or < B.
It follows from equations (6) that throughout the motion w' must lie between X,
and the greater of the quantities \ and X3.
* Euler's solution of these equations is given in the ninth volume of the Quarterly
Journal, p. 361, by Prof. Cayley. Kirohhoff's and Jacobi's integrations by elliptic
functions are given in an improved form by Prof. Oreenhill in the fourteenth
volume, pages 182 and 265. 1876.
il V
,1 '
i' '
r -I
] 1 ;
510. The solution in terms of elliptic integrals has been effected in the follow-
ing manner by Kircbboff. If we put
'' sin'*
=Jo Vl-A^i
then k is called the modulus of F, and must be less than unity if F is to be real for
all values of 0. The upper limit is called the amplitude of the elliptic integral
J*' and is usually written am F. In the same way sin , cos , . , >
dA (0) h? sin cos rf0 , ., .
These equations may be made identical with Euler's equations if wo put
W3 = 6sinam\ (<-t) I (2),
Wj^ccos amX (t-r) J
A-B c\ A-C b\ B-C ,.a\
We have introduced here six new constants, viz. a, 6, c,\ h and t. With these
we may satisfy the three last equations and also any initial values of Wj, w.,, w^.
The I olution if real will also be complete.
Whcn<=r wehavefrom (2) Wj=a, Wj, = 0, and W3=c. Hence by Art. 508
Aa^ + Cc'^=T, A-^a'^ + C-'c^ = G"'\
A [A-C)' ~C(A-q' _ '
Dividing the second of equations (3) by the first, we have
■ ' b^_A-CO ,3_ AT-G'
c" A-BB' •■• '' ~£{A-B)'
Multiplying the first and secondof equations (3), we obtain
The ratios of the right-hand sides of (3) are as c^ : b^ : khi^, and those have just
been found. Hence ii' the signs of a, b, c, \ be chosen to satisfy any one of the
tliree equalities, the signs of all will bo satisfied.
Dividing the last of equations (3) by either of the other two, we find
' ■ A-BG-'-CT' •'■ ^-(rr77)((,«-cT)'
poinsot's and mac cullagh's constructions.
If 0^ > BT and A, B, C are in descendiUg order of magnitude, the values of
a', 6", c* and X" rre all positive. Also I? is positive and less than unity. The
solution is therefore real and complete.
If G' < BT we must suppose J , B, (7 to be in ascending order of magnitude to
obtain a real solution. If we may anticipate a phrase used by Poiusot, and which
will be explained a little further on, we may say that the expression for Wj in this
solution is to be taken for the angular velocity about that principal axis which is
enclosed by the polhode.
UCP=BT we have F= 1 and
1 . 1 + sin (f>
2 ^^'l-siu^'
sin amF=
Snbstiiutin{j in equations (2) the elli^itic functions become exponential.
If B — we have F=0 and in this o tse F=(t>, so that amF= F. If we again
substitute in equations (2) the elliptic functions become trigonometrical.
The geometrical meaning of this solution will be given a little further on.
Poinsot's and MacCallaglis comtructiom for the motion.
511. The fundamental equations of motion of a body about a
fixed point are
V + ^V/+CV=<^*.
V(o^ + Bw,
+ c<=r. (2).
These have been already obtained by integrating Euler's
equations, but they also follow very easily from the principles of
Angular Momentum, and Vis Viva.
Let the body be set in motion by an impulsive couple whose
moment is O. Then we know by Art. 279, that throughout the
whole of the subsequent motion, the moment of the momentum
about every straight lino which is fixed in space, and passes
through the fixed point 0, is constant, and is equal to tho mo-
ment of the couple G about that line. Now by Art. 241, the
moments of the momentum about the principal axes at any
instant are A(t\, Ba,^, Ga^. Let a, /8, 7 be the direction angles
of the normal to the plane of the couple G referred to these
principal axes as co-ordinate axes. Then we have
-4ft)j= 6^ cos a
' i?w^ = (? cos /9 • (3),
C(W3= G cosy
adding the squares of these we get equation (1).
; I
i '
1 ,;
1 .■;
. 1
' j!
! ^;
■ I
■ i
S , J'! W
] H
Throughout the subseque^it motion the whole momentum of
tlie body is equivalent to the couple O. It is therefore clear
that if at any instant the body were acted on by an impulsive
couple equal and opposite to the couple O, the body would be
reduced to rest.
512. It follows from Art. 290, that the plane of this couple
is the Invariable plane and the normal to it the Invariable line.
This line is absolutely fixed in space, and the equations (3) give
the direction cosines of this line* referred to axes moving in the
It appears from these equations, that if the body be set in
rotation about an axis whose direction cosines are (^ m, n) when
referred to the principal axes at the fixed point, then the direction
cosines of the invariable line are proportional to Al, Bm, Cn. If
the axes of reference are not the principal axes of the body at the
fixed point, the direction cosines of the invariable line will, by
Art. 240, be proportional to Al — Fm — En, Bm— Dn — Fl, and
On — El — Dm, where the letters have the meaning given to them
in Art. 15.
513. Since the body moves under the action of no impressed
forces, we know that the Vis Viva will be constant throughout the
motion. Hence by Art. 348, we have
where T\ is a constant to be determined from the initial values
of Wj, 0),, Wj.
The equations (1), (2), (3) will suffice to determine the path
in space described by every particle of the body, but not the posi-
tion at any given time.
* That the straight line whose equations referred to the moving principal axes
na 9J 2
are -t— = -~- = jz- is absolutely fixed in space may be also proved thus, if we
Au-^^ JSu^ C(>>3
assume the truth of equation (1) in the text. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of
any point P in the straight line at a given distance r from the origin, then each of
the equalities in the equation tc the straight line is equal to ^ and is therefore con-
stant. The actual velocity of P in space resolved parallel to the instantaneous
position of the axis of x is
~ (ft'
But this is zero, by Euler's equation. Similarly the velocities parallel to the other
axes are zero.
f It should be observed that in this Chapter T represents the whole vis viva of
I'ji body. In treating of Lagrange's equations in Chapter vii. it was convenient to
let T represent halj the vis viva of the system.
■yuz + zaa=-AA -^'-{B- C) WjWj,|
to the other
514. To explain Poinsot's representation of the motion hi/
means of the momental ellipsoid.
Let the momental ellipsoid at the fixed point be constructed,
and let its equation be
Let r be the radius vector of this ellipsoid coinciding with the
instantaneous axis, and p the perpendicular from the centre on
the tangent plane at the extremity of r. Also let a be the an-
gular velocity about the instantaneous axis.
The equations to the instantaneous axis are — = ^l = — and
®i <»a <»8
if (a?, y, z) be the co-ordinates of the extremity of the length r,
each of these fractions is equal to — .
Substituting in the equation to the ellipsoid, we have
I T r
Again the expression for the perpendicular on the tangent
plane at (a;, y, z) is known to be —^ = ^^j^ , substi-
tuting as before we get
1 _^V + ff<-}-CV t-J^ ¥t.
a MY ' T '
^MT ,
. €.
The equation to the tangent plane at the point (a;, y, z) is
Ax^ + Byr)+ Cz^=M€\
substituting for (a?, y, z) we see that the equations to the perpen-
dicular from the origin are
A(o^ Boii^ Co),'
but these are the equations to the invariable line. Hence this
perpendicular is fixed in space.
From these equations we infer
(1) The angular velocity about the radius vector round which
the body •"" turning varies as that radius vector.
I If
) I'
m ii
*' .1
U4h ;
(2) TJie resolved part of the angular velocity about the per-
pendicular on the tanr/ent plane at the extremity of the instan-
taneous axis is constant. Tliis theorem is due to Lagrange.
For the cosine of the angle between the perpendicular and
tlie radius vector = - . Hence the resolved angular velocity is
n T . .
= &)- = >., which is constant.
r G
(3) The perpendicular on the tangent jtlane at the extremity
of the instantaneous axis is fixed in direction, viz. normal to the
invariable plane, and constant in length.
The motion of the momental ellipsoid is therefore such that,
its centre being fixed, it always touches a fixed plane, and the
point of contact, being in the instantaneous axis, has no velocity.
Hence the 'motion may he represented by supposing the momental
ellipsoid to roll on the fixed plane with its centre fixed.
515. Ex. 1. If the body while iu motion be acted on by any impulsive couple
whose plane is perpendicular to the invariable line, show that the momental ellipsoid
will continue to roll on the same plane as before, but the rate of motion will be
Ex. 2. If a plane be drawn through the fixed point parallel to the invariable
plane, prove that the area of the section of the momental ellipsoid cut off by this
plane is constant throughout the motion.
Ex. 3. The sum of the sqiiares of the distances of the extremities of the princi-
pal diameters of the momental ellipsoid from the invariable line is constant through-
out the motion. This result is due to Poinsot.
Ex. 4. A body moves about a fixed point under the action of no forces. Show
that if the surface Ax^ + Bif + Cz' ?= M{x^ +y^ + z^Y ^^ traced in the body, the principal
axes at being the axes of co-ordinates, this surface throughout the motion will
roll on a fixed sphere.
51G. To assist our conception of the motion of the body, let
us suppose it so placed, that the plane of the couple G, which
would set it in motion, is horizontal. Let a tangent plane to the
momental ellipsoid be drawn parallel to the plane of the couple G,
and let this plane be fixdd in space. Let the ellipsoid roll on this
fixed plane, its ceotre remaining fixed, with an angular velocity
which varies as the radius vector to the point of contact, and let
it carry the given body with it. We shall then have constructed
the motion which the body would have assumed if it had been
left to itself after the initial action of the impulsive couple G*.*
* Prof. Sylvester has pointed out a dynamical relation between the free rotating
body and the ellipsoidal top,. as he calls Poinsot'a central ellipsoid. If a material
the per-
e instan-
jular and
Blocity is
>ial to the
mch tliat,
, and the
) velocity.
ilsive couple
Qtal ellipsoid
tion will be
he invariable
^ ofE by this
»f the princi-
ant through-
rces. Show
the principal
motion will
body, let
G, which
me to the
couple G,
11 on this
t, and let
lad been
ree rotating
a material
poinsot's construction.
The point of contact of the ellipsoid with the plane on which
it rolls traces out two curves, one on the surface of the ellipsoid,
and one on the plane. The first of these is fixed in the body and
is called the polhode, the second is fixed in space and is called the
herpolhode. The ecpiations to any polhode referred to. the prin-
cipal axes of the body may be found fronti the consideration that
the length of the perpendicular on the tangent plane to the ellip-
soid at any point of the polhode is constant. Hence its equations
Eliminating ij, we have
A {A - B) x' + C{C-n) z'=[^^^-B\ I
Hence if B be the axis of greatest or least moment of inertia,
the signs of the coefficients of x^ and z' will be the same, and the
projection of the polhode will be an ellipse. But if B be the
axis of mean moment of inertia, the projection is an hyperbola.
A polhode is therefore a closed curve drawn round the axis of
greatest or least moment, and the concavity is turned towards the axis
of greatest or least moment according as -„,- is greater or less than
the mean moment of inertia. The boundary line which separates
the two sets of polhodes is that polhode whose projection on the
plane pei*pendicular to the axis of mean moment is an hyperbola
whose concavity is turned neither to the axis of greatest, nor to
the axis of least moment. In this casv. G'=BT, and the projec-
tion consists of two straight lines whose equation is
A{A-B)x'-G{B- G)z' = 0.
This polhode consists of two ellipses passing through the axis
of mean moment,' and corresponds to the case in which the per-
pendicular on the tangent plane is equal to the mean axis of the
ellipsoid. This polhode is called the separating polhode.
Since the projection of the polhode on one of the principal
planes is always an ellipse, the polhode must be a re-entering
ellipsoidal top be constructed of uniform density, similar to Poinsot's central cllip-
sold, and if with its centre fixed it be set rolling on a perfectly rough horizontal
plane, it will represent the motion of the free rotating body not in space only, but
also in time : the body and the top may be conceived as continually moving round
the same axis, and at the same rate, at each moment of time. The reader is referred
to the memoir in the rhilosophical Transactions for 18G6.
' i'
' \
■'.- "
; . I
r ■ ' ; ■■>■ '
- . I
'1 1)
517. To find the motion of the extremity of the instantaneous
axis along the polhode which it describes we have merely to sub-
stitute from the equations
w, _ a)^ _ Wg _ w _ / y 1^
in any of the equations of Art. 508. For example we thus obtain
dx_ ITB-Cyz
,• —
~,&c., &c.,
(-V + r"), &c., &c.
Ex. 1. A point P moves along a polhode traced on an ellipsoid, show that the
length of the normal between P and any one of the principal planes at the centre
is constant. Show also that the normal traces out on a principal plane a conic
bimilar to the fooal conic in that plane. Also the measure of curTature of an
ellipsoid along any polhode is constant.
Ex. 2. Show that the line OJ used in Art. 234 to find the pressnre on the
fixed point is at right angles to the invariable line, and parallel to the tangent
plane to the momental ellipsoid at the point where the invariable line cuts it.
8howalsothatO'^=-c^ + a,'^^^'-^'^^-^''^-<^'^«7»)^^^^^»^%herep,.^„l>3
are the sum of the products A, B, C taken respectively one, two and three together.
518. Since the herpolhode is traced out by the points ef
contact of an ellipsoid rolling about its centre on a fixed plane,
it is clear that the herpolhode must always lie between two circles
which it alternately touches. The common centre of these circles
will be the foot of the perpendicular from the fixed centre on
the fixed plane. To find the radii let OL be this perpendicular,
and / be the point of contact. Let LI= p. Then we have
MAC cullagh's construction.
The radii will therefore be found by substituting for w' its
greatest and least values. But by Art. 509, these limits are \
and the greater of the two quantities X,, Xj.
The herpolhode is not in general a re-entering curve ; but if
the angular distance of the two points in which it successively
touches the same circle be commensurable with 27r, it will be re-
entering, i.e. the same path will be traced out repeatedly on the
fixed plane by the point of contact.
619. To explain Mac Cullagh's representation of the motion
hy means of the ellipsoid of gyration.
This ellipsoid is the reciprocal of the momental ellipsoid, and
the motion of the one ellipsoid may be deduced from that of the
other by reciprocating the properties proved in the preceding
Articles. We find,
(1) The equation to the ellipsoid referred to its principal
axes is
A^ B^ C~ M'
(2) This ellipsoid moves so that its superficies always passes
through a point fixed in space. This point lies in the invariable
line at a distance -r- from the fixed point. By Art. 509 we
know that this distance is less than the greatest, and greater than
the least semi-diameter of the ellipsoid.
(3) The perpendicular on the tangent plane at the fixed point
is the instantaneous axis of rotation, and the angular velocity of
the body varies inversely as the length of this perpendicular.
1 /T
lip be the length of this perpendicular, then ^ — 'K/ll'
(4) The angular velocity about the invariable line is constant
and = ^ .
The corresponding curve to a polhode is the path described on
the moving surface of the ellipsoid by the poin*j fixed in space.
This curve is clearly a sphero-conic. The equations to the sphero-
conic described under any given initial conditions are easily seen
to be
^ x^ t/" z^ 1
^+f + ^=U^n
A'^ B'^C M'
These sphero-conics may be shown to be closed curves round
the axes of greatest and least moment. But in one case, viz.
5 ;
; if
(f: ;
» i: I .
i 'i
' '
when 7„ = Ji, whore B is neither the greatest nor least mo-
ment of inertia, the sphero-conic becomes the two central circular
sections of the ellipsoid of gyration.
The motion of the body may thus be constructed by means of
cither of those ellipsoids. The momcntal ellipsoid resembles the
general shape of the body more nearly than the ellipsoid of gy-
ration. It is protuberant where the body is protuberant, and
compressed where the body is compressed. The exact reverse of
this is the case in the ellipsoid of gyration.
C20. MacCullagb has uncd tlio ellipsoid of g^'ration to obtain n gcomotrioal
intcrprotatiou of the solution of Euler'H equations in terms of elliptic integrals.
The ellipsoid of gyration moves so as always to touch a point L fixed in space.
Let us now project the point L on a plane passing through the axis of mean
moment and making an angle a with the axis of greatest moment. This projection
may be effected by drawing a straight line parallel to either the axis of greatest
moment or least moment. We thus obtain two projections which we will call
P and Q. Those points will bo in a plane PQL which is always perpendicular to
the axis of moan moment. As the body moves about the point L describes on
the surface of the ellipsoid of gyration a sphero-conic KK\ and the points P, Q
describe two curves pp', qq' on the plane of projection OBD. If the sphero-conic
as in the figure enclose the extremity A of the axis of greatest moment, the curve
inside the ellipsoid is formed by the projection parallel to the axis of greatest
moment, but if the sphero-conic enclose the axis of least moment, the inner curve
is formed by the projection parallel to that axis. The point P which describes the
inner curve will obviftiisly travel round its projection, while the point Q which
describes the outer curve will oscillate between two limits obtained by drawing
tangents to the inner projection at the points where it cuts the axis of mean
moment. . . ...
inner curve
is of mean
maccullagh's construction. 415
Since the direction cosines of OL are proportional to Au^, liu^, Cu^ it is easy to
see that, it x, y, zaxo the co-ordinatca of L,
Au^ liu.i Cwj G ^MT
Let OP=p, 0(1= p', and let the antjlcs those radii vcctores make with the pluno
contiiining the axes of greatest and leaat moment ho , BOQ- -0': we then have
- p sin
pco3' =y=Bu.,{M'I')-n ^ ''
It is proved in treatises on solid geometry that, if tlio plane on which the
projection is made is one of the circular sections of the ellipsoid, the projections
will he circles. This result may ho verified by finding p or p' from these equations,
licmcmboring that p and p' are constants, let us substitute in Eulcr's equation
from (2) and the first of equations (3). We have
P -ji= jp iJmT pp' sin a cos a cos 0'.
Since p' cos 0' is the ordinate of Q, we see that the velocity of V varies as the
ordinate of Q, and in the same way the velocity of Q varies as the ordinate ofV,
To find the constants p, p' we notice tl I p is the value of y obtained from
the equations to the sphero-conic when s=0. Wo thus have
s = '^AT-Ct'>')B ,j ^ {,G" - CT)B
^ MT{A-Ji)' ^ MT{Ii-C)*
the latter being obtained from the former by interchanging the letters A and C.
( velocity \ ^A -B i^, — j^ /ordinate \
521. Since p' sin 0' = p sin (p, wo have by substitution
where X' has the same value as in Art. 510. Let us suppose ^ expressed in terms
of t by the elliptic integral •
X((_r)= \ ,
so that 0=amX(<-T). Substituting this value of ^ i
11 '.
whose centre is at the fixed point, and which is either fixed in the
body or fixed in space at our pleasure. This will be found con-
venient when we wish to use a diagram.
525. Let the principal axes at the fixed point be taken as the
axes of co-ordinates. The axes of reference are therefore fixed in
the body but moving in space. By Art. 512, the direction-cosines
of the invariable line are
B(o. a
cosmes of the instantaneous axis are — , -^
(0 (O
equations (1) and (2) of Art. 511, we easily find
and the direction-
From the
A(o^' + Bay,' + Geo,' = (^ V + ^"< + ^O ^-2 .
If we take the co-ordinates x, y, z to be proportional to the
direction-cotines of either of these straight lines and eliminate w,,
Wg, &)g by the help of this equation, we obtain the equation to the
corresponding cone described by that straight line. In this way
we find that the cones described in the body by the invariable
line and the instantaneous axis are respectively
AT-G' , BT-G'
« +
,2 —
= 0,
A *" ' B ^ ' G
A {A T- G') x'' + B{BT-G')y'+C {CT- G') z' = 0.
These cones become two planes when the initial conditions are
such that G' = BT.
Ex. 1. Show that the circular sections of the invariable cone are parallel to
those of the ellipsoid of gyration and perpendicular to the asymptotes of the focal
conic of the momental ellipsoid.
526. There is a third straight line whose motion it is sometimes convenient to
consider, though it is not nearly so important as either the invariable line or the
instantaneous axis. If x, y, z be the co-ordinates of the extremity of a radius vector
of an ellipsoid referred to its principal diameters as axes and if a, 5, c be the semi-
X tJ z
axes, the straight line whose direction-cosines are - , r > - is called the eccentric line
a c
of that radius vector. Taking this deAnition, it is easy to see that the direction-
cosines of the eccentric line of the instantaneous axis with regard to the momental
ellipsoid are "j. / = , <>>ax/f> '^»\/f' ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^° *^^^ directioi-cosir
of the eccentric line of the invariable line with regard to the ellipsoid of gy/ation.
This straight lino may therefore be called simply the eccentric line and the c( no
described by it in the body may be called the eccentric cone.
Ex. 1. The equation to the ecoentiic cone referred to the principal axes at the
fixed point is
(A T - cr^) x^+{nr-G^) i/ + (ct - c') c« = o.
1 in the
nd con-
in as the
fixed in
lal to the
linate Wj,
on to the
this way
= 0.
litions are
parallel to
of the focal
onvenient to
le line or the
radius vector
be the semi-
cccentric line
le direction-
le momental
ictior -cosines
of gy^'ation.
and the C( no
1 axes at the
This cone has the same circular sections as the momental ellipsoid and cuts that
ellipsoid in a sphero-conic.
Ex. 2. The polar piano of the instantaneous axis with regard to the eccentric
cone touches the invariable cone along the corresponding position of the invariable
line. Thus the invariable and instantaneous cones are reciprocals of each other
with regard to the eceontric cone,
6.27. Let a sphere of radius unity be described with its centre
at the fixed point about which the body is free to turn. Let
this sphere be fixed in the body, and therefore move with it in
space. Let the invariable line, the instantaneous axis, and the
eccentric line cut this sphere in the points L, I, and J5/ respectively.
Also let the principal axes cut the sphere in A, B, C. It is clear
that the intersections of the invariable, instantaneous, and eccen-
tric cones with this sphere will be three sphero-conics which are
represented in the figure by the lines KK\ JJ', DD\ respectively.
The eye is supposed to be situated on the axis OA, viewing the
sphere from a considerable distance. All great circles on the
sphere are represented by straight lines. Since the cones are co-
axial with the momental ellipsoid, these sphero-conics are sym-
metrical about the principal planes of the body. The intersections
of these principal planes with the sphere will be three arcs of
great circles, and the portions of these arcs cut off by any sphero-
conic are called axes of that sphero-conic. If we put a = in the
equations to any one of the three cones, the value of - is the
tangent of that semi-axis of the sphero-conic which lies in the
plane of xy. Similarly, putting y = 0, we find the axis in the
plane of xz. If (a, h), (a, J'), (a, /3) be the semi-axes of the
invariable, instantaneous, and eccentric sphero-conics respectively,
we thus find
I I..
It •
f v or < BT.
sin^ b
Ex. 1. If we put l-e3=-r-s— we may define e to be the eccentricity of the
Bin" a •'
sphero-conio whose semi>axes are a and b. If e and e' be the eccentricities of the
invariable and eccentric sphero-conics respectively, prove that e^ =
B — C
^—'J~n ^^ *^*t ^oth theue eccentricities are independent of the initial conditions.
Ex. 2. If the radius of the sphere had been taken equal to ( wy,) instead of
nnity, show that it would have intersected the ellipsoid of gyration along the invari-
—7f^- \ , it would have intersected the
momental ellipsoid along the eccentric ellipse.
Ex. 3. A body is set rotating with an initial angular velocity n about an axis
which very nearly coincides with a principal axis 00 at a fixed point O. The
motion of the instantaneous axis in the body may be found by the following
formulae. Let a sphere be described whose centre is 0, and let / be the extremity
of the radius vector which is the instantaneous axis at the time t. If {x, y) be the
co-ordinates of the projection of I on the plane AOB referred to the principal axes
OA, Ob, then
* = V-B (B - C) i sin {pnt + M),
y=jA(A~ C) L cos {pnt + M),
IB — Cf\ (A — C)
where p'*=- -^ , and L, if are two arbitrary constants depending on the
initial values of x, y.
Ex. 4. If in the last question L be the point in which the sphere cuts the
invariable line, if (p, B) be the spherical polar co-ordinates of C with regard to
L as origin, and a the radius of the sphere, then
P^ r.n^^^ L^ \2AB^C (A + n) + (A -D)Cco62 (pnt + M)U
= ^^t +
CO J p
le imagi-
t cut the
aeir con-
: 00, i.e.
, moment
icity of the
eitiea of the
I conditions.
instead of
g the invari-
jrsected the
bout an axis
nt 0. The
le following
le extremity
(x, y) be the
rincipal axes
ding on the
lere cuts the
th regard to
528. To find the motion of the invariable line and the instan-
taneous axis in the body.
Since the invariable line OL is f.xed in space and the body
is turning about 01 as instantaneous axis, it is evident that the
direction of motion of OL in the body is perpendicular to the
plane 10 L. Hence on a sphere whose centre is at the arc IL
is normal to the sphero-conic described by the invariable line. This
simple relation will serve to connect the motions of the invariable
line and the instantaneous axis along their respective sphero-
529. Lot V be the velocity of the invariable line along its
sphero-conic, then since tbe body is turning about 01 with an-
gular velocity &», and OL is unity, we have t; = w sin LOT. But
T . . T
by Art. 514 ^ = to cos i OL Elirctittatmg o) we have v = ^ tan LOT.
530. Produce the arc IL lo cut the axis AK in N, so that
LN \s &. normal to the sphero-conic described by the invariable
line. Taking the principal axes at the fixed point as axes of
reference, the direction -cosines of OL and 01 are respectively
proportional to ^w,, Bm^, Cq>^, and Wj, a^, Wg. The equation to
the plane LOT is
{B - C) a^w^x + {C-A) (0^(0 J/ + {A-B) co^a^z = 0.
This plane intersects the plane of xy in the straight line ON^
hence putting 2 = 0, we find the direction-cosines of ON to be
proportional to {A — G)o)^, {B— C) a>^, and 0. Hence
Gsl{A-Cfo>,' + {B-Crftoy
The numerator of this expression is easily seen to be 0^ — CT.
Expanding the quantity under the root we have
A\' + B'co^'-2G{Aa>^'+B(o^')+C'{,%
which is clearly the same as
G« _ C V - 2 C (T - (7a,/) + C (a,» - to,').
Substituting we find
Um L ON =
C\/OW~ T'
G'-CT' '
t! Ill
* ni
il ii
If I.
i J
t ■ '
it' f
i- . i
-.1 jrf
Ji l!
But jy = 0) COS L 01,
'. tan LOI^'^l^'—^. Hence the
.. iBxiLOI G^-CT , . ,, . . . .1 I .
ratio ~ — y^^ = — j:^ — , and is therefore constant throughout
the motion.
Treating the other principal planes in the same way, we see
that this proposition supplies us with a geometrical meaning for
G^ G^ G*
the three expressions -r-ji— 1, 'vfff~'^> ^^^ 'PT~ ^'
Combining this result with that given in the last Article, we
see that the
velocity of L I ^ G'-CT
along its conic] ~ CQ '
where n is the angle LON. If we adopt the conventions of
spherical trigonometry, n is also the length of the arc normal to
the sphero-conic intercepted between the curve and the principal
plane AB oi the body.
Ex. 1. If the focal lines of tlie invariable cone cwt the sphere in S and S', these
points are called the foci of the sphero-conic. Prove that the velocity of L
resolved perpendicular to the arc 8L is constant throughout the motion and equal
l\(G^- BT)(AT-(P) \k
If LM be an arc of a great circle perpendicular to the
axis containing the foci, and p be the arc SL. prove also that
*°0r AB
dp_ G \ (A-C){B-0 )i
dt " c\ AB \
sm LM.
; J i
Ex. 2. Prove that the velocity of L resolved perpendicular t& the central radius
vector AL is — -,-pi — cot AL.
Ex. 3. If r, /, r" bo the lengths of the arcs joining the extremity A of a princi-
pal axis to the extremities £, I, E of the invariable line, instantaneous axis, and
eccentric line respectively ; 0, &, 0" the angles these arcs make with any priucipftl
plane A OB, prove that
CO?: " _ cos r' _ cos r"
tan (y tan ff'
where f^^^aroi/. Tliis theorem will enable us to discover in what manner the
motions of the three points L, I, E are related to each other.
Ex. 4. Show that the velocity of the instantaneous axis along it» sphero-conic
is TT, — -T-jT' ^^^ '*' '^'^^ ^' ^^^^'^ '*' ^^ ^^^^ length of the normal to the instantaneous
sphero-couio intercepted between the curve and the arc AB, and f-arc LI.
liculor to the
sentral radins
maiiuer tlio
Comparing thia result with the corresponding formula for the motion of L given
in Art. 630, we see that for every theorem relating to the motion of L in its sphere-
conic there is a corresponding theorem for the motion of /. For example, if S' be a
focus of the instantaneous sphero-conic, we see that the velocity of / resolved per-
pendicular to the focal radius vector S'l bears ;' constant ratio to cos LI, This
constant ratio is^j. -
534. Let be the fixed point, 01 the instantaneous axis.
Let the angular velocity oi about 01 be resolved into two, viz.
a uniform angular velocity -p about the invariable line OL, and
an angular velocity to sin lOL about a line OH lying in a plane
fixed in space perpendicular to the invariable line, and passing
through the fixed point 0. Let this fixed plane be called the
invariable plane at 0. As the body moves, OH will describe a
cone in the body which will always touch this fixed plane. The
velocity of any point of the body lying for a moment in OH is
unaffected by the rotation about OH, and the point has therefore
only the motion due to the uniform angular velocity about OL.
We have thus a new representation of the motion of the body.
Let the cone described by OH in the body be constructed, and
let it roll on the invariable plane at with the proper angular
velocity, while at the same time this plane turns round the in-
variable line with a uniform angular velocity yy . The cone de-
scribed by OH in the body has been called by Poinsot the Boiling
and Sliding Cone.
535. To find a construction for the sliding cone. Its generator
OH is at right angles to OL, and lies in the plane lOL. Now
OL is fixed in space ; let OL' be the line in the body which, after
an interval of time dt, will come into the position OL. Since the
body is turning about 01, the plane LOL' is perpendicular to the
plane LOT, and hence OH is perpendicular to both OL and OL'.
That is, OH is perpendicular to tlie tangent plane to the cone
described by OL in the body. Tlio cone described by OH in the
body is therefore tlie reciprocal cone of that described by OL.
The equation to the cone described by OL has been shown to be
AT- O^ , . BT- G" , CT- CP , ^
— :r— ^ + — 5— 2/' + — 77— «'= 0.
Hence the equation to the cone described by Oil is
A . B . G
,a!' +
y' +
«' = 0.
The focal lines of the cone described by OH are perpendicular
to the circular sections of the reciprocal cone, that is the cone
described by OL. And these circular sections are the same as
the circular sections of the ellipsoid of gyration. Hence the focal
lines lie in the plane containing the axes of greatest and least
moment, and are independent of the initial conditions.
This cone becomes a straight line in the case in which the
cone described by OL becomes a plane, vi/. when the initial con-
ditions are such that G^ = BT.
53G. To find the motion o/OH in space and in the body.
Since OL, OH and 01 are always in the same plane the
motion of OH in space round the fixed straight line OL is the
same as that of 01, and is given by the expression for
Art. 532.
To find the motion of OH in the body it will be convenient
to refer to the figure of Art. 532. Produce the arcs PL, PL
to H and H' so that LH and L'H' are each quadrants. Then
// and H' are the points in which the axis OH intersects the
unit sphere at the times t and t + dt.
We have therefore
/velocity\ _ /velocityN
V of // ; ~ V of Z }
( P + 2; T
^ = -p tan if cot p.
Substituting for tan p as before we may express the result in
terms of §" or n at our pleasure.
Since the cone described by OH in the body rolls on a plane
which also turns round a normal to itself at 0, it is clear that the
angular velocity of OH in the body is loss than the angular
velocity of OH in space by the angular velocity of the plane, i. e.
/velocity\ _ rZ0
V of ^ J~dt
r/ in the
by OL.
n to bo
the cone
same as
the focal
md least
hich the
itial con-
lane the
•Z is the
ects the
result in
a plane
that the
ne, i. e.
Motion of the Piinclpal Axes.
537. To find the angular motions in space of the pnncipal
Since the invariable line OL is fixed in space it will be con-
venient to refer the motion to this straight line as axis of z.
Let OA^ OB, OG be the principal axes at the fixed point 0, and
let, as before, a, /3, 7 be their inclinations to the axis OL or OZ.
Let X, fi, V be the angles the planes LOA, LOB, LOC make
with some fixed plane LOX passing through OL. Our object is
to find J- and -r- with similar expressions for the other axes.
This problem is really the same as that discussed in Art. 235, but
it will be found advantageous to make a slight variation on the
Describe a sphere whose centre is at the fixed point, and
whose radius is unity. Let the invariable line, the instantaneous
axis and the principal axes cut this sphere in the points L, I,
A, B, C respectively. The velocity of A resolved perpendicular
to LA will then be sin a -^ . But since the body is turning round
01 as instantaneous axis, the point A is moving perpendicularly
to the arc lA^ and its velocity is w sin lA. Resolving this per-
pendicular to the arc LA, we have
sin a -rr = ft) sin AI cos LAI
= 0)
cos LI— cos LA cos I A
sin Lxi '
by a fundamental formula in spherical trigonometry. But w cos LI
is the resolved part of the angular velocity about OL, which is
equal to -^ > ^^^ ^ cos lA is the resolved part of the angular
f i?<
I. -^ !>■
velocity about OA, which is a>^, Wo have therefore
. ^ tl\ T
8in a Ti = -7=; — w, cos a,
at O ^
a result wliich follows immediately from Art. 249.
G cos a = Au)^, we have
dX^ T G'cos'g
This result may also be written in the form
sin' a
dt a"^
cot' a
538. To find -^ we 'may proceed in the following manner.
We have cos a =
cos /3 = -^,
cos 7 = -Tj\
Substituting in Euler's equation
^ Tt
we have
sm a
= ( -^ - -^JG cos ^ cosy (3).
But by Art. 508 cos a, cos/9, cos 7 are connected by the equations
cos^ cos''7
AT ■*■ ~B~ "^ n7~
cos'a + cos'/S + cos''7 = 1
If we solve these equations so as to express cos /8, cos 7
in terms of cos a, we easily find
, fday G^ (CP-CT A-C „ \/
539. Since the left-hand side of equation (6) is necessarily real, we see that the
values of cos* a are restricted to lie between certain limits. If the axis whose
motion we are considering is the axis of greatest or least moment let B be the axis
0^-CT A
of mean moment,
In this case cos^ a must lie between the limits
G« A-G
if both be positive. By Art. 509 the former of these two is positive
G* A-B
and less than unity ; this is easily shown by dividing the numerator and the de-
nominator by A C(P. If the latter is positive the spiral described by the principal
axes on the surface of a sphere whose centre is at the fixed point lies between two
concentric circles which it alternately touches. If the latter limit is negative cos a
lias no inferior limit. In this case the spiral always lies between two small circles
on the sphere, one of which is exactly opposite the other.
If tltA axis couHidoroil is tho axiH of moan moment, coh> a muHt lio outiide tlio
Bamu two liuiitH an befui-o. Both these are positive, but one In greater and the
otlier leHH tbau unity. Tho spiral thoroforo lies between two amall circIoB oiJpoHito
each other.
In order that ,. may vanish we must havo G'co8'a = iir, but this by substitu-
tion makes t- imaginary. Thus t- always keeps one sign. It is easy to see that
if tho initial conditions arc stoh that -=^ is less than the mcmont of inertia about
tho aids which describes tlio hi iral wo are considering, tho angular velocity will bo
greatest when the axis is nearest tho invariable hue and least when tho axis is
furthest. The reverse is the case if -yp is greater than tho moment of inertia.
640. Ex. 1. Let OM be any straight line fixed in tho body and passing
through and let it cut the eUipsoid of gyration at in Ihe point M. Let OM' bo
the perpendicular from on the tangent plane at Hf. If OM~r, OM'-p, and if
i, i' be the angles OM, OM' make with the invariable lino OL, prove that
Bin* 1 4^ ■■
; cos I cos 1 ,
Q pr
where j is tho angle the plane LOM makes with some plane fixe i in space passing
through OL. This follows from Art. 249 or from Art. 537.
Ex. 2. If KLK' be the spiral traced out by the invariable line in the manner
described in Art. 527| show that
% r^ ^A /vectorial area\
where X is the angle described by the plane containing the invariable line and the
principal axis OA,
Ex. 3. If xj/ be the angle described in space by the plane containing the invari-
able line and any straight line OM, fixed in the body, passing through and
cutting the sphere in M, prove that
. T -A /vectorial area \
where MN is any spherical arc fixed in the body and cutting in N the sphero-conic
described by the invariable line.
Ex. 4. If we draw three straight lines OA, OB, OC along the principal axes at
the fixed point of equal lengths, tho sum of the areas conserved by these lines on
the invariable plane is proportional to tho time. [Poinsot.]
Ex. 5. If the lengths OA, OB, OG bo proportional to tho radii of gyration
about the axes respectively, the sum of the areas conserved by these lines on the
invariable plane will also be proportional to the time. [Poinsot.]
I ;i
" .-i
il I
Motion of the hody when two principal axes are equal.
541. Let the body be rotating with ,an angular velocity ta
about an instantaneous axis 01. Let OL be the perpendicular
on the invariable line. The momental ellipsoid is in this case a
spheroid, the axis of which is the axis of unequal moment in the
body. Let the equal moments of inertia be A and B. From
the symmetry of the figure it is evident that as the spheroid rolls
on the invariable planes, the angles L OG, L 01 are constant, and
the three axes 01, OL, OC are always in one plane. Let the angles
LOC = %IOC=i.
Following the same notation as in Art. 508, we have
ft). = ft) cos I,
ft), + &>a = ft) sm I,
AVe therefore have
Cftjg _ C cos t
cos 7 =
This result may also be obtained as follows. In any conic if
i and 7 be the angles a central radius vector and the perpendicular
on the tangent at iio extremity make with "^he minor axis, and if
a, b be the semi-axes, then tan 7 = — a ta,n i. Applying this to the
momental spheroid, we have
tan 7=7^ tan i.
The angle i being known from the initial conditions, the angle 7
can be found from either of these expressions. The peculiarities
of the motion will then be as follows.
The invariable line describes a right cone in the body whose
axis is the axis of unequal moment, and whoso semi-angle is 7.
The instantaneous axis describes a right cone in the body
whose axis is the :\xis of unequal moment, and whose semi-angle
is I.
The instantaneous axis describes a right cone in space, whose
axis is the invariable line, and whose ^emi-angle is i ~ 7.
The axis of uneqiial moment describes a right cone in space
whose axis is the invariable line, and whose semi-angle is 7.
The angular velocity of the body about the instantaneous
axis varies as the radius vector of the spheroid, and is therefore
542. The rate of motion of the invariable line and the
instantaneous axis in the body may be found most readily by
referring to the original equations of motion in Art. 508. We have
in this case
A-r^ — {A — C) (0^(0 COS 1 =
■ A-^-\-{A-C)(o^cocosi=0
Solving these by differentiating the first and eliminating w^,'
we find
a)^ = i cos I — -^ — (ot COS z
^ (otco&z + n,
where i^ and /are arbitrary constants. Let the projection of either
the instantaneous axis or the invariable line on the plane per-
pendicular to the axis of unequal moment make an angle ;^ with
any fixed straight line which may be taken as axis OA. Then
tan ;^ = — ^ Hence we find
__ 2
A- G
(o cos I.
543. To find the common rate of motion in space of the
instantaneous axis and the axis of unequal moment.
Let G be the extremity of the axis of figure of the momental
ellipsoid, and let H be the rate at which the plane LOG is turning
round OL. Let CM, CN be perpendiculars on GL and CI.
Then since the body is turning round GI, the velocity of G is
GN.(o. But this is also CM M. Since GM=OGsmy,
CN= (9(7 sin i, we have at once
fl sin 7 = G) sin i,
whence fl can be found.
544, Ex, 1. If a right circular cone whose altitude a is double the radius of
its base turn about its centre of gravity as a fixed point, and be originally set in
motion about an axis inclined at an angle a to the axis of figure, the vertex of the
cone will describe a circle whose radius is -r asin o,
[Coll. Exam.]
Ex. 2, A circular plate revolves about its centre of gravity as a fixed point. If
an angvdar velocity w were originally impressed on it about an axis making an angle
a with its plane, a normal to the plane of the disc will make a revolution in space in
time — ; — [Coll. Exam.]
w>/l + 3sin*o
Ex. 3. A body wliich can turn freely about a fixed point at wbich two of the
principal moments are equal and less than the third, is set in rotation about any
axis. Owing to the resistance of the air and other causes, it is continually acted
on by a retarding couple whose axis is the instantaneous axis of rotation and whose
magnitude is proportional to the angular velocity. Show that the axis of rotation
will continually tend to become coincident with the axis of unequal moment. In
the case of the earth therefore, a near coincidence of the axis of rotation and axis
of figure is not a proof that such coincidence has always held. Astronomical
Notices, March 8, 1867.
Motion when G' = BT.
' if
I H !r
1 : I
545. The peculiarities of this case have been already alhuleil
to in Art. 508. When the initial conditions are «uch that this
relation holds between the Vis Viva and the Momentum of the
body the whole discussion of the motion becomes more simple*.
The fundamental equations of motion are
Solving these, we have
B-C G^-B'ay.^
= bt]
(o' =
, A-B G'
B'- ''
d(o„ C-A
B) { B- G) G' - R
AG ' B*
When the initial values of w^ and w, have like signs, {G- A) &>,&•,
is negative and therefore -rj' must be negative, hence in this
expression the upper or lower sign is to be used according as the
initial values of cd,, Wg have like or unlike signs.
" G'- B%
} dt
= V
{A-B){B~G )
» •'
* This case appears to have been considered by nearly every writer on tins
subject. As examples of different methods of treatment the reader may consult
Lvrjmdrc, Traite den Fonctious EllqHiques, 1825, Vol. I. page 382, and Poimot
Theorie Nonvelle dc la Rotation des coqjs, 1852, patrc 104.
tvo of the
about any
tally acted
md whoso
f rotation
ment. In
a and axis
Taking the principal axes at the fixed point as axes of refer-
ence, the equations of the invariable line are -j — = -^r— = 77— .
^ A(o^ xjo), C«»3
Eliminating a>^ and a^ the locus of the invariable line is one of
the two planes
/A-B , /B-G
OS 71 Si
The equations of the instantaneous axes are — = -^ = — .
^ ft), G)j 6)3
Eliminating ft), and g), the locus of the instantaneous axis is one
of the two planes
^A{A-B)x=± ^G{B-C) z.
In these equations since — follows the sign of -^ the upper
or lower sign is to be taken according as the initial values of
ft),, 6)3 have like or unlike signs. These planes pass through the
mean axis, and are independent of the initial conditions except
sofarthat (?' = i?r.
R. D. 28
r. ,
'! 1
T' 1
3i> t
The rolling and sliding cone is the reciprocal of that described
by the invariable plane, and is therefore the straight line perpen-
dicular to that plane which is traced out by the invariable line.
Ex. 1. Sbow that the planes described by the invariable line coincide with the
central circular sections of the ellipsoid of gyration and are perpendicular to the
asymptotes of that focal conic of the momeutal ellipsoid which lies in the plane of
the greatest and least moments.
Ex. 2. The planes described by the instantaneous axis are perpendicvdar to the
umbilical diameters of the ellipsoid of gyration and are the diametral planes of
the asymptotes of the focal conic in the momental ellipsoid.
547. The relations to each other of the several planes fixed
in the body may be exhibited by the following figure. Let
A, By C be the points in which the principal axes of the body
cut a sphere whose centre is 0, and radius unity. Let BLK',
BIJ' be the planes traced out by the invariable line and the
instantaneous axis respectively. Then by the last Article
tanCA =V6"2^i5'*^^^'^=V2-^5-
Hence v sin lOL
about a perpendicular to OL, viz. OH, it follows that the plane
fixed in the body turns round the line fixed in space with a
uniform angular velocity ^ or ^ . At the same time the plane
moves so that the line fixed in space appears to describe the
plane with a variable velocity w sin lOL, If /8 be the angle BL,
this has been proved in the last Article to be ^ n sin fi.
549. The cone described by OH in the body is the reciprocal
cone of that described by OL, and from it we may deduce re-
ciprocal theorems. The motion is therefore such that a straight
line fixed in the body, viz. OH, describes a plane fixed in space,
viz. the plane perpendicular to OL. The straight line moves
' !
is ■
' if!
along this plane with a uniform angular velocity equal to ^ or ^ ,
■'vhile the angular velocity of the body about this straight line
is +-^Jisin^.
550. The motion of the principal axes may be deduced from
the general results given in Art. 537. But we may also proceed
thus. Since the body is turning about 01, the point B on the
sphere is moving perpendicularly to the arc IB. Hence the
tangent to the path of B makes with LB an angle which is the
complement of the constant angle IBL. The path traced out
by the axis of mean moment on a sphere whose centre is at is
a rhumb line which cuts all the great circles through L at an
angle whose cotangent is ± n.
65i. To find the motion of the instantaneous axis in spac3.
This problem is the same as that considered in Art. 532. We
may however deduce the result at once from Art. 548. The angle
ILB is always a right angle, it therefore follows that the angular
velocity of / round L is the same as that of the arc BL round L.
But the angular velocity of the latter is constant and equal to ^.
If then be the angle the plane hOI containing the instanta-
neous axis arid the invariable line makes with some fixed plane
passing through the invariable line, we have 7^ = 75 •
652. To find the equation of the cone described by the
instantaneous axis in space, we require a relation between if and <^,
where f is the arc IL on the sphere. From the right-angled
triangle ILB we have n sin y9 = tan 5", and by Art. 547,
cot| = V£'e ^ •
Eliminating ^, we shall have an expression for §" in terms of U
We find
-?^ = cotf+tanf = V:^e
tan ^22
By the last Article (f> = ^t + F, where F is some constant.
Let us substitute for t in terms of j_and let us choose the plane
from v.hich is measured so that s/Ee^^^— 1.
The equation to the cone traced out in space by the instan-
taneous axis is
2/icotf=e«* + e-»*.
ight line
iced irom
B on the
ence the
ich is the
aced out
is at is
L at an
i32. We
rhe angle
e angular
round L.
ual to ^.
ced plane
by the
1 ^ and <}>,
jrms of t.
ihe plane
le instan-
When ^ = 0, we have tan(;'=n. Therefore the plane fixed in
space from which (f> is measured is the plane containing the axes
of greatest and least moment at the instant when that plane
contains the invai'iable line.
On tracing this cone, we see that it cuts a sphere whose centre
is at the fixed point in a spiral curve. The branches determined
by positive and negative values of are perfectly equal. As
increases positively the radial arc ^ continually decreases, the
spiral therefore makes an infinite number of tuins round the
point L, the last turn being infinitely small.
Ex. In the herpolhode
+c-'»*, if the looua of the extremity of the
polar subtangent of this curve be foand and another carve be similarly generated
from this locus, the curve thus obtained will be similar to the herpolhode. [Math.
Tripos, 1863.]
On Correlated and Contrarelated Bodies,
553. To compare the motions of different bodies acted on hy
initial couples whose planes are parallel.
Let a, /S\ 7 be the angles the principal axes OA, OB, 0(7 of
a body at the fixed point make with the invariable line OL.
Then by Art. 511, Euler's equations may be put into the form
dcosa , ^/l 1\ „ f. .-V
— ^^-+G'f-g--^jco3/3cos7 = (1),
with two similar equations. Let \, fi, v be the angles the planes
LOA, LOB, LOG make with any plane fixed in space, and passing
through OL. Then
. » \ T (rcos'a ,»v
^^^«d-^ = G^ AT (2)'
with similar equations for fi and v.
If accented letteiv. denote similar quantities for some other
body, the corresponding equations will be
^^'+G"(-^,--^)cos^cos7'-0 (3).
If then the bodies are such that
! :, . '\i
the equations (1) to find a, /9, 7 are the same as the ecjuations (3)
to find o', ^, 7'. Therefore if these two bodies be initially placed
with their principal axes parallel and be set in motion by impulsive
couples whose magnitudes are G and 0\ and whose planes are
parallel, then after the lapse of any time t the principal axes of
the two bodies will still be equally* inclined to the common axis
of the couples.
The equations (5) may be put into the form
O _G' _G_G' _G G' f
Since by Art. ' 'ntlK
B B' C C"
\a \ iva is given by
«c cosjS cos'7
.r ■*■ B ^ ~cr
T T'
wc see that each of the express:.oij ^ in (C) is equal to -p; — j^.
It immediately follows by subtracting equations (2) and (4)
and dividing by sin' a that
with similar equations for 11 and v. Thus the two bodies being
started as before with their principal axes parallel each to each,
the parallelism of the princi^jal axes may be restored by turning
* In order tbat the angles which the principal axes make with the axis of tho
conple may be the same in each body, it is necessary that the cones described by
the axis OL in the body should be the same. Hence by Art. 525, the two ellipsoids
of gyration must have the same circular sections, or which is the same thing, the
two momental ellipsoids must have the same asymptotes to their hyperbolic focal
conies. Also in Oxder that the cones may be the same we must have
L T^ 1. ^ 1 ^
A ~ G" _ B ~ G' _ £~G2
1^ T ~ J_ 2 " ~ 1 T' ■
If we put each of these equal to some quantity r , we easily find
i ^ I _ 1 i i.
A~ B ~B C C~ A
A'~ B' B'~ C C'~ A'
If in VM two bodies the angles between the principal axes and the axis of the couple
ai-e to be equal each to each at tho same time, tho equations (1) and (3) of Art. f'5a
show that we must have in addition ~ j = r. This leads to the generalization of Prof.
Sylvester's theory given in the text.
ations (3)
Ily placed
>1anes are
al axes of
imon axis
' O"
) and (4)
dies being
1 to each,
y turning
> axis of tho
described by
NO ellipsoids
10 thing, the
erbolic focal
)f the couplo
of Art. r>53
lion of Prof.
the body whoso principal axes are A', B, C about tho cora-
mon axis of the impulsive couples through an angle [jy — Trijt
in the direction in which positive impulsive couples act*.
554. When the couples G and 0' are equal the condition (6)
A A' B lj:~ C Cf ~ G-' '
the bodies are then said to be correlated. If m omental ellipsoids
of the two bodies be taken so that the moment of inertia in each
bears the same ratio to the square of the reciprocal of the radius
vector these ellipsoids are clearly confocal.
When the couples G and G' are equal and opposite, the
equation (6) becomes
1 1 _ 1^ 1 _ 1 1 _ r+ r
A^ A:~ B^ B~'G^C~ G* *
and the bodies are said to be contrarelated.
555. To compare the angular velocities of the two hodit xt
any instant.
Let ft) be the angular velocity of one body at any insta ^ M:en
following the usual notation we have
If the same letters accented denote similar quantities for the
other body
'« r"2 /cos
(o =G (-^
a cos* /3
r +
cos' 7'\
2?" ' 6"*
Bat remembering the condition (G) these give
* Since the cones described by the invariable line in the two bodies are identical,
their reciprocal cones, 1. e. Poinsot's rolling and sliding cones, are also identical in
the two bodies. Thus in the two bodies, the rolling motions of these cones are
equal, but the sliding motions may be different. The si. ding motions represent
T T'
angular velocities about the invariable line respectively equal to ^ and ^, . Hence
we have
dt ~ (It ~ dt " (it dt~' dt G~ G"
This remark on the former note is due to Prof. Cayley. '_
' t
By referring to (7) the quantity in square brackets is easily
seen to be ^ + T77 1
Ex. If two bodies be so related that their ellipsoids of gyration are confooal, and
bo initially so placed that the angles (a, /3, 7) (o', ^, 7') their principal axes mako
with the invariable lino of each are connected by the equations
cos a
cos a' cos /3
Cos/S* cos y cos 7'
J A' ' Jb Jb' ' Jc ^/C" '
and if these bodies bo set in motion by two impulsive couples 0, 0' respectively
proportional to iJaBG and Ja'B'C', then the above relations will always hold be-
tween the angles (a, /3, 7) (a', /3', 7'). If p and p' be the reciprocals of -3; and -r- ,
then Op-Q'p' will bo constant throughout the motion, where \ X', &o., are the
angles the planes LOA, L'O'A' make at the time t with their positions at the
time (=0.
556. When a body turns about a fixed point its motion in
space is represented by making its momental ellipsoid roll on a
fixed plane. This gives no representation of the time occupied
by the body in passing from any position to any other. The
preceding Articles will enable us to supply this defect.
To give distinctness to our ideas let us suppose the momental
ellipsoid to be rolling on a horizontal plane underneath the fixed
point 0, and that the instantaneous axis 01 is describing a polhode
about the axis of A. Let us now remove that half of the ellipsoid
which is bounded by the plane of BG, and which does not touch
the fixed plane. Let us replace this half by the half of another
smaller ellipsoid which is confocal with the first. Let a p^ane
be drawn parallel to the invariable plane to touch this ellipsoid
in /' and suppose this plane also to be fixed in space. These two
semi-ellipsoids may be considered as the momental ellipsoids of
two correlated bodies; If they were not attached to each other
* This result may also bo obtained in tho following manner. By Art. 534 the
angular velocity w of one body is equivalent to an angular velocity ^ about the
invariable line and an angular velocity 12 about a straight liuo Oil which is a gene-
rator of the rolling and sliding cone. Hence w^ = ^o + 0". A similar equation with
accented letters will hold for the other body. Since in the two bodies the angles
between the principal axes and tho invariable line are equal each to each through-
out the motion, the rolling motions of the two cones must be equal, hence Q=R'.
It follows immediately that w'-«'»= -p, - ;^t„.
Or' Cr ^
is easily
mfooal, and
axes mako
,y3 hold be-
i\ , d\'
&c., are the
tious at the
notion in
roll on a
ler. The
the fixed
a polhode
not touch
f another
a plane
!'hese two
ipsoids of
ich other
Irt. 534 the
about the
1 is a gene-
uation with
3 the angles
h through-
ence Si=0'.
and were free to move without interference, each would roll tho
one on the fixed piano which touches at /, and the other on that
which touches at /'. By what has been shown the upper ellipsoid
(being the smallest) may be brought into parallelism with tho
lower by a rotation ^M j ~ "^') about the invariable line. If then
the upper plane on which the upper ellipsoid rolls be made to
turn round the invariable line as a fixed axis with an angular
velocity ^( t~'t)' *^® ^^^ ellipsoids will always be in a state
of parallelism, and may be supposed to be rigidly attached to each
Suppose then the upper tangent plane to be perfectly rough
and capable of turning in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis
which passes through the fixed point. As the nucleus is mado
to roll with the under part of its surface on the fixed plane below,
the friction between the upper surface and the plane will cause
the latter* to rotate about its axis. Then the time elapsed will
be in a constant ratio to this motion of rotation, which may be
measured off on an absolutely fixed dial face immediately over the
rotating plane.
The preceding theory, so far as it relates to correlated and
contrarelated bodies, is taken from a memoir by Prof. Sylvester
in the Philosophical Transactions for 1866. He proceeds to in-
vestigate in what cases the upper ellipsoid may be reduced to a
disc. It appears that there are always two such discs and no
more, except in the case of two of the principal moments being
equal, when the "olution becomes unique. Of these two discs
one is correlatetx and the other contrarelated to the given body,
and they will be respectively perpendicular to the axes of greatest
and least moments of inertia.
Poinsot has shown that the motion of the body may be con-
structed by a cone fixed in the body rolling on a plane which
turns uniformly round the invariable line. If, as in the preceding
theory, we suppose the plane rough, and to be turned by the
cone as it rolls on the plane, the angle turned through by the
plane will measure the time elapseu.
* As the ellipsoid rolls on the lower plane, a certain geometrical condition must
be satisfied that the nucleus may not quit the upper plane or tend to force it
upwards. This condition is that the plane containing 01, 01', must contain
the invariable line, for then and then only the rotation about 01 can be resolved
into a component about Or and a component about the invariable line. That this
condition must be satisfied is clear from the reasoning in tho text. But it is
also clear from the known properties of coufocal ellipsoids.
' 1
I I:
1. A right cone the base of whioli is an ellipso is supported at O the centre of
gravity, and has a motion oommnnicatcd to it about an axis through per])cndicu-
lar to the line joining G, and the extremity li of the axis minor of the base, and in
the piano through B and the axis of the cone. Determine the position of the in-
variable plane.
liegult. The normal to the invariable plane lien in the plane passing through
the axis of the cone and the axis of instantaneous rotation, and mokes uu angle
2. A spheroid has a particle of mass m fastened at each extremity of the axis of
revolution, and the centre of gravity is fixed. If the body be set rotating about any
axis, show that the spheroid will roll on a fixed plane during the motion provided
— = r^fl--jj, where 31 is the mass of the spheroid, a and c are the axes of the
generating ellipse, e being the axis of figure.
8. A lamina of any form rotating with an angular velocity a about an axis
through its centre of gravity perpendiciUar to its plane has an angular velocity
a \/ B^^p impressed upon it about its principal axis of least moment, A, B, C
being arranged in descending order of magnitiide : show that at any time t the
angular velocities about the principal axes are respectively
and that it will ultimately revolve about the axis of mean moment.
4. A rigid body not acted on by any force is in motion about its centre of
gravity: prove that if the instantaneous axis be at any moment situated in the
plane of contact of either of the right circular cylinders described about the central
ellipsoid, it will be so throughout the motion.
If a, b, c be the semi-axes of the central ellipsoid, arranged in descending order
of magnitude, Cj, e^, e^ the eccentricities of its principal sections, Oj, 0^, R, the
initial component angular velocities of the body about its principal axes, prove that
the condition that the instantaneous axis should be situated in the plane above
- ., - . 0, ahit,
described is -^ = -= — = .
5. A rigid lamina not acted on by any forces has one point fixed about which
it can turn freely. It is started about a line in the plane of the lamina the moment
of inertia about which is Q. Show that the ratio of the greatest to the least angular
velocity is hJa + B : Jb + y, where A,Boxq the principal moments of inertia about
axes in the plane of the lamina.
* These examples are taken from the Examination Papers which have been set
in the University and in the Colleges.
e contro of
ittBu, and iu
of the iu'
[ng through
IS un angle
f tho axis of
g about any
on provided
axes of tho
)nt an axis
lor velocity
!ut, A,B, C
r time ( the
;s centre of
ated iu the
the central
nding order
fig, fig the
, prove that
)lane above
6. If tho earth were a rigid body acted on by no force rotating about a diameter
which is not a principal axis, show that tho latitudes of places would vary and that
(ho values would recur whenever J A - li J A - V Ju^dt is a multiple to 2wJli(J.
If a man were to lie down when his latitude is a minimum and to rise when it be-
comes a maximum, show that he would iucrease the vis viva, and so cause the polo of
the earth to travel from the axis of greatest moment of inertia towards that of least
moment of inertia.
7. If do bo the angle between two consecutive positions of the instantaneous
sxf!t, prove that
8. If n be the angular velocity of the plane through the invariable lino and
the instantaneous axis about the invariable line and X tho compouout angular
velocity of the body about the invariable line, prove that
0. If a body move in any manner, and all the forces pass through tho contro of
gravity, prove that
where w,, «g, Wj are the angular velocities about the principal axes at tho centre of
gravity, and w is the resultant angular velocity.
! M
; i
ibout which
the moment
3ast angular
aertia about
ivo been set
1' m
Il <
557. In this Chapter it is proposed to discuss some cases
of the motion of a rigid body in three dimensions as exo.mples
of the processes explained in Chapter V. The reader will find
it an instructive exercise to attempt their solution by other
method," , for example, the equations of Lagrange might be
applied with advantage in some cases.
Motion of a Top.
658. A body two of whose principal moments at the centre
of gravity are equal moves about some fixed point in the axis
if unequal moment under the action of gravity. Determine the
motion. See Art. S?-*.
To give distinctness to our ideas we may consider the body
to be a top spinning on a perfectly rough horizontal plane.
Let the axis OZ be vertical. Let the axis of unequal moment
at the centre of gravity be the axis OG and let this be called
the axis of the body. Let h be the distance of the centre of
gravity of the body from the fixed point and let the mass
of the body be taken as uuity. Let OA be that principal axis
at which lies in the plane ZOO, OB the principal axis perpen-
dicular to this plane.
If we take moments about the axis OC we have by Euler's
equations (Art. 230),
C^-{A-B)co,^*» \
/ ,'
r-s/ \ \
/ ^'
/\/\ • ^
' /
jction OQ ^
It is clear that the moment of the momentum about OZ
will be constant throughout the motion. Since the direction-
cosines of OZ referred to OA, OB, OG are — sin^, and cos^,
this principle gives
-Aw^amd + Gncos0 = E (2),
where E is some constant depending on the initial conditions,
and whose value may be found from this equation by substituting
the initial value of a, and 0.
The equation of Vis Viva gives
A {(o * + (o^') + Cn^=F-2gh cos (3),
where F is some constant, whose value may be found by substi-
tuting in this equation the initial values of w^, w,, and ^ t,
* To avoid confusion in the figure, the body which is represented by a top
is drawn smaller than it should be.
t If we eliminate Wj, Wj from equations (1), (2), (3) we have two equations from
which and ^ ^^7 be found by quadratures. These were first obtained by
Lagrange in his Mccanique Analijtique, and were afterwards given by Poisson in
his Trait4 de Blecanlquc, The former passes them over with but slight notice,
and proceeds to discuss the email oscillations of a body of. any form suHpeudod
under the action of gravity from a fixed point. The latter limits the equations to
. I''
Let ns measure along the vertical OZ, in the direction opposite to parity
as the positive direction, two lengths 0^/^= T^, 0F=-^ ".-"-'. These lengths
Cn 2gh
we shall write briefly OU=a, and OV=b. Draw through U and V two horizontal
planes, and let the vertical through P intersect these planes in M and N. Then
the equations (2) and (3) give by (1),
horizontal velocity) Cn , „„.,
ofP \=-f^tmPUM
(velocity of i')2= 2*; PJV (5).
Thus the resultant velocity of P is that due to the depth of P below the horizontal
plane through V, and the velocity of P resolved perpendicular to the plane ZOP
is proportional to the tangent of the angle PU makes with a horizontal plane.
It ap;"iears from this last result that when P is below the horizontal plane
through U, the plane POT turns round the vertical in the same direction as the
body turns round its axis, i.e. according to the rule in Art. 199, OF and OP are
the positive directions of the axes of rotation. When P passes above the horizontal
piano tiirough U, the plane POV turns round the vertical in the opposite direction.
If P be below both the horizontal planes through O and U these results are still
true, but if a top is viewed from above, the axis will appear to turn round the
vortical in the direction opposite to the rotation of the top. lu all the cases
in which P is below the plane UAf the lowest point of the rim of the top moves
round the vertical in the same direction as the axis of the top.
If we substitute for u^, Wj, E and F in (2) and (3) their values, we easily obtain
hi sin" e '/ + Cn cos e = Cn^
at I
These equations give in a convenient analytical form the whole motion. We
sec from the last equation, >vliat is indeed obvious otherwise, that b - 1 cos 6 is
always positive. The horizontal plane through V is therefore above the initial
position of P and remains above P throughout the whole motion.
Ex. 1. If w be the resultant angular velocity of the body and v the velocity of P
show that a»*=n' + (y) .
Ex. 2. Show that the cosine of the inclination of the instantaneous axis to the
^. , . £+ (A -C)ncQS0
vertical is ^-^ ,
560. As the axis of the body goes round the vertical its
inclination to the vertical is continually changing. These changes
the case in which the body has an initial angular velocity only about its axis, and
applies them to determine directly the small oscillations of a top (1) when its axis
is nearly vertical, and (2) when its axis makes a nearly constant angle with the
vertical. His results arc necessarily more liinitsd than those given in this
to gravity
ese lengths
IN. Then
3 horizontal
plane ZOP
ontal plane
ition as the
and OP are
e horizontal
te direction,
ilts are still
a round the
11 the cases
e top movea
isily obtain
notion. We
- 1 COR is
G the initial
velocity of P
IS axis to the
ertical its
se changes
ita axis, and
when its axis
gle with the
ivcn in this
may be found by eliminating -J^ between the equation (6). We
thus obtain
(i^^ 9 /; T m C^i' fa -I cos e\
I am 6
It appears from this equation that 6 can never vanish unless
a = l, for in any other case the right-hand side of this equation _
would become infinite. This may be proved otherwise. Since
J is equal to the ratio of the angular momentum about the vertical
to that about the axis of the body, it is clear the axis could not
become vertical unless the ratio is unity.
Suppose the body to be set in motion in any way with its
axis at an inclination i to the vertical. The axis will begin to
approach or to fall away from the vertical according as the initial
value of -77 or a^ is negative or positive. The axis will then
oscillate between two limiting angles given by the equation
= 2ghr (h ~ I cos 0) (1 - cos"*^) - CV (a - I cos fff (8).
This is a cubic equation to determine cos 6. It will be neces-
sary to examine its roots. When cos ^ = — 1 the right-hand side
is negative; when cos ^ = cose", since the initial value of [-Ji) is
essentially positive, the right-hand side is either zero or positive ;
hence the equation has one real root between cos ^ = — 1 and
cos ^=cos i. Again, the right-hand side is negative when cos^= + l
and positive when cos d= oc . Hence there is another real root
between cos 6 = cos i, and cos ^ = 1 , and a third root greater than
unity. This last root is inadmissible.
5C1. These limits may be conveniently expressed geometrically. The equation
(7) may evidently be written in the form
v2 . _.. C-'h"-' /P3I\->
Describe a parabola with its vertex at I', its axis vertically downwards and its
Intus rectum equal to —r-., . Ijet the vertical PMN cut this parabola in H, wc then
1 1
PM "*" PR
The point P oscillates between the two positions in which the harmonic mean
of PM and PJi is equal to - 2 . MN, In the figure T is drawn above U, and in
tliis case one of the limits of P is above CM, and the other below the pnrabola. If
wc take U as origin and UO the axis of x, we have PM — r, I'M-y. Let 2^)1 be the
1; ■
* ■
r '!^
latas rectum o^ the parabola, and lJV=e, then the axis oi the bcV;
bptw3»?n the two ;;;«nition8 in which P liea on the cubic curve
y«(a!+c)=2pfo« (11)
When c is positive, i. e. when V is above 17, the form of the carve is Lcdica+'j.'
in the figure by the dotted line. The tangents at U cut each other at a finite
angle and the tangent of the angle either makes with the vertical is f — j . When
e is negative the curve has two branches, one on each side of the vertical, with a
conjugate point at the origin. It is clear from what precedes that the upper
branch will lie above, and the lower branch below, the initial position of P,
and that P must always lie between the two branches.
662. In the case of a top, the initial motion is generally given
by a rotation n about the axis. We have initially oa =0, u>^ — 0,
and therefore by (2) and (3) E= Cn cos i, and F— Cii = 2gh cos i.
■■ 2pl, as before, the roots
This gives a = 5 = Z cos i. Putting
of equation (8) are cos 6 = cos i, and cos ^ = ja — Vi — 2^ cos i + ^/^
The value co3d=p + '^1 — 2pcosi+p^ is always greater than
unity, for it is clearly decreased by putting unity for coai, and
its value is then not less than unity. The axis of the body will
therefore oscillate between the values of just found.
Since a=b, the horizontal planes through 17 and V coincide, and c— 0. T'jo
cubic curve which determines the limits of OBcillation becomes the parabola ril
and the straight lino UM. The axis of the body will thon oscillato b(;tween the two
positions in which P lies on the horizontal through C and on the parabolrt.
Generally the angular velocity n about the axis of figure is
very great. In this case p is very great, and if we reject the
squares of - we see that cos 6 will vary between the limits cos i
and cos i — ,, cjIii' i.
If the initial value of i is zero, we see that the two limits of
cos { are the same. The axis of the body will therefore remain
663. Ex. 1. When the limiting angles between which varies are equal to
each other, bo that 6 is constant throughout the motion and equal to a, show that
tan' (p - tan rf> tan a H — ^- tan' o =0,
where '
Afi'— + Bin a (gh- A fj? cos o) '^ + n^A sin» a0'=O\
To solve these, put ^= Psin (pt+f), and ^'= G cos (pt+f).
Substituting, we have
- An am a. pG ={gh-Afi* cos a) F \
{A ftp* - iJ?A sin" o) F= - {gh - Ay? cos o) sin a .