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[Jl'ie name of the Province occurs a few times in the works of Piirsh, "looker, Gray and others, but only in connexion with the distribution of some particular species of plant. During the above-mentioned year there appeared "A Description of the Forest and Ornamental Trees of New Brunswick, by D. R. Munro, St. John, N. B." As the author proves himself innocent to the last degree of all knowledge of Botany, his descriptions are simply amusing exhibitions of the power of imagination.^ On February 12th, 1864, Prof. L. W. Bailey read an interesting paper entitled "Notes on the Geology and Botany of New Brunswick " before the Natural History Society, -.vhich was subsequently published in the Cayiadian Naturalist for April of the same year. The author describes the character of the country from the mouth of the Tobique to its source, and thence down the Nepisi- quit to Bathurst, giving partial lists of the plants met with on the route. • The reading of this paper gave an impulse to the Botanic talent of the Society, and at the following April meeting (April 8, 1864) Mr. Robert Matthew read a " List of the Plants of New Brunswick," but, unfortunately, it was never published. (See Bulle- tin Nat. Hist. Soc, I, p. 18.) ^He describes three species of Oak, two of Elm, three of Beech, and three of Ash as bein^ abundant. His Bilberry (Vaccinium) grows into a tree thirty feet and upwards, and Dogwood (Cornus Florida) is abun- dant, attaining a height of thirty feet. He finds two species of Moose Wood — the Kound-Ieaf aad the Kotch-leaf Moose Wood. L *'■■ ■^-TI List of the Plants of New Brunswick. The next notice appeared in 1869, when Mr. G. F. Matthew pub- lished a valuable and thoughtful paper " On the Occurrence of Ai'ctic and Western Plants in Continental Acadia." The paper was read before the Society, April 13, 1869, and published in the June number of Canadian Naturalist. In 1876, Dr. L. W. Bailey and Edward Jack, Esq., prepared and published a "Descriptive Catalogue .of the Woods and Minerals of New Brunswick," for use at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadel- phia. It embodies a large amount of valuable information from an economic standpoint, and gives the most reliable account of the uses of our forest trees that has yet been presented to the public. No further references to the subject occur till January, 1879, when the Provincial Agricultural Repor\. for the previous year appeared with a "List of New Brunswick Plants" by the present writer. The List was subsequently published in the Educational Circular. It gives the names of 1,074 species, 743 of which are Phanerogams and the remainder Cryptogams. All of these the writer had hi. ■•- self collected or seen in the possession of others. The publication awakened the interest of *he students of Botany, and specimens of rare or "^ew plants were forwarded to him from different parts of the Province. His own residence in Fredericton in 1878-9 gave him an opportunity of securing some new material, and in the Report of the following year (1880) he published "Additions to the List of New Brunswick Plants," accompanied by an article on the "Advantages resulting from a Knowledge of the Flora of our Province." In 1882 the New Brunswick Natural History Society published the first number of its Annual Bulletin, containing the Report of the Botanical Committee of the Society, and a List of the species dis- covered since the publication of the previous paper. The two suc- ceeding Bulletins contain additional Lists bringing up the number of species discovered to the close of 1883. In Bulletin No. 2 appeared an interesting paper on the " Botany of the Upper St. John " by Mr. G. U. Hay, who has devoted considerable attention to an inves- tigation of the plants of the St. John and its tributaries. Since his removal to Ontario (1880) the writer has received specimens of many new species from botanic friends, and by their kind aid has compiled the present Catalogue as a contribution to the advancement of Botanic Science in his native Province. His aim has been in the compilation to exclude every species of which he had not seen a List of the Plants of New Brunswick. specimen. The few instances in which he has deviated fvom this rule are mentioned in their appropriate places. A few gencia, such as Aster and Solidago, are in a very unsatisf.actory condition, and it is exceedingly desirable that Lotanists make special efforts to secure large collections of perfect specimens for future study, that the true character of our species may be ascertained. It is unnecessary to say that the present List is imperfect owing tc the fact that only a limited area of the Provmce has yet been visited by Botanists, Every year will add new species to the num- ber already known, but the author trusts that the assistance he has rendered to the students of our Flora will secure for him the kind indulgence of the reader. The order and names of Families and Genera are, with very few exceptions, those of Bentham & Hooker's Genera Plantarum. The specific names are from "Watson's Index and Gray's Synoptical Flora as far as they go. The remainder aie taken from the Manual. The writer acknowledges,, with warmest gratitude, the kind assist- ance he has received from such students of New Brunswick's Flora as G. F- Matthew, George U. Hay, J, Brittain, R. Chalmers, J. E. Wetmore, J. Vroom, J, Moser, and others, without whose aid this work would have been impossible. JAMES FOWLER, Queen's College, Kingston, Ont. February 4, 1885. List of spri incj Aconitui Papaver Papaver Glauciun Adlumia intrc Erysimui heap Diplotaxi Hay Diplotaxi Hay Brassica < Tilia Eur Ampelops buth Trifolium Trifolium Lotus cor Hay, Ornithopu the pi Ribes aurt Bupleurun Caru.n Ca places Helianthus Anthemis i Xist of the Plants of New Brunswick. 9 APPENDIX. List of Plants., mostly of European origin., found on ballast or spreading from ballast deposits, together with a few spontaneous in gardens or escaping from them. Aconitum Napellus, L. Spontaneous in gardens, Fowler, Vroom. Papaver dubium, L. Ballast, Buctouche, Fowler. Papaver Rheas, L. Spontaneous in garden at Manse, Bass River, Fowler. Glauciuni luteum, Scop. Ballast St. John, Hay. Adlumia cirrhosa, Raf. Spontaneous in gardens wherever it is introduced. Erysimum orientale, R. Brown. Apparently permanent on ballast heaps, Richibucto, Fowler. Diplotaxis tenuifolia, DC. Ballast, Richibucto, Prowler ; St. John, Hay, Diplotaxis muralis, DC. Ballast, Richibucto, Fowler ; St. John, Hay. Brassica campestris, L. Ballast, St. John, Hay. Tilia Europea, L. Planted for ornament. Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Extensively planted for ornament, but has not yet been found wild. Trifolium resupinatum, L. Ballast, St. John, Fowler. Trifolium ornithopodioides, L. Ballast, St. John, Foxoler. Lotus corniculatus, L. Fairville, 1S77, Fowler ; ballast, St. John, Hay, 1881, Herb. Ornithopus scorpioides, L. Occurring in a garden at St. Stephen the past two seasons, Vroom, Herb., Bulletin III. 33. Ribes aureum, Pursh. Cultivated for ornament. Bupleurum rotundifolium, L. Ballast, St. John, Hay. Caru.n Carui, L. Becoming a very troublesome weed in several places in St. John Co. Helianthus tuberosus, L. Spontaneous about garden fences. Anthemis tinctoria, L. Ballast, St. John, Hay. W IS- 10 List of the Plants of New Jtrunauick. Chrysanthemum Parthenium, Pers. In gardens, scarcely wild. Chrysanthemum Coronarium, L. Ballast, St. John, Jlay, Herb. Chrysanthemum segetum, L. Ballast, St. John, Iluy, Herb. Senecio JacoboGus, L. Firmly established at Newcastle, Miramichi. Senecio viscosus, L. Spreading rapidly at Bathurst and Shediac, Carduus crispus, L. West side Courtenay Bay, Hay. Onopordon Acanthium, Vaill. Ballast at Buctouche. Silybum Marianurn, Vaill. In gardens. Lampsana communis, L. Ballast, St. John, JTay. Crcpis virens, L. Ballast, St. John. Tragopogon pratensis, L. In a field, St. Stej)hen, Vroom. Borago officinalis, L. Escaped from gardens in a few places. Physalis pubescens, L. Found occasionally in gardens. Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill. Ballast Wharf, St. John, JTa}/, 1881. Linaria minor, Desf. Ballast Wharf, St, John, Hay, 1881. Mimulus moschatus, Dougl. Alma, JBrittain. Probably outcast from a garden. Satureia hortensis, L. Found growing on a railroad embankment near Hillsborough, JBrittain. Galeopsis Ladanum, L. Ballast, St. John, Hay, Mercurialis annua, L. Spread from ballast at Buctoucae. Daphne Mezereum. Near Fredericton, W. T. L. Meed, Salix acutifolia, L. Planted for ornament, Kent Co. Populus dilatata, Ait. Often planted under the name of Lombardy Poplar. Populus alba, L. White Poplar or Abele. Often planted. Spreads by the roots. A PEELIMIKARY CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. PHANEROGAMIA. Class L — EXOGENOUS PLANTS. • Sub-Class I. — ANGIOSPERM^. Division A. — Polypktal^. I. RANUNCULACEiE. 1. CLEMATIS, L. - - Virgin's Bower Clematis. 1 C. verticillaris, DC. St. Stephen, Vroom; abundant on Nash- waaksis, Moser; Herb.^ 2 C. Virginianu, L. Common throughout the province. 2. THALICTRUM, Tourn. - - - MeadowRue. 3 T. dioicum, L. Fredericton, Fowler; Keswick Ridge, Dr. Bailey, Nashwaaksis, Douglas, Vroom, Herb. ; Grand Lake, Woodstock, Eel River, St. Francis, Tobique, Hay; Bailey, Can Nat., 1864, p. 83 ; Flat Lands, Restigouche. Chalmers. 4 T. Cornuti, L. Very common along wet banks of brooks. Hcb. 3. ANEMONE, L. - - Anemone. "Wind-flower. 5 A. multifida, DC. St. John River above Fredericton, Grand Falls, Moser; from mouth of St. Francis to Tobique, Hay. Bulletin 11. 27. ^Herharium of New Brunswick Natural History Society. (11) m 11 kp; "TUfi : 12 Natural History Society of N. H., Bulletin No. IV. 6 A. cylindi-ica, Gray. St. Francis River, Hay. 7 A. Virginiana, L, Mouth of Upsalquitch, Fowler ; Grand Falls, St. John River, Moser ; Lower Kennebeccasis, Mada- waska, St. Francis, Hay^ Bulletin II. 25, 27 ; Andover and along St. John, Wetmore. 8 A. dichotoma, L., (A. Pennsylvanica, L.) Rather common throughout the province. 9 A. neniorosa, L. Rare in northern counties. Near mouth of IST. W. Miramichi, Fowler ; South Bay, Mrs. Jleustis ,' Rothe- say and Bloomfield, Hay, Herb. 10 A. Hepatica, L., (Hepatica triloba, Chaix.) Keswick Ridge, Herb. N. B. Univers., Fowler; in Herb., Moser; St. Stephen, Vroom / Petitcodiac, William Price. RANUNCULUS, L. - Buttercup. Ckowfoot. aquatilis, L,, var. trichophyllus, Gray. In sluggish bi'ooks. Black Rivir, Northumberland Co.; Bass River, Kent Co., Fowler, in Herb. ; Tobique River, Hay. multifidus, Pursh., (R. Purshii, Torrey). In ditches at Point de Bute and Belledune. Flammula, L., var. reptans, Gray. Woodstock, Fodder; Fredericton, Herb. ; commoTi at Salmon River and Andover, Wetmore; along St. John River, Hay. Cymbalaria, Pursh. Near brackish or salt water along the rivers Kouchibouguac, Richibuc' o, St. John, Fowler; Herb. abortivus, L. Bass River, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Lan- caster, 3Irs. Heustis; Hampton, Hay, Herb. sceleratus, L. Shediac, River Charlo, Fowler; St. Stephen, Vroom. recurvatus, Poir. Along a small shaded brook near Manse, Bass River, Fredericton, Fowler; Kennebeccasis and St. John, i/ay, in Herb.; Vroom; Clifton and Andover, Wetmore. Pennsylvanicus, L. Rather rare. Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Grand Lake and Keswick Ridge, Hay, Herb. repens, L. We have two forms, one introduced and com- mon about St. John, the other taller and smoother, native. The introduced form may be recognized by its hairy creep- ing runners and blotched leaves. 20 R. ACEI8, L. Abundant everywhere. li R. 12 R. 13 R. 14 R. 15 R. 16 R. 17 R. 18 R. 19 R. 5. CALTHA. L. Marsf Marigold. 21 C. palustris, L. Common. Bass River, Coal Branch, Kent Co., Fowler; Indian Falls on Nepisiquit, Dr. Jiailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 92 ; Madawaska County, Hay. Preliminary List of the Plants of New BninsioicJc. 13 6. COPTIS, Salisb. - - - - - Goldthread. 22 C. trifolia, Salisb. Common. Bass River, Miramichi, Fowler; Carleton, Herb. Mrs. Ileustis; Hay^ Herb. 7. AQUILEGIA, Tourn. - - - Columbine. 23 A. vur GAKis, L. Escaped from gardens near St. John, Fowler; Milkish and Aroostook Falls, Hay^ Herb. Bulletin II. 29. 8. ACT^A, L. Banebkrry. 24 A. spicata, L., var. rubra, Michx. Bass Kiver, Fowler; Cainp- bellton, Hay^ Herb. 25 A. alba, Bif^el. Rather rare, Fredericlon, Fowler; Canipbell- lon, Hay^ in Herb. ; in rich woods along St. John, Hay. II. BERBERIDACE^. 9. BERBERIS. L. Barberry. 26 B. VULGARIS, L. Occasionally found near garden fences. 10. CAULOPIIYLLUM, Michx. . Pappoose-Root. 27 C. thalictroidos, Michx. Nashwaaksis, Moser; rich intervales of Upper St. Jffhn, St. Francis, Eel River, Atidover, Hay., Herb., Bulletin II. 25, 30; Aroostook Junction on rich flats, Wetmore. III. NYMPHiEACEiE. 11. BRASENIA, Schieber. Water-Shield. 28 B. peltata, Pursh. Near residence of W. S. Butler, Es(j., Grand Lake. Near railway station, Fredericton, Fowler; Cox's Point, Grand Lake, Hay., Herb. ; St. Stephen, Vroom; Clifton Lakes and Salmon River, Wetmore. 12. NUPHAR, Smith. Yellow Pond-Lily. 29 N. advena, Ait. Abundant in King's Co., Salmon River, Q. C, St. John Co., Hay., Herb.; Springfield and St. Croix River, Fowler; Nepisiquit Lakes, Dr. Bailey., Can. Nat. 1864, p. 90 ; abundant in lake? near Campbellton, Chalmers. 30 N. pumilum, Smith. Woodstock, Fovder; abundant at Salmon River, Wetmore; Petitcodiac and Nauwigewauk, Prittain; Nepisiquit Lakes, Dr. Pailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 90; Kes- wick, Nepisiquit Lakes, Hay, Herb. Bulletin II. 31. ^\Wi *■ 14 Natural. History Society of N B^ Bulletin No. IV. 13. NYMPH^A, Tourn. - - - Wateb-Lily. 31 N". odorata, Ait. Lakes in St. John Co., Grand Lake, Fowler, Hay; Gondola Point and other places in King's Co., Hay, Herb. ; St. Croix River, Vroom. IV. SARRACENIACE^. 14. SARRACENIA, Tourn. - Side-saddle Flower. 32 S. purpure?., L. Common in bogs. Point Escuminac, Fred- ericton, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. V. PAPAVERACEiE. 15. PAPAVER, L. Poppy. 33 P. SOMNIFERUM, L. Spontaneous in gardens. Scarcely wild. 16. SANGUINARIA, Dill. - - - Bloodboot. 34 S. Canadensis, L. Petitcodiac, Brittain; Nashwaaksis, Vroom in Herb. ; Keswick Ridge, Moser; Metapedia, Chalmers; common at Aroostook Junction, Wetmore; abundant on St. Francis, low lands on Tobique, along Upper St. John, Eel River, Hay. Bulletin IL 25, 30. 17. CHELIDONIUM. L. Celandine. 35 C. MAJus, L. A garden weed in Fredericton, Fowler; Rich- mond, Carleton Co., Vroom, Herb. ; apparently naturalized at Lower Woodstock, Hay. VL FUMARIACEJE. 18. DICENTRA, Bork. - Dutchman's Breeches. 36 D. Cucullaria, DC. Bass River, Salmon River, Kent County, Fowler; Dutch Valley, Wetmore; in Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Hampton and Norton, Hay, Herb.; common in rich woods at Andover, Salmon River, Waterford, Wetmore. 19. CORYDALIS, Vent, - - - Cobydalis. 37 C. glauca, Pursh. Road from Weldford Station to Salmon River, Fredericton, Fowler; Douglas Mountain and Milk- ish, Hay, Herb.; Highland Park, Herb, Mrs. Heustis; Island in Nictau Lake, Br. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 88. 20. FUMARIA, L. Fumitory. 38 F. OFFICINALIS, L. In a few places, Buctouche, St. John, Fowler; Woodstock, Hay, llerb. Preliminary List of the Plants of New BrunswicJc. 15 VII. CRUCI HR^. 21. NASTURTIUM, R. Brown. - Water-Cress. 39 N. officinale, R. Brown. Hillsborough, Urittain; Carleton, Ifay, Herb. 40 N". palustre, DC, Fredericton, Prowler; Kennebeccasis, Matthew; along St. John River, Grand Falls, May. 22. BARBAREA, R. Brown. - - Wixter Cress. 41 B. VULGARIS, R. Brown. Weed in fields, Richibucto. 23. ARABIS, L. Rock Cress. 42 A. petra3a, Lam. On cliffs of Minister's Face, Wetmore. 43 A. hirsuta. Scop. Eel River, Restigouche County, Portland, Fowler^ Herb. ; Grand Falls, Madawaska, Hay. 44 A. Drummondii, Gray. Sand beach at Eel River, Restigouche County, St. John, Fowler, Herb. 24. CARDAMINE, L. - - - Bitter Cress. 45 C. pratensis, L. Fls. purple. St. Patrick, Charlotte County, Vroom, Herb. 46 C. hirsuta, L. Common. Bass Piver, Fredericton, Carleton, Fowler; Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Carapbellton, Herb. 25. DENTARIA, L. TooTiiwoRT. Pepper-root. 47 D. diphylla, L. Bass River, Fredericton, Foxoler; St. John and King's Co.,' Quispamsis, Hay, Herb. ; Campbellton, (Jhal- mers. Included in Cardaraine by ISentham «fc Hooker, Gen. Plant. I. 70. 26. DRABA, L. - - - - Whitlow-Grass. 48 D. incana, L., var. confusa, Poir. Nashwaaksis, Moser, Herb. "Cambridge, Sept. 14, 1881. — I have just received a speci- men of Draba incana, L., collected by Mr. Charles Lindon of Buffalo, N. Y., in or near Bathurst, N. B. — iSereno Watson.^'' 27. SISYMBRIUM, L. - - Hedge Mustard. 49 S. officinale, Scop. Streets of Fredericton, Fowler; spread- ing rapidly at St. Stephen, Vroom. 28. ERYSIMUM, L. - - - Treacle Mustard. 50 E. clieiranthoides, L. Campbellton, Chalmers, 16 Natural History Society of N. J?., Bulletin No. TV. 29. CAMELINA, Crantz. False Flax. 51 C. SATiVA, Craiilz. Among flax, Coal Branch, Kent Co. 30. BRASSICA, Tourn. .... Mustard. 52 B. siNAPiSTRUM, Boissier. (Sinapis avvensis, L.) Troublesome weed, especially in southern counties. 53 B. ALBA, Gray. (Sinapis alba, L.) A rare scape from gardens. 54 B. NIGRA, Koch, (Sinapis nigra, L.) Escaped in a few places. Grand Manan, Hay, Herb. 31. CAPSELLA, Vent. - - Shepherd's Purse. 55 C. BURSA-PASTORis, Mocnch. Common weed. 32. SENEBIERA, Poir. - Wart-Cress. Swixe-Cress. 56 S. DiDYMA, Pers. Spreading from ballast, St. John, Fowler; Hay, Herb. 57 S. CORONOPUS, DC. Spreading from ballast, St. John, Fowler; Hay, Herb. 88. LEPIDIUM, L. - Peppergrass. PEPPERwOxiT. 58 L. RUDERALE, L. Naturalized from ballast. 34. CAKILE, Tourn. .... Sea-Rocket. 59 C. Americana, Nutt. Common on sea beaches. Kouchibou- guac. Fowler; Sheldon's Point, Hay, Herb. 35. RAPHANUS, L. Radish. 60 R. Raphanistrum, L. Troublesome weed in fields at F'ton. ■fi VIII. CISTACE^. 36. HUDSONIA, L. - - - - Hudsonia. 61 II. toraentosa, Nutt. Abundant on Kouchibouguac beach, Foicler; Bathurst, Chalmers. 37. LECIIEA, L. Pinviteed. 62 L. minor. Lam. Kouchibouguac beach. Goat Island in Grand Lake, Fowler; Hay, Herb. ; Hopewell, Urittaiti. IX. VIOLACEiE. 38. VIOLA, L. - - - Violet. Heart's Ease. 63 V. lanceolata, L. On shore at Rothesay, Foxoler; Gondola Point and Grand Lake, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 31 ; Milkish, /. AUen Jack; Lake Utopia, Wetmore. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Prunsicick, 17 64 V. 05 V. 66 V. 67 V. 68 V. 69 V. 70 V 71 V 72 V. primulajfolia, L. St. Andrews, l^room. blanda, Willd. Very common. renifolia, Gray. This plant seems to be common, if the iden- tification is correct. Douglas Road, near Portland, Wetuiore; Petitcodiac, Urittain; St. John, St. Francis and Tobique Rivers, Hay. Selkirkii, Pursh. Clifton, Wetmore^ Herb. ; near Half Moon Lake, St. John, and 3t. Francis River, Ilay. Bulletin II. 25 ; Eel River, Woodstock, Fredericton, W. T. L. Reed. cucuUata, Ait. Abundant everywhere, and very variable. Fls. sometimes white. canina L., var. sylvcstris, Rogel. Portland and Douglas Road, Wetmore; in Herb. Mrs. Ileustis; St. Stephen, Vroom; St. Francis and all along St. John, Grand Manan, Ilay^ Herb. ; Bathurst, Chalmers. Canadensis, L. Near Woodstock, Chalmers, Herb. ; Rich. mond, Hay; 6 miles below Woodstack, W. T. L, Reed. pubescens. Ait Fredericton, Fowler; Campbellton, Hay., Herb. ; rather common on river flats, St. John River, Salmon River and Waterford, Wetmore; St. Francis, Eel, Tobique and Kennebeccasis Rivers, Hay. TBicoLOR, L. Spontaneous in gardens; ballast, St. John, Hay., Herb. ; escaped near Bathurst, Chalmers; spreading from a garden near Tobique Forks, Hay. X. POLYGALACEiE. 39. POLYGALA, Tourn. - - - Milkwort. 73 P. Senega, L. Aroostook Falls and Tobique Narrows, Hay and Wetmore, Herb. Bulletin II. 22, 29. 74 P. paucifolia, Willd. A specimen in Dr. Bailey's Herb, is labelled " Rushiagonish, Capt. Moody." St. Stephen and Milltown, Vroom, Herb.; Fredericton Junction, Dr. Bailey. XI. CARYOPHYLLACE^. 40. SAPONARIA, L. - ... Soapwort. 75 S. OFFICINALIS, L. Queensbury Parsonage, Dr. Bailey; shore of Long Reach, Hay. 41. SILENE, L. Catciifly. Campion. 76 S. inflata. Smith. Miramichi, Richibucto, Fotcler; Rcsti- gouche, Chalmers; abundant along Upper St. John, Hay, Herb. Bulletin II. 28. 18 .Watural History Society of N. JB., bulletin No. IV. 77 S. ARMERiA, L. Spontaneous in gardens. 78 S. NOCTiFLORA, L. Weed in cultivated grounds, Bass River, Carleton, Fowler^ -2<^y> Herb. : common in meadows, Andover, Wetmore; spreading along St. John, Salmon and Tobique Rivers, Hay. 42. LYCHNIS, Tourn. .... Lychnis. 79 L. VK8PERTINA, Sibth. St. Stephen, Vroom^ Herb. 80 L. GiTHAGO, Lam. In wheat fields, common. 81 L. Flos-cuculi, L. Probably escaped from gardens, Campbell- ton, Chalmers. 43. CERASTIUM, L. - Mouse-ear Chickweed. 82 C. viscosuM, L. Common. Bass River, Fowler; St. Johu, Hay^ Herb. 83 C. arvense, L. Restigouche and St. John, Fowler; St. Francis, near St. Hilaire, Hay, Herb. Bulletin II. 28. 44. STELLARIA, L. - Chickweed. Starwort. 84 S. MEDIA, Smith. Abundant everywhere. 85 S. longifolia, Muhl. Fredericton, Fowler, Herb. ; common at Salmon River, Wetmore. 86 S. longipes, Goldie. Pollett River, Brittain; Norton, Hay, Herb ; a reduced form on sand beach at Belledune, F^ ler. 87 S. uliginosa, Murr. In rills from springs, Kouchibouguac, and Molus River, Fowler, Herb. 88 S. crassifolia, Ehrh. Shediac, Brittain. 89 S. borealis, Bigel. Rather rare. Bass River, Fowler ; scarce at Salmon River, 'Wetmore. 90 S. humifusa, Rottboell. Rare. Harvey, York Co., Fowler; Shediac, Brittain. 45. ARENARIA, L. - - - . Sandwort. 91 A. lateriflora, L. Common. Richibucto, Shediac, Fowler; St. John Co., Hay, Herb. 92 A. peploides, L. Rare. On sandy shore, Shediac, Fowler; Dalhousie, Boss; Restigouche, Chalmers. 47. i 95 S. ae 48. f 96 S. nil I 97 S. sal 98 S. mv 46. SAGINA, L. Pearlwort. 93 S. procumbens, L. Bass River, Kent. Co., Fowler; Carleton, Hai\ Herb. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Prunaxoich. 19 94 S. nofloza, Fcnzl, Sent from Rcstigouche 'oy Chalmers] Pea Point, Charlotte Co., Jlai/, Herb. 47. SPERGULA, L. Spurrey. 95 S. ARVEXsis, L. A jiestilent weed in damp soil, Miramichi. 48. SPERGULARIA, Pcrs. - - Saxd-Spurrey. 96 S. rubra, Presl, Fredericton, Fowler', Norton, Say, Herb.; Camj>bolIton, Chalmers. 97 S. salina, Presl. Sea shore of Kent. 98 S. media, Presl. Salt marshes and sands, Kouchibouguac, Fowler ; Courtenay Bay, Hay, Herb. XII. PORTULACACE^. 49. PORTULACA, Tourn. - - - Pukslaxe. 99 P. OLERACEA, L. Troublcsomc garden weed. Fredericton, Grand Lake, Fowler \ St. Stephen, Vroom; Salmon River, Wttmore. 50. CLAYTONIA, L. - - - Sprixg-Beauty. 100 C. Caroliniana, Miehx. Ox-bow, Salmon River, Blackville, Fowhr, Herb. ; Clifton, Wetmore ; in Herb. Mrs. Ileustis ; Norton, Hay, Bulletin II. 32 ; Sheldon's Point, St. John, Chalmers. 101 C. Virginica, L. "Vicinity of Bathurst, N. B. (McGill Coll. Herb.)" Macoun Cat. Can. Plants, p. 82. Have not seen ::. 51. MONTIA, L. 102 M. fontana, L. " Sepals 2, rarely 3, persistent, suborbicnlar. Petals 5, hypogynous, unguiculate, with the claws a little connate ; 3 of them somewhat smaller. Stamens 3, inserted on the claws of the smaller ])etals, very rarely 4 or 5. Styles very short, almost separate, spreading. Capsule 3-valved, 3-seeded, Seeds turgid, minutely tuberculate, large. A very small glabrous procumbent rather fleshy herb, growing in water or wet places. Leaves opposite, spatulate. liaceme few-flowered, terminal." Torr. «& Gr. Fl. I. 202. Shediac, Prittain. XIII. HYPERICACE.E. 52. HYPERICUM, L. - - - St. Joiix's-wort. 103 H. perforatum, L. Kouchibouguasis, Bass River, Fowler ; St. John and King's Counties, Hay, Herb. It,. m . ^* K- r % - 20 Natural Ilistorij Society of JV. B., Bulletin JVb. IV. 104 H. ellipticum. Kouchibouguac, Norton, l^oicler, Ilai/, Herb. 105 H. mutiliim, L. Konchihou^nac, Fowler; Norton, /fey, Herb. ; Carleton, Herb. 3Irs. Heustis. 106 IT. Canadense, L. Richibucto, Foioler', Carleton, Ilay^ Herb. Var. major, Gray, llare. Bass River. 53. ELODES, Adans. - Marsh St. John's-wobt. 107 E. Virginica, Nutt. Kouchibouguac, St. John, Fowler \ St. John County, Ilay^ Herb. XIV. MALVACEiE. 54. MALVA, L. Mallow. 108 M. ROTUXDiFOLiA, L. Bass River, Richibucto, Fowler; Carle- ton, Ilay^ Herb. 109 M. SYLVESTRis, L. Escapcd from gardens in a few places. 110 M. CRisPA, L. Beside dwellings, Bass River. 111 M. MOSCiiATA, L. Spontaneous in gardens, Bass River, ii^oe^/er/ Campbellton, Herb. 55. HIBISCUS, L. - - - - Rose-Mallow. 112 H. Trioxum, L. a rare garden weed, Kingston, Kent Co. 56. TILIA, L. XV. TILIACEiE. Linden. Bass-Woob. Lime-tree. 113 T. Americana, L. Woodstock and Grand Lake, Fowler; shore of Long Reach, Lower Nerepis, Carleton, Hay^ Herb. 61. 122 L ve 62. 123 N. C XVI. GERANIACEiE. 57. GERANIUM, L. - - - - Cbanesbill. 114 G. pratense, L. Near St. John. Probably a garden scape. 115 G. Carolinianum, L. Bass River, Salmon River, Fowler; Grand Lake, Ilay^ Herb. 116 G. Robertianura, L, Quaco Cliffs, University Herb.; Lower Norton, Arthur I. Trueman, Herb. ; Sugar Loaf at Clifton and Minister's Face, Wetmore, Hay. 58. ERODIUM, L'Her. - - - Storksbill. 117 E. CicuTAEiUM, L'Her. Ballast, Carleton, Hay, Herb. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Urunswick. 21 59. OXALIS, L. - - - - WooD-SouREL. 118 0. Acetosella, L. Abundant everywhere in deep Avoods. A variety on Bald Mt., Tobique,with light purple flowers, Hay. 119 O. corniculata, L., var. stricta, Sav. Common. Coal Branch, Kent Co., Fowler; Quispamsis, Hay, Herb.; Carleton, Herb. Mrs. Heustis. 60. IMPATIENS, L. - Balsam. Jewel-wekd. 120 I. fulva, Nutt. Common. Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Mira- niichi, St. John, Fowler; Grand Lake, Hay, Herb. 121 I. pallida, Nutt. "Found by Dr. Bailey and W. T. L. Heed 1 mile below Andover, and on E. side of the river, near St. Leonard's, August 10, 1884," Vroom in litt. ; Rich- mond, Carleton Co., Aug. 13th, 1884, Hay. XVIL ILICINEiE. 61. ILEX, L. Holly. 122 I. verticillata, Gray. Kouchibouguac and St. John, Fowler; Brookville, Hay, Herb. 62. NEMOPANTHES, Raf. - Mountain Holly 123 N. Canadensis, DC. Rather scarce. Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Fowler; Brookville and Norton, Hay^ Herb. XVIII. RHAMNACE^, 63. RHAMNUS, Tourn. - - - Bucktiiokn. 124 R. alnifolius, L'Her. Mouth of Eel River, Restigouchc Co., near Green Head, St. John Co., Fowler; St. Francis River, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 24 ; Petitcodiac, JBrittain. Jri 'it. m I XIX. VITACE/E. 64. VITIS, Tourn. Grape. 125 V. riparin, Michx. Banks of St. John River near Fredericton and Grand Lake, Fowler, Hay, in Hei-b. XX. SAPINDACE^. 65. ^SCTJLUS, L. - - - Horse-Chestnut. 126 JE. Hippocastanum, L. Planted for ornament. 22 Natural Ilistory Society of N. B., Bulletin No. IV. 66. ACER, Iniirn. Maple. 127 A. Pennsylvanicum, L. JJass Kiver. Common in Kent. 128 A. e])icatum, Lam. Common in damp woods. 129 A. saccharinimi, Wang. Abundant in forests. 130 A. dasycarpum, Ehrh. Rather rare. Have not seen it in north- ern counties. Harris Cove, Kennebeccasis, Fredericton, Mouth of Nashwaaksis, Shore of Grand Lake, Fowler; Keswick, Hay. 131 A. rubfum, L. Common forest tree. XXI. ANACARDIACEiE. 67. RHUS, L. SuMAcn. 132 R. typhina, L. Common. Bass River, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Grand Manan, Jlay, Herb. 133 R. Toxicodendron, L. Woodstock, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; common on St. John and tributaries, Jemseg, Hay, Herb. XXII. LEGUMINOSiE. 68. MEDICAGO, L. Medick. 134 M. lupulina, L. Naturalized in several places. 135 M. maculata, Willd. Introduced in ballast, Carleton, Ilai/y Herb. 136 M. denticulata, Willd. Introduced, Buctouche, St- John. 69. MELILOTUS, Tourn. - - Sweet Clover. 137 M. officinalis, Willd. Escaped in a few places. Norton, Hay, Herb. 138 M. alba, Lam. Richibucto, Fowler; Woodstock, Hay, Herb. 70. TRIFOLIUM, L. - - Clover. Trefoil. 139 T. ARVEN8E, L. Richibucto, along the railway track, St. John, Fowler; Lever Settlement, Charlotte Co., Vroom; Lan- caster and Torryburn, Hay, Hei'b. 140 T. PRATENSE, L. Extensively cultivated. 141 T. repens, L. White Clover. Everywhere. 142 T. agrarium, L. Queensbury, Dr. Bailey; Fredericton, Vroom; Carleton, Mrs. Heustis; Salmon River, Wetmore; abun- dant along N. B. Railway between St. John and Vance- boro, Sackville, Hay, Herb. 75. 150 D. C. 7 3. ^ 151 y. SA 152 y. HI 153 y. Ci 154 y. TE 155 y. Ai 77 . I 156 L. ma 1-^1 Preliminary JMt of the Plants of New Brunswick. 28 143 T. procuinbons, L. Richihiicto, P'owler; Petitcodiat', Mrs. IleuMis; Grand ^Nlanaii, St. Andrews, Prince William, Norton, //(i? TT 28 Natural History Society of JV. B., Bulletin .No. IV. 212 R. rubrum, L. Kouchibouguac, Foxoler; Norton, -Hay, Herb.; Feklspar Mountain on Nepisiquit, Dr. Bailey^ Can. Nat, 1864, p. 91. XXV. CRASSULACE^. 98. SEDUM, Tourn. - - Stone-crop. Orpine. 213 S. ACRE, L. Escaped from gardens in a few places. Hampton, Brittairi, Herb. ; Norton, Ifay. 214 S. Telephium, L. Becoming a troublesome weed in some parts of St. John and King's Go's. 215 S. Rhodiola, DC. On exposed sea cliffs, St. John Co., Fowler; Minister's Face, Wetmore/ St. George, 5 miles from coast, Vroo)n, Bulletin II. 32. *^9. PENTHORUM, L. - - Ditch Stone-crop. 216 P. sedoides, L. Norton and Jemseg, Hay; Fredericton, Uni- versity Herb. XXVI. DROSERACEiE. 100. DROSERA, L. - - - - Sun-dew. 217 D. rotundifolia, L. Common. Black River, Northumberland Co., Bass River, Fowler; Lily Lake, Hay, Herb. 218 D. intermedia, Drev & Hayne, var. Americana, DC. (D. longi- folia, L.) Lake Elsie, near Richibucto, Fowler; St. John Co., Hay; Herb. Mrs. Heustis. XXVIL HAMAMELACE^. 101. HAMAMELIS, L. - - - Witcii-Hazel. 219. H. Virginiana, L. Bass River, Fowler, Herb.; shores of Ken- nebeccasis. Bulletin II. 32, Grand Lake, 7/ay, Herb.; Petitcodiac, Brittain. XXVIIL HALORAGEiE. 102. PROSERPINACA, L. - - Mermaid-Weed. 220 P. palustris, L. Rare. Digdeguash and St. Patrick, Vroom, Bulletin III. 33. 103. HIPPURIS, L. - - - . M.vRe's-Tail. 221 II. vulgaris, L. Rare. St. John, Shediac, Dorchester, Foxoler; Digdeguash, Vroom. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Prunswick. 29 104. MYRIOPIIYLLUM, Vaill. - Water-Milfoil. 222 M. spicatiim, L. Kouchibouguae, Bass River, Kennebeccasis, Fowler; Petitcodiac, Prittain ; Tobique River, Hay. 223 M. tenellum, Bigelow. Have only seen it in Lake Elsie, near Richibucto. 105. CALLITRICHE, L. 224 C. verna, L. Common in stagnant water, ditches, etc. Kouchi- bouguae, Miraniichi, Kent, Foicler; Spurr's Cove, Carle- ton Co., Hay. 225 C. autumnalis, L. In a pond at Rothesay Station. 226 227 228 229 XXIX. ONAGRACE^. 106. EPILOBIUM, L. - - - Willow-herb. E. spicatum. Lam. (E. angustifolium, L.) Abundant everywhere on recently burned land. E. palusti'e, L., var. llneare. Gray. Rather common. Kouchi- bouguae, Richibucto, Fowler \ S'purr's Cove, //ay. Herb. E. coloratura, Muhl. Kouchibouguae, Fowler; St. John Co., Hay^ Herb. 107. LUDWIGIA, L. - - False Loosestrife. L. palustrife. Ell. Ditches, Fredericton, Fowler \ St. Stephen, Vroom., Herb. ; Petitcodiac, Nauwigewauk, Taborville, Prittain ; Nashwaaksis, Moaer. 108. (ENOTHERA, L. - - Evening Primrose. (E. biennis, L. Common. Kouchibouguae, Richibucto, St. John, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb. The vars. have not been worked out. OS. pumila, L. Bass River, Fowler; near St. John, Hay^ Herb. 109. CIRC-^A, Tourn. - Enchanter's Nightshade. C. AlpinaL. Cora. Richibucto, /^oio^er; Brookville, //ay. Herb. C. Lutetiana, L. Queensbury, Herb., Dr. Pailey ; Lower Nor- ton, Prittain ; Eel River, York Co., Richmond, Upper St. John, Keswick Ridge, Hay, Herb. ; Andover, Wetmore. XXX. CUCURBITACEiE. 110. ECHINOCYSTIS, Torr. & Gray. Wild Balsam-Applk. 234 E. lobata, Torr. & Gr. Intervales and Islands at the mouth of the Keswick, Moser, Hay, Herb. 230 231 232 233 hM 80 Natural History Society of N. J?,, Bulletin No. IV. XXXI. FICOIDEyE. 111. MOLLUGO, L. - - Indian Chickweed. 235 M. verticillata, L. Shore near residence of Walter S. Butler, Esq., Grand Luke. Fowler, Hay, Herb. XXXII. UMBELLIFER^. 112. HYDROCOTYLE, Tourn. Watek Penntwort. 236 H. Americana, L. Common. Bass River, jPojo^er ; Spurr's Cove, Tobique River, Hay, Herb. 113. SANICULA, Tourn. - Black Snakeroot. 237 S. Canadensis, L. Lower Norton and Sussex, JBrittain, Herb. 238 S. Marilandica, L. Bass River, Woodstock, Fowler; Tobique, near Pokiok, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83 ; Campbell- ton, Chalmers, Hay, Herb. ; Salmon River and Andover, Wetmore; abundant on Uiiper St. John and tributaries. Hay, Bulletin II. 25. 114. CICUTA, L. ... Water-Hemlock. 239 C. maculata, L. Abundant in Kent Co., Fowler; Campbellton and St. John Co., Hay, Herb. The root is a deadly poison. 240 C. buUifera, L. In wet places, Bass River. 115. SIIJM, L. - - - - Water-Parsnip. 241 S. cicutajfolium, Gmelin. (S. lineare, Michx.) Common. Kouchibouguac, Weldford, Fcxoler; Norton, Long Reach, Hay, Herb. 116. CRYPTOTENIA, DC. - - - Honewort. 242 C. Canadensis, C. Woodstock, Fowler; Mouth of Tobique, Hay, Wetmorv.; Sussex, Brittain. 117. OSMORRHIZA, Raf. - - Sweet Cicely. 243 O. longistylis, DC Woodstock, Fowler; Pollet River near Petitcodiac, Brittain. 244 O. brevistylis, DC. Coal Branch, Bass River, Fowler; Quis- pamsis. Hay, Herb. 118. ^TIIUSA, L. - - - Fool's-Parsley. 245 JR. Cynapium, L. A j^lant from Kingston in the Univers. Herb. bears this label. No other specimen has been reported. 119. 246 L. S< 120. 247 T. au 121. 248 S. Ca 122. 249 A. atr I 250 A. Grr h 123. I 251 P. sat! g< /^t^ St. VXZm^^.^^ 4 ft^Ajk TlL-w^^ c»-s; x^ dx..^yti^l ru^^ft^ci Preliminary I^ist of the Plants of New Prunswick. 81 119. LIGUSTICUM, L. - - - - Lovagk. 246 L. Scotioum, L. Near salt water on banks and rocks, Kent Co., Prowler; coast near St. John, Hay. 120. THASPIUM, Nutt. - - Meadow-Parsnip. 247 T. aureum, Nntt. Along the St, John River near Woodstock, Fowler, Hay; Rothesay, Hay, Herb. 121. SELINUM, L. - - - Hemlock-Paesley. 248 S. Canadense, Michx., (Conioselinum Canadense, Torr. & Gr.) Bass River, Fowler; Spurr's Cove, St. John, Hay, Herb. 122. ARCHANGELICA, Hoffm. 249 A, atropurpurea, Hoffm. Bartibog, Northumberland Co., Fow- ler; Harris Cove on the Kennebeccasis, Matthew. 250 A. Gmelini, DC. East side of Courtenay Bay, St. John, Fow- ler, Hay, Herb. 123. PASTINACA, Tourn. - - - Parsnip. 251 P. SATIVA, L. Escaped from gardens in some places. This genus is included in Peucedanum by Benth. & Hooker. XXXIII. ARALIACE^. 124. ARALIA, Tourn. - Ginseng. Wild Saesaparilla. 252 A. racemosa, L, Not common. Bass River, Molus River, Fowler; Upper St. John and branches, Norton, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 32. 253 A. hispida, Michx. Abundant in dry burnt woods in Kent, Fowler; Campbellton and St. John Co., Hay, Herb. 254 A. nudicaulis, L. Miramichi, Kouchibouguac, St. John, Fow- ler, Hay, Herb. ; Carleton, Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Bald Mountain on Tobi-jue, Pr. Pailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 87, between Pabineau and Grand Falls, 1. c. p. 94. 255 A. trifolia. Gray. Hudson's Brook, Kent Co., Fowler; Nash- waaksis, Vroom, Herb. ; Salmon Creek and Salmon River, Wetmore. XXXIV. CORNACE.E. 125. CORNUS, Tourn. - - Cornel. Dogwood. 256 C. Canadensis, L. Abundant throughout the Province. 257 C. circinata, L'Her. Weldford, Fowler; Upper St. John, And- over. Hay, Herb. ; Petitcodiac, Prittain, Bulletin II. 32. it 82 Natural History Society of N. B., Bulletin No. IV. 258 C. sericea, L. Hudson's Bi-ook, Kent Co. 259 C. stolonifera, Michx. Fredericton, Fowler; Fairville, Hay^ Herb. ; Mosquito Cove, Herb. Mrs. Ileustis; Tobique near Pokiok, Br. Bailey, Can. Nat, 1864, p. 83, Cedar Brook, p. 86. 260 C. alternifolia, L. Bass River, Molus River, Kent Co., Wood- stock, Grand Lake. diyisio:n" b.-gamopetal^. XXXV. CAPRIFOLIAC^. 126. SAMBUCUS, Tourn. .... Elder. 261 S. racemosa, L. (S. pubens, Michx.) Rather common. Kou- chibouguac, Bass River, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb.; Lancaster, Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Island in Nictau Lake, Br. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 88. 262 S. Canadensis, L. Rather common. Kouchibouguac, Frederic- ton, Fotcler; Norton, Hay, Herb. 127. VIBURNUM, L. - - - Arrow-wood. 263 V. lantanoides, Michx. Very common in Kent, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. ; Green Head, Herb. Mrs. Heustis. 264 V. Opulus, L. On intervales, Bass River, Fowler, Herb.; Upper St. John and Madawaska, Hay; Westfield, Plerb. Mrs. Heustis; Tobique near Pokiok, Br. Bailey^ Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83, Cedar Brook, 1. c. p. 86. 265 V. pauciflorum, Pylaie. Tay's Mills, York Co., 3foser; Tobique, Hay. 266 V. dentatum, L. Chiputneticook Falls and St. Stephen, Vroom, Herb. 267 V. cassinoides, L. (V. nudum, var. cassinoides, Torr. & Gr.) Common throughout the Province. Howe's Road, Hay, Herb. 268 V. Lentago, L. Chiputneticook Falls, Charlot*^^e Co., Vroom. 128. SYMPHORICARPUS, Dill. - Snowberry. 269 S. racemosus, Michx. Common in cultivation. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Brunswick. 33 129. LINN^EA. Gronov. LiNN^A. Twin-flower. 270 L. borealis, Gronov. Common. Kouchibouguac, Kent Co.» Fowler; St. John, Ilay^ Herb. ; Green Head, Herb. 3Irs. Ileustis; Cedar Brook on Tobique, Dr. Bailey^ Can. Nat. 1864, p. 86, Feldspar Mountain on Nepisiquit, 1. c. p. 91, between Pabineau and Grand Falls, 1. c. p. 94. 130. LONICERA, L. - Honeysuckle. "Woodbine. 271 L. ca^rulea, L. In swamps. Kouchibouguac, Weldford, Kent Co., Black River, Northumberland Co., Fowler; Salmon River, Wetmore; St. John, Hay^ Herb. ; Green Head, Herb. Mrs. Ileustis. 272 L. ciliata, Muhl. Bass River, Fowler; Carleton, Hay, Herb. ; Green Head, Herb. Mrs. Ileustis. 273 L. involucrata, Banks. Campbellton, Chalmers. 131. DIERVILLA, Tourn. - Bush-Honeysuckle. 274 D. trifida, Moench. Rather common. Kouchibouguac, Hamp- ton, Fowler; Lancaster, Hay, Herb. ; Indian Falls, Nepisi- quit, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 92. XXXVI. RUBIACE^. 132. CEPHALANTHUS, L. - - Button-bush. 275 C. occidentalis, L. St. Stephen and St. James, Vroom.. 133. HOUSTONIA, L, - - - - Bluets. 276 H. coerulea, L. Very abundant in some parts of St. John Co. ; have not noticed it farther north. Rothesay, Fowler; Kennebeccasis, Hay, Herb. ; Herb. Mrs. Ileustis. 134. MITCHELL A, L, Partridge-Berry. 277 M. repens, L. Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Fredericton, Fowler; St. John and King's, Hay, Herb. 135. GALIUM, L. - - Bedstraw. Cleavers. 278. G. mollugo, L. Spreading from ballast, Richibucto, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. 279 G. APARiNE. Introduced in ballast, Carleton, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. ; Petitcodiac, Brittain. 280 G. trifidum, L., var. pusillum, Gray. In sphagnous bogs, Richi- bucto, Lily Lake, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. ^m \ H>haltnn, Miclix. Salmon River, Wetmore. 326 G. decurrcns, Ives. Green Ileatl near St. Jolin, abundant ulonfj Salmon River and Grand Lake, Fowler; Petitcodiac and Ilill.sborongh, Jirittain. 327 G. uliginosuni, L. Common in damp fjjround. 328 G. sylvaticum, L. Abundant at Cam])belltou, in woods at River Charlo, Foirkr; Petiteodiac and no2)ewell, Prittain; (Jampbellton, Herb. Certainly native. 144. INULA, L. - - - - Elecampaxe. 329 I. IIelknium, L. Roadside at Norton, and at Newcastle, Grand Lake, Fowler; Hampton, JIay. 145. AMBROSIA, Tourn. - - - Ragweed, 330 A. aitemisiicfolia, L. Seems to be rare. Coal Branch in Kent Co., Fowler; Norton, //ay. Herb. 146. XANTHIUM, Tourn. - Cocklehuu. Clotbur. 331 X. strumarium, L. Cape Bald, Prittain. Have not seen it. 147. IIELIOPSIS, Pers. .... Ox-kye. 332 H. scabra, Dunal. Sugar Island, St. John River, Moser. Have no specimen. Cone-flower. 148. RUDBECKIA, L. - - - 333 R. hirta, L. Occasionally in grass fields, Restigouche, Kent, York, Fowler; Grand Falls, Grand Lake and Noiton, Ilarj^. Herb. 149. HELIANTHUS, L. - - - Sunflower. 334 H. decapetalus, L. Eel River, Carleton Co., Hay. 335 H. ANNUUS, L. Common in gardens. 150. BIDENS, L. - - - - Bur-marigold. 336 B. frondosa, L. Common about dwellings. 337 B. connata, Muhl. Petitcodiac, Prittain^ Herb.; Chipman, Wetmore. 338 B. cernua, L. Kouchibouguac, Belledune, Foicler; Norton, Ifay, Herb. ; Chipman, Wetmore. 151. ACHILLEA, L. . - - - Yarrow. 339 A. Millefolium, L. Abimdant everywhere. I ^.^i^^*-'' 88 Natural History Society of iV". 7?., Bulletin No. IV, 840 A. Ptunnicn, L. Looks like a native at River Charlo, Hesti* gouche Co., and Kouchibouguac, Kent Co., Ji^owler^ Herb.; Campbelltpn, Chalmera. 152. ANTHEMIS, L. . . . . Chamomile. 841 A. CoTULA, L. (Maruta Cotula, DC.) Very common near dwellings. 342 A. ARVEN8IS, L. Ballast, Buctouche. 153. CHRYSANTHEMUM, Tourn. ( WniTE-AVKED. '{ Ox-evk-Daisy. 348 C. Leucanthemum, L. (Leucanthemum vulgare, Lam.) A very troublesome weed everywhere. 154. TANACETUM, L. - - - - Taxsy. 344 T. VULGARE. L. Often the only memorial of the gardens of the early settlers. 345 T, Huronense, Nutt, Mouth of the Upsalquitch, St. John River, near P"'rederieton, Fowler; along the Upper St. John, but not on its tributaries, //«y, Bulletin II. 27. 155. ARTEMISIA, L. Wormwood. 346 A. caudata, Michx. Goat Island, Grand Lake, Fowler, Hay, Herb. 347 A. ABSixTiiiuM, L. Abundant on roadsides, Buctouche, Fowler; St. John, Jlay, Herb. 348 A. mEXNis, Willd. Introduced and spreading rapidly. Kouchibouguac, Fairville, Foicier; Eel River, Resti- goucho. Herb. 349 A. VULGARIS, L. Waste grounds near houses in some places. 15G. TUSSILAGO, Tourn. - - - Coltsfoot. 350 T. Farfara, L. Spreading rapidly at St. John and Carleton. In St. John it sprang up ra])idly and covered sites not built upon after the Great Fire. Bulletin II. 31. 157. PETASITES, Tourn. Butler-Bur. Sweet Coltsfoot. 351 P. palmata, Gray. (Nardosmia palmata. Hook.) Black River, Northumberland Co., along Richibucto River and Kouchi- bouguac River, Fowler; Petitcodiac, Brittain; St. John, Hay, Ooold. 158. ARNICA, L. Arnica. 352 A. Chamissonis, Less. (A. mollis. Hook.) Grand Falls of Nepisiquit, Fowler; Tobique Narrows, Hay, Bulletin II. 30 ; Andover and Grand Falls of St. John, Wetmore. 159. 353 E. hi( IGO. 354 S. vu 355 S. aur t 353 354 355 35G 357 358 359 3G0 3G1 362 363 364 Preliminary List of the Plants of New BrunstoicJc. 39 159. ERECHTIIITKS, Rufin. - - Fiueweed. E. hioracifoliu, lluf. Very common on recently burnt land. 160. SENECIO, Toum. - - - GBOUNnsEL. S. VUI-OAUI8, L. A weed in gardens and waste grounds. S. aureus, L. What I take for the typical form was sent from Kestigouche by Mr. Vhaltners, and from Florenceville by Mr. Hay. var. Balsamito, Torr. & Gr. Grnnd Falls of St. John, Fow- ler; rocky shores of Kcnnebeeeasis, Jlny; a peculiar form of this (var. laneeolatus, Oakes) has been found at Lily Lake, JFotckr, Ilay^ and at Ilartland, Carleton Co., Ifay, 161. ARCTIUM, L. Burdock. A. Lappa, L, Common near dwellings. var. tomentosutn, Gray. Abundant at Richmond and Morri- son's Mill, Fredericton, Vroom. 162. CARDUUS, Tourn. - Plumeless Thistle. C. NUTANS, L. Spreading from ballast near Chatham. 163. CNICUS, Tourn. - - Plumed Thistle. C. abvensis, Iloffm. (Cirsium arvense, Scop.) Too abundant. C. LANCEOLATUS, Iloftm. (Cirsium lanceolatum, Scop.) Com- mon. C. muticus, Pursh. Kouoliibouguac, Foioler; St. John Co., Tobique River, Hay, Herb. 164. CENTAUREA, L. - - Blessed Thistle. C. benedicta, L. (Cnicus benedietus, L.) Escaped from gar- dens in a few places. C. NIGRA, L. Abundant in some places in Restigouche and at Fredericton. 165. CICIIORIUM, Tourn. - - - Cichory. C. Intybus, L. In a few places. Bathurst, Foider; Grand Lake, Hay, Herb. 166. HIERACIUM, Tourn. - - Hawkweed. H. Canadense, Michx. Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Foioler; Campbellton, Herb. ; Grand Lake, Tobique, Hay; King's Co., JBrittain, Bulletin II. 32 ; Belledune, Chalmers. \ ? «" Z v7-t i .^^^^ 40 Natural History Society of JV. H., Bulletin No. IV. 365 H. scabrum, Michx. Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Fowler; Campbellton, JIay. 366 II. Umbkllatum, L. Belledune, Chalmers. Identified by Prof. Macouii. 167. LEOXTODOX, L. - - - . Hawkbit. 367 L. AUTUMXALis, L. Kouchibouguac, Ricliibucto River, Fowler; Partridge Island, 7/ay, Herb. ; St. Hilaire, 7/ay, Bulletin II. 28, '62. 168. TARAXACUM, Il.allcr. - - Dandelion. 368 T. OFFICINALE, Weber, (T. Dens-leonis, Desf.) Abundant everywhere. 169. LACTUCA, Tourn. .... Lettuce. 369 L. Canadensis, L. Common in Kent Co., Fowler; Welsford, Hay, Herb.; between Pabineau and Grand Falls, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 94. 370 L. integrifolia, Bigel. (L. Canaden'^is, var. integrifolia. Gray, Manual.) Rare. Norton, Hay, IlerL. 371 L. leucopha^a, Gray. (Mulgedium leucophaeum, DC.) Common in Kent and Northumberland, Fowler; Campbellton, Hay, Herb. 170. PRENANTIIES, Vaill. - Rattlesnake-root. 372 P. racemosa, Michx. (Nabalus racemosus, Hook.) Mouth of Kennebecc isis. Fowler, Hay, Herb.; Campbellton, Chal- mers; Grand Falls, Wetmore, Bulletin 11. 32. 373 P. serpentaria, Pursh. Along the Richibucto River, Fowler; Quispamsis, Hay, Herb. (Nabalus albus of former list.) 374 P. altissima, L. Bass River, Kouchibouguac, Fowler. 375 P- Mainensis, Gray. " Shore of St. John River at St. Francis, Prinyle; very common on the St. John River, GoodaleP Has not been reported by N. B. botanists. Gray, Syn. Flor. 171. SONCHUS, Tourn. - - *- Sow-thistle. 376 S. OLEKACEUS. L. Weed in gardem, St. John, St. Andrew's, St. Stenhen, Hay, Vroom, Herb. 377 S. ASPEU, Vill. Gardens and rich soil around dwellings. 378 S. ARVENSis, L. Garden weed. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Prunsicick. 41 XXXIX. LOBELIACEaE. 172. LOBELIA, L. 379 L. Carflinalis, L. St. Andrew's and St. Stephen, Vroom,' Magaguadavic, St. Croix and tributaries, Mattheio and Vroom; Eel River, Carleton Co., Digdeguash River, Hay^ Herb. .380 L. Dortmanna, L. Rather rare. Lake Elsie near Richibucto, Foxder; foot Donglas Mountain, Hay; Clifton Lake, Wetmore; Grand Manan, D. McL. Smith. 381 L. spicata, Lam. Moncton, Prittain. Have not seen it. 382 L. Kalmii, L. Limestone hills, St. John, Mattheto; shores of St. John and Restigouche Rivers, Foider; St. John and King's Co.'s, ITay^ Herb. 383 L. inflata, L. Very common throughout the Province. Lobelia is included in Canipanulacete by Benth. & Hooker. XL. CAMPANULACEiE. 173. CAMPANULA, Tourn. - Bell-flower. Hare-bell. 384 C. RAPUXCULOiDES, L. St. John, Cai-leton, Foicilcr, Hay, Herb.; a roadside weed at Richmond Corner and St. Stephen, Vroom. 385 C. rotundifolia, L. Abundant near St. John, Grand Falls of Nepisiquit, Nigadoo, Blackville, Foicler; abundant every- where in clefts of rocks on St. John and tributaries, Hay, Bulletin II. 28, 30 ; Herb. Have not seen it in Kent. 386 C. aparinoides, Pursh. St. George and St. Stephen, Vroom, Herb.; Grand Lake, Gondola Point, Westtield, King's Co., Hay; St. George, Chipman, Andover, Wetmore. XLL VACCINIACEiE. 174. GAYLUSSACIA, H. B. K. - Huckleberry. 387 G. dumosa, Torr. & Gr. In a peat bog near Richibucto, Foicler; St. Stephen, Vroom, Herb. 388 G. resinosa, Torr. reading, Fowler; Fredericton, University Herb. ; Carle- ton, Hay., Herb. ; St. Andrew's, Vroom. 227. CASTILLEIA, Mutis. Painted Cup. 470 C. pallida, Kunth., var. septentrionalis. Gray. Hills of Resti- gouche, Fowler; common on Upper St. John, Tobique, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 28. 228. EUPHRASIA, Tourn. - - - Eyebright. 471 E. officinalis, L. Very abundant on dry hills near Bathurst and St. John, Fowler; McAdam Brook, Charlotte Co., Carle- ton, Hay., Herb. var. Tartarica, Bentli. (E. latifolia, Pursh.) Cape Bald and abundant on a marsh at Cape Enrage, Brittain. 229. BARTSIA, L. 472 B. Odontites, Hudson. Westmoreland Co., Trueman; Lan- caster beach, and abundant on an island at the Falls, mouth of St. John, Hay., Herb. 230. PEDICULARIS, Tourn. - - Lousewout. 473 P. Canadensis, L. Grand Falls of the St. John, Moser. 474 P. Furbishia3, Watson. Rather common on both sides St. John River between Grand Falls and Andover, Hay and Wet- more; abundant at mouth of Aroostook, Vroom. 231. RHINANTHUS, L. - - Yellow-rattle. 475 R. Crista-galli, L. Common near St. John, North of Miramichi on Bathurst road ; Blacklands, Restigouche Co., Foxcler; St. John and King's, Herb. 232. MELAMPYRUM, Tourn. - - Cow-wheat. 476 M. Americanum, Michx. Common in Kent Co., Fowler; St. John, Hay., Herb. \ ! I' I i mi pj" \ nr,t Be J^9 «^ fez 'F^^^^B W wk ^rf•■*' • - ^ B'lHi '■■ f VI SI'it"-' ■■1^ ^ .'€^ V" ■ '-1 ^ i. ^ m:x V^ M~ Lit t k 50 Nat}iral History Society of N. J?., Bulletin No. IV. LV. OROBANCHACEiE. 233. APIIYLLON, Mitchell - - Cancer-Root. 471 A. uniliorum, Gray. Nashwsiaksis, i^'ot/j^er/ Petitcodiac, -BnWai'n. 234. EPIPHEGUS, Nutt. 473 E. Virginiana, Bart. Rather rare. Bass River, Kent Co., and Norton, Fowler. LVI. LENTIBULARIACEiE. 235. UTRICyLARIA, L. - - Bladdkrwout. 479 U. clandestina, Nutt. Shallow water of a small lake near Richibucto, Fowler; Cape Enrage, Brittain. 480 U. vulgaris, L. Common in stagnant waters and slow streams and lakes. Richibucto River, also Rothesay, Fowler^ Herb. ; Mc Adam Junction, Hay. 481 U. intermedia, Hayne. St. Patrick, Charlotte Co., Vroon., Herb. ; Otty's Lake near Hampton, Brittain., Herb. 482 IT. cornuta, Michx. Common in peat bogs. St. John, Matthew., Sheraton, Hay, Herb. ; near Richibucto, Fowler. m\ LVII. VERBENACE^. 236. PHRYMA, L. - - - - LOPSEED. 483 P. Leptostachya, L. Woodstock and Keswick Ridge, Fowler; Upper St. John, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 80 ; Lower Norton, Brittain; Andover, Wetmore. 237. VERBENA, Tourn. .... Vervain. 484 V. urticffifolia, L. Keswick Ridge, Jfoser, Hay, Herb. ; Eel River, York Co., Hay, Bulletin II. 30. 485 V. hastata, L. Waste grounds. Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Norton and Tobique, Hay, Herb., Bulletin II. 30 ; Andover and St. George, Wetmore. LVIIL LABIATE. 238. MENTHA, Tourn. 486 M. viRiDis, L. Baltimore, Albert Co., Brittain. 487 M. PIPERITA, L. Sparingly escaped from gardens. 488 M. ARVENSis, L. Field at Norton. 489 M. SATivA, L. Escaped from gardens. Mint. ■ f Preliminary List of the Plants of New Brunswick, 51 490 M. Canadensis, L. Common in Kent Co., Fowler; St. John and King's, Hay, Herb, var. glabrata, Benth. Rather rare. St. John and Resti- gouche. Fowler; Campbellton, Hay, Herb.; Chalmers. 239. LYCOPUS, Tourn. Water Hojrehound. Buglk-Wbed. 491 L. Virginicus, L. Common in Kent Co., Fowler; King's, Hay, Herb. 492 L. sinuatus, Ell. Common in wet grounds, Kent Co., Fowler; King's, Hay, Herb. 240. HEDEOMA, Pers. Pennyroyal. 493 H. pulegioides, Pers. In a waste field at Green Head, St. John, Fowler, Hay, Herb. 241. CALAMINTHA, Tourn. Calamint. 494 C. Clinopodium, Benth, Open Avoods on hillsides, Restigouche, Fowler; Keswick Ridge, Burnett; Eel River, Hay, Herb.; Andover and Tobique River, Wetmore; Bellisle, King's Co., Brittain. 242. NEPETA, L. - - - - - Cat-Mint. 495 N. Cataria, L. Rarely escajDed from gardens. Grand Lake, Hay, Herb. 496 N. Glechoma, Benth. About dwellings. Abundant on road- sides between Shediac and Shemogue, Fowler; Clifton, Hay. Herb. 243. SCUTELLARIA, L. - - - Skullcap. 497 S. lateriflora, L. Common everywhere. Herb. 498 S. galericulata, L, Common everywhere. Herb. 244. BRUNELLA, Touni. - Self-heal. Heal-all. 499 B. vulgaris, L. Common everywhere. Herb. 245. STACHYS, Tourn. - - - Woundwort. 500 S. palustris, L. Napan Bridge, Northumberland Co., Foxcler; St. Stephen and. Chamcook, F» oom. Herb. ; Quaco, Brit- tain; Partridge Island, Hay; introduced in ballast at Buctouche, Fowler. 246. GALEOPSIS, L. - - - Hemp-Nettle. 501 G. Tetrahit, L. A very common weed in rich damp soil. Herb. ■' I >» ^'v m\ ■pi % 52 Natural History Society of JV. S., Bulletin No. IV. 247. LEONURUS, L. - - - Motherwort. 502 L. Cardiaca, L. Common in waste places near dwellings, 248. LAMIUM, Tourn. - - - Dead-Nettle. 503 L. AMPLExicAULE, L. St. Anclrew's, Vroom. 249. TEUCRIUM, L. - - - - Germander. ' 504 T. Canadense, L. Sand beach, Kouchibouguac. LIX. PLANTAGINACEiE. 250. PLANTAGO, Tourn. - Plantain. Ribwort. 505 P. MAJOR, L. Everywhere near dwellings. 506 P. decipiens, Barneoud. Miramichi and St. John. (P. mari- tima of former list.) 507 P. LANCEOLATA, L. St. John, Jlay, Herb. ; Fowler. DIYISION^ O.-APETALJj]. LX. AMARANTACE^. 251. AMARANTUS, Tourn. - - Amaranth. 508 A. RETROFLExus, L. Along the shore at Fredericton, Fowler; Salmon River, Wetmore. LXI. CHENOPODIACE^. 252. CHENOPODIUM, L. - Pigweed. Goosefoot. 509 C. album, L. a very common weed. 510 C. URBicuM, L. At the railway depot, Carleton, Fowler, -JB^fy; Petitcodiac, £rittain. 511 C. HTBRiDUM, L. Petitcodiac, Brittain. 512 C. BoTRYS, L. On the shore at Government Houst Probably an outcast from the garden. 51? C. capitatum, Benth. & Hook. (Blitiim capitatum, L.) Indi- genous, or at least fully naturalized about Andover and mouth of Aroostook, Wetmore; Eel River, Restigouche Co., Herb. ; Tobique River and Grand Lake, apparently indigenous. Hay, Bulletin II. 29. Preliminar]/ List of the Plants of New Brunsicick. Orache. 68 253. ATRIPLEX, Tourn. ... - 514 A. patiila, L. Several forms of tbis very variable plant occur along the sea coast. Fowler. var. hastata, Gray. Carleton, -Say, Herb, var. littoralis, Gray. St. John, Jlay. 254. SALICORNIA, Tourn. - Glasswort. Sampiiirk. 515 S. herbacea, T,. Common in salt marshes round the coast. 255. SUAEDA, Forskel. - - - See-Blitk. 516 S. maritima, Domortier. Salt marshes on the coast. 256. SALSOLA, L, - - - - Saltwort. 517 S. Kali, L. Common on sand beaches along the Gulf shore, Foxoler; St. Andrew's, Vroom^ Herb. LXII. POLYGONACE^. 257. POLYGONUM, L. . - - Kxotweed. 518 P. Pennsylvanicum, L. Shediac, J^-^ser; Salmon River, Wet- more. 519 P. incarnatum, Ell. Moncton and \\ ^wick, Jfoser; Salmon River, Wetmore. 520 P. Persicaria, L. Common about dwellings and barns. 521 P. Hydropiper, L. Common in wet grounds and ditches, Kouchi- bouguac, Foicle)'/ Norton, itay. Herb.; Chipman, Wet- more. 522 P. acre, H. B. K. Fredericton, Jfoser; Bass River, Fowler. 523 P. hydropiperoides, Michx. Keswick, Moser; Bloomfield, King's Co., Urittam, Herb. 524 P. amphibium, L., var. aquaticum, Willd. In water, Hammond River, Fowler. 525 P. Hartwrightii, Gray. (P. amphibium, var. terrestre of former list.) Wet soil, or in water. Oxbow, Salmon River, and in Kent Co., Fowler; Tobique, Jfai/. 526 P. aviculare, L. Abundant in yards. The European plant with 8 stamens occurs at the railway depot, Carleton. Mr. Brittain sends specimens of a plant from salt marshes at Moncton, Hillsborough, etc., which grows erect, nearly or quite 2 feet high, and which seems to be a tall form of this or an allied species. 527 P. maritimum, L. Sandy sea shore of Northumberland and Kent. % 54 Natural History Society of N. B., Bulletin No. IV. 528 P. arifolium, L. Low grounds, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Hope- well, Brittain. 529 P. sagittatum, L. Kouchibouguac, Fredericton, Fowler; Jem- seg and King's Co., Hay, Herb. 530 P. Convolvulus, L. Kouchibouguac and Bass T»iver, Fowler; Eel River, Restigouche, Herb. 531 P. cilinode, Michx. Climbing over shrubs and fallen trees, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb, 532 P. dumetorum, L., var. scandens. Gray. Norton, Fowler; aloug St. John River, Hay. 533 P. Tai- ARicuM, L. Extensively cultivated and spontaneous for a few years. 258. FAGOPYRUM, Tourn. - - Buckwheat. 534 F. isscuLENTUM, Moench. Cultivated and remaining as a weed for a few years. 259. RUMEX, L. - - - - Dock. Sorrel. 535 R. r-RATENsis, Mert. Campbellton, Chalmers; also Herb. 536 R. orbiculatus- Gray. In wet places, Kent, Fowler; Campbell- ton, Chalmers. 537 R. salicifolius, Weinmann. Shore of Richibucto River, Foxoler; Campbellton, Herb. ; Campbellton and New Mills, Chal- Triers. 538 R. cuispus, L. Fredericton. In grass fields. 539 R. oisTUSiFOLius, L. Tabusintac on Bathurst road, Fowler; Germain Brook, King's Co., Brittain. 540 R. maritimus, L. Shore near mouth of Molus River, and Shediac. 541 R. AcETOSELLA, L. The most abundant weed in old and barren tields. 542 R. oc(udentalis, Watson. Campbellton, Chalmers. Fide Prof. Macoun. LXIII. ARISTOLOCHlACEiE. 260. ASARUM, Tourn. - - - Wild-Gingek. 543 A. Canadense, L. Fredericton, Fowler; Queensbury, Br, Bailey; Morrison's Mills, r room, Herb. ; common about Andover in rich woods, Wetmore; abundant on Upper St. John :ind St. Francis, Salmon (Victoria Co.) and Eel Rivers, Hay, Bulletin II. 25 ; Darling's Island, Brittain. m l4 Preliminary List of the Plants of New BrunswicJc. 55 LXIV. THYMELEACEiE. 261. DIRCA, L. - Leatiierwood. Moose wood. 544 D. paliistris, L. Keswick Ridge, G. H. Burnett; Hillsborough, Brittain. LXV. ELEAGNACEili:. 262. SHEPHERDIA, Nutt. - - Shepherdia. 545 S. Canadensis, Nutt. Clinging to rocky banks at Grand Falls, St, John, and at Cape Bon Ami, Rcstigouche, Fowler; Narrows, Tobique River, Il^y., Bulletin II. 30. LXVI. SANTALACEiE. 263. COMANDRA, Nutt. - Bastard Toad-Flax. 546 C. livida, Richardson. Near St. John, Matthew^ Brittain; Port Elgin, Brittain. LXYTI. EUPHOKBIACEiE. 264. EUPHORBIA, L. - - - - Spurge. 547 E. polygonifolia, L. Kouchibouguac beach in sand. 548 E. Helioscopia, L. River Charlo and Buctouche, Fowler, Herb. 549 E. Cyparissias, L. Have only noticed it in gardens, Fowler; about roadsides in a few places, Nashwaak, Vroom. 550 E. Peplus, L. Spontaneous in gardens, Richibucto, Fowler; weed in gardens, Chipman, Wetmore. LXVIII. URTICACE^. 265. ULMUS, L. 551 U. Americana, L. Common on rich intervales. 266. HUMULUS, L. - - - - 552 H. LuPULUs, L. Cultivated. Scarcely wild. Elm. Hop. Hemp. 267. CANNABIS, Tourn. .... 553 C. sativa, L. Spontaneous in a few places. Richibucto, Forc- ler; near Taborville Bridge, King's Co., Brittain, Herb. 268. URTICA, Tourn. Nettle. 554 U. gracilis. Ait. Rather common in waste places. Bass Ri"'': Fowler, Herb. ; Salmon River (Victoria Co.), Jlay. a 56 Natural History Society of K. JB.^ Bulletin iVb. lY. ii 1' M ll !j 1 'in i < t 1 555 U. DioicA, L. Ballast, St. John, Hay, Herb. 556 U. uiiENS, L. Bass River, Fowler; St. John, Hay^ Herb. ; St. Andrew's, Vroom. 269. LAPORTEA, Gaudichaud. - Wood-Nettle. 557 L. Canadensis, Gaudichaud. Rich intervales, Kouchibouguac, Bass River, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb. 270. PILEA, Lind. - RicHWi^ED. Cleaeweed. 558 P. pumila. Gray. Odell's Grove at Fredericton, Norton, Fowler, Hay; Petitcodiac and Ilavelock, Brittain; a troublesome weed on gi-ounds of C. E. Grosvenor at Canterbury, Hay. LXIX. JUGLANDACEiE. 271. JUGLANS, L. Walnut. 559 J. cinerea, L. Rich woods along the St. John and its tribu- taries. Have not seen it in northern counties. Fowler; forming beautiful groves at Eel River, Woodstock and elsewhere on Upper St. John, Norton, Hay, Herb. LXX. MYRICACEiE. 272. MYRICA, L. - Bayberry. Wax-Myrtle. 560 M. Gale, L. Wet places in barrens and along low shores of ponds and streams. Common. 561 M. cerifera, L. Sand beach on the sea shore, Kent and North- umberland, Folder; Petitcodiac, Brittain. 562 M. aspleir.iolia, Endl. (Comptonia asplenifolia, Ait.) Abundant m dry gravelly ground, Kent, Fowler; Norton, McAdain Junction, Hay., Herb. 569 A. viri C 275. C 570 0. Yivi 276. C 571 C. rostr 277. Q 572 Q. rubn '>'B Q. macr of 574 Q. cocci tail not 278. FA 575 F. ferru" LXXI. CUPULIFERiE. 273. BETXJLA, L. Birch. 563 B. lenta, L. Common forest tree. 564 B. lutea, Michx. f. Common forest tree in rich soil. 565 B. alba, L., var. populifolia, Spach. Common. 566 B. papyracea, Ait. Common in rich soil everywhere. 567 B. pumila, L. Swamps and bogs, R>chibucto. 274. ALNUS, Gaertn. 568 A. incana, Willd. Along streams everywhere. ALr"SR. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Brunsioick. 57 569 A. viridis, DC. Common in damp soil. Richibucto, Fowler; Carleton, Hay, Herb. 275. OSTRYA, Scop. - Hop-Hornbeam. Lever-wood. 570 O. Virginica, Willd. Rather rare. Bass River, Fredericton. 276. CORYLIJS, L. - - - - Hazelnut. 571 C. rostrata, Ait. Common along banks of streams. 277. QUERCUS, L. Oak. 572 Q. rubra, L. Rather common. Kent, Northumberland, York. oTB Q. macrocarpa, Michx. (Q. alba of former list.) Near residence of W. 8. Butler, Esq., Grand Lake. Rare. 574 Q. coccinea, Wang., var. ambigua, Grav. Is said by Mr. Brit- tain to be quite common at Bellisle, King's Co. I ha\ f not seen it. 278. FAGUS, L. - - - - 575 F. ferrugiuea, Ait. Common forest tree. Beech. LXIL SALICACE/E. 279. SALIX, L. - - - - . Willow. 576 S. humilis, Marshall. Dry barrens. Bass River, Kouchibouguac. 577 S. discolor, Muhl. Banks of streams and wet grounds. C(;m- mon. 578 S. pctiolai^s. Smith. Petitcodiac, Brittain; St. Stephen, Vroom. 579 S. cordata, Muhl. Bass River, Fodder; Petitcodiac, lirittai/i; Salmon River, Wetmore. 580 S. livida, Wahl., var. occidentalis. Gray. Very common. 581 S. VIMINALI8, L. Cultivated in a few places. 582 S. lucida, Muhl. Rather common. Kouchibouguac. 583 S. nigra. Marsh. Have only seen it at Harris Cove. 584 S. FRAGiLis, L. Commonly planted. 585 S. Babylonica, Tourn. Cultivated for ornament. 586 S. myrtilloides, L. In bogs, Richibucto. 587 S. pjrifolia, Anderss. Abundant in Gloucester, Northumbei-- land, Kent Co.'s, also at Carleton, St. John Co. (Not in Gray's Manual.) i 58 Natural History Society of iV. .5., Bulletin No. IV. 280. POPULUS, L. - - - PoPLAB. Aspen. 588 P. tremuloides, Michx. Common forest tree. 589 P. grandidentata, Michx. Rather common. 590 P. balsamifcra, L. Not common. Kouchibouguac, Bass River. var. candicans, Gray. Planted for ornament. LXXIII. EMPETRACE^. 281. EMPETRUM, L. - - - - Crowbeeey. 591 E. nigrum, L. Hillocks in bogs, common. Hanging over rocky banks some places along Bay Chaleur. ni-'w-v-'v ^ Cr^^^-o^ti'L^ , Co^tt^, H jyL. />-, Sub-Class II. — GYMNOSPERMiB. i LXXIV. CONIFERiE. 282. THUJA, L. Cedak. 592 T. occidentalis, L. Common throughout the Province. 283. JUNIPERUS, L. - - - - Juniper. 593 J. communis, L. Dry pastures and barren hills. St. John, Fowler; King's, Charlotte, Hay. 594 J. Sabina, L., var. procumbens, Pursh. Sand beach. Eel River, Restigouche Co., Fowler; N. Head of Grand Manan, -Haw, Herb. 284. TAXUS, Tourn. Ground-Hemlock. 595 T. baccata, L., var. Canadensis, Gray. Common in Kent, Fowler; St. John, Hay. 285. PINUS, Tourn. Pine. 596 P. Banksiana, Lambert. Abundant on dry burnt barrens in Kent and Northumberland, Fowler; " forms thick groves extending for miles about Petitcodiac and Anagance," Vroom, Bulletin II. 36. 597 P. resinosa, Ait. Abundant in many places in old forests. 598 P. Strobus, L. Our most valuable forest tree. 286. PICEA, Link. Spruce. 599 P. alba, Link. (Abies alba, Michx.) Common throughout. 600 P. nigra. Link. (Abies nigra, Poir.) Common throughout. Preliminary JOist of the Plants of New Brunswick, 59 287. TSUGA, Carr. Hemlock. 601 T. Canadensis, Endl. (Abies Canadensis, Michx.) In Kent, Northumberland, Gloucester and King's, forming large "orests. 288. ABIES, Tourn. 002 A. balsaraea, Marshall. Common everywhere. Fiu. 289. LARIX, Tourn. - - Larch. Hacmatac. 003 L. Americana, Michx. Common throughout. CLASS II.-Ei^DOGEXOUS PLANTS. LXXV. HYDROCHARIDACEiE. 290. VALISNERIA, .lieheli. - Tape-gkass. Eel-guass. 604 V. spiralis, L. In shallow water. St. Stejihen, Vroom. LXXVr. ORCHIDACE/E. 291. MICROSTYLIS, Nutt. - Addeu's-moutii. 005 M. ophioglossoidos, Nutt. Several ])lac'es in Kent, Frederioton; Eel River and Grand Lake, Hay. 006 M. monoj)hyllos, Lind. Little Rocher, Brittain., Yrootn. Have no specimen. 292. LIPARIS, L. - - - - Twayju.ade. 007 L. La'selii, Richard. Harris Cove, Lily Lake, Fowler; St. Stejtlien, F"redericton, Vroom; Grand Lake, Kennebeccasis, Eel River, Hay. 293. CALYPSO, Salisb. .... Calypso. COS C. borealis, Salisb. Rare. "Collected at Somerset Vale, Bathurst, bv J. Meohan, 1881 ; also a fine bunch from vicinity of Indiantown, as early as 1801, by one of Prof. C. F. Hartt's pupils." Many specimens found in Highland Park, near St. John, by G."U. Hay, 1882 ; also at Petit- ii 60 Natural History Society of N. B., Bulletin No. IV. codiac by Mr. Vroom. Bulletin I. 22. Two specimens collected in Odell's Grove, Fredericton, in Herb. Br. Bailey. 294. CORALLORHIZA, R. Brown. - Coral-root. 609 C. innata, R. Br. Scarce. Black River in Northumberland Co., Carletori, Fowler^ Herb. ; Andover, Wetmore. 610 C. multiflora, Nutt. Rather common in Kent Co., Fowler^ St. John, -Hay, Herb. 295. LISTERA, R. Brown. - - - Twayblade. 611 L. cordata, R. Brown. Rare. Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Dor- chester, Hay, Herb. 612 L. convallarioides, Hook. On the brink of a densely shaded brook near the Manse, Bass River, Fowler; Upper St. John and Madawaska River, Hay, Herb. ; near Campbell- ton, Chalmers. 296. SPIRANTHES, L. - - Ladies' Tresses. 613 S. latifolia, Torr. Titusville, Brittain, Herb. ; Andover and Tobique River, Hay, Wetmore; Eel River, Carleton Co., Hay; North Mountain, Yroom. 614 S. Romanzoviana, Chamisso. Kouchibouguac, Richibncto, Fowler; Cami^bellton, and St. John and King's Co.'s, Hay, Herb. 615 S. gracilis, Bigel. Bale Verte, A. I. Trueman, Herb., Bulletin I. 22 ; Petitcodiac, Bnttain. 297. GOODYERA, R. Brown. Rattle sxake-Pl ant ain. 616 G. repens, R. Brown. Sugar Loaf, Restigouche Co., and Bass River, Fowler; Long Lake, St. John Co., Upper St. John and Tobique, Hay, Herb. ; St. Stephen, St. George, St. James', St. David's, Vroom; Tobique River, Clifton and Chipman, Wetmore. 017 G. pubescens, R. Br. Petitcodiac, Brittain, Herb. 298. ARETHUSA, L. - - - - Arethusa. 618 A. bulbosa, L. Scarce. Richibucto, Fredericton, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb. ; Chipman, Wetmore; Musquash, St. John Co., B. McZ. Smith. 299. CALOPOGON, R. Br. Calopogon'. 619 C. pulchellus, R. Br. Bogs. Richibucto, Kouchibouguac, Herb. ; Tay's Mills, York Co., Moser. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Brunswick. 61 300. POGONIA, Juss. .... Pogonia. 620 P. ophioglossoitles, Nutt. Scarce. Richibueto,Fredericton,7^o?/'- • ler; Clifton, abundant about Tomlinson Lake, Andover, Wetmoj'e; Tay's Mills, York Co., Moser. 301. ORCHIS, L. Orchis. 621 0. spectabilis, L. Keswick, Rev. Mr. McKiel; Eel River, Carleton Co., Jlay, Herb., Bulletin II. 30. 302. HABENARIA, Willd. 622 H. tridentata, Hook. Common in Kent, Foioler; St. John Co., Hay. 623 H. viridis, R. Brown, var. bracteata, Reichenbach. Taborville, Petitcodiac, Havelock, Prittaiti, Bulletin III. 82 ; Tobique Forks, Wetmore. 624 H. hyperborea, R. Br. Harris Cove, Fowler; Upper St. John, Say, Herb. ; Andover, Wetmore. 625 H. dilatata. Gray. Common. Kouchibouguac, Lily Lake, Fowler; Campbcllton, Herb. ; Tobique and Eel Rivers, Hay; Chipman, Wetmore; between Pabineau and Grand Falls on the Nepisiquit, Pr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 94. 626 II. obtusata, Richardson. Coal Branch, Kent Co., Fowler; Campbcllton, Chalmers; Bald Mountain, Tobique, and St. John Co., Hay, Herb. 627 H. Hookeri, Torr. Kouchibouguac, Kingston, Kent Co., Grand Lake, Salmon River, Fowler; Petitcodiac, Brittain, Herb. 628 H. orbiculata, Torr. Bass River, Foxoler; Loch Lomond, Hay^ Herb. ; Nepisiquit Lakes, Eel River, York Co., Hay, Bull- etin II. 30 ; Clifton and Tobique River, Wetmore. 629 H. blephariglottis, Hook. Kouchibouguac, Maryland road near Fredericton, Fowler; Tay's Mills, York Co., Moser; Chip- man, Wetmore. 630 H. lacera, R. Br. Koixchibouguac, Fowler; Petitcodiac and Hampton, Brittain, Herb. ; common between Au Lac and Port Elgin, Bulletin III. 32. 631 H. psycodes. Gray. Common in wet meadows and bogs, Kent, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb. 32 H. fimbriata, R. Br. Rare. Bass River. 303, CYPRIPEDIUM, L. ( Lady's Slipper. ( Mocassin-Flower. 633 C. parviflorum, Salisb. Rare. Restigouche, Fowler; Tobique near Pokiok, Pr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 82, 83. mM' n 62 Natural History Society of N. B., Bulletin No. IV. m 634 C. pubescens, Wilkl. Rather rare. Galloway, near Richibucto, Fowler; Edmundton, //ay, Herb. ; common at Andover, "Wetmore. 635 C. speetabile, Swartz. St. John Co., Fowler^ Hay^ Herb.; Restigouche, Chalmers; York and Carleton Co.'s, Vroom; Andover and Tobique River, Wetmore. 636 C. acaule, Ait. Rather common. Black River, Northumber- land Co., Fredericton, Fowler; Lily Lake, //a//, Herb. ; with white lis., St. Francis River, Ilay^ Bulletin H. 25. LXXVII. IRIDACEiE. 304. IRIS, L. Blue-Flag. 637 I. versicolor, L. Abundant in wet places throughout the Prov- ince. 305. SISYRINCHIUM, L. . Blue-eyed Grass. 638 S. Bermudiana, L. Among grass everywhere. LXXVIII. LILIACE^E. 306. SMILAX, Tourn. - - Carriox-Flower. 039 S. herbacea, L. Rothesay, Fredericton, Fowler; rather com- mon along St. John River, St. Hilaire, //ay. Herb., Bull- etin II. 28. 307. POLYGONATUM, Tourn. - Solomon's-seal. 640 P. biflorum, Ell. Fredericton, Fowler; St. Stephen, Vroom^ Herb. ; common at Salmon River and Andover, Wetmort; St. Francis and Upper St. John, Hay^ Bulletin II. 25 ; Petitcodiac, Brittain. 308. STREPTOPUS, Michx. - Twisted-stalk. 641 S. am])lcxifolius, DC. Kent and Northumberland, Fowler; Camj)bellton, Hay, Herb. ; Lancaster, Herb. 3fis. Heustis; rathci cuiu.iion at Salmon River, Wetmore; Tobique, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83, Bald Mountain, p. 87. 642 S. roseus, Michx. Very common in northern counties, Fotcler,' St. John and King's, Hay, Herb. 309. SMILACINA, Desf. - False Solomon's-seal. 643 S. racemosa, Desf. Bass River, Foioler; Welsford, Hay, Herb. ; Nerepis Valley, Herb. Mrs. Heustis. Preliminary List of the Plants of Hew Brunswick. 63 (i44 S. stellata, Dosf. Moist banks, Koiu'hiboujrnac, J^owler; inter- vales, Salmon Kiver, Wt:tmore; St. .John River, Kenne- beceasis, Hay; Petiteodiae, Jirittain; Cedar Brook on Tobique, Dr. liailey. Can. Xat. 1864, j). 80. Indian Falls, Xepisiquit, 1. c. j). 92. 045 S. trifolia, Desf. Konehiboiiiruac and Hudson's Brook, Kent Co., Fowler; St. John Co., Hay, Herb. (UB S. bifolia, Ker. Very common throughout. 310. IIEMEROCALLIS, L. - - - Day-Lily. 047 II. FULVA, L. Occasionally escapes from gardens. 311. ALLIUM, L. Onion. Garlic. 048 A. tricoccum, Ait. Hampton and Petitcodiac, Prittain, Herb.; Eel River, Carleton Co., Hay, Bulletin II. 30. 049 A. Schcenoprasum, L. Pabineau Falls on Xepisiquit, and Rothesay, Foider; Nauwigewauk, Hay, Herb.; very com- mon along U])])er St. .John, 'robi(]ue and P^el Rivers, II((y, Bulletin 11.28; Indian Falls of Nepisiquit, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 92; Hammond River, J). McL. kSmith. 312. LILIUM, L. Lily. 050 L. Canadense, L. Common on intervales and moist mejidows. Herb. 313. ERYTHRONIUM, L. - Doo's-tootii Yiolkt. 051 E. Americanum, Smith. Have not noticed it in northern counties exce])t a single jdant near Hudson's Brook, Kent Co., abundant at Fredericton, Fovlcr; near St. .b)hn and at Norton on Kennebeccasis, Jlay, Herb.; St. John, Herb/. Mrs. Jleustis. 314. TOFIELDIA, Iluds. False Aspiiopel. 052 T. glutinosa, Willd. Flat Lands, Restigouche, C/ialniers; along Upl)er St. John, Eel and Tobique Rivers, Jlay, Herb., Bulletin II. 27. 315. UVULARIA, L. - - - - Bellwout. 653 U. sessilifolia, L. St. John and King's, Hay, Herb. ; Lily Lake, Herb. 3Irs. Heustis; Kouchibouguac and Grand Lake, Fowler. 64 Natural History Society of JST. jB., Mulletin No. IV, «l!i!!l! 316. CLINTONIA, Raf. - - - Clintonia. 654 C. borealis, Raf. St. John and Kinfj's, Hay, Horb. ; St. John, Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Kouchibouguac, Fowler; alon<^ Tobique River, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83, 86. Paid Mt., p. 87, between Pabineau .and Grand Falls, p. 94. 317. MEDEOLA, Gronov. - Indian Cucumber-iioot. 655 M. Virginica, L. Kouchibouguac and Bass River, Fowler; 8t. John, Hay, Herb. 318. TRILLIUM, L. TlIRKE-LEAVED NiGHTSHADE. 656 T. erectum, L. Have not noticed it in the northern counties, though Chalmers sends it from Restigouehe. Common about St. John, Loch Lomond, St. Croix River, Fowler; Upper St. John and tributaries, Norton, Hay, Herb. ; St. John, Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Tobique near Pokiok, I)r. Bailey, Can. Nat 1864, p. 82. Bald Mt., p. 87. var. alba from Eel River, Carleton Co., W. T. L. Reed. 657 T. cernuum, L. Gallows Hill near Napan, Northumberland Co., Bass River, Oxbow on Salmon River, Fowler; com- mon on river flats at Andover and Salmon River, Wetmore; St. Francis and Kennebeccasis, Norton, Hay, Herb., Bull- etin II. 25 ; Tobique at Two Brooks, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 85. 658 T. erythrocarpum, Michx. Common, especially in recently burned grounds in northern counties, Fowler; St. John and King's Co., Hay, Herb.; St. John, Herb. Mrs. Heustis. 319. VERATRUM, Tourn. ( Indian Poke. \ White Hellebore. 659 V. viride, Ait. Rather common on intervales, Restigouehe, Richibucto, St. John and Kennebeccasis Rivers. 320. ZYGADENUS, Michx. - 660 Z. glaucus, Nutt. Sand beach at Belledune. Zygadene. LXXIX. PONTEDERIACE^. 321. PONTEDERIA, L. . - Pickerel-Weed. 661 P. cordata, L. Kennebeccasis, near railway station, Frederic- ton, Grand Lake, Fowler; several places on the St. John River, Tobique Lake, Norton, Hay, Herb.; Herb. Mrs. Heustis; common in western parts of Charlotte Co., Vroom; Clifton Lake, Wetmore. Preliminary List of the Plants of New Brunswick. 65 LXXX. XYRIDACEyfi. 322. XYRIS, L. - - - Yellow-eyed Grass, 662 X. flexuosa, Muhl., var. pusilla, Griiv. Kendrick's Lake, near St. Stephen, Vroom, Herb.; rointe de Bute, Westmor- land, A. I. Trueman. LXXXI. JUNCACE^. 323. JUNCUS, L. - - . Rush. Bog-Rush. 063 J. effusus, L. Abundant in marshy ground. var. conglomeratus. Gray. Less common. Fredericton and elsewhere. 664 J. filiformis, L. Richibucto, Kouchibouguac, Fowler; Wood- stock, Ilay^ Herb.; Salmon River, Wetmore. 665 J. Balticus, Dethard. Common on the coast of Kent. 666 J. Stygius, L. Peat bogs at Richibucto and Point Escuminac, Fowler, Herb.; Andover and Salmon River, Wetmore; near St. John, Hay. 667 J. bufonius, L. Very common throughout. Ilay, Herb. 668 J. Gerardi, Loisel. Salt marshes at Kouchibouguasis, Fowler; St. John, Hay, Herb. 669 J. tenuis, Willd. Common. Hopewell Cape, Hoy, Herb.; Andover, Wetmore. var. secundus. Gray. Bass River, Fowler; Salmon River, Wetmore. 670 J. Greenii, Oakes & Tuckerm. Wet sandy places, Kouchibou- guasis, Kent Co., Fowler, Hei'b. 671 J. pelocarpus, E. Meyer. Bocabec, Wetmore; Quaco, Brittain. 672 J. articulatus, L. Hampton, Petitcodiac, Bale Verte, Brittain; Clifton, Wetmore. 673 J. nodosus, L. Restigouche, Fowler; Campbellton, Herb.; Andover and Salmon River, Wetmore; Green River, Upper St. John, Hay. 674 J. Canadensis, J. Gay, var. longicaudatus, Engelm. Common in Kent. var. coarctatus, Engelm. Rather common in Kent, Fowler; Bocabec and Chipman, Wetmore. 324. LUZULA, DC. - - - - Wood-Rush. (j75 L. pilosa, Willd. Common in old fields. 676 L. parviflora, Desv., var. melanocarpa. Gray. Upper Gaspe- reaux and Blissville, Perth, Victoria Co., Wetmore. 677 L. campestris, DC. Dry fields. Common. 66 Natural History Society of N. B.^ Bulletin No. IV. LXXXir. TYPHACE^. 325. TYPHA, Tourn. - - - Cat-tail. Flag. 678 T. latifoiia, L. Common in wet muddy places throughout. 320. SPARGANIUM, Tourn. - . Buu-keed. 679 S. simplex, Hudson. In wet places and borders of lakes. St. John Co., Hay, Herb, var. Nuttallii, Entji'lm. In water, Bass River, Fowler; Welsford, Jlay, Wvvh. var. androc'ladum, Enaria, Schk. Very common. Bass River, Fowler; Campbellton, Herb, var. minor. Boot. Sent from Restigouche by Chalmers. 759 C. lagopodioides, Schk. Bass River, Fowler, Herb. ; not rare at Salmon River, Wetmore. var. moniliformis. Boot. Bass River. 760 C. cristata, Schw. Tobique River, Hay. 761 C. adusta, Boot. Richibucto River, Bass River, Foxoler; Nejiisi- quit Lakes and Lower Tobique, Hay (the var. glomerata); Petitcodiac, Brittain, Herb. There are two forms of this Carex as determined by Col. S. Olney, one of which he identifies as C. albolutescens, Schw., var. glomerata, Olney, the other as var. sparsiflora, Olney. Both are found in Kent Co. 7G2 C. foDuea, Willd., var. sabulonum. Gray. (C. silicea, Olney.) Sand beaches on the coast. Kouchibouguac, Fowler, Herb. 763 C. straminea, Schk., var. tyjiicn, Gray. Kouchibouguasis, Fow- ler, Herb. ; McAdam Junction, Hay; Fredericton Junc- tion, Foxoler. var. tenera. Gray. Kent Co. Rather rare. var. festucacea, Gray. St. John, Hay, Fowler, Herb. ; Dig- deguash. Hay. vulgaris. Fries. Bass River, Carleton, Foxoler, Herb. aquatilis, Wahl. Kent Co., St. John Co., Harris Cove. torta. Boot. Salmon Creek and Gaspereaux River, Wetmore; Petitcodiac, Brittain. aperta, Boot. Near Richibucto, Fowler; rather common at Salmon River, Wetmore. 68 C. stricta. Lam. Richibucto, Fredericton, Foxoler; Norton, Hay, Herb. ; Salmon River, Wetn^ore. var. strictior. Gray. Tobique and Salmon Rivers, Wetmore. "69 C. lenticularis, Michx. Bass River, Foxoler, Herb. ; not rare at Salmon River, Wetmore; St. Stephen, Vroom. 770 C. salina, Wahl. Salt marsh at Molus River, Kent Co. Only found it once. 771 C. maritima, Vahl. Salt marshes, Molus River, Foxoler, caster. Hay, Herb. 772 C. crinita, Lam. Along rills and brooks. Common. TCouchi- bouguac, Fowler; Norton, Hay, Herb. 764 C. 765 C. 766 C. 767 C. i vifSl WT 773 C. 774 C. 775 C. 776 C. 777 C. 778 C. 779 C. 780 C. 781 C. 72 Natural History Society of JV. B., Bulletin JVb. IV. gynandra, Schw. Tobique River, JTay and Chalmers. limosa. L. Peat bogs, Richibucto, Bass River, Fowler, Herb. irrigua, Smith. Peat bogs, Kent Co., Fowler; Lily Lake, Hay, Herb. Buxbaumii, Wahl. Restigouche near mouth of Upsalquitch, Fowler; Lily Lake, Hay, Herb. atrata, L. Madawaska River, Hay; Tobique, Wetmore. aurea, Nutt. Near St. John, Fowler; Kennebeccasis Island, Hay, Herb. ; Andover and Minister's Face, Wetmore. panicea, L. Wet meadows, Bass River, granulans, Muhl. Wet grounds, Bass River, Fowler; Col- lege grounds, Fredericton, Wetmore; Sussex, Urittain. pallescens, L., var. undulata. Gray. Bass River, Fowler; Aroostook Falls, Carleton, Hay, Herb. gracilliraa, Schw. Bass River, Fowler; Tobique, Hay. laxiflora. Lam. Several vars. and forms of this exceedingly variable plant are found, but they have not been worked out. More material is required. oligocarpa, Schk. Bellisle and Petitcodiac, Urittain. pedunculata, Muhl. Petitcodiac, Havelock, Hrittain; Red Bank and Salmon River, Wetmore; St. Stephen, Vroom; Nashwaaksis, Moser. umbellata, Schk. Rocky ground near the Manse at Black- ville, Fowler; Red Bank, M^etmore; Petitcodiac, Brittuin. Novse-Anglim, Schw. St. John, Foioler, Hay, Herb.; Petitcodiac, Brittain; Chipman, Wetmore. Emmonsii, Dew. JDry bank near Manse, Blackville, Fowler; Petitcodiac, Brittuin; Salmon River, Wetmore. Pennsylvatiica, Lam. Dry knolls in woods between Richi- bucto and Molus River, Fowler; not rare at Salmon River on dry banks, Wetmore. varia, Muhl. Dry knolls in woods, Bass River, Fredericton Junction, Fowler; rather common at Salmon River, Wti- m,ore. pubescens, Muhl. ^etitcodiac, Brittain. scabrata, Schw. Wet grounds, Bass River, Fowler; Norton, Hay; Campbellton, Herb. arctata. Boot. Margin of dry woods beside Manse, Bass River, Foivler, Herb. ; rather common at Salmon River, Wetmore; St. John, Hay; various places in Westmorland, Brittain, Bulletin HL 30. debilis, Michx. Bass River, Fredericton, Fowler; Carleton, Hay, Herb. ; common at Salmon River, Wetmore. 782 C. 783 C. 784 C. 785 C. 786 C. 787 C. 788 c. 789 C. 790 C. 791 C. 792 C. 793 C. 794 C. Preliminary List of the Plants of .JVew Prunsioick. 73 ■ 795 C. 1 796 C. 1 797 C. 1 798 C. 1 799 C. 1 800 C. 1 801 C. 802 C. 1 803 C. 804 C. d 805 C. k- 806 C. n. 807 C. • ) 808 C. )■; 809 C. er 810 C. on 811 C. 'et- 812 C. 813 C. )ii, 814 C. iss 815 C. er, r 816 C. I 817 C. capillaris, L. Bass River, Fowler; Eclmundton, JTayy Herb.; Kennebeccasis Bay, Wetmore. flexilis, Rudge. Near Weldfonl Station, Fowler, Herb. ; Red Bank Creek and Tobique River, Wetmore; common at Petitcodiac, Prittaiti. flava, L. Common in damp meadows. St. John, Jlatthew; Bass River, Fowler, Herb. CEderi, Ehrh. Rothesay, on shore. Fowler; Carleton, Hay, Herb. ; Tobique, Wetmore. filiformis, L, Lake Elsie near Richibucto, Fowler, Herb. ; Arthurette, Wetmore. lanuginosa, Michx. Moncton and Petitcodiac, Prittain, Herb. ; Edmundton, Hcii/. Houghtonii, Torr. Dry grassy places. Coal Branch, Kent Co., Fowler, Herb. ; Tobique River at Pokiok, Wetmore. riparia, Curtis. In water near Weldford Station. Pseudo-Cyperus, L. P^'cquent along borders of lakes and in ditches in Kent Co., Fowler; Long Lake, St. John Co., and McAdam Junction, JIay. hystricina, Willd. Lily Lake, Fowler; Welsford, JTav, Herb, tentaculata, Muhl. Abundant along the shore near Bass River Bridge. intumescens, Rudge. Rather common in Kent, Fowler; King's Co. and on St. John River, Hay, Herb. Inpulina, Muhl. Hampton and Norton, Fowler, Hay, Herb. folliculata, L. Norton, Fowler, Hay, Herb. ; St. Martin's, Prittain, Herb. rostrata, Michx. Bog at Rothesay, Fowler; Lily Lake, Hay, Herb. ; border of Clifton Lake, Wetmore. retro rsa, Schw. Common in wet places at Bass River, Foii- ler, Hei'b. utriculata. Boot. Swampy places, Bass River, Fredericton, Fowler; Norton, Hay, tlerb. Vaseyi, Dew. Borders of Lake Elsie near Richibucto. monile, Tuck. Wet places at Bass River and Fredericton, Fowler; Salmon River, Hay. Tuckermani, Boot. Wet bank of Bass River near Bridge. oligosperma, Michx. In a peat bog near Richibucto, Fowler, Herb. ; Madawaska, Hay. miliaris, Michx. Wet shores at Rothesay and on opposite side of river. Fowler, Herb. longirostris, Torr. Andover, Wettnore; Sussex, Prittain. 74 Natural History Society of JV. H., Bulletin No. IV. LXXXIX. GRAMINEiE. 349. PANICUM, L. - - - - Panic-Grass. 818 P. GLABUUM, Gaudin. Fredericton, on railway track, Fowler; Nashwaaksis, Moser; Hampton, Brittain, Herb. ; Salmon River, Wetmore. 819 P. capiilare, L. A weed in gardens and cultivated grounds, Bass River. 820 P. dichotomum, L. In dry fields and woods. Common in Kent. 350. OPLISMENTJS, Beauv. - Cock-spub Grass. 821 O. Citus-GALLi, Kunth. (Panicum Crus-galli, L.) A very vari- able and troublesome weed about barnyards and gardens. 351. SETARIA, Beauv. - Bristly Fox-tail Grass. 822 S. VERTrciLLATA, Beauv. Reported by Hay on ballast, St. John. 823 S. GLAUCA, Beauv. A common weed in gardens and manured grounds, Bass River. 824 S. viRiuis, Beauv. Gardens and cultivated grounds, Bass River. 352. SPARTINA, Schreb. Cord or Marsh Grass. 825 S. cynosuroides, Willd. Marshes, especially near the coast, Kent Co. 826 S. juncea, Willd. Salt marshes, Kouchibouguac, Richibucto. 827 S. stricta, Roth., var. alterniflora. Gray. Salt inarshes, Richi- bucto. 353. ZIZANIA, Gronov. - "Water or Indian-Rice. 828 Z. aquatica, L. Abundant in water at Hampton and other ]>laces in King's Co., lirittain ; not rare at Salmon River, Wetmore. 354. LEERSIA, Solander. - - Rice Cut-Grass. 829 L, oryzoides, Swartz. Wet banks of streams, Bass River. 355. ANDROPOGON, L. - - - Beard-Grass. 830 A. scoparius, Michx. Goat Island in Grand Lake. . 356. PHALARIS, L. - - - Canary-Grass. 831 P. Canariensis, L. Spreading fi'om ballast at St. John. Prelim 357. AN^ 832 A. ODORAi Rivei 358. HIE 833 H. boreal is elsevv 359. ALO 834 A. genicuh 835 A. aristulat 360. STir 836 S. Richard> 361. ORY 837 0. asperifol Fowle in bhu 362. MILI 838 M. effusum, 363. MUEl 839 M. glomerat casis. 840 M. Mexican: tain^ II 841 M. sylvatica, Fowler 364. BRAC 842 B. aristatum, 365. PHLE 843 P. PRATENSE 366. AGRO 844 A. scabra, W 845 A. canina, L. 846 A. vulgaris, ] 847 A. alba, L. : Preliminary List of the Plants of New PrunsicicJc. 75 357. ANTHOXANTHUM, L. - Sweet Vernal-Grass. 832 A. ODORATUM, L. Common in grass fields and pastures. Bass River. 358. HIEROCHLOE, Gmelin. IIoly-Grass. 833 H. borealis, Roera & Schultes. Molus River, Riehibucto and elsewliere in Kent Co. 359. ALOPECURUS, L. - - Foxtail-Grass. 834 A. geniculatus, L. Wet places. Carleton. 835 A. aristulatus, Micbx. Wet places. Bass River. 3G0. STIPA, L. - - - - Featiier-Grass. 836 S. Ricbardsonii, Link. Petitcodiac, Brittain. 861. ORYZOPSIS, Micbx. - - Mountain Rice. 837 O. asperifolia, Micbx. Fredericton Junction and Port Elgin, Fowler ; Petitcodiac, Brittain ; common at Salmon River in blueberry barrens, Wetmore. 362. MILIUM, L. - - - - Millet Grass. 838 M. effusum, L. Ricbmond, Carleton Co., Vrooni. 363. MUEHLENBERGIA, Scbreb. Drop-seed Grass. 839 M. glonicrata, Trin. Weldford, Kent Co., banks of Kennebec- casis. 840 M. Mexicana, Trin. Fredericton, Fowler; Petitcodiac, Brit- tain^ Herb, 841 M. sylvatica, Torr. «fe Gr. Low rocky places, Fredericton, Fowler; Bellisle, King's Co., Brittain. 364. BRACHYELYTRUM, Beaiiv. 842 B. aristatum, Beauv. Rocky woods, Molus River, Kent Co. 365. PHLEUM, L. - Timothy. Herd's-Grass. 843 P. pratense, L. Cultivated for bay. 366. AGROSTIS, L. - - - - Bent-Grass. 844 A. scabra, Willd. Common tbroughout. 845 A. canina, L. Molus River, Kent Co., in dry barrens. ^46 A. vulgaris, L. Abundant in old or dry fields. ^47 A. alba, L. In damp grassy ground, Bass River. K^ MR 76 Natural History Society of JV. J?., Bulletin JVo. IV. 367. CINNA, L. Wood Reed-Grass. 848 C. arundinacea, L., var. pendula, Gray. In deep shady pl'icos, Mollis River, Bass River. o68. DEYEUXIA, Clarion. - Reed Bent-Grass. 849 D. Canadensis, (Calamagrostis Canadensis, Beauv.) The most abundant grass in wild meadows. 850 D. stricta, (Calamagrostis stricta, Trin.) Shediac, Jirittai7i. 869. AMMOPHILA, Host. Sea Sand-Reed. 851 A. arcnaria. Host. (Calamagrostis arenaria. Roth.) St. John, Hay; Kouchibouguac, Foioler. 370. DESCHAMPSIA, Beauv. Hair-Grass. 852 D. flexuosa (Aira flexuosa, L.) On rocks near the mouth of the Kennebeccasis. 853 D. ca'spitosa (Aira cajspitosa, L.) Kennebeccasis, Tabusintac on the Bathurst road, Restigouche. 371. TRISETUM, Persoon. 854 T. subspicatum, Beauv., var. molle, Gray. On rocky banks, Restigouche. Fowler; Upper Gasj^ereaux, Wctmore; Upper St. John, Hay. 372. AVEXA, L. Oat. 855 A. striata, Michx. Bass River, Tabusintac on Bathurst road, Foxcler; Upjjcr St. John, Hay; Petitcodiac, Brittain^ Bulletin II. 32. 373. DANTHONIA, DC. - - Wild Oat-Grass. 856 D. spicata, Beauv. Dry barren commons. Bass River. 374. PHRAGMITES, Trin. Reed. 857 P. communis, Trin. Restigouche, Chalmers; St. Stephen Vroom; Sackville, Herb. Mrs. Heustis. 375. EATONIA, Raf. 858 E. Pennsylvanica, Gray. Scarce. Restigouche, Kennebeccasis. 376. DACTYLIS, L. - - - Orchard-Grass. 859 D. GLOMERATA, L. Fields and yards. Bass River. D ^t^^o-^^rv-K,-.^ /^^tw'feU^^ /ff-*-/(, i^o^c-t ^ /i/t.t/?i«>^^ , I ' '«'4XJ£Wi^ii«BIH£', Hay, Herb. ; Andover and Uj)per Gaspereaux, Wet- more. 913 A. Goldianinn, Hook. Near Woodstock. Presented to Herb, bv Mr. Peter Jack, Herb., Bulletin II. 31. 914 A. Filix-mas, Swartz. Keswick Ridge, Jl/oser, Hay, Herb.; l^aley's wood, Richmond, Hay. 915 A. marginalc, Swartz. Rather common. Bass River, Fowler; Gondola Point, Hay, Herb. ; St. Stephen, Vroom. 916 A. acrostichoides, Swartz. In the northern counties I have only noticed a single tuft near Molus River, Kent Co., Foicler; Up])er Tobique, common near St. John, Kennebeccasis, Hay, Herb. ; Mos(juito Cove, Herb. J/rs. Heustis; Andover, common at Salmon River, Wetmore. 917 A. aculeatum, Swartz, var. Braunii, Koch. Not rare. Sugar Loaf in Restigouche, Odell's Grove, Fredericton, Foider, Moser, Herb. ; St. Francis River, Andover and Salmon River, Hay, Wetmore, Bulletin II. 25 ; Campbellton, Chahners, Herb. 396. CYSTOPTERIS, Bernhardi. Bladder-Fern. 918 C. bulbifera, Bernh. Damp shaded ravines, Restigouche, St. John, Fowler; very abundant about Lower St. John, Coldbrook, Hay, Herb. 919 C. fragilis, Bernh. Rather common. Coal Branch, Kent Co., Foider; Campbellton, Herb.; St. John and tributaries, Hay; Fredericton, Vroom. " -% l^i Preliminary JJst of the Plants of New Urunawick. 81 397. STRUTIIIOPTERIS, Wilkl. - Ostricii-Ferv. 020 S. GtM-mnnica, Willd. Common in rich alltivial soil, Kent Co., Fowler; very abundant on low jLn*ounda of Tobicjiu', mouth of St. Francis, //"cry, Bulletin II. 25 ; on Tobiquo Itivcr, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 18G4, p. 83. 398. ONOCLEA, L. - - - Sensitive-Fkrn. 921 0. sensibilis, L. Rather common in northern counties, Fowler; common on St. John and tributaries, Cam])l)e]lton, Hay, Herb. ; along Tobique River, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83, 85. var. obtusilobata, Torr. Richibucto, Fowler; Havelock, King's Co., Brittain. 399. WOODSIA, R. Brown. - - - Woodsia. 922 W. Ilvonsis, R. Br. Restigouche on Sugar Loaf and at mouth of Upsal(]uiteh, Fowler; St. Stephen, Vrooni; found at Keswick, Nashwaaksis and near Green Head, St. John, Hay; in Herb. Mrs. Henntis; Minister's Face, Kennebec- casis. Bulletin II. 29 ; very abundant about Lower Tobique, Hay. 923 W. hy])erborea, R. Br. Rare. At tutinel in Restigouche, Fowler; Aroostook Falls, Hay and Wetmore, Bulletin II. 29, Herb. ; Grand Falls, Peter Jack. This fern was given as W. glabella in former list through a mistake in copying the label. 400. DICKSONIA, L'ller. - - - Dicksonia. 924 D. punetilobula, Kunze. Very common in pastures, roadsides and open woods. 401. OSMUND A, L. - - - Flowkrixg-Fern. 925 0. regalis, L. Swamps and wet places. Bass River, Frederic- ton, Fowler; tipper Tobicpie and Campbellton, Hay, Herb. ; St. John, Herb. Mrs. Heustis; Tobique, Dr. Bailey, Can. Nat. 1864, p. 83. 926 0. Claytoniana, L. Very common throughout. Lancaster, Hay, Herb. 927 0. einnamomea, L. Very common in swamps in northern counties, Fowler; Campbellton, Hay, Herb, var. frondosa, Gray. Beautiful specimens showing every step of the change from the common sterile form of frond to forms having several of the upper pinnae completely fertile were once found by the writer at Molus River, Kent Co. m W'^d qnpp I ^2 Xci^ral History Society of N. -B., Bidletin No. IV. 402. BOTRYCHIUM, Swartz. - - Moonwort. 928 B. lanceolatum, Aiigstroem. Bass River near Manse, Frederic- ton, at Salamanca, Fowler^ Vroom, Herb. ; Kennebeccasis, Ilay. 929 B. raatficariaefolium, A. Br. Petit(iocliac, St. Martin'a, JSrittain, Herb. Reported froi.- near Dalhoiisie. 930 B. Virgiiiicum, Swartz. Rather common. Bass River, Fcioler; Eel River, Victoria Co., Hay, Herb. ; St. John, Herb. yfys. Heustis; on dry rocky heights at the month of the Ujjsalquitch is a reduced form only a few inches high, B. gracile, Pursh. 931 B. hmarioides, Swartz. Rather common. Bass River, Mira- michi, Fredericton. 032 B. simT)lex, Hitchcock. Is said to be found near Dalhousie, but tlie writer has not seen it. 403. OPHIOGLOSSUM, L. - Adder's-Tongue. 933 O. vulgatum, L. Hopewell and Cape Enrage, Brittain, Herli. XCII. LYCOPODIACE-E. 404. LYCOPODIUM. 934 L. lucid Ilium, Michx. Common in Kent, Fowler; Brookville, Hay, Herb. 935 L. Selago, L. Among grass on Carleton Heights, Fowler^ Herb. 936 L. inundatum, L. Bass River and several places in Kent, Fowler, Heil*. ; not rai'e at Salmon River, Wetmore. 937 L. annotinum, L. Tn dry woods, common. Fotoler, Herb. 938 L. dendroideum, Mich.v:. Rather common. Bass River, J^ow/er, Herb. 939 L. clavaibvim, L. In dry woods, common. Bass River, Fowkr, Herb. 940 L. complauatum, L. In dry woods. Common in Kent, Foicler; Campbellton, Herb. 405. SELAGINELLA, Beauv. 941 S. rapestris, Spreng. Keswick,, Burnett, 1881. Herb. 406. ISOETES, L. - . . . Quillwort. 042 I. echinosjtora, Durieu, var. Braunii, Engehn. Rather common in Cha.-lotte Co., Vroom. he B. ra- ,bi but erl). le, jler. ent, •Acr, )L>\ ler; llOll