■,^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i 1.0 I.I 1.25 I JO '""^^ til M 2.2 1.4 - 6" 1.6 ... ^/M ^ /} w c'^^/ ' . oS f/ *ifc^ ^ \ ' riiuiugiajJUHj Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4% X-^v iV ^\ ' U.e pa,a up Sli^iTs until Isl January, 1S57. 9 Great Geohgk Stuket, Westm.n.tm, 30f/t January^ looo. G.NX..M.x,-We bog respectnally 1c> can ycnjr ^J- ^^^^^W^ScltX P^"^it will be admitted, ..e think, that I'i^^-^^' ^^Tn^ttf ^^^^^^ the great, undertaking in which we ^.^^S^fed, -^^^^ ««/ >^J° ^^at difficul- undSne by us to bring it to a «"f ^^^^'^^f J^;^ ^^.f^feS all this has been done, ties and adverse circunjstanees beyor^ fo^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^, ^, hj^herto we it is needless to remind you. It is ^^^ \^";;';,Pt^^^ ^.e times has imposed upon have not shrunk from the sacrifices ?^" V. w. have neither the intention nor the us, so a. respects what ^^n^.^'-;" ^'^S^ ^^^ ^ve ;^^^^^^^^^ and are willing desire to recede from the obligations ?\*^";^*^;7J ^^j,hiYUk to discharge them, to the utmc^t of our ability and at ^^^^^f^^^I^^^^fJ'^^ekiL from the Company a factorily worked out. . c,,Uprno for carrving out the combmed You are aware that m the ^5V?'"?^^Sdicrnc lo^ jr^^^ Communication were undertaking by which the benefits of a through R^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ in he secured from the Province ot Canada ctruim ic ':X by -an' oi which ,hi. S-a. -^3%r;°,f „Stma.ion of .he Con. Among o.her things, a sum '•{^^^J fZ'J^'Jl boon .o .he parlies emitted C^Z^^^^n^^^ ■M,'':o„l3i%ha. it wJbe readily ac- cepted by them. .. , „„„,,^„ tUr.* this amount which at the ^ We had all a right to assume and did J?f ""^;^3, V^^^^^ (if not reset- fortunate change of times ^vlnchoccimcd before the option w ^^^^^^^ Again in -he prog-s <^^,^„— t"l MonS .o'^'por.land iupvope, fhL\Tf ha^roSSerrr:^^^^^^ --ci ou,laid beyond wh.t 1. /fS lat it was in proper or this aiid ;e extent of •yond what was provided on ihis head, thus crcaiing a further deductiou to that extent, from the fund relied upon as applicable to ihe conslruetion of the works comprised in our contracts. We make no complaint of this rxpondirure, which was certainly judicious as respects the general undertaking, but if vd'erenL-e he made to our memoiandum on which the arrangement of the 2nd May lusi between you, the Representa- tives of \\\K\ Canada Board then in London and ourselves was based, it will be seen that it was contemplated and was iu l\ict part of the Financial Scheme then s^ibmitted by us that if provision were required for any wants of the line from IMontreal to Portland it was to be made from other sources than those on which we were relying, and in the Circular to the Sharehold(>rs consequent on the ar- rangement then entered into it was clearly stated that in consideration of the active prosecution of the works by the Contractors the B. Province Bonds \vould be made available for the purposes of those works. When therefore it is found that an amount nearly equal to the wliole issue of those Bonds has been spent extrancously to our Contracts and thos*; of Messcrs. Gzowski & Co. we think ourselves justified in advening to this fact as accounting in a great degree for the financial diificulty which lias arisen and as explanatory of the grounds on which we make this application to you. Again by the Law regulating the proceedings of the Company the calls on the A. series of Shares and Bonds could only be made in stated instalments and at limited intervals, and the effect of all this is that the value of the works exe- cuted for which payment is due to the Contractors has overtaken and now great- ly exceeds the Fund available for its liqtndation. In this state of things it has been formally notified to ns that the Drafts of the Company in our favor for work" already certified cannot be accepted nor the amount of the certificates not drawn foi be paid ; and we must assume that the further amounts due to us for works already executed will be dealt with in like manner. . . It will not we are sure be matter of surjjrlse or complaint if under such cir- cumstances we are compelled anxiously to consider our position and to ask from you such support and cooperation as can be fairly and legitimately aftorded. We do not forget nor desire to keep out of sight the engagement which we have entered into as respects the B. series of bonds and shares modified as it has been by the arrangements subsecpiently made. But we venture to call to mind— first— ihat in accordance with the arrangemeuU made on the 2nd May last we are in no default as to the accepting of the bonds and shares of the B. scries ; and 2nd that by reason of the ai)propnation of 80 large an amount to the purpose already adverted to we have practically derived no benefit from the issue of the B. rrovince Bonds authorized by the recent Act of the Canadian Parliament. Our actual position shortly summed up is this : — There is due to us on certificates including those for the current month ot January, £646,000. We hold in shares of the Company about £300,000, and to this must be added the value of our Plant in Canada and of the Works at Birken- head constructed expressly for this uudertaking and of the work done but not yet certified amounting in the whole to a very large s am fir which at present we have received no return. Indeed on the works of the Quebec and Richmond line we have sustained a positive loss of upwards of £100,000, and we are warranted in saying, as respects the undertaking generally, that in consequence of the en- hanccd i)nce of all materials, as well as oi iauui aw^ ..v.gnr.-, ur5.4s-ti.i.--v j loss which we may sustain from receiving a portion of our payments in Companv s Bonds and Shares instead ofCush, the prospect which we had oi realizing a tair profit from our contract is seriously and irrctncvubly impaired. ^ f arsr-ii— -T=-t.-i^ Wl.»l armn-omcus slumM be- m,ulc for moolinf! the ,,n""'"t» no? .'"''= '""'." Toronto in the autuinu oi ISoO. I am, (aMitlcnicn, For jKirmers ami self, Yourt:, very iaiihlnlly, S. MOllTON rETO. To tfie Directors of the Grand Trunk llailway of Canada, Old Broad Street, Loudon. (Copy.) , 9 Gkhat Gkorge St«ket, Wesimixsteu, 2«(i Ftbruattj, 1855. To Thomas Rarinrr, Esq., M. P., George Carr Glvu, K^q., M. P. D„,.,r, Sius,-It has occurred to us tliat as Agc.it. of the Provuiee of Canada, vou may feel it incumbent to write to the Government you reprcsimt, your view 3 in the present position of tlie Grand Trufik llailway ; ane time a year. i- onnnnnn ' We propose that the Province aid should be given lo the extent oi -t900,"OU in 50 ner ^^-^l- ^f each certificate for works, iiichiding Messrs. Gzowski & ^o- » contract frcmi Toronto to Stmtlbrd, such certihcates to be Irom »f J^^^^^.^^.)^^^^^^^ We ay^ to receive on our contracts 50 per cent, ot iH-odi;ce oi Province tsonas, and 50 per cent, of B. Bonds, ^;c., i)reci:,elv as contemplated in the statement of 9nd May, 'I'l^' as per statement sent lo the Graiul Trunk Board. With this we gUjTj. {jj;„i into our contracls such additional capital as will enable us to com- plete the Hue ut the times stated, and you will observe that these are in advance of our contract time of the 1st July, 1857. I am, dear Sirs, For partners and self, Yours, ery faithfully, V tu 1855. >g 1855. ,^ , , London, ICih Februarv, 1853. (Dupliciilo.) SiH — As tho iw(. Dirc'clovs i,;imed I>y tlio Province of Canada in llie Board ol Direetors ul tlu- Cand 1 runk Kailioad (Jmnpauv of (Canada, us well as mem- bers ol the linns nv ho act as a.-'onts li. lo of the (Jovenn.ient, we deem it proper on our part, and perhaps a.^rerablelo you, ihat we should shortly slate lo you our opinion astolho pies.-nt poMlion and as to the piosijeets of the Company. your predeeessor is aware thai it was al the request of the representative then here of tiie(.<,vvrnnie:,t of Canada, ihal in 185:.!, we acoepied the cfFiee at tfie IJoard ol J3ireetor.s which uv now iiold. We were indueeil to do so by the re- presentation that the (iover!iim-iil desired our serviees in that situation, and we were confirmed by him in the beliiftliat the eomphMion of the proposed line of Railways was a work (-.ilcuhitcd to be of.-ssentiul advaulage tothe Province. We leltthat m thus joining the dinelion we should contribute, so far as importance is attached to llif^ eo-operalion (,f our firms l^y the j)ubii(;, to the success of the sub- scription, and thaKau- respective firms should embark a considerable amount of iheir own capital man undertaking into which our names might l-ad others. Our respective iirms l)ecame therefore subscribers for a large amount of shares with the conviction, no doubt, that the investment would be profitable, but we must slate that we were mainly if not entirely induced to do so, and to take any part in the operations of the Company, by the belief that such a course was agreeable to the Ciovernment, and would be advantageous to the Province; and we must add, on account of what has occurred in the Legislative body, that our subscriptions did not prevent the allotment of shares to every applicant, whose addition to the Itody ol pro|)rietors would have been of advantage to th(.' Company. We believe that the course taken by us has been benelicial to the enterprise, and we see no reason to change oiii opinion iis to the benefits to be derived by all interested from its comj)letion, if the proper means are adopted to eflect that end. Various circumstances have combined to create dilliculties in the financial nrrangements of the Company, The changes from peace to war, from ease to pressure in the money market, from speculative buoyancy to doubt and uncertainty in the minds of capitalists and money dealers, would alone sulilice in a great measure lo account for altered prospects: but to these must be added the defici- ency in the subscriptions in Canada. % the prospectus, shares and debentures to trie extent of i;S37, 600, were reserved for the Shareholders in the St. Law- rence and Atlantic and (Quebec and ilichmond Railways on the amalgamation, and for the bond-holders of tla; Ontario, Simcoc and Huron Railway Company. This reserve was not availed of, and when the period fjr the option expired in Canada, the shares here were at a discount. The Company was therefore disap- pointed in the hope of rendering this large sum available. Beyond this a large amount of paid up shares of the Grand Trunk Company, proceeding from the amalgamation of the various Companies, has been transmitted f.'-om Canada to Lonuon for sale, and thus by a forced depression of prices has prevented this Company from realising the shares which remained unsubscribed for or forfeited of the A series, and at the same time rendered the B series useless for the pay- ment of the Contractors. These unfavorable circumstances have, according to the statements which the Company have received, not interfered with the active prosecution of the works in Canada. On that point however we refer to you, Sir, who are fully able to form a decisive opinion, and have within your reach incontestable testimony; but we may add that we have Vvitnessed on this side of the Atlantic the expensive preparations which have been made by the Con- tractors here for the prompt and successful tcrminalion of their labours. Every thing therefore in that respect would appear to be satisfactory ; butlhi?, very ener- gy and promptitude has been a source of dilficuliy to the Company as the claims for jjayment of work done have, in the rapidity with which they hajye_aBBeai ' bocamcj noocssary on llic Alhmtio ami ■ ■ ' oiu wliien expendiiure lar beyond our culcnlal ons b^an - --y. ^ J .^J St LaNVnM.c. lin... Tl.i. was us ' V ; j'l/V, ;' . .h absurbnl a porlion of the means ol- '1h> Company (>.ciav.sc.|)|U a^^^^U>^^^ ..ries havo boon On Ihe oll.or hand iho ca s ou ^'^ ,^ :\'\ ^.^/i',;' U„ pr.,spe..lus or evea mad. by the CounKUiy w.th all the ^^M ^ '> ; f X^^\;^^^^ ,,, ,n,y of pay.nent, a. last L the stale ol. he "loney n.arU t wo 1 aU nv v.1. .^^^^^^ ^ „,,.' i,,,,,e and the calls w.ll ''f ^''^^ ''^■'^'''' ,^^\, ;;^'"e^^^^^ pnnet.iality, whilst ian.my in stating ihat they have been '.»« ' . .^wT. have thus to eo..t;.alulate out- cases instalment, have been ^^" ' •' ^ ^ j^^^^.^;, ui. is the best evklenee of the selves on the vespeetab. .ly ol ^^^''^'J''^^ :,;;;'',, is however evident to us judicious allotment ol the .hares ottcC^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ useless a. a that the U series of Shares \.;'''^^, ',,;,' ,u. Con.pany. In fact the ap- pecuniary vesonree euher o ^^^Jr^''^^^'^^^ ,,, the inarlfet and injuriously prehension of an aliempt to ^ ' ^'^f i lo Com r nv m.w exercised the right to pay lillects the price ot tl.e A shares f^hc^U ^^ lu..v..ed, the Con- the Contractors wuh these ^''^^^"',^., '''.,, ".'he uavment of the future calls on tractors would be unabb .o >-|; '1^-^, '^ t, e t me further assets would be the A series would be jeopard!/ ;d. ^^ /'^ f „,^. i^^,,,^, produce oi obtained in anticipation <>' j^^i; J'^^;,,f l,u in Canada be 'a matter of the B series, if the v'^^>-- ^^^^ to Company but also to the Province moment not only to the V,""'^''' ; f p.^nnj.. iu:;Y„^ \, ,,,, ,„ us that tance which is attached to ^''^V l^:!' the^^^c^^s ^'o "rS V aid. It justice as well as ^^^^}'^y^f^J^J'^^^^Jr should be alU.rded to ,hi. would seem to us but just that y'^^;-, ;^-\„^^, ,,,^1 the issue of Provincial Company as lurs ^-^ -ten<^d^^ - ,^m that ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ Bonds should therefore be '"^'^tt;^,i,^;2^1\,, Stratford, exclusive of the expen- the whole line of Uadroad f-^o'^, ^^•./, "^ ^^^^^^ sul uiittcd to us are correct, dUure on the Bridge. '^^^^^^^^^^^Jf^"^^ .nade justify an increased issue to th s ^,?^']':'\^^^ {,^1 by a letter to us of 2nd ind contemplated ^"^-""^^"^ ^"["^f ^^^"^^^^ on tl e art of the contractors the instant, of which copy is enclosed f^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^.„j ^^^ 1350^ jf ,hc Pro- completion of the road as far west as l^'^'ll^^^^^ With this addi- viiicial guarantee to this Company ^^'^;'\'^'^'^^-i,7„rtle Company and conirac tional aid we have every confidence . '^^^^^^ '^'^, .^and within or before r;^::Sne-^:rt;-^^^^^ greatest douMso^ so speedy ^^'^ '^t:^£;^?a^^ whether this ^^^^^^^ Provincial Bonds would allect '"J^^'^^^f y. ^ "^,^'"\'^' ^^'^^^^ any con- towards them it is not only the duty but ^ «;' ^^^ ^^ ;^ ^ 'j ^^^ y,U their ,rol in these operations to -"^^^^^^^J^^//^ rt^n c n^^etion of the line, and interests are identified with the ^^^f'^^f'^^^^^^ ,,f rcLipts and injured by they would be beneiilted by l^l'^'^'^'^^^^^^^^ by the withdrawal even procrastination and d. ay. Then ^i^;,f/'-^^^^^^^^^ if the issue of L a time of the B series ",^i>--^;'^^^'^;"Setir amount of £837,500 pre- Company. '// ■ .1. tiLm— 'am.r :^ ' .s • Tlin whole snbjpct lias had, as yon will well ima«?liio, our anxious attontion. The completion and succrss oI'lliiH groat work is so imp(»rlaiil to all concc^rncd that it is (inite unnecessary for us to urge upon the Governirient of Canada the direful consideration of the proper means to attain these results, and whilst we how with deference to your sujierior judgment, we have thought it to be our duty lo submit to you the opinion which wc have deliberately formed. Wc have the honor to be most respectfully, Sir, Your Obedient Servants, THOMAS BARING, GEO. CAUR GLYN. To the Hon. W. Cayley, Inspector General, &c., &c., &e., Quebec. 8 St. cor the ma as .1 •4 A 4 CI o >-< o Ci n n f^ O an O O ¥ Tl Ci -t « Tl O "M ^ c. n ■^ A — 05 o •^ I" IM 05 «> O -< — O O i-« FH t O 'ft oo O O **^ ^^ p—* 0> O I- •- < « O T •• ! 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