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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film^s an comman9ant par la pramiAra page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un das symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le cas: le symbols -^^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, plenches. tableaux, etc.. peuvent ixte filmAs A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche ^ drolte, et de haut en Las. en prenant le nombre d'imagas n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I . O. H. M. B. Ar DfnUp ifinittmr. LABORATORY INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN ISTo. 167 SPIRITUS AETHERIS NITROSI 9170—1 LABORATORY Ot TBI INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA. CANADA BULLETIN No. 1(J7 SPIKITUS AETHERIS NITROSI Ottawa, December 9, 1908. W. J. Gerald, Esq., Deputy Minuter of Inland Revenue. Sir,— I have the honour to report upon 77 samples of Spiritui A$th«ru Xilrtmi or Spirit of Nitrous Ether, collected throughout Canada in OctoVyr iaat. Thin important drug consiHts essentially of a solution of ethyl nitrite in alcohol. The directions given for its preparation in the British Pharmacopoeia are such aa to produce a solution answering the following official tests. Treated for deoompontion of the nitrite, at normal temperature and pressure, it should yield, ' when freshly prepared, at least 6J, but not more than 7, volumes of nitric oxide gas, corresponding to at least 2i parte by weight of ethyl nitrite in 100 parts by weight of the spirit : and even after it has been kept for some time, and the vessel containing it has occasional* been opened, it should yield not much less than 6 times its volume of the gai, correspond- ing to nearly 2 per cent by weight of ethyl nitrite or a minimum of IJ per cent' The United States Fbarmacopceia reijuires 4 per cent of ethyl nitrite in the freshly prepared article, corresponding to 1 1 times its volume of nitric oxide. The percentage content in ethyl nitrite, as given in the table of analyses, is calculated upon the basis of 4 per cent othyl nitrite, equivalent to 11 volumes of nitric oxide. It may be incidentally noted that Dr. Leech (The LuTuset, London, Feb, 1889) has shown that this preparation owes ite characteristic physiological properties to ite content of ethyl nitrite. But, apart from this consideration, so long as the article remuns pbarmacopoeal, it is the duty of this Department, as administering the Adulteration Act, to see that the requirements of the Pharmacopceias are met The following per- centages of ethyl nitrite are distinctly required by the pharmacopoeias in question. BRITISH PHARMACOP(EIA. For freshly prepared Spirite of Nitrous Ether. Per cent Maximum 2 ■ 56 Minimum • 2-27 For spirits ' kept some time, Ac' Minimum 1 ' 76 u- s UNITU) BTATM PHARMACWPOtlA. ReouirM 4 per cent of ethyl nitrit*. I 2, eomp^ to pronounce M Munpk. oont*imng Urn than I 7» P" ^ of ethyl nitrite V7d«lt«»ted under •ection 7 of the Adulteration Act (R.8. 1906. oh*p MaS)^ known that ihU preparation grwlually lo«s. '»■ •»'»"«»»» ^.^^^S J^ fact 1. exiXly .UUd In the fhaVmacop«ia.. It follow, that druggist, ^Id Uke Dm«r nKtlon-to enable then, to guarantee the article which they di.pen«.. m S^nBTu^lThT minimum .trength offloially r«,uired. It will be .een that four m Si "«'i'Sl " oUin no eihyl nitrite whitev.r ; while (16) fifteen other. eonlUUn •..StalfTone per cent. A phyician pr^ribin« .uch an article woul.l M.ur«l y bTdSTppdnted In r^lU ; and whin we bear in mincT that th.. drug u. ' much u*ed in tabriU SttoD.,to produce critical .weating; a« a diuretic to relieve strangury pSu^by «ntb»ri«L,inall painful .««;tion. of the urinary apparatua, whether S^toSd L3c«lou. or Inflamlnatory duordcr., and in affection, of the k.d.«»yN m ^^k~!««2*i„n of tiMMie on»n. occur. and to quiet nervou. agiUtion,' we ct.'lZrS'r!e^rt.X"d'anl?rtothe public which* I. involved in the failure of druggicu to keep thU drug up to pharmacop» gX^Wde^^rio^ted, ^ that I think it ought .to be kept m ^'}^^^'^^^'i'Xt^t S!d with gl.M .topperi and of such rize that it will be d>.po«xl of in about a fortnight after being openew» Bn»., Tniro, N.M. . 3 ,. S37M K. A. Smith, Truro, N.H. 8 .. I6RI6A. V. ltemt.WolfrtU«,N.8.3 .. l»N*t Dru«. Cn.,Halltex,I(.M. Z) R. Mfri'k, (lamisny an I'nknown 86; K, lilvfok t DI8TRICT or PRINCK RDWARU MLANIV- ObL WSpirUofnitrouiirthn 31411 N. R. Rovyrr, Cnt|«iKi. . . . 31412 J. ft G. .UnicMm, Chw U>tt<>k>Hrn 31413.1. E UklUni, Tiini>h. ... 31414 MoKayrtcii ft NIcUIIm, Huiiiiii«niifl«. 31415 Edgu Krir, Kmningtun, . . So* 3 I 30 hjnuM Bniwft 'Jo., Moalrwl aa; » H .. 3n'N»t. l>rtw Co., HiUilM, N.H. 30 Cm. Dtng Ca, St. .loha, I N.a SO; Howard ft Boa, HirUlord, Kof. DISTRICT or NKW BRUNSWICK- Oct. 1»< •( 31 Nov. 6 .. 7 •• 18 Hpirit of nitroni ether 1W44 N»t Drair »nd ChMnic«)|3 o« 1 Co., ftt. 'Itihu, S.B. 2»846iWm. Hawker ft Son, St. .Inhn. N.B. 29fl46 (ieo. (). Hnenoer, Monct'in, I N.U. 3SIM7|T. J. Ihirick, Newcwtir, i X R. a»84ttiChM. A. Burohill, Frad 3 ericwD, N.B. | 26 Nat. UniiraiMi Chemical Co., St John. N.& M Howard ft Hunn, StrMfoni, Eng. 30 Not known % Kvaoa 8cai ft Ca, Londui, KtlB. 30, N a. 1 initr and Chemical Ca , I iW. Joan, N.B. DI><' iICT Of BBEC- I Oct 31 Hpirit (rfnitruiK ether 3447)* .. 21 .. 81 Nov. 9 S 3447M 344HI 3M91 34492 F. E. Gilbert Kiviere do 8 ni. I^IUJI. S. O. Clouthivr, Kivient dHjS •• Loti|<. I Win. Kane, Riviera du 8 „ . Lmip. Arthur Gagmin, Mnmy 4 .. Bav, I Dr. T. A. Lapuinte, Mnrray :fl « . Bay. WiLyMtto ft Hot lontreal. . . ' ie, t^ielxic Lynum & !* =iitr»a! SS'W. r.rm..t 46 3& DISTRICT OF ST. HTA= ^t«S- Oet 8 Spirit of nitroas ether; „ 13; „ 141 ., 16, ,. ... ., so<: Rm .1. S. Trnmble, M«aiiia«. THO& MOORI, 1N8PI0T0R. J. a FBROUSON, IN8PKJT0R. LabriMbjroomiMuiy.. 4 seo BW FuraulMd ti> vmdor by Nkt W Drag knd Chemioal Co. SMopk ftU«d from '»lw. S<>r«l, ytio. a " ' HTTtt'ljir. . «nwli»ll», Bur*!, I ' 1 «' I ai77»F «hwbruoke..,S > a „ • H » 9 -• 9 .WHO' 1 1. B, Sherliruoka..'S Sri<, 30,»|.iri»i>liiitrm»eth«: WTOl Dr.-I. W. Mtlntwh. V«nk. 8 o«. I In'k Hill. . . ! S37P'.' .lolin Cliaimonhoiiar, Egnn 3 " ville. mua l>. J. Hiti», Krnfrew 8 V> l.yniMi (*■>!>■ * ('•>., MnnliMl 3(1 Nut kni>wii iftLjrniMi, Knu« ft Co., MonI rral. Sb N»t. Itnkg Slid ni<«ii»t Co.. Ltil., M< ntrml. 8) Noi known I lH> ft Co., MontiMl 2& Nat. Dmii Co., Ottawa 2S'Not known. Vi 13 33704 W. A. Hwidervm, Ottawa. S SSnxvThui. A. Bruwnlt^, Ottawa 3 Oct. 3»Sp' ,. 211 Nov. 3 3 4 ^fnitnmlll•th•lr .'itilCH K. Iloajt, KiiiKnton 3 oi. . . :t»lir;7 A. V. Ctiown, KiiiK«ton... , 3 .■ . . .tcnrSO. Wiitwm, I'nrt Hope 3 ., . »iWtl H. \V. Mitihill.Awt HoiieS .1 . „ .. :ilMM>iC ry, Lindmy 3... Oct. 23;Spttit(ifnitrou»ether to Ottawa l>nif Co.. Ottawa . . 9i| Nat. Drufand ChrmicalCo., i Ottawa- DISTRICT OP KINU8TON- 2»i 2ti: 3! 38H6'HennCT«v l>ni(t Store, Ltd., 3 at. Hauiilli'ii. I 3tS<>S. H. Pretty, Timmto 3 .. I Oct. TiSpirit of nitroun ether SOWOCeii. M. McKemlr^k, Kin- 3 ux. cnrdiiiH. 3061O L. A. Hnckinic, Liat'ivell. .3 .. . 13 30B2I) W. A. MiConnell. Clinton 8 . 80'.IH4:H. a. HickK, (} Walter McKibbon, Wing-;3 i ham. I .1 30614 Chas. Aljerhart, .Seaforth . . 8 H. Skinner, Kinpton . Nat. I)ru(t Co Lynmn, Toronto. DHTBICT or TORONTO- . SOboni. UrugCo., Ltd., Haniil- I I too- .1 2R! IS Lyman liron. & Co., Toronto VadingC 15 Nat. I)riiKH lUiaMka, mit Opiaim ul (N« J. J. oocrrioAti, inspcctur. 17« 1 46< to; i iH 1 I ; 1 M| JrArRioKBYTllWPECnJR. IT 16 * t • 11 0-l ; nold Mi >l>t Hitli. nit. I thUu tut nitt. ifth. nit OT OS 9 3 •'3 J6 Oil saft S'St OS U07 B»l»w minimum nUmlkitl.. . . AJult«r»t«i n II ' ' ' ' Up to MwdanL jGwtniM. Balow minimum utandnrd.. . . ; Adttlt<;n>t«l. JAK HO(»AN, INSPECTOR. 10 00^ :; fill CO 74 100 3 6 06 07 Tnnw. Tnwe. Tr»w. 8'8I I7p to itandard Grauiao. 1 SI Below minimum ptanditrd.. . . ; Adultwatwi. CM .. .... 20 » .... H. J. DAtJKR, IN8PKCTOR. |l.C ! i>.o. 4 sol 4 18 loi 1 1 i 461 2 6 6 411 6-4 Tmx'. Truce. i P-e. j 04 Below •■9ll .. IWiUpto Tmc*. Below Genuinv. AdultmtMl. Genuine. Adulterated. T. HkDD, INHPEOTOR. Sample ptirohued from a boy who aaid they made aame themwivee. 1 96 00 1 70 4 5 60 6 60 3 80 18 00 17 04 36 ,150 0-66 Below minimum (tandard . . . 1 Adultented. 00 0<2 016 1 28 2 fM 3-8 ! 1-38 Up to Below .Genuine. I ....j Adulterated. W' BULLETIN No. 167— SPIBITUS . Nature of Sample. ! "S i Name and Addren of Vendor. Co«T. 1 i 1 Name and Addren of Manufacturer or Fumuber a« given by Vendor. DISTRICT OF WINDSOR— Oot Spirit of nitroun ether 34«81 F. H. Laing, Windtor 34052 W. A. Fond, Windsor 346M U. O. Fleming, Windsor.. 34K67 Jno. P. Jepaun, Windsor. . 34658,L. O. EgKelton, London, East. 3 oz. 3 .. . 3 M . 3 .. . 3 .. . Albany Chem. Co Nat. Drug Co., London. .... Dom. Drug Co., Hamilton.. J. P. Jepeon Not known DISTRICT OF MANITOBA— Oot. 28 Spirit of nitrons ether 28 35702 35703 Vrooman k McCullough, Winnipeg. Speer-Stevenson Drug Co., Winnipeg. 3 oz. 3 .. . 35704 E. Nesbitt, Winnipeg 3 36705 Austin's Drug Store, 3 I Winnipeg. 35706 Percy K. Braund, Winnipeg Not given. 25 E. Nesbitt, Winnipeg, Man. 25!W. R. Austin, Winnipeg, Man. 25:The Ball Drug Co., Winni- peg, Man. DISTRICT OF CALGARY- Nov. 26 Spirit of nitrous ether 3.>i7ri 35477 SO 35478 85479 35480 B. F. South, Medicine Hat 3 oz. Higinbutham & Co., Leth- 3 h bridge. .F. J. Johnston, Lethbridge 3 .. . Allierta Drag ft Book Co., 3 .. . Lethbridge. I C. A. WaUace, Calgary.. . . |3 .. . 30 Mbnny Chem. Co., Albany. Lyman Sons ft Co., Montreal. J. Winer ft Co., Hamilton. . DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- Oot. Spirit of nitrous ether 34353,McDuffw Bros, ft Co., Van- ! uouver. 3435»Only Drag Store, Van- ' couver. 343UCentral Drug Store, Van- ! couver. 34356 Haugh tons Drug Store, 1 Vancouver. 34357;R. H. Morrison ft Co., I Vancouver. 3 oz. 3 .. . Not known . Evans Sons, Lescher ft Webb, Montreal. * Evans Sons, Lescher ft Webb, Liverpool, Eng. Henderson Bros., Vancouver 25 Nat Drug Co., Vancouver. . DISTRICT OF VICTORIA- Nov. 30 30 ,. 30 .. 30 » 30 Spirit of nitrooi ether 3»2S2|Wm. Jackson ft Co., Vic- toria, B.C. W. S. Terry, Victoria, B.C. 39253 39254 39250 38256 D. E. Campbell F. J. Williams Gea A. Eraser 3 oz. 3 .. . 3 .. . S .. 3 .. 35Baia8 Bros, ft Stevennn, Ltd., London, EC. 25 MalUnckrodt Chem. Works, St Louis, U.S.A. 25 Howard ft Sons, Lond., E.C. 40 Vendor 25 Evans Sons, Lescherft Webb, I Liverpool, Eng. :iiL- iETHERIS NITR08I. R18VI.T8 or Analtms. InspHCtur's Keinrt. 1*5 Ramuki, M>d Opinion of the Chief Analyst .INO. TALBOT, INSPECTOR. Made from ooncentnted ether 704 70 2S5 6 10 « 1 222 2 1« 22 080 8 10 9 1 3'31 S90 3-9 1-42 Up toBtandard Below minimum atandard . . Genuine. Adulterated Genuine. Up to atandard Bekiw minimum atandard . . ■ Adulterated. A. C. LARIVIKRE, INSPECTOR. Sample from a bottle labelled Bweet«pirit« of nitre. Speer- Stevenoon Uruft Ca , Winni pen, Man. 3 80 40 6 80 6 00 3 54 3-8 »'4 5-8 60 35 1-38 342 2 11 2 18 Below minimum standard . Up to Atandard Below minimum atandard . . Adulterated. Genuine. Adulterated. R. W. FLETCHER, INSPECTOR. 7 80 1 W 920 2 Oil 1 80 78 18 92 20 18 2'84 Up to standard O'StJ Below minimum standard. 3-35Upto itandard 0'73 Below minimum atandard. 0-66 Genuine. Adulterated. Genuine. Adulterated. .1. F. POWER, INSPECTOR. 1 44 1-4 0'6l Below minimum standard. . . Adulterated. 564 5-5 a 00 Up to sUndard Genuine. 360 »-5 1 ' 28 Below minimum standard . . i Adulterated. 290 2-9 iJ " 686 5-9 2 16 Up to standard Genuine. D. O'SULLIVAN, INSPECTOR. 3 40 3-4 1 24 566 5-6 204 260 10 24 6 12 26 102 6 1 095 871 1 86 Below minimum standard. . l.'Vdulterated. Up to standard Genuine. Adulterated, Genuine, Below minimum standard . Up to standard minimum standard .