hannibal. X. Y., 1849 11a. History of Mary, Queen of Scots. X. Y., 1848(?) 11a. History of Xero. X. Y., 1854. 11a. History of Pyrrhu.s. X. Y., 1854. 11a. History of Kichard I. of England. X. Y., 1857. 11a. History of William the Conqueror. X. Y., 1849. 11a. History of Xerxes. X. Y., 1853. 11a. Abbott (James). Jonrney from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Peters- burg, ^v. L.. 1843. 41 g. Abbott (John S. C.) History of Hernando Cortez. X. Y., 1855. 11a. History of Josephine. X. Y., 1855. 11a. History of Madame Roland. X. Y., 1850(?) I la. History of Maria Antoinette. X. Y., 1849. 11a. King.s and Queens. X. Y., 1848. 11a. Content'^ : Josephine and Marie Louisa, Louis Philippe, Ferdinand, Nicho- las, Leopold, Isabella, Victoria. Life of Admiral John Paul Jones. X. Y., 1874(?) 40f. Abercrombie (John). Intellectual Powei-s and Inyestigation of Truth. Edin., 1831. 47a. Philosophy of Moral Feelings. L., 1833. 46d. Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Keith (d. S.) Agriculture of A. Aberdeen. 1811. 48b. Abernethy (John, Emj. xurtjeon and trriter, 1763-lSSl ). Manlvmne ( G . ) Memoirs of A. 2 v. L., 1854. 42a. About (P>lmond). Roman Question. B., 1859. 41c. Abrantes (Mme. Laurette P. Juuot, Diic/ies^e d\ taifer, 178^-1838). Memoirs. 8v. L , 1833. 9a. Abyssinia. Baher (Sir S. W.) Xile Tributaries of A. L., 1867. 13e. rarkijmfM.) Life in A. X. Y., 1854. 15b. Salt (H.) Voyage to A. 1809-10. L., 1814. 40g. See also Africa. Acadia. See Xova Scotia. (1) ACCUM AFRICA. Accum (Fretlerick). Practical Treatise on (xas Light. L., 181.5. 47ii. Achilli (Oiacinto). Dealings M'ith tlie I niiuisitii>». L., 1851. 40e. Adams (Anelrew Leith). Field and Forest Rambles, with Notes and Ob- servations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada, li., 1N73. 401). Adams (Alexander). Roman Aptiqnities. X. Y., 1814. 46d. Adams (Arthur; Naturalist in J-rpan and Munchuria. L., 1876. 141>. Adams (Henry Cadwallader). Sivan, the sleeper. L, 1857. 28f. Adams (John Quiney). Lectures on Rhetoric and (Jratory. 2v.. Cam- bridge, U.S.A.^ISIO. 43f. Adams {Mis. Leith). Aunt llepsey's Foiuidling : a novel. .3 v. L., 1 88 1 22^. Lady iJeane. 3v. L., 18S2. 22a. Louis Draycott : a novel l>y Mrs. R. S. DeCourcy Latfan (Mrs. Adams ). 2v. L, I8S0. I'lu. Adams (William Henry Davenport). Famous Ships of Hritish Navy. L., 1863. 43d. Addison (Charles (i.) Damascus and Palmyra. I'v. L., 1838. 39e. J)u/tlicafe in 13d. History of Knights Templars and Tem|)l»' Church. L., 1842. 44e. Addison (Joseph). Essays, moral and liumorous ; also on Imagination and Taste. Edin., 1839. 44f. Sen aho Spectator (The). Aildn,(L.) Life of A. 2v. L., 1843. 42c. Adolphus (John, harrixfer an8-t?) Ic. Gnr'futi (Col. C. ir.) Gordon in Central A., 1874-79. From (his) Let- tcts aii.l Docunieuts. ed. (!. B. Hill. L , 1884. lb. .lournals at Kartoum. eti. A. K. Hake. L., 1885. Id. Hamilton (C.J Life and Sport in South-Eastern A. L., 1870. 30b. Harri.-<(]V. (.'.) Adventures in A. Vh.,n.'l. 40d. Horneiiian (F.) Journal of Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, in A. 17117-98. L.. 18()2. 38e. Ireland (J. B.J Wall-Street to Cashmere : Five Years in Asia, A., and Europe, I8.")l-r>6. N. Y., 1869. 4lg. Kerr ( W. M.J The Far Interior: travel and ailventures from Cape of (iood Hope to the Liike Regions of Central .K. 2v. L., 1886. Id. KrapffJ. L.J Travels and Missionary Labors in Eastern A. B., I860. 44c. LdH'hr ( R. ) Keci.rds of Capt. Clapperton's last expedition to A. 2v. L., 1830. 41c. Le.l Amatongas : sketches of natives, &c. Edin., 1875 14e. Life and Travels of Mungo Park. \v., (bmmd idth Parker's ^^Jf/ur- ney hi-yond fiorki/ Mouii/aiii't." ) Kdin., 1838. 40e. Liciit'/.ttone ( I). ) Last -lournals in Central A. Continued by IL Wal- ler. N, Y., 1876. 15c. ^lissionary Travels and Ke.searehes in South A. N. Y., 1858. 40.)•(('.) Expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, &c. 1858- 64. L., 1865. 14c. Liinn (G.F.J Travels in Northern A., 1818-20. L., 1821. 38e. M Queen (J.) View of North<"rn Central A. Edin., 1821. 40b. (») AFRICA AGRICULTURAL. Africa — Continueih Matiin (R. M.) History of Colonies of British Empire in A., &c., &c. L., 1843. 43g. Methuen (H. H.) Life in the Wilderness, or Wanderings m South A. L., 1846. 28b. Moffat (R.) Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern A. L., ]842. 40c. Mohr (E.) To Victoria Falls of the Zambesi. L., 1876. If. Murmi/ (H.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in A. 2v. ' Edin., 1818. 40b. Mmhau ( Pnnre. P.) Travels and Adventures in Algiers and other parts of A. 3v. L, 1839. 41e. Napier (K.) Wild Sports in Euroi)e, Asia, and A. '1\. L., 1844. 17b. Petherirh- (J.) Egypt, the Soudan, and Central A. Edin. & L., 1861. 14c. 4-(Miv.n.H.) Travels in Central A. 2v. L., 1869. 14c. Friiu/Je (T.) Residence in South A. }^v. (IiowkI with Parher^x '■^ Jour- ney heyonid Rocky Monntain«." j Edin., 1838. 40e. Reade(W.W.) Savage A. X. Y., 1864. 12e. Stanhn (H. M.) Coomassie and Magdala : story of two British Cam- paigns in A. L. , 1874. 16e. How I found Livingstone. L., 1872. 40e. Same. 1 v. in 2. Montreal, 1872. loc. In Darkest Africa; or quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria. 2v. N. Y., 1890. lb. Taylor (li.) Journev to Central A. N. Y., 1854(?) 13c. Same. X. Y., 1859. 13f. TruIlopefA.) South A. 2v. L., 1878. lb. Werne (F.) Expedition to discover the sources of the AYhite Nile. 2v. L., 1849. 37c. Werner (J. R.) Visit to SUmley's Kear-(Tuard at Barttelot's Camp on the Aruliwimi. Edin., 1889. Ic. -See aluo Abyssinia; — Algeria ; — Ashaxtee ; — Dahomy; — Egypt; —C;oi,r> Coast; — Madagascak; — Nile River;— Tkaxsva.\l;— Tripoli; -ZrnLAND ;—Hc. Alio Slavery. Agapida (Frav Antonio). Chronicle of Conquest of Granada. 2v. , Ph., 1829.' 41a. Agassiz (Louis -lean Rodolphe). Like Superior, its physical character, vegetation, and animals. With a Narrative of the Tour, by J. Elliott C'al>ot. B., 1850. 46c. and (Mrs.) Journey in Brazil. B., 1869. 14c. and Qould (A. A.) Outlines of Comparative Physiology. L., 18.')!. 4t>a. Agricola, pseud. See Young (.T.) Agricultural Chemistry. Davi/ (Sir H.) Elements of A, C. L., 1814. 'Same. L., 1821. 48a'. Liebi[i, (J. J. vnn.) Chemistry in its aitplications to Agriculture and Physiology. L., 1843. 47b. AGRICULTURAI. AGRICULTURE. Aguicultuhal Chemistry — ConUnufA. Squareij (C.) Popular Treatise on A. C. Ph., 1842. 46d. See also Agrfculturk. Agriculture. Aiton(W.) A. of Bute County. Glasgow, 1816. 48b. American Fanner, ed. J. S. Skinner v. 1-9. Baltimore, 1819-27. 4og. Beatson (A.) Xew System of A., without Lime, Dung, or Summer Fallows. L., 1821. 48d. British Husbandry. 3v. L., 1847(?) 44e. Brown (R.) A. and Rural Affairs. 2v. Etlin., 1811. 48d. Country Gentleman's Magazine, v.2-3. L., 1869. 31h. Corenfry (A.) Discourses explanatory of Lectures on A. and Rural Economy. Edin., 1808. 48d. DawHim (Sir J. W.) Contributions toward Improvements of A. in Nova Scotia Halifax, 1866. 46o. Duplicate in 41f- ])kh«>n (A.) Husbandry of Ancients. 2v. Edin., 1788. 48b. Treatise of A. 2v. Edin., 1770. 48b. I)irl>s,m(R. W.) Practical A. 2v. L., 1807. 43g. J hmijlas ( R. ) A. of Counties of Roxlmrgh and Selkirk. L., 1813. 48c. Evans (W.) Theory and Practice of A., adapted to Canada. Mon- treal, I8.S6. 47a. Farmer's Magazine, v. 1-19 (1800-18). Etlin., i'. rf. 23h. Findlater (C.) A. of Peebles County. Edin., 1802. 48b. Forni/fh (R.) Principles and Practice of A. 2v. Edin., 1804. 48c. (ileanings from celebrateil books on Hu.sbandry, Gardening, and Rural AflFairs. Ph., 1803. 44e. Grai/ (A.) Explanation of Engravings of Implements of Husbandry used in .Scotland. From drawings by Gray, Backed '^Sinclair'n Hruhandry, Plate.*:' Edin., 1814. 43g. Hayward (J.) Science of A. L., 1825. 46c. Hecuhirh- (J.) A. of Forfarshire. Edin., 1813. 48k Hunter (A.) Georgical Essays. York, 1777. 48b. Jackson (J.) A. and Dairy Husbandry. fv. (bound mt/i Guizofs " Hi', Cnluniella, Palailiuin, qr.) E receiisioue J. M. Gesneri. 4v. Bi[K)iiti ( Dtuxjtonts), 1787-88. 48a. Shiclair(Su- J.) Code of A. L., 1817. 48(1. General Report of the Ajfriciiltural State and Politieal ("ir(nunstanee.s of Scotland, bw (inctudimj Apfwndix ). Edin., 1814. 48d. Systems of Hnshandrv in Sc^otland. "2 v. Edin., 1814. 48(.i. Singer (W.) A. of Dumfriesshire. Edin., 1812. 481). Somervillefli.) A. of East Lotliian. L., 1813. 481). Stephens (H.) Book nf tlie Farm. 3v. Edin. it L., 1844. 44e. Treatise on Culture of Wheat. l!y a Practical Fanner. L.. 1812. 48d. ■ TratierfJ.) A. of West-LothiaiiV'"- LhiHthijowi^hire). Edin, 1811. 48d Yimnti (A.) Six Months' Tour through Xorth of England. (Atjrirul- tiiriil.) Aiioii. 4v. L., 1771. 48(1. Six "Weeks' Tour through Southern Counties of England and Wales. By the author of the Farmers Letters L., 1769. ■IBd Tour in Irehmd, 1770-8. ?v. L., 1780. 48d Ynuwj (J.) Letters of Agricola : written for Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1822. 481). Duplicate in 41 if. See aUii AciRicuuTRAi. Chemistry :- Horticui.ture : — Po.moi,ogy. Agubsseau (Henry Francis d', Cliancell or of France, 1H68-17 ■',!). liuUer (C.) Memoir of H. F. d'Aguesseau. L., 1830. 431>. A^ilar (Grace). Women of Israel. 2v. X. V., 18.11. 421). Aide (H.) ConHd(.'nce.s. By author of " Rita."" Av. L., 1862, 23a. Aikin (Arthur ami C. R.) Dictionary of Cheinisti'v and Mineralogy. 2v. L., 1807. 39g. Aikin (John). England De.scrihed. L., 181S. 7c. Letters to a Lady on a Course of English Poetry L., 1807. 45e. Aikin (Lucy). Life of Addison. 2v. L., 1843.' 42c. Memoirs of Court of Charles I. 2 v. L., 1833. 9e. Memoirs of Court (if Elizaheth. 2v. L., 1823. 91). Memoirs of Court of James I. -Jv. L., 1822. 91). ' Memoirs, Miscellanies and L-tter-s. ed. P. H. Le Breton. L., 1864. 17a. Aime-Martin (— ). Education of Mothers of Families. //•. Edwin Lee. L., 1842. 4.-)f. Ainsworth (W. Harrison). Auriol. or the Elixir of Life. L., «. f/. 21a. ed. New Monthly Magazine and Humorist, y. 79-87, 90-91. llv. L, 1847 51. 23h. Ainsworth's Magazine, V. 6-7, 9-12, 16. L. 1844-49. 34e. Air. See Atmosphere. Alton (William). Agriculture of County of Bute. (Jlasgow, 181b. 481.. Akins (Thomas Beami.sh). Brief Account of Cniversity of King's Col- lege, Windsor, N. S. Halifax, 1865. 28i'. Alaska. Whi/mppr (F.) Travel and Adventure in A. L, 1868. 13d. Dupficnfr in Sik. («) ALBERT ALGERIA. Albert (Prince Otitm>rf of Ewilaiul, 18U)-t!l). Marfin (T.) Life of Prince Consort, v. 1. X. V., 187.\ 9c. Note. — The Prince Consort's full name was Francis Charles Augustns Albert Eni'iianuel. Victoria (Queen). Early years of Prince Consort. Compiled under direction of Her Majesty, by Hon. C. Grey. N. Y., 1867. ftc. Xotc — Reviewed in Blackwood's Mag., v. 102, 1867 ; Fraser's Mag , v. 76, 18()7. Al fint.t. (Lonisa May, American writer of cln//lren'K «toriex, etc., 1832-88). Life, Letters, and Journals. kI. Fdnali 1). Cheney. L, 1889. Id. For tier .•t.), //.•iemf. For ion- norelx, xee Hector {Mrs. Annie), in Fiction. Alexander (Archihald). Kyidenees of authenticity, inspiration, and canonical authority of the Holy Scriptures. Ph., 1838. 45b. Alexander (-JiV/- James Edward). L'Acadie, or Scyen Years' Explora- tions in British America, "iv. L., 1849. 13a Transatlantic Sketches : .scenes in North and South America and West Indies. 2v. L., 1833. 41b. Yoyajie of ( )l)seryati"n among Colonies of AVestern Africa, and Cam- paign in Katfii -Land, 183;'>. '2v. L,1837. 40b. Alfleri (Vittorio, /^rt/m?;;«'t7, 174^-1803). Tragedies, ^r. in yei-se, from the Italian, l)y Charles Lloyd. 3v. L., 1815. 43a. Memoirs of Life ami Writings. L, 1S21. 42a. Alfred the Great, (Kin>/ of Ewiland, 849-910). Af>/>otf (J.) History of A. N. v., 1849(?) lia. Alfred (Henry, Dean of Canterljun/, 1810-73 J. Life, Journals and Let- ters. L.', 1873. lOd. Aloebra. IhimnijcastJe (J.) Algebra. 2y. L., 1820. 46d. Cole(W.) Conyersation on A. L, LS18. 47c. Enter (L.) Introduction to A. Selected from Euler. U., 1836. 47c. Alger (John (i.) Englishmen in the French Reyolution. L., 1889. Ic. The New I'aris Sketcli liook. L., 1887. le. Algeria, and Alcmers. Campuell (T.) Letters from the South. 2y. L., 1837. 39e. Crawford (M. 8.) Through Algeria. I'y author of "Life in Tus- cany." L., 1863. 12e. I)it."fe L., 1852. 81). Military Life of John, Duke of Marlbonjugh. N. Y., 1848. 1 la. Duplicate in 43b. Miscellaneous Essays. ( MoiJern British E.y i'fin'oiM (iK^Aor.*^. fiv. L., 1786. 17a. Almanacs. British Xorth American A. and Annual Register, for 1864. V. I. Montreal. 43d. See (d.-'d Calendar. Alpaca. Walton (W.) The A., its naturalization in British Isles con- sidered, &c. Edin. & L., 1844. 28a. Ai.rs. Diary of a Traveller over A. and Appenines ; or Daily Minutes of a- Circuitous Excursion, i^v. (boniid with Fcujifn " Recent" J. L., 1824. 38b. Whiimper(E.) Scrambles amongst the A., 1860-69. L., 1871. 14b. Duplicate in 39e. See ahi> Italy ; — Mont Blanc ; — Switzerland ; — Tyrol. Altowan, or lnci). Fairy Talcs. L.. 1893. 22f. Story of in V Life. X. V., 1871. 17a. True Story" of my Life L., 1847(?) 27a. Anderson (Andrew A.) Twenty-five Years in a Waggon, in Gold Re- gions of Africa. '2v. L., 1887. lb. Anderson (Cliristoplier). Annals of English Bilile. 2v. L., 1845. 43c. Anderson (Ko))crt). Life of SamucIJolmson. Eilin., 1815. 45b. Anderson (.F. W.) Prosiiector'.s Handl.ook. L., 1891. 2.1 Andersson (Charles John). Lion and Eh^pliant. L., 1873. 141). Okavango River. L., 1861. 14c. Andre (Ceorgc C) Practical Treatise on Coal Mining. 2v. L., 1888. 2e. Andre {Major John, Jirifinh otfirer in Am. rerolufion, ex''rnferen of Learning and Genitis, of (Jreat Britain and Ireland. I. ,l8ns. "iSh. ^ngell ('losepli K.) Law of Watercour-se.^. 15., 1840. 47c. Angmxg. Sec KisniNo. . Anglo-Saxons. Tunn'r (S.) Ilistorv of A.-S., to Xornian Conquest. V. 2-3. L., 18-28 7d. See aho Knulano. Angoui.kme (Marie Tlu-rese Cliarlotte, J)iii-lie.«e d', ihiuijhier nf L., 18.^8. 12c. Anne of Austkia ('Queen of Frawi-, ninthcr nf Loiiix XIV). Fr<'<'y (M. W.) Married Life of A. of A., e^-. I'v. L,18(>4 42f. Anne Uoi.eyx. See Hoi.eyn (A.) Anniversary (The), or poetry and prose for 1829. eil. Allan Cunningham. L.,'l829. 46c. Annual Register, or Ilistorv, Politics, ami Literature, f.ir 1758-61, 17C3-73, 1776-78, I7S1, 178.\ 17.^7, 1791, 1795-99, lSO(i, 1809, 1820 (2 pls.)-60. With Index, 1758-80. 27v. L., r. d. 25f, g, A; h. Annuities. Prire (R.) Observations on I'rovisionarv Payments, Annui- ties, elr. 2v. L., 1812. 47c. See alun IxsuuANrE. Anonymiana, or Ten ("enturies of Observations on various Authors and Sub- jects. By a Late Very Learned and Reverend Divine. L.. 1818. 47c. Anspach (Elizabetli 15. Craven, Man/ran'ite of, 17^0-1828). Memoirs, by herself. 2v. L., 1826. 9c. Dtiplirate in 3Sb. Anstey (V.), j»f. Far Ins noveh, see Guthrie (T Anstey) in Fiction. Anthon (Charles P^lward). Pilgrimage to Treve.*, 1844. An<>n. X. Y., 1846. 4 lb. Anthony (Cliarles). Popular Sovereignty, l>eing some thoughts on Do- mestic Reform. L., 1880. le. Antiquities. Set- Akch.kology. Antommarchi ( Francesco). I.^ist ])avsof Na[)oloon. I5v his phvsician. 2v. in 1. L, 1825. lOd. Aj'PAurnoNS. Crmce (C.J Night-side of Nature ; or Ghosts and Ghost- Seers. N. Y., 1850. 43c. Hibherf (S.) Sketclies of Philosophy of A. (Trarinij them to phyncal cau-st'i.) Edin., l8-'5. 46d. See o/sn SPIKITUAI.ISM ; — Sx'I'EKSTITION. Appleton (Thomas (Jolil.) A Nile Journey. L., 1870. 14o. Appleton's Cyclopavlia of 15iography. N. Y., 1856. .'59e. (11) ARABIA ARCHITECTURE. Arabia. Fihjij ( W. P.) Arabistau': travels tlirough Egypt, A., etc. L., 1875. 13e, WelhteiJ (J. R.) Travels in A. 2v. L., 1838. SOil. Arabic La.vguaoe. See Burckhardt's (J. L.) Arabic Provcrl)s, in which n-ill be. found examplei of the lamjiucuje with trannlatiom. AragO ( Franc;ois). Biographies of Di.stinguishetl Scieiitifit- Men. II, 1859. 45e. Cort^e/i/f .- -Arago, Bailly, Ilerschel, Laplace, Fourier. Arblay (Francis Burnev, y^me. y\\ 17o,2-lS40). Diary ami Letters of Mine. d'Arblay. 1\\ L., 1842. 9a. Same. V. 3-G. L, 1854. 42a. Arcii.eology. Lubhnrh- (Sir J.) Pre-liistoric Times, as illustrateii by ancient remains and manners and customs of modern savages. N. Y., 1872. 12e. See a/-ii) Man -.— alxu the namex nf cnrioux ji/ai-f^i, arts, etisfions; etr.y etc. ;- also History. Archibald (A. K., of Xom Srofia). Poems. B., 1848. 19b. Architecture. 1. Periixfiralti. Bnilder : illustrated weekly magazine for architect, engineer, t'A'. 1859. (May— Dec), I860 (Jan.— June), 1861. Bd. in 4v. L., r. d 48f. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, v. 27. L., 1864. 4og. Lotul'itt (J. C), eti. Architectural Magazine. 5v. (complete). L., 1834-38. 281). 2. Misrellauetnix ami General Worka. Brnuner (A. W.) Cottages, or hints on economical building, contain- ing 24 (excellent) plates of medium and low cost houses, with letterpress. N. v., 1(^90. 2b. Bullock (J.) American Cottage Builder : design.s, plans, and specifica- tions, from S200 toS20,0(il), for homes for the people. I'h., 1883. 2b. Buxbri'l(fe ( W.J Portfolio of 30 Working Drawings of most inii>ortant details of Building Construction, v. 1. Plumstead, w d. 2g. Evelj/n (J.) Architects and Architecture. With Leon Baptist Albert! of Statues. L., 1723 47g. Note. — Bound with an incomplete treatise, " Parallel of Ancient Archi- tecture with the Modern." HnJlatt (G. W. T.) Hints on Architectural Draughtsmansliip. L., 1892 2c. Hunt (T. F.) Half a dozen hints on Picturescjue I^omestic Architec- ture, in a series of designs for Rural Residences. With plateii. L., 1826. 4lg. Hurd (J. T.J Hand-book of Formulae, Tables, and Memoranda for Architectural Surveyors, and others engaged in building. L., 1892. 2c. Lefevre (A.J Marvels of A. Tr., with chapter on English A., by R. Donald. L, n. d. (rtfent.) 45d LdUihin (J. C.J Encyclopjedia of Cottiige, F'arm, and Villa A., am! Furniture. L., 1833." Same. Supplement. L., 1842. 44d. Nirhihun (P.J Mechanic's Companion, or Carpentry, Joinery, Brick- laying, Masonry, Slating, Plastering, Painting, &c. L., 1825. 28b. ARCHITECTURE ARCTIC, ^KCHITECTURE — Cthlfinueil. Principles of A. (mt/i j)Iafe,<) M: L., 18-»7. 281). Pocneh- ( W. F.) ArchiUu'tural Designs for Rustic Cottages, Picturesque Dwellings, Villas, &c. L., 1823. 38e. Iiichar(hnn (G. J.) The Englislinian's House, from a cottage to a . • mansion IlluMrated. L., 1870(?) 17e. Note —A useful and practical guide to house planning and building, etc. Rmkin (J.) Seven Lamps of A. L., 1891. 17tl. Sharpe (E.J The Seven Periods of English (Churcli) A., defined and illustrated. Illmtrattd by 20 xteel twiraviwjs. L., 1888. -e. Sloan (S.) Con.structive A. Ph., 18-59. 43g. Tuthill (L. C.J History of A. ; with IJiography of Architects. Ph., 1848. 28d. m P>iud(jks ; — Masonry ; — Stair-buii,ding ; — Warmixu, and Ventilation. Arctic Regions. Hark (G.J Arctic Land E.xpedition, 1833-35. L., 1836. 39e. liecrlieii (F. W.J ^'oyage to the Pacific and Iicering's (!<' ((/■•"> Norn II America ; -Nokth-West Passaue. Avgles (Mrs. Margiint). S' f "Hunger ford.{^f r". M.) \i<'(wv (The). ',/. ('. W. W()o.l. (Vhicflii Jirtionawl i>i»'tr^i). v.4l'(1886) ° ■ -44(1887), -JHdSSS) -.='4 (18!>2) + " 12v L , i: d. 30f. AUISTOCIUCY. lindr (J. B.) Anecdotes of the A. I'v. L., 184!>. 42b. .S'-e rt/.so (JkNKAI,. 18h. ARrnMETio. Larilwr ( D.) .Vrithmetic. ( Lnriluri-'i^ C;ii-h>i).) L., 1836. (Ti/le-ji/aff, Ift.U.) -.'oa Armenia. Cunnt, (R.) A. L., 1854. :?9c. Armitage ('loiiii). History of Hrazil. 2v. L., 18;?(). .39c. Arxof.I) (l^enedict, y^//^ .'/''//'/•«/, i?'.{0 '"• .7 1801). Sixir/,:-^ (J.) Life anil Treason of A. B. , 183."> 44(1. Arnold (-^V/- Edwin.) Li^dit of Asia, or (heat Renunciation: iM'in^' life and teacliings of (iautaina, prince of luilia ami founder of Huddhisni. Poem. B., 1892. 19d. Light of the World. N. V., 1891. 19d. Xo(e.—\ poem. " The Light of the World ' is Jesus Christ. Arnold (Thomas, lii'wi uta.^pi- nf Ihujlnj Srliouf, 179.')-lS.'f2.) IIi.story of the later Roman Commonwealth. X. V., 184(). 7c. History of Rome. 2v. X. V., 1846. 8c. Same. N. V., 180.5. 37.1. Leitiires on Modern History. X. V., 1849. 431 >. Stanh'ii (A. P.) Life and Correspondence of T. A. 2v. L., 1845. 4Jd Arnott (Xeil). Elements of Phy.'^ics. L., 1828. 46c. Same. V. 1 and v. 2, pt. L Ph., 1831-35. 40f. Same. \ .•2,\A. \ (heai awlliiiht). L., 1829. 4.3g. Ph., 1831. 40d. Arnould {Sir .lo.sepli). Memoirs of Tliomas, 1st Lord Dennian. 2v. L., 1873. Ule. Arrivabene {Count Charles.) Italy under Victor Kmmannel. 2v. L., 186J. 7c. Arrom (Ceeili i B. 2fl). Six'it'tii fill' Kunii/ra>/i'iiienf of Arf.<, Maiuifdiinr's mid Cuiinneire. Transactions. v. 1 (1783)-36 (1818). v. 31)' (1821) 4'> (1822). 38 v. L , c. d. 48c. Sfe al"') fill' luiiii'''' of till' r(iii/ (Sir ./. /).) A. and the t told Coast. L., 1874. 13a. I/futi) ((r. A.J March to Cooniassie. L., 1874. 13c. Um-'le (IV.) Story of A. Campaign. L., 1874. 131). St(Uit>'ij ( H. M.) Coomassie and Magdala. L., 1874. 13c. .S''V ah>) ttf iieiiililxiHrinij nntiitri/, Dahomey. Asia. Ath-in-tmi (T. W.) Travels in regions of Upptu- and Lower Amoor and Russian acquisitions on confines of India anil China. L. , I8lirnti in J.}a. Curzon (G. N.) Russia in Central A. in 1889, and the Anglo-Russian Question. L., 1889. le. Diplomatic Transactions in Central A., 1834-39. (Exposition of Transactions in Central Asia through which the Independence of States, and the Affections of People, barriers to British Possession in India, have been sacrificed to Russia, by Henry John, Viscount Palinerston, constituting grounds for impeachment of that minister). L., 1841. 38e Irelaml (J. B.) Wall Street to Cashmere : Five years in A., Africa, Ac, 1 8.') 1 -.")(•). -V. Y., 18.n9. 4lg. Kipjiel (d. ) Journev from India to England, 1824. 2v. L., 1827. 4(>a. Malnwi (H.) Travels in Soiith-Eastern A. 2 v. in 1. JJ., 1839. 38e. Martin (R. M ) History of Colonies of I'.ritish Empire in Asia, i('E. J.) Life in Asiatic Turkey. L, 1879. lb. Kepml (G.) Journev across the Balcan, also visit to Azani and other ruins in A. M., 1829-30. 2v. L., 1831. 41b. Ta>il(ir (B.) Lands of the Saracen : pictures of Palestine, A. M., &c. N. v., 1860 43a. Sei' also Levant (The). Assaying. KeH (B.) A.ssayer's Manual. With additions bv F. L. Gar- risoi.. Ph., 1889. 2c. Assyria. Bur/.hK/hant (J. S.J Travels in A., Media, and Persia. 2v. L., 1830. 39c. Kat/ozht (Z. A.) Assyria, to fall of Nineveh. L., 1891. la. Vaiu (IV. S. IV.) Nineveh and Per.sepolis : historical sketch of An- cient Assyria and Persia. L , 1851. 44b S('e aJxo l>Ai!Yi.oN ; — Nineveh. Astronomy. Ball (Sir R. S.) Story of the Heavens. (A useful /land- book of nxlroiiomy ). L., 1892. 2d Blahe (J. L.) First Book in A. P., 1851. 46c. Breic4er (Sir /).) More Worlds than One. L., 1855. 45a C'areif (G. G.) A. as known at present day, etr. L., 1824. 47i). Dick (T. ) Celestial Scenery. L., 1 837(?) ' 46a. Practical Astrnnonier. L , 1845. 46a. Fontenelle (B. h' B. ,h'). Week's Conversation on Plurality of Worlds L., 1737. 43a. Ha^txler (F. R.) Pojudar Exposition of the Sv.stemoftheUniver.se N. v., 1828. 47a. Her>"-hel (J. F. W.) A. (Lar>f tier's Cyrlnp.) L., 1835. (Title- plate, IMS ) 25a. ' ' Lanlnpr(I).) Course nf Lectures <>n A. \ v. (/>»nu>> irith Thomxntfx " Proiire'is of Phy.sica/ Sciemt.") n.t. 47b. Manilim (M.) The Sphere. Made an Engliali loeni, with Annota- tions and an Astronomical Appendix, by Edward Sherburne. L., X Brooke 1675. 47g. ' Martin (B.) Pliilo,sophia Pritannica. \. 3 (chief a a./ft(in (E. G. E. L. Buiwer-Li/fftin, baron). Athens, its rise and fall. ■ 2v. N. Y., 1837. 3ab. lVur,lm-<>rth (V.) A. anihi'ii (G.) Australian Commonwealth : New South Wales, Tas- mania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand. (Hlstorkal .) L., 1893. la. Trnll,,pe(A.) A. and New Zealand. 2v. .L,1873. 71). W('>'f(iuiili (IV.) Vi-toria and the Australian Cold Mines in 1857. L., 18.07. 39c. See all") Melbourne ; — New South Waf.eh ; — South Australia ; — ViCTOKIA. Austria. Thompson (K. P.) Austria. L., 1849. l:Je. Trtilhpe (F.J Vienna and the Austrians. 2v. in 1. L., 1838. 38b. See ahi) Hungauv ; — Tyrol. Autocrat at tiie lireakfast Table .Vw Holmes (O. W.) Autumn Holidays of a Country Parson. P.y the Author of " Recreations of a Country Parson." L , 18()4 4."a. AvA. See IJurmah. Aylmer (Fenton), r,l. Cruise in the Pacific, from the Log of a Naval Officer, ed. Aylmer. L'v. L , 1 8(iU. 40a. AysCOUgh (Samuel). Index to Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare. L., 1827. 460. Azores. Bulla,- (J. 4- H.) A Winter in the A., and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. 2v. L, 1841. 43d, (18) BABBAGE BALBOA. B. ((t. J.) Peri Nuzziule, with minor Poems. Dublin, 1829. 45f. Babbage (Charles). Ninth Bridgew'ater Treatise : a fragment. (On na- tural re/ ii/ion.) L., IK-'iT. 47a P>ABYLON. Lai/'anl (A. H.) Discoveries in Ruius of Nineveh and B. Iv. in 2. L, 1853. 14a. Saiiip. Ahrifhj&f. f. w. N. Y.(?) 39b. Hwiozin (Z. A.) Media, B.,rind Persia. (HMorkal.) L., 1891. la. Back (George). Arctic Land E.vpedition to mouth of Great Fish River, &c., 183.^35. L., 1836. 39e. _^ Bacon ( Francis ; Ba-on Veruhun awl Vii^rauut St. Albanx, loSl-lb26j. Eissays. L., 1819. 43a. Works. lOv. L., 1819. 18a. Account of liord Bacon's "Novum Organon Scientiaruni," or new inethcxl of studying the sciences, Anov. ^v. n. t. 47o. DixoH (W. H.) Personal History of Lord B. B., 1861. 42c. JJoniiehj (I.J The (Ireat Cryptogram : Francis Bacon's Cipher in the so-called Shakespeare Plays, '-'v. I.., 1888. Ic. Nott'. — An attempt to prove that Bacon was the real author of the plays, M and 183H ; and of Events in that city and the Ba.sque I'rovinces, 1830-37. L., 1838. lOc. Badueck, Cape Breton. ll^anier (C. 0.) Baddeck, and that sort of thing. B., ISilO. lb. Bailey (Philip James). The Age : a colloquial satire. (Poent.J B., 185'^. li)a. Bailey (Sannud). Fs.says on FormAtion ami Publication of Opinions, and on other subjects. Auoii. L. , 1S26. 47c. Baillie (Joanna). Plays, in which is attempted to delineate the stronger passions of the mind ; each passage being the subject of a tragedy and 'a comedy. 3v. L., 1821. 18c. Baillie (John). Life-Studies. N. Y., 1857. 441). Baines (Edward). Historv of AVans of French Revolution, 1792-1815. •2v. L., 1817. 39e. Baines (Thomas). Explorations in South-West Africa, 1861-62. L., 18G4. 16e. Baird (Henry M.) Modern (Ireece. N. Y., 1856. 7a. Baker (Ira ()). Ma.sonry Construction. N. V., 1892. 2d, Baker (Sir Richard.) Chronicle of King.s of England unto James (I) ; wheieunto is added the Reign of Charles I., and thirteen years of Charles II. L., 1684. -Mig. Ba.'k.er (Sir Samuel White). All)ert N'yanza, Creat Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of .Vile Sources. 2v. li., 186., 1848. 42c. Bancroft ((George). History of United States, v. 1-8. (To July 4fli, 1776.) B., 1841-60. 10b. Bankes (Henry). Civil and Constitutional History of Rome. 2v. !>., 1818. 8c. Banking. Gilhart (J. W.) History of B. in Amorica. L, 1837. 47c. GeorI. 6e. Barrie (James Matthew). See Fiction. Barrington (George). History of New South Wales. L., 1810. 39d. Barrington (5jV Jonah). Historic Memoirs of Ireland. 2v. L., 1835. 47g. Personal Sketches of his own time. 3v. L., 1830-32. 43e. Rise and Fall of Irish Nation. N. Y., 1845. 46b. Barrow (Isaac). Sermons. 2 v. (Jxford, 1812. 44d. Barrow (John). Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol and Bavaria, 1S40. L., 1841. 41c. Barrowcliflfe (A. .l.),p.^ewl. See Mott (A.) Barry (William). Moorland and Stream ; with notes and prose idyls on Shooting and Trout Fishing. L., 1871. 17b. Barth (Hcnrv). Travels and Researches in North and Central Africa, 1849-55.' 3v. L., 1857. lOc. Saihe. N. v., 1857. 37e. Barthelemy (Jean Jacques) Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Oreece. With Iv. (quarto) of plates. 6v. L., 1817. 41g. Sinie. Abridged. L., 1798. 41g. Barton ( Bernard). Household Verses. L., 1845. 19a. Masque Provinces, ^'w Spain. Bastiat ( Frederic). Essay's on Political Economy. L.,7i.(I. 41f. Bates (J7(>'. D. B.) Incidents on Land and AVater. B., 1861. 4 If. Hathing. Cl(tr/i-e (Sir A.) AVarm, CoUl, and Vapour B., with observations onSeaB.,&c. L., 1820. I'Sa. I!athur.st (Henry, Iii..h,>p uf Xonrirh, 177^-1837). Thidletlmaj/te (Afrst. F.) Memoirs and Correspondence of H. B. By his daughter. L., 1853. 43b. . (21) BATTLE BEAITIE. IJattle-fiekls of the South, from Eull llun to Fredericksburgh. Hy au p:nglish Cambatant. N. Y., 18G4. l^'il. r ., -iir , , i liATTLES. C>ea,s7/ (Sir E.) Fifteen Decisive Battles of the VA orkl. L.. Contend: Marathon, B. C. -190; Syracuse, B. C. 413; Arbela, B. C, 331 ; Metaurus, B. C, 207 ; Arn.ii.ius, A. D. 9 ; Chalons, A. D. 451 ; }o"«s. A- U. 732; Hastings. A. D. 1066; Orleans, A. D. 1429; Armada, A. U. 1588 ; Blenheim, A. D. 1704; Pultowa, A. U. 1709; Saratoga, A. 1). 17// ; >almy, A. D. 1792 ; Waterloo, A. D. 1815. Smiw. L., 1861. 16c. John>^ {li.) 4- Nirhnlas (P. H.) Calendar of Victory. L., 1855. 17e. jV^o^t-. —Particulars of battles of British army and navy, arranged accord ing to the days of the year. The second edition was entitled " Naval and Military Heroes of (jreat Britain." .Sf"? f//.s'o Mii.iT.\RY Science ;— Naval History. Aho hidone» of rarioiis conntriex Batty (IJ. Col Robert). Canii)aign of Light Wing of Allied Army, in Western Pyrenees and South of France, 1813-14, under Wellington. H'ilh elchinq^. L., 1823. 42g. • Bautaiu (L. E. M.) Art of Extempore Speaking. X. Y., 1859. 40g. Bavaria. Barrow (J.) Tour in Austrian Lonibardy, the Northern Tyrol, and B., 1840. L., 1841. 41c. Btmer (C.J Chamois Hunting in B. and the Tyrol. L., 1860. 14e. See alfio (tErmany. Baxter (Richard). J)e Heligas Ewiga Ho N. Y., w (/. Note. — " Saint's Rest," in Swedish. Saint's Jlverlasting Rest L., 1831. 44a Baxter (W. E.) America and the Americans. L., 1855. 43d. Bayard (Pierre DuTerrail, C/ievalier, 1476-lo24). SiwimfW. G.) Life of B. N. Y., 1847. lib. Bayle (Pierre de). Dictionaire Historique et Critici'ie. 4'-. Rotterdam, M. Bohm, 1720 ; folio. 48f. Historical and Critical Dictionarv. Selected and Abridged. 4v. L., 1826. 44a. Bayne(Peter). EssaysinBiographyand Criticism. Istseries. B.,1857. 43d. Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of). Endymion. Montreal, 1 880 23f Lothair. 3v'. L, 1870. 21b. . Venetia. L., 1881. 23f. " Beagle," Voyage of. .See PitzRoy (R.) Beale (Tliomas). Natural History of Sperm AVhale. L., 1839. 43a. Beatson (Alexander). New System of Cultivation. L., 1821. 48d. Tracts relative to I.sland of St. Helena. L., 1816. 39e. Seattle (James). Essiiv on Nature and Immutability of Truth. L., 1820. 43g. Seattle (William). The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of I'iedniont, Dauphiny and the Ban de la Roche. L., 1838. 41g. A^o^e.— This work is chiefly descriptive of scenery, but it also conUiius information regarding the sect called Waldenses. It is copiously illus- trated by W. H. Bartlett and W. Brockedon. (22) BEAUCHESNE BELL. Beauchesne (A. de). Louis XV'II. 2v. N. Y., 1853. 42d. Beaufort (Emily A.) Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. 2v. L., 1862. 13a. Beaumarchais (Pierre Augustin Caron de, Fr. dramatist and wit, 1732-99). Lomenie ; L. de). B. and his times. N. Y., 1857. 9a. No(e. — l'. A. Caron assumed the' name of Heauniarchais at the age of 25. Beaumont (Francis) and Fletcher (J.) Works. 2v. R, 1854. 45e. (Beauties and Wonders of Nature and Science.) t. x: 41g. Beauvoir (Ludovic, Manjuis de). Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco : conclusion of Voyage round the World. L., 1872. 38a. Duplicate in ISh. A'oyage round the World. 2v. L., 1870. 38a. Contents: v. 1. Australia. 2. Java, Siam, Canton. Beaux. Thomsmi (Mrs. K. B.) Wits and Beau.\ of Society. Bv " Grace and Philip Wharton " f;'''e»t6^>'- ^v. L., 1860(?) 15b. Note. — ¥oT contents, see Biography. Beaven (Thomas). Restoration of Primitive Christianity. L., 1793. 44a. Beck (Wilhelmina, Baro7ie.- 1860. 14o. Bennett (James Gordon, /omWc/' <>/ "New York Hemhl" lSOO-72). Me- moirs of .). G. B. and his times By a Journalist. N. Y., 1855. 4.Sc. Bentley's Miscellany, v. 2 (1837)~-7(1840), 9 (1841), 12 (1842)— 14 (1843), 16(1844)— 18 (1845), 23 M848V)— 2.) (1849), -27(1850?)— 32 (18.52 •/), 34 (1853) - 3.1(18.54), 38 (18.55)-t6 (1859), 48(1860), 50 (1861)-.52 (1862), 54 (lPG.i)— 58 (1865), 60 (1866)— 62 (1867). 45 v. L., v. d. 34a & b. Beranger (Piene Jean de, Frem-h /i/rir poet, 1780-18.'}?). Memoirs. By himself. L., 18.58 42d. Berington ( Jo.seph). Literary History of Middle Ages. L, 1814. 39g, Berkley {Capt. George). Niival History of Britain, to conclusion of 1756. mZ. John Hill. ( Compiled from Berkley'^ paper ) L., 1856. Folio. 47g. Bernadotte (Kin;/ of Suiedeu). See Charles XIV. Bernard (.John >. Retrosp(}ctions of the Stag(.'. 2v. L, 1830. 46a. Bernard (W. D.) Voyages and Services of the "Nemesis," 1840-43. From notes of W. H. Hall, with personal observations by W. D. Bernard. 2v. L, 1844. 40d. Berrian (William). Travfds in France and Italy. X. Y., 1821. 40d. (24) BERRY BINGLEY. Berry (Mary). Journals and Correspondence, e'7. Lady T. Lewis. 3v. L., 1865. 43f. Berwickshire, Scotland. Kerr (R.) Agriculture of B. L., 1813. 48d. Besant (Walter). For liia noveh, me. Fiction. Bessey (Charles Edwin) p]ssentials"of Botany. X. Y., 1892. 2b. Betts (Craven Langstroth). See Eaton (A. W.) Beyle (Marie Henri). Life of Haydn, followed Ijy Life of Mozart ; with observations on Metastasio, and on present state of music in France and Italy. From the French of L. A. C. Bomhet (pneud.) L., 1817. lie. iVo/e. — Haydn's life is from the Italian of Giuseppe Carpani ; the preface of second edition of the present work states, that the memoir of Mozart is from the (ierman of SchlichtegroU. BiBi.E. Alej:a>ider (A.) Evidences of authenticity, inspiration, and can- onical authority of the Holy Scriptu-'es. Ph., 1838. 45b. Anilerson (C.J Annals of English Bible. 2v. L., 1845. 43e. lilackwell (A.) The Sacred Classics defended and illustrated. 2v. L., 1727-31. 46a. BiKjue ( D.) Divine Authority of New Testament. X. Y., n. if. 41f. lintjiehl (B.) Prefaces to First Editions of Greek and Latin Classics, and of Sacred Scriptures. (In Latin and Greek.) L., 1861. 40e. Claphani (S.) The Pentatcaich, and 5 Books of Moses illustrated. L., 1818. 46d. (liman(G.) Bards of the B. X. Y., 1851. 45a. HewUeii (J. T.) Sacred S(;enes and Characters. X. Y., 1850, 17#. Home (G.) Commentary on Psalms. 2v. L., 1824. 4 If. Illustrated Commentary of Old and Xew Testaments, v. 1-4 (to Mcdachi). L., 1840. 41b. Loidh (11.) Isaiah : a new translation with Dissertation and Xotes. 2v. in 1. L., 1824. 28c. PriiBi.iO(iRAi'HY Morrjan (H. J.) I'.ibliotheca Canadensis, or manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867. 12a. Note. — The best work relating to Canadian bibliography. Bickersteth (Rer. Edward, Enii. theolof ileal writer, 1786-18o0). 0(;ca- sional Works. ( Trart-t, sermoni, i,-c.J ' L., 1838. 41b. Birks, (T. R.J ^lemoir of B. 2v. X. Y., 1851. 42a. Bigelow (Andrew). Travels in Malta and Sicily with Sketches of Gib- raltar, 1827. B., 1831. 40e. Bigelow (John). Memoir of J. C. Fremont. X. Y., 1856. 42b, Bigland (John). Letters on French History. L., 1818. 47a. System of Geography ami History, (Barked " Vie/r of the World.") V. 5. L., 1812. 41d. Bingham {Capt. Denis Arthur). Journal of Siege of Paris. L, 1871. 15a. Bingley (William). Animal Biography. 4v, L., 1824. 45c, (25) mXXEY BKKJKAl'HY. Binney (Tliomas). Lights and Shadows of Church-Life in Austraha. L., I8H0. 43a. Binns ( William). Treatise on ( (rtiiographic Projection, being new method of teaching the science of Mechanical and Engineering Drawing. L., 1889. 2c. Same. 2nd course. L., 1886. L'c. lUoGRAPHV : Collective Works. K^For the Urea of individuals, s^e their names in the general alphabet. ArraiKjement -.-[X) Actora :— (2) American Biography ;— (3) Ancient or classical ;— (4) Artists and Musicians ;— (5) Canadians ;— (6) English and Eu- ropean;— (7) (ieneral Biographical Dictionaries, and Miscellaneous Works ;— (8) Mechanics, Inventors, etc. ,—(9) Religious ;— (10) Royal ;— (11) Women. L Actora. Gait (J.) Lives of the Players. 2v. L., 1831. 171). Same. 2v. R, 1831.' 42a. 2. Aiiiencan Bint/rapJn/. Life of R. (i. Lee, with Record of Deeds of his Companions in Arms. By a Distinguished Southern Journalist. N. V., 1871. 42d. Sabine (L.) American Loyalists !>., 1847. 12d. 3 Anciejit or Clamcal. Brure (J.) Classic and Historic Portraits. X. Y., 1854. 46d. Crevier (J. B. L.) History of Roman Emperors, from Augustus to C'onstantine. lOv. L., 1814. 8a. Lempriere fj . ) Classical Dictionary of Proper Names. L., 1809. 8d. Xepo» (C.) Excellcntiuin Iinperatorum Vitae. Glasguae (Glastjotr), 1777. 45c. P/utarchui^. Lives, /r J. and W. Langhorne 6v. L., 1819. lie. Same. 6v. L., 1823. 42f. Xote. — Lives of famous (>reeks and Romans. 4. AHids and Miuncians. Dictionary of Musicians, v. 2 (K-Z). L., 1827. 281). Lester (C. K) Arti-sts of America. N. Y., 1846. 28c. Contents: \\. AUston, H. Inman, B. West, G. C. Stuart, J. Trumbull, J. DeVeaux, R. Peale, T. Crawford. 5. CanatUans. Taylor (F.J 4- Notman (W.) Portraits (photoi/raplui) of Britisli Americans, by Notman ; with Biographical Sketches, by Taylor. 3v. Montreal, 1865-68. TJc 6. English, aiul Europtean. Ararfo (F.) Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. B., 1859. 45e. Contents : Arago, Bailly, Herschel, Laplace, Fourier. Bayne (P.) Essays in B. and Criticism. Lst series. B., 1857. 43d. Contents : DeQuincey, Tennyson, Mrs. Browning, Glimpses of Recent British Art, Ruskm, Hugh Miller, the Modern Novel, Thackeray, Currer oell, &c. (26) BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY. Biography (ilnglish and European) — dnitinued. Brenvter (Sir D.J Martyrs of Science, or Lives of (Jalileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. L., 1841. 28h. BnnKjhaw (H.,lon1 )■ Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished ill time of George III. 3\: (Ihret seriei.) L., 1839 43. 12a. Lives of Men of I.,etters and Science, tinn; of (Jeorge III. 2v. L., 1845. 12c. Covtentt : v. 1. Voltaire. Rousseau. Hume Robertson. Black. Watt. Priestley. Cavendish. Davy. Simsoii. v. 2 Johnson. Adam Smith. Lavoisier. Gibbon. Sir Joseph Banks. D'Alemliert. •Campbell (J., lord). Lives of Chief Justices of Kngland. 2v. L., 1849. 12b. Ihiplirate, vol. 2, in S9d. Lives of Lord Chancellors and Keepers of (Ireat Seal of P^ngland. 7v. Ph., 1847. 9b Same. v. 8. L., 1869. 12b. ■Campbell (J.) Naval History of (ireat liritain, to 1816 ; including Lives of British Admirals. 8v. L., 1818. 16c. (3 nefx). Dallim/ (H. L. Buhrer, lord J. Historical Characters : Talleyrand, Cob'bett, .Mackintosh, Canning. 2v. L., 1868. 15d. De Quiiiceij (T.) Biographical I'Cssays. B., 1857. 15b. Content*: .Shakspeare. Pope. Lamb. (Joethe. Schiller. Dunham (S. A.) ^ otlierx. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain and Ireland. Anon. ( Lardner\ Cyclop. ) 3v. L , 1836. 25a. EmersoH (R. W.) Representative Men. L., 1883. le. Same. B., 1864. 40a. Contents : Uses of Great Men. Plato, the philosopher. Swedenborg, the mystic. Montaigne, tlie skeptic. Shakspeare, the poet. Napoleon, the man of the world, (ioethe, the writer. English Statesmen. 11 v. L, 1890-93. 2a. Conten/s. Cromwell. By F. Harrison. Edward I. " F. F. Tout. Elizabeth. " E. S. Beesly. Henry II. " J. R. Green. Henry VII. " J. (iairdner. Peel. By J. R. Thurstielrt. Pitt. " Lord Rosebury. Walpole. " J. Morley. William I. " E. A. Freeman. William III. " H. D. Traill. Wolaey. " M. Creighton. Farther (J) (J- ofhei-.s. Eminent British Statesmen. (Lardner's Cyclop.) V. 2-7. L., 1836. 25a. i: Bentham, Godwin, Coleridge, E. Irving, Tooke, Scott, Byron, Campbell, Crabbe, Mackintosh, Wordsworth, Malthus, Gifford, Jeflfrey, (27) BIOGRAPHY BIOT.RAPHY. HiooRAPiiv (Kiij,'lisli and VMropoixn)— Continued. Riougham, Burdett, Eldon, Wilberforce, Southey, More, Hunt, Lamb, W. JaJtlTfo. P. li.) Lives of Cardinal de Ketz, Jean liaptiste Coll.ert,. John l)e Witt, aixl Marquis lie Louvois. 2v.ini. Ph.,l>?'7. 42a. Jertlan (W.) Men I liavo known. L., 1866. 11a. Jnh)i»»n(S.) Livo.s of Phiglish Poets. L, 1825. 43b. Sam,'. L, 1871. 18e. Mcu-iJiariai'l (J.) Lives of Eritisli Statesmen. L., 1838. 42e. Naval Chronicle, containing General and P)iograp]ncal History of Royal Navy of United Kingdom, v.2 (for 179a)-39 (for 1818). 20v. L , y rf. 39f. ^Vo/f- —Nearly all the volumes are in duplicate. Redliivi (C.) Past Celelirities whom I have known. 2v. L., 1866. Coii/e)if.i : V. 1. G. Canning, J. W. M. Turner, \V. Hazlitt, Talma, Dr. Parr, C. Collon, Dr. VValcot, A. W. Schlegel, W. Reckford. v. 2. D. O'Con- nell, R L. Sheil, R. Cobden. Madame de Stael, J Clare. Mentelli, H. Smith, Raron Cuvier, R. R Haydon, J. R. Rehoni, A. Czartoryski. mtrhir (J. E.) British Senator.-? : political sketches, past and present. L., 1869. loe A^o/e. —Sketches of tifty English stat«smen. Saunders' Portraits ami Memoirs of Eminent Living Political Reformers. Portraits by George Ilayter, and others. Sketch of Parliamentary Reform, by VV. Howett. Many proof plcilf^ on India pnfwr, etc. L., 1840. 47g. Sewanl ( W.) Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, chiefly of last and two preceding centuries. Anon. 4v. L. , 1804. 44c. Shelleij (Mrit. M. W.) 4' ofheri^. Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. ( Lardiifir' ^ Cyclop. ) 3v. L., 1835. 25a. Sprai/ue (W. B.) Visits to P^uropean Celebrities. B., 1856. 41a. Thw'h-pray (W. M.) English Humorists of 18th Century. (Appemled /o " Ro'nndafjonI Papers." ; L., 1872. 24d. Contents -. Addison, Congreve, Fielding, (>ay. Goldsmith, Hogarth, Pope, Prior, Smollett, Steele, Sterne, Swift. Tli'»i>.--(i)i (Mrs. K. B.) Wits and Peau.x of Society. By " Crace and Philip Wharton " CP''«'"^J •->• L., 1860(?) 15b. Contents: v. 1. George Villiers (2nd Duke of Buckingham), Count de Gran>mont, St. Evremond, Lord Rochester, Beau Fielding, On Certain Clubs and Club-wits under Anne, W. Congreve, Beau Nash, Philip Duke of Wharton, Lord Hervey, Earl of Chesterfield, Abbe Scarron, Due de la Roche- foucault. Due de Saint-Simon, Horace Walpole, George Selwyn, R. K. Sheridan, Beau Brummell Theodore E. Hook, Sydney Smith, Txjrd Melcombe.- Walton (I.) Lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richanl Hooker,. George Herbert, and Robert Sanderson. L., 1825. 42a. See aho Alger fJ. G.) " Englishmen in the French Revolution." 7. General Biograjtliiral Dictionaries, awl Mitu'elJaneous Work^. Annual Biography ami Obituary, for 1825-27, 1829. v, 9-11, 13. L.^ 1825-29. 47c. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of B. N. Y., 1856. 39e. Baillie (J.) Life-Studies. N. Y., 1857. 44b. Contents: Bunyan, Tersteegen, Montgomery, Perthes, Mrs. Winslow.. (28) BIOGRAPHY BIOGKAPHY. JiiOGRAPHY (General and Miscellaneous Works) — Continued. Burnet (G., bis/top). Lives, Characters, etc. Dublin, 1816. 46a. Carbjle (T.) Lectures on Heroes. (Heroen and Hero -Worship.) Apimided to " Sartor Kesartuti." L., (1889). 2b. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. (Lib. Eiit. Knotr.) 4v. L., 1838. 25b. G(Mlicin (W.) Lives of the Necromancers. N. Y., 1847. 43c. Hau-thnrne (N.) (IJiographical Sketches). Appemled to his " Fan- xhaire" H., 1876(?) 4b. Co)i/eH/*t :— Mrs. Hutchinson. Sir William Phips. Sir William Pepperell. Thomas (Jreeii Fessendeii. Jonathan Cilley. Men who were Earnest : a scries of biographical studies. L , n. d. \oc. Men wlfo have Risen : a book for Iwj'.s. L., n. d. Id. JNew Biographies of Illustrious Men. By T. B. Macaulay, H. Rogers, T. Martin, and others. B., 1857- 17b. Duplicate, ^i. iVo/«. —Collected from the 8th edition of the Encyclopjedia Britannica. Parker (H. F.) J )i.scoverers and Pioneers of Ameiica. N. Y., 1860. 4.31). Coutenf-1 : Columbus, Americus Veapucius, de 8ot<), Raleigh, Hudson, Smith, Standiah, Lady-Johnson, Eliot, Penn. PartiiKjton (C. F.) liritish Cycloi)a'ilia of Biography of all countries. 2v. L., 1837. 28d. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, (^/.etches and anecdotes of noted mtn). Library oj Entertaiiii)i1). 10. Ruiial. Ahhnft (J. S. C.) Kiiij,'s and Queens. N. V., 1848. 11a. .Vo'^. — For roiitiiits, see autlior-entry. Atfanmm (E. W.) Memoirs of (^>ueens of Prassia. L,18.")8 lOe. Coiitmts : .Sopliia ("harlot te. Sophia Louisa. Sophia Dol-othea. Eliza- beth Christina. Frederica Louisa. Louisa. Diiraii(J.) Moiiarchs retired from I!usiiu'.-;.-J. 2v. >.'. Y., 18")7. 44b, Gi'^'en (M. A K.) Lives of Princesses of England 3 v. L., 1850- (title-plate. 1849). Tih. Historical Memoirs of IIoM,se of Itourhon. ( Cahinct Lihrnn/.) 2v. L., 1831. 44b. Lanri-hitf ( F.) (^)iieer;s of Knyland, fri>m .Matilda, (jueen of William the CoiKjueror, to Adelaide, (jueen of Williani IV. With plattx. •2v, N. Y.» lS.-)8. 9h. N(ihle(M.) (lenealogy of KdVal House of Stuarts. L., 1795. 4%. Strirkfant} (A.) Lives of (^)ueeiis of Em^dand. 12v. L., 1842 (titl(^ plate, 1S41) — I,S4S (title-plate, 1847). 37b.' SaiH". 12v. in ."). Ph., 1850. ;i7l). Lives of (j)ueens of Scotland and Enj,disli Prince.sses connected with regal succession of (ireat Britain. 8v. X. V., 1H.")1. flli. Xote. — For contints, see author-entry. Lives of Tudor Princesses, includinj,' Ladv .Luk; (Irav and her sister. L., 1868 9b, Notf. — For ronlmts, see author-enlry. Tharkeran (W. M.) The Four (leorges. ((leonjv I.-IV.) Appewleit to^RouiidahoHt/'aperi." L., 1872. 24(1. 11. Women, Aiiuilnr (G.) Women of Israel, 2v. N. Y., 1851. 421i. Claijtdn (E. C.) Women of the Keformation. L., «. '/. 44a. Ha!is(M.) Female Biograithy. v. 1-2, 4-6. L., 1803. 451). Jamexoii (A). Kdmaiice of Hiojirapliv, or Memoirs of Women loved by Poets. 2\-. L,, 1837. 43c. ' Jc.mex (G. P. It.) Memoirs of ("elehrated "Women. 2v in 1 PIi 1839. 42a, " "» Karamv/li (J.) Women of Christianity. N. Y., 1852. 441). Ktidji/ifS. L.) Female liioi,'rapliy. Ph., 1843. 4()e. Oireii ( Mrs. 0. F. ) Heroines of I'listory. L., 1855. 17c. T<»tna(Mr.<. a F.J Female ^fartvrs'of En},disli Reformation Bw "Charlotte Elizabeth.' X. V., IS44. 24a. (30) BIRD BLESSINGTON. Bird. (Isiiljt'Ua L.) (loMen Chersonese (Mela)/ I'eniiiiiula), and the way thither. L., 1883. Ic. Hawaiian Archipeh^j,'0 : .six months among Sandwich Ishimls. L., 1875. 14e. Birds. »sV Oi{xn'nnit of Places, Pensions, Sinecures, Revenues, Expenditures, f^fr. v. 2. I..., 1829. 46(1. Blackbuhne (Friiiici.s, Lord Chann'l lor of Iri-latnl, 17SJ-lSo folio, emjraved pin/is. t. ir. 48f. Blake (dolm L.) Conversations on Natural Pliilosophy. P,., 1842. 461). First liook of Astiononiy. I!., 1851. 46c. Blanc (Cliarles). Art in Oriiauieiit and Dre-ss. L., 1S77. 15d. lii.ANc (Mont). Sfc Mont Ih.ANc. Blanchard (Laman). Sketches from Life. 2v.ini. N'. Y., 1846. 27a. lilank liook of a Small Colleger. L, 1824. 4.3a. BleSSington (Marguerite Power, Cnnnf<->"<, 17S'.*-]S4'J ). Correspondence and L'onversations lietween Lord Byron and the Countess of Blessington. Cincinnati, 1851. 43<1. (31) BLESSINGTON BONVVICK. Blessin'gton (Counte><)<) — Continued. -ci. Idler in France. 2 v. L., 1841. 41c. The Idler in Italy. 2v. L., 1839. 39e. Mwlden ( R. R.) Literary Life and Correspondence. I'v. X. Y., 18o5. 11a. Bliss (Henry). Colonial Intercourse. L, 1830. 43d. Bloomfield (Robert). Poems. X. V., 1821. 4r)d. Blouet (Paul),— "Max iYKiiW" pnemK Frien.l MacDonald. (Sotch humour.) Bristol, 1887. 6'e. Boaden (James). Life of Mrs. Jordan. 2y. L., 1831. lie. Memoirs of J. ]'. Kemble. 2v. L, 182-^). 42e. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, with anecdotes of authors and actors. l*li. 1827. 17c. ' BoCCiuS (Gottliel)). Fi.sh in Riyers and Streams. L., 1848. 44e. Bogue (David) Diyine Authority of New Testament. X. Y., n. ''V Richard H.) The Canadas in 1841. 2v. L. 1841. 3 / a. • ) • Bonpland (Aimc ). See Humboldt (F. H. A. yon). Bon wick (James). The Mormons and the Silver Mines L 1872 13q (32) •' ■ BOOK BOTANY. Book-Keei'ing. Goodwin (J. H.) Imi>roved Hook-keeping, and Business Manual. N. Y., 1892. 2e. Sooth (Diivid). Principles of P^nglish Composition. L., 1831. 43a. Sooth (Mrs. Eliza M. J.), — "'R\ii\" pxeud. See Fiction. Borneo. Hatfnn (F.) North B. L., 1885. lb. Kei>peI(H) Expedition to B. 2v. L., 1846. 39c. St. JolinfS.) Life in Forests of Far East: travels in B. 2v. L., 1S6S. ' 14a. Sorrow (ei-plates. 2v. York, 18 '.2. 43g. Jlensloir (J. S.) I )escriptive and Physiological B. (Lardtier's Ci/rloi). ) L., 1837. (Tilleplate, ISooJ. 25a: 3 (33) BOTANY BOWDI0«. Botany — Continued. Lee (J.) Introduetion to P.. Kiliii., 1799. 4()a. Lmll^tl (J.) l!otaiiy. L., n. I. 44e. Iio. See Dickens (C.) Brace (Chark's Poring). Hungary in 1851. X. Y., 1852. 41c. Brakddon (Mary Elizabeth). For her novelx, xei' FicTiox. Bradford (Sarah If.) History of Peter the Groat. X. Y., 1858. 43a. Bradley (Henry). Thedoths. L., 1891. la. Brainard (Joiin (1. C.) Poems ; Avitli memoir. Hartford, 1847. 19a. Braithwaite (Henry Tliomas). Esse and Posse : comparison of /f' (J.J History of I!. 2 v. L, 1836. 39c. Hen,hr.->on (J.) History of B. L., 1821. 41g. Sotithey (11.) History of B. 3v. L, 1810. 41g. 2. TrareU ami Description. Aiia.> (J. B. von) ij- Martiu.-^ (C. F. P. von). Travels in B. 2 v. L.. 1824. 40c. ' (35) BRAZIL- -BROCK. Brazil — Conlimied. Wallace (A. R.) Travel on Ainazon ami Kio Nej,'ru, with observations on natural history. L., 1S53. Hd. Bremer (Frederika). Home, or family cares and family joys. X. Y., 1850, 21a. Homes of the New AVorld : impres-^ions of America. 3v. L., 1853. 12e. Two Years in Switzerland and Italy, llv. L., 1861. 18e. Bbextox (Vicc-Aihiiiral Sir dalileel, 1770-18U). liaihx (H.) ^Memoir of B. L., 1S46. 42u. Brewer (Ebcnezer Col)ham). Reader's Handbook of allusions, referencf;.^, I plots, and stories. L., 1892. 3f. Brewing. Co)iibmne (M.) Brewing. L., 1804. 41f. Brewster (>'/)• David, Smffixh nai. philoxoplirr, 17S1-1S6S). Edinburgh Journal of Science, trf. Brewster, v. 1-3. Edin., 1824-25. 4Ul. Martyr.-^ of .Science, or lives of (iaiileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kejiler. L, 1841. 281). IMore "Worlds than One. L., 1850. 45a. Gtmloii (Mr^.) Home Life of R Kdin., 18G9. 17c. . Bridal (.Y'sto.ms. iSee Marriagk. BKiD(iES. Fvller (T. C.J Bridge Construction. L, 1887. 2d. Haiq>t (H.) GeneralTheory of Jhidge Construction. N.Y., 1863. 47b. Bridgewater Treatises. ^Vv' Babbage (C.);--Bell {Sir C.) ;— Buck- land (VV.);— Chalmers (T.);-Kidd (J.); -Prout (\V.);-Roget (P. M.);-Whewell(\V.) Brierly (Oswald). .sv^Milner (J.) Bright (Ricliard). Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary. Edin., 1818. 40g. Bristed (dohu). Resources of I5riti.sh Emiure. X. Y., 1811. 47b. Britain. See England. British Army and Navy Review, v. 1 (1 864)— 4 ( 1 866). 4 v. L., c. ,1. 35e. British Columbia. Lee>- (J. A.) 4' Chutfirbiirk (W. J.) 1>. C. 1887 : a ramble in British Columbia. L., 1888. Ic. Murraij (W. H. H ) Dayliglit Land ; excursion over prairie and mountain. L. , ISSS. Ic British Empire. See England. British Essayists. e■?«'■/. See Fiction. Brooker (A.) See Slingo (W.) Brookes (Richard). London General Gazetteer of the World, ed. J. Marshall. L., 1S32. '2Hc. Brougham and Vaux (Henry, linrou, En;/, ami or, .-itateionan, etc., 177'.i-lS(iS). Discourse on Natural Theology. Ph., 18.35. 28b. I'istoiical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in time of Georffe IIL L., 1839. 12(1. Life and Times. By himself. .3v. Edin. .t L., 1871. ;3v. 12b. Lives of Men of Letters ami Science, time of George III. 2v. L., 1845. 12c. Xote. — For rontenti, see Bio<;raphy. Political Philosophy. 3v. L., 1843-44. 4()c. •Speeches. 4v. Edin., 18.38. Ud. Broughton (dohn Cam Hobhouse, Lurd). Italy: visits, 18ir)-45. 2v. L., 1859. 18e. Broughton (Rho(W.) Memoirs of C. B. B. L,1822. 42d. Brown (George). Personal Adventure in South Africa. L, 18o5. 4.5d. Brown (James r.aldwin). Life of J. Howard. L., 1818. 42g. Brown (dohn, iimpriefnr of fh>' UHivertiifji liiUiard lioomx, Cainhrith/e, nun-) Sixty Years" (Jleanings from Life's Harvest: an autobiogranhv. X. Y., 18.59. 41d. ^ ^ ^ 'BYO^frn(}n\m, 18 10-82). John Leech,and other Papers. Edin., 1882. Id. Co;/^f;i/.s; ,Iohn licecl). A Jacobite Family. .Vlystitications. Miss .Stirling (Jrahamof Duntrune. Thackeray's Death. Marjorie Fleming. Minehmoor. "In Clear Dream and .Solemn Yision." Jeems, the doorkeeper. Sir E. Landseer's Picture. The Enterkiu. Duke of .\thole. Struan. Dick Mihi, or Cur Why '? E. V. K. to his Friend in Town. Sir Henry Raeburn. Brown (Robert). Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 2v. Edin., 1811. 48d. Browne ( Thomas Alexander),— "Rolf B('ldrewood,"^«e«7. F>rhi-< ni>ee/s, xf-f. Fktion. Browning (Mrx. Elizabeth IJarrett). Poems. 2v. L., 1844. 19<- Same. 4v. N. Y., 1802(1) 19c. (37) BROWXIXO BUFFALO. Browning (Mr.-<. E. B.)—C'onfhn/>^>/. Essays on Greek Christian Poets and English Poets. (Barked " Worksy v.", 5." J N. v., 1863(?) l!)c. Browning (Robert). Selections from Poetical Works. N.y.,1886(?) lOJ. BrownloW (Emma Sophia, Cnuufess). Slight Reminiscences of a Sej*- tuageiiariiui, 1802-15. L., ISGT. 17e. Bruce (-Tames). Classic and Historic i^Mraits. X. Y., 18.")4. 46d. BucMMEi.i. (George, " Ihaii,'' fcinmrife of Geaiye I V., 177S-1S40). Jex-^e ( W.) Life of B. '1\. L., 1844. 12(1. Brunner (A. AV.) Cottages, or hints on economical Imilding. With 24 p)ale<. N. v., 189() 21). P>nhbles from the nrnnneu of Xassan Sahie. 2v. N. Y., 1868. 81). Buel (J. W.) America's Wonderlands, -lot/ ri^-irs. Ph., 1893(0 2g. BuEX.\ Vista. (Jarleton (J. H.) Rattle of B. Y., .*ec. N. V., 1848. 40b. BuEX(),s Ayre«. Hniiih (S.) B. A., Chili, »tc. L, 1831. 13e. BuKKAi.o. Revi.sed Charter, By-Laws and < >rdinames. P.uffalo, 18.")."). 28d. (38) BUFFOX BUKMAH. IBuffon ((lf'Oi<,'e Louis Lecloic, Onute de). Natural History, tr. with notes, by W. Smellie. 2()v. L.. 1812. 2()b BuffuUl (Kihvard (Joukl). Six niontlis in tlie (ioltl Mines, California. I'll., IS.iO. 41c. Builder : illustrated magazine for architect, engineer, archapologist, con- structor, and artist. 1859 (May— Dec. ), 1860 (Jan.— June), 1861. Bd. in 4v. L., r. d. 48f. I)L'ii.T)iNu CoxsTnucTiox. liiialiridije (W.) .HO Working Drawings of Details of B. C Plunistead, n. d. ig. l>ui,(iAHiA. Itarlileii (H. G.) Between the Danube and Black Sea, in B. L., ISTC. 18e. Hnhn (A. mn). Struggle of Bulgarians for Independence, 1885. L., 188(; 11). iit'i' al.<(> TCKKEY. Bullar (Jose]>h amf Henry). A Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. 2v. L., 1841. 43d. Bullock (.lolin). Aiiieri<-an Cottage Builder. Ph., 1883. 21) Bulwer-Lytton (Kdward Ceorge Karle Lytton). .Se^ Lytton (K. G. E. L. Bulwei-Lytton, Baron). Bulwer-Lytton (Edward Robert), — "Owen ^leredith," pioud. See Lsrtton (K- R. Bulwer-Lytton, Jiid Lord). Bulwer (Henry Lytton). Se>' Dalling (Lord). Bunner (Henrv Cuvler). Story of a New York House. (Fiction.) N. v., 1887. 6f." Zadoc Pine ; and other Stories. X. Y., 1891. Gg. Bunsun (Tlo- C/Aralirr) and o///c-/'.s-. Life and letters of B. G. Xicbuhr. X. v., 1852. 42b. Bunyan (John). Pilgrim's Progress. L., (1839). 20a. Burckhardt (John Lewis). Ara1)i(- Proverbs translated and explained. L., 18.m 'X)e. . Travels in Nubia. L., 1822. 40g. Travels in Syria anil Holy Land. L., 1822. 38e. Burder (Samuel). Oriental Customs. 2v. L., 1807. 40c. Burke (Edmund, A'////, .•^taiei^man, 17.JU-97). Inqtiiry into our ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, r/r. L., 1823. 4.3a. Speeches, v. 2-4. L., 1810. lid. Prior (J.J Memoir of B. L., 1824. 42d. Burke (John). (Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of I'eerage and Baronetage of British Empire. L., 1840. 8e. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, 4v, L.,I83H 8d.' (ienealogical and Heraldic History of Landed (ientry, or Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4v. L., 1837. 8d. Burke (Sir John Bernard). Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. 2 v. L., 1849. 42b. 3iuuM.\n. Crawfurd (J.) Embassv from India to Court of Ava. 2v. b., 18.34. 39d. (iearji (G.) B. after the Conquest. L., 1886. lb. (iV(.' FiCTlox. Burney (Charles). History of Music. 4v. L., 1776-89. 42g. Burns (Robert). Reliques of 1]., consisting chiefly of letters, poems, and observatioii.s on Scottish Songs. ea. Burton (Rol)ert). Anatomy of Melanctioly. By Deniocritus Junioi-. 2v. L., 1821. 47a. Bury (Lwli/ Charlotte). Diary illustrative of Times of George IV., with Letters from (^iieen Caroline. Aiioii. {ulfriliitlKl to Ladu C.) 2\; I'h 1838. 39b. ^Saiiie. Continuation. Anon. 2\. Ph., 1839. 39]>. Bury (William Coutts Keppel, VL^munt). Exodus of Western Na- tions. 2v. L., ISC.n. 14(1. DupUmte in 3Sd. Note.— A history of colonization of America. (40) BUSBRIDGE BYRON. Busbridge (W) 30 Working Drawings of Details of Biiililing Con- struction. V. I. Pliimsteail, n.d. 2g. Business. Iliait (F.J Worth an.. 1830. 4.3b. Remini.scences. 2 v. L., 1824-27. 46c. Butler (Mrx. Francis Anne), — nep Kemble. Journal (in the United States, 1832-3.3). 2v. Ph., 18.35. 41a. Poems. 1!., 1859. 19c. Star of Seville : a drama. X. V., 1837. 45d. Year of Consdlation. (Trwil.t i)i Itahj.) 2v.ini. X.Y., 1847. 28a. Butler (Joseph). Aiiidngy (if Religion, natural and revealed. L. 1824. 45a. Butler (Samuel). Hudihra.s. ^./. T. R. Xash. 2v. L., 1835. 19d. Same. X. Y., 1856. 45e. Butler (Sir William Francis). Akim-foo : the history of a failure. L., 1875. 1.3e. Campaign of the Cataracts, 1884-85. L, 1887. Ic. Great Lone Lantl. ( Xoiili-West of Xorth America.) L., 1873. 14e. Wild X'orth Land : northern Xorth America. Montreal, 1874. 14e. Butt (Beatrice ^lay). For her noreh, ■•<€e Fiction. Buxton (Sir Thomas Fowell, 1780-18.'/,). African Slave Trade and its remedy. L., 1840. 47b. liu.r1on (C), ed Memoirs of Sir T. F. B. L., 1849. 42a. Byerley (Thomas) an. IG5-206. \w. (hound with the author a " Marino Falifro"). n. t. 19e. Marino Faliero, Doge of "N^enice, an historical tragedy ; Prophecy of Dante, a poem. L., 1821. 19e l^t edition. Mazeppa: a poem. L., 1819. i9e. 14 i'ntiiine3. 18a. Work.s. With Life l>v T. Moore, v. 1-6, 8-17. L., 1832-33. 42c. Works. I/., 1837. iOe. Ualt(J.) Lifel.yl!. L, 1832. 46a. Ihuif (L.) I!, and suiup of lii.s Cuntenii>orarie.s. 2v. L., 1828. 43f. Mkoi-c (T.) Letters anliver). Dictionaw of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work, aird Engineering. 2v. N Y., 18.V). .39e. rt«'/Spon(K.) Spon's Dictionary of Kngineering. 3v. L., 1874. 2e. l]yzAXTixEo/KASTEUxEMi>inE. Oinanfr.W.C.) The I!. K. L., 1892. Li. Gaballero (Fernan), j>.'. (!.) Napoleon III. History of Julius Citsar. 2v. L., lSt)5-6ti('0 (Kl. Ca:sars (The Twelve). De Qtiinre>/ (T.) The Civsars. P.., 185L Uh. See a/-«i //i.-'fnrie.i o; Rome binder the einjX'ror--<. Caddy (Mr.<. Florence). To Siani and Malaya in Duke of Sulherland's Yacht. L., 1889. le. Cadell(W. A.) Journey in Carniola, Italv, and France, 1817-18. 2v. E.lin., 1820. 4()e. Caillie (Ri'^ne). Travels tlirough Central Africa to Timbiictoo, 1824-28. 2v. L., 1830. 13e. Caine (Hall). For /ii'< iiorel)', xee Fiction. Cairo. Kinnear (J. G.) C, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839. L., 1841. 41(1. Calais. Caltun (11. B.) Annals and Legends of C. L., 1852. 18e. Calculus. DeMonjan (A.) Differential and Integral C. L., 1836. 281). See al--io Mathematics. Caledonian Horticultural Society. Memoirs. 2v. Kdin., 1818-10. 48a. (42) CALENDAR CAMI'HELL. *Calkndaii. Hoi:e ( \V.) Voar IJook of daily recreation aiul information concerning men and manners, times and seasons, iintiquitie<<, &c. L., 1832. 43f. '■Calendar of Victory. .*^V»' Johns (yfujnr li.) tint/ Nicolas ( U- V. H.) Califok.via. litirfliirifl: (J. I).) Tiiree Years in C. Kdin. it L., 1857. 14d. Jinffimi ( K. (i.) Six niontlis in the (lold Mines, C. Ph., 1850. 41c. 4'„lftn, (W.) Tiiree Years in C. N. Y., 1850. 391.. Ftnh,^s(A.) C. r>., 1839. 39e. Fremmt (J. C.) cj- Enitn-ti ( W. II.) Travel in C. N. Y., 1849. 41d. Hn^nihtiirf I{.) History of Oregon and C. 15., 1845. 14d. /lohut..'-lSJJ ). Memoirs of Marie Antoinette, v. 1. I. ir. 9a. Private Journal. «/. M. Maigne. L., 18:,M 41c. -Campbell (Alexander). Sfp Owen (K.) Campbell (Ot/. sir Colin). Menioiaiidum on part taken by 3rd division of Aiiiiy of Punjaub, at Hattle of ('liillianwala. L., 18;")!. 40c. Campbell (Duncan). Ilistorvof Prince Kdwanl island. Charlottetown, 187."). 7 b. Nova .Scotia in its historical, mercantile, and industrial relations. (History of N. S.) Montreal, 1873. 71>. Campbell (F. A.) Year in New Hel.iide.<. Loyalty Islands, and New Caledonia, (leelong, 1873('.') I4e. Campbell (Ceorge, niU-OU). Philosoiiliv of Rhetoric. 2v. Kdin., 18 IG. 400. 'Campbell (^'//- George). Handv Pxiok on Kastern (^hiestion : recent view of Turkey. L., I87(). 14d. Campbell (Ao,v/ Ceorge). Log Letters from "The Challenger" L., 187(). Ic. Campbell (dohn, I70S-7o). Naval History of Creat Hrit.ain, to 1816; including lives of British Admirals. 8v. L., 1SI8. ICic. (2 sets. ) ^Campbell (.lolm, Lt>rt/). chief du.sticcs of England. 2v. L., 1849. |--'b. Dupliratf oj rol. 2, in 39d. Lord Chancellors and Keepers of (ireat Se.il of England. 7 v. Ph., 1847. 9b. Stmtt-. V. S. L., 18G9. 121.. '^Campbell (Tli(.mas). Letters from the South. ^A /t/in-s. ) 2v. L., 1 837. 39e. Life of Petrarch. -Jv. L., 1841. lie. -Life of Mr.s. Siddoms. 2v. L., 1834. lOd. San»\ L., 1839. 451.. (43) • CAMPBELL CA\ADA. Campbei.i. (Tlioiiias) — Ca)itinu}. Walter). My Imiian Journal. Kdin., 1864. 16d.. ]>npli(:ate in 14a- Old Forest Ranger, or wild sports in Jmlia. f. ir. 1844. 13d. Saiii". L., 18G9. 13d. Campbell (William Wilfred). The Dread Voyage: poems. Toronto,. 1893. 19b. CANADA (DcMixioN of). [Formerly British North America.] [Sfii' aho British Columbia; — Canada (Province) ;-- Hltkson's Bav ;— Mamtoha ; — New Krinswick ;— Nova Scotia ;- OsTAKro ; — Pkinck Kdwaki) Island; — (^rEiiEf. AUo America : -North .Ameri- ca ;— Indians. Aho Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal.] 1. Ih'liNoijrajjIii/. Mon/aii (If. J.J Hililiotheea Canadensi.s, or manual of Canadiai*: literatuie. Ottawa, 1867. 12a. 2 Bioi/rapln/. Tatjh),- (F.) tj- Ni>tuiaii ( ^V.) Portraits (jih(>fni/iri/ih.<) of British Ameri- cans, liy Xotnian ; with Biographical Skftches, by Taylor. 3v. Montreal, 1860-68. 1 Jc. 3. ik'Kcriptidii, (vul Travel. Ale.auiilrr (Sir J. E.) L'.Vcadie, or S(>ven Years' Kxploration.s iu. Briti.sh America. 2v. L., 1849. l-'^a. Backwoods of C. : letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer. {Lib, Eiit. Kiioic.) L., 18.%. '2r>b. lioitrjii'tte (J.) British Dominions in North .\inerica. ( TitpiKfra/Jiieaf' and statistK-ttl dfcriptiont, JL-r., ivith plnns and vieir.'^.) 2v. L., 1832. 40g. Satiie. v \ (Upper (uiil Lmrcr Cauwld). L., 1831. 42g. Butler (W. F.) The Great Lone Land: travel and adventttn^ in north-west of America. L., 187.3. 14e. The Wild North Land : journev across northern North America. Montreal, 1874. 14e. Vhurr}i(~Sf — ) Making a Start in C : letters from two young emi- grants, ed. A. J. Church. L., 1889. lb. Dujf'eriii awl Am (H. G., march io)ie.« of). My Canadian .Totirnal. 187278. N. Y., 1891. 7e. " ' Duiiraii (F.J Out Garrisons in the West, or Sketches in British North America. L.,18()4. 17b. iVo^e.— Halifax and other parts of Nova Scotia are descrilwd in chapter 2-6l Fh'iniwi (S ) Englan.l and C. : tour between Old and New West- minster. L., 1SS4. Ic. Grant (G. M.) Ocean to Ocean : S. Fleming's K.xpedition throii'dj C in 1872. Toronto, 1873. 13b. (44) CANADA CANADA. •CJanada (Dominion of) — ContiimetJ. ■ Beu'l (JSir F. B.) The Emigrant. N. Y., 1847. 45(1. Heajf CO.) Forest .Scenes rirn/ nm/ i/e>ur/<>ii(G.) Hochelaga, or Kngland in the New World. (Trarel.) Anon. 2 pts. in Iv. N. V., 184(5. Lib. . \V(>(„/x (X. A.) Prince of Wales in C. and United States. L., 1861, 14d. iS^o^e. —Chap. I. describes his visit to Nova Scotia. 4. Hix/iiri/ ait'/ I'roi/re-^-'' €>' (H.) First Englif^h Comiuest of C. ; with account of earliest .settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. L., 1871. 1.3b. M'/^i-pt/or (J.) British North America. ( Hi.-7 ; 11 (1878), no. 1-t), 8-11 ; 12 (1879), no. 1-7 ; 13 (1880), no. 5 11 ; Mi (188.3, nu. I, 3, 7, 1011 ; 17 (1884), no. 111. 47v. Ottawa, r. »/. 37f & g. Canada (Lower). »W t^luEHEc (Province). (46) CANADA CAPPER. Canada (Proviufc of). [In 18^0 the Provitwe-^ <>/ Upper anil Loirev Canaila (now Ontario and Quebec) n-trt reunited into one Province, and continued so uhtil 1S67.] lionmira^flf' (Sir R. H.) The Canmlas (Upper and Lower C), 1841. •2v! L., 1841. 37a. DLi-nn (J.) Tour through part.of United 8tate.s and C. ; with notice of Methodism in Ainerira. N. Y , 1849. 15b. Hf-nrif ( \V.) Events of Military Life : service in Peninsular War, C, .tJ. 2v. L., 1843. 7a. Ln/iy/afirf Axin'iiihln. .lournals. v. 1-2, :} (with Apjiendice.s 1-2), 4 (with Appendices 1-2), ti (with Appendices 1-3), 8 (with Appendices 1-3), 9 (with Appendices 1-2). 19v. Kingston, &c., v. d. 28g. Li'i/is/dfirt' (\i)uti-il. •] ituruiih (Jijiirniaii.r 'lu (Jini'>o Canada (Dominion). Canada (Upper). S>''- Ontario. Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal, no. 1 (July, 1824) — 4 (Feb., 1826). 4 v. in 2. Montreal, 1824-26. .36.-<.-i ( M.) »>'• Cnnprr (H. S.) Highlands of C. L, 1885. Ic. Cai'K RuEToN. Witrwr ((\ b.) Haddeck, and that sort of thing R., 1S9(). lb. Capper (.Tohn)- Ibike of Edinburgh in Ceylon : Elephant and Elk Sport. L., 1871 13e. Capper (Samuel James). Shores and Cities of the Roden See, 1879-80. L., 1881. lb. Wanderings in War Time : France and CJernianv in 1870-71. L, 1871. 14e. m CARBONARI CAROLIXE. Carbovari. Meiiioiis of Secret Societies in Italy, particultuly the C. li., 1821. 28b. Carey (dcorge G.) Astronomv as it is known at the present day, etr. L., 1824. 47b. Carey (Henry G.) Past, Present, and Fnture. Pli., 1848. \hh. Carey (Rosa Nouchette). ^//' Earl of). Tragedies and Poeins. L, ISOl. I8c. Carlisle ((George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl i>/, [LnnI Morpeth]). Travels in Aiiicriua ; (and) Poetry of Pope. N. V., 1851." 46b. Carlyle {Rer. Alexander, iHinisfer o/Inrere.4; 17,lJ-lS0o). Autohiograi.hy. B., 1861. 43c. Duplicate iit 46/. Carlyle (Thomas, £/!(/. €«sai/isf, liMnrian, dr., 17U'>-1SS1). Chartism. Past and Present. L., «. d. 2b. Critical ;uid Miscellaneous Essays. (Minlcrn Br)ti.
  • ) Ph., 184.->. 20c. • < ♦ Satfie. 7y. L, (1890). 21.. French Revolution : a history. (Ti>17U:'>.) 2v. \.., n. d. 21>. Hi.^^tory of Frederick II ^M^'VrVm/^. fiv. N. V., 1868. 9c. Sainc. V. 1-2, 4-6. X. Y., 18r)8. 42c iSTo/f. —Reviewed in Blackwood's Magazine, v. JI8, 1865. Kdin Rev V. 110; Vuarteily Rev., v. 105, 1859, v. 118, 1865; Westm. Rev., v. 7i'. Latter-Day Pa mill) lets. L,n.(/. 21t. Contents: Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question. Tlie IVesent Time. Model Prisons. Downing Street. New Downing Street. Stump Orator. Parliament- Hudson's Statue. Jesuitism. Lectures on Heroes. CHtrocx awl Hero-Wortihip.) Appeii>lr,l f,, "Sartor liemrt us." L., (1889) 2b. Life of J. Sterling. R, 1851 421.. Oliycr Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations. ,3y L H. d. 2b. Same. 2v. L, 184"). 12c. Same Supplement to 1st ed L, 1846. 12c. Past and Present. (Appended to hix " Chartixni." ) L., n. d. 21". Sartor Resartus. (With) Lectures on Heroes. L., (1889). 21..' Fn,nd,'(J.A.) Carlyle, his life in London, 1834-81. 2y. L.,1884. Id. Carnarvon ( , Karl , if). Recollections of theDrii.ses of the Lebanon. L., 1860. 44c. Carne (John). Letters from the East. 2y. L, 1826. 40h. Letters fn.m Switzerland and Italy. Amm. Av. L., 1834 37a Carne (Louis M. de). Travels in Indo-China aiul Chinese Empire' L 1872. 14c. ' ' Carom.ne (of Brnusu-ir/,; Queen nf Geor,,e IV., I70S-JS.'l) Hui-Sif. Ilt'oii (A. II. L. ) llistdi'ical Researches into politics, intercourse, and trade of ("artlmgiiiians, &c. v. 1. Oxford, 1838. 45c. CARTWUKiHT ('J/<(/'//' dohn, /i^.^O IS.^J. ('(ii/irr/'j/if ( F. IJ. ) Life and Cor- respondence. 2\\ L. , 18*26. 4'Jf. ^ Cary (.!nhn).^ Itinerary ; cr Dcliiicatioii of (ireat Roads tliroughout Eng- land and Wales, etc. 8tli ed. L., ii. . I3e. Irrhtii'f (./. li.) Wall-Street to C, 1851-50. N. V., 18.')9. 41g. Cas.seirs Eainily Maga/iue. Ilhi^. 1887 (2nd pt.), 1888 (2nd pt.), 188'J, 18!H)(l.st pt.), 1891-93-I-. Iif K/iiru.i, 1414-^7). Maore (C. C. ) George Castriot, surnamed .Scanderheg, King of Albania. N. Y., lS.-)(». 42b. Castro ((Miillen de, S,,. rfiruiia/iW, loOU-1'i.JI J. Hnllaiol (II. It., lord). Live.>i and Wiitings of L. F. de Vaga ("arpio and (J. de Castro. 2v. L., 1817. 41b. Catacomhs. MiiHIinol ((\) Cliurch in the C. L., 1847. 45b. Catherine II. ( Em f, ,■<:■<» nf Ruxsin, IT.'U'JflJ. Memoirs, by herself. X. v., 1S.") la C'ompa'jnie dc Je.mx) r/?trnan, ISOUJU). Dirpij ( E. ) Cavouf : a memoir. Cambridge, 1861. 41a. Cecil (Catherine). Memoirs of Mrs. (Sarah) Ha\yke.s. L., 1839. lOe. Cellini (Renyenuto, Flormtine artM, 1500-70). :Memoirs. Ry himself. ed. T. Roscoe. 2v. L., 182.3. 42d. Cektbal America. Jarri.< (J. J.) Sand\yich I*lamls ; and Trip throu-di C. A., 1837-42. B., 1843. 41b. Scherzpr (C.) Trayels in Free States of C. A. : Nicaragua, Honduras and San Salvador. 2v. L., 1857. 40e. ' Sipiipr (E. G.J Xotes on C. A. X. Y., 1855. 14d. Stephfm (J. L.J Incidents of Travel in C. A., pfr. {Cl,i"rtu antinni- fie-t.) 2v. N. Y., 1841. 40e. i . .' j Same. 2 v. X. Y., 1852. 14d. West Indies and Spanish Main (^//rt//'-///A'^. /.//•. cir. 1860. 13c. Spf rt/.sv> Paxa.ma. Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, y. 34, 2nd pt. ; (1887)— 36 0888) 39, 2nd pt. (189(J), 40(18901-46 (1893)+. Bd. in 19v. N. Y r d 7f Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de). Don Quixote de la Manciia ' />■ V. Jarvis. ///».s. V. 2-3. L., 1838. 20c. Cetachaxs. Jinih- (F.J Xatural History of Sperm ^VIlale. L. 1839 43a. ' •) • • Ceylon. Ikd^r (Sir S. U'.J Rifle and Hound in C. Ph., 1869 Uv Capper (J.J Duke of P:dinl)urgh in C. : elephant an(i'elk snort. L 1871. 13e. * ■*■' De Dufh (—J. Rambles in C. L, 1841. 41c. Kuiiihtoii (W.J Hi.storyofC. L, 1845 37a (50) • CEYLON CHAMBERS. Ceylon — Contimii-'L ...... Ti'MK^nt (Sir J. K.) Ceylon. 2v. L., 1859. 38c Saiii^. 2v. L, 1860. U:\. CnALD.E.\. Ldftn-'i (W. K.) Travels and Ke.searchcs in C. and Susiana, 1849-.V2.' N. Y.. 1857. 39d. Mhjnan (R.) Travels in C. L., 1829. 40c. Rwiicin (Z. A.) C, to rise of Assvria. L., 1893. la. " Cliallen-er " (11. M. S.) See Campbell ( LrmJ G.) Chalmers (Thomas, 1). I)., 17S0-18Jf7 ). Christian Revelation viewed in connexion ( "ic ) with .Modern Astronomy ; with G Sermons. Aiulover, 1818' 44f. Same. — (ilasj,'ow, 1830. Adaptation of K.xternal Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitu- tion of Man. Pii., IH'Arx 461). "Works. V. 1-3, 5-19. Clasgow, 7i. crt, 1H(H-71) Cvclopredia of Knglish Literature. 2v. Edin., 1843. .^9g. Same. 2 v. 1)., 18G4. 39g. Ycstiges of Natural Historv of Creation. Anon. L., 1845. 46a. rtH Works. 5v. B., 1841. 45a. Chapman (Rcnjaniin). History of (ni.stavus Adolphu.s and of the Tliinv ^'eat■s' War. L., 185t». 16. L., 1816. 4(ia. Gishorne (T.) Encjuiry into 1 )utie.s of Men. 2v. L., 1824. 451). Hunt (F.) Worth and Wealth : iiiaxini.s, morals, ete., for men <>f liusine.ss. N. Y., 1856. 46a. Sniih'x (S.) Character. N. V., 1872. 171). Dutv. L., 1889. le. Self-Hell). X. Y., 1860. 171.. Note. — Exemplary anecd<'i,cd, I'c, of noted men. Tuthill (Mr!t. L. C.J Siicee.ss in Life : tin' La\vvt;r, the Mechanic, the Merchant. .Sv. N. V., 1850-.V2. 43a. See (ihn Kimo : — Yorxc; Mex. Chaui.emoxt (.lames Caulfeild, Karl of, 17,28-99). Han1>i (F.) Memoirs of Life of Earl of C. 2v. L., 1812. ' I le. Chari.es (tli^. Bold, Dub' of Hunimohi, 14.13-7 1 ). Kir/,- (J. F.J History of C. 3v. Pli.. 1864. lOd! .yo/e.— Reviewed in Blnrkirood's Mm/ , v. 95, 1S64 ; Edin. Rer. v. 1!!», 1864. Charles I. (Kiw/ of Kn!.i()-S.'>). AhhofffJ.J History of (J. X. v.. 1854. lia. Charles \. (Kmprror of Gprniaitij, loUO-oS). Rfilnrt^on (IV.) History of Reign of Emperor Charles V.' ( Backfd " H^ork», r. II.') X. V., 18.56. 381). See aho ]>!» Works. StirUn're,Jitl,(W.G.) Memorials of Charles John, King of Sweden and Xorway. (Barked " Me- niorinis of lieriiadotte.'') L., 1829. 9c Charles {Mrs. Elizabeth). See Fictiux. CuAitLorTETowx, P. E. I. Act to ineori.orate the town. Charlottetown, 1855. 28d. Chahtism. S''t' Carlyle (T.) Chateaubriand (Renc' Francois AugiLste, Vi'-onifp de). The Nateliez, an Indian Tale. ,Sv. L., 1827. 4,3a. Travels in America and Italy 2v. L., 1828. 40b. CHATErBKTAXI) CHEMISTRY. ('llATEAUl)RIAXU — Contimtf'l. ^ ' • Travels in Greece, I'alcstine, Egyi»t and P>arbary, 1806-07. 2 v. L., 1812. 41f. Chatfield ( I'aul ), i>mi>i. Sp^ Smith ( H . ) Chatham (William Pitt, AV//7 <>/, K>i. Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc. \, Y., 1846. 131.. Cheever (llenrv Theoilore). Island World of the Pacific. N. Y., 1851. l-2e. ("iiE.MiCAi. Analysis, ('hihlnni (.J. C.) C. A. : chi<'flv from L. d. Thenard. L., 1819. 4H1). €nEMisTi!Y. Ail,iii (A. i.\ ('. R.) Dictionary of C. and >rineralogy ; (with) (leseri|)ti(m of clieiiiical apparatus. "Jv. L., 1807. 39g. lihirh (J.) Klenients of C. 2v. Kdin., 1803. 39g. Clienerix (Fi.) Chemical Nomenclature. L., 1802. 4r)d. Conversations on C. 2v. L., 1824. 46d. Dani (Sir H.) p:iements of Chemical Philosophv. Pt. I, v. 1. L., 1812. 47f. Farwlaii ( M.) Cliemical History of a Candle ; (with) lecture on I'latimi.ii. N. V., v.d. 2<1. Chemical Manipulation L., 1842. 46c. FoirnesfG.J Manual of Klenientary C. Ph., 187"). 40f. Griflitlii (T.) Recreations in C. : non-metallic elements. L., 1850. 281.. Heitrij (W.) Ejiitome of P^xperimental C. L., 1808. 47b. HopxdU (C R.) (leiieral Svstem of C. Chiefly from Wiegleh. L., 178—. 43g. ■ IiiiiKiin (J.) ElenuMits of Science and Art : introduction to Natural Philosophy ami C. 2v. L., 1822. 28c. Lanmiyje (J. B. Ji.) Manual of Course of C. 2y. L., 1800. 48c. LnvoUipr (A. L.) Elements of C. 2v. Edin., 1802. 48c. Lit'/iiij (J. J. 1-1)11, ha •(HI.) Animal C. L., 1843. 47h. C. in it« applications to Agriculture and Phy.siology. L., 1843. 47b. MaraiJant (S.J C. of Common Things. Halifax, 7i. if. 47c. Mnrphij (J.G.) Review of C. for students. Ph., 1851. 47a. Mnrr=« Aciucui.TURAi. Che.misthy, — Chemkai, Ax\aly.sis. Chenevix (Richard). Essay upon National Character. 2 v. (hacked " Booko/KiioirUilije.") L., 1832. 47b. Remarks npon Chemical Nomenclature. L., 1802. 45d. Cheney (Elnah Dow), '-'/. Louisa May Alcott, her life, letters, and journals. L., 1889. la. Chesney {('<>/. Francis Rawdon). Russo-Turkish Campaigns, 1828-0. X. v., 1854. 43a. Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Ml' Enl nf, Eikj. '^fati^fnian aHtltf^t(c.r-ii-riftr, 1(J[)4-1T7.JJ. Letterss. f'/ Lord .Malion. 4v. L., 184."). 12(1. Contents: v. 1. Letters on Kducation. 2. Letters on Kdiication, and Char iicters. .'1-4. Letters, Political and Miscellaneous. Chetwynd (Mrs. Julia Rosville, irip- (<^' Henry Weyland). .v-" Ficriux. Chew (Richard), dames Everett : a l)iograpliy. L., 187."). lOd. Chicago. SheppfJ. IC i>'- /) ) World's Fair Photographed (with descrip tions). Chicago * Ph., 1893. 2e. Chief-dustices of England S'^^' Campbell (d , Lon/). Children (John (ieorge). Chemical Analysis, chiefly from " Traiti' (h^ Cliimie Eli-uientaire"' of L. J. Thenard. L., 1819. 48b. Chili. Hai;//,fS.) Buenos Ayres, C, il'c. L,1831. 13e. Hull (li.) Extracts from Journal wiitteii on coasts of C, &c. 2v. B., 1824. 41 d. ^iiiith (E. II. J The Araucanian.s, or Tour among Indian Trii)es of .Southern C. X. Y., 18.5"). 17b. Chii.i.iax\vai.a (Battle of, 1849). Camphdl (ISir C.) Memorandum of part taken l)y 3rd Division of Army fif tlie Punjaub at Battle of V. L., 18.11. 40c China. Bmnroir (L., inaiyuix iJe). Pckin, Jeddo, and San Francisco. L., 1872. .38a. Bernard (W. I).) Voyages and S(.rvices of the "Nemesis," 1810-43, and operations in China. From notes by \V. H. Hall. 2v. L., 1844. 40d. Cam' (L. M. de). Travels in Iiido-China and Chinese Empire. L., 1872. 1 4c. C, pi(!torial, descriptive, and historical, Sci\ (Chieffy from Mi><-< Cormr's irork.) L., 18.").^ 28a. Dacis (J. F.) The Chinese. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 2v. L., 1836- 25b. DiiiJlicjte, J,8h. Sketches of C. 2v. L., 1841. 38a. Elli>^ (H.) Journal of Proceedings of late Embassy to C. 2v. L. 1818. 40b. ^ m CHINA CHURCH. China — CuntinueiL Hairkfi (F. L.) Kxpedition of American Squadron to C. Seas and Japan, 1852-54, under M. C. Perry. Compiled from journals of Perry anc' his officers. (Wi/h many plates. ) 3v. Wash., 1856. 38e. Note. — The general narrative is contained in vol. 1. Hue (E. R.) Journey throuj,'li Cliinese Empire. 2v. X. Y., 1855. 401). Jdcehiu (Vi'^yiwif). Si.x months with tlie Chinese Expedition. L., 1841. 46b. Knn/lija (H.) Incidents in C. AVar of 1860. Compiled from journals of (Jen. Sir H. lirant. Edin. & L., 1875. 18e. AJarmlei/ (W. II. j Katliay : a Cruise in C. Seas. N. Y., 1852. 41a. Mwfailane (C.) Cliinese Revolution, ttc. L., 185o. 45c. M>(hur4(W. H.) China. L., 1839. 39c. Mtxii-a (Mar'/ni-" dej. Recollections of Jlaron (iros's Embassy to C. and Japan, 1857-58. L., 1860. 18e. Murni!/ (A.J Doings in C, 1841-42 L., 1843. 281). Mid''r (Mr.t.) Travels and ^Vd ventures in India, C, »K:c. 2v. L., 1864. 13a. Xeviu>i (J. L.) C. and the Chinese. X. Y., 1869. 13c. Olipliatd (L.) Yj\x\ of Elgin's Mission to C. and Japan, 1857-59. 2v. Edin., 1860. 39d. Duplicate, IJfC. Perrn (M. C.) See Ha)rh.-< ( F. L.) Uroft (J. L.) lmpri., 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704. Witli numerous Notes, also Appendix, hy .Samuel (i. Drake. 2nd ed. Kxeter, N. H., 1834. 28b. Xoti-. — Contains a life of Col. Benjamin Church. Church Architec tire. See ARriinEfruRE, exjieciaU// Sharpe (K.) Church of FInglaxd. Burnet (U.) History of Kefonnalion of C. of K. 2v. L., IS'iO. 39e. SanK'. V. 1-;? in (iv. L, 1820. 201). Christian ( )li.-t'rver. Contlnctt'd by nienilicrs of the cstaMished church. V. 1.3. 15., 1802-4. .30e. Ciiurch of Ent^'land Magazine, v. 14. L., l!S;J6-38. 45<,'. Short (T. V.) History of C. of K., to 1688. N. V., 1840. 44e. Sratnr, xtnft'.-:'iia/i. etc., lO'i-.'f.t /;. ('.) ('ato and La-lius, or essays on old age and friendship. v. I. (Cato). L., 1795. 43ij. Mittdleton (C.) Life of C. 2v. L, 1824. lie. Same. L., 1839. 42e. C1RCAS.SIA, and the Caucasus. BeJI (J. S.) Residence in Circassia, 1837- 39. 2v. L., 1840. .39d. OuniiiKjlianie {Sir A. T.) Travels in the Eastern Caticasns, 1871. L., 1872. le. Diiplira/fi, Lie. Harreij (Mrx.) Turkish Harems and Circasssian Homes. L., 1871. 13e. PolliniitoH (J. C. (/., ri.-// nf). Ili.^tury of the Kebellion and C'ivil Wars in Kuglaud (IH'JS-(iO); to whicli is aildeil, Historical View of Affairs of I rclaiiil. (jv. Oxford, 1S27. SI). Hail"'. 3v. Oxford, 1707. 28a. I)uiilii-at>' i,f r. .> ^y o, i)i ^I'lj. Clark (William George). Gazpacho, or Summer Months in Spain. L., 18.")0. 171). r('lo]ioniie.-very to close nf ISth century. L., ISfW. 4<)g. Clarke (Ca/>f. William). t' Fiction. Clement XIV. (Fop,),—)!,'. (;. \'. A. Ganganelli. Letters, with Anecdotes of his Life. 4v.ini. L., 1809. 46a. Ci.Eoi'ATHA (Qtieen of E French Crammar. L, 1838. 46e. History of Trotestant Keformation in England and Irclaml. 2v. L.^, 1829. 44e. Pajfer against Gold and (Uory against Pro.sperity. 2^ in 1. L., 1815 47o. Dalliwi (li. L. Buliri'i; I'li^l). Historical Characters : Talleyrand, C \c. " 2v. L., 1868. 15(1. CocHLN' China. .SV^ .\xam. Cochrane (Charles Stuart). Kesidence and 'I'ravels in Colombia, 1«23- 24. 2v.ini. L, 1825. 37a. DiiplimU, y/. Gockburn (llemT Thomas, Lnril, Smtrli jivhf, 17^'.i-lS'>Jf). Life of I..ord Jeffrey. 2v. ' Ph., 1852. 42j. DnjiUraU, IJn. Memorials of His Time. N. Y., 185G. 43c. Coffin (William F.) 1812 ; the war and its moral : a Canadian Chronicle. -Montreal, 1 864. 4Ig. Coit (Thomas Wintlirop). Puritanism. X. V., 1845. 44b. Colburn's United Service Magazino, annn-al Introilartioii, Ilotiur.) L., 1834. 4.')e. Coleridge (Saumel Tavlor). Letter.s, Conver.sation.s, and KecolIectionSL 2v. L., 18.36. 46a.' Poems. L, lf<70. 19b. Poeti(!al Works of ('., Slndley, and Keats. Paris, 1829. 19d. Si)e(Mmens of Table Talk of Coleridge. L., KS36. 17b. Collier (John Payne). Poetical hecajneroii, or Conversations on Englisb Poets and Poetry. 2v. Kdin.,1820. 45e. CoUingridge (A.) A Night near Windsor, ov Port Royal Annals; and Talf of the Turf. L., 1840. 23f. CollingWOOd (Cnthbert, Lnnl, lirUMi rire-wlnuntl ). Selection fi-on* Public and Private Correspondence ; with memoirs of his life. By (J. Ik. Xewnhani C'ollingwood. N. Y., 1829. 1.3d, Same. 2 v. L., 1837. 42d. (58) COLLI N.S COM B R UXE. Collins (iNrortimor). Sweet Anne Page. L., 1884. 22ii. ^ awl (Frances). Sweet and Twenty. L., n. <1. 22a. You I'lay Me False. L., 1883. 22a. Collins (Perry McDoiK^ugh). Voyage down the Anioor, Sec N. Y., 1860. 14a. Duplicate, 41f. Collins (^ViIkie). My Miscellanies. X. Y., 1874. 3e. For Iiit^ noreltt, tee Fictiox. Colman (George, //rwm««7i"/*^. Raniloiu Records. 2v. L., 1830. 46a. Colman (Henry). Kiiropean Life and Manners. 2v. B., 1849. 41e. Colomb (Rear-A(I)niral Pliilip Howard). Slave-Catching in Indian Ocean. L., 1873. 40c. Colombia. IJorliraup (C. S.) Residence and Travels in C, 1823-24. 2v. in 1. L., 182'). TtA. DypHra/<-, 40/. Hall (F.) C, its juosent state, i^-c. L, 1827. 41e. Colonial ^lagazine and Commercial Maritime Jonrnal. v. 7 [• Colonies, and the present American Revolution- L., 1817. 47c. r,»hl (A.) Parliamentary (ioveriiment in British C. B., 1880. 38f- .sVc ((/.svy till' iiniiie.i of the rariou--' I'lilonii:". Colton (\Valter). Deck and Port, or Cruist; of V. S. Frigat(! Congress (aiounil North and South America) to California. X. V., ISHO. 27a. Sea and Sailor ; Notes on France and Italy, and other Literary Remain.s. N. v., 1800. •_'7a. Ship and Shore, in Madeira, Lisbon, and the Mediterranean. N. Y., ISHO. 27a. Thre(i Year.s in California. N. Y , 1800. 391). Visit to Constantinople! and .Vthens. X. Y., 1536. 40f. (Vi.UMBUs (Christopher, '//>vv//-e/-e/' nf Ann'rira, I.'f.'/H-l'iOil). Irrinij (W.) History of Life and Voyage of C. 4v'. L.,1828. 40c. Combe (Ceoige). Elements of Phr(!nology. Edin., 1824. 28a. Moral Pliilosophy. Edin., 1840. 47a.' Combe (William). I)(jctor Syntax's three tours, in search of the pictur- e8(jue, consolation, and a wife. ( Potm.) L., ». '/. 23f. Combrune (Michael). I'.rewing. L, 1804. 41f. (59) COMIXES COOKE. Comines (I'liilipl'o <1<', Sieur •rAr;/e7tfo}), Fr. hi4<>nan, IUo-IdOQ). Meinoiis, containing History of F>ewis XL and Charles VIII. of France, and of Charles the Bold, Dake of Burgundy : with the secret history of Lewis XL out of tiie ' .Scandalous Chronicle.' '2v. L., ]8"J3. 9c. Commerce. J)nbn.-i (C.) Kleiiient.^i of C. L., 1818. 4()c. Mr('ulh»-I, (J. n.) C. L., 1833. 47c. Dictionary of C, L., 1840. 4.")!.. Merchants' Slagiiziiic. e^/. F. Hunt. v. 2.^)-26, 28 34-51. 21v. N. Y., 1851 (54. '36d & e. Mm (T.) Kn.u'lan I's licnofit and Advantage by Fori'ii,'n-Tradf' domon- sttated. \\. (Iioniul >nth Hohtrls\ " Map of Comm(rr< .") L., 1700. 43g. roxtlpfhirivjt (}[.) Vniver.-^al Dictionary of Trade and C. 2v. L., 1737. i'l^. Riibertx (I..) Mercliant.^ Map of C. (half-title). \\. t. n:, L., 1700(?) 43g. Ih>ra. CoNDE (Pririrpx de.) AuuiuIp {II. >l'()rlrati.% ; Henri I. de Bourbon, ir).">2-?H ; Henri II. de BourlMin, 1588-1C.46. CoNDE (Louis II. de Bourbon, Piiiire de. Fr. i/cni'ml. ]i',>l-Si;). StiH' (P. H., 5th carl, formcrhi Lord Mnhon ). Life of Prince of Coiidt'. L, 1845. 41c. CondillaC (Eticnne Bonnot de, AIiIh' ih- Murmn.r). ( Kuvre.s conii>lete.«. 20v. Paris, an 6 (1798). 48b. CoxxAVGHT, Ireland. Tour in C. By author of "Sketches in Ireland." (Prtfare slijn-dC. O.) Dublin, 1839. 41 d. CoxsTANTiNOPi.E. Poltnii (W.) Visit to C anil Athens. X. Y., 183G. 40f. Franhlm,<1 (('. V.) Travels t<. an.l from C, 1827-28. 2 v. L., I82f». 14a. (iautirr (T.) C. ofto-dav. L., 1854. 41b. Lott (K.) Harem Life in' Kjiypt and C. 2 v. L., 1805. 171). Panir (J.) Citv of the Sultan, 1836. 2v.ini. Ph.. 1837. 13a Wahli (li.) Residence at C. 2v. L., 1838. 39d. See ahti Turkey. Cook (Eliza). Melaia ; and other Poeni.'^. L., 1845. Hlc. Poems. 2nd series. L., 1845. 19c. Cook (Oeor<,'e). History of Church of Scotland. 3v. Kdin., 1815. 44c. Cook. ( ('apt. .]m\\g»). three Vova<:es round the W(Mld. 7v. L., 1821. 14b. CooKE (George V\vx\G\'ic\i, wtnv, 17'tO-lSl.i). IhtnlapfW.) Memoirs of G. F. C. 2v. L., 1813. 42e. Cooke (dohn Henry). Events in South of France, and Attiick on New Orleans, 1814-15. L, 1835. 38a. (60) COOK K COilWIX. Cooke (Philip IViulloton). Froissait Ballads, ami otiier poems. Ph., 1847. 19a. CookSOn (Joliii Coukson Fifo-). Tigor-shooting in the Doon and I'lwar ; witli Life in Iiuliii. L., 1887. le. Cooley (William ] )i'sl)orough). llistDi'v of .Maiitiiiio ami Inland I)is- coveiy. ( Lardntr'i Cyclop. ) Anon. 3v. L., 1833 ('i'(7/e-;//a/e, 1830). "iSa. ('oo.M.\ssiK. See .A.siiantee. ("ooi'KH (Sir Astk-v Paston, A'//'/. .•'. Abridged, and eontiniietl to 1856. X. Y., 18.56. 37c. /•'(//• ///.s' /mrc/", srr FlCTKl.N. Coote (< Iiarlfs). History of Ancient Knrope, to subversion of Western Kinpire. Aiion. 3v. L., 1815. 7c. Xoff. IiiU'iiiled as an accompaniment to Hiissell's History of Modem Kiiro/i- (<[. r. ) Copway (< ieorgo) III- Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. Traditional history of (»iil)\vay Indian!^. /. ir. (h. , 1.S.50). 1.3a. Sol>. C'opwuy was an Indian chief of the Ojibway tribe. CopYiiionr. Xirhlii, ( I'. 11.) Remarks on Literary Property. PIi., 18.38. 44a. CdUE.x. Hall ( />.) Voyage of hiscovery to West Coast of (I., and (rreat Loo-Choo Lsliinil : with vocalnilary of Loo-Clioo Language, by H. .J. Clifford. L., 181S. 40e. Corelli (Marie). /•'((,• licr iiiiri'ln, .-w Fiction. ( 'oKN L.\ws. (Pampldets relating to Corn Laws, hy Fri'deri., i: il. 47e. CoK.NEii.i.E (Pierre, Fr. .'/). Ahhott (J.S.C.) Hi8toiy of H. C. N. Y., i855. ila. Corwin (Tliomas). Heport (tn I'. S. Sr)itrf(') on Trade and Commerce of Uriiihii N'oith -American L'olonies with United States and other comitries. \V., IS.-) I. 47a. ((il) COSMOGONY CRABBE. C(KSM<.(ioxY AND CosMOLOGY. /M'r.sfw (Sir J. W) Archi\ia. Montreal, 1860. 41b. ( »riuin of the World, according,' to revelation ami .'science. iMoiitreal, I'STT. 17<1. HwiihnhH (A. F. H. von). K".-<). 2 v. L., 184.")-48. 44c. ,sv^ rt/.syy Astronomy : -(lEOGiiAriiv ; — CiKology ; — Pjiysicai, Oeockai'hy. Costello (Luiisa Stuart). Sunnner amongst the Bocages and the Vines. ( 7 rairis i), France.) 2\. L., J837. KW. CosTLME. Iilan-. Everard). Sec Duncan (S. J.) Cotton (riiarles). .wWalton(I.) Country (Gentleman's Magazine, v. 2-3. L., 18G9. '51h. CouRr Fools. See Fools (Court). Court of London. S<'e Rush (R). Coventry (Andrew). Discourses explanatory of lectuies on Agriculture and Rural Economy. Edin., 1808. 48(1. CovEToi'sxKss. Harri'< (J.) ^lammon. L., 1837. 4.~)h. Cowley (Charlotte). Ladies History of England, to 1780. L., 1780. 47g. Cowper (William). Poetical Works. L., n. itpll<-a/<, 13a. Sparrowgrass Papers, or living in the country. (HH>ii(irer, and Pollok. Ph., 1856. 19(1. Works (poefimJ). Hv. L., 1823. 19c. (62) CRAIK CRIMEA. ■Craik (Mi". Dinah Maria, irift- of (ii'onif L.), — m'f' Mulock. i^cimons out of Church. L., 1891. 22f. Content'^: What is self-sacrifice? Our often infirmities. How to train up a parent in tlie way he siiould go. Benevolence — or heneticence ? My hro- ther'.s keeper. (Jatlier up the fragments. /''((/• lii'i- itnn-l.t, at'i' Fiction. Cramer (•John .Antlumv). (leogra])liical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy. 'Jv. ' Oxford, 18215. I(»a. Sir ahn Wickham (M. L.) Cranmer (Thomas, Arrlil>i.-el Sharman). Throui,'h Al^'eria. By author of " Life in Tuscany." L., 1863. lu'e. Crawfurd ('John). Ili.story of Indian Archipelago. ,'.\TTt.Ks. History of Ottoman Turk>^. 2v. L., 18r)4. 8(-. Crei^hton (Mandell). Cardinal Wol.sey. L., 181)1. 2a. Crevier (-John i;a]»tist Louis). History of Roman Kmperors from Augus- tus to Constantine. lOv. L. , 1814. 8a. CnK'iiTox (James, ra//,',/ f/n- ''whuirahlf:' jr>i;0-S.l). Tijllrr (P. F. ) Life of the Admirable Crichton. Kdin., 1823. 42a. CuK'KET. Sfi-il (A. a.), Li/ffM<>/< (U. H.), iv m///^/-.s-. Cricket. L., 1888. Ic. jVo/e. —Contains contributions by A. Lang, W. (J. (irace, R. A. H. Mit- chell, and F. (!ale. Crime and I'lnish.ment. Tallarl: ( ]V.) Penological and Preventive Prin- ciples. L., 1889. 2d. •Crimea, and the Crimean War, l8o4-56. Kmilalcf (A. \V.) Invasion of the Crimea. 7v. Kdin. & L., 1863-91. 16a. Same. 2 v. N. V.. 18G8. 4le. Koch (C. W.) TIh' Crimea, with visit to Ode.ssa. L., 18")5. 43a. Pictorial Hi.story of Russian War, 18r)4-r)G. Fr'tni-i^ xvini'il G. D. Kdin. & L., 1856. IGe. Ranb')i (<'■) Canada, and the C'rimea ; sketches of a soldier's life. L., 1862. 17e. Jtnxxell (W. H.) The War. 2v. L., 1806 (v. 2). 391.. SaiiK'. To Death of Lord Raglan. L., 18r)5. loa. Same. From Death of Lord Raglan to F.vacuatioit uf the Crimea. L., 1856. 15a. (63) CUIMEA CUBA. Ckimka — C'lti/inue'L SriiiiHiiir ( H. 1).) Kusfiia (Ml tlic lUack Sea and Sea of Azof: travels in (". and honleiing provinces. L., ISoS. 14a. ISjifiii-fr (K.) Fall of the ('riiiita. t. ir. L., . l.")a. yote.. — Formerly piil)lishe(l under the title of " The Prophet of the Cauca- sus." It is a senii-Ki'titioiis account of tlie Russian conquest of the Crimea under tiie P^iupress, Catherine II. .SV'' «/.-o Kl'.ssia. Ahi> till' niliun''!< nf tin' Illustrutetl hoiul(»ii N(nvs irhii'h rorfr most of the pirioil of the trnr. Crisp (Str|,hcn. IiLJS-'.i.i). Tide (S.), 1-1 Life of S. ('. (from Jiis own jour- nal) with Selections from his Works. York, 18"24. 41a. Criticism. Kaimx ( H. Hoitii\ /onlj. Hlenients of C 2 v. Ediu., 1765. 4ob. Same. 2v. Kdin., 1817. Hw. Crockett (Cof. David). Account of Tour to North and down-east in l,s;u. I'll., 1837. 461). Croker (Mr.<. ]\. .M.) For h,,- wmh, see Fiction. Croker (Thomas Crofton) Researches in South of Irelaml. L., 1824. 37e. Croly (»nMn<,a'). Poetical Works. 2v. L., 1S;{0. 19a. Cromwei.f. (Oliver, Lnnt I'rofertnr nf the Cininnonirealtli uf Kmj., I'tUU-Hi'tS). Carlyle. ( T. ) C.'s Letters and Speeches, witli Khicidations. .Sv. L., )/. d. 21). Same. 2v. L, IS-J.'). 12c. Saiii': Suiiplenient to 1st ed. L., 1840. 12c. Hariixnn (F.) Oliver Cionnvell. L., 1892. 2a. Merlin i-. .Marian "/• .Mary Ann, Fmi. wm'li.tt, ISM-SU), " ( Joonre Kliot," /we,(,<. (Jeorge Eliot's Life as related in iier Letters and Journab). tit. J. W. Cross (her liusband). ;}v. X. V., 188.") SO (?) 2c. For her niiri'lx, .s-e*' Funiox. Crotch (William). Lecture.? on Music. L., 1831. 28c. Crowe (r'atherine). Xi.^dit-side of Xature, or (Jliosts and Glio.st-seers N. v., 18o(). 43d. Crowe (Kyre Kvans). History of France. ( Lar^> m Fiction, Scott's Tales of the Crusade (IJetiothed, and 1 ahsman), and C(.unt Robert of Paris Cltb.4. X,„man(H M.) Kaml,les by Land and Water : travel in C ami Mexico. N. v., I81;>. .S!»c. OKi-llij (J.J.) The Mambi-Land, or adventuies in C. L., 1874. 18e. (64) CUBA CYPRUS, C L'BA — Contin ueiJ. Tiirnfin/I (II) Travels in tlie West : C, with notices of Porto Kico,, and the Slave Traile. L., 1840. Ha. ]\'m-ih-nii(in ( — ). Notes on ('. l'>y a Physician. P., 1844. 41c. Cudlip (•'/'•-•• Pcniler),— «''e Annie Thomas. /'"/' her nvi-eh, xee FlTTION. CuUey (<'corii;e). ( thservatiuns on Live Stock. P., 1807. 48c. Cumberland (Kicliar.1, /;«;/. r(«//;"/-, n-i.t-1811). Memoirs. Py liim- sflf. -Jv. L., 1S()7. 4-.m'. Gumming ('hih 11 ). Chuieli !)eforc the Flood. P., 18")3. 44b. Fioiii I'atiiios to Paradise. (Thi'iilnijiral.) Edin., 1S73. 17e. Gumming (Kouali-yn (lordon). Five Yeais of Hunter's Life in Interior (if Sdiitli Africa. L'v. X. S'., IS64. l.")a. Gumming (William (lordon). Wilil Men and Wild Peasts : .scenes in r imp ami jiiiii,'K'. Ivlin., 1871. 141). Gunnillgham (.Mian), ' »/vVi;-.>J for lS-_".». L.,1S2!1. 4.')c. Gunningham (Kohert Oliver). Notes on Natural History of Strait of Magellan and west coast of Palag(jiiia, l8(i6-0!). Edin., 1871. -'Wd. ]>iii)ll- rntf, \%\. Gunynghame (>'/'• ArtliurTlimlow). Travels in Kastern Caucasus, (Ve., is: I. L., 1S7--'. 13e. I)iif,nrnlt, U\ <'li!1!an (.lohn i'liilpot, nidster of rolh, Ire/aih/, n'>(>-lS]7). PhiUipx (C.J Hecollection.sc.f (". X. V.,' iMlS. 4-.'f. Cumin ( II'. If.) Pife ..f d. P. ( '. -Jv. Kdin.. 1822. 421). Gurran (William Henry). Pife of d. P. Curran. 2v. Edin., 1822. Pih. Sketches of the lii^li Par ; with Essays, literary and political. 2v. I.., 18 V.. 111.. Gurrie (dames). (Plfeof Purns.) r. / uf /inni--^'.-< Wor/,:^. P., 1820. 18a. Gurtis (deorgi- Tickiior). ( "reation or Evolution ? P., 1887. Ic. Gurtis ('Jeor^'e William). Howadji in Syria. X. Y., 1852. 44b. I'rur and I. Edin., 1892. Cf.' Gurwen (d. C.) < >bservations on state of Ireland (^C7*/c//// i('jri<-ultitial.) ■2v. L., ISIS. 48c>. Gurwen (SamiKd). dournal and Letters of S. ( ". on American Refugee in Kngland, 177'> 84. in/, D. C.) Ahhoft (J.) His toryofC. X. Y., iS50(?). Ha. Cyrus (flu- Y»>n/'jer, >/. 4OJ B. C). Xeiii>i>hnn. Kxpoditiuu of Cynis into Persia, and Retreat of the Greeks. />• K. Spelinan. L, 1811. 41g. Dagley (Richard). Death's Doinjj;^ : verse and prose of various writers, intended as illustrations of copper-plates designed and etched by R. Dagley. L., 1827. 44c. Daiiomy. liiiiii,n (]{. F.) ^lissiou tu Gelele, King of D. 2v. L, 1864. 16a. ISef also the adjoiniuij ili.xfr/rf.1, Ashaxike, (Ioi.d Coast. Dallas (E. S ) Poetics : essay on poetry. L., 1852. 4r)c. Dalling (Henry Lvtton Bulwer, />"/•'/). France, social, literary, politi- cal. 2v. ' L. ,' 18.34. 4(»b. Historical Characters: Tallevraml, Col)bett, Mackintosh, Canning. 2v. L., 1868. 15d. Life of Palmerston. .3v. L., 1870. 12a. SaiiH'. 2v. Ph., 1871. 4.3c. Sir Rol)ert Peel. L., 1874. lod. Dalrymple (nieil oJl-^So B. G.) Abbott (J) History of 1). N. y!, 18o0(?) 11a. Dartmouth, N. 8. Lauson (Mrs. M. J.) History of Townships of D., Preston, and Lawrencetown. Halifax, 1893. 38c. Darwin (Charles Robert). Descent of Man, aiul Selection in Relation to Sex. V, 1. N. Y , 1871. 17c. (66) DA RW I N 1 ) A WSON. Dahwix — C(jnfimi&J. Kffects of Cross aiul 8elf Fertilisation in Vegetable Kingdom. L., 1876. 17e. Exj-ression of Kniotions in Man and Animals. IlludrafeiL L., 1872. 17c. Note. — Reviewed in Ediii. Review, April, 1S73. Insectivorons Plants. L., 187o. 17c. Variiition of Animals and Plants mider Domestieatiim. '2v. N. Y., 1SG8(?) 17e. l>AKWixiAX Thkuky. Sce (ilmrf autlidr-viif rij : al-<(> Kvoi.ltion. Dasent ((n-orge Wclibe). Jest and P^arnest : a collection of Essays and Hiviews/ 2v. L., 1873. 17e. D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle). See Merle d'Aubigne (J. H.) Davie ('101111 Constanse). Letters from Paraguay. L., 1805. 40a. Davies (Charles). Treatise on Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspec- tive. N. Y., 183'J. -iSd. Davies (Edward). Celtic Researches, on origin, traditions, and language (,f Ancient r.ritons. L., 1804. 28d. Davies (John). First Imiiressions : letters from France, Switzerland, and Savoy, 1833 4. L., 1835. 4.)a. Davis (Charles Augustus), — "J. Downing," pxeud. Letters of J. I)own- ing, major Downingville Militia. N. V., 1834. 45c. Davis (Edwin dohu). Life in Asiatic Turkey. L., 1879. lb. Davis (-lohn Francis). Chinese (The). (Lib. Knt. Kumr.) 2v. L., 1836. •Job. J)iiplirate, 4Jh. Sketches of China. 2 v. L, 1841. 38a. Davis (Nathan). Carthage and her remains. L., 1861. 12e. Ihipli- ratf, 3Sd. Davis (Richard Harding), (iallegher; and other .stories. N. Y., 1893. 6e. Davy ( ^>il^ Huniphrv). Consolations in Travel, or Last Days of a Philoso- pher. L., 1831". 43a. Elements of Agricultural Chemistrv L., 1814. 48a. i>a)ne. L., 1821. 48a. Elements of Chemical Philosojihy. Part I., v. 1. L., 1812. 47c. Safety Lamp for Coal Mhiers. L, 1818. 48a. Salmonia, or days of fly fishing. By an Angler. L., 1829. 4Ga. Pari>< (J. A.) Life of D. 2v. L, 1831. ' 42e. Dawson (^ir -lohn William). Acadian Geology. Edin., 185."). 471). ^iu)i>'. 2nd ed. L.. 1868. 47b. Archaia. Montreal, 1860. 41b. Contributions toward Imi)royenient of Agriculture in Xova Scotia, with Hints on Management and Improvement of Live Stock. Halifax, 185(j. 46c. Duplicate, Jflf. Handbook of Zoology. Montreal, 1886. 41 f. < )rii4iii uf the World, according to revelation and science. ^Montreal, i877. 17d. «i7) DEAD DENMAN. ] )KAi) .Sea. Sdi/ri/ (L. F. V. ib;). JounifV luuiul J ). S. and in \M\Av Luiuls. •2v. 1... 1854. I4b. Deiitli's j)(iings. s^r Dagley (K.) T)ci\tli-1)cil Sccne.s, mid I'astoial Coiivcrsation.s. Sev Warton (J.) Debrett (•lohii). Uai-Diictage of En'^land. 2v. L., 1S24. 7a. I'll ra.u'e "f liand.les in Ci'vlon. L., 1841. 41c. Dkcgratiox a.nd OKXA.MEST. Jilam (('.) Alt in Ornanieiit and Dress. L., 1877. lod. I)EEK-STALKi.\(i. d li iiilihf ( A.) 1 )(er-stalking. L., 18S6. Ic. DePoe (1 'aniol, A'«,'/. nuri^li^ ami irrifi'r mi pnlitirdl unil xm-ial .•. 44(1. Note. — An imaginative account. Wi1mn(W.) Life and Times ..f JX-Foe. .'iv. L., i8;}0. lie. DeGuroWSki (Adam (1.) America ami Kumpe. X. V., 1807. 40a. JJei.sji. Hnnt" (T. H) 1). refuted. L., 1820. 4r)a. Ij'laii'l (J.) Siipiilement to 1st and 2nd volumes of tiie View of J)eis- tical Writers. L., ^~'^^^. 4(!d. Deland (Margaret). S^-i- Ficiio.v. Delany (Mi.<. -Mary, 17].) f. ir. 44a. See alxi) Aim-auitioxs ; — Spiritcai.is.m ; — Sli-eh.stitiux. Bemorest's Monthly Magazine. 1887 (v. 2.3) ; 1888 (v. 25) ; 1889-90 (v. 2(), 1st pt.) ; lS!»l/-2nd pt. ; 18!I2 : I8!):i.+ IM. in !)v. „. p., n. d. 16g. A''o/(.— Devoted cliieily to fashions, etc. DeMorgan (Augustus). Ditferential and Integral Calculus. L., 1836. ■281.. Kssay on ProliaMlities. L., 18.^8. 46a. Denina (Carlo). Ddla Hivoluzioni d'ltalia. 4v. Padova, 1822. 44a. Denison (.S//- William). Varieties of Vico-Kegal Life. (Ta.-lS'tJi). Armiuhl (Sir J.) -Memoir of T., Lord Denn-.an. 2v. L, 1873. lOe (G8) DEXMAUK DE QUINX'EY. Dkn.mauk. /;('///•■>• (H. D.J Journey tlirough Norway, Swollen, ami 1). L., 1837. 39b. Tai/lof (li.) Xnitliciii Travel: Sweden, 1)., and Lapland. X. Y., 1858. A'ya. Dennys (Nieliolas r>eltield). Cnii^ie of the St. fiedrgtMm North Ameriean iuhI West Indian Stiition, 18(il-6'2. L., I8(j2. 18b.' Xot<-. — Y\. R. H. Prince Alfrud was on hoard tlie St. Hicrijt-, as a niidsliip- man, (luring this cruise. Chapters 8 to I'J treat of Halifax and other parts of Nova Scotia. Denon (Dominique Vivaid). Travels in Ujijier and L»jwer Kgyj't during campaigns of Bonaparte, tr. A. Aikin. 3v. L. , 1803. 40b. DeponS (I*-) Vovage to Eastern Part of Terra Firnia or Spanish Main in South America, 1801-04. 3v. N. Y.. 1800. 40d. Depping (<'uillaunie). (SVe Russell (C.) Wonders of liudily Strength. DeQuincey (Thomas). Aulol)i'igraphic Sketches. I!., 1S.")9. l-^l). Coiitnit-< : Affliction of Cliildhood. Dream Echoes of tliese Infant Kxperien- ces. Dream Kclioes fifty years later. Introduction to World of .Strife. Infnnt Literature. Female Intidel. Public Scliool. Knter tlie Woild. Nation of London. Dublin. First Rebellion in Ireland. Frencii Invasion of Ireland, and .Second Rebellion. Travelling. My Rrother. Premature Manhood. Avenger (The), ii narrative : and other pa])ers. 15., 18.")9. l-")li. CoiiUnIs : 'J he Avenger. Additions to the Confessions of an Opium-eater. The Kssenes. Aelius Lamia. Cliina. Traditions of the Rabbins. Biograjihical Es.^ays. ]]., IS.">7. l-")h. Contents: Sliakspeare. Pope. Lamb. Coetlie. Sl'.iller. (Vsars (The). B., 18.-)4. l-")!). Essays on Philosophical Writers iind other men of letters. 2 v. P)., 18fiO. l.-)b. Contents: Vol. 1. Hamilton. Mackintosh. Kant. Herder. Richter. Lessing. 'J. Bentley. Parr. Es.says on the I'oets, and other English \Yriters. P., IHnC). \i)]>. Contents: Wordsworlii. Shelley Keats, (ioldsmith. Pope. (Godwin. Hazlitt. Landor. Letters to a Young Man whose education has Leon neglected. Ph., 1843. '281). Letters to a Yoiuig Man, and other Pajiers. P., 1858. l.~)l). Contents: Letters to a ^'oung Man. Theory of (ireek Tragedy. Convers- ation. Language. French and English Manners. California and the Gold Mania. Ceylon. Pre.sence of Mind. Literary Keniiniscenees. Sv. P)., 18.")9. loh. Content-': Vol. 1. Literary Novitiate. Sir H. Davy. Wm. fJodwin. Mrs. (irant. Recollections of Ciiarles Lamb. Walladmoor. S.T.Coleridge. Wm. Wordsworth. 2. Wordsworlii and Southey. Southey, Wordswortii, and (-oleridge. Recollections of (Jrasmere. The Saracen's Head. Society of the Lakes. Charles Lloyd. Walking Stewart. P^d ward Irving. Words- worth. Talfourd. London .Magazine. Julius. Clare. Cunningiiam. Li- bellous Attack by a London Journal. Duelling. I.iOgic of Political Economy, and other Papers. P., 1859. 151). Contiiits : Logic of Political Economy. Life of Milton. The Suliotes. Fatal Marksman. The Incognito. The Dice. King of Hayti. (69) I)E QUIXCEY DICKENS. Menu irials, and other Piipt'i's. 2v. 1!., 1850. loli. CoH'ftH^s; Vol. 1. Kxplanatory Notices. Orphan Heiress. Oxford. Pagan Oracles. Revolution of (ireece. 2. Klosterheiin. The Sphinx's Riddle. Templar's Dialogues on Political Keononiy. Narrativo and ^ri.sfcllaiiooiw I'apfTs. 2v. 15., lSr)9. 151i. Conttnts: Vol. 1. Household Wieck. Spanish Nun. Flight of a Tartar Tr)l)e. 2. Heavens as revealed ))y Rosse's Telescope. Mr)dern Supersti- tions. Coleridge and Opiutn Kating. Temperance Movement. On War. Liist Days of Immanuel Kant. Note P)Ook of an Knglisli ( )iiiuni-Eatev 15., 18G0. 151). Coufenfs : Three Memorable Murders. True Relations of the Bilde to merely Human Science. Literary History of 18th Century. The Antigone of Sopliocles. Marquess of Wellesley. Milton cs. Southey and Landor. Falsi- fication of English History. A Peripatetic Philo.sopher. On Suicide. Superficial Knowledge. English l)ictionaries. Dryden's Hexastich. Pope's Retort upon Addison. Thcoldirical Kssays, and Other Papers. 2v. 15., 1854. 151». Contents: Vol. 1. Christianity as an Organ of Political Movement. Protes- tantism. .Supposed Scriptural Expression for Eternity. Judas Iscariot. Hume's Argument against Miracles. Casuistry. (Jreece under the Romans. 2. Secession from (^hurch of Scfjland. Toilette of the Hebrew Lady. Milton. Charlemagne. Modern (ireece. Lonl Carlisle on Pope. De Sanctis (L.) Home, christian and papal. X. Y., 1856. 45a. De Saulcy (F.) .sve Saulcy (F. de). Detroit. I'arknian (F.J Conspiracy of Pontiae. 2v. J5., 1892. 2c. DeWolf (Thoma.s R.) Nova ocotia Ref^'i.stry of Shippin-7<0- American Notes. L., 1863. Sani". (AppeiKleil to '' I'ldun-xfrnm Italij.''') L., n. il. 3g. Same. And Reprinted Pieces. L, 1868. 23a. Child's History of England. L., «. ,L 3g. Hard Times, 'v. (hoiai'l irifh Lamh'." Letters.) N. Y., 1854. 43f. (70) DICKENS DIXON. Dickens — Continued. I'icturos from Italy. (Appewhd to the author's " Harif Times.") L., 1866. 3g. Snme. iv. L., //. d. 3g. For /ii.1 Hordx and. xkctrltex, se>' Fiction. For.iiM.oMACY. Embassies and Foreign Courts: a history of D. Py "the Roving Englishniiin." L., 1856. 41e. Disraeli (lienjamin). S''>' Beaconsfield (Earl <>/). Disraeli (Isaac). Amenities of Literature. 3v. L., 1841. 18b. Same. 2 v. N. Y., 1841. 4 If. Commenteries on Life and Reign nf Charles I. of EnglanS. lOc. Curiosities of Literature. Anon. (1st Series.) 3v. L., 1824. 18b. Sfinie. 3v. P.., 1833. Same. 2nd Series. 3 v. L., 1824. 18b. Same. 2 v. B., 1834. Literary Character, or History of Men of (lenius. 2v. L., 1828. 4Ga. Ditson ((ieoige Leighton). Crescent and French Crusaders. (Al<>ii Leucadio), //.sv-wJ. So' White (d. Blanco). Doctor (Tlie), pmiii. iSt'' Southey (K.) Dodd ((Jeorge). Dav-'^ at tlie Factorie.s. Si-rics 1, London. L., 1843. .Sitd Doddridge (riiilip)- Comiilete Works. 2v. L., 1831. 44e. Coiildils : V. 1, Family Expositor ; v. 2, iJiscellaneous Works. Keniarkalile Pas.'^ages in Life of Col. Janie?* Gardiner. L., 1817. 44a. Dodington ((leorge 1)111)1), liaroii nf Mclcninhe Reiii.-<). Diary, 1749-01 ; witii Appendix l)y H. l*. '•VyiullKun. Salisbury, 17>S4. 4;ic. J)(h;s. n/((i}U'(l).) Canine Pathology. L., 1817 40(1. Jf'.~.:-ii'i Dictionary of Practical Kcci]ies. L., ii. i1. 44a. Ddiwi (J.) Tahle Traits with s(jiuething on them.* X. V., 185o. 17!). Female's Enoyclojwlia ; comprising every hranch of I >. K. L., 1830. 47a. Ldit'lini (Mrs ) Lady's Country Companion. {Ihniii'sfir cniudiiiii, citf- v e Lef e vre f A . ) DoxGor.A. Expedition to D. and Sennaar under coniuiaiid of Ismael I'asha. By "an American in tlie Service of tlie Viceroy." L. , IS'i'J. 41g. DoNNEi.r.v (Ignatius). The (Ireat Cryjitogiam : Francis Bacon's Cipher in the so-called Shakespeare IMay.s. ' 2v. ' L., 188s. Ic. Xo/i-. -An attempt to prove that Haeon waj the re.il author of tlie plays, oran ry>'-. dohn). Ilahits and Men. X. V.. 18r)7. 401). History of Court Fools. L., 1858. 43d, Monarchs retireil from Ihisjness. 2v. N. V., 1857. 441i. New Pictures and Old Panels. L., 1859. 411). Table Traits witli something on them. N. Y., 1855. 171). s>'i' (i/su Romer (Mrs. ) Dormer (Daniel). Out of the Mists, ihistol. 188(). I'la. DougalKL.) J'.eggars all : a noV(d. !>.. 1892. (le. Douglas (Kol)ert). Agriculture of Counties of Roxl)ur'di and Selkirk. L., IS! 3. 4He. ^ Dover (George dam(^s A\'(di)ore Agar BUis. /.nn/ ). Life of Frederick II. 2v. N. Y., 1S3'J. 28a. Dow (Lorenzo, ifiuerant prearhcr, /;;;-/,V.,'.J>. Hist(.irv of Cosmopolite; or writings of L. Dow ; containing his travels in Europe and America ; also his lolemie Writings; to which is added the Journey of Life, hv I'euuv Dow. Cincinnati, IHti.S. I7d. ' J bbj (72) DOWXIXO DRYSDAI.E. Downing i-h), 2>.<(ns(']ili KiHlman). Culprit Fay, aiul otlKT [kk'uis. N. Y., 1847. 4.")e. Drake (Nathan). LitiTaiv llouis ; or skojclios, critical, narrative, and poetical. 3v. L., KS'io. 44li. .Sa>,>e. V. 1-2. L, 1804. 441 >. Noontiile Leisure, (litorary) Sketohes. "Jv. L., Ks24. 441 >. \^'intt'r Nii.ilit.'^, or Firc-siilo Luculirations. 2v. L., 1820. 441 1. Drake (f^annu'l (lardncr). Hook of tin' Iiitiian.*. 15., 1S45. 28i'. J>iiAMA (The). Bentar.l (J.) Hctrosin'ctions of the Stage. L'v. L., 1830. 46a. Si-hle(ii-l (A. W.) I-cctnrcs on Dramatic Art and Literature. '2\. (harkijl " Th< Dramn.") L., 181"). ISc. ,W o/.vo miller the luune of flu' liuitiuaiji/, ax Kxci.i.sii I)it.\.MA, etc. ; — ulso Ike iianu-.x of rarioiis (lm)na/i>'fs. Draper (John William), lli.^^torvof Intellectual I)evclo])ment of Kuropo. L'v. N. Y., ls7(iC0. -ic. ])i!A\viN(i. liiniis { W. ) ( htlionrapliic Projection, lieinn uew method of teaching .science of Mechanical and Kni^ineering Drawing. L., 1881). '2c. fSitiiic. '2m\ Course. L., 188(). 2c. Ihi^hrifhie (W.) I'ortfolio of .'?0 Workin-' Diawino.* of iL'lails of Building Constriiclion. I'lunustead, ii. il . "ig. Halliilt (G. II'. T.) Hints on Aicluteitural Drauuhtsmanship. L., KSil-J. 2e. MwCnnl (C. ir.> Practical Hints for Draughtsmen. ( MerUankal •Iminmi.) N. V., ISiH. '-'g. Noh . — A useful work. Hii'uho M.xciiiNK DK.sniMX(; ;— PKHsrEfilvK. J)|{K.\.Ms. (Innihri)! ( I'. ) Mvstervof Drcanu's ^.s'/''^, historically discouiscd. L., UmS. -JSh. " ' - DhKSS. Si I' ( 'osI'LMK. Drinkwater (.lohn). Ilistoiv of late siege nf (lil.raltar. L., 1700. 39<,'. Druid (The), i'X'ikI. Ser Dixon (H. IL)' Diuins. identitv of Keligions called Druidical and Helirew. L., 1820. 451j. Drummond (llenrv) Addresses. With sketch of author. N. Y., 18i»l. lib. Coiitmis : Sketch of Drummond. [..ove : the Sujiieme (iift : the Cireatest Thing in the World. The Perfected Lite : the (Jreatest Xee)— 77 (1871), 79 (i872)-84 (1875). 68v. Dublin, v. d. 32(1, e, & f. "Dxihois (Ahh/ .]. X.) I »L'Scriptioii of People of India. L., 1817. 38c. Dubost (C'liristo]»]ier). Klcments of Commerce. L., 1818. 46c. Du Chaillu (Paul Pelloni). The Viking Age : early history, manners, and customs of ancestors of Knglish-speaking nations. ///as. 2v. L., 1.S8!). If. Duchess (The), i»'>'wl. See Hungerford {Mr.<. Margaret). Dudevant (.1///"-'. Amantine Lueile Anroie Dupin), — "(Jeorge Sand." Journeyman Joiner. N. V., 1847. 41a. Teveriiio : a romance. N. Y., 185.5. 27a. Dufferiu and Ava (Frederick Ten.jih Blackwood, Jf^f Mnr^li.asons. -iv. (Sj>rui'J-1S(!I ). Life and Correspondence <.f T. S. Duncombe. <'d. T. H. Duncombe. 2v. L., 1868. 1.5(1. Dundonald (Tiiomas Cochrane, /;«/•/, En;/, mu-al <>ii!,;r, n7o-lS60). .Autobiography of a Seaman. 2v. L., 18(j(t. lib. See ((/.•«> Blackwood's Mag., v. 87, I860; a/.-«) (Quarterly Rev., V. 1(19, 1S(J1. Dunham (Samuel Astley). History of C.ermanie Flmiure. (Lar-'»U-l7S->). Atlienian Oracle al)rid^'ed ; containing (|uestions anil answers on History, Philosophy, Divinity, Love and Marriage. L., 182U. 41c. Life and Errors of ,1. I). By himself. 2v. L., 1818. 42e. Dupin (Francois Pierre Charles, Jinrnii). Commercial I'ower of (Jreat I'.ritain. '2v. L. , 1825. 37e. Dupuis (doseph). doin-nal (jf Residence in Ashantee. L., 1824. 39g. Durham (dolin George, Earl of). Report on Affairs of British North America. L., 1839. 47g. Dutch Guiana. Pa/'/ran: ( ]V. u'.J Dutch Guiana (^.s'«,7«rt///^. L., 1876. I3e. DiTv. >vr' Smiles (S.) Duyckinck ( Evert Augustus and George Long). Cyclopipdia of Ameri- can l.iteratnre. v. 2. N. Y., 1856. 39g. Dwight (Timothy). Theology, nv. L., 1824. 44d. Dye (Erederick). " Se>' Hood (C.) l»Y.\A.\i<)-Ei.KnHic Maciiinki{v. tSf'L' Thompson (S. P.) East (The). [7'A/.< )iaii/>' is i/in'n tn flc^ if^i/i'ius ir/ii<-h He eastward nf Eumpe. Ill Ihix iiKlijinitf: >i:iiti', if is fip/iliod fo Asia Minor, Syria, Chalihia, Pir^ia, liiilia, China, rfr.] A(lffi.«in (C. G.) Damascus and Palmyra; journey to the E. 2v. L., 1838. 1.3.1. .1// lU'ii. Travels in Morocco, Tripcdi, Cvi)rus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1803t)7. 2v. L.,1816. 38e. ' lUu-'Irr (S.) Oriental Customs. 2v. L., 1807. 40o. Carm(J.) Letters from the East. 2v. L, 1820. 401>. Ilntiaiiil (Mrs. H. ) Young Pilgrim, or Alfred CamphoU's return to the K.ist, and liis travels in Egypt, Nul)ia, Asia Minor, Arabia, I'etrea, &c. L., 1841. 23a. Kiiii/s/nfiC (A. W.) Eotlien. (Trartls in f/n- East.) Anmi. L., 1845. 13.1. SaiiX'. L., 1871. 13d. Laniarfiio' (A. . 38a. (75) E_XST EOrJEWOIl'lH. East — ContinueiJ. Man/rei/or (J.) Tlic Koli Kuy on tin- .Ionian, 'SiU; Ka\ Sea, ami Genn'esaretb, &c. N. V., 1870.' 39c. Ma'I'h'i, (li. R.) Tiavel'* in Turkey, El><'7tx (J. L.) Travel in E-vpt, Arabia, Petra'a, and Holy Land. •_'v. X. v., 1858. 38a. Urquhart (D.) Spirit of the Kast : travel.s. 2v. Ph., 1839. 461». Warhnrfon ( K. li. G.) The C'reseent and the Cross, or Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel, "-'v. X. Y,, 1845. 41e. Sec ahii Asia : — Lkvant. East Ixoiks. WcUh (J.) Military Keniiniscences : 40 year.s' active ser- vice in E. I. 2v. L , 1830. Kui. East Lothian. SninerriUf (U.) AgTiddtuic of E. L. L., 1813. 481 >. Ea.sterx (IV East Lndiax Archipelago. BeJc/ter (Sir K ) ^'oyaoe of H. M. S. "Samorang," einployed surveying islands of E. A.. 1843-4(). 2v. L., 1848. 4Ud. Cmirfurd ( J. ) History of Indian A. 3v. Edin., 1820. 13c. Eastern Empire. Sec Uvzantine Empire. Eastwick (Edward Uackhouse). Yeneznela. L., 1808. 13e. Eaton (Arthur AYentworth Hamilton) and BettS (V . L.) Tales of a (iarrison Town. X., V., 18!l"i. (ig. Note. — Fourteen tales relating to Halifax, \. S. Ebers (Ceorj^e). Pride of the Nile : romance. 2v. N. Y., 1887. (ie. Eece Homo. Sec Seeley ('E K.) Ecclesiastical History. Sec History (Ecclesiastical). Pxlectic MaL,'azine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art. New Series, v. 16. X. v., 1872. 3ig. Eden (Charles Henry). My Wife ami I in <,)ueensland. L, 1872. 13a. Eden (Emily). Letters from India. 2v. L., 1872. 40a. Edgewortii {Ahlir Henry Essex, r(,nf>'.<.-^or of /j>ui>- XVI., l7.!,.'t-lS07 ). Fjhje- vorlh (C. Slit yd. ) Memoirs of Abbi' Edgewortii, containing his narrative of the last linuis of Louis .\VL L., 18L">. 42a. Edgeworth (Maria). Moral Tales. Pt. 2. I'h., 184."). 41f. f^/'/ (Kicliard Lin-cll). Practical Education. 2v. fi., 181-"). 47a. Edgeworth (Richard Lovcll, 17 if'rl^ir ). C.nstruction of Roads and Carriages. L., 1813. 48a. ami (Maria). Essay on Irish P.ulis. L, 1808. 27a. (TO) EDGEWOKTH EDWARDS. Memoirs, bo<,'iui 1)V himself ami concluded by his dau^'htcr, Maria Edge- worth. 2v. L.,"'l820. 42(1. KiuMiL-HGH. Star/,- (J.J Picture of E. Ediu., 1831. 40f. Ivlinluiruh .lounial of Science. '•'/. D. liiew.-^tcr. v. l-."5. Kdiii., 18*24:-25. ■il.l. Kdiiiliuru'li Maj,'azine ; a new serie.-' of tlie Scots Mai,'azine, v. 10 (1822) — IT) (1824). 6v. Kil., V. .1. ,3(;.l. Kdiuhurgli Review, v. 1-141 Edin., 1802-7.'). ;U 1., c. d, \- e. JJx/Ji- rattx, JC b li- i: Kiirr.\Ti(jx Ainii'-Mtirfiii. ( — ). E. nf Mutliers uf Eaniilies. L., 1842. 45f. ('('uiml Snridij itf Eihiratiim. .Second Publication. L., 1838. 46c. Fjhieirnrth (M. ly 1{. L.) I'ractical E. 2v. L, 181."). 47a. Kc>',Ht(K.) Importance of Practical E. I'.., 1840. 47a. FiitV»^ ( "assell's Popular Kducator. V.\\\s.\n\\]. ( Kiwi of Kii). /■'-//■ Inr ii"rr/.<^ .we KicTKiN. Edwardes f'6';V Herbert Peiijaniin). Year on Punjal) Frontier, 1848-4!). L., IS.-) I. i:ie. "/^/ Merivale (II.) Life of sir H. Lawrence. 2v. L., 1872. lOe. Edwards (-Vmelia I'.landford). Lord IJrackenluny : novel. 3v. L., ISSO. -J-Jl). I'ntroddeii Peaks and rnfre(iueiited Valleys: niidsunuiier ramble in the Deloniites. L.. I87.S. l.Sf. Edwards (Uryan). llistoiyof P.ritish West Indies, v. 1.3-5. L., 18iO. 7(1. Miips and phites (4t(i) in ;i8o. .■<'(nir. V. i»-l. Charleston, 1810. 7(1. Edwards ( Kiuory). .\ineriean Steam Kn^ineer. Ph., 18'.>3. 2b. Edwards ( Mf.-:. Harry Pennett-). /•''//• Iwr imr /s, .-re Kk tio.\. Edwards (Ilemy Sutherland). What is a ( 1 .1 to do.' a novel. .">v. 1. , iss.-). 2l'ii. Edwards (-iohn KUis). Kandom Sketches and Notes of Euroi)eau Travel, is.jti. N. v., 18o7. 38ii. (77) EDWARDS EGYPT. Edwards (Matilda Betham) Fur her novel-^, M'e Fiction. Bggleston (Kdwanl). The Faith Doctor, a story of New York. N. Y. 1892. 6e. Eovrr. lia/,er(S. W.) AIl)ert .'yanza, (ireat IJasin of Nile, and Kxi>lni- iitions of Nile Sources. 2v. L., 1866. 10c. liarher (J.) Syria and E. under last five Sultans of Turkey. e. Ktif. Ktioir.) •2v. ' L., 1832. 25b. Falhlaiiil (A., risrnnnfe.'<.-< ). Chow-Cliow : journal kept in India, E., &c. 2v. L., 1857. 141). Foi/ij (W. P.) Arabistan : travels through ]'].,\c. L., 187"). 13e. G«r,hm(Laranners and Customs of Modern Egyptians. (Lih. Ent. Knoir.) 2v. L., 18.'i7. 2r)b. Ltijli (T.) Journey in E. and country beyond the Cataracts. L., 181(). 38e. Lepmi,-< (R.) Discoveries in E.. Ethiopia, and i)eninsula of Sinai. L., 18.53. 39e. l.ntt (F.J Ooverness in Egypt : Harem Life in E. and Constantinople 2v. L.,1H(J5. 17b. . Manjre'jor (J.) Bob Ruv on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, il-c. N. Y. 1870. 13d. Of hi (S). Travels in E., Arabia Petra»a, \'c. 2 v. N. Y., 1843. 40c. Olirirr (d. A.) Travels in Ottoman luiiinre, E., and Persia. 2v. L., 1801. 40e. l\feiffer(I.) Yisit to H(dy Land, E., and Italy. L, 18r)2. 18e. Viiwe (W. C.) Boat Life in E. and Xubia. " N. Y., I8.")7 13b (78) EOYPT ELLIOT. Ku V 1 'T — Confiimed. Itnirlhmni (G.) Ancient V.. L., 1893. la. Scene.'? ami Impressions in V^. and in Italy. By Author of Sketclics of India. L., 1824. 43a. ^'irnit (C. R.) Rambles in E. ami Cumlia. 2v. L., 1837. 13.1. Duplirute, Iflr. Si'unini (('. S.) Travels in Upper antl Lower K. 3v. L., 1807. 40d. .Spencer (J. A.) E. and IIolv Land. X. Y., 1857. 40d. Ti>irle((i. M.) England in E. B., 1886. 401. I'lilueii (C. F. C. (fc). Travels tlirougli 8vria and E. '2v. L., 1787. 39b. ll'a/fare (J). M.) E. and the Egyptian (^hiestion. L., 1883. le. IVdi-liurfon (K.) The Cre.scent and tlu^ Crop's, or romance and realities of eastern travel. 2v. L. , 184."). 17a. i>an».'. 2v. X. v., 1815. 41e. Wihon (If. T.) Mistorv of British E.vpedition to E. 2v. L., 1803. 40c. ISt'e a/.«i Xii.E KivKH ; — Pyramids ; — Suez Ca.xal. Biloart (Mr.--. [Elizabeth] C. J. (1.) Was it worth the Co.st ? a novel. 3v. L., 1883. fig. Eldox (John Scott, Ao/v/ .• A'//'/. Inril-rli(inc1-1S-!S). Tiris.-< (H.) LifeofEldon. 2v. Ph., 1844. l-2c. Klectiucitv. ISIiiiijii ( W.) ty BniiiLi-r (A.) Electrical Engineering for elec- tric-light artizans ami students. L,l891. 2b. T/ioinji'<(i)i (S. P.J Dynamo-Electric ^Machinery : manual for students of electrotechnics. L., 1892. 2b. Kleg-ant Extracts. Prose, 2 v. Poetry, 2 v. Epistles, 2v. L.,18M-1G. 4r)f. Same. Originally comiiileil bv A'. Knt\ ISll-H.l). Letters and Journal of Earl of E. L., 1872. lOd. Note. — Chapters 3(5 relate to liis residence in Canada wlien (iovernor-Gen- eral. Km;ix Makmi.ks. Elgin and Phigalcian Marbles (in British Museum). ( Ul>. Eiit. Knoir.) 2v. L., 1833. 251). Blia, p.^''n!(11). Ai/,/>i(L.J Memoirs of Court of E. 2v. L, 1823. 9b. BoexhjfE.S.) (,»ueen E. L., 1892. 2a. Ki.iZAHETii Stl'aht (ilanijliter of Janit'S I. nf Kii;/., rmt-torf of Fn^deri'-/,- ]'. of liohnnin, l.'iUn-Wih). Hewjfr ( E. O. ) Memoirs of E. .S. " 2v. L., 182,"). 9c. Elizabeth (Charlotte). /,x>')i'L See Tonna (C. E.) EUesmere (Kramis Bgerton, Fnvl of). Military Events in Italy, 1848-49. tr. by Earl Ellesmerc, from tli'e German. L., 1851. 41f. Elliot (Frances). Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy. 2v. L., 1871. 17e. Old Court Life in France. 2 v. L., 1873. 9d'. (79) ELLIOTT EMEKSON. Elliott (Ch.irles Boileaii). Lottors from North of Europe, hv. L., 183l'. 4(>b. Elliott ('/. 4.je. Ellis (William). Memoir of Marv Menv Ellis. ( B'l htr hu^^hawl.) B., 183(>. 43b. Three Visits to Ma.lagascar, LS.").'}-;")!). X. Y., lS.-)9. :)9d. Ellsworth ( \V. H.) Imjirovements in Agriculture ami Arts of I'nitetl States. l-7v. (hound with Gui%oC>< ''Hist, of Civilization" ). u. t. 13e. Ei.oi LTio.N. Baidniii ( L. K. M.) Ait of Extempore Speaking. X. Y., 18.")!). 4()g. lUpi)itiijliaii( (J.) Art of I'ulilie Speaking. L, 1814. 40g. Ru!v. J,., 18:29. 41d. Emerson (Hal) lb Waldo). En-lisli Traits. 15., !8.")7. 411). I Ixplimte 43«. E.s.says. 1st series. R., 18.')0. 1 7d. Letters and Social Aims. L., 187() I 7e. Coj('c-»^v:— Poetry and Imagination. Social Aims. Elecpience. Kesonrccs. TheCoinic. (^)iiotalion and Originality. Progress of Culture. Persian Poetry. Inspiration. Greatness. Jniniortality. Poems. 1!., 189:i. 19d. Representative Men. l!., 18til. 40a. Stiiiiij. L., 1S83. le. (SO) EMERSON EXCYCL0P.*:DIAS. Emehsox — C'onfitnietf. Society and Solitude. 15., 1892. 2a. Coufeiitu : Society .^jierial xuhjeiis, .see tlititiberss Encyclopaedia. lOv. L. iK: Kdin., 1888-9-J. 7e. Note. — At the end of vol. 10 there is an indev of subjects which have no special articles, or on which further information is given under other headings. (.'rab/i (d.) Dictionary of General Knowledge. L., 1839. 42a. Kncvclopsedia Brit4uinica. 7th ed. '^'Z. Prof. Napier. 2 1 v. in 42, with iiidex. L., 1842. Unnit. 44g. Same. Supplement to 4th, 5th, and fith editions. 6v. Edin., 1824. Female's Encyclopsedia of Ufieful and Entertaining Knowledge. L., 1830. 47a. ' Keff (H.) Elements of General Knowledge, introductory t///•«'- (<>■) Dictionarv of Machines, Mechanics, Kngine- Work, andE. 2v. X. Y., 1850. 39e. ij- Siioii (K.) Spon.s' Dictionary of K., civil, niechunicai, military, and naval. Ill us. 3v. L. , 1 874. "^ 2e. Not(:.— 1 he best work of reference upon tiie subject in the library. Contents: v. 1, A-Con ; 2, Conlron ; 3, Iron-Zinc. '.. ■ Civil Engineer and Arcliitect's Journal, v. 10(1847), 11 (1848), 14 (ISol), 1,-1(1852), 27 (18G41. Tn-. L.,/'. ,/. 4.>g. Practical M(>chanic and Engineer'.s Magazine, v. 1-4. Glasgow, 184;i- 45. 4.-)g. Raulnne(\V. J. M.) Manual of Civil E. L., 1S71. 2t ; — English Dka.m.^ ;— English Lan(iu.U!k ;— Encush LiTER.\TtRK ;— Encjlish Poktrv ; — Law ;— Plaoie (The| ;— Pem.nsii.ak War ; -WAXtRLoo Ca.mi-.mon. A/so the mime.tofthe carious counties ant/ ritits of' Ew/land. A/so /iits oj t/ie monnrchs of Eni/land, and Strickland's (A.) Tudai Princesses and Queens of England.] EN — Cini / in Uf I. IVorks relafinij to (he JbreiijH de ftende.ncitH and colonies of Ewjlaiid, will hf foiiiid under f'oi.oNiEs, and their individual uamen. Arrnn(iement.—(\) AKncultiire ;— (2) Hiogiapliy ;— (3) Constitution, Goveru- itieiit, Parliament, etc. ;— (4) Description, Social Life, Travels ; — (5) Eccle- siastical History ;— (6) History ;— (7) Miscellaneous; — (8) Naval History; —(9) Peerage, Haronetage, and Landed (ientry. 1. Ai/ri'-ulfure Hiitf Riudl KroHnmii. Murxlidll ( W. ) Kcvi'nv ami Abstract of County Hopovts to Board of Agriculture from Agricultural departnients of E. ov. Voik. 1818. 48b. Yoiuni (A.) Six Months' Tour tliruuj,'li Xortli of K ( Atjrii'uHural.) Anon. 4 v. L. , 1771. 4Sd. l)n}ilii-at<- of r. I, .i-4, in Jft^d. Si.x Weeks' Tour tlirougli southern counties of K. and Wales. By the author of the Farmer's Letters. L., 17ii (A. J.) Fr<'t')iHiu (K. A. ) (irowtli of Kiiglish Constitution. L., 1873. 7a. Ilallaiii (H.) Constitutional History of K., from accession of Henry VII. to.leath of (Jeorge II. 3v. L., 1832. 71). JlaiiiiiiiiH'l (A.) Sunnnary Treati.'/ (J.J (Britannia, or illustration of E. and Wales by a geographi cal and historical description of the principal Roads thereof.) ..4 •••e/ of 101) small-folio copper- pi c.t ex. I. u\ 47g. Ofni-^ied ( F. L.) Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in E. (Lib. Popular Travels, i: 1.) Anon. N. Y., 1852. 12e. I'ainier ( F. P.) Wanderings (jf Pen and Pencil. By Palmer and A. Crowquill. L., 1846. .39e. Purhifr-Mnxhau (H. L. H., [irinz von). Tour in E., Ireland, and France, 18-26-29. By a (ierman Prince. Ph., 18.33. 39c. Sillinian (B.) Travels in E., Holland, and Scot'and. Anon. 3v. \ew Haven, 1820. 40a. Sinioml ( L.) Journal of Tour and Residence in Great Britain, 1810-11. 2v. Edin., 1817. 4.3b. Sinclair (C.) Hill and Valley, or Hours in E. and Wales. N. Y., 18.38. 43b. Stewart (C. S.) Sketches of Society in E. and Ireland. 2v. Ph., 1834. 41b. "). Ercle:', Owi- stiiution. For Ecclesiastical Histories atid Naral Histories, set thotie sub- divisions. ] A(JoIp]iu.t (J.) History of E. from accession of George III. to 1783 3v. L., 1810. .37c. Anhreji (W. H. S.) National and Domestic History of K. lOv. li w. d. 16e. JVo^II.) L., 1684. 4%. BoUtKjhrokc (H. St. John, n'.o-nunf). Remarks on History of E. L., w d, 40e. Bnrlcit'ifihaiii mi, L'nd Ihilcp of). Memoirsof Court of George IV., 1820-30. 2v. L., 1859. 91). Memoirs of Court,-* and Calunets of William IV. and Victoria. 2v. L., 1861. 91). Bw'Mp (H. T.) History of Civilization in E. M. N. Y., 1858. 37o. Saun'. -iv. X. Y", 1868. 81). Burui^t (rfan,). Oxford, 1707. 28a. Sarof. V. 2 it '?> (folin). Oxford, 1707. 47g. Coirhij (C.) Ladies li'ist^.ry of K., to 1780. !>., 1780. 47g. Darif!t(K.J Celtic Researclie.s, on origin, traditions, and language of Aijcieiil Biitons. L., 1804. 28d. Dirh-enx (C.) ChiKrs History of E. L., u. -J. 43i. Jeiretf (S. O.) The Normaws, 'ihietty in relation to their conquest of E. L., 1891. la. Johnx (li.)i.Y X in lias ( /\ H.) Calendar of Victory : record of IJritish valour and comiuest by sea anil land, on every day in the year. L., 1855. 17e. Note. — Particulars of battles of the army and navy, arranged according to the days of the year. L<,ri.-«ln/'' (J. Ldirfher, n'uroiuit ). Keij,'n of James II. (Suhjuini'd to A. Carri-rs-' Counter- lierolution.") L., 1857. 43h. Maraiilaii (T Ji., lanl ). History of E. from accession of James II. 5v. N. v., 1849 61. 37e. Same. v. 1-3, 4-r). Ph., 1856. 37e. San>". 4v. in 1. Ph., I8r)9. 37e. McCarthii (J.) History of Our Own Times. (1837-80.) With Ap- pendix of Events to end of 1886. 2v. N. Y., n. d. 2c. M(vkiittiif]i (J.) History f)f England. Continued hy ^^'. Wallace. ( Lardiif.r's Cyclop.) v. 3-10, L., 1832-40. 2.W. Mun.n (J.) History of E. during reigns ftf William and Mary, Anne, (and) (Jeorge I. : being sequel of the Reigns of the Stuarts. L. , 173."). 4Sf. Vrfiird (H. W'a/jiole, ear/ of). Memoirs of last 10 vears of Keign of (ieorgell. 2v. L. , 1 822. ' 42g. i'ei/i/e (S.) Curialia ^liscellanea, including maimers and customs of Court at an early period of finglisli History. L., 1818. 46c. Porter (<}. R.) Progrc-^s of the Nation, from beginning of 19th cen- tuary. 8v. in 3. L., 1836. 44a. Rapin ile Tlioi/ra.-< (P.) Ahridgement of History of E. ; being sum- mary of Rapin's History and Tindal's Continuation. 3v. L. . 1747. - 37c. (History of E.) cJ. N. Tindal. 4v. in 5. Iiii/ierfect. f. ic. 47g. Raniiiir (F. rou ). Political Hi-story of E.. 16th-18th cent. 2v. L., 1837. 8c. Roberfx ( K.) .Memoirs of Rival Houses of York and Lancaster, histori- cal and biographical. 2v.ini. L., 1827. 38b. Rol)i>i-ti))i (J.) Pictorial History of E. Abridged from Hume and Smollett, and continued to Victoria. 2v. in 1. B., 1850. 39c. Sa.xon Chronicle. With translation, notes, i^c, by J. Ingrain. L., 1823. 39g. Smollett (r. a.) History of E. from 1688 to death of Cieorge II. v. 1-3, 5 6. b., 1810-11. \S7b. Same. Iv. L., 1826. 37b. Same. Edin., 1841. 37b. Noti'. Designed as a continuation of Hume's History. (87) ENGLAND ENGLAND. Englaxi) {History)— CoutinueiJ. Smurker (S. M.) History of the Four Georges, kings of E. X. Y., 1860. 9b. Sf(mho/>'^ (P. H., oth earl ; Junl Malmn). Ilislory of E. : reign of Ann.; until Peace of Utrecht. 1701-13. L., 1870. lotl. JW^-.— Reviewed in Kdin. Rev., v. 132. History of E. from Peace of Utroclit( 1 71 3) toPeace of Yersaillcs(l 783). 7 v. "L., 1853. 8a. jVo,^ _Revie\ve(l in North Am. Rev., v. 75, 1852; v. 80, 1855. Tablet of Memory, showing every memorable event in History to 1817 etc. L., 1818. ■'45tl. Thnmxm (A. T.) Memoirs of Court of Henry VIII. v. 1. L., 182G 37d. Turn'1l(W.) History of British Fi.shes. 2 v. L., 1841. 46d. 8. Naral Hixtorji. linldey (<4.) Naval Historv of Britain, to 1756. el. J. Hill. L., 1756. 47g. Jnw».-< (W") Naval Historv of Great Britain, 1793-18*?0. 6v. L.,^ 1826. 37>'. 9. Pffraije, Jiaronefai/e, awl Latulef Em/Zish plai/s.) :W. L., 1810. 18c. (kdt (J.) Lives of Players. 2v. L., 183L 17b. Duplirate, 42cu M(>(h'::i British Drama. (Collection of Kui/Uk/i j>]ai/.<.) v. 1-3, 5. L., 1811. 18c. Conttnis: v. 1-2, Tragedies ; 3, Comedies ; 5, Operas and Farces. AVurks of the liritish Dramatists. >. fih N. Porter. Springfield, 1892. On counter. Note. — For note on cotiteiits, see "W^ebster (N.) English LiiEitAiuRE. Carpenter (J. E.), fl. Popular Headings in Prose and Verse. Selected. 5v. L., 1867-70. 23f. Ch(unh>'rx (li.) Cyclopjedia of E. L. L'v. E.liiL, 1843. 39g. Same. 2v. B., 1864. 39g. Clerelatul (C. D.) English Literature of 19 century. Ph., 1869. ]7d. Note. — Biographical and critical notices, with examples. Ihtiuinri'ii (T.) Essays on the Poets, and other English Writers. B.^ 1856. 15b. Literary Reminiscences. 2v. B., 1859. 15b. Note. — For content.'! of these two works, see author-entry. Elegant Extracts. (Chiefli/ from EiK/Hsh author.-'.) Prose, 2 v. Poetry. 2v. Epistles, 2v. L., 1814 16. 45f. Snnie. Originally compiled bv V. Knox. New ed. by J. G. Per- cival. 6v. B., i826(?) 45f. jyifiraeli (I.) Amenities of Literature, consisting of sketches and characters of E. L. 3v. L., 1841. 18b. Same. 2 v. N. Y., 1841. 4 If. (89) ENGLISH ENOLISH. KNor.i.sn Literatlmje — C(mti)nwi'i(W.) E. L. Toronto, 1875. 41f. Taim'i'H. A.) History of E. L. N. V., 1879. 2(1. See also the namet of the ranoux Emjlish writeiv. Also Ameuk w Liter.atike;— Es(iLisH Dr.\.ma. English Poetry. Ai/au (J.) Letters on a Coiir.-ie of E. 1'. L., 1807. 45e. Bethntie ((!. \\'.), ed. JJritisii Eemale Poets (an antholoi/ifj .■ wuh liroirnini/ (Mrs. E. li.) Essays on Greek Christian Poets and English Poets.' f/iark>d " fVorks, r. r/.") N. V., 1863(?) 19c. Canip/if'l/ (T.) 8i)C(;imen;i of liritish Poets, with r>ioj,'rai)liical iiml Critical Notices, ami Essay on English Poetry. 7v. L., 1SI9. 19a. 2^ott. The Essay on Poetry eiiibraces the whole of the first volume. Collifr (J. P) Poetical Decameron, or conversations on Enj^li-h Poets and Poetry. 2v. Edin., 1820. 45e. Ele<,'ant Extracts : I'oetry (Chietli/ /nun KiKjlish authors.) 2v. 1,., fsiG. 4.-,f. Grim-orl'l (li. W.J, e'l. Sacred Poets of England and America. (An nvlholrxjii. ) N. v., 1859. 4od. Hunt ( L.) Selections from English Poets, Avith critical notices, etc. (Iiarkea. Percy (T.) Reliques of Ancient Eng. Poetry, v. 1. L., 1767. 4;>li. Scottish Minstrel : songs and song writers of Scotland subsequent tu Burns. Edin., n. d. 2()e. Wartonff.) History of Phiglish Poetry. 4v. L., 1824. 45e. V.'orks of the EnglisJi Poets from Chaucer to Cowj)er. AV'itli Lives, etc., by S. Johnson and \. Chalmers, v. 1-4, 6, 8-21. L., 1810. 19e. Content.--: — V. I, Chaucer -2. Gower. Skelton. Howard, Earl of Surrey. Wyat. Gascoigne. Tuberville.— 3. ; uenser. Daniel.— 4. Drayton. Warner.— 6. J. Beaumont. G. & P. Fletcher. F. Beaunu " . Browne. Davcnant. Habington. Sucklii-ft. Cartwright. Crashaw. Sherburne. Bronit. C. Cotton.— 8. Waller. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. I'omfret. Dorset. Stepney. J. Philips. Waish. Dryden. — 9. Dryden. Smitli. Duke. Kinsf. Sprat. Halifa.x. Parnell. Garth. Bowe. Addison.— lO. Hu(j[hes. Sheffield. Prior. Congreve. Blackmore. Kenton. Gay.— II. Laiisdowne. Valden. Tickell. Hammond. Somerville. Savage. Swift.— 12. Broome. Pope. Pitt. Thom- son.' 13. Watts. A. Philips. West. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Young.— 14. Mallet. Akenside. Gray. Lyttleton. Moore. Cawthorne. Churchill. Falconer. Cunningham. Grainger. Boyse.— 15. W. Thompson. Blair. Lloyd. Green. ,). Byrom. Dodsley. Chatterton. Cooper. Smollett. Hamilton.- 16. Smart. VVilkie. P. Whitehead. Kawkes. Lovibond. Harte. Langhome. Goldsmith. Armstrong. Johnson. - 17. Glover. W. Whitehead, .(ago. Brooke. Sgott. Micklc. Jcn.vns.— 18. Cotton. Logan. T. Warton. J. Warton, lilacklock. Cambridge. Mason. Jones. Beattie. Cowper.- 19. Poi)e's (90) ENGLISH - -ENTOMOJ.OOY. EM:i.i?*n ^ >ETRY — Confinuf'l. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Dryden'a Virtfil, I'crsius, and Juvenal. Pitt's Virsril's .ICneid, and Vida's Art of Poetry. Francis's Horace. - 20. Uiwe's Lucan. Grainuer's Tibiillijs and oulpicia. Kawltcb's Theofritiis, Apolloniiis Khodiiis. Coliithiis, Atiacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, MusiPiis. Garth's Ovid. Lewis's Btatiiis. Cooke's Hesiod.— 21. Hoole's Ariosto and Tasso. Mickle's Lusiad. Set aho EN(iLisH J )rama. The folhnrinij h'st inrltitlcit f/iase JJfitisli awl Aini'vi'-du puet-f ir/ume irorkii are in the lihrary. For full entries, xe.e the (/ejieral alphabet : — Fle.cher (J.) Ooldsinitli (O.) Hiute ( F. li. ) Havergal (F. H.) Hel)er IR.) Henians ( F. I). ) Herl>t;rt («., & M. E.) Holmes (O. W.) .) D. AMrith (T. B.) Ar<'liil>al.I (A. K Anolil (K.) Austin (A.) 8 {(i. .1.) Bailey (F J.) Bivrham ( R. H. Barton ( B. ) Beaumont (F.) Boll (J. A.) Blaokniore (.SVrR.) Bloonitield (R.) Brainar.l (J. (J. C. ) Bronte I A., C. E.,i'v P.) Brouniiig (E. 15. ) drowning (R.) Bnchanan (R. ) Burnes-s (J.) Burns (R.) Butler ( F. A. ) Butler l.S.) Byron ()wper (W.) Crab»je((J.) Croly (C.) DeMille (J.) Drake (.J. R.) Emerson (R. W.) Fairfield (S. L.) Hoot (1 Howe (J.) Ingelow ( J. ) Keats (J.) Keble (J.) Keniblc (F. A.) Kingsley (C.) Kipling (R. ) Landon (L. E.) Luiidor I \V. S. ) Law son {Mrs. M. J. [" M. J. K. L.']) Leyden (J.) Longfellow (H. \V.) LordlW. \V.) Lytton (E. (i. E. L. Piulwer- Lytton, Raron). Montgomery (J.) Montgomery (R.) Moore (T. ) " Mother's Manual say in verse. " Mullen (S.) Murdock(\V.) Norton (C. E. ) Norton (Mr^. (". E. S.) Pennecuik (.\.\ Poe IE. A.) Pollok(R.) Pope (A.) Proctor (A. A.) Rogers (.S. ) Roscoe(\V. C.) " Salome, a dramatic poem". .Sett (f!ir \V.) Shakespeare (W. ) Shelley (P. B.) Sheridan (R. B. B.) Siiiison (L. F. ) Singleton ( Mr olet Fane. Soniervile (VV R. ■]) (VV.) M. M.["Vi- Lytton (E. R. Bulwer-Lyt- Southey ( ton, hxl Lord [" Owen Swain (J. ) Meredith"]). Tenny.son (A., Lord). Macaulay (T. I).) Thomson iJ.) McPherson (J.) Mathias (T. ,1.) Maturin (C. R.) Millhouse (R.) Millman (H. H.) Milton (J.) Mitchell (N.) Tupper (M. F. ) Warland (J. H.) White (H. K.) Wilson (J.) Wordsworth (W. Young (E. ) >ra trazuio. new .series. V. 6-9, 15. 19, 21-22. 4r)c. 46d Kii<5li.slnvoumii'.s I )omestic 8v. L., V. d. .SOe. Engraving. iMinhi'er (J.) Lectiire.s on E. L., 1807. Ensor ((leurtic). IiKlpiieiideiii Man. v. 1. L., 1806. National Government. 2 v. L., 1810. 46d. Entomology. Huher(F.) Natural History of Bee.s. Edin., 1821. Insect Architecture. (Lib. of Ent Know.) L., 1830. 2o]). Insect Miscellanies. ( Lih. of Ent. Knoir.) L, 1831. 251». (91) 28a. ENTOMOLOf E. Anvn. L., 1831. 4()c. Bpictetus. Works. //•. Elizabeth Carter. 2v. L., 1768. 46b. Erasmus (Desiderius, Dufrh xrhnlar, re/nniii^r, ijv"., 14li7-h'>o(>). Butler (C.) Life o Erasmus. L., 1825. 42e. Brman (Alolph). Travels in Siberia. 2v, L., 1848. 39c. Erni (Ilem'i). Mineralogy .Siuii)litieil. Ph., 1885. 2e. EROMAN(iA. List Martyrs of Eronianga : niemoir of Rev. (x. N. Gordon ami his wife. Hafifax, 186.S. 45a. BrroU (Henry). An I'gly Duckling. 3v. L, 1887. 21a. Brskine (Thomas, Lord). Speeches when at the Bar, or subjects con- nected with Liberty of the Press, anil against Constructive Treasons, e.d. J. Ridgway. 4v. L., 1813. lid. Speeches when at the Bar on Miscellaneous Subjects. L., 1812. lid. Bspriella (Manuel Alvarez). Letters from England. 3 v. L., 1808. 46aL EsQui-MAUx. See Arctic Keoioxs. P>sAVs. British Essayists ed. A. Chalmers, 37 v. L., 1823. 39a. Contents : 1-4, Taller ; 5-12, Spectator ; 13-15, Guardian ; 16-18, Rambler ; 19-21, Adventurer ; 22-24, World : 25-26, Connoisiseur ; 27, Idler ; 28-29, Mirror ; 30-31, Lounger ; 32-34, Observer ; 35-37, Looker On. Cambridge Essays, 1855-56. 2 v. L., n. d. 43c. M.xlern British Essayists, v. 2, 4-7. Ph., 1845-46. 20c. Contents : v. 2, A. Allison ; 4, J. Wilson ; 5, T. Carlyle ; 6, F. JeflFrey ; 7, T. N. Talfourd, .J. Stephen. Oxford Essavs, 1855-57. 3v. L,n.d. 4.3c. See a/so Addison (J.);— Bacon (F.) ;— Carlyle (T);- Drake (X.) ; — Emerson (R. W.);— Forsyth (W.);-Hunt (L.);— Knox (V.);-Lamb (C.);-Macaulay (T. B.);-Miller (H.);— Montaigne (M. K. de) ;—" Rambler (The)" ;— Scott (Sir W.) ;— Stephen (J.) ;— e^-. Bssington (Robert William). Over Volcanoes : through France and Spain in 1871. By " A. Kingsman " C^wtrf. ; L., 1872. 14e. Bstlin (John Prior). Familiar Lectures on Moral Philosophy. 2v. L.^ 1818. 46d. Ethics. Ah^rn-ondne (J.J Philosophy of Moral Feelings. L., 1833. 46d. Beattie (J.) Nature and Immutal)ility of Truth in opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism. L., 1820. 4.3g. Chenerix (R.) p:ssay on National Character. 2 v. L., 1832. 47b. Cornhe (G.J Moral Philosophy or Duties of Man. Edin., 1840^ 47a. (92) ETHICS EUROPE. Etii K's — (■onfiniiefl. Ellix (S. S.) Prevention ln'tter than Cure, or Moral VVant.s of Worl.l we live in. N. Y., 1847. 280. J'Jii.-'nr ((t.J Indeiiendent Man : P^ssay on Formation and Develop- ment of tliose Principles and Faculties of the Human Mind which constitute Moral and Intellectual Excellence, v. I. L., 1806. 46d. E/iirfrhix. See author fntrij, //. UJ. Kn (T. J.J Ten Y'ear.s' \Vanderin<,'s among the Ethioi)ians. L., 18U1. 13d. JiTHNOLooY. Fi'jnifr (L.J The Human Race. Illu--^. L., 1872. 14c. Kaiiiex (H. H'lnif, lord J. Sketches of Historv of Man. 3v. Edin., 1813. 47 b. Latham (R d.J E. of Europe. L., 1852. 4 6a. I'rirhard (J. C.J Natural History of Man. With mloured iJafe.^. L., !845. 14c. Jieid (M.J ( hid Peojjle, being description of singular races of niari. B., 1861. 4(»c. See aJ^o Man. Etiquette. Halnts of (lood .Society. X. Y., 186;'). 46b. Hanilbooks for Home Improvement: how to write, how to behave, how to talk, how to do business. N. Y., 1857. 45c. Eton (William). Survey of Turkish Empire. L., 1809. 40d. Etruria. Craii ( Mrx. If.) Tour to Sepulchres of E., 1839. L., 1841. 37a. Eugene or Francois Eugene (Prince irs, by himself. L., 1811. 9d. Euler (Leonhard). Introduction to Algebra. Selected froni Euler. B., 1836. 47c. Europe. \^See aim the naitiex of the ran'oii-^ couiitriefi of Europe.^ 1. Eth not 0(111. Latham (R. O.J Ethnology of E. L., 1852. 46a. 2. Histonj. Alis(m (Sir A.) Historv of E., 17891815. lOv. Edin., 1839-42. 37d. Same. 4v. X. Y., 1845-60. 37d. Historv of E., 1815-52. 8v. with Index. Edin. k L., 1852. 8b. (93) EUROPE EUROPE. EuKoi'E (Hi>itory)—C'(jtifmue'l. Carli-tiin (' (C.J History of AncitMit E, to subversion of We-sturn Eniiiire. Alton. :W. L, 1813. 7c. Xol^. — IiiteiKleil to accompany Russells History of Modern Europe ('f r. ^ Froimni (Sir J.) Cludnicles. tr. .1 iJourcliier, I^rtl Uerner.s. 2v. (4to.) L., 181-2. 40l'. ^Wc— Keprinteit from Pynson's edition of 1523 and 1525. San,^. tr. T. Jolincs. N. Y., 1S60. 40g. Same. (Trau.r^ )iniiie not ijircii ) N. Y., n. <1. \'2<^. Front (T.) Sneret Societies of European Revolution, 1776-1876. 'Jv. L.,I876. I'le. Geogra|iliiial, Historical, antl Political Description of (iermany, IIolliuul, the Netlierlamls, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, -Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia, &c. L., 1800. 43g. (;uiyit(F. P. a.) History of Civilixation in K. iv. Edin., 18.'i9. 13e Hallau, (H.) State of E. duriii;,' Middle Age.s. 3v. L., 1829. 7(1. Saiin: 3v. L., 1834. 37a. Same. 2v. L., 1841. 37a. Hdlanit (H. li. V. Fnj; Inrd). Foreign K(!niiuiscence.s. N. Y., 18,')!. 41c. Knrh ( C. W.) History of E., with special reference to Kevohitions. Hartford, 1857. 4()c. ' Martin ( li. M.) History of Colonics of Hritish Empire in E., i)r., ^-r. L., 1843. 4.%'. Pariral (J.) Historic (i^ic) of this Iron Age : state of Europe in 1500. ^n B. Harris, 'ind ed. L., 16o!». 43t'. /i«.<.W/ (J., earl). History of Principal States of E. from pea(;e of Utrecht, -iv. L., 1826. m. Hn.-<^>'ll (W.) History of AFodern E., to 17G3. ^Vith coutinuatiou to 1815. Amu. (iv. Ph., 1822. 37c. Same. With continuation to 1821. 7 v. L, 1822. 7c. 3. Literature, and Infellei-tiial DereJopment. JJra/ter (J. W.) History of Intellectual Development of E. 2v. X. v., 1876(?) 2c. Hal/am (H.) Introduction to Literature of E., 15tlr- -17th centuries. •Sv. L., 1843. 37a. SifiiKmili (J. C. L. Sirimndf ili). Histori(.'al View of Literature of South of K. 4v. L., 1823. 4Gd. 4. Travetn, Dei^cription, S(n-ial Life, >'t<-. Blaincille (— de). Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of E., especially Italy. 3v. L., 1743. 38e. Cadell (W. A.) Journey in Curniola, Italy, and France, 1817-18. 2v. Edin., 1820. 4Ue. Carter (X.H.) Letters from E. 2v. N. Y., 1827 43e (94) ECllOl'E EUROPE. Ki U"i-K (Travt'ls, DescriiUion, etc.) — Contitmed. ( 'lioulei* (J. O.J Cruise of Stt'.iin Yacht 'Nortli Star' : excursion of Mr. Vanilerliilt's party to Kngliuul, Russia, Dennnirk, Fiance, .S|iain, Italy, &c., K.. 18.H<. IHe. r/«//,v' ( f: I).) Travels in K., Asia, aud Africa, llv. L., 1816. 4(»e. Column (H.) Kuroi)ean Lifi' ami Manners. '1\\ H., 1849. 41e. ('ii.li' ( W.) Travels into Poland, Ku.xsia, Sweden, ami Denmark. 2v. L., 17.S5. .SSe. Diiir (L) History of Cosino|)olite : containing,' Travels in K. and Aiufiica. CiiiciiHiati, ISfi.'i. ITd. Kilimiih (J. K.) Random Sketches and Notes of Kuropean Travel, I,S.-)«). N. v.. l8.-)7. .SSii. Klli'itt ((!. li.) Letters from North of K. .'.v. L., 1832. 40b. (irej']>'ij(H.) (Jlancesat K, 185!. N. Y., l"8r)2. 38a (frt'i'inrnofJ (d.) Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in K. 15., 1854. 4.31). (Uiilif (C.) (Jver the Ocean. (Tmri'h in Kunijir. ) 1!., 1S71. I3h. Hall (B.) Patchwork. :5v. L., 1841. 27a. U^iHi'(H.) Pictures of Travel. Ph., 1855. 41d. IMuK'^^ (<). W.J One Hundred Days in K. P.. A" N. Y., 1892. 1.5b. Ifii>ifl<'j/ (C. ('iii-'fiin, Maninix inr(K.J AVikl Sports in K, &e. 2v. L., 1844. 17b. .\'(i.f-I)iii (..x 43a. Sillin,nn(li.) Visit to E., 1851. 2v. N. Y., 1853. 41e. Sniitli (R.) Xotes made during Tour (in Europe). L, 1827. 40(1. Spetiri'i- (K.) Turkey, Russia, the Black Sea, and Circassia. L., I85r\ :h91i. Stoire (Ml-''. H. lieerlier). Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. L., 1835. 27a. Sa»i>'. 2v. B., 1854. 151) Talfnnnl (T. N.) Vacation Rambles and Thoughts; comprising recollections of 3 continental tours in 1841-3. L., 1845. 46a. Tai/hr (B.) At Home and Abroad. (Tmvel.t in America awl K.) N. Y., 1860. 13c. Byeways of E. 2 v. L., 1869. 13a. Views A-Foot ■ E. seen with knapsack and staflF. 2 pts. in Iv. N. Y., 1848. 13c. Same. N. Y., 1860. 13c. Train (ir. F.) American Merchant in E., ilc. X. Y., 1857. 41c. Wallace (H. B.) Art and Scenery in K. Ph., 1857. 43b. Wa.n (E. K.) Echoes of E. Ph., 1860. 40f. Willi" (N. P.) Pencillings by the Way. (Redilem-e ami travel in E.) N. Y.. 1852(?). 15a. Hustace (John Chetwode). Classical Tour through Italy, 1802. 4 v. L., 1821. 45e. Bvans (0. ^V. i) ) Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily. 3v. L.. 1835. 39c. Duplicate, 45e. Evans (Mrx. H. Lloyd). Last AVinter in Algeria. L, 1868. 13c. Evans (Marian or ^Mary Ann). ISee CrOSS (Mrs. M.) Evans (William). Theory and Practice of Agriculture, adapted to Canatla. Montreal, 1835. 47a.' Evelyn (dohn, Ewj. Royalist ami aiithnr, 1620-170li). Architects and Architecture, tU. L., 1723. 47g. Memoirs illustrative of Life and Writings of J E., comprising his Diary, 1641-1706, letters, e^f. Withptate-i. ed.W.hiAy. 2v. L., Colhnrii, 1819. 42g. Silva, or Discourse of Forest-Trees ; (with) Terra, a discourse of P^irth. ed. A. Hunter. With many copper-plates. 2v. York, 1812. 43g. Everett (Edward). Importance of Practical Education and I'seful Know- ledge. B., 1840. 47a. ¥.yERETT (Rev. , lames, founder of the United Mettiod id Free ChurrJi, En). Oder (K.J Life of Viscount Kxinouth. L.,1885. 12b. E.\i iiAXiiE (l>ills of). Marinx (J.J Advice concerning 15. of V.. ?,v. (ftoiuiil iri/h NohertH.s " Map of Commerce'.") L., 17()l>. 4%. Bwbank (Thomas). Life in Brazil. N. Y., 1856. 41d. Pabens (Joseidi Warreri). Life on the Isthnuis. (Panama.) Av. (hound with M on t- Singleton {Mr.-<. M. M.) Panshawe (Ann, Lailij .• Ewj. nnjalid, irife of Sir Richanl, IGJo-SO). Memoirs, by herself. L., 1829. 9c. Paraday (^^chael). Chemical History of a Candle ; (with) Lecture on Platinum. N. Y., n. d. 2d. Chemical Manipulation. L., 1842. 46c. ^'a^ious Forces of Nature and their relations to each other. L , n. d. 17e. Parjeon (Benjamin I^eopold). Sfe F''rtion. Farmer's Magazine, v. 1-19 (1800-18). Edin., v. ee Fiction. 7 (97) 1 .1^ FAWCE'rr FICTION. Pawcett (Edgar). For liix mirclx, m^ Fiction. Pawcett (Hemy). Manual of Political Economy. L., 1888. 2c. Peatherstonliaugh (George William). Excursion through the Slave States. N. Y., 1844. 43g. Pelice (G. tie). History of Prote.stants of France. 2v. L., 1853. 9<1. Pell (John). Life of Rev. H. Hammond. ( Apimnh'il to linnutfx '■'■Lif- of Haler) Oxford, 1806. 42a. Penelon (Frai^oi.s de Salignac de La Mothe, arrJibixhi)]) nf Cariiftra;/). Dialogues of the Dead. v. 1. L., 17 — . 45a. • Lettens upon Divers .Subjects concerning Religion and Metaphysics. By the Archbishop of Cainbray. Glasgow, 1750. 4oa. Penn (George Manville). For A/.s- iiori'h, i^fi' Fiction. Penton (Richard). Tour in quest of Genealogy, through Wales, Somrr- setshire, and Wiltshire. By a Barrister. L., 1811. 47a. Ferdinand V. (of S/iai?i, 14')^-L11(J) I'rpxrott (W. 11.) History of ReignsofF.' and Isabella. 3v. B., 1841. 7d. Saiuo. .-Jv. X. Y., 1849. 38d. Ferguson (Adam). History of Civil Society. Edin., 1814. 43d. History of Progress and Termination (if Roman Re]>ublic. 5v. Edin., 1805. 8b. PergUSOn Mames). Lectures on .Meciianics, Hydrostati(!S, Pnemnatics, Optics, and Astronomy. L., 182.^. 47b. Pernandez (Felii)e). (irannnar of Spanish Language. L. 1809. 4fid. Perrall (S. A.), i,.-<>^u>i. .Sn' O'Perrall (s. A.) Perrier (Mary). Destiny, or the Chiefs Daughter. Aiiaii. l.,ii.t/. Ge. Marriage. Aiiou. L, n. il. 6o. FICTION. [S"" afso Fables.] Ilixfori/ of Firtioii. Dunlop (J.) History of F. 3v. L, 1816. 44c. Sam>^. 3v. Edin., 1816. 28c. Works of Firtion. For full names of authors, si'e i/^tieral a//>haM. Adams (H. C.J Sivan, the Sleeper. L., 1857. :^3f. A'Jams (Mrs.) Aunt Hepsy's Foundling. 3 v. L., 1881. 22!i. Lady Deane, and other stories. 3v. L., 1882. 22a. Louis Draycock. By Mrs. R S. DeCourcy Liffan (Mrs. Adams). 2v. L., 1890. iSa. Aide (H.) Confidences. By author of " Rita." iv. L, 1862. 23a. Ainsworth (W. H.) Auriol, or the Elixir of Life. ' L., //. d. 21a. Alrott (L. M.) Aunt Jo's Scrap- Bag. (A rollcrtion of short stories for rhUdren.) 6v. B., 1892. 3a. * Eight Cousins, or the Aunt-Hill. B., 1892. 3a. Hospital Sketches ; and Camp and Fireside Stories. B., 1892. 3a. Jack and Jill. B., 1892. 3a. (98) FICTION (Alcott) FICTION (Ballantyne). Fktion (Alcott) — Contimifil. ,I(.s Bovs. (Sequel to " Litth- Men".) 11, 1892. 3a. Little Men. B., 1892. 3ix. Little Women. B., 1893. 3a. .Moods. B., 1892. 3a. ()M-fashione.l Girl (An). B., 1892. 3a. Proverb Stories, t. w. 3a. Kose in Bloom. (Seijud to " The Kifjht Cou^hus.") B., 1 892. 3a. Silver Pitchers ; and Imlependence, a centennial love story. B., 1892. .Sa. Spinninti-Wheel Stories. B., 1892. 3a. Under the Lilacs. " B., 1892. 3a. Al''.miuhr (Mrx.J, p^etui. See Hector (M'x. A.) Alhu (G.) Recalled to Life. N. Y., 1891. 6f. Scallywag (The). Toronto, 1893(?) 6f. An.4>!i (F.), pseud. See (iuthrie (T. A.) Arijli'n (Mrx. Marnaret). See HHWierfrnd (Mm. M.) Arroiii (C. B. de F.) La (laviotii : a Spanish Novel. By " Fernan Ca- hsWevo" (pxeiid.) /r. J. Leander SUrr. N. Y., 1864. 23f. B. (N. F.) (Jff with the Old Love. By N. F. B. 2v. L., 1889. 6f. liallantifrte (It. M.) Black Ivory : adventures among slaves in Africa. L. , n. d. 21c. Blown to Bits, or Lonely Man of Rakata. L., 1889. 21c. Blue Lights, or hot work in the Soudan. L., 1889. 21c. . Coral Island (The). L, 1890. 21c. Crew of the Water Wagtail : story of Newfoundland. L., n. d. 21c. Deep Down : tale of Cornish Mines. L., n.d. 21c. Dog Crusoe and his Miuster : adventures in western prairies. L., 1889. 21c. 1 )usty Diamonds cut and polished : tale of City -Arab Life and Adven- tures. L., 1885. 2Io. Krling the Bold : tale of Norse sea-kl.igs. L., 1887. 21c. Fighting the Flames: tale of London Fire Brigade. L, H.d. 21c. Floating Light of Goodwin Sands. L., 1884. 21c. Freaks of the Fells ; and Why I did not become a Sailor. L., 1885, 21c. Fugitives, or Tyrant Queen of Madagascar. L., 1887. 21c. Gascoyne, the Sandalwood Trader. L., n. d. 21c. Giant of tlie North, or Pokings round the Pole. t. w. 21c. Golden Dream, or adventures in far west. L., 1883. 21c. Gorilla Hunters. L, 1888. 21c. In the Track of the Troops, a tale of modern war. L., 1887. 21c. Iron Hoise : talc of Grand National Trunk Railway. L., n. d. 21c. Island Queen : Uile of southern hemisphere. L., 1885. 21c. Lite in the Red Brigade ; and Fort Desolation, or Solitude in the Wilderness. L., w. d. 21c. (99) FICTION (Ballantyne) fiction (Barr). Fiction (l^allantyne) — Omiinueih Lifeboat, a talc of our coast heroes. L., 1888. 2lc. Lighthouse (Tlie). L., n. loved a Sailor, N. Y., //. '/. Ha. Sistor to Ksau. X. Y., //. d. 3a. Smiii'u of 8anJal-Side. L., 1887. 3a. liari'-ff (F.) Kitty's FatluM-. Toronto, n. <1. 6o. /A////" (J. M.) Auld Licht Mylls. X. Y., n. 'euiL See Mott (A.) Ilii(r/i7infti'lff (B. Dixiaeli, Earl of). ?]ndvinion. Montreal, 1880. L'3f. Lcthair. 3v. L., 1870. 23f. Venetia. L., 1881. 23f. AVondrous Tale of .iMroy ; (and) The Rise of Iskander. A i>)ti. 3v L., 18.33. -iTa. />'// (Ai-foii ), juii'inl. See lironti- (A.) Ikll (Cun-fr), ,>seniiiface (J. X.) Picciola, or captivity captive. 15y " M. I). Saintine" (pseud.) Ph., 1838. 281 li(mth (M )•■•<. K. M. J.ron), — '' Ilifa," pseuf/. Countess Pliaramoiul fA sequel /o " Skeha." J N. Y., 1891(?). 5g. 1 )aiue Diirden. 3v. L., 1883. 5g. Faustine. 3v. L., 1882. 5g. Fragolctta. 3v. L., 1881. 5g. .Miss Kate, or Coiifossions of a Caretaker, f. n: 5g. Sheha : a .studv of girlhood. 3 v. in 2. L., 1889. .')g. Vagal)und Lover (A). L., 1889. 5«:. Vivieiine. 3v. L., 1877. -g. Ihirniir (U.) Lavengro : t^cliolar, gyp.sy, priest. 3 v. L., 18.') I. lib. Same. \. Y., \m\. 431). liim-nian (A.) Among the Tartar Tents. L., 186G. 24d. lio::, iixi'iul. Slh' ( I)irh'n,i (!.) Brwi'hm (M. K.) Asi)iiodel. /. ir. 21d. Aurora Floyd. Aixm. L., ti. i1. 21d. Ijirds of Pre}'. Ation. L., w. '/. 2 Id. Captain of the Vulture. !>.,«.//. 2 Id. Charlotte's Inheritance. Anmi. L., n. il. 21d. Cloven F'oot. L., ti. <1. 21d. J)ay (Tlie) will Come. /. ir. 21.1. Dead-Sea Fruit. Anon. L., it. il. 21d. Doctor's Wife (Tiie). Aumt. L., n. /. 2ld. Wvllard's Weird. Anon. L, n. 'w<,o.-!. Colonial Reformer (A). L., 1891. 3(1. Minei's Right : a tale of Australian Coldtields. L., 1891. .3d. Nevermore. L., 1892. 3<1. Robbery under Arms : life and adventure in Australia. L., 1892. 3d. Squatter's Dream : story of Australian I-ife. L., 1892. 3d. Sydney -side Saxon. L., 1891. -M. Buchanan (Ii.) Annan Water. L., 1889. .3d. Child of Nature. L., 1892. .3(1. Foxglove .Manor. L., 1889. 3d. 0.(1 and the Man. L., 1889. 3d. Heir of Linne. L., 1888. 3d. Love me for ever. L., 1888. 3d. Martyrdom of Madeline. L., 1889. 3d. Master of the Mine. L, 1892. .3d. Matt: story of a caravan. L., 1889. 3d. (104) FICTION (Buchanan) fiction (Castleton). p'imox (Ijuclianaii) — Confiniwd. \i"\v Al)olanl (Tlic). L., 1892. 3(1. Shadow of tht! Sword. L., 1892. 3.1. Stiiriny Waters. L., n. '/. 3(1. linhnjr-Liiftoii (K. G. K. L.) Sf<; LijUon ( LonJ ). Winner (H. C.) Story of a New York Hou.se. N. Y., 1887. 6f. /adoc Pino; and Other Stories. X. Y., 1891. 6-j. Coiifeiifi: 'l"he Zadoc Pine Ltibor Union. Xatuiiil .Selection : a romance of ("lielsea Village and Ka.st Haniptun Town. Casperl, a ^econd-hanti Story. Mrs. Tom's Spree. .Sijuire P'ive- Fathom. Ilurnahy (Col. F.) Our Radicals : tale oi love and politics. 2v. L., 1886. 6f. Ihini'tt (Mr.-<. F. H.) Dolly. L., 189.3. 22f. Little Lord Fauntleroy. L., 1892. 6e. Little Saint Klizal.eth'; and Other Stories. L., 1890. 6e. Ccniiutx : Little Saint Klizabeth. Story of Prince Fairyfoot. Proud Little (irain of Wheat. Hehind the VVhite Brick. One (The) 1 knew the hest of all : a memory of the mind of a child. — , . 6e. Pretty Sister of Jose : a Spanish love-story. L., 1889. 21a. That Lass o' Lowrie's : a Lancashire story. L., ii. (f. 6e. Through One Administration. L,, n. d. 22f. linti (li. M.) Alison. By autlior of "Miss Molly." 3v. Ktlin., 1883. .'Jc. Delicia. Audu. Kdin., 1S79. ."k-. Elizabeth ; and other sketches. Edin., 1889. .")c. Coii'fii/t : Elizabeth. Dorothj'. Lois. Nenuphar. Denis. Kl)€rhardt. Lesterre Durant. Anon. 2v. Edin., 1886. 5c. I'dliallfro (Fernan), j)newl. See Arnnn (G. B. ueenie's Whim. L., 1889. 22a. Carlefon (W.J Silver Acre, and other tales, hv. L., 1862. 23a. Ca.^tktfm (D. R.) Salem: tale of 17th century. N. Y., 1874. 23f. (105) FICTION (Cervantes) fiction (Collins). Fiction — ConfinueiL Cen-antex Saaveilra (M. i. Heun/ W.J Lidy Honoria's Nieces. L, 1885. 21a. March Violet 3 v. L., 1883. 6e. Cliurch ( E. lio.-i.-i-). See Stevcm (Mr».) Cf lurch (Mrs. Rdss). See Marnjat (F.) Claire. By author of "Vida." Glasgow, 1889. 21a. Clarke (C. C.) Chips from an Old Block. L., n. itorou.-< travels in Europe.) L., 1891. 6b. Yankee at Court of King Arthur. L., 1889. 6b. Library of Humour. (Selections from various writers.) ed. S. L. Clemens. L., 1888. 6b. 4- Warner (C. D.) Gilded Age (The). L.. 1893. 6b. CollitKfride (A.) A Night near Windsor, or Port Royal Annals ; and tale of the Turf. L., 1840. 23f. Collins (M ) Sweet Anne Page. L., 1884. 22a. 4- (F.) Sweet and Twenty. L, n d. 22a. You play me false. L , 1883. 22a. Collins (Wil'kie). After Dark ; and Other Stories. N. Y., 1875. 3e. Contend :—Khev Dark. Miss or Mrs? The Dead Alive. The Fatal Cradle. " Blow up with the Brig." The Frozen Deep. Fatal Fortune. Antonina, or the Fall of Rome. N. Y., n. d. 3e. Armadale. N. Y., n. d. 3e. Basil. N. Y., 1874. 3e. Black Robe. 3 v. L., 1881. 3e. Blind Love. 3 v. L., 1890. 3e. Dead Secret (The). N. Y., n. d. 3e. (106) FICTION (Collins) FICTION (Cooper). Fjction {Co\\in»)—Continuef. 3e. "Chainhearer, or the Little Page Manuseripts (Xo. 2). (Tinif of Am. rero/utioii.) J v. N. Y.. n. d. 3e. Note. — For conclusion of Littlepage Manuscripts, see " The Redskins." €rater (The): tah- of the Pacitir. Av. N. Y., n. ,J. 3e. Deerslayer, or the first war-j>ath. iv. N. Y., //. il. 3e. Headsman (The), or the Ahhaye des Vignerons. .',v. (h<1. icif/i " The Heidenmautr." ) N. Y., n. d. 3e. Ileidenmauer (Tlie), or the Ijc'nedictines : a legend of the Rhine, ^v. N. Y. , n. d. 3e. Home as Found. (Sequel to " Hoineicard Boimif.") iv. (hd. irith " Homeward Hound." ) N. Y., v. d. 3e. Homeward Bound, or the Chase, iv. N. Y., n. d. 3i'. Note. — For 8e<(uel, see " Home as Found." -Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef. .^v. (bd. with " Winq and Wiii'/.") N. Y., n. d. 3e. Xote. — This is the " Red Rover " recast. Ijist of the Mohican.s. Av. N. Y., ?/. d. 3e. Lionel Lincoln. (Am. revolution.) Av. N. Y., ». d. 3e Mercedes of Castile, or the voyage to Cathay. A v. (hd. with " The Bravo.") N. Y.,ii. d. 3e. Miles ^Yallingford. (Sequel to ^'Affoaf and Ashore.") Av. (IhL mth " The Crater.") N. Y., w. d. 3e. " Oak-0i)enings, or the bee-hunter. |v. N. Y., 7t. d. 3e. Pathfinder, or the inland sea. A v. (bd. with '■'■ Deerslaijer." ) N. Y., w. d. 3e. Pilot (The) : tale of the sea. ^v. N. Y., n. d. 3e. Pioneers, or .sources of the Susquehanna. Av. (hrith " Last of Mohicans." ) N. Y., n. d. 3e. Prairie (The). \x. N. Y., n. ,/. 3e. (107) FICTION (Cooper) fiction (Crawford). Fktk >x (Cooper) — Continued. IVcaution. ^v. N. Y., n. . Spy (The). U. (I»f. with " Thp Pmiri>r) N. Y., ;/. ,l. with " Lionet Linrnln.") N. Y".» H >l. 3e. Xotf. — A tale of King I'hilip's war. "VVinj,' and Wing. iv. N. Y., n. il. 3e. Cnrelli (M.) " Anlath," the story of a .lead self. N. Y , //. >f. 22f. Soul of Lilith. N. Y., l89->(.')' 6f. • Wormwood, a drama of Paris. L, 1891(0 --f- Cmik (Mrs. I). M.),—n''e Miilnrk. A<,'atha's Hushand. L., 1891. 22L Head of the Family. L, 1891. 22f. John llalifa.x, <,'entlenuui. X. Y., n. it. 22f. Kin^' Arthur. L, 1890. 22f. Laurel Bush. L, 1890. 22f. . Mi.ss Tommy. L, 1890. 22f. Mv Motlierand L L., 1890. 22f. Ugilvies. L., 189L 22f. Olive. L., 189L 22f. Two Marriages. L., 1893. 22f. Craili (deiiniiana M.J Two "Women. 3 v. L., 1880. 22a. Crawford (F. Marion). Ameriean Tolitieian N. Y., 1893. 3f. Children of the King : tale of Italy. L., 1893. 3f. Cigarette-maker's Romance. L., 1892. 3f. Doctor Claudius. L., 1893. 3f. Don Orsino. X. Y., 1892. 3f. Greifenstein. L., 1891. 3f. Katharine Lauderdale. 2v. N. Y., 1894. 3f. Khaled : tale of Arabia. L., 1892. 3f ^larzio's CruciHx. L, 1891. 3f Mr. L'^aacs : tide of nKxlern India. L., 1892. 3f. Paul pKtoff. L., 1891. 3f. Roman Singer (A). L., 1892. 3f. 108) FICTION (Crawfonl) fiction (DeQuincey). Fi< TioN (Crftwfnnl) — CfiniiuuciL Sunt' llario. L., 1891 'M. .Siiiacincsca. N. V., 1893. 'M. Sole.—" The Canliiitkl " in this novel is understoutl to be Carilinal AutoneUi. Tale of a Loiu-ly I'aiisli. L., 1891. :{f. To L«ewanl. !>., 1892 .'if. Wikh of I'la-iK'. I.., 1893. 3f. Witli tlu! Immortals. L., 1891. ;{f. Zoroaster. L., 1892. ;{f. erohcr(li. M.) P.inl of l»as.saKi'. L., 1892. ;Jf. Picttv Mi.-^s Neville. L., 1892. :?f. Proper I'ri.le. L., 1892. 3f. L'rnxxfMrx. M.),—''aeor' E/iof." Adam lleile. Kdiii., w. '/. 22b. Daniel Deroiula. 4v. Kdiii., 1870. 221., Fi'lix Holt, the Katlical. Ediii., //. . Cnu'lest Wrong of All. P.y author (.f " Margaret." iv. L., 1862. 23a. JCuillij) (Mrx. Pent/er), — nee Annie Tlioinax. IJest for Her. 3v. L., 1S«'2. «1». Dower Hou.se. L., 1874. 61.. Eyre of lilendon. 3 v. P., 1881. 61.. Fal.sc Colors. L., «. d. 61). Kate Valliant. : v. L., 188'). 61.. Laggard iu P(.ve. L., n. d. 61 >. . ' Love'.s a Tyrant. 3v. L., 1888. 61.. Reigning Favourite (A). 3v. L., 1886, 61.. Society's Pui)i)ets. 3v. L., 1882. 61.. .Society's Verdict. 3v. L., 1880. 61.. That other Woman. 3v. L., 1889. 61.. •Curtis (U. W.) Prue and I. Edin., 1892. 6f. Daniel ( Mrn. M.) One Golden Summer. 3v. L., 1877. 6f. Darix(R. H.) Oallegher; and Other Stories. X. Y., 1893. 6e.^ Content": (Jallegher. Walk up the Avenue. My Disreputable Friend, Mr. Raegen. 1 he Other Woman. Trailer for Room No. 8. " There were Ninety and Nine." Cynical Miss Catherwaight. Van Bibber and the 8wan-Boats. Van Bibl)er'8 Burglar. Van Bibber as Best Man. Defoe (I). J History of Great Plague in London, 1665. Py a Citizen who live.l the whole time in London. L., 1819. 44d. Note. — An imaginative account. De/aiul (M.) John Ward, preacher." L., 1889. 6e. Sidney. B., 1892. 6g. DeMille(J.j Dodge Club, or Italy in 1859. (Humorous.) X. Y., w. d. 6f. Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder. Anon. N.Y., 1888. 6f. DeQuinretf (T.) Avenger (The). P., 1859. 15b. . . (109) FICTION (DeQuincey) fiction (Dickens). Fiction (DeQuincey) — Conthmed. Spanisli Xiin ; and Household Wreck. (In Iuk Narrative Pajjers, v. !.)• B., 1859. 15b. DHen.^ (C.) Barnaby Kudge : tale of (Lord Gordon) Riots of '8a li.,. 1860. 3g. Same. 2 v. L., n. i : Seven Poor Travellers. Holly-Tree. Wreck of the Goldert- Mary. Perils of certain Engli.«h Prisoners. Going into Society. Hanuteit House. Message fi-oin the Sea. Tom Tiddler's Ground. Somelxnly's Lug- gage. Mis. Lirriper's I^odgings. Mrs. Lirriper's r^ega^y. Dr. Marigold. Two (ihost Stories. Mugby Junction. No Thoroughfare (writteif coajcMkUy with \V. Collins). Note. — The *' Wreck of the Golden Mary " is wrongly ascribed to Dickcna. SamK 2v. Ph., ». '/. 23a. Davitl CopperHeld. 2v. L., «. d. 3g. Same. v. 2. Ph., w. d. 23a. Dombey and Son. 2v. L., ii. d. 3g. Great Expectations. L., n. d. 3g. Same. L., 1866. 3g. Hard Time.s. L., 1866. 3g. Little Dorrit. 2v. L., ii. d. 3g. Martin Chuzzlewit. 2v. L,m. J. 3g. Mystery of Edwin Drood. N. Y., 1871. 23a. Mystery of Edwin Drood ; and Other Stories. L., ii. d. ■ 3g. Content. ■i : Mystery of Edwin Drood ('thi'* ■itory is unfinished). Master Humphrey's Clock. Hunted Down. Holiday Romance. George Silver- man's Explanation. Nicholas Nickleby- 2v. L., w. d. 3g. Oliver Twist. L., n. d. 3g. Our Mutual Friend. 2 v. L., ?<. d. 3g. Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. v. 2. L., n. d. 3g. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of every-dav life and every-day people. L, 1858. 3g. Same. L., ii. d. 3g. Same. ( III iiAtf rated hij Cruih>>hanh\) v. 2. Ph., u. d. 23a. Tale of Two Cities. (Lowlon ami Pa/7".s- duriiierx(G.) Bride of the Nile : romance. 2 v. X. Y., 1887. 6e. El 22b. Ehcar,h(H. S.J What is a Girl to do ? 3v. L., 1885. 21a. EJiranh (M. B.) Bridget. 3v. L., 1877. 22b. P.rother Gabriel. 3v. L., 1878. 22b. Felicia. L., n. d. 22b. John and 1. L., n. d. 22b. Kitty. L., 1877. 22b. Lisabee's Love Story. L., n. d. 22b. (HI) FICTION (Edwards) fiction (Fothei-will). Fiction (Eilwiirds.) — Contirine>J. Love and Marriage ; and other tales. 2v. L., 1885. 22b. Mademoiselle Jo.sephine's Fridays ; and other stories. L., 1874. '21). Pearla. 3v. L., 188;}. 22h. ' White House by the Sea. L, ». '/. 221). Wild Flower of Kavensworth. L., «. '/. 22b. E'j. Lass that loved a Sailor. 3v. L., 1889. 22c. Man with a Shadow. 3v. L., 1888. 22c. One Maid's Mischief. 3 v. L., 1887. 22c. Vicar's People (The). 3v. L., 1881. 22c. Feirier (MarijJ Destiny, or the chiefs ilaughter. Anon. L,., n. >/. Gc Marriage. Anan. L., 7i. il. 6e. FieliUwi (H.) (Joseph Andrews.) (c. 1 of '' Select Works." ) Edin., 1818. 18a. Filibuster : a story of American Life. .^v. t. ir, 23a. F/orian (J. P. C."^t Drawing-room. 3v. L., 188G. 6e. A Professional Boanty. 3v. L., 1882. 6f. Frcilii. By author of " Mrs. Jerningliani',-5 Journal." 3v. L., 1878. 6e. Fri>'ii'vll ( H.) Younff Cou})le, and nii.scoUanies. iv. L., 1S62. 23a. Fi-omk (J. A.) Two Chiefs of Jjunhoy : an Irish romance of last cen- tury. L., 188i). 6g. (iailewin (A.) Blackguwn Papers. (Italian fale.<.) P.v " L. Mariotti " (psaid.) 2v. L., 1846. 431). Calf (J.) Annals of the Parish. Annu. Edin., 1822. 28c. Gn^l,-ll (K. C.) Cranford. L., 1872. 23f. (Uhhon (C.) Flower of the Forest. L., 1882. 4a. ( '.olden Shaft. L., 1883. 4a. l,oving a Dream ; and One of His Inventions. L., 1884. 4iu Of High Degree. L., 1883. 4a. Princess of Jutedom. L., 1887. 4a. Robin Gray. L., 1890. 4a. Oolihmith (O.) Vicar of Wakefield. ( Riiml lifi.) L., 1818. 23f. (iiiuld (S. liarimi-). Court Koval. Ani»t. 3v. L., 18sG. 4a. p:ve. AuL 21e. Phantom Regiment, or Stories of '• (Jurs." L., )i. d. 21e. Philip Rollo, or the Scottish Musketeers. L., u. /. 21e. Queen's Cadet ; and (14) other Tale.s. L., n. >/. 21e. Romance of War, or Higidanders in Spain. L., 1890. 2le. Ross-shire Buffs. L., n. if. 2 k'. Royal Highlanders, or the Black Watch in Egypt. L., ii. i1. 21e. Royal Regiment, and other novelettes. !>., n. iJ. 21e. Scots Brigade (The), and other tales. L., n. ih 21e. Scottish Ciivalier, or Lst Royal Scots. L, n. <1. 21e. Second to None : " Royal Scots ( irt'ys." L., n. d. 21e. Secret Dispatch. L., ?/. '/. 21 e. Six Years Ago. L., n. d. 21e. Under the Red Dragon. L., n. d. 21e. Yere of "Ours," the Eighth of King's. L., n. d. 2le. Yiolet Jermyn. L., n. d. 21e. White Cockade. L., n. d. 21e. Yellow Frigate. L., n. d. 21e. Gray (MaxwdlJ, pmwi. See Tndtieft (M. (i.) Green (A. K.) See lioJdfs (Mr><. C.) (4rit}in (G.) Card-tlrawer ; Half Sir ; Suil Dhuv ; Coiner. N. Y., n. d. 2.3b. Christian Physiologist ; a Night at Sea N. Y., n. v. L., 1885. 6f. Hahherton (J.) Country Luck. L., 1887. 6e. Well out of it. L., 1889. 21a. Jfwi'inn/ (H. Ruhr) Allan (^uatermain. L., 1887. 21d. Allan's Wif • ; and other tales. L, 1889. 21d. Contents : Allau's Wife. Hunter Quatermain's Story. Tale of Three Lions. Long Odds. Hcatrice. L., 1892. 21.1. Cleopatra. L., 1889. 21(L Colonel Quaritch, V. C. ; a tale of country life. 3v. L., 1888. 2 Id. Dawn. L., n. >/. 21d. Maiwa's Revenge, or the AVar of the Little Hand. L., 188S. 21d. Nada, the Lily. [.., 1892. 21d. Udlihuiion (T. C), — "Sniu Slick" paeiuL Americans at Home, or bye- ways, liaekwoods, and prairies. Anon. L., n. d. 21d. (/lockmaker (The). A nun. L., n. oiiine to .Simpson's Kar. Fool of Five Forks. Romance of Madroiio Holloa, Princess Bob and Her Friends. Maiuja. B., 1891. 4a. iMillionaire of Kough-aiul-Ready : ami Devil's Ford. 15., 1892. hi. On the Frontier. B., 1892. 4a. Content'* : At tie Mi.ssion of San Carmel. A Blue Grass Penelopi-. Left out on Lone Star Mountain. Phyllis (A) of the Sierras and a Drift from Redwood Camp. B, 18!>2, 4a. Sappho (A) of (rreen Sprin<5S ; and Other Stoiie.s. B., 1891. 4;i. Content'* ; — A Sappho of Green Springs. The Chatelaine of Burnt Hiilge. Through the Santa Clara Wheat. A Miecenas of the Pacific Slope. Two Men of Sandy Bar : a drama. B., 1892. 4a. Haidhorne (J.) Beatrix Randolph. L., 1884. 41.. David Poindexter's Disai)pearance, etc. L., 1888. 41). Contents : David Poindexter's disappearance. Ken's Mystery. " \\'l,en Half-Gods go, the Gods arri »e." " Set not thy foot on (Jraves." My Friend Paton. Dr. Carajo's Pat 'cnt. A Strange Friend. Dust. L., 18!-4. 41). Ellice Quentin ; and Other Stories. L., n. il. 41). Content'* : — Ellice Quentin. The Countess Ruby. A Lover in Spite of Himself. Kildhurm's Oak. The New Endymion. Fortune's Yoo\. L., 1884. 41.. Garth. L., 1892. 4b. Sebastian Strome. L., n. d. 4b. Hawthonie (N.) Fan.shawc. B., 1876(?) 41). House of Seven Gables. (Salem.) B., 18S3(?) 4b. Marble Faun (The) : a romance of Monte Beni. 2v. B., 1888(?) 4h. Same. 2v. B., 1860. 23b. Mosses from an Old ]Manse. B., 1892. 4b. Same. t. ir. 23f. Note. —A collection of 26 sketches. Scarlet Lettar. B., 1883(?) 4b. Septimius Felton, or the elixir of life. (Time of Am. Resolution.) V>., n. d. 4b. Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys. B., 1S53(?) 4b. Content)* : The Wayside. The Minotaur. The I'ygmies, The Dragon'* Teeth. Circe's Palace. The Pomegranate Seeds. The (Jolden Fleece. Note. — Stories from mythology, for children. Transformation. Same a>* hi.-* Marble Fawn (q. v. J Twice-told Tales. B., 1892. 4b. Note. — A collection of 39 tales. Same. 2nd series. L., 1852 23f. May (M. C.J Bid me Discourse. L., n. d. 4b. (116) FICTION (Hay) fiction (Henty). Fiction (Ihiy)—C»nfi7itml. I )(irotliy's Venture. L., u. '/. 4b. Hidden' Perils L., it. r (Ml-". A.J,— ''Ml". Alemniltr" ]i»ewJ. Crooked Path .3 v. L.. 1889. 22a. Frere-s (The). L., 1882. -22-1. .M(jna'.s Choice. .3v. J.., 1887. 22a. Second Life. 3 v. L., 188."). 22a. Wnr.l in Chancery. N. Y., 1894. 22a. W'doingo't. !>., 1^^84. 22(i. H>iitii((i. A.) [7'af''x/t»- /i'ii/>'.] r.onnie Prince Charlie : tale of Fontenoy and Culloden. L., «. 'f. 4c. Eiavest of the Prave, or with Peterborough in Spain. L., n. it. 4c. l!v England's Aid: freeing of the Netherlands (1585-1604). L., n. tf. 4d. I'.y l'yk(! anedition. L., 1892. 4d. Itragon and Raven, or Days of King Alfred. L., it.il. 4d. Facing Death : tale of the coal mines. L., it. if. 4c. Final Reckoning: tale of Bush l^ife in Australia. L., it. if. 4c. For Name ami P'ame, or through Afghan Passes. L., n. if. 4d. For the Temple : a tale of fall of Jerusalem. L., //. '/. 4c. Held Fast for England : Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83). L., n. if. 4c. In Freedom's Cause : story of Wallace and Bruce. L., n. i1. 4c. In the Reign of Terror: adventures of a Westminster Boy. L., n. ,f, 4(1. -lacobite Exile : ailventures of a young Englishman in service of Cha#les XII. of .Sweden. L., 1894. 4c. Lion of th(^ North : tale of times of (rustiRVUs Adolphus .-^ml the Wars of Religion. L. , n. d. 4c. Lion of St. Mark : story of Venice in 14th century. L., it. d. 4c. Maori and Settlur : story of New Zealand War. L., //. if. 4c. One of the 2«^th : tale of AVaterloo. L., n. if. 4c. Orange and (Ireen : tale of Boyne and Limerick. L., n. if. 4c. \ll7) FICTION (Henty) fiction (Howells). Fiction (Henty) — Contitiued. Redskin and Cow-l)oy. L., n. if. 4c. St. Bartholomew's Eve : tale of Huguenot "\Var.'«. L., 1894. 4(1. St. George for England : tale of Cressy and Poitiers. Ji., «. d. Id. Sturdy and Strong. L., ti. ., n d. 4d. Cortienti : Do Your Duty : tale of tlie French War. Surely Joe. A Fish- Wife's Dream. Young Carthaginian : story of time of Hannihal. L., ii. if. 4c. Young Colonists. X. Y., ?/. d. 4d. Young Franc-Tireurs : tale of Franco-Prussian War. L., 7i. d. 4c. High-ways and By-\vay.«, or Tales of the Road.>e .Savage. Tonelli's Marriage. Foregone Conclusion. B., 1892. 4b. hnpen.tive Duty. X. Y., 1892. 4b. Indian Summer. B., (1885). 4b. Lailv of Aroostook. B., n. '/. 41), .Min'istcr's Charge. B., 1887. 4b. Modern Instance. B., n. il. 4b. Out of the Question : a comedy. B., 1877(?) 4b. Ri.«o of Silas I.«iphani. B., n. ij. 4b. Tlieir Wedding Journey. B., 1892. 4b. I'mliscovered Country. B., 1>92. 4b. AVoman's Reason (A). B., n. i1. \h. IIwilie.< (T.) Tom Brown at O.xford. /. ir. 21a. Iliuiijerfonl (Mr-<. Af., fonnerfi/ Miv. Anjle.^), — " The Diichfux, " pKemf. ' Beauty's? Daughters." .3v. L., 1880. Bite's Remor.'ie. 3v. L., 1890. 22a. Kossnioynr.'. Auott. 3v. L., 1S83. 22a. Trouble.some (iirl. A)i>m. L., 1889. 22a. Inijraham (J. H.) I'illar of Fire, or Israel in Bondage. X. Y., 1859. ' 44c. ' Sawe. Ph., 1860. 44c. Nott'.. — The author presents the scenes and events he would describe, in a series of letters, alleged to be written by one who is supposed to witness with his own eyes what he is made to place before the eyes of the reader. Prince of House of David. Ph., 1860. 44c. Irrinif (W.J Alhanibra (The): tales and sketches of the Moors and Spaniaiils. 2v.ini. Ph., 1836. 27a. Jac/:xon (H.) Hetty's Strange History. B., 1887. 4d. Nelly's Silver Mine : story of Colorado Life. By H. H. B., 1892. 4d. Ramona. B., 1892. 4d. Zeph. B., 1891. 4d. James ((}. P. R.) Russell : a tale of Reign of Charles 11. |v. (hound with '■'■ Hitjh-wayft and By-tcays.") Paris, 1847. 37a. Jerome (J. K.) Diary of a Pilgrimage, and six essays. N. Y., 1891. 4d. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow. (Humorous.) N. Y., 1890. 4d. On the Stage—and Off, the brief career of a would-be actor. N. Y., 1891. 4d. Three Men in a Boat— to .say nothing of the dog. (Humorous.) N. Y., 1890. 4d. (119) FICTION (Jerrol(l) FlfTlON' (Kingston). Fiction — Cimfhiwil. Jen-olil (D.) Man iiiadc nf Moncv : and Clironiolos of Clovornodk. L.^ 1853. -m. ,Men of Chaiiictor. N. V., n. -/. 'IM. JiilinsDii (S.) Kassoliis. L., 181(5. 44a. JnUi/ (K.) Ilruna's Kevongi.- ; and otluT talos. Aimn. L., //. ., liS8J. Gj,'. K>'ii>'iaral»y. /. /'•. 4d. Westward Ho ! vovai^'es and adventures of Sir Aniyas Lei,nli in reiuu of Elizal)eth. L., 1891. 4<1. Yeast : a problem. L., 1884. 4d. Not(' : .\ philosophical novel. Kiu'isO'ii (H.J The llillvars an.l the JJnrtuns. I]., 18G."). 23f. Kiu/. 23e. I\iiliin])i)iii<,' ill till' I'acitic. L., n aily days at sea. N. Y., ;/. '/. -236. Mv First Voyage to Soutlieni Seas. L., 1892. 23e. (>M .la.k. L., 1892. 2.>. IV'tcr Trawl, or adventures of a whaler. N. Y., /*. '/. 23e. I'eter the ^Vhaler. X. Y., n. >1. 23e. KoLjer Kyftiii's ^Vard. L., n. /i>t;/ (RtKhianl.) Indian Tales. X. Y., 1S90. 4e. .Mine Own I'eople. X'. Y., n. '. L.) /mw/(A.J The :\Iark of Cain. Ihistol, 1886 6e. Dan (Mrs. F.J Sec Murn/at (F.J Lpe(H.J (Jilliert Massenger. },\: L., 1862. 23a. Loving and Serving. 3v. L.,"l883. ?2d. Poor Squire. 2v. L., 1882. 22.1. Straightforward. 3 v. L., 1878. 22<1. Thorney Hall. U. L., 1862. 23a. Lar>-nu (L. >'.; Kllesmere. .'v. L., 1862. 23a. Lever (C.) Arthur O'Leary. "l,., «. -/. 4e. T'.arrington. L., n. <1. 4e. Bramleigh's of Bishop's Folly. L., n. >!. 4e. , Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. L , n. d. Ac Con Cregoii, the Irish (lil Bla.s. L., n. ort Dunn. 2v. \^., n. <\. 4e. Day's Kide, a life's romance. L., n. <1. 4e. ' Same 2v. L., 1863 : 23f. Dodd Family Abroad. 2v. L., n. >f. 4e. (121) FICTION (Lever) fiction (Lytton). >l. 4f. 4e. il 4f. U 71. ( Fiction (Lever) — dmtiuued. Fortunes of Cllencon.'. L., n. tl. 4e. Hurry Lorrcqiier. L., n. d. 4e. Ilorac Toiniiloton. L., w. d. 4o. Jack Hiiitoii, ilie(hiartlsniaii. \j., n. d. 4('. Knight of (J Wynne. 2v. L., 7i. (/. 4f. Lonl Kil<,'obl)in. L., n. d. 4e. Luttrcll of Arran. L., n. d. 4p. Martins of (.'ro' Martin. 2v. L., n. d. 4c. Maurice Tiernay. L., n. d. 4e. O'Donofjhue : tale of Ireland. L., ti. li. 4e. One of them. L.. v. d. 4e. Roland Cashel. 2v. L., 71. d. 4e. Sir lirook Fosslirooke. L., n. Sir Jasper Carew. I^., n. d. That Boy of Norcott's. L., « To-i; Bnrke of "Ours." 2v. h.,n.d. 4e. Tony Butler. L., n. d. 4f. Linton (E. Liinn). Lizzie Ijortl. 4f. Parisians (The) 2v. N. Y., «. <1. 4f. Sam*-. 2v. Toronto, 1S74. 23f. Paul CliHord. N. Y., «. J. 4f. Pelhani, or the adventures of a gentleman X. Y., ;/ d. 4f. Pilgrims of the Rhine. ( Aiqienihil to " Leila.') X. Y., n. il. 4f. Same. L., n. il. 'I'm. Hicnzi, last. of the Roman Triltunes. X'. Y., n. il. 4f. JStrange Story : and Hainited and Haunters. X. Y., n. il. 4f. What will he do with it/ IJy I'isi.stratus Caxton. 2v. X. Y., /?. iJ. 4f. Zanoni. X. Y., n. \. L., 1886. 5c. MrCarfhii (J. H.) Dolly. L., 1889. 5c. MaeDonai'l (<^.) Elect Lndv. L., 1888. 22d. What's Mine's Mine. 3v. L., 1886. 22d. Wilfrid Cumbermede. 3v. L., 1872. 22d. Mackenzie (E.) Highland Liussies. },\. L., 1862. 23a. McKinnnn (W. C.) St. George, or the Canadian League. 2v. Halifax, 1852. 43b. (123) FICTION' (McLetMl) FICTION (Marshall). Fiction — Oinfiiitteif. McLfiMf (G. D.J Stories (jf L^iiid i)f Evangeliii«>. (F^nni/ff im Itixfon/.} B., 1891(?). 6g. NoU. — For '•cij(/t. F.) Children of the New Fon^t. L., 1888. 21f. Dog F'ieiid, or Snarleyyow. L., ii il. 2 If. Frank Mildmay, or the Naval (JHicer. L., ii. ., 1884. 2 If. Mr. Midshi}iinan Easy. L., //. ,. ,/. 21f. Poor Jack. L., 1885. 2 If, Privateersnmn. L., 188S. 2 If. Rattlin the Reefer. /.., ,i. ,f. 2 If. Settlers in Canada. L., 1886. 21f. Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet. L., «. >/. 21f. Valerie. L., u. >f. 21f. Marshall (E.) Cassandra's Casket. L., n. tl. 5b. Dewdrops and Diamontls. L., >i. il. 5b. Heather and Harebell : story for children. L., //. '/ 5b. Millicent Legh. L., 1886."^ 5b. (124) FICTION (Marshall) Ficnox (Moore). T'liTioN (Marshall) — dinfinwi/. Topples ami J'ansios : story for ciiiklren. L, //. ,f. ob. Kex and Kegiiia. L , //. '/. 5b. Story of .loliii Marbc'ck, a Windsor ortjanist of .'WO years ago. L., u. d. 5b. Voilet J)oiigIa.s. L., 18^h. I land of Three. L., 1888. 5b. l)\veller (A) in Tent.s. L., //. il. 5b. Faithfid Friends. !>., n. il. 51). Mother Herring's Chieken. L., ti. il. 5b. M>'h-illr (a. J. W.) Black but Conielv. 3v. L., 1870. 6c. I'.rookes of Bridleniere. 3 v. T.., 1864. 24d. Cerise. 3v. L., 1866. 24d. Sdiiii'. L., )i. il. 24d. < )ld Mans Love. 2v. L., //. '/. 6c. Rosine. L., 1S77. 6c. Roy's Wite. L., n. d. 6c. Uncle John. 3v. L., 1874. 6c. Mf "/if/i ((!■) Adventures of Harry Richmond. L., 1887. 5a. I jaucanip's Career. L., 1886. 5a. Diana of the Crossways. L., 1889. 5a. Kgoist (The) : a comedy in narrative. L., 1890. 5a. Ya'aw Harrington. L., 1885. 5a. One of Our C'on(piert)rs R., 1891. 5a. Ordeal of Richard Feverel. L., 1891. 5a. Rhoda Fleming. L., 1889. 5a. Shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian entertainment ; and Farina (a leijend of ColcMjiie ). L., 1887- 5a. Vittoria. L., 1886. 5a. Mcif'dith ((hn-ii), ii.-/ffoii, earl of J Mernniau (H. S.) Suspense. 3v. L., 1890. 6g. J////^/- (^/T.j Tales and Sketches. B., 1863. 17c. Nofe.— For content", see note under author-entry. Mill.< (J.) Too Fast to Last. 3v. L., 1881. 6g. Mi,itn(W.) Was She (iood or Bad ? L., 1889. 6g. Mitrh'll (I). ^'.;,— "//• Marr,'/,i>.<^H'!:' Reveries of a Bachelor. N. Y., 1850. 23f. Moiifi/oiid'rt/ ( F.) Misunderstood. L., 1890. 51>. •Scaforth'. L., 1891. 5b. Thrown Together. L., 1886. 5b. Moore (J.J Zehuo : views of human nature. 2v. L., 1820. 43.i. Moore (T.) The Kpicurean : a tale. L., 1827. 43b. (125) FICTION (More) fiction (Oliphant). Fiction — Continued More (H.) C«?lebs in Search of a Wife. N. Y., 1861. 43(1. Dui,li- cale, 27b. Moner(J.) The Mirza. ( EiUifern 4o,y'».) \. Ul. L., 1841. 44c. Moff (A.), — " A. J. Barroiir/ijff," jixvwL Anibeiliill : novel. ^v. L, 1862. 2.3a. MiiijijefT.) 'Life and Love in Norway : a tale. Ph., 1858. .39b. Mnnaii (I). C.J J?it of Human Nature ; and " Lively Fanny.'" L., 1885. 5b. By the Gate of the Sea. L., 1892. ob. Coals of Fire ; and other Stories. L., 1885. ob. Contents: ('oals of Fire. The Showman's Ohost. Mr. Bowker's Court- ship. The Major's Valediction. Frightened with False Fire. An Old Meerschaum. Cruel Barbara Allen. .Skeleton Keys. Rival Queen.s. Silver Wedding. What Bessie saw on the Moor. Cynie Fortune. L., 18"'7. 51). First Person Singular. L., 18^7. 5b. Hearts. L., 1892. 5b. Joseph's Coat. L., 1891. 51). Life's Atonement. L., 18-9. 5b. Model Father, etc. L., K^91. 5b. ConlthtH : A Model Father. Tiie Bishop and Mr. Latfizzi. Boar-Hunting in the Ardennes. Old Blazer's Hero. L., 1892. 5b. Val Strange ; a 8toiv of the Primrose Way. L., 1889. 51). Way of tlie World. " L., 1889. 51). ij- Herman (H.) One Traveller Returns. L., 1887. 5b. Nurris(W.E.) Bachelor's Blunder. 3v. L., 188fi. 5c. Chris. 2v. L., 1888. 5c. The Countess Radna. Toronto, 1893. 5c. Nof/ej, (F. KM.) Cordelia. 3 v. L., 1879. .5c. Love's Crosses. 3v. L., 1878. 5c. Love'.s Young Dream. 3v. L., 1877. 5c. Olive Varcoe. L., 1884. 5c. Red-Riding-H(jod. 3v. L., 1883. 5c. Off with the (Jld Love. By N. F. B. 2v. L., 1889. 6f. Old Corner House. By L. H. 2 v. L., 1885. 6f. Oliji/ia?if (Mrx. M. <). W.) Ailain Graeme of Mos.sgray. /. ir. 24U Agnes. 3v. L., 1866. 24b. Country Gentleman (A) and his family. 3v. L., 1886. 5e. Cousin Mary. L., n. il. 5e. Kffie Ogilvic. 2v. (Jlasgow, 1886. 5d. Greatest Heiress in England. 1j., 1886. 5e. Harry Muir ; story of Scottish Life. L., n. (/. 5e. Heart and Cross. L., n. d. 5e. Contents : Heart and Cross. Orphans. Caleb Field. (126) fi(;ti«»n (Oliphant; fiction (Payn). Fici K)N (Uliphaut) — Cuutinueif. House on the Moor. Anon. N. Y., 1861. 24b. Ill Trust. L., n. v. L., 1886. 5o. Madamc's Grand-tlaughter. L., //. '/. 5c. Peep at tlie Pil<,'rinis in 1636: a tale. By author of " Divers Unfinished xMamiscripts." 3v. L., 1825. 4Ha. ^^^(E.A.) Arthur (iordon Pym. (W'ar/.x, r. ^.J 2s. \., ISod. 1 7d. Point-Blank. Bv author of "Jack Urciuhart's Daughter." 5v. L., 1.^84. 6f. Fall iiiijf (1)1 {J. H. San'le, ri»n)unt). Margarita, or (Jueen of Night. Freely translated from the Spanish of Fernandez and (ionsalez. 2v. L. , isjo. 17c. Nol(. — 16 pp. of V. 1 wanting. Polly, a village portrait. 2v. L., 1867. 21a. F(>u/e(J.) Little Pedliiigton and the Pedlingtonians. 2v. N. V., l.s."):l. 24(1. Phineas Quiddy. ;{v. L., 1843. 241j. Forft-r (J.) Scottish Chiefs. L., //. i>- Fri>->^(A.) A Wiltul Young Woman. 3v. L, 1887. 6g. Manic (Limix'- ilf la), — " Ouida,'^ iixeiid. Arcadnr, the story of a dream. L., 1892. 5d. Bimbi : stories for children. L., 1890. 5d. Cecil Castlemaine's Gage ; and other novelettes. L., 1890. 5d. Contents : Cecil Castlemaine's Gage. Little Grande and the Marchioness. Lady Maral)out"s Troubles. Study a la Louis Quinze. " Deadly Dash." (ieneral's Match-making. .Story of a Crayon-head. Beauties of Vicqd'Azyr. Study a la Louis Quatorze. A Line in the Daily. Fitz"s Election. " Ku- deemed." Marquis's Tactics. Sir Galahad's Raid. €handos. L., 1891. 5d. Dog of Flanders ; and other Stories. L., ?^ (f. 5d. Coufenfi : Dog of Flanders. Branch of Lilac. Provence Rose. Leaf in the Storm. FoUe-Farine. L., n. !i'(C.) Chmtie Johnstom;. IJ., 1859. 24b. Hard Ca.sh. L., 1892. 6c. (M.od Fight ; and other Tales. N. Y., 18r><). 2-lb. I{r,„h' (Mix. C.J Rose and Rue. 3v. L., iHli. 6f. Kaurie. — 3. Two Bites of a Clierry. Down in a Flowery Vale. Gisella. Papilla. Jtii'l (Ghrixtiau), /ixeiul. See Tit'niau (Mr^. F. G.) Ro!>l (C((j>t. M.) Afloat in the Forest. L., u. '/. 2 If. Hosjesinen or Ru.shnien. t. ir. 2 If. l>ov Hunter-s. (20 jiaijex iiti)<>tiiiii.) t. ir. 21f. lioy Slaves. L., n. •!.' 21f. Bus'i-Boys ; adventures in South Africa. L., k. iI. 2 If. jVb/e. — For sequel, see " (Jiraffe Hunters." Clitt'-Clinibers. (Sequel t<> th>' Plant Hiiut>'r.-<." ) L., w. il. 21f. I)e.sert Home. L., n. il. 2 If. Fatal Cord. L., v. 'n."J L., w. ov ImntiTs in the iioitli. L., //. '/. 21f. Voiiii" Viifjers : luiiitin<; adve'iitiires in Africii. L., //. '/. 21f. lii<-" (f.) See B>^mut ( W.) Uifhardxoi) (S.) Clarissa Harluwc. A/>ri'// J. H.J Alarie Spcncelcy. 3v. L.^ 1881. 5f. Berna lioyle, a love story of County Down. L., 1.SS4. ")!'. Daisies an(!r>utt('r(:iii)s. ."'v. L., 1S82. ;")f. Home, Sweet Home. L., /i. ii/. See Bnafli (Mix. E. M. J. nm ). Rii;:i(A.) Barbara Derin.u. (S"'/k-/ fn '^Th- Qnirk or fl,<- Dew? r' ^ Ph., 1893. ()e. Vir<,'inia of Virj,'inia. Montreal, ii. '/. (ig. Rtibiufo)! (F. W.) Carry's Confession. L., //. '/. Hg. Hands of Justice. L.^ 189l>. ."jj,r. Man (The) She <;ared for. 3 v. L., 1S84. og. ^lilly's Hero. L., //. '/. oj^. Po(jr Humanity. L., ;/. il. r)nKite Loui.se : romance of a .-shipwreck. L., 1892. of. MvfJtery of the "Ocean Star": a collection of maritime sketchesi. L., Ocean Tra-edv. 1-., 1891. of (In the Ko'k'sie Head. L., 1890. of. liiimance of .lenny llarhiwe ; and (22) Sketche.s of Maritime Life. L., 1890. 5f. Round the (ialley P'ire. L., 1SS4. .^f. S((i,»^. L., 1890. of. Sailor'.s Sweetheart : account of wreck of the " Waldershare." L., 1891. rif. Sanii'. L., 188S. -"if. Sea (^hieen (A). L., 1889. .If. .Strange Elo|iement. X. Y., 1892. .5f. StriUigc Voyage. L., 1889. .")f. Voyage to the Cape. L., 1887. .")f, " &(,p>'. L., 189.3. .-)f. Wreck of tiie "(Jrosvennr."' L., 1891. .of. Siiiiifiufi ( M. I).), jmenil. See Bon if (c-'' (J. X.) S., 1862. 24ix, Saii'l (Oi'onif'), /).tfKif. See Dwhratif (A. L. A. I).) SdiDiif"!-.-- ( M.) My S[»anish Sailor. L., 1889. 6e. Hi-oft (M.) Tom Cringle's Log. L., n. d. 6g. Sn,tf(lSirW.) Abhot (The).' 2v. 15., 18.58. 23c. Same. K.lin., 1844. 2:3c. A'^-'f.— Imprisonment and escape of .Mary, Ijueeii of Scots, from Lochleveii castle ; time of Elizabeth. Anne of (leierstein. 2v. l'>., 1859. 23c. Saiiti'. Ed in., 1843. 23c. Xutr. — Franc", Bnrjriiiidy, etc. ; 1474-77. Antiquary 2v. 11, 1857. 2."3c. Saiue. Kdin., 1841. 23c. A"'r.— Scotland ; time of (ieorge 111. (17'JS). IVtrothed (The) ; Higldan.l Widow. 2v. B., 1858. 23c. SaiiK'. Kdin., 1842. 2:-!c. .Vo/f.— Betrothed : marches of Wales, time of 'Jnd Crusade, 1187. P.lack Dwarf ; Legend of Montro.se. 2 v. B., 1857. '-'3c. San,>'. Kdin., 1843. 23c. .Vfl/c.~ Black Dwarf : Jacobite conspiracy, 1708 ; time of Queen Anne. Bride of Lammermoor. Kdin., 1845. 23c. AWf.— Scotland ; time of William III. (1700). (LSI) FICTION (Scott) FICTION (Scott). Fiction (Scott) — Continueif. Castle Daiigeioiis. (Ihrniilax Cnfth; Smf/atiif, fiiiif- o/ Henri/ J.) iiv. B., 1859.' 23c. Xoii.—Ttte second volume contains a very useful Index and Glossary, containing the characters and principal incidents, etc., of Scott's no\cls. Count KoLeit of I'aris.- '2v. I'.., 1.^59. 2:5c. Sa/i>>'. EHc. -Vtf/f.— Crusades, and Eastern empire under Alexis Comnenug, 1090. Death of the Laird'.s .lock. Short "fori/. (A/>/>e)i"/ ti> " 77/.- T,,i;^. man.") Ediii., 184-2. 23c. .\V)/f.— Scotland ; time of Elizabeth (IWK)). Fair Maid of Perth. 2 v. B., 185S. 2:ic. .Vo/»'.- Scotland ; time of King Robert III. (U02). Fortunes of Nigel. Ktlin., 184"). 2:ic. A'd/^.— Picture of James I. of Eng. and his time (1<>2(>). Guy Mannering, or the astrologer. 'J v. IJ., 1S57. 2.'ic. -Vd/c— .Scotland ; time of George If., 17/)0-7((. Heart of Mitl-Lothian. 2v. 15., 1857. -rM: .Vu^f.— Scotland, etc., time of George II. (173ti ril). Opens with the Forteous Riots. Tlie prototype of Jeanit; Deans was Helen Walker. Highland Widow. fA/>/>e,>,f,'./ tn '' T/i'- IMnjt/,e>i:'J 15., 1858. 2:5c. Same. Ediii., 1S42. 2:5c. Aofc— Scottish Tale. Time of (Jeorife II. (17."i.'>). Ivanhoe. L., 7i. iiewl<'i] to'' liUvh Dirarf.'' ) 2v. 15., iJ^")?. 2;ic. Same. Eilin., 1843. 23c. Auff.— Scotland ; civil war, l(J4r>-4<). Monastery. 2v. 15., 1857. 23c. Same. Kdin.. 1845. 2:5c. iV(/?«.— Avenel Castle; time of Elizabeth (l.W.t, etc.). My Aunt Margaret's Mirmr. Short Seotfixh ■•'tor;/. ( Ai>f>eiii1eil to ' "ThiTa/Uman.") Ed in., 1842. 23c. Old Mortality. 2v. B., 1857. 23c. Same. VA'm., 1841. 23c. iVj re. —Scotch covenanters; time of Charlts II. (1(>70!»0). The prototype of "Old Mor- tality " was Robert Patterson. Peveril of the Peak. 2v. B., 1858. 23c. Same. Kdin., 1845. 2.3c. AWf.— Court of Charles II., 1660-s(». Pirate. 2v. B., 1858. 23c. Same. E>/ liiifianl /., ll'JS) : Two Drover.s ; My Aunt Margaret's Mirror ; Tapestried Chamber ; Ueatli of the laird's Jock. Edin., 184'2. 2:ic. Same. 2v. 15., 1^58. -I'ic. Taj>e.«trie/>'')offi/ fo '• T/ii' Talisnui/i.'J Kdin., 1842. 23t;. .V(<'-. Scottish tale ; time of George III. (ITriT)). Waverley. 2v. I!., 18.57. 23o. AVf. -Jacobite rebellion, time of George H. (1745). Wooilt^tock. (Timr ufth^ CnnniiuHirealth, l(J5.i.) Ellin., 1842. 23c S'l-'/t-anf (A.J .Seventy times Seven. Ktlin., //. il. 6f. Sim-lair (C.) Flirtations in Fashionable Life. Ph., u. '/. 24c. .lane Uuuverie. N. V., 18.51. 24c. Lor.l and Lady Hareourt. Pli., 1851. 24c. Mmlern Accomplisliments. f. ir. 24c. .Modern Flirtations. N. Y., ii. i1. 24o. Modern Society. Kilin., 1844. 24c. Shi^iirhhi (J. A.) Melinda, the Caboceer ; or Sport in A.shanti : a tale of the (Jold Coast. 1... 1876. 18e. Smart (H.) Hreezie Langton : story of '52 to '55. L., 1892. 6e. Sun-shine and Snow. 3v. L., 1878. 6f. SHiiti,(H.) Tales of Early Ages. 2 v. X. Y., 1832. 4.3a. Sn,nll,'tf (T.) Expedition of Humphry Clinker. N. Y., 1860. 43b. Spender ( Mrx. J. K.) Trust Me. 3v. L., n. d. 6g. St((i'l-H(>l.<1eiii (A. L. s. N. Y., 1887. Ga. Contents: Hee-Man of Orn. The (Jrittin and the Minor Canon. Old Pipes and the Dryad. Queen's Museum. Christmas before la.st. I'rinco Hassaks March. Battle of the Third Cousins. Hanished King. Philopena. Christmas Wreck ; and oilier Stories. X. Y., 1887. Ga. Contents : Christmas Wreck. Story of Assisted Fate. Unhistoric Page. Tale of Negative (iravity. Clovertiehls Carriage. Wreck of the " TiiomuH Hyke." My Rull-Calf. Discourager of Hesitancy. A Bori'owed Month. Clocks of Rondaine ; and otlier Stories. N. Y., 1892. Ga. Contents: Clocks of Rondaine. Curious History of a Message. A Forlii- nale Opening. Christmas Truants. The Tricycle of the Future. Acconi- modatiiig Circumstance. (Jreat Show in Kobol-land. House of ^lartha. B., 1892. Ga. Jolly Fellowship. N. Y., 1891. Ga. I.ady, or the Tiger? and other Stories. X. Y., 1891. Ga. Contents: The I^dy, or the Tiger? Transferred (Jhost. Spectral Mort- gage. Our Archery Club. That .Same Ohl 'Coon. His Wife's Deceased Sister. Our Story. Mr. Tolman. Training of Parents. Our Fire-screen. Piece of Red Calico. Every Man his own Letter- Writer. Late Mrs. Xull. X. Y., 1887. Ga. Rudder ( Irange. X. Y., 1892. Ga. Rudder Grangsrs abroad ; and other Stories. X. Y., 1892. Ga. Contents: Kuphemia among the Pelicans. Rudder (Jrangersin England. Pomona's Daughter. Derelict. Baker of Barnbury. Water- Devil. Sfoirc (Miy. H. K.),— n<''r Bei'dnr. Agnc.'s of Sorrento. /. ir. 23f. Uncle Tom's Cabin. L., n. d. Gg. Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder. See />- Mil/f (J.; Strirhlaiul (A.) Pilgrims of Walsinghani, or tales of mi. Idle ages. X. Y.,.?j. d. 23f. (134) FicmoN- (Sue) fiction- (Tiernan). Fictidx — Cnufhuicd. Sn- ( M- J-, '-iilhil Kiuii'iii'). raulii .Mnntc, or the Hnti-l Lniiibcrt. L., lf<4r). [^^ • -'3I>. Swiss P'amily Kobinson. Sec ir//.«< (J. R. nm). r^/A-*/' ' I )mil)lc Wedding Anallads, etc. 1,., 1S72. 24(1. Cl)ristnia.s Hooks of Mr. M. Titinarsh. L., IS.SS. 24d. Confes.sion.s of Fitz -Pxiodle ; and Some Pa.ssa<,'(.'s in Lift; of Major flaha- gan. N. v., 1852. 24(1. (Ireat Hogj^arty Diamond; .Memoir.s of Mr. C. I. Vellow-i)liish ; and IJurlesques. L., 1872. 24(1. llistorv of llenrv Esmond; also Memoirs of Harry Lyndon. L., 1873. 24(1."' Newcomes (The). L., l^iS9. 24d. I'endenni.s. 2 v. in 1. N. V., iS.m L>4d. Saiii>'. L., IS71. •24d. Punch's Prize Xoveli.sts ; the Fat Contrilmtor ; and Travels in Lon- don. N. v., 1853. 24d. Vir<,Mnian.s. L., 1872. 24d. That Child. By author of "The Atelier du Lys." etc. L., ISS."). Cv^. This Year, Xe.Kt Year, Some Time, Never, lly Puck. 2v. L., //."'. 21a. Tli(»i>a.-< (Anuif). See Ciullii, (Mrs. P.) TienKDi (Mi->^. F. C.),—'' Chrisfia,, Ifeid;' i>.f Mysterious Island. Fight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon. Sf- (liant Raft. Five Week.s in a Balloon, a vovage of exiiloraition in Central Africn. L., w. d. 2.Sd. Flight to France, or memoirs of adragroon : tal(> of days of Dumouricz. L., 1888. '2.Sd. Sam*'. Toronto, 1888 (?) 23il. Floating City. L., ». if. 23d. (136) FICTION (Verne) fiction (VValford). FicrH'N (Verne) — Cnntinueil. From tlie Kaitli to tlio Moon Soiupante the Spy. '2v. L., 1887. 23(1. I. ntteiy Ticket : tale of Teliemarken. I,., 1889. 23d. Martin I'az. (S»iif/i Amfrirm, Tub.) L., 1891. 2;id. .Mathia-s Sandorf. I.., 1888. 2:{d. Coiileutx : Pt. 1, The ('on.spirators ot Trieste. I't. 2, '1 he Wrestlers of the Jura. Pt. S, The Captives of Antekirtta. .Michael StroKoft", courier of the Czar. L., 1888. 23d. .Mistress Uranican. N. V., //. '/. 23d. Mysterious Island: pt. 1, l)rop]»ed from the Clouds; pt. 2, Ahan- " tloned ; Pt .S, The .Secret of the Island. 3v. L, 1891. 23d. North Ai,fainst South: pt 1, liurhank the Northerner; pt. 2, Te.^ar the Southerner. 2v. L., 189.3. 2*1. Nolf. — Tales of the Anierical (^ivil War. l'ureha.se of the North Pole. L., 189,3. 23d. Note. —A sequel to " From the Kartli to the Moon.'' K(jund the Moon. I.., 1890. 23d. Xote. — A sequel to •' From the Karth to the Moon."' Scarpante the Spy. S''<' Ki'rahan the luHexihle. Secret of the Island. .SVi? Mysterious Island. Steam House (The): pt. 1, Tiie Dcamou of Cawnpore ; jit. 2, Tigers. and Traitors. 2v. L., 1887!»2. 2.3.1. Survivors of the "Chancellor' L., 1891. 23.1. yotf. — " Martin Paz" is boun.l with this volnnie. Texar the Southerner. (Pt. 2 of "North against South.") L., 1893. 23.1. Tigers and Traitors. ^Vc Steam H.)Use. Trihulatious of a Chinaman. L., 1883. 23d. Vanished l)iam.)ud : tale oi South Africa. L., 1891. 23d. N'ictorv oi the Vanquished: story .if 1st centurv. N. Y., «. iL 4lf. \'i'/al(Mrs.) Florence Templar, iv. L., 1862. 23a. ]V<(l/»n/ (L. II J IJahy's Grandmother. L., I88i). 6.1. Nan ; and other Stories. L., 1891. 6d. Coute.nt/t : Nan. La.ly Adelaide. Eleanour. Fashion and Fancy. Will Darling's Cross in Love. Mattie. Bee or Beatri.v. Pauline. L., u. (f. 6d. Troublesome Daughters. Kdin., h. if. 6.1. (137) FICTION (Wallace) FICTION (Wood). Fiction — Cuiifinii'-'f. Wallare (Leirix). I-Jcii-Hur, a talc of the time of Our Lord. I,.. ,. ,/. ±.'f. Fair (lo'l, or last of the 'Tzins : talo of eony author of " Tromainc." 3v. L., 1837. I'Sb. Co)ite)iti : V. 1. Alticus, St. Lawrence; v. 2 & 3. FieUliug. or Society. WarefW.) Julian, or Scenes in Judea. Aunn. Kdiii., 1S4.S. 43l;. Warner (A.) iJlue Flag and Cloth of (lold. ( Stuni for Childreu.) L, 1880. -IXa. Wanwr (C. D.) A Little Journey in the World : novel. X. Y., Isf^i. 22f. Sec also Chimni'^ (S. L.) W^arren (i>.) Passages from Diary of a Late Physician. L., ii d. (ie. Same. M-. X. V., 1S.57. ' -Joe. Ten Thousand a Year. L, n. d. 6e. Wpiiina)t(S. J.) House of the Wolf. L., 1S92. 6e. Wheat and Tares : a tale. ^v. L., IS62. 23a. Wirh'nd>'t,(W.) The Triad. L.. ISo.-). 17e. Note. — For contmt-i, see autlior-entry. Wihon (A. J. Era?,.-<). At the Mercv of Tiberius. L., n. d. 22f. Beulah. L., 1S92. 22f. Inez: a tale of the Alamo. L., ii. d. 22f. Infelice, or affection better than wealth. L., //. d. 22f. Macaria. L., ?^ d. 'I'll. St. Elmo. L., II. d. 22f. Sanii^. Toronto, 1880. 2L>. Wihon (J. M.) Tales of the P.orders, and of Scotland, v. 4. X. V., n. d. 18d. Winifred Power. 3v. L., 1883. 6g. Wilder (John Sframie), pxeioL See Sfannard ( xMr--'. II. E. V.) Wood (Mrx. Henri)'),— nee Ellen Prire. Anne Herefor.I. L., 1889. Oc Bessy Kane. L., 1890. fie. Channings (The). L., 1888. 6c. Note. — For sequel, see " Roland Voike." Court Xetherleigh. L., 1889. 6c.- Dene Hollow. L., 1889. 6c. East Lynne. L., 1892. (^ ropie.-<.) 6c. .Yo^*.— Her most reputed novel. Kdina. L., 1889. 6c. i:ister's Folly. L., 1889. 6e. i^eorge Canterbury's Will. L., 1888. 6e. Johnny Ludlow. 1st and 2nd Series. 2v. L, 1888-89. 6c. Lady Adelaide, f. ir. 6c. (138) FICTION (Wood) FISHES. JlCTI' 'N ( \V»><^»1) — CoufhiUfil. M.istor of Crpylands. L, 1.S90. He. MiMivd Arkcll. L., 1S8S. Gc Mi>. iralliburton's Trou1)los. L., 18,s8. He. Oivillc Collcgi'. L., 1S90. fie. < (swal.l Cray. L., 1S89. Gr. r.niu'roy Ai)l>cy. L., 1M85. 6f. K'.mI Court Farm. L, ISSO. 6c. KulaiHl Vorke. (Sf^'/ fi^ '' T/ir Cho>,/iin;/s." ) L., 18SS. Gc. St. .Martins Evo. L., 1888. Gc. Slia.low of Aslilvdvat. L., 1888. Gc. Within the Maze' I,., 1^89. Gc. Jl'v-.-' (J- ii- I'o'i)- i^vviss Faniilv Koliinscin. t'll. W. H. (1. KinLr>t'in. L., H. d. 6g. }''///;/'' (C. AT.) Astray : talc of a country town. L., ISfG. Gil. Castle Guilders. /. ir. 24(1. Lady Hester. I,.. I.s74. 24d. Love and Life, an old story in I8tli century costume. '1\. L., 1880. 6(1. Ma<,'iuiin llonnni, or Mother Carey's I'.ro(^id. 3v. L., 1879. Gd. < >ur XcAv Mistress. L., n. 4d. Two Sides of the Shield. "J v. L , 1885. Gd. Unknown to History, a story of captivity of Mary of Sfotland. 2y. L., 188-2. «(1. Pidlcr (Isaac). I'rofessions, Literature, Manners, and Kniigration, in United States and Canada, 183-2. L., 1833. 39(1. Pidler (T. Claxton). Bridge Construction. L., 1887. iM. Fielding (Henry). Select AVorks. With Life liy W. Watson, v. 1 (Life, and History of Adventures of Joseph Andrews and liis friend Mr. Al»raliain Adams. ) Kdin., 1818. ISa. Piguier (Louis). Human Kace. L., 1872. 14c. Pindlater (Charles). Agriculture of County of Ueehle.s. Kdin., 1802. 481). FiNK .Vhts. Si'h Akts (Fine). Fi.vi,.\xu. Xortlnnn Circuit; or hrief notes of Sweden, F., and Russia. Cambridge, 18()-2. '28a. Finn (dames). liyeways in Palestine. L., 1868. 18e. Stirring Times, or records from Jerusalem cousidar chronicles, 1853-56. -2v. L., 1878. le. FisH-iiREEoiNc. BiH-fiw (U.) Fisli in Rivers and Streams : breeding, iVc. U, 1S48 44e. Fi>)iiEs. Sirainaon (W.) Natural History of F., Aniphihians, and Reptiles. 2v. L., 1838. 44a. WiHHj (J. G.) Illustrated Natural Histoiy : (v. ?>) Reptiles, F., \:c. L., w. d. 2e. (139) FISH ES FLORENCE. Fishes — Co)dinueil. Y(bir'H(W.) History of British K. l'v. L., 1841. 46(1. S>'f alio Fisu-Breeding ; — Fishing; — Xaturai, History: Zou- i.o<)Y ;— Whales. FiSHix«i. Barri/ ( W ) Moorland and .Stream, with notes and luosc idyls (111 shooting and trout Hsliing. L., 1871. 171). Dan/ (Sir H.) Salmonia, or days of fly-fishing. By an An,L;lir. 1.., 1829. 46a. Per/'i/ ( M. H. ) .Sea an'rflt (H. B.) (lame Fish of Northern I'nited States and I'.iitish Provinces. N. V., 1866. 4-2a. Senior (W.) By Stream and Sea: hook for wanderers and anu'ltis. L., 1877. le. Walfn)) (I.) cf Cotton (C ) Complete Angler. \.., n. >1. 28a. Whifehnr.it (F. F.) Hark Away : skettthes of hunting, coacliing, li>li- ing, (fee. L., 1879. Ic. On the (Irampian Hills : shooting, salmon ami trout tishing, \c I.., 1882. Ic. WiUiDi (J.) Rod and (lUn : treatises on angling and sliHotiiig. Kilii:.. 1844. 17a. Nott. — A list of works on angling will he found on p. '279-88 of this woik. FiTCH (John, 174.U>S). W<'4r<,tt (T.) Life of F., inventor of the stcani- Iwat. Ph., 1857. 42b. Fitzgerald (I'erey). Clrcat Canal at Suez. 2v. L., 1S70. lOe. Keml)les ; aeeount of Kemhle family, including Lives of Mr.s. Siddnus O'f'lSarah Kenible), and John Philip Kendile. 2v. L., 1871 (?) I'kI. Life and Adventures of Alexander i)umas. 2v. L, 1j?73. l.")d. FiTZHERBERT ( Mri. Mary Anne, W''*^ Smvthe ; iirii-att'lij marrii'il fn tin- Princf of Wa/ex, a/ferirnr(L Gfonfi- IV., 17-Ji!-lS37). Lawidale (C.^ Memoirs of Mrs. F. L., 1856. 111). See alKii (Ieohge IV. Pitzosborne (Sir Thomas). Letters on several Suhjects. L., 1748. 431). Fitz Roy (Robert) (iNil (itlii^itt. Surveying Voyages of H. M. S. " Advrn- ture"and "Beagle," 1826-36. 3v. and Appendix to v. 2. L., 1839. 40( . Flavel (dohn). Divine Conduct. L., 1809. 45a. Saint Indeed. L., n. d. (re'-eiif.) 44b. Flaxman (John). Lectures on Sculpture. L., 1829. 28d. Fleming (Sandford). England and Canada : summer tour between "Id and New Westminster. L., 1884. Ic. Fletcher ( Tohn). 5'e Beaumont (F.) Fleury de Chaboulon (Pierre Alexandre Kdouard). Memoirs of Napoleon in 1815. 2v. L., 1820. 9a. Flint (Timothy). History and (leography of Mississijipi Valley, e/r. -Jv. in 1. Cincinnati, 1833. 46b. Florence. l)vf(i(B.) The Tuscan Repubhcs—?\, '^•. L., 1892. l;i. Real and Ideal : characters and works of art and nature in F. and Rome. 2v.. L., 18«. 461). See alxo Italy. (140) FLORIAX FORSYTH. Plorian (Joan Pierre Claris dc). National Koniancos. fr. C. HerJinan. L., 1828. 391). Fi.oKihA. Irriuij (T.) Conijuest of F., l)y HcriKUido dc Soto. N. Y., ISoT. '28iv. I'l.owKits. ,sVt! Botany f — Ili)HTitrr/rrnK. Flown > ( Lan<,'ua<,a* of). Sc*' Waterman (C. II.) Pogg (^^ '11'="" IVrrv). Aral)i.'5tan : travels throuyli Kgvi>t, Ailiia, and IVisia. L., 1875. 13e. Pontenelle (F»'rnard le Bovier de). Week's Conversation on Plurality (,f Woil.lis. L., 1737. 43ii. Fooii. A.M) Akt OH l)iN'iX(i. D(>ra)i (J.) Table Traits. X. Y., 1855. 171>. Ji>afreH(in(J. C.) Book about the Table. 2v. L., 187o. 15e. Y-j^etablc Substances used for Fnod of Man. (Lih. Enf. Knoir.) L, li^32. 25K See (il-«i Domestic Fooxomv. F.M.i.s (Court'. I)(>ran(J.) History of fJourt F. L., 1IS5,S. 43d. PorbeS (Alexander). California. L, 1839. 39e. Forbes (Archibald). My Fxperionces of AVar between France and (lermaiiy. 2v. L., 1871. l()e. Forbes (< Gordon S.) Wild Life ill Canara and Ganjani. L., 1885. lb. Forbes (John). A Physician's Holiday. L., 1850. 41c. F(iK( K. Faiwhiii (M.) Yarious Forces of Nature, and their relations to ecach other. L. , n. (I. 17e. Sei- al- Pfivsics. Ford (dohn). Dramatic Works. I'v. L., 18-'7. 181i. Fordyce (dames). Addresses to Young Men. v. 2. L., 1816. 4Ga. Foivigii (,)uarterlv Review, v. 1 (18-J7)--7 (1831), 9 (1832)— 37 ^1846). 36v. L., r. d. H'nX k e. Note. — Merged in We.stininster Review. FoiiKNsic MKoiriNE. See Meukai. JntisrurnExrE. Forester (Fanny), I'xi'wi. 6V»' Judson (M/s. K.) Forester (Frank), pxend. See Herbert (H. W.) Forester (Tiionias). Kandiles in Corsica and Sardinia. L., 1858. 14e. FVv CaNAKY IsI.A.NDS. Poster (-I'^liii). Evils of l'(i]nilar Ignormico. iv. ( Imnwl irith dni-ofg " HI"/, cf Cirilha/lo)i.") Bristol. 183!). 13e. Foster (Thomas). *V" Allen ((i.) ^ * Fothergill (Caroline). For In;- wiceh, xei' FiCTluN. Fothergill {Jossif). Fm her mirels, .tfe Fiction. Folihf; (.lo.st'ph). See ( (tkanto (Ihihf nf). FOL'NDIN*:. >•) Pownes ((icor^^e). Manual of Elementary Cliemistry. Ph., 187-"). tdf Fox ((,'liarles James). History of Hei>4n of James II. ( Sithjoiheil in .1 Curril' t ^' Hi^lorij of Co\uittr-l{(rohition in Einilaiiil" q. r. ) L., 18.")7. A'iU Speeches. V. 2-6. L., 1815. lid. Fox (^ />"'''/ Marv). Expedition to inti'rior of Xt-w Holland. ].., is:i7. Prance (Li'-ut. A. de). iMcnch in Al,i(iei's : 1, The Soldier of the Ionian Legion (by ('. Lamping) ; "2, Pri.soners of Alxlel-Kader (by de France, Lifiii. Frencli Navy), tr. Lady Duff Cor.km. L , 184"). 43a. FRANX'E. \Sei' aho Crimean War; — FRAXco-PRrssiAN War ; -Pai is : « — PENlNSfl.A WaK ; WaTKKI.OO ('AMl'AKi.N. A (■■^O tflf /irfs nj"S AVOlA.oS 1. ajid other iniliridua/s couiit-ctul irifk Ihr history of the ronniry.] 1 . Frrle!^s ^E.) Hi.storv of AVars of Fien.di Revolution, 1792-1815. -Jv. L., 1817. :We. lidtfii ( H.) Campaign in Western Pyreiiee.s and South of F., ISI.M t, under Wellington. L., 182.3. 42g. ni'/lau'/ (J.J Letters (.n French History. L., 1818. 47a. Ihi.-'.'-eif (G. M.) ly ^•rt.s•/yf// ('/'.) Pictijrial Hi.story of F. (To I?!)-!.) 2v. L., 1843. lOf. Cnr/>/fe(T.) Fre-ich Revohition : a hi.storv. (To 17'.).-,.) -Jv. I... 11. d. •->!). (Joniinex (P. ile). Memoirs, containing Historv of Lewis XI. aiil Charles VII L of France, \c. -'v. L.,1823. 9c. Comparative iHsjilay of Ditl'erent Opinions of Distingui.shed Ilriti>li Writers on Frencli Revolution; fcdlowed bv review, and coinpai-ison witli events. L,, ISIl. 10b. Cool,i> (J. H.) Events in South of Y. and of Attack on New Orleans, 1814-!.'). L., IS.S.-). 38a. Croa-r (K.E.) Historv of F. ( Larf Louis XVI., and History of French Kovolution. ( Bwhel " History of Fraiirt-, r. -J." ) L., 1795. 38e. (lui::i)t ( F. P. (1.) llistoire do la Civilis-ition en Franee. tiv. in 5. Bnixelles, 1835. 44ii. ilistorv of F., to 17S9. With tuami ilhi.. -iSa. History of the Girondists. ;Jv. N. V., 1847. 7d. JJuji., 39c. » Noll. — '.• A prose , poem deifying the Itrilliant orator." of the ('ironde. Probably no work, save possibly Thiers" History, ha.s done so nuieh to make revolution ulu'onic in P"rance.""--.4. J). IVhiti. Luiiilxilli' ( M. T. L. lie S. C, iiriiice'^xe dc). Secret Memoirs of Royal Family of F., during the Revolution. 2v. L., 18'2(i. l)b. MnrFailaui' (C.J FriMieh Revolution. 4v. L., 1844. loa. M'(wi''^ (i'jlaiiv. L., 184,"). lOe. .Vo^*^. — .See note to author-entry. New History of Twenty Years' War with F., concluded by a glorious peace in 1814. ( Tlilf)>la/<: ) v. -1-2. n. p., \H14(':). 16e. P(tr'/i»'(J.J Fpisodes of French History during Consulate and First Empire. '2\ . L., 185'.t. 13a. .Saiitr. X. v., 1859. 13a. Louis XIV and Court of F. in 17th century. 3v. L., 1849. 9d, Paris under the Commune (1871). (ei.) t. w 13a. !{(({/,■''.'< (T.) F. since 1830. 2v.ini. L., 1841. 37a. Sarrant ( li.) Lafayette, Loui.s-Philii)pe, ami the Revolution of 1830. •2v. L., 18.32. 4.3c. Stt'phen (Sir J.) Lectures on History of F. N. Y., 1852. 14d. Thier.'i ( L. A.) Hi.story of the Considate and the Empire under Napoleon. (1799-1813.) lOv. L., 184o-58. 10a. yote.. — This is a seijuel to hi.* " History of the Revolution."' (143) FRANCE FRANCIS. Fhaxce (History) —Omfinueil. History of French Kovolutioii. (T<> J7!>9.) fr. F. SholK-rl. flh,,, -yv. L., 1838. 10a. Sante. v. ;?-4. I'll., 184.-). 10c. Xo/e.—The most popular history ()f the revolution. Tvrqueville (A. C. H. C. ife). Old Rpgime an.l Kcvolutioii. N. V., 1856. Ada. See alxii fircx >>/ r((iii)iit iniliriihtdh niuncrtt'ii irith the hiaiihii i,f the country. 3. Trarelx, Detrnptiov, Sonetii, itc. lierrian (W.) Travels in F. and Italy, 1817-18. X. Y., 1821. 10,1. BhxxiwjtuK (Couut'^xx of). Idler in F. 2 v. L., 1841. 41c. Clianipiiei/ (E. W.) Three Vassar Girls abroad : randiles tiivi'ii^], F. HiurSpain. B.,(1882). le. C(,!a.-''(A.) Pictures of Travel in South of F. L., 1857(?). 18e. ExximjtDti ( R. IV.) Over Volcanoes: through F and Sjiain in 1S71. By " A. Kiiigsinan ■Vy-'"''"^-/' L-> 187-. 14e. Enre (M.) Lady's Walks in South of F. 2iid ed. /. //•., 18('..1(.') ' 41(1. JentlnJi''(i/ie Aimual, 1S34.) L., 1834. 38a. Turner (J. M. W.) Rivers of F. : the Loire. (Nuinerona jine '■>/- ijravi)i., 1S73. 10c. t'niliox (A.) Mv PLxperiences of War l)etween F. and (rerniany. 2v. L., 1871. 16e. ' I'lniii Sedan to Saarbruck, via Verdun, Gravelotte, and Metz. I>v an ortiuer of tiie Royal Artillery. I i., 1870. 13(1. l-'iirh-ii (J.) Struggle.-* and F.xperience.-* of a Neutral Volunteer. 2v. L, lcS72. loii. I'l-nr^tnii ( K. M.) ly Mai-ldwihlin ( L. E.) Our Adventure.-* during War of 1870. "iv. L., '871. lo.i. Iiu.<-'el/ (W. If.) Diary during Last Great War. L., 1874. IT);,. Slii'pjiunl (y.) Shut up in Paris. L., 1871. 13a. 6Ve ah" Fhante ;— (tEU.maxv. l-riiiik Leslie's Popular Montli;v. lllns. ^888, 1889 (pts. :!-4), 1890-93 + . H.I. in '1\\. X. v., r. d. ISg. Fraiikiui ruse and Myrrh : poems. So- LSiWSOIl (Mr-''. M. d.) Frankland (< Uarles Colville). Travels to and from Con.stantinople. 2v. L.,1829. 14a. Franklin (Benjamin). Life ; also Miscellaneous Writing.s. iv. (iioieml ,ri/lt(!i(hnrs"Hi'l). Liff of Fro.leiick II. 2v. N. Y., 18:«. -JSii. Wuinier (F. L. f Cliiist. Ualtiiiiore, IStii). 40f. Freeman (I'M ward An;j;(istiis). (liowtli of till' Kn^'lisl! Con.stitiitinn. I,.^ 1 S7.S. 7a. History of Xor.iiiiii CoiKjiiL'st of Kiiglfind. 3v. < t.xford, 1807. ^r. Sicily: PaMiiciaii, ( irt'ck, and Koiiian. L., 1892. la. William the CoiiqiuMor. 1.., 18D0. 2a. Preeman (-I"lin). Lights and shadows of Mclhoiirin' l.ifc. L, I88S. Id. Preer ( .Martiia Walker). IK'iirv 111 of France, his court and times. ;{\. L., lH.-)8. 9(1. Married Life of Anne of Austria, and Don Sahastian, Kinj^ of j'ur- tiigal. iv. I.., 18()4. 4-Jf. Premantle (Arthur James). Three months in Southern State.s, lfy to ilefoat ol Spanisli Armada. 1-.' V. L., IH7-'. 7ii. Same. 12 v. L., 1858-70. 37p. Oii'aiia, 111' Knj^'laiul aiiil her (•olonies. L., 1886. Id. .Slmit Studifs on (Jn-at Subjects. L'lid Series. L., 1871. 14c. ThoiiiasCarlyle, 18;U81. "'iv. L., 1884. Id. Twn Cliief.s of Diinhoy : Irish romance of last century. L, 1889. 6". Friit (Haising). Sff I'omolocv. Pry (Caroline). The Listener. -Jv. L., 18;^r). :i8c. FiiV ( Mrx. Kli/.aheth, nimhei; ///n'/anfliropi.-'f, nS(>-lS.'^-')),— n>'-e (Juhxey. Tiinp»oti (T.) -Memoirs of Mrs. F. L., 1S47. 4'2a. Furl ;iii(l Water. See Schwaekhofer (F.) Pullerton r/''"'.'/ ''''or;,'iaiia). The Countess de IJonneval : her life and letters. '1\.' L., 1H,".S. 17a. Fi'N'.i. Tdijhir ('!'. ) Food Products. 1-.3. [Mushrooms of United States, with ilirections for identification and preparation as food.] ( U. S. D^pt. of A, I.) .-{paniph. Co/, p/a/fs. Wa.sli., 1893-94. 2a. Ileport of Microscopist, for 18'J-1 f [' S. De/if. nf A;/.) Blilih- and /loisojioiit mnxhrooinx, ^1l•. Panipli. Wash., 1S93. 'Iw. Purley (dolin). Stnig<;les and Ivsjieriencos of a Neutral Yohniteer. 2v. L.. 187-2. l.'.a. A'o'^. — Eacli Volume lia-s a separate sub-title : v. I, " In France amongst (iennans ;"' v. "J, •' In and Out of Paris dining the Commune.*' Purniss (WilHiini). Waraga, or Charms of the Nile. N. Y., 1850. 41d, FruMTiHK. Lou'hiii (J. ('.) Kiicvcloiift'dia of .Architecture and Furniture. L , KS:i3. 44<1. Same. Sujiplement. L., 1842. 44d. Gairdner (lames). Hemy VII. L., 1892 I'a. Gallenga (.Vntonio), - I- Mariotti, i^iewl. Blackgown Pajjer.s. (Italian /a/es.) 2v. L., lS4(i. 43h. History of Piedmont, ."^v. L., 1855. 7b. Italy : j,'eneral view of its history and literature in reference to its present .state. '2v. L, 1841. 38a! Galloway (Flijah). History of Steam luigine. L., 1827. 46d. Gait (•lohn, Srotch writer, 1770-JS3!)). Annals of the I'arish, or chronicle of Dalmailing during the miiii.stry of Rev. Micah Balwhidder. Anon. (Fic- lioit.) Kdin., 18'2-J. '2Sc. Autobiography. 2v. L., 1833. 43d. • • Lttti'rs from the Levant. L., 1813. 43e. Life of CardinaMVolsev. Kdin., 1824. 42c. Lif<' of Lor.I Byron. L., 1832. 46a. Lives of the Players. 2 v. L., 1831. 17b. Duplirate, 4i3a. ((;. See IIORTICUI.TURE. (147), OAKDIXEK fJEOORAPHY. Gardiner (Allen F.) -lourncy to Zulu Country, Africa. L., !(*<;?•;. j ji,_ (Jardixeh (Hon. Co/. James). Doililriiltif (P) ReniarkaMr I'assa-. s in Life of J. (i., sluin at Preston Pans, 174.'); witli apjiendix ?elaling fi. tmiily of Munros of Fowlis. L., 1817. 44a. (Iahbrk (Davi.l, nrt,n\ /;it;-ISJJJ. Murj>/>>/ (A.J Life of 1). (i. -Jv. L., 1801. 4-_M. (Ias an'D (iAs-i,i(iHTiX(i. Ari-itiii (t'-) Praetical Treati.>e on (;a> l.i^ht. L., I8l.'i. 47a. GaskelKAf/x Klizal)eth ('l.;,'lioni). tranfonl. L., 1872. L'.'Jf. Lit'.' of Charlotte IJronte. 2v. X. V., 1857. 421.. Gaskell (Ccorge). Alj,'eria as it is. L, 187"). 18e. Gautier (Tlu'opliile). (Jon-stantinoplc of To-day. L., 1S.")4. 4Ili. WaiKlerin<,'s in Spain. L., 18r):i. 41e. Gavazzi^/'rt//'':'/' Alessandro). Lectures in New York; also Life. N.V., 1 853 ( iopyriJEriEEK.s. liroolifx ( R.) (Jazetteer. '//. .1. Marshall. L., I8;i2. 'l^r. Charnh'Tx ( U. S,- W. ) C.azetteer of Scotland. Edin., 1832. 28c. .Descriptive and Statistical Cazetteer of the World. ( Half titi' .) 2\. I. ir. me. Laufhiiaiin ((•.) Univer.'er"s Statistical (Jazetteer of the Wnrld. N. V., 1855. 44f. ThiiiiiKon (J.) Universal (lazetteer. Ktlin., 184"). 43<,'. Geary (Crattan). IJurina after tlie C'oniiuost. L., 188G. Ih. Gellius (Aulus). Attic Xi^'iits. //■. AV. P.eloe. 3v. L, 171)o. isli. (iEN'EALO(;Y liurhe (J.) Genealogical and lleralilic History of the { Landed (Jentry or) (^oninioners of (Jreat Britain and Ireland. 4v. L., 1836. Sil. Snmr. 4v. L., 1837. 8d. Note. — The index at the end of each volume will have to he consulted as the work is not arranged alphahetically. Peerage and Baronetiige of (Jreat Britain. L., 1840. 8e. Fenton (R.) Tour in (jue.st of (1 , through Wale.s, Somer.setshirc, and Wiltshire. By a Barrister. L.,1811. 47a. Nohle(M.) G. of House of Stuarts. L., 1795. 43g. Genin (Thomas Hedges). Selection.s from (his) AVritin<,rs. N. V., ISIII). 43c. Genlis (Sti'-phanie Ft'dicite, C<)t,ife.<--r (., I8I!». 46c. Jj.nmi.-<(J. 11.) Klenieiits of (1. 15., LS^'J. 40f. L;i>'ll (Sir C.) Elements of (1. L., 1838. 471). fieolof^ical Kvidences of Antiquity of Man. Ph., 1863. 47h. Xo/i.— Set' iioje under author-entry. Lecture on G., delivered at Now York. -fv. (hmiiiil irith Gui;:ot\s " Hist, of Cin/izatiou" J. N. Y., 1843. 13e. IJuplirnte, hound n-iih Tkoitfoii's " Proijn-sx of Physical ScifUfe," .'f7b. .Manual oi Klementarv G. X. Y., 18G4. 471). Principle.s of G. 3v.'^ L., 1833. 4r)d. Travels in North America, witli (ieolo^'ical Observations. 2v. L., 1845. 40a. Miller ( H. ) Ciuise of the IJetsey, among tlie lIeV)rides (i/eolofjicalj ; with Rambles of a (Geologist. B., 18.58. 17c. Samr. 15, 1SG2. 4oa. Foot-prints of the Creator. H.. 1850. 4;")a. Samr. ]l, 18r)6. 17c. (leology of Pass Rock. N. Y., 18-")1. 17c. ( »ld He.l Sandstone. 15., 18')0{1) t. >r. 4r)a. Samr. P., 18.")]. 17c. Testimony of the Rocks : geology in its bearings on tlic two theologies, natural and revealed. B., 1857. 17c. Dnpiirnle, 45a. Tnitfrr (T.) Treatise on (1. Pictou, N. S., 1 845. 47c. Sfe ahi ( W. M.J The Four Georges. N. Y , 1862. 9b. (149) (iEOlKJE (JEKMAN'Y. Geohoe IT. (KliKi of Ewihtwl, /i;S.!-/;i!0). Si,»<>-f.fr (S. M.) lli>i,,iv .,f the F<)ur(;eoige8. N. v., 1S()0. 91i. Thwhrr(vi(\V. M.) The Four (IfurKcs. N. Y., KSfiC. 91,. OEoiuiK III. (Kiii'jof Kwihiwl, l7.:S-lS:>n). H<>U(K.) Lif.- of (Icmj,,. m. V. 2 L., 18'2(». 2Si'. ;Sninrl,-ev ( S. M.) llistoiv <'f tin- Four (MM.r^r,..s. X. V., 1800. !»li. Tharh-r(m(W. M.) Tli.' Four ( l.-oi^'os. X. V., 1^62. 1(1.. See «/wDelany (Mri. M.) Aiitoliio^'mphv. GE()R(iK IV. (Ki)iti lit Kuf/fdiii/, 1?'1J-/S.10). liar/, itiiflm III am/ CIhukIim ( li. r. T. N. /{. C. (Irnivilh, Jiiii ihikr of). Memoirs t»f I'oiiit of (i . 18-JO •M). '>v. L., IH.-ik ill). Buni (Lwlii C.) Diary illu.strativf of Timc.>< of (J. IV., with l,(ttei.s fron. Queen Caroline, \\non. 2v. Ph., 1S3«<. 39b. Same Continuation. Awm. 2v. Pli., 1839. 391>. Greri/fefC. C. F.) (Irovillc Meninirs: journal of n-ijin of (J(miil;v IV. iin.l William IV. 'Jv. N. V.,1S7.^. lO.l! Historical Aofount of His .Majt'.«tyV Visit to Scotlaii., 1830. KmI. German PoE-riiv. .S> Goethe (-1. W. von) ;— Schiller (•!. C. F. Mm). Germany [See nbo IJavahia : — Fkavco-Phlssiax Wah ; — Gemman I.ax- »;iaoe;— Ukr.man Poktky ; I'kissia.] 1 . Hiiifiirij. Dunham (S. A.) History of Gerinanif Knijtire. ( Lanluerx Ciiflnji.) 3v. L., 1834. 25a. ' Goulil (S. li.-) Gcnnanv. (HMnriral.) L., 1893. la. Kohlrami-h(F.) Ili.story of G. X. V., 18.J5. lOh. Malet (Sir A.) Overthrow of (lornianic Confetloration l>v I'nissia in 1866. L., 1870. 16e. Ranhefl..) History of Kcforniation in (i. Ph., 1844. 451,. 2. Trnrelt, ami Mixrellaueaun. Autumn near the Khine, or sketches of eourts, society, scenery, I't"., in German .States bordering on the Rhine. L., 1818. 41e. Heail (Sir F. li.) P>>ihT)le.s from the Brunnen of Nas.'^au. Pv an ( Md Man. L., 1841. 28a. Ho'hfdin (T.) Travels in North of G. 2v. Edin., 1820. 40d. HovHt(W.) Rural and Domestic Life of G. L., 1842. 40a. Student Life of (t. From the MS. of Dr. Corneliu.s. ( WitJi .■<(iii'/<.) L., 1841. 47b. Hu(fo(V.M.) Excursions alonj? Banks of the Rhine L., lSt3. isb. (150) (iEUMANY OILLESI'IE. ItBHWAW (Tiiivt'l*', iVc.) — Cvufiunf'l. J,,„i>» f(i. P. li.J Educational Institutions of (1. L, 1«3."». 4;ia. .]!■ rfr if'Aiiliii/ii'' (J. H.) (}., KuiiVnu], and Stutland ; or lefollectioiis, (,f a SwisH minister. L., 1848. 38<1. I ;,,.<•=,'// (J.) Tour in (J. I'v. Ivlin., 1827. 441.. .Slit'ri'f (M.) Notes and Rctloctions duiinj,' Itandile in (">. By author of " Kecolleclions in tiie I'eninsula." I.., lB'2ii. 401j. Ski'tclies of (1. ami the (Icininns, with glance at I'oland, Hunj^ary, and Swit/filiind, 18;u;«j. )iy an KngliBliinan resident in (J. '2v. L, 1836. .Sttc. Sf(ii'/-Ifi>/''ft'i>i (A. L. (i. A'., iKiiiiiiiif lie), (u'lniany. '.\\. L,181"». lOii. Stniixj (J.) (1. in 18.'H. 2v.ini. L, 183G. Mxx. W'ill.fil ( K. ) \Vandciin<,'s in (1., with moonlight walks on hanks of Hll)e, DanuWe, Neokar, and Hliinc. hv. (IiokikI n-ifh Cay-iii-'s '^ Li'ff(v^ from Sirilzer/atiif.') L., 1839. 37a. \\'in.iall (N. W. ) Memoirs of t'ourts of IJerlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, I777-7!I. :.'v. L., 17'Ji). 43d. Oesner ( Abraham). Industrial Re.sources of Nova Seotia. Halifax, 1849. 451). New Urunswick : with notes for tMni<,'rant.s. L., 1847. 40e. Ri'Uiarks (in (n-ologv and .Minerali'gv of Nova Seotia. Halifa.x, 183G. 47c. lst-4th Keport, (leologieal Survey of New Urunswick. Bound in Iv. St. John, l839-4'2. With atlditio'nnl report dahd lS/^3. 47b. <"»psta Komanorum, or moral storie.s inventetl hy the monks. Tr. from the Latin, l.y C. Swan. 'Jv. I.., 1824. 4.->d. N^off. — " A Latin collection of anecdotes and tales, pi obably compiled about the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th."' Ghosts. See Api'AitrrioNs. Gibbon (Charles). Sc ViCTios. Gibbon (Kdward). Decline and Fall of Roman Eniiiire. 12 v. L., 18-2(t. 8a. &ix(;. Painter, (Wldor, and Varnisher's Companion. Ph., 1892. 2d. Giles (Krnest). Australia twice traversed. 2 v. L., 1839. lb. GilfiUan (Ceorge). Raids of the Bible. N. Y., 1851. 45a. Gillespie (William Mitchell). Principles and Practice of Road-making. N. v., 1852. 47b. Treatise? on Surve\^g. N. V., 1892. 2c. (151) GILLIES (JOI.I). Gillies (John). History of Ancient (xreece. Two parts. 8v. L.1820. Gillmore (Parkor). Days and Nights l)y the JJesert. L., 18t)«. Ic. (Mvat Thirst Land. L, n. hWife, IJr. Life of Duke of Wellington. L., 1864. 15a. Glenelg (Charles Grant, liaro/i). Despatches to Sir V. P.. lln,,!, (governor I of Upper Canada. L. , 1839. 43<1. Goi>. Sei' TuEoi-oiiY, jift-'isiiii. Also Athkism ;- Dkis.m ; — Ixkidelmv ; — N.\Ti K.^i. TiiEoi.ocY ; — Thkism. Godwin (Parke). Political Fssays. N. Y., 1850. 41e. Godwin (William). History of (.'i>mmonwi'alth of Fngland. 4v. L.^ 1824. 37c. hiipliratf, 4h<-. Lives of the Necromancers. N. Y., 1847. 4.3c. Thoughts on Man. L, 1831. 44d. Goethe (.lohanu Wolfgang von, Gf.nitMi piet awl 'Iramaf/sf, 174!>-lS-l.j. Fausl : a tragedy, /r. Bayard Taylor, with copious noces. L., 189(). Mid. Faustu.s. From the German. 3nl e(l. L., 18:i4. .^A/. 19e. .Vo?^.— -Contains M. Retsch's noted twenty-seven outline drawings, in- graved hy Henry Moses. Memoirs, by himself. 2v. L., 1824. 104i/arfh (W.) Victmia and tlio Australian (ir)!,! Mines in IN.")7 L.', 1857. 39c. See al"" Miserai,<»<.y. <;ol.l Ihmc^'I ("ane. L., 1827. 431). Coiiltn/s: l)ih. Railclif.'e, Mead, Askew, Pitcairn. Goldsmith (Olivi'i). Citizen. of the Wmld. 2v. L., 1790(?) 4.3a. ilistorv ijf tin- Earth and Animated Nature Gv. ( Wifh rti/nnre'f plates.) L., 18-22. 44e. Mi.^ci'llaneouri Works. >■.,. 1S24. :«)(•. Good ('("hu Mason, M. //, nr,J^-lHi7). Bo<.k of Nature. N. V., 1831. 47c. (U-eqoi-ii (<).) Life of d. M. G. L, 1828. 42f. Oood Words: magazine, for 18G4-r)rj, 1808-09, 1871, 1S73-74. 7v. L., V..L .SIg. Goodrich (C. A.) The Land we Live in : North and South America. Cinciiiiiati, 1859. 4<»c. Goodwin (Harvt^v). Elementarv Coursi; of Mathematics. Cambridge^ 1S47. i'Sc. Goodwin (d. H.) Imjuoved Itook-keeping, and business Manual. N. Y., 1S92. 2e. Goodwin (Philip). Mv.=iterv of I deames f^s'/' J historically discoursed, eti: L., lti.')8. Sm. Sro. " 281).' Gordon (Alcxandei;. Elemental Locomotion, and Interior Commuuioa- tioii. L., 18.S4. 46e. Gordon ( Maj.-dcn. Chaili's (ireorge, Enl-. Marv). "Christopher North": memoir of John Wilson. Hy his (laughter, Mrs. <;. N. V.,18«3. 42f. Diipllratt, Mr. Gordon (William). (Jeographical (irammar. Edin., 1789. 39e. Gorgei (Arthur). My Life and Acts in Hungary, 1848-49. N. Y., 18o2. 41d. . . (153) (JOTHS fJKANT. OoTHS. BiwHtfii ( H.) The (loths, to end of (Jotliic. Dominion in ^yxm. L., 1891." la. Gould (Au<,nistu.s Addi.xon). Sc- Agassiz (L. -I. K.) Gould (Sidiine liaring-). (lerniany. I,., 1893. la. Fur /i/'x }i(>rff.% set- Fiction. Gouge (William M.) Short History of Paper Money and r.anking in llic United States. Ph., 1833. 47a. "^ Gouger (Hemy). Narrative of Two Yeai.s Imi>ri.sonment in I>iiiiii;ili. L, 1860. ITii. Gough (John Ballantino, Aw. tempera tire lecturer, 1817-8. almd ISO'i). Great Metropolis (L. Same. 2ml s.-ries. :5v. L., 1825. 431). Same. 3rtl series, v. 1-2. L.. 1827. 4;{li. History of Netherlands. (Lanhters C'/rlop.J L., 1838 (fiflv-plat>', IS.iO). '-'.-a. Gray. ^f'<' o/.'^o Grey. Gray (.Vndrew). Kx]ilanatioii of Kn<^ravin<,'s of Implements of Husbandry tiseil in Scotland. From drawings by (iray. Harked '^ Sliic/inr'-< Hw^haiidry, Plnlex." Kdin., I8H. 43g. Gray (3//V. Hamilton)- Tour to Sc]iulehres of Ktruria. 1831). L., 1841. .S7a. Gray ( M ax well ), p>.-e>iEi.Aoti. Eiiierxoh (J.) Letters from the .Kgean. 2v. L., 1829. 41d. •CIrehce. [S^e ii/xd Athens anu Arm a ; Levant (The). A^so (Iheek LlTKKATlKK ;— CkKKK PoKTRY ;— HlSTOKY (Ancient).] 1. H/.-'ton/ (ukJ Anfii/>iitif!<. Bdrf/ii'lemi/ (J. J.) Travels of Anacharsis the Vounfj;er in (i. during middle of 4th century liefore the Christian Era. fiv., & Iv. of plates. L , 1.^17. 4lg. Note. — Thi.s work is said to contain many deficiencies and anachronisms. San>p. Al.ridged. L.. 1798. 4i<;. IWhi'i- ( \V. A.) Charieles, or illustrations of ])rivate life of ancient (ireeks. L., 1845. 46n. 4Hni>'s (J.) History of Ancient O. Two parts. 8v. L., 1»20. 10b. History of G. to Hnal subjection to Home. L., 1829. 37c. Mitfor'i (W) History of G. lOv. L., 1822. 10a. Th'irhrnll (C.) History of G. (to B. C. 146). (Lan/ner." Ci/rh>j>.) 8v. L . 1835. 25a. . Saror. 2v N. V., 1860. 8e. Tfiun/ifvfex. History (of Peloponncsian "War). //•. S. T. Bloomfield. 3v'. L., 1820. 181k Warli.t)iinf/i (W.) Hi.storical Antiquities of the Greeks, with reference to their political institutions. 2v. Oxford, 1837. 71>. 2. 7'm^vV.^•, atitf Mi''<-tllan>'(mt. Batnl(H.M.) Modern G. N. Y., 1856. 7a. (155) GllEECE (JUEGORY. CJreece (Travels, S:c.)—Ciue'f. Chat'auhriawl (F. A. 'frj. Travels in (1., See, 1806-07. 2\. L., 1812. 41 f. C/ar/,- nV- ''■) Peloponnesus: notes of study ami travel ( liu l.;'(t '' TmithinOr>"'xc" ) L , 18.-)8. 14e. Half (J.) lA'tters from the Levant : view.s of state of .society, \. .. ji, «;., ^c. L., 181.3. 4.*?e. lliillaiul (H.) Travels in Ionian Islands, Albania, Tlies.salv, .Mac .Io- nia. &c., l8i-2-1.3. I'v. L., 1819. 40e. L>al:>- (W. M.) Travels in Morea. :?v. L., 1830. .'JS.l Scones in thi' Morea, or Sketches of Life of Denietrins Ar<,'yri. L.. 1S24. 41e. Ski'fefA.) Turkey, (J., and Malta. (18.34-30.) L., 1837. lOli. Temiilf (Sir (t.) Travels in (i. and Turkey, and the .MediterrauiMU. •2v. L., 18t3. 38a. Tnin(:'wl (F. T.) Cruise in (ireck Waters. L., 1870. i:'.c. Wih<))i (S. S.) Narrative of (Ireek Mission, or Kt vears in Malta niid (1. L., 18;«». l-2e. Ynnuii (J. F.) Five Weeks in O. L., 1870. 17e. Greek LrrEu.vrL'UE. Jiufjii-lil (B.) Prefaces to First Editions of Creek and Roman Classics and of Sacred Scriptures. (In Latin ami (Irxk. ) L. , /i(.//», 18')1. 4()e. Greek Poetry. Coleridi/f (II. X.J Introduction to Study of Greek Classic Poets. Pi. I (tri^iii-rni Iiifroflnr/ioii, Homrr). L, 1834. 4;')e. Greeley (Horace). American Conflict: Rebellion in Uuit(!il States. 18()0-G4. 2v. Hartford, 18()4 4.Se. (ilancesat Europe. X. Y., 1852. 38a. Recollecticina of a Busy Life. N. Y., 1869. 4-Jf. Qreen (Anna Katharine). Sr^ Rohlfs (Mr.-: Charles). Green (Calvin) am/ Wells (S. Y.) Yiew of Millennial Church tir United Society of Relievers, commonly called Shakers. Albany, 1823. 4.")a. Green (John Richard). Short History of the En,<,dish Pe. 40(1. (t!reh.\i..\xi). Snahiie(H.E.) Greeidand : 1)eing extracts from journal ke[it in 1770-78. L., 1818. .39d. S^'t' a/xo Arciic Reoiuns ;— X'ortii .\merr a. GreenOUgh (G. R.) Critical Examination of First Prineiples of Geo- logy. L, 1819. 40c. Greenwood (< rrace). llai)s and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. R., 180 L 431.. Gregory (Olinthus). Life of J. M. Good, M. I). L., 1828. 42f. Mechanics. 2 v. L, 1826. 28c. (1"«6) ORENVILLE (JUIZOT. Greiiville (K. I'. T. X. 15. C.) »/■( of). Greville (("liarlcs Cavendish Kiilki-, /■A^/7.- nf flit- muuril tn (iei,. /I'. au'-'' ((/■«' Gray. Grey ( IJ.-Oin. Charles). Karly Years of H. K. II. tlie Prince Consort. Conii>ileil under direction of Her Maje.sty the (^ueeii. N. V., 1867. 9c. Grey ((ieor<;e). Two Kxix'tlitions of Di.scoverv in Nortli-west ami Western Australia. 2v. L., 1841. 14<1. Grey (Ilenrv (ieorj,'e, -inl Kdrl). Colonial Policy of Lord .lulin Russeirs Administration, 'iv. L., 1853. 41d. Greyson (H. K. H.) The (i rev son Letters. 15., 18.")7. 43f. Griffin (Ceralil, Irifih imO'liM, lH<)4-.'p). Fur in»-hn, xfc Finiox. Life. I5y his ImHher. N. Y., //. -/ 231.. Griffin (Ciegory). The Microcosm. L,18-_'r). 4:3a. Griffiths (Thomas). Kecreations in Chemistry. L., 1850. 'JSh. ■ (liiiMAi.ni (.loseph, KiKjIisI, rlinni. ]7i'U-]S-i7 ). Memoirs. '-//." l5oz " (C. Dickens). IliuMrulionx hy (_!. Crtdkxhank 2\. L., IS.'W. 2tih. Grimble (.Uij^'ustus). l)eer-stalkin<,'. L., 188G. Ic. Grimblot (Pind), f/. Letters of William III., and Louis XIV. and their .Ministers, l()97-17(>0. 'iv. inl. L.,(latiiras(d(al)OullS.',). VM. Grimm (Friedricli .Melchior de, (ifniiun litfrmtmr, l7,i-J-lS07 ). Histori- cal and Literary .Memoirs and Anecdotes, selected from the correspondence of liaron de (oimm and Diderot with the Duke of Saxe-(iotha, etc., 175.3 OO. 4v. I-., ISl."). lie. Grimshaw (Hohert). Steani-15oiler Catechism. X. Y., 1888(?) 2c. Grimshawe (T. S.) Memoir of Kov. L. Kichmond. X. Y., 182'J. 41a. Griswold (liufns "NVilmot), f'(/. Sacred Poets of Knglanil and America. ( Alt aulholo-iy.) N. Y., 18.59. 4.5d GronoW (C(ii>i. Kees Howell, Kn. < liiiHE ((leor^'e, ///.s'/o/7«//, 17!>.i-lS71 ). Urnte ( Mrx. H.) Personal Life of (i. L., 1873. 15c. Doplkate, JfJe. Grotius (Hufjto). Truth of Christian Keligion. Oxford, 1823. 44c. Grund (Francis -Foseph). The Americans. 15., 1837. 43a. Guild (Curtis). Over the Ocean. (Trarehiti Eumpp.) 15., 1871. 13b. Oil I. FORI) (Francis Nokth, Banm). Nmili (It.) Lives of F. Xovth, 15aron (Uiilford, Sir Dudley North, &c. .3v. L.,18-26. 44d. Guizot (Francois Pierre Guillaume). Corneilli' and his times. X. Y., 1852, 4-2a. Kssay on Character of Washington. H., 1840. 43b. (ieneral History of (Civilization in Kurope. 4v. Fdin., 1J^39. 13e. Ilistoire ., 1867. 9d. Shakspeare and his times. N. Y., 1864. 40b. (157) G UXTEU H ALIBURTON. Gunter (Ai<.'liil)al(l Claveiing). For hia irnr/is, -'''' Fiction. Guppy (Henry l)rou'f' Church ilin)i*\ ISO-l-i-i}. Autol)ioj,'raphy ; aixl Memoirs by his Si,ns, I). K. uiul ('. .1. (iiithrie. '.'v. L., 1.S74. lOe. Diu.lirali of r. /, //( IM. The Parahles read in light of present day. N. V., 187.'{. 41 f. Guthrie (Thomas Anstey), — " V. An.stey,"" jixi wl. Sf' Fiction. Gwynne (Talbot). -SV*; Fiction. (iv.MNAsTics. /I'w.ov// ( C. ) Woiidcrs of Uodlly Strongtli and Skill. Tr. anil enlarged from (iiiilhiiDne Depjiing. L. & N. V., ii. il. 4,"d. <;vpsiKs liorroir (G.) The Zineali, or account of (Jypsie.s of Spain, with their .St ngs and poetry. Ph., 1843. 4."^. Sen aluo in Fktion, Borrow'.s (G.) non-I.-:^ James's (<;. P. K.) '-iiisy, (imf Scott's "(iiiy Manneting'" ( rhdracti r of Mnj Mits of (lood Society. Akoii. N. Y., 1S()5. 46It. Habits and Men. .?'<' Doran (J.) Haggard (Henry Kider). For ///.»■ /lort-tn, sec FicrioN. Haigh (Samuel;. Sketches of Huenos Ayres, Chili, and Pi'rn. L., IS.'Jl. l.Se. Hale (Kdward Everett). Kansas and Nelmtska. I!., 1S.")4. 4-2e. Hale {Sir ^fatthew, Fii>f. jurist, KidU-rn). linrnctt (<;.) I.ife of 1 1. Oxford, I8<)«. 42a. Hale (Susan). .Mexico. (Historical.) L., 1891. la. Halen (Juan van, S/>a>iish . 17'.>()). Memoir.s. "Jv. L., 18.m 4-2a. Half Hours with the W'si Authors. Sec Knight (<'•) Halford (^Vr Henry). Essays and Orations. ( Mcjlical.) L., 18;W. \^^a. Nolo. — Also contains an inteiesting acconnt of the opening of tlie ton»l. of Charles 1., in 1813, and a drawing of the head of the monarch made at tlie time of the nivestigation. Haliburton (Thomas Chandler),— " Sam Slick," 7>.>*fW(/. Americans at Home, or byeways, backwoods, and j)iairies. Anoii. L., ii. d. 2td. Clockmaker, or sayings and doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. Anoti.. L. , »(. (/. '21d. Historical and Statistical account of Nova Scotia. 2v. Halifax, 18:i9. 38c. Duplicafe 7h. Co)i(cn/x : V. 1, History ; v. '2, Statistics, description, &c. Letter-Bay of ( ireat We.^^tern. Axon. Halifax, 1840. li.'Jf. Nature and Human Nature. Anon. L., u. >/. 21d. (1-3'*) H ALIHUKTOX HALLAM. Hai.iulu ION- -t "«///<«'''/. ( )lil .Imlge (The), <>r life in ;i ooloin'. Awm. L., n. «/. 'ild. Xoft. -Tales and xketolifs relaling to Nova Scotia. Kulc anil Misrnlf nf Knglish in Ainciicii Anon. N. V., IHol. 38a. Siiiii Slick's Wiriu Saws and Motlein Instances. Anon. L., //. //. 21d. Traits of Aniciican Humour; liy native authors. L., «. '/. 21d. Haiiiax. City and County, N. S. "^Eafon (A. W.jcf IMf.<(<'. L.) Tales of a (iarrisoii Town. N. Y., 18112. 6g. Xotif.. — Koin-teen tales relating to Halifax. Hill (d. W.) Memoir of Sir' B. Hallil)urton. Halifax, 18()4. Da. A'o'e.— Contains niuuli information relative to the early history and social life of Halifax. I>a\vs and < )rdinances. Halifax, iS7(). 28d. Laws relatinj,' to the City of H. (Cihi Vharftr.) Halifax, 18., I8(»!t. 40g. Xoti. — The original title was, "Union of tiie Two Xohle and Illustrate Kunielies of Lancastre and Vorke. Hall (Francis). Colondiia, its present state, etc. L., 1827. 41e» Hall (Mr. Ktiil Mix. Samuel Cartta). Ireland : its scenery, character, »tc. With _fi III s/ttl plutis. :i\. L., 1841. 8e. Hall (William Hutcheou). Sf' Bernard (W. D.) Voyages of '• Neme- sis." Hallam (Henrv). Constitutional History of Kn^dand. 3v. L., 1832. 71.. liitroiliiction to Literature of Etiroj)e, 15th-17th centuries. 4v. L., 1837. 181). SaiiiK 3v. L., 1843. 37a. Saiin^. 2 v. N. Y., 1864. 44e. View of State of Europe during Mitldle Ages. 3v. L., 1829. 7d. Same. 3 v. L., 1834. 37a. Sniii". 2v. L., 1841. 37a. (159) HALLA'IT HARDV. Hallatt ((M'or-ic Wilsi.iiTiixfipnl). Hints i.n Architoctiiral 1 )riuiglii nian- sliip. L., ISO-?. ■2c. Halliburton (Sir BrontDii, r}ilef-}u-ttii-r nf Nora S'-nfia, 177-'- 1 -^'iu), Hill(7U. LSI.. Hamilton (Klizabeth). Lottor.s to the daii;,diter of a nobleman, on I"ni- iiifitioii of Religious and Moral Principle. 2v. L., 1814. 'iSa. Popular Es.siys illustrative of principles connected with iinproviim nt of the uii(ler.stainling, iniiigiiiation, an. 42a. Hampden (John, A'w/- politii'ian, 1'>'.)Jf-liL'f.>). Xuif ( Lnnl ). Meinoijals of J. H. 2v. ■ L, 1832. 4-2d. Hanna (^Villiiiiii). Life and Writings of Thomas Chahncrs, 1). J). 4\. X. v., 1S5<>. 45a. Duplirati , l.',r. Hand Kaiuno. See. Stair-buii.ding. Hannibal (Cartliwiinia)! '/enera/, about .'47-/S.! B. C.J Ahhutt (J.) His- tory of H. N. v., 1849(;) 11a. Wkkhaw (H. L.) c|- Crauier (J. A.J Passage (.f H. over the Ali». L., 1828. 401>. Hanseatio Cities. Ziinmeni (H.) The Ilan.sa Towns. (Hi'xfon'ral.) L., 1891. la. Han"Way (donas). Journal of Eight Days Journey from Portsmouth ti> Kingston upon Than.es, with Miscellaneous Thoughts, moral and religious, in a series of letteis ; to which is added an essay on Tea, &.c. By a Gentlf- man of the Partie (tic). L., 1756. 39g. Haim'inehs. Lura.xfli.) Inquiry after H 2v. L., ISIS. 41c. Hardinge (Mr.^t. Helle Hoyd). Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison. Bv herself. hI. G. A. Sala.' N. Y., 1865. 27a. Hardy (Arthur Sherburne). Pa.sse Rose. L., 1889. 21a. Hardy (^ />«''.'/ Duffus.) Dangerous Experiment: novel. 3 v. L., 1888. 6e. Hardy (Francis). Life of J. Caulfield, Earl of Charlemont. 'Iv. L., 1812. lie. (160) HARDY HASTINGS. Hardy (Robert William Hale). Travels in Interior of Mexico, 1825-28. L.. 1829. 40c. Hardy (Thomas). For Iu'h iiore/s, set Ficriox. Hare ( Aui^nistus John Cuthbert). Memorials of a (^niet Life. 2v. L., IS73. 17(1. A^o/c. — IncliKles memoirs of Mrs. A. W. Hare, as also of her husband, .\ugu8tu8 William (17921834), her hrother-in-law Julius, and her two sisters- in-law, Lucy and Esther Hare. Hahkm Likk. Harreii (A. J.) Turkish H. and Circa.s.sian Homes. L., 1S7I. I3e. Ijitt ( M.) Harom Life in Kfjvpt and Constantinople. L'v. I.., 1865. \-,h. Sfc a/so, for inriili'tifal i/fxrn'pfion", irorks relatiwj to Ti'kkkv. Harper's New Monthly Maj,'azine. Illii.-^. v. 70 (Dec. 1884— Ma v 1885), 72 (Dec. 1885— May 138fi). 74 (Dec. 1886— .May 1887)— 86 (1893)-!-. lov. I.d. in -.M. N. Y., r. d. 8f. Harraden (IJeatriee). ships that Pa.ss in the Night. L., 1894(?) 6f. Harring (Harro). Poland under Ru.s.sia. L., IS.'H. 41d. Harris (John, lUfn-l? l'-)). Navigantiumatque ItinerantiumBibliotheca, or Collection of Voyages and Travels. L. , 1744. 47g. Harris (John, lS(hi-'>6). (ireat Teacher ; characteristics of our Lord's Ministry. L., 1840. 4nb. P^uyManinion. or Covetousness the sin of the Christian Church. L., 1837. i' 451.. Harris (. 38c. A^'o/c. -First eilition was puhlislieil uiuler title of " ('ollection ot Cises of Privilege of Parliament." Hatton (Kmnk). North r.oriico. L., 188;"). Ih. Hatton (Ilarol.l Fiii(;li-). A.lviiiic' Au.stnilia I L., l8Sr». 11,. Haupt (llt'iiuaii). Tlicorv of Hiiflj,'!' CoiL-^tnictioii. N. Y., lst;:{. i7l,. Havki.ik K {Sir Henry, Kuij. i/enera/ in IwHa, 1 7 '■>■'>- 1 S-'t? ). lirnrl. ( ly^ Sketcli of Sit II. H. '.V. v., 1858. 431). />H/*//m/^ .'.sv,. Mar.:«t. lOe. Hawks (Francis I.ister). Moinnnents of Kj,'V|>t ; or Ej,'V|>t a witni's for the Bible. \. Y., I8.")(t. 14c. Narrative of H.xpedition of Anieri<'an Siiuailron to (Jliina Seas and .lapan, 185--.')4, umler M. ('. Perry. Compiled from jonrnals of Perry and !iis otficers. ( ll'iih niatnj iilalix. J 3v. Wash., 1856. 28e. Xoti-. The general nairative i.s contained in v«»l. 1. Hawthorne (•'ulian). Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ins wife. I'v. L, 188.-). Ic. Fnr liix uorhh, .sw Fici njx. Hawthorne (Nathaniel, Am. non/isf a)iil p.-. Passages from Knghsli Note-hooks. 2\. 1j., ii. V/-.lohn J)ahymple). Ashanti and the Gold Co.st. L., 1874. L'-a. Hay (Mary Cecil). B^or her iiocelx, xee Fiction. Hay (William Delisle). IJright^'r Uritain : or Settler and Maori in New Zealand, 'iv. L., 1882. 11). Hayun (Franz Joseph, (I'rinan nnixiral rniiii><>xi'r, IT-l'-lSOU). Jlii/li' (I/.M.) Life of H., followed by Life of Mozart. From the French of L. A. V. Bum- \iet(p.snid.J L., IK 17. lie. Same. L., 1818. 4L'f. Haydon (P)enjamin Kcihert, Fw/. painter, 178f)-184<'> )■ Life, from his Autobiography and Journals. t(/. T. Taylor. 'Jv. N. Y., KS.'jS. 42b. Hays (Mary). Female Biogra])hy. v. UI, 4-6. L., 1803. 45h. Hayter (George). Hee Saunders's Portraits and Memoirs of Reformers. -. • •. (162> ,.. HAYTl HEHEK, Hayti. h'riinhliii (J.) IVcsfiit Stati' of II. L., 1SJ8. ^%\. Mar/,<;,;:i>- (C.) Notes on H. 2v. L. l-SW. 411t. Hayward (.losi'iih). Sciciu'e of A^'iicultuu'. L., 1825. 46c. Sririirc (if IIortiiMiiturc. L., 1824. 45(.'. Hayward (^Villi:lIll •'^ti'liliciis). Tlu- ('nlonel's I)au<,'liUM'. h., ii. >/. Oe. Hazard (Sunmcl). Santo l)oiiiiiij,'o, past an'i)t'/ irif/i Jfrnininii'" " St. I'('ffirshiii-'/''J. N. v., ISa:^. 12e. I)ii/>/ ;<■((/> , .;,;«. Narrative. ( Caua ("lYMNAsrns ; — Piiysioi.cxjy. Hearne (Samuel). Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort, Hudson's Bay, to Northern Ocean, ITfiit 72. L., 1795. 40g. IIk.vt. L'. of Ca/ruffa, 17S.i-lSJ(;). Jouney through Upper Provinces of India &e. v. 1-2. L., 1828. 14a. Life of Jeremy Taylor. ( Jlalf-title.) ^ »•., L., 1824(0 40a. -.^'^ Poems and Translations. L., 1829. 19c. (16.3) HEBEH liENSLOW. }\k[\k\{ —Cimtinupil. Poetical Works of Cra))be, Hel.er, aiul Pollok. I'h., 1856. \\'<\. Heher ( Amelia). Life of K. 11. lly liis widow. 2v. N. V., 1830. 42f. Hehkiiiks. liiixirell (J.) Tour to the H. with S. .lohuson. L., //. -/ Ji,. Hector (Mrs. Aiiiiie [French]),— " Mrs. Alexamlor," }miul. l-\,r l,(r iiorils, see Fktion. Heeren (A. 11. L. ) llistoric^al Kcsearche.s into Politics, IntorcoiiiM'. iiml Trade of Carthaginians, Elliiopiaiis, and Kgyptian». v. I (CarthiKjiniant, Ethiopians). Oxford, lf»38. 4r.o. Heine ( Henry)- Pictures of Travel. //•. C. (l.Ldan.l. Pli., ls.-i:.. Hd. lli'liniidi', or aclvcuturcs in the sun. Seo Whiting (S.) Helper (Hinton Kowan). Iniiicndin^' Crisi,>< of the South. N. Y.. 1860. Helps f-S'/V Arthur). Frientls in Council. Arum. 2v. L., 18G1. S(tm>'. New series. Amm. -v. L., liS.")9. 4r)a. Life and Lihours of Mr. (T.) Brassey, l80r)-70. L., lf<72. 17a. Hei.vktia. S^e Switzeri..\ni». Hemans r •'/'■>•• Felicia Dorothea), — 7i>'e BrOWne. Sie^'e of Valtinia : draniatie poem ; the I^ast C'onstuntine ; with other poeniH. L. , 182^). I!)d. Hu<^lie.-<(Mr.J. Fre-r (M. W.) Henry III., his court and times. 3v. L., 1858. 9d. Henhy IV. (the Great, Kim/ of Fram-e am/ Nararre, 1-15-i-PilO). JdineK (O. P. R.) Life of Henry IV. 2v. N. Y., 1847. 9d. Hen-ky VII (Kim/ of Km/., H.'}H-ir>09). trair>hier (J.) Henrv \11. L, 189-2. 2a. Henry VIII. (Kim/of Em/., 1491-Io47). Thom.-^. A. T.) MeiM..irs of Court of H. 2v. ' L., 1826. 7d. Henry (Patrick, Am. senator, etr., 17-i>i-9'.K) Wirt (W.) Life of P. H. N. v., 1833. 42d. Henry (Walter). Events of Military Life : service in Peninstdar Wax, France, J^ast Indies, St. Helena, Canada, and elsewhere. 2v. L. , 184S. 7a. Henry (William). Epitome of Exiierimental Chemistry. L., 1808. 471>. HenSiOW (John Stevens). Descriptive and Physiological Botany. (Lunl- ntr's Cyclop.) L., 1837 (title-plate, 1835). 25a. (164) HENTY HILLARD. Honty (♦•eorge Alfred ). Mfinh to Coomnssie. L., 1H74. 13o. Fitf hilt ston'i'ft fur l>'>!/x, x>'e Fiction. Heraii'Iiy. Hiirh- (J.) (lencfiloj^'iciil and Horaklif Dictionary of Peerage anil Baronetage of Hritish Kmpire. L., 1S40. 8e. ( Ifueiiloj^ical and Heraldic History of the Connuonors (or Landed (ientry) of (ireat Britain and Ireland. 4v. L., 1836. 8il. Same. 4v. I., 1837. 8d. Sei' nhn Pkkraoe ano Hakonktack. Herbert (Kdwanl, Lorrf, of Cher/mry, Kiuj. plii/omtpher, I'tSl-lUJ/S). Life. By himself. L.. lV24. 41a. Herbert ((!eor{,'e R«>lturt Cliarle.'<). See Pembroke (O. K. C. Hcrl)ert, Enrl of). Herbert (Henry William). — " PVank Forester," //xej^/. Field S|)orls of I'nited States and British I'rovinces of North America. 2v. N. V., 1S()4. 171). Herbert (Sarah awl Mary K.) The -Eolian Harp, w ini.scelhineous poems. Halifax, i8r>7. " 19b. Herman (Henry). See Miirray (I). C.) in F'lcriox. H.'iiiiit. .Vl)r()a. Ic. Hill ((J<'or<,'e William)- Memoir of Sir Brenton Halliburton, t.'hicf-.Iustice of .Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1864. Oa. Xote. — Contains much relating to the early history and social life of Halifax. Hii.i. (R,;- Rowland, Eii'>. Jone^^ (W.) Men)oir of Hill. L., n. d. 4'2a. Hillard ((ieorj,'e Stillman). Six Months in Italy. 2v. B., 1853. 30b. (ind f/fheiy. liife, Letters, and Journals of (ieorge Ticknor. Ano7i. 2v. L., 187f.. (165) HIMALAYA HISTORY. Himalaya. Mwintiin' (D.) Ilindii-KMli : waiult'rin^s iuul s|((iit n uml l)eyon(ltlie H'. Kdin., 1889. Ic. Hind (Iloiu'y Yuulo) (Diif iitli>'r>'. Ei<,'hty Yuait;' riotjrc'.ss of l>nti>l. \,irth America. Toronto, 18 tin- n((iiiri/. Jf»i".<(W.) History of fluistian C'liun-h. 2v. L., 1810. 44c. M/'hi"r(J.) Hi.storv of Clmrcli of Christ. 5v. L.. 1821. 2Ul.. Mo^'hfim (J. L.) E. H. 6v. L., 1811. 44e. Saiiif. 2v. in 1. Gla.sgow. 1827. 40g. S'-nff(J.) History of Church of Chri.st, l.")30-4(;. L., 18l^G. Uc Soufhe;/ (/{.) Book of tlie Chnrcli. L., 1848. 44f. iVuilifiii'lfiDi (G.) History of the Chmch, to Kcfoniiation. f... X-^'V,. 44c. For till' liisfni-ji <>/ jiarfi'-ii/ar 'lt'». )- 60. Witli Index, 175« SO. 72v. \.., v. d. 25f. g. J^ li. Arunhl (T.J Fntroihictory Lectures on MoiKmii 1L N. Y., 1849. 131). Fi-i'il^-t (]'.) .Modern II i.s'tory. I'.altinior.', 18()!». 40f. Mi>}i4i-eh't ( E. lie). Chronicles f'of A'«f//rtH'/, Fraix-e, Spain, ami (I'lji'in- iii,/ rountrics, l4(/0-l.-,p;j. 2v. L., 1845. Idc. Xo/f. — .See note to author-entry. (16(5) HISTORY HOIHJSOX. HiSTOHY (Moileiii) — Cinifimieil. ■ -■■ Tmilor (\V. C.) Manual of Mudcni History. N. Y., I8t<0. 37il. /''(//■ the liisfiiri/ of jiartirular mtH>erii niuufric", ■«■>■ Hh' namex uf tlin.te lOiiii/riii. iSVc (t/so HisToKY (Universiil or (ieneral) ; — Navai. History. 4. Snrreil Histonj. I'liili'dii.!- (H.) ( »ld and New Tt'.stamont.s (•umK'ctfd, in liistory of -lews iiiul neif.'lil)r«uiiiig iiiilioiKs. v. 1-3 L., 1815. '20ii. Ildlhsihihl ( ('. li,- A. lie). History und Literature of Israelites ai-f(Md- ing to Old Testiinieut and Apocrypliii.. Aiioii. 2v. in 1. L., 1870. l.'xl. Sliiir/t-r'iirif f L.) Sacred and Profane History connected. I'v. ( )xfnrd, 1810. 44d. >Sn>pe. Iv. L., 1819. 10a. r>inier(S.) Sacred History of the World. 3v. I.., 1833-37. 20a. Set- al Uini.K. '). Uiiiri'yxal nr (iriicrid IIii)/iiii//iri>/,'' < H. .SV. Join/, ri.irntitif ). Letters on Studv and' \isc of History. L., 179-2. 43e. FrnxffJ.J (IreatCitiesof the World. ( IMoriml. ) Aiil-urn, 18.")2(?) 4(»f. Historical Parallels. ( Lilirani at' Kiilertaiiiiini Knnirli'ihif,) 2v. L., lS31-:«. 2.5b. Mamiihr (S.) llistorv of the World, r,/. .1. Innian. 2v. N. V., 1852. 8d. Trea.su ry of History, v. 1. N. V. 1847. 44e. n (Sir W.) liistorv of the World. L , IP. /I«m', 1014. 48f. Rnlterh (C. rn„). History of the World. 4v. in 2. Ph., 18.")8. 28d. Tli'rrij (A.) Hstorical P^ssay.s, puhlished under title of " Dix aus d'Etudes Histori(iues," iiiid N'arratives of Merovingian Era. PIi., 1845. 37a. Duplicate, lnli. 'J'l/lfer ( A. F.J Klenients of (ieneral History, Ancient and Modern. ' 2v. L., 1821. :Wc. Snine. V. 3. Pein;^' a continuation liy Kilward Xarcs. L. 1824. 38c. S>-r nixii t"iii!i)N()i.()iiY : -HisToiiY (Ancient) ; — Histohy (Kcclesias- lical) ; HisToKY (Modern) ;— History (Sacred) ; — Xayal History. E^" /•''*/■ flic lii.- uf flm-te I'liinilfic--'. Hobhouse (.S/Vdolm Cam). Jourie'y thr(iu,t,di AUmnia. and other ju-ov- ince.< of Turkey in Europe and .\sia, to Constantinople. ( ll'i'/h coloured plaf <-.■<.) 2y. L., 1813. 39g. Hoblyn (Kicharil D.) :Manual of Steam Knoine. L., 1842. 41f. Hodder (Ceor^e). Memories of My Time, including personal remiui.s- cences of eminent men. L , 1870. 111). Hodgskin (Thomas). Travels in North of Cermany. 2v. Kdin., L"-!20. 40d. Hodgson (3/;x C. Huntei). Siegfrieil's Crown : tale of artist life. L., 1885. (ig. (107) HODGSON HOLMAN. Hodgson (Robert). Lifeof (Bishop) Porteus. L., 1821. 42f. Hoffman (David). Course of Legal Study. Ph., 1846. 47c. Hof&neister (W) Travels in Ceylon and Continental India. Ivlin. 1843. 41(1. ' Hofiand {M>:<. I>ar1)ara). Alfred Campbell, or travels of a young pilu'rini in Kgypt and the Holy Land. L.. 1841. 23a. Young Pilgrim, or Alfred (.'anipbell's return to the East, and his tiiivek in Egypt. &C-. L., lS4i. 2.Sa. A^efi also Fiction. Hogarth (William, J-Jm/. painter, I>i97-17G4). Hogarth, his life and wurks, N. Y., 1 848. 38e. Works of H. moralized. (''^/. W. Trusler.) L., «. '/. 38e. Note. — Contains small engravings of Hogarth's works. Hogg (dames). The Three Perils of Women ; a .series of dome.stic Scot- tish tales. 3v. L., 1827. 43a. Hogg's Weekly Instructor, v. '). Kdiii., 1847. 4()g. DujiJiratp, .'/'h-. H(j(;huntin(;. Powell (It. S. S. B.-J Pigsticking or H. : complete account for sportsmen. L., 1889. le. Holinshed (Raphael) an>l ofJi/^r-t. Chronicles of England, Scotland, ;uid Ireland. Ov. L., 1807-08. 40g. Nofi^. — In this reprint the castiations are in.-^erted. Holland (^ir Henry, En;/. plii/.-iiri(i)i, 1788-187-1). Essays on scientific and other subjects. L., 186-'. 18a. Recollections of Past Life. X. Y, 1872. Inc. Travels in Ionian Isle.s, All)ania, Thessaly, Ma(;odoiiia, &c., 1812-1;5. 2v. L., 1810. 40e. Holland (Henry Richard Vassal Pox, -ird Lonl). Foreign Reminiscences. X. Y., 18;< (.J. K. r.) Holland. ( Hi.-,ir,> Wor/>-s, i: ■!.) N. Y., 1857. 231). (,hiips ami Crank.s. L, 1861. 23b. Cp the Rhine. (Chnirr Wad>', r. 4.) 2v.ini. N. Y., 1857. 23b. U]) the Rhine ; and Romances and E-vtravaganzas. X. Y., 1861. 23b. Whims and Oddities, in ])rose and verse. 2nd series. L., 1829. 23b. Wliims and Waifs. (I'nciix.) X. Y., 1860. 23b. Wiiimsicalities. 2v. L., 1844. 23b. Whimsicalities, Whims ami Oddities. (Chi>ii-<' Witrks, r. ..\) X. Y., 1«57. 23b. Hooke (Xathaniel). Roman History. 6v. L., 1823. 8a. Hope (Thomas). Anastasius, or Memoirs ot a Greek. ( Firtinn.) 3v. L., 1820. •27a. Hopkinson (A. M.) For her 7i(ire/.<, .<(?e Fiction. Hopson (Charles R.) General System of Chemistry. ChieHy translated from W iegleb. L., 178— . 43g. Horatius F?aCCUS or Horace (C^tuintus). Opera. Monte rosarum, 1 803. 45e. (169) HOUATIUS HOWE. HouATiL's Fi.ACCUis — Contitiued. I'orinata. p'/. C. Antlioii, ct .). IJoyel. L., 18i3 45(1. Home (dt'orgc, /iislni/i in 44f.) H., 1891. la. Houdin (Koheit dean Eugene, A. JSO.',). Memoirs of K. II.. aml>assadnr, autli(»r and conjurer. By himself. Ph., 1859. 42f. Household Words. ^-^Z. Ciiarles Dickens, v. 3-5, 7-8, 10-1 5. 11 v. XV, 1851(V)-57. 3% Howard. (l>lanche Willis). Fnr lur nan'/x, xi-i- Fk tion. Howard (Frank). Spirit of Plays of Slicksjieare e.xhiltited in .series of Outline I'lales. Drawn and engraved hy F. Howard ; with quotations and descriptions, v. 2-b (oclaro). L., 1S3;V. I8d. HowARO (Lucy). Sei- Siooi-r.vev (Mi:<. L. H.) Howard (dolm, jJn/anfliro/.isf, J ;..>(;-!)(/). State of Pri.sons in England and Wales. Warrington, 1784. 41g. Bn,>rn (J. li.) Life of d. II. L., 1818. 42g. Howe (Henry). .NFemoirs of American Mechanics : also lives of Eui-opean Mechanics. N. Y., 1847. 42a. Saiii'-. X. v., 1854. 47a. •' ' " ; Howe (do.sei.h). Poems and Es.say.s. Montreal, 1874. 191).' Annan'1(\V.) Speeches ami Public Letters of 11. 2v. P.., 1858. 12.-. (170) HOVVELLS IIUMHOLDT. Howells (Williaiii l)oaii). For lii.< /inn'/.<, »r'' Fuiion. Howison ('Inliii). Fi)ri'i<,'n Scciii's and Travelling Kccreations. 2v. in 1. Kdin.. 18;U. 401>. Howitt (Mary). Pictorial Caleii'lar of tlio Seasons KnilM.,lyin<,' the whole rif AikiiTs Ciileinlai- ook of tin- Seasuns, or Calendar of Nature. L 183.S. 45a. OtsselTs Illustrated History of England dtirinLC last hundred years. L., 18C.I. 8e. Ivural and Domestic F^ife of (lermanv. L., 1812. 40a. Kuial Life of Kngland. 2v. L., 18;?8. 411i. .Student Life of (ierniany. From tlie MS. nf 1 )r. ( 'ornelius. \\'if/i lOiii/x am/ miflise]vations on Natural History of Uees Kdin., 1821. •28a. Huber (Victor Ainii'). Tlie Tope and the Council. 1!\ ''-ianus." K 1870. 17e. Hue ( Fvariste Ki'gi.;, A/'/"'), .louriicv through Chinese Knijiire. 2v. N". v., \Sb;y. Mth. Hudson (Klizahetli Harriot). History of the dews in Home. /. iv. I Ho-nii.) 1(1. Lite and tiine.s of Louisa, C,)ueeii of Prussia. 2v. L., 1874. lUe. Hudson (Hcnrv Norman). Lectures on Shaksjieare. 2v. N. V., 1848. 4.'>.1. lirnsoNs 1>AY TKKinruiiY. Martin (R.M.) H. H. T. and \'aneouver's Island. L., 1849. .ml. Sf>' also (\\XAi)A (Dominion of). Hug (.I//---. Liua) a/f/ Stead (K.) Switzerland. (Hi^oriral) L., 18S10. la. Hughes (Mrs.) Memoirs of Life and Writings of Mrs. Hemans. By her Sister. Ka. Sa„H'. Ph., 1840. 42a. Hughes (Thomas). Tom IJrown at Oxford, f. h: 21a. Hughes (T. M.) lievelati(ms of Spain, 184.">. 2v. L., 184"). 57c. Hugo (N'ictor Marie). K.xcnrsions along Banks of the Rhine. L., 1843. 131). Huhn (A. von). Struggle of P.idgarians for Independence, 188."). L., 188(). 11). Huish (Robert ). History of William IV. L., 18;i7. 42d. Memoirs of Caroline, Queen of Great Pritain. v. 1. L., 1821. 8c. Humboldt (Frii'drich leinri(di Alexander, liaicn von, Gcr. natural ixf, 17iJ!i-lSof)J. Aspect f.f Nature. T'h., 1849. 41a. K.;'7//rain. 2v. in 1. L., 1811. '^S]). (171) HUMBOLDT H UNT. HuMHOi-i)T — Continued. Researches conceniinf; institutions and moninnents of Ancient Inlial)i- tants of America. '2v. (hwktd ^' Hn/nboll'K Trareln, r. ., 1854. 44b. Panh,^ (J.) City of the Mat,'yar, or H. in 1839-40. 3v. L., 1840. 14a. S<-hle:. Hunter (John I >ann). Manners and Customs of several Indian Trihes west of the Mississippi. IMi., 1823. 4()e. Hunter (^V■ I*-) F^xpedition to Syria under Admiral Sir R. Stopford. •2v. L., 1842. 4()e. Hunter(/'j, from.... 1628 until.... 1691. L., 1760. 7(1. Note. — The date 1760 on the title-page is erroneous; it should be 1765. History of Province of Ma.s.sachusets-l>ay (xic), from ....1691 un- til.' . .1750. L., 1768. 7d. Note. — This forms V. 2 of liis History of Massachusetts when taken as a whole. Hutchinson (Thomas .loseph). Ten Vear.s' Wanderin<,'s among the Ethiopians. \.., 1861. 13d. Huxley (Thomas Henry). Science and ('ulture, ami other Kssavs. X. Y., 189.1. 2d. Coiitentu : Science and Culture. Universities. Technical Education. Elementary instruction in Physiology. J. Priestley. Methods of Zadig. Border teiritory between animal and vegetable kingdoms. Errors respect- ing structure of tlie heart, attiibuted to Aristotle. On hypothesis that uninials are automata. Sensation and unity of structure of sensiferous or- gans. Evolution in biology. Coming of Age of " Origin of Species." Con- nection of biological sciences with medicine. Hyde (Kdward). Se>^ Clarendon (J^^aH of). IcKi-AXi). Ihijferiu ( F. T. lilarLirooit, earl of). A Yacht Voyage : Letters from high latitudes; voyage to I., Jan Mayen, i&c. , 1856. T>. , 1859. 13a. Hendermn (K.) Iceland, 1814-1.'). Kdin., 1819. 13d. Mnrh-enziefSir G. S.) Travels in 1. Edin., 18lL'. 40e. P/eifer(J.) Journey to I., .^-c. iv. N. Y., 1852. Pie. Visit to I. and the Scandinavian North. L., 1853. 13c. Duplicate Shephenl (C. W.) North-west Peninsula of I., 1S62. L., 1867. Id. l(HTHYO!.0(iY. See FiSHES. IcxoRANCE (Evils of). See Education. (173) ILLUS'lUATEI) INDIA. Ulustrat.-.l I.oM.lon Ni'Ws. lf<:)2 (S(.|,t. --!).•(■ )— 1804, 18')(). IM. n, <)v L. . r. -/. 48f. *Vo/c. -Tliese volniiies cover iiins-t of the period of the CrifinMii War isr)4-r)ti. Imison (-Inlin). Klcincnts cif Science iiml Art: iiitiTMluctidii to n > luiil philosophy and clieiiilstry. ((/. 'I'. U'elxster. 2v. L. , 182'J. 28u. lMrUIS(..-,MKM. >'-<' ("kIMES ANII PLXISIIMENT ; t'UISOXS. Inkia [6V'ie «/■■••'( Cashmere ; — Ceyi.on' -I'lxjauh. A/.-'u IIiniu- I)ifA\i\.] I. Histiirii iiitd A/tfi'/i/ifi'^.i. V<>ru<'r(J.) llistuiv (if 1. I,., 184(). 4Uf. Holi,ii-x(T. U. E.) History of the In.liaii Mutiny. I,.. 1885. M. In'lia : jiolitical, descrijitive, and hi.storical. ( lurhit/ht;/ J//.v.-' Cnnnr'x ii-orkou ttu xiihJKt.) L., 1S.")4. 3!tl). Marjar/au'' (C.) History of ftiitisli I. I.., I8.j7. 41e. ( >m' Indian Kiiipin; ; its liistorv and peseiit state. 2v. I,., 1SJ4. •_'8a. M(Ur<,liii(SirJ.) Political History of 1., 1784-I8i>;}. l'v. I,., 1>2(;. 40c. Maiuire (T.) Indian Anti.iuities. 7v. L., 17t);M800. '.VM. Mnrrandl.) History of Mritisli 1., to 18.")4. L., 18;")."). 4 Id. J{()/nrf'«>ii (W.J Historical I >is(juisition concerning' knowleilj^e uliidi the ancients liad of I. iv. (hound n-ilh >hf t!i(/hor'< " Uisfnri/ of Sro'/raif/,' audbnihd " ll'orks >: III.') X. Y., IH.'iit. 3Sl). S''>' itl- /li.t Works. Ru.-^j>n>/ n>nf //>!/. ) 1.., ISCO. 37a. ])np!iixiff, l:^ii. See aha /ire.< <>/ Hastivcs ( W.) ; — Havki.u( k {Sir H.) ; '/'■. 2. Tninh^ (t/nf I)p.bell (W.J My hiilian lournal. Kdin., 18r)4. 14a. IhtfiUcate, Hill. Old Forest Kan^'er, or wild sports of I. /. w. 1844. l:'d. Same. L., 1809. VM. Car/ierifer (M.) Si\ Montlis in I. 2v. I.., I8(;8. i4e. Caunff')- (H.) Oriental Annual, or S('enes in I. l)ra\vin;4s liy W. Daniell. L., 1S;U(;) 43c. Scenes in I. 1,., 1841. 39e. (.'(/o/,:n (J. ('. F.J Tij,'er-.shooting in tlie Doon and Thvar : with Life in India. L , 1887. le. Denixiin (Sir W.) Varieties of Vice-Ke<,'al Life. I'v. L., 1870. lOd. Coittf-nts : V. 1. T.isnuinici. v. 2. .\Iadra.s. Duhdin (J. A J Description of Character, Manners, and Customs of People of I. L., 1817. 38e. East In7. 14»). Fune(H.K.) Five Years in I. liv. 1.., l>-t-_>. 40a. /■',„■/»■.•< (G. S.) Wild Lifi; ill L'aiiara aii.l (laiiiani. L., 188."). 11.. Fnrxiifh ( J. ) llij,'iilaii.ls of Central I. L, 1871. l:V'. HiliPi- ( li. ) -louriiov tlinniirh Upitcr Provinecs of I., »t(;., 1824-25. V. I -J. L., I.S-2S. Ua. Hindoos. (Lih. Knt. Kmnr.) 2v. I,., 1834. 2.")!.. Ifnll'iiiei. Ji>liii.<()ii ( D.) sketches of Indian Field Sports. L., 1827. 4 le. Malle.«ni (U. li.) Recreations of an Indian ( )fticial. L, 187:.'. 17a. Miiifuni (li. li.) New York tn Kcjiii. L., 18.'.8. KJc. Mu>i>/i/ (n (W. H.) -My Diarv in P, 1 8.")8-")!). (S,'i,n;i imifi,/;/.) 2v. L., IHfiO. :<7ii. Ihlpliml^, 'l^e. Sli(ih(iiiiaf All. Siklis and Af^dians in cnniiection with 1. and IViaiii, iiiiineiliately Ijefore ami after //'>r(/i.) Yisit to P, \c, 18r).3. N. Y., 18:V). 14e. .S,(„>f. \. Y., 1859. 4i)a. Tn,>/,/e (Sir It) P in 1880. P., 1880. Id. Wallw,' (11 a.) yU-moir-^ (!i>'n,jraij/iiral) oil. P., 1824. 41o. W'lix/ ( W. M.J Fankwei, or the San Jacinto in Seas of P, iVc N. v., IS-VJ. -JTa. Imh.an AucnirELAiicj S>'r Fasteun or K.a.st Indi.xx AiiciiirAi.Aoi). India.v ()('KA\. Cnhinili ( l\ H.) Slave-cateliing in Imliaii Ocean. P., 1S73. 44. With numerous notes, also Appendi.v, by S. G. Drake. K.xeter, X. H., 1834. '281) ,,_^, (1/5) INJ>IANS INSECTS. Indians —(Juntinneil. Drakf (S. H.) I5i>ok of thf I. ; or l>io<,'rapliv ami history nt I. of North America, to 1841. B , 1845. 28c. Halliitt (J.) Historical Notes respecting,' I. of Nortli Aiiiuii( ,i. L 182o. 4(>f. HnntfrfJ. I>.) Manners and Customs of Several Imlian Triln - wost of the Mississippi. Ph., 1823. 40c. Nolf. — Contftins Iiirliaii materia medica. I'arkninii (F-) Conspiracy of Pontiac, and Indian War after CuiniiKst of Canada. 2v. B., 18»2 2c. Thai-h''r (J.) History of Plvinoutli, witii History of Abori(,'iiiis df New Knglaiul. B., 18.35. 391). Hfr (if "I I A.MKKK A nii'f til'' rdriow nnitifries irhirit rotiMituh it. A/xo Parktnans (^"■) hixtorical irorks, a d fhe inlrodnrlor;/ rh(i/i''r^ of iieiifral Hisfories of Canada, Unitkd .St.\tes, tic. In Fictikn, xec ih^ ittll, o/ Cooper (F. ), (■tr. The inoxl noted poem relntimj to th' Indians, U Long- fellow's (H. W.) Hiawatha. Inuuctivk Sciexcks. W'/ifirt'// (W.) Philosophy of the 1.8. 2v. I,., 1840. 47a. Indiiiitrial Biography. .SVf' Smiles (S.) Infidelity. Course of Lectures on I. 15y Ministers of Church of Scuiliuul. (llasgow, 1842. 4.5a. Nnih- (K.) Closing Scene, or Christianity and I. contrasted. L., lf>(S. iiam>'. --'nd series. L., 1.S49. 441k See cdxn Atheism ; — Delsm ;— Tiikoiooy. IngeloW (dean). Poems. 11,187"). IDc. Ingleby (Holcomhe). aSV'' Rolfe (K. M.) Inglis (Henry David). Channel Islands. L., 1638. 41c. Journey throughout Ireland, 1834. L., 1838. 3Sa. Journev through Xorwav, j)art of Sweilen, and Denmark. L, 1837. 39b.' Spain in 1830. 2v. L., 1831. 7a. Ingoldsby (Thomas), i»' Barham (K. H. i>.) Ingraham (d. 11.) Pillar of Fire, or Israel in liondage. X. Y., IS-")!). 44c. Samf. Ph., 1860. 44c. Prince of the House of David. Ph., 1860. 44c. Ingram (James), ^v/. Saxon Chronicle, with translation, and notes, critical and explanatory, &c. L., 182.3. 39g. Xote. —Contains a .short grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. Inquisition (Roman Catholic). Arliilli (G.) Dealings with the 1. L., 1851. 40e. Lhrrenfe (J. A.) History of I. of Spain. L., 182G. 42f. See also Koman Catholicism. Insanity. Priclianl (J. C.) I., in relation to Jurisprudence. L., 18 IJ. 46a. Insectivorous Plants. Sfe Darwln (C. R.) Insects. S^e Kntomoi.ooy. (176) INSI'KAXCK IKEI.ANK. iNsiUANtK. S'-ri(/'-li/'i/ (A.) Tntatisc mi Kiii'iuUv Societies fur Sicknoss- I'liy, Life-Assnnmcf, iind I'eiisioiis. L., lSHr>. I'h-. Ser (I I "I I Asm' III Ks. IMKI i.i:i TL'AI. I'llll.oSOrHY. S'l' MkNTAI. rilll.MSnl'llV. ImKMI'KHAXCK. H'-'' TkMI'KHAXCK. Intiiniitiniiiil I >iftii>iiiiiv (if Eii;,'lisli LaiigiiaL;!'. >'•' "Webster (N.) Iiiteiiiatiniial Moiitlily Majfaziiie. v. •"). >». V., 18.")J. 45e. InVKMIhNS, DiSCtlVKKlKS. I'tc lif'rl,llllllll( (J.) HistolV of Alnii'llt Iii>ti- tiiiioiis, Inventions, and Discoveries in Seienee unci Mftiiiinit,- Art. Ahriihjnl. V. I. L, 182.S. 2Sa. Hef ti/su I'atkms. .l/.'-v/ Sciciitilic Anicriciin. iNVKIiNKSS-SlllliK. Se(,ll;ilnl. /(i>l>i-rf.«>ii (J.) Au'riellltllle of I. L., lSl3. 481.. Ireland ('lolni II.) Wall-Strcet to Ca.-ihiiu-ic : Jnuiiial of •") yeai> in A.>ia, AfiiLii, and Knicipe, l8.">l-o(i. N. V., l,S.-.<>. 41g. lUKl.A.M). [S'-'- «/•-•" Kxiil.A.M".] 1. Hi" fun I. Annals cl llie Four Masters. See ()'('lr,ii (M.) i)- ntl,<,:<. Jiarrin'jfiiti ( Sir J.) Ilistniic Meiii nt' I. 2v. Maini /■nrhiiif.-<, etc. L., i8;{r>. 47g. Kisc anil Fall of Irish Nation. N. V., isl-',. . Kil,. I'nibtff ()V.) Historv of Kofoiniatiou in Kni^land aiul I. '1\. L., 182«». 44e. Nolf. — Vol. 1 contains ii list of alilieys, piioiies, itc, in Kngland and lie- land. Lairli:<^( K.) hvlaml. With additions Uv Mis. A. I!rons(.n. ( IIi.iii-al.) L., lcS<»-.'. la. IjIoikI (T.) Ilistoiv of I., ffoni invasiim of Ileniv II. ."iv. l)u!)lin, 1814. 7(1. Frnwh' ( J. A.) Kn.nlisli in J. in iStii eentniy. '.W. L., lN7l'-74. 8c. Sidiif. V. 1. N. v.. lf<7;5. Hi.. M(((hlt'n (]{. I}.) rnito.l Irishmen. (l{>hoUin„ ,,i I7US. >fr.) l'v. I'll., 184-->. 4ric. Mct.nrell ( \V. H.) Hi.storv of Irisji Ucdiellion in 171tM, with nienioir.s of the union, and Eniniett's insurrection in \SV'A. I.,., 1845. KJe. Mdiiri' (T-) Ilistuiy of I. (to l()4r)). ( Lar/ DkIiUh, ('onufi/ d/ DhI>U)i, CoHufij of li irkhir, Cowily of IVcxford, Coiiulij of Kilb iniy). t. ir. About ISJO. He. 12 (177) IRELAND IHVIXfi. Ihelani) (Travels, I'ti.) — Confiuwd. Crijrher (T. C. ) Kesearclies in Soutli of 1. L., 1S24. STc Note. — Informalion lespeciinj,' inaiiiiers and superstitions of Irish peasan- try, scenery, architectural remains, etc. Cunan(W.H.) Skok-hcs of Irish Uur. 2v. L., ISno. 111.. CurwenfJ. C.J. Obsorvations on Stato of I. L'v. L., ISIS. 48c. Grant (J.) Impressions of I. and the Irish. Audi/. L'v L.. 1S44. I7h. Grafton ( H.) Miscellaneous AVorks. (Chiej\>i Iriali inAitiral irritiniix.) L., 1S-2-J. 4.S(1. Hall (Mr. ly Mn'. S. C.J Ireland : its scenery, character, Siv. Willi line sttel-plati--. 3v. I.., 1S41. 8e. Heail (Sir F. B.) Fortnijrht in I. N. V., isr,;?. 43a. In"Kelly. N. Y.', //.' n (W. S.) Statistical Account of I. l'v. Duhlin, ISU-IC. 48a. Xotes of .lourncy in North of I., 1Sl'7 ; (with) Account of Seitfe of l-onilonderry in IGSJ) L., JS'JS. 'M\ i'tll<^ir (G.) In Castle ;ind Cabin, or Talks in I. in 1S87. X. Y. ^t L., 1888. Ic. Plii-]iler-Mu-una<,'on, or uji and down the I. llv an American. N. Y., 18r)6. 12e. Irving (David). Flenients of Fuf^'lish Composition. !>., 1825. 4.3a. IrviX(; (Edward, Smfrh ilirinr, l?!).J-IS.19). J,>ti".< (W.) Liograi)hicaI Sketch of I. b., 1835. 41(1. Irving (Theodore). Comiuest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. N. Y., 1857. '28a. Irving (\Yashin,iiton). Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. I5v author of "Sketcl: Book." Ph., 1835. 27a. (Adventures of Capt. L. L. K. Loinunille in the: Rocky Moimtains anil the Far West. ) '2v. t. ir. •lOc. Alhambra (The) : tales and sketches of Moors and Spaniards. 2v. in 1. Ph., 1S3G. 27a. (178) IRVING ITALY. luviNG — Conflnueil. Astoria. -Jv. /. ir., 183(5. 411.. History of Life ami Vdyuj^es of Colli ml (US. 4v. L., ]S:2S. 40c. History of Now York. (A /mr/'fi/ui' r/trd/iir/t'.) ]]y " Diedricli Kiiickerhocker '" ( psnul. ) -Jv. N. Y., kS24. 28c. Malioinct and his siKu-essors. N. Y., 1850. 401). Oliver Coldsinith : a l.iograpliy. N. Y., 1849. 17b. Sketch Book of (icoffrey Crayon. 2v.ini. Ph., 18.S5. -JTa. IsAiJKi.i.A \. (i>f Ca.-l'>lM). I'ir.sri/e (T.J Italian Xovolists. S>.'hcti()ii.<. 4v. L., 18-2."). 44a. Italian I'oKruY. S'-p Hunt (L.), Italian Poets translatcl. Aha Dante Alighieri ; -Tasso (T. ) iTAf.Y. [6Vv' (iho KuHoi'K ;--Fr.oRi::x(E ; -PiP:r)Moxr ; -Rome ; — Sit h.y.] 1 . Hi--lilitarv Events in I., 184S-49. //■. from the Crernian, by Karl of F'^es- tnere. L., 18.')1. 41 f Pn-aral (a.) History of 1. 2v. P., 1825. 8d. t^ixinnwli (J. C. L. ti<)u, Ari-/i'ii,/iii/i/, efi'. Arthur (W.) 1. in Transition, 18(50. X. Y., 18G0. 38a. Ii>rrian(W.) Travels in France and 1., 1817-18. N. Y., 1821. 40d. lilatKrilh' ( — (h' ). Travels throujfh (various) jiarts of p^urojte, especially I. .Sv. L., 174.S. 3Se. lUe>^-xitiriainf ( li. F. A., ricomte ife). Travels in America and I. 2 v. L., 1828. 40b. (179) ITALY JACKSON. Italy (Travels, etc.) — Coidinwh I)H-l:en-< (C.) Pictures froiu I. (Api>ewhd to liin '■^ Hani Tinv-^." ) L., 1866. %. ;■ Same. },v. L., ?/. '/. '^'^. Elliot (F.) J )iarv of an Idle Woman ill I. L'v. L., 1S71. 17e. Enylish in Italy. ' (Tah:".) :5v. L.. IS-io. 43(1. Not(-. — Tlic preface says iliat the sketclie.s coiitaineil in these volumes me from life, with .sligiit imaginative colouring. •: Fni>ia<-^ (J. C.) Classical Tour tlir«.u<;l, ]., 180l'. 4v. L., 1S21. 4.')e. Fjca>i.t((:. W. I).) Classic and Connoisseur in I. and Sicily. :> y. L., 183r>. .Si)c. ]>ui>r,rat<. X'w. For--/ (J. T.J Letters from 1. X. V., 1S47. 411.. HillanI (G. S.) Six Months in 1. 2v. 15., 1853. 391). Italian Sketch-Book. 15y an American. Ph., 183-'). 43c. Letters from North of I.'; addressed to llenrv Hallani. 2v. L., l8ll». 46c. Mahoiii'ij (S. J.) Six Years in Monasteries of I., iVc. 1>., 184-"). 17a. Mariotti (L.), />«'>iiffn-(J.) Visit to Holy Land, Kg.Vj.t, an.l 1. L., 18.^1'. iSe. Rorhan (A. L. rou). Wanderim,'s throuuh Cities of I., I8r)0-5L l'v. 14e. Rottroc (T.) Tourist in I. lUus. 1)v S. Prout. ('Lamlsi-a/f Ainnial, IS.ilJ. L., 1831. ;«a. Tourist in I. lUus. hy ,). 1). IlardiiiL;. L'v. ( La/nl.-^rnpe AxnnnL lS3^-3.i.) L., 1832-;w! .SSa. Tourist in Switzerland and 1. lUus liy S. I'lxtut. ( I.a)i'l'"ni,o Annual, 1SS<>. ) L., 1830. 38a. Sala (('. A.) Home and \'enice, with other wanderiiiys in I., 1800-67. L., 1869. 14a. Scenes and Imj.ressions in Egypt and I. Ilv authoi' of Sketches nf India. L., 18-24. 43(1. Simowl (L.) Tour in I. and Sicily. L., 18l'S. 40f. , WehJ) (W.) Minutes of Remarks made along the Rhine, and iluring residence in Swiisserlantl f's/V; and Italy. 2v. li. , 1827. 41d. Whit^M>, i'C;c. L., 1814. 41g. . Jackson (Rohert Kdnuuid Scoreshy). Life of W. Scoreshy. L. 1 1. 39b. (180) J ACK.S( )X J APAN. Jackson (Tlumifis). rrovidence of (iod, viewed in li^dit of I lolv Scrip- ture. L., 18(>2. 40g. Jamaica. Leinx f M. G.) Journal of a AVost India I'loiirietor, during resilience in J. L., IS.'W. 39e. ,I.\MKs 1. ( Kiiiij of Euijlawl, VI. itf Srothoi'l, lofHi-lG,'-')). Ailnn (L.) Memoirs of Court of .James I. *2v. L. , 18'2'2. 9b. James (Edwin). Account of Expedition from I'ittsbur^f to Rocky Moun- tains, 1819-20, under Maj. S. H. l/ong. Maps and Plates. Ph., 1822. 39g. James (John Antfell, Kinj. ilixufiifinij >(iri/ti', nS'i-IS.lU), Lifo and Letters, including an unfinished Autobiograpiiy. til. R. \V. Dale. N. Y., 1861. A'M. Jamies ((ieorj^e Payne Kain.xford). Educational r..stitutions of (WrniaHy. L., 188.1. 43a! Eife of Henry IV. of Erance. I'v. X. Y., 1847. 9d. Jiife of Richard, Ca'urnie-Lion, King of En<;land. 2v. L., 1854. 17d. Lives of ( 'ardinal de Retz, Jean Raptiste (_'am and Steam-Engines. L, 1S92. 2(1. Janus, I'sewi. S>'>' Huber (V. A.) Jai'ax. A'/niii.* (A.J Travels of a Naturalist in J. and Manchinia. L., 1870. 14b. jyAh»ei'/a(A.) Ladv's Visit to Manilla and J. Ry "Anna D'A." L., 1863. .39d. (iiiliiirtiiii ( W.) Memoirs of Captivity in J 3v. L., 1824. 39c. Hanii.'i ( F. L.) Exjiedition of American Squadron to China Seas and J., 18."2-.")4, un(Lt Nl. (". Perry. Compiled from journals of Perry and his otticers. ( Willi many plalf^. ) 3v. Wash., KS.lfi. 38e. Kn<,ll!i>^ (H.) Sk(>tc"hes of Life in J. I,., 1887. Id. AfwFarlanr (C.) Japan : geographical and histrirical. N. Y., 1852.. 38a. J/.»/f.< (Muninix i/r ). Recollections of I'.aron (Iros's Embassy to China and J., l8r)7-58. b., 1860. ISe. Afi.-'.^iiiaH (S.J NewJa])an; its annals during last 20 years. L., 1873. 14b. O/ijJiaiif (L.) Earl of Elgin's Mi.ssion to China and J., 1857-59. 2v. Kdin., 1860. 39d. I)upliral<\ L'p:. Pern/ (Af. r.) ^vA' Hairk.-<(F. L.) (181) JAPAN JERUOLI). Japan — Continneil. SiehiM (r. F. niu). Memoirs and Custoins of the J!ij)ant'.so in llHli oenturv. l-., 1S41. 41a. Hn.ith (a.) Tt'ii Wocks iu .1. L., 1.S61. Uf. Spahliuij (J. W.) J., and aiDund the world. N. Y., Xi^'th. 411«. Stninii>4::(A.) -I. and her pooph'. L., 1859. l?b. Taiilor (B.) Visit to India, China, and .1., 1853. N. V., 1855. 14e. Scinif^. 1859. 45a. Jarvis (dames dackson). Sanhvich Islands, and Central America. 15., IS4.3. 411.. Java. Jiajffrx (,Sir T. S.) History of d. I'v. L., 1830. 14d. JeaffreSOn(di)hn Cordv). Hook ahout the Tal>le. 2v. L, 1875. 15(«. Elides and r.ridais. ' 2v. L., 1872. 15,1. Jefferson (Tluimas, -inl /uexi'/ptit i>f ('. S. A., / /'^-i->'-/S2(i). Memoir.s, (^orre-spoiitU'iiee, ami Pri\iite Papers. <(/. T. Kaiidolpli. 4v. I..., 1S29. 12a. Notes iMi State of Virginia. 1.., 1787. 41d. Ra>i)in' (B. L.) LitV' of d. 15.. 18:?4. 42a. Tii'rb;r((;.) Life''•''• z' ''''•> l'*^R- 20o. CorhhnrufH. T., luv'l). Life: Avith Corre.sjKimlence. 2v. Ph., 1852. 1 2a. Ihi plicate, 4'>'- Jeffreys ((leor^e, Bik/. jwh/r((/f'f Lnr-S.'> ). Sfen'tixftn (It. L.) 'Memoirs of F. .1. N'. V., 1S87. Ga. Jenkins (lienjaniiii (li'oroe). What is Matter .' I5v an Inner Templar. L., 18()9.' 17e. Jennings (<'eorf,'e II t'ln-y) r?»'/ Johnstone (\V. S.) I5o(.k of Parlia- mentary Anecdote; compiled. Fj., /*. '/. 17d. Jennings (kohcTt). Cattle and their Diseases. Ph., 1890. 2h. Jenyns (Soame). Di.stjnisitions on Several Sid>jeets. 2nd ed. L., 1782. Square, larije marijiw. 4r)a. Coiifeiifs :—]. ("hair of Universal Heing. '2. Cruelty to inferior Animals. S. I'reexistent State. 4. Xature of Time. .1. .Analogy l^tween things Material and Intellectual. (\ Ratio!ial ("hiistianity. 7. (Joveriiinent and Civil Liherty. H. Religious Estahlishmeiits. Jerdan (William). .Men lliave known. 1,., 18G(5. 11a. Jerningham (Ilerhert Kdward Ilenrv). Idfe in a Freneh Chatean. L., lSti7. H>c. Jerome (derome Klapka). S'-e Ficikin. Jerrmann (Fdward). Pictures from St. Petersl.iiiu. iv. N. Y., 1852. 12e. Jerrold (Blanchard). Children of Lntetia. 2v. L., 18(54. 17e. Note. — The result of his travels among the poor, the old, and the ->- alxii 1'ai.estine. Jesse (Kd ward). Anecdotes of I )ojfs. L,187;). 17d. Jesse {^Villiilnl). I.ifeof (ienr^c IJrunniiell, commoidy i-alled r.caii r>ium- mell. -Iv L.. 1844. 12(1.' .IesI'ITs. Pdi-lciiKiii (F.) .lesuits in Xoi'tli America in 1 7tli ceiiturv. B., 1 8<.)2. -ic. l'ii.«-((l (li.) Provincial Letters. X. V., IHoC). 41e. S('>/iiiour(M.H.) Mornings among the J. at Rome. \. Y.. 1849. 4r)a. Taijloi- (J.) lioyola, and Jesuitism in its rudiments. L., 1849. 4Gi'.. .sVv' ((hi, Rum AX Catholicism. .Iesus CuKisiT. Harris (J.) The Great Teacher. L., 1840. 4r)li. luqrahau, (J. H.) Piincc of House of David. Ph., ISOO. 44c. Kl,>i>.. 17c. iSlii'rl(ir/r (T.) Trial of Witnes.ses of Resurrection of Jesus: with seijiiel. jv. ( I'rinteil lit Ellin. ,». .'*' al.•////. .\hn Arnold's (Sir\L) Light of tiie World ( pomi ). Jewett (Sarah ()rne). The Xoiiuans, chiefly in relation to their comiuest of England. L., 18SM. la Jews. Ho^mer (J. K ) The Jews, ancient, media'val, and modern. L., *1891. la. HH'hon'(K. H.) History of the J. in Rome. I. v. (Recent.) Id. Inp}>ns (F.) AVorks. 4 v. L., 1820. 20a. Contents .- v. 1-3, Anti(|uities of the Jews ; 3-4, Wars of the Jews, &c. Mi>rri.-«>i, (W. D.) J. under Roman Rule. L, 1892. la. Rotlisrhilil (C. ij" A. aniel). Sketches of Indian Field Sports. L., 1827. 41e. Johnson (James) Chan^'e of Air. L., 1831. 46e. Johnson (Samuel, Enij. lexii-mirajihir, >:-tt, ijv., ITo'.iS.'f). Dictionary of Knglish Langimye. '2v. L., 17!t9. ;Wg. Lives of English Poets. L., 18l>o. 4:51). Same. L., 1871. 18e. See a/xo •• Works of Knglish Poets," tattfrr Enci.ish Pokikv. Rambler (The). 4 v. /,'. y..,' 1776. 28a. Rasselas, i)rince of Abvssinia : a tale. L., 181(5. 44a. Works. V. ± X. V.', 1861. 43c. Ati'ln-.^oii (H.) Life ..f S. .J. Kdin., 1815. 451). Boi'iri^ll (J-) Life of .1. ; including Tour to the Hebrides, i-^l. .]. W. Ooker. .")V. L., IS.'il. l-2a. Tour to Hebriiles with .1. L., )i. il. 41e. Johnston (dames Finlay Weir). Notes on Nortii .Vmeriea. 2v. P., 18.")!. .38a. Johnstone (W. s.) Ser Jennings (' niirels^ .tee Fiction. JoNE.s(John Paul, Am. miral nmrer, 17.'f7-'.U). Al,h„tt (.J. S. C.) Life of J. N. v., 1874(?) 4Uf. Jones (^'SV/- William). Law of Pailments. L., 1833. 47('. JoxEs (Sir William, oriei/fdfi.if, IT.'fd-OJi). TeiijiuiKudli (J. Shore, funf) Life, Writings and Correspondence of Sir \V. J. L., 1815. 481). Jones (William). Biographical Sketch of Rev. Edward Irving. L.. 1835 41d. Jones (William, l^'iJ-lS.'^H). History of Christian Church. 2v. L., 1819. 44o. Jones (/("'•'■. William). Memoirs of Rowl.md Hill. L., //. j) Boaden(J.) Life of Mrs. J. 2v. L., 1831. lie.' Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities. .SV^^ Surtees (R. S.) JosEi'iiiXE ( Kwpre!<.-< of Franre^ irife of Napohoii ^, 17t!->-lHl .tf). Ah/'o'f (J.S.) History of J. N. V.," 18r)l(?) 11a. .Memoirs of Empress J., witli Anecdotes of Court of Navarre and Mal- n)aison. L., 18'28. Da. XaiioleiDt I. Confidential Letteis to Josej)hine (half-fifJe). eiitiiiii. By Jeliangeer Nowrojec and Hiijet-hlioy Mtiwanjet', of liowhay. L., 1841. 28c. .IL•|)^l). .Ildsox (il/y.<. Ann llascltine, Mr". Sarali Uoanlnian, Mra. Kniily Clmlibock, wirf.'i of Ailotiiram). Wll/soti (A M.) Lives of \. II. .)., S. H. J., E. (". J., missionaries lo Huiniaii. N- Y., 18.")7. 4.')c. Judson fSaiali IJoanlinan, irifi^ of Aifoiiirdin, ISO.i-Jf.')). Jui/snii (Mrx. E)nily C. ) Memoir of S. R. .Tndson. By " Fanny Forestei "Y/>""i"'. ^ X. ^'., I.S4.S. 4.")c. .SVr ulxo liricfdiii;/ mtry. .IUMU!S C.KSAH. Set' C.KSAR (C. J.) Junius, p^^'wL Letters. 2 v. L, 1810. 42e. Sanii: ^''/. Wooilfall. North Mi.ldlehury, J/r^<>•., 1848. 43c. Sainf. Ineludiny- letters 1)V same writer untler other signatures &c. "/. Woo.lfall. •.\y. I..', 1S14. ISi). Junot (.!////'-. L. P.) >w Abrantes ( Dur/n-ssr ,r). K.MUi, (jr Caiui.. Ihtnu'x (Sir A.) (Jah< d ; jnurney to and residence iu that city, IS.Sf);«. I'll., 1S4.S. 4% Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. Sti' Cop way (< i.) Karnes (Ilenrv Home, Loni). Klements of Criticism L'v. Kdin 1765. 4.-)l). Same. 2 v. Kdin., 1817. 46c. , Sketches of History of Man. 3 v. Kdin., 181;}. 47h. Kamschatka. Dnhell'(P.) Travels in K., iV-c. 'Iw. L., 18.30. 41d. Kane (Klislia Kent). Arctic K.xplorations, in search of Sir d. FrankHn,, lSr)3-r>.->. 2v. Ph., 1856. 141). Kansas. Hale (K. K.) K. and Nebraska. B., 1854. 42e. Kaks. IaiI,i' (A.) K., and onr caittivity in Bnssia. L., 1856. ]8e. Sawhrifh (II.) Sicuc of K. L., 185G. 1.5a. Kartoum. Set' Khautoum. Kasumik. Si'I' Cashmere. Kavanagh (dulia). AdMe: tale. L., «. '/. 2la. Summer and Wint.,/(.'/. Kje. Kelly (William). Across t'.ic H(U'ky Mountains. I,., 1S.'')2. 40a. Lifi' in Victoria, -v. L, 18")0. .'JSa. Kemble (Franci's Anne). ' Butler (A/r.<.J Kemui.e ('lohn ri iili| )./>//'/. rt''/o/', IT'il-ISJ-i). HikvI'ii (J.) Memoirs of K. -Jv. i-., 1825. ^Je. See aho Kemhi,e F.\.mii,v. Kemhi.k (Sarah)- S''e Sikodn?; (Mr^^.) Al- nfxt rnini. KE.Min.E Family. Fitujci-alil ( l\) The Kcinlilcs, inchuliui,' Livens of Mis. Siddons (//rrt Sarah Kenihle), and 'icr lirother John l*hdi[) Keinl)le. '1\. 1^., 187 11?) 1.5(1. Kendaill ((It'ori^c Wilkins). Narrative cf Texan Sante Vi- F.xpeclition. •2v. X. V.', 1844. 3!)e. Kendall (dfilin denninjis). Mexico under .Maximilian. F/.. 1871. lie. Kennan (., 1870. .'?9c. Kennard (d//-s. Kd\vare. Kennedy (.Mexander). New Zealand. L., 1S7."]. i-"id. Kennedy (William). Texas. L'v. 1... 1841. l;{e Kennedy (NViliiam R(d)ert). sport, Travtd, and Adventure in Ncwfoiuid- hmd iuul XVest Indies. Ediii. i.*v: L., 1885. le. Sporting; Adventure." i>i the Pacific. L., 187(). 13e. Kenrick (William). Xew Anu'riean Orchardist. U.. 18:5."). 471'. Kent (James), Commentaries on American Law. 4v. N. V., 183J. 44e. Kexvox (Llovd, /.s-/ Lord : rhift'-jn!tfii-e of Kii'iUiinl, 17-1'i-lSOJ). Kmiiinu (ii (C. ('.) -lournals at K. '''/. A. E. Hake. L., lS8r>. Id. See a/so oflivr fnfrici nnihr Gordon (C. (i.) (186) KIDU KIN'(;.ST(>X. Kidd (-roliii). Adaptation of Kxtcinal Xattnc to T'livsical Contlition of Miui. Ph., I8;W. 4«il). Eincaid (.lolm)- Haiuioiu shots from a RiHciii iii. I.., IS.")-"), l-'f. King (Mrx. Fiances Klizalictli). Ilcin-ticial Ktlrits of Cliiistiaii Ti'in|)(>rou Ddiiit'stiu Happiness. L. , 1X17. 4.'{ii. B^ing (Katliaiiiic). Sweet is True Lovi'. -Jv. I... IS^S. (it;. King (Pliilliii I'aikci). Smv.'v of Coasts of Aiistialia. l-^l.S-i'-J. 2v. L., King (William, I US.',- 17 (>■>). Political ami Litciaiy Amctlotcs of lii.s own tiim'.s. L., I81S. 4;{;t. KiMjV Coi.i.KiiK, Wind.sor, N. S. AI,i)i-'< ('!'. /I.) ()iij;iii, Kiidowmeiit and Progress of University of King's C.'olli'gf. H;ilif;ix, lS(i."». '28c. /*/''/•.< (If.) Cataloj^ue of Liln'aiv of Kinii's Collcj,'!-, with occasional annotation.'^. Halifax, 18{(.'<. To. Kinglake(Al('.\aiid('V William). Kothcii. ( Tnirrh in ffic K<(sf.) Ano//. L., 184.-). 13(1. Same. L., 1H71. 13d. Invasion of the Crimea. 7v. Kdiii. A; L., 1)^03-91. IGa. Saiiir. -Jv. \. v., IHGJ^. 4ic. Kingsford (William). History of Canada. v. l-(i + . (1»>0S-1779.) Toronto & L., l887-9;i +. 7e. iVo^-. — Tlii.s excellent work is still in coiir.se of pulilication. '1 he later volumes will he oiitained as issued. Kingsley (<"liarl('s). Andromeda; ami (-tlier |M'cms. 1>. l.SoH. 191». At Last: Christmas ni We.st Indii's. l'v. L., 1871. 131). Snwr. N. v., 1871. 391). ( Haucus, or wonders of the Shore. (Mariii'' zttoUnjii.) I'., 18.")."). 4d. Health and Kiication. ( h't c^-ia ;/■•<. ) I-., 1874. 4d. Madam How and Lady Why, or first lessons in earth lore for children.. L., 18:0. 4.1. ^'ew Miscellanies. !>., 1800. 17c. l)n/i//'-<(f'; .'f.'>a. Sermons on National Siihjeets. 'Jnd series. 1-., 18.")4. 4G1). Sii' Walter Kaleij,'h ; witli other Paper.^. 1'.., 18.')9. l.")c. Couliul>- : Sir W. Raleigh and his times. Plays and I'uiitans. P>unis and his school. Hours with the Mystics. Tennyson. Poetry of Sacrtd and Legendary .Art. North Devon. Phaetlxai. Alexandria and liis schools. My \Vinler (Jarden. Kngland from Wolsey to Klizaheth. Sfie aho Fiction. Kingsley (C. H.) Sec Pembroke (<"■. H. C. Herl.ert. Karl <>f). Kingsley (Henry). The Ilillyars and the I'.urtons. P,., 180."). •_>3f. Kingsman (A.), //.^rwr/. See Bssington (P W.) Kingston (William Peattv). A Wanderer's Notes. (J-'/im/H:) 2v. L, 1888. If. Kingston (William Henry (liles). P.oy's Own Pook of P>oats ; with, how to make sailing niO(i<^ls. L.. 18H8. 281). Yacht Voya^'e round Kngland. ( Written far tinij^.) P., n. it. 23e. For JiiK tah'.^ for //oi/.-<, ,sw FicrioN. (IH7) KIXXEAK K .NOLLYS. Kinnear (-lohr. <'■.) Cairo, I'ctra, ami naiiiasciis, in iS.'jy. L., 1841. 41.1. Kip (William Iiinraliain). < "liristiii as llolytlays in Ho)no. L., 1847. :m>. Kipling (HiKlyaiil). iJalla.ls; aii.l Hairack-Kooiii IJalla.ls. N. V., I.sy2. 4o. Set' ulxii Fiction. Kippis ( A. ) Srr Martyrs ( i:) Kirby ('I'l^liiiii). Dr. lliook Taylor's Mctlioil of IVispoclivo coiujtared Willi Siiigatti's. Av. (honii'l iri/h Kirhi/'s '^•P^f^iyrtiif '' ). L., /(. '/. (17—?) 4Sg. (Peisiu'ctivc.) j,v. /. //•. (17--?) 4;5i,'. Kirby (William) and Spence (^V.) Introiliiction tn Kntoniolo<,'y. Wlfh/>/(i/es. 4v. L, l8-J--'-'2»). 471'. Kirk ('I'Om Fosti'i). History of ( 'liarlos tlw lloM, Duko of Hurgumly. liv. Vh., lSfi4. 10.1. Kirke ( llonry.) First F/iiylisli ('.inquest .if ( "aiiada : with account of earliesit settlements in Nova Suoiia iiml Xe\vfi)iui.lliin.l. L., ISTI. l.'ili. Kirkland (Miy. Caroline M.) llolidavs Ahroa.l. 2v. N. V.. IH'tl. 41b. - ; Memories of G. Wasliin^ton. X. V., 1S.")7. 4"Jlt. Western Clearings. N. V., l84o. 27a. Kirwan, 7»v«//. 5" Murray (N.) Kirwan (Andrew Valentine). Mo.lern France. !,., 180.3. I8e. Klein (J. F.) Flements .)f Ma.liine Design. IJethleliem, Pa., 1892. 21>. Klencke (P. F. 11.) Lives .if the P.r.'thers llnnd».l.lt, Alexan.ler (hy Klencke) an.l William (hy Schlesiei). X. V.,I85.S. 4-Jl). Klopstock (Fr.'d.M'ic ( J.ittlieh). The .Messiah. ''/. F. Shoherl. L., II. d. 44.1. Klunzinger (C. 1>.) I'liper Egypt. L., 1878. Ic. Knapp (>*amuel L.irenz.i). Female Dingraphy. Ph., 184.'?. Ku-. Knickerbocker (Diedrich), i»<>'uest Authors ; selectcl and arranged with hi.igrapliicel notiue.s. N. Y., 1847. 17b. Knowledge is Power : pro.luctive forces .if m.Mlern .society, and results of labour, capital and skill. L., 1859. 28a. >,h London. 6v. L., 1841-44. 8e. Sarni'. (/)u/i/icafi\) v. in 3. 8e. Knight ('J//-.--. Helen C.) Life of James M.>ntgomery. R, 18o7. 41b. Knighton (William). Klihu dan's Story, or jaivate life of an ea.stern (jiieen. L. , ISfC). 17a. Hist.iry of Ceylon. L, 1845. .'57a. Kxi.iHTs T'emi'Lahs. A,1!(50. (,'onipiled front journals of Gen. Sir U. (irant. Kdin. & L., 1875, 18s. (188) K NOLLYS LAlXfi. K NOLLYS — CoufillW'i/. Skt'tilu's of Life in .Ta]>aii. L., 1887. M. KnOWles (.Fames Slioridan). Dramatic W..rks. 'J v. L., 1841. 17(1. K.vox (.Iniix). M'<),i»(T.) Life of K. iv, Kdiii., ISIH. 4iJf. Knox (Vico.simu.s). Kssay.s moral ami literary. 3v. Ji., ISl"). 42a, Lilieral Kducation. 'J v. L., 17!'."). 4r)a. Koch (Charle.s W.) Tiie Crimea ; with vi.sit to ( Kles.^a. L, liS.')5. 4?a, Koch (Cliri.stoplier "William), lli.storv of Kurope, Laving special reference to Rfvolnlioiis. Hartford, IS.">7. 4(>c. Kohl (.!.«;.) Kni,dand and Wales. I'li., 1S4G. 4% Irelaml. N. V., 1844-. 'Me. Itussia and the linssians, 1842. v. 1(.') I'li., 184.'?. 401.. Kohlrausch (Frederick). History of ( lermanv. N. V., 18.').5. 10b. KoUonitz (f'"M«/f«.s Paula). Court of Me.xieo.' L., 1808. ir,d. KooHinisiA.N "/• KiKinsTA.v. Milliiiijm ( F.) Wild Life anionu the Kooids. r. iKTo ui. L., 1870. 141., K oran (The). //•. (leort,'e Sale. L., 18.')7. 44d. i"ritz von). .lourney inttt I'er.'^ia, 1817. L.. 18H'. 41f. Kotzebue (Otto von). New ^"oval;■e round the A\'orld, 1823-2G. L'v. L., 1830. 40a. Krapf (d. Lewis). Travels in Eastern Africa. IJ., 1800. 44c. Ijabauiue (Kui,'ene)- Cam|iaion in Russia. L., 181-"). 4l(*. I.,AH()i"i{. Claimsof L. : Kssays on Duties of Kmployer.s to Employed. L., 1845. 4(ie. Report of Special Assistant Poor Law Commissioners on Employment of Women and Cliildreii in Agriculture. L. , 1843. 47ii. Labradou. Xiihl' (L. L.) After liel»er<,'s with a Painter. 2s. V , 1801. 4(a. T^^dies Treasury, v. r)(1801). L., 180L lOj;. Ijafarge (Mine. Marie Cappelle, Froidt /ir/so/tn; IS/0--l,J). ^Nlemoir.s, l.v lieis(-lf. 2v. L.. 1841. !)c. LaPayette l.y lieiself. 2v. L.,1841. !>c. jrette (^Lu■il' Jean Paul Roch Vvis Ciilliert Motier, M(tri/>ii.-< de, J7-'ii-!S->4). Memoirs, (>)rresp{)iulence and Manuscripts of General L. I'ub- li.siied l.y ids family. 3v. L, 1837. -Ilf. a {Mrs.^ll. S. DeCourey). S<'e AdamS {Mr--<. L.) ntaine (dean de.) Fables. //•. R. Thomson. 4v. in 1. Paris, I Sim: 1(1.1 Laffan , IiaFontaine (- 18ouillon). Manual of Course of Chemistrv. 2v. L., 18W). 48c. Laing (Saniu(d). Xatic^nal Distress, its cause.s and remedies. L., 1844. 28c. Notes of a Traveller (in Europe). Ph., 1840. 40d. Tour in Sweden, 1838. L., 18.39. 40e. (1S9) LAIRO LANIX^R. Laird of Lo<,'aii, oi Aiipcdotos ami Talcs illustrative of Wit and Humour of Scotland. Glasgow, 1S45. 27a. Lake {Col. Atwell). Kars, ami our caj)tivity in Russia ; with letters from «;eii. Sir \V. F. Williams, &c. L, 1856. 18e. Lalor (-lolin). Money an'd Morals. L,1852. 46c. Lamartine (Marie L(»uis Alphonse Prat de). Vtheisni anini)<,r tlie People. R, \SM. 45a. History of French Revolution of 1848. 2v. in 1. W., 1849. 28a. History of the Girondists. 3v. N. Y., 1847. 7<1. Du/dirafe, SOr. Note. — See note under Fkanck. Travels in tiie East, includinj,' dourney in Holy Land. Kdin., 1839. 14d. Laml) ( Laihj CarolintO- Xathnn (I.) Fu<;itive l*ieces and Reminiscen- ces of Byron ; also Poetrv, Letters, and Recollections of Lady t'. Lanil> I^, l!SJy. loa. Lamb (Charles). Kssavs of Elia. Aiioii. \v. (hiniii'f irith Lanili'.< /W- h )■■<.) L., 1844. 4Sf. Sail"'- f. ir. 17d. Letters. .-J. T. X. Talfourd. \x. L, 1841. 43f. Work.-^. V. 1. (Lf'tt(:i:-< (ukI I'ix'mx.) N. Y., 1838. 17a. ^Vorks : witli life by Sir Tlionias Noon Talfourd. 2v. X. Y., 1864. 4r)d. Lamballe (Marie Thevese Louise de Savoye Cari^fiiaii, /'/'////-".sw di-, 17^- 92].. Secret Memoirs of Royal Family of France during the Revolution. 2v. L., 1826. Oh. Lamont (dames). Seasons with the Sea-Horses : sportinj,' adventures in Nortliern Seas. N. V., 1861. 14c. Lamping ( Lmd. Clemens). French in Alj^'iers : 1, Tiie Soldier of the Foreign Legion (by Lamping) ; "2, The Prisoners of Al» 1-el Kader (Ly de France), tr. Liidy DuH' (Jonlon. L., 1845. 43a. Lancaster (House of). Iloherf-< (E.) Memoirs of Houses of York and I.u, historical and biographical. 2v. in 1. L., 1827. 3Sb. Lancelot! (Francis). (,>ueensof England, from Matilda, (jueen of William the Conqueror, to Adelaide, ■ and pveinj.) 2 v. L., 1853. 45f. (190) LANDSCAPE LATHE. Landscape Animal, 18:50-34. (v. 1-5.) ///«.>•. L., /•. r( li.) Northern Travel : Sweden, l)enmark, ami L. N. Y., 18,58. 4r)a. Lardner (Dionysius). Arithmetic. L., \8'M\ (fUlr-i>hit>\ l8-'4). 2.5a. Cal)inet ("vclopa'dia. I'l. Lardner. 'i^)\. L., /•. '/. ( alxmf IS-l.i-^.) '2.-)a. Conffiifs : Iiioi;r,i/>liy.— I' iinhaM {S . A.) &= others. Kinineiit Literary aiui ScientitK" Men of Oroat ISritait: .inil Irelaixi. Anon. :iv. /•'o)stcr( J.) C-^ others. Eminent British Statesmen. \'. i-7. G/tigU-. A'.) Kminent British Military (."oniniaiiders. 3\ . .S/ie/Ay (Mrs. .1/. II '.)iS-^ others. Eminent Literary and Scientifie Men of Italy, Spain, and Portnifal. Anon, .{v, (nogra/>liy.-Coo/ey(ll'. IK) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery, .-iiion. Hv. //istory. — FetUR) History of Russia. Anon. 3v. Crowe (/<. /■'..) History of France, v. 1-S. Piinhatn (S. .1.) History of Germanic Empire. 3v. iirattan ( '/'. C.) History of the Netherlands. Mackintosh (./.) ,!-= // Vi//,r, , (//'.) History of England, v. :M0. Mocrc (7.1 History of Ireland, v. l-:i. SteH'inif(lf.) The Keformation. 2v. Thir/u'ii// (C.) History of Greece. Sv. iril.io'i(/.) History of Switzerland. .Inon. Satnral History. — Hensha-.o (J. .V.) Descriptive and Physiological Botany. Suuiiiison (ly.) I'reliminiry Disrotirses on Study of Natural History. Satnral rhiloso/ihy. I lerschel\l . F. 11.) Astronomy, Lardner (11.) Arithmetic. I'se/ul .-{rts.— Porter (C A'.) Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. .Inon. Course of Lectures on Astronomy. .\v. (houul iritli TJiohi^^oiC" " Prn- firf.'ix o/ /'hy.flcnl Srifiiice.") n. f. 47b. Steam Engine. L., 18.36. 46d. Same. Ph , 1838. 46c. LaRochejaquelein (Marie Louise Victoire de Donissan, Manjuiff de, n::iS.'n). Mcmoins. K.lin., 1,S17. 42(1. LaSali.e (Ri'iii' Rolx-rt (^'avelier, Sifjur de, Fn'tn-h crplort'i', iCdo-S?). P' de). -lour- nal of Private Life ami Conversations of Napoleon at St. Helena. 4v. L. , 1824. Kic. Latham (Rol)evt (Jordon). Ethnology of Eurojie. L., 1852. 46a Lathe (The). See TiRxiNii. 191) LATIN LAW. Latin Language, (lartlus ad Paniassuiu, sive Novus .Syiionynioniiu, Kpi- • tlietoruin, Versuuni, ac Phrasinm I'oeticaruni, Thesaurus. Al) " Uikj e Soeietate Jesu.' Eiliu., 1816. 44a. Latix Literati- ue. *SV Roman Litekature. Lauk (William, Ar<-li bishop of Cattterhunj, I'»7-i-J'l4'>). Laimni (J. I'.) Life ami Times of Laud. '2v. L., 1829. 121j. Lauder (Sir Thomas Dick). Great Flooils of Au^'u.st, 1829, in I'rovinre of Moray. E.liu., 18.S0. 40e. Lavallette (Antoine Marie Cliamaiis, Comf'' tie, Fr. roun»plhir of nfnf':, naU-lSSH). Memoirs. By hiuiself. '2\ . L., 1831. 42e. Xiaveaux (-Toan Cliarle.s Tlii('l)ault tie). Ilistury of Keigii.>< of Peter III. and Catharine IL of Russia. Anon. 2v. in 1. L., 1798. 381). Xjavenu fL. S.) Krle.'^mere. \\. L., 1862. 'I'Mx. Lavoisier (Antoine Lanrent). Elements of Chemistry, fr. H. Keii. 2v. Kdin., 1802. 48e. Law (William, lllSf;-I7(iI ). Xotes and Materials for Hiograi)hy of the the- osopher, W. Law, efc. L., lSo4. 44f. JWe. -Printed for ))rivate circulation. Corrected by the pen throughout, probably by the author. Law. [See (tlt!o ^Iedical Jurisi'riuexce ; — Trials.] 1. Aiin'riraii Lair. Kent (J.) Commentaries on American L 4v. N. V., 1832. 41c. 2. Alien hti'it, otr. Currari(W.IL) Sketches of I ri.sh Uar. 2v. L., 18.').-). 111.. (irant (J.) Hench and I5ar. ]>y author of " Kandom Keeollectinus of Lords and Commons."' 2v. L., 1838. 44a. Westminster Hall, or profe.ssional relics and anecdotes of Imr, liench, and woolsack. 2v. L., 1825. 45d. See a/.fo flu /ins of rarioui< /aici/ert^. 3. Bailiiient". . Jone.< (Sir W.) Law of Bailments. L., 1833. 47c. 4. Jii//--< <>/ Krr/iatn/t', Vrciiiii'^.-'orii Niitex, a7i>J Jhni/.'is' C/i"-/,>'. Rosroe (H.) J)igest of Law relating to Bills of Exchange, Promis.sory Notes, and Bankers Checks. L., 1829. 47c. 5. 6'rt.se.<, Ju'/ifiiimfx, 'fr. CJiiffil (K.) Index to all Reported Cases, Statutes, and (leiieral ( )rdcrs, relating to Equity and Bankruptcy. 3v. L., 1837. 43g. G. Cirif or lioinan Laa; aixf Canon Lan; Butter (C.) Memoirs of H. F. d'Aguesseau ; and Account of Roman and Canon L. L., 1830. 43b. 7. K)ir. B/ar/ivfone (Sir ]V.J Commentaries on Laws of Kn"land. v. 1-2 L., 1809. 44c. See aho variou-s eutriea uwfcr other .siib-t/iomonx of tliiii ttulijn-t, (192) LAW I.AWSOX. Law — Cotifiuiieif. 8. General Woi-l:.-<. Bramh (T.) rriiici})iii Lfgis fit .Kli;iliotii';il colU'ctiun of Maxims, I'riiK'iple.s or Rules, Detinitions, ^:c. , in L, , and E(|uity. L. , 1824 47b. Ho/max (D.) Course of Legal Study. I'h., 1^40. 47f. Mi><'rtii lie/iri-m Huxhahi/ ami Wife. Ih))" ,■ (]{. S. I). ) LaM' of Property l>etween Husband and AN'ifi-. 2v. L., lS-2(). 44f. 11. Ji(i//ica;/f. S/ie/h>rrders of Cnurt of Chancery and the Statute \^\w (if Real Property of State of New Vfuk. L., 1830. 47c. 13. Wah'n-tmrxi's. AwHI (J. K.) Law of Watercourses. B., 1840. 47e. 14. Wilh. R,>l»rfs ( W.) Treatise of Law of Wills and Codicils. 2v. L.. 1826, 47 1>. Lawless (Kmily). Ireland. (Hisfuriral. ) L.. 1892. la. Lawlor (l>envs Slivne). Pilgrimages in the Pyrenees antl Landes. L., IS7(t. 13c. Lawrence (Ceorge Alfred). Border and J5astile. (Reh'^llio)! of C(m- fctl'-rafe Sfn/e" o/ Aimrka, ISO !->>■'>.) Ky author of " (iiiy Livingstone." N. Y., II. (/. 131). Silverland. (Tracfl" in !/('■ Uniletl Slalix.) \\\ author of "(-Juy Livingstone." L., 187.3. 17e. Lawrence (Sir Henry, Knij. Iii'lian ■•'lal'sntan ai/'l '/'wral, ISOG-oT ). Edwanks (Sir H. B.) d- 'Mrrlrale (H.) Life of L. 2v. L., 1872. lOe. Lawrence (d. W.) Foot-Prints, or Incidents in Early History of Xew Brunswick. St. John, 1883. 4(lf. Lawson (Mrs Mary Jane), — 7i>'e Katzmann. Frankincense' and Myrrh : .selections from the Poems of Mrs. L. (M. J. K. L.) (d. H. Piers & C. Fairbanks. Halifax, 1893. 19.1. History of the Township of Dartmouth, Preston, and Lawrcncetown Halifax Connty, N. 8. (d. H. Piers. Halifax, 1S!)3. 38c. 13 (193) LA YARD LEO. Layard (Au^t{Ml llemv). Discoveries in Kiiins of Nineveli and I'aliyliU, &c. Iv. in '2. h/, KS53. 14a. S(une. Ahri<1niains. 2 v. X. Y., 1849. 39b. Du/i/irafr^ l^a. Leach (U.-Col. J.) Rou^h Sket.-lies of Life of an Old Soldier. L., 1831. Ii5c. Note. — Describes service in West Indies, Copenhagen (1808), the Penin- sula (IS08-14), and the Netherlands. Leake (William ^lartin). Travels in the Morea. 3v. L., 1S30. 38d. Lean (Mrs. f.) Sf>- Marryatt (F.) Leathley (Kmnia), ''il. .Memoir of Karly Life of Sir W. H. Maidc L 187- lOe. Le Bas (Chades W.d)b). Life of T. F. Mi.l.lleton. L'v. L., 1831. 4i'e, Lee (Mi'x. llann.di F.) Familiar Sktitches of Scnlptnre and Sculptors. Anon. 2v. B., 18r)4. 41a. Lee (llenrv). Memoirs of War in Southern Department of United State.s. '2v. "^Ph., 1812. 41e. Lee (Holme), p-o'wf., — Harriet Parr. For h'-r Hiir<'/.i^ x^e FirrioN. Lee (dames). Introduction to Botany. Fdin., 1799. 4fia. Lee (Kol)ert E.) Life, Campaij^'us, and Public Services of Lee ; with Record of Deeds of ids Companions in Anns. By a Distinguisi\ed Houthern Journalist. \. Y., 187L 42d. Lkech {John, J-J)t;f. artixt aiiif /tumorist, 1817-04). Brnvit (J.) A. Leech, and other papers. Edin., IC82. Id. Lees (Frederick Rijhanl). Argument for Legislative Prohibition of Litjuor Traffic. fnarkijl"A/lia}irt Prizf Essay.") L., 1857. 43b. Lees (James Arthur) aiilexico in 1861-02. L., 1862. 14e. Lempriere (John). Classical Dictionary of Proper Names. L., 1809. 8d. Lennox (L<>r^tterK, 147-')-lo.*1 ). Rosrot(W) Life and Pontificate of L. 6v. L., 1806. lOd. Same. 4v. L., 1827. 42e. (194) LEOXOWENS LEWIS. Leonowens (Anna llarrifttc). Kiij^'lish Govtirness at Siamese Court. L., IS70. I7e. LepsiuS (Ricliartl). IMtJcuveries in K^'vpt, Ktliiopia, and Peninsula of Sinai, 1842-45. 1.., 18.").^ 39e. Leslie (Charles Robert, Knij. liMniiral i)nintci\ IJ'-H-lSoU). Autobio- giiiphical Recollections. Witli essay by 'I'oni Taylor. '2v. L., 1860. 17a. Leslie (David). Ainonj,' Zulus ami Amatougas : .'^ketches (jf native.s, &c. K.Hn., 1875. Ue. Leslie (John). Inf|uirv into Nature ami I'ropa^ation uf Heat. L., 1804. 481.. Leslie (Sir John), Jameson (K.), awt Murray (II.) Diseovery ami Ailventme in Polar Seas and Regions. Kilin., 1835. 41a. Siuiit'. F>.. \m-i. 41f. Lester (Charles Kdwirds). Artists of Anieriea : biograpliical sketches. N. Y., 1846. 28c. A'^o^'. — For (^intents, see Biography. L'Estrange (Alfred (hi v). Fiom tlui Thami-s t(, the Tamar. L., 1873. 141). Lktiehs. Kli'Ljant Kxtracts : Kpistlfs. I'v. L., ISll. \M. Sh- alxo Bell (C.) ;— Carter (K.) ; -Castlereagh (Lord) .—Chat- ham (Earl of) : Chesterfield (Emlof) .- -CoUingwood (Lord); Greyson (R. K. H. ) ; Lamb (C) : -Maintenon ( Mndaint- w.); — Marlborough (S., /)itrhi.>'< of): Montague (^fr■•<. K.); — Napoleon I. ; -Orford (Karl of) ; -etc. Lf'ttcrs of J. Downing, major, Downingville .Militia, to his friend, ,Mr. Dwight. N. v., !8;U.' 45c. Lettens from an Irisii Studrnt in Knglaml to his Father in Indand. 2v. L., 1812. 44a. Lkvant (The). [7V//s nainr /'■< ap/i/i*'/ In ilic eastern jxtrtK oftli^ Mt'diterranean Sea and the roast reijiou'^ of Syria, Axia Minor, and Eijt/p/. In a n-ider xcnse, if tncl ittle-f all rf'' rarwu.-< countriex im-hnled in the Levant. Lever (Charle.s). S'''- Fiction. Lewin (Ross). Life of a Soldier : '11 years' .service in various parts of the world. By a Field Officer. 3 v. in 1. L.. 1834. 43b. LeTVis (Matthew (Jregory). Journal of a West India Proprietor, during residence in Jamaica. L., 1834. 39e. (195) LEWIS LITERATURE. Lewis {Cai't. Meiiwctlicr) awl Clarke (Vai'f. W.) Travels to somrc of Missouii Rivei, and across American Continent to Pacific Coast, 1S04 06. ;^v. L., 1817. 40b. Leyden (John). Poetical Remains. L., 1811). 19(1. LtimARiK-s. .SV^' KiN'(;'s Coi.lei;k LiiiiiAUV. — Nova ScoirA, Leijishoire Lihrary. Library Dictionary of Knj,'lisli Languap\ Founded (,)n .lolmscin, Walkir, Welister, Worce.stei-, &c. L. rrespondence of Linnjcus and otlier naturalists. n-h, .■o-r Fiction. Lion. Amhrfini (C. J.) Lion and Klephant. L., 1873. 14b. Lippincott's Monthlv Magazine, v. 4 (1869)— 7 (1871): 10 (187l')— 11 (1873) ; 13 (1874)— 16 (lS7.'i) ; 19 (1877) ; '2.) (1880) ; 31 (188.3) ; 35 (1885)- 37 (188(5); 40 (1887); 41 (1888): 42, 1st half, (1888); 43 (188it); 44, 2nd half, (1889): 4.'), 2nd half, (1890): 4(j(1890); 47(1891): 48, 2nd half, ( 1891 ) ; 49, 1st half, (1892) ; 50 (1892) ; 51 (1893)+. Bound in 32 v. Ph., v.d. 29f. Liter* Saerae, or ]\Ioral Philosophv and Scriptural Christianitv compared. L., 1825. 44d. Literary Puoi'ekiy. Nirklin (P. II.) Remarks on L. 1'. Ph. 1838. 44a. Literature. Anonymiana, or 10 centuries of ( )l)servation.s on various authors and subjects. L. , 1818. 47c. Bermyhm (J.) Literary Hi.story of Middle Ages. L., 1814. 39g. Breirer (E. C.) Reader's Handbook of allusions, reference.s, plots, and sto."ies. L., 1892. 7e. D' Israeli (I.) Amenities of L. 3v. L., 1841. 18b. Curiosities of L. (l.-^f Serirs.J Anon. 3 v. L., 1824. 181). Same. 1st series. 3v. B., 1833. 43c. Same. 2nd series. 3 v. L, 1824. 18b. Same. 2nd series. 2 v. P.., 1834. 43e.. (196) I. n E H A'lU R E LOC Iv H A KT. IjirFMii'iviiK- -Cuufiuuetf. Literary Charactor, or History of Men of (Icuiius. 2v. L., 1828. IK.. 46a. Duii/»p(J.) History of Fiction. 3v. Kdin., 1816. 28(;. Hdllaiii (H.) Introduction to Literature of pjiropo, 15th-17tli cen- l lilies. 4v. L., 1837. 18b. Sani>'. 3v. L., 184;^ 37:i. Sanw. -Iw. X. Y., 1864. 44o. & L., 1841. 2Sb. Sfi'i-fHxoii ( U. L.) Familiar Studies of Men and Uook.s. N. Y., 1889. (iil. Xol> . — For roii/iufs, soe autlior-entry. F'lr /Kdii'-u/ar lifer(ifur*'.<, "ff nainex of mn-li : r/.s- Kngi.ism LirKKATUUE, FkKNI n LlTKKATlKK, lie. LitteU's Livin-; A-^'e. ;3rd series, v. 26-27, 29-30, 32 ; 4t!i series, v 1-3. sv. K., is(>4-ot). ;wg. Littleton (KdxTurd John). Sf- Hatherton ( Loni). Livingstone (David). Last .lournals of 1,., in Central .-Vfriea, 1865 his.leath. Continued by H. Waller. N. V., 1875. 15c. Missionary Travels and Keseai'elies in Soutli Africa. N. Y., 18o ;^7e. I)iiplirat>', /fdil. Triivols and Researches in South Africa. Ph., 18.58(?) 40g. 'fW'/ (CharU's). Kxpedition to Zambesi, v^-c. 18.")8-64. L., I860. 14c. Stanh-n (H. M.) How I found L. L., 1872. 40<'. Sdnii'. Iv. in2. Montreal, 1872. Lie. Livius or Livy (Titus). Historiarum Lelli Punici Secumli libri qiiinque priorcs. f. . - Lloyd (Cliark^s). S''>' Alfieri (V.), Tra^'edies. Lloyd (L.) Peasant Life in Sweden. L., 1870. Lid. " (James). hn])rovenients (ju Estates of Marquess of Staflbrd, in fountie.s of Stafford and Salop, and on estate of Sntiierlaiid. L. , 1S'2(). 48d. (Charles (J. Warnford). Practi.'al Cold .Minin--. L., 1889. 2e. 3 (Jolin). Mssay concerning Human L^nderstandin'f. L., 1700. Lock Locke ( 4-.>g. ^Yorks. 3v. L., 17.")9. 47g \\ori'•. Saiiw. lOv. Kdin., 1839. 40a. Peter's Letters to His Kinsfolk. Anon. X. Y., 1820. 43f. (197) LOCK WOf)I) LONSl )A LE. Lockwood. (Aiitlioiiy). Ihicf Description of Nova Scotia, with IMntt-g (,f I'liiicipal Hiuhois; iiiLliidiiig a I'iuticuliir Account of (Jrand Maiiiiii. I,., 1S18 ; s„i. folio. 4%. JjOSt {Cd\>v\, Jr.) Self Fonuatioii, or lii^^torv of an individual mind, i'.y a Fellow of H (V)llegc. H.,1.S4(). 4()g. liOftus (William Keiinctt). Travels and KosinutIu's in (.'iiahla'a ami Susiana, lS4!)-r)'_'. X. V., IS.". 30(1. LiOmenie (T'ouis dc). I'ltaumarchais and his times. N. V., IH")". i)a. London. Uahvlon tin- (ireat : men and thinj^s in tliL' Hritisli Capital, v. 1. L., 1S-2.S. 41a. (hant (J.) (Ireat .MetiopoHs. 15y author of " Ilindom Uecolleetioiis of Lords anil t'oninions. " l.st faerie.*, v. "J. L. , ISHCi. 14a. Sitiiic. 'IwA scries, v. 2. L., lf<.'?7. 14a. San>^. 2nd series. 2v. I'h., 1S:}8. 431.. Kni'/lif (C), 'if. London, f.v. L., lS41-t4. 8e. Duplimfi-Jlr. h, Note. — An histoiiciil ami topographical account. Mafthrirx (W.) Hydraidia : aeeount of Water Works of L. L., IS^.'). 46.1. l'ict(«-iid Handhook of L. ]>., linh,,, IS.',.',. 3!)d. Rii^h (R.) Court of T;., ISlD-lT). L., 1873. Vw. Memoranda of Residence at Court of L. I'll , 1833. 37a. Diijili- rcOc, 4l'l- Tales of an Antiquary, diietly illu.- trative of manners, traditions, and remarkable localities of Ancient L. Hy aaliior of " Clironicle.s oi London Bridge." :iv. L., 1M4. 271). Tajilur (T.) Leicester Srpiare, its associations and worthies. L., 'lS74. 17a. See aho I'i..\i;lk (The) ; — Tuwkk oi Lonhon. Alf. London Enoyelop)--():5 (lS<).S)-f. 14v. in 18. L., r. d. 2f>c. Londonderry {Limf.-dt'ii. Charles William N'ane, Mnr. 19h. Poetical Work.«. ' I!., 1868. \Th\. Longinus (Dionysius). On the Sid.lime. Notes and Life l.y W. Smith. L, 1739. 40f. Same. L., 1819. 46c Lonsdale (John Lowther, Vir.nmuf). Memoir 1). Lnao's Pk.wkh. Onitii) I)oiiiiiiica lloXirj/(jrr(of), ?ro////<>/»o("r). Niiuiruiu, Plu.s t't'iitiini Liiigiiis, Vcraionilius, aiit ('haracteriliu« Reddita i)c Kxpressa. ( Th< l^ofl's l'r(ii/ir ill nhon a J/miihrd Laiiiiiiai/is, I'l r^l()ii'<. niid Chnrar- t to tilt' Tropic.-, ami Houic tliroiiyh America. \j., 18(')7. le. LoSSing (Uensoii Jolm). Seventeen liumlreil and Seventv-si.\. X. V., lS-17. 40d. Lott (Kmmeline)- rioverness in K^'vpt : Harem fiife in K^ypt and Con- .staiitinople. 'Jv. li. , IS'io. 171>. Loudon ^i^//■.^■. .lane). LadyV (.''•nntry Ccmpaiiinn. L., l<'*'+5. 41a. Con/i iits : The House, garden, domestic aniiiiiilK, rural walk.s, country aniiiseinents, countiy duties. Ladies' Ma.uazine of dardeiiin^'. L.. 1842. 44f. l'liilaiitliro]iic Kcoiiomy, or I'liilosopliy of Ila])pine.ss. .',v. (Iiannil irifji Fni/ij's " Herein"). li., 1S35. 881). Loudon (dolin Claudine). Arlioretum et Friiticotiim r>ritannicum, or Trees and Sliriil)s of ISritaiu. 8v. (4 o/fexi, 4 of /i/a//efe). ''>f. Loudon. !>., 18:^-38. •JMli. Kncvel(jpii'dia of Cotta<,'e, Farm, and Villa Arcliitoctuve and Furniture. L., 1833. 44(1. Sdiii'-. Supplement. " I>., 1842. 44d. Encyclopji'dia of Plant.s. If/iis. L., 1821). 4Gc. Suliur])an Horticulturist. L., 184"). 44e. Louis XI. (Kim/ iiinin'.-< ( l\ ilr). Memoirs, con- taining History of L. XL, Sic. ; also Seciet History of L. out of the " Scan- dalous Chronicle." 2v. L., 1823. {>c. Louis XIV. (Kiwi4-U.>, ). GifnnI (J.) Kci^Mi of L. XVL, and History of French Revolution. (Barked " Hisfori/ of Frann\ r. 5.' ) L., 1705. 38e. Hheciixit'>i (('. A. F. F., romt'- il' ). Recollection.'* of a Page at the Court of L. XVL L., 1873. 10.1. -lournal of occurrences in the Tower of the Temple during continement of L. XVI. (Hnlfi'ith.) t. ,r. 28a. f.anfhalh ( M. T. L., prim-fx^e tie). Secret Memoir.s. 2v. I.., 1826. 9b. See aho lire.^ of Makie Antoinette. Aho inir/,:< on flif Frewli Ifero/nfidii, nuifer Fhaxck. Louis XVI L (Kimi of Fraw", 17S-'t-'-)-'}). B-'anclK'-'Ote (A. ilc). Loui.s XVII. 2v. ■ L.", 1853. 4-2d. IiOUis Bonaparte (Kiwi of Hollanil). Historical Dot-umonts and Retieotionson (Joverninent of Hollahd 3v. L., 1820. 7d. Duplicate, 41i ;t fh>' Fmirh, 177-{-lSr,o). iiniof (F. r. t;.) Lust Diiys of Reign of L. P. L., 18(57. 0.1. LoLis.A ( Qni't'ii of' /'/•//.«/><, iri/'' of' Frt''/f'rii-/>' Willidin II I. ^ I i7i't-isjn), HwUoii(k. H.) Life jvii'd Times of L. L., 1H74. lOe. Love: tlie Su|)i(Mii(' (iift: tho ( Iroate.st Tliiti",' in tlio World. N"- Drum- mond (H. ), AdilresseH. Lover (Sainucl). Sft' Firnox. Lowe (( •hiirlcs). riiiKji- JJisiiiarck. L>v. L., 18S7. Hi. Lowe (Joseph). IVsL'iit Statt! (if Kiij,'lainl in iv^'anl to Ai^riciilturc, Trails, ikud Finance. L., KS22. 37a. Lowell (.lames Kiissell). My Stiuly Windfiws. L., n. 'I. Mli. Coiiti ii/'< : My garden ae(|uaintanee. (iood word for winter. Onaeeitaiii eonhicuI sketches, alphabetically arranged. H., 1847. 12d. Want ((r. A.J .loiirnal autl Letters of S. Curwen (a loyalist), t* ■Hhich arc added Biograpliical Notices of Auiei'ican Loyalists, liy G. A. W. L., 1842. 43f. See a/x'j hixtoriex of I'.mteh States >.)y A.mkuica, luol <>/ '•oitiifriex to irhich tha Loyalist.* re.moied. Lubbock (>'ii' John). < )ri. 41g. Lucien Bonaparte, Prinre mf Canino. Set' Bonaparte (L.) Lutfullah frt Moiiaiiiedan 'jt^nflemai/, />. ISf/.'J. Autoliio^'raphy. '''U'/., — Ada Kllen Bayly. For /,>,■ )i„ref.i, xee Fiction. Lyall (Roliert). Travels in Russia, the Krinie.i (.• SI of /'hysiru/ iSfif-nn,' 'f7f>. Miimiiil of KU'iiiciitiuy (M'nluj,'y. X. Y., If^fi4. 471). 1*1 JR'ipk'8 uf (Ifolujiy. liv. L., 18.3."}. 15(1. Second Visit U> I'liitcd States. 2v. N. V., 1?<49. ila. Travels in Noitli America. 2v. L., 1.S4."). 40a. Lynch (W. F.) rnited states Kxpinlitioii t<> Kivei -Ionian and Dead Sen. Ph., IS4it. 14(1. />ii/,/l,;,/,, .',!),. Lyne (Au^'usius .Vdolplms). -Midsliipiiian's Trip to .Jenisaleiii, and Cruise in .Syria. L., 187 L 13h. laVOn (C(i/>f. (!»'())■;.'(' Francis). .Foiirnal diirini,' Voya^'o under ("apt. I'arry. 15. , 1824. :i8ii. Travels in Noitliern Africa, lSlS-20. L., 18-21. 3Se. Lyon (T.) I'livsiolo-v and ratlK.lojrv of Trees. Kdin., l.^lf). 48d. Lyttelton (K. H.) "^v-- Steel (A. d.) Lytton (Kduard (Je()r^'e Karl(» Lytton ]!ul\ver-Lvtt(in, liaron)y -m': Bulwer. Atlu-n.s, it» rise andfafl. iv. N. Y., 1837. 'Mi. I 'lainatic Works ; to wliidi are added three odes on Death of Klizahoth, Cromwell, and Deatli of Xcl.soii. L., 1S41. 18c. Coiilmls: l)iiche.ss do la Valliero ; Lady of Lyons; Kichelieii ; Odes; Money (a comedy). KiiLrlftiid and the Kii^lish. Ir. L, LS.').'?. 411>. Kinj,' Arthur. ( l'>>,'n>.) L., 1849. lUc. Iicbel (The), and other Tales in Prose and Verse. Dy author of "l'(d- hani." X. Y., 1835. 19c. Siamese Twins: satirical tale, with other poems. Aimii. N. V., 1<./.<.) 2v. X. V., 1835. 23f. .SV,- a/sn Schiller's (d. C. V.) Poems and P.allads. Fur A/.s- nnn-lx, set' Fiction. Lytton (Kd ward Rohert Ihilwer-Lytton, .Jii'f Osborn (S.) MacCord (Ciiaiics WiUiam). l^actical Hint.-* for I )rau^'litsnion. N. V., I Sill. -Jg. M'Crie (Thniiias). Life of .1. Knox. 2 V. K.lin, l.HlS. Mn: McCuUoch (•loiiii Kanis^ay). Comnicrcc. L , 1 .s.'?;?. 47c. I >ictioMary of Coiiiniciii'. !>.. 1840. \h\\. Macdiarmid (-lolm). Lives of iWitish statesmen. L., 18.''8. 4L*e. MacDonald ((Temm'). For hi.-< uonh. xe>- Fii TioN. Macdonald (-lames S.) Annals of North I'lritish Society of Halifax, N. S. Halifax, 18(18. 47a. ^L\(i:i)oNi.\, Tnrkey. Walh>r(M.A.) Tiirou-h.M. L., 18(54. He MacParlane (< 'harles). Chinese Kevolntiou, iVc. L., 1853. 4")c. French Revolution. 4v. L, 1844. 1 .")a. ' History of British India. L., 1857. 4Ie. .lapan. ^^ V., 185-J. :?8a. nur Inv. L., 1844. 28a. Turk.y ami its .h'stiny. 2v. Pit., 1850. 41b. MacGeoghegan CJ/'/"' .1.) Hi.story uf Insland. X. Y., 1845. 8e. Sitiiif. \v. from the P'rench, l)y V. (>'Kclly. N. Y., n. if. 37e. MacgregOr ('lohn, l7'.t:-IS.',: ). I'.riti.sli America. 2v. Kdin., 1832. 7c. J>np/ii'n/i , ,),Sl>. Proj^ress of America to 1840. CHisfon'ra/, i/ttii/rn/iln'ra/ aiieth- leheni, Pa., 1892. 2b. Machixekv. Bjirnc (<).) Dictionary of Machines, Meclianics, Engine- Wcirk, and Engineering. 2v. N. V., 1850. 39e. Raninu" (W. J. M.) Manual of M. and Milhvork. L., 1869. 281.. Sfatiin (A. E.) Manual of Marine Engineering : designing, construc- tion, and working of marine machinery. L., 1891. 2c. See alxo Mechaxics — Steam- E.s:gixe. Aha ScientiHc American (202) MACII.WAIX MACMILLAN. Macilwain (('•(•(. r«,'('). Mi'im.irs of .1. AIi»-iiiotliy. L'v. L., 18r)4. 4L'a. Macintyre (hoimld.) MiiKlii-Kuli : Wiiiidi'iiiij^s ami Sim. it nil niul l>t'yoii(l ilie Hiinaliiyas. Kiliii., 188'.l. Ic. Mackay (Cliarl.'s). Life ami LiKcrty in Aim-iica, ltt' Caiiaila, iS-li-lti). Ihirlninihain (\V.)ii- Itijss ((1. W.) Hon. A. Maiktiizif, l:is life and times Toronto, l.SO-J. 2.1. Mackenzie (Alfxamlff Slidell). Spain icvi.sitctl, (l,s;U). I'.y autlicrof " ^■rar in .Spain." 2\ . N. ^ ., l.s;V.. .S7a. Mackenzie (Cliiirlcs). Notf.< on Haiti. -Iw L., 1H30. 411i. Mackenzie (Krii'k). Ilij^'liiand I.as.-ics. \\. L., 1, ■<(;•_>. -J.'ia. Mackenzie r>''V (Jcdij^c Stmait). Tiavcfs in I.^^land of Iceland, 1810, Kilin,, IHl'J. 4()e. Mackenzie (lien ly). Man of FeelinLr. Attini. L., 1M20. 4.*?a. Mackenzie (I'lt.T). Life of riiomasMnir. (;ia.., 1S4(). 4-J.l. Mackenzie's Five Tlionsand Keeei|it.-< in all L.-^efid and Domestic Arts. I'll., I8i<»(r) 4(»g. Mackie (-iolm Milton). Cosas de Es]iana, or i,'oin,L; to Madrid ria I'.arce- loiia A)ioii. N. Y., ISiw. A'mx. MacKinnon (Co/. Daniel). (»ri;,'inand Services of Coldstream Ciiards. •_>v. L., 1S33. Kid. McKinnon (William Charles). St. Gleoiye, or the Canadian Leaj^'iie. •_'v. Halifax, 1S:)2. 431). Mackintosh (.J v. ;M0. L., 1 83-2-40. 2.' a. Memoir.^. 2v. I ., 1836. 42h. DdlliiKj (II. L. liulir>i\ loyil ). llistoric;d Charaeter.s : Talleyrand, 0)l)i)ett, M., Canning. 2v. L., 18()S. 15d. Mackintosh (.John). Scotland. (HiMoriral.) L., 1801. la. MacLaughlin (Lonisa Klisalieth). .SVr Pearson (K. M.) McLeod (Crace Dean). Stories of L;inil of Kvaiigeline. ( Fmtmln^ I. .•/„.... 1 1> iL>rki/.ji a.. ( (174(i) Macleod (Norman). Kemini.scences of a Highland Parish. L., 1867 27a. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 1-32. 32v. Caml.., 1860-7"). 32f vV- g. (203) MACNISH MALAY. Macnish (K(>l)ert). Anatomy of Dnmkenne.ss. Glasgow, 1S32. 2S1). l'hiloso]iliy of Sloep. Glasgow, IS.'W. 46a. MacpherSOn (.lames) Pooms of Ossiaii (in f><>''tir jn-o^e). WiiU Blolr'.* hissertalion^. '2\\ L, ISOH. 19a. Noti'. — \)v. .loliDsoii, Hume. Laiiig, iiinl Piiikettoii inaintaiiieil that tlieso prose-poems were more or less fabrications of the so-eallod translator, Mac- pherson. lilair, Lord Kames, (Way, and Sir J. Sinclair considered th«ni to he genuine. McPherson (-lolm). Poems, ilt'seriptive ami moral. Halifax, 1862. I'Jh. Noll .—The poems are prefaced by a memoir by J. S. '[(hompson). JVCcQueen ('lamos). Gcograjihieal ami Commercial Vi(;w of Xoitliem Central Africa. Edin. ,18-21. 401). MacqUOid (Katharine S.) Little FiHne ; ami other Tales. ;iv. L., 1881. -2 1 a. MAr).A(;.\S(AK E1li.< (W.) Three Visits to M., 18r):}-.")6. X. V., 18o<). .3;?.l. M>iIhn.<(J.) Twehv Months ill M. L, 187.1. 18e. I'fi'iner (I.) Last Trav(!l.«!, inehisive of a visit to M. X. Y., 1861. 4ie. Madden (Riehanl Kohert). Literary Life ami Coriespomlencc of ("ountess of Blessiinglon. '2v. \. V., 18.55. lia. Travels in Tnrkev, Kgvpt, Nnhia, and Palestine, 1824-27. 'iv. f,., 18.3.3. 4(lc. Twelvemonths" Residence in West Indies. 2v. Pli., 18.'M 441). L^nited Irishmen, their lives and timcis. 2v. Ph., 1842. 4.~)c. MaddOCk (.lames). Florist's Directory. L., 1822. 4Gd. ]MAnu.\s. Si'i' India. Madhio. The Attaehi' in M., or .SkeU^hes of Court of Isabella 11. X. Y., 18.16. 391). iMAciAZixKs. Si'>' Pp:rioiii(ai.h. Maginn (^Villiam). Odoln-rtv l'a])ers. >-il. Sheltoii ^Mackenzie. 2v. X. Y., 1S;m. 4()a. Maguire (.lohn Francis). Tiie Irish in America. N. Y., 1868. 41o. Maha:^ (.lohn Pentland). Ale.\amler's Emi.ire. L., 1^90. la. MAIIOMErANISM. .S'"'/ MollAMMKDA.MSM. Mahon (Lnni). s->' Stanhope (P. IL, FauI). Mahoney (8. L) Si.\ Y.^ars in ^lomisteries of Italy, Ac. I!., 184.1. 17ii Maintenon (Francoise d'Auhignc, Man/nisf de, r(tn.<(n-f of Louis X/V, 1G.15-171U ). Secret Corres|X)ndence of Madame de Miiintenon with the Princess «- p/lratf, Jfic Political History .-f In.lia, 1784-1823. 2v. L., 182G. 40c. MalCOm (Howard). Travels in Soutli-Kasti'rn Asia. 2v. in 1. 15., 1839. 38e. Malet f'S//- Alexander). Uvertlnow of (lerniainc Confederation bv Prus- sia in 18fi6. L., 1870. 16e. Malkin (Henjaniin Hentli). Cla.ssical 1 )isqnisitions and Curio.sities. L., 1 SiV). 440. Malleson (Geor<,'e Uruce). Recreations of an Indian (JHicial. L., 1872. 1 7a. Mallock (William Hnrrell). In an Knclianted Islanded : C'vprns. L., 1889. Ic. Malta, liiiiiloic (A.) Travels in M. and Sicilv, witii sketches of (iihral- tar, 18-_'7. B., 18.31. 40e. Sla,lp(A.) Turkey, (Ircccc. and M. (18.34-30.) 2v. L., 1837. 10b. Mam.mai.ia. W'oim^ (J. G.) Illustrated >tatural Hist^rv : (v. 1) Mannnalia. L., 11. il. 2e. Sir a/so Zuc)i.O(;v. MaM.MU.'*. Sri' CoVKTuL'8NKfendent M. : Kssay on Principles ami Faculties of Human .Mind wliicli constitutes Moral and Intellectual Excellence, v. 1. L., 18(1(5. 4()d. ai> CisTiiMs ; -M KDici.NK ;— Phrenoloov ; Phvsiocnomv : Reivsioi.im;y ; Womkn ;~V(>rM: Mkn. Man of Feeding. Scr Mackenzie (H.) Maxili.a. DWhil' iihi ( a.) Ladv's Visit to M. any"Anna DA." L , 181)3. 39(1. Maxitoha. Bi'ijii (A.) Creation of M., a. history of Kfd River trouVile.s. Toronto, 1871. 15a. ManiliuS (Marcus). The Sphere. Maile an Knglish Poem, with Annota- tions and an Astronomical Appendix, hy Edward .Siierburne. L. , Na'hanael iirooki', 167'>. Folio. 47g. (205) MANNERS MARSHALL Mannkhs and Customs. Bramf (J.) l*i)inilar Anticiuitif's : origin of vulgar customs, ceremonies, iiiid superstitinns. 2v. L., 1813. 42g. Mansfield (K. Enf. Know.) I... 1833. 251). Margoliouth. (Moses). J'ilgriniage to the Land of My Fathers. 2v. L., I8."'»i. 16a. Marie Antoinette (irif'f ,,f Louix XVI., l7-ll-9->J. Ahhott (J. S. C.} Hi>,tory of M. A. ' X. V., lS49(r) 11a. Caii (J. L. H.) Memoirs of M. A. v. 1 t. //•. 9a. Ldiiilndh' ( M. T. L., prinresse ; Fmirh liertAution, uiufer Franck. Mahie de MEnitTs ((luet'n <>/ Hennj IV. of Frann', l.'iT-i-Ui.'it). I'aMoe (J.) bife of M. , 0,1. Marine KNoixEERiNr.. S<'afi>n (A. K.) Manual of M. F. L., 1891. 2c. Mariotti (Luigi), p>«^wL S'-e Gallenga (A. ) MariuS (John). Advice concerning Dills of F.\change. .',v. (/n/. with li'ofi^rts's " Map ofCornnicrrt '" ). L., 17(K). 4.Sg. I^lARLUoRoutiH (John Chl'Rchii.i,, 7>/ I)u/.f' nf, Hriti^li [pnoi-al, lil.'t(t-t7.i.i). Ali'-'■>'■>). Memoirs, liv him- .self. 4v. E/. norflist, 17'.>,*-18.'fS). Diary in America. 2v. Ph., 1839. 41f. Sano^. 2iid series. I'h., 1840. -llf. For hit norel", -t^e Fiction. Marripit (F.) Life and Letters of M. 2v. L., 1872. lib. Marsh. (Catharine). Memorials of Capt. Hedley Vicars. Anon. X. V., lesO. 44b. Marshall (Charles). Canadian Dominion. L,1871. 14e. Marshall (Fmma). For her u'orkx, ■•S. 41a. A^o'*.— History, etc., of the various British Colonies. IJritisli ("(donics, their history, e.\tent, eondition, and resource.^, v. 1 (liritish Xo)ih America.) L., n. d. ^lo. Se. History of Colonies of Ihitish Empire. L., 1843. 43g. Ilutlson's I >ay Territories and Vaiu'ouver"s Island. L., 1841*. 39d. Statistics of Colonie.s of lUitish Empire in West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Australasia, Africa, and Europe. L., KS.S'J. '^~^\. Martin (Samuel). The Useftd Arts. L., 1851. 4;ie. Martin (Theodore). LitV of H. K. H. the Prince Consort. v. 1. X. v., 187.-.. !)c. MartineaU (Harriet). Eorest and (lame-Law Tales. v. '1 A- 3. L., 1845. 43(1. How to (ibscrve : Morals and Manners. N. V., /. ir. 44a. Martius (Carl Frieilcrich rhilip[> von). ISm Spix (•!. 15. von). Martyn (IVnjamin) (t)i. ( ;.) M.\uv Stlakt (Ui«'<), nf Srnfs, l.',.'f>-S7). .\hhntf (.J.) Historv of ^L N. v., 1848cr) lla! lieiKH'r (E. It.) Memoirs of .M. 2v. L., 1Sl>3. 9b. Mason ('/''"■. '^Villiam). Works. 4v. in 2. L., 1811. 4ob. Mason (William Shaw). Statisticid Account or I'arochial Survey of of Ireland. 2v. Dubbn, 1814-16. 48a. Masonry. Babr (I. <).) Masonry Construction. X. Y., 1892. iM. ^Iassaciiusktts. Hntciii}i.r.-l5ay, 1691-1750. (Fonnimj nil. I of Inn hi si or D (IS a irhnh. ) L. , 17fi8. 7d. Miiint ((r. l{.) History of Insurrections in M. in 1786, and Rebellion conseqnei.t thereon. Worcester, Ma-is., 1788. "iSb. , Massillon (dean [?] I!a))tiste [?], En'' th- Chfi,i<,iit). Petit Careme. Palis, 1837. 441). Massinger (Philip). Plays, e'/. W. Oilibrd. 4v. L., 1813. " 18c. Same. X. v., 1860. 4r)f. Masson (Custave). MediiPval France. L., 1891. la. (2()7) MATHEMATICS MAYFLOWEK. Mathematics. Goodiriu (H.) I^lt'iiioiitaiy Courso of 'W. Cainlnid-i', 1847. "iSc. ,sv^- aho AuiKHHA ; — C'aiaulu.s ; — Ge().metiiy ; — Pk()|{aiumtii>. Aho Astronomy ; — Sirvkviso ;—niid oth). Mufflieic.-i (Mi:-<.) Monioirs of C. M. 4v. L., 1839. 42f. S>(>H>: 2v. Ph., 18:?!». 4-2p. Mathews (Cornelius). A'arious Writings. X. Y., isfi;?. 45t'. IVCathiaS (Thomas -lames). Pursuits of l.-r,7), On the Wing. (Tran^U ill Eiiroj/cJ L. , 18()8. 13e. Recollections.. f My Life. (Trareh.) :3v. L., 18G8. IGa. Contents: V. I. Italy, Andalusia and (irenada; v. 2. Messina, Palermo, Syracuse, Balearic Islnnds, ^'alencia and Murcia, Lisbon, Madeira, Algiers Albania, Across the Line ; v. 3. Across the Line (routinmil), Baliia, ^lalo Virgeni. SaJ Ill-Sal III (F.) Diary in Mexico in 1867, including last days of M. 2v. L.,18(JS. 9a Maxwell {Li<-nt. Co/. A. Montgomery). Pun throU!.;ii the Tnitcd States, 1840. 2v. L., 1841. 41e. Maxwell (James Clerk). Matter and Motion. L., 1876. 4 If. Maxwell (William Hamilton). History of Irish Kehellion in 1798, -Vc. L., 184o. Ifie. Life of Duke of Wellington, v. 2-3. L., 1840. Kih. Peninsular Sketches. By actors on the Scene, f'f. W. H. Maxwell. 2v. L., 1845. 15b. Wanderings in the Highlands (of Scotland) and Ishmds. 2v. L., 1844. i4a. "Mayflower (The), or Ladies' Acadian Newspaper, May, 1851 — ^Feh., 1852. (V. 1, no. 1— V. 1, no. 9.) Halifax, 45e. (208) MAYO MEDICINE. ]\1ayo (Kichaid Soiitliwell JiouRKE, 6th Karl of, riceroii of liuHa, ef<'., 1822- 7 J). Hnnfer ( IV. IV. ) Life of Earl of m! 2v. L., 1875. lOe. Mc. See Mac. Meade (Herl>eit). Kidi- through New Zealand ; with account of South Sea Islaiiili*. L., 1870. 14c. /)itp/ica/f, 39e. Meade (Lillie [or KHzubeth] Thoma-*). For }ifr noreh-', xei' Fiction. Meade (WilHam, Iii.-). Old Churclie.^, Ministers and P'aniilies of Vir- ginia. '2v. Ph., 1857. 44e. Mechanical Dkawinu. Scp 1)hawixg ; -Machine I>ka\ving. xNfECHANics. lijirne ((>.) l)ictionarv of Machines, Meclianics, Kngiiie- Work, ami Engineering. 2v. N.' Y., 1850. 39e. (Ihisjfow >rechani('s' Maj,'azine and Annals of Philosophy. New ed. (llasgow, 1829, 27g. 'r ret/or// (O.) Mechanics. 2v. L., 1820. 28c. Mechanics" Maiu'aziue, nuiseum, rej^'ister, journal, and gazette. v. 1-4: ; 7 no8. of V. (5, V. 7-S, (Imiml in Ir.) .- v'. 14-20, 22-28, 31-43, 45-40, 48-54. 41v. L., 1823-51. 27g. Potii-r ( li.) Elementary Treatise on M. L., 18')."). 471i. Practical Mechanic and ?Jigineer's Magazine, v. 1-4. Glasgow, 1842- 45. 45g. Ranhlm' (W. J. M.J Manual of Api)lied M. L., 1870. 281.. Manual of .Nhichincry and Millwork. P., 18G9. 281.. .ScientiHc Ameiican. v. o (1849)— 10 (l8o4-5), 13 (1858)— 14 (1858- 9) ; New Series, v. 1. (1859)— 5 (1861). 13v. N. Y., r. d. 48f. \o(e. A few numbers are mi.ssing from some of the vobimes. .SV'' alxo Machinkkv. Medhurst (W. II.) China. P., 1838. 39c. Media. lioi/o-itt ('A. A.) M., PabTlon. and Persia. (Hixforirah) L., 1891.' la. Mei.uai, Juhisphl'hence. Smith (J. (i.) Princi[.les of Forensic Medicine. L., 1821. 4Gc. Medici (Porenzo tie', l^riii'-e of Ftomii-e. ^n-hnlar anil patroit of art an' (X. P.) Summer Cruusu in M. X. Y., 1853. 28a. St'e ahn flifi tiauif'f nf tlif wljaci-uf mnntriex. MedJsy (duHus George). Autumn T(mr in United State»i ami Canada. L., 1873. 13b. Melancholy. Ihuimt (li.) Anatomy of .M. '1\. L., 1821. 47a. Mei.iuiurxe, AusTHAi.iA. Fir-i'iiuui (J.) Lights and Shadows of M. Life. L., 1888. Id. Melfort (Conni Edouanl de). Im|iressions of England. 2v. L., 183G. •27a. Melville (George John Whyte). For /u'k nnreh, ffH Fictio-N. Melvill (Henry). Sermons', v. 2. L., 18:^8. 44.-. Melville (Herman). Typee : peep at ]^:)lynesian Life. X. Y., 18.57. loa. Memes (dolm S.) Memoirs of Antonio (Janova ; with view of modcin sculpture. Kilin., 1H•2.^. 4"2(1. Men who were Earne.^t : series of Ijiograpliical studies. L., ii. <1. l.")c. ^fen who liavi; Kisen : a hook for l)oys. L., //. //. Id. Menault (Ernest). AVondersof ^\-iimal Instinct. L., n iK ( irrcnt ). 45d. Mental Philosoi'HY. Ahei-rraiiiliif (J.) Intellectual Powers and Investi- gation of Truth. Edin., 1831. 47a. Hamilfiiit (F.J Principles Essentially Connected with Improvement of the Understanding, Imagination, and Heart. '2v. Kilin , 1813. 4(id. Hd^faiii (J.) Sound Mind, or contrihution to Xatural History and Pliilosophy of Human Intellect, ii. , 1815). 46c. Ldi-hi' (J.) Essay concerning Human Understanding. L., 1700. 42g. Steirarf (D.) Philos«)phy of Human Mind. 'Iw L., 1818. 45c. WaftxfJ.) Improvement of the Mind. L., 1811. 4of. SV rt/>o Ul'I.VIUNS. Mercer {Gt^n. Cavalit- A.) dournal of tiie Waterloo Campaign. 2v. Edin. & L., 1870. 15e. Merchants' Magazine. "'/. F. Hunt. v.«25-26, 28, .34-51. 21 v. X. Y., 1851-64. 36d & e. i..j_jj Meredith (Ceorge). For hit noref", .s-ee Ficnox. \ Meredith. (Louisa Anne). Ovov the Straits : visit to Victoria (Au-^fra/inJ. L., 1861. 13c. Meredith {Owen), /jsmif. -S't'; Lytton (E. K. liulwer-Lytton, Jft'f Baron). JVEeredith (^Villiam (ieorge). Memorials of Charles (XIV.) John, of ■Sweden and Norway. ( Hiuked '■' Mcmorialxof litrnadotte." ) L., 1829. 9c. Merivale (Herman). See Edwards {Sir H. D.) Merle d'Aubigne (Jean Henri). Geiinany, England, and Scotland ; or recollections of a Swiss minister. L. , 1848. .38d. (•210) MEKLE MEXICO. Mekle k'Auhkjne — Co>ifi>iu>'(f. History of Protestant Clunrli in llu',<^ary. J5., 18o4. 44b, History of Reformation of 16tli (.entury. v. o ( Refonnation in En[euo\ i.\(iiA.\ EifA. >vy' Thierry (A.) -t Merriman (Henry Seton). Suspense. (FlHimi.) M. L., 1890. 6g. Mct.m.-wokki.nc;. lioxi'fj.) Practical Machinist. Ph., 1892. ib. Nolf. -Vnv cniileii/s, see author-entry. Ser alxo Castixc and Foundixi;. Mktcai.kk ((Miarh's, Ltii'l : i/>ir. of ('aiKula, Janniii-n^ uml India, 17S')-lSJfil). Kayf (J. W.) Life iiixl ('orrespoiKleiice of Lord M. 2v. L., 1854. Vic. METKoKoi.CMiY. I'mut ( W.) Chemistry, M., ami Digestion, con.sitlereJ with reference to Natural I'lieology. Pli., 1834. -inc. I{hy Wc'^t, ur winter in Ivocky Monntain." an'.l spring in .M. el. C. Kiiigsley. L., 1874. U.l. Diipliraft, Je. Tlioii)iJ.«»i (\V.) Kcct.Ucitions (»f >r. X. Y. k L., Kh46. 40i'. .SV^' rt/.s7( ///v.< of Ma.\imim.\x I. Michelet (Jules). Priest.^ W;>ni('n and Kaniilii's. ( A>iti-Rn}iinni.tli Ceuturn). lifriuiititu (J.) Litciaiv llistoiv of M. A. L., 1814. 39g. H(dlani (H.) State of Eun.iK" during M. A. :Jv. L.. 18-'<>. 7d. Sa,n^■. M-. L., 1834. 37a. Sam>'. l»v. L., 1841. 37a. Twner (S.) England during M. A. ov. L., lf<2."). {7f. See aho flip Injuries of rnrions rouiitricx, froin tin' ■Ifli ta tin' loth revtiiry. -Middleton (Convers). Life of Cicero. 2v. L., 1824. lie. Satit^-. L'., 1839. 42e. Middleton (Enipson Edward). Cruise of " tlu' Kate." L., 1870. 18e. MiDULETON (Thomas E'anshaw, lii'4. lOlv. L., r. ,1. 2(;f, g, li. Note. — The volumes to 1841, are entitled " Uiiite-?■>). Autobiography. L., 1873. 17e. ■ Nature, the Utilitv of Religion, and Theism. L., 1874. 20a. Mill (Nicholas). Historv of Mexico. L., 1824. 41e. (212) MILLEK MILTON. Miller (Jolm). Ilistoriciil View of Eti^'lisli (Jovernmciit, to 1G88. 4v. I.., 1818. AM. ( Mipn (if distinction of Kaiiks. 4tli cd. Kdin., 180(5. 48a. Miller (I liij,']))- Cmisi' of "tlic r.ftsi-v,"' or liiniltlf anioii^' fossiliferou.s deposit.s of tlie Hebrides ; with Hiiiiil)lt'S of a (ieologist. B., 1858. 17c. Sanx'. i;., lSf)2. 4rw. Kssays, historical and biof,'iaj)liical, |)olitical, social, literary, and scieu- tiHc. B., l.Sr,:i. 1 7c. First Impressions of Knj^dantl jiiid its I'oople. I'.., 18')!. 17c. Du- plirrite, //.In. Foot-]»rints of the Creator. B., 1850. 45a. Snn»'. I)., 185(5. 17c. (;.'(.lo-v of IJass Rock. N. Y., 1851. I7c. Mv Scliools and Schoolmasters, or story of my education. B., 1855. ' 17c. Old Red Siin.lstonc. R., 1850(0. /. "■. 15a. S((hh: r,., 1851. 17c. Scenes iind Lee;ends of North of Scotland. (Jincinnati, 1852. 17c. Tales anf Diinskaitii. The Likewake. Bill Whyle. Voung Surgeon, (ieorge Ross. The .Scotch Agent. M'Culloch tlie Mechani- cian. Scotch .Merchant of the Eighteenth Century. Testimony of the Rocks. 1^, 1857. 17c. 1 )ni)liaiti', .{i-'xi. Miller (doatjuin). Life amon<,' tlie Modocs : unwritten history. L., 1873. 18e. Millhouse (Rohert). Destinies of .Man. (Pn,'in.) L., 1832. 19a. Millingen (Fre lerick). Wild Life amony the K(jords. L., 1870. 141). Millingen (-1. .) ( 'iui»., I.SC.I. i'a:. '■ , Poetical Works. 2v. in 1. iS^ V., ri. 'I. lOc Tiose Works. -)\. L., lSf)4(?) ATu. Milton (William Kitzwilliaiii, Vi>^n,)inf) awl Gheadle (W. 15.) NOrtli- West Passage l)y Land. 4th eil. L., cir. I8s|M>rtor"s iiiiiiilltook : <^uin> snector ami traveller in search of metal-ltearing or other valuable minerals. L., 1S9I. LM. IJnii (H.) Mincralo^'v Simiililicil : t-a.^y luothcKl.s of idciitifyiny minerals, including ores. Ph., ISSii. -c. Jai,»'X(>n(Jf.) System of M. lU . Kdiii., IS20. 48»l. Jiii/>iits()7i (S.) Catalogiu- of AiiH'ricaii .Minerals, with localities. 15., 1825. 47c. Ure (A.) Dictionary of Chemistry and M. L., 1831. 47c. See (iIki) Assavixi; : (lEoi.cMiV. A/xn Com. ; — (Joi.k. ^IiNisTEns, AXUTHK MiNisTifV. .Metro]>olitaii Tidpit, or Sketches of Popular Preachers in London. 2v. L. , IS'AW 44e. What,'/!/ (Jt.J Pari.sh Pastor. L., 1S6U. 411.. S,',' af MiSSIO.NS .\XI) MlSSIONAKIKS. Minnesota, U. S. A. ,-. — This " insurrection " is generally known as Shay's Rehellion. MintO (William). Was She ( lood or J5ad ? (Fi,-fi,»,.J L., 188!X <)g. Minturn (Kohert Powne). New York to Delhi. L., 1808. l(}e. Mihabeau (Honori' (luhriel Ki(|uetti, Ounf'' de, 174'>-'^I)- Miraheau : ;v r i'Z Life-History. Ph., 1848. 4;{d. Mirror : (a ma<,'azine). v. 1-2, 7-14, 10-20. lov. P., 1823-32. 30e. Missions and Missioxakies. Sholierl ( F. ) Present State of (Miristianity - - and of Missionary Kstablishments. N. Y., 18'2S. 44c. Mitchell (Donald (Irant), — " Ik Marvel,"' /-.s^-w^/. Pattle Summer : per- sonal observation in I'aris, 1S48. N. Y., 18.").^. '27a. Fre.sh (lleanings. (Trair;l.< in Kiii;>i>,'.) N. Y., 1851. 23f. Saun^. N. Y,, 1856. 27a. Fudge Doings. 2v. X. Y.. 1855. 27a. Reverie.si of a Bachelor. L., v. assy to Cliina iiiiil Jiijwii Ml l8r)7-.''8. L. & (Miisgow, iHfiO. 18c. .M<»ii.\MMi;i) ami Moiiammkk.wism. Irrin;/ ( W. ) Malionii't anil lii> .•^uc- (^•■s'sor.s. N. v., 1850. 401>. Koran (Tin-). //•. G. Sal.". 2v. L.. 1821. 201.. Hfinir. L., 1807. 44(1. - ..^. . . - Millx(C.) Histoiv of Mnhaninicdanisin. L., IS 17. " 44c. Piiih'uux (II.) Nature of lni|)(jstui'e, disjilaved in Life f)f MohaniiutMl. . L., 1808. 4:11). Sei' aixt) inirl.x n'lafiri' to rnunfri's tr/iasi' inhaliittnifx ar'- fnl/nircrx of Mohnntnii-d. Mohr (K.lwanl). To Victoria Fall.-^ of the ZaniLesi. L, 1876. If. ,M(ii.i.u.s(A. Wixxl (.J. a.) lllustrateil Xatmal History : (v. 3) Keiitile-s, Fishes, Mullusca, &c. L., ii. d. 2e. MoNASTKiUKs. ('iir::<», (I{.) Visit t.. M. in the Levant. N. V., 1849 41.1. Mdhoueij (S. I.) Six years in M. of Italy, »Vc. IJ., 184'). 17a. MoXKY. Cn'hfx'ff ( W. ) Paper a;.,'ainst (loM. '-Jv. in 1. L., 181-"). 47c. L(i/»r(J.J .Moiu'y and Morals. L., 1852 4Gc. S^e a/xn 1)ANKI.\(J. . • . . Monro. ^'" a/sn Munro. Monro (V ere). Suinnier Kanilile in Syria, \c. 2v. L., 18.'}"). 390. Monstrelet (Kngucrrand de). Chronicles (o/ Enf/lamf, Frau'-r, ii/>aiu, am/ adjoiviiiij roinitrii's, I .'fOihl/ilG ). '2\\ L., 1.S4.'). lOf. Xnli-. — These chronicles begin at the year in wiiich Froissart'.s work ends. iMoNT 15i,AN.. Anl,ri<,(J.) Ascent of M. r.., l8-_'7. L., 1830. 40c. Ch>"rrr (a. lij Wan.lerings nf a Pil.Lrrim in Sjiadow of M. 15. X. Y. lS4i;. 1.31.. »SV'' (tlxd Al.l'S. Montagu (I lasii). Life of Francis Bacon. L, 1834. 42f. Montagu (^//N. Kii/iil)etli). Letter.^^. JJv. in 1. L., 1809. 43c. Montagu {in. Hon. Lwlij Mary Wortley). AVorks. (Correxj^itniflence pon/i", (uid fssayx. J V. ),S, 5. L. , 1817. 441>. Montaigne (Midiel Hy(|uein de). Es.says. //•. from the Ft ench editions of I'eter t'oste. Uiiexpuiijatrd. IW. L. ,1811. 43g. Mo.NTAi.K.MBEHT (Charles F'orbes de Tryon, Onidf de, Fr. fhi'vlor/icui, Inx- torlau, etc., 1810-70.) Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) Memoir of Count de M^ 2v. Kdin. .V L., 1872. Mya. M<)NTCAi.M-(i(>Z(ix i)E Saint-Vkhax (Louis Joseph, Mai-s. Montgomery (H) I^it""' "t Ma.j.-(}eii. Z. Tavlor. AiiljiiiM, N. Y., 1H47. Ilil. ^ Montgomery (•lames, AV/ //, /v. i/nit^ral, i77'i-lS(i7 ). Memoir.s. Hy himself. L., ISl'4. A'.\h. McjXTHK.M.. Jinsinnf/i ( S. ), <'l. MiKliclaj^a 1 )i'j)icta : oi I'ii-tmc of .M. Montreal, 184(5. 4()f. Moody (Soi.hy). Till- Palm Tifo. L., 18r)4. 17.'. Moore (Cicmfnt Claike). (icor;,'!' Ca-striot, .surnamt'tl Scaiidt'il)i'^', Kiii^ of Allwnia. N. V., 18.'(). 4-21). Moore (I'avid All)orl^. Age of Pro;,fV('ss, or l*aii'(.J. Cj I.ifo of .Sir .1. .\1. -Jv. L., 1834. ICik. Moore (.lolm). Zdneo. 2v. L., 1820. 4na. Moore (Tlioma.-i, Ii'i.-:i loinuuff . ) !>., 1S"J7. 4.S1). History of Ireland. ( hd'/zi'-rs Cijrhq).) v. 1-3. L., ls;U) (lith- jilaff., ISoJ ). 'J.Ki. Letter.s and Journals of l.ord Bvron, with Notices of his f.ife. I'v. N. Y., 1830. irwl. Life of K. IJ. Sheridan. 2v. L., 182."). Ud. Memoirs, Journal, and Corre.spondtMure. >>/. Lord Ji>hn Ru.ssell. 2v. I.., 1853. 17a. S((n»'. V. 8. L., I8.j(). 42(1. Memoirs of ( 'aptuin Roek, the eelehrated Iri.sli chieftain. V>y himself. L., 1824. 41a. Poetical \Yorks. lOv. L., 1841. IPh. MoorSOm (^CW/'/. William). Letters from Xova Scotia. L., LS.^O. 71>. MoH.M, Puii.osuriiy. S^■'' Kriiic.s. MoUAY, Scotland. Lawh'i- ( Sir T. D.) (ireat Floods of Au«,'ust, 1829, in province of Moray and adjoining districts. Edin., 1830. 4()e. More ( Mr.<. Hannah, Kmi. author, l}'4'»-l>'^->->). Ctidehs in Search of a Wife. X. Y., ISCil. ' 43d. Diiplimt,-, ;>7h. \Yorks. 7v. L., 1837. 171.. C*»ntn)U : V. 1, .Stories for Persons in Middle Ranks, &i.'. ; 2, Tales for tlie Common People, Thous^hts on Maimers of the (ireat, Kstiniate of Religion of F'ashionable World, &c. ; 3, Strictures on Modern System of Female Kiluca- tion ; 4, Hints towards fonniiig the Character of a Young Princess ; 5, Trage- dies and Pfienis ; 6, I'oems, Sacred Dramas, Essays, kc. ; 7, Cielebs in searcl> of a Wife. (216) MOKK MOZAHT. MiHiK- -Cou/iiiiii't/. . . /{n/,> rfx f W. J I.if.' ami Corrpspoiulcnci' nf II. M. L»v. N. Y., 1841. f.'h. More (.laini's F.) Ilisturv of <,)u«'(>ii's ('..tiiitr, N. S. Ilnlifax, 1873. 4(lf. More (-SV/- Thomas). Mo.st pli-asaiit, fruitful, ami witty work 1) 30. 2v. L, 18.10. ;?81.. Morier (.lam.'s). Tlie .Mir/a. V. 1--J. I.., 1841. 44c. Morley (.lolm). Rotisseau. I'v. 1.., 1873. ITk-. Walpole. rifohnf n'a/j,n/,>, A'ar/ i,/Ur/»nf.J L., 1893. •2a. M(»i{MitNs and MoH.MdXisM. liniiirirl: (J.) The Mormons, anr ( A.) .\ Winter in M. L., 1873. 14<'. Morris (Kichaitl) (tml Skeat (W. W.) Sjjecimens of Kailv Fn^'li*h. Pt. •_', I:'!»SI.S!I3. Oxfonl, l¥7;i 41f. Morrison (William DoUKla.s). dews under Roman Kule. L., 1892. la. Mo.s,.,\v. lj»rth((;.T.) Around the Krejiilin: life in M. L., 180"^. Id. Mosheim (dolm Laurence). Fccle.sia.'^tieal llistorv, to IStli ctuitury. ml. C. Coole. tiv. L., 1811. 44c. Sdiiii'. 2v. in 1. (ilas^'ow, 18i!7. 40<^. Mossman (Samuel). Xew .lapan. L., 1873. 14l>. Mother's Manual, or illustr.itions of matrimonial ei-onomy ; an essay inverse. L.. 1X33. l!)d. Motley (dohn I.othrop). History of Fnited Nwtherlands, 1.'>84-IG09. 4v. N. v., 18(il. 38.1. Same 4v. L., 1874. 7a. Life of dohn of r,arnevold. 2v. L., 1874. 12h. Rise of Dutch Kei.ublic. 3v. X. V., 1808. 38d. Mott (Alfred),—-' A. J. BarroW(difle," p.-oiol. Sefi Fiction. Mott (Valentine). Travels in Europe and the F^a.st, 1834-41. X. Y., 1842. 4C(1. Mtiz.MiT (dolmun ('hrysostom Wolfganj^ Aniadeus, iit^nnan iiiuiiraf '•'inif)0.'-ylf(H. M.) Life of Hayihi, followed by Life of x\L From French of " L. A. C. Bom bet " ( p^nid. ) L., 1817. lie. Same. L., 1818 42f. Hi>h>K'x(K.) Life of M. N. Y., 1845. 41a. '. (217) muo(;e MTiiUAr. Jilugge (Tlieodorc). Life mid Love in Xniway : a tah-. tr. K. A. 'Slov\'\>, PI.., 1858. 39b. ^luiiJ (Thomas, Sr>~>-U'.)). Mivh^irur (P.) Life cf T. M. (ila.sgo>v, 1831. 4.S1). Mulhall ('^l/'^'. Million (J.) Ketwt'Oii the Aniazdii and tliL' Andes. I,., 1>JS1. lb. Mullen (Samuel). The Pilgrim of Ki'auty ; the Cottat^'or's Sahliath ; and other Poems. L., l8-ir>. 19il. Mullens (Joseph). Twelve ftlonths in >hida,L(asear. L., 187;'). hSi-. Muller (Friodri(di von). Sf' Austin (S.) Muller (deoi'ge, licwl ()/ or/i/ian-dxi/luiii, J>ii.. 43g. Mundy ((Jodfrev (■Jiades). Life and ('iirres])oi!il(nee (d' Admiral Lord Rodney. 2v. L., 1830. KJa. (Jur Antipoih's : Australian Coh)nies. ;>v. L., IK)"!. l."}(.'. Pen and Pencil Sket( lies : being journal of tour in India. 2v. L., 1833. 39d. Munro. .S" aho Monro. Munro (Pv. D.) St.-am Pollers. L., 1S92. ■_><■. Murdocll (Peainish). Kpitonie (d' Laws of Nova Scotia. I'v. Ilalifa.x, 1832-33. -280. History of Xova Scotia or Acadie. 3v. Halifax, 18Go-G7. 38c. Murdock (William). I'oenis and Songs. St. John, N. 11, 1860. 4nd. Murphy (Arthur). Life of I). Garrick. L'v. L., 1801. 42d. Murphy (.^'hn C.) Review ritish America. 3v. Kdin., 1839. 41a. Murray (Hoit. -lames Krskine). A Summer in the Pvr.'in'es. 2v. L., 184-J. ISe. Murray (John). Chemistry. 4v. Edin., 18P.». 48a. Murray (John Fi.sher). Picture.s(pie Tour of River Thames in its western course. L. , 1815. 40d. Duplicate, I4e. Murray (Lindley). Power of Religion on the Mind. X. V., 1818. 44a. (218) MURRAY -NAPLES. Murray (Ni<'liolas),— " KirwMii," i>M'wl. Letters to Ht. Rev. J. Hughes. N. v., 18;")"). -lOe. Men uikI Tliiiij^s as 1 saw tliciu in Kurope. X. V., IS")."?. 4oi'. Kuinanisni at Hdnic : k'ttiTs ti> Kuj^ci 15. Tanev. N. Y., 185*J. 40e. Murray (William llcnrv Harris(.n). Daylij-lit Land: cxcuision ovor praiiie ami nioiiiituin. f,., 1888. Ic. Musimuo.Ms. Tdijlor (T.) Food PnxUu-ts, 1-3. (Kdilili' and Poisonous M. of United States, witli directions for their identiHciition and the ))repar- iition a.s food of the edihle species. ) U.S. I>^j>t. of Ai>f. of A;/.) /;///,/<■ mi'f pdi.-ioiioi x mii>'hrooiii'<, dr. I'ainph. Wash., 1893. "Ja. jNIusir AM. ]\ri sM lANs. linrwii (C.) (ieneral History of Mnsic 4v. L., 177ti-i'l>. 42tr. Ciotrl, (\V.) ■ Lectures (.n Music-. L., ld3L 28c. Dictionary of Musicians, v. 2(K-Z). L., 18-27. I'Sl.. Musical Miscellany ; collection of .son^s set to Violin and Flute, liy eminent masters v 1-2, -1-5. li., 171^9-31. 19a. iW^. -Vols. -I and 5 are entitled " Musical Miscellany ; l)eing collection of songs and lyric poems, with tlie liasses to each tune, and transposed for the flute, hy eminent masters." Si'c (ilxo Lirpx (,/ Havdn {V. d.) aui/ Mo/aut (d. C. \V. A.) Musters ((iporjieCha worth). At Home with the Patajj;oiiians. L., 1871. 13e. Jh(i>h'raf(, M)<-. Muter (J// x. ii-ife (if C.itl. D. /).) Travels and Adventures of an officer's wife in India, (idna and \ew Zealand. 2v. |y., 18(i-l. 13a. Mytii()1,()(;v. J{((irf/i -HI- ( N.) Tanglewood Tales for irirls anil lioys. B., 18;.3(V» 41>. Couliul'^ : Tlie Wayside. The Minotaur. The Pygmies. The Dragon's Teetii. ("irce's Palace. Tlie Pomegranate Seeds. TheCJolden Fleece. Nolf. Stories from mythology, for children. Le)iiprii'ri-(J. ) Classical Dictionary of Proper 2sanio.s. L., 1800. 8d. liuKhi)) (J.) Queen of the Air: study of (ireek Mvths cd" Cloud and Storm. L., 18(19. P-'e. Myths and .Marvcds of Astronomy. Se>' Proctor (K. A.) Nadik Shah (Kinij of Peritia, U»Sxcursions along shores of Mediterranean. 2v. L , 1842. 41c. Reminiscences of Syria, etc. 2v L., 1843. 4Ic. Wild Sports in Kurope, Asia, and Africa. 'Jv. L., 1844. 171f. Napier (Sir William Francis Patrick). Historv of War in the Peninsula, ami in SouHi . ^N'Ai'i.Ki*. Kaiaitnijh (J. ) A Snmmei' and Winter in the Two Sicilies. 2v. L., 18o8. 14e. La Cava, or Recidlections of the Neapolitans. L., 18G0. 39e. Naples, ])(ditical, .social, and religious. By Lord P> .jl .j^ ^(. .^ ^ ^t *• fidhor of " Nl asters and Workmen." 2v. L., 18r)i). "j^n. Ro1fe(K. X.)C\-In<,leh>i(H.) N. in 1888. L., 1888. Id. (•219) N AP( J LEON X ATU R A L. Napoleon 1. (Eioperur a/ f/f Frew/i, 17lj9-18Jl ). Aufniiiiimrrfiie ( F.} Liist Days of N. 2v! in 1. L., 182"). lOd. BdurrieniK' ( L A. F. lie). rriviitc MfiUDir.s (if Napoleon l)()iia[iaiti'. 4v. L., 1830. Idc. Contitlciitial Corn'sjioinlonco of X. witli liis Inotlioi' J(x-^eiih. 2v. N.\ .. 1856. Ihi. Same. f. ir. 43t'. Fh'uni ih' Chahoulon (P. A. E.) Momoirs of I'rivato Life, Ketuni ainl Reign of N. ill 1815. "iv. L., 1820. 9a. Lax Cast^x ( M. J. E. A. />., <-oiiiti- lU- ). Private Life and Conversations of X. at St. Helena. 4v. L., 1824. IGe. MaitlaioJ (F. L.) Snrrender of Hnonaparte ("ir) and of liis re.sidenci' on H. M. S. Bellerophon. L., 1826. 41g. Ihiriifit (A. J. M. li. Sararif, liw /»-ri>r of Frawe, /SOS-T'-IJ. History of dulius TiPsar. 2v. L., 1865 ()«i(?) 9(1. " Posthumous Works and rnpulilished Aiito^Miiplis of X. HI. in Kxilc Collected liy Count (le la Chapelle. L.. 1S73. 15(1. R<>th(E.) Life of N. B., IHoG. 9a. Nares (Kdward). Continuation of Tytler's Kl(>nients of (I en era! History. •SV' Tytler (A. F. ) Nasr-ed-Din (Shah "f I'ersia). l)iarv durin<,f Tour tlirouj^li Kurope, 1873. //•. J. W. Re.lhouse. L.,1874.' 14e. Nathan (1.) Fuf,'itive Pieci's and Keniiniscences of Lord Hymn ; also poetry, letters, and recollections of Lady C^iroline Lainl). L. , 1829. 15a. Naturai, Hisioky. A'faiKs (A.) Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. L., 1870. \4h. Aihdiix (A. L.) Field and Forest Ranililes, with notes and ohserva- tions on Natural History of Kastern Canada. L. , 1873. 4(ll). Arf„r ( /{. A.} Nature Studies. L., 1891. 2d. Briinrff ((^.) (;atherin<,'s of a Naturalist in Australia. L, l.SGO. 14c. Biilfnii ((,'. L. L., nuiih' >Ip). Natural Historv. //■. W. Sniellie. v. 1-3, 5-20. L., 1812. 201). Confoi/s: V. 12, Tiieory of the Earth ; 3, History of Man ; 5 10, History of Quadrupeds ; 11-20, History of Riids. Jii'>if'-ri/> ( W. .J.) Leaves from Note-Hook of a Naturalist. 15., 18")± 45e. Chaiobei-H (R.) Yesti<,'es of N. H. of Creation. Amm. L., 1845. 46a. CunniwjJiaiii (R. ().) Natural History of Strait of Maj^elhiii and west coast of Patagonia. Kdin., 1871. 13d "^ l>Hplimtf., S9d. Daricin (C. R.) See hix H-m-ha loifft^r authvi-^'ntri/. (220) NATURAL NATURE. Natukal H isTOli V — (J'inti)inf.) Ili.stoiy of the Kartli ami Animated Xatuie. Gv. L., 182-2. 44e. (iurni'ii (J. H.) Kanililes of a Naturalist in Kgyjit, »S:e. ; witli ornitlio- logieal notes. L., ISTH?) 13e. .)ouiiial of a Naturalist. ( Po^silihj lui J. L. Knaiq>.) L., 1830. ''Sa. Kiiii/xh'i/ (C) (ilaucus, or wonders of the shure. (Mari)/>- rxxihujii.) ' B.,' IS'io. 4(1. Matlani How and Lady Why, or first lessons in earth lore for children. L., 1870. 4.1. P/iiiius Seruwln-t (('.),— Pliui/ the flih-r. Natvralis Historiji? lihri XXXVII. h\gi\\\n( Lyons ),\-^m. 47g. Uoil*-! (P. M.J Animal and Vei,'etable Phvsiologv. 2v. Ph., 1836. ■47a. . ' SwainxDii (W.) Natural History and Classification of Quadruped.s. L., 18X"). -JSa. Preliminary Di.scourse on Study of N. H. ( l.arihci'x Ciirlnji.) L., 1834. 25a. Ti/tli'v (S.J Footi»rints : Nature seen on its human side. L., 1881. ' Ic. Wafcitoit (C.J Essays on Natural History, ehieH}' Omitholony. L., 1844. 44a. Whih' (a. J Natural History of Sclhorne. L, 1835. 41f. Wnoil (J. a. J Illustrated Natinal History. 3y. L., n. >1. 2e. Contents: (1) Maiuiiialia. (2) Birds. (3) Reptiles, Fishes, Molhiscs, etc. See aJxo Botany ; — CoMrAKAinE PnvsioiXKiV ; — Ethxolouy ; — - EvoLiTioN ;— (;k()L(m;v ; — Iiiithvoloov ;— Mammals ; — Minkralooy ; — Natthk ;— OKMTHor,o»;v ;— Pai.kontoi.ooy ;— Skasons. NAiriiAl, PillI-(JSOI'HY. aSV*' PnY.sI^^s. Natural Theui.ooy. Bnl>haij>- (C.J Ninth Ihidgowater Treatise. (On natural reliijion. ) L., 1837. 47a. Browihaxi (il., h>);1). Discourse of N. T. Ph., 1835. 281.. Bntlfi- (J.) Analdt^y of Keligion, natural and reyealo'l. L., 1824-. 4r)a. Clialnierx (T.J Christian Keyelation viewed in connexion (xir) with Moilerii Astronomy. Aiidovor, 1818. Same. (llasL,'o\v, 1S30. 44c. Die/,- (T.) Christian Philosopher, or connection of science and phil- osophy witli religion. Ph., 1836. 45a. Pah>!i(\V.) Natural Theolojry. L., 1824. 28a. Sanif. Hartford, 1847. 47a. Religion of Nature dtdineated. L., 1725. 44e. See alxo Buumjewateh Treatises. Nature. ,<,. Navai, Histohy. An-kt>^!l (U.) N. II. of liiitaiii, t(j 17.")G. >' also British Aimy and Navy Review. A/<(i /ins <,/ \)usi)oSAi.\> ( Ear/ of) :—Ks.yunTn (Admiraf, Visroun/ ) : -{'..smimkk (A/. lib. " Nemesis " ( Yoy age of). S"e Bernard ( ^V. 1 ). ) Nei'aul, in North India HamU/nn ( F. ) Ai'i:ount of Kingdom of N. K.lin., 1819. 4(»g. ()/il)lninf ( L.) Journey to Katniander, Capital of N. N. Y., 1852. 39d. NepOS (Cornelius.) E.Kcellentiuni Imperatorum Yita\ Clasgua' ((iltvi- ijoirj, txcudf/ia/ A. Foidis; 1777. 45c. Nero (Lucius Domitius Claudius, Jtom. eni/tefo); -iT-'iS). A/ilmff (J.) History of N. N. Y., 18.54. 11a. Nestohi.ans. Gran/ (A.J TIk; Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes. L., 1844. 14e. (222) NETHEllLANDS NEW. >KTnKRi.ANi;)s, (irattdu ( T. (!.) History of tlio N. ( Laiihorn Ciirhtp.) ].., l^^S(titk-plaft, ISoO). '25a. M„fh'i/ (J. L.) History of riiitcd Xethorlands. 4v. X. Y., 1861. :{8.i. Srhilltr (J. C. F. run). History of Revolt of X. X. V., 1847. 39b. 8>'e (ilxo liix Works. Theatre of I'rt'sciit AV'ar in X. and upon Kliinc ; with Military Dii'tion- iiry. L., 1746. 'JSa. yett. -Coiitiiiiis the l)ook-plate of Sir F. Williams of Kars, with tlie signature " Williams.'' S'-v (il«> H(>i.i..\Ni). Ne'ViuS ('lolm L.) China and the Chinese. X. Y., IStjli. 13c. Xkw liiJixswii k. Adaiiix (A. L. ) Fieltl and Forest Kaniljle.-*, with notes ami oliservatioii* on Natural History of Eastern Canada. L., 187^^. 40h. J)a>r.mij,'rants. L., 1847. 40e. La'ci-'iirr ^J. W'.J Foot-Print.s, oi Incidents in Farly Historv of X'. P>. St. John, IS.S.S. 4()f. Hon"!' ii>t on C.wada (Dominion of). Xew Cai.kpdni.x. Camiili'll ( F. A.) Year in X'ew Hebrides, Lovalty Islands, and X. C. (ieelong, 1873('r) 14e. Xew Kx(;i.am). Chfi-rer (G. B.) -lournal of the I'ilgriuis at Plvniouth, N'. K.. I(i2(». X. Y., 1849. 441). Xew Knuland and Her Institutions. Uv one of Her Sons. Hartford, 1847. 41d. S"'' a/"" f/"' fariiin" ■•'f ((/'■■•< ir/n'r/i forriierhi riuitpo.-ifd Xeir EinjhiniL A/xo Umtki) Statks. New Kn-land Magazine, v. •_> (183-J) .^- 5 (July-Dee., 1833). &J. J. T. Huckingham. li., 183-i-3(V) .Slh. New Fuaxce. &'' (.)ntaiuo ; — Quebec. J/.>-v> Caxaua (D(Muinion). New HEHUii)Ef<. Cdi.'i/ihcf/ ( F. A.) ami iif/ipr-f. Year in X. H., '/'•. .• M-ith account of X. H. Missions. ( RfJ't^rs to Dr. John (iuldie.) (Jeelong, 1873(?) 14c. Xew Hoi, land. S^t^ Alstrai.ia. New Monthly .Magazine, v. 10 (1824)— 30 (1830), ?>'^ (1832), 37 (1833)- 4<»(1S34), 42 (18341—115 (18.59), 119 (I860)— 143 (1868). 125v.- L., r. d. 32a, 1), i!c c. New <,)uarterly Review, v. 4-9. L., 1844-48. Soe. (223) NEW NICHOL. Xew South Waies. Iiarrin^r. 12e. Trijiiartlifii (G.) Australian Conunonwealth. (IliMorij of Aui^tralia, X.Z.^a-r.J L., 1893. la. Trollo,„^(A.) Au.stralia and X. Z. 2v. L., 1873. 71). Wah'ri'^M (K J.J Adventures in X. Z., 1839-44. v. 2. L., 184--). 39e. Wi/.. le. Xol.lpfL.L.) After Icebergs with a Painter. X Y., 18G1. 40a. Newman (John Henry). P^ssays, ciitical and historical. (Ctiifliij th'o- loiiical.) 2v. L., 1871. 17(f. XEWSPAPEHts. Bwlaniihatn (J. T.) Specimens of Xewspa{>er Literature ; and Reminiscences. 2v. B., 1850. 43b. Nichol (John I'ringle). Architecture of the Heavens. Kdin., 1838. 17c. Thoughts on some important points relating to the Svstem of the World. Kdin., 1840. 17e. (224) NICHOLSON NORTH. Nicholson (IV?tt>r). Mechanics Coiiipaiiioii. L., 1825. 28b. l'riiicil)l('s of Arcliitcoturi'. '.W. L., 1827. 28b. Kuiliiii('iit.s of I'ractical Perspective. L., 18;3r). 17b. Nicklin (I'liilip 11.) Remarks on Literary I'lopeitv. Mi , 1838. 44a. Nicol (Walter). (larr(F.) Kcniiniscenees of ('.. 15. X. L., 183."). 43d. Xii.E RiVKK. A/>/)ft'f. 2v. Stirling', 1817. 7c. Nineteenth Century, v. 29, Ist [.t., (1891) ; 30 (isyi)— 33 (1893)+. I5d. ill !»v. I.. , r. d. !)f. XiNEVKM. Ijaijid)! (A. If.) 1 >is('ov>'ries in ruins of X. and Babylon. Iv. ill '2. L., l.S5;i. 14a. Stinie. A/iruhf'f. f. ir. X. Y.(>) 39b. X. and its Remain^. 2v. X. V., 1849. 39b. /hqihWifr, L'^a. Vaux {\V. ». W.) X. and Persepolis. L., 1851. 44b. Svc nl.fii AssYHi.\. Noble (I^ouis Le<;rand). After Iceber<,'s with a Painter N. Y., 1861. 4(»». Noble (Mark). Hi.storieal ( Icnealoj^'v of Royal Hon.se of Stuarts. L., 179.".. 4:Jg. Xoctes AmbrosiaiUP. Scf Wilson (d.) Nolte (Vincent). I'ifty Years in Rtitii Hemispheres, or Remini.soence.s of Life of a Foriiier Merchant. N. V., 1854. •27a. Norman (R. M.) Rambles by Land and AVater. X. Y., 1845. 39c. XoKM.\N CoXQL'EST OK K.Mil.A.VD. S*''' E.\G1..\X1>. NouMANnv, AND THE NoKMANS. Jeicett (S. ().) The X'ormans, chieHy in relation to their coii(|uest of England. L., 1891. la. Norris PA'illiam Edward) Fur A/.s- mtreh, si',' EicrioN. North (Chfistopher), i»l, ami Dr. John, iiliilnliHjiftf^ lH4o-83). North ( H. ) Lives of Baron (iiiilford, Sir D. Xorth, and Dr. J. North. 3v, L., IS'26. 44d, North (Roj.(er). Scf prei'i'iliiiij ':nfrii. 2i>fU)h'il tn '■^ l^irfuri" fioni lUilij.^) L., //.'/. .'?l,'. D
    |ic ami A. Cinoiniiali, l>S(i;{. ITtl. Li'dlniiifo (I'-) I'liiiric iind Forest : dcsi ri|ilioii of (iaiuc of X. A. L., 1874. l.Sa. Hdlif'io'ti'n ('I'. C.) Kulc iiiitl Misiulf (if Kiij,'lis]i iti Anu'iica. Aitnu. N. Y., 1851. 400. HalMffJ.) HistdHciil Notes on Indians of N. A. L.. l.s2o. 40f. HaHfJi.) Travels in X. A., 1827-28. \. i-X Kdin., 1S29. 41a. Hamiltnu (T-) Men and Munners in America. V>\ aiitlioi- of "CyrilTliornto:.." ( Pr-fac, ^iir>l. 3Sa. K'-afii/'j ( ]]'. H.) KxiH^dition to Source of St. Peter's Kiver, Lake Winnepeck, Lukt of the Woods. &(.•., IS'J.l '2\ . L.. IS'J.'). 41 g. Iv^ir/if (J. ('.. iiitirn"!-- of). Trip to tlie Trojiies and Home tliroUL,'li America. I-., 1S<>7. le. Liji'/l (Sir C.) Travels in N. A., with ("teolo^'ical ( )liseivations on United .States, Canada, and Xova .Scotia, "iv. L., 184"). 4(>a. Mnrh-ai/ (C.) Life and Liliertv in Americfi ; uv sketches of tour in United States and Canada, 1857-8. X. V., IS;)*). 4rK-. Ma., 18G8. 41e. Marn/af (F.J D^aiv in America. 2v. Ph.. 1839. 41f. Sam". 2nd Series. Ph., 1840. 41f. Murraii (II.) Histoiical Accoinit of Hiscoveries and Travels in X. A. 2v. ' L.. 1829. 40h. OliliJiaiif (L.) Minnesota and the Far "West. Fdin., 18-")."). l.'id. Conffiii/'i : Canada. Lake Sii|ierior. Minnesota. ParbrfH.F.) Discoverers and Pioneers of A. N. V., 18(50. VMk Note. — For roulcHl.s, see Hiockai'hv. Parhtnan (F.) Conspiracv of Pontiac, and Indian War after C'omiuest of Canada. 2v. H., 18i)2. 2c. Half Century of ConHict. 2v. P,., lS!t2. 2c. Jesuits in X. A. in 17th century. I!., 18!»2. 2c. La Sall.\ and the Di.scovery of the Creat West. P.. lSt)2. 2c. Oregon Trail: sketches of Prairie and Kockv-Mountain Life (in m-r irorlc'^, nmh^r niiflinr-oifrii. Pile (Z. M.) Exjiloratorv Travels through western territ(jries of X. A., 1805-07. I.., 1811. 39t,'. Shim'ff(P.) Tour through X. A. Fdin., 183."). 41d. Silliinau (A. E.) Gallop among American Soenerv- X. V., 1843. 44b. SfoJi'cxfA.) Constitution of I>ritish Colonies in X. A. and West Indies at time Civil War broke out on continent of America. L. , 17S.S. 40b. Sfitart (J.J Three Years in N. A. 2v. Kdin., 1833. 37a. (226) NORTH XORl'HWEST. XoHTH AmEHU'A — CitnfiuU'tl Tttiilnr (li.) At Hmiie and AbiDad. (Tnvila in Amen'ra anil J'!iir<>/>f.) "N. v., 18(>(). 13c. Tri,llai,e (A.) Noitli Aiucncii. N. V., lfrunth.s in America. L»v. L., l.s:V2. 391). Warliiirtoii (H.) Huclii'laga, or En^'liiiid in tlic Xcw WniM. ( D^ti- rriittioii ami Trnnl.) Anon. - pt.s. in Iv. N. Y., 184(5. LSI). Wihou (A.) c,' lioiiajxirfi' (C. I,.) Auicrican < )initlinl(>^fv. 4v. Kdin., IS.SI. 44a. Wrillht (F.) Soci.ty and Manners in A., ISIS-'JO. L., 18:iL'. 41c. ^V^' (ihn AMKiiKA ; — Ai{( TIC HK(iiuNs; — Canada; — Central .Amkriia; Umtki> Statks :- Wkst Imhks. .4/»o Inoians. ^'ortli Anicriran Review, v. 20 (lf<2r)) i;? (1820), :U (1832)- .'JH (1832), m (KH33) -37 (1S33),3!»(1«34), 4li (IS.'JG), 45 (18371-40 (1838), 48 (18.in)-49 (1,S3!);, 78 Il8r)4)--S7 (18r>8), 151 (1S!»0). "Juv. K, r. d. SlJa & b. North Ihitish Review, v. 12 (lS4I>-r)0), 19 (18r)3)~21 (I8r)4), 32 (1800) — 38(18(i3). 7v. N. Y.. /• f. I)iipi', , //,V^ Northcote (-lanu-s). Life of Sii , I. Reynolds. 2v. L., 1818. 42d. Northend (Charles). Teaeher and Parent. X. Y., 1850. 4r)c. Xorthern (.'in-uit, or notes of Sweden, Kiidand, and Rnssia. Cambridge, 18«± 28a. Xiii{TiiMKN or XoKsKMKN. I )u Cha ill II ( P. li. ) The Viking Age: early liistery, iiiannoi-.s. and custonis of ancestors of Knglish-speakiiig nations. Ilhis. ' 2v. L., 1889. If. WlnafiDi (H.) Ili.storv of t'he X., or Danes and X'ornians. L., 1831. 40(1. Northrop ( Henry I)aveni)(irt). Fonr Centuries of I'rogres.s, or Pano- lania of American History. Pli., l89.3Cr) '2e. Norton (H<>/i. ^fl^x. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Sheridan, afti'mrinh Laih/ Sterling Maxwell). Child of tlie Islands : a poem. L., 184'). lOe. Poems. 2v. X. Y., 1807. 40f. The Cndyiny One, and other Poems. L., 1830. 19d. Norton (Cliarles Kliot). Trav.d and Study in Italy. P., 1800. .^9d. XniiriiwKsr pAssAiiK. Milton ( \V. F., ri^tniunl ) of Clwaille (W. li. ) Xorth- West Pas.sage by Land. 4th ed. L., /a/e.s\ L., 1835. 41g. Same. Ph., 1835. 41g. See aho Arctic RE(iioNS. (•2-27) NORTHWEST NOVA. ^^oiMiiwEsi TKUUiToin", Caiiiuln. ///// (A. S.) Fmui lluine to Homo : Aiituuiii Wiiiiileriiigs in the Nnitli- West, 18H1-I884. L., 18S"». Ic. S'-r d/"!) Canada (Doiiiinioii of). XoHWAY. lhtni,iril(M. U.) SiM.it in N. ( With /i..) .loiuncy tlirou<,'h N., &.v. L., is:'>7. 391. I'/'iffir (I.) .Jomiiey to Ici'land, ami Travels in Swodon and \. X. v., I8.->2. l-_'e. Notley (Frantu's Kli/.a Millctt). Fn,- h*r ni»i/s, .<,-,' Kn ik.n. Notman (William). ^V( Taylor (K.) N()VA S('()TIA. [>V" (tlxii ij>')ii'n(l mir/i-i* nit ("axada (I>nminion). A/ii* C^ikkn's Cointy.] 1. At/iirii/furf'. Dairann (Sir J. W. ) Improvomfnt of A>;ri6. 41f. Diij)'ir(it<, .'fi;,: YuutKi (J.) Lcttt'i's of Ai,'ri('ola, mi vt'i^ttatioii and tilla,L,'t', written for X.'s. Halifax, 1822. 46f. 2. /hsrHpfire (nid Misrclhint'Dnx W'nrhx. Census, Maivh 30, ISOl. Halifax, 1SG2. iS- Cux:::eii^ (F. S.) Acadia, or a month anioni,' tlie lilue Noses. N. Y., ISoO. 13a. n>AV»//(T. I{.) X. S. Ke^ri.stry nf Shipping. Halifax, 1866. 46e. IhuimnfF.) ( )ur (iarrisons in the West. L., 186+. 17h. Noli-. — Halifax and oilier parts of Nova Scotia are described in chap. 2-(>. Ge.-'wr(A.) Imlustrial Resources of N. S. Halifax, 1S49. 4r)h. LfijixJatirp Lihrain ((iinaliiaiiKtti'il irith that r.'i' aho (-Imp. S to L* in Denny's (X. l'>.) Cruise of the St. (ieorge, a-'* uotal ntnh r uiithor-t )itry. 3. (ieijlotjii. D(iii:<(tn (Sir J. W.) Acadian (ieolugy. Ediii., 1805. 47h. Swae. 2iid ed. L., 18G8. 47b. Gft^KHt'r (A.) Remarks on (ieolooy and Mineralogy of N. S. Halifax,. 183(j. 47c. 4. Historij. Caiiiiil»'ll ( D.) Nova Scotia in its historical, mercantile, audjndustrial relations. Montreal. 1873. 7b. Nott. - Usually known as Campbells History of N. .S. Halihurton (T. C.) Historical and Statistical Account of N. S. 2v. Halifax, 1829. 7b. (228) NOV A () KEHHALL. ^^OVA SuoTiA (History) — C^nfitiufil. Ln>rx(ni (Mrs. M. J.) History "f Towiisliips of I);irtiHoiit1i, I'lvstoii, iiiid [«iw!eiiceti»wii, Halifax CoiiiUy. Halifax, ISO.S. .'iSc. MrLnii/ ((,'. I).) Stories of Lauil of Kvangoliiu'. ( Foumhil mi liisfinii.) B., )891(?) e.g. yol4'. — For rouinitt, with daicH of stories, see autlior-entry. Murdorl, (li.) Ilistoiv of \. S. ur Aca.lic. 'M. Halifax, ISGo-GT. 5. Ijiii\ fuiil I'tti'liaiii'-nfftni Pa/>>^is. Jliiuxi' iif Aksi'i,,/)///, Dchatcs and Proceedings, 18()4-67. 4v. in 1, Halifax, 18()4-(i7. '28.1. .lonrnals. 1818--J0, IH^S-")?, 1859-(>l', ISOD. I'.ound in -Jyv. Hali- fax, r. il. "iSf. I'.irlianicntary Ke]tortor, containing Debates of Assend>ly, for 1851, Halifax. Fo/lo. '28g. Mdi-xlia// (J. <•'.) .lusticeof Peace, and Connty and Township Officer, in \. S. (Thrirs,^-i-.) Halifax, 1S4H. 47c. Murilnrii (li.) Kpitome of Laws of N. S. -Jv. Halifax, 18:V2-33. 28c. Ijijhlaiirf t'l'iutcil. dournal and Proceedings. 1836-37, 1839-46, '1848-51, lSr)7, 18G7. 17v. Halifax, v. isliit/>). Memoirs of Ht. Rev. Fdnnnid P>urke, Bi.-shop of Zion, 1st Vicar Apostolic of Nova Scotia. (Horn 17-'io, died IS. '(I.) Ottawa, 18!»4. lOe. Ocean (The). Maitrn (M.F.) Phvsical Oeograpiiy of the Sea. X. V., • IS.itt. 4Ud. O'Clery (Michael, Cucogry or Peregrine, and Conary), and O'Duigenan ( 1'. ) Annals of Ireland, translated from the Original Irish of the Four Ma.sters, lij' Owen L'onnellan. Dublin, 1846. 39g. Xolt. — Composed chiefly by the O'Clerys and O'Duigenan, hence called " The Annals of the Four Masters." O'Perrall (Simon A.) Ramliles of six thousand miles through United States. By " S. A. Ferrall. ■ L., 1832. 41g. (229) <)(JILHY ONTAKK). Ogilby (■'"'I'll). ( r>iitiiiuiia, 1)1- illiistiatiDii <>(' Kiij^laml uiul Walt** l)y a gti.gnipliii'.il luid liistoiiciil ik-scriptioii of the principal Koails tiiereof. > O.MllWAY or ( llll'I'KWAY I.NDIA.NS. ( 'n/tlCfi;/ (Cr.) or /\(lll-t/e-i/a-t/a/l-)niir/i . riiiditiiiiiiil HiHtDiy ot Ojilnvay IikIIuiis. f. h: (H. , iK'iO). l.Sa. O'KeefFe ('lolni, ///W* ilram. (luHinr, I I'.'fi-lS.l.', ). RccoUfctions. '1\. !,., lS--'(i. 42e O'Kelly (•'allies . I.) Till' Maiiiln'-F.ainl, or jidvciitiiii' of a llcraM rorros- pdiMlcnt ill ("iiliii. L., 1S74. ISi'. Ohl IJailnv Kxpt'iience ; our penal code ami jtiisoii (lisciplinc. Anon. L., \kv^. ■x-^h. Old Calabar, iiX'U'l. S't Ovfi- Turf and Stulil)l('. Oldmixon ('Itilin). History of Kii^'laml during' rci^'iis oi William and Maiy, Anne, laiul) (ieorge I ; Ijting nufiuel of Reigns of Stuarts. ( lidrhuL '' fJisf. o/Sliiarl'^, i: J.") L., ]~:ir\ 4Hf. Olin (Sto]ili('ii) Travels in E^'Vpt, Aral>ia IV-tra'a, ainl tlic llulv Land. •2v. N. v., 184,'l. 40c. Oliphant ( I-aurcii'T.) Karl of Klein's Mission to (Miiiia and .lapaii. '2v. Kdiii. \ I. , lH(iO. 14c. J)ii'/>/ir(,i,, .V.m. .I(tnrti('y to Katmandu, tlie capital of Xcpaui. N. Y., \X'yl. ;59d. .Minnesota and the Far "West. Kdiii. (V \i., 1855. 13d. Patriots (tniri'l.-i in f/if Edsf ) and Filibusters (tranh in tlir Vnifiif Sjatis). K., ISTl*. 15a. Fur lit;r unols, ■<>■<■ FK'IION. Olivier ((!. A.) Travels in ( (ttoiiiau Kin]iire, Kj;vpt, and I'ersia. 2v. L..I8IM. 40e. Olmsted (l>enis( III). Astronnmy. >.'. V., 1S55. 40f. Olmsted (Frederick Law). .Jniiriicy in the Seaboard Slave States. N. v., 18r>(i. 4(51). Journey tliroui;li Texas. >»'. Y., 1S57. 411). Walks and Talks of an American Fanner in Enoland. ( Lih. nf l^oiiuhir Tranis, r. I.) Aiioii. \. V., 1852. T.'e. Oman (Charles William ("hadwick). livzantiiie Kmpiiv. I,., 18!»2. la. Once a Week. dan.-.Iune, ISGO : dnly-lJec, 18(U; ,Iuly-])oc., 1866; Jan.- July, I8G9; Jan. -June, 187-2; Jan. -June, 1S73. (iv. L, r. li. 30e. O.NciAH, Fsscx. Parish Kc'oi>ters of ( >ni;ar, Kssex. ( /i(';/inx A. J). l.'}'»8.) u. ji. Privately printed i(a- Fiedeiick Arthur Cii.-^p, 188fi. .J/o. Only 10(1 CO jiits print III ; "iijiiul ro/>!/ y^o. (J 1. 4Ue. Couf-f-nt'i : Raptisnis, Mairiage.s, Rurials, Index. OKTAHro. (Fornit^rhj I'i'peh Canada.) . Bimnjiraxth' (Sir li. H.) The Canadas (Tapper [Ontaiio] and Lower Canada [gueljcu]), 1841. 2v. L., 1841. \\~a, (230) ON'TAHIO OHNITH<)L(KiY. < )n lAKio — Citnfhiueif. (f'/'ii'/'j (('., fi(iriiu). 1 )rs|piit(Ii»'s to Sir F. 15. Ilcatl, (f,'overnor) of Upper Ciiiiii.la. L., lt*;W. 4.'{(1. UoHihui ( l{.) Statistical Aocuiiiit t»f I'pperCaiiiula. v. 2. I.., IS22. 'ISA.' H'wl (Sir F. li.) Nanativ.'. L.. 18:?'J. Uc K<'porl oil I'liblic 1 )t'partiiit'nt.s of I'loviucf (of rji[ici('iiiiaila). Tor- onto, !«;«)( ?) Statutes of lJp|H'r Canada, to tiiin- of I'liinu. ( Ji(i>/,i',f " Ji'e^-ixed SUttiirn :) :{v. I'l.., 1S48. 18e. (Ji'iNK.Ns. Ihiili'ii (S.) JAiiiiiatioii and l'iil.li(,'alion of (>., 'Y'-. Aitmi. L., 1S2C.. 47c! OKAn.KV. St't' Kl.<.« XTIt.N. Okkod.v, U. S. a. (irtn'ii/iiiif ( l{.) History of ( ). and California. 15., 184"). 14.]. Wilb's ((;.) llistorvofo. X. v., 1S4."). 41f. O'Rell ( Max), i>s<-wi. Srr Blouet (P.) Orford (Horace Walpole, -if/i K(irl i-j\ arl rriflr^ >ri/, ,■(,.-., I717-'J7). ( 'oii'e.spfiiiiU'iut'. ."iv. L: , 1637. 43f. Letters to Sir Horace Mann. >'il. Lord Dover. IJv. L.. 1833. 12a. Memoirs of Last 10 Years of Keii^u of (Jeorj^'e 11. 2v'. L., 1822. 42},'. Memoirs of Kei^ni of < leorj^e 111. « 7. Sii' 1). LeMarcliant. 4v. L., 1S4.">. 1-Jii. Private Correspc.iidence. 4 v. L., 1820. 43e. Keminisceuccs. L., 1818. 391). Oin-oiu. (Sir Hol)i-rt Wai.I", i.K, />/ Karl ni\ Eikj. prim" iiiiiii.S ). Ilarrourf ( Mar(inff Kitt. Kumr.) L., 1831. 25b. Domestic llal.its of IHrd.s. ( Lih. Enf. Ku»ir.) L., 183;"). 251.. (231) OKXITHOLOfJY PAINTINO. OHN'iTM(ji-o(i Y — Continntil. Fiiciilti.'s of 15ir. L., 1844. 44u. Wilson (A.J lY lioiiaixiftf (('. L.J Aiiiciican ( >. >'y H. M. S. "Investigator,'' Capt. K. MC'lure, I8r>()-r)4. From journals of ("apt. MClure. L, 18.")7. Osbourne (I.loyd), S>-i' Fiction : .Stevenson (K. L.) O'Shea ('lohn Augustus). An Iron-l.ound City. 2v. L., 188G. Id. Noft. — Paris during tlie siege. Osier (Kd ward). Life of /Xdiiiiral Viscount Kxnn«uth. L., 183'). 121). Ossian. ^V'- Macpherson ( i.) Otkaxtm (Jo.so|ih F(jucln', Dw d", /•'/■. .). Meinoirs. v. 2. L., 182.-). He. Noft. — Altliongli written in tliK tir.st ])er.son, it was decitleil by the courts not to be tlie work of Fouuhe, ))ut to l)e based upon authentic clocuHients and cHitobiogiap)iic note.s. Xonn /(r Bio' Rame (L. de la). Our Farm of Four Acres and the .Money we made by it. X. V., 18G0. 27a. Ouseley (William (lore)- Statistics and Political In.stitutions of I'niteil States. Pli., 1832. 40f. Over Turf and Stul.ble. (Sp,,rtiii'i sl.>^trh,:<. ) l!v " ( H.l Calabar." L., 1873. 13a. Owen (Mr^'. Octavius Fr(ire). Heroines of IH.story. L., 18").'). 17e. Owen (Robert) and Campbell (A.) Debate on Fvidences.d' Christian- ity, between H. O. and A. ('. 2v.ini. Iktluiny, I7jv////m, 1S2!». 44b. Oxfortl English Prize Poems. Oxford, 1828. l!»a'. Oxford Essays, V)y members of the rnivorsity. 185r)-.")7. 2v. L., 43c. Pacific Oceax. AV^^c//*// (F. W.) Voyage to the Pacific and Ileeriiig's ("if) Strait, in H. M. S. " Blossom," under ('apt. P.eecliey, l82r>-28. 2v. L., 1831. 4()e. Cruise in the PaciKc. From the log of a Naval Officer. ''/. F. Avlmer, 2v. L., 18()(). 13a. Ditjil i'-at, , .'fda. Kenneihj (W. R.J Sporting Adventures in the Paciiic. L., 187G. 13e. ■ Page (Thomas .1.) LaPlata, Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. N. v., 1859. 14c. Painting. Lti^ft^r (C. E.) Artists of America. N. V., 1840. 28c. Note. — For rontent.s, see Biocrai'HV. (232) PAINTING PALESTINE. pAiN'fiNHi — Confiiiue'f. lius/.in (J.) M(m1ciii I'aint.'r^. ov. in 4. X. V., 1891. A'^o/e. — RuHkiii .«tMiils at tlie head of iniidern ;ut critics. St^e alxi> Aims (Fine): — Dk.wvinc;. AI^i) lin.-i (;/' Kaimi.^ki, ; — Reyn()I,i>s (Sir ,1.) pAiXTi.Nt;, (lii,i>i\(;, ANii Vaijnishinc;. I'iiiiitt'f, Clildcr, iiinl Vamislior'* Companion. I'li., kSOi'. ^.l Pai..f.()NToi,()(;v. WHhahi (H. T. M.) Inti'iiial Stnictiiic of Fos.«(;y. Pai.E8T1.\k. liurliuiihaiit (J. /<. ) Lectiiiv.'^ : .sketches of Egypt antl Pales- tine. Compiled hy .1. Ilil.lrttli. X. V.,18;?S. 4."id. Burrh-hanJt (J. L.) Travels in Syria an.l Hdly Laii.l. L., 182-i. 38e. Burton (Mrs. I.) Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and Holy Land. 2v. L.. 1875. IGe. Ch(it''aul>ria)iil ( F. A. i/>). Travels in (Ireeee, Palestine, \r., 180G07. 2v. L., 181-i. 4 If. Fi)tn (J.) Bvewavs in Palestine. L., 1808. 18e. H'ai (J. T.J the Sa.-re.l Mountaiii-s. X. V., 1848. 17e. The Saered Plains. lUitt'do, 1806. 17e. Krif/i (A.) Land ..f Israel. Edin., 1844 44.1. h'e/fi/ ( W. H.) Svriu and Holy Land L., 7i. in<-]i (W. F.) United States' Expedition to River Jordan and Dead ' Sea. Ph., 1849. 4(>e. I)nplirat,, L'tt, Arabia Petra-a, and ILdy Land. 2v. N. Y., 1843. 40c. J'/eif>rY-f.) Visit to Holy Land, iVe. L., 1852. 18e. Porfi-r (J. L.) <;iant Cities of Bashani, and Syria'i? Holy Places. L., 1873. 7a. Prinre(\V. C.) Tent Life in ihe Holy Land. X. V., 18.')7. 441.. Rohhixon (E.) 4' Smith (E.) Piblical Researches in Palestine. Motuit Sinai, and Aral)ia Petnea : Travel-* in 1S.38. midertaken in reference to Hil)Ucal(;eography. ,3v. L., 1841. '2()a. Rollers (M. E.) Domestic Life in Pale.stine. L., IHG.'i 13b. Riis.-': Saulrii ( L. F. ('.>/>■). .lourney roiuid Dead Sea ami in IJililc Lands, 18,^()-51. --'v. I-.. 18.")4. 14b' S/x'urrr (J. A.) Egypt and the Holy Land. X. V., 18.")7. 40d. Tai/tor (li.) Lands <>f the Saracen: pictures of Palestine, Asia Mi- nor, &c. N. v., 18<)0. 4Ja. Woo,trorl,-(W..T.) Scripture Lands. L., 184l>. 44f. (233) i- PALEY PARIS. Paley (William), ^foval ami Political Philosopliy. J2v. L., 1818. 44e. Natural Theology. L., 1824. 28a. »s'rt///^. Hartford, 1847. 47a. ^Vorks. 2v. L., u. y F. P. Pidiucr aud " Alfred ('rovv(|niir" (.\ltreil Tleiiry Foi Tester). L., 1S46. 89e. Palmer (John Williamson). Tin- (ioldon I)agon, or up and down the Irrawuildi. Uy an American. N. V., 1856. 12e. Pai-mehston (Henry John Tempi. k, Vi.'->i.< (J. W.) Life on the Isthmus. j,v. (hnincl irif/i Moui- 'joiiury's " !^i/i- on. thi Border"). X. V., IS.j.S. l"Je. Pananti (Feli[.»pe[.'], o//-7'/r'V/'-c). Residence in Algiers '''/. K. I!la<)uior('. L,, 18:i0. 4(tg. Pandurang Hari, or memoirs of n Hindoo. (Py T. 11. (tttlev.) 3v. L., 18-26. 27a PAi'ER-iiAX(iiN'(;. Airo/r.-^/1/it/, (J.) Paperdianger's C'om[)anion. Ph., 1890. 2d. Parables ok New Testament. Guflin'<' (T.J V e Paraldes read in light of p;esent day. X. V.. lS7;i. 41f. Pahacjuav. BuiiiDi (II. F.) Letters from Pattletields of IV.raguay. L., 187(1. l()d. Darif (J. C.) Letters from Paraguay. L., 1805. 40a. RfWlil''r (J. R.) KeiL;n of 1 )r. J. (;. R. ile Francia in PaiaL;iiay. L., 1827. 43(1. ' Pardee (dulia). City of the Magyar, or Hungary in 1839-40. 3v. L., 1840. 14a. City of the 8ultan, 183(3. 2v. in 1. Ph., 1337. 13a. Eitisodes of French History, during Consulate and First Empire. 2v. L., ISolt. i;ia. Same. N. Y., LSoO. 13;i. Life of Mane de .Medicis, (,lueen of France. 3y. L., 18r>2. 9d. Diiji/icnf):', Jfii-. Loui.s XIV and Court of France in 1 7tli century. 3y. L., 1849. 9(L Romance of the Harem. (FiJlln,„'(F.) Paris and tlie Parisian.-^, 183."). X. V., 183G. 41f. Parival (-1.) Historic ('•-•/'■j Uiliite Law of Real Property of State of Xew York. L. , 1S3<». 47o. Parkes (Sammd). Chemical Ks.says. 5v. L., 1815. 3'Ja. Parkman ( Francis). Cons]iiracy of Pontiac and Indian ^Var after Coii- ((uest of Canada. 2v. B.,lSiV2. 2c. Count Frontenac and Xew F>ance under Louis XIV. li., 1802. 2c. Half-century of Conflict. 2v. K, 1SI)2. 2c. desuits in Xortli America in 17th century. 1!., 1892. 2c. La Salle and the Discoverv of the (ireat'West. P,., 1892. 2c. Montcalm and AVolfc. 2 v. P... 1892. 2c. (»ld K/gime in Canada. P., 1892. 2c. Oregon Trail : sketclies of I'rairie and Kocky-^Iountain Life (ix IS^O). H., 1893. -'c. (•235) I'A RKM AN i'E A KSOX. P/.RKMAX (l)i: (nHn<;c, irUl-lSJ/.l). KeiM.it of Trial cf I'rof. .Inhii W . \Vel)sier, indicted for Murder of l)r. I'cirkiiiaii, before Supreme .Tudioial ("ouit of Massacliusetts, Boston, March It), 1850. Reporteil l>v J- W. Stoin- H., 18.j(). 40d. Parkyns (Maii^tifld). Life in Aliyssiiiiii. 'Jv. N. V., 1804. lol.. I'ark-y's Panorama, or Curiositii's i(\y;rai)liy. id. S. (i. (ioodricli. Cincinnati, 1861. 41g. Parliamentary Aneedotes. i^ Jennings (<'■. 11.) Pailiamentarv or Constitutional History of Kny:lantl. "Jnd ed. v. 1-4, 7-24. L., 17t)-2. 4Sii. Parr (Harriet), — •' llolnn^ Lee," fi.itri/'l. Fliy. L., n. it. 47a. Parton (dames). General l>utler in New ( »rleans. N. V., 1804. 4")e. Pascal (l>laise) Provini^ial Letter-s. \. Y., 185G. 41e. Passtimiis. -SVe Si-uhts. Pastokai. Work. S^e Minishhks a.ni> thk Ministuv. PATA(i(iMA. liiirou (J.) Lo.ss of the "Wager" on coast of Patagonia, 1740-4(i. ' L., 18.T2. 4.3a. ('uNiii>i;//iaiii ( R. ().) Natural Hi.story of Strait of Magellan and west coast of Patagonia, l8()6-()9. Kdin., IsVl. i3d. Duplirnff:, .Hi//. Musf,'r.-<((;. C.J At Hnme with tlie I'ntagonians. L., 1871. 13e. J)lip/iro/i , 4"''- Patents. Kepertory of Patent Inventions, v. (>. L., 1828. 39c. S'--'^ (ifx'i Scientific American. Paterson (K. K.) Familiar Science. Paltinn.re, 18.");5. 471). Paton(A. A.) Hiyhlands and Islan.ls of the Adriatic. 2v. L., 1849. 1.3d. Patterson (< Icorge). Historv of Countv of Pictou, X. S. Montreal, 1877. .38c. Pal-1. (Fafh>'r). S'-" Sahi-i (Paolo). Pai-i, V. i,>o/,i-, Caniillo Borghese, /H.'-lUJl). TrnJh.p, (T..\.) Paul the pope, and Paul the friar. L., 18()1. 17a. Paul's Letters to liis Kinsfolk. ^SV^- Scott (Sir W.) Paxton (.lame.s). Stu-e Fiction*. Peabody (Klizahetli Palmer). Chronological Hi.story of the United States. N. v., 1S.")I). 4.31). Peard (Frances Mary). For her w>ri'h. .<^c Fiction. Pearson (Fmma .Nfaria) nwf Maclaughlin (L. K.) ()m- Adventure.'* during War of 1870. 2v. L., 1871. l.ui. (2.36) PECK i'p:nn. Peck ((n'Kixc W.) MolboiiriH', nnil tin- ( "liiiichii Islniuls, witli Skotchos of Lima, and Voyage roiiucl World. \. V., ]H'i4. 28a. I'KEiii.Ks FliKllat'r (C.) A^i'icultuiv of Cniiiitv of Pdihlcs. Kdiii., ISO*-'. 481). "Peel ( Si r MuU'vX, Kinj. 4iit>'x, , inn, i:\SS-l8oO). Dalliwi ( H. L. liiihrer, lord). Sir H. Peel. L., 1874. Jod. Mfinuirs of Sir K. I'cfl. I>v author of " Liff of I Hikt- of Wellington." 2v. L., 1S4-J. lOo. ' ThuMiehl (J. R.) J'et'l. L., 18'J:3. L'a. Peei{A<;k .\Nl) I5.M{onkta<;k. liurl.i' (J.) ( M'lU'aloyiial and Heraldic Dic- tionary of Peerage and lJaionet;tge of Hritisli Empire. L., 1S40. 8c. lk'li,i'tt'(J.) l5aron«in-ua;4V. L., 1^14. 4()c. Curialia Misccdlanca, or Anecdotes of Olil Times. L., LSIS. 4*)c. PegOt-Ogier (Ku;.,'i'-ne). The FortiHiate Isles, or the Canaries. 'Jv. L., 1S71. 13d. Diiidirnti, 4'il,. Pellew (Kdwiinl). S'-i' ExmOUth ( Vi^ronnt). Pellew {(icor;.fc). In Castle and Cahin, or Talks in Ireland in 1S87. X. \tk L., ISSS. . Ic. . , ' PelliCO da SalwzZO (Silvio). Mv Iniprisonments : Memoirs. L., i8.sr.. -isi.. Pembroke (< ieor<,'e Rohort Charles Herbert, AW// i>f) ax'i Kingsley ((;. H. ) South Sea l>ul)l)le.«. (Shlrhis in Soriifi/ Inlands.) By the Earl ('o/ /'o«/ and the Doctor f'.'. //. Kihijs'iyj. L., 1872. 14c-. Duplkate., I'kninsui.am AV.\|{, 1807-14. Jiatfii (li.) Camiiai^n in Western Pyrenees and Soiitii of France, 1813-14, under Wellington. I.., ISl'.S. 4-2g. HaiiiiHiiu (T.) Annals of Teninsnliir (.'ami)ai,i.,'ns, 1808-14. Aikdi. :W. VaUu., 18-'(). 15a. Hejini ( W. ) Events of Military Life: service in Peninsular War, France, <>•■. 'Jv. I.., 1843. 7a. L'W/t (J.) sketches id' Life of ,ui ( >ld Soldier, duriii:.;' service in West Indies, at Copeidiagen, in the Peninsulii, &c. L., 1831. loc. Lntiiliiii'hrni (('. W. Vtnii\ iitan/uix y Actors on the Sceiie. '2v. I.., 1845. 151). ya/iier ( W. F. P.) History of War in the Peninsula, and south of France, v. 3-(i (l«<''->-l-*)- t., 1831. Kih. Slicrer (M.) Recollections (d' the Peninsula. (1809-13.) A)(i»i. L., 18-24. Itil). Soufh'n (li.) History of Peninsular War. v. 1-4. L., 1828. Ifib. Si'p (ifxi> Fra.vce : — Spain. Penn (Cianville). Bi(jscope, or dial of life explained. L., 1814. 44a. (•237) I'EXX I'EHIOinCALS. Penn (William, /oumhr of I'onixiilrania, KS.^-l ^ IS ). Xo Cross, No Crown. L.,'l806. 44(i. C/ar/.:<"n ( T. ) Momoir.s of rciiii. 2v. L., ISl.'i. 42.1. Pennant (Tliomas). Ilritish ZiH>]o<^\. V. 1 (ilnwlruin'ih ij- liinl^), 3 ( Iti pliles it- Fi>ihi-x), A (Crn-'lacffi, Molhisra, ^- Ti'.,/•."'''/ Charlotte). .lournev on a Plank from Kiev to Kaux-P.niinos, 185!». -Ix. L., 18()(). LSI). PepyS (Sanniel, Ktuj. iji'iithmnDi^ i/ii.issiiii\ /'>■! .' I i^o.l ). Diary ( Ki.'ilt-en) iind C'orrespoiuleiict.', in ii-igii of ("liarlcs II. and .lani'^s !■ With life and note.'* i>y Lord Mraylirookf. 4v. I'll.. 18d(). Hia. Perceval ('^-1S1 J ). Waljinh- ( S.) Life of Perceval; including liis C'oi're.spondciiee. 'iv. L. , 1874. lOe. Percy (Tlionias). Reli^pies of . Ancient Knglish I'oeti v. v. 1. L., ITii". 43) >. Percy Anecdotes. Sr,- Byeriey ('1'.) c< of Ihi- f'ollou-ivii li/lfs, (he rtaihr is rif m il lo fhi- i/i hi ral al/ifirt- litl. I/iilirs are n^id (o dmnfi thai a itHUja'.iin /< sulisrrihid far nl I hi fin si hi lime. Ainswortirs Mag. Colonial Mag. Illustrated Lon(U)n New;*. AH Ihf Viar lloHml. Coruhill Mnij. International Monthly NLig. American Journ. of Science Country dentleinans Mag. KnickerLockei. ana Arts. Di-mor^si's Maij. Lci^^Hrc Hour. Analeclic Mag. Dublin University Mag. L'q>jiiiiroli' ^ .1/";/. Anjosy. Eclectic Afag. Littcll's Living Age. Alliena-um Kdiid)in'gh Mag. London. Allaiilir Moitlhli/. Kdinl)urgli Kov. I^oudnn Sorliii/. /ie/i/rarla. Knglishwonums Domestic Macinillan's >Iag. Beutley's Miscellany. Mfig. Mayilower, or Ladies" Aca- Blaokwood's Edin. Mag. Family Frier.d. dian Mag. Hoir Hills ll'tihlji. Fdinily Hg- Hetrospeclive Rev. 'laits Kdinlmrjjh Mag. People's .Journal. Hi ritir of Ririi irs. Tntii>/< liar. Popular Srit iin Moiilhhj. St. James's Mag. Tin.-ik'y.-5' Mag. ProvinL'ial, or Halifax .\Ion-.SV. Xi<'hola<. 'I'itaii. thly Mag. St. Paul s Mag. We-stinin-stei- Rev. I'uiicli. Scientific ,\merii;ui. Weldon's Register of Facts Putnam's Miir«>roc("(). L., 1873. 14f. rKiiKY ( ('iiiniiiixhin- Mattlu'W Calln-aith). Kxpeilitioii. /SV-- Ha'Wks (F. \..) Pkksi.\ Ih'tijaniiii (S. (i. W.) Persia. ( Hisfurlcal.) !>., 1S'.»1. la. J)U<-/rii/'//i(iiii (J. H.) Travels in As>yria, Media, and I'er.-ia. I'v. I>., 183o'. .S!lc. Fiii/i/f]]'. P.) .Vialiistan : travels tlinniL;]! KL;v|it, Aialiia, and Persia. L., 187.'). l.Sc. K<>t::i'hn>' (M. n,„) .Lmrney into P/rii-al. ) L., 'lS!)l. la. aiiahainat AH. Sikhs and Afniians in eonne.vion ( si<- ) witli India ami Persia, immediately before and after death of Raiijeet Singli. L. , 1S47. Kia. Sketches of Persia. From journals of a Traveller in the Fast. 2v. L., 1827. .S91>. Sanx. 2v. L. K^2S. 2Sa. Vauy ( \V. S. W.) Nineveh and Perscpolis : historical sketch of Ancient Ass3ria and Persia. L. , 18r)l. 441>. l*KHSt.\X LrrKI!.\Tri!E. aSV'- f/n- in, ,■/,:•< nf Sadl. 1'ek.si'Kctivi:. l)iiri,.< (C.) Shades and Shadows, and Linear Porsjiective. N. v., 1S3-2. -'Sd. Kirhji (J.) 1)1. Pn^ok Taylor's ^lethod of Persijoctive compavod with Sirigatti's. h\. (Iiouml irif/i Klrlit/'" Ptr-^pirfire ). L., ii. d. (17 — VI 43g. (Por-^poctive.) U. f. ": (17—?) 43^;. Nirhohon (P.) Kudinieiits of Practical Perspective. L, IS;!."). 47h. ^V^' al.-aniasErRAH( 11 ( Fiance.s(.(i, ItiOinn ii'ni., Iln'r^^)- <'aiiiiili< II ^ T. } Life of Pclnncli. 'Jv. L, 1841. lie. Pfeijffer (Ma). .lonmev to leeland, and Travels in Sweden and XoiWiiy. iv. ( Lih. Popular trav.lx, r. J.) N. V., lS5-_>. ]2e. Lady's Vova-e nMni-l th.' World. X. V., lS.-)2. 171.. Last Travels! N. V., 1861. 41e. Visit to Holj Land, K^'ypt, and Italy. L., 18.-) -J. 18e. Visit to Iceland and the Soamlinavian Xortli. L., 1S.">:{. \^^■. Du- p/i'dte, .'fir. Phelps ( Mrx. Alinira Hart Lincoln). (Jlieniistry. N. V., 184"). 471». Pliiladelphia Society for Proinoting .\;,'ricnltnie. Memoirs. 4v. I'k., LSI.')- 18. 48f Reign of Pliilif. H. 3v. H., 1855. 3Sd. Wal.-'nn (11) History of Philip 11. :}v. L., l8l-_>. 7d. Philip (A. P. Wilson). Kxiicrimental Inqniry into Laws of Vital Functions. L., IS'JH. 4()e. PHii.irriXE Islands. La (iinnii' n' ( l\ I'. - pines. N. V., 1854. li'e. Philip's War, 167.>7G. S>'i' Church ( T.) Phillips (Charles). Rocolloctions of CnrraiL \. Y., 1818. 4L'f. pHiLOLotiY. Kraii)/'l''--< "/ itrt-r a hnnilri'il laut/uaij':-< irlll hr finuul in ffi irork I literal aiuUr Lord's Pkavkr. Philosophy. De Quinc(\>/ (T.) Essays on Philosoi)iiical Writers a other men of letters. 2v. B., I860. 151). Notf. — For '•o;(/' ^i'n, see autlior-entry. U)rUp.(J.) Works. V. 1-2 (.3 wanting,'). L., 1 7r)9. 47i,'. 6'''»- aUo Kriiics ; — Mental Philosophy ; — Physics ;—'/'•, Phcenicia. Rair1in.(iV — Couti>ini-f Plirenolof,'y witli Scripture ; slicwii in lefu- tiition of pliilosopliieal errors in Coinlies " ("onstitution of Man.'" Edin., 1837. 2Sa. See of"" rilYSIOGNOMY. " Physicak Geoghai'HY. Souierrilh- (M.) Plivsical Geography. Ph., 18-50. 17c. See a/so Cosmocjoxv and Cos.Moi.ixiv ; — Ocean. Pjiysks. AniofffX.) Elements of Physics. L., 1828. 46c. S,i,»". V. 1 A- y. 2, pt. 1. Ph'., lS31-:?.5. 40f. 8ne. y. 2, p. 1. Ph., 18:51. 40d. Ii/(i/,e(J. L.) Coiiversations oil Natural IMiilo.sophy. L., 1822. 46(1. San»'. P., I,s42. 461.. Ffi'ijuiiiiii (J.) Lectures (Jii Mechanics, Hyilrostatics, Pneumatics, Op- tics, and .Xstronomy. !>.. 1S25. 47b. Frn-fi-r (T. 11.) <.)■ I)' mir ( A. ) < M'iyiii nf Creation, or Science of Matter and Force, — a new system of Natural Philosophy. By T. R. F. , A. D. Hiilifiix, 1S74. 17c. 7/(-r.--'7/''/ (J. F. W. ) Preliminary Discourse on Study of Natural Philosoi.hy. L., 1S;^,0. 2Sl.. Jiiu'sDit (J.) Elements of Science and Art: introduction to Natural Philosophy and Cheniistiy. 2v. L., 1802. 28e. Jeiilnii^'f li. (1.) Wlcit is Matter .' Bv an Inner Tomplar. L., 1869. 17e. Ma.nrell (J. C.) Matter and :Motioii. L., 1876. 41f. Natural r]iilos,.phy. ( Li/>. »/ F.-<>fu/ K»<»r.j 3y. L., 1820-34. 4r)f. J'(irfiii'if<>/i ( C F.) Manual of Natural and Plxperimental Philosophy. L., )(. '/. 47a. Pfiterxoii ( li. K. ) Eamiliar Science. Baltimore, 1853. 471). Scientific Irrigator : chai>ters on the physical sciences. Edin., 1829. 47a. Stiwfrri/ff' (M.J Connexion of Physical Sciences. P., 1837. 46b. - T/i'»ii.' !(].<() FoH( E ; — Heat :MEt"iiAXi('s. PliYSiocNoMY. Ihinrin (C. II.) Exjiressiou of Emotion in ^fan and Ani- mals. L. , 1S7-. 17c. Nol>:. — Reviewed in F'diii. Review, April, 1873. PnYsiouMiY. li'inSirC.) The Han.l. Ph., 1S35. 4.3f. Liehiii (J. J. run, iKirnn). Animal Chemistry, or Chemistry in its applications to Physiology and Pathology. !>. , 1843. 47b. Pniuf^W.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion Ph., 1834. 45c. aSV'*^ aUo Anatomy ; — C<^mi'arative Physiology ; — Health ; — Medk'INk ;— Slkki' ;— Sik<;kky ;--Vuick. PuYsiOLOciY (Comparative). Sef CeMVAHATiYE Physiology. 16 (241) PICTOU I'LIXIL'S. PiCTOL' CoLf.NTY, N. S. /'i(ff< r.«>it (<''.J Hi.stury of County nf Pictoii. Mnntreiil, 1877. 3«c. PiEDJinNT. lii'((fti'' (\V.) Till' WiiliK'Uscs, (.1- Protestant Valleys of Pi(!.l iiiont. l);nij)liiiiy, imd Ban tie la Roilie. (Many illii>tiat ions hy l'.arllett uikI Hiookf.lon. ) L., 1!<3S. 4lg. (,'((//' ii>j (17. L, ISll. :?9g. Pil^'rim's Pro^'ress. .S'-v Bunyan (•).) PiOZZi (Mr.'<. Hestor Lynch, Mi". Tlirale, Kii;/. (iiithni\ l7.i'.t-ISil ). Autoljiography, Letters, and Literary FJeniaiiis. !>,, IStjI. 4'ic. Pisa. Se^ Tus( a.ny. Pitc'AIRn's Island. S/iil/i/iet^r (J.) Tlu' Priton'.-? Voyage to Pitcairn's Island. L., LSI 7. 4()e. Pitt (William, tfie eh/erj. 6W Chatham (/^/). Pitt (William, flf i/ouii'j'i; Kioj. ■•'f<(fi'.-'.i-lSOi!). Spoeciies. (17SI-1S0.-).) 3v.' L.,'lS17. ILL Ii„s,'herii(A.P.,earl<>f). Pitt. L., l89-_'. 2a. Toniliiie ((^.) Life of W. Pitt. 3v. L., L^2-J. 12b. PiZARHo (Francisco, i-ominernr nf P'tu, l-'f/'-'t-l-'t'/l ). Uu/nfiiiKi (M. J.) Lives of Halhoa an.l Pizario. Kdin., LS.32. 41a. Pla(JVE (The). Difiir (If.) History of (Ireat Plagne in London, IGGo. By a Citizen wiio lived tiie w hole time in London. L., ISl'.l. 44d. Notf. — Tins is an imaginative work, yet contains much information. Planche (-lames KoLin.son, (tutJmr aii-hhr. Xatvralis Historian libri X.WVIL Lvgdvni f /.(/o/oj, aprd Bartholoina cm Honoratrm, CIOIOXXCVI (ir)8ti). 47g. " Notf. — The general title-page is wanting. The above imprint has been taken from the title page of the inde.x. The oldest book in the Library. Boinid iu parchment. (242) PLUTARCH rs I'OMTICAI. Plutarchus <»■ Plutarch, Lives, fr. J. un.l W. Lanyln.ine. fiv. L., I.si!». lie. iiamr. C.v. 1.., 1823. 42f. Pi.vMoLTii, U. S. A. Tlnti-lur (J.) Ilistoiv of Town nf IMyiiioutli, with Tfislory of Alxirifiiiu's iif Nfw Knyland. l!., IS.S."). ',V:)\>. PoCOCk (Williiim F.) .Xivliii.-.tiinil Designs for liustie Cdttu^res, I'ic- liiresr|iu> Dwelling,'?*, Villas, ,^0. L., 18'J.S. .SSe. Poe (KiIk'H" '^"'"O- Artlnif (Inidnii Pviii (iHid iiiisci'UaiiicsV (Wnrl.s, i\ .}.) X. v., ls.-)!i. 17(1. TIk' Litemti. f 11 ■"/•/•>•,/■. .;.> N. v., IS.-)!!. 17,1. P.M.iiis. L., //. >/. VM. Pent lit tlic I'.rciikfiist-tiii.lc. S''r Holmefc? (<>. W.) I'oETitv. Iliiiiriiiii'i (Mrs. E. Ji ) (lici'k ( 'lirisiian I*n('t.s ainl English I'oi't.s. (/{iirLitl ■■ Works, r.'j.") N. Y., IsaS)?! Iflc. /)((//((.i ( E. S.) I'nctie.s: essay on poetry. L., iSoi'. 45c. Si't' (llxn K.\(iI.I.SH I'OETHY. Polack (•'. ^.) Maniieis ami Ciistoiiis of N(.'\v /ealaniU'r.'s. 2v. L., IS40. :\\)h. Pol, AM.. J)iin/Hiiu(S. A.) History of Poland. L., 1831. 44b. H'irrim/ (If.) Polaii.l iiieler Russia. L., 1831. 41.1. Mnriill'(\\'. It.) Poland. ( IIi.-^f<,riral.) L., 1893. la. P()i.iTKXi>s. Sr<' Ki'igiKni-;. Poi.iTiCAi, KcuNo.Mv. lUistidt (E.) Kssavs on Politieal Economy. L., u.d. 4 If. Iir/»'ff (W.) Paper against Gold, an-nniit). Half Komi. 1 til. ■ Ol.l World. L, 18(17. !.>. Pollington ('lohn Hoia.i' Savile, \'i'«-'»i/if)- Mar^'arita, or (jMifiMi ..f Night : iiovi'l. Freely traiihlutcd from Spani.-ih of Feniaiulez ami (ioii.sale/. 2v. L., I»7(t. ITo. Nol*-. — Iti pp. of V. 1 aie wanting. PoUok (Kol).-rt). Coiirwc of Time: a ].(..-iii. I.., IS'JO. H f . Same. K.lin., lf<2J>. 19a. Same. Ph., 18:.'y. 4()ft. Poptical Works of ('ral.l.c. Hflx-r, aii.l P..ll..k. Ph., 1S56. P.).l. Poi.YNKBU. Chienr (H. T.) Islaii.l W..rl.l ..f tlu' Pa.itic. X. V., is.")!. 12e. . M>'lriU>'(H.) Tvpoc : i.e.']. at P.)lviwsiaii Lit.-. N. V., 18r»7. l.".;,.' Wh'thain (J. W.' li.-). Pearls of thV Pa.iti.'. L., ISTC. 1... PoM0LO(;y. F<'i.-. TosTiAC (C'/i/'f' (,/ ( tff((n-a //I'h'dfi", li^^'O-ii'.)). I'uiltiiiitii (F.) Conspiraev ot Pontia.-. -iv. R, 1S!)2. 'Jc. Poole (John). For ]il.< )inri'/.-<, sf't' Firrio.N. Poole (Stanley Lane-). IJarhary ("or.sairs. L., 18D0. la. Moors in .S|iain. L., 1893. la. ami otlii-i:-<. Tuikey. 1.., l.'^91. la. Poole (Thomas Fyre). Sierra Leone ami the (ianihia. 2y. L., LSoO 13c. Poor (The), (heat T^n^ashcl (The). P>y the J.'iniieynian Knj,'ineer. L., 1868. 151). * Note. — Working men in tlieir public relations, with plia.-J. 45f. ' ' Works. 2y. L., nni. -tod. Works. Ph., 1859. 19e. Carlisle (G. W. F., mrl of). Trayels in Aineriea ; (and) Poetry of Pope. N. Y., 1851. 461). Poises. Itcmke (L.) Kcclesiastical and Political IIistes of Konip, 16th and 17th centiuies. 2v. Ph., 1841. 8c. Same. X. Y., 1847. 40f. ^ Wal('h(Q.W. F.) History of the Popes. L.. 1759. ICkl. (•244) !•( )i'Es ruEscorr. J'urEw — Coufinueii, yVifeuKiH (X. P. S., r(irih'na(). Ket-ol lections of last four Pojxis. J{,, IS'kS. 4(lb. CuHfi-Hfi . — VuxH VII., Leo XII., I'iiiH VIIF., (irenory XVI. , ,Sf'f' (thil KoMAX ('ahiolicism. Popiiliir Kdticator (Cassell's New) : an encvclopaHlia of t'lenicntary anil iKlviinced education. Il/iis. 8v. L., 1801. 'il>. IVpulir Sficnc.- M.inthly. < >(t., 180:5-94+. X. V.. ^. '/. IUk'. PoRCKi.Alx. J'luitr (fr. R. ) Manufacture of I'oicelain and (;ia»iK. ( Ltinf- mr^Cylop). L, 18.*V2. 'JSii. PoKSdN (Hichanl, Kinj. xrlmhir tj- i-rific, l7-'t'->-lS0S ). Porsoniana. {In Rogers" Talik-Ti'ilk.) X. V., l8.-)('.. l.ih. Porter ((leorj^e Hiclianlson). Munufaetuie of Porcelain and (Uuss. ( LnrdmrH Cyrlup. ) L. ,1^32. 'ITva. I'loj^ress (if tlie Nation, from bej^'inning of lOtli centurv- 8v. in 3, L., 183t;. 44*. S>->' alio I Long ((i.) Porter (.lane). Sc.tlisli Chiefs. L., I,. ,1. Gf. Porter (.lolm Li-slie). Five Years in Damascus. L'v. L., 185"). 1 .3<;. (liant Cities of llashan, and Syria's Holy Places. L., 1873. 7a. PoKTErs(Heilliv. /lis/„ij>, 17.11 -ISiis). lln,hi>^,,ni li.) Life of Portcus. L., 18-21. 42f. Poinr,ANi». Annual Reports (of city departments), 18t)0-l ^ 1862-3. '1\. Portland, l.=fil & ISB.^. SSd. Charter and < Irdinances, \-c. Portland, 18r)G. 28d. PoRTUfiAi.. Bm-k ( M. M.J History of Spain and Portugal. L., 1833. 39c. St>i,lHnx(II. M.) Portugal. ( Hi>'t<',iritl.) L., 181)1. la. l YnuwifW.) Portugal in 1828. L., 1828. 39c. Postleth'Wayt (Malachy). Universal Dictionary of Trade and Coni- itierci'. 2v. ii. , 17.")7. 47g. Potter (Richard). Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. L., 1855. 47b. Powell (Robert Stephenson Smyth IJaden-). Pigsticking or lloghunting. L.. 1889. le. Power (Tyrone). Impressions of America. 2v.ini. Ph., 1836. 46b. Pradt (Oominic Dufour de). The Colonies, and the Present American Revolutions. L. , 1817. 47c. Praed ( Mi>t. Camiibell). S^'e FinioN. Alxo McCarthy (J.) in Futiox. Phavkk (I-ord's). .SV(' Loun's Prayeh. PHKsnvTEUiAX CuLKiii. C' ii )/,■((,'. ) History of Church of Scotland. 3v. Kilin., I Si."). 44c. Prescott (William HickliuLj). Biographical and Critical Miscellanies, H., 18.-)7. .S8d. Contents: (_',. B. Bi'own ; Asylum for the Klind ; Irving's Conque.st of Ciranada ; Cervantes ; .Sir W. .Scott ; Clmteaubriand's English Literature ; Bancroft H United .States; Madame t'alderon's Life in Mexico; Molierej !' Italian Narrative I'oetry ; Poetry and Romance of Italians ; Scottish Song ; Da Ponte's Observations ; Ticknor's Hii-tory of .Spanish Literature. (•2451 I'KESCOTT l'l{« »15A BI I.IT I ES, Phkscott Coiitiiiueil. llistui'V of ("(iiHUicst of ^Ii'xico. ."{v. N. \' ., IS4.'?. Sh. Saiiip. ;U-. X. v., IN-U). ICxl. . History of CoiKiu.'st of I'.'iu. v. 2. N. V.. 1S47. 3S(1. Saw^-. 2v. X. v., lf<4S. .Ss.l. History of KciL;ii of Fcriliiiiiinl nml IsaOcUa tlu' ('atliolic. -'Jv. l!., 1841. 7.1. Sanw. :}v. X. v.. 184l». .iS,!. History of K.'i^Mi ..f Piiilii. 11. of Spain. :{v. 15., M^'yTy. 38(1. Tirknnr ((:.> Life of IV.scott. I'... 1S»U. 12a. Preston (1>. S.) roluinlms, or a liciii iif till' IH'W world: liistoricil ]ila\. N. V A: L.. 1SS7. 41f. PuKSTux, X". S. LdirsiiH (Mi.t. M. J.) iiistdry of Towiisliips ut 1 )artinoutl!, I'leston, jiiiil Liivvunct'tnwii. Halitax, lS!i:{. .S,Sf. Price (.Micf). Wilful Vouii^' Woman, ."{v. L., 1SS7. (')<,'. Price (Kiiliar:<. L., lS4r). 14r. Prideaux (llumiilircy). Xalnrc of ...ipostiirc, (lis]ilaycil in i-ifi- uf MiilioiiK't. L., 180S. 4.SI). Old ami Ni'W Tcstanu-nts coniu'ctiil. in history of .Ifws and iiriLjliliour- iny iiatioiLS. V. i;^. L.,l.Sl."). "JOu. Prime (William Cowpi'i). I'.oat Life in I'lirypt and Nuliia. X. V., 1S.'»7. l.Xl). Tent I.ifi' in Holy l^ami. X. V.. 1S.")7. 441.. Prime ('"^aiiiui'l Iri'iucus). l.i'ttcrs from Switzi-rland. X. ^'., iSOd. -JSh. Pkixie KiirtAHii lsi..\Nn. ('(imiili'll ( I). ) History of P. K. 1. ( 'harlottr- towii, 1S7'). 71'. Dairaon (SirJ. ]\'.) .\radian ( Ii'olouy. Kdin., ISO.'). 471i. SatiK'. L., Ic^tiS. 471>. Prinicsscs of Kn;^dand (Liyi's of). H<'<- Green (M. .\. K.) Pringle (Thomas). Xarrative of Kt'sidt-ncc in South Afiir-a. .'.y. (hnmiil irilfi I'arkir'.^ '■'■ Jiiiirili if hi iionil /'or/.i/ Moiiiildia^" J. Ivlili., l.^oM. 40i'. Prior (•laiiii's). Memoir .".f K. r.urke.' I,.. 1S24. 42d. Prior (Matthi'W). Poi'ms on Sm-cral (tcrasions. A/mti L., 1718. Fn/in. 48f. Piusoxrt. ('ariif'iitir (M.) Our ( 'onyicts. y. 2. L., 1S()4. 2Sh. Hiji/iis/i'i/ (Sir J. C.) Prison Lahour, v^:r. 117/// MS. annofatiuiis. L., 182.S. 44e. HoiranI (J.) State of Prisons in Kn^daiul and Wales. Warriii'^ton, 1784. 4!»g. < )ld IJailey Experience: our penal lode and prison discipline. Aikih. I.., 183;}. 4.-)!.. S»'t' ahn Timpson's (T.) Memoirs of Mis. Fry. PllOHAHII.rriES. Ih Miatinus. L., IS-JJ. 45a. Proctor (Kicliaitl Antlioiiy). E-xpcnsc of Hcavi'u. L., 18S(). iM. Liolit Science for Lrjsurt' llonvp: a .-^erii-.-^ of familiar c-isays on scien- titic siiltjccts, Uiitiuiil plifiiipinenii, etc. .'J series. L., 1S!M-SU-S0. 2(1. ;. • >rvtlis an.i Marvels of Astronomy. L.. 18;»1. 2(1. N('\v Star Atlas. L., IS'Jl. 2.1. Other Worlds than Ours. { A--(i/.J L., 1870. A^y.\. Allen (O.), f(i. ,S''''' (l/-<'i KkIiiKMA 1 loN. Prout (Khenezer). Memoirs of Rev. d. WilliaMis. L., 1S4(). t2d. Prout (William). Chemistry, Meteorology, and l)iuvstion. ( Bri'tijiirdfi-r Tnitll<'.) I'll., 1S:U. 4r)(-'. Phovkhus /}/iri-/,-/i(irf (J. L.) Ai'aUic Provcrhs, translated and ex[ilaineil. I,., IS.SO. .S!»c. Provincial (The), or Halifax Monthly Magazine. (I'll. Mmii Jam' Kaf" iiaiiii, o/'/i'rir.ftr'i-! Mr-^. Win. Lair^Qii.) 2v. Halifax, 1 8.'i2-.'>;^. 4r>f. PuL'ssi.x. Atl:iii^iin ( K. ]V.) Memoirs of (Jtieens of I'russia. L., 1S58. lOc. Xoti^. — For coufeiits, see IIiookaimiv. lldnnnr ( F. L. G. rim). Coiiti iluitions to .Mod.rn History: Frederick 11. an.l His Times. L., IS.T. 41(1. \'ii.. 4Ie. Pulszky (Theresa). Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady. 2v. L., 1850. ;i'.tl.. Punch. JIinii'>r<>u.< prn'o'/iral. v. 1, 3-G!i. G8v. L., 1841-7"). 20e. ^247) PUNISHMENT QUEBEC. Punishment. Tallwl: ( W.) Penological aiul Preventive Principles. L., 18S9. 2a. See alfto Prisons. PuN.iAB. 3Iwai'/es(H. B.) Year on Puiijal. Frontier, 184S-49. 2v. L, 18,)). 1 3c. *SVe alfi) India. PuRiTASN AND PuRiTANi.SM. CuiffT. W. ) Puritaiiisui : defence against its aspersions. X. Y., 1845. 44b. Neal(I).) History of Puritiuis. Abridged by E. Par.sons. v. 2. L., n. d. 44(1. Pursuits of Literature. See MathiaS (T. J.) Putnam's Monthly Magazine, v. 4-9. 6 v. X. Y., 1854-57. ;Ug. Pyramids (The). Jiehxmi (G.) Operations ami Discoveries within jiyra- niids, temples, tombs, etc., in Kgypt find Nubia. 2v. L. , 1821?. 40c. See (J.-iru.<, 318-27,2 B. C.) Ahh„U (J.) History of Pyrr- hus. N". v., 18.">4. 11a. Quadrupeds. Sirainso/t ( W.) Natural History and ClassiHcation uf i^. L., 1835. 26a. See alxo Xaturai- History; — Zoology. Quakers or Society ok Fiuends. Barr/a;/ (R.) Apology for True Christian Divinity: being Vindication of the (^>. L. , 1780. 44(1. Gurneii (J. J.) Religious PecMdiarities of the Sijciety of Friends. L., 1824. 43a. Se>r^l(W.) History of the (,). L., 1811. 44.1. Tuke(H.) Principles of Religion professed by tlie . York, 182.'}. 43*1. Wiijht(T.) Rise and Progress of i}. in Ireland, 1053-1700; con- tinued to 1751 by Rutty. L., 1811. 44c. S^■e alxo Shakers. Quarterly Review, v. 1 (1809)-19 (1818), 21 (1819), 23 ( 1820) 39 0829), 41 (18291— 48 1 1832), .")0( 18.33)— .18 (1837), «l (1838)^7!) (1847), 81 (18471-9!) (185H), 101 ( lS.57)12(Ml8(i«), 122 (18()7) 134 ( 1873), 1.3(5(1874) — 1.38 (1875), 139 (pt. 1, 1875). 129v. L., r. d. .3Ja, b & c. QuEHEf. (Province of). [Foimerly Lower Canada.] Biiiiniirdxfh- (Sir l{. H.) The("anadas (I'pper [( )ntario] and L(.iwer ( a'nada [Quebecl), 1841. 2v. L., 1841. .37a. BiinrJicffi^ (J.) To]tographical Dictionarv of Province of Lower Canada. L., 18.32. -lOg. Debates of House (jf Commons, 177f, on l»ill for making more ett'ectual provision for government of Province of (^>uel)cc. From notes of .Sir Henry Cavendish, published by J. Wright, li., 1839. 44c. (248) QUEBEC KAMSAY. <^UEBEC — Coniinued. ' Lainnan (C.) Tour to River Saguenav, in Lower Canada. Ph., 1848v 391). Silliiiinn (B.) Trmr between Hartford and (,>uebee, 1819. Xew Haven, 1824. 4.Sa. See alxd Ca.nada (Province). Ah'> Parkman's (F.) ^lont- calm ami Wolfe. Queen's Cou.nty, N. S. More (J. F.) History of Q. C. Halifax, 1873. 40f. Queens of England. See Lancelot! (F.) ;— Strickland (A.) Aho Enclan'D: History. Queens of Pru.ssia. See Atkinson (K. W.) Queens of Scotland. See Strickland (A.) Qleexsi.aM). K>h'n (C. H.) .My Wife and I in <;>. L., 1872. 1.3a. Quintana (Manual Josef.) Lives of Va.sco Nunez de Balboa, and Fran- cisco Pizarro. fr. Hodson. Ediii., 18.32. 41a. Quiver : illustrated nia<,'azine for Sunday and general reading. 1884 (in- complete), 18SH, 1888-9.3-+-. H(l. in VM\ I..', r. :r ( H. S.) Canals and Bailroads of Ciiited States. X. Y., 1840. 4«c. Raleigh "/■ Ralegh {Sir Walter). History of the AVorld. L., Walter Hum. 1()14. 48f. Xote. — The cok.phon at the end of the imlex, says, " London, Printed by William .laggard ftir rt'alter Hurre,... 1621."" Kim/slei/ (C.) K. and his time ; with other iiajiers. B., 1859. 15c. Tiitlr (P. F.) Life of K. Edin., 1833. 28a. Kambl'er (The). ( By S. .Tohnson.) 4v. «. /a, 1776. 28a. " Rame (Louisa tie la), — " ( )iiida,"' jixiuit. For ht-r )iorel.'<, sec Fimox. Ramsay (Andrew Michael, fhf Ch^ralier de). History of -'iscount de Turenne. 2v. L., 1835. 4,3f. Travels of Cvrus : (with) Discourse on Mythology, itc (In French and Eifjiisfi.j 2v. Ph., 1790. ,39b. (•249) KAMSAY HErEU'TS. Rainsay (Ooor^'t')- Di<'ti. 17e. Rankine (William .lolm Macquorn). Mannal of ApplitHl MecUanics. L,, ISTO. '281.. .Manual of Civil Knoiiiceiin;,'. L., 1871. 28li. S(ii>»'. L., 18'' rU'i-t . f. ir. 47g. Raumer (Friedrich Ludwig ( leorg von). Contributions to Modern His- tory : Frederick II. and his times. L., 1.S37. lid. Political History of Kngland, l(Jth-l8th cent. 2v. L., 1S37. 8e. Ravelin (Humphrey, Major), /.s.'/c/. Sc" PrOCtor {('•■) Raven Club PajK-rs. '<•'e I)().mk.stic Economy. (250) RED HEXXIE. Red Spinner, />"/'/. .sv^^ Senior (W.) Redding (Cvnis). . Illustratod Itiiiciaiv nf Cnuiitv of CoviiwmII. Anoh. L., 1S4-J. 14e. Past Ct'lel)iites \vli( nil I have kimwii. I'v L.. IfifJO. llli. Xo/f. —Vuv confiuts, sec Bio(;ka1'I1V. Rees ( Aliiahaiii), ft/. Cvclopa'dia, or luiivcisal dictinnai v of arts, scionces, ;iii). Kcfdriiicrs l.i'fdiv the K. >;. V.. lt^44. 4()e. Bnvin'lt ((1.) History «'f H. of Cliiirch of Kii-laiid. v. l-."') in (5v. L., IS-io. I'Cd.. HauH: 2v. L., 1850. 39o. Uaiiton (K. (J.) AVoiiicii of tlio H. I... u. ./. 44a. CuhlH'lf (\V.) History of K. in Kii-laii.l and Iivlaiid. 'Is. L.. 1820. 44e. Merle irAuhiijuf (J. H.) History of l^rotcstaiit (Jlinnli in Huir^ary, fioiu heginning of R. to IS.'O. H., lSr)4. 441). History of K. v. o ( Rifin-tuaiioii i]t Ki/'jluinl ). Kdiii.. IS'iS. Same. 4v. X. Y., 184:5. 4r)c. lianh'fL.) History ..f I.', in (l<'rinaiiy. I'll., 1844. 451i. .Sf,hl,in,i (H.) Tlu' K. (Lanlners (:!ir]„i>.) 2y. 1..., 18:i0. ^oa. Titular (C. li.) Moniorials of Kn-lisli Martyrs N. V.. 1,'<5.S. 44d. Toinia (Mrx. C. K.) F.-malc Martyrs of Kn.uHsh IJ. ]5y '• Charlotte Kli/aUetli." N. V., 1S44. 'lU. Kiillf'V, I.atiiiU'r, Craiitiicr. and other Kii^lish INIaityrs. I!y '• Char- lotte Klizal)eth.' X. Y., 1844. '-Mil. .SVc (tl.tii .-iurli ijein'ral e>'r/>-.-'(■•' ((■■< iif/uiJi flu; t'^joch ///ier, 171090). S/eirar/ ( I). ) Memoirs of A. Sniilli. \V. Robertson, and T. R. Edin., ISll. 4V. Reid r-SW William) Law uf Storm.s. L., 18:?8. 43l;. Kki.iciox. ^V'' Tiikoi,()(;v. Kp:i,1(;1()Ns. I)i:ni)Minati()Ns, and Sects. Ih//((iiiii (J.) History of all Religioiisi. L., t. ir. 4ria. /See (i/.ti) //it udiiifx iif //it' rariiiHs r>/ii/i'iiis, t/t i/iuiii/ia/intis, ant/ Krf/x. Rengger (d. K.) awi Longchamps (— ). Keign of Dr. d. C. K. de Fiancia in Paraquay. I.., IS'.'T 4.'id. Rennell (dames). Memoir of a Mapof Hindoostan, <^-<'. L.. 1792. 43g. Rennie (Kot>ert). Natural History and ( )rigin of Teat Mo.ss. PMin., 1807. 48d. (251) IfEl'EUrORY RICHELIEU. Kein'itory of Pati'iit Tiivcntioiis. v. 6. L., 1828. 39c. Kepotiitory of Modern Literature, v. 1 tt 2. L., 1823(?) 43(1. Same. v. 2. I.., v. <. WoikI (J. (i.) Illustratetl X.iturnl History : (v. 3) Roptiles, tic. L., n. d. •2e. Retrospective Revio.v ; v. 1 (1820) — 10 (1824), 12 (182.0)— 14 (1826), new series 1 (18271-2(1828). 15v. I.., c r/. .S.'e. Review of Reviews. L., 1894+. Oli. Reynolds (Frederlek, Eii'/. ihuiniati^, I t^fi^-lSJfl). Life ami Times of F. R. By hiiiiself. 2v. Pli.,182«. 431). Reynolois {Sir .losliua, Kmi. pniiiffi; /7 .'■)-!> J). Northrotp (J.) 1-ife of Sir J. R. 2v. L., 1818. 42<1. Rhetoric. A'fconx (J. U.) Lectures on R. ami Oratorv. 2v. Caniltridgo, U. .9. .4., 1810. 4.'if. Blair (H.) Leetnres on R and r.ell.-s Lettres. 2v. L., 1819. 17(1. Same. [.., 182"). 4 If. Oamphell (G.) Philosophy of R. 2v. Kdin., 1810, 4Gc. LontjimiK ( D. ) ( >n the .Sulilime (in writin<,0. L., 1819. 46e. ' Sarii>: tr. W. Smith. L., 1839. 4Uf. WhateJn (R.) Elements of R. N. V., //. ./. 4 If. 6Ve ahii Elocution. Rllilld. (William). History of Vej^etahle Kinjfiluni. (Uasj^'ow, )>. il. 44e. Rhine. Autumn neai' the R. L., 181S. 41e Hou'l (T.) I'p th.> R. (^" Ch,drp. H 0/-/.V, r. 4.') 2v. in 1. N. Y., 18.">7. 23b. Same. X. Y., IMOI. 231>. H/((/f>off (J.) History of K. N. Y., 18.-17. 11a. Jarnf'xfa. P. n.) Life of R. Cn-ur-(h'-Lion. 2v. L., 1854. 17n, with strictures ou conduct of l.ieut.-lien. Kvans. iv, L. , 18,37. 381). Richardson (C. J.) The Enylishman's House, from a t'ottage to a mansion. (Arrhitertural : illn^lralnl. ) L.. 1S70(?) 17e. Richardson (M. T.), '^l Practical Hors.'shoer. N. Y., 1S90. 2(1. Not(. — Contains also chapters on Horse Physiognomy and Ox-shoeing. Richardson (Samuel). C'jarissa Harlowe. Ahridged hy Mrs. \Y:ml L., H. d. 2.3f. Hi.story of Sir Charles Graiulison. 7v. L., 1820. 23f. Richelieu (Armand Jean Du Ple.ssis, Due de, Frrw/i ranlinaT ami jrrirne mi)iis/er, 1.^S.'-1G4JJ. liohson ( W . ) Life of R. L., 1854. 15b. (252) RICHMOND HOHEin.SOX. Richmond (I.c^li, Eii1irim', 1772-1827). Griw»h(vn- (T. S.) Memoir <»f R. N. v.. iS'il). 41a. Riddell (Mrs. charlotte Eliza Luwson ; irife of J. H.), — " F. G. Traf- fonl.'' pienil. For h-^''ni1. St'f" IJooth (Mrs. E. M. J. von) in Finiox. Ritcllie ('lames Ewing). IJriti.sh Senators, nr political sketches. L., lS()1t. 15e. Ritchie ( l-eitch). Journey to St. Peterslun-jj; and Moscow. (ILath's '' l'l. irA>fan> (J. L.) Present System of Koad Making. L., 1820. 4Ge. Sam<: L., 1823. 46e. KonKiiT I. (flic lintr,'^ KiiKj n/ Smffaiif/, 127Jrl-i2U). Kerr (R.) History of Scotlaiul during Hoign of R. 2v. L., 181 I. 7tl. RolDerts (Emma). Memoirs of Rival Houses of York and Lancaster. •_> V. ill 1. L., 1S27 3Sb. Roberts (Lewis). Merchants' Map of Commerce. (Half-tifh.) \\. t. ir.. [.., ITdOC/) 4% RobeirtS (William). Life and Correspondence of Haminh yioie. 2v. N. v., 1841. 4-21). Law of Wills an.l Codicils. 2v. L., 182G. 471.. Robertson ( Frank). EnL;ineerin<,' ^.■otes. L.. 187.3. 21). Robertson (Henry). Xatiu'al History of the Atnios])here, in connection with .Meiliciiie and Agriculuue. 2v. Etlin., 1808. iSa. Robertson (James). Agriculture of County Inverness. L., 1813. 481i. A<,'riculture in Comity Perth. Perth, 1813. 48d. Robertson (Tames). Treatise on Infant Paptism. Halifax, 1836. 41f. Robertson (Joseph Clinton). S<'" Byerley (T.) Robertson (^Villiam). Historical Disquisition concerning India. .',v. (IkI. iriifi /hi author's " History of Scotland,"' nwl hwkdl " Works, r. Ill "J X. \., 18.->9. .S81.. Historical Works. e>f. G. Cleig. v. 1-2. I-G. E.lin., 1813. 38h. S<(iiu'. (''(inf-(if-h(ir, h. tSJf'i). rx'iuli ami Wm : rfiiiinisi'ciK'es of one of tlio l:ist of nil iim'it'nt race. L., ISHlt. lli. Robinson (Kthviud) mcf Smith (K. ) liililical lu'sciiiohcs ill rak'>stiiio, cV-L'., Is88. :W. L., ls+1. -jMa. Robinson (Favftti.'). Califoniia and its (iolil Ki'^^ions. N. V., 18-11), 41(1. Robinson (Fivd'Tifk William). For lu'x itnn/s, sef ¥uTU)S. Robinson (•laiic). Cvntliia Tlididlil. ]>y atitliur of " \Vliit('l'iiai>.'' h\. I.., I8(i-.'. •2:i.i. Robinson ('I"!!!!.) IMctoiial Histnrvof Eiii^laiil. Aluid^^'cil finiii Ilmnc ;uiil .'^iiiDllutt, iind oontimiod to \"ictoriii. 2\ . in 1. 13.. 1S50. 'Mh-. Robinson (SainiU'l). ("atalo^'ue of Aiiicricaii Mineials, with Localities. 1) . is-_>r,. 47.-. Robinson (William I'avis). Memoirs of Mexican Kevolution. 2v. L., is-.'l. Kia. RobSOn (William). Life of Cardinal Kiclicli. mi. L., lsr)4. lali. Rochau (A. I/, von). Wanderin<;s tlironj^di Cities of Italv. I'v. L., ISra He. RoCHEsiKK (.lolin Wilmot, Karf nf, Kwj. /'cf am/ ri,tirfii'i; Iti.'fi-SO.) liur- nr. 40c. K'JhifW.) Across tile i:. M. L., 18r)i>. 40a. South by West, or winter in K, M., »V'c. '//. C. Kin<4sh'y. L., 1874. 14il. '/)ui>(!m/<:, 1,. Si'e rt/.-v/ CANADA (I)oniinion of) ; — Umteh St.vtes. Rodney (George lirydges, L(ir.'). Mian/i/ ((!. C.) Life ami Conespomleme of .\ilniiral R. "Jv. L., 18.*10. HJa. Rogers (K. C.) IMiilosopliv of Mysterious Agents, liiiman and mundane. H., \^y^. 4(»f. Rogers (dames K. Thoiold). Holland. {HiMiniaL ) L., 1893. la. Rogers (Mary Eliza). Doniostie Life in Palestine L, 18G3. 131). Rogers (•Samuel). Italv : a poem. L., 183i). lHh. Poems. L., 1839. V^^^. Recollections of Tal.lc-Talk of Rogers. N. Y., 185G. l.")l). Nbtf. — Reviewed in Fraser"s Mag. v. 5^^, lSo6. Roget (Peter Maik). .Vnimal and Vegetahle Physiology. ( liri'liieiraiei' Trmsii^i.) -Jv. Ph., IS.rn 47a. Rohlfs (Mrs. Charles), — wf Anna Katharine Green. Maiked " Per- sonal." N. Y., 1S9.3. (if. Roland de i.a Platikhe (Marie Jeanne PhliiHin. Mine. .• Fr. reroiutionarif hn-oine, 17o4-OJ). Ahbott (J. S. C. ) History of Madame R. N. Y., 1S50(?> lla. Rolfe (Eustace Neville) an>l Ingleby (IL) Naples in 1888. L., 1888. Itl (254) IIOLLIX UOME. Bollin (Chiulcs). Aiici.iit llistoiv. V. 1, ;{-8. L., 1S21. 381.. .SVut(E.) Koniaii <^»iR'stioii. 15., lS.-)!>. He. Ih' Sati'-fis (L.) Rdiiic, cliiistiaii ami ]ia]>al. N. V., 1856 4.")a. (;,ira~::i ( Fdth'-r A.) Lfctuifs in Nuw York. X. Y., 18o:}(?) 431.. Ma/iDiic;/ (H. I.) Si.K Yours in Mnnastcrios (if Italy, iVc. ; fontaininj^ view (if Popish („I(.'i).'v, with (•(.■niaiks illustriitiiif^ l.eciiliiir doctrines f.f Roiiiiin Ciitholic Chiucli. IJ., 1S4.".. ITii. Mirliclrf (J.) Priests, Wi.MKMi aiid Families. 1.., lS4r.. 44c. Mnriaii ( X.) Lottcrs to Ht. Kcv. .1. llu^'lics. P.v Kirwaii fjixpiid.) \". Y., IS,"). 4(te. Kdiiiaiiisiii at Home. l!y Kiiuaii ( jjs^-wf.) N. Y., 18")2. 40e. ihll<>i,c (T. A.) \\\\\\ the Pope and Paul tlie Friar. (Paul K, Fra. /'nolo, ^-r.) L., 1S61. 17a. Ihipiical,-, .'f.'a. Walrh (C. W. F.) History ..f the Popes. L., 17.59. lOd. U7.sv'///r/// (N. r. S.) La.st Four IV.pes. 15„ 1858. 401.. Roman (Latin) Litkuature. Batjiehl ( Jl.) Prefaces to First Kdition.s of (ireek and Roman Classics and of Sacred 8criptures. (In Lati,i and Greek.) L., 18«1. 40e. DnnJnprJ.) History of K. L. 'Iw. L. 1824. 43d. Ro.ME (Ancient), [6V «/.<" Roman LrrEKAiuFtE, -J^v; F^uttoPE ; — History (Ancient).] 1. Aiifif/uifie.-^. Aflani (A.) Roman Anti(iuitie.s. N. Y., 1814. 46d. lif-'/.ir ( ]]'. A.) (Jallii.><, or Roman .scenes in time of Augustus. L., 1844. 46a. Xotf. — This excellent work contains a thread of fiction which adds interest to the facts concerning the private life of the Romans. Burton (E.) Anti(iuiti«.'s and other Curio.sities of R. 2v. L., 1828. 43a. Manners, History, Litcn-ature, and \Yiirks of Art, of the Roman.s, ex- plained and illustrated, v. 1. L., 1824. 46c. See aho iif.rf su/i-'/irisioti ( Hii^tnrji j : aho Home (City). (2r),->) ROME UOME. Rome (Ancient) — Confinueih •J. Hixtinij. Ani(i/'f (T.) History of the later Konian Coniinonwealth, from end ..i ■Jjul I'niiic Will- to (leutli of Julius Cii'sar ; and of the Reigu of Augustu-i : witli Life of Tiajaii. N. \., 1S4(;. 7i-'. llistorv of K. 2v. N. Y., 1846. 8c. S,inie. \. Y., isns. :?7.1. Ba)i/,t'>> ( H. ) Civil and Constitutional llistoiy of K., to A^'c uf Augustus. 2\. 1.., 1818. 8c. : BlarhunJI (T.) Mem.nrs of Court of Augustus. 3v. Edin., 17:);}. 43g. Catron (F.) >.)• Hoiril I r (J.) llistoire Koniaine. I'Jv. Paris, 17l'"i- 35. 4to. 21 h. Creviet' (J. li. L. ) History of Konian Emperors from Augustus t'> Coiistantii.e. lOv. L., 1814. 8a. J> Utti/ir>'!/ (T.J The Cat^ars. !>., 1854. 15b. Fetyution (A.J llistnrv of Progress and Termination of Kouian Republic. .")v. E(ni(K.) llistoiv (if Peeline and Fall of Konian Empire. \'1\. L.. 1820. 8a. Saiiip. en. 11. 11. Milman. v. 2-0. P., 1850 38c. GUman(A.) Rome. L., 1,^1)1. la. c • Hiifib- (N.) Roman llistorv to Ruin of ('ommonwealth. Ov. L , I8'2:i. 8a. Ki'i'ihth-n (T.) History of R. 1!.. 18:59. 4;{a. Liciu.i (T.) Historiarum Pi'lli I'unici Sfiiindi lihri tjuiiKjue priores. €<1. J. Hunter. Eilin., IS.U. 43a. Mileji (J.) Rome as it was under Paganism, and as it became under tlie Popes. Aiwn. 2v. L., 184.3. To. Xielmhr (G. B.) Roman History. 2v. P., 181*7. 8c. Roman Emj.ire. L., »V. P. Q. A'.,' 1845. 43b. Rome (City). Di'-eii ( E. ) Rome in 1800. Cand.ridge, 18G1. 12e. Graliani (M. J Three months in Mountains east of R., 1>1D. P., 1821. 41e. Kij> (]]'./.) Christmas Holydays (^.«/V> in R. P., 1847. 301,. Mili'ij (J.) Rome as it was under Paganism, and as it became under the Popes. Anon. 2v. L. , 1843. 7a. Real and Ideal : characters and works of art and nature in l-'lorenee and R. 2v. L., 18-i3. 4<5l.. Rome in the Nineteenth Century ; containing account of rtiins of *." ancient city, remains of middle ages, and monuments of modern times, (7»'., written duiing residence at R., 1817-18. 3v. Edin., 182H. 7a. Seiniinn,-(M. H.) Pilgrimage to R. P., 1849. 4.5c. Weld(C. R.) Last AVinter in R. L., 1865. 14b. See aim Italy ; — Rcme (Ancient). Rome and the Early Christian.s, being letters of Lucius M. Piso, from Rome, to Fausta, daughter of Gracchus, at Palmyra. Barktd " L>tttr.'< from Home,." Edin., 1840. 46e. Note. — Designed as a sequel to the historical romance Palmyra (q. v.) (2r)G) ROMEK BO VIGO. Homer (iV/-.<. IsiiLflla K.) f. of Millie TlitiL'hf ("liiirlotte, I)ii. llar.lin^'. ( Lau'hrajir Ainnnd, IS.!-',.) L., IS:{4. .SSa. Toinist in Italy. lUus. liy d. 1 >. Hardinij. 2v. ( l."-(i/,i' Aiumal, is.u-.i.i.) L., is:v2;«. 4Sa. Toui'ist in Italy. Illu.-<. liv S. I'l'out. ( Lfdi'l-ouipr Atniuri/, IS.!/.) I,., IM.SI. .-Wa. Tonrist in Switzerland and Laly. Ilhi.s. Ky S. I'lout. ( J.(iii'/.-<'-(iji/>' Aiiiiiiii/, IS.in.) L., IS.SO. :iSa. Roscoe (William, K)i/). Pitt (the ijotniijir ). 1.., 1S'J"J. '2a. Ross (Sir .lohn). Scc.ind Voyagi.' in search of Xorlh-W(;st Passage, 1829- 33. Ph., 183.-). 41 g. ' Ross (Mars) (;//'/ Cooper (IPS.-) Highlands of Cantahria. L,1885. Ic. Roth (E<1 ward). Life of Napoleon 111. P.., ISoG. 9a. RoTHstiuM) Family. I{eere:<(J.) The Rothschilds : the financial rv^ :f iiation.s. L. , 1K87. le. Rothschild (('lementina uml \. de). llistoiy and Literature of IsraL-lite.s according to Old Testament and Apocrypha. Anoti. '2\'. in 1. L., 1870. l.-.d. Rotteck (Charle.s von). History of World Ph., 1858. 28d. Rouille (li. P. dulien, (h la C'luijiai/tiif de Jt-xm^). Set' Catrou (F.) Rousseau (dean dacques, Fr. author, 17JJ-7S). ilnulius, or Treatise of Kdiication. 3 v. Edin., 17(53. !?8a. Morley (J.) Rousseau. 2y. L., 1873. 15c. Note. — " The most important critical examination of his life and influence."' Rovigo (.A. J. 31. R. Savary, Dur de). Se>' Savary (A. J. M. R.) 17 (257) HOW L.\ \ DS R r.SSELL. Rowlands (Catlwaladcr). Ilfiirv M. SijinU-y, the story of liis life. L., 1872C.') 17ii. KoxuriiciisHiHK. liinoihix ( l{.) A'^riiMiltmv of Countifs of K. and Selkirk. L., 1813. 4.>^o. RoYAi. Ainii.i.EKY. I)uii<-ait f F.) History of Hoynl Kcj,'iiiu'iit of Artillery. 2v. L., 1872. 15(1. Royal I'liU.'il Service Iiistilntioii. .lonrnni, v. K) (1S72). L.(?), 1S72. •JHIi. Ruffino(ii/i/ir(i/i , .S7il. Ruskin (-lohu). Modern Painters. .Iv. in 4. N. V., IS'U. I'd. (.^)ueen of the Air: study of (Ireek .Mvths of ("l.iiid mid Stoim. I„^ 18«<». 12e. Selections from Writings of W. 1,., 1872. 17d. Not I. — The selections me cLisseil as fnjlcfws : si'eiu's of tnivel, oliiiriicteris- ties of nature, painting iiml |Kiinters, anliiteetiiie and siulpliire, olhical, iiiiitcellaneoUM. Seven Lamps of Architecture. f-., 1891. 17d. Russell (Alexander). Natuiail listoiy of Ale|>|)(p. 2v. L., 1791. 41.;,'. Russell (Charles). Woiulers of Lodily Strength and Skill. Tr. and eiiliiigeil from (oiilhiiinie .^-pping. L. it X. \'., //. «/. 4."i;> Drysdale (.L .1.) Russell (Mii'hai'l). Palestine. Kdin., I8;i2. 28a. I)u/>Iiraf'', i-lr. Russell (Rachael Wriothesley, /^«'f;/, lr,.u;-17 i-S). Some Account of Life of Liiily H., Iiy eilitor i.f Madaino Du Dcffunil'.s Letters : followed by Letters from Ladv H. to lier IuisIkuk), William, Lord Htis.sell. L., 18'2<). 4:ic. RussEM, (William, Lonl , Kmi. sfaf^-simin, I'i-iU-S-i). Rh.-'-o'U ' ( J ., <'<- (i/st) jirei-t'iUtni ''iitrij. Russell (William, '/. W-i.',). 'History of Modern Kurope, to 17G3. AVith continuation to 18I^i. Auoii. 6v. Pli., 1822. 37c. Sani''. With continuation to 1821. Aihdi. 7v. L., 1822. 7c. Xoff. — Cootess Ancient Pairope ^7. r. J is inteuiled to accompany this work. Russell (William Clark). For ///.s- mn-f.-.x, ^ce FiniDX. Russell (William Howard). Canada, it.s defences, condition, and resources. B., 1865. 14e. Duplicate, S9d. My Diary during the la.st ",'reat War. L., 1874. 1.5a. (258) Kl'SSELL HL'SSIA. 'RlHHKU. —CnnfinUf^'f. Diarv in th«' Kast, iliiriti},' tour of PiiiKf aii-l I'rinci'ss ,>f Walc5 2v L., 18MJ. 14c. My Diary ill liidiii, ISfjH-oO. 'Jv. Ta. 1.S60. 1l>.-. Dnp/imfp, :l7a. My Diary North and Snitli. ( Soiilln-ni War, ISHl.) 1!., 180.S. 12e. The War (iu ///»- Criinm). Toilcutli uf Lonl Ka^'lau. L, 1855. 15a. Jhi/t/lrnt), :i:>h. Sam*'. From death of Lord Kaj,'lan to evacuation of Crimea. I.., I8r)(i. I.')il. /)ll/t/frii/i\ .IU/>. KbssiA. [.Se*'«/;<(y Ckimkan Wai{ ; M()s< o\v ; Tolanu ; -St. I'kieiwhukg.] 1. IIMnrii. IhII(1{.) Ilistorv of K. (Lanlwrx C;ii-lni,.) Anon. :\\. I,., 1836. Sanii: y. 1. L., 1S3(). 'iSa. Li(/iaunii' ( E.J Canipaii,'!! ill K. L.. 1815. Hi'. MortiU (W. n.) Kussii. L., 18!»1. la. Srt/iif (P. /'., riifiifi' ih' ). llistoiv 'jf Kx|H'dition to K., undiM'takon hy Napoleon ill 18I-->. -'v. !.., isl'.'). 4()1). Ilistoiy of H., antl of Peter tlie (Ircat. 1... 1829. 40b. Sii'iirhr (S. M.) Memoirs of Court and lieij,'n of Catherine II., Sec. N. v., 18".-). !»e. Tonl,-'' (\V.) View of Kns.siau Kmjiire (hiring' Keign of Catherine 11., uikI to close of ISth tViitnry. .Sv. L., ISiiO. 8c. Al'hiitt (J.) .lourney from IKraul to Kliiva, Mo.scow, autl St. I'eters; huigli. '1\\ L., I.si:?. 41f;. ('arri)iiitiiii (eriii. etc. L., 1787. 48a. C>ir::i>ii (('■ ^'.) Russia in Central Asia in 1889, and the Anglo- Uiissian (Question. L., 188!(. Ic • Cuxfiiie (A., iiiii.< '/>■). Km|)ire of the Czar. .3v. L., 18-1.'5. 27a. Din If ( K.) A .Nionth in R. during the Marriage of the Czarevitcli. L., 18(;7. i:ie. l)i.n,n(W. H.) Free R. L, 1870. LM. Englishman in R. I'y a Lady. N. V., 1855. 27a. anrn,rsl.-i (CoHKf A. Ir. '/"J. ' R. as it i.s. N. Y., 1854. 41e. H'ti'l'mni (E.) I>i!ilical Researches and Tr.ivels in K. L., 182G. 401). Is R. wrong? Letters l)y a Russian Lady. ed. J. A. Froude. L., 1877. le. Jrrtiutnn (E.) Pictures from St. Petersburg. Av. X. Y., 1852. 12e. Kohl (J. G.) R. and the Russians, 1842. v. 1(?) Pli., 1843. 40b. Liiall (It.) Travels in R., the Krimea, tlie Cauca.sus, and Georgia. ' 2v. L., 1825. 12e. (250) . RUSSIA SAIXT. KustsiA (Travels, etc.) — C'oiifinu'/i/. ' ^' 7: I'ltlliiuifrm (J. C, (r., n'lrounfj.' Half Round the Old World: ton: ill R., the Caucasus, &f., IS(ir) (Ki. L., 1807. l.'k-. .4,v. Jiifrliie (L.) .lourney ti» St. Petcrsliur^ and Mcjseow tlirou^di ('ourlaiii! ,.• ami Livonia. L., 183(5. 44c. 1 Hala ((r. A.) Journey I)ue Xoitli : ni>te.-< nn residence in K. I'.., 1858. 1.')!). .. ., Six Year-s' Travels in R. 15y an En^dish Laily. L'v. L., 18.59. 14.-. Stanlfij (F.) 8t. Petersl.urg to Plevna. L., 1878. le. ' •'■ ■ Tik-hotiiinio ( L. ) Rn.xsia, political and social. '?.\. l>., 1888. le. Wall are ( I). M.) Russia. N. .V., 1S77. le. Will>ia/iftiH (U.) Travels in Tran.s-Cauc.a.sian Provinces oi IJ., »Vr., 18:i7. L., 1839. 401). Rutty (.lohn). See Wight (T.) Ruxton (deor^fo Prc(lerick). Ailventures in Mexico and Rocky Mouii- tain.s. N. V., 1848. 3<)(1. Ryley (Samuel William). The Itineiaiit, or mciiinirs of an actur. Tiv. L., 1817. 27a. Saabye (Hans Egede). (.Ircenland : extracts from journal ke}it in , 70- 78. L., 1818. 3Ud. Sabine (iiorenzo). American Loyalist.s, nr hini^rajihical skcstches nf adherents to British crown in war of revolution, li., 1847. 1'2(1. Sadi "/ Moslih-ed-din Sadi Ben Abdallah. The tUilistan or Rose ( iarilen. Ir. V. (Jlaiiuin. !>., 18().">. 4.'>«1. SAFrrv Lamp. Ihtrij (Sir H.) S. I,, for Coal .Miners. L., 1818. 48a. Saffell (W. T. R.)' Records of the Revolutimiarv War. N. Y., IS58. 41e. Saguenay (River). Ijouhhii ( C) Tour to R. S. Ph., 1848. ;i91>. Sahaha Desekt. See Africa. St. Clair (Thomas Staimton). Residence in \Ycst Indies and America. •Jv. L, 18:U. 40(1. St. Helkna Isi.ANit. Ihah(»i (A.) Tracts relative to Island of St. II. L., 1816. 3i)e. St. James's Ma<,'azine, v. 3 (1862)— 21 (180S) : new series, v. ."> (1S70) — 14 (187.')); new .series, v. 1 (187.")). .SOv. L., r. v. F.., 186.S. 14a. St. John, N. 15. Report on .\ccounts of Corporation, for 18().'?. St. John, 1864. 28(1. St. John Relief ami Ai<1 Soi'ief;i. Report: di.shur.sements of contiihu- tionfi for sufferers hy Five of 26th June, 1877. St. John, 1879. 28il. St. Nicholas : illustrated magazine for voung folks. 18S!», Mav-Oct. ; ISDO, May— 1893-I-. v. 16-20 in 6v. ^'.\.,r.,l. lOf. .i^t. Paul's Magazine. e,1. A. TroUope. v. 3 (1868) 13 (1873). 1 Iv. L., V. d. 36a. (260) SAIVr SAKHA-XS;.' St. Petkhjsburi;. JiTrniaim (E.) Pictmi-s from St." Pt'tersbur'J-;50. L, 1838. 16e. H''i- nho KrssiA. Saint-Pierre (-Iuimuh's Hein-' P.crnanlin ill'). Paul and Vii-f^'inia. tf. H. .\I. WiUianis. L., kSlil. 4:!c. Saintine (X. U)., ii'^mi. S">' Boniface (.1. X.) Sala ((,Jcoi<,'(' Au,uut>tii.s). AiiR'i'iiui licvisituil. 2v. L., lSf'>2. lb. .lournoy Due North : retidonce in Russia. ]>., 1858. loh. Paris herself aj^ain in l87f<-9. 2v. L, 187'J. le. Koine anil Veiiii;e, with other wamlerin^s in Italv, l8G()-{)7. L., 1869. 14ii. Seven Sons of Mainn:on. P)., 18t)2. 24a. Tri|>to Parliary by a nuniilalpoiit inute. I.., 18<)(). 13e. I)i/j)fi'-(ifi'..{Oi- I'nder the Sun : essays mainly written in Imt eountries. L., 1872. 16e. Salm-Salm (Fi'lix, Priui-i'). niary in Mexico, in 18()7. incluiling La.st Days of Kiiipcror Masiiiiilian ; witli Leaves from Diai'y f>f Princess Salin- Salin. '1\. L., 18(),S. 5ta. Sail line, the Daughter of Uermlias : a ilramatie poem. X". V., iSGi'. 19a. Salt (Henry). Voya^^e to Alivssjnia. !>., 1814. 40.,r. " Samaran.ii '' (H. M- >S.) ' Isla.nus. Churrlnraril (W. I>.) My Consulate in Samiia L., 1S87. 1<1. Sa.v {. Ha::ar.) Sanderson (dohn). .Vmerii-an in Paris. 2v. Ph., 1847. 40e. Sanowk ii iir Hawaiian Islands, liinl (J. L.) .Six months amonji' S. L L.,187.v Ne. J(irn'.-< (J.J.) Sii-nr>; and ScfUiiv in tlie S. I., -/r., lS:i7-4J. B., 1843. 4H). Voyaj^e of H. .M. S. •• P,l,.nde ' t'. S. I., 1SJ4-25. (under) Li.rd P.yron. '( U ith aqiHiiiiii^. . Sii'^e of Kars. J>., 18r)r». l.")a. Sanh '*/• San/.iii (liairaelloV Sir Hakkaei.i.o Sanii. Sauaikns. (HI, mm (A.) The S., to fall of Pa-ihid. L,1891. la. Sahiunia. FiiriMif (T.) llamliles in Corsiea and S. P., 18.")8. 14e. Sargant (d. A.) Life of Cramner. P., 18-29. 41a. Sargent (d I ihn). Memoir of H. Marlyn. P.., 18S2. 42a. Sargent t N\'intiiro]i). Pife of Major dolm .\ndri'. 1!., 18(11. l;"Ja. Sakim (Pietro "/• /•'/■(/ Pa'ijo, Ifnliioi orrL. Iil^ifuriioi, h'>5:2-l<>^-> ). 'I'mlln/ie (T.A.) Paid the pope and Paul t lie friar. L.,!S(>I. 17a. SarranS (Pernard, i>t>i.) Lal'avette, ]iOuis-Philiii[>e, and the Revolution of 18?(i. --'v. P., Is.S'i. 4.Sc'. C-'fil) SARHAZIN SCIENCE. Sarrazin zin (U>'n. J.J The Pliilosoplier, or Historical and Critical Notes. •2v. (hd. with Rirhard-^ons '^ 3Ioremeiifs of lirifiih Legion"). L., 181"J. liHh. Saulcy (f>. Ft'licien Cairjnart 'le). Journey round Dead Sea and in Bible Lcuids;, 18r.O ril. -Jv. I.., 1S54. 141). Dnpliratt, 41r. Saunders (Mar.sliall). lieautiful Joe : autoljiograpliy (of a dog). Ph., (1893). fie. My Si)i.nish Sailor. N<>r>^L L., 1889. 6e. Saunders (John), ''il. Portraits and Memoirs of Eminent Living Political Reformers. P(»rtriiits by (Jeorge Hayter, antl others; Sketch of Parlia- mentary Reform, hj' William Howitt. Many proof plait's on India papir, etc. L., 1840. Folio. 47g. * Savary (Anne Jean Marie Kene, Dm- de Rovigo, Fr. (/e)iera/, 177Jf-18->-i ). Memoirs illustrative of History of Napoleon. 4v. L. , 1828. 9c. Saxon Chronicle. With translations, iu)tes, iVc., l>v J. Ingram. L., 1823. 39g. Scherzer (Carl). Travels in Free States of Central America: Nicaragua, Hoiuluras, and San Salvatlor. ^v. L., 1857. 4(^o. Schiller (-lohann Christian Friedrich vnii). Ciiost-Seer. v. 2. I)., 18:n. 48c. History of Revolt of Netherlands. X. Y., 1847. 391). Poems' and P.alliids. ^z-. Lord Lytton. 2v. Kdin. iV L., 1 844. 19c. Siimmtliche Werke. Zweiter hand (v. 2). Paris, 1837. 4")e. Works, historical and dr-uiiatic. L., 1S4(). 46a. Ccnfirnts: Revolt of t])e Xetlierlands ; Wullenstein : William Tell. Sclllegel (Augustus William). Lectures on J )ramatic Art and Literature. •Jv. L., Isio. 18c. Schlegel (Fi'eilerlck). Lectures on Historv nf Literature. Fdiii. iV L., 1841. 281). Schlesier (Custav). Fdves of the Ih-others Hundioldt, .V]cxand«'r (I.y Klcncke) and William (by Sdilcsier). N. V., IS.k?. 4-2h. Schlesinger (Max). War" in Hung-.n-y, 1848-49. 2v. L., 18.jO. 391). Schwackhofer (Franz). Fuel and Water, with chapters on Heat and Steam-hoilcrs. (d. W. R. IJrownc. L., 1884C;) 21). Science. Clodd (E.), Wil-«>ii (A.), F<»^ter(T.), Rmnjard (A. (J.), ,\ I'mr- tor(H.A.) Leisure Readings. (Chiifij ■■^'•imtifir.) L.,1S9(?) 2d. Edinburgh Journal of S. td. 1). lirewster. v. 1-3. Edin., 1824-2.-). 4ia. Frnnh-liu In4lfut", Fhllad^l ,>hia. Jourmd. v. 9-10. Ph., 1832. 4.^)e. GiU)i-i-t ( L.), I'd. Leauties and Wonders of Nature and S. L., /(. '/. 46d. HH.rl,'ji (T H.) S. aii.l Culture, and other Essays. N. Y., 1893. 2.1- ATo^f-.— For '■onl< nfs, ^cQ author entry. J'lnrfor ( 11. A.) Light Science for Leisiue Ilouis : a series of familiav essays on scientific subjects, natural phcnoiiiena, etc. .S series. L. , 18S()- 9L 2d. Things New and Olil in Religion, S., and Literature. L., 18")7. 17e. T'lndall (J.) Fragments of S. : essavs. aibh'e.-^ses, and reviews. 2v. " L., 1892. 2d. (262) SCIENCE SCOTLAND. SciEN'CE — Continuei<-)-t<. Sciontific American, v. 5 (1849)— 10 (1854-5), 13 (1858) 14 (1858-9); new series, v. 1 (185!))— 5 (IStil). 13v. X. Y.,r. d. 4Sf. Nolf. — A few numbers are iiiissing from some of the volumes. Scoresby (William, Arcfk- fiarii/afu,; etc., 17->'>-JS-'>7 ). .Idurnal of Voyage to Nortliein Wliale-tisliery. Edin., 18J3. I'Je. Jarhxnn (li. E. S.-) Life of S. L, 18(51. 391.. Scotland. [.S>e nJ^o Kxclaxd ; -PuKsnYTiiHiAX Chlhch ; — ami the tiamex of /III lurioKx touii/ifs of Scotland. For ill ii si rat ice. liction, ••"'(' main/ of Scott's (Sir \V. ) historical nocels, which contain much in formation.^ 1. Hi>ftnrii. IJalri/iii/ilf (Sir D.) Annals of S., 1057-1371 : (with) Ti'ads relative to History and Aiiliijuities of S. 3v. Edin., 1819. Tc Ki'rr (li.) History of S. (Uirin;^' lleinn of Kuliert I., the Iliuce. 2v. L., 1811. 7d. Mwl,-inti»rt^n„ (]V.) History of S. ' ( Bwl,>,l - U'or/.-.s r. Hi:') N. Y., I8r)9. :wi.. Sei' al. hit' Wcrks. Srtjtf (D.) History of S. from year of the worM 3G19 to year of Chiisi I72(). t. II-, (Westminster, 17-7 or 17'2S.) Folin. 4Sf. &-ntt(SlrW). Histnry of S. 2v Th., 1830. 41a. Slrirhhudl (A.) Lives of (^)neens of S. 8v. X. V., 1S51. 91.. }\oti . — For roiit^iii.i, see autiioi-eiitiy. Tiitlir (P. F.) History of S. 9v. IMin.. 1828-43. 7e. 2. Trnrt'h, /.'>:-!rri/ifiii!/, Ai/rir/ilhirr, tic Cliaiiifier.-< (li. .Y ]V.) (ia/etteer of S. Kdin., 1832. 28e. C/i((iiiliir.-' (]V.) r.ouk of S. (Inxtilnli<>ii.-<, lair:<, uxwf't., Cfi\) E.lin., 1830. 471.. Fmi ( F. ) The Hfcess. (.r Autunnial Relaxation in tho Hiuhlamls iind 'Lowlands, ^'.v. L., 1S;U. .-{SI.. Hahiil(L.J.) SeothuKrs Inthu-ni-e on Civilization. IMi,, ]S85(.') 41f. Hist(.ri.-al Acconnt of His Majesty's (( leorue 1 V.) Visit to S. (1822). Edin., 182:'. 4()f. Miii-h'iiil ( y.) Reniinisvonces (.f a Hi,-ihlan'l Parish. L., 1867. 27a. Md.rinll IF. H. ) Wamlerines in the Hiuhlands anl. in Iv. 47o. Sella rh- (T., 'nrl „f). 1 'resent State of Iliglilan.hs of S. Edin., 1806. 46e. Si// i 111(1)1 (13.) Travels in Knglaml. Holland, and S Annn. 3v. New Haven, 1820. 40a. Sinr/air (Sir J.) (leneral Report of Agricultural State, and Political Circumstances of S. 5v. (inc/udhiii Appfin/lj- ). Kdin., 1814. 48a. Statistical Account of S. 21 v. Eilin., 1791-!»0. 47d. Systems of Husbandry adopted in S. "Jv. Kdin., 1814. 48d. Sfeicart (J J.) Character, Manners, and l*re.sent State of Higldander.s of S. ; with niilitai'v services of Highland Regiments. 2v. Kdin., 1822. 41d. W/ii/fliiti:4 ( F. F.) < >ii the Grampian Hills: shooting and fishing, iK;c. L., 1882. Ic. Scotland (Church of). See Pre.shytehiax Church. Scott (C. Kochfort). Excursions in INrountains of Ronda and <^lranada. 2v. L, 18:^8. 14d. Rambles in Egy]>t and (.'andia. 2v. E., 1837. 13d. Ihtp/irafi'^ J^h-. Scott (I)avid). History of Scotland from year of the \vorld 3619 to year of Christ 172(). /.»•. (Westminster, 1727 or 1728.) Folio. 4Sf. Scott (John). History of Church of Christ, 15.30-46. E., 1826. 44c. Scott ( li'i-. .John). Works, v. 2 (Srnii:i). E., 1718. 43g. Scott (dohn Eee). Iniitrisonment in China, aftci- the wreck of the " Kite." L., 1841. 41a. Scott (Michael). Tom Cringle's Eog. E., ii. ). Criti- cal and Miscellaneous Kssays. 'M-. I'h., 1841. 4.SI>. (ilentinlas, anil other ballads ; with the \'ision of 1 )on Roderick. Wi/li WestaU'.'< i/liis/rafiotis. L., 1812. l}>c. History of Scotland. 2v. Ph.. 1S30. 41a. f/adv of the Eake : a ]ioem. \Vi//i \Ve-
    . 19c. -Miscellaneous Poems. E.lin., 1820. 4r)f. Pau'"s Letters to His Kii.sfulk. Atmn. Edin., 1816. 4-")b. (2(54) SCOTT SEO U H . Sc«)TT — Continueil. • \ Poetical Works. I'li., 1830. 19c. Sun,". V. 1-7, 9-12. Eaiii., 1S33. 401). Saiiw. Etliii., 18^5. 19c. ^^ Fnr liix rttireh, .^w' Fiction. Allan (a.) Life of S. PMin., 1834. lie. Dupliffif", 4..'/. Lo'kharf (J. G.) Mftmoir.s of Life of S. Anmi. 7v. Kilin., 1837-38. 44(1. Diif)lirate, r. ,i-7. In 15c. San,". lOv. Kdiii., 1839. 40a. Scott (William), llaniioiiv of IMiiviiolo^y witli Sciiptnre. Edin., 1837. •J8a. S( oTT ('H. WiiiHcl.l, A,n. ,i,,n',-al, 17Sr,-]Sr,i: ). Ifra.lh-,, (J. T.) Lif.- of S. N. v., 1861. --'Sb. Scratchley ( .Vnliur). Fiit'iitlly Societies for Sicknes.s pay, Life-as.surance, anil I'eiisifnis. L. , 1S85. I5e. Scrijttorcs Kci Kusticfv. (Cat,,, Va,-,;,, C'/lu,,,'lla, Palkdi'in,, V"(j"fiu>t.} 4v. Hipoiui (I)'iij-poii/-iip/icati , 4~J. ScL'i.i'TLUK. Kl^'in and Pliigaleian Marbles. ( Li/i. Ki,t. Kn,>,,-.) 'Ix. L., 1S:«. -J.-)!). Fla.n„ait (J.) Lectures on S. (Wifl, j,laf,.-:) L.. 18-29. 2S(1. L',' (H. F.) Familiar Sketches of S. and Sculptors. 2v. ]!., 1804. 41a. Townley (iallerv, IJritish Museum. (Lih.K,,!. K,„nr.) 2v. L., 1S30. Ska. S,',' ( )(E.\.\. Sears (Rohert). ,'1 P.ihle liioyraphy. N. V., 1842. 28d. Skaso.ns. l)nn<-an(H.) Sacicil Phildsuphy of the S. : pheiioiniMia of the year. 4v. ( .'^/n-,'),;/, Sii,ii))» r, A iih,iiii,, Winlir.) Edin., IS.SS. 4.M). H,>,riff(M.J Pictorial CahMular (if the S. L., 18o4. 44ii. H",r,'ff(W.) I'MH.k of the S., or Calendar of Nature. L.. 1833. 4r)a. Seaton (A. E.) Manual of .Marine Eni,'ineering. I... 1891. 2e. Sv.wx^vws (Ki)i,j iij ruitniial, I't.l-'r'^S). Fie"r(M. H'. ; Married Life of .-Vnne of .Austria, mother of Louis XIV.. and l)(ai Sehastian. iw L., lSt)4. 42f. Si:( HKT S(j(iKiii;s. Fi;i.e. Memoirs of Secict Societies of South Italy, particularly the Carbonari. L. 18-21. '281.. Secret Societi(."s of Middle A-es. ( Lili. Ki,f. Kinnr.) L., 1837. 251). Sects. S'-,' Rei.igions, Pknominatioxs, ani> Sects. Sedgwick (Catherine ;Maria). Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home. A„u,,. •2v. N. v., IS.-)."). 45a. Seeley (dohn Robert). Ecee Idmo : a survey of life and work of desus Christ. A„(jH. L., ISWl. i e. Segur (Louis Philippe, Cnnl,' de, Fi\ ifinral iv ilipli}n,ati-■>- 1 SJO), Memoirs and Fieeollections. 8v. L., 1S-25--27. 4'2e. (265) SEGUli SHAH.XMAT. Segur (I'liilippo Paul, Cinnfede). History of Kxpefli Em-I <>/). Present State of Hi<;hlaii(ls ofScothuid. Ediii., 1S0(). 46e. Selkirk. I)nut//aK ( H-) Ayrieulture of Counties of Koxltuiyh ami S. L., KS13.' 4Sc. Senior (William), '• lied spinner,'' /'.-v'«r/. I5y Stream antl Sea: liouk foi- wanderers and anglers. \,., 1S77. le. Sergeant (Armons. 2v. O.xford, 1812. 44d. Br// (J.) S. before Fniversity of (Hasyow. L., 1790. 44c. B/air(H.) Sermons. 5v. L, 1815. 4")1). ' Kiwi'! (T. D"W.) Clu.iee Woiks. St. John, //. '/. If. Sr's a/so Theoi.ouv. A/xd t/if coI/pHi'iI wor/," nf rdrluu" //iiii/iniian". Sevigne (.Marie de Kubutin Chantal, M a lyjut se ih.. Fr. .) Self-made .Men. N. V., 1858. 4»)b. Seymour (E. S.) Sketches of Minne.sota. N. V, 1850. 13b. J),i- ptirn/i , 41(/. Seymour (H. Danbv). Russia in the Plack Sim and Sea of Aznf. L., 18,V>. 14a. ' Seymour (Michael Hobert). Mornings ane-ng tin- desuits at Ruuie.. X. v., 184i». 45a. I'ilgriinage to Rome. 1a, 1849. 45c. Shaftsbury (Anthonv Ashlev Cooper, 1st Edr/ nt\ /nnt-rlmttr. nf En2IS.}). Mar'uu ( li.)\i- Kipin>.(A.) Life of' Earl of S. "/. <;. W . Cooke. 2v. L., IS3(). 4-'f. Shahamat Ali. The Sikhs and Afghans, in connexion with In.lia ami i'ersia, immediately before and aflei' death of Ranjeet Singh. L. , l!S47. 16a. (266) SHAKERS SHEI'I'AUI). 4Shakeks. Grenn (C.) >.)• Wtlln (S. Y.) Suiumarv Vinw of Millennial Chinch Of United Society of Believers, commonly culled Shiikers. Alhiiny, 1823. 4ria. Shakespeare (William, Knif. ih-ainatixt. I'}i;.'rll>lr,(0. ISil. Works. N. v., ,r '/. 18.1. A>/!«-f)ftt/li ( S.) Iiulcx ti> I'as.'^agcs ami Wunls mailt- use rd' liv !^. ' L., 1827. 415c. Ihmui'lhi (I.) The (licat Civptoj^nam : FranHn,rr (A.) LifofS. -iv. L.. 1S24. \?n\. TirU-< r F.J Complete VcHmI Imlex t'. I'lavs of S. 2v. L., ISIJ."). 18d. Sliarpe (Kdmuml). Seven reriods (d' Knglisli .Vrehitertinv, (hdimnl and ilhlstiated. I... ISS'*. 2e. SliaW ^C"/. Cliailes). I'ersonal Memi)iis ami (.'nrrespondciice ; compris- ing nan ative of war toi' constitniionul lihertv in IVirtugal and Si)ain, 18.31- :{7. 2v. in 1. L, 18.S7. 3S1>. Sha'W (d(din). (iallop to the Antipodes, retnrnint.' overland thiough liidiii. L.. 1S.",,S. 18e. Sheldon (Louise Vescelius-). Yankee (lirls in Zulu Land. L., ISS'J. 14e. Shelford (L<'onar. ) ov. L., 183.-). •-'.■)a. Shelley (IV'rcy Bysshc). Poetical W.nks. >>' W. M. Kosselti. L., »(. / Daiiiid). World's Fair Photo;4raphe.l (with (hscrip- tioiis). Chicago & Ph., (18!);{). 2e. Sheppard (Nathan). Shut up in Paris. L., 1S7L Pla. (207) SHERBUKNE SI AM. Sherburne (Kdwartl). Tlie S])lioro of Marcus Maiiiliiis mado an Ktv^- lish I'oeiii, witl) Aiii-otiitioiis ami .in Astionoinical A|)pen. M<>or>^(T.) I.ifoofS. 2v. L., 1S2"). 41d. Sherlock (Tliomas) Trial of Witnesses (d' Hesiirrection of do.su.s : w'itli Sf.lM.'l lo Trial. }v. ( Printed at Kdin, «. Siin'-lUii im.n*;. AJdms ( \V. H. U.) F;iiiious Sjiijis of P.ritish Navy. L., I8().S. 4.Sd. IhWnlffT. li.) Nova Scotia Registry of Shipping. Halifax. 1860. 4()e. ' Fah-oiit'r (W.) Dictionary of Marine : technical terms u.sed in a ship, &c. L., 1780. 4.%'. Kiitiji'lnu (W. H. a.) Jloys Own llonk <>f IJoats ; with, liow to make sailing models. L. , IStiS. 'iSh. I'liiifitll (^.) <)ur Seamen: an appeal. 1,., 187-'^. 17h. Report on Steam-Vess(d Ac<'idpnts (made to Committt'c uf I'rivv Coun- cil for Trade). L., IS."!*. '27ii. Si'ij aho Mauink Knoi.nkkui.m;. Shirreff (Patrick). Tour thmugh North America. Kdin., 18:55. 41d. Shoberl (Frederic). Persecutions of Popery, l'v. i-., 1844. 44c. Present State of ( 'liristiiinitv and of Missionary Kstahlislnnents. N. V., 18-.'S. -J 4 c. 8HOEIN(i lIoUSKS Sfi' 1I(JHSK-.SH()EIX(;. Sii()(iriN"(i. liitrrij (W.) Moorland and Stream, with notes and prose idyls on S. anil Fishini,'. L., 1871. 17l>. GrimhJe (A.) Deer-stalking. L., 1886. Ic Hfihert (W. H.), '' Fnnii.- Fonsto,-:'- Field Sjiorts of I'nit.-d Stato.s and l>iili.
  • . \VltiteliHr4 (F. F.) ( >n the (Grampian Hills: grous(> ami ptarmigan shooting, deer-.'stiilking, fishing, etl^ L., 18S'J. !c. Wihoii (J.) Rod and (iun: treati.ses on Angling and S. Kdin., 1844. 17ii. Scr a/.-'i' Gillmore's (P.) Prairie and Forest. Short (Thomas Vowler). History of Church of Kngland, to 1688. N. V., 1 84!l. 44e. Shuckford (Samu(d). .Sacre/,/// (Mrs. F.) To S. ami Malaya, in Duke of Sutherland's Vacht ".Sans Peur. ' L., ISSy le. (•2i ,>/>rn/<, .',li\ J)i>l»ll ( 1\) Travels in Kamteliatka and S. 2v." L,ls;'.U. |ld. KniHdi (A.) Travels in S. 'j\. ]>., 1848. IVJv. Keruian (G.) Tent Life in S. L., 1S70. 31te. l.inixih'11 (JI.) Thronj^'li S. -Ix. L.. 1^82. le. Revelations of S. \\\ a IJanislied Ladv. "/. Ladi S/vrma. 2v. in 1. L., 185-.'. 13a. SiciLiKs (Tiie Two). See Naples. .Sicii.Y. Jiiifi'Ioir (A.) Travels in Malta and S.. with sketeliesof (lil.raltar, IS'JT.' R. 1.S31. 4()c. Kran^ (G. W.D.) ("lassie and Connoisseur in Italv and S. ."^v. L., 183.-). .3!>c. JJii/i/initf', /,o,. Frffinan (K. A.) Sictilv : Piiienieian, Creek, ami Knmau. ( Hixtariral. ) L, IHifi. hi. l{ux.-ritli /^^Y^•//'.^■ '' Cfartf ami Olivfs" ). X. v., 18,VJ. I'-Ju. SiDKo.Ns (Mrx. Sarah Kkmiu.k, fnvji'ilinK. 1 i^'i'i-lS-ll ). Ihiaihtt (J.) Mfinoirs of Mrs. .*>., with iiiifc(li)te.s of autlioi's ami -ictois. Pli., 1827. 17c. Can,i,h,'ll (T.) Life uf Mrs. S. L*v. L., 1834. lOd. Samp. L., 18.39. 451.. Si'f al.tn Kemih-K Family. Siebold. ( l'hili|i|> Fi'anz von). Manners and Custdins of the -lapane.se in lltih (Ynitury. L., 1841. 41a. SiKNA. S>-e Tuscany. SiEKKA Li;«)NE. Poolf- ( T. K. ) Life, Seeuery, and Customs in S. L. and the Gambia. 'Iv. L., KS.JO. 1.3c. SigOUrney (Mr^. f-vdia Huntley;. Lncv Howard's .lournal. X. Y., ls.-)8. 391.. Silliman (Au<,Mitu.s E.) Callop amon.u American Scenery. X. Y., 1843. 441.. jSilliman (Benjamin)- Remarks on T^ur between Hartford and Quebec, 1819 Xew Haven, 1824. 43a. Travels in Knijland, Holland, and Scotland, and two pa.ssages over Atlantic, 180.V()(). Anon. 3v. Xew Haven, 18-20. 40a. Visit to Europe, 1851. 2v. X. Y., 1853. 41e. (269) SIMMONDS SLEEP. Simmonds (I'cti'r Luiitl). Sir.Idhn Friiiikliii .iiiitl tlic Arctic Kegioiis^ vU: Biittiilo, 1S.V2. 4oa, Simms (Willii'iii <'or<;t'). .Idurncy rouiul the world, 1841-42. 2v. T.^, 1S47. 411). Simpson (Tlmma.s). Discoveries on North Coast of America. I*, 184.'J. 4(»e. SimSOn (Li'titia F.) Flowers of the Year, an 1 other poems. St. John, N. n , lS(»it. 4()f. Sinclstir (Catherine) Hill ami N'alicv, or Hours in Kn;;land antl Wales. N. Y., 1H3S. 4-Ah. For her iiort'Jx, xt'c Fitriox. Sinclair (^>V/- John). Code of A^'ricidture, L., ISI". t8d. (ieiieial Keport of .Aj^rjiiilt uial State, .nid Political Ciri'umstiinces of Scotland, nv. ( iiirliiillinj a/ipnitlixj. Kdiii., 1814. 4Sil. Statistical Acconnt of Se'otland. 2lv. Kdin., 17!Jl-'Jl>. 47d. Systems of Hnsliandry a lopt^Ml in Scotland. '2\\ Fdin., 181-1. 48«1. ^'/'c ((/.<() Gray's (.\.) Knj^ravings of lm|)lements of llushandry. Singer (^Yilliam). .Vurieidtnre in County Dnmfrii's. Kdin., 1812. 48b. Singleton f'-l/'--'. .Mary .\lont;4oiiierie),- "Yiolet Fane," //.^v•/^/. Poiixil I'lace : story in verse. L. , 1S7.">. 17e. Sirr (Henry Charles). China and the Chinese. 2v. L., 184!». :Wc. Sismondi (Joan Charles Li'onard Simonde de). Histoiical View of Literatrre of .Soiiti) of Fairope. 4v. L., iS'i.'^ 4t')(l. lli.story of the Italian Hefuhlics. L., 18.12. 4H.. Sisters of Charit v. >>'- Jameson ( A. ) Sixpenny Ma,iia/in(>/if/r,i/ ,r,,iiiniiisf, t7..'-j-!iO). Nature and Causes of Weallh of Xalioii!*. 4v. Kdin., I.S17. Sd. San». Kdin., 1«;JS. 40f. Sfr/rarf (J).) Ilio-^raphical Memoirs of A. S., ^:<-. Kdin., ISH. |2--. Smith (Arehihald). 'I'eni as it is. I'v. L, 18:3}>. 40a. Smith ( Kli). S''r Robinson ( K. ) Smith ( Ivluioud Keuel). The .Vraucanians, or tour amonLT Indian Tribes of Suutlieni Ciiili. X. V.. I8.V). 171'. Smith ((Jeor^'e). Ten Weeks in Jajian. [,., ISCI. Ue. Smith (< 'old win). The I'nired Slates: an ontliiie of politicd history, 14!>-'-l.S71. X. v., \S\)X -J.l. Smith (Ilaml'Iin) ( leonietiv. Toronto( .'),/. /r. 41f. Smith (Horace). Tales of Karly A-es L>v. N. V.. Is:{l>. 4:{a. The Tin Trumiiet, or In ads and tails for the wise and waggish. J5v "PaiiiriiatHeld" f/^-'""'J '-'v. L. IS.Ifi. 4le. Smith (dames). .Memoirs, I.etteis, and ( 'ojnie Misrellanie.s in jirose and ver.-^e. --'v, L,, 1S4(». l.'ie. Smith (d. ('alvin>. Harper's Statistical (la/etteer of tlie World. >'. V., Ksr..-). 44f. Smith ^»S.'/' dames Kdward). Seh ction of Correspondence of LinnfPiis antl otlier Xatunilists. -Jv. I>.,1S'21. 4.">e. S.Mrm (/»'"-. dohn, 1 ^UO-JSJJf). Dehate, Hou.se of Comnion.s, dune, 18:>4^ re.'', critic, and irit, 177 1-ISJ^')). Wit and \\'i.>- (loinof S.' L, isfil). -iOc. Works, ."iv. L., 1840. 18a. Works. I'll., 1845. 4;iA Kov. S. Smitli ; with solections fimii his letters. By l»is tlauj^hter. L., 185"). lie. Smith (Thomas). " Wonders of Xatuiv and Ait. v. 1-4, 7-12. L., 1803. 44a. Smith (William), //•. S--'' Longinus (D.) G. 371i. i>a,i»'. Kdin., 1S41. 371«. }\oti . — Deisigneil as a coulinuation of Huine"s History. Miscellaneous Work.s. v. 5 (A<1renfurt'!< of Sir Lanncflaf (irf'nci':>, awl • • Tvari-lfi Ihrouijh France and Ifrt/i/), and 6 ( Erpcditio)) of Hnniphnj Cliiih r, anil Ailrmtiiri ^ of an Atom ). Eiliii., 1817. 18a. Sm.UCker "/■ SchmUCker (Samuel Moslieim). History of the Four (ieoiges, kings of England. X. V., ISC.O. 91). Memoirs of Catherine II. of Russia. N. V., hS;");") 9e. Smyth. V' «/<" Smith. Smyth (Kolii'rt Carmiehael). Letter to the Author if "The Cloekmaker," ~ containing Tiionglils on a British Colonial Railway Coinnumicatiou between the Atlantic and PaciHc. L , 1849. 4vrf, carl of) iv Kimjulcij ( (i. H.) South Sea Bubbles. Bj- the Eail (of Pembroke) and the Doctor (Kingslev). L., 1872. .39d. Jinp/icalf l.j,: SocixiANM^al Points of Sociniaii Controversy. (Jlasgow, 1814. 44c. SociOLotiV. Ft'riiutton (A.) History of Civil S(jciety. Kdin., 1814. 43d. St. John (J. A.) Anatomy of Society. 2v. L, 18:n. 46a. See atxo Civiliz.\tion and Pkoghess ; -Edltatio.v : — Ivniirs ; — (ioVERNMENT ;— PoLITKAL EcONOMV ; — I'ooK ; -.SLAVERY ; — L^TOl'lAS. Solomon Islands. Gniqiij (H. B.) S. I., and their natives. L., 1887. le. SoMKRSETsuiRE. F<'iito>l (R.) T(jur in quest of (leiicalogy, through Wales, S.,<'fr. By a Barrister. L,, 1811. 47a. Somervile (William). Cliauce : a poem. L., 1835. 45d. (272) SOMERVILLE SPAIN. Somerville (Mary). Connexinn ..f I'lir^ical Science. L, 18:^7. 461) Physical (ieu^'iapliy. Ph., 1850. 17c. Somerville (Kobert). Aj,'viculturo of Kast Lothian. L., 1813. 481). Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Tpper and Lower K-vpt. 3v. L., 1807. 40(1. Sophia Douotuk.x (rnin^m-t nf (Uni-ijf I. nf Ku:S,i-17.!0). Memoirs of S. 1)., chifHy from secret archives of Hanover, Hrunswick, Berlin, and Vienna. ( I'o'-sihhi hy ]!. F. Williams.) -Jv. L., 1845. 10<1. South Amekica. Ih-finnx ( F.) \'oya<;e to Eastern Part of Terra Firnm, or Spanish Main in S. A., leOl 04*. 3v. X. V., ISOt!. 40(1. Hewl (F. B.) Rough Notes taken dnriuL; journeys across the I'anipas and among the Andes. L., 18i'6. \'M\.. Mail- (H. L.J Passa,n'e from Pacilic to Athnitic, crossing Peru and descending Amazon. L., IS'2'.I. 40d. Malliixll (Mix. M. (i.) Between tlie Amazon and iIk; .Vndes : travels. L., 1S!S1. 11). Paijc (T. J.) La Plata, Argentine Confederation, and Pararjuay, 1853- 'oC X. v., ISoi). 14c. Si'i' al.<() the rariniia '■(iiiiif rii''< nf Soul I I Aiiicr/'i-a. Aha Amkiuca. 8ouTi[ AusruALiA. Land of Promise : South Australia. l>v (»ne who is going. L., 1S;«). 12e. ftouTii Cahomna. Hf'irit (A.) Historical Account of Colonies of S. A. and (ieorgia. Auniu 'Jv. L., 1779. 41d. South Sea P.ul)l)les. (Sb-trlif:< iuSnrifty Ixlanil<.) S>'e'PeTn}ovo\s.e( Earl <>/). South hy Weot, or Winter in Kocky Mountains and Spring in Mexico. e>J. ('. Kingslev. L., 1874. le. Ihiplirate, 14>. — "A work partlj' fictitious, hut abounding in admirable description and (juaint fanciful delineation of character." Historv of P.razil. 3v. L, 1810. 41g. History of Peninsular War. v. 1-4. L., 1828. 16b. Life of Wesley. 2v. L., 1820. 44d. S>^e nhn ]Vafson fit), M<»r. Poetical Works. Paris, 1829. 43e. Vision of .ludgnient. (I'mni.) Ixf cl. L., 1821. 44e. Waf^nn (^i.\> 'observations on S.'s "Life of Wesley." L.,1821. 45f. 8paix. [iSV'' nUn (Ikanada ; — (Iypsies ; — Pp:xixsl'i.ar War ; — Spanish Lan(;i'A(;k ; — Sr.vMsn Litkkatikk.] 1 . HMnrij. Bai'oii (J. F.) Six Years in Biscay : narrative of Sieges of Bilbao, 1835 and 1836 ; and events in that City and the Basrjue Provinces, 1830-37. L., 1838. 10c. Bon, -he (T.) Historv of Moors in S. L., 1811. 39g. Bnxk (M. M.) History of S. and Portugal. L., 1833. 39c. Coni])endi)i (J. W. ) Tlie Suiniy South : autunui in S. and .Majorca. I^., isfiO. le. ' Es.'"'/.> L, 1.S72. 14e. Gauh'er (J'.J Wamlerings in S. L., IS.").'}. 41e. HH>ilie^(T.M.) Revelation.s of S., 184."). -Jv. L., 1845. 37e. [w'ili.<(H. D.) S. in 18.S0. L., 18:H. 7a. MwhinvM- (A. ^.) S. revisit.'d, (18« Annn. 2v. N, V., iS.'iO. 37a. Mwlaf (J. M.J Cosas de ?]spana, i :,'oing to Madriil via Barcelona. Aiioii. N. Y., ISo."). 4r)a. Jin.<.t (M.J ^Y Cnn/,'u- (II. S.) Higlila. ..Is of Cautabria. L.. 1885. Ic S'-nff (C. R.J Excursions in Mountains of Rouda and Thanada, with sketches of inliabitants of south f)f S. "Jv. L., 1S38. 14(1. Ta>iJiir ( li.) Lauds of the Saracen : pictures (jf Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and S. N. V..1S()0. 4.ja. Whiff (J. R.J Letters from S. Bv Don Leucadio Doblado (/»/.J L., 182-?. 4''' Ki/.frrioN. Spt-cfutor (The). ( Srh'ff/im.-^.) r.l. Y. Provost aiul F. W. lUagdon. X. Y.,. II. d. \~th. Xo/f.-My Addison, Steele, Biidgell, etc. Si'EKriiKs. /{roui/liam (II., InnJ ). Spcoclies. 4v. Eilin., 1838. lUL y^////," fA'.; ' SptM-chcs. V. 2-4. L, IsK). 11(1. C^. doliii IJ.) (iiir Last Years in India. L., 1862. 41f. Spence (.Joseph). ( >liservati(nis, Anecdotes, and Characters of IJooks and Men. L., 1820. 4.Sa. I'oiynietis, or Kn(|uiry ciincerninj,^ Agreement Ix'tween Woi'ks of Roman Poets and Remains of .\ncient .Artists. Wilh iiuiiitrou'< plaits. L., 1747. 47j,'. Spence (^Villia.n). .v.- K.irby ( W. ) Spencer (Kdnmnd). Fall of the Crimea, f. ir. L., >■/,: i855. loa. Noll'. — Sinii-titlitiiiiis nartiitive of tliu Russian eoiKiiicst of the Crimea under the Empress, CiUheiine II. Formerly puhlished under the title, "The Prophet of the Caucasus." Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartarv, \c. 2v. in 1. L., 1837. 38h. Snmi'. 2v. L., ls:!9. 40('. Tnrkey, Ku.ssia, the Jilack Sea, and Circassia. L., 185-"). 301). Spencer (.lesse .Vmes). Kgyi't and the Holy Land. \. Y., 18.")7. 40d. Spender ("i'/rs. . I ohn Kent). Trust Me : a novel. 3v. L.,>i.(L 6,u:. iSriKiTUAiiis.M. It''i' Byrne C-).) Sports AND Pastimes. Jn/ni.., KS7--'C0 17a. Stannard (Mr>i. Henrietta P:iiza Vaughan),— " John Strange AVinter," )).) .St.Min-r.oilers. L., 1892. 2o. SrJnnir/.iio/i r (J'.) VuA and Water; with chapters on Heat and Steam-Koilers. L., lSS4Cr) 21). Th)ir>'f. 46a. Samp. L., 18(5."). 281.. Han.lhook of S. K. L.. 18t)r). 281.. Kihranls (E.) American Steam Engineer. Ph., 189-3. 2b. Galloiraii (K.) History of S. E. L., 1827. 46d. (iiiriliiii (A.) Elemental Locomotion, and Interior C'omnnniication, wlicrein are exjilaiiiLMl Steam Carriages, anil comparative value of tm-npike roails. railways, ami canals. L., 1S.S+. 4()e. History of S. E. Illustrated bv Elijah (lalloway. L., 1828. 46d. H<>hJ;m (II. I).) Manual of S.' E. ' L., 1842. 41f. Jaiiiiisd)! (A.) Text-I>ook on Steam and S. E. L., 1892. 2d. Lanhitr ( I).) Steam Engine. L., 183G. 46d. Saint: Ph., 1838. I'Oc Uauliinc ( W. J. M.) Manual of S. E. and otlier prime movers. L., 1870. -JSl). Sfaton (A. K.) Manual of Marine Engim ering : construction, work- ing, etc., of iiiarine machinery. L., 1391. '2c. Si->' alsi) >L\(iiixEi{Y : — MEfHAXics ; — Steam-IJdii.ek. Stebbing (Henry). The Ref'. -Jv. X. v., l8.-)2. 14d. Travel in Egypt, Aral.ia IVtrn'a. and Holv Land. -'v. N. V., 18-58. 38a. Travel in Yucatan. 2v. X. Y.. 184:?. 14d. Stephenson (Gec. Sterling (John, Aid. rh'n/i/n'an ami i/ramafiff, ISoO.'fJ^). Carli/f'' ('/'.) Life of J. S. B., J 851.' 421). Sterne (Laurence). AVorks. 4v. L., 1808. 42d. Works. Ph., 1864. 45,.. Stevens (Mr-<. Vau), — t'ormer/i/ Ros.s-Church. An Actre.ss's Love Str)ry. 2v. L., 18S8. -Jla! Stevenson (Kohert Louis). Across the Plains : with Other Memories and Essays. ^^ V., 1892, (ja. Contents: Across the Plains. Old Pacific Capital. Fonlainehleaii. Kpilogiie to "An Inland Voyage."' Random Memories. I.,antern-Bearers. On iJreanis. Beggars. Letter to a Young (ientlen.an. Pulvis et Uinhra. Chri.stnias Sermon. Familiar Studies of Men and liooks. N. Y., 1S89. 6a. Co»/f «/.<.• Hugo's Roniances. Some Aspects of Burns. Whitman. Thorean, his character and opinions. Voshida-Torajiro. Fran^-ois Villon, student, [loet, anu housebreaker. Charles of Orleans. Samuel Pepys. J. Knox and Women. Memo-' of FleemingJenkin (1833 85). X. Y., 1887. 6a. Memories and Portraits. (J'J.<.ia //■■<. J N. Y., 1890. 6a. Content X : Foreigner at Home. Some t^fdlege Memories. Old Mortality. A College Magazine. An Old Scottish (laidcner. I'astoial. The Manse. Memoirs of an Islet. Thomas Stevenson. Talk and Talkers. Character of Dog.s. ''Pen- ny Plain and Twopence Coloured." (Jossip on a Novel of Dumas's. Gossip on Koniance. A Humble Remonstrance. Virginihus Puerisque ; and Other Papers. X. Y., 1891. 6a. Content" : Virginihus Puerisque. Crabbed Age anil Youth. Apology for Idlers. Ordered South. .-Ks Triplex. Kl Dorado. English Admirals. 8on»e (278) STEVENSON STORY. J^TEVEXsox — Qnithiueih Portraits by Raeburn. Child's Play. Walking Toms. Pan's Pipes. Plea for (ias Lamps. For III" )iiiri'/.i, sei' FiCTlu.v. Stew&rd. ( Mr. •<. ) Tlio >rii.scai'eiilius, u le^'cnd uf tlio I'drtuuucso in India. 3v. L., 1839. 41 f. Stewart. S"'' Stuart. Stewart (Charles SaiiuK'l). Sdcictv in (heat lUitaiu ami Iiclaud. 2v. Ph., 1834. 411.. Stewart (David). Sketches of Character, ^[auners, \-c.. of Hij^hlaiiders of Scotland, with Military Service of Hi''hland Rej.'iment.'^. "Jv. Kdin., I.S-2-J. 4 Id. Stewart (Du^'ald). lliocrraphieal Memoirs of Adam Smith, W. KoViort- son, and T. Riid. Kdin., 1811. 4-Jg. Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Kdin., ItSl.s. 45h. Philosophy of Human Mind. I'v. L,18]8. 45c. Stewart (iJolx-rt). S'-<- Castlereagh (K., L"riiiafi.tf, 17S7-1S6J). Sfiick-mar (E., Imroii rou). Meinr.irs of Baron S. '2v. L., 187-. 17a. Xiitf. -" lieview of tlie political events in Europe, from 1814 to 1803, by one in tiu- confidence of the reigiung families of Helginm, Coburg, England, and Prussia," Stockton (Frank '//• Franei.=5 Kichanl). For Jiis irorfis, .sv*^ FicTiox. Stokes (Antli(.ny). Constitution of liritish C(.lonies in North America and West Indies, at time Civil War broke out ui America. L. , 1783. 401). Stokes (•!.) Caliiuet-maker and l'[)holstcrei'.s Companion. I'h., 1891. '2b. Stokes (dohn Lort). Di.scoveries in Australia, \c. I'v. L., 1846. 14b. Stone ( Mrn. Klizaheth). Chronicles of Fa.shion : English Society from time of Elizabeth. With fiiu plnte.i. '2\'. L., 184(i 44c. Stoney (H. P.utler). Victoi^ia ( AuMralia). L., 1856. 13d. Story (.loseph). J^xposition of Constitution of United States. B., 1840(1) 39b. Miscellaneous Writings. 15., 1835. 43g. Story of the Nations. Wifli mnnerouii U/usfrafiotix. 35v. L., al>ouf 1891- 93. la. Coiifevft : Alexander's Eiiipirc. J. P. MahatTy. Earl.v liritain. A. J. Church. Ancient Ejtypt. G, Rawlinson. Germany. S. B. Gould. Assyria. Z. A. Ragozin. Goths. H. Bradley. Australian Commonwealth. G. Tregarthen. Hansa Towns. H. Zimmern. Barbary Corsairs. S. L. t'oole. Holland. J. E. T. Koj^ers. Byzantine Empire. C. VV. C. Oman. Hungary. A. Vambery. Carthage. A. .J. Church. Ireland. E. Lawless. Chaldea. Z. A. Ragozin. Jews. J. K. Hosnier. (279) STORY STUART. Stuky ok the Nations — Coufinueil. .lews under Roman Kmpire. W. I). Morrison. Hortuifal. 11. M. Stephens. Media. Z. A. Ka;;ozin. Home. A. Oilman. .Mcdi;i'val I'rance. G. Masson. Kiissia. \V. K. .Morflll. .Mexico. S. Hale. Saracen". A. (iilman. Moors in Spain. S. L. Pooli,-. Scotland. J. .Mackintosh. Xornian-i. S. O. Jewett. Sicily. E. A. Kreeinan. I'arthia. G. K.-»wlin»oii. Switzerland. L. Hiii; li R. Stead. Persia. S. (J. W. Henjamin. Turkey. S. L. I'oole. Pha'nicia. O. Rawlinson. Tuscan Republics. B. Duffy. Poland. \V. R. .Mortill. Stoves. Scf Wauminc and Ventilation. Stow (I)iivi(l). Tiiiiiiiiiv .System of Kducatioii. Kdin., l(S4r). 46(1. Stowe (MiK. Harriet Klizaljcth), — we Beecher. Aj,'iie.s of Soncnto. t. ,r. '2:if. yicn of Our Our Tinio,-*, 9.J-1. Lives of Queens of Scotland, and English Princesses connected with Regal .Succession of (ireat Hritain. 8v. X. V., 1851. 01). C'ou/enfx : v. 1. Maruaret Tudor, (jueen of James IV.; Magdalene of France, 1st (ju. of James V. ; Maij- of Loi-raine, "ind (|U. of .lau-es V. 2. .Mary of Lorraine; Latly Margaret Douglass; Countess of Lennox. 3-7. Mary, Queen of .Scots. 8. Elizabeth Stuart, (|U. of Hohemia ; .Sophia, electress of Hanover. Lives of Tudor Princesses, including Ladv Jane (irav and her .sisters. L., 1868. ill). Contents: Mary Tudor, wife of Louis XII. of France, and of Duke of .Suffolk. Lady Jane (iray and her sisters. I^ady Kleanor Brandon, Countess of Cumberland. F^ady Margaret Cliffoi d. Arabella .Stuart. Pilgrims of "Walsinghani : historical romance. X. V., ?i. if. 23f. Strickland (Mai. Samuel). Twenty-seven Years in Canada West. 2v. L., 18.-):). 4 Id. Strutt ( Jo.seph). Sports and Pastimes of Peonle of England. L., 1810- 4-2g. Stuart. See nl<(, Stewart. Stuart (House of). Xnhle (M.) Historical Genealogy of Royal House of 8. L , 1796. 4%. (280) STUART SWEDEN. Stuart (Jaiuos). Three Voais in Xortli AiiRMica. '2v. ¥A'\n., 1833. 37a. Subaltern in America ; comjjrisin^' campaigns (if Uritisli Arniv at iJaltimore, Washington. I've. F'li.. 18.33. 27a. Sue (-^laiie Jn^^(■l•ll, «•(ralif (F.) (Ireat Canal at Sue/, iv. L., 1876. 16e. Suffolk (Henrietta, CuHnt':s.-< of),- n<'<' Hobart. Letters t" ami fnim the ("ountess of Suffolk, and her second hiishand, Hon. (leorge Berkeley, 171'iti7. '-'v. 1'., 1S24. 4.V. Sulivan (Cieurge Lyilianl). Dliow Chasing in Zanziljar AVaters. L., 1H73. 14d. Xoti . — .Suppression of slave trade. Sur.i.iVAN (James, i>f M(i.«a'-/iu.-!). lOd. Sully (Maximihen de rx'tluine. Dm- de, Fniirh sn/'/ier anil sf((fixiiiaii, I'liiii-lO.'fl ). .Meinoiis ; with trial of Francis Ravaillac for nuirder of Henry the (ireat. .'iv. Kdin., 1S1!>. i'id. Sun (Adventures in the). Scv Whiting (S.) " Sunheam " (The). >V,. BraSSey (Lady). Sunday at Home. 1873 (in l' yU.) L., 1873. 34g. Sn'EUioK (Lake). Aijax.-'i:: ( L. ,/. R.) Lake Superior, its physical iliarac- ter, vegetation, am"' animals. 15., 18.")(). 4()C. SuPEHsTiTioNs. lh-mi'l(J.) Popular .Anti(|uities : origin of customs, super- stitions, .tc. -iv. L, IS13. 4-.>g. Hfi- alxii .\ri'Ai'.iTioxs ; — Demoxouhiy ;— Spihitlai.ism. Surgery. Awlrnr (T.) Cyclopedia of Domestii- .Meilicinc and S. Glas- gow, 184."). 47c. .svv alxd Anatomy ; — MEnniNE ; -I'iiysioi.ocy. Surtees (Kol)ert Smith), — "Mr. -John dorrocks," [i.l" (\V.\M.) Treatise on S. X. V., 1892. 2c. Swain (.Joseph). liedem]>tioM : a poem. N. V., 1827. 4")c. Swainson (William), ^'atural History and Classification of (^)uailrupails. (.., 183.-). •_'8a. Natmal History of Fishes, Amphihians, ami Reptiles. 2v. L., 1838. 44a. New Zealand. L., I8r,9. 13d. IJu,'li'-af>', .:u,1. Preliminary Discourse on Study of Natural History. ( iMnhurx Cii- dop.) L, 1834. 2.-)a. Sweden. InqUx (H. D.) Journey through Norway, part of S., tvc. ',., 18.37. ' 391). Laiwi fS.) Tour in S., 1838. L., 1839. 40e. JJoi/'f(L.) Pea.sant Life in S. L., 1870. 13(1. Northern Circuit, or brief notes of S., Finland, ami Russia. Cambridge, lS()-2. 28a. ' Ffeifer (I.) Journey to Iceland, and Travels in S. and Norway. N. v., 18;V2. 12e. " „ „ -^ Twilw (B.) Northern Travels : S., Denmark, eh: N. \ ., ISaS. 45a. (281) SWEDEXUOIKJ SYUIA. Swedenborg (HinaniU'l). TnieClinstiiUi licli^'iim. 2v. in 1. I.., 1781. 4L'g. Swift ('loimtlian, ili'itii of St. Pttfrir/:\-<, E)iii. mtiri>'t, jioH, rfr., ir,i;;'-17.','> )■ Works 2v. L., 1843. 4()f. Fin:'r(J.) Lif.- of S. v. I ( ItifiT-lTl 1 ). L., IS?.-). lOo. Swiss Family Koliiiisoii. .SV*- WySS (-F. K. von). Switzerland. lin'mi'i- ( F.) Two Years in S. and Italy. -'v. L., 18()1. ISe. Ca/'/'T (S. J.) Shores and Cities of the lioden See : lanililos in li^TO- 80. L., 1881. II.. Xo/< . — Lake of ("oiistiince anil it.s vicinity^ Caruf (J.) Letters from S. and Italy. Aw>ii. ),\. L, 1834. :57a. Chaminieii (K. W.) Three Vassar dirls in S. r..'(18!»0). le. Cotta^'es of the Alp.s, or life and manners in S. I>y a Lady. 2v. L., IStJO. I3ii. Dariix (J.) First Impressions: letters from Franee, S., and Savoy, 18.33-4. !.., \m7>. 4r,;i. IMwavl (S. IK) Villa^'o Life in S. L., ISr.."). l;?d. Dixon (W.H.J Tile Switzei.^. L., LS72. l.'y an American. l*t. 2. 2v. in I. Ph., 183«. 41a. Wihou (J.) History of S. Attoii. { Lai'il ui' r >( Cii'-loi'.) L., 1832. 25tt. See nlxo Am's. Sydenham (Charles Edward I'oulett Thomi'sox, Baton, xfatifunatt, 17'iO- IS.'fl). ScropefCr. f'.J Life of Lord S., with Narrative of his Administra- tion in Canada. L., 184.S. 12d. JJii/)/i (d. W.) Howadji in S. N. Y., 1852. 441.. Fa/k/and (A., viscou)ites>f). Chow-Chow : journal kept in India, Egypt, and S. 2v. L., 1857. 14b. Hunter ( W. P.J Expedition to S. under Admiral Stopford. 2v. L., 1842. 40c. (282) SYRIA TASTE. Syhia — C'liifiiine'f. Krihi ( \V. K.) Syiiii mill Holy Land. L., /^ -/. ir.,.. MonnifV.) SMiiiincr IJaiiililc in S., tVc. I'v. L., IS.S."). ;j!)o. Nafiifi-fK.) KcminiHci-nccs of S., etc. I'v. I,., 1843. 41e. Piiftiv (J. L ) (".iaiit C-'itit'S of iJashan, ainl Syria's Ilnlv I'laces. L., 187;i 7ii. Viihieii (C. F. ('. '!>). Trav.-lstiirougli S aiiilKuvpt. I'v. L, 1787. 301). Sw alio Lev.vm ; 1'ai,k.sti.\k; rAi.Mvi!.\. Table Talk. Coknihi,- (S. T.) T. T. of C. L.. ls:?r). 171>. Hadiif (W.) Tai.l.- Talk. L>n(l Series, "iv. in 1. X. V., iSla. l.")!). l{<)ij> rs ( ^.) liccollci'tinns of T. T. of Kogcis ; to wlncli is aiMcd I'or- .ifniiiiiui. N. v., 18.")(). l.")l). Tabor (Kli/.a). Fur her tmnla, sfi' Fktion. Tacitus (("ornciins). Works, r^/. .\rtli\ir Miimliv. Sv. in 4. L., 1811. 43f. Tagart (Kdwanl). Memoir of ('ajit. llcywucMl. L., ls3-_\ 43(1. Taine (llipi>olvte Adolphc). Historv of Knylish Literature. ,\. V., 1879. '2A. .Vo/f. Reviewed in Eillii. AVc, v. 121, 186."> ; ll'isfmuisfn- Ihr., v. 81, 18(j4, anil v. 83, 1865. Tail's Kdinlinri^di Maj,'azine, v. 1") •_'7. IJound in •24\. Kdin., 1848-00. 34;j;. Talbot ((/atherini'). Letters l)et\veen .Mrs. K. (.'alter and Miss Talliot 3v. L., 1S1!». 43e. Tiilo.s of an .Vntiijiiai'V, eliietly illustrative of inanners, traditions, and re- niiirkciMe localities of .\neient Loiiiloii. Hy autiior of " Cli'-oiucles of Loiulon liri.ljie." .-{v. L., 1844. •_'71). Talfourd (Thomas Xonn). ("ritieal and Misccdlancous Es.say.s. (Moihrii liri/ish Essai/is/.y, V. 7.) rii.,1846. 'JOe. Critical and Miscellaneous Writing!*, ^v. N. V., 18G4. 40f. Ion : a tra<;i'dv. L., 1837. l^c. Vacation Kanihles and Tliou.ulits, 1S41-43. L., 184-"). 46a. Tallack (William). Penolouieal mid Preventive Principles with special reference to Kurope and America. L. , 188(1. "id. Talleyrand de pEHKionK (Cliarles yhniruc, Fr. ifij)/iiiiiafi-''. X. Y., 1860. 13c. A'isit to India, China, and Japan. X. Y., 1855. 14(«. Saini'. X. Y., 185!1. 45a For Ill's franslafion of" Faust," .-re Goethe (•'. W. von). Taylor (Fennings). Portraits ..f British Americans, hy \V. Xotman ; with Biographical SketcliL-s l)y V. Taylor. 3v. Montreal, 18()5 08. I'ic. yote. — Photographs with text. Taylor (Isaac). Faniticism. .1/?^//. L., 1833. 40c. Loyola ; and desuitism in its rudiments. L., 1S49. 46c. Xatural History of Enthu.siasm. Auon. L., 1831. 46c. Saturday Evening. Anon. L., 1832. 45li. Taylor (Jeremv, AXv- /'/•-/'"/', I<'>l->-i'>7 ). Hth'r ( 11.) Life of T. f. w. L., 1824('?) 4()!i. Taylor (Ricliard Cowling), statistics of C-.al. Ph., 1848. 47a. Taylor (Thomas). Food Products, l-3(Edilile an•/ Banm). Life, Writings, ami Cories- poudence of Sir William Jones. U . 1815. 481). Telki^copes. Se>' Astronomy. Tempekan'ce and Intkmi'ekaxce. Infeniatintia/ Tenqieraure cnul Prdliiliifinn Convention. Proceedings, ed. J. C. Street, & others. L. , ISG'2. 45l>. Lef.^■ ( F. R.) ArgiiiiK'iit for Legislative Proliiliitiou of Liquor Trattic. (Barktd "A/liancc Prizt Es..4e'/ (F. L.) Journey through T. X. Y., 1857. 411). Prairiedom : rambles and scrambles in T. l)y a Suthron (xirj. X. Y., 184.\ Tie. Thacher (James). History of Town of Plymouth, with History of Aborigines of New Kiigliind. B., 1835. 391). Thackeray (William Makepeace). Early and Late Papers, hitherto un- collected. B., 1867. '24d. Four (leorges (The). (G>'<,riie I-IV. <>/ Ewilawh) X. Y., 1862. 9b. Irish Sketch-Book. By " >Lr. ^l. A. Titmarsh." 2v. L., 1843. 43c Paris Sketch I5ook ; Irish Sketch Book ; and Xotes on Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. L., 1872. 24d. (285) THACKERAY THEOLOGY. TuAC KEn A Y — Cant in uetf. Roundabout Papers ; the Four ( Joorgcs ; English Humourists; Second Funeral of Xapoleon. L., 1872. 24(1. For lii-i Uort^/s, ai'f' Fk TIOX. Thackrah. (Charles Turner). KH'ects of Arts, Trades, an/ira/c; 40(1. Sf'f (il-<(> Enci.ani). Theism. Thowpxon ( li. A.) Christian T. N. Y., IS").'). 4.^)h. Sc <(J-«) TnE()i.()(;v. THEoi.ociY. liaxftr (li.) .Saints' Rest. L., 18.31. 44a. Bewen (T.) Restoration of Primitive Christianity. L., 1793. 44a. BeecJter ( H. W. ) New .Star Papers, or views and e.xperieiues of religious siihject.s. N. V., IH/)!). 17<1. Diip/irati-, ^JJa. Braitlnrdifr ( }{. T.) Esse and Posse : (•(luiparisdu of ilivine eternal laws and powers a.s sex'erally indicated in fact, faith, and lecord. L., 1872. 17e. CuiiimiiKj (J.) Chureii before the Flood. ]>., lS.j3. 441). Fiom Patmos to Paradise, or light on the past, the present, and the future. Kdin., 1S73. 17e. Ih' ' La. Saint Indeed. L., it. iL (ycent.) 441). Grotiii''(H.) Truth of Christian Religion. Oxford, 1823. 44e. Haiiiiltoii ( E.) Formation of Religious and Moral I'liiiciple. 2v. !>., 1814. 2Sa. Harris (J.) The (Ireat Teacher : characteristics of (Jur Lords Minis- try. L , 1S40. 4.')!). Jwk.2. 40g. Lectures on Ev'dcui'cs of Revealed Religion. P.y Ministers of E^tal)- lislied Church in (ilasgow. (Uasgow, 183S. 4.")a. Litera? Sacra', or Moral I'hilosophy and Scriptural Clnistianitv com- pared. L., 1823. 44d. Mi// (J. S.) Nature, the Utility of Religion, ami Theism. L., 1874. 2(la. Mi/)i>-r (J.) History of Church of Christ. A/un/>/e. (Miscellaneous Treatises) : 1. S/ier/or/,- (T.J Trial of Witn(?s.ses of Resurrection of .Iesu.s ; 2. Willtfi-'nn ( H.) Two Apologies: for Christianitv (anil) the IJihle. L ^ 18-_'(». 44d. " "'' ]]'i/h('/-/(iri->' (iS., ///.•. 17e. Sei' ahn Atheism : — Baitism ; — Bihi.k ; — Dkism ; -Jesu^ Chui.st • — MiNISTKKS AMiTIlK MiMSTKY ;— N.ATL KAL TlIKOUMJY ;— RkFOR.MATION ;- RKr.KMoNs : Skkmons ; Socimanism ; -Thkism. a/so L'luKi ir of Eng- land ; — Roman Cathomcism ; - and tin na/nrs ofothir il'iio/ninutions. TuEosoi'iiv. Introduction to T., or Science of the Mystery of Christ, v. 1 (roinpl'li In ilsilf). L., (IS.")4'r) 4(ia. Xotes and Materials foi- I'.iograjihv of the theosojdier, William Law off L., 1854. 44 f. ' ' AV'.— Printed for private circulation, (^orreeted l>y the pen throughout probahly hy the author. Thierry (Augii>tin). Historical Essays puhlislied unih-r the title of " Dix Ans d'Ktudes Histori(jues,' and Narratives of Merovingian Era Ph , lS4ri. l(»h. Dtiplirnle, 37a. Thiers (Louis Adolphe). History of Consulate and Plmpire of P^'ance under Nai)oleon. ICv. (1790-1813.1 L., 184r)-ri8. lHa. A'o''. — A sequel to ids " History of tlie Revolution." Historv of Ereiich Revolution. (To 1799.) //■. E. Sholjcrl. 5v. L 18.38. lOa. ■' Saim: V. ;?-4. Ph., 1840. 10c. Things Xew ,ind ( >lil in Religion, Science, and Literature. L., 18.-)7. 17e. Things not (ieinnally Known. See Wells (I>. A.) Thirlwall (Coniiop, ///.s7/'7<). lli.storv of (Jreece. 8v. L., l,s.3.~) '^.5,^ Sa//,e. 2v. X. Y., 18G0. 8e. (•287) TH I RLWALL TICK N'OR, Thirl WALL — Cotifhiued. Remains, literary and theolofjical. v. 1-2. L., 1877. lod. Contentf- v. 1. Charges delivered between 1842-60; v. 2. Charges de- livered between 18f).S-72. Thistlethwayte (Mix. V.) MiMiioii'>< ami Correspondonce of (licr father) Dr. H. lUthurst. L., 1853. 43b. Thomas (Annie). Si'e Cudlip (Mr.s. P.) in Fiction. Thomas (John J.) Anicri(;an Kiuit Cnltiirist. Anbiirn, 1850. 47c. Thompson (Edwnnl P.) Austria. L., 1849. 13e. Thompson (Kohort Anchor). Christian Tlieisni. X. Y., 18.")5. 4.")1>. Thompson (Silvanus riiillii)s). Dynanio-Klectric Machinery : manual tor students of Klectrotechiiics. L., 1892. 2b. Thompson (Waddy). Recolk'ction.>< of Mexico. X. Y. it L., 1846. 40e. Thomson (Mrx. AnUiony Todd). See Thomson {Mrx. K. B.) Thomson (Arthur S.) Story of New Zealand, v. 2. /. //•. (L., 1859?) 12e. Thomson (dame.*). The Sea.sons. L., 1814. Works {/>(>'-ti,-a/) of Cowper and T. Ph., 18G0. 19d Thomson (John). Univer.sal Gazetteer. Edin., 1845. 43g. Thomson (Mr^. Katherine IJyerley, iri/f of Aiif/ion;/ Toif'/j. Life and Times of Duke of Buckingham. 3v. L. , I860. lOe. Memoirs of Court of Henry VIII. 2v. L., 1826. 7d. AVits and Beaux of Society. By "(Irace and Piiilip AVliarton" {pxfud.) 2v. L., 18i)0C;) 15b. Note. — For coiifirtif'i, sec Biockaphv. Thomson (Kohert Duntlas). Researches on Food of Animals and fatten- ing of cattle. X. Y.. 184G. 47a. Thomson (Thomas). Progre.'is of Physical Science. \y. n. t. 47b. Thorburn ((irant, 177-l-lS6-i). Forty Years' Residenc-c in America : or doctrine of particular providence exem])lified in life of 0. Thorburn, seedsman, New \'ork. By himself. B. , 1834. 28a. Lawrie Todd : Life and \Yritings ftf G. Tliorhiii'ii. By himself. X. Y., 1852. 42c. Thornton (Robert Jolin). Elements of Botany. 2v. Wifli jilnic^. L, 1812. 47c. Thrale (Mr.^. H. L.) S'-e Piozzi (M):-<. H. L.) Thrift. S'v Smiles (S.) Thucydides. History (of Pelopoiniesian War). //•. S. T. Bloomfield. 3 v. L., 1829. 18b. Thursfield (J. E.) Peel. L, 1893. 2a. Thurston (Ro])ert Henry). Manual of Steam-Boilers. X'. Y., 1892. 2c. Ticknor (George, Adi. ■•^rhohir aii('. Y., 1845. 24a. ' Jmlah's Lion. X. Y., 1S47. 24a. Letters from Ireland, 1837. L., 1838. 411). Personal Recollections. X. Y., 1847. 24a. Ridley, Latimer, Crannier, and other Knglish Martyrs. X. Y., 1844. •24a. Took.e (.John Home). 'V-m llrf/»;f rrri, or the 1 )iversions of Parley. 2v4 L , lH-2!>. 4G(1. Tooke (William). Life of Catharine II. of Russia. Amm. 3v. L., 17iH). !»e. Russian Kmpire during reign of Catharine II., and to close of 18th century. 3v. L., lS(Mt. Sc. Torrens (Rol)ert). Inthience of External Corn Trade upon Xational Wealth. L., 18-2(t. 4Sa. Tourgee (Alhion Wine^ar). Button's Inn, .Vo/y/. B., 1887. 6e. Tout (T. F.) Edward L L.. 1893. 2a. TowEU OK London. Dixon (W. H.) Her Majesty's Tower. X. Y., 18G9. 40f. Towle ((ieorge ^lakepeace). England in F^gypt. B., 1886. 40f. TowxLEY (iAi.LKKY, British Museum. ^V" Scui.ituue. To\OTlSend (William Charles). Modern State Trials; with Xotes, X'c. •2v. ],., 18r>(). -281). ToWHShend (Frederick Trench). Cruise in Greek Waters with Excur^ sioii ill Tunis, 1809-70. L., 1S7<>. loe. Tkaoe. ook on Eastern Question : recent view of T. L., 187(5. 14d. Chexneii (F. Ji.J Rus.so-Turkish Campaigns, 1828-9. X. Y., 1854. 43a. Crea'^i/ (Sir E. S.J History of ( )ttonian Turks. 2y. L., 1854. 8c. Xote. — Chiefly founded on Yon Hammer. Danultian Principalities, the Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk. By a British Resident of 20 Years in the East. 2v. L., 1854. 13d. Eton (W.) Suryey of Turki.«h Empire. L., 1809. 40d. Harvetj (Mrx. A. J.) Turkish Harems, etr. L., 1871. 13e. Hohlioiine (J. C.) Journey through Albania, and other j>royinces of T. -in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, 1809-10. (With, coloured plates. ) 2v. L., 1813. 3i)g. MarFarlane (C.) T. and its destiny. 2v. Ph., 1850. 41b. Madden (R. R.) Travels in T., Egypt, iVc. 2y. L., 1833. 40c. Olirier (G. A.) Travels in Ottoman Empire, Egypt, &c. 2y. L., 1801. 40e. PolHn;/t(in (J. C. G., riarount ). Half round the Old World : tour in Russia, T., &c., 1865-66. L., 1867. 13e. Poole (S. L.) 4- others. Turkey. ( Hi4ori<-al.) L., 1891. la. Ranke (L.J (3ttoman and Spanish Empires, in 16th and 17th cen- tuiies. Ph., 1845. 43g. Slade (A.) T., Greece, &c. (1834-36.) 2y. L., 1837. 10b. (291) TURKEY TYTLER. Turkey — Contimieil. - Temple ( Sir G.) Travels in (im-cc aiulT., etc. -Jv. L., 1843. 38a. YiiHUii (M.) Oiir ("ami) in T., and the way to it. L., 1854. 14(1. Sp" alxii A.siA MiNuK ; -l)Li.t;AKi.\ ; — C<>.n«tanti.\uim,e ; — Ciumeax War ; — East ;— Levant. Turnbull (I'avi(l). Travels in tiic West: Cnl)a, with notiees of Porto Rico, iui.l tlie.Sliive Trade. • L., 184(». 14a. Turner (Kdwanl). Klements uf Chemistiy. L., 1833. 471>. Turner (•lolm Malloul William). Kivers of Kranee : tin; Loire. ( Xit/nn-oii-i fill! iiii/rnrliii/s aftir dni>riii., 18i'."). 37e. Hi>tory of Reigns of Kduard VI., >Iiuy, and Klizalxth. v. 3-4. L., 1829. '.ilc. History of Keign of Henry A'lII. 2v. L., 1827. 7e. Sacred History of the World. 3 v. L., 1833-37. 20a. TuRXi.vo, AXi) THE Lathe. Turner's Conipanion. Pli , 1886. 2d. Tu?J ll'e Tuscan Kepidilies —Florence, Sjena, I'isa, and Lueca---witli (lenoa. ( Hlilorirul. ) L. , 1802. la. Tuthill f'^V/.-'. Louise Caroline). Histirv of Areliitecture, with Hiograpliv of Architects. Ph., 1848. 28(1. Succes.^ in Life : the Lawer, the Mechanic, the Merchant. 3v. N. Y., 18.-)(l-.')2. 43,1. Twain (Mark), i,.-r Clemens (s. L.) Tweeiidale. I'l^nnf'i-nil,- (A.) Works, containing Description of T., I'^'C. Leith. 181."). 4.3.1. Twelve English Statesmen. .SV-c JJiooitAi'iiY : Knglish Statesmen ( ji. .t7 ). Twelve Years' Militarv .\dventure in three-quarters of tin- Globe, 1802-14 V. 2. X. v., rs2'J. 28ii. Twining (Elizabeth). Short Lectures on Plants. L., 18.~)8. 44d. Twiss (Francis). Complete Verlial Index to Plavs of Shaks[iearc. 2v. b., 1805. 18a. Twiss (Horace), i.ife of Lord Chancellor l^don. 2v. Ph., 1844. I2c. Tyndall (John). Fragments (jf Science : essay.s, addresses, and reviews. 2v. L., 1S92. 2.1. Heat, a mode of m.ition. L., 1.';'92. 2d. New Fragments. L., 1892. 2d. TvRor.. Barrow (J.) Tour in Austrian Lonibardy, the Northern T., and Bavaria. 184U. L., 1841. 41c. Eihranh (A. B.) Untrodden Peaks and T'nfrequented Valleys. L., 1873. 13e. See aho Ai.i's ; — Austria. Tytler (Alexander Eraser). Elements of General HLstory. 2v. L., 182L 38e. Same. v. 3. Being a contiiuiation by F^dward Nares. L., 1824. 38c. (292) TYILEll IXITF.l). Tytier (I'i>tii.k Fiasci). History of Siotlan.l. 9v. K.liii., l828-4;<. 7c. Lifi" oi the Ailiiiiiiil)l<' Crichtou. Kdiii., lf<2:}. 4-Ja. Life (.f Sir W. Kal.'iirli, Xr. Ediu., \8X\. 2Sii. Tytler (Sarah). Kooti>riiits : natun- sei'ii on its lniinan side. L., 18S1. U:. Houseful of (lirb. L., ISS't. 21a. tJncle Tom's Cabin. ^f C'oUiurn's l.'nited Service Maf,'azine. United Statk« ok A.mkhica. [Si'e al'^n Amkuha ;— .Vmi.:i' (a. 11'. F., earl »f). Travels in America. N Y., 1851. 461.. l)irh'm(l\) American Notes. L., 1868. 2.3a. Dixou (J.) Tour through part of U. S. and C'anada ; with notices of Metliii(lisiH in Americii. X., Y., 184!). 1.51). l)i.r„n(W. H.) New America. Ph., 1867. 1.3].. " Dunran (Mr».) America as I found it. I5y the Mother of ^lary Lundie Duncan. N. V., 1852. 411). Feaf/i('r.-r)ie (N ) Passages from American Note-liook. (18.35-53.) B. n. d. 4h. Irrinf/ (W.) .\storia, or Anecdotes of an ?'nterprise beyoml the Rocky .Mountains. 2v. t. w., 183ns, *c. (flhii-hooi:) \Yasli., iV'.Hl. 42c. (JuxpU'ii (\V. a.) Statistics ami Political Institiition.s of U. S. Ph., i!*;}}. 4tif. (Pamphlets, iiKjstly iMiinii>nitant. iflatiii^' t<> insurance in V. S., Ihir- vaul University [reports], cultivation of Toliaccf) in C S , survey cif Poto- mac River, Mass. .State I'rison, I'tc, i\:c. ) .'^v. /•. ;*. , *■. d. 47c. Stonj (J.) Kx|>o.sition nf Constitution of r. S. P,., 1840(.0 :i91). Tanner (H. S.j Description of (.'anals imil Kaihoails of l'. iS. N. Y., 1840. 4b'c. UpI'EH Ca.NADA. .SVf- UXTAKIO. Ure (Andrew). Dictionary of Ciicniistry and Mincraloj.'y. L., 18.31. 47c. Urquhart (l)avid). .spirit of the Ka.st : travels throngli Uoiinieli. L'v. Ph., 1839. 46b. ^ , Useful Ains. Sre Arts (I'scfid). Utah. Boutrii-k (J.) The Mormons, iind the Silver Mines. L., 1872. 1,'Ja. Utopias. Bfllmmi (E.) Lookinj,' Packward, 2000-1887. L,w. //. Ge. Afure (Sir T.) Utopia. 2 v. L., 1808. 42a. See al.i() (icjverx.me.vt ; — Political Ecoxomv. "Vambery (Arminius). IlunLrary. P., 181)0. la. Travels in Central Asia. P., 1864. 4 Id. Same. X. Y., I860. 38e. Van Buke.n (Martin, Sth Pr>xi,fp„f, V. S., JSJ7-40- Marlmzie (W. L.) LifeofYanB. B., 1840. 4-2a. Vancouver's Islaxh. Martin (R. M.) Hudson's Pav Territories and Y. I. L., 1S4!). 39(1. Variation of Animals and Plants under 1 )omestication. See Darwin (C. U.) Varnishing. Painter, Gihler, and Varnislier's Companion. Ph., 1892. 2d- Vaux (AV. S. W.) Nineveli and Persepolis. P., 1851. 44b. A^EGA Carpio (Lope Feli.x de, Sj). jioef, I'jtJJ-lH.loJ. Hof/and (11. It, lord). Life anil Writings of L. F. de Yega Carpio, anil Uuillen de Castro. •2v. L., 1817. 41b. Venezuela. Eaxtn-irh (E. B.) Venezuela. P., 1868. 13e. Verne (dnles). For hix riimance.'i, xee Fktiox. Vestiges of Natural History of Creation. «SV" Chambers (R.) Veterinary Medicine. Blaiyw ( D.) Canine Pathology. P., 1817. 45d. Clater (F.) p:very Man his own Cattle Doctor. L., 1817. 48c. Jenninijs (R.) Cattle and their Di.«ease.«i. Ph., 1890. 21). See alxo Cattle;— Dog ;— Horse. (296) VICA RS V« )Y A( iKS. VicAHs /CWy/. llcdlcy, ISJO-o/;). Mnr.-' ni\ ai-h-iip- rainii lo Xfi 1,1,1, on, >fr., 177. '18^7). KecoUeotioiis. -Jv L., 1H38 3!»1). \icvyn\\\ (-,n nf (iinil liritaiit ij- Inlaml, h. ]S1U). /!ii'-/:in;ilitiiit amf ChtunloH ( /,'. r. T. -V. li. C. (Irntfillc. rind diiki of). Meiiioiis of Coiuts " ami ('iil)ii)et.s f)f William IV. iiiid Victui in. '1\\ L., IStU. {II). I'^nly Voar.s of I'liiicc ( 'Diismt. ("iiiii|pilc.l uikIit diicctioii of Her Aliijesty, l.y Hon. C. (iiey. N. V.,1S«7. Oc. VicToKiA, Australia. K. .S,S;,. Mere>/it/i ( L. A.) Over the Straits : visit to V. L., ISGl. VM: Sf'!i(I[. li.) Vi.toiia. i-., ISnO. 1:5.1 Victoria, the iJritisli " Kl Dorado.'' or McUiounic in l^G'J. l!y a t'oloiiist i.f '20 Vears" .Standing. L., 1870. 13a. Sfp ahi, Al'sti?ai.ia. Vidal (-'//w. K. ) F.orciico T«'iiii.lar. J,v. L.. lsr,L>. L>:5a. "VidOCq (Kii;,'t''ii<' Fraiirois, Fr. ili'tei'tir,', /7/".7-/,S'.7;/ Memoirs ..f V. Uy liim.-llni,e (F.) V. and tliu Aitstrians. l>v. in 1. L., 183S. .S8b. Vigne (('odtivy T.) Six Months in Aiiicrica. 2v. L., lf>:^2. 31)1). ViKiNfi.s. Ihi Chain n ( /'. li.) The Viking .-Xltc : history, manners, and customs of ancestors of KngliHJi-spevking iiiitions. 'Jv. L. , 1880. If. Villiers (Ceor-^'e). Sre Buckingham ( Dul," of). Vmui.MA. J''!f',r.- (J.) Philo.-^otdiy uf Hiimaii V. Ph., 1833. 4.5c. Smir Ph., 18.-39. ' 44e. St'<^ alxi) AxATdMY ; — Physfoi.ocy. "Volney (<''.f von, ))ii.j/ai/(s to, aiiil tracrl.-- /lartirn/ar roimlrie-t and places, see (he names of those places. Bt'auroir ( L., man/uix l>. Elwe:i(R.) A Sketcher's Tour round the World. L., 1854. 14d. Fitr. Roij ( R.) Cs t)tln'r.<. Surveying A'oyages of H. M. S. '• Adventure"' and '"' Beagle,' 1826-36. 3v. aiid Appendix to v. 2. L., 1839. A-'a. Harr/.a (J.) Xavigantium atrpie Itinerantinm Bil)liotheca, or collec- tion of Voyages and Travels. L., 1744. 47g. Hohiian (J.) Travels in China, New Zealand, New South Wales, Van Diemans Land, Cape Horn, &c. L., 1S40. 39e. Travels in ^ladeira. Sierra Leone, TeneriHe, St. Jago, Cape Coast, Fernando Po, Princes Island, &c. L. , 1840. 14b. Travels in Madras, Cevlon, Mauritiu.-^, Cormoro Islands, Zanzibar, Calcutta, (fee. L., 1840. ' 14h. H'lin'.tnii (J.) Foreign Scenes and Travelling Recreations. 2v. in 1. Ed in., 1834. 40b. Kufr.eliue (O. run). New Voyage rou.id the World, 1823-26. 2v. L., 18.30. 40a. Ma.riniilian I. Recollections of My Life. (Travels.) 3v. L., 1868. 16a. Note. — For ronfeiits, see author-entry. Milii'^rfJ.) cy Bri'-rh/ (0.) Cruise of H. M. S. "Galatea," Capt H. R. H. Duke of Edinburgh, in 1S67-6S. L., 1869. 13c. Over the Ocean, or glimpses of travel in many lands. Bv a Liidy of New York. X. Y."^ 1846. 28a. Same. t. ir. 41a. Fo'-k (G. W.) Melbourne, and Cliincha Islands; with Sketches of Lima, and Voyage round \Vorld. X. Y. , 1854. 28a. (298) VOYAGES WALLEY. Voyages and Travels — Continued. Pfeiffer(I.) Lady's Voyages rouiul the World. X. Y., 1852. 17b. Sala (G. A.) Under the Sun : essays mainly written in hot countries. L., 1872. 16e. Simpson (Sir G.) Round the World, 1841-42. 2v. L., 1847. 41b. Spahlin;/il/ii/ (J.) (Britannia, or illustration of England and W. by a geograpiiical an. Walpole (Horatio, LoM, Ewi. 'fip/onuif/'sf, lUiS-lT-'ti^). C'uv (W.) Memoiis of Lord Walpolt, selected from his papers. aiieit. ]7,-<4-lS'i'.l). Ajipoal from Jiulj,'m('iits of (ireat liritain lespecting the United States. L. ,I6'2I>. 471>. Walton (Iziiak). Live.s of Donne. Wotton, Hooker, Herltert, and Sander- son. L., IS-.'o. 4-2a. . and Cotton (C.) Complete An^ylei. L., IF. Co/^ u. <1. 28a. Walton (William). Tlie Alpaca : its naturalization in IJrltish Isle.s. K.lin. & L., lS!t4. '2.Sa. Warburton (Eliot Uartholomew neor,i;e). Cre.'^cent and the Cross, or romance and realities of Eastern Travel. '2\-. L., 184ri. 17a. Sa>,»: 2v. X. Y., 1845. 41e. Warhurton (' leorge). Comiuest of Canada. Bv author of *' lIoehela!.;a." •2v. L., 185(». Hia. ]>npllc\ti> , 41d. Hoelielaya, or England in the New World. ('J'rKrel.J Anon. 2 pt.-;. in Iv X. Y., lS4fi. 13l>. Ward (//"«. J/,-,s. M.) The Telescope. L., 1870. 17c. Xrilc. — Particularly notices objects wliic'. may he observed with a small telescope. W"ardlaw (Kalph). I'rincipal Points of Socinian Controversy. Glasgow, 1814. 44c. Ward (Rol)ert Plumer). Historical Essay on the Kevolutioii of 1G88. 2v. L., J8.S8. 41e. Hlustrations of Human Life. IJv author of " Tremaine "' 3v. L.. 1837. 28b. Ware (AYilliam). Julian, or Scenes in Judea. By author of Letters from Palmyra and Rome. Kdin., 1843. 43g. Noti-. — .An historical romance. Warland (John H.) The Plume, a tuft of literary feathers. (P.xtri/ an>I prosfi.J B.. 1847. 19a. Warming anh Yentii,.\ti()N. Hooif (C.) Warming Buildings liy Hot Water, and Heat and Heating Appliances in (General ; witli Ventilation, &c. L., 1891. 2c. Theory and Prai'tice of AY. and Y., with discriptions of stoves, grates, furnaces, etc. By an Engineer. L. , 1825. 47a. Warner (Anna). P.Iue Flag ami Cloth of Gold. (rhif''r>^n'.-^ .' Fictiox. Ah-J. 6e. (300) \VA RTOX WEBSTER. Warton (-lolin). Dcath-luMl ScciK's, and ra.stdnil Coiivfisatioiis. Amm. 3v. L., 18.S0. 43a. Warton (TlKunn-i). llistoiv of Eii/fi)f, U. S. A., U-iU-UU). Lrtters to Sir -• .loliii Sinclair on Agriculturiil au. Marsha// (J.) l.ifr of W. -Jv. L., 1S04. KM. I)>i/Jira/>'. 3v. ? 4-.'f. Sf' alsii lii.4!tri':s iif /In' I'mikh Statk;?. AVater-\V(ii:ks. Ma/Z/nics (W.) Hytlranlia : aciount of waterworks of London, I 'c. \..^ 1S85. 4()il. Waterf.uo CAMr.\u;N. Mercer ^ A.) Waterloo Canipaif,Mi. 2v. Edin. tS: L., 1S7(». l.^c. S>'<' a/.<(i El'hope (History) ;— EuANrK (History) : — >/'■. Waterman (Catliarinc H.) Flora's Lexicon : interpretation of lan'^nage ami sentiment of Flowers. B., 18(!3. 4(il>. Waterton (Charles). Essays o:i Natural History, ehietly < >rnitholoi,'y ; with aiitohiograpiiy. L., IS44. 44a. Watkins (John), characteristic Anecilotes of Men of Learning and (lenius, of (iieut Britain and Ireland. L., ISOS. 'J8h. Watson (Hichar.l. Ilislioj, >>f L/ait'/afr', 17-i:-lSli; ). Anecdotes of Life. Written hv liiniself. 2^' L., I.^IS. Vlh. Chemical Essays, v. l-.X ."). L., 179:?. .-Wa. Tw(j Apologies ; for Christianity (and) the I'.iMe. L., 1820. 44d. Xdti . —The til St apokigy was addressed to (Jibbon, and the second was in answer tf) T. I'aine. Watson (Richard. /;.S7-/,S'.;,;;. Life of J. Wesley. L, ]8;31. 40g. (•>l)servations on Southev's " Life of Wesley ;" being defence of AVcsley. L., 1S:^1. 4.-)f. Watson (Kol>,rt). Keign of Philip IL of Spain. 3v. L., 1812. 7d. Watts (Isaac). Improvement of the Mind. L., 1811. 4."')f. Wayland (Francis). Memoir of .V. Jndson. 2v I!., 1853. 42b. AVealth of Nations, ^v,- Smith (A.) A^'EB!ST^:R (John White, iru.'^-lSoO). S/nn>' (J. W.) Report of Trial of Welister for nnu'der of Dr. (i. Parkniau, liolden at Rciston, .March 10, 1850. 15., lS.-)0. 4(>il. W"ebster (Xoaii). International l»ictionary of tlie English Language. "/. Xoah I'orter. .Springfield, 18!)L'. On i-oiiu/f r. Xofi . — In the introductory inirt will Ije found a Historj' of the English Languatre. The Appendix consists of, Metric System of Weights and Measuies ; /lirfioiiar!/ of Xotii/ Fii'lilioux Pfvons ami P/ari s : Pronoitucinq (luziiitfr : Frciiioiiiu'niii /iioi/rapliira/ JJictioiiari/ : Pronouncing Vocabulary of .Scripture Pro|icr Names ; Pronouncing Vocabulary of Creek and Latin l'ro[>er Names ; Vocabulary of P'uglish Christian nutnes with their significa- (301) WEBSTER WEST. .Webster — Contimieih tion and foreign equivalents; Quotations, Phrases, Proverbs, etc., from Greek, Latin, and modern Foreign Languages ; Abbreviations, Contractions, and Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. Webb (William). Eeniarks on Subjects Picturesque, ]Moral, and Mis- cellaneous, made in a course along the Rhine, and during Residence in Swis- serland r.v!c; and Italy, 1822-23. 2v. L., 1827. 41d. "Wedderburn (Alexander). Statistical and Practical Observations rela- tive to New Brunswick. St. John, 1835. 38e. Weld (Charles Richard). Last Winter in Rome. L., 1865, 141). Weldon's Register of facts and occurrences relating to Literature, Sciences, and Arts. 3v. L., 1S60-63. 46e. Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Duh' ot\ Brifl»h tjcnn-al 17i;9-lS62). Dispatches during campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, tiie Low Countries, and France, 1799-1818. ed. Lieut. -Col. Gurwood. 12v. with Index. L., 1837-39. 16b. GJei■',-[> 1 ). Southe)i (R.) Life of W. 2v. L., 1820. 44d. See also ne.rt entrij. Watson (R.) Life of' W. L., 1831. 40g. Oliservations on Southev's "Life of Weslev ;" being Defence of W. L., 1821. 45f. West Indies. Ediranl^ (R) History, civil and commercial, of British W.I. With a continuation, v. 1,3-5. L., 1819. 7d. Mapa and Plala, in 38e. Same, v, 2-4. Charleston, 1810. 7d. Four Years' Residence in W. I. ( Runnimj-title.) t. tr., n'l: 1810. 14d. Kenneily (W. R.J Sport, Travel, and Adventure in Xewfomidland and W. I. Erlin. & L., 1885. le. Kingsley (C.) At Last : Christmas in W. I. 2 v. L., 1871. 13b. Duplicate, 39b. Lome (J. G. E. H. J). S., marquis of). Life in the Tropics, and Home through America. L., 1867. le. Machlen (R. R.J Twelvemonths' Residence ^ W. 1. 2v. Ph., 1835. (302) WEST WHITE. Wk8T Indies — Continued. St. Clair (T. S.) ResMence in W. I. aiid Ainerica. 2v. L., 1834. 40d. W. I. and Spanish Main. (Half-title.) f. a: rir. 1860. 13c. See ahu America. Wbst-Lothiax. See LiNLirmjowsniRr;. WestCOtt (Thompson). Life of John Fiuli. Pli., 1857. 421.. Western (Thonia.s Geor^,'!'). Coninientaiies on thi' Constitution and Laws of England, iiieorporaled with the Political Text of .J. J. DeLolme. L., 1841. 47c. Westgarth (William). Victoria, and Austi'ahan Gol' Westminster Review, r. j^'J and onward. Westminster Hall, or I'rofessional Relics and Anecdotes of Bar, Bench, and Woolsack. •2v. L., 182.">. -lod. Westminster Review, v. 18 (1833)— 19 (1833), 46 (1847)— 56 (1851), 65 11856)— 68 (1857), 75(1881) -80(1863). 19v. Phila., L., & N. V., r. d. 35e. Note. — The poition of the series from vol. M\ to vol. 56 is entitled " West- minster and Foreign Quarterly Review," the Foreign Quarterly having been incorporated with tlie Westminster Review. Vol. ()5=new series, vol. 9. Weyman (Stanley J.) House of the Wolf : a romance. L., 1892. 6p. Whai.es. lieah'(T.) Natural History of Sperm Whale ; (and) sketch of Whaling Voyage. L., 18.39. 4.3a.' Wharton (Grace ami Phili])), fxetul. Set ThomSOn (Mrs. K. Y>.) What is Matter ? Se^^ Jenkins (B. G.) Whately (Richard, Archbi^tinp of iJuhJin, 1787-1803). Elements of Rhetoric. N. Y., n. d. 41 f. " Parish Pa.stor. L., 1860. 441j. Wliateli/ (K. Jant'). Life and Correspondence of R. W. 2 v. L., _^^ 18t)6." Vlh. Wlieaton (Henry). Histoiy of Northmen or.Danes and Normans. L., 1831. 40d. Wheeler (J. Talbovs). Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2v. N. Y., 18.56. 41c. Xotf. — An imaginary biogi-aphy, founded on fact. Whetham (John Whetham Boddam-). Pearls of the Pacific. L., 1876. le. Whewell (William). Astronomy and General Physics, rith reference to natural theology. ( Bridijewattr Treatise, no. S. ) Ph., 1833. 46b. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 v. L., 1840. 47a. Whish (Johii Charles). Great Exhibition Friz? E.ssay. L., 1851. 45a. Note. — On the moral and religious tendency of the union of all nations at the gteat exhibition. "White (Charles). Bel.yic Revolution of 1830. 2v. L., 1835. 41c. White (Gilbert). Natural Historv of Selborne. L., 1835. 41f. White (Henry Kirke). Poetical Works ; and Remains. L., 1868. 19c. Same. N. Y., 18.56. 19c. Remains. (Verse and pro»e.) 2 v. L., 1823. 17b. (303) WHITE WILLIAM. White (Jiiini's). Lantlimirks uf History of En^'liiml. L., 185"). AOiu White (-loliu). Voyage to Cochin Cliiiia. J... 1824. 43g. White (Jost'iili lilaiico). Letters from Siiain. 15y I)oii Leiieadio Dohlado (/.s.„. />)i/>lir'(/ij, J'J'. Whymper (Freilerick). Trav(d and Adventure in Al.tska. L., 1868. l:lil. l)ii/>/i,-n/<-, JOr. Wickenden (William). The Triad. L., 1855. 17e. Coii/f-iif'! :--\\vm\ Duhcrly, Timothy WyvilicMa tale of the lott'st of Dean), A Voice frfiiii the Forest. Wickham (Henrv L.) rt//'/ Cramer (d. A.; Dissertation on Pas.sage of Huiiiiihil over the Alps. L., 18-28. 401). Wight (Thomas). Hise and. Progress of tlie (j)iiak(!rs in Ireland, 1653- 1700 ; ooiitinne.'. t. 17e. Wilberforce (William, Kvi. iihUanfln-ojii^t^ l!^'iO-lSJ.}). Willi'-rfarre (II. I.,ii- S.) Life of \v! .-)v. L., 18.38. III.. Sam>'. 5v. L., 1839. 41c. Wilbraham (Kichard). Travels in Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Rn.s.sia, &c., 1S87. L., 183!). -101). Wilkes (< ieorge). Hist(,ry of Oregim. X. V., 1845. 41 f. Wilkey (Kdward). Wanderings in (iermany. .', v. (hil. irifli (Ainu'\'i '• L< /firs f rem Siri/-.i, /and " ). L., 18:VJ. ,S7a. William I. (//if Cninjui^nn; Kimi nf Ewi/am/, 1(K!7-S7 ) A/t/io/t (J.) History of W . X. V., \U%i) Ha. Freeman (E. A.) William the Conqueror. L., 1890. 2a. William III. (Kiwj of Eriijlcuid, 16-)0-17/)J). Letters of W. III. and Louis XIV. n/. P. (Jrimhlot. '2v. in 1. L. , dati' era-fn/ (n/ioiit IS-')-). 4.3f. Trail/ (H. I).) William III. L., 1892. 2a. William n'. (Kiwj of EnIediterranean. N. Y., 1853. 28a. Willmott (Robert Ari.-<). Journal of Suinnier-Tiine in the Country. N. Y., IS.V.'. 41 la. AV1LI.S. Jlohertx (W.) Law of W. 2v. L., 1826. 47b. Willson r J//.S. Arabella M.) Lives cf Mrs. A. H. Judson, Mrs. S. B .Judson, and Mrs. E. C. Jiulsou, missionaries. N. Y., 18.57. 45c. Wilson (Alexander) an>l Bonaparte (C. L.) American Ornithology. td. R.Jameson. (Consinhlt's Mitretla)!]/. ) 4v. Etlin., 1831. 44a. Wilson (Andrew). See Allen (O.) W ilson (Mr». Augusta Jane Evans). Se^ Firriox. W"ilson (Sir Charles William) and Warren (Sir C.) Recovery of Jerusalem : exploration and discovery in the citj' and Holy Land. X. Y., 1871. 14d. Duplirate, :30c. Wilson (George H.) Kna, or the Ancient Maori. L., 1874. 13b. Wilson (Horace Haynian). Specimens of tlie Theatre of the Hindus. Tr. from the .Sanskrit. 2v. L.. 18.35. 43c. Wilson (James, Emj. naturalist, 17i)5-185U). Rod and Gun : treatises on angling and shooting. Edin., 1844. 17a. Note. — A list of works on angling will be found on p. 279 of this work. Treati.se on Insects. (From " Enciirlojxedia Jiritannira" 7th ed ) Edin., 18.35. 44g. Hamilton (J.) Memoirs of J. W. X. Y., 1859. 42c. W^ilson (John). History of Switzerland. Anon. (Lardner's Cijdop.) L., I8:«. 25a. Wilson (Jolin, Snitch humorist, t'ssayist, and poet, 17(jo-JSo4J, — " Chris- topher North " fpxmd ). Poems. 2v. Edin., 1825. lila. Recreations of Christopher North. (Modern British Essayists, r. 4-) Ph., 1845. 20c. ajid otht-rs. Xoctes Ambrosianae. ed. R. S. Mackenzie. 5v. X. Y., 18«3. 20c. Gordon (M.) "Christoiiher Xorth " : memoir of Wilson. By his daughter. N. Y., 1863. 20c. Duplicate, J,2f. Wilson (John Mackay). Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland, v. 4. N. Y., n. d. \M. Wilson (Robert Thomas). History of British Expedition to Egypt. 2v. L., 1803. 40c. Wilson (S. Sheridan). Xarrative '-f Greek Mission. L., 1839. ]2e. AViisoN (Thomas, Bishop, 1663-1. :^6). Sto>cell (H.) Life of W. L, 1822. 42d. ., - 20 (305) WILSON WOMEN. Wilson (Wiilter) Life of Daniel I )e Foe. Sv. I.., 1830. lie- • VV WiMSiURE Fenfiin (R.) Tour in guest of (lenealojij-, through Wales, Somersetsliire, and \V. Aiiou. L., 1811. 47a. Winchester C.vtueprai.. MihwrfJ.) Historical Account of Winchester Cathedral. Winchester, 18ilf)(?). 4(»f. Winter r-lolm stran^^-e), i>.-»-toK .s'w Stannard (Mr». II. E. V.) Wirt (William). Life of P. Henry. X. Y., 1S33. 4iAl. W^ise (Henrv Aut,'ustus). Los (M-in;,'os, or inside view of Mexico ami Uilifnrnia, with Wiinderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia N. Y., 1850. J7a. Wiseman (Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Canlinal). Recollections of last four Popes and of Rome in their times. K., 1838. 4nl>. \YiT AND HcMoiK. Ch'iiK-itx ( S. L. ), fill. >Lirk Twain's Lihrarv of Hu- mour. ( !l'rl^^r^. ) L., 1888. (5b. E'liieiroiih (R. L. C\ M.) Kssay on Irish I'.ulls. L., 1808. 27a. Lainlof Logan, or Anecdotes ami Talcs, illustrative of Wit ami Humour of Scotland, (ilasjjow, 1845. '27a. New Fouuilling Hospital for Wit : fugitiv*' pieces in pros(» ami verse. {eil. J. Alnioi .) ()v. L.. 178(). 17a. Thai-kcniti (W.M.) English Humourists of 18tli Century. (Ap- pt-ndul to '' HoHiKlalioiit Pafifr"." ) F^., 1872. 24d. Coutiriili: Addison, Congreve, Fielding, (iay, (iOldsmith, Hogarth, Pope, Prior, .Smollett, Steele, Sterne, Swift. Punch. V. 1, 3-G'J. »i8v. L., 1841-7,5. 29e. '' Tlioiimm C Mrx. K. li.) Wits ami IJeaux of Society. By " Orace ami Philip Wharton" O'sfM^^; Sv. L., 1800(?) 15b. jVo<«.— For contents, see Bio<;rai'HV. For ivritimis rdtitninitdj iii<>i> or /ft<.< «•// awl liiinomr, tee fliP fitlhurinij «a»!f>s.— Anstey (F.):— Blouet (P.), "Max () Hell r -Burton (A.)'; —Clemens (S. L.), " .Mark Twain :'— Combe ( w.) ;— Cozzens (F. s.). Sparrow-grass Papers ;—Haliburton (T. C. ), ".Sam .Slick ;" — Holmes (O. W.) ;— Hood (T. ) ;-Jerome (l. K.) : -" Playfair Papers ;'-Smith (J.) ; — Surtees (R. S. I, Jorrockss Jaunts and Jollities ; — ttc Witham (Henry T. ^I.) Internal Structure of F(jssil Vegetables of Great Britain. Ediu., 1833. 43g. Wits ami Beaux of Society, By " Grace and Philip AYharton " (imewl ). Hf.e Thomson {Afr^. K. B.'^ Wolfe (James, En). ParK-man (F.) Montcalm ami VV. 2v. B.."l892. 2c. Wolff (-loseph). Mi.ssion to Bokhara, 1843-45. iv. L., 1845. 44(1. WoLSEV (Thoma.s, Canlinal, Em/. t^(M.) Female IJiography. v. 1-2, 4-G. L, 1803. 451.. ''' Jainf>^((!. P. 11) Memoirs of Celebrateil W. 2v.ini. Ph., 1839. •jw ♦•^'^- Jante.-'t' Ellen Price. For Iff norf^/x, nee Fiction. "Wood (John (ieorj^'e). Illustrated Natun.l History. 3v. L., n. d. 2e. Coiifeiifs: (1) Miiminaliii. ("2) Birds. (3) Reptiles, Fishes, Molliisos, etc. "Wood (William Maxwell). Fankwei, or the San .Iaciutt> in the Seas of India, China, and Japan. N. V., 1859. 'Iln. Woodbridge (Timothy). Autobiography of a Blind Minister. B., 1§51». 44 b. Woodcock (W. J.) Scripture Land.s. L., 1849. 44f. Woods (N. A.) Prince of Wales in Canada and United States. L., 1831. 14(1. "Woolman (-lohn, Am. (.iuakev jirf^arjier, 1720-7 J). Journal of Life ; (with) \V(,rks. L., 18-2-1. 44(1. W"oolrycil (Humi.luev William). Life of Judge Jeffreys, t. v. 9e. Same. L., 1827. 42b. Worderman (Dr. — ). Notes on Cuba. Bv a Physician. B., 1844. 41e. Wordsworth (Christo)>her, 1774-1840). Ecclesiastical Biograj.hy, from the Heforniation to the Revolution. Gv. L., 1818. 45b. Wordsworth (Christopher, Bixhop, 1807-SoJ. Athens and Attica. L., 1837. 41g. * Memoirs of W. Words\vorth. 2y. B., 1851. 42b. Wordsworth (Willian, E)i-1S')0). Poems, chiefly of early and late years, inchulinu The Borderers, a tragedy. L., 184*2. 19a. Poetical AVorks. 5y. L., 1827. 19a. Same. L., 1858(?) 19a. Selections from Poems of W. L., 1831. 41c. .""■ Wonhiroiih (C.) Memoirs of AV. W. 2y. B., 1851. 42b. AVoRK AND Wages. .SV.- PuMircAi. Economy. World's Columbian ExrosirioN, Chicago, 1893. She]>p (J. W. ^- D.) World' Fair Phot(3graped (with descriptions). Chicago iL Ph., (1893). 2e. (3(>7) WORTLEY YOUNG. Wortley (Lwhj Emmeline Stuart). Travels in .he United States. N. Y., 1851. 41(1. Wraxall (Sir Nathaniel William, Eu(i. /lisforian, etc., 1781-J8S0). His- torical Memoirs of My Own Time, 1772-84. 2v. L., 1815. 12c. Memoirs of his own time. 3 v. L., 1836. 12a. Memoirs of Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, 1777-79. 2v. L., 1799. 43d. Wright (Frances). Society and Manners in America, 1818-20. L, 1822. 41c. Wright (George Newham). Life and Reign of William IV. 2 v. L.,. 1840. IM. Wynn (Frances Williams, 17801-1857). Diaries of a Latly of Quality, 1797-1844. Anojn. td. A. Hay ward. L., 1864. 9a. WySS (Jean Rodolphe von). Swiss Family Robinson, ed. W. H. (i. Kingston. L., n. d. 6g Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and Retreat of the Teu Thousand Greeks. (Anabasix.) tr. K. Spelman. L.. 1811. 41g. Xerxes J. ( Kiivf of Persia, d. 465 B. C.) Ahbutt (J.) History of X. N. Y., 1854. 11a. See also ancient histories q/^" Greece, etc. Yarrell (William). History of British Fishes. 2v. L, 1841. 46d. Year- Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1839-52, 1854-59. 20 v. L., 1839- 52, 1854-59. Yellowstone Reoion, U. S. A. Dunraven (W. T. Uuiri, earl of). The Great Divide; travels in Upper Yellowstone in 1874. L., 1876. 18e. yonge (Charlotte Mary). For her norels, see Fiction. York (House of). Roberts (E.) Memoirs of Houses of Y. and Lancaster,. historical and biographical. 2v.ini. L., 1827. 38b. Youatt (William). Dog (The). L., 1845. 46c. History, Treatment, and Diseases of the Horse. Ph., 1888. 2d. Horse '(The). Ph., 1847. 44f. Young (Arthur). Farmer's Calendar. L., 1815. 46c. Farmer's Tour through East of England. (At/rirultural.J By Author of the Farmer's Letters. 4v. L., 1771. 48d. Six Months' Tour through north of England. (Affricultural.) Anon. 4v. ^ L., 1771. 48d. Six Weeks' Tour through southern counties of England and Wales. ( Aifrictdlural. ) By the Author of the Fanner's Letters. L. , 1769. 48d. Tour in Ireland, 1776-78. (Chieft>/ a//rirultural.) 2 v. L., 1780. 48a. Travels, 1787-89, (in) France. 2v. L., 1794. 38e. Young (Edward). iVorks (poetical). 3v. Charleston, 1811. 45c. Young (George R.) History, Principles, and Prospects of Bunk of British North America, and of Colonial Bank. L., 1838. 47c. Young (James Foster). Five Weeks in Greece. L, 1876. 17e. Young (John). Letters of Agricola. Halifax, 1822. 40f. Duplicate^ 48h. Young (Mr.'^. Marianne). Our Camp in Turkey, and the Way to It. L, 1854. 14d. (308) YOUNG Zl'LULAND. Young (William). Portugal in 1828. L., 1828. 39c. Town and Country Mansions anil Suburban Hou-ses. With SO itlatpg L.. 1879. 2g. Young Liidies' Journal. Jtlm. 1886, pt. 1 ; 1887, pt. 1 ; 1888, pt. 2 : 1889, pt. 2 ; lfH9(l-1891 ; 1892, pt. 2 ; 1893+. lOv. L., r. d. 15g. YouNc Men. C»u- (F. A.) Our Young Men. L., 18.18. 43a. See ahi} Characteh and Co.nduct of Like ; — Ethics. Young Men's Christian Association, in E.vcter Hall. Lectures delivered before the Auociation, 1851-52. L., IK52. Same. 1858-59. L., 1859. 45a. Youth's Handbook of Kntortjiining Knowledge. By a Lady v. 2. L., 1844. 45e. Yucatan. Stitphtm (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Y. 2v. N. Y., 1843. 14cl. Travels in Central America, Chiapa.s, and Y. 2 v. N. Y., 1841. 40e. Zanzihar. SuliranfG. L.) Dhow Chasing in Z. Waters. L, 1873. 14d. Zimmern (Helen). The Hansa Towns. L., 1891. la. Zuailrupeds. (Lih. Erif. Knuic.J 2v. L., 1829-40. 25b. Meriau/f (E.) Wonders of Animal Instinct, h., n.(I.( recent). 45d. I'tnnant (T.) British Z. v. 1 (Quoih-upeiU i?- Birdx), 3 (Reptiles Sf Fi'thf.sj, 4( Criixfarea, Mo/liiMcn, ^' Tc'flareaJ. Many platex. L. , 1812. 47a. Sicainmn( W.) Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. 2v. L., 18.38. 44a. Wooil (J. G.) Illustrated Natural History. 3v. L., n. i. (2) Birils. (3) Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, etc. See aiKO Comparative pHYsmi,oGY ; — Docs ; — Evolution ; — FisHKs ;— Man ;— Xati'ral History ;— Or>;itholo(;y ; — Pal-kontolooy ; — Qr A DRV PKDS. Zschokke (Johann Heinrich Daniel, Ger. writer, 1771-18^8). Autobi- ography. L., 1845. 44f. ZuLULAND, Africa. Gardiner (A. F.J Journey to Zulu Country, 1835. L., 1836. 14b. Leslie (D.) Among the Zulus and Amatongas : sketches of natives, &c. Edin.. 1875. 14€. Lurai^ (T. J.) The Zulus and the British Frontiers. L., 1879. If. Sheldon (L. V.-J Yankee Girls in Zulu Land. L., 1889. 14e. (309) RULES AXI) RPJGULATIOXS FOR THE (lUVEKNMKNT OF THK CITIZENS' FREE LII'.RARY 1. Tlie Library shall ho open every week ilay, from 1 a. ni. to 7 \>. ui., except Saturdays, Cliristinas Day, New Year's Day, (iooil Friday, and any day appointed by tlie Local or Dominion Ooverninents or by Civic proclama- tion as a pnblic holiday. On Saturdays, the Library shall be open from I p. ni. to 9 p. m. 2. The Library shall be free for the use of the Citizens of Halifax, under the following; regulations : — All inhabitants of the City over the age of twenty-one, known to the Lil)rarian as proper persons to enjoy its privileges, or so duly certified in writing by some responsible citizen. 3. Any minors over the age of sixteen de|)ositing with the Librarian a written guarantee from their parents or guardians, being themselves entitled to the privileges of the Library, as above. 4. No person who is intoxicated, disorderly, or in any unclean condition shall be admitted. f). No i)erson shall be allowed to smoke in the Library or to ramlile about the room. 6. No jierson shall be allowed to pass within the enclosure, except em- ployees of the Library and membeis of the Committee. 7. Books must l>e asked for according to their designation in the Cata- logue, which will be supplied by the Librarian at 25 cents each. 8. Persons entitled to the privileges of the Library may receive Imoks for consultation while the room is open, and the Librarian shall enter all books thus withdrawn, and erase the entry when they are returned. If any person neglects to return any I)Ook, thus taken, to the Lil)rarian. he shall pay the same fine that wouW be charged for a week's detention over the time prescribed by the regulations. 9. Books of reference, and those deemed by the Comniissiijners unsuit- able for general circulation, shall not be loaned, except by an order signed by. at least two of the Commissioi^ers ; and in no case siiall a book so loaned be retained from the Library more than seven days, except by special onler of the Board. All books must be returned to the Library whenever required for inspection or otherwise, under a penalty of one dollar for each volume detained. Reasonable notice will always be given in such cases. 10. No person shall take books from the shelves who is not employed in the service of the Lil)rary. 11. All borrowers of books .shall give notice to the Librarian of any change in their places of residence. (310) HLLES ANU KEOULATIOXS. 311 \'2. N'«> iKTsuii liiivin^' ii ImmiU fmii, tin- Library, sliall Inul it to any jM'i-son in>t a im-iiilifr of the faniil}'. l-'V \n |itrMiii owiii;,' a till'" or any otlwr (■liarj,'t', shall receive books from tlu' Liliniry until tin- sanif is jiaiil. 14. The Librarian siiall carefully cxaniinc caib Imnk n'turned, ami if the sanif be fdinul to have sustained any injin-y, or to have 1 n rt-ndercd of any less value liy bein^' soiled or written in, the [lerson to whom the sanio was delivered shall |iay the amount of damaj,'e done, or shall |iroeure a new copy, equal in value, and such i)erson shall lie entitled to the dania^'ed copy on depositinj,' the new one. 1">. If any person to whon: a bitok has lieen ih-livereil, injures or does not return the same to the Librarian within l')days, or refuses oi nej,'leets to pay on demand the amnunt of any loss or injury, or to proeure anothiM' eopv as befui'e mentioneil, leoal pi(>eeedinj,'s shall immediately be taken tith. Bonni'ville's Adventurns. McDoNAM) (8ir. John A). J^ife of. -las. Pope. My ]Ml'si('ai, Like. 2 \'ols. Rev. IL K. Ilaweis. Natl'Uai. Law in the Spiiitnal World. I'rof. 1 )rnninionil. Nova ScniA AiiciiiVEs, 1714-17r)."). Kditcd hy T. 11. Akins, I). ( '. L Pickwick, History of. I'lMcy Fitz^'cndd. Recom.ki rniNs a.vd Kxi'Ekiencks. Kdninnd Vates. Sketches i-ijom mv Liee. Hohart I'iischa. St>ciAE Kvui.UTio.x. Ilenjaniin Kidd. Tueudokic the (loTii. Thomas Hod^kin. Thompson (Sir John). Life of. d. 1'. Hopkins. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. Ameuica, a Frencliman in. Paul P)louet. (Max O'Rell) " l>uccanneors iV ^Llrooners of. Howaul Pyle. Asia, Ru.s.siiv's Railway Advance in Central. (1. l)(jh.son. Asiatic Cousins, Our. Mr.s. Leonowcns FiLUtusTEKS, Story of the. .1. J. Roche. Gvi'SEYi^Ni), To. K. ct .]. Pennell. Hebrides, Our Journey to the. J. &, Vl. Pennell. India, Our Vicc-Rej^'ul Lih^ in. Marcliioiicss of DiiU'erin. John Bull & (,'o. Raul IJlouet. Mashonaland, The Ruined (."itiesof. J. T. iieiiL Menuez Pinto, Adventures of. A. Yiimhery. Norfolk Rroaiks, A AW'k in a Wherry on the. P.hie Peter. Opium Clipi'er, Cruise in an. Capt. L. Anderson. SniPP, The Reniarkalile Career of John. Thames, A Month on the, J. <.t K. I'ennelL Typhoons and Pirate Crait, Anion^'. Capt. L. Anderson. WORKS OP FICTION. Anonymous. A Superfluous Woman. Anstey (V-) (See Guthrie.) Arnold (Edwin L.) Phra tlie Phoenician. (2) WORKS OF FICTION. Alexander (Mrs.) A Wduiiin'.s Hi'iirt. Tlu! Siiiire of tlie Fuwler. For His Siiki'. Well Won. A Li). The Light of Other Days. Pothergill (Jessie). Aldyth. Francillon, (H. E). Jack Doyle's Daughter. WORKS OF FICTION. Fraser (MrK. Alex.) l)au<'htcr.s of liek'raviu. The Match of the Season. Grand (Sara). The Heavenly Twins. lilealu. Singularly Deluded. Grant (James). Adventures of an Aide-de-camp. Shall I Win Her. The Girl He Married. A Constable of France. Lucy Arden. Gray (Maxwell). The Ljist Sentence. Gunter (A. C). The King's Stockltrokor. Guthrie (T. A). (F. Anstev). A Fallen Idol. Travelling Companions. The Talking Horse and other Tales. Habberton (J). Helen's liabies. Haggard (H. Rider). Eric Brighteyes. Montezuma's Daugiiter. The People of the Mist. She. The Worhl's Desire. Harraden (Beatrice). Ships that Pass in the Night. The Umbrella Mender. At the (Ireen Dragon. In Varying Moods. Harte (Bret). The Heritage of Dt^adlow Marsh ami other Tales. A AVar.1 of the Colden Gate. A Waif of the Plains (6) WOUKS OP FICTION. Hatton (.las.) I'lidcr the (treat Seal. Hay (Mary Ce.-il). liiick t(. tlic Ol.l Home. Henty (<;. A) I )cinifliy's Dniiltle. Kiijiil) till! .Tu<,';.,'lt'r. iJcric tlie IhitoM. Hobbes (.!.<»). The ( Mills, Some Mortiils and Lord Wickeidiain. Hope (A). The I'l'isniK^r of Zdidii. Howells(W. D). . A Hazard of New Fortiuies. Hugo (Victor). Les Miserables. Hungerford (Mrs M) (The Duehess). Lady J>rank.sniere Ibsen (Heinik). Iledda (iabler. The Master liiiil.h'r. Iron(Rali)li). The Story of an African Farm. Jerome (-lerome K.) Staj^eland. Keith (Leslie). Lislietli. A Hurricane in PetticGatR. Kippling (Riidyard). Many Inventions. Tlio Jungle l>ook. Life's Handicap. The Naidahka. Kirby (William, F. R. S. C.) The (Jolileu Dog. Lang (Andrew). I'he (Jreen Fairy Book. (7) Works of fiction. Lang (Mrs. Andrew). Dissolving Views. Lyle (Kiliia). Doreen. Maartens (Maartin). An Old UiM's Lovo. Sin of .Foost Avclinj^h. A Question of Taste. Mallock (W. II.) A Human Document. A Romance of tlie 19tli Century Marryat (Captain). Mitlsliijnnan Easy. 2 copies. Peter Simple. Marryat (Fbrence). Parson Jones. Blimlfol.l. Murfree (3/^<^• Mary N). In the Stranger Peoples ('ountry. Murray (David Christie). The Weaker Vessel. A Wasted Crime. McCarthy, (Justin). Red Diamonds. Linley Rochford. Maclaren (Ian). Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush. Macquoid (Katherine S). Berris. Norris (W. E). Marcia. His Grace. A Victim of Good Luck. Mrs. Fenton. Parker (Gilbert). Pierre and His People. The Translation of a Savage.. (8) WdHKS OF FICTION. Phelps (Kliziil.cth S). Kiiuitct'ii to < •nc. Praed (J/»«. i^ainpitfll) riif Ktiinanr.' nf a Stiitimi. Reade (Ci>mj»toii). Willi WHS tlit't) the (ii'iitli'iiiaii. Rhoscomyl (Owin). .Icwci nf Viiys ( ialdU Riddell (\^irx). i'riiK-t'ss Siiiishint'. Robinson (F W). riic lve('|i('l' nf tilt' Keys. Russell (W. Clark). ^ Tlif Hmiiaiiri' of a Tiaiisjioit. My l)iiiiisli Swccthfart. MarooiH'tl. Sardou (Victoricn). Mailaiii Sans (lt'ln^ Shorthouse (l. H). .lolm Iii^lcsaiit. lilaiich, Laily Falaisc. The Couiitt'ss Eve. A Teacher of the Violin. Sir Peri'ival. Stannard (Mrx). (.John Strani^e Wlntei). Army Tales. He'. Huiiijilirv). Marcella. Ward (K) Siipplejark, a Rdinaiicc nf Maorilaml. Wetherall (Klizaix'th). (.,)U('<'(.ilV. Thn wide Wid.' Wnrl.l. Weyman (Stanl.-y). My l.ady Rotlia. The Man in I'.lack. The New Rt'itiii The Story nf Framis Chidili'. A (IcMitl-'nian nf France. Tiider the Red R..l.e. Wilcox (FUa M). A Double Life Wilkins (Mary K). IVinhroke. •Tane F'ield. Wood (Joanna). The Unteniitered Wind. Zangwill (J). The Master. (10) HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, SCIENCE, &c. Architkcture, Study of. J. Ruskin. AsTKoNOMY, ropular. Prof. Newcomb Books, Choice of. T. Carlylc. liREATHIXG, Art of. Lco KoflcT. BuHXEV, Early Diary of Francos. 2 vols. A. IJ. Kllis. (Jei.tic Literature. Mattliew Arnold. Controverted Questions, E.ssays on. T. H. Huxley. Criticism, Kssiiys in. Matthew Arnold. 1st. and 2nd. series. Culture anu Anarchy. Matthew Arnold. Darwin, Life and Letters of. 3 vols. F Darwin. Discourses in America. ^Matthew Arnold. Dollinger, Conversations of Dr. L. Von Kobell. Electric Transfonnation of Power. Philip Atkinson. Electricity for Everybody. Philip Atkin.son. English Revolution, History of the. F. Guizt)t, Europe, Municipal Government in. A. Shaw. Europe, Representative Clovernment in. M. (luizot. God and the JjIULe. Matthew Arnold. Grammar of Urna.ment. (Jwen Jones. Great Britain, Municipal Government in. A. Shaw. Hlstorical Society, Tran.sactions of the, 1887 to 1895. 9 vols, in 3. Literature and Dogma. Matthew Arnold. Lunenburg, History of the County of. M. B. DesBrisay. Method and Results, Essays. T. H. Huxley. Mixed Essays. Matthew Arnold. Modern Painters. J. Ruskin. 5 vols. Municipalities at Work. Frederick Dolman. Ml'sic, Theory of. L. C. Elson. Newfoundland, History of. D. W. Prowsc, (.}. C. Oxford Lectures. Sir Fretlerick Pollock. PhysicaIj Training, Sandow's. G. M. Adam. Poems. 3 vols. ^Latthew Arnold. Questions op the Day. Gold\'in Smith. Sea Power, Influence on History, 1 vol. Capt. A. T. Malian, U. S. N. " " the French Revolution. 2 vols. Ca[)t. A. Mahan, U. S. N. (1) lllSTonV, BIOGHAPIIY, SCIENCE, itc. T. Craig IJrown. Selkirk, History of the County of. 2 vols. (Prosonted.) Sin and its Redemption. (Prcsontetl.) Gamier. Stones ok Venice. J. Ruskiii. 3 vols. St. Paul and Protestanism. Matthew Arnold. The Kingdom ok Cod. Count Leo Tolstoi. Town Like in the loth Century. 2 vols. Mrs. J. K. (Iroen. Violin, Famous Makens of the, etc. Geo. Hart. Voice, Gymnastics of the. O. Guttman. Von Moltke, Letters of Count. 2 vols. Wallis, Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Provo. J. G. IJrighton. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. Afbica, Travels in, 1879 to 1883. Dr. Wni. Junker. Afiuca, Travel and Adventure in South East. F. C. Scions. Asia Minor and Armenia, A Ride through. Henry C. Parklcy. Black Sea, From the Danube to the. F. D. Millet. Brazil, Three Thousand Miles through. J. W. Wclh. Calais, From Pekin to. H. DeWindt. Karpathians, Adventures of a Girl in the. M. M. Dowic. Eskimo Like. Fridtjof Nansen. Far East, Problems of the. Hon. G. Curzon, M. P. ' German Rivers, Camping Voyages on. A A. Macdonnell. Greenland, First Crossing of. 2 vols. Fridtjof Nansen. India, A Ride to. H. DeWindt. Japan, Glimpses of Unfamiliar. 2 vols. I^fcadio Hearn. Katanga, With Capt. Stairs to. J. A. ^Liloney. Mashonaland, Adventures in. R. Blennerhasset. Norway, Three in. By two of thenL Personally Conducted. F. R. Stockton. Seas and Lands. Sir Edwin Arnold. Siberia as it is. H. DeWindt. Siberia and the Exile System. 2 vols. Geo. Kennan. Soudan, Three Months in the. Ernestine Sartorius. Switzerland, Unknown. V. Tissot. PAMPHLETS— Departmental Reports (U. S.) Catalogue, American Library Association. Higher Education, Rhode Island and Maryland. Food Products. Laud, Pure and Fictitious, Methods of l)i.stinguishing. Microscopy. Mushrooms, Poisonous and Edible. Wood, Characteristics and Properties of. (2) WORKS OF REFERENTK. WORKS OP RBPBRBNCB. Kkknch I>AN(iUA(iE. Spior's Dictionary, En^lisli-Fn-ndi aiitl French Eiij^lisli. 2 vols. (Jerman FiANcuAfiE. Flut^'el's Universal Dictionary, Kngli.sh-Ciernuin an«l Gernian-Kn<'lish. 3 vols. "o* FICTION. Arnold (Edwin L.) The Constable of St. Nicholas. Barrett (Frank). A Set of Rogues. Besant (Walter). Dorothy Wallis. Ilerr Paulus. 3 vols. The Ivory Gate. 3 vols. Black (William). The Handsome llumes. The Highland Cousins. Boldrewood (Rolf). The Crooked Stick. Bowman (Anne). The Young Nile Voyagers. Young Yachtsmen. Buchanan (Robert). Cliarlatan. 2 vols. Come live with ^le and be my Love. Rachel Dene. 2 vols. The Woman and the Man. 2 vols. Caine (Hall). The Little Manx Nation. Carrol (Lewis). Sylvie and Bruno. (3) FICTION. Cobban (J. Maclaren). The King of Andainun. Cragie (Mrs.) Sinner's Comedy. Crawford (F. Marion). Casa Braccio. "2 vols. The Ralstons. Crockett (S. R.) Tlic ^len of the Moss Hags. Mad vSir Uchtred. Collins (Wilkie). Poor Miss Findi. Woman in AVhito. Curzon (G.) The Violinist of the (^Hiarticr Latin. 3 vols. Duncan (T.) A Canaanitish Woman. Doyle (Conan A.) Round the Red Lamp. 2 (.(iiiics The Parasite. Parjeon (B. L.) The Mystery of M. Felix. ',i vols. Prancillon (R.) The Dog and His Shadow. Ropes of Sand. 3 toIs. Grant (James). Miss Cheyne of Essilmont. Haggard (H. Rider). Joan Haste. Hardy (Thomas). The Hand of Ethelberta. 2 vols. Jude the Obscure. Tess of the Durbervilles. Harris (Joel Chandler). A Plantation Printer, (4) FICTION. Harte (Bret). Bell Ringer of Angels. Protege of Jack Hamlin's. Sally Dows, etc Susy. Henty (G. A.) Wulf the Saxon. Hobbes (J. O.) {See Cragie.) Howells (W. D.) ^lercy. The Shadow of a Dream. Jolly (Emily). Caste. Katharena (Anna). Home of the Dragon. Lang (Andrew). The Green Fairy Book. Lyall (Edna). Doreen. Maclaren (Ian). (See Watson.) Macquoid (K. S.) In an Orchard. 2 vols. Sir James Appleby, Bart. 3 vols. Malot (Hector). Micheline. 2 vols. Maartens (Maarten). God's Fool. 3 vols. The Creator Glory. 3 vols. Meredith (George). Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 3 vols. Montressor (F. F.) The One who looked on. Murray (David Christie). Bob Martin's Little Girl. 3 vols. (0) FICTION. McCarthy (Justin). The dictator. 3 vols. McDonald (George). Works, 26 vols. Adela Cathcart. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. Alec Forbes. Castle Warlock. David Elginbrod. Donald Grant. Elect Lady. Flight of the Shadow. Guild Court. Home Again. Malcolm. Marquis of Lossie. ^lary Marston. Orts. Paul Faber. Robert Falconer. St. George and St. Michael. Seaboard Parish. Sir Gibbie. Stephen Archer. There and Back. Thomas Wingfold. Vicar's Daughter. Weighed and Wanting. What's Mine's Mine. Wilfrid Cumbermede. Norris (W. E.) Baffled Conspirators. Misadventure. 3 vols. The Rogue. 3 vols. Oliphant (Mrs.) House in Bloomsbury. 2 vols. Janet. 3 vols. The Prodigals. 2 vols. The Sorceress. 3 vols. Parker (Gilbert). Mrs. Falchion. 2 vols. The Trail of the Sword. When Valmond came to Pontiac. The Trespasser. (6) FICTION. Praed {Mrs. Campbell). Romance of a Chalet. 2 vols. Robinson (F. W.) Fate of Sister Jessica. 3 vols. Stevenson (R. L.) Ebb Tide. The Stockton (F. R.) The Squirrel Inn. Thomas (Annie), The Sloane Square Scandal. Townsend (Rev. (J F.) j Arabian Xights. Turgenev (Ivan). Ruilin. Ward (Mrs. Humphrey). History of David Grieve. 3 vols. Warner (Charles Dudley). The (iolden House. Weyman (Stanley J.) ; Tlie Red Cockade. I Watson (Rev. John). ' Auld Lang Syne. ; Wilkins (Mary K.) t A Humble Romance. I I Woolson (Constance Fenimore). Horace Chase. Zangwill (I) Children of the Ghetto. 3 vols. The King of Schnorrers. 1 Zola. j The Downfall. \ The Dream. MISCELLANEOUS. '. The Vki.i.ow Hook. -^ vols. ! (7) PEUIODICAL List. PERIODICAL LIST. Aruosy. American. Argosy. P^nglish. Art Decorator. Atlantic Monthly. Blackwood's Magazine. Building News. Cabinet Maker and Decorator. Canadian Magazine. Cassell's Magazine. Century. Chambers' Journal. CoRNHiLL Magazine. Cosmopolitan. Current Literature. Demorest's IiIagazine. Education. Electrical Review. Electrical World. Engineering News. Family Herald. Fortnightly Review Harper's Monthly. Harper's Round Table. Leslie's Popular Monthly. Lippincott's Magazine. Mining Journal. Minster Magazine. MUNSEY. Music. Nature. Nineteenth Century. Pall Mall Magazine. Photographic News. Popular Science Monthly. Printer's Ink. Quiver. RfiviEW of Reviews. (Eng. Va\). Scribner's Monthly. Strand Magazine. St. Nicholas. (8)