IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ]^m m " IM 112.2 '1^ «.n 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► Photographic Sciences Corporation %<^ ,\ ^^ :\ f^V \ ^^tv^, ♦».*»i s*'. IND JIME OF CM. ,TOESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd & 24th, 1893. Under the Patronage of His rfonor Lieut. -Governor Dewdney, Capt, Hughes-Hallett, and Officer* of H. M. Fleet. VICTO!?Ifl, B. C, '5?l Beaumont Boaea, skcrktanv. Chas. Kent, HON. TrCAS. ROST. BCAVElw, Mayor. Chairman. y^'. .3KS- ~^' Coioaii/ I,Ho,¥it/Mirnf TSC, ^b^^f ricePivb Cents I Programme- .H->f^«^*fif-|. TUESDAY, MAY 2^RD, 1B93, AT.^EACON HILL. 9 A.M. BA5KBALL MATCH between Victoria and Port Townsend. 9 A.M. INTER-CITY RIFLE MATCH at Coldstream. 10 A.M. INTERNATIONAL CRICKET MATCH between Tacoma and Albion Cricket Club, Victoria. 10 A.M. LOCAL YACHT RACES oflf Beacon Hill. 10 A.M. CANOE SAILING RACES, from Club House, James Bay. 11 A.M. TRAP SHOOTINia between Tacoma, Victori.x and Union Gun Clubs." II A.M. FIELD ST>ORTS, Races, confined to Amateurs. One mile ist prize. Gold Medal ; 3nd, Silver Medal Half-mile ist prize. Gold Medal ; and, Silver Medal Hurdle race, 220 yards ...... 1st prize, - - / I 1:30 p M INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACES off Beacon Hill. : , ^ 3:30 p. M CHAMPIONSHIP L ACROSSE. MATCH >etw«en New West- ' minstec and Victoria, .at Caledonia Grounds, " • , i ' At Victoria Tiieatre . . . . . . . ..... ATHLETIC CLU» EXHIBITION \ At ^Market Hill INDIAN WAfi AUtk PEACE DANCES A Band attendance at .all events* Archives Of : L PROGRAMME— CONTIN WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 9 A.M. CRICKET MATCH— United Banks, Vic of Mainland. * 9 A.M. CRICKET MATCH-Albion C. C, Vict of Vancouver, 9.30 A.M. JUNIOR LACROSSE MATCH— Jame ster, in Caledonia Grounds. Free. Iprooramme of IReoatta a • • MA"/ 24'TH. 1393 CANNON SMOt OPENS RtQATTA AT TWELVI All races to be called by bugle. Two minutes-after be started by gun . All amateur races under auspices of James Bay Amf :, ■■ ) 6. INDIAN WAR CANOE RACE— sofeet cane and return, ist prize, $3.00 per paddle ; and Entries — i canoe, Kuper Island ; a canoes, Du Cowichan ; i cant>e, S.aanich ; i canoe, Comij SINGLE SCULL CHAMPIONSHIP-Open and under; course round the island and re Gregpr & Boggs' cup. Winners— 1890, W. Watt; 1891, C. DesBris.-; Entries— Vancouver : Albert Henderson, Rol Wmi Scott. PETERBOROUGH CANOE TANDEM R from- Deadman's Island' to barg''. Prize;! p cl'jck and flask. ENrRiKs-(a) W. Traill, (b) Ed. Pitt, (c) Max H Munroe. (f) CM. Page, (g) H. C. Macaul; Westminster: C. B. Innis (stroke), A. I Blpomfield, G. C. Hodge. FOUR^OARED AMA'TEUR RACE-Best streak ; open to all junior ainateiii's ; course, EUice Bridge^ to barge ; i mile. Prijce, silver ENTRies— Westminster :Gi C. Hodge | ; ■• ; PROGRAMME CONTINUED. 7. PETERBOROUGH CANOE RACR-Single blade ; course, straight- away half-mile from Echo p>.Mnt to barge, ist Prize, tennis racket and 1 dozen balls ; 2nd, Canoe cushions, Entrius— (a) Ed. Pitt, (b) E. N. Page, (c) M.ix Heap, (d) H. C. Macaulay, (e) W. Traill, (Westminster) if) F. C. BloomAcld, (g) C. B. Haines, (Victoria) (h) C. F. Askew, (i) J. Watson. No canoe over i6 feet in length to enter. A. C. A. rules to govern. 8. NAVY RACE — Single banked boats ; course, round Island and return ; time allowance, tst piize, $4.00 ; and, $3.00 ; 3rd, $1.00. Entries— (a) Garnet, 6 oars ; (b) Garnet, 4 oars ; (c) Champion, 6 oars ; (d) Champion, 5 oars ; (e) Nymphe, 4 oars. 9. INDIAN WAR CANOE RACE— 40-foot canoes ; course, round 1 land ai)d return. 1st prize, $5.00 per paddle ; and, $2.00 per paddle. Entries — (a) Kuper Island, (b) Duncan's Station, (c) Cowichan, (d) Saanich, (e) Songhecs (Victoria), (f) Anacortes (Wash., U.S.A.), (g) Whatcom (Wash., U.S.A.). 10. JAMES BAY FOUR-OARED— Lapstreak ; course, straightaway from Point Ellice bridge to barge. Prizes, 4 silver medals. Ei\TRiES — W. Beaven (stroke), W. E„ Fisher, G. L. Sankey, W. H. Langley. J. H. Austin (stroke), G. E. Jorgeson, B. Wilson, R. W. Clarke. 11. PETERBOROUGH CANOE RACE— One man, single or double paddle ; course, half-mile, from Echo point to barge, ist prize, dress- ing case ; and, fly book. Ektries- (a) E. Pitt, (t) C. M. Page, (c) Max Heap, (d) H. C. Macaulay, (e) W. Traill. 13. SENIOR FOUR-OARED-Open to all amateur clubs on Pacific Coast ; course, straightaway from Point Ellice bridge to barge. Prizes, ■ silver cup and 4 gold medals. Entries— J. B. A. : (al G. Askew (stroke), J. A. Jackson, Wm. Scott, F. S. Widdowson. (b) J. B. A. A. : J. W. Hutcheson (stroke), J. W. Wilson, C. E. Bailey, J. Aden (bow). 13. KLOOTCHMEN'S RACE— 3 canoes ; course, i mile with turn, ist prize, $ao . 00 ; and, $10.00. Entries— (a) Duncan's Statbn, (b) Quamichan, (c) Cowiclian, (d) Esqui- malt. 14. PETERBOROUGH CANOE U?SET RACE— The paddle to strike water at starting shot. Paddler vacates Kinoe at second shot ; tows or pushes canoe until third shot, when he enters canoe and paddles to finish. Course, from Curtis' point to barge, one-fifth mile. 1st Prize, o«pera glasses ; and, flask ;■ 3rd, cigar case. Entries— (a) James Sharp, (b) C. M. Page, (c) E. Munro. (d) W. Taill, (e) E. Pitt, (f) W.J. Mawdslev, (g) W. B. Sylvester, (h) Max Heap, (i) E. M. Havnes. (j) J. H.. McGregor, (k) A. C. Haynes, (l> J. P. Hibben, (m) tl. P. Rogers, (n) G. J. Buimett, (o) C, B. Innis (West- minster), ({J) G. F. Askew (Victoria). IS;. COPPER PUNT RACE^Prize, $10.00. $ao.oo for best decorated punt" Entries— (a) Garnet; ; (b) CHampion; (c) Nymphe. ' i& ALL-rCDM^lRS' NAVAL RACE— Any number of boats ; any number ■'.. • of oars ; course round. island and return, jst prize, $35.00; and, $15.00. i I' * 3rd, $5.00. Five boats to enter or no third prize. 17. LOGGERS' RACE-^Logger to stand on log, and propel with ordinary round pole, ist prize, $25.00 ; and, $10.00. CoUrse from Curtis' Point I t^herge'. ■''■■' ^ '■ ' '■:.<• \. "■ ^ ' - Atftav eur races to be, under the axispices of the James Bay AtWeti<> Association . TRAINS 16ave B. & N. R. R: Station for the Regatta every half hour, commencing at 10 a. rih., lieavingf passengers at ; Lampson Street crossing. Fare lor the Round Trip, 26 cts. :i '=•• im PROGRAMME— CONTINUBO. Swimming Race. Amateur Prize. Medal Swimming Race. Professional Pri^c. $io oo GreasyPole " '" °« Horse Marines* .■..,... •••• \o ofi ^^OFFIQIALS—^ Starter— Capt. J. G. Cox. , Co-Startkrs— Capl. Hugrhcs-H.-illett, Commander G. Huntingford, and Capt. Eustace Kooke. Judges — Lieut. Cooper, Lieut. Gibbons and Lieut. Muntz, MK4SURKRS— J. H. Seeley. Lieut. Gibbons and Capt. Gandin. TiMEKKKPERS— J. J. Elliott and Lieut. Masters. THURSDAY, MAY 2^th, 1893. YACHT RACE TO OAK BAY. Prizes: Three Cups presented by the Mount Baker Hotel Company. CANOE RACES AT OAK BAY, JOCKEY CLUB RACES AT THE DRIVING PARK. EVENING. "OUR BOYS" AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE, UNDER THE patronage of his Honour Lieut.-Govcrnor Dewdney and Officers of H. M. Fleet. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. -^QgiKEY CLUB RACES AT THE OHIVINO PARK- Thb PROvntcaAt Museum will be open free to the public during all the weiSt of the Celd>ration from 9 a, ni. to 5 p. m. POINTS OF INTERES T. ESQUIMALT. WITH THE NAVAL STATION AND DRY DOCK. BEACON HILL PARK. THE GORGE AND ALONG VICTORIA ARM. SAANICH. GOLDSTREAM. OAK BAY. SUBURBAN RESORT. MOUNT TOLMIE PARK. - - WEDNESDAY EVENING - - Gorgeous Aquatic Illumination • • ON THE HARBOR • • BETWEEN THE SWING BRIDGE AND JAMES BAY BRIDGE ^ — ® P ROCESSIOK OF ILLUMINATED BOATS • ^ MP SERPENTINE ATTACK BY IHDIAN ^ - WAR CANOES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Grand - Open - Air - Promenade - Concert AT GOVERNMENT GROUNDS. Illuminated - Procession - of- Wheelsmen DCFINITIpN OF AN AMATKUR, AS ADOPTED BY THC CANADIAN ASSO- CIATION or AMATEUR Oarsmen. 1 ..-■;■■■ ■ ' ■ One who ha« not entered in an open competition, or for alther a Btake^ public or admission money, or entrance fee, or competed with or against a professional for any prize since January ist, 1876 ; who has never tauffhti pursued or assisted in the pursuit of athletic exercise as a means of livelihood ; whose membership of any rowingr or other athletic club was not brought about, or does not continue, because of any mutual agreement or under* standing, expressed or implied, whereby, his biscoming or continuing a member of such a club would be cS any pecuniary benefit to htm whatever, direct or in(&'ect, and who has niever been emplojned in any occupation involviug any use of the oar or paddle. 'rchives r\ti ■ 0\