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Canadian Inatituta for Hiatsrical Microraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa
Ttchnieal •nd Biblio«r«phie Notm / NotM tacfiniqutt et bibliograptciquM
Tht Inttituta h»% atttmpttd to obtain tha baV
ilyt:^*,, ■
; i
or THB
Sb^ttmt 42r0tirt
Vt icirent civrs, quod jm de mtaqve re gviique dkhtnu eiHt ammM
pramunircnt Dm. 1, 2. 51. 10. ' ^'
Let the Juilget produce the reatant of their senteHce opeHhf ; to that vhtt i$
Jree tn power may yet be limited by regard to Jante OHd reputatum.—Loti
liACON, de tugmtntis •cieaUMiim.
Above all, let the Judgmentg^of the Supreme md Principal Courts be dtHgentla
and faUhfuUy recorded ; espedally in weighty ,aH$e$, amd partieularh, *uel
u» are doubtful or attend^ unth difficulty or novelty ; for Judgments or*
the oacYoM oft/te Laut, as Laws are the anchors of iitates,^h9id Bacom
ua augmsotis ■cieutiMrum. -•w«».
AND BALDWIN tc C.nxnnr.K inwnnw '
or THI
*»♦ »■
Ph». Pag..
tj ;(■
TTwooD V. Rough. . 128
Attwood V. Lilly 115
Acadia, Sloop (case of) 188
Andrews v. Andrews . . 205
Appraisers v. iM orris . . 306
Appraisers (memorial 0^359
Avery v. Kent 382
Atalania, Brig (case of) 411
Brine v. Meehan . . 1 & 31
Brine, Meehan v. . . & 8
Broom v. 'Williams 14 & 19
Bristowe y. Butler &
Tudridge .... 17 & 20
Butler & Todridec.
BriBtow« V. . . "l7 & 20
Bickley, Cockseley
Barter v. Johnstr
Baine v. Nichohb .
Brooking v. Little .
Brooking v. Byrne
[ Brophy y. Attwood
V. 25
.. 39
... 51
... If8
.. 150
(—.wp-v •• *»»»""WU , , . , 161
Bame & Co. v. Chambers 173
Baine & Co. v. Cos-
na*"*! 210
Benning (trustees) v.
Brown & Co 224
Bladestone v. Thomas 379
Banks v. Elliott .... 396
Brehaut ▼. Le Messurier 414
Bowuug V. Harrison . . 467
Beck V. Brig Kelton
(ownera of)
Broom y. Preston . . . . 491
» » « « ir-a .-w
-«»<^^PIir. -^..,^^.
TAHLr. OF Tiin CAsr:s hepohted.
Cdloman v. Executors
of Kennedy
Cocltsclty V. DickUy . .
Cooncy V. Winter . .
CiawfonJ V. Cunningham
Crawford v. fluntera . .
Cullen & Miller .. ..
Cook's Jnsulvcncy
Carter v. Uendell . . . .
Case & Answer .,
Carter v. Upliatn
Church- wardens v. lien-
Codner v: liaine & Co.
Chancey v. Brooking . .
Croake v; Brown
Carter v. Wood ley ilti &
Carter v. Whiteway
Carter v. Boyd
Crawford allon v. Sininis 39
Dal ton v. Altwood .... 01
Dalton «J- Uyan's Insol-
vency .^ C5
Doolingi^- Kelly's Insol-
vency iiO A 127
Darnerill v, Dunsconib 01
Dawe v. Faddy 137
Deputy Shcriir v. I*ynn 107
Du-isan v. 'I'riniingham 177
Dunn v. Brooks .... 205
Dooliy V. Burke . . . . 2if»
Dugj-au v, Barter . . 230
Pelany v. Cawley .... 243
Doyle's Servants (cane
f>0 292 & 294
Dearing V. Harvey 406
Danson v. Cawley .... 433
Pawe v. Broom ij- others i38
Enilcrcolt's Intestacy . . 54
Evans V. Bulley 375
Eljsary v. Ilcrnaman . . 409
Evans v. Con-don . . . . 428
Freeman v. Kenny . . 3 & 4
Flahavan v. Gamble .. 41
Fitzgerald V. Lilly yg
Fitzherbert V. Gill .. .. 133
Fitzgerald v. Dawe ..177
Fry V. Ueigles . . . . 405
roxs Insolvency .. 470
Green v. Williams, 10 & 27
Gulf, Newman v. . . . ^,, $t
f t
.. 54
.. 375
. . 409
. . 428
3& 4
.. 41
.. yy
. 133
. 177
. 405
. 470
Godfrey's E«latc Of]
J joss & others v. Kelly, ll>2
i^oBH & others (petition
^'O ^ 407
• 1 1
ilm'e k others, M'Phcr-
son (trustees) V. 18 & 20
Hnie v. Milledgc 40
Hiibcas Corpus . . .... 54
Henderson v. Brown JSc
„.^® 90
Hill V. Shea 1(1
lliittonv. Kelly j.22
Haley & Johnston ... |43
Hoylcs V. Bland, 180,104,100
Heath v. Kean -^la
Hunt V. Lq Messurier . . 222
Hunters v. Graham .... 240
Hunt V. Hunt & others, 203
Hayes v. Weave 290
Uunters v. Hernaman . . 321
Hunters v. Langdon
(trustees oO 335
g.^Py ^- Gaden 330
Hilly ard, Jane (ort,er
respecting). 368
Hogan V. Stabb & Co. 383
fliltditch's Will (order
respecting^ 406
Hogsett V. Boyd 470
Kenny, Freeman v.
Hitto & DiMo
Kennedy's lilxecutors,
Coiraan v.
Keef V. Shnnnnn . . '
Kough's Insolvency .
Kelson's Meinoriul . . .
« •
. a
Innott V. Pendcrgrast . . 395
Jennings v. Hunt .... 240
Littler Dooling, 36,51,00
L.ano a Insolvency .... oo
Legg V. M'Carlhy . . 129
Little's Trustees v. Dul-
lahunty .. .. ,31
Lynch V. Coughlan ..130
Lahey v. Tree ..147
LeGeytv. Miller .. 152
Lady Hamilton, Brig
(case oO . . . . 309
Langley v. Darrell .... 379
Little V. Broom, 307 & 392
Leigh's Estate (order
relating to) ., 405
Meehan v. Brine . . 6 & 8
JJeohan, Brine v. . . 1 & 31
M'Pherson (trustees v.
Huie & others . . 18 & 20
Mead's Estate _. . 24
Morey, Square V. ..." 29
M'Lea V. Kennie .... 31
Malzard t. Huie ..... 47
Meany v. Pynn 50
-urpny r. Rough .... 93
Meagher v. llant & Co.
157 & 100
Unperson v. Quintan .... 257
Hex V. Lilly 428
M , _,, '"• ** '"" "t?x V. i,niy 420
ter r '^'''"""'' ,• ■ ■"", "'••''''y *• "wkett iia
IWomss, Jane, property, 105 '
Morning Star. Schooner
(case of) , 270
M'Grath'BWiil '.*.'.; 273
Margaret & Isabella,
Schooner (case of) 540
Newman v. Goff 32
Newman v. Trcmlelfs
Trustees 130
Newman r. Meaglier . . 207
Newman y. Church-
wardens 350
Newport v. Purcell . . 427
Parkin v. fiennell
.. 204
Square v. Morey .... 20 & 13f)
Shaw V. Le Messurier 09
Stewart v. Hutchings 00& 75
Smitliers v. Williams .... 04
Stuart V. Walsh oa
Simms v. Hoddern .... IIQ
Stabb V. Stabb 200
Skinner v. Tarrahan .... 374
Stuck less's Estate (order
respecting) 41Q
Terrington, Hyan V 29
I rimmgham v. Brine . . 179
Trimingbam v. Gaskin 274
Parsons v. Sheppard . . 464 Thistle's Estate ('memo-
Page V. Carter . . . . 474/ "«»* & order
Ryan ▼. Terrington to
Rennie, M*JLea v 31
Roberts v. Simpson .... 76
Robertson & Mortimer's
Insolvency 70
Regula Generalis .... 86
Ryan's Petition .... 113
Ryan v. Ryan i64
Rex ▼. Row 144
gex V. Kough 105
Ryan ▼. Thomas 203
Rourke ▼. Baine & Co. 237
Rowe V. Street 240
Williams, Green v. Jo * 27
wiiiiamR. Broom v. 14 * 10
Winter. Dea r. ... 28
Winter V. Winter ..5^**67
Walsh V. Carter 05
Winter's Insolvency .7 SQ
Williams V. Williams . . 120
Waller (trustees oQ v.
Broom 504
Winsor V. S(abb .^ , . 543
Young V. Attwood 262
I onge V. Blaikie 310
.... 257
.... 420
From the Year 1817, to the Year 1822.
John h Robert Brine, appellanii,
Michael Mbeh an, respondent.
nTih}% ^^ *° iPP®''^ from the judgment
«n S Surrogate Court of St. John's, given
Cf isVl'^^Jj"? ''It' t«'««overtheT«m
ot ±53 16*. Qd. from the appellants, as in-
therraS^?r "'^^ ^^' of^e^chang; which
A»ec., 1813, drawn by fT. B. i?ou; per nro-
curation of John BiU ^ Co., St.'johnT
Newfoundland, 2d pec.,'i8l3.'ou/or^^
^ Co London, m favour of the appellants.
The cause was submitted to a spiSal juir
ij^hogave a verdict for the plai&ff vS
the court ordered to be recorded, ^d^ve
meni tbe defendants annpnio^ 4^ uui o®
S8a Jn^, 1817.
Xtw trial griBtMl
bjr tba Supnns
Ccttrt, ia • om*
«h«r« judgatot
had been girto in
oil it bill of ti«*
obaD|«, whieb bad
b««n retained bj
nontha aftar it
cama iato bit poa-
aaaiioB. [?<»(.]
preme Court, on the ground that the plaintiff
J &R ««.,«, I'n 1"°' "®^** *^"® diligence in sending the
J.&R.Br,nb bill Lome for payment, and that he had
M.r« M. ^^'^^^ oUaches, in locking the bill up for
Mich. Mbbhan. several months.
iSimm for the appellants, and Xi7/v for the
respondent. On this dav the cause havin"
been brought before the Chief Justice by ap!
peal, the parties admitted that the bill in
ciuestion was drawn on the 2d Dec, !813
m favour of the appellants, who in the same
month indorsed it and paid it to the respond-
ent, who held it in his possession until the
month of November, 1814, when he sent it
home; but John »ill & Co, the drawees,
having stopped payment, were declared
bankrupts, on the 0th February, 1815. The
bill, ot course, was protested, and John Hill
1 ^«- were declared insolvent in JSeufound-
land, 25th May, 1815.
Simms, for the appellants, then proceed-
ed to state, tha^ the plea of custom set up
by tiie respondent respecting bills of ex-
change had by no means been made out on
the trial m the Surrogate Court, and urged
the necessity of the holder of a bill of ex-
change using due diligence in presenting it
for acceptance ; citing, among others, the
following authonties in support of the prin-
ciple for which he contended,— Bacon'*
Ahrtdgment, 4ith vol pp. G^^^25; Viner's
MndgmaU, 4th vol p. 225 ; Sdwin's Nisi
.Priiif, vol Ut, pp, 203—294; 2d Henry
^laekstone,Q65 ; and Bayly onBills, o. 101.
He also adverted to the l&th Geo, 3, c. 31,
Mrhere bills of exchange are made a legal
tender for payment of »«n;aji/*' «;<^M, which
some persons had erroneoasly thought made
them a legal tender in all cases.
"^»%» foi" the respondent, contended
that the evidence adduced ou the trial was
c plaintiff
iding; the
: be had
till up for
Ijf for the
e havings
;e by ap-
e bill in
c, 1813,
the same
until the
e sent it
15. The
'}lm Hill
i set up
of ex-
3 out on
] urged
I of ex*
inting it
3rs, the
le prin-
»'* Nisi
p. 101.
\^ c. 31,
a legal
. which
ul Was
Mich. Mbbhait.
abundantly sufficient to support the verdict
which had been given ; and that this case
rested entirely upon what was well known J. & R. Brinb
to be the custom of Newfoundland, respecting
the reciprocal rights and liabilities of the
parties to a bill of exchange. He also re-
ferred to the following decisions in th6 Su-
preme Court, in which that custom seemed
to have lieen recognized, viz, : Hugh Rmoe
%,^Z;,^^*'*P^^&Co., and William
-Oevil Tftonuu v. PAi7tp Leigh Sf Co,
This being a case of the greatest import-
ance to the trade of this country, the Chief
Justice reserved it forfurth consideration;
and, on a subsequent day, ic/ersed the judg-
ment of the Court below, with permission to
the parties to haxe anew triaU
William Freeman, appellant,
^ HIS was an action brought in th« Surro-
gate Court, and submitted to a common iury
to recover the sum oif £72 2*, lOrf. partly on
a disputed account, and partly for damages
^ustamed by the plaintiff in consequence of
having been interrupted by the defendant in
building upon a piece of ground which he
bad taken from defendant. The jury re-
turned a verdict against the defendant for
f42, for which sum the Court below gave
judgment in favour of the plaintiff, and de-
fendant appealed.
On this day. Lilly, for the appellant, and
HtmiM, for the respondent, having been se-
verally heard, the Chief Justice said : -
' In this case a lease has been produced ;
Augutt 4f an agreameDt,
the party obtaining;
•uch leaie ia not
•■topped from pro-
ving that condi«
tioiiB and corenanta
bare been introdu*
end into il diflFereot
from (boae which
were contained ia
the orixinui agree-
menl. [ADtep.3.j
William Freeman, appellant,
Kobebt Kemnt, respondent.
jS/«^'fh«^ri.-''?T8r «tood over«ince 31st
iSmpnt '^^lu •''"**^® °°^ pronounced
ipnl in i "" '^^^^^ *^""« --^s case ap.
W^ ? ^'^^^f 0^° out of a misunderstand.
in^der'Sr.'^ ^''''V' ^^'^^^ent for
H^f ; i °^ ^ P*®*^® of ground for the resi-
due of the term of a building lease. The
facts appear to be as follow. * The appell!
ant ,n Fedruanj, 1816. let thepiece offfi
undera verbal agreement, to the respondent:
tion that be was not to build upon it in such
a manner as to obstruct the lights of jl/a„„V:«
^olly. A memorandum in writing to such
effect was made in the presence of the par-
ex3!r'ir '^ ^ ''^^"•' ''»«''-»°>«nt bLg
executed. Jt appears that the appellant
bound down by certain restrictLs in the
erections to be placed on the premises, find-
tween the
of Court,
•r specific
nt. Now
her such
ual agree-
ts ; and if
>g broken
uction of
• re-entry
tied of as
ore J de->
nee 31st
tase ap-
nent for
ihe resi*
5. The
in such
to such
be par-
It beiag
0., and
in the
9, find*
ing that the respondent was building a house iai7
contrary to his own restrictions as a tenant ^ '-,_'
of Hutton 4r Co. required him to take down Wm. Frbsmah
80 much of his building as exceeded the t,.
hf2.i^'° ''^*'!* ^/ ('he appellant) conceived Eobebt Kenn,.
Jiimself restricted ; and upon being refused,
caused It to be taken down himself. It does
not appear that there was anything violent
or forcible in these proceedings. But Kenn^
leeling himself aggrieved by the loss of time
in completing his building, applied to the
Surrogate Court for a compensation in da-
mages for tlie injury he had sustained in the
obstruction of his building. The cause was
Heard before a jury, and a verdict for £42
given for the plaintiff below. Jn the course
of argument it turned out that Kenny had.
after the obstruction, but before action
brought, applied to this Court to compel
J'reeman to perform his above-mentioned
agreement, and execute a lease agreeably to
the intention of the parties; and that an or-
der of court had been made to such effect,
and a lease (produced at the hearing) exe-
cuted between the parties. It was contend-
ed by the appellant that this lease was the
true agreement, as it originally stood, be-
tween the parties. But this was denied by
the respondent; and it appeared to me if '
the respondent had applied for a specific
performance of an agreement, and upon ob-
taining an order to such effect, had actually
been party to an instrument in writing, in
pursuance of such order, that such instru-
ment must, primd facie, be held to be proof
of the terms of such agreement; and, there-
lore, J directed the case to stand over until
1 could consult the record of the proceed-
ings which took place in this Court, in ano-
ther branch of its jurisdiction. 1 find, how-
ever, that the original memorandum^ as well
I I'
M the petition of the respondent in the case,
Wh. FH.EMAN f^lf '?^"*"'" '"'^^ restrictions inthe build-
"'"^^ ?&^./<> be erected by him. except that the
jr«. \ }'^^^? ""^ ^««"*^^ ^olly were in nowise to
*o..RxK..«.. be obstructed or injure^ and that the ordr
^n^^f ' ^' *^?.u^^? ^P"* "^^'^^y directed i
compliance with the memorandum, although
the ap-eement, as extended afterwards, con-
tains two covenants, against using the build-
ing as a cooper's shop, and also for a pas-
sage from JSray's house to Hollv's. The
Jease, thereiore, does not appear to be a
correct statement of the originafunderstand-
J^L?« r^2 ^^^ E^"^^"* *»"* *<> have been
modified afterwards. Now, as it docs not
appear that any complaint has been made,
or certainly none proved upon the record of
the trial, that the lights of Mr. HolluZye
™^/r"*'^* } ^" "°* ««• anythVg to
warrant the re-entry and obstruction com-
F mnf. « ^^ ^t *"««P<>ndent ; and therefore
I must affirm the principle Of the action.-^
i He jury have assessed the damages ^t ^^42.
Atyua 6th,
A Special Jury
find, that it has
been the cuslona ia
this country for
parties lo retain
bills of eichaoga
for an indefinite
period, without
prejudice to the
holder's right to
hare recourse to
tha indorsers and
drawer, in the aveot
Michael Mebhan, appellant, •"'^
John & Robert Brine, respondent?.
J HIS action had before been tried in the
Surrogate Court, where a verdict was given
and judgment entered, for the piaintiff,-!
Ihat judgment was, however, brought by
appeal before the Supreme Court, and wal
there reversed, with permission to the plain-
er their roo-acoeptaoce by tha drairee. [St. tote p. 8,
i the case,
the build-
>t that the
nowise to
the order
directed h
, although
irds, coa-
the build-
for a pas-
/s. The
* to be a
ave been
do68 not
en made,
record of
oily ha*ve
rthing t6
ion com-
iction.— :•
> ^t £42^
i in the
8 given,
ght by
id was
3 plain-
ote p. 8.
tiff to bring another action; as the Chief
Justice was of opinion, that the point upon
which the whole case rested, viz., the exist-
ence of a valid custom in this island, that
the holder of a bill of exchange might retain
the same m lus possession for several months
alter opportunities of transmitring it to Eng-
iand for acceptance had been afforded him.
without being guilty oi laches, had not been
investigated with sufficient attention in the
tormer trial. The cause was now submitted
to a special jury, and a great number of
witnesses were examined on both sides —
in a charge of considerable length, the Chief
Justice stated the general law merchant re-
specting bills of exchange, as far as it was
connected with the question at issue between
these parties; and told the jury that such
law must apply to this colony, as it did to
an others, unless an uniform usage and cus-
tom to the contrary should be found to have
prevailed. He theft particularly explained
the requisites to a legal custom, and charged
the jury to find the following facts: 1st
whether such a custom as the plaintiff con-
tended for, did or did not exist; and 2d
whether, supposing it to exist, the circum-
stances of the present case were such as to
entitle the plaintiff to claim the benefit of it.
Should their finding on both these heads of
inquiry be in favour of the plaintiff, his
tionour recommended them to give him a
verdict, subject to the future decision of the
Court as to his right of action.
•j he jury, after a short retirement, return-
ed a special verdict, in strict conformity to
these directions; [See it entered at length
post. I
Mich. Mbbhan
J. & R. Brinc
., mitmi49^,^^
Amfftttt nth, Patrick Coleman
The Executors of J. Kennedy ami Others.
mn'MihiidTundl; ^f 9}^}^ action Datve, for the defendants,
the euiiom of ibit "^mitted that he had no ground of defence
Ulaad, toaitayof Whatever; but he praved the Court that
iMofZ «« "" J"^?™«^nt m'ght be given with a stay of ex-
laii 01 me ,Mr. ecution until the fall of the year.
Per CMiiam.— The plaintiff has made out
Ills case, and therefore he must have judg-
ment. If any stay of execution be sought,
under the custom of the island, until the
season is over, the defendants must special-
ly show that they are within the description
of fishermen encouraged by national policy,
and allowed to prosecute their business to
the end of the season.
August ll/A.
Th« custom for
parsons in this Is>
land io retain billa
of axchanije in
their possession for
an indefinite p«-
riod, without trans*
mitting them to
England for ac-
ceptance (as found
by a special jury
oolbe 6th instant),
austained by the
judgment of the
Supreme Court.-.
[See ante p. I. tad
Michael Meehan, appellant,
John & Robert Brine, respondents.
Jl HIS cause was tried before a special
jury on the 5th instant, when the jury re-
turned the following special verdict. The
J^7„.fi"^ -l*»at a l>>" of exchange drawn by
M^i//ia»i ^. Row by procuration of John
HillSf Co,, on JoJm Bill ^ Co, London,
payable to John &- Robert Brine, at 60 days'
wght, dated 2d Dec, 1813, for the sura of
*48 llrf., was by the defendants indorsed,
and paid over to the plaintiff, in the month
of December, 1813, and that the said bHI was
held by the plaintiff until the month of Oc
toberor November, 1814, and then remitted
and Others.
I of defence
Court that
stay of ax-
is made out
have judg-
I be soughc,
d, until the
ust special-
Dual policy,
business to
iH ,'t'jfri'Uf '
3 a special
the jury re-
dict. The
B drawn by
>n Qi John
>. Londoiiy
at 60 days*
the sum of
s indorsed,
the month
aid bill was
nth of Oc-
sn remitted
J>y him for payment ; and on presentation 1017.
i^ John init 6f' Co., London, on or about ^^i^P-v-^^;^,
the month of I'^ebruary, 1815, was refused Mich. Mbbhah
acceptance, duly protested and returned to v,
t le Paintiff, who, without any delay after J. * R. Bwni.
tlie return of the said bdl under protest, with
charges thereon to the amount of £5 IS*. 7
Mich. Mbbhan
J.&R. Brinb.
Auffuti 12tk.
B, the debtor of
>od A,und«riDtp«
prnbeniion thai the
y B, who subae*
quenlly returns to
Kewfoundlaod ;
and, on the appli.
oation of A, gives
hita a promissory
note for the sum
A had paid, as the
premium or the In-
surance so effected
by him — Held
that there was a
sufficient conside-
ration to sualain
this note.
tW hoHpr?nr . T^ '/y injustice, towards
hm undor ?L'-"' «^^^^'r«^. ^ho took
S H?n» *. ^ '™P''^*^ understanding and
laith. that the persons whose names were
to them. 1 must, therefore, though, I own
thfpiSr"' ^"^ ^■"'^™^»' - ^---^
John Green, appellant,
Thomas Willums"& Co, respondents.
Tiif^\^ a^^^ ^^^ »''g"ed vesterdav br
it% for the appellant.%nd Aimm for' the
Ee'd t' nn'^^ '''' Chief Justice^Jho
aajerted to all the material points of it in
the judgment which he now delivered l^'"
august, 1814, the respondents sold to the
^L^J "Jv ^ ^"""'^y '^''fi^*^' 'o be paid fort
master that he was not to leave the wharf
till the money was paid ; and was assured by
night, however, the master privately cot un-
the followrag morning, Mr. miliams it is
m evidence, was in conversation wuh the
appellant upon the subject of the fish"
Ind a'^Sl'^f K^':f^*.\?'^«*'^««»™ o^2?0^
one /ay/or, for the balance. To this mode
uld not no\^
:ree of hard-'
ice, towards
e, who took
tanding and
lames were
main liable
ugh, I own,
in favour of
terday, by
ms for the
istice, who
nts of it in
ered : —
i month of
old to the
paid for in
vessel left
ngly deli-
a balance
! payment
Led to the
he wharf
ssured by
that very
y got un- .
fax. On
ims, it is
with the
9h, wh«n
of £100
itly with
is mode \
John Urbbn
of adjustment Mr, Williams objected ; but
said, if the appellant could get any respon^
sidle person to join him in a security, paya-
ble at the fall of the year, he would take v.
such security. The parties then separated, Thos. Williams
and Green and his friend Taylor were never * ^°'
seen nor beard of again by Williams, until
more than a year after, when Green return^
ed to 8t John's.
Now let us pause, and look at the present
stage of the transaction. A stranger comes
and purchases a valuable cargo of fish, and
engages to pay for it before it is removed
from the port. He pays part — leaves a con-
siderable b^alance^and in the night, contra-
ry to the express understanding and pro->
roise of the master, the fish is carried away
to a distant country. The porcbasep comes
the next morning and proposes a new and
disadvantageous mode of part payment, and
without even finding a responsible security,
leaves the port himself; so that the vendor
has lost botb his ^oods and his debtor, in
breach of Ar/)re«« contract, and I do not
think 1 ga too far in saying, othpnest and
fair dealing,
- The plaintiff, finding himself deceived, and
believing there was an intention to defraud
him of his money, wrote immediately to
Halifax, to secure the payment there if pos-.
sible ; and in the mean time effected an in-
surance in this island, against the loss ta
which he found himself exposed. The pre-,
mium which he paid was the sum of £61 3*.
lOd. It is said that this insurance grew out
of a jest. It might be so; but merchants
seldom throw away such large sums in mere
jest. The insurance was formally entered
into, and the premium regularly paid, it
appears that the balance of the amount of
fish was aft^**WaKrla nni#1 *n <'1^ ..-...^^ J A->
John Qriin
fi« Tk. '^ ^ r '"'<"«» to re mburse liim
* t'* fo« to wWchr'h"r K°' '"'"""« "«"'«" '"'«
M tfte lubject of the preient action. Find,
ing. however, that he had been t,^o hnit
heafterwnhla Write, to the plainUff S
TOW. Uie note, and ad»erti«.Vo Siit'eS^^,
.^hI'"'!* °" .'^^ »"'<'■'. "Pon which t
^dgment waa had for the plaintiff below
and «, .ppeal intituled to thl. Court '
, It iaol^ected by the appellant fint th.<
the iiunraaoe made by the reZndlt wm^
?. caiY^ nZ.T' "^ v-^y »» *' '^0
T?~Ir«i, P* .'° ':*P»y «'•« premium,
nnS.^° i""* ^"'PO"*. 1 »m not aware of an v
positive lav agaUBt an insumnc. of tUaST
scnption, and it certainly doe. n^Su
within the principle of wV PoUofe.1
^t ofX"i'"°P*'*y '• ""k*! aid h^^
^J^f^r*- ..^' ""y ™'e. «!>» part of tha
?uT .^.^i^"'""' »°"^ the wont too dm,b«;
M, to allow me to turn the reabondent ove»
the pren.i"nm",5''L'rnt' maK tt^"* '
Mwer ?-™' '" *^' "«*«"« of an action
kn«n?--. V''*™^*' snatained by the »o-
SSS"' t^ ""»" »f «•« appillant mt
p.rtoHningh» contract i and th'ilnofeS
im ■ 'tf '
hen, being
Dburse liim
I. by being
igainst the
(1» he (the
lote which
n. Find'
too hasty,
itifff (lisa*
hoi effect,
which a
iff belowi
on the le*
h thenote
first, thai
etit wata
diy, thai
t, canbot
ire of any
' thitt d^
not fall
I the 6b-
re an in>*
i> but to
i of the
> doubto
^t over
rbm the
jeefeton* •
er hkck
the re*
of the
i actioii
the te-
EUit nut
ie itdelf
is in the nature of a confession by the de-
fendant of such damage being sustained by
hio failure of performance.
Suppose an action had been brought by
the respondents against ihe appellant imme-
diately on his arrival here, and before he
^ive his note, for damages sustained by
reason of his breach of contract. The re-
spondents might have shown the expense
they had sustained^ by being put to the ne-
cessity of insuring ; and the jury might have
assessed that sua* ftaaong the damages they
might have given. Here, then, is no new
right of action given by the note, but an
origmal demand for damages, admitted in
priHczple, by the fact of the appellant giving
Jils note, and liquidated iu i^e amount, by the
ium Agreed to be paid thereby. How can
It be said, then, that there is no considera-
tion 1 At all event*, here was a mtuai obli-
gation, bnd a moral obligation will support
an expl-ew promise, as has bieen already de-
^' . ; T°^ judgnjent of the court b^low
must ba a^oi^d,
• Btttf»|r'» iViW Prtut, p, l4%-2 fiMt^ nep. 600.
■oo^t«f.rnd to M M autbority lor tW p«*iiio« Wi«
gjiw • MflitlTOt oimiidvtration tp topport a promiM, Mr.
AeijeyJi bM iBicrtMl flM lollowiof wtefMl aote ia km Nisi
'• >^n. btfor. ««ud«d to* on ihw ana tb»roUowiii« «••« :
ll"!! •* V^ ^'!^ "' ''""^^ B"*"- N^ P' 147» ba,
MnMiaiMW ..i ^. .. ...
John Cikeen
Tiiofl. Williams
Augutt 20/*,
^Appellant re«
quired lu producs
« precedcal of ihe
aumission, upon
the bearini of an
appeal, of w idcnco
Qoi tendered at tlio
trial of iho cause
In the Court belong
[See post.J .
John Broom, appellant,
_ and
Jo N Williams, respondent.
onde^nce .o show .ha. .h^e r'^X^^J^-^aUe
vl^vl^*^^^ — ^' '^ contrary to the rules of
den^ci'^'T^'? '^Jr*'^^' *« admit new 'e^f
ceedbrri hif^"^ the records of former pro,
ceedings before inferior courts.
^' propoiilion. yet lird SStE-A ^"•""^ i"l*** *••■•
"pear, that lb. oaae of Watmm^ T^Z ' x}^^^*
" ported on ttrict legal princhk^ I'J "'^^ ''• "P'
••docliioe ofmoralibliSn'of-ri "''"'"« '» »''•
«• found in Ih. . i, cai; Tbil ""' *^ "•*'• «" •>•
"bylaw to providi faM!; pLr oH T "" h ^' **""•"*
•' benefit from iha aot «f #[ i • * ' «!""•''' <»«"»ed a
" am., .ii fo'r work and ?» J '^'^^ /" «•""•'
aions. But reason, confirmed by frequent Aiperifuce,
will demonalrate thai, in ihe present condilion of human
nalure. such an attempt would not only fail in ihe exeou.
tion. but also be productive, in tome inslanres, of very
injurious consequencei : ami hence, aa Lord A'eiryon justly
obMrved. legal obli; 4iions must, from ihfir nature, ba
necessarily much more circum*rribed than moral duties.
Thue. the performance of a promise is orrtai»|y a very
sacred part of moral duly ; for he only can deserve Iha
title of a good man, •' who, ihoush he promita to his loss,
atill keeps his promise true." Yet were promiars deemed
bin.linii in law, without regard to the ctmideration upm'^^i>?t
JoHM Broom
bus VEstrruM.-' ♦rasEn-.f*'"'?''^"' solrmnn
«nJ in the same nianno, V"^""' « cotisideraUon ;
W o« account of .h«*^'',^T'''"P''«''^"^
The common "aw of Pr'li"^ "^ "'* w*/r««„«/
|« correspond pJeTisSv S.l^".! "^P'"^' '"^'•^fora
C-rl., ,he Second, ,0 .Ty t ^ht" ' " *'" '*'«" ^^
•It»ins» fraud and ner u,v \ '**T "P «°"*''«' Carrier
«bich would preK;j"Jv; El '^^^^^^^^ ■)"' ■'^'^^"^"^^
should. In cerrain 8pecifie7cr« k •*"'? '^'^"■*'^»''^*«'.
to entitle Ihem to anrS ^H'. " ?t''';I *^ '^'^W
•ng .o the oblee. 8n?l^lnten ion n 'h"'* "•" ^"""«' '<»»k-
thertpassediaveml cor''^^^ ''i "!! */'""« "h*"'* wad
*a». in the cases H.erei« T ^ ^'"t"^ <^^' "»*» •''• Act
necessary w„Si';!;""T'»''*'*' "»«*^'e'l «^.-«n«
t'on Is required to sustaiJ .n '^ '^"1 '*''''''' « ««nsidera-
J7 and V^colrit'o" ZZ'nf'l'T '^ *"' ^' ""
J fluenced l|.e legislature fo enact tl"e 20 C- "f?" "o '"•"
VIZ., a rf«/rc to cApc;l frauihn»^ • • ^•'^' "• «• 3.—
furnished wl,h a Xhv whtrS""'*' ''"J* ''««''• •»« «.
'•a^a "MoRAtorUGAtloN" c^h'""^ ?"'*""•"« '•«'^
vimiem^ideration for a nroLj •»\f«cl'0ned a su/K.
depend upon (be power hn« ' '* *"!' ""'•» *>bylaoffy fjr which S considerSr.'? °' '"r*"'"* "««••
•« deemed lo law t^r l/d f.Ln:I !"*" ^^
exoreasinn <• , .,? '■•"•Pensobly neoeMnnr. nm..*
«ti,eiy co2 3 ,:„y;'„j*ft*"o«. Wn .7o„7 ;
iJou|/i,e cops.a„tfy borne ?„^i;i Z^ T'"'?' »"« «"•
o' .t must prodace^M.rple, n*Ti» ' "T""" *'»• »••
n.«de. Iac|„d„, .t^J^^ P^-JJ^J Which can lawfully fe.
the evi*
>n underta-
uideration )
a vofuntartf
»» on Ibis
e M'gii of
her barrier
fel^ verbal,
Iv writing,
^«s, look,
"hich wad
»t «lie Act
I writing
bft ftbun«
the civil
lie which
. C. 3,— .
'e we ar«
ine hour
a tuffi*
>g (hoa«
'f other,
^ The
>y tord
hat tbig
tbeusA .
My r>«
t'oM for
\\ obH.
fi (rM
James Bristowe and John BRistotee, IBif.
appellants, and '^ i^ffi „■ ruaiy
Trustees of Butler & ToDRiooE's Estate, ^^^^^ jort
respondents. ^^^
H. HIS Was an action to recoVef the sum
of £723 e*. M. fdr principal and interest, [Sto post* p. 20j.
due upon^a bottomree bond, on tha brig-
spirit, of a Io0(r vtriQgpf cases ia tbfsbranoh. of English
jurisprudence. We may safely couclude, therefore, tbal;
Lord inans/2«/({ alluded to 4 moral obligation of a differ^
ekt chatdcter; and a nitle attention to the rule wbi6h hasj
alreiady be«n suggested as eipaliU of meae^ring the auf^
nciency of all sorts or cotwidefatioBs will, 1 oonceivt^
enable us to ascertain, with great exactness and pieoision,
tile limitations and restrictions with which bis Lordship's
ex|f>ression must be received atid uirde^ttofbd. ]Sfow ther«
are, we should remember, a multitude of transactions
which, though they may not be obligatory in law, aire,
notwithstanding, binding upon the conscience of an honest
man } and at the asnie lime are: as capable of iumiskiag,
from the notoriety ofthefactt which aeeomptmy them, that
primd facie, or presumptive, e? idence of the truth of a
promise-made in relation to them— which it is the main
purpose of a consideration to supply— as if they were
clothed with a completely legal character. . For example,
a loan of money fairly advanced duting nfiioority, and a,
debt harred by the statute of limitations, thobgh they canW
nol^ he recprered at l4w, atill p|(M» thedebtor
clear moral obl^atioi^ to pay them; and, moreover, th»
circumstances connected with them furnish that presump-
tive evidence in siipport of an after-promise by him to piy
tbein, whieh bkust always^ i* wAtttiiig* in the «aik»of a
naked promise to give n sdV of money without any conw
sidfralipi»,»iknd thus the danger of frauds and per^^ries,
which the obnsicferation is exclusively intended to obeak,
is htfrdty gi^tktet in tti^sei' casek ihMn if tbe promise had
bisen given to saitiisfy a suWibtinIg legal deitaand. In these,
therefore, there is,»,nor>l.obligatiQB^. poasessingf^ in »'^
great degree^ if not enUnly, |be cfssential propertied of ,»
legal obligation, as far. as it respects the consideration of
a contract : and aceordlngry sucni moYal dftfigatioh may,
wilbout thy deptkrtors from priaoipl*^ be peMHiied t&
support « prcnaise^ NinaaioBs othai instiicesof lAOfili
obl|gationq» faljinf under tbe mlet 1, have her^ endeavoured
to expUm, might easil^ be prodvopd ; but t am enwiiling,
ttf s^efl k' n6te'Whf^^* effects if
^nnT t^""" ""^'^^ h^d been received
by J?o«cAcr the agent for collecting those-
effects ; and w«re handed over by Bouch^
mt^'Z'^'fl^^^^ by theplZ
tended hv. I ''!^/^ ^^^^^^^' «« »« con-
fW !k ^ ^^^ defendants. 1 must observe
that the most favourable point of view in
^hich I can regard i^ is asa W; for if it be
otherwise, it is a fraudulpn* r«^'„«^;S"3
Ige, The
ourt, St.
fi; when
le plain-
jre seve-
n several
lot claim
bis chief
3 having
out any
to stand
nces of
the Su-
e bills,
ion is
rects of
a con-
I con-
ew in
if "be
an insolvent estate, to give ah undue pre-
jference, and that preference to a trustee.
But I shall dispose of the case upon the on-
ly evidence which has been brought before
me. Jt is the evidence of Mr. Boucher him-
sfelf, who, by a memorandum made at the
time, and which is admitted to be in his hand,
states that he " lent the bills to the defendant
out of M'Phersotis estate." The transaction
•Was entirely between Souchet and Hiiie (one
of the defendants). The clerk knows no^
ihiiig of the nature of the transfer of th6
mils, except that he received them from
Huicy and was directed by Huie to place
them to Boucher's credit. Now Boucher's
memorandum, which was admitted by the
surrogate, says they were **fo»«" from
ilf*P*crw»'« estate. How shall 1, therefore^
without any evidence, except Bmcher% say
they were not Imt ? Here was : also ,an ca^
press promisif; but i do not think itnecessa-
ry to determine upon that ground. . . 1 reverse
the judgment below.
Against which judgment Mr; jR«rf gav*
notice of an appeal to his Msgesty in Coun^
cil, but afterwards wthdrew the appeal.
The Trustees of
P. M'Pherson's
■ John Broom
John Williams,
and that it wasnot» consequently, necessary
for him at present to decide, whether new
evidence ought in any case to be received
on the hearing of an appeal.
His Honour then proceeded to observe,
tbatiit AVas clear from 4he terms of the me-
ittoratMjUm, that if the lessee intended to
assign his iotereat, the lessor was to have a
nght of taking bacjc the premises. But^ non
emsm, heiemse he did not disapprove of
the assign^e^ OF in jother words, did not ^i»h
4o -avail iliowelf of fiiuch preference, that he
accepted of such assignee as hi» tenant, vad
Jherebjrreleased his lessee from bis fiml lia.-
The letters are explained by the laait
clause in^thc memorandum, to relate^erely
|» the les^drf & • r ewrved preference* in c^e
of assigsnment ; and > a» there wias no ! laot
which, on thfi part of the respoadeiit, or his
attorney, Aihoiinted ia an acceptance of the
assignee as; Jiis, tenant, the appellant is
bound for the rent in arrears ; and therefore
the judgment below mUst be Confirmed.
Au^t 23d
James Bristowe and John BRisTowfi,
appellants, and
Trustees of Butler & Todridge's Estate,
In this case tJieC^^JiMite^ delivered the
toUowing judgment :—
The Coort held,
Ist, that a part'
ovner«annot hy-
pothecate tbevfasel beyond the extenVof his own bterest in her with.
«.tao authority fiom th« other part-owner to do .oI-2?. thJt.hi ebn,Ie l^
a botton.reeboad.8Dolbo«ddtoprov««bat the money wai appHed tS linur*
ilhTh'i T fr^?" *^^ '^^ «•'•* of .thrcbn«?r'« Papor^uTJe vewl!
-4lh That theobligee's sMurity did not depend upon the performance orthe
KSJc?.'C;' ^' purfosea^f which xL mon^ wa. rS™ sTh. Tha
• bottomree bond is not such a transfer of property in a vessel as to reauira
• comphaiioe wilb the piovialon, of the RegWy Aote. ^
;her new
the roe-
ad ed to
have a
But, noH
>rove of
4h|it be
ant, and
ia c^p
DO! act
I, Of hi3
of ibe
Uant h
Ted the
i«r, with^
•bligae in
> the pur«
er to ^e
)e vefiiif I.
oe o/,tlia
Ih. That
This was an action brought before the
Surrogate Court, for the reco ery of the va-
'lue of a vessel called the Faith, which had
been seized by the defendants, as trustees of
Xhe insolvent effects o( Butler 4- Todn^ge,
end claimed by the plaintiffs in virtue of a
bond of bottomree, conditioned for the pay-
ment of the amount of Certain outfits and
nec'ssaries furnished by tb^ plaintiffs upon
ih6 securHy of thfs said veaael, All the
fftcts aro admitted in argumeiit ; tod five
4)»i99tion9 are miside for tbe detefminaiioja of
Ibis Coort*
V J pt.^TJiat the obligor* Btnrjf Butler i be-
Wg ofi\Y part-^mner of the vessBl, bad not
^e riglit to hypotbecftte Xhtivhfde, rym iu
•. Sd-i-fTbat it ; does not i appear; that the
JBdney ftlleged .to haveibeen advanced, wan
^ctuftUy expended' for Impairs and necessa-
ries of tbovefsel. if i >);
^.— That the appellants can dnly recover
to the extent of the money for which the
v«S9el ^as sold.
, 4tb^r«^That the «bUgieee had only a stpeoific
isecurity upon the wBut qfnpflrtkular^pi/tige,
which voyage toot beipg perforrmed, tbfey
nmst resort to the^r personal Mcurity against
the obligor, optheowneraof the vessel; and
5tb»f^That where an assignment, or inte-
rest in the nature of an assignment,: of any
property in a British port is set up, there
must be a compliance with the provisions of
the Register Act. '^y? .-^
Ist^Upon the first point It does not
•ppc^rthat Jffewy Btt^r, who executed the
bottomree bopd, was authorized to do so for
his partner; and the general question arises
bow fkr one partner, being then at a distant
point of the empire, has a right to hypotlre-
cate the share of anotlier partner. 1 cannot
find that this point ha« ever been expressiv
Jamks Biid John
BuTLSR "'' *^** ^^ cannot mort-
. ^ It, which, m its consequences, may
itmount to a sale, '
Indeed, it is said in Molloy, and other
genera* wnters upon the subjeS'of bottom-
ree, that ;»ar/.0M;»<.r, may pledge a shin ta
thLtf "^Z -^^ H"'}' respective interest ^C
hvnih *' /%?^*«i"«d» that the master mar
hypothecate the whole of said ship in ras'e
of necessity. The reason of this d'JstinctTon
may not appear very evident. The power
of the master grew out of various exigencies;
iesl tn°r^ ''^ ''"^^ ^^y'*^^^' ^her* kc!
wL? . • P^^ners was. impossible, and
without which power of pled^ng the shin
no confidence co«ld have Wn mised, an'd
no assistance obtained ; and usage has coi2
firmed a power which ^as at first assumed,
and probably oMestionable. But instanc"*
of part-owners being abroad, and necessita^
Iht ^rn?.,"?"'^ ''P'*"' o»- pledge of, me
8liip,areofunfrequentoccHiT^nce, and ' were, as there is nothin- ""''*"'' ^'*""-
m the evidence to prove the contrary, a feS
and regular loan of the money for ti^e nur-
pose expressed in the bond, (here is no nel
cessity for the lenders to look to the aoDlt
cauon of the money ; but they are entftC
to their actiou against the owners, and to
their hen (so far as it has been expressly and
legal y given them) on the ship, without
provtng that the monej, wa. proper y a^
The suggestions drawn from the account
SX^Ir^^ '^' ^»^P^"«"*«' against S"y
ButUr, are too remote to weigh against the
positive evidence of the bottomree.Tmiih?
be an account for other particulars than
?he fa?t ' "^'^ ^' P'"'"^' if necessary/to be
^ 3dly.— The appellants in this action, can
only prevail to the extent of his obligo?"
share of the vessel, or the proceeds thereof!
♦j,o/h^* n^"""*^. conceive a doubt but
^a^l t.T"^?*' ^"? ^ »'^" "P«»» the brig
tf e f^i nf *K '"''""* of^«^/er'/interest. a!
the time of the seizure by the assignees. The
vessel was mortgaged by the insolvent Mith
a condition that the mortgage was to bi vo 5
on payment of the money advanced with-
m so many days after the return of the brt
from her destined voyage. / ^
ateh Vur^ J^'^'l?'^' ^°n»»nenced immedi.T
of th;^Lif^*'*''^^"'?^'^ *'^^ ptrfonnance
of the condition, and absolute after the term
va purionnauce bad expired. A bottomre^
1517.' is ft lien-^and (he mon^y in this case was;
^ ■- « "'■'" ' lent on the Anil and body of the brig, ^c,
JoHM and Jambs which constitutes a bottomree.
BaisTowft 5thly.— A bottomree bond is not such a
Tbo Executors of t»*anfer of property in a vessel as to require
DuTLBR & Too- any compli^ioe with the proviS'ions of the
registry acts. It gives the creditors a righf>
of action to be carried inti> effect by a court
of jujftice, but not a right of properly ia the
»hip itsdf.
Upon tho whole, I reverse the judgment
of tb« l!*liirrogate Court, and decree for the
appellants to the extent of the proceeds^of
BulWs interfert in tl>e vessel* b i^i
KipGE's J^late«
Avgmt 23i.
Order to Execu*
Ion to render an
account of Iheir
administration of
their testator's es-
tate lo the Probate
Court by a giveo
l-.rTKtrrrrr-Y-rrr'. — -r -: — ^-
In thfettiatterbf GAfiREtt* Meade's Estate.
t#N this day a memorial was presented to
the Court, by James Murphy, for himself and
his partner^ Mafthew Gleesoni ststiing that
they had lately received certain powers from
Ireland,, constituting them the attomie»of
Messrs, Wyse (^ Quans, of "Waterford, Ire-
land, who, it appears by the said statement,
were at the faill ofthe year, 1816, considerable
creditors of the late Garrett Meade, de-
ceased ; and that tltey have this fear, sent a
considerable qnaiitity of provisions, coun
signed by them on adjoint account^ with the
said Oareit Meade, vrho died m. the spring
of the present year, leaving by bis last will
ai»d testaaient, James Fdey and Moberi
DaoKng his executors; and which propeifty,:
consigned on. a joint accoant as aforessud;'
has, at the request of the said executorsybeen-
pai into; the bands of Mr. Jameu Clift, coih-
miasion broker, who' has grveh security in:
double the anoount thereof,,for. a> db per->
fomnanrtAO^ hia diiiv in IkIia «1]curtAanl. Af.a.^C'^.
I case wasf
hrig, Sfc.y
lot such a
;o require
>ns of the
re a right*
ly a cdtirt
Hy m thei
ee for the
s Estate?. •
lented to
ling that
rers from
)rd, Ire-
ftgainst Saxmis BiqKLEY;.
010 i)^
« 9 »'^?^terthe^up^ qifij!;l(]^i^ifl^^^
#?» *«d mferesi; of mppey Ient\to l^e^al4
Augmt 25/A.
The Court took
time to consider
what course ought
to be adopted to-
wards an absent
defendant, who
has property under
the attachment ol
Uie High Sheri£
t '
owner w^I !r L ^ f'efendant is one-half
mSiSS^T' ^''^"^ "" representative
theS!/-/,;;. f««^^a? not gone into; as
over untfl r 7''?i'^.^''''^ ^' «h<'"'d stand
ajieciing^ the attachment of nronertv hp
- •
i he J rustees of Peter M -Ph ebsos ;
Estate, respondents.
^.^ a.«. ;„ ^™™^);« Supreme Court, to His Majesty
-Appetl to the
Kiog in Coancil
allowad in a caie
M'here the judg-
ment was for £i00
(exclusive of
costs), though the
49 Geo. III. c. 27,
*• 6, only gives sq
appeal from judg-
menti crceediny
^Bt amount.
"i'V/ ..JfT
M. HIS caiise wad orlginaltv hrotiirht in ♦!,
Surrogate Court on the 7th Wov^rs V?^
recover the sura o{£wn^t.'A '816, ta
been lent by aVJJJ'^'oZZ.V^ ^.7nt
OD the 16th dav ^f *h • i ^"^' ^°"rt,
for the dae proswutiontf ih': T"!"''
by them. ''™^*<'""°'» «• the appeal given
Js Tp'M^il^^ proceedings, the tms-
ut being at
ler CHarleSy
is one-half
ligh Sheriff
)nc into ; as
loold stand
r directions
operty be-
* /lis island.
s, and
is Majesrjr
gftt in the
, 1816, to
1 to have
the agent
lat Court,
•y appeal
the 20th
I to the
9n of the
!al given
he trus-
teed the
V on the
ground that the law regulating app.«„ „au
not been complied with, inasmuch as the
judgment of the Court was for only £100
the sum sued for ; and that the Act of the
TJi P^?' ,V ' ''\ ^^'/ *' e^P'-essJy states,
that It shall be lawful to appeal from the
judgment m decree in the Supreme Court
lor any sura exceeding £\Q0.
^ In reply, it wAs urged that the appeal had
been regularly made, and security given for
the due prosecution thereof.
His honour the Chief Justice sizi^.iii^
whenever there was a doubt as to the inten-
tion of the legislature, the Court would al-
ways fee! anxious to leaii to the side of the
party appealing, so as to enable him to have
the benefit of a Wgher tri»)ui»ak; mr^, ^here-
lore, although the^ ^ct says aftoi^ jClOO, and
the bond taken was only je200, the Court
would not issue a writ of execution, but air
low the appellants to go on with their ap-
peal. But it was ordered by the Oaurt that
in future, the costs of the suit should be add-
ed to the aniount of the judgment; and. when
an appeal is made therefrom. ,tM the bond
for the^ proseqution of the appeal, shall be
taken for double ^he ^Rojint of judgment
and costs. . ^ j w© m «».
In the cause between John Grees and
Thomas Williams.
JN this day. Messrs. Jams Macbraire
(by his attorney. Peter Henderson), and
^eorge Lilly, the sureties oUohn Green, in
the appeal which he entered from the judg-
!!lf ?K "i A^^ Surrogate Court. St. John's,
on the ist July 1816. appeared in the Court
agreeably to the order of the 2eth instant
The Tru«teeg 0/
1; -A- i it
i i
The Suretiej of
an absent prinei>
pal in an appeal-
bond, ordered to
pay the amount of
the judgment, in«
teresi, lod costa.
Inth,ca«.eb«, d?" 3^"^*^ ^'^ " «nd Without leavin- ail V
f^ll -T^ ^^^^^^ire and Georse Lilly rin
forthwith pay to the said plaitti^ in'«h«
Submiasion of a
suit to arbitration,
at the instance of
the parliea, under
» riil© o{ Court,
On this dAy, iht^^A^^^^V ' '
betw!«ii thtm * ^"u ?® inattett in ditowrtJ
And, at the instance of the 8ai«i «dt.#;K.
St was ordered that the awai^ «;i J ?*
any two of thb arbit^to^JaSd K^
into Court, on or before the 6th dav of l^h
tember next, should be made a i?ie nffl?"
eaeh nf.t3 ?^ S«)»g-e Wis^r, their and
John Gheii
leaving any
f» the SheHjjr
5 judgment
'at they, the
je Lilly^ do
Uiffs in the
[I of £Q\ 6s,
'5 per cent,
he costs pi"
led phrli^
aire, Wfej«e,
liiiated air-
d pdHi^s^
yof Sfep-
ule of the
and con-
the said
their and
John Square & Co. against Matthet*^
^S this case involved property to a vnrv
Irtrge amount, (£3.710 HI,. 0./.). and as all
he Is and, the CAiefJust ice this day orderor^
that this cause do lie over, until 1st Muy
next, m order to give time to the defendants
fl^^^r'"' '" P^*"^^"' o"" by attorney, to de,
fend the action. That in the nieamime aa
inventory be made of all the goods, proper,
ty, effects and credits of the defendants,
and hesnmebe returned into court; and
that the attachment be continued bn thdsaid
if^^^'Ji?J'^'^^* ^^'^^*^' «•"' credits; and that
«.hl«?.«; ^® ^?°'*^; **■* effects, be of a perish-
able nature, that the same be sold, and the
SC' '"'"'' ^' ''°""' '' ^^^^
rnifeii^u ^t^^ 1i^ *° *^« defendants, be
collected by Mr. Matthew Morcv, jun., and
security g,ven that the sums re/eived .hull
rnn^f ^?i*?'"^'.*^ ^^'^^ ^^^ d«^^^*^ of tbe
9u>pmt m this sqit,
Avguit 30M.
Ca«e postpbned
on accoant of the
absence of the de-
feadants until the
■pring, with a pro-
viBJonal ordar tor
the intermediate
custody and dis-
posal of the pro.
perty belonging to
the defendants iq
tbU Gounlry.
Mich, UyAii against J. Terrington, JElsq.
kTebe? in ^"^^T^-^'u ^^ ordnance sf^i^e-
adlt^\.Af ^'^^' '"^ *?'' ^^^'«' character,
i^soTfhl^''' \q"^»t'ty of ^ood, for ihe
A nnmhi ^,T'\'^^''^ *« ^vhich he belotigs.
A number of tenders were, in consequence
delivered at his office; and among IhertT an
o^er by the plaintiff to furnish isl SrTs, 'a?
bfvL Tf '7^' '"'i'".^"^' and accep ed
tageous to Government. A deliv^rv of 1 iV
both' "If'^'^^^^omact, Mas iSted dl
. - - y — „,^. j[j^t„iiin„ wuw s>ougnt to
September in.
acting as such for
the benefit of the
publio. is not indi.
vidually liable un-
der any engage-
ment he may bare
contracted in his
official obaraoter.
[Upon this point.
wae.l.T.R. 172;
1. East, 136. 579.
6. East, 148 ; 2.
Taunt, 874; 16.
Eaal, 384.J
r: i
Michael Ryan
John Terrinq.
TON, Uaq,
- '•■> >,U 10 77tl ■
• ■ • <<(in vJjoljiuo
.1617. recover by this action, first, the balance of
i24, which he contended was still cue to
him, on the quantity of wood he had actual-
L^.t9^'' ^"^ secondly, the sum of
S i\ "**'°^ ^^^ ^'*'"** °*' thirty-lhree cords
which he insisted the defendant was bound
to receive from him, over and above the quan-
tify he had delivered, and which the defend-
ant, as he alleged, had wrongfully refused to
accept. The answer of the defendant to the
action was, thathe had paid for all the wood
he had actually received, and that he was not
bojund to receive more than he bad done.
1 he cause was submitted to a jury; and a
number of witnesses were examined, the
substance of whose testimony is contained
m the foregoing statement of facts ; but a
considerable difficulty arose in determining
m what light the jury ought to view a re-
ceipt produced by the defendant, corres,
ponding m amount with the sum claimed by
the plaintiff, as the balance due to him on
the wood actually sold and delivered to the
defendant, but differing in date, and some
other circumstances, from the transactioa
which formed the subject of the present dis-
_ In his charge, the Chief Justice to]d
the jury, that a public officer, acting osten-
sibly m his official character, was not indivi-
dually liable upon any engagement he may
have entered into for the benefit of the pub-
lic service; and that, therefore, that part of
the present action which sought to charge •
the defendant with a breach of contract iq
not taking the wood to the full extent of the
.' plamtiflTs tender, certainly could not be
;i.r« , supported; but that if the Jury believed,
f ic;t; *'*on» the evidence, that the defendant had
received from the Commissary the full
value of the wood delivered, and had not
•■' -iIm:-! ■■].
. ■>i.'ifr<.o'i'.» i :
; .- . .n.r.i
liance of
11 Cue to
(J actual-
sum of
56 cords
s bound
^fused to
It to the
le wood
was not
d done.
; and a
ed, the
; but a
w a re-
ojed by
him on
I to the
int dis-
e tola
e may
e pub-
part of
charge •
act ii;
of the
ot be
t had
I full
d not
Jjaid over the whole sum to the pTairttiff, the ifitT
defendant was acc<>uritable for the balance, _, , _ -
ds money had and received by him to the Michael Ryan
Use of the plamtiff ; and that the Jury ought «"
accordingly to give a verdict for the part un- ^^^ "Terring-
paid. With respect to the receipt, it un- ■'°^' ^'*-
doubtedly was presumptive proof of pay-
ment; but the Jury should take all the cir-
cumstances connected with it into their con-
sideration ; and it belonged to them exclu-
sively to decide for what purpose it was
given, and to what object it ought to be ap-
phed.-r^Under this direction, the Jury soon
returned a verdict for the plaintiff for £24.
HuTTON, M'Lea & Co. against George
Septembet 5t^,
On this day. at the instance of Mr. Robert Ord«r for . p.,..
Huttqn, a rule was granted, ordering George to show cause why
■fienme, master of the brig Betsey, to appear he refuse* to per^
m Court on Monday next, the 8th instant, 'o'^*'>«8'«einent;
to show cause why he refuses to fulfil a cer-
tain agreement, which Was entered into be-
tween him and Mr. Button, for the charted
of the said brig ou a foreign voyage; the
minutes of the Said agreement having been
taken down ill writing by Mr. WilliamKydd,
and approved by him the said George Rennie,
Mich. Meehan against iou^. ^f] . Brine.
A Questioh hstving been raised as to the
liability of the parties m this cause to the
costs of the two actions that had been tried
between them, the Chief Justice stated, that
as one of the trials was o^p«#<»#i
Wt^\f.«% .«W«^
sent cirp^stwi"
• lessee who cul-
Uviiies w^#tf lond
19 not to be pre-
sumedl to li^va
done so with the
concurrence of the
lessor, and for big
.rVf. 'UiiAiRaitii'd
guidance of inierchants on a very material
poialt relating to bills of exchange, and, by,
consequence^ aftecting the intei^ests qf iHu;
whole commercial community, than, for the
particular advantage of either of these par<
ties, he thought th^t the costi^ of that tri^ji,
ought to be borne equally between them;,
but that the costs of the-pther trjfil ifiusi
follow thejudgment^ Nvhich had been finally;
givcQ agaiflisttie defendants. ; ;, . ^
'. 1:
imun LiDsjoN Newman* appellant, *^'f
. *ioi iuun and ■ ^■■■'.^^vvi s- h^mis\m
John Goff, respondent,
j| HE action out of which this appeal
arose, was brought in the Surrogate Court,
to recover a large sum of.mpney, for rent of
property \yhich the defendant contended
did not belong to the plaintiff. It was trivd
by a jury, who found a general verdict,foi*
the defendant ; and judgment was accprd-
ly given in his favour by the Court below,
/ifter hearing a few observations from both
sides, the Cf^iief justice sai^ : — •
l^hp right of rent, must depend on the
t^0t to tlie properfu out of which that reni
U-ip, \S9\IG ; afij! this brings the title |ntp
question. It appears, that in 1780, old Sio-
lomoii Goss conveyed to appellant "all the
plantation then in his possession, situate at
Torbay, or ^ the possession of any' other.'.'
From the general words of this instrument,
picj Gosss pQfJses.3lon. at thje time pf cqn-
i^e inu«it loo^ £^.t ff,Q!^s'spQi?^esm^, ^o sj?f
wli^t property tlje ""iipperKafit derivjed frp^
fpr the Jury on the former trial to datermiiie.
ry .materia^:
fe, and, by,
ests pf iHc;
ban. for the
tiiese pac-:
f that tri^][,
feen. ibemi
)een finally;
lis appeal
;ate Court,
for. rent oi*
t was trivd
as accord-
Hirt below,
from both
nd on the
h that reni
i title Into
0, old^o^
t" all the
situate at
ny: Qther.V
§ pf cqn-
ray^d f^pjc^
Siffc^, tlreh, they hims siren ft g by eftbtet
the Ie89«e;pr his ^sjignfee;a« any period^ of
Y!l W®' ** nraat be pti&^flriW'to hkir^h^tA
rr^J^y^^^ ^^^ coiSsfeiA '6# th^' f ^<3|lf epfWy h^aye jjeen laroii^ht t^
reliniqiii^li^ suph rig|i|t tp principal ^d injlerest
fotf r a Jljec^ri!ty. iby ^ whi"»woI!*»a<>i9inl •-> .^.^ ^.qj f^i^j. ),3 ,f^.y .«;[; .,-)-!>'. yi*')
Sdv Ut:.
'viden^e, that
he agreemeni;
DDpt hold thaj;
;h% to recoYer.
nan, %yho apT
oney >vi(h tj^e
ind, therefqre,
«pg M^hen. b^
%nt haii it not
1 it^ it is \o \»^
aad th^refojTf
aid is, but r^ar
If ther, ^hat th^
en projight t^
fas ^ merely t9
■;'l, .;-,' ■•':-■■-
^^h§ SPCMi i^up
tjO tl^^ jpr^sjept
/J y/ri-ojit
)T^5i -. , hid
Gjiahabi LiTtLE, appellant,
^n^nU and Trustees of
DooLiNG & Kellv, respondents*
iiArJ ^l4'
J. f1 IS is an appeal fi-dm the SurJ-dgatd
VJurf, in an action brought by the plaintiff;
who is the present appellant, to recovei" the
sum of £500, being for one yearns rent Of a
certain house leased by the appellant to
nooiihff 4r ^elhj for the term of twenty-one
vears. The last year's rent, ending on the
flrst of IVovembe^ 1815, \Vas duly paid by
the lessees; blit in the conrsieof the follow-
ing yedr of the term they became insolvent,
and the respondents were appointed tnis-
tbes to their eff*ects,
Th6 Chi6fJusticd. tt would ^eem that the
trustees, upon entedng on their duty, tvere
at first doubtful Whether they W6uld retain
the insolvents' interest in the lease, or aban-
don it, and that they ultimately determined
to abandon it» but £ls there WaS a large
dmoilnt of Valdable stock Whicb had belong-'
^d to the insolvents, upOn the premises,
they entered into possessioh and retsrined
thehouSe, for the pui'pdse pf diSpbsinj^ of
the stock, until the first day of May, 181(J,
^hen they Vacated the premises, arid seiit
the key to the appellant, who refused' .to
accept It. '•'•''-^♦'' ,xi*^-i-'.m\::ni<*, i-,) t:\\\:-^
It further appears that sonl6 fcbmiriurifca-
tions had taken place beti^^eeri the appellant
and i-esporidehts, ibout the beriod when the
bouse^as to be delivered u)p'i ' arid althongh
thenaperivhich has since fe^eh admitted in
^videnee viai tiQ% produced' belo^, I was
anxions to ^colledt es^er^r pr^bbf of art actual
agreement, m order to avoid the itricertainty
determining upon biVcutnstantes. But ad
the nnnpr' in'tviit^afiA*. ~->k_ have been approved by all the
trustees, and in point ottlct, has Lt been
me^ upon, r^nj compelled to return to the
case as it has betn transmitted, from the
Ipyer Coort, and, in the absence of any fix-
,mn«"l *^f'^''«'*;?'? agreement, decide it
«pon the law which applies to the circum-
s^ajices and statenaent admitted by the par-
^2? ^^A S®°7® ^^^^^ argpment it has been
«nSiv^ ■ "*' ^^A^ ^^^ batqkr^pt laws do not
ap^iy here. As a system of insolvent debt-
ors law Ihey certainly do »ot apply; be-
cause we have a peculiar system of our iwn.
specially made for us, and becaiwe there are
Jpt the means here of csirrying the English
hm^rppt la^9 wto effect; lut ahhough
the l^aolcrupt hyy^ as a ^^ten^, do not apply
tp us. we musf always refer to decisions of
thp Courts at honip, to guide us in th^ de-
t.erroinatwp of Ihoie points lyhich grow in
S"^i? o«V*'^">»»^*«»t<^*«es. "^ith this
yi^w, Jingljsh courts have had recoqrse to
tjh/e ce^stobonontm of the civil law ; and H is
repiarkablo that the rale which is ipplie^itt
W^ simj»r $0 the present, is in^^reality
turned from the Soman pode ppon the
subject of succession, ^'damnosam quis-
9VA^nJ^^mTATE1^ Apmu non compelli-
Tun; pp W cases of l^anlcnjptcy the assiff.
i^ ^ apt qWi^ed to t^ce % bwkrupt^
tern m an wtai^, ^^\mf^eJ lil^e tp do sp.
low what are ^ circpms^iices bpfpre us ?
I ;8 not «v*n contendeij tjiaj the trustees
expressM^y mt^ntion of taking an asS
f wry, it appears frpm fi^p ev^d^ce of Han-
n^ifn, who WW W Iri^atyfprtftjjiip^p with
nt to two of
!)£ two tnis-
md does not
\ by all the
las not been
return to the
;d.from the
eof any fix*
t, decide it
the circum-
by the p^r-
: it ha« been
laws do not
)lvent debt-
apply; be-
of our own.
Be there are
the English
It although
not apply
Jecision^ of
s in th^ de-
chgrow in
With this
reconrse to
r; anidttis
applied in
in reality
i nponthe
' the assis:-
B tQ «|a sp.
before us ?
je tfijifft^es
^ a^/^ign-
n tlije pon-
e Qffff^r
the appellant hir.iself, early in February,
that H was mutually un"
liie of the use ahd Occnpafcion, (he retxi
reserved by the lease may be presumed^* ^
fair criterion to go by. Now (he trustees
occupied the house i'ri questioii from the
27lh December, 1815, tilt the Isl May.
1810, being little more than four months j
and fbr this period there has been r*n allow-
ance made by (he Suti-ogate equal tO hafif
a year's reserved rent. The rent reserved
s^eems to have been very higb ^ and the judg-^
ipent below iilgiving ohe-»third beyOnd it, has,
J think, gone to th« full extent Of what the
a^ellant can fairly be entitled tO. ft is to
lie remembered that the possession of the(
(rus(ees vvas not optional, but rendered ne-«
cess.ary by (he trust they were bound ta
perform, and- 1 therefore hive no hesitatiotr
iti affirming the jddgment of thfe Surrogate
Court, which was for £25a against the re*
spoiidehtB'.'^"''^'* --•Jiuyiriuta.ii i>,» Ut -.Aohh uili
ed for^y
din foif'
hith h^'
tmt thisr'
if there/
nnst be'
af the"
d, arid'
y have'
ore iiff,'
, fornrt-
the re-
^ actifJ-
the va-*|
e ren<^'
irtied {ii^
m the
onths ^'
16 half!
it, has,'^
lat the
t is to
of thet
ed ne-*
jnd t&\^
the re-
uv/ uiii
.'J rfIS ', a^ion vras to recover Twelve
I'ouiids, T^ree Shillings, and Fournende,
«imount due as wages to plaintiff's son,
While an apprentice td the defendant.
' Jt ftpp^aried that plaihtiflCs son was hohriA
m apprentice to defepcjant, as a cdlnnet-
piaker. But that defendant having no em-
P.'9y'neritin that line, had taken hisappren-
J^ice wjth him to Harbour Grace, where de-
>e|^fta4iT''^Jjflildwig a^burcb, i luK
|»?\the apprentice, p»l conceiving him.
eelf liable to work as a house carpenter, and
f n?a^ist^atCT. who, aft^
!?T^^^,/^2'?^Miea several times before
U^'^^EJ^fe ??^ :J.ein^>atisfiea tliut
'^•VM^^^^VH W ^qploy merit for tfib
2SSM#1^9^^^ H^e Jf • fcabihptlwo^,
^ane<^W«Be IndetttMes. - ^- > '
"'^f^K*li'Mi| <a
for thf! price of them was premaiiire. And w
to the j£30, the Coiirt did not hold the de-
/ipndant liable. . , - ;
. ^ndgmei^t pro d^endfinttr ' I suH
• ■ ^ '••;•■ ^' '•'••■•■■ ■■-''^ -• ■ ■ '• '■• •'! ; ■
^t7iE, Rsii^ «B Go. i^Msr T^nkf ''^
■■iiiul ■;;::;;. .:;;;>,, Aftll.I.SOOB*-.'!'- '-
* 5tS'<:»u8ec^e on jeaterday^ 8^4 JJii.
-^fia having been. furtherhe^Mj ,,,,,!., ,,^,.^
. It appeared that the nsl^, , y»aafi^ ^<\)i3^
Jhe sabject pf t^q fictipn, h^^, be^ii .shijpipfi^
That the i&sh h^d i?<^ei^ sp^
fendant, who, iii jpec^mhfer jfiffc^
J^cji^Q's^ New .pi^^ivick, lidyj&i^ |he pU
' ■■•v >:'i 11') Ivo :
, ^^i^J" fhej? cixq^Wtaffl^eA^i^^lie ::ft^
considered the cause of action to havf»>,su^
sen in New Brunswick, and, consequently,
that the Coart-Goal44M>t«ttach4he-property
of the defendant who residp^ there, imder
the mbi tfi6 49th^ Gi^O;' 5; (»pi 2^^:' ^he
suit was, therefbre^distttiftil^d ; but without
cpsts, , , ' i
t: iojJutjTjij 'lo 'j-jiiv.i'.'jU'A'.rji uiiJ 'kA Od
.">ui\M\ ,ilfi iljiv/ ij'jvil !){i •Aiilif yUii\h\
_ , :■ . h!;'''v»i; ij<:; .•':!<.>(•■! ,-'1V([;ifJ V'tbi'Ufj
ly c
ant> ]
who i
tion ol
est of
the sul
the Oouft;
in the fell
the time iii
tliQ actiii
r^. And 9»
Id the de-
■j:'. s
sre, imder
ut without
■'. ^i^ll B.
tii l)f)5.w;ii >
iji.v viuni.l
KooER Flahavan against Geo. Gamble. , 'Q^^:
i}.¥Pr^^^^\ ^^' '^^ '^"^ «f a ''ouse. The
defendant ackno^^ledg^d the debt to be just-
,^1^'.^"! ''^'^*^' '*^«.'^^ »^^d no means of
paying ,t at pfesent; that hti had a tvifeahd
jvhich Mrould be due to him for Wages bv
f^lTf^l^k ^''MoS^^' constituted the only
iS^lfy^L^® satisfaction ohhis debt, and of
Cttmbej^ed. tJndef these circumstances, the
sam^lw''?^^^ 'H^^' ^d at the
same tihic, ^iesifed Mr. tiogan to hold the
^^t i!?*\«»g^t become due to the defend-
ant, i^ubject to the ot^m of the Court
A «tay of eitcu«
tion granted, in
consideration of
the poverty of the
I Wi i ^i<
trustees/of CRAwroBD & Co. appellants.
CuNiNOQAu^ Bell & Oo. respondents.
^f/^r'l*?,' ^^^W'^^iice now ptol
^^tic^d tfie folldwirtg judgtnent : ^
Jir^Xt?^ haft tai^ed^attticfetion upon Ihccon.
StTo'ction of the act of the 49tli of his Matesty
commohly callfed the Judicature Act, t^iz!
yrbo mjko biB cbMdered a cnrtent supplier,
titted to a ^riBfefeMfe payment, in the distribii.
faon of an insolvents effects f As it is a ques*
IT ^/.S^? ™<>^^°^ to the commef cial iiter^
Sl5*his Island and one tiptti which 8om«
diff^ence of opmfon has prevailed, 1 have
nnnn^i ^^^."^ the judgment of this cmirt
upon rt. «ntil 1 ^shojjld be enabled to ffive
-^e suujeci tnat Uelibjratc and KVeqirent'at-
Octoler 23df.
In the 49th Geo.
3, c. 27, the worda
" cunmt season "
and •• current sup'
plies," have an evi-
dent rtlation to,
and are eiplanalo-
ry of, each other :
reason, meaning
the time of the year
when the fishery is
carried on ; and
supplies, meaning
the articles actually
wed in the fisliery.
\ I
tention, which its importance seemed to de-
mand. 1 cannot but be aware, that m the
cJZ'nu'r^ir pPJn'on which fell from the Court, upon the
VRAWFORD&Co. jiearing of this appeal, 1 differed, in a great
CuNiNOHAM, degree, from the opinions which appear to
Bell&Co, have been entertained by my predecessors
in this seat, and were the decision that is
now sought, of less importance to the com-
inunily, I should defer to the precedents
which have been set me, and rather follow
a rule of construction, however 1 might be
so unfortunate as to differ in opinion from
those who formed it, than venture to unset-
tle a course of decision. But impressed as 1
" am, with the original error in the interpreta-
tion of the act, and perceiving, as I cannot
Otherwise than perceive, that the consequen-
ces of that error have been injurious, inpror
portion to the extent to which it has been
followed, 1 feel that I ought not to sur-
render my own Judgment ; and that there is
a point beyond which courtesy may cease
to be a virtue in a Court. The facts of this
case are very few, and J shall briefly re-state
them. In the month of December, 1815,
It is probablW i\m}?^^ Island Kerame
populous, and new eyenues of f rade were
,^817. opened thp Iqcal custom of preferable
^^^^^ SSi-^^V^'^f^"H^y ^^^^«ded beyond i .
telT' *ih?f ^'""''?' *^'«''^^^°''«» ^°^ goes oa to
'''' * ^''^ ^fLlT^% . ^y *«»« 6th section of the
i^cl 49th G^o, m, e^p. 27, it \s stated that
U >yil| gre^My contribute to the advancement
^LfT'^A^i P^^"***^ becoming insolvent,
were divided qmongst their creditors wuL
more eguahjff than bad theretofore hem prac-
^hiL "^^ -'P !^^^^^^' ^^^^ ^^ often as it
!?^ k^ u ^^*^^ ^° ^PP^ar to the Cqurt, out
of Which prqcess of attachment issued, that
% gopds qttacbed were insqfficient tp pay
debt^, It should be I^wl^l for ^|,e (ioyrts to
m\mm the parties ^t a given I^ay ; ^nd f!
^poE ex^mm^tion, it shpSld appear'tM thp
dpl^tpr could ijpt pa;r twenty Z\Xmk\^ the
Rpwd, ^p declare hSn insolvent, anf imme-
$P far, the 4pt cpnt^ins a simple, ^Ithpueh
m ^qual, pyste,n of msplvent I^w. But in-
jBmuqji ai8 a l^gp 41,4 v^Iu^ble cl^ss of the
cpmmMnity j;mm^^ ^s formerJy; ^i«^out
capital or credif, ejccept such as tVey could
mm, \%li^^ nyppsfiary to secure tjiis credit
t.^^^^1 ^^^"^^ ^^ «*^ ^» *^^ bfldy of.the
& ^?^ ^^P^^^*^ ^» ei^actment, ,>%A^ ««-
^Si?f r f^^i^*'<'^, *o tbp general laV, im-
Saf in iL^^J'T?: ^^ ^MPlHtipprovdea
f^t^I^Pt; «^«»7 «?her|nap ^ho shallbp a
^itor for «;a^., become due in 4e then
SSLT^* '^-" 5'^^ *^« P^^*^ twenty
>f preferable
ed beyx)nd its
It Judicature
m undue pre'
I goes on to
ection of thei
s st^ied that
oundland, if
g insolvent^
editors witU
•e been pra^^
often as it
J Court, out
issued, timt
:ient tp pay
ount of hjs
3 VQMrts to
ay; j^nd if,
ear th^l; thp
IJing^ in the
and imme-
jffects, and
pt ^\l his
e, although
V. Bat, ip-
ly, without
t^ey could
^ton in ^he
i tfiis credit
qdy of .tie
i^ ih$ na-
il hyfy im-
S provided
fecjs o^a^
sh^li be a,
n the th^
id twenty
place, every creditor for supplies furnished in
the current se<^m shall be paid twenty shil-
lings in th^ poMnd; ftnd lastly, all oth^r T,„st^,of
creditors equally, as far as the effects ^dl CHi^iS^p^ cy.
gQ^ &
In the construction of these clauses of the
Act, It must be cojisidercd ^ reipedial sta-
tjjte. It states the mischief and provides
t}?e remedy ;--the mischief consisted in the
tnequahty wh^ch prevailed i^ the payment of
debt8.^and the yemcdy provided is, by en-
^hlmg the Cpurts, ^pon pjoof of impcndinff
msolvency. to declare the f^c^, proVeed to
collect the insolvent's effects, and cUstribute
them equally amongst all his creditors. crL
vmg a preference only to ihejish^man for
hjs wag-es, and to hjs supplier for those sup-
p,Ucs which were advanced upon the faith of
the voyage, and which are euti^Iedtoall the
equitable considera^ons of a lien, to have
extended puch a preference any farther
Avould have beep to neutralise the spirit of
the Act, qnd. instead of introducing a more
equal moae of payment, to hi^ve created the
most nnequf^l system of insolvent law in the
YPrld. In this view of the Act, the wor^s
•' current season " and " curretit snppUes "
have a natqral relation, and are expl^na ory
afeacl^other-^«<(,p;t weaning the time of
the year when the fishery is carried on. and
supphes meaning the articles actually nsed
in the fishery ; and if thes,e wor^s had al-
r5!l4^^'i*''^°^^f ? t° ^^^^' "^^"^ral import,
no di^culty cpwld h^ve be^« raised upon
iie act \ WMi\^^ gMuaVe^le^ision oTthe
term " supplies " tp, all jhe dealings between
one person and anptjierip I^ewfpundknd, i^
has ceased to Jiaye aujf de^n^e or (nteHid-
ble meanings ^n^ the 'statute' is flow Jut?r-
prete^ a^ if there \vere no' sueh word 0^1-
"^^^"^^^^ W It ^ s^plm^^ if a ^sv^ Jo,
'WjitMiiiMfiiitiii'i -li - II ■■ '
1 rusteei of
BtLL & Gov
ihdiscnraiftate preference of payment, to
every person who shall be a creditor in the
course of the year; whether it might chanced'
to be for supplies of the fishery, or the pur^^
chase of a farm, or the luxuries of a tabled
in proportion also, as the term "supplies "
departed from the original simplicity of its
ijeaning, the word " season," kept pace with
U, until It was found necessary to have two
seasons, one for the fishery, and the other
for trade; and "season," which originallv
signified nothing more than those tem^)erate
months of the year, when vessels might fish
on the Banks of Newfoundland, was made
to commence when the fishery was practi-
cally at an en J.
. But it is not merely for ret^rsing the or-
cfer of nature, and creating a contradiction
m terms, that this departure from the act ig
to be deprecated. in its operation it is
calculated to destroy all faith in the dealings
between man and man in this Island It
gives rise to insofvencies, which are fre-
quently forced upon unfortunate tradess/
because the creditors are fearful of giving
time for payment, lest they should lose art
equal claim to their debts ; and if strikes at
the root of all confidence in trade, and com-
pels a creditor to shut ont compassion from
I am aware that (Vewfodndland has been
considered as a mere fishery, and, by a poli-
tical kind of fiction, every person in it is
supposed io be either a fishertadn or a sup-
plier of fishermen. J am not disposed to
mterfere with any political considerations
tJpon the subject; but I must observe that
such a fixation drffers from the true principle
ot legal fictioii—rN fictione ebgis seimper
guBsisTiT ^QfuiTAS ; and it is, beside, a
great departure from the fact; since there
^ment, id
tor in the
it chance
the pur-
' a table,
:ity of its
jace with
lave two
the other
ight fish
as nnader
s practi-
tlie or-i
lie act is-
on it is
ind. Jt
are frief-
f giving
lose an;
rikcs at
id com-'
n from
IS beenf
a poli.
in it is
a sup.
3sed to
^e that*
tide, ai
i there
IS a considerable trade from this island, 1817
sanctioned by Parliament, and independent ^_ - , -^ -
of the fishery. Witness the several acts Trustees of
which were passed in the 51st year of the Cbawfoko&Co.
King, those which have passed since, and n ^'
the act of the last session of Parliament, ^BeIHTco'
authorising a reciprocal trade between this
Island and all the other colonies. But we
have no occasion to look further for an ex-
ample than to the case before us, which was
a shipment of West India produce from this
port toliali/ax; and which, without doing
viplence to common sense, cannot be consi-
dered^ as a supply for the fishery of New-
|fo« ^l!and. Such are my sentiments upon
-p Ci ; and under the impression of them,
*t.^^ impossible forme to affirm the decree
of the Court below, 1 have a consolation
m knowmg, thrt if my humble judgment
should err, that it is in the power of the par-
ties to have it correctpd; and I shall hope,
that as this is the leading case of a class of
cases, involving a very large amount of pro-
perty, that the parties will ^ake the benefit
pf an early appeal to his Majesty in council.
Judgment reversed.— Against whichjudg-
njent, the respondents gave notice pf an
appeal to Pis Majesty in Council,
Abraham Malzard against Huie,
Reed & Co.
'EMBERTON, of Burin, was indebted
to lime. Reed ^ Co., who commenced their
suit against him in the Surrogate Court, at
»t. Johns, and recovered judgment on the
25th June, 1817.
i?^^^T*!r7^'*'® judgment in favour of Huie,
Meed dr Lo. was pronounced, an action was
pemmeaced, and an atiac/ment sued out.
October 2Qth.
Where pootfi are
sold on credit, I he
price (hereof is
subject to attach-
ment in the hands
of the vendee, un-
der an execution
against tlie vendor.
*^#f *ig?^«i'W5^*,#"^
by Sdmud Sf Oeorgi SfouUon, of Burin, da-
ted 4th May, 1817, under whioh the fiSh of
Petnbertan was attached iu the hands of his
attoMey il!lM/%. During the forCe ofthe
attachment, Pemberton, who was then nt
Halifax, Wrote to Mulhy, under date iStb
M^y, directing him to dispose of the fish in
his hands, and apply the pi'oceieds tb pay
the amount of certain bills (to which hte
was a |iarty) then under protest. Upon,
'communication beiw^een the parties, Samuel
4r Oeorge Moulton withdriw tmit altachm^%
and the fiSh wAs then sold by Mmiloy, the
agent of Pemheridn, to Matziti'd, in consid^t'-
ation of his (Malzard^s) becoming bound
by promissory note, or undertaking, to pay
the said j^lamtiffs (Monitons) and |fcirfliiff i^Mdllita ^A Sheriff for
having illegally, as ha insisted, atlabbed the fish which
formed the ■ubjeet qfdispute beCween thiese parlies. ATler
m full investigattion of all the ^ircirmstanees connected wit)k
the transfer of the fiAb to MalzarA, the Chief JuHice
held that the sale «^Bs niof/raiM/M/enO but, at ifae aamo
time his Honour decided, that as the price of the fish bird
not been paid, the sum to which it aiuouuted was attacli*
^tirin) da-
the fi^h of
ads of his
rCe of the
s then i^t
date iSth
he fish in
ds to pajr
Mrhich hh
t. Upon
Sy Samuil
'ulhy^ the
ig bottnd
ig, to pay
d agaiiid't
dk plabe
^tiil(6, ati(l
> bfbught
} a cjt] rv.
HIS action wAs brdught in the Surrogate
t/oort to I'eeover: the sum of £1447 ^s.Odj
as current eiippHes for, 18ld, beiftg. the-
amount of goods Sold and delivered by the
i^espondents to the appellants. in the month
of December, 1815', k^er the dose^f accounts
betwreen the parties itit that year;'
_The bills whiich wetd dl^wn for payment;
of the above snmbaviiigibeeH netnm^d und^r
pi'ot€8t, the respondents commenced thdv.
action for the amount^ -and Obtained a }udg«l
m6rit below; m)W whininghm,jBen^4)^. v^m Trns-;
t6es of G>^a«j/^^i^i;Ctoiiiti rikustlifollow the
^nife cidOTse JicHOLa( & Co!
J. HE plainli^ having ';;tApl«e^ ju;i^i^t
%ili^st Mdward Jeliance, a dealer of the de-
fendant^, on the 16th September last, sub-
ject to Other current cfamis. on this day, at
it'TT^ r ^^^ Pi^'°"^«' ^»» order Was
issued directing defendants to rotam into
this Court» on or before the lOth day of
mvember next, a true and correct state-
ment of the account current between them
and the said Edward Jeltance, so thata rata^
ble distribution of this yearns voyage may
be made to th^ current suppliers. ,
• • ■' .■ ■ / jj < >
. Ordijr la pupplj«
ing mercl^airt to
fuhilsh a states
ment of his account
with one of his
dealers, that the
proceeds of the
year's voyage may
be distributed rata*
% among the
current suppliers.
^parte, GRAHAMLixTtE. in the'nmtier'i^f
DooLiNG & Kelly's iosolvency.
t^v.^'^ ^^^*^"^ f^^ P^'^ Jn support 6f
th,e|>etition and against it, ^ ' ' •
lh6 Cf^ief Justice S2dd t ThisiaaMpfSfinW
thj0r8,ofthe insolverit estate of: i>66iif,.g 6f
W%, P^ayng*^^^ admitted 'to a mfWe
share m the distnbutjpn o^fc^H^^^^
*?f ^ the petitioner fortnerlycarrledp/d c^
October miL
Jf premises which
nave been mort*
gaged be destroy-
fd by fire, after
the insolvency of
the mortgagor, and
whilst they were
under the conlroul
of the trustees, the
mortgagee can
claim upon the ge*'
neral funds of the
*'«nv m tn^ paymrat. took a 1
i I
^ ii
in ibe matter of
JJooLtiTG & Kel-
ly's tnitdlvauoy.
■• -:t:]A £ iin,!.f.
«ii{ lo otto flJi-w
.:'<\ /if i
ill 'rvHorUmi: "'■;
rlnvpiw^Uance of this deed, J)ooUng ^
J^e% entere(}jipto> pRtitionier's busJDess, as
general s/iopkeepers, and took possession of
his stock and trade. The first instalment
was l-egularly paid f but in the month of No-
vember, 1815, before the remainder, amount-
ihg^^ to the sum of ^3,420 had become due,
they were declared insolvent, and trustees
M-ere appoint d to collect their effects, and
divide theip among the creditors according
'Soon after the insolvency the petitioner
proposed to the trutetfees to give up his
claim' upon the insolvr»its' effects, upon con-
dition (hat the above-mentioned houses, to-
gether with the. arrears of rent, should be
delivered over to him. To this proposal
there appears to have been no direct reply ;
but it would seem that the trustees did not
deem it right to accede, inasmuch as they
afterwards received the rents of part of the
mortgaged premises, and the petitioner ne-
Ter entered into possession of them. Before
anything, however, was done, the whole of
the mortgaged property was destroyed by
fij-e; and in consequence of the loss of his
3ecurity, the^ petitioner claimed to rank as a
general creditor upon the estate of the in-
solvents; and with this view he wrote to the
trustees, who replied that the debt was not
disputed, and that he would be entitled to a
shprie of the dividend when the current sup-
pMfs, funiji other pr^arable claims, should
liave t}eea j>aid 29^. in (he pound. ; ;!
_ Upow this admission, by ihp trustees, f
shall merely observe, |n passing, ihat it is
the duty of the; Court, under wbos^^uthori-
ty the trustees si^e particularly pi aced» ^ot
to suflTer thei iii%ests otcreditoi^ to be inju-
rp;d hj^ un|uaird€d admissiqns. , '
Unless, thei-efor^^ thft ^jftisji ^ t(ie peti^
Pooling ^
siness, as
lession of
, amount-
ome due,
\ trustees
ects, and
.Tilinj Ni;WF0UNDl^AND4
tbner may be found to rest upon a more so-
nlk""T?^"' this admiseiolTwill not sup.
^?wVk * °'® ^'^ ^^^ P"°^P^» facts, npi«
7\tf ^A *i".^«*>o"« have heen raised for
e consideration of the Court f is the pe-
aS.'fh'''^' ^ .^r^ '^"^^•^^•"g demand
gainst the general funds of the insolvents ?
and IS the fund itself to be dividXa„aTlv
am.ongstallthe creditors, or only amTnt^
thuf^i!" ^^^"^^ P'^*"*' »* '^ not disputed
debt Ind!lT^'^' ^"' ^'^^^ ^^' « ^^^Me
tnA uu^^C ^l^'y mortgage implies a debt:
and although there may be no covenant ?«;
the payment of ,t. yet the mortgagor contl
s^' dec^d'^d " ^^"'^ ^~^' '^' beenLprTs!;
In cases of bankruptcy in England if *
creditor hold an insufficient security fir bis
plied in the first place, to the payment of his
demand, and prove the balance, ifany re!
mam due, under the commission ; and it
should seem, upon the same principk if the
property upon which a specific security is
held, be deteriorated, or destroyed, the ere!
d.tor may resort to the general fund in The
hands of the debtor or his assigns
A doubt did certainly present itself to me
at the hearing of tJiis petition, wheth^ The
.LX'» insolvency.
uf ssuiti
»'(" .'riiKii
I !3
101 r.
regulating insolvencies in this Island, speaks
of ^uch persons "as shall be cretlltoi-s," and
would seem intended to have a prospective
foi-de; Ir
-"w...,.ucKivKL. Before I enter uport the second point, I
iVs iMolvttjcj. shall direct the accounts to be produced^
and tlie proceedings of the Imstces to be
laid before the Court. . ,
Grar'am Littlb
It) tHe matter of
ywember 14th. ^k
A writ of Baheat
Corjma to remove
the body of Pat,
Kent from the
gaol at Ferryland,
and a writ of Cer^
iiorari to remove
certain proceed^
ings in the Court
of t^ess'ons, at
Ferryland, into the
Supreme Court,
issued hy the Chief
N this (lay, Dawe (upon tfie affidavit of
Patrick Crane) moved the Court to issue a
"Wffit of habeas corpus, to bring up the body
at Patrick Kent, whom he stated to be in
confinement in the gaol at Ferryland, under
a_sentence passed on him by John Baldwin,
Robert Carter, and Andrew Morrison, Esqs.
justiqts of the peace for ihe district of Fer-
ryland. He also moved the Court for «
writ of Certiorari, to remove the pcoceedings
held in the said Court of Sessions in the
cause entitled the Kin^r v. Patrick Kent.
The Court granted both his applications,
andi the several writs Were issued accord-
November XAth. Tn the matter of J. Ex5D£rcott*s Intestacyi
JIT having been stated to the CoUrt, that
JohnMndercoU, of the parish and coUhtV of
l>eyon, England, htely*died*irite^t;ife, Ifea-
vm'g certain property and eft'ecfi in tfiM
iJilai^'t?, part of which i^ stilted to Wittth^
pp8s^s;sioii of Mr, WimdmBut(,of^jeMtti
B^y; pT^nt^r, his late master V it fs/ ifei
%^''9'^%d b^ the Court, tbathc, the'isaiii
irtj^iatn BmM forthwW Mk^ out'hi^
iiG^dunt . Baldwin,
sottf Ksqs*
t of Fer-
Hirt for a
9ns in the
'ck Kent*
1 accord-
' ■■ .' ) ■■
tirt, that
^onhty of
tc^te, Ifea-
I [ft tfif^
3, thier^.:
the said
tlie said
*k'* >«j"";ther ordered by theCoort, that he
eSoS'/r' '^' ^"""ediately pn tbe
rnnT? u""^"^^^* *'*^"«'"'t the said ac
count, together with such balance ^9 r^^
"he sL 1^""^^ ^"*^"^'»= '« ^''^^ «ta?e
Court .«t*r''^^''''.' *^ *'»« ^'^'•k of this
rn„„! ' r *t^ '^'"^ *"°^' transmitting an ac-
count of such goods, chatties, and efflcts as
may remain i„ his hands, or in the hands' of
Bav Ihl P^'"'''" '^'^^"^ ^« Conception
iJay. so far as comes within the knowlcdc©
Qftam, the said rTiYZ/am Bnlt ""^""^^^^^
In the in»M«r of
;l (,('
(* t f I '.I '
..'lui vuij 1 »;
7 V -— — r- ^ ■;
A. HIS action bronaht l>r «»,i.i*i.
g;^«/"-, »s the .ttomey of hi ft fer3
'F'nter, to recover the sam of Am i^
°"7«"» aflnaity due br^r ^Tir^^^
wS"d ly ''boml eS:S'bv « "'"'^^
sent defendants, «*««»t«*hange, the
! bills being
ming insol-"
and not en-
en t for wa-
ges are the
?ficially in-
ned to the
hicb is ge-
f payment
e planter's
Olds, that
or the wa-
ling such
at the bill
nfic claim
e entitled
! event of
iflg insol-
3rience in
me, that, as the solvency of the planter de- 1817
pends upon the solvency of his merchant, if ^ — , A_ ^
this preference of payment were lost to the MEANve Pynn-
servant, he would, most commonly, lose bis '"^*'"'*- *^*''*'
wages along with it. And the uniformity
ot justice requires that the same rule of con-
struction should always be applied to similar
cases ; and that a bill of exchange should lOt
he considered as good for wages, if the mer-
chant's effects will pay it; and no bill at all.
It the planter be the better paymaster of the
iwo. Circumstancep, however, may vary the
rdation of the parties to a transac ouin
other respects like the present. For exam-
ple, an express agreement, or an understand-
ing amounting to an agreement, would do *
»oj but, in the absence of all agreement
whatever, I must decide upon popular prin-
ciples ; and it affords me a consolation to
think, that the decision I am about, to
pronounce in this case is consonant to the
rulei of determination in England.r^lshall»
therefore, hold, that the servant, in taking
the merchant's bill in payment of an order
drawn by his employer, thereby discbarges
the planter, anless a contrary intention of
parties be shown.
In deciding in this way, however, I am
^"'aro that my limited acquaintance with
the business of this country leaves me very
open to.error in forming my judgment; and
1 shall, therefore, be always ready to listen
to any new arguments which may be made
upon the subject.
•Oeccmber &th.
Patrick Keep against Trustees of
Servants in tLo
fishery who have
taken, at the dose
of the season, bills
from the supplying
merchant in pay-
ment of iheir wa-
ges, are entitled,
upon the return of
those bills under
protest, and the
insolvency of the
drawer, lo claim
upon his estate as
for wages.
^f timfof X^'T^o"' *^^«^ ^« *'^« ^««ver8e
wS?h illustration of the reasoning upon
wa shL>n^^ TheplS
iHe year 1815; and at the close of th** spa
*te"l. ^'^ '"''\""« *« receivereof bis
of ift?« ,k I,. ''* '""sefailed in the sprine
to S?*.""" '''i' r^'-'ned under protest
irtheSfo J jr^^? '" P«y 'he servants.
plaktlF^^;.i 5 K " of "Change which the
a Meff^M l***^ ■"" "ailable to him as
That a hill f^ ^" ''"Ses altc-ether.-l
clafm l,»i h °' "^^s /an^es a preferable
onTyreml^T •'^''*?'^5L ^^'^^^ ' "^ it
Wstinn K^ *» "qu'rehow far the bill in
qnestion bemg drawn in the fall of the year
rf another year, will affect this partiSul^
^ The act of the 49tb of the King, «!«, a
&nv ™r"'r'"^^'"»°! '^hich, taken
s^onV nV .i:- ? S'""S effect to the provi-
sions of this act, we must remember tLt it
se=«i„ f ^* '"'"'"encies during the fishing
season, for reasons of evident policy that
Sf if'theTj"^' ""' r'j>-y-^«^»the
IZ ^„ „ ^°"' *"'' 'hat when they are
& /• P"'''"'ance of the statute, it is in
*>«. of exchange, the goodness or badness of
stees of
he converse
furnishes a
oning upon
'he plaintiff
planter, in
of the sea-
, drawn by;
;ivers of bis
same bouse
1 the spring
tier protest
has not a
! servants^
which the
i to bim as
n's estate,
d ,* and it
the bill in
f the year,
the spring
, girea a
s become
ch, taken
n of the
lie provi-
er that it
is island
e fishing
cy; that
mtil the
they are
it is in
[Iness of
which cannot be ascertained until they are
sent home and presented for payment-
which must occasion a delay of some months,'
ami without any imputation of /«c//^, on the
part of the servant, may throw him entirely
out of the protection of the act, if the word
current be confined to the exact limit of the
season. To the law any operation at
all. It niust be construed to include all the
interval between the close of one season and
the commencement of another (while the
proceeds of the voyage may be supposed to
be not entirely appropriated, and new rela-
tions growing out of the approaching season
?easo^n1fth"'[f-''^^' during this tfme. the
leason of the thmg requires, that if a bill for
wages be dishonoured, the demand for which
It was given should still subsist in the full
Wreffects'' ^"'"' ''''''"' ""^^^^^ ^^"^ ^'^'^^' «f
«,7?/'r l^^ '^^ ^ contrary interpretation,
would be to make it a dead letter. It?s
rather to be lamented that its provisions
had not gone further, nnd given th!^ crS
^IZ^^^uit^^ preceding .eason an equa
lor the fisherman is clearly the first obiprJ
of thecare of the legislature. But neeS
preference IS confined to the current seLr
that liberal interpretation to the Act vyhici!
may secure to the fisherman the benefi
which was mtended to be conferred „>on
As, therefore, the merchant who mav
have furnished supplies for the season Is
considered a current supplier within ile
equity of the statute ; so the servan who
may ha^^e received a bill for entitled
T.Vtl''}'^ t'-^'^ bill, to Lvf a pS
•-^v ^^ami lor his wages, although the sea-
Shannan Si Co.
I *
SU Attn AH & Co.
new season "'^ commencemeirt of a
lence to propriety m language. " ^ ""'
ihe principle of the case being disnosed
Sribi Jd in IT*"!' b^ been affeady*
earned, pro-
cement of a
' ^ay, J am
d theinten-
t deviating
ng any vio-
ig disposed
iered is its
inan ^ Co.,
en already
the rule of
sdits what-
\ieafor the
is difficult
It the loss
are inte-
• There-
upon bills
'uch ratio
IS the full
whole es-
fficient to
James Shaw against Peter Le
Fpp December 9.
v« .u ^""'^M- This is an action to reco- '»^l'c owner ami
ver the amount of freight claimed for the "'"***''' °^ * '<■«««•
carnage of a cargo of potatoes, turnips and "'^y^««^«»«'/'«iK««t
Se a- P? • ^ "^''^ ^^^ »0 written contract been destroyed in
ot aftreightment ; Init the bill of ladin«- ex- consequence of ha-
pressed the quantity of goods receive^! on j!Z^''" «^*l"'**^
«pon their- delivery at St. John's. Q„a^re, if fre bIu
ine vessel sailed about the beginning of *^'*" ^^ recov.-rt.d
iNoyember, and had favourable weather, and '**^ "*;«'-« ^^ich
a short passage of five days; but upon her K Xr^r
arrival here, a f^re^dejicienc^ has been found c^.^:;! '^AZ'lfe
in ine potatoes and turnips, on delivery, '"^"'t '« '•« *«/»rc/<,
lliis dehciency constitutes tlie ground of t*'''^'^'' throuuu
resistance to the payment of frei"-ht Th^ " "^"' ^^ *'•«
defendant contend^ tha"t he iT'^ot lia^S: K^^r Te^t
101 freight, until all the goods which were t^*'. »M,t the
snipped are delivered ; and the plaintiff '**'"^ '" ^'"*=f' '<
tttatntaininfr iltnt- ..ii ii. . _ _ i ■ '~^. «as inclosed are
can freiulit be d^-
niaiidcd for ihrni?
It IS ipmarkablu
tliat this case
septus not to have
maintaining that all the goods have in rea- i i i
lf;or f r"'^ l-tUiatinclT^quence IjltlTa'.^t
ot some of the potatoes being in ajrosfed ''^e q,.es io„ ,»,
condition when they were shipped on board. """
there has been a great destruction among
tliem, as well as a diminution in bulk.
^several witnesses have been examined on —
the ipart of the plaintiff; and from the whole •"'"'e'v"' '"y dt'^ct
of their testimony, it appears that part of the r-'".'-'?"*;?" '" **"
ZT a"„d .r'"'"^ p"?" '•™"' '" » f™^''^ tti'rw:
state, and the greatest loss among the pofa- India trade the
loes was in the situation on board the vt ^^ '""'»'''* •» payable
sel where these frosted potatoes were so put "r" ^''^ n«ant''.r
onboard. It is proved that when they to^ok ItcT istri:;":
/ar Zl wjl\L,v ''''«« P"»''yFOthet,cany. B„t the usage of a particu.
it, caJnol dltcrlr ^ P°'"'' ^ '^.^ ?''?""'**^ **» circumstances pcAliar to
reJi^TTJnThJhV ^"""'■' ^''''^P^' ^'"'""* «'°«« investigation of the
'fil7. heat from the hold of the vmsd
nvas converted into wet, n-id ...........
V, ith the rest, so as to lea- en ihe wbol
.e co.u-
tiguoas moss with corrupt ior.
It has been attt^npted to show that tKe
dtck of the vessel wa^ insecure; that there
was no lining round the main-mast, below
whicli the gr Hk'St loss happened. But this
IB successfully refused I r the testiiaonv of
the mat \ who iwears ihere were wened by the
►taloes were
all we ac-
', which ge-
this fact by
it that there
fthe cargo,
be partly
nstances ia
( to relieve
elivered in
were in the
the vessel,
bound for
t the pota-
lat a clerk
•ard to sell
' and mate
the money
is not part
sel should
be use .,,.
Arthur Neil, J VVitnesses.
Let the insolvency be superseded.
F. Forbes, C. J.
Lank's InsoIrtDcy
Winter against Winter and Others,
Af^^a W"" ^''^'^'' *^ '•^^®^®»" *^e snm of
/«/ * ?i^- ^^^°^ °°® y^^*''s annuity due by
John Winter to his father, James Winter
on the 20th day of November lasf; and t;
the reguar payment of which, Mr Nicholas
Gill and the late Stephen Knight iZZ
jITJ^T^ ?T^'' ^y a bond, dated St.
John s, 2d October, 1806.
wLT^^^T^ ?^*^^ insolvency oUohn
frtnter, the Cowr* directed the judgment
given against the same parties, on th? 2o3i
November last, to be amended, and to be
entered up against these defendants gene!
Ifeemler tlth.
The judgment
which was gir'Tj
in Ibis aoiioo jj>
Ihe 20»h ult. (sea
ante p. 65) amend-
ed, in consequence
©f Ihe principal
obligor in the bond
bavin;; been de«
dared insolvent.
J)ecenibvi 'iOth,
The offifls of
Marshal of the
Vice Admiralty if
not in the grant of
the Crown in its
regnl Gbsracler ;
nad cannot, tbere'«
tore, be in the ap-
I'oiatment of the
Governor, unless
he holds • civil
commission as
Vice Admiral. —
Nor can (he title of
an individual ap<
pointed to this of'
hce by the Go-
vernor, merely in
virtue of hin poorer
as the King's rr*
presentative, de-
rive any support
from the recogni-
tion of him in that
capacity by the
Lords of Appeal
& the High C( i
of Delegates, v ,
the other band, a
person appointed
to this of ce b»'
an admiralty pa.
tent is to be con.
sidered as holding
that office, not
from the period of
his assuming the
duties of it, bui
from the time of
its enrolment in
the Registrar's
Office in Loudon.
JAMES Stewart, Esq. against George
J HE defendant had acted for a lonjj se-
ries of yeir " rshal of the Vice Admi-
ralty Coarcin this island, under a commis-
sion from the CJovernor ; but the plaintift'
had been appointed to the same office by
an admiralty patent, dated so far back as the
9th August, 1808, and now sought, by the
present action, to recover the amount of the
fees and emoluments received by the de-
fendant, during the time in which the plain-
tiff contends that the office vested in him by
the patent. The particular facts of the case,
as establish icd by the evidence, and the rules
■of law applicable to the several |>oints grow-
ing out of those facts, are clearly and dis-
tinctly stated in the following luminoi s ind
instructive charge to the jury : —
The Chief Justice. The present is an
action for money had and received, being
the amount of certain fees and emoluments
received by the defendant, as Marshal of the
Vice Adm ilty of this Island, during the
time, as the plaintiff contends, whei. the
office was vested in him.
The case ^ a mixed one of law and fact,
and resolves itself into two s^enerr.l ht ids of
inquiry :— FirFt fromii^Aa^ time ia th< plain-
tiff legally eii.itled to receive hn fees? And,
second wl t proportion is he equuably
entitled n aive?— The lirst is a qntstion
of law *or the consideration of the Court;
and the second is a question of fact for the
Jury. Upon the first point: it appears that
m 1796, a commission was given by the then
Governor to defendant, as Marshal of the
Vice Admiralty; in virtue of which he en-
tered upon his office, and continued in it
I George
a long se-
ice Atlmi-
a commis-
le plaintifi'
le office by
back as the
ht, by the
ount of the
by the de-
i the plain-
I in him by
)f the case,
id the rules
>ints grow-
and dis-
oinoiu and
sent is an
ved, being
•shal of the
luring the
whet, the
and fact,
I ht ids of
th* plain-
3es? And,
a qutstion
he Court ;
act for the
pears that
y the then
hal of the
:h he en-
nued in it
iiiitil 1813 during^yhich period, and after the
date of the plaintiff's patent, the defendant
I rcceiv'cd monitions from the lords of appeal
»l and the delegates, addressing him by ,ame'
as the Marshal of the Vice Admiralty o
Newfoundland; and the validity of his an.
pomtrnont was never doubted by himself, or
disputed by others, until he was unexpected-
ly superseded by the Lords of the Admi-
f hp^if T ^jsappointr. at from the Governor,
the defendant has rested much of his case
and the Governor, as the King's representa-
tive IS undoubtedly invested with many
great prerogatives of the crown, amongst
^Z}. \t' i^'' of filling up sichvaca^n
offices within his government as may lie in
the grant of the Crown. But it is to^be ol "
served that this particular appointment is
incidental to the office of the Lord High
Admiral, which has been so severed from
th Crown, by the grant of that great
01 e, that nothing (a), it has been said? but
the authority of Parliament, can re-unile
IJT* v"^"' therefore, the office of Maishul
of the Vice Admiralty is not regularly in the
grant of the crown, in its re,;nl character, so
rnent of the Crown's representative as such •
and no civil commission appears to havC
been granted to the Governor here, as Vice
Admiral. Still less can any title be derived
from the recognition of the Lords of Appeal,
or the High Court of Delegates; for as the
office was not within their dir, a appoint-
ment, so It could not derive any force from
any indirect ackno^^ ledgment by ihem In
point of strict /. -«^ title, the defendant ap-
pears never to have been duly appointed to
(a) 6 Hub. A. It. yya
i! I
the office of Maisliat He was, however,
an officer, de facto, created by the Governor,
under the necessity of the case ; and, until
he was removed by a competent power, his
acts, as to all others, were lawful, and he
was entitled to his fees.
The patent of the plaintiff, appointing him
to the office in question, bears date as far
back as the year 1808; but from some un-
explained circumstances of delay, it is
stated that he did not receive it until
the year 1815. In the mean time, how-
ever, having seen his name affixed to the
office in the Court Calendar for 1812, he
applied to the Judge of the Vice Admiralty
to be admitted to his office, but was refused,
as he had no commission to show. On the
21st May, 1813, he received an official ex-
emplification of his patent; and on the 3d
June following, took the usual oaths, and
entered upon his office.
In this stage of the transaction, a circum-
stance took place which, for the purpose of
clearing the case, it may be necessary to ex-
plain. It was the application of the plaintiff
to be allowed the sum of for the fees
received^uponthe custody of some American
prizes, after the arrival of his commission,
and the decision of the Judge of the Vice
Amiralty thereupon ; which was followed
by an appeal, and, subsequently, an appli-
cation to the Lords of the Admiralty for
redress. Upon looking into the statement
of what took place in the Vice Admiralty,,
it appears to me to be rather expressive of
the opinion of tan Judge, upon a point of
convenience, in preserving entire the custody
of certain vessels then under adjudication,
than decretal upon t^ subject-matter in dis-
pute. The Jud^e must have been aware
that the case, being one of disputed right
nd, until
3wer, his
and he
iting him
e as far
some un-
y, it is
it until
le, how-
d to the
1812, he
On the
icial ex-
i the 3d
ths, and
rpose of
py to ex-
the fees
he Vice
n appli-
alty for
ssive of
point of
r in dis-
i right
between ttro subjects, was not within hii
jurisdiction, and therefore refused to disturb
he possession ofthe thing in dispute. Bv
the laws of England, an office is a freehobb
governed by the law of the and ; an the
mere circumstance of its functions being per!
formed in the Vice Admiralty, conveys no
more authority to that {h) Court to deter^
inme the right to the officVor its fees, mn
U can have to decide upon the title or ro"
nts of an estate. *
,-oTV5^-"*'' *'' the plaintiflTs title: his patent
18 dated in 1808, but he did not claim his
until the following year. Admitting him to
Jeged. that he was not apprized of his ap-
pomtment before, 1 proceed in the chain Sf
inquiry to ascertain from what time his an-
pomtment legally commenced, so as to eL
books 'th /'ffi •' ^'^' ^'^' ^'^' «^'d in the
books, that officers m a Court who have no
other creation but by admission, are not ot
ficers until they are admitted ind sworn •
but that an officer by grant ofthe King is
w^^^T™*''^'^'''>^' '''^'^«"t being admit!
ted and (r/) sworn. In a case in some re*
epects like the present, it .s saidTy tlfe
highest authority, that investiture does not
make an officer when he is created by pa-
tent, but he is an officer presently before he
casToT;! '\^ '^''' '^^^^^"^» ^«« used in te
case of the !:»ergeant-ut-arms of the House
ot Commons, a great executive officer, re-
?oSf" V^^'^^'^'-'^ty of appointment and
nnilTi ^ of mvestiiure which may be sup.
posed essential to the appointment of Ma?-
S T "^^ ». 1^ V- ^ <^- 3, cap. 27, aoc. U,
id) craigh v, Norfolk, 1 Mod. 123.
l f *i nj m i w
;l, i
shal of the Vice Admiralty. There is, how-<
ever, a point of difl'erence between the cases
referred to and the present ; and it is this, —
that in those cases it is to be presumed that
the patentees were in possession of their
title-deeds of office, which was not the case
in this ; but the patent in question had been
enrolled at the Admiralty, the proper office
for that purpose, and received the only de-
livery which the situation of the plaintiif
Mould allow — a delivery to the hands of his
attorney. The failure in its transmission
was a circumstance which could not affect
the legality of the title; it waa 2i defect of
proof of title, not a defect of title itself; the
enrolment in the registrar's office, in Lon-
don, forms the true epocha of the plaintiff's
legal right to his office. It is true that the
Judge of the Admiralty here, refused to
confide the process of his Court to a person
who was not prepared to show the authority
nnder which he claimed it; and it is clear,
1 think, that the Judge was justifiable in
using his discretion in the case. But that
circumstance would not disturb the right of
the plaintiff, although it subjected him to
the loss of such a portion of the profits of
his office as the person performing its du-
ties would be entitled to ; beyond this, it
could convey no right to the defendant.
Jf he chose to continue in the office after he
was apprized that the title was in another,
he continued nnder a liability of accounting-
even for the profits of it to the proprietor. — ■
Assuming, therefore, as we are bound in le-
gal strictness to hold, that the plaintiff was,
dejure, the Marshal of the Vice Admiralty
from the delivery of his appointment in 1 800,
we arrive at the gist of the action,-— ;/ro»t
what time is he entitled to an accof'^i of his
fees. By analogy to the claim in equity for
•e is, how-*
I the cases
: is this, — •
[imed that
1 of their
t the case
had been
>per office
only de-
e plaintiif
lids of his
not affect
a defect of
itself; the
, in Lon-
! that the
efused to
:> a person
I authority
t is clear,
;ti liable in
But that
e right of
ed him to
profits of
ig its du-
el this, it
:e after he
\ another,
und in le-
intiff was,
it in 1 SCO,
an,-— from
v"^ioJ his
equity for
the meme profits {e) of an estate, the plaintiff
IfnH? k"*"^"* /"li ^"/ P^''*'^'^ °f the profits
until he affected the defendant with the
knowledge of his appointment. No direct
proof has been brought as to the time; but
It 18 probable that it must have been kAown
t"*^ J^fu^"!?'?^ ''^^"^ ^^^ time that the
Judge of the Admiralty laid the case before
the Governor, and was desired to continue
the defendant m office.-.[See Exhibits, 3,
4, O, O.J
The second point in the case depends
!J?*? IS H^V\ "^^^^ ^""^ ^^« customaAf fees
of the Marshal ? and ^^\i2.t proportion of them
should be allowed to the defendant for the
trouble, the expenses, and the responsibilitv
/le incurred ? *^ '
.J^^c^u""^^^^ ^^^ charged upon the cus.=
tody of the droit ships, at the rate of seven
shillings and sixpence per day ; and that
charge was allowed by the Court. : -
.cannot, as has been contended; be
regarded as a gratuity, flowing from the
bounty of the admiral and th^ captors, m
The custody of all prizes by the practice of
the colonies, is in the Court; an(i the Court
exercises its authority by the hanr^sofits
omcer. ihe circumstance of capture before
declaration of war against a new enemy,
makes no difference. Until war is declared
the court is the guardian of neutrality, and
has the right, as well as it is bound by diitv
to see that the rights of nations are not inl
•vaded. It has been decided at Halifax, by
an emment Judge of the Admiralty, upon
the authority of a case which had gone befbre
the Lords of Appeal, (§•) that the Marshal is
entitled to seven shilli ^s and sixpence, cu&-
Court, with leave to bring a new action, as
the party may be advised.
In the case before me I can discover no-
thmg upon which to interpose. The appel-
lant was sent by his Excellencv the Go-
vernor to execute a particular order; and
If he had confined himself to the execution
of the Governor's commands by abating the
nuisance complained of, or ordering others
to abate it ; and if, while in the execution
of his duty he had been forcibly interrupted,
and had resisted such interruption by oppo-
smg force to force, the act for which he has
been sued might have been justified. But,
unfortunately, the appellant mixed himself in
a personal quarrel, first by words, and after-
wards by force, with the respondent, accom-
panied by what the law terms false impri-
sonment. ^
'^hese facts are not denied ; but it is con-
tended that the damages were dispropor-
tionate to the injury ;— perhaps tiiey were.
iBut has this court a constitutional right to
disturb the verdict of a jury, upon a matter
exclusively within their province to determine '*
The 491h of the King gives this Court a
summary jurisdiction in civil causes, which
are, however, to be tried, as nearly as may
be, according to the practice pursued at
home. It gives the right of trial by jury to
the suitor, without limitation or control. 1
hold It as clear that, in the declaration of this
constitution'^^ rx^^ht of trial, the suitor in this
Court IS r.v6iUrii to the benefit of a ver-
dict, m as h\h, free, and ample a manner
M he wou,.. I.e in any Court in England.
i>ow what have Courts in England held
upon verdicts in cases of personal injury^—
that they are purely for the consideration of
the jury; as fellow-raen, having common
leelmgs, but, at the same time, common in-
terests with the parties to the cause, they
are sure, on the one hand, not to compromise
an injury ; and, on the other, not to oppress
hf their verdict. This verdict has given
high damages ; but 1 carinot, by comparing
this with cases where new trials have been
refused at home, call them "excessive and
outrageous," so as to warrant a new trial.
The legal remedy for the appellant would
have been to have applied to the Surrogate
for a new trial, upon the ground of excessive
damages. Looking at the case and the law
under which 1 sit, 1 do not think that I can
constitutionally reverse a judgment which
is not erroneous in law, and merely because
the damages are higher than I should have
been disposed to allow had 1 been on the
Judgment affirmed.
-> «i
In the matter of Robertson & Mortimer's
. Insolvency.
December 2ith. By the Chief Justice ;—
Decision of the
Chief Justice on a
qupstioQ voluntari-
ly siihmi tied to him
by the parties in-
terested on a point
connected with a
claim upon an in-
8olvi3ut estate.
Question has been voluntarily referred
to the decision of the Court, by the trustees
and creditors of this estate, as to the right of
William, M
liver into Court an
account of (heir
Applioation from
the morlgtgees of
premises, pledged
lo tbem by a party
vbohftd since been
declared insolrcnt,
to hare (hem sold
in satisfaclioii of
the balaoce of the
debts still due to the
mortgagees by the
the Chief Justice's
order thereon.
In the matter of John Winter's insolvency.
\fN this day, Messrs. Atiwood ^ Haynes
presented a memorial to the Court, of which
the following is a copy ,*—
To the Hon. Francis Forbes, Esq.f
Chief Justice.
The Memorial of Henry Simms, on behalf
of AttwoodSc Haynes,
Humbly Showeth :—
That Mr. John Winter, of St, John's, on
the 4th January, 1815, executed to the said
Attwood 6f Haynes the mortgage, herewith
laid before your Honour, of premises situated
near the Ordnance Yard, as security for the
sum of £784 0*. Qd. then due from hira, pay-
able with interest on the 20th of November
That there is still due to the said Attwood
Sf Haynes^ on the said mortgage, the sum of
£133 18*. 5rf., with interest thereon from
the 14th of January last, agreeably with
Mr. Winter's note of hand of that date.
That the said mortgagor having been
lately declared insolvent in your honourable
Court, your memorialist respectfully solicits
the authority of your Honour to sell, by pub-
lic auction, the interest of the said «/oA»
Winter in the premises on which the said
mortgage has been given, or a sufficient part
thereof, to satisfy the claim of the said
mortgagees on the same.— Your memorial-
ist, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. kc^
Henry Simms.
St. John's. 2d Janiiarv. 1AIA.
r Haynea
of vrhich
m behalf
)hn's, on
the said
Y for the
ici, pay-
e sum of
on from
)Iy with
»g been
by pub-
did John
the safii
ent part
be said
8cc. &c*
Upon which memorial his Honour the
Chief Justice made the following order:—
Jf the fact of the amount of balance claim-
ed be not disputed, the trustees may go on
to sell the insolvent's interest in the lease,
and out of the proceeds must first pay the
amount of principal and interest to the
mortgagees ; and if there he a surplus, apply
it as part of the general fund; or, if there be
a deficiency, to the credit qf the mortgagees,
against the general fund as a general credits
(Signed) F. Forbes, C. J.
Ja the matter of
John Winter's
Trustees of Dalton & Ryan against * ' .
Attwood & Haynes. '^"""^''^ "**
This case embraces several interesting a cS^'^h?*
points, all of which are distinctly stated and proves his debt ge-
examined in the following decree upon it. nerally against an
Per Curiam. The primary objection made '"?^'^*"* «sta*8'
by the pjaintiffs- agent, namely, that Messrs. SM ^S".;
attwood dr Haynes, in proving their balance securities in his \
upon oath against the estate of the insol- possession for the
vents, without mentioning the securities satisfaction of it,
they held, amounted to a waver of such se- t'ssa^Vt^fe^
curities, cannot be sustamed. It is the his right tb the be-
practice in England, when a creditor appears "efi* «' such secu^
to prove his debts, to require him to give ud 'L*'^^l ^^' *•*«*
his securities to the assignees ; but iS doing ZdlJa^f^J^l
so he does not wave his priority of claim tTs^iven" inTo":
whicu he has upon such securities to the temptation of in-
extentof his demand; but they are delivered ^°^^^^^y* with a
up to the assignees, who are fo dispose of p Jerlnoe" are*''
f , vou/,yettbatapre«
lerence given even on the very verge of insolvency, in virtue of a previoug
d5fre««e«« is not so; 3d, that a party who advances money to another,
through the medium of an agent no! uwi ally employe* for such purposes by
the supposed borrower, does it at ijs own risk and peril; 4lh, that the pri-
▼atetransaations between the individ »? partners of two firms, cannot be
"" "■' V. |n«'».'PO':a»«d with the por*".mAip accounts batwetn those firms, io
nt m iiis iuSwiVcMwy of eilber oi them.
Trustees of
Attwood &
InZ'fli ""^,^1' i^'^ P'-^^eeds, f^Tst, in pay-
men of the debt for which they were pledg.
h L /^ f"''' "'• '^ l''*^»'e »>e any, to the
s^ch"^!''-^""'^- Jf there is a defidency,
such deficiency is ranked as a general cre-
d against the estate. Here wc have no
Tn f ■? T^ "^'^^^^'^ *^ the same effect,
and it may be expedient to make one : but
m the mean time, if a creditor have a secu-
nty, he must account for it before he will be
admitted to Gom<2 in as a general eredkor.—
nn 1 nff^? ?"*' ^'^^^""^ ^^^« delivered in
;i?« . r^r ""'] ^^'^ '2th of December, and
the credit for the order on Marten does not
appear to have been entered until the follow-
fS month, when the principal part was re-
covered ; and the credit for the cutter Ac-
iives fish 18^ not given until several month.f
TJ\: ?° ."'^^ ^' ^''^ ^''"^ the account was
h!1 ?:. 'f '''^^ ."°' ^"^^»^ whether the or-
ILn A ^u P^'^^"*" *''^ *'^«'* ^'•"ve safe;
^hen and where only they could be consi-
«at.^llf' payments. These circumstances
tinl In ^''T"?^ ^Z^^'^ defendants' omit-
of wl ?i v^K^ ^"""^^^ ^^ ^'^«^« securities,
ot which, if they were otherwise legally en-
prive them^""' s"ch omission would not de-
But it is contended, they were given witli
a view to a preference, and therefore void
1 certainly do admit that, although the
iaws, yet that the principle of equal justice
growing out of them, as interpreted by the
Courts at home furnish us with thiiest
2Z 5^, ^^«*'«*^f decision; and amongst
m w % ?? "'' *^«»^tation in saying, that a
nianifest mtention to prefer one creditor to
T^:^A\ ^^ *he contemplation of insolvency,
would be considered avoiding any payment
made under such circumstances. For such
it, ill pay-'
ire pledgM
ny, to the
neral cre-
have no
lie effect,
one ; but
e a secii"
le will be
editor. —
I'ered in
iber, and
does not
e folio w-
t was re-
nter Ac-
? mont/i.f
•unt was
r the or-
i^e safe;
5 consi-
s' omit-
ally en-
not de-
en with
3 void.
?h the
by the
ie besi
that a
itor to
* such
an u in England, although not an act of
bankniptcy, is regard .d as contrary to the
equity of the statutes, and void.
Jnthe two payments in this case, one was
an assignment of part of a cargo ot tish the
evening on which the attachment whicii led
to the insolvency was served d there
was an order given to the defer s to re-
vive money due to the firm o Dalton &
Myan a few days after the writ, and only
^e day before the insolvency was declared
J his was certainly pressing very close ; and
It sucli a case were now to occur, I should
Ijave no difficulty iu setting it aside. But 1
must remember that these things were done
when It was supposed they might be lawful-
Jy done, under the misconstruction which
the Courts gave to the 49th Geo. 3d, cap. 271
indeed the agent himself admits that he
gave the order, supposing the defendants had
a preferable claim as current creditors, and
that It could make no difference. The or-
der having been given to the defendants to
receive money, without any express direc-
tion as to the appropriation of it, and the
makers being at the time indebted to the
defendants, I do not see how 1 can consider
Sjnerwise than as a payment to them.
VVith respect to the assignment of the Ac^
lives cargo, it appears to have been con-
ducted m a very obscure and ambiguous
way; but it is proved that at the time of the
assignment, a certain quantity of fish was
due from Daltoti ^ Ryan to replace other fish
which had been borrowed ; that it had been
JaithJuUy promised to be returned from the
cargo then expected on hodLvdihe Haddock s
and that it was this very vessels cargo, after-
wards partly laden on board the Active, which
was assigned in it would seem,
with ^previous promise, and certaialy a very
Trustee 8 of
125 i 1.4
jS 1653 East Main Street
.sss r^ Rodiester, NY 14609 USA
^j^B'A Phone: 716/482-0300
.^S-.SS Fax; 716/238-5989
e 1993, Apptiad Image, Inc , AH Right* R«Mtv*d
sonally, for the benefit of his son, and was
a gift from Baynes. As a matter of conve-
nience to partners, this mode of adjusting
their separate debts may be sanctioned
amongst tbv mselves, but it must be by som«
s the fact,
een, from
tt himielf
it in con-
!tddoek to
y refused
■his case
by Lord
nain ob«
the trus-
parts of
le plain-
liouid be
fering a
>f fact, it
oney to
» but aa
» vonld
lii but
t them-
io have
m, per-
ad was
agreement or admission of the other party, 181»
And it appears, that /i^«n, one of the part- ^ _j- ^ Ay_'
ners, expressly desired the entry in the day, Tru.ii«« of
back to be expunged, as soon as he saw it; Dauon* Ryah
and that it was not brought into joint ac- **
count, until newrjiveyeara after it occurred, VaTn?.*
I must, therefore, reject that item in the
defendant's acco^jint.
Hequla Generalis,
iTistbis day ordered, that whenever a
creditor of an insolvent estate shall appear
to prove his debt, he shall be required to
state the amount of any pledge or other se-
curity he may have in his possession, or
power, for sqch debt, and the circumstances
under which he holds the same ; in order
that the trustees may be enabled to see that
such pledge, or security, is disposed of to
the best advantage, and duly applied, in the
first instance, to the discharge of such debt ;
and if there be any surplus, that the same
be applied to the general fund of the insol-
vent estate ; or if there be a deficiency, that
such deficiency rank as a general credit
against the same estate,
(Signed) f. PoRpEs, C J,
Jtmuarjf 'Jth,
In the n^atter of Dalton & Rvan's
_ 'N this d^, Mr. John Ryan^ on the part
of Messrs. Timothy Ryan, Patrick Morris,
Thonuu Meagherjtm. and Jamts Mortimer.
trustees to the said estate, produced in
Court a stateinent of the claims against the
S amft- aa #hov onnAa.. K«> «k_ i 1.- .^^i. .
Januaiy 9lh,
A ratabb^^lg^
tribulioa among
«li III* eraditun,
without ihe letst
preference lo any
class of them, or-
dered by the Court,
in a case where ihe
insolvents were
proved Ic be genc'
rai thopkefper$t
In Iht mittar of
Dalton & U».
AN'8 InaolTcocv.
iniolvents ; and prayed mat the Court
would take the same into consideration, and
order the said trustees to make a distribu^
tion of the realised funds belonging to the
sold estate, to be made according to Jaw, to
the several claimants thereon, without delay,
agreeably to the said statement.
The Couri having taken the same into
consideration, and having ascertained that
JJalton if Mt^an were general shopkeepers^
without any immediate or particular con-
nection with the fishery, ordered, that the
trustees to the sa'd estate should nroceed
to make a dividend of the funds which have
been realised, ratably, amongst the creditors
of the said estate, in conformity with the
decision of the Court in the cases of Cm-
nmgham. Bell ^ Co, and Hunters & Co,
against the trustees of Crawford & Co,
Against which order, Mt. Robert Job, as
the attorney oi John & Robert Gladstone, of
l^iverpool, En-Jnnd, gave notice of an ap-
peal to Hh ajesty in council; on the
ground, thai n.-y considered their claim en-
titled to priority, as being a current 5ii«»/v,
m pursuance of the 49th of the King, c. 27.
Mxparte, Graham Little in the matter of
JtMmny i4#A. DooLiNG & Kelly's Insolvency.
J^tS^ 3??R CoBUM. This is .„ application i.>
to lb* provisions of *"® l^ourt, at the prayer of Graham Little.
•■ act of Parlit- f Order the distribution of the effects of the
meot, Is dio(«. insolvents, Dooling & Kelly, agreeably to
mefToid. lav. The Court has already decided that
the petitioner is a creditor of that estate,
and with a view of ascertaining the extent
of his claim, ordered the production of the
accounts of the estate, and the proceedings
be Court
ition, and
ing to the
iaw, to
»ut delay,
ame into
ined that
liar con-
that the
lich have
wilh the
IS of Cu"
s & Co,
1 & Co.
Jobf as
^stonCt of
an ap-
on the
, c. 27.
atter of
ition to
I of the
biy to
id that
of the
<>f the trustees in the business of distributin'*
it. "
It appears that, soon after the insolrencv,
a general meeting of the creditors was cal!-
ed, at which it was resolved, amongst otiier
thmgs, that the stock in trade of the insol-
vuits should be divided into lots of ten
pounds value, to be ascertained agreeably
to the cost of the articles, as stated in the
stock-book ot the insolvents, and distributed
amongst the creditors for the current year
of the msolvency by ballot, so as to make
a dividend, as nearly as might be, often
shillings m the pound. This extraordinary
dividend was accordingly made; and the
trustees, with a ^reat deal of diligence it
must be admitted, proceeded to realize the
remaining effects of DooHng & Kellu ; and
by the 1st January following were prepared
tor a final distribution. They accordin-lv
called a second meeting of the creditors.^at
which It was resolved, that as all the current
creoitors had not received at the rate of
ten shillings in the pound, such as had not
should receive a special dividend of five
shtlhngs tn money, which was deemed equal
to ten shillmgs mgoods, so as to place tliera
upon a par with their co-creditors for the
year 1815. And it was further resolved, that
the demand of the petitioner should rank as
a debt of 1814, but not as a current supplu or
preferable claim. The residue of the undis.
Jo oi^"^ ^^^""^^ ^^■^'^ «^'^*^ to amount to
A3,340, and it was agreed to submit the
proceedings of the meeting for the approba.
tion of the Surrogate,
In reviewing these proceedings, J cannot
refram from observing, that they exhibit so
extraordinary a departure, not only from
/aw, but also from antecedent practice is
»»!«»«> vacTO, luttt, « IS Qiffieuii to conceive
Graham Littli
in the ivaUpr of
Graham Littli
in III* caattsr oi
DooLiNo.^ Kbl-
Lt's Intulfency*
liow they could linve been fallen into ; and
certainly impossible for this Court to justify
When the tmstces of Doolinff ^ Kelltf
were appointed, they became ministerial offi^
cers of the Court. It was their duty to sell
the estate and distribute it according to law;
and if they felt any doubt, to have applied to
the Court for further directions* But, in-
stead of pursuing so plain a path of duty,
they convened a general meetmg of the cre-
ditors, and, under the sanction of a majority
of voices, dispensed with the provisions of
the law, and resolved away the rights of a
creditor, standing upon a claim which one
might have supposed peculiarly entitled to
consideration— a claim to participate in
those very goods which he had sold fo the
insolvents, and which were the subject of
his demand.
It is stated that, under the altered circum-
stances of the times, this mode of sale was
most beneficial to the creditors. Perhaps
it might have been ; but surely this was
not a sufficient reason to justify the breaking
through an act of Parliament.
It appears that the remaining eflfects have
been realized, and amount to the sum of
^3340. They are the effects of persons not
in any manner engaged in the fisheries, but
mere shopkeepers, and general retailers;
and, as such, 1 shall in conformity with the
late decision of the Court, direct the undis-
tributed effects to be divided equally
amongst all the creators, share and share
a/tA:e— crediting such as have received shares
in specie, with the amount of such shares,
agreeably to the rate at which they were
distributed by lot. I do not see how I can
determine otherwise ; for it may be impose
Bible, at this day. to ascertain the exact ya-
nto; and
to justify
if Kelhf
terial offi-'
ity to sell
gto law;
ipniied to
Bnt, m*
of duty,
f the cre-
f'isions of
i{^bta of a
'hich one
iititled to
ipate in
>ld lo the
abject of
I circnm-
sale was
this was
;ct8 have
! sum of
sons not
ries, but
retailers ;
with the
le undis-
nd share
id shares
ey were
»w I can
e impos*
XAQt va-
liie of these shares, at the time they were
In the matter of Dooling & Kellv's
'N this day, Simms, on the part of the
trustees to the estate of Dooling ^ Kelly,
gave notice of an appeal from the judgment
of the Court, respecting the distribution of
the remaining effects now in the hands of
the trustees.
Jn answer to which notice, Lilly, on the
part of the creditors generally, contended
that tlie trustees cannot prosecute, or enter,
any appeal against the wish of the general
The Chief Justice obBetved, that it seem-
ed to him that the trustees, as such, could
not, under these circumstances, appeal ; but
that any creditors who felt themselves ag-
grieved, or injured, by the decree, might db
so. As the case, however, was new, he
should give it further consideration ; and, in
the meanwhile, would direct a stay of pro-
ceedings, with an order that the time to be
allowed for giving security to prosecute the
appeal should be computed from the day on
which he should deliver his final decision up-
on this case,
January l&ih.
The right of tru(i<
teei to appeal ,cono
Irary lo ihe winh
of one claas of
creditors on an in<
solvent estate,
doubted by the
will rgnliaue"*!
ilittriflk«f lb* vea>
ilimg Am htttn
.•d«a«««r*|ali«Nr lo
the quantities of the casks.
.And he has. produced a certificate, stating
the f|uantitjeft as be received them, and ac-
condingio. which,: be must [be supposed to
have re-sold them to defendants. But this
argument is certainly not tenable. What-
ever the quantities might have been, as be-
tween the plaintiff and his vendor, they are
not necessarily alike as between the plaintiff'
and the defendants. It is impossible to
admit this as an argument ; and, besides,
the certificate produced merely shows the
gross quantity of nine casks, one of which
had been sold to another purchaser; and.
he sum of
e defence
ia the de-
le to the
oins that
only a
?ered to
short to
I casks.
» stating
and ac-
Dsed to
But this
, as be-
hey are
iible to
•ws the
' which
r; and»
» I I
/us uuu
mot been so gua«?ed, as to be exactly ascer-
tained. The plaintiH's own witness alHo
states that he was directed to guuge the
molasscH before he delivered it ; so that alt
had not been done^ on tlie part of the seller^
which ought to have been uone» and, there*
fore, 1 cannot distinguish this case from
those of Hanson t. Meyer ^ 6 £aAt» 0t4> and
Rugg V. MiMti, 11 £ast,2ia
The plaintiff; in order to have fixed the
liability of the defendants^ should bare
guaged the casks, and sent notice thervof to
the defendants, or sent a bill of parcels witb
the price, which, being all that remained for
him to do, would have relieted Mid from the
risk, and thrown it npon the defendants.
His allowing tlie motasses to remain in his
store, was an act of accommodation, not on-
usual in trade; but that cuxrumstance can-
not be considered as a delivery to the de-
fendants, in shorty the plauitiff had not
done all which, by the contract, it was ne-
cessary to do, and, therefore, ho cannol
recove«,>— Judgment for defenda ^«
John DAMBRtMi ogmnst John D^nscomb
& Co.
»Y this actioo, Ae plamtxfT sought to
charge the defendants witb a liability to pay
for the repaurs of certain premises of which
the defendants had been in possession as the
assignees of a lease, but had parted with that
possession some time before the action was
commenced against iuem.
Per Curtani.-— There is no point of law
clearer than that the assignee of a lease is
liable for the covenants contained in the
leas^ no ipoger ihaa he continues in the
Bao«N. Boiua
Jammnf 19th,
• leas* •!» ctnly
liabk »o loog as
th«y cotttiBOfr m
poue$$iom of the
demised prentispa,
by Iba lata Proftf
aditioa ef Black,
atooe'a ConuoeiiU
•ries, Tol.2. p.327,
upon tha qucitinA
railed in this caM.|
If' ':
possession of the lease. Mc is a constructivo
tenant of the landlord, by the fact of pos-
session ; and dnriii}? the continuance of that
DuNscoMB&Co. possession, he is liable for the rent, as well
as running covenants. But as he is only
liable for possession, so with possession he
loses his^liability.
The plaintiff's own witness has proved,
that a few months before the defendant as-
signed his interest, the house was in good
order. The presumption may be, that the
short interval of time, during which the
house remained unoccupied, would not al-
low of the great dilapidations which are
now said to exist.
Indeed, it has been said by the plaintiff's
wife, several times, in Court, that it was the
assignees of the defendant, who did the in-
junr. In point of fact, therefore, the plain-
tin has not been able to prove that there was
any breach of covenant during the period
the defendant held the premises ; and the
presumption is not strong enough— or rather
the fact that the assignees of the defendant
did the mischief, will not entitle the plaintiff
to a judgment.
There was a misapprehension of the law
by the plaintiff, who should have received
the keys when they were offered him. On
every ground, therefore, the defendant ia
entitled to a judgment in his favour.
t of po8-
Q of that
ssion he
idaiit a8>
in good
that the
lich the
I not al-
bich are
: was the
I the in-
le plain-
here was
9 period
ind the
or rather
the law
m. Oq
idant ia
James Murphy, appellant,
Samuel Kouom, respondent.
HIS was an appeal from a judgment
given in the Surrogate Court. The reHpond-
ent had instituted an action there u.i^Hlnst
the appellant, for uttering and circulatiog
certain false and scandalous words, tending
to injure the character of the respondent,
and had laid his damages at £2,000. The
case was submitted to a special jury, who
gave the plaintiff below a verdict for two
hundred pounds; and a judgment for that
sum was afterwards entered in his favour.
After hearing the parties at considerable
length, the Court reversed the judgment of
the Surrogate Court ; as it appeared that
the appellant had disclosed to the respond-
ent the names of the persons whom he had
heard utter the words spoken, previously to
the commencement of the action.*
* In the record of this case, the ground for reverting Uie
Judgmontof the Court beluw, is cert«inly slated, as in the
forego! ', ifort, to be, that ibe defepdanl beluw liad Uis«
closed :m name of the author of the slander lo the plain,
tiff before tkt aetiam tetu brought ; but 1 very much doubt
thia being a true statement oi the facts upo'n which Mr.
Forbea rested his decision ; as I apprehend that the plain-
tiff had a Bu£Boient cause of action, unless the defendant
named th« author of tha slander ot the very moment he re->
peated U, I am awart, indeed, that this point has never
received a dire^ adjmiKeatum in Westminster Hall, as it
has never been directly raised in any of the cases that hava
been argued there ; but in Lord Nwthampton'a case (12
Rep. 234) it is expressly said, that " if J. 8. publish tb^
" ho halh heard J. W. say that J. C. was a Ihief, apd the
truth be so, be may justify." And the reason assinned
is, that tha author named may be in such low estimation
that J. C. might have suffered no injury from his slander.
Now this reason clearly does not apply when the name of
the aolhor of the slander ie disclosed at a period $ubte-
quemt to the publieatum, but pnor fo the commencement
oj the action; because in that case ii has, (ota lime, been
The diflcloiura
of liiQ iiBiiie uf iho
rnginal nuiliur of n
MliiiKlrroiiH rc|iort
prfoiovniy to Iho
commcntrment uf
tlie acliiiu, held to
bu a bar lo tha
A principal rc«
■iding abroad l»
not litblo lo pay
for tb« board and
lodginf of bia
■leot in tbiscoun*
tr^, vnliis he pro.
luiatt or under*
Ukca to do sob
Jamei Smithfrs & Co. uirainst Thomas
Williams & Co.
HE only ouestion io issue bcttrccn tlio
parties was. whether llie plaintiffs were lia-
ble to pay lor the board and lodging of their
agent; the defendants having charged them
«*>r the same, and retained a large sfim of
naonev in their hands on that account. A
• jury found, specially. " that James ISmithers
jun, as agent to James iSmWters A- Co..]oascd
and boarded at the expense of Thcmas
W^i/Z/Oin* 4. Co., from the 19th Jan., 1813,
to the 26th July following ; and that thi
charge of four guineas per week for that
time was not an exorbitant charge ;'*. and
after having heard both parties upon
tbe effect of this verdict, each party con-
tending that the judgment ought to be in
their favour.
The Chief Justice said : The verdict ha-
ving been special, turned the case upon one
mam point, viz.. Is a principal, who sends
•irea1.t«d m tU credit of th, defends, ..d mw ibM
haTo produoad if iba disclosura bad b«ea made ai tb.
in«ly. .1 la«l by Scarhit, a^Juendo, i. W^kr,
EUmbmough^nA Mr. Jaetica JU Blaii, thai " m ofdaTlo
enable a defendaat to ju.iify elanderoa. word.. uLm
beerjay, be m«.t dl«,loM it the time o/SSL'X
i?i^ ••'• -me of , be pereo. from wbo^be CS it/'
It i».y be material lo add^, tbat ib^ •baefralioM aVa
confined 10 ore/ alaader; a.d Ibat il i« .Si .r«ZlI3
qa..tionwbelb.f a defendant caD. by ba»n. a^S II
original autbar at lb. lima of pTblicJioS? ju'e'tifJX pi^
(3 JSa«t, 420). They era evidenyv not acta ehud^
S« A!*'i ••""•'ir^'y. «>••« •taWi.bed in r4ar^ S
lerrj™. r'"^ ** 'I* ^•"'."" »' •°°'« ^niiaeSili^r
Ten the
I'ere lia-
of their
'U them
sum of
int. A
, 1813,
liat the
)r that
; "' anc|
y con-
9 be in
ict ha-
on one
my ibM
ould not
» a( tb«
*lMtk r.
order t»
!■• upo*
% ' 'n Wewfound^
T* J ''r"^ ''*"* ^^^"^ "«^'"'nf? '" the shape
of probf of any guarantee or express pro-
mise by the plaintiffs to pay the defendants
tiny private expenses which their agent
might incur. The case, then, is resolved hito
this simple question;— is a principal who
employs an agent abroad to transact his bu-
siness, generally, liable for the mere per*
sonal and private expenses of such apent
without any promise to iU person with
whom they were contracted to pay them' I
must own I never heard of such a principle
before. The law of England is the law of
Newfoundland ; and I cannot sanction such
a departure from it, in a country where so
much business is conducted by agents, I
shall, therefore, give the plaintiffs a judgment
for i^lll 12*., which is the sum charged by
defendants for the board and lodging of thfl
agent: •■"- * ' " -- - -
Smith IMA: Co.
Williams & Cot
special jury.
allow the costs of a
1018. Against which judgment, the defendant*
gave notice of an appeal to his Majesty in
January 23(/.
Thn Court will
not set aside a deed
made in conformity
with the interprela'
lion whieh ihn
Courts had given
ID an Act of Par*
iiament, allhongh
that construction
appears to ba er«
in the matter of trust of Godfrey's Estate.
^^FFER having heard ttie several parties,
viz., the trustees under the deed of trust, the
petitioners for the distribution under such
deed, and John Ryan on behalf of certain
English creditors (not parties to the deed).
The Chief Justice observed, that the deed
appeared to have been executed at a time
when all the parlies to it were supposed to
have preferable claims ; and that, therefore,
as the Court had refused to re -open accounts
settled, or payments made under such in-
terpretation of the law by the Courts, he
did not feel himself at liberty to set it aside.
It was a conveyance to trustees for the cur-
rent creditors; and the deed conveyed the
beneacial right to the properly assigned ni
as full a manner as it was then possible io
tlo. "the right was conveyed, although it
was to be enjoyed hereafter, and this case
is like one of an actual distribution, which
the Court has refused to disturb, until the
decision of the King in Council can be had.
Note.— In the above case the effects of Godfrey
were actually delivered over to the power aod disposal
of the trustees, and were oonaequently sold for the benefit
o( the trust.
Stuart & Rennie against David Walsh.
The circumstances attending this case,
counteracting the , ,j^^ jjp,«nrtant nnestions arislne OUt of
?6a'g.°o.3:o.!.;! ihe fiicts oFil. Vre'distiBctiy stated, and
A fishery may be
carried on upon
$har€s, without
counteracting Ibe
ajesty in
8 Estate.
.1 parties,
trust, the
der sucli
f certain
e deed),
the deed
at a time
3|)08ed to
. accounts
r such in-
ourts, he
t it aside.
r the cnr-
I'eyed the
signed in
ossible to
though it
this case
on, "which
, until the
n be had.
lod dispoial
»r the benefit
3 Walsh,
this case,
ine out of
;ated, and
carefully investigated, in the following judg-
ment:— '
Per Curiam. This is an action brought Stuarts dcRsir-
by the plaintifis, the suppliers of a voyage to
the Labrador, against the defendant, under
the following circumstances: — In the spring
of last year the defendant was out of em-
ployment, and two persons, named Merri'
gan and Jarvisi applied to the plaintiffs to
advance them supplies for an intended voy-
age to the Labrador, and were refused.-^
These men nplied to other persons for em-
ployment, o.d, beingrefused, again returned
to plaintiffs, who agreed to supply them, but
on one express condition— that they should
ship their servants upon shares, and not for
wages. This was agreed to; and the de-
fend ant was engaged by Merrigan ^ Jarvis,
and signed a shipping paper by which he
was to receive "the sum of twenty^one
"pounds, if the voyage would afford it;'*
but it was understood that the supplies taken
from Stuarts 4* Rennie, with freight, fcc;
were to be paid Jirst. The voyage was un-
productive, and fell short of the supplies
furnished in nearly the sum of one hundred
pounds. The first question which presents
Itself is—whether this agreement between
Merrigan^r Jarvis and the defendant be net
contrary to law ? and, consequently^ whether
the plaintiffs can recover in an action evi-
dently founded upon such an agreement ?
By the 15th of the King, every person who
employs any fisherman for the purposes of
the fishery in Newfoundland, must enter in-
to a written agreement with him, stating the
wages he is to receive and the term he is to
serve. But the evils complained of in the
act, and the remedy which this provision
wording of the clause of the act, do not en*
Stuarts & H^pim
able this Court to pronounce broadly tliat
no other contract can subsist in the fishery
than that mentioned and regulated by the
act. it is notorious that a great part of the
fishery in this island is carried on upon
shares, or, in other
cision for an enactment, and remedy the
want of ^ law ; and it must be determined,
upon the threshold of this case, whether or
not theire can be a fishery voyage upon
I shall hold that a fishery may be carried
on U(>on shares, without contravening the
provisions of the 16th of the King, although
a great part of the act is evidently impracti-
cable and obsolete.
The next question which arises is, how
far the defendant is liable to the plaintiffs
under the express terms of his undertaking?
The plaintiffs contend he is liable to the
fnU extent of the proceeds of the voyage,
until all the supplies are paid ; but the de 4
fendant maintains that he is only liable for
the supplies immediately furnished to him-
self. The account produced is, by name,
agamat Merri^an ^ Jarvis, as the planters
or masters ; but many articles appear to
have been supplied for purposes independ-
cnt of, or not inseparably connected with,
the voyage of which the defendant was a
shareman. Such articles must be abstract-
ed from the account ; and for the supplies
actually furnished, and the expenses actual-
1/ cotttracted, ioi the particular voyage of
ladly that
lie Hslipry
ed by the
•art of the
on upon
tumber of
are to re-
in lieu of
ml ate the
re to pro-
ill, it is
e interfe-
:ute a de-
nied y the
hether or
ige upon
»e carried
ening the
s is, how
ble to the
t voyage,
it the de <
liable for
io him-
by name,
ppear to
ted with,
int was a
8 actual-
oyage of
last summer, and no other, the defendant is
liable to the extent of his interest in the
proceeds of the voyage.
IVIartin Titzgerald against George
Jatiuttty 9lit,
I eiprtM AgtM*
Jl HE extent of the defendant's liability, AiuratyMODot
under a guarantee given by him for the pav- J? *•'■'«•'* •»•>••><*
ment of rent bv a tenant of the plaintiff. »"• "p"" •■'••-
formed the only point in dispute between
the parties in this case : the plaintiff contend-
ing that the security was general far whate-
ver rent might become due during the existence
of the term ; and the defendant insisting that
it was strictly confined to the rent ofthepre-^
misesfor one year.
The Chitf Justice SBidf that as the guaran-
tee, which was given before the date of the
lease, contained a promise to pay rent, and
not rents; and as there was nothing in it
which referred to the tease in question, either
by word or circumstance, he could not con-
sider it as guaranteeing more than 9l yearns
rent. That the covenant for re-entry, m de^
fault of the payment of a year's rent, mate-
rially strengthened this construction ; as the
defendant might have founded upon this
clause an expectation that he could not be
responsible for more than one year's rent. —
That a surety cannot be charged beyond his
express agreement ; and that it would be
giving improper encouragement to that
loose and slovenly manner of doing business
with which this transaction had evidently
been conducted, to extend this guarantee
one iota beyond its precise words.
Judgknent/>ro defendenU, ^
If two firms,
eoDsiitiogr entirely
of the $ame metn*
bere, carry on »•
tinct braocbee of
trade, and both
beoome ineolTent,
the properly aod
effect* uf the fine
in Newfound Und
■ball be dieirtbuted
by trustavs, ap-
pointed by tba
credilora of thst
firm, and noder
the law of Ibia
In Appeal—Jn the matter of Crawfobd
& Go's, insolvency.
jhLT the hearing of this cause, in appeal,
an objection was made, on the part of the
appellants, to re-opening those particular
Claims which had been admitted by the
Surrogates, inasmuch as no appeal had been
duly entered from the decision of the Court
below ; but the Court over-ruled the objec-
tion, observing that the Surrogates had, in
the first instance, refused to allow any ap-
peal whatever, and, according to the letter
of the a(^, the objecting parties themselves
were not regularly before this Court. It
would not be proper to be over-nice upon
matters of form, particularly where so little
had been observed ; and, as no substantial
right was injured, or impeded, the Court
would, under the circumstances, consider
the whole case as re-opened.
The parties were then respectively beard,
first, against and in support of the insol-
vency as declared in this island ; and, after-
wards, upon the claims of the creditors in
Scotland to share in the dividend in New*
foundland. And, at the close of the argu-
ment, the Chief Justice pronounced the
following decree :•—
This matter comes before the Supreme
Court by appeal from the decision of the
Surrogates , upon the claim of certain credit-
ors in Scotland, to a dividend of the effects
of Crawford Sf Co. under the insolvency
which has been declared in this island. As
the propriety of the claims must, in a great
measure, depend upon the facts of the case,
and as many of the leading facts are before
the Court merely upon the admission of
parties, it may be necessary to take a short
I appeal,
irt of the
by the
lad been
be Court
le objec-
's had, in
any ap-
:he letter
ourt. It
ice upon
I so little
e Court
y heard,
be insol*
d, after-
ditors in
in New*
tie argu*
ced the
n of the
Q credit-
e effects
id. As
1 a great
be case,
e before
i&ion of
a short
view of the state of the case before I enter 1818.
upon its merits. ^ , , ^
Jt appears that the house of yo/in Crati;- Inappenl, in ih«
ford 6c Co. was an ancient and respectable "'•*^' "^ Cbaw-
establishment in trade at Port Cjlasgow. J°"? * ^"*■•
which branched out into two collateral con- ^""'"•'"'y'
cems, — one at Lisbon, under the firm of
Joseph Tucker Crawford ^ Co.t and the
other at this island, under the firm of Craw-
ford^ Co. The respective firms in Scotland
and in this island consisted of the same part-
ners, but the concerns were kept entirely
distinct, and in all their dealings with /each
other, regular accounts were opened, and the
same conduct in every respect pursued, as if
the proprietors bad been distinct persons.
In the course of their trade, Crawford ^
Co, exported fish and oil from Newfound-
land to different ports in Europe, the pro-
ceeds of which^ as is the practice of the
fishery, found their way to the bands of
their correspondents, John Crawford ^ Co.,
who, consequently, became thefund*holders
of the house in Newfoundland, The former
house was declared bankrupt in the month
of February, 1815, and the latter became
insolvent in April following.
Upon these facts of the case, a preliminary
question has been raised, whether this
Court is not bound to recognize the laws of
Scotland (a), and the sequestration which
issued under them, and to supersede the iu^
solvency which was declared in this Island
after such sequestration, upon the general
principle that personal property is hdd to he
situate in the country where the insolvent is
domiciled^ and to be governed by the laws of
that country as completely as if locally
i/A Sa« Hall. f!«MW «tn B»»A< f .at* AA1 ani n*">ai nStaJ
'~ ~'^ -XM%Jy,HlMlfe^,«, i Hl L IXVimtJtt m
la apiMal, in th*
FORD & Co'i.
1>laced within it? This is certainlv a very
arge— a splendid proposition. But regarded
as a rule of international justice, it may be
allowable to say intentata nitet; for it
is still in its infancy, guarded by cautious
qualiacations, and untried in all its remote
and possible consequences. IVhat those
consequences might be, as applied to this
country, where a peculiar law of distribu-
tion prevails, is rather a matter of specula-
tive, than an essential, inquiry at present.
But it would not be difficult to frame a case
fr0m the materials before the Court, and a
ease of very probable occurrence, in which
the application of the principle, in the gene-
ral form contended for, would be attended
with a degree of inconvenience, such as
might call in question its very existence as
a practicable rule of justice. Suppose, for
instance, a person to have engaged exten-
sively in the fisheries in this island, where
he holds his stock, his counting-house, in
short, the local habitation of his trade ; that
in the course of years he acquires opulence ;
and leaving his capital and concerns under the
management of agents, retires to England,
where he happens to embark in some inde-
pendent speculations, which bring him with-
m the pale of the bankrupt laws at home,
and induce a failure in his engagements in
this island. Shall the whole of those en-
gagements, in all their various branches and
intertex«.ures, be transferred to the adjust-
ment of assignees, acting under the direc-
tion of authorities sitting on the other side
of the Atlantic, at a distance from the place
where the engageinents were contracted,
where the body of creditors are resident,
and from which all the evidence in the case
of dispute must be drawn ? Or should the
BuOrief course be adopted, of proceeding
.,me at at.
of the
joWy for
Iter, the
true, in-
lie prac-
ect that
itice can
;s to be
be same
ed that,
* has an
e whole
tion of a
and the
It prac-
in argu-
lion of the chancellor does not ordinarily 1818.
run. For how can it he reconciled with v^n^-.^-,*^
convenience and economy, to require the body In tppetl. in the
of creditoi-s in this island to send their debts n"»"e'of Cbaw-
to Scotland, to bo proved under the seques- T"? * ^'''•*
tration there ? But there still remains ano- ^"'"^'"••"'y-
ther great objection, which, in the absence
of every other, would, 1 conceive, be con-
clusive in the present case. The law of in-
solvency in this island is peculiar to it, and
the course of distribution different from
that in Scotland. By the 49th of the King,
(/) there are certain preferences of pay-
ment to particular creditors here, which are
unknown there ; and, although it in not pre-
sumable that the legal rights of creditors
would be less respected in Scotland, yet, as
a matter ol mere policy, it is surely desirable
that property, subject to distribution in con-
formity with a particular law, should be ad-
justed at the place where that law prevails;
for the law of the place, necessarily enters
mto all contracts between parties, and forme
an implied and operative part of all their
dealings. Upon the maturesc consideration,
therefore, which I have been able to give
this important subject, I am of opinion that
the declaration of insolvency in this island
must be sustained ; and that the separate
creditors of the house of Crawford ^ Co,
must be first paid out of the separate estate
of that partnership, between which, and the
house of JohH Crawford & Co. it will be
necessary to state an account, and on which-
ever side the balance appears, such balance
must stand as a credit, and be proved as a
ratable demand C^^, »i!toi;»» ..«
Having disposed of the |)ma>/c of the
M .
(/) Ch. il. and iM 1 Hea. 'sT'iafc* kSilr
(Sf) Cxpto. Jobni Cook, B. L. 63^. ' *I
Ml la
1810. case, I shall proceed to examine the claims
'' *■■' * ■ ' ' of the Scotch creditors, according to tho
U appe.!, in tb« order hi which they are made. The first ot'
toTd&m\ *^®*'® *^^^>*^» " ^^^^ of Jean Crawford, wlio
loMlrMMj. '
FORD & €»*•«
Stated. From the affidavit in support oftho 1818.
claim, it would appear to have been em-
ployed in the general trade which the tes-
tator had carried on, in partnership with his
three sons, and which was continued by , .
them, under the same firms, as during tlie '^•■«y«i
life of their father. However, it forms the
basis upon which tlie present claim is made
by Mrs. Crawford^ on behalf of her hus-
band's estate. It might be sufficient for me
to say that the claim cannot be supported by
the evidence before the Court, because it is
not proved that any part of the monies re-
ceived by the Crawfords^ in their character
as executors, was employed in the esta-
blishment in this island. But there are
certain circumstances which, it appears to
me, would tend to destroy the claim under
any form. In the first place, the Crawfords,
vrho have been declared insolvent, have a
reversionary interest in the very sum which
is now sought to be recovered ; and it re-
mains to be shown how far Mrs. Crawford,
as executrix of tlie will of her deceased
husband, having suffered his property to be
employed in trade, has not made herself a
partner, and become liable to the full extent
of any interests she may derive under the
will (h). If such be the case, it would seem
equitable that any sums of money which
have been received by the representatives of
the late JoAn Crawford^ to the prejudice of
the rights of the other children claiming un-^
der his will, should be considered in the na-
ture of private debts, and liable to be satis-
fied, in the first place, out of their separate
property and reversionary interests. But it
is not for the Court to wander in pursuit of
a subject which is not before it, and in
(A) 1 Mtul. and Sel. 4ia
la appeal, in th«
nattrrof Craw>
roBO fit Cq'b.
which, from the absence of facts, it is expo-
sed to error. It is sufficient to delermins
that the claim of Mrs. Crmvjord, as at pre-
sent brought, cannot be sustained : and t!ie
decision of the ^Surrogates must, therefore, be
The claims of the other Scof/h creditors,
taken collectively, amount :u the sum of
£07,459 ; they rest upon one and the same
ground, and may all be resolved into a simple
question of fact, — are they creditors of
Crawford 8c Co. of Newfoundland? By their
own showing the credit they gave was to
the house of John Crawford & Co. of Port
Glasgow; and as the latter is considered in
the light of a distinct firm, it follows that
these claims must also be rejected. I ob-
•erve that the Surrogates admitted the first
four accounts, as set forth in the transcript
of their proceedings ; but upon what ground
of distinction, does not appear. It is stated,
however, that ii: was m consequence of
those particular claimants having been able
to trace the goods whi(;h were sold to tho
house at home, to the possession of the house
m this island. But 1 cannot agree that any
substantial c^*' tin'^tion can be founded upon
thatcircumsnaiirv. As soon a* thft gooiia were
delivered, i< > ame the property of the
-vendees, and were mixed up intheundistin-
guishable mass of their effects ; so that had
an insolvency immediately followed, the
Tenders would not have stood upon abetter
footing than the generality of the creditors.
But if m this case they should be allowed to
come here and claim for goods delivered to
a distinct concern, between which and the
house in St. John's there are mutual ac-
counts, the consequence must be that the
amount claimed, instead of being a credit in
favouf of the house at home, becomes the
is expo-
8 at prc-
and t!ie
etc 10, be
sum of
he same
a simple
itors of
By their
i was to
of Port
dered in
)ws that
. I ob<
the first
I ground
9 stated,
ence of
een able
d to tho
be house
that any
ed upon
y of the
hat had
Bd, the
a better
)wed to
'ercd to
and the
lal ac-
hat the
redit in
Des the
In app**!, iu the
maiturof Craw.
credit of the individual, and, of course, al- 1818.
tcrs the state of accounts between fhe two
firms, and is attended with tlie efiei i. of gi-
ving a preference to particular creditors,
contrary to every principle of the bankrupt f®" *
laws. 1 must, therefore, reverse that part ""»""'y'
of the decision of the Surrogates which ad-
. niits the claims of these particular creditors,
1 1 with the exception of Lawries\ which was
originally a direct credit to the house in
JSewJoundland ; but in consequenc ^ of what
has been stated, and with the appt arance of
truth, that Lawrie was referred by ti. at house
to John Crawford & Co. for pr 7m( nt, and
j agreed to his demand being placei. to his
credit in the books of that firm, 1 n.ust let
this demand lie over until that fact an be
ascertained, it may be necessary tu add,
that this estate must be divided in conformi-
ty with the course lately determined by this
Court, and not according to the old i uer-
pretatiou of current supplies.
From which judgment, or decree, Sk ms,
for the claimants, gave notice of an ap( jhI
to his Msgesty in Council; and (on boiial of
the several claims of William Bennett as
trustee under the Scotchsequestration; W il-
]iam Bennett & Co. for money lent Willi: m
Bennett & Co. for premiums of insurance ;
Joseph Marry at £p Son, and Jean Crawford)
entered into security for) the due prose-
tion of said appeals within the time pre*
Icribed by law.
Time allowed to
M abNnt dtfend*
ant to appear; and
theialeof a?es8el
belonging to bim,
wbieh was bold by
attachment under
the prooces of iba
Court, directed to
take place immedi*
ately, for tbepar<
pose of preventing
the deterioration
of the property.
Henry Simms against Francis Hoddern.
HIS action was brought to recover the
sum of £181 17«. 4d. ; and property of the
defendant had been attached, but there had
not been any service of the writ upon him,
as he was absent from the island. The cir-
cumstances of the case were shortly these :
The owner of the vessel called the Brilliant,
being at St. John's, and requiring necessa-
ries for the same, took them up upon hot-
lomty, conditioned to pay the amount ad-
vanced upon the return of the vessel from
her then Intended fishing voyage. The ves-
sel returned, but the money was not paid ;
and it is now sought to recover it by thia
action. Proof of these facts having been
adduced, the Chief Justice said :-^
This vessel has been attached for a debt>
which has been proved to be due by a bond
which was given for the payment of it at a
time long past. Enough has appeared to
satisfy the Court that the vessel is exposed
to loss and deterioration, and that it is ex-
pedient to order her to be sold, as would be
done by any other perishable property.
The defendant must have a reasonable
time to appear. In the mean time, let the
property be sold, and the proceeds held sub.
ject to further orders.
Trustees to the estate of John Hill & Co.
appellants, and
Henry 8hea, respondent*
Ji HIS cause camo on in the Surrogate
Court, on the 19th December, 1816, before
the worshipful David Buchan^ Esq. and a
special jury, to recover the sum of j£93 ster-
ling, being the amount due for the purchase
of a lot of ground by the defendant below,
at public auction, being part of the estate
otJohn Hill ^ Co., situated at Prince Ed*
yard's Island ; and that Court having given
judgment in favour of the defendant, agreea-
bly to the verdict found by the jurv, the
plaintiffs below appealed to this Court.
Jt appeanng doubtful to the Court, from
the transcript of the proceedings, what were
the points at issue between the parties below,
and whether the time for completing the
conveyance according to the conditions of
sale, had been waved at the trial, or had
pone to the jury, and chese particulars being
disputed between the parties, the Chief Jus-
tice examined Nicholas Gill, one of the
Jury who was present, upon the facts, and
who stated that the time of delivering the
title-deed had gone to the jury, and was
considered in their verdict.
Per CMriam.— This is an application to
this Court, to review the verdict of a jurv,
upon mattet's qffact, entirely within the'ir
province. This 1 have already declared to
be out of the power of the Court.
Trial by jury is a constitutional right, ex-
pressly extended to this island by an act of
Parliament, and a jury here has co-exten-
sive rights with a jury in England.
How stood this case at the trial in *^A
Surrogate Court? The plaintiffs c^l upon
The Coort will
not rariflw lb«
Ysrdiot of • Jury
upon ntalteri of
TruBteai of John
Hill & Co.
Hbnby Shba.
the defendant to pay for the purchase of
certain lands at Prince Edward's Island.
The defendant contends, that by the con-
ditions of the sale, as exhibited at the time
of sale, the vendors were to give a legal title
on or before the 20th November, 1815 ; but
that, in fact, they did not make out the title-
deeds till near Christmas, and that the title
was not legal. That, in short, they had not
complied with theconefifeowiof sale, either
in the time, or in the perfeciiijg of the title.
This case went to the jury, who determined,
by their general verdict, all they could de-
termine—the fact of the time, and that the
condition had not been complied with. The
jury could not try the title, because that
is a pure question odaw.
But suppose 1 were to go into thib part of
the case,and say that the title, when tendered,
was good ; yet the defendant must have his
judgment upon the fact, as found by the Jury,
that it was not completed when it ought ta
have been by the conditions of sale.
That time was an ingredient in the trial
below is, I think, apparent, not only from
the explanation of the juror, but also from
the course of proceeding ; as it was made a
point in the defendant's case by the cross-
examination of the plaintiff's witness as to
the time when the deeds were prepared, and
the purchasers required to complete the
purchase.— The judgment of the Court be-
low must, therefore, be affirmed.
Petition of Mr. Ryan.
The memorial, in substance, stated,—
that the petitioner had for many years car-
ried on business, under the style of Ryan
^ Sans, at Liverpool and at Newfoundland;
the first-mentioned branch of it being con-
ducted by Joseph Ryan, one of the sons of
the petitioner, and the other branch by the
petitioner himself. That in consequence of
the {protest and return of some bills which the
petitioner had drawn, be consulted hit
friends as to the measureshe ought to adopt;
and by their advice a general meeting of his
creditors was convened, and a statement of
the affairs of the firm laid before them. —
That at this meeting trustees were appointed,
and MtyHenry Shea authorized, as agent, to
dispose of the property, and collect the
debts due to the concern, for the benefit of
all the creditors. That at the same time
that petitioner received the first intimation
of the protest ^f his bills, he was informed
by Joseph Ryan that he expected to be abl«
to effect a compromise Hivitn the creditors in
England, to whom he had felt himself justi-
fied in holding out a prospect that the pro-
perty in Newfoundland was more than suffi-
cient, if not sacrificed by an untimely sale,
to disdhti^ all the claims upon it in this
couhti'y; That from the occurrence of se-
veral unforeseen and calamitous events, the
hopes enterUined by J, Ryan \vill be so far
from being realized, that he will soon leam
that the property here has not yielded, un-
der the best management, enough to pay
ten shillings in the pound upon the amount
of the Newfoundland debts ; and that the
t-iti ~.J UC^r. m^f. .>MA *k»a n1a«>Of1 in thft
painfal predicament of having, though unin-
"Where there ara
two braocbet of
the lame firm, tbo
one in England
and the otbtr in
the property of tba
firm in each counii
tnr is, in the event
of bankruptcy, or
iniolvency, ezclu«
aively divisible
among the credit-
ors who trusted
the branch of tha
firm established
in that coaaliy in
which the proper*
ty is Bituated.
'I ■' i'*(t r»!. I I., I
,1 iii;i!i.!||,.t ., »
(!«h !.y . .f : .
'■llUrCj '.I',*. ■ ■ ■ ,, ;
iWl'l-t Uf(r :;; , . - ,.,
'Uia/i'ir , v;j;; >»f ...
«>■■/■' - I? ,. •.
I«,il» a..!!., of 5iin™ .1 ^ '"•'"«'"0"» class df their ere.
MWh order thereon Ji^.' *",'**'» «»fce
to think that the 3vL«,A^^/ ^'^'?»^d the k9U9e ij»,
But they looked to tJitt *Joj«i: 'A^'« V vH
the ostensible stock ^nV ^«'«' «»d.t6
trade, for thefr serurit;''^ Wmnr Mtha^
% "Newfoundland creditors" I '^;j r
all. criitora In &i &'*",'' ^ »d<»ds,
"■■^it to the house of X*^ /"S'''""'
-'-"■"'- '-^.i'/;iJ:/!, 5?:^';;;„:
■•■■?;j ;lfi^
• «i*,^»».-j>«w
^elusive ex-
6{ thpir cre-
lulled intp a
er- then po^
ny business
?ir trade to
* ^jl;i:eaitingi
deeni .Jj^st
TOorial ?— p
m, inclined
'S^nnpt I;>e
atJQQs jbe-^,
il9i49e id,
' I •
y .h2
debt^without a »acrifice rf the S ^
which the debt was contmrtprt »5 • ■
Jond With the othrdS-ant'eS
o "Ke cviatuce seemed.
February IQth,
A surely is dis..
charaed from bra
Jiability to pay the
debt of another.
by the parly, to
whom the debt is
duo, giving lime to
(Its principal debt-
or witlioul ihe
knowledge and
concurrence of the
surety. But in an
action against both
the principal and
the surely, the Su-
preme Court will
give judnment for
tU plaintiff against
the prinoi|)al debt-
f the in-
d, might
B would
lis funds
iption is
iroof of
did ex-
nd that
» tenns
e Zord
ton, (a) as applied to the case before me, that 1818.
the givmg twelve months for payment, be- V,-»-.v^«i^
yond the period limited by the bond, has the Attwood &
effect ofdischarging the surety. This may Hatnes
be, and certainly is, a hard case upon the j.«« 'l „.„
good nature of the plaintiffs; but it would '^"^ L,L?r. ' '
be still harder if that good nature were to
be exercised at the expense of the purety.
I'erhaps, as a matter of personal feeling, it
was too much to require the surety to press
a proceeding against his own brother; it
would have been better to urge the payment
of f he debt at the time the bond became
due. However, I cannot enter into any
feelings upon the subject This case must
be conformable, indecision, to every other:
and as the facts bring it within the rule of
law which discharges a surety by the credit-
ors extending the time for payment without
the privity of the surety, I must determine
that George Lilly is discharged, but the
plaintiffs must have their judgment against
James Lilly in the sum sued for. *
Against which judgment, so far as it re-
leased the said George Lilly from the said
bond, the plaintiffs gave notice of an appeal
to his Majesty in Council ; and, within two
days after, appeared and entered into the
security required by law, for duly prosecu-
ting the appeal.
(a) t Vez. Jr. 642.
• A« this ution WM on vmirwt, • Jadgmrat fn favour
of on« of the defendants, and against the other, could
not oerlainly hare been giren ln\ny Conrt of Law in
u* "i* ""S* *•"• »»<">Iy <>•>• 'Mtweo, among amultitode.
where tha Supreme Court of Newfoundland baa endea.
▼oured to administ^ justice secundum bonum bt
f ??.?1' V^T P»J«« »•»• •"•l>««t regard to the rules
wrtaWishedm the mother country, nspfeting i\»%Jorm of
J'^ebruary lOlh,
The parties to a
d««d, under which
the ptoperiy of an
individual is con-
veyed lo trustees
for the benefit of
his creditors, can-
not set up such
deed as an act of
^:rparte T.H Bft66KiNo and Others/
>n the matter of u lU
Ghaham LiTTLfe's Insolvency.' ' ' *
Per Curiam. This is an appliratlon to
LtuJ .L i'^^V ^ri>.^ against Graharfi
n.i!r * r "u. ^"^ *^^^'«'"® *'•»" insolvent ; in
proof of whici a certain deed is exhibi ed.
rlT*^^ ^/"/' «PP«^" to have conveyed
away the whole of his real and personal es.
^te and effects to trastees, for the benefitof
d rpri! i''""!* * ^" ^^"^Pliance with theact I
clue from X.»///^, as well as a Schedule of bis
property to be laid before the Court rand
n certainly does appear that he is not in a
pound!''" *' ^'^ '""'"'^ ''^'"'"«« '^ '^"^
fb^'ni'?^''® "^ pfevious question, whether
are not'^Kr"*'' ?T^ P^"'^« *« *'^« ^eed,
are not estopped from setting it up as an
)VZf'''''^^ ^'""""^ knowlt principle of
Jaw, that no person shall be heard to aver
^Ji""? his own deliberate deed.
With respect to Mr. J^ittle himself, ie
may be^yery immaterial whether his pro-
perty is^to pass out of bis hands by a decla-
ration of insolvency, or by the aLwment
under the deed of trust; but wit^ fZ^J
to the creditors, it is very material ; a^
therefore, I am under thenecessity of deter!
mining upon the deed as a matter of Hi«
§^!^TjS!2 between the .relitS!^"'^^^
dee4,; Zf^/e conveys the whole of his real
*nd personal property and effecte to t^iS
trustees, tobeseld aSd divided anwnTstto
creditprs, according to the sttp^osed^^Shts'
y/r t ' P'tb«a. .
property, becomes, of course, completely WJ' """I" «^
^pw wbatislii,reint!ie:^eeaio'Jifc^^
}t.„ .It^onveys the debtor's property to all
Jns creditors, according to. wh^tT^a^s then
r^cpi^ef aslaw; and be soVouv^ys it. w^th
tb^jon^ent of all his creditors. - ^ ' ,
u.,*T^'V^ ^'^? provided rules for thf distri:
butipn of insolvent estates : but it k nierelV
in the cas^s where tl,e partl^3 dppot adopt
Wt interfere with the policy of l^w. ^ ;^ ' :
♦p^i-^' *!!• ' "^^^ a// persons wlio ar^'in-
terestedjn the property; for a *iW« dissen-
iient creditor, whZis , no party to the deed
yould be abl^ ta4efeat it. ' ^"^ «?^^':
.lyow. the petitioners in this case are bar-'
Ue8,to the deed; they executed it with their
Taff^^h' ^^?*7"' >e too much for ma'
to Mord them rehef against their own acts '
to t^e prejudice of rights which are con-
veyed, and tq wHoh they c^onsqnted by
deed,.,,;. ,, ,, ,. • . .. , , , ■ •'
I sh^J, therefore, yhold the deed to i^ a
good afl<^ valid convey wee, an4 leave it to
the tw^ep^ to carry It iijto effect (a) ; at the
same .^ime professing my readiness to afford
(o)Seotlie>u«^ItedinftBote in th^2d T. R.§m.
Ftbnmji llfA,
John Williams against Tua Willuamb
"hcin for •rcr/'
(who diM intM'>
•nd aiiun.
by wbieb landed Jl HIS action Was brought tiominalW to
properivisdafifed recover £l20, as rent of a certain dwelling-
to "A and b«r house in St. John's. But the point which
the plaintiff really sought to establish by it,
was his exclusive right to the premises in
question. The following is a short outline
Jhu 1 "!"*'• I.**' <*^ **»« prindpal facts t f the case : —
aou'lX bJt m«; , The maternal graiidf ither of the parties,
abaraiiiocommoa •^o Monter, by his Will (which is admitted),
-'■'*■ bis bfotbers among certain Other dispositions of his pro-
perty in this island, gave his house, gardens,
and appurtenances in St. John^s, to ** Mary
Monier, his daughter, and her heirs for ever.'*
Mary Monier afterwards intermarried with
George WilHams, and by him bad several
children, of whom the plaintiff is the eldest.
George Williams and his wife Mary both
died intestate, and the plaintiff claims the
sole right to the premises, as heir at law,
and under the express limitation of the de-
Tise ; whilst the defendants contend, that
real property in Newfoundland has sdways
been neld to be mere chattels^ and iiot sub-
ject to the English law qf inheritance.
For the plaintiff, it was urged that, althOngti
real property in Newfoundland is considered
as chattels for the payment of debts; yet, un-
der the laws of England, which arc; the la^.<«
of Newfoundland,ybriA« imi|Mi««5 of succes-
sion, it ought to be considered as real pro-
per^. That by a bond intended to nave
oeen given by John Monier, in contempla-
tion of the marriage of his daughter, it ap-
pears to have been the clear understanding
of the family, that the property in question
would descend to the plaintiff as A«trali^«;.
That suppogiiig ihe custooi oi ibis islaad io
he well founded, and universally understood,
it must have been known to the testator.
And that, therefore, by giving the property
to the plaintifll'8 mother and her heirs for
ever, the testator must have intended the
word "heira** to operate as words of limita<
tation to the eldest son of his daughter Mary.
To these arguments the defendants answer,
that the rules of real property as to succes-
sion are not in force, and never have been re>
cognized in this island ; and that, by an in-
dorsement at the back of a certain deed, it
appears that the mother of all the parties to
this suit considered her property as equally
divided amongst her children.
Per Curtam^-^After diligent inquiries whe-
ther any, and what, rules of descent have
been followed by the Courts in this island^
1 cannot find any record which throws the
jqnost distant light upon the subject. 1 can-
not, however, regard the silence of the
Conr(s as entirely without expression ; and
the inference that X should deduce from it
is, that the law pf inheritable succession^
with it^ alluring rights and legal conopliGa-
tions, has never been urged before the Courts
of this island. However, as the question is
npw before me, and I am called upon to
determine it, I shall endeavour to trace my
own yf^y through those first and general
principles, which appear to afibrd the only
safe conduct to aright decision of the case.*
* It appaarg lohav* bteo Mr. Fffriet't intention to have
inierted his whole JudgmenI upon this interesting esse in
the record ; but, unforionstely, from some cause or oth«r,
it was nevf r done ; and all thai can bo collected from the
.record, in Uh present state* tbeneforef Uf that the judgmeat
Williams snd
Undor tbe 40lii
O#o. 111. 0. 27,
■ions hare no ju-
riBdiotion in catvs
arising out of a da>
mand for i/ait,
wliere the demand
exceeds forty shiU
lines. [Such aju-
risdjctioii is noir,
ho w«fer, expressly
conferred on them
l)y Ibe 6tb Geo.
lV.,c. 07, §.22,]
IIuTTON, M'Lea & Co. against Dennis
"N motion, this day, to quash certain pro-^
ceedings which had taken place in t!ie
Court of Sessions, it appeared that Butler
^ Grace, boat-keepers, and dealers of Hut'
ion 6c Co.f had been supplied with caplin
bait, last summer, by Keifi/, in payment of
which they drew orders upon Hutton ^ Co.,
which were refused, upon the ground that
the drawers had no authority to draw them.
Kelfy afterwards brought his action in the
Court of Sessions against Butler i^ Grace,
for the amount of the debt; and having ob-
tained a judgment, followed the proceeds
of their voyage into the hands of the present
plaintiffs, as the receivers of the voyage. It
also appeared that an objection had been
made, at the trial, to the jurisdiction of the
Justices in Sessions ; which was over-ruled,
upon the authority of a rule framed by a
former Chief Justice, for their guidance, and
expressly directing that the price of bait
should be considered as wages, and rank as a
preferable claim. The same objection was
now urged before the Supreme Court ; and
it was also contended, thai, admitting the
case to be within the jurisdiction of the
Court below, yet the present plaintiffs were
not parties to any engagement between
Butler jr Grace, and the defendant, Kelly.
Per Curiam. The defect of jurisdiction
in the Court of Sessions to try an action for
money due for bail, i» so evident upon the
face of the proceedings, that there can be
little hesitation in determining the course to
be pursued. But, perhaps, I owe it to the
public to explain tbe reasons which com-
pel me to depart from a rulef of of practice
ting a judicial power would have been con-
trary to the constitution of a British Court*
The only ground Upon which the rule con-
tended for can be supported, is upon that
clause of the Act which directs the ChieJ
Justice to *^ settle forms qf process and rules
of practice, for the conduct of suits and the
dispatch of business in the Court of Sessions."
But a rule oi practice is as essentially differ-
ent from a rule of law, as form is from « be the
! ■
law upon the caS^. feait-money is not wa*
ges ; and no power but the magic of Parli-
ame7>t can make it so. All preferences of
one creditor to another are contrary to the
equal rules of justice, and in oppositidn to
the very object and end of the bankrupt
laws of all countries. 1 believe that the ex»
tension of preferences in this island, beyond
the letter of the Act, has arisen from a hu-
mane disposition o^ the Courts to let in cre-
ditors whose demands were of a strong
kind, but which, by not being considered in
the first order of preference would fre-
quently be lost altogether ; and J am ready
to do justice to the intentions of the Court;
at the same time, I will freely state that, in my
own apprehension, it was e'xercising a parti-
cular lenity at the expense of that general
beneficence which belongs to the law, as a
system of even and regular justice. -
While I sit in this Court I shall always re-^
gard preferences of payment amongst Cre-
ditors with a jealous eye; and I feel assured
that I am borne out by the intentions .of the
Much of the erroneous interpretation
of our Insolvent Act has arisen from
a supposition that it is a peculiar law,
both in its application to this island, and
in the character of its provisions. To
the latter I cannot assent. Our Insolvent
Act is nothing more than the application of
that part of the maritime law of Europe
Which relates to ships and sailors to the
fisheries, which, in their general features,
bear a strong resemblance. For example,
in the adjustment of the claims upon a ship,
by the laws of Europe, the seamen have a
right to be paid the full extent of their wages,
while a plank of the vessel remains. Next
in nrinritv nf rinim aro matoflnia nwtA «l.^«^
Bottom. M'Lba
A Co.
who have furnished necessaries abroad, who
clairri a preference amongst each other ac-
cording to the recency of the date of their
several bottomries ; and, lastly, all other
creditors alike. What is this but the law o^
Newfoundland applied to llie product of a
fishing voyage.jnstead of a ship-^to supplies
for such voyage instead of necessaries for a
foreign voyage, and to the last supplier in
preference to the one preceding, instead of
the last security of bottomree ? This appli-
cation of the maritime law to the fisheries
naturally suggested itself to the Courts at
home, which used formerly to determine all
causes which arose in this island. It was
as naturally followed by the Court of Vice
Admiralty, which afterwards entertained
civii actions; and it remains to this hour the
law of the island. Jn the case before the
Court, I shall consider bait as a very neces-
sary supply for the fishery, and, as such, it
must rank with all other supplies. If there
be a necessity for giving it ^^ higher claim,
recourse must be jiad to P&rliament ; and,
m the mean time, 1 should recommend bait-
suppliers to have a previous understanding
with the supplying merchant, before they
part with their bait, and not to risk the un-
certainty of coming upon them at the close
of the season.
>ad, who
>ther ac-
B of their
all other
le law 0^
duct of a
ries for a
ppfier in
istead of
lis appli-
ourts at
'mine all
It was
of Vice
bour the
fore the
y neces'
such, it
If there
r claim,
it; and,
nd bait'
re they
the un-
le close
in the matter of Dooling & KEttY's
L) PON motion, it was this day ordered,
with consent of the appellant from the late
order, or decree, of the Court in this case.
4hat the creditors for the year 1815, who
Had not received either goods or money,
should receivfeat the rate of 55. in the pound
out of the goods bought in by the trustees:
and further, that the balance be remitted to
^nglandjor the purpose of being invested in
the public securities, to abide the issue of the
appeal. -^
And it was furtherintimated by the Court,
that upon reconsidering the case of those
creditors who had received goods in specie,
at a supposed valuation, to the extent often
shillings m the pound, upon the amount of
their demands, if satisfactory proof could be
brought that such goods, if sold at the time,
would not have realized the value at which
they vere received, it would cause the Court
to make an alteration in the order of distri-
bution; and the Court was the more anxious
to set this matter right, as it had been made to
appear that the principal creditor, Graham
J^tttle, was present, and. indeed, a party to
the resolution of the creditors, under which
the division m goods was made. But as the
matter was under appeal, the appeal had
belter be suspended until such proofs could
be brought m.
On a subsequent day, certain proofs, by
affidavits, being laid before the Court, that
the goods which had been received in specie
had not realized the amount at which they
were valued ; and that the creditors were,
generally, of the same opinion, inasmuch as
" — "--vv.s,^ v» luciu uuu cojiseaieti io re-
"Where some
creditors had re-
ceived a divideoJ
and others bad not,
the Court directed,
with the concur-
rence of the body
of creditors, the
payment of the
same dividend to
those creditors who
bad not already re>
celved it ; and or*
dered the surplus
of the insolvent
estate, after the
payment of such
dividend, to be In-
vested in the pub-
lic securities in
£ngland, %» abide
tlie determination
of an appeal then
pending before the
King iu Council.
Is the mttttcr of
D00MNO& KbIi-
duce them from the original valuation of IOju
to 55 ; it was ordered by the Court, that
the first order be altered, as follows :
after the word •* lot," — unless the persons re-
ceiving the same may be able to prove to
the satisfaction of the trustees, (in case of
difference to be determined by the Court,)
that the goods have not actually realized^
or been worth, the sums at which they were
valued, in which case, they must be taken
at, or as nearly aa may be, the value they
liave realized.
\ •
/■ /
ftbrnary 20/i^«
The person or>
dtiing an insurance
is liable for the
premium; and the
insurers ca^ sus'
tain an action
agftinst him.
Attwood, Hunt, and Wilson*, a^ami^
Tr^stees of Samvel Kough & Co.
J HE plaintifib had effected, by desire of
the insolvents, an insurance on some pro-
perty sent from this country to Ross, in
Jreland ; and the payment of the premium
was now resisted by the defendants, on the
ground that the parties who were to receive
the benefit of the insurance, were alone lia-
ble fur the payment of the premium. This
defence was, however, immediately rejected
by the Chief Justice^ who, said : —
The main ground of defence %o this ac-<
lion is, that the plaintiffs, in insuring tHe
Sbamrojck and eargo^ although they did it
by the directions of the house A«re, yet they
looked to the house at home for payment of
the premium ; and that as it was to the £ng^
lish house that the proceeds of the insured
property went, so the insurers should look
to those proceeds for the premium advanced
for their security. But it is impossible for
the insures to follow the property for the
purpose of recovering their claims for a pre-
tionof lOjb
lourt,. that
t follows :
persons re-
o prove to
a case of
he Court,)
' realized^
they were
t be taken
value they
, against
Y desire of
some pro-
Ross, in
e premium
its, on the
to receive
'. alone lia-
am. This
ly rejected
io this ac-<
isuring tKe
hey did it
?i yet they
ayment of
\ the £ng-^
be insured
lould look,
ossible for
'ty for the
for a pre-
the insurance, unless in a case of mere agen-
cy, and even then they act upon tiie faith
of the principal in reality, and may properly
be said to look to the persons ordering the
insurance—" Qui facit per ahum facit
Now there has not been a shadow of evi-
dence to show that the plaintiffs looked ex-
clusively to the partners in Ross to pay
the premium. The letter which directed
them to inform the house of the insurance
being effected, might have gone farther, and
desired they would draw for the premium ;
but, even then, if the premium had not been
paid, they might have come back upon the
house here, as having ordered the insurance
without a hint that the insurers were not to
look to them for the premium. Looking at
the letter by which the insurance was effect-
ed by the plaintiffs, 1 cannot say that there
is anything to discharge the house here
from their Kability for the premium ; but, on
the contrary, it is a general order, and the
estate of the parlies who gave the order
must be primarily liable lor the premium.
Judgment for plaintiffs, £210 75. 6rf.
f n the mutter of
D00LIN6& Kel-
ly's Insolvcucj*
William Lego against M'Carthy &
JL he property which formed the subject
of the present action, is a plantation at Car-
bonear, and the dispute between the parties
grew out of these circumstances :
Henry Webber was in possession of the
disputed plantation, and by his will, dated
after the'deatli of B, arid pays'rent fo the reversioners,
to a eonfirmatmn nf tho lanaa on, I ^«i., ...b^. • <».
|S«e Woodfall'B T«naat»' Law, pp. 39 and 78.]]
Febntary 28/A,
6, tenaDt for
life, demises for
years, and dies be«
fore the expiration
of the period men*
tioned in the lease.
The lessee conii*
nues in possession
This does not amount
s t.
in 1769, devised it io Frances Tucker, forlier
life, and, after her death, to her three chil-
dren and the survivors of them. Upon the
death of Webber, Frances 7'ucker succeeded
to the property, under his will; and by
lease* dated in 1776, leased the same to Dr.
Ferrers for the term of ten years, with ev
singular clause, that upon the lessee's per-
forniing certain conditions therein express-
ed, respecting a part of the premises, he
should, possess and enjoy the remainder «»
hng as he or his assigns should think Jit,
In 1787, Mrs. 7W*«- brought an action
against Ferrers for holding over after the
expiration of his term, and the Jury found,
«• that the principal part of the property, aa
leased, should be restored to tlie plaintiffs,
and the remainder continue in possession of
the defendants, subject to the payment of
certain rents, and the performance of cer-
tain conditions." Two of Mrs. Tucker^s
children died in her life-time, and Mrs.
TwAcr herself in 1 810, Her sole survi ving
child, Henrr% continaed for some time after
her death to receive a yearly rent of £7 10*,
for the premises now in possession of the
defendants, under a conveyance to them
from Mr. Watts, the representative of the
^te Dr. Ferrers ; and in 1813 he, Henrv
Tucker, sold the same to the plaintiff, who
seeks, by this action, to eject the defendant
from the possession thereof.
Th^ Chief Justice oh»erved that two ques-
tions had been raised, upon the foregoing
facts : 1st, does the acceptance of rent by
Henrif Tucker amount to a confirmation of
his mother'slease to Dr. Ferrers ? And, 2dly,
how far property adapted to fishing purposes
can be considered liable to the laws of land-
lord and tenaiit ? Upon the first point, he
felt pRrfpoflv rnniirlonf and, therefore* what one
does, and the other recognizes, must bind ;
but here the interests are different and oppo-
site, and, consequently, a different rule
must prevail. The2d pomt, he added, could
not properly be raised between subject and
Subject, and could only arise between the
crown claiming after the determination of a
life interest, and a subject claiming through
the person whose interest was protected by
the statute. It was not, therefore, atpresent^
necessary for him to express his sentiments
upon it, and he should give judgment for
the plaintiff.
The trustees of Graham Little against
J. HE questionhere raised was, whetherthe
mortgagor, being permitted by the mortgagee
to retain title deeds, does not inyj^Iidate ?he
mortgage, as against abondJidepavcUaset
ignorant of such mortgage ?
Graham Little sella to Burmtt Rutfe^e,
and Burrd Rutledge mortgages to XMile
as a security for payment of purclias'e mo-
ney, but obtains possession of title-deeds,
and there is no mention of the mortgage in
the bill of sale to JRutledge.
Rutledge obtains a grant of other lands,
and sells them, together with those pur-
chased from C?. Little, to one Dullahanty,
April ioM,
The retontibn of
title-deeds by tha
mortgagor, with
the consent of the
mortgagee, will
prevent the mort*
gagee from setting
up the morlKaga
against a honajide
purchaser for a
valuable considera-
tion, even though
the mortgage tad
been recorded la
the Supreme ^
Court. But note,
this was before the
passing of the 6th
TriMjtees of G.
M'lio is not nppiised of the mortgnffe, and
pays a full consideration. These facts were
not denied. But it was contended that the
mortgage to Lillle was recorded in ifie
Supreme Court, agreeably to a rule made
by the Ibte Chief Justice TrtmletU
Per Curiam, -h appears that, in April,
1814, JMtle sold a plantation called '• Ga-
den's Marsh" to Rutledge, for the sum of
x200, and regular deeds of conveyance
were given, together with the title-deeds of
J^tttle, to Rutledge-, but as the monev was
not paid at the time of the sale, a mortgage
was made on the same day by Rutledge to
.iMtle, and recorded in he books of the
Supreme Court. About a year after this
transaction, Rutledge obtained a grant of
raore land, and sold the whole premises to
JJullahanty for £300, who paid the same
unconscious of the mortgage to Little. The
vendor, Graham Little, in parting with the
title-deeds, at the time that he sold the
plantation, and thus giving Rutledge the
means of committing a fraud ly keeping
out of sight any traces of a mortgage, would
be precluded thereby from setting up his
mortgage against a bondjide purchaser, igno-
rant of the mortgage, and it must have the
same effect against his assignees. The re-
cording in this Court is not sufficiently
founded on law, to enable me to make that
circumstance the basis of a decision differ-
ent from what is held in England upon
cases similar to the present*
gnge, and
facts Mere
d thai the
ed in if^e
rule made
in April,
ed " Ga-
he sum of
■deeds of
oney was
ttledge to
ks of the
after this
grant of
emises to
he same,
tie. The
with the
sold the
"dge the
e, would
g up his
ler, igno-
have the
The re-
ake that
n differ-
d upon
Colonel FiTZHERBKRT against Williams
& Gill.
__ His action iat'oae out of some altehl-
lions in the arrangements of the church, un»-
der which the plaintiflThad been deprived of
a pew he had formerly enjoyed as Com-
mandant of the Garrison; and the nature of
the plaintiffs right to the pew seems to be
clearly defined and settled by the Chief
Justice in the following judgment t —
Per Curiam, At the first hearing of this
cause, the Court expressed an opinion that
. the officer in command of his Majesty's
land forces in this island, had a right to a
seat in the pew occupied by him, before the
Removal of the organ into it, and not a mere
courtesy at the hands of the churchwardens;
and it entertained the hope that this opinion
might have led to au amicable arrangement
between the parties, and the appropriation
of another pew less objectionable than the
one which hanimand-
•9 of the
ij^^ht, and
iment of
irch; but
■^ of the
fr of the
irst peWf
ar ]802i
ithin the
Bar 1811,
i, a new
lew was
being in
ipied by
ilted the
1 it being
9t for the
to direct
3 for the
: singers
n to re-
ipon the
to the station he filled, being prepared for
him. It is to be lamented that something
more definite had not been arranged be-
tween the parties, and that. the pew which
was intended for him had not been more
particularly pointed out and approved at the
time. The Colonel states that, in consider-
ation of the sacrifice he had made, and the
convenience which had been afforded the
church, he was entitled to expect every libe-
rality on the part of the proprietors, and
their representatives, the church-wardens;
and I do certainly agree with him in the
Cropriety of that expectation. The pew»
owever, which was taken in exchange, was
given to the officers of the navy, and the
one occupied by them transferred to the
Colonel, a pew in sis^e something less than
the one he had resigned, and subjected to
sounds certainly not fty distance made more
9weet. Such is the state of facts before me,
upon which 1 am called upon to delermine
the right which is clsiimed. But there is a
preliminary question : Is this Court compe-
tent to determine such right ?
As between the church-wardens and the
colonel, had he been dispossessed by them
of a seat belonging to the crown, I could
have indemnified him for any disturbance ii^
the quiet enjoyment of possession. But in
this case there has been an exchange between
the governor, as representing the crown, and
the church-wardens; by which exchange,
the pew occupied by the colonel has passed
to the general rights of the church, and the
pew called the singing-gallery has been
transferred to the crown; for I hold, that as
all property in the church is in virtue of sub-
scription, and as the crown has subscribed
very liberally, the crowtt is as fully entitled
to those parts of the chvrch which have
Williams &
Williams &
been successively occupied by his Majesty »
servants as any individual can be to the
pew which he occupies. Uut, independ-
ently of tiie crown, no rij;ht can be claimed
in the pews belonging to the crown ; they
must be held like the assignment of barracks
and other accommodations immediately
afl'orded by the crown, at the discretion of
His Majesty, and are entirely a matter of
private arrangement by those under proper
authority from him. Recommending the
commanding officer and the officers to that
source for relief, I m-jst determine against
the present claim to an indemnity from the.
cliurch- ward ens.
. ■ (
July 0th. Jno. Lynch against CATHEniNE Coughlan^
•• Actio non
accrevit infra
good j'lea in New-
foundland to a debt
due,on simple con-
tract, more iliinsix
years b(>(ore (he
coDiniencenient of
tti« action.
HE only interest which this case is ca-
pable of exciting, arises from its being the
Jirst on record in which Mr. Forbes held
that the statute of limitations was a part of
the law of England applicable to the circum-
stances and condition of this island. In
deciding it the Chief Justice said :
The cause of this action being one to
which the statute of limitations applies, in
j)art, I must begin with limiting t/ie time foe
which the demand for wages may be sustain-
ed to six years from the time of serving out
the writ. Of these six years eighteen
months must be deducted (according to the
agreement proved by the plaintiff's witness^
and confirmed by the defendant's witness,,
viz., that plaintiff was to have his victuals,
clothes, and boarding, in lieu of wages),
leaving four years and a half to which, I
think, under the evidence, he is entitled to
wages, at the rate of f20 per annnm, liable
s Majesty *a
I be to the
be claimed
own; they
of barracks
iscretion of
a matter of
ider proper
ending the
cers to that
line against
)[ from the.
:ase IS ca-
i being the
hrbes held
I a part of
he circuni'
sland. In
ng one to
applies, in
/le time foe
be sustain-
erving out
I eighteen
ling to the
's witness,
s witness,.
i victuals,
f wages),
which, I
ntitled to
ira, liable
to deductions for such articles of clothing
and other arlicles (except usual meat and
tlnnk allowed to all servants about a house)
as the plamtifl' has beea actually supplied
with by the defendant, who must produce
an account thereof, beginning in the spring
ot 18I1J, and ending in the fall of I8I0I
ami deliver a copy of the same to the plain-
titt before the next court-day, unless the
parties should previously come to an ar-
rangement among themselves upon this
point. *^ .
William Dawe against Peter Faddy &
John Connell,
J u ^^® action, which was for an assault
and battery, a special jury returned Jhe foN
lonng verdict : — .
" Tlju dry find John ConneJl guilty of an
asbuult and battery. Damages £5, with
half costs of suit.
'* Peter Faddy guilty of aiding and abet-
ting an assault and battery. Damao-es ^ClO-
with half costs of suit." *
And the Court gave judgment accordinely
against the defendants. ♦ ^^
in this case clmus atUntion on thrt*
* Tbt T«rdtel
grounds :
1st. Because the Jury have assessed several damaces
lor a jouU trespass. *
2dly, Because ibey have found one of the defendanle
guilty as a principal in tbe^tt, and iH other as only in
the second', degree. And,
3(lly, Because tbey have given much higher damages
against the principal in the second, than they have done
•gainst the principal in the first, degree.
• 7 '*•* "fPect to the first point, it was certainly holden
tikLowfield V. Bancroft, 2 Stra. 910, and has ever since
been admitted in Wesimiuster Hall to be good lavr, that
where the defendantji nl
chant, as agent to
the landlord, is nut
entitled to a pre-
ferable claim in ibe
8?ent of the agent's
William Newman against Trustees of
Tr EM LETT & Co.
Ji HE circumstances of this case are suffi-
ciently explained in the following judgment :
Per Curiam. There is not evidence be-
fore the Court to sustain the present action.
It appears that Tremletts were the agents of
the plaintiff, and received the rents upon his
property in this island.
That they received various sums in the
year 1817, which they applied to the pur-
poses of their trade ; and witness states that
he intended to appropriate the balance of an
account due to his house from that ofNeivman
4r Co- to the repayment of the sums he had so
applied ; but that being pressed by the Ses-
tsions for servants' wages, he drew the ba-
lance out of Newman ^ Co's. hands, and
appropriated it to the payment of wages.
How can this be called an appropriation of
a particular sum to the payment of the plain-
tiff? The specific monies which he received
for the plaintiff, he spent as soon as
he received. He afterwards determined to
JEipply a debt due himself, to the repayment
the damages cannot be given feparaiehf againat tbem; yet
»t a period not very long befoi^ the decision la Lowfield
v. Bancroft, Lord King did take a verdict in a precisely
pimilar case (that of Lane y. Santeloe, 1 Stra^?0), where
the Jury gave sevqral damages ; and I think it will readily
be admitted that the earlier decision furoishes a rule more
applicable to the state of this country, and the course of
proceedings in our Courts, than the latter one.
On the second point it may be observed, that, though,
technically speaking, there can be no accessory in tres-
pass (Rex V. Jackson, 1 Lev. 124), yet tbtre may be a
distinction between Ibe principals.
And, on the last point, the verdict may be jastilied by
the oobsideralion that it is perfectly consistent with natu-
ral justice, that a rich man who aids and abets ao assault
should be mulcted in higher damages than the poor mah
who voiumils it at iiis instigation, or by iua command.
ustees of
e are suffi->
idence be^
lent action,
e agents of
ts upon las
lums in the
to the pur-
states that
lance of an
jy the Ses-
•ew the ba-
^nds, and
of wages,
priation of
if the plain-
le received
B soon as
^rmined to
Insttbem: yet
n ia LowfieU
in a precisely
fad 79), where
it will readily
)• a rule more
the course of
ibat, Ihough,
'ssory in tres-
kre may be a
le justified by
int withnaiuo
ets an assauU
ihe poor mab
J>f the plaintitf. He dianged bis detemifha.
lion before he had done so, and applied it
otherwise. His insolvency followed some
«ays after ; and at the date of the iusolven-
cy, which IS the true time to which such s
aaim for preference must always be referred,
there was no appropriation of any monies,
c:b ®r .security whatever, to the demand
of the plamtifT.
it IS hardly necessary to say, that rent
received by a general merchant, in the ca-
pacity of an agent for the landlord, forms
in Itself no claim to priority of payment, and,
unless particularly set apart, merges in the
general mass of the insolvent's effects.
Trustees of Trbk<
BtliTT & Co.
John Sqv are against Matt. Morey & Co.
J-iJJ^J^'^*" ^SJ.'«»^*> '•ecover the sum of
xa,7 1 J ibs.Od, J he circumstances attend-
lS?.*t^''® ^" particularly adverted to by the
f^/uej Justice, who said :—
This is an action to recover the amount
of certam bills of exchange, which wer^
drawn by the defetidants in favour of Varioiis
persons, m the years 1814 and 1815, and
came, in the course of negotiation, to the
hands of the plaintiff, by whom they were
presented at the place appointed for pay-
ment, and were refUsed; consequently, it
falls upon the defendants to excuse them-
selves from a liability apparent upon the
face of the transaction. Two objections ar^
raade, one goes to the merits of the actioh.
the other, if allowed, would stop it at the
threshold of the Court. It has been stated
that there isasurt pending in England for
the same cause which is now before me If
tuis >¥efe proved, i should certwnly consi*
September 14/A.
A and B are
partners in trade ;
Ihe first residing ia
England, and the
other in New*
foundland. B
drawls a number
of bills, on partner-
ship account, upon
A, who accepts
them, but after-
wards refuses to
pay them. With
a knowledge oC
A's intention to do
so, and, in fact, aC
his particular de-
sire, C. purchases
the bills, and then
brings bis action in
against A St B.— '
Held that he ia
--^ivwitsSu to iScoyd?
upon tbem.
I\ ' i
i .
JdOBBY & Co.
rfer it as an abatement of the action : but
the parties have had sufficient time, not only
since this case was first brought before the
Court, but smce the objection itself was
raised, to have produced something in the
«nape of proof, whether the suit said to b6
peiHlmg on the other side of the water is
lor the same cause, and between the same
parties, as the present,~in short, what that
suit IS. To say merely that there is a suit
between the parties, and to say no more, i4
-pleading historically." as Lord Hardwick
expresses it, - without any averment or
certamty which Courts of equity and laiv
both require. ' 1 must, thereJore, dismiss
this plea, although with reluctance ; for a^
the parties are all in England, it won?
r^ . ^.fe^® ^«en more advisable to adi;.-i
their difference there. The principal defence
IS upon the merits of the case. And it is
sufficiently brought to the notice of the
, ""^.^y the evidence on the part of the
plaintiff, who has travelled a little further
than was necessary into detail, how he came
to take up the bills in question, and why he
c uM?"l**^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ **«••«• The holder
ot a bill of exchange, is always presumed to
have come fairly by it ; and where it was
ongmaUy given for value, the want of con-
sideration can hardly be averred by the
drawer Against the holder; who, if the bill
be dishonoured, has his choice of action
agamst all or any of the parties, without
assignmg his reasons for pursuing one of
^^^}?Vl^i^T^^ce to another. But, as the
plaintiff has thought fit to enter into the
pnvate history of his case, it is open to the
defendants to take advantage of anything
MThich may anse out of it, to defeat the ac-
tion; and,certainly,it is a case very singular! v
circumstanced, in wKi^K ««^rvf*u^ iLr_-y
_. J _„ ,, „,^.„ vx*v VI MIC ucicuu*
clion ; but
ne, not only
before the
itself was
bing in tlie
L said to b<6
le water is
n the same
what that
re is a suit
10 more, ii
erraent or
ty and law
e, dismiss
'e; for as
it won'
to aclj; :
al defence
And it is
ce of the
)art of the
tie further
w he came
id why he
le holder
isumed to
re it was
t of- con-
i by the
f the bill
of action
I, without
ig one of
It, as the
into the
n to the
the ac-
~ icfcud ■
hnls determines before-hand to protest bill^i
for which he was, prima Jacie, liable as the
partner of the drawer, and fixes this liability
by accepting them ; and the plaintiff, with
a full knowledge of this determination,
comes forward, at his request, and takes
them up, avowedly for the purpose of their
being protested and sent back for recovery
to this island. Such a transaction might be
ftll very lawful and correct, but it is certainly
Very suspicious ; and if it had rested here,
I should have felt myself called upon to
suspend the judgment of the Court, until the
defendants should have an opportunity of
proceeding by some course in the nature of
a cross-bill, to probe the case to the bottom.
But the circumstances set forth in the plain-
tiffs affidavit, must have been sufficiently in
the knowledge of the defendants^ to have
enabled them to have put him to his answer ;
or, at least, to have produced proof of
the fraud which has been set up; and
1 cannot, at this late season of the year,
leave the case jpen to such a proceed-
ing, without throwing it into another year,
and departing from the system of sum-
mart/ Justice, which is particularly enjoined
upon the Court by the act of Parliament
under which it sits. I must, also, bear in
mind, that the law (.5th Geo. II., chap. 7),
which allows the affidavit of parties inte-
rested in England to be evidence in the co-
lonies, has, in this instance, furnished the
personal testimony of the plaintiff directly
negativing any presumption of his not being
the real party to this action. He swears
distinctly and expressly, that the sum de-
manded on account of the bills, is justly due
and owing to him ; and in this statement he
is corroborated by the admission of the de-
fendant, PrideauXf who goes on to affiriPi
^1 *
that lie had no eflecls oi Matthew More^ ^
Vo. iA hm-hands, as it would seem, for some
time before the date of the bills, and that he
bad given positive orders to h's clerk id
refuse any of their bills which might b^
presented for payment; and he did so>
because he was desir take up
ight law*
ding one
^e shape
fffects iti
the bills
has not
'the de-
j|t does
ds; and
ion, that
Br of the
Ige^ that
1 do not ■
. action,
ct trans-
fore the
vour of
landed ;
they are
ppeal to
bled ta
and to
October \tt.
Where ♦here are
two leases of the
same property, tliR
trustees, i i case of
Exparte William Haly, Esq. in the matter
of Jambs Johnston's Insolvency.
ffiUTCHJNGS leased certain ground to
J nomas Williams, who underleased part
thereof to one Johnston^, for a certain term ••— ^ -, -.
of years, having a few months less to run '""'^'^^n'^y' "*a:-
than miliamis own lease. '"•'*^ I" ''"^ "?'" "'"^
IT , 1 • .• , , . rorect the otlitr
Hutchings died, and the ground leased to
Wihtams devolved upon Colonel Hali/, who,
by deed, covenanted to extend Johnston's
term for ten years after the expiration of the
lease to Williams; and Johnston also cove-
nanted, during his lease from Williams, to
erect certain buildings on the premises.
Johnston is become insolvent, and I he
trustees desire to dispose of the first lease
to Johnston, but intend to give up the ex-
tended lease, or rstiher lease oovenanted to be
extended by Colonel Haly. Colonel Hulu
prays that they may be obliged, to dispose of
both together.
Per Curiam. The trustees have a cleat-
right of choosing whether they will take
both of the insolvent's leases or not. Now,
supposing they gave them up, Mr. Williams
will be entitled to the residue of his term,
free from any after-engagements of Johnston
with Colonel Haly, The only question
then is, can the trustees retain the first
lease, and give up the second? 1 think they
can ; for, in the first place, by so doing they
may benefit the insolvent estate, and can-
not place Colonel Haly in a worse condi-
tion than he would be in were they to g. ve
up the lease to Mr. Williams.
But upon the general question, I think the
assignee of the first term would not be liable
to covenants reeiepvpr] with n nour no^i,. ;» ...
new deed, and with reference to a mew ea-
W. Haly, Esq.
in (be matter ol
J. Johnston's
tate, not yet in being, and not even to comr
mence, at the expiration of the first, for
the residue of Mr. Williams's terra will
intervene, and the property actually change
masters before the new estate, upon which
the covenant is reserved, is to take effect.
1 must, therefore, decide that the trustees
may elect and dispose ot the one lease, dis^
charged from any covenant in the other.
November IWA.
A person who,
since (be year
1685, has built and
made a hoase, sir
ges, and oth^r con»
veiiiences for (he
fishery, is entitled
peaceably and
quietly to eojoy the
The King o^aiw«< Thomas Row.
^ PON a full hearing of this cause, the
Court g»ve the following judg«:aent :—
This is a proceeding on the part of the
crown, to abate a fence lately run by the de-
fendant across a part of the water-side on
the soiUh of this harbour, and claimed by
him as private property ; butwhich, it is con-
tended, is a public cove, or landing-place,
and as such has been used, time out of mind,
by all His Majesty's subjects, and particu-
larly for his naval-yard. It is brought by
the Crown, as the guardian of the rights of
the community, and not as the sovereign
claiming an exclusive property in the soiK
I shall, therefore, abstain from entenng into
the general question, as to what is real pro-
perty in Newfoundland ; a question which
has been carefully avoided by all my^prcde-
cessors, and which 1 am not disposed to in-
vite. Whatever may be the quantity or qua-
lity of real estates in this island, it is certain
that the statute of William authorises any
subject to make a fishing establishment oa
any part of the shore which had not,
within a given period, been used by the
fishing ships ; anv* quiCvty t,o 'ise &n_ eDjoj
the same for his fishery. ' ' '^^
a to corn-
first, for
term will
ly change
)on whioti
B effect.^ '\
le trustees
lease, dis-
:ause, the
nt : —
art of the
by the de*
ter-side on
claimed by
h, itiscon-
at of mind,
id particu-
brought by
e rights of
I sovereign
n the soiK
itering into
is peal pro-
ition which
I my prede-
losed to in-
tity or qua-
it is certain
horises any
lishment on
had not,
sed by the
g and enioy
The defendant rests his case principally
upon this statute ; and if the facts of it
bring him within the act, he certainly has a
right to enclose the place which the law has
exclusively entitled him to hold. The case
before me depends upon its facts, and I shall,
therefore, begin with the defendant's evi-
dence, as first in the order of time.
It is stated that, in the year 1768, the de-
fendant, or his predecessor, having occa-
sion to erect a fishing-room on the South
Shore, and desirous of ascertaining how far
it was necessary to keep from the naval
yard, was informed by the gOTemor that he
might approach as near as twenty feet of the
eastern boundary. This information he re-
ceived in writing, and caused to be indorsed
on what is called a grant, from the same
governor, to build other fishing-places. In
the following year, 1769, there is a similar
instrument, confirming the defendant in the
possession of the place in which he then
carried on his fishery. These instruments,
which can hardly be considered operative
as royal grants, are of use, however, as evi-
dence to show the first intention of the
parties, and the probable time of possession;
and 1 must own it as my impression upon
them, considering the situation of the place
in question and its acknowledged conve-
nience, indeed its actual connexion with the
defendant's rooms, as forming part of the
front of his flakes, that the defendant most
probably took possession of the place ac-
cording to the intention of the governor in
1 768. Following the course of evidence, it
appears that for the last twenty-nine years,
the defendant has occasionally erected what
is called a •• summer flake " over the dispu-
fori C!t\nr>a ^ff n>Mo..nJ . 4l.n^ it~^ l«~i. ^_I
was built in the year 1811 ; since which per.
If \mm* i W ^B H "
i *
nod it has been used more particularly for
hauling up boats, for which the defendant
had a greater occasion, in consequence of
having reduced his number of barking ves-
sels. So far the evidence of the defendant
goes to support a long and peaceable pos-
session of a place actually used in, and es-
sential to, his fishing establishment.
On the part of the Crown it is stated that,
in 1804, a survey was taken of the several
fishing-rooms in the harbour of St. John's,
and, among others, the defendant's is laid
down in the plan, in which the space in ques-
tion is not included, but appears as an open
cove. But this plan in itself, however, made
under very high sanction, cannot bear down
positive testimony, directly contradicting
any presumption which may be collected
from it. The statute giving the title which
is now claimed, requires no registration of
property to make it valid ; possession peace-
ably acquired, and use in the fishery, are the
best title-deeds which can be produced in
Newfoundland. The evidence of Mr. Bol-
irooky on the part of government, is too re-
cent to meet the statements of the defend-
ant's witnesses. He proves that one of the
Kin'^'s anchors was laid upon the disputed
ground, in 1812. But with what view was it
laid there— as a boundary of property ?— It
was for the purpose of hauling up a mer-
chant ship which had arrived in sinking
condition, and required to be immediately
run ashore. The mere fact of putting down
an anchor for such a purpose, and leaving it
there, proves nothing. It is a circumstance
capable of explanation from the recency of
its date ; and it has, I think, been explained
away in the very intention for which it was
:_; ii« loir! flAwn namplv. not as a mark
or boundary of property, but as the means ot
cularly for
Equence of
irking ves-
:eable pos-
in, and es-
itated that,
the several
St. John's,
it's is laid
ice in ques-
as an open
ever, made
bear down
3 collected
title Mrhich
istration of
ision peace-
lery, are the
roduced in
)f Mr. HoU
t, is too re-
;he defend-
one of Ihe
he disputed
view was it
)perty ? — it
J up a mer-
in sinking
iitting down
id leaving it
3 recency of
in explained
vhich it was
)t as a mark
he means of
aiding a ship in imminent danger. — Mr.
Holbrook goes on to say that he always
knew the cove to be used as public; but his
experience does not go back for more than
six or seven years ; and it appears that
what he considered as a right, was frequent-
ly complained of by the defendant as a tres-
pass. If the place in question had been
public, It seems natural to suppose that it
would have been easy to prove it so by the
testimony of many witnesses, whose length
and locality of knowledge would have pla-
ced the matter beyond the •reach of doubt.
As it is, 1 am of opinion that the defendant's
case is within the protection of the statute
ofWilliam; and I must, therefore, determine,
in the words of the Act^ that the defendant
having, since the year 1685, built and made
a house, stages, and other conveniences for
fishing (which appear to have included the
space in question), is entitled, peaceably
and quietly, to enjoy the same to his own
use, without any disturbance whatever.
Peter Lahy against Francis Tree.
^ HIS action was brought to recover the
sum of £5 \As,9d.y amount of servant's wages,
under the following circumstances,
iMhy was shipped by the defendant for
the summer of 1815, for a certain sum ; and
at the close of the year, took sfti order on
Shannon Sf Co, for balance of his wages,
which he received from them in a bill of
exchange, and which bill was protested. —
Defendant contended that he was dischar-
ged under the authority of the case of
Meany v. Pynn^; but plaintiff insisted that
* Ante p. 66.
The King
November 20M.
If anindependv
ent planter gives a
servant in the fish-
ery an order upoo
a mercbanl for the
payment of his «a«
ges, and the ser-
vant takes from the
merchant a bill of
exchange which is
afterwards protest-
ed, the planter still
continues liable to
the servaat for bit
': f.
Peter Lahy
Francis Tree.
defendant was an independent dealer, em-
ployed his servants upon his own responsi-
bility, and sold liis tish to whom he liked;
and, therefor ', that the decision in that case
was not appli -able to the present.
Upon these facts the Couri adjudged,
that, by the 15th Geo. III., the employer
was obliged to pay the one-half of servants
wages in money, or good bills of exchange
upon Great Britain or Ireland^ That the
defendant, acting for himself, as an inde-
pendent employer, and not as the agent of
any particular merchant or receiver, was, of
course, bound to follow the directions of the
statute. He had not paid money, nor had
he paid bills, and, therefore, he would be
liable to the servants, unless it could be
considered that giving an order for bdU
was tantamount to giving bills ; in which
case he became party to the bills, and must
be considered as guaranteeing their being
good. The defendant was liable to the
plaintiff for the amount of his wages, agree-
ably to the provisions of the act. But, inas-
much as it had been (nade to dppear that
the first fish and oil had been sent to Shan-
now, Levingston Sf Co. to meet the order for
servants' wages ; and as the statute express-
ly made *' the fish and oil subject and liable,
in the first place, to payment of wages," the
defendant is entitled to take the benefit of
the clause, and claim upon Shannon Sf Cos.
estate as for servants* w,age8 of the year
ealcr, em-
i responsi-
he liked ;
I that case
F servants'
'' exchange
That the
J an inde-
16 agent of
er, was, of
ions of the
y, nor had
> would be
t could be
Dr for bills
; in which
, and must
their being
t)le to the
ges, agree-
But, inas-
3lppear that
it to Shan-
te order for
te express-
: and liable,
jvages," the
e benefit of
non Sf Co's.
)f the year
HIS action was brought to recover one
year's rent of premises, situated in water-
street ; and the defence to it rested on two
grounds. First, that the house for which
the rent was claimed, had been consumed
by fire, and, therefore, that the lessee's obli-
gation to pay rent was at an end, under the
custom of this town. Second, that the ground
upon which the house formerly stood, had,
since the fire, been appropriated to the use
of the public, and now actually formed part
of one of the streets. To establish these
two points, the defendant called
Thomas II. Urooking (sworn). Witness,
as one ot the attornies for the piuintiflT, had
conversation with the defendant; and it was
the opinion of both, that thejire having des'
troyed the premises, had cancelled the lease.
An account Avas stated by the defendant,
and given to witness, charging himuelf with
rent up to the day of thejire (the rent was
payable every 20th October) ; and had the
money then been offered, witness would
have accepted it^ and considered the lease at
an end.
Geo. Lilly (sworn). Witness drew the lease
in question. He intended the lease to operate
merely so lon*^ as the house was in being. It
was generally understood that a Jire extin-
guished the lease, and, therefore, there was
no express clause to such effect.
Cross-examined. Considered that if the
premises were burnt, it avoided the contract
altogether, and that the landlord would
have a right to re-enter, althou.i]rh the lessee
should wish to retain the ground.
James Simms (sworn). Confirms tLjstate-
December 1th,
Where, after a
liniiso liad been
desiroyeJ by fire,
liitt K't^uinl 01)
which il stood was
converted into a
public street, and
the acts of tile les-
sor's aiicnt alst*
amounted to
" suniethin;; very
like an acceptanc*
of tho surrender of
the lease," the les«
see is discharged
from his covenant
to pay rent. [Seu
the case of J.
Broom v. Preston
ifStabb, decided in
the Supreme Couil,
i:Uli Au|just,
. 5
mcnt that it was the opinion of all persons
ill this town, that a fire put an end to the te-
nanlcy. That he has been in the habit of
making many leases, and knows this was
the prevailing understanding.
In pronouncing judgment for the defend-
ant, the Chief Justice said : —
The Irssors agents (who executed the
deed) having done that which amounts to
somethin very much like an acceptance of
the surrender of the lease , and also the
ground on which the house stood, being ac-
tually converted into a street; so that the
defeiidant could not use the ground, or re-
build qn it, if he wished to do so ; I think
that this action cannot be sustained.
Dtcemhtr 1th.
Tn a case whrre
the fomimssioners
of tlie customs had
exprrsseii a disin-
chnation to enforce
a bond given by a
party who liad
bepn (Siiilty of an
infroctMxi of an act
of Patli&meni, iin-
ilfr circinns'ancfs
which necaiived
•fery presumption
of fraud on his
part; the Court
considered the
bond as cancelled.
A. H. Brooking, Esq., airainst Charlei
l\. Byrm; and 11. Job.
This was an action to enforce the penalty
of a bond, under the following circumstan-
ces. The defendant, Byrne, master of the
ship New Century, arrived at this port sonae
time since, from Liverpool, with a certain
quantity of bread on board, consigned to tbe
other defendant. Job. The vessel and
goods were regularly cleared by the custom-
house at Liverpool, with the exception of
500 bags bread, for which there was no
cocket. The plaintiff being doubtful as to
his power to admit the said bread to entry
without the regular cocket, and at the same
time, believing that the cocket must have
been' left behind, as it could have ^een
had, as ft matter of course, at the time
of clearance, took a bond from the defend-
ants in hifi own name, conditioned for
the production of the cocket. It turned out,
however, that the cocket had never b«en
1 persons
to the le-
e habit of
this was
3 defeud-
?uted the
nounts to
eptance uf
also the
being ac-
o that the
id, or re-
; I tliink
16 penalty
er of the
port some
a certain
;ned to t^ie
essel and
le custom -
ception of
e was no
btful as to
i to entry
t the same
must have
lave ^een
the time
le defends
tioned for
unied out,
.ever been
taken out, and the present action was
brought to enforce the bond.
'J'here was a letter from the commission-
ers of the customs laid in evidence, by whicii
it appeared that they had expressed a disin-
clination to proceed against the parties.
'J'he Court, having heard the respective
parties, cave judgment, in subbtance, as
follov ) : —
^ T! is is an iCtion on the equity side of the
Court, o eirorce the penalty of a bond
given i; I tlie ;>roduction of a document from
tlie cu.' jm-house at Liverpool, as to the
whole of the bread which was imported into
the island without a cocket, having been
laden in England, pursuant to the statute
4th George III. The defence that this sta-
tute was not imperative, and did not cause
a forfeiture, was not tenable. The act pro-
vided remedies at several stages ; first, in
forbidding the clearance of all goods not la.
den in England, for the colonies. Secondly,'
in making any goods whatever, liable to sei-
zure, as forfeited, as soon as they arrived,
without a proper clearance, within two
leases of a colonial coast. It fixed the
limit at which the forfeiture accrued, and the
seizure might be made at any time after.
[Vide Lockyer v. Offley, \ Term, Rep. 252.]
That the objection as to the bond, being
conditioned to perform an impossibility, by
producing what never was in being, was a
mere quibble. The custom-house at Liver-
pool might have given the document re-
Suired, which would have satisfied ihebond,
lut as the commissioners of the customs
had signified a disinclination to proceed on
the bond, the Court must consider them as
virtually exercising the power vested in them
by the 61 Geo. 111.: and as tliAro wqc « t/^toi
absence of all fraud against the revenue, the
Court would consider the bond as cancelled.
livRNu cv Job.
i I:
^' ^' ^' ^^^^ ^'l ^?^inst Miller, Fer-
December 9th. «: <- O.
l)eBu,y.c.i,.c,„, „,,'„„ i, f " from the following decision
"' y*' n. Duties, Ti„^ gi .
accompanied bv a , * ^"^ Curiam. — Tlii<5 i« o« *•
threat SfattaZ^ "t>y the plaintiff as rnl ! f '^'^i'^i" *''*«"&»»t
t'.e fish belon^i^J Hospital du fes to r! *'*'' ?^ Greenwich
not complied wjib ^ "e defendanta o«« ^ ='»«»"tes. —
»"« ajseit of Z* land, eAtenSvelv .r "^T'^^^ls of this is-
clefeDdants agrees, for what intVl i°^?^"' '"•««"««& Supplies
n.™ ...pioye,, ty Lndedoi ,iL ^'!*""''='' Hospital dc-
pursuance Of this '"^nt'*. for all the fi^hl ^^ ®^ ^'^- P^r
a.-menf. draw': defendants rstafnfttrr^PP'^^ ''^ ^^^
* bill „pon the de. WeiP rnm^i; i^^Pf "»»' UnleSS this DrODOSil
fendanis for .he ♦ ! Compiled With, he should ho ^iV- J
amount thereof ^"^ ^^^tach their Jish To th;, J 5^*''^®^
-hich Is reSd r"^« at first Sted nn^ "^^"J^?^' '^''^-
P;yment by ,hem. ship of payin- tnonev f^ "'^^*^ "*^ ^ard-
^-.'dt that the in debt to I .V^- ^^ , '' Persons who were
plaint ff coiiM „„. . "\"' 10 Ins princiDa s f/.H ♦l>„: ,.*^*^®
^!i ;fr
lOBDine sum which *""«• "'s instructions Vwh.-^i, i "^ . ^'°*^
had been ..,u«iiy Were to attach thrfiVN*'^ \ ^"^ *« ^nfor.
stopped and de/ into executlnn I ^^'"'^ ^'^'"'d be carried
tained by defend. ney-llT ', ''^ ^^nsented to pay the mn
•n's'agent from the T^ ' ^"*^ «» t*»e 29th of Octohpr Ll "
fis!,.rmen on ac! ^^^-^W a bill of exchan-e nnin /u ""^^r^S"'
count of the duty, ants in St Jnhn\r P^\^^^ ^^^ defend-
[See .he decision'^ This bdl Was pre^eitlH'/^" '"•" demanded,
^hich were given refused an,i M °'®^ ^'°'* acceptance but
>n the Supreme "' an" the present artmn ii^lTi '
Court In i826.Tn '"^cover the amount hi. ? '^brought to
-emal import;.,; defendants that their i '^l^^'^'tted by the
rh-;Sr '^ ^-- ^"'« "Pon ^em^f rdrTheTeK
:? r (J^^l^^«:?— - -3 I.ana ana .,..,.,,, , ,, ^^^^^^
nst MiLLEB, FeR-
'ill be satisfacto-
>IIowing decision
» action brought
»>• of Greenwich
r the sum of £42
inge, drawn un-
nces: —
lanis of this is^
nssuing supplies
^e fishery, which
by means of an
(ember, the de-
h Hospital de-
emon, a written
'ty of Qd. per
Hipplied by the
ss this proposal
uld be obhged
demand, Ste-
rged the hard-
ons who were
heir suppHes;
' am to inter,
uld be carried
pay the nio-
ber following,
i the defend™
« demanded,
eptance, but
is brought to
nitted by the
18 authorized
therefore, no
to the paymenk
payee, X^X^^eL^L^nirr ^
fendantscanavnil V»i i P'^"""» the de-
f'om the drawpr IP ^' claimed
teral nndertakln^ J ^'^' .°'* "P^'^ '^'s colla-
r^nsl .:.u^*"^ ^<^'* another, which i« til
case m the present action, f he act nf P
liament under whiVh *k1 *i / • , of Par-
directs it to be patj ^."zf "^^^^ »« demanded.
to ite provisions If ti!J r ^^***'*» subject
able in .he'p?ese„/ck tlf;7j bvZl''T
masters whom thp rf»B.„J . >>y the boat's
the latter can only be mar? l"??''*''. and
press undertakin/ ,,'"*''* '"We by an ex-
-changeTat Tlfey i wCS ae'lhr'"" if
•heir agent, for the pavmenl „f 1h ' t^""}«^
money demanded o?.h? J ■ *'"' hospital
consi Jeratr t'thl "uTdSSi ^as ^
How f„ ?"e process oJaT'l*'''' "*"'•
have been lemllJ .tl attachment could
ive dSr^^^wLre TheT"'' ''"V^P***-
-as its existence .o'tir^^rorthTkl^g''
Lb Gbyt
Miller, Fergus
& Go.
? .'
which limits it, however, to cases where the
cause of action exceeds £5, and is sworn to
by the party. It is equalJy unnecessary to
determine how far the persons on whose
account the duty has been demanded, and
who are all stated to be boats' masters and
their children, or sharemen, employed in
open boats along this island, may fall within
the meaning of the act. The Court is in
possession of an opinion of Sir P/«i7ip Yorke,
that all persons whatever, engaged in fishing,
are liable to the duty ; but it cannot help
thinking, from the unqualified language of
that opinion, that the exceptions contained
jn the 10th Anne, chap. 17, and which are
there confined to open boats on the coasts
of Great Britain and Ireland, had not been
extended to the colonies, at the time that
opinion was given ; and it is the more in-
clined to believe so, as Sir Philip had been
many years t^ttorney-general, before the
passing of the 2d Geo. J J . Indeed, the case
put for the opinion of that great lawyer was
upon the construction of the statute of Anne,
and it is hardly supposable that a subsequent
statute, passed so recently, and for the
express pui|>o of extending the provisions
of the former act to the plantations, should
have been overlooked, if it had been in be-
ing at the time. The case before the Court
turns principally upon that part of the clause
of the last-mentioned act, which directs the
duty to be paid by the masters and owners
of the vessels subject to its provisions, and
for that purpose authorises them to deduct
the payment from the wages, shares, or other
profits of the persons liable to the duty, if
such persons shall be entitled to any wages,
shares, or other profits. U, therefore, the
persons on whose behalf the duty was de-
^^--j rr-^iw MVi ^«iiUcu lu iiuy iaaar€S|
cases where the
and is sworn to
unnecessary to
rsons on whose
demanded, and
its' masters and
n, employed in
may fall within
he Court is in
\r Philip Yorke,
faged in fishing^
t it cannot help
led language of
tions contained
and which are
ts on the coasts
1, had not been
it the time that
is the more in-
*hilip had been
il, before the
ndeed, the case
eat lawyer was
tatuteof Anne,
it a subsequent
and for the
■ the provisions
tations, should
lad been in be-
;fore the Court
irt of the clause
lich directs the
ers and owners
revisions, and
hem to deduct
ihares, or other
o the duty, if
'o any wages,
therefore, the
duty was de-
to any shares,
there was no original cause of action against iftift
the masters of the boats in which they ^were v— ^^^
cTnSatior'f.'T^.^"^"^*^' thereUno "nX:r
In^lT ; ,i ^*'""*^^'* "P^n forbearance «•
Jn order to determine this point it wiH h^ Filler, Fergus
proper to take a cursory view of the rda "on "^ ""''
of suppliers and iishefmen. as established
by the usages and law of thi; island It has
ff i /; °^^^««^"«« for a fishing voyage
ieLf'''"'^ ^^^ ^^ i*« foundation in the
necessary connexion of the parties Exm
rience has proved that the^verrexis^^^^^^^
of the sedentary fishery deoendi .m^!. fk-
principle; for it'is theToIeXunttrVthe
mef n??i?' ^^"^^q'^ently, of the emp oy!
tates ; and it is guarded with so much strirr
ness by the Courts, that a judgS at i^^^^
be Jn satisfied '^" ""'''""' ^"P**"^' ^^^
ed^t^o^^thi^l ""^ P'r°"'' ''^^^^ "a™^s affix,
nVr?* 1 5 ^^''^.'^^ accounts demanded as
CoTV''''' ^"'! ^^^" exhibited to the
^TLr^ f^ JV' T"^"" *°«^ their sup-
plies from the defendants, and emolovirl
.rom hired smante iu .hi. iiportdlt pcliti!
Le Gett
Miller, Fergus
cular that in ihe latter case, the wages are
ascertained, and the duty imposed by pari i,
ament attaches immediately ; while in the
lornier, it depends upon the contingency of
the voyage, whether any profits will arise,
and, consequently, any share arise, out of
Which the deductions can be made on ac.
count of Greenwich Hospital.
it appears that at the time, the demand
was made by the deputy-colleclor, he was
informed that some of the persons were in
debt for supplies, but in consequence of his
threatening to attach the fis?, in order to
avoid expense the defendants agreed to pay
the money. Now, supposing that he had
proceeded by attachment, or any leVal
couBse, could he have come at the fish until
tfte lien of the supplier was satisfied?—! am
of opinion that he could not,consistently with
thelaw of the island, uncontradicted, or!
rather, confirmed, as it is by the latter oro
vision of the Act of Parliament. ^
^ In every view, therefore, which 1 have
UkeTtLV^' \''' of my judgment, to
take of the case, I am of opinion that the
amount of damages should be limited to the
sum paid into Court, together with the
n \
the wages are
osed by parlU
; while in the
lontingency of
fits will arise,
arise, out of
made on ac-
B.the demand
lector, he was
•sons were in
quence of his
b, in order to
agreed to pay
that he had
>r any legal
the fish until
sfied?— lam
iistently with
radicted, or,^
le latter pro-
^hich 1 have
iudgment, to
iion that the
mited to the
r with the
In the case between Cowell&Macbraire ^^'^
Btrl!;^Mr 'rr^/"^J" -i-ction to re.
the nlAJn^iff l''''^''' ^"%' t''e agent of
the plaintiff, from paying over to th? piain-
tiff the proceeds of a bilUf exchange wS
tistctbn" Z'"" '>. '^ ^'^^ defenda'ntTn a!
DhinH^«f ^ judpent delivered in the
H Pc?f Z^''''"'' ^^ ^^'^ ^o»''t ; and he urged
hese facts m support of his motion --^tfa
i?s" rtl n%W,^'"r^^ "^r ^'^*^»' '^^d been
insured m England to their full value and
nlin^T""' f ^''^ insurance paid t^ the
whcrtL'r^ '^^P^"' of tbe^ground on
tTken ht th ''^"f?. ^^••"^^'•'y stoorl had been
Meagher & Sons agaiuH Hunt, Stabb
Pkeston & Co.
nTsf a^lf^eltScri^^^^^^^ \ ^\
«otes, made dnnng7hetriluf^^^"'f^'''^
-Action to recover the sum of ^T^i i lo ^v.
goods sold and delivered ^*' ^*''*
hv^^^"' ^f"^/*" ''**''. **^^ «/ ^^^'//an^*, drawn
by defendants on their house in iCgland
(Case submitted to a special jury )
1 he sum demanded was admitted mH
A great number of''witnessef werTe^u.
Dtixmbur iith.
Inj-in. tion crant-
Court to resiraia
an uf-cnt from pav-
ii2 ovpr ro tiis
principnl a si.iu «f
money recnved hj
>iim in satisfaotioa
of a j'jfJpinut in
favour of his pria-
C'pal, Wlif re it ap-
peared, from cir*
cunisianct's not
known to the We-
fpndunt at the time
of trial, that th«
plaintifl^oiight not
«o have the benf^k
ot that judgment.
December 1 1/A,
A special jnrjr
nn«. that before
t'»e passing of the
49 G;o. IK., c.
~7, the custom of
receiving a iuer,
chant's bill m ^ay.
ment of i debt
due by iijin,, wflt
general; but that
f'nce that period
it has noi bten so.
Meaghkr Ai
Hunt, Stabb,
amined ia si^pport of, and against, the spe-
<^»a; <^"st m. tat up as ll < defence.
pare. 8iite ibe ca^e; question of lo-
. cai custoDf ; iaw ofemioms; take a view of
the iinglish law, in respect oflegal tenders-^
not good unless in the lawful current coin of
the realm; e.en teA^io^'c* not lawful, un-
ies, exprtsshf made so by act of Parliament.
I robablfc on^hi of ihe /oca/ practice of
giving IjUs. ^
lsr;.-™No rjjixulating medium. 2dly.—
ihe circumstance of the first fishery being
transient, and the proceeds not being realized
until ioey got to England, where, indeed,
the contracts usually originated and ended,
3dly.— In the statute 15th George IIJ
the emj;ioyer is allowed the alternative of
paying the servant either in money or in
bills of exchange, payable in England or
Jreland. •'
But the very passing this clause, negatives
the argument that bills were a lawful tender
before. However, it may account for the
origin and continuance of the practice of
paying by bills.
But, whatever may be the origin, the
questions now for the jury are, viz. :~ ^
Is there a fixed and universal custom
among merchants upon the issue? and what
IS the custom ?
This question, confined to merchants and
dealers in this island.
4u^^u^\^^'.^^^^ ***® general question, whe-
ther bills of exchange are a legal tender in
all cases hat it is not universally so; but
the ques. ci more properly resolves itself
into vh?f!--
By .-,c!ieral understanding ofmerchants,
in thfciTAtractsofbuying and selling, it i»
consid'jv ? :ig the condition of sale, unless
trie contr. V je expressed at the time, that
inst, the spe-
uestion of lo-
:ake a view of
^egal lenders —
urrent coin of
)t lawful, un-
f Parliament,
al practice of
m. 2dly. —
fishery bein^
jeing realized
here, indeed,
and ended,
Qeorge IIJ.,
alternative of
Qoney or in
England or
se, negatives
awful tender
ount for the
practice of
origin, the
I'iz. : —
jrsal custom
! ? and what
rchants and
3stion, whe-
il tender in
ally so; but
olves itself
lling, it [h
sale, unless
time, that
the goods sold are to be paid for in a bill of 1818
exchange In all contracts of mere indiffer- >..J^^!^L^
ence in the eye of the law. and such as are Uek^^^
not contrary to public policy, the intention sSns"*
of the parties must govern the interpretation „ "•
ni' III among uier^
ctiaiits, It is one of
•he implied con-
ditionsof sale, that
payment is to be
made in bills ofez-
ved or rijected at
the discretion of the
jMTty to whom the
fayment is due.
N this day, a motion was made by the
defendants for a new trial, upon the ground
of the verdict being contrary to evidence,
and void, for uncertainty ; but it was refused
by the Cliuf Justice, who said : —
The simple fact forthe consideration of the
jury, was this: — Is there such a custom in
this island, as that the vendor of goods is
bound (unless the contrary be expressed),
at the expiration of the term of credit, to
receive the purchaser's bill of exchange in
payment ? The Jury have found that such
a custom did prevail before the passing of
the 49th of the King, which altered the law
in respect of the preference given to New-
JCUllOia, upuii illCU'IUUUUiUUv.
estates f but that since that statute, the cus
I w
IS, in the ab*
av be called
intentions of
,'hange of the
iven must be
reditor being
)f approving
ing verdict {
istom of re-
nt's own bill,
assin^ of the
en the pro-
the country
)plied to the
d creditors,
ibsequent to
I'ing; a mer-
and Others,"
lade by the
the ground
was refused
•ation of the
1 custom in
' of goods is
of credit, to
exchange in
id that such
3 passing of
red the law
n to New-
te, the cus-
Meagher ^tE
tarn had not been invariable; leaving it to ]81i8.
the Court to determine, whether, upon the
fact so found, it could be considered as a
custom having the force of the law. Jt is
one of the necessary requisites of a custom,
that it should be continued; any interruption J^"^» Stabb,
to it as a custom, causes a temporary cea- *^*^"®'* * Co.
sing, and thereupon renders it void. Now
the jury have found the time, since which the
alleged custom ceased to be observed; and
it becomes the easy province of the Court
to say, that it wants one of the requisites of
a legal custom, and is therefore void.
l^pon a matter of so much importance to
the mercantile community, it may not be
amiss for the Court to explain its view of the
]aw, as it may now be considered as seicled.
It is this: that in ike absence of express
agreements between merchants, it is one of tkc
implied conditions of sale that payment is to
be made in bilh of exchange, to be approved
or rejected at the discretion ef the part^. to
whom the payment is dme.
JohkBbopuv against Attwood & Ha^nrjiis
Decemher 12th,
Unless some act
|*M be done by tba
I HIS was an actiott to recover the sum utr/^'iS
of £36^^ sterlings upon the following guaran<
tee :—
Mr. John Urop9y,
Sir,— We hereby guarantee io yon the
payment of whatever just and lawful swrn of
money is now due to you from William
Casey, one-half (his fall, and the other half
ihe ensumg fail of 1814, on condition of
yoor making over to Thomas Duffy all^ yaw
of the time limited
for payment, toi«A<.
but the knowledge
of the surety, the
inere neglect by
bim to lake active
measure! to eufore*
payment from tba
principal debtor
will not relieve the
iursfy from his ii>
ability to pay the
Att Wood &
""*' ""nam Casey, master.
Pro Attwood h Haynes,
St. JoWb. October 25,1813.'""' *"""'•
i. f'f^-^'^.L** J?'"'"'!^ states, that JVil-
he'"p,Sff''Tr'P^t «-?'"« indebted a
ZuW hi r ^^JT'^i "l *•"=•' balance as
Principal died ; . and .h%,^"tLet nee''
this action wad : ought. "^yut-uce.
Produces accounts between.- ophy und
Casey, from 1807 to 1812, by wti^^^a ba
lance is claimed of £369 11,. 9/ ^ ^*"
by winch It appears that the (Jt^fenda *
actually received two hundred and thltu
pounds for the sale of the schooner JaiZ^
^^■nms, for defendants, states that thev
rTT T "* ,^^ ^"^ny* wishing to disDose
ofthe .f.«^ and buy another vessel, ih7de
femlants acted as L's L okers. or agents in
«olhng the schooner ^ane for £230 e'ud
/of/in I81T n <^^'**^^/) name, but wa.
S/ John's hI^?""'"^ ^r"^ ^"^ ^"tP^rt to
at. John s.—He also produces a paber bv
vjhich It appe. . that, in 1810, JirSance
«„^ • • ^^^s guarantee vas given
the schooner
js, that Wil-
indebtecl to
the payment,
ooner Jane ;
»eir accounts
ome to a de-
ig to dispose
lits to gua-
balance as
-ators. That
; that the
Vrnpky and
vhich a ba~
s . Jmjtte''
and thirty
Jr Jane,
that they
r their own
io dispose
ely the de-
a??ents, in
^230, and
>vhich was
3, but wa^
outport io
paper, by
e ualance
'as given
rj posses-
sion of a schooner, as a security for his de*
hiand ; and that security he relinquished at
the express request of the defendants, when
they gave their own guarantee instead of it.
It is, besides, a strong presumption of some
money being actually due from Casey io
Brophy ; although, the parties not agreeing
as to the amount, it was referred to arbitra-
tors to adjust. The arbitrators were dilato-
ry in their proceedings, and could never be
brought to make their award ; in the mean
time C cy died. Nothing then remained
io be done, but to carry the case before a
competent tribunal to determine the sum
due from Casey to plaintiff; and unless the
defendants can show something which has
occurred, since they gave their guarantee, to
relieve them from the effect of it, they were
bound to pay the amount adjudged to be
It is contended, that there have been
laches on the part of the plaint! T, in not
enforcing his demand in the life-timt of
Casey. But it was necessary that the amount
should be det( rmined before he could en-
force payment ; and it does not appear but
that he endeavoured, as much as he could,
to get the award from the arbitrators. The
delay was theirs, not his; md has not
been attempted to show that he ive any
indulgence to Casey, by extending the term
of payment, or otherwise. Besides, mere
neglect of active diligence to enforce pay-
ment from the principal, will not discharge
the surety (a). There must be some positive
act done by him, £ .me extension » f the time
limited for payment, without the knowledge
or conient of the surety, to relieve the latter
fro.a his agreement. It was on this ground,
(a)6VM, 734.
A rrwooD 8c
Attwood ^
before the Court. '''^ ""^"^ <*°^
o.«i/°'u^.*^ opinion, that the guaraatee is a
Inu t^^ H ''''"^ ^^^"^""^ agai„sTth7de?end!
Xfntff r™''""'**r^'«'^'* debt to the
& J* J" T?t*'"^u '^' «"«» dae from
bv fL r ^^i^^^ ^y the amount given i"
and whJ^^'"**^ '^ "'^^ defendants in 1816^
Jiidgmentfor the plaintiff, in the sum nf
two Aundred and sixt^ght pounds tZhil
imgs and eight-pence sterling, ''"
Assignees of Rvan & Son against trustee.
Jinnar^w, i8ia of Ryan & Sons.
Where trustees,
onder a composi«
tion-deed. bad dis-
property (bat came
into ibeir bands
•mong (be New*.
loandland credilori
at large, and retain-
ed (be remainder
•n salisfaotian of
tbeirown claims aa
creditors, tbe Ch.
Justice beld, that
the assignees uo-
der a commissioa
of bankruptcy in
Eogland, could not
recover the ainoual
«f those payments
trom th« (ruaiflM,
F«iiie!», tne cnief Justice now delivpr«,i
judgment m nearly these wordsT- '"'"^
ofT^'^ 1 ^« ^*'^''*" ''''°"^*»' by the assignees
tTestate of 'jJP'^ V«c''"«' *^« trust^eT of
aIaT °' ^^*"* ^ '^^»*. appointed bv
deed of composition, at Ne;foundS for
ZZh^^L'' ^'''^"^ ^^-'* interest L
•the partnership property of /2«a« &- Som
It appears that the parties wfre concerned
in busmess, which they carried on in nTw
foundland and at Liyerpool? iCider thJ
■also carried on some business on comST
s on, on account of the concern, bSt
£• * --«wv »»tMii„« wtt wfciweea Li?er-
5 present de-
cided, and it
the case qow
uarautee is a
t the defend-
debt to the
im dae from
int given in
nts in 1816;
e confusion
?at fire, was
to be used
(he sum of
ds teus/iil'
St trustees
beard the
' assignees
h commis-
rustees of
•inted, by
dland, for
iterest in
in TSew-
ider the
but not
I Liver-
|)Ool and Newfoundland; that in conse-'
quence of embarrnHHments, Joseph Rifan en*
tered into a composition with the principal
creditors at Liverpool, in February, 1817,
by which he agreed to pay the English cre-
ditors a dividend of six shillings and eighth
pence in the pound, by three instalments,
out of the funds and effects of the Liverpool
branch of the tirro.
The creditors of the Newfoundland branch,
hearing of thib arrangement, became pressing
for a settlement of their demands, and by a
deed of composition, dated at St. John's,
28th May, 1817, Timothy Ryan, for him-
self and his partner, Joseph Ryan, assigned
all the funds and effects at Newfoundland
to the defendants, in trust, for the benefit of
all and every other the creditors of the said
Timothy Ryan, and his said partners, under
the firm aforesaid, for goods sold and deli-
vered them in the island of Newfoundland
aforesaid, or any other transaction with
them within the said island, in equal pro-
portions, ratably and proportionably.
In pursuance of the last-mentioned deed,
the trustees proceeded to collect the eflfects
of Ryan Sf Sons in Newfoundland, and dis-
tribute them as far as they would go, when
some of the creditors ot Liverpool, not ha-
ving come into the arrangement there, and
the others not receiving the promised divi-
dend, Joseph Ryan was declared bankrupt,
and his effects and interests transferred to
plaintiffs as assignees.
As the respective branches at Liverpool
and St. John's transacted business under
the same firm, and seem to have been iden-
tified, in a great measure, by the course of
their dealings, it would have been right had
the En&rlish creditors onnsiHonoH «k<^>n „<>
tormmg but one house, and under the same
Aflsigncfis of
Ryan Sc Son
TruitocB of
JKyan & Sons,
' !
Asignees of
Ryan & Sop?
Trustees of
BvAN & Sons.
batScv^'in'^rh ^''^^^ ^ commission of
S S«^nf r .^^^"^«7' 1817. against Jo^
edituTu ^'TP?^'' andtohave follow-
against §^.„^V declaration of insolvency
ivTjJri VT^y ^y^^ in this island. But
entred btoTl '"i ^'^^.^''^^^t^rP^rt of them
eniered into a deed, in iln operation tendinn-
to place the creditors of the two branches if
a distmcl pomt of view in relation to the re"
Kst^l?''''''* .P' Newfoundland eel
receive «n'°^ "P ^^^ ^^^^ '*'* ^^^ ^^^^ view,
IZoJ.T ^'^•Sn»"ent of the Newfoundland
effects through the hands of trustees
m.^Vr;.^^ . ^ circumstances, whatever
might have been the true light ik which the
two branches should have bein con^derec I
ihTTff" ^''V^' ?"^*^^« ^^» ^« charged bJ
>vbat effects they have actually distributed
even supposmg the deed of assignment void
want of a sufficient power in Timothy Ryan
to Una Joseph Ryan by deed. Yet thf de-
I^enJs .'r 'S'^^'^ ^^ considered as The
^Jllor^rnff'''-^"^"* the defendants have
l7ZffL\ ^'' '.' '.' P'^'^^d that they have
hirpf. '^K*'"'^'"*"^ *^ their hands ; and!
therefore, they must have judgment iv h
faction onL^''^'yJ^^'' '•'''^^"'*^«'' ^»««ti,:
taction of their own demands as creditors I
tbmk under a full view of the whole clr-
rZl^r.^^ '^"^ ^^«^» ^« they now stand.
Wni *?''* '^^'% ^^^ ^«d« <>f J"«tice by
distrbed'" P'^*^^^^'°S« <>f the trustees u/
nmission of
against Jo^
ave follow-
and. But,
art of them
on tending
tranches in
to the re*
lland cre-
arae view,
which the
isidered, I
liarged for
lent void,
from the
hy Ryan
!t the de-
ed as the
id under
ing pos-
ats have
ey have
s ; and,
. With
in satis-
iitors, I
jle cir-
T stand,
»tice by
ees un-
Deputy-Sheriff of Harbour Grace against
Thomas Pynn.
%J PON a rule to show cause why the
Court should not compel the defendant to
deliver up the certificate of registry of a
schooner called the Lark, which had been
sold hy the plaintiff under divers executions
from the Surrogate Court at Harbour Grace,
— The defendant now appeared,aud showed
for cause :
That several judgments were given by
default against the defendant, to meet which
he had offered to deposit monies, until he
could show, under a writ of inquiry, that the
sums demanded were not due to the full
That the whole of the judgments amount-
ed to little more than £1U0, and that de-
fendant had abundance of property in his
house to meet them ; but that the Deputy-
Sheriff attached a valuable schooner (for
which the defendant had paid £600), and
advertised it for sale the next day, when a
friend of the defendant intended to have
brought it in, but it was sold before he got
to the auction for the sum of £400.
Per Curiapi. Enough has appeared to
satisfy this Court, that the present is not a
case in which it will interpose. The insu-
lated facts of the property taken in execu-
tion being so much greater in value than the
judgments recovered, and advertised one
day to be sold the next, would be sufficient
to call forth this determination of the Court.
Sales under process of law are compulsi..
tory on the party, when they are regular ;
but th y must be strictly regular to be legal ;
and they ahouid be so fair, open, and above
board, as not to admit of the suspicion of
January 14 ir i mm>9§imimm 3!e
ffering any
t may not
free to say
refuse the
the reliel
f <£65, un-'
tie Barry ^
•or a term
', 1816.-.
ra, Barry
le his per-
), entitled
'in, which
\ expired,
ng, dated
e to quit,
at his re-
antees to
lever reni
ince paid,
^aire, for
than the
^ry to the
3 brought
noney so
Per Curiam. On tlie 25lh October, 1816,
it appears, by a note laid in evidence before
the Court, Mr. Macbraire notified the de-
fendant *• to quit the premises immediately,
or he should proceed as the law directs." —
This notice is dated near a month after the
expiration of the defendant's term ; and,
therefore, the statute giving double rent,
which has been held to require a previous
notice, does not apply to the case. What,
then, does the law direct ? Why, an eject-
ment, which is not brought ; and the action
is resolved into one for use and occupation,
for the time held over the lease, the value of
which must be collected from evidence;
and as the same premises were let in the
following year, 1818, for a new term at £40
per annum, I incline to think that sum a
fair equivalent for the preceding year. But
I shall leave the case open to proof of any
specific agreement, or understanding, as to
the exact sum to be paid.
On a subsequent day, the Chief Justice
declared that he still retained the opinion
he had formed on Ihe first hearing of this
case ; and that, as the evidence which had
»nce been laid before him cdnvinced him
ibat the rent reserved for the year 1818 form-
ed the best criterion of the value of the pre-
mises in 1817, he should hold the defendant
liable to pay the sum of £40 for his use and
occupation of them during that year. *
* As this etise appsars to bavu been brought more than
'>nce under tbo consideration of Mr. Forbes, and to hate
engaged a good deal of bis attention, I caaiiot easily per-
suade myself that be has taken an erroneous view of Jhe
Uw applicable to it. Yet upon a Tf ry careful comparison
of thojacts of if, with those of Cobby. Stokes, 8 East, 358,
- ;;uu^;:3s *ncy uo s&iSi 50 tiiv in bwsr a p'Tjici re$emutaHce
to na«h other in eM their material poinl8.~" NoN tam
OVUM ovo siM!LB." Aod. ccmiuJy, the decision o( the
Meaguer &
) .
. ! i
January 22d.
A lupplyingo
merobaat who baa.
been deprived of
the proceeds of the
Toyage,on the faith
of which the vup-
plies weie issued,
by the fraudulent
conduct of the
planter, may sup-
port an action, in
the name ot that
planter, against the
party who misap^
plied the property
which ought to
have been deliver^
ed to the merchant.
CoNNiCK against Dooling & Co.
.A CTION to recover two years' rent of a
fishing-room, on the French Shore, and sixty
quintals of fish which were caught by plain-
tiff, and were to have been delivered to
Shannon, Levingston 4' Co., but were clan-
destinely received by the defendants, and
fraudulently delivered to their suppliers,
Stuarts SfRennie, to i g prejudice oi Shan-
non, JLevingston <^ Co. who are the real par-
ties in this action.
At the conclusion of the evidence on both
sides, the Court stated the case to be of so
much importance, as a precedent, that it
should require reference to the books of
Shannon, JLevingston Sf Co. to see the state
of the accounts between that house and the
plaintiff, and what balance had become due
to them that year.
On the following day, plaintiff's agent at-
tended and laid a statement, as required by
the Court ; by which it appeared that plain-
tiff, in that year's dealings alone, had in-
curred a balance of debt amounting to
ii558 6s, 4d ; whereas the defendants had
a credit upon the balance of their account
with their suppliers, Stuarts & Rennie, of
J£138. . , . J
This statement being admitted, judgment
was delivered as follows :
Per Curiam. This action is for two prm-
cipal items ; one for two years' hire of part
of a fishing-room on the French-shore,
charged at £12 per annum ; the other for
sixty quintals of fish, said to have been
made by the plaintiff, and smuggled, as it is
Court of Eing*« Uenoli in €t>hh 4' Siokis^^i diractiy rs vsri-
ancA with Mr. jFbrto's judgment, and aUogether repugnant
to the principle upon which he professes to have fouaded it.
'**™!S;'?^ f^JWm?m«mm
& Co.
i' rent of a
!, and sixty
it by plain-'
elivered to
were clan-
dants, and
' suppliers,
;e oi Shan-
le real pat'
ice on both
to be of 80
snt, that it
books of
e the state
ise and the
ecome due
*s agent at-
equired by
that plain-
le, had in-
)unting to
id ants had
={r account
jRennie, of
r two prin-
lire of part
J other for
have been
ed, as it is
her repugnant
ive foucded it.
called* on board a schooner of the defend-
«nt, Doolini^, instead of being delivered to
Shannon 6f Co., the plaintiff's supplieis. The
value of the rooms has been variously stated
by the witnesses. 1 incline to think that
the charge is not out of the way, supposing
the rooms to be in tolerable order; and,
therefore, J shall allow the first year's rent
as a compensation for repairing the room,
and admit the charge for the second, at the
rate of £l2.
With respect to the smuggling transactiony
the two principal witnesses, Edmund Dunphy
and James Conners, are completely in con-
tradiction. Dunphy, who was in charge of
Connick's room, swears that sixty quintals
of fish were put on board Dooling's schoon-
er, commanded by Conners* But Conners
as positively swears, that all the fish brought
ronnd by him was from iJoo/iMg"'* flake, and
no part whatever from Connick's. The trans-
action is discreditable to the plaintiff, who
comes forward in the character of a dealer ;
confessing, by his action, an attempt to de-
fraud his suppliers. Did the matter, there-
fore, rest between these parties, I should
refuse the interposition of this Court, upoa
the principle, that '• in pari delicto, meli-
aware that the representatives of the suppliers
are ihereal parties to this action.The case rests
entirely upon evidence ; and as the evidence
is contradictory, it becomes the duty of the
Court to weigh it with a careful hand, and de-
'>/,rmine to which side the balance of credit
belongs. To me it appears,that the defendants
did receive the sixty quintals offish from Con-
nick, with the knowledge that he was in-
debted for his supplies, and that it was with
the view of defrauding his merchants. The
5ituaiion iii which Dunphy was placed, ae
Pooling & Co.
>-».j>»kJv.i*«i** — ww.'AjawTr**-''-
it M
master of the plaintiff's voyage, his age,
and the clear manner in which he gave his
evidence, convince me that he could not be
deceived, and that he spoke the truth. His
testimony is also corroborated by many im-
portant circumstances, such as Connick
having first brought round a quantity of
Doolingy fish, which he delivered to Stuarts
^Rennie, for which wo freight was changed.
Why should this very proper charge liave
been omitted ? By the circumstance, related
by Mr. Bemdea, of CowmVA;'* demanding mo-
ney of l>
icample to
ation be-
md costs.
Baini:, Johnston & Co. against Alexan-
der Chambers.
Jr^ER Curiam. The plaintifls are mer-
chant-suppliers for the fishery, and ad-
vance necessaries to dealers at the out-
harbours of this island, for which they re-
ceive fish and oil in payment. They supplied,
among others, Fraud 6c Sons of Trinity Bay,
last summer, to a cpnsiderable amount, but
receiving from them little more than one-
half of the value of their advances ; and
hearing that their fishery had been product-
ive, they caused an inquiry into the cause,
and learnt that they had put ofi" part of the
proceeds of their voyage to the supercargo of
a certain schooner, which had been sent
round, by the defendant, to Trinity Bay,'for
the purpose of obtaining fish and other pro-
duce in exchange for provisions and goods.
It appeared in evidence, that the defend-
ant was not a supplier of Froud Sf Sons '^ that
he had sent a schooner to Trinity Bay, in
October last, and directed his supercai^o in
general terms, to barter goods for fish, who
conceived he might deal with any person
that offered ; and under this impression, re-
ceived thirty-five quintals of fish from Froud
& SonSf without asking any questions about
their suppliers, or the state of their accounts,
or supposing such inquiry necessary.
Under these circuttistances, the plaintiffs
brought this action for the recovery of the
value of the fish received by the defendant,
for which ihey contended he was liable,
under the usage and law of the fishery. The
defendant, on th ^. other hand, maintained
that he had a Tia!:bt to purchase from anv
person who was in possession of the com-
modity _8old ; and as he paid ftdl value for
January 25tA.
The town of Sf.
•Tolin is a market
overt ; ami, tliere-
foro, the lieii of
llie siipplyjiif; mer-
chant upoti (lie
produce of the
voyage is divrst*
ed by a bonaJUle
sale of such pro^*
duce ill this town.
Secus in ihe oat-
harbours, which
are not markeU
I (
" 'I
Bainb, JoilNx
sroN & Co.
y I
the fish in question, he was entitled to retain
It. And he further insisted that it was not
only a usual traffic to barter for tish at the
out-harbours, but it was a great easement to
planters to be enabled to sell at their own
doors, without the risk of water-carriage, or
the expense of freight.
Jt is certainly the right of the owner
of any goods to dispose of thein in any
way that he pleases ; but the gist of the
case before the Court is, who were the
owners of the goods in question ? and what
is the force and extent of that lien upon the
actual or supposed existence of which, the
merchant who advances the means of prose-
cuting the fishery principally relies for his
payment ? This is a question of the great-
est consequence to the trade and fisheries of
this island, as at present conducted ; for it
is well known that they are, for the most
part, carried on by means of necessaries fur-
nished at the commencement of thO'fishing-
season, to persons who are seldom possessed
of any capital of their own, upon the faith of
receiving the proceeds of the voyage in pay-
ment for the supplies. It is a system of
credit founded in good faith ; and it becomes
the duty of the Court to cement this neces-
sary confidence between the parties, and to
guard it with vigilance from infraction by
It has always been held that the regular
supplier of necessaries for a fishing-voyage
has a specific interest in the fish caught, to
the value of hit supplies. It is a local usage
growing out of the course of conducting the
fishery, and was probably adopted from the
maritime law of lien upon a ship, for neces-
saries found and labour performed upon a
foreign voyage (a). In the case of Cunnings
(a) Sm the caae of Kelly v, Hut(c4 it, besides th** ii«^ ? . "& '^s a fishe-
"■ents, and the flXaUol '% "^"-^ «'«-
icts be is laid open to the f/??^ "ar-
^, by his deaLr*"be,W n ."' '°? '"''•«
«o any persons who malfff '"'^'"'"'c'l
produce of the voyage" tit f «» buy the
"Pon which the «,.£i' ■ ^""7 produce
for payment and wh,*;^ 'I^r^'P^''^ 'oIie»
created by his Weans » pi/ '''' " chiefly
'abour constitutes M a smtl. "*?■ P^'-''""'
•necessary m«to,„; fw a fi^hllr*'"' '"^"'e
Judgment for piaiw4^''"'^y-
o"ltl be liabK
ailed upon so
ants* w (TQg .
'inion of^tliis'
eg;*' usanfeat
'larAet overt,
•of sale; in
to trace the
'oad of fish
J the publi,
r purchaser.
'' apply to
sual places
the purcha-
>f receiving
•erty, and,
e may bwj
buy it sub"
tJant must
ish he has
} satisfied
iai princi-
ance sup-
's a fisbe-
f the ele-
•>gn mar-
;d to sell
buy the
ly relies
1 Of the
Alexander VnzGB.VLS.'UTi against William
.CTION to recover £(^ 6*., amount ofthe
passage of a servant, all sjed to have been
stopped in the bar of defendant to the
use ofthe plaintifi*. had previously paid
the amount to Mi s. Baine^ Johnston &
Co., the owners of the vessel. After several
evidences had been examined, and the par-
ties heard, the Chief Justice said : —
There is no proof of the money being ac-
tually stopped by the defendant totheplain-
tift''8 use, so as to make it an original obli-
gation on his part to pay the money; and,
therefore, the plaintiffs case is tnerely a
collateral undertaking, and falls within the
statute of frauds; and as there is no agree-
ment in tvriting, in compliance with the
directions of the statute, there must bejudg'
ment for the defendant. ' ,. '
DuoGAN & Whit? agains$ Jqhn if^
Tbimingham & Co.
ink CTIQN of account ; disputed ch^i^etl
rtiiide by defendants againW plaintift' as
follows J—- • V t
1/4 .--Commission on adVariclrf^ jt3^5 foi-
purchase of a certain schbonfer,'fl per d^t;
2 September— jei 7 15*.
JB. — Ditto on sale of schooner to Pember-
ton, 2 March— £10.
C. — A puncheon rum, said not delivered
ly. — Short received of Mr. Macbraire for
freight due plaintiffi- £l 14*.
E. — Short received of Pemberton for sale
of schooner — £23 13*.
Fdmuxry Mth.
In Ibis cue, tbt
Chief Juitice re^
• ognized ibo •!■•
I Jta of frauds (20
Car. 2, c. 3), aa
applicable lo this
February IS/A.
A conunissioo
of 2i per cunt, it
•II that an agent is
entitled to on th«
purchase and sale
of property for his
principal, in the
absence of any ex-
press agreement
between tbem oa
that point. And a
general agent is
not responsible for
the solvency of
the purchaser. It
is sufficieot that
thn niirshaaar n>n_
in good credit at
the time of salt.
1 1^5 IIIIII.4
,^S 1653 East Main Street
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J=r -^ Phone: 716/482-0300
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e 1903. Applied Imaga. Inc . All Rightt R*Mrv«d
i '
DuooAN ie
J. F. TaiMiNG.
HAM dc Co.
Several witnesses were examined on each
of the points in controversy between the
parties, and the Chief Justice then delivered
the following judgment : —
The commission of 5 per cent, on purchase,
as well as 5 per cent, on sale, is an unusual
commission, and must be limited to two
and-a-half per cent., instead of 6, as is the
usage of such transactions in the absence of
particular agreements. It is admitted that
the defendants held a security upon the
schooner, which was alsolnsured ; and, there-
fore, there was no such great risk as was suffi-
cient to warrant unusual interest. But an
there was money due from plaintiffs to de-
fendants, when the latter demanded the
purchase-money of the schooner, in addition
to what was before due them, I think they
are fairly entitled to legal interest from the
time of purchase up to the sale in March.
The objections to the two next items of
the account have not been sustained ; and
as the defendants bad merely acted as ge-
neral agents in selling the plaintifTs' schooner,
wHhont warranting the stability of the pur-
chaser, and as it afipears that Pemherton
was in credit at the time of purchase, and, it
is known, became in difficulties in the fall of
the year, before the balance of ;£23 was paid,
no blame or negligence can be imputed to
the defendants on that account \ and that
sum aUo must stand.
led on each
etween the
n purchase,
an unusual
ed to tuo
S, as is the
absence of
[iiittcd that
f upon the
st. But SB
tifls to (k-
landed the
in addition
[ think they
?fit from the
n March.
3xt items of
lined ; and
:ted as ge-
8* schooner,
of the pur-
liase, and, it
in the fall of
S3 was paid,
imputed to
; and that
John F. Triminoham &Co. fl^oins
hh at pkaaurt, if
tho party who
•reeled the build-
ing refute to re«
novo it. after ba>
Ting been regular-
ly deaired to do
tiffs to adduce farther proof, a judgment, as
above stated, was entered against tiem.
HoYLEs & Other^fl^atWl John Bland,
Esq.. Higli Sheriff. ^
fThli cue I. ilf.atm'baiim from Mr. F^be,^, notea, or
minutes, of the trial.]
Action for forcible entry, and pullinff
orhannfT'^'' building used as a coCig!
or house, for a public fire-engine.
J he declaration contained two counts :
first, under stat. 8th Hen. VJ. c. ; and the
sir/rr^c.'^^' ^-
Plea, Defendant admitted the fact of
!?♦ f"?f *"«* P»»»ng down the building, and
set forth, that theplace on which the trespass,
&c. was committed was a/mWiVr shiprJoom,
authorized, by statute, to be granted, or
disposed of. by the Governor.^hat the
defendant, as sheriff and bailiff of the crown,
entered on the same for the purpose of re
moving a house, or shed, which was placed
there, withnnf ri«.k» — i: i i v ,
such effect; and that he did so remote the
lere can be
ilinn of the
et tiiis case
)laintifl's to
any they
I under the
e nature of
given for
the i^kin-
Igment, as
r Bland,
n'< notes, or
1 pulling
counts :
; and the
tss, quare
i fart of
ling, and
nted, or
D crown.
Be of re
) placed
f had to
love the
BAme in a peaceable manner; and that is the
trespass complained of. It appeared, durin;;
the trial, thai the locus in quo was, in fact,
part of a ship's room, and that permission
had been given, by the then governor, in
1805, for an engine-house to be placed on
it, removaule at pleas,:re. In the fire of I 'M (i,
the house was removed, and the building,
whic'i was lately removed by the defendant
by order of the present Governor, had been
since erected as an engine-house.
Place, a Ships -room. — Surveyed 1804.—
License of governor in 1805 for a leropumry
building, on wheels. — Act of Parliament
1811. — Allotment of place as custom-house,
in 1812.— 7>Fire in 1816, and old house remo-
ved ; replaced shortly after, — Fire in J^ovem-
ber, 1817, and other place assigned as cus-
tom-house; and place in question disposed of,
under .^cl^ 1811. — Notice to plaintiff in
February last, and consequent order to take
steps to remove thd house erected on ^iliips*-
State nature of action. — Define trespass
at common law. — Forcible entry a statutable
trespass^ and also renders party liable to in-
dictmeni. But this difference, that in action
at suit of party, defendant may show a right
qf entry and possession; but in indictment,
which goes to the public injury, without re-
ference to the rights of parties, violence can-
not be justified. — Hawkins^ vol. 2, p. 29 ; Hd
Term Rep. 295—6.
As this is a private action, therefore, and
capable Mi justification ; and«as a justinca-
tion goes to the question of title, necessary
to take a review of ihe case with reference to
title and right of entry.
Place upon which engine-house stood was
shtps-room, [See statute 51, Geo. III., and
chart therem referred to.] As such ships'-
room, incapable of private appropriation,
even by license from the Governor.~^to. III., and
luch ships*-
8 being so,
w its being
^e property
id, conse-
was fixed
how some
ion, at the
ley had no
itained no
in 1805,
ense that
emoval of
:h permis-
he posses-
issive oc-
ntUled to
led to no*
ible at the
nantcy ai
moH may
)arty, or
linst the
vr, nor in
i uRenjf.
ciOf to take possession of lands for the
crown. — Sec Ist Black. Com. 343. A ser-
vant may justify acting under order of the
party entitled to the right of entry. — Argent
V. Durrani, T. R. 408.
Where the Crown is entitled by matter of
record, it may enter without office, or pre-
paratory proceeding.
Not necessary to gc into the great powers
of the Crown, as they are difficult to recon-
cile in theory with the practice of the pre-
sent day. If the Crown had a present right
o/en/ry, the Sheriff, as the public bailiff,
was justifiable in entering, in the same way
as a private individual would have been
justified, acting under the direction of ano-
ther individual lawfully entitled to entry ;
and the house, being a fixture, belonged to
the Crown, and was liable to the same consi-
deration as the ground upon which it stood.
Observe, generally, upon the power and
duty of a Sheriff, and responsibility as a high
officer of the Crown ; to which the law im-
putes not only no wrong, but an incapacity
to do wrong. If the Sheriff abuses his trust,
and dishonours the name o'f his master, he
is doubly liable as an individual, and as a
public officer abusing his trust. — See 2dJnsi,
205 — 6. Sheriff acts at his peril ; and if the
crown have not a complete right and title of
entry, he is a trespasser, however high the
orders under which he may act, and liable
to an action at suit of the party injured.
And ev^niftbeCrowu have the right, yet
if he enter with force, and without the so-
lemnity of lawful proceeding, he is liable to
a crimmai prosecution.
Upon tne whole, the action is not main-
tainable ; and the only question for the ju-
ry is, whether the esffine-house stood unn^
the ships'-room at thw time it was removed
Hot LBS & Olbari
. f •
by the Sheriffs—which is no questim at aU,
And the jury cannot but find a verdict for
HoTiKs&Oih.M the defendant, under the evidence before
the Court.
The Jury retired, and, in a minute or two,
returned a verdict for defendant—" JVof
April I OIL
HoYLEs and Others agaimt John Bland.
Esq., fl. S.
J flE plaintiffs in this action now m^ved
the Court to grant a new trial, on the ground,
•hat the building in question, on (a) wliich
the trespass (as laid in the plainlifls' d* da-
ration) was committed, was the properlv of
the plaintiffs, in that degree which entiiled
them to remove the same from the locus m
quo, or the soil whereon it stood.
That the plea of liberum tettementum, set
up by defendant, extends only as to right of
That the declaration of plaintiffs compri-
ses a count fie bonis asporlatis; and that
proof of such carrying away was laid before
the Court and Jury at the trial.
That such presumed proof (being found
satisfactory to the Jury) would establish an
excess of damage beyond what could be
justified under the defendant's plea.
That thi« part of the Ciase wa6 not, by the
Court, sent to the Jury for their osfd o?
l^ the Governor. • ! i i. t
Per Curiam. — It is useless to t>tt)C6^d fi^-
ther with respect to property st^dii)^ iirion
ship's-rooms, as denned by the^attitef dt'st
George III. Let the matter stand ov^r lOr
the present. I shall cause the Govi^rhbi^ to
be informed of the case, in order that mea-
sures may be taken to protect the r|ghts of
the Crown. -"^ •'•^'^^^ .•;,; .-1. j/iut -if,- '
WhfM Ibc pro-
perly ill tiiiputo
belwoeo tli« par«
ties appctrcd to
ba part of • thip'wn
room, th« Court
•topped nil futtbar
As there is said to be oilier property than
i„ .h .. , } «". *^">'*-»ww». Mr. Chancey will make
'M^%r.a/' ^ sketch of li.e whole upon pa^,er. distin-
«!«•» properly. &"'«"'»&. between Buch property as is, and
such as iH not, upon public ground, and lay
It before the Court on Monday morning
.^/ec*. «-""•" * c^i-nrii""" «-"•
Lsq., Higli Sheriff.
N the 19th of this month, Simms, for the
N«ir trial ri
f«Md: and ih« "T-"" .^i.'" '*"" "' ""•"» "luimi, atmms, lormc
grouodt of such P'aintinH, moved for u new trial, on the
r«rusal •uted in ground that the difcndant had used unneces-
jjM^^by lb. Chief «apf.wo/iWic/i in removing the engine-house.
which was proper consideration for the juri/ ;
but that by the direction of the judge, no
such point of evidence was left for the jury :
and cited 2 East, Rep. 08.
But the motion was rejected by the Court,
for the following reasons : —
The first count, for forcible entry, will
not admit of any doubt. The issue is always
upon the title, and not the force ; Vin. ab.
title, "forcible entry "—article, "issue."
As to the second count, the Court is of opi-
nion that, from the nature of the building,
and the license under which it was originally
put up, while the plaintiffs were in possession
of It, they might have removed the same
without being liable for the value, or subject
to any action on that account ; and, even
after they were put out of possession, that
the materials ofwhich the building was com-
posed properly belonged to them; and,
consequently, had the defendant exercised
any wanton yiolence in removing them, he
mieht have nenn linhlo f/^x 4k« ;»; u.
might have done. 3ut the cage was not
pprly than
will mako
?r, diHtin-
as 18, and
1, and lay
r Bland,
ns, for the
I, on the
t vnneces-
• ihejury ;
judge, no
the jury ;
Jie Court,
itry, will
is always
Vin. ah.
is of opi-
the same
or subject
md, even
ion, that
was com-
01 ; and,
them, he
was not
rested upon this ground at the trial ; no
proof whatever was adduced as to any
asportavit by the defendant, orany unneces-
sary injury to the materials in taking them
There was a carpenter employed for the
purpose of removing the building. lie
says he was obliged to cut it to pieces, as it
could not be removed entire ; and after it
was taken down, that the materials were
carried away, not by, or with the consent
of, the defendant, but by some of the people
of the town. Now, the plaintiffs had been
notified to remove the building ; they not
only neglected to do so, but virtually refused,
and contended for a right to continue until
ejected by process of law. i
It was this supposed right which consti-
tuted the main ground of the plaintiff 's case
at the bar; although the Court is aware
that that ground was ratherostensibiy taken
for the purpose of eliciting the sense of the
Court upon the power which has been exer-
cised, and even claimed as a right, of the
Sheriffs pulling down bouses by order of
the government of the isln ^, than under
any serious belief of its be a^j; sufficient to
sustain their case. Upon this the Court
sufficiently declared its opinion to the Jury.
As the minor point was not urged at the
trial, and the only evidence bearing upon
it went to negative unnecessary force in
taking down the building, or any (tsportavit
by the defendant; and especially as the
materials could have been but of little value
from the time of their being originally put ;
I think I shall do most justice, by refusiitg
a new trial.
I i
Jntl0 9tk,
Ap|>licaiion io
the Court tn eii-
forcti pavinoni,
through ihe inoan!i
of •Itacbtnsni, uf a
dabi duo by an
■ibaant parly wh«»
nad become iniol-
veat, and alnoond-
ed from Halilaz.
[8ft p6tt.j
• ■
Wm. & Henry Thomas asrniiist theOwucrs
of (he Sloop Acadia,
ROCEEDING in rem iiiuler the statute
4mhGco. 3, c. 07.
Case.— 'J'he 8loop Acadia, John Peters,
master, sailed from Halifax. N. .S., for St.
John's, in the island of Newfoundland, in
the month of December, 1810; and arrived
on the 19th of the same month, a good deal
damaged in her sails and rigging, and struck
on the north head, at the entrance of the
harbour. The cargo was discharged; but
the sfvere season of the year not allowing
the necessary repairs to be made to thehull»
imtd the spnng of the following year, 1819,
and the vessel not being sea-worthy until
such repairs were made, the supercargo
wrote to the owner at Halifax, and in the
mean time, to prevent unnecessary expense,
sent the crew to Halifax, on the 28th De-
cember. Ir February last, the supercargo
received a letter from William Kidston,oi
Halifax, who bad a bottomree-bond upon
the sloop Acadia, that the owner, Joseph
Jfarquhar, bemg insolvent in his circumstan-
ces, had departed from Halifax, and recom.
mended the supercargo to obtain a freiirht
^d return to Halifax ; and mentioned that
William Cullen, of St. John's, would supply
a certain proportion of salt, sufficient to
ballast the vessel. The plaintiffs were the
consignees of the cargo and vessel, and have
paid the necessary disbursements, amdunt-
ing (o £90 9*. Qd, and after deducting fr%ht
received at St. Johns, are still in credit to
the amount of £47 17*. which sum thev
proposed to William Ctdlen to pay them,
but which being refused by him. and the^
oaving no means of repayment, now demand'.
the statute
hn Petergf
S., for St.
indiand, in
nd arrived
good deal
and struck
iCe of the
irged ; but
I; allowing
ear, 1819,
orthy until
nd in the
y expense,
1 28th De-
iidston, of
»ond upon
er, Joseph
ad reconii^
a frei^;ht
ionec* that
lid supply
Sicient to
I were the
and have
, amdnnt-
credit to
Jum they
ay them,
and they
The Court took time to consider tli^ case ;
and on the following day, the Chi f/ Justice
donired that particular evidence nliould be
luid before iiim as to the actual insolvency
of Fftrquhar, and bis having absconded from
Halifax ; and, also, of the powers delegated
by bim to the supercargo.
Th» Ownvri of lA«
JauebClivt against H. J. Holdsworth.
In Error.
" "N this day, a certain judgment, given
by the Surrogate Court at Ferryland, was
brought under review of this Court.
The judgment was under £40.
I^illy, for the party in whose favour the
judgment had been given, objected, in the
first place, to the jurisdiction of the Court;
contending that the power given it by iUo.
49th Geo. 111., c. 67, of reviewing the judg-
ments of the Surrogate Courts, was express-
ly limited to judgments for sums exceedivg
£40, and could not, consequently, apply to
this case where the amount of the judgment
was under £40. But should the opinion of
the Court be even against him on this point,
he next insisted that the judgment ought to
be affirmed upon the merits of the case,
which he shortly detailed.
Simms, for plaintiff in error, stated, that
the main objection to theproceedingR below,
was the want of service of process upon the
party to the cause.
That the plaintiff in error, who was the
administrator of Shannon^s estate, was never
served with process^ but a writ of attachment
issued against the estate tn rem, without no-
ticioJ" him as the defendant ant! wns sf fvpH
upon the salt; and that the cause was heard
June 10.
The Supr«m«
Cniirt hai an ap.
aven in oaira
whpra tlia juiHf*
inent of ibe Court
below iff vnder
£40. (Hut ae*
Jlitnten ». Home'
man, lieciUail in
Ihi* Supromi)
Coiirl. '2i)ili May,
1023. > Tlia Mr-
▼ioe of an alt i.h-
mani upon proppr^
ty ia a tujficient
nnlica to llip owner
of thai property of
Ihft penileocy of*
auit ralaliTe to if.
I , /
«f If J* P*^ ^*^*"S even bad any reeular
notice of the trial. The plaintiff in erroJ^
inat the salt had been attached, and meant
coufdl^ke f"'^' *'" ^"•'' •^"t'forhe
could take the necessary measures to do so.
It was decided; and the salt sold at a season
ced a^nd'V''^'" ',7? necessarily sacSfi^
ie:s\hTn'its;^'^' ""' least ten pounds
^^In delivering judgment, the Chief Justice
iJ^ !!t™l*? me impossible that the objec-
tion which has been raised to the iurisdi^
!'«»^<^jhe Court m this case can be we»
founded. This Court was expressly consU.
tuted by act of Parliament, ^^TheSu^emP
Court of Newfoundland;" and, as S
iLlthS '" "^.' ^""^r"^' Cou^Uof Eng:
iand,jt had an universal control in all caii
ses anc^^over all Courts, within the hounX
"n lesrifwer^i^'^T^ "^ ''' JurisdicSon,
unless It were ousted by express words. The
act of the 49th of the King, was. iA manv
particu ars. merely affirma^ve of its geS
authonty. Thus it allowed appeal! Tn all
Courts 'wi: ^lJ"^g"^«"t of thTsuJr^ato
^om Jhp i "P'^T ^^"•'''' «"d inall cases
*I00, to the King in Council. But it did
not require this affirmative clause, to give
either an appellate jurisdiction. By the
fountain of appeal from the Supreme Courts
law those superior Courts have appel-
late jurisdiction from the inferior Courts
It IS part of the constitutional law nfT*
lana that there must reside somewhere a
ng present to
J any regular
ntiffin error,
ivate channel,
i, and meant
ut before he
res to do so^
il at a season
arily sacrifi-
t ten pounds
^hief Justice
t the objec-
the jurisdic.
an be well
ssly consti-
lie Supreme
f as such;
rls of Jing-
n all cau-
le bounda-
rds. The
s, in many
its general
eals in all
a all cases
ut it did
'e, to give
By the
cil is the
ae Courts
' common
B appel-
Jwhere a
I! 'lll.-.ll
'• ifllll. M
supreme juridical authority to watch ovef.
the proceedmgs of all inferior tribunals, and
to keep the scales of justice even and uni- --"
orra. 1 he same principle forms apart of „ '''
the law of every civilized state in the world ^*^^»^^^o"«-
Were it otherwise, there woujd frequently
be conflicting decisions, which must intro-
duce a positive difference in the rules of
justice--" ALIA LEX RoM^ ALIA AtHENIS."
bo that a suitor would be sure to cain
a cause m one Court which he would
be as sure to lose in another- and that
without the possibility of redress, the iud--
nient happened to be under a certain sum.
iiut, to bring this hypothesis to a practical
test, suppose an action to recover the pos-
LTl""" ""/.? '^^'''.'^'^•^ plantation in thiL is-
ntih. .k ^'^^^^ J"'S»n«^»ti«given on one side
01 the other, which judgment is not satisfac-
tory ; will ,t be said there is rid power to
appeal to, because the judgment is not "for
a sum exceeding forty pounds?" Yet if
he fifth section of the act be the onlu basis
to rest an appeal on, the consequence would
be, that an appeal to the Supreme Court or
irorn thence to the Kiug in Council, could
ffo onn''"^'';'; f"^ ^i'?"1 a property worth
^10,000 msght be adjudged in a summary
way, without a chance of revision or appeal
Having disposed of this preliminary ob-
jection, his Honour added, that he felt no
diflSculty whatever in affirming the judg-
ment below upon the facts of the case, as
the attachment of the property was suffi cient
notice, and it becan^e the duty of the parties
to have appeafea in the Surrogate Court
w t^nn a reasonable time, and defended th^
June 12/A
'Th« 8ii|terearK0
of a vps«el beloiiK'
ing lo • person
who had iMconie
insolfcnt, an
•r in an action
brought to recover
monies eipended
«u such vessels.
Wm. & II. Thomas against the Owners o!
the Sloop Acadia,
fL#N this day, some witnesses were pro-
duced and examined on the several points
upon which the Chief Justice had express-
ed a wish, in the 9th instant, to obtain fur-
ther information. His honour then obiserved,
that he considered the owner as suflSciently
represented by the supercargo ; and that as
the debt was distinctly admitted by him to be
due, the plaintiffs were clearly entitled to a
judgment against a party who appeared to
have absconded from Halifax, as an insolvent
debtor. The nature of the debt, which gave
the plaintiffs a lien upon the vessel, fur-
nished, the Chief Justice added, a strong
argmnent in favour of the plaintifls' claim to
the relief they sought.
July Tlth.
An award set
aeidp, because tha
•rbitialors admit*
ted, iifion verbal
proof, an agree*
ment which ihs
alatufe of frauds
requires tc be io
; .;
GossE, Pack & Fryer against Charles
HIS case had been submitted to arbitra-
tors, under a rule of court, who had given
in an award, which the defendant now
sought to set aside, on the ground that an
agreement, whicli the statute of frauds re-
quired t ) be in writing, had been admitted
upon mere verbal proof by the arbitrators,
"who had also formed their judgment eitfire/^
tipon such agreement. Upon this statement
bf facts, which was admitted on both sides,
the Chief Justice deciated that the award
was altogether void.
e Owners o!
38 were pro-
3veral points
lad express-
i obtain fur-
m observed,
and tbat as
by him to be
Dntiiied to a
appeared to
an insolvent
which gave
vessel, fur-
;d, a strong
iiis' claim to
t Charles
d to arbitra-
had given
ndant now
und that an
>f frauds re-
}n admitted
lent entirely
Is statement
both sides,
t the award
CowELL & anoiher asraiiist Macbraire.
HE plaintiffs were tenants, in common,
of a certain plantation in this town, which
tlicy leased in September, 1809, to the de-
fendant, for the term of seven, fourteen, or
t\venty-one years, at the yearly rent of£ 150.
The leases were drawn in the usual form ;
the lessor cpvenanting for quiet enjoyment,
and the lessee to pay lent, and also to keep
the premises in repair (destruction by fire,
&c. excepted.) It also appeared that one
of the lessors had insured a small amount
on her interest. In November, 1817, the
houses were burnt down ; and, in June fol-
lowing, the defendant, who resides in Scot-
land, caused notice to be given that he con-
sidered the lease to be at an end. The
plaintiff, Cowell, brought her action for the
recovery of a year's rent after the fire, and
obtained judgment.
The Court afterwards, entertaining doubts
of the propriety of that judgment, granted a
new trial ; and the two lessors having join-
ed in one action, the case was this day final-
ly determined.
Per Curiam. The Court was taken by
surprise at the first hearing of this case, and
relied altogether upon the authority of Pen-
der v. Ainsleij & Rutter, 1 Term Rep. 312,
as decided by Lord Mansfield. Upon com-
paring that case, however, with the reason-
ing of the Lord Chancellor in JBrowne v.
Quilter, Ambl. 619, it appears that the two
Courts did not entertain the same view of
the liability of the tenant where the property
was destroyed by fire ; the one holding that
the lessee was bound by his covenant to pay
rent, although he received no benefit from
the lease ; the other, that ■ lie landlord be^
Auguit 0th.
tTpon a new
trial. lb« Chief
Jtutice held that
lh« destruction of
the premises by
fire eatitled tha
lessee to surrender
the lease, although
he bad, in tho
former trial, girea
the lessor Judg-
ment for a year'f
rent duo and pay-^
able after the
house had been
r. //
ing boimd by his covenant to protect the
tenant m the enjoyment of the property, an
eviction hy fire was as much an interruption
of Uiat enjoyment as if it had been occasion-
od by any other event ; and that in sucli a
case equity ought to relieve.
it IS a little singular that a point which
mast have been frequently raised, should
remam unsettled to the present time : for
tb€ cases since reported will be found to be
as numerous on one side of the question as
the other ;— the Law Courts holding the
tenant io the rigour of his covenant f and
equity releasing him, under considerations
too slight to admit ofany reconciliation of
♦1,^??'"*.? jny«eJf bound by the decisions of
the iioglish Courts, m herever they are clear
"r? .^^* ' ^^"°* ^^y "^"t 1 am rather
glad to be released from the trammels of
authority in this, and enabled to receive
evidence of the mojs^e of the place; because I
jntertoined an opinion, upon the first trial,
the ouT ^^ **°^ ^*^* ^°*^ ^^^ practice
X ^^i^J^^vedhjfaUtke evidence which has
been laid before the Court, that after the de-
ttructtne fires in 1816 and 1817, i/ie tenants,
toAose Mouses had been destroyed, exercised the
mscretton of surrendering their leases. The
same practice was observed after the fire
wluch %s stated to have happened about forty
y^s a^o ; tmd this, in fact, has been invarf^
ably observed, without a question, until it
r^i?"il"%H.*" ^»^ <^^e- It « also sta-
ted by Mr. JLt%, who has practised many
years aa a wota- public in this town, and
1*1 P'^P^'*? * «"^eat number of leases, that,
wuiong!i 1^ has been sometimes suggested.
™,vT^« MivMgui uiiCGssaryf lo itilroduce
«ny express exception against the payment
3 protect tlio
property, an
en occasion-
at in tmch a
point which
ised, should
t time ; for
found to be
'■ question as
bolding the
snant ; and
Qciliation of
decisions of
ey are clear
1 am rather
trammels of
to receive
,* because 1
e first trial,
he practice
which has
ter the tie-
the teHants,
^ercised the
ases. The
r the Jire
about forty
feen invari-
n, until it
is also sta-
lised many
town, and
ases, that,
i payment
of reni after the destruction of the property
by fire, because it was universalty received
and acted upon that such an event kft tlie
tenant at liberty to surrender.
Had the English law upon tke porat been
less doubtful than it is, this Court ought not
to hesitate upon the case as it now stands
in evidence; for communis error facit
JUS. I shall, therefore, let this judgment
follow the usage of the place, sanctioned, as
it is, by the decisions in equity.
Judgment for the defendant.
The King against Patrick Kouoa and Avgua22tU
'N this day, Cooie, on behalf of the
Crown, and Simms, on the part of the de-
fendants, bemg present, the C'eurt pronoun^-
ced the following judgment : —
It appears by the facts which have been
laid m evidence, or admitted in argnment,
before the Court, that the piece of ground
forming the subjeet-matter of the present
proceedings, was, upwards ef sixty years
aga, in the possession of one Jlaines Howell,
and has ever since continued in the occu'-
paocy of himseli^ or of other persons claim^
ing under him. It also appears that the
ground lies at the bock of the Ordnance
Yard, and falls within the provisions of a
certain order made by the local government
in the year 1760. It would seem that, in
consequence of certain: alleged abuses, the
permission which had been formerly given
to the soldiers of the garrison to build huts
upon the vacMilt inpntmi) »flMpr>nf fin JCViWF
H^iUiam, was at that time revoked by the
Governor ; and that six houses, which had
Ao advene pos-
stMion of land in
Ihii country for
sixty years.ia • bar
to the rightioftha
(Jroum. And the
aame kind of poi>
aeaaionfor Meventy
yearu, will deprira
the Cro«rn of ila
right of entry upon
^080 lauda.
( •
The Kino
been left undemolished by the French, after
the evacuation of the fort (amon- which
Tn'^i^tfT *•""" ''^"^/"° "P«" the ground
f!rfi P* '^^* '^?'^.' ^' ">^ ^'•d*^'' relates, suf-
lered to remain m the possession of the re-
spective occupants, upon their undertaking
not to sell iquor to the soldiers, and that
tlie house should be removed at their de-
cease Hov far the parties in possession
agreed to hold upon such terms, is nowhere
mentioned ; but there is a short note, pre-
served among the records at the Government-
office, which refers to the permission given
toBoweil, and states that a similar indul-
gence was afterwards continued to his widow
Pursuing the history of the case agreeably
to the order of its dates, it appears that
some years after the above transactions, a
part of the ground which had been occupied
vL rt?* ""^^ *^^^^ ^»'« ^^^ ordnaSce-
yard, by the mere act of the officer then in
command of the department, and theresidue
was lett in the peaceable possession of the
partRi, and has so continued, without any
dispute or question as to the title, until the
Eltr^Ar^-S^^^'^Ss were instituted on the
part of the Crown.
♦T. Jl""^'ll^! P'fP^^' ''^^^> ^o notice, that in
the year 1804, the Governor, haviig it n
contemplation to dispose of certain ships^-
room, situated in St. John's, caused a survey
and plan of thrown to be made, in whic J
plan the ground now claimed is laid down
and numbered aa private property
Upon these facts, a presumptive title is
set up, on behalf of the Crown, to the ground
m question ; and the defendants are called
upon to show the title upon which thev
airj • ^'^ 't .'''^'' ^^"^^^ the defend^
ants reiv unnn thf» I^ify^K -i?xi- --•
and require that a complete title for the
I !
?'rench, after
nong wliicli
I the ground
relates, sut-
>n of the re-
!r8, and that
at their de-
i possession
, IS nowhere
rt note, pre-
ission given
milar indul-
) his widow,
le agreeably
ppears that
nsactions, a
3n occupied
i ordnance-
:er then in
the residue
ssion of the
ithout any
, until the
ited on the
ice, that in
lying it in
ain ships'-
sd a survey
\ in which
laid down
ve title is
he ground
are called
hich they
le defend-
e for the
Crown should be made out in conformity
with the statute of James. The nature of
the defence imposes upon the Court the ne-
cessity of determining, in limine, a very im-
portdut question of law, viz., how far t/te
subject can claim any property/ whatever in the
soil of this island ; and whether the statutes
for limiting the rights of the Crown in real
actions can be considered as applicable here f
We are informed by Mr. Reeves, in his
History of Newfoundland, that thequestioii
of property had often been agitated, but
never finally determined. Mr. Fane, the
law-adviser to the board of trade, had, in-
deed, gone so far as to admitsomethinglike
a life-interest in the party in possession of
the land ; and from a series of direct ques-
tions which were afterwards put to Sir
Philip Yorke, the Attorney General, it
was hoped that such information might
be extracted from that great lawyer as
would lay this interesting question at rest.
The Attorney-General, however, never an-
swered the points which had been referred
to him ; and they remained, says JVlr.
Reeves, to be discussed in after-times.
Jt is not easy to assign an adequate cause
for the disinclination shown at that day ei-
ther to admit or to deny the right of real
property in this island. The statute of
William had then passed, and whatever
might have been the former policy of prohi-
biting a sedentary fishery, it was virtually
abandoned by that law. Of all evils in so-
ciety, uncertainty in the law is amongst the
greatest, and there cannot be any uncertain-
ty more distressing than that of the right by
tvhich a man holds his habitation.
This island is one of the few possessions
which were originally acquired to the Crown
of England by the right of occupancy ; and
The King
Th« KiN<»
it is liable to all those considerations which
apply to that species of colonization. The
right to the soil rests in the King, as the Sove-
reign of the state, by whose means the posses-
won is supposed to have been acquired, and
IS, m fact, maintained. In all the other plan.,
tations this right is preserved to the Crown,
and in virtue thereof, royal grants and other
alienations are made; but in this island it
has been conveyed away to the exclusive
uses of the fishery. It is this circumstance
which has created the peculiarity in the
tenure of the soil in Newfoundland, and
cuused all the difficulty in the discussions
about property. The statute of William
throws open all the shores, rivers, and oth^r
convenient places for the fishery, to all His
Majesty's subjects in common, but with an
express saving of the private rights of indi-
viduals. The act recites, that since the
year 1685 several inhabitants had possessed
themselves of rooms and places which had
before belonged to fishing-ships, and directs
that all such rooms shall be restored to
public use. The inference, then, would na-
turally follow, that such as were possessed
uZ 'he year 1685, were not to be dis-
turbed. But the act goes on to declare, in
express terms, that all such persons who/
since the year 1685, have built, or at any
luture time shall build, or make, any rooms
or places for fishing, " shall and may peace-
ably and quietly enjoy the same to his op
their own use, without any disturbance
from any person or persons whatever."
The statute of William does not define the
quantity or quality of estates ; but it fully
recognizes the right of quiet possession, which
supposes property of some kind; and in this
it IS confirmed by the statute passed in 1811,
for sanctioning the sale of the ships' -rooms,
ons which
on. The
be posses-
lired, and
ther plan^
le Crown,
and other
island it
ty in the
and, and
and other
;o all His
t with an
s of indi-
ince the
hich had
d directs
stored to
ronld na-
be dis-
JcJare, in
ms who/
V at any
ly rooms
y peace-
to his or
efine the
t it fully
M, which
id in this
in 181 1,
which directs such rooms to he " granted,
let, and possessed, as private properti/, in like
manner as other portions of land in New-
foundland.'' lu the statute for confirming
the existing treaty with the United States,
the right of settling upon such parts of the
island as the Americans are permitted to use
for fishing, is reserved to His Majesty's sub-
jects ; and it is also «igreed that, after such
settlement, the Amerians shall no longer use
them without the permission of the inhabit-
ants or proprietors* By a decision, also, of
this Court, affirmed by the Regent in Coun-
cil, so late as last May, the right of private
property in the soil of this island m judicially
acknotvledged. But it is unnecessary to
multiply instances, or to look further than
the statute of William, which is, at this mo-
ment, the great title-deed of all the valuable
fishing establithments in this island, and
which creates a facility of acquiring and
transferring property in Newfoundland, al-
together unknown to any other portion of
the King's dominions. It is to be observed,
however, that the statute of William only
relates to such parts of this island, as are
actually available to the fishery; the other
parts remain within the power of the Crown
to grant away, or to retain, at pleasure.
Several written instruments, in the nature of
grants, from different Governors, have been
laid in evidence; and, among others, a grant
from Admiral Edwards to Winter, of apiece
of ground adjacent to the one in question,
and, also, within the boundaries of Fort
William, as described in the order of 1760.
These instruments do not bear date earlier
than the year 1757, but they refer to others
of a much earlier time \ and one in particu-
lar recites a grant as having b"jn made by
The Kino
pn'f«< in llio rei-n of Clinrlps II • i. Hie rents ,?Lm^f ■',"''™' ''"y. ""'I
ther Co m?'v ext^n ';" ^ '""" "''""= i*'"-
areappliSe!''no49'K?.'' 'j- »' "'.^^
• Jlct under ivl i,l. .; ,' ■"'? '^"•K-tlie
the laws o"L^I„".,ri natnre acco.,lh,g ,„
ye applied to NeX„rdl»J^."'^^X"rV";
wc// in resoect nft/,. y. Crown, as
as the SZf^fV,Zt!l-','''^Tf'''''-
apply also. 1 knnw^ i- '""'."• *'"'"''' ''«t
Xi are not provrde'MltV"'" ™'?'''^-
'aws,thevareenfnri„i , *'''"''^^« '""al
.f*N™^*:dT5°'%t'whS""*' '•*»*"■• H»to,y
(t)Tll.21stJ„.,.c.,4. Tl,.„_„..v. ; ..
^«... -a. Fir.,. ^.., y /."X'n;',-;-,-*; o^Ki.»
II * It cnii-
I Rroat number
sent (Jay, and
fn lorm one of
tnue. Since,
e island have,
anLs of those
i" within the
s which aj)ply
its derived, or
'•' them, must
common law
s of the Mo-
fnr as they
e Kinff—tho
>'ign of Kioi;
:. I. C. 14;
case before me, I must try the title now set
up for the Crown by its own strength, since
tiie defendants have shown an undisturbed
possession of more than twenty years. The
evidence to support the pammount title of
I the C.own, consists merely of an order and
memorandum found amon^ the records of
^ the Govemment-oifice, which are supposed
to affect the present case, either by bringing;
the ground in question within the boundaries
of Fort William, or by raising a presumption
that the occupancy of Hmvell was only per-
missive at the date of the order. Could
either of these points be established, or even
corroborated, by other evidence, it would
have an important bearing upon the case ;
but, unsupported as they are by any regular
proof, and completely at variance with the
fact of the boundary of the fort, as it is record-
ed in the government chart of 1804, 1 cannot
safely consider the unsupported dictum of
fiu order as conclusive upon a point which
would involve in its consequences a pretty
large bection f lands in ttiis coontry tv a subject, will furnish him with
<« ampleU and petfixt Utle to those lends, even aoojaif
the Crown ittelft under the 9Ui Geo. III. o. 16.
It should, however, ba borne in mind, that this doe«
uIqs doe? not apply to such lands as, by the lOtb & lltb
of William III., e. 26, are exclusively appropritted. and
pvtieululy dvdicatsd, (o tk» mm oftlu^theritsi
The Kino
however, to beHevl Vh-^* • " - °' ^""^ *'''»*'y»
island could brWh''» ^°- "''""=• «''*''«
public fortifications 'aSiM«^''" "^'^^ *'^^
to suppose that ihn 1 '• '^ '"orenutur.;
I^een 1^,1 i„ J^Znf"^'' "self mi^ht have
tenantry of iwJT '""''?"• '^'^'"^ the
ment-o/fice, wU^.l, *^ 1? '^ ^" the Govern-
^nowIedffmenT f om iP'^'nl ''^« "" «<^-
effect, or Soi.Mt/t'^''' ^""'^'^ *« that
^^itnesses, vho wJi K^^'"^ ^"^^^« '« the
«»ftht naturllly Iffnfn" T«5*'^"'-«' «"J
cumstancr 1^,; 1'"^°T;^^ ""^ «"<^h a cir-
a"y under the eye^Til"^ ^^ l'^^" ^^ntinu-
has been staicd and n^^ Garrison; and, as
tban once been the Ik- **^?'^^' ''^^ '"^''e
the proprietors and thro'i ''"^'^^ »^^*^«en
meantime, it has olnlv ^'^^'!?;ce- In the
J»and, without r/n?/^P^''^'* from hand to
ors for a?uIUo::fde/aton^%''"i^P^^«^^^^
disposition to uDl,o?ri ? Fjelmg every
Crown, and at th.J **? "S^'^^s of the
claim has OeenTou^,";'^^- .^^^^ P^f e„t
been proved that thn nlf i' , •'."•"' " I"*'
possession of tr«ound^n? *'''' ^'''* ''*'' "
nantcy, and th„.^? "eknowledgment of te.
dopant cLts on2e'a""«- "''"^
li ■
' l>p correctly dc-
•y Capt. Palliser,
y the ground in
ind which, it is
itcd by Admiral
not very easy,
Governor of the
>. give away the
IS more
tself might have
'on, 'i'iiat the
nissive, we are
J intheGovem-
»j? like an ac-
himself to that
known to the
Jighbours, and
of such a cir-
heen continu-
fison ; and, as
Jed, has more
treaty between
ance. In the
i from hand to
' to title, and
5sent possess-
Feeling every
ghts of the 1
''om^ justice :
■' present
'-iii^iX it has
'S have had a
'ards of sixty
gment ofte-
1 the protec-
ates against
John Ryan against W. & U. TuoMAf. 10(9.
J. n E parties held conterminous parts of
the Hea-shore; and the plaintiti' left, on his
side, a cove, or space of shore and water,
without erecting any building thereon. —
Tho defendant!!! built wharf ut the extremi-
•ty of their bouiidury, and yet insist on ma-
king use of the cove which the pluintifT had
left for his own use. The right to this cove
formed, therefore, the sole subject of the
present action. Several witnesses were ex-
amined, upon whose testimony the Chief
Justice declared —
That the plaintiff having been in the pos-
session and occupancy of the premises for
more than twenty years, had a eood title un- ,
til the contrary he made out oh me part of the
crown^ or the public. That the occasional
use which had been made of the water lying
over the cove, by tba defendants, did not
amount to such an interruption of the plain-
tiffs possession as would destroy his title, or
found a claim in defendants to use it in
common with plaintifi' as a matter of right.
That it had appeared, in another case, that
it was not unusual for persons living adjoin-
ing to each other to allow the use of water
which was not immediately wanted ; but
that it would shake the fonndationa of all
property to suppose such an indulgence
could grow into a nght. And that, there-
fore, leaving the public rights to be pursued
in such way as mny be deemed proper by
parties concerned, he should determine this
case in favour of the plaintiff; though, as no
notice had been given to defendants to
discontinue the use of the water, the dama-
ges, or rent, for the use and occupation
must be merely nominal ; and each party
must pay bis own costs.
Avtfust U$t* ,
. Twtnly yeirk
undiHlurbtd pof
••ssion of ft cor«
will entbU iba
ptily wboliaihad
8uch possetsion lo
sustain an aelioa
■gainst a wroog-
d iUi
r' m
i\ ^
nvaned Ibe judg-
icmlmer to siiiiajii'
1'^ 1
Parkin & Anderson appellants,
PoNNELi ^^ Others respon^eiils,,
Coi'a^tSb^rTal'^^ *'^ '"''^^^*^
It appeared, from the transcript ofthcDro-
ceedmgsin the Court below, that%n the L7h
of jFanuary last, Bomell and partners sued
W jX"i °y«i"?^e« against>c«wA Por^^W
o?^^ft iT** ^«^f r* *^ '^^^^^^^r the sum
n^iiVA^ '^*'' ?"^ **»«* 'he cause was sub-
tifl Li '• V-^^* .''l® <^efendants should pay
So „Tf ^J- ^*P^'''^' ' ''»« «"™ of forty
S^cot'oter ""^^^^ ^' '^"^'^^-^ -^
deseed ^\\'l°! "''' P^^'^^V^he Ch^f Justice
oecreed^ that so much of the judgment be-
low 98 adjudges the sum of £18 17? to be
dueto the plaintiffs by the defendants ">
«p/wwe* " together with the costs of action
should be affirmed ; but that so rnuch of
£40 '-r 3- '^^"^^^* *»»« further sum of
,W i**^® ^^*"^ ^^""""^ •'een found by the
pUmtiffs, or any wi^/^we whatemr laid be^
ch^«Tf Ih *'2*'^ '^ '^^ «»** ^^^"^''^'•y to the
the Surrogate
latt on the 19th
partners sued
Josiah Pmkin
Jcover the sum
ause was sub-
found by their
ts should pay
is seventeeen
sum of forty
damages; and
J Chi^ Justice
judgment be-
8 17*. to be
endants **for
►sts of action,
so much of
Pther sum of
^ould be re-
found by the
le part of the
v«r laid be*
trary to the
i|f put such
Andrews against And.bews«
jf^CTION to recover the possession of a
certain plantation situate at Port-de-Grave.
Several witnesses were examined, from
whose testimony it appeared, that the party
under whom the plaintiff claimed^ had been
in possession of the property in dispute for
more than twenty years, and had often been
heard to say that he had made a will, and
therein devised this property to the plaintiff*
Upon this evidence the Chief Justice de*
cided, that the room should belong to the
plaintiff, agreeably to the supposed will of
William Andrews, But that, from the length
of time which had been suffered to elapse,
all questions of rent should be laid out of
the case, and the judgment should be merely
for possession of the property.
lyiicHAEL Dunn against Rodebt Brooks, j^ . ,
November 4th.
Oral testimony
of the conleotfl of
a will which could
not be fouDd, ad-
Diitled by the
Chief JHUice; and
judgment given bjr
him according lo
the directions of
the will so profed.
.Action of trespasses; damages £ftO,
and to recover possession of certain premi-
mises in St. John's.
Simmsy for plaintiff, states, that in June
last, the plaintiff took a lease from the de-
fendant of certain property in St. John's, on
condition of his paying the arrearages of
fent due from the former tenant, and also
future rent. Tha^ plaintiff had paid the ar-
rearages, and was in possession, when the
house was burnt down in July last. That
the plaintiff himself was at the Labrador,
carrying on his fishery, when the fire took
place ; and that his wife, on being applied
tt\ aai#l aha t*e\n\A Aa nottiincr nn#i1 how kna-
band's return. But that, notwithstanding
this declaiatioa ou her part, the defendant
The decision of
a cause postponed
by the Chief JuU-
ice, uuder an «x-
peelaiion that a bill
was in progress in
Parliament/ the
provisions of which
were to be retro'*
tpective, & would,
consequently, bear
upon the questioB
DOW ID dispute*
took possession of the ground then lvm stands, is
tit to retain
it is within
a bill ex-
similar ca-
d of trade,
1 officially
te for the
island, as
purpose of
fit should
* a retro-
e any de-
^ this day
the case
when the
William Newman against Thomas
Meagher and Others.
Jj HIS was a summary proceeding in cove-
nant, for the purpose of compelling the de-
fendants to rebuild certain houses and tene-
ments situated in this town, and which were
destroyed by the fire which consumed a
considerable part of the town on the night
of the nineteenth of July last.
The parties considering the case suffici-
ently raised for the consideration of the
Court, by their written statements and ad-
missions, the same came on to be heard this
day; when, after having attended to the
arguments which were urged on both sides,
the Chief Justice delivered the following
decision upon it :
From the documents which have been laid
before the Court, and the admissions of the
parties, I collect that the houses and the
other buildings which form the subject-
matter of this action, were leased by the
plaintiff to Andrew 2/iomfan and Alexander
Hill, by deed, dated in 1801, for the term
of twenty-one years, at the rent of £250 per
annum, with a general covenant on the part
of the lessees to repair, and without any
reservation against fire. That after some
intermediate assignments the premises came
to the defendants as assignees (in fact at
least), and were in their possession at the
time of the fire in July last, when they were
entirely consumed. Objections have been
raised to the liability of the defendants, upon
the grounds of informalities in the con-
veyance to their immediate assignors. It
is not denied, however, that they were
in nrkdOOBCmn nf t^-tt^ rkvirrinnl \^n£,^ .-.» J . : .1
— £---•"'• itv-n ijt hti\j vrsigtiiui Jcabc, ami uiiiil.
rent to the plaintiff, agreeably to its pro-
visions ; and it may be the less necessary
November 22rf,
Tlie dfstructiflii
of premiset by fire
relfasps the l<>»8F'e
of such prennsps
frono ail the cov6>
tiiints contained in
tlie Itase, if he
thinks proper to
uurrrndfr it, iin't<>r
the custom uf this
Ion II.
Mbaghbr and
principle whar~ed Z"!"'-'''"'',
•I>« Court ia .imil^Pra™,""'"""" "^
ties produced tlieir mS^ «nj ""* P.":
to the concaitent test m^/!.f '' "PPea'ed
W ofTh "™' *o ••« <'i"p«te5^"",h A
express exception against fire • an^ u ™
fS' ",7! P™<=« V- himllTd'osot En '!
il^: JtheMS'eTffecTlr^'''"^ P«""'
jtshonld.0 rvVt^'aL'eirrneTii''
l«- thi case befi;e-;;;^Th;,-- '--^
f : \
9 1 feel myself
•pon the same
he decision of
'arson, it was
ation of wit-
residence in
d to have ac-
e of its local
se has a right
mt of Us be-
nt was again
the case of
ished to its
a point de-
t could not
ch the par-
>d appealed
fery person
Court, that
d» that the
ade against
rrender hisi
all future
of decision
and, that
to rejbuild
ere w^uld
•e les^ee^s
'«ty by an
and it is
o in Eng-
? prevail
n deter-
les, as a
( '■:
ed to repair ; there is certainly a plain dis-
tinction between repairmff and rebuilding ;
and the Courts, in determining for the first
time, that a covenant to perform the one,
extended to the performance of the other,
must certainly ha,ve so determined upon
the princ'ple of such being the intention of
the parties to the covenant ; and, by the
same rule, they would have made a contrary
decision, if that intention had appeared
otherwise. Indeed, the intention of parties
is the only just criterion in determining con-
tracts which do not interfere with positive
The Taw of landlord and tenant, with their
various rights and liabilities, as observed in
England, is very imperfectly understood in
this Island. Deeds have most commonly
been drawn from old precedents, by persons
unskilled in the law, and, consequently,
unaware of the technical force of what they
copied. It is, besides, the constant practice
here, to let houses to the utmost extent of
their value. If the tenant be liable to rebuild,
he must insure the buildings ; and, from
their being situated in a wooden town, close-
ly built, in a country requiring fires all the
year, and without any further legal provi-
sion for extinguishing fire than if such a
casualty were not within the scope of human
probability, the insurance must necessarily
make a large addition to the rent. These
are cu'cumstances of radical difference be-
tween houses situated in England and this
island, which cannot but be taken into ac-
count in collecting the intention of parties
to a lease ; and, considering them all, to-
gether with the general understanding which
prevails in the place, I hold this case to be
within the local custom ; and th^t the de-
fendants, having tendered their lease imme-
Meagher and
y of fish^from bdlsfor the amount; and as this action wa^
««(ne merchants, ^^r the amount of the carn-ft nf fioK . .
-'.o were not only Under SUch iLtn.rHnni^ f Pu '' P*'^''"''^*'
^K(, that he was defendnnf« . l ' °°®' ^^^ the use of the
-r.g as au agent. ,heir sino '^H "^ f *?"."^ ^^^^^ °" ^^avd
but seem, also, "/^'^ siup, and attached in this cause thp
from the whole ^ourt cons dered the cant^i,. i«^ ! ' .
n?t°:nSs ""'''- ^^' ^efen:tet^;;- rxt^^^^^^^
guilty of a breach of his i«s.rucUo„. 1, 1, Kh°^ ""' r*"*' J''' ■«•»' *"»»
v«8el of the principal under the e" oec^I i«» ^ * ^ " •'"PP"* '"' ''«■"' *»•«
actually now there or his benefit ZcTf f^^r ^''.fJ'' P'^ '" '». ""J «
the seller for it. siaci. h» -J !•."••>,„ L^^'/^ff'"* ''«'d him also liable to ,,.u
article. ' "'"'''^ ^"""'^ «''h«f «o do w, or tp return "th'e
■^ A ,
imi i mh i
■"i'-* J«*KI;S!i*eaRa«wfniataM»i«iw
by discharged
in it.
urn of X 1,500
at beyond tlie
ly person ap-
alf. VVJiere-
cester, wbidi,
n laden, had
16 before the
had certain
Its touching
i prayed the
i was autho-
tpearance to
roduced his
that he, to-
a resident
the defend-
, and draw
action wag
h procured
? use of the
?n on board
cause, the
nipeteut to
lit Was given,
paid in bills,
ireign princio
19 agent was
oo board th«
'Or it, and is
liable to pay
retura 'tbs
the master appeared, and denied the cause
of action.
Jo/m Boyd, for himself and partners,
explains the nature of the case, and calls
several witnesses to support his statement.
Simms conducts the case for defendant?,
and contends that they purchased the fish
from Lcmessurier, and have nothing to do
with his agreements or purchases elsewhere.
To prove the usage of the place, with re-
spect to purchases and sales by commission-
merchants, some witnesses were produced
and examined.
Per Curiam. — Upon the facts which have
been laid in evidence, the question raised
for the consideration of the Court is, how
far the defendants are liable to the plaintiffs
for the value of a cargo offish delivered by
them on board the defendants' ship; and
whether Lemessurier, who contracted for
such cargo, is to be considered, in reference
to the plaintiffs, as a principal, or an agent
of the defendants. In a few words, to whom
was the credit given?
The principle of law is very clear, that
where one person contracts with another on
behalf of a third party, and discloses that
fact at the time, he is not generally liable on
f .ch contract. But the loose manner in
which agreements are frequently managed,
and the consequent difficulty of ascertaining
the real intentions of the parties, make the
application of the principle not quite so cleaif ;
and this is precisely the difficulty in the
case before me. The distinction between cont"
mission-merchants and other agents, which is
sought to be established upon a suggestion
which fell from one of^lhe judges in the cas«
rtf PntfifQQtk V frandfiJSfinim flS RfiSt€iSi\
— a « ,^„ — -5 ., ^ ^ yp
is not founded oa the authority of that cas^
nor in anything which will bear the namd
Baine, John-
ston & Co.
li j'
Bainb, John-
«TON & C©,
a&'^'* ^T]y* « »"^'-<^hant residing
agen?''herT^ ^¥l''^^^ ^"'"^^'^ through hin
foreii 1 • J^^ ^^»^''*' disinclination of
.Vr7J^ "^^i-chants to do so, may afford a
tl e casr n.t A '" V^^^'^at'^g the evidence of
facts rornnnr^'"^ !"^'^^- ^^^^ Particular
knerrJ^rfJrr-^'' '"'« proof tttSy
JMiew the defendants as the rpil nart.Vo •
^ that i«»««,„>, ,vas merely an TZ'
im^Mumr appears, by his evidencT to
Hj • .; a'tnough it is not expressly so sla.
in .h" "'*,"'"** *'"'<='' passed between°I,em
conrirfp^i^k- *?? ""y- '"^eed, that he
ca^o a,, .r*" ''■ "■* ?"'•<=''«»«>• of the
nicated w?th V!: **^'.**»ereupon, commu-
S'''.r>J'^:.f?'''^r'^. ^ho wrote to
iiaformed wh«??K ''^*^ **" ^^'^^^ ' «»^' being
¥uomea what they were, he desired him to
lant residin<;^
through hJH
inclination of
nay afford a
hie intention
5 evidence of
he particular
are, 1 ihink,
t conclusion,
ring to such
1 occupation
3fore the ar-
le plaintiffs
of (he de-
•t, and they
» fact, they
he agency
?dit. This
>f that they
1 parties in
and knew,
y an agent.
idence, to
lew him to
sly so sta*
iveen them
f the LeU
, that he
iser of the
hat he re-
he was re-
Boyd had
spoke to
1 that he
een shil-
^rote to
d, being
d him to
trmsuU the masltr before he gave a definitive
answer. Are these like the acts of a mer-
chant acting for himself in a transaction with
another merchant of this town? Is it the
act of a resident principal contracting for
himself? But there is one other fact which
appears to me to be conclusive that JLe*
mfssurier was regarded by the plaintiffs
merely as the agent of the defendants ; and it
is this : After Lemessurier had agreed with
them for the two thousand quintals of mer-
chantable fish, Meniet the master, agreed
with Jioyd for a farther quantity of Madeira
fish, to complete the Leicester's cargo ; and
he agreed without noticing Lemessurier or
mentioning anything as to the mode of pay-
ment, which he admits, however, was to be
by bills on London, in the sam^ way as for
the other parts of the cargo. What am 1 to
infer from this to have been the understand-
ing of the plaintiffs all along, but that they
were loading a cargo of fish for the defend-
ants, to be paid for by bills of their providing ?
The Madeira fish was either sold to the
defendants, or to the master, or to Lemes-
surier; Lemessurier disclaims all connex-
ion whatever with this part of the transac-
tion ; and it is proved that he was neither
consulted by the master, nor had any com-
munication with Boyd. It is hardly to be
presumed that it was sold to the master upon
his personal credit ; and we are forced to
conclude that it was delivered upon the cre-
dit of the defendants, and upon the faith of
receiving those bills which they had autho-
rized the master to draw in payment on theif
correspondents in London. It was to these
bills that the credit was really given; they
are the connecting link between the plain-
tiffs and the defendants throughout the whcle
transactioo, both with respect to the fish
Bainr, John-
STUN & Cu.
: .1
JJatne, John
aroN & Co.
snpplied (brouffh the master and thronirl.
J^emcssuner. Between the two I ran "re
no substantial distinction. The far li^v wi^h the piai.titrs agreed to furnis aVa
he mn i^"'"!'*^ of fish, at the bare Cl of
the master, whom they did not know is a
pretty strong proof that they looked o;er to
Prmcpals. whom they did know ; and ha^
vhi^h":uV^'\"r.'' ^^ «» "nde;.tand ng
>vhich, although li IS not made to a^oear bv
IVZl^TT' "^'•'^^^ " P.-.n:p'u.>n a^
e s o the d f"?''' ."^'^ they known
tlr.^« .f fu • ^^^" '""•'^ particular in the
surfel aLMT"* ««'*^!"^^"t. both with w!
surier ancj the master IVhon r^
I! etc" t5"' ^'i-^ '^•- •' '«^''"» ^-r the
i^P S /'/ ''T^'^ '^*^ principals, and
iTimiU ,f •'''l'"P''"'''y ^«'"ff the same to
I idmtiffs. It js because he considered thev
v^ful^jf apprized of Ins characteTaTa^enJ
rt f 7'*r>[*>'- ^hom he acted? '
J he defendants have placed a good deal
of reliance upon the delivery of tife rece n?s
on*bo:r^'r 7 '' '^'^ ^^ ^'^ '^ "'-' «"X
on ooaui to Lemessurier ; but the clerk nf
the plamt.ffs, who was called by the defend
fn L'^'"'? '^'' ^'^^ ••^^^•Pl« w^e del vered
hi if """^'/^"''se of business, and whhout
the knowledge oi Boyd, who ii the only one
of the plamtifts now in the island. As soon-
saicf ?rf ''"' '"^^''"^^ ^f ^'^^ circumstance!he
said there was no occasion for passinro;er
fnir*^ '^'^ ^"""^ P\^ce 6ond/de, and be-
on at^'L^^^^^^
on account of Lm^wicr. If, thprpfprp
UD^bl *t ^"f ^^^i«variable custom as Is s^J
"P by the defendants, the inference which
li\ A
• and llirongli
wo I can see
e farility with
iirnisli an acl-
'■ bare word of
't know, is a
►oked over to
w ; and that
to appear by
esiuiiption at
tliey known
)robable they
cidar in the
with Lemes-
iding for the
icipals, and
kicenient to
} swears, he
r the same to
iidered they
er as n^ent,
? acted.
good deal
the receipts
3re shipped
he clerk of
the defend-
re delivered
nd without
he only one
. As soon'
assing over
[uently, re-
de, and be-
if difficulty
m as is set
QCe which
would be drawn from it to fix tlie property
in Lemessinier, by the recei|)ts beinj»- pass-
ed to him, is rebutted by the fact o( the
passing of the receipts being afterwards coun-
termanded. Why should they have been so
countermanded in this pariicular case? But
supposing that all the receipts had been pass-
ed by Boi/d to Lemessurier, and detained by
him, 1 cannot see how that circumstance
could have varied the case ; — the receipts
are merely acknowledgments by the master
of the quantities delivered onboard theship,
and it is as essential that an agent should be
furnished with these particulars as the prin-
cipal himself. There is a difficulty, how-
ever, in the case, which suggested itself at
the opening, and I am not clear that it is
now entirely free from it. Upon looking at
the instructions of the master and Lemes-
surier, I am of opinion, that they have ex-
ceeded the authority which was given them,
Lemessurier was directed to furnish fish to
the amount of the balance of account due
from him to the defendants, and bills were
only to be drawn for i\\e residue oH\\e cargo.
"Lemessurierj it appears, had intended to
furnish to such amount from his own means,
and was in the act of doing so when his in-
tentions were suspended by his insolvency.
The fish, however, has been delivered, oftdis
now on board the defendants' ship. For so
much as they have received through the
authorized acts of their agents, they are cer-
tainly liable, and they are bound either to
return the supplies, or to pay for it. As the
case is at present situated, 1 think the plain-
tiffs are entitled to judgment for the full
amount of fish delivered. At the same time,
I shall be happy to afford any equitable re-
lief in the power of the Court, under the pe-
culiar circumstanqes of the case. ^
liAlNK, JoilN'
8TON & Co.
1' t
Decembtr ll/A.
Tht supplying
nmrohanl of »
pUnl«r ii liablt to
pay Ibt wagai of
lh« lerTtnti of that
planter, to lb« ei-
tentofMia value of
•ny fish and oil
which may have
come to hit hands
as ih« produce of
(he Toyaxe, if he
kn^«r, either actu^
ally or pretump-
sey ; but upon the latter point there were
some witnesses examined, by whose testi-
mony it was proved to have been known to
defendants that Morrissey had two servants;,
and that the plaintiff was one of theai.
Per Curiam, The practice of following
fish and oil, as it is called, under the 15tU
Geo. lil. has been carried beyond what the
framers of that law probably intended.—
There is an opinion, which has found its
way among the records of the Court, given
by Lord AhaiUy and Baron McDonald,
when they were law-officers of the Crown,
that the servants' lien upon fish and oil foir
his wages cannot be traced into the hands
of a bon&Jide holder for a full consideration ;
and this opinion is given with a latitude
which might warrant its application to the
merchant who receives the produce in pay-*
mcni of his advances upon the voyage.
The usage of the Courts, on the contrary,
tst Burke &
ant of one Mor-
vered judgment
urk of Se8sion»,
3 in 1817.
rs of Morrissey,
»il. This action
^gment, for the
ish and oil into
3 15tliGeo.llI.
' only received
the amount of
ing received fish
anced, khey are
same. It was
laintiff was not
■vantof TWorri*-
)int there were
t>y whose testi-
been known to
d two servants,
of them.
e of following
under the IStli
yond what the
ly intended.^ —
has found its
e Court, given
►n M'^Donald,
of the Crown,
sh and mX fov
into the hands
consideration ;
'ith a latitude
lication to the
)duce in pm/^
the contrary.
has always been to consider the fish equally
liable to the servants in the hands of the
merchant, or in those of the immediate hirer.
Upon the whole, 1 am rather inclined to
think the practice of the Courts ri}j;ht as ap-
I)lied to the resjular receiver, although it has
sometimes been carried too fiir.
The correct interpretation of the law
must, in a great measure, depend upon
ft practical knowledge of the subject to
which the law is intended to be applied;
and, although I should always bend to the
superior wisdom of English lawyers upon a
point o( En [(lis h 1nw\ yet, 1 should hesitate
in yielding implicit deference upon a matter
of a mere local character.
In the case of merchant and planter in
this island, there is an intimacy of con-
nexion approaching to identity. If the ser-
vant is to lose his lien, upon the removal of
the fish from the planter's room, he must in-
terpose legal process to arrest it ; and the
Court has had abundant experience of the
ruinous consequences of such a proceeding.
If 1 can collect that the merchant-receiver is
privy to the shipping of the servants, or is
cognizant of the fact of their being shipped,
I shall hold the fish and oil received by him
to be still liable to the wages of the servant.
But the case must be bond fide, to entitle
the servant to this interpretation of the law;
lie must be, actually ov presumptively, known
to the merchant, and there must be a total
absence of all fraud. The merchant has a
right to inform himself of the number of ser-
vants, and amount of wages. If he neglect
to do so it is his own fault; but if he exert
the right, and if any servant be kept back,
or falsely represented, the servant must
take the consequences upon himself.
In the case before me, 1 am of opinioni
Burke 9i
Burke &
that the plaintiff was not unknown to the
defendants as a servant on the room which
they supplied ; and as there is no proof of
fraud against him, he is entitled to receive
the balance of his wages from the defend-
ants, as receivers of the voyage.
January I«l. 1820.
If objections lo
the decrees of tb«
Courts in (his
counlry were al-
lowed to prevail
merely on ibe
groiiod of tn/brma*
lity in the c*ursa
of proceedin(r«
more than half the
titles to property
in Newfoundland
ix'ould ba uniet-
tied. A decree,
or judgmeot, tbere«
fore, MrUch has
been regularly en-
tered, and not ap-
pealed from, will
always be respect*
cd and enforced.
George Heath and Others og-atW^ Robert
ROM the following decree, the facts of
this case, and the questions to which they
gave rise, will b6 easily collected and un-
Per Curiam, — ^This is a summary proceed-
ing by petition and answer ; the petitioners
setting forth their claihi to three undivided
sixths of certain plantations in this island,
as tenants in common ; and praying that
partition may be made, and possession given
to the parties respectively entitled to the
same: and the respondents denying the
rights of the petitioners to any part of the
property in question, and praying that the
matter may be dismissed.
The only question in the case, hihelegal
title; thejfacts are hot disputed; but for
the sake of perspicuity, it may be as well to
take a cursory vleW of the principal grounds
upon which the p^itiofieri^ rest their case.
William Kean, the elder, was th6 com-
mon ancestor, from whoiii' all parties derive
their claims. By his will, which is dated in
1772, he gave his pla(ntaiiot)s in Newfound-
land to his two sons, Benjamin and Robert,
to he equally divided hetweeh them. He af-
terwards goes on to specif v certain condi=
tions, upon which his eldfitet son, Wmam,
was to share equally with his br^thfeii, or be
nknown to the
he room which
! is no proof of
illed to receive
)m the defend-
gainst Robert
le, the facts of
to which they
lected iind un-
mary proceed-
Ihe petitioners
ree undivided
in this island,
I praying that
tssession given
ntitled to the
denying the
Y part of the
•aying that the
se, ia the leg-al
ted ; but for
' be as well to
icipal grounds
it their case,
'as the corn-
parties derive
th is dated in
in Newfound-
lem. He af-
i^rtairi f^ORf?^=
on, William,
^thi^eii, or be
excluded : but by a codicil, which was add-
ed in the following year, the testator re-
voked the disabling conditions of his will,
and gave William an equal sJiare with JBcw-
jamin and Robert. •
Upon the decease of the testator, his
three sons took possession of his estates in
this island, and divided the profits. In 1785,
JBenjamin conveyed half of his third to Ro-
beriy and died Some time after, leaving a
■will, by which George Heathy one of the
petitioners, was appointed his executor,
William, the eldest son, died in 1786, leav-
ing a widow, who is since deceased, and a
daughter, who is the other party to this pe-
tition. So stood matters in the year 1792,
when proceedings appear to have been insti-
tuted in the Supreme Court of this island,
for the purpose of adjusting the rights of
parties claiming under th^ will of William
K$an, the elder. The order of the Court of
1792, which is recorded among the proceed-
ings of the Court, recites that disputes had
Brisen, and that the claims and titles of the
respective parties could only be settled in
England, where they resided ; and durects
the rents to be brought into Court, to be
thereafter paid over to such parties as should
make out their titles to the same, or any
part thereof. Whether any decree was
made, does not expressly appear; for there
is no record to such effect among the pro-
fceedings of the Court. But there is an or-
der of 1794, which mentions a decree as ha-
ving been given in the Supreme Court, by
which tbe property in dispute was settled
and divided in siapth parts Sfc. Upon these
facts a preliminary question is raised— how
far this Court can Proceed to hear a case
which has already been determined ? and I
have no hesitation in s^ing, that if that fact
Heath & Others
can be satisfactoril v maH*. tr.
The Judge ^ho nrll?''', ''^"^ institution,
foundlandonrfor^ai^j"''' f^-" *« ^«^-
/a/i*, without a Drofp«;« ! ^?''*'' ^^^»* «^e-
office to register hi^nro.!}-* ^^^•'^' ^r an
regularity undeJ sucCf ^^'^'"^- ^^ ^^Pect
be to Joo'k for that ;\?'h'rh''''!r' ^^ '"^^
not find. «„t it mui/nn/K*'^/''' certainly
>.fc is the first oSt of ii? /^''^^"^« that
^ are onJy the means by Xh *^''"'*1 '•^^'•*»*
attained. To disregard A ^^^' ^^J^^' i«
Courts in this island ' ^® Proceedings of
would be to unseUle'bXt^ {?HnformaIity.
to sacrifice the ends jf ?-^ *'*'"' ^^ ^t, and
Were the present thel^n''^^ ^« ^ts forms.
I could arrive at the facf^f' ^ ^"'f '" ^^ich
ving actually passed th^r ^"J^/^cree ha-
feel myselfaX^tdttr. t^^^^^^
can have the effect ot^'j"' anything which
suspends the payment „T^- ,'' ^^P^'^Iy
nghts and titles'^^f The 'vLm"'?' •""•"' ""^
tl-e property in rfisputl »ere L ""3'""^ »°
order wh ch waa m„ i * P'O'-ed. The
alludes to a dec ee 'but'"„ "''\ "^"''"l^
to be found ; and V am .^1 ?"'!,'' '^^"'^^ »
from the loose and unSl*''".* "* '» """fe.
^hich the iMerTrVT'nTA T'"''' ""»
framed under an erroneo.r '^*''' "J"*' "was
ceding order, and that Z T" "^ «''« P'*"
♦hmg having he effect 'faV^"*' "' '"y
rights Of ,h^, partt!'hl\tnL«i«»'.roceedings of
?r informality,
'ties in it, and
to its forms,
-ase in which
Y decree ha-
I should not
dt the pro-
ny degree of
er of 1792 is,
thing which
" expressly
s» until the
laimants to
ned. The
^ certainly
•h decree is
^ to think,
manner in
that it was
>f^the pre-
s» or any.
"pon the
sea given
1 have entered fully into the reasons which
induce me to entertain the case upon the
will of William Kerr, because I am desirous
of preventing any misconception from cau-
smg it to be drawn into a precedent here-
after. Upon the merits, J do not see the
least ground upon which the respondent can
rest his case. The testator, fVilliam Kean
the elder, gave his Newfoundland estates to
his three sons, " equally to be divided be-
tween them." These words, in a will or de-
vise, are not disputable ; they are established
by the whole current of authorities, to create
a tenantcy in common ; and they are repeat-
ed so many times in different parts of the
will, as to exclude any presumption what-
soever, of being used unadvisedFy, or con-
veying a technical meaning different from the
intention of the testator. It is, therefore,
adjudged, that the petitioners are entitled to
certain shares of the estate of the late Wil-
liam Kean the elder, y'lz.:— Martha Keanto
one-third, and Geo, Heath to the half of one
other third ; and that the same be divided,
and possession given, according to their res-
pective rights,
Heath & Others
Gijfit-UMarfi^^- J
Hunt, Stadb, Preston k Co. against
The iandlord of
premisei not parti*
culurly dedicated
to the purposes of
the fishery, has ths
•ama remedies for
the recovery, of
rent due for such
premises ai a land-
lord in England
would bare: but
where the properly
for which rent is
claimed is merely
a fishing pUmtum
Hon, or establish,
meat, the rent will
be considered, in
the event of inso|.
Teocy, gas current
supply, and paid
ratably with other
demands of that
class. [See Chaun
eey against Brooke
ZrZ if-y^^^J^^^ o(a dwelling-bouse,
H„I fi' * W ^°*^ premises, in St. John's
due first of May, and Isl December, 1819.
1 he case was submitted to the judgment
off!o*^''"'*''?P?" ^^^ following statement
rect '''''*''®'*^^» ^'^ "^o^** wtles; to be cor-
The defendant is a general merchant, resi-
dent upon the premises, the rent of which is*
by this action, sought to be recovered; and
was^ at the suit of several of his creditors!
Before the declaration of insolvency was
pronounced, the plaintiffs issued an attach!
went, on account of rent due the Jtrst of May
last, apmst the goods .and eflWs of thf
defendant ; and an officer was charged
with, and had the custody of. the goods
property, and effects of thJ defendanfthen
/W i« and upon the premises in question ;
and immediately after the insolvency was
declared the plaintiffs issued a second at.
tachment for the rent due first of Deamhe^
and which attachment was executed up^n
♦he property of the defendant then in the
hxmse, stores, and premises in question, in like
manner as the first attachment had been ex-
ecu ted*
The second attachment was issued by the
thpT, ttn^i ^^*^"^"'/^ ^^'^ publication of
the [defendant's msolvency ;-the plaintiffs
considering such measure' requisite, or, at
Jeast, a safe course tn fntn ,«^--i™/_' _
cure mu, ia tha. Ucni ^ii^^'l^ t^l
Co. against
sum of £210,
in St. John's,
Jraber, 1819.
the judgment
ing statement
es, to be cor-
lercAantf resi-
at of which is,
covered; and
his creditors^
jme Court, oij
er the statute
Jolvency was
;d an attach-
s^rsi of May
fleets of the
i^as charged
the goods,
pndant, then
in question;
)lvency was
I second at.
f DecembePy
3cuted upon
then in the
ition, in like
ad been ex-
sued by the
t>]ication of
»e plaintiffs
site, or, at
) the land-
lords of the premises, they held over the ef- 1820.
effects then lying within such premises for ^ — , - _ ^
rent m arrear; and of which lien they con- Hunt.Stabb.
tend they are not divested by the property ^^^^^'on *^ C«
of the defendant passing by the operation Le Mes^ukieb.
Of the law of msolvency, mto the possession
of the trustees of the defendant's insolvent
The defendant has, during the current
year, carried on a trade in the fishery at
Bunn ; and has also supplied planters and
fishermen in the manner that is usual with
merchants in this trade to supply such per-
sons. ^
The stores, &c. of the premises in ques-
tion have been employed in the defendant's
general business as a merchant ; and, in par-
ticular, he has made profitable use of the
same as a commission-merchant, receivin**-
goods and merchandise into the same stores
to vend on commission, charging, over and
above a commission on the sale of such
goods, a percentage also upon the said goods
for storage of the same, after the rate of two-
and-a-half per centum.
Of the property and effects laid under
attachment for rent as aforesaid, besides the
household goods and effects in thedwelling*
house, and other goods and merchandise of
the defendant in the stores, there was a
quantity of goods received by the defendant,
and lodged for sale o» commission as afore-
said ; all which goods were attached to pay
the said rent. ■ ^
The trustees of the said insolvent estate
being desirous to mifce sale of the whole of
the said effects, it ^as muluAlly agreed be-
tween the said plaintiffs and th6 Said thistees
that the said attachments shoutd b»i i^aispd
and the trustees be allowed to sfell off the
saidgoodu and effetts without prejudice to
llie lien of the plaintiffs, or their rights in
^^^P^^^ ^^ '^® ^^^^^ attachments for rent.
PkesVon &°c; V'^. ^^'>i? ^^ ^''^ S«°*^« attached by the
rKESTON & Co. said plaintiffs, in manner above-stated, was
tLE Messurier. ^' *"® amount of one thousand pounds and
upwards ; and both attachments were duly
executed upon the said goods before any
other attachment was served on the same in
any other suit.
■Per Curiam. Upon the case stated, I am
of opinion, that the landlord is entitled to his
rent out of the assets of the insolvent estate.
Hut lest this decision may be misapprehend-
ed, 1 shall state the grounds upon which it is
lormed. The bankrupt acts in Jfin^land
have vested the effects of the bankrupt in the
assignees, as fully and extensively as the
49th of the King vests the effects of an in-
solvent in his trustees in this island. Rent
m arrear is held to be excepted out of the
bankrupt laws at home, whenever there are
goods upon the land or in the house, and
there is a distress for rent. Distress is an
ancient remedy, by which the landlord is
entitled to detain the goods upon the land
until the rent is paid ; the assignees succeed
\9^}l^pe rights, and for the rent, to all the
iiabilities of the bankrupt, among which lia-
bilities, is a distress for rent.
1 .see no reason why the same rules should
not apply to property held in this town, where
such property is not immediatety engaged in
the fishery, which is the case with the pre-
mises in question. But where the property
for which rent is demanded, consists of a
^^Aiw^/^/ttwto/iow, it has been usual to con-
sider that as ^ current supply ; and the ge-
neral convenience of the fishery, as well as
the good sense of the thing, seems to war-
rant such intprnrpfAfinn f« c.,.«K — -^ ^i, -
landlord cannot distrain, and need not dis-
their rights in
Its for rent.
Itached by the
'e-stated, was
d pounds and
nts were duly
►ds before any
in the same in
e stated, I am
entitled to his
lolvent estate,
'on which it is
in England
mkrupt in the
sively as the
^cts of an in-
sland. Rent
d out of the
per there are
! house, and
)istress is au
! landlord is
on the land
nees succeed
t, to all the
ig which lia-
rules sJiould
town, where
/ engaged in
v'\\\i the pre-
he property,
insists of a
ual to con-
and the ge-
as well as
ms to^war-
>K ^»^. Ai. -
.u i;a9C iiie
'.ed not dis'
train; he cannot enlarge his remedy, bnf he 1820
cannot lose it by the removal of the goods ^_^ , -^«
before the rent becones due. His claim for Hunt, Stadb,
rent is as for a current supply, and must rank I*Rbston & Co.
with other creditors for necessaries for the r ,. *'*
fif^evy, pari passu. It is, therefore, adjudged ^^^^'^^urieb.
that the plaintiffs are entitled to full pay-
ment for all the reiit in arrear at the time of
the insolvency, to be computed up to the day
of payment, agreeably lo the lease ; after
such day thr demand is merely ratable.
Trustees of Benning & Holohan against
Brown, Hoyles & Co.
J. HIS action was brought under the fol-
lowing circumstances :
Benning and Holohan carried on a fishery
at Ferryland, and took up supplies upon
credit from several merchants in Ferryland
and St. John's. In the course of the season
they put off several parcels of fish to such
merchants; and in consequence of their
affairs becoming embarrassed at the close of
the season, *uey were declared insolvent, un-
der a writ of attachment, in St. John's.
The defendants were one of the mercan-
tile houses which had supplied Benning &•
Holohan, and received fish before their in-
solvency, which they have passed to their
credit in payment for such supplies.
The trustees, having paid the servants*
wages, now call upon the defendants to
contribute to the payment of such wages in
proportion to the fish Teceived .
It appeared in evidence, that a writ of at-
tachment, issued at the suit of the servants
from the Sessions Court, had been served in
September last, upon certain &shoi Benning
January 6lh.
The trustees to
an insolvent ei>
tate can compel
the receivers of
the produce of the
voyage to contri-
bute ratably— i.e;
in a proportion
compounded of the
amount of the sup'.
plies they have is-
sued, and the va-
he of the produce
which has fallen
into their hands, to
the payment of the
servants' wages.
li f ;
- fimt^l'lV^", ^'"■f*-'": wharf; and
T-....„ ofBB»- officer ^hoseti^l'i^'^'"''''"" '"''»™«<' «"'fc
* «"• wages ; aif o^'.h^T^ '"orparoJ'ir
fish to ,„pp,i jh„ secun^JCsle;^
for the wages of two fishermen. It waX
obtain s,ra,ar security on the fish brought
S':^ TheToL^L'TaT? 4^J ■"
lose siffht of the fan* s*'* » «»"ai cannot
qaencf of «.^fiIl1J''o^ goinTa" 'S
Ae rooms m payment of the masters deS"
that .htT'*?" *""^''°« "O'hing to pay Vbem
tion ''f 'Th?^'"'' '■'?'"'''' 'h" law in que":
^LL/ ^i *fafy applied to the Surroffateof
a^7fc"*:rff to''^ ?r^ p^^^ «^'^" fi''^
•ecuri V Z^tK '''^'^**^^' ^°^ obtained
t'orofth^^ ter:,\f r:^^" p^«p«-
followprl thi « ?^ ' .^" *^at they actually
to St Tnhn'! ^' V^^^^^ed by the defendants
wafel fll* ^? ^'^'^^^ t^«»r demand for
f '^e 5cn;a»f, ? They have rTald th^
servants to the fuJJ, and «ro r!!:*?^.^ ^^.®
tied to staad in their-plaTe;airrcaif ^t
ts' wharf; and
informed the
!, that he would
ight round.
sly applied to
secure their
ofpartof the
rity was given
2n. It was to
B fish brought
had attached
eorge llh is
! can make !t,
Jhery shall be
and 1 cannot
was in conse-
ig away from
laster's debts,
\ to pay tbem,
law in ques-
that the ser-
: their indus-
Surrogate of
rt of the fish
nd obtained
"tain propor-
hey actually
J defendants
demand for
1 think,
1 the acts of
ig lien upon
dants, and,
ants) tvould
a is, how
the claim
paid the
I call upon
all who have received fish and oil, subject to
Hen for wages at the time of receivings to con-
tribute ratably for wages ; were any other
rule adopted, the servants would have it in
their power to elect on whom they would
claim, and exercise amost arbitrarydiscretion
over the receivers offish and oil. This must
not be; the law makes all liable^ and equity
apportions the \vah\\\iy between all the parties^
CoNARD and Others against Daniel Dris-
roLii and Others.
Truateei of Bbn-
Brown, Hoylu
HIS was a case of prohibition. The
plaintiffs suggested to the Court, that the
defendants had commenced a suit in the
Court of Vice-admiralty, against the schooner
Active and '^argo, and that the cause of such
suit was for salvage, or a compensation for
assistance rendered the schooner while at
anchor, within the harbour of Bay of Bullst
and not within the jurisdiction of the Admi-
ralty. A rule to show cause why a prohi-
bition should not issue having been granted
on a former day, the case now came on for
hearing before the Chief Justice^ who after-
wards delivered his sentiments upon it in
nearly the following words : —
The Courts of Admiralty are regarded by
the common law of England as foreign
Courts, proceeding by the rules of the civil
law, and determining by principles unknown
to the laws of the land. The jurisdiction of
such tribunals was once an object of great
and, perhaps, in the early periods of our
juridical system, of proper vigilance on the
part of the Courts of com'mon fave. But the
little jealousies which fonnerly agitated the
Jaimary 27•• «!•«
ken; mdZvZ'""' '" l*^ '"^"y ■"i^to
excess by Wa^^ ™rr"' f^."""'"'' f™™
«l'e part of l« S ^ "," '™' "''W'able on
ofcoTmon aw Til™ '■'•'''/'". "f'^^Courts
is. in fact aT-lr.fft,''"™''"'""""'' Courts
•^-untry V'andT s L '* "^o"" ""io" of the
any .i„d"-eof .I.iV "' ^?^> '» '"'^g'ne that
constitutfon merelv^o'T""'',''™ •'^ "'«
his personaTa^otfe;" ""'"'•e^ ""e sphere of
as weM fn i^i, ""® Court, it may be
as U now stand." T"T'' ''^^ <" "■« '"^
Admiralty shnll n^. 1 ,?'"''''">«. "'at the
.lone wSin , e T.CZ' «'"' ""ything
which is done «»«, /!"• "' "I'j; »'"• 'I""*
the same Khfo- ^r !•"•' ""'' "'« '5th of
of c^mpIaTn^'a^arnsrS 'e '"* "'^ [''^''"^'^y
tlie Admiralty, d'eXestirf"",^''"'™'^ "^
ha»e?o juWsdieL? ; '''e AdmiraKy shall
&c. sha» be tri^H • "i 'J"" '""='' contracts
laws of thetand .'tcentlf '™.'''^'' ">' "'«
death and maim in ^'^ . •'^''''"" "^"^^s of
bridires In ih? ^r*' .''"'«™ ''e'ow the
and;«^/, are within thTcoSnty fold r^'"
thority, .his d^e/nid^raL'eVrs'to^bf r-
criterion. ft-wouTdT^-t ir^rC'
?n laid at rest,
jurisdiction are
L»e easily mista
', guarded frora
observable on
m of the Courts
ction of Courts
stitution of the
o imagine that
•"ould encroach
d him by the
3 the sphere of
for a prohibi-
urt, it may be
ew of the law
e to this case,
ains, that the
with any thin j^
nly with that
<1 the 15lh of
"le frequency
Jachmtnls of
all contracts
miralhj shall
ch contracts
lined by the
tain cases of
rs below the
of these st^-
lat all havens
Lord Cohe^
s, that it is
may see the
n the other.
s great au-
^-o be too
' accidental
more coii-
BJstent with the good sense and liberal spirit
of the present day, to consider the locus in
quo, with reference to its use and mode of
occupancy, either as a place of frecjuent re-
sort and ordinary transactions between man
and man; or as one visited only occasion-
ally, and not essentially connected with the
business of the neighbouring land. But
whatever may be the truth in the abstract, it
is not necessary to the present case, which is
clearly not within the jurisdiction of the Ad-
miralty. The transactions all took place
within a harbour of the island, aj)ortofe7itri/
with the custom-house, and a place of consi-
derable trade. ^
It is su«fgested, however, that as the re-
medy souj|;ht in this case can only be obtained
agamst ^'le vessel itself, so i\\e Admiraltu
alone can afford that remedy. But the Su-
preme and Surrogate Courts of this island
have, also, the power of proceeding- in rem;
an attachment of the thing, is the ordinary
commencement of their proceedings ; and
there is, besides, another course of remedy,
more easy of access to the parties, aud ex-
pressly created for cases similar to the one
before the Court, \'iz.~the statutes relatino-
to salvage. The 12th of ^w»e directs, that
upon the application of the master of any
ship or vessel in danger of being stranded
or run on shore, the officers of the police
and the customs shall summon as many men
from the neighbourhood as may be necessa-
ry for the assistance and preservation of
such vessel in distress ; and, also, shall re-
quire from all the commanders of ships of
war and merchant vessels near the place
the assistance of boats and men, under the
penaltv. in casfi nf rpfnaal «<•««« i — a^-,a
pounds. And for the encouragement of
those who may aid in the preservation of
Driscoll Se
Driscoll &
tlTih^ '^j'"'""'.' *.^l^^' ^«^« 0" *o direct
that the salvors shall be entitled to a reason^
otL^T''' u ''' V^'** ^y ''•« "^^^ter or
awners of such vessel within thirty days af.
er the assistance rendered ; and 'in case of
disagreement as to the quantum, to be ad-
n"earP V. ''^a "^l^hbourinff justices of the
the Bnti«h ^ '•'' *^^P''^«f'y applied to all
lute, o3d Geo. HI. its provisions arc ex-
/s bv f f/^'*'' "".-"'^ '^^ assistance sought
faster « ;i""^^^'af« application of the
S ^^^^'^ P^*"*'^^' ^'thout the inter-
yention of any officer of the customs It
IS stated that these statutes have neve"
2yere the first instance, 1 should feel no he-
Which, on the way lo this port, meets with
bad weather, and puts into a Neighbouring
harbour to refit. While the master is "n
shore the wind freshens, and the vessel
drives to the opposite side of the harbour
Perceiving her danger, he applies to the
officer of the customs for advice, who re!
fers him to the defenc ants. The first oues
turn asked is, what will you give' Fortu
ijate y, i„ this particular instance, some un-
derstandmg appears to have taken place
between the parties, and the vessel was re
r.l^T'? her difficulties. But suppose
that the defendants had refused to go to the
assistance of this vessel, was therino way
areonTv^frS'*^'"^- .^I'^ely, laws whic^
Z\^.y ?J affirnjance of the common offices
of humanity ought to be applied, if they can
be found applicable. ^"ey can
fJjZ ''/. ?P*?r ^^'^ ^^^'^ statutes are in
fj^ofTT '"\^^^ ''uommions" used in the
first Act, us because 1 hold them to be essen!
>es on to direct
ed to a reason-
tlie master or
thirty days af-
and in case of
urn, to be ad-
iiistices of the
applied to all
y a recent sta-
isions arc ex«
istance sought
ation of the
'Ut the inter-
customs. It
s have never
'o; but if this
lid feel no he-
Te is a vessel
t, meets with
n aster is on
i the vessel
the harbour,
•plies to the
!ce, who re-
le first ques-
ive ? Fortu-
ne, some un-
taken place
ssel was re-
But suppose
to go to the
here no way
laws which
imon offices
, if they can
tutes are in
ch from the
sed in the
to be essen-
tially connected with the moral duties of
mankind, and with the security of the trade
and prosperity of this island. It is import-
ant that the inhabitants of this maritime co-
lony should know that they are bound to
assist vessels in distress by the positive in-
junctions of the law, and that they are pu-
nishable if they refuse it ; and it is proper,
also, they should be informed that while the
legislature enjoins this duty, it gives them a
right to remuneration, and provides them
with a remedy far more easy, and less ex-
pensive, ihan any Court of justice whatever
could afford. I am of opinion, therefore,
that this is a fit case for a prohibition, in
every point of view ; but as the Judge of the
Vice-admiralty is at this moment absent,
and the case is unusual, to prevent misap-
prehension I shall say a few words as to the
authority under whit' aiis process is award-
ed. Prohibitions ire high prerogative writs,
issuing from the King s Supreme Courts to
some other Court which is supposed to ex-
ceed its jurisdiction. In every country a
power of this sort must be lodged some-
where ; and in the colonies it is exercised
by the superior Courts in the same way that
it is at home. In the case of Le Caux and
£den, Lord Mansfield mentions it as of
acknowledged practice; and among 67m/-
9w«r5'* collection of opinions upon cases of
colonial jurisprudence, there is a very full
opinion of Mr. West, then counsellor of the
Board of Trade, expressly upon the point.
The Court of Vice-admiralty at Massachu-
setts Bay had complained to the Lords of
the Admiralty of prohibitions granted by the
provincial judges, in derogation, as they
conceived, of their authority ; and the Lords
of the Admiralty addressed a memorial upon
the subject to his Majesty's Council, by whom
Pr I SCO IX 4;
1 1 ■f
J)rtscoil &
fdvisT^^"' J^'/'^^^r^d to their official
Aft^r w-^'- .f'*'* "^""''^» '« conclusive,
introductive of new laws, but declaratory of
^^\2^e '-'^.^P^" »a^ .was before, he says,
1 am of opinion that they are in force in
^LtT^''T\ ^^^ ^^' an Englishman go
where he will, he carries as much law and
iberty with him as the nature of things will
bear ; but to shovr that it is impossible there
should not be a power of granting prohibi-
tions, wherever the common law fs extend-
fJctT/ •''*''^'P'. ^"* "^'^d only torecol
iect the inconvenient and absurd conse-
quences that would follow were it not so.
vJ^'^f^ ^^^ ^^"^* of Admiralty in New
England, take upon itself to hold%lea oi
freehold or to take cognizance of actions of
tt.-: ^'''ly'^^i ^^'"^^'y has the subject to
he h»f 'n^f'Y'^^^ ^? '?"' inheritance which
law? If 1^'"^ •'"^^^^ ^y *h« common
/ rf- ^"^^® *^ "<^ power of granting pro-
Jnb^t^ons, remedy he has none~to the^Cg
irregular Irom Uie sentence, therefore, of
« J M?I?T^ u^ri^^"'' ^*^^«'^^' ^^ ™"st ap-
peal to the High Court of Admiralty at home
now tar it is absurd to suppose the liur
|^.ould afford the subject no oTe, remedy "
the legal advisers of the Crown, by the die
tun, of Lord Mamjkld, and by ;hat my om,
experience enables me to say is the unques-
tionable practice in other colonies. 1 fi
the relief which is prayed is within the power
til^»h*^''iT' ""?• *''«^^''"«' """ " pSi-
tmn should go to restrain the defendants
m7",rnf.!.''.'"S "ny ft'"'er in.the Vicc-ad!
) their official
is conclusive,
ic/iard,aa not
leclaratory of
fore, be says,
e in force in
nglishman go
luch law and
'f things will
possible there
ing proJiibi-
1^ is extend-
nly to recol-
surd conse-
re it not so ;
alty in New-
old plea of
>f actions of
e subject to
ance which
le common
'anting pro-
the King
for that is
erefore, of
>e must ap.
ty at home,
e the law
' remedy.'*
3f one of
y the dic-
e unques-
!S, I think
the power
1 prohibi-
Jl Ills case having been ordered to lie
Over for consideration, the following judg-
ment was now delivered upon it : —
The plaintiflfs entered into partnership in
the spring of 1816, and fitted out a schooner
for A sealing voyage. They took supplies
to a considerable amount from the defend-
ant ; and upon their return from the ice,
thev ofll'ered him their seals ; but some dif-
ference arising as to the price, the plamtifis,
thinking they could get more than was of-
fered by the defendant, at St. John's,
brought them round and sold them to Ryan
Sf Sons, at the stated price, payable one half
immediately, and the other in the ensuing
fall. The bills received on the delivery of
the seals were endorsed by the plaintifis,
and passed over to the defendant, by whom
they were remitted to England and received.
The plaintiffs continued to deal with the
defendant, and took up supplies from him
for tiiecod-Jishery, which they intended to
carry on at the Labrador. It appears, upon
reference to the account exhibited, that be-
fore the sailing of the plaintiffs on their sum-
mer voyage, they had taken up supplies to
the amount of more than £200 ; and being
80 in receipt, they drew an order on Ryan
6f Sons for the balance of money due for the
seals, in favour of the defendant. This
order is unfortunately lost, and is said to
have been destroyed by the fire of Novem-
ber. It must, however, have been drawn
heiore the thirteenth of June, as on, or about,
that day, the plaintiffs sailed for the Labra-
dor. . .
The order was accepted by Ryan Sf Sons ;
and on the 15th of October they drew a set
February VWh,
A supptyinp;
merchant reci.-ivfs
an order from hii
dealers or partners
in the fishery, up-
VII a party who
owea ihem money,
and afterwards ac-
cepts from the par-
ty on whom such
order was drawn,
a bill of exchange
upon England for
the amount tbere-<
of. The bdl is pro-
tested, and tile
drawer thereof be«
conies bankrupt.
Under these cir«
cilmistances, the
Court held, that
the debt of the
dealers was extin-
guished by the
iiieruliant's taking
the bill upou Eng-
land in satisfac-
tion of the orde
they had dcawb ia
bis favour.
re «^ned^;^,:ir'^/ ^'"'.^^^^ remitted; and
PS action "^n ""^ ^^^« "«« to the
rhere co»M ?• ^P''" ^^°^'*«' principles
«« ;u \''?..""'"er of a bill, or order takps
another b,I| from the drawee, it is consider
f a ega satisfaction of such firs? bUI a^d
completely discharges the drawer 'iTm
preseni case. It certainly m g it so haoDen
«,^L^ f^i' *'"'"*•' «« ■•««i»e bills from S
STenr^W?"'!' "' ""« "'""' period o pay!
against the person who gave the order to
receive thera. Cases of this sort must de
«i!t'H • .. "". ''»'''*'■ »f ">e order should
fhf ;?in" ."'tP'»'=« »f ""8 drawer, and receive
«he bills in his name, aad with the s^TZ
J»«dy oyer, as if he had receved them from
iitft" P"'y= »"«•> a case migh°haBD™"
•M sprirtr*"*" """-f™' » ^oSa
inat snc|i is the one now before mp Tul
prder of the plaintiffs onV<»T^»; Jur,
fortunately lost Was it a genml orderTo"
receive so much in the usual way ? or was k
fotteSf "■'''•'-"-• •'"'»«'-
--.«„^Uca„u„ojeY,dence, which I ran
P»ly gather from genml presimptJons , anS
s Dansouy for
I remitted, and
e rise to the
'ral principles
in the case,
p order, takes
it is consider-
first bill, and
rawer. I am
s island, the
is by bills of
And it is this
J point in the
ht so happei)
e bills from 9
;riod Qf pay-
such particii-
he bills being
?ht be fairly
ing sucb bad
tp consider
his demand
he order to
)rt must de-
f the parties;
ght be pre-
1 of the par-
rder should
and receive
lesame re-
them from
ht happen ;
» me. The
Sons is un-
al order to
? or was it
bills given
ich I can
tions ; and
presumptions are against the defendant.
Such an order would have been particular;
it would have been the subject of previous
arrangement ; and some record, or notice,
would have remained of it ; but none what-
ever is to be found, except the party's own
note in his books, which, of couise, cannot
be received . Besides, the defendant's taking
the bills in bis own name, causes a strong
presumption against such preTious arrange-
ment. 1 cannot possibly speculate upon
what might have been the state of the case,
had the r^aintiffs drawn in favour of other
f»artieE i he bills might have been circu-
ated ;^v ^ae island, and become the subject
of set-off, on payment, or arrangement with
the drawers, in many ways. Neither can I
suppose that the defendant acted as the
broker, or agent, of the plaintiffs, who were
lai^ely his debtors at the time the order was
drawn. It is true it was supplies ; but they
might have exercised the discretion they had
used before, and sold their fish to other
parties, as they did their seals. As the
case stands, the plaintiffs being indebted to
the defendant, and giving him an order for
a large sum, not equal, however, to the ex-
isting debt^ and the defendant giving up
such order, and taking bills in his own name
from the drawee, unexplained by any positive
agreement, 1 think 1 am bound to hold that
the case is not taken out of the general prin-
ciple, and that the plaintiffs have a right to
consider this as aiMtym^nr.
Cdstbbn &
M :
..W, ... ""'^'^^ ^ ''^'^^^ ^^--' •^ox.s IUrter.
enables a. enant to Stances. foJIowing circum-
■urrender a lease II f * j
•Her the desfruc- . ^"endant is lessee of certain hnn^«c
tion. by fire.onha destroyed by fire ; and the nlalnHff^K ^^
premise, which assignees of the reversion n.f^ff* ^^*'^""'
tormed ihe princi- After thp fil/f i i ?" ^"^ freehold,
pal .ubjec-Lner todefenH«n.?'^^*'"^^^^'^'P^»'°tiffs applied
'HLdoesnoi ,„. I^J!, r* ^"^ ^^^ whether or not he in
persedc .he nec.s- f^n^ed to Surrender; and def^Zlr^fl
«"y of hi. „aki„s to have entered into somp !!!*/' ^PP^^'''
•he surrender by the terms of wMoho ??^^'^*"^ ''^^^'^^^
call witnesses hntl ""^ P^posed to
fn>m7„Sl:?j„t? If *>>« s""«te of fraud,
from the aereem™. ^^! I ? "*'* '° '''"'«'>'
parties di'^^rTo Z tmV"oft""^']''t
was exnrpRslir ♦^ " . , ***^ '^ » and it
and that at UdeTtC'/oo'r *"r7'
■stltt, Jills tiaan-a ;<, _ ji • ""^ "^
usage is nothing more"th7n
tacit proviso Zu^IJa T 'P^ "°''« ^^^an a
proviso, annexed, by the custom of the
iirt to enforce
^'ing circum-
Ttain houses
ntiffs became
ntiffs applied
5r not he in-
fant appears
il agreement,
by the par-
tat it was an
nt insisting
he plaintiffs
t in arrear.
r the agree-
proposed to
ited by the
« ff frauds
on a verbal
h surrender
in which^
vritmg, the
it; and it
ss that the
1 am of
the forms
nust be by.
'2^ surren^
n case of
irrender ;
fnrjYjjD Qf
B than a
m of the '
place, to every lease, that if the house be
consumed by fire, the tenant shall not be
under the obligation of continuing to pay
rent, but may give up the ground if he think
fit. If he determine to yield up the ground »
lie must communicate bis determination bi/
writing, and if he omit doing so within a
reasonable time, especially after application
to that effect by the landlord, he is to be
considered as having waved bis election of
abandoning, and the landlord will have a
ri^.ht to 1 egard the lease as continuing. 1
must, th elore, dismiss this application.
HouRKE against Baine, Johnston & Co.
JL HE great question raised in this case
was, whether a supplying-merchant is con-
clusively bound by a judgment obtained
against a planter, who is a dealer of such
merchant, by the servants of the planter.
Per Curiam. The 15th of the King de-
clares "all fish and oil made by the person
who shall hire or employ the fishermen, 8u.b-
j/ect, in the Jirst place, to the payment of
wages, kc."
It is important to notice tbat it is the fish
made by the hirer, or, in other words, the
produce of the master's fishery^ which is
made liable to all the servants in common,
without any difference, or preference, in the
order of their claims. So long, therefore, sis
the fish and oil remain in the hands of the
hirer of the servants, they are liable to all
demands for wages ; whether such demand
be for services actually performed, or for
luc Bs-ipuias-cu Tragus us a ocivaiii. Tftivr im^iiv
have been improperly discharged before the
period of service e3i;pire.
March \tt.
An the supply -
inK merchaot is
iiui immedfalely a
party lo a suit for
wages in ihe Sps-
tions, tie is nntitled
lo be heard apainst
the rights ot ihe
servants lo follow
ihe fish and oil in
his hands, under
an execution is-
sued upon a judg'*
meot ill Iheir fa-
vour against their
employer. And if
he can show any
circumslaiice of
fraud, or Ihe sup-
pression of a ma-*
terial fact, with the
privily of the ser-
vant, that will dis-
charge him from
all liability under
Bucli juvlgniFDi.
h'l ■
Bainb, John^
Ie, into whose hands soever
they might have passed; and the Crown law-
yers limiting that liability to the actual pos^
sesnon of the hirer &r employer. ^
ihl^ ^f"'"' ^as expressed its opinion that
the practice of following has been carried
too far m this country (a), much beyond
the probable intention of the British Parlia-
ment. Composed, as it is, of lawgivers
accustomed solely to the language and
arCt^I'T*'"?''?" "*^^P*^^ by the Court^
aiWestrnmster, it is most probable that it
had in view the English practice of liens in
giving fishermen a specific right upon the
produce of their labour in wlwfouSdland!
■By the whole current of decisions and ooi-
nions upon the extent of liens in England
It IS established as law. that when theSff
or subject-matter, upon which the lien sub!
sisted, passes into the hands of a stranger
il?s lost P^^'y^^^^^^^^J-^^I^ consideration;
iJuJ^i!^^ ?!??"' therefore, that thelegis^
»ac«re intended to trivp « !,«« *l «. ,
(«) la Dooh, f. Hacheit, dMidedllth D.Miiib.r, mtf.
■■'"*'*<«.. ■■„
itiire, by iria-
for another's
servant a di-
f his fellow-
ih the most
ice. In the
1 and oil are
; but in the
^U such fish
ich the Su^
he Court of
s at home:
le proceeds
xoT^ds soever
Crown law-
pinion that
sen carried
ch beyond
ish Parlia-
:«age and
the Courts
^ble that it
>f liens, in
upon the
and opi'<
the thing,
lien sub-
the lejsrtS'
me Qsfa
tfber, iflljr.
snd oil in the hands of the hirer only; but
the custom of the fishery has extended it be-
yond such hirer, s^nd created an iipplied
lien in the hands of the receiver.
The origin of this cuHtom is to be found in
the necessity of the thing ; and the interests
of the fishery are its best expositor. From
the nature of the article of fish, and the me-
thod of curing and sending it to market, it
is the common practice of this island to take
it off the rooms at different times; and a
considerable portion of the catch is always
removed before the close of the season, and
before the time of ti»e wages becoming due,
Jf the servant is to lose his lien by the remo-
val of the fish, he must arrest it upon the
rooms ; the ruinous consequences of which
proceeding require no comment. The ne-
cessity of the thing has, therefore, given rise
to a general understanding that the fish may
be removed from the planters rooms to the
warehouse of the regular supplier^ without
any detriment to the right of the servants,
whoare presumecl to know, and to be known,
to the supplier, as to their number, occupa-
tion, and amount of wages, &c.
If there is any frauds or collusion, or sup*
pression of circumstances, with reference to
the supplier, the lien is lost, it wants its
most essential ingredient, — the presumed un-
derstanding between the parties, and the
tacit contract of the supplier to be account-
able for the wages of the servants to the
amount of the fish and oil he may receive.
Subject to such considerations, 1 conceive
the servant has a clear right to follow the
fish and oil into the hands of the supplier,
and that his lien is as strong in the merchant's
It is necessary in all cases that the de-
mand for wages should be established
Bainb, John^
STON & Ctf.
1 1
Bainf, John-
ston & Co.
against the actual hirer ; and in followhij?
up execution, it is possiblf* the planter may
have effects sufficient to satisfy the judg-
ment, without recurring to the fish and oil ;
but the legislature, 1 think, intended to give
the servant not only a summary proceeding,
but a summarj satisfaction. The supplier
has his remedy over against the planter, if
he choose to enforce it ; and he has, also,
the means of indulgence, and of giving time
for retrieving a bad year by a better ; which,
in so precarious a thing* as a fishery, and
with reference to the many small adventurers
now engaged in it, it is of importance to the
genet-al interests of the fisheries to preserve.
As the merchant or supplier is noi imme^
diatelif a party to the cause for wages in the
Sessions, he has a right to be heard against
the fish and oil being followed in his hands ;
and if he can show any circumstances that
take his case out of the presumptive liability^
he is undoubtedly entitled to the benefit of
thetn. The mere judgment against the mas-
ter will not necessarily bind him ; and any
circumstance of fraud, ot the suppression of a
iTiaterial fact, with the privity of the servant,
will completely dischargi the supplier.
March 12th.
The whole of
the«ea«coa«tof thin
island is dedicated
to iheyfsAery,
by Ihe 10 and 11
William III. c.
25 ; and,lherefore,
iliA fl £\MTgnfiint\m Man.
not grant any part
Martha Rowe, administratrix, against the
Heirs of Thomas Street.
CTJON to recover possession of a fish-
ing-room at Trinity ; and also to recover the
sum of £50, being for five years' rent, at £10
per annum, from the year 1813 to 1817.
Per Curiam. This case is very defective
\Ji. ^7£UU1X%-C* Jib 1!7 OtCtlVVS (.XlCib l.UC;ialC ^ HUSfm
Streets deceased, obtained a grant of the
fishing-room ia question for James Rowe,
n followlnjy
ilanter may
the jutlg-
ih and oil ;
(Jed to give
he supplier
J planter, if
has, also,
giving time
er; which,
ishery, and
id venturers
ance to the
o preserve.
noi immC'
iges in the
\rd against
his hands;
dances that
e liability,
e benefit of
st the mas-
; and any
'ession of' a
he servant,
igainst the
a of a fish-
•ecover the
ent, atiilO
f defective
I ale ^ nus,
int of the
nes Rouie,
who,/»in consideration of this service, allow-
ed him to retain the use of the room during
his life. All this is very unlikely, insomuch
that ] should have suspected there were
other causes for this arrangement if they had
not partly been stated and admitted at the
It now turns out that Eowe, becoming in-
volved with his creditors in England, by
way of securing his plantation from beii^
taken in satisfaction of his debts, obtained a
grant through the intercession of Street.
As against the creditors, this grant was void,
because it has been repeatedly held that the
governor cannot grant any part of the island
adapted to the fishery. The whole of the
sea-coast is already granted away by the sta-
tute of William. As between tbej^ar/tw,
however, to th6 arrangement, I must take as
my guide the intentions which probably go-
verned them. ■
It is stated by Adams, in an affidavit
taken de bene esse, that he received a letter
from Street, for whom he acted as agent in
this island, in the year 1805* in which he
acknowledged that he held the plantation
in question by permission from Rowe, during
such time as he thought fit to use it. This
is corroborated by the fact that the property
has actually since been given up (subject to
a subsisting lease) to Howe's representatives.
On the one hand, this is considered as a
voluntary act, proceeding, ex mere motu, of
Street's widow ; while, on the other, it is
regarded as an admission of the right of
Howe's representatives. With the latter view
of the case, under all circumstances, 1 agree ;
and, therefore, I hold them entitled to the
atives, together with the reversionary interest
iQ the lease itself. Beyond this, however,
TIm lleirw*(T.
1 «
The Heirs of T.
I cannot go. — The property was leased to
Machraire, and underleased by him, after a
length of possef^sion, and witli every appear-
ance of right, sufficient to warr mt a title in
the lessor. If the Rowes have fallen asleep
over their better claim, it is their fault, and
should not prejudice innocent parties.
March 20/A.
An ot'der of
Court, founded
upon the reveraal
by the King in
CouDcil of the
decree of the Su-
preme Coart,in the
matter of Craw^
ford if Com. iasol-
▼ency. [Ante. p.
100 ; and note,tbat
the judgment of
the Chief Justice
was reversed,
merely because
the proceedings io
the Surrogate
Court, preparatory
to the declaration
of the insolvency,
ivere irregular in a
material point. It
by no means fol-
lows, therefore,
from this refusal,
that Mr. Forbea'a
▼lews upon the
points brought ini'
mediately under
his consideration
are not correct.]
la the matter of Crawfobd $c Co*s. Insol-
N this day, David TasJcer, for himself
and "partners, under the firm of Hunters ^
Co., and John Boyd, for himself and part-
ners, under the firm ofJBaine, Johnston^ Co
appeared in Court, and prayed that the
judgment which they, together with James
Stewart, for himself and piartners, under the
firin of Stuarts ^ Rennie, suffered to go
against them in favour of our Sovereign
Lord the King, on the22d day of Decem-
ber, i818, for the sum of twelve thousand
four hundred and thirty-nine pounds, eleven
shillings and threep^ice sterling, being the
amount acknowledged to beheld by them lof
the monies belonging to the late esjtate of
Crawfords Sf Co., might be set aside and can-
It was ordered by the Court, that as the
whole of the proceedings under the insol-
vency in this island was annulled and re-
versed by the decree of his Majesty in Coun^
cil in appeal from the decision of this
Court, wherein William Bennett and others,
creditors of John Crawford Sf Co., of Great
Britain, were appellants, and the trustees to
the insolvent estate of Oratvford Sr C^, is^
this island, were respM>Qdent8, the judgment
against V»vid Ttuhr, WilUam Johnston,
•; ..
leased to
im, after a
ry appear-
it a title ill
lien asleep
Tault, and
!u's. Inaol-
for himself
Hunters ^
fand part-
nslondf Co
that the
rith James
under the
red to go
of Decern^
! thousand
,ds, eleven
, being the
}y them lof
e esitate of
jg and can-
lat as the
the insol-
ed and re-
y in Counp
a of this
nd others,
, of Great
rustees to
1 &" Cq. in
ntid James Stewart, and their respective
partners in trade aforesaid, be cancelled and
set aside.
• .5
John Delany against Nuttall, Cawley
& Co.
^A.CTION to recover the value of the
schooner iH/aria, detained from the plaintiff
by the defendants.
Per Curiam. It appears by the testimony
of all parties, that the schooner Maria was
built under the direction, and ;vith the per-
sonal assistance, of the plaintiff ; that the
advances necessary for building were sup...
p)i?dbythe defendants; that the schooner,
when built, was carried to Harbour Grace,
and there registered in the name of the de-
fendants ; that she was one voyage under
direction of the plaintiff, who was master,
and made an unsuccessful trip to Labrador ;
tliat, in virtue of the certificate of registry,
the defendants obtained possession of the
Maria at her return, and still retain her. It
also appears that a custom prevails in this
country of advancing supplies to dealers to
enable them to bnild vessels ; that the ves-
sels so built are held as securities, to be re-
assigned upon payment of the supplies ; and
that a reasonable time is allowed to the
debtor to work out the debt and^ cledr the
Now it appears that, whatever may hate'
been the right of the plaintiff to the vessel
as the builder, defactOy in the first instance,
he had assigned the possession to the de-
fendants bv whom it was reostert^d in the!!*
own names ;< and, I mast presume, with the'
privity and qonsdut of the plaintiff, beca^i^e
Junt \2ih.
It 11 usual in
Ihii Couutry for
two persons to
agree that the one
shall build a vessel
and the other fur-
nish ihe capital to
enable him to do
it; and that the
vessel, when built,
shall be registered
in Ihe name of the
parly who fiiroish-
(>d the materials.
Ill these cases the
registered owner
holds the vessel tn
truft, tirst as a se«
curily for the pay-
ment of the money
advanced by bim ;
and afterwaids for
the benefit of th«
LBY Ol Cu.
lie afterwards navigated her as master under
«nch register. It is probable that they bold
he vessel ,n first, as a security lor
he.r mvn debt and afterxvards for the plain-
t ft. But this does not clearly appear and
81.11 less can I sakly conjecture how lonj?
the defendants were bound to allow the
plaintitf the use of the vessel to enable him
lo Clear It. I cannot suppone any time, be-
cause I have no data to fix it. But 1 will
fr.l "^r / ?^^«""t« o^ t»'e parties, with the
fc nAr^* i^"'^ ^''^"^*^ ^^ '*^«« than the
IrLh? / ^*''''*'''T' ^''^ plaintiff- will have
a right to demand of ihe defendants the
difference or by paying the money due them,
to demand the vessel itself
' i !
June \9lk
Th« proper(y in
>D article may b«
coapUuly tram-
fcrred to iha Van.
<*••, et aa whilat it
r*aaii)a in the
store* of tli« vea^
Trustees of Cullen & Co. against Trustees
ot Miller, Fergus & Co.
Wy S."''"'' ''^ "'''' «^ ^ -••^-"
Per Curiam The sale of salt was com-
plete ; and Miller, Fergus ^ Co. had done
everytlimg to complete the delivery on their
part. J he only circumstance which can
raise a momenfs doubt in the case is that
the salt remained in ihe stores of Miller
Fergus Sf Co. But it is provided by he
agreement that the salt was to remain in their
C^lltir K *^^"''^^' ""'•* convenient for
i^Um 4- Co. to receive it. After this the
M^lt 18 measured out, the quantities deter-
mined rcwi;)/, given for such quantities to
the vendors, who charge Cullen ^ Co. with
the full amount, and give them up the key
of the store m which the salt is deposited^
-i iie aeiivery oi the key, i think, was suffi-
aster under
t they lioia
fieurity for
)})ear; and
liow long
allow the
nable him
' time, be-
But 1 will
s, with the
from the
s than the
fwill have
idants the
due them,
a certain
ivas com-
!)ad done
^ on their
hich can
i is, that
■ Miller,
by the
n in their
nient for
' this the
8 deter-
itities to
Co. with
the key
as suffi*
cient to conclude the case if there had been 1820.
any doubt as to the terms ♦•convenient to - ■- . -^ *
receive it." The measuring the quantities, Trntte.s nf cul-
and passmj? receipts, were, in fact, sufficient »•''« & Co.
to satisfy those words. I, therefore, shall t, . "", «.
hold that Cullen 6r Co. had not only the '"]Tvfn^,l'"
property, but the corporal possession of the k Co.
salt, at the time of th^w ;>^olvency, and,
consequently, that it pisses to heirtrnstees.
Ihe mere circumstance f the > ifent o( Mil-
ler, Fergus, Sr Co. pJh^^n^ t' ? key after-
wards, cannot alter the c; t, unless it could
be shown that the salt was re-delivered
them, as a guarantee for the balance due on it.
Jt is not necessary to go into the accounts
to determme the fact of the salt being paid
for. it was to be paid in account, and an
acceptance at 12 months for any balance
that might remain. There was a running
account between the parties, and the ba-
lance was not struck at the time of this
transaction; and it was necessary that
Miller, Fergus 6f Co. shr.uld draw the bill
for such balance, as a preliminary step to its
JLN the matter of John Cook's Insolvency,
the followmg question was submitted to the
consideration of the L /tie/ Justice:— -
The trustees to the estate of John Cooke,
msolvent, wish to be informed, if a bill
drawn by John Cooke on Ann Cooke for
£\l I6s. Od., part .of it for a servant's pas-
sage, and part for John Cooke's p&ssase
should rank with servants' wages ; the ser-
vant, William Jago, being shipped for a sum
certara and his passage ; to which his Ho-
SliMIM n>r>w.^ 4U.^
The Court has never considered j>«*5ag-«.
Jnfy 24/*.
can only rank aa
wages on an iiisol-
ven« PBtate, where
>( baa etpressjy
been agreed that
it should be paid
as pait of ihe hir«
of tlie servant.
fn ibe matter of
John Cook's
mon^ in the light of wages, except, where
in fact, it formed a part of the consideration
for services, aiid was expressly agreed to be
paid for hire. For example : if A ships B, a
servant, and is to give him so much, part to he
paid to himself and part to be paid to a third
person for his passage, as wages, payment of
which wages is usually by bills of exchange; if
the bills turn out to be bad, they are consi-
dered 38 a nullity, and the demand subsists
in full force, as a demand for wages, entitled
to a preference over all others in the settle-
ment of an insolvent estate. Beyond this,
1 know of no preference for passage-money.
Octoher \2th.
Siipplira igoufxl
for the fishery are
advanced oil the
crptiit ftf llie |»ro-
dure «(f the voy
Bue ; pn I, Uifro-
iorc, if the pin-
ceeds of thn vov-
asf, iiiRifad of
h<'io«; sppllpd to
the pavni^'nt ot
ihiise 88, are
(livfded to another
object, the planter
nay be aiied im.
mediately (or Ibe
Hunters & Co. against Archibald
CTION to recover £3,000 being for
goods sold and delivered as supplies for the
fishery. ,
Defendant appeared in Court, and admit-
ted the amount of goods advanced, btit de-
nied that the account was payable until the
usual period (31st October.) *
In explanation of the large apparent ba-
lance of account, defendant stated that he
had already shipped a cargo of 1600 qtls.
fish for Oporto, and had another in readiness
to ship, the proceeds of both of which were
intended to be forwarded to plaintifis' house
in Scotland, and applied in payment of their
Plaintiffs contend that the supplies were
issued m the course of the fishery, payable
in fish and oil.
Ji:'i:r Curiam^ It appears that the platn^
tiffs and defendant have had large dealings
togetbev foe several years past ; and that, in
the course of those dealings, fish, oil, and
INewfoimdland produce, have always been
applied in payment for supplies in the usual
way of the fishery, in this year, however,
the defendant has shipped tlie usual returns
to foreign markets, without the consent, an4
beyond the control, of the plaintiffs ; ai? I
the question is, whether, un-dersijcU circum-
stances, he can set up the practice of the
fishery as to the time of payme^it, in bar tp
thfi present action? 1 am of opinion he
cannot. Wherevei- goods are delivered, lay-
.ment becomes due immediately, unless thp
contrary be expressed, or irapUed, by the
usage of the place or the understanding of
the parties. By the usage of the fishery, when
supplies are advanced for catching fish, the
fish and oil, when caught, are received in
payment ; they constitute the sijipplier's
security for payment of his debt ; and if he
finds them travelling out of his hands, h^
lias a right, in most cases, to arrest them,
and, in all, to consider the deviation from
the established usage as turning the credit
into a present debt, and to recover his
judgment immediately.
Whoever wishes to avail himself of
the usage of the fishery must conform
himself to such usage. Jt appears to
me that, in this ease, I'iupplies for the fishery
^ere issued, payable in fish, at the usual
times ; and the defendant having disposed of
his fish and oil, and put it out of his power
to tender thenj in paymenf , has become lia-
ble to the plaiatiffs as for a present debt.
Hunters & Co.
Oclol>er 19th.
^ he judgment of
a Court of concuro
'ens jurisdictioa is
a bar to an action
between the same
parties upon the
fiame subjecLmat-
ler, however erro-
neous such jiidg*
inent may have
been : but where
a new action is
brouaht, includin?
tome matter which
had been adjudged
on the former trial,
and some which
had not, and the
jury assess the
damnges 8e|iarate-
hf 'he Court will
give judgment for
that part which
^''as not decided in
the first action.
Jennings & Long against Hunt & Beard,
Summary proceedinfTs under 49thGeo.
don.?I T*''i^'.^"^^ n,. Gd. damages
done t^e piamtiffs in their fishery at Lab;.a-
betL ^K*'^" ^''^^^y ^^^'"^ ^"d adjudged
CouTat l!'aLaTr. '''''' '' ''^ «™^
spvTIT!*^"* " 'P'''''*'^ j^ry impannelled, and
ChJ? 7'??^««^f «^«'nined. after which, the
^^^.^hat^ed the jnry to the ibJ-
That the case before the Court comprised
mixed issues of law and fact, and mainly
case was important, and appealable, it
^nrJf T "P"*" ^^^ ^^^^^'-d '" a specia
be ;r,ir:f'r*''^ ^^^ ^"P^"«»" Courtmight
be enabled to review the whole case with
exactness, and apply a suitable judgment
m the event of its reversing any opinion
Ttt th " \'Tr^'^ ^"^^^ '-" «' ^^'"--
ildt the facts for the consideration o*" the
Jury were whether the defendants, o their
acjro;* n' '\''' ^••^^^^' ^'^ commit the
acts of alleged trespass in removing and
detaining the plaintiffs' nets? and supposing
;r/^ ^.'l^ ^^"" '^^^ ^'^«t damages had
tie plaintiffs sustained, both in the'imme-
diate loss of their nets, and consequent
t m??K '"i *r'"; ^'^'''^ • ^*»^* length of
time the defendants, or those who held
before them had possession of the rivers in
Sandwich Bay, and to what extent such
possession had been ?-which of the par-
ties had. in fact, the first occupancy of
thi. U;r„ur •'" ""i'«'^' iast season ^ And
this might mvolve a question of what ex-
T & Beard,
er 49th Geo.
•«?. damages
y at Labra-
nd that the
d adjudged
e Surrogate
celled, and
which, the
to the foF-
id mainly
id, as the
salable, it
the facts,
a Sj>ecial
ourt might
case with
Y opinion
f the law.
ion r'the
, o their
>mmit the
»ving and
ages had
e imme-
ength of
ho held
rivers in
jnt such
the par-
ancy of
' And
'hat ex-
tent of ground was necessary to the proper
cusfomary use of such phicea for a sal-
mon fishery ? Whether the several instru-
ments before the Court were proved as laid
m evidence? and to what parts of the case Hdkx&Vaud
the former judgment applied ? The Jury
then retired, and returned the followin'r
verdict:-" The Jury find the nets in this
case were taken up by Mr. Beard, ^nd per-
sons under his direction, and not by JVJr
Wakeham; that Mr. Beard had no corpoi
real possession at Burn's Cove, but that he
had a net, with some materials and utensils
there apparently for the purpose of carrying-
on the salmon fishery, previously to the
arrival of the plaintiffs, and that plaintiffs
had possession at Cooper's Cove.
''Damages estimated as sustained by plain-
tifls, VIZ. : — .
" At Bum's Cove, 14nets, with cord-
age, buoys, &c. and 106 salmon £40
"Cooper's Cove.— 25 nets, with
^^ cordage, buoys, &c 70
*• Loss of salmon voyage, deducting
uf^^^^'r-r ...250
l^oss of subsequent voyage .... lOO
* The jury find that the defendants, or their
predecessors, had possession, and an esta-
blishment for a salmon fishery at Eagle and
other rivers in Sandwich Bay for forty-eio^ht
years ; but there is no proof in evidence^'of
the extent of coast used by this establish-
ment, or of any exclusive possession out of
the rivers.
*u " Jy^^ ^"^ ^^® documents produced from
the GoverPiaent-office to be proved. They
also find the proceedings before the SurrL
gaie. Captain Robinson, at Sandwich Bay
to be proved as laid in evidence. Thev
2k '
1820. leave all questions of law to the considera-
S^^'^^^^^^ tion of the Court ; and if, &c."
JENmN08& Cur. adv. vuU.
V. • ,
Hunt & Bbard. ~—
October JO/A. On this day the Chief Justice delivered
the following judgment: —
The defendants, Philip Beard ^ Co. are
engaged in an extensive salmon fishery at
Sandwich Bay, on the Labrador, where they
have a fixed establishment.
The plaintifis, Jennings 4' Long, are Bri-
tish subjects, and reside at Halifax, in the
province of Nova Scotia, from which place
they have, for a few years past, resorted to
Sandwich Bay, for the purpose of a salmon
fishery likewise. In the pursuit of their
common occupation, the parties appear to
have been brought into contact upon dispu-
ted points of right ; the defendants claiming
exclusive property in all the rivers in Sand-
wich Bay, as well as the circumjacent coast,
within three miles of the mouths of the
rivers ; and the plaintiffs contending for the
right to place their nets in any vacant spot
not actuaUy indispensable to the others'
fishery. While the parties were in difference,
the Surrogate, Captain Robinson, of His
Majesty's Ship Favorite, arrived at the La-
brador, and the defendants. Beard & Co.,
immediately brought their case before him,
alleging their rights, and complaining of the
trespass which had been comunitted by Jen-
nings. The Surr6gate caused the parties
to be summoned before him on the 11th of
July last, and after a hearing, ordered Jen-
nings to make certain reparation to Beard
& Co., and remove his nets by one o'clock
^K I'll' I -■ ...•'.
<■!».. . »..J
...•*l- ;
;g iiaj ; aiiu, Willi u ViCW OI Car-
rying this sentence into effect, he issued pro
;. vult.
e delivered
f ^ Co. are
1 fishery at
where they
ig, are Bri-
t'ax, in the
k^hich place
resorted to
9f a salmon
lit of their
} appear to
ipon dispu''
its claiming
rs in Sand-
icent coast,
ths of the
ling for the
acant spot
the others'
on, of His
at the La-
^ard & Co.,
before him,
ning of the
edby Jen-
the parties
the 11th of
dered Jen-
a to Beard
»ne o'clock
icw of Cur-
issued pro-
cess of execution, and directed it to one
Wakeham. From some unexplained cause,
Wakehnm did not e::;:ecute the process Ijim-
self, but the plaintiffs' nets were actually
taken up by Beard, or his servants, and car-
ried to defendants' settlement on Eagle
River. The plaintiffs, feeling themselves
aggrieved by the removal of their nets, and
the consequent loss of their fishery, came to
St. John's, and sought their remedy by the
present action. The case has been put to a
special jury, under the direction of the
Court, And they have returned a rtrdict for
the plaintiffs, assessing the damages at £460,
but subject to the opinion of the Court upon
the facts which are specially set out in the
Terdict. The whole case turns upon the
defence : it is for the defendants to justify
the facts of which the plaintiffs complain,
and to show that, by law, they are not liable
to the consequences. There are several
pleas to the action, but the principal defence
is, that the mdtter at issue has been already
heard and adjudged by the Su«"">Qjate at
Labrador; and, certainly, if it can be made
out that the points at issue between the
parties have been already determined by a
competent jurisdiction, it is not for this
Court collaterally to call it in question, how-
ever croneous such determination may be.
It is clear law, that the judgment of a Court
of concurrent jurisdiction, directly upon the
point, is conclusive as evidence between tLe
same parties upon the same matter directly
in question in another Court, until such
judgment be reversed by a Superior Court.
But was there, in fact, a judgment ? — was
there that conclusion from the law and facts
of the case, which is presumed to be formed
in the unprejudiced bosom of the judge, and
is the essence of a judgment ? It is contend-
Jennings &
Hunt Si Bbabd.
ed by the plaintiffs, that there was no sach
judgment; that it appears ujion tlii face of
the buiTogates own procetiuings, that he
V. ijad received the orders of his Comraander-
«UNf & Beahd. Jn-chief, which he merely obeved as a sub-
ordinate oflicer, ^vhSioutqueslior^ as to their
legal authority, or cxerrising ^ny opinion of
ms own upon tlie m( rits of the case. Jf tliis
be the fact, then there h^s l>f eu no jutlginant
and the defendants cannot be prof^cted unl
dor it.
la Looking into the proceedings which
iook place before the Surrogate at Labra-
dor, It does appear that he had received
certain rules and regulations, in the form of
a proclamation, expressly r.pplyi„g to the
case before him and that hi. decision was
lounded upon those regulations ; but then it
II "f f.'^l'" explanation of this circumstance,
that the Governor's proclamation necessarily
iorraed part of the Surrogate's proceedings,
?n'!!i7f^'"'^^*''* '**^ ^"'^ "P^'* which he
founded his judgment. In support of which
position, a bundle of orders and other acts
pt the local government has been handed
luto Court, containing a series of regula-
tions and observances for the trade and fish-
mes of this island, and variously affectinff
the persons and property of its inhabitants!
from which 1 am to infer that a legislative
authority in this government, unknown to
the laws of England, but claimed under a
prescriptive exercise in Newfoundland, is
now for the first time, soug .♦ to be esta-
blished m this Court. So larg,. d, indeed,
so dangerous, an innovation t. .n the accusi
^tomM pnnciples of aoJ* ^tion in the
^ t, ought not to be ^^ded over unob-
served. ^ If the proclamatiG i by which the
parrogaie IS stated io have i; i^ ?-overned
be legal, then, indeed, there cao .e^no doubt
as no «ach
th"i faoe of
gs, that he
id as a sub-
1 as to their
opinion of
se. JltJns
)5 jcted un-
ngs which
at La bra-
id received
he form of
'ing to the
cision was
but then it
which he
t of which
)ther acts
m handed
3f regula-
3 and fish-
labitants ;
cnown to
i under a
dland, is
► be esta-
I, indeed,
i in the
er unob-
hich the
10 doubt
that it is as binding on this Court as it was
on the Surrogate Court ; and that it will be
equally binding on the King in Council,
should the case go to an appeal. There is
no dispensing power in Courts, and that
which was the law of the case at Labrador,
will be the law sn London. I om bound,
therefore, to apply to it the same considera-
tions which, 1 think, would be applied by
the Lords of Appeal. Jt is a determined
principle of law, that the King holds a legis-
lative power over conquered or ceded coun-
tries, bnt that no such power is held over
countries originally settled by British sub-
jects. This Island and the Labrador were
first discovered by the English, and peopled
by emigrants from the United Kingdom.
But the application of the principle tloea
not rest upon a question of geography, it is
expressly declared by the statute 49th Geo.
IlL, chap. 27, that the Courts in Newfound-
land shall be governed by the laws of Eng-
land, so far as they may be applicable ; and
the same course of administering justice, is,
by the statute 61 Geo. IJL, chap. 45, ex-'
tended to the Labrador. These statutes are
affirmative of what was before the com-
mon law of all the English colonies ; over
which it has been solemnly recognized in the
celebrated West Indian case of Campbell v.
Hall (a), that his Majesty holds no legisla-
tive authority. The King has, indf ed, large
prerogatives; but the prerogatives of the
Crown are defined by the constitution, and
form a part of the law of the land. It will
not be contended that there is a prerogative
peculiar to Newfoundland ; and if there be
not, then a proclamation for regulating the
trade and fisheries of this island and its de-
(a; Cowp. Bep. 804.;
■ 253
Hunt & Bbard.
Jennings <%
% f ,
pendencies, must rest upon the same foun-
dation as a proclamation for governing the
trade and fisheries of Great Britain. " Pro-
clamations," says Blackstone (b), " are bind-
HuNT & Bbard. ''?S "Pon the subject, where they do not
either contradict the old Jaws, or tend to
establish new ones, but only enforce the
execution of such laws as are already in
being, in such manner as the King shall
judge necessary." And 1 am not conscious
of having seen any Act of State, in modern
times, which has not been perfectly in uni-
son with this first principle of the constitu-
tion. It is a mere sophism to distinguish
between regulations and laws. Everything
which prohibits thai which was not prohibit-
ed before, is a law. But to bring this matter
at once to the test, let us look at the code
of regulations for the fishery and trade on
the coast of Labrador. The first article de-
clares "that no inhabitant from Newfound-
land, nor any person from any of the
colonies, shall, on any pretence whatever,
go to the coast of Labrador ; and if any such
are found there, they shall be corporally
punished for the first oflTence ; and the se-
cond time, their boats shall be seized for the
public use of British ship-fishers upon that
coast." A regulation which debars a million
of his Majesty's subjects from the exercise
of a conimon right, submits their persons to
Ignominious punishment, and their property
to forfeiture, may well be called a law ; and
if it be, however penal its provisions, I am
bound to enforce them. Now it is well
known that the principal fisheries at Labra-
dor are actually carried on by people from
this island ; and 1 have purposely put this
case, because I wish it to be cleariv seen to
{h) Vol. 1. p. 270.
same foun-
'eming the
in. " Pro-
*' are bind-
jy do not
or tend to
snforce the
already in
Ung shall
in modern
tly in uni-
i constitu-
t prohibit-
his matter
I the code
I trade on
irticle de-
Y of the
' any such
id the se-
ed for the
jpon that
I a million
ersons to
aw; and
ns, I am
it is well
It l.abra-
>ple from
' put this
V seen to
Jennings &
what extravagant consequences the principle
contended for must lead. The public in-
strument more immediately connected with
the proceedings before the Court is, indeed,
of a very different character ; and 1 am Hunt & Bkard.
aware that it was framed with the benevo-
lent view of quieting the differences which
had arisen at Sandwich Bay. But I appre-
hend that the claims of individuals to the
right of fishing in the seas and rivers of that
bay could not lawfully be aflected by the re-
gulations of the Government, llissaidby
Lord Hale (c) "that the right of fishing in
the sea, and the arms and creeks thereof, is
originally lodged in the crown; but, al-
though the King is the owner, and, as a con-
seauence of his propriety, hath the primary
right of fishing in the sea, or creeks, or arms
thereof; yet, all the King's subjects have
regularly a liberty of fishing in the sea, and
the creeks and arms thereof, as a public
common of piscary, and may noty without in-
jury to their right, be restrained of it, unless
in such places, creeks, or navigable rivers,
where the King, or some particular subject,
hath gained a propriety exclusive of that
common liberty, either by the King's char-
ter or grant, or by custom and usage, or
pescription." This doctrine is recognized
in several adjudged cases; and it was held
in a modern case (d), that where one party
claimed a fishery in an arm of the sea, in
exclusion of others, it was incumbent on
him to prove such exclusive right, as the
presumption was in favour of the public
Therefoivn whether any exclusive right of
fishing :;>uld be claimed in the rivers and.
seas of Sandwich Bay, and, admitting it
could, how far the boundaries of such exclu-
(c) H'irirare'i Tract*, toI. 1,
(d) 4 iianotres, 2102. ' -
p. 11.
Jknnings iSc
1 V ■■■.
faii^t ciaira might extend, were questions of
private right, depending on proofs, upon
which the parties interested were clearly
entitled to appeal to the law, and take the
UuNT&BsABD. juf'gment of r. f ' V rent Court. The 51st
Geo. 111., empowers the Surrogate to hear
such <]|uestions, and directs him to decide
accordmg to the laws of England. If such
laws are insuflicient, 1 apprehend the pro-
per remedy is an application to Parliament.
Laying every thing out of the view of the
Court but the judgment of the Surrogate,
and applying it to the case before us, we must
recur to the questions. Was there a Court?
Did it pronounce a judgment? It is unne-
cessjlry to ref eat what is so well understood,
that if it is possible to come at tiie - rjstunce
of the proceedings, this Court is altogether
regardless of the form. The proceedings
set forth the opening of the Court, the at-
tendance of the parties and their witnesses,
the statements of their several cases, and
the ser:tenoe of the Surrogate. The true
issue before hi n was, i apprehend, whether
•n ex'^'iusive ^ht of f]->hery in the contested
places could be maintained? and it was ir
the party setting up such right to have
l^'o .^d it.
The Surrogate, however, appears to have
considered this point as settled by the pro-
clamation ; and he ordered the nets of Jen-
nings to b ■*?m^ ed, according to the lin its
therein pif ril 1.
All tha cau He said is, tlr^t he mistook
that for law which was not la , and so far
that his judgment was erroneous , but still
it is a judgment, in form at least, and can-
not be questioned in a collateral way. Jia
lex scripta est,
I am bound to hold that the judgment at
Labrador, so far as relates to the removing
Li^stions of
)ufs, upon
re clearly
1 take the
The 61st
ite to hear
, to decide
if such
[ the pro-
iew of the
s, we must
e a Court?
it in unne-
- ii'jstance
t, the at-
cases, and
The true
, whether
it was ' ir
to have
19 to have
ly the pro-
; Js of Jen-
ihe limits
e mistook
and so far
; but still
, and can-
Bray. Jta
dgment at
of the nets, and the consequent losses of the
plaiutilfs in their fishery, is a bar to the pre-
sent action. In giving this opinion, how-
ever, 1 desire to bennderatoodas not deter-
mining any rinestion of right at Sandwich
Bay, but mayment.
p. W. Carter, Ksq. aqninsl T. B.
Kendell, Bt
sance, or a total
neglect to execute
Iho orders of his
principal ; but for
8 mis-' feasance, or
partial and imper-
fect performance,
be is respousibie,
TVhother he is to
be paid for his
trouble or not. And
for a mal'fcazanco,
or doiug an aot
which one ought
pot to do, every
man is 8Hswera->
Trustees of William Young against Att-
WOOD 8s. Hayn£s.
N action to recover the sum of £270,
being the amount of the value of the schoon-
er called the Enteiprize, which the insolvent,
Youngf had ordered the defendants to in-
sure, in the year 1819, and which they had
neglected to do. The vessel went on a
sealing voyage the following winter, 1820,.
and was lost.
Per Curiam. I am of opinion that the
plaintiils cannot recover, on two grounds :
First, — Because the undertaking of the
defendants to have the schooner insured, if
actually given by them, was a voluntaryi
undertaking'^ and being such, cannot support
an action for non-feazance, or not perform-
ing it, unless some step in the course of per-
fortnance be proved to have been taken ;
and there is no proof of any step being ta-
ken, or any part of the undertaking (if
made^ l)eing actually performed. [See the
reasoning of the judges in the case cited 1st
il^/arjAa/r^ Insurance, page 207, and Paley's
Principal and Agents page (12, and cases
there collected.]
Secondly, — Because the undertaking, or
contract, to have the schooner insured was
not clearly given, but was contingent, and
made to depend upon the will of Altwood,
then in London. This 1 collect from the
evidence of young himself, who says, ** that
he will not uudertake to swear positively^
t, 1 must
I as g'ivin.i;
lie defend'
\imt Att-
n of £270,
le schoon-
ants to in-
1 they had
veiii on a
ter, 1820^
1 that the
rounds :
ig of the
insured, if
i'se of per-
n taken ;
being ta-
taking (if
[See the
! cited 1 st
id Paleifs
and cases
aking, or
ured was
^ent, and
from the
ys, " that
that Ilaynes actually undertook to have the
insurance eflected ; there were some doubts."
And again — ** when witness applied to have
the schooner insured, Hayucs said that he
had orders from his partner, Attwood^not to
extend their business, but that he would
send OH the order^ From this evidence I
collect, that Mr, Haynes expressed his
Trustew of
Wm. Youno
Attwood &
February 5thi
An sdmissionof
(be cause of action
by some membera
of a commercial
RttB, will not bind
the other (lartners*
m ^ mv^M-tw ' ,w r "
I '1,
Hunt, Stabd,
Preston & Oc.
Two of the defendants, Henry Hunt and
John Halt Noble, were concerned in trade
in London, under the firm of *' Noble Sf
Hm««,-" and they were also engaged, toge-
ther with Thomas Stabb and John Preston,
in another concern at Newfoundland, under
the firm of ** Hunt, Stabb, Preston 4' Co.
The two firms had very extensive deahngs
together, in the course of which the detcnd-
ants were in the habit of remitting the e-
turns of their fishery to Noble 4^ Hunt, ^ud
drawing bills on them for the payment of the
current demands of their establishment. It
is stated that, in the year 1810, the draft of
Hunt, Stabb, Prestcn ^ Co. upon Noble ^^
Hunt were greater than they had the means
of meeting ; and that Hennj Hunt, the ma-
naging partner of Noble ^ Hunt, applied
to the complainant to advance monies
for the purpose of meeting the drafts ot
the respondents, and that the complainant
did advance about nine thousand pounds ;
but whether upon the credit of Noble ^
Hunt, or of Hunt, Stabb, Preston ^ Co. is in
dispute between the respondents. Hunt Sf
Preston ; the former slating in their answer,
that the money was borrowed of the coni-
plainant on a mortgage of the property m
Newfoundland ; and the latter denying that
(ixct, and affirming it was the balance of an
account current solely between the com-
plainant and Noble ^ Hunt; while the com-
plainant appears, from his affidavit, to have
considered he had a claim on both firms.
Be the fact as it may, for the present, the
complainant, insisting upon having some se-
curity either from Noble ^ Hunt, or from
the respondents, deeds of mortgage of the
property in question were prepared m Lon-
don, anil execuiea oy fcurcc x:i isi=; tt-.p-^si^j=
ents, Hunt, Noble & Stabb, some time la
r Hunt and
led in trade
*• JVoWe 6f
iged, toge-
Im Preston^
land, under
ston 6f Co."
ve dealings
the defend-
;ting the re-
Hunt, and
'Hientof the
iihtnent. It
the draft of
on Noble ^
\ the means
me time in
Way, 1816, and sent forward to be executed
by Preston, who was at the time in New-
foundland, it appears by Mr. Prestons
answer, that the mortgages were handed to
him, and that he excused himself, alleging fl"''^, Si^bb.
as a reason, his apprehension of end angering '^^^^'^^ & Co.
the credit of their house by the necessary
publicity of recording the deeds, and at the
same time professing his desire to see the
complainant secured. Jt further appears,
that soon after this refusal, on the part of
Mr. Preston, to execute the mortgage, he
wrote a letter to the complainant^ dated 20th
June, 1816, in which he acknowledges the
receipt of a letter from the complainant, to.,
gether with the mortgage»deeds^ to which
lie says he has no objection to accede, but
for the necessity there was of having them
recorded in public Court; and proceeds as
follows: — "It lias struck me you would
have proceeded better by a bill of sale, and
a redemption bond ; pray turn over this in
your mind, and if you think so,. Mr. Hunt •
or Mr. Stabb may use the enclosed power
of attorney ; possession may be given, ahd no
enrolment required.'* The power of attor-
ney enclosed in this letter was fron^ the
respondent, Preston, to his partners, Henry
Hunt and l^homas Stabb, giving them a '
joint, or several, authority to sell and dispose
as they, or either of them, should think fit,
for his (^Preston's) mcst benefit and advaflta^^e,
all his share tctd ritarest in .the plantation
in question, tlpo? receipt of this power and
the letter in '^u^rh. it was enclosed, the
deeds in proof before the Court were pre-
pared and executed by the; ref&poadeat!}.
Bunt for himself, and Jokn Hatt Nebte (un-
der power for such pat pose), also, by Stdbb
for himself, and Hunt on behalf nf JPreston.
by virtue of the above-mentioned power.
.N r
Hunt, Stabb,
Preston & Co.
It appears that Mr. Preston afterwards
went to England, and refused to confirm or
acknowledge the act of his attorney ; and
after ineffectual attempts at an amicable ad-
justment, the present proceedings were in-
stituted. -
At a former hearing, in another stage ot
this case, 1 had occasion to observe upon
the singularity of its situation : one of the
respondents, Hunt, had gone the length of
confessing the complainant's mit, and con-
firmed his bill in every important particular ;
and two others, Noble 8c Stabh, did not seem
disposed to dispute it. They have since
done that which J consider to amount to a
similar confession of the cause of suit ; and
the remaining respondent, Preston, is left to
contest it alone, and in the face of the ad-
missions of his partners. A case so situated,
is, certainly, very peculiar, and one for
which I cannot find any precedent or re-
semblance. Upon principle, I am not aware
that it has been held that the admission of
the cause of suit by one partner in trade is
conclusive against the other partners ; but
it is to the whole extent of the interests of
the party confessing, and is strong proof
against the firm, and requires stronger proof
to repel the conclusion which must other-
wise be drawn from it.
Two objections are raised by the res-
pondent, Mr. Preston ; one, to the want of
consideration for the deed, and the o|her to
the imdue manner of its execution. In sup-
port of the first objection, he states in his
supplementary answer, which is upon oath,
that he believes the debt of £7,280, claimed
to be due by the complainant, was contract-
ed with him in a running account, prior to
.♦Kft y^ftT 1816. by the firm of Nohle & Hunt,
Boiely upon their own credit and^account.
confirm or
trney ; and
;s were in*-
ir stage of
serve upon
one of the
18 length of
•t, and con-
; particular ;
lid not seem
have since
amoant to a
f suit; and
on, is left to
of the ad"
so situated,
md one for
ident or re-
tn not aware
dmission of
in trade is
rtners ; but
interests of
strong proof
;ronger proof
must other-
by the res-
I the want of
the ojher to
m. in sup-
i states in his
is upon oath,
,280, claimed
was contract-
unt, prior to
^oble & Hunt,
and account.
*This, however, is expressly denied by Mr.
Hunt, in his answer, which is also upon
oath, and is corroborated by the entries in
the books of the respondents at Torquay, „ ^
and the depositions of Glover and Fitcairne Pbeston a'co.
as to the circumstances under which the
entries were made. Still, however, if this
suit were primarily instituted to recover the
sum of money which is claimed by the bill,
as the consideration for the deeds, 1 should
feel inclined to give the respondents the be-
nefit of a cross-bill, for the purpose of elicit-
ing any circumstances within the private
knowledge of the complainant which might
show how the debt arose, and from whom it
was actually due ; and the more so, as the
complainant's own affidavit, which is »a evi-
dence, under the statute of 5th Geo. IJ., c.
7, does not expressly state the fact of having
advanced the money on the credit oSHunt,
Stabb, Preston & Co. He says, that from
time to time he made large remittances to
Noble ^ Hunt, in order to enable them to
support the credit of the respondents' house,
by paying their bills, and preventing their
dishonour ; but it does not follow but that
he might have made such remittances pure-
ly upon the credit of ISoble ^ Hunt; and
that he did not look to the respondents
alone, does appear from what follo-ws, viz. :
that he insisted upon havins some ample
security from Noble^- Hunt, or from Hunt,
iftabb, Preston 4' Co. Without offering anv
opinion as to the true state of the fact, l
think that I could not have refused to leave
the case open to a cross- bill had it materi-
ally rested upon the question, whether the
debt contracted with the complainant was
on account of respondents, or on account of
lyohle & Hitid ? ikjl iliut the debt was
contracted in some way or other, and is still
11 • Si
182 r.
Hunt, Stabb,
Prbston & Co,
due, is no where denied ; nor is there any-
thing which appears upon any part of the
proceedings before the Court, from which a
doubt can reasonably be raised to the con-
trary. This debt, although it were admitted
to be contracted by Noble ^ Hunt, and sup-
posing such to be the fact, is sufficient to
support a guarantee on the part of the res-
pondents. The only question before the Court,
then, is, are the deeds in evidence good and
valid instruments in law? The respondent,
Prestcrit objects to them so far as they pro-
fess to be executed in his name ; that he did
not authorize a mortgage^ but expressly di-
rected an absolute sale of the property.
But let us look at the whole case : A debt
was due to the complainant, which three of
the respondents agreed to secure by mort-
gage of theirjoint property in Newfoundland,
The mortgage-deeds are sent on to the re-
maining party, who objects to executing
them merely because it was necessary to
record the mortgage ; at the same time pro^
fessing his desire to see the complainant se-
cured, and pointing out a different mode of
effecting the same object, viz., by a hill of
salCf under which possession might be given
without enrolment, and a redemption-bond.
And in the very letter containing the sug-
gestion, a power of attorney authorizing a
sale is contained, and laid at the discretion
of the complainant, to be used in the man-
ner pointed out, ifhe should think it eligible.
After this, how is it possible to maintain
that he intended an absolute scUe of the pro-
perty for money in hand, and notasB. security
for the debt due to the complainant? Why
was the power of attorney sent to him, if
a sale to a stranget were intended of the
very property to which the complainant was
looking ^s a security for his debt? Why was
tliere anv«
art of the
(1 which a
) the con-
i admitted
I, and 8up>
ifficient to
f the res-
I the Court,
! good and
J they pro-
bat he did
jreesly di-
: A debt
h three of
! by mort-
to the re-
icessary to
3 time pro^
ainaut se-
t mode of
r a bill of
kt be given
g the sug-
thorizing a
I the man-
it eligible.
) maintain
f the pro-
B a. security
nt? Why
t to him, if
3d of the
^inant was
Why was
he addressed at all ? Taking all the cir-
cumstances into consideration, before and at
the date of the power of attorney, and the
letter of advice which accompanied it, 1
should say that it appears to have been the
intention of the respondent to secure the
complainant ; and that the power which ho
gave has not been exceeded. 1 must, there-
fore, comply with so much of the prayer of
the bill as goestothe delivery of the posses-
sion of Adam's and Lady's Ships'-rooms,
together with the title-deeds ; but I must *
be understood not to pass any opinion upon
the debt, whether it is the proper debt of the
respondents or of Noble ^ Hunt, for the
reasons I have already stated. Should that
fact be of importance to either of the parties,
it may form the subject of a subsequent
inquiry, in which the respondent, Preston,
will have the benefit of all the evidence he
may desire to adduce respecting it.
Hunt, Stab8»
Preston & Co.
{ 1
June ZQth,
If a fire take*
plaoo in a ship
from a notorimn
defect in the mode
of fiilioghcrup, or
from any other
gross and culpable
neffkcton the part
of the oumers to
adopt the ordinary
and necessary
means' of preventing
it, Ihe exception
of " Firb" iu the
bill of ladinf< » will
not protec . tHsoa
from a li^in'kv to
answer i-.i ito 4i\»
mnge oeC'sv«V.<;n;d
by such fire >a
goods on board the
Hunters & Co. aj^ainsl Owners of the
Schooner Morning Star.
CTION to recover the amount of da-
mages clone to a cargo of flour shipped by
plaintifl's on board the Morning tStar^ a ves-
sel belonging to defendants.
The fact of the cargo being shipptd and
damaged by ^re is admitted. A bill of
lading, with the usual exception against
fire, was produced ; and it was contended
that the tire which injured the car^o was
accidental, and, therefore, that the defend-
ants were not liable to answer for the con-
sequences of it. This was the principal
pomt in issue.
Per Curiam. •* Fire " is excepted out of
the risks of carriage, by the terms of the bills
of lading, as well ns by the provisions of
the law. It stands upon mainly the same
footing as perils by sea, or other casualties
and accidents which are presumed to be out
of the power of the master to prevent ; but,
like other perils, there must be all due care
taken to prevent fire. If it be caused by
negligence, which the master might have
prevented, or from an original and apparent
insufficiency of the thing which was to con-
strain or prevent it, it is not an accident, and
lays a fair ground of action against the
owners. They impliedly undertake, as car-
riers, that the vessel shall be staunch and
sound, and everything on board essential to
the safe carriage of the cargo, properly fitted
and secured for the purpose to which it is to
be applied. Nothing surely can be more
necessary than security against the dangers
of fire, particularly when made below, and
close to the vessel's bulk-head. Now, ap-
plying these preliminary remarks to the
lers of the
lount of (la-"
ghippecl by
fiitar, a ves-
ihipped and
A bill of
ion against
) contended
car;;o was
Ihe ciefend-
for the con-
le principal
}ptcd out of
3 of the bills
rovisions of
ly the same
ir casualties
id to be out
event ; but,
all due care
caused by
might have
id apparent
was to con-
ccident, and
against the
ake, as car-
taunch and
essential to
)perly fitted
hich it is to
in be more
the dangers
below, and
Now, ap-
rks to the
Owners of ^
_? IIVMGE . ints
SS. 1653 East Main Street
E^ Rochester, NY 14609 USA
^S Phone: 716/482-0300
^ Fax: 716/288-5989
e 1993. Applied Image. Inc . All Rights Rasarvad
1 1
I - ^
• — ^TJnf^l '^.^ ^J^'^'fJ^iice, With the assist-
Cm. rr«« th. Bur. !^,"J^L « r •'"'*'«^«* ^^ 'he Court of Sessions,
wMt. Court. & f '^'"f preferences of payment to claims of
ChJi °/ •''• t "^'^'^^ description Tn the order in H^.ich
Ch..f J«s».c.. bey appear to have arisen in the cou^e of
inn„l'"f "^7^^- * "^^e*- could I Jim
upon what authority this rule was framed ;
Inch « '*'''^^"^^"*="" ' ^"d *^^^ 'f'^ ^ere,
«nch usage appears to have been repealed!
imhTfl' 'l"?''««^««totes, at ieast. by the
trlnnf ''"r^"*^* ^''»*^»' admits but two pre-
g^., which are to be paid i/equal propo?^
eq.iaily ^"'^'^'W'^'* who' are to wnk
it lia« always appeared to me that the
rule, however well-intended, was not within
to iiTr^^'h ^""'•** ^'"^'' •» authorh^ed
iffectfnJ'f. ™'"5 of pw/i.., but no rules
aHecting the r.^/i/, oj ifidividuals, which be-
wmwA Ji" '^''''' . ''*'"'• ^"d «••« exclusively
withm the provmce of Parliament. ^
nT.L I .^'*^ '"^ *^ »^e this :~A current sup.
Konn^^ universal usage of the fishery, is
I mind to supply every article essential to
the conduct and completion of the voyage
f he wishes to entitle himself exclusively to
Its proceeds ; any articles indispensable to
current demands upon the voyage equally
and od wuhout providing such articles, ho
^.^,«»«de'-ed I able to admit them ratably
w th his own claim. This holds, generallv
with rejrard to nil anvir.!;-- . u..! Hl^eraiiy,
With regard .o all »oppirr,Tbot Ihr'afe
° . ^ " ''"ri'"ci3 i uuK cnere are
fr.^..l ""I"' °f ™PP"" "•''«'' """" » pre-
ferable claim to every other, namely A«J.
|««W and /„.Vri, ; Ld tbe'rea^nSS:
i'^i^~r?."i'''-^«'y>»? ""a lien
V— ©--«= aw UI3 pussessioa for work fui4
ith the assist*
t of Sessions^
: to claims of
der in which
the couiise of
could leam
i^as framed;
recency of
en if it were^
m repealed^
east, by the
liuttwo pre-
ervants* wa-
lual propor-
are to rank
me that the
i not witiiiii
It no rules
, which be-
t. ^
5 fishery, is
ssential to
le Voyage,
dasively to
nisabJe to
self, forms
e equally
es the fish
tides, ho
n ratably
there are
*e a pre-
>n is this :
IS a lien
answer of the
Chief Justice.
labour performed npcn sucn goods. Thus, 1821
the fish-maker for the ihakino:, and the V^i—l^l^
earner for freight, have each tlieir lien ; and c... from th.s.r
neither is bound to part xvith the goods rog.t. Court. &
until he IS paid to the full amount of hin
demand. The conveniciniee of the fishery
has made this lien ambulatory in most in-
stances, and in general cases it trarels with
the finh into the hands of the regi^^r re-
ceiver of the voyage; beyond these two, I
know of no preference among current sup-
pliers, and even thesef are not properly j9r£-
ferences, but specific ■ liens upon the fish
Itself, eitisting at thetihie it passed into the
hands of the ri^cefver^ and received by him
under an implied contract to hold it 6ubject
to sach iien; thetrU8tee8,ofcouroe, take the
fish subject to the same olHigations under
which the insolvent hdld it«
t * i * * * . f ^» ( ,
.1 >
I ■ i
.1-2 1
\i (•••.-:
In the matter of John M'Gbath's Will. Augu$tm
_ HIS was an appllcaiiotii by one of the
executors, Fetidergast.ib the Court, to call
upon Fox, the other executor, to give into
Court a faithful return ;ofitbeestile niainte-
ren, I sug-
ced in the
priated as
ren should,
ntitled to a
IS adopted
so agreed
sted in the
der, would
I paid over
pon plain-
come to
o pay the
ce for the
pping the
ier in the
prtaic or«
ig officer,
>rt, at the
ited, that
was the
reason of his firing at her, and compelling
the roaster to pay for the shot.
Certain written documents, purporting to
be orders of the Governor and Commanding
Officer of the Forced, were laid before the
Court. It was also shown that the vessel
called the St> Vincent was described in the
register as a brig.
Per Curiam. The single fact at issue be«
tween the parties is, whether the St. FtM-
cent was well described in the let-pass, m
which she is mentioned as 2i Brig instead
of a Brigantine. Had the case rested upon
this point alone, I should have required the
evidence of persons more coAnpetent than
myself to say whether, acoo^tlr'ag to common
acceptation, the word *' bifig'* in sufficiently
descriptive of the 8t. Vincent: It appears
that, in the certificate of registry, she is des*
cribed as a ** brig ;** aiid in communicating
with the collector of the customs, 1 am in-
formed that it is not an unusnal mode of
describing vesiels of a similar rig. But the
plaintifis have taken a wider gronnd of ac-
tion, and contend that the St. Vincent, being
regulai'Iy cleared at the custom-house, and
in the act of proceeding to sea, no such
instrument as the ^* let-'pass,** in which she is
said to bci insufficiently described, waS' ne-
cessary to her protection ; and eifen suppo-
sing it were necessary^ that it was unlawful
to fire at the vessel. The defendant has'
laid before the C6urt certain instruments in
the form of orders from the Govemom of
Newfoundland, requiring all vessels, before
they proceed from the port of St; John's, to
be provided With ptoses from the Govern-
or, upon pain of being fired at, and com-
pelled to pay for the shot and powder; and
these orders are said to < be given i for ■ the
better enforcing of the l^wsiof the revenue.
and in conformify to ancieni usage in Enc-
lancl. The oldest of these orders appears
1°.. ^t^«^".?'"*f ^""^ *'•« ««' t'«^«. '« the
year 1770: there has been some relaxation
since m favour of coasting vessels, but as re-
gards all vessels bound to foreign parts, the
order of 1776, and other orders founded up-
on H,haye been regularly enforced ; not. how-
ever, without fhe question being sometimes
raised as to their legality, as appears by the
records of the Supremfc Court. In 1816, a
vessel caHed the ** Betsy," bound fh)m this
portfto Valencia, was fired at from Fort
wiiiiam, and hit, and in consequence there-
of, compelledto return into port and repair,
^oine of the caigo was injured by the water
which penetrated the shot-hole, and an ac-
tion was commenced against the General
commanding the Garrison for the amount of
iDjoiy, which was estimated at £600; but the
yeeael and caiigo being insured in England.
It was thought' advisable not to press the
cdse to trial until it should be known whe-
ther the parties had not a shorter remedy
against the underwriters. The underwriters.
It appears, adjusted the damage done to the
jessel but made no allowance for the cargo.
J^o ulterior steps were taken to bring Sie
case to triil, and it consequently abated :
*ut It appears that some application was
made to the Lords of the Treasury foranin-
unded up-
; not, how-
mrsby the
in 1815, a
d ih)m this
from Fort
ioce there-
»nd repair.
r the water
and an ac-
le General
amount of
)0; but the
> press the
own wbe«
er remedy
one to the
the cargo.
' bring the
y abated ;
ation was
r for an in-
ind ] was
«e so far
lis case to
m Tesssls
but more
ies which
cision of
, may be-
sd^ here-
able con-
After the most serious attention which
I have been able to give the subject, my
opinion is, that it is not lawful to tire upon
n vessel under the circumstances in which
the St. Vincent was placed in leaving this
port. The orders profess to be made for
the security of the revenue. It is, 1 appre-
hend, open to much doubt, whether the re-
venue really is protected by them ; and, even
if it were, it does not appear to be a lawful
mode of doing it. The revenue laws are
like all other penal statutes ; the breach of
them is punished by particular forfeitures,
and they cannot be extended, by construc-
tion, by the Courts that administer them ;
nor can they be enforced in an unlawful
manner. 1 am not aware of a single planta-
tion-act which authorizes the party infrin-
ging it to be fired upon ; and I know of no
principle in the common law which sanctions
such a mode of bringing offenders to just ice.
Still .less should I find any proceeding by
which the innocent may be punished for the
guilty, and valuable lives and property
placed at the discretion of a private soldier,
and exposed to the uncertain consequences
of a cannon-shot. 1 believe it is the prac-
tice established by ancient usage iu certain
ports in England, to compel the payment of
port-dues by stopping vessels; and L know
that in some of the Colonies the same mode
has been adopted to enforce certain island
duties. But, so far as it has fallen within
my knowledge, it has been either sanctioned
hy particular acts, or immemorial custom,
which presumes an act. 1 know of no ge-
neral law which would enable me to say
that it is legal here; and I feel that 1 should
be taking a very serious responsibility upon
myself, if led into speculations upon the ex-
pediency of a better mode of enforcing the
ft Co.
revenne laws, I were to allow an opinion to
ricle^r'l'"' '"•^l'' •-»" '« -"'"on
a pract ce which may be Ibllowed by the
roost fatal consequences. '
fired at °«nn' ""f ^^ ^*"^'» *''" ^«»««> ^a*
nred at, appears to me to be founded in a
misapprehension of the law. It is. "herefore
no defence to the action ; for everrman'
to vtm -^r ^'. '^Ir. Profeisionjs rJquTd
coimt V u"^' obedience to the laws of his
hp n Jl^* '* ." "^"^ '*^*''» t»"»' *'>e vessel's
being stopped was attended with any incon-
venience, and I Hhall, therefore, Hm"t?he
judgment of the Court to the money whch
1 conceive to have been improperly leTied
S^ember Olh,
The •talul* 2.
Geo. II., «. 30,
dofli not require
Mltotigo the ship's
articles io any par-
ticuhur piace or
Manner ;«nd there*
fore a ooDficlion,
■eltinc forth that
the Magistrates
had fined the roas-
ter for not itiAscrt-
Ung bla name to
the ship's articles,
M bad oa the face
P. W. Carter, Esq. q„i tam, against M.
JUASE.~The defendant is master of the
bng Commerce, and was sued in the Suorernp
d«'e"/o r'/f h?' ''' of August forT4":
aue to one of his crew who had been left be-
wTs^tt'^thfr^r*•'"*r^*'• ThedeL'ce
rad^esert^rf f^"" "U*^^ «ued for his wages
staid fh„!.K ''' /^Pjy **» ^'•'^^^ it ^as
ti ti 5 K*?^ "^*^' '^^^^ g»^«» him money
to induce him to go on shore just as the
IZni ^'' r l'*^ ^^« of sailiig fo? this
bpin/n f 'l'^ '^'S^"* ""*^«'* pretence of
dSant^wI^-.P'' chaise against the
on thl «.T not, however, made out ; but,
on the contrary, it was proved that the
desire of the seaman, to buy a few nicessa!
boanl nnrh"** ^ ''""* '"j""^^"^'* ^0 be on
uuaru on the same evenin-
'J'he CW gave judgment only for wages
>pinion to
> sanction
id by the
vessel was
ded in a
ery man,
I required
iws of his
e vessel's
ny incon-
h'mit the
ey which
f levied.
inst M.
r of (he
r wages
I left be-
is wages
it was
\ money
• as (he
for this
mce of
nst the
It; but,
at the
, at the
be on
earned up to the time of the 8eaman*s going
on shore ; intiinntin<2r, at the same time, that
his being left behind was an unfortunate
circumstance, owing to his own inlemper^
ance, but not, in the opinion of the Com%
amounting to desertion, or a forfeiture of his
wages. In the course of tiie trial, the ship's
articles were produced by order of the Court,
and the quantum of wages computed agree-
ably to the sum therein agreed upon. The
articles were in the usual printed form, and
the name of the master was inserted in the
body of the instrument, in his own hand-
writing. On the day following the above
trial, the defendant was cited before the
Court of Sessions, at the information of the
Receiver of Greenwich Hospital, for not
having signed the articles agreeably to the
statute 2 Geo. J J., c. 30, and was convicted
in the sura of £35, being five pounds for
every seaman on board the vessel.
On the 30th of August, it was moved in
the Supreme Court to quash the above con-
viction, upon the aflidavit of the defendanf
setting forth, inter alia, that the informatio.
upon which the proceedings were founded,
was upon the oath of one of the convictin'»'
magistrates ; and that the Court of Sessions',
as such, was not competent to hear the case,
the statute having given the jurisdiction to
one or more Justices of the Peace. An
office-copy of the conviction was, at the
same time, laid before the Supreme Court ;
by which it appeared that the proceedings
were drawn up as having taken place in the
Court of Sessions ; but this fact being de-
nied, the Churt granted a writ <^( certiorari,
for the purpose of bringing the conviction
regularly before it. The certiorari being
h '
the conviction was brought into Court, and
Wtt« as fohowH :—
** Be it rt>merabereil, that on llic twenty-
fourth clay of August, in the second year of
llie reign of our sovereign Lord George the
Foiirth, now King ot the United Kingdom
pt Oreat Britain and Ireland, at St. John's
Jii the said Island of Newfoundland, Peter
fVesloH Carter, ofSt. Jolm's, aforesaid, £so
receiver of Greenwich Hospital dues, for our
^sovereign Lord the King, in his proper per-
^iS^'f"™?,*'^'""'"® "**' '^^^"^ ^^ioomdinlJiunes
JJlmkie, Esquires, two of His Majesty's jus-
tices assigned to keep the peace, and also to
hear and determine divers felonies, trespas-
ses, and other misdemeanors in the said Is-
land committed, and then and there gave us
to understand, and be informed, that Mul-
thcw Up/iam, master of the brig or vessel
called the Commerce, of Dartmouth, did pro-
ceed on a voyage from Liverpool, England
on or about the twenty-sixth day of February
last, bound from thence to parts bevpnd the
seas, having on board the said brig or vessel
IVilham Ludlow, Hepry While, milium
•p«M^, William Meader, Andrew Lang,
William Maddison, and James Connelly, as
seamen and mariners composing the crew of
the said vessel, without first coming to an
agreement or contract with such seamen or
mariners, in writing, declaring what wages
each seaman or mariner was to have, res-
pectively, during the whole voyage, or for
so long a time as he or they did ship them-
selves for, and he and Ihey first signing the
same, against the form of the statute in such
case made and provided. And upon the
aforesaid day, he, the said Matthem Upham,
appearing, and being present, and being
called UDon to mnkn Ih'r Hpfpnoo owoin.* *u..
) Court, and
the twenty*
[;oncl year of
Gt?orjje the
nd being
rntnmt tl%i.
said charge, and having heard the same, and
he being asked by uf<, the said justices, if he
can say anything for himself, why he, the
said Mattheto Upham, should not be con-
victed of the premises above charged upon
him, as aforesaid, pleaded not guilty 'of the
same offence ; and being caJled upcu to pro-
duce the ship's articles, refused so to do :
whereupon evidence being called, William
Ludlow, mate of the said brig, or -/essel,
Commerce, upon his oath on the Holy Gos-
pel then and there administered, deposed,
that the crew of the said vessel at the time
of sailing from England, as aforesaid, (ex-
clusive of the said master and his son, a
boy,) consisted of him the said William
Ludlow, Henry White, William Lang, WiU
Ham Meader, Andrew Lang, Wm. Maddison,
and James Connelly ; and the said John
Broom, Esq., one of us, the Justices afore-
said, being called upon by the said Peter
Weston Carter aforesaid, upon his oath upon
the Holy Gospel to him then and there
admmistered, deposed and said, that he, on
the preceding day (the 23d of August inst.).
did see the ship' rticles belonging to the
said brig Commeru, and that the said ship's
articles were not at that time signed by the
said mast^, as required by the said statute.
Upon which evidence, the said Matthew
Upham was informed, that if he persisted in
refusing to produce the ship*s articles, that
a fine of five pounds for each of the seven,
seainen, or mariners, aforesaid, would be
levied against him for the use of Greenwich'
Hospital. Upon this information being
given him, he, the said Matthew Upham;
produced the ship's articles, which were
then found to have the said master's name
ijubscnbed thereto: The aforesaid John
Broom, Esq., further, on his oath, as afore-
' Ml
31*^7 l"^«Tbed to the 8uia anicles.
was not 80 subicribed on the preceding daJ
when the aforesaid article, /ere produced
i?n Jl^ ?r*'°*^ ^^"'* ;--whereupon all and
S f .he matters, things, and evidence
lieing fuUv heard and understood by the
said Mailiew UpAam. he is asked by us?
the said Justices, what he had to say or offeJ
Iml nV ^^'''''' ;?^'°'* '^® «»'»* information
«"vP„ of ?• '*'*'* '** ?""^®' ^« t*^® evidence
jnven as above-mentioned, and what he had
to say vhy he should not be convicted of
lafd^'fe; *^TT^' ^'^^ thereupon the
said Mafthew Vp/tat^, by his attorney.
^«.iry ffaw,on (t^e said 'Matlhetv ^S
being also nresent and assenting thefeto).
Bi?o'« '^°,?Y^'^^" '^"^ '^^"f^" *»^^t the said
eTibitp? ^„ .1 T® "*''' yesterday, when
exhibited in the Supreme Court, signed as
they now are by the said ^atihew hpham,
«nl^f "'iS^ *^** ^*r ^^ ^^^ subscribed his
name to them : whereupon it manifestiv
nSiTSM "''fr*?*' ««W^Ju3«cesrtharthe
said Matihetv Upham is guilty of the Dremi!
ses above laid to'^his cha?ge. yherofo?e we
the said Justices, uoon the%ath of the cr^^i!
We witnesses so taten. a» aforesaid, as we 1
as on ^ view of the befere-mentioned shTp's
articles so produced to us. as.* also. Se
confession of the said MaUhew Upham Z
/?rt*.^^^ ^^'"^ff« th«t the^idfiC
Upham did proceed in the saM brig or vessd
ShS'A ^f ?n™«"tb/ oS or^bout the
wid 26th c^ay of February last, from the port
WoirfX^**'- '** ?"Sland. bqund to p^r J
beyond th^ seas, having on board Wilham
l^hw, ffenry White, ktUiam Lang, wZ
Header, Andrew Lang, Wuiia^m MaddZm,
and James Connellu, da tlie seaman o"""^'
mers composing the crew of theswr»esTeJ,
=*^-^--- —■*--.-..,.._.
hew Up/ianis
suiu articles,
receding day
re produced
Lipon all and
ind evideuco
tood by the
Bked by us,
) say or offer
)e evidence
what he had
zoavicted of
ereupon the
9 attorney,
hew llpham
ng thereto),
hat the said
•day, when
, signed as
ew dpham,
iscribed his
ps, that the
' the premi-
erofore we,
fthe credi-
^id, as w^ll
)ned ship's
•also^ the
Vpham, as
d Ma^Hhew
g qr vessel
about the
»m the port
d to p^rts
d Wtlliam
aid ves^ei^
without first coming to an agreement, or
contract, wiili mich Hcamcn or mariners for
their wages, in writing, declaring what wa-
ges each seaman or mariner was to have,
respectively, during the whole vo) age, or
for so long a time as he or they did ship
themselves for, and he and they first sign-
ing the same ; against the form of the statute
in such case made and provided ; and,
therefore, we, the said Justices, on the said
twenty-fourth day of August, at St. John's,
aforesaid, in the secotid year, aforesaid, do
convict the said Matthew Upham of having
proceeded to sett in the said brig, o^ vessel,
Commerce, of Dartmouth, on, or about, the
twenty-sixth day of February last, from the
port of Liverpool, in England, bound to
parts beyond the sea?, having on board
William Ludlow, Henry White, fFilliam
Latio; William Meader, Andreiv Lang, fFnu
Maddison, and James Connelly, as seamen
and mariners composing the crew of tho
said vessel, without first coming to an agree-
ment, or contract, in writing, with such 8ca>
men or mariners for their wages, declaring
what wages each seaman or mariner is to
have, respectively, during the whole voyage,
or for so lotig a timers he or they shftTl ship
themselv^ for, and he and they first signing
the same ; against the forih of the statrte in
that case nkade And provided ; and the .aid
Matthew Uphdm is hereby convicted hereof
by us, the saiff Justices, on the oath of the
credible witnesses so taken before us, as
aforesaid, as welt as on the view' of th^
aforesaid ship's articles so produced to us.
as also on the confession of the said Mattl^w
Upham, as aforesaid, according iQ the torm
of the stdtiltte ; and we, the t^ail^ JysticS
do adjudge that the said \Matihew, VpMm,
for hid said offence, aforesaid, shall Torfeit
^fefore the Conrt is this: the de-
iWs I„Tn' *="7';sted by two of His Ma-
iflhirtv fi '"' ""^ "'/^' '^"^ ^"^^> t»'^ -^"ra
oi thirty-five pounds, for not complying with
the requisites ofthe statute 2d Geo II c 30
sec. 1. which enacts, that in case ^nymlt
ter of any vessel shall carry any seam^eh up-
on any voyage, without first entering into^a
the contSrr'' ^'u^'^""^ »'^^ "«<"••« «f
t le contract between the parties, and he and
they signing the same, such masiershall fo I
tLT'7''^ ^^ ^""^ ^^^'•y ""^^'^ seaman.
i? mls^f T^rr ^'^^^^^'^ defendant, who
,Lw I ^*.*?^ ''"^ Comwicrce. had not
Signed he articles ; and the point for the
Justice's determination was. whether he had
11^:^^^'^^^^ them before th/voya^
S?L ? ?^ '""^"^^^^ "^^'^ ^^« called tosuS.
port th^ mformation. deposed, that he had
tliey were not. at that time, signed by th6
master, as required hy the statute, It Z ob-
i«'w* fr- S"""^ "Poo j"tt» to swear to the
Jaw. It w true that evidence as to law catt-
ected immr-
V id ion, and
rty upon the
I attempt to
it would be
against jus-
y, aggrieved
ain redress?
% into the
magisi rates,
tnd it does
nee in this
lid gain ho-
lt summary
£ion against
lis: the de-
of His Ma-
cd the sum
tilying with
». II.,c.30,
any mas-
earneh up-
ing into a
nature of
md he and
r shall for-
1 seaman,
dant, who
had not
It for the
er he had,
6 voyag6
£d to sup.
t he had
and tfidt
id by th6
ft is 6h-
fond the
r to the
law can-
not properly be received ^ and that a con-
viction founded on such evidence alone,
must fail; but if a witness swears to facts
sufficient to warrant a conviction, I i\q not
think his giving his opinion upon the law,
would invalidate the other parts of his testi-
mony. If the case had rested her^, I shou|(|
not have thought the objection material ; but
the words used by the witness are import-
ant, and relate to a circumstance under
which the conviction was res^Uy founded. —
!^y not signing ♦* as required by the statute,''
the witness intended that the articles were
not subscribed ; for when the articles them-
selves were afterwards produced before the
Justices, the conviction goes on to state,
that they were then found to have the ipnas-
ter's name ** subscribed thereto ;" and the
witness being called again, desposed, that
the defendant's name, " now subscribed to
the said articles, was not so subscribed the
preceding day, when the aforesaid articles
were produced in the iJupreipe Cour(; ;" and,
thereupon, the defendant was convicted.
The master, in his affidavit in support of the
present motion, swears |hat he filled up the
agreement, and that liis name, which is in-
serted in the body of it, was signed by him-
self, and is in his own haud^writing, it is
not denied, or rather it is admitted, and is
within the knowledge of the Cpurt, that this
was the fact, and that the defend an tV name
was written at the beginning of the articles
in the way which is usual, before th,ey wer^
produced in the Supreme l^oi^rt, and as 1
^ni bound to presume, for there is nothing
charged to the contrary, jbtefore the vessel
proceeded on her voyage, it appears, then,
that the Justices did u,ot confjne thf^n^selvei^
to the questiop, whether t^^ mas^r had
signed the ai:tic?i:?5 ovnot, but they convicted
'[■ I
Iiim for not signing them in a particufar
place ; ttiis was going a step beyond tiie
statute, and making that an offence which
is not an offence against the law. The sta-
tute only requires that the agreement shall
be signed by the master before he proceeds
to sea. The statute of frauds in the same
manner requires, that certain agreements
should be in writing, and signed by the par-
ties to be chained therewith. The place of
signature, under this statute, which regulates
r.Ii the grea<; contracts in the kingdom, has
never been considered essential to the vali-
dity of any instrument required to be signed ;
on the contrary, if a party's name be inserted
in the body of the writing, with a view of
giving it authenticity, it has been expressly
held by the Courts to be a sufficient signing
within the statute ; and it has been so held
even in ca«es where a blank has been pur-
posely left at the bottom of the instrument
for signature, and the party has omitted to
fill it up. [See the cases collected in Ro-
herts, on/rauds, 122.]
The same doctrine had before been re-
cognized in respect to the signature of wills,
and is, I believe, a rule o^ the civil law. The
analogies of law bear me out in holding,
that if the master of a vessel sign the agree-
ment with his men, before he proceeds on
the voyage, the place of signature is not
material. The printed form has no blank
for the master's subscription ; the place and
time of entry, rate of wages, &c., are only
applicable to the seamen. The master's
contrar*^ is with the owners, personally, not
on the credit of the ship, and is never set
out in the ship's articles. There is nothing
in the nature of the thing which makes the
place of the master's signature material ; if
he signs, that is sufficient to bind him to the
1 porticufar
beyond the
fence which
. The sta-
ement shall
le proceeds
in the same
by the par-
lie place of
:h regulates
ngdom, has
Lo the vali-
> be signed ;
be inserted
a view of
I expressly
lent signing
een so held
3 been pur-
omitted to
:ted in JR^-
re been re-
re of wills,
illaw. The
in holding,
the agree-
roceeds on
tiire is not
s no blank
! place and
;., are only
e master's
mally, not
never set
is nothing
makes the
aterial ; if
him to the
agreement, and to satisfy the statute. 1 am
of opinion that there was no corpusr delicti in
this case, upon which the Justices could
found any conviction : by their own show-
ing, they have fined the defendant for that
which is not an offence against the law.
Their proceedings are, tlierefore, annlHty,
and roust be set aside.
There have been many other objections
raised against the conviction, but it is unne-
cessary to go into them. Before 1 close
the observations of the Court, however, there
is one which it may be essential to add, and
which I desire may be clearly understood.
It is this : that whenever a conviction has
been mbstantially right, this Court will not
disturb it upon the ground of mere irregula-
rity of form. In England it is observable,
that the strictness with which convictions
by magistrates were formerly regarded, has
been a good deal relaxed in latter years ;
and th« statutes passed for protecting ma-
gistrates in the execution of their office, are
framed in the same spirit of liberality, i do
not think 1 shall go beyond that sound
discretion which is reposed in the Court,
under the act which directs it to apply
the laws of £ngland> so far as. they may
be applicable, to this island, in holding that
the same d^ree of technical strictness which
is observed at Westminster in examining the
formal parts of a conviction, is not applica-
ble to Newfoundland ; and that every con-
viction in which justice has been, in fact»
done, ought to be supported by the Court,
l\ )
The (Cufltom
fouod by ibe 8p«"
oial Jury in (he
case of MeehoH ▼.
Brine, [ante p. Gj
must be takeu aub-
ordinale to Ibe sta-
tute of limitations :
and a Doo-claim
for six years is,
consequently, a
good pl«a in case
of an action upon
a bill of exchange.
Haycs against John N»ave and William
i^iCTION to recover thesnii) of £C1 5^. lOd,
for principal and other charges upon a pro-
seated UiU of exchange.
In November, 1U06, a bill of. exchange
vr«9 draiKnby the defendants in favour of
£:/lmond Walsh, for ;£S3 15g. on Dartmouth^
which bill, however, was never sentifor ward,
or put into circulation, hut retained by
WtUah . .until > Ust year, rwhen he endorsed it
to (plaintiff for a full consideration. , : The
bill i hawing been transmitted kstfall to
Dartftiouth, was returned under protest, and
this action was brought to recover the
SHUDunt, under the alleged special custom of
this island,, that time does not run against a
biU of ) exchange. The defendant relied
vpon the statute of limitations, and complain-
ed iof the hardship of being called upon to
pay abill which bad been drawn more ihan
fourteen years ago, andwas fraudulently en-
dorsed to < the plaintiff last year^ when
JVahhf the payee, had become.indebted to
the defendants, upon subsequent dealings,
in a niich larger amount than ;the bill now
sued for.
Per Curiam^ Without going into the pri-r
vate circumstances of the caSe, Which may
press with greater; lOr less bardiriiip on one
sideor the other, it appears to me tliat the
action is barred by the statute of limitations.
Which ba^ always been acted upon in this
Court. 1 am aware that the special custom
found by the Jury in the case Meehan v.
JSrine, taken in all the latitude to which the
language of the verdict nuy be strained, is
capable of being opposed to the statute ;
but when a conflict of this kind takes place,
nd William
>r£Gl 5s. Wd.
i.upoa a pro-
of. exchan;^e
in favour of
n DM-tmouthy
relaiaed by
3 endorsed U
ration. , The
k^t fall to
' protest, and
recover the
ial eustom of
run against a
ndant relied
nd complain-
died npoa to
m more than
idnlently en-
year, vhen
ent .palings,
;the hill now
into tlie pri-r
; Ivhioh e idle to follovl the drawier
or prior endorser td £nglandioy/6 was a planter, and took
supplies from divers merchants, to whom
he put off bis fish in unequal proportions.
At the; okisc of the fishery, the servants
went into the Sessions GonrI, and recovered
jiidgments for wages against />o^/e; but be-
fore exe tbe servants, the proceeds of
«ue-2aav7xvsaiss csicns suuuia Qoi pe nrsc
a|q^lied ia payment of sevvants' wages, an<*
r the casp» in
icy, 1 feel it
itom to pass
ind 1, there-
Din found by
list be taken
itations, and
3 a complete
ixchaDgc ia
! the Recciv-
r, and took
), to \vhoni
lie servants
d recovered
^le; but be-
aken in the
be creditors
solvent, and
iistees. Tho
ent to pay
eir remedy,
ring the fish
B;es from the
iiis day, the
;rally snm-
the whole
<•( made the
Uohan't in-^
iw raised,
ncy of the
iroceeds of
ot be first
¥ages, un^
The Receivers ot
the Voyage.
der 49th Geo. III. before the servants could 1821 .
resort to the receivers of the voyage ? ^ _■ . ■ -
But the Court held that such statute gave Duyle's Servants
a cumulative remedy to the servants, and
did not take away the right which they had
before of looking to the immediate produc-
tions of their labour, tiie fish and oil, for the
payment of their wages. While the afiairs
of an insolvent are winding up, the servants
will starve. If they could follow the fish
and oil when the planter who shipped them
was solvent, aforlioriy tliey can do so when
he becomes incapable of paying them. The
servants are entitled, if they think fit, to
follow the fish and oil, under the Idth Geo.
JII. ; and as they have done so in this case,
the receivers must account with them,
which must be done in the following man-
First. — Let balances be struck between
Doyle and his servants, upon accounts be-
tu-een them, and such balances carried into
one aggregate account of sums due servants,
(omitting any payments voluntarily made by
receivers, who will have a right to set off the
same against refunding.)
Second. — Let the fish and oil received by
all the suppliers be computed, and an ag-
gregate account of such fish and oil set out.
Third. — As the whole voyage is to the
deficiency, so will each receiver's proportion
be to the amount he must refund, (giving
him credit for any wages actually paid as
In respect to the insolvent estate, it is
certainly first liable to servants* wages ; and
1 am aware that in relieving it from this first
demand, some difference is necessarily made
in the respective intere8t9 of parties claiming
upon such estate, it '^ims but just, there-
fore, that the parties .efundiog sho^ikd be
nllowed to rlatm the i^muiints resprctivply
rcfuiulcil OS wages, before any diiim for
current supiilies.
November IP/A,
The Chief Jut-
lice refuses lo alior
the ordpr made by
him, relative lo the
claims of these ser*
vaals, on ihe 14th
of the preaeut
L. Doyle's Servants.
"N this day, application was made to
alter tlie mode of paying servants' wag^ee.,
as ordered on the 1 4th November hsl; when
the Chief Justice »A\f{ : —
I do not, upon reflection, think that I can
alter the rale laid down in this case. Jt is
easy to frame cases of hardship on one side
and the other; but 1 must be governed by
iegal principles ; and I do not conceive J
have any right to interfere in rights accruing
before insolvency between different current
suppliers, who have received unequal pro-
portions of the voyage. There is no reason
why one supplier, who is active, may not
take care to pay himself, and cover any
probable claim for servants' wages by an
over-receipt of fish and oil; and if he takes
the precaution to do this, which it is per-
fectly lawful for him to do, why should the
Court frustrate his Vigilance by appropria-
ting his over-receipt offish and oil, first, to
the payment of wages, and then call upon
him to refund in proportion to the fish re-
ceived ? A case of great injustice may be
supposed by so doing ; for example, A
supplies to the amount of £200, and receives
£300 in fish and otl ; B supplies £50; and
receives exactly that amount in fisb^and bi!,
—wages amounting i6 £200 r A'k surplus is
first appropriated to pay this, which' brings
the deficiency to £100, of which stim A, -Who
endeavoured to secure himself by precantimr,
18 caHed itpon to cotttributte d-7tb9; and 0>
i diiim for
who neglected to Rccure iiimself aKninst
wages, is only called upon for 1-7lli, beiii^
tlicir relative proportions of lish received.
The Court rule appears the best.
18 made to
mts* waj^es,
•Itisl; when
k that I can
asc. Jt is
on one side
overned by
conceive J
its accruing
ent current
lequal pro-
! no reason
J, may not
cover any
i.a:es by an
if he takes
it is per-
should the
11, first, to
I call upon
the fish re-
ice may be
ample, A
id receives
I £50; and
sb^and bi!,
linJA, "Who
The CiiURCH-wARDiiNs against John
.Action to recover one pound> as an as-
sessmentyor^cw rent for the last year.
, Defence* That tlie pew was not taken
l>y di^endant individually^ but Jointly with
fVarrcn and lioden^ and that each party
paid one-third ; and th»t 4ho church-war-
dens have neglected to repair the glass in
the window opening from the pew occupied
jointly with defendant, although they have
been called on and required to do so.
The proceedings of the vestry were laid
in evidence, from which it appeared tliat
certain expenses were incurred in the re-
pairs of the cbnrch ; .that there was a meet-
ing of the pew-holders convened ui the ve8<-
try, where the necessary repairs, were sub-
mitted, and estimates produced, and aj)-
prpved by the meeting then present; auil
that it is to cover such expends Uiat.tbe
assessments are demanded.
The Court considered that the contribu-
tions to, the church were conventional^ they
could not be demanded as rates, properly so
speaking, but as the proportions of a general
expense incurred for the purposes of the in-
stitution, for which every holder of a pew,
or interest, in the church, had impliedly
made himself liable. When the church was
built, it was, of course, intended by ihosc
who built and held an interest in it, that it
should be attended, and kept in necessary
yovemher 19/A.
Th« cliiireh-war^
deiiH may reouver
from th<> owners uf
ppwsH fairpropof
lion of tlio eypeiiM
inciirrpil in (lie iii>-
coBsary and indis"
ponsnMo repairs of
Ibo cburcli.
n^ceVraod the S^ at a geaerui
reimbursement nn^^* ^"^"^ "* *^^^"'^ "«»»t to
peur-hoWeT wl' nrnn ^^ "^^r^*" from%acli
08 for money 'i^i^Z''^'' ^^ **"/!; ^?P*»««»
expenses must h« ii^?^''''*^' »»"* the
r •, ur luey crynnot be recovered.
DeeenOer llik.
Bail money is
■«y«ol, fine, to
Ibo payment of
^•g««. and afior.
wards to aHppliei.
Sabiuil Codner a^a,„,/ Baine,
Johnston & Co.
circumstances •— *"® allowing
P^rflaS^'l'J-ffi ,- eye. or
againrt him for (he amount a^d i"''?"'™'
"Pon deVndrC^n "'r J?' T'^
certain sums due bi-tK. ,i' , " '^F**'
♦ained by them on L.i "e"'*"*. and re-
Cio/*. '*"• *"' •'»" supplied by
hateaett^:t'r'Al! '"'^
contended tbev retain^ ^^i ^^ ^^^^^' and
»ppcar«i that .lieyhadfu™Sd"4:j"j;,l|
oiind themsclvcx
•cli repairs an.
'I when there-
on at a geaerai
InciirrrJ hy the
a clear right to
3ver from each
^ such expense,
ended; but the
Y ttecessary and
be recovered.
f Baine,
"ount of cer-
the following
Be C/iafe, of
*d judgment
id took out
«ng sufficient
was served
IS is .M^ged,
lers, and re-
of account
supplied by
9, that they
forth, and
)ney to sa-
>m for cur-
'• WM stated
iy which it
Chq/b with
articles during tlio winter, hit in tlie l>egin-
ning of the fisiiing-seuHon they hud discon-
tinued their supplies, and, by way of securing
the debt then due, took nn assignment of
}m boat, which they afterwards let to him
again on hire for the ensuing season.
It was further stated l)y the defendants,
that they had supplied Chafe with the un-
derstanding, that the bait-money due by their
dealers was to be retained by them in sa-
tisfaction of their debt, and without such un-
derstanding they would not have advanced
supplies, or let their boat on hire.
The Court determined, that the articles
furnished by defendants before the fishing
season commenced, could not be considered
as supplies for the fishery. Where winter
supplies were issued, and continued during
the fishing season, the Court would not se-
parate the account, but consider all as
supplies ; hiLcaliter where the supplies were
discontinued before the fishery began. In
regard to the claim for boat-hire, it was, cer-
tainly, to be regarded as a supply in itself,
but it was o( a. peculiar character^ and would
not otherwise take the case out of the gene-
pal principle so often laid down. The de-
fendants were, certainly, entitled to retain
what proceeds of the fishing voyage might
come into their hands, to the amount of the
hire of the boat. It was objected, that the
defendants had not notified plaintiff of their
claim upon the boat, agreeably to the rule
laid down in JBaine^ Johnston Sf Co. v. Al~
sop, 14th November, 1821 ; but this case
differs from that, inasmuch as there, the party
sought to recover boat -hire from the' receiver
of the voyage; here, the party only sought
to retain to the amount of the boat-hire, and
his right to do so fell within the principle
frequently laid down by the Court, that it
Bainb. JomN'
broN ft Co.
Baine, JohN'
T> N & Co,
ri!i ""' u^J'i!""** different current suppliers
T;!^ "i'?u * ^''''^ received different propor-
tions of the voyage ; it would only call upon
them to contribute to the payment of wages,
m proportion to the value they might have
received. All fish and oil were made, in
the first place, liable for wages ; and where
they could not be followed in specie, they
must be traced through their representative.
Bait-money was of this description : it was
subject first to wages, and next to current
supplies ; and as the plaintiff in this action
had paid all the wages, he was entitled to
call upon the defendants, to contribute a
ratable proportion of the bait-money he had
received, towards the payment of wages
earned in the bait-boats. °
f i' ! f
December 15th.
Although a com*
mission of bank-
ruptcy in Eoglaod,
ivilt not necessarily
supersede a decia«
ration of insolvency
in this country,
yet, if under the
particular circuni>
•lances of a case,
it shall appear that
the olainis of the
creditors, general-
ly, may be most
satisfactorily ar-
ranged and ad-
justed in England,
the Supreme Court
ivill consider that
a good ground for
superseding (he ia>
Assignees of Stabb, Preston & Proivse
agmnse Trustees of Sta bb, Preston
Prowse & Co. *
e.,,.^^^. ^?^ ^" application to the Court to
supersede the insolvency which had been
aecjared in this case, and to cause the pro-
ceeds of the insolvent estate to be handed
over by the trustees under the Newfoundland
insolvency, to the assignees under the Eng-
lish comission. °
Per Curiam. This case is peculiarly cir-
cumstanced, and, in some respects, has
imparted its character to the proceedings of
the Court. It may be necessary, therefore,
to explain the reasons which have guided
the Court in the course it has adopted.
On the 28th of June, process of attach-
?rA 'd^ awarded against the effects of
Atabb, Preston, Prowse 6r Co.. an evtPn^.'ve
traumg firm ia the island, with the view," as
iirrent suppliers
ifferent propor-
onlycall upon
ment of wages,
hey might have
were made, in
if ; and where
in specie, they
ription ; it wa^
ext to current
rin this action
van entitled to
o contribute a
money he had
ent of wages
N & Prowse
) the Court to
ch had been
:ause the pro-
to be handed
ider the Eng-
eculiarly cir-
espects, has
roceedings of
y, therefore,
have guided
s of attach-
le effects of
in extensive
the view, as
it \ronld seem, of leading to a declaration
of their insolvency, and preventing an undue
preference amongst the creditors. At the
return of the w rit, the agent who had been
left in the management of Slabb, Preston,
ProwseSc ^o"s. concerns, attended Court,
and admitted, that the available property of
the house was not sufficient to' satisfy the
demands against it; and prayed, that as
none of the partners were in Newfoundland
when the attachment was sued out, farther
time might be allowed them to appear. The
principal creditors, who were also in attend-
ance, pressed an immediate declaration of
insol vency . The Court granted three months
further time, and enlarged the writ of attach-
ment, intimating that it would authorize
such persons as might be nominated at a
meeting of creditors, and approved by the
Court, to carry the attachment into effect, in
such manner as might appear most conducive
to the interests of all parties concerned.
The writ of attachment is a peculiar process
unknown to the common law ; it is likq
the proceeding in rem of the civil law ; and
places the goods attached, in the custody,
and under the control, of the Court. It is
usually executed by the Sheriff; but as it
was pretty evident from the beginning that
the case would terminate in insolvency, it
was deemed more expedient to conform the
proceedings of the Court, in the first in-
stance, to the course which it was probable
they would ultimately take ; and, there was
the less difficulty in adopting this course, as
the Judge is expressly enabled by the sta^
tute, to perform every ministerial act Of th0
Court by the hands of such persons as he
may deem proper to appoint. Trusteeis were
„^v,v*xM*i^:jr 9|7|fvit»i>cu, iv uiiaca ana DQid
■Assigneps of
Stabb, Pres-
ton, and
Trustees of
Stabb, Pres>
TON, Provtsb
Assignee* of
Stabb, Pres-
ton, aud
Trustees of
Stabb. Pkbs.
TON, Prowse.
& Co.
CASES IN This supreme Court,
the effects of Atabb, Preston, Prowse A- Cd
subject to the direction of the Court. ^
At the expiration of the time which had
tn Court, and it being made to appear that
ail the partners had been duly apprized of
v.?i^7T' ^^^T^ *^^"^' ^'»« CowrJ^ concei-
ted that everything had been done which
could reasonably be expected to be done to
satisfy the intention of the statute, and de-
clared Stabb, Preston, Prowse ^ Co, insoU
vent. J do not scruple to say that the Court
Bad anxiously looked for the appearat;. e of
in n^Jffh '.""'*"' ^^^ English commission,
Jn order that any question of a conflicting
nature might be raised before the case had
pone the length of an actual declaration of
insolvency ; but m that expectation it was
disappointed, although the bankruptcy had
^onJl ^uT '° England more tha/ two
months before Not feeling satisfied that
the Court could suspend its proceedings any
IK""' J' *»ecame necessary either to give
the particular creditor the benefit of his
judgment, or to declare the defendants in-
iTc 71;-/^/^'"^'^' ^" P^^*>^« ^-'e put
O.L ^^^'^^'l *^ «"e"d Court on the 8th of
October, and the agent for the defendant,
bemg examined, and stating, as before that
o'nf '!k ^^ Ws Principals^^ere iSc Ln
to pay their debts, the Court proceeded
formally, to declare them insolveSt ^ '
A question has been raised, which mav
properly be referred to this stagi of the case
ivhether the defendants could lega ly be de!
claredmsolvent in this island, none of them
being present, or personally within the ju-
Wdiction of the Court at the time? and it
whink? ?^"^P«^d.*o an act of bankruptcy
MThich, bemg penal m its conscquencfii, LZ
uoi be committed by inference, urfofli^
E Court,
», Prowse ^ Co.
e Court.
time which had
i»8 again moved
B to appear that
uly apprized of
e Court concei-^
sen done which
d to be done to
tatute, and de-
vse Sf Co. insol-
y that the Court
appearajwe of
sh commission,
of a conflicting
e the case had
declaration of
fetation it was
ankruptcy had
ore than two
satisfied that
oceedings any
either to give
aenefit of his
[Jefendants in-
ties were pub-
: on the 8th of
he defendants
IS before, that
re insufficient
rt proceeded,
i, which may
?e of the case,
egally bede-
ithin the ju-
time ? and it
uences- can-
:e, urjfollow
upon the act of an agent ; but the cases
rnkrlr^"^'- ^". Wand, the tcL of
W n?^iK^ r '^''^''" ^^^"^'^ «^ts, the do-
ing of which IS necessary to brin- a partv
Newfound and, the mere inability to pay
twenty sh.lhngs in the pound, makes \hl
fife L/r L''"l' ' '^' ^^'' '^f insolvencv i^
nntf ^1 bankruptcy. The law has 'ap^
pointed the Courts to inquire into this fact
attllr •' ',?^^^'^^« '^- The process o
facHsTn I '' *^^ '"""r ^'^'•«"g'» ^^hich the
Jact IS to be ascertained bv the Courts The
hnt f,"f ''^'^^f ^PS m the course of inquiry :
bu the awarding of attachment is the first
judical step to which all the subsequent
proceedings are referred. Now, the "vH
may go against the goods of an absentee'
^deed ,t seems intended to apply to cases
where the party cannot be personally served
J^Kh process. Jf the goods attached are
insufficient to pay all the debts, the partv
fo'unT?n Tf'""'' ^"PP«^^ he'cannS? b^
to stand ""f,^'-^« ^^^'"•"ation. is the Court
10 stand still, and see the estate wasted
however satisfiecl it may be of his inloTvel:
cy ? If he attends and denies his insolven
cy, It cannot prevail against the fact : shaM
h s absconding suspend the law ? The firs
objec of every system of insolvent aw is to
provide for the interests of creditors It is
the express object of our law which di
Clares the prosperity of the trade andlshe*
ries of Newfoundland to depend i„ t
d^tei^ '"^'■'^"^ Of thisTo'um f i^r;:
ducted by agents, whose princioals L I_
^Zl. ♦H''/'' "»»•»*«'«» as a general propo':
Wtion, that persons engaged in trade fn th?s
Assign res of
Stabb, Pres^
TON, aad
Trustees of
Stabb, Pres-
ton, Pkowsb
^■■icn«M of
Stab^, Prbi>
TON aod
Tru»ieM of
5tabb, Pkr»<
A Cow
Miami, and becoming insolvent, cannot be
declared so merely because their bodies
may not be within ihe corporal touch of the
Court, would be to place one-half of the
property in this island out of the laws of
the island. It appears to me, that wherever
the goods are within the jurisdiction of the
Court, they are liable to be attached ; and,
wherever the goods so attached, are found
to be insufficient to pay the demands of the
creditors, it is competent to the Court, upon
being satisfied of the party's insolvency, lo
declare the fact, and take order fordistribu-
tmg the insolvent s effecls according to law.
Entertaining this view of the law, I am of
opinion, that the declaration of insolvency
in this case was lawful.
But it is contended that the bankruptcy
oiStabby Preston 4 Prowse, in England,
vested all their estate and eflects in this is-
land, in the assignees under the English
commission, and virtually superseded any
proceedings under the insolvency in this
island. This is a very large question, but it
IS not a new one in this Court. 1 have al-
ready had occasion to express it as my opi-
nion, that where a person engaged in the
trade of Newfoundland, becomes bankrupt
m England, the creditors, in respect of New-
foundland transactions, might come into this
Court, and cause such person to be declared
insolvent, with the view of having such of his
effects as might be situated in this island,
distributed according to the law of the is-
land (a). I do not presume to question the
decisions which have been made at West-
minster, {b) although I humbly conceive that
(fl) Crawfordf tf Co't. ioulTeooy, 31it aaoumy, igi8.
. ^Z-slT^I'J^' ??••• J«l»'«'y. I'W. Chan. Jolkt
- ^»st.t€:u., auu StpdnihieM r. Seaian, 83d No». IWfe
nt. cannot be
their bodies
il touch of the
ne-half of the
f the laws of
that wherever
diction of the
ached ; and,
d, are found
manda of the
e Court, upon
tisoivency, lo
r fordistribu^
•I ding to law.
law, I am of
of insolvency
in England,
ts in this is-
the English
erseded any
!ncy in, this
estion« but it
I have aU
t as my opi-
gaged in the
es bankrupt
ome into this
I be declared
g such of his
this island,
w of the isr
[uestion the
e at Westr
onceive that
Faouaiy, 1Q18.
4. Cbah. Jdlkt
4 Nov. vtm
U. Wmwick,
some of the arguments of t.ic judges in the
cases alluded to, have gone too far— much
further than can be supported upon sound
universal principle, and, indeed, than the ca-
ses themselves will support (e). When it is
held that a British subject, living within the
jurisdiction of British laws, shall not be al*
1 wed to do any act which may tend to de-
feat these laws, 1 can fully understand and
follow the doctrine ; but where it is said that
he cannot do so, because the personal pro-
perty of the bankrupt is everywhere subject
to the law which governs his person, I
must confess that my industry hos hitherto
been as unsuccessful in endeavouring to find
such a principle of universal law, as my un-
derstanding has been to be convinced by the
arguments upon which it rests ; the proviso
^yith which it is qualified, viz.. that it is ope-
rative only so far as it may not militate
iagainst the particular laws of the country in
which the property may be placed (), 'ap-
pears to me to destroy the only value it can
have as a principle of universal law ; to have
cflect, it should overreach every municipal
regulation which might interfere with the
rules of equal justice sought to be established
by it. The bankrupt laws of England are
sufficiently operative in themselves,to prevent
an English creditor from evading the spirit
of the law by resorting to foreign tribunals;
neither can I feel the force of the distinction
between personal and real property, as the
ground-work of a general principle of insol-
vent law. In most countries where a sys-
tem of bankrupt law is admitted, the bank-
rupt's lands as well as his goods are liable
to the payment of his debts. Why should
_(c) Sea tha areuiaant of Lord hmghborwoh in SlMm,
(d) Phimp$ T. Umtcr, 2 II. B. 402.
Starb, Frks.
TON, and
Trusteips of
Stabb, Pres-
ton, Prow3k
■& Co.
Assignees of
Stabb, Prbs<
TON, and
Prows B
Trustees of
Stabb, ^rbs«
& Co.
not land follow the law which governs the
person of the debtor, and pass under assign-
ment of his estate ? Trade, with its varied
sources of credit, and extended ramifications
of contract and liability, is as fixed and im-
movable as legal estate; it is alike the
subject of real provision, and governed by
laws and usages which virtually enter into
all its engagements, and form an implied
and essential part of all its obligations. The
creditor who contracts upon the faith of such
laws, has not only a right to the benefit of
them in the interpretation of his contract,
but, 1 think, to have them administered at
the locus in quo — the place where the con-
tract was entered into, and where the law
which governs it prevails. Abstract rules of
justice should be framed with reference to
the rights of parties : where the disposition
of property depends upon the mere volition
of the owner, such as the disposal of an es-
tate by will, the personal domicile of the
owner may afford a fair rule as to the dislri-.
bution of his estate ; but where the rights of
other parties, as creditors, are concerned,
the interests of such parties should be first
consulted. This resolves the question be-
fore the Court into what it really is — a ques-
tion of mere expediency, as to the best mode
of distributing an insolvent's estate, with
reference to the rights of those who are
entitled to it. It is not, as in the cases cited,
a dispute between creditors, inter se^ upon
conflicting claims ; but a question between
the creditors of an insolvent estate, as to ths
best mode of. effecting a common object,
whether the interests of the body of creditors
will Ibe best served by proceeding under in-
solvency in Newfoundland, or by referring
all parties to £ngland. 1 am not aware of
any law to prevent this Court from labouring
: couBT,
cli governs tlie
I under assi^n-
vith its varied
d ramifications
fixed and iin-
t is alike the
1 governed by
ally enter into
rm an iniplied
gations. The
efaitii of such
the benefit of
I his contract,
Iministered at
here the con-
rt'here the law
stract rules of
h reference to
lie disposition
mere volition
osal of an es<-
micile of the
to the distri^
i the rights of
re concerned,
liould be first
question be-
ly is — a ques-
the best mode
estate, with
)se who are
e cases cited,
iter se, upon
tion between
ate, as to ths
imon object,
y of creditors
tig under in-
' by referring
ot aware of
om iabouring^
to the same end as the High Court of Chan-
cery ; indeed, it was formerly the practice
of that Court to support two commissions
against the same person, at the same time ;
the principle of mere convenience upon
which that practice has been changed, may
require a simultaneous proceeding to be
continued here ; it is merely a question of
convenience, with reference' to the rights of
creditors. In the case of Crawfords ^ CV*,
insolvency, the eflects had been partly dis-
tributed, and divers acts had been done by
the trustees which appeared to me to re-
quire the Newfoundland commissions to
be continued. In this case, nothing has
been done but collecting the estate ; and as
the insolvents are all in England, and their
concerns interwoven with a great number of
collateral partnerships, all of which centre
in England, it does appear to me that jus-
tice will be most effectually done by direct-
ing the proceeds which have been realized
in Newfoundland, to be transferred to the
assignees under the English commission,
upon security given to the Court to pay, in
the first place, all preferable claims for ser-
vants' wages and current supplies, and in-
ferring all other creditors to England. .
The Appraisers under the 1st Geo. IV., c'
51, against Patrick Morris.
1 HfS was a summary application to the
Court to compel defendant to pay the
amount of assessment for indemnifying par-
ties under act 1st Geo. IV., cap. 61. The
sum assessed was £24 0*. Orf., being one-
and-a-half per cent on £1,620,
The defence was, first, that plaintiffs had
Assignees of
Stabr, Prbs«
TON. aod
Trustees of
Stabb. Prfs-
TON, Prowsb
& Co.
March Qth, 1822.
Every deicrip-
tioo of ioUrest in
lands and houses
in Si. Jolin's,seems
liable to assess^
men! under the lit
Geo. IV., c. 51.
111 '
not shown how, or upon what grounds, they
called upon defendant to pay the above
fJIITi'i J' '''^''^ required that plaintifls
Bhould produce then- books, showing the
rates upon which the assessment wasfound-
\ }l? . . ''® ^^^^ ordered to be produ*
ced. Plaintiffs stated, that entering upon
the grounds occupied by defendant, they
placed It at a supposed value, with reference
to the general value of houses and other
property situated in St. John's, of which
they assessed each person holding any pro-
perty, whether leaseh.'d or residuary ac-
cording to the supposed value of such pro-
perty or interest. The defendant contended,
secpndly, that tenants holding under leases
?wV'^ ^'^ °V^"'' &^- a'-e not liable
that the act must be held to have been ope-
rative at the time that the first measures
^ere adopted, although it had not really
passed ; -at any rate, that as it has a retro ^
^ecttve operation, the Appraisers should
have looked at the property as it actually
stood immediately after the fires of 1817.
the streets being then widened, and the ad-
ditional value derived therefrom actually
paid for by the tenant, in the increased rent-
—argues, upon general principles, that as the
remuneration was for those who should sus-
lt!f T ^^S'"'""'^' '° *^^ proprietors whose
ground and houses were rendered more se-
to th^HJv"'^'^' '?°"^^ P^y ^» proportion
to the additional value conferred ; but that
8uch value alone generally derived to the
landlord alone ought to pay; and, in support
of his position, puts the case of vacant
ground at the present day assessed as vacant
ground, so that if a tenant who had lain by
were to build to-morrow, he would not d4
anything for the house so built; why iheo
ij I
i grounds, they
)ay the above
that plaintifls
, showing the
ent was found-
d to be produ"
entering upon
fend ant, they
with reference
ises and other
in's, of which
Iding any pro-
residuary, ac-
e of such pro-
mt contended,
under leases,
re not liable ;
ive been ope-
irst measures
ad not really
t has a retro -
aisers should
as it actually
ires of 1817,
, and the ad-
orn actually
creased rent :
OS, that as the
should sus-
rietors whose
•ed more se-
n proportion
ed; but that
!rived to the
ends that the
d, in support
! of vacant
ied as vacant
had lain by
?ld not pay
why, iheo,
should those tenants pay a contribution who
may have happened to build before the ap- _ ,
praisement ? — that the landlord alone has TheAppRAisBRs
property in the ground, and houses built on
it; it is generally set at rack rent: — why
should a tenant who pays Ihe full yearly
value of the ground, and has, consequently,
no assessable interest, pay anything towards
Upon the whole, Mr. iHorm'5 view of the
question seems to be, that when the town
was destroyed, and measures were rendered
necessary to secure it against a future cala-
mity of the same kind, that certain ground,
then all being vacant, was required to be
taken for the security of ground in general ;
it was like a waste, and all was to begin
de novo ; as the ground became permanently
more valuable for the security afforded it, so
the ground should be assessed to pay for
such security ; building then, or thereafter,
were accidental circumstances, which should
not be taken into account. A tenant might
have built before the assessment, or the day
after it was made, and, in either case, he
ought to stand upon the same footing ; but
not for the first to pay, perhaps, on a house
assessed at £2000, and the other nothing ;
especially that the measure of widening) and
leaving breaks being adopted before leases
of 1818, &c. the ground derived additional
value, which it ought to pay for.
Appraisers contend that they could not
enter into such distinctions. The security
afforded was like an insurance ; wherever a
man had an insurable interest he must have
paid 10 have such interest insured. The
value of the property had been graiduated
with reference to the interests of parties,,
gathering puch interests frora proofs of title
and tenure.
If 1
ne valu^ so appraised shall be^paid ly a
the proj,r.etors of houses, tenemelits, lots an
Sl J^I.n''^^''-^""*''!.^^'"^ ^'"""»» the limits of
'it. Johns m such proportions, with refer-
therd.^' '^.t '''"? o^tLir several interests
therein, as the said appraisers shall appoint.
are, who are the propneto;>j? Havethev ih.>
interest assumed by Ihe appraisers .nSnff
their assessment ? Jf they have any imeresf
capable of being appraised and ass/ssed! the
quamum aftxed by the appraisers is no ex!
aminable m this or any Court ; it is final and
compulsory upon the partie;. Defendant
plated by the Act are landlords; that the
Act must be presumed to have reference to
rights existing: at the time at which it be'i^s
to operate, VIZ., from the first laying out of
tbe streets in June, 1818 ; but the Ac?sDe
oficaly makes houses and tenen e„tt HabPe
^d although the words - with reference to'
^e value of the several interesU of proprie^
Sr JJSE.'^ "^^'l"^ interests, accSg"^
SLT^ '^'^'**'^*^ of t^e ground, yet
^«y »J«P aPP'y to the respectivf interests of
/WW, and tenants ; in this sense the ap^
praisers have taken it, andtheC^owr^inclinL
• to follow them. 1 must lay out cf the cas^
all considerations derived frJm the addftional
«ntecharged by landlords, upon the st S
taTT'f ^^""^'^^^^ in^rebuilding fhe
JJTI^ jT""''^."*'''^^^«^"« of proper!
SLilfL d**y^ ""'.^ ^^ clecline'^ofthe
tr»dlo-4he delay m the passing and trans-
?»tt«ng of ike Act of Arii^rmpT.* to !h^
»iand. The Act was framed upii troudl
If .' i'
— Act enacts
I taken for wi-
appruised by
[•pointed, and
e paid by all
nents, lots and
n the linnits of
8, with refer-
veral interests
shall appoint.
f can entertain
Have they the
era in making
e any interest
assessed, the
ers is not ex-
it is tinal and
tors conlern-
ds ; that the
f reference to
lich it begins
laying out of
the Act spe-
nents liable ;
reference to
«of proprie^
according to
ground^ yet
i interests of
5nse the ap*
our4 inclines
cf the case
e additional
the strength
uilding the
B of proper-
:line of the
' and trans-
ant' #n *Uia
wn broad^
general principles, with reference to the
whole society. The fires of 1817 and the
following years, had destroyed, not the
ground, but the buildings, and a large pro-
portion of the merchandise, in St. John's : it
was to guard against similar destruction that
the law was passed. Every man who had
property to lose by a fire, was deemed inte-
rested in preserving it from fire ; and as the
means of preservation, certain spaces of
ground were left to be paid for by all who had
some interest in the town, some houses to
be guarded from tire, or some ground to be
rendered less valuable by its devastations.
It might be argued that ground could not
be burnt, and, therefore, should not be as-
sessed ; but as the interests of the commu-
nity, generally, must suffer by a general ca-
lamity, although some particular species of
property might not be affected immediately,
so all property whatever, permanently held,
was deemed to fall within the danger of
loss, and the necessity and benefit of security.
The question which first suggests itself,
is— has a man any interest in a house that
may be burnt? will he suffer by a fire? If
he will, the questions as naturally follow,
to what extent will he suflTer? what is the
value of his interest? and to what amount
should he pay for security? Jfthe landlord,
in the contemplation of the act, and the ad-
ditional security derived to future buildings
on his ground, exacted a higher rent, he is,
or ought to be, assessed in proportion to*
such rent ; and, therefore, his assessment
must tend to lighten the assessment on the
tenant. I cannot suppose that the value of
the ground and house together, may only be
worth the ground renfc; it may be so, and, 1
dare say, is, in many cases. But 1 cannot
HBlieve parties from the consequences of iia-
Th« Apprai3br>
9t }
provident bargains, or any iinexpccttd de-
TbTAPp'RA^R* kTiV^ ^^^- "^"'"^^ of houses and stores in
lb. APPRAisBRs .St John's, arising from the revolutions of
MoKRis. f"**"*^ «n.r^^ ^^..i.f
whether the 48Ui Geo. 111. had not repealed.
expccttd ersons who
out such li.
irtue of the
3 drawn in
d out. Se-
to the con-
the statute
en repealed
! ; and that
t be of this
'excise and
m forced in
ot repealed.
the 35th Geo. III., by implication, as it ap-
peared, on a first view, to introduce more
extensive provisions upon the same matter
(a); and this doubt was strengthened by
finding that it had been raised in a book of
some merit upon the duties of a justice of
peace (b). But upon more attentive exami-
nation of the several laws relating to licen-
sing the retail of liquors, it will be found, that
they are divided into two distinct classes,
■with two distinct objects, viz., the justice's
license, and the excise license — the one re-
lating to the police, and the other to the
revenue. By tracing the laws themselves
from their source, the distinction will be-
come more evident. I shall endeavour to
do so, premising, that I have no index or
means of referring to the statutes, except
the abridged and very imperfect tables pre-
fixed to each volume.
Op the Justice's License. — So early
as the reign of Edward Vi., statute 5lli
and 6th, c. 25, it was enacted that none,
except such as were allowed by two justices,
Bhould keep a common ale-house, or tippling-
house, or use commonly the selling of ale,
or beer, under the penalty of twenty shil-
lings. The next statute was the 3d Charles
I., cap. 3, which extended the like prohibi-
tion to the retailing of cider or perry with-
out license, and was followed by the r2th
and 13th William III., cap. 15, which fur-
ther extended the prohibition to the retail-
ing of brandy and other distilled liquors
without a licentie, in the same manner as
was required to sell ale or beer, and under
similar penalties. This statute was subse-
quently repealed, but the provision requiring '
ajustice^license to retail spirituous liquors,
(a) East Rep. 44.
(b) Dickinson's J. P. Art. AFe-house, note h.
i fl
was revived by the 2d Geo. II., c. 28, 8. 10,
which enacts, that no peisons shall seii
*' brandy or other distilled liquors by retail,
to be drank in their houses," but such as
shall be thereunto licensed, in the same
manner as the ale-house keepers.
The next statute which it may he neces-
sary to notice, is the 26th Geo. II., c. 28,
which requires the magistrates, upon grant-
ing a license to any person to keep an ale-
house, to take recognizance for the mainte-
nance of good order therein. This statute
also contains other provisions, as to the time
and manner of granting licenses.
In consequence of the confusion intro-
duced by different laws and different pu-
nishments, in relation to the licensing of ale-
houses by the justices, it was found neces-
sary to pass the 5th Geo. III., c. 46, which
enacted, that in lieu ofthe penalties inflicted
by former Acts of Parliament on retailers of
ale, beer, and other exciseable articles, with-
out license, the offender should forfeit forty
shillings. This penalty is increased by the
3<)th Geo. in. to twenty pounds, and a dis-r
cretion is placed in the power of the con-
Ticting magistrate to reduce the fine to any
sum not less than ten pounds. All these
Acts of Parliament relate solely to the jus-
tice's license, or as it is called in the statute
under which the conviction i^ made, a li-
cense to retail ale, beer, and other excisa-
ble liquors. The word ** excisable " is
used merely as a term of description ; it was
HO used, for the first time, I believe, in the
statute 9th Anne, cap. 23, which required
the justice's license to be made upon a stamp.
It should be observed that the justice's li-
cense was, at thai time, the only license
required for selling aio, beer, auil othcf li-
quors, subject to an excise duty. The term
J {
, c. 28, s. 10,
US shall seii
ors by retail,
but such as
in the same
ay be neces-
II., c. 28,
upon grant-
keep an ale-
' the mainte-
This statute
IS to the time
fusion intro-
difTerent pu-
ensing of ale-
found neces-
c. 46, which
Ities inflicted
m retailers of
rt'clea, with-
forfeit forty
eased by the
Is, and a disT*
r of the con-
e fine to any
}. All these
y to the jus-
n the statute
made, a li-
•ther excisa-
xcisable " is
ption ; it wa»
lieve, in the
ich required
} justice's 11-
only license
liiu oiucr ii"
r. The term
"other excisable liquors" was merely in-
tended to designate the kind of instrument
which required a stamp ; it was afterwards
copied into other statutes, and has grown
into a distinguishing term between licenses
granted by justices, and licenses granted by
the excise (c). I now proceed to the
Excise License.— The first Act of Par-
liament which required a license from the
Commissioners of the Excise, was the 12th
Geo. J., cap. 12, which applied to ale and
beer only, and was afterwards repealed;
and it was not until the 48th Geo. III., the
Act under consideration, that ale, beer, and.
other undistilled liquors, required an excise
license in addition to the justice's license.
Pursuing the statutes, according to their
dates, the next was the 9th Geo. II., cap. 6,
which enacts, that no person shall sell bran-
dy, rum, or other distilled spirituous liquors,
in any less quantity than two gallons, with-
out an excise license, under the penalty of
one hundred pounds ; and farther provides
thai no licenses shall be granted to any
person to sell such liquors, except to those
who may be first duly licensed by the jus-
This Act was altered by the 16th Geo. JL,
cap. 8, which reduced the penalty to ten
pounds, and renewed the clause of the
former act, prohibiting excise licenses to be
granted to any but ale-house keepers.
The latter provision was still defective,
and to remedy it, the 29th Geo. II., cap. 12,
sec. 22, enacts, ** that the commissioners of
the excise shall not grant any license to any
person to retail spirituous liquors who shall
not firpt produce a license from the justices
to jsell ale, beer, or other excisable liquors.'*
(c) See the cue Rtx f. Downs, 3 T. R. 569,
A ii
It ismaterial to notice the words of this sec-
tion, as they are copied verbatim into the
48th Geo. HI., the Act which is relied upon
in argument as repealing the Act under
which the conviction is founded. I pass
over the 9th Geo. III., cap. 6., which is
merely a Parliamentary exposition of the
law upon certain doubts a» to existing pe-
nalties. The last Act which 1 have bfeen
ablb to trace upon this branch of the subject,
is the 13th Geo. III., cap. 56, which^ instead
of all formei- penalties, imposes a fine ^
fifty pounds upon such persons as retail
distilled spirits without a license from the
commissioners of the excise. Thus far the
statutes requiring an excise licensie to retail,
only applied to distilled spirituous liquors ;
ale, beer, and other undistilled liquors,
might be retailed under the justice's license
alone, which, as we have seen before, was
liable to a stamp duty (d). J\ow the 48th
Geo. 111., the Act in question, in lieu of the
stamp duty, subjects the retailers of ale,
beer, cider, and perry, to the necessity of a
license from the commissioners of excise,
upon payment of a certain annual duty,*
under the penalty of fifty pounds, with the
usual proviso, that no such license shall be
granted to any person who shall not first
produce an allowance from the justice tb
ICeep an ale-house. All the last-mehtiohed
Htatutes relate to the excise, atid imjiJoSe
certain duties upon granting ejtcise licenses,
-which go into the aggregate fund, ^nd form
part of the revenues of the stttie.
From this view of the Acts of ParliaWCTit,
il will be seen that the JuUice's License md
the Excise Xicc/ise are different iflstruWientB,
regulated by diflerent laws, auid founded on
((0 Sses a fine t>f
ons as
ense from the
Thus far the
len^e to retail,
:uous liquors ;
illed liquors,
stice's license
1 before, was
Now the 48th
in lieu of the
[ailens of ale,
necessity of a
jrs of excise,
annual duty,
ids, with the
:ense shall be
shall not firdt
he justice tb
and in)|!K)6e
:cise licienses,
nd, and form
f Partianrenl,
? License ^Kd
d founded on
distinct principles ; the justice's license liaf
vinj? for its object the health and good order
of the community ; and the excise license to
provide a public revenue,— the one a very,
necessary measure in a distant settlement,
such as Newfoundland, to which the other
is altogether inapplicable. ,, . -
From every informaiion tjhich f have
been able to collect, the Justices in thjs is-
land have always cxei'cised a. control oyer
ale-houses, and other places where spirits
are commonly retailed ; the laws gutliorising
them to exert such authority not o.nly may
be applied, but in fact have b^ep appUed
ever since magistrates were appointed in
the island ; and it appears to me y.^iy pifQ-
per Ihey should continue to be enforced (e).
1 am aware that it is said in J^lackstones
Commentaries, vol. 1, p. 108,, and other
works upon the constitution of the colonies,
that the English laws of police^ as well as ojf
revenue, are not applicable to thecondi^JQn
of a colony; but this must be ^%ki9n jvyji^t^
some limitation. ifn-* ' siir
A police of some sort is necessary , to the
well-being of every community in the ^arlf^ftt
stages of its existence : the appoiptmept of
a Justice of the Peace, and of' «a constable,
is in pursuance of th€i 1 aws oC pc|liQ^> .^
much as the power of suppressing disprderiy
bouses ; and a power of this 80i;t jmay t)^ ^
essentially connected mth ik^jjXfU^xmtMf^
■ II
..: h.:..VMrf| o\ vlo't j.Tf
• ' ■ • ' . ' ' •
(e) justices were fjxat appoiatetl io i^ewfoiln|ltaiul
ftVout Ihe y^r 1728, anq, as it wbjildf appear, asium&d an
earlj jurisdielYon over' pubiio haaseS y (orin a memorial
•ddfasie^ byabam, to Governor Oftonik jM)f y c^mphin ^C
the Fishiog'Bdmirals interrefriag; ;v^|^ ,^l)|8 faiftachjaf jthsir
" ■ ]— tMhri»ljufe|ic of® Jjf 8 of England, as such, are thp
laws of Newfoundland, so far at least as
they can be applied CO it.
An 0£iniQn of Mr. ^aney the law-adviser
to the JBoard of Tr^de, is cited in Keeveis
History, page IIJ, wherein it is said ths^t
siip])ressing a
js clears the
z., that if the
;ld to be ope-
inust equally
1 ports foreign
ity at a time,
vs them to be
I difference of
no difference
but the law
uses : all the
enses, the 5th
. 4 ; 2d Geo.
eo. IJ., cap.
1 the recogni-
the parties is
r to common
i place where
e liquor itself,
ilendency of
-w, as well as
led, only ap-
itilled spirits
d at the time,
upon which
ict, expressly
Ingland, and,
by construc-
it :i» evident
las ' intended
•lied to Scot-
iiors was sub-
such, arethp
at least as
s law-adviiser
d in Jieeves^s
t is said tl^t
the laws of the parent country cease to ap-
ply to the new country when it becotnes a
settlement; and if so, adds ^[r. Meeves,
it may be important to ascertain from what
time Newfoundland may be considered as a
But, with every respect for the opinions of
such very eminent men, it has fallen within
my experience to learn, that the Colonial
Courts date the discontinuance of English
statute laws, not from the time of the colony
being settled, but from the institution of a
local legislature in the colony; and the rea-
son of the rule is, 1 think, with the interpre-
tation given it by the colonial lawyers. ,1
am of opinion that the statute 35th Geo. 111.
is in force in Newfoundland, notwithstand-
ing the words of the Act, which limit its
operation to England : — it is in force as the
law of England.
Jt remains to notice the last objection,
which is, that the Justices of the Sessions
have heretofore demanded a discretionary
sura of money for licenses, as a condition
upon which only they would grant them. I
shall cite the acts of Parliament upon this
branch of the subject, and observe, by the
way, that neither the duties of the excise,
nor upon stamps, are in force in Newfound-
land ; and 1 know of no other manner in
which money can lawfully be demanded for
licenses. The 9th Geo. II., cap. 23, enforced
by 24th Geo. 11., cap. 40, s. 24, enacts, that
for every license granted by Justices of the
Peace, the sum of two shillings and sixpence,
and no more, shall be paid to the clerk of
such justices, on pain of forfeiting £5. And
the 48th George II., cap. 143, s. 10, declares,
that it shall be lawful to take such and the
like fees, and no other or different fees for
licenses to keep a common ale-house, as
hacre heretofore been taken by justiceft clerks.
With these remarks, I give Judgment for the
-i:'.i 'Siti ixft; ; . . .
-''•''Uj'»':?iiii'J'jii ills'/
T ._..,...,. .-,.1 I, ". .
I ' ? i ■ I ■ •• ■ .
. » ' k . • ) •' i i ■. ■, . . ..; .
■ ■ i
■ f
.'.'Hj htm il)\:' ■.
•!i'l •. . .'; \:'/y\^m..
:f^'k}m\U:. 'HJI
meal for the
■ "fi hii::
On the SOth dfSejtterhhet, 18^2, FnAtJcw
l^'oBBEs, Esq., of Lintolti^ Jnh^ B&rristertit
Lau), Hsigned the office of 'Chief ^tcstke qf
th Supreme Court of Judicature in Sewfound-
iaud, to fjthich he had been appointed hy coiii-
mission^ hearing dale the 4lh August, \S^^,
and the duties of which he had discharged
from the I5th ofJuhf, 1817, 1^ thedth Ma^
1822 ; during the ivhole of which period he
was resident in this island. He was succeeded^
on the \st October, 1822, ^Richard Ai^ex-
ANDBR Tucker, Esq., A. 31., of the Inner
Temple, Barrister at Law, who took his seat
in the Supreme Court, on the 5th May, 1823,
and continued to preside there,as the sole Judge
thereof, until the 2d January, 1 826, when the
Royal Charter, granted by His Majesty to
the Supreme Court of Netvfoutidhnd, under
the provisions of the 5th Qec. XV., cap. 07,
s, i7., was promulgated, and the Bench was
then Jelled by the undermentioned persons :-^
The Hon. Richard AiiEXANDER Tucker,
Chief Judge.
The Hon. John William Molloy,^ » ^
and f -g ^
The Hon, Augustus Wallet Pes? Il
Barres. 5'^'^
And, at the same time, James Simms, Esq,
was sworn into office as His Majesty's Attor-
ney General, In September, 1820, the Hon.
Edward Brabazon Brenton was appointed
afi Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court (in
the room o/VUf/'f Molloy, who had been re-
Zv7dfroJhis office), and officiated zn that
^aracteruntil tfie \Wi Octoler, 1027, when
Z con5e9t««*pe^««>TH(lMAS Cochrane sr.-
of the sovemment devolved on Mu i^cKER,
i President of the Council, ^'^^^o minted
Mr. B^ESTO?! to act as the Chtqf Judge,
S Jameb Cochrane, Esq. «j Assistant
l^udgtoftkeSupremeCourt, Thereturnof
HisErcellmcyi the Governor to St. jfoAns,
on the lUh August, 1828, pi*« an end to this
Trrangement ; and Mr. Tuck^p anrf i^r.
BwENTON immediately reverted to their res-
pective offices of Chief Judge and Assistant
i \- '.,1 >.. i
.U.M. I'J.TJvVif/ /A'iU\, .:vui-.
. • . i »1 it A
;-« ?
me Cowl (in
had been re-
mted in that
; 1827, when,
Mr, Tucker,
who appointed
as Assistant
The return of
to St. John's,
i cm end to this
3KEP and Mr.
dio their res-
and Assistant
From the Year 1823, to the Year 1828.
Hunters & Co., appellants,
Hernaman & Howard, respondents.
HIS case came on upon appeal from the
Surrogate Court at St. John's ; and Simms,
for the appellants, stated, that Hunters Sf
Co. had been the suppliers to one M'Pher-
son, a planter, and had supplied him in
October, 1820, with articles to a large amount,
on account oi the fishery for 1821. That
Hunters Sf Co. had received from M*Pher-'
son a small quantity of oil on account of
these supplies, which had been sold for
£26 7^. 5d., and that the respondents, who
had furnished 3I*Pherson with the rest of
his supplies for the year 1821, had brought
an action against Hunters ^' Ca. in the Sur-
rogate Court, and obtained a judgment
May 12tk, 1823.
The Suprema
Court has no power
to entertain ap-
peals from jadg-
meats in the Sur-
rogate Courts for
sums not exceed*
ing forty pounds.
But the Snpreme
Court has autho-
rily to issue the
writ of habeas cor-,
pus, and all other
prerogaiire writs.
Hunters & Co
Hbrnaman &
against them for the proceeds of the said
oil. The question, therefore, for the Court
to decide was, simply, whether //?wVr5 4 Co.
were not, in point of fact, the suppliers of
M'Pherson for the year 1821, and, as such,
entitled to retain the sum in dispute in part-
payment of 3I'P/tcrson's debt to them ?
On the part of the respondents, Uayicard
objected, in the first place, to the Jurisdic-
Hon of the Cow t, which, as he contended,
could not receive an appeal from the Surro-
gate Court unless the amount of the judg-
ment appealed from exceeded forty pounds :
and in support of this objection, he referred
to the 5th section of the 49th Geo. 111. c. 27,
and to an opinion of the law-officers of the
Crown, upon the extent of the jurisdiction
of this Court, which had been entered, by the
direction of the late Chief Justice, in the re-
cords of the Supreme Court. But even if
♦he Court possessed jurisdiction in this case,
he further insisted that it was bound to affirm
the judgment of the Court below, upon the
real merits of the case ; for that Hunters ^
Co. were so far from considering themselves
as the suppliers of M'Phfrson for the year
1821, that they had actually defended them-
selves from an action brought against them
in that character, by pleading that they had
ceased to be the suppliers of M'Pherson
since 1820. They were, therefore, now es-
topped by such plea from contradicting that
in reply to the objection to the jurisdic-
tion of the Court, Simms observed, that Air.
Forbes had always considered the provi-
sions of the 49th Geo. HI., c. 27, with
regard to appeals, as merely cumulative;
and had uniformly held that this Court
possessed, at eommon law, appellate juris-
diction in all civil actions whatever, decided
Beds of the said
'e, for the Court
ler Hungers 4 Co.
the suppliers of
21, and, as such,
dispute in part-
bt to them ?
dents, U ay ward
to the jurisdic'
> he contended,
from the Surro-
mt of thejudg-
'd forty pounds :
tion, he referred
Geo. 111. C.27,
^officers of the
the jurisdiction
1 entered, by the
tstice, in the re-
t. But even if
tion in this case,
3 bound to affirm
below, upon the
that Hunters Sf
Ting themselves
son for the year
defended them*
it against them
ig that they had
I of M'Pherson
jrefore, now es-
intradicting that
to the jurisdic-
served, that Mr.
Bred the provi-
I., c. 27, with
ely cumulative;
hat this Court
appellate juriS'
latever^ decided
in tlic Surrogate Courts; and with reference
to the estoppel, it was urged by Shnms that
the plea alluded to by Mr. Haytvard was fded
in au action between diflerent parties, and
could not, therefore, have any operation, or
force, in the determination of the present suit.
The Chief Justice said, that as the plea to
the jurisdiction involved a point of great
difficulty, as well as interest, he should take
some time to consider it ; and on the 29tli
of the same month, His Honour delivered
the following judgment : —
If this appeal were to be decided upon the
real merits of the case which has given rise
to it, the attention of the Court would be
confined to a single point, viz., whether that
priority of payment, and that lien upon the
produce of the fisheries, which the 49th of
the late King, and the usage of this colony,
have secured to the "current supplier,"
can be claimed by a merchant who had fur-
nished a •• planter," about the close of one
season, with a number of supplies intended
for the use of the following one ; and the
long train of able and elaborate decisions
which have been delivered by the late Chief
Justice upon every branch of the subject
connected with this question, would most
probably have enabled me to settle it by the
application to it of those principles which
have been uniformly recognized and acte^
upon by him. But, upon the part of the
respondents, an objection has been taken,
in limine^ to the jurisdiction of this Court;
the judgment appealed from not exceeding
£40, and the power of the Supreme Court tp
receive appeals from the Surrogate Courts
being, as they contend, confined, by i\ii^
49th Geo. HI. c. 27, s. 5, to jjjdgn^pnt^
w hich ex-ceed that amount. In orcier, tneret
fore, to exhibit the grouijid? ^pjpn wfii^l^ "^''
Hernaman &
^^^^^..^.^^ objection rests, and to explain the circum-
cle ermine the validity of it, J shall first de-
Hbrnaman & If l'»f ^[ords of the section above alluded
HowABi,. to, and then advert to the conflictinff eon
stnictions which have been put upon those
words by Chief Justice Forbes, andThe lal
officers of the Crown.
IVow by the 49th of the late Kinff it is
enacted. .♦ That upon any decree or judff!
went given m a Surrogate Court foranvsum
partial"! f\ '■' ^'^" ^' 'awAd ?«'r t^
party aga mst whom such decree or iud-!
inent shall be given, to appeal therefrom to
the Supreme Court, having first given notice
recutV?o7h''S' ^"^' '^^'"« -'-" ^"^"
for wlli ^^^.^''r^;^-^^ in double the sum
tor which such judgment or decree was
king or giving such judgment or decree, for
duly prosecuting such appeal; and upon
l^iLt'c'^rr Jn^^ment^W in theTu
STn ?T^ /T/"^ «"•» exceeding £ioo
such i ' '^^^" ^r '^ P^'-ty ^^^'n^t whom
such decree or judgment shall be given or
Cnf.^: • "" IPP- ^^ therefrom to his Majesty hi
Counal. having first given notice if such
ntention, and having entered into securUy
to be approved by the Chief Justice, in dou^I
ble the sum for which such judgment or
decree^ was given or made, within^two day,
after the givmg or making of such judgment
or decree for duly prosecuting suc:h appeal
shfll h^" • ^'^' of appeal, as soon as Sotice
shall be given and security entered into as
?u k1 . ^^^^^ ^""^ "^e very words of
the 5th section of that Act, and there is „o
another syllable in the whole chapter which
T*~~ZZ^ - ^ - -;" tFuttiuver lo appeals. But
It was the opinion of Mr. Forbes (whose
n the circnm-
callod upon to
sliall first (le-
il>ove alluded
nflicting- con-
it upon those
, and the law
e King it is
scree or judg-
rt for any sum
awful for the
ree or judg-
therefrom to
t given notice
ntered into a
ubie the sum
decree was
ays afr^r ma-
►r decree, for
1; and upon
1 in the Su-
jeding £ioo,
gainst whom
be given or
3 Majesty in
tice of such
ito security,
tice, in dou-
jdgment or
in two days
h judgment
iich appeal;
m as notice
Bred into as
ed, but not
'' words of
there is not
pter which
leais. But
bes (whose
ynasons for that opinion will, by and by, be
reviewed by me with that respect which is
due to his Hplcndid talents,) that, independ-
ently of any statutable enactment, the Su-
preme Court did, and, from its nature and
constitution, of necessity must, possess an
appellate jurisdiction from all the inferior
tribunals of justice in this island ; and that
the 5th section of the 49lh Geo. Jll. was
merely intended to prescribe the mode in
whieh that jurisdiction should be exercised
iuouecase; and, consequently, that it was
not restrictive of the common law powers of
the Court over other cases. Acting upon
this principle, he permitted appeals to be
brought before him from judgments in the
Surrogate Courts of any amount ; but the
propriety of this practice having been ques-
tioned, and doul)ls having also arisen as to the
right assumed ' the Chief Justice of remo-
ving the proceedings of other Courts into the
Supreme Court by writ o{ certiorari, an opi-
nion was obtained (by the (Governor, J be*
lieve,) from the law officers of the Crown,
who certainlv differed from Mr. Forbes on
both points. ^J'his difference did not, how-
ever, destroy the Chief Justice's confidence
in the reasons which had governed his con-
duct ; and in a paper in which those reasons
are explained at great length, and with re-
markable ability, he accordingly requested
that the subject might again be brought un-
der the consideration of the King's law offi-
cers, accompanied by those explanations
from him which would put them fully in
possession of the views he entertained res-
pecting it; and in the meantime he conti-
nued, as 1 am informed, to act as he had
previously done. To this exposition of his
motives no answer appears to have yet been
given by the law officers of the Crown j and
Hf.rnaman &
.1 -^
we cannot, consequently, ascertain what im-
pression It may have made upon them. The
question seems therefore to be still subjndice;
and mstead of being bound by either ofthese
discrepant opinions, 1 am now required to
declare which of them 1 will follow; forun*
til this question shall have been finally de-
termined by competent authority, ! shall feel
myself as much at liberty lo pursue that
course which appears to me to be the proper
one, as if the point had never been raised
upon any former occasion,
Having thus explained the circumstances
under which this case is brought before me,
i shall now give a short statement of the ar-
guments which have been urged by Mr.
Forbes in support of the appellate jurisdic-
tion of this Couri; and afterwards endea-
vour to show why 1 enfertain some doubts
upon one of bis positions, and altoirether
dissent from the other.
Mr. Forbes contends, then, " iotisviribus
suts —first, that if the 49th of the late King
had been wholly silent upon the subject oi
appeals, Ihe Supreme Court of Newfound-
land would have possessed an appellate
jurisdiction exactly similar to that which ia
exercised by the Court of King's Bench : and
secondly, that this power, which it derives
from the common law, is only modified, and
not abolished, by the statute. In support
of the former position, he remarks, that the
right of appeal is one of the privileges which
the subject enjoys by Ihe common law ; and
in confirmation of this doctrine, J would
here observe that, after a very careful re-
search, 1 can only find, among the almost
infinite variety of Courts which exist in
England, a single one of a civil jurisdictipn(a)
(a) The Counfy Court for Middleiex, erested by 23d
Geo. IL, c. 33, ' •
ertain wliat im-
on them. The
either of these
w required to
ollow; forun-*
3n finally de-
ity, I shall feel
pursue that
be the proper
r been raised
bt before me,
ent of the ar-
rged by Mr.
Hate jurisdic-
k'ards endea-
some doubts
d altogether
* totisviribus
he late Kins;
he subject of
f Newfound-
an appellate
hat which is
Bench ; and,
h it derives
edified, and
In support
ks, that the
leges which
n law ; and
e, 1 would
careful re-
: the almost
:h exist in
greeted by 23d
from tht decision of wliich a Writ of Error,
or something in the nature of an appeal,
does not lie to some superior tribunal ; and
in the instance to uhich 1 allude, the judg-
ments of the Court are declared, in the Act
by which it is erected, to be final, in the
most forcible and express terms. Still, how-
ever, it is impossible, upon looking at the
summary proceedings of the Courts in this
island, not to perceive that the principle " in-
is deeply interwoven in the constitution of
them all; and on this account I am hardly
disposed to carry the analogy, in this parti-
cular instance, between the Supreme Court
and the Court of King's Bench, quite so far
as the late Chief Justice : at the same lime
1 confess [ should be afraid to deviate from
his steps, if ray opinion upon the other point
advanced by him was in unison with his;
but as ] cannot, after the most attentive ex-
amination of his arguments, bring myself to
agree with him on that point, i shall freely
state the grounds upon which J am induced
to think, that, whatever appellate jurisdic-
tion this Court might have been entitled to
at common law, in the absence of any legis-
lative enactments in regard to it, the 49th of
Geo. III. has strictly limited and restrained
it to judgments for sums exceeding £40. Now
it has been asserted by Mr Forbes, that the
sole object of the 5th section of the above-
mentioned statute was to enable the Surro-
gate, or Chief Justice, to stay execution upon
judgments in certain cases therein described,
and that appeals may be brought in all other
cases without a stay of execution. In his
opinion, therefore, the provisions of that sec-
tion were absolutely cumulative; and, of
consequence, added to, instead of abridged,
the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
Lit NTERS & Co.
IIp-rnam an &
f ■
i- A
1823. Court. But at common law a writ of error
Ti.,«^ . ^ operates as an immediate supersedeas (b) ; and
Hunters & Co. ,he Courts before which those writs have been
Hbrnaman & »'*«"ffht, have on some occasions declared (c)
Howard. respondents to be in contempt who have
ventured to sue out execution after notice of
an appeal. A stay of execution is, indeed,
a itecessary and inseparable incident to an ap^
peal at common law; and, accordingly, we
find that the legislature has been obliged
to pass several Acts (rf)to enable respondents,
m the particular cases therein specified, to
take out execution upon judgments reco-
vered by them in inferior Courts, unless the
appellants should enter into proper security
to prosecute their appeal, and also to satisfy
and pay, if the judgment should be affirmed,
the damages and costs thereby adjudged,
together with all costs and damages to be
awarded far the delaying of execution. It
seems, then, to be *' luce clarior" that if thi&
Court has a right at common law to receive
appeals upon judgments not exceeding £40„
It niuM also possess at common law a power
to suspend the execution of such judgment
dunng the pendency of the appeal ; but the
section already quoted from the act of the
49th Geo. III. declares that in all cases of
^ appeal, as soon as notice shall be given and
security entered into as aforesaid, execution
shall be stayed, but not otherwise; and, con-
sequently this section has, by necessary im-
plication, taken away any appellate juris*
diction which this Court might, if there had
been no such section, have claimed under
the common law; for this section only re-
quires security to be given where the judg-
es; 1 Venf. 331. 1 Salk. 321. 2 Str. 067.
(c) 1 P. Wnis. 685.
(d) »i'€ 3*1 Jh8. I., c. 8. 3d Car. I.,c. 4. 10th Geo.
II., c. 70 ; and 61si Geo. III. c. 124.
writ of error
sedeas(b); and
^rits have been
ns declared (c)
pt who have
after notice of
on is, indeed,
dent to an ap"
cordingly, we
been obliged
t respondents,
specified, to
gments reco-
ts, unless the
oper security
^Iso to satisfy
I be affirmed^
y adjudged,
mages to be
^ecution. It
■" that if this
w to receive
needing £40„
law a power
ih judgment
eal ; but the
le act of the
all cases of
>e given and
d, execution
'6 ; and, con-
3cessary im-
ellate juris*
if there had
limed under
>n only re-
3 the judg-
4. lOtb Geo.
liient is of a certain amount, and only, per* 1823.
mils a stay of execution where security! bad ^ **^ > ■■■i ^
been given ; and thus it has efiectually de- Huntbks & Cp.
stroyed that property which essentially be-
longs to an appeal at common lavv. In a
few instances the British Parliament has,
as we have seen, abridged the quality which)
by the common law, a writ of error pos-
sess«?s, of working a supersedeas of the judg-^.
ment appealed from^ by compelling the ap-
pellant lu put in bail in error to entitle him-
self to a stay of execution ; but in those,
cases to which this enactment does not
ann'y, the common law rule still; pre-^
"^^^ 'is; and I think J may; ajSrm that an,
.>,.|j<;al which will not entitle ^n appel-
lant to a stay of execution, either condittott'
ally by the statute law, or uncttndilionally by
the common law, is wholly unknown to the
law of England, Upon these grounds,
therefore, I feel myself bound to declare,^
that I have no . authority to ent^tainlhis-
appeal. And here my observations lOn .this
case would naturally, have, fetrminated^ if,
having had occasion in, the :cour8e i;.');.^
. 2dly. ThatthejurisdictiCHioftheSupBeioe
Court would be altogether .imperjfQft^a^d
I «
1 ■
9 '■'
^% ;:
- ■ "• i.
'! '.
jnaatisfrctoi-y unless it possesses tlie power
for which It contends. i "ww
^t^l!/' J^'^^^here is not a word in the
Statute by which this Court was erected,
either directly, or by inference, prohibitory
ot its exercising such a power; whilst, on
the other hapd, its right to do so is clearly
deducible from some of the express provi-
Sims of the Act, as well as from the spirit
which runs through them all.
And under each of these heads 1 shall
adduce such arguments as must, I conceive
prove convincing to every reasonable mind!
In the first place, then, 1 shall, for the
purpose of repelling any charge of inconsist-
ency which may be brought against me for
reasoning, m this instance, upon a supposed
resemblance between the functions of the
Supreme Court anid those of the Court of
Kings Bench, after having expressed my
doubt* whether an analogy obtained between
them-upon another point, content myself
With -obseryjng, that the appellate jurisdic-
tion of the Court of King's Bench is founded
©n^a different principle from the privilege it
highest €purt of common law in the king-
dom, it i», ^cept in asingle case (a) stand-
Jug upon a particular reason, a Court of ap-
peal from all otjier Courts whose proceed-
ings ar« gojreitaed by the rules of the common
law ; jma ihii jnrisdiction is obviously
founded upon tbat^atural Driociple which
connect- an infyrior with k superior; and
renders the acts of the former liable to the
Mvision and control of the latter. Between
thwe Ckwrts and It. there is a sort of natural
ttn 1
les tlie power
word in the
was erected,
e, prohibitory
r; whilst, on
so is clearly
express provi-
)in the spirit
beads ] shall
t, I conceive,
ouable mind,
hall, for the
ainst me for
n a supposed
ctions of the
he Court of
;pressed my
ned between
itenC myself
ite jurisdic-
:h is founded
privilege it
ari. As the
in the king-
se (a) stand-
Court of ap-
se proceed-
the common
s obviously
liple which
perior, and
able to tiie
. Between
rt of natural
its relation
*y from the
law, ig Very
HbunamaN M
different ; for with them it has no other cor- 1828/
cern than to prevent thein from passing those
limits which the common law has assigned
them ; and to enable it to do this, it is ex-
pressly armed with the wrrits of certiorari
and prohibition. Accordingly it was held
by Lord Holt (6), "that wherever a new jn-
** risdiction is erected by act of Parliament,
^ and the Court or. Judge that exercises this
*' jurisdiction acts as a Court or Judge of
" record, according to the cowrie oftheeom'
" mon lavTf a writ of error lies on their judg*
"ments; but where they act in a ^tfmmuiT^f
*' method, or in a new cottrse^ different from
^' the cotnmon law, there an^rit :ol error lies
" not, but a tf^rlHwort.'* It is maliifest, there-
fore^ that the ivrit (^ error istiQi€o>'extensive
with the certiorari ;• aildv cotiseqiuentiy ,: thosfe
restraints wbicb'the40Ui of Geo. IJl. seems
to me to have imposed upon afSpeals, do not
necessarily extend to vftiX^otceHioraari. Ha-
ving shown, then, tipon what' grounds, and
for what purposes, the Court of King's
Bench is clothed with its- high> and tran-
scendent powers, I must next shbv^ thai upon
similar grounds, and for sinular pnrposet,
the Supreme Court oiigbt to possess similar
powers; iind this I shall endeavour tojido,
by showing in what points a- comparison will
hold between thenti. Mow, ai^ the Court of
King'» B^ch is the highest common law
Court in England, so also it must be admit-
ted that the Supreme Court is the highest
Court in Newfoundlftud ; for, without urging
other arguments in support of this proposi-
tion, it is evident, from the use of the word
* Supreme,' which is' a. term of relative sig-
nification, that this Court must be above all
others in this Island.; But, in order in pre-
serve an uniformity of rule^ and t>rac'tice
(6) Salli.263, .; / "*.
Hbrnaman &
.on between thetcuLui t 'un^drXch
mictions shou d lesidp in ih^ « ""^"**'^ J""s-
. precwely the aame footioe as its rl»im *«
"sue any otAer of them. Jf, therefoT ft
of this colony are totally deDriverf nf f? *
protection to personal Iiber?rwhirh ?if*
yet they must go this length if the^dp^v
the Dow^Prnf *h^ a «"Si» II iney deny
A.w •,."„''" "'" «"i'*^»'™e Court to issue it ;
(0 L.b. 3, cap. 7, Fo, 108, «. '
' England, the
I with power,
omnium alia-
;" and 1 think,
it a conipari-
I under which
)n to exercise
Jiove that it is
er to correct
inferior juris-
ipreme Court
icb, since the
must, from
e to commit
§r Courts iu
p my second
the Supreme
feet and un-
8 the power
there is not
i'^es its exis-
s authority
he preroga*
oDf nianda-
u must rest
its claim to
lerefore, it
can issue
at the most
'this Court
ardly pre-
d of that
vhich the
oved by a
'O British
fPus ; and
bey deny
issue it ;
for unless such a power resides in this Court, 1823.
it unquestionably does not exist in this Is- ^ ■■* v ' " ^.^
laud. Lame, imperfect, and most unsatis- Hunters & Co.
factory, therefore, must the jurisdiction
of the Supreme Court be, if it cannot issue
the writ of certiorari ; since the same argu-
ment which takes from it the power to do
so, must, *• if trusted home," likewise strip
it of every claim to issue the writ of habeas
corpus ; and thus place more than
SIXTY thousand BrITISB subjects BE;-
PERSONAL LIBERTY (). With out meaning,
then, to push the *' argumenlum ah inconveni-
enti " pnything like so far as my Lord Coke^
who asserts tliat(c) nihil quod est incon-
VENiENs, est licitum; and, cconrerso, that
whatever is convenient is also lawful, I think
1 may fairly assume that nothing less than
f their pro-
for Uie pur-
a sufficient
ng from the
? But the
13th section-
e; for th&t
uthority to,
py Court in.
xception of
Qd, surely, \
►art to eh-
'TtnSi since
and absur^
of settling
not strictly
Courts for
whose use they were contrived : nnd yet it
is apparent that they never can be thus bind^
ing and obligatory upon them, if their pro^*
ceedings are not subject to the inspection
and control of the Chief Justice. Moat ful-
ly convinced, therefore, that the power to
issue prerogative writs is vested in this Court,
I shall exercise this powei', without hesita-
tion, whenever a sufficient cause is shown to
me for my doing so, until 1 shall be posi-
tively enjoined, by a competent authority, to
desist from doing it : and 1 shall adhere to
this determination with invincible resolution
and constancy, because the decision 1 have
formed upon the other point of jurisdiction,
in opposition to the practice, and to the
powerful reasoning in support of that prac-
tice, of my predecessor in office, has satis-
fied myself, as I trust it also must every im"
partial person, that in the investigation of this
question, my mind has been wholly free
ivom any wish, or desire, to fetretch the ju-
risdiction of this Court the smallest point
beyond its due and legal limits.
Hunters & Co., appellants,
Trustees of John Langdon, respondents.
JL HE appellants had furnished John Lang-
don with supplies for the ftsheries, to the
amount of ^27 155. Orf., ^Xuch Langdon had
made over to the owner of a schooner fitted
out by him for the seal-Jishery ; and the ap-
pellants had brought their action in the
Court below against the trustees o{ Langdon
for this 9um, upon the ground that thev
were entitled, in the settlement of LangdmU
estate, to a preference as current ^uppli^s*
Hernamah 8c
May \2ik.
The Surroeata
Courl deoided.that
the law of current-
«upp/y does Dot ex-
lend lo a general
trader', and that
c. 27, is not appli^
cable to tha iealn
'I •
Hunters & Co.
Trutteei of John
Jiidgment lm
much depreciated (a); and that the vahie of
bulhon, as measured hy this depreciated
medium, experienced a correspond itij? in-
crease. Indeed, the rise m the price of the
precious metals was even in a hiifher piopor-
tion than that of other commodities, owing
to the immense exportations of gold and
silver which were annually made to the
Continent for the supjort of our large armies
on the peninsula of ijpain ; and thus a dif-
ference of from 25 to 30 per cent, for some
time prevailed between the mint-price and
the market-price v( bullion. In this state of
thing.^ it is obvious to observe, that the ex-
change upon England could not be prevented
from falling considerably below par, since
remittances might be made in cash, and a
profit of nearly 20 percent, secured thereon,
after deducting all the expenses of its transit.
From a laudable desire, however, on the
part of the officers of government, connect-
ed with the department of finance, to check
this discount upon their bills as far as they
possibly could, and at the same time, from
their not attending with suflicient judgment
(a) Many perioni find a diflBcuIty in understanding how
a paper'inedium can be depreciated, through any other
cause than a doubt of the aolwncy of the Government, or
Company, by which it was iasued ; but it is, nevertheless,
perfectly true, Ihat it nay be depreciated by excess in the
isaiie of ij, where llie most unbounded confidence exists in
the solvency oft/ie body by which it was circulated. Thus
it may be stated as a proposition, so plain and incantro-
vertible that it may be considered almost an axiom, Ihat
the value of the circulating medium will always vary di-
rtctly as (be quantity of commodities to be bartered for if,
and inversely as the quantity of such circulating medium.
If, therefore, the latter increase, whilst the former re-
mains constant ; or if the latter increase in a higher ratio
than the former, itie valiin nf the circu!atin» medium
must necessarily decrease. And such was, in reality, the
ms« during the operation of the Bank Restriction Act.
hecame very
t tile value of
i depreciated
ispondinfj in-
e price of the
igher propor-
kdities, owing
of gold and
made to the
r large armies
d thus a dif-
ent. for some
lint-price and
1 this state of
, that the ex-
. be prevented
iw par, since
Q cash, and a
ured thereon,
\ of its transit.
:ver, on the
mt, connect-
ice, to check
\ far as they
ne time, from
3nt judgment
adflritanding how
trough any other
e Oovemment, or
i, is, nevertheless,
J by excess io the
nfidence exists in
irculaled. Thus
in and inoantro-
\ an axiom, that
always vary
a bartered for it,
sulaiing medium.
the former re-
in a higher ratio
•iilntino mofliiins
,s, in reality, the
Bstrictioo Act.
lo the causes which regulate their value,
Ihey frecjiicntly declined to negotiate them,
except upon such terms as runtlered it more
advantageous to the party applying for them
to make a remittance in specie : and this ha-
ving been accordingly done in many instan-
ces, the want of •* sufficient circulating
medium soon bccirno s nsihiy felt in most
of the colonies. To reii-^dy this inconve-
nience, different «^',Vi edici/s were resorted
to by them. In so ic, "-rc-ourse was had to
a paper medium, the authority of an
Act of the Colonial Legislature: but, as no
such measure could be adopted here, it was
deemed advisable, in the year 1811, to raise
the value of the dollar (the only coin in cir-
culation) to nearly the same standard to
which silver had r 55. in pay*
at home, as
i incurred in
the arrival of
to pay our
e directors of
tely began to
, in the anti<
rraents; and
m thus rcdu-
iplete change
Lances which
crease to the
y. Anxious,
lie effect may
: cause which
a great num-
1 the hope of
cehad gene-
her to ailow^
at bs. each,
lich the debt
as to require
sterling mo-
lage of such
)t obtain tlie
ountry than
% have sup-
of the pecu-
n furnished
iemed it one
>f which itia
' JUS." But
uniform rule
s appear to
i contradic-
One stoutly
intof adebt
I Newfoundland
I of auif description ; and tells us tirat it has
I been his invariable practice to do so. Ano-
f ther insists upon the same right and the
same practice ; but admits that the masters
II of ships from England have sometimes re^
f luctantly consented to accept of payment in
dollars at that rate, after some altercation
upon the subject. A third considers the
question open to great doubt; and has,
therefore, in his dealings always endeavoured
to prevent litigation, by inserting in his con-
tracts a special stipulation relative to the
value of the dollar. And a fourth contends,
that there is no ground whatever for believ-
ing that a debt contracted in British sterling
can be discharged by dollars at 5*. each.
There is, mfact, almost "suus cuique mos."
if, indeed, a question of this sort could be
settled by a majoiitij, there would, 1 appre-
hend, be a considerable one in favour of the
doctnne of iha first class ; but it is a sound
maxim, that "multitudo errantium non
PARiT ERRORi PATRociNiuM ^ " and it is
also a settled rule of law, that incowsu^cwt
customs mutually destroy each other {h). I
am, thcrcrore, quite satisfied that there is
no existing usage in regard to the subfect-
matter of this action, which ought to influ-
ence my judgment in the determination of
It. J\or can the slightest use be made of
the Governor's proclamation in the settle-
ment of this question. As " Arbiter of
Commerce,'' the King may, by his proclama-
tion, legitimate foreign coin, apd make it
current in any part of his dominions ; de-
clanng at what value it shall be taken in
payments. But Sir William Blaclcstone con-
ceives (c) (and 1 think mostjustly) that this
ought to be done by compatison with the
(b) Black. Com. Vol. l. p, 78,
(c) iBt Com, p. 278.
1 1
^ i
! ■■
n •
ii.\ %
G. & W« Gadbn.
Standard of our otvn coin ; and that otliervvisd
the consent of Parliament would be neces"
sary. Sir Matthew Hale, however, is of
opinion (rf) that the King may, by virtue of
his prerogative, debase or enhance the value
of the coin below or above its sterling value ;
and refers to a case wherein it was deter-
mined, upon great consideration, that a
tender in base money, which Queen Eliza-*
betli, by her proclamation, had ordered to
pass current in Ireland, was legal. It seems,
therefore, not to be clearly settled what are
the precise limits of the royal prerogative
upon ithis point ; and, conse(]|uently, if the
King's representative in this island had ta-
ken upon himself to order, by proclamation,
that the dollar should be circulated for 5*.
sterling, it would, perhaps, have become a
nice question for me to decide upon the va-
lidity of it ; since such eminent characters
as Sir Matthew Hale and Sir fFilliam Black-
stone have advanced opposite opinions upon
it. But, fortunately, that question cannot
be raised in this case; for the Governor's
proclamation respecting the ^ alue of the
dollar is purely r«commew(/r/ or^, and does
not in any shape assume to prescribe a po-
sitive rule in regard to it. The greatest
force that could attach to this proclamation,
would be to sanction, by the concurrence of
the Crown, an alteration in the value of the
dollar, if the inhabitants would consent to
make such an alteration ; and we are thus
brought back to the question, how far such
an alteration has been made ? And this can-
not, as 1 have already shown, be determined
by any usage, orcustom, uniformly adopted,
and uninterruptedly acted upon, by all the
members of the community.— 1 must also
here take occasion to remark^ that i cauuot
(d) 1 Hal. P. C. 184.
lat otherwisd
lid be neces"
wever, is of
by virtue of
nee the value
;erling value ;
it was deter-
Lion, that a
Queen Eliza*
I ordered to
al. It seems,
Lied what are
il prerogative
Liently, if the
sland had ta-
ulated for 5*.
.ye become a
upon the va-
nt characters
illiam Black-
pinions upon
estion cannot
e Governor's
value of the
iry, and does
sscribe a po-
The greatest
)ncurrence of
3 value of the
d consent to
we are thus
how far such
\nd this can-
)e determined
mly adopted,
on, by all the
-1 must also
thut I caiiuot
discover, by the records of this Court, that
there has ever been a direct adjudication up-
on this point by the late Chief Justice ; though
I believe it was incidentally raised in seve-
ral of the cases (e) which were decided by
him ; and from what 1 can collect from those
cases, 1 have reason to think that his view
of this subject very much corresponds with
ray own. 1 confess, then, I do not see by
what right, " or colour like to right," the
defendants in this action can insist upon
the plaintiff's accepting of dollars at 5s.
each, in payment of a demand upon (hem
for freight which they have covenanted to
pay in British sterling. They may tell him,
it is true, that the people of Newfoundland
have agreed to circulate the dollar at that
rate ; but to this it might possibly be a suf>
ficient answer for the plaintiff,- that he was
not a party to such an agreement-—" Non
HJEC IN F^DEBA VENi.''— But, admitting
that the people of this country could, by
general consent, and with the approbation
of the Governor, have raised the value of
the dollar to 5s. in such a manner as to make
it current at thatrate in all transactions iv/iat^
ever, slill the defendants could not derive
any benefit even from this admission, be-
cause tliere is not, as 1 have before demon-
strated, any existing usage, or custom,
founded upon such agreement, which can
be applied to the determination of this
question. The tender of payment which
was made by the defendants being therefore
not a legal one, it follows that judgment
must be entered for the plaintiff. Lest,
bowrver, it should be erroneously supposed,
that the principle upon which ] have decided
this action will be extended by me to con-
(e) I alludn to Stewart v. Ilutchingi-Cookesley j.
MUchell~mii Uait ^ liobimon r. A. If, Carter.
G.& W.Gaobn.
m I
tl,t' ' *■
O. & W. Gadbn.
tracts entered into between parties who all
reside in this Island, it will be proper that 1
should give some explanation of my opinion
and intentions upon this point. ?jow it is
conceded, on all sides, that for several years
past the dollar has obtained a currency (/) in
this place for 5s. ; and that such is always
understood to be its value in all the ordinary
transactions of life. — When the butcher tells
me that beef is a shilling a pound, his mean-
ing always is, that 1 may have five pounds
for a dollar ; and when the merchant sella
me a cask of wine for £30, he has not the
most , distant idea that he is asking more-
than two hundred dollars for it. Nay, fur-
ther, many salaries which were formerly paid
in sterling money, are now paid in what I
must call the currency of Newfoundland. In
a word, there is not a contract entered into
here, in which there is not an implied under-
dfanding between the parties to it that any
debt arising out of it may be discharged by
a payment in dollars at 5s. each. The
practice, itself, I have already traced to its
original source ; and shown that its exist-
ence ia derived from that want of a circula-
ting medium which has at one time or other
induced most of the colonies to attempt to
prevent the exportation of their coin, by ei-
ther reducing the weight, or enhancing the
(f) WhoD the sereral colonial legislatures first altered'
the value of their coins, they uudoublediy thought that the
alterations prescribed by th . ti rr.jld (•« real, and not nO'
minal, ones. They soon found, bor^ever, that tbeir poweir
extended no further than to maku those coins pass current
at a higher nominal value ia the particulsK c««untrie3.
which were subject (o their laws ; and that in all trans*
actions bet?*een them and the parent kingdom, no chango
whatever look place in the value of the coin. Every-
coin bad, therefore, two falues, a steilintf and a current
one: and I think that the same edect has been nroduccd
in Newfoundland, with respect to the dollar at least, by
the inhabitants cuusenting to circulate- it for 5s,
arties who all
proper that 1
of my opinion
?^ow it is
•several years
mrrency (J) in
ich is always
the ordinary
butcher tells
nd, his mean-
five pounds
merchant sells
has not the
asking more-
t. Nay, fur-
formerly paid
d in what JL
iundland. in
entered into
u plied under-
> it that any
lischarged by
each. The
' traced to its
tat its exist-
ofa circula-
time or other
attempt to
r coin, by ei~
ibaucing the
iturea first altered<
f thought that the
real, and not nO'
, that their power
oios paat current
-ticulat c««aniries-
bat in all trans*
gdom, no chango
lh« coiii. Every.
( and a current
s been nroduccd
lollar at least, by
fur 5s,
hbminal value, of it. The folly and injafe- 1823.
tice of such a proceeding are now pretty V,«*»-v-^te/
generally felt and acknowledged : but when Hany
measures of that sort have beeii once adopt- ^ *•
ed, and acted upon for any length of period, W.Gadbn,'
it becomes very difficult for a community to
get back to the path from whence they
have strayed. Besides, the evil attending
their deviation from it, soon brings about
its own cure ; for though most legislatures
have been weak enough to suppose^ that the
talue of money depends upon them^ and
that they may alter it as they please, yei
their endeavours to do ^o have always pro-
ved abortive. The universal rule is, that
the value of coins, as of all things else, must
ever depend upon the abundance of, and
the demand for, them. In spite, therefore,
of any arbitrary decree to raise the nominal
value of money, its true and intrinsic value,
as measured by this universal rule, will al-
ways remain the same ; for prices will quick-
ly adapt themselves to the new standard;
and the only change which wnJ be produ-
ced by it vtrill thus, after a short period, be-^
fcome merely a change of words and sounds
— ** Vox, et praterea nihiV* At first these
thanges of currency necensarily work some
injustice, by compelling a creditor to take
less ninney in satisfaction of his debt than
he is fairly entitled to ; but upon contracts
subsequently entered into, they have no real
operation whatever. It is manifest, how-
ever, that if we were suddenly to abandon
the now prevailing currency, all those per-
sons Mrho have cqntracted debts under it
would suffer very serious injury ; and «n««
less some Parliamentary enactment, or some
decision by His Majesty in Council, shall
take place upon this subject, 1 shall always
hold, th£^t all contracts entered into in this
fe,.' \
. ' ><{ most Irapuious ina-
«iie apon that aubject.— See ^ 's^» ; a ezeelleat pampblel
fejr Mr. Uuiiduant entitied " Th ■o^^^eatioB." wbieb'con-
Mm niMh vaeful Md highlj L. t <:dre iafonnitioa leift-
ssed for 5ir»
mi iii doH'irH
the only coiti
t no distinc-
nth part than
iind itsetms,
ssirable tliat
f transposing
into British
her colonies
icy diflerent
From the
s, 1 observe,
to consider
to English
nee between
ifferent cir-
the common
rrency and
tainiy, a fal-
of compari*
le computed
in the mar*
I ; which is
[§•) the real
n which ex-
country in
of that in
far, there-
s influenced
s a correct
;en the cur-
as the com'
rioeiples wbiob
llUnillOUB IFM-
>Il«Dt pampblel
I," wbiob eon<
ifoimttioa Nla«
puted excliange is also affected by thereal ex-
«?hange, which is liable to continual fluctua-
tion, the computed exchange ought never to
be taken as the measure of thai difference
wit loutpreviously ascertaining what the state
of the real exchange actually is. But it is not
lor me to suggest a remedy for the many in-
conveniences which grow out of the crude
and anomalous condition of our currency (k)
My province, I am sensible, is «* Jus dicere
BT NON JUS DARE :" and I trust I am one of
the last men upon earth to usurp an office
that does not properly belong to me. Con-
ceiving, however, that it may be useful that
my sentiments upon this important subject
should be generally known, and perfectly
understood, I have investigated it with the
closest attention ; and in the hope of pre-
venting litigation by an early publication
of the rules by which 1 shall henceforth be
guided in the determination of all questions
which may arise out of it, 1 shall now ar-
range those questions under four geiferal
beads, or divisions ; and concisely state the
nile^which appears to Ue applicable to each
of them.
1st. Where contracts are formed, or a debt
m any way accrues, in Great Britain, the
presumption seems to be, that the parties
(A) ^mong ihe evila aUending ibe present state of onr
ourwocy. I oanoot forbear to notice the want whirhL I
«t a dollar. Tbat bv ebitl n&B of thp nam Pn»i:.k •
•bould b. gi.en in e.chaagifor . doH.rT wbfc^dor"*!
oonlala nine^ientk, of tbe .iker rbat .hey 50^0 one , .hi;?
can suppose : and it is even less rrohablo thai fi.« « "''•
qf a doJIa. (wbicb contain ratbef 3l^|„r h '%^""'"»
.hillings) Should be given in exXngT 'ooel'lS*
f he necessary consequence. Ihereforef of „ot rlf.ijf thl
value of lhe/rac/ion«/ parti of ibe dollar in the til/
jiortim foUh t/ie dollar; v,uB lo dHve those yricLlT^"'
out of ih»«n.m.r- . .„j .._! J . ,"■* TMHonal parts
"' ' """ «"Jc»3 iiieir place bad been '■•m
S!m .3^ 'T* 'P""""* "«•-'>"' «f •»•« old S-!"'^:
would bav. been very difficult, and almost neitSiJ
possible, to procure cbaoge for a dollar "'
1 1
G. & W. OADBlf.
must have understood that payment was tq
be made in Sritish sterling. I shall, there-
fore, by 2i generalintendmentoflaWtQOimi\QV
this as forming an essential part of all such
contracts; and shall, consequently, hold,
that they cannot be discharged by payments
in dollars at bs. a-piece. And, a multo for-
tiori, that a payment of that description can-
not be a«legal satisfaction of a contract in
which, ex abundanti cauteld, the parties have
inserted an express stipulation for payment
in British sterling.
2dly. By an agreement— carprcj* on the
part oC those persons who signed it, and
implied on the part of the other members of
the community, by their acquiescence in it
for nearly twelve years past — the dollar has
obtained a general currency in this island
for bs. In all transactions and dealings,
therefore, which are wholly confined to
Newfoundland, I shall enforce this general
agreement as strictly as if the parties bad,
in each particular case, covenanted to ac-
cept of payment in dollars at that rate.
3dly. All debts which may be contracted
between the inhabitants of this island, and
of those countries (for example, Canada and
Nova Scotia) where the dollar also passes
for &s.f may be satisfied by payments in
dollars at that rate ; unless there be any
circumstance attending the transaction out
of which the debt arose, from which it may
be fairly inferred,^ that the parties intended
that payiqent should be made in British
sterling. ,
4thly. In our intercourse with those coun-
tries which have a currency of their own,
different from British sterling, and also dif-
ferent from the Newfoundland currency (t),
(t) By ao tct of the New Brunswick legislature (be
nominal value of tba dollar Aoi lately been raised to 5s. 4U,
in that prwince HI
" I
Lt was tq
II, there-
all such
y, hold,
tion can-
ntract in
ties have
' on the
I it, and
mbers of
mce in it
ollar has
lis island
fined to
s general
ties bad,
j to ac-
and, and
lada and
io passes
ments in
be any
ction out
;h it may
I British
we must adopt the principle, ** quam legem
exteri nobis posuere, eandem illis ponemus ;'*
and admit evidence of what their practice
is respecting the payment of debts growing
out of contracts which have their inceptiou
here, and their completion in any of those
countries. Thus, if freight, for instance,
from Newfoundland, is paid by them in their
currency, freight from thence to Newfound-
land will also be paid by us in our currency j
but if it has, by the course of trade, been
generally settled in British sterling, the same
custom will also be observed by us.
In framing these rules for my future
guidance, 1 have been obliged, in the absence
of any municipal law to regulate our cur-
rency, and of any judicial precedent to de-
termine how far custom has supplied the
place of such a law, to resort to principles of
natural equity ; and 1 cannot close my ob-
servations upon this most interesting sub-
ject, without expressing my unfpigned diffi-
dence in the powers of my mind to grapple
with a question of such vast magnitude, and
accompanied with circumstances of such
singular difficulty. Under the strong im-
pression of this feeling, I shall, therefore,
earnestly recommend any person who may
be dissatisfied with the principle upon which
1 profess to decide it, to avail himself of
the first opportunity of bringing the point,
by an appeal from my judgment, under the
qopsideratioa of his Majesty in Council,
)se conn-
leir own,
also dif-
ency (i),
islature the
d to 5s. 4((,
An eleclioo of
according lo (he
^re^ailing practica
in thia country, is
good : aDdchiircli"
wardens so elected,
have a right to r«>
move from the
church any arli-
tides they may
deem injurious to
its appearance, or
offensire lo the
members of the
William Nevfman a(r,nnst The ChurcA-
Jj 111!) several points whfch arose in this
case are stated, and tlic law applicable to
them explained, by the Chief Justice, in the
following: judgment :—
Per Curiam. The only question for the
Cowt to decide in this case is, whether the
defendants were authorized, as Church-
wardens, to remove from the plaintiff's pew
certain curtains and other fixtures which
they peem to have considered injurious to
the general appearance of the church, and
offensive to some of the nieuibers of the
congregation I In the course of the trial an
attempt was, indeed, made to show ,ir\t the
defendaats bad not been electtd Clmrch-
wardencft^cordi^ig fo nil the forms aud solem-
nities required by law ; but 1 Hien expressed a
strong opinion that it was rfuite sufficient, in
an action of this nature, for the defendants
tj prove that they had acted as Churchy-
wardens, and been acknowledged as such
by the community at large. Upon this
point, the ase oi Baryman v. Wise, 4T.R.
306, is quite conclusive; for thore Mr. Ji»a-
tice Bullev h reported to have said, that
"in the cas*' of all peace-oflir rs, justices o£
*• the > ac constables, ''.c. it was sufficient
**to \ av« hat they actnd in thosr charac-
** ters,. v'ithoiit producing * heir appointments
**(and that even in the case of »nMr
Ill 1
church, we must perceivf that the oath beiilj;
intended lor the benelit of the church, and the
right to administer it being conceded to il
n.-. an irtdulgence, the church is at liberty trt
wave this privilege .upon the principle •' gu is-
TRODUCTo ; and that, consequently, an oath
of that nature cannot be deemed essenfially
necessary to the validity of the appointment of
aChurch-wardtn ihthis country. Thecttect
of the plaintiff's argument throughout, is to
prove too much : for he contcndn for a con-
formity, *• in omnibus,"' between the usages
of Etigland and of this country ; forgetting
that if the church here were really clothed
with the same charncter, and invested with
the same rights, which it enjoys in England,
he would be liable to the payment of tithes,
Easter-ofl'erings.and other ecclesiastical dues
wiiich are^ unquestionably, of far greater va-
lue to the church than her privilege of com-
pelling Church -wardens to take an oath for
iho faithful execution of their office. But
wc are taught by reason anrl good senses as
well as by act of Parliament (rf), that the law
of England is the law of Newfoundlandi so
far, only, as it can be applied to the situa-
tion and circumstances of this colony ; and
the slightest attention to its present situation
and circumstances, must convince us that a
very small portion indeed of those parts of
the canon law, which, by long custom ^ have
been incorj,.. rated into the laws of England,
Are capable of being carried into operation
here. The utmost, therefore, that can be
insisted on bv the most rigid stickler for
form, is, that t At usages should conform to
those of the mother-country as closelu as air-
tumstanceswillpmnit: and trying the prac«
tice which has prevailed here, in regard io
(d) 40lb Geo. 111., o. ^/, s. I*
le oatti bciilj:^
arch, ami the
needed to it
9 at liberty to
intly, an oatli
n\ essentially
ly. ThecHcct
oughout, is to
id» for a con-
en the usuKes
really clothed
invested with
rs in England,
nent of tithes,
esiastical dues
far greater va-*
irilej^e of com-
ce an oath for
ir office. IJut
ood sense, as
f), that the law
fonndlandj so
to the situa-
colony ; and
esent situation
ince us that a
those parts of
: custom, have'
rs of England*
into operation
B, that can be
pid stickler for
d conform to
i closely as cir-
rying theprac*
in regard io
the appointmontof Church-wardcns, by this
standard 1 can iind no fault at all with it.
Un the contrary, I have observed with much
satisfaction that the practice here seems to
follow as closely as possible, the rule pre-
scribed by the 89lh canon(f') ; and knowing as
J do, that the most important deviations (/)
from that canon will not impugn the validity
ot the election of Church-wardens in Eng-
land, provided there be n custom to warrant
wich departure from it, 1 have no scruple in
pronouncmg the defendants, who were cho-
sen according to the custom which has uni^
formly prevailed in this island, to have been
dtify elected.
Assuming, then, that the defendants were
t^hurch-wardens. properly chosen and ap-
pom ted, It remains to be determined whether
as such, they had authority and power td -
remove the curtains and other articles from
wie plamtira pew in the manner they did.
And I conceive that they clearly did possess
such authority and power. That the own-
ers of pews have not an absolute, but onlv
a qualified, right to them ; and that th4
cannot, consequently, make any alteration
»n them which has the remotest tendency to
injure the appearance of the church, or to
annoy any member of the congregation, is
a position too plain to admit of an argument-
. but from this proposition it follows, as a
corollary, that a power must be lod«»ed
somewhere to determine what alterations
are injurious to the appearance of the
church ; and by the law of England (s') such
a power is placed in the hands of the Church-
(e) Se« Ca«e»T. £aru)ici&,1 Sir. 145.
"Lo-rdofihe Manor "'" -—'«»''»«<«««-. o, by i^
(Sr) Burns'B Eccles. Uw, vol. 1, p. 386* ' i> i * ?
The Ciii)RcH«
nu \i
The Church-
wardens, who may, with the consent of the
parson, pull clown anything which has been
erected in the church by an individual with-
out due license. 1 apprehend, therefore,
that the proceeding complained of hardly
needed the sanction of a vestry reeolntion,
though that certainly gives additional force
to it. And, with respect to the objection
which has b^en urged against the notice by
which the meeting of the vestry was called^
1 shall only remark, that as the use of a
notice is to apprize interested parlies of the
subjects which will be brought under the
consideration of the vestry, in order that
they may appear to defend their rights,
a defect in the form of the notice must
necessarily be aided by the appearance of
the party '; and, consequently, that as the
2)laintijf'was actually present at the meeting
in question, he cannot have sustained any
prejudice from a defect in the form of the
notice by which it was convened.
A power to remove any fixtures placed in
the church by an individual, being thus, an I
conceive, vested in the Church-wardens— at
any rate, in the Church-wardens and vestry
-^it is not for this Court to say whether or
not they have exercised this power with
discretion ; because 1 have no legal rule by
which to measure their conduct ; and, in the
absence of such a rule, 1 am aware that my
[opinion upon it is not entitled to any par-
ticular regard. In justice to the defendants,
however, 1 must add, that they do not ap-
pear to me to have been influenced by those
hostile and vindictive feelings towards the
plaintiff which he is disposed to ascribe
their conduct to: and 1 am p -suaded they
will readily restore the curtains and other
(A) Qanw. if thi plaintiff's properly in tbeiu be extin-
gjuiehed or ool.-nd express
ies; and he
the former
ress aa the
cner of the
other li^ht
; to which
y an acces"
which prC'
hes of sup-
I do, with
subject, I
nity to it,
ly entitled
effects of
r; and I
of decla-
been the
' question
at of ray
nh which
ith regard
lives and
he great-
t ever be
liar con-
s existed
lie other
; and to
ascribe that spirit of litigation which has
been so remarkably prevalent among the
members of this community. It is obvious-
ly, therefore, of greater inif)ortance to the
peace and happiness of any countrv that
its laws should be clearly dejined, than that
they should possess superior excellence ; since
men may enjoy tranquillity and security
under a code of laws by no" means perfect;
whereas they never can be quiet and secure
where the laws are obscure and liable to
arbitrary changes. In other words, it is of
much 1. i^s consequence what the rule is upon
any giv^n subject, than that there should be
some fixed and settled rule in regard to it.
But it is evident that this certainty, so desi-
rable and so necessary, can never be attain-
ed if judges allow themselves to think that
they are not strictly bound by the solemn
determinations of those judges who have
preceded them ; for if the decisions of a
judge may be over-ruled and overturned by
his successor, a new rule may be introduced
by every new judge ; and thus variety would
usurp the place of certainty in our system of
jurisprudent^ By authorizing tile Chief
Justice of I vfoundland to decide how far
the laws of England can be applied to that
anonialons state of things which exists in
this island, the Imperial Parliament has in-
vested him with a larger share of power than
IS, perhaps, delegated to the Chief Magis-
trate of any other British colony; and, hap-
pily for the iriterests of this countrv, that
power was lately committed to a man whose
incorruptible integrity, firm independence,
indefatigable industry, acute genius, and
sound learning, eminently qualif-ed him for
the discharge of the arduous and important
questions depending upon local usage have
been already determined ; and wherever 1
find that a point has been exprf.ssly decided
by him, J shall feel myself imperatively
bound by his decision upon it. Nor do 1
apprehend that his reasoning can often fail
to convince me of the propriety of his opi-
nions ; but should this ever happen in any
case, 1 shall still conform my judgment to
his decision ; taking care, at the same time,
to state freely the grounds upon which I
venture to differ from him ; in ord • that
the party against whom 1 shall consider my-
self obliged to give judgment, may, if he
thmks fit to act upon ray view of his case,
appeal to His Majesty in Council; by whom
alone, as 1 conceive, such decision, if erro-
neous, can be reversed. And until it shall
have been so reversed, it will be regarded by
me as a rule from which, though 1 may dis-
approve of it, 1 shall not consider myself by
any means at liberty to depart,—" Lapis
adhering rigidly to this line of conduct, 1
trust I shall accelerate the arrival of the pe-
riod when the laws of Newfoundland will
be as clearly ascertained, as well under-
stood, and as satisfactorily administered, as
those of the other parts of the empire ; and
that I shall have the gratification to see the
spirit of litigation decline, as persons daily
become better acquainted with the nature
and extent of their respective legal liabilities,
and rights.
ij ■ r
iiiiatlii "nil iiirtiirifi
I wherever I
issly decided
t. Nor do 1
:an often fail
' of his opi-
ippen in any
judgment to
e same time,
ion which I
I ord ■ that
[consider my-
may, if he
' of his case,
:il; by whom
ion, iferro-
intii it shall
regarded by
I I may dis-
2r myself by
t, — " Lapis
NDUs." By
conduct, 1
\\ of the pe-
ndland will
^tll under-
nistered, as
npire ; and
L to see the
rsons daily
the nature
al liabilitie&
Ji HE liability of Government property in
this town to assessment, under the 1st Geo.
IV., c. 51, is the question submitted to the
consideration of the Chief Justice by the
following memorial: —
To the Hon. Richard A. Tucker,
Chief Justice of the Island of
Newfoundland, Sfc. ^c. 4'c.
The Memorial of the Appraisers under the
Act of the 1st Geo. IV., c. 51, for the
rebuilding the town of St. John's, and for
indemnifying persons giving up ground for
that purpose,
That your memorialists were duly appoint-
ed Appraisers under the said Act; "that in
conformity with such appointment they pro-
ceeded to value all the property within the
limitsof the said town ; in the doing of which,
your memorialists had some doubts M-hat
were the limits of the said town of St.
John's ; and, also, whether Fort William,
Fort Townshend, and other buildings be-
longing to Government, came within the
meaning of the said Act; and in order to
remove such doubts, they made application
to Mr. Forbes, the late Chief Justice, for his
opinion and interpretation of the said Act,
who gave tli^MTi his opinion: That the town
of St. Joh'A s was defined and laid down in
a plan to b-; tound at Government-house,
and design). it( J "A Plan of the Town of
Saint John's '■' by the Act of 51st Geo. IIJ.,
cap, 4>; and that as the Act was framed
for the express purpose of arresting the pro-
gress cf fire in future, that the Government
buildings were cqaaily protected with other
June \Qth,
Government pro«
perty in St. John'*
—,, a barrack
—is nut liable to
asseasment under
the l9t Geo. IV.,
cap. 51.
'riie general rule
that the King is
not bound by Acts
of Pnrlianient, un-
less he be parliciu
larly named there-
in, IS open to some
exceptions ; for if
the Act he pro»
fesseUly made for
the remeil!/ of some
f)ri:at public evil,
the advancement of
religion, the encou^
ragcmcnt of learn'
ing, or the support
of the poor; if will
bind tho King,
though he be not
named in it, 'if it
does 710/ trench
upon any of his
established prero"
gativcs, or directly
tend in its opcra"^
lion to expose him
to any j)ecuniarif
n Vl 4Vr7'W'I»'.»i»«'' e .. ,
KRS under 4th
©to. III., c. 61*
property by Ihe widening the streets ; and
bv the API.RA13. !^L. ff'^o'.nd SO taken away by an assess-
ment on their property. Government could
not shrink from a tax that was laid on the
snhjectj jjarticularly as they partook of the
protection afforded by the Act.-.Yoiir me-
morialists delivered an account of the as-
sessment on all the Government property lo
Jus lixcellency the Governor, and demand-
ed payment of him. His i^xcellency paid
L'^'i'oon'Vo"'''''! '■'' ^^^ «ssessuient(amounting
to 1229 105. 4d.) on the Government-house!
XVavy-yard at the South-side, the Ships'I
room, and all the public property that he
considered immediately under his direction,
but desired your memorialists to call on the
Officers of the several departments for
the assessment of the property under their
^hai:g«, which tijey have refused to pay.
*our memonalists beg leave to state, that
the garrisons were not valued as fortifica-
tions, but only in their value as houses,
tenements, &c. Your memorialists exhibited
their book of assessment to the Governor,
;«;heri finished, who approved of the same.
Ibat they afterwards laid it before a
public meeting of the said town called for
that purpose, where it was also approved of.
Ihat It was also laid a considerable time
lor inspection aMhe house of Mr. T/tomm,
one of the appraisers, while the public were
invited by advertisement to examine it for
the purpose of ascertaining if their respect^
ive properties w€re correctly recorded in it ♦
many of the proprietors availed themselves
of this opportunity ; others did not, where
but two material objections are made, which
were decided on, and overruled by Mr.
Jf our meraoriali^ts, tlierefore, pray tfa^
he streets ; and
Jnipelled to pay
ly by an assess-
vernment could
was laid on tlie
f partook of tlie
kct. — -Your me-
ount of the as-
lent propnrty lo
, and demand-
Ixcellency paid
le, the Ships*
roperty that he
>• his direction,
i to call on the
jpartments for
ity under their
jfused to pay.
e to state, that
ed as fortifica-
ue as houses,
ilists exhibited
the Governor,
i of the same,
it before a
wn called for
) approved of.
nderable tin>e
Mr. Thomast
e public were
examine it for
their respect-
corded in it;
1 themselves
d not, where
made, which
ded by Mr.
re, pray th«
advice of your honour in the premises; 1?J23.
whether the public buildings in question, so ^ ■- - m . '
assessed by your memorialists for the pro- Case submitted
tection the Government buildings derive ^f •'>« Apphais-
from the widening of the streets (the streets g*' "J^' "** ^'*
having been widened in front of the ordnance- ''°' * °' ^^'
yard, and other public buildings), are sub-
ject and liable to such assessment? or whe-
ther your memorialists must retrace their
steps, and assess the whole town anew, to
make up the deficiency occasioned by the
non-payment of the sums in question ?
Wm. Thomas,
Alex. Haire,
Henry Shea,
Geo. Lilly.
St. John's, 19th June, 1823.
Upon the foregoing memorial, the follow
ing Order was immediately made : —
Let such notice of the application which
has been made to the Courts by the forego-
ing memorial, be given to those officers of
Government who have refused to pay the
several sums of money assessed upon the
public buildings respectively committed to
their charge, as will enable them to justify
(if they shall think proper to do so) their
refusal to pay the same, either by a written
statement of the grounds upon which they
conceive the property of the Crown to be
exempt from the operation of the Act of the
1st Geo. IV., c. 51 J or by personal appearance
in this Court, on Monday the 23d instant,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.
R. A. Tucker.
Supreme Court, 19th June, 1323.
And on this day (the 23d instant) the
Chief Justice
question in these terms :— -
W ■'
Case Bubi))ilted
Ly the AprRAls*
BBS uniibt the lit
Geo. IV., c. 51
In considering the question which has
been proposed to me by the appraisers, ap-
pointed under the Act of the 1st Geo. IV.,
c. 51, for •* the rebuilding of the town of St.
John's, in Newfoundland, and for indemni-
fying pei-sons giving i^p ground for that pur-?
pose," respecting the liability oi Government
property to an assessment under the provi-
sions of that Act, ] have found \i difficult to
repress a wish that I might feel myself aur
th«rized to pronounce that the appraisers
were warranted, by a fair construction of the
Act, in including property of that description
in their rates ; for, in the first place, the
events to which that Act owes its origin were
so afflicting and calamitous to the inhabitants
of this town, that it is impossible not to de-
sire to extend its operation in their favour
as far as possible ; and, independently of the
warp which may thus naturally be produced
upon my feelings, I am always anxious to
concur in opinion with Mr. Forbes, who, i
am told, was quite satisfied that Govern-
ment property was subject whether named therein or not^
provided it does not trench upon any of his
established prerogatives, or directly tend irt
its operation to expose him to any charge^
'J'hus, it has been decided) that the 5th and
6th Edward Vi.) c* 16, which was made for
the prevention of corruption in the buying
and selling of public offices^ is so far binding
upon the King, that he cannot dispense with
the liability which the Act imposes upon
persons convicted of an offence against the
provisions of it (Co. Litt. 234, a. ; 3 Inst. 154.)
So, also, it was solemnly adjudged in Uie
Magdalen College case, that the 13th Eliza-
beth, c. 10, which was intended to promote
the interests of religion, by restraining the
alienation of the property of the church,
does extend to the King (11 Rep. 66.) And
the same rule was recognized in the case of
the King v. the Bishop of Norwich, and
Others, which depended upon the construc-
tion of the 31st Elizabeth^ c. 6, for the pre-
vention of simoniacal presentations to bene-
fices (Cro, Jac. 385.) But in these, as well
as In many other cases which might be
Cited totho aamo purpose, ti";3 statutes un-
der which they arose did no^ infringe any
Case submit'cd
l)y iho Apprais-
RRS under (he let
Geo IV,, c. 31.
IJ ■'
i w
Case Bubmilted
If *
branch of the Royal pieros:ative, nor subject
the Crown to any direct imposition or bur-
by ih. AppRAis- n * \^ ^'"^^ °"'y incidentally and coMaie-
«Rs under the 1*1 ^f'^ ">»' tho King could be affected by
Ceo. IV. c. 61, them; and yet their several objects might
have been completely evaded and defeated,
jMhey had been altogether inoperative npon
him. It was, therefore, most properly de-
termined, that he was bound by, although
not particularly named in, them, i cannot,
however, find a sentence in any book of
law which has fallen under my observation,
that will warrant me in carryingf the excep-
tions to the principle that the King- is not
bound by Acts of Parliament, unless parti-
cularly named therein, a single point beyond
what has been done in the cases ju^t men-
thmed ; but, on the contrary, I perceive,
that wherever a case does not fidl within
any of those exceptions, the general rule is
most strictly observed and maintained. For
example, it is admitted that the King is
exempt from the payment of rates under the
43d Eliz. c. 2 (Nolan's Poor Laws, vol. 1,
p. 65) ; and the reason of this exemption
seems clearly to be, because he is not named
in the Act (Nolan, p. 122). But the 43d of
Eliz. IS, as IS well known, the foundation
and corner-stone of our whole system of
poor laws; and has accordingly received
the most liberal construction for the ad-
vancement of the interest of the poor, which
the judges could possibly give to it. If,
therefore, they could, in aw^ case, have been
induced to depart from the general rule, we
are authorized to believe that this was pre^
cisely the case in which they would have done
it. Let us see, then, since the 43d of Eliz.
and the 1st Geo. IV. are, from the objects
for which thev orovide. pnunllu gntitlc^. /« y.
itoeral tnterpretation, whether there is any
ve, nor subject
ositiun or bur-
ly and oollaie-
be affected by
objects miglit
and defeated,
)perativc upon
t properly de-
i by, although
m. I cannot,
any book of
/ observation,
ngf the excep-
B King is not
unless parti>
point beyond
ises jujvt nien-
^ I perceive,
ot fail witbin
eneral rule is
ntained. For
the King is
ites under the
Laws, vol. 1,
is exemption
is not named
ut the 43d of
le foundation
le system of
gly received
for the ad-
i poor, which
fe to it. If,
•f€, have been
eral rule, we '
Ihis was pre^
lid have done
the objects
pnf.ffjgfl. t{i /;
there is any
EKs undf^r the Ut
Geo, IV., c. 61,
expression, or w ord, in the lallv)', whiHi will 1823.
enable us to push its operation bevond tlu- "^-^mm^^^^m^
limits winch have been assigned by Courts ot Case submitt.J
J^avv to ilie former. Now, the 1st Geo. 1V» ^^ "'« Appraise
directs, that the assessment to be made in ""^ """'"" *'
pursuance thtTeof, " shall be paid nil and
*• every t! ^proprietors of houses, uents»
"lots, and parcels of ground, ig and
" bemg Within the limits of the saiu town of
*' St. John's ; " and the 43d of Eliz. enjoins
the overseers *• to raise weekly, or other-
*' wise, by taxation of everv inhabitant,
'* parson, vicar, and other, and of every oc-
••cupier of lands, houses, tithes impropriate,
*' propriations of tithes, coal mines, or sale-
"able underwoods, in the parish," such
sums of money as may be necessary to ac-
complish the object of the Act. l\\ there-
fore, the King is not included under the
designation of an ♦' in/tabitauf," or the *'oc-
cupier of lands and houses;' 1 cannot disco-
ver any reason for including him under the
description of the '' proprietor of /i(,uses, u-
nements, lols, and parcels of ground" Indeed,
the two statutes appear to me, with reference
both to their subject-matter and their phrase-
ology, to run " quatuor pedibus'' with each
other; and I am, consequently, most deci^
dedly of opinion, that the same construction
which has for more than two centuries been
given to the one, must also prevail in re-^ard
to the other. But it may, perhaps, be urged,
that the Kings exemption from the poor
rates m i^ngland is ^personal orivilege, and
that arguments drawn from it ought not to
be applied to a question relating to Govern-
*"A°' P!:oP^'*ty not in the ;7crjowa/ possession
of his Majesty. To this I answer, that it was
always holden,;?roci«/e?tt*w, that property
.'^"vPJca oi^iviffjur mepuoiic use, is not sub-
ject to assessment under the 43d of Eliza-
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125 iu
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Case ftuhmitled
by the AppKAis.
KRS under the 1st
0««. IV., c. 61.
|»etli ; and the question which arose uport
that Act was, wliether the King was not li-
able to the assessment on account of hrs
benejicial occupation of the premises? (/t)
1 he argument against the assessment of
public property, is, therefore, stronger when
It IS not in the personal occupation of His
Majesty than when it is; and I confess that
the doctrine, that public property nhall be
taxed for the promotion of any public object
whatever, is wholly new to me. and seems
LT*? - ,^^ ^^«"r^'ty like that of taking
from the right hand in order to pay the left
Jn facti the appraisers Mrere so far »ware oi"
this, that they have not rated the Court-
iiouse^and other pnblic buildings, which they
considef as belonging to the totvn \ but the
distinctibn which they thus endeavour to
pfiblu of Newfoundland, is not, 1 conceive,
warranted either by the language, the inten*
tion, or the spirit of the Act under which
they derive their authority ; and it wonid I
npprehend, require a perfectly clear and ex-
plicit enactment to subject a'barrack, erect-
ed for the protection of the town against
enemies, to a contribntion to any expanse
which mrty be incurred for the sake of ore-
serving it from the destructive effects of
fire. In the absence, therefore, of any such
enactment, I have no hesitation in declaring
that this Court has not the power to coerce
the payment of the assessment which has
been made upon any part of the property
lielongmg to the Government. If such pay-
ment has been voluntarily made in one in-
(*)rpon Ihl. piiaeiplf I tboold bav* held, that fli.
oMMpiara af Gov«rniti«nt bonaai, aa tba Aaaistant C«!»!
uftdar ..milar clronmalancaa, war. liabla iXuMwrnatTf
the rata had bMn M aii««<.i »n. — »«• ■■ wsmaoi,!!
^hicheo«idb.f.iriiii;iirb7te*;;tfr "' *°" "*'"•
HE fcoURT,
ich arose iipoii
Jng was not li-
accoiint of lirs
B premises ? (k)
assessment of
', stronger when
iipation of His
i I confess that
iperty fthali be
»y public object
ne, and seems
B that of faking
to pay the Jeft.
80 far »ware of*
ed the Codrt •
igs. which I hey
totvn I but the
endeavour to
ptiblie find the
»t, 1 conceive,
age, the inten-
t under which
nd it wonid, I
clear and ex-
iarrack, erect-
f town against
> any expense
sake of pre-
ve effects of
B, of any such
n in declaring
^er to coerce
It which has
the property
If such pay-
ide in one in-
r« heldt tbtt lb«
■AaaitUat Con*
iptr, and «H|iti«
of iiiii Miurt
stance, it must be considered and accepted
by the inhabitants entirely as u boon ; and it
cannot, consequently, be converted into a
precedent upon which a claim may be
founded to compel the payment in other
In the matter of ThomasTkistle's Estate.
Memorial and Order thereon.
Tq the Hon. Richard A. Tu<;kkr,
Chief Justice of the Island of
J^ewfoundland, 4 c. 4 c. 4 c.
The Menjorial of JoHi^ Hili^yakd, of St.
That since the decease of your mcmori<)l-
ist's mother, who died about fourteen years
ago, and who was entitlecl to some proper-
ty in Harbour Grace, under the intestate
estate of her father, Mr. T/uimas Thistle,
your memorialist has principally supported
liimself by his own exertions, aiid his sister
lias resided with Mr. M'Kie, her uncle:
that the property of the late Mr. Thistle has
been divided among his children ; and that
part which would have been your memori-
alist's mother's, if living, has been under the
care and management of Mr. JU'Rie^—youv
memorialist's father being now, and for a
nunjber of years past, in a state of in-
sanity : that your memorialist having passed
his minority, and conceiving that no person
uias a greater interest in the property, which
roust come into his hands and that of his
sister's, whose prospects in life he is desi-
rous of promoting, nrayg that, as hh ikther
is in a state of insanity, and not likely to re-
J'.inc 2\lh.
T,, ;i
18<>3 *
«.s &u... »h«rem menlio.ed ; and «^IUver p'm^ "
St. M„,.,e,hj^- «-"*»», Jin.
forth ii alattrad Lrd"f^^^^^
instant, *'' ''*"'»l'" ''»«« ""e lOth
fori to CoM?f f"^''.,')'"'""''"*'' •« 'aiJ be-
June ^Oih.
Order of Courf,
•ppoioling Guar-
In the matter of Jane HiLtVABo, an infant;
•ppoioling Guar- Frp
diaoa of the person fr . ^**' Ordered that Neu'mn» W' 1,
«"d .Slat, 'of .„ Holies, and Jamei Cross £aTL '' '^^'^
-fa-t. ercd by an authority S^".?!* o ^ ?'»P«.^-
eme court,
lie management of
te, for the purpose
will ever pray.
llLLYAOD, jLn.
al the C7n€/Jus-
ler:— .
•rayer of this me-
mber of facts set
o the Chief Jus-
ip; date the 16th
the fact of Mr.
Jeft this country
ssion of his wife's
or more crediblQ
nts be laid be-
ish the fact, tbaft
ved at the age
l^e directed to
th, of all his re-
t of the propcr-
fam Hillyard, M
i>ur8ement8 on *
the sums paid
^iy each partir
and Uie oidev
BD, an infant;
' Seal oftlw;
3. be
' • ■■ MfiWPOVNDLANO. ' *
Court, to take oharge of the property be- 1823.
longing to Jam Hillyard, during her mino- *^ ■ , ■ '
rity, and to receive the rents, Reissuing lo ih« matiar of
from the same, subject to the direction of Thomas This.
the Court with respect to their appropriation. ■"•■*■ J^iiait.
ll was further ordered, by consent of the
parties, that the accounts between Peter
JtrKie, Esq. and John Hillyard, shonid be
submitted to the arbitration of Messrs.
Hoyles and Crots ; and that, in the mean
time, Messrs. Hoylea and Cross should lease
the property at present vacant.
The Owners of the Brig Lady Hamilton,
appellants, and
IViLLiAM Stafford Pope, respondent.
Jff^ER Curiam. Before this case was ar-
gued upon the appeal, I was strongly dispo-
ned to think, from an attentive examination
of the transcript of the proceedings of the
Court below, that fhe judgment there given
must be reversed. 1 was, however, happy
to listen to every argument which could be
adduced in support of it; and 1 have since
given to those arguments all the considera-
tion which tliey appear to me to deserve.
I am, therefore, now prepared to deliver my
opinion upon the question, with a full know-
ledge of ail the circumstances connected
with it.
On behalf of the appellants, it has been
very justly argued by Mr. Simms, that the
))lamtiff below ought only to have succeeded
in his action upon one of the following
grounds : —
1st. As having a speciallien upon the brie.
July 9d,
By lilt liw of
£oglaiid, ther« cao
be no lien on •
■hip in III* port to
which abe bclongi.
And Ihe legal, i.t.
Ih« regi$teted own.
tt of a ahip ii not
liable lo pay for
repairs made, or
atorea furoitiied,
under lh« aulhiiri.
ty. end for tht ba-
fltfit, ol auotbtr
hty as pari-owntr.
W /'
Mlir. Because the defendant below.
o:^..^,rr ^^/^;^\^^^^h fn agent, had. by his conrne
iXu^uioS ,%^r "^' '«»^«'^^ himself liablea8a;,nn.
W. 8. PofB. .^nd the proper mode of trying this case
will, therefore, be to inquire how far. under
the circumstances of it, the plaintiff below
can sustam himself upon anu of these
grounds. ^
Upon the Jirst point I shall shortly re-
inark, that it seems to be clearly settled that
by the law o( England, («) th^re cannot be
a lien upon the ship in the port to which she
belongs. Thus Lord Mansfield, who is re-
ported to have said, (b) " that a person who
supplies a ship with necessaries, has not
only the personal security of the master
and owners, butalso the security of the spe-
cific ship, afterwards admitted (c) •• that
work done for a ship in England 19 sup-
^ posed to beonthe/»«r*oaa/creditofthe
. employer. In foreign parts the master
••may hypothecate the sbi>.'» This princi-
ple has, mdeed, been recognized in several
other cases; and I have, consequently, no
difficulty m pronouncing that the plaintiff
below had no lien upon the vessel, for the
supplies furnished to her by him.
With respect to the second point, it was
most satisfactorily proved, by the evidence
given at the trial of the cause, that Mr.
Mennett, who is the real appellant in this
suit, had agreed to pay a certain sum for
half of the brig, then on the stocks, after
m should be completed andftted out by Mr
Douglas. This was, therefore, most deci-
dedly not an absolute agreement to purchasa
a part of the vessel as she then was ; but
la) By Ihe Civil Law it it oiherwiir. i
W *o wilkwt w, Comieha^l, 3 Douf , lou
* •
l^m COUBT,
defendant below,
had, by Im coiirve
iself liable as a prin-
o( trying this case
[uire how far, under
the plaintiff below
pon any of these
I shall shortly re^
clearly settled that,
[a) there cannot be
le port to which she
nsjield, who is re«
' that a person who
cessaries, has not
irity of the master
security of the spe*
idmitted (c) •« that
I England iff sup*
'sonal credit of the
parts the master
i^" Thisprincir
:ognized in several
consequently, no
that the plaintiff
le \essel, for the
►y him.
^nd point, it was
by the evidence
! cause, that Mr.
appellant in this
a certain sum for
the stocks, qfter
Jilted out by Mr.
•efore, most decir
nsent to purchase
e then, was ; but
W. 8. PofB.
Dou|« 101.
tnefely an nj^rermertt to become the future 1823.
piircliiisof of hnlf of her, at a stated sum, ^ ii- , ■_ *
upon till' continife/irj/ of her being comple- Ownenof »h« bri^
ted ami littef! out by Mr. Doughs. IimIc- I-ad^Hamiltoic
pernlenlly, then, of the provisions of the Re-
gistry Act, Mr. BennetCs interest in the ves-
sel could not take place until after the hap-
pening of that contingency upon which it
entirely depended ; and as all (d) of the arti-
cles for which this action was brought, were
required to put the vessel in that condition
in which Mr. Bennett had agreed to become
the purchaser of a proportion of her, his in-
terest in the vessel, if it had depended solely
upon thai a«^reement, must necessarily have
commenced subsequently to the delivery of
those articles ; and he could not, conse-
quently, upon any pretence whatever, have
been held liable for the payment of them.
But the respondent contends, that a few of
these articles were delivered after Mr. Ben*-
nett had actually become ihe registered part*
owner of the brig'; and he conceives that for
these, at least, Mr. Bennett must, at all
events, be responsible. According to this
doctrine, then, the registered owner, of a
vessel is bound to pay for everything which
is furnished to her, without any regard td
the circumstances under which the articles
may have been supplied, and cannot even
repudiate a contract entered into in relation
to her by a stranger without his authority or
consent. But this doctrine is certamly noft
law. The title to a ship, says Lord Chief
Justice Abbott {e), may furnish evidence that
repait^ are made, or stores furnished, under
the authority, and for the benefit, of the
legal owner, as, in fact, they generally ares
{d) This wu dUtioetlj adiDittod bv IMa. id •xavinm
(«) lo bif work M Sliippbr, p. ai^
p t
I i
lU. n
v^.l^X^ «»«t it doe. no more. a„rf .k .
P-HT^?^. wear that ti.ey weri m./l.^"'^/^''*^' '^ »*
W.8.PO,.. able. Tit:/&-[,^''" "ot bern^e^'
?'«terecJ in the name of Z T f"'*'' «"*J «•«-
|mervai between T,! orde, T""^^'^'^ '" ^'^^
h tl^e seller, and the rl.l^"'" '*°''^«' &'^en
»>oard. the purchaser of^hi !/ • "'^ °^ ^''^'n ««
»ot to be rLponsfble for ., "** "*?« '•«'«! C/)
^as the legal ouner of ,V^'"' «'^'»«"g'i be
stores were del veJed on f '"?"' ^'^^^^ the
^hat parr, there/ore of thp?"' ""^ 1"^'' ^o
«nand which is founded „''''°?'*^"*''' *^^-
of some of the art c es^l ^? *''^ ^^^'^^ry
been registered in Ihe^i^ J''" ^"««^' ''« was sold, and re-
: PU'cbaser, in ihe
••|or stores, given
s'lip was held m
•em, although be
vessel when the
oard of her. To
respondent's de-
'pon the delivery
the vessel bad
"les of Messrs.
«e aflbrdfl a com^
clearly proved,
dered some time
' state of equip,
aeration for the
• agreed to pay
^t, in fact, see
?">8h this case
^e- and under
'nt which Was
'"y justified in
8 not liable to
? ort'ff.
'sidered, whe-
r^i in such a
»ch, as 1 mjl
»t travelling
e myself to
nceive ia dem
€isive upon this point. Now, Mr. Douglas
informs us, that he agreed with the piaintilf
for the work, telling him that he had sold
half the vessel lo INIr. Bennett. That he, Mr.
Douglas, was to fit her out, and that when
Jit ted out, Mr. Bennett was to pay a certain
feiim for the one-half share of the vessel.
This, then, was the representation, upon the
faith of which the respondent agreed to fur-
nish the articles which Mr. Douglas was in
want of; and every one must see that there
IS nothing in this representation from which
the respondent had a right to infer that Mr.
Bennett would be liable for the payment of
the articles which Mr. Douglas was con-
tracting with him for. If, therefore, the res-
pondent did, unforliinately for himself, en-
tertain such an opinion, he, undoubtedly,
acted under a great mistake, and every one
must feel sorry for him. But there is no
ground \yhatever, either of law or equity, for
transfeiring the consequences of this mistake
to Mr. Bennett, who was, to all intents and
purposes, a perfect stranger to this con-
tract at the period of its inception ; and al-
though, during the preparafion of the arti-
cles, be had some cXL^ '^'/'^ '« ^^^^^e-
^fneral and iiniversu? .^l^'l*J"'•^ 'i'/ie
ne.;fhl.oup.-...s c Znp ' ""^ ^« '"J^'-e our
P'y they«.,, of he St'';/'^"''^^''^^' «P^
«"« determine whether ih. J"? /^''''^ye.
been <,„i„, of a vioS of!t 't."^^"* ^«^
^*/er/.e// V. Cotter turned m,nn ?'*^^^8eof
the necessary having i ''P'* ^'^e fact of
;^ell waadnj ind^^VaMl.e'r"''' '^^^'^ '^^^
t^'tied, that the Dlaintiff! Vlf "^^ P'*operly de-
noyance to which some »;, ''^'^'"'8: *^«an-
posed by nuisancerfTL i"^*!^» ^^"^ ex-
tigalion of damages Thjf' ^"^'^P^ '« wi-
?»en to take thfaJi,,Jo^J"/^.<>"gK bo,^.;
In liin cFiarM
«« «»•« Jury, in „
•««"»» •.p.>n ,|„
«"'«' ihi-ni th«, ,1,^
•jue.lion, Whether
• certain ilijuf
•mourned lo « „„;,
••nee or „„|, „„^,„
*«« fo the general
«•« i« //je ;,/ace
^inphineU of q.
*«*e; /or (!,«,, „,p,
•«»'.: »it un.l„ubt,.,||y
tpcome an...,„n;«
»n one coiuJhioo of
■OUery, w|„c|,
*«uM uoi b. 10 io
RfiMB CODttti
"U>y Mr. Bennett.
;';f »>ot'' Ic-al and
""s case, I ani of
o^^the Cotfr/ be-
initisance. 7?ow
? "'e. jury, and
"0 were sworn
ed th
ca'ied a great
tl>e defendanrs
'•«/>'>' to the fie.
' f law w, ih.^t
» to injure our
therefore, ap.
("s principle^
defendant has
J he case of
'the face of
"t before tha
properly de-
>t sustain h/a
toting the an.
« were ex-
'cepf in n»i,
>"gbt, bow;
the parties
the same inconvenience which would nmoiint
to a nuisance where Iht're was more room
and space, ought not to be ':on«idereU in that
light, where the parlies are bundled and
huddled together in such u way that it i^
scarctiy possible they can avoid cuusiuj;
■oine annoyance to each other.
The jury retired, and soon returned a
vtrdict— damages ten shillings, withcostvtp
b« paid by defendant.
Robert E"ans, appellant,
Thomas BuLLrv, assignee of the Estate of
Thomas Congdon, respondent.
JiR Curiae. Two e«ceptions have
been taken to the judgment in this case by
the plaintiff, in error. Tiie 1st, That the
judgment is grounded upon a particular sta-
tute not applicable to the circumstances of the
case: and the second, that the judgment is
contrary to law, ir -nucU as it was given
against the appellani nn violation of the lien
which, as factor of the bankrupt, he had upon
the goods which formed the subject matter
of the action. To the former of these objec-
tions, it will be a complete answer, that it
does not in the least signify upon what
grounds the judgment was professedly given,
provided i\\e J acts stated on the record be suf-
ficient to warrant it ; and 1 shall, therefore,
confine my observations to the second point'
which involves the question, wiiether the
appellant was i\\e factor, or merely the con-
fidential clerk, of the bankrupt; for if he
were the fnrmpr tlioro to ««# « oU_.i _/•
doubt but that the judgment belov ip erro-
Till* isifat clii,
tiiiciiim bftwten
« Factou and
C'li'-HK, Of oilur
HUflll. ID, llut Ills
factor liHS ci-nain
(luii«>H iiDjiiiSftl on
iiiin, anil i;. fi,t>.
j' ct lo ff'riain le-
f(8l lithilituH r«<
■ iiltir.K frmti i|ii,||«
dulJM, which Ilia
cOHjiiIinlial clerk
i« alutitfilicr ¥X'
••"ip' friUH. And
the lien «vhich ih«
law Kives lu ih«
factor upon tlie
S«><>il« o< hit ptiu-
cipal in hia pos%
■«'^Bloll, is fuiindi-d
eiiltrely upon iho
conviiifration of
the duiiea anri ji.
■ biliiif.i »o which
he is thua f ipoacd.
iy certain, that the Hnin. . • ' '''»«9na»-
^'tliout foundation if h ' ''^^^ '» ^"^'--^'y
•cription of offent 'who "l^'**' ""' ^''"^ ^e-
l^et us see. then ^th^t a r 'T''^ "•^«^'«'--
«raine how far h^^ -fr'""" **• ""^^ ««-
'naster's affairs. Now ev^rJ ^^'"^"* ^^ '"•
«nd. therefore hS^'^'"^'" t'«e^e«e;.a/,.
«- both nge^V i? ,'o\'^J--;;^«';^U a facto'r
Portant distinction may ex Lf 1 1/ ''^'^. '">■
^'ne of those distinction? ! ^'''^^" ^'^^n^-
to be. that the factoiTD^l I '°"^^*""^« s^i^
«nd the servan bv n w by a com»iw,v>», distinction doL no t^r •^"^^'^ '"'^
for a servant mThave t^ '" '"""^^ ^««*^'' ''
commission as a factor l*t *'''"® ^'ate of
H with the character o^^^°"' "^ *^'°*^-
tl.e latter maTun^ts^^^^^^ «"^
fixed salary in licuof fh' ^Y' ^^^«P' of a
«»'J still con "nur^o n^f "r ^°'"'"'««'on,
ses. a factor ' ^" '"^^^^^^ and purpo-
>r« «ball not sea "c^h lon^^Tr ^^ ^ ""^ ^ ^^^'"'^
^'nced that the IJa/er.W^i^''^'"^^''^ ^on-
^^-e bet.veen S rhamcteT;.''''' •''^^-
tlie/ac/or'* *ei„o- ,ttA,r, 1? '^^ consists in
iect to c/r«.f nn ir ' '**^t"'' «f«ou d ncff-
W 5,^»»- •••«» PulF. 408.
?l7p f "?"•??' * ^«"» p. 10. *•• "^' «"•«» '« I
KKNit Court
*o » Ilea J8 entirely
\ were not that de-
•« termed a factor.
Mor is, and ex-
*w, nnd in what
a conjittential ser-
nanageinent of his
p»*y servant is aa
8 not a servant,
"om t\\G general;
vant and a factor
IS that a very im-
8t hetween them.
8 soniPtimcH said
«y a commission,
, or wages; hut
J m many cases ;
e same rate of
out being cloth-
ractor(A); and
^'y, accept of a
lal commission^
nts and purpo-
ror some other
»y ; and I think
^e we are con-
ssential differ^
••s consists in
ny le^al liahi^
'ntial clerk is
►I* should neg-
re he ought to
[« a person in
0; in these.
»P' 127, eitfld in
and in many other rases of a similar kind,
he would Uq olilin^ed to make good any loss
which iiiH princi|ml might siiNtain through
his dtiuult ; uiid he is «.fien compelled to
advance large sums of his own fur the pro-
tectum of the property of his principal, in
order to discharge himself from the respon-
sibility he would incur by his omission to
perform certain acts in regard to it. in con-
8i< eration, therefore, of the onus, and legal
liability, so cast upon him, the law, which is
always just, has furnished him with a lien
upon the goods of his principal in hit pos-
session, as the best security it could afford
Inm for the repayment of the money it com-
pels him to advance on account of his prin-
?9V\ .'" * *'°'"**' *•*■ *'«n w derived from
•1'/ 'f **'','*y' »"** '8 exactly co-extensive with
n(ff). Jjut a confidential clerk, entrusted
with the management of his employer's
altiurs, can never be under a legal liibility to
advance any money of his own for tiie bene-
lit of his employer. This, then, is, as 1
conceive, the «• crucial imtance " (k) by
which we may distinguish the factor from
the confidential clerk, viz., that the former
has certain duties imposed upon him, and
IS subject to certain liabiliiies resulting from
those duties^ which the other is altogether
txempt from. Having thus endeavoured t'>
show what the true difference is between
these two classes, 1 shall next proceed to
inquire to which of them the appellant be-
longs. And in order to determine this
point, recourse must be had to the evidence
given at the trial. From it we learn, that
the bankrupt^ about the time of his depart-
•.5?Ki^''.'* "• '•'^''"y ••«* '•" °>«y bt taken to b« eon.
(A) Urd Bacoa't •• Nov oi* Organ UM," pp. 55-66;
r ^
i,i )
» , t
polla!!'°'?hM\r"."y;.''S«e') With the ap-
.~Js "ha. h""' 't "-^'"P-. fi"df„?a :
lerwarcls that he could not return to New-
foundland as soon as he originally expS
•vouia devolve on him in conaeonence of
"•c protracted absence of theTnkroot
^'to" w""!. "' ""'' '-crease seetTe:
vei to have been settled by the Darties-
contfnied ,i''k;e"1he h^ ^^7'?"°"' <•«
a7lrrT.SeS3r— '
damae-P« for J« *l***»'ned a compensat on in
greed with the ap-
act as clerk and
year, at £36 per
ikrupt, firidinff af-
t return to New-
riginally expected
int to apprize him
J, and at the same
crease of salary
►nal trouble which
consequence of
of the bankrupt,
rease seems ne-
by the parties;
>Iaintiflf in error
y raised to £lOO
' expectation, he
>ks ofthebank-
and to transact
im as his repre-
t. Js it possible,
ne to call a per-
e sense in which
i>e understood ?
ed himself care-
Jffice, could the
^mpensation in
ionetl by such
3uld the appcl-
r any circum-
tnployment, to
>c security and
property? It
he could not ;
lion, that his
ttferly without
luentJy, affirm
Bladeston & Wife against W. & H.
J HIS was an action to recover £lOO of
rent for the farm called the ** Grove." The
lessees had covenanted to pay rent in lawful
money of Great Britain, and had tendered
payment for the last year in dollars at 5*.
which were refused by the agent of the les-
sors. The Court held that payment in dol-
lars at that rate was not s* -'atisfaction of the
lessees' covenant ; and . .at, therefore, as
the tender was not a legal one, judgment
must be entered for the plaintiffs.
AuguU Ath.
A tender of pty-
mtot in Spaoifh
ii not lufficieDt
where the party
has covenanted for
payment in lawful
money of Great
Britain, [Se«
Uany v. Gaden,
ante p. 336.]
Trustees of Langley against Trustees of
Darrell & Campbell.
HIS case gave rise to a question upon
the construction of the Register Act ; and the
Chief Justice, in consequence, deferred judg-
ment to another day.
And on this morning, the llth inst.. His
Honour delivered the following decree : —
Upon the hearing of this case, 1 was
strongly impressed with the idea, that the
ZAth George 111,, c, 68. opposed an insu-
perable bar to the plaintiffs' claim; but, as
the transaction upon which it is founded
did not appear to have been entered into
with Q.ny fraudulent intention to contravene
the objects of that Act, 1 was unwilling
to give judgment against them until I had
ascertained, by a careful examination of the
Act, and of the various cases which have
grown out ofit, that it was impossible for
me to pursue any other course without a
violent departure from those principles by
AujuU 4/4.
Wh*r» a con.
tract has been en«
l»red into for the
transfer of proper-
ty in a reaeel,
which ia void from
a non-compliane*
with the proviaions
ofthe registry acts,
the Supreme
Court cannot, un-
der its powers aa
a Court of equity,
enforce a complin
ance with the terms
of auch contract,
or aflfurd any re-
lief to the parlio0
concerned In it.
lb' ^f
> i i
Tfogifei of
Darkkll ifc
t>on Of that importC statute "" ^■"^^^'•"^•
«'>e early part « • ih ,-/ /i V"*'' '^*^»« •' ^n
for Xr50. payable Tn L^Tf ^ ^'""'/^
liiHt yean'^and under 'is ale or'"^"*"" «^
transfer d„ K',"- - ndorsernent of
provisions of the A? to whTKiT"'^"^ **> »''«
referred. A< a s.Wisii ^J''^ '• ^^^ea'readv
a proportion of ttr^^^^ '^^"^^ ^^^^^ P^*^
having. afterwardr^rttrteZr^i' ^"'
«''e was. unfortunitrlv llZ 1 r *? ^^«'
mainder of the nnrnh.J ^*'^*"*^ ^^^ re-
Paid. and. al o bSth!"T"f^ ^^^ *>^e«
legal title of owner^WunL^ ^^^"'''^^ ^
anqe. ^rith the forms nfJ 'l '> ^ *^«"^P''-
try Acts. Und^;.!*"'*^^^^^ the Regis-
the imoh^ncyVZltlrf'^^ transaction
and the trus, Jes of the vSt n'"^ ^'"^^ ^
from the trustees of tL t S"^ "**** demand
"pon the ba^^ce of !l7^"**'n -^ ^'^'^^^d
-W-b still rlmSL^U'^airtaT^^^r^
call upon this Court to IVL '^* ^^^^
made under the circLl?-^ "? * ^^^^^ract
cribed:; and the ohp^T? T' ^^'^'^ ^^
the first day ^JaaUmiyL^l"!?;^^ *"«^
or e«fectual for ob v nur^n. VJ**" *** *«1'«''
coatrMt, Of agreement for trZrl^!?!^*
I'-l^ III iupi. awp orvew^sMrirm'Td;
well as Courts
ilieir construc-
called upon ta
owing facts : In
en/en 4- Lan^hv
rell ^ Campbeli
Hie autumn of
'«?f or agreement
leceived posses-
there was nei-
indorsement of
required by the
eriod they paid
e-money; and
vessel to sea,
before the re-
>ney had been
ad acquired a
hy a compli-
3 by the Hegis-
he transaction
» took place;
» 00 w demand
es A dividend
that is, they
•cfi a contract
' herein des*
Pefore, is^ ha^
^.J^w, the
WI., c. 68<
'act, or agr^e.
any ship. or
' m»i|e» after
atsoirer,^ ei«
icb transfer^
Ml be made
by bill of sale, or instrument in writing, con-
tamm^r such recital as prescribed by" that
clause; and where an alteration of property
takes p ace in the port to which the ship be,
longs, the 2Gth Geo. J II., c. 60, requires an
J indorsement upon the register, the form
of which IS prescribed by the 15th section
of the 34lh George J J J., c. 08, which also
requires such indorsement in the case of
contract or agreement for sale, as well as ab-
solute sale, and renders it essential to the
validity of the sale, contract, or agreement i
for It enacts, "that such indorsement shall
from and after the Ist January, 1795, be
made in the manner and form hereinafter
expressed, and shall be signed by the person
or persons transferring the property of the
said ship or vessel, by sale, or contract, or
agreement lor sale, thereof, or by some per-
son legally authorized for that purpose by
him, her, or them ; and a copy of such in,
dorsement shall be delivered to the person
or persons authorized to make registry and
grant certificates of registry, otherwise such
sale, or contract, or agreement for the sale
thereof, shall be utterly null and void, to all
intents and purposes whatsoever." Jn what-
ever light, therefore, we may view this trans-
action, whether as an actual sale, or only as
a contract ov agreement to sell, I am bound
by these two clauses, and by the Interpreta-
tion given tt) them by Chief Justice Abbott,
m his work on shipping (a), to declare it
null and void to all intents and purpose*
whatsoever; and it is almost unnecessary
for me to remark, that the Courts of equity
have evinced as strong an inclinatioS as
the Courts of law. to support and uphold the
principle and policy of the Reffistrv Ar*«
ttow, then, J may ar?., is it possible for tliis'
(fl) Sea Abbott on mcrcliKUt abipi, p. 44, in nolaa:
Tiusleei of
Trustees of
Darrbll *
ll I
Trustrei of
Trustees of
Darrbli. &
August 16th
A tenant cannot
4i>|Mi(e his land*
htfU'a iitJc
l^^^^^sL ^ >•
shall^ni h ^*»^?^,^»"^«J'^« positively said
shall not be valid or effectual, for anJ pur-
pose whatsoever either in law or e'quity ?
;^ of/ lu'^T?' ^^ *''^'' '^"^ «^an it afford
re Ieftotheplaintiff8,orcomplaitiant8,in this
suit, who set forth in their bill an invalid
sale or contract for the sale, of a vessel,
admit a partial payment to them under it,
»nd pray the Conn to assist them by its
r2fl™ ; ^'"^ ?P^^ ^ investigate, reason .and
reflect upon this question, the more satisfied
rn!?. c "^ ^'"^ •raP'-ess'on respecting the
merits of it was correct ; and having now
1^ wif • '® "° l""^^'' **»« smallest motive
to defer giving judgment for the defendants.
William Avery against Nicholas Kent.
t?thi^nT • ^/^'i"^' '^"' ? ^"^ '" answer
• UA P'^l?*'^^ demanrl. the defendant
wished to dispute his lessor's title, but was
immediately stopped by the Court. It is a
pnncpU of English law, that a tenant can^
not controvert the title of his landlord, or
set up one in opposition to it. There is in
this case sufficientproof of the holding: and
jndgm«it mast, therefore, be entered for the
E count,
legal or equlta-
jct to a tranaac-
positiveiy said
lal, for any pur-
few; or equity f
w can it afford
•lairinntsjn this
' bill an invalid
e, of a vessel,
them under it,
ist them by its
ayment of the
i to be due to
te, reason ,and
! more satisfied
respecting the
I having now
ouht from my
mallest motive
he defendants.
:holas Kent.
and in answer
lie defendant
title, but was
'ourt. It is a
a tenant can-
landlord, or
There is in
folding ; and
£x parte, Timothy Hooan in the matter of
Stabb, Preston, Prowse & Co.
'ER Curiam. This petition, in sub-
stance, sets forth that the petitioner was
in possession of certain bills of exchange,
drawn at Kenews by Stabb, Preston, Prowse
4* Co. for servants' wages, which had
been returned to him under protest : that
in order to obtain payment of those bills
he sued out a writ of attachment against
certain property belonging to that firm ;
that during the pendency of his action
a proposition was made to him by Messrs.
Brooking, Cross ^ Tasker, who had been
appointed trustees to the estate of a branch
of the said Jirm, which had been pre-
viously declared insolvent, to pav the amount
ofthe bills held by him, together with the
expenses thereon; that relying upon this un-
dertaking on their part he immediately dis-
contmued his suit; and that the said trustees
nave since, in violation of their engagement,
refused to pay him the expenses incurred by
the protest ofthe bills in question.
The facts disclosed in this petition are
generally admitted by the trustees, who con-
ceive themselves, however, restrained by a
JutJgment of the late Chief Justice (in which
Mr. Forbes refused to allow the expenses
upon protested bills for servants' wages to
rank as a preferable claim) from paving the
petitioner the expenses upon the bills he
holds, unless he can obtain an orrf^r from
this Court to aothorize them to do so. Two
questions, therefore, arise upon this case.
VIZ.: 1st, — Whether the trn.Hteefs arc not -*
all events, bound to fulfil theirengairement
with the petitioner ? and 2dly, admitting
September 4th,
Tfie flinctioo of
Ihe Suprfine Cnu't
(tiven In the poy-
mcm of ilip vxpen-
tea attrnilinK liio
priilest of billii
drawn for llie pay-
niRiit o( srrvants*
wagea ; whrra it
appea'ail (hat •
auil for tha reco-
vfry of Ihe amount
of »uch bills had
been relinquished
upon an express
undertaking by the
trustees lo pay th«
ssme, together with
the expense! iherf
& Co
Ui / .'
! f
their engagement with him to be positively
^^rte^RlIZr, 2°^'J}S "?«« l^em, whether this Court can
»» »!•• mititr of sanction the payment of the expenses upon
Stabb Pres- these bills as a charge upon the estate of
ton.Prowsb ^tabb, Preston, Prowse 4 Co. of the same
degree as the payment of servants' wages ?
Upon the first point, 1 have not the shadow
of a doubt. The trustees contracted with
the petitioner, in consideration of his with-
f!r''".^M*'*^. ^*^*'^'*' *® pay '"m the amount
ot the bills m his hands with the expenses
thereon ; and if, in the formation of this con*
tract, they have exceeded the scope of their
regular authority as trustees, they are. upca
a we -established principle of law, (a) per-
sonally liable upon it. Suppose that aa
executor should promise, in writing, a cre-
ditor of his testator, who had commenced a
suit against him, to pay the debts and costs,
in consideration of the discontinuance of
the action by the creditor; and that, after-
wards the executor was obliged to expend
the whole proceeds of the estate to satisfy
judgment-creditors, without b^ing able to
relain funds in his hands sufficient to dis-
charge this contract; can any one believe ife
would be an answer to an action upon it for
the executor to say, "1 did indeed prevent
you Irom pursuing your legal remedy for
the recovery of your debt, and have thua
^^ enabled other creditors to acquire a claim
upon the effects of my testator superior ta
^^ yours ; but in the satisfaction of those
claims I have been compelled, by the
^^ rules of Jaw, to exhaust the whole estate
ot my testator, and cannot, consequently
, perform my contract with you?** There
Ji no one. I think, who will not admit that
the executor in this contract rendered him-
self personally responsible for thi. ».avm.
(a) Paley't Priaoipal & Ageul, 303.
r sa«^£2%
n to be positively
er this Court can
le expenses upon
pon the estate of
Co, of the same
servants' wages ?
i not the shadow
contracted with
ion of his with-
him the amount
ith the expenses
ition of this con-,
le scope of their
, they are, upon
of law, (a) per-
Jppose that an
writing, a cre-
d commenced a
lebts and costs,,
(continuance of
nd that, after-
iged to expend
?state to satisfy
b^ing able to
ufficient to dis<
(T one believe it
ion upon it for
indeed prevent
:al remedy for
and have thus^
icquire a claim
tor superior to^
tion of those
Jelled, by the
e whole estate
^ou?'* There
lot admit that
^ndered him-
ifip nctvman*
) nkvvfoundland. ,
t)f this debt ; and that it is consistent with
natural equity, that if a loss must arise out
of this contract to one of the parties, it ought
to be borne by the executor, and not by the
creditor, who had been induced, upon the
Undertaking of the executor, to pay the debt,
to abandon those legal proceedings which
must have led to the satisfaction of it. But
it is impossible to distinguish, in principle,
between such a case, and the one now un-
der investigation ; and since the petitioner
did, upon the faith of the assurance he had
received from Messrs. Brooking, Cross ^
Jasker, that ihey would pay him the amount
of the bills he held, with the expenses thereon,
relinquish a suit which he had instituted
against a concern ihen supposed to be sol-
vent, J am olearly and decidedly of opinion,
that those gentlemen are strictly bound by
the contract they have entered into with him.
It was their duly, and not his, to ascertain
the extent of their authority and power as
trustees ; and if they have exceeded it, any
inconvenience, oriryury, resulting therefrom,
ought certainly to fall upon them rather
than upon him. This brings me, therefore,
to the second head of inquiry, viz., whether
this Court can sanction the payment of the
# expenses upon those bills, as a charge upon
the estate of Stabb, Preston, Prowse 6f Co.
of the same degree as a payment for servants'
wages ? And hore I shall take occasion to
repeat the declaratioi I formerly made, of
my firm intention not to disturb any of the
judgments of my respected predecessor in
office,— ♦• Interest reipublicce res judi-
-CATAs NON rescindi." (i) if, therefore,
1 cou!d not relieve the trustees in this in-
stance without departing from the line of
(6) See this ptincipl. MlopUd m a masim of law bf
liord CoAe, in bia Stcoqd loititntt, p. 360.
Ex-par te, Houan
in III* matter of
^$TABB, Prks-
&Co'i. iaiotr«a«
conduct pursued by Mr. Forbes, I should
^tP-'e;H^K relir ^n'r"'''7' *''^"»'^ with feelin^so
•« «•• mttier of ^^^giet, to bear the consequences of t hit
SrjBB Phbs^ responsibility which, by their own act lev
which, m the least, militates against their
receiving that protection from this Court to
vWuch under all the circumstances of the
case. I conceive they are fully entitled t
18 true, that he has decided tlfatJhe holders
of any protested bills, drawn for servant?
wages, shall represent the servants as far as
respects i\yea,,^onnt of the bills tLmsdveT-
im as regards the expenses upon sTchbilh
- d tY^'^'irn ^^•''^ " i'^--t da'sf ^f'c i
con^nea \'r.^^^^'«>*'». however, is evidently
confined to thosfe cases where the rlWm L
preferre,. by the boM.r of the bi Is a/^he
sent case. Here the petitioner !md commen-
ced h.s action against a concern which ^s
have obtaned a. |ndginent which would haVe
«nt led him to a full satisfaction of hs debt
10 the estate of a branch of the same firm
»ubm.t a proposition to him, which theT
«tt ^-n^^e'dt'^K^ '"''»>"Weons to tife
estate entrusted to them; and viewinffthi*
light, I have no hesitation In rivine the
T^?'^ Ooortto apr«ceel^^g.^hW^
f7«"»' P^o"" 4- «». I do not. howeyer
therefore. A. ch«8e w'iVwl^'VrfTXI:
^orbes, I should
with feelinsjs of
luences of that
r own act, ihey
ves. But, hap-
•n of Mr. Forbes
es against therr
Ti this Court to
fnstances of the
ly entitled. Jt
hat the holders
n for servants'
rvants as far as
ills themselves ;
pon such bills,
nt class of cre-
'er, is evidently
ire the claim is
? bills after the
s taken place;
ply to the pre-
r Ijad coramen-
em which was
ould probably
ch would haVe
on of his debt,
s, th€ trustees
the same firm
, which ebey,
ageous to the
d viewing the
1 in the same
in giving the
reeding which
«vhen entered
ors of Stabb,
fiot, however,
^te from the
lich tYtt peti-
nd fcyeciing,
he has inserted in his account under the
head oUnterest and da^na^es, as not forming
a part of the expenses upon the bills, 1 here-
by authorize and direct Messrs. Brookings
Cross 4' Tasker to pay him the several suras
he has advanced for protests and postage,
amounting in the whole to £6 5*. Qd. ; and
to take credit for this payment in their ac-
counts, as trustees to the estate of Stabb,
Preston, Frowse ^ Co,
fliCHAEL M'Lean Little against John
Broom, Esq.,
J HE following is an outline of the cir-
oumstance^ connected with this action : —
Upon the 9tli of May» 1822. Messrs.
Broom Sf" Blaikict two of the magistrates of
this district* issued an Order of Session,
setting forth a presentment bif the Grand Juru
of certain manure, rubbish, and other filth
and putrid substances, lyin^, or deposited,
in the streets, coves, lanes, and other
places, in the town of St. John and its vici-
nity^ AS. great public nuisances;, and calling
upon the proprietors thereof to remove the
same, witbia seven days from the date of such
order, under penalty of forfeiture. The
order also conveyed a noticje to the proprie-
tors, that upon their default in removing the
subject-matter of these nuisances^ the ma-
gistrates would employ men and. carts to
remove the same, and would take legal
measures to recover any expense that might
be incurred by such removal. The order
-was published in the Royal Gazette on the
18th of June following ; and, after an inter*
val of more than seven days, from the publi-
•^(^iivu. us It,, iwc wcicHum'- Tucieu ine con-
Stables, to carry it into exbcution. Accp*d-
ingly the constables, aboutthe23(J July last
seize, a quantity of manure lying near the
TlnclTl *" '^ <^overnment ho "se? a a
distance of less than a mile from the centre
itlVZV '"^ !'"\P^«--^'inghivinra«
It should seem, mspired a general a?irm
among the owners of the manure, the p lai^
tiff, at an early hour the following mofniW
h^ eTolf' """^^^'* Z'- persons=to remov'^e
Ills heap of compost, which, as it appears bv
mer"'rh!l'«t n "' ^ purticuIarl/oKi'v^
Dot^'^nTr p"^ '*:f ^^^^»^«»' came^ribe
K \?? ^ "' ^.^^«"««^y explained to them
that the depositing of manure in such a
place was unlawful, and that they should
not be permitted to take it away: then ad-
remTv/ it Th ^T ."^^ ^° «"°^ ^^em to
l^^ f i* ^^^ defendant immediatelv
placed a /^ on the heap ; and in renl v to «
request from the father of the pVa^^ff
dition'n?'^- * r™^"? '^' ™«°»r« "Pon con:
dition of his becoming responsible for the
Iff /?°«fq"ence8 of depSsiting it tLre
s ffpr th"'^^''' '^*? ^'"^ t^at he would not
suffer the removal of the mannre bv fhl
servants of the plaintiff; andThatTf any in!
n"\T"th:^*"r''lP^^^°*'« "^y thisproceed.
flTitThl l'^'"^«"»' '""St be answerable
iL / ' manure was, inconsequence
removed, m common with that ofl^^veJ^I
other persons, by the constables, to a S-
bouring lot of uncultivated land L1onof„g
to the Crown; and the whole was by a
printed notice purporting to be an Order of
ioTe'sold tr'.f ^' ''''* '^22' ^^^«
cLJtl i' V^^ P^'P""® *>f defraying the
charges for its .removal. At th. ii± Ic
eaie there was only one very low-offermad^e
ie2,1d July last,
i lying near the
ent house, at a
rom the centre
iling havin;>;, aa
general alarm
'ure, the plain-
winar morning,
sons to remove
8 it appears by
ilarly offenaivfo
f the plaintiff
f? the compost,
nt came to the
lained to them
ire in such a
It they should
vay: then ad-
ant. His Ex-
allow them to
in reply to a
the plaintiff,
ire upon con-
isible for the
ting it there,
be would not
more by the
lat if any in-
this proceed-
5 ansnrerable
It of several
, to a neigh-
i belonging
was, by ^
an Order of
jfraying the
offer made
for the manure ; and the sale was. in conae-
qiience, stopped. At an early period after-
wards, the Governor authorized the defend-
ant lo apprize all the owners of the manure
which had been seized, that it would be re-
stored to them, free from any costs, if they
chose to take it away from the government-
fit Id on these term's. Of this offer all the
owners of the manure, except the plaintiff
immediately availed themselves. But the
plaintiff, apparently impressed from the be-
ginning with an idea that the proceedings of
the defendant was illegal, rejected the pro-
posal, and determined to seek redress for
the injury which he conceived he had sus-
tained, by an action against the defendant.
At the time when these occurrences took
place, there was no Chief Justice residing in
the island ; but there then was, and for some
time after continued to be, an officer autho-
rized to issue writs, returnable in the Su-
preme Court. The plaintiff, however, did
not avail himself of this opportunity of com-
inencmg a suit in it against the defendant
but waited until the arrival of Chief Justice
Jucker m April last, when he brought an
action of trespass against the defendant, de
boms asportatis. The trial was, however
deferred, at the request of the defendant, un-
til this day, when it came on before a Sne-
cial Jury The pleas of the defendant were,
o?.* \ne general issue, " NotGuilty ;"and
2dly, The statute of the 24th Geo II e
44, which enacts, in the 8th section ther'eof
\„J""^?Vro^^" ^f *'''«"gi»t against an;
Justice of the Peace for anything done in
the execution of his office, unless commen-
ced within six calendar months after the
act committed.
To the last of these pleas it was urged by
^i»im*for the plaintiff, 1st., (hat the absence
fen'rf.n. - V^' ""•'•/"•'»">«'%. that lh« de-
nt^, V.u""''' "O'ewille himself lo the be-
ne« of that .tatute, beca..»e ho only acted
of h , office, and not in virtue of it.
,1. *,"..••'"«"'•"» offset" was confirmed bv
the te.t.mony of a great number of XS^
Md Th.%^-''? ,*""""*•• o" both ,ide.;
thi'f^ «<> the Jury, the principal points of
iS •' wA"/??*' T'»T«'«' » 'he foUow-
mg **»«»oy*w«iW«-«"a»coDicdT£rh.i!m
from bia minute, of tht triaj. •'""'»*™»»™
in ttw Jf'it!'"' """""' "-em particularly
J^e«.) "'*■• ^^ ' """^ ^r SimmX^:
Jtteam/uaioHo/tiegaod, no defence in
paS^df:^itU'.5;;irn :'■:,:•,, !:^-'r^*
corameiit thereon. ' .' Wates^ tac!.
«/rxr t'he'zs;;i'a'Lt«.ra*ir
ev^nta protected by the iMli, Geo,^i: c 44"
Under the general i,«,e, the Jury wHJ
inat /u acted nght m remmnw «A« »ia«w«
* L ZT^ ""^^ cannot ind C Xm
ri ^!^lu '""*• •*." «<=«<»<« of the irregnla:
Sons ri^H P"rf T '" •he Court ol^sH
.w':./iS''.";?r.'».'?'J' ""oae proceeding, were
—a~^,. =wi.«iey nwMejiteaiitheb*B«K
ficient ground
Qt the plainti/r
a by the limit-
^ Geo. n, c.
» that the de>
Bifto the be-
eonly acted,
under cul , -r
confirmed by
er of witness-
both sides;
vered a long
Ml points of
I the follow-^
>icd Terbatim
le whole case).
V. Bopldnt^
If in his ad'
defence ia
}annot take
ep^ through
eral issue;
not; at all
i Jury will
e satisfied
>^ manure*
I for him
X irregiila-
irt of Ses^
iog^ were
the ^««;
fit of tho 24th Opo. If. c. 44 to him, if they
More satwaed that he acted bonA Jide as a
The six months having begun to run, are
vM, in point of law, stopped by any subse-
qnent impediment.
The Act of the Session, although inform-
al, seems by no means to have been tyran-
nical or oppressive; and this is, nfcrhaps,
one of those very casts in which the legis-
lature particularly intended to protect ma-
No inference against the plaintiff is to be
drawn from his not accepting the defend-
ant's offer to take back his manure ; because
if he believed the proceeding arbitrary and
unjust, he was even entitled to praise for re-
sisting it. But the acquiescence of other
parlies furnishes a proof that they were
content to get back their property on the
terms offered ; and certainly if the Court of
Sessions had proceeded against aJl these
parties according to law, they might have
ho.mfned for their conduct. The proceed-
ing of the Court was, therefore, less penal
towards them than it might have been if the
Court had followed the true legal path.
The Jury, after a deliberation of more
than an hour, returned a verdict for the
plaintiff, — damages £12.
'I It
lU PON the motion oi John Broom, Esq
the following rule was granted to him by
Ihe Court:— *
^Jn the cause between iMTic^aeZ McLean
i»«/c and JoknBrooni, Esq. : It is oi-dered,
that the plamtiff, upon notice of this rule to
be oiVfBn tn him i^n «k^ j-^ ^ _d. • ••
«p«« tintfMsgr tlR Sdtli io9tiiDt, sfa^troaiise
September 9th,
^^*«»Aw 1»^
I 4
^vliy the verdict shnnU * .
MiCHAfeL M'Lpav T,
&britrj:,\i^Ve"^^^^ -^-^
"^^ trial in tins ca/se ^.^^^^"dantfora
^tmms, on behalf nf ft i -^^^ ^''^^^ ^Y
defendant wafnof em i^^'".!''^' '^^^ ^''«
oHhe 24th Geo Jl " 'i!»^ *^ the protection
If t. Because ' the* OrdtTc 'sT'* ?''^""^^« •
so thoroughly illell " JHf *>^ ^e^S'ons was
sanction to an act dnn. ^?^ affording any
^^ .J o an act done under the antboriiy
^Ml^t^fo^n'of'thifr! '^P^'""* ^'om the
fendant vvas actint t."*^?^^' ^^^' the de!
in^. -hichla'd'g^ ^rt'7j ^^e proceed-
a^-t.on, under colourZ h?- i / P''^^*"^
of his arguments; reTwi^'-'nrlf •' '? «"PPO''t
(tnouo-h If Qrl«.:.* 'i .. '"^
tlie great case o( Untick v V^^ •' •" "»'""
^o"/-/, however ahmilh;!' ^^T^^^-^^w*. The
Order of Sessions ^1 7/ ^t™'^^^^ ^^^^ the
from the charge o7 ,1 i^^«^' ^'"dicated it
P^9-Fe; byfho;'ing"tK:;r-"do;,.
principles, ft contain^H ,? ^u"^®^ ^®"^r«'
<=ivil liberty, accor^ng o sFr^' V'f ''^ *«
-ce lent definition of !t^(f^Tnd^;trrf
(fl) " Civil liboKy is tb.t «f . . duverc-
»» other tb,„ ««Jro/ /5^,"^* •jr*^- «/ '"cWy. .nd i.
];^« (and no farther) „ iS'^ee.I 'r*'*"^'"'*' ^^^ »""»"
^tbe set aside, anil
5 defendant.
LE against John
^uJe Nisi, which
e defendant for a
It was urffed by
Plaintiff, that the
to the protection
on two pounds :
of Sessions was
"*y, and oppress-
'f affording any
er the authority
>arent from the
-♦ that the de«
tit the proceed-
[o the present
•ceof a Magis-
■s, and dicta of
ges, in support
ncipaHy, upon
rrino-ton. The
Q'tted that the
vindicated it
itrary and op.
upon general
fngr hostile to
• Blackstone's
»d by advert-
rained by human
lod txpedient for
i"; \'}* P- 126.
wnaitiQii wbiei^
m% to the statute law of England, which, m
more instances than one, has clothed the
1 surveyors of high- ways and streets with
tnuch more extensive powers than were ne-
cessary to legalize the Order of Sessions
which had been issued by the magistrates
of Newfoundland. It also observed, with
reference to the case oiEtitickv. Carrington,
that the inference deducible from that case,
was in direct opposition to the first position
advanced by Mr. Simms; for there, though
-Lord Camden expressed himself in the
strongest language upon the illegality of the
ivarrant (and there could be no doubt but
that all the epithets which had been applied
to the Order of Sessions in Newfoundland
were much more suitable to that warrant),
yet his Lordship, and the Court of Common
Pleas, did not decide that the defendants
were deprived of the protection of the 24th
Geo. 11., c. 44, on account of the illegality
of the warrant; but because Lord Ualifase
was not a Justice of the Peace; and 2dly,
because the defendants had not complied
strictly with the terms of the warrant. Now,
had his Lordship been of opinion, that a
warrant, of the character of the one issued
by Lord Halifax, was so totally void ihat it
could not afford any protection to an act
done under it, even if it had been issued by
a Justice of the Peace, it would have been
altogether useless and unnecessary for him
to labour, as he did, to prove, by so elabo^
rate and learned an argument, that a Secre-
tary of State is not, in reality, invested with
the powers of a Justice of the Peace. It is
evident, therefore, that his Lordship thongjbt
in^substenise, U nearly the sane as Sir Wm. Blachlone's:
• 'trt, .iuBiiy := tho noi being restraiiked by any imw.
Jr T,'"Vf'*"*'""? '" ^.greater degree to the public fod.
that that warrant would have entitled the
defendants to the benefit of the 24th Geo.
IJ., c. 44, if it had been issued by a majris-
trate, and strictly complied with by the de-
fendants : and since the Order of Sessions
is not, certainly, open to greater objections,
upon general principles, than Lord Halifax's
warrant, the case of Entick v. Carrington Sf
Others, which has been so much relied on
by the plaintiff in this action, is a strong
authority to show that the Order of Ses-
sions was capable of affording protection to
an officer acting bond fide under it. But
there was one case, that of Biggs v. Mvdtfn,
2 Hen. Black. 214, which satisfied the
Courf that the defendant in this action was
entitled to the benefit of the 24th Gto. Jl.,
c. 44. There the defendant, who was lord'
of a manor, entered, in company with his
gamekeeper, the house of the plaintiff, and
took therefrom a gun ; for the recovery of
which the plaintiff brought an action of'tro-
ver against him. But the Court of Common
Pleas, though they admitted that even a
magistrate had no authority whatever to
enter the plaintiff's house, or to take away
his gun, still held, that a magistrate who
should do so in virtue of his office, was en-
titled to notice of the action under the 24th
Geo. 11.-, c. 44; and because the defendant
was, in point of fact, a magistrate, the
judges thought themselves at liberty, even
under these circumstances, to presume that
he was acting as a magistrate, and accord-
ingly nonsuited the plaintiff.— By comparing
that case with the present, the Court found
that it furnished an answer to every argu-
ment which had been urged on the part of
"the plaintiff in this suit; and accordingly the
.Court i&M that tue verdict could not be sus-
tained upon the mere point of law. But an
lave entitled the
of the 24th Geo.
ued by a maois-
with by the de-
rder of Sessions
eater objections,
1 Lord Halifax's
V. Carrington 6f
much relied on
on, is a strong
e Order of Ses-
ng protection to
under it. But
^iggs V, Evelyn,
I satisfied the
this action was
e24thGto. J J.,
t, who was lord
npany with his
lie plaintiff, and
le recovery of
n action of tro-
)urt of Common
ed that even a
y whatever to
3r to take away
mag^istrate who
office, was en-
under the 24th
3 the defendant
aagistrate, the
at liberty, even
to presume that
3, and accord*
-By comparing
le Court found
to every argu-
on the part of
iccordingly the
uid not be sus-
f law. But au
application for a new trial is always regard-
ed by the Courts at Westminster, with re-
ference to equitable considerations; and it
has been laid down in many cases that a
new trial will not be granted upon a strict
point of law, contrary to the equity of the
cause (2 Salk. 644 & 646.) Looking, then,
to the real merits of this case, the Court
perceives that the plaintiff has been depri-
ved of his property by a proceeding which
was certainly illegal ; prevented for more
than four months from bringing his cause to
trial, by an application for the postpone-
ment of it by the defendant, upon grounds
which now appear to have been frivolous ;
and that the damages which have been
given to the plaintiff by the jury, do not
exceed the actual value of the property
which has been unlawfully taken from him.
Under these circumstances, therefore, the
Court considers the verdict a very equitable
one ; and, consequently, feels it necessary
to discharge this rule.
William Innott, administrator to the Es-
tate of Jeremiah Hartary, against
James Penderoast & James Fox, execu-
tors to the Will of John M'Grath.
HIS action was brought to recover the
possession of a fishing-room, held by the
defendants under a parol demise to their
testator by the late Jeremiah Hartary.
The holding, and notice to quit, being
admitted by the defendants. Broom, jun.,
on their behalf, endeavoured to setup a ver-
bal lease for twenty-one years, of which, as
he stated, four veara wprp v#»f nn^v^i^^A
iJut the Court held such a lease subject to
the provisions of the statute of frauds ; and,
September 9th]
Verbal]e»§9» for
• longer term ihan
three yea/s, liar*
tlie force and effect
of leaie$ at will oa*
therefore, as there was no other defence to
the action, it was, by agreement, ordered,
that a writ should issue to put the plaintiff
in possession on the 20th of October next.
September 15th,
ir partners buy
land, Tor the pur<>
pose of a parloer-
■hip ooncern, it
forms part of the
partnership proper-^
ty: and it />artoer%
»hip property is in«
Tested lu the par«
chasb of a leal e8>
tate, such estate
will hi partnerthip
property, though
the oooveyance of
it may have been
made to only em
of the partners.
Ex parte, Epward Banks, ia the matter
of George Augustus Elliott's
Jr ER Curiam. The petition upon which
the question in this case arises, was originally
addressed, in the absence of the late Chief
Justice, to the Judge of the Surrogate Court
m St. John's; and has been referred by
him, with consent of parties, to my deter*
tnmation. From the evidence which has
been laid before me, it appears that, in the
autumn of 1819, the insolvent communica-
ted to one Robert, Ollethead some commer-
cial plans he had formed, and proposed that
a partnership should be entered into be-,
tween them ; but this proposition was not
assented to by Ollerhead; and the insolvent
soon after left this country for England,
where he obtained, upon his own credit,*
goods to a considerable amount, which he
forwarded to Newfoundland in the early
part of the year 1820, with a letter to Oller^
head, requesting him to take charge of them s
and adding, that if he would do so as oar/-
wcr, he, the insolvent, would be better pleased.
Under the authority of this letter, Ollerhead
took possession of the goods ; hired a store
to deposit them in ; and, from thatperiod, he
and the insolvent, without entering into any
agreement respecting the terms of their
partnership, continued to act, and carry on
business, as partners in trade, under the firm
of fa^. A. Mliott 4r Co., until January, 1821 ;
when it was agreed, that the partnersbip
;her defence to
nent, ordered,
ut the plaintiff
October next.
in the matter
m upon which
was originally
the late Chief
irrogate Court
I referred by
, to my deter*
ce which has
irs that, in the
t communica-
ome commer*
proposed that
ered into be^^
ition was not
the insolvent
for England,
own credit,
int, which he
in the early
Jtter to Oiler-
arge of them 5
io so as part-
better pleased.
ter, Ollerhead
hired a store
batperiod, he
ring into any
pms of their
and carry on
nderthe firm
nuary, 1821 ;
! partnership
ihonld be dissolved ; that Ollerhead should
be paid £211 Os. Ad., as the balance due to
him upon the statement of ihe account be-
tween the parties, together with £100 as a
remuneration for his services during the
existence of the partnership ; that a notice
of the dissolution of the partnership should
be inserted in the newspapers; and that
the msolvent should procure some friend to
guarantee Ollerhead from any liability for
the debts of the firm. It seems, therefore,
quite clear, that a partnership, as to tJiird
persons, did, in fact, subsist between these
parties for aboat six months ; but how far
Ollerhead was entitled to a participation of
profits ; and whether he ever had any vest-
ed interest in the partnership property
(17Vesey, 404) are questions which it is
by no means easy to decide upon the evi-
dence which has been adduced in this case.
It IS, 1 think, even open to some doubt,
whether a partnership, inter se, did ever ex-
ist ; and, consequently, whether Ollerhead
could If he had been disposed to insist
upon his full rights, have supported a claim
agamst Elliott for anything beyond a com-
pensation in the nature of wages, upon the
principle of & quantum meruit, tor his labour
and trouble. (Peacock v. Peacoc/c, 2 Camp.
45.) But without dwelling farther, at pre-
sent, upon these points, i will now state,
from the evidence, some other facts more
closely connected with the question under
consideration Before the insolvent went
10 t!.ngland, he had a conversation with Mr
JJoyles, the agent of Mr, Newman, respect-
ing some property belonging to the latter
gentleman, which the insolvent was desirous
K«V.VI""° "»"'"« "^"/^'Hg-leaKe ; and whilst
he was m England he had some communi-
cation with Mr. Newmat
Ex parte. Banks.
in tliK matter of
Elliott's ia-
h '■'■
<;. .:
Ex-parle, Banks,
in tile matier of
Elliott's in-
and lie also purchased some materials for
building, which Mere sent out by him to
St. John's. He did not, however, make
, any agreement with Mr. Newman; but upon
his return to Newfoundland, and subse-
quently to the commencement of his con-
nection with Ollerhead, he renewed bis ne
gotiations with Mr. Hoyles, and shortly after
obtained from him a lease of the premises in
his own name, without any consultation with
Ollerhead as to the terms and conditions of
the bargain. The building materials sent
out from England, were then employed in
constructing a house and stores upon the
demised ground ; and a large proportion of
the goods purchased by the insolvent, on
his own credit, anterior to the formation of
his partnership with Ollerhead, were trans-
ferred to Mr. Rough, the builder, in part-
payment of his account. Some of the part-
nership property was also,, it is said, ex-
pended upon the buildings; and after the
dissolution of the partnership, the insolvent
paid many hundred pounds towards their
completion. With the interest thus acqui-
red in the premises, the insolvent appears
to have considered himself solely and ex-
clusively entitled to the term ; and accord-
ingly mortgaged it, in July, 1821, to the
petitioner, as a security for the pay-
ment of a large debt, at a time when the
petitioner and a Mr. Graham were almost
the only creditors of the insolvent,, and un-
der circumstances which induced a belief,
on the part of the insolvent, that his debt
to Graham had been liquidated. There is,
therefore, no room to question the h&najidet
of the transaction ; nor do I find that an at-
tempt has been made, in any stage of the
proceedings, to impeach it on the ground of
di fraudulent preference. But Elliott havings
materials for
lilt by him to
wever, make
lan; bat upon
and subse-
it of his con-
lewed his ne
1 shortly after
e premises in
conditions of
aterials sent
employed in
es upon the
sroportion of
insolvent, on
formation of
were trans-
der, in part-
5 of the part-
is said, ex-
ind after the
he insolvent
owards their
t thus acqui-
ent appears
lely and ex-
and accord-
1821, to the.
r the pay-
ne when the
were almost
at,, and un-
ed a belief,
bat his debt
y There is,
le bonajidei
that an at-
stage of the
e ground of
Holt having
some time afterwards become insolvent, the
trustees and pjeneral creditors of his estate
dispute che validity of the mortgage to the
petitioner; because they say the lease itself
was the partnership property of EtlioU ^
Ollerhead ; and that no assignment of his
interest in it was ever made by Ollerhead to
Elliott, so as to enable the latter to dispose
of it without the concurrence of the former.
J shall, therefore, examine this subject under
the three following heads : —
1st, I shall state the arguments both for
and against the position, ihat the lease was
partnership property.
2dly, 1 shall explain the reasons upon
which 1 conceive there was a sufficient as-
signment to Elliott of Ollerhead's interest in
the lease, if we were even to allow that he
once had an equitable interest in it.
3dly, I shall show that the mortgage is, at
all events, good, as against the separate
creditors of Elliott, whatever objection it
may be open to as respects the rights of the
joint creditors of Elliott ^^ Ollerhead.
In the first place, then, it is, ] apprehend,
perfectly settled, that where partners buy
land for the purpose of a partnership concern.
It IS part of i\\e partnership property (Thorn-
ton V. Dixon, 3 Bro. 199); and that if the
partnership property is invested in the pur-
chase of real estates, the property is not se-
parate, because the conveyance is made only
to one partner'-(Smith v. Smith, 5 Ves. 189).
if, therefore, it had appeared from the evi-
dence, that this lease was taken for the pur-
pose of a partnership concern ; or that the
buildings had been solely erected with part-
nership property, I should have no hesita-
tion m declaring the lease to have been
partnership property, notwithstanding it was
inade to Elliott alone. But under the real
Ex'parte Banks.
ill llie roaiitr of
Klliott's in«
i iJ
Ex^parte Banks,
in the matter of
JiLLIOTT'i in.
facts of this case, can any one feel satisfied
that tliis lease was originally taken for a
partnership concern with OUerhead; or that
the buihlings were erected principally with
partnership property? Before the rom-
mencement of his connection with OUerhead,
Elliott enters into a treaty with Mr. Hoyle*
for a lease of this property; and concludes
his bargain during the existence of the part-
nership, without once consulting his partner
upon the propriety of the proceeding, or
explaining to him the views with which he
had entered into it. Surety, if Elliott had
intended to purchase this property on ac-
count of OUerhead and himself, he would
naturally have advised with his partner up-
on the subject of the purchase; and it is
still more probable that if OUerhead had
considered himself concerned in the pur-
chase, he would not have remained perfectly
passive and inactive whilst the negotiation
for it was in progress. J t was a matter of
too great magnitude to be regarded by him
with indifference, if he had supposed himself
to be in any way a party to it. From the
conduct, therefore, of both Elliott and O/-
lerhead an .'nference may be drawn, that the
lease was not taken by Elliott for the pur-
pose of a partnership concern. Let us see,
then, whether the buildings became partner-
ship property in consequence of their being-
constructed out of the partnership fund.
Now, it appears, that a large quantity of
building materials were sent out by Elliott
from England, together with a number of
other goods procured by him upon his indi-
vidual credit before any partnership was
formed between him and OUerhead ; and it
is certain that OUerhead was^not liable for
the debts thus contracted by Elliott (Saviile
V, Robertson, 4 T, R. 724.) But it ia pro-
feel satiBfied
' taken for a
head; or that
ncipally with
re the corn-
ilh Oiler head f
h Mr. Hoyles
id concludes
e of the part-
ig his partner
oceeding, or
nth which he
Elliott had
ierty on ac-
f, he would
3 partner up-
e; and it is
J Her head had
in the pur-
ined perfectly
te negotiation
I a matter of
rded by him
posed himself
From the
Holt and Ol-
awn, that the
for the pur-
Let us see^
::ame partnef-
3f their being
ership fund.
i quantity of
It by Elliott
a number of
pon his indi-
tnership was
head; and it V
not liable for
lllioti (S)aville |
But it is pro-
ved in evidence, that those very materials
^vere employed m erecting these buildings,
and that the principal portion of those goods
was transferred by Elliott to the builder, ia
part-satisfaction of bia demand upon him ;
and it is also proved that a very large sum
of money was paid by Elliott, on account
of those buildings, after the dissolution of
the partnership. 1 am, therefore, strongly
inclined to think that the buildings must be
deemed, ad initio, the separate estate of
Elliott ; and that the effect of the appropri-
ation of a small portion of the partnership
fund to this purpose, would merely be to
Fender Elliott a debtor to the firm for the
money so advanced, and not to convert the
buildings into partnership property. If, in-
deed, this question had arisen between the
joint creditors of the firm, and the separate
creditors of Elliott, it would have borne
some resemblance to the case of Hayes Sf
G^/^»m'* insolvency; but 1 cannot discover
that that case has any bearing whatever upon
the present controversy ; nor do 1 conceive
myself called upon to AeciAe pontively, that
these buildings could not, at any time, be
considered partnership property ; because I
am convinced that if Ollerhead ever had an
interest in them, it ceased upon the dissolu^
tion of the partnership. Against this posi-
tion it may be urged, that a mere dissolution
of partnership, without any assignment to
the remaining partner, will not convert joint
kito separate property (ex parte Williams,
1 1 Ves. 7) ; and that we have been expressly
told by Ollerhead, that there was no assign-
ment upon the dissolution of his partnership
with Elliott. But if we look for a moment
at the terms upon which the partnership
was dissolved, we shall perceive that Oiler"
head must be understood to mean a written
Ex parte, Banks
in tlie matter of
Elliott's in-
I 'S
m ■
1823. assignment; for it cannot be imagined that
^ ^>" V ■^. ' Elliott would consent to pay Ollerhead tlie
^n'^hlf'm.tS 'valance of, his account— to remunerate him
Elliott" ia. *or his services—and to guarantee him
■olTency against any liability for the debts of the
firm, — if it had not been the intention of
both parties that the partnership property
should thenceforward vest solely in EUioti,
In fact, these acts did, in substance, amount
to an assignment, though a formal assign-
ment might not have been made; and since
it is laid down, generally, that it is not ne-
cessary that the transfer should be by an
instrument in yiv\im% (^Montague on Partner'
ship, p. 101), there is an end to any objection
founded upon the irregularity of the assign-
ment ; and with reference to what has been
alleged against the sufficiency of the mea-
sures taken for dSnolving the partnership.
1 shall content myself with observing, that
the agreement to dissolve, and the notice of
dissolution published in consequence there-
of, did effectually destroy any partnership,
^ tnfcr *e, if it ever existed ; although it would
Bot have protected Ollerhead from any fu-
ture dealings between Elliott and an old
customer of the firm, who had not notice of
its dissolution ; but from this liability he
liad taken care to guard himself by the
guarantee of Mr. Preston.^V pon an atten-
tive consideration, then, of all the circum-
stances attending the dissolution of this
partnership, 1 think it highly probable that,
if the lease in question had been ostensibly
and indubitably taken for a partnership
concern, the buildings erected exclusively
Mrith partnership property, and the convey-
ance made to Ollerhead as well as to
Elliott, a Court of Equity would, after
, „ „s.,.,v.i«i,.vi4 \jt luc iiriu, uave com-
pelled Ollerhead to convey his interest
e imagined that
ly OUerhead tlie
remunerate him
guarantee him
le debts of the
the intention of
ership property
olely in Ellioii.
[)stance, amount
formal assign-
lade; and since
lai^ it is not ne«
lould be by an
gue on Partner'
o any objection
y of the assign-
» what has been
y of the niea-
he partnership,
observing, that
id the notice of
lequence there-
ny partnership,
though it would
' from any fa-
ott and an old
d not notice of
his liability he
himself by the
Upon an atten-
all the circum •
Jution of this
probable that,
teen ostensibly
a partnership
ed exclusively
d the convey-
\ well as to
would, after
Qj, have com-
his interest
in the lease to Elliott, in conformity to
the rule established in equity, that what-
ever has been agreed to be done shall be
considered as done. But in the present in-
stance there is no occasion to resort to this
principle; for as OUerhead ne\ei' had a legal
title to the lease, but only (if any) an ctjuit'
able one, his interest in it was always liable
to be divested by any circumstance which
would defeat that equity, agreeably to the
maxim, "Nihil tam conveniens est
There was, therefore, not the slightest ne-
cessity for a written conveyance, or assign-
ment, of Ollerhead's interests in these build-
ings to Elliott ; since it would naturally pass
from the former to the latter whenever those
equitable considerations upon which it was
* founded ceased to operate.
In labouring, however, to establish, by
legal argument, that the lease always was
the separate properiy o{ Elliott ; or that, at
all events, it became so upon the dissolution
of his connection with OUerhead, I have
almost been fencing with shadows; for if
the lease was not the separate property of
Elliott, what interest have the trustees and
creditors of his separate estate in it ? To
this hour OUerhead has not been declared
insolvent; nor is it even contended that the
firm was insolvent at the period when he
retired from it. The terms of the dissolution
were, that Elliott should have the partner-
ship property, and that he should be re-
sponsible for the partnership debts; and
thus the joint property was converted into
the separate property, and the joint debts
into the separate debts, of Elliott. Jn point
oi fact, iheFefore, there are not two classes
of creditors, joint and separate, between
Ex'parte Banks*
in tha maUtr of
Elliott's ia.
! t
Ex'^pttrte Banks.
in ih« naitar of
Elliott's io-
vrhora the question of joint or separate pro-
perty can be raised; but ail the creditors
are creditors ejnstfem c^etieris, viz., tiie sepa-
rate creditors of MlUivlt ; and by proving
their debts under his insolvency, they have
virtually acknowledged themselves to be so.
oince, then, the petitioner, as one of the se-
parate creditors of Elliott, did fairly obtain
a mortgage from Elliott, as a security for
a subsisting debt, 1 do not see how this
transaction can be impeached by the other
separate creditors of Elliott. They may re-
gret that they did not act with the same pru-
dence that he did, but they cannot prevent
liim from reaping the benefit of it, •' vioi-
NiUNT." Under every view, therefore, of
• case, 1 am of opinion, that the mortgage
18 valid both in law and equity ; and as the
assignment of the lease has become absolute
by the non-performance of conditions on the
part of the mortgagor, the only interest the
tnistees can claim in the lease is an equity
of redemption. The Court will, according-
ly, place the trustees in precisely the same
situation in which the mortgagor would now
stand If there had been no insolvency ; and
does, therefore, order and decree that the
trustees shall, forthwith, pay to the petition-
er the full amount of his debt, or otherwise
permit him to eater upon, and take posses-
won of, the mortgaged premises.
)r separate pro-
I the creditors
viz., the scpa-
ind by proving
ncy, they have
(selves to be so.
3 one of the se-
d fairly obtain
8 a security for
i see how this
I by the other
They may re-
h the same prii-
annot prevent
of It, ♦* VIGI-
, therefore, of
t the mortgage
y; and as the
come absolute
iditions on the
ly interest the
'■ is an equity
ill, according-
»ely the same
or would novir
olvency ; and
ecree that the
) the petition-
er otherwise
1 take posses-
William Henry Fry appellant,
Benjamin Reigles respondent.
In affirming the judgment of the Surrogate
Court m this case, the Chic/ Justice said:—
That where a judgment has been given in
a Court below, founded upon the verdict of
d Jury, this Court will not inquire into the
merits of the case ; receive any statement of
facts contradictory of the evidence ; nor re-
verse the judgment, except for error inpoinl
of law, apparent upon the face of the proceed-
Estate of the late Rev. John Leigh.
U PON a representation from Thomas H.
Brooking, administrator, ad coil, bona, of the
late Rev. John Z«>'A, deceased, that he had
been applied to by two servants of the said
deceased for their wages ; and that some of
the property of the said deceased which had
come to his possession, consisted of arti-
cles liable to deterioration if kept for any
length of time ; it is ordered that the said ad-
ministrator do pay to George Garratt the sum
of £18, and to John Maddock £2 5s., being
the amount of wages respectively due to
them. And, also, that the said administrator
be authonzed to sell and dispose of,bv public
auction, such parts of the said property as
may come under the description of ^owa
The Supreme
CoHrl will nnl re«
verse the juin<'nt
founded upoD the
verdict of a Jury,
except for error of
law apparent vpon
the face of the pro.
tteUingt —[See
6ih G»o. IV., «.
07, e. 14.]
September V^*k,
Order to an ad. col-
ligendum bona de^
fundi, 10 pay iha
wages due lo llie
servants of the dr«
ceased, and io i)is«
pose of, by publie
sale, such part ot*
the goods of the
deceased as were
bona peritura.
• \
October ath.
Upon the ttiif .
•reMioo.onoath, of
• J«'«'(?'i>©nt-oredN
•or, thai tb« party
•jrain.t whom the
J"dt>ment was gj.
v*"", had coodg
and fffptts in the
hands of a ihtrd
person, that per-
son rs diroclfd. I>y
order of Court, to
•ccouni for (he a|w
|»f«l'riation of any
I'loperly which
•"••y h»ve come lo
'"s pi'ssession be^
loiii-ing tu the
Order Of Court.
this Courf on Th.l , 'T""^^ *" «"*^nd '«
answer such n„LZ^^' '^^ ^/'» »'°«t««t. to
the%opX of tlfe s^li' vT '"^' ^^'^«-' -f
James Blaikie, C. S, a
October Gth.
Order upon ibe
next of kin lo show
eaiise against the
graining of adnii.
"isirnrion, cum tcs%
t'lmcnlo aniicKo, lo
•he sole legatee.
T IS ordered that notice he eiven to M
Ann Skellon, who isstafpH 11 1 fi ^'''^•
kin to John mitditchut **i r -^'-^ "^^^ ^^
island of Newfoundlf; 1^^ ^'^ ^T''^'' '» the
her to showTaS;:? tanylhTc^^^^^^^^^
proved in this Ponrf ? ' 5''°"'^ "«' be
James Blaikie, C. ^y. c.
IVa ii
aflirlavit of mi-
•at George liar-
of goods, chat-
o Thomas Har-
oner obtained a
'e 29th u!t. for
time when such
•dered that the
red to attend in
0th instant, to
f be put to him
»nd disposal of
nas Harvey.
IK IE, a s, c.
Nicholas Cbqak against Peter Brown. 1823.
I >f this case the Court decided, that the ^'^^obtrQih.
defendant was not liable to pay the pro- Disputed «e
ceeds of the articles sold by defendant, as ••oiinis beiv,«..,i
agent to the plaintiff, to James Fox of Har- n»"'*« 'efTre.i to
hour Grace; but directed that the accounts ^^ Cle,kot.h«
between the parties should be examined by
the clerk of the Court, whose report thereon
should decide whether any balance was due
lo the plaintiff; and who should, also, tax
the costs of the suit, which were, at all
events, to be borne by the defendant ; the
Court considering that this action was, in
principle, an action for an account, and that
the defendant was liable to the costs of it
tor his neglect in not rendering an account
(5 Vows Rep. 127.)
Petition and Order thereon.
riven to Mrs.
Je the next of
^'•inity. in the
sed, requiring
n. vvhy a cer-
'bould not be
> to Charles
zabeth Ans^
e said will.
To His Honour Richard Alex.
Tucker, Esq. Chief Justice of
JSeufowtdland, ^c. ^c. ^c.
The Petition of Goss, Butler^ Goss, of St.
John's, Newfoundland, merchants,
That your Honour's petitioners, in the
month of November, 1820, became the
mortgagors of a plantation, the property of
John mihams, situate at Petty Harbour
under a mortgage-deed duly executed by
the said ,/oA« Wilhams, insecurity for a debt
dne by him to the petitioners in the sum c,f
±250; which sura the said John IVilUams
hy covenant contained in the said deed'
agreed to pay to petitioners by annual inl
■>;aB'i''?S?(W'' MnABfifll
Petition it Order
October 9th.
October 2G//i.
stalments of £23 each succeeding year until
the saul rJebt should be dischar".ed^ ' *''
thJff i''''**'^ 1^!.'' '^""y of September lasf,
»'e full sum of £75. for three years instal-
^um of £,f i '""^T' ^^"k P-'d' whereas Ihe
sum or £15 9s. 9d. only has been paid by
the said John Williams, xvlw still delavs and
refuses to fulfil the conditions of tlfesa"d
"jortgage-deed ; petitioners, therefore hum-
Wy pray that your Honour will be p eS
to grant a ru\e that the said John miliaml
may appear in this Honourable wt To
show cause why the said mortgage shall not
bQ foreclosed for the indemnification of pe-
titioners under the said deed; and as in
duty ,bound petitioners will ever pray, &c!
For Petitioners, i j» ^.
Out of these
ved them have
salvage of one-
lis will le^ve a
ers aad under-
hire of a boat,
o to the wreck,
er's protest, &c.
vere on freight,
he owners have
tnarkable fact,
' wages in the
ler been settled
y any decision
•fLaw. Chief
llcnt work on
g the ordinan-
tries upon this
1 been able to
sh Court upon
has made no
is Court mu3t,
ciples, in order
»f the seamen
itances of the
ider its consi^
«n established
ther of wages;
statement of
been earned ;
of the gene-,
facts of the
tied either to
wages. On
ing principle
regard to the
to make the
payment thereof to depend upon the swcess^ 1823
Jul termination of the voyage; and in con- ^ , - . _ *
formity to this principle, (it seems to be the Can of th. Bri.
opmionofour ablest Judges, and best wri- Atalanta.
ters upon maritime law, that the seamen
ought to contribute, out of their wages, to
the salvage upon recapture. {Abbott, 466 &
467.) The same principle is equally appli*
cable where, as in the present instance,
a part of the cargo has been saved, after
mpwreck, by strangers, without any co-
opera on on the part of the mariners, who
bad been previously compelled to abandon
the vessel ; and the rule deducible from the
two principles already mentioned, is, that
the claim of the seamen to wages must
ever be (where there is no fault on their
side) in proportion to the net amount of
the freight earned. As, therefore, the
net amount of the freight upon the goods
saved IS to the whole amount of freight
which would have been earned by the ves-
sel had she reached her port of destination
m safety; so is the amount of wages to
Which the seamen are now entitled, to the
whole amount which would have become
due *o them m that event: andtheCWr^
accordingly, directs that a payment of wages
should be made to tbenj agreeably to this
proporhon, - j
■^Ijl^'lll »pl(l I
.; ^
if (member lOlh
Brjiba VT & Sheppard c6'mp*tSnant8,
Trustees of Le Messuriek's Estate
Held, firit. that
the preference gi-
ven by the 49tb
Geo. IIL, 0. 27,
•. 7, to the creditor
whose debts were
contracted within
two years prece-
diog the declaia<
tion of insolvency,
h, like the prefer>
ence conferred on
the creditor of
the current season,
confined to debts
contracted for sup'
plie$ furnished for
the prosecution of
the fitheries. And
second, that where
■ person carries on
business to a great
extent as •.general
merchant, and is,
at the same time,
directly concerned
in the prosecution
of the fisheries, bis
property and ef.
lects, in the event
of his insolvency,
will not become /t<
able to the law of
wrrent tupply.
«n<. 1^? ^^*"^,^®^'^ «^^^f»* arguments
upon this case, and taken time to consider
ihe important points which grew out of it,
ine CAtef Justice no\f delivered the following
-lJ?/*'T® ^'^^ raised two questions so
1«? V"u^'^?'°^ '^^^« commercial intc
rests of the colony, and, at the same titie, ac-
comp^ied with circumstances ofsuchpe-
n«Wnl '**^'- J' ^''.^* ^^*^ ^ '«°&' ««d even
pamful consideration of them, 1 am now
3« ^i'^'*u^'^' * j"^^™^»t "Po° these
points without having been able to banish
J^AoZ/y from my mind all the donbts whick
have presented themselves in the course of
?iJ' T.uuTT'- *'^'* ^^^ sake of perspici^
"y, 1 shall first give a siiccinct outline of the
principal circumstances which occasioned
tj^^TV'^'^-^ ''*^" afterwards distinct^
ly state the two important questions which
have grown out of those circumstances ; and
Ihff ' ,'^i^y. explain the grounds upon
Vfbich my decision on them is founded; in
as clear and intelligible a manner, as 1 can
iM-om the facts which are admitted on
both sides, it appears, that the insolvent car-
ned on trade to a very considerable extent
as a general merc/iant, in St. John's ; and
that he also conducted a Jishert/, upon a
pretty extensive scale, at Burin. In the
K!h"''°" V^^^^f /r ^^J^^'ts, he con-
tracted a number of debts ; and at the pe-
mfo iu insolvency which took place in
1819, there was one class of rrpHif^a »,Uq
had demands upon his estate as sma'nts,
'iCj,^' ,
■\"'t" ). ''I *•■ r-
lEU's Estate
reral argnracnfs
ime to consider
grew out of it,
•ed the following
'0 questions so
tmmercial inte«
e same tine, ac-
ces of such pe-
long, and even
em, 1 am now
lent upon tiiese
able to banish
doubts whick
the course (rf'
ke of perspicu>-
rt outline of the
ch occasioned
wards distincln
lestions which
mstances ; and
grounds upon
is founded, ill
mer as I can.
admitted on
J insolvent car-
lerable extent,
John's ; and
^t^nh upon a
•irin. In the
?cts, he con-
nd at the pe-
took place m
as servants,
;. »
for wages: artother class who, supposing
that the law relating to - current supplies"
IS appl.ctbje to such a case as this, might
Ciairn as snppliera for the current season! a
ilnril class whose credits were given within
two years before the declaration of insolven-
<^y : and the complainants in this, suit, with
>vhom the insolvent had contracted his debt
several years before any of those comprised
m the foregoing classes. Under a liability
to claims of these four descriptions, the es-
late ot the insolvent was transferred td trus,
tees; who out of the proceeds thereof, have
discharged the whole amount of the servants'
^yages. and have also paid a dividend of five
shillings in the pound upon all the debts in-
curredmtlie years 1818 and 1819, without
hitherto making any distinction in favour of
I the airrent supplier (a); but yet refuse to
perniit the complainants to participate in
their ha.id8 funds more than sufficient to
W lli^''"' ^^"^.'^ f: The questions,: there,
fore, that arise out of these facts, are. whether
or not the persons who have become ere-
the 49th.Geo. Jll. c. 27, s.7. to be paid 2a*.
n the pound, before the creditoirs of an earn
lier date can claim flwi^^ dividend ?^And
2dly. whether or not that priority in orde^
of payment, which by the same section. is
conferred upon the current supplier, extends
to any dass of the creditors of a person
largely engaged in general trade.: and at the
establishment? This latter >pointJ»as7nS^
(o) There 8«(Bm« to bate'' btettfi«BMrlwMrf»J*wA- ,al
filtSHAUT 4e
,& , ■'
Trustees of Lb
instate. .
•• ii
Trui(e«t of Lb
indeed, been absolutely mooted hy the paf*
ties to the present suit ; but from the ac-
counts laid before me, I perceive it has been
m some measure reserved by the trustees as
a legal problem which has not yet been
solved : and as the determination of it is es-
sentially necessary to the settlement of this
estate, 1 have been induced to examine it
with a good deal of attention, and am now,
probably, as well prepared to deliver an opi-
nion upon it as I shall ever be. It is, there-
fore, I think, proper that 1 should seize this
opportunity of declaring my senliments upon
It ; and 1 shall accordingly do so, after ha-
vmg delivered them upon the former ques-
tion, "which constitutes, as 1 have already
observed, the more immediate subject ofthe
present suit.
Before Mr. Forbes came to this island, it
had been uniformly holden by the Courts
hf re, that the expression •• creditor for sup-
plies, ' which is used in the 49th of his late
Majesty, was intended merely as a '^person'*
arum designatio," or a description of the
persons who were to be entitled to a prefer-
ence undpr that act ; and that, consequent-
ly, a " creditor for supplies" had a right to
a priority of payment of the «;Atf/c amount of
his account for the "current season," (which
word "season" was then understood to
mean the same as 3^mr,) although it might
contain, in addition to some things necessa-
ry to the fishery, a still greater number of
articles in no respect connected therewith.
Koon after bis arrisral, however, this question
was brought before him, by an appeal from
the judgment of one of the Surrogates, in a
case which arose oat of the insolvency of
Messrs. Crawford ^ Co. ; and he the»e deci-
ded, in opposition to a loner series nf nre^A.
dents, by Which the opinionof the Surrogate
oted by the paf*
tiut from the ac-
ceive it has been
^ the trustees as
IS not yet been
lation of it ises-
ettlement of this
1 to examine it
ii» and am now^
3 deliver an oj)i-
>e* It is, there-
lould seize this
sentiments upon
do so, after ha-
ll e former ques^
1 have already
te subject ofthe
> this island, it
by the Courts
reditor for sup-
49th of his late
y as a *' person*
ription of the
ed to a prefer-
it, consequent-
had a right to
hole amount of
eason," (which
[inderstood to
)ugh it might
hings necessa-
er number of
ed therewith.
', this question
a appeal from
irrogates, in a
insolvency of
be tbei e deci*
ifies of Drece-
tbe Surrogate
I was supported, that the word "supplies'*
must be contined to such articles as are
commonly required in the Fisheries; and
that the expression " current season " sig-
nifies only that part ofthe year in which the
hshery can be prosecuted. In shorty he
construed this passage in the Act— "Every
person who shall be a creditor for supplies
furnished in the current season, shall be paid
twenty shillings in the pound ; ** exactly as
If It had been thus expressed :~Every per-
son who shall be a creditor for supplies,
shall be paid twenty shillings in the pound
upon the amount of supplies actually furnished
by him for the fishery within that portion of
the current year in which it can he carried on
Jn his judgment wpon that case, he takes a
wide and comprehensive view of the eaxly
cona.iion of this country, and ofthe peculiar
usages and customs which had grown out
of It ; and demonstrates, by a train of the
most lucid and convincing arguments, that
the provisions in the 49th ofthe late Kinir
relative to the distribution of the effects hi
insolvents, are remedial of the fnconvenien-
ces resulting from customs no longer adapt-
ed to the existing state of things ; and tha^
It ought, consequently, to be construed \\i
berally, and in such a way as to repress th^
Jiischief, and advance the remedy.— Satis-
fied, therefore, that it is impossible for me
to place this matter in a clearer light than
has already been done by him, 1 shall refer
to his arguments in the case of Crawford's
insolvency, as if they had been absolutely in-
corporated m this judgment ; and shall con«
tent myself with offering such additional o&i
sermttens upon the design and object of the
7th section ofthe 49th Geo. IIJ., c. 27, m
will, 1 trust, justify the construction J am.
now auout to pnt upon it ~
«Bd ''''
Trqilcea of Lt
Ealatt. ''
TniitMg of Lk
When a branch of producliFe labour is to
be fostered, which requires a certain share
orcat)itaI, aiid a particular sort of skill, and
when the person who possesses the art and
skill necessary for the successful cultivation
of It, is almost always without money suffi-
cient to carry it on, it is obviously a wise
measure to give to men of capital a lien up-
on the properly to be obtained by the em-
ployment of a part of that capital in such an
undertaking, as an inducement to them to
advance it in a concern, where the party
conducting it has no other kind of security
to offer them. In such a state of things a
lien upon the produce of the labour, and a
P"?"(y of payment in cases where debts of
a diflerent nature have been incurred, are the
trOe parents of credit; and this was precisely
the condition of the infantile establishments
in this colony. It was, therefore, natural
that such a lien, and such a preference with
respect to payment, should rapidly grow
into a custom (i) ; and it was also wise and
proper for -the Courts to sanction and favour
such a custom as far as possible. But it is
^uite evident, that the same custom which
IS thus capable / creating and supporting
credit in one stateof society, will undermine,
shake, and destroy it in another. Thus it
may be advanced, as Jan axiom obvious to
the understanding of every commercial man,
that mercantile transactions c»uld not pos- ^
sibly be carried on upon a forg-e scale if such
a custom were to be extended to them ; be- t
cause as the return upon these transactions
w often vQvy slow and distant, they demand
(*; It ii worthy of remark, that the sopptier'a lien
opoo Ibe produe. of a fiabiog.royaga ttiil r«au aolin ly
upon cmUvrn, and has nef»r bam dibar diraetry or iodi.
wctlj rtflogoized bj any part of the kz scripta of iba
il£ COURT,
:tive labour is to
a certain bhare
lort of 8kjll, and
sses the art and
issful cultivation
lit money suffi-
^bviously a wise
ipital a lien upr
led by the emt
ipitdl in such an
ent to them to
'here the party
kind of security
itate of things a
e labour, and a
where debts of
ncurred, are the
is Was precisely
refore, natural
•reference with
rapidly grow
also wise and
ion and favour
ble. But it is
custom which
nd supporting
ill undermine,
her. Thus it
m obvious to
amercial man,
mid not pos*
re scale if such
to them; be-
B transactions
they demand
h« sopplier't lien
•till TMit eolinljr
r directly or iadi*
kx icripta of iba
a credit which must be continued/or several
years; and it i.s maaifestiy impossible that a
credit of this kind ca.n Jtourish (if, indeed, it
can exist at all) where the creditor, by for-
bearing to exact payment of his debt for a
year or two, will incur the greatest risk of
losing it altogether. Wlien, therefore, New-
foundland had begun. to emerge from a long
period of rickety childhood, into a state of
more promising and vigorous adolescence;
and when in addition to the * planters,' who
for a vast number of years had constituted
nearly the whole of her sedentary popula-
tion, merchants with considerable capital,
or credit, had fixed themselves in all the
principal ports of the island, the trade of it
necessarily assumed a new and different
character, to which the old customs of lien
and priority of panment were, as 1 think I
have clearly provec' idedly adverse. It
was, consequent' , . found necessary to re-
strain those customs to their peculiar, and on-
ly proper object, i\\e fisheries ; and accord-
ingly it is declared, in the 49th of the late
K-ng, that, " it will greatly contribute to the
'*• advanct inent of the trade and fishery of
" Newfoundland, if such effects as persons
" be omiug insolvent in the island were pos-
*' sessed of or entitled to within the said
*' island, should be divided among their cre-
" ditors with more equality than hath hi-
" therto been practised. It is the protessrid
design, therefore, oT this Act, tp introduce a
more equal distribution of the estates of in-
solvents than bad formerly prevailed m
Newfoundland.—- Let us siee, t^en, by ^hat
means it purposes to effect this end. Noif,
the 7(h secti(;>n enacts, " that in the distri*
" bution to be made of the estate and Cj^ecb
" of persons declared insolvent, ev^ ia^
TruDttN of Ls
:< !,
• Shbfpard
Truateat of Lb
the encon-
justify the
it so far are
from requi-
ral principle,
that a deviation from it most, for the reasons
1 have already detailed, be inevitably at-
tended with the most mischievous and oer-
nicious consequences to them. Still, how-
ever, if It was manifestly the intention of the
egislature to extend that exception, which
they have unquestionably sanctioned in fa-
vour of the fishery, to our commerce in s-ene-
ral, this Court would be imperatively bound
to give full effect to that intention ; and the
Judge m pronouncing a decision, which he
felt to be highly injurious to the interests of
the colony, could only say, « Hoc quidem
EST. (e) Indeed it has been observed by a
learned writer, whose opinions seem to me
deserving of much attention, from the sensi-
ble arguments by which they are recommend-
ej even where they are at variance with
tC .M^ ''"'' »««-?-establi8hed legal rules,
that the exposition of a statute is impera-
iive, and not discretionary: and to qualify
the express provisions of an Act, by excep-
lons deduoed from its supposed spTrit.
; however conducive to the justice of partil
"d^.T."?r' w ^^'^'^ ^'«''"'"? prece-
dent : (d) and to the propriety of this ob-
servation with reference to the particuhr
case to which it is applied by him, 1 give
the most cordial assent. But words are
merely the .t,^„. by which we express our
Ideas; and to interpret these signs correctly
*ion of using them. If their meaning was
^holly independent of extrinsic circuSst^n!
ces, and always umform. the Judges, whose
f«r"''\Vl'^.'"'^"""^' ^»»d ««t to make,
laws, would be bound to confine themselves
(c) 3 Blac. Com. 630.
Tnntees of Lp
li •> ■
I'ruvteet of Lb
strictly to the mere words of a statute. Td
almost every word, however, there are seve-
ral meanings; and all these are liable to vary
materially with the manner and occasion qf
using th^m. In order, therefore, to ascer-
tain the intention of the legislature, as ex-
pressed in a statute, regard must be had to
the words-^to the context— to other Acts
in pari materid («)~to the subject-matter of
the law—to its effects and consequences—
and to the reason and spirit of it rj") : and
from a consideration of all these (and not
Irom any one of them alone) the Judges are
to deduce that intention which, when they
have once discovered it, they must closely
adh^r^ to, and rigidly enforce, without pre-
suming to evade, or even to mitigate, the
force of it, although it may be unwise,
ov Gven unjust i for the power oi altering
laws cannot be distinguished from the pow-
er of »M N°*"' ^'^ C-oAe call, thi, ..„„ ^^.
Tlriitl«r« of LS
j' i W.
TruaUes of Lb
creditor within two years is extended to
debts of every denomination ; because by such
a construction the Act would not only be
still liable to all the objections which Mr.
Forbes thought his judgment would remove ;
but would also, in addition to them, be in-
consistent, and, as it were, at variance with
itself. Whatever objections, on the score
of policy and expedience, may be nrged
against a statute which should give to the
creditor of the first year a preference over
the creditor of the second ; and to the latter
a preference over the creditor of the third
year ; such a statute would, at least, be
consistent; and it would be easy to undei*-'-
stand^ though, perhaps, impossible to c^^£n,
the principle upon which it was founded.
But a statute which should prefer one de^
scription of creditors within the first year, to
another description of creditors for the same
period — neglect this distinction altogether
when it provides for creditors of the second
year— and yet give to tlie creditors of that
year in general a preference over all other
creditors — would, under every view J can
take of it, be palpably absurd. JNotwith-
standing, therefore, the ambiguity and seem-
ing inaccuracy of the structure of the sen-
tences in the 7thsection of the4dth Geo. III.
c. 27, 1 am of opinion that the privileges
conferred by it upon the creditor for the
current season, and upon the creditor with>
in two years, were in both instances intend-
ed to be confined strictly to credits for sup-
plies furnished to the fishery^
I come now to the second query arising
out of this case ; and a& my opinion upon
it has been formed upon the same view of
the subject which 1 have endeavoured to
support by the preceding observations, I
shall not be obliged to dweil very long upon
i^l extended to
because by such
juld not only be
ons which Mr.
t would remove ;
to them, be in-
at variance with
s, on the score
may be urged
uld give to the
preference over
and to the latter
iitor of the third
d, at least, be
e easy to under^
)ssible to defend,
it was founded.
Id prefer one de^
he first year, to
OTB for the same
ition altogether
"s of the second
creditors of that
over all other
rery view J can
urd. Notwith-
iguity and seem-
ture of the sen*
i the privUeges
creditor for the
e creditor with-
istances intend-
credits for sup-
I query arising
f opinion upon
same view of
endeavoured to
observations, I
very long upua
It. By extending the law relating to " svp'
ply " to the case of a merchant who is pri-
marily engaged in general trade with all
parts of the world, and only collaterally
connected with a branch of the fishery, I
think we should give birth to the three fol-
lowing serious evils: —
1st. An extreme difficulty (in some cases,
% perhaps, amounting to an impossibility) in
^ settling the estate of such a person upon his
becoming insolvent; from the uncertainty
which niust generally prevail with regard to
the distinction between debts contracted fbr
supplies^ and debts contracted in the usual
course of trade.
2d. A severe and very prejudicial re-
straint upon commercial credit ; from the
indisposition which would be naturally felt
,| by merchants in other countries to entrust
^ their capital with a person upon whose es-
} tate and effects another class of creditors
should possess a preferable claim.
3d. A vast increase to the number of
declarations of insolvency; from the appre-
hension which would be always entertained
by the creditors of the favoured classes of
losing their " vantage ground " by delaying
I CO enforce payment of their demands ; and
from a cold indifference which this wou\d
naturally generate with respect to the inte-
rests of the other creditors, provided there
were a 9anmtki tUnt^ 1 L..»^ *. I -i i. <.
it. My sole en-
len to ascertaia
intention of the
1 regard to the
ion ; and after a
I of what 1 deem
leaning, I am of
intended to re-
le of distributing
orii^inating in a
s to every other
! fishery (for the
nent of which it
s contracted fur
y for the purpose
riy on, or to en-
?nt. In other
sing the account
escription which
liery, but they
ed expressly for
to induce a rea-
tor looked prin-
j voyage for the
last of these cir-
only true basis
3n, and right to
ughl to stand;
e as customs, in
e of law, which
(istrued strictly,
• proper object,
that a credit of
iive the lien and
e attach, is ne-
character of ge-
this ground I
law relating to
able to them.—
it 1 must, bow-
lOt uciiu
deliver my mind entirely from a number of
doubts with which it has been impregnated
durmg my investigation of this important
case; and it is, accordingly, my most anx-
ious wish, that it may be carried before a
higher and more competent tribunal. The
questions which it involves are not only
momentous in their general operation upon
the commercial interests of the colony, but
also of some magnitude in their particular
application to the present suit ; (A) and these
considerations will, I trust, induce the re-
spondents to appeal from my decision to
His Majesty in Council.
TrustMi of Li
Stephen Ne«fport affainst James, Tho-
1^. Mijs, and William Purcell.
J HIS action was bronght to recover the
sum of £20 lOs. 3d. as the balance of wages
due to the plaintiff under a written agree-
ment; and the Court gave judgment for the
plaintiff according to the express terms of
the agreement, after the Chief Justice had
refused to admit evidence to prove what was
the meaning of the parlies at the time when
the agreement was entered into, as being
contrary to the rules of evidence; though
Jus Honour, at the same lime, informed the
defendants that they would be allowed to
adduce evidence as to any custom which
might prevail in this island in relation to
agreements of the nature of the one now
nndeii consideration..
fA; Th« debt admitttd to b« du« bylh« iuolreat. to
llie claimant^. asic^^niiiH ■
nft^n W.»» va^.^-l — A- «f ■ .•
Nmcmber 15/A.
Evidence !• not
admissibls to prof •
ibat ihe memn-
ing of ]hd parlies
to an agteemeiit
was different from
wiiat i{ appean to
be by the wrilteo
terms of such
agreemtnt, takpff
in iheir iitnal and
ordinary seass.
AovemAer 'iith.
Order of Court
upon a parly who
was alleged to
liave auffered a
' coosiderable time
to elapse without
taking any steps
towards the pro-*
aeouijon of an ap«
peal, to show
ause why exeru*
tion should not is«
aue upon the judg«
mentgiren against
November 2itk,
The lessee of
government ground
has a right, under
the cuitom of ihie
country, to surren»
der bis lease upon
the destruction of
the prenises by
Robert Evans appellant,
The assignee to the estate of Thomas
CoNGDON respondent. ' '
T the instance of Mr. James Cross^ the
attorney for the respondent in the above-*
mentioned cause —
It is ordered by the Courty that the above-
named appellant, and his surety in the ap-*
peal, do appear in Court on Friday, the 5th
day of December next, to show cause why
the amount of the judgment of this Court
against the above- 'tamed appellant has not
been paid and satisfied ; or why execution
8kould,notbe forthwith issued against the
goods, chatties, credits, and effects of them,
the said Robert Evcms and William Stafford
Pope, the surety in appeal of him the said
Robert £vam. ^^
Rex against George "Lilly.
MmY this action, the Government sought to
recover the sum of £36 from the defendant,
for one year's rent of certain premises which
had been leased to him. The cause stood
over for consideration from the 22d ult., and
the Chief Justice now delivered the following
judgment upon it : —
The defendant is the lessee of some Go«
vemment ground, upon which there were
certain houses erected, which were con-
sumed by fire last summer ; and the present
action is brought to recover rent for the same.
In his defence, the defendant relied upon
the following objections whicU were taken
by kirn to the action : —
— ^Tiiat agreeably to the decisions of
that the above-
irety in the Api
Friday, the 5th
3W cause why
of this Court
pellant has not
why execution
id against the
effects of them,
'illiam Steward
him the said
nent sought to
the defendant,
iremises which
e cause stood
i the following
of some Go*
ch there were
:h were con^
id the present
It for the same.
relied upon
:k were taken
e decisions of
the late Chief Justice^ upon cases which
arose out of the fire by which this town was
partially consumed in 1817, he had a right
to surrender his lease in consequence of the
destruction of the premises thereon by fire.
Second.— That under the regulations
adopted by the appraisers, appointed under
the Ist George IV. c. 51, the houses which
had been consumed by the late fire could
not be re-Nuilt on the sites of the old ones ;
and that a part of the demised ground had
been taken from the defendant by the said
appraisers for public purposes. That these
circumstances, therefore, did necessarily
cancel and annul a contract which was, in
Its nature, entirely indivisible and incapable
of severance.
Third.— That immediately after the fire,
the defendant tendered to the then Attorney
General, as the proper officer of the Crown,
the amount of rent due up to the period of
the fire ; accompanied with a notice that
defendant had abandoned the lease; aud
that this tender ftnd notice were accepted
of by him. *^ .
^,'^'*»« question, whether the demolition of
the houses by fire gave the lessee a right to
Burrender his lease, and, by consequence,
discharged him from his covenants to repair
atid to pay rent, had now for the first time
been raised in this Court, J confess,! should
have felt great difficulty in deciding it in the
aflirmative, even under the strongest evi-
dence of a local usage which could be
brought before me. In an excellent note upon
Co. Litt. 67, a. Mr. Hargrove observes, that
*• It has been doubted on the statute 6 Ann,
" c. 31, whether a covenant to repair fi^c«e!
II rallif, extends to the case ofjire, and so
becomes an agreement within the statijtP r"
but in Builock v. Vonmitt, 6 T. R. 650, it
JR£x t. Lilly
• rl
was Solemnly decided.that a lessee of a hoase
who covenants orenerally to bound to
rebuild it if it l»e burned by an accidenta^fire.
And it was held, almost* a century ago, in
Monk V. Cooper, 2 Str. 763 that the lessee
is liable to pay rent after the destruction of
the pi( raises by fire, where there is a cove«.
nant to repair, qualified with an exception
of the case of fire ; which decision was re-
cognized and confirmed by the Court of
King's Bench in Belfour v. fTeston, 1 T. R.
310, which was a stronger case than that of
Monkv. Cooper, inasmuch as the plaintiff
had neglected to rebuild the house after
notice to him to do so. It was even deter-
mined in Ellis V. Sandham,. 1 T. 11. 705, that
under a power to tenant for life to lease for
years, reserving the Mswwrf covenants, &c., a
lease made by him, containing a pro visa,
that in case the premises were blown down,
or burned, the lessor should rebuild, others
wise the rent should cease— was void ; the
jury having found that sueh covenant was
-unusml. Neither can a tenant be relieved
in these cases from his covenant to pay relit
by a Court of Equity, (re Ves. 117 ,•: Anst.
687,) unless, perhaps, in tbe event of the
landlord's having received the value of his
premises by insuring. (Amb. 62 r.)— Such,
then, being the settled law upon the points
in England, I repeat, that if this had been
res Integra in this Court, it would have been
a subject of great doubt with me, whether
evidence of a contrary practice in this coun-
try could warrant a different rule of con-
slruction upon leases of this nature ? But
this identical question was brought before
the Supreme Court in the case of Neivman
V. Meagher ^ Others («) ; and Mr. Forbes
(a) Ani» p. 207.— See also Carrell v. Carton. 140.
anil "- -" - "• " • • '^»
X-vWcil 7
Icsseeofahoase bound to
« accidentaF fire,
century a{?o, in
that the lessee
5 destruction of
there is a cove»
th an exception
ecision was re-
V the Court of
fTeston, 1 T. R.
ase than that of
as the plaintiflf
he house after
tvas even deter>
T. 11. 705, that
life to lease for
venants, &c., a
ning a provrsc^
e blown down,
rebuild, other-^
-was void ; the
covenant was
ant be relieved
ant to pay relit
B. 117 ,•: Anst.
e event oi the
le value of his
62 f.)— -Such,
pon the points
' this had been
uld have been
me, whether
e in this coun-
t rule of con-
» nature ? But
rough t before
e of Netvman
d iVIr. Forbes
V. Carton, 140,
there decided, that the lessee was entitled 1023.
lo surrender his lease ; apparently upon tlio V-^^-v-^*^
pnuciple,that the cuHtom of this island to sur- Huxv. Uiay.
render under these circumstances, amount-
ed to exidence of d general ajrrccmcnt to sur-
render in the event of the destruction of the
premises by fire. From his judgment tliere
was an appeal to his Majesty in Council;
but it was, after argument, affirmed ; and
It IS, therefore, ray duty to declare, in con-
formity to that decision, that the defendant
in this suit was at liberty to surrender bis
The first objection which was raised to
this action by the defendant, having thu«
been shown to be sufficient to entitle him
to a judgment in his favour, 1 might reason-
ably declme a discussion of either of the
other points urged by him , but as nues-
♦jons may arise as to the operation of the
1st G£o. IF. c. 51 upon leases, in cases
under different circumstances from the pre-
sent, 1 think 1 may possibly prevent some
litigation by distinctly stating the grounds
upon which 1 conceive that the appropria-
tion by the appraisers, appointed under that
statute, of a portion of any demised j^round
to public purposes, has mt the smallest ten-
dencn whatever to avoid the lease.
in Hornby v. Houlditch (And. 40) it was
held, that an Act of Parliament, which had
absolutely taken from the defendants the
ttjAo/fi of the demised property, did not dis-
charge him from the payment of rent for the
same ; and m his observations upon that
case, Lord Hardwicke remarks, that "every
''person is considered as assentintr to a
public Act', and therefore the plaintiff
must be considered as assenting to the
assignment of the term to the trustees
ac^viuiwjj IV iu«- provisions 01 the statute."
• f .
I \
Ris *. Lilly.
Upon the same pHnciple, it seems to me to
be perfectly clear, that both landlord and
tenant must be considered as asHentin^ to
the appropriation of a part of tlie demincd
ground to public purposes, agreeably to the
directions prescribed by the Ist Geo. i V. ;
and as the 4th section of this Act expressly
fjrovides that a compenBation shall be al-
owed them, *' with reference to the value
•* of their several interests therein," it was
manifestly the intentioi, of the legislature,
that the relation between landlord and te-
nant should not, in any instance, be dis-
turbed or affected by the operation of that
With respect to the third point, 1 shall
only observe, that if the defendant had not
been entitled to surrender his lease, I should
not have deemed the acceptance of the sur-
render by the Attorney General binding up-
on Government^ without further proof that he
possessed competent authority to act in this
matter on its behalf; but as the lease was»
in fact, rendered void by the demolition of
the houses, 1 am of opinion that the tender
of the lease and rent to the Attorney General
was, in the absence of the Governor, or of
any person specially deputed by him to act
upon such an occasion, sufficient, upon equi^
table considerations, to protect the de-
fendant from incurring any liability to costs
in this action.
: couRt,
seems to me td
I landlord and
as asMentin^ to
)f tlie demised
greeably to tlie
I Ist Geo. IV. ;
; Act expressly
on shall be al-
ee to the value
Ijerein," it was
the legislature,
idlord and te-
itance, be dis-
jeration of that
[1 point, 1 shall
ndant had not
lease, I should
mce of thesur-
iral binding up-
ler proof that he
ty to act in this
the lease was,
I demolition of
that the tender
tomey General
lovernor, or of
t by him to act
lent, upon equi^
rotect the de-
ability to costs
Edmund Danson, administrator to the c»-
tate of the Tate Timothy Canty^
appellant, and
James Cawley, .Secretary to the Commtttee
of the Friendly Insurance Socreiy of
Harbour Grace, resfxmdent.
J HIS was M appef it froir tbe Surrogate
<>ourt at Harbour Gn Cf ; anii on this day^
the Chief Justice gave th > foU, vring judg-
ment upon it : —
PeirCwriam. The judg»ien» of the Court
below upon thb case seems to have beea
founded on the following considerations*.
First. That the total los» of the vessel
had been occasioned by the barratry ol one
of tl>e seamen, and tJiat by the terms of llie
policy, the insurers were not liable for los*-
fes arising from that cause.
2dly. That whilst the schooner wa»
lying at Havre de Youx„ the master did
not do all in his power to repair the da-
mage vi^hicb the bowsprit had sustained
in her passage thither ; and that he was.
guilty of a flagrant violation of his duty
in quitting the vessel imuiediately upon her
Rtriking against the iee, at the lime when
bis presence was. essentially necessary to-
stimulate,, direct, and encourage the crew •
and under circumstances which rendered it
possible that the vessel might have been^
saved, if sufficient exections had been used
by the mariners.
3dly. That the vessel, at the commence-
ment of the voyage, was not sea- worthy.
Upon the two first grounds, J shall tJuch
very slightly ; because if 1 am right in the
opmion 1 have formed on the last of them,
there can be no occasion for me to dwell
ioag on the others. It is contended by "the
Iim Kmibt» %itL.
That rttfc m \\»
fontljtution of Ih*-
Marine in«ufatic«-
•oBipajiws »f thi»
wlaml^ wbi«b< di-
reato. " tb«< th«M>
** iball b« a pvevK
'*oo». auirey of
** cTary t«ss«I, op-
** OD which an in-
'^ susance i» di si^
" led, by iwo sur*.
" veyoffr iiomina-
" l«d by I be com-
**pany, and that
•* Iheir ciTlifioale
" ahall form tlie
" Rround>work of
" Ibo policy," ic
Inlmdid for ^e
additional security
of liie compHny ;,
and cannot, roose-
queniiy, di.p,,ve
Ifaem of ih« ri)jlit
to prove that a »fi,..
Ml t» wlHch such
certificate bad beam
granted by tba sur-
vey ors waa, not-
vitbsianding,. uk<
appellant, that the evidence which was ad-
duced at the trial of this cause, was. not
Hufficient to authorize the Judge to con-
clude that any act of barratry had been
committed ; and he further insists that eve-
ry suspicion of such an act is now removed
by the record of the acquittal of the man who
was indicted for it. Now, it certainly does
apjpear to me, that the evidence of- barratry
wis hardly sufficient to warrant the Judge
jn treating it as conclusive proof. But al-
lowing that the record of the acquittal of
the man who stood charged with that of-
fence is (a) admissible in this case, still it
must be remembered that an acquittal does
not ascertain facts, C^j and that the only
conclusion to be drawn fiom it is, that the
party was tried for the offence, and was not
proved to he guiUy. If, however, the judg-
ment of the Surrogate had nothing to sup-
port it beyond the charge of barratry , I am
inclined to think that it could not be sus-
It is, unquestionably, the duty of the
master to use every means in his power to
keep bis vessel in a sea-worthy condition
during the whole period of the voyage for
which she is insured; and the Surrogate,
whc is a naval officer of considerable pro-
fessional talent,* was certainly more compe-
tent to determine whether there had been a
foilure of duty in this particular than I can
possibly be. For the game reason, 1 am
disposed to believe, that his censure of the
conduct of the master in quitting the ves-
sel when she struck against the ice, may be
well founded ; though if I had been left to
draw my own inference from the representa-
tion which is given of the situation of the
(a) As to ihit polnl, lae PhJI. od Ef id. 256.
(6) Ouii. Nitti PriMi, 246. « ,
• Captain John Toup :Nieolaa, C, B.
} which was ad-
cause, was. not
Judge to con-
ratry had been
insists that eve-
s now removed
of the man who
t certainly does
'nee of- barratry
irrant the Judge
proof. But al-
the acquittal of
ed with tliat of-
is case, still it
1 acquittal does
that the only
I it is, that the
:e, and was not
'evevy the jadg*
othing to sup-
bmrratryy I am
>ald not be sus-
hi -r
e duty of the
1 his power to
}rthy condition
* the voyage for
the Surrogate,
nsiderable pro-
ly more compe-
lere had been a
Ular than I can
; reason, 1 am
I censure of the
litting the ves~
be ice, may be
lad been left to
the representa.
ituation of the
If id. 25S.
vessel at the moment, 1 should have con-
ceived it to be one of such danger and des-
peration asto justify every person belonging
to her, in acting upon the principle of " sauve
qui peut"
In every insurance there is an implied
warrantry, that the vessel shall be sea-worth v
when she sails on the voyage insured; and
if she be not so, the policy will be void,
though both the insured and the captain
believed her to be set worthy ; and though
the insurer knew the state she was i as
well as the owner, (c) But, on the part of
the appellant, it is urged, that the question
of sea-wortliiness cannot be raised in this
case, because, by the original articles under
which this Insurance Association is consti;?
tuted, ii was agreed, that there shall be a
previous survey of every vessel upon which
an Insurance is desired,' by two surveyors
nominated by the company ; and that the
certiiicate of the surveyors shall form the
ground-work of the policy. The produc-
tion of such a certificate must, therefore, it
is alleged, operate as an estoppel,^ and al-
together prevent the other side from going
into any proof that the vessel was not sea-
worthy. Hence, it becomes necessary for
me to decide, what is the true forc^ and
effect of such a certificate. And here I can
deny e no positive direction from Ute law of
E^land, which can furnish no rule relative
to surveys which are wholly unknown to it.
In the practice of other coutrtrie&, and in ge-
neral principles, 1 must seek, then, to disco-
ver that light by which my determiniUion
4ipon this point oaght to be gttided.
By the law of Fraaoe,. it is directed tbatt
tvei^ merchant ship, before her departure
from the place of her out-fit, shall be sur-
(o) Bl«r«b. on lufiiraact, n 1, |ibl6].
Yeyed by rertain officers appointed for that
purpose, and reporte tlie insurance
it the arguments
f these surv^'ys
ibly convincing^
)mpany sliould
lat K would not
ly life, unless it
Ue from a me>
I constitution of
insured ; and
constitute the
1 *'ink there
le ( ojirts would
itended, for the
company ; and
Fer it to uphold
es which would
certificate had
anner, this ma-
3 that it is often
lie want of sea-
)8shas been in**
d, ex abundanti
to the chitoce
> clothe them-
n against a loss
wojrthiuess, by
requiring a certificate of the state of every
vessel before they would effect any insu-.
ranee upon her. Their intention, therefore.
6eems to me to have beeh that the certiflcate
should materially lessen the chances of their
sutfenng from the want of sea- worthiness in
H^hITi \T^ "'** ^^^^ ***^y should be ex.
duded by it from settmg up thf. wantofsea^
worthmess as a defence to an action on the
fhJ^'^'J'' ?^^^-^ ''^••'^«' '••'■« certificate, like
he certificate directed by the law of France,
Lv'iSL '/"'^ '^*'"J ^'^'''* or presumptive,
evidence of sea-wcrtfainess. which still leaved
R,? V 1 ^'^ *'**"''*''■ ^"^ P'"^^® the contrary.
■Btit If 1 am correct in ihe view 1 have taken
of the force of the certificate, I can have no
hesitation whatever m affirming this judg^
ment; for the «ai;«/ Surrogate has decided,
that the spring m the foremast of the schoo'
ner, which the iqate has proved to have ex-
isted before her first departure on the voy-
age, amounted to fe want of sed-worlhiness ;
adopt bis decision on this point, ^"Cuique
««, therefore, my opinion, that this casi was
Th^f *K ^ -^T"^^'^ ^y '^^ Surrogate ; and
that this judgment ought to be affirmed.
titji lij'
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^^H^^Heii L J^^
December lOth.
A strict aJhe-
renue lu ihe FORMS
of comniisiions
used !» Enuland, is
not nocts^ary in
commissions issued
iu this country. It it
sufiicirntif there is
no departure/m «u6«
f':nce, from ihota
priDcipIvs by which
alone (be vahdity
of all commissions
ought to be tried
and determined io
a place so peculi-
arly situttled and
circumstanced as
William Dawe against io-Aia Brooi^, tVlL-
LiAM Oart^ir, George Holbrook, Pe-
TEii W. Carter, John TErrington, &
^^' "William Haly, Esqrsk '■ .
T' -■ j«}t:> J, ■■
H'E circumstances which gave rise to
litis important action^ and the proceedings
which accompanied the, are parti-
cularly described and detailed in ihe follon^-*
jng elaborate judgment :^^'i» '3Jflonfi^ai> vrtj
. Pp" Curiam, TJ rged by the plkintiff,
iwKo ti» on the eve of departure from this
.country, for a judgment in this case, 1 con^
'sidee qayseir bound to comply with bis re-
quest, although the extreme pressure of bn«
siness upon ihe Court, Et this season of the
,yeaiv has necessarily prevented me from be*-
■stoAring that time and. undivided attention
upon it WMcbv in every :point of view, it
«eems to demand. A question has, indeed,
been raised by it so novel, so complex, and
so important, that 1 should distrast my abi-
Jity to decide it, even after a long, patient,
and dispassionate investigation of it in all
its bearings; andas 1 have only had leisure
to look cursorily into a small number of the
authoritios which I was desirous qf consult-
ing upon it ; and as I am entirely cut off
from every communication with any profes-
sional person capable of assisting my re-
search, or of removing the doubts which
have frequently pref ented themselves in the
progress of it, J am ic . frcm reposing entire
confidence in the determination 1 have, at
length, formed upon it. 1 have, howr rer,
the satisfaction to know, that there is a
tribunal capable of correcting my errors, to
which the parties can resort ; and the strong
conviction I f^el that mv iudfirment. on
whichever side it may be given, will be car-
J^ip»,,te&««-. 'j^
h gave rise to
he proceedings
of it, are parti-
id indie follow-*
jr the plaintiff)
eurture from tbis
ais case, 1 conr-
ply with bis re-
pressure of bn«
is season of the
ed me from bet-
iyided attention
)int of view, it
on has, indeed,
a complex, and
distnist my abi->
a long, patient,
;ion of it in all
mly had leisure
I number of the
rous of consult-
entirely cut off
'ith any profes-
ssisting my re-
i doubts which
leroselves in the
r>?posing entire
tion 1 have, at
have, howf ;er,
that there is a
ig my errors, to
; and the strong
judgment, on
'en, will be car-
ried by appeal to that tribunal, considefably
iessend^ the feelings of responsibility under
which 1 should otherwise dct; by rendering
my ^lecision of comparatively trifling moment
!!!i u ^'^^^''^sts «^ the parties. Having offer^
ed these observations in extenuation of those
defects which, i have reason to fear, may be
discoverable in some parts of thb substance,
as well as m the form,, of this judgment, I
^hallnow state the leading-circumstances of
the case upon which; it is my dtttj; in (he
fifstinstance, to decide; mh ),{f rf». v r^t,
Ihe plaintiff brdught an action of trespass
against the defendants, and declared against
them, m one count, for false imprisonment
specially; m a second, for false imprison-
ment generally : and, in a third, for a com-
mon assault. To this declaration the de-
fendants pleaded, ore tenus, first, the general
issue, not guilty; and secondly, a justifi-
cation ; setting forth that thev were regularly
appointed commissioners of Oyer and Ter^
mtner, under a commission from his Excel-
lency the Governor, which they pi^.:.iced-
and that whilst acting as such, they did
commit the plaintiflffor repeated contempts
ottered to them by him in open Court. To
the latter plea the plaintiff replied, that the
commission under which the defendants
acted, was altogether invalid and illegal •
and m support of this replicction, twelve
exceptions were taken by him to the com-
mission. The trial having thus been entered
on, and a vast deal of evidence produced
on both sides, I told thejury, in my charge
to them, that if the defendants were appoint-
ed commissioners under a legal commission,
they undoubtedly had a right to commit for
contempt; and that it was not competent
to tblS Uourt tn innitir^ i«»^ 4I : T —
c«8 under which they exercised that right ;
BitOOM, &c. &c.
Broom, &c. Ac.
1 i
iifit that 1 was not then pf';'pared to I'va
them a positive op>inoi» Kjitu^ nhe kgaHty c f
the ponimis»ion, because my luiud wa^i by.'
no means mide up o^i^ that point. That the
' course, then^Vre, which 1 would recom--
mend them to [uirsue, would b ? t© deterrnine
what damages the plaintiC ought tu receive,,
if the d«3fendank& W'iirercOt sufkH^fed to pro--
tectioo under their €0i>i»i8sioH ; imd to re- :
fer that question to ihe futntM decision of
th e Court, bj a special verdict.. Under this
direction the jury, after a deliberation ofse*.
Yeral hours, returned the fotllowing verdict :
" The jury— finding tbaA the defendants*
wereappointed by biftEicellency Sir CVior/e^r
Hamilton, the Governor of tiiis island, un-^
der a certain commission '^i Oyer and Ter-
miner, dated 12th September, 1822, where-
upon they did assemble and act as a Gourt;
and did, on the 4th day of October, fine the-
plaintiff for an alleged contempt of Court,,
and on his refusing to pay the same, did
commit faim< to prison, where they kept him
in confinement until he paid the same, oik
the lOth day of the said month— feel them-
selves incompetent ta say if the said Court
was, or was not, legally constituted, and
pray the opinion of tiie Court upon thia
** The jmry therefore find,^ specially (assu*
ming the defendants to have been acting
under an illegal commission), for the plaintiff
—one hundred and fifty pounds damages."
It is upon the grour ^ then,, that the
commission is illegal, th;' e plaintiff must
lay bis claim to a j^^dga t on this verdict;
and I, therefore, gav >th sidesan oppor-
tunity of submittin^^ f^itional observations
upon it to the con^'jii^'^tion of the Court.
J n this argument, hov^cvan no new points
were taken by either sick nor any further
»rt^.>ared to |;tY»
ny luiuil waa by
noint. That the
I would reoom*^
Dught to receive,.
£ntit1i<&d to pro-'
ibvi ; iiikd tore-:
urc decision of
ict.. Under this
eUberation of 8e> .
Uowing verdict :
ilhe defendants*:
lency Sir Charlesr
r tills island^ un^
'Oyer and Ter^
jr, ld22, where-
^ act as a Court;
>ctober» fine the
empt of Court».
y the same» did
e they kept bm
1 the same, on^
ith— feel them-
f the said Court
onstituted, and
ZoMti upon thisi
specially (assu'^
ive been acting;
, for the plaintiff
nds damages."
then^ that the
e plaintifi* must
jn this verdict ;
sides an oppor-
al observations
Ml of the Court,
no new points
lor any further
authorities cited in support of those wliich
^ere brought forward at the trial. Those
were, on the part of the plaintiff—
Ist. That the Commission does not run in
the King's name.
2d. That it gives the Commissioners no
authority to inquire by the oaths of good
and lawful men of the island.
3(J. That no day, nor place, is set forth
when, and where, the commission is to be
4th. That no place of jurisdiction is as-
signed, within which the offence must have
been committed.
5th. That the offences which the Courf
was to have power to try, are not enume-
6th. That none of the Commissioners are
selected for a quorum.
71 h That a father and son are joined in
the Commission.
8th. That the commissioners are to hear
and determine according to law and justice;
and not specifically according to the laws
and customs of England,
;. 9th. That the number of commissioners
necessary to constitute a Court is stated to
he five m one] part of the commission;
' whilst, m another part, power is given to
^any of them, without restriction as to nura*
10th. That it contains no precept to the
Sheriff to summon a Jury.
nth. That it is not tested by the Governor.
12th. That it is nneiet the private seal o)
the Governor, and not under the seal of t/ie
To these objections the defendants an»
swer: That they are all founded upon a
variance, m point of form, from the Commis-
sions of Oyer and Terminer issued in Eag-
Broom, &e. &9.
1)1 J
Bboom, &c. Sec.
land ; and that an adherence to those rorina
cannot be necessary in this country, becau8u
they cannot, by any means, be made tu
apply, in a number of particulars, to the
actual circumstances and condition of it.
That the Commission under which they
sat is the same (with only one very trifling
difference) as a// the Commissions of Oyer
and Terminer which have been issued in
Newfoundland from the first constitution of
such a Court in this Island in the year 17<>0.
That within the long peiiod of seventy and
odd years, a considerable number of these
Commissions had issued ; and that several
person^ had suflfereil capital punishment un-
der the sentence of Courts constituted by
That the proceedings of those Courts must
have often come under the review of (he
Government at home; inasmuch as paidons
had been granted by [lis Majesty to felons
recommended by the Governor to the Hoyal
That John Reeves^ Esq. who had been
Chief Justice of the island, and whose legal
acquirements preclude the supposition that
he could have been ignorant of the form of
the Commission of Oyer and Terminer used
in England, had sat, as first Commissioner,
under a Commission of nearly the same form
as the one which the plaintiff now sought to
invalidate; and that a Commission which
had been sanctioned by the approbation of
so good a lawyer as Mr. Reeves — recogni-
zed, in a number of instances, by the public
departments in England — and uniformly
acted upon in this colony, fronii the earliest
institution of a Court of Oyer and Terminer
— must not only be substantially right, but
also suitable, iu poiui of form, to the cif-
cumstances and condition of the country in
which it has been used.
) to those forms
ountry, because
IS, be made t«
ticulai'^!, to the
nditioii of it.
del* which they
ne very trifling
ssions of Oyer
been issued iu
: constitution of
the year 1750.
:l of seventy and
lumber of these
nd that several
punishment un-
constituted by
ose Courts must
'i review of the
inch as pai dons
ijesty to felons
or to the Royal
who had been
md whose legal
lupposition that
t of the form of
Terminer used
y the same form
f DOW sought to
mmission which
approbation of
\eeves — recogni-
3, by the public
and uniformly
}in the earliest
r and Terminer
tially right, but
rnu, to the CiT-
f the country in
' The defendants further contended, that,
although the Commission were altogether
illegal, it would still furnish a justification
of their proceedings under it; in the same
manner that a constable, or other oflicer,
may justify an arrest under an illegal warrant.
But they appear to me to labour here un-
der a very great mistake ; for, in the first
place, there cannot, 1 think, be the slightest
analogy between a Commission conferring a
judicial authority, and a warrant command-
ing a wiww/mo/ ac/ ; since it is always op^
iional with the Judge to exercise his autho-
rity or not, whilst the officer is under a
positive obligation to execute the warrant
directed to hira, and is entitled to indemnity
upon the principle, (a) *• Quicunque juisu ju^
dicis aliquid fecerit, non videtur dolo malo
fecisse,quia parere necesse est." Jtis the
obligation he is under lo obey, which consti-
tutes his claim to indemnity. And, second-
ly, though, in conformity to this principle,
the statute of the 24th Geo. Jl. c. 44, does
protect an officer who executes a warrant
'^properly penned;' {b) even where the ma-*
gistrate who issues it has exceeded his juris-
diction, yet the officer still continues respon-
ajble for anything done by him under a war-
rant void from an irregularity in the form oj
it : so that, admitting that the rules which
have been established with regard to war-
rants may be extended tojudicial Commis-
sions, the defendants in this suit could de-
rive no benefit from this admission; because
the objection here is, that the Commission is
improperh penned, and not that the Govern-
or wanted >Mm*
Bliall endeavonr
examination of
ons to it, in the
v through-
Jhontv ,lp''"'^'r"'-',""^^'^^'«" ^»d au-
IWm ^ "if. "»'«^'''«'^/i^ or mec'atelu, from
him ; and that, consequently, this commit
^K,n IS an absolute nulfity if it atLr^l to
confer judicial powers upon the defSn s
fe? Ten In !u^ '"'P^'-f^"* Point. let us re-
ler, then, to the commihson itself: which
after reciting a power granted to the On
lettei-s patent, to constitute and appoint m
^ses requisite, comraissinns of Oy° and
Termmer; and certain instructions ^f, Hi2
Majesty relative to the manner of carrvine
Jh^ power mto effect, r roeed to an 2
he defendants comn Isb aers % v^ue^
^emor. It does, therefore, appear to we to
. ior; -, p. 70,
W Paley'i Prio. and
Agent, 221,
Broom, dic, &o.
bo perfectly dear upon the face of this in-
strument, that the comniiHjKioners did derive
their powers from the Kimf thron^h the me-
dium of the Governor, who was empowered
and directed by the King to appoint them ;
and though I do wish that, in compli-
ance with long established forms, it had nm
in the King's name, yet 1 cannot venture to
pronounce it illegal upon what J deem to be
nothing more than an inaccuracy in a mere
matter of form.
The second objection, viz ;— That the
commission does not direct the commission-
ers to inquire by the oaths of good and law-
ful men.ihas always been considered by me
as one of the most serious of the whole list ;
and I have even entertained great doubt
whether this omission did not entirely viti-
ate it. If anything in a commission is msxt-
teroi substance, I should say, that the direc-
tion tu the Commissioners to proceed by a
jiirt/ is most peculiarly so ; and if my deci-
sion on this point were to be formed by my
own estimate of the importance of it, with-
out reference to precedent and authorities,
I should almost conclude, that this omission
conhl not be supplied by any implication or
intendment whatever. But it is a remarka-
ble fact, that the Commission of gaol deliveri/^
now used in England, which confers as high
jtidicial powers upon the Commissioners as
the Commission of Ot/er and 7\rminer, does
not contain, from the beginning to the end,
a single allusio: ^,o a jury ; and I think that
if this omission can be aided by intendment
in one case it may be equally so in anoilier.
Now, Serjeant Hawkins, {g) in his chapter
upon justices of ,aol-delivery, observes,
«• that it is said in some books, that they
«« hnvp nni. iis such. Dower to take any in-
„ — „_.. ...
(,j) 2 ll«*k. I*. C. i>. 24.
; roiTRT,
ace of this in-
iiei'H (lid derive
.lirouj;lj the rae-
ifas empowered
appoint them ;
It, in compli-
rms, it had rim
inot venture to
It 1 deem to be
racy in a mere
iz;— That the
lie commission-
good and law-
jsidered by me
the whole list ;
id great doubt
t entirely viti-
nission is mat-
that the direc-
proceed by a
ind if my deci-
formed by my
ce of it, with-
md authorities,
at this omission
implication or
t is a remarka-
oi gaol delivety
confers as high
nmissioners as.
7'erminer, does
ng to the end,
id i think that
by intendment
so in anoUier.
I in his chapter
ery, observes,
oks, that they
take any in-
•*dictm€nt; but the common opinion that
*• they have .such power, seems much more
*• a^ireeahle to reason ; for surely it cannot
*• hut be implied iu their Commission to do-
•* liver prisons of their prisoners, that they
" must have authority to make snchdelivcr-
** ance hy due course of late, which cannot
** be without a proclamation if there be no
" prosecution, or a proper trial if there bo
" one;" and upon reason etpially forcible it
nii'y be saiil, in the present case, that when
these Commissioners are empowered to hear
and determine felonies, &c., accord im^ to
law and justice, it must, surely, be implied,
that they are to do so by due course of law—
«. c, by the oaths of good and lawful men of
[he island. Jf, then, the direction to inquire
by the oaths of good and lawful men of the
island is necessarily and obviously imflied in
the Commission, 1 do not conceive that it is
material in what manner this direction is
The third objection is, that no day, nor
place, i8 set forlh when, or where, the Com-
mission IS to be held ; and, certainlv, if the
directions npon these points had been />«/•//.
cnlar in the Commissions used in England,
It might have been necessary to inquire up-
on what principle the statement of a parti-
cular time and place had been inserted in
order to ascertain whether it should be con-
sidered ds a substaultal, or only ^s a mere
fornial, part of the Commission. But m
point of fact, the Commission of Oyer and
JermineruseA in the English circuits, only
commands the Commissioners, at certain
ii in England^
cular specifica-
: jurisdiction of
signed. From
It, the territory
into counties ;
been, that all
any of those
hem by a jury
, the sentence
ried into exe-
nted for them*
} county could
committed in
I the sentence
into execution
the one of the
i^as committed :
tely necessary
jurisdiction of
irly stated and
»y which it was
being, in legal
d distinct from
rey, as if they
quarters of the
nent of differ-
1 no such divio
nd an offence
of it, might ac-
mtre c*^ it, by a
red, the island bat
Its, agreeably to the
jury coming from the other extremity^ ; and 1023
the powers of the High Sherift" extend y r . ',_ '
through every part of it. Hie jurisdiction Dawb
of a Court constituted under a Commission v.
from the Governor of Newfoundland being ^«oom, &c. &•.
therefore, as I apprehend, confined, by a
reasonable and necessary intendment, to
this island and its dependencies, I cannot
discover, in reason and in principle, any ne-
cessity for a more particular designation of
its limits than what may be fairly inferred
from this commission.
If that close analogy exists between a
magisterial warrant and a judicial Commis-
sion which the defendants contend for, then
must this Commission most unquestionably
be bad ; for a warrant to arrest all persons
who may have been guilty of any criminal
conduct would be so defective, that it could
not afford any justification to the officer
acting under it. But though it would obvi-
ously be illegal and absurd to leave it to a
constable^ or other executive officer, to de-
termine what act would amount to criminal
conduct^ I cannot perceive tliere is anything
of the same sort of impropriety in empower-
ing judges to hear and determine all ••cri-
minal causes," without a particular enume-
ration of them ; because it must be supposed
that they have sufficient knowledge of the
law to ascertam whac acts it regards as cri-
minaL And it is to be observed, that it is
even left to the justices of Oyer and Termi-
ner in England to determine the extent of
their criminal jurisdiction from their know-
ledge of the law; for their commission, after
enumerating avast nQml^r of offences, goes
on to authorize them to hear and determine •
*' all other evil doings, offences, and injuries
whatsoever;" ihereby leaving it to them to
decide what actions the law deems evil do-
Broom, Ac. &c.
ings, ofTences, and injuries. Nor is the ex-
pression "all criminal causes" more vai^ue
and indeterminate than the expression ""all
cdmes and misdemeanors," by which tiie
criminal jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
is granted and defined by the 4S>th oi'hb
late Majesty. J. am, therefore, of opinion,
that there is nothing solid and substantial in
the plainiiiT's fifth objection to the Com-
The next objection is, that none of the
Commissioners were selected for a Quorum '
and it may be proper to notice here, that
this IS the onty circumstance in which the
present Commission diflfers from the one un*
der which Mr, Reeves sat ; which was al-
most a literal copy of all the Commissions of
Oyer and Terminer which have been issued
m this island since 1750. It is, therefore,
highly important to ascertain the materiality
of this exception; because it clearly follows,
that if the Commission cannot be pronoun-
ced to be vicious upon this particular grovnd,
it must share the same fate with all the rest,
and cither stand or fall with them. Wow
the Commission of the peace confers two
distinct characters, or offices, upon the per-
sons named in it; the one being that of a
mere conservator ofthepeacei and the other
that of djud^e, invested with a large share of
criminal jurisdiction. Hence it is apparent,
that very different degrees of qualification,
with respect to learning, are required in the
two offices ; and it is probable that in the
reign of Edward the Third, wiiich is the
era from which we are to date the appoint-
ment of a justice of the peace, many men
would be found capable of discharging the
duties of conservator, who were totally unfit
to preside in a Court of /#?«», When '^ -■-'•.
fore, persons of two distinct classes were to
Nor is the cx-
s" more vaque
xpression "all
by v.'liich llie
Supreme Court
the 4i>th of \w:
ore, of opinion,
d :,ubstantial in
n to the Com«
at none of the
for a Quorum ;
)tice here, that
i in which the
'om the one un*
which was al-
Z!omn)is8ions of
ive been issued
tt is, therefore,
the materiality
clearly follows,
ot be pronoun-
'ticitlar grovndf
ith all the rest,
h them. Now
e confers two
i, upon the per-
being that of a
t and the other
a large share of
) it is apparent,
f qualification,
required in the
ible that in the
, which is the
B the appoint-
e, many men
ischarging the
re totally unfit
;lasses were to
be united in the same Commission, it was
inost wise and necessary thatja regard should
Oe had m it to this diflTerence of qualific,!-
tion ; and that the powers conferred by it
s ioul<| be in proportion to the abilities of
the party to whom they were entrusted.
1 he cause for this distinction ceased, how-
ever, with the advancement of learnin'r- and
the quorum clause is accordingly de'ciared
J*y Blackstone, (/) Burn, (k) and other wri-
ters, to have long since become a matter of
mere Mm This remark, it is true, is con.
nned to the commission of the peace. But
we may also measure the importance of the
quorum clause in other Commissions, by
considering what is the real use of it. Co/,
cejving then, that no reason can be drawn
either from their education, professional ha-
bits, or rank m society, why greater powers
should be given to the>,* than to the last
ot the gentlemen named in this Commission
J can discover no other motive th^n a re-'
spect for ancientybm*, whicli has, pprhaps
too tar (/) lor Mie insertioa of a Q«w:um
clause in It. stv-v***"*
The objection, that a father and son are
joined in the Commission is entirely new to
me; and is certainly made by the authoritv
to which the plaintiff has referred iuZmZ
of it. to rest upon a very sandy foundaUon.
He cites a book er.titled - a compendi«rnf
Jaws relating to jurors," p. 3.15, where^^s
said, that it m a good cause of challenge, to
(t) 1 BIftek. Cam. p. aril. ! ;
thitlhl 5" r '" ^""'*''' ^^^- '* »» *^«n »«a«*^ by Burn
1; *^;f,^-?''-''«^'°» '« or4««ually made of late ylmfZi
(0 For example : enchsntmenti, sorraries and ftri«
one o{ the grand jury in the attaint, that he
is related to one of the petit jury ; antl, with-
out adverting to the circumstance, that the
I-. t
Beoom,*&c. &c. grand jury are to try the petit jury upon the
serious charge of having given a false ver-
dict, he proceeds to argue upon an analogy
between the offices of judge and juror ; and
insists, that if it be a ground of chalienge to
a juror that he is related to another ; iror,
so also it must be a good exception to a
judge that he is related to a fellow judge. —
Had he reflected for a moment, that the
grand juror in the attaint, and the petit ju-
ror, stand in the relation to each other of
juror and party accused, and not in that of
felloiv judges, he must at once have seen
that the authority hequotesis wholly foreign
to the case to which he attempted to apply
it. No exception can be taken to a juror
on the ground that he is related to another
of the same jury ; and, therefore, if judges
and justices were even liable to the same
challenges as jurors (v^hich, however,they are
not), (m) it would still be no objection to a
Commission that two of the persons named
in it are related to each other.
Another objection, and one of a much
more serious character than the last, is, that
the Commissioners are to hear and determine
according to law and justice, without being
specially directed to do so according to the
laws and customs of England. In his com-
mentary upon Magna Charta(«) Lord CoAe
eays, that *• upon the words per legem terra:
"all Commissions are grounded, wherein is
** this cX'dxise, facturi quod adjustitiam perti-
net secundum legem et consuetudinem Anglice,
And it is not said legem et consuetudinem
fm) Co. lilt. S04.
(m) 2 last, 60. '
ttaint, that he
try; anil, with-
mce, that the
juty upon the
en a false ver-
on an analogy
ind juror ; and
)f challenge to
another j !ror,
xception to a
jIIow judge. —
lent, that the
id the petit ju-
each other of
lot in that of
nee have seen
wholly foreign
pted to apply
iken to a juror
ed to another
fore, if judges
le to the same
wever.thev are
Dbjection to a
lersons named
le of a much
le last, is, that
and determine
without being
cording to the
In his com-
(«) liOrd Coke
er legem, terra;
ed, wherein is
ustitiam pertU
** Regis Anglifc, lest it might be thought to
"bind the King only; nor populi AngUee,
*' lest it might be thought to bind them on.
** ly ; but that the law might extend to all,
" it is said per legem ierne, i. e. Anglia>.
*' And aptly it is said in this Act, per le lotn'se of judicial construe^
tson and mterpi -tatiun of them; since it
would be ihelurj/^flen dutyof the Jus-ticesof
the present day to adhere rigidly to that
constructio 1 and interpretation which had
been unifortniy given them by former Justin
ces. if their meaning was clearly andmani-
Jcsthj an improper one, I allow that no length
of time could heal such a defect in the Com „
mission, agreeably to the maxim, «• quod ah
tmtto non valet, tractu temporis non conva-,
Broom, Aic. &c.
Bkoom, &c. &c
Icscet ; " but an expressidn which might on-
(rinally have been open to the exception iA
being rather too loose and indeternwiale, mnVi
J apprehend, be thoroughly purged of this
/'ault by a conslrnction of it invariably fol-
lowed for a considerable number of years.
Finding, therefore, that all the Commission-
ers of Oyer and Terminer who have been
appointed in this island since 1741), have, by
the course of their proceedings, determined
that the expression '* law and justice" is, in
is legal operation and effect upon a Commis-
sion issued in Newfoundland, equivalent to
" t/te law and customs of Midland" 1 con-
clude, though with some diliidence in my
opinion, that it is now too late to object to
the use of it.
The last pentcnce in the Commission is,
•• And that you do make your report to me
"of all such proceedings had and done in
"the causes which shall be brought before
" you, or amj of you, nominated, authorized,
"or appointed, as aforesaid;" upon which
the plaintiff has attempted to found an ob-
jection, that it gives powers to any of the
Commissioners to perform acts which, by
previous clauses, could only be executed by
Jiveoiihem, But, in the 'first place, this
sentence is not repugnant to the other clau-
ses; because it does not expressly authorize
the Commissioners to do anything except
making a report of their proceedings to the
Governor; and, secondly, the context re-
quires that the words ''any of you" should
be inseparably united to the words " nomi.
nated, authorized, or appointed, as afore-
said; and thus it is evident, that any of the
Commissioners could only act in the manner
in which they had been previously " autho-
r*^*^ " to <^o. This appears to nie, then, to
ue au excepiioa to the Couiniission scarcely
dr?.i»r..m«. the. notice I have taken of it.
'liich might on-
\e exception of"
Herminate, mayj
purged of this
; invariably fol-
umher of years.
le Commission-
who have been
174y, have, by
iss, determined
d justice " is, in
pon a Commis-
, equivalent to
igland," 1 con-
iidence in my
te to object to
Commission is,
ur report to me
id and done in
brought before
id, authorized,
" upon which
found an ob-
3 to any of the
cts which, by
•e executed by
%st place, this
he other clau-
issly authorize
y thing except
feedings to the
e context re -
fyou" should
i'ords ** norai^
ed, as afore-
hat any of the
in the manner
usly " autho-
me, then, to
ssiou scarcely
en of it.
The 10th objection may, 1 think, be very
properly coupled to the 2d, and receive the
same answer which has already been given
10 It. Jn the omission to direct the Com-
missioners to inquire by the oaihs of good
and lawful men ; and to notify them that,
lor this purpose, the Sheriff had been com-
manded to cause to come before them such
good and lawful men, this Commission re-
sembles the Commission of gaol delivery still
used m England; and if these omissions
inay be supplied in that case by reasonable
implication and intendment, I repeat that J
do not see why they may not also in the
Upon the next objection I shall only ob-
IfnnV'^iV^ ""^^ "S'^' ^^'^t this Commis-
sion should be tested by the Governor. 1
conceive that it has been done so by he
^ords - m witness whereof," &c. in a man-
ner which excludes all cavil upon this point
Since (o) there undoubtedly is no public seal
foi this island, It seems a good answer to
the objection that this Commission is not
Otlta. This objection, indeed, if it iould
illln ^^".'d. prove, not only that the pre..
Hent Commission is bad, but also that no
good one could possibly have been issued •
a proposition which, J imagine, hardly am
person wil be found to maintain who i^
aware, that an authority to issue such a
Commission has been solemnly committed
Great S^J'Tv^ His Majesty, under the
ment nf !k' ""^ ,^"§^«"^- That an instru-
nowL !f If °^'y'f' ^?»^e"ing as it does the
power of life and death, should be executed
with the highest possible solemnity; and
(0) Somo years after Ihi'a judemenf was d«li.,»,.,! .
i.-.:.i:c seal loi rvewfoundland was forwarded lo the f;./
v«r«or, by the Secretary of Stale for .h« Colonies.
Dboom, &0. &0.
Broom, &o. &e>
that, consequently, where there are seveml
seals (as is the case in England) (p) the one
of greatest weight and importance shonki
be aflSxed to it, I freely admit: but at the
same time 1 contend, that this principle has
been followed upon the present occasion by
affixing to the Commission the Governor's
J private seal, which, in the absence ofapub-
ic one, must be accounted and esteemed of
the greatest weight and importance of any
seal in the island. In support of this, his
last objection, the plaintiflf has referred to
that passage of the second institute {q)
where Lord Coke says, that " Commissions
'* of new inquiries, and of new invention,
*• have been condemned by authority of
«' Parliament, and by the common law ;"
and has argued from thence, that this Com-
mission must be illegal, because it is, as he
insists, one of "new invention." But if he
had adverted, for an instant, to the circum-
stance which gave rise to this observation
respecting Commissions of *• new invention,"^
he must have perceived th«t the Commis-
sions of **«€W invention" to which it is alone
applicable, are Commissions authorizing an
inquiry into Acts not previously deeined or imi-
nal by the law, or directing the trial of such
as were by new and unusual methods ; and of
the illegality of such Commissions there
connot be the shadow of a doubt. So far,
however, is i^ord Coke from asserting, that
no alteration can be made in the form of a
commissson, that after telling us, (r) that
•* Sir Christopher Wrny, the chief justice of
*' the King's Bench, had, with the assistance
and advice of the other judges, made di-
' vers additions and alterations in the com-
(p) 2 Tnit. 554.
fq) l\ 478.
(r)4 ln»l, 171.-
a^«^«iiJ«i#*'*««if:;fesvt,a* % *'
jere are seveml
id)(/>) the one
rtaoce ehonld
nit : but at the
8 principle has
nt occasion by
the Governors
sence of aj^Mft-
id esteemed of
ortance of any
jrt of this, his
as referred to
1 institute (q)
'♦ Commissions
new invention,
f authority of
iommon law ;"
that this Com-
kUse it is, as he
m." But if he
to the circum-
^his observation
new invention,"
it the Commis-
vhich it is alone
I authorizing an
ly deemed crimi-
Lhe trial of such
nethods ; and of
imissions there
doubt. So far,
1 asserting, that
the form of a
ig us, (r) that
chief justice of
h the assistance
Iges, made di-
)ns in the com*
'^I^i;;?'Wi''rT,?^"^'*'" «m//.r and
r P ' / 1/' ^•^•:^'*'"P «d^«. " and yet
theio needeth another reformation ofitrU)
1 10 ity o tins greai „«„ ^-^^ all such dlera^
hn r ',?;''f Commissions now ««ed in Kng-
and, ' both lu mailer and methodr as may
tlLr^f.?'"^''' •'^''^P' ^"^ accommodate
tl'rcolLyr "'-^"'"^^-^^^^ --^ condition of
ihl nf? ^r^."""^ ^.'''''"Sli the whole list of
vitho ./h •' ^^J'^^^'"?^ t«thi« Commission
wi hout having been able to discover eithe^
m them, or m some others which have su-.
gested themselves in the course of ihisJa-
vest.gat.on, sufl cient grounds to justify me
n pronouncing it to be illegal, li many of
.em there never was. as J conceive. a„y.
lung substantial; and those defects which
have iT'f "1 "'^''^ '''"""« ^h^" ^^^ ••e«t
ion V i^ t' ^T ""'1^ ^>' "-^^ ^^"«truc:
lion which has. for a long period bepn
-uniformly given to expres^ioL orlgina, ^
less clear and determinate than they onc^ht
to have been, li ,his Commission was no-
SI .vely contrary to law and reason-as if ^t
tTe'cor-'"' -^^o#..c... orempowei^d
the Commissioners to inquire into oW one"
by 9iew and arbitrary methods-it certaLTv
could not derive the"" slightest saldon S
support from the length tf time during whic
has been muse; because, in such cases
tiomsestconsiderandarit) and one mirht
^ven apply to a Commission which was fia-
}>'°fiJ^r of those objections, thedeclara
tion of Mr, Justice Yates, in the memoraWe*
. of Jame, the fLj *^ "** «tougbt Mce.8arjr ia Ibo reif q
(t) Co. Lilt. 141, a. ,. , ' •;^.> ; ,; ;,
3m ' '"'^*^' ayaiMcj
Da WE.
BnooM, &c. «!tc.
li •'
B&QOM, &.C, Sec.
cas€ of the warrant for seizing papers, *' ihat
-" I he vse of it from thefoiindalion of aucicnl
" Rome would not render it legal.'" («) But if
the detcmhints, whilst sitting under it, must
have felt themselves bound, by the terms of
it, to conduct their proceedings according to
the law end customs ef England (as it is
evident to me they must), 1 cannot admit
that a departure — in some instances neccb-
sary and unavoidable — ^from \\\q form of ;in
English Commission, can vitiate it. This
is the opinion i expressed before 1 had ex*
nrained it with the attention ] have since
done, it is the opinion which Mr. Reeres
mast certainly have entertained of it ; and
it is, also, I strongly suspect, th'^(w) early
opinion of Mr. Forbes npon it. 1 should,
therefore, 1 confess, have felt more than or-
dinary confidence in it, if it had not been
officially communicated to me by his Ex-
cellency the Governor, that some of the law
officers of the Crown have reported to the
principal Secretary of State for the Home De-
partment, that they consider it invalid. With
a knowledge of this fact, 1 naturally cherish
doubts which would not otherwise have as-
sailed me. But, however profound my respect
and deference for the talents and learning of
those gentlemen may be, I cannot guide ray
judgment by their opinion, unless 1 had been
made acquainted with the reasons upon
which it is grounded, and been fully satis-
fied by them that the opinion is correct. 1
humbly conceive, too, it is possible they may
be induced to ac(}uiesce in the view 1 have
taken on this subject—
First. Because it does not necessarily
(v) 2 Will. 275.-11 H«r. State Triali, 31».
(to) Wliether or aot Mr. Forbes has obanged that opU
IkOD, ! caODui ptslsau iO sbj I uHl s. aafs stiOiig scaSOS
to biliaTO that h« must bare once ealertained it, '^
I cox RT,
g papers, ^' that
lalion of ancicnl
j^aV h) But if
'^ under it, must
by the terms of
ngs according to
h^land (as it is
f cann'^t admit
nstances neccfc-
the form of n'\
initiate it. This
lefore I had ex*
»n 1 have since
hich Mr. Reeves
ned of it ; and
ict, th^ (w) early
1 it. 1 should,
It more than or-
i it had not been
me by his Ex-
some of the law
I reported to the
orthe Home De-
it invalid. With
naturally cherish
herwise have as-
found my respect
J and learning of
cannot guide ray
nless 1 had been
e reasons upon
>een fully satis-
m is correct. 1
ossible they may
the view 1 have
not necessarily
Tridi, 319.
las ohanged (hat opU
T l._ .
entertftiDed it.
Mlow from thtir havinj; reromracndtd that
a 1 ardon should bo granlttd to the persons
sentenced under it, that they deem it to all
intents mul purpo es invalid an the rule, which has ays
prevaded in i^lngland, of giving to i aers
the full benefit of all nice «\ccptioiid and
Jechnical olyections which can be raised to
the mdictment, or other parts of the proceed-
. mgs, under which they have been convicted,
they might have thought it necessary to give
to the persons sentenced under this Commis-
sion the benefit of these fonnal objections
withoirt thinking that the Commission itself
was rendered by them so radically vicious
and positively illegal, that no Court could
be constituted under it. That the distinc-
tion 1 here take as to the degree, or extent,
to which a Commission may be invalid is
not merely a fanciful one, 1 think the £oU
lowing case will show.^ In his iPourth Insti-
tute (a?) Lord Coke tells us, that " to Coni-
*' missioners of Oyer and Terminer a writ of
** supersedeas was delivered,^Mia; enormis
'ytmnsgres^io nan est, for it was only for
*• cutting, dotvn 4PPLIED^ IIVUGE . Inc
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e t»93. Apptad Image. Inc.. AH Rightt RtMrvtd
»re, **vetusMe
hall also have
the silnntion in
IS, and, 1 may
ts Courts, they
:linecl to insist
ngiisli formula}
than 1 imagine
ion upon this
freating of onr
iam Blackstone
nies carry with
English law as
L situation, and
colony; such,
\ rules of inhe-
from personal
ejinements anil
f>roperty of a
e, the laws of
lode of mainte-
lergy, the juris*
ind a multitude
tlier necessary
id therefore are
nrork upon the
erica, which is
IS to have been
f the illustrious
e law in all our
aw of England,
;reat part of the
[)i:r settlements
little choice or
, the laws of
od of their dii«
dious, perplex-
;;ed, and intricate, by the heaping up many
rtnove them m another. These n fan t
«. I ; ' I . ' ^"" i'eterminatc legislation B«oom, *c. *«,
^^ though , were of somewhat an home li";
l^ind : laws suited to the time to thHr
n?l"/ '■^' °»d the nature of their new wVv
"hwnfr^r^'''r^ «till subsist nh^
law ot England which are built mwn cul
-ses and reasons that have long a^Tea'cd'
'• SJ^n '"« i? ''•'^^^ '^^^« '^"'tabTelo
^/i^W onitf." But if many of the law^
of England be thus unsuitable to thelZ'/
condmon of a colony (and. with referenctto
her jurisprudence and iuridicil ^^tnAU i
m. .as. Newfoundland sti I is „ n L^tP nf fi '"
that slnctness of form observed in all cfmi
nal proceed.ngs in England, which cSu.^
mn. ^-'^jellent man,Sir^/a///;.i^/i«^'^';^'^^.^
" e^an ' r .i '^."^^ "»«- offenders
• over in force in'a sode y !'he e tvo"cor
missioners could not, nrobablv ll« f'i
capable of construing\h'eI?'c^^i^^^
ine«tofpfcJJ,71,*, "^^^^^^^ to III. depart
BaooM, &c. &o.
Or tliat an indictment might be cjunshed for
not being written on piu'c/inient, in a Court
whei'c the nse ofparclmient is, lo this hour,
wholly unknown ? It is superHiious, howe-
ver, to multiply examples oi'this kind; since
every person who has attended our Court*
must have remarked, that, even in the Su-
preme Coiirt, the ** forma etji^urajum" is
scarcely at all attended to ; ami that the
Judge i& frequently obliged to deal out
justice to a number of ignorant suitors ** se-
cundum bonum et aquum," without regard to
abstract rules of law. For my own part, I
avow, tli,at before I came to this island, 1
could hardly have been persuaded, that
Courts of such a constitution as ours, in re-
ference to t\ie form of their proceedings and
practice, were to be found within the whole
compass of the Britisli empire; and the im-
possibility I find of assimilating our proceed-
ings, in matters of form, to the courp' ^ prac*
tice at home, convinces me, that : ii'd be
most unreasonable and absurd to estimate
their validity by their adherence to forms
-which, with the machinery now belonging
to our Courts, it would be utterly impracti-
cable to introduce, or noake any use of, in
It only remains for me to notice one im-
portant circumstance, which has had great
weight and influence upon my judgment in
eontinued to be (he law of England till, ooanfitralivcly,
within • vary few jr»at*. Agnin, Lord Coke telU us (4
Inst. p. 1G4.) lh«t th« aullioritj of CumniissioncrB of Oyer
and Terminer oiusl be given '■>y Commimon, and not by
writ; and yet Sergeant Uawkuu declares, (P. C. Book
2il, p. 15) (bat he cannot ascertain what the difference n
btitweeu a commission and a writ. Can points, then, of
■o fine anil subtile a nature as not lo be discernible by lii«
must cUar-sighted Emilinh Ipwyeis, be supposed to bo
wiihin the vi^w of tbos« who are a|ip6iiitetl lo aamtnislcr
the Uw io such a colony as this ^
> qunslied for
, ii) & Court
to thm liour,
]iiou», liowc-
» kind ; since
(cJ our Court*
en in the 8u-
'Mf«j«ri»" is
iml that the
to i\eix\ out
. suitors ** se^
oat regard ta
' own part» I
this island, 1
Buaded, that
9 ours, in re-
ceedings and
>inthe %vho]e
and the im>
onr procced-
3urP' ^prac*
nt ? n\i\ be
d to estimate
3nce to forme
►w belonging;
;rly impracti-
ny use of, in
»tice one im-
lias had great
' judgment in
I, ooi»p«rati?c1y,
i Coke lella us (4
uissioners of Oyer
mion, and not by
ret, (P.O. Book
tlie differmct it
points, then, of
ilisceinible by liia
•upponed lu bo
Led to ftominisicr
tins cnflo. In the progress of my investiga^
lion Of us M.omentotis question, it-occurred
to me, that iiiMiiy of the inaccuracies uhicli
appear ni liic Commissions of Over and 'JVr-
mmer. must. |>rohably, also have crept into
the Commissions of the Peace: and in looking
into them, from the earliest period to which 1
can trace them, I accordingly find, that they
aie all oino.vtous to many of the same oh'
II J«ctions that have been raised to this Com-
* ^T";r^1*^ ^^"» »^^*'''"n^- losome^,^«/^
self that his Commission was void through
same ol them ; and thus 1 should, vsovLrv
^eclare, that there never has b^en a leVull
mate magistracy in this island, from theSrst
settlement of it. But this is\Z^^^^^^^
winch, 1 think, cannot be mairuairdTand I
feel |>erfect y satisfied that when my Jul,
W.Ufc8ty in Council, n will be there reviewed
upon principles of sound rea.on ; and Tot
examined by rules of law framed for ?h«
most part, before the di.coverrof our co
. lonies and m many particulars lotalk Tn^
that august trib^al t Shan it^turj!.?
«.i8sive reverence ; hnt ,i„lesa I Xli t
liolfi thi?. •''"M «™.^^«"-^' i shall alway^
hold that this Commission is not illegal •
lentltliirt^rH'^^"""^^^' '^' defendSae
reiititlecl to judgment under the soecial vpr
Jdict which the jury have found iffi cast
bench or the oib" or U,^i«.fSl "'^ •"""'"•• «' ">« »"•
BaooM, &c. &c.
December 31i/,
Where a jiiJg-
Bieni liad been ac>
qiiiescvii in fur a
tvuiiderabte Itngth
of lime, tlie t'hicf
Justice would nut
Rranl a new trial in
order tu let in new
•Tidencd w liicli had
Kince btteii dinco'
vrred. And his
Honour stated,
that the pri^seiit
leanioK uf his opi«
iiioii wan, that the
|iracticoof ({rantmit
new trials ofter
judgment had been
(tivrn, oiicht to bd
confined to judg<
manta by default.
In the cause between the Hrprescnintivcs o(
tlie late William Pa RtsoNHrrn-am/ James
ISiiEPpARD and William Danson.
To It is Honour Richard Alex-
ander Tucker, Es(/. Chief
Justice of the Island of New-
fouHiUund, 4 C' ^yc. 6fC.
The Memorial of ,J^Jaii/ Parsons, o(lh\r]tom'
Grace, in tiio Island of MeuTuiuid-
land, Spinster,
That in the month of Octohcr, 1010, the
cause of the " Heprosentatives of WUliam
Parsons v. James Shepjuird and William
Danson^ tenants in possession," came on, and
was determined, in tlie Supreme Court at
Harbour Grace, wherein there wasjudgment
^iven against memorialist; which judgment,
in memorialist's opinion, was erroneous, as
memorialist has since been informed that the
evidence oi' James Lilly, George Lilly, Eli-
zabeth Chancet/, and Elizabeth Lont^, all of
St. John's, would be most material in favour
of memorialist, as by an affidavit, herewith
transmitted, will more fully appear.
And memorialist further begs leave to
state to your Hononr, that our late worthy
Chief Justice Forbes, on the last day of his
sitting in the Supreme Court, stated in wri-
ting, upon the affidavit of the late Lionel
Chancejf, which is also inclosed, that he
"would allow a rehearsing of said cause, upon
certain conditions therein expressed.
That your mcmoiialist would further beg
leave to state to your Honour, that during
the time of the Supreme Court having been
suspended, in consequence of the Chief Jus-
tice being absent, she has always kept in
rcscntntivcs o(
against Jam '^^
:hard Alex-
:r, Emj. Chief
sluud of A't'/f-
ns, oriJarhoiU'
licr, 1010, the
L'S of William
and IVilliam
'ciimcon, and
enie Court at
erroneous, as
irmed that the
^e Lilly ^ Eli-
LoniTf all of
crial lu favour
avit, herewith
ie^s leave to
r late worthy
St day of his
itated in wri-
te late Lionel
>sed, that he
d cause, upon
i further beg
r, that during
having been
Ihe Chief Jus-
iways kept in
Shrpparo and
Wew and intimated to the agents of Mr.
// illimn Danson, her inteuiion of moving the „^
pre ,e Court But finding that the agents 'b- 'ate Wm '
of|he8auJ '^*/Aa//i/>a;«o« have commenced
bmldiug a store upon that part of the pre-
mises m dispute, your memorialist begs
leave to pray that your Honour will h„
onX« 'i"r" ^ '^^ »'"'"'''^* °^'''« documents
onclosed, to order a re-hearing of the case ;
and, also, that your Honour will grunt an
injunction to defer the erection of the store
on the disputed premises until the case is
ti ought to issue.
Mary Parsons.
To which the Chief Justice gave the fuN
lowing wntiea .iiiswer :--
1 have perused this memorial, and the ac-
and '*nnr'I!?H"'""''°^'' ^*"' ereat attention,
and not without some desire that J miijh
find myself at liberty to comply xviti tl e
wishes of the memorialist. But7 conceive
that ,t IS utterly impossible for me to doTo
In England, a new trial is sometimes, thoujrl
rarely, granted upon the discovery of new
and material evidence since the trial .Tidd^
Practice. 020); but this is always VX^
judgment; and when judgment has once
been entered, a new trial cannot be granted
here, under any circumstances whatever
In this country, however, a practice. arS
reviewing the grounds upon w%h i was
^h^'cZVi^t' from the ma„n.?^u, w©
ine f^our* is frequently compelled to exv^
judgment by d^ault, it is eS| to^^'^
attamment of substantial jugti-e C Much I
power should, in manv inZ.rTt^.?'
cwed by i> «••* •*♦ -- "-- v.' — ^t ■»•» ^>h;*-
«. But it is. at t^^,^;^^^
llip laie Wm.
£iiieiitatif et *>f «ent indication of my mind is, that it oiiKht
* ' "'" to be confined, strictly, to judgments by
itefault. Without, however, venturing to
say that a case may not arise which would
warrant the Judge in granting a re>hearing
of it, I feel perfectly convinced that the
present is not one of that ^ g
g of this cause,
long interval, the
lur the judgmei t
Id the land for a
leration, and hi d
3nt, so that the
he premises upon
I have been with-
r against them;
icelled this judg-
ich a purchaser ?
lot, and the ar-
lence against the
, in my opinion,
lat I cannot help
would not have
B a re-hearing, if
I to reflect upon
tion which was
hurry of prepara-
iis country. But,
ainst my review-
cogent than any
1 have suggested
lerefore feel my-
>f rejecting the
RETTFOl' ft Dl.wnm
Ben. Bowimno agniusl John 1L»r«isow.
JL HIS was an action to recover the sum of
i79 iu. lOf/., as the enlimated value of cer-
tara articles of jewelrv shipped by the cor-
respondent of the plaiulitt', at Liverpool, in
the Brig //cro, of which the defendant was
master, and consigned to the plaintiff.
All the material facts of the case having
been distinctly proved by witnesses on both
sides, the Chi^' Justice said :—
It is a clear rnle of law, that the master \b
hound lo take all possible care of the cargo
from the time it is placed under his charge
until the delivery thereof to the consignee ;
that he is liable for all injury to it arisin*^
from bis neglect or want of skill; and thai
he IS, in most cases, answerable for the em-
bezzlement of it. But the 20th Geoige 111.,
c. 86, s. 3, expressly provides,. •• that no
♦♦ master, or owner, shall be liable for any
*• loss or damage which may happen to any
gold, silver, jewels, &c., shipped onboard
!! **?^.. ^®®*?*» H"'®*" *'»« owner or shipper
.. f -n Vf r ® **'"® of shipping, insert in his
bill of lading, or declare in writing to the
" master the true nature, quality, and value
"of such gold, &c." Now. the bill of la-
ding, in the present case, contains no such
notice, nor has any evidence been adduced
that such notice was given to the defendant
agreeably to the provisions of the said Act'
It IS clear, therefore, that the plaintiff can«
not recover. Nor would the plaintiff have
been entitled to jodgment even if the 26th
Oeorge 111., c. 86, had never been passed-
as the Court is strongly impressed with a
conviction that the articles were not embea^
2!ed, whilst the cask was in the charge of tlie
defendant. nnH wnnM ti,„-^f-__ i ^ " ."
:*« ir 1 ■' r — •-— '.'t, is.cicioic, nave leit
Itself bound to give judgment in his favour
May 97/ik
NeillMr lh« nn»-
ler nor lh« owner
of • veM«) ii liable
for any Iom or da.
•arpo, and of tha
Manner of atowaga
tiaed on board of
lier, will not la-
liava Iba oiaatar
and ownara fron
tbii liability.
TuoMAs Beck against The Owners of the
Uny; Kelton.
HIS action was brought to recover a
cumpensation for damages 8upposed to have
been occasioned by an improper stowage of
some bags of bread belonging to the plain-
tiff, on board the vessel of the defendants.
After having heard the witnesses who
were produced by the plaintiff and defend*
ant, the Chief Justice proaounced the fol-
lowing judgment : —
There is some difficulty in deciding from
what source the injury to the bread was
occasioned ; but, from the evidence which
has been laid bctore nie, it seems to have
proceeded from a gas, or vapour, produced
by the coal. Assuming, then, that the bread
was shipped in perfectly good order, and
became deteriorated in the course of the
voyage, by a vapour arising from another
part of the cargo, the question is, whether
or not the master and owners of the vessel
are liable for a deterioration in the quality
of the bread, resulting from such a cause?
And ] am of opinion that they are liable.>~
It is stated as a rule, by JRoccus^ that '* if mice
*' eat the cargo, the master must make good
*' the loss, because he is guilty of a fault.
*' Yet if he had cats on board his ship, he
*' shall be excused." And it is observed by
a most excellent writer (a) on this subject,
that " this rule, and the exception to it,
(e) Abbott, in hia Tr^atifa or Merehaul Ships, part 3^
chap. 3,;aae. S.
m. ,ppi iilW i ii l>;iM »^^WW|||fcr.#j» ,j| j|| l p l H l >».,iL,i JIH^ .
ility is, tlinl
lut into the
filers of the
recover a
)se(l to have
stowage of
> the plain-
fend ants,
lesses who
ind defend*
ed the fol-
ciding from
bread ivas
lence which
ns to have
r, produced
at the bread
order, and
urse of the
'om another
is, whether
>f the yessel
the quality
ch a cause ?
ire liable.-—
Iiat "if mice
make good
T of a fault,
his ship, he
)bserv£d by
his subject,
ption to it.
Ships, p»rt3|
" although bearing somewhat of a ludicrous
"air, furnish a good ilinstrution of the prin-
"ciple by which the master ami owners are
"held responsible lor every injury thai
••miffht have been prevented by |,i,muu
/ortsight or care." Now, it certainly was
withm the reach of human foresight to dis-
cover that bags of bread would probably bo
injured by being placed within a short dis*
tancc of a large quantity of loose coals ; and
the owners and master are, therefore, clearly
responsible for the damage which has arisen
u "i ^^""' ^^ proper care on the part of
the latter. Jthas, indeed, been suggested,
that the consignor knew that the vessel was
jmrtially laden with coals ; and that havin"-
chosen, under this knowledge of the facts oT
the case, to put his bags of bread on board
her, he must be considered as having con-
sented to take upon himself the risk of its
bemg mjured by the coals. But, as no proof
has been adduced on this point, I am not
now called upon to determine on the validity
of this argument. lam, however, strong v
mclined to think, that the defence would
not nave been materially aided b' . -oof of
this allegation. Public policy ha „ J con-
ceive, imposed upon the master and owners
of ships, the duty of stowing their cargoes
in such a manner that one part shall not be
mjured by another; and if, after having re-
ceived one article, another should be offered
to them of such a nature that there was a
chance of its being injured by the former,
they would be bound to point out this cirl
cumstance to the owner of the second arti-
cle, and, at the same time, to decline takin*-
It without protecting themselves against this
risk by a special exception in the bill of la-
Omg. It 18 thft hliainpeo #.f *U^ „. * .•
the vessel, and not of the shij.pcr ef goods,
rtieOwnrr* of lli«
13rig Keltun.
Th« Owntrn of tht
Bfig Kkltun.
lo make himself acqitnintpil wiili the pro-
perties of the (JiHTerent ar icIvK in um fur ux
their stowage i» to be n'p;iilat(Ml by thoi^e
properties; and the mere know ledire, on the
part of the shipper, that the cargo of a vessd
conuisted of particular articlen, can never
raise a presumption against him that he was
aware that some of those articles might
prove injurious to his goods; nor transfer^
from the master to him, the obligation of
ascertaining what would be the probablo
operation and effect of the one part of tho
cargo upon another. For these reasons, I
feel no hesitation in giving judgment for the
Stjilember 23d.
!•• lo an insolvent
•ilatff had obtained
poesestion, in vir*>
tua of that charac-
ter, of soine goods
which had been
sent to Iha ineol«
Tent from England,
Aid bad actually
conveyed ihem lo
the uliinata lermi*
HUB of their des.
linaiion, the Chief
Juitiee held, that
the vendor's riRht
to s(oppa|ie,ia Iran*
■itu, having been
coni|iletely divest-
ed by these acts,
no subsequent pro-
eeading on the part
of the trustee
could defeat the
olaima of the gene*
lal creditors of the
fsiate to those
The Trustees of the Insolvent Estate of
Jah£s Fox and John Uyan.
attending this case
J flC circumstances
are sufficiently explained in the following
judgment: —
Per Curiam* This case involves the
question of the vendor's right to stop the
goods, which form the subject of it, in their
transit to the vendee ; and the only doubt
which the Court has extM^rienced in the de-
termination of it» arises entirely from the
mystery in which the facts relating to it are
enveloped. The loose manner in which bu-
siness is often conducted in this country,
and the consequent relaxation from the rules
of evidence observed in England, frequently
render it extremely difficult for this Court
to acquire a correct knowledge o(/acls ; but
the UttiSculty of doing so, resulting from these
general causes, is, in this case, considerably
increased by the particular conduct of some
of the leading parties to this transaction, it
villi tlir pro-
I ill UH far uA
led by those
luiitrtNon tlic
go of a vessel
es, can never
1 that he was
rticlcs might
nor transfer^
obligation of
the probable
ic part of the
28e reasons, I
^ment for the
nt Estate of
\ng this case
Ihe following
involves the
It to stop the
of it, in their
e only doubt
:ed in the de-
ely from the
Lting to it are
in which bu-
this country,
from the rules
id, frequently
for this Courl
oi facts ; but
ing from these
iduct of some
ansae tion. it
Is obvious, from their mode of proccrdiny,
chat both the iiiMidvenl, /'o^.and hislnislee,
Jiapivi, wire iiilluenced by some private
viewH opposite to ihtir duty to the general
creditors of the iiiHolvent; and that, in the
prosecution of tlieir own interests, they have
bad recourse to measures which have brought
the rights of these creditors into jeopard'y ;
for it is clear that, if Ilatfes had acted
in the manner in which his character as
irusUc recpiiied that he should have done,
there never wuuld have been nn occasi«»n
for luinging this action, i'rom the evidence
of Fox, it seeum certain that it was his in-
tJ'ntion to obtain, through the agency of
JJai/es,a fraudulent possession of these goody.
And, upon the failure of this plan, IJat/es,
upon motives which do not distinctly ap-
pear, but which, to say the least of them,
are o^ien to strong suspicions, surrendered
to the defendant, as agent 'to the vendee,
the good.% whi<:h, as one of the trustees to
tile insolvent estate, he was bound to hold
for the general bentf't of the creditors.
J hrough the veil which has thus been cast
over this case, the Court has, however, been
enabled to trace the following prominent
features of it, from the testimony of Fox and
Hayes, and from a few documents which
were produced at the trial.
Soon after Fox had been declared insol-
vent by the Surrogate Court at Harbour
Grace, a notice of this event, and of the ap-
pointraent of trustees to his estate, was in-
se.'-ted in the newspaper of that place ; and
to this notice the name of Michael Hayes
was subscribed, as one of the trustees. The
trustees did not, however, take any active
part m the settlement of the estate; but
agreeably to a practice very common in this
couiiify, iney devolved the onus of such
TtutUHnI (hw In*
l-'uxaoti Uyan.
I* ♦!
1824 settlement upon nn agent appointed by theiiii
v.^lr!^ In this state of Fox's afiairs, two vessels ar-
Tru.te.. of th. In. fived at St. John's, having on board certain
fcolvcDi E.I8U of articles o! merchandise for him, which nan
]b'oxMdllYAN. i^ggn shipped by Mr. James Gordon oi Man-
chester, from whom Fox had been m the
habit of ordering goods from the commence-
ment of his business. When the last-men-
tioned goods were ordered by Fox, he liad
reason to suppose that the balance then duo
by him to Gordon would have been ^\9»\^^-
ted by a remittance of fish which he had
just before made to Gordon ; but this hope
was disappointed in consequence of the bad
market for tish, which did not realize Uie
prime cost. The goods shipped by Gotdon
to Fox were always insured by the former;
and Fox was charged with the premium
thereon. If they were sent to Harbour
Grace, they were consigned directly to i'oo;,
but if the vessel they were shipped in was
only bound to St John's, they were forward-
ed to Foxs agent there. The goods in
question were put on board a vessel bound
to St. John's and Harbour Grace, and were
consigned immediately to Fox^ On their
arrival at St. John's, after the declaration of
insolvency, Iw (being then in the posses-
sion of the invoice and bill of lading; gave
Hayes, the trustee, who was the master and
owner of a small schooner engaged m the between Harbour Grace and
St. John's, an order to receive them ; but
the master of the vessel having been m-
formed, previously to the delivery of tlm
order, of the insolvency of Yox, refused to
comply with it until the newspaper was
shown him by Mayes, announcmg his ap-
pointment as a trustee to the estate of Foj?;
and then he sunered nmi lu iaa.e wi^ ^^ "'
which were conveyed by Hayes to Harbour
ledby Ibeitik
i vessels ar-
oarti certain
which had
•l»ent Esiaie of
for the consequcnres of such Act. I'ox and Ryan.
J'Vom this outline of the case, it is appa-
rent, that //rt^f* obtained possession of these
goods in his character oUrnstec to the estate
of Fox, and not as a mere carrier between
yt. Jolm's and Harbour Grace; nor yet as
tlie private a-enl of Fox. 'J'his fact is, in-
deed, established by two circumstances,
either of which would, alone, be alraofi ai-
ficient to evirce the truth of it; viz., 1st, the
positive refusal of tlie master of the vessel
to deliver the };oods to IJaijes before he was
satisrted, by the projluction of the newspa-
per, that he was one of the trustees to the
esfaie of Fox. 2dly, the high improbability
llial the master would have delivered these
goods to a carrier, to be conveyed to the
port to which his own vessel was immediately
bouud. But, if it be true, as it clearly seema
to be, tliat Hayes got possession of the
poods as trustee, and had them for some
lime in his |>ossession at Harbour Grace, the
case is entirely relieved from all the nice
points which have arisen respecting the
''corporal touch" of the consignee, or bis
representative ; and the arrival of the goods
at the '' ultimate terminus'' oi X\\e\v desti-
nation ; because here the goods were in the
actual possession of the trustee at their ulti-
\ mate terminus ; and continued so for some
time before any attempt was made by the
defendant to assert, even by letter, Gordon's
claim to them. Jt only remains, therefore,
to be considered, whether Hayes, having
thus obtained possession of the goods, in
Virtue of his character as trustee, and under
a demand of them as such, could afterwards
-^ j. 9ni m^:i ' ^
BW ' Wi.j innam
Fuxaud Ryan.
1824. repudiate that character, and thereby divest
"' mmm , ■ * that right of the general creditors to them
Ttuiteesotthu In* which attachcil, as a necessary consequence
sol v«ni Estate of of their coming, through such means, into
the hands of one of the trustees to the estate.
But it is evident that their right, after it had
so attached, could not be defeated by any
act of Hayes ; and that any attempt, on his
part, to do so, was a gross violation of his
duty, and a manifest fraud upon them. —
The Court does, accordingly, give judgment
for the plaintiff for £212, the admitted value
^ of the goods, together with the costs of suit.
Novenhtr 4th.
In hearinf! up*
peals, the Court
will not receive
any evidence that
was not tendered
at the trial of the
cause Ja the Court
Page & Noble appellants,
Arthur Hunt Carter respondent.
J. HE nature of this case, and the circum-
stances which priivented it from receiving
an earlier determination, are sufficiently ex-
plained in the following judgment :— <
Per Curiam. The hearing of this appeal
has been deferred very much beyond the
usual period, for the purpose of enabling the
appellants to produce tho copy of a letter
vrhich they consider as forming a very ma-
terial part of the defence to the action in
the Court below, and which the attornies
for the appellants asserted to have been lost,
or mislaid, through the default of the clerk
e/the Court.
That letter has, however, since been found
in the office of Mr. Dawe, who acted/oi' the
appellants^ by bis clerk ; and the Court is,
accordingly, now in possession of all the do-
cuments upon vhictk the judgment of the
0.,~.- 4. * I
sTurrugutiC vins lunucu.
Its doty, therefore, is limply to inqnire
thereby divest
litorn to them
r consequence
I means, into
8 to the estate,
lit, after it had
feated by any
ttempt, on his
iolation of his
upon them. —
;ive judgment
dmitted value
! costs of suit.
d the circum-
Vom receiving
ufhciently ex-
lent :— '
of this appeal
I beyond the
»r enabling the
)y of a letter
g a very ma-
the action in
I the attornies
lave been lost.
It of the clerk
ice been found
» acted far the
the Court is,
I of all the do-
gment of the
>Iy to inquire
whether or not the decision of the Surro-
gate is warranted by the evidence which
was laid before him ; for an appeal being in
the nature of a complaint against the deter-
mination of the judge upon the farts sub-
mitted to him, the Court of appeal is neces-
sarily precluded from admitting any other
evidence than that upon which the judg*
ment complained of was founded.
In this respect there is an obvious and
most important distinction between an ap-
peal and a new trial.
The Court, then, being thus obliged to
confine its attention to the documents ori-
ginally produced at the trial of the cause,
confesses itself unable, after a careful exa-
mination of those documents, to discover a
single ground upon which this judgment
ought to be reversed.
On the part of the appellants, it has, in-
deed, been contended, that the directions
given to them by the respondent in the post-
cript of his letter of the sixteenth day oi
July, one thousand eight hundred and eight-
teen rthe letter which was alleged to have
been lost), to remit to Mr. StabbonQ hundred
pounds, and to pay to another individual
nfty-nine pounds twelve shillings and eighth
pence,— is sufficient to raise a presumption.
that this direction had been complied with ;
and that these sums ought, consequently*
to have been deducted from the balance
which they admit to be due to the Re-
spondent, if the sums of one hundred pounds
and fifty-nine pounds twelve shillings and
eightpence have not, in point of fact, been
severally paid by the appellants, agreeably
to the instructions of the respondent. But
the doctrine that a mere authority to pay,
Without any ^vooioiaeiual payment, or even
of an undertaking to pay, is sufficient to en-
Pa«b & NOBL
A. H. Carteb.
I* ■-
9 May 2(/,1825.
' The Naval Offi-
cer is eotitled to
■^ i jn^B
charge a fee upon
the clearance of
vetsels employed
Iffil^a <
in the fisheriea.
[But note, that thia
« office haa been
•boliabed since this
jadgment was de-
livered by an Act
^ of Parliament.]
mf^ J
f L
title tlie appellant to have the bcfore-meii,
tioned sums deducted from the balance due
by them to the respondent, is so contrary to
every principle of law and reason, tikat it
would be an idle waste of time to expose
the futility of it; and this Court does, there-
fore, without the least hesitation, affirm the
judgment pronounced in the Court below.
Aaron IIocsett against Jons Boyd.
HE right of the plaintiff, in his character
of Deputy Naval Officer, to certain fees up-
on the clearance oi fishing vessels, was the
great question raised in tiiis case. After
having taken some time to consider it, the
Chief Justice delivered the following judg-»
ment: —
The constitution of this Court is, I believe,
entirely different from that of any other
Court within the w^de circle of the British
Empire ; and the duties of the Chief Justice
of this island are not only more laborious,
but, also, in many respects, more irksome
and difficult, than those of the same oCicer
in any other of our colonies. In all of these,
some considerable period of time always in-
tervenes between the commencement of an
action and the trial of the cause ; and the
judge is also advertised, by the pleadings,
what the question is which he is to deter-
mine ; but here the writ is often made re-
turnable on the same day that it is sued out;
and even where a loP"-er interval occurs be-
tween the teste and return of the writ, the
judge can derive no relief from this circum-
stance; because there are no pleadings to
apprize him of the point at issue between the
parties. The division of the year, too, into
I balance due
o contrary to
eason, that it
le to expose
t does, there-
in, afHrm the
ourt below.
•UN Boyd.
his character
rtain fees up-
sels, was the
case. After
isider it, the
lowing judg^
I is, 1 believe,
»f any other
3f the British
Chief Justice
re laborious,
lore irksome
same oficer
all of these,
le always in-
:ement of an
ie ; and the
le pleadings,
e is to deter-
ten made re~
tissued out;
1 occurs be-
he writ, the
this circum^
pleadings to
between the
iSiTf too, into
terms and vacations', allows the jud-^es of
oilier places leisure to examine, and cahnlv
to reflect on, those cases which mav have
given rise to any new. or unseliled, question
of law ; but with us t»»u whole year is one
continued term; and thejud-e, being liable
to sit lie die i/« diem, may feeiingjy exclaim.
JVor are these the only disadvantages to
which he IS exposed. Most Courts are com .
posed of 5Ci'c;fl/ judges, who. by confeiea-
ces among themselves, and by an union and
combination of their separaie powers may
decide very nice and dciicatenueslions with
comparative ease; whereas the judge of this
Court IS cut ofl from all communication with
every person capable of assisting his researcli
or relieving his doubts ; and, will, nolhin- tj
depend on but his own store of knowlod-e
IS required to determine the most difhcult
questions that can arise in every department
of the extensive and complicated science of
the law, with that celeriti/ which is expected
from a summary course of proceedino; and
>vhich, in truth, forms the only recommcn-
dation of it.
Such, at least, has been, and still is, the
state of our judicature. But we are on the
immediate eve of an important change,
which will, 1 earnestly hope, remove, or mi!
tigate. most of the evils to which 1 have
here briefly adverted; and. in the expecta-
tion of the early establishment of a Court
upon a very diflerent plan from the present
1 have, for some time past, been desirous of
reserving all cases of great magnitude, or
particular interest (on account of some /fe-
neral principle which they embrace), for the
opinion of the other judges of the Supreme
ii« " ;.; — """'» "WTTcvif conshieied
myself at liberty to indulge this dcsireTa
'mm>,'\'' '■am/sk.
Opposition to tlic wishes of the parties moro
directly interested in the determination of
any question; and, as tiie plaintiff in this
action has applied for a judgment, 1 shall
now pronounce it, although there are some
points in the case which I should have been
extremely glad to have consulted the other
judges upon.
The plaintiff seeks to recover the amount
of certain fees which he claims to be due to
him, in his character of Deputy Naval Offi-
cer of St. John's, upon some vessels belon"*-
mg to the defendant, now employed in the
sealjtsheiy; and the defendant resists the
payment of those fees, principally, upon the
ground, that the plaintiff's right to them, if
It ever existed, has been taken away by the
6th Geo. IV., c. 51, s. 4. 1 shall, therefore,
inquire, Ist, Whether the Naval Officer of
Newfoundland was at any time entitled to
Ihe fees he now demands? and, 2dly, Whe-
ther the statute upon which the defendant
re les, or any other Act of Parliament, has
taken awa^ from the plaintiff any part of
those fees which were given to the office he
holds by the ]Oth Geo. IIJ., c. 37, s. 2?
Before the reign of Charles the Second,
the colonies engaged very little of the atten-
tion of the English Legislature. The at-
tachment which every man feels to his na-
tive land, and the diffi'cullies and hardships
always incident to every first attempt at
colonization, were such powerful checks to
emigration, that only a few persons of des- i
perate fortunes, and very daring spirit, ever
thought of forming a permanent settlement
m Amenca, so long as tranquillity and se-
curity were to be enjoyed in England. But
the civil war, and the troubles which for
many years preceded it, compelled a vas»
number of persons, of all ranks, to seek an
lie parties more
letcrmination of
|)Iaintiflr in this
figment, 1 shall
there are some
oiild have been
ilted the other
ver the amount
ns to be due to
ity Naval Offi-
vessels belong-
uployed in the
ant resists the
f>ally, upon the
ght to them, if
11 away by the
hall, therefore^
ival Officer of
ime entitled to
d, 2dly, Whe.
the defendant
Parliament, has
iff any part of
o the office he
.37,8. 2?
s the Second,
e of the atten-
ire. The at-
^els to bis na-
and hardships
St attempt at
rful checks to
arsons of des-
nj? spirit, ever
!nt settlement
lillity and se-
ngland. But
BS which for
ipelled a vast
s, to seek an
asylum in the new world from the danffera
and misery which surrounded them at home ;
and those persons having, by courage and
perseverance, surmounted the difficulties to
winch they were at first exposed, gradually
acquired such a degree of importance, that
the notice of the government was very par-
ticulaily directed to the - Plantations in
America about the period of the Restora-
' yllL. -^^^^^''^'^g'y* one ofthe first statutes
vvlicli was made, upon the return ofthe
King, ,s the I2lh Car. II.. c. 18.. which
IS commonly called the Navigation Aci;
2L J ^!r^ succeeding years of the
Which contain the basis and principle ol that
Colonial System," which has been follow'
eil, with very trifling quali.lcations, for more
han a hundred and fifty years. The ob-
iere "" st /'' '^V"' " P^"»^««^ ^° «"^'«
were, jsi, ifye exclusive aupply of all the
fvants oj the colonies by the Molhc/countT;
^d, tne reslnclion of all colonial exports to
^nqland and Scotland ; and, 3dly, the con-
ilHY' r^- "'' <'«/'"''^'<^'«^ intercourse between
the Colonies and the Parent State to British
pupping. To accomplish these ends va-
rious legislative regulations were adopted ;
and. as no custom-house establishment had
a RrJ/ ^'^^^f^'-^'n^ 'hose regulations was
at first wholly committed to the Govern
ors, (a) or (by 16th Car. II.. c. 7) to per-
sons appointed by them ; whi, b/ a laLp
statute, (b) are styled « Naval Officers.' The
creation of these officers is, therefore, cvi!
clpntlv of uToat anliquity; beinir, in fiict,
coev/l >vill. llie "system" winch they were
intended, under the direction of the ^'ovem-
ors, to watch over and protect. In tins
ishmd, the first appointment ot a ^aval
Officer anpears to have been made in
1743: (0 "and to have l)een re-idarly conti-
nued down to the present moment. About
twenty-one vears after the appointment ol a
Naval Officer, a cnstom-housc was t-sta^
blished in St. John's; an.l the officers of the
customs would, of course, pertorm many
of the duties which had l»^'|«;.^„^^7y l^"
charged solely by the Nava Officer; the
preservation of the - Colonial System, as
lell as the collection of the revenue, being
comprised within the sphere «! fl'^-^"*/'" > '
But, without pretending to decide whethu
the services of the Naval Officer, in addition
to those of the officers of the customs, were
actually necessary for the support of te
Colonial System, it will be suflicient to
mention, that the foimer was, neither here
nor. 1 think, in any other of the colonies,
"nperseded by the latter. The consequence
of their co-existence was, that the merchants
and ship-owners were obliged to pay two
sets of fees for entries, clearances, registers
&c.-namelv, one to the custom-house, and
another to Uie Naval Officer To relieve
themselves from this burden, the merclianls
used every means in their power ; whilst, on
the other hand, the officers of the customs
and the Naval Officers were not slow ui
availing themselves of every circumstance
(c) Reeves's History of Newfoundland, p. 127. Mr.
Reeversay. be could not discover whether the .ppon.«.
„enthad beea contioaed by Captain Byng's ^T^mi
but by an inspeclion of the booke, containing "«»««"
of the%arl, proceeding, of the Government. I^fiad Chat .t
has been regularly comiQuea iiom &««»» «
the pteieot timet
?inp:, in A\ct,
cli tliey were
f the(iovern-
lect. In this
of a Naval
[Ml niatle in
iuliirly conti-
lent. About
ointment of a
30 was csta-
olHcers of the
perform many
fore been i\h'
I Oflietr ; the
I System," as
L'venue, being
of their duty,
ecide whether
cr, in addition
customs, were
iipport of tie
suliicient to
*, neither here
f the colonies,
le consequence
, the merchants
;ed to pay two
nces, registers,
om-house, and
?r. To relieve
the merchants
kver ; whilst, on
f the customs
e not slow in
r circumstance
diand, p. 127. Mr.
bellier tlie appoint-
Bang's sucoesiori ;
atftiniDg an account
nment, I find (hat it
b.t »-.:<«« of fees""
1770 would certamlv. of itself h« im* «.i'
I evidence of what the fees were hT i764°"£ut
3p ' • '
ftuch a table, in conjunctioi; wltli an order
from the Govirnor to take the same fees as
were received in 1704, and ihe parole testi-
mony of a very old officer of ihe customs,
itlr, M*Kie, that tlie fees stated in that table
had been received by the Naval Officer as
long as he can remember, furnishes, at least,
presumptive proof that the fees in 1770 were
the«aweasin 1704. Indeed, the proof of
old customs is almost necessarily confined
to the evidence of facts done at a much
later period; (rO and as the ^defendant has
not attempted to prove that the fees stated
in this table were not usually received by
the Naval Officer in I70J, 1 apprehend that
the practice of demanding them, after a
positive order from the Governor, groun«led
upon an Act of Parliament, to take no fcts
but such as were taken in 1704, arid the
acquiescence of tlie merchants in this de-
mand, after they had been informed that
the Waval Officer was entitled to no other
fees than such as he bad been accustomed
to receive in 17G4, may be deemed cowo/m5U'€
evidence that the fees in 1704 were not less
than what are set forth in the table of 1770.
Yet, though 1 am thus disposed to allow
this table to be, as far as it goes, conclusive
evidence of the fees usually demanded by
the Naval Officer here before the 29th Sept.,
1764, 1 am sensible that it cannot, of itself,
establish the position, that he was at any
time entitled to the fees he noto claims ; be-
cause this table neither describes the vessel,
(d) Sm T. B. S83. This \$ on9 of that cUss of caaes
in wbich a Court is cerlainly bound to raise, rrom potlerior
naaget a prMomptioo of an anterior right ; for long pos'
MMioB must injura a title, if, after tha lapse of masy
yfftn,Mid thedefseaaa of parties, objaofioQi abooii) ffftii
arbiob nigbt have been aasirered at aa earlier period, tw
vriiioli, if w«U lowided, wouia ittosl pfoUbijr iiav«B«^"
MMMV Biadftt
cot RT,
willi an order
e smne fees as
e pnrole testi-
f llic customs,
cl in that table
ival Officer as
shes, at least,
J in 1770 were
the proof of
arily confined
ne at a much
defendant has
lie fees stated
ly received by
pprehend that
them, after a
nor, grouncled
[> take no fets
1764, and the
its in this de-
informed that
d to no other
■n accustomed
?med conclusive
4 were not less
■ table of 1770.
posed to allow
oes, conclusive
r demanded by
the 291h Sept.,
nnot, of itself,
e was at any
mo claims ; be-
ibes the vessel^
)f that cUss of cases
raise, from potierior
Ight ; for long pos'
the l^seofmBSj
i|tioQ» abooM prtvsii
t esrlier period, an^
^OMpij^ biV9 becS
nor jho voifan'c, uf.on vl.idi ijjose fees arc
payable ; and it
A 'I
not 80 plain as th« y ought to Imve been,
they received opposite constructions from the
public officers and merchants, corresponding
to the the bins of their conflicting interests;
and this led to those violent disputes between
these parties to which J before adverted.
Jn no part of the globe could those disputes
have raged with more acrimony and fury
than they did in this island, if we may judge
from the Government books, which, up to the
W»U», or Town nf Berwick.— The n«xt, in order of
(ime, ie the 7th end Oih Wm. 111., c. 22, which rendere
all shipi coining inlo, or going out of, eny of the plaul/i-
tions, and Ud^og or unlading any goode or eommodiliee,
liable to the aame rulee, visilaliona, aearches, penattiea,
and forfellurea, a» they are eubjeotad to by the 13ih and
14th Car. II., c. 2.— Upon which I would obserfe, that,
aa it treata only rtf Tcsieis coming into, and fting out of,
the plantationa, it caonol inclnde veaaela going from one
port to another of tho $ame plaalation ; beoause they can
neither bo aaid to come into, or go out of, the plantation.
And aince both atatutea are, in the moat marked manner,
confined to Teaaela with goodi on board, their operation
cannot bo eitanded to abipa in 6aMoi<. Nor can the 4th
Gee. III., c. 16 (the only remaining atalute in which I
bare found anything applicable to this question) be brought
forward in support of the tight to make teaaela bound
from one port to another of the same colony, and vcaaela
without cargoea, take out clearancea; for it merely di-
reota that ao goodt, wares, or merchandise whatso/r^, nvM
bo abirped or ladeu on '^oard any yeaaol, in u^v a* Ih-?
British coloniea or plantations, to be carried fron S» r \. >
any other British colony or plantatiou, without ; ;> lrt^ ^o«..'
or warraot first bad and obtained from the collector or ether
proper officer of the customs. Indeed, this laat atatule
aflTorda an invincible argument that vessels sailing from
one port to another of the same colony are not included
? 1 the 7th and 8th Wro. HI., c. 22 ; for, since vessels go-
i g fr^^. colony to colony did not fall within its proviaions,
\! . 5» goinK from one port to another port of tho same
«5o'ooy, amu/iv 'Ttiori, could not. But whether the 16th
."^eo. III., c. 31 8. 7, which privileges boats and other
craft from making any entry or clearance at the custom-
house, in the particular case there mentioned, can be con-
sidered an admission of their liability to do so in all other
cases, according to the maiim, expressio nnius est exchuio
atterius, is a point which i am not now oaiied upon io
o Imvf! been,
tions from the
ing interests ;
|)ute8 between
ore adverted.
hoNc difli^iites
ony and fury
we may judge
lich, up to the
n«il, in order of
!'2, which rsoders
«ny of the plau|.i>
It or oommodiliet,
krcbes, penalties,
by the 13th and
)uld obterf a, that,
and poing out oft
»\» goiog Irora ona
because ibey caa
/, the planiation.
it marked manner,
rd, their operation
Nor can the 4th
taiute in which I
iioition) be brought
tke TCiiels bound
)iony, and resiels
for it merely di-
re wAa/(o ' -y, nliall
isiel, in u.K u( llU'3
ried fror , ' t r -^ '-f'
rjtbout ' ^Ui.
le collector or other
d, this lait statute
essels sailing from
' are not included
r, since vestals go-
ilhin its provision*,
port of the same
t whether the 16(b
;es boats and other
nee at the custom -
ioned, can be cou-
> do so in all other
to tmtia e$t excbuio
low caiUd upon to
year 1771, abound with remonstrancefl and
rq>l.e«. m which the writers heap upon the
autogonisls all the abuse which h^ a -rv
n l.isiou, If u had not been necessary for mo
to make use of the information they uffonl
up.n the subject of the present controversy
one i * """i' accordingly, only touch upon
very considerable light upon it :— Jn 17fl«
n number of the merchants' add essed a Le
~ V /'"/': ^«''"-' ^'^ »'-n Go-
duct on," '"f'' '\'^ "°"^'^'»'» «f ^^'e con-
duct of the ciistom-house oflicers, and naval
10 ve'ss'.!? ^^'"^ " P^^''-"''»r'y cJetrimema
to vessel*, carrying on the Jishcnj." Thev
much^bhf'' '"^'''^'. g*^»^'^-"y. and wtl^
much bitterness, against the 'jours of busi-
ness observed, and the fees exacted bV
those officers; but the ^rai;«me« of their
Sua^Vl'; '"^"''^ 'T'^'"^ ^'•°'" «"^'^ -on-
to ^hjf *^ "'*^' '.^'^^''' ^°^ •« '''s answer
to this representation, the Governor states^
o be his opinion, " that to establish proper
^ rues and fe.s for a custom-house nth^
^^ country, a material distinction ought to
"auabfi^H ^''""T^i^"'^ «'">«' 'atvfully
" who whhT -"^ ""'^^ ^''""^ certificates,
- Zih.Tu ^^^'' T'""' ^''^ employed onl^
m the fishery, and trading ships carryiiJ
on a trade created by the late great in!
I'^TrV/fiT'^^'-^*^^'"?. ^" thisVounlry
\ a«er the fishery is over." But his Excel
Jency does not feel himself empowefed to
tnake any such regulation8.-~There is. Ihere^
*««.ruies'^%;i;^--i:- ---}}-
-w»V<"^*f-'* ^
ISavrtl Officer had, accordini^ly, been in the
habit of charging; the same CecK u\)on both
classes previously to the 'iOlh September,
I7G1. But this proposition being once esta-
blished, it will follow, as a direct corollary
fronvit, that the Naval Officer was once en-
titled to demand fees upon vessels employed
in the fishery ; for the lOlh Geo. HI., c 37,
». 2, authorises him ** to take and receive
*« such fees as he and his predecessors were
« and had been generally and usually ac-
*' customed to demand, take, and receive,
•* before the 29th September, 1704;" with-
out making any distinction whatever be-
tween these fees, which, before that period,
he had a strictli; legal right to demand, and
those which he had not. From the passing
of that statute, therefore, he was invested
with a right to all the fees he had been ac •
customed to receive before the 29th Septem-
ber, 1764, by the highe&t title-deed under
which a British subject can enjoy any sort
of estate— an Act of Parliament-—'And it
now only remains for me to ascertain whe-
ther that right has been since divested by an
authority equal to that by which it was
In the investigation of this branch of the
subject, I shall confine myself to the 16th
Geo. HI., c. 31, and the .5thGeo. lV.,c.51,
which are, if 1 am not mistaken, the only
statutes which can supply even- the colour
of an argument for supposing that any part
of the fees which were secured to the JNaval
Officer by the 10th Geo. 11 U c 37, have
since been taken from him. The former of
these is known among us by the name of
Sir Hugh PaUisser's^ Act; and the striking
affinity which exists between the sentiments
..— _„^^,l l..» KSm »r» Ilia •ina%vot> In t\\C VO.'
CjVpiCBCJCVS UJ" mill 111 iisra ».. T-» f-
monstrance of the nierchanls, uudthe enact-
ly, been in the
fees upon hotk
ih Sei)tembei',
fing once esla-
lirect corollary
r was once ea~
ssels employed
leo. HI., c. 37,
e and receive
decessors were
nd usually ac-
!, and receive,
, 1704;" with-
whalever be-
)re that period,
\o demand, and
Dm the passing
1 was invested
! had been ac •
Lle-deed under
enjoy any sort
lament — and it
ascertain whe-
2 divested by an
'■ which it was
; branch of the
self to the 15th
Geo. IV., c. 51,
itaken, the only
ven the colour
^ that any part
ed to the Naval
1^ c. 37, have
The former of
>y the name of
uid the striking
1 the sentiments
-laure** lo the rc"
S and the enact-
inents o,' the 7ll, sec. of that stntnte aflbrd.
lea" Tr;' '"• ^^'T^ ^'-^ "'-i 'i-t
of th. 15.1,7] on ''c"',7'I*"',"" ^^^'j""
shrps. or any boat or craft whatsoever e?
*• fish -ri../ '"^ ''^''^" ''' ^^«««'^ an;
'' ie s ft hi '^''^^"^l""^' «•■ "tber necessi!
*'reffnlation,v;.i "^ «ny restraint or
/ . "> ""'^ 'o make anv imtw at iu^
" from thence and tl^. Tf ' ''^^""« «"*
" manded, by any officerof h * *^''"
* le particular and JZ^' 1' "l"' '' "'^
■clanse to relieve li^i,*^*'' "^^ *'•«
the Jis,.e,y from resttiiSl'd'-f'''^'^ ™
-(^ l1
'■ ■ mm m
i^ww.* vuxwJW"'
ll' SI
' J
the fees of the officers of the customs, and yet
leave the Navaf Officer . I ^^^^'^^ ^^.^^:i
fishing-fhips to make the same entries ana
cea.4ces^t his office, and to charg^^^^^^^
same fees for them, as before : that such a
constrnction would really contravene the
policy, and, in a great measure defeat the
utility of the statute, lo this I answer.
That'^here words of an ambiguous and
doubtful meaning are employed m an Act of
Parliament. Courts of Law may. and ought,
to look to the general intent and ^<^ope ^\}^*
n o der to ascertain the true jnterpretal on
of Uiem; but. where the words are cea, 1
cordially ^gree with an able and most ex-
cdlent writer. (/) " that the R^S by
"exposition of an Act to>^ ^"?"^"'=,f,'^.M^^^
"anv opinions respecting its policy, or utili-
..U^sCless repugnant to general convey
«d;nce! than to the maintenance of a due
^rordination of judicial inteRPRI^ta-
,hr„! ther"e is no doubt that a Na,a Officer
is not an officer of the cnstoms, il is cenain
(asMr «„.»« ha» very j»stly oteerved) that
ir^ilot included i^jthUch^^^^^^^^^^
therefore, be affected by ii, wuaic
ba?e quoted « t.ken ^'7,^" .^if^ttvlme o?£
the Statute of Frauds. P"]''^ •'J 'Vnother note, of equal
CoUeCioa of Statutes p. 223 !» "^ h«' " .^, J
« mtndation : with regard to «h'ch »opic oi a g
" Us opfiratioB* upoa «n»j wxi^^"— • — --- -
loms, and yet
ty to compel
e entries and
to charge the
that such a
ntravene the
•e, defeat the
lis 1 answer,
ibiguous and
i in an Act of
y, and ought,
nd scope of it,
Js are clear, 1
ind most ex-
permitting the
influenced by
jolicy, orutili-
general conve-
nance of a due
, Naval OflScer
IS, it is certain
observed) that
se, and cannot,
whatever the
m. The passage I
rable note of his on
tie l8t volume of his
loiher note, of equal
c. 68(h (»ol. 2d, p.
ss upon the Act, the
gbest strains of com-
;opio of argument, it
Court of Justice
igqus6tioni»f policy
iTtntaga ; but that
I of the legislature,
:utioD and effect, so*
le established rules of
[ending or eontrscting
n..»e otitMUlilUyot
intention and polici/ of it may be. But the
legislature has, in the most direct and posi-
tive manner, declared that he is not an offi-
cer of the customs; for the 10th Geo. Jlf.,
c. 37, 8. 2, asserts that he is wo/ included in
the 5th Geo. III., c. 45, which authorizes
every collector, and other officer of His
Majesty's Customs," to charge for fees in
the manner there pointed out. And if he
was MO/ includei aval Officer for a clearance is stated to be
two shillings and sixpence; but in his bill of
particulars the plaintiff charges five shillings
for a y general clearance." The practice of
granting "general clearances" to fishing ves-
sels, both at the custom-house and in the
naval office, grew, 1 am told, out of the
clause m Sir Hugh Pallisser's Act, which
ftas been recited and commented on by me.
With respect to the custom-house, [the prac-
tice being entirely put an end to bv the sth
^eo. IV., c. 61,3 it would be indelicate and
iijiii III ■Mit— >i»^«»»»»
improper for me to pass any opinion upott
it: but with reference to the INuval Otticer*
1 am bound to declare, that there is notJang
in that clause to sanction any such proceed-
ing. It could, therefore, at most, be only
binding so long as it suited the convemence
of parties : and, since the defendant now re-
sists the payment of it, this Court can have
no power to enforce it. ^I'he plamtiB must
henceforth charge the same fees upon tisii-
ins vessels as upon other ships ; and can
only obtain a judgment for £.3 35.4*^., which
is the sum to which he is entitled under the
table offees, which, for the reasons I have
already detailed, I believe his predecessors
>irere accustomed to demand aud receive be-
fore the 29th September, 17(54,— which were
confirmed to them and their successors by
the lOih Geo. 111., c. 37, and the several
statutes by which it has been continued, and,
at length, made perpetual,— and which,.as 1
conceive, have never been taken away, al-
tered, or in any degree affected, by any sub-
sequent Act of Parliament.
'I 1 \
pinion upon
ival Officer*
•e is nothing
ich proceed-
ost, be only
lant now re«
urt can have
laintiff must
} upon fish-
ps ; and can
jj.4«?., which
jd under the
isons I have
id receive be-
— which were
successors by
id the several
tntinued, and,
id which, as 1
en away," al-
ii, by any sub-
JoHN Broom, Esq. complainant,
John Preston and Thomas Stabb,
PON this important and very interest-
ing case, the Chief Justice now delivered
the following decree : —
This case comes before the Court upon a
petition, which slates, that the plaintiff, on
the 6th of December, 1814, leased from the
defendants a certain dwelling-house and
ground in Water-street and Queen-street,
for thirty years, at the annual rent of £84.
That soon after the plaintiff had taken
possession of the demised premises, he
erected and finished two other bouses on the
ground, in rear of his dwel]ing-lK>use, at an
expense of more than £1000.
That on the 3d of June last, a fire totally
destroyed the two dwelling-houses erected
by plaintiff, together with the out-house and
cellar belonging to the original dwelling-
house, which was then in his personal oc«.
cupation, and which was also materiaUy
injured by the fir«, and by the measures
which were adopted to check the piogreaf
of the flames.
That under these circumstances the plain-
tiff considered himself entitled to surrender
his lease; and, accordingly, gave an imme-
diate notice of his intention to do bo to Mr.
Vallance^ the agent of the defendants ; but
that the tender of the lease having been
refused, the plaintiff is obliged to apply
to this Court for an order to compel Mr,
Valkmce to accept the surrender.
AH the f&cts set forth in this petition are
f»lly admitted by Mr. Valiattce; but he to-
taiiy denies that they do, in any manner.
The partial de-
molitioD of premis-
es by fire will not
entitle a lessee to
surrender his lease.
covenant to repair
will relieve the /es-
Me from the obligaa
tion to repair where
the damage has
been occasioned by
fire, jret such an
exception does not
cast the onus of re-
pairing upon the
lessor during the
continuance of Iba
I 'A
n i l f .i i | l .— lil » 'i
ftvoid the lease. And, assuming that they
do not, he further contends, in the nature of
a cross-bill, that Mr. Broom is answerable
for the damage done to the house, which
was built before the date of the lease; be-
cause that damage has been occasioned by
the wrongful acts of the plaintiff, 1st, in
building,' without any authority from the
defendants, two houses on the vacatit ground
in rear of the principal dwelling-house, which
might not have been at all injured by the
fire if those buildings had not been erected :
And, 2dly, in destroying the stair-case,
■window-sashes, and other parts of the house,
for the purpose of removing, with greater
case, the furniture and other property be-
longing to the plaintiff.
The points thus submitted to the consi-
deration of the Court are so interesting to
the public in general, as well as to the im-^
mediate parties to this suit, that 1 am ex-
ceedingly anxious that the principleupon
-which 1 profess to decide them should be
perfectly understood ; and as the deter-
mination of all cases in this country must
depend partly on the law of England, and
partly on our own particular customs, 1 shall,
first, give a pretty extensive sketch of that
portion of the English law of landlord and
tenant which is applicable to the questions
here raised ; 1 shall then review the leading
cases in the records of this Court which
have been referred to by the plaintiff in sup-
port of his petition ; and I shall, afterwards,
endeavour to deduce from those sources the
principle which ought to guide my judgment
ou these points.
At the Common Law, lessees were not
answerable to landlords for accidental burn-
ing, or for any other injury to the premises
resulting from accident — " Fortuna et ignis
g that they
he nature of
ouse, which
lease; be-
casioned by
atiff, 1st, in
y from the
catat ground
lOuse, which
jured by the
sen erected :
! stair-case,
af the house,
with greater
property be-
to the consi-
nteresting to
IS to the im-"
bat 1 am ex-
m should be
I the deter-
ountrv must
England, and
tomSf 1 shall,
:etch of that
andlord and
le questions
' the leading
Court which
intiff in sup-
, afterwards,
i sources the
"veUitijusmodieventus inopinati omnes ienen^
"tesexcusanr (a) is the earl v rule deliver^
ed by the writer of Fleta; and the reason
assigned for it by Lord Coke is, that •• as
" they (b) came in by the act of the lessor,
^^ he might have provided, upon the making
of the lease, against waste ; and he that
^ might, and would not, provide for him-
!!r 'w**;® Common Law will not provide
'tor. (c) What the common law would
not do, the statute latv, however, afterwards
did; for the statute of Marlebridge, c 24
renders lessees for life, or years, responsible
for waste ; and the statute of Gloucester.
c. 6, which was passed about ten years after
mcreased the damages for waste, and added
a forfeiture of the thing wasted. Thusstood
the Jaw for nearly four centuries and a half •
but the more ancient law respecting casual
hres was restored by the 6th Anne, c. 81
which exempts all persons from actions for
accidental fire in any house, except in the
case 0/ special agreements between landlord
and tenant. Under this statute it was lon«-
considered doubtful, whether a covenant tl
repair generally extended to the case of
tire and so became an agreement within the
statute ; (d) but in Bullock v, £>ommitt (e)
this questic. was directly brought before the
fin"n *^'5^^ ^^''^'^' ^"^ '■' ""^^ then
hnally settled that a general covenant to
repair did include the case of fire And
though an exception of fire will protect the
(a) Flela, lib. 1, cap. 12.
(,d) Har. Co. Litr. 67, a.
K.];H»7t,;Yoi:"'2: p. 422^'' '" *"' *^""" ''* ^""^"'^
Stabb Hi Prb4»
'V, I
Stabb & Pres-
lessee from liis covenant to repair, yet he is
liable under a covenant to paif rent, noi^
withstanding the premises be burnt down
and not rebuilt bv the lessor. Jn one m-
stance, indeed, where the premises had
been insured by the landlord, an/* their
value received from the insurance-oihce, the
chancellor gi anted an injunction to restrain
the lessor from suing for the rent until the
house should be rebuilt; (f) but it has since
been determined, that there is no equi*v m
favour of the lessee of a house liable to
repair, with the exception of damage by
fire, for an, injunction against an action tor
payment of rent upon the destruction of the
house by fire, (g-) Now, the plaintiff is a
lessee liable to repair, with an exception ot
damage by fire ; and, therefore, by the law
of England, he continues liable upon his
covenant to pay rent, during the residue of
his term, without the possibility of obtain-
ing relief from a Court of Equity.
Let us, then, next inquire, how far the /aw
ofNmJoundland differs, in these points, from
the law of England ; and, to this end, let us
first examine all the cases upon record which
seem to be capable of imparting any inform-
ation upon the question. These are, I think,
only three (A) in number. The first was an
action for rent, brought by Mi;s. Carrott
at-ainst Dr. Carson on the 7th December,
1818. Jt was there admitted, that the house
for which the rent was claimed had lieen
wholly destroyed by fire ; and several witnes-
ses proved, that such an event was consider-
ed, by the uniform custom of this country,
(/) Amb. 620.
(a) 18 Ves. 115. ... . ^ ■
(A) Vui.r !.«»« heen cited bv ihe plaiirtiff ; but the prin-
cipa'l poiol in one of ihem is foreign to Ihe matter bere m
Ir, yet he i»
I renlt not*
l>urnt down
Jn one in-
emises had
, an'» their
:e-otiice, the
a to restrain
jnt until the
tit has since
no equi^v in
se liable to
damage by
m action for
cction of the
plaintiff is a
exception of
J, by the law
ble upon his
he residue of
ity of obtain-
)w far the law
e points, from
lis end, let us
record which
5 any inform-
3 are, I think,
3 first was an
Mrs. CarroU
h December,
that the house
ed had heen
everal witnes-
W0s consider-
tbis country*
rtiff; but AeiKin*
h« matter here ia
to cancel the lease so entireltf that the landlord
wor'd hate a right to reenter, although the
tessce should wish to retain the land. In gi-
ving judgment for the defendant, ihe Court
appears disposed to sustain the custom ; but
the particular ground of the judgment is*
that the lessor had done that which was
equivalent to an acceptance oftlie surrender
of the lease ; and had, thereby, estopped him-
sel/'Jrom contesting t/ie validity of the custom.
J Ins case, however, was soon after followed
by that of Cowell ^ Lewis v. M'Jbraire,
where the Chief Justice expressly held, that
there was an usage in this country which ex-
empted the tenant from the liabilty to pay
rent, and enabled him to surrender his lease
after the total destruction of the premises by
fire. And in JSewman v. 3/ca^Acr, which
succeeded very rapidly to the lasl, Mr.
thus adds to llic risks ofjire, (t) and thereby
increases the charge of insurance, — and that
it may lead to ill-founded suspicions, and
distressing prosecutions for arson. Of its
tendency to produce the last of these evils, a
remarkable example has fallen under my
own observation, in the case ofa person who
was tried before me for his life upon a charge
of having wilfully set lire to a house, which
turned out to be so thoroughly groundless
that, 1 believe, every one present at the trial
must have been convinced that the unfortu-
nate man would never have been placed in
that painful situation if he had not happened
to be the lessee, at a very extravagant rent,
of the premises which were accidentally
burnt. That a custom, pregoani with such
consequences, was not entitled to favour
from the Court must, I think, be obvious ;
and I confess that 1 was, therefore, surprised
upon examining Mr. Forbes' s notes, to find
that he \v\A adopted it upon evidence which
seems to be very loose and inconclusive.
Some of the witnesses assert, that a fire
cancels the lease so entirely, that the lessee
cannot retain it if he even wishes to do so ;
while others as stoutly maintain, that it is
optional with the tenant to surrender or not,
as he pleases. But, surely, these are not
consistent customs ; and, therefore, cannot
both be good. And, supposing either of
(i) The advantage of fire-insurance is, that by dividing
the loss among a number ot persons, it prevents the ruin
of individuals. The oljection to it is, that it holds out to
wicked characters a templatioa to insure their premisai
beyond their value, and then to burn them, with the hope
of defrauding the insurance company ; and between ibe
benefits and evils thus resulting from the practice, some
have doubted bow the true balance stands.— (Marsb. «n
lo. vol. 2, p. 785.) Can there, then, be found an advo-
cate for a custom which is open to the tame objection thit
firc-iniurancfis are, witboat producing any snare of iU
pvbliebene/it. with whieb tbeyiare attended ?
I and thereby
;e, — and that
»picions, and
rson. Of its
'these evils, a
n under my
a person who
ipon a charge
lOUse, which
ly groundless
nt at the trial
, the unfortu-
een placed in
lot happened
IV a g ant rent,
ani with such
ed to favour
, be obvious ;
'ore, surprised
notes, to find
idence which
[, that a fire
liat the lessee
\es to do so ;
tain, that it is
render or not,
these are not
refore, cannot
sing either of
I, that by dividing
prevents the ruin
)at it boli]a oat to
ire their premisai
em, with the hope
and between the
bfl practice, tome
nds.— (Marsh, on
e found an adve-
vme objection thtl
any ahare of <»«
them to be
suspect it ought to have
ueen connned io buiUtimr leases; to which it
prohably owes its origin ; and, in its appii-
cation to which, it is not open to the same
Objections, or, at least, not in the same de-
gree (A) that I have pointed out in regard
to other leasee. In admitting it, therefore,
upon such vague testimony, and without any
qualification as to its extent, Mr. Forbes
appears to me to have acted under the
influence of a bias created by the calami-
tous events of which he had been a recent
spectator; and. perhaps, the astonishinff
load of business which pressed upon hira
about that period made it impossible for hira
to examiae this subject with very great at-
tention. At all events, if he has fallen into
a slight error, every one who has had an op-
portunity of seeing the proofs which the re-
cords of this Court supply of his genius,
application, and integrity, will be inclined
to say of u what a candid critic has said of
one defective line in che works of a beautiful
and most distinguished author:— that it
ought to be covered by the thousand excel-
lencies which surround it—" Nee est notan-
ausunusintotmilUhusr Fortunate, indeed
(and, in particular allusion to myself^ I will
add, beyond expectation fortunatey) will the
successors of r>^r. Forbes be, if their mistakes
shall not greatfy exceed the number of those
committed by him» With this opinion of
mr.l^orbess merit; and under a strong con-
viction, that the inconvenience resulting from
uncertainty in rules of law is far greater
than that which is occasioned by a few de-
jects in them, 1 long ago declared an inten-
(*) Became it can rarely become the interest of lb*
person who baa expended mooey on boiiUioKS to burn
"'=ui mureSy for the sake of fcIieTiDe bimself'fiom th»
V» ' —•" iion ma
Stabb de pBBa«
» ii i» nn mm
Ml ;
lion (« adhere rigidly to his decisions ; and.
accordin'My, I should have afforded the
plaintiff the relief heclaimB from the Court
without the smallest hesitation, if he could
have brought his case within the letter, or
spirit, of any of the cases he has cj ed m
sSpport of it. But those cases all differ
from his in thi.^ important particuar-viz..
that the fires which gave rise to them lad
totalf!/ consumed the houses ; whereas the
house which forms the principal subject-
matter of the plaintirs lease has been only
partially injored ; and that, too, as the der
fendants insist, either wholly or chiefly,
through the plaintiff's default. And. granting
that the total annihilat{on of the premises
^ill annul a lease, ^e cannot. I imag;"!.
deduce, as a necessary corollary from this
proposition, that a partial injury m"«t j)^
Attended with the same effect The real
question, then, is. does the custom of the
Country oblige a lessor to accept the surren-
5er of the lease of a house which has re.
ceived some damage by fire? And w th a
Tiew to the determination of It. Beveral wit-
liesses have been examined before me. With
a single exception (0 they all state, that no
case in any inspect like the Fesent has ever
come within their knowledge ; and their
ideas concerning the respective rights and
liabilities of the parties to this suit are. con-
sequently. excessively crude; for though
they all concur in saying that, ^s lessees,
they would have tendered the surrender ot
(/) lo that case the witn«a was the leisea of exIen.W.
wd valuable premises which were consumed by fire, wilh
Se exception of a small part of. comparat.f ely. very tj-
ii«. lalue Under these circumstances he tendered thi
Mrfender of hi. leas*, ^hich was accepted by the lessor.
■":?__'...:•«--•■•'-«»'• consideraiion that the /e«ora«d
W wefr'J*r"Vnd 6ro/Aer what can on. .olitary «•
•tanc. oi tbi. kind amount to T
isions; and,
ifTorded ihe
ni the Courts
if he could
le letter, or
lias cited in
ses all differ
ticular— viz.,
to them had
whereas the
:ipal subject-
las been only
0, as the Ae-i
', or chiefly,
^nd, granting
the premises
t, I imagine,
iry from this
mry must be
ct. The real
ustom of the
ept the surren-
which has re-
And with a
it, several wit-
iforeme. 'With
state, that no
•esent has ever
ge ; and their
ive rights and
3 suit are, con-
e; for though
Lhat, as lessees,
e surrender ot
i letsee of exIeniW*
gamed by fire, wilb
paraiif ely, very «ri-
ic«B he tendered tni
epied by the lesior.
,11 «bal the leitor wi
can one aoiitary >o-
theirlease under l\[r. 2?m*/n 5 circiimstan- 1825.
cet«, yet the majority of them acknowledge r _ _^_.
that, as /mo/*, they would hdve contested Broom
his n-ht to do it, Js not this, then, the ».
strongest possible evidence, that there is Stabb * Pbm.
neither usage, nor recognized principle, to ^°'**
govern the present case? But the argument
ag.iinst the custom which the plaintiff has
attempted to set up does not, by any means,
stop here ; for the witnesses whose testimo-
ny he most relies on declare, that a small
degree of damage to a house from fire would
not, in thoir opinion, cancel a lease, although
a considerable injury would ; and that they
are utterly unable to define the quantum, or
proportion, of damage which would entitle
a tenant to surrender his lease. The custom,
therefore, in fact, amounts to this :— That
some damage (without ascertaining how
much) will entitle the tenant to surrender;
and some damage will not. Now, if has
been well observed by an eminent judge, (/»)
•• that every man who contracts under an
"usage, does it as if the point of usage
"were inserted in the contract in terms;**
and I will, therefore, suppose, that the fo'l-
lo wing clause had been inserted in this lease z
" Provided always, that, in case «ome damage
" shall be done to the premises, the lessee
"may surrender; but it is, nevertheless*
" understood, and mutually agreed on, by
" the parties, that the lease shall continue
" to be valid, and binding upon them both,
" notwithstanding s(me damage shall, at any.
" time, be occasioned to the premises by fire."
Is there any man who does not perceive that
such a clause would be contradictory, uacer*'
(m) Lord Jtfani/SeW-inlhe case oi Maion v. SkwrM
I m
. t
•tabs & Pubs*
Uin, and absurd ? And must not a custom
of the same nature be equally so? Mr.
Forbes, we have seen, has supported a cus-
tom which enables the tenant to surrender
where his house is entirely burnt ; and if
there had been a custom that any burning,
or a burning to a dejinite extent, would con-
fer the same right upon him, I would also
have sustained it, however unwise J might
consider such a custom to be; but a custom
which must drive parties into litigation,
without furnishiug the Court with a rule by
which their disputes ought to be adjusted,
must deserve reprobation instead of counte-
nance; and 1 accordingly feel myself obli-
ged, after an attentive, and even painful,
consideration of the circumstances of this
case, to adhere to my original opinion, that
the plaintiff cannot compel the defendants
to accept the surrender of his lease.
1 come now to the quGSt'ion o( the liabiliti/
to repair ; and I shall commence with the
two arguments by which the defendants
strive to throw that burden on the plaintiff.
By the first, the defendants charge the plain-
tiff with malfeazance, in erecting, upon the
vacant gronnd in rear of his house, two
other houses ; to which conduct, on his part,
they dscribe the injury the principal house
experienced from the fire ; and they con-
tend that he is, consequently, answerable
for it. But I apprehend that, in the absence
of a direct authority to erect those buildings,
the acquiescence of the defendants in their
construction would have been abundantly
sufficient to exonerate the plaintiff from the
responsibility which the defendants seek to
cast upon him ; for it would be most unjust
that they should stand by, and quietly per-
^u uiwn «A «>rprti hnildinffs. which misrht have
added considerably to the value of their
lot a custom
so? Mr,
orted a cus-
to surrender
irnt ; and if
any burning,
would con-
[ would also
^ise J might
)ut a custom
ith a rule by-
be adjusted,
d of counte-
myself obli-
even painful,
ances of this
opinion, that
e defendants
>nce with the
i defendants
the plaintiff,
rge the plain-
ig, upon the
1 house, two
;, on his part,
ncipal house
nd they con-
, answerable
n the absence
ose buildings,
dants in their
L abundantly
itifffrora the
[ants seek to
e most unjust
quietly per-
ch misrht have
— ^
alue of their
property; and afterwards, upon the acci*
dental burninj; of these buildings, turn round
upon him, and complain of their erection as
a grievance. In point of fact, however,
there is no necessity to resort to the doctrine
of implied authority ; because, in his cove-
nant to repair, the plaintiff has agreed to
mamtam, and deliver up, in good order, as
well the dwelling-house then built, as also
" all such erections and buildings as may be
•• made upon the demised premises;" and it
would be ridiculous that he should bind
himself to keep those future buildings in
repair, if the lessors were not likewise bound
to permit him to erect them. The first po-
sition of the defendants is, therefore, alto-
gether untenable; and their second does
not appear to me to be a much stronger
one. They contend that the plaintiff is, at
any rate, responsible for a part of the da-
tnage; because some of that damage was
done by the attempt to remove the plain-
tiff s lurmture when the adjoining houses
were on fiie, and when the flames had actu-
ally communicated to a portion of the pre-
mises in which the plaintiff resided. But I
think that, under these circumstances, the
fire ought to be considered as the causa
CAUSANS of the whole damage, within the
true spirit and meaning of the exception of
the case of fire in the plaintiff's covenant to
repair; and that the distinction between
what the Jire did, and what it compelled the
plaintiff to do, ought not to be allowed
J do not say, generally, that it never should -
but with reference to the particular facts of
this case, 1 am of opinion that it should not
It yet remains for me to decide, whether
the onus of repairing the house does not fall
upon the dpfpnrlanta • £•'»#.<> *U-, - .
. - .«.--, t:-tii->.c liicrc auCMlS CO
De a pretty general impression upon the
Stabb & Pr^«
'3' i'< 1
1 m
reen const icte ^P0«
subtile and minute d^f^'^^^^^^tira applica-
be found diffiouli m their F^cticai app
tion, even -here the^ac s of a c^^^^^
«laip nnd undisputed ; bul wneic ^^ ,^
I'enderTd doubtful and unceri.m, .».^-.-
(a) Ex^pwt* Wa»p«r, 17 V«". -tO*-
Broom, Juni
recover from
5s. I Id.*, and,
upon it, tl*®
; more trouble
to decide. It
r a partnership
md the defend^
[) assert, that a
•dly be brougKt
.ord Eldon has
gone to this
o thin, that I
shed upon due
rader agrees to
labour in the
wen in propor-
a certain share,
irtner ; but if he
e profits them-
a partner. It is
; his Lordship.
A man stipulates
labour, he shall
it in the business,
ley, even in pro-
ro of profits, that
irtner; but if he
)rotits, as such,
account, though
he capital, he is,
artner." R"'ej
tions will always
practical appbca-
is of a case are
t where these are
nceriain» u«rv"B-
th6 ignorance of parties in' framinsr tbeii-
contracts, or tliroujiih their dishonesty in at-
temptnii? to conceal, or misrepresent, the
terms of them, it becomes almost impossible
tor the human understanding to surmount
the difficulties which then present tbem^
selves on every side. And, unhappily, i>-
Horance has concurred with fraud in casting
a deep veil over the transaction which I am
now called upon to investigate ; for, as waa
justi) observed in the course of the ar^-u^
ment, the original a^-reement waa so loose
tliat It must almost necessarily have led to
controversy between parlies who were evi^
denily not aware of the rtal extent of their
respective rights and liabilities under it •
aad, insiead of a frank, candid, and inge-
mious disclosure of all the material facts of
the case, there has been a shameful attempt
1 to embarrass and mislead the Court by op-
.posKe and confiictinaj statements. The
plamtifTs rely entirely on the testimony of
the inso vent; and as the painful task has
'Jevolved on me of pronouncing (hat either
je or the defendant must have been guiltr
Pfvery gross falsehood, 1 shall first advert
«) some circumstances v;Iiich,in my opinieir*
etract considerably from the credit oi
jailer. Immediately upon the declaration
Ot his insolvency, the trustees to his estat©
^doptcd a course of proceeding which indi.
tafed, m the strongest manner, their general
Hisapprobation of his conduct, and their total
want of confidence in his veracity The
tatural tendency of this treatment was to
lespire him with an apprehension that bis
certificate of discharge would be witbheld i
«Dd it would probably occur to him that
•lic'i an ^vil might be averted, if h« could
rffly contrive to conciliate his creditoMiby
a?crea«ing tiieir divided heygudHum^Aylf
Trij^ti-e* of
I >h
f 1
Trutltet of
expectation. Thus greatly exposed by lis
situation lo the influence of corrupt motives,
he was brought before me by the trustees to
give evidence respecting his partnership with
Broonit before he had obtained his certificate^
upon a suggestion that he was about to
depart on a distant voyage, without any in-
tention of returning to this country for a
long period ; and to his statement of his
dealings with the defendant an answer has
been given, upon oath, by Broom, denying
most positively some important points in
Waller's deposition. Now, it is stated by
the highest judicial authority {b) of the pre-
»ent day, > that ** a defendant in a Court of
"Equity has the protection arising from his
" own conscience in a degree in which the
•" law does not aftect to give him protection.
** If he positively, plainly, and precisely
«* denies the assertion, and one witness only
•* proves it as positively, clearly, and pre-
** cisely, as it is denied, and there is no
" circumstance attaching credit to the asser-
" tion, overbalancing the credit due to the
" denial, as a positive denial, a Court of
" Equity will not act up»»n the testimony of
" that witness." Had Waller, then, been
Eerfectly free from any taint of suspicion,
is testimony, opposed, as it is, by the po-
Biti'fe contradiction of the defendant, would
not be sufficient to ground a decree upon;
unless it either carried internal evidence of
its^ruth, or was corroborated by other wit-
nesees. "With respect to the former, 1 con-
sider the one statement just as likely to be
ti^ae as the other ; because 1 cannot perceive
t^t a partnership would have been more
advantageous to Broom than the connection
he admits he formed with Waller ; and the
evidence of Mr. Vallanee (the only pther
"'^. (() totd £Idoo, 8m « Vm. J41D. 184.
DOsed by 'uis
upt motives,
le trustees to
tnership with
is certificate^
ras about to
Ihout any in-
:ountry for a
ement of his
I answer has
oom^ denying
int points in
t is stated by
>) of the pre-
in a Court of
ising from his
in which the
ra protection,
ind precisely
i witness only
arly, and pre-
there is no
t to the asser-
it due to the
, a Court of
B testimony of
r, then, been
: of suspicion,
is, by the po-
mdant, wouM
decree upon;
at evidence of
I by other wit-
former, 1 con-
as likely to be
annot perceive
ive been more
the connection
idler; and the
he only pther
witness adduced by the plaintiffs) is not, I
conceive, mconsistent with the truth of
either statement. On the o»her hand, it is
so impossible to reconcile some of the as-
sertions of Waller with the testimony of
Mrs. Broom, that I cannot give credit to
them, unless 1 was convinced that she, as
well as her son, had committed perjury I
feel myself, therefore, bound to reject many
parts of Waller's testimony, and to adopt
the facts admitted by the defendant as the
basis of my judgmt t.
It appears, then, by the admission of
Broom, that fFaller had, in the summer of
the last year, about £200 worth of shop
goods in his possession; and believing that
he could procure a larger quantity on credit,
he mentioned to the defendant his intention
of hiring a small vessel, then in the harbour,
for the purpose of carrying those goods to
some of the settlements on the coast, and
exchanging them there for the produc
tions of the island. To this scheme the de-
lendant suggested, as an improvement, the
propriety of/ii«rcAa«'»^ instead oi chartering:
the vessel, at the same time professing hit
readiness to becom- h joint purchaser of the
vessel, and to convey such goods in her as
the insolvent could procure, to the fFesiward
Tr*ere he could, bj his influence with his
friends, materially assist in the disposal of
them, on condition that he should have half
the profits arising from the speculation 1 he
vessel was accordingly purchased for£l20
partly for cash and partly on credit; and
£45 were immediately advanced by the
defendant towards the payment of his half
of her. Goods, to the value of more than
£600, were also put on board her by Waller ♦
f'l^'o.^". ^>^ ^^^""^ August, the defend^; '
.ciior. jonnsupon th^ voyage iKhich had
TrntteM of
( :i,
E' 'it
1835 been agreed on between him and the insol.
p ^ *^ ^ , vent. Very soon after his d?parUire, howe^
Trwiwi Qf ver, he epcountered a violent gale of wind ;
WALLgR and in consequence of his being exposed to
•• a great deal of rain, in his exertions to save
.]|R9QS. jjjQ vessel, he caught a dreadful cold, which
entirely deprived him of the use of his limbs,
6nd compelled him to return to this port as
quickly as possible in quest of medical aid.
This misfortune obliged Waller to go in
»iace of hrama ; add he actually made two
trips without entering into any new arrange'*
inents with the defendart, and without its
being settled between them bow far the
original dgreement was to bo adhered to;
Nor was any demand made by the one upon
the other until after Wallers insolvency, when
Broom interposed a claim for freight v and
the trustees, thereupon, instituted the pre-
sent proceeding to force him to contribute,
as a partner, to make good the loss which
had accrued upon the speculation. Two
questions, therefore, arise in this case^ viz.,
1st, Is the defendant liable to share in this
loss?— 2d> If he be not, is he entitled to
freight? ' ■
It the solution of the first question de*
pended merely upon the fact of the exist-
ence of a partnership, without regard to the
na(ur« of it, 1 should have no hesitation in
declaring that he is liable ; because there
was here a clear agreement for a share of
the profits, assnch; and the LordChanceUcr
of England has said, in the passage I have
already quoted from him, that, as to /AiVd
persons, such an agreement does constitute
a partnership ; and a long string of cases
might easily be cited in support oi this
dictum^ But I apprehend there is an essen-
tial difference between a partnership^ as to
^itd^ptrsonsimda partmrship beiwe«i^ th§
i the insol*
Uire, howc*
lie of wind ;
exposed to
ions to save
cold, which
)f his limbs,
this port as
aedical aid.
r to go in
y made two
ew arrange^
without its
ow far the
adhered toj
he one upon
Ivencyt when
reight ; and
;d the pre^
) contribute,
i loss which
ition. Two
is case^ viz.,
share in this
entitled to
question de*
of the exist-
egard to the
hesitation in
ecause there
or a share of
d ChanceUct
ssage I have
^ as to third
es constitute
Dg of cases
port oi this
f is an essen*
lership as to
beiwem ih*
parties ; and that this distinction is strongly
applicable to the circumstances of the pre-
sent case. The person who conUacts with
a trader for a share of his profits, contracts
for a part of that fund to which bis creditors
look for the p^^yment of their debts; and
this, through the favour thai is always
shown to commerce by our Courts of Law,
has been deemed sufficient to impose an
obligation on such person to pay for those
articles from which this profit was expected
to result. In other words, a contract to that
effect has been implied between them, found*
ed on the consideration that he who lesi
sens this fund on which the creditors de-
pend, ought to make good any loss they
may experience in consequence of the de-
ficiency of such fund. This is a partner-
ship, therefore, created upon principles of
natural justice, or, at least, of conrner-
cial policij, Iwiihowi reference to the views
or intstUions of the purties any further than
as such views aft'ect the public interest;
and, consequently, such a partnership is ex-
tremely distinct from a partnership between
the parties, which cannot exist contrary to
their intentions ; because it is founded ex-
clusively upon their engagements with each
other* It has been said (c) to be very diffi«
cult to find an exact definition of a partner-
ship ; but 1 think it may be accurately de-
LOSSES, if we attend to the distinction, that
in partnerships as to strangers a participatiori
in losses may result out of an agreement to
share profits only, contrary to the meaning
and intention of the parties to that agreement;
whereas a partnership inter se can only lake
place w^ere it is the manifest intention of the
parties to share both profit and loss : which
(c) Ib Wniugh t; darter, » Beir. Bi»cit./ 2484
Trmtfes of
Broom. .
'1 U
Ft U
A *.
> ¥i\
■I Hi
Truitaas of
intention may either be express, as where A
promises B, that if he will employ his capi^
tal in a qertain way, and allow A half the
profits which shall arise from such employ-
ment of it, A will bear half of any losses that
may result from the adventure; or it may be
implied from there being a joint ownership
of the partnership stock. In the case now
under consideration, the insolvent himself
allows that there was no agreement about
losses ; and, therefore, if my ideas on this
subject are correct, there could not be a
partnership, as inter se, between him and
the defendant, unless there was a joint in-
terest in thjB property which was the ground
work of the speculation. And there is one
circumstance which thoroughly convinces
me that there was no joint ownership of any
part of the property except the vessel. —
On the 8th August, 1824, the very day be-
fore the defendant left St. John's, the insol-
vent furnished Broom with an account which
contains a charge for the purchase of the
vessel, and seems to convey a full statement
of the dealings between the parties, but yet
takes no notice of the goods which had been
procured by Waller-^ and, contemporane-
ously with the delivery of this account, the
insolvent also gave the defendant an invoice
of those goods, which are therein stated to
have been shipped by William fValler, and
not by Waller ^Broom. Now, these docu-
ments are, I apprehend, true expositors of
the motives and intentions with which the
parties embarked in the concern ; and as,
they were drawn up at the very inception of
the agreement, and before it had become
the interests of either to *misrepresent the
conditions of it, 1 deem them entitled to im-
plicit credit. And what do they prove?
Most clearly. 1 think, that both ikf'cUkr ^
as Inhere A
oy his capi-»
I A half the
ich eraploy-
y losses that
ar it may be
t ownership
e case now
rent himself
ement about
leas on this
lUl not be a
!en him and
is a joint in-
} the ground
there is one
y convinces
rship of any
the vessel. —
ery day he-
's, the insol-
:count which
rchase of the
ill statement
ties, but yet
ich had been
account, the
nt an invoice
in stated to
, frailer^ and
, these docu-
ixpositors of
h which the
cern ; and as,
inception of
had become
epresent the
ntitled to im-
ihev prove?
ith j^'tUkr 4r
Bi-oom considered tlie goods which the lat-
ter was to dispose of as the separate property
o*^the former, and not as i\\e\v joint property.
It IS true, Waller has told us that the invoice
was afterwards altered, at the request of
Broom, so as to express the interest which
he claimed in the goods; and an account
has smce been prepared by Waller, in which
Broom IS debited with half the supposed
value of the goods. But the story about
the alteration of the invoice J totally disbe-
lieve; not only because it is denied by
Broom, and is at variance with the testimo-
ny of his mother, but also because 1 am per-
*"aded, that the identical invoice in whirh
frailer pretends that the alteration was made
18 now among the papers which have been
shown to the Cour^, free from any such alte-
ration and interlineation as he represents
himself to have made in it ; and the differ-
ence in the mode of making otrt the two ac-
counts affords a strong argument that broom's
situation was not originally regarded by
Waller in the light in which he has subse-
quently endeavoured to exhibit it. 1 am
therefore, of opinion, that Waller had no
right whatever to call upon Broom to parti-
cipate m the loss which has grown out of
this transaction; and that, consequently
his trustees, who are merely clothed with
the same rights which before belonged to
him, cannot do it.
Jn the determination of the second point
in this case, I shall be wholly guided by
r^ ' c «J'f7® fi^'^^ ^^'«" ^^^ ^eai intent
tionsoi Waller ^ Broom when the connec
lion between them commenced ; and I shall
therefore, state the terms of their contract
according to my conception of them, 1 do.
ttlen. most firmlv holi^n^ «u>.« At.- .. ..'
Fere to be procure^ by Wa//«r, and were to
Trill tees of
Triiatees of
continue his separate property ; that the
vessel was to be purciiasetl by the two, fitted
out by them at their joint expense, and be-
long to them in equal moieties ; that slid
was, afterwards, to be employed in the
trannportation of Wallers goods to several
parts of the western coast of Newfoundland ;
that, whilst so employed, the charge of
navigating her shoidd be borne and defrayed
out of the proceeds of her cargo ; that
Broom should assist in navigating the vessel
and in selling the goods ; and that the com'
pensation for his interest in the vessel, and
the reward for his services, should consist of
half of the net profits of the adventure. U p-
on the return of the vessel to St. .lohn>, and
on Broom'* being rendered incapable, by ilU
ness, of performing the service required of
him under this contract, Walter might, un-
questionably, have insisted upon a corres-
ponding change in the terms of it, if he had
chosen to do so; but, without pretending to
know the exact motives wliich influenced
him, it seems to me clear, that he waved his
right to do it ; and, as no new agreement
was entered into relative to (he second voy-
age, I tliuik that it must also be governed
by the tirst contract. The conclusion, then,
that I draw from this view of the case is,
that Broom cannot claim freight for either
trip; that the whole expense of the vessel
during the period she was so employed,
ought to be defrayed out of the proceeds of
her several cargoes ; and that Bi'oom must
pay to the trustees the balance of half the
amount of her prime cost and first out^fit,
after dedacting the £46 already advanced
by him on account. Jt can hardly be ne-
cessary, for me to add, that I Gonitder the
veMel SB belon!ring, in equal proportions, to
Brmm and the triistees ; and \hat, if any
rty; that the
the two, fitted
lense, and be-
je» ; that slid
loyed in the
kIs to several
evvfonndiaad ;
he chari^e of
B tmd defrayed
cargo ; that
ling the vessel
I that the com'
I he vessel, and
uld consist of
venture. U p'
St. .Iohn>, and
apahle, by ilU
ce required of
Her niiglit, ,im-
upon a corres-
)f it, if he had
pretending to
ich influenced
t he waved his
ew agreement
e second voy-
be governed [
iclusion, then,
f the case is,
>ight for either
e of the vessel
so employed,
le proceeds of
t JBroom must
e of half the
d first outofit,
ady advanced
hardly be ne-*
1 consider tht
i |hat, if aof
iTrciglit lias beon earned by her since the
termination of Wallers second voyage, it
must, in like manher, be divided between
Neal Rcddy against Trustees of James
'ER Curiam. The plaintiff 6eeks> by the
pr<*sent suit, to establish hiw right to a divi-
dend upon the sum of £5,818 \s. 3d., which
he states to have been due to him by the
insolvent at the period when the insolvency
ivas declared ; and the defendants resist this
claim, upon the grounds that there was ei-
ther i\ partnership between the plaintiff
^ni\ 'he insolvent, or that the !»laintiff
earned on an extensive trat' n uiis is-
land in the name, and through the agency^
o( Uaclfctt, It has become my duly, there-
forf, to inquire what was the real nature of
the connection which subsisted between
these parties; and foi this purpose I have
examined, with close attention, the nume*
rous papers which have been laid before me.
From these, together with the parol evi-
dence which has been adduced by the de-
fendants, 1 collect that Hackett first came
to this country in the spring of 1816, with a
Mr. Burke, who wai jointly entrusted with
him with the management and sale of a
quantity of merchandise belonging to ^eddy
4" Varschoil, who had joined in thia specu-
lation, though each of them was carrying on
a separate and distinct business in Irelandfj^.
That Hackett feturned in the antumn of the
same year, carrying with him a cargo of the
produce of Newfoundland s and that ISieddv.
being pleased with the result of his fifsi
If A supplies
" *Hh money auU
c'«dil to carry oa
iradp, upon ih«
ing ■ proportion of
lbs pruliu of lueb
trade, A cannot,
upon Ibe bankrupt-
cy of B, parlici*
pala in • di? idcnit
of hit effects until
Ail tha other ere*
dilors shall have
been paid the full
•iDouDi of B'a
debd to them.
.. ,«'■
/ 1825.
. Rkddy
Trustee! of
i .
trial of this market, sent Hacketi back, the
following spring, with, a larger quantity of
goods, which Hacketi was to dispose of ac-
cording to his own diK,retion, and to receive,
as the reward for his services, a^/]5A part oj
the net profits arising from the sale thereof.
That a settlement, accordingly, took place
between Reddy Sf Hackett, agreeably to this
agreement, at the end of the year 1817, un-
der which the latter received from the ior-
mer £40, being a fifth of £200, at which sum
Reddy estimated the profits upon his JNew-
foundland adventure for that year. J hat
Backett was again sent out at an early peri-
od in 1818, with a still larger amount of
merchandise; and with a piomise from
-Reddy, that if he, //ac/.'e//,could realize the
property to which he lepresented himself to
have become entitled, through a marriage he
had contracted here, his share of the profits
should be advanced to a third, or even to
half if his wife's fortune should turn out
cquil to his expectations. That in the sum-
mer of 1818, Hacketi sent Reddy a good deal
of oil ; and at the same time informed him
thai a part thereof, which he valued at about
£600. and had marked with the letters 1. H.,
was purchased with his wifes money, and
was sent on his, Hackntt's separate account i
but that the rett was procured from the pro-
ceeds, or upon the credit, of the goods he
brought out with him. That in consequence
of this remittance, and of the golden pros-
pects held out to him hyHackett, Reddy
was ipduced to send out. m the years 1818
and 1819, several extensive consignments to
Haeketi, who, upon the strength of this sup.
port, had entered largely into the seal-fish"
«y and other uswal branches of business in
. r -X u^A vnnAQ i3hinrnf>nis ot oro-
t back, the
quantity of
jpose of ac-
d to receive,
/ijlh part of
mle thereof.
, took place
eably to this
\r 1817, un-
jin the for-
t which sum
n his New-
year. That
I early peri-
r amount of
omise from
d realize the
id himself to
L marriage he
)f the profits
i, or even to
uld turn out
t in the sum-
/ a good deal
iformed him
letters I. H.,
; money t and
dte account v
rom the pro-
the goods he
golden pros-
ckettf Reddy
B years 1818
isignments to
h of thissup*
he seal-fish"
F business in
nents of pro-
directions to
the consignees lo forward the proceeds t6
l\eddif\ and had assured Rcr%, in a num-
ber of letters, that he was in a fair way to
do great things for them both,. That, buoyed
up by these flattering and delusive repre-
sentations, Reddy continued to honour
Hacketfs drafts, notwithstanding the re«
peafed failure of his promise to put him in
funds to m-iet them, until the year 1820,
when hefomd it necessary to refuse some
bills which Uackett had drawn on him, arid
to send out a person to look after the pro-
perty which was in the hands of Haekett,
And that the knowledge of these circiitn*
stances immediately led to the declaratioit
of Hackett^s insolvency.
This is, I believe, a faithful cot)y of th^
transactions between these persons ; bttt
there are several importahl facts to be ex-
tracted from their correspondence, t^bich
seem to me to deserve particular notice. In
the first place, I observe that Aeddy sends
out one of his own clerks as an as^i^tant t6
Uackett ; and that this person, after si ^hati
residence in Ne^vfoundland, returns inch^rg6
of some produce for Heddy, aM is jitfid
by him an extra surti for his servici^s
abroad. The itiference I shoald iiittv^
from thiffis, ihnt R$ddy, considering Hatkm
either as a partner or anageht. Was diSiWtfs
of obtaining accurate information respecting
his proceedings ; and, with that view, settt
out this person to make a verbal report
thereon. ^
Again, Reddy repeatedly urges Hacked
to come home, in order that a settlement
may take place between them ; and even' in
18^6 he desh-es him to leave Mr. Selntan
(whom Heddy had Jsent out to take charee
01 tlie property) to conduct the business,
and to repair himself to Ireland, th^they
Trnitees of
lU i
i i
1825. may settle their accounts. Could he" hav»
made such a proposal as this to any mai^
Irutteet of
\jrhom he, did not regard in the light of a
partner or servant? And why was the
presence of Hackett necessary to adjust
their accounts, unless it were to fix the
proportion of profit (for Redd^ had not even
then entirely awoke from his dream of profits)
which Hackett was to have?
But the letters of fiackett furnish the
strongest possible evidence that he consi-
dered Reddy either as the principal for whom^
he acted, or as a partner m all hiscAic;
concerns. He advises him that he had
drawn bill^ upon him for the pay ment of his
iervants' wages. He requests and direct^
him to pay one ar two persons the amount
of some small consignments be had received
from them. He begs him to introduce him
to some houses in the ports of either Spain,
Portugal, or Italy; and at the same time
he positively assures Re^dg that he shall be
made acquainted with whatever shipmentj
he may make to any ^f those places, and
that the proceeds shall also be forwarded
from them to him, He professes to ac-
quaint Reddy with every particular relatmg
to his trade so minutely as to send him more
than qnce a statement of his stock t» hand,
and of the amount of his bo'^k-debts. And,
what is more than all the rest, he impor-
tunes Reddy for further supplies by an assu-
rance, that the whole success of the concern
depends upon their early arrival ; and after
the receipt of them he triumphantly congra-
tulates Reddy, that he could then obtai^
credit for thousands where he would not
hefore have dared to ask for a shtlhng; antl
distinctly intimates an intention to use tlus
^edit in procuring produce to send to nun,
Without deemmg it necessary, then, to
my mai^
light of a
was the
fix the
not eveii
tf profits)
rnish the
he consi-
for whoia
1 his chief
he had
tent of his
id directs!
le amount
d received
>duce him
iier Spaiu„
}ame time
le shall be
tlaces, and
ises to ac-
lar relating
1 him more
cie in hand,
hts. And,
he impor-
)y an a^su-
Ihe concern
and after
tly congra-
hen obtain
would not
illing; and
to use tJus
i to him,
f, then, to
flecide whether Hachett was the partner, or
merely the servant, of Reddy, 1 am satisfied
that it would be gross injustice to the other
creditors to allow him to take any part of
that fund with which he permitted lAackett
to trade/ and upon which they relied for the
payment of the debts Hackett contracted
with them. I am, therefore, most clearly
of opinion, that the plaintiff ought not (to
receive any dividend on his debt, untill the
other creditors shall h ve received the full
amount of theirs.
Trnsteet of
W i
''■ si
1 '.'
Augiut 22d,
The follovviog
olaues sre ex-
empied from pay-
ment of the Green*
wicb Uo&|i'i:&! du~-
Ist. Appwnti.
ces V7ho have been
bound agreeably to
the provisions of
Ibe 2d Anne, o. 6.
2d. Persons em*
Iployed in boats,
whether decked or
•pen. in taking fish
which are brought
fretk on shore to
be ccnsttmed in the
r 3d. Persons em- i
^oyed in boats (of
mny size or descrip-
tion) and vessels
Ibat trade within
any of the rivers
•f Newfo'indlsnd.
4lh. Persons
employed in open
boats in fishing, or
in any ether pur-
suit, upon (he
coast of New-
foundland ; provi-
«ied that the open
boat is employed
mUhout any depen»
dsacc up-Tii, er eo?s-
mction with, a
larger vessel.
In the following cases, all the questions
which have hitherto arisen in this island,
upon the construction of the several Acts
of Parliament imposing a duty upon sea-
men, and others for the support of Green-
wich Hospital, are carefully investigated
and elaborately determined by the Su^
preme Court,
Peter Weston Carter, Esq. against
Nathaniel Woodley.
ASE submitted to the Court by the
parties : — ^The defendant occupies a fishing-
plantation in St. Johns, and keeps boats
'dud skifls, and hires fishermen and shoremen
to carry on the fishery. Among others, he
hires three fishermen on wages, who, in an
open skiflT, the property of defendant, pro-
ceed daily, during the season, to the fishing-
ground near St. John s, and in the evening
deliver theii catch offish, fresh, on shore at
defendant's room, to the shoremen, in order
to its being cured. When cured, defendant
sells it to a merchant, who sends it chiefly
to a foreign market; but also sells some
small parcels of it to resident inhabitants of
St. John's, for home-consumption by their
families and servants.
The plaintiff contends that the said fisher-
men are subject tp the 6d duty, and that the
defendant is obliged to stop or detain it out
of the men's wages, and pay it over to
plaintiff on account of Greenwich Hospital,
under the requisitions of the Acts of 2d
Geo. II. c. 7, and 10th Anne, c. 17.
The defendant resists the demand, on the
ground that fishermen and persons employ-
ed in open boats, as aforesaid, are within the
exemptions contained in the 1st section of
the statute of 2«erf from the said 6d duties, undet
ihfe provisions of exemption contamed in the
1st section of 2d Geo. II. c. 7. having been
employed fishing in an o/?c« boat on the
coasts 0* th. colony. That. «^o;*^over the
appfentke'iH also exempted from the duty by
the statute of 2d Anne, c. 6, s. 7.
The question of Habihty, under these
facts, is respectfully submitted to the deci-
Bion of the CWr^ , • .•«
James Simms, for plamtitf.
William Dawe, for detendant.
Chief Ml^^ 't^ker. These are two of
several cases which hwe considerably oc
tiipied the public attention; ad, as they
differ only from each other in some particu-
lar circumstances of comparatively small
tnoraent, the Court, in pronouncmg jucls-
Ticnt Upon these, will endeavour to explain
the pHnciples which appear to be common
to them all ; satisfied that if these principles
are once correctly expounded and clearly
understood, the application of them to every
case that can occur will be perfectly simple
^%hTpl*aintiff, in his character of Receiver
of Greenwich Hospital, has brought the pre-
cent action, as well as some others, which
will be constantly referred to m the course
of these observations, to compel the pay-
ineht of a diity of sixpence per mensem, hj
a number of persons variously employed in
the different departments of the fishery oi
this Island ; and, viewed together, they give
ilfie to the two following important questions:
Ist. Who are liable, unde^the 10th Anne,
c. !7. and 2d Geo. II., c. 7. to pa^ Sixpence
si raoiitb to Greenwich Hospital I
ad. \y the same Act^,
ict, they fire
luties, undet
itaiaed in the
having been
boat on thi^
aoreover, the
n the duty by
under these
I to the deci-
or defendant.
se are two of
isiderably oc-
a' d, as they
some particu-
atively small
luncing judg-
)ur to explain
to be common
lese J)iinciples
d, and clearly
them to every
srfectly simple
ler of Receiver '
others, which |
in the course
Dmpel the pay-
er mensem, by
ly employed in |
>f the fishery of
ether, they give
rtant questions:
'the 10th Anne,
to jniy sixpence
he eamo Actsi^
to deduct the naid duty from the waf^es,
shares, or profits of the persona subject" to
the payment of it? -> ,
The solution of these problems must de-
pend upon the just construction of the sta-
tutes from which they proceed ; and, as the
interpretation of a statute is always mate-
rially advanced by an acquaintance with the
causes which occasioned it, we o
urt of King's
mployed the
jommodate a
ly upon the
tf landed pro-
ig fommercinl
lie, seconded
, tind, where
, legislature,
I in Ihe piac-
as has been
and excellent
suddenly re-
ould not, with
w, be able to
/lewould hear,
amercial pros-
lings and ha-
able than that
iws. But the
i^pices of Wil-
n of this com«
wi^e and en<
t a great com*
the protection
ad that weallh
' Jmg it, must
t ablessihgftfi
y accordingly
I strength keep
.c^Uh, by giving
zn to enter into
ig the learliest
iirpoae was the
illiam HI., c.
3 ted, that a re-
eamen for the
lany oth^rmo-
inilncenients to i
n the books of M
registration, a hospital was assigned for (he
reception of sucIj registered seamon as should
be disabled by wounds, sickness, or age,
from going to sea. T \o thid isbxpi^sbly aaseirt^ ito
be the fact in the pr^ambletoiiHeiSIQth Geb.
1 f . c. 98 ; aiMi' a perusal of allJ > Ike s^aiates
which had bbfbre then bedn passed in^rek-
uupr^jadiced person, iihkt^tiiey; ai'ei'liU
grounded upon the principle, obvionaly jn«t,
of making the sailor in the merchant ves-
sel contribute, as the price of the security he
enjoys, something to the comfort of the
GALLANT TAR, vvho often purchases that
security for him at ihc expense of his blood.
In pursuance of this principle, and in ex-
tension of it, the 10th Anne, c. 17, renders
*' other persons" employed in ships or ves-
sels liable to the payment of the. same duty
which the statutes of William bad imposed
upon seamen; and also provides a more ef-
fectual mode of levying it than had been
given under those acts, by requiring the
master, ovvner, or commander of such ship
or vessel to deduct the amount of the duty
from the wages, shares, or profits, of every
seaman or other person employed in her.
And, as this Act, although expressed in
very broad and comprehensive terms, was
considered not to be in force in the colonies,
the 2d Geo. II. c. 7, extended it, with some
alterations and additions, to them. Under
these Acts, then, the plainliflf, in the first
place, contends that fishermen employed in
catching fish in open boats, upon the coast
of Newfoundland, for exportation, are liable
to the payment of the duty to Greenwich
Hospital; whilst the defendant, on the other
hand, insists that they are not so liable, 1st,
because the duty is only to be levied, by the
positive provisions of the Act, upon persons
employed in ships or vessels ; and open boats
are not, as he asserts, included under either
of the expressions "ship" or "vessel;*' and
2dly, because open boats, if they ever could
be comprehended under either of the words
"ship" and "vessel" are expressly men-
tioned among the privileged classes which
To the former of these propositions it might)
ivionaly jant,
le security lie
ifort of J.lie
rchases that
of his blood.
, and in ex-
. 17, renders
thips or ves-
le.same duty
lad imposed
28 a more ef-
in iiad been
rqiiiring the
of such ship
t uf the duty
fits, of every
oyed in her.
expressed in
terms, was
the colonies,
t, with some
em. Under
in the first
employed in
ton the coast
Dn, are liable
on the other
o liable, 1st,
evied, by the
ipon persons
id open boats
under either
vessel ; " and
y ever could
of the words
iressly raen-
7lasses which
ons it might,
perhaps, be a sufficient answer, that the
word ship is a generick term, comprising
withm itself every possible species of wate^
conveyance, from the "alta navium pko-
pugnacula"— the lofty three-deckers of
the British navy— to the "biuemis scapha
—the two-oared skiff, with "weak, unlim-
bered sides; "—ami that, consequently, eve-
9^j descripUon of boat ought to be considered
to be mcluded in it, when it is made use of
in a statute which is intended toprovide a
fund for the support of a noble and highly
beneficial public institution. The legisla-
ture have, however, taken care to furnish a
still more convincing argument of their m-
teation to include boats under the general
denomination oi ship, both in the 10th Anne,
and the 2d Geo. 1|.; for by each of those
Acts, "boRtV' and " open boats," are, in
the particular cases theie stated, exempted
from the payment of the duty; and, since
they are only specially exempted in some
cases, they must, undoubtedly, be subject
to it in all other cdiBes—'* expressio unitis est
exclusio alter ius:* Assuming it, therefore,
to be an incontrovertible position, that open
boats are liable to the payment of the duty,
unless they can be distinctly brought within
«ome of the particular exceptions to the
rule, the great question in the cases now be-
fore the Court will be, whether or not the
defendant's boats belong to any of the ex -
cepted classes? for, as Lord Kenyon has
fiaid, (a) " the general mode of construing
"deeds, to which there are exceptions, is to
" let the exception control the instrument
* as far as the words of it extend, and no
farther ; and then, upon the case being
" taken out of the letter of the exception, the
iniS ^".^°r"i»^' ^''""'•<>» *» N. P. after Trin. Tara,
17W : cited 7. T. R. 210. r
" deed operates in full force ; " and Acts of
Parliament, to which there arc cxceptionn,
must, we apprehend, be construed by the
«ame rule. 'JMie question, then, we repeat,
for the Omrt to determine, is reduced to
this single point : Do the boats of the de-
fendant come strictly within i\\e letter of
any of the exceptions contained in the 2d
Geo. II. c. 7 ?— And we are clearly and
unanimously of opinion that they do.
After describing the persons who are to
pay the duty, the first s»>ction of this Act
excepts •• such apprentices under the age of
•• 18 years, as are exempted by the 'id Anne,
•« c. ; and such person or pt fHons as shall
«♦ be employed in any boat upon any of the
*♦ coasts of the said islands, colonics, or do-
" minions, respectively, intakingtish, which
«• are broughtym/* on shore, t6 be cousmwd
•• in the said islands, colonies, or domi-
•' nions, respectively ; and every person or
•* persons employed in boats or vessels, that
*♦ trade \y\\\y from place to place, within any
" riter of the said islands, colonies, or do
•* minions, respectively, or in any o/)e» boats
«• upon the coast of the same." Mow, the
Keceivers of the Greenwich duty in England
have suggested, (ft) that the exception of
open boats applies merely to open boals,em-
ployed upon the coasts, or shores, of ** ri-
vers;" and the Attorney General has ar-
gued, with some ingenuity, that the excep-
tion of open boats is conhhed to open boats
that TRADE on the coasts of this island ; so
that, according to his idea, open boats that
Jish only^ do not fall within it. Butthe sug-
gestion of the Receivers is at once destroyed
by a reference to the wordis of the Act ; 'for,
since a« boats that trade within any tivtir
f (6) See ibeir iettor to Sic Qharlvs Bamiim, dated SOth
June, 1019.
and Acts of
c cxccptionH,
Btrueil l)y the
n, we repeat,
i reducetl to
ts of the > are to
on of this Act
der the age of
f the -id Anne,
FHona as shall
on any of the
(lonit'B, or en boats that
once destroyed
rthc Act; -for,
Ihin any Tivcr
amilmf dated SOiu
arc exempted, this exemption must certainly
embrace o/)f« boats; and, consequently, that
part of the clause which relates to them
woulij, under the Receiver's construction of
it, be altogether idle, inoperative, and im-
pertinent. — Nor do we con&idcr the Attor-
neyo-General's construction, though more
specious, in any dejjrec more sound ; bci
cause we think it evident that, if I'.t; •*'gi8-
lature had intended to connect u fittwVnjgp
with the employment of open jc nts, tlf. y
wuuld never have made use of tLo ilisjuij -^
tive '* or," which completely separh;:^ and
severs the boats that trade, from tlie opcH
boats on the coast. — To us it appears, after
u most careful examination of the statute,
that the exemptions from the payment of
the duty extend expressly to these classes;
1st. — Apprentices who have been bound
agreeably to the directions of the 2d Anne,
c. (j ; and not any other description of, ap-
2d. — Persons employed in boats, whether
decked or open, in
fish, which are
brough fresh on shore to be consumed in the
3d. — Persons employed in boats (of awy
size or description) and ves£!els that Iradu
within any of the rivers of Newfoundland.
4th. — Persons employed vn open boats, in
fishing, or in any other pursuit, upon the
coast of Newfoundland ; provided that the
open boat is employed, without any depend-^
ence upon, or connection with, a larger vessel.
And as the cases which have been sub-
mitted to us bring the open boats. of the de-
fendant most satisfactorily within the last of
these classes, we feel that neither of the ac-
tions against him can be supported. |^,thesc
cases, therefore, there must be judgn^cnt fojj
tlie defeuuuui, , ,
M fc'l
\ 11
:!^ Pi
i ■>
Peter Weston Carter, Esq. against
The GrMBwich
hospital doty » not
payable by perBom
employed id the
■eaUfisbery wheie
there has been an
absolule and total
failure of ntceeu :
but the duty does
attach if any seal*
have been caught,
•veD though the
party's share
should amouBt to
less than the sum
he paid for his
birth.— And the
period for which it
is payable indudei
the whole time
from the first pre«
paration of the ves'
■el foir the voyage
vnlil the final ter<*
mination of it.—
The persons who
go from hence to
the Labrador, and
fish thore in open
boats, connected,
by their engage-
ments, with the
Bchoooers which
carried them round,
•re liable to the
payment of the
Greenwich Duty
from their quitting
St. John's to their
return to it after
the cemplelioD of
the voyage.
^ASE submitted by the parties :^
The defendants are resident merchants of
St. John's, carrying on the trade and fish-
eries of the island, and are owners of an
open boat which they hire for the fishmg-
season to three fishermen. ^P^fendants rc^
ceife for hire of the boat £5, to be paid m
fish Defendants also furnish the necessary
s'^pplies of provisions, as customarily al-
lowed to servants, for pirosecntion of the
Toyage, and receive one half of the catch of
fish in cdnsideration of such s'lpplies ; and
the three men take the other half of the fish
In lieu of wages. The men catch heir fisb
on the neighbouring coast, and deliver t
daily to the defendants, to be cured on their
room. At the close of the season, defend-
ants deliver to. or credit the fisherman with,
one half of the catch of fish, deducting boaU
hire and curing. ^ ^
In the course of the fishing-season two of
the men, who have families living^in ^t.
John's, take up. on their own account, pro-
visions and articles of clothing for their fa-
milies' support, to ail amount equal to the
value of their shares of fish. The third.fisb .
erman. being a single man, does not take
up more geods than a few articles ot neces-
sary clothing, some rum and tol>acco ; auU
has a balance due to him of £10. which de-
fenc'ants pay over tc him. .
Plaintiff claims the six-penny duties upon
the three men tluiiug the whole period oj the
above fishing'conti'act, which embraces the
pX) from the first May till the last Octc
ber • and conienas, mm uciv"v.a».- -
employers of the three men, withm the con
3. againsi
38 :—
nerchants of
e and fish-
)wners of an
• the fishing-
ifendants re-*
to be paid in
the necessary
itomarily al-
ntion of the
' the catch of
pplies ; and
df of the fish
tch their fish
ad deliver it
:ured on their
ason, defend-
sherman with,
jducting boat-
season two of
living in St.
account, pro-
ig for their fa-
equal to the
rhe third. fish'
does not take
.icies of neces-'
tolKicco ; and
■10, which de-
ny duties upon
le period oj the
1 embraces the
the last Octo-
within the con-
struction of the Act of 10th Anne, c. 17, and
are answerable to plaintiff to stop and de-
tain from the men, out of their several shares
of fish, the sixpence per mensem on each,
and pay the same over to plaintiff for the
use of Greenwich Hospital.
Defendants contend,
Firsts That all the men are exempted from
the duties, as fishing in an open boat on the
coast, &c.
Secondly/, That with the two men who
consumed their catch of fish, during the
process of catching, in the necessary sup-
port of their families, there were no profits
derived to them.
Thirdly, That if the men are in fact sub-
ject to the payment of the six-penny duties,
defendants are not strictly their masters or
employers, so as to be responsible over to
plaintiff to stop and detain the six-penny
duties, and pay the same over to him.
Under these facts, &c. the case is re-
spectfully submitted to the judgment of the
Jaheb Simms, for plaintiff.
W. Dawe, for defendant.
Chief Judge, In this case, as in the two
preceding ones, the persons from whom the
defendantshavebeen called upon to deduct
the amount of the Greenwich duty, were all
employed in catching fish in open boats, up-
on the coast of Newfoundland ; and, the facts
being precisely the same, there must be a
similar judgment for the defendants.
Peter Weston Carter, Esq. against
John Boyd.
* -vAlSR submitted b^ the narties : —
The defendant is owner of several schoon-
Whiteway &
h I
it. ^
I h L
«;ases in the supreme court,
er9 employed exclusively in various branch,
es of the trade and fisheries of this island i
for the crews of which vessels, plaintiff
main ains defendant is subject to pay, under
Se provisions of the several statutes {a)
sixDence per mensem, per (man, while the
'rews or persons on board the said vessds
wl7c employed therein, or m anywise di-
rectiy ti furtherance of the adventures orvoy^
under one or other of the following classes :
First. -«eflZer5.-These vessels were fitted
and provisioned for the adventure at owner s
•defendant's) cost. The crews were, ac-
co"to custom, hired on the shares, and
Jere^mployed in and about the said ves- i
Tels iHStitting, on the voyage m search
of seals, and in discharging the cargo, &c.
for a period of about eight weeks No ^o-
Zastvages was paid to any of the crews on
board, except to the masters who were each
pafd £5 per month, and had also li^i^ejce
Ser seal on all caught and delivered to de«
?endant. One half of all Uie seals taken
wereras customary, divisible amor^g th
respective crews (master excepted.) .ae
mei also paid to defendant, as owner of the
vessel 305. each for their births, according
lo custom. Four of defendant's schooners
made successful voyages, and the men re.
ceived on their respective shares of the po-
duce of the voyage, sums of £8 to flSeacli.
Two of defendant's schooners fitted out on
the foregoing terms, caught no seals; the
vovage having altogether failed. ^
'One of defendant's schooners, fitted ou
on the same terms, caught so few seals, that
the men shared only 15s. each, havmg paid
(o) 10 Anne c. 17.-2 Geo. H c. 7.
h* !
irions branch"
• this island \
jels, plaintiff
to pay, under
[ statutes, (a)
tan, while the
I said vessels
in anywise di*
entures or voy-
vere employed
)wing classes :
sels were fitted
ture at owner's
ews were, ac-
he shares, and
the said ves-
^age in search
the cargo, &c.
eeks. No wo-
of the crews on
, who were each
I also Mxpence
elivered to de«
he seals taken
ble among the
xcepted.) "^i^ie
as owner of the
irths, according
lant's schooners
id the men re-
jares of the pro-
^8 to £18 each,
ers fitted out on
U no seals'^ the
>ners, fitted out
50 few seals, that
ach, having paid
br been debited to the owner of the vessel,
305. each for their births.
On these facts, it is respectfully submitted
to the Court to determine,
1st, Whether the wifls^cr* and creivs em-
ployed in the four first vessels, which were
successful in catching seats, and shared £8
to £18 per man each, are liable to pay the
duty of sixpence pev mensem? And if they
are liable, for what period of time?— whe*
ther for the whole time they were working in
the preparation and outfit of the vessel for the
voyage, ami for the period of their being at
sea, and until the vessel was discharged of her
cargo and voyage; or for that time alcne
which was occupied in the actual pursuit oj
seals; namely, from the period of the ves-
sers departure from her port of outfit, until
her return to it at the end qf the voyage ?-^
or how otherwise?
2d, Whether the sealers on board the
schooners which caught no seals, are suTj-
jectto the payment of the duty ; they ha-
ving received nothing out of the voyage,
save their diet, and having paid or been in-
debted 30*. per man for their births ?
3d, Whether the masters of the same un-
successful sealing vessels are subject to pay
the sixpenny duty, the said vessels having
failed to take any seals, but the Said mas-
ters having received £5 per month wages.
4th, Whether the master and crew of the
schooner which yielded only 15«. to each
man for his share of the voyage, are all li*
able to pay the sixpence per month duty ;
the! men having paid SOs. each for their
births, and the master having received his
wages of £5 per month, and a small sum for
his allowance of sixpence per seal on the
small number cau^'ht ?
Secondly. — Coasters. — The defendant jfi
i ,
1, *
. ^
also the owner of a schooner wliicli was
fitted out with a mnster and three men, all
hired at wages by the month, and employed
on owner's account, on a trading voyage or
voyages coastways from port to port ui this
island, bartering divers merchandise in ex-
change for fish and oil, with which they re-
turned to defendant's, in this port, having
been so employed about the period of four
months. . , , ^, , •
his respectfully submitted to the deci-
sion of the Court, whether the master and
men so employed are subject to the pay^
ment of the 6d duty which the plamtift
claims. ^ , rr.. i
T:[t\rd\y.'— Collecting Schooners.— 1 he de-
fendant is also the owner of a schooner
fitted out by him, and manned with a mas-
ter and three men, hired on wages by the
month, and employed by him in order to go
from St. John*s to several out-porls and
places where certain planters reside, and
carry to them necessary supplies for the
fishery ; and also to collect and receive from
them fish and oil, in return for supplies al-
ready advanced to them on the faith of the
voyage ; the said planters and defendant
standing for that season in the relation of
merchant-supplier and fish-catchers,— the
said schooner having been so employed
about three months.
It is respectfully submitted to the deci-
sion of the Court, whether the master an4
men so employed are subject to the pay-
ment of the 6d duty demanded by plaintiff.
Fourthly. — Lah-ador ScAooners. —The de«
fendant is also the owner of a schooner fitted
out about the 1st June for the Labrador
fishery, which is carried on upon that coast
by open boats or skiffs. On boaid this
schooner are embarked six men, in the ac-
whicli was
ree menf all
d employed
2: voyage or
port ill this
idise ill ex-
ich they re-
port, having
•iod of four
the deci-
B master and
to the pay-
the plaintiff
rs. — Thede-
a schooner
with a mas-
asjea bv the
n order to go
»ut-porls and
1 reside, and
►plies for the
I receive from
p supplies al-
le faith of the
nd defendant
16 relation of
catchers, — the
so employed
1 to the deci-
he master and
; to the pay-
d by plaintiff.
tiers.^The de«
schooner fitted
the Labrador
pon that coast
m Doaiu isira
len, in the ac*
lual employment of defendant, three of whom
are hired on wages for the season, say from
20th May till last of October; and three on
the shares lor the same period of time. One
of such servants takes charge of the schoo-
ner, as master, to navigate her to the Labra-
dor, and carry the supplies and fishing
crews to a certain place where defendant
has a fishing^room, where, on the vessel's
arrival, she is moored in safety, and laid up,
unused, for a time^ except as an occasional
store for salt, &c. The master and men are
then employed in skiffs, or open boats,
catching fish, which they carry on shore to
defendant's room, to b*e cured by a shore
crew of defendant's. As soon as enough
fish is caught and cured to load the schoo-
ner, a sufiicient crew from the men so hired
and on shares, is put on board to navigate
the vessel to St. John's ; from whence, after
delivering- her fish there, she again returns
to the Labrador, and remains till the end
of the season, and then brings the residue
of the tinh and oil, the produce of the voy-
age, to St. John's, together with the fishing
and shore crews, returning about the middle
of October. But besides the nfores'aid men,
the hired servants of defendant, the said
vessel carried also to the Labrador ten other
fishermen (besides defendant's shore crew,
who were employed solely in curing the fish
ashore) ; and which fishermen were supplied
htf defendant, who also contracted to cure on
his room the fish they caught, and freight it
to St.. John's. On the vessel's arrival at
the Labrador, these men, 'forming three se-
parate crews, employed themselves in their
own skiffs, or open boats, catching tiRh on
their own account ; and, as they caught it,
■1 aijjT --ii,i;7t.ictt null BtlUtC UpUii UCICiiUilUi. S
room to be cured. When cured, defend-
ant's said scl.ooner carried the fish on A-ei,M
♦^ <♦ Inhn's " and out of it took tl;f' v.uue
of h s upplL; furnished to the catcl,.«. to- with the price o cu,mg ^j^d t «
Imounl of freii-ht; and d''"^^'^''^, flheTe
p.v lb., said duty, inasmuch as I. on^y
lKt;on subsisting between d^^"^^^
sa;d fishermen was that ^^ JXf o mS o
and fish-catcher, and not that o( luaster or
employer and servant. , ^ ,
It is respectfully submitted to ilje CouH
to decide whethei- all. any and ^J^'^h. o
ISese fishermen, so hired hjf f>f «^'/^
BO supplied by him, are subject to pay the
said t)vlnch were
raTsed respecting the second and Aerd of
these classes have been voluntardy relm-
nuished bv him, the attention of the Court
From the case submitted by parties,
vre perceive that some of the sr- . ' vessels
Z^^^ to the defend v.tPueyoW«i
Tty above the price paid. v ^^^^^J^^^
** births ; luai m^ azr^^r^, , ^_a,r i
xvere Je55 than the amouut of tue uuiv-money,
fish on keliM
[)ok tl e vyiue
catchers, to--
iing U'itl llie ,
erj^tl the 3nr-
to fell where
he same from
► ^ant has pro-
iiest ten men,
to f(i}l ^he said
: contenci that
nally liable to
li as the only
defpmlant and
it of master or [
to tl»e Court
ind which, of
defendant, and
yet to pay the
)r plaintiff.
, for defendant.
lant is charged
t descriptions of I i
oasters" ** Co^ 1
Mbrador Schoo-
ns which were
id and tltird of
oUintarily relin-
ion of the Court
md last of them.
d by '■■■' ' parties,
he sf- ' vessels
r^fv vie voyages
fharrb considera'
ii'i ♦hem for their
[."f oMe instancea
tue tktivmoney,
RUfI that in others there was actually nolAiw^
to be shared. Upon these facts we ^re
cu! led onto decide,
1st, By which of these crews is the Green^
wich duty payable?
SJd, For what length of time does it attach ?
The second point seems to us to be free
from every particle of doubt ; for the shares
which accrued from catching the seals were
unquestionably derived from the means hj
which the seals were caught ; and we are,
therefore, decidedly of opinion, that the
crews are liable to pay the duty, where they
are subject to it at all, from the period of
their first entering upon the preparation of
the vessel for the voyage, until the final ter-
mination of it.
On i\\e first point, we think it too clear to
admit of an argument, that the persons
whose shares exceed the price of their
^' births," are liable to the duty ; and we
hold it to he equally certain, that those who
have neither wages, shares, nor proBts, are
not so. The middle case between these
two extremes is the only one which has
presented any difficulty to our minds ; and
we believe that this has been occasioned
principally by the influence which ihefeeU
ings frequently exercise o\&c the under stand-r
ing ; for if we could only djvest ourselves
of the seeming hardship of exacting a duty
from men who have already paid more than
they are to receive, we apprehend there
could be no hesitation in determining this
question. Bv the terms upon which the
seal-fishery is prosecuted, the persons em-
ployed in catching the seals also contribute,
in the form of " birth-money," something to
the out-fit of the voyage ; and this sum they
are bound to pay, even though there should
1,-, _ ■»-#«» /^— •/-.-/. ^C atxntMiaa Thp •* lliftll"
VJ- i!
m '1
money" and the -share" are. therefore,
^uite Independent of each other ; and. c^nse.
quently, fi duty which an Act of Parlmment
2as imposed upon the one ^a^^*' " r^
way whatever, be affected by the other.-^
Suppose the Act had also imposed a duty
upSi, the owner^s ^hare-would 1^ not have
been obliged to pay it upon half of the seals
caun^ht which by the terms of the contract
rpeAainto him, notwithstanding his dis.
Eements upon the vessel may have .jt-
Zded the value of his proportion of the
seals • and must not the same rule apply
Jo the' case of the crew? Again: two men
pav each 305. for a birth ; and they are both
emDlTyed for a month. From a total want
inlTei the one i-^t -fed to any^
thing— but the other shares 155. Can it be
si d that, as respects the payment of the
duty these two men stuud on the 5a«i€ foot-
rng^' Most assuredly they dp no ; since
Ihl one has a share out of which the duly
may be satisfied, whilst the other has none.
3 tfs consistent, therefore, with equi y as
we I as law. that a distinction shou'd be
drawn between them, and that in the one
casJthe duty should be paid, and m the
Xr no" if equity, however, were even
2 rectly opposed to to, our decision must
stnrhale been governed by the latter ; fms
in the emphatic language of the gjeat Lord
Bacon, (b) ^^ Above ail things it is of he
^trelleJ. moment to the certainty of the
" Taw that Courts should keep from swell-
- ing and overflowing; ^^'^^l^'Z^'T'
*• of mitigating the riooMr of the law, they
" should CM< its sinews and weaken its strength
- bv wresting all things to their own dispo-
« sal ; and So.Court should have a right of
.i AJr.oiuo' affainst a statute under any
(6; See his Aphori»imt, 43 and 44.
** pretext of equity whatever: otherwise the
*' judge would become the legislator, and
*' have all lhinj;s dependent upon his will."
Professing, therefore, to be guided strictly by
our view of the luWi but, at the same time,
rejoicinjj in the belief that our decision,
though it may at first sight appear somewhat
harsh, is yet capable of being reconciled to
principles of equity, we are of opinion that
the persons whose shares are less than the
amount of their *' birth-money" are liable to
the payment of the Gi-eenwich duty. The
masters of the sealing vessels, who receive
a stated rale of wages, without reference to
the success of the voyage, must; procul du-
bio, in every instance be subject to it; and
the defendant is as clearly bound to deduct
it, both from the wages of the master and
the shares of the crew.
Jn the schooner which was employed at
the ** Labrador" two descriptions of persons
proceeded to that fishery ; the one l^einjfiii
the actual service of the defendant, and th^
other intending to fish upon their owii ac<«
count, under a contract with him that h|e
should cure their fish and bring it to>, St,
John^s. The liability of the latter to j)ayi
and the obligation of the defendant to de-
duct from their earnings, the amount of the
duty, fotm, however, the only questions
which have been raised upon this division of
the case, as neither of those points are dis^
puted in regard to the Jlrst class; Before
tve proceed further, we deem it necessary to
notice a custom which has often been proved
before us to prevail in the Labrador fishery,
Tiz. that all the perscns who go round in the
vessel are bound U- -ssist in navigating her ;
and that an interchange ofduties takes place
between the crew of the vessel, ihejish''catch*
tuc ^sh^curers, whenever the ge-
« !
) *
r .}
V 4
neral ipLiCbt of i!.e whole can be pro-
niote«< ijy l^ connecting, then, this usage
villi nje facts detailed in the statement
of this case, vvi,' think that it runs "qwa-
tuor pedibus' wilh the case which was re-
ferred to Sir Philip Yorke respecting the
whale-fishery formeiy »;ai.K'l on upon the
co;i8t of Carolina ; and, convinced as we are,
not merely by the high authority of his name,
but also by an attentive consideration of the
subject, that his opinion is correct, we hold,
in conformity to it, that all the persons who
went from hence in the defendant's schooner
to the Labrador are liable to the payment of
the Greenwich duty, from the time of their
quitting St. John's to their return to it afler
the completion of th^^ voyage. And as we
deem them liable solely on account of thev
connection with the schooner, and not in cou-
8c quence of their fishing in open boats, so
we think that the defendant, as owner of
that schooner, is bound by the Acts of Par-
liament to deduct the amount f the duty
from the proceed^^ of the voyage, which, by
^he very terms of the contract subsisting
betw -n him and th^ m, arc to pass through
tiii hai,^us.
John Dunscomu & Co. against Thoma»
Kkck. Dtctmbtt Uth.
J. HIS was an action of covenant (tried be-
fore a special jury), in which the plaintiffs
sought to recover from the defendant the
suinof jflie 19*. sterling; being the ba-
lance of rents due by defendant to plaintifls
for three tenements held imdcr three seve-
ral demises; the defendant having cove-
nanted by the said leases, viz. i * two of
them to pay the rent reserved in lawful mo-
ney ot Great Britain ; and in the third in
Bterling money.
The jury returned a special verdict, find-
ing the sum of £116 19*. due to the plaintiffs ;
and raising, for the consideration of the
Court, the question whether the defendant
was liu e, under his covenant, for the pay-
ment of t* it sura in sterling money, or in
dollars . iive shillings each ?
■ The case w. irgued this day by the At'
tomey General, tor tho plaintiffs, and by Mr.
Lilly, for the defendant.
Acting Chief Judge Brenton, The ques-
tion arising in this case, and submitted by
the special verdict for the consideration of
the Court, is one of no small importance,
inasmuch as the opinion now about to be
given upon it wrill, in all probability, set the
matter at rest, and be considered as the law
in all future cases where the same point may
ocrur. The plaintiffs found their action
upon the covenants entered into by the de-
fendant, under the leases produced at the
tria to pay the rent reserve d in lawful mo-
ney of Great Britain . and in sterling money —
teraas which are synonymous, and^havc the
A eoTantDt ta
pay r«nt ia lawful
money of Great
BritaiD, or tterliDg
nobpy, eaoaotiiOMr
bo diieharged by
a payment ia doA>
each ; altboagb al
tha lime of entering
into Ibe eoTeDani
dollars were gene-
rally received at
Ibht rate. For
wbere a cofenani
is ezpreae, Ibero
must be a alriol
perforniaDce uf it.
[See Hany v. Ga-
den, enle p. 336,
and Bladeiton ▼;
Thornai, ante p.
Ikoembtr I9th.
Decembtr 22if.
'I \i
1 i
\\ A
Im i
1827. like meaning. In order to discharge liim-
■^ ^ . -■ ' self from his liability to pay the rent in the
PuNfooMB ACQ. express tc .is of the contract, the defendant
»• contends, that at the period when these
***?*• leases were entered into, as well as before,
and for sogie time afterwards, dollars were
considered as five shillinj^s sterling, a^d so
received by the plaintiffs in payment of these
rents; and the jury, by the terras of their
Terdict, have so found this fact. But this
answer does not appear to me to be one
that can avail the defendant in the present
action. I must construe the defendant's
covenants, under which arises his liability tO'
pay ihe plaintiffs* demand, according to the
known and established rules of law; and
those ruleb will not allow me to lake into,
iny consideration matters foreign to, and
not making part of, the instrument in which
the covenants are contained, in order to
seek for the meaning of such covenants in
direct opposition to their express terms, \^
this case nothing can be more express thaa
the covenants entered into by the defendant;
and where they are ea^press, they are to be
taken more strictly than others, and there
must be an absolute performance, which shall
not be discharged by any collateral matter.(o)
In the construction of coyenants it has beei^
held, that where the law creates a duty, or
charge, and the party is disabled from per-
forming it, without any default on his part,
and has not any remedy over, the law will
excuse him; but where the party, by his
own contract, imposes on himself a duty, or
charge, he is bound to mt'ke it good, not-
withstandmg inevitable accident, because he
might have provided against it by his own
contract. . « , . . ,
TWtct rnip which, in Selwvn. is extracted
(o) Ball. Nisi Prius, 161.
'?- f
arge him-
reut in ilie
hen these
as before,
hilars were
ing, apd 80
ent of these
ms of their
But this
to be one
the present
I liability tO'
rding to the
law ; and
;o lake into,
jn to, and
nt in which
u order to
bvenants in
i terms. la
press than
! defend iint;
sy are to be
, and there
which shall
a I matter.(a)
I it has been
i a duty, or
id from per*
on his part,
he law will
rty, by his
If a duty, or
t good, not-
:, because he
by his own
is extracted
from the case of Paradise v. JatietAlhsffu^
"27, has been recognized in many subsequent
cases ; and in one of modern date, (Jhambre
Judge said, in speaking of that case, ••the
"('oui't took a rational distinction, that
•' where an obligation is imposed by rule of
" law, and thee is not any ex|)ress covenant,
"Hie law introduces a reasonable exception,
"namely, thai an act of irresistible violence
" will excuse ihe parly; but if a party enter
"into an absolute contract, without any
"qualification or exception, and receives
"from the party with whom he contracts
" the consideration for such engagement, he
"must abide Ity the contract, and do the
"act, or pay damages, his liability arising
"from his own positive and direct underta-
Applying, then, these established rules in
the construction of covenants to the case
now before the Court, in which the defend-
ant has covenanted to pay his rent in ster^
ling, or lawful money of Great Britain, he
cannot, against his own positive and direct
undertaking to pay in sterling, be permitted
to tender dollars at five shillings, for such
payment, notwithstanding at the time of
entering into such contract, dollars were
considered equal to, and received as, five
shillings sterling. As long as the lessor
agreed to consider dollars as five shillings
sterling, he would, of course, receive them,
and the lessee pay them, at that rate ; but
when, from any cause whatever, ijut more
especially, as in the present case, fr^^m one
independent of the lessor's control, the
dollar's relative value to sterling was differ-
ently established, the lessor could immedi-
tely claim fiom the lessee the fulfilment of
lis contract according to its express terms ;
■because be (the le^ ^ee) might have provided
. >i
i :^.
against the contingency that afterwards hap>
p?ned, and of which he now complains.
On these grounds, therefore, I feel no he-
sitation in declaring my thorough convic-
tion that, inlaw, theplamtiflfe are entitled to
recover in this action ; and I am the more
confirmed in this opinion, by knowing that
it is in accordance with the sentiments ex-
pressed by Chief Judge Tucker on thxs ques-
Son, when the same has come, m more than
one instance, incidentally before him.
Judges Des Barres and Cochrane concur-
ring in opinion with the Actins Chief Judge,
iudgment was entered up for the plaintiffs,
for the amount found by the verdict.
« ',
013 RT.
jrwards hap*
m plains.
I feel no he-t
ough convic-
re entitled to
am the more
snowing that
mtiments ex-*
on this ques-
jn more than
re him.
hrane conciir-
; Chief Judge,,
the plaintiffsi^
Peter Winsor against Ewen Stabb.
JL HIS case was tried in the Southern Cir-
cuit Court at Ferryland, on the 4th Octo-
ber, 1827, before Chief Judge Tucker, who
afterwards entered the following judgment
upon it.
Per Curiam. It seldom happens that the
importance, or difficulty, of a legal question
can be estimated by the amount of the sum
in dispute between the parties to the action
in which the question at first arises.
The truth of this observation is forcibly
illustrated by the circumstances of the case
BOW under consideration ; for, trifling as
Jtho subject-mtftter of it undoubtedly is, the
determination of it is connected with two
points, upon one of which a difference of
opinion has prevailed among the most dis-
tinguished Judges of Westminster Hall,
frhilst the other seetns hardly yet to have
received a direct judicial decision.
.1 The following is a short outline of the
l||aterial facts of the case, as they appeared
fii evidence upon the trial :— A quantity of
j&ih was sent by the defendant to England
in a GENERAL ship, of which the plaintiff
;was owner and master; and, by the bill of
lading, it was stipulated, in the <^^ual terms,
^t the freight should be paid at the portojf
October Ath. 1827.
Under a bill of
lading, by whicb
it is 8lipula;ed,
that freight Bhall
be paid by the con*
signee, the oMster
of a general ship
delivers the article
to the consignee ;
and, baTing re<
ceived from him
part payment of
freight, after warda
aues the shipper
for the balance ef
the freight klilldua
to him. Held, ihat
he is not entitled
to recover it from
the shipper. li
teemt that freight
ou^ht only to b«
paid on fish (eveo
where it haa beect
properly takaw
care of, and failb*
fully deliTered),ae4
cording to its ^
weight at the time
of delivery, and
Qot according to
its weight at tkt
timt of ikipment.
ii '
Slabb. ""* I 'f,i,. fish as the plaintiff
land, the wl'"'^ ""^ V' ^Iv.lXered to the
aUeges. was -cord.ngJy deU.erea^^.^^^^_
consignee; but the «ein .hipment.
bly to than at the ^'^^^°^„„^^^al arose
This '^;fl;'^"'^„%*'',;S condition of the fish
from the nature »"" . . , ■^^ appears,
when it "••'^.P-tf^hXkl well-informed
from the testimonj »' ^^^^ ,^^ .t^.e this
persons, "'» 6^' f Wf considerably in
'"'•., InS there seems to be no
weight. ,l';'"^^"i ,: imnatin" either fraud,
grou»Me..r(o^ imputu., ^^^
t "efo e contider%L case as es^blishins
several »""'• J' 11 vai,,e.i at twelve pounds,
cepled a tonofe h ^aUie^ ,,.^^ „,,„,,
from the »?«"' "Vl^-mxHno- (» Ihe wdght «t
freight, estimated """''^"^t^Vt" thirty-nine
'"^ 't riSu 'sTnd "fvenpence! and
Iwo'shillings -d -enpence,^. ^^^ ^.^ ^^
' •• utlhefir^ place, necessary thatthe
so, it 18, in V'V: Hi 1 of ladmg for paymeai
?;Cri"htty^e --V^' an/ the ac.
of the tfei^ni j payment from hiffl,
'ePT„'otnrevert the pLintiff from ha.m?
? :: ,rtXdefe«d£., -^J-h.PP-
"^ ?lVep:y1ihrerct''dingto t fl^l
^cHuery ; (or uttless the law »«»«
Mr. Thomas
e vessel in Eng-
as the plaintiff
lelivered to the
was considera-
of its fc'hipment.
f contends, arose
lition of the fish i
; and it appears,
•al well-informed
in the state this
considerably in
seems to be no
ting either fraud,
iff; and I shall,
se as establishing
r 071 his part.
fish to Mr. Thcs.
fed from him, in
tids ; and also ac-
1 at twelve pounds,
ndant. The whole
la- to the weight at
mted to thirty-nine
sevenpence ; and
the defendant cre-
, seeks, by this ac-
,ce of seven poands
ence, ^
to entitle him to do
», necessary that the
lading for payraeai
nsignee, and the ac
payment frombim,
)laintifffrom having
It, as the shipper ot
y. that the freight
rding to the weight
It was shipped, ana
e^ht at the time of tt[
law shall be la «'»
favour upon both these points, it is clear he
cannot maintain his suit.
Recollecting, then, that Lord Kenyonhfid
held, in a case which was tried before hira
at Nisi Frius, that the master of a ship,
which was hired by the defendant under a
charter-party, could not recover from hira
the amount ot freight, after having neglected
to exuot the payment of it from the consignee,
according to the terms of the bill of lading;
but that this opinion of his lordship had af-
terwards been overruled by the other judges
of the Court of King's Bench ; and not bc-<
ing able to satisfy myself, during the hurry
of a trial, how far the rule w^bich had thus
been established in regard to a chartered
ship was applicable to a genera/ one, I told
the parties that, as the facts were conceded
on both sides, 1 would recommen»,,. ^ after a
Court, of W«SSr,tSborities«bich
careful research into all Jttc am ,.
touqh upon this point, ^^f^^ prided Ae
;ui'*fte%Uei««'P^^-'''„t?hTs'r^^^ »»t
determination ot cases o . ji,at the
length feel '^J^^^^J^^X^, and not
plaintiff must look to tneiCTjBs ^ ^^^
te dup Uim for the ««=« "J point must car
As my <>P»'?^°» ?lfe^ FoMbe defend-
" .H""? nit dait"fnSe second ; thougU
ant, 1 shall not awai« uu question,
ti^ intim»tely con»«*edJ^J^ ^J„aon his
mt- the nsW»f *t f "thrplaee ofdestina-
goods when brougM *» »* P'r ymselt
from the freight, ujn»» conflicting opinions,
^.itere have ^amtam^ been settfed'by any
and which has J^^jT , . ^uh respect
iudicial decision m J^nglnnd. ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
position wUich f?,^^i'^"7 it asserted in a
^der consideration I hnd it a ^, .^
work of the J»g^«^,J,^^'.^!^^^^^^ of Bugar
«. our West i^^ia Trade the tren,ui^ «,^^
ff ^nd motocB f^f S;;^^/^^ J^^,'^;, which.
«« of the casks at the r^f^lfj^^Tthan the
'■■ iu »«ii;i'» i"» -=^ "■ ■ -■ anil /fifth adiiiw''
C«^ A66o«. on Mercb«4 Sh.p«. 200 (fi^U «k.
lat there was
'Jiartered ship
eht well war-
it rules to the
r, the charter-
Its, iadepend-
r incur under
the latter, this
contract under
My object,
in how far ihis
nized by the
I; andi after a
ithorities which
n anxious pur .
has guided the
this sort, 1 at
declare that the
nsignee, and not
lance that may
)f this fish.
,t point must car
t for the defend-
s second; though
with a question,
tnt to abandon his
5 place of destma-
discharge himself
ich, \ery learned
nflicting opinions,
(en settled by any
ad. With respect
f this general pro-
it of the facts now
nd it asserted ma
,cter, {€) that " in
the freight of suga
led by the weight
I of delivery, vim
tance, less than the
bip8, 200 (fif'b ed""^""
" weight at t|ie time of shipment; and, there«
" fore, the loss of freight occasioned by the
*' leakage, necessarily falls upon the owners
" of the ship, by the nature of the contract."
The usage of the fFest India trade would
not, however, decisively regulate that of
Newfoundland; and, therefore, if my opi-
nion had been favourable to the plaintiff on
the first point, I would have left it open ta
him, upon a second trial, to prove thata*
different practice prevailed in this trade;
but at the trial 1 should have told the jury,
that unless it was clearly proved to them
that the usage here was for the freight to be
paid according to the weight nf the fish aC
the time of shipment, 1 should recommend
to them to adopt, by their verdict, a rule
which already prevailed in a part of the Bri-
tish Empire, under circumstances precisely
similar to those which they were called up-
on to investigate; , -:. i' .;it ;
After this expression of my setiH^ffientsoil
both points, it only remains for me to add,
that judgment must be entered for ti^Q de-
June ais«.
In the case of the Schooner MaugareJ &
Isabella^ >
A prohibition to
restrain tlie Vice
Adoiirally Court
from proceeding
against a vessel for
the recovery of a
gum of money ad*
vaaoed for her re-
pairs, &c. in a fo-
reign port, and se-
cured by an hypo-
thecation deed, by
which the said ves-
sel was pledged,
and the sum so ad-
vanced was to be
repaid with mari-
time iotereat at 15
the ground that
■uoh M bypothe.
cation was a sub-
ject solely of Ad-
miralty jurisdic-
?^ aS Chief Juds' ^'""o" '^"^""'"^ '"
/it in »l.ich an applic»u«n ba^b e»
made to this Vomt for a prohibition to stay
Iho nroceedinss instituted agamst that
lelsefCiSr Court of Vice Admiralty,
1 have civen to the subject the best con.
Sio'n in m, po^er -cetbe ma er h-
hPfin brought before me; and, aware now
imt.ortanTft is to all the parties concerned
Ztl should deliver an early opinion upon
f^i am now nreparpd to do so. and to state
tfee result oT Sy deliberations. Jhe schoo-
^^vMarlaret l Isabella, owned by William
ITazWs. John's, having met with con-
Srabirdamage on her voyage from St.
JohT'to Brist'ol *^«"ng. the o^^^^^
year, was obliged to put into Cork to reht
and the expense attending 8«ch refitting ex
ceediuK any funds the master. Michael Fm-
re7 could command, either on his own ac-
count or that of his owners, he was under
r necessity of hypothecating or mo^g-
sing the vessel, as a security to ihe persons
fMessrs! Hyan 6f Mara) who advanced the
K necessary to defray those expenses.
B?^hl terms of this hypothecation, the ves-
ferwas pledged as a security that the own-
viz. £650. together wiiix maniiiue iBicrcBi,
Iahoahet St
ied, by peti-
irohibition to
1 against that
miralty; and
ort of the ap-
opposition to
delivered his
r Margaret Sf
ition has been
ibition to stay
against that
e Admiralty,
the best con-
the matter has
id, aware how
•liei concerntd
y opinion upon
JO, and to state
5. The schoo-
ned by William
; met with con-
oyage from St.
e course of last
) Cork to refit,
ich refitting ex-
r, Michael Far^
on his own ac
s, he was under
ing, or mortga-
y to the persons
o advanced the
those expenses.
?cation, the ves-
ty that the own-
Lhe said advance,
lariiiiue iatCiCBi,
{»t the rate of 15 per cent., on the 1st day
of December last, or immediately after the
arrival of the vessel at St. John's. Upon
her arrival there, which was not until after
the said 1st of December, the money not
being paid, proceedings were instituted
against the vessel by Messrs. liyan^Marai
upon the hypothecation deed, in the Court
of Vice A ^<^!l'^^^^^'^'
Vessel in order to raise money for that pur-
To^e The inBtrument then proceeds to
Ke the sum borr<.wed frotn Messrs ^^^^^^
I Mara viz., £050 ; and that, for the re-*
^^':nt of this sum: with maritime mter.^,
at f5 per cent, on Ist day of December
lit or immediately after the arnvtil of the
T^^elir Newfoundland, the vessel wa.
Xected. as a secm-ity, by being morytged
2ver be the
ng, the sum,
voyage* the
ler, and the
f, as security
are, ami pro-
• Assuming,
tea to Gonsti-
3 will make it
•istliction, let
It now under
his vessel has
iwer to these
the usual de-
he deed) that
$ter of the ves-
n-ibed ; it then
xes the owner-
m Walsh.; the
a her voyage is
lein lo put into
ting absolutely
isiecution of the
d the declara-
inability, on his
er, to raise the
he expenses of
)gether with the
mortgaging the
ley for that pur-
en proceeds to
a Messrs. jRyan f
hat, for the re-
laritime interest,
ay of December
le arrival of the
che vessel waj
being mortgaged
letefoFe. is cx«
riy as laDguagfi
can express it, all that is r^qi :' jd to be ex-
pressed in hypothecations or bottomries, so
as to constilute this imstrument (by whate-
ver name it may be called) in fact and in
substance, if not inform, a bottomry bontl, so
as to give the lender of the money under it,
the sanitt advantages and the same remedies,
and in the same Court, to which he would
have been entitled if the form of a bottomry
bond bad been strictly and literally com-
plied with.
The distinction which the Attorney Ge-
neral, in arguing for the prohibition, bus en-
deavoured to establish between bottomry
bonds and hypothecations, appears to me
far more ingenious than solid, and cannot
avail his client in the present case. 13y a
bottomry bond (which is under seal, be it
observed) the master, by the policy of our
maritime law, is allowed, in a foreign port,
to pledge or hypothecate his vessel for the
repayment of money borrowed for her ne-
cessary repairs and refitting, together with
maritime interest; but then the money so
borrowed, where it is to be repaid with ma-
ritime interest, is only payable on the ter-
mination of the voyage ; and in such case,
the lender takes upon himself the risk of
the ship's return; for if she is lost, he loses
the money he has so lent, and has no re-
course whatever, either against masler or
IP So it is with hypothecations, where the
form is not that of bottomry, but where it
is that of deed, bill of sale, or any other,
even though it may be under seal. U the
vessel is by such instrument pledged for
repayment of the money borrowed, with
maritime interest, anl the money so bor-
I rowed appears upon itie face of the ijjstrn-
M ment to have been raised in a foreign j out
Ca>e of U>«
Scbooii«r RIaii-
ft >
Case of (he
Schuoner Mar*
OARKT & Isa-
for repairinB or victualling tl'«^'''P' "'^^
any other purpose nece8»ary to «"'"''l« "'«
master to complete the enterprise u. jhich
he is engaged, the l'yP<'t''«'=»«"^" >». » ^
which the master can legally make, lue
Thip being the thing pledged, as ^o«n^yjov
the'^repayment of the money borrowed «ah
maritime interest at the »"» »""» "se of
TOYa^e : and in snch case, as in the case oi
IZotU the owners are never Per^^^^^^
responsible; the remedy of the lender being
against the ship and the m««ler («);
In cases of this description, therefore
whether of bottomry or hypo hecat.on ^^^
has never vet been made a question inan
ihe'y wfere not solely subject to the junsdic^
mm of the Court of Admiralty.
1 hen, in what respect does the ^«^*'";
>nrlt of hypothecation under which iC^u/
tMZ^Zd their claim top«)ce^^^t
L vessel in the Court of .V'^«. ^ ^^^^
differ from the one I have last describea, oi
even from bottomry bonds.
In all its essentials it completely corres
ponds with them; the money lent. B^^^^^^^
in both cases on the credit of the ship , u
" also so lent for the repairs and refittm
l»Pi. and for other purposes necessary ^^lor
an;\hrng that ^pear's To the c-tr-^^^^^
enable the master to Pros'^ou e his voya « t«
its termination; and «h?"»^ ^^^^'/'^J' 'Jh
terminate her voyage and be lost ^n bolj
cases the lender would »««; ,»?'«, "*f";^^
be without his remedy If, ^^»^ V.p hvoS-
blance is so complete between the hypothe
^ inn now under consideration, and the
Xr inTum^Jitrof the like nature to which
? have referred, it must be gov«r«^^^^.y ^^'
same rule of law which is appi-ble^to^th^
and if, as i have aireuUj dU^"-* - »
(ft) Abbott, UO.
silip, or for
enable the
5e ill which
lion is one
make; the
security for
pro wed with
lation of the
1 the case of
?r personally
lender being
►, therefore^
•thecation, it
fjnestion that
► ihejurisdic-
!S the iBstrn-
which Epun
oceed against
e Admiralty,
described, oi
letely corres-
.y lent, is lenk
>f the ship ; it
nd refitting of
necessary (for
contrary) to
J his voyage to
the ve&sel not
lost, in both
is money, and
len, the resem-
1 the hypothe-
ition, and the
nature to which
►verned by the
icable to them ;
..rn thev have
T7 «'J rf
kren uniformly l^M as ii-rkiaifc-su!>ject to
Admiralty jiirisdii tjou, this hypolhccatioa
must be equally so.
But it has been arj2fued by tlie AUorney
General, on. ilie part ofllie persons applyinjjf
for this 'prohibition, that there is a ptrsonal
covenant on the part of the master in this
hypothecation ; and i lat according to what
was said in the case of Meneton v. Gibbon^
(3 T. R.) such covenants are not cognizable
in the Courts of Admiralty, What Judge
Ihiller has said in that case on this point, is
merely this, " that in the struggles which
" have taken place between the Courts of
*' Common Law and Courts of Admiralty as
"to the extent of their jurisdiction; thp
"former have said, that if lhe/>a/ct of it, had it
vessel. After
^pothecation, 1
nent has been
a person well
is nature, and
I consequences
i terms and ex*
the deed, the
oney, together
e rate of 16 per
ive escaped the
all conversant
ption, that the
interest, /ixeH
the risk of this
being so muck
m rate, can on-
liere the risk is
e policy of our
maritime law, the person taking upon him-
self that risk is, us in the case of bottomry,
allowed to charge it.
On no other ground whatever could he
l>e entitled to claim it; and, unless, there-
fore, the risk of the vessel in this case was
the lender's, the whole would have been an
usurious transaction, and one which could
not be supported. The framer, therefore,
of this deed, aware of the legal consequen*
ces following tVc \' the stipulation for the
])ayment of maritiuie interest, did not think
it necessary to suy, in express terms, that
which was necessarily implied, and resulted,
from the conditions of the hypothecation,
viz. that the vessel was at the risk of the
That she was so, I have no doubt what-
ever, and as little hesitation in saying, that
had this vessel been lost, the lender's mo*
ney, as well as his remedy, was altogether
gone ; and >vliatever opinion may be enter-^
tained with regard tu the master's liability
in such event as the loss of the vessel, 1 am
satistied, that in any action brought against
the master upon his covenants, the plea that
the lender's remedy was gone with the ves-
sel, or otherwise that the contract was an
usurious one, would be an elTectual bar to
such action.
For such a contract, viz. to pay maritime
interest in any other event than the arrival
of the vessel, would be considered by any
Court or Common Law as usurious, and
could nut, consequently, be enforced against
the master. But it has been, lastly, urged
by the Attorney Generaly on the part of the
applicants for the prohibition, that it ap«
pears by the instrument of hypothecation,
«!..»♦ ♦!..» .^ I 4 u:_i. 1 «iL_ >«..-:
Ueratioa of the mortgage, was not altogether
Cm** uf til*
Scbuoacr Mar«
Case of the
Sohoouer Mar-
OARBT is. shall seem requi^
site And it is hereby further enacted, that it shall iMui
may be lawful for us, by our said charter or letters patent,
to allow any person or persons aggrieved by anyjuJgment,
decree order, or sentence of the said Supreme Court, to
or.n«.al'ihfirefrom to us in council, in such manner, williui
such time, and under and subject to such rules, regulations,
and limitations, as we, by such chaiter and letters patent,
M\ appoint and direct. Now know yc, that we. upon
full conHidoiation of the premises, and of our especial crace
certain kiioivled-e, and mere motion, have, in pursuance
ond by virtue of the said Act of PaHiament, thought fit lo
prant, direct and appoint, and by these presents do accord*
ingly, grant, direct, and appeint, that there shall be within
our said CO ony of Newfoundland a Court, which shall becalU
cd •• the Supreme Court of Newfoundland." And wo do
hereby create erect, and constitute the said Supreme Court
of Newfoundland to be a Court of record ; and do direct
and appoint that the same shall be composed of andholden
by one chief jiid-e and two assistant judges. And we do
hereby give and grant to our said chief judge rank and pre
cedence above and before all our subjects whomsoever'
within the colony of Newfoundland aforesaid, and the is-*
lands, territories, and places dependent thereupon, exceot-
sng the Governor or Acting Governor for the time bein- of
the said colony, and excepting all such ptrsons as bylaw
or usage lake place in England before our chief justice o£
our Court of Kings Bench. And we do hereby give and
grant to our said assistant judges, rank and precedence
within mir said colony, and the islands, territories and
places dependant thereupon, next after our said chief iidsre
the said assistant judges taking precedence between them!
selves according a the priority of their respective appoint-
ments to the Bi.a: office, or, where they may be both an*
pointed at the same time, then according to their senioritv
as barristers And we do further grant, ordain, and appoint
that the said Supreme Court of Newfoundland shall have
and use, as occasion may require, a seal bearing a device
and impression of our royal arms, within an exergue or \Z
bel surrounding the same, with this inscription «• The «'^f
of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland." And we da
hereby grant ordain, and appoint that the said seal shall
be delivered to. and kept m the custody of the said chief
judge. And we do further grant, ordain, ^d declare th^J
K^.'?'*,i*l\^^.•'"^^® ^'?'* assistant judges, so long as ther
shalf hold heir respect,,e offices, shall be entitled t^havl
and receive the following salaries, (that is tr> say) «ur aa^^
chief ludsre. a salarv of one ihnnBQ«#i #«,^ u ^ '^''. ■•»tt
Sterling money, by the year; and each"oroT ^^^i
iudircs a salary of seven hundred pounds, like stcrlin- mo-
nev iVthe year. And our Governor or Aet.n« Cove, no
?5;hr time boins of the said coh)ny. in hrrcby direrlci
Ind rei^e t^ ca"He sneh salary lo bo paid to the naid
"'"„' tXina^a dee are that tiie said salary shall com-
^±«nrtake place, in respeet to any person xvho shall
r rlident \n GrC Britain or Ireland, at the time of h.s
^° -rirnt uDon and ft on uhich any sueh
appointn^^ent, upon ami 1^^^^ (j^eat Br.-
r-n or fid fo N^^^^^^^^^ ""^ ^« take upon hnu
tarn or "^'^"VXiVsaid office ; and that the salary of any
the execution of the sau^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.
.uch ^'"«<'J"fSO^^^^^^^^^ iulNexTfoundlnnd, aforesaid.
""l^u '^Ceme and take plaee from and after bis taking
"^''^l S the execution of such his office, and thai such
'"''rJZn be in^feu of all fees of office, perquisites cmo-
r^I^J^ts a^d a^^^^^^^^^^^ whatsoever, and that no fee of office,
Sslie em^^^^^^ or ad Yantage, whatsoever, other th«n
^j\!Jrnt the said salary, shall be accepted, received . or ta-
r hr«?chSj^^^^^^^ or assistant judges, in any manner or
ken by «"^^,J^^^^^^^ whatsoever. Provided,neverlhe.
r*7h^t ilTaKI^^^^^^^ for the said chief judge or ass.s-
l^'';i.?,?i« to occ^^^^ and inhabit any official house or re-
^^^liXiS'^ihesmX colony of Newfound and, wh^l.
f'llhPPn or may hereafter be provided for the.r or an .1
^K^S-Senceand occupation, without paying to us «u
their "^e^^aence ami p ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^
heirs and successore an> ^^^,^ ,^^^^^
^"*°^^S?esiLcra^l 0^^ And we
or official residence ain ^^ ^^^.^^ jg^
r T.'iT shallle'ca^^^^^^ of accepting, taking, or per-
foundland. ^h^^ °® ^^^^^^ of profit or emolument, on pain
ST^^r^cceotance TLy^^^^^^ other office, or places
*r^* Jl5 Tall b "and be deemed in law, de facto, an ayoi-
Bforesaid, shall be ana ^,^1^^ j^jge or assistant judge,
sance of the ©"^ce oi^sucn^^^ j^^g.^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^
r tred HaTe'cTased Icc^Vd^iagly'rf^^^^^ ^^ time oi
•thTceV^^^^^^^^^^^^ BUCK other office or place. And
WO do hori'ljy ronntiluto niul appoint our trasty and wdl-
bclovcd RicharU Alexander Tucker, Ksq. to be the first cliief
jiidt;e of tlic said Suprt'ine Court of Ncufoundiaud, thewuid
li. A. Tucker bcin^ u barrister in England of thre« ycaru
standing and upwardn. And \vc do hereby constitute and
nppoint our trusty and wdl-belovcd Augustus Wallet Ves
JJarres and John William Molloy, Esquires, to bo first as-
sistant judges of the said Supreme Court, the said ^m^u5/u«
frallel Dcs JJarres and John William Molloy being respect-
ively barristers of three year^ standing and upwards. And
we do hereby grant, direct, and appoint, that there shall be
Avithin our said colony of Newfoundland three Circuit
Courts, to be held iu each of the threu districts into which
the said colony may be divided, in pursuance of the said
Act of Parliament. And we do hereby erect, create, and
constitute the said Circuit Courts respectively to be Courts
of record ; and do direct and appoint that each of the said
Circuit Courts shall be holden by the chief judge or one of
the assistant judges of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland,
aforesaid. And we do direct and appoint that the chief
judge of the said Suprtmc Court shall be always at liberty to
decide which of the three Circuit Courts shall be holden
by him, and that the senior assistant judge shall be always
at liberty to decide which of the two remaining Circuit
Courts shall be holden trrhim. And we doliefelj^rdain,
"appoint, and declare, that there shall be and belong to the
said Supreme Court and Circuit Courts, respectively, such
and so many officers as to the chief judge of the said Su-
preme Court for the time being shall, from time to time, be
deemed necessary for the administration of justice, and the
due execution of all the powers and authorities which are
granted and committed to the said Supreme Court and
Circuit Courts respectively by the said Act of Parliament,
or by these our letters patent. Provided, nevertheless,
that no office shall be created in the said Courts, or any of
them, unless the Governor or Acting Governor,|for the time
being, of our said colony shall first signify his approbation
thereof to our said chief judge, for the time being, in writing,
under the hand of such Governor or Acting Governor as
nforf>iani(i. Anil wf> tin fiirthpr nrdain nnri flirA/>i' i\\a* nil
T , .. — — _,« — ..^^,^P mwtj tilt
persons who shall and may be appointed to the several
offices of master, registrar, accountant-general, or prothu-
^H nir 1
'i ;
Wt ami
notary, oi the said Siiprrnie Court or Circuit Courts of
Newt'oundland, or t' any oUico in the said Courts, or any
of tiiem, whereof the duties shall correspond to those per-
formed by the master, registrar, accountant general, or pro-
thonolary of any or eitiier of our Courts of record at West-
minster, shall be so appointed by us, our heirs and succes-
sors, by warrant under our or their royal sign manual, to
hold such their olhces during our or their pleasure; and
that all persons who shall and may be appointed to any
other office within the said Supreme Court of Newfound-
land, or within Uie said Circuit Courts of Newfoundland,
shall be so appointed by the chief judge, for the time be-
ing, of the said Supreme Court, and shall be subject and
liable to bo removed from such their oftices by the said
chief judge upon reasonable and sufficient cause. And w«
do hereby authorize and empower the said Supreme Court
of Newfoundland to approve, admit, and enrol such and so
many persons, having been admitted barristers at law, or
advocates, in Great Britain and Ireland, or having been ad-
mitted writers, attornies or solicitors, in one of our Courts
at Westminster, Dublin, or Edinburgh, or having been ad-
mitted as proctors in any Ecclesiastical Court in England,
to act as well in the character of barristers and advocates,
as of proctors, attorneys, and solicitors in the said Supreme
Court of Newfoundland, and which persons so approved,
admitted, and enrolled, as aforesaid, shall be, and are here-
by authorized to appear, and plead, and act for the suitor
of the said Supreme Court, subject always to be removed
by the said Supreme Court from their station therein, upon
reasonable cause. And we do further authorize the said
Supreme Court of Newfoundland to admit and enrol as
barristers, advocates, attorneys, proctors, or solicitors
therein, such and so many persons as may have served a
clerkship, under articles in writing, for the term of five
years at the least, to any barrister, advocate, proctor, attor-
ney or solicitor of the Supreme Court aforesaid. And we
do declare that no person or persons, otherAban the persons
aforesaid, shall be allowed to appear, plead, or act in the
Supreme Court of Newfoundland for and on behaK of the
suitors of the said Court, or any of Uiem, Provided always,
and wo do ordain and declare, that in case there shall not
:uit Courts of
iourts, or any
to those pcr-
Old at West-
» and succes-
in manual, to
ileasuru; and
intcd to any
f NewfomuU
the time be-
I subject and
by the said
ise. And w«
upreme Court
>1 such and so
ters at law, or
iving been ad-
of our Courts
ving been ad-
tin England,
nd advocates,
: said Supreme
80 approved,
, and are here-
for the suitor
> be removed
therein, upon
srize the said
t and enrol as
or solicitors
have served a
le term of five
proctor, attor'
lid. And we
tan the persons
or act in the
behaW of the
ovided always,
there shall not
be a siiflicirnt number of such Imrristcrs nt Ian', advoralrs
wnlcrn, attorneys, solicitors and proctors, or of pmons Jt
adiHilUd anil enrolird, as aforcHaid, to ad us »uch within
tlio Haul colony, competent and willing to appear and act
lor tlio Minors of the said Supreme Conrt. then and in that
case the said Supreme Court of Newfoundland «liall, and
Is liercby authorized to admit so many other fit and proper
persons to appear and act as barristers, advocates, proctors,
attcjrneys and solicitors as may be necessary, according to
such general rules and qualifications as the said Supreme
Court shall for that purpose make and establish. And wo
do hereby authorize the said Supreme Court to make and
prescribe such rules and f nlersas to them may seem expe,
dient and necessary, with regard to the admission of per-
■ous to practice the law, and appear and act in the charac-
ter of barristers and advocates, proctors, attorneys, and
solicitorsjn the said Circuit Courts respectively. And we
do hereby ordam and tieclare, that the Governor or Actinff
Governor for the time being, of the said colony of New-
foundland, shall yearly, and on the .Monday next following
the first day of January in each year, by warrant under his
hand and seal, nominate and appoint some fit and proper
person to act as, and be, the sheriflT for our sair! colony of
Newfoundland and its dependencies, other than except
the coast of Labrador, for the year ensuinjr , which sherifi;
when appointed, shall, as soon as conveniently may be, and
before he shall enter upon his said office, take before the
Governor or Acting Governor of our said colony an oath
faithfully and impartially to execute the duties of such his
office ; and such sheriflT shall continue in such his office
during the space of one whole year, to be computed from
the said Monday next following the first day of January
jn each year, and until another sheriff shall be appointed
and sworn mto the said office. And in case any such
sherifi- shall die m his said office, or depart from our said
colony of Newfoundland and its dependencies, then and in
such case another person shall, as soon as conveniently
may be after the death or departure of such sheriff, be in
Jike nionner appointed and sworn in as aforesaid, and shall
continue m his office for the remainc].^rnf ii.o ««o, .,„.j
until another sheriff shall be duly appointed"and"8ivora
|;i| '
S|L' ;
into the said office. And we do further direct ^"/^ W"'*
hat it sliall and may be lawful for the Governor or Acin g
Governor of the said colony to renew »rom yea-: to yc.u
the appointment of the same person as s^ierift « «^^/^^^
colonv and ts dependencies; and that m seiecimaiiic
person to be appointed to the execution and discharge o
Fhe saVoffice the said Governor or Acting Governor sliall
conform to su^^^^ "' "'"^
frorn tU^e to ime be signified by us, our heirs or successors,
In him through one of our or their principal secretaries ol
8?a e And wedo further direct that, before entering upon
ie execudon of the duties of his said office the said she^
lia' ^UaU pnter into a recognisance to us, m tne saiu
slrme Coirt of P!ewfo«ndrand, in the sam of five.thou-
..mrZunds with two good and sufficient sureties in the
1 oUwo tbo-and founds each for U.e due and a.thfu
£!r£?S' t» sherZ,::l>t:r-the^^ Mf
fnv of each calendar month, produce before the chief judge
L. of the ass"stant iu.lgcs aforesai.l, a written accoun
f nlTil?e money by him „? by hi« lawful deputies received
31?". he ca":uda'r month last preceding. ^1,?""";= '-
fn .bcation thereof, so far as the same may by hira or them
SebeTapplied.and also stating the exact balance «
such monies hen Remaining in the possession o himself o
his said deputies, so far as the returns received from sue
A !?/»« enable I im to make out the said accounts. And
••'P 1 fnrthtr orde" that the said chief judge or assistant
^*ll, as he case nav be, shall cause the said account to
Te Sublicly exhibUedl^ the office of the prothonotar, or
be publicly exniune Court for the space of one
'Tn^r month next afteTthe same shall have been so ren-
Ser^d Sill Uten cause the same to be enrolle.l amoni'
t-."'f ?!.!!;.^fiifrs,.id^;::r;^\nr. "^^^
'*i',»'bvTheTnsei"v';s;'r" their sufficient deputies to be U,
tm'aiH.oi»I"' -'d ''"'y -""»"^"'' """*" their respect..^
and appoint
Of or Aciiiig
jroar to year
for our said
selecting the
discharge of
overnor shall
ands as may
or successors,
secretaries of
entering upon
he said she-
in the said
of five thou-
irelies, in the
e and faithful
nd for the due
noney as may
ceived by vir-
said Supreme
And we do
the first Mon-
Lhe chief juilgc
•itten account
(Uties received
id stating the
y him or them
act balance of
I of himself or
ved from such
:counts. And
^e or assistant
aid account to
rothonotary or
,e space of one
ve been so ren-
?nroUed amonij
further order,
his snccrssors
lutics to be by
their respective
hands and seals, and for whom he and they shall be res-
ponsible during his or their <;onrinuance in such oflfice, ex-
ecute, and the said shcrifl", by himself or his lawful depu-
ties, is hereby authorized to execute the writs, summonses,
rules, orders, warrants, commands, and process of lhe said
Supreme Court and the said Circuit Courts, and make return
of the same, together with the manner of the exce.utioa
thereof, to the said Supreme Court and Circuit Courts res-
pectively, and to receive and detain in prison all sulIi per-
sons as shall be committed to the custody of such sheriff
by the said Supreme Court and Circuit Courts respectitely,
or by the chief Judge or assistant judges, or either of them.
And' we do further direct, ordain, and appoint that when-
ever the said Supreme Court, or any of the said Circuit
Courts shall direct or award any process against the said
sheriff, or shall award any process in any cause, matter,
or thing wherein the said sheriff on account of Jiis
being related to the parties, or any of them, or by reason of
any good cause of challenge which would be allowed against
any sheriff in England, cannot or ought not by law»to exe-
cute the same; then, and in every such case, the said Su-
preme Court or the said Circuit Courts, as the case may be,
shall name and appoint some other lit person to execute and
return tln^ same. And the saifd security shall be entered into within three
months, from the dale of such petition, for leave to appeal,
then and not otherwise, the said Supreme Court shall al-
low the appeal, and the parly or parties appellant shall be
at liberty to prefer and prosecute his, her, oi their appeal
to us, oiir heirs and successors, in our or their privy coun-
cil, in such manner and form, and under such rules, as are
observed in appeals made to us from our plantations or co-
lonies. And we do hereby reserve to ourself, our heirs and
successors, in our or their privy council, full power and
authority, upon the humble petition at any time of any per-
son or persons feeling aggrieved by judgment, decree, order,
or sentence, of the said Supreme Court, to refuse or admit
his, her, or their appeal therefrom, upon such terms and
upon such limitations, restrictions, and regulations as we
or they shall think fit, and to reform, correct, or vary such
judgment, decree, order, or sentence ; as to nsorlhem shall
seem meet. A;id it is our further will and pleasure, that in
all cases of appeal allowed by the said Supreme Court, or
by us, our heirs and successors, the said Supreme Court
shall certify aud transmit to us, our heirs or successors, in
our or their privy council, a true and exact copy of all evi-
dence, proceedings, judgments, decrees, sentences, and or-
ders, had or made m such cases appealed, so far as the
same have relation to the matter of appeal, such conipg
ijeing under the seal of the said Court. And we do furfher
direct and ordain, that the said Supreme Court o£IV«w-
foiindland sliall, in all cases of appeal to us, our liens and
successors, conform to and execute, or cause to be execu-
ted, such judgments and orders as we, our heirs and sue-
cessors, shall think fit to make in the premises, in such
manner as any original judgment, sentence, decree, or de-
cretal order, or other order or rule of the said Supreme
Court of Newfoundland, could or might have been execu-
ted. And we do hereby strictly charge and command al
governors, commanders, magistrates, ministers, civrl and
military, and all our liege subjects within and belongmg
to the said coUny, that in the execution of the several
powers, jurisdictions, and authorities hereby granted, made,
given, or created, they be aiding or assisting, and obedient
in all things, as they will answer the contrary at their pen .
Provided always, that nothing in these presents contamed,
or any act which shall be done under the authority hereof,
fihall extend, or be construed to extend, to prevent us, our
heirs and successors, as far as we lawfully may, from re-
pealing these presents, or any part thereof, or from making
such further or other provision, by letters patent, for the
administration of justice, civil and criminal, whhin the said
colony, and the places now, or at any time hereafter, to be
annexed thereto, as to us, our heirs and successors, shall
seem fit, in as full and ample manner as if these presents
had not been made, these presents or anything herein con-
tained to the contrary, notwithstanding. In witness where-
of we have caused these our letters to be made patent.
Witness ourself at Westminster, the 19th day of Septem"
ber, in the sixth year of our reign.
By writ of privy seal.
[f i
r lieirs and
) be execu-
i and suc-
les, ill such
ree, or
lated dama-
' ten pounds
•ceding rule,
tbrms of ac-
fendant is at
h as seem to
eing much of
Court, under
leavoured to
J may supply
1 only be rc;-
(/ grounds of
ime to time,
the Attorney
Jury; which
led to attend
endeavour to
ters as nearly
I in England.
,C*70CQ TT i I i w^-*
ground shall
be laid for snch an indulgence ; and the party applying for
it will always be required to submit to such terms and
conditions as to the Court shall seem just and reasonable,
The course of proceeding heretofore pursued relative to
the granting of Probates of Wills and Letters of Adminis-
tration will, for the present, be continued in the New
Probate Court ; but the Judges will lose no time in at-<
tempting to iutroduce such improvements therein as they
may consider it susceptible of.— The following Table ex-
hibits a list of the fees which will henceforth be received
by the clerk of the Probate Court.
Under 10 o
• • 20 ..0
.. 100 1
.. 200 1
. . 350 9
a. il.
7 6
Under 500 2 12 6
750 3 10
1000 5
1500 ....^10
. . 2000 .... .^ 16 00
., 3000 30
In addition to the regulations prescribed by the Charter
touching the office and duties of the Sheriff, the Judges
only feel it necessary to declare, that he will not be re-
quired to execute the Process of the Court, either by him-
self or bis deputies, beyond Twillingate in the Northern,
and Cape La Hune m the Southern, district of this Island.
For the execution of Process within these limits, the fol-
lowing fees will be demanded and received by him : ex-
cept in those particular instfl&ces where, in consideration
of the poverty of the party, or other peculinE circumstan-
ces. the Court shall see fit to direct that no fee shall be
exacted by him for the service of Original Process.
17nd«r K)
15 • • • •
9U ....
• •.
By Sam.
< t. (f.
12 U
•2 G
2 U
Dy At.
£ 1. c/.
3 15
4 7
4 10
6 3
£i 1
Dy Satan.
« «. »'. I A.
'■'*')r5'«i Rhenffwill alsojceceive such fees upon all proceed-
mL 1xi' -^ ' the L'v *^y«i*^e P^ the Court as shall, from
time to tuut, be authorized by the Judges, upon a fair cob'
fcicleralioii of the circumst«inces of each cas^.
Afy\m\\ .^li--S ■■■■'■■■'■ '■■■■■^' ■ c''^','."'.i'";rv. J
-/Original Writs have been framed in the foll.TynH l»HU;3U'> i»?jff|^'« •'■■"*• '•'•
Some of those wrus art-, m. i«v;i, iiuimitp "-•"■ » — -
iummonsds, detailing the nature of the plaintiffs com-
y Sum.
2 U
2 U
10 6
ny At.
£ I. f/.
3 15
4 7
4 10 U
6 a
7 7
la ao
vhere the valuo
t • ■ • *
Jiiry, J^l 2 6
Jury^ 5
£0 10
:e, ac-
on all proceed-
rt as shall, from
ipon a fair con*
, ,a . I .''I Mil ';•' i
iVer,' ■■■.■"'
.-»!•*» ilian mprft
plnint; b U in those forni'^ of notion which admit of At-
TACHMKNT, (>ii;;iij tl wHts, atluptcd to that couTso of pro-
ceeding, iiuvc likewise been prepared. ,
XII. "tn
To tho forr^^oin?: writs the defrndnnt wi ' he entitled to
plead: In Ashumi'sit — lat, Thit the defers^ant did not
undertake aniuu ; 'Jd, The Statute of ^Limitations.
TuKsii^Ass — Ist, Not (judty; 2d, The Statu
tions. Jn lijEcnviENX — Not Guilty,
Writs may be sued nut in Vacation, as wt as during
.Term; and when th» defendant shall reside tvithin ten
iJtiles of the Supreme ( ourt, there shall be fou: days, at
.least, allowed between the teste and the reti a of the
•.writ, in other cases i le return will be regulate by cip-
i^umstances, in such a \ ay as to allow a reasonable iifB«j to
the defendant to appear and. plead. : iu-auL
-XIV. ■' ' Uiij' *' ,'J/'i!.t
The plaintiff, on the lay before the returii ot^hp'^yiixli,
tnust file with the Clerk f the Court a bill with tbeparJUeU'*
larsofhis demand; and . a actions of tresp^^^nd'asiPU^*
Isit^such bill fehall also be annexed to the cqpy 6t tj^^ or|g^-
lial writ, which is in all cases required toiie,^effjwiik|ll^
•(" ihe Con-
In Case and
of Limitar
plaintift''s com-
= T^edrf'endant riiust fife his i)tea wilh '"it^^'lcierk oif^UiB
-Court before the (tfp^hin^ thereof, ^th^. M"Wn^|St
the writ is returnable.' in pi eadihg a setoff he niust annex
n hill nf nnrllpnlnra in hid .ntso • anri mU^m^ U^ oknll k»
i_ — j-_ . .,,, _ — ,,, ^ «i»vt TTis-_:c »i- ouaxK jjc
4«^(I9 pf j?RHrii^g#)»X6(pl |^^»s, Qpffidiitioiiifbrf^lda^to
i I
W -
^0 so must be previously made to one of the Judges of the
The Clerk of the Court shall keep a book, in whith an
entry shall be made of all writs and plena ; and this book
shall be submitted to the Judges at the lime of trial, for the
purpose of apprizing them of the matter in dispute between
the parties.
All actions shall be considered as liable to be tried on
the day after the return of the writ : and where the plain-
tiff shall not be ready for trial at that time, the defendant
may move the Court for an immediate hearing of the case.
Judgment will be given two days after the trial, unless
some cause shall be shown in arrest thereof within that
No judgment by default will be given against a party,
unless upon the most clear and satisfactory evidence of the
doe service of the writ upon him, or bis accredited agent.
If the cause of action be a debt, a specific chattel, or liquid
dated damages, the plaintiff will be required, upon obtain-
ing judgment by default, to make oath to the amount or
value thereof, and this will entitle him to an absolute jud^
ment for the amount sworn to, unless the defendant shall
move, within six days, to have the judgment by default set
aside. But where the amount of the damages shall be un-
certain, the defendant shall be served with a fresh notice
to attend the Court for the purpose of having those dama-
ges ascertained by a jury : and on his neglect to obey this
■ammoni, judgment will be entered against him for the
Bum claimed by the plaintiff in his original writ.
The only writs of execution which the Court will, for the
present, make use of, are, a^m/a(flta«^a^iat¥
iacitfttdiim— and a writ of possession. , ut
* XX:
>9ni6 sheriff will keep d list of persons qualified to serve
I Judges of the
k, in which an
and this book
of trial, for the
lispute between
e to be tried on
fhere the plain-
, the defendant
ng of the case.
le trial, tintesfl
reof within that
against a party,
evidence of the
credited agent.
chattel, or liqui-
[), upon obtain-
the amount or
n absolutejud^
defendant shall
it by default set
ges shall be on-
tb a fresh notice
ing those dama-
lect to obey this
linst him for the
Jourt will, for the
aalified to *enre
US grand Jurors; in which will be entered, in alphabetical
order, the names of all the principal merchants and gentle-
men of the town; and four days before the commencement
of each term, a written summons shall be sent to twenty-
three of the persons mentioned in this list (beginning with
the letter A, and proceeding regularly through the whole
alphabet,) commanding them to attend the Court at the
opening thereof. The persons so summoned will form the
grand jury for the whole term ; and will be liablelo attend
the Court during the cotitinuance thereof, at such times as
the judges shall direct.
A fine, of from 50f. to £5 will be imposed upon every
grand juror who shall neglect to attend the Court after ha«
ving been regularly summoned to do so ; unless his ab-
sence shall be excused by a certificate of sickness, under
the hand of a respectable medical practitioner, which must
be delivered to the clerk of the Court before the opening
tt^ereof. And if the non-attendance of the juror shall ap-
pear to have been occasioned by any neglect of the sum-
nioninj^ officer, the Court will inflict the same fine "upon
him which the juror would have been liable to, had the
summons been regular.
Special jurors will be taken from the list of grand jurors
in the following manner: — Beginning with the gentleman
whose name shall stand next on the list to the last nf the
grand jury, the sheriflT will summon eighteen persons to
attend the Court on the day appointed for trial : and whea^
ever another special jury shall be ordered, the sheriff will,
in like manner, summon eighteen more of the gentlemen
on the grand jury list; taking care to begin, in this in-
stance, with the name of the person who shall stand next
on the list to the last of the gentleoitn on the former spe-
cial jury : and repeating the same operation upon every
other application for a special jury until he shall have gone
through the whole list thereof. — ^The names of the eighteen
persons summoned to attend as special jurors, shall be put
into a box ; and the nrst twelve that shall be drawn frota
thenct shall form the jury for the tri|l of tbo cause, unlosa
i H
ia legal objection shall be made to atiy of them ; in whick
case the place of the party so objected to shalJ be supplied
:by another name to be drawn from the box; And if in
consequence of challenge, or of the neglect to attend on
(the part of the jurors summoned, itwelve fit and proper per-
sons cannot be found, the Court will, at the prayer of ei-
thfer party, dh-ect the sheriff to summon instanter a further
number of persons from the list, sufficient to supply the
ideficien ■ XXIV. ■ ■"' •-■iii. »*?«;■»■>
. All 'persons possessing real property, to^^nf arriouni; br
occupying any house orteheraent of the annual rent or va-
lue of twelve pounds, within three miles of the court-houAe»
and the sons of all such persons, during their residence
with their fathers, will be liable to serve as petty jurors,
"with the following exception : —
All persons, under 21 and above 60 years of age4
'Magistrates. ...
Officers belonging to, and persons practising in, the
Clergymen, the ministers of the gospel in aIL religious
congregations, and schoolmasters. vr!- i
Doctors of medicine and practising surgeons.
oJ Persons whose names are enrolled on the lists of grand
•and special jurors. '
.■ . '-'^ XXV.
'''**)t*^e sheriff will keep a list of all persons liable to SierVe
as petty jurors, in which their names shall be inserted in
alphabetical order. . i.}.*.!
...-,*;. • -■ ^ ■;•-; •-• YVVf '' ' '''
;»M Four days; before thie coniittaenceraent of each i term, the
sheriff shall cause 18 of the persons whose names afKpear
(first on the jury 'list (commenomg! with f be. letter A); to: be
summoncfd'to alleKd>th6 Siit>r«tn& ClouHt ooithe first day of
iw «iiti0g } and tsbal^iiu: like «ciaim^r» on each saooeediill
m!) n
% «*- iii., »mi i t ttxMki^*-
Bm; in which
EtU be supplied
Ki And if in
to attend on
»nd proper per-
prayer :of ei-
tnter a further
t to supply the
•; v!j
>e q,llowed ohe
e the verdict is
ny attibunif'bV
lUal rent or Va-
;heir residence
8 petty jurors,
of age.
ctising in, the
in all religjlous
le lists of grand
liable to serve
il be inserted in
l,clJ ,
t* . ,
?> in ; VUfj, I' .
each terra, the
le names afxpear
letter A); *o: be
y the first dayiof
day, summon 18 more, according to the order in yhirh they
stand on the list, to attend the Court ou the fourth day/
from the date of the summons. ,,
When the sheriff shall have gone'through the wftdfelT^t'ciif^
jurors he will, of course, repeat the same operation; be-
gmnmg from the top, and taking care that there shall al-
ways be 18 persons summoned, in the mode already pre-
scribed, to attend the Court every day . dnting term,
The summons shall be printed, or wrftten, and delivered,
personally to the juror, or to some member of his family, at'
his house, or usual place of residence, *
^The persons summoned shall be liable to tttend the
Court the whole day for whiob they are summoned, n u/j
XXX. :
, Befpre.jthe trial of the first cause, th« names of th6 18
J^rQrs, jvntten upon separate slips of paber, shall be pat
m^o al^ox by the clerk of the Court, and , the -first twelve
Ijftn^es drawn by him from thence shall, ifthe^ebend
ground of challenge to any of them, form a jur/ for the
trial of all causes which may be heard on that day: the
jury being, however, in each case, sworn to well and truly
try the issUe joined between the parties, and a true veidict
td givcj according to the evidence. ' '*^ f^*'^*^'' ^»> » Hf; ■ f
If any of the 12 persons whose names shall first be drawn
from the box shall be set aside on account of challenge,
their places shall be supplied by some of the remaining
TjJ^f''^^ H?T' «»»^» afterwards, in like manner, be
drawn from the box ; and if by these means the number ef
twelve competent jurors cannot be completed from the
persons summoned the Court will direct' the sheriff to
make up the jury from the persoiis then present in CourL
■ '"XXXII.
.Jf^r^^A^ '?^ atiendance as easy as possible to the ju-
rors, the Court wdl, as soon as a jury of twelve persons
shall have been formed, permit the rest of the persons viho
were summoned to return to their homes : and if "P«>n a
subsequent trial, any members of the origmal jury should
be objected to on the ground of interest towards either ol
the contending parties, their places shall be supplied by
a tales de circumstantibua, •
Oa the other hand, the Court will most rigidly enforce
the attendance of jurors by imposing a fine of 30s. m every
instance where the absence of the juror shall not be ex-
cused by illness, to be certified to the Court, before the
hour when the party was bound to attend, wjder the hand
of some respectable medical practitioner. The fine ta be
immediately levied by distress: and where sufficient goods
cannot be found to satisfr the distress, the parly against
whom it itsued shall be imprisoned, imder an order of
Court, for the space of 48 hours.
If the non-attendance of the juror shall have been occa«
sioned by any culpable neglect on the part of the summon-
ms officer, the latter shall be subject to precisely the same
fine and penalties as the former would have been liable to
had he been duly summoned.
A chargo of one guinea for the jury will be allowed in
ihe bill of costs, in every case where the party shall not be
excused, ou the score of poverty, from paying fees to any
officer of the Court.
Barristers at law, or advocates, of Great Britain and
Ireland, or admitted writers, attornies, or solicitors in any
of the Courts at Westminster, Dublin, or Edinburgh, or ad-
mitted as proctors in any Ecclesiastical Court in England,
will at all times be permitted to practise in their respective
characters, upon producing certificates of their admission
by the Courts to which they respectively belong.
Persons who shall have served an apprenticeship of five
>.»V> »IHii..»«»^ . i* •
i^iii ■l<'I^M
persons who
d if upon a
I jury should
ds either of
supplied by
gidly enforce
' 30s. in every
Eill not be ex-
rt, before the
4er the hand
he fine to be
Efficient goods
parly against
IT «n order of
ire been occa«
sely the same
been liable to
le allowed in
ly shall not be
g fees to any
t Britain and
licitors in any
inburgh, or ad-
rt in England,
lieir respeclive
heir admission
ticeship of five
years to any barrister, advocate, proctor, attorney, or soli-
citor, of the Supreme Coukt, and who shall be found, upon
examination by the judges, to be duly qualified to practise
in any of those characters, will be permitted to do so.
The judges will attend in their chambers, on Monday
the third of April next, for the purpose of examining such
gentlemen as may be desirous of obtaining permission to
practise in the Court; and certificates will be granted to
those who shall appear to be competently qualified. The
privilege of practising will, of course, be confined to the
persons to whom these Oertificates shall be granted.
The judges only feel it necessary, at present, to limit the
fees to be taken for those duties of the attorney, which ne-
cessarily arise out of their regulations concerning the prac-
tice of the Court; and they therefore purpose to adopt the
following scale : —
For suing out a writ, when the plaintifi"! ^^ g ^
proceeds by summons only i
For suing out a writ» and preparing an > n 10 O
affidavit of debt i
For filing a plea 5
For the conduct of a cause, either for the'J
plaintiff or defendant, to final judg- \ 1 1.0
metit and execution.. ......... .J
The above stated fees are adapted to the condaot of a
common cause under usual and ordinary circumatancci-^
in other cases adclitional (ees, qommensurajte totlieser*
Tice actually performed, will be allbwed by the Odurt.
The registrar of deeds will be authorized to cnai^e tih»
following fees : — i .-
For the verification, indorsement, and registry of a deed,
or win, under £100,-105. Arid when the. value exceeds
£100, a per centage at the fate of one per ceai, for^tha
first £100; iittd d$, in ihe £.100 for sdl above that' ataiooiit,
If the value of the property to be registered shall not ap-
pear with sufficient certainty upon the face of the instru-
ment, it must be ascertained by the oath of the party ten-
dering it for registration.
For the registry of every grant of land, "> i?rt r a
under 100 acres J • *" *^ "
And for grants, exceeding 100 acres 10
For every cerlidcale, from the record 5
For an inspection of the record o 1
The expenses of prosecutors and witnesses in criminal
cases will be allowed, agreeably to the provisions of the
statute of 25th Geo. II; c. 36, 27th Geo. II. c. 3, and 18th
Ueo. III. c. 19, under an order of the Court; and an al-
lowance will also be tnade in some cases, not within these
statutes, where it shall be made to appear that a failure of
justice would ensue if the costs of prosecution were to fall
upon individuals wholly unable to defray the same.
Fuel, candles, stationary, and all other necessaries for
the Court, will be provided by the Sheriff, from time to
time, under the order of any of the judges thereof, and
charged for by him in his public account.
Copies of the forms of writs and other parts of process
are appended to these regulations.
Rules respecting the conduct of business, and course of
proceeding, in the Circuit Courts, will be framed and pub-
lished in this Court in the course of the present month.
Supplemental regulations will also be added from time
to time, as circumstances may require.
Among the persons who are to be exempted from ser-«
yisg on Jurlegi. iae Judges deem it necessary to include —
The Officers of His Majesty's Customs, and all other
**^''*^ -r V »•/-*
ed from time
persons actually and bond, fide employed in the Public
Where property is held in co-parcenary, joint-tenancy,
or in common, any of the parties who wish for a partition
thereof mav sue out a writ, in the followiii^ form, against
all those persons who have a joint-possession with them
of such property, and refuse to make a fair partition of it :
George the Fourth by the Grace of God, of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender
of the Faith, &c. &c.
To the Sheriff of Newfoundland, and his Deputy and
Deputies, Greeting :
Command E F to appear in our Supreme Court of New-
foundland, on the day of to show wfiere*
fore he denieth partition to be made between him and A
B and C D of [here state the nature of the prc^
pertjfy with such a description of it as would be necessary
in a conveyance] which he holds together with the said
A B and C D, as they say. And you are commanded to
make return of what yttu shall do upon this writ, at the
time and place above-mentioned. , . J
Witness, the Honourable St. Johns,
Newfoundland, the day of in the
year of our Reign. _ '
By Order of the Court, .
Clerk Supreitie Court.
This writ, like all others, may be sued out in vacation as
well as in term; but there shall always be fifteen days, at
least, between the teste and return of it; and if the tenartt
shall not then appear, the Court will require that proof
shall be given of the due and regular service of the writ, by
an affidavit to the following effect :
{A B and C D Demandants,^
E F Tenant.
oprl Y 7. nf
Newfoundland,, several
Officers to the
thatiey the said Deponents did, on the day of
r I
in the year of our Lord
xt..ia,iywiin me writ of partition in this cause, by deli-
vering to and leaving with the «aid E F a copy of the said
v^rit. and acquainting him with the contents^ thereof -and
these deponents did on the said day of i ?he
ni Jn5- T vT ^'"^ ^«"^^' t° ^«d leave with
R S ^nd T y the occupiers of the Messuages, Lands, and
s^me Writ "^ ''^^^'^' '"'"*^""'^' " ''^^ copy of the
Sworn Before me at this day of &c
«fc?M?^''l^'cPr°°u**^*^®*®*^'*^® o' the Writ, the Court
SI ^f satisfied that a reasonable and sufficient time has
bv5 th^'Ii'^'V?^^?^ ""^7 '^^ command conveyed
by It. the demandan 8 will, on the tenant's then neglecine
nnd^tEfr'.*!S P«"°»«edto enter an appearance for him ;
S?lt «Sh S"'* ""'"//^^^^^ *^ examine the demandants'
title, and the quantity or proportion of the property to
^ they are entitled: and accordingly as they shaU
fo'l'li^' "'7"*.^"°^'."^'^^ ^'^^ proportion to be, th^ wi
Writ inTt ^^« J«^S°>l°t by Default, and awaM a
«!«l K «V»^e partition whereby such part and proportion
t"ese /em*?"* '^'^'""f ' which Writ sfiall be expressed
George the Fourth, by the Grace of God. of the United
o%e'^rh!inc^"^^'^^"' '-»-^' kingK^r
To the Sheriff of Newfoundland, and his Deputy and
xvu «„, I^ePWUes, Greeting:
^.Z^'^^n ^ ^' h^^^ ^«« commanjJed to be in oor
?"Pf °i« Court of JVewfoundland. to answer A B and CD
VVi&t. '''^^"P'^"^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ and <.^ O ana the said
E F held together and undinM [Me the proplkinfhe
same manner as in (he original mitl and thf said P P Z
mi^t'ed'^'nn/l"" ''"^^^^^^
TfZJ"^ '^°?^ '""'^^ *^^"^'.?^ *h«y «aid ; and the said
comLnH n?P^"*"5 in. our said Court according to the
command of our said writ,^ our said Court did proceed to
tbat fMl.
If lh« serf iet wts upon an age^t. ibt elEdaTit mait coufora to
".^•Jf^\ ...-''*■■
:ause, by deli-
opy of the said
ts thereof; and
of in the
Qd leave with
eg, Lands, and
rue copy of the
lay of &c.
Vrit, the Court
icient time has
land conveyed
lien neglecing
ranee for him ;
! demandants*
e property to
as they shall
be, they will
and awaird a
nd proportion |
B expressed in |.
of the United I
ing, Defender
Deputy and ^
d to be in our
fl Band CD
and the said
ropeirhf in the
said E F de-
em, and per-
and the said
>rding to the
d proceed to
most coufora to
examine the tide of the said A B and C D, whereupon it
was considered in our said Court that partition should be
made between them nf the messuages, lands, and tenements
aforesaid, with the appurtenances: therefore we command
yen that, taking with you 12 free and lawful men of the
neighbourhood of aforesaid, by whom the truth of
these matters may be better known, in your proper person
you go to the messuages, lands, and tenements aforesaid,
with the appurtenances, and there in the presence of the
parties aforesaid, by you to be forewarned, if they shall be
willing to be present, the same messuages, lands, and te-
nements aforesaid, with the appurtenances, by the oath of
the said 12 free and lawful men, respect being had to the
true value of the messuages, lands, and tenements afore-
said, with the appurtenances^ you cause to be divided into
equal parts, and part of these parts to be
delivered and assigned to the said A B and C D, and the
other part thereof to the said E F, to be hoi den to them
and their heirs in severalty, so that neither the said A B
and CD, and the said E F, may have more of the mes-
suages, lands,, and tenements aforesaid^ with the Jippurte-
nances, than it belongs to them to have; and that the said
A B and C D of their part to them belonging, and the
said B Fof his part thereof to him belonging, may several-
ly apportion themselves, and that that partition by you so
distinctly and openly made, you have here on under
your seal, and the seals of those by whose oath you shall
have made that partilton ; and have you then the names
of those by whose oath you shall have made the same par-
tition, and this writ.
Witness, the Honourable St. John*s,
Newfoundland, the day of in the
year of our Reign.
By order of the Court,
Clerk Suprj;me Court.
When this writ shall have been executed, after eight days'
notice o'tven to the occunier or tenant or tenants of the
premises, and returned, final judgment will l)e entered ;
and the same shall be good and conclude all persons what«
soever, after notice as aforesaid, whatever right or title
they have, or may at any time claim to have, in anv of the
property mentioned in the said judgment and writ 'of par-
tition ; unless such tenant, or person concerned, or either
ot them, against whom, or their right and title, such judg-
ment by default is given, shall, within the space of one
year, or m case of infancy, coverture non sana memorite,
or absence out of this island, within one year after his, her.
or their return, or the determination of such inability, ap-
ply themselves to the Court by motion, and show a good
and prob^bJe matter in bar of such partition; in which
case the Coart will set aside such judgment, and the cause
shall proceed as if no such judgment had been given. But
If the Court, upon hearing thereof, shall adjudge for the first
demandant, then the said first judgment shall stand oon-
FmMED. and shall be good against ail persons whatsoever
except such other persons as shall bt; absent or disabled
a; aforesaid, and the person or persons so appealing shall
be awarded thereupon to pay costs.
Lll. .
Should any ofthe persons described in the last article
and withm the time or times as there stated, come into
Court and, admitting the demandants' title, sliow an inb-
QUALiTT in the partition, the Court will award a new par-
tition to be made in presence of all parties concerned ^if
they will appear), notwithstanding the return and filinst
upon record of the former; and such second partition
shall be good and firm for ever, against all persons not la-
bouring under any of the inabilities herein previously
mentioned. *^ ^
The preceding rules are applicable to the case of a
judgment given by default upon the neglect of the te-
nant to appear at the return of the writ. In the event of
Jiis appearing he may either confess the action, ol- plead
that the demandants do not hold together with him.
1 .1 ^"^f ^^^®^w«'''«f' Partition, like that described in
rule 50, with such sliarht altemtione qq mair i»« « c ♦^
adapt it to the present purpose, will issue to the sheriff
immediately ; but the truth of the tenant> plea must be
r right or titte
e, in any of the
tid writ of par-
Tned, or either
itle, such judg-
B space of one
Sana memoriee,
ir after his, her,
h inability, ap-
d show a good
ion; in which
> and the cause
en given. But
dge for the first
mil stand oon-
18 whatsoever,
at or disabled
ippealing shall
e last article,
Bd, come into
d»ow an iNE-
ird a new par-
concerned (if
lurn and filing
:ond partition
prsons not la-
in previously
he case of n
lect of the te-
1 the event of
ion, oV plead
; described in
to the sheriff
dea luuet be
tried, within a convenient time, by a jury; nndiftbeir
verdict shall be against him upon that point, the demaua-
ant will then be eatllled to a writ of partition.
Jf the value of the property, of which the partition is de-
sired, does not exceed £100 sterling, the price of the ori-
ginal writ will be 10s.: and where the valueexceeds XlOO
the original writ must be paid for at the rate of lOs. for the
first hundred, and 5s. for every other hundred pounds of
the true value thereof. Thus, supposing the value of the
property to be jt'lOOO, the price of the origmal writ will be
£2 15s. Od.
Each of the jurors by whom the partition shall be made
will be entitled to half a guinea; and the fee of the Sheriff
upon the execution of the writ of partition, will be the
same as the price of the original writ*
The whole of the costs will be borne by the tenant, if it
shall appear to the Court that the suit necessarily grew out
of his refusal to make partition upon equitable terms.
u; Xi
• ■m m fc i UML, ! ^^
1 '
oT^ ?*? ^ ^®^*' °^ ®*^®^ <^»"se of action, shall not
onm!! V°™ ^^^^" P"""^' «'^'''*»ff' 'l^e plaintiff may
commence his suit by a summons, which will command the
defendant generally to pay to the plaintiff the sura de-
manded by him, or otherwise to appear in Court, on a ei-
▼en day, to show cause why he will not do it. The pro-
ceedmgs m all cases where the sum in dispute shall not
exceed ten pounds will be altogether summary; and the
Court will endeavour to regulate its judgments by those
principles of natural equity which wiU afford the most
substantial justice to the parties litigant.
.x^yj^'^.P^^^^ of^ction shall exceed ten pounds sterling,
ineplaintiffmay,m like manner, commence his suit by a
sarnmoas ; anu where he seeks to recover a debt, chattel,
Pr liquidated damages, be may also obtain an attachment
on, shall not
plaintiff may
:omraand the
the sum de-
)urt, on a gi-
;. The pro-
te shall not
y; and tbe
its by those
>rd the most
ids sterling,
lis suit by a
ibt, chattel,
ogainst the goods, crodits and efTecIs of the defendant,
and likewise against liis person, if property to a siiaicient
amount cannot be found , upon making an affidavit that the
debt, chattel, or liquidated damajrcs, exceed in amount,
or value, the sum of ten pounds sterling.
The judges feel that it will be impossible, upon the fiwt
establishment of these Courts, to introduce into them any
of the forms of pleading ; and they, therefore, propose
to adopt, for the present, the course of practice obgerved
in the Supreme Court under its former constitution.
In the Central Circuit Courts, all criminal proceedings
will be conducted by the Attorney General ; and in each
of the other Circuit Courts the presiding Judge will, from
time to time, select the most competent person he can
find to prosecute in the name of his Majesty. .
Commissions for the ex-^mination of witnesses will be
granted by the Court, whe tever a satisfactory ground shall
be laid for such an indulgence; and the party applying for
it will always be required to submit to such terms ^nd
conditions as to the Court shall seem just and reasonable.
The Sheriff will be entitled to the Fees specified in rules
8 and 9 of the General Rules and Orders of the Supreme
Writs may at all times be sued out, returnable on any
day during the sitting of the Court; and the parties will be
expected to come prepared to pursue and defend the cause
on the day of the return of the writ. If, however, either
of the parties shall then be able to assign a reasonable
ground for the postponement of the trial, he may obtain a
rule to that effect, upon his submitting to such equitable
terms and conditions as the Court may think it necessary
to luipOaC Upon iliut.
Judgment will be entered as soon as the trial is over;
and, where the sum is not appealable, writs of execution
may also be immediately sued out.
The same writs of execution will issue from the Circuit
Courts as from the Supreme Court.
Nojudgment by default will be given against a party,
unless upon the most clear and satisfactory evidence of the
due service of the writ upon him or his accredited agent.
If the cause of action be a debt, a specific chattel, or liquid
dated damages, the plaintiflf will be required, upon obtain^
ing judgment by default, to make oath to the amount, or
value, thereof; ai\d this will entitle him to an absolute
judgment for the amount sworn to, unless the defendant
shall move within two days to have the judgment by de-
fault set aside. But where the amount of the damages
shall be uncertain, the defendant shall be served with a
fresh notice to attend the Court, for the purpose of having
those damages ascertained by a jury ; and on his neglect to
obey this summons, judgment will be entered against him
for the sum claimed by the plaintiff in bis original writ.
The Sheriff will keep a list of persons qualified to serve
as Grand Jurors, in which will be entered, in alphabetical
order, the names of all the principal merchants and gentle-
men residing within seven miles of each place where the
Court shall sit; and two days before the sitting of the
Court a written summons shall be sent to twenty-three of
the persons mentioned in this list (beginning with the letter
A, and proceeding regularly through the whole alphabet),
commanding them to attend the Court at Ihe opening
thereof. The persons so summoned will form the Grand
Jury for the whole sitting ; and will be liable to attend the
Court during the continuance thereof, at such times as the
Judge shall direct.
A fine of from 30s. to 50s. will l)e imposed upon every
B trial is over;
ts of execution
rom the Circuit
against a party,
■evidence of the
credited agent.
:hattel, or liqui-
td, upon obtain-
the amount, or
to an absolute
the defendant
udgment by de->
of the damages
J served with a
irpose of having
)n his neglect to
!red against him
riginal writ.
aalified to serve
in alphabetical
ants and gentle-
place where the
5 sitting of the
twenty-three of
ig with the letter
vhole alphabet),
at the opening
form the Grand
)le to attend the
iich times as the
Grand Juror who shall neglect to attend the Court after
having been regularly summoned to do so; unless his ab«
sence^shall be^excused by a certificate of sickness, under
the hand of a respectable medical practitioner, which must
be delivered to the clerk of the Court before the opening
thereof: and if the non-attendanceof the juror shall appear
to have been occasioned by any neglect of the summoning
officer, the Court will inflict the same fine upon him whicU
the juror would have been liable to had the summons been
Special Jurors will be taken from the lists of Grand Ju-
rors in the following manner:— Beginning with the gentie-
man whose name shall stand next on the list to the last ot
the Grand Jury, the sheriff will summon 18 persons to at-
tend the Court on the day appointed for trial; and when-
ever another Special Jury shall be ordered, the sheriff will,
in like manner, summon eighteen more of the gentlemen
on the Grand Jury list ; taking care to begin with, m this
instance, the name of the person who shall stand next on
the list to the last of the gentlemen on the former Jspecial
Jury ; and repeating ihe same operation upon every other
application for a Special Jury until he shall have gone
through the whole list thereof. The names ot the 18 per-
sons so summoned to attend as Special Jurors, shall be put
into a box. and the first 12 that shall be drawn from thence
shall form the jury for the trial of the cause, unless a legal
objection shall be made to any of them ; in which case the
place of the party so objected to shall be supplied by ano-
ther name to be drawn from the box. And if, in conse-
quence of challenge, or of neglect to attend on the part ot
the jurors summoned, 12 fit and proper persons cannot be
found, the Court will, at the prayer of either party, direct
the sheriff to summon, instanter, a further number of per-
sons from the list, sufficient to supply the deficiency,
Each of the 12 Special Jurors will be allowed one guinea;
which will be paid to him at the time the verdict is deli-
vered, by the party at whose instance such jury was oraew.
sed upon every
h '•;
. XV.
All persons possessing real property, to any amount, or
occupying any house, or tenement, of the annual value of
£4, wilhijB seven miles of the Court- house, and the sons of
all such persons, during their residence with their fathers,
will be liable to serve as Petty Jurors, with the following
exceptions : —
All persons un(]er 21 and above 60 years of age.
Officers belonging to, and persons practising in, the
Clergymen, the Ministers of the Gospel in all religious
congregations, and Schoolmasters.
Doctors of Medicine and Practising Surgeons.
Persons whose names are enrolled on the lists of Grand
and Special Jurors.,
Officers of His Majesty's Customs, and other persons
holding employment under His Majesty.
The sheriff, or bis deputy, will keep lists, arranged in
alphabetical order, f all persons liable, under the precedins*
regulations, to serve as Petty Jurors, and residing within
seven miles of any place in which a Circuit Court may be
Two days before the opening of the Court at each place
in the Circuit where it shall be liable to sit, the sheriff shall
cause eighteen of the persons whose names appear first on
the jury list (commencing with the letter A), to be sum-
moned to attend the Court on the first day of its sitting;
and shall, in like manner, on each succeeding day, summon
eighteen more, according to the or^er in which they stand
on the list, to attend the Court on the second day from the
date of the summons.
When the sheriff shall have gone through the whole list
of Jurors he will, of course, repeat the same operation ;
beginning from the top, and taking care that there shall aU
vaya be 18 persons summoned^ in the mode alreftdv nre-
scribed, to attend the Court every day during its sitting.
The summons shall be printed, or written, and delivered
personally to the juror, or to some member of his lamily,
at his house or usual place of residence.
The persons summoned shall be liable to attend the
Court the whole day for which they are summoned.
Before the trial of the first cause, the names of the l8
jurors, written upon separate slips of paper. shall be put
Into a box bv the clerk of the Court, and the first twelve
names drawn by him f«om thence shall, ifthere be no ground
of challenge to any of them, form a jury for the trial of all
causes whkh may be heard on that day ; the J"ryj3e»nf.
however, in each case sworn to well and truly try the issue
joined between the parties, and a true verdict to give, ac-
cording to the evidence,
If any of the 12 persons, whose names shall first be drawn
from the box, shall be set aside on account of challenge,
their places shall be supplied by .ome of the remaining six,
ZohI names shall afterwards, in like manner, be drawn
from the box ; and if by these means t^e number of twelve
competent jurors cannot be completed from the persons
summoned, the Court will direct the sheritt o make up
the jury from the persona then present in i^ourl.
To render the attendance as easy as possible to the ju-
rors the Court will, as soon as a jury of twelve persons
shall have been formed, the rest of the persons who
were summoned to return to their homes; and if. upon a
subsequent trial, any members of the original jury should
be ob?ected to on the ground of mterest towards either of
the contending parties, their places shall be supplied by a
tales de circumstanlibus.
On the other hand, the Court will mwt rigidly enforce
the attendance of juror?, by imposing a nuc oi *«=. i^^.^.y
^ fffmo^v.
instance where the absence of the jnror shall notbeexcusea
whpn rr"' *? ^^ ^.^""^'^^^ '° ^'^^ ^^"••t' »'ef«''*^ the hour
When the party was bound to attend, under the hand of
?mmpdJ^f^r'l''^!^?^'li-^' practitioner. The fine to be
cTnnM / '^7^^ ''y .^'Stress; and where sufficient goods
X>m if '•*'•""/ *r?.''fy ^.'^^ *''^^''^«'''' ^he party against
TnZ J T^"^ '''"'l ^^^ imprisoned, under an order of
i^ourt, for the space of 48 hours.
«J/!I'? "o""«"endartce of the juror shall have been occa^
fn?^ffi ^ ^17 ^''^'"'''^ "^S'ect on the part of thesummon-
fin^e and'oen^h- '"''' t'^\ ^^ ^"^^^^^^ to'precisely the same
t A K P^"«^/'P as the former would have been liable to
had he been duly summoned.
ilAn^^T '''!''".'' ^"'"^^^«»' the jury will be allowed in
IvonJ I ""^^^'^ ^^^""y case where the party shall not be
In those places where a competent numberof persons can.
not be procured to form petty juries, the circuit j, win fiC
and appomt some certain day, or days, for the disprtch of
crimmal busmess ; and two days before the dav so fiv.,1
and appomfed by him, the sheriff, or his prober officer
shall summon, by a written notice, fIve .nai^s?ra'es res ' i
dmg w.tJnn SEVEN miles of the place wh'erTlhe Co' "t
shall be holden, to attend the Courl on the day appoin^d
to act as assessors. ^ «Fpoiniea,
to the Court m such manner as it shall require.
Thfe names of the maffistrates in a**«n,io««^ «i,-.ii k.
pui mtu a box, written on separate»lip7"of pa^cT, ^d"th;
efore the hour
' the hand of
he fine to be
ifficient goods
party against
: an order of
?e been occa*
' the summon'
sely the same
>een liable to
I allowed in
• shall not be
g fees to any
persons can-
udge will fix
e dispatch of
Jay so fixed
roper oflicer,
strates, resi-
re the Court
y appointed,
upon every
having been
shall be ex-
be certified
er, and the
first three names drawn from thence shall form the asses-,
sors for the trial of tiie first cause, unless there shall be
legal ground of objection to any of them ; in which case
the place of the person so objected to shall be supplied
by another name to be drawn from the box.
The magistrates, whose names were not drawn from the
box at the trial of the first cause, shall form part of the as-
sessors for the trial of the second cause ; and one or two
more, as the case may require, shall be added to them,
taken by lot, from those magistrates who were engaged oa
the former trial,
If, in consequence of challenges, or the absence of ma«»
gistrates, three disinterested persons cannot be procured in
the place where the Court is then holden, the prisoner shall
be conveyed to the next place in the circuit where the
Court will sit, and shall be tried there.
For his attendance at Court, each magistrate who has
been summoned will be entitled to lOs. (id.; and he will
also receive the same sum for each cause in which he may
act as an assessor.
xxxiii. ^
Under a persuasion that no professional assistance can.
be obtained by the suitors in many parts of the island
where the Circuit Courts will be holden, the Judges have
endeavoured to construct the process and practice of these
Courts in such a manner that every person may be equal to
the management of his own cause. The practitioners in the
Supreme Court will, however, at all times, be at liberty to
practice in the Circuit Courts ; and the parties who employ
them may, upon application, have their bills taxed by the
The registrar of deeds will be authorized to charge the
following fees:-T—
T7^j. #1»A ■natn*i/\tt on A .y fa on\ont finA r^MVIotPW Cif it fIf»PQ
or will under £100, 10s.
And when the value exceeds £100 a Pf <^«»*^S;^^«^|!!J
rate of one percent, for the tirst £100, and 58. in the £100
for all above that amount. . , j u„ii „m «n
If the value of the property to be 7g»«^;;:«^^„f f^^^
pearwith sufficient certainty upon the face o{ the instru.
ment, it must be ascertained by the oath of the party ten-
dering it for registration.
For the registry of every grant of land, under I £o 6
100 acres ^ nioo!
And for grants exceeding 100 acres " a" "
For every certiBcate from the record oiO
For an inspection of the record
In Felonies the reasonable expenses of prosecutors and
Jnesses as settled by the Court, and the allowance to
j^u?res Tasses^or^. wilt be paid by >h^sheri,ff and charged
a the account of the district in J^^ich the trial may be had
but in Misdemeanours those charges will be borne Dy lue
mosecator, unless the court shall deem it ^^X/J^es
fievehim f^m the payment of costs : »«J^ ^.^/^ ^^^^^^^^^
shall be paid by the sheriff, under the 6at of the prcsiain^
Fuel candles, stationary, and all other necessaries for
the court will be Provided by the sheriff, from time to
t?me under the order of any of the Judges thereof, and
charged by him in his public account.
Until the Judges shall have acquired, by experience a
more pXt knowledge than they now po^^ess of the ac-
Sal sLe and condition of the other parts of the island,
S^y wUl fee? themselves prevented fr^n -i^^^^^^^^
fheTa^rerbe rnfolcedr'At the same time the Judges aie
t centagri at the
58. in the £100
ed shall not ap-
le of the instru-
of the party ten-
£0 6
f prosecutors and
be allowance to
Tiff, and charged
trial may be had ;
I be borne by the
necesary to re-
which case they
it of the presiding
er necessaries for
triff, from time to
dges thereof, and
by experience, a
possess of the ac*
arts of the island,
om attempting to
igs of the circuit
equire the aid of
es, or regulations,
appear on paper,
ss they are pro-
esociety in which
me the Judges are
deeply impressed with a sense of the importance of method
and order m all judicial proceedings; and it will, accord-
ingly, be their constant and most earnest endeavour to
engraft upon these rules every regulation tending to the
advancement of method and order which the condition of
the country will, in their opinion, admit of.
All the regulations prescribed by the general rules and
orders of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, re-
specting the qualifications of jurors, the mode of summon-
ing thereof, and the fines and penalties to which they will
become liable upon their neglect to attend, will be observed
and enforced in the Circuit Court of the Central District
when the sittings of that Court are holden in the town of
Saint John ; but, if its sittings shall at any time be holden
' in other parts of the district, the same course of proceed-
ings upon those points which has been enjoined in regard
i to the other Circuit Courts, as belter adapted to the circum-
;* stances and condition of the smaller towns and settlements
^ of this island, will be strictly followed in it.
I The original writ which has been framed in the Supreme
—Jourt of Newfoundland for co-partners, joint-tenants, or
tenants in common, to compel a partition of the property
:^n which they may be interested inany of those characters,
ftvill also be used in the Circuit Courts: and all the rules
ivhich have been formed, touching the manner of proceed-
ing in a sail for partition, in the former Court, will like-
wi'se be adhered to in these Courts ; with this only differ-
ence — that where the whole value of the property, of which
the division is desired by some of the part-owners thereof,
ihall not exceed the sum of one hundred pounds sterling,
and the fact of the joint-possession of the demandant and
tenant shall be clearly established, either by a plea of
confession, or by a finding in favour of the demandant,
upon the plea that they do not hold together, the Court
will direct a partition of the property to be immediately
made by the sheriff, or his proper officer, in such manner
as may seem to be most suitable to the parjiicular circum-
stances of the case, and best calculated to afford real jus^
^t^ t ' .J^U . ' 1^ < * l;.; .^g»»* « '? » '0 "P i IMP --
tice to all the parties concerned. And a partition made in
this particular manner, unless appealed from, shall be final,
and effectually binding upon all sorts of persons.
In the case above described the parties will, probably, he
generally relieved from the chaise of six guineas for a
jury, to divide the property ; but the price of the original
lyrit, and all the costs of the proceedings in a suit for par-
tition, will be precisely the same in the Circuit Courts as
in the Supreme Court of !NewfoundIand.
N. B. The /irst and thirty-sixth rules of the Circuit
Courts have not been confirmed by His Majesty.
■««it^'!>* -mt '
^mtev» fi(longiit0 to m Txipmnt antf
€ixtnii (!roiitt0*
DAVID BUCHAN Esq. (Potl-captain in Ihe Royal Naty). High Sheriff.
CHAULBS DICKSON ARCHIBALD, Esq. (Barnsler of NwvaSeotia),
Chief Clerk of ike Supreme Court.
JOHN BROOM. Sen. Esq. Clerk of the Arraignt.
JAMES BLAIKIE. E^q. Acting Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court.
PETER WESTON CARTER, Esq. Acting Clerk of the Central CtrcuU
Court. •-
JOHN STARK, Eaq. Clerk of the Nmihem Circuit Court.
BENJAMIN G. GARRETT. Esq. Clerk of the Southern Circuit Court
AARON H06SETT, E«q. Deputy Sheriff in the Central District.
NICHOLAS STABB, Esq. Deputy Slwriffin the Northern Dutrict.
EWEN STABB« Esq. Deputy Sheriff in the Soutbetn District.
mx^om tntiiltti to praettf^e in m £tipt;cme
atm atixtnit ^outto.
•TAMES SIMMS, Esq. Ilis 3Iajeslys AttorneyGeHeral,
i .';
JOtiN BIlOOM.Jun. Eb(].
llUneilT R. WAKEUAM, E*q.