% riO, %,. * IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / O '4^.' y^O ■si!*!; 1.0 I.I 1.25 • 50 '""= •^ lllltt 1.4 6" IM 12.2 1.6 V] !??>^ ^ '^' ^ t ^;. % s^'' >^ Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 m^ ,\ ^^ C\ \ ,0 yv '' I t Ih IPAsTaJtAL L^TIfi^ ro Illi DISTRIDUTKU WHERE IT MAY BE FOUND NECESSAUV AMONG THK :F^i^i£^ffiis#:sfaiE^ ms ^wmw^'U^ My dcau FuiiiNDS, In llie situation which it has pleased God that I should occupy in the Church, — it is only a sense of strong- neces- sity which could induce me to resort to any such method us 1 am here ahout to adopt, in order to turnisli expUmation'^ rcsi)ecting some recent occurrences of a painful nature in this Parish. But I feel it due to you, to nivs-elf, and to tlm ('hurch, to correct many unfounded and hurtful impressions which have gone abroad, and ivhich means have been umhI, (and that with sufficient industry) lo propagate, such as ir would not be proper for me to employ in removing them. I have now been your Pastor for three and twenty years; and although God knows, that in the retrospect of that space, 1 see and lament innumerable failings and deficien- cies, and if I could begin my course anew, should, by his help, do very differently in many points from what I have done, yet this I can say before Him, that my time, my soli- citude, my labour and my prayers have been given all along, either directly to you or to other interests falling within my professional charge; and that your souls have been dear to me as the souls of the sheep of Christ. We have done our respective parts in planting some Institutions within the Parish, which will remain a blessing, I hope, to those who ^viII come after us, long after we ehull liuvc boei; gathered to our |atl,cr. ; ue l.av. j.asscd tl.ruu-h .ou.e t- n^g .ccncs together, a.Kl, alike f.i.n the pooTS a X L'h among you, 1 have had n)any consolinL'- in irk of, v ofmy own that my p.-e.ent movemc^lt i^t:^' ^st '?£ in tLrh"*H' ^^J"^^'?:'' «^"'-''ei', and ultimately of pUce in the Church ; as vvell as of benefit to individ.Kil ,n nl7 I call now, therefore, upon that portion of yo who m.v have been more or less influenced hv tuJ Jm ,1.. • ^ ^ which I hirp nl!iw!o,j t^ • """'-"^^" "> tlie impressions to wnicn 1 nave alluded, to judge nothing before the timp a time IS perhaps not distant, even in tifi. wm M • . rectify those impressions. ' Tprm h e h.s ^-1^ " ' "'"^ the hands of n^any among yo " d id Son^ t ^ '"''' t ons used in its circulation', 'c I.ld but aV -^ utw'ld "In my own*-but I know that it could not conL n some m ena 3 absouel^ essential to the full and correc" uncrer" ^tandmgof the case which it professes to exhibit at d that k doesconlam things of which'the effect is trrepresen thl case ,n a manner widely different from the real ivFif n could not contain some materials «6.oLLL^S he full and correct understanding of the eafp xlh' i nous statements, contained in -, \^,t /. .J"' autboi- of the |,ai,i,, hiet, yet that 'pf„ ^,i„„ ' ^ "'" :i':r!t'r™..r- 1,"^"4 ^'^"^^ ^^::z cc.«,s 10 it attu w aid., where it was deposited : but it wmiU have been obv bus v imnroner -ir « tin.o r i ^^ouid atmude of dc.eniira(fec- i^ I lia(} vji saktvs ave beei» 10 this isitJ me, feelings s for the of pt'ace ninds. 'ho may ssions to ime. A icli may •ut into precau- vhile in we ma- iinder- J that it ent the First, itial to which I felt it ers, a injij. 5ed to »y the never ve ac- would 'ailing id into ne the :ie le- opy the he pio- veiled against mc: and even if Iliad not been u'llhUeldby tills consideration, from fnrnishing iiim witli tlie [japtr in (jties* tion, I should certainly have declined doing what niiglit liave drawn me on into an interminable contention in writ- ing and printing, the time for whicli I could not i)0ssibly all'ord The Author of the pamplilet li:is ciiosen liifl own me- thod of circulating the impressions which he desired to give : I must correct them in mine. What my method is, will [)re- seniiy appear. The dispersion or exhibition of statemcnts,^//^ part el d'autre, lias been none of my seeiiing ; and if, beiiig forced into defensive measures, 1 entrench myself within such limits as I see expedient, and such as are imposed upon me by my station, the other party can liave notliing in this to complain of. Secondly, — the Pamphlet rf^es contain tilings of wiiicli tbc efFtct is to represent the case in a manner widely diirereiit from tlie reality. Of this 1 shall only mention one example liere, but it does not stand alone. You will find in if, usk MADE IN PRINT of a letter fcou) a third party to the Author of the Pamphlet, written utider some utterly mistaken im- pressions respecting my own part in the transaction j whicli letter that tiiird party wrote a subsequent letter to RECALL, with the desire that his revocation of it should be communicated in all quartern which the former letter had reached. But tills is not all. Avery few words only, are extracted in the Pamphlet from the second letter,words which comprehend no intimation of its containing what surely ouglit to iiave prohibited, even upon the common princi- ples of worldly honor, all further use of tlie firsts and wliich, standing by themselves, do not simply fait to correct but might rather tend to confirm the effect o{i\\Q first. The suppression, in short, of the greater and all the material parts of the second letter, serves not only to obscure but to colour in a different manner the aspect of the facts. | The particulars of what I have here stated, (if not sufficiently furnished in the appendix.) and the particulars of any other point of importance connected with this uniiappy affair, upon which satisfaction may be desired, [ profess myself ready to explain to you in person; and recourse may be had to me for the purpose, in the forenoon of the davs ' ( VVeduesdavs and Fridays) of my siateci T See AppenJii. « ^fan'l in .he relation to /cu orn' '^''' iV'^ '''deration, ;';"^ '■'• ;'--s i".mediate^c«^^^^^ ''«"S:^'of all the churches nnn falthoui-h nith tho '•';M>ossible for n.e to c v ue it ' n ' ''""l^''' '^ '*^ ^^'^-"y "^•t'on ; and besi^Jesthe l'; e ■ I ^l^'V ^'-''^'^ "^ '^'''^ trans- JMstma(leof„,y^ea,liness^o i; k- :^r" ^^''^'^''' ' ''«vc '^^'^^e.|H.c.•alJythatIa^ p ,L"'P'^"'"^'';''-''> ^ ^Je.ire P'^ints;— l"tP'«H>(l to prove the following 0.1;;;^;!:^^,.:^^:--^^;:^ j-^l^ee„ „,seonceivedin its violence done or ofc ed to r. Vo/'" "^'''" ^^"^ ^" '^« ^ case of "inintaincd. t" ^^ ^^-^ow^ ^/^'''^^^ conscientiously ;wu;T;:?;';:;,:!rto ^hKHo^;'^^^ ^ ^-^ ^^ ^-n -^i ^""self into his pre.^n r o.itZ ^.''"'"f.'^^^'^y '^«« ^^'OHifl.t ^^as or was nit a L nn A •' '''"' '^'^>~whether th?re y- part, i^volving^."^?J'J^|'^ .C'L^'; -'^^^ ^^""''"^'^ »" ^^'gcilm- with LM-e"it sc-md.l? . M'" «'-^''"ation.vows. ^-'..re^^ation, L we 1 .^''' ' ' ll' "^'"^"^'^ ^""^^ed in thj ";y-^elf (which, howevM- r o" //"^^ ^^o«% pass over,) theiCM . ^^'°'^'?°^'^'^^ ^^^''^'^ ""t party by his own conf",; , n ""^ ^^^t^blished against the ''>' '^i'". Justified, anS; ^ e ^^;;;::;!^^'- '- osvu Lnl, and repeated. ' "' ^^' ^'*'" ^"^^tances, persisted in and 72;^^itlttrr?cep^ ''\^''^ P^n^Pl'let, (page ^e^sagefrouMneisna "/»^ ' :^''''V^'''^"'-^^^ t-''e/«c/, on the contrary iwlf '""'V^^^'^'"'^ "^ the offence," fuch message is presumed i /■"'"', '"^'^ reception ot it'tters from me, a Idre ."d t- cn^ ''^"'^^ ^^ '''ff"^^'^"^ not to have taken placLtfand fin'n "• ''''"^'^' *« ^^""^elf, as was made known to him fron, {' '' '^'P^^^sl^ exciudJ, fiiad^-ersion. ' "*^-^^ "le grounds of my ani 3 ^'■'lllxMll.il. t I s|,(,|,|,| f'lteiatioij, "f Bishop: with the is wholly course so ' anxious '• Cireut 'is trans* 1 I have i desire allowing ed in its a case of 'iitiously eal, and broiig-ht 'i- there lucl on n-VQws, in the o wards uhl not instthe 'dj and in and Cpago official ?nce,'* ion ot ferent niself, i ani- rsioij series 1 rihiiti.lantly warrant Int,^ all the notic.T wliirh I have tiKtn of them, fioni first to hist. 5.--That the attacks made upoti the National Schools of this City, upon grounds alleged in justification of certain proceeduigs which I have made matter of censure, are not lounded upon any fair statement of facts; and that those institutions have the strongest claims upon the support of every consistent member of the Church of England in the 6.-That in the discussions among the Clergy and others respecting Crossman's Inlroduction, the part which 1 look was very different from that which has been imputed to me,' in a certain letter which appears in the pamphlet; and conse- quently did not afford the plea which is alleged for the course taken by the author, or for the aspersions which he ha« not hesitated to put \n print. 7 —That although in the conduct of this painfulaffairjhave had to encounter great and peculiar embarrassments which may have produced some appearances not immediately to he understood by persons unacquaintrd with the difficulties of authority, (especially in the Church,) I have, in the best exeicise ot a fallible judgment, neither taken nor declined any steps without such reason to shew for my decision as I do humbly trust will sustain me throughout. If I seem to have adopted any strong measure, I have liad strong grounds for it. If it has appeared to be after date, it IS because there were circumstances which put it out of mv !;rf/V''.r'?-'i '' '''^"''* into effect. Jt is not indeed iZ possible that I may yet be compelled to follow ur> what 1 have done by farther proceedings. I pray that it may not be so. I would to God that I eould as easily obliterate tb^ whole history from the public mind, as I can efface from my own the traces of any souse of wrong which I have suffered, or render reparation, if there be any point in which It can be shewn to be due from me. May that God who bnngsgoodoutofevil, for Christ's sake, forgive and bless I am always, my dear fricnd.y, Your affectionate Pastor, G. J. MONTRRAL. ^rarchmont, 12th November, 1810. -' ''''^■■•iAv,^ ' /fc« I- ■'^.r ^ '<■<' .Ccc C Ai'i'/.;.\j)ix, ■nan IS declnied in the ii i' . '" ''"•' ^-Imrch, Ihis wnllu- "f the Commiitee, when il e r „■ .'i;'' "'"^'Sentlcmer, 'l"est,o„s „.;„.„,>^ r„ „,.te-:'',r"; *''•>'• * ■ imt .he i ^i* .•^. ^, /? ■/ }, V. . ^^i^k»» /' i .-i.. .^; >^;, note on this para^rranh k i? IV .'l '^'■''?''''''-' ^"^ in a account is con'firnfe7b; L LS '^^'^ ^'^'^"P "-' .hi! of all the nine gentlemLprenflowl ''''''"' 'ecollecion as been s.nce made on the sub ^c 1}TI "1^ "PPJi^ation Ins gentleman's answer to M?l>'. ^^^'^"^'i ^vas, then, however, to me of a later penod fn , ^"^^"°"^- ^n a ictter •on of mine on the sa.ne poin't " T^''\ '" '" ^^''^'^^ n»-- (the message mentioned in Mr P', communication, cedmg written question of m'^V''^°""' ^"^ *" a P'e- ^^derthatitmigiybedeiveredT'^ '7', ^''^^" ^° yo" in »I^e reply was, 'In answe' m. 1 " '"'' '''>' ^^^ ^'^I'ver' it,'_ negat.ve, I owe it to t m f '^"''"°" distinctly in the ^PeaktoMr^i^ - t e ("croT d '^ ^ was relu/tant'to had passed between the B sh ^^ -.ni' "''''T'^'''^''' ^^'""c'' folow the reasons of his reluc e'"^ "^'^^^^^•' ^"d then It may seem incredible th-u Jx^^W • «.,,,..„ of „,. „,„,i'„;' 'jij'^ Vi™'" ; '""'"'"'J «*pier M 1; '.''?:" 'I / 71. o,^ iPi'e were « Bi.sljop. tnts, (on ictly at a ' ''^'ociery entlLMneii put the ^.) diii a mc8- vveie to of con J - quested ions to then, Iftter, 1 qiips- :;ation, a pre- 'ou in in the mt to which 1 then ubh'c It the lowing I have is tlie ictioiii hist nicctMur .,f ihc Clerrry_|,a,l ,lniicu that he had anr [lung vvhich could he called a mcssatfe, and nmrmed that he could .|ot and did not deliver a message, the Dishor> ^houd st.ll make my « seiiin-^ aside his Intentions Z tincily (as he says) made linovvn to me," hy this messacre fc) the gioimd of the charge against me (^) and s'louJd have introduced the message in his reprimand at the last meetin,T as not impertectly delivered. But so it was. (e) And afte^- the ast meeting,! wrote to this gentleman requesting hin to c-xpla.n the mystery. His reply was, in writir\g, ' I^wlsno^ less astonished than yourself at what the 13,^00 Tajd on 1^ . iday last, since not one word had passed between us from the time that h.s Lordship had expressed himself read v on my representation, naj, more, had distinctly promised to withdraw that part of his charge which related o the delivery of die message-^ we spoke,' he continues, ' together on the subject last night, and I then received this consola- tory .nlimaiion (qualified indeed by the blame bein" cast on my confusion of manner rather than dishonesty of inten tion) that he had since felt that there was pLuZlhe evidence (the test.tiiony of a mnnh^- of the Quebic Ssaa Committee) (/) that in spite of my assertions toXcon- liary I must have given you accurately enough, the nurnort of h,s message I shall transmit your Ie,te?to the &p and invite h.s Lordship as a christian and a man ofhoZr' o apologize for so much of his reprimand as relates to you; having received any official message through me, and o *end such apology to all who heard the clurae.' ' Tve -v short time afterwards he wrote to sav that he^did not fee^ justified in pressing the Bishop to make this apology, (g-) Ex unodisce omnia. In the short compass of this sincJe into no Ies> than six inaccuracies of statement. Thev a')- pear by the remarks which follow, wMth the proper refe- rences to the several passages in which they are found. (a) Not on tfie authority of Mr. ^ alone, uhiV-/^'"V'^"''''^"°'^''''"- '^ '" s'^t^d i" the paper from ^hich ,f profcs.cs to be taken, that fhis accou.it was confirmed by A^4« »,, /-Sr-i ''f i «., «uthorof tho pamphlet had ZZ2^ L'l^'"^ ''""" «"• ''''.e under comlilion of not lakuTZ' °^ *'"^ P'^l'" '" questio,, Q-te from it, ne.ertheles^^r n'otT"'-'- ^'"^-'"kinV^ 'luotc incorrectly, since, it .,„, I surprising that he sho^il.l •nemory alone. ^' ' " '""'^ '^'^ I^''^^S'"»ed that he quoted from ;^/«tinc(ly (as he says '^?1^\"'>' ' ''-^''''S "^ideln, int ntiouJ the ground of the charge ag^tt m?" " !? "'^' ^^ ^^'''^ •" r,; palpably incorrect. Firs^ j " n- , "^ ^^e two statemenu \TS were distinctly m. dl'k ol.f Z"^.;^'^ "°' "'J' ^'-^^ '"■ int 'I'stinctlyniade known e7enSL/f/ ''"' '"'''^'-'^- 'i'hey we e «' 5 Secondly, ,he liLZn ' T r' '"PP^'i'^on oj am, fLsZl -i e of his intej;;ion: !!:12. k.^Zt^-' "'"''^' ''^ ^^^"^ nfthe charge, has proceeded n^' ^ '^" '"''^•^««' '^'«^ i'/owwrf POH't, that the n^essage .vas Ll riv ?/^^""'Ption at any o c dccluralions zohkh hadZeJ,''^^Tl^ '^'^ pamphlet, /« £,S oflic lal communication. '" ^° ''^'^ received any such necessary (o do. " "' °" "'"'^1' "'= Hiaho,. I,i j^u^,,^ •;; CO But so it tras ?/«/ !♦ -hole se, that ;,;....,,^,^^^^^ ,,^ that the message was delivered nf^.l/ I " *''*' ^''^•'') did c^«/f thrown out in pronouncing u, on /ll' ^"^ ^'''* ^-'^i^^^nce w" ">y own mind 'upon the sulS „ ? '' n' ^"^ ^''^^ ^onvictio.r, -te, re ./.; .al most crretlly^^ec.ndt'^ ^''^' '" '"^' ''--"'"l' ment ''■ i;piitlriiirn "f»t of alt (he '" all. Tlio ill question, •dcrtukiri^ to "»t lie should yjoted from ' intentions * mcsiagp, statements t 'lis in ten- They were "i/ message the setting the ground t any one s cxpressli/ in written before he I any such ' that the '• the idea KuJe, but judged it : up ihc did exist iclion of recediiii; of (lie ed upon owever, Ucmcnt i (h) These are (lie ooininencin;^ words of a ooiniimiiiciition made to the Author of the |i:iniphlel, of \\\\\c\\ he Ins thoii^i.t proper to suppress the rcniaindcT. It is necessary that it sliwuld be here given more at leiij^ih. '* My dear Sir, " I feel tliat [ am not justified in pres^iiify the Bishop to apologize for whiU his Lordship said K; you on Friday hist, as he did nnt fuiind anij sentt'ticc upon the th;u<;e which he had withdrawn, but merely staleil impressions, the correctness of wliicli is yet to be tested before another tribunal. You cannot, then, be Buid to have sullered ia any such way through me as would warrant ine in askin'r reparation on your behalf. I have acicd foolishly and ia spite of any ridicule which I may provoke mu.st not shrink from respectfully demanding to icUlidrahi: my request. Of course I should wish anjj persons u'/io have scoi miy former letter to see this. 1 liuve no desire to concealn fault, though ii may expose me to ridicule— besides, / uiot it to the Bishop.''' After some svords following, which refer to other matters, there is this P. S. *' In the documetit made accessible to the Clcrgi/, the Bishop had slated, before the receipt of mij letter^ the private persuasion of his own mind, all circuni^tances being fully and deliberately weighed, notwithstanding the pre^ sumj^yve evidence of its having been delivered in full, that Mr. --^'-^^did not conceive himself to have received ichai could proper 1 1/ be called a message,'"' There is another quotation in (he note pp. 71-2 of the pamphlet from a communication made by the same person to ;he Author, which there are some reasons for frivinn- aUo rather more fully than he has given it. It is as foUow's : *'In answering this question distinctly in the negative, I owe^jt^o truth lo state why I was reluctant to speak to Mr. *^-^=^^^"on the subject of the conversation which had passed between tj^^ Bishop and myself. From my own knowledge of Mr. —~'s sentiments on the niattei oi ri^jht to the pulpitj (and I need observe m delicacy now, ai'ler 10. hi US own public nrotMj ^ i ru i • o tell hi,!,, when 'Le pit ^'TL'^ ''^' «" ""graciou, tusk h;m that he would not^be'^ eoliired ^^ ^'^^"l"A«kcn f om ^vish to do so." "^ required to preach, if he did not I. -Xptll";: 2l\lflT r^"^" °f "-^ Message, ^o,. addressed totl/e Ge„,re"„r'';!?y'''T " «»"»"nifa '^-.. I .,ave „,o,e „.„ on^i^^^V^^Vtrd^';^^^^^^^^^^^^ tlmmessage, mav probably beTn n ^ ""counts given of '" '"■' «■<"» "-f"i'".vi^gLn:i;;eSsr""''^' '"=^"'""- " My intention was fr. ^i •» ^l^s:^ -^^ with a rnessage"; Mr 1^5^ TrTT-f ^"^^ ^'-P'-'n,) tJerstand what I said.as an ^mn / ^^ Chaplain did not ua- wasAo^,„rf^«^,,,.^^^">«^;»»jfe^communic^ .vhich he tbe afternoon, heard the n^^u^T^^ '^I' *° ^''"''^f'. ''" .,,rf, J, y,^^^ t 4 Co., Frfemaion,' //c^/, Buade Streel. acious task a ken from lie did not Message* nmunica- •e papers Josited. :ts which given of account- anyHH**«*«i>'^w> laplain,) not ua- I'hjch he urch, in le Chap- me into 'oi?if. of d much follow- irange- e!f, but der ob- le view v'ritten liver a imittce 1 with n offi- hich it ite my cnown —but Kllll.VTA. Page r. for, t!i( tt'Sii-nony . ror(/i; ren.l (-), itt.