IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ///// ^^ sTm^ i.O ^Bs I.I !.25 Its 2.2 1^ 1.4 1.6 ^ /; ..f •(»''« 'jffp-*- " SUPPLEMENT TO THE IN THE i^IBBABY OF THE I jet WITH AN IN0EX OF SUBJECTS: BEING 7^ CATALdGl7B OF ftO^ RECEIVE JbBK THE SOCliarY SlNtCE THE PUBLI- GATtON dF THE UBRARY CATALOGUE IN THE YEAR i88e ,■■•■} 1888, . •} ~ •'. S <''-.i'' • ■ » ' ■ ■■* > ■ >" -..-/s-*^' i »"/.. .-y.Vn' SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRAKY OF THE m ^acietg oi ^i^pt Canada, WITH AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS: BEING A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY SINCE THE PUBLI- CATION OF THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE IN THE YEAR 1886 TO THE 1ST JUNE, i88d. COMPILED BY JOHN J. DALEY. TORONTO : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 1888. [ I Zbc %nvQ Society of lapper Canaba< Disitors. The HoNOURAni-E the Judges of the Sup(?eme Court of Judicature FOR Ontario. Hon. Edward Blake, M.A., O.C, M.P. Bencbers. ll.X-Officin. T\]r. Attornicy-CiIcnicrae of Canada for the time being, and ever, person wiio has lield that oi'tice, if a member of the Bar of Ontario, and tlie AiTOKNEY-GicNEKAE for the time being of Ontario, and all Members of the liar of Ontario, who have at any time held the office of Attok- nev-Gi;neral of Ontario, or of Attorney-General or Solicitor- Gi;M:ral for that part of the late Province of Canada formerly called Upi^er Canada, and any retired Judge or Judges of the Superior Courts i)i- Law and EyuiTY for Ontario or of the Supreme Court (M- Judicature for Ontario. Hhrtcd f To Easter Term, i8gi ). John Bell, C).C., Belleville. James Beaty, Q.C. , Toronto. Byron Moffat Britton, M.A., Q.C, Kingston. AlI'Xander l^RUfK, Q.C, Hamilton. Hector Cameron, M.A., Q.C, Toronto. Josicph Hicnry Ferguson, Toronto. Jami;s Josi:i'h Fov, Q.C, Toronto. Hon. Christophi;r Finlay Frasek, Q.C, M.P.P., Brockville. Donald Guthrie, Q.C, M.P.P., Guelph. Hon. Arthur SruRGis Hardy, Q.C, M. P.P., Brantford. John Hoskin, Q.C, Toronto. Adam Hudspeth, <^.C, M.P., Lindsay. .Emilius Irving, Q.C, Hamilton. James Kirkpatrick Kerr, Q.C, Toronto. Zebulon Aiton Lash, QC, Toronto. ! IV. Dalton McCarthy, Q.C, M.P , Toronto. Francis MacKf.lcan, Q.C, Hamilton. Daniel McMichael, LL.D., Q.C, Toronto. James Maclennan, M.A.. Q.C, Toronto. Edward Martin, Q.C, Hamilton. William Ralph Meredith, M.A., Q.C, M.P.P., London. James Henry Morris, M.A. , Q.C, Toronto. Charles Moss, Q.C, Toronto. HusoN W. M. Murray, M.A., Toronto. Britton Bath Osler, Q.C, Toronto. Hon. Timothy Blair Pardee, Q.C, M.P.P., Sarnia. Thomas Hunter Purdom, London. Christopher Robinson, M.A., Q.C, Toronto. George Fergusson Shepley, M.A., Toronto. Larratt William Smith, D.C.L., Toronto. Secretary, Sub*trreasurer, an& Xibrarian. James Hi'tc iiison Estkn, Barrister-at-Law. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE Abbott (A.) New Cases, selected chiefly from Decisions of the Courts of the State of New York, with notes and analytical index of Points of Law and Practice contained in the standard Reports of the State of New York. Vols. i6 to 19. 8vo. New York, 1886-88. Reports of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. 4 vols. 1873-83. 8vo. New York. • Table of Cases Criticised, presenting Decisions of the Courts of the State of New York which have been affirmed, reversed or modified in error or on appeal, or examined or explained, limited, questioned, overruled or approved and followed in later Decisions of American or English Courts from earliest period to ist January, 1887. i vol. 8vo, New York, 1887. (B. V.) Decisions in the Law of Patents and Inventions ren- dered by English Courts since the beginning of the 17th cen- tury. 3 vols. 1662-1843. 8vo. Washington, 1887. The Patent Laws of all Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1886. Abercrombie (Jno.) The Students' Guide to Medical Jurisprudence. I vol. i8mo. London, 1885. Acts of the Legislature of the Provinces now comprised in the Do- minion and of Canada which are of a Public Nature and are not repealed by the Revised Statutes of Canada for the reasons set forth in Sche. B. to said Revised Statutes, i vol. 8vo. Ottawa, 1887. (6 copies.) Adams (H. C.) A Juridical Glossary; being an exhaustive compilation of the most celebrated Maxims, Aphorisms, Doctrines, Pre- cepts, Technical Phrases and Terms employed in the Roman, Civil, Feudal, Canon and Common Law, expressed in Foreign Languages and quoted in the standard works and reports of British and American Courts, etc. Vol. i. A to Eyre. Albany, 1886. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIIiKARY Addison (C. G.) On Wronj^s and their Remedies. 6th edition, by Lewis \V. Cave, Q.C. i vol. 8vo. London, 1H87. The Law of Contiacts, w th American Notes, by B. V. Abbott and H. G. Wood. 3 vols. 8vo, Boston, 1888. Ag^Cultme, Annual Report of tlie Department of, for Ontario, 1886. T vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. Alabama. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court.* Vols. 77 to 82 inclusive, 1884 to 1886 inclusive. 6 vols. Montgomery, 1886-87. Albany Law Journal. A weekly record of Law aiul Lawyers, con- ducted by I. G. Thompson and Irving Browne. Vols. 33 to 36 inclusive and current. Albany, 1 886-88. Odd Volumes. Vol. i, 1870; Vol. 13,1876; Vol. 14, 1876-7; Vol. 15, 1877; Vol. 16, 1877-8. Digest. General Iridex of vols. 21 to 34. 1 vol. Albany, 1887. Aldred (P. F.) Questions on the Law of Contract, with Notes to the Answers. 8vo. Pamphlet. London, 1882. Alexander (C. B.) Notes on the New York Law of Life Insurance. I vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. American Annual Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the year, embracing Political, Civil, Military and Social affairs. For the years 1885-86. New series, vols. 10-11, D. Appleton & Co. New York, 1886-87. and English Encyclopaedia of Law, by J. H. Merrill. Vols, i and 2. 8vo. Northport, 1887. and English Patent Cases (Brodix's). Vol. 4, Decisions on the Law of Patents for Inventions rendered by the United States Supreme Court. Edited by W. Lowery. 1 Dallas, r754 ; 5 Howard, 1847. 8vo. Washington, 1887. and English Railroad Cases. A collection of all the railroad cases in the Courts of Last Resort in America and England. Vols. I to 30. Northport, 1880-88. Index-Digest to Am. and Eng, R'y Cases. Vols. 1 to 20, by L. Lewis, Jr. 2 vols. Northport, 1883-86. Decisions — Digest of, and Index to the Notes thereto, with a Table of the Cases re-reported in vols, i to 60 inclusive. 1760-1854. 2 vols. 8vo., by A. C. Freeman, San Francisco, 1886. Law Register (The). Old series, 9 vols. New series, vols. 25-26. Philadelphia, 1886-87. Law Review. Vols. 20-21. 8vo. St, Louis, 1886-87. Law Series, published monthly. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Nos. 1-3. Addison on Contracts. 8th edition. With American Notes, by B V. Abbott and H. G. Wood. 3 vols. Supplemental Nu. Short on Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto) Mandamus and Prohibition. American Notes, by F. F. Heard, i vol. f I OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. /ith a American Probate Reports, containing cases of general value decided in the Courts of the several States on points of Probate Law. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, 1881-6. »vjib. 53 Reports. Containing all the decisions of general interest decided in the Courts of Last Resort of the several States, to 60 inclusive. Irving Browne. Albany, 1886-8. Statute Law : An Analytical and Compared Digest of the Con- stitutions and Civil Public Statutes of all the States and Ter- ritories, relating to Perjions and Property in force ist January, 1886, by J. F. Stimson. i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Trade Mark Cases decided by the Courts of the United States, both State and Federal, and by the Commissioner of Patents and reported between 1879 and 1887. i vol. 8vo. Edited by B. Price and A. Steuart, Baltimore, 1887. Axnerman (L. ) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania. Vols. 111-115. 1886-1887. Angell (J. K.) and Durfeo (Thos.) A Treatise on the Law of High- ways. 3rd edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Annual Practice, The, 1887-8; being a Collection of the Statutes, Orders, and Rules relating to the General Practice, Procedure, and Jurisdiction of tne Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions of the High Court of justice, etc., by T. Snow, H. Winstanley, and J. Walton, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Register (The). A review of public events at home and abroad for the years 1885-6. (New series.) London. Anson (Sir W. R.) The Law ai, j Custom of the Constitution. Part L, Parliament, i vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1886. Principles of the English Law of Contract and of Agency in its relation to Contract. 4th edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1886. The same. 2nd American edition from 4th English edition, by Prof. Knowlton. i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Appleton (D.) American Cyclopaedia. See American. Archibald (W. F. A.) The Practice at Judges' Chambers, and in the District Registries in the Q. B. Division, High Court of Justice, with Forms of Summonses and Orders, and edition, by P. E. Vizard, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Archbold (J. F.) Practice of the County Courts, with Forms, etc, 9th edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1885. Practice of the Court of Quarter-Sessions, and its Original, Appellate, and Criminal Jurisdiction, with Fonns of Indict- ments, etc. 4th edition, i vol. lanio. London, 1885. immfmm SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY \' I Archbold (J. F.) Summary of the Law Relating to Pleading and Evi- dence in Criminal Caseo; with the Statutes, Precedents of Indictment, etc., and the evidence necessary to support them, by Sir John Jervis, Knt. 20th edition, by William Bruce. I vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Arizona Reports. Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Arizona. F. P. Dann, Reporter. Vol. i. 1866-84. Svo. San Francisco, 1884. Arkansas. Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity Argued and Deter- mined in the Supreme Court of the State ot Arkansas. Vols. 44 to 48. 8vo. Little Rock, 1885-87. Armour (E, Douglas). A Treatise on the Investigation of Titles to Real Estate in Ontario, with a Precedent for an Abstract. I vol 8vo. Toronto, 1887. (6 copies.) Division Courts and Small Credits, (i) A Review of Division Court Litigation as auxiliary to the Retail Trade ; (2) A Scheme for the restriction ot Small Credits and the more expeditious recoverv of Small Debts. 8vo., pamphlet. Tor- onto, 1879. Armstrong (J., Q.C., C.M.G.) Laws of Intestacy in the Dominion of Canada, 8vo., pamphlet. Montreal, 1885. Arnould (Joseph). Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance. 6th edition, by D. McLachlin. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1887. Aspinall (J. P.) Reports of Cases relating to Law, contain- ing all the Decisions of the Courts of Law and Equity in the United Kingdm, and selections from the more important decisions in the Colonies and the United States. Vol. 5. 1882-86. 8vo. London, 1887. Austla (H.) The Law Concerning Farms, Farmers, and Farm Labour- ers • together with the Game Laws of all the States, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Bailey (W. H.) Th^ Onus Probandi, Preparations for Trial and the right to open and conclude, i vol. Svo. New York. 1886. The Conflict of Judicial Decisions, i vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1888. Bakdr (J. F.) A Treatise on the Lav/ of Sales of Goods, Wares and Merchandise as affected by the Statute of Frauds, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Bannatyne (D. J.) Handbook of Republican Institutions in the United States, based upon Federal and State Laws and other reliable sources of information. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Barbour (O. L.) A Summarv of the I.,aws of Payment. New York, 1888. I vol. Svo. Bj B( OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. Barron (J. A.) The Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgage Acts of the several Provinces of the Dominion of Canada, being a com- plete and exhaustive annotation of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chap, cxxv., and the Statutes of the Provinces bearing upon the subject of Mortgages of Personal Property, with appendix, of Form.s, etc. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Svo. Toronto, 1888. (6 copies.) Bates (C.) The Law of Limited Partnership, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1888. The Law of Partnersnip. 2 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1888. (D. M. and G. H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Delaware. Vols. 1-4, 1876-84. Beach (C. F., Jr.) Treatise on the Law of Contributory Negligence, I vol. 8vo. New York, 1885. The Law of Receivers, i vol. Svo. New York, 1887. Beccaria (Marquis). On Crimes and Punishments ; Translated from the Italian, with a Commentary attributed to M. de Voltaire, translated from the French. New edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Beigamin (J. P.) The Law of Sale of Personal Property ; with refer- ences to the American Decisions, and to the French Code and Civil Law. 3rd edition, by A. B. Pearson and N. F. Boyd. I vol. Svo. London, 1883. The same. By E. H. Bennett, i vol. Svo. Boston, 1888. Bennett (J. J.) A Treatise on the Law of Lis Pendens, or the effect of Jurisdiction upon Property Involved in Suit, i vol. Svo. Chicago, 1887. (T.J. W.) Compensation for Personal Injuries on Rail, Road and River; with Cases and Notes, i vol. Svo. London (n. d.)? 1886. Berryman (J. R.) Digest of the Law of Insurance ; being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases, adjudi- cated in the Courts of England, Ireland, Scotland, the United States of America, and Canada, including Cases relating to Insurance in Mutual Benefit Societies. (In continuation of Sansum's Ins. Digest.) i vol. Svo. Chicago, 1S88. Berry (A. Moore). Reports of Cases Decided in the St. Louis Court of Appeals of the State of Missouri. Vols. 16-27. Mo. A. R., St. Louis, 1S85-SS. Bicknell (C. F.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Nevada. Vols. 10-18. Carson City, 1874-S4. Best (W. M.) The Principles of the Lavr of Evidence, with Elenientary Rules for conducting the Examination and Cross-examination of Witnesses, with a collection of leading pronositions. 7th edition, by J. M. I ely. i vol. London, 1SS3. lo SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Best (W. M.) The same. American edition from 7th English edition. I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Bigelow (M. M.) The Law of Ebtoppcl, its Principles and Applica- tions, as determined by the best authorities, American and English. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. An Index of the Cases Overruled, Reversed, Denied, Doubted, Modified, Limited, Explained, and Distinguished by the ' ' Courts of America, England, and Ireland, from 1873 to 1887, being a Supplement to Bigelovv's " Overruled Cases," from the Earliest Period to 1873. i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Elements of the Law of Torts for the use of Students. 3rd edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. ' A Treatise on the L,aw of Fraud on its Civil Side, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Birbeck (W. L.) Historical Sketch of the Distribution of Land in England, with Suggestions for some Improvements of the Law. I vol. i2mo. London, 1885. Birdseye (C. F.) A Table, Chronologically Arranged, of the Statutes of the State of New York, Amended, Repealed, Continued, or otherwise Modified or Aff"ected. 1777 to 1886. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1887. Bishop (J. P.) Commentaries on the Law of Contracts, upon a new and condensed method, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. '■ Commentaries on the Criminal Law. 7th edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1882. 't Bispham (G. F.) The Principles of Equity. A Treatise on the System ' of Justice administered in Courts of Chancery. 4th edition. I vol. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1887. Black (C. C.) Proof and Pleadings in Accident Cases, including Evi- dence, Relevancy, Presumptions, Necessary Proof, Burden of Proof; its Legal Effect and Sufficiency, Cases for the ' Court and for the Jury, i vol. 8vo. Jersey City, 1886. ^ (H. C.) An Essay on the Constitutional Prohiliitions against Legislation Impairing the Obligation of Contracts and against Retroactive and ^;f/'05/ /rtc/o Laws, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. -^ A Treatise on the Law of Tax Titles, their Creation, Incidents, Evidence and Legal Criteria, i vol. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Blackburn (Lord). A Treatise en the Effect of the Contract of Sale on the Legal Rights of Property and Possession in Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. Second edition, by J. C. Graham, I vol. 8vo. London, 1885. i ~. The same. American edition from 2nd English edition, i vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. f OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. II edition. \pplica- ;an and )oubted, by the to 1887, s," from 887. ts. 3rd ol. 8vo. Land in ts of the Statutes inued, or )ls. 8vo. an a new 87. I'ised and le System h edition. idinj; Evi- f, Burden cs for the 188G. IS afi'ainst nd against ;ton,"i887. Incidents, 3uis, 18S8. of Sale on in Goods, ;. Graham, Blackstone Text Book Series, PubHshed Monthly, delphia, 18S7-88. 8vo. Phila- I vol. 1. Smith on Master and Servant. 4th edition. 2. Challis on Real Property. 1 vol. 3. DeColyar on Guarantee. 2nd edition, i vol. 4. Smith on Negligence. 2nd edition, i vol. 5. Blackburn on Sales. 2nd edition, i vol. G. Pollock on Torts, i vol. 7. Taylor on Evidence. 8th edition. 2 vols. Wright on Criminal Conspiracies, with American Notes, by H. L. Carson, i vol. May on Fraudulent Conveyances. 2nd edition, i vol. Odgers on Libel and Slander. 2nd edition. I vol. Shirley's Leading Cases in the Common Law. 3rd edition i vol. Lewin on Trusts, with American Authorities and a Supplementary II 12. 13- 14. 15- Chapter on Trusts for Accumulation, by Wm. C. Scott. 8th edition. 3 vols. )n. I vol. Blatchford (S.) Reports of Cases in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit. Vols. 23-24. 2 vols. New York, 1886-88. Block (R. J.) Table of the Judges of England During the Fifty Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Blunt (Rev. J. Henry). Book of Church Law, being an Exposition of the Legal Rights and Duties of the Parochial Clergy and Laity of the Church of England. 4th edition, i vol. lamo. London, 1885. Bl3rth (E. E.) An Analysis of Snell's Principles of Equity, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Boston, History and Antiquities of the City of. 1G30-1770. By S. G. Drake, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Bourinot (J. G.) Local Government in Canada, i vol. 8vo. Bai,i- more, 1887. Bradwell (J. B.) Reports of the Decisions of the Appellate Courts of Illinois. Vols. 17 to 20. Chicago, 1886-87. Bray (E.) The Principles and Practices of Discovery, with an Appendix of Forms, including Suggested Forms for Stating Objections to Discovery, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Brett (T.) Leading Cases in Modern Equity, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Brice (Seward). The Law, Practice, and Procedure relating to Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks; containing the Acts of 1883, with the Rules and Forms and the Official Instructions, Regulations, etc., issued in pursuance of the Act. i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. 1 12 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY British Columbia, Statutes of the Province of, passed in 1.S86-87. 2 vols. Victoria, 1886-87. Brown (F. M.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Missouri. Vols. 84-92. Columbia, 1886-88. (G. A.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Vols. 4 to 20. Lincoln, 1876-87. (J. A.) and Hemingway (J. B. H.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court for the State of Mississippi. Vols. 63-64. Mississippi Reports. 8vo. Boston, 1886-87, Browne (Irving). American Reports, containing all Decisions of general interest decided in the Courts of Last Resort of the several States, with Notes and References (Irving Browne, Reporter), in continual of Isaac Grant Thompson's Series. Vols. 53 to 60. 8vo. Albany, 1886-88. (J. H. B.) and Theobald (H. S.) The Law of Railway Com- panies : being a Collection of the Acts and Orders relating to Railway Companies in England and Ireland, with Notes of Cases, Appendix of By-laws, and Standing Orders of the House of Commons. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. The Principles of the Law of Rating of Hereditaments in the Occupation of Companies. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1886. ■ and Macnamara (W. H.) Reports of Cases decided by the Railv^'ay Court to July, 1882, under the Regulations of Rail- ways Act, 1873, and the Board of Trade Arbitration Act, 1874; being a continuation of Neville and Macnamara's Railway and Canal Cases. Vol. 5. London, 18S8. (W. W.) The Law of Assessment and Taxation, including As- sessments forming the Basis of General Taxation and Assess- ments by Municipal Corporations for Street and other Local Improvements, i vol. 8vo. Rochester, 1887. Buckley (H. B.) The Law and Practice under The Companies Acts. 1862 to 1886, and the Life Assurance Companies Acts, 1870 to 1872, with Statutes, Rules, Orders, arn\ Forms. 5th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Burnie (R. W.) The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1885; with In- troduction, Commentary, and Forms of Indictments, i vol* 8vo. London, 1885. Burrill (A. M.) Assignments. A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors, adapted to the Laws of the Various States, with an Appendix of Forms. 5th edition, i vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. Buswell (H. T.) The Law of Insanity, in its Application to the Civil Rights and Capacities and Criminal Responsibility of the Citizen. 8vo. Pamphlet. Boston, 1885. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 13 1 886-87. Court of Court of 3S in the s. 63-64. if general e several 'eporter), ols. 53 to /ay Com- i relating ith Notes jrs of the London, its in the 'o. Lon- !d by the 3 of Rail- tion Act, :namara's iding As- id Assess- iier Local iiies Acts. Vets, 1870 ms. 5th with In" I vol* 'ractice of ;, adapted pendix of ) the Civil ty of the Byles (Sir John B.) Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promis- sory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers' Cash Notes and Cheques. 14th edition, by M. B. Byles. i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Bythewood (W. M.) and Jarman (T.) Selection of Precedents in Conveyancing, with Dissertations and Practical Notes. 4th edition. By L. G. G. Robbins. Vol. i. Abstracts— Ap- pointments. Royal 8vo. 1884. Vol.2. Appointments of New Trustees — Indemnity. 1885. Vol. 3. Leases — Mortgages. 1886. Vol. 4. Mortmain — Power of Attorney. 1887. . Vol. 5. Purchase Deeds. 1888. Caldwell (J. S.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of West Virginia. Vols. 25-29. 1885-88. California Reports. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of California. 1886-88. Vols. 66 to 72. 8vo. San Francisco, 1886-88. Campbell (E. L.) The Science of Law According to the American Theory of Government, i vol. 8vo. Jersey City, 1887. Canada, Acts of the Provinces and of Canada not Repealed by the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1887. i vol. 8vo. (6 copies.) Ottawa, 1887. Compendium of Dominion Laws of, 1867-83, indicating Amend- ments, Repeals, etc., with Index, by J. Fremont, i vol. 8vo. Montreal, 1884. (2 copies.) Ontario Boundaries before Privy Council, 1884. Documents put in on the part of Ontario and on the part of Manitoba, with reference to Disputed Boundary, i vol. 4to. (n. d.) Ontario Statute Law, Draft Consolidation of, as presented at the last Session of the Provincial Legislature (1886) up to and including the Statutes passed in 1885. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto. 1886. Geological Survey of. New series. Vol. i. 8vo. 1885, with maps. Montreal, 1886. Index to the Local and Private Acts of the Parliament of Canada down to and including those of Session 49 Vict. 1886. i vol. 8vo. Ottawa, 1887. (6 copies.) ■ • Law Journal. Vols. 22-23, ^"^ current 1886-7. 2 vols. Tor- onto, 1886-87. (4 copies.) . Official Gazette of, from Jan. -June, 1886, to July-Dec, 1887, and current. 4 vols. Ottawa, 1886-88. Printed Cases in the Supreme Court of. Vols. 28 to 53. 4to* Ottawa, 1883-87. ■ Revised Statutes of. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1887. (8 copies.) sssaaatstix^ H SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Canada, Statutes Passed by the Parliament of the Dominion during the years 1886-87. 2 vols. Ottawa. (8 copies.) Supreme Court Reports. (George Duval, Reporter.) Vols. 11-13. 8vo. Ottawa, 1886-87. (^ copies.) Canadian Law Times. Vols. 5 and 6 and current issue. Svo. Toronto, 1886-87. (2 copies.) Parliamentary Companion and Annual Register for 1887. Edited by J. A. Gemmill. i vol. i8mo. Ottawa, 1888. (2 copies.) Patent Office Record. Vols. 8 to 13. Ottawa, 1880-85. Carleton (A. B.) The Law of Homicide, together with the Trial for Murder of Judge Wilkinson, Dr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Mur- daugh, including Indictments, Evidence, and Speeches of Counsel in full, i vol. Svo. Cincinnati, 1882. Carpmael (A.) Patent Laws of the World, Collected, Edited and Indexed, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Cartwright (J. R.) Cases Decided on the British North America Act, 1867, in the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Provincial Courts. Vol. 3. Svo, Toronto, 1887. Cassels (R.) A Digest of Cases decided by the Supreme Court of Canada, from the organization of the Court in 1875 to ist May, 1886, comprising both Reported and Unreported Cases and many points of practice, determined by the Court and by the Judges in Chambers. i vol. Svo. (3 copies.) Toronto, 1886. Castle (E. G.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Rating. 2nd edition, i vol. Svo. London, 1S86. Catalogue of the Law Library of the Chicago Law Institute, i vol. Svo. Chicago, 18S7. of the New York State Law Library, by S. B. Griswold. i vol. Svo. Albany, 18S3. Cavanagh (C.) The Law and Procedure of Summary Judgment on Specially Indorsed Writ under Order XIV. i vol. Svo. London, 1887. The Law of Money Securities. In Four Books: (i) Personal Securities ; (2) Securities on Properties ; (3) Money Market and Stock Exchange Securities ; (4) Miscellaneous. 2nd edition, i vol. Svo. London, 18S5. Central Law Journal, The. Vols. 23-24 and current, 1SS6-87, and Index. Vols, i to 20. 4to. St. Louis, 1SS6-S7. Challis(H. W.) Real Property. Settled Land Act, 1882. i vol. Svo. Philadelphia, 1SS7. Chalmers (M. D.) A Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promis- sory Notes, and Cheques. 3rd edition, i vol. Svo. Lon- don, 1887. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 15 •ing the J. 11-13. ;. 8VO. Edited copies.) rrial for dr. Mur- sches of ited and rica Act, Canada, , 1887. Court of 75 to 1st :ed Cases lourt and ; copies.) ing. 2nd e. I vol. iwold. I [gment on vol. 8vo. I Personal ey Market ous. 2nd 186-87, and I2. I vol. re, Promis- i\o. Lon- I Chambers (G. F.) A Handbook for Public Meetings, including Hints to the Summoning and Management of them, and as to the Duties of Chairman, Clerks, Secretaries, and other Officials, Rules of Debaie, etc. 2nd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Champion (Wm.) A Digest of Cases decided since the passing of "The Wine and Beerhouse Act," to 1884, relative to the Liability and Offences of Licensed Persons, etc. i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Chancery Gases. Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery. I vol. 8vo. New York, 1828. Chaster (A. W.) Officers edition. The same. The Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Executive as between these Officers and the Public. 2nd I vol. 8vo. London, 1888. I vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Chitty (Ed.) Equity Index. Index to all the Reported Cases decided in the several Courts in England, the Privy Council, and the House of Lords, with a Selection of Irish Cases, on or relating to the Principles, Pleading, and Practicf^ of Equity and Bankruptcy from the Earliest Period. 4th edition., by W. F. Jones, B.C.L., and H. E. Hurst, E.C.L. Vol. I. (Titles, "Abandonment" to "Bankruptcy"); Vol. II. ("Bar- badoes " to " Education ") ; Vol. III. (" Ejectment " to " In- spector ") ; Vol. IV. ("Insurance" to " Oyster Meter ") ; Vol. V. (" Practice " and " Pleadings "). Royal 8vo. Lon- don, 1883-87. Clarke (Sir E.) A Treatise on the Law of Extradition with the Con- ventions upon the Subject, existing between England and Foreign Nations and the Cases decided thereon. 3rd edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Clement (G. A.) Digest of Fire Insurance. Decisions in the Courts of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, being a con- tinuation of the 3rd edition of Littleton & Blatchley's Digest. 1872-82. I vol. 8vo. New York, 1882. CliflEbrd (F.) A History of Private Bill Practice. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1885-87. Clifton (R. W.) The Rights and Liabilities of Innkeepers : a Book for the use of Licensed Victuallers, i vol. i2mo. London, 1885. Clode (W.) The Law and Practice of Petition of Right, under the Petitions of Rights Act, i860, with Forms and an Appendix containing the Laws Regulating the Petitions of Right in Ir'^land, Scotland, and certain Colonies and Dependencies. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. . i6 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY '• !■ Gobbett (Pitt). Leading Cases and Opinions on International Law, collected and digested from English and Foreign Reports, Official Documents, Parliamentary Papers, and other sources. With Notes and Excursus, i vol. 8vo. London, 1S85. Ooif. The Order of the. By Alex. Pulling, Sergeant-at-Law. i vol. Svo. London, 1884. Colonial ConferLMicc, Proceedings of the. Folio. London, 1887. Statistical Tables, relating to the Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Part 17. 1879-81. Folio. Lon- don, 1885. Colorado Reports. Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado. Vol. y. Chicago, 1887. Columbia Disti ct Reports. Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Baltimore, 1884, as follows: MacArthur and MacKay, Vol. i; MacKay. Vols. 1-4. 1883-87. Commissioner of Patents. Annual Report for the years 1885-86. 2 vols. Washington, 1886-87. Connecticut Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Errors. Vols. 53-54, by John Hooker. 1886-87. 2 vols. New York, 1886-87. Connoly (T.) New York Citations. A Complete Table of all the Cases Cited, Affirmed, Reversed or Modified in all the Re- ports of the State of New York from 1794 to present time; over 50,000 in number, with Supplement. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany, 1887. Conover (O. M.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin. Vols. 59 to 68. Chicago, 1885-88. Cook (W. W.) A Treatise on the Law of Stock and Stockholders as applicable to Railroad, Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing, Commercial, Business, Private Corporations. 1 vol. Svo. New York, 1887. Cooley (T. M.) A Treatise on the Law of Taxation, including the Law of Local Assessments. 2nd edition, greatly enlarged, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. Cooper (C. M.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Florida. Vol. 21. 1884-86. Cope (W. W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of California. (Vols. 66-72 Cal. Reports.) 8vo. San Francisco, 1885-87. Copinger (W. A.) The Law of Rents, with special reference to the Sale of Land in consideration of a Rent Charge or Chief Rent. I vol. 8vo. London, 1886. 1 OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 17 Law. ports, irces. '5- 1 vol. ssions Lon- of the in the :, 1884, acKay. 885-86. Errors. V York, all the the Ke- lt time ; . 8vo. 3ourt of 1885-88. Iders as icturing, 3l. 8vo. the Law I vol. d in the Supreme Reports.) :e to the or Chief Oordery (A.) The Law Relating to Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature, with an Appendix of Statutes and Rules. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Oorrespondonce re Queensland, respecting the Powers of the two Houses of the Legislature of Queensland in respect to Money Bills. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. Folio. London, 1886. Oouper (C. T.) Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Court of Justiciary in Scotland. Vol. 5. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. OOX & Oo.'s List of Persons who have been Advertised for in Proceed- ings in the Court of Chancery and Otherwise to Claim Money and Property, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. (E. W.) and Graay (S. G.) Law and Practice of Registration and Elections, Parliamentary and Municipal, comprising the Ballot Act, 1872 ; the Parliamentary and Municipal Registra- tion Act, 1878, etc., and the Law of Election Petitions. 14th edition. 2 vols. lamo. London, 1885. Craven (J.) A Handbook for High Baihffs and Bailiffs of County Courts. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Criminal Law Magazine. A Bi-monthly Periodical devoted to the Interests of Bench and Bar in Criminal Cases ; containing Original Articles on timely Topics ; full Reports of all recent Criminal Cases, American and English. Edited by Stev^art Rapalje. Vols. 7-9, and current, 1886-87. Jersey City, 1886-87. CrippS (H. W.) Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the Church and the Clergy. 6th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Crosswell (S. G.) A Collection of Patent Cases, Criticised, Explained, Overruled, or otherwise Limited by Subsequent Decisions of the Federal Courts, giving a short Statement of the Point Criticised, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Cunningham (John). Law relating to Parliamentary and Municipal Elections and Petitions, including the Corrupt Practices Acts. 1854-83, etc. 3rd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1885. Cuthbertson (G.) Test of Domicil. 8vo. (Pamphlet.) London, 1887. Dakota Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Dakota. 1867 to 1884. Vols, i to 3. Yangton, 1879-86. Dale (C. W. M.) and Lehmann (R. C.) A Digest of Cases Overruled, not Followed, Disapproved, Approved, Distinguished, Com- mented on, and Specially Considered in the English Courts. 1756-1886. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. (2 copies.) rfH i8 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Dallam (J. W.) Opinions of the Supreme Court of Texas from 1840 ta 1844 inclusive, i vol. 8vo. St. Louis, 1883. Daly (Dr. C. P.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York. Vols. 12-13. 8vo. New York, 1886-87. Danforth (H. G.) and Wickes (R. B.) Digest of the New York Court of Appeals Reports. Vols. 95-100 inclusive. Vol. 2. 8vo. New York, 1886. Daiin (F. P.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Arizona. Vol. i. 1866-84. Dart (J. H.) A Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. 6th edition. 2 vols. (2 copies.) 8vo. London, 1888. Davis (G. B.) Outlmes of International Law, with an Account of its Origin and Sources, and of its History and Development. I vol. i2mo. New York, 1887. (J. C. Bancroft), Reporter. Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, 1882-85, being Vols. u6 to 123 of the United States. Supreme Court Reports. 8vo. New York and Albany, 1886-87. Deane (C. P.) A Manual of the Law Concerning the Retailing of In- toxicating Drinks, with Notes on Incidental Laws. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1887. (H. C.) Principles of Conveyancing : an Elementary Work for the use of Students. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1883. De Oolyar (H. A.) A Treatise on the Law of Guarantees, and of Principal and Surety. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. The same. From 2nd English edition, i vol. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1887. Deering (J. H.) The Law of Negligence, i vol. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1886. Delaware Reports. Cases Adjudged and Determined in the Court of Chancery in the State of Delaware, 1876-84. Vols, i to 4. Vols. I and 2 Reported by D. M. Bates. Vols. 3 and 4 by G. H. Bates. Demarest (T. F. C.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York. Vols. 4-5. 8vc. New York, 1886-87. Denis (H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Vols. 32-38. 1880-86. Derby (J. S.) The Mechanics' Lien Law of the State of New York (passed 27th May, 1885), with all the Amendments supersed- ding the various Local Statutes and applicable to the entire State. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 19 n 1 840 to the Court ew York. Drk Court 2. Bvo. Supreme D Vendors vols. (2 )unt of its elopment. Supreme ted States 1 Albany, ing of In- /s. I vol. ary Work Ivo. Lon- es, and of London, Philadel- San Fran- be Court of Vols. I to Is. 3 and 4 lined in the Vols. 4-5. le Supreme New York ts supersed- o the entire 587. Devlin (R. T.) A Treatise on the Law of Deeds, their Form, Requisites, Execution, Acknowledgment, Registration, Construction and Eflfect, covering the Alienation of Title to Real Property by Voluntary Transfer, with Chapters on Tax Deeds and Sheriffs' Deeds. 2 vols. Bvo. San Francisco, 1887. Dewey (T. H.) A Treatise on Contract for Future Delivery and Com- mercial Wagers, includmg " Options,'" " Futures,' and " Short Sales." i vol. 8vo. New York, 1886. Dicey (A. V.) The Privy Council. The Arnold Prize Essay, i860. 1 vol. i2mo. London, 1887. . England's Case against Home Rule. 2nd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Dickson (W. G.) A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland, adapted to the present state of the Law and in part re-writ- ten. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. Dixon (W. J.) Probate and Administration Law and Practice in Com- mon Form and Contentious Business. 2nd edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Dominion Annual Register. Vols, for the years 1885-86, by H. J. Morgan. 2 vols. Montreal, 1886-87. Dove (P. E.) Public Rights in Navigable Rivers. (Pamphlet.) Lon- don (n. d.) Dowell (Stephen). The Acts relating to the Income Tax, with refer- ences to the decisions on the subject. 2nd revised edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Drake (C. D.) The Law of Suits by Attachment in the United States. 6th edition, revised and enlarged with the leading Statutory Provisions of the several States and Territories of the United States, in relation to Suits by Attachment, i vol. Svo. Boston, 1885. Dulnreuil (J. F.) The Reference Book; being a detailed Index of all Public and Private Statutes and Orders-in-Council contained therein passed by the Canadian Parliament and by the Legis- latures ot the several Canadian Provinces since Confedera- tion down to and including 1887. 2nd edition. i vol. Montreal, 1888. Duncan (J. A.) The Annual Review of Mercantile Cases for the Year 1886, being a Digest of the Decisions of the English, Scotch and Irish Courts, on matters relatmg to Commerce, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Duryee (S.) Assignments of Patent Rights. A Digest of Decisions of Federal and State Courts and the Commissioner of Palents, together with the Laws and Forms, i vol. Svo. Balti- more, 1886. '^mm wgJB Pffl 20 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY )\ h Eastern Reporter : Containing all the Current Decisions of tlie Courts of Last Resort of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Con- necticut, New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Edited by J. T. Cook and B. C. Andrews. Vols. 4to II. 8vo. Albany, N. V., 18HG-87. Bbersole (E. C.) Reports in Law and Equity determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa. (Being vols. 64-71 of Iowa State Reports.) 8vo. New York and Albany, 1886-88. Ellis (A. L.) Trustee's Guide to Investments, i vol. lamo. Lon- don, 1887. (A. M.) A Guide to the Income Tax Acts, for the use of thf English Income Tax Payer. 2nd edition. i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. A Guide to the House Tax Acts, for the use of Payers of In- habited House Duty in England. I vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Elmes (W.) A Treatise on the Law of the Customs, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Elphinstone (H. VV.) and Olark (J. W.) On Searches: containing a Concise Treatise on the Law of Judgments, Crown Debts, Executions, Lis Pendens, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Annuities, and Statutory Charges as Affecting Land, i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1887. — Norton (R. F.), Olark (J. W.) Rules for the Interpretation of Deeds ; with a Glossary, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Emden (A.) The Practice and Forms of Winding-up Companies. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. The Law Relating to Building Leases and Building Contracts ; with a full collection of Precedents with respect to matters connected with Building, Notes of Latest Cases, etc. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. The Practice in Winding-up Companies. A Concise and Prac- tical Treatise upon the Law and Practice relating to the Winding-up of Companies from the Commencement of the Winding-up Proceedings to Dissolution ; with Forms for use in Winding-up and Precedents of Bills of Costs. 2nd edition. I vol. 8vo. London, i888. The same, i vol. 8vo. London, 1883. The Complete Annual Digest of Every Reported Case in all the Courts for the Years 1886-87. Compiled by Herbert Thomp- son and edited by Alfred Emden. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Lon- don, 1886-87. EncyclopaBdia Britannica; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. New gth edition. Edited by T. S. Baynes. Vols. 20 to 22. 4to. Edinburgh, 1886-87. fe '■^ OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 21 le Courts )nt, Con- [aryland, Vndrews. i in the 64-71 of , i886-8«. 0. Lon- se of th«' 01. 8vo. rs of In- ion, 1885. vo\. 8vo. itaining a vn Debts, \nnuities, vo. Lon- retation of .885. ompanies. "ontracts ; to matters etc. 2nd and Prac- ing to the lent of the :ms for use nd edition. e in all the ;rt Thomp- 8vo. Lon- ences, and 1 byT. S. 87. i Erichson (J. E.) The Concussion of the Spine, Nervous Shock and other Obscure Injuries of the Nervous System in their Clini- cal and Medico-Legal Aspects, i vol. 8vo. London, 1H82. Evans (Wm.) A Treatise on the Law of Principal and ^gent in Co!i- tract and Tort. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 188H. Everest (L. F.) The Defence of Insanity in Criminal Cases, being an Essay. 8vo. (Pamphlet.) London, 1887. Eversley (W. P.) The Law of the Domestic Relations, including Husband and Wife ; Parent and Child ; Guardian and Ward; Infants, Master and Servant, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Ewell (M. D.) A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for the use of Students-at-Law and of Medicine, i vol. i2mo. Boston, 1887. Fawcett (M. G.) Political Economy for Beginners. 6th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1884. Federal Reporter. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in tlu- Circuit and District Courts of the United States. Peyton Boyle and Robert Desty, editors. Vols. 27-31, and current. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-87. Digest of Decisions of United States Circuit and District Courts reported in the Federal Reporter. Vols. 21-30. With Tables of Cases reported. Statutes and Constitutions Cited and Con- structed, etc. I vol. 8vo. St. Paul, 1887. Fletcher (B.) Quantities. A Text-book for Surveyors in Tabulated form, explanatory of the best methods adopted in the Meas- urement of liuilders" Work, and containing many useful hints and much valuable information for the Surveyor. 4th edition. I vol. i2mo. London, 1884. Light and Air. A Text-book for Architects and Surveyors. Shows in tabulated form what constitutes Ancient Light, etc. 2nd edition, i vol. London, 1886. Compensations. A Text-book for Surveyors, in tabulated form. I vol. London, 1874. Arbitrations. A Text-book for Surveyors, in tabulated form. I vol. i2mo. London, 1875. Dilapidations. A Text-book for Architects, Surveyors, etc. 3rd edition. 1 vol. i2mo. London, 1883. Florida Reports, The. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Florida. Vol. 7 (1857), and vols. 12 to 21 (1867-86), as follows: Papy Vols. 7 1857 ^ ^'ol- Galbraith and Meek 12. 1867-1869 i " Drew 13 1869-1871 I " Cocke I4-I5 1871-1876 2 vols. Raney 16-20 1876-1884 5 " Cooper 21 1885-1886 I " II ",j);n ■ '?,~:l^ l rlT^i^g ■ /l ^ Ka^^i^g7t ^ ^f ■ ^Bifjlffllllll^ylll^ > ~'^lm^n^ ! i! 22 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY I' I 'I Foster (Joseph). Men-at-the-Bar: a Biographical Hand-List of the Members of the various Inns of Court, inchiding Her Majesty's Judges, etc. i vol. Imp. 8vo. London, 1885. Fowler (J. C.) Supplement to the Revised Statutes of New York, showing in connection with the 7th edition Rev. Stat. N. Y., the History and Conditions of the entire Statute Law of the State to tiie close of Session of 1887, etc. i vol. Svo. Aib?»py, 1888. Foyste" (J. A.) The Married Women (Maintenance in case of Deser- tion) Act, 1886. 49-50 Vic. Cap. 52, with Introductory Observations and Forms, i vol. 8vo. London, (n. d.) France (L. B.) Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Determined in the Supreme Court of Colorado Territory (now State of). Vols. 3 to g, Colorado Reports, 1876 to 1887. 8vo. Denver and Chicago, 1878-87. Freeman (A. C.) A Treatise on the Law of Judgments, including all Final Determinations of the Rights of Parties in Actions or Proceedings at Law or in Equity. 3rd ediiion. i vol. 8vo. San Francisco, 1881. The Law of Co-tenancy and Partition, i vol. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1882. (N. L.) Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois. (Vols. 1 10-120 Illinois Reports.) 8vo. Chicago and Springfi^-ld. 1885-87. F\lller (W. D.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan. Vols. 50-60. 1886. Geare (E. A.) The Investment of Trust ImukIs. i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1886. Geary ( vV. N. M.) The Law of Theatres and Music Halls, including Contracts and Precedents of Contracts, with Historical Introduction, by James Williams, M.A. i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1H85. Gemmill (J. A.) Canadian Parliamentary Cotnpanion. i vol. iSmo. Ottawa. i88f . (2 copies.) Gibson (Albert), and McLean (Robt.) The Student's Practice of the Courts, being a Practical Exposition of the Proceednigs m the Queen's Bench, Chancery, Probate, Divorce and Admi- ralty Divisions of the High Court of Jusiice, the Court of Appeal, and the Hoiise of Lords. 3rd edition. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1886. Glen (W. C.) The Law relating to Public Healtli and Local Govern- ment ; including the Public Health Act, 1875, and other Statutes affecting Sanitary Authorities, etc. ' ^th edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1888. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 23 ist of the Majesty's ew York, at. N. Y.. aw of the vol. Svo. of Deser- rodiictorv (n. a.) ' etermined State of). , Denver :huhnj; all Actions or vol. 8vo. San Fran- rf^ned ami Is. 1 10-120 1885-S7. J Court of ivo. Lon- , including Historical hvo. Lon- iSnio. :tice of the r,cedinj:;s in and Adnii- ^ Court of vol. Svo. al Clovern- and other >th edition. Gneist (Dr. Rudolph). The History of the English. Constitution. Translated from the German by P. A. Ashworth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1886. Goodeve (L. A.) The Modern Law of Personal Property, i vol. Svo London, 1887. Germully (J. J.) and Sinclair (R. V.) Banks and Banking ami the Mercantile Law of Canada, containing a full Annotation of the Bank Act (Chap. 120 R. S., Can.), together vith the Rev. Stat. Canada relating to Currency, etc. i vol. 8vo. Ottawa, 1887. (6 copies.) Gray (J. C.) Restraints on the Alienation of Property, i vol. Svo. Boston, 1883. (Hon. J. H.) Confederation; or, the Political and Parliamentary History of Canada, from the Conference at Quebec, October, 1864, to the admission of British Columbia, July, 1871. \'ol. i. Svo. Toronto, 1872. Greene (T. \V.) Outlines of Roman Law, consisting chiefly of an Analysis and Summary of the Institutes. 4th edition, i vol. Svo. London, 1884. Greenhood (E.) The Doctrine of Public Policy in the Law of Con- tracts. I vol. Svo. Chicago, 188G. Greenwood (H.) Recent Real Property Statutes, comprising those passed during the years 1874-84 inclusive, consolidated with the Earlier Statutes thereby amended, with copious notes. 2nd edition, i vol. London, 1884. Guilbert (A. [>.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Da- kota reported in the yJorth-Western Reporter. 'N'ols. i to 20. Svo. St. Paul, 1 886. — The same. \'ols. 21 to 30. Svo. St. Paul, 18S7. Guterbock (Carl). 13racton and his Relation to the Roman Law ; a Contribution to the History of the Roman Law in the Middle Ages. Translated by Brinton Coxe. i vol. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1S66. Hagan (A.) Re{)orts of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of Utah. 2 vols. San Francisco and Chicago, 1877-81, in the o. Hallett (Moses) Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery in tl Supreme Court of Colorado Territory. 1867- 1876. Sv Denver, 1872-76. Hallilay (R.) A Digest of the Questions asked at the Final Examina- tion of Articled Clerks in Common Law, Conveyancing and Equity, from 1836 to the present time, with Answers. 14th (-■dition. I vol. Svo. London, 1S86. I 24 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY f i li|i ! i Hammick (J. T.) The Marriage Law of England : a Practical Treatise on the Legal Incidents Connected with the Constitution of the Matrimonial Contract, with Statutes, Summary of Col- onial Marriage Laws and other information. 2nd edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Hansard (T. C.) Parliamentary Debates. 3rd series. Vols. 293-321. London, 1886-87. Hardcastle (H.) The Law and Practice of Election Petitions ; with an Appendix containing the Parliamentary Elections Acts ; the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Acts ; the General Rules of Procedure made by the Election Judges in England, Scotland, and Ireland; Forms of Petitions, etc. 3rd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1885. Hare (J. I.e.) The Law of Contracts, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Harris (G. E.) A Treatise on the Law of Contracts of Married Women, their Capacity to Contract in Relation to their Sepatate Statutory Legal Estates under American Statutes, i vol. 8vo. Albany, 1887. (R.) Before Trial: What Should be Done by Client, Solicitor and Counsel, from a Barrister's point of View, together with a Treatise on the Defence of Insanity. 1 vol. i2mo. Lon- don, 1886, Hints on Advocacy. Conduct of Cases Civil and Criminal, Classes of Witnesses and Suggestions for Cross-examiniiit; them, etc. 7th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1884. (S. F.) The Principles of the Criminal Law ; a Concise Expo- sition of the Nature of Crime, the various Offences Punishable by the English Law, the Law of Criminal Procedure, and the Law of Summary Convictions ; with Table of Offences, their Punishments, etc. 4th edition, revised by the Author and Aviet Agabeg. i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. (T.) Post Mortem Hand-book, or, How to Conduct Post Mor- tem Examinations for Clinical and for Medico-Legal Pur- poses, I vol. i2mo. London, 1887. Hastings (Sydney). A Treatise on Torts, and the Legal Kemedy for their Redress, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Haviland (E. W.) A Table of Cases, Affirmed, Reversed, Modificl, Overruled, or otherwise Criticised and Cited in all the Reports of the State of New York. 1880 to 1887. 2 vols. 8vo. Rochester, 1887. Hawkins (F. V.) A Concise Treatise on the Construction ot Wills; with Notes and References to American Decisions, by John Sword. 2nd American edition, by F. M. Leonard. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. Haydn (J.) A Dictionary of Dates, relating to all Ages and Nations, for Universal Reference. i8th edition, by Benj. \^incent. I vol. 8vo. London, 1885. ■>s% 'iARV ticai Treatise onstitution of mary of Col- 2nd edition. V'ols. 293-32 1 • ititions ; with ections Acts ; n Acts ; the ion Judges in Petitions, etc. )ston, 1887. Tied Women, leir Separate tutes. I vol. ient, Solicitor together with i2mo. Lon- nd Criminal, jss-examini;ii; I, 1884. oncise Expo- es Punishable idure, and the )fifences, their c Author and ict Post Mor- ;o-Legal Pur- .1 l^cniedy for ;ed, Mo(hfieil, ill the Reports 2 vols. 8vo. tion ot Wills ; ^ions, by Johi\ >nard. 1 vol. and Nations, 3enj. \'incent. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 25 Haynes (Jno. F.) The Students' Leading Cases ; being some of the Principal Decisions in Constitutional Law, Common Law, Conveyancing, and Equity, Probate, Divorce, Bankruptcy and Criminal Law, with Notes for the use of Students, and edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1884. Healey (C. E. H. C.) A Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Joint Stock Companies under the Acts 1862-83, with Forms and Precedents. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Heard (F. F.) Precedents and Pleadings in Personal Actions in the Superior Courts of Common Law, with Notes, i vol. Svo. Boston, 1886. Hearn (W. E ) The Government of England, its Structure and its Development. 2nd edition, i vol. Svo. London, 1887. The Aryan Household, its Structure and its Development, an Introduction to Comparative Jurisprudence. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1879. Herman (H. M.) Law Conunentaries on Estoppel and Res Judicata. 2nd edition, i vol. Svo. Jersey City, 1886. Hert&iet (E.) Commercial and Slave Trade Treaties, Law, etc. \'ols. II, 12, 13 and 16. London, 1864-85. Highmore (W. J.) Summary Proceedings in Inland Revenue Cases in England and Wales. 2nd edition, i vol. Svo. Lon- don, 1887. Hill(:.I. D.) Suggestions for tho Repression of Crime, contained in Charges Delivered to General Juries of Birmingham, Sup- ported by Additional Facts and Arguments, i vol. Svo. London, 1S57. Hilton (H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York. Vols. I and 2. Svo. New York, 1859-70. Hoblyn (R. D.) A Dictionary of Terms used in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences, nth edition, i vol. Svo. London. 1S87. Hockheimer (L.) A Treatise on the Law Relating to the Custody of Infants, i vol. Svo. Baltimore, 18S7. Hodgins (Thos., g.C.) Supplement to the Canadian Franchise Act, 18S5, Containing the Amending Act of 1886 (49 Vic. Cap. 3) with Explanatory Notes. i vol. i2mo. Toronto, 1886. (6 copies.) A Manual of the Law Affecting Voters' Lists for Parliamentary and Municipal Elections m Ontario. 2nd edition, i vol. i2mo. Toronto, 1S86. Holland (T. E.) Tiic Elements of Jurisprudence. 3rd edition, i vol. Svo. Oxford, 1 886. 1 ■I -r ( i'p 26 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Holmested (G. S.) The General Rules and Orders of the Co"rts of Law and Equity of the Province of Ontario, passed prior to the Ontario Judicature Act, 1881, and now in force; with Ap- pendix, containing the Rules ot the Supreme Court of Ontario passed since 21st August, 1881, and the Tariffs of the High Court of Justice and the County Courts. Vol. i. The Chancery Orders ; vol. 2, Common Law Rules, General Orders of Court of Appeal, Rules of Privy Council, etc. 8vo. Toronto, 1884-85. The Mechanics' Lien Acts; being the Revised Statute of Ontario, 1887, chap. 126, with Annotations. 2nd edition, r vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1888. (6 copies.) Hooker (Jno.) Fieports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Errors of the State of Connecticut. \'ols. 52- 1^4. New York, 1885-87. Horr (N. T.) and Bemis (A. A.) A Treatise on the Power to Enact, Passage. Validity and Enforcement of Municipal Police Ordinances with Reference to all the Decided Cases on the Subject in the United States, England, and Canada, i vol. Svo. Cincinnati, 1887. Howard (J. N.) Practice Reports, by R. M. Stover. New Series. Vol. 3. 8vo. Albany, 1886. Hubbell (J. H.) American Legal Directory for Lawyer'^ and Busi- ness Men ; containing the Names of Leading Attorneys in the Cities and Towns of the United States and Canada, with a Synopsis of the Collection Laws of each State and Canada, Times for Holding Courts, etc., for 1886-87. i vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. Hun (^L T.) Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. (Vols. 45 to 53, Supremt.' Court Reports of N. Y. or Hun, 38-46), 1886 to 1888. 8vo. New York (n.d.) Hutchison (John). The Practice of Banking, embracing the Cases ;it Law and in Equity bearing upon all Brandies of the Subject. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1887. Huth (A. H.) The Marriage of Near Kin Considered with respect to the Laws of Nations, the Results of Experience and tin.' Teachings of ijiologv. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Idaho Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Idaho Territory. Vol. i. New series. 1866-80. 8vo. San Francisco, 1882. lUinoiS Reports. Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois. Freeman, Reporter. Vols. 1 10-120. Springfield, 1885-87. I ')■ >Lii> ^%5- ARY OF THL LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 27 o'Tts of Law prior to the e ; with Ap- rt of Ontario of the Hijjfli ol. I. The les, General :il, etc. Hvo. e of Ontario, tion. I vol. the Supreme Vols. 52-54. ver to Enact, cipal Police Cases on the iiada. I vol. Scries. \'ol. r'i and Busi- Attorneys iii Canada, with and Canada, I vol. 8vo. the Supreme 53, Supreme- ) 1888. 8vo. the Cases at f the Subject. ith respect to ince and the ,0. London, Lipreme Court 866-80. 8vo. Lte of Illinois. d, 1885-87. Illinois Appeal Reports. Cases in the Appellate Courts of the State of Illinois. Bradwell, Reporter. Vols. 17 to 22. Chicago, 1886-87. Indiana Reports. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Indiana. Vols. 104 to III. Indianapolis, 1886-87. ^t of Iowa. \'ol3. Iowa Reports. Cases Decided in the Supreme 66-71. Albany, 1886-88. Irish (H. C.) American Corporation Cases, vol. 10, embracing the De- cisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Courts of Last Resort since January i, 1868, of Questions Peculiar to the Law of Corporations, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Irish Law List and Directory ; comprising the Judges of the Superior Law Courts, and Officers, Barristers, and Solicitors in Ire- land, for the years 1887-88. i vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1887-88. Lma Times ami Solicitors y')Hynal with Law Reports and Pub- lic General Statutes ; Pi-blished under the Sanction of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society. Vols. 19-21, and current. Imp. 8vo. Dublin, 1885-87. Reports, Entitled, " The Law Reports (Ireland)." Ciiancery Division. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, and the Court of Bankruptcy, in Ireland, edited by \Vm. Green. Vols. 14-19. 8vo. Dublin, 1886-88. The same, Entitled " The Law Reports (Ireland)." Q.B., C.P., and Excheq. Divisions, edited by \Vm. Green. Vols. 15-20. 8vo. Dublin, 1886-88. Jackson (A. M.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Texas Court ot Appeals. Vols, i to 23. 1876-87. Jacobs (M. W.) A Treatise on the Law of Domicil, National, Quasi- National and Municipal, based mainly upon the Decisions of the British and American Courts, with Illustrations from the Roman Law and the ^Modern Continental Authorities, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Jameson (J. A.) A Treatise on Constitutional Conventions, their His- tory, Powers and Modes of Procedure. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Jardine (D.) A Reading on the use of Torture in the Criminal Law of England, Previous to the Commonwealth, Delivered at New Inn Hall in M. T,, 1836, by Appointment of the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple, i vol. 8vo. London, 1837. Jenkins (Jno.) The Laws of Religious Liberty and Public Worship. I vol. i2mo. London, 1880. iiTii ^Sr I MW.. I juilMil, « ^mmam i f ? I !i :^ I I? 5!; 1 r ■J! ;i % :i( i i !: I 28 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Jennison (Wm.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, 1865 to i86g. (Vols. 14 to 18 Mich. Reports). 8vo. Detroit, 1867-69. Johnson (Jas., and J. H.) The Patentee's Manual : a Treatise on the Law and Practice of Letters Patent, especially intended for the use of Patentees and Inventors, jth edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1884. Jones (D. A.) A Treatise on the Construction or Interpretration of Commercial and Trade Contracts, i vol. Svo. New York, 1886. (L. A.) A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Real Property . 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1882. — — Forms m Conveyancing, comprising Precedents for Ordinary Use and Clauses Adapted to Special and Unusual Cases I vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1883. • An Index to Legal Periodical Literature, i vol. 8vo. Boston. 1888. (2 copies.) (\V. H.) Federal Laws and State Expenses ; or, the Decay of Separate State Power of Excise, under the Federal Constitu- tion and the Compensation therein provided for it, etc. i vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. Journal of Jurisprudence for Years 1886-87. Vols. 30-31. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886-87. Junius. Handwriting of. Professionally Investigated, with Preface and Collateral Evidence, by the Hon. E. Twisleton and C. Chabot. I vol. 4to. London, 1871. * <■* Kansas Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas. \'ols. 34 to 37. 8vo. Topeka, 1886-88. Kentucky Reports. Reports of Civil and Criminal Cases Decided by tne Court of Appeals of Kentucky. \ ol. 82-83. 8vo. Frankfort, 1886-88. Kern (J. W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determuied in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana. (Vols. 104-11 1. Ir.diana Reports.) 8vo. Indianapolis, 1886-87. King (C.) The United States Mining Laws and Regulations there- under, and State and Territorial Mining Laws, to which are Appended Local Mining Rules and Regulations, i vol. Washington, 1885. Kingsford (W.) The History of Canada. Vol. i. (1608-1682). Svo. London (Eng.), and Toronto, 1887. i! I J ARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 2g ined in the Is. 14 to 18 iatise on the intended for I vol. 8vo. )retration of New York, al Propertx . 3r Ordinary isual Case? )perty. 2nd ^o. Boston. he Decay ot ral Constitu- t, etc. I vol. 30-31. Hvo. ith Preface eton and C. le Supreme 'O. Topeka. ses Decided 82-S3. 8vo. the Supreme ols. 104-1 1 1, itions there- s, to which ions. I vol. 1682). 8vo. Kinnear (J. B.) The Principles of Civil Government, i vol. 8vo. 1 London, 1887. Kinney (J. K.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, from the Organization of the Court to the close of Octoher Term, 1884. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Knapp (C. D.) A Treatise on the Law of Partition of Real and Per- sonal Property. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1887. KneelP.nd (S. F.) A Treatise on the Law of Attachment in (^ivil ,s Cases, together with the Legal Statutory Provision^i of llie ' several States, etc. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1885. Knowlton (Prof.) Anson on Contract. 2nd American from 4th English edition, i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Krueger (P.) Codex Justinianus. i vol. 8vo. Berolina, 1877. Lambard (W.) Eirenarcha, or of the Office of the Justices of the I Peace, in four Books. Revised, Corrected and Enlarged in i the 8th year of the Reign of King Tames, i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1614. Lathrop (Jno.) Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judi- cial Court of Massachusetts. Vols. 140-144. 5 vols. Hvo. J Boston, 1886-87. Latin Maxims. A Collection of Latin Maxims Literally Translated, Intended for the use of Students for all Legal Examinations. ■ 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Law Journal. A Monthly Periodical containing Reports of Decisions in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal, and in all the Divisions of the High Court of Justice, the Court S ot Bankruptcy and the Court of Crown Cases Reserved ; ' together with Cases Reserved, relating to the Duties of Magis- ^ trates, and an Abridgment of the Statutes. Vols. 55-56. 4to. London, 1886-87. Law Journal Reports. Digest. Ar; Analytical Digest of the Cases Published in the New Series of the Laia Journal Reports and - other Contemporary Reports in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal, the Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pljas, Exchequer and Probate, Divorce and Admir- alty Divisions of the High Court of Justice, the Court of ; Bankruptcy, Crown Cases Reserved and the Ecclesiastical Court from 1880 to 1885, with References to Statutes passed \ during the same Period ; by C. C. M. Dale, assisted by G. 4 A. Streeten. i vol. 4to. London, 1886. Law Journal Serial. A Weekly Publication of Notes of Cases and Legal News. Vols. 21-23 inclusive. 1886-87. 4to. Lon- 1 don, 1886-87. "Trri"-riiiiM"tir-^TTmit i ;; h I in: 30 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Law List (English), for 1887 and 1888, comprising the Judges of the different Courts of Justice. Counsel, Special Pleaders, etc., in England and Wales; Compiled by J. S. Purcell. 2 vols, i2mo, London, 1887-1888. Law Magazine, or Quarterlj- Review of Jurisprudence. 4th series. Vols. 11-12, and current. 2 vols. London, 1886-87. Law Quarterly Review (The). Edited by F. Pollock. Vols. I to 3. London, 1885-87. Lawrance (G. W.) Precedents of Deeds of Arrangement between Debtors and Creditors, including Forms of Resolutions for Compositions, and Schemes of Arrangement under the Bank- ruptcy Act, 1883, with Introductory Chapters. 2nd edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1886. (W.) Decisions of the First Comptroller of the Department of the Treasury of the United States. 6 vols. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1881-85. Law Reports Digest (1881 to 1885). Digest of Cases Decided b) the House of Lords and Privy Council, and by the Court of Appeal, the several Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and the Chief Judge in Bankruptcy, Reported in the Law Reports from 1881 to the end of 1885, with the Important Orders and Statutes, Compiled by Martin Ware, P. B. Hutchins, and Sir G. S. Baker, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Law Reports. Supplemental Indian Appeals; being Cases in the Privy Council on Appeal trom the East Indies, Decided between March, 1872, and November, 1873, and not Reported in Moore's Indian Appeals. Reported by Herbert Cowell. I vol. 8vo. London, 1880. Reports. Continuation of the New Issue, Commencing with Year 1876, as follows: Chancery Division Vols. 32-36 1886-87 Queen's Bench Division " 3 1876-80 Common I'leas " " 5 Exchequer " " 5 Probate " " 5 (Including Probate, Division, Admiralty, and Ecclesiastical Cases.) Appeal Cases Division Vols. 11-12 1885-87 (Including both H. of L. and P. C. Cases.) New Issue commencing with the year 1881. Queen's Bench Division Vols. 17-19 1886-87 " (Including Q. B , C. P., and Ex. Divisions, and on Appeal therefrom, and C. C. R.) Probate Division Vols. 11-12 1886-87 (Including Probate and Divorce, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical, and on Appeal therefrom.) (6 copies of each ; 4 copies of which we receive currently.) '' iiilll ^ARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 31 udges of the aders, etc., in cell. 2 vols, :. 4th series. 56.87. Vols. I to 3. iient between esolutions for der the Bank- 2nd edition. )epartment of o. Washing- s Decided by y the Court of urt of Justice, d in the Law- die Important Ware, P. B. London, 1886. Cases in the dies, Decided 1 not Reported erbert Cowell. imencin'' with G-S7 6-80 istical Cases.) i5-87 56-87 Appeal therefrom, ^6-87 lesiastical, and on tly.) Law Reports— The Cuitiuil also issue, in connection with the Reports, — The General Public Statutes. 1866- 1887. 24 vols. Indian Appeals. Cases in the Privy Council in Appeal from the liast Indies. 1873-1887. 14 vols. London Gazette, index to. Law Reports, History of the. 'i'tY' Daniels. The Law Reports Digests. 1S65-85. 3 vols. ' Law Society (of Upper Canada) Rules of, Passed in Convocation, Trinity Term, 50 Vict., and Approved of by the Visitors of the Society, i vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. Lawson (J. D.) The Law of Presumptive Evidence, including Pre- sumptions both of Law and of Fact, and the I3urden of Proof, both in Civil and Criminal Cases, Reduced to Rules, i vol. 8vo. San Francisco, 1885. Law Times. A Weekly Periodical, with Complete Reports of all the Law Decided in all the Courts, as follows : The Law Times. ,Sj vols. 1843-87. Folio London. Reports. 57 " 1859-87. Royal 8vo. . . London. Reports. (New Series.) General Index. Vols. 1 1 to 20, 1864- 1869. (2 copies.) London, 1887. The same. Vols. 31 to 40. 1874-79. (2 copies.) The same. Vols. 41 to 50. 1879-84. (2 copies.) Lawyers' Co-operative Indexed-Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports. 2 vols. 8vo. Rochester, 1887. Lea (P>. J.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Tenes- see. 16 vols. Nashville, 1878- 1886. Lee ( L. T.) and Wace ( H.) The Law and Practice of Bankruptcy and Imprisonment for Debt ; comprising ths Statutes, General Rules, and Forms, and the Bills of Sale Acts. 3rd edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Legal News : a Serial Published in the Interests of the Legal and Mercantile Community of Canada, Editc' by James Kirby, LL.D., 1878 to 1885. Vols, g-io, and current. Montreal, 1886-87. Observer. A Journal of Jurisprudence. Vols. 51 and 52. I vol. 8vo. London, 1855-56. Leith (Alex,, Q.C.) The Principles of the Law of Real Property, Intended as a First Book for the use of Students in Convey- ancing, by Joshua Williams, Esq. Adapted to the Laws in Force in the Province of Ontario, i vol. Toronto, 1881. Lely (J. M.) Statutes of Practical Utility Passed in the Session of 1887, in Continuation of Chitty's Statutes. Vol. 2. Part 2. 8\'o. London, 1887. •f i Lely (J. M.) and Foulkes (W. L). I.) The Licensing' Acts, 1828, 18G9, and 1872-74 ; containing the Law of the Sale of Liquors by Retail and the Management of Licensed Houses ; with Notes to the Acts, a Summary of the Law, and an Appemhx ot Fornis^ 3rd etlition. i vol. Svo. London, 1887. , Levi (L.) International Law; with Materials for a Code of Inter- national Law. I vol. Svo. London, 188S. Lewin (Thos.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts ami Trustees. Sth edition. Royal 8vo. London, 1885. The same. From 8th English edition, i vol. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1888. Lewis (W. J.) Synopsis of Sherifif Court Practice, Civil and Criminal. I vol. Svo. Edinburgh, 1887. Librarians' Conference. Transactions and Proceedings of the Con- ference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877. i vol. Svo. London, 1878. Lindley (N.) A Treatise on the Law of Partnership, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Linn (Sam'l.) An Analytical Intlex of Parallel Reference to the Cases adjudged in the several Courts of Pennsylvania, i vol. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. Lloyd (A. P.) A Treatise on the Law of Divorce, with the causes for which Divorces will be granted in all the States and Terri- tories, tlie time of residence required in each, etc. i \ol. Svo. Boston, 1887. A Treatise on the Laws of Building and Buildings, especially referring to Building Contracts, Leases. Easements and Liens, .vith Forms, a glossary of Words and Terms, and a Digest of the leading decisions on Building Contracts and Leases in United States, i vol. Svo. Boston, 1888. (Eyre). The Law of Compensation under Xhv. Lands Clauses, Railway Clauses Consolidation, and Metropolitan Acts, with Forms and Precedents. 5th edition, i vol. London, 18S2. Louisiana Reports. Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1 860-1 886, vols. 15 to 38 both inclusivi-. New Orleans, 1S60-86. Ogden's Reports 15 La. An. 1860 i vol. Glenn's Reports iG-iS La. An. iHOi-iSGri 3 vols. Hawkin's Reports 19-25 La. An. 1867-1872 7 Gayarre's Reports 2G-28 La. An. 1873-1876 3 Robert's Reports 29-31 La. An. 1877-1879 4 Denis' Reports 32-38 La. An. 1880-1886 7 Lower Canada Jurist. A collection of the most interesting decisions pronounced by the Courts having Jurisdiction in Civil Matters in Lower Canada. Vols. 28-31, 1886 to 1887, and current. 4 vols. Montreal. 1886-87. iRY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CAS' ADA. 33 :8, 1869, and »rs by Retail Notes to the X ot Forms. le of Inter- lul Trustees. X Philadel- nd Criminal. XjOWndeS (H.) Law of General Average, English and Foreign. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. Lumpkin (J. H.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Georgia. Vols. 72-75. Atlanta, 1885-87. Lumley (W. Ci. and E.) The Public Health Act, 1875, annotated with an Appendix containing the various Incorporated Statutes, etc. 3rd edition, i vol. London, 1887. Lush (M.) Married Women's Rights and Liabilities in relation to Con- tracts, Torts and Trusts, i vol. London, 1887. Lushington (Vernon). Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England, and on Appeal to the Pnvy Council, 1859-1862. Vol. I. 8vo. London, 1864. of the Con- 1877. I vol. ol. 8vo. I V to the Cases I vol. Svo. he causes for s and Tcrri- etc. I vol. gs, especially sements and erms, and a ontracts and . 1888. mds Clauses, an Acts, with ^ondon, 1882. the Supreme oth inclusive. I vol. 3 vols. 7 4 7 ^ting decisions- I Civil Matters d current. 4 Macassey (L. L.) Handbook for the use of Solicitors and Engineers engaged in promoting Private Acts of Parliament and Pro- visional Orders for the Authori;4ation of Railways and other undertakings of a like character, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887, McCaul (Rev. Dr. J.) Horace, Satires and Epistles. 1 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1833. Ma^donald (N. D.) A Mamial of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1S87. I vol. Edinburgh, 1887. McGrath (R. H.) The Doctrine of Cy-Pres as applied to Charities, i vol. Philadelphia, 1887. Mackey (F. II.) Columbia District Reports. V^ols. 1-5. 1880-87. Maclennan (Jas.. y.C.) The Ontario Judicature Act, 1881. Rules of the Court and Forms, with the Orders of the Court of Appeal and other Acts, Orders, and Rules relating to the Practice in the Supreme Court of Judicature, with Practical Notes. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1884. (4 copies.) Macqueen (J. F.) The Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. 3rd edition, by J. C. Russell and R. B. Russell. 1 vol. 8vo. London, T885. Maine (H. S.) Ancient Law: its connection with the Early History of Societ}-, and its relation to Modern Ideas, nth edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Reports. Cases in Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Port- land, 1887-88. \'c. ,. 78-79. Mair (Rev. Wm.) A Digest of Laws and Decisions, Ecclesiastical and Civil, relating to the Constitution, Practice and Affairs of the ('hurch of Scotland, i vol. i2mo. London, 1887. Malcolm (Sir Jno.) The Histor}- of Persia ; with an Account of the Religion, Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabi- tants of that Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Malone(W. H.) Criminal Briefs, i vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. 1 i7rr'--Ti^--T-ri' ■■I- »--ip|- -- rrt fi n - n iwiiiwiii II i i .L 34 SUPPLKMKNT TO THE CATALOG UK OF THE LIJiKARY Manitoba Law Reports. Reports of Cases arjjfued ami tleterniined in the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, with Tahle of Cases and Principal Matters, by John S. liwart, 0.(\ \'ols. 3 ami 4. 1SH6-18S7. Hvo. Winnipej;, 1886-87. Statutes of the Province of, passed by the Lc{,nslative Assei'bl) during the years 1886-87. 2 vols. i2nio. Winnipeg, 1886-87. Manning (J.) A Report of the Proceedings before the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council and ii'. the Court of Common Pleas in relation to a Warrant for the Suppression of the Ancient Privileges of the Serjeants-at-Law. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1840. Maritime Law Cases. Sec Aspinall, Marsden (R. Ci.) A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea, with an Appendix, containing extracts from the Merchant Shipping Act, the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, and with Rules for the same purpose in force in the Thames, the Mersey, and elsewhere. 2nd etlition. i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. Martin (T. C.) The Law^ of Maintenance ami Desertion and the Orders of Justices thereon, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Martindale (J. B.) United States Law Directory, 1887-88. i \ol. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Marvin (W.) A Treatise on the Lav of Wreck an^oo-i843. ''^ follows : Harris and Johnson Mar. & J. (Md.) iSoo-iSjd. 7 vols. Harris and Gill Har. & G. (Md) iSjG-iSjg. -> " Gill & Johnson Gill & J. (Md.) 1S2M-1S43. ;j " Massachusetts Reports. Cases Argueil ami Determined in tlic Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Vols. 140 to 144. Bos- ton, 1886-87. Mathews (Albert). Thougiits on Codification of the (Common l^aw. 2nd edition. 8vo., pamphlet. New York, 1881 . May (H. W.) A Treatise on the Statutes of Elizabeth against l-'raudu- lent Conveyances, the Bills of Sale Rt.'gistration Acts, and the Law of Voluntary Dispositions of i)roperty generalh-. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. The same. From 2nd English edition. i \ol. 8vo. Pjiila- delphia, 1887. Men of the Time : a Dictionary of Contemporaries. lotli edition, by T. Cooper, i vol. i2mo. London, 1879. V ! ■til i 4S '% KARY d (Ittennined ,itli Tabic of . g.C. \'ols. ive AssL'i bly ipeg, iiSS6-87. Judicial Com- . of Common ression of the I vol. 8vo. [ Sia, with an laiit Shippin;^' inj,' Collisions n force in the lition. I vol. nd the Order? 8S6. 87-88. I vol. dvatre. i vol. peals of Mary- •;. L'altimore. leals of Mary- 1S00-1843. as [826. 7 vols. 1829. 2 " iS4,s. 12 " mined in tlu: to 144. 15os- "onimon Law. ■j^ainst Fraudu- tion Acts, and erty generally. Svo. Phila- oth edition, by i OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 35 Merchandise Marks Act, 1H62. Amendment Bill, Special Report , from the Select Committee, together with the Proceedinj^'s of I the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix, i vol. S Folio. London. Merrill (J. H.) The American and English Kncylopsedia of Law. \ Vols. I and 2. Northport, 1887. Metcalf (T.) Principles of the Law of Contracts as Applied by Courts of Law. 2nd edition. 1 vol. 8vo. Bo.ston, 1888. Mews (John), An Annual Digest of the Reported Decisions in the House of Lords, Privy Council, and Court of Appeal ; the ; Chancery, Queen's Bench, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty ; Divisions of the High Court of Justice ; in the Bankruptcy and Ecclesiastical Courts; with Selections from the Irish \ Common Law and Equity Reports, References to the Statutes Passed and Rules and Orders of the Court Promulgate'' ; with Collections of Cases Followed, Distinguished, Explained, and Commented on. Overruled and. Questioned ; for the years i886-r<7 (being a continuation of Fisher's Digest). 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1887-88. (2 copies each.) Michigan Reports. Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of IMiohi- gan, 1885-8, by H. A. Chaney and W. D. Fuller, Vols. s«;-6i. Chicago, 1886-88. . Mickle (Dr. \V. H.) General Paralysis of the Insane, ist and 2nd editions. London, 1880-86. (Presented by the Author.) Miller (J. O.) and Hodgins (F. B.) The Year Book of the University of Toronto, Published under the Authority of the Senate of the University. (2 copies,) Toronto, 1887. Mills (II. E.) A Treatise on the Law of Eminent Domain. 2nd edition I vol. 8vo. St Louis, 1888. J I Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Constitutional Court of South I Carolina, held at Charleston and Columbus in 181 7-1 8. 2 vols, in I. Charleston, 1837. Minnesota. Executive Documents of the State of, for the years 1886-S7. 3 vols. 8vo. St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1887.' Journals of the House and Senate of the 25th Session of the Legislature of the State. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, Minn., 1887. General Laws of the State of Minnesota passed by the Legisla- ture in 1887. I vol. 8vo. Minneapolis, 1887. Special Laws of the State of Minnesota passed by the Legislature in 1887, I vol. 8vo. ^Minneapolis, 1887. Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Minnesota. Vols. 34-36. St. Paul, 1886-87. Mississippi Reports. Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi. Vols. 63-64. Philadelphi-, 1886-S7. 36 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OE THE LIBRARY 4 5'* Missouri Appeal Reports. Cases Decided in the St. Louis Court of Appeals of the Staie of Missouri. Vols. 18-27, ^^Y ^' Moore Berry, Reporter. St. Louis, 1886-88. Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court t Missouri. Vols. 83-92, by F. M. Brown, Reporter. Col- umbia, 1886-88. Reports Digest. See Stark. Mitcheson (R. L.) Charitable Trusts: the Jurisdiction of the Charity Commission, being the Acts Conferring such Jurisdiction, 1853-1883, with Introductory Essays and Notes on the Sec- tions. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Mommsen (Ih.) Digesta lustiniana Augusti. 2 vols. 8vo. Bero- lina, 1870. Montana Reports. Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Montana Territory. \'ols. i to 6. 1868-87. Montreal Law Reports in the Court of Queen's Bench, edited by James Kirby. Vol. 2. 8vo Montreal, 1886. Law Reports in the Superior Court, edited b}- James Kirb}-. Vol. 2. 8vo. Montreal, 1886. Moore (Henry). Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Titles after the most Improved System of Kminent Convey? ncers, to which is added a Collection of Precedents. 4th edition, bj R. Merivale and N. Pearson, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. — A Handbook of Practical l'\)rms, containmg a variety of Useful and Select Precedents required in Solicitors' Offices, relating to Conveyancing atid Gen ral Matters ; with Numerous Vari- ations and Suggestions. Edited by T. L. Mears, M.A. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. The same, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. MorawetZ (Victor). A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations other than Charitable. 2ndedition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Morgan (H. J.) The Canadian Legal Directory : a Guide to the Bench and Bar of the Dominion of Canada, i vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. Morgan (J. A.) An English Version of Legal Maxims, with the Original Forms Alphabetically Arranged, etc. jrd edition. I vol. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1878. Morrell (C. F.) Reports of Cases under the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, decided in the High Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal, Vols. 3 and 4, 1886 and 1887. 8vo. London, 1886-87. A Digest of the Reported Cases under the Bankruptcy Act, 188^, with references to *:he Reports and to the (Courts in which the various Decisions have been given. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1888. M:i Nel I: : w OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 37 Court of k.. Moore ne Court sr. Col- a Charity isdiction, the Sec- o. Bero- Supremc »7- edited by les Kirby. 'itles after r>Mcers, to edition, by ulon, 1886. ' of Usetul es, relating erous Vari- M.A. 2nd orporations Boston, .1 idc to the vol. 8vo. with the 3rd edition. Act, 18S3, t of Appeal. 1886-87. :y Act, 1883, in which the o. London, -i i Morrill (W. W.) Of the Competency and Privilege of Witnesses and their Testimony under the New York Codes, i vol. Svo. New York, 1886. Of the Law and Practice in Actions against Municipal Corpora- tions for Negligence in the case of Highways, i vol. Svo. New York, 1887. Morris (R.) Patents Conveyancing, being a Collection of Precedents in Conveyancing in relation to Letters Patent for Inventions. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Morrison (Lt. C. G.) Guide to Court Martial Procedure, i vol. Svo. Chatham, 1886. (R. S.) The Mining Reports. A Series containing the Cases on the Law of Mines found in the American and English Reports, with Notes and References. Voh,. 10 to 12. 8vo. Chicago, 1886-87. Moyl© (J. B.) Imperatoris Justiniana Institutionum Libri Quatuor ; with Introductions, Commentary, Excursus and Translation. 2 vols. Oxford, 1883. Muirhead (J.) The Institutes of Gains and Rules of Ulpian, the former from Studemund's Apograph of the Verona Codex, with Translation and Notes, i vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880. Mulhall (M. G ) History of Prices since the Year 1850. i vol. Svo. London, 1885. Dictionary of Statistics, i vol. Svo. London, 1886. Murfree (W. L.) A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of California, Colorado, Kansas, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montano, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah and Wash- ington, Reported in the Pacific Reporter. Vols, i to 10. Svo. St. Paul, 1 886. A Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs and other Ministerial Officers. I vol. Svo. St. Louis, 1S84. Myer (W. G.) A Digest of the Texas Reports, embracing the Opinions in Dallam. Vols, i to 51, inclusive of the Texas Reports and the first 7 vols, of the Court of Appeal Reports. 2 vols. Svo. St. Louis, iSSi-83. Federal Decisions. Cases Argued and Determined ir the Su- preme, Circuit and District Courts of the United States. Vols. 13 to 22. (D. to L.-M.) Svo. St. Louis, 1S86-88. The same. Patents, Copyright and Trade Marks. Vol. 25. Svo. St. Louis, 1886. Newberry (J. S.) Reports of Admiralty Cases, Argued and Adjudged in the District Courts of the United St?tes. 1842-57. i vol. Svo. New York, 1857 ^ i rruTa - saaanggeaiitaB 38 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY ''. :1: .i ir I :': 'A Nebraska Reports. Cases in the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Vols, I to 20. 1872 to 1886, as follows : Woolworth 1-2 Neb. 1872- 1873 2 vols. Crounse 3 Neb. 1873-1874 i " Brov/n 4-20 Neb. 1874-1886 17 " Nevada Reports. Reports of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada. 8vo. 1865 to 1884. 18 vols. ; as follows : — Hawley Vols. 1-7 1865-72 Helm " 8-9 1872-74 Bicknell " 10-18 1874-84 New Brunswick, Statutes of. Acts of the General Assembly pae^f^ed in years 1886-87. 2 vols. Fredericton, 1886-87. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Province. Vols. 24-25. St. John, 1886-87. New Jersey Reports — Law. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court and at Law, in the Court of Errors and Appeal of the State of New Jersey. Vols. 4749, by G. D. W. Vroom. 8vo. Trenton, 1886-88. Equity. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chancery, the Prerogative Court, and ci. appeal in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey. Vols. 40-43, by J. H, Stewart. 8vo. Trenton, 1886-88. — — Digest to Reports. See Stewart. Newinark (N.) The Law of Sales of Personal Property as now estab- lished in the United States and Great Britain, i vol. San Francisco, 1887. The Law relating to Bank Deposits, embracing the decisions referring to Deposits in Commercial, Savings and National Banks and Checks, Pass Books, Certificates of Deposit, etc. I vol. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. New South Wales. A Digest of Criminal and Magistrates' Cases decided in N. S. W. from 1840 to 1881, by J. L. Watkins and R. E. O'Connor, i vol. 8vo. Sydney and Melbourne, 1882. iJew York City Hall Recorder for the years 1816 to 1821, both inclusive. Reports of trials and decisions in the various Courts of Judicature for the trial of Jury Cases, etc. By D. Rogers. 6 vols. New York, 1816-21. Criminal Reports. Edited by Theodore Conolly and Henry L. Vilas. Vols 4-5. Albany, 1887-88. Reports. Cases decided in the Courts of Appeal for the State of New York. Vols. loi to 107. Albany, 1886-88. Revised Statutes — Supplement to. See Fowler. Supreme Court Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court for the State of New York. Vol. 45-53 (M. T. Hun. Rep. vol. 38-46.) Albany, 1 886-88. o< 01 01( J OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 39 a. Vols. ,irt of the oUows : — )\y pai^-ed Province. letermined Errors and y G. D. W. lancery, the Errors and ^3. W J- H. now estab- vol. San le decisions d National Deposit, etc. New York Supreme Court and Court of Errors and Appeals — Indexed Digest. I vol. 8vo. Rochester, 1886. Nichols (F. M.) Britton. The French Text carefully revised, with an English translation, nitroduction, and notes. 2 vols. Oxford, 1865 Nicholson (E. B.) and Tedder (H. R.) Transactions and Proceedings of the Conference of Librarians held in London, October, 1877. I vol. Imp. 8vo. London, 1878. Nor^h-Eastern Reporter, The, containing all the Current Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana Illinois, and the Court of Appeals of New York. Vols. 4 to 13 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-88. Digest to the same. Vols. 1 to 10. i vol St. Paul, 1887. North- Western Reporter. Containing all the Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska and Dakota. Vols. 27 to 35. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-88. Digest to the above, by A. L. Guilbert. Vols. 1 to 30. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-S7. North-West Territories. Ordinances of, for the year 1886-87. ^^'O* Pamphlet. Regina, N.-W. T., 1886-87. Nova Scotia. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme, Superior and Admiralty Courts of the Province of. 8vo. Halifax, 1834-87, as follows ; I. Thompson 1834-51 II. James 1S5J-55 III. Thompson i'*^ 56-59 IV. Cochran 1859 V. and VI. Oldright 1860-6G VII. to IX. Geldert and Oxley 1S67-75 X. to XII. Russell and Chesley 1875-79 XII. to XIX. Russell and Geldert 1879-87 rates' Cases ^Vatkins and lourne, 1882. 1821, both the various etc. By D. nd Henry L. r the State of ipreme Court r. Hun. Hep. Odgers (W. B.) A Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander, with Ju'i- dence. Procedure, and Practice, both in Civil and Criminal Cases, and Precedents of Pleading. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. The same. From and English edition, i vol. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1887. Ohio, Revised Statutes of. 4th edition. Revised, with additional Anno- tations of the Supreme Court, Cross References to the Sec- tions of the Law on the same subject, and marginal references to the Amendments, Repeals and Supplementary Sections, and to the Laws in Force ist January, 1886. 3 vols. Cin- cinnati, 1886. Oldham (A.) and Foster (A. La Trobe). The Law of Distress, with an Appendix of Forms, Table of Statutes, etc, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. 40 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY ■hi Ontario Reports Digest. Smith (J. F., Q.C.) and Joseph (F. J.) A Digest of the reported Ca«es determined in the Divisions of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario and the Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada, being a continuation of Robinson and Josephs' Digest, with a Table of Cases affirmed, reversed, or specially considered, with Appendix containing a Digest of the Cases Reported in Vols, i, 2 and 3 of Cart- wright's Cases on the B. N. A. Act, 1867, 1884-87. i vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. (7 copies). Compiled by order of the Law Society of Upper Canada. Appeal Reports. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Appeal ; reported under the authority of the Law Society of Upper Canada. (A. Grant, Reporter). Vols. 12-13. ^'^'^^■ Toronto, 1886-87. Practice Reports. (T. T. Rolph, Reporter). Vols. 10- 1 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1885-87. Reports. Containing Reports of Cases decided in the , Chan, and C. P. Divisions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. (Reporters: Q.B. Div., S.J. Vankoughnet ; Chan. Div., A. H. F. Lefroy and Geo. A. Boomer; C. P. Div., G. F. Harman). Vols. 11 to 13. 8vo. Toronto, 1886-87. Draft, Consolidation of the Sta'ute Law of, up to and including the Statutes passed in 1886. Prepared for submission to the Legislature. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. Gazette, 1886-87. 4 vols, and current issues. Folio. Toronto, 1886-87. Revised Statutes of, 1887: Being a Consolidation of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1877 ; with the subsequent Public Gen- eral Acts of the Legislature of Ontario. 2 vols. 8vo. (r6sets.) Toronto, 1887. Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature for Ontario. Revised, Classified and Consolidated. I vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1888. (12 copies.) Statutes of the Province of Ontario, 1886-88, Toronto. (8 sets.) Oregon Reports. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of. Vols. 13-14. 1884-87. 8vo. San Francisco, 1886-87. O'Suliivan (D. A.) A Manual of Government in Canada ; a Treatise on the Federal and Provincial Constitutions. 2nd edition. I vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1887. (6 copies.) A Manual of Practical Conveyancing, Real and Personal Pro- perty, including Wills, with Preceden..3, Forms and Refer ences. i vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1882. (6 copies.) Overton (D. T.) A Treatise on the Law of Liens at Common Law, Equity, Statutory and Maritime, i vol. 8vo. New York, 1883. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 41 :f.j.) a visions ot : Supreme luation of s affirmed, ntaining a 3 of Cart- 7. I vol. der of tlie i Court of w Society 2-13. Svo. ols. lO-II. the Q.H., Justice for let ; Chan. ^. Div., G. 56-87. chiding the ;ion to the . Toronto, the Revised f^ubhc Gen- o. (16 sets.) urt of Judi- onsohdated. to. (8 sets.) ime Court of I Francisco, ; a Treatise 2nd edition. •ersonal Pro- 3 and Refer ) jmmon Law, New York, Pacific Reporter, The. Decisions of the Supreme Courts of CaHfornia, Colorado, Kansas, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Mon- tana, Washington, Wyoming, and Utah. Vols. 9 to 15. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-87. Digest to the the Pacific Reporter by W. L. Murfree. Vols, i to 10. I vol. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886. Page (H. W.) Injuries of the Spine and Spinal Cord without Apparent Mechanical Lesion and Nervous Shock, in their Surgical and Medico-Legal Aspects, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. The same, i vol. 8vo. London, 1883. Palmer (E, F.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Vermont. Vols. 58-59, 1886-87. • (F. B.) Company Precedents for use in Relation to Companies Subject to the Companies' Acts, 1862-1883, with 'oopious Notes. 3rd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1884. Parker (C. H.) Digest of California Reports and Statutes, from the Organization of the State to the Present Tune. 2 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, i86g Paterson (W.) Practical Statutes of the Session ; comprising all the Statutes of the Session required by the Practitioner m a com- pact form ; with Notes and Index, published annually. 1884- 87. 4 vols. i2mo. London, 1884-87. Patterson (C. S.) Railway Accident Law. The Liability of Railways for Personal Injuries, i vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. Pajme (H.) The Merchandise Marks Act, 1887. i vol. i2mo. London, 1888. Pennsylvania Reports. Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania. Vols. 108 to 116. 8 vols. Phila- delphia, 1884-88. Philadelphia Reports, or Legal Intelligencer Condensed, containing the Decisions Published in the Legal Intelligencer from 1850 to 1882, by H. C. Brown and H. E. Wallace. Vol. 16. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. Pike (L. O.) A History of Crime in England, Illustrating the Changes of the Laws in the Progress of Civilization, Written from the Public Records and other Contemporary Evidence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1873. Pixley (F. W.) Auditors ; their Duties and Responsibilities under the Joint Stock Companies Acts. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Pollock (F.) A Digest of the Law of Partnership. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1888. The Law of Torts. Am. Reprint, i vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. 42 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY i 1 u I ■N Pollock (F.) A Treatise on the Principles r^ Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common Law. i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. The Principles of the Law of Contracts, being a Treatise on the General Principles Concerning the Validity of Agreements in the Law of England. 4th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. The same, with Notes by G. H. Wald. 2nd American edition from 4th English edition, i vol. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1885. Pomeroy (C. P.) The Mercantile Law of England and the United btates, consisting of the Text of the Compendium of Mercan- tile Law, by J- W. Smith, with Explanatory Notes of English and American Decisions, i vol. San Francisco, 1887. (J. N.) Lectures on International Law in Time of Peace. 8vo. Boston, 1886. I vol. An Introduction to the Constitutional Law of the United States, Especially Designed for Students, General and Professional. 8th edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1885. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as Administered in the United States of America, Adapted for all the States and to the Union of Legal and Equitable Remedies under the Reformed Procedure;. 3 vols. 8vo. San iM-anc.isco. 1S81. A Treatise on the Law of Riparian Rights as the same is I'ormu- lated and Applied in the Pacific States, includin.i,^ the Doc- trine of Appropiation. i vol. Svo. St. Paul, 18S7. Porter (J. B.) The Laws of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident and Guar- antee, Embodying Cases in the English, Scotch, Irish, Ameri- can and Canadian Courts. 2nd edition, i vol. 8vo. Lon- don, 1887. Posey (S. A) Texas Criminal Digest, including all Cases to end of vol. 20, Appeals. Vols, i to 7 inclusive, and all Criminal Cases Reported in the first 45 vols, of the Supreme Court are taken from Myers' Digest, to which is adtletl Posey's Digest of vols. 8 to 20, Appeal Reports, i vol. 8vo. St. Louis, 1886. Texas Civil Digest, including Supreme Court Reports, vols. 52 to 65. Appeal Civil Cases, vols, i and 2 and the first 188 pages of vol. 3 (all Revised before Jan. i, 1887), also Posey's Unreported Consent Cases, Supplemented by an Index to Supreme Court Reports. Vols. 40-51. i vol. 8vo. St. Louis, 1887. Potter (B. W.) The Road and the Roadside, i vol. 8vo. Boston. 1886. Powell (A.) The Law Especially Affecting Printers, Publishers and Newspaper Proprietors, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 43 ling from London, se on the jments in Ion, 1885. n edition , 1885. ic United f Mercan- )f English :887. ce. I vol. ed States, ofessional. ed in the ites and to under the CO, iSSi. is Formu- • the Doc- :s7. and Guar- ish, Ameri- 8vo. Lon- end of vol. iiinal Cases :t are taken ^est of vols. 5, 1886. rts, vols. 52 :he first 188 also Posey's in Index to 8vo. St. ^o. Boston. ■< " blishers and 1887. Preble (W. P.) Collisions in United States Waters ; being a List of all the Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, Involving Maritime Collisions, with a brief Synopsis of the Points of Law, etc. i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Price (B.) and Stewart (A.) See American Trade Mark Cases. (L. L. F. R.) Industrial Peace ; its Advantages, Methods and Difficulties. A Report of an Inquiry made for the Toynbee Trustees, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Prickett (H. E.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Idaho. Vol. i. 1866-1880. San Francisco 1882. Prideaux (C. G.) A Practical Guide to the Duties of Churchwardens in the execution of their Office, with Lists of Cases, Statutes, Canons, etc., with an Appendix and Index. 15th edition. 1 vol. 121110. London, 1886. Precedents in Conveyancing ; with Dissertations on its Law and Practice. 13th edition, by F. Prideaux and J. Whitcombe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1885. Pridmore (T. W.) Guide to the Preparation of Bills of Costs, with the Rules and Orders (mcluding the Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881), relating thereto, and Precedents of Bills of Costs in all the Divisions of the High Court of Justice. 8th edition. I vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Prince Edward Island. Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery, and Vice-Admiralty Court of, by F". L. Haszard and A. B. Warburton. Vol. 2. 1875-82. Charlottetown, 1886. Statutes of, Acts of the General Assembly passed in the years 1886-87. Charlottetown. Pritchard (R. A., and W. T.) A Digest of the Law and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1887. Pulling (Alex.) The Order of the Coif, i vol. 8vo. London, 1884. Quebec Draft of the Revised Statutes of. Report of the Commissioner, * for the Revision and Consolidation of the General Statutes of the Province of Quebec, with the ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Parts of the Draft. Svo. Quebec, 1883-86. Law Reports, Published by the Bar of the Province of Quebec. Section of the District of Quebec. Vols. 11 -13. Quebec, 1885-87. Statutes. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Quebec, during the years 1884-87. 3 vols. Svo. Quebec,. 1885-87. 44 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY i ,1 Railroad Laws of the State of New York. The General Act of 1850, as amended by subsequent Acts. Statutes relating generally to Railroads, etc. i vol. 8vo. Albany, 1887. Ramsay (T. K.) Appeal Cases, with Notes and Definitions of the Civil and Criminal Law of the Province of Quebec, including a large number of Decisions in Appeal and otherwise unre- ported and brought down to the beginning of 1887. i vol. 8vo. Montreal, 1887. Randolph (A. M. F.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Kansas. Vols. 21-37. 1879-1887. (J. F.) A Treatise on the Law of Commercial Paper, containing a full statement of existing American and Foreign Statutes^ together with the text of the Commercial Codes of Great Britain, France, Germany and Spain. 3 vols. 8vo. Jersey City, 1886-88. Ransome (C.) Our Colonies and India ; how we got them, and why w^e keep them, i vol. 8vo. London, 1885. I vol. 8vo. New Rapalje (S.) A Treatise on the Law of Witnesses. York, 1887. Rawle (W, H.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Covenants for Title. 5th edition, i vol. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Redfleld (Isaac F.) The Law of Railways ; embracing Corporations,. Eminent Domain, Contracts, Common Carriers of Goods and Passengers, Telegraph Companies, Constitutional Law, In- vestments, etc. 6th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18H8. Redman (J. H.) and Lyon(G. E.) The Law of Landlord and Tenant, including the Practice in Ejectment. 3rd edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Reeve (T.) A Treaty on the Law of Descents in the Several United States of America, i vol. 8vo. New York, 1825. Reid (S.) Patent Indexed Ready Reckoner i-i6 ot a Penny to a £,. with Tables of Weights and Measures, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Rickards (A. G.) and Michael (M. J.) Locus Standi Reports. Cases decided during the Session, 1885, by the Court of Referees on Private Bills in Parliament. Vol. 1. Parts i and 2. 8vo. London, 1886. Riner (J. A.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Wyom- ing. Vol. 2. 1878-1882. Roberts (D.) A Digest of all the Reported Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, i vol. 8vo. Burlington, 1878. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 45 Robson (G. Y.) A Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy, containing,' an Exposition of the Principles and Practice of the Law, includ- the Alterations made by the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, also the Law relating to Private Arrangements with Creditors ; with an Appendix comprising the Statutes, Rules, Orders and Forms. 6th edition, i vol. 8vo. London, 1887. Roby (H.J.) De Usufructu: Justiniana Digestorum Lib. 7 Tit. i Edited with a Legal and Philological Commentary, i vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest, containing an Account of its Composition and of the Jurists used or referred to therein, i vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. Rodman (J.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of Kentucky. Vols. 82-83. 1885-87. Rogers (D.) See New York City Hall Recorder. (F. N.) Elections and Petitions. Part I. Registration, Par- liamentary, and Municipal, including the Practice in Regis- tration Appeals, with an Appendix of Statutes and Forms. 14th edition, by J. C. Carter, i vol. i2mo. London, 1885. The same. Part H. 15th edition, by J. C. Carter and J. S' Saunders, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Rorer (D.) American Inter-State Law. i vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Roscoe (E. S.) A Digest of the Law of Light, with an Appendix of Statutes, Forms and Plans. 2nd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1886. Routledge (J.) Relations of Client and Solicitor in Legal Affairs, illus- trated by some facts of a recent Suit in Chancery, i vol. 8vo. Gloucester, 1886. Saint (J. J. H.) A Digest of Parliamentary and Municipal Registra- tion Cases containing an Abstract of the Cases Decided on Appeal from the Decisions of Revising Barristers. 1843 to 1886. 2nd edition, i vol. i2mo. London, 1887. Salkowski (Dr. C.) Institutes and History of Roman Private Law, with Catena of Texts, i vol. 8vo. London, 1886. Salmon (C. S.) The Crown Colonies of Great Britain, an Inquiry into their Social Condition and Methods of Administration, i vol. 8vo. London (n.d.). (Lucy M.) History of the Appointing Power of the President of the United States, i vol. 8vo. New York, 1886. Saunders (T, W.) A Treatise upon the Law Applicable to Negligence, with Notes of American Cases by H. Hooper, i vol. 8vo.. Cincinnati, 1872. g Uigi8iaffiifxturr[r i fi-rTM Mpii --i'* nes (U.S), 188 . iVloore, 1887. Morris (Patents), 1887. Frideaux, 1885. Corporations. American Corporation Cases. Morawetz (Private), 1886. Taylor (Private) (U.S.), 1884. Waterman (U.S.), 188H. Costs. Pridmore, 1887. Summerhays, 1887, Co-Tenancy. Freeman (U.S.), 1882. See Partition. Counsel Retainers. G , 1888. County Courts. Archibald, 1885. Reports. County Court and Bankruptcy Cases. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 65 Courts Martial. Morrison, 1886. Story, 1886. Thring (Naval), 1877. Covenants for Title. Hamilton, 1888. Rawle (U.S.), 1887. See Title. Coverture. See Infancy. Crime. Beccaria, 1872. Hill (Repression of), 1857. Pike (History of), 1873. Criminal Acts. Burnie, 1885. Macdonald (Scotch), 1887. Taschereau (Can.), 1888. Criminal Briefs. Malone (U.S.), 1886. Criminal Conspiracies. Wright and Carson(U.S.),i887. Criminal Law. Bishop (U.S.), 1882. Harris, 1886. Saunders, 1887. Stephen, 1887. Wharton (U.S.), 1885. Criminal Pleading and Evidence. Archibald, 1886. Criminal Reports. Cox (Criminal Law Cases), Vol. 15. Criminal Law Magazine(U.S.), Vol. 9. New York Criminal Reports, Vol. 5. Crown Office Rules. Short, 1886. Customs, Revenue. Elmes (U.S.), 1887. Dakota Reports. Smith, vol. 3, 1882-84.. Dates. Haydyn, 1885. Debates. Hansard (Can.), 1884. Hansard (Eng.), 1887. Debtor and Creditor. Burrill (U.S.), 1887. Lawrence (Deeds of Arrange- ments Between), 1886. Winslow (Private Arrange- ments), 1885-88. Deeds. Interpretation of. Elphinstone, 1885. Law of. Devlin (U.S.), 1887. Delaware Reports. Bales, vol. 4, 1884. Descents. Reeve (U.S.), 1825. Dictionaries. Adams (Law, U.S.), 1887. American Cyclopoedia. Annual ", Haydyn (Dates), 1885. Hoblyn (Medical), 1887. Hoyt (Quotations), 1887. " Men of the Time," 1879. Morgan (Law, U.S.), 1878. Mulhall (Prices), 1885. Mulhall (Statistics), 1886. Webster (English Language), 1888. Young (Bible), 1885. ■IRIiilllHilllllH 66 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Digests. Canadian. Cassels (Sup. Ct.), 1886. Smith and Joseph (Ont.), 1887. Stephens (Quebec), 1886. English. Chitty's Equity, vol. 6, 1888. Dale (L. J. Reports), 1887. Dale and Lehman (Over-ruled Cases), 1887. Emden (Annual), 1887. Law Reports, 1885. Mews' (Annual), 1887. Morrell (Bankruptcy), 1888. Stephens (Criminal), 1887. Weekly Notes, 1887. United States. Abbott (New York), 1887. Albany Law Journal, 1887. Berryman (Insurance), 1888. Bigelow (Over-ruled Cases), 1887. Binmore (Corporation Cases) 1888. Connoly (New York), 1887. Danforth and Wickes (New York), 1886. Desty (Federal Reporter), 1887. Fowler (N. Y. Statutes), 1888. Haviland (New York), 1887. Index-Digest (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1887. Jones (Legal Periodicals), 1887. Kinney (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1886. Lawyers' Co-operative Digest (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1887. Linn (Penn.), 1857. Myers (Federal Decisions), 1886-88. Myers (Texas), 1883. Pacific Reporter, 1886. Parker (Cal.), 1869. Posey (Texas), 1886-87. Roberts (Vermont), 1878. Stark (Missouri), 1887. Throop (Mass. Reports), 1887. Welch (Ohio), 1887. United States Annual, 1887. Dilapidations. Fletcher, 1883. Directories. Hardy (Legal), 18S8. Hubbell (U.S ), 1887. Martindale(U.S.), 1887. Morgan (Dom. Am. Reg.), 1887. Tachd (Legal), 1888. Toronto, 1888. Discovery. . Bray, 1885. Distress. Oldham and Foster, 1886. Distribution of Land, Birbeck, 1885. Division Court Act. Sinclair (Can.), 1888. Divorce. Lloyd (U.S.), 1887. See Husband and Wife. Domestic Relations. Eversley, 1885. .SV En E^ E<; OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 67 Reg.), Ejectment. See Landlord and Tenant. Election Law. Cox and Grady, 1885. Cunningham, 1885. Hardcastle, 1885. Hodgins' Voters Lists (Can.), 1886. Rogers, 1885. Saint (Digest), 1887. Eminent Domain. Mills (U.S.), 1888. Employers and Workmen. Spens and Younger, 1887. See Master and Servant. Encyclopedia of Law. Merrill (Am. and Eng.), 1887. England, Constitution and Gov- ernment. Anson, 1886. Hearn, 1887. Stubbs, 1883. Taswell-Langmead, 1886. Todd, 1887. English Dictionaries. See under Dictionaries. Equity. Chitty's Index, vol. 6, 1888. Principles and /tirisprudence. Bispham (U.S.), 1887. Blyth (Questions on), 1887. Brett (Cases), 1888. Brett (Leading cases in), 1885. Pomeroy (U.S.), 1883. Smith, 1880. Snell, 1887. Story, 1886. Watson, 1886. Estoppel. Bigelow (U.S.), 1886. Herman (U.S.), 1886. Evidence. Best. 1883. Chamberlayne's Best (U.S.), 1883. Chase (U.S.), 1886. Dickson (Scotland), 1887. Lawson (Presumptive), U.S., 1885. Stephen, 1887. Warner (U.S.), 1887. Examination Questions and Guides. Aldred (Contract Law), 1882, Blyth (Equity), 1887. Hallilay (Finals), 1886. Shearvvood, 1887. Waite (Equity), 1887. Examination of Witnesses. Morrill (U.S.), 1886. Rapalje (U.S.), 1887. Sichell, 1887. Excise. Limes (U.S.), 1887. Executions. Freeman (Judgments), U.S., 1881. Executive Officers, Powers of. Chaster, 1888. Executors. Walker and Elgood, 1888. Exemption and Homestead. Thompson (U.S.), 1878. Exposition, World's Industrial. Official Report (U.S.), 1886. E.\TRADITION. Clarke, 1888. Spear (U.S.), 1885. 68 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Federal Decisions. Myer, vol. 22 (U.S.), 1888, Federal Laws and State Ex- penses. Jones (U.S.), 1887. Federal Reporter. Vol. 31, 1887. Fire Insurance. See Insurance. Florida Reports. Cooper, vo!. 21, 1886. Foreclosure. Wiltsie (Mortgage, U.S.), 1885. See Mortgages. Forensic Medicine. See Medical Jurisprudence. Franchise. See Elections. Frauds. Bigelow (U.S.), 1888. Fraudulent Conveyances. May, 1887. Friendly Societies. Brabrook, 1888. Sciatchley, 1887. G Gaius. Muirhead, 1880. See Roman Law. Gaming. Stutfield (Betting), 1886. Gazette, Official. Canada, 1887. Ontario, 1887. General Average. Lowndes, 1888. Geology. Canadian Geological Survey Reports. Georgia Reports. Lumpkin, vol. 75, 1885. Glossary, Juridical. Adams (U.S.), 1886. See Dictionaries. Goods, Sale of. Baker (U.S.), 1887. Benjamin (U.S.), 1888. Guarantees. De Colyar, 1885. Handwriting. Twistleton (Junius), 1871. Health, Public. Glen, 1887. Lumley, 1887. Playter (Health Journal). Sanitary Journal, 1880. Highways. Angell (U.S.), 1886. Hints on Advocacy. See Advocacy. History. Annual Register, 1886. Bryce (Can.), 1887. Dominion Annual Register, 1887. Kingsford (Can.), 1886. Taswell-Langmead (Constitu- tional), 1886. Withrow (Can.), 1886. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 69 Home Rule in Ireland. Dicey (England's case against) 1886. Homesteads. Thompson (U.S.), 1878. Homicide, Law of Carleton (U.S.), 1882. House Tax Acts. Ellis, 1885. Horace. Satires and Epistles. McCaul, 1833. Hotels. Wandell (U.S.), 1888. Husband and Wife. Macqueen, 1885. Stewart (U.S.). 1885. Idaho Reports. Prickett, Vol. i, 1866-80. Illinois Reports. Freeman, Vol. 120, 1887. Incoms Tax. Dowell, 1885. Ellis, 1886. Indian Appeals. Law Reports, 1887; Indiana Reports. Kern, Vol. 112, 1888. Indices. See Digests, Statutes, etc. Industrial Peace. Price, 1887. Infancy. Field (U.S.), 1888. Hochheimer (U.S.), 1887. Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto.) Short, 1887. Inland Revenue Cases. Highmore, 1887. Innkeepers. Champion, 1885. Clifton, 1885. Wandell (U.S.), 1888. See Licensing Acts. Insanity. Buswell (U.S.), 1885. Everest, (U.S.), 1887. Mickle, 1880-86. Spitzka (U.S.), 1887. See Lunacy. Insolvency. See Bankruptcy. Insurance. Alexander (Life, U.S.), 1887. Arnould (Marine), 1887. Berryman (General Digest), U.S., 1888. Clement (General Digest), U.S., 1882. Porter (Fire, Life and Acci- dent), 1887. Scratchley (Life), 1887. International Law. Cobbett, 1885. Davis, (U.S.), 1887. Levi, 1888. Pomeroy (U.S.), 1886. Von Savigny, 1880. Wharton (U.S.), 1887, Interpleader. Cababe, 1888. Warde, 1887. 70 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Interpretation of Deeds. Judgments. Elphinstone, 1885. Freeman (U.S.), 1881. Inter-State Law. Judicature Acts. Rorer (U.S.), 1879. Snow and Winstanley, 1887- 1888. Intestacy. Wilson, 1887. Armstrong (Can.), 1885. Judicial Decisions — Conflict of. Inventions. See Patents. Bailey (U.S.), 1888. _ UNius, Handwriting of Investigation of Titles. Armour (Can.), 1887. Twistleton and Chabot, 1871. Investments. Ellis, 1887. Geare, 1886. Iowa Reports. Ebersole, Vol. 71., 1888. Irish Reports. All prior to the Law Reports have been obtained. Joint Stock Companies. Buckley, 1887. Healey, 1886. Palmer (Precedents) 1884. Journals. House of Commons (Can.) Legislative Assembly (Ont.) Senate of Canada. Judges' Chambers. Archbald, 1886. Judges of England, Table of Block, 1887. Jurisprudence — Elements of Chan-Toon, 1888. Holland, 1886. Justice of the Peace. Lambard, 1614. Reports, vol. 51, 1887. Stone, 1885. Justices, Chief, Lives of Canadian. Magazine Western History, 1886-87. Justinian's Institutes. Krueger, 1877. Mommsen, 1870. Moyle, X883. Roby, 1886. Juvenile Offenders. Saunders, 1887. Kansas Reports. Randolph, Vol. 37, 1887. Kentucky Reports. Rodman, Vol. 83, i888. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 71 Land Distribution in England. Birbeck, 1885. Landlord and Tenant. Redman and Lyon, 1886. Taylor (U.S.), 1887. Woodfall, 1886. Law Dictionaries. Adams (U.S.), 1886. Thornton (U.S.), 1885. Law Digests. See under Digests. Law Lists. English, 1888. Hubbell (U.S.), 1887. Hardy (Ont.), 1888. Irish, 1887. Martindale (U S.), 1887. Tache (Dominion), 1888. Law Periodicals and Reports. Las/ Bound Volume. Albany Law Journal (U.S.), Vol. 36, 1887. American Corporation Cases, Vol. 10, 1887. American Law Register (N.S.), Vol. 26, 1887. Law Review, Vol. 21, 1887. Probate Reports, Vol. 5, 1887. Reports, j888. and English Railway Cases, 30, 1888. Appeal Cases, English, " Law Reports," 1887. Appeal Decisions of Quebec, Canada, Lower, Vol. 4. Aspinall's Maritime LawCases. Vol. 6, (N.S.), 1887. Bankruptcy Reports. See Morrell. Bookseller, The English, and Current, 1887. British Columbia Law Re- ports, Vol. 2, 1885. Law Periodicals and Reports — Continued. Last Bound Volume. Brodix's Patent Cases, Vol. 5, 1888. Cababe and Ellis's Reports, Q.B. Div., Vol. 2, 1886. Canada Gazette, Vol. 21, 1887. Law Journal, Vol. 23, 1887. S upreme Court Reports, Vol, 13, 1887. Canadian Law Times, Vol. 7, 1887. Central Law Journal (U.S.), Vol. 24, 1887. City Hall Recorder, (N.Y.), Vols. 1-6, 1816-21. Clifford and Rickards' Locus Standi Reports, Vol. 3. 1886. County Court Cases, English — Equity and Bankruptcy, Vol. i5(N.S.),i883. Cox's Criminal Law Cases, Vol. 16, 1886. Criminal Law Magazine (US.), Vol. 9, 1887. Crosswell's Patent Cases, 1888. Eastern Reporter (U.S.), Vol. II, 1887. Election Cases, Reports of (Ont.), Vol. I, 1885-87. Federal (U.S.) Reporter, Vol. 31, 1887. Gazette, Canada, Ontario, North-West Territories, and U. S. Patent Office. See under Subjects. Gibson's Law Notes, Vol. 6, 1887. Ireland, Law Reports of, Vols. 19 and 20, 1887. Irish Law Times, Vol. 21, 1887. Journal of Jurisprudence (Scotch), Vol. 31, 1887. Jurist, The, 1866. Lower Canada, Vol. 31, 1887. Law Journal, English (Re- ports), Vol. 56, 1887. 72 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Law Periodicals and Reports — Coiitinued, Last Bound Volume. Law Journal, English (Serial), Vol. 23, 1887. Law Journal (Can.), Vol. 23, 1887. Law Magazine and Review (4th Series), 1887. Law Quarterly Review (Pol- lock's), Vol. 3, 1887. Law Reports, Canadian Pro- vinces. »S M Ml OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 75 3m Master and Servant. Smith (U.S.), 1886. Wood (U.S.), 1886. See Employers and Work- men. Massachusetts Reports. Lathrop, Vol. 144, 1887. Mechanics' Liens. Derby (U.S.), 1887. Holmsted (Can.), 1888. See Liens. Medical Dictionary. Hoblyn, 1887. Medical Jurisprudence. Abercrombie, 1885. Ewell (U.S.), 1887. Hamilton (U.S.), 1887. Taylor, 1883. Men-at-the-Bar. Foster, 1885. Mercantile Agreements. Wood, 1886. Mercantile Law. Duncan (Cases), 1887. Pomeroy (U.S.), 1887. Slater, 1884. Merchandise Marks Act. Pavne, 1888. Wnght, 1887. Michigan Reports. Fuller, Vol. 61, 1888. Military Law. Morrison, 1886. Story. j886. Mines and Mining King (U.S.), Morrison (Cases), U.S., 1^87. Minnesota Reports. Young, vol. 36, 1886-87. Mississippi Reports. Brown and Hemingway, vol. 64, 1886-87. Missouri Reports. Brown, vol. 92, 1888. Missouri Appeals. Berry, vol. 27, 1888. Money Securities. Cavanagh, 1885. Montana Reports. Vol. 6, 1887. Mortgages. Barron (Chattel), 1888. Jones (Real Property), 1882. Jones (Chattel), 1883. Thomas (Real Property), (U. S.), 1887. Wihsie (Foreclosure), (U.S.), 1885. Municipal Elections. See Elections. N Naval Court Martial. Thring, 1877. Near-Kin — Marriage of. Huth, 1888. Nebraska Reports. Brown, vol. 20, 1886. Negligence. Beach (Contributory), U.S. 1885. Deering (U.S.), 1886. Morrill (U.S.), 1887. Shearman (U.S.), 1888. Smith (U.S.), 1886-87. Thompson (U.S.), 1886. Nevada Reports. Bicknell, vol. 18, 1883-84. 76 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY New Brunswick. Reports. Vol. 25, 1887. Statutes to 1887. Newfoundland. Statutes up to 1887. New Hampshire. Reports, vol. 60, 1885. New Jersey Reports. Equity. Stewart, vol. 43, 1888. Law. Vroom, vol. 49, 1888. New South Wales. Watkins and O'Connor (Crim. Cases), 1882. New York Reports. City Hall Recorder, 1816-21. Common Pleas. Daly, vol. 13, 1887. Court of Appeals. Sickles, vol. 107, 1888. Supreme Court. Vol.53 (Hun, vol. 46), 1888. Surrogate Court. Demarest, vol. 5, 1887. Code (Civil Procedure), Throop, 1886. Criminal. Criminal (N. Y. C), vol. 5, 1888. New Cases. Abbott, vols. 19, 1888. North Eastern Reporter. Vol. 13, 1888. North Western Reporter. Vol. 35, 1888. Guilbert's Digest, 1886. North West Territory. Gazette, 1885-87. Ordinances, 1886. Notes, Promissory. Byles, 1885. Chalmers, 1887. Smith, 1887. Notice. Wade (U.S.), 1886. Nova Scotia Reports. Vol. 19, 1887. Statutes up to 1887. Nuisances. Wood (U.S.), 1883. O Ohio State Reports. Vol. 44, 1887. Revised Statutes, 1886. Ontario Reports. Boundaries, Documents (n.d.). Ontario Reports, 13, 1887. Appeal, 13, 1887. Practice, 11, 1887. Statutes up to 1887. Ontario Election Cases. Vol. I, 1885-87. Ontario, Rules of Practice and Procedure. 1887. Order of the Coif. Pulling, 1884. Orders in Council. Canadian, 1874. Oregon Reports. Stratton, vol. 14, 1886-87. OvI Pac PaJ OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 77 Over-ruled Cases. Bifjelow (U.S.), 1873-87. Dale and Lehman, 1756-1886. Pacific Reporter. Vol. 15, 1887. Murfree's Digest, 1886. Parliament. Private Bills. Clifford, 1886. Macassey, 1887. Debates. Hansard (English). Journals and Sessional Papers (Can.) Government. Bourinot (Can.), 1887. O'SuUivan (Can.), 1887. Parliamentary Companion. Gemmill, 1888. Parish Law. Steer, 1887. Partition. Freeman (U.S.), 1882. Knapp (U.S.), 1887. Partnership. Bates (U.S.), 1888. Bates (Limited), U.S., 1886. Lindley, 1888. Pollock, 1888. Smith (Private Trading), 1887. Passengers. See Railway Law. Patents. Abbott (U.S.), 1886. Abbott (Cases), 1662-1843. Banning and Arden (U.S.), 1881-83. Brice, 1885. Patents — Continued. Brodix (Cases), U.S., 1888. Carpmael, 1885. Crosswell (Cases), U.S., 1SS7. Duryee (Assignment of), U.S., 1886. Johnson, 1884. Morris (Patent Conveyancing), 1887. Patent Office Gazette (U.S.), vol. 41, 1888. Patent Office Record (Can.), vols. 8-13, 1880-88. Payments. Barbour (U.S.), 1888. Pennsylvania Reports. Amerman, vol. 116, 1888. Periodicals. Jones (Digest to Legal Period- ical Literature), U.S., 1887. See Law Periodicals, etc. Persia, History of. Malcolm, 1829. Personal Injuries. Black (U.S.), 1886. Bennett (U.S.), 1886. Page (Spine), 1885. Patterson (U.S.), 1886. Personal Property. Benjamin (Salesof), U.S., 1 888 Goodeve, 1887. Newmark (U.S.), 1887. Williams, 1887. Petition of Right. Clode, 1887. Petitions, Election. Hardcastle, 1885. See Elections. Pleas of the Crown. Tremaine, 1793. 78 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE L'BRARY Poisons. See Medical Jurisprudence. Police. Horr and Bemis (U.S.), 1887. Tiedeman (U.S.), 1886. See Justice of Peace. Political Economy. Fawcett, 1884. Political History of U. S. Lalor (U.S.), 1882-84. Von Hoist (U.S.), 1877. Powers of Executive Officers. Chaster, 1888. Practice and Procedure. Annual Practice (Snow), 1887- 1888. Archibald (Judges' Chambers), 1886. Gibson and McLean (Com- mon Law), 1886. Ontario, Consolidated, 1888. Snow and Winstanley (Gen- eral), 1887-8. Wilson, 1887. Parliamentary, Bourinot, (Can.), 1887. Practice Court Reports. Ontario (Rolph), 1887. Precedents and Pleadings. Heard (U.S.), 1886. President of United States. Appointing Power of, Salmon (U.S.), 1886. Presumptive Evidence. See Evidence. Prices, Dictionary of. Mulhall, 1885. Prince Edward Island. Reports, 1886. Statutes up to 1887. Principal and Agent. Evans, 1888. Printed Appeal Cases. Ontario, vol. 73, 1887. Printed Supreme Court Cases. Canada, vol. 58, 1887. Printers and Publishers. Powell, 1887. Private Bills. Clifford, 1886. Macassey, 1887. Private Companies. Morawetz (U.S.), 1886. Private International Law. Von Savigny, 1880. See International Law. Privy Council. Dicey, 1887. Probate, Court of. I'ractice. Dixon, 1885. Tristram, i888. Cases. American Probate Cases, 1887. Law Reports, The 1887. Promissory Notes. Byles, 1885. Chalmers, 1887. Smith, 1887. Property — Personal. Benjamin (Sales of), U.S., 1888. Goodeve, 1887. Newmark (U.S.), 1887. Williams, 1887. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 79 Property — Real. Challis, 1885. Greenwood (Statutes), 1884. Sharswood and Budd (Cases), (U.S.), 1883-87. Washburn (U.S.), 1887. Williams, 1887. Public Companies. See Joint Stock Companies, Partnerships and Railways. Public Health. Glen, 1888. Lumley, 1887. Sanitary Journal. Public Houses. See Innkeepers and Licensing. Public Land System. Spaulding (U.S.), 1884. Public Policy in Contracts. Greenhood (U.S.), 1886. Public Worship. Jenkins, 1880. Publishers and Printers. Powell, 1887. Punishments. See Criminal Law. Q Quantities. Fletcher, 1884. Quarter Sessions, Archibald, 1885. Quebec, Province of Digest of Fe ports. Stephens, Vol. 3, 1886. QueBi:c, Province of. — Continued. Law Reports. Lower Canada Jurist to Vol. 31, 1887. Quebec Decisions tc Vol. 4, 1884. Quebec Law Reports to Vol. 13, l8c7. Statutes up to 1887. Questions in Law. Aldred (Contract Law), 1882. Blyth (Equity), 1887. Hallilay (Final Examinations), 1886. Shearvvood, 1887. Waite (Equity), 1887. Quieting Titles. See Titles to Real Estate. QUOT/^TIONS. Hoyt (U.S.), 1888. R Railways. Law of. Browne and Theobald, 1888. Browne (Rating), 1886. Castle (Rating), 1886. Patterson (Accident Law), U.S., 1886. Redfield (U.S.,) 1888. Cases. American and English, to Vol. 30, 1888. Brown and Macnamara, to Vol. 5, 1888. Rating. Browne, 1886. Castle, 1886. Real Property. Challis, 1885. Greenwood (Statutes), 1884. Sharswood and Budd (Cases), U.S., 1883-87. Washburn (U.S.), 1887. Williams, 1887. I 8o SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Receiver, Office of. Beach (U.S.), 18S7. Reference Book. Dubreuil (Can.), 1888. Jones, (U.S.), 1887. Tache, (Can.), 1888. Registration and Election. See Elections. Remedies. Black (Constitutional Prohi- bition), U.S., 1887. Wood (Mandamus, Habeas Corpus, etc.), U.S., 1883. Rent. Copinger, i886. Distrain for Oldham and Foster (Law of Distress), 1886. Reports. See Tables, and under States or countries. Res Adjudicata. Herman (U.S.), i886. Restraints on Alienation. Gray (U.S.), 1883. Revenue, Inland. Highmore (Cases), 1887. Rir^RSED Cases. See Overruled. Reviews. See Law Periodicals, etc. Right to Begin. Bailey {Onus Probandi) U.S., 1886. Right and Law. Smith (U.S.), 1887. Rights of Debtor and Creditor. Lawrence (Deeds of Arrange- ment), 1886. Winslow (Private Arrange- ments), 1885-88. Rivers — Public Rights in Navig- able. Dove (n.d.) Pomeroy (Reparian Rights), U.S., 1887, Road, Law of the. Potter (U.S.), 1887. Marsden, (Collisions at Sea), 1885. See Highways. Roman Law. Green, 1884. Guterbock, 1866. Mui^ head's Gains and Ulpian, 1880. Salkowski, 1886. Rules and Orders. Consolidated Rules of Prac- tice and Procedure, 1888. s Sales. Baker (U.S.), 1887. Benjamin (U.S.), 1888. Blackburn, 1885. Kerr, 1888. Newmark (U.S.), 1887. Sanitary Law. See Public Health. Science of Law. Campbell (U.S.), 1887. Scotland and Scotch Law. Digests. Bell and Lamond, i86g. Johnson, Maconochie and Fraser, 1886. OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 8l >!TOR, ange- hts), Scotland and Scotch Law. — Con- tinued. Evidence, Law of. Dickson, 1887. Reports. Couper, (justiciary). Irvine, (Justiciary). Court of Session Cases. ist Series 1-16, 1821-38. 2nd " 1-24, 1836-62. 3rd " i-ii, 1863-73. 4th '« 1-14,1873-87. Criminal Procedure. Macdonald, 1887. House of Lords Cases. Law Reports, (The), 1887. Periodicals. Journal of Jurisprudence, Vol. ^., 1887. Law Reporter, Vol. 24, 1887. Church Law. Mair, 1887. Searches. and Clark, 1887. Securities. Cavanagh, 1885. Self-Defense. See Criminal Law. Serjeants-at-Law. Manning, 1840. Servant. See Master and Servant, and Employers and Employed. Servitudes. Washburn (U.S.), 1885. See Easements. Sessional Papers. Dominion of Canada to 1887. Ontario to 1S87. Shareholders, Law of. See Companies and Joint Stock Companies. Sheriffs' Court Practice. Lewis, 1887. Sheriff, Office of. Murfree(U.S.), 1884; Shipping. Carver (Carriage of Goods by Sea), 1885. Slander and Libel. Odger, 1887. Societies. Wurtzburg (Building), 1886. Solicitors. Cordery, 1888. Harris (Hints on Advocacy), 1884. Turner (Organization of a Soli- citor's Office, 1886. Solicitor's Reports to Next-of- KlN, ETC. Wood, 1887. South Carolina Reports. Shand, Vol. 25, 1885^86. Southern Reporter, Vol. 2, 1887. Spine, Injuries to. Erichsen, 1882. Page 1885. Statistics. Colonial, 1885. Mulhall, 1886. 82 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY Statute La\v. Stimson, (U.S.)> 1886. Stat utes. British Columbia, to 1887. Canada, Dominion of, to 1887. mot Repealed), 1887. Chitty's", 1888. Imperial, Law Reports to 1887. Lely (Practical Utility), 1887. Manitoba, to 1887. New Brunswick, to 1887. Newfoundland, to 1887. Nova Scotia, to 1887. Ontario, to 1887. Patterson (Practical), to 1887. Prince Edward Island, to 1887. Quebec, to 1888. Public General of Canada, as Revised by Commission, 1887. Indices. Dubreuil (Can.), 1888. Imperial (Chronological), 1887. Local and Private Acts, (Can.), 1887, Wicksteed (Can.), 1887. Stock and Stockholders. Cook (U.S.), 1887. See Joint Stock Companies. Students' Guides. Aldred (Questions on Con- tracts), 1882. Blyth (Snell's Equity), 1887. Hallilay (Ex. Questions), i88>. Shearwood (Ex. Questions), 1887. Waite (Snell's Equity), 1887. Subrogation, Law ov. Sheldon, (^U-S.), 1882. Summary Judgment, under Order XIV. Cavanagh. 1887. Summary Jurisdiction. Glen, 1887. Supreme Court, Canada. Cassels' Digest, 1886. Duval's Reports, 1886-87. Supreme Court, Scotland. Bell (Digest of Cases), i86g. Johnson ( " " ), 1886. Supreme Court, U. S. Reports. Davis, Vol. 123, 1887. Digests. Kinney (U.S.), 1887. Lawyers' Co-operative, Indexed Digest (U.S.), 1887. Taxation. Browne (U.S.), 1886. Cooley (U.S.), 1886. Dowell, 1888. Tax Titles. Black (U.S.), 1888. Tenant. See Landlord and Tenant. Texas Reports. Terrell, Vol. 68, 1888. Texas Appeal Reports. Jackson and Jackson, Vol. 24, 1888. Theatres and Music IJalls. Geary, 1885. Theology. Young's Bible Dictionary 1885. Time Bargains. Stutfield, 1886. Title, Abstract of. Moore, 1886. Tit Tit TOF Toi Tr. Tr Tb Ti 4'^ " : OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 83 9. 6. s. H> 5- Titles to Real Estate. Armour (Investigation of), 1887. Sedgwick and Wait (Trial of), (U.S.), 1886. Title, Trial of. Rawle (Covenants for) U.S., 1887. Torts. Addison, 1887. Bigelow, 1886. Fraser, 1888. Hastings, 1885. Pollock, 1887. Torture, Use of. Jardine, 1837. Trade Marks. Cox (Cases), U.S., 1881. Price and Steuart (U.S. Cases), 1879-87. See also Patents. Transfer of Land. See Conveyancingand Titles. Treaties. Hertslet, 1864-85. Trial, Preparation for. Bailey (U.S.), 1886. Harris, 1886. r^'JSTS AND Trustees. Geare (Investment of Trust Funds), 1886. Lewin, 1885. u Uniteu Statr<=, Circuit Cjurt Reports, Sawyer Vol II, 1887. United States. — Continued. Digests, etc. Abbot (N.Y. Decisions) 1887. American Decisions, 1886. Berryman (Insurance), 1888. Bigelow (Overruled Cases), 1887. Clement (Insurance), 1882. Croswell (Patents), 1888. Danforth and Wickes (Ap- peals), 1886. Desty (Federal Reporter), 1887. Fowler (N.Y. Statutes), 1887. Index Digest (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1887. Haviland (N. Y. Decisions), 1887. Kinney (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1887. Myer(Federal Decisions), 1888. Myer (Texas Decisions), 1883. Posey (Texas Decisions), 1886, 1887. Price and Stewart (Trade Marks), 1887. Roberts (Vt. Decisions), 1887. Stark (Mo. Decisions), 1887. Throop (Massachusetts), 18S7. U.S. Annual, 1887. Welch (Ohio), 1887. Williams (Annual), 1887. Fire and Life Insurance Cases. Alexander (N.Y.), 1887. Berryman's Digest, 1888. Clement's Digest, 1882. History. America ■ Cyclopaedia. Von Hoist (Constitutional), 1877. Railway Law. American and English Cases, 30 Vols., 1881-88. New York State, 1888. Redfield, 1888. Suits bv Attachment. Drake, (U.S ), 1885. 84 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY United States. — Conlmued. State Reports. Alabama Vol. 82, 1886. Amerman ....Penn. St., vol. II Arizona Vol. .\(( f^. Arkansas Vol.48, 1887. Bates Del., vol. 4. Berry Mo., vols. 16-27. Bicknell Nev.,vols. 10-18. Bradwell Ills., vol. 20, 1887. Brown NebT- ,vols.4-2o. Mo., vols. 80-92. & Hem- mingway... Miss., vols. 53-64. California ....Vol. 72, 1888. Caldwell W. Va., vol. 29. Colorado Vol. 9, 1887. ColumbiaDis.Vol. 5, 1887. Connecticut ..Vol. 54, 1887. Connoly and Vilas N.Y. Crim.,1888. Conover Wise, 46-68. Cooper Fla., vol. 21. Cope Cal., vol. 72. • Dakota Vol. 3, 1882-84. Dallam Tex., 1840-44. Daly (N.Y.), vol 13, 1887. Dann Ariz., vol i. Delaware Vol. 4, 1884. Demarest ....(N. Y.) vol. 5, 1887. Dennis (La.), vol. 38. Ebersole Iowa, vols. 59-71 Florida Vol. 21, 1884-86. France Col., T., 3-9. Freeman 111., vols. 31-120. Fuller Mich., vol.61. Georgia Vol 75, r885. Hooker.... Conn., 25 54, Hun. Sup. Ct. N.Y., vols. 8 53. Idaho Vol I, i866-8o Illinois Vol. 120, 1887. Indiana Vol. 112, 1887. Iowa Vol. 71,1888. Jackson and Jackson Tex. Appeals, vol. 24. Kansas Vol. 37, 1887. United States. — Continued. State Reports. Kentucky Vol. 83, 1887. Kern Ind., vols. 100- 112. Lathrop Mass., vols. 115- 144. Lee Tenn. , vol. 16. Louisiana Annual Vol. 38, 1886. Lumpkin Ga., vols. 67-75. Mackey ColuKi., vol 5. Maine Vol. 79, 1888. Massachus- setts Vol. 144. 1887. Maryland Vol. 67, 1888. Michigan Vol. 61, 1888. Minnesota.... Vol. 36, 1886-87. Mississippi ...Vol. 64, 1886-87. Missouri Vol. 92, 1888. Missouri Appeals, vol. 27, 1888. Nebraska Vol. 20, 1886. Nevada Vol. 18, 1884. New Hamp- shire Vol, 60, 1885. New Jersey (Equity) ...Vol.43, 1888. New Jersey (Law) Vol. 49, 1888. New York Vol. 107, 1888. New York, (Sup. Ct.), Vol. 5j, 1888. Ohio... , Vol. 44. 1887. Oregon Vol. 14, 1887. Palmer \'t., 5.^59. Pennsylvania Vol. 1 16, 1887, Pickett Ido., vol. i. t^aiKJolph Kan., \ol. 37. iilKule Island Vol. 14, 1885. Riner Wy., vol. 2. Rodman Kv, 78-82. Shand ^S. Car) Vol. 25. Shepherd Ala., N.S., vol. 60. Si