Having carefully read this little Book, I can recommend it to all learning the French lan- guage, as not only generally useful, but as the best assistance to obtam a speedy knowledge of the Genders, always considered one of the most difficult parts of the French language. Professor. McGiLL College, Sept. 23, 1859. ■' '\:-;'^M:. ■-'''''''' ':'■'.""/ FRENCH GENDERS TAUGHT IN SIX FABLES: BEING A PLAIN AND EASY ART OF MEMORY, BY WHICH THE GENDERS OP 15,548 FRENCH NOUNS MAY BE LEARNED IN A EISW HOURS. EE-PEINTED BY MRS. BLACKWOOD. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1859. t/'. a ' ■• % :i PREFACE. In the publication of this work I am influ- enced by a thorough conviction of its utility^ Its object is to remove the greatest obstacle to the acquirement of the French language j by fixing indelibly in the memory, the genders of the French nouns ; without a perfect know- ledge of which, it is impossible to speak that language with even tolerable propriety. French is now learned by almost every class, and its importance duly appreciated. It is a species of universal passport. I am persuaded therefore, that this little book will prove gene- rally acceptable ; as by a plain and easy me- thod, it leads the learner over the most diffi- cult step in this useful and elegant acquirement. The most striking difference between the Eng- lish and French languages consists in the genders of their nouns. In English, we call a male by the masculine term he ; a female, by he feminine term she ; and anything inanimate by the neuter terra it. The French likewise tftll a ftiale he^ and a female shej as We do ; but by a fault in the genius of their language, they have no neutef, but call every inanimate thing either he or she^ making it masculine or femi* nine ; and hence arises the difficulty. A child learning French Can see no reason why a chair or a table should be called she^ or why a hinge Or a nail should be called he ; these things are neither males nor females, and it therefore ap- pears strange to the learner that they should be classed as masculines and feminines ; but they are so classed, and must be learned cor- rectly. To accomplish this is a very great difficulty to all persons learning French ; it is extremely troublesome to pupils even of the quickest talents and most retentive memory, who learn from the French grammars now in use. Though some of them are extremely well ' arranged for grammatical instruction in other ' respects, in regard to thB genders they are en- ' tirely destitute of any contrivance to assist the memory, while the almost endless lists of rules and exceptions are fit only to harass and dis- courage learners of even the readiest abilities. " So impracticable are these rules, that I have known masters to recommend their pupils to go completely through the French dictionary, and copy out all the nouns, prefixing the gen- der to each,— a labor of weeks ; and I mncfa question whether a twentieth part of them would by that method be fixed in the mind^ unless the copying were many times repeated j and, after all the trouble and consumption of time, the pupil, being without any certain rules^ would seldom feel an absolute confidence in the correctness of his memory. To obviate the necessity of this disheartening labour on the one hand, or recurrence to a confused labyrinth of insufficient rules on the other, the learner is here furnished with a plain ^' Art of iltfemori/," from which I am convinced that the genders of all the French nouns may be learned in a few hours, and learn- ed so as never to be forgotten. I feel the more confident on this point, as a French teacher of great experience who has taught French in England during the last 42 years, assured me that many natives of France would derive great benefit from this book, in fixing the genders in the memory. I offer it, therefore, to the public in general, and to teachers in particular, with a certainty that it will fully answer the purpose desired ; and by putting within the reach of all, what has hitherto been scarcely attainable by any, it will be found equally beneficial to the teacher, the pupil, and the adult* . ^1 Knowledge and learning Cannot be acquired without exertion ; those who aspire to possess these distinctions, must prove by industry and perseverance that they deserve them ; but much may be done to assist the memory by art and method, and it is the duty of every teacher to render the path of improvement as smooth as possible. •■.'..'.-'' 'i' ■■;!■: ' /r M. Blackwood, / '; ^ Beaver Hallj No, 16, :' Montreal, 1 Sept., 1859. , ; :.;..■> ■ ■ ■.' . .( '■ ^V :;,..■ ;,:i'v"Yi' ■'&'•' ■■/■ • ■ ; ' . ' . . :■ ;. : ; ■■ '■'■■:, H\ii. . ) • I «,- INTRODUCTION. . ■;.:.»>« ;-,">'• '- 'M. The system by which the genders of the French nouns may be most readily and firmly fixed in the memory, begins by classing them by their final syllables. Thus ■ there are 643 nouns ending in er, which are all masculine except two : there are 144 ending in oir, all masculine without a • single exception : 70 in a/, 24 in ais, and 83 in arc?, all masculine without exception : and 305 in et^ all masculine except one word. Therefore, if these six endings can be fixed in the memory, as masculines, the learner will know the genders of 1269 nouns. But the difiiculty is to remember long lists of terminations, and to fix in the mind the gender of each. There are many grammars where whole pages are filled with terminations and exceptions ; but they contain nothing to assist the memory, — no clue by which the ending is connected to its own particular gender. Those who learn from these books may perhaps re- member that all nouns ending in ais are of the same gender; but there being no guide- or catchword to assign ais to the mascu-- lines, they must be continually in doubt. My plan to help the memory is this: I have introduced the masculine endings in three Fables^ the actors in which fables are^ masculine. Every noun in these three fables is masculine ; and no nouns are admitted into them but such as give the rules. Thu& the endings mentioned above are given in the first four lines of the first fable^ which a pupil can easily learn in half an hour, and thus acquire the genders of five thousand seven hundred and ten French nouns* ' Le Cheval et le Sanglieb. Un sanglier fier de son pouvoir^ Prenant ]efrais dans un bosquet^ Eencontra un beau soir Par hazard un bidet* Here the word cheval will fix the nouns^ in al ; sanglier, those in er ; and so of the? rest. Having learned these fables by heart*- perfectly, which, as they are only three in number, may be accomplished in a very few hours, the pupil, when he meets with a noun ending like any one of those nouns given in the fables, will easily ascertain the gender by recurring to the guiding word : for instance, if he wants to use a word ending in ais or in ard,^ he will im- mediately call to mind ihe^ordsfrais or ha- zard^ and, remembering that those nouns oc- cur in the fable with wusculine actors^ viz. a wild boar^ a horse^ and a man, he will decide at once and with confidence thatai« and ard are masculine terminations, and that the word he wants is masculine. The feminine endings, being introduced in three fables having a female speaker in each of them, and every noun in them feminine, will be fixed in the memory in the same manner. The exceptions, which are not very numerous, must be learned by heart. The pupil must remember that the nouns ONLY give the rule; they are printed in italics to be more readily observed : but of course a person learning French cannot be so ignorant of grammar as to find any diflSculty in distinguishing the substantive from the other parts of speech. 10 ; In the perusal of these fables I trus^tthat * the reader will remember, that, as the plan : required a certain number of endings to be • introduced with connection in a fable, all the masculines being in one place and all '• the feminines in another, there could be little choice as to words and phrases. This ought to disarm all criticism against the construction of the lines and sentences. For the peculiarity and oddity of some of the lines, I shall make no apology, as the practice of Von Feinagle ir his admi- rable " Art of Memory," and the experience of all who have formed systems to aid the memory, agree in proving that eccentric, quaint, or, as they may be called, outrof- the-way expressions^ are much more easily fixed in the recollections than sentences unmarked by any peculiarity. FIRST MASCULINE FABLE. Which gives the gender o/* 5710 Nouns. Lk Cheval et le Sanglier. Un sanglier (1) fier de son pouvoir, (2) Prenant lefrais (3) dans un bosquet, (4) Ren contra un beau soir, ^ Par hazard (5) un bidet. ^ ' ■ ' . y. 11 Ho 1 maraud^ (6) dit-il en furieux^ (7) T/i. Qui te rend si audacieux? ^^ i > ^^s* - .^-n rl M Que faia-tu ici malotru? (8) *^ > •' ^ ;- M Oh /7m / (9) Rien dis-tu ! Je suis le roi (10) etlemattre (11) ici, Pardi! ^ • De e/m/z (12) a Mai, (13) de Mercredi a Mardi : (14) Et \A des V instant, (15) sans dire mo^, (16) Tu ne tournes pas le dos, (lY) Fat! (18) je te mangerai commeuii gigot. Le cheval (19) en ce cas, (20) Retourna sur ses pas; Vite, comme de lait (21) ou de vin (22) un ocean (23) Coule dans Yestomac (24) d^xrn ffourmand; (25) Aussi vite qu'un oiseau (26) ou le vent, (27) Notre cheval en furibond, (28) Pour se venger de cet affront (29) A Yhomme (30) s'adressa; Et son antagoniste (31) lui nomma. Oui, dit I'homme, mais un mord, (32) un . licoii, (33) II faut te mettre sur le cou. II n'aime point le licou, Et il croit que le/mn, (34) N'a pas le bon goiit (35) De Vherbage (36) ou du grain, (3*7) 12 _,^'i."7^ ^j^ Neanmoins il part, et dans le viandis (38) II trouve son ennemi. Plein de courage et de Jlel^ (39) Comme Veclair^ (40) feu du ciel, lis s'elancent sur le tyran ; Et le chasseur (41) mort I'etend. Le cheval le rernercie Avec beaucoup d':spn7; (42) Et maintenant que j'ai mon hut^ (43) Adieu ! dit-il ; mais Phomme I'arrfete d*un refus ! (44) Non ! non ! mon pauvre fou, J'ai besoin (45) de vous, Dit le chasseur, et puis II Ten train e au logis. Ainsi Yorgueil (46) et 1' outrage, Furent punis dans le sanglier : Et le cheval par un dur esclavage, Paya cher \q plaisir (47) de s'etre veng6. NOTES TO THE FIRST MASCULINE FABLE. 1, Sanglier, — There are 643 nouns ending in er^ all masculine except la mer, the sea, and une cuiller^ a spoon. I re- commend those learners who are advanced beyond childhood to fix all exceptions in the memory, by forming them into short sentences, after the manner of Feinagle, iu 13 his "Art of Memory." For instance, they might say the man who attempts to learn without method^ is like one who tries to empty th'C sea with a spoon ; vider la mer avec une cuiller. After which it is scarce- ly possible that the words mer and cuiller could enter the mind, without being re* membered as exceptions. 2. Pouvoir, — There are 144 words in oir^ all masculine, 3. Frais. — 24 in ais^ all masculine. 4. Bosquet. — 305 French liouns end in et : the only one feminine is une for6t, a forest. 6. Hazard, — 83 in ard; are all masculine. 6. Maraud. — 22 ending in aud, all mas- culine. 7. Furieux. — The learner will observe that this adjective is here used as a substan- tive. French adjectives are very frequently made substantives^ There are 50 nouns in eux^ all masculine. 8. Malotru. — There are 49 nouns in w, of which glu, birdlime, tribu, a tribe, and vertu, virtue, are feminine. Bru, a daughter- in*law, is feminine of course. Words which are masculines or feminines absolute, as designating males and females, it is not necessary to except particularly, as their gender must be immediately obvious. 14 0. Hien, — 78 in erij all masculine. 10. Boi. — Of 24 in o^, Joi and foi, law and faith, are the only fcrninines, except parol, a wall, which is chiefly used in tne plural. 11. Maitre, — 4 in aitre^ masculine. 12. Juin, — 1 in uin^ masculine. 15. Mai. — 17 in m, all masculine. 14. MardL — There are 98 nouns in ^, of which the feminines are merci, mercy, fourmi, an ant, and I'apres^midi, the after- noon. 15. Ins taut, ^--123 in ant, many of which are pv iciples converted into substantives J are all masculines. 16. l/o^— Of 102 in ot, the only femi- nine is la dot, the marriage portion. 17. Dos,' — 12 in os, all masculine. 18. Fat, — 138 in at^ all masculine. 19. Cheval. — 69 in al^ all masculine. 20. Cas, — 68 in as, all masculine. 21. Lait, — 15 in ait, all masculine. 22. Vin, — Of 239 in in, fin, the end, is the only feminine. 23. Ocean, — 95 in a?i, all masculine. 24. jEJstomac. — 21 in ac, all masculine. 25. Gourmand, — 13 in and, all mascu^ line. ' - 26. Oiseav. — Of 226 nouns in aw, peati, the skin, and eau, water, are the only feminines. 27* Vent.' — Of 719 nouns in entj gent, a nation, and dent, a tooth, are the only feminines. 28. Furibond, — 10 in ond^ all masculine. 29. Affront.~(j in ont^ all masculine. 30. Homme. — There are 13 in omme^oi which somme, a sum, gomme, gum, and pomme, an apple, are feminine. Somme, a sleep or .ap, is masculine. 31. Autagoniste, — Of 151 in iste^ piste, a footstep, batiste, cambric, and liste, a list, are feminine. 32. Mord. — 13 in ord^ all masculine. 33. Licou. — 41 in ow, all masculine. 34. Frein. — 9 in em, all masculine. 35. GoM. — 23 in out^ all masculine. 36. Herbage, — There are 374 nouns in agCy of which the following are feminine : rage, rage, image, an image, page, a page of a book, cage, a cage, nage, the act of sailing, ambages, doubtful expressions, and passe- rage and saxifrage, the names of plants. The two last are seldom used. 37. Grain. — Of QQ in am, la main, the hand, is feminine : it takes its gender from the Latin manus. ';■ • *•; ■ 16 8B. Viandis, — Of 127 in /s, soutis, a tnouse, vis, a screw, brebis, a sheep, and fleur-de-Ii?, are feminine ; as are Iris and Themis of course, as females. •89 Mel. — 45 in tl^ all masculine. 40. Eclair, — 1*7 in aeV, all masculine, tjxcept la chair, the flesh, which is derived from, and follows the Latin caro, carnis. 41, Chasseur. — As words of this ending occur very frequently, the learner must be quite perfect in this note. There are 1234 words in eur^ all masculine but 67 : but though the exceptions are so numerous, they may be learned in two minutes. Re- member that, except six, all the masculine nouns in eur designate men in their ac- tions or trade, and are derived fi^m verbs, or Latin nouns in or, as parleur, jaseur, acteur, lecteur, &c. The six masculines in euVj which do not designate men, are heur, luck, and its compounds bonheur, malheur, with bonheur^, deshonneur, and pleurs, tears. Therefore, except the above six, whenever the learner meets with a word in eur, which expresses a living creature, he must remem- ber it is masculine ; and if it does not, it is feminine. The 67 feminines in eur, ex- press properties and qualities, as laideur, ugliness, hauteur, height, rongeur, red- ness, &c. 42. Esprit — 44 in ity all masculine. 48. ^lA^. — 22 in w^, all masculine. 44. Mefus, — 34 in us^ all masculine. 46. Besoin. — 15 in oin^ all masculine. The reader will observe that I could not well include oin in the rule otin^ait in the rule of ity &c., as, though the gender i the same, the pronunciation is so different that the memory would not easily refer besoin to vin, or lait to esprit. A^. Orgueil. — 78 in «7, all masculine. 47. Plaisir, — 17 in ir, all masculine. The learner will observe, that though in these fables a termination is sometimes re- peated, yet none are to be found but such as give the rule, therefore the repetition will help rather than confuse the memory: thus, for a word in of, or age^ if mot and herbage do not instantly occur to the mind as the guiding word, gigot and courage very probably may : and so of the rest. SECOND MASCULINE FABLE. Which gives the Gender q/* 1470 Nouns. LeS deux MiLITAIRES ET L^OuRS. Deux fils (1) de Mars (2) frais et gaillards, Pour voyager prirent leur depart : (3) B T r J^sr Et firent entr^eux le marchi (4) De mutuellement s'assisten ' f ! Au declin du/owr (6)'' lis entendent un grand bruit ; (6) Et hurlant un ours (7) . D'un bois (8) sortit. '; ' * II vient droit k nos militaires ; (9) lis ne peuvent fuir, et que faire? Un d'eux leger et dispos, Laisse son compagnon (10) seul; Et 8'elan5ant d'un satitj (11) Grimpe sur un tilleul. (12) L'autre, qui toujours le rosbif (IS) aima, Et qui buvait comme un Czar, (14) ou un jBacAa, (16) Et qui etait aussi gras et gros [Qu'un moine, (16) ou q}!^ un populo : (17^ ^ ' Dans un sillon (18) s'6tendit, Tout de son loriff ; (19) et le mort (20) contrefit. fours s'approche en courroux: (21) Mais il manque son coup ; (22) Car en lui flairant le corps^ (23) II prend notre homme pour un mort. . Et comme aux cad&vres (24) il ne touche pas, Comme ymdogue (25) grognant il s'en va. Le matamore (26) de Varbre (21) descend^^ Et djemanda ce que Fours avait dit : V'i*.' W: Car du haut dit-il j'ai observfe Que de pr^s il sembiait te parlen r " Ouil il m'a averti lui dit-il, ' Que celui qui d^serte son ami, Dans le temjJS (28) du piril (29) N'est digne que de m6pris. NOTES TO THE SECOND MASCULINE FABLK 1. Fits. — ^There are 6 nouns in t7«, all masculine. 2. Mars, — 7 in ars, all masculine. 3. Depart, — Of 24 in arf,hart, a halter, part, a part, and its compounds quotepart and plupart are the only feminines. 4. Marche. — Th>e learner must take par- ticular notice that nouns ending in i with Uhe acute accent are to be divided into two tlasses: viz. l«t, those which end in t6, as bont6, beaute, «fec., and 2^d, those where the final 6 is preceded by some other letter than t, as marche, cur6, abbe, cafe, &c. It is only with the latter class we have to do in this place, as te is a feminine ending, and is noticed in note 20 of the first femi- ■ nine fable, at the word beaute* Remember therefore that everyone of the 347 words ending in 6 with the acute <''^jaccent, not immediately preceded by t, is 20 d *v", '/v'""' masculine, except these 4 ferninines, piti^, pity, moiti6, moiety, amide, friendship, and iniraiti6, hatred ; which may be fixed in this sentence, — C'estgrande piti6 quand un homme change Vamitii qu^l avait pour sa moitie en inimitie. 5. Jour, — Of 28 in our and 6 in ur, all are masculine except coury a court, and its compounds, and tour, a tower, a castle at chess. Tour, a turn, a trick, a turner^s too!^ is masculine. 6. Bruit. — Of 15 in uit, nuit, night, is the only feminine. Minmt, midnight, is masculine* 7. Ours. — There are 11 in ours, all maa- culine. S sounds in un ours. 8. JBois, — Of 23 in m, the only femi- nine is fois, time* 9. Militaire. — There are 198 words in aire. They are all masculine except 11 names of plants, as zedoaire, Ac, and af- faire, business, aire, a floor, glaire, the white of an egg, paire, a pair, grammaire, grammar, chaire, a pulpit, and jugulaire, the jugular vein. 10. Compagnon, — As about one ninth part of the French substantives end in an^ the learner must be very exact in their genders. They are subdivided into 4 classes, 21 — nouns in ion and aisorij which belong to tb^ feminities, and iilon and ott, which belong to the masculines. For illoa see note 18 of this fable. Of those which end in on {without being in ion^ aison, and illon) there are 405. These are all mas- culine except 4 designations of women, as laideron, &c., and the following, which I have formed into a sentence to help the memory : Get homme en pamoison, qu^on ^ntraine en prison avec des maudissonSy a coramis une trahisorij car on I'envoya pour acheter du ble, dans la moisson^ pour en fournir k foison^ toute la garnison ; mais suivantsa/afon, il d^pensa tout en boisson et chansons, II a vendu sa toison pour sa rangon. Cette legon doit ^tre sa guerison. The exceptions in on are in italics. 11. SauL — 14 in autj all masculine. 12. Tilleul, — 10 in eul^ all masculine. 13. Roshif, — Roast-beef. The French also say un rosbif d'agneau, a roasted quar ter of lamb. There are 47 nouns in i/j all masculine. 14. Czar, — ^ in ar^ all masculine. 15< Bacha. — The 65 nouns in a are all words adopted from other languages : they are all masculine, except sepia, bandora, talpa, falaca, and vinula. 22 16. Maine. — Of 12 in oine^ all are mas- culine except the names of plants and stones. lY. Populo. — Of 43 in o, mostly bor- rowed from the Italian, the only exception is virago, which is feminine of course, as denoting a female, 18. Sillon. — 44 in ilhriy all masculine without exception. 19. Long, — 2 in ong^^ both masculine. 20. Mortj here means a dead man. La mort, death, is the only feminine of 21 in ort. 21. Courroux, — Of 9 in oi^cc, toux, a cough, is the only feminine. 22. Coup, — 5 in oup^ all masculines. 2S. Corps, — 2 in orps^ both masculine. 24. Caddvres. — 2 in avre, both mas- culine. 25. Dogue. — Of 26 in ogue^ the only feminines are drogue, eglogue, vogue, sy- nagogue, and pirogue, a canoe. 26* Matamore, — Of 19 in ore, mandra- gore, metaphore, and pecore, are feminine. 27. Arbre. — 3 in arbre, all masculine, 28. Temps. — 3 in emps, all masculine. 29. Piril, — 62 in il, all masculine with* out exception. '■'V'V;; a17'. ^T vi^l f'^?:''^'^^ ' ~ V''. I " :^V;>''T ■ ■ '^ "" "/"'^^' > V-'i'f*^' ■^: ™ ^ V^t 2r THIKO MASCTJLlilf MLK TFiiicil ffiveii the Gmdefr of 567 Nounsi, L'AviDE (1) trompe et puni. A un Arahe^ (2) esbldve (3) a Rome, (4) on avait dit. Que dans un dnotaphe (5) il y avait nn trisor, (6). Yers le minuit il s'y introduisit, Croyant y gagner un kilofframnie {^)d^or^ Un sac de cutr (c Vpesant il y trouva, Que tout j oy eux il emporta : Mais il trouva du micompte (9) qiiand il I'examinait : Car au lieu de For quMl attendait, II n*y trouve que nombre (10) de Lares (11) AQphmh (12) Et de cuivrey (13) auxquels les pr6tres de Rome. Des dieux des aires (14) donnaient le Twm (15) Les jparens (16) du difunt (17) inform6s du sacrilege Entrainerent le coupahle (IJS) devant le siege (19) Du coTisi^Z (20) de Rome, des juges (21) unjprodige (22) 2i ^^J^W7'"r^-7f'r^"'"Z^'-^^^^ Qui dit, le hienrStre (23) du public (24) exige Que ce vol (25) d^iconoclaste (26) soit puni ; Et que vififft (27) coups de baton soient le prix (28) D'avoir meprise Vasile (29) des morts, Et les emhlemes (30) des dieux que Rome adore. Par le travail (31) du ministre (32) et du disciple (33) du droit Le hilitre (34) souffre avec stoicisme (S5j le chatiment de son exploit (36) Et a ses compagnons dit de sangfroid (3Y) Messires I (38) avant de courir aucun ris- que (39) sachez pourquoi ! NOTES TO THE THIRD MASCULINE FABLE. 1. Avide. — ^There are 38 nouns in ide: the feminines are ride, a wrinkle, bride, a bridle, guide, a rein, with ^gide, pyramide, and cantharide. 2. Arabe. — Of 12 in abe^ all are mascu- line but Souabe, Suabia, and syllabe, a syllable. By a singularity, the compounds of syllable, as monosyllable, &c., are mas- culine. 25 8. JEsclave. — Of 19 in ai;^, the feminines are cave, a cellar, rave, a raddish, with oc- tave, have, entraves, and 6paves, strayed animals. 4. Home. — 2*7 in ome, all masculine. 5. Cinotaphe. — Of 31 in aphe, all are masculine except <5pigraphe, ^pitaphe, or- thographe. 6. Tresor, — 12 in or, all masculine. ^. Kilogramme, — There are 19 nouns in amme ; of which all that do not end in gramme are feminine, as are anagramme and epigramme. 8. Cuir, — 1 in uir, masculine. 9. Mecompte,—1 in ompte, 2 in omte, all masculine. 10. Nomhre, — 9 in ombre, all masculine except ombre, shade. 11. Lares. — The Lares were, among the Romans, household gods, or gods of the fireside, where small metal images of them a few inches long were placed. They were so called from lar, home. Of 19 nouns in are, the feminines are cithare, tare, fan- fare, and tiare. 12. Plomb. — 4 in omh, all masculine. 13. Cuivre. — Of 8 in ivre, livre, a pound- weight, is the only feminine. Livre, a book, is masculine. 26 . 14, Aire.'^20 in air^, all masculine but fin&tre, bad silk» 4 in arire^ all masculine but tartre, a salt. 16* iVoT^i. — 7 in om, all masculine. 16. Parens. — 11 in ens, all masculine. 17. Ddfunt. — 3 in W/W^, all masculine. 18. Coupabit ?0 in able, all mascu- line except fable, table, and etable. 19. SUge. — 11 in ige^ all masculine. 20. Consul. — 8 in ul, all masculine. 21. Juge, — 10 in uge, all masculine. - 22. Prodige. — 14 in ige, all musculine except tige, the body of a tree. 23. JSien-Sire. — Of 36 in Stre, gu6tre, a gaiter, and fenetre, a window, are the only feminines. : = 24. Public. — lb in ic, all masculine. 25. Vol.— ^19 in ol, all masculine. 26. Iconoclastey from two Greek words, signifies a breaker and despiser of sacred images. Of 10 in aste, all are masculine except caste, a tribe, and haste, a dart, which follows the Latin hasta. 2Y. Vingt — 1 in ingi, as le vingt de ce mois, masculine, 28. Prix. — Of 11 in ia?, perdrix, a par- tridge is the only feminine. 29. Asile. — I have taken a licence to call a cenotaph, " asile des morts : " but it 27 means an empty tomb. Of 24 in ilCf the feminines are pile, virgile, lie, bile, file, and their compounds. The learner must dis- tinguish ihj from ille, which belongs to the feminines. , . / : V 30. UmhlSme, — Of 36 in ime^ br^me, cr&me, and trireme arc feminine, and a se- quence at piquet, as la septieme. When part or share is spoken of, the numerals become nouns masculine, as, un douzieme, a twelfth part. 31. Travail, — 24 in ai7, all masculine, as are 6 in astre^ 4 in usire and 7 in estrcy except orchestre. 32. Ministre, — 5 in istre, all masculine, as are 6 in astre^ 4 in ustre, and 7 in esire, except orchestre. 33. Disciple. — 4 in iple, all masculine. 34. Belitre, — Of 18 in itre^ vltre, a win- dow, epitre, mitre, and litre, are feminine. 35. Stoicisme. — 110 in isme^ all mascu- line. 36. Exploit. — 10 in oit, all masculine. 37. Sangfroid. — 2 in oid^ and 2 in oids^ all masculine. 38. Messires. — 20 in ire, all masculine except cire, satire, mire, ire, and Hegire. 39. Misque.^-Q in isque^ all masculine except bisque, an advantage, and brisqu^ a game at cards. 28 : ■.').^>j»"rr The pupil, having learned the three pre- ceding fables by heart and read the notes with attention, will know the genders of 7747 masculine nouns. I will add two easy rules, which give 377 more, and there will then remain only a few masculines in I mutej which, by those who wish to be fery exact, may be learnt separately. , RULE L There are 310 nouns which end with A CONSONANT, and are of terminations dif- ferent from all those given in the six fables. These 310 nouns are all masculme^ except faim, hunger, paix^ peace, chaux, lime, clef, a key, moeurs, manners, soif, thirst, croix, a cross, noix, a nut, poix, pitch, voix, the voice, and La Toussaint, AH Saints' day. Remember, therefore, that the guide to this rule is the final letter being a consonant. RULE IL There are 66 nouns of which the last vowel that sounds is a Y : these are all masculine, except a few words seldom used, viz. hydre, clepsydre, idylle, sibylle, hymne, lymphe, nymphe, crypte, lyre, martyre, analyse, and amethyste. 29 Masculine Words in e mute not compre- hended in the preceding rules. Tin sabre, a sabre TJn cand61abre, a chande- lier Le sacre, the consecration TJn acte, an act TJn pacte, a compact Le diaphragm e, the dia- phragm TJn aigle, an eagle Le vinaigre, vinegar TJn glaive, a sword L'anibre, amber Le bUme, reproof TJn drame, a play Le camphre, camphor 15 n cancre, a crab Le change, change TJn melange, a medly TJn angle, an angle Le manque, want Le chanvre, hemp TJn vacarme, an uproar TJn charme, a charm TJn cigarre, a cigar TJn masque, a mask TJn casque, a helmet TJn asthme, an asthma TJn saule, a willow TJn aune, an elder-tree TJn royaume, a kingdom Le baume, balme TJn psaume, a psalm L'axe, the axis Le luxe, luxury TJn buste, a bust TJn muscle, a muscle TJn volume, a volume "Un rhilime, a cold Le costume, dress Le cultCj worship TJn tumulte, a tumult TJn vestibule, hall TJn scrupule, a doubt TJn pendule, a pendulum Le crdpuscule, twilight TJn globule, a small globe Le Sucre, sugar TJn microscope, a micros- r 36 all feminine but parachute, and ^doute, doubt* 28. Richesse, — 90 in esse^ all feminine without exception* SECOND FEMININE FACLE. Which gives the Gender of 1451 Norms, La Jolie Julienne, la Tulipe, et la KOSE. Julienne^ (1) 1^ "^osiire^ (2) reine^ (3) de la f6te, Avec sa couronne (4) siirla t&te, De sa conduite (6) sans tache (6) digne re- compense, (Y) /' Courait dans les allees s'echappant de la danse. D'une onde (8) pure elle ariose. Ssi favorite, (9) sa chere rose. (10) La tulipe, (11) de la rose voisine. A \a jaunisse (12) de jalousie faisant la mine, (13) ^ 'PeLT pique (14) dit a notre Heroine, Pourquoi, Mademoiselle (15) de grace, Faut41 que je cede \a place (16) A cette rougeaude, (17) cette idole, (18) Dont tu sembles etre/o?/e .^ (19) Pourquoi sans rime (20) ni raison, (21) 36 Perdrais-je a la comparaison ? Dans ta robe (22) en guirlande (23) tu la places ; Ou dans tes boucles (24) tu I'enlaces. N'ai-je pas une excuse (25) d'etre en coUre^ (2§) De te voir avec xneLrlvale^ (27) cette nahote^ (28) Et qu'^ moi toujours on prefere GQite 2^ii^biche, (29) cette sotte'i (40) Ne soit point en peine, Reprit la vie^^ge (31) reine : Ne le prends pas en grippe, (32) Jalouse tulip e : Dans la gelee je te couvris de naite, (33) Mais tu I'oublies ingrate ! (34) Neanmoins sans adulation. Tu merites notre admiration : Mais souviens-toi que la beaute exterieure Cedera toujours aux beautes interieures. NOTES TO THE SECOND FEMININE FABLE. 1. Julienne. — There are 22 nouns in enne^ all feminine. 2. Rosier e, — Of 297 nouns ending in iirey all are feminine except cimetiere. Words in ere are classed separately. At Salenci, in France, a young woman is an- 37 nually chosen " queen of the rosej^ La Ro- siiiRE. This honour is conferred for super- eminent virtue and correctness of demean- our. The queen is crowned with a garland of roses on the 8th of June. Madame de Genlis has written a little play in which this pleasing and honourable ceremony is admirably described ; it is called La Rosiere de Salenci. 3. Heine, — 12 in eine, all feminine. 4. Couronne, — 30 in onne^ all feminine except personne, nobody. Personne, a per- son, is feminine. 5. Conduite. — 12 in uite, all feminine. 6. Tache. — Of 30 nouns in ache, the only masculines are gamaches, gaiters, panache, a plume, rel^cbe, relaxation, and 3 or 4 names of men, as bravache, a bully,