IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ^a JIIIM III 2.5 ':' lib lll'l^ il^o 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" — ► VI ^ "% '1? 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "%^ V w (/s CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historic|ues :\ , . i >■ / THE in PERI AL CONSOLIDATION ACT. '). ^ r ■,-J£ An act for the ve-organlsaliov nf llir Ifovw of Lordu, untl In itroriiU' )r/tr<'Sfnlo.w.t.*i/r/(N. WHEREAS the possessioriH of Her Majesty in various parts of the world abroad have in these late years greatly increased in population, wealth, and importance, and continue to increase not only by their natural and internal progress, and by the transfer to them of population from' foreign countries, but also by the emigration and ri'sort thereto and the settlement therein of great numbers of Her .Majesty's subjects of (Ireat Britain and Ireland. And ivlwreoM, to the end that the feeling of loyalty to her Majesty's throne and person, and of attachment to the Mother Country and the free Government thereof, which have ever been displayed by the inhabitants of the colonies and (lependencies may be maintained and fostered, it is right and exix'dient that they shoidd be enabled to participate in the legislative govi'rnment of the Empire by tiieir rejjresentatives in the Inii^erial Parliament, and so consolidate in a closer political union Her Majesty's subjects in ah parts of her domiiuons • And irliiTfax it is of ancient usage and right that no tax or toUage should be imposed on Her Majesty's subjects, except on tlieir consent thereto by their represen- tatives in Parliament, but t'lat they should of their free will and pleasure give and grant to Her ]\hijesty supplies for the maint<'nance of her Royal dignity and govern- ment, and for the defence of lu'r Domiuimis l\v laud and si'a ; And irht'ri'iis the JniMeriai Parliament has ever had, has and of right ought to have, full and su])reme po'ver i.nd authority to make laws binding upon Her Majesty's sub- jects in all parts of h< i- dominions in all matters tnuching the general weal of the Empire, and the maintenance and defenct' of the same, and it is right and expi'dieiu that representatives of all liritish possessions should have seats in tin- House of Lords, and that the Constitution of the Imperial Parliament should be amended for such pur- pose in the manner in this act provided : Be it then>fore enacted, &i'., 1. The short title of this act is " The Imi)erial Consolidation Act." 2. This Act shall come into oi)eratiou so far as regards the I'nited Kingdom of (ireat Britain and Ireland on day of . lU , and a copy shall immediately, on the passing thereof, be sent to the (iovernor of each ]5ritisii colony or dependency, who shall cause it to be published therein, but this act shall not takV effect in any of said colonies or dependencies until after it has been approved and adopted by its Parliamen. or Government, nor until steps have been taken by the saiil Government, in accordance with the provisions of this act. to send deU'gates to ivpresent it in the House of Lords. PART 1. Of the Iliiiixv of Lordii, or (ireat Connetl of the Em/iiri. 3. The House of Lords shall consist of the T^ords spiritual at i)resent possessing seats therein, and of the Lords of Parliament, Imperial Councillors, and Imixnial Delegates elected, appointed, or deputed, as by this Act provided. 4. Thept^ers of the United Kingdom shall elect three hundred of their numb*>r, and the peers so elected shall be Lords of Parliament for life. The number of such represen- tative Lords of Parliament, to b*' electetl by the iH'ers oi England, Ireland and Scotland respectively, shall be ileterinined by and b(' in proportion to the relative population of these countries. 5. Such elections shall be conducted in the same manner as that heretofore in force for the election of the representative peers in Ireland. 6. It Hhall be hiwfiil for Her ^rajcHty, from time to time, by her myal letters patent, to apixiiiit swell porsoiis as she thinks lit to be IniiM-rial CoinieilloiN fnf life, to represent India, the crown depeiideneies, and (he self-governinjj; colonies in the Honse of Lords, HO soon as saitl eonntries have expressed their apjiroval of this act, their willingness to b(Maxed for Iinperial i)urposes, and have taken the necessary steps, by this Act pro vitled, for sending dele; ntes from their resiH'ctive Parliaments' or (iovernments to the House of Lords, bnt so .hat not more than fifty peisons so appointed for life shall have seats therein at any one time Sneh councillors shall hold their seats on the same con- ditions as the othi'r Lords of Parliament, and shall, while holding such seats, rank as barons in the order of their patents. 7. l^pon any vacancy of the seat of an ehcted Lord by death or ri'signation, a fri'sh election shall be held by the peers of that country of the Tnited Kingdom in whose representation the vacancy has occurred. If such vacancy should take place in the representation of any of the other divisions of the Emi)ire tlian the United Kingdom, a fresh appointment shall be made by Iler Majesty. S. The sons of the (iueen being of full age, and every ])eer holding or having heldthe office of Lord High Chancellor of the Kmpire, and every Lord of Parliament holding or having held office as one of Her Majesty's Imix'rial Ministers, shall be a Lord of Parlia- ment, and shall hold his seat for life; unless he resigns the same. 9. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to .affect in any manner the royal prerogative to (create jirivileges or titles of rank and honor. 10. After each general election in the United Kingdom oi members of the Honse of Commons, the said House shall select eighty of their nundxM' to be members of the Hou.«e of Lords, The persons so si'lected shall be called Im])erial delegates, and shall hold their seats diu'ing the teiin of the existence of the Parliament selecting them. 11. It shall form part of the business and duties of the Hou.«i' of Lords to take diligent care of, and provide for, the expenses of Her Majesty's throne and court, of the naval defence of the P'anpire, its fortresses and coaling stations, of the War office, of the diplomatic and consular services, of the Foreign and Colonial Offices, of the various means of Imperial inter-communication, and of all other dei)artments and undertakings generally useful to the whole l'ani)ire. 12. It sliall be lawful for (he House of Lords to levy duties of a uniform rate and character on all foreign importations into any part of the I'jnpire, over and above the local tariff in force there, to such an extent as will defray the Imperial expenditures foi the purposes mentioned in the 11th clause of this Act. 8uch uniform Imperial impoit duties shall, however, not be levied in any one of Her ]\Lijesty's colonies anretofore presided over by the Secretary of State fo, War, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, th^ Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Secretary of State for India, the Lord Chancellor, etc., sliaiU hereaft' r bo regarded as Iniix>rial departments, and separated from thosi cliarged with the administration of the affairs of tlie United Kingdom. 18. Besides the departments, enuinerati'd in clauses 10 and 17 of this act, it shall bi . ) 5 TH patent, ivprcsiMif nf Lords, iiigncsH to ■i Act pro- iits to the "liall have saiiii' con- s, rank as in, a frcsli in wiiosc iicc in tlu- in<^(loni, a g holdtlu" lolding or of Parlia- tlio royal the Ilonsc x'rs of tlic and sliali leni. ce diligent the naval ;e, of the le varions lertakings I rate and above the litnres for ial import lies and manner revi'n\ic It. lonse ol' Imperial he ports inperial garding lation of al Parlia- ive Vx'eii )ritv. •s of the dence oi listration > House on th( 1 of the Colonin ' State fo. airs, thi incellor m thosi shall b. ) lawful to establish another fur the collection anil care nf the Imperial Hi-venue, and the disbursement of Imperial expenditures, which shall be known as the Treasury of the Kinpire, anil which shall be |)r<'sided over by an Imperial Treasurer. The acenunts of this Department shall be kept entiri'ly distinct fromthosi- of lier Maji-sty's Ivxcheipier for the I nited Kingdom. li). Tlie Ih'partmeut of thi' S-cretary of State for War, besides having control of the navy and the Imi»erial fortresses and coaling stations, in times both of peace and war, shall, on the outbreak of the latt»'r, also have authority over the military forces of the I'nited Kingdom, and of the colonies and dependencies, in order the iu'tter to pro- vide for the united and ellicieiit defence of tlu' whole Kmpire, an[)ulations of England, Scotland, and Ireland. PART l\. Of lltr rclolloiiK of tlii' (iorrniiiiciiln of llii' Coloiilrx mid Dependencies tn tin Ifmiye nf Lorda. 24. Should the Parliament or (iovermnent of any of Her Majesty's colonies or pf)Ssessions approve of the terms of this Act, it shall be lawfid for the authorities there establisluul to inform Her Maji'sty's Imperial (Jovernment of the fact, and to make applicat'on for representation in the House of Lords or |)endencies of the Empire which have (jbtained ImiK'rial representation, to cause the officials in their custom houses at the various ports of entry within their several territories to collect, in addition to the duties levied under the local tariff, the duties imposed by the ImixMial Council, and to remit the same to the Imperial Treasury, without any deduction whatever. X 'jy. Ah HOI III iiH any one oses of the dominion thev represent, and shall bear the name proportion to it aH t lie number of delegates from tlie House of CommoiiH of the I'nited Kmgilom (eighty) Ix-arn to its taxation for ImjM'rial pin-poses. ;U). It shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Representative in India, and the (»overnor.s in the various Crown dependencies, to apiioint from among the nienibers of the CouncilH or T>'gislaturea in I'ach deiu'iidency such a number of Imperial delegates as corresponds t West Indies 1 British Africa 1 100 Total 48<1 \-^mm- '^fiK "W^ f, V \n 'It h- I (if Camuln, itidii ill the I) its Ilnlisc II linltl scats itiiig tlii'in. nxatiuii for ' nmportioii '(I Kiiijidiim * (ii)V('rnors Ix'is of the delegates as J iiieiitioiietl tiie 1( rill ol mc'il of the \^ X "■ . "* JP >* J ^ ^ M t ' " "N > '