^ ^^J^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Egr" <***V^' f 11.0 Siittiu LI.I ?.- lL25iU u^' -i*f- %r I* f % €arpQraU^ <^ \ SI WBT MAM STRHT WIKTII.N.Y. 14SM -^^^^-- ^ v\ o^ CrHM Microfiche Series (Monograplis) *- «* ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) •»■«' Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorlcai MksrDraproductlonliJnatltut Canadian da Mcroraproductlona hiatorlquaa r* \'. ■1 .: • i - ^- 1 I' 1 , ' ' i ^- ' • " . ' '''t' ^ '.}-■' ■-.■ ...V- . ... ., ^ iV, ""T" % \i •*. e. yU imtltMM Ml ■« w wp < »< to •ItfMtNMtMin OV Wn^HIR^L Ww I 1 CowtMrHMW ^- D Cmw« rMtM«4 «i4/or lamiMttrf/ Co«««tHf« rwtMirte tt/oH piWIiii H t I I c««M ftefrapM^iin an l^oloMvd Ml (i*. ttdMr (MnMMOf MMhl/ □ Col6«i^plMMMd/er)lliMtratiom/ FlMMhM tt/oM UHMtration^ an Mutowr □ BoMMl wHh o*OT maiwM/ ftolM««Md'MrtrM( n r^ WotIiImw ■lone itilifiof NMIfNl/ La ralkir* Mrrte pMrt iiaiDfalonlf lofi|daU da I'omhra ou da la I taHt. Whanavaf poaiiMa, bain o m lwad from filmlnf/ II M pant q«a oartalnM pniai M aneh Ion #iina ratlauration i^paral H ant dam la laxta, mail. lonqHa aala Mail |»otiiMa. «ai papa n'ont |MM AtA f ilni4at. . - . r^ Additional eonHnanti:/ > Th«r« are ■one ■U-J Co n w w antaifaa m pp Hw antalrai! ' TMi itam ii f Nmad at tlia raduetion ratio ahaehad bakMfr/- Ca dooMwnt ait f ilmA au taux da rMuetion indiqirf ci da ii oM f. TOX 14X 1IX ' M • r-^^^- ^V, L'Iniiitiit • .miwofllm* w in*ili*ii» •• MaMi I paitt-4tfa I r— I ratal r^ fagai dhaalanrad. itainad or foiiad/ r^pOHality of ^t variai/ ' Vl QiMlitA tnitali da rimprauion □ ContinuoiM paeination/ ratinatioQ continua D Includai indaxtai)/ Comprand vn (day i indaR Titia on h w dar tahan from:/ La titra da l'an-t«ta proviant: iinia/ □ TitIa p«ii of iwua Pafla da titra di la livraiion Titra da depart da la livraiton r~n Caption of iiMM/ I I Q«niriq«ia (ptriodiqMai) da la livraiHMi ciraasss In the middle of pagea. \; % 22X \7n »x^ 76li' 12X ItX 20X 24X 28X 32X .2^, \ % Tht copy fllm«d \m% hat k««fi r«f fdtfu««4 fhanlit to th« f«praa* tlon. and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Imprattfon. Tht lott rtoordtd frtmt on taoh microfloha thtll conttin tht tymbol -♦• I moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha tymbol Y (mtaning "IND"), whichavar appllaa. Mapa. pliitt/charti. ate., may ba fllmad at diffarartt raduetlon ratlot. Thott too larga to ba tntlraly Includad In ona aNpoaura ara fllmad l^ginnlng In tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to ^ght and top to bottom, at many framaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagramt iiluatrata tha mathod: I'ivampiaira fllm4 f«n4ffoalt« da: flit iH tfi M wuHy af taiawla I fciaty laa hnagaa auhrantaa ont «t4 raproduHaa avao It p(Mt grand toln. eompta tanu da la oondltlon at da la nattat* da laHamplalra fHm4. at an eonf ormit* avao laa oondltlona dM oontrat da filma^. Laa OMamplalraa origlnaua dont la o««|vartura on poplar att ImprimAa tont fllmdt pn oemmonoont par la pramlar plat at m^ tarmlnaiM aolt par la diarni4ra paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'Imprattlon ou dHluttrttlon. toH par la taoond plat, talon lo oat. Tout laa autraa axamplalraa orlglnauN aont f Ilm4a vis oommonoont par la pramMra paga qui oomporto uito ompcalnta d'Impraation ou d'lNuttration ot on tarmlnant par la damlAra paga qui oomporta una talto ampralnta. Uo dat tymbolaa tuK^anta apparaltra aur la darnlAra Imaga da chaqua microfloha. talon la oaa. la tymbdo -a* tignlflo "A tuivni". la aymbola ▼ aignifia "FIN". ' Lat oartaa. planchaa. tablaaux. ato.. pauvant Atra fllm4t * dat taux da rMuction diff«ranta. iortqut lo document ott trop grand pour Atra raprodult on un toul olichA. II ott fHm4 * partir K da I'angia au^rl«ur gaucha. da gauoho « droitd. at da hout nrs bat, wx pranant la nombra d'Imagat n^aaaalra. Laa dlagrammaa auivanta illuttrant la m4thodo. 1 . \ ■ \ ■■"■■,• i ' ■ « * .. - ■ * "" * ■ . 1 • < ■ /I f. 4 \5 , ■ 32 X , » ■ ■■>-/ : ■ ■'. --^,--.^:^:;:v^^.,:x'.''- ■■ ' '■" ■' * ■ , ft i ■..-■■■ - ■ * -■- ' . -^ -'.."-"." v m I '?^- .. ^^/^♦.v f^.^^m 0» , ^i-..^- ^5%^;^>i,> Ui^^-"^ltf ■W- DESORIPXlYi; CATALOGUE ■ w eaiimg AGRICULTORAL WPLEMENTS ANU. STOVES. ^ ^ ^ MAXOrACTOBBO BT JOHN WATSON, ■ \ A\ . :, . '■« ^ ■ ' ■ ■ . . . AYB, ONTARIO, •• f. -. " ■ ; ■ . OLOB8 PBUmKO • ■ . ■ TOBOVTO: \ V OOMrABT. « * » KIXO BnUUT lABT. \ " ' ■ ' . ■ . ■;,*.■ /x-.- ^\ '. 'i - ; ■ \ --x.x . ... ^iK^ f^*^ - Slat - i*^'^'»' i n rma nmrnama om Cmftmam. €lillTI.RIItV, {1 I iMffl afftin tlir iiltitAUrv nf wnitiiig iiimhi yu« with my IlltU' tratwl Cttlaliigus uf AKricultiiral Ma«iiiii«ry •ikI lmpl«>iiitiiU ; aivI, wliiU KraUfiilljr ocknowlailging th« v«ry Uhtml |«lrt>iutKt> n^t^ivml at yuiir lunula fur a t|tuirter of n ('t>ntiiry lia<'k, In«}< tu iM«iir» yuu thai no ulTtirt will Im apaml un my |iart tii iii«*rit « Miittihuniifi* of yuur suiitwri, bttt that my whole aim in tho ftiturr, tw in tho pait, Will Im to knop you »u|i- pliwi with only tha very licMt iirtinloA, well iiumI", uf kikmI niutorial, an«l at a fair, rnniunemtiv* pric*. (iuiilwl by th«*M principlM in th« fMuit, — t havf alwnyii ttonff « Tf ry Mtiafartory lniiiini«M hoth to myanlf ami rojr ouatonwni, nuiivouniKt> ihimuo tli«« nimugiiiunK) in th(* future.^ ^V- Fully alivu U> tho im|Mirtai>t branch of Ktwpiutf ami ncVwin^ Ma* chinet, and thn incmiMing thma^il for u ntliabiM Holf-Raking UQ«|>er, I mode a very curRfnl iicnitiny of tberat<)d umlor oo many varying cimumntanceit r««piimii to bo touted pntetirnlly Iwfure ronfidonoo it ftilly eftiiblinhol in it, I only miile n limito I numlM^r fur tho flntyvar, and plACixl th(*m in nil MH-tinu'i of tho country. 1 um happy to nthi that the KMult han uxoeoilod my munt imngnine ex|)octationii. In no linglo KMo havo they fuiltHl to give entirt^ natiMfaction. I iuivo likowii»e iiitroagu>t. 1 coiiaidor thiA decidedly tho licat Hingle Mowor I have nver eocn. ■ I will nlwayx continuo to ninnufacturo the " Ayr Combinod Machine,** with Self'Droppcr or Platfonn — n mochino which ix culcidatetl to do more work, with loiM expenao, than any other in tho tnarkct. In Threshing ^fAchinc.') [ continue to make my justly colobmtod " Agitator." Thi« Mot-hino took the Tint lVi«e ami Diploma at tho Provincial Exhibition of 1870. It again carried off the Fimt Prize at the Provincial Competitive Trial of Machines at Paris, on 20th July, 1871, when tho machines were operated on tho ground. My Xcn*Uon3 Pitt's Seporatgr i» offetpd with all the Utci^ improve* ■"'app^^ I ' / SM I* 900 ImuImU |«Hr lUjr, AU«| with IIm ialMt ltu|inivritMiit>. Mjr " lfmmf» FHmmI " (Imin Drill U Xr^lilj iiim^i^ in p.ifHtUr lly. Il WW* aU kiwU of grain wUh praoiviim •»! niyuUrilr, m*! |io»- "•"•• |"wall«r ftMiurm of rie«ll«r9tj kiiui iif Agrirultiinil Ifachin* siiil Im|>l«iiMiit roquirHl bjr lbs fkrmrr will l« fliuiwl «t lli« '• Ayt AKHinUtiiral Woriu " In gnml friniy, mul onl«>n penondl)-, w li)- nuiil or tAli^K""". will mjtiw |iroiiip4 anil camfiil attontion. Th« "Ajrr Agricullural W..rk«"«ra»i|ial«| in lh« vilkga of Ayr. onljr Mirtn mil [ni|il«tmml I Workt- rill r<*o«ivi« I of Ayr, Uta (}|M| cotni Brat ordir, rkinK "i^' Mn, upon ' — ^.. . ._. . / / 1 . 1 ■'ihl' "i; \ ^ C J ^.'»4,.:> -*•>? TiiK Atn li.irPKit. ml I ^ Alijr.t«lkitlw||„iUb.^|ilii4.*#bli.Mi,4MM«iAlii.fr.tiil hfimf,»,mmnum llw» tlpwiy to «,^ I fc,»» fcf ««» y.^ Um ^ III. M^i f«, . ,^|.M« lUtl-IUkiim nmfm, tiki. .lU, ..u.!* .«,|W fr-HB Ui* l0ft,UH0 himkim .« ^iw^r.^*. «Uh mum tMf»#Q««iM«nl« trfapM JVnm 1^ At • Co«M>M» Mashui, viodl jpiig wifwmiw k*! pfov*! |« II i« «ii>|t»i«| wlUk llM JiAmmm MfUmk*^ Tf l|A' ^ fcl Wf ml J MH l^lil Uia flnl |a«r« •MMum lt«ll««, . ' A r«w of ttM fiHiwifwi Atlrantapn rklfMil fbf UUi MmMm Wmf \m II liM mv^ m, ih« ■ s»ang :£fi>jfc:wg|r--. — *M.*^— \ T1i« mXtinkim .lU.lmi.M.1 U —ily -Pt^Uoa or mm,rml. II !• *Hjr..i, "ht am. imumd uf rh«»ii^ M.*k«.m • fln.««. t«.lf ««tio». wil^ •«««»» >««- 1: M ^ ATB oupmu (wMnMt) It ^ • •* 1 *■ f^.. «#r^ ^ Th« twm Miaw«r ili« .loukU pnrpoM of fMlMir Iftkt, mi lUtBl t^ V *^f *»*»«^*i- of gnin. wh<4W long or .Lort ThTe.« U 111. g«rel i« g.ih«„| into • »H,n.||« Wor« Iming (Ulivw-I. .nd U I.fl in • compMt form for Wmling. ^y of th« tflAin on tbe Mxt round. . * Th« nike hMd .tend* enUrely out of (ho way of gmin or .tnw Th« »nprov«l. tJUIng Uble «,ppli«.| on thi. ,n«lu„«. .„,bi-. Uu. up 1^ IffT"' " *'"*^'"^ '"' "" ""' "^ *'• »''•*'""» *^ n'""' . The pktform i. connacte.1 with th« .nachino .t both the front and ^k pf the fmnje. making a .trong. .tauly connection. .„d doing .war with the mo.tomeetion.ble feature of. rear cutting nmehlne. ^ ., ^.^^^1!^^^ '' "P. '^^'H tha View Of making it M. ^«„^^ I hara fuU confidence in it, and would i^apectftilly aak farmer. wl.« ::s« 'i!rr:^'"« • ««^i--if-«king ^hinefto ti'Zw "Lt ''.■■'■•'.■ af.' ••'-• . ■ ■■"■ ■ Wl ••«!« tUrPER*' HtWSfl ANt aMrtk aidKrtth.»t,.fon.««,wl,»« W ^^ ^'T'.*' «^ » *» •»» ««*i«». it -rill h. mJ I amrrnr glad iobSH^^^SJiH' tjne> kre cut that I have nerer seen •iySSSLftluftM^'S^^ f^. *" ^'^ •'»*^eA «ij tuaBoweinat wit. me a» completely an the ••Clipper". / : . ' • •■■'■ TU dmofht b my UgM (ki tti« ^ ''^^'^^tE^^tSlZ^ iuto |o5 wS.^ To thoM wlJUnf • ««» •!«• "mwWm I woofl ••y^ buy tkt ".f^W"* . Y^„ wipwtftlly, Oiw«o« llBSMia,,, ■|'.- ■'Hj'iyi' ».; :■■,• r>.,\.-^'' Blbunum, 7Ui An^., 1871. J Wa»o». E-it., ATT.-!)«r BIr : I wm liKlm»d br your Agtnt to mir- D^XtirMiMad with it* workhw. I wm •om.wlirt •hmW I •bould not roc- .«.y. I woald clwwftiHy r«oinm«i*4Mo th« pobUe m • Jwt o1.m mwshln.. I cut .bout 40 «m with it, .«! w.th oo ««P«»^-;%';iy°J'j,. c. J0M«>«. BuiroBD, i4th Jolt, 1871. Tonr W-IL Watcoh. Ayr,— Sir : I V*« "»««*» pl«M«i« In itoting ««>/««*•»•* nT-Ayr Oippw^ Biif lUk. B«qi«f and Moww h*. jiv«n «ntiw ••tl.f.ctlon. off a good rtu«f, but theTeclded «lvMitw> »•*»»• ^•■'/T 'S*** ^^ (whik th« nofihlM it ia. motion) t$lm or lower the Cutter Bar. ^ —^- — ^-^- Renpectfully youw, JoM ViMD^ >. «^ ' * , . Eabt OxroKO, Slit July, 1871. , , Jon WATMJf. l«|..-D«ir Sir: Von aik me >»«^,*^« ",fy %^ lUeliine ^nthutA from you .ulte m.. I am very >lad to »•» y«« "^J works to my entii« eatirfaction. I hare mowed alwut l9 acr» m IW '^ 3 aerea of Which was swamp huid and very tidl wild graiia. which i*««»J»*W: out any sign of dogging or difflcultr. I hare not reaped mneh, but what 1 haT* «ny who w««t . Combined . ' -. •- ! / Wauiimoham, 7th Scut l«7i -g ^.. ■ — ^ " "^ *«•. Tmomm WiTmo«.— CombiiMi?3ShS," '*«>«""'«»d your nuMjhine to all wWiing • good ■ . ■ - ■'•. '•'. ,■■■:;;.::: ■■■ • — T — ■ ■ ' JoiiM Wawov K-rt »— tw •» •, . ^*ON»AUA, 0th Sept, 1871. ^'onr''^t,^::^li^;^;^'^^ yc^. though to .tatothit the nuSinti^tor^V!^lJ^r^"r CUPP««^-I de/ro ilght.ndgi.e.»o«ti.;:^ ■.'J huxmrout Towkhhip, 0th Sept., 1871. all?Eu^^SSB^2J£d"* ^'"J' ^ J~m you thw ,w, and find^it with by youtSrour jGJnt.T?„ w'k u V^ ' ^■''* **« honowblydealt pitfciij to «y^X^ ^. ^ "^^ ^•^*'** ^ recouuntod TOUT m»clmTin , :. O. E. BjtPDifOM). to th. yeiV JSS^n^^n wk. l*!i.''^S Pi*?"* '^ I »»«w»»>7 certify & J^ ■*>" •ll^wumS^ X^STllJSr- f "• 9«»P»'^ performed rsirSir * •* '^" p*"*^ ''itk the - fall.- pi^^ t£^ Attbewmetitte. Vonntnily, Wiluajc DdvcS I .. p i^iC' ♦^ ' nUAKTiroW) ToWUiMlf, Oth 8«pl., IWl. ' Cnipper"!-! dST^ to .UU th.t Tt^. ^ of Rood «.tj.rtjt, ••d wdUI^Ufcjrf. I bk!; UMd other miMihine., .nd luivWork«l . «.rt d»«l wlih d Ifewnl kind. Jf n,«ihinery. but Iwire ,.o UlUtlon In -lying iSat thi« M«^« " ! "wSlr *'' ' lioxTRMB Farm, ' ;' • / : *' UBAXTfOMoTowsriiHiP, lllhBqit, 1871. J Wathcik, FW.-Doar 8lr : Thb U to certify that tho Cumbiawl " Att CVmvtt^ we purehMed irf you Ihi. mmou w« consider • flmt cl«« Mower in flvcrTrwipect!, We mowed in the fl*ld with other mow»-r., and found oureto draw lighter, while it wm more convenient to h*ndle •'"»/«|. ".^J"",.'* •JT; We reaped wmewhero ot« flO uree of omin with it, »nd "»•»'''•"• *'• consider it . good »elf-mkc rcper, well midv, of good material, and well flniahed. It tunw much caaier than th« Ri«r Bar Machine, and wo conaider the lever for miaing and lowering a very great a.lvantaKC in reaping. It U no trouble to do it wEile tjia nMahha U in motion. We S'""""^.^!,"'; ^ ^hlne to every faxmcr.^ -Yonra tmly, "jj J^^^^Jg^- •jnr ;^ ,i I, J(? • EcpuimA, lUh Sep., 1871. ^ JoH» Wat»o4K«i.,— Dtnr Sir: T pim-hanwl one of yonr-Arr CJUpper" Combined Machine*, and Jn^g to wy tlmt I niii well •atwlled with iU worUna, both in Reaping and Mowing, oftcr taking olf a large Ifcrveyt with it, and think I can recomnieSd them to the public to 1ms as good aa any 1 h«vo H>en work. Youra truly, Thou. F. Purdk*. ( -•• • ■ . ,, ■ - HAiirfc^ti, SliTAogait, 18^1. Mr. WiTSdjr,— Dear Sir: Tho Ayr Clipper Machine I purchased from jou auita rac tint rate ; in fact, ^ think it the best Combmed Haclune yet in thu ^tion • Yours respectfully, Wiluam PicKEBiHO. Y' -/ ^ ' ^ ." EuPHEMiA;4thAuguA,l«tUpV j. Watwn, liU«i.,— Sir : In rei)ly to your rc<|ue»t to know how the«iachine I puichawjd from your Agent suits me, I will just say that I want no better, and will advise my neighbors to purchase the Ayr Clippt;r, aa I ani patislled ther^notifettens' _ Yottrs, Wou am Ralph, ,^.,^^.^ •"''/'-?'■ -N^/z^/Wi.; -/"■'; Mrh 'f!*''"np^ ■•.«•■■ #■ »i- Ilk. th. Ayr cii^TK;«^;rivoSI'v«« I'fUT *° ^""^ ••^••''y - to how r MwwCT to RMMr. ~"'^ man-nwl, uiA hmndy t« cIuuim fi^n •"•"^ David Puml WlUIOT, Nth ««.p., 1871. r on mr own firm. I houirht it .t ^!- '^TT ' ",*' *^'''H •* '" '"•»y WI whwt ^ ^ ^ww tnily, ^fACtti p||BM„^ ^ Wfi th« uml.r»i«ne,l. mw the Avr f -Hm— .# ^ *^"^f»» ^ Sq»., I87f. » . . '«AAC MAIITaR. \ -;. ' J- H- HoLtMAX. Ltmaji Bkach. JOOBFII Y. SmaKT!!. Y: ihif Bamuw. s'haiit*. -"~Pfc» R U «Sll i««l7irf toillS^'!,^;''^«'' '» •«"■ Mowing « J '4i. ■ Dw Sir: The GUpper 1 lK)uaht f«.n. v .P.'^^^'O""' »»'« 8«^. 1871. •pWketlon. It mowi^Sa S fim mtr^ * •'T/'*' "T R^'^'" **'T good chttigHl from • Mow« to » iSEr ' vJ'«*" ?» *••• *«"". •n7S - • ^" ^ ■ ^|.,. ^ , ,,, : ''/,■_ •;, . :••.■;■.■■ lh«t it ptrtonned it. woS wdL cn^Lrft ""* ^^^ WcK plcMore in mtSI y. V. Qmouam PobtI \ Abthuk Tbw. * \ , ' i'o**! Buoua. " • ' Y ^ ''**■* MOFTAT. Jacod Hcbbr. % s /..;!i ixTHA pMrni or ayh ouwMn Howm y«. f , 9, iOA. it u. «4. M. M. «7a Ma 69. «1 tfS. «4. «ft. 67. ■M. «8a. «». n. 78. 74. 7J. 10 7 00 7ft 75 9 00 14. poabltWMherforCoaiMt. IMrmr'aflMt. IM I)rirliig Whc«l>»uiM<>. Hpor PiakM>»»»Mtt»»«*>i» BaT*l Pinloii.. •>«•••••••••••»• B*T«I WkMl .....tt......*o» iDUmul 0««r Wlw«I.. ...... t 00 LMdii^(WliMl 1 00 Boll mmI IMt tor UadlAf WKmi •••••••••••••••• ••••••• " *''' RighMuuid lUteiMl 1 9ft Uft-hMid lUtchet 1 'Jft CniOi BduMM mmI riB .... t 00 ComiMwitkia Bo 0««r Hhirier Axl*..*.. • M •• Gvidt 1ft M IImhIU ftO •• Ciwtoli 7ft FiafwrUto 10 GurdFiogwr 60 End OvMd riBgtr. SO FingOTBolt 10 Wrao^t Hlar Joi"* '* ^ MiOa 8Mt Spring 1 7S TnekCUMvrlranuidfUklfl 1 tft TrMk CI«u«r.SUd« Sft Tkoab Nnt for Track Ckw- •rSlMc OOft Thuib Nnt Mid Bolt for OlMnrSlid* 16 0«taUo8lio« 3 00 LtfHagCluia, with Eye and ' VmL :.............. i 00 Ck^lrwiudBolt........... 50 Loi« diwje. t 00 SiMMiBnot J 00 PraatHufwuidBoxM.. 4 00 82A. FOTpMdiedar Front Box.. 2 00 88. Onm Htngw md Boxes Oomplvtc , ♦•« InridcShM Sprii^Key Bos aft Bmt End of Short Shdt Ck^ for Fraat End of Short ^ plrto Scytho S 00 70. 77. T8. 80. 81. 82. No. • c. •8. Rlfht han4 .Sprtnit Pawl... • M I •4; IWt-hAn.««.A«« Polo Strap. .....•• Spiral Spring, for Goar Shifter 20 Connecting Bod 2 00 Back Seat Spring. 126 Oataide Shoo Spring. 76 Cap for Bear End of Crok Shaft •75 Brace for Crank Fewkr... 26 OruaGiMrd... IW 481 B. Block on Front Tiraber. . 60 WkeelHoose 76 Crank for Beiqwr LeTcr... 60 Unk Joint for Beaper Le- ver. Ak Joint for Beaper Lerer Onide for Bear End of Bole Soeket for Benper Lever . . Unk Strop *' " •• Seetioa Biveta, per Ih. . .. . Pole Complete T rack CaertW S t icky each 25 1 00 60 60 26 26/ 2 7fl -O-K ^H^^fe- r A wpm^ v% «XTM PAirrt or wmj^m m. 7« 00 10 OmMO. WhMl .. ) 80 Moll aiHj llult tor OataU* Wh<^l , ,,„.„,„ •upiiortlWOMMtWM 1 ItytiM flMlto. «•»*.•* 47t. IUk«Anw(1„«k, with RolW in <•!*. or47I. lUkaAraClM^ wilhct Ko||«r. o;fl ««*. or47«. IUk«TH^ 15 MiA,wm. UnullHwitch... 00 <0«4. .r MO. Lmi,, Swilcfc.... o M «»«. Oatai«l«8lMM , 00 «7a, •r-IM. ImUcMkm .^ j^^j W|. rUf on l,„w. Hho. ...C • If 4MA.or4««. C^ , j0 411. »^HHmdh,tUk,Ann^ 8 7a 411a. ocWS. Y«k,(ll«)..,„ 4^ 4U lUk. MUt Cta,u«^ ,y 4H. Ckiro«B.«kTl«h.r.... o Ifi 4I». Hlioe oa lUkf GoMii o SO 4M. Jiiag. oil PUttbrm for Bhmm 4t7A, or474. Kfauul fw Foot '^"' * S3 >'oQCLtr«r. 60 fiO 428 A, or 470. 4Wa. OB.nI Flngn. ttmUlitJ^ o ttj ^ B«k tinee, Na S; or HanrMtn-. in. ClidB for Ikck iJniw 50 PuIIty oa Pob for Trip Kop« *^ H|«»l Wtker for 400*.* Kail fw 400 A '['] Hptnl Spring for gmaji ^ »y*tofc.(404A.) 80 ^ITa. lied for SwitcMLe 487. 498. 441. 44S. 44a. 40 10 2i TW„ • 10 •tKAPWI. 44lA.r««pUt.i.yU,, ^.,;, ,j^ 4<7. Kair«MM.tu>a.„, .„., o 9A 448. IllAnii NwtioM 1 n aii 4<« , ll.lf llUwk H^||,4. 4U. Ifcwl WImwI 48i*. Uiagtd Outing forUciMiL 4«7. llftMWhM ^^. 4Ma. ( oupilnK on una of Ail.. Mitn Whvfl utt llurim. HfcnA.......^. Mnull (!g|i on Horiiunlal 4«0 400, 401 10 f U 4 60 1 M I o r 73 -i-,„i^K, mMM of IMA l»v»r at rt||ti» ««"«• "^ ••''»♦' 4lll takMitlMila "l-i^i Wr.1 oi. U«m. Th.;; ikii «- wl»tW wllho«l l»»»)| Uli«. out of «« ««•'««•■ Alk. f lulvw an 4i To aroM btMOuMM. ywi "•«?^.«^J??* .J.^ vary Impoirtwit »hat - - ^ •t ^4araid*or Noi M tfmi n7,m,»mim7mA^hMt tha baaitata •»• •*• pif^anUknitor ttwt tan i thia PBekl«| ah«»W ba ramorad. Gmn aiwwi* ■• »■•■ -^ thariMfltac. , .._ .■. ^fc^« ^trflhia. tkar afc—M bt tmmadtoUlir, l*rtWaU|4a?a«»lW^iMa^ Whan U.a hrouchiteak iBflam r«»tkakal^«)ailM^ Tf itu Til iii^m Til mil m ■•▼■m •» »«iitHitATioN Mettni i«4. Mii Mat Ko. IS* i uT M*. rt ••»« alw* anU l"att «„ tka «mA tUMwrfc ^ rtght. .iiKKriK*srr«.bbtt«m or • •S)^SHS5£ift*uJ?^^ b. «n io pot wood plu.. .n To uatoM tlM bar. PMi tha ■«<«.«ir'_7 SweVWof tba trick otairc .. ts.^ B«t No. IMa l«T«r v oloirer ami aaaa H down- 1 ■t fe M l«*.">7 -V .i;fcf l^iA- .^ ', J .1 V ■■•lu Kur.. .,„ Mown «.bk, iu nu,ii, u, totiJ " Af oo,«,ro MAarora-^ a qlt-dmchabo^l / - »■- - ,r ¥ Ctl^lWr .ml Dmi B^ «-a '•»> **- " ^^'* <>»»^'" ''»^' ^* ''^^•'* "^ Ihl. imil hM b««. giUwKl. «ui both 8%.^;«liw •»»«I l>«« IW. I-T, bMtl au«h«i to Ih, Ayr M.^in* A. li tl-adi, II Ht«J. »*- b^ »H^ Kmp«. Mia Mowtf., iiifl— ing. .^F^Uy. tn«*t Co«».i«a. Miwhin- In CulUr Ikr bdnn pUe«i In 'ront of Ui« dn^wr, M OMfRft «» »*»• •»•»* « hi. bMng thrown hum kl« •Ml, i«ao««*w.fW»lk. ..^4 i ^ 80 «li.ilieU>ry wm th. w»y ta wWah It h^ bow th« o^lUm.lIy ••rm itrmin upon it aurtn« th« h*rr«4 p«t. th^ it. "»^J^»- Ui« UigbMl pi«rf(wtion hi» b«»n r«Mh«l, * « whilirt th. I«g« dimuuMi tor th«M niMhinM thit MMMI li i Ti>,y fl.tt«ing pioof of it. popakfily. Th. m.kM wmnmnto •* Th# Ayr Combin^l Mikjhin." for 1871, to ctit-wh.th« it b. fiM. d^ gwln-lii eloM, M W.U. w»d at mueh tm imj other MMshin., SingU or CombiMd, and with 1m. Ubor to th« tmm. * Ai A WJlTfOBli MAOHINm Th. mariU of th. " Ayr Coniblji.d " h»t. b.«n unqa««tion.d. Among th« mmtM cUini«l for lt» th. following m« • f.w of th« mo.t prominwit : l.Uy.— Th. Urg. Driving Wha.1 m»km it Ught on the lewn. 2ndly — Th. Opermior owi, by • Usver within reach of hi. hwid, rmiw th. ■ ma^tt Bm high onoogh to pM. orer any ordinwy obrtruction ; or h. ATB OOMBIMBD MAOBUrr^— AH A KO' w* m ^ ^^-iiir ■• "-^ i-^ -".k «.u w .^"^ Mlly.-K^oJi UwUoa kM l«v iiMi4t, wlikJi civ«i douM. iL .«. . # ^••fc:?* U«i».WlM-a Wng hang i,«W 0,. *»«..%»^ ^ -w^ , !!*#•«• y«l Many importent pdnl* l«n uum^utiamA h^ dl. it Urn of Uuwu wiNikl ba rapwf ooim — wuw% «» «iuin«ite. IUiwAi«y«Mdi,!^W J:fT^^^ ^" inannfiicUrer to do llldll!! il2r%W i!ii' T'^"' "*""*•' »• '»* *>*h»' 8«lf. fj^^!^^^ * ■'^ "J« *• titifaiillf, and with • »«!!»»; Mm ' IM^ f^mdoUtttBelf. ^?*:-ft M MIMUIll of ^. iff' t M liAi^ «^it« Ayr MmIiIm" fci w vnnloMM. M all i^i t* mmmmfj U lo mmnvA Ik* tmm frnm tha Viaffif liar •ml In •ttlMtltttUi lli« otlmr ThMm la no «b«n||a if ||m^, yt|ltt*|hl| or ol any of tka worliing |iarta iil ili« manhiua immhImL. !^ Hr" ' TIm asfMirtaiMin of immar anaaiMM liaa aiialilatl lK« makar to rmAmt th* •• Ayr (jomhiAtnl If aflhiiM,'* m • HaJMNaehanrRr. atill aimpUnr ami m* clheieni. 1% U bow, in alMWl, ao aimpla in ecmatnuttion, an'. UummkI Ihnt Ike waighl on tha hotMd nonka, ▼nrying in olkar mMbinat tmm 4t to flOtto., hm in thia b«w mtartft to only lU Ika. Tkia m^f hr^ |Nit clown M th« niinimiini waiKht attainable, fknttfi only jani attflciant to kanp thfl tonfoa wnll in th« nat:k yokn. Thu lialaniM ia |ir«avrfi'«l hf ahiflintf tli«« Mat from ita plaiw ovar tha tlritring whanl to tha liarik-raU^' wbtn Haif-Diarlurging,- tkia cknnga hntng otlaaUHl lijr m«MMi of a f§«4»t a^Tftn Ink intoffB nineui JM uiqm man mmii wno ni ly To .qjiwii Wru Mjn ; t U Jul) .Tstliw y ' VBi ATR aAoami uavino tn wmu). The Swing Iter of the SelfDiaoharger, whkh b workod hy the drivoi'a foot, and catchea the falling gmtn while Ui« ihiaf la ^Htiag d«tir«f«d, ia lo Mtnngea in th9 " Ayr Combinod Ifnchine." that it c«q ba uwd with the Platform. By thia mean* the Raker ia able to ' ■^"JL^l"^^iini^i" o qt a ny of the.atriggling to b pm mo n ip t^ ' n -Mk^l^, *" # 'Mm ' n i I*. ftto.)^ «.nrfbli^ n^.^*^ ^'" ^^ Tli.I^„g til* ^«^ «• .oooa»pli.i.^ in I*Tr «• -*- --■» . .^ . . "^ ■'*• ^»l '^on • PUifoito U • r.'!.-^..'---.. ?2F-i."s;:,::r j:rtr-„^^^^^^ --- — —wow, OBiring nu •«W«I work of both kindT :^f~«^ - ". ft • J>rac li«r |Ml Im* htmn ►*«i gfuvad noilar lo %U i»» Ma«ktiM< ImmI bMn ^PW." ii fet ymn. U* 8t««l Moh«ngo B • v«rjr rtiina M on it for M front lerta of m pro- M Ml I bfc h M wy l iai« a iw Mt It «rt P«* (' '** tmUr flhottld tl tUtt not wotk, ii «»rr«iiWkt, H will tM Uk«fi h«ik, mmI Um nuMMiy vr nolM wlii r gBCTIONAL PARTS OF THK AYR COMHINKl) MACHINKi ¥ I, •(ii ;'»?'!»<- s«J«' i<£ part w«ii|«d> BB^ ^1^ y«ar>h« Mochino wm uuklt 1. ■i. ». 4. ft. 0. r. s. •f. •Id. 11. " ' '*' 5fii »(» III (V.I. DrorafMcnMik Ij«ov.^.< 10 19 ('MtinKfor dropptrpOft... 83 Hwing lMrca«ttng..., 60 Drive »Ium4..i|. ...>.««.. m-IM no Mftin fhun« 2 00 kUiii hinge cMtlnf ........* 1 M Hest •.••>.. <.(lri«r.'t*.. I ^' H#«l •pr(ng....a<<.Ml.M.w.i.. 1 90 BeTel epriiw ««ck*t M HtnOJ^l ef^g Mcket KO Orivtaff pallff gpvwIiMl. • •^•* *••«•*»••■'•'«• r 60 00 00 00 M 11. 18. 1«. 17. 11. 19. 90. 21. i2. •23. 94. IB. 90. 27. 28. 29. 80. 81. 39. .33. 34. • •««t»taj>**«« MS" 1 50 9 00 75 75 50 95 Hbur piokm iVtp box of PIUn»B Drire wheel box . ..,...., Bevd pinion box ......... .i. Bevel pliiiOB...^»4U..M>«.. (/Intah. ......... A.. >/••, ..pf« >. 8pinl ■priiig........... CMtrlever ......'. 1 l4>vereirtob • iSpur wheel box ,»nU «!ap 75 lierer caning 7(( Itevel cnnk alMft box...... X 95 Urein wheel oratM.i....... 1 00 IJupfor tio ......... 96 timfat wheel axle 75 Stmeuting ,..<... 38 Sickle gniue...^.., .., 1 00 Reel pulley . ................. 75 CMting for reel rait ......A 1.^ Grain ahaje caDtip(|......... .13 Dropper craiilc .;....'.......... 1 00 35. 8(1. 87. M. 9». 40. 41. 4«. i4ft. 44. 45. 40. u47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 53. 58. 54. 55. 5«. 57. 58. 69. Dioi • •• «o:^ 51. •9. 08. 04. 05. Dropper gudgeoa....'. 95 Caating fur 4l«ni«r«T»iik. Or 50 Treadle .,,.m.^..m. » ^ Treadle box...,. 10 iM«in ahoe tuit mower ' 9 00 (^apfor 4« ...... 60 Outaide mower aluM 125 Dragbar eaating 75 Ptoleflaathigrordtagbar... §75^ KxtourioBbar 3 29' Kxtmaion bar oatUng 2i^ Bracket box for mower. ... 1 25 Batehet Mating 0(M' Mowing IcTcr eaating ^k^t W fNiating for graaa dirider.'. . 6 95 Reaper pitman , 100 Mowing pitman.. ^.i.., 2 00 FitB|»n box .",.,,. ..,M... 75 Mowing aickle .............. 5 00 Mowingaection....... 25 Heel Idank. ..„,.•,«»,. ....r... 0'S5 Mower guartl... ............... 40 Heaping aiokle 00 Siolcla hae» piece ...^. 60 Mcklealide ,.... 18 Reaping aection...,,.v...... 26 Reaping gaanl..;n''.VJ,.... 20 y,i • In anteriaib dUUnnnUli t«tw<|en Rw|tii« and UuwinR Hjmr tiiMur. h tbe (t.>i the Ayr MachiWe wrtl iK^hipiml'or ilctfv^h^t «« rt'.M^'M i«<*^ftllii#*' ' tTir ing are the tllr6ction»» for making it rcoily for the l^fld ="~ , . , j : , ! ,,, > Bolt the Tongue ^o the pole aplice. Attach tlie Pmg-lior to ilic Castini^ oil the underaide of the Tongue. Attach the Cutter-W to tlie t)ro^-bar by •means of the hinge-bolt Fnaten the one end of the Exteuf«ion-Bar in the Coating under the Beam, and the other end to the main rfioe of the (hitter-ljar. Cany the chain bock over the pulley to the lever. Pull out the Sickle aufRden^y far to allow the end of the steel pitman to engage with the eye, Uien push to its place, and, with the Cnmk-pin, secure the b«>x of the pitman in the hoU nearui tht etntn of Ou CftmL Place the Double-tree in the iron strop unJkr tke tongue, Olid attach the dmw-itids, thf long«$t otu itexi the Cutter-bar. Secure the Diver to the outside slioe with the )cey-liolt. Rnisethe Mochine as high as possible, ^vT -v^ ••( / lqr|ilMi«f|lk««toll«rtlMil«r«ialftHi|giMi*MKik oflMquMlrMi Omt- AMi«IIM««Mi4««U«MilUi«MMiUM«MrMlMMi tlu tUim AmM U fmit ''MliilmMMHfkto mmMs tka OotlM^kw todnip down Isle • hamm or o«k«r koUov gnMmit Tk« kdfhl of ttabliU «m 1m r^nktod tiy Um Soi^eMw ia tho point ^ tho nMin-duMi Wb«n folding op Um CntUr-bor pU^ tha MMll MMw In lii yiMo In Um aMln tkoo. lo fnwmU Um Sioklo fhm fklling down* >>«M tOft ■mow tbo ChMHwhn^ Dttff-W. BkUndoaW ud PitmMt Toko of tko wcMidon WiMrf Mid t i iiH tho Boil ond Shoft on which it ia hong. Bolt tho Bcopiag Catting-bor mdtr tho Bcwn of tho fromo. Bolt tho booknil to tho fMn« ond to tho ootnor pe< wMh the iron braoo in iti |dMo. w— g tho woodon Whoolon thoeoirtiionjottffnol inaido tho fnunoi Attooh tho i^oodon pltmMi to tho aieklo, oad mkoto it with tho enakpln m tht ahifUa^a it^ J^ ^ rrSL*!^"^' the ttmd Boko plotform, tho Dnm- pjrPOjt «Kl ««UCi«k Shaft nood not bo mnovod, ond If^uiwdX 8wi>^«il,ybo«pidwh«hMidimkin|. "^u*^ «o -¥i,il •'H .■ -\1' :>'- r .rrv lui'J .-. .1,^..?. «^rA^ ;,,!<..,, . ,,;, ,;^y-, .^.^,„ „i^, ,.;/ •^f^^t^^^ I fiy. ■iy k- v./ ' * " ^ "i*^ S*^**^'* ■* 15 ' i • * ' This Miiohine fa detigned to meet the incieuing demand for ft ^|ht i43ingle Mower, and Ib built as light as a docf regard for strength and dura- Wli^ would warrant : It fa a Front-Cut Machine with a leading wheel, the oonneotion baiwean the Frame and Gutter-Bar being very strong and substantial, a diagonal Braee ttom the rear part of the finune adding strMgth to fh» iHiola. ' ( The Frame fa made of Tubular Iron, all cast in one pieee, thus gitittg -the grealest strength attainable, at the same time presenting a e(Mnpaet* •efagant appearance to the Machine. , The Miafts all run in Pipe Boxes, dfapen^g altogether with the Ufa of liolts, and rendering it impdssible for the shats or gears to get out of line ■ I ■ ' , witheafdi other. -^ Th0 a«ttjng ii^ ©oipiot, thonnigMy proi«rt«d and wry MoMtfM,. Th. 0«jr ShiUMi l^ver i.,« pb«U i»^ fe K v-y, •«dly ope«ua by MtlMr tlie Juuiaitiboi / _ Th« Cutk.rri|ir»;i. imiMMl by tl.« I^ver with r«lto«rkabl« ««,, wul i« foWad om Ui^ llito Of III. Ihw wh«n tmroltin^ thi. owwtion beina iwfonned wHi «, li^di ,^ thi^t tho dri»i>r can Jm th« Ur and fold it over the nuehh* «^| bsviiig hi. Mat / - Fi>r beoutjHof nnil^ nd rimpUcity of oon.t|ietion it i. unaqndbd by m m.ch «• of ikkUim. •nAkBO g««tly. Wafcor in all «-p^u that it ~>i»ot AUl to nm4m^ • f»«ly Ml« w^rl^r it i. examined by tho At th. CumpHll4f..W.l oftht ProvlJKi A.««l.t{on. o^ the 1 0th on ^aeld. and pii«»|^, it. work in tl^Wnit unexceptional n«uin.r. ^«:^SVJtl^iSSl^ round wTalmct nn«i- .* .Tt ''*"°I'?' T***"*?^ fi«» W»on«ble Fam»o« who witnee-d it •t work, .peak for thonMlrA : '.*■: TowKiHip, nth Sept., 1871. ^ to bear teiXny to^ii^JL#SJi^^ i.?;?'^' """ «'"* P>««ww Single lKwS^S5toiSj?JSr''ff £^^.2^ y**"' HamnHngbinl £»^tof.8ing,e?fewer/l^ ^"^^^YoumtnUy, KOBT. If. SXIDKM. .'i a 51 » itfr. - 8.DcJirBiBmithSept,I87|/irr «MWit Md a th. Mm. time duine it* work eaaalif m^^JS?^ ' ^^ I corrobomte the foregoing opinion of UT.J0^u»^L^a^^a^^ r fy-^ ^f!^^jfgftm ^Wift"*'**l»! '''."'f*"*;**'^ tpw ' r i: ^^*'\ . Mo. lA Double Waaher for Cod. •r ■ A i 71f |. ftpiml Mptinit for dOb ..... • M^ ,Hf iii44it»ot...... too * ni '(^tiiidofclif.wMHprfuK !t S» 71 4|. Rpriag for Outiiai ahoe .. 7ft 715. HnjrtlM Button «>... • 1* 71«. QoMdfUwtr..,..,...^.... SO 7Ha. l»a" «• ..;.:.....''. 60 7iei. rUta for QvkvX flpfrr ... 10 719. U^UngWUe.! I W> 711 1. Roll mm! Holt for LMtdlng Ma. DriTing Wlw«l • M ft7Al BighthMMl lirt«M. 1 tS Ma. Ull •• •• ^^,y..^l M 01. OompoiitkaBoxro...'...../ 1 00 «f. FlBgw BoU ^„, f If, ,|4fk TfMk OlMivr HIM* ;. tii Thnnb V«t uul llolt tat . ^ JB^NI'' ^■•••••••« ••»•»••■ ftranb Kilt fbr 8nd«...... • M M. WpfiiH(K«]r OM ftr 4|igbt-h*na Hpriiig I>awl . M U. Uti " ./•„,... ♦?,«.., .•.II* 99. Lineh Pin..:.. .<,.....,i.... ,#f§ filj ^0 WMi»fr ....;.........ir • i<*^ lilA. L«v«r P«wl „....:...«-.. • SI IfttA. " HmmUo 1 tl I6H. " Utoh ................. 9^ 1 St. Pin for Crmnk HalMier. ...' i ^ Tnek C}mnt Itimniitk Prune 10 00 Lid of Tool Box............ 1 00 Foot PUte 60 8hiekl for Bevpl Whwl .. 1 00 BeTrlWhMl 3 60 Internal Qtta mmI Uevrl wmi'mi PUuOO..««»«*»Miw»'»»».»»»»». 4 -OV ■ 706. SparPlnioh. 76 707^ JUOvparCiating. 60 a 1^ ,.,(,.,»>:, ilii,;; .,;»..i,.. 0S6 ^ir " H«idle........„.-/0 75 n^ AxleClwiip 60 Ji£ JbiMk BokBCc wlUl Pill.. 2 00 711 Button for Tool Box 10 »s;m^^*,||»;. M-iA/ai-i^, WkeJi. ••••••••*•*< 700. 701. 70«. 70*. 704. 19i, Ttf. in. 7t». 7S0. 781. 783. 734. 785. 7M. 60* Voiding Iran on Pole 30> 1 00» 1 WtL^ I 60- S OO ao» 75 LeYsr lUtchtt wd 4^«. Lever Soeket.,., lionfBrM* ...... fllMtt " ConneetlDf Rod. Lifting Cluiu.. I •e«i«*«*,*.*o**«> Cmnk Frnder .. .....M... 60 Main 8«»t8pring.... ...:... 160 W.'Tlnek " " 60 788. Wrought Hinge Joint 4 00 Oraaa tUiard......».(..M.«Mi« 1 00 Fing<>r Bar, drilled 6 0« " wUh Onanb. 16 00 aud Shoes .....^. SO 00 Oomplf te Scythct . .. i. . . . 6 00 Knife Section I ... H, BUnk " .., 25 Axle witb Gear and Ratch- et* 10 oa Axle without Uear aud Katfiheta 8,60 CnmkShirft, with Balance 4 2r» «|:''n" without *♦ *0a .->fJ«>u<,i«;i. m£ ■>•: i',if:-y ♦,.-.■ ; ■ \':(:; ■!-. ' ■ . ■ ■ 78». 743. 7411- 746. 740. 748. 730. ■*•« HOlTATJfO^tldAH'; -■.iCVf'Kzm Mf 8S't.:0ao^ OT ■ I. !»*!• «j i.;rJiWM v;,ijv^ '^^.f,» f iVfn'j h;i.l' Kidif ^■«!'» i'fr *■ » f-. 1^ W M / ^"f^^lrtMoMjot PttttiAff Vp «a4 Ifii^ TM-;f >-» M —III ■■■■I I I PMtiM SalfM Um, m4 tkt iMurlaii IW *»»(i '*»5.-\! 1«i K( 111 OM iMta WM«k to d>i«rh<< br t*o *>•<«■ l« «M fn i«a. M. BoM Iwrw'uto «MliM IK TM to |Mto, JmI iMHdnana of Um (anraM Mt « F«i«toft«M^ Ailli«irwitelMftTfaMto*MutoNo.rMlMi4Ma«ii««tlkUMl«te olMtaMAmi* 7«lal toy. tr Um tv« NIH irirtit.lrt|«wl«uiwdknMdtaMUI)r, uyi1rfn*IMfiii «. To Mdn food. atoM work, «Utv« out at Uw •nrmn. N*v*r ooo iNftkacnard* food. afwrtgwM*. oommano* a awaUt wttkoat ha* ■ T^ *^^.^''** ■•^ *» *^ *">"*<* >* *• MOMattr, la giaapta* UJa Urar tundla, to aloaa tk« lMi«MlM«latoli.aoaatopiM«|NMtktolal*kaiidiU^ ««.~»«iaiaa ^JS^. . ^ ■"'7*" *^ 1"'**^ ffl^ ^IMW <>■ •» ocdtaWT atoML M Um baval or apMr aMo. Mm nXtfiwi laapttala ordlHHT atoML o« I baw WH a d wUiortl MOTOra OB TBlViPOBTAXXOV. MiM Mia; lito Rk iHalam la tka Mk kted a^ tka mmnjmh M* (iTiiar. mMm* m mir to Mtnoi Mttabarantaulltol talk*r%MnEaMtac4« tattatoilMBarikaikoau ni«irM«! MlkiiM4a«*i iarHWwkaala:«i4 p ia WMi W *mM» yoa to Mf aad wIMt It wMi i HpaaM ba wrilto ral»tM4vli«i la Ika - J9.?!^l*i Mt IMa ioTir ap ita^ ra rt* 1..;: A hLltBM • BMiag 'Km, l>«kt IHUt .:/■.,:■•.: V .■ ■ ■. JJV. - %d *&f THE AOn^TOJI. ^ ' ii^*»Anira TIOiMlfMO MAOIflltR, T olfer lo tt« public UU« SipMMor, wkkh i. r^uUlo.1 to nruduoo • «vol«Uun in tW^l-- of li».ki»..7. I ckim o„ h.hdf pC thU «.chin.. .ibl«u,.ppjj^lt«^lly|i.ar«.,*«i.«; th.1. wfcUi ii« cp^aj for thrashing iM tqiitl t#k«t of ^ olh«, Buichiii^ it it ||Mli» i„ 41,^011. •tnirtion. iMM donU*. «Miw iii««««,|, »nd %hl«r m tb« Imii. A c«di4 «»»hirtfc« of lb« «..W«. oM..^ Wl ^ •oa of ifa vMl M|>«M^. ■»! wmOi •« «»unin.Uon i. eofdlaljy inVi{«i Octwcwi thl» mMhino and tho«j oommonlv in ^^ , i * \ . i^v ■,/■ ^/ ni«cTt»Dt« .■••■'{^|.,. ,.,t-;, ■:■, kll IL!^* *"* '" 'y^"^ P*"*' '^^ *^ **«'»» ditributod ^luajly over whdeiU^tt.bd«»ce»«hbHtcr. U i. miui. 81 inch.. 1^ lei ^nchc. in i^t^ ^ ^^ 370 lb.. ; the U^ ^ ^, ,t ^ u:. ^ ITii. ingwOou. deriee con«rt. of two Conoave End-, with a di«- working in awd.; a .,«„.i«„^ ^y^^^. ' » ^ « mtehei «d paiil > Ik. Iwi brii, t«n»^ opirZtlMr di«» and ««^ the concave toriM or flOl a. hmt be dadMH iZi. ^ . / ; **"■•■ togMen keeping the ooMavt alway. pafaUal with the crUnder tZ anangenicnt give , t h e Hir^ he r the »o.> c on iplete eou J^art the ^ '.f • iif V, t^ mtkUm Mm to nUt m lawer ll wld It Ihn iMokfti« U naiaiiift. Tl will aI oimm rMomnwfiwI iUrlf t<> Tkiatk^m, wlu) cma iwwiily |M*m«iv« I»i|i«lkUly on Uaviog Ut« Cjliiulot tha a(i»«r || Mlltv««l on • long Vm ot li«mk» •InmI iU inohM x or tmugli ia inuvml, with n vtrik»l inoUun, by ni«UM ot • otmnk ahnft, Mul, by • ainipio •mngnmonk on llM«n(ia oC tho Kingorlmra, the vertical motion of tho tftnigh cummuni- e«tM to them t motion very like that of a fHtohfork in tho lianiU of n nernon pitching ttraw afW«r th« obi op«n cylinder, in onW to Mparato th« — grain from it. Having paaHod over ono tot of thoae Rngurp , the atnw ia , immediately remtvetl upon a aocond aet, where it undergo«^a a aimilar iiiooam, and «; on over tho whole aorioa, the cona^iuence being that, whan it roacboi the Htaoker, there ia not a kernel of grain lefl in thn The grate OUk iimnigh ^ tlittldl boHem etiU vpfwr irotigh or ■oelion, into a aooond, one, witli a doao anwwUi Iwttom, reaching ftom under tho concave to about the middle of the ahoe, and with auffloient of a decline to carry tho grain freely to tb^ ahoe. Thia second or lower Hootion haa likewiae a vertical motion, and that part of it which overhangs the shoe ia perforated with holes through which tho groin is delivennl ovonly and regularly over tho Kiddlvn. The two aoetions move \if oppoeito dirtctioiw, one going forward wbila the other goes backward- They thus Muntcrbalimco each other so that " no jar ia camMil to tho inachtnc. ^ TU» BUCK ^i la mooh Larger and more capacious than in other machines, and the ■^ peenliar manner in which tho grain is distributed on the sieve gives it gteaily incieaaed advanti^^. There is plenty of bUst and plenty of sieve room to take earo of all the grain that can be got through a machine, and there is no " poking" or «« scraping." When pfoperly set it will run for hoan or days without any partionlar attention, o; m V ' -h > . it j 4 The bolts on this machine are only four in number, three b( whfch an ^ of no special moment The fourth or mtin belt, loading from the cylinder to the cnok-ahafl and fan, is a broad substantial bolt, and ia supplied with a Tightener Pulley operated by a lever at tho feeder's side, by meana rk tHit »iijr«rh««t ist^ ii tf#|gg>fB(l Tlik itfll b* rimn * #: ,__,.. . ► '1 •t.A Mi'. . ^ .» i. jMh' - 7»« '"^^B l*rt i. •« c«n.tn,«l«d th«t i» dttrt It tkwwn out fi^^ fMlor'.ftm, Th«d«-tto.Uo^.da,i«i«hUionu«hJMw4tlitl«.to.w. ^o«-qu•«aJr th. tlM«.h«' i. »,4 o«lM upon to airflow hU - p«k of ■■'".^' : ■ • ''■**^'' tiiittmAH.' '»*'^»«^' *-''K . '■ , ''*■' »■ .^tm-'*' *■* ■■ ■ "■•» '*•,■-... i ,■■■'■■■ I «Th. LMirhin, j. H„ht«r of dmft thiui tn, Urn harm, -p^tor built od • •ny oUm principl,. Thi. i. .ocount*i for by iho «n.plicity of ita oon- -totrtlon ami Ih. Amtr^ in tbi „u«.b«, of idudK pull^.. -nd other ■ .wofluag part*, fKlucing th« Motion to th« low«tt practical point " "^ Til « OLD AND Till mnr. ' ' ♦i* la th. ordin.,y (|>itf.) .tyla ^^r^Un tha atmw «d f^^: ^^ ayliiMl,r .r, .^ vod on tlu, " ^tnra. .p«„," which c«ri- JWMgWy along with a gWing, .tiU moUon, in th. ooaia. of which the ZIT^C;?* ^^w'" "Ir r,^*^' "^'^ "»-n> »^w and U than *«rtWofw tha " picker roUar/f to tlia aMwid lake. wUeh paaMMieon ^iT^ ^^. *•"!*** •^'~'' tJ» ^nOn ftom y,o rtraw am th. '23?J2i/*^ ' *^ ««»^««»« »«ing thai in tha reiy beat of ^'Siifc, *>- •««''.^1-^ a»# vtedar, pMaa. ova, i . o ^.^#»>'>*o««" it up in tha aSoat dfccti^TL^ i;^^ ^ tii^ ^^^^ tt ■ "^ » the atnw la atjtbtly fiaa ft«iif A^in. *» '» ? ^t$ ,^ t ■""^1 (» \f U lk« i»fm»t iiMf^MiNi Umm tm 4 tMkt, 1 imivw %ilt, 1 pliltr, f ^rtitii, apMi fnm Um fkn, alavKlor •twl Mfrar { wlOk Ui lfc« •• Aflteiot,'* lU MtMnUun U maell Hmm •flbeiiv«tjr Oinmi hy oimum oI Om iMdlUtinii tmuifh n« «caik Ihoa diapMiainc wiUi *11 UiuM •hmtU, pullajri im,,m4 mi ffttirimm •i*gi»0»r In drim %t or luMp il In ruAAiog onlcff, T THI OMAfvi '^ ' " ' • ,," I- .' ■■' M]f "AR{Ut<> U M MmnfMl UmI Um atioWn cm \m •ttaebwl dthw «lii)v« »r hfllow ilM ahiM^ m4 «Uhtr mt« lli cUf or carry it with lh« 4lmw into Uia ataek. ' _- I f In iib« ■■•«U«M4« r^n«i iro«, |»pwto4 fm Um ywyiiM. TW «U1« mmhim k isMted la * ami mU «(i«km«iilik« inmmmv, simI Imm • food tppMiviiiik mmutfid oa two wl om th« ban ftwr, THE UTTLB OIAl^. tiK pttblie for four jmaa, — It it OMi b» iwdily moTcd to aajr roquiml position itkm tip tery little more room than a Fanniag '•'^*^^f^^ \* «* ' ' WM. I»> T«ry almpb In ito oowlrontioB, And not tUbIa to gal Ml of' oi4«r wb^ Wfly u«**. It Hm up r«nvM bill, bal i* oprnttod bjr • iw OMi-iii ofCTMk phmtU umI sUto. thoroughly shakiiis lh« alnw. ud is M|»liU of thmhiitic ftm» JOO lo WO btithtk of whm of an ofdlMry erap pw *iy. U fo ■liongly wmI .ubaUntimllyiMdk Um wwiiag p«rU piotootod by tbM* Uoo, ana Ow iboe b*i no iido sbdio. It b quite • fkroorito in awteiB •wtiomi of ib« country, ita low prioc placing it within naeh of almoal wmy fcnnar ; b«l fiom iu amaU eaflaaity in oompariaon with othar.machinaa, ilia not UWy i» toim into rwy genaial requial-' ^Um. I bara raoanily obUinad, ft«lB Hw paAatttaa, hia lalait inprovemenU en thaaa maobinaa, and will (Undlb tbaw witb thaaa inprovemenU added. Ht- :-4'' i ' ■ ■: :: 'r? ' ' ' ■ ' -^ 1 1 V ■i .f ■ "■' *ll''' l». TIlia MmI^ if gol u^ riMiiill'iMr^yiMll*' «m, aad^ia cakmlatad iMd will lii Itaad irall'ai^^ Ibr ttiat {Nnpoae. '^:^0 «# -m-y ■."■vt., «%|||VJ ' yi0-, *h^:*i l»l«ti».^s«'-^||,^« .»4bli: ►«.«#, I'. -^ / ■ '^r* 4||-;#«r, J^.tcvfto^i ■(' '. ■ fv i#i" . 'fii-_ii.,0t ■>.,, r4,i:-jiir» I'll* ;' i^fU'ltf » ■•' "■. . j^, - 1 f ■ i^i". <••:»• l«if ■ ^ , •• . . , ' . . '..-tyti 1 • . , ■ V' 'f ' i,.- l,i'' '' ...rf'--"' -' •. /... v/^ 4-:t'i f. . ■ ' ' i «,■ ■ . , J- - t • , '"- i; ,' ' ■•'■■. ■ "^ ■ . ■ ■ . . ^ * r'--. '•f • ■ ■t; / i' ■ , . ' v"- ■ ^ ' . ' ■k\ PITTS H01k8E POWER. It if now iiidv«nUy adfliitttatlMk Pitt's Hone Power, when piopaly conetracted, awl «l food nrtfck l, it t|M M Power in use where eight or ten hone pow«r fa Mqpriiedi ItWififaM^ lifrntm^ ooiiidnmhle knowledge of them to he4» iM M |tm|hiMa yyfway{ and flie only rceeon why they ha^ fUlil^' i|^ «ie» to g^ iMlkon, is a deficiency of sneh knowledge ii^ |hilWMiiftiiti I h«4e aide these Powen for a gnat nwnher of yean,'«iid am fkee to idmit that it was only by costly ezperisnce ■■«? "A ^|^fs^|?f w-mn'^ I WM Uiaghl how to ptopcriy euiwtnwi them, mnd how nocMMry it wm QitA the ntnMMt om« shovld he ettidw^ ia ftUing the nreral pula ; hat hftTing AttaiMd that kMmledge, I Ml ao Mtiifted with ite op^tion thikt I kAYt got Ml ealMr ""^ ■** ^ patteriM made for it, with improired fl HI Hi— tar (tnttim tho oMlfa^ true, unl have Aill eonfldenoe that, in •opplying mj I»p«ov«l ¥M» IN>wtiv I am ftuiiiahiag the boti ia the cottiitiy. —'■■••.'■,» They an MU «l tha Wil M^nMi, wHh fteei nina or joumalii through th« hml mhmilf, iHM W ^Hnt h J •»! damble. and aa it i« eaaeattil «lMBr ai^vU h* pmkni l^l #^ t"*^ tunning order, the utmoat oara ia tdup to h«?a t^ Jfntpmlf a4f «lid whun leaving the ahop, and tail inatrWioM fbr IMpilf ** » nmnfaig oidar accompany each machine. I Buppfar thaae fur e^^ or ten hoiMa» and with Lever lloxea or Draw Boda to Mit ptnelwaMa, and the TomhUnf Roda are fumiahod with alip- knooUea and rvt^ialh i^Aeh tha h^ m rivallad. leaving no bolt heada, nata or (rthfW wotuhMMMfi wlikll Imw baan the Mwna of ao many loriona and fatal totidfBta la aoMMetkMl wHk lltlihiag If aehinee. V bol * UmI tyred . ■ Mnoat , and hine. Ti Dmw •lip- irioua # .3P w^ "^^J "f ■ **» B«ror« giving •ome dMcri|»lion of thU iin|KNrtonk •gricttlluid inipl»- mont, it nngr be w«ll to gUuoe fur e moment «t iU hietory tad lie object For e long time there hM be^n required emong the ottltiTetor* of the eoil on • larne ecelo, aome mntiM Iqr ipbioh ftirrowa eould be made at a reaeonable noet, prior to the M IR damn of the tUee for drainage. The old method of diggiuK iTCMhee for tha laying of the drainpipee ia manifoetlj alow, cumbrotw attd Mtpenaf? e. In tl^ abeenee of aomo eaailj available machine there han httn aftfi atUl «»m| inMta of valuabla Und lying waste and t|apia|MfeUf e. UhmiA QoS^nenoe been the aim of various inventor* to deviae aaam im|tlwiiit ly t^iich a furrow of anf- ficiaot depth and width oonld be made for tho moepAioa of drainage iilea. The Pa^nteo, Mr. Carter, after experimenting for aoveial yeaia, baa produced thin Implement, bearing his name ; it )um been in opaiation in various part« of Canada and thb United llUtos, and haa pnyred itself ailmirably adapte5 Thu firat principle of the machine is a krge flange wheel full of prongs. It is four feet in diameter and eight inchea wide. The wheel is^^ girded portly by a aemi-circuUu- spade, pointed and lined with ateel, and made adjustable sfl that it can n opened or lowered at the deaiie of tha operator. There ia a truck in the rear of the wheel on which the drirer atands. lie haa a handle in his hand and can raise the spado that follows the wheel. The frame of the truck and the handles hang on the axle of the brgc wheel in a flexibb condition. .';'*.^..' Tho ditching machine ia drawn by four bones, though somolimes two are sufficient Having; been act in motion in a straight lino across a track of kn kigo spont or fimneL It falk on the aide of the {urro«'. Tho opomtion ia.repeated nktil the ditch ia at a anffioieni deptii. Tho Ui^o Trhoel b^in|( rirflXiel^li^^ and lower till a depth of three feet is attfUUBd* Jfiiioh ip' •• deep^ a^ ia over reqinied. The fhnow measures fottrtee» imdbmoik tl»e tofi aad eight at the bottom. It makes a dean, uoiform and istaM^ht diich tfann((fh the soil ; ' ^ '. The amount pf 'Wmk dove hy the aiMhina is its pHndpi^ nooiaunen dalion. It will cat illi»itowo#flNmiipb to 300 1^ in lengthy thre^ feet deep, in ond ^, if it^ ii^fl ii>i^ift^ ; !tf3i|;\is' #;tl^ diataaoe wiU be iirom 100 io 19i0:imiik In wet 'land, fer.iikiflli it is intended, it will do the woA of'ttkreiitir'metf.'' ■' '■ ^-'-■■^J- ; ■ ■./ ■ " ^ ..■■.•'.'■V ■•''•'- >' • ... ■ . .t ■ ^';;-.,-r'i.?f ,-■ ■ ' _, ,.,*(•*•*' ■ ■ 'M \. •». ^■t lUoMii ImptovtiiiMito by th« Pftiwitt. on Oi. THUfclg 1fwkh».\ MMialkeiiiMd •! the il^r AgHeiMwnl Workt tmdw, U ooa^Nf*; •tH"*t» J *' ' ' K^^'im- ^«;' i_V-'ir^:,%!l^iJ»;*V;««'t^* f: ,■ f *.fr • ---.'If • W "■ * / '■' '. ■' diBlkmiii (i»«ll ^aowB) 1H16 bTtimwiBiiil uid iiMd h. or who !»▼•• itiB H'iil work. >^ Tk» M«fihiiit <■ fiaipla in coiutraotkm, ruj titrcng, utAwi^ UMm «>• g$%tm%ot (ffdar. It irUl work Mtia&otorily In th« luufdMt, m wtll m the tooghflst Mid most adhMiTo oUy abUa ; will tim work •dmiiably in landy • and light Mil*. Two MM and hum two to fa^^ tho Mttrfo of tlw aoU. •M M^iiMd to work it, aoooid- leUk- ;^?|i ■ ,'si Wtaghtfor ahipiMnt, 1400 lU. ■''. "^' ,'■';■ WAKluiirr. 'tut tEey *ra well Imilt, of good matinial, andoapftble of cutting ftom 100 to 200 rods of ditch, thret foot doop, 1 1 inoh«« wide »t top wid 8 inohee at the bottom, per day. ITie puohaaer to hare the privilege of catting 30 rods of ditch, aa a trial of the naohine. If it should not work well, ht^ ahall notify me inuMdiately, and allow ne time to send a peiaoA to put it in Older. If H ennot tlwn be BMde to wq^t nUafiMtorily, it will be taken back aiid ootmidered no lale. Omnnk— 1 •haaed,thiii. merilaortha Seothedttiflltei^ ■ MMfeJac itaikih« imm :^ by b«^i), I iM «r my tty ii l mii i i ai ■mi ec ■wtemk ^^ m hria ipleaaare KidiiiM y >^ earefi me a dayi^ •haie .. with * " a»iM .^a&vssrs^surrisi '7^f^^9W^m bW^^ ,W; Hm to* oozd- '•am from' uid8 igo of work ' i«noA J/, it.' to tb« wking;. «(tlM id M •» V ," \ 41 #N^ Wd «^ tffil* fiMyftr on tiM t«m. ami witli « Uttla WMtlM. I Itad no diOctiltj in Uv«Ha« Um boMom of Ui« dfteb rwdy A>r Ui« dl*. I foam*, on CMvAU raokoning. th«l th* ant tli hour** work of ^l* UthlM htA mnU for 7V"""*""****y •'l"^ *® '*• y*»?^lnt«r«* oH tha «!< and afUr thtm d»j^ work, h*l Mrand for in« mora tlHUl Mfleiant to imj (Um eMt of My half !!~**j L*^ UMr«foi« mj whh «oiiftd«M«, Umh iIm MMliia* hM workwl fkr ^"~ *t" I*^*" "»** "y wpwtrtlooa, Mid (br ImtoimI tka giMimntM glvan with tlM HMhiaa, mm! I ttm\ jmtiftail in rMomaimhUitg tk« wid 1' ' Ml fv^ who ceatw n p b f nmlwdw it iit iiic. Robbm Bauum with th« MMhiaa, mm! I fiwl jmtiftwl in rMomamthfing tk« wid IfMhiot W ' ' ' ' IC- ROBBBT BaUUM, Iflfh CrUieawiim of Boatk Uoivhwtar, •.;> ■Hft A'tt'!^ CooB^ of BIgiifc , .,#-•:■ > Cirltr 4 AttwMl. Praf>rM(«rf 0/ Oirl^'l /KidAiiv MocAm*. OniTtlhfnf,— I hereby cortlfjr th«t I am w«ll pImmmI with Ui« Ditoking luehin* purdMMd from yon thia aiiring. It iMrfoniU tha work mueh Mar •ad battar than I eipactiNl, aad far Uyond tha guaranti^ given with tha ma- rchtoa. A few dari ago I gava it a A) vara ti-^t in hanl iwn— ao hard that th» fm midm www littla inprMaion on itr-and it cut a ditch 80 roda long and iaokai daap in laaa than thraa koun. I hava no haaitation in ealUng tha ■achiaa ona of the moat vmta\t if aot tha moat uaafWl and baat bayiag, impUmant inTaatwl for farmaNh • ZwwiAt Pahoi, ^ , V . 1.' . J"» C^on-i South Dorcheeter, Co. of Klglli. 'V J^ th$ Editor 0/ th* Fanur't AdvoeaU Bib,— Aa tou are audoua to know tha raault of all new implumenU and MMa •applied by you, and aa many farmera 4p riot know much about Carter'a Ditdlbkg Kaehine, IIj*^ to atate that, having given it a fair trial thin spring, I hare found the raanlta to be moat aatiafactory, both to myBt-lf and to every one .that haa tmn i| working. I have tried it in hard clay t^und and in atony and grai|«Uy land : in both pUcea it did iu work efficiently. I alao put it in a wet, •tieky day, 1^ putty, and it made a ditch there, although it did not work a« well aa in th* kard.diy land. Bverr one that aaw it at work was highly pleaaad with It. Many vdahad m« to ditch for tham, but my time i8 occupieil on my own turn. I an Mlihr tay it k a good and eflloient implement, and it. ' only i«(|uim » ha known lOvbring St Into g«ia«il uaa \ <» I ; OuMoy DnoKui; Westminater.. . ' Mmm, CairUr 4 SkttSHt PntprUtorto/ CarUr't Diukiisg Maehin$, ■t G«mMin,-^l!Miis>iNitiiy that I tta«l oba of Qaitar'a Di|«hing Mi^ cUnatkMtiOl u^bk tto apriM •'^ the pNMBt vMt, and cku eonHdently wco m ioMi »ityt Of tht-MrtWiaaenta of tke fend I ham aaen. With \ m» t vp t ^mM llkmkmmitfkmmtii #onlBg diji| thoaaoM Mnoont of ditek left in the same ihape^ nqvSttg "^rr ijt^ S ■Y A \^J^Mi3AitiuJj*L.i^-i^ :s *. — -t :V' P. A. °''''K::!s^r!^^^ ^ " I " 1 twi n- •"J «lri»«» tt 9^ tm^mf^ff^* MHk Mi ikMlfBn il« »»«» '•W»"*^'"""ortm«r of Work «iTG«anl l*Mk. Lo)lM>«, AtTLVM, Aug. 14lih mi. •Bd e«d«o» «f tjw <^'*«f" ^^^^ii"* luTil for oar «nl«n n venr ■tear ground. In «U»r urouiHi, 7%^" -^"i' ,^,1 bo Utter .bU to gir. yoa the 5t« Ubor to . UrK« "t*"\. N'^Jir^'^/i h«»d Ubor. ulh .^ - \ 1 NnMin. yonm truly, H«sJ»t tA"]>o"»^ - * '***^V*^ipt. Lunatic A.ylnin, ^ndon, Ont *.«"-»••: •• lABMEB'S FRIEND" OKilN DBILL. ' tUo Gram DriU, •IthougU introduced in the Canwlaa'a number of >MZ8 •80, hM only within » Vo«y .hor* time Uljen that prominent pUce •pflfag AgricuUuwl ImplcmenU to whidriU imporUuwe fidrly entitle, it. «Afcl'MdtneM in plMing thii implement in ita proper position uom pnrtly Item tJie Inferior cUm of DrflU whi«| j^^» i»«Wr,Sl!^ W)*^ ' ■ > , ■ ■ ■ ■"■• ■ ."".'■ : ' ■■■■,■•■ ■ ■. ...- ■■ ''■ ■■ . ' ^y. H *Nir ("Mn^ilfkn ftrmora^bk prkv* «iMt>mtt «tt^\U twing lh« I'lwIiM^in-nt* h«UI forth in nnmfftxu iivitenr« .rv oortaUt prinnli^-M^i^irne^ no I>Hlt e«n b« «lflp«ntlior floarao «rain« ; experienea having drimiiiatntted thai tlio two tlifToroiit duMC of gniiw canoot bo Nuocraafully aown with tb« Malno act of foodo. ' * -l . 4ih.— It ahoiild bo ao amngiMl that if tho Drill ahoald lio atoppod it will . commonce aowing imtnetiiaMf/ hi»„u .Imhff ttuHfif again, otherwiao bUnka will bo left in the fleld whernTar the Drill niay »« at«jppe.i (Mi|iAbt« of aott ing any requireil .pmntity, within ___tko oniinary rangf, and aow with prociaion and w^ilarity. ThtFattne/t Friend iinxn Drill niauufacturod by me ©nibracea all thcw principloa, and has, moreover, the following poinU to recommend it. .^€1 Tho Gearing arrangement in aucl^ that tho act of roiaing the Tut>«t thrpwa it out of gcartcomiwiuoutly it a(o|ui aowing tho inaUnt tho Tu»)«t • ore niaetH and when tho Tiiboa aro ofiaiftiuwonHl into the jpround it oo»>^ meneei aowtJigi; '.-..■»'„■«•'' .;'■'. -'<.'''.->. Tho\A.xle» arc of Wrought Iron, turntul nnd accurulcly Httcd to tho ' Huba of tho Wheel*, , ^, , \ „„ !^, , , _^ . J It aowH, accurately, any donfrej q lanUty Item tUnxi^li «lgt(t pocki of Wheat, and from Ihrctj to Hixtcou pcckn of Oota or othef-anK) grain per acre, tho quantity being rcgulatetn»y Changing tlio gear whlola on the end of tho Drill. It will plajit Corn or Iteami in drilU by Ihatting off the intermediate tuboa, and will sow to wiyToqnirod depth ; mn bo thrown instontly put of geor, ami tho M-holc wjrkin^ part of tho kachino is within «>niUon from thuir rtrnK wl)U« • good mMijr •» mH «>v«>«1 .t aII, Mid. ©f «««.. VrA&4TI PABTl OP na PAmilBAI TKOUTD 0E4J1I OAIUi - \l. f. I. 1. 11 14 If. !!•% M 11 •« »m Aw «• f?**i W*^ •*?•••...••'• Omla Uf«r 1 7i 9 71 • »# • M M • 71 •••**att**i>*t» »f. HkifW •u ai M. 1 M IilitiloiiUiT ,,,,,,,, , 1 09 Qnm fUmlCtm #M 7 If. Omm fittd (Kwr mUfWr 41. UnHiaa.1r«b« '• •• r»tni 4i. Riul IflaH IMti Haad.. 4i. IWk kaU«i;.k. R. H 41. *' '* " L. H it* ** \** Urn iMkat 14.- ft, 5^""*" M. . •• •• PkwI. «. IklfWBlMk... M. B-«kUiMWrJ«w...^... . I>.^ ^ OBA«H HKKU HDWtR, . ,pw, Uii Qnm K-il in wy n»«l«lj fW-ni fo«r •!»» • h^ |»«iid« Ui htlf kHy Umb «• b* tlo^ by UnO. II o«» U qui. kly ihrown oul of W Ui ■Mf. Of lt»«»v«d •ntlftiy wh««» •»♦»» r*|ulml.„, iMJlHTKIt AND OUANO SOWER, t ? Thb •HiM'hiiiBnl i« farnlA*! with iho Drill wUrii ot«l« w»l. *'^^^^ ' ^ k simpk •««i«nt, •«•» *«»*'y «*«to«'l»«' ♦*♦"* • »* • . i ^ JIKAO HAWING MACHlNiS, t^imhmm, di^M for Vmlting I.^^., culling oorUwoo.!. .Uv. limbtr. iMMding ft« . *« Ttii- Miieliio* «n U lood-l on * wtt»>u or .Uigh,- M»d motod .boul Ywy hwidUy.-b flu*i wllh • Logwty tmi Uiggiog lyymtTH TW whoU MmMim i« «»Uy mmm^, .na givM v«ry good By removing Iho How ond Iprfi^llfc powor ma bo oppliod to ii llimw4>itlo» or oUior lii|b« work, by OMona of • brfl fi»» Uw llj whotL I likewiio Buuiafoclars ,4, DRAO 8AWH I?0II JtlQHT H0fi8l% iMUudMl U> bt otlMhod to Pill'* or otW H owo Poww. ThI* Miehltw k ftiiyib-* wllh • 8olf-Oiwi«f orrtuifWB-il, ond U .tioBgly ani tab- HuitioDy balll, copoblo of doing a laiiye di^r'i work. ^. 17. . ' I* » ( p r . if, I.'- •■ 1 . .■i 'tlu-'^ # ^ .' ,» rt« ^M^s -SKafciiaaia •i lag ^ ^ OMOUnMtf««M^ II tOm off tli« lii-lpr fr A* »t*»»bl« field i« owing fov It-Of, a«»l^. to th« «««• «loi» 1^ !!,• drim to dl«h«g. iU lo.a. It cu ^••^<'*3j? ^H^tilHi 2Ll Ih. .|»l«g on th« t«ih ««.bU, th«n to «t* WP^ ••^ It ^ »», K^ J mm. s. ^« w« tiii*)ri.im M«m nun. mm» 4ir» oinmi tai „^af, which ohfitlit My v{1»nitk>ii «# ii.« m i . "^^ntttuf^ij ttmmi, wm^ «^ TioraMon Of th« Bf«c|iinfl wh«n tt work. M. -^ Tfc* Omto b fed tr> two flalMl rollurt driir^ .t Ai» * 1 . ^d th. ft«,«^ of lh.Zll ll . ^ 7^***^ ''^ ' T|i««.»K«>nnr, ^raJtlLt.!:*! - Hod. M n.y bod-ind. «a toc^Jof ouUl4 • « 4 • • ^ *% •r f. fl^^" -»- v 4- •«^ i^r /•■' *>c ''(Hk to >♦ ' VMow nuW flW>rM»o mill. .. «-! r A« ...^mIv tliA Mm* principle as tho pfeceding, but T)ii»' Machine i« 6n pwi*Jly «^ "^7 P";* »;^_„ _,_ "^ . z,:roT:/«:^'in^'^ ^ a-,» .^ ^.u on.,. W'/. } TH« mnioTn) «>«» ""^ ^''^'^ , --'»5».»iwiir ho,„ with ««... into -T« K- : *• *' ? * **'**^ "• "^-^ *^^ '•^'••"^'' *»/ «=»»*»»«*»« ••'^ ««»f wh««li. -<«n be iMUntly thnmi) put «»f gftr-lltl,rf with the h^it quiJity of Kngli-h kniv*. impotWaii^t, .„d h«f ih« mo«th-pl*c. Uid with Lu They ar. ««hI for thm.hing p«i-4« «p«t|oif whfah they^ pj^ Thew- M«chinM w, Aimldied In dlfti.nt ««. to tuit pur,:h«e«, MO. 1 IMPBOVEO HAKD JftTBAW CUTTBB. , A iUchme of high wput«tion in Engknifc *om Wheneel wks w- cenUy imporUd. It ha. a ca«t iron frame with bnM bearing, for the pitnciple dufla, „d ia auppUed with Gregory', patent delay motioi, which c«i«. the feed to rtop while the knive. are cutting. It i. calcu- IMM for hand-power, and i. ve^ compact -» IT \'^.' .■I :a J* >M i«' — - - r ■wnewTer m*w»» w ""J """^ , v j^:.,ii4_^lTtvBB cmv wid cute S«^to SHmtti M p««nt it from .priBging M,h,n c»tta* m ^' -Vvi m •^ .*■■■ I fkt«d I furawh Circular Saws, with any liae of phUs ft«m twenty to thirty f ' ~ — ^ •• ■ ■~'- ^-ww^ «a^rf«a v*w«avT »»v w*««& » j ••«pej wv mounted on a atrong, lubHtuntial wooden ibune, and Wilh baknoa wfaael and ■lUUiio tttklo <.»n.»i.>*^ W«iM» whael and alidiiig tdUa compiete. t" IBOH nSLD ROLLia. My Field Roller ia made of Caat Iron Sectiona, one foot eteh in length, and twenty-aeven inches diuBder. II is mounted on a strong wooden frame, and weij^, made as they generally are, of seven sections, 1,200 lEa. gross weight ; the weight is, however, in prpportiott to the width of the roller, and can be increased, atpleasure, by. any heavy sabatance placeA on the platform. The number of sections acting ikdependently of each other, prevents it from damaging the surface of the soil when toninj^ while the material of which it is made i« not liable tc^.wcur ox decay. ■r 'w^^JtpBir » ■ ■ ><» I '♦ ># I UkiUll* coniinoa to nunaHttftore % WOODM riBLjl BOU'll^ • i' '^ \Anim^*M^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ji.«.»^ Thia Roller u compoMd 6f __ oomi .»w«^ A Ihai lour and 8 <^ diwnatw. Thia Roller Thk ImpUineni i. « lki«»T. meat on a 8<^i.h patten»--u d^^^^^ .Sr5»iS«^«l<>r 0^^^^ Sowing Tooth .long with .• w. t;,^: . ^.0! ■'■ ' -,.f ,•», 9,^ .,,,->■ 1. iM^iw Jwpplrtft ih. ««| Aiwty. in ,h. ««t« ol Um» Drill. Two -T K .1 ^! *'''?"« •?»*«»"■ W*"^** of two Tl« C^k^ nnm^U • offtiia 1^ <»., which th. h.A Rata «• «k^«,. Thu. when th. ^ '.T*. ^" ^*^ «• .giiii Wt down. Th. quanUU- .qwn J STIT.. i ! f ^frio« .i... In the .ifmmt^c. of •he.C.ni.taibl ITito wUI b« found • flwt^jhuw,, reliaW* Impletn.nt, for «)wing T^r- V * ?llpi^ Cwrrot., Beet., ifanK.)ld, Ac. Ac. \, . ^ V ^ In •dditlon to thfl fonv'ink. I «n. im.hsr aming«m«nU With tU pi£ . T . ' . ■ ,' ■ . ^" ^ '' . . ' ** ,/' % •^TKATO'wr PATENT" HEW) 80WER, ' . ' 'j ^e .owinij^rincipie of which it .i«ilar to th« oAer. but.'tho J^m* k i^ .* wmught .«>n. .„d Uu. cniaWn, Mi ativen^-indepdMlentl^ of ^ol^^^^ '.»'■» WXKDSl^ ANiD> 8CUFFI,ER, ' " My W«eder wctScMkr i. .a indi.p6i,«iWe irticle in ujr Turnip,' ' PoUto «id Com FiekU, „ it «,ni«. the double purpose. oTa vJer " Md .double mould plough. It. will cut the #eedi,. throwing th0m int« the centre We«i ^,e^w^ and hynrvewing the aide-plough- it wUl lay • the .0.1 to tlMy,Untfc eq«a to; aay plough. The i^ing. carrying the .ide- > plough. «» hinged at the ih>nt, •ad CM^ by an iam .trap Sot that pvr- .«^ poM, be Mt and ^pt at any required width. > * _ I oanufactur. varioii. pattern* of ScuHfm, in addition td the above, «U kinds of aoU or work. -- > ^1® : "* ' ' .; -:^ ■''/•" '"■^■^' ' .^cultivators' V'^:- ['■■"'' '-■'''■■ /■' Of I^n>d other favorite pattern., and oif ajll^renti^let^f conrtrucUon. JOH]»aON'S PATENT CHAMPION VIBRATING CULTIVATOIf. By anangeButot with^the Patentee, I mimufi»ctu»'thi» Implement, .■':0- *1 .:>#t<'^^ ':»^ ^*?^ * ••- \ >> r WOODKN riUMB OAMO PWWOHD. ***• "^^ raoN FKimE oano plouoim. , i:p, r^f^l of . c-Uron fr.m«. mounUnl on l»r wli-U " ^^^^^^^ Omyomi oi • cmviiv 7, . , ..l , t,ongu« or pol«. This is ». • ^.„popuUrO«,g Plough whW^vt it b-b«na«Hl. /.^ '. '' ^ *#'#W^. ^ ^,^ A good wnriflMble Jointei B«Dii and UooUboMd. Plougb.fof Wo or tteefe Ht)«w, tHth C«t i&^v: ''***t>m^iSm v TIM ' AT« JOISITM,— U>i;OH. H»Ting •^tuml th« right to BUMmfiiotare this jwtJy.wlebmted Plottgh: I am prepueil to supply orders for it to any extent. . Hill's Plough has sitteine*! a Provinoittl ^puUUon/pUseesing M4t " doee, the peculiar a«i vintage of being equally serviceable a» a Jointer aiid SodPlough. ■.■ ^^y^-,y:.: /•_/■. ■■'■,-''''■ . ?■' 1 IwTe now hoa suv<>ral years' ex^ence with theae Ploughs^vin^T liuda and sold some hundrads of them, and am eonttnned in m Jtiiuou, ^ ■ pwTioualy expressed, tJiat there is no better Plough in the^i^lnadJtt Market,- being adaptwljpir all kinds of work, it Invanably gives satisfttW V tion in eteiy c«ia.:(^;.v >;.■■.•;•••■ ,|.r' '> , ■.•.-' ^ i ean ftimish these Ploughn with Wooilen or Iron Beanw, and with fitoel or Cast Iron Mould-boards, to suit puivhasen. / UaTing purchased the exclusive right for the PJorince of Ontario, to apply HoSheny's Patent Wrought Iron Beam, I hate atta^M it to the HBlTs Patent Plough, making one of the most complete ¥lfi\igh» in the PjoTince. I wUl be prepared to supply these either as Joi^iters or Sod Ploughs, in any desiled quantities.' : ! / This Plough is BteadUy increasing in popularity, the (4mand eveij* anoceeding season being laif^ely in excess df the former yiir I have sold Aumbera of these Ploughs in almost every l^wnship of Weetem Canada, •i - 1- . : -d hi..^^- known «r «y \n.^^ in wfcteh Uk^ ,»»*'-Jtl!iri^ mmHibmiI of Om Wt una nw*! •p|»rr»*«»** PLUtTOHii Uanu,-:-' Mori., Improv*.!/' " U^^" " 0«m "' Ayr. " < <>»* "'"'j' V hi* for all kin.1. of work wd til klml- of •oil, - - '*** ■ &'^ ml lMo.,h do- ■«< M.« 0- <«M .UU.U u, th. .urf-., >.. looMM U and rondwM it ponmi » * '! ;■■ .'3;' ,■ ''• '\ 8T0VE8./ '. -:^.'; _» ^^ ■ mmd not «iRi^ fc the mmtdk^m of Btotw, 1 ke#p on lijnJ « iZSt of thetit Cooking. Pirlor and Box Stove^n th. market, ■■•'.^vV:.;:.-- |jj|K'--^'-''''*'''^ ''''M' ■■' '- ' ':V.- ■■*"■' ».:3JK . C„tinM iw univewally aoeirtiowlfdgwl to be wi*p- I— ,,,111 • the market ThU gmtifylng i«ult is obUined from theZS^ofthe bon ueed in tholr n«n«f«t«m. I am dioly rfiipptng S;^ISti«g. by «Uway to dl |«U «f U.* «Hi»i^. and h.ve iupph- MlabUahed at Tariooa point*. '^ ^*'« I S .ri^ u «^ -ii S;^^ Omamell Gating. ftonUhed of iap«ior Uriah *»« «. "^I^C^^r^V^ I.npplyth«^to.omeofo«r ' ^ «U«i.iTe maTuftctun^r., who pre.ioualy imported their ctlng. ftomthtUnitirfStatfl^ ' '^„„ • ■:.•■. ■ • -, ■■ REPAIR8 ■ ■'::■>"" ■/'^". :i-y-\:: ■B««Tepnmiptatt«tion.a«Kl uie expeditiooaly and .ttUUntially do»» on it»ao n »hl e tenaa. •,,»,•, p. ''.•'/■' '•■ '•; *. ■■^■^^^ I'IClOli: X^IM'T ov HAOiiim AID mruwum Dauvmat) at tiii Mttir, At rAKW •lATlOK. y^ An Oltoyw OoiiihiiR.1 If u««r aoU Half fUklt ■ * fMiiKi* Muw«r , ».,..,..•....•. ^* " HiayU K«p«r .'"'"" An OMiibiii«l Sfo«r«r mmI 8-lf DfopJMr, wllli PUlli.mV * " Hiiu(l«IUA|»r r... nummiiutbinl Light llow«r ■''*' Agitotor fhriNhiiig MaohtM. Willi Omkrvmi 10 U* ;f •••■•••••• •••Ittaoxior » t • •• ^ lit Ji " with CWH«», wiiluNti Hon* Pow« . PtII'i 8«pM«lor. iritli Ourricn Mid Hoiw Poww ■ d «> <:» v L.;;,. ou.; h.,«u^. !!r'.!:;.»!!!!:.!!!"*" r—'i ' ">'>• ' •''3 4;*rri«n for du.. eitra, DM fool ""' "^' ™ Pltt'tHorwiPowrforlmHof.* ...»...««^.: JAok for do., Bpor or fi«v«l Vum»t'» Harm Fow«t (1 mt 4 honm) uid Jmeii, .'.,'. ^^^'i^^y^'^ MAcWn«,wiai Improrwd Tracka '. .......„;■ -lO 3Dlf) i 3UTill Gimli i)oir«r.,.. ■>«»iT^.,.*.irJ ; T^^amnj^Yfii Orain Drill (P«ra«r'« Friend), with , Di.g8.ir, with IW oo«rt.iB;,I (8 hom^. IZZllH^lZ-^^, HulkJy H.r nil;* ^^'''f'^ '»'»'«« r ......L.fcHOlHWT* felOffllVfr Chopping kill. iit>;ipi^'irith riy'wQ:;;;;;;;:;;; •••••.-••^oh ftiwtfun ^,^1 Inprovvd Power Simw Cuttw ZZS. Na 1 Improv»l Hand Btmw Cutter HmH Gutter, Uanlner*! ••*tflt»t«IMfta #«•**•« ^•••••»*»**»l*»pi« 1 1 .^..,>i, !t,.. ,.l''*t OlftnUr 8aw, with S8 inch Plate ....".'.' T" '»*^»>H^i ^It' ;i4 u ^wiII simukh, TTuutt rnuiuj..... , .., I T^l^.. Di -iT^ » 1 a. *•••'••""•• •*•■•••»♦ *..'.....'. [ Joiiiler Plough, Arr Joinlwr.rt. ..,.. Plough, HiU'a Patent Wrought Beam Steel Mould.. ^ ^t*^'"""* M , M 44 44^ 44 (t^ tt : ** " ** Wood •• • " « 1.. »»••••. .^...7.,.,,. ^^.,,,11 J j>s >.>..^t.,k. ,li ••' v ............... ......i « « . SuImoU. « •* Steel « S^f? ^"^^^""'t, extra .' Bteel Unddde, exti»...,...„...,..,„.....„...., ......... And others from |B to'|S5. ' mat- •■ •*-■«. 0k, r _'^^ '^^ AYR AGRICULTURAL W lavuMT Arm nut roM n t m cut. AYR OUFPER, (X)lffilNRD llAOfllNE oBAiN i>iiij..(»TUBK.ft*....*..v.v*.'rr* ^ 2SY5?'i'JJS3IH «U^0. PI^TBB<» FHoi GBAiK o.uSgET.'^^.''* : -r- •graAwouTTEK. iii INCH FOR %wRi:::::r:::3^^^^^^^^ ga loi iNCBFOBHA»DOBpowBi;;..;;;;f r,SS!?KJ^^ •• haVd Stiuw ^^b;:::;;;;:;;::: tBOOT OUTTBB, OABDNIB'B. „ 58: OANTB.^i,S'^?^^^i^'^^^^^^^ TUBNIP0BILL, WOOD nuoa., "^ ' DO. IRON FBAMl..,..'..*..*. * TOLD EOIX^ POWBBAND JACK. l^iiEaimZZ "" DO. OASTMOOtD,... 8TB1L ulndbidb asmuLi JOIKTIB ATTAOHMBNT llTiU •»••»••••*. DO. n. in. ■■■ •040 •MO IBM 'M ■iMt M s i r . ' t IF' I * I Jii ' Si' if; ^' ^.jtitit i. I :" " . * ' , ,.-pr "^ ',; -■ ^ - - IS ' t r— - » » ■■1 4 . " ' .-", ''''• ft • ••*■■ > ■ . J; \ • • , . ._ > r ^ -♦-- -■dt'"^ » ':* ■ ■'• I ■% # . ■■ ■ . ' / S i i f 1 ! .' ' j.^ ' . -• .-5-"-*---1,-t: 1 • f _■ -yMfe«>~»- 1 -t • i i IT » 4 t :"' ^, # ■ ''^ 4' S: *,. J ''""■'''- ^^M ■ HHHHIVHHHI^^^^ ' - ^ ' ^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^^. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^1 ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ ■->' '. ■ '^M ^^^^^^^^^m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w ^^^H ■ \« ^^^^^^^^^^^r ^^ ^^^^^^^^^W" <•■* ' . ^ ^ .-'■"■' .. ^^ ' ^^^ ^^^^^^W' ' .'■ '■ '- ■'. ■ ^^^^ V ^^^^^^m » ♦ ■ "^<.''. '^W k L ■ k ^^^^^^^w * ^^^^^^m- . ■ . .■■■.' 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