.0 i> y .^ THE Eailway and Steamboat Eoutes " ^'f^. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA; ACCOMPAMISD BY A. TA.BL,E, SHOWING THE CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, ^' ! .; AND GIVINa THE DISTANCE FROM EACH PLACE TO THE NEAREST . - STATION OR PORT. . „ T ' ■ ■•','■■ .' ■*■ : V BY P. A. CROSSBY. g-;;;; JOHN LOVELL, PUBLISHER ST. NICHOLAS STREET; ..v" JOHN LOVELL & SONS, PUBLISHERS, LAKE SHORE PR] -■..*>*— — ^^^ Ent«red according to Act of PsrUament, In the year one thousand eight hundred and ierentx-three, by JOBW hOYBhh, in tho office of the Mlalrter of Agriculture a&i Statiatica of the Dominion of CKoadft. CI I8T3 INDEX TO THE FOLLOWING EOUTES. .♦• ' RAILWAYS. •' i h Aa Ab Ac Ad Ao Af As B Bn Bb Bo Bd Be C Cn\ D Da B Ea F O Oa H Ha Hb I J K L Grand Trunk, West of Montreal. M " " Kiist " " N " " Portland dWlslon. Na " " Three Uivers branch. O " " Ilouse'M Point division. P " " Lachtno dlTislon. Q " " BufEulo and Ooderich brnncli. R " " London branch. S Croat AVestern, Main lino. T " " Toronto branch. Ta " " Sarnia branch. V Tb " " Canada Air Lino. To " " Pctrolia branch. U " " BrHntford branch. V WclMngton, Grey and Bruce, Main line. Va " •' South Qstouslon. Vb Northern, AV " Muskoka branch. X Toronto, Grey i.nU Bruce, Maiii line. Y " " " Owen Sound branch. Z Toronto and Nl pissing. Za Midland, Main line. Zb " Petorlrorough branch. Zc Canada Soutliern, Main line Zd " ." St. Clair division. Zo " " Erie and Niagara division. Zf Welland. zs Ldndou and Port .Stanley. Zh Cobourg, I'eterborough and Marmora, Zi Whitby and Port Perry. St. Lawrence and Ottawa, Brockvillc and Ottawi^ Main lino. " " Pertii branch. Canada Central, Vermont Central, Staustoud, Shoftord and Chambly. Soutli Eastern. Ma.ssawippi Valli-y. Intercolonlul, Main line. " St. John branch. " Shedlac branch. " Plctou branch. Windsor and Annapolis. Now Brunswick and Canada, Main line. " •' " St. Stephen branch. " " '• Houlton liranch. European and North American, (consolidated.) Fredcrlcton branch. St. Lawrence and Industry. . ,, ,.^, Quobec and Gosford. Hamilton and Lake Eric. Kingston and Prnibroke Montreal, Chambly and Korel. Montreal Northern Coloniz;ition. St. Ki-ancl-i and Lake Megautlc luternatlonaL Lijvls and Kennebec. Xorth Slioro. New Brunswick, Prince I::dward Island. STEAMERS. I Canadian Navigation Company. 8 Ottawa Iliver Navigation Company 3 Union J'orwarding and Railway Company. 4 Rldeau CanaL fi Montreal and ComwalL C Bay of Qulnte and Kirer St. Lawrence. 7 Bay of Qulnte. 8 Toronto and Port Dalhousie, 9 Toronto and Ni.agara, 10 Port Stanley and Sarnla. 11 Windsor and Leamington. 18 Windsor and Suugeeu. 13 Laki! Simcoe. 14 Muskoka. 15 Colllngwood and Owen Sound. 16 " " Sault Ste. Marie. 17 " •• Duluth. 18 Lindsay and Coboconk. 19 Pi!torboroiiph and Haliburton. 20 LakeHeUl and Burleigh Road. 21 Poit I'erry and LltLdnay. 22 Carlctoti Place and InniaviUe. 33 Ricludiou Navigation Company, ft Montreal «^d 'Chx&fi Bifett, 25 Montreal and Berthler en hau$, 2G " " Chambly. 27 " " T(rrel)onne. 23 St. Ilyacinthe and St. Ccsaire. 29 Montreal imd Gulf Ports. 30 Quoboc and Gulf Ports, 31 Quebec and St. Nicholas. 32 " " St.Jo.m. 33 " " St. Anno do la Perado. 34 " " Sagucnay. 35 St. Jolm, N.n., and Fredericton. 30 St. John, N.B., and Grand Lake. 37 St. John, N.B., and St. Stephen. I 38 Point du Chtne, N.B., and Campbolltcn. • ■ ' ' 3» " " " and Prince Edward Island. 40 Halifax and Yarmouth. 4i Bras d'Or Lake. ( " * :" 43 Charlottetown and Alborton. 43 Charlottetown and Vleloria, 44 St. John's, Nfld., Southward. 45 " " Northward. . . 46 Portugal Cove and Carbonear. . „ 47, 48, 49, 50 British Columbia. &l Red lUvcr. ■riuv KEY TO THE RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT ROUTES IN THE DOMINIOK OF CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND, Showinpf aU the places, with their distances, on each; also all the Routes in the Uiiilcd States with wliich those in the Dominion connect. The means of transfiort witii the chief cities bcin? very frequent, no direct connections in regard to them require to be noticed. Railway' Routes are clcsi,!jii:it(!(l hy letters ; Steamboat Rotites by numbers. A.— By Grand Trunk Railway, from ITIONTREAL westward to— MILKS Lachine Junction 2 10 Polnte Claire H St. Anne's.. ....... ?1 Vandreuil 24 Cedars 2f) St. Dominiqno.... in Coteau Landing.. 37 River Beaudette., 4;t Lancaster . . 54 Summcr.-itown. . . . 5.0 Cornwall (i7 Mille Roches 72 Wales 77 Farraii's Point... . 81 Aultsville 8.-! ^Morrishiir? 92 Matilda (Iroquois) 9!) Edwaril-ibiir^ 1(14 Prescott Junction. 112 MII-ES Mnitland IJO Brockville 125 Lyn 129 llallorytown 158 Laiisdov.iie 110 G ananoque 1 55 Ballantyne'B . . .. ](;2 Kingston 172 Collins Bay ISO l';rno>town 187 .Napanee 198 Tycndinasa 20(i Slianiionville 21 ."i Belleville 220 Trenton 2:!2 Bri.4hton 241 Oolhome 249 Grafton 256 Cobourg 2fi4 Port Hope 270 MILES Xe\vtonville 279 Newcastle 28C Bownianville 290 Oshpwa: 299 Whiiby 303 Duffln's Creek.... 310 Frenchman's Bay. S12 I'ortUnion 316 Si-arborough 322 Don 3:!1 Toronto 333 Carlton 338 Weston 341 Malton 348 Brampton 354 Norval 360 Georgetown 362 Liinehouse 365 Acton West 368 Rockwood 374 MILES Guelph ;:hi Breslau J^)! Berlin .-.. 396 I'etersburg 402 Baden 405 Hamburg 408 Shakspeare 4 1 .'J Stratford 421 St. Mary's 432 Granton 441 Lucan 417 Ailsa Craig 454 Park Hill 461 Widder (Thedford) 470 Forrest 479 Aberarder. 483 Camlachie 488 Perch 492 Sai'nia 501 Detroit 664 Connects with M at Prescott Junction ; N at Brockville ; Zb at Kingston ; It at Cobourg ; O at Port Hope ; \j at ^Tiitby ; F* at Scarborough Junction ; Ba^ I>) Ey 8 and 9 at Toronto I C at Guelph ; London branch at St. Jfary's ; Detroit and Milwaukee, Michigan Central, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, and Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Railroads at Detroit ; and with Steamer for Lake Superior at Sarnia ; Steamer for Rochester at Port Hope ; Steamer for Capo Vincent and Oswego at Kingston ; and Ferry for Ogdensburgh at Prescott. Will also connect at Cotean Landing with the Montreal and Ottawa Junction Railway, now con- structing. Aa.— (Eastern division Grand Trunk Railway) from MONTREAIi eastward to— St. Lambert 7 vSt. Hubert 10 St. Bruno 15 Belccil 21 St. Hilaire 22 Soixante 2S St. Hyacinthe ;;5 Britannia Mills. . . 42 •St. Liboii'e 45 Upton.... 48 Acton 54 Danby 62 Kew Durham 6() Richmond 7i> Warwick 100 Arthabaska. 108 Stan fold ( Trince- villc) 118 Somerset (Plessis- ville) 123 Becancour 1 .'ll Lvstcr lv!5 Methofs Mills.... 143 Blark River 152 Craig's Road 157 Chauditre 1 63 Chaudiere Curve. . 104 lladlow 170 Quebec (by ferry). 173 St. Jean Chrysos- tome 184 St. Henry 189 St. Charles 197 St. Michel 201 St.Vallier 207 St. Fran9oi8 or Berthier 212 St. Pierre 215 St. Thomas 220 Cap St. Ignace ... 227 L'Anse&Gile 2;;0 L'Islet 234 TroisSaumons.... 237 St. Jean Port Joli. 243 Elgin Road 246 St.Roch 250 Ste. Anne 257 Rivifire Ouelle 263 St. Denis.. 268 St. Paschal 273 Ste. H616ne 279 St. Andr6........ 282 St. Alexandre.... 286 Lake Road (Notre- Damedu Portage) 202 Riviere du Loup (Fraserville) ... 298 Cacouna 300 Danville 88 | South Quebec 172 Connects with 28 at St. Hyacinthe ; Portland branch at Richmond ; Three Rivers branch at Arthabaska ; 30 and 34 i*t Quebec ; and T at Rivi6re du Loup ; also, dnrlng season of navigation, witli the Allan and Dominion Line of Steamers at Quebec, and Zll J now constructing, . ,., Will also connect with Zc, Zf KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. Ab.— (Portland division Grand Trunk Railway) from RICHjUOND southward to — "Wiiidsor 10 Brorupton Falls... IM Shorbrooko 2.> Lennox villc 28 Watcrville 85 Coniptou 38 lUchby 42 Coaticook AG Bonndary Lino . . 54 I.-livnd i'ond 72 Uorham 150 Mechanic Falls... 185 Divnvillo Junction lf)5 Portland 221 Connects with main line at Richmond ; S at Lonnoxville ; Maine Central Railway (for Bangor, where it connects with the European and North American Railway for St. John, N.B.) at Divavillo Junction; Portland and Oxford Central Railway at Mechanic Falls; and at Portland with Railways to and from Boston and New York, Steamers to and from St. Jolin, N.B., and Halifax, N.3. ; and, in winter, the Allan lino of Steamers. Will also connect with Zf now constructing. Ac»— (Three Rivers branch Grand Trunk Railway) from ARTHABASKA. north- ward to— Walker's Cutting. 4 I Aston 18 I St. Gr6{?oir6 .SI I Three Rivers (by Bulstrode 11 | St. C61estin 25 j Douctt's 35 | ferry) 37 Connects with the main line at Arthabaska. Ad*— (Champlain division Grand Trunk Railway) from JTIONTREAIi southward to — fct. Lambert 7 I Lacadie 20 I Grande Ligne 33 I Lacolle 44 BroBseau's 12|st.Johns 27 | Stottsville 3!) j Rouse's Point 60 Connects with P and <^ at St. Johns; and with Vermont Cenr.ral Railway and Lake Champlain Steamers at Rouse's Point. A6» — (Lachine and Province Line division Grand Tnmk Railway) from MONTREAIj southward to — Lachine 8 Caughnawaga .... 10 St. Isidore 15 St. R6mi 21 La Pigeonni&re. .. 25 Hughes' 28 Johnson's 32 Hemmingf ord .... 36 Province Line.... 40 Connects with 1 j 2) 5) 6 at Lachine, and with the Montreal and Plattsburgh Railway at Province Line. Af.— (Buffalo division Grand Tnmk Railway) from BUFFA liO northwestward to — FortErie 2 Bertie 9 Port . Colbomo .... 19 Wainfleet 25 Feeder .32 Dunnville 38 Canficld 46 Cook's 51 Caledonia... 59 Middleport 65 Onondaga G8 Cainsville 72 Brantford 76 Paris 84 Richwood 89 Druuibo 92 Bright 97 llatho 10;) Tavistock 107 Stratford 115 Sebringville 120 Mitchell 128 Carron Brook 133 Seaforth 139 Clinton 14.S Goderich 160 Connects with New York Central and Erie Railways at Buffalo ; I at Port Colbome ; Be and H at Canticld ; Za at Caledonia ; Be at Brantford ; B at Paris ; A at Stratford ; and Steamers for Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port Elgin, and Southampton ; and for North Shore Ports of Lake Huron and Lakn Superior, and for Duluth, at Goderich. AK.~(London branch Grand Trunk Railway) from ST. MARY'S southward to — Thorndale 12, London 23 miles. ; Connects with J at London. ^ B.— By Great Western Railway, from SUSPFIVSION BRIDGG westward to— St. David's 2 Meritton Junction (late Thorold).. 9 St. Catharines. .. . 11 Jordan 17 Beamsville 22 Grimsby 27 Winona 32 Stoney Creek 37 Hamilton 43 Dandas 49 Copetown .... Lynden Harrisburg. . . Pux'is Princeton . . . Goble'a (late nold's) Governor's Road. Kastwood Woodstock Beachville Ar- 55 69 62 72 79 81 84 86 91 96 Ingersoll 100 Dorchester 110 Waubuno 113 London 119 Komoka 129 Mount Brydges... 134 Longwood 140 Appin 145 Glencoe 160 Newbury l^G Bothwell 161 Thamesville 168 Lewisville 174 Vosburg 178 Chatham 180 Baptibte Creek... 198 Stonoy Point 203 Rochester 210 Belle River 212 Tecumseh 221 Windsor 229 Detroit 230 Connects with New York Centxa «Bd Erie Railroads at Suspension Bridge ; I at St. Catharines ; KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. Za and 1 at Hamilton ; Af at Paris ; J at London ; Bo at Qlencoe ; and Michigan Central, Detroit and Wilwankee, and Michigan Sonthcrn llailways at Detroit. Ba,— (Toronto branch Great Western Railway) from TORONTO southwestward to— Hamilton 39 Miniiro 7 | Oakvillo Port Credit 14 | Bronto . 22 2U W^lllnorton Siiuaro 32 Waterdown 85 Connects with A) D, E), F, and 1 at Toronto ; and main line and Za at Hamilton. Bb.—(Sarni£t branch Great Western Railway) from IjONDON westward to — Watford 3:1 Wanstead 42 Wyoming i'etrolia Junction. 45 4U ]\Ianilaurain. ai >Saruia CI KoTiioVa 10 Ftnitlirny 20 Kerwood. 2(> Connects Avith main lino at London ; branch line for Petrolia at Wyoming ; and A at Samia. Also, with daily lino of Steamers between Sarnia and the following jjoints— Cornnna, Moore- toM'n, Sombra, Walla?cburg, Baby's Point and St. Clair ; Marine City, Lexington, Saginaw and Bay City ; and tri-weokly, to Goderich, Bayfield and Kincardine ; and weekly to all points on Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior. Be. — (Canada Air Line, Great Western Railway) from BUPFAIjO westward to — Fort Erie 3 Stcvoiisville 12 Welliind Junction. 21 J Wclland Canifl... 22 Mar=liviiie 30^ Canfleld Junction 4fiJ Cavuiia 53 Xolle's Corners. . . . 5M.i Jarvis fitii Simcoo TT.J Nicksville 81 i Delhi t;e Courtland !):I3 Tilsonburg J)7 Corinth ....104 Aylmcr 112 St,. Thomaa 122^ Thames River.... 137 Glencoe 160 Connects with New York Central and Erie railways at Buffalo ; I at Welland .Junction ; Af at Canfleld Junction ; Za at Jarvis ; H and J at St. Thomas ; and with the main line at Glencoe. Bd.— (Petrolia branch Great Western Railway) from WYOMING southward to — Petrolia Junction 1, Petrolia 6 miles. Connects with main line at Wyoming. Be. — (Brantford branch Great Western Railway) from IIARRISBURG southward to — Brantford, 8 miles. Connects with the main line at Harrisburg, and Af at Brantford. C— By Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, from HARRISBURG northward to— Walkerton 97 Dwnlield 102 I'inkerton 106 Paisley 112 Port Elgin 125 So ath am pton 1 29 Connectswith B at Harrisburg ; A at Guelph ; Ca at Palmerston ; E at Harriston ; and Lakea Huron and Superior Steamers at Southampton. Ca.— (Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, South Extension,) from PAIilTIERSTON northward to — Ei'anchton 6 vi alt ->••.•■....•. 12 Preston l(i Hespoler 1!) Guelph 27 Elora 41 Fer,:^us 43 Alma 4t) Gokl.stone 55 Drayton 6!) Moorefield 63 Palmerston 70 Harriston 7(5 ClifTord 82 Mildmay 91 Ethel 21f Wingham Ahileyville 27.i Bluevale 34 .38 Lucknow 50 Gowanstown bS Li.stowel i) Newry 14i| Connects with the main line at Palmerston. D.— By Northern Railway of Canada, from TORONTO northward to— Huron 53 Kincardine 66^ sv Davenport 6 Weston 8 Thornhill 14 Richmond Hill... 18 King 22 Aurora 30 Kewmarket 34 Holland Landing. 38 Bradford 41 8 anlcms 44 Gilford 49 Li'froy 62 Bell Ewart 63 Bramley 66 Allendale 63 Barric 64 Harrison's 68 Utopia 71 Angus 73 New Lowell 78 Stayner 85 Batteaux 91 Collingwood. 94 Craigleith 100 Thornbury 107 Meaford 115 Connects'with A, Ba, £, F, 1 , 8 and 9 at Toronto ; 1 3 at Bell Ewart ; Maskoka branch itt Allendale ; and 15)16 and 1 7 at Colling^vood. ;l;.f vf; KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. Da.— (lliiskoka branch Northern Railway) from ALIilJ^NDALE eastward to— Barrio l|Gowan.... 7 | Ilawkstone 15 | Orlllia 2S Connont3 with O at Orillia; alao, with Steamers to Washago, and Stage to Oravenhurst, Bracebridgo and I'arry Sound. E.— By Toronto, Oroy and Bruco Railway, from TORONTO northwestward to — Woiton 9 Hr.itili-r Summit.. l!i WofMlbridjjo ICi Kliu?!l)urj; '21 Bolton (Albion).. 27 Mono Road i>'2 Chiirlo^ton 41 Alton 4(! Onumcvillo 40 Amaranth 6'i Luther 61 Artlinr 7:5 Konlhvorth 73 Mount Forest 8:! llarriston 87 aorrie 102 Wroxeter 105 Ll.^adel 10!) T<•o^wat(!r 120 Kincardine 143 Connects with A, Ba, D^ F^ 1 , 8 and 9 at Toronto ; branch to Owen Sound at Orangovillo ; and O at llarriston. Ea.— (Owen Sound branch Toronto, Grey and Bruco Railway) from ORANGEVIIjLK northward to — Shclburno L'ii Dundalk 27j Proton 85 Chatsworth CO WilliauLsford 5:t Rockf ord C5 Owun Sound 74 Fleshorton .17 Markdalo 4:) Berkeley 48 Connects with the main line at Orangevillc ; and with 1 5 and Steamer to and from Colpoy's Bay at Owen Sound. F,— By Toronto and Niplssing Railway, from TORONTO northeastward to— Scarborough Junc- tion 9 Agiuc'ourt 14 TJnionvillo 20 Markham 22 Stouffville 2!) Goodwood ;-)4 Uxbridgo 41 Wick 41) Sunderland 5;j Canninv'ton 6.9 Wo.Klviile 6;J MMlaiid Junction, (i'> Ar;j;ylo CG Eldon 71 V<)rta,:?#Road 74 Kirklield 7tf Vii'toria Roail. ... 79 Cobl)(•onk^or Shud- den.) 88 Connects with A, Ba, D, E, 1 j 8 and 9 at Toronto ; and O at Midland Junction. This road is to be built to Lake Nipi*jing (210 miles), there to connect with the Canada Pacific Railway G* — By Midland Railway of Canada, (late Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway), from PORT HOPE northward to— Qnay'R r> Perrvtown Cami)boll'd 10 Summit 14 :\rmbrook 18 r.!thany 24 liriin-iwii'k 2(i Franklin 28 Ornemeo 3.T | Oakwoml 54 KcUy'a S8 I Woodville 58 Li nd ;ay 43 Boaverton 66 Carabray 49 | Urillia 87 Connects with A, 1 and Steamer to Roche ;ter (GO mile?) at Port Hope; F at Midland Junction (Woodville) ; 1 1 at Beaverton ; B at Orillia ; and 1 8 and 2 1 at Lindsay. G-a.— (Peterborough branch Midland Railway) from MILIjBROOK northward to — Fraserville 6, Peterborough I<'3, Lakefiold 22 miles. Connects with main lino at Tilillb'-ook ; 20 at Lakefleld ; and 19 at Peterborough, and Steamer for Bobeaygeon, Mindeu ai d Haliburton. II.— By Canada Southern Railway, from VICTORIA westward to — Erie and Niagai'a Crossing 2 Btevcnsvillo 7 Wclland 17 Perry 26 Atterclitle M Canfield 42 Ciiyuga 48 Hagersville 68 TVaterford 71 Windliam ........ 78 llawtrey 84 Cornell 88 Tilrtonburg 04 Brownsville 00 Springflelil 10.5 Air Line Crossing. 114 St. Thomas 118 Junction St. Clair Division 122 Shoddon 126 Zona i;;i Dutton lo7 Bismarck 144 Rodney 148 Taylor 152 Highgate 156 Ridgotown 162 Cliariiig Cross ... 175 Fletcher 185 Comber 199 Woodsloe 208 Col';hester 221 Amherstburg 229 Connects east with New York Central and Erie Railways ; and wo?t with Michigan Central, Kichigan Southern , and Detroit and Milwaukee Railways ; with Af and Be at Canfield Junction ; and with Za at Hagersville. Ha,— (St. Clair Division Canada Southern Railway) from ST. TII0.7IAS westward to— gouthwold 9 I Great Western I Melbourne 19 I Oil Springs 48 Delaware 14 | Crossing 22 | Alviuaton. .. ..... 35 | Mooretowu 67 Connects with the main line at St. Thomas, ' > ;?,,,,?; ..?v KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. 2S 24 Hb.— (Erio and Niagara branch Canada Sonthcm Railway) from Niagara wnrtwanl to— QuctMistown 6 I Xia,'ara Falb 1 :t I Black Croelc 24 I Fort Erie 31 Suijpousiou Bridge 12 j Chippuwa 17 | I I.— By Welland Railway, from PORT DALIIOUSI£ southward to— Rt. Civtlmrlnes.... 3 I Allinibun? 10 I Welland 17 I Port Colborne.. Tliorokl(.\Ieritt()n) 8 | Port Robinson.... 13 | I Connects with Af at I'ort Colborne ; B at St. Catharines ; and 8 at Port Dalhousie. J,— By London and Port Stanley Railway, from LONDON southward to— Pond MilU 3 I Olftinvorth 8 I St, Tliotnaa 1 5 I Port Stanley .. , ■Wostminritor 6 | ViiniKuith 11 | White's 20 | Connects with Ag and B at London ; Belaud H at St. Thomas ; and at Port Stanley with Steamers for Cleveland (74 miles), and North Shore Transportation Co.'s line of Steamers toft Montreal. K.— By Cobonrg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway, from COBOURG northward to— Baltimore 5, Braden's i), llarwood 14, Rice Lake and River Trent to Narrows fby Steamer) 40, Blairton 48 miles. Connects with A and 1 at Coboiirg, and with Steamers atHarwood (Rice Lake) to Peterborough, Kecne, Gore's Landing, Ilasting.-i, Marmora, &c. li.— By Whitby and Port Perry Railway, from \WIIITBY JUNCTION northward to— Whitby 1 I Mxplo. St. Crossing. 7 I Siiinuiit I'-'i I I'rinco Alliort 17 Brookliu | .Uyitle 10 | Manchester 15 | Port Perry 19 Connects with A at Wliitby ; and with Stages to and from Uxbridge and Steamers to and from Lindsay at Port Perry. IXK, —By St. Lawrence and Ottawa Raihvay, from PRESCOTT nortliward to— Prescotu Junction 2 Spencerville 9 Kemptville 22 Oxford l(i Os^omlc 31 Ito.sslter'a 37 Maiioti.k 39 CjHoiicc- Bast Famham .... A I CowansviUo />'> Aborcorn I'iDiRVKon'H 64 Sutton Flats...... 67 Bonrdary Lino.. 73 Kichford •. 74 East Ulfhford.... 7!» (}|rii Sutton 8:t MaiiBonville 8'J 70 North Troy 91 Nfi\v|)ort (Jentre . . 96 Xiwport 101 Boston 800 New York 468 Connects with <( and Zc at West Famham ; wi(h the Missisqnoi division of the Vermont Central at Ricliford ; and with S and Steamer for Ooorgcville and .Magog at Newport. , ^ 8.— By Massawippi Valley Railway, from SHEROROOKE southward to— Lennoxvillc ,. 8 Capolton . 8 Korthllatley 12 Massawippi 19 Ayer's Flats 21 Smith's Mills 30 f itanstoad 34 's'orth Derby «5 Newport 40 no Dalhousie 180 New Mills 19J River Louison.... 2(U lielleduno River.. 2J3 Bclledune 237 1 i;ith u rst ......... •'57 Newcastle 2!).-) Moncton 874 Humphrey 876 I'lvinsoc Junction. 382 Meadow Brook.. 387 fi'H Dorohe.ster 402 Ha-kville 414 Au Lac. ........ .. 417 Amlierst 423 Nappan 428 Macean 431 Athol 43i) Spring Hill.. 440 Salt Springs 447 River Philip 4.>l Thomson 4.")8 Oreenvilie 4t>') Woutworth 471 Folly Lake 47'i Londonderry 4^3 DebtTt 4S8 isligonish 4!)2 Truro 500 Johnston 604 Broolcflold fi08 Polly Bog 613 Stewiacke 817 Siiubenacadie 022 Milfoi-d C26 EJmsdalo 081 Enfield 088 (i ran d Lake 008 Wellington 040 Fletcher 041 Windsor Junction 048 Rocky Lake 050 Bedford 053 Four Mile House.. 551 Halifa.x 067 Connects with A a at Rivi Stilhvator «:i Ellorrilxmso :;ii Newport :f!> ThrcHj MiloPlftinn 42 ■Wind-ior 4") Falmouth . - 47 Mount Donaon. ... fiO Iliiai-iport A'i Av•') Kcntvillo 70 Cohlbrook 7') (7aiiitirid);e 77 Watervillo.... ... 7!) Berwick H-1 Aylonfonl 87 Mordcn Roafl t>;) KlmrHton !)l Wilmot Dh Middkton 101 Law rcncctown . . 107 I'araiiiM' HO I'.ridm-iown 115 JluUIKlllllI 121 Aiii!a])()ltH 12!) Dii^by, Bteamcr ... 145 .-t. John, Kteamcr 1!)0 ConncrtB with T at Windsor Junction ; and Steamer to and from St. John at Annapolis, This Railroatl rnnn througli the valley of Acatlia and tlio magniflcont scenery jiiado celebrated in the story of " Kvan;,a'line." Prom Annapolis first class Sfagcs convey i)asscngerrt to Milford Maitland, Harmony, Caledonia, Brooktield and Liverpool, 68 mile.4 ; and toClemontsport, Victoria Bridge, Smith's Covo, Digby, St. Mary's Bay, Weymouth, Sissibo, Bellevou's Cove, Clare, Montegan C!» Canterbury C-i Scott's 70 IvlHivcr 75 Wickiiam 80 l)i>bec Junction... 83 Barlv or House 88 Woodtock Road.. 01 Woodstock 94 Connects with St. Steplien branch at Watt Junction ; W at McAdam Junction ; Honlton branch at Dcbcc Junction ; and Zll at WofKlstock. Connections are made at St. Andrews with 37, and with Frontier Steamers to St. Steplien, Calais and Eastport, connecting at the latter place with Int'riiational line of Steamers to and from St. John, Portland and Boston ; at Woodstock with Stages to Tobique, Grand Falls and Rivi6re du Loup ; also, with Steamers, at high water, to tlio Grand Falls. Va.— (St. Stephen branch New Brunswick and Canada Railway) from ST. STIBPHEN nonliwaixl tn — Maxwell 5, Moore's Mills 8, Meadows 15, Watt Junction 19 miles. Connects with main line at Watt Junction. Connections are made at St. Stephen with the Calai? and Lewy's Island Railway to Princeton, thence by stage (56 miles) to Lincoln, a station on the European and North American Railway. Vb.—{lloulton branch Now Brunswick and Canada Railway) from DSRE^C JUNCTION northward to — McKenzie's Corneri 2, Greenville 4, Richmond 6, Houlton 8 milo^. Connects with the main line at Debec Junction, W.— By European and North American Railway (consolidated), from ST. JTOHN west- ward to — Fairville 4 South Bay 6 Sutton 8 Grand Bay 11 Westfleld 1") Nerepis 20 Welsford 25 C larendon 30 Cia^pereaux 33 ''uiiskillen 3G H)>t 38 iili>>svillo 42 Frcdericton Junc- tion 46 Tracy 4!» Cork Cl Harvey.... j» 6C Magaguadavic .... 76 McAdam Junction 85 St. Croix 91 V^anceboro 92 Bangor 206 Connects with Ta, 35, 30, 37, and Steamer to and from Annapolis at St. John; Xat I ; '1 1 10 KEf TO TABLE OP ROUTES. Frodcrli;ton Junction ; V at MuAdam Junction ; and Maine Central Rnllwny at Banpror, Will •Ibo connect with tlie St. Francis and Laku Megantio International Railway, now constructing. X.--By Frodericton Jlnvnch Railway, from FRIi^DEItlCTON JUNCTION north- ward to— Throe Troo Creek ii, RuHa;?ornl9 8, Wansis 12, Glasier 1(5, Salamanca 21, Fredericton 22 miles. Connncta with W at Fredericton Junction ; and with Zli and Stages to the Miramichl and Woodstock, at Fredericton. Y.— By tlio 8t, Lawrouce and Industry Railway, from L ANOH .HE northward to— St. Thoniai H, Jolii'tti? I'i miles. Connects with 2fi at Lanoraie. Z* — By Quebec and Qosford Railway, from CJUEDEC northsvard to — Loref^'j 9, Jacques Cartier IGJ, Conway'n 24, Gosford 2(i miles. This road Is to be built to Lake St. John. Ea. — By Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway, from IIAITHIiTOIV south westwanl to-*- Rvinal (i I Ciliilonia IC I lf,i:,".!r.-iviilo 2"> i Jarvis 31 Rciiton II I liali.svillo 2;i | liiill:ivnio a-j | Connects with B and 1 at ILnnilton ; Af at Cali-doriia ; H at Ilagorsville ; and Beat Jarris. Zb,— By Kingston and Pembroke Railway, from IfclNOSTON northward to — Kepler ., 10 1 V'ei-ona 2t|Fiflh Creek )! 7 j Pembroke 120 Ilarrowsmith 18 | I'iccadilly 28 j Sliarbot Lake 4(i j Thi^l road is. open to Ilarrowsmith ; will bo opened to Pembroke in 187G. Zc— By Montreal, Cliambly and Sorel Railway, from MONTIlEAIi southward to — Chai.iblv Basin l:! I Riclicliou If! I Stc An'relc 2.') I West Farnham . . 35 Chambiy Canton . . 14 J Kte. Marie 21 | Ste. Brigide 29 | Connects with C| and R, at West i'arnham. This road is to be built from West Farnham to the Province Line, and from Chambly Basin to Sorel. Zd* — By Montreal Nortliern Colonization Railway (in course of construction), from ]MON. TREAL nortl I westward to — Back Uiver I Sto, Thereso I Orenville I Avhner 120 Bto. Ro-e I St. Jerome | Hull | iJcep River ICO This road Is expected to be in complete running onler in 1875. Zo.— By the St. Francis and LakoMegantlc Internatlcual Railway, from SHERBBOOKE eastward to — Lake Mogantic, 8.) miles. This road Is to be built to some point on the European and Xorth American Railway, between Bangor and JIattuwamkeag. Wlien completed the diaiance between Montreal and St. John, N.B., by rail, will bo about 4:!0 miles. Zf. — By Levis and Koimebec Railway, from IjEVIS southward to — St. Henry 11 I Sto. Hcmodine 21 I St. .Toscrph. 42 [ St. Oeorgo 60 St. Anselme 17 | Sie. Marie 30 | St. Francis 51 | Kennebec 83 It Is intended that this road shall be built to Portland, Me. Zs* — By North Shore Railway (projected), from <^UEBEC westward to- st. Sulpice ' P'nte. an Trembles Cap Sant6 Doschambault .... Sto. Anne laPcrado Bati«<"aHi Threo Rivers Herthler.. Lanoraie . Lavaltrle. Roi)entigny Montreal 160 And branch lino from Three Rivera to Grand Piles, 32 miles. KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. 11 Zh.— By New Brunswick Hallway, from NASIIWAAK (,'iiis :t Hprliii,' Hill r>-\ llockl.uid ., 10 Koswick 12 rSiimtLako...... Ti llaiiiesvillo M>\ Millvilln .Wi Nii'-kawi(,'k 4:( Falls Brook 48 Wofxlstork Juno 62 Xcwhiir^rh fi5 Ihulhiiid 61 Wo()d.-tock 61 Canlif-'an If! Law ri;iic<> 17 N((W /"siliind .... 1!>: SI"ii('l)vi(lt'2 (ironville .'J8 L'Orignal 62 Major's 7'> Papineauville 80 Brown's 80 Thurso 92 ('nnilM'vland 101 r>acl, E, P and 1 at Toronto ; and I at Port Dalhouaie. 9.— By Steamer, daily, from TORONTO southward to— Niagara 36 miles. Connects with A, D, E, Fand 1 at Toronto ; and Hb at Niagara. 10.— By Steamer, daily, from PORT STANIiE Y westward to— Anihcrstburgh, Sandwich, "Windsor, Detroit, &c. 1 1 . — By Steamer, daily, from "WINDSOR southeastward to— . . . Amherstburgh, Colchester, Kingsville, and Leamington. Connects with R at Windsor, and II at Amherstburgh. ' ' 12.— By Steamtn-. daily, from WINDSOR northwanl to— St. Clair, Baby's Point, Port Lambton, Sombra, Mooretown, Samia, Goderieh, Kincardine, Port Bruce and Saugcen. Connects with B at Windsor ; A and Bb at Sarnia ; Af at Goderieh ; and E at Saugeen. 13.— By Steamer, daily, from BELL E WART, on Lake Simcoe, to— Jackson's Point.. . 12 | Beaverton 30 I Ilawkstone 35 I Orillia 60 Hi -'■*i. Port Bolster 21 | Barrie 32 | Atlierly 47 Connects with D at Bell Ewart ; G at Beaverton ; and Stages and Steamers to and from the Muskoka and Pan-y Sound districts at Orillia. . ■ — -. .-;»• KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. 13 Port Car ling.... 21 Hahi .. '2-2 Windermere 20 Point Pleasant.. Tort Sandfleia 28 liosseaii :u 27 Ashdown 8i Head of Lake Jotieplx id 14.-By Steamer, daily, from GRAVED HURST, on Lake Mtiskoka, to- Long Poi it 9 Alport i;i Bracebrid;ie 1 ("> Point Kaye .... 10 Connects with Stages to and from OriP.ia at Grarenburst ; and with Stages to and from Parry Sound at Ro5~:oau. 15.— By Steamer, daily, from COLIjINGWOOD, or Geore"ian Bay, to— ifeafoid 24 Cape Rich oS. Leith 43, Owen Sound wO miles Connects with D, 17- anl Steamer for Parry Sound and Byng Inlet at ColUngwood, and "E and Steamer to ar.d from Colpoy V Bav at Owea Pound 10.— By Steamer, weekly, from COIjLIIVGWOOD westward to— Owen Sound 50 Cabot'BlIead 80 Lonely Island 100 Cape Smy the 125 Shebawannhning.. H.l Manitowaning 170 Clapperton I'lanl I9l | Campementd'Ours Cockburn Island.. 25.> Druinniond'a la- land 270 Bruce Mines 290 St. Joseph s Island 2'jC Island 302 The Narrows H0."> Sugar Island :n.5 Nebiah Rapids.... .SIG LakeOeorge 320 Chandi- Landing. . 32fi Ganlcn River Set- tlement 330 Sault Ste. Marie. . 340 Connects with D at Collingwood 17. -By Lake Superior Royal Mail Steamera. bi -weekly, from COLIilNGTVOOD west- ward to- • Little Current. ... 140 I Bruce Mines 290 I Miohipicoten 400 I Fort William. .... 750 Manitowaning 170 } Sault Ste Marie.. ;i4U | Silver Islet 750 | Uuluth 900 Connects with D and 1 5 at Collingwood ; with Government Transportation lino to Fort Garry at Fort William ; with the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railway .at Duluth, for St. Paul, and all points West, North West and South ; and with the Northern Pacific Railway and Kittson's Transportation line from Moorhead for Fort Garry and the Red River country. A Steamer of this line leaves Collingwood every Tuesday for Owen Sound, Byng Inlet and Parry Sound. 18.— By Steamer, daily, from LINDSAY northward to— Fenelon Falls 18, Bobcaygeon24 miles. And tri-weekly to Larkhall (Bald Lake) 35, Mud Lake 48, Buckhom 48 miles. Connects with G at Lindsay. 19.— By Steamer, daily, from PETERROROIJGK northward to— Bridgenorth 6, Bobcaygeon 2.5, Minden 53, Haliburton 70 miles. Connects with Ga at Peterborough. S80.— By Steamer, daily, from IjAKEFIEiLD northward to— Stoney Lake, Thousand Islands, Burleigh Road, &c. Connects with Ga at Lakefleld. 21 .—By Steamer, daily, from LINDSAY southward to — Caesarea 15, Port Hoover 20, and Port Perry 32 miles. Connects with G at Lindsay ; and L at Port Perry. 22,— By Steamer, tri-weekly, from CARLETON PLACE, on the Mississippi rfver, to— Innisville, 9 miles. " '■' Connects with HI and O at Carleton Place. '-• 23.— By Richelieu Company's Steamers, daily, from IIIONTRE AL eastward to-^ Sorel 45, Three Rivers 90, Batiscan HI, Quebec 180 miles. Connects with A and 1 at Montreal ; and Steamers for the watering places and lirerpool and Glasgow at Quebec. ■* t4 KEY TO T.UJLE OF ROUTES. 24.— By Richeliou Company"a Steamer " Three Rivers," bi-weekly, from MONTRGAIj eastward to — Rivifrc dij Lonp, on haut GG Ynmafhiche 7!> Port Si. Francis.. 7(! Three Rivers, 80 Vorohferes 2! Sor(>l 4') jMaskinong6 «U) Connectij at Sorcl with Steamer for St. David, Yamaska. St A!m(^, and St, Thoma-i(Piorreville.) 25.— By Richelieu Company's Steamer •' Berthier," tri-weekly, from IVOVTREIAIi eastward to — Ropcnti^ny IS. St. Siilpioe 21, Lavaltrie 30. Lanoraio 3G, Berthier 45 miles. ' , Connects with IT at Lanoraie. 20, -By Richelieu Company's Steamer '-Chambly." bi-weekly, from HIONTREAIi eastward to- - Vcrfh6res 2:! Co:i;icc(Eur ol) Sovol 4.". St, Oin-i! 67 St. Denis 6(5 St. Antoine Gfi St. Charles 70 St. Marc 71 •St. llilaire 77 Belosil 78 Sc. Hilairo Station 79 St, Aiathias.... .. 00 Chambly SO 27.— By Richelion Company's Steamer "Terrebonne," daily, from mONTR E A Ij east- ward to — Bouchervillo 9, Varennes 15, Bout de I'lale 15, Lachenaio 18, L'Assomption 24, Terrebonne 24 mile?. 28.— By Steamer, daily, from ST, HYACINTHE southward lo- st. Pic 10, St. Damase 10, St. Ccsaire 20 miles. Connects with Aa at St. Hyacintho. 29.— By Qupboc and Cnlf Ports Steamship Company's Lino of Steamers, weekly, from MONTREAIi eastward to— Quebec ISO, Father Point 302, Jldtis 387, Percds 615, Point du CHfctio 702, Cliarlottetown 880, Pictou 950'milcs. Connects with Ta at Point du Chene ; Zl at Charlottetown ; and Tc and steamer for Port Hawkesbury and Port Hood at Pictou, 30.— By Qiiebef! and Gulf Ports Steamship Company's Line of Steamers, weekly, from QU15BE€ eastward to— Father Point 182 Mc'tis 207 Gasp6 4)0 Perc6 ■ 47."> Paspobiac 5>0 Now Carlisle 553 Carleton 603 Dalhousie 605 Chatham 798 Newcastle 803 Point du Chene... 908 Pictou 1028 Connects with Ta and 39 at Point an Chene, and Tc at Pictou, 3 1 .—By Steamer, daily, from QUEBEC westward to— St. Nicholas 15 miles. 32.— By Steamer, daily, from QUEBEC eastward to— St. Laurent 9, St. Jean 17 miles. 83.— By Steamer, bi-weekly, from QUEBEC westward to— Pte, aux Trembles 21 I Platon 36 j Dcschambault. . . . 45 I Ste. Anne de la LesEcureuils 27 | Portneuf 36 | Grondines 48 | Pcrade 58 34.— By Steamer, dally, from QUEBEC eastward to— Murray Bay 90, Rivi6re du Loup 120, ladousac 130, Ha Ha Bay 190 miles ; and bi-weekly to St. Paul's Bay.... 60 1 Rivi6re Quelle.... 78 I Riv.duLoup,enba8 120 I Chicoutirai 236 Les Eboulemens.. . 69 | Murray Bay 90 Tadousac... 130 | Rimouski 194 KEY TO T..BLE OF ROUTES. 15 86.— Byf3leamer, dailj', from ST. JOHN, N.B., \vestward t Bmndage's Point 10 Holder's Ifi John Orr's 17 Ronnd Hill 2:( Cak Point 2t Sterratt's 26 Tonnant's Cove ... SI Wickhani 3:( Thompson's ;U Thomas (loldinjr's. Srt Cambridge !!(! Cameron's 87 Oa^etown 47 Joinseg 4!) Upper Oagetown.. i">5 Tilley's fii Sheffield GJ-J Upper Sheffield... 67 Jirtugcrville 71 Oroniocto 73 f}lasie^'^^ 79 Frcdericton 84 Connects wita Ta and Stoaraer to and from Annapolis at St. John ; ai\d X, Zh, Steamar for Woodstoclc, and Sta-es for the Miramichi at Fredcricton. 3(8.— By Grand Lake Steamer, bi-weekly, from ST. JOHN, N.B., -westward to— 7» Jomseg 40 I Syphers Cove. . . . 64 Douglas Harbor. . . 6<> | Newcastle Creek . 70 Xowca-r also makes a weekly trip to Windsor, N.S., calling at Parrsborough. 38. -By North Shore Steamer, weekly, from POINT DU CHENE westward to— Richibupto 40 | Newcastle 115 I Carraqiiette IHH I Dalhonsio 303 Chatham 110 | Shippegau 185 | Bathurst 218 | Campbellton 320 Connects with Tb and 39 at Point du Chene. 39. -By Prince Edward Island Steamer, bi-weekly, from POINT »U CHENE north, ward tij — Summerside 45, Charlotteiown 88 miles. Connects with Tb at Point du Chene, and Zi at Snmmerside and Charlottetown, Steamera of tnis line leave Cliarlottetown for Georgetown every Saturday ; Pictou for Port llood every Tuesday , and Picton for Port Hawkesbury every Thurgday. 40. -By Steamer, wee^cly, from HAIilF AX. westward to — Lunenburg 70 | Liverpool 100 | Shelburno 146 1 Yarmouth 202 41 .— By Steamer, weekly, from WEST BA ¥, on Bras d Or Lake, eastward to— Whycocotnah.... 33 | Baddeck 55 j Little Bras d'Or... M I Sychiey 95 Connects with Stages to and from Port Hastings at West Bay , and with Stages to and from Port Hood at Whycocomah. Steamers run daily between Sydney. Cow Bay and North Sydney. 42.— By Steamer, tri-weekly, from CHARLOTTETOWN westward to-- Summerside GO, AlbertonlOO miles. 43. -By Steamer, weekly, from CHARLOTTETOWN eastward to— Fort Augustus ... 16 i Orwell Cove 18 i Mount Stewart | Port Selkirk 20 Orwell lleail IT] I Bridge 18 | Victoria 23 A Steam Ferry runs between Charlottetown and Southport. 44. -By Steamer, fortnightly, from ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., Eouthward to— Ferryland 44J i Buriu I'i") I Burgeo 308 i Rose Blanche 340 Trepassey 8l| | Harbor Briton.... 231 | La Poilc liiJH i Channel 45.— By Steamer, fortnightly, from ST. JOHN S, Nfld., northward to— Green's Pond Fogo 46.— By Steamer, daily, from PORTUGAL COVE to— Brigus 18, Harbour Grnce 19, Carbonear 21 miles. A Steamer runs sveekly between Portugal Cove and Bay Roberts, 18 miles. 4T.— By Steamer, weekly, from VICTORIA, B.C., to— Cowichan 35 I Chemainus 56 I Nanaimo 74 i Coftiox 129 Maple Bay 45 | | I Connects, occasionally, with Steamer at Nanaimo for Port Esaington, at the entrance of the Biver Skeeaa, 630 miles. Trinity 60 Catalina 60 100 I Twillingate 162 368 1!)0 I Tilt Cove.... 230 I 1(5 KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. 48. -By Stoamcr, bj-wcokly, from VICTORIA, B.C., to— Xew Westminster 75 mileB. Conuc.rtd at New Wcitiuliister with Sttiiiior for L.inijley 15, anil Yale 100 miles. 49. -By Sti-amer l)i weekly, from VICTORIA, B.C., to— Olympia 185 miles. Connects at Olympia with a branch of the Central Pacific Hallway. ,60.— By Btcamcr, fortnightly, from VICTORIA, B.C., to— San Francisco 750 miles. Connects at San Francisco with the Central Pacific ilailway. A Steamer also runs between Soda Creek and the mouth of the Quesnel river ; and anothe on Lake Tatla, in the district of Omineca, B.C. 5 1 .—By Steamer, weekly, from PEITIBINA , on Red River, to — Fort Garry, 68 miloB. Connects at Pembina with Stages to and from Moorhead, a station on the Northern Faciflo Railway. PASSAGE LINES ACROSS LAKE ONTARIO, BETWEEN Brighton and Cliavlotto. Cobouri» " Cliarlutte. Colboriic • " Oswego. Bowinauvillo " Oswego. Kingston " Cape Vincent. Kingston " Sackett's Harbor. Kingston Kingston Kingston Port llopo Toronto Toronto and Oswego llDcicster. W(/ifi' Island. Cliarhjtte. Niagara. Port Dalhousio. ACROSS THE ^FPER ST. I,A1¥RENCE ANB UPPER LAKES, BETWEEN Chippawa and Buffalo. ; Port Dover and Buffalo. Fort Erie «. Biiltalo. 1 Port Stanley " Cleveland. Moore t> St. Clair. I Sarnia " Port Huron. Port Burwell « Cleveland. [ Windsor « Detroit. Port Colborno anvlllo— To Wotton, St Camille and South Hani. Georg to'fvn-To Sahnonville, Glen William, i!r;sl;aiio. Couingsby, &c. GodcricEl — To Am'uerlcy, Kingsbridgc, Luirknow, Tiverton, Port Albert, Kincardine, Underwood, Port El;;in, Sonthampton, Dun- ganntm, Nile, Belfast and St. Helens. Hemniingiord — To Russelltown Flats, St. Antoiiie, Athelstan, Rockburn, I'Yanklin Centre, Havelock, Stockwell and Covey Hill. Kingston- To Harrowsmith, Colebrook, T!' 11 Rock, Verona, Moscow, Potworth, Glen- vale, Invei-ary, Chaffey's Mills, Westport, Sun- bury, Catarariui. Rockwood, &c. Lennoxvllle— To JohnaviUe, Birchton, TTuntingville, Eaton's Corners, Cookshire, Can- t(>rbnry. Lakes Aylmer and Megantio. London— To Clinton, Lucaii, Belmont, I*!xet«r and Delaware. lUctliot'a^ Iflilla— To St Sylvestre, Ste. Flavie, St. Edouard and Lotbinidre. i Wlontreal— To St. Cesaire, MarieVille and Chambly; St. F.ustache, St. Augnstui, Ste. Scholastique, St. Columban and St. Canut ; New Glasgow, Kilkenny, St. Jerome, Stanbridpc, St. Lin, St. Hippolite, Ste. Agathe des Monta, Ste, Adule,St. Janvier, Ste. Th(^r6sc do Blain villo, Ste Sophii , St. Vincent de I'aul, Mivs- couche, Terrebonne and St, Sauveur ; Pointe aux Trembles, Sault aux RecoUeta, St. Martin, Ste Rose, &c Napanee— To Arden, Tamworth, Colches- ter and Clark's ilills Quebec— To Cap Rouge, St Columba, Ste. Foye, St Charles, Stadacona, Ancicniie Lorettc, Ange Gardicn, Chateau Richer, Laval, La! o St. ('harles. Lake Boauport, Valcarticr.Tewkosbnry, Falls of Montmorency, Bean port, &c. Bicllinond— To Melbourne Ridge, Kings- ley, Dennison's Mills, Nicolct Falls. Sont'i Ely, Stukely, Lawrenceville, Drummondville, Tro-n- hohn, &c. River dn liOUp (en bas)— To Notre- Dame du Lac, Tomiscouata, Edmunston or Little Falls, St. Bazile, Le Bruno, Gi-and Falls, Woodstock, &c.; and to Cacouna, Green Island, Trois Pistoles, St Cimon, Bic, Rimous'ki, Ste. Flavie, Father Point, Metis, and, vid Mata- pediac road, to Ncigette, Temi)erance Valley, Hestigouche, and parishes around Bale des Chaleurs. Sarnia— To Logieralt, Colinsville, Birkhold and O-'ian. Sliorbroolte— To Ascot Comer, Wo thy. Garthby, Woedan, Marblcton, Dudsweli'A Corners. &c. *t. GrCKoIro— To Nicolct. St. Henri— To Gilbertville, St. Cume do Kennebci". St. Honorc, Frampton, &c. St. Hilalre— To St. Charles, St Denis, St. Our.-i, Sorel, Chambly. &c. St. HyaciiitUe— To St. Ungues, St. Simon, Ste. Rosalie, Ste. Pie. St. <;i'.il!aume, St. Aim6, St. Dominique. La Presentation, St. Damase, St. Jnde, St. Bamabc^. St. John*— To Iberville, Sabrevois, St. Luke and Chambly. St. Mary's— To Mitchell and Motherwell, St. RentI — To Norton Creek, St. Jean Chrysostome, Aubrey, 5:c. FROM STATIONS ON THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, Bronte— To Palermo and Milton. €liatliani— To St. Thomas, via Morpeth !iii(l the L.ake Shore and Wallaceburg. Grimsby~To Smithville and Welland 'ovt. Ingersoll— To Ralford, Mount Elgin, Til- srniburg, Eden, StraflordviUe, Vienna and Port f^urwell. Paris- To Burford, Scotland, Round Plains an 1 Sini'-oe. Port Credit— To Cooksvillo, Springfield ami Streot-viUo. St. Tatliarlnes — To Niagara. Tliainesville— To Ridgotown, Selton and Mortietli. Woodstock — To Burgessville and Nor- wichville. .■ FROM STA-nONS ON THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Shnbenacadie— To Maitland, Gay's River and Musquodoboit. Trnro- To Tatamagouche and the North Shore of Nova Scotia. NevP'Glasgoiv— To Antlgonish, Strait of Canso, Arii:hat. Sydn(!y, Cow Bay, St. Peter's, and all parts of Cape Breton ; also for Guysbor** and Sherbrooke. KEY TO TABIE OP ROUTES. FT103I STATIONS ON THE INTERCOLONIAL BAILWA\ nttnued.) Dcbert— To Great Village, Economy and rivo 1 ;laii(l;. liOiidv«ndorry — To Acadia Iron Minos. "WoiitivortU— To Wallace River. Tlio mson— To Pugwash and "West Chester AtliQl— To Parraboro*. mace »n— To .Togglns and MInudie. Au liac — To Bay Verto and Cape Tonnen- tine. Shedlac — To Cocaigne, Buctouche, Richi- bnctn, IC m-'iiboiiTna^iStKouchibougaac, Mira- michi, Bathiir it, Dalhou^iie and Restigoucho. Moncton— To Hillsboro', Hopewell and the Albert Mines. Petltcodlac— To Bntternut Ridge, Elgin Corner, Pleasant Vale, Qowiand Mountain, and Pollot River. Hallfax-Weitwardto Head St. Marsraret** Bay, Che iter, Ma'.ione Bay, Lunenburg', Brldg^», water. Mill Villaj;e, Liverpool, Port Monton- Port Jolly, Sable River, Jordan River, Shel- biirne, Barrington and Yannouth, 202 miles. Ea=itward to Porter's Lake, Chezzetco k, Mus- quodoboit Harb')r, Lakeville, Ship Harbor, Tangier, Sheet Harbor and Beaver Harbor. St. JTohn — Musquash, Leprean, St. O«orge. St. Andrnw^ and St Stephen ; Salt ^ Ings, Upham Valo, Hammond. N"w Tr'^land and Ilars'ey ; Lonh Lomond, Black River, Qoaco and Salmon River FROM STATIONS ON THE TORONTO, GREY AXD BRTTCE RAILWAY. Arthur— To Fergus. Klineburs— To Nobleton, Kingsville, Lloydtown and Schomberg. Mono Road— To Caledon East, Sleswick and -Mono ^lilh, Flesherton— To Pricevillo and Durham. FROM STATIONS ON THE WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE RAILWAY. Elora — To Bosworth, Hollin and Rothsay. Ferg II s— To Arthur, Mount Forest, Durham And Owen Sound. Preston— To Berlin. FROM STATIONS ON THE NORTHERN RAILWAY. To Paterson and RlcTimnnd Hill Richmond Hill Villa,.;o. King- To Nobleton and Bond Lake. Aurora— To Kettleby, Schomberg and Lloydtown. Nenrmarliet— To Sharon, Queensville, Keswick, -i.itton, and Beaverton. Bradford— To Bondhead. Gil lord— To Cookstown, Clover Hill, Ni- colston. AUiston, Sisterville, Arlington and Rosemont. liOfroy— To Bell Bwart, Churchill and Cherry Creek. : !.';-:rf A rr'Tf'rfA ..:e^*A M Barrle— To Wyebridge, Hillsmale, Craig- hurst, Waverly, and Penetanguiahene. Orlllla— To Washago, Gravenhurat, Brao«- bridge. Parry Sound, and Coldwater. S tay ner-To Creemoro, Banda and Avening- OolllngVirood— To Nottawa, Dnntroon, Singhampton, Maxwell, Flesherton, Priceville, Durham, Hanover, and Walkerton. Thornbury— To Clarksbnrg. Ifleaford— To Owen Sound; thence to Colpoy's Bay, Chat^worth. Latona, Kilsyth, Tara, Tnvermav, Arkwri^ht, Allanford, Elai- nore, Southampton and Port Elgin. FROM STATIONS ON THE TORONTO AND NIPISSTNG RAILWAY. .hA Wfarkbam— To Cedar Grove, Bellford, White Vain, Pjaiigor, Brougham, &c. Slouffvlllo— To Claremont, Altona, Ring- wood, (ll;i3'jow. Lemonville, Bailantrac, &c. Cannliigton — To Oakwood and Manilla. Sunderland— To Vroomanton and Va- lentyno IJxbrldge— To Manchester, Prince Albert, Port P;nTy, Epwm and Ulica. . !» Coboconk— To Norland and Minden, '.K PHOM STATIONS ON THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS RAILWAYS. Des RIvSeres— To St. Charlei». Pike River, \or:h .^tanbridge, Venice, Henryville and Ctlarcnnevillo Stanbrldge— To Dunham, Riceburg, Bast Dmihani, &c. TTaterloo— To Knowlton, Fulford, West Boltop, East Bolton, South Bolton, Hunting* ton's Mines, Boltt^n Centre, Manrog, Georgevill«, Frost Villanre, North ard South Stukely, Lavr> renceville,West Pottonv !ic. St. Armand— To Philipoburg, Pigeon Hill, St. Armand Contre. Frelighsburg, Abbott'f Comera, Gleu Suttsn, &c. 1 ;u'i'J»<.^ •t I t ir ^l f •• TABLE OF ROUTES: fillOWING THE PROXIMITY OF THE RAILROAD STATIONS, AND SEA, LAKE AND RIVER PORTS, _.,^|,,.>, ' ■ TO THB !,,.,-'.< it CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. - -'h' . The Letter or Fipure after the names, in the Fourth column, shows the route in which the places are to bo found in the accompanying Key. The Figures in the Fifth column give the distance from the Station or Port. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, A'illage, Lc. Abbott's Comers. . . . Abbottsford Aberarder Abercorn Abercrombie Point. Aberdeen Aberfoyle Abingdon AboiLshagan Road .. . Aboyne Aboyne Abram's "Village. . . . , Acacia Acaiiia Mines Acadlarille Acton Acton Ea«t Acton West Adams Adams' Corners Adams' Cove Adama' jnils Adamsville , Adamsville Adare , Adderley , Addinprion Forks. . . . Addison Adelaide Adma?ton Admiral's Beach . . . Adolphui^town Advocate Harbor... Aginconrt AilsaCraiK Ainleyville Ainslie Glen Aird AirCT Airlie Albanel Albany Albany, New Albany Plains Albert Bridge Albert Miijies Alberton Alberton Albertvillo Albion County or District. Prov Missisquoi Konville Lambton Bronie ricton Pontiac Wellington Afonck Westmorland BoT aventure Wellington Prince Norfolk Colchester Richmond York Bagot Halton Pontiac Durham Bay do Verds Oronville Brome Lanark Middlesex Mcgantic Antigonish liPeds Middlesex Renfrew Placentia & St. Mary's, Lennox Cumberland York Middlesex Huron Inverness Missisquoi El.dn Simooe Chtcoutimi Prince Queens Queens Cane Breton Albert Wentworth Essex Cardwell , Que, gue , Out , Que, N.S, Que . . Ont .. Ont .. N.B.. Que.. Ont... P.E.I. Ont . . N.S . . N.S.. N.B.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Que . Ont. Que . Ont . Nfld. Ont . Que. Ont. Ont. Qne. N.S . Ont . Ont. Ont. Nfld. Ont. N.S. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S.. Que , . Ont . . Ont . . Que . . P.E.I. N.S.. P.E.I, N.S.. N.B.. P.E.I Ont., Ont.. Ont.. Vbercorn. R Oranby, Q Aberarder, A Aberconi, R Picton, Tc, 2n or ;;o See Rapides des Joachims, Guclph, A or C Winona, B Sa-kville, T Dalhousie, T, 80 or 38. . . . Guelph, A or C Summerside, 39 or 42. Ingersoll, B Londonderry, T New Glasgow, Tc. See Cork Station. Acton Kast. Aa. Acton West, A. Pee Allnmette Island. Campbell's Crossing, G. . . Carbonear, 46 See Ventnor. Granby, Q See Glen Tay. Lucan, A Becancour, Aa New Glasgow, Tc Bellamy's, G Strathroy, Bb Renfrew, N St. John's Adolphustown, 6 or 7. Athol,T Agincourt. F. Ailsa Craig, A. .•^ee Dingle. New Glasgow, Tc. ^t. Armand, P See Aldboro. Angus, D Chicoutimi, 34. Summerside, 39 or42. ..., Annapolis, U Charlottetown, 29 or 39. Sydney, 41 Jloncton, Ta Alberton, 42. Hamilton, B or 1 See Gosfleld. ^ eB 7 9 a* 7 12 8 5 14 1«* 8 1 18 11 4 18 43 n 7 C 72 47 15 10 IS 49 12 20 IS 20 'ABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENOEIl'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, 8ic. Albion Mills Albion Minoa AlbionviUe Albiiry Alrlboro..... Aldor-hot..., Aldorvllle Alexander's Point . Alexandria Alexandria. Alfred Altronqnin Alinaville Allanhank Allanbiir? , Allandiile Allandalt! Milla. . . Allan Mill•^ Allan's MilU Allan l»fvrk Allan's Oornrra.. . Allan willo Allendale Alleiiford Allen Settlement. Allensville Alli-ionvillo AUlaton Alloa Allnraette Island Alina Alma Alma Almira Almonte Alport Alton Altona Altonville... Alvanley Alvinston , Ainara th , Anitei'ley Ambleside , Ameliasburg Amherst Ainher«tbnrg . . . . Amher«l Oove..., Amhof'St Island.., Amhorst Island.. AmliorsC Point.., Ajnhorat Shore.. Amiens Anca<^ter. County or District. Aueienne Lorette Wentworth Pictou Wentworth Prince Edward Elfjin Wentworth Northnmberland Uloucester Glengarry Prescott Grenvillo Oxford Northnmberland. ... Welland 1 1 iriv* •• •••■•«•■••••• Peterborough Hastings Northumberland. . . . Grey Chateangnay Wellington Simcoe I'.ruce Hastings . . Victoria Prince Edward Simcoe Pee) Pontiao Bruce Pictou. Wellington York LaTiark Victoria Oardwell Ontario Huron Grey I.,anibton , Wellington] , Huron , Bruce Prince Edward Cumberland Essex rtonavista ......... Gasp6 Lennox Gnmberland Cumberland Middlesex Wentworth Anderson. Anderson's Mountain. . Anderson's Corners. . . . Anderson's Corners. . . . Anderson's Mills Anderson's Settlement Andover Atodrdwavtlle Ange Gardien AngeGardien AfigoOaidien Quebec Perth Picton Huntingdon.. , Wentworth.. .. Prontenac .... Gloucester. ... Victoria Lanark Montmorency. Ottawa Boavllle Prov Ont . . .\.S . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont . N.B.. Ont . . P.E.I Ont.. Ont., Ont. Ont Ont . . N.n.. Ont., Ont . . Ont Ont . . Que . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . (Jnt . . Que . . Ont . . N.S.. Out . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . , Ont , , Ont. Ont . Ont. Ont . Ont . Ont. N S. Ont. Nfld. Que. Ont. N.3. NS. Ont. Ont. Que. (Mit . N.S. Que. Ont. Ont. N.B. N.B. Ont. Que. Que . Que. iloBt convenient Point acoestublu by Railroad or Steamer. ^c Mount Albion. sitellarton, Tc ■^ee Mount Albion Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Newbury, B . . Watordown, Ba Cobourg, A, K or 1 Shippcgan, 88 Lancaster, A .Summeralde, 39 or 42 . . . , L'Orignal, '.i Maitland, A See Strathallen. SeoRylstone. Allanburg, I Predericton, X or 35 Peterborongh, Oa See Marlimnk. See Rylstone. Walkcrton, C Caughnawaga, Ae , .-^eo (ilenallan. Allendale, D ( I wen Sound, Ea or 15. . . . , See Cooper. Bra'ebridge, 14 I'icton, or 7 Gilford, D Brampton, A Peml)roke, 3 See Lurgan. .Stellarton, Tc Alma, C. Aurora, D Almonte, N Alport, 14 Alton, E Stouflfvillo, P Godorich, Af. Owen Sound, Ea or 16 . . . Alvinston, Ha Amaranth, E. Go'lerich, Af Walkorton. C^ Roblin'sMills, 6or 7. Amherst. T Amh'-'rstbnrg, H. Catalina, 45 Perc6, 29 or 30 Amherst, 7. Amherst, T See Rockwell Settlement. Strathroy, Bb Hamilton, B or 1 Ancienne Lorette, Z. St. Mary's, A New Glasgow, Tc , S?e Six Mile Cross. SeeBlackheath. Kingston, A or 1 , Bathurst, T or 88 Woodstock, V !.. Irish Creek, N Quebec Ottaw^a, M, N or 2 See Ganrobert. 9 14 .t 8 21 :)5 15 5 10 11 24 16 \2 17 7 8 12 i 1 4| 18 23 10 23 140 6 7 16| 4 41 26 50 llj 10 10 TABLE OP ROUTES. 21 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &ic. Angel's Cove Angora AngiiH Annagance Annandale Annapolia Anstmther AnRe atix Oriffons. Antigonish Antrim Antrim Apohaqni, Appin Appleby Appleby Apple River Apploton Apuey Cove Apsley Apto Aquaf orte Arcadia Archibald Settlement Arden Ardofh ArdoiselllU Ardtrca Argyle Argyle Arichat Arisaig Arkell Arkona Arkwright Arlinfrton Armadale Armagh Armand Armstrong's Brook. . . Armstrong's Comer... Armstrong's Falls.. . . Arnolds Arnold's Cove Amott Amprinr Aroostook Aros Artemcsia Arthabwka Arthabaska Station... Arthabaskaville , Arthur Arthurotto Arthur Gold Mines. . , Arnndel Arva.. Ascot Comer Ashbnm , Ashbnriiham , Ashfn-nft , Ashdown Ashdalo , Ashoi-ove A'lhley Ashton Aslxworth • •••••••< County or DiBtrict. Prov >•••• ••••• !•••*• ••! • •••• •••• I'lar-ontla L St. Mary's Ottawa Simcoe Kings Kings. Annapolis. .. Peterborongh (Jasp^ Antigonish C'arloton. . Halifax.... Kings.... Middlesex Halton St. John. Cumberland Lanark Twillirgate and Fogo Peterborough Simcoe Ferryland Yamiouth Restigoucho Frontcnac I'rontenac J 1 nriLs* •••••••••■•••• Simcoe Victoria Yarmouth Richmond Antigonish Wellington T^ambton Bmce Cardwell York Bellechasse Temis(;ouata Restigouche •"Jineens Victoria Oxford Placentia & St. Marj-'s arey Renfrew Victoria , Victoria , Grey Arthaboska ., .Vrthaba^ka. . Arthabaska . Wellington . , Victoria , Halifax Arcrentenil. ., Middlewx,... Shcrbrooko . Ontario Poterborongh Yale Victoria Hants Halton Grov Carleton Ontario Ont. Que. N.8. Ont. N.S . N.B. Ont. Ont. N.B N.S. Ont. Nfld. Ont. Ont . Nfld. N.S. N.B, Ont. Ont. N.S. Ont. Ont. N.S. M.S. Nfld.. Que . . Ont . . N.B.. P.E.I. N.8.. N.S. Ont ; Ont. Ont. Ont, Ont. Que. Que. N.B. N.B. Ont. Ont. Nfld. Ont. Ont. N.B. Most convenient Point a<'cesRlblc by Railroad ur Steamer. I,.. ...... St. John's ottowa, M,Nor2, Angus, D Annagance, Ta. Georgetown, 39. AnnapolU, U .«•,.. Peterborough, Oa, .See Griffin's Cove. Now Olaxgow, Tc Pakenhani, N .Mllfonl.T Apohaqut, Ta. Appln, B. Bronte, Ba See Rlvernide. Amherst, T. Appleton, O, Fogo, 45 Peterborough, Gft. ...... Barrie, Da. .. Perry land, 41 •■ Yarmouth, 40 Lonlson River, T Napanee, A . Kingston, A or 1 Eilershou-e. U Orillia, Da, a,«rl3*..--. Argyle, F. Yarmouth, 40 , . . . New Glasgow, Tc . New (ilasgow, Tc Guelph, A or C- Widtler.A Owen Sound, £a or 19 Gilford, D Markham, F St. Valier, Aa R dii Loup, en has, AaorT River Loni^on.T Wol-sford. W Sne ,M(Kf liar See Goble's Comers. Ont. Ont . Que. Que. Que. (Jnt . V.B. N.S. Quo. Ont . Que . Ont. Ont . BC. ■'nt. N.S.. Ont . Ont, Out , Ont, rhat 11 n 8 3 iO H 6 19 113 \^ 7 22 22 ^ 24 26 & « 5 h 5i 1 65 28 6 7 10 101 4 5 2 6 ■| I,. 22 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, Lc. Anphodel Anpotoi^an Harbor Anpy Dn V AHsaiiit'tqaa^an Aaai'lMtitio'H Mills ABSiiiuptlon A-stoti Station Atha Atholstan Atheiin Athorley Athcrton Athlone Athol Athol Attercliffe Aiibi^niy Aiibroy Auburn Audley Aughrtm. Augu>ihol,T. Lnnca.ster, A Attercliffe, II. Ottawa. M, N or 2 St. Reiiii, Ae G(Klerith, Af Whitby, Aor L Newbury. B • . See Charlcvillo. See Warblington. Au Lac-, T. See Forristall's. < i Aultsvillo, A. Aurora, D Stayncr, D Mctapcdiac, T Grenvillo, 2 Ingersoll. B St. Mary's. A See Newport Landing. IMctou, Tc, '20 «)r :i(» Cornwall, A, 1, 6 or ({ Avonport, U SebringN'ille, Af Ayer's Flat. S Aylesford, U Aylmer, :{ Aylmer, Be Ottawa, M, N or 2 Paris, Af or B Mount Forest, E Sarnia, A or Bb Slielbunie. 40 St. George, ^7 Fogo, 4.). Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30. .«. . . See Sault nu llecollet. Berwick, U St. .John's Baddeck, 41. Baddeck,41 Baddeck, 41 i 4' Baden, A | Arnprior, N or .I 19 Chicoutlmi, ;M .... 10 Rlvitre du Loup, Aa or T.. 24 Sec La Baio. FortGarry.Sl 28 Sackville.T 20 Sackville, T 17, New Glasgow, Tc ; 23 .See Shanick. j Craig's Road, Aa I t TABLE OP ROUTES. 23 PASSENOER'S DESTINATION. Town. Villaifc, 4io f;ountj or Ulrtrict. B«llllo».oroii' '. — Balllie .scailumuuli Dnintville Baker 8(^ttl<>iiicut . . , , Buker'M (.'rei-k Bnkcr'ft Tickle , BakcrHvillc .., Bala , Balaklava BHlilertw)!! Baldwin , Baldwin'H Mills Baldwin Iload Balfour Balinc Bnllantrac Ballnntyno's BallinnfiKl Ball Ro«k Ballycroy Ballydnll Ballynioto Ballynahinr)) BalmerV Island Balmoral , Balmoral Balsam Ba1(iover Baltimore . ... Baltimoro Banibor); Banda Bandon Bangor Tlank. T\w Bannookbnrn Buptibte Crctik liaptiHt Point llarachoiH Eurachoisde Malbaie Barber Dam Barber's AlilU Bareneed Barkerville Bark Lake Bamaby River liarncsTllle Baniett Barney'8 River Barnstou Barr'd Islands Barren Inland Barrie Barricfield Barrington Barrington Barrington Passage . . Barrio's Beach Barronsfleld Barrow Barrow Harbor Bartibog Bartiett's Barton Bartonyllie Basa River • • • • • I Durham Charlotte Victoria ' ••. Luiienl)urg ........... Vii'toria Hnnroo and La Polle . . Wentworth Victoria ,... Uruoe Lanark Adiliiigton , Stannt^ad KingH ('olchnster St John's York Frnntenac. Wellington Halifax Canlwoll Durham. .Middlesex Prontenac Renfrew Haldlmand Rectipouche Ontario Victoria Albert. Northumberland Waterloo Sinicoe Huron Ontario Albert Hastinga Essex Prince. VVestmorland , Oasp^ Charlotte Norfolk liricuc Cariboo Hastings. ... Northumberland King's Wellington Pictou Stan^tead Twillingateand Fogo Plm?eutia & St. Mary's Simcoe Prontenac Hnntingdon Shelburne Shelhiirne Antigonish ,. Cumberland Fortune Bay Bonavista , Northumberland Charlotte Digby Wentworth.. ... . Colchester Prov, Ont . N B N B N S N.ll Nfld. Ont .. Ont . . Ont . . Ont .. Ont . , Que .. P.K.I N S ., NHd. Ont . , Ont . , Ont . N.S.. Ont . , Ont . , Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . N.B.. Ont. Ont . N B. Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont. N.B.. Most cnnvontent Point accessible by Railroad or blcaincr >••«•••! Out . Ont . . P.E.I, N.B.. Quo ., N.B.. Ont ,. NUd.. B.C., Ont . . iV.B., N.B.. Ont. N.S . Que. Nfld. Nfld. Out . Ont . Que. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. Nfld. Nfld. N.B N.B. N.S. Ont N.S. Millbro'ik.O Iliiillie. Va Wood>4to<-k. V Lunenburg. 40 Riviere dii Loup, Aa or T Rose Blanche, 44 Hamilton, B or I Bala. 14. .^^•e Gcnlyon. Perth. Na Nnpanoe, A .See Drew's MHIh. (harlottetown, '29 or 30 Truro, T. St. John'fl Aurora, D Uallnntyne's. A Georgetown. A Halifax. T or U Dolton. E Bethaivv, Lond(m, Ag. B or J .See (lien vale Ami)rior. N or 3 Cayuga, Be Dalhousic. T, 30 or ;:8 . . Whitby. A or L Eldon, V .S<>e Irving Settlement. Baltimore, K. Petersburg. A Stayner, I) Seaiorth. Af Whitby. A or L See The Bank . Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Baptiste Creek, B. Snmmerside, a?) or 42. Shediac. Tb Gaspe Basin , ,30 J3arber Dam, V. Simcoe, Be Briguit. 46 Yale, 48 Renfrew. N Newcastle, T, 30, or 38 . . , Ossekeag, Ta Fergus, C New Gla-gow, Tc ('oaticook. Ab Fogo, 45 Catalina, 45.. Barrie, Da King.ston, A ot 1 Honimingford , Ae , Shelburne, 4U Shelburne, 40 Now Glasgow. Tc Maccan, "T . . Harbor Briton, 44 Catalina, 4.') Chatham, ."0 or 38 Bartiett's, V See Speitche's Cove. ijamilton. B or I Londonderry, T 4S » 811 4 1ft n 8 6 20 9 « 7 8 « 13 3 T 18 12 18 40 27 7 348 .57 74 11 4 21 44 4 38 u 4 20 24 68 14 21 56 11 8 14 24 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, Sic. Bass River Basswood Ridge , . Batchelor'rt Cove Batchewana Bath Bath Bathnrst Bathurst Village Batiscan Batlscan Bridge Batteanx BattcrRea Battery Hill Baxter's Harbor , Bay Bnlls Bay de Este Bay de I'Ean Taland Bay de North Bay de Verds Bav du Vin BaVfleld Bayfield Bayfield Bay Fortune Bayham Bay I'Argent Bay of Islands Bay Roberts Bay Shore Bayside B ly St. LawTence Bay St. Paul Beachburg Beachville Bealton Beamsville Bear Brook Bear Cove Bear Creek Bearlt'land Bear Island , . . , BearPoint Bear River Bear River Beaton's Point Beatrice Bcanbar's Island Bean Bois Beau Harbor , Beauhornols Lean Lac Beanlieu ............... Beanmont Bean])ort . . ; , Beaurivage Beaver Bank Beaver Bank Settlement. Beaver Brook Beaver Brook , . . Beaver Cove. ... Beaver Harbor 'Beaver Meadow Beaver River , Beaver River Comer . . . . Beaverton Becagnimec.. County or District. Prov Kent Charlotte Placeiitia ii St. Mary'c AlRoma Addingtou Carleton Gloucester. . . .« Gloucester Champlain Champlain Sinicoe Fronteuac Pictou „ Kings , Ferry land Fortune tJay Fortune Bay. Fortune Bay , . . . Bay de Verds Northumberland Autigonish..,.^ Huron. Westmorland ivlik^o ■•••••••••#«•••* Elgin Fortune Bay French Bliore Harbor Grace Kent Charlotte Victoria. .; Charlevoix Renfrew. Oxford ;.. Norfolk Lincoln Russell Halifax Lambtoii Richmond York Shelburne. .Annapolis... . Digby Kiugs. Victoria Northumberland . ... Burin Placentia & St. Mary's. Beauharnois. ......... Montcalm Montmorency,, ....... Bellechasse Quebec ..... Lotblni6re Halifax.. ..«•>..•..... Halifax ,........, Albert,. , Colchester Twillingate and Fogo Charlotte. . Antigonlsh Digby Yarmouth . Ontario.... Carleton. N B.. N.B.. .Vfld. Out Ont . SB N.B. . H.B Que. Quo . . Ont . Ont . . N.8.. N.S.. Ntid . Nfld. , Nfld . Nfld. Nfld. N.B. N.S Ont. N.B. P.E.I Ont . Nfld Nfld . Nfld N.B . N.B. N.S , Que Ont. Ont Ont., Ont Ont. N.S. Ont N.S. Most conv«;nient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. ..........I ...•..«••.... Richibncto. H8 .St. Stephen, Va. St. John's. .Sault Ste. Mario, 16 or 17. Bath, 6 or 7. Woixlstock, V Bathurst. T or 38 See St. Peter's Village. Batiscan, T3 Batiscan. 23 Batteaux, D Kingston, A or 1 West River, Tc Kentville, U St. John's See East Bay. Harbor Briton, 44 . > See North Bay. Carboncar. 4ii Chatham. :i<» or .S8 New G lasgow, Tc Seaforth, Af Sackville, T Charlottetown, 29 or 39. . . Corinth. Be Burin, 44 Channel, 44 . . . Harbor ( J race, 46 Shediac. Tb St Andrews, V or 37 . . . . Sydney, 41 See St. I'aul's Bay. Pembroke. :i Beachville, B Waterford, H ... Beamsville. B. Cumberland. 2 Halifax. T or U See Birkhall New w, Tc N.B. . Frederictoiu X or 35 N.S . Shelburne, 40 N.S . . Annapolis, U. .......... N.8.. Digbv, U P.B.I. Georgetown, .S9 Ont . Braci'brulgp, 14 ....... N.B . Cliatham, .•<0or38. Nfld . Burin, 44 Nfld . Burm, 44 Que . Hcanharnois, R Que L'Assomption,27 Quo . . Quebec , Que . Qnelwc , , Que.. Quebec , Que , . Craig's Road. Aa N.S. . Beaver Rank, T. N.S . . Beaver Bank, T. N.B. Moncton, T. N.S . See Old Barns. Nfld.. Tilt Cove, 4.') N.B . Beaver Harbor, 37. N.S . See Addington Forks N.8.. Yarmouth. 'lO , N.S . . Yarmouth, 40 Ont . , Beaverton, G or 13. . N.B.. SeeHartland If "A 29 30 16 13 I'i 19 !4 38 30 M 17 88 42 4 r>o 125 8 26 7 7 10 12 87 24 28 14 9 11 ♦ 20 38 H 9 2 16 •««lt*«*i 14i 13 I TABLE OP ROUTES. 25 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, Sic. Becancoiir . Becanconr Station. Becher Becke.t Town Beckwivli Bedeque Bedford Bedford Basin Bedford Bivy Bedford Milla Beebe F'laln BeefihHiil Beech Hill Beach Meadows, .. Begon Belfast.. Belfa.it Belford... . .' Beifountain . . , . . fieieravc Belhaven Bellamy's , Bellamy's Mills .. Belle Creek Belledune Bolledune River. . BfUe Isle Bay Belle Isle Creek... Belle Isle (south).. Belleorera Belle River Belle Riviere ..... Belleveaux Belleville Belleville Bellevons Village Bell Ewart ...... Bellowston ....... Bell Rock Ik'll'a BtUl's (Corners Beil'g Corners Belmont. Bclmore Beloeil Station.... liel(Eil Village. . . . Belyoa'a Cove . . . Benjamin River. . Ben Miller Bennet Island.. . ., Bonnie's Comera. . Bennington Beiisf ort Bensviile , Bentinck ...... Bontley Bentley'B CtmeitJ Berefiford , ... Bergerville,. .,..,, Berkeltiy Berlin ,.,. Berne Berry ton , . . Bertimis Bcrthier, m bas. . . Berthier, en haut. . > •••• va^***********! I • • B • • • ■ County or District. Prov »..*•■•) • •«•«•#•.. Xicolet Megan tio . . Bothwell .., Welland Lanark...... Pi-ince MisBisqnoi ... Halifax Queens Leeds ....... Stanstead.. . , Kings Queens Queens , 'Temiscouata. Huron. ... ., Queens York Cardwell . . Huron. ... York Leeds Lanark.... Queens... . Gloucester, Gloucester. Kings Kings French Shore . . Fortune Bay. .. Essex Two Mountains Digby Carleton, . . Hastings Westmorland .... Simcoe Renfrew Frontenac Leeds Carleton. ....... Dundas Middlesex Huron. Verch^res VerchSres Queens Restigouche . . . . . Huron Bonavista Lanark Oxf ' Northumlierland, Brant Grey Kent Ontario Terrebonne Quebec Grey Waterloo Huron Albert... Saguenay . Boilechasse Berthier... •••••••• ••••••••I Qne . Que.. Ont. . Ont.. Ont .. P.E.I. Que . NS.. P.E.I Ont . Que.. N.S.. N.S . N.S Que., Ont., P.E.I. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . Ont ,. Ont.. PE.L N.B,. N.B. N.B N.B., Nfld. , Nfld. Ont . , Que., N.S.. N.B,, Ont. N.B. Ont . Ont . . Ont. Ont. Ont . , Dnt . , Ont., Ont ., Que. Que . , N.B,. N.B,. Ont., Nfld. Ont . Ont . , Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Que. Que, Ont , Ont , , Ont. N.B., Que., Que . Que., Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer, I •••••• t < Doucet'g. Ac . . . Bccaiscour, Aa. Chatham. B See Effingham. Beckwith. N See Centreville. Stan bridge, P. . Bedford, T See Glenaladale. See Newboro. Beebe Plain, S. Kentvilie, TJ. Liverpool. 4C Liverpool, 40 Trois Pistoles, T Goderich, Ai Charlottetown, '29 or 39 Markhain, F. , , Charleston, E Clinton, Af .., Newmarket, D , Bellamy's, N . See Clayton. Charlottetown, 29 or 39. . . . Belledune, T Belletlune River, T. St. John, Tor W , Norton, Ta , Tilt Cove. 45 . Harbor Briton, 44 Belle River, B. .Montreal Digby.U Woodstock, V Belleville, A, 6 or 7. Memramcook, T Bell Ewart, D or 13 See Westmeath. Napanee, A Bell's, N. Bell's Comers, O See North Williamsburg. London, Ag, B or J Wroxeter, Af Beloeil, Aaor 26. BeltBil, Aa or 26 Gagetown, 35 Campbellton, T or 38. Goderich, Af Green's Pond, 45 Almonte, N Beachville, B Millbrook, G See Falkland See Durham Chatham, B , See Brougham. .Montreal , Quebec , Berkeley. Ea Berlin, A. Seaforth, Af , Salisbury, Ta Tadousac, 34. , Berthier, Aft Berthier, 20. 13 5 2*2 n 4 5 6 12 18 24 6 17 19 31 34 » 70 15 .*i3 '25 H 7 I 20 a y 16i 6 a 4 11 9 22 G3 S 16 16 90 2* J 26 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, ViUage, Sic. ' Bertie Borvie Berwick Berwick Bethany, . , Bethel Bethnne , Beverley. Bewdley Bic Biddeford Bienville. , Big Bank Big Bras d'Or Big Bronk Big Bronk Big Cove Big GIac6 Bay Big Harbour Big Hole .., Big Intervale (Grand Narrows), Big Intervale ( Margaree) Big Island Big Loraine Big Meadowe Big Pond Big Port Hebert , Big Bun , Big Tancook Big Tracadie.. . ., Billing's Bridge.. Bill Town : Binbrook ,..,. Binorham Road ^ Birchton Birchy Cove Bird Island Cove , Birkhall.... , Birmingham Birr Biscay Bay Bishop's Comer Bishop's Cove Bishop's Gate , . . . . Bishop's MilU Bismarck Bismarck Black Bank Black Brook Black Brook Black Bush Black Cape Black Creek Black Creek Black Head Black Head Black Head Cove Black Heath Black Horse Corners Black Island .... Bliicklandti , BlacklandB Blacklev'« Corners Black Point Black Point,.., Black liiver.. ,...,,. , .., County or DiRtrict. Prov Welland Bruce Kings Storraont Durham Shefford ArgenteuH Leeds Northumberland. . . . Rimouskj Prince . ... Levis Victoria Victoria Antigonish ........ Invemesa.. Queens Cape Breton Victoria Northnmberland. .. . Victoria... Inverness.. Pictou — Cape Breton Northumberland. . . . Cape Breton Quecas' Kings , Lunenburg Antigonish . Carleton Kings Wentworth Haldimand '. Compton Bonavista Trinity Larabton Frontenuc Middlesex . . Placentia & St. Mary's, Annapolis Harbor Grace Brant Grenville Elgin Lincoln ............ simcoe Northumberland Ptctou. Kings.. Bonavcntnre Perth Welland Bayde Verds St. John's Twillingatc and Fogo Haldimand Bruro Twillingate and Fogo. Antigonisli Rsstigoucbc Oxford Restigouche {AjitigonisU Ont . . Out . N.S ... Ont . , Ont . . Que.. Que. . Ont . . Ont . . Que . P.E.I Que , N.S . NS . N.S.. N.S . NS.. N.S N.S.. N.B N.S . N.S N.S.. NS N.B N.S N.S I'.E.l N.S . N.S Out N.S . Ont . . Ont . . Que . Nfld . Nfld. . Out.. Ont . . Out . . Nfld. . N.S,. Nfld. . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . N.B.. N.S.. P.E.I. Quo . . Out.. Ont.. N'fld.. Nfld.. NT fid.. Ont .. Ont . . Nfld.. N.S., N.B.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. «g Bertie, Af . Walkcrton. Berwick, U Wales. A Bethany. O. Durban). Aa. Grenville. 2 .See Delta '' .Millbrook.G Bic. T. .Sunmu!rsldo. ."JO . ...... Ont . N.S.. N.B.. N.8.. ;Brantford. Af or Be Oxfonl, M JBismarck, H. JGriuisby , B ■ Stayner. D ;Chatham,30or38 ;Pict.ou, Tc, 2!)or30 !Charlottetown,2i> or 39. . , iSeo Caplin iSte St^bringville. I Black Creek, H iCarbonear, 4(> |.St. John's Fogo, 4.'; Cayuga, Be Sec Kin loss Twillingate, 4.'?.. New G lasgow, To ....... Blacklanda. T. !See Burnville. I Halifax. Tor U.... .... .River Louison.T |New Glasgow, Tc TABLE OF ROUTES. 27 •PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, Sic, Black River Black River Slack River Black River , Black River , Black River Black River . . . . . . , Black River Bridge Black River Station Black Rock. Black'B Harbor . . . . Biackville Blanchard'a Road. . . Blanche Blanchet Blair Blairton Blandford Blaudforil Blaney Ridge Blantyre Blenheim Blessineton Blind Bay BlissSeld Bll?mlle Bliss ville ,,.., Block Honse........ Bloody Bay Blcomfleld Bloomfleld.. Bloomfield ,.. Bloomfield , Bloomfield . . . Bloomfield Bloonnnf-'dale , Blocmington.. Blcomsberry. BIconisbtirg ....,,. Blow me Down .... JJlueoerry Blue Mountain ., .. Blue Pinion ..,,,, Bine Rocks Blue'.i Mills Bluevale lilyth.... Blytheswood. ..... Bobcaygeon -ocabec Bogart Boiestown Boi?dale Bohngbroke . , .... Bolsovcr Bolton Bolton Centre ..... Bolton Comers ... Bolton Forest bonmnton Bonaventurc Bonaventure River onavirta Bon Desir Bond Head Bond Head Harbor. •••«••• County or District. I'rov Charlevoix Kent ......«•.•'....* Northnmberland Pictou. . Placentia Si St. Mar>''8 Richmond ot. jonn. .•.*....«.... Northumberland Lotbini^re Cnmberland. Charlotte Northumberland Pictou Shelbnme Fortnne Bay Waterloo Peterborough Arthabaska Lunenburg York Grey Kent HaRfcings Halifax Northumberland Sunbnry Sunbury Lunenburg Bonavista < Carleton. Digby.. ivingn. ■«■....••...... P"! erborongh ......... Prince Pnnce Edward Waterloo York St. John Norfolk Brigns .... Queens Pictou.. Fortnne Bay Lunenburg Inverness Huron Hnron Essex Victoria Charlotte Hastings Northumberland Cape Breton Lanark , Victoria Card well Brome Wellington Brome Northumberland Bonaventure... . Bonaventure.. . * BonaviRta Baguenay Sinicoe Durham, *.......■ Que. N.B. N.B. N.S. Nfld. \.S. N.B. N B. Qne. N.S. N.B. N.B. N.S. N.S. Nfld. Ont. Out . , Que . N.S., N.B. Ont . , yint .. Ont . , N.S . . N.B.. NB.. N B.. N S.. Nfld . N.B.. N.S.. N.B.. Cnt.. PEI Ont .. Ont . . Ont . . NB. Ont.. Nfld.. N.S.. NS.. Nfld.. N.S.. N.S.. Cnt-. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . NB.. Ont . , N.B.. N.S.. Ont .. Ont .. Ont.. Que . . Ont.. Que.. Ont.. Que.. Qne.. Nfld.. Qne.. Ont.. Ont.. Most convenient Point accessiljle by Railroad or Steamer. R. dn Loup. Aa, T or M Shediac, Tb Chatham. 30 or 38 ,., Pictou. Tc, '.'9 or .30 St. John's. ... See Rear of Blixok River. .St John. Tor W Chatham, 80 or £8 Black River, Aa. Atbol, T. St, George, 37 Chatham, 30 or 38.. ...... . IMctou, Tc, 2» or 30 Siielburne. 40 Harbor Briton, 44 Preston, C . . . Blairton, K. Stanf old, Aa . Halifax. T or U. Fredericton, X or 3S . . . . . .Meaford, D or 15 See Rondeau. Shannonville, A. ,......,. . Halifax. TorU... Chatham. 30 or 38 Fredericton June. W or X. Bhesville, W Lunenburg, 40 Catalina, 45 ,,... . Woodstock, v.. Digby, U ... . Bloomfield, Ta See South Monaghan. Snmmersidc. S.*) or 42. Picton, 6 or 7 Berlin. A Stouffville, P St. John. Tor W Simcoc, Be Brigus. 4G Liverjxiol, 40 New Glasgow. Tc Harbor Briton, 44 Lunenburg, 40. . . , New Glasgow, Tc Sluevale, Ca. Clinton, Af Stony Point, B Bobcaygeon, 18. Chamcook, V Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Fredericton, X or 'SH Sydney, 41... Perth. Na See Balsover. Bolton, E. Waterloo, Q See Cotswold. Waterloo, Q Cobourg, A, K or 1 See New Richmond. New Cai-lisle, 30 Catalina, 45 Tadonsac, ,14 Bradford, D See Newcastle. 23 8 U 95 17 12 12J 31 IS ee Chesterfield Windham, II Whycocomah, 41. ... . . , .Montreal . shawa, A .Mitchell, Af.. .\(;ton, Aa , ., Waterford, H Klora, C Tliamesville, B See Mount Pleasant Bothwell. B Georgetown, o9 Sliediac, Tb . .. , Boucherville, 27 Memramcook, T Montreal Biiddeck, 41 Belleville. A, «i or 7 !l*iulton Ditch, Af. Shediac, Tb Boundary Creek, Ta boundary Line, Ab. Woodstock, V L\>int anx "Trembles, 33 See St. Ann's bout de I'lsle .-^'6 Mill Point. Orangeville, E See Plainville. See Duntroon. See Bomanton. Bowmanville, A or 1. Ailsa Craig, A. Markham, F Harbor Briton, 44 Malton, A Ayer's Flat, S. Biacebridge, 14 L'harlottetown, 29 or 3». . Bradford, D Carbonear, 4G Summerside, Hd or 42. . . , Woodstock. .B Braeside, N • Green's Pond, 45 Tilt Cove, 45 Bramley, D. Brampton, A See Upper Branch. St John's Branchton, C Delhi, Be Brantford, Af or Be Rose Blanche, 44 Beaverton, G or 13 Tilt Cove. 45 New Lowell, D , Breslau, A. Brewer's Mills, 4. Ooderioh, Af . MonctOD,T -^ 9 19 188 16 « 15 lOj 15 5 14 6 13 6k 15 9 11 4 13 10 60 17 IS 7 3i 60 3 ^ 13 1 10 3i 8 7 101 101 4 1 t 10 2^ n\ TABLE OF ROUTES. 29 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town. Villaa' v.. Brirtgenortb , Bridgoixirt. ., Bridgeiwrt , Bridgerown. . . . , , . . Bridgetown ■ ....••. Bridgeville Bridgewater ,........- Bridge water Bridgj)ort . .. ...... .. ... . Bridgeville . ......,- Brigg'a Comets Brighani Brigham'a Corners ............ Bright Brighton Brighton Brigaa .... BrlguH Briley '3 Brook. ....,,, Briiikworth Brinslcy Brisbane Bristol , BriRtol .' . . . . Bristol BriBtol.... Bristol Bristol Corners Bristol Mills Britain Pond Britannia Britannia Britannia Mills Biitish Harbor. Britonville Broad Core.. Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Broad Cove Chapel Broad Cove IntervHle Broad Cove Marsh Broad Creek Broadliagen Broadlands Broad River Broadville Brock Brockaway Brockton Brockville firockville firodhagen Brome Bvomcmpre Brome Woods. Brompton ....,.♦. Bronipton Falls Bronte Brookburj' Brookfield. Brookfitild Brookaeld County or District. Prov. I • • • . • « < »•••*••• I PetethoTongU Cape Breton . Waterloo .... Annapolis , Kings Pictou HaHtings Lancnbnrg Lincoln Waterloo . Queens . . Brome Oxtord 0.xford Digby Northumberland Brigus Ferryland ...... Antigonish Hastings Middlticx Wellington Pontiac Qneens Wellington WtiRtmorlanrt.... York Pontiac Pontiac. Kings . . . Carleton Peel Bagot Trinity Bay . . Argenteuil . . . Bay de Verda. Bonavista .... Digby Harbor Main. . Lunenburg . . . St. John's .... Trinity Inverness Inverness Inverness -Monck Perth Bonaventnre.. Queens Hastings Ontario York York Albert Brockville . . . Perth Brome Brome Brome Richmond.... Richmond. .. . Halton Compton Colchester. . . . Queens (Juoecs.. . ..a**........ ...«......< Ont . . N.S.. Ont , . N.S . . P.E.I N.8.. Ont,. N.S.. Ont . Ont . N.B. Que . . Ont.. Ont. N.S.. Ont . . Nfld. . Nfld.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Que. . N.S.. Ont . N.B.. N,B. Que.. Que . . P.E.I. Ont . . Ont . Quo.. Nfld . Qne . Nfld . Nfld.. N.S.. Nfld.. N.S.. Nfld Nfld.. N.S.. N.S . . N.S.. Ont . Ont.. Que . . N.S . . Ont.. ( nt . . N.B.. (Int.. N.B.. Ont.. Out . , Que. Que . . Que... Que.. Que . Ont . . Que . . N.S.. N.S.. P.B.I. Most convenient Point ttccesai ble by Railroad or Steamer. Peterborongh, Oa Sydney, 41 Berlin, A. Bridgetown, IT. Cliariottetown. 2!) or 8f>. . , , New Glasgow. Tc Belleville. A. 6 or 7 Lunenburg, 40 See Jordan Station. See Freeport, Brigg's Cornen?, .^S Brigham, R. Brownsville, H Oiight, Af. .See Head of St. Mary's Bay Brighton. A. BrigUB,46. St.John's New Glasgow, Tc Bellcviile. A, 6 or 7 Ailsa Craig, A Georgetown. A Sand Point, N or 3 Liverpool, 40 See Brisbane See Great Shemogne. See Kingsclear. See Bristol. See Bristol. C'harlottetown, 29 or 33. . Britannia, O. Rrampton, A Britannia Mills, Aa. Harbor Grace, 46 Carillon. 2 Carbonear, 46 Cataliua, 43 Digby. D ■it. Johns LiveriK)ol, 40 St. John's . Trinity, 45 I'ort. Hood. 39 Port Hood, 39 Port Hood, .39 See Port Maitland. Jarronbrook, Af Campbellton, T or 38 Liverpo-l, 40. See Rutlandville. Oannington , P -ee Maeaguadavic. Toronto Salisbury, Ta. Brockville. A, M or 1 . See BroadLagen. Sutton, R Waterloo, Q . See Iron H.ll Brompton Falls, Ah Brompton I'alls. Ab, Bronte, B«. Lennoxville, Ab or S Brookfield, T. Liverpool, 40 Chariottetowu, 21) or iii). . . ."14 44 21 4 10 2 I 2.5 6 3.5 32 1.5 33 6 37 L'O 10) Id '2G '2Q '69 S 5 8 10 3 4 i 96 27 11 30 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic. Brooklaud. , Brookliii Brooklyn Brooklyn ., Brooklyn Brwiklyn Brooklyn ., Brooklyn Street.... Bro«k«ilalo Brock vuie. Br(Xjkv;ile , Brook Village .... Brookville Bro(>kv>llo Brookville Brcukville Brookville. Brookville. Bror-seau's ...... Brou^'hum Broiij/hton Brownsburg Brown's Corners.. Brown's Corners. . Brown's Corners. . Brownsville - BnioctiL'ld Bruce Mines Briitlenel Bru;6 Briil^ Harbor . . .. Brunct Brunner Brunswick BrusserH. ....... Bryan's Cross Bryanston bryaiit s Cove . . • . Bucklield Bnckliorn Bnckin<.:ham. ... Buckland Bucklaw.. Buckley's Bncksliot Mills . . . BuctoiK-he Bnll Cove Bullock's Cornera. Bul^trode Bulwer Bnnjiny Burford Burgeo BurgesAvilte Burgoyne Burgnni'8 Cove . . Burin Burleigh Bnrlington Burlington. Burlington Burnbrae Barn Cove Bunihamthorpe . . Burn Island Barnley >•••••• County or District. Pictou Ontario Aniuipolis ■ lionavirit* HaiiU .. Queens Yarmouth ......... Kings ....... Oxford Halifax . Queens Inverness Coinpton .... Cumberland Halton Digby Pictou . . Yarmouth ...,.....• Laprairio Ontario . .. . Beauce ... . Argenteuil . : Ontario York Simcoe O.xford Huron Aigonia . . . . Renfrew Placcutia &St. Mary's Colchester Fortune Bay Perth Durham.. Huror Queens Middlesex Harbor Grace Queens Kent Ottawa .. Bellechasee Victoria Kings Frontenac Kent .... Biigns. Wentworth Arthabaska Compton Queens Brant Burgeo and La Foile.. . Oxford Bruce Trinity Tunn Peterborough Hants Kings Prince Northumberland Ferry land Peel Placentia k St. Mary's, Northumberland Prov Most convenient Point acj-essiblo by Railroad oi Steamer. N.S. Ont. N.S Nfld N.S N.3. N.S. NS Ont N.S N.B N.a Quo N.S Ont N.S N.S NS Que, Out Quo Qiie Ont . Out . Out , . Out., Out . . Ont . . Ont . Nlid. N.S. Ntid.. Ont.. Out. Ont , P.E.I. Ont . . Nfld. N,S . Out. Que, Que. N S. N.S.. Out N.B. Nlid. Ont . , Que . . Que P.R.I. Ont . Nfld, Ont . Ont . . Nfld.. Nfld. Ont.. N.S.. N.S. P.E.I. Ont Nfld.. Ont . . NBd. . Ont.. West River, Tc Brooklin, L. .Middleton, tJ...... ... Cacallna, 45 "■ee Newport. Liverpool, 40 Yarmouth, 40 Coldbrook. U ... . Beaihville, B S>!ubonaciidie, T Apohiuiui, Ta SeeSliea'a River. See r.icliby. Alhol.T i^e Ntts^agaweya. •See Beaver Uiver. New 'ilftr'gc w. Tc Yarraoxith. 40 Broseeau'tf. Ad. Mai'kham. F Quebec . Carillon, 2 See Bjittor.ville. See Aiidley. .See Rcsemont. Brownsville, H. Seafortl), .\f Bruce Mines, 16 or 17. Renfrew. N St. John's , . . . See Point Brul.' Harbor Britun, 44 Stratford, A Brunswick , .' S 8 13 17 14} 30 14 TABLE OP ROUTES. C5 PASSENGEIl'S DEfcTINATION. Town, Village, itc. Centreville Centreville Ceptreville Centreville , , Centreville Chambprlain , Chambly Ba'tn Chambly Canton Chambord Chamcook Champlain Chance Cove Chance Harbor Chance Harbor Chandofi Change Islands Channel Channel Islands Chan telle C^iantry Chupean Chapel Arm Chapel's Cove Chaplain Island Boad .. . , Chapman Chapman Charing Cross Charlesbourg Charles Brook Charleston Charleston Charleston Charleston , Charleston Charlcsville Charlesville Charlesville Charleville Carlo's Cove Charlottetown Charlotteville Centre. . . . Charrington Ohatboro Chateanguay Chateanguay Basin Chatean Richer Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatillon Chatsworth Chattis Ilai'bor Chaudlfere Curve. Cha^di^re .Tunction Chandifert* Junction Chaudifere Mills Cheapside Cheapstow Chebogne Chebogne Point • Cheddar Chegoggin Chelsea Chelsea Ciieltenham ChemainuB County or Dicttrict. Prov Northumberland Oxford Peel , Peterborough Prince Harbor Main Chambly Chamblv Chicoutiml Charlotte Champlain Trinity Pictou St. John Peterborough Twillingate and Fogo Burgeo and La Poile. Cape Breton Montcalm I^eeds Pontlac Trinity Harbor Main Northumberland .... ITautings , Weetmorland , Kent Quebec French Shore Carleton Cardwell Leeds Queens Stanstead Durham Durham Stormont Grenville Guv^ borough Queens Norfolk Compton Argentenil Chateanguay Ghateauguay Montmorency Argenteuil Kent Northumberland .... Yamaska Grey Placentia & St. Mary's Levis , Carleton Levis Levis Haldiraand Bruce Yarmouth Yarmouth Peterborough Yarmouth Lunenburg Ottawa Peel Vancouver !•••••••#««• Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . P.T5.I Nfld.. (Jue . . Que.. Que .. N.B.. Que.. Nfld.. N.S.. N.B.. Ont.. Nfld.. Nfld,. N.S.. Que.. Ont.. Que.. Nfld. Nfld., N.B.. Ont . , N.B.. Ont. Que., Nfld., N.B., Ont . , Ont . , N.S., Que., Ont.. Ont.. Ont . Ont., N.S., P.E.I Ont., Que.. Que., Que ., Que . , Que., Que., Ont., N.B.. iQue,. Ont... Nfld., Que., Ont.. Que . , Que . . Ont., Ont., N.S., N.S., Ont., N.8.. N.S., Que. Ont ■ , B.C.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. ■*ee Norham. fngersoll, B Charleston, E See South Monaghan. .See Bedeqne. -t. John's Chambly Basin. Zc or 26, ('hambly Canton, Zc or 26 Chicoutiml. 34 Chamcook, V. Batlscan, 23 Trinity, 4.5 Pictou, Tc. 29 or 80 <5t. John.Tor W Peterborough, Ga Fogo, 4^1 Cliannel, 44 .Sydney, 41 L'Aspomption, 27 Brockville, A, N or 1 Chapean, .S. Brigus, 46 St. John's Newcastle, T, 30 or 38. . . . Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Shediac, Tb Charing Cross, H. Tilt Cove, 45 Woodstock, V or Zh Charleston, E, Brockville, A, N or 1 Liverpool, 40 See Hatley. See Enniskillen. See Haydon, ^ee^Aultsville. Proscott, A, M or 1 New Glasgow, Tc Charlottetown, Zl, 29 or 39 See Walsh, Sherbrooke, Ab or S Gushing, 2 Chateanguay, 6. Chateanguay, 6 Quebec See Gushing, ''hatham, B. Chatham, 30 or 38. St. Celestin, Ac Chatsworth, Ea. « Bnrin. 44 Chaud'fere Curve, Aa. Chaudi^ro Junction, M, Chaudi^ro Junction, Aa T/Gvis, Aa. Cayuga, Be See Chepstow. See Central Chebogne. Yarmouth, 40 Lakefield, Ga Yarmouth, 40 ............ Lunenburg, 40. ... , Ottawa, M. O or 2 Brampton, A ChemainuB 47 3 8 U 87 8 28 21* 43 8 15 49 81 28 20 8 SO 20 4 78 15 18 13 7 107 14 8 2 15 12 40 18 I 25 f IS 36 TABLE OP ROUTES. PABSBNOEft'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, lio. Oliapitow Obaputnotlcook . . . . CiMrry Crook ...... Ohorry Valloy OhorryWood , OhertMy........... Ohualey Oheriloy'i) ComerB . . Cbeater Ohe-kter , Chfliiter Chaster Basin , Ohesterflcld Ohadtervillo , Oheticamp Ohetlcaiup Oheverio Oheviot. Ohoszetcook OhichcBttir Ohicoutiini Uhignocto OhlgonalHe River. . Ohinincy Comer. . . OUipman Obipman's Brook. . Ohlppavva OiUorydonncs OUockiluh Oiiristioville Ohristmas Island.. OUurcli Hill OluirchHill Church Over Church Point Ohurch'3 Falls . . . . Church Street ^lurchville Ohurchville Ohute ftBlondeau. Chute's Cove Oinque Cerf Olachan GlAirmont Olairvaux Olairvicw Olalrville Olalrvillo 01am Harbor Oltndeboye Olapham Clare Olaremont Claremont Clarence Clarence Creek. . . . Olarenceville Clarendon Clarendon Centre c Olvendon Front . . OUfcrina Clwrke CUtrke's Harbor. . . Cl&ck'B , OI^rk'B Beach OIStkA)arg , County or Dl«trlct. Pror. I • • • • • I >f vta******* >••••••«••« Bruce York 8imcoe Prince Edward. Ontario Montcalm Urace Lunenburg ...< Albert , Arthabanka ... liUnenburg Lunenburg Oxford .... Dundas. . . . Digby Inverness. Hants Bruce Halifax .... Pontiao .... Chicoutiml . Cumberland Colchester Inverness Queens Kings Welland Oasp<^ Kent Iberville Cape Breton Albert Simcoo , Shelbarne Northumberland Cardwell Kings Peel Pictou Preacott Annapolis Burgeo and La Poile. Elgin Brant Charlevoix Addington Glengarry York Guysborough Carleton Megantic Cumberland Ontario Russell RuBsell Missisquoi Charlotte Pontiao Pontiac ShefEord Durham , Shelburne Leeds Brigus. Grey (mt . M.B. Ont . Ont . Ont. Qua . Ont. .M.8. N.B. N.8, N.S, Ont. Ont. V.8.. N.8. N.8. Ont . N.S. Que . Que. N.S. N.S. N.8. N.a Ont.. Que .. N.B Que ., N.S.., N.B. . Ont . . N.S.., N.B.. Out., N.8 . , Ont . M.S. Ont. N.S. Ntid. Ont . Ont . Que . Ont. Ont . Ont. N.S. Ont. Que . N.S. N.S. Ont. Ont. Ont. Que . S.B Que . Que. Que. Ont. N.S. Ont. Nfld. Oat. Most convenient Point acceasiblfl by Railroad or Bteiuner. Waikerton.O .St. Croix, W Lcfroy, D Plcton, 6 or 7 Frenchman's Bay, A L' AHHoniption, 37 Walkorton, C Kentvlllo, U Salisbury, Ta VrthabaHka, Aa Halifax.Tor W Halifax, T or W Bright. Af .See Winchester. Yarmouth, 40 I'ortHood, S9 Newport, U Waikerton.O Halifax, T or W Pembroke, 3 Chicoutiml, 34. Maccan, T Dobert.T Port Hood, 89 Chipman, 36 Kentvlllo, U Chlppawa, Hb. Gaspu, 30 Shediac, Tb .jce Ste. Athanase. Baddeck, 41 Petitcodiac, Ta Lefroy,D Shelburne, 40 Chatham, 30 or 38. See Cataract. Port Williams Station, U. Malton, A New Glasgow, Tc Carillon, 2 Bridgetown, U Rose Blanche, 44 Bothwell.B See Burford. St. Paul's Bay, 84 Napanee, A See North Lancaster. See Humbor. New Glasgow, Tc Almonte, N Becancour Station, Aa. . . Digby, U River Philip. T Stouffville, F X nursOy Jt •••••■««••••••( Thurso, 2 Lacolle, Ad Welsford, W Bristol, 3. Bristol, 3. Granby, Q Newtonville, A , Shelburne, 40... Clark's, N Brigus, 4C Clarksburg, D. >•• at** •••••«•• • < TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, Itc. Clark'H Head... Clark's MilU... OlurkRville Claude Clavoring Clayton CIprt Crock.... Cicarlniul...... (Jleaniiont Clcarville Clement Road.. Clcnientfiport... CleinentHvnIe . . ClomontH West, Clifford CHlton Clifton Clifton CliftJ.S.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont . . Nfld.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont. Que.. Ont . . Ont.. N.S... N.B.. Ont.. Ont . . Que.. '>nt.., Ont.. NB.. Nfld. . Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. \"fld.. Que.. N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont . . N.B.. P.E.L Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. N.8.. Ont., Que .. Que .. Most convenient Point acceaaiblo by Railroad or Steamer. .^amia, A or Bb Portage du Fort, 3 ApohaquI, Ta 5eo Quaco. Brlgus, 46 St. John's Collingwood, D, 15 or 17. Collin's Bay, A. Killamey. 16 Owen Sound, Ea or 15. • . See Coventry. Oshawa, A Comber, H. Pembroke, 8 Como, 2. Comox, 47. Compton, Ab. Tilt Cove, 4.5 Glengarry, To ThornhllLD , Kontville, U. Berlin, A , Tilt Cove, 45 Alton, E Harbor Briton, 44 Matilda. A Bolton, E Rothsay, Ta Lunenburg, 40 Stratford, A Brighton, A Seaforth, Af.,.. Contrecoeur, 25. .See Fredericksburg. Cook's, Af . Shubenacadie, T Cook's Brook, T. See Charing Cross. See Crowlandville. Lennoxville. Ab or 8 Gilford, D Port- Credit, Ba. ... Si>o North Lake. Harbor Briton, 44 Belleville, A, 6 or 7 , Port Stanley, J Copetown, B. Petrolia, M Burgoo, 44 I'arkHill, A ., Harbor Briton, 44 Hemmingford, Ae Dlgby, U ,, Corinth, Be. Cork, W. See Markdale. Gornellville, H. Annaaanoe, Ta CharloWetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Cornwall, A, 1, 5 or 6. >ee Wolfvillo. Port Williams Station, IT See Back Set. W.Cornwalli.s Samia, A or Bb Coteau Station, A Coteau Station, A TABLE OF ROUTES. 39 PASSENGER'S UESTINATION". Town, Villa-je, &o. Cotean St. Aupiistiu Coteau Rt, Lonis Coteau St. Pinrre Coteau StaMon Ooteaux Iliv. Ouello CJote dea Neifres Cote St. Aiitoine Cote Rt. Catherine Cote St. Luke Cote St. Paul Cotswold Coiilwn Coulson's Corners Country Harbor Courtland. Cove Head 0)ve Head Boad Coventry Coverdale Coverlev Covey Hill Cowal Cowan sville Cow Bay - Cow Harbor Cowichan Coxheath Crab's Brook » Ci^b Settlement Orhirirhnrst Craipcleith Crai?hRhoIm Craig's Road Craig^vale ; .,,... Cranberry Cranberry Head ., Cranbourne , Cranbrook Cranworth Crapand Crawford Crawford Credit Crediton Creek Bank Croeniore Crcighton Crelgnish Orossy Crieff Crinan Crocker's Cove Crofton Cromarty Cromwell Crooks Rapids Crotine Crosby's Corners Crosby's Mills Orosshill Croac Point Cross Roads Cross Roails (Country Harbor) . Cross Roads (Lake Alnslie) . . . . Cross Road 1 (Middle Modford). . OroBS Hoods (OMo^ County or District. Prov Ilochelega. . . . liochela^a ... . Hochelaga ... Soulanges .... Kamouraska. . FTochelaua. . . . Hochelaga.... Honhela^a. . . , Hochelaga.... Hochelaga. . . . Wellington . . . Simcoe Simcoe Guvsborough.. Norfolk...... Queens Queens Cardwell ..... Albert , Grey Huntingdon - . . Essex Missisquoi Cape Breton . . . French Shore . , Vancouver . . . , Cape Breton . . French Shore . , York Simcoe Grey Wellington Levis Simcoe York Yarmouth Dorchester Huron Leeds Queens . . Grey Huron Peel Huron Wellington . . . Simcoe Simcoe Inverness Prince Edward Wellington . . . Elgin Carbonear ... Prince Edward, Perth Kings Peterborough.. French Shore.,. York... Leeds Waterloo Bonaventure .. Lincoln Guyaborough . . Inverness Onysborough . Antigonisii. . . , •••••••« Quo . . Que .. Quo.. Quo .. Que . . Que . . Que.. Que .. Qne .. Que . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . N.8.. Ont.. P.E.I. P.E.I. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. ,'ue. . Ont •. Que . , N.8.. yfld.. B.C.. N.S.. Nfld.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Ont. N.B.. X.8.. Que . . Ont . . Ont . . P.E.I. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.S . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Xfld.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont , . Vfld.. O-t.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Ont . . \.S.. M.8.. M.S., Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Montreal ., Sec Mile End. Montreal Coteau Station, A. Riviere Ouelle, Aa . Montreal , Montreal Moutraal Montreal Montreal Han'iston, C or E Orillia, D, O or 13 Bradford, D New Glasgow, To. Courtland, Be. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 3!) Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Bolton, B Salisbury, Ta Flesherton, Ea. Hemmingfoul, Ae Longwood, B Cowansville, R. Sydney, 41 Channel, 44 Cowichan, 47. Sydney, 41 CRannel, 44 Fredericton, Zh, X or 35 Barrie, Da Craigloith, D. Fergus, C Craig's Road, /a. Bramley, D Cranberry, V. Yar'month, 40 Quebec Ainleyville, Za Smith's Falls, N or 4 ... , Charlottetosvn, Zi, '29 or 39 Flesherton, Ea . . . .See OfFa. Port Credit, Ba..., Lucan, Af , Elora, C fjew Lowell, D . . . Orillia, D,G or 13 Now Glasgow, Tc. Picton, 6 or 7 Gait, C Newbury, B Carbonear, 4C.. .. Picton, 6 or 7 .... Carronbrook, Af . . Norta Mi 6T¥.i 2»V.I 106 I 7 ' 18 32 21 3S 9 8 1ft 8 18 12 TABLE OP ROttTES. CJ 41 rAtiSENGEIl'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic Debert River. , . .... De Cewsville ..... . Deep Brook ..... Deep Cove . Deerdock .... ... Deerfleld Deer Harbor .... ... Deerbyr^t .. Deer Jalaud . .. X)eer Inland Deer Island Deer Lake Dee Side Degele DeOrats... ,. .. Delaware Delby'sCovo Delhi .... . Delta , Demoiselle Creek.. . . Demorestville ...... Derapsey'B Comer ... Denbigh Denfleld Denieoiis Mills Deniston , Densmore'a Densmore's Mills De Ramsay Derby Derby Dereham .... Derryville Derry West Derwent. DeSablo Desborough Deschambault Descoose Desert Lake Desmond Des Rivieres Detour dn Lac Deux Rivieres Devizes Devon Dewittville DeWolfe Corner Dexter Diamond Dickens Dickens Dickinson's Landing. Dickson's Corners. . . . Dickson's Store Digby DigbyGnt , .... Digdegua.sh Dildo Cove Diligent River Dillon Dingle Dipper Harbor Distress..... DittoQ Dixie , County or District Prov Colchester. Haldimand Annapolis ...i Lunenburg Addington .. Yarmowth. . Trinity Simcoe . . . Bonavista . . Bargeo and La Poile . . Charlotte .. jL orK . . .......... . Bona venture Temisconata French Shore .. . . . . . Middlesex .. . Trinity Noi-folk . . Leeds ......... .. , , . Albert .... Prince Edward , Kings Addington Middlesex Richmond Addington Hants. Hants Joliette Branl Northumberland Oxford Ontario Peel Miridlesex ^1166113 ••^••••••••■••t Grey Fortneuf Richmond Addington Addington Miseisquoi .., ., Temiscouata Nipissing Middlesex Huron Huntingdon Charlotte Elgin Carleton Carleton Leeds Stormont Peterborough Colchester Digby Digby Charlotte Trinity .. Cumberland Brome Huron ... St John .... Placentia&St Mary's Compton FmI NS. Ont N.S. N.S Ont N.S . Nfld Ont .Nfld Nfld N B N.B Que. Que. Nfld . Ont . Nfld. . Ont . Ont N.B . Ont NS Ont . Ont Que Ont. N.S . N.S . Quo.. Ont . N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. P.E.I, Ont.. Que.. N.S . Ont.. Ont.. Que, . Que . Ont. Ont.. Ont.. Que . N.B.. Ont . Ont.. N.B.. Ont . . Out.. Ont.. N.S.. Moat convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer .*-..-.•. f ....-..-. N.S., N.S N.B., Nfld. N.S., Que. Ont., N.B Nfld. Que . Ont or 7 See River Del)ert Cayuga, Be . Annapolis, U. . . ... Halifax, T or U Perth.Na ,, Yarmouth, 40 ..,..,• . . . Trinity, 45. , . .,.■,... Bradford, D Green's Pond, 45 Burgeo. 44 . . , See Fairhaven Deer Lake, V Matapediac, T . Riviere du Loup. Aa or T Tilt Cove, 46 Delaware, H- Trinity, 45 -.v Delhi. Be. Brockville. A N or 1. . . Salisbury. Ta North Port, 6 Aylesford, U Napanee, A ... London, Ag, B or J ....,,. Richmond Aa . ..-. - . Piccadilly! Zb. Shubenacadie, T.. ...... . . . Shubenacndie T Bertliier en haul, 25 ... . See Harley Newcastle, T. SO or 88 .... . See Tilsonburg. Canningtou, A. ....••. • Malton, A London, Ag, B or J .... Charlottetown, Zi, 20 or 39 Owen Sound, Ea or 16 . . . . Deschambault, 33. New Glasgow, Tc ... . . • Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Napanee, A Des Rivieres, P. Riviere du Loup, Aa or T. Rapides des Joachims, 3. . Granton, A Lucan, Af Cuughnawaga, Ae St. Stephen, Va or 87 Port Stanley, J I^akcnhani, N See Charleston. Brockville, A, N or 1. ... . Wales, A See Villiers. Tniro, T.. Digby, U. Digby, U Chamcook, Y..... Harbor Grace, 46 ■ Athol,T Waterloo, Q Alnlevville, Ca. St John, Tor W St John's See West Ditton PortCredit.Ba =5 5 12 U 3S 11 22 5 7 12 I 140 24 28 4 2 90 14 7 15 17 18 4 6 10 20 18 120 28 13 47i 30 7 12 A* 13 1 22 s^ 5 • 10 fiO 30 13 20 9e 42 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Dixon's ComerB Doaktown Dobbinton Doctor's Harbor , Dog Bay Dog Cove Dog Croek Dog's Nest Doherty'8 Mills , Dollair , Dollar , Domaine de Qentilly., Don Donaldson Estate .•••. Doncaster Donetjcal Donegal Donny brook ..,.• Doon Doran. Dorchester , , Dorchester • Dorchester Dorchester Road Dorchester Station . . . Dorking Dornoch Doting Cove Doucet's Lauding . . . Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglasfleld Douglas Harbor ..... Douglastown Douglastown Douglas Valley Road Dover Dover South Downey ville Down view i Doyle'a Corners Doyle Settlement Dragon Bay Drayton •• Dreaney'B Corners .... Dresden Drew Drew's Mills Drogheda • Drumore Drum Drunibo Drummondville, East Drummondville, West Druinquin , Drury Dryden Drysdale ,.,, Duart • Dublin , Dublin Coi ners Dublin Range < Dublin Shore.. Dublin Village ••••»•< ••• County or District. Prov .........< Dundas .Vorthuniberland Bruce Fortune Bay PlaccntiatSi St. Mary's. Bonavi.sta.. Cariboo Norfolk iVGIlt •••••••••••■«*■• xCcnt •!••• .••••••••«• York Arthabaska York York Kings , Perth Wentworth Waterloo Lanark Middlesex St. Johns Westmorland Westmorland Middlesex Wellington Oxford Twillingate and Fogo Nicolet Hants Renfrew Wellington York Northumberland Queens Gaspd Northumberland Queens Westmorland Kent Victoria York Hastings Rcstigouche Burgeo and La Poile. Wellington Middlesex Bothweil Wellington Stanstead Brigus Grey , Durham....... .,, ,, Oxford , Drummond . , Welland... Halton Simcoe.,..; ........ Wellington Huron Bothweli Peel Leeds Megantic Lunenburg Wellington •••••••••ft) Ont. N.B. Ont. Xfld. N'fld. Nfld. B.C. Ont . N.B. N.B Ont Que Ont P.E.I. Ont . .V.3.. Out.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que NB.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Nfld . Que.. N.8.. Ont . Ont . N.B . N.B.. N.B Quo . N.B., N.B. N.B. Ont Oeh. Ont. Ont. N.B. Nfld. Ont. Ont Ont. Ont. Que. Nfld. Ont. Ont. Ont. Quo. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Quo. N.S. Ont. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer, if ' Iroquois, A or 1 Fredericton, X, Zh or 35.. . Paisley, C. Harbor Briton, 44 Trep. ^o> , 44 St. John's Yale, 48. Simcoc, Be Shediac, Tb ShediacTb Thornhill, D Doucet's, Ac Don, A Charlottotown, Zi,29 or 39 Toronto Sussex. Ta Newry, Ca. See Westover. Berlin, A Perth, Na See Putnam, See St, Johns . v.fyrtW' Dorchester, T Dorchester Road, Tb. Dorche.ster, B. Listowel, Ca Ingcrsoll, B Green's Pond, 45 See Ste Angfile do Laval Newport, U Renfrew, N , See Garaf raxa. Fredericton, X, Zh or 85 Chatham, «0 or ;!8 Douglas Harbor, 36. Gasp6, 30 Chatham, 30 or 38 Enniskillen, W Memramcook, T Chatham, B Omemee, G Weston, A, D or B . . . . See Maynooth. River Louison, T Harbor Briton, 44 Drayton, 0. SecCrnmlln. Thamesville, B Clifford, Drew's Mills, Ab. Brigus, 44 Mount Forest, E Bethany, G.. Drumbo, A.. Upton, Aa Suspension Bridge, B... Oakville, Ba Barrie, Da Palraerston, O. Seaforth, A Bothweli, B See Campbell's Cross. Soe Now Dublin. See Irvine. Lunenburg, 40. ....... • See Mimosa. 13 9 28 14 17 S 8 9 8 4 6 6 6 8 8 25 14 Si 3 15 9 18 8 8 9 18 14 23 TABLE OF ROUTES. 43 PAiaSENGERS D. tTINATION. Town, Village, die- Duck and Pringle.. .. Diick River , Dudswell Dnflferiu , Duffln'dCreek Dnmbarton Bumbliino Dumfries Dumoine Depot. Dnnany »,. Dunbar Dunbarton. Duncan Duncan Dnncansville DnncriefE Dnndalk Dnndaa Dundas Dundee Dundee Dundee . Dundee Centre Dundela Dundonald Dnnedin . Dnngannon Dnngarvan Diingiven Dunhar>a Dunkeld Dunnville Dnnphy Dunraven Dnnrobin Duneford Dnnsinnane Dnnsinnane < Dnntroon Dunvcccan Durham Durham Durham Durham Duricle Dutch Village Dutton , Dntton Dwyer Hill Dwyer's Corners Eagle Eagle Head Eagle's Nest Eardley Earltown East Arthabaska East Bay ,.... East Bay (north). . v East Bay (Routh) East Bolton East Broughton East Chester Bast Clifton EastCnIdeSao Bast Dublin * Bast Dunham County or Dibtrict Prov rCooton.ay Sa .'uenay Wolfe . Haldimand I ntario Charlotte Bruce York Pontiac Argenteuil , Dundas , Ontario Grey Lunenburg Ruf-sell Middlesex Orey Kings Wentworth Huntingdon Northum berland ..... Restigouc he Huntingdon Dundas , Xorthumberland Simcoe Huron Northumberland Westmorland , Missisquoi , Brace Monck Northumberland Pontiac Carleton Victoria Bruce Kings Simcoe Glengarry Chatcauguay Drummond Grey Pictoa Burin Halifax Elgin Huron Carleton Peel Elgin Que'^ns Li? ^nr Ottawa Colchester Arthabaska Fortune Bay . . Cape Breton Cai^e Breton Bromo Beauce Arthabaska Compton Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Lunenburg MlssiBquoi B C. Que,. Que. . Ont . Ont.. N.B. Ont.. N.B.. Que., Que.. Ont.. Cnt., Ont., N.S.. Ont. Out., Ont. P.E.I Ont. Que . Cnt.. N.B., Quo . Cnt. Ont., Ont . Ont . , N.B., N.B. Que., Ont.. Ont., N.B., Que., Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B . Ont. Ont.. Que. . Que.. Ont.. N.S.. Nfid.. N.S . Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Man.. Que.. N.S.. Que . . Nfld.. N.S . . N.S.. Qxie . . Que . . Que.. Qne . . Nfld.. N.S . . Que.. Mo:it convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Yale, 48 See Point an Bouleau. Shcrbrooke, Ab or S Hagcrsvillc, H or Za..... See Pickering. 1 Dumbarton, V. Walkerton , C Fredericton, X, Zh or 35 . Rapides dcs Joachims, 3. Carillon, 2 Morri.'burg, A Frrnc hnian's Bay, A Mcaf ord, D or 15 Lunenburg, 40. See Ruf:sell. Ailra Cra-p, A Dundalk, Pa. Charlottetown, ZI, 29 or 30 Dunc^as. B. Dundee. 5. See gniithfield. Dalhous^ie, T, 30 or 38 .... Dundee, 6 Iroquois, A orl Brighton, A New Lowell, D Goderich, Af Newcastle, T, ?.0 or 38.. . . Momraincook, T Stan bridge, P Dunkeld, C. Dunnville, Af. Frcdericton, X, Zh or 35 . Calumet Island, 3 Stittsvillc, O Lindsay, G Lucknow, Ca Penobi^uis, Ta Colling^vood, D Cornwall, A, 1, 6 or 6 Caughnawaga. Ae ....... See New Durham. Flcsherton, Ea Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30 Burin, 44, Halifax,T or U Dutton, H. See Dingle. Ottawa, M,0 or 2. Mono Road, E , Newbury, B Liverpool, 40 .... j , Fort Gan-y.Sl , Aylmer, 3 , Truro, T , Stanfold, Aa Harbor Briton, 44 Sydney, 41 Sydney, 41 Waterloo, Q Quebec Arthabaska, Aa Compton, Ab Harbor Briton, 44 See La Have River. Sta&bridge, F 178 21 6 20 32^ 20 14 14 J 34 9 4 9 7 9 13 32 4 13 67 5 14 10 5 4 8 31 24 12 8 3 34 2 18 7 .SO 17 21 12 33 12 23 18 69 17 15 35 Id 44 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION Town, Village, &c m Eastern Harbour Eastern Tickle , East Farnham . . , East Florenceville , East Qlassville East Qlonelff . .......... .... EastHatley .. , East Hawkesbury , East Hereford ...:. East Jeddore East Magdala , East Marsh Easton'a Corners East Oro East Point , East Point. East Port Medway , East Qoaco EastRiver East River East River Island East Royalty , East Scotch Settlement East Side Chezzetcook East Side Pubnico Harbor. .. East Side Ragged Island East Side W . Branch East River East Teinploton EastviUe Eastville East Waterloo East Williamsburg Eastwood East Zorra Eaton Eboulemena Ecclesville Economy Ecureuils Eddy's Cove Eddystone Eden.... Eden Mills Edgar Edgecombe Edgely Edgett's Landing Edgeworth Edina Edmonton Edmandston Edwardsburg Edwardsburg Elwardstown Eel Brook Bel River , Eel River Eel River , Effingham Eganville , Egbert E^erton Eglinton EgmondviUe. Egremont Egypt County or District Prov Inverness Twillingate and Togo Brome. ... Carleton .......... Carleton Grey ...- Stanstead , . . Prcacott . ..-..«).... Comptoa Halifax Megantio -■.. ...... Hants Grenville . Simcoe Burgeo and La Poile. Kings Queens St John . Guysborough Pictou Pictou .. Queens Kings Halifax Yarmouth Shelbume Pictou , Ottawa Colchester York Queens Duudas Oxford Oxford Compton Charlevoix Essex Colchester Portnenf French Shore Northumberland Elgin ....^.....B... Wellington Simcoe Perth York Albert Kent Argenteuil Peel Victoria..... Grenville . . . Middlesex . . . Chateauguay Yarmouth., Carleton. Restigouche Monck Renfrew Simcoe Wellington York Huron Grey York >«t**«**« >•••••••••• >•••«•••«•• N S . . Nfld.. Que .. N.B N B.. Ont. Que. . Ont. Que .. NS Que .. N.S . Ont .. Ont. Nfld. P.E.I. NS.. N B.. NS.. NS. N.S.. P.E.I N.B. NS, N.S. N.S. NS.. Que . . N.S. Ont,. N.B. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Que . . Que .. Ont . . N.S., Que . Nfld . Ont.. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont . N.B. Ont. Que . Ont. N.B. Ont. Ont. Que. N.S. N.B. N.B. N.B. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont Ont. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer Port Hood, 39.. Fogo, 45. East Farnham, R ..... . See Florenceville East. Woodstock, V or Zh , See Mavkdale. See Hatley. Point Fortune, 2 Coaticook, Ab «... Halifax, Tor U Lyster, Aa Windsor. U Irish Creek, N Hawkstone, Da Burgeo, 44 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 8!» Liverpool, 40 See Quaco. Ne w G lasgow, To New Glasgow, Tc Hopewell, Tc Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 89. Norton, Ta Halifax, Tor U ... Shelbume, 40 Shelburne, 40 New Glasgow, Tc Ottawa, M, O or 2 Brookfleld. To See Holt. Gagctown, 85 Aultbville A..... Eastwood, B. Woodstock, B...* Compton, Ab See Les Eboulemens. Stony Point, B Londonderry, T See Les Ecureuils. Tilt Cove, 45 Grafton, A Tilsonbnrg, Be Guelph, A or C Hawkstone, Da Stratford, A Thomhill.D Salisbury, Ta Chatham, B Carillon, 2. Brampton, A Riviere dn Loup,Aa,T,or 34 Edwardsburg, A . See Dorche.st«r Station. See St. Jean ChrysostOmt, Yarmouth, 40 Eel River V. Eel River, T. See Canterbury. Welland, I Renfrew, N Lefroy, D Mount Forest, E Toronto Seaforth, Af Mount Forest, E See Vochell. M 12 16 a 3 TABLE OF ROUTES. m^ : , : ■:, PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic. Kgypte Eight Milo Brook Eig Mountain Elba Elbe Elder Eldon Eldon Eldon Eldorado Elfrida Elgin Elgin Elginbnrg Elgin Corners Elginfield , Elgin Road Elimville Elizabethville Ellengowan , EUershouso Ellorslie , Ellesmere... Elliott Elliott's Mills Elmbank . Elm Grove Elmira Elmsdalc Klmsville Elm Tree Elmvale Elmvale Elmwood Elora Elphin Elsinore Embto Embrun Emerald Emerson Emigrant Road Emigrant Settlement Enfiold Enfield English Corner English Cove English Harbor English Harbor English Harbor English Harbor East. English Harbor We&t, English Settlement... English Town Enniskillen ......... Euniskillcn Enniskillen Ennismore Ennisville Ennotville Enterprise. Epplng Epsom Eramosa Erb Settlement Erbsville County or District. Shefford Pic' ou Antigonish . . Cardwell.. ... Leeds Cardwell . . . Queens . . . . Ilestigouche , Victoria .. ... Hastings .. .. Wentworth -. Leeds Huntingdon . . Frontenac . . . Albert Middlesex . . . L'Islet Huron Durham , Bruce .... Hants Prince York Lanark. .. ., Durham , Peel Simcoe Waterloo Hants. . . V. . . • Pictou , Gloucester ... Pictou Simcoe Bruce Wellington... Lanark Bruce Oxford Russell Lennox Brome Westmorland , Westmorland , Durham Hants Halifax Harbor Main.. Bonavista ... . French Shore , Trinity Fortune Bay. . Fortune Bay. . Queens Victoria Durham Grey Queens. Peterborough , Lanark Wellington .. . Addington.... Grey Ontario Wellington... Kings Waterloo I • • • • • t I Prov Que N.S.. N.S Out . Ont . Ont P.EI, NB . Ont Ont Ont . Ont.. Quo . . Ont . N.B.. Ont. . Que Ont.. Ont,. Ont . N.S . P.E.I Ont . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. N.S . . Ont. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. Nfld. . Nfld.. .Nfld.. Nfld. . Nfld. . Nfld.. N.B. N.S.. Ont .. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Out.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Upton, Aa West River. Tc New GlaFgow, Tc . . . . Orangcvilie. E See Dickens. Shelburne, Ea , . See Belfast. Campbell ton, T or .S8 . Eldon. P Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Stony Creek. B BrockvillC; A. N or 1. See Kelso. Kingston, A, Zb or 1 . . Petitcodiac. Ta London. Ag, B or J , . . Elgin Road, Aa, St. Mary's. A Port Hope. A, Gor 1,. Walkerton, C Ellershouse,!!. .\lberton, Zi or 42 Agincourt, F Perth, Na Port Hope, A, G or 1 . . Malton, A Gilford, D Berlin, A Elmsdale, T. New Glasgow, Tc .... Bathurst. T or 38 See Middle River. Barrie, Da Walkerton, C Elora, C. Perth, Na Owen Sound, Ea or 15. Beachville, B Ottawa, M, O or 1 Bath.7 Emerson, R. Sackville,T Sackville, T Oshawa, A Enfield, T, Bedford, T Brigus, 44 Green's Pond, 45 Tilt Cove, 45 Trinity, 45 Harbor Briton, 44 Harbor Briton, 44 Apohaqui, T Baddeck,41 Bowmanville, A See Varney. Enniskillen, W. Peterborough, Oa See Innisville. See Barnett. Napanee, A Meaford, D or 15 Uxbridge, F Guelph, Aor C Apohaqui, Ta Berlin, A 18 18 33 4 32 7 12 10 22 15 10 i* 10 18 H 16 12 20 14 20 14 30 17 6 25 2* 83 SO 12 9 8 1 G3 7 54 19 13 19 8 10 20 10 7 5 4 7 TABLE OF ROUTES.*'? PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. To\yn, Village, &c. Erie Erin Erinsvlllo Erinville Ernestown ErroU Escott E:jcuminac Escuminac Eskasoiii Esperance EjqtiCBJng Esquimalt Esquimaux Point Etang du Nord Ethel Etobicoko Eugenia Euphrasia Evan;^eline Evelyn Everett Eversloy Everton Exeter Exploits Burnt Island. Exploits Ilivor Factory Dale Fafard Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairlield Ea^t Falrflold Plain Fairhaven Fair Island Fairviow Fairville Falding Falkenbnrg Falkirk Falkland Falkland Fall Brook Fall Brook Palmonth Falmouth, W. B False Bay Beach Fanjoy's Farley'3 Mills Farm'^rston Farmersville FarmcrBvlllo Farnimgtnn Farinington Farmiiistori Farmin^^ton Famboro' Farndon . Farnhain Centre Famham Ea=;t Famham West Farquhar Farran's Point Father Point Feeder County or District. JTaldimand Wolllngton Addington Ouysborough Lennox Lambton Leeds. Donaventnre Northumberland Cane Breton Wolfe Ilalton Vancouver Sar-tuenay Magdalen Island Huron York Grey Grey Stanstcad Midd esex Simcoe . . York Wellington Huron rwillinj^ate and Fogo. Twillingate and Fogo. Kin-Ts Litblnifir-e Kent Kings St. John Leeds Brant Charlotte Bonavista Perth St. John Muskoka Victoria Middlesex Brant Lunenburg Lanark Pioton Hants Hants. Cape Breton Queens Carleton Carieton Leeds Oxford Aimapolis , Cumberland Kin:;3 Wellington Bromo Missisquoi Drome Drome Missisquoi Huron Stormont Tlimouskl Haldimand Prov, Ont.. Ont . , Ont.. X.8.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. tjue . . X.B.. N.S.. ;uo. . Onh . . B.O.. Que . . Que . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Jue.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . nt.. Nlld. . Nlid ^I.S.. Que . . Ont.. l^E.I. N.IJ. . Ont . , Out . V.B., \fld. . Ont . . N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. V.S . , )nt. N.S., N.S . , N'.S . .V.B.. \\B., N.B.. Ont . Ont . . X.S . N.S.. P.E.I. Ont.. Quo . Que . . Mie . . Quo . . Que .. Ont . Ont Que . Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Jarvis, Be or Za Georgetown, A Xapanee, A New Glasgow, Tc Emestown, A. Camlachie, A Mallorytown, A Lralhousle, T, ao or 38 Chatliam, 30 or 38 See Ctiannel Islands. See North Ham. Georgetown, A , Victoria, 50 Gasi)6, 30 Ethel, Ca. Toronto Flesherton, Ea See Heathcote. Coaticook, Ab Thorndale, Ag. .\ngu8, D King, D Guelph, A or C Clinton, Af Twillingate, 45 , Twillingate, 45 Aylesford, U Craig's Road, Aa Chatliam, B Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 3!) St. John, T or W Fairfl'^ld East, N. Brantford, Af or Bo St. Andrews, V or 27 Green's Pond, 45 Stratford, A , Fairville, W. Parry Sound, 17 Bracebridge, 14 Ailsa Craig, A Paris, A£ or B See Foster's. Ferth,Na New Glasgow, Tc Wind3or,U Falmouth, U. Sydney, 41 See Waterborouah. Woodstock, V or Zh Woodstock, V or Zh .... Brockville, A, N or 1 .... .See Coruellville. SeeWilmot. Thomson, T Georgetown, Zi or 39. ... . Orangeville, E We?t Sheflford, Q Farndon, R. Brlgham, R See East Fai-nham. See West Famham. Mitchell, Af Farran's Point, A... Fat hor Point, 30. Feeder, Af . 5 Vf 13 4i 24 * t 85 3 V- 88 tk i •.■.♦,»; U:^'-l 8 • '. 168 '• I 120 V'l 6.1 10 '"^ 8 1 10 H5 23 ^i 14 'i-'l 24 1'*^ 4 ^ilt 83 u'i 18 ^i-r 57 M*i ■ 30 Ji 13 r'"! 9 (1 9 ■■% 9 »1 8 'i^ « '('4 4.-:t 4.-"i 104 5 ■^i 9 :^. 7 .■:!'^ 36 ^m , 24 »r! 10 f 14 ;^ . n f^'4 14 >'i ft :% 41-;^. 3 ''T ■ '1 TABLE OP ROUTES. 47 &.^ ;. . P.VSSENGEtt'8 DESTINATION. Town, Village, A:c. Felton , Fenaghvalo Fenella Feneinn Falls .... Fennell'a..., ... Fenwlck , Fen wick , Fenwick Fergus Ferguson's Ferguson's Cove Ferguson's Falls.. Fergnsouvalo Fermeuse Fermont Fermoy Femhill Ferrall's Landing . Ferris , Ferry land , Ferry Point , Ferryvilla , Feversharn Fifteen Point . . . . , Finch , Fingat Fintona Fish Creek Fisher's Grant. . . . , Fisher's Mills ..... Fishervillo , Fish Pool , Fitch Bay Fitzroy Harbor Five Houses Five Islands Five Mile River . . Five Stakes Flamborongh West, Flani^an's Flat Islands Flat Islands Flat Bay Flatlands FlatKiver Flat Rock .. Flat Rock Fleetwood Flesherton Fletcher , . . Fletcher's btation. Fleurant Flenr de Iiis Plinton Flint's Mills Flora Florence Florenceville Florenceville East Flower Cove Flowers Island.... Flurry's Bright . . Foley Polly Lake. Folly Mountain .. . Folly Village County or District, Prov Rus!%ll Proficott Northumberland. .... Victoria , Simcoe Cumberland Kings Monck Wellington, Lanark Halifax Lanark Simcoe Ferry land Champlain Addington Middlesex Renfrew Queens Ferry land Hastings Carleton Grey Prince Stormont Elgin CardwcU Perth Pictou Waterloo , Haldimand , Pictou Stanstead Carleton Lunenburg , Colchester , Hants Elgin Wentworth , Middlesex Bonavista Burin French Shore , Restisrouche , Queens Bay de Verds St. John's Durham Grey Kent Halifax Bonaventure French Shore Addington Addingtou Waterloo Lambton Carleton Carleton , French Shore Bonavista Twillmgate and Fogo Ontario Colchester Colchester , Colchester , Ont. Ont., Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S., N.B., Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.S.. Ont . . Ont.. Nfld. . Que . . Ont . . Unt . . Ont . N.B.. Ntid.. Ont N.B.. Ont . . P.E.I. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N.S . Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Que.. One. N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. N.B.. P.B.I. Ntid. Nfld.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont. N.S. Quo . Nfld. . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont N.B.. N.B.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Ont.. N.8 . N.8.. MM •• Most convenient Point accesBlble by Railroad or Steamer. Momsburg, A Lancaster, A Cobourg, A, L or 1 Fenelon Falls, 18. Gilford, D Amherst, T Apohaqni, Ta Wclland,! Fergus, 0. Fcrpu^on's, N. •' Halifax, T or XT Perth, Na Barrie, Da Ferry land, 44 Throo Rivera, 23 or 24 Westport, 4 Strathroy, Bb See Castieford Wclslord, W Ferry land, 44. Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Woodstock, VorZh I'le.'herton, Ea Snnimersidc, Zi or 39 See Berwick. kSt. Thomas, Be, H or J. . . . Shelbnrno, Ea .Stratford, A FiKher's Grant, Tc. Hesjieler, C Cayuga, Be Hopewell, Tc Smith's Mills, S Fitzroy Harbor, 3. See Lower La Have. Athol, T Shubenacadie, T.. St. Thomas, Be, H or J. . . . See West Flamborough. See McGilhvray. Catalina, 45 Bunn, 44 ( hannel, 44 Flatlands, T. Charlottetown, Zl, 20 or 39. Carbonear, 46 St. John s Franklin, O Flesherton. Ea. Fletcher, H. Fletcher's, T. Carleton, 30 l'iltCove,45 Belleville, A, 6 or 7 See Kaladar. Berlin, A Newbury, B Woodstock, V or Zh Woodstock, V or Zh Tilt Cove, 45 Green's Pond, 45 Fogo, 45 Oshawa, A Folly Lake, T. Londonderry, T. D«liert,T 5 13 9 7 8 8 8 1 5 14 12 7 13 18 1 ({ 3 22 17 4!) ].'•> 82 30 12 3 9 38 42 IS W 20 21i 156 9 16 9 « 4 48 TABLE OP ROUTES. TASSENGEU'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, itc, Fogo Fontoiioy Fouthill- ForboB Force'8 Cornera Fordwich Fordyce ForeHt Forest City Forester's Falls Forest Mills Poreston Forestvillo Forfar Forks Forks Forks Formosa Porriatall's Fort Augustas Fort Coulonge Fort Erie Fort Fairfield Fortaart-y Fort Lawrence Fort Niagara FortSorel Fortune Fortune Day Fortune Harbor Fort William : Fort William Poster's Foster's Cove Fourchu Four Mile Brook Pour Mile House Fonraier Foxboro t ••• Fox Cove Fox Cove Fox Creek Fox Harbor Fox Harbor Fox Island Fox Island Harbor Fox River Fox River Fox Roost , Fox Trap Framboise Frampton Frampton Franceston , Francistowa .< Francois , Frankford Frank Hill , Frankland , Franklin , Franklin Franktown « , Frankville , Eraser's Grant , Fras^r's Mills , Fxaserville.. , , County or District. Prov TwilHngate and Fogo. Richmond Monck Colchester Brant Huron Huron Lanibton York Renfrew Lennox Carleton Norfolk Lcedrt Guysborouph... Northumberland Victoria Bruce Guyeborough Queens , Pontiac Welland Victoria Selkirk (.'nmbcrlaud Niagara Richclien French Shore Burin TwilHngate and Fogo. Algoma Pontiac Lunenburg Victoria Richmond xrlv vOil ••••••••••••••• Halifax Prescott Hastings Burin Bbrtune Bay Westmorland Cumberland Placentia & St. Mary's Fortune Bay Burgeo and La Poile. . Cumberland Gasi)6 Burgeo and La Poile. . Harbor Main Richmond Dorchester Middlesex Huron Huron Burgeo and La Poile. . Hastings Victoria Arthabaska Durham Huntingdon Lanark Leeds Antigonlsh ... . ... ... . . xrll. ifOu •• •#••••••••••• Durham \fld. . Que . , Ont., N.S., Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. N.B. Out . Ont. M.B. Ont . Ont. N.S. N.B. X.8 . Ont N.a, P.E.I. Que. Ont.. N.B.. Man.. N.8.. Ont . . Que.. Nfld.. Nfld. . Nfld., Ont.. Que.. N.S.. N.B.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld. Nfld. . N.B.. N.S.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. N.S.. Que.. Nfld.. Nfld.. N.S.. Que . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld. . Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Ont.. Que .. Ont.. Ont.. N.8.. N.S . . Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Fogo, 45. Iliclimund, Aa Port Robinson, I Pictou, Tc, VI) or 30 See Woodbury. See Lisadel. Goderich. Af Forest, A . B'redoricton. X.Zh or 35 Renfrew. N Napance. A Woodstock . V or Zh Simcoe. Be.. Brockville, A, N or 1 See Glcnclg. Newcastle, T, 30 or 38... , Baddeck,41 Walkerton, C New Glasgow, Tc Fort Augustus. 4;j. Portage du Port, 3 , Fort Erie, Af, Be or H. Woodstock, V or Zh. . . . , See Winnipeg. See Amherst. See Niagara. .. .: See Sorel. Tilt Cove, 45 Burin, 44 TwilHngate, 45 , Fort William, 17. Fort WiUiara, 3. Kentville, U Woodstock, V or Zh New Glasgow, Tc West River, Tc Four Mile House, T. L'0rignal,2 Belleville, A, 6 or 7 .... Burin, 44 Burin, 44 Moncton,T Thomson, T... St. John's Harbor Briton, 44 Burgeo, 44 ..« «.. Athol.T Gasp6, 30. ........••«... Channel, 44 ........... St. John's New Glasgow, Tc Quebec Dorchester,B See Hay. See Exeter. ' Burgeo, 44r... ......... Trenton, A or 6. Peterborough, Ga See Warwick, Franklin, G. Hemmingford, Ae . .. . . Franktown, N... Irish Creek, N......... New Glasgow, Tc Pictou, Tc, 29 oe 80... . . FraaerviUer G. Ill TABLE OP ROUTES. 49 PASSENGl-Ul'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic. Fraserville Fraziirvillc FrcHlurickaburg Fredericksburg Fredcrlcktown Fredoricton Frederic ton Junction Predericton Hood. . . . Freelton Frceport Freeport Freeport Freetown Freiburg Frelighsbnrg Frenchman's Cove.... Frenchfort Cove French Creek Frenchman's Bay. . . . French Lake French River French Vale French Village French Village French Village French Village Frizell's Mills Frogmore Frome Froomflekl Freshwater Freshwater Freshwater Bay Freshwater Bay Frost Village Fry's Corners Fulford FuUarton FuUarton's Marsh . . . Fulton Fnrbey's Cove Gabarus Gad's Hill Gagetown Galley Gairloch Galloway Gait Gal way Gamebridge Gananoqnc Garafraxa Garden Hill Garden Island Garden of Eden Garden River Gardiner M ines Gardner's Creek Garia Gamean Garnish Garthby Gascoigno Cove Gaskin Gasp6 Gaspereaux County or District. Prov Tcniiscouata W'uUington Lennox Norfolk Cumberland York Sunbury Westmorland VVentworth Dlgby MiHsisquoi Waterloo Prince Waterloo Missisquol Burin Northumberland Kootenay Untario Sunbury ('ape Breton Drummond Kings Northumberland Prinro .... Hastings Peel Elgin Lanibton Carbonear Placentia &i St. Mary's Bonavista St. John's Shefford Haldlmand Brome Perth Queens Lincoln Fortune Bay Cape Breton Stratford Queens Kent Pictou Kent Waterloo Victoria Ontario Leeds Wellington Durham Frontenac Pictou Algoma Cape Breton St. John Burgco and La Foile. L'iKlet Foi'tune Bay Wolfe Queens Placentia & St. Mary's Ga?pc Kings Quo. Out . . Ont . . Ont . . N.S . . N.B.. N.B. N.B.. Out . . N.S.. Quo.. Ont.. P.E.I. Ont.. Quo . . Nfld., N.B. B.C.. Ont.. N.B.. N.S.. N.3.. Quo.. N.B.. N.B.. P.E.I. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Que. . Ont.. Que. . Ont.. P.E.L Ont . . Nfld.. N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. N.8.. N.B. Nfld.. Que.. Nfld.. Que. P.E.I. Nfld.. Que.. N.S.. Mo)t convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. See Riviere du Loup en bibl(t by Railroad or btoatncr. Brlgg'a Corners iiti (rasiM'reaux, W. .St. .John's Seo T(Miipl{'tr)n. Harbor liriton, 44 rilnibenacadie, T .See Cook's Drook. rihnbenacadlo, T Oronuitto, iJO IVrlti, Na ('ai'illou, 2 Carillon, 2 Doucct'H, A(' Shnbeiiacadie, T Trinity, i^> Trinity, 4r. See St. Loui-i do Gonxagao. Sec Iliversdale. Georgetown, A, Uellevlllo, A, (ior7 (Icorgotow n, Zi ov :;!). Sec Caiie Geoi*go North. Newpiirt.R or 8. Newmarket, 1) Ilarrisburg, B or C Berlin, A . Salisbury, Ta Lunenburg, 40. Now la'igow, To Collin',;wood, I) .See Bingliani Koad. DJgby, U Picton, (! or 7 See River Gilbert. Gilford. D. Uichibu"tn, .18 Uorchc^ter, B Walkerton,C Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Bellevillp, A, C or 7 Glanwortli, J. Flcsherton, Ea Berlin, A Stonffville. P Glasgow, E. See New Glasgow. Glasier, X. Woodstock, V or Zh Napanec, A New Glasgow, To Charlottotown, Zi, 2!) or 39. Goldstone, C New Glasgow, Tc Lindsay, G Kingston, A. Zb or 1 New Lowell. D Glencoe, B or Be. Kingston, A, Zb or 1. .... . New Glasgow, Tc Now Glasgow, Tc Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Glengarry, Tc. Collingwood, D Oampbellton, T or ;;8 Lystcr, Aa Glenlyon, C TABLE OF ROUTES. 51 PASSKNOliU'S DKSTINATION. Town, Villai{o, Sic. Gloii Jliijor (Jlciuncycr (.Hon Morris ()l(Mi Miirniy ...... Olcn Nuvia tHenRoocl (ilcn Sutton (Men T;iy (H'!iivalo (Jloaville (Hon William (Jlouco tor (loat Iiiilatul Ooblo's Cornera. . . . GcMlbout (foderUh Uoklcn Bay Oolden Crook (Jolden firove , Gohlouvillo , Croia Flcl(U Gold Minea Gold Hiver (roldstone (riKxl Corner , Goodwood (joodwo(xl , Gooseborry , (.k)03oborry Islands, , Goose Cove Goose Creok Goose irarbor Goose J'oint Goose River Goose Iliver. . Gordonsville Gore , Gore . , Gore's Landing Gormley Gorrie GoHfleld Goshen GoHhen GoHhcn Goshen Gosport Gonld Gould's, Gaiild's Landing. . . , Gould's Hoad Gourock , (rovernor'sRoad... , Gnwan , Gowanstown Gower Point Gowland Mountain Grafton , Grafton Grafton Comer Graham's Road.. .., Grahamsville Grand Anse , Grand Anse , •••••••••••« >• ••••••• Ontario Norfolk Drant McRanti(^ . . (Jloiijrarry ■ Antl;!f<)iii8h Uronio Lanark [''routenac Westmorland Ifalton Carloton Aiuiapolis Oxtoni •.•#•••••••••«« Har^nonay Ffunm IMacontia & St. Mary's r.ambton St. John Gnysborough. , Coichcster. Hants fiiinenburg Wellinf^ton Carloton... Middlesex . OntavFo . . . IMncontia & St. Mary's lionavlsta [•"rench Shore . . . St. John Ouysborough .. . .Sa;juenay Cumberland . . . Ivings Carleton Ar^cntcuil iTant3 Xorthnmbcrland York llnron Kssex Albert Colchester. . . Gnysborough Queens I.onno.x Compton .... [''erryland . . . Renfrew .... Brigus Wellington... Oxford Mmcoe Forth Renfrew ........ Albert Northumberland . Qneens Kings Queens reel Inverness Richmond Gloucester. .<,... Burin Ont. Ont , Ont. Quo. Jnt. N.8. Que. Ont. Ont. N.n. Ont. Ont. N.8. Ont. Que. Ont. Nfld. Out . , xV.B. . N.S . , N.S . . N.S . N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld . Nfld.. Nfld. . N.B.. N.S.. Que . . N.S.. P.E.I. N.B.. Quo . , N.8.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.B. . N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. Most convcnlcnfe I'oint aocnsslblo hy Railroad or Btennior. « SI Ont.. Quo.. Nfld. . Ont... Nfld.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont. . Ont.. N.B.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S . . P.E.I. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B. . Nfld.. rxbrid;ro, F TiNonburg, Bo fialt.C Recancour, Aa Coteau Station, A New Glasgow, To Olcn Sutton, R. Perth, Na Kingston. A, Zb or 1 Pctitcodlac, Ta Georgetown, A Glouceeter, M. .Sec Lower Oranvillo. Goble's Cornors, B. Tiulonsao, »4 Oodorlch, A( St. John's Widdor, A St. John, Tor W New Glasfrow, To Stewiacko, T Mou'it Uniacke, U Halifax, Tor U Goldstone, C. Woodstock, V or Zh See Bryanston. Good\vo(Hl, P. St. John's Green's Pond, 45 Tilt Cove, 4(5 Sussex, Ta See Oyster Ponds. TadouRac, 84 River Philip, T Charlottetown, Zi. 29 or S9. Woodstock, V or Zh See Lakeflold. Shubona'-adie, T Gore's Landing, K. Vurora, D Gorrie. E. Belle Rivifere, B Annagance, Ta Trnro, T New Glasgow, Tc Apohaqui, Ta Napanee, A Lennoxville, Ab or S St. John's Gould's Landing, 3. Drigus, 46 Gourock, C. Governor's Road, B. Gowan, D. Gowansto\^Ti, Ca. Gower Point, R. Petitcodiac, Ta Grafton, A. Livci-pool, 40 Watervillc, U Charlottetown, Zi,29or 39. Malton, A See Pleasant Bay. New Glasfjow, "To Bathurst, T or 38 Barin, 44 180 1 8» S IS 59 9 A 08 16 97 12 'J6 33 99 9 40 28 23 7* Iff 8 24 68 14 13 3.1 16 15 40 n 28 ■■ 3 104 2f» CI «2 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. • Town, Village, ic. Granboro' Grand Il;iy Grand Bend Grand 13 nil 6 Grand Bruit , . Granby ■Grand Calumet Grand Capaoin Grand Condees r Grande Baie Grande Bergeronne Grande Greve Grande Ligne Grand Etang Grand Etang Grande Vallee Grand Falls Grand Falls Portage Grandfather's Cove Grand Harbour Grandigue Grandigue Ferry. Grand Lake Grand Manan Grand Mira North Grand Narrows Grand Pahos Grand Pr<5 Grand River Grand River Grand River Grand River Wharf Grandy'e Brook Grundy's Passage Grandy's Point Grant Grant Qrantley Granton Grant's Mills Granville Granville Centre , . Granville Ferry Grass Pond G rate's Cove GravolHill Gravelotte Gravenhurst Graystock Gray's Wood Great Bridge Great Hill Great and Litsle Barachoia. . , . Great Barachois , , Great Bonah .,. Great Haitor Great Harbor Deep Great J^rvis Great Paradise Great Shemoguo. Great St. Lawrence Great Village Groenbank , . . Greenbusli Green Cove Greenfield % . County or District. Prov ShefCord Kings Lambton Chicoutiini Burgeo and La Poilc. . Shcfford Pontiac Gasi-,6 Beauce Chicoutimi Saguenay Ga3p6. St. John's Gasp6 Inverness Gasp6 Victoria Victoria French Shore , . Charlotte Kent Richmond Halifax Charlotte Cape Breton Victoria Gaspc Kings Gasp^ Victoria Richmond Prince Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Burgeo and La Poile. . Placentia & St. Mary's Lunenburg Russell Dundas Middlesex Grenville.. . Queens Annapolis Annapolis .... Bromo Trinity Storp ont Norfolk . Victoria Peterborough Annapolis Cumberland Queens Placentia & St. Mary's. Burgeo and La Poile. . Placentia & St. Mary's Fortune Bay French Shore Fortune Bay Placentia &i St. Mary's Westmorland ........ Burin Colchester Ontario Leeds French Shore Carleton ,uo . s'.B . Jnt . . SM. , ^le . . jue . J no . juo , • >ue . . ^ne. v^ue . . ^no . , i.S.. Que.. X.B.. N.B , .fld., S.B. . \.B.. -v.a . . X.S.. N.B.. -M.S.. N.S., Quo. X.S . . Que . N.B. . X.S . P.E.I -Nfld., Nfld., Nfld. , N.S., Ont.. Ont., Ont . . Ont . , P.E.I. N.S . . N.S Que. Ntid. Ont . Ont ont . Ont., N.S., N.S., N.S , Nfld , Nfld., Nfld. , Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld . Nfld. . N.B.. Nfld.. N.S . Ont.. < nt ., Nfld. X.B. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Granby, Q Grand Hay, W. Park Hill, A Sec Laterri6re. Hose Blanche, 44 • Granby, Q. Portage du Fort, .3 Meti.s T. 29 or ;,0 Bi ompton Falls, Ab Ha! Ha! Bay, 34 Tadonsac, 34 Gasp6,S0 Grande Ligne, Ad. Metis, T, "iS or 30 Port Hood, 39 Metis, T, '29 or 30 Riv. du Lou)), Aa, T or 34, . Woodstock, V or Zh Tilt C re, 45 St, Andrews, V or 37 Shediac.Tb New Glf),? j-ow. To ....... . Grand Lat-, .St. Andrews, r or 37 Sydney, 41 BadJeck, 41 Percf"', 29or 30 Grand Pr^, U Perc6. 29or30 Riv. du Loup, Aa, T or 34. . New Glasgow, To See Annandale. Burgeo, 44. Rose Blanche, 44 St. John's . . Halifax, T or U Cumberland, 2 Morrisbnrg, A Granton, A. Spencerville, M Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Annapolis, U Annapolis, U Waterloo, Q Carboncar, 4G. Cornwall, A, 1, 5 or 6 Delhi, Be Gravenhurst, 14. Peterborough, Ga Annapolis, U See Port Philip. Liverpool, 40 St. John's Burgeo, 41 St. John's Harbor Briton, 44. . . . . . Tilt Cove, 45 Harbor Briton, 44. . . ... Burin, 44 , . Shediac, Tb Burin, 44 Londonderry, T Wick, F Bellamy's, N Channel. 44 Woodstock, V or Zh TABLE OP ROUTES. 53 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Greenfield Greenlield Greenfield Green Grove , . , Green Hiirbor Green IJarbor , Green Head , Green Hill G reen Island Green Ijland , Green Island Cove Green Lake Settlement. , Greenock Green Point , Green Point Green River , Green River , Green River Green's Creek Green's Pond , Greensville Green vale , Greenville Greenville Greenwich Greenwich Hill Greenwood , Green's Mills. Grenville c Gresham Gretna Grey Griersville GrifBii'i Corners Griffin's Corners GrilHri's Corners Griffli'sCove Griffith Griguet Grinioby Griaishawe'H Mills Gnat's Island Grolo Groudines Grosse Coques Groise Isle Grosse Roches Gross Point Grorivenor Grouse Creek Grovesenl Guegnen Gnelph Gulf Shore Guller's Corners Gull Cove Gull Island , Gulliver Cove Gully's Gunning Cove.... , Guyaborough Guysborough Guysborouuih Intervale Hackctt's Cove liadlow Hagemiati's Corners . . . County or District. Prov Glengarry Ivinga Queens York Shelbnme Trinity .St. John Pictou French Shore.... Teniiscouata Trinity Renfrew Bruce iloucester , Prince Edward. . , Ontario Femidcouata . . . . Victoria. . .' Oolohester Bonavista Wentworth iueev.3 'arleton Oumbei'land :Cing3 :^;ing8 )atario \lgonia Vrgenteull .... 3ruce jinnox Inron :roy, Ont. N.8, N.S. ■^Ijin rrey tanstead ! asp6 lonf rew .'rench Shore Lincoln •lonhnmberland onavista j'ortune Bay L^ortneuf Digby Montmagny ilimouskl Victoria Guysborough Cariboo Eigin Kent Wellington Cumberland Jlogautic Placentia & St. Mary'R Bay de Verds Digby , Brigns Shelburno Guysborough \orfolk Guypborough Halifax Levis York Ont . N.S. :;fld I.B, X.S, Nfld. . Que . . Nfld . Jnt Ont . . i.B, . Ont.. Out . Quo . . .V.B.. N.S . Xfld.. Ont . . P.E.I. N.B.. M.S.. N..S . , N.E.. Out . , Ont . Que. Out . Ont . , Ont . , uit . Ont.. Ont . , i\ie . . Quo . , Ont . . .fld. Ont .. Ont . . Ntld. . N'fld. . Que . -'i.S Que. Que . , i.S., NT.S., B.C., Ont . . N.B. . )nt N\S . . Que . , N'fld., \fld., MS., Nfld.. ;.s., T.S., )nt . . I'T.S., Quo . . Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Lancaster. A... Wlndwr, U Lunenburg, 40 .iee Thi.^tletown. .3!ielbume, 40 Harbor Grace, 46 .St. John Pictou, T, 29 or 30 Tilt Cove, 4!) ;ce Isle Verte. Catnlina, 44 Sre Rankin. Walkerton, C Bathurdt, T or 38 Picton, Gor7 Whitby, A or L Riv. du Loup. Aa, T or ;•' 1.. Riv. dn Loup, Aa, T otol Stewiacke, T . Green's Pond, 44. Dundas, B Charlottotown. Zl, 2d orSD. Greenville, Vb Greenville. T. See Port Wiil'ama Station Greenwich. IS) Whitby, A or L Parry Sound, 17 . Grenville, 2. G'Mlerich, Af Napanee, A Ainleyville, Ca Meaford, D or 15 Til.sonburg, Be Owen -sound, Ea or 15 Stanstead, S Gaspfi, 30 Uenlrew, N TiltCove,45 Jrimsby, B. See Burnley Green's Pond, 45 Harbor Briton, 44 Oroiidines, 3;i. Digby, U St. Thomas Aa Metis, T, 29 or 30 Sydney, 41 New Glasgow, Tc Yale, 48. Aylmer, Be Shediac,Tb Gnelph, AorC. Wentworth, T Sao Le Mesurier. •St. John's Carbonoar, 46 Digby, IT Brtgus, 46 .Shelbume, 40 N'ew Glasgow, Tc Ingersoll, B New Glasgow, Tc H lifax, TorU Hadlow, Aa. Toronto. 8 15 9 16 7 i)2 li la 9 ) 13 4 U 5 15 19 S 42 rj 115 28 1 51 26 G9 10 U 32 S3 22 15 3 9 07 23 77 28 <■ 54 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTIXATION Town, Tillase, &:c. Hagcrsvino Ha;/le' 4 Corners .... Ha! Ha! Day Ilaliliiiiand HaMimaiid Half Island Cove .... Half Way Brook Half Way River Halibnrton Halifax Halifax Hallerton Halloway ... Hall's Bridge , Hall's Horncrs Hall's Harbor , H.-vltonville Ham Hamburg Hanibnrfj Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton's Mountain Hamlet Hammettsholm Hammond Hammond Plain Hammond Biver Hammond Vale Hani's Corners HamT)stead Hamp^tead Hanijiton Hampton Hampton Hampton Hamnton Hanf ord Brook Hannon Hanover Hants Harbor Hant^port Hanwell Haiijiy Advonti.re . . ■ Harbor an Bonche. , . Harbor ]*riton Harbor P.ufTott Harbor do Veaux . . . . Harbor CJ alley Harbor Crace Harbor le Cow Harbor Main Harbor Mille Harbf>r lloml Harbor Bound Harborville ......... Harcourt Hardinso Hardwit'ke Hardwood Hill Hardwood Lands- Haro Bay Hai'oBay Harewood Hari^rave Harlem County or District Prov flaldimand Oxford Chicoutimi ,. . Haldiraand Northumberland Guysborough Colchester Cumberland Peterborough Halifax Megan tic Huntingdon Hastings Peterborough Wentworth Kings Halton Wolfo Elgin Lennox Peterborough Wentworth Qneens Lanark York Perth Halifax Kings Kings Lennox Perth Queens Annapolis Durham Kings Queens. . . . York... Kings Wentworth Grey Trinity ......... Hants York Bonavista Antigoni'^h Fortune Bav Placontla & St. Mary'e French Shore Fortune Bay Harbor Grace Burgco and La Polio. . Harbor jrain I'Virtuue Bay Antif-mish French Shore Kings Renfrew Addington Northumberland Pictou Colchester Honavista Twillinaato and Togo. Westmorland Pontiac Leeds .. • •••••••••i Out . . Ont . . Que.. G..t.. Ont.. N.S.. N S.. N.S., Ont . . N.S.. Que .. Que. Ont . . Ont.. Ont .. N.S.. Out.. Quo . Ont ... Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B., Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . N.R.. N.B.. N.B. . Ont . . Ont . . N.B.. N.S.. Ont. N.B.. P.E.L N.B N.B. . Ont.. Ont . . Nfld. . N.S . N.B. Nfld. . N.S.. Nfld.. Nfld. . Nfld. . Nfld.. Nfl'l.. Nfld. . Nfld.. Nfld.. N.S.. Nfld. . N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. N.S. . N.S.. Nfld.. Nfld. . N.B.. Quo . . Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. rn Hagersville, H or Za. Ingersoll. B Sc6 Grande Baio. See Byng. "' ''", See Grafton . New G lasgow, Tc Brookfield, T Athol.T H.aliburton, 19. Halifax, T or U. See St. Ferdinand. Hemmingford, Ae Bollev.le, A. 6or7 Lakefiold, Ga See Binbrook. Kentville, U Rockwootl, A Danville. Aa See Mount Salem, Napanoe. A Peterborough, Ga. Hamilton, B, Za or 1. Round Hi 11,. -35 Perth, Na .\urora, D Newrj', Ca See English Comer. Nauwigewauk, Ta j^ussex, Ta See Hamburg. ■Shakespeare, A Ilanip'tead, ;i5. -"ec Chute's Cove. nownianville, A or 1 Hampton, Ta. (.'harlottetown,Zi, 2!) or I^i). Fredericton, X, Zh or ;!.5.. flampton, Ta Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Walkerton, C Harbor Grace, 46 Hantsi)ort, U. Fredericton, X, Zh or 35. . . Cataliua, 45 New la^gow, Tc Harbor Briton, 44. St. John's Tilt Cove. 45 Haibor Briton, 44 Harbcr Grace, 46. Rose Blanche, 44 St. .John's Burin. 44 New Glasgow, Tc Tilt Cove, 45 Berwick, U Renfrew, N Nai'anee, A Chatham, 80 or 38 Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30 Shubenacadie, T Gr«'en'.-( Pond, 45 Fogo, 45 Salisbury, Ta Porta;,'o du Fort, 3 Brockville, A, N or 1 TABLE OP ROUTES. 55 PASSENGEU'S DESTINATION. Town, Village.^c. Harley Hiirlock Harlowo Harmony Ilarnionj' Harmony Harold Ilarpor Harplcj' llarpurhoy Harriotsville Harrigan Cove Harrington East... Harrington West. . . Harrisbnrg Harrison's Harrison's Corners. Harriston Han-ow HaiTowsmitli Hartford Hartford Hartington Haitland Hartley Hartman Harvey Harvey Creek Harvey Hill Mines. Harvey Station . . . . Harwich Harwood Haseville Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hatley Hatter's Point Hattvillo Haultain Havelock Havelock Havelock Havelock Hawkesbury Hawkstono Hawksville Hawtrcy Hay Haydon Haycsland Haynesville Hay's River Haysville Haystack Hay ward's Covo Hazel Grove Hazledeau Headford Headingly Hc^.dLake Head of Amherst . . . . Head of Bay Dc'^pair. . Head of Fortune Bay. . Head of Jordan River. County or District. Prov Brant Huron Addington Kings Perth .Uieens iiastings Lanark Huron Huron Middlesex Halifax Argentcuil . . . ^ . ... Oxford Brant dimcoe Cornwall , Wellington Essex Addington , Norfolk Yarniiyuth. . ; Addington , Carleton Victoria , York , Albert Cariboo Megantic York , Kent Xorthumberland ..... Missisquoi Albert Cumberland Hastings Peterborough Stanstead Burgeo and La Poilo Prescott Peterborough Annapolis Digby Peterborough Pontiac Prescott.... Simcoo Waterloo Oxford Huron Durham Went worth Y^ork Inverness «... Waterloo Placentia & St. Mary s Bonavista .... Queens Carleton , ... York .Selkirk V^ictoria Cumberland .. Fortune Bay. . Fortune Bay., Most convenient Point accessible by Railr , 1 or Steamer, Ont. Ont. Ont. >f.S. Ont. M.S. Ont. Ont Ont . Ont. Oat. N.S. Que. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont . Out Ont Oat X.S. Ont . N.B. Ont. Ont. S.B. B.C. Que N.B. Ont. Ont . . Que . . N.B.. N.S,. Ont . . Ont . . Que . . Ntld.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. Ont . . Que . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N.B. . N.S.. Ont , Nfld. Nfld. . P E.I. Ont.. Ont Man. . Ont.. N.S.. Nfld.. NOd. . Brant' d.AforBo. Seal'ortli, Af Napanee, A Kentvillo, U. Str.atfonl, A Annapolis, U Eolleville, A, C or 7. Pertli, Na Park Hill, A Seaforth, Af . . Dorchester, B Halifax, Tor U Greuville, 2 Stratford, A Shelburno N.S. llarrisburg, B or C Harrisons, D Millcs Ro.hos. A , Harriston, C or E. Aniher.stburg, 11 Harrowsaiith, Zb. Wa. erford, il Yarmouth, 40 Harrow.simtli, Zh Hartlaiid Zh. Canibray. G Stouffville, F Sali.-.bnry, Ta Yale, 48 Craig's Road. Aa Harvey Station, W. Tliamesville, B Harwood, K. Stanbridge, P Penobsquis, Ta Amherst, T See Madoc. Colborne, A Ayers Flats, S Burgeo, 44 See Plantagenet. Peterborough, Ga Lawrencetown, U Digby, U Peterborough, Ga See Bryson. Greuville, 2 Hawkstone, Da. Berlin, A Hawtrey, H. Clinton, Af Dowmanville, A Hamilton, B, Za or 1 . . . . Haynesville, Zh. Port Hood, ;5!) New Hamburg, A .... . St. John's Green's Pond, 4') Charlottetown.Zi, 2!) or; Stittsville, O . Richmond Hill, D Fort Garry, :>l Kenelon Falls, IH Amher.=?t, T llarb'ir Briton, 44 Hai'bor Briton, 44 Shelburne, 40 "S 14 11 67 4 40 ^r^ 7 7 01 lU 7 13 d G 3 I* 43 H 9 10 23 25 5 16 30 8 14 28 13 20 9i 11 4 3 105 8 18 3 H 13 to 10 :]5 dH t 8d TABLE OF ROUTES. r.VS3ENaBR'S DEjJTINATION. Town, Village, &c. ' County or District. Prov. Head of Millstrcam Head of Hidgo Head of St. Margaret's Bay. . Head of St. Mary's Bay . . . Head of South Kiver Lake. . Head of Tatainagonche Bay. Head of Tide Head of Wallace Bay Headville .... Heart's Content Heart's Delight Heart's Desire Heart's Ease Heathcoto Hebb's Ci'Oss Hebertville Hebron Hebron Hebron Heckman's Island Heck's Corners Heckston Heidelbnrg Helena Heniison Hemmingf ord Hempstead Henry Henrysbnrg Henry ville Hepwoith Hepworth Herbert Herdnian's Corners Hereford . . . . Hereward Herlot Hermitage Cove Heron's Inland HeiTing Cove Herring Neck Heajjcler Hewgill Hiawatha , Hibb'sHole Hibemia , Hibernia Hibemia Higgin's Road , Higgin'sRettlemont HighBlnlf , High Falls ,.. Highfleld Highfleld Highgate , Highland Creek , Highland Village Hilda Hillior Hillnboro' Hillsborough Hilljiborongh Hillsborough HiUaburg Hill^burg Hillsburu .,»,,,,,, «. Kings ...... Westmorland Halifax Digby Autigonish . . Colchester... Re-itigouche . Cumberland . Drummond.. Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Grey Lunenburg .. Chicoutimi Albert Perth Yarmouth Lunenburg Grenville Grenville Waterloo Huntingdon Dorchester Huntingdon Perlh Prescott St. Johns Ibcnille Pontiac Grey Brome Huntingdon Compton Wellington York Fortune Bay.. . ile^tigoucho Halifax Twillingate and Fogo Waterloo Wellington Peterborough Brigus Hants Queens Queens I'rinie llalifixx Marquette Renfrew Hants York .».. Kent York Colchoster Hastingi Prince Edward Lambtou Mbert Cumberland.. . Inverness . . . , IMgby Wellington, .,. lAuuapolia Most convenient Point accoHsible by Railroad or Steamer. X.B.. Apohaqui, Ta -N' .B. Petitcodiiu-, Ta N 8.. Halifax, Tor U xV S . Dlgby.U N . S. . New Glasgow, Tc N S. . Wentworth. T ■ N.B. . Campbcllton, T or 38 i S. . Thomton, T Que . . See St. Germ, dc Grantham Nfld. . Harbor Grace, 4ti N fid . . Harbor Grac e, 46 Nfld. . Harbor Gmce, 4G Nfld. . Harbor Grace, 46 Out . . Collingwood, D N.S.. Lunenburg, 40 Que . . See Labarre. N.B. . Salisbury, Ta Ont . . Listowel, Ca N . S. . Yarmouth, 40 N S. Lunenbr.rg, 40 Ont . . See Roebuck. Ont . . Kcmptville, M Ont .. Berlin, A Quo . Caughnawaga, Ae Que . . St. Henri, Aa or Zf Que . . HemmiuRford, Ae. Ont . . Stratford, A Ont . . L'Orignal, 2 Que. Lacolle, Ad Que . . Des Rivieres, P Que . . Aylmer, 3 Ont . . Owen Sound, Ea or 15 Que . . Manson'i illc, R Que . . Hemmingford, Ae Que . . Coaticook, Ab , Ont . . Luther, E N.B.. Frederifton, X,Zhor35.., Nfld. . Harbor Briton, 44 N.B. . New Mills, T N.S Halifax, Tor a Nfld.. Twillingate, 45 Ont . Hes];elcr, C. Ont . . See Barnett. ' ■' Ont . . Peterborough, Ga Nfld.. Brigus, 46 .. N . S. . Hantsport, U NB.. Hanips-tead, iiS N.S.. Annapolis, U P.E.I. Sumnierside, Zi, 89 or 42.. N.S . . Shubeiiacadie, "T Man.. Fort Gan-v,61 nt . . Arnprior, N N.S.. Newport, U Ont . . Malton. A . . Ont Highgate, H. Out . . Toronto N.S Truro, T Ont . . Belleville, A, C or 7 On* . . Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Ont . . Forest, A N.B.. Palisburv, Ta N.S.- See Six Mile Road. N.S . Port Hood, no N.S.. :- JO Bear River. Ont . . .ronrgetown, A N.S. . I AnnapoUb, U Creon'.s Pond, 45 Slielburac, 40 Baddecl., 41. Levis, A^a Twillinf. ate, 45 PiUrfToo, 44 New Glasgow, Tc Halifax, Tor U .'^t. Andrews, V or 37.. . .. Fogo. 45 Fort Garry, 51 Lunenburg, 40 Lunenburg, 40 Halifiix, TorU Peterborough, Ga Sumniersidc, Zi, iJ9 or 42. Shubenacadic, T Newcastle. T, ;^0or 38 St. John,TorW SecJolietto. •, t, ^ Inger flll. B. Bobravgeon, 18 or 19 Ba.ddeck,4l Proton, Ea. Troquoi-. A See Bri.stol. Green's Pond, 45 Woodstock, B Braniley, D Innisville, 22. Petitcodi.ac, Ta Kmg.stou, A, Zb or 1 Southaiiii)ton, C Owen S"uncl, Ea or 15 ... Becancour, Aa Sunnuordide, Zi, o9 or 42. lona, H SpoM' GiUivray. Harbor Grace, 40 New (rla'--gow. To Tri-h Creek, N. Moncton, T Sweet bui'gV., R Ottawa, M, O or 2 Iroquois, A or 1. 10 17 38 2 (i 7 8 24 n 4 C 6 10 :i 63 15 23 25 34 74 28 14 14 25 5 11 66 10 7 18 ?,. 51 21 10 8 1 3 12 23 18 11 32 14C 16 8 H TABLE OF ROUTES, r ASSENGER'S DESTl N ATION . Town, Village, iic. Irvine Irving Settlement.. Irfiuio's Harbor Ishyonish Island Brook Island Cove Island Cove Island Cove Island Harbor Islay Isle aux Chats Isle aux Condres.. . Isle aux Orues Isle aux Noix Isle Bizard Isle Dupa3 Isle Jesus Islo Per rot Isles aux Morts . . . . Islet Jeroniie I-jle Valen Isle Verte Islington Ivanhoe Ivy Jack Fontaine Jackson Jackson's Ann Jackson's Ann Jackson's Corners Jackson's Mill^ .. .. Jackson's Road .... Jacksontown Jacksonville Jacksonville. Janetville Jancville Jarratt's Corners. . . Jarvis Jasper Jean do Bay Jeddore Jelly's Jems?g Jenkins Jersey Jersey Jersey Harbour. . . . Jerseyville Jestico . Jigging Hole Job's Cove Joe Batt's Arm .Joggin ^Mines. . . . . . John Gill's Harbor. .Johnson Johnson's Johnson's Mills. . . . Johnson's Point. . . . Johnston Johnston's Johnston's Slills. . . Johnston's River. . . Johnstown Johntown Jolmvillc County or District. Prov .Mogantic Albert (iuysborougli Colchester Coinpton Bay de Verds Har))or Grace Trinity Twillingato and Fogo . Victoria Ai'gentenil Charlevoix L'l.^et St. Johns .Jacques Cartier Beithier Laval Vaudreuil Burgoo and La Poilo . . Saguenay I'lacentia & St. Mary'. Teraiscouata York Hastings Sinicoo li'ortune Bay Grey l''rench Shore Twillingateand Fogo . Durham Kings Kings Carleton Carloton Kings Duriiam Gloucester Quo . . .N .B. . N.S.. N.S.. Que . . Nfld . Nlld. Nttd. . Nfld. . Out . . Que . Que . Qi'-o . . (,)no . . Que. Quo . . Que . . Que . . iSlfld.. Que . . Is lid.. Quo. Gnt . . Ont.. Out . . Nfld. . Ont . . Nfld.. Nfld.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. N.B.. N.S.. Opt. N.B.. Simcoe Ont Haldimand Grenville Burin , Halifax Leeds Queens Queens Beauce York Fortui.e Bay Wentworth Invorneis Trinity Bay de Verds Twilling.ite and Fogo. Cumberland Burgeo and La Poile. . Grey Huntingdon Westmorland Annapolis Queens Colchester Huron Queens Grenville .... Grey Carleton Ont.. Ont.. Nfld... N.a.. Ont ... N.B.. N.B.. Que . . Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. N.S.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. N.S.. Nfld. . Ont . . Que . . .V.B.. N.S.. X.B. . N.S.. Ont.. P.E.I, Ont.. Ont . . N.B.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Eg* ancour, Aa Salisbury, 'J'a New Glasgow, Tc See Chigonaise River. LennoxviUe, Ab or S Carboiicar, 40 Harbor Grace, 4<) Harbor Grace, 4(J t'ogo, 43 Llnd ay, G i_,'ari'l()n,'2 ^t. Paul's Bay, ;i4 r t. Thomas, Aa Stottsville, Ad Montreal Bcr'ihier en haut, 25 Montreal St. Ainu's, A or 2 Rose Blanc he, 44. Ilivcr du Loup, Aa, T or ',il St. John's Ri^cr du Loup, Aa, T or .'14 Minuco, Ba Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Barrio, Da Burin, 44 Owen Sound, Ea or 15 Green's Pond, 45 Tilt Cove, 45 Sej Kirhy. Coldbrook, U. Coldbrook, U. WocKlstock, V or Zh Wooostork, V or Zh Aylesford, U Bethanv, G Bathur-t, T or ;;8 OriUia, D, G or 13 Jarvis, Be or Za. See Irish Creek. Burin, 44 Halifax,Tor U Jelly's, N. .femsog, 35. Wickham, ,^5 St. Francois, Zf Newmarket, D Harbor Briton, 44 Lynden, B See Port Hood. Trinity, 45 Carbonear, 46 Fogo, 45 . River Hebcrt, T Channel, 44 Owen Sound , Ea or 15 Johnson's, Ae. Dorchester, T See Webber's. Gageto vn , H.'. Johnston'. s, T. Park Hill, A Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or iiV Pros- ott. A, M or 1 See Chatsworth. Hartland.Zh on 3 u ::o 90 22 ',!7 9 26 20 '"I V2 6 4 27 2i 8 7 12 80 104 16 3 21 11 46 6 91 13 8 f.S . N.S. Ont . . N.S.. Ont . . N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. B.C.. Quo.. Ont . . N.B.. Ont. Ont . . Que . . I>.'.B. Que . . Ont . . i;fld. . Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Ont . . B.C.. Ont . . N.S.. Ont . . Quo . . Ont . . Out.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S . Que . . N.S . N.S.. Ont.. Ont . Ont . . Ont , . Quo . N.S.. .-;.s.. .^ue . . P.E.I. ()nt . . X.S.. Ont . .S. . l.nt . . 1 nt . . N.S.. Nfld. . (3nt . . Ont . . Most convenient Point a.ccbsiblo b.v Railroad or Steamer. Cimipton , Ab .-a; Kville. T Joliette, Y. (See Corinth. Jones' Falli^, 4. Chicoutimi, 84 See Milbridge. Jordan, B Jordan, B Shelbume, 40 Shclbnme, 40 Shelbnim ,40 Peter, burg, A Port Hood, 39 Widder. A Tratey, W Black Creek, Hb .Napanee, A Yale, 48 Kt. Paschal, Aa Osgoode, M Norton, Ta Sebringville, Af See Cairngonn. North ]latley, S Salisbury, Ta Ottawa, ai, O or 2 Owen Sound, Ea or 15 . Trinity, 45 Bradfonl, D Keene, K. Roch Captain, 3 Chatham, B Y8 .e, 48. Glanworth, J Yarmouth, 40 Kelly's, G. Port Lewi.a, 6 Lyncdjch, B Cnvcn Sound, Ea or 15. Annapolis, U Yarniou h, 40 Yarmouth, 40 R.vdnoy, 41 CanipbeUton, T or 33 . . Nevv' Gla.-igow, Tc River, dale, T Ktmptvillfc, M or 4. Newtonville A Ken il worth, E. Ottawa, M, O or 2 .... Kennebec, Zf. •Newport, U !?hubenacadie, T Chicoutimi, 84 See Barrett's Cross. Chatham, B Halifax, T or U G oldstone, C Koi tville, U. ce Dunvegan. Kepler, Zb. \ow Glasgow. Tc Trinity, 45 KeiTwood, B. Lancaster, A ......... TABLfi OP ROUTES. ei PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. County or District. Prov. Kertch Kefiwick. ■ Lambton York Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.B.. N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Qne . . P.E.I. Man. . Que. Ont.. .)nt.. Ntid.. •nt. Ont . Ont.. Ont . . Ont. Ont . . Ont . . One . Keswick York Keswick Hidge York Ketch Harbor Halifax York Kottleby Kowstoke Invomosa Middlesex Keyser ; . . Kote!xaune-Seel)e Algoma Kilbride llftlton Kildaro .Toilette Kildare Prince Kildonan ......... Selkirk Kilkenny .... Montcalm Killarney Killean .Vlgoma Wellington .. ilirbour Main Pool Killigrews Kilinana'^h Kilmarnock trrenvlllo Kilmartin Middlesex Kilmaura Carleton Oroy Kilsyth Kilworth -Middlesex Grey Kimbolton Brome Kinburn Carleton Ont.. Ont.. N 8.. Ont . . N.B,. Ont.. Ont. Ont.. unt.. Ont . . N.S.. Que . . Nlid.. Nfld. N.B.. Qne . . Quo.. N.B.. Ont.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont., Ont.. Que . . Ont . i Ont. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que . . Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Que.. Kinbum Huron Kinburn Lunenburg rjruce Kincardine...., Victoria York King York Kinghom Yofk Vorfolk Kingsbridse Huron King.sburg Lunonburor Kingsbury [lichniond Bonavista King's Cove Twiliingato and Fogo. York Kingsey Dauvnniond Drummond ........... King Settlement York Kingston Frontenac Kent Kingston Kingston Kings Frontenac Kings Kingston Mills Kingston Village Kingsville E ■? ■ ex , Kinkora Perth Kinloss Bruce Kinlough Bruce Kinmonnt Virtorla Megantlc Kinsale Ontario Hasti gs Kings Kintail Hnrnn «. Kintore Oxford Kippen Huron ••• Kirby Durham Drummond Victoria , Cumberland Olengarry Ottawa. ,..t... Kirkfleld Kirkhill , Most convenient Point S aLiccssihlo by "* Railroad or yto.-imer. s: Wanstcod, Bb Newmarket, D .500 Roach's Point. Keswick, Zh. Halifax, Tor U Aurora, D I'ort HofMl, ;{!). Kerrwood, B -jco Garden River. Hamilton, B, Za or 1 .. .. Joliette.Y Vlbcrton. 42 Fort Garry, 51 L' Assomption, '27 ICillai'ney, 17. Galt.C 4 St. John's Brampton A .Sniith'8 Falls, N or 4 Gloncoe, B .Vrnprior, N or 3 Owen Hound, Ea or 15.. .. IComoka, Bb .MeafordjDorl.') See Bolton Centre. I'akenham, N .See Constance See Mahono Bay. Iviucardino. Ca or E. Ilartland, Zh. King. D. ICiug. D ICing, D Tilsonbiir;^. Bj God'.>rich, Af Lnncnbuv;, 40 Richmond, Aa Trinity, 4 1 Tilt Cove. 4') Fredericton, X, Zh or ;!."> . Richmond, Aa Danville, Aa Fredericton, X, Zh or ;!.5 . King.ston, A, Zb, 1, 6 or 7 Richibucto, 38 Rothsay. Ta Kingston Mills, 4. Bloomfleld,U King.svillo, 11. Sebringville, Af Walkerton, C Ijucknow, Ca Bobcaygeon,,18 Becancour, Aa Whitby, A or L Tycndlnaga, A Kentvllle,U Goderlch, Af Ingersoll, B Clinton, Af Vewcastle.A Richmond, Aa Kirkfleld, F. Athol,T Lancaster, A Ottawa, M, or 2 16 16 7 17 4 9 3* 82 7 18 13 17 15 4 li 10 13 12 6 13 12 17 9 7 8 3 10 8 17 9 20 18 7 C 13 16i 10 14 7 •4 26 22 IS 62 TABLS OF ROUTES. PASSENOLIl'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &lc. Klrktoii . , Kirkwall , Kitley..., KUnebarg KnaixliUe Knntohbull KnowIoHvillo Knowltou Knowllou Liii-.tUny Knnxfonl Knoydart Koinoka Koot jiiay Koasuth Kouchibouj^uac Kouchlbougiiacla La Bale Labarro LaBcauce L'lbcllo L'Acadlo La Canardicro Lacheiiaie Lacliino Iuo . . ( )no . . Qua . . Que . . Que . . B.C.. Que . . Quo . . Quo . . Que . . Que . . Ont.. Ont . . Que . . Que . . N.S.. N.S., N.8. N.S., x.s. N.S., Cjue . . Que . . N.B.. Ont Que . . Que . . N.B.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. X.B.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. (^ue . . N.S.. Ont.. Que . . Out . . Que . . Oat . . N.S.. Que.. N.B. . Mos- convcnidnt I'oint accesslhlo by Railroad orStojinier. Rt. Mary's, A '.alt, C See Toledo. Ivlinebnrg, L'. Newbury, B .■".lilton, A Woodstock. V or Zh Waterloo, (J Newport, R or S . Woodstock, V or Zh New Glaf^ow, Tc Komoka, Bb. Yalo, 48 Bre lau, A Richibucto, :;a •See Louisville. .^t. Orerroirc, Ac Chicoutimi, Ml Ste. Jlaric, Zf. Liverpool, 40 L'Acadie, Ad. Quebec Lachenaie, 27. Lachine, Ac. Lachinc Junction, A. Carillon, 2 1 Yale, 48 See St. Gabriel dc Brandon Montreal St. Jean Port Joli, Aa Lacollo, Ad. See Robcrval. Barrie, Da Lancaster, A Frelighfcburg, R St. Anicet, 5 Lunenburg, 40 See Middle La Have Ferry, Lunenburg, 40 Whycocomah, 41 Whycoconiah, 41 rortllood, :i9 Lennoxville, Ab or S Quebec Salisbury, Ta Pembroke, 15 St. Henri, Aa, or Zf Carillon, 2 Sus.sex, Ta Lakefield, G a. Aylesford, U Yarmouth, 40 Fredericton,X, Zii or ;!r>. .. Lakefield, Ga Athol, T Mount Uniacke, U Quebec Baddcck, 41 Clifford, E Lake Megan tic, Zd. Simcoo, Be. See Oka. Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Amherst, T. Lake Road, Aa. Chatham, 30 or 38 11 J 8 r, Jt 10 24 20 150 4 12 17 4d 23 I 10 207 57 11 41 10 n 3 16 2 12 4 26 55 13 44 18 36 19 11 12 21 27 19 19 4 17 30 34 22 TABLE OP ROUTES. 63 PA.SSEN(JEU'S DESTINATION. Town, Villayo, 4:c. liAkOBido Lakosido Lake St. CliarloH Lake TomiscamiiKiuo Lakevalu Lakoviow Lakevillc... Lakcvillo Lakevlllo Lakcvillo Corner Lake Woedon Lally Cove L'Ainablo Lamalino La Mancho , La Mancho L'Aiuaroux Lambeth Lambie'a Milli Lambton Lambton Lambton Lanlcque Lanuncruioor Lanark Lancaster Lancaster Lance Cove Lauce Cove Lang Langevin Langf ord Langley Lang;ude , Langstaff Langton , Lauorale Lansdowno , L'Ause t\ Giles L' Ansc an Foin , L'Anse aiix Clrlfion , L'Anse St. Joan , L'Anse Vallce Lansing Lanty'a La Petite lUv, St. Francois. . La PigeonuiiJro Lapland La Planto La Poile Laprairio ... La Presentation Lapnni L'ArchGvcriue L'Ardoiso Lai-gie Larochelle Larry's Ilivcr La Scie Laskay L'Assomption Laterri^re Latimer Latona La Tortue Latta's Mills County or District. I Prov. L)i;.'by Oxford Quebec Pontiac Antigonlsh Huron Carloton Halifax Kings Sunbury \V(3lfe Fortune Bay ilastinga liurin l.J'erryland i'lacontia & St. Mary's. York Middlesex Mogantic Beauco Lambton York Gloucester York Perth Glengarry ?t. John Durg'^o and La Poile. . Triwi.y Peterborough Dorchester ilrant New Westminster Bruce York Norfolk Berthier Leeds , L'Islet Chicoutimi Gasp6 Ciiiooutimi Gasp6... Y'ork Lunenburg Cliarlevolx Napierville Lunenburg Burgeo and La Poile. . Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Laprairio St Hyacinthe Frontenac Richmond Richmond Elgin Megantic Guysborough French Shore York L'Asssomption Cliicoutimi Frontenac Grey Laprairie Hastings N.S., Out., Que . , Quo., N.S.. Out . , N.B., F.S.. N.S.. X.B.. Quo , NUd. , Ont., Nlld., NUd. . NUd. , Ont . , Ont. Que. Quo . , Ont . Ont. N.B. Ont. Ont . , Ont . , N.B. , Nfld. , NM. . Ont., Que., Ont . , B.C.. Ont . , Ont., Out . , t^ue . , Unt. Que . , Que . , Que . Que., (iuo . , Ont . N.S. Que . Quo . N.S., Nfld. NM, Que. Cine . Ont. N.S. N S. Ont. Quo. N.a. Nfld. Ont. (^no . Que. Ont. Ont. Quo. Ont. Most convenient I'oint acce'wiblc by Railroad or Steamer. I • • • ■ • I Digby.U St. Mary's, A Quebec ^.lattaw a, :{ New Ola :;, 4-1 , llarb.'ir (rraec, 46 , Kcono, K St. Henri, All or Zf Brant ford, Af or Be . . . , Laii;Tl'.>y, 4t<. Lucknow, Ca , Richmond Hill, D Tilsonburg, II Lanoraie, Y or 25. Lansdowno, A. L'Anse a G ilcs, Aa. Chicoutimi, M , Gasp^, ;iO Murruv I. nv, ;!4 Mctis,"T. 2;) or ;;0 Weston, A, D or E Kentvillo, U St. Paul's Bay, a4 La Pigeonniero, Ac, Lunenbui'g, 40 La Poile, 41 La Poile, 44. Montreal St. Hyacinthe. Aa or 28 Kingston, A, Zb or 1 . . . Port Hawkcsbury, ill). .. Port Ilawkesbury, 111) . . lona, II Stanfold, Aa New Glasgow, Tc Tilt Cove, 4,j King, D , L'Assomption, 27. Chicoutimi, ;-!4 Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Fle.iliarton, Ea Montreal See Plainfield. II ^3 17 10 10 1)0 fil 18 1) 8 »» 25 70 40 ;i2 i)7 6 U .*]6 2a 10 12 10 2« 48 178 H 10 25 n 7 6 18 50 44 7 G 111 18 n 12 15 1!) 16 64 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENaEIl'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, 4:c. Landorflvlllo Launchiiij^ Ijaurel LaiiKoii Lav al Laviiltrio Jjavant Lavcii(l(>r L'Avcnir Lawn Lawronco Lawrciico Lawroncotown Lawreiicctown LawrpiicoviUe Lawroncoville Leai'hvillo Leading Tickles Leamington Learned Plain Lear's Cove Lcaalvdalo Leavens Lo Br(>ton Plata LeclcToville Led);e Leeds Leeds Villat^e Lcfroy Leicester Leinytcr Leitchtleld Leitch'a Creek Lelth Leith Corners Lenio.niripr Lenionvillo Lennox Lennox Lennox Ferry Lennoxville Leonard's ]lill L'Kpiphanie Lepreaux Lequillo Les Ebouleniens Lea E :uroaila Lea Escouuiains . Leskard Lealievllle Lea Potltes Bergeronnea. L'Etete Levis Lewis Bay Lewis Head Lewis Mountain Lewray Lewiston Lewisvllle Lewisville Libbey's Mills Lifford Lilloet Limchouse Lime Lake Lime Hock County or District. I'rov Waterloo Kinj^s WelllnKton Levis . Montmorency Bertliicr . . Lanark Sinicoc Druinniond Burin CItarlotte York Annapolia Halifax Kiafj^ara Sheirord Huron Twlllingate and Fogo. EsHex Coinpton Placentia & .St. Mary's Ontario . . Groy Carleton . Lotblnifero Charlotte. Megantic. Mogantlc. Simcoc Cumberland Lennox .... Annapolis. . Capo Breton Grey t ••••••• Grey Mogantlc York Lennox Sinicoe Richmond .■^hcrbrooke . . . . Drunimnnd . . . . L'Assomption . Charlotte Annapolis Charlevoix . . Portneuf Saguenay Durham Y^ork Saguenay Charlotte Levis Cape Breton. .. Shelburne Westmorland .. Middlesex Prince Kent Westmorland. . Rtaii stead Durham. Lilloet Halton Hastings Pictou Ont P.E. Ont yuo gne Que Ont Gnt Que Nfli N.B N.B, N.S N.a i/Ot Quo. Out Nfld Ont Que , .Nfld Ont , Ont, Ont Que, N.B Que , Que Ont, N.S Ont , N.S, .V.S, Ont, Ont, Que Ont, Ont, Ont, N.S Que Middksex Ottawa Bruce Northumberland. Huron Lunenburg Storraont Lunenburg Bruce Westmorland . . , . X.S. X.B. Ont. Ont . Que. Ont. N.S, x.s , N.B. X.B. Xfld. , X.B.. X.B.. N.B . X.S., x.s . . X.B. X.S . . P.E.I, Man.. X.B.. X.S . . Xfld. , N.B.. X.B. NS. Que. N.S. N.S. N.B. N.S . X.S, N.B.. X.B . . N.S . . N.B. N.B.. N.S.. N.B. , X.S. N.S, N.S. N.S. N.B. N.S. X.S. X.S., N.B. X.S. X.S.. N.B.. N'fld.. X.S . . N.S., Ont . . P.E.I. Out .. Que . . Unt .. X.B. . Out.. X.S . . Ont . . •X.S . . Out.. N.U.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Sydney,41 Richibucto, 38 See Lewisville. Paisley, Ottawa, M, or 2 Feeder Af Yarmouth, 40 X,ew Glasgow, Tc .hatham, 30 or ."8. Woodstock, V or Zh Burgeo, 44. Fredericton, X, Zh or 35. .. Salisbury, Ta Uicliibncto, 38 •iholburne, 40 Maccun, T Moncton, T See Dublin Shore, jummcrr^ide, Zi, 39 or 42. Fort Gany, 51. . Fredericton, X, Zli or 3J. .. Annapolis, N St. Jolm's Haynesvilla, Zh. calisbui'y, Ta See Grand Pr6. Becancour, Aa Lunenburg, 40 Port Hawkesbury, 39 Fredericton, X, Zh or oo. Amherst, T .Middleton, U Chatliam, 30 or 38 See Peel. Port Williams, U Chatham, 30 or 38 Fredericton, X, Zh or 35. . ilalifax. Tor U Frcdfricton, X, Zli or £5. . Port Hawkesbury, 3!) Shnbenacadie, T Xew Glasgow, Tc. ,t Baddeck, 41 Fredericton, X or 35 New Glasgow, Tc , . Stewiacke, T .Salisbury, Ta Woodstock, V or Zh Halifax, Tor U Shelburne, 40 Woodstock, V or Zh Carbonear, 40 L'ort Hawkccbury, 39 •■^ydney, 41 Wellington Square, B.a... Loyalist Road, Zi. Lncan, A. Ottawa, M, Oor 2 Lucknow, Ca. Fredericton, X, Zh or 33. . Scaforth, Af. Lunenburg, 40. Wales, A Lunenburg, 40 Kincardine, Ca or E MouctoD, T •27 12 5 38 4 24 18 9 6 44 32^ 3 14 15 4 8 20 9 8 30 27 16 9 48 16 U I' 11 62 23* 21 21 13 24 44 12 40 45 3 14 H 25 36 7 33 d 9 34 61 18 4 2 10 IC <00 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Luther Luton Lyle's Bridge Lyn Lynden LyndhuTBt Lynedoch Lynnfleld Lynnville Lyons Lyon's Brook Lyster Lyttleton Lytton Maberley Mabou Mabou Coal Mines Mabou Harbor , Maccan Maccan Intervale Maccan llountain Mace's Bay , Machel I's Comers , Mack's Mills , Macintosh Mills , MacNab MacNider , Mactaquack Macton Macville. .... McAdam Junction McCain Settlement McDonald's Corner McDonald's Corners. . . . McDonald's Mills McDonald's Point , , McDougall Settlement., McGillivray Mclntyre , McKay's Corners McKay's Point McKay's Settlement. . . , McKenzie's Comer. , . . . McKenzie's Corners..,, McKenzieville McLaughhn Road , McLean's Comers. . . . . , McLellan , McLellan's Brook , McLellan's Mountain.. . , McLeod Rf)ad. ... , McLeod's Hill , . . , McLeod's Mills McNab McNutt's Island. ... , . , , McPhee's Comer , McPherson's Ferry. , , , Madawa.'^ka Maddington. Madisco , . . . , Madoc Madox Cove . , , Madrid Mad River Mills Magagnadavic . Magdalen Islands County or District. Wellington Elgin Shelburne Leeds Wentworth Leeds Norfolk Charlotte Norfolk Elgin Pictou Megantic Northumberland. . . . Yale Lanark . . Inverness , Inverness Inverness Cumberland Cumberland Cumberland Charlotte Stanstead York Leeds Renfrew Rimouoki York Wellington Cardwell York Kings Queens Lanark Glengarry Queens Westmorland Middlesex Grey , Kent Victoria Hants , Carleton., , Hastings..... Kent Pictou Huntingdon Victoria Pictou ,,...... , Pictou Queens X orK ..... . ........ Kent , Glengarry Shelburne , . . . . Queens , Richmond Victoria Arthabaska. , Gloucester .......... Hastings St. John's Renfrew oimcoe .. ....,,,,,« • « York Gasp^. Prov. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Que.. N.B, B.C . . Ont.. N.S . N.S.. N.S. , N.S . N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. Que. . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Que .. N.B. . Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont . N.B.. N.B . Ont. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. Ont.. N.B.. N.S.. Que.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. P.E.I. N.B.. N.B. . Ont N.S.. P.E.I. N.8.. N.B.. Que.. N.B. . Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Que .. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Lather, E. Aylmer, Be 8helbnme, 40 Lyn, A. Lynden, B. '■ Morton, 4 Simcoe, Be St. Stephen, Va or 37 Simooe Be Dorchester, B Pictou, Tc, 2b or 30. Lyster, Aa Newcastle, T, 30 or 38 Yale, 48 Perth,Na Port Hood, 39 Port Hood, 39 Port Hood, 89 Maccan, T. Athol, T Athol,T. St. John, T or W Stanstead Plain, S See Aurora. Msllorytown, A See Arnprior. Metis, T, 29 or 80 Fredericton, X, Zh or 85. . , LiBtowel, Ca Bolton, E McAdam Junction, V or W. Sussex, Ta. Gagetown, 35 Perth.Na See South Lagraisse. Wickham, 35 Shediac,Tb London, Af, B or J CoUingwood, D See Harwich. Baddeck, 41 Newport, U McKenzie's Comer, Vb. See Springbrook. Shediac, Tb See Barney's River. See Vicars. Parry Sound, 17 New Glasgow, Tc New Glasgow, Tc McLeod Road, Zi. Fredericton, X, Zh or 35. . . Richibncto, 38 • See Loohinvar. Shelburne, 40 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Port Hawkesbnry, 39 See Edmundston. Stanfold, Aa Madisco, T. I^elleville, A, 6 or 7 St. John's Renfrew, N SeeSinghampton. Harvey, W GVaspA, 29 or 30 L:Vi_aJ-,.. . L.. ^..' TABLE OP ROUTES. 69 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. I Ifagnetawan Magog , Magoon's Po'nt Magpie , Magundy , Mahone Bay Maidstone Mailloux , Main-a Dien Main's Comers Maitland Maitland Maitland Maitland Maitland Maitland Rapids. . . . Maitland vi He Major's Majorville Malagash Malagash Point Malagawatch Malaguasli Malakofl Malbale Malbaie Malcolm Malignant Brook . . . Malignant Cove . . . . Mallurytown Malniaison Malone Malpeque Malpeque Road. . . . Malton Malvern Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Road .. . Mandamin. Manfred Manilla Manitowaning. . . . . Maniwaki . ....... Manners Sutton . . . . Mannheim Manningville Manotick Mail Point Mansonville-Potton . Manuela Manvera .. . ... .. Maple Maple Bay Maple Green. ....... Maple Grove Maple Grove . , Maple Hill .. ..... Maple Leaf Maple Leaf. ... ,. .. . Mapleton , . . . . Mapleton Mapleton Maple Valley County or District. Prov > • • • • • I Victoria. . . . Stanstead.. . . Stanstead. . . :Saguenay.. ., York Lunenburg. , Essex Bellechasse . Cape Breton Grenville. . . Annapolis . . Grenville... Hants Lunenburg . Yarmouth. Grenville... Huron Ottawa Ontario .... Cumberland Cumberland Inverness . . Lunenburg . Car eton Charlevoix Placentia & St. Mary's Bruce Antigonish Antigonish Leeds Missisquoi Hastings Prince Peel... York...., Guysboroogh Hastings Huron Ontario Antigonish Lambton Wellington Victoria Algoma Ottawa.. Waterloo Huntingdon Carleton Twillingat t.. I '-it. nt . . nt.. ■-.s.. ..8.. N.S.. P.E.T. Nfld. . Nfld.. Que . . P.E.I, N.S. Que . . N.S.. Que.. Ont . . Ont .. N.B. . Ont.. Que . . Out . . Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. P.E.L N.8.. Nfld.. N.S.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont. N.S., N.S.. Ont . . Ont. N.S . . N.8.. Ont.. Que . . Ont . . N.8., Ont . . N.B.. Ont . . N.B.. N.S . . N.B.. Que . , Quo . . Que . . Quo . , Quo Dnt . , ^".S , Ont., Quo . Quo. N S . Ont !i9. 'licld, .S5 ' !\. en Sound, Ea or 15 .. \Iara. a F'akenhani, N Port Hawkesbury. 99 . .Slierbrooke, Ab or S . . . {Jananoque, A Ottawa. M.Oor 2 Orillia, Da, G or 13 Cruplph, A or C Port Hooil, ;;» Whycocomah, 41 Wilmot, U Charlottetown, Zi, 2.') or Channel, 44 St. John's Campbellton. T or 38 Cliarlottetown, Zi, 2!) or ,S!) New Glasgow, Te See Ste. Marie de Monnoir. Sydney, 41 Ifennningford, Ao Markdale, Ka. Markhani, F. ■- <.">tfi«^ Sussex, Ta Napanco, A St Francis, Zf Owen Sound, Ea or 15 . . . . Mannora, K. Clinton, Af Lunenburg, 40 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or aO Bridgetown. U Carbonear, 4'J Dipby, U U.xbridge, F New Gla'^gow, Tc Mar.shville, Be. Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30 New Glasgow, Tc Tilsonburg, Be Charleston, E Lunenburg. 40 Lunenbui'g, 40 Lancaster, A Compton, Ab See Hotht^ay. See Manchester Road. Braccbridge, 14 Salisbury, Ta Tyendinaga, A. Fredcricton, X, Zh or 35 . . See Malignant Brook. St. George, 37 Tcrrelx>nne, 27 Ottawa, M, Oor2 Maskinonge. See Pont do Maskinonge. Massawipi>i, 8. Chatsworth, Ka Debert, T See Lavender. Metis, T, 29 or 30 Matapediac, T Wentworth, T Si 3 Q 7 28j 10 23 25 ^ 21 8 4 50 36 8 12 5 82 45 .'50 74 12 13 II 16 2S ICi 20 15 11 7 4 5 4 20 2f) 17 2 11 12 6 14 40 7 6 28 9 Roxifrsw, N I 47 TABLE OF ROUTES. n PASSENGEU'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, «Sic. Mather Matilda Matlock. Malta \va Mauyervillo Mavillet Mawcook Maxwell ilavfair . , Mayfield Maj'nard Maynooth Mayo . Meadow Brook Meadows Meadow vale Meaford Meagher's Grant Mechanics Settlement Mechins Mwlford Medina Medina Modnxnikeag Megnasha Mekinac Molancthon Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne Ridge , . . . . Mc'lochcville Melrose Melrose Melrose Melrose ILelvern Square Melville .. . Melville Mellville's Mills Meniramcook Menie ilera-ihcen Merigoniish Morlvale Merland Merlin ilornersville Mevrickville Mt:vi'itisville Mtiriitton Mer.;ca Metabetchouan Metaglian . . . . Metaghan River Metcalfe Methot's Mills Metis Metz Meyersburg Michipicoten River . . . Middle Arm Middle Bight Middle Bill Cove Middlcboro Middle Brook Middle Church ■bounty or District. Prov Peterborough Dundas Lanibton Nipissing Sunburj- , Digby.... , SheflEord Grey Middlesex , Peel Givnville Hastings Ottawa Westmorland Northumberland. . . . , Peel Grey Halifax Kings , ilimouski , Kings O.Kford York , Carleton Bonaventure , Champlain , Grey Middlesex Richmond ..... .... Richmond Beauharnois Guysborough , Hastings Kings . Middlesex , Annapolis I'eel , Prince Edward , Huron , Westmorland N^orthumberland. ... Placentia & St. Mary's Pictou Carleton Antigonish Kent Bruce Grenville iWelland.... Lincoln Essex , , . . . . Cliicoutimi Digby Digby Russell Lotbiniere Rimouski Wellington . Nortliumberland. . . . Algoma Harbor Main Harbor Maui Bonavista Cumberland French Shore Lisgar Ont Ont Ont Ont N B. N.S,. Quo . , out . . Ont ., Ont . , Ont . . Out., Quo . , N.B.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S N.B., Que. N.S , Ont . , Ont . . N.B., Que , Que. Ont Ont , Quo ., Quo . , Que . . N.S., Ont . . P.E.I Ont . , N.S. Ont . , Ont.. Ont . , N.B. Ont . , Nlld.. •N.S Ont . N.S. Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont Ont. Ont . Que . N.S. N.S Ont Que (^ue . Ont. Unt. Ont. Nfld. Ntld Ntld. N.S. Moat convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Nfld. Mau. Peterborough, Ga Sec Iroquois. Wyoming, Bb Rapides des Jo.ichims, 3 . Eredericton, K, Zh or 35. Yarmouth, 40 Granby, R Flesherton, Ea Appin, B Branq)ton, A Prescott, A, M or 1 Belleville, A, (i or 7 Buckingham, '2 Meadow Brook, T. Newcastle, To Brampton, A Meaford, D or 15. Stew iacke, T Penobsqnis, Ta See Dalibaire. Port Williams, U St. Mary's, A See Keswick. See Lindsay's See Noavelle. Batisjan, 23 Proton. Ea. See Lont^:wood. Richmond, Aa Richmond, Aa Melocheville, 1, 5 or 0. Shubenacadie, T Shannon ville, A Georgetown, Zi or 39 ... . Komoka, Bb Wilmot, U Orangeville, E *. . . . Belleville, A, G or 7 See Bandon. ilemramcook, T. Belleville, A, G or 7 St. John's New Glasgow, Tc Ottawa, M, O or 2 See Black Lands. Charing Cross, H See Mildmay. Merrickville, 4. See Welland. Merritton, B. Leamington, 11 Chicoutimi, 34 Digby,U Digby.U. See Osgoodo. Methot's, Aa. Metis, T, 21) or .'JO. Fergus, C Brighton, A Sault Ste. Mane, 17. . .. St. .John s St. John's . . . , Green's Pond, 45 (Jreenville, T Green's Pond. 45 Fort Garry, 61 II 9 4 55 13 18 6 6 4 8 92 8 ^6 . 6 25 11 11 8 80 10 88 6 7 4 4 2i 13 24 l»8 13 8 4 63 40 43 8 10 PJO 3G 17 15 10 207 8 72 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. %'*••••* St. John's Shelbume, 40 Salisbury, Ta Liverpool, 40 See Mosherville. Lunenburg, 40 Shubonacadie, T Shelbume, 40 Middleport, Af. Glengarry, Tc Bathurst, T or 38 Baddeck, 41 Wooodstock, V or Zh. . . , Whycocomah, 41 Port Hawkesbury, 39. . . . New Glasgow, Tc ^V oodstock, V or Zh . . . . Fredericton, X, Zh or 35 Brookfield, T Middleton, U. Summerside, Zi, 39 or 42 Dorchester, T See Conrtland. Bradford, D Perth, Na Sackville, T Barrie, Da Kingston, A, Zb or 1 ... . Mildmay, C. Montreal Annapolis, U Milford, T. Picton, 6 or 7 New Glasgow, Tc. Oxford, M Stratford, A Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Mill Brook, G. Glengarry, Tc Halifax, Tor U Jemseg, S5 Shediac,Tb See Odessa. St. John, T or W Carillon, 2 Monlinette, A. St. Thomas, Be, H or J. . . . Newport, XJ Harbor Briton, 44 Tadousac, 34 Becancour, Aa. Dundas, B Ernestown, A Unionville, F Orillia, Da, G or 13 Mill Point, 6 or 7 Apohaqui, Ta Liverpool, 40 Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30 Charl( ttetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Liverpool, 40 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Granby, Q Georgetown, A St. Stephen, V or 37 Shannonville, A TABLE OF ROUTES. m PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic. Millville , Millville , Milneaville.. , Milverton Mimico Miminegash Mimosa Minclcn Mincsing Mi:igan Mingo Minudie MiraGut Miranda Miscouche Mispec MissiBquoi Bay Mitchell Klobile Moe's River JHoffatt Uohannas Uohawk ilohr's Comers Uoidart. . Moira. Uoi8ic hlolasses Harbor Molesworth ... Molus River Monaghen Monck ... Monckland Moncton Moncton Road Monoymore. ., ... ..... Mongcnais Mongoliai Monk's Head Monkton Mono Centre , Mono Mills Mono Road ... Montague Montague Montague . Montague Cross Roads. Montague Gold Mines . Montague Mills Montcalm Mont Cannel i^ontebello ,. .. MontEUe Monticello Mont Louis Montmagny Montmorency Falls. . . . Montmorin Montreal Montrose. Montrose Mont St. Hilaire Monument Settlement . Moorefleld Moore's Mills Moore's Station County or District. Prov Durham X OPI^ • •••••• ••• York Perth York , Prince Wellington. ... Peterborough.., Simcoe. Saguenay French Shore. . , (timber land. ... Cape Breton. ... Missisquoi Prince St. John Missisquoi Perth Ferry land . . . . . Coinpton Halton Charlotte Brant Carieton Antigonish Hastings Saguenay. Guysborough. . . Perth ...... Kent. . < Queens. Wellington. ... Stormont . . Westmorland. . Westmorland . Hastings Vaiidieuii York Antigonish . , . Perth.. . Cardwell . . . . • Cairlwell ..... Cardwell. ...... Kings Lanark. . : Queens Kings Halifax.. ,,. .s Kings. ... . Montcalm...., Champlam . . . Ottawa. . . , . . . St. Maurice . . . Kings Gasp^ , Montmagny. . Quebec. . , .. Terrebonne. ., . Montreal. . .. . Prince. ..... .. Welland. .,,... . Rouville Carieton.. .. ... Wellington. . . . Charlotte Miensqaoi • •••■ ••# Ont.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . P.E.I. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Nfld.. N.S.. N.S,. Que.. P.E.I. N.B.. Quo.. Ont.. Nfld.. Que .. Ont . . N.B.. Ont.. Ont . N.S.. Ont . Que.. N.S.. Ont. N.B. P.E.I. Ont . Ont . N.B. NB. Ont Que . unt NS . Ont Ont Ont . Ont . PE.L Ont.. P.E.I P.E.I N.S. P.B.I. Que . Que. . Que.. Que.. P.E.I. Que.. Que . . Que.. Que. . Que.. P.KT. Ont.. Que.. N.B. Ont.. N.B.. Que.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer Bowmanville, A , Frederlcton, X, Zh or 35 Markham, F.... .. .... Stratford, A Mimico, Ba. Summerside, Zi, 89 or 42. Fergus, C. Minden, 19. Barrie, Da Gasp6 Basin, ao TikCove, 45 Maccan, T Sydney, 41 St. Armand, P Miscouche, Zi. St. John, Tor W See Philipebnrg, East. Mitchell, A. St. John's Comytoii, Ab GueJph, A or C St. Stephen, V or ill Brantford, Ab or Bo See Hubbell's Falls. Xew Glasgow, To Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Tadouf^ac, 34 New Gla.?gow, To Listowel, Ca Richibucto, 38 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 3!) Arthur, E. . . Cornwall, A, 1, 5 or 6 Jloncton, T. Shediac, Tb Belleville. A, 6 or 7 Cotean. A Stouffville, P New Glasgow, Tc Mitchell, A... Omngeville, B Mono Road, E Mono Road, E. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Smith's Falls, M or 4 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Halifax, Tor U Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39. Joliettc, Z See Valmont. Montebello, 2. Yamachiche, 24 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39 Gaspd,30 St. Thomas, Aa. Quebec Montreal Montreal Georgetown, Zi or 39 P(irt Robinson, I St. Hilaire, A Woodstock, V or Zh Moorefleld, C. Moore's Mills, Va. Moore's, P. 10 141 36 IT 19 4 5 » 24 2 19 li 5 25^ 16 202 97 11 15 15 9 13 7 21 19^ 8 56 lOA 10 9 26 20 5 26 5 10 18 42 76 6 60 n 24 74 TABLE or ROUTES. TASSEXUKU'ri DilbTiXATlON Town, "Village, iia. Moort'SviUo. . .,,. Wooretowii M0080 liniok ... Mooso Crock.. Mooso I'actory. , , Moosu Harbor.. ,. Moo'X'l.and ,.,,,. iroo?o Path Moose River. ...... Moose River. , , ... Mor.ay ..,,.., Alordon MordcMi Road More wood Mor^anstoti Morlcy ... . . . Morningdale Mills. Morpeth Morrell Morri.-b.ink Morri.sburg ...,,.. Morri.it on Morriston ■. ,. Morri -n Mortioi .. Mortlako ^ Morton Morton's Corner. . . Morton's i larbor . . . Mortonville Morvcii Moiicow Mose AinbrosG Moses River Mo.?hcrviUo . . . . Monqiuto Mo.qnito. . : Mosquito Mosqnito Covo, . . . Mossley Mo.^sman's Grant, aiother I^-.■':c.^. . . . . Motherwell Monlio'a River . . . . Moulinetto Mountain Grove. . . Mountain Mills. ... Mountain View. . . Mount Albert Mount Albion. . ., . . Mount Brook Mount Brydgos. ,. , Mount Carmel Mount Carmel Mount Charlc3 Mount Dennison. . Mount Elgin Mount Forest Mount Hanley Mount Healy Mount Hope Mount Hope , Mount ITorob Mount IIur.-,t Mount Irwin Mount Johnson. . . . 1 1 . • . • . • .......• County or District. Prov Middlesex Lmibtou. . Hants Stormont Hudson's Bay. ..,.,. Queenn. Halifax St. Jolin Annapolis . Pictou , .Uiddlesc.N; lungs Kintrs .... Dundas Northumberland Grey Perth . . Kent ...,,.. Kings ... Huron Dnndas Kings Wellington... Antigonish Curin . York Leeds Luncnbui-g Twillingato and Fogo Hanthi Lennox.. .. , Addington Fcriuno Bay Halifax Hant;5 Burjjeo and La Poilo.. {'arbonc;ir . . Placeiitia & St. Mary s St. .John Middlo.scx Lunenburg . . Placontia fi: St. Mary's Perth Kent Stonnont Addington Prince Edv.ard. , ..... Prince Edward . York Wentworth... ... ... Re'?tigouche Middlesex. Karaourauka Huron Peel Plants Oxfoni Wellington Annapolis* Haldiniand Middlesex Wentworth Victoria Cardwell Peterborough Iberville Ont Ont N.S Ont NWT N,S . N.S N.B N S.. NS.. Ont. N8 N.S. Ont Out.. Ont Ont Ont P.E.I Ont . . Ont N.S.. Ont N.S Nfld Ont.. Ont . . N.S. NUd . NS Ont , Ont Nfld N.S N.S.. NOd Nfld.. Nfld . N.B. . Ont.. N.S.. Nfld.. Ont . N.B . Ont . Ont. Out.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . N B. . Out... Quo . )ut .. Ont . N'.S . Out . . Ont . N.H . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Que .. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or SUjamer. Lucan, A •Mooretown, Ha. Newjjort, U Cornwall, A» 1 , 5 or 6 •r'ault Stc. Marie, 10 or 17. Liverpool, 40 See Tangier. Moose I'ath, Ta. See Clcmentspoi't. \c\V Glasgow, To Park Hill. A .Vyle.-ford, U Hoc Palmer's Road. MfUTisburg, A Colbornc, A ileaford, D or 15 .Stratford, A Thamesvillc, B Charlottctown, Zi, '4) or.'!!). Bluevale. Ca Morrisburg, A. Aylcaford, U Guclph, A or C New Glasgow, Tc Burin, 41 . . Toronto ., Idorton, 4. Kentville, U Twillingate, 45 Windsor, U Napaj-.ee, A. • Kingston, A. Zb, or 1 Harbor Briton , 44. . ...... Halifax, Tor U Newport, V Harbor Briton, 44... ... . .. FTarbor Grace, 40 St. John's. Fairville, W. Dorchester, B . See Riversdalo St. John's. . , , t. Mary's, A.... Richibucto, 08. Moulmette, A Harrowsmith, Zb Pictqn, 6or 7. .. , Belleville. A, Cor 7 Newmarket, D.... .... Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Dalhousie, T yo or 08 .... Mount Brydges, B, St. Denis, Aa. . See OiTa. Malton , A Hautsport, U IngersoU. B M.ouut Forest E. LawTencetown, U Cayuga, Be or H. See Cairngorm, See Glanford, Franklin Q Bolton, E Bobcaygeon, 18 or 19 Versailles, Q />;' f-m TABLE OP KOUTES. M I'ASSENGIill'S DESTINATION. Town, VillaLro, &c. Jlountjny ... , rv'oiiiit Mary. M.)UiitN<):vii.. Miiunt 0-X'ar. , .A[oiuit ^f(»uIlt Alimiit .\foaiit IMoasaut , PlGai>aiit IMoasaut , Fli3a.i:int Mount Uouvillo , AT(niut llo.val Valo , MDiint^burj? ."\Iouiit St. houi.4 ,\1 ouiit St. Patrick , >f()Uiib yalom , A[miiit Htewart ■ Mount Thoni Mount llniajko Mouzit Uiiiacke Gold Mines. Mount Vernon Mount Webster , .Mount Wluitley Jlount Wolfe , Mount Young Mouse Inland aiouth of Jcmseg Mouth of Keswick Mouth of Nerepia , Mouth of Millbtreara Mouth of St. Mary's River, . , Muddy Brauch , Muddy Creek , Muddy Hole Muddy Hole Muddy H61e Mulgrave , Mull River MuUoy's Cove Mulmur Muncey Munger's , Munquart Manroe'a Munster , Murray Murray Bay Murray's Corners MuiTay Harbor (north) Murray Harbor ( south) Murray Harbor Road MuiTay River Murvalo Muscle Pond , Musgravo Town , Musitoka Falls Mus;iua^h Musqiiodoboit Hai-bor , Musquodoboit Upper Musselbur;:? Mussel Harbor Myrohall Myrtle Mystic Nackawick Nairn Nauaiuio Nauticoko County or District. Prov Soulangcs. . Ivin^'s Inverness.. ., V'andreuil . . iJnmt Cnniborlaad , Diirluim Vork V'er.'hores . . . i lopheIa;.:;a . , Wentworth., Siniroo [loiifrcw.. .. Eltnn ^)uccn3, , Pictou.t. tiants, , Hants. .. ii'ant. . . Que . . P,E,I, N.a . . Que . . Ont . , N,S . . Ont.. Ont , . Quo , , yuo . , Ont,, Ont . . Ont ,. Out . . P.E.I. S.H.. X.S.. ids, We.-ftinorland Cardwell Inverness Burgeo and La Poile. Queens York Kings Kings Guysborough Argenteuil . Pi'ince Burgeo and La Poile. Burin Twillingate and Fogo. Welland Inverness Bay do Verds Hinicoe Middlesex Essex (Jarleton Victoria Carleton -S or thnmberland . Charlevoix Woitniorland. . . . Khigs icings Oneens ivings Addingtcn Placentia & St. Mary's Twillingate and Fogo. Victoria St. John Halifax Halifax Perth Placentia & St. Mary's Hastings Ontario Missisquoi York Middlesex Vancouver Haldimaiid N.S Ont.. Ont . . N.B . Ont . . N'.S ., Nfld.. N .B. , N.B . N.B.. N.B., N.S. Que . P.E.I. Nlld.. Nfld. . Nlld. . Ont . . N.S.. In fid. . Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. .N,B,. X.S, Ont , Ont . . Que . N.B,. P.E.I. P.E.I, P.E.I. P.E.I. Ont .. Nfld.. Nfld. . Ont . N.B . . N.B . . N.S.. Ont,. Nfld.. Ont , . Ont,. Que , . N.S . . Ont.. B.C., Ont.. Moat convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Coteau A Georgetown, ZlorltO. Port Hood, a!).. Rigaud, 2 See Mohawk, RivcT Philip, T Millbrook, G Bradford, D .■^eo Belooil, Montreal Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Barrie, Da Renfrew, N Aylmer, Be Mount Stewart, Zi or 4", Picton, Tc, 2!) or ;!() Mount Uni.'icko, T. Mount Uniacke, T Bi-antford, Af or Bo. Landsdowno, A Sackvillo, T Bolton, K Port Hood, 8!). Channel, M Jeinsog, 85 or ;iO, Fredcricton, X, 251i, or 33, . Norcpis, W. See Ajx)liaqr.i, •See Honora, Carillon, 2 Suinmor.^ide, Zi, 39 or 42. . . Harbor Briton, 44 Burin, 44 Green's Pond, 15 Port Robin,son, I Port Hood, ;;!) Carbonear, 4i) Gilfonl, D '. Mount BiTdgea, B .See J-I arrow. See Bath. ..; • : Baddeck, 41 iVabton, Br.ghton, A Murray Ba.Y, 34, S.ackville, T Charlottctown, Zi, 20 or LT Charlottetown, Zi, 2U or ;!D Chai'lottetown, Zi, 2!) or 3i; GeorgetoAvn, Zi or 39 Kingston A, Zb or 1 ■St, John's Green's Pond, 45 Oi'illia, Da, G or 13 St, John, Tor W Halifax, Tor U Shubenacadie, T Stratford, A St, John's Belleville, A, or 7 Myrtle, L. Abercom, R Nackawick, Zh, Ailsa Craig, A Nanaimo, 47, Cayuga, £c or H 11 8 5 a 17 20 17 CJ 15 7 7 10 3 10 6 8 25 42 24 15 18 12 27 7 16 5 9 0.5 39 40 20 15 12 49 23 33 17 30 30 13 100 15 2i 3 18 w TABLE OP ROUTES. PA8aE2;aEii'8 destination. :■''': Town, Village, &c. NttDftnee Nai)ance Mills Napier , . , NapierviUe Nappan , Nappan Nappertuu Narrows Nauh'a Creek Nashwaak Nashwaaksis Na-shwaak Village... NaHhwood Na»aagawuya Natashquan Nauwigewauk Navan Necum Tench Neguac Neigette Neil's Coruora Kellestown Nelson Nelson Nelsonvilie , Nenagh Nepisiquit Nerepis , Netherby , Neustadt , Novia New Abonleen , New Albany , New Annan New Annan Mills . . , Newark Newanc , New Bandon .,...,,. New Bay Newbliss New Bonaventure . . Newboro' New Boyne Newbridge Newbridge Newburg Newburgh Newbury New Caledonia New Campbellton . . New Canaan New Canaan New Canada New Carlisle Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Bridge . . Newcastle Creek. ... Newcombe Newcombe's Corner.. Newcombe's Mills — New Conception. . . . , New Cornwall New Dominion New Dublin New Dundee , County or District. Prov I • •••••! Lennox.. .. Addington. Middlesex.. Naplorvillo Cumberland Northumberland Middlesex Queens. llestigouche York York York Brome Halton Sagucnay Kings Russell Halifax Northumberland Rimouski Shefford ilaldimand Halton Northumberland. . , . . . Missisquoi Grey , Gloucester Kings Welland Grey. Simcoe Waterloo Annapolis Colchester irrincc •••••#•••••••• Lincoln Oxford Gloucester Twillingate and Fogo Leeds Trinity Leeds Leeds Huron Inverness A^ddington Carleton Middlesex Halifax Victoria Cumberland Queens Lunenburg Bonaventure Durham Northumberland Queens Queens Miiskoka Halifax Northumberland Harbor Main Lunenburg Glengarry Leeds Waterloo Ont.. Out.. iOnt . . Quo.. N.S.. N.B.. Ont . . N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B. N.B.. Quo . . Ont.. Quo .. N.B.. Ont.. N.8.. N.B.. Que Que.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Que.. Ont.. N.B . N.B. . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont., N.S.. N.S.. P.E.I, Ont . , Ont.. N.B.. Nfld. , Ont., Nfld., Ont., Ont., Ont., N.S., Ont., N.B. Ont., N.S., M.S., N.S., N.B. N.S. Que. Ont. N.B. N.B. N.B. Ont. N.S. Ont. Nfld. N.S. Ont. Ont. Ont. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Napanee, A. Napanee, A Kerrwood, Bb Stottsville, Ad Nappan, T. Chatham , .10 or 88 Stratliroy, B Gagetown, 85 Dalhousle, T, 30 or 38 Fredericton, X, Zh or 36.. Predericton, X, Zh or 33. . l<"redericton, X, Zh or 85. Waterloo, Q (ruelph, A or C. . Gaspc, 30 Nauwigewauk, Ta. Cumberland ,2 New Glasgow, Tc Chatham, 30 or 38 .Stc. Flavie, T .See Granboro. Nelle's Corners, B c. Wellington Scpiare, Ba. . . Newcastle, T, 80 or 88. . . . .See Cowansville. Mount Eore.st, E Bathurst, T or 38 Nerepis, W. Port Bobinson, I Clifford, C Orillia, Da, G or 13 Preston, G Lawrenceville, U Folly Lake, T Summersidc, Zi, 89 or 42 . . See Niagara. Woodstock, B Bathurst, T or 88 Tilt Cove, 45 Irish Creek, N Harbor Grace, 46 Brockville, A, N or 1 Brockville, A, N orl.... Harriston, C Port Hood, 39 Napanee, A Newburgh, Zh Newbury, B. Shubenacadie, T Baddeck, 41 Athol.T Petitcodiac, Ta unenburg, 40 New Carlisle, 30. Newcastle, A. Newcastle, T, 30 or 38. Newcastle Bridge, 36. Newcastle Creek, 36. Parry Sound, 17 Shubenacadie, T. Brighton, A See Cat's Cove. Lunenburg, 40 Lancaster, A Bellamy's, N Berliu, A •:£ ^ kv- TABLE OF ROUTES. it PASSENOER'S liESTINATION. ^T: Town, Village, bo. New Durham Now Durham Now Kdcnborough. Now Ey Xi'w Westminster York N la,%'ani Annapolln Xorfolk Nicolet Illrhmond Sinwoo Annapolii Victoria Kinrj:^ Ilnron Trln'O Edward Middlesex Twilllngato and Fogo . Qnoons Tfants Ni;)itrinfr Twil]in',ato and Fogo. Oxfonl ■ Perth Waterloo York French Bhoro Hants Hants Twillinfrato and Fogo . Northnmborland Vi Clmrlottetown, Zi, 29or:5!). Elnudale. U Dos Joa'.hims, 8 Tilt Covo, 45 St. Mary's, A Sh.ake.«pearo, A PariH, Af orB Klnpr. D Grocn'fl Pond, 45 Shubenacadic, T .'^hiibonacaciio, T Fo;?o, 4") Colborno, A Fonolon Falls, 18 Sec Orchard. Simcoe, Be Port ElKin, C. Gilford, 1) Xorthani, Zi. Woodstock, VorZh Bellamy's, N Jlarhor Briton, 44 See Tmcey. Bristol, 8 Lunenburg, 40 oonfhanipton, C Lakefleld, Ga. Pictou, Tc, 29 or 30 Port Hood, aO helburne, 40 Port Hood, 39 Twilllngate, 45 Carbonoar, 46. . . . Newcastle, T, 30 or 38 Annapolis, U Princeton, B Shubcnacadle. T Lunenburg, 40 Cornwall. A, 1, 5 or 6 Frederic ton, X, Zh or 35. . . Brigg's Corners, 30 Caughnawa,'.;a. Ae Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Osgoodc, M Arthabatka, Aa fSt. Jolm's St. .John's North Hatley, S. St. Androwfl, V or 37 TABLE OP R0UTT5S. W» PASSENGEIl'a DE;iTIXA'riO.V. Town, VniftRC, Sic. North Jo;»pln8 North Kf»i»pol North fiiiko North L;ike Nortli Jjiike North Ltmpa.^tor North Monta.juo North Mountain North Mountain North Nation Mills North Onflow North I*ol!i?\ui North reinhina North Pinnat'lo North Tort North llan>,'o Corner North Ili(l-,'o North llivor North lllver. North Uiver North River Brid.ico North River I'.ridi^o North Ri vor Platform North Salem North Section of Earltown. . . . North Sonoca North Shore North Shore North Side Basin River Donnis. North StanbriUifo North Stoke North Stukoloy North Button North Sydney North Troy North Tryon North Wakeilold North West Ann North West Bay North West Cove North West Ran-ro North Williamsburg North Wiltshire North Winchester Norton Norton Creek 1, orton Dale Norton Stat. on Norval Norway Norwich Norwood NotHeld Notre Dame Auxiliatrice Notre Dame de Grace Notre Dame de Richelieu Notre Dame du Lac Notre Dame du Mont Carmel. . Notre Dame du Mont Carmel. . Notre Dame du Portage Nottavva '..,..,. Nouvelle Noyan Nutt's Corners Oak Bay Oakham County or DlHtrict. Prov Westmorland .. Grey Kings WoHtmorland , . York iJlonKarry Lanark Dutidaa ICint^H OtUiwa Pontiao Wc'lland Provencher.. .. MlrCiiHqnoi Prince Edward. Digby K^.scx N.U.. Ont ., P.E.I, N.U . N.B . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . N'.a . . Cokhoatcr Queens , Westmorland .. Colchortter Victoria Wos'anorland ., Hants Colchester I laldimand . . . u'umberlaud... Victoria Inverness j-Iisslsquoi.... Richmond Shefford Brome Capo Breton . .. Bromo Prince Ottawa Cape Breton... Queens Lunenburg . . . . Lunenburg . . . . Dundas Queens Dundas Kings Chateauguay ., York Kings Halton York Oxford Peterborough. , Qlengany Bellechasde .... Hochelaga Rouville Tcmiscouata. . . Champlain . . . , Kamoura-ka. ., Temiscouata .. Simcoe Bonaventure... Missisquoi. ... Missiaquoi Charlotte Queens Quo. Quo. Uiit . Man. Quo . , Out., N.S., One, .N.S., > • • • • • • P.Kl, X.B.. X.fci.. N" . S. N.B. N.S. N.S. Ont. N.S. N.rf.. X.S.. Que. , Que . . Quo . . Quo . . N .S . . Que. . P.E.I. Que.. N.S.. N.S . . N.S.. N.S.. Out . . P.E.I. Ont.. N.B.. Que . . X.B.. N.B.. Ont . , ■)nt., Ont., Ont., Ont . . Que.. Quo . . Que., Que. . Que.. Que . , Que., Ont., Que . , Que . , Que . , N.B.. N.B. . Most convenient Point ftoco.'alblo by Railrottd or Steamer. .Sackvlllo.T Owou Soi'iid, Ka or 1.5 Georgetown, '/A or M ciackville, T CJantorbury, V Cornwall, A, 1, .5 or Smith's Pulls, N or 4 KcmptviUc, M or 4 KcntviUc, U i'hurrfo, 2 Anipnor.N Port Robinson, I Pembina, fil. ■St. Armand, P BalleviUe, A, G or 7 Ol„'by, U Windior, B Truro, T Cliailoltt'town, Zi, '-'J or M. Salisbury, Ta Truro, T Liadaevl;,.!! Pullctt IlIvov, Ta. SUuboiiat aUio, T Truro, T llanultoii, B, Za or 1 Woui,u<;rLh, T iJadJLKk, 41 Port Jiawkcjburi', '•'' Stanbridgo, S Sherbrooke, Ab Waterloo, Q Richford, R Sydney, 41 Troy Line, R. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or ."!) Ottawa, M, O or 2 Sydney, 41 Liverpool, 40 Halifax, T or W Lunenburg, 40 Morrisburg, A North Wiltshire, Zi. Wales, A Hampton, Ta St. Remi, Aa Wood-;toik, V or Zh Norton, Ta. Norval, A. Toronto Woodstock, B Peterborough, Ga Lancaster, A See Buckland, Monireal See Village Richelieu. See Detour du Lao. See Valmont. .See Mount Carmel. Lake Road, Aa Colling wood, D or 1-3 Carleton, ;iO Lacolle, Ad Oas Rivicves, P St. Stephen, V or ;J7 Ossekeag, Ta 3.2 17 1» 40 12 17 24 10 6 10 » 10 11 la 12 10 10 6 8 2 1!) 5 '-6 11 25 2!) r>-i 6 13 H I'J 13 27 27 10 12 10 7 23 «i l2^ 2.!i I'D I'J 3i :i 12 2 17 6 14 so TABLE OP ROUTES. TASSENtHiB'S DEbTINATION. Town, Village, &ic. Oak Hill Oak Hill Oakland Oakland Oakland Oak Park Oak Point Oak Point Oak Point Oak Point Oak Ilidges Oakville Oakvillc Oakwood Oban Ochre Pit Cove. . . Odelltown Oderin Odessa Offa Ogilvie . Chio Ohio - .... Ohio , Ohio , Oil Creek Oil Springs Oka , Old Barns Old Bonaventure. Old Durham , Oldham Old Man's Bay Old Montrose OldPerlican Old Shop O'Leary Ilnad Olinda Olinville , Oliver's Cove , Omagh , Omenii^c , 150 Mile House. . . Oneida Ongloy , Onondaga Onslow Onslow , Onslow Upper.. . . Ontario Open Hall Orang< ille ....... Orchardville Orillia , Orleans , Ormond....o Ormstown .., Oro County or District. I'rov Oromocto Oromocto (North Branch) Oromocto (South Branch).. Orono Onvell Orwell Cove Orwell Head Osaca Charlotte Victoria Brant Lunenburg Shelburne Kinga Marquette Northumberland York Halton .Soulange? Victoria Lambton Bay de Veixls St. Johns Pla-entia & St. Mary's, Lennox iiuron Kings Antigonioh Lunenburg Shelbnrno Yarmouth Lambton Lambton Two Mountains Colchester Trinity ... Druminond Hants Burgeo and La Poile. . Kent Trinity Trinity Prince Essex Queens Placentia& St. Mary's. Halton \''ictoria Cariboo Haldimand Northumberland Brant Colchester Ottawa Colchester Wentworih Bonavista.. Wellington Grey Simcoe Russell Dundas Chateauguay Simcoe Sunbury Sunbury Sunbury Durhari Elgin Queens Queens, Durham ••••••at N.B.. Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. N.S.. Man. . N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Que .. Ont.. Ont . . Nfld. . Que . . Nfid.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. N'.S.. Nfld... Que . . N.S.. Nfld.. Ont.. Nfld. . Nfld. . P.E.L Onrj . . N.B.. Nfld.. Ont.. Ont . . B.C.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.S.. Que . N.S.. Ont.. Nfld. . Ont .. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Que. Ont . . N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. P.E.I. P.E.L Out.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. St. Stephen, V or 37. Coboconk, F Brantford, Af or Be. Newport, U Lunenburg, 40 Shelburne, 40 Oak Point, 35. Port Williams, U... Fort Garry, 61 Chatham, 30 or 88. . King, D Oakville, Ba. See Mountjoy. Lindsay, G- Mandamin, Bb Carbonear, 46 Lar.s . Ont . . Ont . , X.B. . Out.. Ont . , nt., X.S., .N.S., Ont Quo . , Nfld. nt , X.B., Ont . Out Ont Ont. Out . .Man. Ont . )nt . )nt .. Ont.. )nt.. jiie .. inc.. N'.S . Ont .. Out.., Ont.. L'.E.I. Ont .. .Nf.S.. Man. Ont., Ont., llo.st conveni nt Point acceisib j by Pvailroad or Steanur. or i; .>?hnlbnme, 40. . Pembroke, 3. .. Osi^ooile, M. ... O-'.gomle, JI. O^hawa, A. Wales, A , Collin;XWiiod, D Gnelph, A or C Hampton, Ta. Mandamin, Bb .^oe Selton. Gagetown, ^^o Ottawa, M, 0,2, 3, or 4. Carbonear, 4'? Riviere du Lonp, Aa,T or ;J4 Walkcrton, >and Point, N or ;5 Cornell, H Chatham, B ii'ororus, C Walkcrton, C St. .lohn'.^ TiUnenburg, 40 .N' apanoo, A Owen Sound, Ea or !•"). •Smith's Mill-!. S Owen Sound, Ea or 15 iliver Philip, T .>"e Oxlev. Woodstock, B Newcastle, T, "0 or ;;S Iveinptville, M or 4 Oxford, M. Amlier.stburg, IT Halifax, T or U N'ow Glasgow, Tc .See Osnabruck Centre. See Grand Pabos. Tilt Cove, 45 See Dover South. Painsoc Junction, T. Allendale, D Paisley, C ■See Calodon East. Pakenham, N. IJronte, B Fort Garry, .Ol Renfrew, N Morden lloa*l, U. R' jhibucto, «8 1 almerston, C. See Embro. Bolton, E Pakonham, N Papineauville, 2. Coaticook, Ab Paradise, U. Harrowsmlth, Paris, Af or B Paris, Af or B, Charlottetown, Zi, 2!) or :)9 Elora. C Annapolis, U Fort Garry, .">! Owen S'lnnd, Ea or l.j Park Hill, A. Zb. 8 20 14 10 4 60 5 3fi 5 7 3 II G ti 8 30 3| 6 S 5 20 24 8L 30 S 3 96 65 14 7 22 22 I f 8 15 82 TABLE OF ROUTES. V ^ :,, ( « PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Parkhurst Parma Parrsboronprh Parrsborough Shore.. Parry Sonnd Partridfxe iKland Pairtrirl<;e Island Pasi)el)iac Passelicai; Pass Island Patrick (JovG Patt( VMin Patter -on Settlement. Paudash Pavillion Peahody Peake'H Road Pe.lrce's I larbor Pearreton Peasley's Corner. .... Peel Peopabnn Pefferlaw Pe.ir{Ty's Cove Pelham Union Pelton's Corners Pembina Pembroke Pembroke , Pembroke Pembroke Pendleton Penetangore Penetangnishone . Peninsula Oaspd., Pennat Harbor. . Pennlield Penndeld Ridge. . Penobsqnis , Pen'^wic-k Pentland , Penvillo Perch Station.. . . Perce Percy , Peroaux , Perkins , Perm,.., Porrottnn .., Porryboro , Perry's Corners. . . Perry's Cove Perry Settlement. Pcrrytown Perth Perth , Petawawa Petchville Pctevbfirongh .... Peter bnrg Petersburg Petcrwn Peterson's Ferry. Peter's R'.vor Petor's River.. .,, Peter's Road County or District, Prov Lotbini^re Addington Cumberland.. Cumberland Algoma Cumberland St. John T5onaventurc Kin;^3 Fortune Day PIa?( ntia & St. Mary's York Sunbury Peterborough Lilloet Grey Kings Twillingato & Fogo., . Missisquoi Brome Carloton Wellington York Halifax Monck Grenvillo Provencher Colc.'hooter Hants Renfrew Yarmouth Prescott Bruce Simcoe Gaspti Halifax Chark tte Charlotte Kings Simcoe Wellington Simcoe Lambton Gasp6 N'orthumberland Kings Ottawa Simc(X! Renfrew Compfcon Simcoe BaydeVcrds Kings Durham Lanark Victoria Renfrew York Peterborough Waterloo Welland Peterbo"ongh Prince Edward (rloncostor Placr;ntia & St. Mary's Kings Que . Out . N.S X.S.. Ont ., X,S, . X B . Que . . X.B. . Xfld. N'tld Ont . N.B. Ont . . B.C . . Ont P.E.I, Nfld.. l^ue . . Que . . N.B. . Ont . . Ont . . > .S.. Ont .. Ont.. Man . . X.S.. N,S, . Ont,. X.S . . Ont . , Ont . , Ont. Que . X.S., X.B,, N,B., N.B.. Ont . Ont. Ont . , Ont . . Quo. Ont.. X.S.. Que , , Ont . , Ont . , Que . Ont . , XQd., X.B., Ont,, Ont , , ..B., Ont , . Ont , Ont . , Ont . , Ont . Ont . Ont . <.B., Xfld.. P.E.I, Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Craig's Road, Aa Xapanoe, A.. . . » Athol,T Athol, T Parry Sound, 17. Athol,T St. John, T or W Paspobiac, ;"0. I'a'5sc'kea,-', Ta. Harbor Briton, 44 fit. John's Richmond Hill, D Bli^^svillo, W Peterborough, Ga •>alc, 48 Owen Sound, Ea or 15, Pcake's Road, Zi. Fogo, 4'> Stanbridge ]]ast, P. . , , Xo\vi)orr, R or S Ilartland, Zh L'.ith'r, E. Cann'ngton, F Halifax, Tor U Jordan. I^ Sec Soutli Gower. ■•^eo Wo;-t liynne. River-dale, T Newport, U Pcnibroko, 3. Yarmouth, 40 L'OrigniW, 2 Sec Kincardine. Barrie, Da Gaspo, JiO Halifax, Tor U St. George, ;i7 St. Ge;nve, ;!7 IVnobsquis, Ta. .See Pains wick. i:iora, C Bradford, D i'erch, A. Perec, '2!» or :10. Seo Wark worth. Port Williams XT Ottawa, M, O or 2 Shelburno, Ea Pembroke, if Coaticook, Ab See Cookstown. Carbonear, 4C Apohafiui, Ta I'orrvtown, G. Perth, Na. Hartland, Zh Pembroke, ;J Aui'ora, D Peterborougli, Ga. Petersburg, A. See Ilumbcrstono. Bobcaygeon, 18 or 10. . Xapanoe, A Bathurst, T or 38..... .'t. .Tohn's St. Peter's Road, Zi. TABLE OF ROUTES. ti PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, (Sic. Petcr.wille , Pet(;rsvillc , Peter.^villc Potersvillc Cliurch. . . Petherton Pctitcodiac Petite Cote Petite do (irat Petite Pas.saj^o Petite Riviere Bridge. Petites Petit Ford Petit Metis Petit Roc her Potrolia Petty Harbor Petworth Peveril Phelpston , Philip3burgE;i-t Philipsbiu'g West Philipsville. .. Phinney's Mouritaiii . Piccadilly Pickanock Pickareo Pickering Pickett's Wharf .... Picton Picton Piedmont Valley Pierceton Pierreville, Pierreville Mills Pigeon llill Pigeon Lake Pike Falls Pi^e River Pinchard's Island . . . . Pinedalrt I'ine Gi"ove Pine Hill Pine Orchard Pineo Village Pine River Pine Tree Pinette Pinkerton Piopolis Pirate Harbor Pisarinco Pisquid Bridge Pistolet Island I'ittfiferry Pittsion Placentia Placentia Man's Co *re Plainfleld Plainlield. Plain ville Plaister Covo Plantagenot Plate Cove Plattsville Plxyfair riay fair's Cornera County or District. Prov Kings Middlesex Queens Queens Wellington Westmorland ITochelaga Richniond Digby Lunenburg Burgeo And La Poilo Placentia & St. Mary's Rimouski Clouctster Lainbton St. John's Addingtou Vaudreuil Slnicoe Missisqtioi Waterloo Leeds Annapolis Frouteuac Pontiac Foitune Bay Ontario Kings Prince Edward Pictou Picton Misdiscjuoi Yaniaska Yaniaska Mi sisqnoi Marquette Lanark Minsisqnol Bonavista Ontario York Lanibton York Ivings Bruce I'ictou Queens Bruce Conipton Guysborough St. John Queens French Shore Frontenac Gren ville Placentia & St. Mary'b Burin Hastings , Pictou Xorthambcrland Inverness Prescott Bonavista ,. Oxford . . ■ Lanark Addington P.E.I, Out . . N.B. N.B.. Ont . . X.B. . Que , .S, N.S.. N.S.. .slid.. Xtld.. Que . . X.B . Out.. Nlld.. Ont . . Que . . Ont . . Que . . Ont . . Ont . . N.S. . Ont . . Que , . NUd. . Out . . N S.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S, Que. . Que , . Que . . Que . Man. (jnt. . Que.. Nfld. . Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. Ont.. N.S.. P.E.I Ont . , Que.. N S.. .V.B. . P.E.I, Ntld. . Ont .. .)nt . . ■ lid.. ;m.. Ont . . N.S . . Ont . , N.S., Ont. Nfld. Ont Ont. Ont. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Georgetown, Zi or UJ). London, Au', B or J Wel.-ford, W Wolsford, W. . . Konilworth, E Petitcf)diac, Ta. Montreal Port Hawkesbury, 39 Digby, U Bridgetown, U Hose Blanche, 44 , St. John's , St. Octave, T Batluirrit, Tor 38 , Petrol la, Bd. St. John's , ;Sapanee, A Coteau, A Barrio, Da St. Annand, P Berlin, A . Brockville, A, N, or 1 Bridgetown, U .See IJenicton. See Otter Lake. Hai'bor Briton, 44 Dumn's Creek, A. Port Willianis,U Picton, C or 7. Pictou, Tc, 2!) or 30. New Glasgow, Tc See Pearccton . Sorel, 2a or '24 Sorel, 23 or 24 St. Annand, P Fort Garry, 51 See Port Ehnsley. Des Rivieres, P.. Green's Pond, 45 , Wick.F Woodbridge, E See W'idder. Xcwniarket, D Watervillc, U. Kincardine, Ca or E New Gla.sgow, Tc Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 31 Pinkerton, C. Lennoxviilo, Ab or S Port Hawke.^bur'-, 39 .... St. John, T or W'. Pistiuid, Zi. G reen's Pond, 45 Gananoque, A Edwanlsburg, A St. John's Burhi, 41 Belleville, A, 6 or t Pictou, Tc, 2!)or:;0 Cobourg, A, K orl,,.,,.. New G hi-gow, Tc Brown's, 2 Catalina, 45 Bright,A Perth, Na See Geniley. -^3 1 10 12 3 2 33 30 20 a 103 4 12 10 18 12 14 2 12 28 7 16 5 18 2$4 30{ 6 52 2 9 4 10 c 24 C9 3 11 156 9 6 80 11 10 15 u* 72 9 47 S 12 84 TABLE OP KOUTES. PASSENGER'S DEiJTlNATION. Town, Village, &c. I*left8ant Baj- , Ploaaant Grove , Pleasant Hill pleasant llidgo Pleasant River Pleasant Vale Plen!-ant Valley Ploatant Valley pleaaant Valley Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Plossisville Plum Hollow Plumweseep Plymouth Pockinouche P()ek«haw Point Abino Point ii Grouctte Point Alexander Point Bruie^ Point Cardinal Point Clear Pointo A Ca- agnol. . . Pointed Fleiirant.. . . Pointo i\ la Garde .. . . Pointe a Pic Pointo au Bonleau . . . Pointe au Chene . . , . Pointo Aux Anglaia . Pointo aux Pins Pointe aux Trembles' Pointe aux Tremble;.. Pointo aux Tremhies - Pointe de Chenfe Pointo de Mouron .. . . Pointo du Bute P.)inte du Cliene Folate du Lac Pointo Claire Point Edward Pointe Fortune Point Kaye Point La Nira Point Lance. • , Point Levi Point Michaux Point Moll..... Point of Cape Point Peter Point Platon Point Prim Point Ro3y Point St. 'Charlea .... Point8t. Peter. ...... Point Traverse Point Verde Point Wolf Poirier... .'. Poland; Pollet River Pollet River Station., Polly Bog P()mer6y Ridf,'e Pomona. Pomquet Chapel i. . County or District. Prov Inverness Queens ..« Xorfolic Charlotte Queens , Albert Ligby Hants Pietou Prince Edward Queens Megantic Leeds Kings Yarmouth G loucester Gloucester Welland Provencher Renfrew Colchester Gvenville Victoria Vandre.il Bonaventure Bonaventure Charlevoix Charlevoix Argenteuil Two Mountains Algoma Chicoutimi Portneuf Hochelaga Provencher Algoma Westmorland Westmorland St. Maurice Jacques Cartier Lambton Vaudreuil <... Victoria Resti.t^ouche Plarentia & St. Mary's Levis Richmond Plarentia & St. Maiy's Antigonii^h Prince Edward Lotbini6re. .......... Queens.. Burgeo and La Poilo. Montreal Gasp6 . Prince Edward . . . Placentia & St. Mary's Albert Richmond Lanark ..... Westmorland Westmorland Colchester Charlotte Grey Antigonish t X.S. P.E.I Out . . N.B. . X S.. N.B.. N 8. . N.S . N'.S.. Ont.. P.E.I, Que . . Ont . . N.B.. N.S.. N.B.. N.B. Ont . . Man.. Ont.. N.8.. Ont . . N.S.. Quo, Que .. Que.. Que Que . . Que . . Quo . . Ont. Que . . Que . . Que . . Man. . Ont . . N.B.. N.B.. Que . . Que . . Ont . . Que.. Ont.. X.B. . Nfld.. Quo . N.S. Nfld. . N.S.. Ont. Que . . PE.I. Nfld . Quo. Que . Ont. . Nfld N.B . N S Ont N.B. , N.B.. N S . N.B.. Ont , . N.S . Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer Port Hood, 30 See Suffolk. Tilsonburg. Be or H St. Stephen. V or a7 Lunenburg, 40. . Petitcodiac, Ta Digliv,ir ElniNlale. T We?t River. Tc See Hillier Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 39 See Somerset Drockville. A, N or 1 Plumweseep, Ta. Yarmouth, 40 Caraquette. 3S Bathurst, T or 38 Bertie, Af, Fort (Jany. 51 ... Pembroke. 3 Truro. T See Edwardsburg. Baddeck. 41 See Hudson. See Fleurant. See Esouminac Mun-ay Bay. 34 Tadousac. 34 Gronville, '^ P'ointe aux Anglais. 2 S.iult Sta. Marie. 17 Chicoutimi. 34 Pointe aux Trembles. 33 Montreal Fort Garry. 01 Fort William. 17 Sackville. T ■ Pointe du Cliene. Tb or 30 Thr-e R-.-cr.s Ac, 23 or 24 Pointe Claire, A. Sarnia, A or lib Pointe Fortune. 2 Point Kavo. U Dalhorsio, To, 30 or 38. . . . St. John's See Levis. Port Ilawkesbury, 39. St. John's New G lasgow, Tc Picton, 6 or 7 Quebec Chavlotteto^vn, Zi, 29 or 39. Channel, 44 Montreal Gasp<5, 30 Picton, 6 or 7 St John's Penobsquis, Ta Port Hawkesbury, 39 Perth, Na Petitcodiac, Ta Pollet River, Ta. Polly Bog, T St. Stephen, Va or 37. . . , , Mount Forest, E New Glasgow, Tc TABLE OP ROUTES. 85 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Pomqnot Forks Pond Mills Pnml-! Poa(l3 Ponhook Pon-onby Pontia • Pont Chatoan Pont do Maskinongc Pont Rouge Poodiao .... Poole Pool's (Jove Pool's J=;lar d Pope's Harbor Poplar Hill Poplar (Jrove Poplar Point Poquio ' k Port Ai-adie Porta:?o Porta re dn I'ort Portaw La Prairie Portage River Port Alb?rt Port a I'iqne I'ort a Piiii3 .Mouiitains Port au Pa-ques I'ort an Bras PortauChiix Port A ii'Jinstns Cove Port au Per41 Port an Port Port anx Qnillcs Port Perkerton Port P.rn?e Port Barwell Port Caledonia Port Carling. Port Cl.vd3 Port Co borne Port Credit. Port Dalhousio. Port Daniel County or District. Prov Antirijonish Middlesex Picton Yarmouth Queens Wellington Pontiac Soula]i,7e:3 .Ala^kinonge Portneuf KiniX3 I'erth Fortune Bay Boiiavista Halifax Pintou Houce^tor Marquette York D^crby Ilnntingdon Pontiar^ Marquette Northumborland f [urnn (Joldiestor Colcbe3ter Burgeo and La Poile . Placrentia & St. Mary's French Shore Queens Charlevoix French Shore Charlevoix G-uv-.borough Hliin Ellin Cape Breton Victoria Shelburno Wclland Peel ~ Lincoln Bonaventure Port Darlington Durhn Port de (i rave iBrl'm Port Dover iNorfolk Port Elqrin Bruce P(n-t lOPrin Crenvillo, . . Port I'llgin Westmorland. Port Elni~l'\v Lanark Porter's TTill jKuron Porter's Lake : Halifax Port Felix ■Onyaborough . Port Frank Lambton Port Geor.-'s 1 Annapolis Port Glasgow lElgin Port nra?e |TLavbor Grace Port Granbv iDurham PortGrevillo Port llasting.s Port Ilawkesbury Port Hill Port Hood Port Hoover Port Hope I Cumberland Inverness . . 'nvernesd . . Prince .... . Inverness . . Victoria. . . . Durham. .. . \'.S. . ^iit ., M.S . Nf S. Y.S . Ont . . ()ue . . Qne . . One . . (ine . . V.I).. ")nt .. V(!d.. Vfld.. N.S.. N.S.. N.B. "Ian. r.B. N.S. Que . Qne . Tan. \\B. Int. N.S VQd. \fld.. Nfld. . P.E.I. Mm . . Nfld.. Que . . NT.R.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S.. Ont . , N.S. . )nt.. Int.. Int.. Qne . . )nt. \'fld. . 1nt . . Ont.. ■)nt.. N\B.. Ont . . Out . . Nf.S.. NT.S . Ont . . N.S.. Ont . . Nfld.. )nt.. N.S. . ■^T S.. N.S. f.B.I, M.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. New Glasgow, Tc , Pond Mills, J. New Glasgow, Tc , Yarmoutli, 40 See Greontield. Guelph, A or C Quio, :i Cotean, A Maskinongo. '>\. Pointe anx Trembles, 3.3. Sussex, Ta ■Stratford. A Harbor Briton, 44 ( Jreon's Pond, 4-5 Halifax, T or U. Picton, Tc. 2!) or 30 Bathur t, T or 38 FortOan-y, 51 Frederii'ton, X, Zh or 35. Digby, U See i)'?wittville. Portage du Fort, 3. Fort Gari'v, 51 Chatham,';!!) or 38 Godcrich.Af Londondoiry, T Londonderry, T ■See Channel. Burin, 44 Channel, 44 Fort Augustus, 43. Murray I3ay , 34 Channel, 44 Tadousac, 34 New Glasgow, Tc St. Thomas, Be, II or J,. Tilsonbui'g, Be or H .Sydney, 41.. Port Carling, 14. Shelbumc, 40 Port Colborne, Af or I. Port Credit, Ba. Port Dalhousie, I or 8. Perc^, 2!) or 30 See Bowmanville. St. John's Simcoe, Be; See Normanton. -'oe Edwai-dsburg. Shediac. Tb PnrtElmsloy, 4. Clinton, Af Halifax, Tor U Port Hawkesbury Widder, A . Lawrencetown, U Nowbnry, B . , See Harbor Grace. Nowtonville, A. Athol.T Port Hawkesbury, 3i).,. . Port Hawkesbury. 39. Summerside, Zi, 39 or 42. Port Hood, 3t). Port Hoover, 21. Port Hope, A, (Jor 1. .59 42 10 la in 1 250 18 120 IS \ 7t 17 15 l» 29 501 51 9 30 IH 5 16 15 3S 3 36 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town. Village, &c. Port Jolly Pott Lambton Portland Portland Portland Portland Port La Tour Port Lo Hear Port Jjowis Port Jlaitland Port ]\';»itland Port Matoun Port Mod way Port Jlul'^ravo Port Nelson Portneuf Portnonf Port Perry Port Philip port Richmond Port Robinson Port Rowan Port Royal Por! Royal Port Royal Port Ryer^o , PortSarnia Poit Severn Portsmouth Poi-t Stanley Port St. Prancis , Fort Talbot , Portugal Cove portuiruose Cove , Port Union Port Williams Port "Williams Port Williams Station, . . , Po-t« dea Grais Postville Pouch Cove Pimlamond Powell Powell's Mills Powell's Mills Power-" Power's Court Pownal Prestin'ile Proscott ., Prcscott Junction Pres-otb Mills... Proscott Road Preston.. . Preston Road Prlceville Primrose ... Prince Albert Prince Arthur's Landing . Prince of Wales , Princeport ., Princeton Princetown Princeville Prince William , , Prince William Street. . . , County or District. Prov Queens L5othwell Lced H ;>orfollc Ottawa it. Jo!in Sholbiirno Qneons Iluntingdon . . . . Monck Richmond Queens (Jueens ilnysborough .. . Ilalton .. . Portneuf Saxuenay Whitby r'umberland. . . . Richmond Welland Norfolk Annapolis Xoi-folk Richmond Norfolk Lambton Simcoe Frontenac Elgin Yamaska Elgin St. John's Halifax Ontario Annapolis Ivings Ivings St. Maurice. . . . Halt on St, Jolm's Riclunond Carloton Hastings Northninberland Richmond Huntingdon. Queens Grey Gronville Grenviile Charlotte Charlotte Waterloo Halifax Grey Cardwell Ontario Algonia St. John , Colchester Oxford Prince Arthabaska York Kings »••••••••. < ..•••. N.S.. i.nt . . Ont . . I nt . . Quo . N.B.. N 8.. Nf.S.. Quo . . Ont X.S.. N . S. . N S. . N.S.. Oi.t.. Que . . Que . . Ont.. N.S.. N.S Ont . Ont . , a Ont . . N.S ont. . Ont . . Ont . Ont . . Ont . . Que . . Ont . . Nfld.. N.S.. Ont.. N.S.. NT S.. N S.. Que . . Ont . Nfld. . N S.. Ont . Ont . . Oi.t.. N.S.. Que . P.B.I. Ont.. Ont Ont . . N.B.. N.B . Ont . N S.. Ont Out. . Ont . Ont . N B X S. Ont . P.E.I. Que . . N.B.. N.S.. Most convenient Point accessible bv Railroad or Steamer. Liverpool, 40 Mooretown, Ha Portland, 4. Simcoe, Be Buckingham, 2 St. John, T or W Shelhume, 40 .See Big Port le Bear. Port Lewis, 5. Dunnville, Af i'ort Hawke: bury, 31) Livei"pool, 40 ... . Fjiverpool, 40 Port Hawkesbury , 80 Wellington Square, Ba. . . . Portneuf, ;{:(, Tiulousac, ;i4 Port Perrv, L or 21. River Phi'lip, T I'ort Hawke.-^bnry, 3i) Port Robinson, 1. Simcoe, Be See Annapolis. Simcoe, Bo Port Hawkesbury, SO Simcoe, Be See Point Edward. Orillia, Da. Gorl:^ Iving^ton, A, Zb or 1 . . . . Port Stanley, J or 10. Port St. Franci.s, 24. St. Thomas, Be, II or J ... . St. John's Halifax, Tor U Port Union, A. See Marshall's Cove. Port Williams, U Port Williams U. Three River.^, Ac, 23 or 24 See Trafalgar. St. John's Port Hawkesbury, 39 . . . . Almonte, N See Malone. See Stockdale. Port Hawke -bury, .39 . . . Henmiingford, Ae . Charlottetowu, Zi, 29 or 3!). See Sarawak. Prescott, A, M or 1. Prescott Junction, A or M. St. John, Tor W St. John. Tor W . Pre=!ton, C. Halifax, T or U . Flesherton. Ea Orangeville, E Prince Albert, L. See Thuiider Bay St. John, Tor W Truro. T . Princeton. B. Malpefpie Ro;id, Zi. See Stanfold. Fredoricton. X, Zh or 35. . . Kingston, U 23 10 10 12 1 28 7 43 10 10 1 H 45 14 H 21 23^ 39 6 24 2 14 H 13 1 17 19 37 5 41 30 8 'An 50 10 4 13^ \9 "la 2«| 4 TABLE OF ROUTES. 87 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village. &c. ri(v.',)oct Pfo.s\)ejt rroton Piibrilco B(!ac;h . Pabiiico Harbor , Piigwaoh Pii,;{\va.-.h ^'i'-cr ., Purily Purploville Pii.h Through.., Pmlinch , Pii pott's Cove. . Patnani Pyo's Comers.. . , Qiiaco . Cjua.'o lload .. ... Quadra Qurvy's. Quebec Queonsboro Quoenston , Queonsville Qiicensville. Qnesnel Quio Quirpnn Qui.-painsi.^ Radnor Forges Radstock Ragged Harbor Ragged 1 1 jad Ragged 1 slaiid Ragged Island (East). . Ragged Raef Raglan Ragtown Railton Rainhain Rainhani Centre Kama Ranica Inlands Ramsay Rauisay'a Corners Ramsheg Ram's Islands Random Sound. Riinalagh Rankin Rankin's Mills Rapides des Joachims. Ratehforcl River Riitiiburn Ratho Ratter's Corners Ravenna Ravenscliff.. Ravenshoe Ravenswood Rawdon Rawdon Rawdon Ra\v*on ( ^outh) Ra\|fion ( Upper) Raymond Reaborough fieod County or District. Prov Halifax Lanark Orey Sholburne Shelburno Cumberland Cumberland Hastings York Fortune Bay Wellington Twillingate and Togo Middlesex Quei'ns St John St. John Vancouver Durham Quebec llii^tings Niagara Inverness York Cariboo Pontiac French Shore Kings Chainplain Toilette Trinity Guysborongh Shelburne Shelbnrne Cumberland ( )ntario P.rant Addington Haldimand Haldimand Ontario Burgeo and La Poilo. Renfrew Russell Cumberland Placentia & St. Mary's Trinity Norfolk Renfrew Carleton Poiitia:- Cumberland Ontario 'Ixtord Kings Grey Victoria York r.ambton Hants Hastings ^[ontcalm Hants Hant^ , Victoria Victoria Hastinga , N.S. Ont . Ont N.S. NS. . N.S . N.S. Ont.. Out., Nfld.. Ont . . Nfld Ont.. P E.I N.B.. N.B.. B.(.' . . Ont .. Quo . . Ont . . Ont.. N.S . . Unt . , 15.C . Quo . Nfld. N.B.. Que . Quo. Nfld. , N.S. N.S., N.S., N.S.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont., Ont . . Ont., Ont. Nfld., Ont., Out., N.S . , Nfld.. Nfld.. Ont . Ont. N.B. Que. N.S. Ont . . Ont . N.B.. Ont . , Ont . , Ont . , Ont., N.S ont.. Quo.. N.S . , N.S.. Ont. Ont.. Ont Most convenient Point acces-iiblo by Railroatl or Steumor Halifax, Tor U I'ranktown, N .See Inistioge. .-^helbiirne. 40 .--Iielbnrno, 40 riiomson, T L'hoinsnn, T Ilenfrew, X llichmondHill, D.. . Harbor Briton, 44 . . . Gnelph.AorC Fogo, 4."> IngorsoU, B >oe Cornwall. St. John, T or W St. John, Tor W. .. Sec Vancouver, Quay's, G. Quebec. Belleville, A, G or 7. . Qnconston, lib. I'ort Hawkesbury, .3!) Newmarket, D Vale, 48 See Onslow. Tilt Cove, 45 Qnispamsis, Ta .See Fermont. Joliette.Y Trinity, 4.5 .N'ew Glasgow, To. . . . Shelburne, 40 Shelburne, 40 Amherst, "T Oshawa, A See Victoria. Kingston, A, Zb or 1 . . Dunnville, Af Dunnville, Af Atherly, l:} Burgeo, 44... , See Almonte. Ottawa, M, O or 2. See Wallace Bridge. St. John's Trinity, 45 Simcoe, Be Pembroke, 3 Rankin's Mills, V Des Joachim-i, 3. .Sea PortGrevillo. Atherly, l;i Ratho, Af . Sussex, Ta Thorn bury, D Bracebridge, 14 Newmarket, D Widder, A Vewport, U See Stirling. Montreal Mount Uniacke, U. . . , Elmsdale, T Bracebridge, 14 Lindsay, G ... Sbannonville, A 37 10 ■m 138 9 16 76 21 24 3 8* 13 » 13 2 "l2 100 31 17 la 8 7 32 II 8 9 48 90 16 16 8 If 88 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DE3TrNATI0N. Town, Village, iic. neaditi'? Rear Liindfi Sporting Mountain Rear of Black River Red Bank Red ClilY Island Btid Covo Red Hai-Jjor Red Hciul Covo Red Inland Red iBland Red iHlaiid Red Toint Red Rock Red IlockH Rednersvillc Reed Reed^dale Reekie Belossey Remini^tnn Rencontre Rencontre Renf orth Renfrew Renfrew Renous Bridge Renowi^o Renton Benton Repentigny Reynoldsvillo ... Rhodes Riceburg Riceville RiciianVR Harbor Richardson's Corners Richhy Richibncto Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Hill Richmond ."Minos Richmond Settlement Richmond Si ation Richmond Terminus Richvicw Ricliwood Rider's Ilai'bor Ridgetown Ridgcville Bidgeway Ri^aud Riley Brook Rimouslu Bingwood Ripley River Boaudctte River Bourgeois River Chavlo . River David River Deb >rt. River dc Oinite River D 'nnis Elver Dennis (Upper Set) ..... County or District. Prov Wellington IlH'hmond Ilichmond Northumberland llonavista I'ortuno Bay I'lacentia & St. Mary's Trinity Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Placentia & St. ilary's rUchraond Kings Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Alg. nia Prince Edward Westmorland Megantic Bruce Card well Hastings Bnrgeo and La Poile. . Fortune Bay Wont worth Hants Renfrew Northumberland Ferryland Norfolk Wcntworth L' A^^somption Lincoln Ivings Missisquol Prescott ... Burgeo and La Poile . . .Simcoe Compton ICent Carleton Carleton l^lgin Richmond.;. York Inverne.s.^ Yarmouth ilichmond Halifax Peel 0.xt)rd Trinity Bothwell .\Ionck Wcriuid Vaudreuil Victoria lllniouski Y'ork Bruce Soulangos Cape Breton llestigouche Y'amaska . Colchester. . Carlet.on [avcrness luveruesa....... Ont . N.S. N.H. N.B. Nlld.. Nfld . Nlld. :;m.. Nfld.. Nlld. N.S.. P.E.I. Nlld . Ont . . Ont . N.B.. Que . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Nfld.. Ntld. . Ont . . N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. Nfld.. Ont . . Ont.. Que.. Ont . . N.S .. Que . . Ont . Nfld.. Ont . . Que . . N B.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. Que .. N.S .. Ont . Ont . . Nfld. . Ont . Ont . Ont.. Que ,. N.B. or 7 Harbor Britun, 44 Harbor Briton, 4i Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Enfii'ld, T Renfrew, N Chatham, yo or 38 .St. John's Simcoe, Be Renton, Za. Repontigny, 2.5. >t. Catharines, B or I.... Kingston, U Stan bridge, P L'Orignal. 2 Harbor Briton, 44 See Edgar, Richbj , Ab. Richibncto, ".8. Richmond, Vb. .-tittsville, >ee Bay ham. Richmond, Aa. Richmond Hill, D See Port Richumnd, Yarmouth, 4i* Richmond, Aa. Riclimoiui, T. Malton, A Rlchwood, Af. Harbor (j race, 46, Thamesville, B I'ort Robinson, I See Point Abino. Rigaud,2. Hartlaiid, Zh Rimou.'^ki, T or 34, ( StoulTA'ille, F ) Kincardine, Ca or E , River Beaudette, A, Port Hawkesbnry. 31) ... , Dalhousie, T or ";!». Sortl, '2;ior24 River Debert, T, Hartland, Zh. Port Hawke^bury, 3!) . . Port Hawkesbary, 39. .. TABLE or ROUTES. ^ 89 PArf.-JHNaEirs DESTINATION. Town, Village. &c. iki»«a«««( llivcr Doniiis Iloiwl. River Desert River Gilbert , River Hobort River Ihtmbitaiits. River .r<)lin River Joliii (West brMicli). River LoiiiHoii River Pliilij) River Roiii;o River-irtale River.Ttlalo Riversor;!() Riviero Ouelle, Aa. Lancaster, A. Trois Pistoles, T. -loe St. Stanislas do Kostka. 13oll Ewart, D Yarmouth, 40 iJhicoutind, 154 Sea D.ilkelth. Lonnoxville, Ab or S (Mianncl, 44 Napanee, A See Amelia burg. Collingwood, D or lo Waterloo, Q Belle River, B. Ottawa, M, O or 2. Hemmin.ford, Ae Watcrf.ora, H Rockford, Ea. Sherbrooke, Ab or S ^urin, 44 Renfrew, N Rock Island, S. Ottawa, M , O or 2 Dorchester, T Rockland, Zh. Des Joachim ',3 Glengarry, Tc Malloi'ytown, A Dorchester, T . Brampton, A See "Whitchurst. Dundas, B See Kimb-'rlv. Ottawa, M, Oor2 Boauharnois, 5. Sussex, Ta 12 12 :i9i 1'22 128 06 .13 15 149 113 2 !.'» 78 21 89 10 14 8 20 9 6 10 47 26 3 11 ,?» vi 18 I 90 TABLE OP ROUTES. rASrillNUEU'S DlkiTINATION. Town, Villu-i', &ic. Bockvlllo Rockwi II ,. . . Rock wood Rocky Bay Rocky L:vko RodKcrvillc Rodney Roebuck Roger" Hill Ro;;iio's I lurbor Rokebv Rolx lir.ul Rolla iJav Rolliiij^DiUU Rolplu ... Roinnoy RoiialdHny Rondeau Rondeau Harbor Ronaon Rosa .' Rosebatik.. Rosebank. , Rosebaiik Rose nianche Rosedalc Rosodciie Rosehall Rosohill Roscinont . . Roseneath Rosctta Rosette RosQvale Rose Valley Roseville Ro=civine Roseway Rosliu Roslin Ross. Roas Corners Rosseau Rossitor's Rosavillo Roaway Rothsay Roth-av RouireirUl RouiTeniont Round Bxy Round ITarbor Round Harbor Round Hill Round Hill Round Plains Rowan Jlills Rowanton Roxburgh , Roxliam Roxton Fall? Roxton Pond , Royal Roiul Rusby , Rui.^seau des Chenes Ruuuymedc County or District. Varmouth C;iHnl)crland W'cllinj^ton Twlllingato and Fogo. ;Iallfa.x 1 1 uron :;i;?in irenvilk Pictou Twillingate and Fogo. Lanark iViarlotte Ivings riiarlctte Norfolk ICcnt ii'ey ICent Kent Norfolk >foii:humberlaiid Drant r.unenbnrg Northnnibcrlaud Bnrjjeo and La Poilo . . Victoria lonck Prince Edward Ciloncester ■•inicoo Northumberland Lanark Qnoons .Vlbvirt Queens f/anai'k. . Waterloo.. . . iholburiio . . . Cumberland . nastin;j:3 nenfrew Kings Victoria ivussell Lisgnr Digby. Ainjrs , Wellington Ontario , Ronville , ihelburne fortune '''•'y Twillingate and Fogo Annapolis Kin!?.s Norfolk . Norfolk Pontiac .Vlbcrt St. Johns .^hefTord .ShcfTord York I'rov, N.S.. N.S . . Out.. Xfld.. N.S . . Out., Out . , Out., N.H., Nfld. . Ont. . N.B . I'. K.I. N.B.. Out. Ont . Ont. Oat .. Ont . Ont., Ont . , Ont . . N.S. N.B . Nfld., Ont.. Out., Ont . . N.S., Out.. Ont . . Ont . , N.a.. N.B.. P.E.I. Ont . . Ont . N.S.. N.S . . Ont. Ont . N.S Ont. Ont . Man. Simcoe Dnimmond .. Bonaventuro N.S. N.B. Ont. Ont. Que N.S. Nfld. Nfld N.S. N.B. Ont . Ont. Quo. N.B. Quo. Quo. Quo. N.B. Ont. Quo. Que. Most convenient Point arccH- ible by Railroad or titeanicr. Yarmouth, 40 lliver Philip, T Rock wood, A. Fogo, 4H Ilocky Lake, T. Clinton, Af Newbury, B .■5i)cncerville, M Picton, Tc, -2!) or :!() I lit Cove, jr) Perth, Na lloix lload, V. Charlottotown, Zi, 2!) or ;!9 Rolling Dam, V. See Ronson. Leainington, 11 Dundalk, Ka Chatham, B (Chatham, B Delhi, Be 'I'renton, A , llarrisbur^, A or C Lunenburg, 40 Newcastle, T, :'.0 or ;J8. . , Hose Blnncho, 44. i'"oiiel<)n Fa!I^, 18 Beam^ville, B Belleville, A, (J or 7 IJathnrst, T or ;W :niford, D Cobourg, A, K or 1 'orth, Na Linienburg, 40 Salisbury, Ta iJiiarlottetown, Zi,2y or 39 See Montague. iierlin, A -ihelbnriie, 40 Thomson, T .* Belleville, A, fi or 7 •^and IViiui , N or 3 Iventville, U Ro.iseau, 14. Rossitet'K, M. L''ort Carry, 51. Digby, U R'lthsav, Ta. Klora. C Freu' hman's Bay, A Chambly Basin, Zc ^helburne, 40 Harbor Briton, 44 Tilt Cove, 4.") Round Hill, U. Round Hill, ^r>, Waterford, H See Stistoit de Bcanrivago. . . . St, A?atha St. Aime St. Alban St. Albert St. Alexandre St. Ali^xaudro St. Alexis St. Alexis St. Alexis St. Alplionse St. Ali)honse do la Grande Baic Anibroise de Kildarc Ambr. do la Jeune Lorette. Anaclet Ana tasie de Nelson St. Andre St. Andro Avelin ^t. Andre d' Acton St. Andrews St. Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews St. Andrews St. Andrews Anilre\\s Andrews Anicet Ann Ann , St. Ann ...... St. An- IS , , . . ... St. Anns St. An.solnie St. Antbony St. Antoine St. Antoine Abbe St. Antoine dj la Buie lit. St. St. St. Sc. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. County or District. Ottawa .■^iinbnrv Placentia &i, St. Mary's Ilu-sell Perth 'I'rinity (hatr»auguay ttUOjns Both well Ivssex I Fa. tings Went worth K-isox Annapolis Nortluunborland. Wontworth .Middlesex .Shelburno IborviUo E-!-0X Halifax Westmorland .. .. (jxford Fortune Bay l3onavista Ontario .Montmorency . . . Lotbln;6re Waterloo Ilichelieu Portiieuf .\rthabaska Iberville Ivamoiir.aska Bonaventuro . . . . Cliicoutimi .Montcalm .loliette Cliicoutimi ■Toliette Quebec lUmouski Mo;,'auLu! Kamouraska .... Ottawa Baj,'ot Argenteuil .VntijJtonish Cliarlotte Colchester Kings Lisgar fjueens York .Stormont lluntuigdon . .. Gloucester Victoria York Monck V^ictoria Dorchester Kent Vercheres Cbateauguay .... I'amasAa Pro v. Que . . .W.B.. .Nfld. . Ont.. Ont . . Nfld.. gue . . I'.E.I I nt . . Ont , Unt . , Ont.. Ont. .\.S. Out. Ont . Ont . N.S. Que . Ont . X 8. N.B. Ont. Ntld Ntia. Ont. Que. Que. unt . Que. Que. Que. Que.. Quo . Quo . Que . Quo . Quo . Que . Quo . Quo.. Quo . . Quo . , Quo . Quo . Quo . . Quo . , N.S. N.B. , N S. P.E.I, Man. P.E.I Ont . . Ont . . Que N.B . N S . N.B.. Ont.. N.S. Que.. N.B. . Quo . . Que.. Que.. Mo'^t convenient Point ncce sible by Railroad or Stcauior. Ottawa. .\rrOor2 ilu.-a:j()rni^, X. llurin, 44 )ttawa, M, () or '2 ■Stratford. A. Harbor Ura c, 4rl;j:ide de Laval Ste. Bri;^ide des Saults . . . , St. Cajo'.an St. Calixtode Kilkenny... St. Calixtn de Somerset. . .. St. Caniille .'. St. Canute St. Caiiniir St. Catliarines St,. Catherine^ St. ( o; ilo de Bic St. Celostin St. Ccsiiire St. Charles St.C'iarln.s St. Cliarle 1 St. CharLvs St. Charles do Stanbridge , . . St. Charles du Lac St. Christophed'Arthabaska. St. Claire St. Claire Bridpre County or District. Prov Lotbiniero Teniiscouata. ... Lotbiniire Misslsquol Mi^sisfjuoi Temiscouata . . Iberville L'iBlet Two Mountains. Portneuf Terrebonne . .. . Lotbin «Jre Provcncher Tcrrobonno .... Charlevoix Huntingdon. .. . Rouville Nicolet Rlmouaki Ottawa Jacques Cartier. Montmorency . . Chamnlain Ivamouraska. . . Bonaventuro . . . Ga.-^\:6 Terrebonne. .... hefford. St. Maurice. Cliicoutiml St. Hyacinthtt. St. Maurice Borthier. I'ortnenf , Victoria. , Chambly Two Mountains Dorchester Dnimmond . •olkirk St. Maurice Chambly Joliette Ibei-ville Montmorency . . Nicolet Bellecha=se Tontcalm Mofrantic Wolfe Two Mountains Portneuf Lincoln Portneuf Rimouskl Nicolet Rouville Bellocha«se Quebec ^t. Ilyacintho . . Selkirk -Missisquoi L'Aswmption . . yVrthaba^ka Don-haster Dorchester Que. Que. Que . Quo . Que . Que. Que. Quo. Que. Que . Que . Que. :Man. Quo. Que. Que. Quo . Que . Que. Que . Quo . Quo . Qr.G . Que . Que. Quo . vine . Que. Que . , Quo . Quo . , Quo . Que . Que. .V.B.. Que . . Que . Que. Quo . , Man., Que . , Que . Que . . Que . . Que., i-iuc . . Que . , Que . . Que . . Que . . Que.. Que.. Ont.. Que . . Que . . Que . . Que.. Que . . Que . . Que . . Most convenient Po'nt accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Quebec Riv. duLoup, Aa, T or i;4. Black River, Aa ')t. Armand, P .St. Armand, P. ;t. Ar one, T. St. .TfhnV, Ad, P.Q or R.. t. .Pan Port J(;li, Aa .Montreal Quebec lontreal Mcthot's, Aa Koi-t (JaiTy, 51 See Bore-ford. .Mun-ay Bay, 34 St. Anicet, 5 to. iMario, Zc Doucett's, Ac. .-.t. Fl.avio, T I'.apinoauville, 2. Ste. Ann'8, A or 2. ."uebec ■Ste. Anne do la Perade, 3!). Sto. Anne, Aa. CaTupbellton, T or 38 Mi'tis, T, 2!) or ;jO .Montreal .■>oe Rochello. ■ance Jolietto liapraiiio iiants Lotbiniire , York , Annapolis , E-Tthier .Nivpierville L'lxlet St. Hyacintho . . . Berthier , Queens .\ia;:};ara St. Hyacintho • . , Kamouraska Maskinonge Bagot Soulanges Uimou^ki Quebec Laval Lotbini6ro Napierville Dorchester Compton St. Maurice Prince Joliette Teniiscouata Beauce I otbini6re Joliette Beauce Bagot Teniiscouata . . . Montcalm Richmond Levis St. Maurice Boauhamois Bromo Prescott Two Mountains . Beauce lUmouskl iMontmorency . . . Tomisconata Jacques Cartier. , Champlain , Dorchester , Kamouraska... .. Bagot Dorchester Stanstead Chai'levoix , Portneuf ........ Megan tic , Verchcres , Montcalm , Dorchester. .. ., Ont Que Que Que Que Que Que Quo X.S Quo N.B N.S Que Que Que Que Que P.E.I Ont Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que P.E. Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que N.S Que Quo Que Que Ont Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Quo Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Moat convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Berlin, A Coteau, A Arthal)a=ka, Aa See Sillory Cove. Montreal ,. , .See Marlow. Joliette, Y Caughnawaga, Ao Nowpoit, U Methot's, Aa St. Croix, W. Paradise, U Bortliier, 2.5 . See Napierville. L'lslct, Aa St. Damase, 28. Berthier, 2.5 Charlottetown, Zi, 2!) or 39 St. Davids, B. St. Denis, 26. St. Denis, Aa. Berthier, 2.5 St. Hyacintho, Aa or 28. . . Cedars, A Rimouski, T or 34 See Lake Beauport. Montreal See Riviiro Bois Clair. La Pigoonniere, Ae See Frampton. Compton, Ab Yamachiche, 24 St. Eleanors, Zi. Bertliier, 25 Isle Verto, T St. Henri. Aa or Zf . See Leclercville. Lanoraie, 2-5 Craig's Road, Aa Upton, Aa. See Viger. L'Assomption, 27 Port Hawko'^bnry, :]0 — . .Se3 ChaudiJire Junction. Three Rivers, Ac, 2;J or 24. Boauharnois, 5 See GnissPond. Point Fortune, 2 Montreal St. Francois, Zf St. Fabien, T. Quebec Trois PiBtoles, T Pointe Claire, A See Batiscan. See Lake Etchemin. Ste. Hclone, Aa. Upt7. St. George. Q. See Henryville, St. George, Zf. Danville, Aa I'ort Hawkcsbury, 39 . . . . Upton, Aa Three Rivers, Tc, 23 or 24, St. Charles, Aa Craig's Road, Aa St. Gregoire, Ac. See Mount Johnson. Upton, Aa Goderlch, Af See Tannery West. St. Henri, Aa or Zf St. Henri, Aa or Zf. Montreal See Mont St. Hilairo. St. Hilairo, Aa or 20. St. Hilaire. 2«. St. .Joseph. Zf See Armand. ■JO Q 14 34* h 13 13i IC 41 8 IGJ 3G 7 34 20 5 9 42 50 15 17 30 4 31 4 115 1 27 27i 20 6 21 3 8 12 15 16 5 9 7 20 8 40 33 TABLE OP ROUTES. 95 PASSENOEH'S DESTINATION. Town, Vlllftso, &!.c. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St St. St St St. St. St St St St. St St St St St St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St St St St St. St. St St St. St St St St. St. St St St St. St St 8t. St Hubert Huj^ucs Ilyai.intlio Hyppolitc de Kilkenny . Ifjnacc iRnaco Isidore do Montreal Isidore de Quebec Ives Ja(?ob8. . . .Tajqucs Jajfjuosde TAcIiii^an. . . Jacquej le Mil cur Janie^ James James Park Janvier Jean Baptiste Jean Bapti^jtc . ., Jean Chrysostome Jean Clirygostome Jean de Dieu .lean d'Eschaillons Jean de Matha Jean d'Crleans Jean Port Joli Jerome Jerome du Lac St. Jean . Joachim Joachim Joachim do Shofford . . . . John Johns John's Johns Johns West Jossph Joseph Joseph de B:}i.ujg Joseph da Levis Joseph d'Ely Josepli de Maslvinongo . . Joseph du Lac Jude Juliens Just Just n . .... Kyran's Lambert Lambert de Lauzon Laurent Laurent dn ^Tontreal . . . Laurent dOrloans Lazare Leon licon Leonard Leonard Leonard's Hill Liboire Li^ori , Lin Louis Louis de Blandford. Louis da Gnnza:?ue . Louis de Mantawa. . County or District. Prov Chambly Ba^ot St. Hyacintho Montcalm Quebec Soulair^es Laprairie Dorchestirr . Middlesex Waterloo Fortune Bay Montcalm Laprairie Charlotte Selkirk Middlesex Terrebonne Ilochelaga Rouville Chateauguay Levis Temiscouata LotbiVii^re Joliette Montmorency L'Islet Terrebonne Chicoutinii Chateauguay Montmorency Shefford St. John Middlesex >t. John's St .Johns , Welland .Vntigonish , Westmorland , Beance Levis , Shefford , Maskinonge Maskinonge , St. Hyacintho l-'rench Shore llaldimand Maskinonge riacentia & St. Mary's Chaaibly Levis . .Marquette. Jacques Cartier Montmorency Ballechasse D.rchester Maskinonge (icolet Victoria Bagot i5agot . . Montcalm L'Assomptlon Kent Arthabaska Beauharnoia Joliette Quo Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Ont Ont Nfld Que Q»o N.B Man Ont Que Que Que (iue Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que N.B Ont Nfld Quo Ont 'i.S N.B Que Quo Que Que (.iue Cine Xfld Ont Que Xfld Que Que Man Que Que Qm Que Que Que X.B Que Que Que Que N.B Que Que Que Most convonient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. St. Hubert. Aa. St. Hya inthc. Aa or 28. . St. Hya tntho, Aa or 28. Montreal Loretto, Z See Cotoau du Lac. St. Isidore, Ae. St. Henri, Aa or Zf Thomdale, Ag , Berlin, A Harbor Briton, 44 L'Assoinpiion, 27 L'Acadie, Ad ., St. Stephen, Va or !17.. . . Fort Garry, 51 London, Ag, B or J Alontrcal Montreal St. Ililairc, Aa or 20 St. Rouii, Ae St Jean Chrysostome, Aa See Be.^on. Stanfoid, Aa Joliette, Y Qucbei! St. Jean Port Joli, Aa. Montreal Chicoutinii, 34 See Chateauguay. Quebec Waterloo, Q St John, Tor W. See Arva. St. John's. St Johns, Ad, P, Q or R. St. Catiiarines, B or I . . . . New Glasgow, Tc Momramcook, T St. Joseph, Zf. See Lan/.on. See Valcourt. See Maskinonge. Montreal St. Hyacintho, Aa or 28 .. . Tilt Cove, 4.5 .See HuUsville. Ma-k;nonge, 24 St. John's St. Lambert. Aa. St. Honri, Aa or Zf . . Fort Garry, .51 Montr3al Quebec Queboi; See Standon. Riviere du Loup, 24 ....... Acton, Aa .'. . , ilartland, Zh Acton, Aa St. Liboire, Aa. Montreal Terrebonne, 27 Sae Palmerston. See Blandford. Beanharnois, Si See St. Zenon. 11 48 1 13 6 8 18 13 5 4G 26 1 13 .18 21 22 33 5S 27 9 7 58 3 30i 13 78 3 10 11 60 7 14 27 5 9 71 10 89 18 10 9G TABLE OF ROUTES. S H 6 12 U'i (iO (iO 20 !;o 18 22 12 HI 16 25 6S 13 3 10 8 60 9 9 9 60 G PAHSENOKll'S DKhTINATlON. Town. Villa-o, 4ic. St. m. Bt. St. St. St. St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St St. St, St. St St. St St St St St. St St. St. St. St St. St St St St Sb St. St. St St St St St. St. St. St. St. St St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. s.. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Lnc Luc . Luiro . Luiiairo Ma -iKinan Ma;^k)iro Malivhio Jlalvchio (rOriiistown ]\Ial) , Marc '......, Jlanol Mart^arots Marnarc't'.s Bay. . , Martin , ^lartins Mavy'a . , Mar,'. '«, • . . , , Mary's .... ... Mary's . . Mary's .... . , Mary's Bay .... Mary's Forry . , • MaLliias Mathieu Mauriccj Maurico Forges . Miihael Michel ... .... Michel Arcliansre MieheUlej .Saints Modesto Narciiiso . . ..-.,. Nicholas Norbf-rt ...... . . ..••••a. Norbort . . Norbcrt Octavo 01,v Onezimo. Onr.-< Pa^otne Paniphile Paschal Patrick Patrick de Shen'ington. Patrick's Channel Patrick's Hill Paul d'Industrie Paul du Buton Paulin Paul rErmito Pauls Pauls Paul'.-^ Bay Peters ill 1,13 •• ■••••■•••'•••« Peters Peter's Bay Peter's Isla'id Peter's Iloiid I'liib'ppe Pliilippo Philippe de Nery Pie Pie (le Do,i:oire Pierre Baptiste County or DiHtrict. Prov Chainplain St Johns Riniouski French Slioro Chicoutinii nellccha.^so Dorclicster Clmteauguay . . Co:npton . Vorcheres Rtchcliea ..;,, Kings. .-., Halifax .,... Laval , . , , . .St John • . . . Oloueoster . . Kent . . Lincoln , , Perth Placentia & St Mavy'h Digby York. RouviKe Uiniouskl Champlain St Maurice Hnntinpdon Bcllechas.se. Napierville ....... Berthier ... Temiscouata Champlain Levis ..... Berthier Arthaba-ka, Provencher . . Rimouski Ha^tings Kamouraska Richelieu Kamouraska L'lslot Kamouraska Charlotte Napierville Victoria Arthabaska. Joliette Montmagny Maskinoncre L'.\^ssomption Kent Pictou Charlevoix Gloucester Richmond Lisgar Kings , Richmond Queens Arjenteuil i Laprairie Kamouraska Bagot Yamaska Megantic Que Que. Que .\Ud Que . Que Quo Quo . Que H ue . Que . P.E.I. -V 8 Quo. .NJ B, N B .V.B Out Ont Xfld . N S X.B Que Que . Que Quo Que Quo . Que . Que.. Que . Que . . Que . . Que Que . JSian Que. Ont Quo . Que . Que. Que . . Quo . XB.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Que. N.S.. guo . Quo. Que. Quo. •-. ue . N.B., N'.S. Quo.. N.B., y S.. Man.. P.K.I. N.S.. P.E.I, Que.. Que . . Que . . Que . . Que.. Que.. See Vincennes. St, Johns. Ad. P. Q or R Rimouski, T or 34 ... . . . 'i'llt Cove, 4'> . ,, Chicoutimi. 514. ■ Quebec . . . . • St. lleiiri, Aaor Zf .... .See Oriui town Coatii ook, Ab . . . . . .St. Marc, VO .St Hyacinthe, Aa or 28 Georgetown, Zi or 3!) Halifax. TovU .Montreal ... Hampton, Ta Shipi)egan, "iS . ..... .Shediac, Tb. . See Jordan St. Mary's. A. St John's Digby. U .. St Mary's. Zh St Mathia-^, 20 St. Simon T Three lliven^, Ac', 2;t or 24 Three River.-*, Ac, 23 or 24 , .See Athel tail St Michci. Aa See La PiReonnidre, Joliette.Y . Cacouna, Aa Batiscan. '2:{ St Nicholas, ai. Berthier 2."> See East Arthaba'^lia. Fort Garry. .Ol. , . St. Octave. T. Belleville. A. C or 7 .Ste. Anne, Aa .• St. Ours, 26. Riviere Ouelle. Aa. ...... See ValllancGurt St. Paschal, Aa. St. Stephen. Va or .17 See .Sherrington. Baddeck.41 Danville, Aa L'APSomption, 27 St. Pierre, Aa Riviere du Loup, 24 .Montreal Sheiliac, Tb New Glasgow, To St. Paul's Bay, 34. Bathur.st, T or 38. Port Hawkesbury, 39 Fort Garry, ')^ Charlottetown. Zi, 29 or 39 Port Hawkesbui'y. 39 ?t. Peter's Road, ZI. .See Muddy Branch. Monti'eal St. Deni.s, Aa St. Pie, 26. Sorel, 23 or 24 Becaucour, Aa li 9 7 14 17 H IS 23 m 36} 27 33 43 IS 25 18 TABLE OP R0UTE8. 97 PASSENGEH'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, 6ic. 8t, Plerro do Bronghton St. Pierre d'Orleans St. Pierre dii 8ud St. Pierre les Becqueta, , 8t.Placide St. Placido St. Polyc arpe St. Prosper St. Raphael St. IlapUael de Bcllechasse St. Raymond St. ReKls St.Reini St.Robert St. Roch de I'AchiRan St. Roch de Richoiieu . , . . St. Roch des Aulnaiea . . . . , St. Romaino St. Romuald do Farnham St. Romnald d'Etchomin . . St. Sauveur St. Sebastien St. Bebastioii d'Aylmer . . . St. Severe St.ShottH St. Simeon St. Simon de Rtmouski . . . St. Simon de Yamaska. . . . St. Stanislas de Batiscan., St. Stanislas de Kostka.... St. Stephen St. Snlpice St. Sylvestre « St. Sylvester East St. Theodore St. Theodore de Chertsey . St. Thomas St, Thomas St. Thomas East St. Thomas West St. Timoth6e St.Tite St. TitedesCaps St. Ubalde St.Ulrio St. Urbain St. Urbain St. Valentin St. Valerie St. Valerien St. Valuer St. Venant St. Victor de Tring' St. Vincent de Paul St. Wenceslas St. Williams St Zephirin , St. Zenon St. Zotiqne , Salamanca Salem , Salem Salem Salem , Salford Salisbury. , • • a ■ • County or District. Prov Arthabaaka Montmorency Montmagny Nicolet Two Mountains Charlevoix Soulanges Chumplam Glengarry Bcllechasse Portneuf Huntingdon Huntingdon Richelieu L'Assomption Richelieu L'Islet Compton Mifsisquoi Levis Terrebonne Iberville Beauce St. Maurice Placentia 8i St. Mary's Charlevoix Rimouski Bagot Champlain Beauhamois (Charlotte Ij'Assomption Lotblnifero Lotbinifere Uagot .VIontcalm Montcalm Yamaska Joliette Elgin Beauhamois Champlain Montmorency Portneuf Rimouski Charlevoix Chat«auguay St. Johns Arthabaska.i Shefford Bcllechasse Compton Beauce Laval . Nicolet Norfolk Yamaska , Joliette Sonlanges York Albert... Cumberland Wellington Yarmouth Oxford Westmorland Quo.. Quo . . Quo.. Que.. Que.. Que . . Quo . Quo.. Ont.. Que.. Quo.. Que.. Que . Que.. Quo.. Que.. Quo.. Que . . Que.. Que.. Que.. Quo.. Que.. Que . . Nfld.. Que.. Quo.. Quo.. Que.. Que.. N.B.. Que .. Que . . Que . . Quo .. Quo.. Quo.. Quo .. Que . • Ont.. Quo. . Quo.. Que.. Quo.. Quo.. Que .. Que . Que.. Que.. Que . . Quo .. Quo.. Quo .. Que .. Que.. Ont . . Que.. Que . . Que. . N.B.. N.B.. N.S.. Ont . N.S.. Ont., N.B. Most convenient Point accesslijln by Railroad or Steamer. See Broughton. Quebec . . St. Pierre, Aft. Three Rivers, Ac, 23 or 24. St. Placide, 2. See Olairvaux. Cotean, A Batiscan, 23 Lancaster, A St. Vallier, Aa Pointe an Trembles, 33 . . . St. Regis, 5. St. Remi, Ae. Sorel,23or24 L'Assomption, 27 St. Ours, 26 St. Roch, Aft. liCnnoxville, Ab or S See West Farnhanj. See New Liverpool. Montreal Des Rivieres, P See Vallotort. Yamachiche, '24 Trepassey, 44 .See Port an Persil. St. Simon, T. St. Hyacinthe, Aa or 28. . . Batiscan, 23 Valleyfleld, 6 St. Stephen, Va or »7. St. Sulpice, 25. Craig's Road, Aa Craig's Road, Aa .Vcton, Aa Joliette, Y See Montmagny. See Pierreville. St. Thomas, Y. St. Thomas, Bc,H or J. St. Timoth^e, 1, 5 or G. Three Rivers, Ac, 23 or 24. Quebec Batiscan,23 See Teasierville. St. Paul's Bay, 84 St. Isidore, Ae , StottsvlUe, Ad See Bulstrode. Upton, Aa St. Vallier, Aa. See Paquette. St. Francois, Zf Montreal Aston, Ac Simcoe, Be Port St. Francis, 24 Joliette, Y Cotoau, A Salamanca, X. Salisbury, Ta Amlier»t, T Elora, C Yarmouth, 40 Ingcrsoll, B ^.. . . . . Saliebory, Ta. 9 2« 5 10 7 7 21 9 11 1 fil 45 6 19 9 8 7 21 24. 4 28 88 34 28 9 6 n 9 12 4 17 2( 87 n 25 8 1 1 4 98 TABLE OP ROUTES. rASSENGER'a DESTINATION. Town, Village, Sic. Salmon Bench Salmon Covo Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Salmon Cove Salmon Creek , Salmon Creek Salmon Hole Salmonler Salmonicr Salmon River , Salmon River Salmon ivcr Salmon River Salmon River Salmon River Salmon River Salmon River Salmon River Salmonvillo Salt Springs Salt Springs Salt Springs Salvage Sambro Sanborn Sand Beach Sandfleld Sandtord Sandford Sandhill Sandhurst Sand Point Sand Point , Sandwich Sandy Bay Sandy Beach Sandy Beach Sandy Cove Sandy Cove Sandy Cove Sandy Harbor Sandy Point Sandy Point Sarawak Sarepta Sarnia Saupcen Sanluiorvillo Sault nu Cochon. . . Sault an Roc>ollet. . Sault nux Moutons. Sault Bte. Mario. .. Sault St^ Louis. . , . Savage Cove Savage's Mill Saw Mill Creek.... SawyerviUe , Scanlon's , Scarborough Scilly Cove. Schomberg Scone Scotch Block County or District. Prov Gloucester Bay de Verds Hrigus French Shore Harbor Main I'lacentia &i St. Mary's. Trinity (Queens. ...•••••.. Snnbnry Halifax Plocentia & St. Mary's. Placentia ii St. Mary's. Albert Cape Breton Digby Ouysborougl.' Ouysborough Halifax St. .Tohn Victoria Yannouth Peel Cumberland Kings Pictou Bonavista Halifax Wolfe Yarmouth Glengarry Ontario Yannouth Cardwell Lennox G uysborough Renfrew Essex Rimouski Ga»p<^ Lunenburg Digby Queens Twillingate andFogo.. Pla(^entia &i St. Mary's. Sholburne French Shore Grey Huron Lambton Bnice Digby Saguenay Hochela^'a Saguenay Algoma ,. . L.aprairie French Shore. . . .' Shefford Annapolis Compton .'. . Simcoe York Trinity York Bruce Halton \.B. .\ttd.. Nfld.. Ntld., Ntt(k. Nfld . Nfld. , N.B.. N.B.. N.H., Nfld. Nfld. , N.B N.S.. N.8. . N.S.. N.8., N.S., N.B. N.B. . N.8.. Ont. N.S. N.B. N.S.. Nfld., N.S., Que., N.S . Ont.. Ont., N.8., Ont., Ont. N.S. Ont Ont. . Que.. Que., N.S.. N.S. N.S. Nfld. Nfld. N.S. Nfld. Ont. Out.. Ont. Ont. ;.s. Que. Que.. Que. Ont. Que. Nfld Que. N.S. Que. Ont, Ont. Nfld. Ont. Ont. lOnt. Moat convenient Point accensible by Railroad or Steamer. Bnthur.st, T or 38 Carbonear, 4tf Drigus, 40 Tilt Covo, 45 St. John's St. John's Trinity,43 Gagetown, H5 Brigg's Comer, 36 Haliiax, Tor U .St. John's St. John's Penobsquis, Ta Sydney, 41 Yarmouth, 40 New Glasgow. Tc New (i la-i^gow, Tc Halifa.v.Tor U St. J(.li!i,Tor W See L'l ''.lie. YarniouDi, 40 Georgetown, A S|vlt Springs, T. .SuHse.x, Ta .•.•• See Mount Thom. Catalina, 45 Halifax, T or U Somerset, Aa Yarmouth, 40 Lancaster, A Uxbridge, F See Cranberry Head. Bolton, E Kingston, A, Zb or] Port Hawkesburj', 39 Sand Point, N or 8. Windsor, B Metis, T, '29 or 30 Gasp6,30 Halifax, Tor U Digby, U Liverpool, 40 Fogo, 45 .St. .John's Shelburne, 40 Channel, 44 Owen Sound, Ea or 16 Seaforth, Af Samia, A or Bb. Southampton, C. Digby, U Tadousar, 34 Montreal *. Tadousac, 34 Sault Ste. Marie, 17. See Caughnawaga. Tilt Cove, 45. Granby, Q Annapolis, U Lennoxville, Ab or S Scanlon's, D. Scarborough, A or P. Harbor Grace, 46 I Aurora, D Walkerton, C Georgetowui A.. TABLE OP ROUTES. 99 PASdENaKUS DESTINATION'. Town, Vlllago, 4ic. Scotch Coriera Bt^otch Conieni Scotch Fort Scotch Ilidge Scotch Illvcr Mills. Scotch Rottlomniit. Scotch Spttlcincnt Scotch Town Scotch Villogo Scotland ScotRbnrn Scott's Bay Scott's Cornors. . . . Scovlll's Mills Scugog Scaforth Seal Covo Seal Cove. , Seal Cove Seal Cove Scat River Scnrltown Sobastopol Sebastopol Sebringville Second Falls Seeley Seeley'sBay Seeley's Mills. . . . . Seguin Falls Selborne . Selby Seldora-Come-By. . Selkirk Selmah Selton Selwyn Seneca Settrington Severn Bridge Bevigae Seymour East Shaftesbury Shag Bay Shag Harbor Shakespeare , Shambler's Cove. ., Shamrock ., Shanick . . . Shanklin Shanly Shannon Yale Shannonville Shanty Bay Sharbot Lake , Sharon Sharpe's Bridge. .., Sharpe's Corners. . , 8han)ton Shawbridge Shawenegan Shawville Shea's River Shedden , Shoddon BhediM County or District. Prov Carleton dimcoo i^uecn's Charlotte I'rescott Kent Westmorland Queens Hants Firant Picton < iCings i'rontcnac , Westmorland Ontaiio Huron Fortune Bay French Shore Harbor Main Trinity Queen's Prince Lunenburg Renfrew Perth Charlotte Victoria Leeda Ivings , Victoria Elgin Lennox Twillingate and Fogo Haldimand Hant") Bothwell Peterborough Haldimand Charlevoix Victoria Ottawa Northumberland Algoma Halifax. . , Shelbume... Perth .... Bonavista... Renfrew. ... Hastings. ... St. John. . . Grenville. . . Restigouche. Hastings. . . Simcoe Frontenac. . York Kings Durham. . . . Frontenac . . Terrebonne. St. Maurice. Carleton. ... Inverness... Victoria. ... Elgin. ■ •..«*.«.i. Mo«t convenient Point atxosMiblu by Railroad or .Stcanior. N.B.. Out . P.E.I N.B. Out.. Out. , N.B., N.B., N.S.. Ont.. X.8.. N 8., Ont. , N.B. Ont. , (.'nt. , Xfld Xfld. Nfld. Nfld.. P.K I. P.E.I. N.S. Ont. . Ont.. N.B.. Ont. . Ont. N.B.. Ont.. Ont. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont. N.S.. Ont. . Out Ont.. Que.. Ont. Que. , Ont. Ont. N.3. N.S. Ont , Nfld. . Ont.. Ont.. N.P,. Ont. . N.B. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S. Ont.. Ont.. Que. Que.. N,B.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont V7«stniorland [fSfJi,, See Richmond Corner, .See Duntroon. Cliarlottetown, Zi, 2}) or 'M. .-^t. 8t<'i>hen, Va or 37 See Kerry, .See D.irrull. .-^liediac, Tb ^homeld,;W NewiKirt, U Brantfonl, Af or Bg See Ro'.'er's Hill. Port Williams. U riee Elginburg. oliodia;\ Tb Port Pcrry.-^or 21 Seaforth, Af. Hiirbor Briton, 44 Tilt Cove. 45 St.John'a Harbor Grace, 40. ...... . Cliarlottetown. Zi, *2!» orS!*. Gcort'otown, Zi or 38 Lunenburg, 40. Renfrew, N . ^. Sebringvillc, Af. St. George. H7 Bracebridge, 14 ICingston. A, Zb or I Sus.scx.Ta Ashdown, 14 Port Stanley, J Napance, A Fogo, 45 Cayuga, Be Shubenacadie, T Thamesville, B Lakeflcld, Ga Caledonia. Af. Les Eboulemens, 84 Orillia, Da, G or 13 ..... Ottawa, M, Oor2 See Mcnio. See Little Current. Halifax, T or U Slielbuvne, 40 Shakespeare, A. Green's Pond, 45 Renfrew, N Belleville, A, or 7 St. John, Tor W Spencerville, M Dalhonsie, T or 38 Shannonville, A. Barric, Da Sliarbot Lake, Zb. Newmarket, D Waterville, U See Ida. Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Montreal Three Rivers, Ac, 23 or 24, Woodstock, V or Zh Port Hood, 39 See Coboconk. Sheddon, H. Shediac, Tb. '1 .3 15 10 14 IG 9 11 37 18 n 8 48 3S 52 9 21 23 9 U 1 4 ft 11 22 6 8i 14 55 21 32 8 12 34 26 8 ft 3 12 42 23 ro' , Shc«t Harbor ShcfflcM. ... , &h.'m.'l(l 8h('(H(!l(l Mills , ' Shcffonl Mountain 8holburn« Shclbnme fiholbnrne River Bhnldon fihfddrake Bhopody Shfipody Road , Slinrbrooko Shcrbrnoke Sherbooko jShorbrookc Gold Mines. Sheridan fliorkston licrrlnpton Shotland Shi){a\vake Sliiktehawk Bhininilcas Bridge Ship Cove ShipCovo Ship Cove Ship Harbor Ship Harbor . Ship Island 8hl|)lpy Shipman's ComcrB Shippegan Shipton Slioal Hay Shoal Bay Shoal Bay Shoal Bay Shoal Cove Shoal Harbor Shoe Cove Shoo Cove Shoolbrcd Short Boaoh Shrnwsbury Shrigley Shubenacadle Shulie Siddellaville Sidney Sidney CroBsing Sierra , Sight Point Signay Sillery Cove Sillsville Siloam Silver Creek Silver Hare's Island. . . . -Silver Hill. Silver Islet Silver Lake Silver Shoe Silter Btream. County or District. Prov Wostmorland Westmorland Pontiac Halifax Sunbnry Wcntworth Kings Shefford CJrey Hiielbnmo Shelburno Cardwell Sugucnay Albert Kings (luysborough Lunenburg Shorbrooke Guysborough Hiilton Welland Napierville. Dothwell Conaventure Carleton Cumberland Brigus Placentiafc St. Mary's, Trinity Halifax Piacentia & St. Mary's, Itonavista Perth Brant Gloucester Richmond Bonnvista Kerryland Halifax Twillingate and Fogo. French Sliore Trinity Bonavista Twillingate and Fogo. Bonaventuro Yarmouth Argenteuil Grey Colchester Cumberland Middlesex Antigonish Hastings Glengarry Inverness Chicontimi Quebec Lennox Ontario Ilalton Bonavista , No'.lolk Algoma Victoria Simcoe ,.... Yictoila... N.B.. N.B.. Quo.. N.8.. N.B. . Ont . . N.8.. Quo.. Ont.. N.8.. N.8.. Ont . . Que .. N.B.. N.B.. N.8.. N.8.. Que . . N.8.. Ont.. Ont.. Qne.. Ont.. Que . N.B.. N.a.. Nfld.. Ntld.. NUd. . N.S.. Nfld.. Nfld. . Ont . . Ont.. N.B. . Que.. Nfld. . Nfld . N.S.. Nfld. . Nfld.. Nfld. . Nfld. . Nfld.. Que . . N.S . . Que . . Ont . . N.S . . N.S. Ont. N.S. Ont . . Ont.. N.S.. Que.. Que . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Nfld.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B., Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. I ••#•••• •< Shedlac, Tb. Shodiac, Tb Pembroke, 8 Halifax.TorU Hheflteld, .3A. Dundas, B Kentvillo, U Granby, Q Slielburne, Ea. Shelburno, 40. See Middle Ohio. Mono Road, E Gaspe. 30 St. John, Tor W St. John,TorW New Glasgow, Tc See Now Ross. Slierbrookc, Ab or B. New Glasgow, To Oakville, Ba I'ort Colboruo, Al Huglios, Ae Newbury, B Porc-6. '.ia or .30 Hart land, Zh Itlvcr Philip, T Brigus, 46 St. iohn's Trinity, 45 Halifax, T or U St. John's Green's Pond, 45 i'almerston, C See Rosebank. Shippegan, 88. Danville, Aa Green's Pond, 45 St. John's Halifax,TorU Fogo, 45 ..*.. Tilt Cove, 45 Harbor Grace, 46 Green's Pond, 45 Tilt Cove, 45 Campbellton, T or 38 See Darling's Lake. Carillon, 2 CuUingwood, D or 15 Shubenacadle, T. Maccan, T Ail^a, Craig, A See Antigonish. Bellevillo, A,6 or 7. Lancaster, A Port Ilootl, 39 Chicoutiml, 34 Quebec Napanee, A Uxbridge, F Georgetown, A Green's Pond, 45 Delhi, Be Silver Islet, 17. See Qalway. New Lowell, D River duLoup, A«, T or 84. 8 .}' 77 14 7 K 118 a» 47 M 69 4 7 13 08 1« 14 4 90 8 48 90 i 8 8 10 16 03 7 192 29 8 4 29^ 19 28 24 4 Hi 20 40 6 10 8* 6 8 ,1' TABLE OP ROUTES. Wl PASSENQER'S DE8TINATI0N. Town, Villago, Sic. Sinicoo SlnKlianiptoa.... Sir John'ti luland. Six Milo Brook... Six Mile Cross. ... Six Mile Hood ... Six Portages Sketul's Mills SkipnoBS Skinner's Pond. .. Skye Skye Olon Sleswick SHgo Sluice Point Smart's Island... Smith Creek Smithfleld , Smithdeld Smith's Smith's Smith's Comers. . Smith's Corners . . Smith's Corners. . Smith's Cove .... Smith's Falls. . . . Smith's Hill Smith's Island. . . Smith's Mills.... Smith's Mills.... < Smlthtown Smithni'st ....... SmHhville....... Sneddon's. . . ... . Snider's Comers.. Snook's Arm Snow Village. ... Sodft Creek , Soixante Soixante , Sollna Sombra Sonora Somerset Somerset ., Somerset Somerset Somerville Sonya Sopcrton Sorcl Sonris South Southampton Southampton Southampton . , South Barnston South Bar of Sydney River. South Bay South Bay South Bay South Bolton South Branch South Branch South Branch uromocto. . . . South Cayuga I ••••••••■ County or District. Norfolk 8imcoe Krontenac Huntingdon Cumberland Ottawa Carkton , Bruce • , Glengan'y Inverne^ Cardvvell Card well ^'armouth Oonavista Kings Huntingdon Northumberland Pictou Westmorland ivent , Middlesex Northumberland UiKby Lanark Huron Invemess i'rince Edward Stinstead Kings Wellington Lincoln Lanark Xorthumborland Tvvlllingrato and Fogo. Hastings Cariboo Iberville St. Hyaclnthe Durham Bothwoll fruysborough Ivinga Lunenburg Mcgantic IT riiiCB ••••••••••••••< Carleton Ontario Leeds .,. Richelieu Kinga Lunenburg , Bruce Cumberland , York , Stanstead ( /iipe Breton Prince Edward St. John Victoria , Brome Colchester Kings Sunbury Haldlmond , Prov. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.3.. Que . . N.S.. Que.. Ont . . Ont.. P.E.I. Ont... N.8.. Ont.. Ont.. N.8... Nfld . N.B.. Que.. Ont.. N.S.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont . . Que.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. B.C . Que . . Que . . Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. N.8.. N.S.. Que . . P.K.I. N.B.. Ont,. f)nt . . Que.. P.E.I. N.S.. Ont.. N.S.. N.B.. Que.. N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. N.8.. Que.. N.S.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. Most convenient Point accomible by Railroad or Btcnmor. SImcoe, Be. CoUingwood, D or 15 Soo Howe's Island. West River, Tc ('nughnawnga, Ae Tliomson.T OtUwa, M,Oor2 .See Britannia. Owen Sound, Ea or 15.... Alberton,4'i ('orawall, A, l,fi or Whycocomah, 41 Mono Road, E Charleston, E Yarmouth, 40 Green's Pond, 45 Sussex, Ta See Dundee. Brighton, A New G lasgow. To Sliedlac, Tb See Merlin. See Lewray. .See Wooler. Annapolis. U Smith's Falls, N. See Carlow. Port Hood, 89 See DcmorestTllle. Smith's MllU, S. Hampton, Ta Clifford, C Grimsby, B Snetiden's, N. See Morgan Kton. Tilt Cove, 45 See Thurlow. Yale, 48 See Versailles. Soixante, Aa. BowmanviUe, A Mooretown, Ha New Glasgow, To Berwick, U Lunenburg, 40 Somerset, Aa. iSummersido, Zi, .'JO or 42 , . W'Hxlstook, V or Zli "vVicl, P Brockville, A, N or 1 Sorel, 23 or '24. Souri.-i, Zi. Luncnbarg, 40 Southaiipton, C. Athol.T Fredeilcton, X, Zh or a5. . . Coaticook, Ab Sydney, 41 Picton, 6 or 7 Faii-ville, W Baddeck, 41 Waterloo.Q Brookfleld.T Penob'quia, Ta See BllssvlUe. < Dunnville,Af 18 A 3fi 3 80 23( ]:, 82 A 4 8 14 1 A 7 2 lA} 4 8 8 5 2C8 7 8 64 2 27 12 lOi 5 21 A 11 45^ 15 8 48 22 6 102 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSUNUEU'8 DE8TINATI0N. Town, Vlllago, be. South nililo South Donro South Dunimer South Durham South Kasi, DiKht South Kait PaHwere South KlniHley South Ely Southern Bay Southrm Harbor South rails South Finch • South Oloucoster South Gowor South Granby South Gut of St. Anna South Ham South Harbor South Hinciilnbrooke South Lairraiiwe South Lako South McLollan'g Mountain . . . South Afan-h South Mkldlcton South Monaorhan South Mountain South Nolnon •.... South Potton Southport South Quobec South lianpe South llawdon South River Lake South Roxton South Ride Banln River Dennis. South Bido of Botilardorlo South Side of West Mar^'areo. . South Side of Whycocomah Bay South Stream South Stukely Southvillo South West Mabou South We-oatCoTe Connty or Diitrtct. I • • • • f I >•••••< Trinity Peterborough . , I'otorho rough.. Dmmmond. . . , I'lacentia At St. Mary'n Halifax . . , Ltteds Shofford... BonavlNta , Placcntia ti fit. Mary'i* Simcoe Stormont Rusaell Grenvillo Shoffonl Victoria Wolfe Vlctorlo Huntingdon Glengarry Leeds Fictou .... Carleton Norfolk Peterborough.. . Dnndas Northumberland Bronio Queens Levis Digby UanU ... Guysborongh Shofford Invci-nesa Victoria Inverness Inverness St. John Shofford Digby Inverness Renfrew Oxford Addington Harbor Main Trinity Algoma Burin Elgin Annapolis Grey Wellington Waterloo Digby Muskoka I Quebec Colchester Placentla & St. Mary's Cumberland nronville Yale Halton Frontenac Trinity Bay de YerdB ProT. Nfld.. Ont.. Ont.. Que . . Nfld. . N.S.. Ont.. Qne . . Nrtd.. Nfld. . Ont.. Ont . . Ont , . Ont . . Vno . N.8.. Quo . . N.S.. Quo . . Ont . . Ont.. y.s.. Ont.. Out . . Ont. Out . . N.B.. Que . . P.E.I. Quo.. N.8.. N.8.. Most convenient Point acoertHtblo by Railroad or Uteumer. N.S. Quo. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S N.B. Quo . N.S. N.S Ont., Ont . , Ont., Nfld. , Nfld., Ont . , Nfld , Ont., N.S.. Ont. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Que . . N.S.. Nfld. . N.S.. Ont., B.C.. Ont., Ont., Nfld., Nfld., •••#••« Harbor Gra()ur Hprlnkliiink < 8pr[nKi)ri>nk , 8prln«hr• ••••#••• I ICingA Norfolk Middlcwx IlaHtingi IVol Wellington Annaix>Ui lirlgtis Klgln King* I'eol v^iK'cns ••••••••••••■•< York Oxfoiil C"niberllind York York York Cumberland ( 'umborland (jUOCUH .. Konfrow iialdimand .... l^otorborough . . Pictou St. John Halifax .St. John Quebec Perth ilenfrow I'rlnce Edward. VVoUand Mis.si9(]uoi Mlssiwiuoi .Ml:4HiB(lU0i Dorchester .... Prince Arthabadka.... Queens .Stanstead .... York Queens , l^lgin , Peol , Stanstead .... Siracoe Queens lirnce ('iiateauguay Kings , .Simcoe Kings , Simcoe Chiysborough Westmorland Westmorland Ix^nnox i'ictou Brant Wolland Ilalton Renfrew , Colchester .... Colchester , . . , Guysborough , • ■ •••• •••• I •••••• < N.D.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. N.8.. Nfld.. Ont . . N.D.. Ont.. P.E.I. N.D.. Ont. N.8. N.B. .V.B. Mont cony on {«nt Point a(X'OM(lblo by Railroad or Stuamor. Ont . N.S.. N.8.. P.E.I. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . N.8.. N.B. . N.S.. N.B.. Que.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que . . Que,. Que .. Quo . P.E.I. Que . . P.E.I. Que .. N.B.. i'.E.I. Ont . . Ont.. Que . . Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Que .. N.S. . Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. \ .S. . N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. N.8.. Norton, Ta TilHonbnrg, Be or H. . . . .Strath roy, lib BolWllle, A,«or7 Bninipton, A •See Wyandot. ijiwroMii'town, U UriuuM, 4 • • • • • ■ • < Prov. N.S.. Man.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . On^ . . Nlia.. Ont . . Nfld Que. Unt . . N S. Que.. Que . . Ont . . Quo . . Que . .S.. Ont . . N.B.. Ont . . Ont.. N.S.. Que.. Ont . . Ont . . Que.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Que. . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . Ont . . N.S.. Que P.E.I. Man . P.E.I. NUd Ont . . B.C.. N.B.. P.E.I. Ont.. Ont . N.3.. N.S. . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Nfld.. Ont . Ont.. Ont . N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Moat convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Stillwater, U. Fort Garry, 51 , Belleville, A, 6 or 7 Elora, C Conrtland, Be Stittsville, 0. Catallna, 4.5 Trenton, A or (5. . ., Tilt Cove, 4.> Hemmingford. Ae Belleville, A, C or 7 .\nnapolis, U , Shorbrooko, Ab or S , .Sherbrooke, Ab or S See Humberstone. Carillon,2 Quebec. , Annapolis, U See Mountain Mills. Salisbury, Ta Stony Creek, IJ. Stony Point, B. See Isaac's Harbor. Lennoxville, Ab or S . . . . See Inverary. Story's, N. Stottavllb, Ad. Stouffville, F. Jlitchcll, Af Hamilton, B, Za or 1 ... Corinth, II Scarborough, A or F. . . . Stratford, A. See Lake Aylmer. Woodstock, B Glencoe, B Meaford, D or 15 Strathroy, Bb. Berlin, A , . Port Credit. Ba U.xbridpc, F Dunnville, Af Wilmot.U See South Stukcly. Georgetown, Zi or 39 ... . Fort Garry, 51 Suffolk. Zi. Trinity, 45 Williamsfor.l,Ea N'ew Westminster, 48, . . Gagetown, 3"> Summerside, Zi, 39 or 42. Widder, A .. Lancaster, A New Glasgow, Tc Newport, U Mimico, Ba Summit, G. Kingston, A, Zb or 1 . . . . , Tilt Cove, 45 Sunderland, F. Sunnidale, 1). Sn^iension Bridge, B. ■^nssex. Ta Annagancc, Ta Su3seJ(, Ta. 9 16 17 13 n 8 22 5 67 47 14 14i 6 34 8 H 8 4i 9 8 8 1'4 6 4 7 4 3 46 18 11 27 12 4i "i 20 TABLE OP ROUTES. 105 PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, VlUago, kc. Sussex Viile Sutherland's Corrior. Siithcrland'a ililU . . Sutherland's River. . Sutton Sutton Flats Swaino's Inland. ... Swan Creek SAwaburpr Swoet-burgh Sweet's Coriiera Switzcrville Sydenham Sydenham Sydenham Sydenham Sydenham Mills . . . . Sydenham Place. . . . Sydney Sydney Sydney Mines Sylvan Sypher's Cove Trtlmsintac Tabusintac River. .. Tadousac Tiilbotville Royal . . . Tamworth Tancook Islands. . . . Tangier, New Tangier, Old Tannery West Tapleytown Tara Tarbort Tartigo Tatamagoucho Tatamagouche Mountain. Tatlock Taunton Tavistock Taylor Taylorholme Tay lortowii Taylor Village Tay Mills. Tf.v Settlement Toeumgeth Tocumseth .....'., Tecumscth Tediah Teeswater Teeterville Tclfer Temiscamingne House. . , Temperance Valo , Temperance ville , Temperanceville , Templeton. Tempo Ton Mile Creek , Tonnant's Cove Tennyson Tony Cape. Teohanta Terence Bay County or District. Prov Kings Bothwell I'ietou Pictou York Hrome Bonavista Sunbury Oxford Missisquoi iialdimaud Lennox Urant Fnmtenac Grey I'eel Grey Drummond Antigonish Cape Breton. .. . Cajio Breton. .. . Middlesex Queens Xorthumberland Prlouccster Saguenay EWn Addington Halifax Halifax Halifax lEoohelaga Wentworth Bruce Wellington . . . . Temiscouata. . . . Colchester Colchester Lanark Ontario Perth Elgin Russell Sunbury Westmorland. . . York , York Bothwell E-isex simcoe Westmorland . . , Bruce Norfolk Middlesex..... . Pontiac York Elgin York Ottawa Middlesex St. John Kings Lanark Colchester Boauharnois ... , Halifax • • • • • < N.B.. Ont . . N.S.. N.S.. Ont . . Qno . . Nfld. . N.B. . Ont. Quo . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Que.. N.S.. N.S.. N.S. . Ont.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Que... Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S . . N.S . Que.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Que.. N.S , . N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . N.B.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Que.. X.B. . Ont. . Ont.. Que . Ont . . N.B.. N.B.. Ont . . N.B.. Que.. N.S.. Most convenient Point a»;cO"isible by Railroad or Steamer. Sus.xex.Ta Xewbnry, B New Glasgow, Tc N'ew Gla-igow, Tc See Georgina. Glen Sutton, R. ( Green's Pond, 45 Gagetown, ;{5 Woodstock, B Sweetsburgh, R. Dunnville, Af Napanco, A See (Jathcart. See Loughborough. See Owen Sound. .See Dixie. Ilockford, Ea Richmond, Aa. See Autigonish. Sidney, 41. vdney,41 Widdor, A Sypher's Cove, 3(5. Chatham, 30 or 38 Chatham, 30 or 38 Tudousac, 34. St. Thomas, Be, II orJ. . . N'apaneo, A Halifax, Tor U Halifax,TorU Halifax, T or U Montreal Stony Creek, B Owen Sound, E i or 15. . . . Luther, E t. Octave, T Wentworth, T Wentworth, T Almonte, N Oshawa, A Tavistock, Af. Taylor, H. Ottawa, M,0 or 2 See Sheffield Mill.s. Memramcook, T. . , Fre TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSE ^JOEU^s destination. Town, Village, &c. TeiTeboiine Testilervillo , Teston Tete-a-f?onche Tovlotclale Tewkesbury Thamosford Thamesville Thanc't .Thedford The Range Tliiers Thirty Mile Creek. . 'Thistletown Thomasburg Thompsonville Thomson Thornbury Thornby , Thorndalo Thome Brook Thorne Centre Thome Town Thornhlll Thornton Thorokl Thorold Station. . . . Thrasher's Corners. Three Arms Three Brooks Three Mile Honse. . Three Alile Plains.. Three Rivers Three Sisters Three Tree Creek. . Thunder Bay Thurlow Thurso Tickle Cove Tickle Harbor Tickles Tidnish , Tidnish Bridge Tignish Tilbury East Tilsonburg Tilt Cove , Tilton Harbor Tincap Tingwick Tinline's Corners. . . Tintern Titusville Tiverton Tiverton Tizzard's Harbor. . . Toad's Cove Todmorden Toledo ToUendale Toney River....... 'I'ooley'B Corners. . . Topping Topsail Torbay Torbay County or District. Prov Terrebonne Rimouski York Oloncester Wellington Quebec Oxford Bothwell Hastings Lanibton Queens Megantic , , Lincoln York Hastings Simcoe , ... . Cumberland Grey , . Pontiac Middlesex Kings , Pontiac Queens York Simcoe Welland Lincoln Hastings Twillingate and Fogo. . Victoria Pictou Hants St. Maurice Cumberland Sunbnry Algoma Hastings Ottawa' Bonavista Trinity Placentia& St. Mary's. Cumberland Westmorland Prince Kent Oxford Twillingate and Fogo. . Twillingate and Fogo. . Leeds Arthabaska . . York Lincoln.. Kings BmcG Digby Twillingate and Fogo. Ferry land. York Leeds , Simcoe Pictou Durham Perth Harbor Main. Guysborough. St. John's. . . , •••«••• Que.. Que.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. Que . Ont . Ont . Ont.. Ont . . N.IJ.. Que .. Ont . Ont . . Ont. . Ont . . N.S.. Ont . . Que.. Ont . N.B.. Que.. N.B.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld. . N.B.. N.B.. N.S.. Que.. N.S.. N.B. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Nfld.. Nfld.. Nfld.. N.S.. N.B.. P.B.L Ont.. Ont . . Nfld. . Nfld.. Ont. Que .. Ont . Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. Nfld. , Nfld. Ont . Ont. Ont . N.S. Ont . Ont. Nfld. N.S., Nfld., Most convenient Point ai'cessiblo by Railroad or Steamer. Ten'eboniio, 27. Metis, T, 2!)()r :tO Richmond Hill, D Bathurst, T or as Elora, C. Quebec Ingcrsoll, B Thame.-iville, B. Belleville, A, G or 7 See Wiildcr. Gagetown, ii.") Becancour, An licamsville. B Weston. A, D or E Belleville, A, G or 7 Bradford, D Thomson. T. Thornbury, D. Portage du Fort, 3 Thorndale, Ag. Apohaqni, Ta Bristol, a G agetown, ;J5 Thornhill, D Allendale,!) Thorold,BorI Thorold, B or I. .See Hilda. Tilt Cove, 45 Hartland. Zh IMctou, Tc, 2!) or 30 Three Mile Plains, U. Three Rivers. Ac, 23 or 24 Athol, T Three Tree Creek, X. Thunder Bay, 17. Belleville, A, G or 7 Thurso, 2. Catalina, 45 , Brigus, 4C St. John's Amherst, T shediac, Tb Tignish, Zi, Charing Cross, H.. Tilsonburg, Be or H. Tilt Cove, 45. Fogo, 45 Brockville, A, N or 1 See St. Patrick's Hill. See Ever.^lcy. Beamsvillc, B Hampton, Ta Kincardine, Ca or E See Petite Pas-nage. Twillingate, 45 St. John's See Doncaster. Irish ('reek, N Allendale, D Pictou, Tc, 2f» or aO See Cartwright. Stratford, A St. .John's New Glasgow, Tc St. John's < TABLE OP ROUTES. 107 rASSENQER'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, &ic. Torbolton Torbrook Tormore Toronto Torryburii Totness Tottenham Tower Hill Townsend Contro Tracadie Tracadie Tracey's Mills. ...,...., Tracey Station Trafalgar Trafalgar Traver.ston , Treadwell Trecastle. Tremblay Treraont Trenholm Trenton , Trentonvillo Trepassey Trinity Trinity Bay TroiB Pistoles , Trois Saxinions Trout Brook Trout Covo , Trout Lake , Trout River , Trouty Trowbridge Troy Troy Trudell Trump Island Truro Tryon Tuam Tullamore Tuppervillc Turk's Cove Turk's Gut Turnip Cove Turns (or Terence) Bay Turtle Creek Turtle Lake Tuscarora Tusket Tusket\\eJgo Tweed Tweedside Tweedside Twillingate Two Islands Tyendinaga Tynemouth Tyneside Tyrconnell Tyrone Tyrrell Udora Ufilngton Ufford • •••••■ County or District. Prov Carleton Annapolis Cardwell York St. John Perth Simcoe Charlotte Norfolk Antigonish Gloucester Carleton Sunbury TIalton Halifax Grey Prescott 1 61uil •••(••••••.•••• Chicoutimi Kings Druramond Hastings Norfolk Placentia & St. Mary's. Trinity Saguenay Temiscouata L'Islet Digby Victoria Huntingdon Trinity Perth Kent Wentworth Essex Twillingate and Pogo.. Colchester Prince Simcoe Cardwell Annapolis Tiinity Harbor Main Fortune Bay Halifax Albert Victoria Brant Yarmouth Yarmouth Hastings Wei tworth York Twillingate and Fogo. . Cumberland Hastings St. John. Haldiniand Elgin Durham Norfolk Ontario Victoria Victoria Ont . N.S. Ont.. Ont . N.I.. Ont.. Ont.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. N.S . . Que . . Ont.. Ont . . Nfld.. Nfld.. Que. . Que . . Que.. N.B.. N.S.. Ont.. Que.. Xfld. . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld.. N.S . . P.E.L Ont . . Ont.. N.S . Nfld. , Nfld.. Nfld. N.S.. N.B. Ont., Ont. N.S., N.S., Ont., Ont. NB. Nfld. N.S. Ont . N.B.. Ont., Ont., Ont. Ont.. Ont.. Out.. Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. See Dunrobin. Bridgetown, U Boltg, B or J Union Road, Zi. See Buckley's. Unionville, F. Hampton, Ta See Hammond Vale. Coboconk, F Lindsay, G Chatham, ;iO or aa Stanbridge, V Lunenburg, 40 Upper Brewer's Mills, 4. Shediac, Tb Burgoo, 44 Shubenacadie, T KentviUe, U S-ockville, T See Caraquette. Upper Keswick , See Church Street. Shubenacadie, T Shelbume, 40 Kentville, U Londonderry, T Welland, H or I Upper Gagetown, 35. Brlgg's Corner, 36 Oak Point, 35 , . . , St. John's Welsford, W Ilaynesville, Zh. hubenacadic, T Hartlar.d. Zh Upper Keswick, Zh. Upper Keswick, Zh See Kingsclear. Lunenburg, 40 See L'Ardoise. St. John, Tor W Amherst, T Fredericton, X, Zh or 33... Port Hood, 3!) MaugerviUe, 35, St. Stephen, Va or 37 Shubenacadie. T Chatham, 30 or 38 Newcastle, T, 30 or 38 . . . . Salisbury, Ta Plantsport, U See Onslow, Upper. Hai'tland, Zh Chatham, 30 or 38 Shelbume, 40 Fredericton, X, Zh or 35.. . Newport, U Sackville.T .11 ?!.« C 20 Vi '26 8 71 13 73 e It I4i 15 11 38 16 Ji 20 33 8 62 4 26 19 91 14 4 6 2 30 29 31 51 14 18 40 30 7 30 28 12i 12 63 31A 17 4 TABLE OP ROUTES. 109 PASSUNGER'S LiJSTINATION. Town, Village, &c. Upi)cr Rt. r.ivzil TTpjier St. Francis Upper Silnion River Upper Sot. of Batlilock Illvcr . . Upper Sot. of Barney's Iliver . . Upper Set. of Middle River. . . . Upper Set. of River Doiinis. . . . Upper Set. of Sonth River Upper Set. of West River Upper ShclTield Upper Small Point Upper Southampton Upper Stewiacke Upper Wakefield Upper Washabiick Upper Wicklow Upper Wood's Harbor Upper Woodstock Upsalquitch Uptergrove Upton Urbania Uflher Utlca Utopia ritterson Uttoxeter Uxbridgo Vachell Vaillancourt Valcarlier , . Valconrt Valontia Yaletta Vallentyne Valletort Valleyfield Valleyfleld , Valmont , Vanatter Vanbarf^h , Vandecar , Vandeleur VanleeklliU Vankoughnet , Vanneck Vanvlack , Van Winkle , Varennea Varna Vamey , Vasey Vaiiban Vaadreuil Vaughan'a Veighton VoUore Venice Vcnuachar Venosta Ventnor Ventry Vercheres Verdun Vereker TecjtAi* County or District. Prov Victoria Victoria Albert Victoria. Picton Victoria. ..... Inverness . . . , Antigonish . . , Pictou Sunbury Bay de Verds , York Polchestcr..., Pontiac Inverness . ... Carlcton .... Shelburne . . . , Carleton .... Re^tigouche . Ontario Bagot Hants Antigonish .. Ontario aimcoe Victoria , Lambton .... Ontario York L'lslet Quebec Shofford Victoria Kent Ontario Beance Bcauhamois . Queens Cliamplain .. Wellington .. Renfrew .... Oxford Orey Prescott Victoria Middlesex . . . Simcoe Cariboo Vercheres . . Huron Grey Simcoe Temisconata. Vaudreuil . . . Hants Russell York Missisquol. . . Addington. . . Ottawa Grenville.... Grey Vercheres . . . Bruce Essex , X.B.. N'.B.. X.B.. N.S. -V.S . , N'.Sj. NT.S.. N.S.. V.S.. M.B.. Xtld. . ^ .B.. N.S.. Que . . N.S.. N.B.. .V.3.. S.B.. N.B.. Out . Que . . N.S.. X.S . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Quo .. Que . . Quo., Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Que .. Que.. P.E.I. Que . . (Jnt . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. t)nt . . Ont . . Ont.. B.C.. Que . . «Jnt .. Ont . . Out.. Que , . Quo.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont.. Que.. Ont.. Que.. Ont.. Ont . . Quo . . Ont.. iOnt .. Antigoni^ 'N.S.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Riv. dn Loup, Aa, T or .Tt. Riv. du Loup, Aa, T or 34. See llastingfl. Baddeck, 41 New Glasgow, Tc Baddeck, 41 Port Hawkesbury, 8!) New Glasgow, Tc Pictou, Tc. '2!) or .SO Upiwr Sheffield, 35. Carbonear, 4tf Woodstoii Shelburne, 40 \Voodsto«-k, V or Zh Campbellton, T or 38 Atherley, 1;! See St. Uphrem d' Upton. Shubenacadie, T New Glasgow, Tc Uxbridge, F Utopia, D. Bracebridge, 14 Wanstead, B U.xbridgc, F. BellEwart, D St. Jean Port Joli, Aa Quebec Waterloo, Q Lindsay, G Chatham, B Sunderland, P St. Francois, Zf Valleyfleld, 1 or 6. Charloitetown, Zi, 29 or 30. Three Rivers, Ac, 23 or 24. Orangevillo, E Renfrew, N Woodstock, B Flesherton, Ea Lancaster, A...... ••• Bracebridge, 14 Ailsa Craig, A Stayner, D Yale, 48 Varenne.s, 27. Seaforth, Af .Mount Forest, E Barrie, Da Riv. du Loup, Aa, T or 31, Vaudreuil, A. Windsor, U Cumberland, 2 Richmond Hill, D I>cs Rivieres, P Perth, Na Ottawa, M, O or 2 Spencervilie, M ilount Forest, E Vercheres, 24. Kincardine, Ca or E Atnherstburg, H New Glasgow^ Tc 110 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENG EIl'S DESTINATION. Town, Village, iic. Vernon Vernoii River Vernon River Bridge Vcrnonvillo Verona VerHailles Versclioylo Vesta Vicara Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Rridjjc Victoria Corners Victoria Farm Victoria Harbor. ... Victoria Harbor Victoria Mills Victoria Mines Victoria Road Victoria Square Victoria Villatje Victoriaville . Vienna Vienna Viger Vigor Mines Vigo Village des Aulnaies . Village Rithelieu .... Villa Nova Villette Villiers Vincennes Vine Viner Vinoy Vinton Violet Virgil Virgin Arm Vittoria Vivian , , Voglcr's Cove Vroonianton Vyner Waasis Wabashene Wagamatcook Wagner Wainfloct Wakefield Waldomar Waldron's Cove Wales Walker's Cutting . . . . Walkerton Walkerville Wallaoe County or Diatricc. Prov Russell Queens (Queens Northumberland Addlngton Iberville Oxford IJnico Huntingdon Brant P.othwell Carlcton Cumberland . ». I'o'd QueL'na Simcoe Snribury Vanconver Welland Annapolis Ontario Ottawa icings Simcoe .. . . Westmorland Cape BretT.v Victoria York Carbrnear A rthnbaska l^irfii Monck Tomibcoua' a Arthabaska . . Simcoe . . L'Islet Rouville Norfolk Compton T'cterborough • Champlain Simcoe Lariibton Ottawa I'nntiac Addington N iagara Twillingate and Fogo, Norfolk York Lunenburg Ontario [janibton Sunbnry Simcoe Victoria Digby .Monck Ottawa Wellington Twillir^ate and Pogo. Stonnont , Arthabaska , Bruce , Cumberland >••••••• •• Ont.. P.E.I. P.E.I. Ont . . Ont.. Que . . Ont . . Ont . . Que . . Ont. Ont . N B N S. Ont . P.EI Ont NB B C Ont X S Ont Que.. N.3 Ont . N.B N.a Ont. Ont Nfld Quo . Ont.. Ont . Que . Que Ont ■ Que. . Quo . . Ont,. Que. Ont . . Que. Ont.. Ont. Que . Que .. Ont.. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. Ont . . N.S. Ont.. Ont.. N B.. Ont.. N.S.. N.S.. Ont.. Que . . Ont.. NCd. . Ont . . Que,. Ont . . Ont?.. N.S.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Osgoode, M Charlottetown.Zl. 20 or .19 Charlottetown. Zi, 21) or 39 Gmftor, A Verona, Zb. Versailles, Q . Inger.soll, B Paisley, C Hcnmiingford, Ae , Princeton, B See Florence. Woodstock, V or Zh Thomson, T Brampton, A Victoria, 4'.i. See Innisfll. Oromocto, 3.'» Victoria. 47, 48, 49 or 50 Victoria. H Annapolis. U Uxbridge F See Wright Berwick, U Orillia Da Gor la Petitcodiac, Ta. Sydney, 41 ... Victoria Road. F Richmond Hill D Carboncar, 40 See Arthabaska Station. St. Thomas. Be, H or J .. . See Rosedene. Cacoura, Aa Arthabaska, Aa , . . . Stavner, D St.lvi-h, Aa Village Richelieu, Zc Wnterford, H Coaticook, Ab Peterborough, Ga Three Rivei's, Ac, 23 or 24. Barrii , Da S-^e Yyner. Papii-anvllle, 2 Portage du Fort, ;} Kingst ,n. A, Zb or 1 St. Catiiarine.s, B or I . ... Twillingate, -15 Simcoe, Be Newmarket, D Liverpool, 40 Sunderland, P Mar.damin, Bb Waasis, X. See Waubashene. See Middle River. Digby,U Wainfleet, Af. Ottawa, M. 0avnia, A or Bb . . . . Waubuno, B. Wentworth, T 14 SO 17J 10 4 3 5 23 8 10 15 8 7 6 3 1.5 6 8 9 9 19 12 22 10 30 6 9 20 19 13 10 21 15 24 112 TABLE OP ROUTES. I'AjSSKNaEU'S DESTINATION. Town, VillaKO, 4tc. i»t«**«a*< WunpooH Waverley Waverley Wttverloy WayBido Waweig Way'H Mills Weaver Settleiucnt "Wcbber'H Webber's Bi^'ht.... Webster's Crock . . . Wee Owen Sound, Ea or 13 . . . . West Bay, 41. St. John, Tor W Waterloo, Q Port Garry, 01 Richibucto, ;« Hopewell.Tc... River Philip. T Pictou.Tc, 2:tor ao West Brome, R. See Maccan. Kingston, A, Zh or 1 Craig's Road, Aa Shcrbrooke, Ab or S Summersicle, Zi, 39 or 42.. . Thomson, T Thomson, T St. Thomas, Be, H or J. Rackville, T Burgeo, 44 Ijonnoxville, Ab or S Lunenburg, 40 Carbonear, 46 Liverpool, 40 Twillingate, 4.'i Brampton, A Gilford, D We^t Famham, Q, R or Zc. Goderic.^i, At We-tfleld, W Liverpool, 40 Wcstflcld, W. Dnndas, B Woodstock, V or Zh ?). 10 24 U 80 110 TABLE OP R0UTB8. 113' rASSENdEICS DESTINATION. Town, Villnsc, Lc. \V'e;t Gnro \\\:^t fhiiitinffdon U'c-it lliinlljy Vv'c-it Liike West Lome Wftst Lynno Wftst McUillivray West Ma;;(lala Westmoath West Mei'igoinlah Westminster Westminster W«!st Montrose , Westmorland Point.. , . . West Newdy Qaoddy . . . Weston Wesft Osgoode W(!Stover. . . . • West l^oint Wostl'.unt , We^-Pvyrt Wc t i'orL West lotton West Qnaco West 111 ver West Iliver , , . . , West Itiver West Iliver Station. .^. , West River St. Mary's. , West's Corners West Sliefford West Side of Lochabor. . Westville West Winchester West \7ooIwich Westwood Wexford Weymouth Weymouth Bridge Whalen Whale's Brook Wlieatland Wheatly Wheatly River Wheatou Settlement.,. Whitby Whitebnm Wlilte Fish Falls White Head ^Vhitehur8t White Lake White Mud River , White Point White Point White Rapids White Rock AVhite Rock Mills White Rose , White's White's Cove Whltevale Whitfield \Vhltney Whittington WTiitton Whycocomah County or District. >•••*••••« . ••••••< Hants Ka^tin<;CB Car oton Prince Edward Elgin Provencher. . . , Middlesex Elgin Renfrew Pictoa Middlesex Middlesex Waterloo , Wc3f morland . . Halifax York Knasell. ... Wentworth Burgeo and La Polle Prince. Leeds Dlgby Drome St. John Antigonish , Albert Pictoa , Pictoa , Guysborough Perth Shefford , Antigonish . . . Picton Dundas Waterloo , Peterborough , York Digby Digby Middlesex,... Trinity Drummond.. Essex Queens Westmorland Ontario Queens Leeds Guysborough L-^eds Renfrew Mai-qnette . Placentia&St. Mary's. Victoria Xorthumberland Trinity Kings York Elgin v^iccns ••••••• •• • .•••• Ontai'io Simcoe Vorthumberland Wellington Oompton .... Invemeea H »••■•••( Prov. N.S.. Out.. Out . . )nt .. Orit.. Man.. Ont . . )nt.. Ont.. N.S.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N^.B.. y.s\. Ont . . Ont. Ont . . Nfld. , P.E.L Ont >f.S.. Que N.B.. N.S. N.B.. M.S . . N.S. N.S. Ont. Que. N.S. N.S. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. N.8.. N.S.. Ont.. Nfld.. Qae.. Ont . P.E.I N.B., Ont.. N.S,, Most convenient Point arcest'ibli* by Hnilroad or Steamer. Ont,. N.S., Ont.. Ont Man.. Nfld.. N.S.. N.B. Nfld.. N.S.. Ont.. Ont . N.B., Ont. Ont. N.S . Ont. Que. N.S. Newport, U Oelleville, A, n or 7 .'VlmoMto, N Picton, ft or 7 Bismarck, H. Pembina, SI. Allsa Craig. A St. Thomas, Be, H or J Renfrew, N New Glasgow. Tc, London, Ag, B or J Westminster, J. Ucrlin, A Sackvllle, T Halifax, i" or U Weston, A, D or B. Osgoode, M. Dundas, B La Polle, 44 Summcrside, Zi. 89 or 42, . . WeatfonI, 4, Digby, U Potton,R St. John. Tor W Now Glasgow, Tc Salisbury. Ta Plctou, Tc, 2!)or30 West River, Tc. New Glasgow, Tc Stratford, A West Shcffm-d. Q. New O lasgow. Tc Stellarton, Tc Morrisburg, A See Elmlra. Peterborough, Ga Scarboi'ough, A or F Digby, U Digby, U Gran ton. A Trinity, 48 Richmond, Aa Leamington, 11. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or :!9. Petltcodlac, Ta Whitby, A, L or 1. Liverpool, 40 , See Morton. New Glasgow, Tc Bell's, N. Amprior, N or 3 See Westboume. St, John's Baddeck,41.... Newcastle, T, 30 or 88 Trinitv, AH. Port Williams, U Aurora, D WhiUi's, J, Gagetown, 33 , Markham, F Orangevllle, E Newcastle, T. .30 or 38 Orangevllle, E Lennoxville, Ab or S , Whycocomah, 41 *3 '3 i: IS 8 H 13 20 13 4 84 10 1« 4U 41 5 2S 40 36 12 It 17 66 8 18 28 H 20 21 8 6 IS 7 13 7 90 108 79 18 8 ? 17 30 18 M 114 TABLS OF ROUTES. PASSENQKll'S DUTn.VATION*. Town, Village, Lc. t • • • • • • I Wlftrton , Wick Wlckhnm Wickhniii Wickham Station Wlcklow Wicklow Wltkwlrc Station Widdor Widdor Station WiU^Bi^'ht WlldOove Wilfred Wllklo'H Comers WllletsholtiK; Willlom Henry WilliamH WilllaniHburtf Williamsburg WiUiainsbun; Willlanisdiilo Williiimsford Williamson Williamfltown WilliamHtown Williamstown Williecroft Willowdalo Willow G rovo Willovf Grove Wllfnot Wllmur Wilson's Beach Wilton WiltonGrove Wimbledon Winchester Winchclsea Winchester Springs , . Windermere Windham Centre Windham Hill Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Bridge Windsor Forks , . Windsor Junction Windnor Mills Wine Harbor Winfleld Winger Wlngham Winnipeg Winona Windslow Winslow Road Winterboume. . Winthrop Wisbeoch Wiseman's Cove Witless Bay , WitleisBay , Wobam ; , WdlitBay , County or District. Prov I • ••• • • ■ nnice ')iit.irio . . . DniniMiond '^neons i'arlc>ton... ,.. Carleton Xorthumbcrland Halifax riniiibton liiiribton T\vill!n)aMior. r>Td imW Owen Hound, En or 15 Wick, V S»>o Wheatland. V/ickhain, 'M. vVickhain. V. WomUtork, V or Zh (Jmfton, A See Mtlford. Widder, A VVIdder. A. Tilt Cove, 45 Fogo, 4H Canningt(m, F St. Thomas, Be, H or J. . . , Ganauo(]uc, A -•ec Sorel. .\llsa Crr.ig, K See Cartwrifrlit See Glen William. norlin, A Thonivon, T See Sullivan. .See Foley. Woodstock, V or J5h.. .'.... LaiiCftsI cr. A , , Ncwra.Atlf'. T, ;J0 or 88 Palslev.C Thonihill. 1) Calidonia. A^orZa St John, Tor W Wllniot. U. Kingston. A, J!lb or 1 St. Andre w.s, V or .'J7 Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Ti1nlty,45 Windsor, 8 , Morrisburg, A Granton, A , Morrisburg, A Bnvebrldge, 14 Windham. H. River Philip, T , Woodstock, V or Zh Windsor, S. Windsor. U. Sec Whitby, ' I" ; Seo Falmouth. Windsor. U , Windsor Junction, T or U. Windsor Mills, Ab. New Glasgow, Tc. ....... Alma, C , Grimsby, B , Wlngham, Ca. Fort Garry, 61. Winona, B. Lennoxville, Ab or S Charlottetown, Zl,29 or 39. Berlin, A Seaforth, Af .Strathroy, Bb Tilt Cove, 45 St. John's , Harbor Grace, 46.. Scarborough, A or P I 6 fiargeo, 44. . . , , t * ^.2 Q 29 n n 18 R I' 14 4 9 27 8 I' 4 19 24 18 16 82 9 10 8 12 26 1 28| 4J r 23 43 8 10 8 12 65 32 84 TABLE OP U0UTE8. 115 I'.V8SKNU i;U"S I>i:fcTlN' ATIOX. Town, VlllOfc'o, tic. Wolfe Hiiibor. ...... Wolfe I.^laiul Wolfonl Wolfstown Wolfvlllo Wolvnrton WiMHlhri(l(?o WiMxlhrook Wo(Hlhiirii WoiKlhury Wo(Klforil WtxKlhain Woodhlll W(H)d Harbor , Wocxllnnda Wo.xl Point Woo(lrld«o \VoO(1:«!(l0 ., Wooiilce Woolitock , Woolitook VVood^Htuck Junction Wooc'.itro, P. SummorHido, Zi, 80 or 42. Btony Creek, U Princeton, B Owen Sound, Hti or IH 8t. Mary'H, A Malton, A tihblburno, 40 Wales, A Sackvillo. T Summersldc, Zi, U9 or 4.'. . . 8onicrtit>t, Aa Woodsk'p, H. WoodHtock, VorZh. Wo(Kl8tock, B. W()r is the best on the northern Bide of the iBlaiid. Tlie inhahitantd are princi- pally engaged in agriculture. Pu|>. tiOO. ANTUJO^TI. For a fuller deHcri]*- tion of this beautiful island (written by William H.iSmith, Ksq., Deputy Minister of Marine and FisherieB,) 'c Thk Is- land or Anticobti. Pop. 2,000. ANTKiONISIl HARHOIl, a beautiful BCttlementatthe head of Bay 8t. (ieorge, Antigonish co., N.8., 43 railed from Niw (ilasgow, comuuindfl a fine view of the Hay, Cape Hreton and surrounding country. Soil fertile, and well culti- vated. It contains a post office, 1 store, 2 saw mills and a grist mill. Poo. 150. AVONDALE, a post village in Pictou CO., N.S , on the proposed New Glasgow and Louisburg railway, 20 uiilcs from New (irlasgow. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill and a furniture factory. Pop. 157. AVONVILLE, a village in Cumber- laud CO., N.b., on Wallace river, 12 miles from Wentworlh, 3 miles from Wallace. It contains 1 chuicli. 2 stores, 2 uaw mills and 2 gii.st mills, i'op. 200. llUANTFOUI),()ni.. contains 3 print- ing otTlces, issuing 2 daily ami 3 weekly ni-wspapcrs. TIk* llonia'n * aiholics of this town liavu built a beautiful brick school house in gothic style, the main building being 7G feet by 40, with a wing 3H by 42, connccling with the rear end of the church. It hius a cupola 25 feet high and is one of the best school- housea in the province. Cost $3,500. HUIILINCJTON, an incorporated vil- lage in Ilalton co., Out. See Welling- ton S >(» J ill LIST OF ADVERTISERS IN THE GAZETTEER. Adam, RtnvonRon Ik Co., Publiihera, Toronto 42 Al<>xRiir charlofl, k Sonn, Confection- OFH, Miil. 20 AiiticoHti Cotnimnv 89 liraiitrDrd KiiKiiM' WorkH, Hrnntford... 16 Briton Mcdii-ul and (jcneral Life As- mirancc Co., Montrpal 6 Browne It Torltfy, Ottawa Hotel, Mon- treal 4 Bru«h George, Eagle Foundry, Mon- treal 18 Campbell L. J., & Co., L«>ather Belting, Montreal 11 Canada Ciunrant(>e Company, Montreal. 6 Canada Marble and liranlte VVorlci, Montreal 9 Canada Paper Company, Montreal 9 Canadiiin Monthly Map;azlne, Toronto. 42 Carmiclmel Jaine", O'hawa 19 Chanib4>rliii Brown, Ottawa 84 Chauteloup E., Brasii Founder, Mon- treal 8 Chipman J. B. M., Montreal Cltlwinn' Insurance Co., Montreal 7 Craig Stn>et Foundry, Montreal 21 Currio Noil, Boiler Works, Toronto.... 17 Currio W. k F. P., importers, Mon- treal 44 Department of Agriculture, Ottawa... 86 Department of I'ulillc Works, Ottawa. 28 Dominion Motal Works, Montreal 12 Dominion Kleamotiip Line, Liverpool and Montreal ... 26 Dominion Type Foundry, Montreal.... 22 Dun, Winian & Co., Montreal 25 Eagle Foundry, Montreal 18 Edwards C. D., Firo Proof Safes, Mon- treal 16 Forrier & Co., Hardware, Montwal. ... 14 Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Co., Toront«) 87 Forsyth It., Marble Works, Montreal. 9 Forsyth Wm. L., Antlct-sti Company 89 Garth Charles, Dominion Metal W^orks, Montreal 12 Gillespie, MofTiitt & Co., Montreal.... 6 Glen F. W., Oshawa 18 Government Immigration Agents in Canada 85 Grand Trunk Railway 27 Gulf Ports Steamers, Quebec 26 UallJolin S , Montreal 4 Jamie-^on li C , k ('0., Varnish Manu- facturers, Montreal 21 Johnston H . J. , Montreal 8 Joseph Mall Machine Works, Oshawa.. 18 Indian Lands 36 Intercolonial Baiiway 28 London and Lancashire AssurancA Co. 6 i^ovell John 41 Lord, Magor k Munn, Montreal 40 Luke k Brothers, Cabinet Factory, Oshawa 19 MoArthiir John, A Sons, Paints, Oils, kc, Montreal 24 Mncdtmald John, k Co., Dry (}oods, Toronto partes 2 and 8 Mackenzie, Powis, k Co., Montreal 24 May 8. H., fr Co., Paints, Oils, &c., Montreal 21 May Ihos. , k Co., Dry Goods, Montreal 23 Meicantile Agency, Montreal 26 Minister of Interior, Ottawa ....... . 86 Mitchell K., k Co., Brass ^oods, Mon- treal U Montreal Warrhouslng Company 4 Moore Wm.. Quebec 26 Morrison W., Toronto 8T Muir (J. B.. Montreal 7 Ottawa Hotel, Mcmtreal 4 Oshawa Stove Manufacturing Co 19 Pariseau C. E., Furniture, Slontrenl.. 8 Ph(Bnlx Firo Assuranc" Co., Montreal 6 Phrenological JournnI, New York.... 88 Po.Htmoster General, Ottawa 82 Cost Office Savings Bank, ('anada. . . . 88 Prince Edward Island iiailway 81 Kamsiiy A., k Sons, Paints, Oils, kc, Montreal 39 I{amsay W. M., Montreal 7 Kawlings K., Montreal 6 Kohertson James, Metal Merchant, Montreal 14 Robertsons, Linton & Co., Dry Goods, Montreal 29 Rob'^rtson William, Montreal 6 Rogers k King, Craig Street Foundry, Montreal 21 Rolland J. B., & Fils, Montreal 40 Savage, Lyman & Co., Montreal 15 Scottish Imperial Insurance Co 6 Se retary of State, Ottawa . 84 Smvth 11. L. . Shoe and Tailors threads, Montreal 10 Standard Assurance Co 7 Tales of the St. Lawrence 40 Torrance David, A CO., Montreal 25 Vatois N,. & Co., Boot:> and Shoe8,Mon- tr.nl 23 Van Ali-tyne N., & Co., Ironfounders, Montreal ■. 14 Wiikefleld. Kerby k Co., Auctioneers, Toronto IT WaterousC. H., & Co., Brantford £n- Wjtlne Works 16 ellsS. R.. New York 88 Winning, UUl & Ware, Montreal.... 24 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. John Macdonald & Co., !.:i.I',.( ••' t •■•i**.i« «r« ^Established^ 1849. f»«tKi -•—*'. ••■»V< ■■-•• *^ Invite the attention of .A, ,1 DEALERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE DOMINION', To the very large and varied Stock of DRY GOODS, kt'pt constantly on hand, comprising very choice lines of ^\ BRITISH, AMERICAN AND CANADIAN GOODS, Buying as they do in every instance .. . They have access to the FOR CASH. «ift-»^»-:*'-v.*'%-^-- '■■■$r.' BEST MARKETS, with which from their long and extensive experience they are , PERFECTLY FAMILIAR, ' ., They are in receipt of ^ SHIPMENTS DURING EACH WEEK OF THE 7^ EAR, which keep their Stock constantly LARGE, WELL ASSORTED AND ATTRACTIVE . They undertake to \ EXECUTE ORDERS, ^■•f,i;. ■ s- 'VM' -,' , ■r.,**:**!*^) as satisfactorily as if selected by the customer and hold themselves ready to take back, (if returned immediately) any lines to which exception is taken. Their Departments are: . .' , ^ , ..'X _) >S?'^ PL E PEP A RfMENT, ♦eontaining always very full lines of ! \«u. . .1. ■ - .iT^hdUi'HAm'i^- II EA VY GOODS, 'rx ■ . ''U either by the Package or otherwise i r,^-^^^iA il i^ r*'* I 8 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. -i—7^ / f JOHN MACDONALD <& CO. HABERDASHERY DEPARTMENT, This is among the largest Haberdashery and small ware departments in the Dominion. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT, FANCY DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, HOSIERY AND GLOVES DEPARTMENT, GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT , LACE AND MUSLIN DEPARTMENT, F ANCY W OOL GOODS DEPARTMENT, SHAWL AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT, SILK AND CRAPE DEPARTMENT, FRENC H AND ENGLISH FLOWER DE PARTMENT, 1 RIBBON AND PARASOL DEPARTMENT, WOOLEN DEPAR TMENT, Embracing all classes of — ■ ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANADIA N WOOLENS , Alco full lines of IRISH FREIZES. Although they do a business ranking AMONG THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION , THEY EMPLOY NO TRAVELLERS, DATE NO GOODS FORWARD, SELL ALL GOODS AT CURRENCY PRICES, and offer only UNIFORM TERMS, . They will be glad to meet purchasers at their Warehouse to all of whom they offer THEIR BEST SERVICES, yohn Macdonald & Co. TORONTO, 21 & 23 Wellington St„ 28 Sc 30 Front St. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. 3 York Strret. ■l':i'''f •^ f .i n - '* '■ n C. S. BEOWNE & J. Q. PEiiLEY, Proprietors. This popular First-Class Hotel nccorrmodntes 400 Guesta. The rroprietors respectfullj' inform the travdline Public, that they intend, by constant attention to the wants <>f their patntns, to make this hot 1 a comfortable homo for travellers. ^^Carriages, with attentive drivers, may be had at all times by applicatiun at the Office. Montreal Telegraph Office at the Hotel. !» l' ' .W" I A0C^,#ffHrff9^-f- npTT'p ***■ Stibscribed Capital, - - - $600>,00>0, T With Power to Increase to - - - $1,400,000, ^.'>?' DIRECTORS ; &R HUGH ALLAN,^ ,-^>^^^^^ Hon. HENRY STARNES, » .,, .. .,, President, r:'^:'--^r.. .oi.^'^,. . ^Vioe-Presidentp C. J. BRYDGES, Jt^ti^l"^: THOMAS CRAMP, '■' --^ HUGH McLENNAN. GEO. H. HANNA, Secretary, --?£/!;♦ T JOHN S. HALL, Manager* .l£^. Private Suretyship Abolished, ^^^ The Canada GUARANTEE COMPANY. President, SIR ALEX. T. GALT, K.CMG. Vice-President, JOHN RANKIN, Esq. Manager, ED. RAWLINGS, Esq. ISSUES BONDS OF SURETYSHIP, FOR FTIBLIC OFFICJERS , =^^' ' ' • ' OF THE DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS, ALSO FOR OFFICERS OF ^, BANKS, RAILWAYS, MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, \i '' '* ' MERCANTILE FIRMS, &c., &c. Thereby doing away with the necessity of Private Suretyship. The Rates of Premium charged are very moderate, so that no one need now ask his friends to assume, or continue under, the responsibili- ties of Private Bondsmen. The Bonds of this Company can be issued and Existing Private Suretyship relieved without delay. Full particulars and Forms of Proposal will be sent on application to the Head Office, 40 St. John Street, Montreal. . m^..i^.e.*.i.u,. EDWARD RAWLINGS, l^/l^^y^rr.^^/. . . Manager, JI®*Agents wanted in unrepresented Districts. jr .- A • '-'. t- Agents at Toronto, Baikie & Alexander; Hamilton, S. Jones; Quebec, A. J. Maxham; Halifax, Almon & Mackintosh; Cliarlottetown, R. W. Fitagerald; Victoria, B.C., W.C. Ward; Ottawa, Capt. D. W. McGuaig. 1 ' / / / 41 Medical and General i •« (t > / LIFE A SSOCIA TION CAPITAL AND INVESTED FUNDS, OVER $4,ooo,ooo. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT, over $100,000. Policies Payable During Life Time at Ordinary Life Rates by Application of Profits ', ' I JAMES B. M CHIPMAN, >• ' ■ - N.B.— Agents Waktbd. , , ^, Manager Canada Branch, Montreal. I I » — ■ ■ - .. — - ■ I. I ■ ■■ ■ ■ I I ^ ■■ I. — . II ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ., ■■ - ■ ■ - ■ .-■^ ^.^i ■ . .Ill • I ■ fihrenix lire Issupnce ^ompaitj of fondon. ESTABLISSKD 1782 f "• " • CANADA AGENCY ESTABLISHED IN 1804. ,.<.|"^'r •.,■ .■.<■■ GILLESPIE, MOEEJlTT ^ CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOE CANADA. '■ I '"V JAMES DAVISON, Manager. R. W. TYRE, Inspector of Agencies. • j . LONDON & LANCASHIRE at LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ■ -''' HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA: 235 St. James Street, Montreal. Grants everything desirable in Life Assurance. Government deposit $100,000. Agents Wanted. Address, , .; WILLIAM ROBERTSON, ''' " Manager for CANADA. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY ''' ' LIFE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEEj FIRE. '' CAPITAL, ■ - - $1,000,000. HEAD OFFICE : No. 175 St y antes Street ^ Montreal, directors: SIR HUGH ALLAN, President; EDWIN ATWATER, Vice-President. ADOLPHE KOY, N. B. CORSE, HENRY LY.MAN, JOHN PRATT, ANDREW ALLAN. GEORGE B. MUIR, Manager Fire Department. EDWARD STARK, Manager Life, Guarantee and Accident Department. .. Fire and Life Risks taken at Lowest Rates. Accidents : $3 to %'lb per week guaranteed for temporary incapacity from accidental injury, or wlioie sum, (from $500 to $6000), if the injury cause deatli. Guarantee Bonds issued on the fidelity of employees, at Lowest Rates op Premium. 'Ihe Bonds of tliis Company are accepted by nearly all the Banks, Railways, Municipal Corporations. Hoards of Trade, Public Companies and Commercial Flrrns, as well as by THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. THE STANDARD Life JLssxurance Corrvparty, ESTABLISHED 1825. - - • Head Office for Canada, Montreal. Policies in force over $85,000,000. Accttmiilated Funds over %2o, 000, 000, Income ^ ^, ^ ^over $3,500,000. Claims paid in Canada over $600,000. Funds invested in England* United States and Canada with the mo.t perfect safety. For information as to Life Assurance apply to any of the Agencies throughoi the Dominion, or to W, M. RAMSAY, Manager, Canada, T» T mift\i^ ml %i§ mmt^ • ..', ^■■S\ omfm^. ,.1 ' 7 » - * » '»• '- CAPITAL, £1,000,000 STERLING. Head Off ice for Dominion : — No. 9, St. Sacrament St,, MONTREAL. Almost all Classss of Fire Slaks aeeoptod at Currant Sates. Losses promptly settlel. ^OARD OF piRECTORS: >> ^ • '"" C. J. CouRSOL, Esq., Judge of Sessions, A. Walkkr, Esq., Merchant, M. P. Ryan, Esq., M. P., Geo. A. Diiummomd, Esq., Sugar Refiner. J. CASSIE HATTON, Solicitor. - ■. i\ \s H. J. JOHNSTON, .^ Secy & Gkn. Agent. ' ERNEST CHANTELOUP, MANUFACTUUKB OF D'.'J- * I Telegraphic and Electrical Instriiments, Fire Alarm Apparatus, Artistic Bronzes, Church Ornaments, Lamps and Gasalicrs, Locomotive and Car Fittings, Brass Founder, Copper and Tin Smith, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Cooking Ranges for Hotels, Hospitals and ^'. Private Houses, Iron Founder, Light and Ornamental Castings, Agent for Burnett & Co., London, Eng., Revolving Iron and Wood Shutters, Steam and Hand Mifts, v.. '.';>'■-■ ^ ea-T' to 693 OFaA-IO- STR.BE1T, . '■ V MONTREAL. First-Class Furniture Store. \K' C. E. PARISEAU/" 447 and 449 Notre Dame St., Montreal. 'y^^'Ky^ ALWAYS on HAND, ■ " ' v_ ' -~ ' Parlor Furniture, MARBLE TOP CHAMBER SETS, WARDROBES, SIDE BOARDS, EASY CHAIRS, MATTRES- SES, WASHSTANDS, FANCY GLASS ETAGERES, "'■■'' • ■ \ ...ki **. j^y-D A LARGB ASSORTMENT 0» W^*"* ;i^tS.* — WALNUT BRACKETS. 9 Paper and Stationery. Canada Paper Company, - 3 74, 376 & 378 ST. PAUL STREET, MCNTREAL. (Late ANGUS, LOGAN & CO.) ,'<>'< MAKKRS OV ^ooUy Jlews, Coloured S^ Envelope Papers, Manilla, Brown, Grey and Straw "Wrapping Papers, Roofing Felt Paper, Match Paper, Straw Board, " AND IMPOnTERS OP EVKUY DESCBIPTION OF Paper and Stationery, Twines, &c. AGKNTS FOn The Celebrated Gray's Ferry Printing Inks, Patent Silicate Lithographic Papers, Whartdale and other Printing Presses, • Special attention given to PRINTERS' SUPPLIES^ Mills at Sherbrooke, Windsor Mills, and Portneuf, P. Q. Canada Marble & Granite Works. M. FOMSYTM, Proprietor. WH0LE8ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Shov Booms & Branches. BOt>OIIiANI,F.NMHEI, ••.■■ ^^^^^^^ MARBLES /\ND GRANITESM--^^^^-^'^- For Monumental and Architectural Works, And Importer and Manufacturer of ^ ■ SCOT CH GRA NITE. Mr. P. having discovered excellent Red Granite near Gananwiue, is now cutting and polishing this material, which is in every way equal if not raperior to Scotch Granite, in colour, durability and polish. HALIFAX, N.S., ' Cor. of ■ "^ Argyle &. Sackville Streets. ' 4 ST. JOHN, N.B. Smith's Building, Prince William St, HEAD OFFICE— 130 Bleury St. Factory and Marble Mills, 550 William Street, - MONTREAL -» - \x 10 Highest Prize Medal ''for Progress." t' VIENNA EXHIBITION, 1873. "'"^ Wm. Barbour & Sons, HILDEN MILLS, LISBURN, IRELAND. % ^ I f 'x 4 1 3'^.V'V.- -*\ .■ / MANUFACTURERS OP SHOE & TAILORS' i r T H R E A D S. Wax Machine Threads specially made for the Mackay and other Machines, and Welting and Soling Machines. Cable Twist, 3 to 6 cord, on loz. Spools for Leather Work, used instead of silk, and much Reaper. y^'^^ .y, •■•'--■ . ■ ■' Three-Cord Sewing Machine Threads, Strongest Quality Made.- Saddlers* Tl^reads, Wrapping ^ 'ixilling Twine , To be had of all Wholesale Houses throughout the Dominion. Agent for the Dominion of Canada : ^ H. L. SM7THp ACONTBEAL. ^ v. 11 L. J. CAMPBELL d CO., ^ MANUFACTURERS OP fX' ^. If nt.u., LEATHER •- '»» *» 't i i ■ ••' , ." ■■ '■ ^ B E L T I N G, 'Y*f^ f" /■ V^ k' LACE LEATHER, &c., ^ *••.'.».,,■■ J' 1 4 ■ • ■ ■» < r 594' 596, 598 St. Joseph Street, l:;i,;: :,: Montreal. ; .^ri^^l-l nrav.J'ORONTp BRANCH: ^ ■?:.v.U>W^* ' t :,.:a 4,;S'^ ■-' *'ioBONTo. 1 4V ,,i -3 12 Dominion Metal Works. < ^ ' 'C ESTABLISHED 1828.' * "CHARLES GARTH & CO., Brass Founders, Finishers, ? j COPPER SMITHS, MACHINISTS, &c. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF -•.— "*" rlumljers', jSngineers* and oieamfitters* j3rass, K^opper and Iron Work, ixas and Steam - , 4 jFittings, (S[c., Sfc, . y ^ i, / AND OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK FOR Gas and Water Works, Distilleries, Breweries, Sugar . Refineries, Electric and Air Bells, Telegraphs, ^ &c., for Public and Private Buildings, ,.. . Manufactories, &c, ,, ,.-, _ V\ Alao, undertakes the warming of Public and Private Buildings, Manufactoriea, Conservatories, Vineries, Ac, by GARTH'S PATENT IMPROVED HOT WATER APPARATUS, Gold's Low Pressure Steam Apparatus, with the latest improvements, and also by High Pressure Steam in Coils or Pipes. On hand and for sale at the lowest rates, all kinds of Qasaliers, Brackets, Pen- dants, Glass shades, &c., Wrought Iron Pipe with Malleablj and Cast Iron Fittinga, for Water, Steam or Gas. Agents for George Jenning's, London, England, Sanitary Wares and Disinfecting Apparatus. ^ .. ~ % x - xCt ^ jiK.} OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY: Ml 4 Nos. 536 to 542 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL 13 EAGLE FOUNDRYj '.'•GEORGE BRUSH, 24 to 34 EllJ^a & Q UEEJ^ Streets, MONTREAL. Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, • Ore Crushers, Stamp Mills, Water Wheels, Mill faring, Shafting, &c., Winches, Hoisting Machines for ^ Warehouses, &c., Bark Mills, Hydraulic Presses, Screw Presses, Castings and Forgings of all kinds, ^ ^ J -^ Best Fire Bricks, Fire Clay & Foundry Facings always on hand, R. MITCHELL & CO., ,». _^ ,,., MANUFACTURERS OP -r •,;...; r. ; IMPORTERS OP , Plumbsrs' Enamelled Iron & Earthen Wares. i^i ^tiji'. . • ■ — — ■ ' ■^ MANUFACTURERS- AGENTS,': -'~^»--'^'^ Montreal Brass Works, ' N. TAN ALSTYNE & CO., , j Iron Jfounkrs anb Manufacturers, I to 29 Dalhousie Street, AHU ; : ,: MONTREAL. 'I -.r.- ■- ' • JAMES ROBERTSON, > ^ ^ <^ v., . TVo. SO W^elliiig-toii Htreet. ( CANADA LEAD WORKS, PROPRIETOR h 2 6 TO 13 2 Q U E E N S T ii E E T . j CANADA SAW WORKS, (140 AND 142 WILLIAM STREET. Manufactures from best Cast Steel, Mill Gang and Mullay, Rutting, Circular Cut and Billet Web Saws. Manufacturer of Shot, Lead Pipe, White Lead, Putty and Coloured Paints. ^^(^U&CiU 'Mm^mm^ lUm^mi&. IllON. -^ "/ f' ^* ROPE, NAILS. '^^^ CHAIN, AXES, (BurrelPs,) POWDER, CANADA PLATES. STEEL, TIN, ' FUSE. ^ .,..-. *.*^yv^^ WAREROOMS AND OFFICE: ^;. ,.. ., . ;. ^v r24, 26 & 28 St Francois Xavier sir eel BJEontireabl. ^ _■ • Chas. D. ^dvrards, , » ' f ^Vo-.-r, V ; , , MANOFACTORER OF ,„,- •,'!?' Fireproof: .safes, ALSO, BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, IRON VAULT LININGS, IROJy' DOORS AJSTD SHUTTERS, JAIL DOORS, AC, COMBINATION BANK AND SAFE LOCKS. /.iE. H. MOORE, General j^gent for Ontario^ 54 FRONT STREET, TORONTO, ONT. Salesroom and Factory : 49 St. Joseph street, ^ {Old St. George't Church,) MONTREAL. .ESTABLISHED 1818. ^ Salvage, Lyman ^ Co., 226 AND 228 ST. JAMES STREET, Direct Importers and Manufacturers of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, Zolid Silver and Electro-Plated Ware, Bronzes, Clocks, Fine Table Cutlery, Leather and Wood Dressing-Cases, Work-Boxes^ BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, OPERA GLASSES, ,.i « , M/O'i And a Large Stock of ' ' A W^ • ^ FANCY GOODS3^^'^''^'^ vuav:,.. It '■ Sole Agents for Ulysse Nardin Chronometers, Watches, &c., &c. DESIGNS FURNISHED FOR PLATE AND MONOGRAMS AT SHORT NOTICE,. r . 16 m^mf^mmfmrmHrn Brantford Engine Works, ^ PATENT PORTABLE DIRECT i^LilON SAW MILLS, OUR BPKCyiAh\ ' We only Manufacture Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Lath Machines, Beveled Lath Cutters, Lath Bolters, Chopping Mills, Rotary Pumps, TRIMMERS, GRAIN SCOURER, And Waterous System of Fire Protection and Water Supply, Patented February 8th, 1 87 1 . SertcL for* iHijL&tr^atecL Ctrculcvr of over ,. 150 pagw, eontatnlng fall infonnation how to bang and run Circular Sows, to \^ C. H, WATEROUS & CO., Brantford, Ont, W. H. OLIVE, Agent, St, John, N3. ^^ 17 BOILER WORKS, ■^^ Iron Sridges & Stearrt Boilers, '-[ y-^' i'-rir «' Of every description ^v' .' I jg MADE and REPAIRED. | New and Second hand Boilers, Fire Brick and Fire Clay, I j:S3 ^ " FOR SALE. . ' - Esplanade Street, Near Church Street^ ; TORONTO, 1873. - *" - N. CURRIE. TORONTO. " ■ .'' ' 1" Wakefield, Kerby & Co., . AUCTIONEERS, - i No. 68 KING STREET WEST. We beg to call the attention of the public to our large and handsome Warerooms for the display of all descriptions of Goods and Furniture. General Consignments solicited. Advances made by special arrangement on Consignments in certain lines: Prompt Settlement. REFERENCES: « « -x Messrs. ADAM^ STEVENSON & CO., Toronto. Messrs. BOOKER & RITCHIE, Montreal.. .18 . \ THE il • * pi'-'"' ,i "all Machine Works, (I « OSHAWA, ONTARIO, t r i f "^i >' .^ f I ESTABLI3HID,--1861. f S f * | jf ^' \ * X l'>.:\:> : ,.. >,i the A:r\(.3 ^. Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, Ifanufacture Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill and Plonr Mill Machinery of all kinds. . Swarthout's Patent Oscillating Gang and Mulay Saw Mills. LeffeUs Double Turbine IVater Wheels Shingle and Heading Machines and Jointers, Lath and Stave Machines, Leather Splitting Machines and Knife Grinders, Engine Lathes of , I <^^ _^ all sizes, Planers, Drilling Machines, Boring Lathes, Bolt ' *■" '^ Cutters, Wood Working Machinery of all kinds. Gordon's Power Printing Presses, Washington Hand Printing Press, Taylor's Cylinder Power Press, and Paper Cutters. Steam Pumps, Gearing, Shafting, Hangers, Couplings and PuUies, of latest and most approved Patterns. Castings of all kinds made in Iron or Brass. .^.if'.fv 'J^ew Macl)inery of any kind built to order^^^ ' ^' PATTERNS OF ANT DESCRIPTION MADB HrHBN D£SIR£I>. , For further information address .,, ,, • F, W. GLEN, President. »>\l'l, Luke & Brothers, ' f,UIl r. ^ ' Wholesale and Retail | " ' v"^ CABINET FACTORY, OSH^Y^jl, OJ^T. Our new buildings are now completely furnished with New Machinery and everything essential for first-class work. Parties intending to furnish throughout, or requiring Sets, would do well to correspond with us. All work warranted, as it is done under the immediate supervision of ihe Proprietors, who are practical men of long experience. Liberal Terras given to the Trade. We also manufacture all kinds of Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. LUKE & BROTHERS. ■ 1 -T* i_j pr Oshawa Stove Manufacturing Company, +■ J. Our aim is to make Stoves in smoothness of plate, quality of iron, and closeness of fitting with any in the United States or Canad This we have accom- plished, and we challenge comparison in all these respects. We have adopte'd the latest improvements in designs, after seeing the leading Stoves of this Continent. Our FcLvloT' CLThci Cook±ng Sto^^es have the anti-clinker grates, and the Parlor Stoves have the two rows of mica ..^ lights, the gas consumer within the stoves, and the flues are so arranged as to give a fire about as rapidly as wood, while the damper can nearly check the consump- tion of fuel totally. We forward Stoves to all parts of the Dominion promptly. ' ' ^,. : :, ,: ^ J. CARMICHAEL, President. 20 CHARLES ALEXANDER & SONS, Wholesale ESTABLISHED 1842,* ' V AND MANUFACTURERS OP Candied Orangey Lemon and vj-^* Citron Peel, ROBERTSONS, LINTON & CO./^ DRY'^SGOODS ■■ -./^^ V^ '.; ■:■- IMPOETERS, ;^ vc,V^ ' .J f ; ' ■ ■ '■ ' ; r>-. ■,' ■ '/il/}.i /I:' AND m-jlih-iJ- ■ Manufacturers Canadian Tweeds, &g., 'Ji ',- K '»■• t^: Corner Lemoine and St. Helen Streets,!]tm8 21 R.C.JAMIESON &Co., MANUFACTURERS OP ' ■ i Varnishes and Japans, ^1 ^ "IMPORTERS OP *^ ^n ^ * O//9, Faints^ Colors, Spls. of Turpentine, / &c., &c., 5 Corn Exchange, 6 St. John Street, Montreal. S. H. May & Co, 474 St. Paul Street, and \ \. : . 4\ TV . 395 Commissioners St.. Importers and Dealers in Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil (Blun- dell, Spence & Co.) ; Brandram Brothers & Co., Genuine and No. i White Paint, 25, 50, 100 and 300 lbs. Kegs; Bennest & Bivost, Star, Diamond and double thick Glass, Smithwith, 16, 21 and 26 oz. and other brand, together with a general assortment of Paints, Varnish, Japan, and Noble & Hoar's English Coach and Carriage Varnish. '' Craig Street FoTundTy. ; ; ■ ■ eogeesTking, iron founders, SOLE MANUFACTURERS OP Spence's Patent Hot Water Boilers for Heating Large Buildinjrs, Con- servatories, &c., Cemeteiy, House, and Balcony Railings, Potash Kettles, Potash and Sugar L'oolers, Steam and Hot Water Fittings, tapped and untapped, Sinks, Baths, and House Castings, kept always in Stock. All kinds of Castings made to order. ^; y%v% %| > i i v 645 CRAIG STREET. MONTREAL 22 III MONTREAL.' ' Manufacturers of all the Standard faces for \ v ' JVej^s ^ J3ool^ 'Work; • V''^, ' '' Made from ' EXTRA HARD TYPE METAL. 4^h un4 fmm<0y '^yf f ■■■■'i.'" OP ALL THH ■.,.'. ,. .■■■ ;''■;•>; ("NEWEST STYLES. ^ * '-'. -* Estimates given for Newspaper and Job Office outfits. Specimen Books to Printers on Application. Agents for the ''Gordon," "Minerva" and all the best Job Presses the " Reliance " Wharfedale, Hoe's & Potter's Cylinder Machines, all at Manufacturers' prices. I i/^ All Kinds of Printers* Material constancy on "hand. \ . THE " Dominion Printer^' Published quarterly by the Company, mailed free to printers. THE DOMINION TYPS-FOUNDING COMPANY, .■! CHENNEVILLE STREET, MONTREAL. 23 THOS. MAY & CO., •t^il^' ; ' m WHOLESALB'f -M V'lWM Fa n cy D ry Goods, ; .^v MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, Silks, Ribbons, &c., &c, •'^^' 757 St. PETER STREET, r MONTREAL. 4- ,.,. ,. V^'ii '"«• y'- ■^'' -'^^'M N. VALOIS & CO., i\'' art|^l}(r^ mnttf^. BOURBOW ANB EYE WHISKIES, r'l'T: '■Tffif-i MONTREAL. I' ■ " ■% 1/ ^ %\t mtm^k Aswh DUN, WIMAN & CO,, ■^ NO. 20i ST. JAMES STREET,,- :>,K > ll-:aW\Wm _ WM^W.JOUmon, Manager. (fct 9 .'■ ■«* 26 Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Co. E0YAL<^f^pe5» MAIL < «^. . .,- LINE OF STEAMB^RS BETWEEN r- >'-•>. Montreal, Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspeiiac, Dal- housie, Chatham, Newcastle, Shediac, Char" lottetown, P. E. L, and Pictou, . j AND BY RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT CONNECTIONS TO;f' I St. John, N.B., Halifax, N.S.^ all Places on the Intercolonial R. R., ,V 'ii i s V < Portland and Boston. , ,.\ ; { ,\ iv* ' THE LINE IS COMPOSED OF SEVEm FIRST-CLAS S PO WERFUL STEAMERS- A Passenger Steamer leaves Quebec and Pictou every week, calling at Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspebiac, Dalhousie, Chatham, Newcastle, and Shediac. ,. . . ■ - //i^.i' ,\:/y. -•: >♦ t ' .- ,/,» .1 *,•.•"!■• jsi. A Passenger Steamer leaves Montreal and Pictou every week, touching at Quebec, Father Point, Charlottetown and Shediac ; the other steamers sail «s specially advertised. '■ ■ .■V.r'<\.' The Officers and employees are experienced, polite and obliging. The table is good, a>»d nothing is wanting to promote tne comfort of passengers. The scenery along the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence is grand and beau- tiful, and the air is cool and invigorating, even in the warmest months. Tourists and those seeking relaxation from the toils of business will find the trip by these Steamers most healthful and pleasant. Persons wishing to spend the summer at the sea side cannot fail to find places to their taste at some of the ports at which the Steamers touch. ; r The sportsman and angler will find this route unrivalled. The rivers* bays, and inlets along the river and coast swarm with salmon, trout and other fish. The immense fleet of vessels visiting the ports of Quebec and Montreal, from the stately and magnificent Atlantic steamer to the small fishing craft, pass up and down in view of the traveller. The rates of Fare^ as will be observed on reference to the Tariffs and Time-Tables, are exceedingly low — not more than would be charged at first- class Hotels for the time occupied by the trip. Passengers know exactly what they have to pay : there are no extra charges. For Freight or Passage, apply to "'' * W Wm. MOORB, Manager, Quebec. 27 M VJ . .,S» GREAT INTERNATIONAL ROUTE. »**■■*. ^' RAILWAY. 1377 Miles under one Management. THE GREAT DIRECT CANADIAN MAIL AND EXPRESS ROUTE O/i BETWEEN THE EASTERN & WESTERN STATES. GREAT FRmGHT ROUTE BETWEEN EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA. B@f"SEVERAL LINES of Powerful Screw Steamers, during the Sum- mer, make Regular Trips between' Liverpool and Montreal, and between Glasfiow and Montreal, there connecting with the GRAND TRUNK RAIL- WAY, thus forming the MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO AND FROM ENGLAND AND THE WESTERN STATES OF THE UNION. Only two transhipments between Liverpool and Chicayo, or Cincinnati. JUS^Goods sent through in Bond. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ROUTE TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. Jg^Close Connections made with all Connecting Lines, and Through Tickets issued to all Important Points. lirACCELERATlON OF SPEED on the EXPRESS TRAINS. jter-NEW CARS on all the EXPRESS TRAINS. aidrPULLMAN'S PALACE and SLEEPING CARS are now RUN on the GRAND TRUNK LINE. Jgg^For San Francisco, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Omaha, and intermediate places on the Pacific Railway, the Grand IVunk is the moat JJirect Route. Splendid Palace Cars are now run between Chicago and Sarnia without change. liS^From Passengers holding Through Tickets, American Money is re- ceived at Par, for Sleeping Berths and Retreshments. BE SURE AND ASK FOR TICKETS via THE GRAND TRUNK RAIL- WAY. .«.^vw«»^, ■\m;....^i.m'^ MA ,C. J. BUY DOES, . ' Managing Director. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. OENEEAL OFFICER- MOROTION, N.B. ' I.BWTH HAnvBI.t., General .Siip«)rliitnndent OKoHUK TAYI.OK, (lonerul KntiKlit A^t-nt. Ujcniu a. Wnrt'MKY, Mi'itiiiiiicul .supt. ALc.XANUKK Mr.NAii. Eiifrlnoer. 'I'llOMAH Ktior. Anoillltiint. JoriiCPii J Wallaik. Auditor. A. Uiisiiv, Hiiimrlntcmlrtiit HitHrrti DiviMlon, Tui'iio, N.H. B. LUTTRKLU, Hn|)orliidoiidont Western nnd Contml DIvUIdhh. iloNCTOH, N.B. Main Line— aOINQ EAST and SOUTH. MlP. 8 6 (5 7 9 12 17 22 26 27 83 89 44 47 61 GO (>6 71 76 79 89 91 97 1U2 109 117 129 182 138 143 146 150 166 162 166 178 180 186 190 198 203 207 216 219 223 228 232 237 241 A 246 '^ 248 261 263 265 263 266 268 272 276 HT AT IONS. riiro' Pm.. Aocm. A com. St. JOHN LBAVK 8 00A.M 10 30 AM 10.48 10 47 10.66 11.00 11.08 11.20 11.40 12.10 12 88 12 42 1.10 1 80 2 16 2 28 2 45 8 22 8 47 4.07 4 45 4.56 5.45 5 58 6.60 7.20 8 00 8.85 9.85 9.60 10.35 11.(0 11.15 11.35 12 00 ^ixht. f:::::"- 1.80 P. M 4.3S 4 42 MooM) I'ath....: lirookviilo ..•■•••••••. ta la t8 18 t8.22 8.28 8.88 'I'orrvbuin • 4 46 Kiv» • • • • • • • • . UoTHHAT ..•••.... (JuiHIIiiniHifl NBii'jviirf>wiLuk Hampton l*:iH8(>k(taff •••...... 9.10 • • • Itlooiiillord Norton ....•..••• 940 9.66 10 15 110.28 11)88 10 56 11 10 til 24 11. 87 tll.45 12.16 Ai><)h>t(iui. • SlIHHVX I'llltnViOHPOD I'oiiobHnnia Aiiiiairiincfl ...•••..... I'(>t{tcodiao ". Polh't Ulver .SalUhiirv ....; Hoiindarv Creek MONCTON 1 k iimithrnv ••■••.... I'AiNBKO Junction Mcudow Itrook 12.40 tl2.60 1.08 1.28 1.68 2.06 2 40 t2 53 8 (K) 8.10 8.23 t3.40 8. 48 4.06 4 24 4.88 t4 48 508 6.20 t5.80 5.50 6.10 to. 21 6 82 t8.46 6.57 7.10 7.21 7.83 7.40 t7.48 t7.58 8.00 8 22 t8 30 8.88 t8.60 9.00A.M 5 • Mfinii anmook iJorchc'HttT ..••... Sackville Am HO .••>•••...•••.. AMHKK8T., / NflDllfltl ..•••>*•.• . Maccun Athul SDrhiir HUl Klffht. 12.10 12.45 1.06 1 45 2 22 2.63 8.16 480 4 67 6-18 6.00 6.80 6.42 066 7 08 7.28 7.85 7.43 8.08 8.09 8.18 824 8.86 8.66 9.01 9.10 9.20 ».80a.m Salt Sni'inea River I'hll D 'riiomson (irpt>nville ................. Wentwortli Fol Icigh Luke I.oiidonderrv.. Debert •«..« Isgonieh Ti{UBO.{:;;;:;;;-f«J^^^;« Johnston Accm. A.M 10.20 "i6!52* 11.12 11.28 11.60 12.08 12.26 12.84 ■"i!66' 1.45 1.53 205 2.22 i85F.Ml llrookiield I'oUv IJoir • • • • Stcuiacke HhiiliMiacadbi ........... Millbrd Klmsdale Euftpld Oakfield Orand lAke Welliuffton Windsor JuNOTioii Kocky LAke.... Bedford V^ . Four Mile House. BALIFAX ARRIVE I t I •> il i 29 \Cl \ U^TEUCOLONIAL RAILWAY.— C'on/inued. Main Line.— GOING NORTH and ^BST. uu. 8TATIOIW. Thro' Kxp'. Aurm. Awni. Aom. 4 8 11 13 21 28 26 28 HALk/AX LKAVK 7 80A.M 10.16am t7.40 10.28 7 68 10. 46 Op.m 4 10 . 4.28 . 4 81 . 4 88 . 6 ()0 . 6.06 . 6.10 6.20 . 6 26 . 6.88 . 6.60 6.04 6 16 6 86 6.47 7.00 7 20 8 06 8.27 9.16 9 58 10.16 10.47 11 28 12.00 Night. P.M. F'oiir Mile Mouse Hodtord I{<»clcy Liikfl ■ yvi.MistJK Jdmotiok WelliiiKton t8 02 10 68 8 10 11.16 11 46 12.26 14 46 1 02 1 23 1 40 2 02 "2.86" P.M. (.1 rand l^ulce * t8.87 . tH.48 . 8.60 8.66 9 10 9 20 9.33 19 46 9.68 110.08 10.20 . 10 26 110.46 10 66 11.06 111 26 11. Si 11 60 12 06 12 24 tl2 32 12.60 1 03 1 11 11 18 1.60 2 10 2 18 2 45 8 06 13 23 3.40 "Oalclleld Knticid 30 kllllMwiackt' , I'oliy Hug HrookHeld JullIIMtOU 61 69 73 78 86 90 96 103 • 110 114 121 126 130 133 188 144 147 \bi 167 174 179 186 187 197 200 205 210 216 226 229 232 237 243 249 250 254 269 264 267 269 .i 870 271 273 276 THuiio {tj;;^ iHironiBh ■« Uebort " Londondorrv Folleigli Lake WtMilwoith GroHUvillfl TliomMou ,■ Night. 12.06 12 40 1 20 1.46 2 07 2 25 a 10 8 40 8 55 4.66 6 80 6.10 7.15 7.88 7.55 8.83 8 55 9.13 9 80 9.68 10.85 10 63 . 11.25 . 11.45 . 12.10 . 12 34 . 12.38 . 1.06 . 1.26 . . 1 45 . 1.68 . 2 08 . 2.1a 2.2( 2.27 2.85 p. Klvor I'hillo ^Salt 8ui'iiiirs Spring Hill ATHOL Maccau Nitppun AMllEUST Aulac • 8ACKV1LLB UurcheHter Meinraiiicook Mt'adow Brook ' I'AI NSEO J0NCTIOK Humpiirey MUNCTON 4 05 14.30 4.38 14 50 6. 3 6.18 6.42 15 62 . 6 16 6.27 . 6.43 . 17.00 7.03 . 7.14 . 7 82 . 7.49 . 8.00 . +8 06 . 18.10 . 18.18 K 930 p.w Boundary Greek . yaliabury ..fc Toilet Kiver Pass. A.M. 6.00 6.17 6.41 6 63 7.05 7.18 7 36 7 63 7.67 8.08 8 21 8.40 8 60 8 57 9.<<] 9 07 9.15 [. 20a. ! '.'.'.v.'.' M P.M. Ttititcodiao • Annairiince Pcnobsquis TlumweseeD SUSSKX Apoliaqui Norton liloomHeld PaHsekoag Uamptou , ^auwiffewauk QuispanasiD llOTUSAY Kiver»| yj i V ^* | . #T'»«-'*''-T»<«»> sv.«*MA*»tmi- {(••W.-M^)*' • ■- aof INTERCOLONIAL RAIL^W AY. —Continued. PICTOU BEANCH. ;-hf GOING EAST. MU. 4 9 13 21 28 35 40 43 61 52 STA'lJONS. Pass. lAccm. LEAVE A.M. P.M. TRURO Valley Uniou Riversdale West River GlenKarry Hu))ewell Stellarlon New Glasgow Pictou LaDding PICTOU(i/o«0 AH RIVE 10.30 10.42 10.56 11.08 11.30 11.53 12.13 12.27 12.35 1.00 1.15 P.M. 3.30 3.17 3.41) 3.58 4.45 5.12 5.40 6.00 '..13 6.45 7.00 P.M. GOING WEST. MU. 1 9 12 17 24 31 39 43 48 52 bTAI'IONS LEVAE Aocm. Pass A.M. PICTOU (Boat)... Pictou Landing.... New Glasgow Stellarton Hopewell Glengarry West River Riversdale , Union Valley TRURO ARUIVB P.M. 6.00 3.00 6.15 3.15 6.47 3.39 7.00 3.48 7.28 4.02 7.50 4.23 8.21 4.43 8.;-3 5.06 9.10 5.17 9.32 5.32 9.50 5.45 A.M. P.M. SHEDIAC BRANCH. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. MlB. STA'ilUM>. i'asH. Kxpa. Jllxea. P.M. 6.20 6.40 7.02 7.10 P.M. MlH. 2 6 11 STATIONS. lAccm. .Mixed. Pass. 5 LEAVE PAINSECJUNC. Dorchester Road.... Shkdiao P.M. 1.00 1.20 1.36 1.45 P.M. P.M. 4.00 4.20 4.36 4.45 P.M. LEAVE PT. DU CHENE... 8hediac A.M. A.M. 6.00 11.45 6 ''.0 11.54 6.35 12.10 6.55 12.30 A.M. P.M. P.M. 2.45 2 53 9 Dorchester Road... PAINiSEC J UNO. ARRIVE 3.10 3.30 P.M. 11 Pr. DU CHENE... ARBIV Standard of Time.— Trains on the Main Line are run by St. John time be- tween 8t John and Trubo, and by Halifax time between Truro and Halifax j on Shediac Branch by St. John time ; and on Picrou Branch by Halifax lime. Notes on running of Trains. — Trains run daily Sundays excepted. On Sun- day mornings the Accommodation Train going South runs only to Truro : and the Accommodation Train going North only to Moncton. t Stops on signal only, or to leave Passengei 8. . . , RAILWAY & STKAMBOAT CONNECTIONS. \^, St. John. — With the European & North American Railway for Frederictoa McAdam Junction, W^oodstock, St. Stephens, St. Andrews, Calais, Houlton, and Bp-ngor. At Bangor connection is made with the Maine Central Railway for Bos- ton.Fortland, and all points in the United Slates ; and also {;via Danville Junction" witli the (irand Truak Railway for Montreal and all points in Quebec. Ontari( and the West. With Steamers of the International Steamship Company for East- port, Portland and Boston. Windsor Junction.— With Windsor & Annapolis Railway for Windsor, Kent yille and Annapolis. Point du Chene. — With Steamers of the " Prince Ed^fard Island Navigatioi Company" to and from Summerside and Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; and to Canso Port Hood, Pictou and other places in Nova Scotia. Wiih the Steamer •' Rothesay Oastle" to and from R' stigouche, Bay Chulcur, Chatham and Newcastle. Als< with Steamers of the Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Company. Pictou. With Stt-amers to and from Shediac, N.B., Charlutietown and Summer Bide, P.E.I., Catiso, Port Hood and Hawkesbury, O.B. ; and with Stf^amera of thi Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Company. .3 1" n INTEECOLONIAL EAILWAT, continued. i>V!\i - — STAGE CONNECTIONS. Shubenaoadib — With Stages for Maitland, Gay's River and Musquodoboit. Truro — With Stages for Tatamagoucheand the North Shore of Nova Scotia. New Glasgow— With Stages for Antigonishe, Strait of Canso. Arichat, Sydney, Cow Bay, St. Peters, and ai) paits of Cape Breton ; also for Guysboro, and Sher- brooke. Debekt — With Stages for Great Village, Economy and Five Islands. Londonderry — With Stages for Acadia Don Mines. WfiNTWORTH — With Stages for Wallace River. Thomson — With Stages for Pugwash and Westchester, daily. Athol — With Stages for Parrsboro' , daily. , Mapcan — With Stages for J oggins and Minudie. AuLAO — With Stages for Bay Verte and Cape Tormentine, Shediac — With Stages to and from Cocaigne, Buctouche, Richibacto, Kouchi- bouguncis, Kouchibouguac, Miramichi, Bathurst Dalhousie and Restigoucbe. Mono TON — With Stages for Hillsboro', Hopewell and the Albert Mines. Petitcodiac — With Stages to and from Butternut Ridge and PoUet River, Refreshment Rooms at Sussex, Amherst and Truro. LIST OF STATIONS ■ •■ * ■ ON THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY. Oascumpec. DockvRosd. Bloomfield. O'Leary Road. Brae Road. Aldan's Road. Ridtford Road Port Hill. Nortbam. > Lot 14. Wellington, m Miscoucbe. St. Eleanor's. Summehsidb. Town Road. Walker's Road. Kensington. VallyRoad. Freetown. Haslam's Mill. Elliott's Mill. West Line Road. East Line Road. Hu iter Riv' r. North Wiltshire. McLeod Road. Loyalist Road. Milton. Malpeque Road. Royalty Junction, IRoyalty Road, Charlottetown. Brackley Pt. Road. Union Ro d. Little York. Suffolk Road. Tracadie St. Peter's Road. Mount Stewart. Pisquid. Peake's Road. Baldwins Road. Lot 51, East Line. Cardigan Bridge. Fairplay. GK0B6BT0WN. -" / 1 !■ •j. '''i 'I 32 * POST OFFICE SAYINGS BANK, CANADA. .; .- ' i. . 1. The following Post Office Savings Banks in Ontario and Quebec are open daily for the receipt and repa; nent of depositB, during the ordinary hours of Post Office business. 2. The direct security of the Dominion is given by the Statute for all deposits made. 2. Any person may have a deposit account, and may deposit yearly any number of dollars, from $1 up to $300, or more, with the permission of the Postmaster General. 4. Deposits may be made by married worn , and deposits so made, or made by WDmeu who shall afterwards many, will be repaid to any such woman. ^ 5. As respects children under ten years of age, money maybe deposited — "'' Firstly — By a parent or friend as Trustee for the child, in which case the deposits can be withdrawn by the Trustee until the child shall attain the age of ton years after which time repayment will be made only on the joint receipts of both Trus- tee and child. Secondly — In the child's own name— and, if so deposited, repayment will not be made until the child shall attain the age of ten years. 6. A depositor in any of the Savings Bank Post Offices may continue his deposits at any otlier of such offices, without notice or change of Pass Book, and can with- draw money at that Savings Bank Office which is most convenient to him. For instance, if he makes his first deposit at the Savings Bank at Oobourg, he may make further deposits at, or withdraw his money through, the Post Office Bank of Colli ngwood or Quebec, Sarnia, Brock ville, or any place which may be convenient to him, whether he continue to reside at Cobourg or remove to some other place. 7. Each depositor is supplied with a Pass Book, which is to be produced to the Postmaster every time the depositor pays in or withdraws money, and the suras paid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the Postmaster receiving or paying the same. 8. Each depositor's account is kept in the Postmaster General's Office, in Ottawa, and in addition to the Postmasters receipt in the Pass Book, a direct acknowledge- me.ntjrom th-e Postmaster General /or each sum paid in is sent to the depositor. If this acknowledgement does not reach the depositor within ten days from the date of his deposit, he should apply immediately to the Postmaster General, by letter, being careful to give his address, and, if necessary, renew his application until he receives a satisfactory reply. 9. When a depositor wishes to withdraw money, he can do so by applying to the Postmaster General, who will send him byretur i mail a cheque for the amount payable at whatever Savings Bank Post Office the depositor may have named in hia application. 10. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is added to the principal on the 30th June in each year. 11. Postmtstera are forbidden by law to disclose the name of any depositor, or the amount of any sura deposited or withdrawn 12. No charge is made to depositors, on paying in or drawing out money, nor for Pass Books, nor for postage or communications with the Postmaster General in relation to their deposits. 33 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, CANADA.-(7o«/,nu.rf. 13. The Postmaster cations, complaints, or otiiers, relative to Post 14, A full statement seen at any of the Post Acton Vale. Albion. ,. v.* Alexandria. Almonte. Amhertsburg. Angus. Arkona. . Arnpr'or. Arthur. Aurora. Aylmer, East. Aylmer, West. Ayr. Barrie. > Bayfield. . Beamsville. Beauhuruois. '■.-.■ ■ Beaverton. • : Belleville, Berlin. Berthier. Blairton. Bond Head. Bothwell. Bowmauville. Braci'bridge. Bradford. Brampton. Brant ford. Bridgewater. Briglit. Brighton. Brock ville. Brooklin. Brussels. Buckingham. Campbellford. Oaunington. Carleton Place. Cayuga. ,, : Chambly Canton. . s .-,: Chatham, West. Chelsea. i^„ Chippewa. ■" . Clarksburg. Clifton. ^ ""— Cliiitoa. .^. ' : ,;• . Coaticook. I ^ /"' tob:>urg, > > •- ' Colborne. 1 General is al" .ys ready to receive and attend to all appli- other communications addressed to him by depositors or Uthce Savings Bank business, of the Regulations of the Post Office Savings Bank may be Offices named in the following List :— ^""oldwater, CoUingwood. Compton. Cooks 10 wn. Cornwall. Creemore. Danville. Dundas. Dunnville. Durham. JDlora. Erin, Exeter. Fergus. Pingil, Fort Erie, Frelighsburgh. Gait. Gananoque. Gantfraxa. Georgetown. Georgina. Goderich. Gran by. Grimsby. Guelph. Haliburton. Hamilton. Hastings. Hawkesbury. Hespeler. Hull. Huntingdon. IngersoTl. Inverness. Iroquois. Joliette. Keene. Kemptville. Kincardine. Kingston. Kings ville. Kirkfield. Knowlton. -'' Lachine. Lachute. . Lanark. '; ' Laprairie. L'Assomption. Leeds. '■>■ Lennoxville. ; Levis. Lindsay. ListoweL • ' London. L'Urignal. Lucan. Lucknow. Lyn. Madoc. Manchester. Markham. Meaford. Melbourne. Merrickville. Millbrook. Milles Roches. Milton, West. Montmagny. Montreal. Morpeth. Morrisburgh. Mount Brydgf'S. Mount Forest. Murray Bay. Napanee._; Newboro*' Newburgh. Newbury. Newcastle. New Edinburgh. New Hamburg. Newmarket. Niagara. Norwich. Norwood. Oakville. Odessa. Oil Springe. Omemee. ' Onslow. Orangeville. Oriliia. Orono. Osceola. Oshawa. Ottawa. i Owen Sound. I Paisley. Pakenham. ■ '• - iil .i-,. ■'»!'i It \ "* ■ h*. I :■>. f r'i:^ :i^l ■ t! Mi.- u POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, CANADA.— Continued. Pans, Pembroke. Penetanguishene. Perth. Peterboro. Petrolea. ^ , Picton. ■ Point St. Charles. Portage du Fort. Port Burwell. Port Colborne. Port Dalhousie. Port Dover. Port Hope. Port Rooinson. Port Rowan. Port Stanlej. Prescott. Preston. ,- Prince Albert Quebec. Renfrew. Richmond East, .' Richmond Hill. ^^ , Rimouski. Riviere du Loup en baa. Rockingham. Rosemont. St. Andrew's, East. St. Catharines, West. St. Cesaire. St. Hyacinthe. St. Jerome. Sf. Johns, East. St. Mary's, Blanchard. St. Paul's Bay. St. Roch de Quebec. St. Thomas, West. Sandwich. Sarnia. \ Sau^een. Scafboro'. /^O Seaforth. Seneca. Sherbrooke. Simcoe. Smith's Fall.s Smithville. Sorel. • • South Quebec. Sparta. Stanstead. Stayner. Stirling. Stouffville. Stratford. S vat:.roy. Streetville. Teeswater. Thorn hill. Thorold. Thurso. Tilsonburg. Toronto. Trenton. Uxbridge. Valleytield. Vankleek Hill. Vienna. Walkerton. Wallaceburg. Wardsville. Waterdown. , Waterford. Waterloo East. Waterloo West. . . Welland. Wellesley. Wellington Square. West Farnham. Weston. West Winchester. Whitby. Windsor. . ;!, Woodbridge. Woodstock. Woodville. /;; Wroxeter. Wyoming. ,, York. Yorkville. * Three Rivers. Further Offices will be added from time to time. Post Office Department, Ottawa. , Nov., 1873. TO ADVERTISERS IN THE GAZETTE. 41,' U 'hii PARTIES sending advertisements to be inserted in the ** Canada Gazette," will hereafter please observe the following rules : ; .i *- Ist. Address the *' Canada Gazette, Ottawa, Canada." .! ', . 'V'^^ 2nd. Indicate the number of insertions required. i"' :i>^i 3rd. Invariably remit the fees for such advertisements, together with the price of one Gazette, as below. Otherwise they will not be inserted. The rates are eight cents for the first insertion, and two cents for each subsequent insertion per line of nine words — each figure counting as one word. Subscrioers will also notice that the subscription, $4 per annum, is in- variably payable in advance, and that the "Gazette" will be stopped from them at the end of the period paid for. Single numbers will be charged 10 cents each, and when more than one are required by advertisers, must be renutted for likewise. ■ :' •■ BROWN CHAMBERLIN, OflSce of Queen's Printer, *- ^ ^ Queen's Printer. Ottawa, October, 1873. 85 '^•'i - ■ \' GOVERNMENT IMMIGRATION AGENTS :l . •• Halifax, ^. S.—E. Clay. St. John, N. B.—R. Shives. Miramichi, N. B — William Wilkinson, Agent. Quebec. — L. Stafford, old Custom House and Grand Trunk Station, Point Levis, where he is always in attendance on the arrival of the mail steamers, pas- senger vessels, and on the departure of all immigrant trains. Montreal. — John J. Daley. I Ottawa. — W. J. Wills, St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Station. Kingston. — R. McPhei-son, William Street. Toronto. — I'olm A. Donaldson, Immigrant Depot, at corner of Strachan avenue. Hamilton. — R. 11. Ra", Greit Western Railway Wharf (opposite station). Sherhrooke.- Henry Hubbard. London. — A. G. Smyth. Winnipeg — William Hespeler, resident Agent for Manitoba. Information respecting passenger warrants and ♦ le arrangements that are taking place from time to time with steamship companies, regarding reduced rates, may be obtain d from the Agents. They will also furnish information as to lands open for settlement in their respective Provinces and Districts, farms for sale, demand for employment, rates of wages, routes of travel, distances, expense of couveyance, and will receive and forward letters and remittances for immigrants, &c., &c. The Dominion of Canada with lis seven Provinces and the North-West Territory offers unequalled inducements to immigrants. The Provinces of Prince Edward's Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have an area cf over 32,000,000 acres, the greater part of the soil being adapted for agricultural pursuits. Fishing and mining are most important indnstrie.-^. The Prv)vince of Quebec has a territorial superficies of over 123,000,000 acres. Agriculture is the principal occupation, while the immense forests and mines and magnificeut fishing grounds afford a constantly enlarging field for human skill, labor and capital. The Province of Ontario covers an area of over 68,000,000 acres Agriculture, lumbering and mining are its most important industries. The great lakes also offer employment to seafaring occupations. The North-West Territory, extending over two million of miles superficies, is at present almost unsettled, but in richness of soil and vast extent of coal mines, Ac, offers an unboundea field for immigration. The Province of Manitoba has an area of 9,000,000 acres, composed of prairie land, interspersed with groves of timber, and offers all facilities for agricultural occupations. The Province of British Columbia has an area of 200,000,000 acres, and abounds in mineral wealth and advantages of climate, which render it a most desirable home for a large population. 86 lIDlii LIIID T he Office having the management of Indian Affairs offers to those parties, AND TO THOSE OiNLY, who agree to become ACTUAL SETTLERS, the principal part of the surveyed lands; thus encouraging the agriculturist, and shutting out speculators. The three chief localities are : in which about 200,000 acres remain disposable. The Agent for their sale is Mr. W. Plummer, Indian Office, Toronto, Between thirty and forty miles of Coloniza- tion Roads have already been made for the purDose of affording access to the dis- posable land ; and by grants from the Indian Funds to the several township muni- cipalities, various leading new roads, affording readier access to the lands, have been either opened or improved. A >-:■■ ON THE GRAND MANITOULIN ISLAND, LAKE HUROIM, there are about 25o,000 acres still for sale. The Agent is Mr. J. Phippg, Manito- waaning, and between forty and fifty miles of road have alieady been made on the Batchawana Bay Reserve, at the foot of Lak^ Superior. The disposable land* amount to about llu,000 acres. And the rear part of y ■■'. ~. ■ .1 -.. A..:.. ■ . - ..-t, : sir- 't Garden Hiver Heserve is disposable for mining locations. Abbott, at the Sault !Ste. Marie. The Agent of these two tracts is Mr. W. V»» 37 The Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Company. Incorporated hy Special Act of Parliament^ 1873. JOHN FISKEN, Esq., President. 0. 11. WATEROUS, Esq., Vice President. i) vrpctors HON. JOHN McMURRIOH, | ROBERT BE ATY, Esq., "•" - I GEORGE BOOTH, Ksq., JOHN KITCHIE, Esq. A. M. SMITH, Esq., AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 100,000 Dollars. OFFICE :— 32 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO KING ENGINE AND w Tlifi best protection against Fire extant, and to places without a good supply of water furnisliing a more efficipnt protection at less than one third the money than can be supplied in any other form. The principal cities in the United States and Can- ada have adopted them, and a Fire Department without an equipment of Chemical apparatus is not now considered up to the standard of effi- ciency. Specially recommended for Steamboats and Vessels, Churches, Hotels,, (tall Public Buildings, and indeed « jry Establishment should have thfiU as »he price brings them within the reach of all. Local and County Agents wanted in all parts of Canada. Send for cir- culars. Offices and Sale Room, 32 Colborne Street, TORONTO. Post Office Box 665. VV. MORRISON, Secretary «8 1874. 1874 Now in its 56th volume, is devoted to the Science of Man ; Physiognomy, with all the "Signs of Character," and how to Improve Body, Brain, and Feature; Ethnology, the Natural History of Man, with Portraits and Biographies of leading Men and Women ; Compatibility in our Social Relations ; Cultivation of Memory ; Choice of Pursuits, and flow to make the most of one's self, to put the " Right Man in the Right Place.' Monthly, S|^3.00 a year. Address, S. R. WELLS, Publisher. 389 Broadway Street, N.Y. THE SCIENCE OF HEAL TH, Begins its fourth volume with the January number. Its leading object is to teach all that relates to the Art of Preserving and Recovering Health. It will be the exponent of every means by which health may be preserved, strength of body and mind increased, life prolonged and disease removed, not the organ of any person or institution, but an independent, earnest teacher of the laws of life and health, published in the inter, cts of the people, and not an exponent of any man's practice or profession. Monthly, $2.00 a year. Most liberal premiums offered for Clubs. For terms, address, 8. R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway ^ N.Y. 89 , A^J STTJCOS TT. Area of Island of Anticosti, 3,750 square miles or 2,460,000 acres. 320 miles of Sea Coast. Island to be divided into 20 Counties of 120,000 acres each, having 5 Townships each, making in all 100 Townships of 24,000 acres each. Business operations will be to develope the manifold resources of the Fertile Soil, Fo- rests, Minerals and Fisheries of Anticosti ; to settle and colonize the Island with those who now frequent it and others desirous of becoming settlers thereon ; and also to establish Steamship Com- munication and a thorough Telegraphic System throughout the Island connected by a Cable with the present mainland system. Special inducements are offered to Capitalists in the purchase of Farming Properties, Timber Limits, Mineral Prospects and Fishing Stations, or for the purchase of Shares in the Capital Stock of the Company. Applications to be made to the Secretary at the Company's Office, in Montreal, or to the Manager, at Co's. Office, Nora, I. A. W. L. FORSYTH, Acting Secretary, A. KAMbAY cfe bOM, Mamifacturers and Importers Glass, Paints and Oils. Wabbhousb : Hkoollet St. ; Factory : Corner Oollbqk and Inspbotor Sts. 40 ^^■j. LOJID, MAGOR & MUNN, U'JdL .-A ]b^p))in0 a:nb Commission MeMJ^ants, MONTREAL .tris AND N ). QUEBEC. ' :' REPERBNCBS John Mnnn ^ Co., Hnrhor fjranc, ffowfunndlanil. Uari'fi/ 'ir Co., Sf. John'*, iVew/uundtamL Wm, Turbet f Son», Liverpool. JnnwJt Liimimi. ffationnl Rank Scotland, Olasgow, QiU'hec, Bank, Uontreal. Bank of Montreal, Mont Montreal, In one Volume^ Illustrated.^ Crown 8ctf., printed on Fine paper., from new type. ^\n tl tk hi Jjmmttf BY 64SOT11 m, CJH4?IIi JPrzce, In Fine English Cloth, gilt back and side, • $2.00 Sent by post on receipt of the price by - * JOHN LOVELL, Publisher, &^.,i, ».»' '■.-i 23 St. Nicholas Street, Montreal. J. B. ReiLAttQ & FILS. : ST IHP^lTif MS DE FRANCE, BELGIQUE, ALLEMAGNE ET ETATS-UNIS. , RUE ST. VINCENT, 12 & 14, MONTREAL. ■_m BOOK AND JOB POINTING. Book Work, HIank Form*, Reoclpta, PamphleCa, IiiNiiraiice Porni«, Catalogue*, PerlodicalM, Bail%vay Forntu, Cards, PrIceN Current, Leieal Forma, Funeral liOttera, ProapectUNea^ Bllla of LadliiK, Hand llllla, Clrculara. Way Bllla, Poatlutf BUU, ' AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OP Executed with the utmost despatch, and at the ,' '. VERY LOWEST PRICES. BLANK AND ACCOUNT BOOKS, OF THE POLLOWINO, AND ALL OTHEH SIZES, MADE TO ORDEB: Imperial,.. .. 141 X 21 inch. Super Royal, 12 X 18 inch. Royal, ....11 X 18 inch. I Demy, 9J X 14J inch Medium,. . .lOJ X 16i inch. | Foolscap,. ... 7J X 12i inch BOUND IN CALF, (with or without KusaiaBanda,) VELLUM, CR BASIL. RULINO TO AN^^ I»ATXE:RN RKQUIRED, Indices Bound with the Books, orfurnished loose, as maybe required ^ill ^ooJes, Letter ^ocks, Invoiae ^oohs, Guard ^ooks, (Policy ^ooks, Recount Jiirren-t ^ooks, Sales §ooks, Qontraot gooks, jankers' (Pass J^ooks, J^erohanis iMemorandum ^ooks, Sfd., S(0., made to order to any desired (Pattern. Sonntry Orders for Printing and Blank Books carefully attended to, and work despatched by the safest and cheapest modes of conveyance. / , :/ >. JOHN LOVEUr, Book add Job Primtu, axd Blank Book Manufaoturu* * » • 42 THZl NATIONAL MAOAZINB OF CANADA. Canadian ^,^ AND NATIONAL REVIEW. - 1 >» r'' Now completed : Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4, comprisine the isflues for 1872 and 1873. Each Vol. contains over 6.">0 douole cmumriH, in royal 8vo. Each voluMie in handHonie cloth cuHe, price $2.00. Cloth CascH for bindint; Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 40c. each. SubBoription— $350 per annum, Post paid, or 30o. per Number. Subscribers for 1874, bv paying $9,00 may obtaia Tke Afonthli/, from the com- mencement, the Four volumes tor 1872 and 1873 being bound. List of Club Ratei for 1874 will be found appended. ADAM, STEVENSON & CO., Toronto, December 26, 1873. Publithert. • CLUB RATES. To parties wishing to secure a really excellent monthly periodical, of national yalue and interest, the Publishers offer the following advantageous terms for Clubs — Cash in Advancb. The postajfe, two cents per copy per month, is includbd in the following rates,-each Magazine being sent prepaid from olhce of publication *. One copy for one year $3 60 , ' Three copies for one year • . . . 9 60 ! • "; ■ Five copies for one year 15 50 ^ ' Ten coities for one year, and one to the person sending us the club . 30 00 ^^^^— ■ ■ -' II ■ .1 I I ■ I — ■■■■■■ l-l. -■ ■ III — — -M. ■ II ■ I — ^— ^B^— ^—i ^^.W— ^M^ . LOVELL S Canadian Dominion Directory For 1871; TO WHICH 18 ADDED THE > ' PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND, f . Terms op Subscription (reduced to half price:) - .• .;.,,; Canada Subscribers $6 Oy. per copy, i Great Britain & Ireland Subscribers United States do 6 Gold " I Jb'l 10 Stg. per copy. , ; .^ ; France, Germany, &c., Subscribers £1 10 Stg. per copy. ■ 'V ciiV- ^'^i' •'• "^' ! i^ui CORRECTED TO JANUARY, 1871, f J "^ ^'''^<»^ir -i'^Ji WILL BE SENT FREE, ON RECEIPT OF PRIGS, BY TH2 PUBLISHER, JOHN LOVELL. Montreal, December, 1873. 43 IN PRESS: • ^ • ^ ' AND WILL BE PUBLISHED SHORTLY, A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THI pOMliMON OF CANADA, * A»l> THI PBOTINOBB Of ONTARIO, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, BRITISH COLUMBIA, MANITOBA, NEWFOUNDLANd' Prince edward island, and the north west territories, WITH AX APPENDIX, 00HTAm.NO .FORMATION or E3PB0UL INIEKEST TO THE EMIOEANT, ' AND A TABLE OF ROUTES, Showing the phoximity op the Railroad Stations, and Sea, Lake, and RiVEB Ports, to the Cities, Towns and Villages in '- ' BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. ^ _, JOHN LOVELL, PUBLISHER, 44 » ^ f » r. €Uilf£ 11 100 GREY NUN STREET, MONTREAL. f"*! IMPORTERS OP BOILER PLATES, GALVANIZED IRON, X v CANADA PLATES, TIN PLATES, Boiler Tribes, Q-cts Tizbes, Ingot Tin, Rivets, Yeined Marble, Ingot Copper, Iron Wire, Roman Cement, Sheet Copper, Steel Wire, Portland Cement, Antimony, -/Glass, Canada Cement, Sheet Zinc, ' Paints, Paving Tiles, Ingot Zinc, •,_ Fire Clay, Garden Vases, Pig Lead, Flue Covers, _x}f Chimney Tops, Dry Red Lead, Fire Bricks, Fountains, Dry White Lead, DRAIN PIPES, Patent Encaustic Paving Tiles, &c. ■'