u ii» I
ral l1v.)iild i.i,,' ''■: "I Jii.n.
Soon aticr C'. '-•./, cni'ii
.\^o Spaniiirds, r,,-'. ■ i I
liiet l»y Montt/'iiua
cli.iir ot l.e;iteil 'r','dd, '
V lurtiers.
I diet ont'creni I '■., i ee ,
was J >!•, ilieir Ip-.'. iio ■
and livt «.-npcrt/f i n i...
l-i'io;!, to . iiuji'-' :,!e s'l :,v al to lie ,
I. e hdeiu e, .'. ili .i ii d, ;,
II ^^;ls about iiooii : i!;e Sp ;;
to the lov.'.l honle iipi ..: . lor il,
w.is 1.) ip.u ions, av I'll '.iin :i,
their aiix:iiaries: it icidi:: i k lioi
t'.iv.ers ithe root otihe \k,. e uasli,;:,
li.atleincius and l)re;nt -^W'. k; ini.iii:i..ji ili a ..,,cii ihe
!!,eiu'i.il had pl.intedhis :uiiilei't',.-in'i jiLiccdhi'- ;^i'..irds,
It hail veiv iilr.ch t'.ie .ipi'e.i!.i:u e oi .i h^liil';.
1 1 11 her :\lonle.''iiir,ai ,.:ne liie lame evenini;, and. .vis
lecencd b.v t'.irle/. ;. • p;ii;iipai lip.'.ire of d:e '..i-
laee; andili.it nn'ii.iiii i-.miij;, entered ili. u ,"ii oF
Ibile, aiiil h.aed Iiiidtli, o.deied a ih;-,ir I'o,- i. .h'.,'/.,
;in' ,1 ii'.:;;ii;d w;i,.. r.,:. ie t n his i oind -rs lo le'.ii e i> ; ho
v..dl ; v.'heKi,p.,ii [',.,■ ^p.inilh oliiee.^ iliI li I.: iic )
and C.'oile.-' li.iii :. ■.:':■ ".-.: lo iie,.dii hi \] ee '; ,".' Ins in-
terpreters, i\loiiie;-.i'..i,i pievenied liim, bv (;,K.aki;igas
iollou;. :
" llhilli'io'js ana ■ .•'.ii,!t'.t liiie'/ei 1 lkd..';c' you dif"
clofc llii.- imiiortatit a.ciUii.fe Uit.' great moiiareh vou
:': e o.i alien,
eS, Ids IX-
.•>■ 'iiied ibr
- - 111 ought
, i-i;!, 'i\liich
I r . ari< and
, III '.: .1 v.'iih
.1 ,!
1 "'
I ' li'iiiii^
5M A NEW, ROV.U. AMI AlTllF.NTIC SY^Tl.M o;.- I'NU 1 K.^AL d O ■.R.W'lVi
iMn\c tioni li I
sCTistii voii in coniiTi.mil, it- r. lU'c-'U'irv
iiuuK- tor wli.u tunc ii.is icjiortc
.)■• ii
ii:iu-, vi.M ii:ih;,,itc v. iiil
loIlK- .'.ll'.l>".ini C DC IIUUK
us >•..! (.■itIuT I'kIc. You ni.iv h.ivc hciii liitonin.\l Uv
Ibiiii-, ili.'.t I ai'i en.- of iho iinuvji-c.il '^ovl-. ; iliai :nv
WLalih 1- iiiriu-iui. :v {.i<:M, .\nA my pal i. c"- I'ovfitvl
i\it!i L,'-.'M : .itvl iMi tlic . ll:v o:)i; .ii'.'.l tiiL'Oilui- li-ivc cil'.i.llly iiiiiiolca ujior.
\.) 1 : \(.'\i ill- I 111 a mori.il ot liic i.imc Ipccn-s uith
oi:)Ci- va::\ ; a;ul d'..)iigl» I'.iy ritlifs arc conliilfriblo,
niv v.illaii make ihcin imiili nio.c ihaii iIil-\ aie ; aiul
V'>u !i;i,l iliat ilic w.ilK ot" my palaci ■■ an- nothing iiiro.iuci>.
'* 1 ^'.:;i n.i'.v I'l. aiiljio yc af of the laau- coaipolition
a-iil I'jii:-. as ^.tlitr aica, aaJ iliiliniiM)'lu\l trora v.-. only
i"L' ■ liifil- 'A hicli llu ilillcrciufol .. oiauiusi.^v '.i.;ini.
'• I iii;'.c 'J.a ::> , h ■Mf '.lui obcv y.ta a,\,pio!r.\t)lv,
a 1 i; ;>■ f,)....i.j of .ifi.':, l!'. u \..li haw t.'.r.u-.l a:i'.l bi'.J
up la l' ;::; i apcMvCC kii ja le ii,!.' ar. aiay be- ..ttai •■.'. o\
ur.an.ils : yo.ii ar.v.s \it aiaJf ot a metal '.loen.!, ua-
k'lOA'i t J ub, and the tiic \ on ilil'Jiar.4c truai lht.-!i],
with ;i:'.''i aa aivjaiihiii'.; Ijua^l, aiav be i'xnv lecitt
tua ',in Ia ) ;u; raaa,u i.ur. As i o your actwas, ui\
ailll) ilia-loia ari.l Icivaais laf aai iiij, that y^jj arc pi-
ou.;, couiti.-ou'., aa 1 i^ov^: ac-1 !>>■ realoa • youliear
liiiidlhii"- vvi;ii paiicnct v.-.C (.iiLMrtuIavl-., and arc ra-
th'.a liii.-r.l il'.an ,.oVi;;.jus ; I ) iliiU we inuit, on both
Ik! ■ ■, liv,.''.l- )ur preii. lues ami prc'poireilioas, ami
r' U' o:dv , a ■'■]> n o.ii' c\ e^ and exiieneiKe teacli u',."
To rini til'.- ^^'.MU ral aii'-vercil. '' I 'i a ii wistiue,
Ta'i i\i, w. "_■ liu- repoi t . tiie-,' liul li-.aul : lo-a.; eadea-
■. ouTi d CO (,;. i.i u,' aa.l ...perlc lu.u, w iaic otlic; ' a ioieil
ill ".. I'j'it ii;^ S]' ianid ,, who ,vcre endowcil u iili a jic-
:.l;t.' la '. ;. a'!;, t '.lir. I ov rhrois-.h :!■ dili^-ieiH i olouis
i-t cv orU. :.:v; t..e '...leil ol tia heail; I'a.iC liicy
!;'..■!' • i'.i\': ■-;■ J. : '■■< '•■I- ict)elli./-.' lii'vecis, oi iliolc
til..: . ii'.i.-ic^l ia:n ; uai eatac in his pulciiee, ullired
tl;.i' .' -■ '. .i- a '.■■!■ ; jn a'.^e, .u.d ;'. IrLad lo leafoa ; but
ve:' \.'. li i.'.'.isa'.'.l, liuv.cve:, that he v .is a inoital, as
li.e ■ ;h,:a!i.lv: , \'.e:i- : tlia! ilu; be.a. ■ u 1ik li olieyed
'..', . V • , :■ 1-. 1 devi, ii'it hv'V!' aad luiieoi: lauiiuli,
l:..-]i-.-:^ 1 v.ar, aad leea.i. 1 lo .dpiic all',:' the I'laie
■.•.! .V .' 'i'-i 111,'! ;■ ; ih.tl ihcii lui' ,li ais '..■eic, in-
iie.'i, :'■ ■-■ ' !. ■ . ■''■ a'aa ill md'jdi \ , uido^ed aoiiuiia
.•1 ■ i' ■■..!', 1-; li.e Hi _i!.;aa, s.a^^vaits u eie .lOuaa-
1-. ;!■■■; ' '■ ;'i'.- ■■ i' ua.i; S.''
lliv.i.- di'.; j.ivea fo'iif aa['..cr to liie ciTii' ■ •
I'i n - ., •■,,..;'/. I .'.'... e'.rd to ial r 111 tii.a, " t li.U •
V,..-. .1.-, '. '.U' ..' 'i t: ai die ai'iiL p'.'ier.r ai ■.., if.'.: .
ih'. 1 ,.!■■! I,:'..' ii ii leiidd. p and lU. lav > d.ii :i'«. iv
:■.;, ■.,: ;v. a i'o ;;:a..a'ia,io" and la^.: ."n. l-. ('.luien
f". r i' '^ ■_:',', L '.'.'a.: 1 . aad i . 'i t l; e.. ■,, 'lie
V.i. :: I.;',' :: : .: !ia> . opjiuu ..ai:\ .! <:o- ...,vu;e.
■;,'.;., .rif.'... ■_. , ' , ..ii'l. in.U •! •' 'v-k ■ ' jo.I
•■ i.li-v .■•;■:'.. . a:. '• i.indv f,.;n.i."I ea. ' .. Mp
.ii. ..',' ;■; ;a i .. • it j . .n ' 'W j: ■! '. lOu-
•.(•:. ; t 1.... ;3 '\ .J ' e.- ! ad l . , . ■ the
ki. .' ;■ ■ .:....i.'a (.oP.i.oA-
!■'•■ ; ';,. --icaa, o: .-i' . . .|._ -■ ..■• , ..
I r ... ... : i 1.. ■■. i.\>.: I . ...,'.. , l.;vir .to
I CiMfiv contiaU'.
I Moiiii .aiiiiii, oiien \a.iia.', lai .M'.'xu.in t')uit; aiu
that nionauh tieq lea'.iv e.iai: i.. ;ae Sj.iriilh ij'.unlei';,
I niikiii;; pii-l'eiiis i'> tli' .'.eiu '.d, ain! lo li; oiiitcts and
I lohlie ■., L >.i'iia;iii;', ll;o . • .:,. i e.i'.ei't uai)' ii" lor their
I di\iii.oa. '1 lie Mi.\i.,ia- .'.;! treate.l ;ii.- ."spiaiarill
I u ill ,1 relpeii thai i lunae.l >'t iwv .1 hu .iiliU a'ul co'i-
] dcfienioa. M.'.ir,e,.aia 1 Ip 'kf oi th'^r k; i." vi'ti the
i;ie.uat \eaeraii a. I lis in.f'i.-.tv paid, .i jn i-.a;! :e-
lpc:t to llie Sp iiaih nan (is, ,in.l ilic [v.-'ple ' o.vi.vl tiiO
kiici 10 the lac.-.ae't -Sj .laah I l.ii-. r. liat a i aeiade .r
happened \\iiuh\ei\ iiuu li l.iie!:til l'.;e el'.'.ea., or
I i.'.'iier die.i'.l, the Mi. \k.ii.s .i'. liiil eatet.aia.e.l ol tliele
j toier. I'.ei s.
i t;.,t . t ii:e en'.periii' '} ■•: i!- . Ie'.-v'i'_; tl.e .uiaa 1
' t.'.\ la.j.vv'd '^a t'li' v;: i, ,,'ii;e ■ la laai j.iut ul li :,
1 I" ai\ "..iiih In l.-!'. .:e .11. i.'ii ■>■..'. lO'i.l v! li-.e .S;).;n-.!ii
I ;' •..f.iii t \ e: ; C;a/. .]).'; - ....eitp.e.i ..iio'.i id 'iiio-^ n
oullie.; f.'..e.-d ..,;..t n' M,-\;.:aa eaipdc. .lad erirerCil
I i-ii'i .la ai,ia:-ee .w;;. die op.iiiM'-.l-. .lopav ' •.aevnfclvji,
;o I.,!'i de i.. .d .a:.-. :' • ■■:.<.:.: ..* \( aa ■ 'r...:, t t pro-
le iKii.; « !'o t'. :.■;.■ :p.jii .'inreat 1 out ol tiur lortrct,,
V. iih .;o Spi..Mr': . 11. ' _;; •;■ .i.,;o i o.ited. .-ae Indian ,
I I'.iaa ah. .aae: .i:;.; '.ao' r.;': v -• laii.' th.e L:;a''d f .Mtur.c
I ti d..ie.-.i i'le .M. \ e.'.a p.eneiai, vc: oae i the S; a-
I a. .I'll, ■, ■- i.i.iv.i, . ■:■'. \-r. 'i-ail .Vi:t l.p t. liie eou: ; ;
1 and. dep :-.' . ;, v. r a live o- fx more of ia^ t'lrt if..M,
1 vtre ,,iai:.i.i\ v.o-n 'ed.. d'hi'i in v.- , beia;; I rov.iht ; j
L.'iie '. ;; .'.;• i. a ti i.a: anr.alae
e a. 1 a-
lae M
an;; tin- ai .
.-. .Manr.-d. tv tlie e'j;.!L.ie;atei.-;di .:.■ .tf.a-
! th, ,r f-'.r II'.', V. i ;.. h l!-.'. V d., 1 n >; ip-prehca ! i. .-iu
j laij rr'.iea', !e lia.e tlr.- tap,'.;j'-a-.eai near Vei.: C'aa..
; I lie >p.ia,:ii i/,enei .1 llioef ae, fiadiat.', il iiii|ioilil'.,-
I to mm.. .da his j..jdio i^ya i:oi;p.!lie lad.i.ins anv loia'er
I '.. iih-. ;: i-.'.M.i-' '111 ! )'iic a^; 1 )a di.i; im 'in i',!\o iheai
1 tr, 111 e.i.ae .' .aa/ai'.iav.eal,an I lecove: tk.a iejiu'.ati;ai
they lerra'.'d .') have 1 il'. b\ ih u uafoiuiiiite ateideat,
!e'.i)i\e'.l to lei/.e (lie j.rl'.n ot .M "nte/'im.i, aad Uriiii',
hiai piuoaei to hi'-. iii;..i;e's ; aai! aeiouiiaiily, at aa
hour \\h.ea the '^p.iui. lid,- \ie:e iiledio |>.i\ then court li;
1 1 tli.lt p'liaie, C'"rli-/,, li.i\ia<.: i',i\ en ord.ers for his laea
.11.. IS a
,.'.!, :>i-.-j. 4. " he I'., .--(''.ed the ;d. .aee
;:) ; 1.' ' i t j the >'>i., ,'.;:'.-
^ . -i - ; ■ Jiaily o. .. i>:..l 10 i. ;" -aad
\> .S4.k y*^ ^:V:iii, ii.-.'Ji;:'.-'J to Ids pidai;t.
I i.aa.t'iea.'.fuves ^uh''il ii-ife, :iiul poli'els tlicmfelves
I "t all i!ie iv. a;,e- l.'i.iir.j; to die paku e in liaall y aties,
l!uu no noli, 1- aa.^li; be lakea "i ii, -..eat to ilie Me.M-
1 in toiat ata.-inled \ v i"\ei,ii ol la- ii.'f'. eas, aad .'-■
a-.iati , V. Ill a- :. i 'i'.,i, .a he . o.ikl ifiy ,.n, ;uid 1m. a i;',
I'''. a; a. I in die i -li'i loi k- [Ma leai.e. lie ( om plained i.'l
li;e VH'l.il! ,'11 OI t;>.'' I'eae bet'.Meii iiiein,bv one ot thi.
Ml ;\u .III eenei ds a.liav.^ upon las eonfedei;Uis,aad al-
teitt.iia,k:!ii,i-' ;:•, .ai.iul he !i id taken in e(ddl.h>od.
1 ') V. huh. :\! '.a/.a: I aameic'l, " '1 h.it it .mv lliinp,
oi ik.it a '.-la. i'.. ! i ^-.'ii d a;'.-, a w.a. v. it hoi. t i.i- ordi.: .;
aial l.L ..„ K V a) aaike !a!; 1 . Il ill t 'r .'i..! iii'oi y
dia: I'ji'.'iii h.n _ , ii, f.'u .' utid.ea Miedl ', ctiie' to ilic
Il -"^paai.i or I . a ,\\i -.." But C.'atev. i;ave hiai i.
' ' » > 'h '.' \ .1 ,p^ '.' Miild l.iti'd'. Iii'in bat lis
' ' ' ■ 1 i ^ il .. II, I I i..:ir I Old ., -.x' i\ i '!.,|ii!
i ^ '■ ■ * ''. i .d.i'..(. ..a.;.',a 'I , . U:t -sp a . H loi
"ls,.i.i I i"l' (Vv'< ' .i'l.»a ii"' ■', , ii a '
' •' ' t. -1 '.■■ le • ■ ,sil loi t ' '■ . .1'. I, ' > |. ,
' e.iWii' a,)a, a.ipii , I. . ,!, ti;.i» |,.. > 'i ,■.:
■ik ,- . a , 1 , ■ \ lekl ,'>> 1 1' w a ' I ,
', il-,;, , ;. ,.- ,i,, ,,v ,,, , . . ,, .... ,. , ^ , ,^ ,; ., .^
.i.. ..r K mu I 1:, il. p.',)^ I 1 i \^' I .' aaf.veie i, •■ I.
'■-■ '^" •• '",, -id\ ih ■, \ .. ., ■ ,. , tin . _'|-.
"■'• " ^ '. '-'1 ■... ",'P '.',..' s ,! ,,•! :..,,,.- .
•' •■ ' '''•■'■ ' . -. la :■ ' o'l I'l •: . .. ,) d,.' I ii...
' '111 iro,'.i ,,iii,' , ( t I V ; :,; .n..!.. , ,-,e ,
-.•.. .iii.i ) i..'ii,..i,.L ■: 'al'l, ' , - i.i. ..
' ' I.:. ,, u ..'iillv, k'. I! I: ■ ..a r . , n-, i
- ■ . .i.laie .laio: . ,! niein." N. ' .jia, . .|l u-h;
iO| at h-nil .: i'lioihtii h.i. >'.-, ^' I . . a lo '- lui -i
] 1 iiid, iii„,' i' I,; ..i'.dd no', lli;.' a. .', Lii'i;. 1 -. ■•:i
., by lo'ec, >.i o , ■' r laa- il thf V w.-i. ip; ',..!; \\\:-:v-
:' iio'ii, !jc I ,' .: If.,! (J til, -..liat 1\ . I laii
lu av.'.i.!..' stf-: gave .-I'tJciiiJiJii' ;>i,.v i->p!(
ioi lli, reivi.i .' '.1 lo ii
V, oiit m the ula.il date
aree, e.veept '.hit hi
Spinni'ds, who laii ■
iM-iiUe/. ;a,.'. as a.
d.a..l veiv na. r.d !.'
v'li'.s. laaent.i...', th(
t'.iea'f.'lve'. at his k' t,
V e: III ot aa I'.t'e, >
Il •' his id,' .aaa. . a
i,ar I "ii i , \i.l, i.i;
I,, -''.- 1 r aliC , .111.!
pre!., lif'i'v. ! '. I' dal,
I ' all / Il , . .la- I, a !
l--a' \ : e il ,; -' I. 1
i: ',: at' • u 1 t . I ■ 1
:-' ;. '1 .:■ ,.pai .
t ' .. • li ; .a; ;, I 1,
':.• ( , aa.! I " k i.'.
\, ill' k !.ri'"i ; d.i ea,;|
n I s-ik.'.l I mil ...'Me
f. e ; --. ikai (-.'a'.'
t . i- I .il a.'. 11, d da.;
I Ilk ■ spa, aal ; l 1
n I ai,. ;-' ua , a'
\- ■' id I . ' . ' hn'.i I" '
\ " - : ' .' u i n ' s J
!..' 1 -i-.s I 1 e ini''.,;;
1 -: a. ui. la, '.!;,.:. ;
la deV.id i: • . I ( ae i
I . '.'.la c .'aaiii.iia:, .
I, -.'a',
II iin la a ., 'v -i'''ia,:i
i.odi'.Hik', 1 il d.i-,' la!
flea i.'ia,! f Sa
t;..' I. I,
1 '' '
laa 1 111..; -a 1 ■ : .
I \ , la ■ '.!, ,t
r .: OK :.^'..\ '.- :
» aa.').,'. .1 '--' 'ai k
C-i";-;' .,i,'
tke:,' ... ; >.-i' I ':.
p ;i . 1',' !■' ' a II, '.
v.li.) hi.I i'ia. I
tlait (.kj.te/. '. .
■aid his piia-- ..'.:\
.Me.xK.ii; n -bill '' ,
ti Miiia-.t- ' "' ' ! '.I'
1 \ III', a.: ;
i'..bleiha M a
ti a I iian !ii ■ a.i-
oai Tve lo'ii ke.i'
v' .■:' -. .ill,! la ^
'' ,',, ,. 1 ,r|. I'l l'i. k .
'', .a i.\ Ilk',.". II.
li'. .', I'a'i' ..la I .\..
■ la- "i la- ■-..'. ;
! ',1.^0:1 1 . 1 ■ V,
i;,' le ■ ■ a. ii
ki .a a , ,a- 1 e
1 , '. .,'ia ', I 1 .
a, 1 , ! -I n ''■ ■; :
t . 1 I . - ! ■ • a ■ ' ' ' ',
1-1.. ,■ ;- a^.i .,,il
^,1 iliii.-,a.'.e'"a
e.uii e'', ' '..ea :■)
ia--', I ' .1 > I' > ;
:ep' . '.', '.-.. \. 1 I' ik.
*'! ik le VI lie'.'-, ;
i^noi'.^ii'. ol t'ie.i..!s
i..,1tC v. Mil
)iii t ; rtiiil
•. I] i.irn.-i',
iiu CIS .iiul
I'll' ilii-ir
• V, II ti iIk-
[■<'.. i\:\ I,.-
'j.vi.J [!,u-
1 a.culL- .r
t.l ol '.hclc
■ f .iirv.i ;1
t..'.lt ul lI :^
11'^ :;i:o.i r.
'. t Tp;-.;-
ir uirtrct ,,
mpIaiiKil iM
IV iiii'j lit tl:;-
an.',ainl al-
it a!i\- liiiiir.
.t 1.1- oiik: ,;
i.f!i',' III lilt,
■m I. ,1 li
:i ;t
.i.lC 1,
I'l. ■
.!; W
1'. I, Ili , IOIVmI.
V, Cill 1!'. '.111.' I.l'l U ll.UC,
N O P, T IT A ^T F. R I C
llic Spaiiifli qnni
t: I -, uli'.ilu-r Ik:
ml Vi)lu:iMiily, iii:ill :\\>]k u-
•.v\\-, i\\;i\ pt til !i iiL \..i^ a;;iiul( il liy :i cunipaiiy ol
■ ini Ill's, v r.vi '.nil I'liii
iM-iiiti.'/. .;r.
VU '. ill
II i).- r,:|il\ li;
1, l,V ll
V llii; lluliiiMiiv
was I', n-
aml Ills Ici-
laul late, iliii-w
t'.ifirl.lvfs at 111-. I'l' 1 , '.'vVavnin mi .; to c-a!''- liiiii ol ihi-
I •iiiicntiir,', Hull' (iiipLr')i
ll 1 tllOl'^ll, U iK'll 111' I'C'l'uVCIl'd j
It, Ir.' hi •' iti to <.-\ri'.-is lii'iic '
\'rc... I.
\U, r,i::i.\'li
ta I' !l!'.i.
;i I.;.. It,
111' ai irlll
1 it. I cv ■;:'., I', V. tt uiiMir :ip-
a.If!ii-"i a.-,iiii!'. Ills lilc: '• \l
,1,1 !■, I Ml' til, liV V, iiii Ii iir-
' 1, ' I'
1 :• W! V'll 11!' I
:t' ■ V, , I
■.. Ill' I lav. i\ : il.i c;
i; 1 \\''.:l 1 r.lli .:.-i
It: i;
■J V. 1U( I ■ !"(.
•I, 111 I'ltiii nul in
nil liK !(.■';( ■
\\ ■ I.
.1 iu i
i: "l! u i; li 111 iici'-,!ieiriaicdilrii iiioiiurch v. lui mear.
i •.mciniit. !. .'. lame ol t
ipaiiilli hiilorians oblcive
'I' enii'
iv I lie e;
'!■.,; h
hil ■.111
h. k;
I :;i
!■ ' '■ t
■ ,; li!ai
:.i :, ::;,\ r
' .l\e t'l u I ■ !';1
; out ol'i, ;' ;isi
Vil V A'.. 11 ihil
.-, hr. 1 ;l!-..l,
I llv li. ; 1 re-
. . the ^ '.iiiilli
li .' \ illiu.iiiu;".^ a.
. ! i'.-,.il t..M.,:-i..
, I lllel.i
Ml ll,
n'-, i!i.i;
I T.- I 1 1' int!
iIll C i-i.illi.
"1 11
I Mk u la;
l:-v, 1 1
,1.1 C' I to pi:! 'r::i
.'.-. iii'liueil ii;i '.1
(1 t'.ie^ii I ... 1 ip.i.ti'tvr-
I'vi.i;:! hii;'.i,\'i l.ii.
ll r.i.'. ml'
;i 1
.ill I '.liir.l, vi
!■! : V, c iii.il,..' I
li::! he 111-', ill I
■r ; i ,'' :'r.\ i
,ii4- .inei.i,.;
'Ii.it 111 till. 11'. committeil a \e;y irrear error : lor hai.)
I'le '.'eiKi'il, o:i his rei'.ii .;i:i-' i:i niumph wirli furh an
:ul.li;iiill ot f,
leior .iiicl hi^
:is, eiuerc.l inr > aireiiry v.ith r;;a:em-
■i)i!itv, tliiv 'A. "..Id Invcvieklcii to al-
'ui lie nii'.ou '.avf
■d thi" .
)f ."^.ruin, 1
lii'iii ll ill. It ciiipir'' I '!■ th.'.' '.:
■.\ iih'iiu :!ii\ lii.D.llli.d. i!i:t h, ■'.•.. It too nnii a clued
us ma.lcr.
. I'Ji liKiel- lo thii,'< ,11
. iiie r.v. ati:
,.'.'« Ill U) l:i\ o
., and IV; 11 ri ■
ic.iiis all iiianner ol
iiiii di.'l;v'!'f--. iliat
I ..iliii;!' to ilelh'A til. Ill,
heiii'. 1' i,ir:,K or t:'
1 Ji' foiiiid
.. i/.e a
LM.llI 111.';! C'.; ''^;i:U'il.llds :il,k
Mill lie lint ;i. •; i! ,i:
'.' foK
he i r.v iiimfc
at tir. luad '>t i i co ^i^^;
,.t e, 11
ni.i'au' liiili
"e the Mexi
• .liul t.jni , wish a mul-
le Ikoiii.i b'' a.l'le, by
.:;-.d n-.,".ke flai'os of
tilt-::;, li
t'.ii, iii'il
icar p.i'v lii'i \ (TV ile.U'
ll ildilii' ij.ir ,1 I
r.y.- h
ni Ol /'-.c hpa-
teiaie .niians ni leareh o'
wiio 'vvi. ;e I'l ;
V. ..'! e 'iinoiii.
till' t.iithel
par' uf the ci;
.iV 1
I tie
111 ilanLVei Lit liaviiur then rLtrcac
it off
tor tl
. . • !i.it, uitli the led of llii troops,
o.'. ly ek.ijed beinj;, ihiived or cue in pieces;
deieii l:
.lid lo a'.iai k L.it.'.: in
jy ihcir (I'jipair,
, I'.lim
I rv ; aiii
a n','r:ic; .n;5 I'.;; riU.n, and a riam •:[ n'tule
1 \:!;
Mill.'., I I iiitrc.Ki ..ici.i.i III
:: . I llieir ip: iiii! ■>,
. '.w.i.ld h.n V ".- all';
; i"i! t I the .''"ivi'ii.u
'.I'Mtie- ii'on Inn.
ikit t'li.t'./.
ad ;.,.a'. ol
i: 'Ml
ill. I' miiuli'
!i:;Ml' .1 of
•Ml .ii: n .nui
■I- v!V.vi!
! ^i. ', .i
I' ,1 I'.lU
n 1.1 111 ■, ll 111
lie III 1
1, ".1 ili.iii hi-. .i:l. ' 1 M- l-r ilie .S; 11.1 li-
lt any linio, 1;.; made a iaiiy, I'.ctound
.'i broken
die 11
ml-, i'lKl the bi K
ir.iii, \ hull len'ieri :i 111- civaliy, in a iTianriCr, ule-
.1 ,).
ic otf victori
d, h
1 .ininuu .1 a
I V (ireac ei ror m l:iLi:ir'i,:
liiiiillli UP ,11 Ml
Hillmli lo r.rU.e
:xii,.', ll j.ii x.iieiiceif. v.as alni
it'i.-'.' :, aiul where he i
iiiipi.iiiii .1 Ul n
i'.-. I'll 111 1 . ^iV.hl.'ls
iiLiik, ;■, ol ;ril i!ie I 11
, th.;: i-.a'l t i
the v-nelti'
wiL ;ni-
ji :id ii:
y Lein-
.11 ihe ln,.i:> 'iiioii ihi- hike ; !.> 'i..!'
::il, u ill .ll! t:,el
'I'l- 'iii-.h'. I:.i\ e c'
11' "■ deliiovi'd 1>\ ill',- e. P.
li ail.
:t till.
mil e.-M.'.iidv, in al.iJil tir.ie, i;c rrd'.i<:'..d b
tins (111
Irefs (.'
irte?. tiu; ;t'
i( to 'JIK
vcuv ll re-
(. :it ili.iiion V. nil I\loiue.'.:;i.:i, r.ii'.i ir. iivt uie ot the;iii-
ih.iiiiv he liiil lel.iiiie
iV.i 11;
.V ilo 11 i!-, n .iiii;
his 1
llU't tl
jeCls 10 imliiLi;
I.' ni:lli 11 I III Ol
ll ,i;i. I'l I'll h .1 ;
ii ll, it V. n, iirel'iinicd, tl.:jv
I i!ii\
i; 1, oiic/
I I |.
i.'i'na'ii: ' !
.I'r i;i:'!i.
.i, 1.1115, and .1111-
, ll ,v. I.) ill.' Chill'
ll ..l hi.M
'. U . ll '\
111.-'. t
V\ 1 '. .If VI ll,
i^noi'..ui. i.'i t l:e,t,lc
11 .the i.n;!'j'
.: ti'iic !i ' nil
In i.in 1 V. ,:■{:, ".u t'l's Luii!.
uit: '.,l..l nii.ileii.
uoiild rea.'ilv liavi loiiie ini .-, tiial tl.ev iiin'lit >':•; 'id
ot it peo
'1. lo im.ih dieii.kd.
im, M
I as hati-l, by
prop>)!'ed and
inti ?.unia ai^pi.iied on the butlenient-.. of
iilinj'lv, a i''arie\' liei.
the p.ikice, ami
I i:u; t) Iveir wli u oveiiuie^ lie v.,nilc! make them
lO.ii;- ot i'
iicaii noliiliiv .uK'an-
!,,- <,
:i,i i:
lell Ub, '.111 ir eiinpcoi ir.ade a lp,.'.eli to
I herein liC s',ie.ii!y repnpn.uded tiiem tor
his liil'ie- 1 -, w he
l.lk 11 ' i.p r ,, : V
ir.ti' I'lo'i I'.i ol .1. 1
ilnit l-.e \:., , i.iiidiiy, iiiidei iv.i iiianr.er ot reilrain
.1 h.i-. k avc, thousih i'. w..s >vi,|i aa
lilieity ol tiu'ii piiKee, d.ii iariiig
ie n ii,i'. .1 with ilie .Spaniai(
'in elii'iee
ll ' tlv-ii;',.!
I hiiulelt oblh'^ed to liiev.' tlie bpaiiiard'i this
tav.iii: ' .1 .iieuiiiu of the relpiei! they had al\vay'> paid
him., iind O'.if of duiv to th.. iniiiee that had lent them :
tli.ii their fi'abally bciin^ diipatchcd, he was about to
A :\
F.V\', ROVAI. Nvn AU I 1 H'.'i llC SV-n",M ot- VNU 1 iCS.Vf. GKuC.K M If
('.il-r.is t;
or.'i Tficri tri.1 ii h;s Civ.r.t. ;i.i.
iM l.i.
^■"iV,! tti.;ir .V tv., .1:1
,1 p n ii'.tfiT'.jit
mri-.i, :in
.1 li.' ih 1 il 1 !i'. l.lv p.'.r^t ).i I'lCirh ;vi:i.;
•.!>.. oc 1.5 •.'lU
ri:;i 1 litil'.' rcj;i;.l :.> tlii" Cprci Ii.
I r vi 1 I ii.-i!
p :t rit.i !ii> :!i
ii'i I1V th'.' S|vini:u\l'i,
! > •.(.• ;\f
,1 •.-uU'
■.vIiijIc pi I-
iit'il .1 i'lt
r\iu1 tlu-v v.-crc UT.liMi-, il iiuy i 'I i!u-:ul\
t ■. !->ih(.v h,;d, t.iov :iv:.i ncv .c-
\iio:l U'. 1 .1:1 'tlKi'
'ivl tort',:''!.',
It I'-f n
i!i I I'J Mc.\:..ins cxp'^-'itv
.1.11.1, aru
f.M 1:1.; t
t' til'- I ■■•
I i\- f-.ur.d lliimluf'.i'.l am n;.' t'.if "^ .i..!.
.a !! t
.11 the u 1 , lu
riR M
.11 1 II.
il «.'.■. .i
t ;■ ■,! '
i.>;;i i.:'ii .1:
hi- 1;
I -V ;'U:iiil il'ay
11. n i.u 1 ' till
11 '.lii.' ^I'.ll'.'i
!.:;:: 1
p iin li'v ot cctiiiy; il
.1 .A llulL- ID
1 h.'v h \ 1 tl'cn n " '■ co.ipc.l r.p i;i :li:- t-
It Id , \\ ;'.il
V. i% Il .•
!'r'>kt il
•0 lir,i:"j;'.
U.-U, ..11 ; t ' 11 v.li';;ir .1
i\\ !i llic n. I
:l •. ■■) ri". 'M'. . I
iilii^ilV.'. r.
('.■... M,
..iiii, V. f; I' .ivi ^; ■•
lili il '.v.i ,(iark, .ill.
M.'l. ( . i.l
II. L' i.lKl',
(1 ii'ailf I'.u.h !i Ii'.-' :inil n-'iii'ics n tu :;;i'>
:nlc'lvc5 l'..l I I I'liMi'
r tiu.r ciiciiiU-- ', " ''^''--'i'
iiii ;lit r. It i)a.\' re Tivcj
:i;,{l th.ir i:'..!..;n .iilics
f'-'jili ;cinto;i.:i:i'ni . ti 'ii ^, ii;i
j;n'\t (111 I
thiii^ t^i "ppi-ic iiui
f:i!is rt'l'
<.f irni-.
11.; i.ic 111 \')c,\ open
h vL- in.i
t!,t.';'L'l'.);c, ;i'.it t.) i
jri'..it; V. .t:i
.'0 tlvi: n^oy
;.il c;
;iv, Il :\i:':\ 1. >
-•; Tlu-M. ii-
i.; ' ■ ,1 1-'. lI'.'.i.M
iliiin, al' 1:;;..
aiiL'> ail uriii>.Mr,i-
li 1.- :...
. IK 11 y\i
.■.!- l.f.
t .1- '.;!■.
•.I, ! Ilk I' I.
.1 II.
11. 1 ■''. . ;;.' ''I !^ i -I ' t
HI. .'I'll i lii i.K ,t ; tl)
ir«i .1 1:. Il I.;
I Ml- -.1.
t 1 y.l
I iil> .1,1
I tlr:;r li m .-. an-1 luiilJi'^ii.;
r'i"' i'lii ot ill. I; C'j'Lir.tiy ; .iii.;
:l! I'.v.- a\cH'':'L', ih.il tSicV l!i. 't .!!
It 10 tli.,.i. a:
traiii'.il K'ily i-
iiitv i.'t c'L.ii.:.''e. ./
ilii.iM'flv.'- t > ti. -' 1
il'.iv w'.-ii.' I") civ.ij:
ii..-,r I.' ill s'.riir t '.■
W'l fu'i .1 lli'll.
(.■'.!"..', ,i.-.ill:v-', the M.\ici".i ".'•'• n:: t '.:t'a ir..('.' 1
v.'i;h ■;,,;. .11 .IS pi.,,-.,,;'.l-., ti iin wh.it I, n.! [ r^vr. ill -v
KMA-:. :' ' l.i-. I I .V!.i.>'i; '.itrt- :'hv.i 1: Ipc.i' , a:itltliil
it ^> 'iii.i ".■•■:;;" .1 '. .r ■!. to '^lal.- ''i i'. ' r.' i; I 1 thv Jay-
ti ,. 'wJto ;;.'::i. ; i; .:i I ;. .! ;;;::!. V.t. Ilr.'llh-;
ill,, ,, ,'. lrc:\U\ , tli.'ii't." ■.-, .1'.: ):i.. 1 liis :r. -.1, w i:li
v.'lii.ii tiu'.- '.■••C'.L '1 '• .' ■'. -ii ! 11.! I'll, f 1; r :'.::•■ j.;!ri. 1 I.)
.. . ! . .; it ii.i q.i... tl'.-'. .It iiii.i-
. I . . ' \ 111
■I ,1 I.
iiiv.'!-. .;. 1
ii.:- ti..' \I
I ,
ti .1'. I
1...-. ' ,1 j ; ,. , I .p'l I' 1 tir 1;
. . t'l -' ,i.'i , I '1
. .,C .;; .'. 1, ' ■ ■'.
I .'.i.'l.'ill'.il 'K : ■-■ i irv.,i;i; .ii p, ..ri , . ., k . , i 1
1 .1 ■ ;•: .'t :•.;..'..;. ''it, V, nil i;i .■.;; 1 'I .-, i i .1 .p. 1 . ,
I 1; .; tlv. li.i.: ! til.,' (. ....'iny 1 > ii , tir.'. '.:.■ ili 1 .. ' .\w
rt.i. 1)1' 1 l:..' ri.i.i 1! ;;iljrru.)iii , !) lucliicvi i .1.'. ii i-.-c
vttr.'it'.iU' t.-r.rciii
an i:n:;i: . - .uii,
r.i:',Iit, ;•■.. ■..".'. t'ur !<
v.'li'-it'-.-.' 1.;-. iii.iJi'ii '•'■, t .. ; ' i.c ii:iK' I i:k\- ilci! , Ir.il
lie liaJ :) '. '. h '.,1 t J .tn;:!.' tipjii ilu r. ii.viy, iv' tc
lie foiin 1 liiuilcil .itt..ik.'.l 111 cvi-iv liil.' 'ly •ill- Mi-\i-
c.tns, l>.-.t'i I y I Hi 1 aiiu'.vati-!-, tlic'i.ik. ^^vin-i; li'.li'.! v. 1 'a
tlicir cia i.-j or !• ),;ts ; .1:1 1 ;is th-,', i.l lii' ikc ilouii
t!it liritl 'Ci. aiui -Jiit tli; cunlv. i', .i ;; ; n.ili i:i kvcnl
pluci. (''.'.' .'^p "lii'ili 'Aiii; 111 '^r^.u >, ;iL;^r lit kv'::'.;^
fr-iiiic'!'.' (■'.: 1!'. Ck'itc.'., i:..!c'c.l, ka i iortici':! tlkri,
at'.il pr.,.vi. '•-"', a I'lrrablc !i;:.!cc ti p I'k I'l.' k.r'.-.i.. h.'.s 111
t!!cca'i!'."o.-.i'> -, wliick w.o ut ii'.'i'at i.l'c to hini ir. Iivoral
places ; k..*. tiic In.'.lia:.* i niiv,! ir.'-Mtii to iU:h..>y tliis
k.!'u|./c kvt" uc tiu-y '.-. c \: all p.i'.i'cl o-.jr, an.i tiitir rca; -
>".!ari!, I'l.: filini^ ul I ov v" ^ ■Sp..iiii,ii.,ls, mul loco con ■
tVdtiatc I.idians, -vcrc c t sa pici ■.■■,. I'lu'v all) ki.l
their .:;t;;:.ry. p.;f in; S k;at;^j;;". aa.i trcal'ao. uitli
4'S h.'-ll".. C :'.i'/., il ..uvci. .'.;:hthc kcit pait i''his
fjrci', kr.jk'-- lhr..',:L;h thi- ladi; is and ■dcap-.i' to llic
iithcr li.lc .if rill- lake. S.jim.' i.apiitc thk'- '.il-i t.) tin-
;iv irii'j ' t hi- I'lldiii'^, \.ho '.vcr.' lo lotiicd '.vith txokl
nnd lilvjr, tk.at tli". (.o',il.,l lca'-..c make iil'c of ilicir
.ii'-iis : ria i p.; !,'..;. lai-;.' i'.'. ly b'. liviic trr.tli in it ; lv,;t
■>■.■;■ ;'.-'ii'.'. '- i'.\;'' .) .c u 1 .> 1 oiili Ici-. his cii'v'ii.ri.hiaci'i,
•.ii'i i in: it o; ::;; ):i, th.it !■(.■ '...^ Vi'iv iTt'iaatc iii ci-
cini',.!^ 1.1 ..Lik 1 1 1.1 tli ■ '.iv.r..'. jii.ivid'.'ii a liody 'it
fnrf'js t.. .'.p.ii!' k.iii '• ! : i i.- |iinhi'i li Ir ot llic 1.1 kc, lit;
nv.id iii'.",;'.i'.'i'. h 'VL' p. . alii'd ; li'it thL'\' di J not c' .: 1 . .'.'J:.:r :ly, '.-Ijicciaily in that tcilipel-
tuni-. k .1. ).., .1. .1 .«Lix .. .: , t;.::r'jf.>ic', provided to at-
tack hi .1
Dc^ .i". t'l: '■■. '. .'i."i, (.'iiicavours \n c^ivc iii.ipar-
ticMl'ir :ii :;.:/. ot :ii.- .■;.'., .1 hai ('■. the val'i'ir and
C'-iaihrt ...t C.'...,;i./, ...;i '■.. utii 1, . ,ia.! mloni; . v. i..jw
f,'cr',' oac k .1: I'Miilic. .11 all !i' la liii . aicnioMb!;.- le-
i.i-.'.it. ; :■: p.- ;•,'.■. ds to '. ii..,..i 1. , ihat ihcy ,irriv.:(i
iu ^ In il V. ., i'.av-l;.iht oa lirai ',1 111, aa'l tho'i'^hi i!i-, ii-
i'iv: ,'.'C!;, i: i;.,-.yiii.'.f ;k ■ - .',,.11 1, n;, loopp. iliiiticiu
(i,..-..-, aa i ;...:. :k'..'. -v.: : ■.. I'll 1 ,' ■ . '.):■ , nil ikjv
{>■■:,! li -.v- '..J ii;':u.uid fccjvci Uic.i.lch'ci Jioiu ilicir
'.jViit.in'-a I
.1, t.i .:i-. ^ri-a' i I'p;:.'.-, I. ai^ ar
!,.. 1,
1.'. c',1 I a til.' t >p .1 I'l .'rvlii.di u i I ; .i 1, Uv !:1 .ovi- .'.l
' ih'j V, ii.ili- 1 i.i:. a la lir.Mc.Mi.i.i-, I .1.1' 'iii|...i -• ::,.;oj
i ar-a, I'l.i.ia irp la lutt.il;,i la lirj via.', ■. I O.i.ii!),,
I tliro.i.i'i uhii'.i II .\..s a.-cciliiy t.i ; .ii . .a in. " ly ' '
' I'll!. 4.1: v.k.cii ;, -'11 Coi'i,.'.'. inadi" .i.ilv t.i.>iiiiit
; '-V il t') ];: .ili'ic...^, *' W'c r.'.iiib !.i;''r:r dr.- .ir cni-
" .1.1'-! ;i iviia ■ .laaacoi'ii! Jil iid.i.a i;i !ii ; ikk. is
o cap 1 ;.-•, Iic liii a.-.iiaicly led tneai oa
11. a. -lit
'.'.a-, f... 10 i.c tia.j, ii|. 10, ly .la.
t-.'/, a; : .k;'.i,lia.i h:s iiici -v. ..Id I'.c ,. .; — ' .'i: !'.•
t!i.: i..-ia.ia . .1 li.p|.lii;. .1,' iii'.ii :.| ■,-, 'hiv.i lli.' la-
ili la; : ". aid la up.ia !ii .1, ;:; iv: i ; a ; : :■;;;. 11 a t' llic
biitl., I V ,i;:a.k;a^ t!.:. iiapcii :1 a ...d.u.!, i-irii..! 1./
the M.-\a.ai ■;■ ae; li, wia) ■,. is :'.:r.o.;.. l:d i.', i!i- u..-
hihty ; 1 ,r 11 1\ la;.; i". tcl thca, kill, i lia: i.-'aei d, .la-.I
t .kea ti.i It la.l I .!, i'\" n'l ..I taca- t;.) ,p. I'ir.;,. Itae;;-
ba.,.k' I'.illl- l,.i 1 1 '.'.■. :.'p'a-!',';.i ''t'lai' • '...ie li ua''i-
tcr !'V lie Sp ui 1.1 1.1 s .i-.-i tki.: !i:d; in ..'ii.- , v, a.i an ic
taen. .1. . .an; ;,- la.i Tal-, .v a'l rii. Ip.,1. iiili. eiica.v,
t'.ii' the t,c.;lu;e lii.-y 1 '.'t 0.1 I'.urii..^ !..-■.!! tac ii:y ul
Me\i. (>.
Lo::-./. 11 )'i' f.'i-ia.l r, ae. id.ay t > ^..'.'.ivatc a p '..'..l
undc:. a.i'li _', '.'. .tii i!ie c ti "•.c^ aa.i 1 'aa .--i ot llie
ci.'iaiiv, : 1 I I 1 I ik, .lie : <. i.ip-, into 111 i.i'viic, aail
iL.ide lii.ai . ll :a .'Icr ' 't : . I !i P■l:t^ a- laiahi be 0:' mall.
.11. iiit.i;'/ I 1 a.,.i la I .■.!u.,'a': ;iii lilv vl 'M.-m. .1 ; .aid
!', la; i.o..,|,l a .: .li pi-j-ich il I'',' kia.'! U.:! oa ih'. 1 ili'.i-
.'.:,'. ,, lij i ",i'', i I ;. .1' latiii. s .iiid llojp . '.. li.iib', il..:
I Ci.aiic HI ii' er ot the aa'. i.j.iti.ii; ot ikciake.ar.d ;i..'u
a'licke.l tile t '■va by '.'.aieras .^ ell a. -a the 1 in! Ii.k-,
h.ivin^'; alviai ic. .S_...iniard in ha. amr, , aa.i .' . >/ o i
Indian aliicj. » le t-iok th, lUy by ll..j:ai ...a il..j 1 ah
ol' Aii.',iii':. I -,. .
'! Oiiehuadr, irl. . arindM-xican-- pctifh- ' ind. kai. c
! of t:ht:c!t I ;i 1 .:o;;'.;ac:t. w... ataa; h d \v .h di',-
i 1 a .n.illioii . . J '. -.1 ih-' iica'ji .)oui ill", pi;.-'\.iaa. .v.iiu
I Lonlcnted co ;; -k.u.'. le-i./j lae.n!'- li.^''. a... ' . . .. iko
I I kin;; ot 'jp.iin ii., then cin;-.".i'.jr Can:, 'i .a
I ■] il,; i.iiy .jr ?\i'. .iicy bein ; lii u : .I'ai j.l. i i .!'.': ,'. J;:'
I nii.n-ie.l iLi.: .il'jliJer aniuii ' i.a. !■.•'.'.. a a i\ ic'-.,. . n. ' ..a'v
j; a iitui, ".'.'•.•.* cii; ui'jil .v-tini .iv!v «M«ii/l>«.^ «■ . •
it i>'»if
iiil 'Wf
•• ■ WW:
■ '.'■«■''
'■ 31
■V ' lli'i
! II
i'fl ' I'll
t' >
!.i4 !
■ 1 i r.
' 1 !
1 ■■
i )
■ :., t
. , . \..:w'\ lie I I't >?
- . a it; •■■(■ t'- : I- 111 try
, u .i!i ilu- 'i.iii'.- ol .lit-
i.lV. 'if i, Ul II i \ I >
j.M\ 'o'l /. ImiI io iIk
I tin, nu .il.l, ol I 1''
|. il n . .1 in.iri'i Ii.iu :ii
^ >K1 .m ' lilvfi vclli-. :
1 ivi-r, \ . Iicilis, 1)1. il
ll.i •i-i'' il''.'>i p'.'iiil.ui
lit' I'l i;<' Il iLAVtls ; 111
tiK a; ' I ihi if piiii •,
1. 1, I. lis.
( i, V 1 1! A I. IV. SI !< I ;■ 1 1
N ilu' ■■y.i'iiiis f '.;iiip
A'!l ,i. ; lie a jTi.:!
{■■■ .-,. IV . ll ,.|'-l-!l.ltM.
il'.i. - ;iilu'(i l'> Icaiuc
V, 1 I l;i.i:.il:>, lllClcly V
l!\.-; I Kliccullm- w.lK
t!i 'u by tlic name"; of (
oilr.rs La!l tlu-a r!,c C
t,. ,1- . TliC lie ill .1 1":
iiic cu.'i ■ '' Kl >ricl.i ti
A -.v.-ri'.-i, n:-:ir I'v liv
Tii'j cliiiuio ot .ill 1
til' tunc, .i'lo'.si:u; fi
n''iKh thj fi-\i-ral lluia
t';u-iv.t'i.Ivcs prodvicc.
ti.^y arc coniinuailv I
xiliicli would I)E ii.ioU
{Ti.u'.uaily a-, tlit.- Ii.ii ^'
I |),):i tliciii Iro'Ti tlie 1
rii iiiiHi as t'leiia'. !.■ :
( ':(■ ':': ins even •.\n\.
l;..:i.l, A', till ni:;lu I
pr; ■. ■. iVf.l, \\ :iu It 111'
V .ic t'.o!!i I'-- ceaifi,
tiic C i;:i;i.itV .^t 'Hh <■
('. .11. -■ 111 lliJ Uil;>"l:
f:.'i 1-. 1.^ mule a l;i'
C.:i .;■, a.ul bci-onu
a';.! Iiiiii liK ll a v.;
fi nil liis iliie I '•■-.■ iiiv
ti.j air, .i.i'l i\ li^ili
il:' lU ;ii; , ■.vliu li ■.'.'tu-!
ol .1 i.;uai\ till l!ie l.i
r iiiie; ll njiis "t vva'.ii
i:irii.; .•ilii v : tlie 1 1\
n,. 1 1 ike', ire tmnie.
c r.i /.I \' i- iin.lc; w
V. 'r,.li iiave I'l. ir i'
nv, ll i.v iheii ban't
\ i'l. :.\ '\ eii- ; lieaiii..
ti. .i ll'..v iinai.iiu-i!
a >■ .1. iiiii,.' anl tei
;;.iiiilMD!ial)le ; win
rivei> ill the world
;iii ' ilie iiiml'-ure ib
v\ die elimiite iii I.
I : , ...Illy didiiu-
;li li. ■' luiiii die ram
y ,-.,! n'uiid. I lu\
8;«.l I'l M.1IU any liaii
{>(.ii, tl.ev are Veiy
tl**ii;i^ 1 ir;'( a'ld I
N o R r n A M i: r i c a.
i ^ I
1 1, .in
;, u
I lin
I'll n
m< a:
. '....ii'i lie ( It t > S|-)nin hv l") IK- lit' Ins |-iriiuip:il
,1 • \- t'.'T .■iiii .111 ,ii I Kuiii ot lii'. ( Miii|iieli , and
I ii; ■.•! t':. . I' Ml tiy, ililiiiii'; Ins M.iirlty WDiilii
111 il.i.' iia i!.i.iris Ik- li.i'l .i| puiiiu-il in l'/ivit'i
t!i ill/ "MiF'.' ot , lie I >ii'ii* ic'l i.ui'l'', ami lii'iian
'iL' i. 1.1 n . •, ; ) III . tol licis. AiUdiiL; llic ritli
'I'l /. I'.;,; U) til i-upriDr, ii is laiil, tlieri'was
Mil all!, lit I I' 1 i.mI il t'')iin, a< I ii-t'' as the
1 a mati'i Iiaii ai tin- l>iir",fll mil ; a iiohlc li't ot
;i '
lilvi-i vclli'. : Icvi-i.ii iliino, tiirs, a.ii.1 tc.itlicrb ol vaii'iub
K' ',v'"<"''*l rcqufllcd liis Imperial Majcfty to fnid
pciibns ipulilicil 10 I'lnvcv ilic country, that it
be improvcil to flic litil ailvauagi-, xvitii
inilli'MiiriesfDr rliei.onvtifinn of the people ;
o\ 1 1
pi lell'^ati _ _ .,, ^.. ,
as alio tattle, with I'ceiW ami pUnis to improve the
lanil- : init it is (aid, he provided particularly againll
the lending over iihyticiui"; or lawyers. What covild
h:ivc l)fen his reafon a,am't fending phylirians is not
eilV to he conceived ; Imt he had i ertairdy all the rea-
fon in the world to dcfne that neither laws or lawyers
Ihoiild be adinittcil there, having determined to treat
the natives asllavf., and fei/.e both tlicir perfonsand
P'liicllions, and, iiidccd, to ulnrp an ai binary duiii-
nioii over IwUi Spaniards and Indians iii the New
C H A P.
( ; V r n .\ I,
SI !< I
111- 1.
3 A...
V. i
iiiiv f iMilpii binsvi'cn the t •. ■/ c.intinent's of
Ilea ;•'(.. ir nil iiliLi" I'l idinds, cillcd! die eall iir well. .Sonu- ;^i'oj;r.i[ihersdiiHniniilh
11 bvthe name"; of Great and
I.irtlc Antilles, while
lirll inhibi-
t.. .1- . Thi III' in .: f'.-nii iivnlar f.irni, llrctchiriL:; from
iMc ci.i.t ' ' Kl irid.i to ;iie m.in contiucni of b'.iuirh
A '.'vri Ml n. ir i'''- river Oioonoko.
Til" cliiiuie ol .ill liic Wefl-India Iilands is neirlv
i!v iiine, a'lo'.sir.g for ihofe .in.iden;al ..iitrerences
'v'lich thj fe\i.Tal li^uation^. a. id qoalities of the l.uids
t'li'iv.felvcs produce. As thev lie v.ithin thetn;iii.s,
ti.cy are cnniiniialb; fiibieft to an exiiciue of heat,
xiiiich would be ii.tiilerable, it the rrade wind, riling
fLubially a-, the I'l.n gathers IfrcntMli, i\:i.\ n.it blow in
I j),i;i ilicni Iro'Ti the l..i, ami refrrlii ilie air in liicli a
ni iniur as loena! !.-ti'.r,ii ; 1 1 illcv.v rli-'i.' nerellaiy oc-
elli ; ins even .in. 1^1 ihc •iif-ri.liin I'm. On the other
li..:i.!, as iIk ni;;lit advaiicis, .i bi\-t/.c lHt;ins lo be
[■■■:' iVc.i, Willi h blows Ihiarilv tmin i!ie l.iad, as it
u.ic b'>i!i I"-- ceatcT, tnwa;\|s the lei, to all iiomts of
the CK'.ip.ifs ..t oiin.'. l\\ t!ir f.iMie I'cinaikabK- pinvi-
d jiK/ ill iIk' dil;i'>ii:i.>. i>t thin!;, it is, th'.U when the
f'.i'i his iiiub..' a [\\>.-.n pi 'i.;..ls tow.ii.ls iheti'ipii- of
(.".■.:i, ■. ;■, .i.'.d besiiincs 1.1 a manner vertical, lu-,.liaws
nh.i In. 11 liuh .1 v.i'l bo.ly if clouds, as fllield them
fi nil iiisdiic I i-eiins, and, dill'olving into r.iin, cmil
li.e air, an.l rcii^ih ilie couiiny, thir'ty with the Ion;;
d:" 111 'iit, '.vliii h .' iierallv continue, lri)inthebeiiinnin'z
o! J i.iuaiN till the Liiier end of May. 'I'hefe r.iins are
r r. iie: !l hj. is iit 'vaur p.iiind Iroiu the clouds with v.iH
iniiH ; ..ilii V : the livir- rile in a moment ; new rivers
a..'t "
ti. .;
a .■ .
I ;ke^ ,re liiiiu.i ; .iiul, in a Ihort tin;e, all the low
/.M- I- iin.le; w.iiijr. Hence it is, that the rivers
ii have lUiir in ircesuiiliin the tropic:;, lv,cll and
II i.v tlieir bank- at a certain feafon. But lo iiiil-
.1 'A ere ihcancieiu ■. in their idea ol the toi rid .'..nic,
tl:.V ini.i'.iiusi 11 to bedi led .ind Uorchcd, up widi
. inu..' ard lei a ./lU heat, and to he, fur that re.ii'in,
■>i.iiiih iDilable ; when, in reality, fonie of the Iar{;ell
riveis in the world have their cotirfe within iislimiis;
Ah ' ilie in.iill.uie ib oneol the grcatcfl; inconveiiieiice.s
ol the elim.ite in leveral pi. ices.
I ! ;. •iiily dilliniHioii "t feafons in the We, I Iiulies
aiii.- Imi:! tiic rams.- 'I'lie trees arc green the whole
\ ■■•'. reunti. 1 hev have no cidd, no troll, no liiow,
?..f 111 M.M'.iany hail; but when llorins of that kindhap-
{■i.n, iKev are vciy violent, ant] the hail-lloacs are ex-
lkt.«.iia^ Iii;k aiid heavy.
h ij in t!ic r.iiny teaion that t'aey are aflaiiited by
hunicanes, the molt terrilile c.ilauiity to which the in-
habit mts of thel'e iflaiid-. aie fiibject. One of thefe
liuri icancs deilroys, at one llrokc, the labour? of many
years, and bailies all th-- enileavours ol the planter. It
is a ludden and violeni llorm ol wind, lain, thunder,
and lightning, atteiuled v. ith a furiouj f.velling of the
kd, and fom^timcs with an earthquake; in (hort,
witii every circumllan. c wiiiilithe elements can al-
I'einble, that is terrible and dclh active. Firft,tliey fee
1 as the prelude to the eniuing havock, whole titlds of
I Ibg.ir-canes .vl-.iiled inti' tlieair, and fcatrered ovc: t!ie
f.iceof the country. 1 he ilrongeli; trees are torn up
bv the loiit-, and driven about like llublslc. Their
windmills aie iwept away in a moment. Their uten-
lib, the fixtures, the ponderous copper boilers, and
llills of fcvcral hundied weight, are wicnched from
the ground, and battered to pieces. Their houfes arc
no proieciioa, the roots being toin oft" at one blafl ,•
wliilll the rain, which riles live te':t in an hour, rulhes
in upon them with iiiefiuible violence.
I he hurricane comes on cither in the quartern, or
at the lull ch.inge of the moon. Ii it comes on a: the
full moon, the tollowing ligns piecedc it. Th.it day
you will fee the iky very turbulent; you will obferve
tlic fun more red than at other times ; you will perceive
a dead calm, and the hills clear of all thole clouds and
mif;s which ufually li.>ver about them. In the clefts of
the earth, and in the wells, you JKMr a hollow rumbling
found, like the lulhing ol a great wind. At nigiu th-,';
liars teem much larger than ufual, aid lurrounded
with a fort oi burs ; the north-well (Icy has a black and
nu'naciiu', look ; the fe,', emus ii ilrong fniell, ami riles
into vaii waves, ot'tcn without any wiiul , the wind it-
fell now forfakcs its ufual lle.ady eailerly ftreani, and
Ihitts about to the well, from whence it Ibiiu'.imes
blows, with intcniiillions, violently and irregularly,
for about two hours at a time. The moon herfelf is
lurrounded w ith a great bur, and fomeiimes the fun has
the fame appe.ir.inee. I'hefe are figns which the
Indians of ih.le iilands ■ uiglit our i)lanters, by which
ihey can prognollicate the approach of an hurricane.
Sugar, the grand lla|)lc commodity of the \V ell-
ladies, was not known to the (ireeks and Romans;
though it was made in China in very early times, from
whence we had the (irll know ledge of it : but the Por-
luguefe were the liill who cultivated it in America, and
bi ought it into life as a luxury in Europe. It is not
fettled wlictlier the cane from which tins tubftancc is
cxtraded, be a native of Amciica, or brought hither
by the Portuguefc from India and thecoafl ol Africa :
but however that may be, in the beginning they made
tl.e moll, as they ilill do the bell, fugar which coines
to BiatUetin tjii* pattof Uifi Mrisrld, Tine juice within
' i;
i: 'n\
^^ , ii;
'' %m
3 ikPr
■: ','
l^|28 |2.5
■50 ■^™ H^H
■^ 1^ 12.2
!!: 1^ illlM
1.25 |U |,.6
M 6"
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 873-4503
the l\i£;ir cane is tlic moil lively, elegant, ami Icitl
cloviivj; fwccl III iiaiiiic ; ."■ul wliich, Uukeil r.iw, has
poved veiy iHiuuiVf ainl w luilvloiiie, Fniin tlu' nu>-
lallcsrvini is diiliik-il, anii tVoni tiie Iciiiiiininfis oftlio
j"iiij,di', a liicancr Ipii it is procmcil. Uniii liiuls its ;iuu-
kfC in Noitii AiiHTica, wliere ii HC()nUriu\l by itio in-
habitants, or cui[)loyc\t in the I liaii trailc, oidilhi-
biitfd tiom thence to the filhery tt Ncwtoundland aiul
othi-T parts, bclidcs what ciimes to Great Hiitun and
Ireland. The tops ot theeane, anil the le.'.ves whicii
gro-v upon tliejkiints, make verv gotKl pmveiuler tor
ea;ile, and the leluie ot the cane, after p,iiiuiini^, lerve^^
f >r lire; To that no part ot this cxeclleiu [l.iiu iswith-
Ol.t it5 Vile.
NVhei! iiungs arc well managed, the rvi n and ino-
iallcs are computed to pay the charges ot the planta-
tion, and the lupars are clear gam. HoAcver, thi.
expencesot'a plantation in the Well Indies are, dou'.it-
leis veiy {;veat, and the proiits, at the tint view, pre-
carious : tor tiie chargeable aiticlcs ot the wiiut uiU,
t!ie b.iiling, coolini);, an 1 diit'.llinc; ho'iles, anil die
b.iyiiig and fnbiiilmg a I'uitablc nunil)er nt' llaves and
cat'.le, will not liilFer any man to begin a lugar planta-
tion ot any coiifequence, not 01 mention the piirchil'e
of the land, whiciiis veryhij!;li. under a capital ut at
lealt jJcqI. Nor is the lite ot a planter, it" he means
to acquire .1 firt'.ine, a life of idlenefs and kixiiiy ; at
all r::ncs lie :rni!t keep a wa'.chtiil eve on hisoverl'eers,
and i.vcn oveilVe himl'elf occalion.iUy. B:it a: t!ie boil-
inr. I'-'nl III, if he is pi'Micrly attentive to his atl'airs, no
w ay nf life can be more laborious, and more ilange:oiis
to the hcjlth ; from a conllanr attendance day and
night, in the extreme united heats of the climtte, and
!"o m inv fierce furnaces : add to iliis the lolles by hur-
r'—.-'Cs, c.uthqiMke', and liad leaf ms ; and tlieii coii-
fider, wlien the lugaisare in the calks, that he quits the
hazard of a planter, to engage in the ha/.aids of a
irerch.uit, and ih'ps his produce at his ov.n rilk. Not-
« 'thllanding thele cnniidcrations, there are no parts in
th^j world in which great fortunes are got in lo llio: t a
'!•!"-•, fro ;i the produce of the earth, as in the Well
Iul:i-'. 1 he prodirtsofa few good feal'ons generally
pr vide agvinll tiic lil ef?e-h of the woilf, as tlie pi int-
er i- llirc of a Ipeeily and protitiblc marker for his
p'-'d'.ur, V. hit. !i !i \s a readier (ale than perhaps any
orh'.T cniiimi.Mty in tlic woih!.
I he ia'j^ei [ lant 'lions are generally under the care
'f 1 ma la/cr, orihief ovcrlecr, who has a good la-
1 1^ V. « i(h ovc Iters under him in proportion to the t x-
i'.-:!t oi tlu pliiit.uion : foaic plantations have a fur-
t:eon, at a fixed falary, enployrd to tak- care of the
iir^r.ies wl'iih belong to it. Hut the coiirfe which is
t'^e \:n F.uroj>e, and a coiumu.ii limelfion of m w
,idve:iiurers, each i^' whom carries t)ui iiiiire or lefs
as venluie, the Welt India niaiket is tiequentiv ove;-
llocked ; nio!ie>' mull be railed., and goods a e litnc-
tiiiu'- fold a; prime coll, or uivie:. Thole who c.;ii
atlord to llore their goods, and wail lor a better iinr
ket, acipiire tortunes equal lo any ot the pi iiiteis. All
kinds of h induraUlmen, elpecialb' taipciiteib, !)rick-
lavtr-, bia/.iers, and coo[:crs, gii veiy great eiieoiN
i'levious to oui del'ciiption ol ilu I'.ritilh Illaiid': in
Anieiica, we lliall p;elentour le.idcis uiih the lull.iw-
ing Table 1 -
I n"
T) f
UI.IM ».
L. irf Towiis.
liildiifiini; 10
\i igiion
ureal iiniuin
St. Ciiiii;(i;>luT
Aiuiru 1
bt. John'i
Nivi.i :ii\.l {
.M,j;:;i.-r:-.,t (,
Hjchul t!i!U-
i- iH mi c
;:. ^'c.ii.l
1 :
1 ;
^:. V ircent
5t. tiorye's
'/ >
tp an
1 /-
t. l')v ir.mgo
Do. & Fran.
I'orto Rico
Porto KivO
1 niuu..*i
St. Pctcr'j
St. l.UCl.l
2 )
-St. Uarilu)lon'.L>\v, ^
Ucl'c.id.i, ar..l >
1 lie
M.irii;;'.l.nitc \
-St. i'.ulhiiu
1 he n.iy
St. I'homas
bt. Croix
1 .1
A M 1. K
1 c
I 1 S L A N
D S.
Ncwfi);miil..iiJ ,
tirta. liriijin
Cl|H- UrctDll
1 ouillviurg
S;. Jiilm's
Cli.irliitJe I'l.wn
1 he Hfrmudas
.St. (it-orge
1 ,11 Ikh.imas ;
•iTy 1
Juan reinarultvs
i| 1
|-ue:,i 1
Ciiil.X! '
.12 1
J A M A I C A.
JAMAICA, whiJi is the largcfl of the Hiiiilh Well
Indian idiiids, was firll dii'covei'-il by the great
Columbus in th- vcar i6'i4, but at thai li ,ie he did
iMt .ittcaipt to make any fettle. .leiu theie .^oiiie years
after, in his f luitli expedition, Ik was ea.'' allioic iiere
by a itorm ; the lols ol his lliips putting it out of his
power to get away, he iniploud the hu nanny of the
lavages, and received tiom them all the help of ana-
tural companion : but thefe peojile, who pl.mted only
tor their own necellities, wcieti;ed with n, aim lining
itrangers who put them in danger if llaiving by a f.i-
m.ne, and therefore removed theiiil'elves infenldily
t'-om the neighbourhood. The Spai.iaids no longer
kept any mcaiure with the Iiuliiiis, and loon grew lo
rfiutinou', us to take up ainisagainll their comiii.mder.
Columbus, forced to yield to their threats to get out of
a defpcraic iitiation, took the advantage of one of
thole app'iianccs of nature wliere a man ul" genitis
fomctimes finds a rcfouicc, paidMinMe thro'i;.^h ne-
celTity. Hr, al'tonooiical knowlel^^e iiifoimeVl him
ihat there would loon bt an ccliple oi the moon ; and
hcdef.red alhhecaciqu
fr ni hi 11 lone things
When he was in the 111
pio'ulii-d rhem for then
td lil'O :"id his compiii
for it,'' taid lie wi;h an
tioil whom I adore is
liis moll terrible ftrokes
moon redden, grow d.i
onlv the prelude of yon
refulmg to give me pro
lyn.are'lfpc'.:-.uig, wilt
cd : the tiight was gei
thought themfclves go
mercv, and promited i
to them, iliat I leaven,
li.id appe.'.fed its w rarh
relume its co i. i'e. .W
rived from all parts,
lie c Hild wiili to'- til! !
'I'lic co'.iit I'f Spain
muca to Columbus, w
ntl.er puts on a^ coui
litu.ilion : he called it
Diego his Ion v..-i-, the f
nf ihike de li Vega, t
Ve'^,a, founded I v hin
Don I'lego h.id cait--'
frn:;i St. Donuiigo, w.
quimi I ; othei s li>oii to
after tli-y all deferte i
'J he Spaniuds had
bill all their llttlet-.u-n
fif the Imliin';, fell k
tion iiu relied; aiul .1
the illand pro luced v.
to tint ,^fSl. Jigode 1
I 100 houlif, tour cV.i
habitants ol this c 11 \
which foll:iws tyranii
themfclves to live on li
they fold to the (hips
whole people of ihe il
ritory whiili nouiilhv
was coiilim J to 1 -;.^,7
rants ; wiieit the i :i
ca;Mia!, made ilicm:(
tlu re in i'\vv
At tiill tlieir new c
pait of that fanatical
umphed under the 1
TI ey were loon i'.)ine
went t.) .•\mcrlc.i to
their defcu, and t-'
fpirit ot divillnn wh.i
tiie two larties m V.<:
feas ; theie was enoi"
fccnes ot horror .uid 1
Old_ Hut a.lmiial I'
conquer, ng lam.iic.i,
the \* iiel; and br.ive
Ccnivir ofiier : it w.i
Croiiiwell tN\ iic lul
plaie, ami Ixth ti.ii'
the hi id of aflaiis.
inilit.irv : h," '1 id to '
icilonv ''ntii' ly f"'i
or 11 pel ill'.' invaiioi
to utovei' v.'h.it tlu >
tlir ^('ci'.id >i,is lelV
inelit w.ts Cilabiilhii'
iheoihei illands, -W
try; but the tirll atit
without any nu-thod
the police, |iiilict , ;i
thai il'f liodv ot the
ill in I is ;it pref' nt ;'
Ihit cwlony was I
L -'
1) S.
hci!c-l;r(\l ill the caciques to airemblctoj^^rtlier to he.ir
fr ni 111 II I') nt; tbinj^s very inport.iat to their fafety.
When he was in the ini>llt of the:n, after haviir^ ic-
pioichcd them for tiicir eiik Itv with whii h thev luHcr-
til hi'ii ;mi(1 liis coinpinions to [urilli, " lo punilli voii
for it,'' (aul he with an air ot i;reat iin[iortance, " the
(ioil whom I adore is 'JiOiii;^ to iiifli.t on yon one nl
Ills iiiDil terrible droke' : this evenin..!; vou will fee the
moon rethlcii, grow dark., and retuf; you ligiit : this is
onlv the prelude of your mistortiines, if you perfilt in
refv:lin;^ to give me provilMins." Coluiiilnis hail hard-
ly ( c ale lf|>e!k in;:;, when III'. i>ifdidioi) w.isaccoinplilli-
cd : the Irivd't was general amona, the lavages : they
vhoiiLjht theinfclvcs j;oii!'.!, to he deftroved, lieu:;reil tor
nicrcv , aiul iiroqiifed ev.ry tliiiis:;. }{,• tl.en (ki.lared
to iheni, ihat 1 leaven, touclul \vitli their repentance,
li.id appc.ited its wrath, and that Nat'. le was going to
re!u:ne its eo i.,''e. ,'\fter this monicnt provilions ar-
rived from all parts, ,iiid Cohimlnis had eve." tliin;^
he r.nild wilh for til! his depanure.
Thetoiiit '.f Spam had gr.inted the property of Ja-
maica to (-'olnniiiiis, w!iorp,ive i' the preference to all
ntl-.ei' parts, on acco'.un of its populo'.il'nels aivl happy
fitu.ition : he c.illed it the "-icilv of the Indies. Don
Die;.^o hisfiin was the full jiovciiior ot it, with the title
of litike de l.i Vega, fr-mi the i ity ot St. J.v^o de la
Ve"^.!, fivinded l:v him, and uliic'i liet.ime its capital.
Pon I'lv'^'i h.id iai(-'.i nliioi I'O Indi.uis t.) f^o over
tVn::i St. noMiinr;", under the i. ii hi ^ ot Juin d'tl-
qtiinv. 1 ; oiheis io.in toil ow e'l t'le ii, but in a tew years
after th'-y all deferte 1 th.e iliand.
'1 he S'panruds had built fev ral other cities here,
but .il! their l'ittle:-,ients, ere:V-d '>ii the dead rc:iui:i^
of the liidiiiis, tell to (.lec.iy as fall as the depopula-
tion iiiueiled; and .is the r.ivij,ers were cinvinced
the idand pro luced iio ;;(;1'-1, they w'ere loon leduced
toihit :'fSt. jattode la Vega, which then co'uilled of
iinohouils, tour cl'.urches, and an abbey. I'hc in-
habitants of tins tiiv, pluivAC'l ii'.to that indolence
which follnvs tyrannv .itter devailation, c oiuenied
themlelvcs to live on loine pi mt itions, whole overpl'.is
they told to thclliips '.vliii h pui'c.l by their c;; ilN. The
whole people of the ill uid, collened iiiti) aloidl ter-
ritory wdiich iiouriiliv I tiiis ulelels race of ileili')vers,
wa.s coaiiiu J to i y->o ll.ivcs lO'iiimmleil by tlieif tv-
rants ; when the I .n didi ' oniinp, at la:! to .itt ick tlvir
cf'ital, made thenilclves in.ilfti-j ot it, and lettLd
tlurc- in i^'i^.
At liill tiieir new rr-! •nv had only ^c-o iiiha!iita;its,
pait of that fanatical niiluia v.-hich ha,' touv^ht and tri-
umphed inider the ^.bclli•Ml^ iLindard ol C'ronuvcll.
They were loon iomed by .i niniber of royalilf^, wlio
went t.) .AsT'.crica to nicer with loine alleviation f.ir
their ilitVit, a:ul to eiii'iy i!ie c.ilii ot pe.ice. The
fpiiit ot divilinn wluc'n had |o Ioiht and to ciiiellv re ir
tiieiwo ] aities m I'.urope, tolhiaed iheiu b'vnnd tiir
feas i theie was en'iu;.',li to renew in the New \\ oihl the
fcenes ot horror .md blo.idlheil foolten rejieated in the
Old B'.a .idiuiral I'eiin and (..ilonel \'eii;\iilcs, alter
toiii'pier.iijj; Jamiici, had left the comm md to one of
the \Miel'. and bravell men, who by giioil luck was. the
CcniMr o|i'.(_er ; it w.is I)'()\ icy, a frieiul to the Stuait?.
Cromwe'l t\\fm-
inetit vv.is elii'iiillied at J.'.maic.t, firmcii. like thole i.i
tlicoihei itland'-, alitr i!\'j model ol the mother cni.n.
Cry; but the liill attempts were conlined locompilin',';,
witlunit aay itiethod, tome pryvilional rei:;ulati.)ns tor
the police, |uilice, nnd tinar. e'-'. It was not till I'iSi
that tl'e body ot the laws w:is formed by wdiieh the
ill in I is I'.t prefent iMiverned.
Ihis cgloiiy was foiiuieifed alter the Reform uion,
that it C(?ntained tS.ooo pcrfons, wiio had almofl no
other trade bur their depredations on the Spaniards.
Sir i'honias Moditbrti, .i rich planter ot'U.irbad-.jes,
was then governor, who came to Jaiiaica to increafc
his polledions ; he introduced into this illaiid the art
ot inakini; fiii;ar, and of plantinj^ cocoa trees ; and
erected l.ilt works. 1 lis attention to eiicoura;j,r culture
and induiliy could not make the people of Jamaica
ji,ive up their maritime expeditions ; adventurers ol all
kiiiils increafed the croud of theie romantic pirates,
who olreii delervcd the appellation of heroes, known
by thenimeot |- lec hooters and Buecat'.ecrs : thev in-
felled the wli.de Welt liidiin Sea, and laid walle all
the coalK uf the New World. The plunder of Mexi-
( () and Feru was al'.vays earried to J.i'iviici, both by
the nativc'i and llianc'er? : they found in this illand a
'greater telicitv, leeeived more protection and liberty
than elfewheie, both to diletubark and to f[iend, at
their own plcafure, the booty they had acquired in
their coiirfes. Thcie the e.\travag:'.nce ot their debau-
cheries loon pluivj'ed ihe.-.i into dillreli. lliis only
Iting of their eruel and bliodv indullry made thcin liy
to new combats and to n-w prcv. Thus t;ie coljny
proiiied by tiieri ontmual ch ui ;es of for:u!ie,and en-
riched itlelt bv the vii'es which were the origin and
ruin ot their trealmes : and when this lawlcls race uas
dellruyed bv its own aclivitv, theie fame trealures be-
came the bale ot a ncv opulence, by the help tlity of-
tcicd I -) uiereat'e the pLmtations an,l prod'.i lions, orto
ojien a contialiand trad'.- with the Spaniards. On the
whole, in whatever point if vic'.v any one conliders
Jaii.uca, it will be found th.it f.ngland owes the pol-
lelfion ot ir, as welt as the means which determined
the gratv.leur of us lettlcnient, to the B'accaneers.
This illand e\'tcn Is from 7; de^. ;; min. to 78tlcg.
;7 min. we.t lu.i^iiu'.le, ami from 17 deg. 48 min. to
iS dcg. i;o min. north latituile. It is about 140 miles
in lens!;th, and '"'oin bre tilth, where broadelt ; hut be-
in;!; ot an oval forai, it ^rows nirrower at each end.
It IS neat* about 30 lea;.^iies to Cuba, and 59 kv.gues
to the well of St. Domini^o : theie two large itl.inds
defend it fi'jm tlie '.viiids wdiicli delblate the Atl.intic,
whilil the tuim^ci an.l difpoikion of its harbours [nit
it ill a con.lition to cury on a 'j,'eat tr.ide with either
thefe and the other ill iiuls of the Well Indian Set, or
widi the continent. Tliere are .ibout 16 princip il liar-
Ivjurs, belides 30 li.iys, roads, or tyi id anchoring
jdaces. 1 hou!>,h this tituati m may cxpofe it to the
inltilti of its too powerful nei;dibours, it at the faiic
tune facilitates the entrance of the fuccours the mo-
ther-country ha« at all timev laviihcd on it.
Theie is no country between the tiopics wlv^rc t'.ie
licit is more moderate, bciiip; conilantly ci)ilevl with
leliediing brcezi's, tietpicnt rains, and ni^dit dews ;
h')'.'.'ever, it is uirivholclome, efpcciilly on the lea-
coall, and excellively hot in the morniiii^s all the year
round, till about eu'ht o'clock, when the lea brec/e
begins, increalini:; uiadually till ab.iut twelve, u hen it
1 3 commonlv llroni^ell, and lalls till two or three, when
It bet;ins to die away, and to continues till about live
v\ lock, when it is qtiite t'pent, and returns no more
till next meitninj!,. Aliout eii^ht in the eveninjj begins
a l.iiid biee/c, which blows lour lca;^ucs into the tea,
.indc'.intiiuic-iincreaiinu till twelve .u ni[',ht, after w hich
It decre.ilijs till fouiin the morning, when it ceales, and
returns aoaiii at night. The lea hieeze is ftron^er at
tome times thin at others, aiul mote to near the coall
than within I md; whereas it isjufl the icv.rfe witli the
l.ind bret/c. S.imcti i:cs the tea bieeze blows da\ an.l
iii;j,ht tor a week or two. In December, Jaiuiai^ , .i:id
febiuarv, the north wind blows lurioufly, checking
the growth of the canes, and all i)ther ve^'.ct.dilcj, on
the north tide of the ifland; but the fciih lidei-whel-
tered iVi'iii them by the mountains.
The dews here are lb groat within land, that the
water drops from the leaves of t!ie trees in the morning
as it it had laineil; but there are leldom any fogs, at
leall ill the pl.ain, or lankly places near the ica.
P ■
■■"■■ jil'l'ii
;'; m
i 'i';
1 lu-ic !■■ ■uidji.cot' lulls caUciI the Blue Mounr.uns,
ilhii run iluoujili the ill.uid iimii e.iil to well ; the tops
;iie Ci)\e!cil u iili ilitie; till kiiuib ot trees, juit'.ciii.uiy
cedar, l;giu;mvii;v, ar.d m;ilioj!;;iiiy, uhuii leiuler
tlicm ee[ually pleahiiu .ukI pioiit.iljle tiithe ii.lialjitaius.
Seveial (iue iivei>, well lluied with filh, ami navigable
by canoe'., take ilicir rite tVom theic moiintaiiis. A
hnver rulgc" uins paiallcl to ih.e greater; and the vailies,
or lavannahs, aw exceeding IcvlI, wiilujut llones. (it
tor p.Ui'.iie, arid t:ui!tul, when cleared of wood, c1|H'-
cially on the lunth lide of the Klaiul. Alie; ilx i.iins,
or lealon?, as they arc ealle.l, the favaniiahs are v-.tv
plealaiu, and i)ioduce l.ich q\iantities ot gralb, tii.u tiie
iiihahitaiMf arcfoiueiiniC'- torced to burn it; but, after
long droughts, tin v ai e ijuite parched and burnt up.
Though this ifl.md abounds with rivers and lakes,
watei i< very leaiCe in fiiiie [ilaces, and in others lo
mixcil with land and ledmicnt, that it is not tit torule
till it is puiitied ;.)r i'ome da;, « in tartheti jirs; and, in
funic years, inar.y cattle pejilli fir want ot water. I;i
the illand aie leveral lait (pangs, which toiin a talt
river, and leveral lakes. Near the tea, as well as at
Port- Royal, the well water is brackilh and unwhole-
In the mouniaim, not far from Spanilh Town, is a
liji batli, ui gie.ii mcilicin..! \irtut. It aftVrds iclitt
intl;edry ivUy-r.ch, wluili, cxtcpiuig the bill. his and
yellow tcvcr, ^ one of the motl teiriblc dutcmpers of
TliDugh the 'oil ofjamaica, in general, i^ ex.c.diug
fjrtile, yci it is thought not one tounh of the lugar
giound upon the ifl.md is cultivated. Even the grounds
i\ing near the rivers anil the lea are, in many jjlaccs,
ovcr-iun withwood, iniomuch ihata plai.tei who has
plaiit'.d ; or 40-oacrei, has ftldom above joo well
The ;iioll valuable produdion cf this itland is (iigar.
The cane t.om whence ;t is extraited, is a kind of
reed, whith riles commonly about eight or nine feer,
taking in the leaves growing out of the top; and the
aioll common thickneis is from two to f lur mclu-s. It
leqiiircs a light, poro'.;s, and deep lod, and is ul'uaily
le t.ttte to .1 drink calleit Fiiil's, which is nuihing
ill. 'I. than the i:if;i;ion ot the bark of a tree. Tliele
I'.jl.ii'.e^ are like .lie pro.'.igiuullvufet'al, llncethffeiret
li.j 'i .eii viiico^eitd to convert them, by diUiUation,
i.,;.i ,1 1; irituoii', hquor, known by the name ot lum.
'1 lie opciation 1= perforincJ b\ mixing one thud of
iviupwith ivo thuds o, ivater. When tliel'e two liib-
l.a:ices havciutheientb fermented, at the cndof twelve
01 litt'.eii day, they are put uuoallill, where iliediltil-
i.i.ioi) IS c.i:nc.1 on >viili great tacihty. The annual
txpoft^ ot Jamaica m thcle leveral ai tides, the pro-
duce lA lugir cine\ cyinc to upwards of 100,000
h-glheodso't lugar, bet.veen .0 and 40,000 puncheons
cil luni, and 30-,Oi3 gallons ofm'jiali'es.
Alie; lugar, thcmai; co.Midcrable piod,.ctioa of this
iflmdi: Pimento, great qua.-,:i:iesufw huh are annuallv
(•\;).)rted. There are I'evs'^al kinds, nw e or lels ilrong,
•iiiu mwie Of Lfs ac, j J. The tree whi.-h praJuCci that
kind of pn.eiito known In the iiaineof Jamaicareppcr,
was not cultiv.ued in regular plaiuaiic.ns till the year
I'.iiS. It commonly glows on tile mountains, ;ind iiles
;ibove jn (eel hi;;h. It is very Itiaiglu, anil toveieil >'. iili
a giey, dole, Ihining baik. T iie le.;vcs arc, in all
relpecs, like the 1 uirel ; and .it the end ot the braiu h.es
grow the flowers, tonhich lucceed benies.i htile laigci
than I'iniper. 'Tliev arc gathered green, and laul to
dry in the Inn, when tiiey grow brown, and get th.i;
(picv liuell which has given to pimento the ninie of
All-.Spice. Its ule is e.xielleiit 1:1 ilrcngthemng the
cold lioniadi (ubiert to truduies.
To the culture i.f pinieiuo the |)eoplc u;\ this illanJ
ioin that ot ginger. This is liie root ot a tmall plant
;iboiii iS ui' 20 inches high. It was greatly in vogue
;iboiJi the itmldle of the- iall century ; but, (ince that
time, It has b\ degrees grown out of falhion, and is
now uiilv X (ci.i)i]dary amclc of tiadc.
T'll^ iil.iiicl .dlo produces ;i juitnber of trees, fhrubs,
and uielul i>l\nts, (ome ol them natives of the (oil, and
otluTi brought from the o;lier lilands of the continent.
Anu.ng tJKlc are the fjilowing : the mahogany, the
iilk loiron tree, the dog-wood, the bitter wood, the
ballaul ma.iHiiia, or \\ ocd ot .-t Maiy, and tiie lig-
nuiii-v;ix. The trees arc the oil-nut tree, the cocoa-
tree, the tamariiid-tree, and others which have their
relpective ules both for wood, convenience, and profit.
ilere are likew lie various tbrtsofdying woods.gums,
and medicinal drugs. Among the latter arc guaincum,
clunarooi, taifipariUa, ta.iia. vanillas, aloes, and the
wild cinnamon-tree, which is cftecmed a lovereign re-
medv for difpellmg wind and aiiilting digellion.
The iiuits ot Jamaica are oranges, lemons, citrons,
palms, pomegranates, thaudo ks, momies, four ("ops,
papai, pine-apples, culla.'d ditto, liar tlitto, prickly
pears, Alicada ditto, nx! );-.s, p.aniaiiis, tair.aiiiiUs,
and guavas, belides berir.s of feveial kinds.
1 his ifland alio produces (ome toliacco, b,ut of a
coarle kiml, an'.l cultivated only tor the take ot the
negroes, who are fond of u ; Indian and (Guinea corn,
with pea-- of various kinds, but none relemblmg iliofe
of cireat B.itam, except Inch as are reared >vitli gie.ii
care aiul tcndeinefs in ga;dcns, together with cab-
bages and a \aneiv ot roots, p.iitiudaily c.itiava, uf
which they make bread, yams and put;itoes.
The cattle of this Illand aie but few: what tliev have
are very iinall, and the llelli tough and lean. 'Their
Iheep, however, are tolerable, and their llelii very
good; but the wool, which is long and full of hairs, is
ot little ule. They have great plenty ut hogs, anil
their llefli is tweet and delicivte. llorles, alles, and
mules are very pkniitul: the former are lindl, met-
tielomeand h.irtly, and, when well iiKule, (etch a good
Here are various forts of fowl, both wild and tame,
and in paiticiil ir mure parrots than in any of the other
illaiids ; bel'cie' p;irroiiiiets,p; licans, Impcs, teal, Gui-
nea hens, geele, ■. nil
111 all
lll.llll I'.Cb
lU 1,11 1;..!
Ill l.ll.l ID
ii imc ot
.•iiinsi ilie
tiikini; can- toJvllrov ilu- hag i-nt inly, tii.it iioiu' df tlu- .Inoiuls ami acciuainiaiicc \\'\n:n a negro Ii aij.uil to
tt l)>.tiiml. I'iiv'i
and i.al i\x (kill it
■brttd. .liii.h arc lik< iii!-, iiiay lu;
iiillot. LiiiKiiiiK^ ;^ct into thi.- toe-
tin.' l).)n..
Tiic i'.i'iabitants ot" Jamaica CKiifill Xi-.-^
tr.H-k, vMtli Iniitoiis at tlie iictk and hands, lon^ tiowleiN
ot I'le I'm: ■, and a tiietk lliirt. The negrot;,-<, cxcii'l
llu'le v\!u) are iniincdiately employed in iloniellic ler-
vitCb, j;o naked. The morning habit ot the huiie;. is
a loolo nijj,'..l-go\vn, tarelelbly wraj-.ped about them.
Hi'oie dinner iliey j ut oil" their tliliiabille, and ai'iea;-
will-, aivv.d v.-Ke, in all the aiivanlai;es ot a rieii r.iul
bccoiiiir.;.; thils. I here is no country in t!ie w. rid
where Iumha i- carried to a lui^hcr pitch tlian in ilis
illand lliuij'.ii-V.'-, clothes, tiirniture, tabic, ull b-ar
tlu' lllart.^ ot liie ;;reatell aliiuenee ;'.iid [iroiiiii'n.
The comiivm drink ot |;er;ons in ailUieiit urcum-
il.uKi's is M ideiia uine mixed with water, llivibet, or
we.vk puiieh. Ale and claret aij extravagantly liear;
aiul Iaui'ioii por'er lelk tor more than is. per bottle.
But ilie ^er.er.'.l drink, eijm iaily am.mg thole ol inte-
rior rank, is rum iRinih, which they call kil'.-dtvi!^ be-
caule, beri^', tiVt,u>ntly drank to excels, it luats the
blvvnl, and l'iiny,s on teV' rs, which, in a lho"r time, lend
them to !!.'-ir j,'Mve , elpeeially thole who .arc Jul'; come
to tiie ilia; i, .Wiich i^ tiic realoii that lo many die here
llion .itier their ..nival.
Ti;e cuHMit Coin ot the ifland is Spanilli. T!ie;c is
li.iid.l' any pn' . where liber is more plentitul, or has
a CjUieker circulaliiii. Notwithllaniling iirovilions are,
in general, tokrahlv realonable, yet a perton caiinot
time decently i">ir le!^ than a piece of eight ; and the
common rate ot boarding is three pounds per week.
Learning is here at a very low ebb. Thea- aie, in-
deed, lome p,eiu'emeii Will verted in liter.ature, aikl w!io
tend their ihildren totireat Biliiin, where they have
the ad\antage ot" a polite aiul liberal education. Mia
tlij bulk of the peoj.le take little care to imjirove their
mill.!., being ^. .-nerany eiigigxl in trade, <-r rl.'ioiis
■| he illablilli.d reliL;'on lioiv, as well a'- in all the
D.Uilli illaiiil-, ii that of ihe church of haigland ; but
there are no !..:'■■ p-. The bi(lio() ot I.oiviou's eom-
mill'ii) is the I i';;n 1, al eni^liallic in there illm is
Tlk admiailbi'.ii>.n of | ul lie alVairs in tlii^ illand is
V\ a governor, who repreier.is Jlie king, a couneil ol
I :, ami 4J rep.rel'entaiives ot' the people. The goverii-
ment, ne\t to that of Irelmd, is the b-ll in il'.e Jsing"s
The niifery and hardlhips i.t the negroes in general
ii'egUMt; and though ll;. ulmoll care is taken tuiiake
tliem propag.ite, the ill treaiment they receive lo Ihoit-
iii^ iheir lives, that, i;.lle.id of inu ;.'.ling by the courle
of nature, man\ tli'.n'.rant!'. ar.- .'.nnuilly imported, to
liijipl) ib.e [ikice el ti; .;e \'.iiv) pine and ilie by the hard-
Ihip.s ihe\ receive. Al.iiiy of them, however, who tall
into the iiands . ! luniane ir.alUrs, (ind llieir liluatioiis
eafy and mniliirt.iblc : and it has been obleived, that
in N'.irlh Ameriea, wi.ere, in gener.il, thele jioor
wreiilKs ar^ better iifeil, there is a leh watle of negroes,
they live longer, and proj .'.gate b.iler.
On their lirli arrival I; .;,i the loall of Guiiua, thev
r.re ixjiokd naked lof.L, .ikI are then gepevaliy very
lin:|ile and innocent j but the\ loon become rogu;lh
from example. They believe every negroe reliims to
\\\i- native couniry aii.r ileath. This thought iheers
tl-.iir ij irit'., and renders ll:-- i-urth.-:i of life t.ily, whieh
Would otlienvik- be intolerable. 1 hey lod aCnifis.
Tlu re aie but few town; in the i.'lind, a, id the reaiim
i., that the greater part of tlie inha'Mta:;is are dili^erled
on their pl.iiitation.<, which form fo m.;n\ vill.ige, ur
h.imlets. The lijllijwiiig are the chivf ;
■'''• .I'KV'."-'-' I'l ^'c'i;'., commo.-.ly c. lid S; anilh-Tosn,
in Middielex, is a Iniall city, jileaf. ntiy liiii.ited. it is
the reli knee ot the governor, of tic cuuitsof jiillice,
and tlie pia:e where lire ali'emiily i^ h.UI. Tlu greater
part ol I he inli.'.bit.r'.ti are perlons ef k)rtune or rank,
which gives it an air of Ijilendor anil magnilicence.
Tile princi:.:ii buildi:ig is the g-)V.-.-.i>jr's h-iile, which
is one of the moll haiullbme in .\n;er:.a. 1 lere are Liiiij
a liandii)me church, a cha'pcl, anil a j-willi \\ i.agogu^.
I Kingfion, IS I'v.rt-
Between tins town and that
I'allage, a village of but few liouli.-, and i^ calletl, be-
caule I'lole who go trom one town lo the other, lar.d or •
embark there.
Kingllon, in the county of .Suriy, is liie moll con-
liderable ia the whole illaiul, ami a! preknt the capital,
being the reliden. e of the merciiants, and the chief"
place for tr.ide. il i> .ibout a mile and a half long, and
lialf a mile broad. Ail the llreets, v hich are Y-roail
and regular, crofs eavh other at right angle-. The
houl'es are much more elegant than thole ot S,. Jag.) i\>i
la N'ega, but the air is far trom being li) healiliv. The
Jews, who are very numerous here, l.ave a r.ne fv na-
gogue. This to-.vn received confiderabk- ilaiiiaj^e iiy a
ilrea'itiil hurricane, which happened in the n:.jiit!\ ef
Augul!, '781. Many houles were bl',r.vn d.nvn, and
number. A velkls tli.it l.iy in the h.-^rh-.-u:, ,i,> well .is at
Port Royal, were driven adiore, fjine of whicii were
luiik, and many others greatly ilamaged.
kingllon barijour is one i.t the noil comniodi.'U- ia
America, and i'o cap.icious, that iczo lail ol Ihips may-
ride in lately. It i. ilu- llati.)n of i!,e 1-itiiii lieet.
The Imall town of I'on-Roy.il was the nioil co,iii-
derable and richell on the illmd at the time. .f the Ikic-
caneers, wliole rav.ige.i it eneoura^ed. It e.i.uained at
that time :oco houks, ot which lOoo were Iwaiiowed up,
or overiunied, by a terrible earlluiuake, tb.ut h.appened
in 161^2. They hatl rebuilt a great j art ot them,
when they '.verc confumeil by a lire in 17CJ. The ex-
cellence c)t the liiuation engaged the people to rebuild
them a lecond lime, when .1 iiurricane, ia 1722, made
them an heap ot ruins. Thele were again railed, but
again dellroyeil, in 1744, by another iiurricane, but
never rebuilt. In 0:tober, 17S0, was a dreadful
hurricane, which ahnoil overwhelmed the little lea-port
town ot Savannah-la-M.ir, and [.art e't tlie adjaeent
The conmicrce of this illand is very conliderable.
The artitles of 1 xportation are lug.ir, rum, mo!alli;»^
cotton, coti'ee, piment >, ginger, meilicinal ilrugs,
mahogati) , and manchlneel ph'.nk-. Tliok' of imp.or-
tation are linen, lilk and wo'.llen efialhing of all kiiuls,
wrought iron, br.'.ls :\\\\.\ copper, .ill lo;t.. ot hardware,
toys, houlehold lurnituie, and great quantities of liou'".
To the north-well ot Jamaica are three fmall illaiids
depii'.dent on ihi'-, and known b) tiie name of the Cay-
mans. The moll louiheily is tlilliviguillied by the name
ol Cireat Caymin : the other two, which are dillanr
Irom it about 20 K agues, are called little Cayman .li.d
Cayman-Biaik. (beat Caym.ia is the only one that is
conlbmlly inhabit -.1 : it is very low-, and covered with
high tree?. Il has not any harboutio^bipsi f biirth.n,
only a tolerable anchoring place on the louth.-weli. The
inhabitants, who amount t.> abeiut 20c, are defiendeJ
trom the old Ikiccaneers. Thcv have given themfeives
a let of laws, and (.hoole a chiet to lee themexceutcil,
6 Q^ 111
l\ i
» h
»!■ i.
in coniiinelion witli tlic iulliios ot' \k'Xc :ii>puiiilol I'v
ioniin'illi"ii i:om the j!,i!Vcrnor of J.im.iK;i. A-> tlu}
li:ivc no i.Ki|M man ;imong thiiii, thtv t'o '" .Fi:"-"'-' '>'
Ix- ni.irrii'd. l"ni> u'lonv is iimioulilally tin- molt luiji-
y\ in iliiWi'll Indies; tlic tlimii^' .m.i ilukliul ot tooJ,
whith ;r\' ot a lingular laluhrir . rcndcrmt; ili^ \ko\^.-
lu-altliy ami viinirous, and makmi;, iIaUi livi- loavir\
advanced age' rhcir little ill.uul piddiices plenty ot
lurn and \\!;ciablcs iiogs ami n>ultn, miuh beyond
wli.it is ivi;uind t'T their o\>,!i iMimmiiituin. Tlux
luve, iHliJ.i-, 111 ar eanes, anil loiiie ij'nngs ot \r^\\\
good wal.T. K-AV^ (joiie hardened to the lea, the) are
e\eelieiit pilots ior'tlie iiei;:^libominp, eoalli ; and their
iilind, as well as their a..'tivity and iainnu.it- , liave been
n-ian\ times a ivlietio Ihijs which wer.- dillritieil in tl.i-
pan ot the lla. Their principal employment is lill'.in;A
for luitle. IniruiCt every year leads a pr.Hlioioiis num-
ber of lurlles to tliele iilands, fo la\ their eej;-, tin
greater part of which come trom the 15.iy ot I ioiulura .
The low anil ia:vly Ihores of th.'.e illand--, | artieiilarK
of ihe (iieat, are I'erfectlv eonurodiou- to iviiive and
cover tlieir eiju-. A female la\s I'ome hundreds.
When tliey have done laying, the turtles retire toAard.>
the Ille ot' L'v.Ku and the other large illand-, where
ihev recover tliemfelvcs in the llibmarine pailure;, and,
in about a month's lime, acquire that tatnels v.i-.ich
makes them li) much elleemed on the tables ot the
great. The inhabitants of (ireat C"a\man Unit them
up, as f Hill as tiiev are caught, in cnilollires, which
they call ,.riills, nude with llakes, in a tinomh water,
between the Ihore and a reef ot i\>cks on the north-e:'.ii
coal'.. Thele turtles lerve for all t';:e tralFic which thiv
carry on with I'ori-Royal. it is aa artiile < f food whiih
is verv w holcfome ; and the iV.ell of the hawk's-biil
kind i'^ a comiiKxhiy which has a place among ihe ex-
portal ion^ ti) (ireat Britain.
B A R U A D O ]•: S.
Wl ll'.N the F.ngiilh lirll laniicd here in 1625. h..v-
ing obtained' a grant tiirough the interdl ot the
l'.arl of Carlille, they fnind the ifland uucuhivated,
and uninhabitxi. At lirll they applied tlKmlelves to
the planting ot tobacco, which not thriving as tliey ex-
pected, tlu-\ ]ilanted C(4ton and indigo, which uinkd
to a tolerable good account. Little lugar, h.nvevvr,
was made till 1647, when other adventurers, H\ii,;r
uneafv in Kngland under the uliirpatioii 't Crimu\iil,
lonveried their eflates into money, and tranlporied
themlelvo to Barbailoes, where they eiwtetl lUi'.u-
works and acC|Uired very great pt)lleflionv. In the
\ear 1650, the wliiie inhabitants ol the illand v.\ie in-
creafed tou])wardsot .•^,o,oco, with twice tliat luiniber
of negroes. King Charles 11. purclufed the piopenv
of the illand in 1661, e\er liiice whiJi time it haslneii
a ro'al j:overnmcnt ; and the colony granted a dut\
on tlieir iugars for maintaining the torccj an 1 I'ltiiica-
tions ol the illand.
Harl-adoe-, the moll confiderable ni .I'.l tiie Britllli
lugar idands next to Jamaica, lies in Ixiumi 39 di.g.
50 mill, and 60 deg 2 iiiin. well hmgliude i anil be-
tween 12 (leg. j6 min. and 1.3 deg. 16 mm. north Lit.
extending 21 miles from nortli to liiuih, and 14 fr(>m
call t'l well.
'I'he climate is hot, elj eii.illy toi' eight months in
the ve.ir, but 11"! unwholiliitiK- ; tor though there are
no laml bree/.e , there are other-, ariling Irom the iLa,
whiih iiuieales a^ the liin advance, to, .uid decriafe as
he decline^ Irom the nKiidian. .A temperate regimen
renileis it a-i fat iri \i\v In a^ aii) climate in Furope,
fijutli of (ireat Briiii.i. The day- a;v Virv near equal,
the fun tiling and letting about tix o'doe k all the )r.ir
Barbadoe. i-, in gi.neral, a ]iliin level I'ountry, with
iijine Imall hills. J'he woods have been all (utdo'.,ii
fo make room f ,- the pl.itit.iiions of lug.ir-L.aties, wliii h
now take up the maior |iait ot the illand, and render
it the moll v.iluable pi antatioii to < ir^-al IJiitaiii, ol it,
li/,e, that it ever poirelild. The foil is \arini|-<, being
in tome p.l.uei landv and ligiit, in others rieii, and in
others Ipongv : lull all of them are cultivated accord-
ing to their leveral i,.itures. The moll valuabi.- iirexliic-
lions of this illand are fugir, rum, molalies, cotton,
indigo, and i',inger. The rum which it produces i^ next
in elliem to that of J.im.iiea.
I'he Iruits heie are x.irious and vety p.kntiuil ; p,;r-
ticularly pine-apples, gu:-.vas, plaintams, orangey le-
mons, litrons limes, lamarinib, tii.ingro.'c-, cedir%
prickled ajiple , pomegranates, papays, tullard apjiles,
ligs, bullies, cocoa, and coioa-niits. Indian corn
can be imiwrled from North America cheij;er than 11
can be li'ld for when growing ujjon the illand.
I lere are griat i;ii:'.ntitie^ ot liog^ ; alto oxen, cows,
horles, alies, goat-^, iiionkie^ .md racoons, with a
tew llue]) and rabbit' ; but the mutton is greatly infe-
rior to that ot Kngland.
The \u!il fowl are teals, curlews, plovers, liiii)e',
v\ild-| igeons, wiklduik , a!i 1 a kind ot bird called a
man-ot-war. The t.ui'.e pigeons, pullet-, dueks, ar.d
poultry of all kinds, tint are bred in B.uli.uloes, have a
line llavour, and are accounted more iklieious tl-.an
thole of l-'.urope.
Inlecls are verv f.umerou'; here, but they are not vc-
neniian ; nor do either their fn.ikes or Icorpions ever
Ihe lurrounding lea abounds with tilli, lome ot
uhieli are almoll |)eculiar to itfelf, as parroi-lilli,
ln;ii.i)er-, grey tavellos, t.irbutns, and cone^ !ilh.
Their iiiulleis, lobllers, .and crabs, are excellent ; an 1
the green turtle are taught here in vail eiuantities.
This illand has two rtreams that are called rivers on
caeli liele, with welli ot good water all over it, and
larg. pond.s or reli.rvoirs (or rain water. In its center it
is laiel to have a bituminous tjiring, which leiiiL forth
a liquor like tar, and lerves for the liimc ufes as [)itcl»
or lamji-oil.
The inhabitants of rjadiadoc:, like thofe of the other
iilands, may be di\ieled inl 1 three dalles, viz. the
mailers, the white lervants, and the black fervants.
The tormer ot tliele are either l'".nglilh, Scotch, or
Irilh, with lome [)utch, I'Vench, I'oriuguefe, ami
Jew-. The white lervants lead more ealy lives than
tile common day-labourers in I'aiglamI ; and when they
Clime to be overleers, their w.iges, anil other allow aiK'cs,
are confiderable. As to ihe blai k lervants it Is the
int'-rell of every planter t-) b-j more caa-ful of thcni
th.m even of the white ; the former, uBlels t!,ev llioukl
h.qipen to be made tree, being his jxrpelual pro|)ertv.
Moll ot the negHK's are em]iloveel la the lield ; but
li'itie ol them '.'.ork in tlie lu.'ar-mills and llorehoules j
while thofe ol !>oth lexes, who are molt hki-K, arc cm-
))lo\ed as houlein.uds and menial le'rv.ints. Kvery nc-
groe l.imily has a cabbin, and a fmall piece ot ground
ridioming to it, by way ol g.irden, in which the more
indiillrioiis fort pl.int potatoes, yams, and other roots,
and rear live lloik, which they are at liberty to eat, or
convert into money tor lluir own ule. They are tonj
lit rum ami tob.iceo.
The govv rnor of Barbadoes has a conliderable liilarv.
The council conlills ot twelve members, and theaflem-
bly ot 22, tholeii yearly, out of the leveral |)arilhcs,
\'\/.. two for each, by a majoritv of votes. Moll of
the civil ollicers are appointed by the governor, who
alii) collates terturs to tiie parilhes e)f the ilhind. Their
perquiiites are very conliderable. The dninh affairs
ot Barbadoes are governed by a lurrogate of the billiop's
.i;-p"intment. Tlicfe are upon the ill.ind f)mc |ei.vu
:;;nl iiu.ikers, but very lew other dilleiltera.
Tiic inhabitants ot this illand tii[i]X)rt their own mi-
litaiT ellablilhment, which is iefpedal)'e, with great
'Ihe ifland is divided into live dillricV . In each of
the dillriets i, a judge and live alfillanis, who liolil a
(ourt ot cvJUKiXHi pleas everv monili, fro:ii January to
Septemlier, and if any dillieuli mailer ariles, ilii i.-
leiTcel to the .irbitr.ition ot the governor.
Bridge-Town, the capi
Bav, in the liniih-well pari
hiil, or r.ithcr liie onlv liai
the linell anil latgdl town
not in all the Hriiilli \\ 1
Town lakes its name from
eredcd over the w.ateis tha
in ', marlhes ; but a dread!
\e,iis ago, ilellroyed aj',!e.i
et the governor, council,
tlie court ot chaniery. '1
u mile out ot the town,
I, I'ihv, on account (pt
Tluie are leveial torts .mtl
There is a college in th
:i:k1 liberally ei-.do'v.-d b;
v\ a n.ilive of tin. illand
W nil tefi>c-d to the e
IHineipal articles ot e\p iri
o,r, lugar, rum, and moi
:ire timber ^'i v iri -lis kini
iiee, tobacco, lome l.iii
and other provilions, triMi
1, i-.n the coall ot .Africa ;
ami I'lal, .as alio lome b
belmd ; flit Irom I'uralii
tfitii, kerleys, lilks ami
and lll.n's o! all torts, gk:
and perriwips, laces, pe.l
1 ,ile ale, pukles, c.iiidi
ware tor tlu-ir lugar won
Ihot, iirals and copixr w;i
'I'his illand, as well as
calamities bv the dreadlu
tie month of Oe-lobcr, i
nioli all dellroyexl ; and
a mere liL-sp ot ruins, fca
Handing. No lets than
chapels, were levelled w 1
was ihe line church ol S
tovered with t!ie iiiins ot
lulled that no Ids than
Ihijis in Carlille Bay wer
ol them call aihore nn^l
inenli.' tliroughout tlie 1
ami the whole loinied
iliplorai)le tlian it is poll
-1- St
ST. fin
Ifland of Si. (
St. Kitt's, 1. Iitu.,
about 14 k.igucs trom
li'iig, and 7 bro.iil. Ii
in ills lirll vovage to Ai
lilh arrived here thi lai
illantl between them,
the Spaniarils drove tlv
•jnd continued to live 1
being coinmenceel betw
pher brcanie, at dill'ere
b' (xl-lheel for haif a
Wi..e enlirelv e\i elled.
filmed this illaml to ti
It was taken I y the l-'ri
Britain bv the late treat
■li,e .itR-n,bh;;e ci a
ren uiountains make
aiiproach it by lea, h
with wood ; hut they t
the coall grows 'fiote i;
iiiountains, which, rii
vated as high as polhbl
The climate of St. C
Ihe height of the loun
iK.e'-led. The air is pu
IS fubjee^ to lrc(|uent
BiiiU^-'rown, llie ca|.It.il. i'. tuu.iliil i.ii C'.irlifli-
B:\v, ill till- liniili-will |ari i.t tl-.c ill.iiul, :ukI \m\ ilii.
hiil, iir r.illitr till- up.tv li:iil)mir in ii. It l^ rukDiiol
l!ii' liiKll :vtii! I;i:'.'/ll t'mii in all ilu (.a:i, 1m c lll.u.il--, it'
iHii 111 all llu' Hiiiilli U\i! lii'li.i:) lolonii*. UriJ^; -
Tinvn laki - il^ iiaiiu- Ip)iii a luiih^' in ilici-all \:\\t (it il,
invtiil oMT ii:c watLis iliat (HI1K tVtviu tin- nui'lihour-
in.; maiilu'>- ; Init ;v ilrt.iUtiil tin.', vsiiuli LipiKiicJ loiiK
u'ars a;^», tldlroyal ;i p\al part ot it. It is liic Hat
lit tii;- govirnur, couiuil, ami atlli'ilily, and alfb of
tlici.>'Uit lit ihaiKory. Ilu- j; 'w:ii u's lioiilc i.> almut
;i mill" out 111 till' town, wliitli is not rctkonal vcn
jh ililiy, o» aci'ouiil ol' till' ml ■MiKunn^,^ '^'arlln.'-.
'Ihtti- ar^: Uviial tort:- and bat ti.i its about tin. toAn and
There is a colk.-.c in ihi.' town, wlilih was foiindod
i' .,....„. .
N' () R T H A M r. R I C A.
5^- J
a:ul hlu-rally i-r.di'V'd by Coioncl Codrin^ion, wiso
v\ a nalivc of thi . illand.
luuinicrcc of Barbabo^s tiic
to (I
,.i artliks ot ■.\p iriaf.on aiv alot., cotton, [;ia-
\\ all ivi'iH.
i-.r, lugar, riini, and iiiulalU-. 'I'iiolc of ........
arL- timluT of v:'.ri.iiis kimis, bread, llour, Indian vorii,
rico, tobacii), Ionic tall Ixtf aiui jiork, lilh, ] ulll.,
and otliLT provitioMs, Ironi the norllit-rn colonii ; llavcs
\: r.u the coall of Africa; wine ironi Madeir:'., Ti-rt.'ra,
and lull, as alto tonic brandy; lu\f and pork from
bfiand ; lait troiii I'uratlao ; liruii of all tort'-, brtjad
tloiii, kerteys, tllks and tluH^, reil caps, lluekinj^,^,
and (hoes o I all torts, |.'lu\cs and iiais, iiiilUnery uare
and |)erriwlps, laees, pels, bean-, oais, thong beer,
pale ale, pkki.-, eaiulies, butter and elicele, iron
ware tor their lii^ar worlds, Uaileii ware, powJer anil
Ib'.'t, i'lals and copivr wares, hi:.
'i'hi^ illand, :v uell as janiaiea, luHlred the grcatill
r.ilaniiiies b\ ilic ilreadliil luirriiaiie wl.ieh liaiijienctl la
tin luonili ol" Oil liber, lySo. The pl.uitLuions were al-
nioll nil ddlpned ; mv\ l»rK'f;c-'l'own was redueeil to
a mere heap ot ruins, ic iree a building in it being kti
'.landing. No lets than ii parilb churches, ami ;
ehiipcis, were levelled with the ground, aniDng wliicii
was the line church of Si. Michael. 'I'hc lireets were
tovered with the niins ot the lioutes ; and it was lup-
poVd that no lets than 3000 jierlons [K'rillud. The
ihips in C'lrlitle May were diiven out to lea, and tewial
ol them call allioic and loth The dam.ige was to iai-
nienlc lliroiighout the ilkitid as not to be clUiiiaied ;
and the whole fomicd a )i.eiie more melancholy ami
ikjiloraiile tliiin it is iiotlible for words to detcribe.
.s r. c II R i sTorncR.
''[''UK Iflanl -it Si. Chri'.lipher, called by mariners
•*■ St. Kilt's, 1- tiiuaud in 17 ileg. north latiuide
ahnul 14 leagues I'roiu Antigua, and is about Co miles
long, anil 7 bro.id. it h.i I its iiaiue from Columbus,
in his firil \o\age to AiiKiiui 'i'lic I'lvnch aivl ling-
lilh arrived here ilu lame day in 1625, and dividcii tlic
illand betwien them. Three years atier iheir letiliiig,
the Spanlarils drove them out nt li. 1 hcv linin rcturiietl,
^lul continued to liNc in haimoLV lill 1666, when w.ir
being commenced iHtween the two nations, St. Chrillo-
pher became, at diliercnt i\'ri(KN, the tcenc I't war and
li' od-llictl for hail a centurx. in 1702 the I'reiiih
wc.e eiitiielv c\i elled, .uvl the peace ot L'fecht con-
firmed this illand to the I'li'dilli. In February, 17S;,
It was taken I v the I'rcncl', but nllorcil again to (Ileal
Ihita'n In ihc late tieat\ ot peace.
The alRiv.bla'^e of a great number of high and bar-
ren imnintains make ^t. Kill's a])pear, to thole who
ajproacli it bv li.a, like one liuge mountain covered
with wood; but tl'.ev lind, as they come nearer, ihat
the coall grows mure eal\, as well as l!ie aleent ol the
iiiouiilaiii^, whiih, litia/, one above anotlier, are culti-
vated a^ high as pothble.
The climate of St. C'hrilhiphcr is hot, though, iVom
(he height of the lountiy, much le!'. than might i.e e\-
[ne^leil. Tlie air is jmrc and healthy ; but the illand
is fubjeel to lfe hogiheads ot U;gar or rum, on
be.aid. I'or this purpofe ihey ule a laiall boat of a pe-
cuh.ir conil ruction, called a iiio/es : this boat lets otT
Iroai the lliij) \\lih tlime vcr\ active and e-.pert rowers :
when they lee what tliey uili a /////, ihat is an abate-
llKat 1.1 ll'.e violeike of tlie llirge, lluy ]'ulli to land,
aii.l l.vy the tides of ihe iiiofrs on llv llrand ; the liogl-
hcad is rolled into ii, and the time piecauiioiis are
uled to carry it to the thij). Il is in this inconvenient
and very lia/.aixlous iminner, that the lugars are con-
veyeil on board In tingle luiglliead;. Rum, cotton,
and other gooils th.il will bear the water, are generally
lloated to il'c lliip both m going aiul coming.
The public atllursat Si. C'liriltopher's are .ulminilleretl
by a govcrno.'-, a council, anil an allLmMy cholen tioni
tl'.e nnie parilbes into whiih the ill.ind is divided, anil
which have e.ich a large liandlotue chiiuh.
Th.e illand of St. Clirilloplier llillaiiied great damagu
by a violent liurricane, which Iiappened in the monili
of October, 17S0. All the gooiN la ilie warehoules
and Cellars near the beach were totally dellroyed, and
upward-; of 100 vellels were driven out to lea, many
of wl'.ich were lull, and the crows perillied.
A N tk; L' a.
ANTKil'A u:;s liiicover^d bv ChiiHopber Colum-
iii , bui iioi leilled upon till ilie\ear i6j2, when
tl-.e I'.nglilh look puiiellion of it. It is liiu.ited in 17
deg. 111. nil latitude, and is of a circular form, about 20
miles each wa\, and luar 60 in tircumtereace. It is
more noted tor good harbours than all the f'.nghlli iflands
in ihefe feas, \el lo eiicompaiied with rocks, ;hat it is
of dangerous accels in main parts, elpecially to thofe
that are not well acquainted with the coal!.
The climate is hotter than Barbailoes, and very tlib-
ject ID hurricanes. The foil i.-. lamb , ami iiiui li of it
overgrown with wood. 'Idiere are but lew Iprings, ami
not lo mufli .IS a brook in the whole ill.uul ; lo dial the
piiaci|ial ilei'endaiice of the inhabll.i.a- antes from the
w.iter f'upplicd by calual r.iiiis, i^hiJi they lave in
The capital of Antigua is St. j> hii, a regular built
town on the wtllern llnre, with a good liarbour ot the
lame name, whole ml ranee is tleleii.ied by 1-ort James.
Il is the retiikiii e of the governor-general of the Ca-
ribbee l.eew aril 111 iiids, the pl.ice where the aireinhly
lor this id.ind is lulcj, and the port where the greatelt
trade is carried oa. It was a very llourilliing town be-
fore the lire la 17^19. The bell [lort in the illand is
I'lngli'li Harbour, on the ibudi-lidc. At much trouble
and e.xpeiice, il has been made lit lo receive I he great ell
Ihips of war. Tin re are alio a ilock-jaril wall lloivs,
and all the iii.iterials and convenieiicies neiellary to
repair and careen. iMiglilli 1 larbour is at a liiiall dil-
l,i!ice from the town and harbour ol I'.ilmoiith. There
;iie, betides, Willoughby Uay, to the windwanl of
iMiglilli Harbour; .Ncnluch llarb^ar, on the call
point ;
N!*V ANi;
l.iin .,n till-
irccki and liivilkr
point ; .■'.'1,
iioiili liiii; i -i!i" .1 givu ini.iil>i.r ot
bays; Init, in iv-ii.i-.il, t\w lluiiV Ivin;; iDvky, wIilTi-
fvcr tlio ki.idi'^j; vvouUl b^- pr.i. licalMc, it ii lictciulcJ
bv t'ori-i aiul !• itli-rii.". ; ;uv.i tlK'a- i-. toiiiiu.inly oik- r>,--
giiiKnt ot rv ;Vi!;ir trixips iiu.ir;...'il iln-iv t inlv. prr,
a coiiall', .lul Is iiwii .'.lloiiiiily, cuni|!ulLi,l ol 24
nvMilvr-^. I; : • ilivivl^il iiiu> 6 p.uilli s aiivl . 1 ditlri.ns
ot'wluih r.'^ lend each two ivinc!'>.iiUtivcs '-^'■'■^^ '''••' ^' ^^■
J<>h!i ioir.'.
\ I". V I S.
^T^'.VIS, \\!i:.;li 1. no tuoro tlian a val\ mounta'Mi ri-
** I'lr.fi, I" a very lonliderablo heti^lit, is limited about
four mile" to ilie ilnilli ot St. Cluiitoj)lurV. 1 lie toil '
is tVuiikil, and the ll.iple loniniodity lu;;ir, whidi I
lerv^.^:lll th'' purpot'es ot' nionc), . Here are loineiiuies |
violent rain a.id luirricme-, a 111 tlie other ili;ind-, and 1
tl'.e .'.ir is IV, :\ l\oiti.i- than that oi' Bailv.iioev. '
Oil this illaiul are ni.iny reni.:rkal)le inlects and re[)-
tiles, particularly the llyin|;-tyge:, the huni-lh, and a
kind of fnail calKd the ioidier. The lea abound-, vuih
a variety ot excellent fitli, as proopers, rotk hlh, old
wives tavallies, welth-nieii, iiuid-tilb, wilks, eoekks
iobtlers, &e. Land-tnibs are very eoiiinioii here ;
they are tiiiailer ih.an fea-erabs, and r-ike little bur-
rows, like rabbiis in the wiiod-, towards tlie top^ ul
the inouin.iin' . Ilie only venoawu^ treaiure^ are li-or-
[lions and ei 'i: j-'ik^.
Tiny i;ave plenty <'f ;.rpa:agus here ; and there is a
tree called diddle-doo, which bcar^ a lovely blolfotn
of the tineil vellow and Icarkt colours and ii elleeined
a Itjveretgn leiiudy in kiiT.e ihforders. Tl'.e litiuorice
bulli runs wikl alonp; ilie llone walh ot common field-,
like the vine. The butter here is not ;;ood, and liieir
new ciicet'e tar wofle. The llieep liave neither horn> or
wool, but arc cloaihetl with llnootli hair, and i;enerally
full ot tiiial! red or black I'pois, relembling thole ot a
tine I'jKiniel. 1 hey breed twice a year, if not otuiier,
a,.d gen'-rallv briny, two, linv., or toiu' l.in.!-> at a time,
;vid, what i.i more extraordniar,, I'uckle them ;'.il. Ti;e
rams are of a p.ile red cokiur, .litli a thick row ot lon^;,
lb-ait, red r.air hanging I'.own from the lowei jaw to the
Invad, as far as iije tore leg-. Tlie h'VS b.ing led
V. ;t;i Indian cor^i, Spanilh potati.'.-s, and I'ugar-cane
iiiu.e, are exceeding fw.'et fojd, white, .md I'at ; a are
the tow is and 'urkies, which are fed with the lame if.t.
The ground iloves lv,-re are about the li/.e ot a lark, ot
a ..hocolate colour, ijxuted with adark iihie, their h. .ids
like that of a robin-red-breall, and their eus aiid cg^
01 a nv'>'' ['ure red. Tiiey h.ive e.xcellvnt gai''. ciKks
and fierce bull tloT-j beii'Jes laigc tur-dn' , but p.o
hou-.-.ds or f> iiiiels.
N'e\i- wa- f'lrmerh' nu;ch more flourilhing than at
preieni, a".!, bel 're the revolutiun, contained j^cxio
inhaiiita!;!-. Tlie mvalio:! ot the i reach about that
time, and f'me epidemical difor.Iers, have Ibangely
di.iiii.illieJ tl'.e number to what i!'ey ih'.-ii were.
rkre are three toKrabIc ro.id'. or bays "n which
are a-- mair^ little towns, \1/, N'eAcaflle, Liilleborough
on .M )rvt'i;i-Ii,iy, .md Ciuui. s-Town t!ie lapital, witli
a lort c;.iled fJre.it I-'orl, th-it defends ih.e atichoriiig-
I'laee, wii.r the <';)\ er:; ;', ccnnnil and allembly meet:
the iall i- < i>mpoii.d of live members tor each of the
three pariilies into w'lieh thi- illind is divided.
Here, .u in linn.' ot the other C'lribbi-es, it a wiiile
ni :n kills a bfe. k, he cannot be tried f r his hi ■ 1 ir the
murder; :'.':d all t!;:'.t
r^ i> a li'
If a
leiicy t> the mailer lor tlie lots of iiis (l.ise.
Urikcs a while man he is punilhed wuh the lols ul
hand ; and if he Ihiuld draw blood, with death.
Hcyjro cannot be e". idenee againtt a white man.
i'he iiih.abitaiiti li..'. three ['ul)lie animal f.ul.,
imjilore the Uisir.e rrotec^ioii ag.iinll hurricanes; an.)
it' none hap]ien in .|ul\, Aii;;ull or September, they ap-
point a pui>]ii. th.inklgumg m October.
The trade of Ne\is coiilitU in inol.ili'e'., rum, and a
prodigious ijuaiitity ol luiions.
1 1,1- ill.md, as well as the following;, was taken by
the I'rcnch in the year 178^, but relloied al the [le.wc
111 lybj.
M O N 1 S 1: R R AT.
MONT.'^F.RR.AT w.is dillovercd by Columbus in
149^. It lies in 16 deg. J7 mill, north latitude,
and 62 deg. IJ min. well longitude, li is 25 miles
alnioll tourh t'Hiih-e.ill from Nevis; :o well louth-
welltnm .Antigu.i; 40 north wetl-trom (iuadaloiiiu;;
and 243 from Harliadoes. It is ot an ov.il tigme ;
about three le.igues in length ; the liime in bre.idth ;
and iS in comjiab. The Spaniards gave it the name
(f Montlerrat from a t'ancieil relemlilance it bore to
a mountain ot that name near Barcel ma in old Spain.
It W.I-- lettled in 1632 by Sir Thomas \\ arner, and
tak. n in the beginning ol the reign ot t'h.ul.i II. by
the Ireikh, who relloied it to Ijiglanil at tlie |)eace of
Hied.!. The full letikrs were Irillimen, anil die jiiv-
letit in)lahitant^ are jiriiicip.illy coiiipuled either of their
delientLinis or natives ot behind.
Tlie ilimate, toil, and produce of Montfcrnt arii
miu h the lame as thofc ot the other Kngiilh Caribbec
lllaiid . The mountains yiekl cedars l'"-" t)prels-tiee,
the i:jn tree, with other woods, anil tome cnlonterous
tiirul).. It is well watcrctl and truitlul ; and the j.Lir.t-
ers tormerly railed a great deal ol indigo. The fur-
n'uiuhiig leas ])roduce luii'e hideous iiionllers, parii-
cul.'.rly two, which, Irom their remarkable uglinefs, a'i
ivell ,u the poilonous i[u.uiiy of their llelli, are called
lea devils The lamanture, by tome called the tea-
CO.'., is tound in this iltand, and geiierall) al ihe en-
trance ot tielh w.iier rivers. According to the ac-
count- we have ul it, it i^ an amphibious anmi.il ; and
lives muilly on heriiage. Its tielh i- reckoiud \ciy
w hole li); lie IoikI, when lalted ; and they are to largo
that t.\o or three ot them load a canoe.
I'he government of Montlerrat is com|)olcd of a
lieutenant-governor, a cnuncil, and an allemhh of
eight reprelentaiives two tor each ol the lour Uilbicti
which divide the illand.
Nionlerrat has imi any harbour, only three roads,
namely, at I'bmoudi (which ij the chiel town in tin:
illand) 0!^l 1 larlKiur, and Kcr's I?a\-, wiicre the lliij)-
ping and l.iiiding ot go^nls is atl.iided with the lame
inconveniences as in the illand of St. Chrillopher,
"11 \RRri)A i. a fir. ad illuid in iS deg. noitli fit.
-*■-' :'.ii'.i 61 deg. J J mm. well long. I J miles nortli-eatl
i>l .Montlerrat i its length being about 20 miles, and
its breadth 12. It is the projierty of the Codringloii
famih, wh J have the appoinliiient of the governor.
I'aii ot the ellate ariliiig trom it, amounting, a-, is laid, to
2COol. a ye.ir, with two plantations in 15.irbaik)es, weie
bei^u.'athed, in 1710, by Cliriilopher CiMliiiigton I'J.].
governor and captain-geiieial (/t Barbadocs, to the lb-
I ieiy tor ]jre)j.agatiiig the golj'cl, tiAvanis the mib-uciioii
ot the negroes, in the Caribbee lllaiuls, iii the Cliii-
llian religion, and the creclion of a coilcgc at U.irba-
d-'cs kir teacliing the liberal arts.
■| he Luil of tlll.^ illand lies low, liut ii fertile: th-
inh.ibit.ints apply themrelves chietly to the lueeding ol
c.tid'-, and tailing provilidiis with which lh<'y liijiply
the aei.ihbuuri.ig itla.nds M.uiy ui the commodities,
however, vduch are railed in thu other Well Inihi
ifl.inds, may be alto raili.1l here, fuch as citrons, pome-
gianaies, orange., raifnis, Indian tigs, mai/,e, cocoa-
liuis, cinnamon, pine-apples, and the f nfiive )'l.int,
with vaiiouj kind, of wocjds and drugs, lueli a. iir.ilil,
ebeny, pepper, iiidij^o and the like. There are tome
l.irge t'er|K'nts on the ilia
JKiir poilonous or no\.h
i.ud's' and lri.j;s; though
,„ort.ll. unkis .Ul aiitidot.
well fide ol the ill.uid is
ilear from rocks and land'
A N c;
Is htuateii in itj deg. n
w.-ll longitude, ahou
Chviliophii-"'-. It is ver\
diued the Spaniards to j.
or " Kel." 1' i'' I*' ''"^ •'
were there lirll, did not
even keeping. The I'.ng
when ihey t^«'k potlelh
a long lime in their ha
cnnirarv. Within a tew
t.Uigabie labours oi the |
vimvd them that their it
nccel'aries of life, but, 1
lluv tell to their neighboi
The climate is very hea'i
and vigorous. Their ex
To the north of B.ul
hitcd illands. The moll
Icigues dillaiice, and is
fills i.f an eminence, in
tiiiding K>me reteiiiblaiict
of Sombrero, which it h
To the well of Barbii
(rolled a ch.uiii'l ot ei
lllaiids. Tlieic take up
about 24 leagues long,
I'orto Rico, with a bre.11
are comiioled ot a great
rent throughout and Ipi
tiangerous to navigator
ami pariicularly ot lev
traile ami navigation ol
in the middle vit them
le.igiies broad, and lix
be imagined, and in win
and Ibeltered from all \
The \ irgiiis" (iangw.iv
of Sir I laiu i-. Dr.ike,
when he made his exp.
mortal, unLls an aiUKiuto is miii kly apjihed. On the
well liili' oi the illaiid is a ^ood wch-(hLllLri.\l road,
ilcar trum rotks aiitl lands.
A N (; L II, I. A
IS fitiiatcd in 19 i.\vg. north lat. anil (> 1 di};. 57 niin.
'.v.'ll lonL!,itudi, ahoiit 75 niilis nortli-wid of St.
C'liiilloplKi'^. It IS vi-rv loni; and narrow, which i.i-
i>ut half way between (Jii.ida-
loupc and Martinico ; and is about 28 miles in kngih,
and 1,3 in bre.idth. 'I'hc li)il is thin, and betieradapted
to the rearing ot coflee than liigar : but the fuks ot the
hills bear tl;e linell trees in the Welt Indies; and the
whole idand IS well lupplied with rivulets ol liire w.iter.
Here, as in li)me other of the C'aribbees, is a lulphur
mountain, and hot fpring, eiiu.il, in talubritv, toilinie
of Bath, in I'.nglaiul ; and the line fruits, p;irticularly
No. 4S.
the pine-apples, arc fiiiKrior lo .my that gr<)w on the
Irencli itlaiuls. At the norih-well end of the inaiid is
a ileep, fp;lcious, laiidy ba), called rrince kii;'erf's,
Willi h I- well leiuicd hoiu the winds by inour.tanis 011
all IkIc".
The moll dilliiifuillied pl.iee in thi, ifland is the Iowa
of Koleau, lituated 011 a Ipacious harbour. The houfes
are low and irregularly phiced j and the town is lliel-
teied by the circumjaicnt mountains, lome of which
rile to a lonlidirable hcigl'.t. The Mioll .iihaniageous
\iew of the town i; from the b:iy or harbour, where
lliips ot confide i.ible li/,e ri.le at am hor with ihegreatclt
'J lie f-"rencli have ever exerted their iflorts to prc-
V. nt the l''.n<^lilh trom killing on this illand, as it mull
cut otl' their lominuiiii at ion, in tunc of war, bet\ve-a
M.irlinico and (iuadaloupe. By the treaty hoNce'.cr,
in I7(>J, it \v;is ceded to the I'.ng'ini ; afterwu'ds taken
by tlic I'lench, in 1778, and rjllored to Cjieat Biiiai.i
in 178J.
S T. \ 1 N {. 1: \ T.
CT. Mncent, lituated in ijdeg. north latitude, anil
^^ 61 ikg. well ion:;ilu le, is about 24 iiiiles in length,
.111,1 iS in bieadih, lying ;ibout 50 miles norih.-welt of
li.nl idocs. Out ot the ridge of mountains, which
crolles it from li,uth to north, rife a great number of
ii\ers, which are well llored with filli. Thele moun-
t lins are, in general, of an eafy alccnt ; anil the vallies
and plains, fome of them of a large extent, are exceed-
ing tertile, ])roducii-.g molt- of tlie necelliiries of life,
liaitii. iilarly luL,:'.r, collee, cocoa, mu\ anatta.
\\ \\i.n ihi. illand w.is ceded tofircat Britain, by the
treaty of \erfailles in 176,;?, there was a great number
of a mixed breed of the ancient C'aribbees, and of llii|i-
w recked or runaway negroes ; but thcfe have been all
long lince exterminated.
I'lie moll remarkable )ilacc in St. Vincent's is Kingf-
town, lituated on a bay ot the lame name it the frnth-
well end of the illand. It is the relidence(,f t.ie gover-
nor, and the place ul-.ere the alkniblv meet. About
three miles (rom Kingllown, towards the fouth-cafl, is
the town of Calliagua, whole harbour is the mofl: conli-
ckrable i:: the whole illand.
GRIiNVn \ i- lituiled in i2deg. r.onh latitude, and
62 deg. well longitude, abom jo leagues louth-wcll
ot Barbadoes, and almoil the liime diltanee north of
New Andalulia, or the S|)anilh Main. This illand is
abou' 30 miles long, and 15 broad. The climate is
good, and the toil rich and fertile, and particularly
adapted for producing lugar, coffee, toli.uco, and in-
diiV'. A lake on the to() of a hill in the mitldk- of an
illand, lup])lies it plentifully with tine rivers, which
r.diin and feriili/e it. Several b.ivs and harbours lie-
round the ifland. Sime ol thele m.iv I e kirtiiicd with
great advantage, which render-i it verv convenient for
Ihipping; anil it has the happinels of not being lubjeit
to hurricanes. St. (iiorge's bav has a land) bottom,
and is extrcmelv capaci.iu--, but o|)en. In its harbour,
or I .iieening-plaic, loo large veliils ma\' be moored
with perfeiii l.ilelv.
Near Cirenad.i is a i killer of Imall illands, called the;
(Jrenidines. Thele illand-. proiluce verv hue timber,
lugar, indigo, tobacio, peale, millet , but the cocoa-
tree does noi thrive lo well in them as in the other
itlaiuk. Thele illands were ;ill dil(:ovci\il bj Colum-
bus, but never killed by the S| aniards. The Freneli
lirll ellablilli-il a co|on\ here, I ut were liiliurhed by
the natives, who carried on a long and blood\ war with
their invaders. y\t length, however, thev were com-
pelled to fubmit to fiperior force, and ilxn the lettlc-
meiits of the Fnnch rapidly increaled.
|f: T'
6 R
111 tltclifl war but unc, wlicnGnnaila v^^'^ attackiil In
llio Eiiglilli. tl.c Krciuli iiiluhitaiiis wlin wlic not \\r\
nuiiKnai-, were io ;im.i/iil al tlif ruluction ot (imula-
Kuipc aiul Martiniio, lliat '.• loft all lj)irit, ami liir-
K'luUriil witliinit makiiin t.A ..lil (ipiuiliiioii; ami tin-
I'lill i-ropirty ot' tl'.!^ lll.iiul, t^.jv iIkt witli llic (in-na-
liiiK"-, Win- i"ntiniKil to tlu' cu'aii ..t (irc.it Bnl.iiii liv
llic treaty ot [K-acc in 1763. lUu injui\, 177^, tli''
French maiic themdlve^ luallcrs ot" 11 ; tiiougii il vv.k
ridiiivil by till- tri-..ty ot 17S0.
'1 lie Itlanil ot Ciiviiaila, with all tliolc atljtiininp, to It,
liilhun^il tonliilcr.ihle il luiai'i- hv a ilaMiitul luirnciiii;
that lia|iiK'ncil in the monih ot tKlol)>.r, 1780. Many
ot the hollies were levelUil with the groutul, the plan*
t.itioiis iJi.'llro)til, anil I'tver.i! llii)is isliicli lay in tlio
h.irboiir totaliv loll.
HWINd ik-tcnbetl the Britiih Iflands in theWed-
Indii's Hx lliall next Uirvev the ul her American
llUnd'- belonging ti) lJ^, wliiili are lituateil 111 ilifiireiit
parts of the iKean ; anil as we ihall beyjn ai the northern
extrcniiiv, Newtountlland will tirtl eiij,ai;e our aitentian.
N K W I- O U N D I. A N D.
THIS idaiul, which was (lillovcred bv ScbaHian !
C'.ibMt, ill 1507, u liluaied iit ilieduli)!! 1
v.jt St. LawreiKC, between 46 and szdeg. north latitude, |
and between 53 and 59 de;^. well longitude. It is
about 350 nlile^ in knj^ili, and :oo 111 breadth; and is
bounded on the north by BiUedle Strait, on the I'outli
and e.;l\ bv the .\tlanlic IXe.iii, and on the well by the
Ciul'i'li ul' St. Lawruui-. It has many (.xecllcnl hadiuurs.
The tluiuie ot \e\slou lid land i-. intoler.iblv hot in
lummer, and iiiteniely cold in wintir. I'or tour or live
months in the winter the ground is covered with li'iw,
frozen as hard as crylial. The t'juthern and e. I'.ern
coaHs I'eldom enioy a very lerene iky, trom their neii;h-
bourlioiK.) to the Great Hank, which is almoll conllant-
ly cuverul with a thi''' fog; but in the norllierii and
welKni jiarts the fky o very char, both in lunimer and
winter. The toil is, in geperal, barren. Mod of the
meadows and vale^ produce notjiint^ but a kind ot mols.
Many Ipecies of timber, however, grow Ik re in the
utmoll ]ierfa'tion; and tl.c firs are .is fit for malls as
thole ot' Norway. There arc lonie tniitf'ul ijiots, and a
kind of ne which grows naturally without culture, and
is \ii\ ii.iurilhiiiL', with wild ilr.iwberries and rafp-
bcrric;. The iiland abounds with wild towl, deer,
hares, ral-.bif;, foses, l'i.|uirrels, bear-, beavers, wolves,
otters, und other quadrui>eds ; and the Tea is pleiuitully
Hocked with dilleieiit kinds of ilelicious lilli, betides
cod, the llaple coiiiiniHlily. It is certain, however,
that the inhabitants would be in the utinolt diltrcls fur
bread, and many other neceflaries, but from the ex-
port ■ thither from the mother countrN, or the coiitinciii
of America, I'roin which tiie\- li.ue ahiioll ever) thing,
exceiit tiih, veniliin, and wild fowl.
Tlie value of Newfmiiulland c(/nlills in the tr.idc lor
fifh, of which there is Inch plent\ on the coai'ts (jf tlu-
ifland, that the whole world ah; oil might be t'ui)|)licd
from it, all foils being taken in imniaile iiuantitie. :
but the princijial lilhery is of cixl, wherewith a great
number r.f lhij;s are Uden eveiy year, for Englantl,
I'lanci, Si)ain, romig^al, Italv, and other jarts. The
ii..;i.i liihery is e.;, the I'ireat Bank, and the other banks
about this itl.uid, as allii along ihe coal'l. The (jreat
Bank i. a \all mountain und.er water, extending, in
length, according to the motf accurate tea-charts, tiom
the-fill (leg. ot north l.uitude, lo49dcg. 25 min. and,
ill bie.idti;, from 4: lU-!',. 30 min. to 51 deg. jo min. of
well longiiude. Its ut, for want of this, they fiimctimes make ule oi the
inteltines of the cod itielf. As foon as the tilli-.rmnn
has caught a filh with his line, he pulls out its tongue,
and gives the filh to another man, whom they call the
behcader. This man, with a two-edged knife, hkc a
lancet, fliis the filh from the vent to the throat, which
he cuts acrofs to the bones of the neck : he then lays
doun liis knife, and pulls out the liver, which he dro]ii
into a kind of tray, through a little hole made on ]nir-
pole in the fcaftbld he works upon , he then guts it,
and cuts ofl' the lie.ad. This done, he delivers tlie lilh
to the next man, who Hands over .igainll him. This
man, who is called the flirer, t.ikes hold of it by the
left gill, and rells its back againll a board, a fiKit long,
and two inches high : he pricks it with the llicing knife
on the left lidc of the vent, wliich makes it turn out
till I'.ft gill : then he cuts flie rib-;, or great bones all
along the vertebne, .about halfway down from the neck
to the vent , he likewile does the fame on the right tide,
then cuts aflant three joints of t!ie vertebra; through to
the fpinal marrow ; ladly, he cuts all along the vcrte-
br.e and Ipinal marrow, dividing them into two, and
thus ends Ins operation. A third hcl[)er then lakes this
tilli, and, with a kind of wooden Ijxitula, flrapes all the
blood that has remained along the verteinu' that were
not cut. When the cod is thus thoroughly cle.mfed
(lometimes walhed) he drojis it into the hold, through
a hole made tor that ]/urpofe, and the liiltcr Is ihe:c
ready to receive it. Tliis aflitlant cr.ams as miicli fail
as he can into the inner part of tlie filh, lays It down,
the tail end lowed, rubs the Ikin all over with tak, and
even covers it wiili more fait ; then goe's through the
lame piucels with the rell ot the coil, which he heaps
up one upon another till the whole is laid up. Th.e lilh,
thus lalted and piled uj) in the hold, is never meddled
with any more till it is brought home und unloaded for
The nxl iiittnil.-J fordniiif^ ii c:m|;Iii uivl IkIu'SiIv-iI
iti tlu- limn tn.iniKT ; l)iit tlic u|(ir.iliittt ti'.v |>ajlii.ular>.
Tins ill.i;\i!, atiiT v.iiious (lllj.iitc, Wiis tfiKil to
Knglaiid 111 171.1 1 liiit ilii KrikIi wire Kh at liberty
to dry il.iir nit^ on tin- iniritarn lljor^s. Ky the treaty
of 176J, they were |)eriuiiieii to 'i in the (jiiljih ot
St. l.awretK'-, on eoiuhiiou that thcv did nor apnioaeli
\uihin tlini' leai^ie. o| ,111 v ot ilie eo.ills hi.'loin;iii;.' to
l.nat Unt.iin. I lie liniili ill.md^ ol' St I'iure and \li-
(jueloii, to the loiilli lit .NCuloumlLiiul, wjre i.eded to
thol-'reiuh l>\ the (aiue tuatv, tor uiririj; their tilh ;
but they eii;^i^'d not to creek any toriilicatioiis, ami to
keep C'liy 50 1 ildicp* to enforce the ])oliec. R\ the !a(l
maty ot iKace, the 1 'rem h are to enjov tlie tilhciicb on
the iiorili aiui well tuaili ot Newtoum'.land.
''PHIS ifland i' fitu.itetl in thefiulph of St. I^iwrence,
A between 45 anil 57 tkj;. north latitude, and be-
I veen 6t and ft: dci;. well longiiiidi, JKino aliont 100
ir.iles loni;, a'ld So broad. It l:i's ;iboiit :o le.'.^ies
limth-well troin Newtouicdland,
leiiaritid by ihc
Siriit ol Cuilo troin N'.iva Seoti.i. The nortii to.ill 11
high, .ind ahiiiiit in:ui\ lliblo ; but tlie loiith coall con-
t.iin> liveial cxcclUiU harboiirb, more particularly that
of l.ouiflnirgli, i>iie of t!ie tinell in America. The cli-
jiute here is much tlie lame with tiiat of Quebec, only
more lubieft to toe'-. 'I'iie air, however, teems to be
j'i'etty whoieloiiie.
'I'lie illand abouiub with likes and rivers, cial"., and
linie-llone ; and thou^di tl;ere are many barren ijioti in
it, aijjjlei, jiulle, whwii, ami other corn, flax and
hemp, are, or may be railed in it. The mofl lommon
tree;i are u;iks ol a priAh;.;i(./us li/e, pines lit tor malls,
alh, maple, -plane, and alj m trees. There is no oc-
tai'ion for diggiiiiJ deep, m diaiiiinu, the waters, to come
at the io.iK here, a;-, in oilier louiitrie^.
Ot aiiiinals there aie horll"-, hogs, oxen, niee|i,
goats, and |)oiiltr), on the illind, but j;ame is liarce.
'liie paiiriilges are aliuoll as bij^ as iihealaiits, and not
unlike them in tl;e colour of their feathers. The quan-
tities of cod and other lilh on the coall is almoll iniie-
• hlile ; and there are iiuinbers of whales, lea-wolves,
porpoiles, and leals.
The brench Ix.-^an a feulement on thi,^ ifl.md in 17 14,
which they continued to iiicreak, anil tuitilied it in
1720. They were dillielied by tlie fjiglilli in 1745;
but reinflated by the treaty of Aix-la-L'liapille, in 1748.
It was afterwards leilucetl in 17555, by iheBritilh troops
and fciuuen, under (ieneral Amherll and Admiral Biil-
luwcn. It was ceded to the crown of (ireat Britain by
the treaty of 176^, liiice which the fonihcations ot
Louilburiiii h.ive been demolillied.
There are Icveial linall illands lying round ("ajie Bre-
ton, particuhuly thole of St. Feter and iMadame, or
THE Illand of St. John is alio lituated in thcGulph
of St. [.awrence, about 40 miles north-well ot
Cape Breton, in between 45 and 47 deg. of north lat.
being about 60 miles in leii<^ih, and upwanls of -;o in
breadth. The air is dc.n and healthy, and the toil in
moll places rich, pioduciii^^ Indian corn, and a great
variety of garclen plants, (ireat part of the country
was cleared, and Ii) well improved, by the I'rench,
that it wao called the (iraiiar) of t!aiiad:i, from its fup-
plying that colony with corn. I'lie animals arc tlie
lame as ia Cape Breton. It abounds in excellent
This idand was ceded to the crown of Great Britain
by the treaty of 176 j.
'X'HFSK arc a duller of very fm.ill iflands, and we'c
■■• i
whidi are miiiii \alu(d. White clialk-!lones and to-
baic) are ex|><>ited. ()ran>n-s and pahiutios abound;
and many things are found in g.i.ii plent\-, water cx-
cejit ■ ; for the inhabitants have n;>ne but what falls
from the cloiuls.
The chief ifl.md is St. r.eorf;c, which takes its name
from (;eor;j,e -Town, and is a il.anint place, 16 miles
in kngiii, ariil three in bre.idih, and contains l.andliimo
biiildiiijv. 'File ilref emi'Ioyment of the inhabitants
is building fmall vetUls.
I'liete illands are thu'- delcribel by Waller, the cele-
brated iR>et, who relided here duriiij^ the civil wars of
Bermudas wall'd with rcKks; who diK-s not know
'1 h.a happy i!land, wiiere hu;4e kniiii^ grow,
.And orange trees, which goLL'n fruit do bear;
Tir I Ffperian gardens boail of none to fair ;
W here ihiniii!^ pea '., coral, and many a [lound,
On the rich Ihore, ol ambergris i-, found.
Flic kitty cedar, which to hiav'ii alpires,
'Fhe prince of trees, is tew.l lor their fires ;
The fnioak by which their loaikd Ipits do turn.
For incenle might on lacred altar-, burn ;
Their ]irivate root^ on inlorous timber borne.
Such as might palaces for kin,',5 adorn.
'Flieir Iweet palmettos a new B.iccluis \ ield,
\Vith leave-, .vs amjile as the bro.ulell ihield ;
I'ndei the Ih.ulow ot whole tiiendly bough^,
They lit carouliiig wIktc their liquor grows.
I'igs there unplaiiled tliro' the tiekl do grow,
Such as tierce Cato did the Romans lliew.
With the rare fruit inviting them to liwil
(^irthage, the millrels of lb rare a li)il.
The nakeil rocks are not unfruitful here,
Bu', at lome conllant kaliins ev'ry \ear,
Tliei.' barren tops with lullious food abound.
And with the eggs of various fowl are crown'il.
Tobacco is their worll of things, which they
To F.nglilh landlords as their tribute p.iv.
Such is the moukl that the blell tenant teeds
On precious fruits, .and pays his rent in wceils.
With canilicil |ilaiitaiiis and the juicy pine, -^
On choiced mekms and fwect grapes the) dine, I
And with potatoes fat their waiitun Iwine. J
Nature thel'e cates with fuch a laviih hand
Fours out among them, that our coarfer land
Talles of that bounty, and doth cloih return.
Which not for warmth, but ornam.nt, is worn :
For the kind fpring, which but lalutes us here,
Inhabits there, and ourts them all the year.
Ripe fruits and blolloms on the lame trees live;
At once they promile what at once they give.
So fweet the air, fo moderate the clniie.
None lick!) lives, or dies before his time.
1 H-'SE illands are fiiuated in the Atlantic Oican, to
the north of the illand of Cuba, and not lar from
the coafl of F'Uirida, flretching from the north-wei' to
the fouth-eall:, bi.'tween 21 and 27 der. north latitude,
and between 73 and 81 deg. \\\i\ longitude. They are-
t -
t '•:>.
very niim.'row, ;iiul twelve o( tlictn pntiy lar^^-.
Bilwiin.1, wliii li is thi- largoll, hcim; about 50 m\\:\ m
length, tli .ind nsulit>
'I'lioiioii \\,i.w \wTv.- the liill l.iiuJN (lilii)vcral in Aiin.-
lica by Coluinbus, the Siiani-inli lU'Vir ilmugiit ot lei-
tliiii; in ihciii. The l.iii^lilh knew nothing of them till
1667, when Captain William Se\le, being houiu! U>
Cari'lina, w.^ loieeil among tliiiii bv a ilorm, whiih
gave hiiu an i>i>i>t)rtiinii\ ot i\ainininu, tluiii earetull\,
I'arlaMlarK ihat whiih at iPicluit is known by the name
»)t I'loviilenee. At his leturn he reported the beialit
lhe\ mij-lit be mail Mil to the (late ; upon wine h jii ants ot
thtiu were made out to iiroprietor.-, ealled the Haliama
C'ompan\ ; but the government was reierveil in the
\,.Uh\'- ot the I rowii.
The Stiaits of Bahama, whiih the Hriiilh fliei lo
l.aiipilv lieaieil in the lall eNpedition a^ainll the I la-
vannah, are well known to navigators, t.ir the ilaiigt r
anil ditiiiulti' s that attend the palllni!, tlii'ii.
Tliele illands lie near to I lilpaniola, and to the 11 >led
jxMt ot the Havannah, in the Iflanil ot Cuba, uliere
t trade, atul havealwavs lieen a good retreat
li)rdilabled ihips, blown troni ditierent parts ot the mn-
tineiit ot' America. In times ot war, the IJntiih enii/ers
and iirivateerf, Aationed at the Bahama Itlands are
more eapable to ubrtruC' and annoy the Spainlli trade,
homeward bound, than \ny that arc (lationed at tiierell
ut the Bntilli colonies in Ameriea.
TIk Baham is were captured bv the Spaniards during
the lall war, but they wiie retaken by the Bntilli arii)>
1:1 xiij.
'rill'-SK iflamls weie tiill ililcoveied by Sir Riihaid
*• I I., kin- in 1594, thepiiiuipal ot which he named
i I I'A kins i\I.iidenlaiid, in lnMiour ot (^leen l-.li/.ubcth.
The prelent I'.ngliih name ot l-alklaiid was probably
gi\in them b\ laptain Strong, in I')J9, and being
adoplid b) Halle\, it has iioni that tiiue been received
in our maps.
Ill the u.ir 1764 the admiralty revi\id the ichcnie
ut a leitlement in the South Seas, ami C'onuuodore B\-
nin, who w.is lent to take pollellion ot I'alkland Ill.uul-,
1.1 tiie n.ime ot his Biiiann.ii M i|clly, in Ins lournal u-
pie!' lit-, them a- a valuable aciiuilition. On the otiur
hind, tlu'v are reprelented by Cajjiain Maebnde (who
in 1766 Iticieeded that gentUman) as the ouicalis ot
n.ilure. " We found (lays he) ,1 mal^ of' illands and
broken lands, of which the loil was nothing but a bog,
with no Itetter prolJKCl than that ot barren m untanv,
beaten I>v lloinis almoll perjielual. Yet this is I'ummer ;
and it the winds ot winter hold their natural propor-
tion, thole who lie but two cables length Irom the lliore,
mull pals weeks wiiho I having any tommunicatton
with It." Ihe pl.mts and vegetables which were
(iluitedbv Mr. Buon's people, and the fir-tree, a na-
tive of ruggeil ami ii>ld climates, had withered awav.
But the goats, llieep, and hogs, that were carried thi-
ther, were lound to thrive and increalc as in othir
]ilaie.. (ieele, ot a tilhy t.ille, Iiiiiks, foxes, li;.i.
iioib, penguins, plenty of goinl water, and, in the
lummer monilis, wild celery and I'orrel, are the natu-
ral pi.Kluetions ot thele parts.
lalkland Illands can hardly be deemed Briiiili, as
the) leer.i to have beer, rather abandoned by the Lng-
lilli, in order to avoid givinjj umbrage to the court ut'
The fox ISLANDS.
UN I l|\R flic general denomination of the Fox
Illands (which were dil'covered by a RufiTian na-
vigator are compriled the Ifles ot Ooneemak, Oip-
nanlka, Amoghta, S.iivoogham, Arnluk, /Xiooian,
Ooneila, Ataka, Kannaton, ami Oiiool.illik i. Ot the
latter we h.ave given a particular deliripiioii from tin-
account of our niuih-elleeiiied countrMiian Ca]itain
Tliii gi'oup of iflands (calitd by the RuiTuuis l.\(Tie
Al!io\a, or l-'ox Iflaiul-, from their abounding in loxes
of divers colours') lies m a'.iout 4: deg, north latitude,
and I <;o deg. well longitude. The wintcr> are milder
here than in the more latlern ilime^, anil continue, in
general, only from the beginning of November to the
end ot March. The produce is, underwoinl, and linall
llirubs and pl.uit--, for the moll part ilr.iilar to thole
lound in Kamtlihatka. Warm Iprings and native lul-
(iliur are to be found in lonie parts.
CiTiat numbers of li.i animal, as lea lions, fea
bears, and tli otier-^, relort to the IlK/rc:. The foxes,
tluring the il.iy, lie in i.iies and iliti'i of rocks. To-
wards the evening they loine to the lliore in fearcli of
food. They have long ago extiri)ated the brood ot
mite, and otiier ImkiII animals. '1 hey are nut in the
lead afraid of the natives, but diflinguilh the Ruffians
b\ lieiit, liaviii'.; lound tiie elfei^l ^ of llr ir file arm"^.
The Fox Illands are, in general, |)o],ulous. The
natives live in fe|iarate cummunitie-, rom]ioled of fiftv,
: n I lometinies ot two and even three hundred jierliins.
Tneir habitations are in large caves from 40 to 80 yards
long, from 6 to 8 broad, and from 4 t(> 5 high. I'iic
r .of of thefe caves is a kind of woixlen gr.ite, which h
lirll fpread over with earth. In the lop are feveral
openings through which the inhabitants go u]) and
down bv means ot ladders. In e.ach cave is a numbir
ot partitions, appropriated to the leveral families, and
thele jartitions are markeil by means of (lakes driven
into the earth. 'I'lie men and women nt on the ground,
and the children lie down, having their legs bound to-
gether uiuler them, in onler ti> make them learn to lit
iijMin their hams.
'J'liile caves arc generally fo warm, that both fexe^
often lit nakcil. 'I he natives obev the calls of naiui-e
opeiib, without deeming it indecent. They walh
ihemlelves lirll with their own urine, and afterwards
with water. In winter, and when they want to vva'M
tliemlelves, elj)eciallv before they go to fleep, they let
lire to dr\ grals, and walk over it.
Till ir haliitations being alir.o'l dark, they ufe, par
ticularly in winter, a Ion of large lamps made by hol-
lowing out a llone, into wliiih they [ ul a rulh wi^k,
and burn train oil.
With relpeCt to their pcrfons, the natives have bl.uk
hair, Hat fices, and are of go.id flature. The men
Ihave, with a Iharp llone or knife, the circumterein
and top ot the he.id, and let the f.air which remains
hang from the irown. The woiiKii iiit their hair in
a lliait line over ilie foreheail. Ikhini they let it grow
to a conliderable length, and tie it in a bunch. Some
of the men Wear their beards, others lliave or pull them
out by the roots. They mark and colour their faces
with dilllrent figures. They make three incilions in
the under lip. Theyplw
or A linali loloured ftoi
tliey fix a long, pointed ]
ner as t "• keep the iiolln
holes in ihiir ears, and \
incr.ts tliev can proiuie.
'i he men w\ar .; kii .1
rormoraiiis Ica-diver ,
keep out the ram, inc)
l'.!arc part ol their 1
pl:.ee a fnull board liise 1
lM.n> of lea i.iars, and
whieh they reieive in t
t'liir felhvals .ind duiu
more lh.)wy fort of caps.
'I'he wDinens drtis is r
and lea bears. Thele Ik
cutji, and neatly teied
w.th various llnpesot lea
T:.ey I1.1VC alio upper ga
ol tile lirgell lea calves
Their l'>Jil chiefly coi
inals, an.l they generally
their food they ule. a hoi
filh or flelh therein, 1 1
cii.le the think with li
ujion two llones, and li,
Vllion wlliih is llilcllded
air, without tail. Tin
lilies and other roots, t'
berries, lliey cat at ai
linclion ; but, in calls i
iiig leveral Oays log>t''ei
'I'li'-V do not uiuieri'ui
or any ilror.g iiiju.irs ; b
Iniill. >v,.ich the Ruilian
I'hey feed I'nen i hi
the coanell iLlli, and t
fatit cries, the mother 1
fide, and, whether fun
in the water untill it
from doing th^ childie
againd tne cold ; and
tiirough the winter, ^
They are alto trained
and It is an opinioi
illandors, that by lui!
and l)ccomc furtuiiaie
No traces are found
them. Several perfon
are held in hiuh e;.
emolument. I- ma
are not held in ellima
not, however, dehcien
are of lively aii^l cheai
jietuous, and prone i
favagencis they are ver
the Rulllans kceji as lu
of their language.
Marriage cereinon.
Each man takes as iu.
the number lelduiii i \
occafiunaliy allowed t
tliev and their childre
exchange for ^iher con
No. 49.
t;ie under lip. Tlieypl.ui- 111 tli- .iMlon.- :i Hat bone,
or a liii.ili io|..iiral (iotu- : in call ol ilu- ItJc o;n'>
t!n.-v tl\ :i loiij;, I'oinliil pi.-ii- nt lioiu, m luili ;i iiuii-
n.T ai t > l.rtji i;i'.' lu'llrih i.vui.d.d. 'I'li a ;iii;) picuv.
I'liUs in l!i< ir raiv, ami wt.ii m lliciii wiiai litilt un-a-
llKT.l^ tiK- 1.111 jirOlliif.
'j In- mill vvwir .1 kin. I ot llii;t. iii.ul.. oi the fkins ot'
fiinnoranis, Ita-diviT-, iiul guiU , ami, in urdiT (ti
keep out tlic rain, ifiey lia\e upper tr*niK'nt% of the
Mad ^c^^ .iiid intellines ot divers le.i-.nnmai*. Some ol
tiuiii vu-ar common caps, ot a parlN-eolouied bird ikip,
U|H)n vviiieii tlKV li..i\ |4it ot the \\uv^\> and tail. On
tiic t'lrc part ot tiieii liiiiiiiii;; aii'l tiiliii'.;; e ips ih\
j.iiix a fnull buarti lii-.e a ltree:i, adorn^'d wiiii the le.v-
iiones ot t.a t.iars, and or;umeiited with t^;l.U-. Ik.id'^,
whuh they receive in b.irier from the Kuiiian . Ai
their tellivab and (iaiuiii); parties they wear a iiuii.h
mor'.' ih Avy fort ot cap-.
'I'lie vvoinens drtis i-i ma li- ot' tlic Ikiii.-. ot' lea oitcr .
and I'.-J bears. Tliele ikiii^ aie d^e^.l \Mlh a li>it ot red
cartji, and neatly teAcii with liiK\<'', aiv.l oin.'i'ieiUnJ
With \irMus lln;)eMit Ka otier Kills .i;;,i Latiieiiu ini;i.!..
'ri,t\ li.ive alio Ujiper i;ainiiiit ', niadi {.f lliv i..!v;iiiKb
ol I he lir(',ell lea talvts and I. a lions
'I'licir fo-Jil eliielly t:i infills ol till), and Mer Ua ani-
mals, and ihcy gcner;;llv cMt 11 ri'.v. When tii.y dixi-
tlieir livid they ule. a I;o';1oa ihim. 1 lav.ii;j, plaied tin.
tilh or ll'dh tiierein, iheyiover ii ^Mih .iiiuthu', and
dole the liiink wuli lime or clay. 'Ihe) then i.iy it
upon tAo ihinc-;, and li.;Lt a lire under it. i'iie pro-
vifion wliieli is liiKiided liir keepiii}.!, is ilrkd in tlieo,.en
air, with'Uit fait. Tluir j^reat' it delie.uies aie wikl
lili.'H and other rooli, t'j^.iher wiih diiieieiit kind'- ot
i)errie"!. 1 hey cat at an\ iime ot the ilay without dil-
tiiiclioii ; but, in cafes of iieceili!;', arc capu.ilc of lal'-
ln(j leveral (Jays k)tj,'t''er.
lii'-v do not uiuleriland tin" a't "f liilliirin;', brand;. ,
or any ihor.f; iiiU-T-: ; Init are ve;y Io:ui >)t i.j'l a^c.i auil
thutf, vv.iich the Riuli.ins have uiirodu' ed .imong thei.i.
'Ihey teed liaii thildren, wneii very )ou!i;4, with
the coar.cll il.ili, anil tor the m'tll part raw. It an in-
fant cries, the mother immcdiaieiy carriis it to tl-.e tc.i
fide, aiid, wlicther liiinnur or v\iiiicr, holds it naked
111 the water uiiiill it is i]uiet. This culf.mi is in far
from doing ihj childicn any harm, liiat it hardens ihem
af^aind tnc colli ; anil thev ai"Coi"din_:;ly |.,.) liare-looted
tiirough the winter, wahou' the kait inconsenieiice.
They aiv ai'.j trained to ba'.he trei]ueiilly in the lea;
and It is an o[)iiiion geneially i\ceived among the
illandors, that by luili means they are lendcud bold,
and t)ecome toruinaie in liihinir.
No traces are found ot aiiv relij^i^ms worlhip .uiv.>;i;ill
them. Several perlons, imle'-il, ['als lor loreeurs, and
are held in lii^h eineni, fut v.iihout rei..;vsni; a;iv
cmolumcni. I-ihal diiiv and ref|K'."t ttuv.ud.-. the agetl
are not held in ellimation by thele petjjile. They are
i.ot, however, delieient in fidelity to eaih other; j.::d
are of lively and clieadul tem]K.is, tiiough rather im-
j.)etuous, and prone to anger. Noli\irnllani:ing their
favigenels they are very docile ; and the bo\s, who, 11
the Kiiliians kceji as hol'uyes, loon .iciimie a knowledge
ot their languaL^e.
Marriage ceremonials are unknown anvin^ tiicm.
Lach man takes as many wives as lie can iiuinlam, but
the number leldom exceeds four. Thele woiiuii are
occafionally allowed to cohabit with other men; and
they and their children are not untie. iuently bartered in
exchange tof i^ilier commodiliLs.
I'ealls are very CDrnmon among tliefc idinders, inJ
p.nic ularly when the inlubii.iniji.t one iflar.d :;r;- vinied
h\ ihol ol another. The men of ili',- villa^'.e loett tlicir
i'lKlls beating diuiiis, an.i pre. filed iiy ihe women,
.vho ling and dan>e. 'I'liis iloiu, the guells ft ciowu
to pirt.ke . ihe liic p'A'i'l'.d lorihem; atiir which
il e di\erlions are iiiiiodu.e.i by tlie children, r\:.o dajcc
iiid ca| -r at the lam,' time, niakir.;; a luile with tlicir
Imall drum.-., while die owners ol il c hul, of hoili lexis.
In:'.'.. Ne.>.t fellow the men almoil naked, Inpliinj;
iiivr one aiioiiicr, and beating drums of a larg'.-r lize.
riiele ar;' reluved Ly women, who d.mte in their
il'iaili--, while tl.e iivn ling and beal fheir drum;.
Thole of t e mal.! natives who liive leveral >vi.ej, do
not wiihoid thtiii from llieir ^ujII. ; but where ihe holt
ha: no more than oil'.' v.ile, he make.-, tl.e i-llLr i.l a te-
m:i!e liTvant.
The iiioi.th of N' iv.iuber is thivfly employed by
ili'le lll^nd..r^ in huiiiiiig, by wlii^h they ubi.iin thu
Aiiis ot lea bears t')r lieir cloaihing. la li.e fprin^
lie"' kill old f.a bears, fa !ion«, .iivl whales. Iij
lai.ii weather, botii in fumr.iei and winter, they row
.lut to lea, and cateii 1 oi| and oiiier fill). I'h-i'' hooks
are made of bono, and their lines ..f long tenacious tea-
wcLd, wliicii, in tl.ofe lias, ;irc lometiiiici found n.-ar
160 yards in length.
Tiiey have I'vvo fort > of vili.;ls: the larger are lea-
l!iwi! boai--, or b'udais, whicli have oars on lioth lujes
of l:iem, ;'.!ul will h'lld. ^^o or 40 ]xople : the liruUer
are ro','.i.d with a ifmbic | Uvidle, and will cont.iin but
two at moil. In thele, however, they pals from one
ilLnd t I aiv'lher; ..I'l lomeiimes do iir tu'jj :
tlicriiore, when their [-loMiions are ijUite i.\luu!led on
ajou'.niy, ti'.iy are loinp.'i.d to bi-- from village
to MKa;-.';., and call up.-n tli^ir triend;. and relatijns lur
audi mee.
Tiie natives of thele illands are very leldom engaged
in .\ar, either among theiufclves or with thvir neigh-
l/wULs. When it lo tails out, and they iiai)jx;n to ijef,
woun.!ed, th.i) appi) a kiiui ot )ell')'V vKjt t'J the we'Uiid,
anil tall fir loiiie time. I-cir leUef in the l-.^;.d-ach
they open a ve n in ih.il p..ut, with a laniet mido of
Tiieir we.-.pons are bo.vs, arrov.s, ..nd darts. TI.c
latter they throw with giv it deMeriiy, and a very con-
fiderabie dillan>'e. For defence of their perfons they
ule wooden fnieids, wlmli they call kuijukin. When
thev wa.it t.) glue the jHiinis of their arro'>vs to the lli.ifr,
tliey llrike tiieir nules pretiy hard till they bleed, and
ule ti'.e bi.)od a^ giue.
iAs thele ill.iiuleis have neither la'.v or judrrc, the
molt atrocious crimes, and even murders, are lullered
to pa'.s unpunillied.
Till ir luucral ceremonies, wliuh are very lingular,
are as follow. When a poor perlon dies, the body ii
wrapped either in their own cloaths or mats, then laid
ill a gr.ive, and covereil over wilh ea ili. Ihe boilic*
of tl.e iii.h are bound n iinil wilh tlu.ng-, and alterwards
put in a kind of wo'.ni-.-n era' lie, lupi i.Ti-'d bv pole',
winch are jdaced crot'-vvays, and are exi'oled to the ail
until they rot. 'Ihe furviviiur relations and friend. e\-
|>refs their grief, upon thefc occalions, by bitter la-
.if 11-
No. 49.
6 S
C II A P. X.
e' r li A.
■"piM-. illuul w.i^ ilikowrci! h\ Colunibii. in 1492.
J- 1 k- luul Init .1 lli!;lit vww ct it, \c{ it prowd tual
to tl'.j ivitivc^ ; tor i!n.-\ li.iving pivtctuat liim with
g.iM, I'ouK' ! i.xcs ot' uI.kIi hi- c;irnal into Spain, it
octaliuiiol .w iiiiiiKili.Ui.' rcl'olmion to icitlc in it, which
was ill lord inj;l) itlLckd in 151 1.
The lllm I of CuKi cxicnd> in latitudo tVom :o
di'.;. 20 '.111;;, to ilic iroj-i.- i-t Ciiucr ; and troiu 74
d.'. to
S5 d.-g. 15 mill. \\i:\\ lont;i;vuk-. ll is
700 mili-.'iii IiMii^ih" tPMH c.ill to w.li. bill \cn narrow
m ]iroiK)rtion, not lu-i:;,: ;ib( vertical, the rain-
and liorm- are great, oiherwil'e the iliinate '.vould be
into';-.riM\ i-.ot. The fairell re;i!on i- when iIk lun is
f'.vrtlklt cti', :iiul li.en it is h.oiull 111 il;e ir.onung; tor
tiiwards 1100:1 :i bree/.e i|rinL;' up, whkii b!ii-.\s pretiy
brilk till the cvenini;. The tr.ide winds in iheie kas
Mow ti( m the norih-ealk At tiie lull and change ot
ll;e moil), I'rom Octt ber t i April, there are brilk winds
«t r.onh aiv.l ii'irtli-w\ ll, wliicli, in Decem'oir and
Jat.a.uA , oden turn to lh)rins ; though thii is called
the t.iir I'vaK-n.
The camlrv is well watered, ar.d agree.abiv di\erli-
fied \eii'i wo ids, lawn^, and vallics. Tlio toil is i apable
of producing, m the givatetl plenty, everv thing that
grows in i!ie other Ank-rican illands ; but tlie Cuba
commonly ca'l-d llie 1 l.ivannah ; t'jbaceo is thought
to excel that ot all the world : and their I'ugar would
•■>,ua'i their t'.b.i.co in pi.-odnels, li.id lli -X haikls to cul-
vaie tlk ca:v.'. The other products are ginger, long
pejijie;-, .in- other 1; ice^ ; caiha, niati';i, aloe.-, large
rulii-, and I 'nr odoriterou. tree- ; (i...k-, piia-s, j alm-
I!.:-, plenty Kt large viik's, tlr.e colt. n-trec, phui-
l..i;i , banan.is. a:i;iiia-, guava-, leino;i-, cocoa-, :\;v\
\'.\o Torts (,t tiuit, lulled camij.ir and gumavana ; the
liill like a china or.uige, and the other ihapid like a
in ait, \Mth ;i iuicc between tweet and acid.
'i'l, S..,uiilii 1 lantatioii'. are iiirniilv.'l \" l/.e mines
ri''(.iu..' with a lulii^iii.c}' ot' iiut.il lor ail t!;eir brats
giiiv. f Jold (ki'l is tound in the land- ot the rivers;
bait it is uncertain '.^hetlier there are a^y gold or lilver
mine , ihe liopes ot which ocialioned, tik' butchery ot
all the aiuient inhahilaiit-, who were eitlkT unable or
u;i.\iiiing to liil'cover tlk-ni. ll thtie are any, they are
not woils^d. A iliaini.t hills runs through the i.iulclle
ot t!ie ifl.^nd ; but ihj iand near th; loait is generallv a
le\ei 1. ; .-.mpaig!! country. The inteiior ] an . lie i;uiie
Uiii uirc.ted, .ind uninhabited.
T 1'.- pvMi, .I'.d harlviurs liere are ot' gre.U advantag'.-
t.i llii;. to- ]..;ihng the guiph in l.iiay ; iv.;r 11. ere are
tiarce .i;.v n..vig.;i.lj river-, ii.th t!.r (.oails and ri\ers
abound wit'.i liii'. :md aiiovdth allgitor.. Tnere are
greu con\ .'niuicie-. lor MMki'ig I. lit, !>ut the inIi,T;;itants
,,\,iii (hvCi.. .'.K^ \eiv iiUiv ol tiKTk 'I;. L.itlL- iiroiiglu
d> lia\e lUiilripil'd e\i.i.ei.hilgiv,
ru.iiii..;' V. ;1.| 111 llic Ao.id , ot'
I ...iel':. ;.i lli.i;- h;J .. a;i 1 til-
:l. 1 ill ir IkIIi alT), Ih-|:i;i
m the Iw, ! .■ s to victual
aic ol'iea li) u;, Uiat they die
ihrough tlie burthen ot' tier grciile. Ikre are likc-
wile abuiulance ot mules, liort's, iheop, wiki b.o.,i'^,
and hogs, logeiher \^ith wild anil laiiic fowl, parrot;,
partridges, blue heaU, l.u'go U)rtoiles, cju.irries ot liint,
and kveral tountaiiis ot bitumen, which is uled iiiUead
i-'i I'itcli, as well as tor medicinal jnirpoK .
I'lie lllaiul ot Cuba \- plealant, and lis preleiit Ihue
I'.ourilhmg, the Spiini.irds iMVing every year, tor a
lOiiiiJ.r.ible time p;ill, ;idded lom; miiig to its iiiipnn-c-
iiuiit. I'ormeriv iis cxp.o;iaiions never equalled iliole
01 ihe linill Hrililh lll.uid ot Anligua. Tlk- rialon ot
tins, ikxi to ih.- iiul'ileiice ot the Spaniards, wa-, liic
gruu t.kintv witliuhich the inhabitants got ll eirmomy,
hy means ot the g.ill.ons anl the lloia, and the veiv
great coiuiabaml tiaile carried on 1 eve, in ileliance ot
ileir laws, and even with the coniuvaiiLC ul the ;.;o-
\ernme:u ot the illar.d.
Thi- eivil governnkT.t otC'uba is deix'iulent on that
o4 Si. Douui go, or 1 111; aniola. lis hilho]-, wh.ole lee
IS .11 St. j;igo, tikiugh he commonly relides at tl.e 1 la-
vaniuh, 1. !utl'r;igan to the archbilhop ot St. Domingo.
The call part ot the itland is under ti;c governor ot ^I.
Jago, ;ind the Will under the governor ot ilic llavan-
nah. There are ttveral I'.rge towas in ihe illaiul , l;ut
the moll lonliilir.ible are thi f.so abtwe-iiieiitionctl.
The I lavannali, the c;ipil;il, is litu;it 'd on the north-
weli coall ol the illaiul, 50 k agues from Cajic .Viitonio,
its weliermoll point ; 4.90 miles well trom St. J.ij;o,
41 leagues t'outli ot the Cape ot Morida, the gu.pli ot
which It comm.inds, bv being lituated at its mouth ,
and iwo davs lid trom the Smuts ot lialiania. The
town iilelt, dilli.icl Irom the toriiticaiions, is alx)Ut
two milcb in circuit. The port 1. one ot the fnell and
mod lecure in ihe woild, yet the narrownctsot its pal-
tage his rendered it to ditlicult of .needs, that the gal-
leon- hive otten been mlulted aiiil taken within light ot
II. wilhcut receiving any aliilbmce Irom the tortitlca-
tiuiis. The ihurihis hue ;uc iiicoucciv.iblv niagmh-
c.r.l, wnl rich in plale anil ornamenls; the llreets clean
and llr.iit, bul 1, arrow ; and the houles, which meet
ihnie, make a good .ippearame, hut are ill turnillic>l.
I'h.e inhabitants, m gerieial, arc laid to Ixr n Jie lociable
.ind iciuerl-ible tb.an thole of the other Spaiiilh domi-
nion- in .\nierii.'. 'I'lie cilv, which is one ot the moll
ri' h ni .Anieiiia, elpecially when the galleons are here,
IhiLoN ill the nu/ll tiuittul part ot tlk- illar.d, on t!ie
will lide, ;iloiig the Ihoie, whiili I'l uiiils to much, that
:ibove half ot 11 is v^alhed by the ka, and the lell by
river l.iigida.- There is a tin.;
two hnuiilus it ll;
gii.il !ii.;uo.r. i;>.-.\
V, l..v.'i :ii.i:i\ a;e kii!
1 i\., thai ;u-e ieni 1
tut into 1 ecc)
• Spai
lui drkd
li|U.i:e, wilii ii.'iilorm buildings in the middle ot U.
Thi-. city is ot' greater iinpoiiance to the Sp.iiiiardb than
.iny oilier in Ameru.i, bung the )il.ace of leiulezvou.
lor all tlkir lleeis, in leluin from ihit c«iarier ot the
world to Okl Spain, and Ivmg .it the iiioutli ol ilie
(luipli ct Morida, ihrc.ugh whuli they are all obliged
I to ].;i|s. Thev lullly give it the app.ellalion of the Key
I ot all the \\ ell-lndie-, to lo^ k or open the doir or cii-
1 trance thereto; ,n.i,i, ind.\d, no Ihip can pais thai way
I without li.i\e Ir.'ii ihi. poll. Mere is akvay.-. a Iqua-
! droll ot Spanilli men (jI war; .iiid here, in Se|iti nibei,
[ iv.eet the g.dlewii-, llota, and other lliips tioin leur.il
I poris, both I'l ihe lontineiil and ill.mds, tvi the iiumb>.r
, ot, p^rhap , 50 or 60 l.hl, to i;ike in provilioiis and
j water, wiii; s.:\.ai pan of iheir lading, and lor the con-
\eiiience ol lUuriiing to(U 1 Spain in a body. A con-
I linu.il l.iir i- kej t till thtir de) arUm., whah is gciier;illy
JIkIoiv the I nd ot the iiionih, when a |iioilamalioii is
, m.ide, fiibiddili", .uiy that biloiu; to the lieet to l!.i\ ill
[ the town, on pain ot death ; aliil, upon liriiig a w;irning
I gun, they all go on board. 'I he v.ihio ot llic citgo li
kldom le!= ih.ui 700,0001. llcihng: t'o that il iii;iv be
' 'well
well imagined, lh.4< ;
ill a coiiiluion bol'h 1
Hups that trcquent 11.
This city, alter a
iurrendeied, witli all
JJ.itaiinie M.-jith's ai
of Augud, 1762, bii
following year.
The Spaniard' h.w
which the foriiticaii.
r.nglilh, and iulded i
pm.iution' to kciire
uf an enemv.
Sr. jago llaiid. at
two leagues trom th.
ilUiui. It is diliinr
the addition ot Di >-
Chili. SiiKC the i.
kngiilh, uuder Adi
worth, the furiiiii.i!
town has refovcied
carr\ir.g on ,1 gooel 1
above all with theC;
The other tiAvns
a tolerable h.iibour,
the 1 lavaiinah ; k'c
coail, about jo:> iv
and Bar;icoa, hiuate
a fmall harbour.
THIS iikuKi, r
lioiii laiiliide
niiies in Icigili, a
ai)out IJ5 kague, 1
tailed the Windwan
I'll. aigh the ciin
unwhoieioiiie, beiin.
is both truittul and
and vallies, woods
nanas, grapes, o:.v.^
dale.-, ami apric
tabb.ige trees, i
trees, large and
lligar, lides, iiii
tobacco, I'alt, wax
ef drugs and d\ 1
iiit'cl' lis coall -
lame lime wnh 1
'M'ls ilia id Is
and French. C-
c.dkd it Si'anilh 1
pielerved under
)h;it ot St. Doin
whom it w.i.s dedi
mines osceedip.gh
t.t Spain in crow.
iliuis periihcil n
i-.i.'.ies by tiie e\.
juai/e t^.r the u.
niallacivd, 1 iihei
for I'o they c;ilkil
I.iaiils, covered
ji.a.le to a luull.
naki.ll, and lb in
e\leriiiiiiaiion ol
ililiituhy of woil
the lonijUvrors ,
M-.ico, loon a;
tliir all the inv,
tapiial by l.)rak'.
bring on i!;e dec
il- ell.ibhiiillk in
lame itland, havi
cuieers tioiii t
tr.enmlses iheri ,
have occupied i
N O 11 T II A M i: R t C A.
|kri- ;nv likc-
uilil I'.O.il'-,
|t,)ul, [larroi-,
turn-, ot liiai,
Is ulid iuu^aii
!■< prcll-iit (Iul-
\L':ir, lor .1
lt> lt^ lllij rovu-
I'qii.illal iliule
1 Ik- rialoii ut
jiaiiis, \va.s liiv.-
()i 1 1 cirinoiu y,
.iiiil t\.\: vcrv
III licliain r ut'
n-c ut tl.c ;:o-
mknt on ll :'.t
U'] , ul-.otl-' llL
k^ a( the I la-
st. D'lmip.go.
puviTiicr ot .'^t.
ut tiie Havaii-
Ik- itlaiul , Lut.
I on thf iiortli-
Cajic .Viitonio,
lloni Si. _\.\\[0 ;
;i, ilic guijili ot
ai lib moutli ,
lial'.ama. The
iioiii, IS alxiut
1 tlie fncll ainl
Mu-1> ot us pal-
!■., that thi.- gal-
1 wiiliin hj^hi (it
in the toiulic:;-
Liv.ihly niagnih-
tlic llR(.ts clean
:'s, which arc ct
re ill tumillicil.
k; n Jic luciabic
r Si.aiiilli ilomi-
iiic ot the molt
ikons arc here,
illami, on t!ic
^ lo inuth, that
ii'.d tiic rtlt by
lierc is a tin.;
iiiiildk ot li
Spaiuanls ilian
ot iLluk-ZVOU.
eiiarier ot tlic
mouth ot' the
are all obliged
ion ot the J,..y
he li.j.r or ei.-
;i llal^ tli.u way
aKvay.. a kjua-
in Seiitenibci,
IS, tioin Icvcr.il
to the number
jirovilions anil
111 lor the fon-
loily. A coii-
:ih is ^'uierally
>loelaill.llioll IS
lleet to Ikn in
irin;; a warning
it tlic Ciirgo li
h.it it m.iv be
Will ima^iiu'il, th..' a ].l.;ce ol' lo mi;. Ii imr.oi-laiue \~^
ill a loiuliiion bolii lo ilelenil iikil, aiul to j't'ouet. the
llii])^ th..t treqiKnt ii.
This eiiv, alter a lonj^; anil oblliiufe ilct'ciRe, was j
liirrcikli ivil, with .ill its i"rls ami ileiieniloiuic-, to In-, j
IJ.itannie M,-,iiii\'s arm., bv lai •n'.hiiioii, on the i.:ili
ot Au;j,ull, I7fi;, l"it wa.i lelloKvl by the piaee ul liie
loiloMiii^', year.
The Sj'aiiiarih have taken car ■ lo repair the ilamajjcs
which the tort llical ions reuiveit I'.u::!!^; the l:eL;e b) Cue
iMi^'.lilh, ami aildeil tw.K on.>, belides iilin., e\ir\ oihcr
jiro aiition" to lecijie u, in- tin luiuie, Irom all aiienipii
ut .ill enemv.
Sr. ja^n Itand:. at the b Mt.im of a laiy,e bay, aluuii
tuo leagues Iroiii the lea, on tlie li.ulh-eail tide ■ t the
illaiul. It is dil'tiiu'uiliHd lioin Si. jai;o in ("I'.iii, b\
tlu addition ot i)l L .il-.i, .is liie other ^ by th.a ot' lii
I'hili. SiiKe the ualn.celsrill atleiniil made by the
lai^;,iilli, u;.der .Adiuiral \'eriioii and Cieiinal -Went-
wortli, the t'urliliiaiioiis l;a\e neiii repaired, and the
town has lerovered fomc dii;rie ot ils tinner Ipkiidor,
carrxir.gon a L;oud iradc wiin did .uid Ni'.i S; .i::i, ai.d
above all with ilieC'aiune .
The oth.ei tiAvii. ol' mxe are S.int.i Cm/., wliiili ii ..^
a toiei,ible h.iibour, and llaii'.ls about i6j mlk-h cali ot
the 1 lavaiiiiali ; I'orto del I'nntipe, lituaied on ike
coall, aliout joo miks touih-eall ol the 1 l,o.,ii;i.i!-. ;
and Baraciu, I'Uiated on the noi'li-iai' pait, \vliii;i lia->
a tinall harbour.
Ili.-.PA;\'Kn.A, o.i ST. l)0MI.\'(.O.
THIS illand, lliled iiy the luiiv.s Aiiji, extends
liom lamude 17 to 20 liig. north, is aboui 450
miks in kngih, and about 150 in breadth. Ii is
ai)oui 13 kague, dilkmt t'.'nn Cuba, uliieh Unit is
tailed the Wiiutward I'ali'.ige.
rh"uj;!i the ilimalc ot thi-. ilk'.iul i. hot, it is not
unwlioieiome, \)c\\\i\ rcl'relhed bv bui/ei aihl ram-., ll
i, boih huitUil and pkalanl, Ivini; diveiilhed with hills
and vallie?, woods aiul rivers, jiroducn-.y an.mas, ba-
nanas, grapes, or.ingis, lemons, citrons t<,rwn!as, iimes,
datci, and ajiricots ; togither with ^\liole toivlK ot
cibUige trees, elm-, oa!.^ ] ■ne-., ai..|ou, a;:d oi'.ie'-
trees, large and i-'.;. . 'I he oik'-'r coawui'dities aie
liigar, lilies, iiidi;,.', coiion, eoeoa, coiiee, gii^ger,
toluico, laii, w:i.x,"h<)tuy, ambcii;ris, and variou.. kinds
ft' d.'u;i,s and d\in,; wood . Croiodiles and alli;^',,'"''!'''
inki' iTs coatU'.u.'d liveisi but they abound at the
kinic lime with, torloiii^ I't turtles.
Tins illa:id is p<:!l'..lkd in co;nmi.:i by the Spaniards
anil Freiuh. C.-hn.ibus ililcovcred 11 111 I (.92, ;uid
cdlcd it Spaiiilh lllaud i ;'v denominauou isl.i-Ji it has
pielerved iii-.d.er i'h ii.uik' il i li!'i;ai;;o'..i, alon^.; uilli
Jhat ot St. Doinlnj'), derned Iroin Si Oominiiiue, to
whom it was (ledieiued. Thiy t';)uni tiuie loihe i^old
mines exceedingly rich, whkh bruughl ;'.ll the lokoers
ot'.Sj.ain in cio\sds. The greater part ol the male In-
tlians perillied in iliele mi:;es; and almoll all the k-
males bv t'.ic e\e.ii,\e labour ot' cultivaiii.g ihc liikls<;t
juai/.e tor the u.e I't t'.ie lO.iquuois: ih.e otheis were
niatlacivd, liiher in cool blood, or in rar.ged baiiles ;
tor lo the\ calkd thole kinds ot ciuees winch the Si.a-
niards, ci)Vered Ai-.h iron, and tollo-,.eil b\ biiU-dogs,
n.ade to a luuIliUi.! ■ ..1 I'e.el'e i'nhapi>v wielclies, quae
naked, and IImii!; v\i;h .i,l th.lr nn;
exlerniiiianon 01 the natives, and coiileiiuenil\ the
tliliiciiliv ot' woik'ii,', ihe mini" ; the bioodv ijuarivls ol
the loniiiKiors a.ivi", '>\i: another ; the diliovery ot
M.-r;ico, loon al't.r ih^.i ot St. iXnnjngo, diauii';', ihi-
thirall the invado-- ; .md. lalilv, liie piii.u'.ing ol' i!,-
capital by Drake in iji.O; all link events coiilpircdl.y
bring on the ilecav ot tlie new colony a tew uars alter
its efiabhriiment/ 'Jhe Si anlard , Icailered about this
larite illand, having l)ceoiiie unai'le to hinder the buc-
caneers t'foiU ki/ing ih.- WeliiMi I .Ills, illid KllUnj',
Ihemklves there, rel'ire.l 10 tiie eali^.n lule, v.lii.h Ihey
have ocelli 'ied lince tim time. 'J i.ur p.ivl. botli te.r
iiiltureand con-.merce, is ir.uch the bill, it lias lai-^-*
;.uii!ui plains, and the liiuation ot ii.s coull is intinitciy
iiioie tavoiii.ible to n.'.vigalion than that ui' iheFfench
J he Sjiani.inh:, ihr"ii;',li their naiural indokaee, j^laiit
very liiili : 1! ur p:i..cip.il cmployiiient is 10 bri.e\l
cattle, or to I. Milt ilioie uhich lia\ ii'.uliij;l:,\; in lii-i
isooik. 'll.i;.. g. 1 Ironi i';eir n;ighLuar.s liuckings,
hat'., linen, gm s, iron viare, and tiime tl.).;ths; lur
Ahull they ^;\e in iviurn, liorks, honied CHttk, liiu.aki-d
beet, hogs, and hiiles.
The pnniija! I'iaces in liie illand, belonging; tu tii'^i
S| anianis, ,iie '.he I'oliu-.iing ;
Si. |).)i;ii:>ji., |l>e c.ipilal, i^ a large well built city,
liiuaied on a ij-aiioiis iiaib.^ur on ilie I.huIi tide of ihe
ill.uid, and uii.nJ-id by a callie and other works,
ll h.i. a uni\^.!(i\ and a college, a i^um Ichuul, fiveraJ
conveiiis, a iii.igniliieiu cathedral, an hotpital, and a
line maikci plaee i.n the tcnier ol the city. Si. Do-
mingo is aho the rilid>iue of ihe governur-genc.ai ul
the.Spanilli kidni^, ot an ari liLilho;', and touri or io;,al
audiiiiC. . 'ihe HiclikMihoji's liitiiagans al'e the billiops
i.t Concept I'.'ii ill this iiland, Si. John's in I'orto Ricu,
Si. Jai;.) in c -iM, Ven/.iieia in .Nnv ( alUle, and of tiie
city ot llonuui.i-. 'ih. j.niid'etion i;t' tho court ot
royal auilieiiic iMmls 10 .;;1 til.' Spanilh Well-li ili.;n
lll.inds. A line n.r. ig.uhe riser tails luPj the lea ,1 iillk-
lo the u> ll ol 1;.
I'l'iiiej lion IS a conliiierable to.'n, and the lee ot a
biihoj', 20 k.i",u-> iiorih ot St. Doming.), St. Jagu
lie Ids Cavaiieios he. \j leagues riurth-.\eii uf Conccp-
lion, ivn.l eiii<.;. s a liii'.' ail. I'oito la Ihata, or t!ic
I ki\en I'l Snit r, I'ands on a;i ari'.i ol li _ lea, 35 leagues
north ot St. Doiningj and Monio Chrillo, ,u the month
ol tile rl\er '\'.'.gu.\, to miles uul'i ot I'orlo di ia I'iala,
anil 40 nurth-'.sell Irom St. Duraiiigo.
The towns belonging to th.e tremh i.i ihis iilarj .:;e
till loiiowing :
Cajc St. I''ri:ni,"oi ., hru:Ue on the no'ih tide ol tlie
ill.ind, is in a very llourilhing a. id opulent condiiion,
having a line haiboin', a br:;k inule, and a great num-
ber ol inliabitar.is.
Si, l.,..i.i-, <). I'ori l_ hnnie lrc;n the turtles
wiih \i.ni' il it lo:ni.:l} .ih. ;;n.:,\l. It i- about 6 leagues
long from c.iii to ueil, and j uheie bro.ideil. 'fr..;
Ireiich have a j-opuious and llourilhing fettlement,
lalkd Ca\i.ina, with a lunboiir in the luuih pan of liie
illan 1. ll \ lel.Is all the commodiiies found in the other
\'\ eli-illllia ill.lMiS, logelher with Wild boai;. ; but lia.
lit lie or no li .ih waier.
Of the oiii.T illanils on liiis coiil the chief are S r, una
and Mon.i, L'.i'iiging to i.ie ."Spaniards.
r o R 10 R I c o.
'"Pill"') illiiid IS liiuated between 64 and (r; d.-giecs
-*■ well longitude, and in la degrees north latitude.
Kill.; between Hifpaiuola and Si. Chrillopher's. It is
about 100 miles iu length, and 40 m breadth. The
chiel' p.'.it of the leuutry L di.eililied wiih '.vookl',
A N!:\V AN11
vallies, an.l plains, aiul it is cxtrLiiulv tjrtil^-, im-.>-
«kiciiv£ iIk- lame fruits ui the ot'iL-r llLinJ-. It :•■ \u-il
watered wiih []miv^^ aiul rivers ; but tiu- nir is txccllive
hot, an,!, t:i:;inL; I'le rainy leaioii, very unwliole
The not , part oi tlv'illanJ, wiiii!) is the moll
ren, cuntair.s I'everal mines
I'lme i;t
produced izreat quant ilies ot lilver ai
id gold.. It was
on atcuni of the latter that t lie Spaniards killed here;
but tiitrc i> no ioniser any eonliderable ouar.iiiy t.amd
In the woods are parrots, wild pi:^eons, a;ul i-ther
fowl. I,uroi>ean poultry is found here in pler.iv, and
the coa;t abounds uiih 'tilli. A breed of dogs, wlueh
tlie S|ar,iards brousj;!u over to hunt and tear in pieces
tiicdefeneeieb u.uives are tiud I ' run wild in tlie ■aooiI-,
anvl I'ubhii up.on land-Clab^ that burrow in thetire.und.
The principal commodities here arc l'u_::ar, gin';.r,
hides, cotton, threa.!, callia, mailic, &c. 'I'iieir jork
h excellent, as is likcwile the Helh of their kids, l;ut
their mutton is very inilirtercnt. They have gocnl lliip-
limber an(i fruit-trees, witli rice and Indian cor:;.
Thi^ illand was taken from the Sjianiards by Sir
Framis Drake. ti was .ifter.vard^ comnKred by the
l':arl <:^i Cumberland, in the n ij^n of C^ieeii Kii/.ai.'eth ;
but he wus obliged to abandon it, bavmg loll luo'.i ut
his men bv lickncfs in the latter end of the lummer,
when this and all other pl.ues in thele laiuuue- .ue
verv unhealthy.
tlie Spanilii government have taken p,reat pains to
prevent an illiu't trade being carried on at this place ;
but fuch is the convenience of its lituation tor that
traliii, th.it all the fevere edicts illued againll it luve
been iiuillrtual.
Porto llico, the cajiital town, is lltuated on a Imail
ifland on t!ie north coall. This iilai-.d forms a vliv
coiiveniciU h.arboiir, and is loined to th.c chiet ifland
i-,y a caulewav. Ir is defended by foris and batterie^:,
whicii ren-.ier the p.lace almoll inaccefiible. Tlie town
i^ well buili, and jjopulous, and the teat ot a governor,
as well as a bilho-p's fee.
The only places wortliy ot !v>tice in
illand, ex-
clulivc of the capita), are Port del Aj;;nada, where tlie
liota provide themklves with water, and other ii'.iella-
iHs ill their vova^e to Old .Spain; and Boraba de
InUrnes, whicli is remarkaiile tor having an t.xcellent
turtle I'ahery.
On the coafl of Porto Ri'.o is a fmall jlue, called
Crabs Ifland, firm the great number ut crabs that are
T R I N' I n A D.
'""l^iUS ifland lies between t'le Illand of Tohasv' and
A the S'.ianilh .Main, tiMm wiief.ce it is lep'arated by the
Straits c't I'aria. It is about 90 miles long, antl 60
broad; ar.d i^ an unliealtlv. climate, though a t.uillul
fiil. It was taken by SirW.ilter R;\leigh in 1595, and
liV the French in 1676, who plunilered it, a;;d exiorted
nioncy from the ial- .bitants.
The piiiiupal prodiK'tions of thi^ iflan^l aiv fugir,
fine tobacco, i:vh-o, piin',ei, v.irieiy of iruit, lome
cotton trees, a',;d Indian cum.
1 1-'. S lO'.i nil!-. '■
111 len-;ih. a;;i
rd.;nt. a'loid' ;. r
M A R (i A R I I A
■ wift of Tiinidad, is about 40 mile;
in breadth, and, bemi!; alwuNS
i.oil arreeable p-rofpeCt. It abounds
u,v, tiuil^, .iiid Indian (oin ; but there V a f^rcat
lr.vri.ir\ ot .vo.kI unci water. On Ihe coall o' 'Ins illand
111 pall
r!'. .])e'ri tillieiy. i;;it it ha. been 1
ir main
1 N the S.vitli S■.a^ I'lt Spani.irih, cia'.:;i ilie
Cliii'.ie, St. i\hr\, Q^iiruiuiria, Moia o, Mo
I'Viuand'./., i'ler.a, I'uer.a, a- I levcral riiier ;
iMTua.Kie/. l-ue',!, ,uul Chilo. onl/cielLivc
lll.l'ld' of
nha, lua;;
; b;a Juan
JUAN I' 1. R N A N D i: Z.
JU \N' Fernandez, and Fuera, or Mafa-Fuero, are
dillant liiM.i c.i(.h other about 31 leagues. They
were tiill dilceiveiol b\ Juan h'ein.uulw-, a Sp.aniard,
from wliom they take their name, in 157^- Phe Spa-
iii.ird- diilineuiih thciu by the (Ireater and Lui'rjuan
I'criuiule/ i' but the Imaller illand is more generally
known bv the name of Malii-Fuero. The tjreater Juan
l-eriuuule/. lies to ih.e ealUsanl, in latitude Jj deg. 40
iv.in. fnith. and longitude 78 deg. 30 min. welt. It
was formerly a place of refort for the buccaneers, who
.mnoyed the wcllern coall of the Sj anilh continent.
'Phe',' were led to nfort hitb.er by the ii;uititude ot goats
whieh it iieurillied; to ile[.rive their encmie. ot wiiicii
adeantage, iheSi anlards iraiilj orled a lonlidciable num-
ber oi dogs here, which, incre.Uiiig greatly, have almoll
e.xtirpateil the goats, who now only lind leeurity ame^ig
the lieep luoui. tains in the northern j^arf., winch arc
inacieiiiole to their ( urfuer^.
I'heie are inllances ot two men living, at diHlrent
times alone on tins lHanil tor many years; the one a
Mufijuito Inilian ; the other Alexander Selkirk, a
Scotihman, who was after Ire years, taken on board
an I'nghlh Ihip, the Duki- privateer, troiu Brillc!,
which touched here in abcjut 1710, and brought iiack.
to Furop.e. Prom the hillory cf this reciule, Daniel
Pletce i^ laid to have conceivcel the idea ot writing liie
.Adventures of P^obinlon Crulbe. Selkirk was a native
of l^rgo, in the cou;;ty ot I-'ite, and was bred a lailor
1 from his youth. The realon ot his being lett o-i the
illantl was a diHerencc between him and his captain.
Pie had liis cloaths and bedding with him ; alio a fire-
lock, a little powder, fomc bullets and tobacco, a
hatchet, a kettle, a knife, a bible, lome books of
practical divinity, a'ld his mathematical lnilrumeni> and
books. He built liimlelf two huts; one ttirthc] urpoic
ef reading, fleeping, and amulemeiit ; the other tor
drelPing his victuals. He procured lire by rubbilig
tv.o links lA pinuno wooil uixm his knee. He tound
here a fort of cray-ulh, cf e\i;uilitc llavour, and us
large as a middling lized lobfter. Thcfe he both Lroilcd
aiid boiled, as lie did the goals flclh, and made very
go'.xl broth of it. There was abundance ot good luniips
and c.ibbages here. When h:s dolhcs were woru
out, he made hunklf a coat and cap ot goats tkin
I iaving lome linen cloth by him, he cut out loma
Ihirts, which he lewed with the worlled of his eld
llockings, pulled out on puriwle, uling an old nail to
m;ike holes inllcad ot.a needle j and he had his lull Ihlrt
on when he was tound.
He had lo far te^rgct his native tongue, for want of
ule, that, on his lint going <.iii board, lie could not
Ipeak plainly. A dram was oflered him, but he would
Hot talte it, having drank nothing but water (or lo long
a time. P^e was left here byCajt. Straddlinfr, com-
maniler ot a vcliil called the CiiK;ue Ports, and taken
away by Cajit. Wood Rogers, who landed at this illand
to jirocure water.
'Phis illand was very prc»i>itious to the remains of
Commodore Anion's li^ua'dion in 1741, alter having
been bulleted with teinpells, and ikbilitated by an in-
veterate fcur\A', during a three nuinths pallage round
CajK Piorn. They cor.tinued here three months, during
which time the dying crews, who, on their arrival, could
fcarcelv, wiili one united eti'ort, heave the anclior,
were relloied to pel (■ Cl health.
Capt. Larteret, in the Sicallow, in 1767, having met
with manydiliicultiei and impediments in liu pallage into
the South S.a, by the Snails tit Magellan, aiteiuptid
t 1 mike this illand, in order to nciuit the health of
lii'- men ; but lie tound it tortilied by the Spaniards a'ld
therctore chole rather to proceed to ll.e Illand ct Maia-
I'ueio. But NP de Bourgaiiiville, tha. lame yrii
.atlectionate lea\e ot the
Ihii'inan, however, juil
witli.ut him, ta'.i:.^ 01
jumped into the lea, an
beaeli, where the poor
nating on l.is litu.uio.i.
to him on ilu aluufviitv
and h.iviiig m.ide .1 rum
threw it over the lailor,
the people in the boat
liirf, ai;d thus brought
lowed lb great a quant 1
he was to all ajiiiearatici
uled, he loon recoveiv
dantlv thanklul for the
hi.u fr nil the dreary loi
s 1: (
TUP, Ill.md of \
i4tli and 15th 1
deg. of well longitud
welt of Biibadoe-, at
JO in breadth.
No. 4y.
-TO, are
ii'r Juaii
iUcr Juan
Wilt. It
:.'ir~, who
■ jvatly,
and now, doubtlel-, turiiilh a very valuable- addiiion to
tlie iiiUiiial jiroiliKtions ot liiis i|!)i.
Vali llvals t)t iilh, ot various i-.ind , bevjucnt this
roati, pariieularly cod of a pr )di<^ious iv.v, aiul, it is
faid, II) not I. f~ abundance tlian on ih.- bankb ot New-
f lU.i liaiul. 'I'lierv are but tew birdi lierc, and thok'
aic ol Ipecies \sell known autl coainiun.
1 LI i: R A, OK MASA-FU K R O.
t^v)M?.!r)l)OUI', IJVRON anchorrd oii tiiis ifland
^ 1:1 I 7:)5, an 1 I'eut i>ui Ins boats to endca\ our to get
wood an ! vvater; but a- the Ihure wa.roLi^y, and a lurt
br >ke uitli great violence upon it, he ordered the men
to;iu! on iori. j '.'.'kets, liy tlie help of which tlieybrou^-;';it
oil' a conriderablv i|Uiiitity i.t ijoih. 1 1 ere liu) louiul
plenlv ot f.v);U<, wliu.i j/rcneJ to l)e a. goixl t kkI a;,
vcnilon in lyigbnd. in iln^ expcditicn the ^:,unner,
and a leaiuan \vlit.> couM not Iwini, w.nt on liiore with
the waierers, and, wl.--n the buliiicls was coir.i-ltted,
the viokia.' of the Ij't, .\;iich beat ug.iinil; the Ihore,
jiiade tiieni alraid to ve.iiM'e off to die boat : tiiev were,
tla.'. 'it J, I ft liiliind on tlx lilaivl. The next day the
tea Mil;. . f .it out a boat to bring theu! liack. ll-;
gu.Hi.r ivv.an iiir>-Ui.'li liie liirt, and gjt v.'. Ixurd ; bm
tlic k ;.aai; lu.i to i.iorii.;,u ,1 prci.ige oi Kn.-i; dro»Mn.d
in tilt .'.Ileal, II to rea.h l;ie lioat, that, preteirin:; lite 10
locial iuterC'U.e, lie elioli- to remain on tiie illaiul ..1
all events. 1 1 uii'.g f irnied this re.olution, he took an
atiLtionate k;i\e ol the jieoi k in the boat. A inid-
lhl|'man, however, jull as tlie\ were about to retvn'n
will, .ut him, tnkiiifi one end of a rojic in iiis iiand,
jur.iiicel into the lea, and lAam tlirou.;h the lurt totiie
beaeh, where the ))oor inlulaied deipondent lai runfi-
nating on Lis liiuaiio.i. The \ ouiig man remonllrated
to him on i1k ablurviit\ of the reloluiion lie had tormed,
and luiviiif; made a running nooie in the rope, luilekniy
threw it over the laiK-r, and tiNir.g it roun.l his b(Kb,
the peojile in the bivt began loiliag him throu;i!i ti;e
liirf, ; '. t t'lu.s biouglit i'.ini on board ; but heluul Iwal-
lowed li) great a i|uaa!;iv ot water on his patlage, that
lie was to all ajipearance dead ; \ei pi-oj:er means being
uled, lie loon recovered, and was, no iKubl, abun-
dantly thanktul for the fiienelly violence that had torced
iiiin fr )iu the elreary Iblitude which his tears had before
Cajit. Carteret defcribes this ifland to lie in 33 deg.
.(.5 nun. touth longilu le, bo deg. 46 min. well, from
(.ireenwich. It is very high and mountaiiiDUs, aiul at a
il, 'lance, apjxars ;is one hill or rock. It is of a tri-
angular form, and leven or eight k.igue, in tirtum-
Here i^ iuth ])lent\' of tilb, that a boat with a few
hooks and line^, mav preienriy cait h as much as will
krve 100 peopk. Here are coal-liih, ca', illiers, cod,
lullibui, and ci.iy-iilh. Capt. Cancel's crjw c.uight
1 kiiig-lillier thai \vi :ghed 87 pound,, and was five tect
antl a halt lo.ig. 'I'iie (harks he-re were fo ravenous,
thai m taking loundings, one of ihem ivvJlowed the
katl, Lv whicli iluy hauled liim abo\u water; but he
reg.iined his lilxTt; b) di!^',orging his prey. Seals arc
lo rumerous here, that Capt. Carter' i (iiys, if many
t'. .uliinds were killed in a night, ihcy would not be
iliill.d the next moiiiiilg. Tliek- animals \iekl excel-
!e:.t iiain oil ; and their le.irts and ] lucks are \ery good
UkhI, having a t.ille fometiiin^ like thotc of a hog.
riieir Ikins are covered with very tine fur. There are
many biiils lure, and lome very large hawks. Of the
j I'li.ulo bird ihe cn.w of the fwallo.v caught 700 in one
c H I 1, o ]•:.
^"'IIILOF., a confivlerai^k ifland, on ihe coaR of Chili,
^-^ lies in touii; latitude deg. .tnil i"; above 1 1 ?. miles
i )iig, and 21 Dioad. I'ne linitii pa/t of it is divi ied.
imni the continent b) a narrow ("ea, and the continent
rheve ir.akes a hay. This ee)all is fubjeit totnni.eiluous
Aeaiher, eljieciall'' in Much, wiien winri r bcijins.
The Spanvuvls have Ijut .;!>■: little t^rt 1,! tln^ ilTimd,
■ alkd Cli.icao, alw.-.\s if, proviik I w'.tn warlike iloree.
j Bating wi:i;, tliis illaiul | ;.!uuce:i all p.tcel'.'.iry refrelh-
ui'iusand pnriiions ; and ii ;.,iv:.r deal ot ainbeigris is
' t'lUiul I'.ere. iVfout ti'.is iilaii : are 40 inor-, all taking
I name kom it.
A late navigator tells U-, th-te iflai-.ils .f Ciiiloe are
I reputed barien ; 1 ut tlieir ii)il is 10; r.alh' lo, oniv ilie
cxieffnc rains dioa- the leed, and let no corn thrive,
1.1 tiiat tfey are without wl;eat, we.ie, or oil, and other
plants which need mucii fun.
The nature of tlie climate of tlii;. chiller of idaniis is
Inch, that it rains ahnoli all the \ear; lii tiiat only
mai/.e, or other liicli grain, can ripen, that want not fo
n.ueh lun. The diet ef the natives is niollly of a rovit
called 1 aj ai'.s, which grows bigger here tlian in anv
oil'.er place. The manufactures are clothing tor the
Inihaiis, who have a kind of veil, wlich tliev call
maeuii, without lleeves, over which is a kiial ot cloak.
'I'liey have vail wood.-, ot cedar trees of a prodigious
li/.e, lo as hardly to be eneonipalied b\ a rope li.e )'ards
long. The principal town is called Caliro.
WEST-INDIA 1SL.\XI)S bclonaincr to the FRENCH,
s i: C T I o N'
M A R T I N 1 C O.
'HI', Idand of Martinico is lituated between i!c.i;is, wii.. were K-admittwl into tlic illaiul, Init
were obliged 10 v\ork .i!' (laves, anil to li\e among ti.e
Freiitli, tli.it t'iv\ ;, light iiave no oj)|Hinui.iiy to lonii
conli)iraeie>- ur jiloi' with their coiiiiirv iii^ii, or to ,i(lo-
ciate together, li.toiv it was lulKliieJ iiv tiie I'.nghili
in 1759, it contained 10,000 while iuhalMiaats In to
cany arm>, and above 40,000 neij,roe^ or llaves. Be-
luk's this toive, lome coiiiiianies ot regulars were alwavi
(,u.irtered in the iilar.d ; \o that nothui;.!, Init the nmll
notorious iiiilioiKluct toulil i'.ave lendercd the Britilli
tn oj s. nialteis ot it with lo little lolk as they lUtlered
en that oeiuiion.
Martiuiio i^ iici only the relidenee ot the goverr.or-
general and iiuendant, hut likewil'e of a liivereign
t'ouncil, wliieh lu;)ericitends all their other illiivK, and
even ihe Icitl^nunis ^ t St. Domingo and Turiiig.i.
The illand owes it. llourilhmg Hate to the iMeiidi go-
vernment having t"anl|iorted tl.ither, by way ot 1 iinilli-
nient, gr.at numiieis ot its I'roulhint rubj.'Cts lome
ot whom voluntaril',' t'etlkd there.
The two prir.eipal inwns in this illand are I-'ort
Ro\ai and Si. I'ierre, or St. IVter's. Tlie tirtl is the
!• at ot government : its llrects are regular, the houles
agreeable, anil tiie inhaliitants very much given to ail
kinds ot lu\ur\ : tl:ev are the I'arilians ot the Weli-
Inuies. I'l) ihe eai't ot the town, on a neck ot lind, is
an irregular tort, baniv built, and woilc ikligned,
whith gives name 10 the town it jHiorlv lielends. F^rt
Royal, as well as the tell of tiie itlanii, tell under t .■
power ot the Knglilh in the vear 1756, hut the\ reiuucd
it at tile jieace ot 1 '6j. The French have lince built
a citadel upon Morne Carnier, an eminence higher than
the moil elevated points of Mornes Faiate, Tartanlon,
and Cartouche, wl.ich all command Forte Royal.
The harbour ot Fort Ro\ai, where tlie men of war
anciior in winter, is one ot the bell ot the W inilward
Itlands, and lis I'ecuruv ;igainll the hurricanes generalh
acknuwleilged. It is iuppoleil that the inner jart has
been fiwiied bv linking the hulks ot leveral ihips to
make a fence againft tiie Fnglilh in the war of 1759.
The Fort ot St. I'ierrc, is five leagues to the leeward
oi Fort Roxal, in a roun>l bav ot the welfeni coa.t.
'l"hc town, the tirll built in the illand, is the place of
communication between the colon\' anil mother country.
It is the refideiice of merchants, and the ce.'iter ol biili-
iitl'. Ihat part lituated along the lea-lide, on the
itrand itleif, called Fe Mouillage, (the anchoring-
place,) is very unhealthy. The other port, leparated
trom this by a river, is built upon a low hill ; and the\'
I all It the 1-ort from a fmall tortrel's which defends the
road. 'Fliis road is verv convenient tor loading ana
unloading the ihips, and the taciliiy ot coming m or
going out ; bui they are obiiu'd in winter tinii, to take
llielter at Fort Roval.
Tiie town ot St. I'ierre lullered great damage by a
iheadtal hurricane which hap; eneil in the nioiuh of Oc-
tobe!' 1780, in which 200 hi/Uics were blown into the
lea, and great dam.i^e was lioue among the ihip[,iiig
that lay in the h.arboui.
The cliict ex) ort ot \L:tinico is liu'ar, of which vail
quantities are annually ihijiped tor I'rance.
' I ""llli Illand is f;;uated about 30 leagues north-well
■'■ ot Martinico, in 16 deg. north btiuklc It is
about 45 mile-> in lengili, and j!i in breadth, and is di-
vided b) a ileei) gulpli or b.iy, ami a chaniiil called the
Salt River.
Ti'.e air '){ Guadalou]ie is preferable fo lliat ot Mar-
tinico, being iiioiv lalu'inous, and lef. lultrv. Tne
ibil IS ve!)' fertile. Its products are fugir, collie, cot-
ton, b ill ird cinnani.in, iiuligo, ginger, an.l manv
"thi-r \' ■•'j,.:tabk's, parluularly the lapui-iie,', li im
viiKh !■ uxtraited a moll e.xcelleiit balm; ihe mih,-
llirub, lo called from its yielding a fubll.ince like milk,
'..lien ])relied, which tails little lliort of the lapua bal-
l.iiii i Uie moubane-tree, whicii bears a yellow plumb,
with which tiie natives taiicn llieir hogs; and the cor-
o.rv-iree, the gum of which, wlvn li.irdened in the tun,
iKcoiiiv-. lo tranllucent, tliat the Caiibbeans wear 11
lormed into beads and hr.iiekts.
M.iny ol tlic mi.uiilaiiis with which (iuadaloujie
ali'iuiids, are tovereil with w(XhI i and nothing can he
more venlaiu, or iiKire beaulifully variegated, than the
large plains whicli lie beneath them. One of themoun-
t.iiiis emus a continual Imoak, and communicates a ful-
[ihu.ous t.ille to the neighb mrinv; llreaiiis.
The moll remark.ible bird on ihisifland is that called
the Devil's Hiid, whkh is peculiar to tlii', ill.md an I
Doiinnii.i , It IS a bird of paliage, of the li/.e ot a pul-
let, and ail its plunuge coal hl.ick : it lives on lith,
'.sliich it caiches m the lea at night, lieiii;-!; unable lo
I e.ir the light in the oXv-tinie when Hying; lo that iIkv
oiie.i lun againll iiueriioling objects, and fall down.
.\Uer their nih-huiiiing in the night, they re|>air to a
HKiuniain called the Devil's Mountair, where they Kxlge
hv i>airs in hoks like rabl)its. Their Iklh is g,i,'),|
nourillii; g fvvul, ihcjugh of a tilhy talle.
Tf.e Illand is pcllered with an inlecl called a ravet,
iliipiil like a cock-charter, ot a llinking Imell, which
deltroy both biK>ks and fiirnilurc ; and whatever tiiev
do not gnaw is dilcolour..d by thiir ordure : but great
numbeis ot t'nm are dellroyed by a kind of t'pideis
tound on till illand, lome ot' which are as big as a man's
nil. I'l.e bees ot (luidaloupe are exceeding different
ironi ihole of I'.uroi.e, being black, finaller, ^and with-
out ihngs. Thele Dees, inltead of making c 'inbs, lay
liieir honey in bladders of wax, about the torm and (i/'e
"' .'' 1"S''^'."'=> I'g^- The only ule made of their wax,
vv:.kh is ot a dark iiuqile colour, is 10 fecure the corks
ot bottles. Tne hoiiey is never of a tliicker conlillencc
than that ut' uiivc oil.
1 iie Cul de S.IC3, a- the I'"rencii call them, orgulphs
.ibout this itland, ahwund wiin turtle, lliarks, land
crabs, and various oil.er tilhes.
One ot the twodiviiion. ot this illand is called Grar.dc-
I'erre ; and the other is divided into Cajxs Terre, or
Cables Terre, and HalKe-'lVrre, which lalt is alio the
name ot the capital, a \ery cciilliler.ible town, lituatal
on both tides of liaiiilf River, and well forlilied.
■|■hi^ illand, as well a^ M.ulinico, was reduced by tlie
Ilriiuh aiDis in the year 1739, '''" rellored by the deli-
iiitive treaty of peace in 176J. The French tirll began
to knd coioniei to it about the \ear i6j2.
Tills illand, which is lituated in I4ileg. north la-
titude, was liifl il tiled on bvtlie JMigliih tn 1637,
'••• ho wei\ much aniioved by the natives and the French.
At lengtii u w,is agreed between the latter and the Fiig-
Ijlb, that St. I.uca, with Dominiia .uid St. Vincent,
Ihould reiiiain neutral. By the definitive treaty of
176J, It w,^ ceded to h'rance. St. Lucia lies two miles
louih.it .Mariinii.i, .md i^ about 2.3 miles in kngtli,
and 1 iin breadth, h is one of the finell and moll con-
-nient ol any of the C.iribbee lllands, being diverfiticf!
vMih hill, and v.illiej, well watered, and furnilhed wilh
cxcelUnt harbours. The land is rich, but a great part
of :t ,. cohered with woods, whiih abound in wikl fowl,
and \itld great iiuantilies of excellent timber. The
iieighhoiiiing |i;i ^ ^u'll liored with lilb.
St. Laicia luil.iiiied uniiderable damage by a dread -
111! hurikane wIik h happened m the m in'ih of Ortober,
^o. (iiiat i;u, libels of houies were levelled with the
g'ou'id ; and the lhi|
to !^a, many were loll.
'|■.^^ Illand was taken bv tl _ ....^
hill ivlhind to the Frencli b, thc^ treaty of K-ace'iiI
I7«-;. ' ' '
IS III the liailiiair being driven out
i'.nglilh forces in 177S',
THIS illand, whith i
(iu.ld.if U[)e, i: aboil
hrcadtli. It was (lil'e<)ver
named by hinn Marni;alan
the name ol liis Hup. It
nion-tiees, and other pnxl
and contains a great m;
are found ; as alio lever
watv r. Along the eallen
riKk^ \Nhicli give Hielte
bird.^, as they are lull of
THK Illand of Tobaj
from liarb.idoes, .1
Vincent, 40 call iromGr
from the Spanilli Main.
9 in breadth, and 70 in
rather larger than Barb;
Leeward I fluids ; and t
lies a tiiiall iHand called
miles in length, and otie
The climate is tar mir
peded in an illand that 1
from the eiiuitor , tor tl
cd hv the lea hree/.es.
whkh it abo-.inds. coniri
his anotlier favourable c
n.imelv, its lying out ot
that often prove to latal '
'Ihe nonh-wett ext remit
ot the ifland agreeably tl
uigs. 'Ihe loil, in ger
proper for jiroducing, m
js railed in othe;' parts c
many fprings, togeth'-:
creeks. But the valua
perhaps, its greatiil rii
kinds ot wood that are
lllands, it is (aid, thai
cinnamon tree, witli th.i
copal, are found on liii-
l>a',u are reckoned e>]u.
gi|. Indian and (iu;
kinds of pe.is, the colli
drink, and ; lekls an
apple, banana, pome
biltcr orange, k'MM-.
tarlajia'illa, temper '
gu.ivi's, plaint,! lis, t.c
loin -apple, pa^.a.v-app
clierries ; tlie cocoa-trc,
and clothing ; ii'Ulk,
t.iiis, gi u.\l-, poi,'.,oe
iiijiv, o.iioii', c. Iliad, t-
wuh li\i' ilnleii M Icrt
the ivTi, r.'e piinu!, an
on tl,i . ill.ii..'.
I lere are wiUl hog
hog ; anna liiioes ; gu
kiiiif ; Indian coai.s,
fheep, d cr, g;oiis
World, wt ..:e told, c;,i
both Ihell :,::d ollxr,
ot a m,)li deiicKus [\;]
is alii) a grc.it variety.
iflauij ate toiind pieell
ous lli'.ik, ;,,iiii- , 11:,..
Tile vaiui; and inijo
till! t.V(K:.i!ive and
been lint I hither by In
dilVen-iit cl.iini.-. li
the Di'aii, who dii.ii.
JLni^luiia a, id l-raace
ICC like milk,
ic t.ipua hal-
'L'llow plum!),
and liie cor-
al in tlu'liiii,
Kaiis wiMr 11
( Ju.ii.iaiou)n-
>lliing tan ho
led, than liie
it iheinoiiii-
mitatcs a ful-
i^ that call d
li^ id.iiid an !
ll/." ot a ]nil-
livcs un lilli,
n-j^ un.ihlv- I.)
til that likv
it tall ilonii.
•y repair to a
re tiicy lodge
lledi is g(X)d
ailed a ravct,
tniell, whitli
ivlialevcr they
re : but great
ind of tpiiiers
big as a man's
(ling diffep.'iu
cr, aMr. Along the e.illerii lliore luii liigM periieiu'.uui.ir
riKKS \^hicll give llielter to v.ill iiu;ul)eis ot tropical
bird.-, as they are lull ot holes like a pulgeon-houte.
TO B A (; o.
TllV. llland of Tobago lies 40 leagiks I'outhby w\il
fioni Hai'o.idoes, about •^j li)u;:i-eait from .Sr.
Vwueut, 40 eull troiii tiivnad.i, and between 30 ;'iul 40
from the Spanilh Main. It is 32 miles in l.-ngih, about
q in breadth, and 70 in eiieu.nterencc ; to ihat it is
rather larger than Barbadoes, or, indeeil, any ot oiii
Leeward Itlands ; and near the north-well extremuy
lies a tiii.dl itland called Liitle Tobago, wiiich is two
miles in lengih, and one in breailih.
I'he clinute is tar mire leiupeiate ilian could be ex-
peded in an illaad that is but 11 deg. 10 min. north
from the etiuiior , for the force of the lun is drniiiilii-
cd bv the lea biv^/.es. Tlie fpice and gum trees, wiin
whkh it abounds, contnbui-^ to its la!ulirity. '1 ob.igj
has aiiotlicr favourable circunil Lance to recommend a,
n.imelv, iii lying out ot tl-e liaekot tliole iiuni.ai.es
that often prove tl) l.aal to lue oilier \Veii India lllandb.
'Ihe norih-welt extremity is mountainuu , but the red
of the itland agreeably thverliried with nlings and tall-
uigs. 'I'he toil, in gener.il, is a ricli biack moulJ,
proper for |irodueing, m the greatelt pieuiv, whatevei
js railed in other parts of the Well Indies. Tiiere are
many fprings, tog.-the: with comiiuxlious bays and
creeks. But the "valu.i'nle trees whicli grow here, are,
perhaps, its greatell riclie- ; for, belules me dilieieiii
kimls of wood that arc found lu llie other W eil India
lllandb, it is (aid, that the tiu.- nutmeg-tree, and tiie
linnamon tree, with thatwliuii p-'nluces the roai gum-
copal, are touiul on this itluid. i'-y !ig-trees ot fo-
ba'nj are reckoned equal to liioie of Spam and Fo.iu-
gs, iil.iii.t.. ;is, tamarinds, graj.es, cullaid-apiile,
ibiM-apple, pai,a.v-apple, nKi.v.iuea-.ipple, yellow jniim,
cherries; the eocoa-tree, th.it yields both meat, drink,
and clothing ; iMilk, cueuiiibers, water-meloiis, j um-
t.ins, giu.-d.~, po:;-..oeL-, ^ams, cirots, turnips, pan
iilps, o.iioii', e.ul.nl.t-i'ool.
naiur.i; I5a!i.im, lilk-gra'.s,
iiid the jaiTiai.aare alto produced
iMih ti\e iliirerinl lort^ ot pepjier, ll»e long, Ihe cod,
the I'.ii, ! ,'e I'oun
on tin. illall.^
Here aiv wild hogs, piekarees, whic'.i relemble a
hog; anu.i hiioes; gmnoe-, which .ire ot ihe alligator
kind; liulian comes, badg.rs, horlef, cow-, altes,
Ih.ep, d er, go.a,, and r.ibl.it.-. No illir.d in the
ivoru!, ue ..:e toUl, c:.n lu nil inch a v.iriety ot tithes,
both Ihell and oil-.e:^, p..rucu.arlv turtle and mullets
cf a molt deiicK.us i,,;!.;. Of the leathered tpccies there
is alio a gre.it vanet\. l«uUy, in di ill rent jiartsot the
illanU aie toiind gueii tar, loap e.irtli, unh many ei.n-
ou< Iheils, ;.,me', m,.;\.iline , and mmei.ils.
Tiie vaiu.; and inipoiiance ot I'lis itland ajiirars trom
the t.xjic.iiive an lland
lo much in need ot Euioper.n comnuvlitie-, t'.iat tliey
will run all ha/.ards to obtain them. Tl.e c.ucf town
and harbour is abour three leagues tVom tlie ibuth-eall
end of the itland. The lown, for its li/., is one of the
fiirell and liaell in .\in.rRa, a.i.l Cd..iainb every thing
neceliiiry to render u o.iiaiodious a.\d agreeable, as
t.ir as the climate and toil will ivriuii.
Here are three other hualier illaiuh belongi.-.g to t!ie
Diitih, namely, S.iba, Bonaire, aiul Aruba.
Saba is a very pi "ilaiii illand, titu.ued about 13 mil;:s
north-well of LuK.uia. The ;:a is lo Ihailow about
it, that none but Hoops can coino near it ; nor even
thotc-, but at a I'lnall creek, on the ibulh fidt of the
:• '
ii. I'J,
. I'i
illand M(<;'i ot iho inliablt.uUs au l.ul tn 1 c llmc-
inakcr-, or doaitrs in lliots, 'i'lmv i- :i il. !,;.'. lUill
vailcv ill ilu- illaiul, wiiicli priKluccs iKM.ti.iiiL5 t.n- tin.'
illliUiMl.V.ilS, Uiill lullK lIKJlgK iuul U'Uun.
SuIm, ;iik1 .ill iiliiiul c;vllai St. M.irtin's, were liotli
(.-.iptiircJ in ,\Ja-.ii-al RoJiu'V ;iiul (u-;',ir,ii V.iiigli.;!i .ii
tiic time ot tlic liirrcivlcr ot St. l-.u(t..tiai but ucrc
atiL'vwaiils rc-iaki.!! !•; ii.i.' iTcncli.
1> );).iirc iinil .Aiul';; .;iv I'litlls i .■iirnlcial/l.- \\iiiv!i i.~
alii) tlic tall willi Ciii.uiiuij li)|- ll;(.\r liUi.Uioti lua.' llu-
coaiV 1)1 '1 iiia-1-iiiiui, wiiiili y^iw^ I'l miiai>iiaiii> an
<);ii..'.;u;ni\ ul a jv"''! lali-ponil,
v.iiui.cr tiu- 1 Ju;iii ll(Hi; :. con;c lur lait, ui.icli ^ bc-
coiuo a coulidtiabii.' lo.iiiiiuiiiiy.
Si, CllON 111.
1) \M-il W r.-l-INiM \ I^I.AMaS.
Si. 1 11()M.\S.
1 11'. iilan.l ot" St. 'rhornab is liiuati-xl to tin' call ot
Port)- Rico, air.i I- li;c cliici I't ll'.olo i.vilcl 1 .ic
\ iruin lilini! . it i a ' )Ut 15 miles in cu\ iiiiituvine,
.•ukl lias a I'lic aiul c laiinoilioLi-- harbour, wImcIi b> bc-
iiiL; o|;cn to traders oi all nations, cnnclics the ini.a-
bua:ii.^. Its I'oii i-, in general, very t.mdy, notvv;ili-
tland.iip; wliiih it 1 rodiicos moll ot tiie \\ cil-lniiian
commodities; but it i j;re.'.ti\ iiifeiied with inulijiui'^.
I'he jiruKiiial adva.ii.iJc ot this illand Lo.iliil> 111 a
very •;^ootl lurb'Hir 0:1 iiie loutii tide, where 50 ihip^
niav lie ill r.i!et\-. It i-> is (ict'eiuled liy a tort, whole bat-
teries at the lame tinv.- [ lot^et the liiiaU town bimi
round the liuav. 'I'lns ' amour is iiuicii trei;iiented i 'v
incieha.U tliij.s : when i^.ev are chaied, in tinieot war,
t!!i.\ line! herealate piutejiion ; and, ni timeot j.eace,
a V-. r.t tor tiieir ^,001!^, by the claiidclbne trade wliich
the l)oats ol' Si. ^llOlUa^ eontiiiually carry on with the
Spaaiih cuaii^.
'1 uo le.igujs to ih.e Ic.uih ot St. 'J'homas i> r.noiher
lilind, ab.out the Taiiie li/e, called St. John^. It i=
the bell watered among the \ii);iiis, and its harbour
iiaa not onl\ the reputation of being better than that ot
S:. 'ri)oma.s Init jialles alio iur the bell lo the leeward
(.1 Anligua. The JMiglilh give it the name ol "C'lavO
B.iv." IJa! n )twillil..'.iidin?, iheli.- advant.igcs, ll?e;e is
Ul iiitle good land in the illand, iliat it> iil.iiiting and
fXj '.i.uioiis toini oiii) a \.ry trilling objec:.
Si. tRCUX, or SANTA CRL/..
i.-s ilie I'lioi toii'idei.iMe of the \\ ell-liidia 'll.iiuls 1
bel 'n;ir.g to lJc.iir..ii '^ it i-> liluated oiu i)l the'
gleuj) ot the V ngiiis, l.ve le.'.gUjs to lli- louili ot St.'
Joliii's, being ahout Jo mile:i in lenglli, :ind ten in •
"br. adili. li is t^der.:lj:\ fertile, producing iii'ilt ot the I
lieceliaries ot hte, togellier v, ith oranges, citrons, gni-
nate^, leii'.on^, the manioc root, and the |)aj an tree,
tl'.e truii ol wi.uh makes a moit ixieHe.it Iweel-iiv.at.
l-kre i'. ailo a \ariety ot d\iiig and oijier woods j.ioier
tor 'ii.,ulc .i.id lh:;)-l'.oii.iHig.
The dr'.aie,'. p.i/r ot t.ie in'ubiia.its ot' S.inti Cru/
conr.it-s it I ::'.'lilh and l:;lh catiioiu-., and (jerman
.Muravi.'i.i; ; tiure 1 . .1 Imali aumiier ot Daiiei.
PORriMT-l, l-l A.M.^S in AM! RIC'.\.
0\ I lie colli ot' IV. i/.ii irr three ill.ind-- belon-ing to
the Pi'iiugjele, vi.'. ! er.iaiido de Noro..i, St.
Barbara, atid St' Catli.-.n:,.'' .
hi rn.iivJo dr ,\:iroiia li.- ::\ j deg. 50 niln. llmth la-
titU'!,\ It i< but Ima I, ..:v\ 111 a tew plates only iiil-
Ct'])liblc ot till.ige, oa n^ tj a want ot m.iilbiiv, lor
tlirov'L''i learcit} 01 water, the ilhuiel is, in general, bar-
ren. There arc only three liiuill brooks in tlio inland
; arts, liinaniiode Noiona has two liajboiirs laiable
I ri.iei\ing lhi[)s ot biiilheii. 1 1^ re are two lorl>
iiu;h ol ll )ne, ij Ueiuus, aiul well provided with arlil-
lei ;. .
1 he inlubitants conlilt |)rincij ail\ ot the troops
iroiu iJr../.il lent thither l>) w.i) ot delcnce, a tew poor
r.-.m;l:i , and lome liuli.iio. iiicre are loiiic cattle on
the ll! I. dreai ;)kr.ty(l lilh are taken i:i llit- har-
bours, and turtles ai)ou!.u in the leahiii, wIikIi i,-, l.i ui
Dectml'er to ;\pril. Tiie Fieiuli iiiav e a ieltlcment
on tills lilaiid in ly.^S, but were toixed 10 retire b) the
I'oruiguele, who then unt a colony over, and elected
the loru already mentioned.
St. IJaib.ra is lituateil in lis dig. 6 niin. louth lati-
t'.i.:,. ll :s im.di, leriile, but thinly inhaliited, and
haxi.ig iM cij^acious harbour, is very little Ireijuented.
1 he illand ot St. Catiiaiinc lie.^ 111 laiituile 27 tleg.
45 inn;, truth. The loil is tortile, ireduiing ihveis
kii.w.i it Iruiis Ijiontaneeully I'he woi.ds arc vtry
tnigraiit tioiii the aiOii.iiiC trees and lliiiibs with which
the) abound, lleie is a Ipccies ot b..ick tattle relcmb'
ling luiiiidiK'b ; alio luoiikics, parrots, and iilu.iiains.
The I'.;'.: hours and b,i\- are llored with lilli. 1 he water
is giMid, anil t.iund in \.iiious part.i 1 t tiie illanil ; but
ih.c r.i.- is i ir iioiii being l.siuuri, us the country is
ovcnjiread with a v.;pour all the night, and a great
I art ol the nioining, which coiitiniji.s till the lun gains
Itreiigih to diilipate 11, or it is dilj.eneJ by a briik lea-
A' /. // ■ D I ." C O r E R I E S.
Tl.RRA 1)1.1. FLLCiO.
JrriVii!. h'iij't int.'ijie'.u viib the nn'ives. Their maa-
i:cr of !-(btiV! iir. IiuHcnh en tij'it>!ii-nj^ n tiicnatiiin
in fiitji if pliui/s. Si\(;ui inlfriuiv ictU' tti: natives,
D nrip:::.)! of ihcir fiTjons, tiiy/i, exlruciiiinary de-
cH) iitniiS, Jciii, bal ilr.!:t>ii, funiiiure, iveapons, ca-
iir.ci, iir.mtcii, i/iydi, fijh, ivjcfls, jLiiili, govern-
weiil, in: ion, (jc. Dt/iiipli(,ii of j'omir p.irts of
Tt-'ii! li i iiicgo '-.•ijitcd iy Lajitain Cook en his /C'
coi.d vcyagc,
Ij'OR '.he moll icciir.atc defcription of the illand of
*- 'i^Tiaikl l-uego, or the l..iiul of l-'ires, ^lo called
trom a \okano which emits I'.imes vilible at a great
ililiancei we have recurred to the account ot our cele-
brated nav'galor Captam Couk, as moll particular, au-
theniic and uitertainnu;.
WWw Captain Ccoii, upon his lirfl voyage, fell in
with 'I'eiia dil huego, abi.iit ;i leagtics to the wefl-
waid ot ihe Strait ot I.eMaire, trees were pUinly to
be tiiilinguillKil by the ainilance of the glalies. As
our people came nearer the land, tluy ihlcovered, in
lome l|.of., jiauiie.s ot Ir.o'^ on the lide of the hills,
and the lea ^o.ill^ ap])eared to be covered with a beau-
tiful verdure. J'lic hills are lofty, .ind the fumniits of
tlicni i|ui'e naked. The li)il in the vallies is rich, and
ot' a cor.lideia'ile dej'ih. :\\ the font ot' ever\ hill is .1
brook, the water ot i^imli has a redihlh hue, but is by
no means ill tailed. (Mpt.iiii Cock fi\', that it iiroved,
upon the whole, the bell that was l.iken in during the
They ranged the- coaft lo the Strait, and had foun I-
illg^ all the w,.\ Irom 40 to 10 lathoms, upon a r,ra-
vclly and tiiiidv botloni.
The moll remarkable lands en Ti rra del I'uego are,
an hill ill the lorm of a liigar loat, which llands on the
well fide not tar trom the lea, and the three hills called
llu- Tiiiee Brothers, ah.oui nine milis to ilic wellward
ol Cape Si. Die -o, the low poini il.ai loriiis the north
entraiueof llie Sirait ol I ..i Miire.
The ill.iii.l ot '1 err.i del 1 uego lit', between 5.3 and
55 degi\es ioiitl, latitude.
2 When
When tlie lliip was br
(ioi'.l Suciels, C'i'ptiliii C
i.ied liy .Mr. J.iuxs ami
Vvateriii^ pi.uc, and coi.t
whom h.id cuiuo i'l Ug
hoard lide ot ,:h: b.u ,
lino )th w.'.ter and j^, lod
1.1 li.'.a > loo.i mule tliii
l..,i,l'.' I). ..V ll, on tiie oih
th'- iiuiirK |- ol oui ]..o]
tlleV reireaie 1. Mr. bai
vaneel :iiioiit ico \ard:
tao ol ihe liuh.in-, 1 -i
loille pa^e^ tow.irds ihci
came uo, liie lndi.;;is ro
.1 fmail llivk ia !.i^ ban
boia trom ihemlelves am
lideretl as the renun^ iai
peace. They tlien walk
pauioiis, who li.ui li.i.t,
them, ,i:id bjckoned tlr
tiivV t.\\A. They were lei
ot Irieiivilliip, r.ii.l in r
the. 11 f) ne iie.'.d and i.b
oa ihore lor t:;.U pu:j ■
greatly d-iightedi.
A mulll.il coiihdeiK'e
fected, the jariics joai.d,
w.is, became ge.ieral, .ii
oar peo, ';. b.u k lo tiie
l)o.u\l, o.ie ..1 tlii.m ('.
tornied ii.ucli tiie laaie c
Mo if. !' 'll. ,iii-.\iiL-, w!i
reii ',1 lu . I. a lire. W lie
i.i! ) .1 IK .V p.,ri ot tiie II
11 a 1^, a li.t 11 • ca'.i.;iit
a'l his io;i e lor [•• .le i
v.jiee eiti;-;' to oar ] 10.
eat foiue biv.vd .lad beet,
plealirv, though lueh
they did not e,i;, they
would not fwM.l.o.\ ,1
Ihey ])Ut t'.ie glaS to li
liquor, they reiu.n.d it
'I'hey .appeared to h
curiolity, as thev we::l
another, ,ind looked .u
that every moment pre!
c\preliioa ot uoi-,i.ler or
of ihe fuppoled priell I
Th,- natives, .ifter h
c.xiiieliLil a delire to
pained them, landed i
them to their ci ni!<,ai.i
the f.inie V. leant iiidili'
on bo:ir I ; I )r as on o
n^ Is ill relaie, ii) on ti
a:rioili\ to heai, how
they had leen. Whe
oii'er g iitlemcn, willi
out t:oni llie li 'o, wi
ir.ite .u lar as 11.. \
at ni.'ht, the hi!l>, w;
to be ])aiily a wood
a 1 ire roik. Mr. I
wool, a:id ni.uj.j no
llii'uid, in ,1 coinilrv
Milled, liiid plain-, will
hi- lib.iii;-,
'l'lu\ erUrel the
liltle lo the welli\.iiil
tiiiued to afceiid the li
lor leveial houri, hit
places tliev iiiiend.''.i 1
wluit Ihey had la'.xen
) il.c
and iivcud
liiutli lati-
liaiiiud, and
ic (rcqlK'iltcil.
itiidi' 27 deg.
II. iiii; ilivii's
■^i^ arc wry
15 Willi u lin.li
atlL' Rkmli-
.d |/lK.iJai:is.
I he watiT
illand ; but
ic t\.u;ury is
and a great
the lun gains
)} a biilk ica-
'lli.'r aidii-
■iii; a mcuHtain
:b tL'i: natives,
ruorilinary de-
■ZCl'dpOlS, Cll-
Liiilj, govern-
jlmf p.irts of
jt-'k en his /e-
i the ifland of
res, (lo tailed
hie at a great
n\ (it (iiir eele-
partitular, au-
(lyage, fell in
.•s to the wefl-
ere plainly to
le glalli."-. As
ihteiiviTeii, in
Je iif the hills,
I with a beau-
he luinmits (it
les is ri( h, and
ever) hill is a
hue, but is by
hat it proved,
111 during the
rul hail loun I-
, upcin a j',ra-
(kl bu^'go are,
1 llands on the
iree hills (ailed
I the well ward
nils the iioiih
leiueeii 5,] and
\Vlie;i the ihip was broui;!it to anchor in thi: Bay of
(IikkI Siiceels, Ci /•/<;/// Colk v.ent un ihore, accoiiipa-
i.ied liy Mr. ii.iu;v:i ami i)r. Silaadcr, to loi,k tor .1
ViAleriii^ piaie, and tohler with tlic Indians, leveral oi
ivhoiii 11. id eoiiio i'l li.;hi. Hie) landed mi die llar-
hiiaid tide ot i;ie l>ay, iie.ir Lmie 101.I. -, v, ni(.ii made
lull nil w.Uer and t, xjd landing; ihm) or turi) cjI t!ie
1.1 li.'.ii'. I'Hi.i \\\\\\i^ linir apptaia:.ie ai the end ot a
1,1, 1. IV I). ..V 11, I'll liie oilier lide id ilie b.i; , Iv.ii te. in^
til- iiuiiiKii/l mil |,i.ii|'le, whieli was tea iir tutlve,
tiKV leireaie 1. Mr. Ijaiiks and Dr. S .iAMiier then ad-
vaneel aiiniu ii^o \ards beloiv lue red, upon whieli
two ol ill'.' Indians 1 -iurn-a, aiiil having advanced
lu.iie p.Ke-. losvaals ihein, lal liowii : as loon as tiiee
tame 11. i, liie l:idi.'..'is roie ; . lul e.ie;i ot them liavii.o
a liii.iil Ibek in hi-. Ii:'..id, i!irei\ it a.\.i_> in a direciion
b;)ia t 0111 liieiulelves and ihe llra:!gers, v\hieii was eoi.-
lidcred as the renuii. iiiiioii ot weapon., in token of
peace. Tiiey then walked briikh lonai'tls their eom-
p.t!iioiis, who li.id ha,l.i.l at about litiv \arc!s behind
them, a.'id b:ekoned i!ie gjiuiemen t < l.iho.v, whieh
tluy dl.l. They weie uceue I wiih inanv uiieiuth llj;n-,
ot IrieiiJlliip, and in reiurn ihey difin-mted among
the.n I'lne iie.id - .uid llbilOl.^, wi-.i.h iuai be^ii bruuMii
on lliore tor t;;,u purp-jle, and VMiii v..,;i.h tile', were
greatly ileiighieil.
A mutual eonfulence and good-will bein;', thus ci-
iVeu'd, the j.aiiies jo.ii.d.aiid the i.ori\ei!au.,>!i, :iiCii a- ir
thai it was neeellary to lift the leg over thcni, which at
every Hep u.i. buiuU ar.ilc tkep in the toil. To ag-
gravate the lain and diltieull) ot lueli iiavelling, ilic
we.iiher, wlikli hilherio hud been veiy line, muei! like
one oi our bright (i.i\s in Mm , t,ei.anie giooiiiv ami
cold, with iudtUii bialt. ot a mutt j-urejig wii.d, ac-
oiupaiiied Willi Inow. '1 Im j,uihed lorwaul, however,
ing.jod Ijiiriis, notwiihnanding I'leir Jaiigue ; Init v\hcn
t.'ny h.id got aboui t.>o tiii.ii, over thi-. woody t'wanip,
Mr. Muchan, one ot I'.ir. l-ianks's diau. lit linen, was un-
haj.p-ily iei/.ed Willi .1 in. 'Hi. lu.uie it lieieiliirv tor
the whole eoiupaiu to l;alt, ;'.:id, a il wa-- imjiollibie he
iliuuld go an\ tanner, a li'-e was ki-idled, and thole
wiio were mod l.itiuu.a were lett l\!:inil to take care of
hmi. Mr. Banks and the i/il er giniiuueii went on,
and in a llK/rt time reaelied the lumiiiit. As boiaiiills,
they were abundantly gi.;tiliid b\ linding a variety of
plants, which, with relpect to the Aljiine plants in \.\x-
rope, are c.\ae'dy wiiai iliote plants are, with relpeC-l to
ILK 11 as grow ia the ]ilai;i.
Tiie coid na. iiww bvi'ome more fevere, and tiieliiov/
blalLs more iie(|uent ; the il.iy alio v.a-. lo far Ipeiu,
thai it was touiid imiHi'l'.ble to 'jei b.'i k to ihe iini)
ne ii.g.ii on Ilk 11 a
a e!:iliate, \.,'.' 1! .1 oii'i\ coiiil. .1 iL-jk,
coukl not, l.o.\e...i, be avci>ied, a.iii
was, became ge.ieral, aikl tnive ot Hum ace'-mpaaied
our peopl. b.u k lo tiie iiiip. W'iien they camo on
board, o.ie ..1 lli..m ilu; /oled to be a jiriell) pe;-
lormed n.uch tiie :a:ne i .'remonies as are deicribed by
Mm!. !'. 'ii. .lirAiiL', w.ii'Ji iie is ot opinion were of a
reir',1 ili L.ture. W'luii ti.is p.eiloii was iniioiiuced
i.itj a ik'.v 1 .ai ot iiie iliip, orv.iien any thing he li.iii
11 ii !e. 11 b.t 1! ■ ea'.iyil l:i> aileiuion, Ik lii.iut.d wii.i
a'l Ins iiKee lor l.'.ie minutes, wil..,iut directing tils
v.jice either 10 o:i:- ; 1..1, le or hi^ companions. Tiie)
ear t'ume brci-l .lad beet. Inn iv.it apparently with much
pleaiu'e, lliou^'i lueh jMri ot what was given them a,.
tliev did no! eu, th.- i.iok av .i) witii them, but tliey
would not fw',il:>..\ .1 drop i.f either wine or fpirits :
they jait t'le ghi's lo llieir lip-,, but iiaving tailed the
lii|uor, they retu.'ii.-d it with very ilroiig expreliioas ot
Iht-y ajipeared to have veiv little of the palkon of
curiotity, as thev we;:t from one jart it the llii]) lo j
another, .ind looked at the great variety i.t new objee
)elo'-e the next 1
I nuiuniaiii, in !!.:■
but dreidt'ul : It
I they Were to pro\ii!e fjr n a- Weil .1 oi,,.i'.,i,..
\\ liile thi-y were g.n.n i, v, the ii!,..ii> two of ihc
I co.n: any went b.ui. 10 ihe i!..ar , i;tii'.:.:i anil tiie peo;ne
I ih.ii were witn fim, wiiii ii.Ti.',..iiis 10 luring tnein to
i an kill, uhicli it was t'..Ai';!'i ia\ ;a .1 lea.r r,;ui tor
I reluriiMig to ihe wo.'ii. a...! wh-.ii '.-.as iherei .M'e ap-
i ])oiiitLd as a geti'jial r.i. i./.vo'a .
! Ti.ei.'ahole eom.iam .'iki. .■..k\ at tl,
I . . • I . ' . . 1
and, iiiiUL^ii jiiiiche.i \,n.. nu i_.'..k w,'.
fpirit.H. The drauglitl:...: > ..1:1, ,1 ;.;■■!
I lirenglh in a mui..! ,.,.eaer li,.^. ii..i
I been expeciei.!. Ti.ou-'i. ii-.).-.- u. ;. 1 :,t
moii-.ing, It was ibll da\-:i,',i:i.
and i.i.v I'l
lor the iicaiVil valley, .M.. l5a;ik-. hii'ikU un !
to bring up the rear, :i:;l ke tl-al no Ii!.ii2;e:
behind; a caution ih.il lu m Uj pe.i.r..a i ) be ul
mi.ii importance.
i)r. .Solander, who liavi more tl.ai once cvi
mouiiiains which divide .S,\^,u.i ui a \.;: ,;
knew that extreme cold p.-.du'es a iVs-^iiuJ,
idinoll irretillilile, and therelo.e c -ajmeo llie 1
ii .v.-Mi:,
ik., ..nJ
a his
.1 i.a.-
. in tiij
! 'riaki.ig
■va. leic
liiC Ul-
;"ed the-
>, well
t: at is
I 1
ji iiK)\ iii;.r, however | aii.lu' it nv;
that every monieiu |)relented tiiemUlve-, without an'/ |j w.irds were, " Whoever lit
cxpretlioa 01 woi-.vler or |)lealurc
s ll'.i.'. 11 V I
II tl
l.)r the vociteratiohs
of the luppoted priell teemed I'l be neither.
The natives, .ifter having been on b.'.ird two hours,
ex])i\lied a delire to on ihe ollur there leeiiied to be no i
u.ri'iiii', to lie.u, how ilkv hail been revcived, or what ;
they h.ui feea. W hen Mr. Hanks, Dw Sol.iialer, and I
oilier g:nlleiiieii, with their attendant-, and lervaiits, let \
out honi llie Ibp, wltli a te.v ol the men, lo pi. lie- j
li.iic .IS tar a-i 11.. \ (..luid into the couairv, .lad ivtu'ii j
at iii.'ht, the hiii-, when viewed at a d'ikiike, Kenied
ever lleeps will wake no more." Tin ugh tiii;. ..dmi'-
nilb.ed, tlie cold became luddenlv 'o li te.l,- .■ lo p;.i-
duce the efllcts moll (headed. Dr. .>- land.r himielf
w.is the tirit who touiul th.- iacimaiii 'kaj,.'.:
Ii.id warned others a^ irrelillible, aiil aim 'i! lo!l tin. ii''.; ft lit'- I
111-, lliois
|.,v.\.i!'l nii'i
rMvrK''\i. (H'.'M'. \niv.
nm iKl't li\i- iii::'.'.;t
linihs; iiiul till- n,ii:iii's \\cri- io liiiui-.k, tii.u
kll troin lii^ ItU. II-' <')iiUii!>'il I '
ru!.;i :illiil;UHt' as onild hi' I'.iv,.-!! hiiu : i>iu ••':^'^'''";'''''i''''
I'l'iVaiii, ;i!nl .1 ti-a:i'.ui
i tKli.l tlw U'M, I'li'.'uk
|i).-.;i .^ I>V'> others llu ulil
to icU.v
tlu'ivtim-, k-li liis "ilu;i- 1'.'. Is
wi-.o l-'Ciiv.".! to i-.:ivL- liuil'iL-.i iv.i
:ittor l'.i;ii, i'ru;niiiiiii th.;t ,■ . \,
lie llii!kisT,ilv warmcl. llii> lli'-ukl be ivlie\c.l. .N.i-
U:iiil-s witli t;iv.u ililikuliv , -n i'ik- 1 hv.n to the i;rc ;
ami Kr.Ki ati.r k-ni tuo o\ the I'eoi.k- who l,ad ban le-
thc alliihuu-.- ot tli'i'x •.\!u)
lis Ills, troiii irilli I'.iii^ue'. aher to imromi.MljMi .i
It. J Ik'V wi-r.- ;i loi.j, liax's iuiirii<.-y thlbtit iiom
ihi]), t!iroi.,;li jiathk: v\o.>;i', lawhi.li tlio\ ini{;l.i
li.Ail.lci'ol till o\'.r:.;k»'ii by thi- iiiliiing night ; ami
aut h.iu.itj pivpari'it for a iminv.y ot ini-iv ifi.iii eiyji;
oi It'll iioui-, tluiruhok' ilock. c,t' riiiviiniii!; proviiiio
,\a- a Mi'iure, v»!iiv.h li.e'. iuij.ii.'iial lo Hiuot v.hrii ihev
it e'slililv liiviJcil, Wuul-1 U'H
n.\, ai.
u,.i. li,
aiioi';' laUi
ti.ciii h.:il a lu.al; ami llu-y kiu'.v lu'i
li iiMic th.i'V liii_ M liiit'.r Imiii tlic i-olJ, ;i\
I'iiii (.onlimie.i to I ill I a ilreaihii! proot ol tin-
I'.flluil, hoj.iii'J
h.ul bt.ii ktt
that, \Mtli tl
bchiilil, lhc\
.'.hk- to b;-ir,^
11 ) \wii.e
rj iri/c
1, ih.e
10 be ill
: bv
R;v!,;noiul, tiioiis;h it ini^ht I'lll! be inipo.hbk' t'.
' in about lialt' a:i hour thev liul the iivntiiieaii 'n to
Ux- tiie two men return aloue. 'I'iiey n.ioniKil ii.em,
that, alter tlic inotl minute leurch, tlie; enuio p.'.ib.er
li!i..l Rielri-a.-nd, or thole wlio had been !elt 'Aitii iiuu ;
and liiat tlioui^ii ih.e\ had rej-.'^aleilly llioute
had replied. As Mr. Banks was e\j leilmi; h:s lu'i'ii/e
at this circumllance, lie miU'.l a bottle d ru'.ii. If.e
eonipaiiv'? whole lb)ek, wlTuh they euntludee
tlie kiujiarkot n;inu.d iniel-
lantl'x Ur.- I'vs.^ lu.iirs; lo that all h.-.pe >.t leeing them
af'a ' at kail ahve, wasjiiven ud: biii ;n loiiie r.me,
lo l! i;;e!ieral \o\ ot the n.mpany ;il the tire, a Ihouting
wj, lieAr.l at a diliaiue. Mr. Hanks, wul, umr otliers.
imr.udutely wnt ouU and lound i!ie leainan with ii.li
Oreni'th eiioii'di lelt to lhi-i>er al mE, and eall lor
alliii.mee. Mr. Bank. l..i\iii- lent Iniii immediately to
the lire, proceeded, b^ his directions, in k-arth ot tlu'
other two, v\ho.'n he loon :itier fouiui. Riehnioiui \sas
upon his ie'is, 'Mil not able to jiii uneloot lxl"re t;ie j
other. Mis coinpanii.n w.'.s lymu ujion the jvouiid, '
as knlelefs ^s ;i !;.,iie.
Tl'.e v,ii'>ie tomj':.i)>. wie- now e.illed Imm tiie tire,
ai-.d an u.'.ite'l ait.mjt was made to earr\ thein to it,
lull witl'.'.ut i.lti i
ti' -• fii'i'.v vei\ de
make uav tl.i-u;^!.' ihe 1 uiIks and boj^s ihemleive
'11. e niL;lit was e\irinKi\ dark, i
y ; 1(1 i!;ai timiing it very ihii.euit to I
ii t
o:il\ aiieniative
that h-M
^.Itinj^ maiiv lalU in the attun
v.a^ V> make a i;r. <"i the Ip'ot , I. lit the k.i.'.v
falkn. aid wa> dlii lali'iiz, l)elules what a.i- iiviment.i
II.' lli.lki
wa> dlii lali'll^
.!! in .'lakes tioni the trees, reiider.d it i.',uah\
i.iu . .,;ie.;! a lo kii'^ille (;i.e th.eiw or to bim-^ an\ part
uhith li.id been kindleil in the wj'.d thither.
. ■., rtdeued to t!x' mLlaner..dy neCi.llity ot Ir.iving
.< \ \.i\tehes |.. tlkir I. to-, h;'.vi:i^^ preM'.uih
I I'.ed I'l 1" i!.:i.s !:■ ;n the tree , and I; n .id
lar.K l.iiid >>\er thein In .i eonlid. r..ble
el mat
'Ih.y .'..
I'.ii. i.nl
■:... !e tl
a I A.i:
HM I'ou,-
leeii;.,, ;
w.e: io I
i.'t I!
ull'i; 1'.' t
■ ,1 a h;;,;,
;e li.;. iirol the told aiv.l lliow near
f .,i,e ol the nil Ixmn M lole their
ii.i It.iie'H, a;i,,iher<'f Mr. Bai-.k-V. lervanls,
t'.-i it was
1'. I to tl
reliuided he liiull die belore
he i.iL. i 1 iwever, :il leiii>,lh th.y
re.i.ihed the In.', aeM j., lied the mi'ht i:i a lit'iatioii
ilre.idt'ul in iil'-il. a;rl rendered more to \.\ the reimni-
braiiee ol pal: leve.iiii. , ;i:al liie uneeri.u.ii) ol what
was to eome.
'i"lie\ '.vere i.'.elv,' in n'-iml'-'-r whe> ha 1 kl out in
health and Ipiriis *>t ihele iwo weic luj.pokd to be
ahta.lv d..ad; a il;ird wa, (■> b.id, th.-it it ,\a^ .loubilul
wliether he '.vo'.ild be able to proeeeii in the mor:p.'iii ;
;uid a fourth > .Mr. IJU' ha., wai in danger ol the leunn
I'.O'.V Illl
l!ie Inoi
li'^our vi tile e.imaie, as it w.:s now the iiiuli) ol luii:-
nier in iii:s pan ot the worlil ; and e\erv thi;:^ iniplit
lie dre.u'.d tioiii .1 plucnoiiienon, whieh, tii tiie lorit.'-
pondiii^ leai'on, is uuknowii even in Nor-.vav and Laj^
Tile" oiilv obii'.t \iiilili' at tjav-l-reak was I'no-.i',
uhi(h lei med to Ik as iliiik upon the tree.s as iijiiii t!;e
;.',nHi;i'.l ; ar.^l iiie blalU returned 1 ) treqiiently, and with
tueli violence, that tlie\ tound it impoliibie (or tluiii to
lit lilt. 'I'lieN knew not lunv loiii; thi'> mifjil l.ill, ,ii-.d
ii.l.l but loo jiuali ivatiin to aiiinvhend, th.il it won:.}
loniiiie thetu in liiat iklolale tori.ll till tlu-y i<'rilheil
with hur.aer :ind lold.
A d.'.u.'iit liope lucceeded thel'c ti rrHle apprclitn-
ilons ; to", :;'; iJUt li\ o'clock in the moi ninii, thev dil-
CDvered ihe pUie ot the lun, throuj;h the clouds, uhiili
we:e liecoine th.inner, and be^aii to Ir.ak way. Their
tifil lapj V ;'.s to know whether the p^oor wretches iluv
h.ad been oli!ij;ed to leave anionji, the bullies were yet
livin:; : tor ll.ii piirpoic the', ililpaK lied three of th'.-
coi.ipanv, who toon .liter retmned wiih tiie iiieiancliuly
11'. '^s ot ilieir death.
i'.-.vour.iliie its appe.aranas ha.! lu'en, the I'miw ir;n-
lituied to tall I' tiiick, as to prevent lluir leltino, out
ior liie liiip. 15i;t abi.>ut eigiii o'cloik a liiiall regu'ir
bree/.e l|a-aiV4 Ujs which, with tlie prev.-iilin;; intlu.'nie
of tlie tun, at knuih cleared liie air, and, to their p^n-at
jo\ , the\ toon alter liiw th.e liio.v fall in 1 ir!;e (lakes Irom
tiie treis; a certain lign ot an ai^pro-ieldng th.avs'.
It was now deemed e>.|>e:lieni lo e'^amme more ini-
nuiely into llie ll.ite ot iluir iiivjlid-. Hritcoc, thoup^li
he remained very l^ad, laid he lhoiiii,hl himlelt able in
walk; and .Mr. Hue hail was nun li belter than theie
w.is realon to e\pt\"l. Tliev were now, however, jirelled
bv tie calls i.t hunger, to whiili every other conli-
i dvanon mult give w.iv. The}' therelort- coiiic to an
unar.uiiou.s leloiuiiou, betore they lei torvvard, to cat
tliiir vulture, wiiieli vva.. acconlingly Ikiiinid; and it
b. ing thoutrlit bell to divide it liclore itw-, tit to l>e
(..iteii, it was cut into ten portions, and evei-y nun
cooke',1 h.isown as he thought pri)pi.r.
Alter this tkiider nieal, whuh turnillieil about three
moutltuls eaii;, they prepareil lo let out ; liut ti wa--
till o'clock biloie liic liiow w.is lo t.ir di lib! veil as to
lender their I lojjrel-. praciiialile. llaviiii; ].rocc-cded
about ihrie houri, they ivere moll agreeal;!', liirpri/.id
to tiiid theiiilelves upoii the be.ieh, and much jiearcr
tlie ihip than tiie\ had realoii to e.xpect. l.'pon review-
ing tiieir track tioni the veliel, the\ |)t'rceived that,
inlhad i! aliiiid^ng llie hill in a line, lo as to iieiictru.'
ii.io '.he loui.t:''. , thc\ had iiiace ahriolt a cinle round
It. On their aniv:il on board, they congratulated each
other, and weie congiaiiilated by tlie crew in getitral,
wiiii :in e.',taly ot joy that can only be conciived b\ tiu 'i
a. h.ive b'.eii c.\j:oleil to cijual il.mger ; and Citplii''.
Cuk, t'l tlie honour ot his humanily, obferves, ili.il,
as he lutl'ei'ed lliegreatell an.\ieiy trom their iioi reiuin-
ir.y, in the eveiiiiigof the day on whuh they let out, !■:
1 .uiKipaied ill ii'.i liiiall tleorcc ot the general jov.
liie iK-a time iluu Mr. Bank', and Dr. SolanJei
\x^{\i on Ih'ire, tln\ landed in the bott'.iin of the bay;
aiul while the teuiuen were em|ilo\i.d in cutting brooms,
they |iuil'u'.d their I'/eal ob|ee'l, the improVi.iTient of
natural kiiowleili;e, and had great I'uccels in thecvllcc-
lioiiot Ihells ami pl.ints hitherto unknown. They .itter-
wards Mined an Indian town. When thev got within
a lUKill iJUlance, I'vvo ol liie people came out to ncct
tl'.em, ■.'■••lii li'''i 'bite ;
ti.em, thiv betian t'> h
lliip, \«iiboul ai'.iiieitin
J- r. i.r ti.vir lompai.i.
li:a;i ;i sotiteraiiou lor
111.' t ..Ml, v.'liicli w.v- ti
1 i,e natives were,
thirved, Ixardlet's r.ue
(,i the rail i»t iron, nv
li.i k hair. 'Ihe men a
'I hell llalliie Is tro'll I:
The wi'inen ar.' .o.M
in geiv't'.l, lionii ai
j^-uij-'y |s, ill giieid, !
^f t!-!eir '.v'lrds liy a ton
w. it,.iise lo li. ir the t
oliilriii't ii. 'I '"■■'i' '1
<»u':ii.o'.-, or I' .11, llin
la the ta.iie iLite in wl
|.Kie of the tame Ik in
tliTC'l about llie ankk
)1;;,;. le'.ved tot-etli.r,
r ii hes to titer ktiees
one (kin, haidh
lie lower parts
a liinii ll.ro, ^i-
I'hcir ilrels, in nootlu
men. Th'. children j
inured in the!.' iiit.inv;,
l!i,'iu:;h llu'\ aie i onte
bilious to lie lint . 'I
form^ ; me ivvi,ion ot
and the re.l of the ttii
(.f red at id b'.i'.k ; \<-
alike. Ti i.ii.col'.lll>
iliborate upon part
iiiUi'. e- who Inti-'Hluci.
i ) the town, weri
bl.vik, in all direction
appeaiaiice. Both I
.-Is tiiey can make the
The women have tlu
.'li-, ; the men ui)on
flic tor the want ot 1
,1 kind of (illet of I
'I'hev Kt :\ particular
aiid piiier be.uls eve;
'1 heir chiet food :
are coUc'led bvth.e'.'
at low water, witli ;
cd iind bad'cd in d'
They h)of.-n the liii'
to the roiks, with i
batket, which, wh^
The miifck's a'c "1
c.uiiiol proiiire a
other Ibell-iilli, nt''
i..urn's ; but a-, 1
h.ive fo f.'.v implenie
id tor the purpoil-
ili.'V iue freqiKi lb
'1 heir habitat i":'.
llrueliire. conlil'in-
fet up to a.^ to inn:
the top, foriuiii;.', a
of o'lr beediives.
with a few boii;'hs,
tide, about one eigl
for a door and a h
in a cotitiguous pi
of wliiih lite eir.lKi
The t'.iraiturc k
little grals, which !
for ihiiir and bed ,
incnts, whicli neci I
to produce anion.'
only I'eeti a batket i
at the back, ami tl
AM! RI>'\.
A M !, R I (■ A.
llllblll llO.l!
II t\w) ilU{;l'l
-Il l.'i.ui i.'i;'ji;
iiitii; piDviho.T
)'.| vvliiwi llu'l
, V^iiljl.l II. i|
I' klK'.V 111 'I
li'.L" I'olil, n\
]/r'ii)t <-
VV.U I'lV-v,
.1^ llpMl tl •
■ntiy, a;iil w.tu
lie iij.' tliiin tl)
iiif.lil l.ifi, .11:1!
tli.'.l it «i!ii:,j
i1a-\ i^tIiIkiI
riCk- apprcliin-
II!!;:, lil^-V lvi:ci as to
viii;^ jnui-cdal
.■i'al>l\ liirpri/vil
:d iiuitli martr
I '|)on rcvii-w-
l>t.-i(iivi.'d that,
ai ID ])cncir:it^-
I a ciuli- round
igratuLilL'd caili
rcAv 111 gcmra',
lIKliwd l)\ IIk ■!
' ; and Capla-.i,
olilLrvi-s, thai,
licir 111)1 rt'iuni-
tht-y Wt ciul, !•:
■iK-ral JDV.
d Dr. SolaivJii
nil ot the- ha\ ;
Liittinu, br.'o.'i.^,
ii)|Mir,i.imiit ot
Is ill I lie culicc-
.'II. 'I'hcy atior-
dicA- (;ot IS il hill
K out to -^iL't't
tl.vMii, •.'.'•th liii'i 1^ 't'-' i*' ''i"y i'"'i'il :iiTi;iiu'. On joiiiiii;?;
Hum, tl'^v iKt'aii i> hollow as liu'v cli I on l»..aid ihc
lli!'>, vviib'ui ai'.ilu-ilini!; thi'ii.ti.'!v.- riilurlo tin.- Ilrai;-
.■ |., (^,- 11, ir I (iii;|ai.ii)ns i and haMi-;^ contiiincd tl;;-.
i;,.i:i;i. xoiiii-ranoii I'lr It i!K' linv.', ii>ndii>itd tlitin tn
llv I i.\\\, vvliiili w.i l'iiii!>.! mi a tin.ill liiil.
I i,v- nalrn • \mu, in a|-i laianci, an ludv, !;;;!l
lliiM'd, Ik .1 I'll 111- lavr, 'lian- mlour U'ii'iiilikd ll. it
(.1 iIk' rvui ut troll, ni'x^d v.iih o 1. 'riky lia'.i.' ioiw
I) .1 k lian-. 'lln.- iiKii .MX- diiiiri.|.")riii'iii-d in lhi.:r lonu.
'i htii llaiuic Is tro'n r.\i. te.i ciiht, to liv.- ti\t ten.
The wi'MH'ii ar>- lo.ilidi talily K'l-. 15 'tli li-\r. have,
in o.''vi- 1, lionil •ml '' v^i.d alj.i'.-t , 'I lu-ir I..11-
•'Ui'i' I-. in ;;.iici.il, luiUurai, ;iiid lln;. iNpreN lo'i-
[ I thiir -.vrds Iv,- a lound (.xaci'y rvk-nilning ih.u \v!;i( ii
w. n.akc 10 1 1. ir ilu- tliroat, when an; liiini; liapiien-. t..
(iliihau't il. Their il.iilliiiif; coiili',' . ot ilielkin-ot 1' ■
<;u.'.:ii.-oe, or li al, tiiiovii i>vcr their llviuldev, e\u-'.!y
la the '.a.iii- Hate in whieli it i-;>i'ies f'i"in flu- anim..!. .\
IK! e it li.e lame Ikm is drawn over I'uir f>il, .■.. 1 { /.-
ill -ud a'lovil llu- ankle- like a pnde ; and P.-o or t'lic-
!:,;,;, I'ewed !ive;!'.r, I'l a.i ii inaL- a i!
t li hes to then- k;ue^ : l>ui llie ili '.1 ir \u\l li.iv^ o:;l.
line (kin, haidh' 'ar^e en')iri,Ii '" i" )>e: lie ' ■ llioiiulers ;
and t!;e lower parts m: ijuiie trike !. j iie women
|,,ue a rnnll Hap, as a \\v:c: laneii!;i tor a fi.'d.vi.
riuirilret's, in noothener|e.t, diif.-r. tVoiu tli.u oi t le
men. The chiiilren j^o e:uireiy naked, and are tlKl^
inured in their inlaney to cold and luirdlliip:.. I'-al ai-
tli.ni'ii I'lev aie lontenr tohe naked, tlie\ ar^- very am
Im!!"U' to lie li'i' . 'I'iieir taces :ire painted in vativa
t'nniis; tiie iVi:,ion ot the eye v.as, in general, wi/iie;
and the re.l ot the tuc adirned vvith hori/.jntal ;'.ie,;ks
(li red aiid b'ack ; 5 el Uarcely any two were e';ai'iiy
alike. T: I. li.coraiioii feeiiis 10 he more prot'ule aii.l
iiiliorate upon pavtieu'.ir oeealions ; I,;- ilu 1....
iiati'. e- will) intnHlueed M;'. Kanks and Dr. Solan';. r
i ) the town, were .iluoll eovered with ibeak > 't
lil.uk, in all iliiections li) .as to make a very lltiki,i;\
npieaumce. Hoili lexes wear bracelets of lueh bead^
a^ iiiev can make ihe'.nt'elves ot linall llv.l!-- or bones.
The women have them both upon their wiiil , and an-
.■les ; the men upon their wrilis onlv ; but to eompen-
laie tor the want ot braeelet^ upon their leg-, ih.ev u.ar
.1 kliul ot' llllet of browa worlleil about their he.ul>.
Thev Kt a jiariitular \.ilue ujion any thing thai i^ red,
and pnler beads even lo a knife or hateliet.
'Iheirchiet tood is liiell-tilli and leah, The tornur
are eolle.-o.d bv il'.e women, wivn'e liulineK it i- to alt. nd
at low waier, wall a balket in one hand, a lliek point-
ed and bari'ed m ihe oilier, and alauh.rl ai their bael.'.
'I'l-.ey lool'.ai ihe limpet-, and oilier r.ili, that ad,i,i.;v
toiheroik-, with die Itiek, ai-,.i pit tiam into ilie
balket, whith, whinnnl, they empi\ ii.ln ihi raielul.
The mull les are ' if a \erv line llav>-iir. W h.-n th.\
e.innot i.roiure a I'utrKienl liipp.ly ot lliele, and ilie
other Ihell-iilh, nceelhiv uigi ^ them to leek oiher iv-
fuiri'^ ; but a-, from their want it itav. ;mi:\-, liay
luvelot.A implemer.is, an-l tliole (i) ba lb conlliiu-i-
id tor the [airpoie- ..I catching a:id delivn ■■-j, .'"imai ,
ihey are treciiiei'lU reiluced to llie ut;-.i ili liit.re!-.
'i heir habitaiii'n-. arc of the moll rude and .iriitieial
nnielure, conlil'ing if nothi"g ir.ore tl;an a tew j:i.-,
fet uploaitoir.cnnetinvardsca.il other, aiul meet at
the top, formiii;', a kind of cone, which relemldes liuiie
of our becdiives. On the weather tide ihey are covered
with a few bou'dis, and a little 'jrals ; at-.d on the lee
tir, whlcli the natives diink ihroii^li a hole that i^ m.uic
11 -.M- the I ip tor that piirpole.
Their we.ipoiii iMiiiill ot a bow and arrow. Theit
bows are indilli rciifly toriiuil, but the arrows are e\-
tnniely neil, bung mule it wood, ami jm jilhed to fhe
highell (ligi\e. Ihe point, vshicli is of glal» or lliiit,
a:ii| barbell, i'- foimed .ual lilted with woiideriul i!e\ti;-
nu. Some jaec.s ot j'JilV >ii(i tliiit, unnrought, were
ieen among them ; b. li !es ring-, but! ins, cloth, and
i.'.nva', with other I'.uropean commo.lities. it w.i-
then, e iiilerred, tl.a: the;, mull lotm-'im-.'s travel to the
fordiw.trd, a ii v\a. many ;ea!s linci an) Ihip had been
t.i : .X t.u'l, a ihi. [.art ol Tcira del I'uego. Our peo-
pi o')!. r\..I ilait ih.ev Ihe.ved no furiri/.e at their tire-
ar.l,., 'Ailh tie u'.'.- ot' which tl.ev ai.peareu lo be veil
;'Aeuaii!ted ; toi tlu} tn.ule lign-. to Mr. lianks to l!;(K)t
a leal, which t'ilov\ed the boat as the) were going on
lliore iroiii the lh!|<. 'jhe) have likewile dart-, oV i.i-
thir harpoons, n-a!.- of bone, and (itted to a llatF, with
whiih liiey kill le.ih, v.h.iks, and other liili.
Their I an ).■
liia'lc of !■;;
nd in each was a
about 0:1 eighth of the circle i- le'i o;.en, both
t...r a door and a nie-i'lace. Ol thi^ kind \\eie hu' . hei!
in a cotitiguous pl.ice called St. Viiueni's IJ.iv. in one
of whiihl'he etr.iiers of a lire were liill remainiu;'.
The birniture hen was, if it m:p Iv f) calld, a
little gral's, which l.iy withindide ol a hov I, and. ler\ed
lor chair and bed^.And of all the utenlils aial impL-
tncnts, which uecilhl} , or ing^nuii., h.ive coiuuiivd
to produce amongll oiher lasage nations, lien, were
onlv Ieen a balket to carry in the hand, a faielul lohang
at the back, and the bladder of liime 1) all lo hold wa-
(he, over which the \'\x iiT/..n creatures huddled
theiiilelves logethir. C.p.'iliil ('cck, (;l)lerves that he
couKl not fuppoie the) c.irried a lire in their canoes loi
th.is purpofe o.ih, bui rather that it may l)e alwav -.
read) loremo'e on lliore wlkreva r tlie\ land; as, let
lliiii- in.'tln) 1 ct obtair.iiig a lire lie what it lu.iv, tliey
ci'.'ld not alwa\s be lure .-f lii.ding fuel tliat would kiii-
di. irom a fpark. They likci\ili- carried in their canoes
l.u-.'.e fctil hide-., whieli C^ntdhi (. 6 'y/t judged was to lliel-
le'- themv, h. n at li'a, !■• lerve a^ coverings to their huts
on llioie, and to be u;e. 1 oecaiioinll) .as tail ,
.N'o qua. Impede were hen in this conntr'', but fca-
lions leal-, ami dogs. It was deemed remarkable that
liieledogs barkcti, wliicli thole that are origiiiahy breil
ill ;\meriea do not. Tliis i-> aikluced as a further proof
th.u the peoj^le Ieen lieie by our vo)agerf, cither im-
mediatel), or remote!), communicateil with the l^u-
rojtean.. \\ hen Mr. Ikinks afcciided the liighell hill,
in hi:, e.\pedii!oii through tiie wooib, he law the toot-
ileps ot a large l.vall imprinteil ujion the fiirtiice of a
bog, though he coukl not, with an\ probalnlity g'.iefi
ot what knul ii might be.
Tl'.e wild foe 1 are lea-jiie:-, lliags, hawks, vulture?,
duck-, geele, and a laige bird c.illeil the I'ort l:;gmont
hen. 'I here Were ikicks tailed by our peoj-'le r.ace-
I'.oile- , on ,u.\ou.u of the great bvitinefs with which they
run on the water ; lor they cannot iiv, the wings being
li'o Ihort to Uipp.ort the boily in the air. Tie geele
here are much linaller than thole of Kngland, but i:i
tfuou. e^jua!!'- .tgree.'.ble. They have Ihort black bilh,
.UK 1 yellow leei . The g.uider ii quite white ; the feniali;
is 1|. oiled black a;id white, or grey, with a large fpot on
e;ahuMii.\. 1 lere are k\.ial other aquatic birds, and
I'liie land ones but not many of the latter.
Seaii e any lilh were Ieen, nor could our people catch
atr with their hooks that were tit to eat. The Ihell-lilh
weie limpets, ckims, and mulcles, and were fouml in
.Xmong tl'.e inleet--, which were nut numerous, there
Were neither gnat or mulketo, nor any other Ijiecies that
u.is either huriinl or troubleioiiie, which in an uncleared
country, was deemed extrakirdin.irv. During the fiiow
bi.ill.. i which haj [Ktied ever)' da\ while our peo])le were
here) the;, hide ihetiilelve ; and the moment it is fair
wetitlier apjiear again, a- niitible .md vigorous as the
warmell weather could make them.
The labour o' the botanillswiis timply rewariled ; for
the) U)und avail variety of plants, the far greater par:
ol which were wholly ditteient Iroin any thev hail Ieen or
heard of Ivtore, but cannot be enumerated here. 0:':e
was le'und pariieularl) beneficial: this was ihe uild co-
leiy, as it conttuned antilcorbutic i|ualities, which may
be ot great beiielit to the crews of liich ihij* as may
hereafter vilit this place. Capt,iin Cosk ordered largo
quantities ot this [ilant to be put into the leamens foup,
\sliicli, thii> meilicated, produced the liime llilutiiry ef-
tecb. whii.h llainen gcaeralU derive from vegetable
i •
1 1
"i il
diet, aitcr Iliviuj?, U\ u K.ir, k.oi»i'awJ
1 t.) t:x u'x ot l.k'.i
TIk- ti
!i IT k!u,js the '.viiitcrs b.;rls. i- knimii
by II-* liriu-l U-:it', lliiiv.l lii.j Uk- Uu:d, dIa l:j^lit t',K;'ii
col 'III' wi
tiu)iii, ami iiicHiiln'' ti> IV.u
IS i-aliiy tui;'i
I'l knu..
tii.'s arc \M-
Witii :■
ii\c or iti
ami ii^ Mi"-
a- a i)iii'c
:■.• i .i;l la >K\K's o'. '.nail uvi-, tlic IknU': \v..ii:i
uli..! I.'f mil I. A.; I ui-
poiv I 01 lick) iiioir.iiaiii- witliMiit till I.ull ipfiiaraiii r
ilMj;,' i'"'^'"' ll'^lt' lUi uiii.iiiH itrminaii lu Iturrul
liriMj-ii-''. v\h>li. » r.i.ri;\ luiimiii> limo up lo a \.ill
liwi_,lit, lo liiat hardly ,i.iy t!.'."^ in iiaiuri; laii aiipcir
i\it.i a nine l)arri!i a;i\\ a lliic '.v^ili tojinul'.--. I'iioy aiv a li
bear a I'liiaii Icat, a;i-l clique \\y\ i\..\'\.
Crar.h.rrii's grow liiTe o
bitterilh t.i'io, rai;i.r iiul;.i
,:ov are a li.'.lit Aiuie woj*.
I a l^u'.'.i. piant, a;;il i .i\e a
1 Ul 111.
IK- eai. 11 eiliiir
ra'v or in i.irt'
lu.nei uii.'-i e
.Itw.l l-\ V--
iK-.'.ive-^ t! J not a|'i ■ ar to li.i\e
t al, t.
> utiKli vvaii a liiil lha|<<.U liKe a l(i;>ii-
Cc!.K j;.'.i-c the lU.iie ot \uk Mi.-.lie
I., ivi...; I ■■- IJH't tlu) aiTiviil ia L'li iliiuas S.iuiii|, ami
t.iiii-. 1.1 .1 1-.. o; 11 :iii li.iil)..iirililliii;,iiilin..i hv tiieiiame
ot ii'.e l>.\ii . Ilaio.i. ll i-> a very Uiure i.laee, but
■.j;liu!^ n'ulil be more .jlo«,iiiy; l.ir tlic v.Ul iitij^lit ot'
the roi.-^
il.t. l.ari'.-ai!
I cin-onii ah II ill j rue ^f'-'' I'-''' ■''
ot t^e iii.cuiia:i lun.
gip\ornuK -.t or lui)uri.ii;5at;'.'ii ; ,10 on-.- u iii.-ie u-ie^
than a;i->il cr, \\i ilicy leoiii i) liv.- toj;wt'.ii.r in lUe u;-
nioil hariMon;- ami jjOt' ! L\\o\ il.i| . iNo .'j i)caia:,ee
reliiiion is (iilesn ere.l aa.
lli'.i.i, e.\(.e, I l..e li'', iiu-r.n 00
au!e ll i.innoi I'.' re-
ferred to anv ilun^ elle. Lii-)ii ihe wiioii, lliele i-e |.le
liar t.) I.
i!ie .noil ilt-lliluie
iM.>ii>, a.i v\v.ii a^
a I!.
the moll iKipiil, ot all , u.iian Ix.i.gs; ti.e very oute
ot'iiaiure, who fpiiKJ their llve^ in uaiul riiij, alxnit tl.e
drear) \\ailes wiKrc two ot our pe j-^ile peiilheii Aitli colil
in the midll of lum,;i.i, with iw dwellin;^-, i ui a
Da the liU'i-e lo ilie weiiward wire fill!-. 1 oilier liar-
boiir , ill an 01 whicii were Irelli uatir ami v*ood t -r
but turn the liUle lulls of b
t!ie whwle
ir.try a;! i.ire 1 a-, a b.irreii ro^k, i1ih)iiu,1 by iiaiiirc
anil ram , alnull nakc
le tuat 1- tiirriiili
wretehed liovel of tbeks m;A urals, whi^h wi'.i not c.ily
admit the -.vind, but the I:
and I'.eib'.ute ot every c.ihv
the ru leil art, h.ainj, no uie.itil
I'oikI ; yet they aa- eoiUiuUd.
no w
even lo ilreli l..u.
'1 liev Kern lo U.,\\
i!ii for ai'.v ti.in|j more ihaii li.iv jotiii-.
did any ti-ing ofi'e.c.i ti.i:n b;. i,ur vu\.'gL,.. aj [ ear a.
liU.iii .r 01
•atur >.ar
'1 lu- lei
eoalt IS lompoled ot a
fhill iilan.!'-. On one ol the
in an exiK-iMioii up the eountr\,
l.aind iLvi'.il I.UI-. wl.iiii h.u! lately b-en inhabited:
ik;u li.em j^,iew a good ilea! .1 celleiy, whiiii was gii-
li-.ered am. laki-.i 111 iioa.il tie ihip. '1 hey met wall
.uiie, o.K- uu.
■k, t
iree or lour I'la."
lid about
llOl; lluiU.
umber ot ra.ls, or lea pus bemii a:i tliey gut.
.- ;.!a-.id uiider wi.itii the iiii|> was l)r(iuglit to an-
C. ;-.'.-/« Ccik cailid Shr.^ iiland, from i>bl'erva-
ng n g;eat numiicrs in
I. e iliaj's breed
cllli's I't the ; V k.. Our people lliot loi'-.e of tie old
wliK'h are
ot wliith
ut e;iu.d not co.ue at i.ie vii.n^ )i e-
by Lir tlie
t lUli;
V i.'..\ Unue
the, k.iiu tl'.ice, v.'..tn ] ruved iii^hly a>.iv;. table.
(,)... >t tl.e I'.^utearnt-. k .1 •.») i\;ii.-e tie e
ail (!<
It b
.u a:-, on-.anui.'ia. .u.-iiiUia i
Captain Cock expr.U'es hii iiirpri/.e tliat tl-.ell- peo;
lIo not clot lie
u-r, lui.
irovHleu iiuiieiiah.
S aouaiie l.iirds
tkin eloak^ with the ikins anil leati.ni o!
they mi^ht make their cloak.; larger, and lUi; loy t
lame ikins tor oth.er part-, ot ilo.ituaig; lor ii eanuol
fuppofed the) are Icane with ll.em. 1 .ie\
re.uly enou
^h to pa.t Willi tiiofe they ha.l i
o I .ir
ell ti
nev wouiil
I l.aruiy have iIoik- li.id i..e\ in-l
il'.iomeM i'l live m oi'e i
>re to i;it mor
wniioi'i liaviii'
,.f thi. m..!i iiiliol'i it-ible cli:
t.i-j,.iciiv enouiji,n to prov.-J.e
tliv-ailtivis wan li.i.i c'.:.\e;ai'..CvS a.^ m.-.y rei.i.er
in li.'iie mea'iir.-, u-.i.iv i.4;.i.;;i.il)le ; and, Ib.inj^
.'.ppear. Captain (./.ok remaik^, th.it ii.e li
It n
ing tliey wi;re, wi.e
he '.as hi
the liimmei', w;
luliiciellt to irn.l.t l.ie'.r l.enlll
from tl
n tliat fealoa. \'\ in', tlieii, ir.-ull ta.
.-me ri'.'our i-t i!ii.ir came m llie wiai-.,!
n a w'"i\',
tli'->' are, williout eN'.el
.e, and u;
tiir earth
.juli. l^^."^^ oa llie hu.
e iii"U Cl-
It i^ noriiiy of cbfer- aiion, that ahr
wao have mei.i
ill.a-.d i.t 'll
deltribe it as dLilili.e ol wooil
bi ti
. int-er it m ;
that lin-.>n ni.jiht, ]•. r
It be
,, l-.e
ail writer;
del la L-i
Vi r. ( Lv .1 1
lliolL- wl.i. '.i-.v il
\ (1
o, l.av.
Captain C^ok that the
,u- t:
e i;-.ot wii.ii i.ie ihip
■ationeil was
.i:.irt the ill.iml la
a iM\v
C !
i) ini". ijiif" 1 anr j wmt tla-
:n u..k s
tv wen
r In tl
j^.a u'.iler lie 1
'.-, ; ;Jl ol,l,.i.iia 1; e r.anie ot Ci'ivk llia.d, they fcuial
pkiitv i-i ll-.i^-.- I'llfeiLlV, and i,>ti till lout li lide many
u-.-ii'.. It i.;., , ..'.... lo Ik m..u!'.iinj, linK-, and moii of
i.:vm viiL 1 .1 ih.uj lor t!..i( pu'| oii-, and could not fly.
av:.7^\eat luil, iiie [ariiis Ivund much
aji,, and \eiy bail tiimbing over the
)f the
.-rs up
It 62,
, lai,.
*\iie raiK.eil
lo that hm, drills i
.1, i.iai III il.ita, '.wiae ii.io tl.e I'ea, aa-l otln
b\ 1
ome means or other
wall wl.'.Lh
a 1:
li.ev reti.rnal on bcaid, all liia.-tily tind :
:.,i:;;lMon overbalancid every other conli-
n, a. 1.1 i.,:v Ml (luwii with a
api elite to
.e: 1 .1 1 an ol i^li;.t tne p'recLeuii.g day had produced.
.i\ had bilore br.
uglit on i'oa
14 g-
10 t ,u ll e La; lain ua- able, tl.c iie.-*;! day, to make a
I dii'i-ii'ufk :i to tlie whole cfiw, which was the more ac-
ccj.taiile on aceuual ot the ap.pio;ic!iing fellnal, this
>jd. !..
iiU" an opinion tl .U 11 w;
a Unr.
i-ai is I :
C';., tain C:
lirll ti
uice uiat r;
h a
n tl.e bij;!:
i.giani:-.::. i.i
ilwer-. 1.1 ou
■y 11-
acLuunt tor l'
r^ii', e Ol In;.
rii.tion fiom that ol CaL'inia Ci
New Zeala;
^coni. vo\ai..
•l'.,ia d..l 1
iives the
b!jr\e-., thai I'.b
;_, ihe 24.111 ol lAcimber
had not I'rovideiK
thus lin;-,u.ariy jroviile.! lor our vo) a^ers, theChrilimas
la-e niuil have been lall provilion.
iiiL;1he alileiiie 1.1 the Cai tain, a niimbir of ih.e
nalives h.id L-
1 iiey leimed
amoniill ilnin fn
■en along-llc'e the Ihip, and lome on board.
will .aci.[U.iiitid with l-.ur(;peaiis, and hail
On another \ilit,
ot tie lame
lie ot ihiir ,
tiie 25111, Ccipt.nn Cuk .ound ihtm ti
his f.,rr
111 lore leen in Sun el-, li.i
toiid of train oil, .is liny, ard ev^ry ihing they hai
.11 ol It nu-a iiitoierahly. Captaia Cook 1 idered them
bileuit, bat tl-i.
il a. he h. (i
y ill. I not api
b;e.i told. Tl
:.ir to be It) f.
he gi.ve tmm ioaic niei
ol l.a.-d\'.arc.
11 y v.cre mueli pleale
'I lie n.uives all retired before d
lel^latc CO.
-alt tl
t'le 111;
e ever la.'.
il leeau-
eaiaeiv wJ.ii-
;aHl oilier iiiiclis
inner, am' did not
'.vait to jiar
take ot the Chiilimas f
iiideeil, ih.
Cait.iin W.IS ot ojji.iion, thai, they received no i.ivita-
npptnnm (■
ii\ liiirriil
III .1 N.Ul
i\iii ;i()|n.Mi'
I 111'. I MM ol
.1 Ul<',M-
K Mi:'.Ui.-r.
MUiiil, anil
)\ tiiv.' ii.tniL'
lJ;kc, l>ut
I luiL-Ilt lit'
at |a.t ot
oilier liar-
I wiH)d t ir
I lie wliulc
I l.■•.• i i.l i:» '■•.>!»
U fr >iu JO ID 40 ;..t
in I'MtKuT . 1.1 ili.ii ir
t)!y :'. tliij^ '.'.ill toj si'.ip
X-;»r :l i.uMl !c;lt, ill> 1
Cr.'r.!'.ril''s ^vow '.,t
biiNnlh \ Ac, IV.,.; • i
r:. V or HI I .iL . i .1
n:'l.v ■.
Tiiv n:'.iivi'« i' I !-.iit
g'lvcrnnu .t .r 1.1 '■ •.li
lIuM .i:v r r, \a l icj
moU 'i.'.riM'Mi' .;:ui j,c.ic
rcli:;i>in i< liiA.n^rcJ :u
h\\\ 1\'< II niciit' • .. ',
I'li^ i-riluiuii- I.- -Mil i:iy
t'cnul 10 .i'\v iliip.i; illl
appi.ir to 1 w 1:,^ .r.i'il
(lie 111. ill Uujiiil, 01 .ill
dt' ii.uurc, \\Ia) I'lit-iul I
i'rc;iry w.iil.'s wiui'c twi
in the iukHI m' Uiii
\s re tilled liuvil ot I'lcl
admit ilie •.Mild, I'ui t
and I'.eir.'.utc ot i.\i.t\
t!v.- ruL.t a-t, li.\.-,j,
food ; yit tlv.y :i'C C
no V. i::i tur ■.'.:•.) linng
ill 1 ,i: » ti int; I'ti'c.c :
Cc; !.lr.., (.■■.tij't bl.iwS
Captain Cock (.xpr.!]
do not cIoiIk ilaiiiicU
f:iini\ ])iM\'!i-led iv.aicilt
(kill tiiAik- wiiii liic ''kVl
tlicy niij^lit nuiivc il.cir.
lame fkiir; tor ol'ier pat
lui.jW.cd they m^ !e:
fell I) enciuj;li 10 pa. I a
pie, wi'.ieh liivy w-uiii
knov,;i ;•.'.., re to i; l
d v'liK i ;■! Iivi. 1.1 11 J c
in ill.- '.\;i:vl, w^'.iioui lu
iIk ;iilli%v.' V iiii 1i;i!i 1
in I'.iiie iiH.i'ii, ■. I. ..ic
It v.) ■• .:]", ear, y'.ap;,::n
ir.i; !:.e\ '."..■e, u. .;. lu
l(.aiv> \\ ii.i.in.itiit to I r
i;\e:i :i that leal.'.-i.
tr«',n ii.e exir-ine rijoO
lu a \\''h', i''i'> ai'., x'A
j..-:j,i, ;n:;;n;.;.-, a:iJ
ti" eaiili.
it i' ".•"■l!:V ot' cMe'l
wlr) !. i\e li.eiii :.);■:- !
tl^iel.i'e It ;;s d.iiH.
Iho.v. ill ti..- v. inter
tiiat ki.in iii.ij't, ;
-i-. ■■■ '""■ -:i "P
\\..jj. l.jrJ. A:.l. .1 A
Mur^li, C... taia C '■■••.'<:.
(thai 1^ li ; tiul tiiii )
circiimfb.'.nte i lal 1 .. ■ a
defcri].tion i;om t!;at 'ji'
CdJ't-.lhl Cook, 111 his
New Zealand, liil.-d a;
gives me Ijlluwiiii; ii'.'li.-r
ioiith-vvelt co-ill, wl.. ■ 1
hal v-iliiel h-f'jr-.-. 1! •■
•ler^late coait tie evi r fi
tion, and for a very
pt-rlon-., and their n.iu
Ipoii the .ippititt- ot a
have bitn a moll m
Iieoplc not hivin^liad
loall and lioiled [J;ri-t
tittle known to tli«-m
loiiv M.idiiia wine le
of provilion tlint was I
obtetved af the ilole <
Injdand diii not, perl
tht-arfolly than tht y
l iu- dav lollownif
anotiit-r vifit ; and il
when l.e law thrle
naked oa the drik, (
vas to I over theinlelv
A pariv went out a
b« in!" h-n- and pleatan
foutli-hde of (loofc I
Vroin thf felHval
Cook t;,ave it the naiiK
I N 1 U
THIS immenfe t
of Darien to I
lirrivi-d the (general
Spaniard'. ; thon^li
Portugiii-le, polVef'.
fide the Spanilli u-r
tht North Se.i to
ajrain at Km de la 1
ot Kra-^il oceiipyins.
River of Plate qui
bpaniai-d'. rather i I
Such a profufion
Spaniards and Port
torirs in this part o
no farther induei-i
auelh or diftov- lii
♦•'xpanle of interioi
miles from eall to
to foiilh, ren.aias
polTcHionof the na
thofe p.nts which
reafon to fuppole,
and valuable coit
drugs, fruu;, cattl
The Spaniili do
dcr two governors
rals,fubordinate to
of Panama, Terra
Los CJh.ireas, and
and a certain num
iting, with the int
Brazil, the mol
dominions in lout
only two or three
tion of (^overnnii
called Capitaneas
ing a principality
No. 50,
S O I' T H A M F K I C A.
tioii, AJul (or ,1 very (iliviom nwfiin, as the ir liltliy
prion-., .iiul tliiii n.Miffmi* llriah, vm-io tnmigli to
Ipoil the .ippttiii' otaiiy lMiro|i(.in , .iihI tli.it would
h.ivf bun a moll mortif'yini'; ililipi'diiuimiit, our
1L-n\i\r not Ii.ivinK h.ul I'll' h a ('ooil hti for I'onu- liim-.
i;i f^iicll'. li;ul yet
Ionic M.ulura wine led, whiih was ih'- only artiile
ofprovilion fli.'l w.is better for kee; ini;. (.'iipt. f.'icli
obt'erveil af the dole of the ilav, thai lii- ;r frienvli in
l.n^^lanil diii not, |ierli.ip^, lelelirate ClirtUnia-> more
the.lrfiilly than they iliil in this remote j'.irt of the
l he tlay following the native* paiJ our pfoi)!c
another vilit , and ilie Captain liuinaii'lv feejni'j,
when he law tliile poui wretilies tri'niblinj; afiil
nakei! another ab(nit inidway, between this .ind the
ea(t Ihore. 1 le adils, that a copious delcription of
thi^i found i'. unnecellary, as very few would derive
entertainment or benefit from it,
/f.il'JXG thii.f f^ivfii an nmpli- di-fiript'in cf a!! ihc
ytmericMi an.! U\Ji liiJiun Ijluiuli, vjith (vny cuncus in-
iuh'iit -we I'Aild pycdire f)om the lanft a)ul mcfl authentii
navitiUors (partictil,irly 6ur ctlitrattd (outitryman Capt.
Cook) tv'i' lh>ill iii/tj proteed to give a dejcnption of the
continent of SciUth /tmcricci, in '.vhicb, as urli r: in other
parti of the vorlif, ict fiMill inj'frl every new difcovcn,';
iinludiH" al! theft of (iir tcUlrdtcd a-iiittyman Caotiiii
Coo!;. "
I N 1 u o n IJ C T I O N.
THIS iinmenfe track, extending from the Iftiimns
of Darien to Cape Horn, in form of a triantrle,
derived the (.general aiipellaMnn ot' I'eiuvi iiia from tlie
Spuiiards ; thoui.^h other n.irinns, particularly the
Portuguele, poliefs a ( onfideralile pnrt of it. On one
fide the Spanilh territories rearh nof.irther than from
the North ."se.i to the Lcpiinoxial, and cominencc
ajrain at Rio de la Plata on the otlier, the fine country
ot Brazil 01 cup\ ing the niiiUlle Ipace i :uul from the
River of Pl.ite (]uitc to the Sti.ilts of .Vl.igellaii, the
Spaniard', rather claim than pofii-t'^ .i n'.d dominion.
Such a profiifion of wealth has acdiieil botii to the
Spaniards and PcjrtUfruefe from ihrir lefpei^tiv e terri-
tories in this part of t!ie glt-be, that iliey I'eem to have
no farther inducement to extend either their con-
Quells or difcovrries. l-'rom this caufe a prodigious
exjjanl'e of interior jiarts, comprf Ik tiding iir.ir 2000
miles from eall to well, ,ind about icoo from north
to foutli, reii.ains uiiexploretl, .uul conl'e(iucritly in
poirclfK^n of the natives ; thougii t:um the produce of
thofe parts wliich are known, there is the gieatelt
reafon to Uippole, they abound in the moll cluMce
and valuable commodities, as gold, filvei, gems,
drugs, fruiti, cattle, corn, and various other articles.
The .Spaniili dominions in .South America arc un-
der two governors, ftiled viceroys and c:ijn;'.in-grne-
ralsjfubordinate to whom are feveral audic'nces ti'^ thofe
of Panama, Tcrra-Firma, Chuquil'aca, Qi_iit(), Lima,
Los Ch.ircas, andCiuli, conliflingeach of a prefident
and a certain number of counl'ellors, appointed by the
Jking, with the inleri jr officers dependent 01 them.
Brazil, the moll important part of the Portuguefe
dominions in fouth America (as they poliefs befides
only two or three fingle iflands) for the better regula-
tion of government, is divided into 15 provinces,
called Capitaneas, or Capitainries, the whole form-
ing a principality, which gives title to the prcfump-
tive heir of the crown of Portugal. There are only
fix of tiiefe capitainries annexed to the crown. Thefe
are offices of great honour and profit, and therifbie
objei'ls of juirfnit among the tiift i.'randees of Portu-
gal. Thev ai-e, as in other Hates, prelentcd to the
f.iviuirit<'s of the monarch, and jModuc'tiveof goodor
ill, in pfoj'ortion to the char.icter and difpolition of
thofe on whom they are conferred.
'I'hofe parts of the i ontinent of South .Vmerica
belonging to the Trench and Dutch, are very incon-
liderable, when compared with the opul'-nt and ex-
tenlive dominions of tiic .Spaniards and I'ortuguef'.'.
As we procud in our defciiption (if South .\me
rica, we fliall point out the nations to which the vari-
ous p.irt2 refpedively belong, with every particular
worthy of (.lefcription. Hot previous to this, it may
not be improper to inl'ert the following Table, Ihew-
ing, at one view, the rcfpeftivc parts into which the
whole is divided.
TAnLt OF THf Co.NTivENr OK Sol Til Americ,\.j
1.0 n.;.
Ilri .i:.:ir;i; t>. ■
> Spain
1 ;oc
1 ;oo 1000 Bucr.o. .lyres
i 1
op.iui.irils .inj
1200I ;oo St. J.ig.)
Terr.i MajjcII.i- 1
nic.i, or I'au-
gonu 3
-00 300
Its Natives
2qoo 700 'Jt. Scballiun
1200 ')6o
780, \io
Its ^'ativl.■^
re •
j bunnam
[ Cayenne
'■^ »
' '
\' A\
Mk'' tri't
No. 50,
C II A i'.
]'; H|
'>^ >^ vrKii'^^K.v.i"- iii'NTTF--^'i:':,,,,,,,M
>_ C ■'■>'». ,„.,, V *.., ,.■••' A. /."'•'' ,
/-'<'••./ u.M»"''' i(,i<*./,»«J ( Lot,. „ •/,/,* o' ,;' vr^-^ V ^^ ^
(Iai.i.ai'aoos .; "■'".■'"'• ^
1'"" / //7w,., , /
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At-,/,,//..'/, /
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//./. .I.v//./ ./,«.'./ ' J
1 1
.l>i.<.IV,,. I,
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/■'■W./i.M„.,>\\ ^ \ - ^ .. S ," >^ ^ V „. /
i' /// /// ■■/// ////
Iioid llic |,clt Modci'ii
Maps vm, Cuaui's .
l/.,Ai.,i Y^l ■'! I'l.tl..
(■.,t,..i,u..|-.'""Vf^"\ ,, -- '■"■•/'''■"7~>. .n//v,./,i
^J '//* r t/t^v <,-.".""""",,
,-/• .;//■
, l.utli' AuliUfs
r ( I 1 .1 II .t'ia
ijii -^■'■='y. ' . "ll't.\ iii\ tun /.I/.A I \ ,_, ,,
.iiM.i.\i|y'-V'i*;T^'vV^'-.u.,j.,,i _ j^_
1 .1, .1 ,/-,i... , ,. ' '■■"'■'•''f.-'Z^' „„/„■
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— 'r^'^/./iu.il/i.' 1
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K .V
.f /'.,,,/s/
'fji, <•/• ■•'■5 1' •< ri '_jiS^^i .!«. Jk '~*>v
I',r)l|j|li>< tl.il litlic ■ Ki| iialill'
rii-^-*'' V'.''
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z o K' 1
i'" I
f' B R A Z I
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"i'.'i'"','(i.V»"';, '>' rfi» 1 -r, '/i.*wi irr.f h^tAf A}n/m,if^f>i' fjSj/'
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54'2 A J.T.V;, ROYAL .v;:t AUTill-NTlC ijVyTEM oi L'NI". EK.-AL oLOGtL\PHl['.
I' >i
\4 'I
I ;
s v. c r ION I.
THIS jTovince :s fini.itcd between t!ie eqmtor .in.l
12 lii';;. north l.uitvkie, .irul between 60 .uul S:
dcix. welt loiij^iniile, bc'inii about !4co miles ii\ l^ni^th,
ami -ro in bre.idth. It i:, boumlai on tl'.e north, by
part olthe Atlmtic Ocean, on the e-.ill by Ciuian.i ; on
the well bv New Spain and the Tacilie Ocean ; and uii
the fourh, by Peru, and the ronntry of tlie An-..i;'.ons.
It derived the name of C^allile del Oro, or the liold'-ti
Co3(\, fro;ii the great q-.;a:it;ty of gold it containeii.
The lili-.n-.us of D.rien, t>r Terra- Firnii Proper,
ioins North and Somh America. Tiie lii.iiate of
Terra-Eirma, tfpecially in the nort!ifrn divilions, is
ver'- fultr\' d'.uinij; the whole year. [■''.■.>:n the montli
of MiV to the end of November, tlu-re is an almolt
tcntiiunl fucce.T.on of th'.inder, riin, and tempelh
rhc cxrcfnve hears raife the vapour of tlu- lea, whiih
is prcipitnted in I'lcli rains a'; frein to tlweaten a de-
l\ii,e. I'rom the midd.le of Occeniber to the middle
of April, the rains reaie, and t'le weatlier becomes
jTiorc a-;rceablc.
'I'lie foil of this covintrv i:, very different, the in! md
parts bcinj rich and fen.le, and the coalh (r.
fll'i' iibiily kpowi\ fiFi :i' ount ot it', dnir, 1 lUeil
I.ibellidp C'lith.-U'en.i, in the bean ot' C.irtln;;-n:i.
This bean ennr lir- 1 hen,''! relemblinr an .d:;; uii!'
but lefs wliif
ry b!;t(
■■vM-\ i.~ an
rvi'ellent remedy ti'i tlu- bitis ufviperj nr.l lerpents,
whieh -in- VJ-ry rommon •hrnnp;hoiit thi^ country.
iir to tlieir
.1 litfj'" of (hi:. kTnri t'allin;', I'ld tlien rej',
wiirk, witiionl any apprehcnlioii of danjier.
'Ihert- wee nine ,! riTP.bcr of j'nlil mine; in rlii
c: -i.'itty, I Kt ihi y lie no\\ in ■ '^iuM meafuu-cx!a'.I''.d
barren. 1 he prodiiLtions arc Indian com, b.ihtis,
eua-.s and diru^s, feveral fortsot tiiilr, Aigar, tobacco,
various kmilsofdy;:;^ woods, precious llones, [vifticu-
larly en.cr.ddr, and f.ippliires, ve;i:(^.'n, and f;,'.,iie.
Great numbers of cov. :> .md hoas are i'i;d in the mca-
dow3. 'I'lie ir.ountaiiii abound uith tifHTs, and num-
bers of other wild bc.ill . In the forells and woods
arc monkies of various co'ovjrs and (i/es. Ihe f'.clli
of them, in !U'neral, but that of t!;e roi in partu -.l.w,
is highly valued by the Ne^iroet , and '.t i., laid that,
in manv places, not onlv tlie Xeiuoe?, but ih.e C'leoKb,
make no fcruple of eating tliem.
M.Tnybiriis arc found in this country, wh.ofe pl\i-
niaj;e is particularly be.iutiful and biilh.mr. Hut the
moil re;-.Titk iMe is the toiK.;;:, or puvi. her. Tlie hill
of this bird i., vane:'; ued w;:!i .ill tholi- bri;',ht colours
whi; h adorn ih"- pluma;.'e of other bird? . It is called
the prearh^'r from its cilWim of perc hinj; ni\ tlie top of
a tiee, an;! making a noife refemblinf; ill aiLruiarcd
founds. The livers, fea, and. lakes, aboi;nd with a
Thelllhmus of D.uien fwnrm". v.itli rcjiillcsand in-
fe^it: of i!;\ ers fpe. i'-. Manv of them are baneful to
the inhabit ints, and. othei; oIm' as of curiou., a.",d j hi-
lof jphical fpe> ulation.
'I he trees molt: remarkable f )r their diiri'nHon'; nie
tlie caobe, tiie ceder, and the mania. The man/anillo
Tre? is particularly remarkable : it bears a truit refem-
blinjr an apple, but w^hich, under thi*. fpecious .ippear-
aiue, c'^llt,nns a moll fubiiie poifon, a^ai.nll \shich
'onimon oi! is t'ound to be the bell ;intidole. .'-:o miles i;i
lenp^th, but only bo in breadth, v.'here the iilhmus is
narr./wed. It is tolcr.iblv fruitful, and abounds m
f^old and p^-arls. Thepri:-..:i\d [ikues are,
Panama, whicli, m i ;'_;■■, was entirely confumed by
're, bur has finer been icbu;!! m a neat, though not
maj;n:!ic''nt, :r..'.nner. It is llro!i;-;ly fonitiedand gar-
rifoni-i', and the w.uls mounted with larw cannon.
1 leic is ilie retider.ce of the <;overnor of the province,
ind t!ir lear of a royal aud.iente, with a Cvin\enient
harbour, well I'e, ured .iga; i ftornu liy a .'-.u.-riber of
IturouhilinL; ill.u.ds. At the bottom of tiic lea arc
found nuiiibers of pearls, and theoyilersareexceedi.".f IXiiicn, near the noiili well point of the
gulph. Mere a fortrels was erected, . ailed Nt-w-b.din-
burph, and tlie ciicumiaeeiu dillri(H wis termed t'ale-
donii. 'I'he Indian princes were pleali I at this, as
they thought, by the hel() of the Scotch, to ex|)el the
.Spaniards. For fome time the color., fioiiilhed, but
.It laflthe company was ruined, by tl-.e .i\u\i'\ ofthe
I'.nglilh Fall India Company, Mn\ the leuKJiah.uices
of the court of Madrid.
C.'artha:.;ena produrps fonie val;:ahle KUins, balms,
and drugs, bur no muier. of ;.;old or lilver, nor any
fireat quantity of corn or cattle.
Cartha,q;ena, tlie metropolis (/ tlie pr,j\ ince, is not
only a tine opulent city, but a llron;.'; iortrefs. fuuated
on a fmdv illatid. '1 he harbour lie^ letween ih.e illaiid
and the inain, and the entrance is .:t the louth-weil
end i the other palkiRe, e.iUed Huicha-i hica, having
hfii filled up by an Older from the Louri of Spain (Ini-e
tlie attack made upon the town in the year 17.1.1, by
Admiral VeinoiiandCieiier.il Wcntworth. To the call -
ward the town has a communication, by means of a
wooden bridpc, with a large fubiirb, called Xesemani,
built on another inaiul, which is ioined to the conti-
nent by a bridpe of the fame materials. The fortilica-
tiuiis, bo'.ii of 'd'.i; city and faburbs, aiccondu;wtt.u in
theniodern faflrion, and built with fiee-flonc; and, in
time o!' peace, the g.irrifon confilh of, 10 companies,
belides rlie militia, 'rh.c city and fuburhs arc well laid
out, and the llreetslhaigl.r.bro.id, uniform, and well
paved. The houl'es arc built of ibjiic or brick, with
balcoiies and lattices of wood, whi; h is inore durable
intLiscliiraiethan iron, the latcerbeingfooner corrod-
ed by the .icnmonious qu.iliry of the nitrou.s atmo-
Iphere. The city is populous, though molt ofthe in-
habitants are •leli endaius of the Indian tribes ; but it
is by ;'.o means opiilent, compared with many other
ci'ies in Soirh A.nerica, the country produ-ing no
At a fmall diitanee from the fuburb of Xexemani,
on a hill. Is .1 i>Mt called Fa/.iro, commanding both
the city iii.l luhuibs, and ali'ording a very cxierdive
and a;^K'- ible profpeCl over the lea .indland.
'I iC ^^jvernment of Cartliagena was independent of
any other till the year 17J9, wlien the viceroy of New
(iranada wwa appointetl. It extends about ^'^ leagues
from well to e.ii!, and Sj from fouth to north, coiu.iin-
ing feveral fruiti'ul v.dlies, c.iUcdby the natives f.ivan-
n.ih.-,. Ill which aie many fettlements of Europeans,
SpanilhCr'-oles, and Indi.ins. 'I'lie Bayof C':irthageii,i
isthefirllpl.h ein.'Xmerica at which the galleons touch.
The clim.ite is iiot ,uid iinhe.ilthy; and, among other
difeafes, the bhiLk vomit and leprcfy are particularly
lat:dto Iv.iropeans. The Ciuine.i wormis very trouble-
Ibine, as it (jccalions painful tumours in tlie iTiu!i.lej of
the legs and thighs ; and .mother inle.'t, peculiar to
this country uid Peru, isllill inoredreadful ; itiscnlled
pigie, a;-.;l, bein:, extremely fmall, is fcarce vifible
to the naked eve. It breeds in the dull, and infinu.uea
itlelt into tie folcs ofthe feet, giving exquilitc pain,
and frequenily attended with ::Timinent danger.
The province of .Sanr.i Marth.i is :co miles Ion", an J
140 broad, very mount.iinous, but jModiices i^old,
' jewels, iii.uble, falr,C-c. The c.ipir.-il of the'lkmci
name, on a branch ofthe Rio tirande, is the fee of .1
' bilhop, and relidence of a governor.
Kio de la I lacha is a i^cdanr and fertile province.
It h.is ,1 ])earl filhery, and mines of j.i.rj)cr and clialci-
■ doiiy. The cajiital, which gives name to the pro-
vince, contains nothing remark.ible.
': V'ene.'.uel.i, which nuludes the dillrkn of Caraccr.s,
lies on fl;e North Sea. It is po])ulous and fertile, but
, rath( r l.d^ours un. ler a fe ir, ity of water. The ■ aiji-
t.d of ilie fam.* n uiic is the fee of a bilbop, and the
■[ reliden'.f of .1 governor ; and Caraceas is a lar-^e,
,i popiili'us inl.md town.
I New Aiuialufia, inclmling thedilliL^s of Commo-
[' ;m .uid I'aria, is fertile, and ik!i in grims, drugs, me-
'1 d'cinal plants, fugar, tobac o, and lever.il fo; ts^of va-
. luable tim!'er. Coman.i, or New Cordulia, is the
c.ipit.il, hut il.e town of St. Thoims is fujicrior to ir,
N'-w Ciraiiada, fomcLimrs called .''vinr.! Fe, and Caf-
, 'de del Oro, is An inland piroyin..e, of great extent,
I iteauiifullydiveriified with mo'inr linsand vallics. The
\ mountains contain gold, filvei, and emeralds; and thir
v.dlies produce corn, cattle, loots, and fruits, with
I great quanivies ofguari' m;.>, lialini, i;i!ir.:, dnigs of
I V irious kinds, widi otlier r:' h irtidev of commerce.
j I'.eit.i Fe de Bagota, tli'- c ipital not oidy of this pro-
I vih.e, biitof all Tcrri hua..i, mdt'ie featofthe vice-
I roy, of tlie royal audience, Tind an arehbirtiop, is ,1
1 l.iig.e, populous, OjHile'it, and vvcU built city, lituated
, on the banks of a l.il.e, wiili alt-.rs at (hired dii-
I tances, highei than hou'.es, and richly adorned.
j Ciuiaquil ib a conliderable eommcreial town, 0:1a
I liver ofthe fame n.iine . and Paita, a lea-i)nrt tovvn,
i was lacked by the latc' Lord Anfon in i':'4i.
I The origin.il 1. itives of Terr.i 1- irma are boUl and
I wailike; and rs they h.ivealmoll iiTipre,Tnab!e and in-
'! aicellible fallnelles, and beat an invet 'late hatred to
' the 'Spaniards, they luvcr have been, and it is probable
! m ver will be, cntuely fubducd. 1 hey have lank,
. LO.irfe, longbl.ickl'.air. Theirnattiral complexion is
j ,!coi)percaloui.Thtin!iabitant-, aredifTercntlydrcded
I a>.coid.n^' t.' the .Spaniih fdlhion. The men wear a
1 w .ua
» If ;
t,\\ A NFAV, ROYAL and \0tMF.N"1 IC SY.-/n"M of UNIVl-k^Al. CF.OGHAPHY.
I Iff ■ i
) i
I '
-■tiU.-> ix'oplc uiulrill.iiul th.it
inaiiiu-d witli acVivi- ,uul luild IjUci.s
co.ill of'Tci ra Finn.i, lit
Ms lir(ldcriirn\'..i..iij,iiinll; Porto Bcllo : loimcif rlicni
obJcttinL' iIkU Iui, Uin '.■ wai too Ini;'.!! to rctliuf lb iin-
p()rtain''a luitriK, lu biiKlly ic-plk-d, "Ifour niini-
hers nif tin dl oiii lu-.ntsaii'j'riMri.uul ilif tVwcr \vc iiv
'he giT.itu v,i!l he utir Ih.irt.' of tlu' j-lwndiT." I k-
h)')ii made Iji.nlilf ni.illc; of a e.illl'- whi* l\ dcfeiulid
t!if hiirlxuir, and ihi> ciptiirc was Inci tcdcd by tlie
runcndiroftlu- city j but the governor, .mdir.any of
fluj^iiirn-ip.dpeople.hiviiii; irtiitd into ^mother calHc
wuhihtMtie.Hui'-.er.ccb, the thuahi)late, &c, kept
falVoek without folds, defcendiiig fc) tb;' kr.f.T, i
laij;t' i-aji', andlleevesojivn at both lidt-. Ir h.i* iv;t-
ton holes, and two lov.'. of button-. The habifs of
the bvtter t'off are mr.d: o*'eiiib'-oidered (hill's. Tlic
h.indierafts wear a Mvie Ihif!', of tlv: ininuf.;.' ui- of ]
th.e eountrv, but in nir.ke itdi .er'; th fr«i>i Uif other. |:
Thr Indiaiis of dillinction are l!'->>;'il,\r in wearing a I
kind of rrowfvrs of white cotton, whi-. lu'.efcend (Votn
the w.-.i'l to the middle of fl'i- Fj;. l"he barbers here il
.'.re dilKu-.iniiiF.ed by the Hlie'-efs (jf their linen, and li
cle:*,'.iuv of their drefs in ;;eneral. 'I'hty have Ihirts ^1
wit'lunit Heeves, abiitit the neck they have a kind of '
blatktoUar.wldi alaee of four tiiij^er;, bre.idth, whieh !]
forms a f'jrt i>f frin^.e that falls on the lloiiiach and !|
iF.oulders. They wear iV.oes with tj-.jld or fd\er j
buckles, but no lhK--kinjr>;.
The women wear the Faldelin, a fpeeie'^ of Hays
or rather iumps. A lliik wiiicii defeends only to tiie
wailh A bav ;nan;le whicli inclofe.s the upper p.trt ]
of the boiiv,confii1in^-ofan elland ahalfofthar lliiti",
and their uho'.e drefb is ornamented with riih lares.
The drefs of th.e laboiirin;^^: women is nor dillinguilh-
able from that of the ladies, but by its inferiority,
the fafliiun being the fame. A Mongrel, or Creole, „
is known by the fuperiority of his habit and hi.i in- ;|
gonuity. Tl-.e Indian pe.ifant wears a bay mantle ; •
and the coinmon native Indian a piece of f.itkcloth ^
f.illenedover the nioulders bv two pins.
There is anotlier fpcciesof Imlianiin this country,
of ratheraf.ilr complexion, delic.ue habir, arul fm.illcr '
ftatuiethan tlie ordinary Indians. They are panicu- ;
larly dillinn;tiiiF.ed by their larr;c, weak, blue eyes, ;
•whi'th, unable to Ix'ar'the light of the fun, fee beft by |i
moon-light, from wliich they are c.dlcd moon-eyed |;
Iiuiians. . j
The Rovcriiir.cnt of Tu-ra Firir.a i;. on t!ie t.tme :'
f'-otlni; with that of Mexico. i
The cruelties and ravages co.nmltted byPedrorias '
and others, who firft leduced thefc Provinces under the j
crown of Siwin, alii'oll exceed belief. Pedrorias and |
111.-, luccelVors did not .Ullroy lefs in Terra Firma (inly ,
tiian Soo.ccc peo]de , and plundered the country erf
prodiaious quantitiesofgold. The [^ovenu/r and his ,
otficcrs, tvtrv dav, invented new torments to make j
the Indians difcoVer their gold : fomc they racked, !
others t!>ev burnt by inche'-, till they expired in tor- i
ments. M'anv thoufands wciv dellroyed on the coaft
ofNew-.-Viuialufia, bv being obligeil todive for pearls j
bevond tl;eir ftrengvh. Thevkept p.uks of great ma- j
ilitfs on jM'rpole to hunt and tear in pieces the Indians; j
and v.-ould often kill vjne vuihout any otVenre i;iveii. \
The greateft praice of tiie country, named H.ig.ota, ■
from whom the capital city was ai'tcrw ards ( ailed Santa •
FedeBag,ota, atkr he had broug,lu in a prodigious ,
quantity of S:,old, by difpatching exprelles to every ,
))art of his dominions, w,is fo tortured to make him '
produce more, that he expired under the hands of lus |
niercilefs perfecutors.
We fliall, for the entertainment of our rcidi-rs con- •
elude ourdel'criiJtion of Terra Mrma with an account !
of the faiiious expedition to i'anama, nude by the |
celebrated Buccaneer captain (afterwards Sir IlenryJ i
Monran. '
'1 his enterprifing; genius, wli) was a gentleman of
a ^!ood familv in Wales, lit fail from Jamaica, on this
fxpeditio]!, with nine lailofflups and Hoops, well
.Arriving on the
up a biilk tire on the Buccaneers. This orcafioneJ
Mr.-jian to hit upon the following llraiagciii ; He
lei/.-d all the friars and nuns in tlie town, and com-
pelling tlunt to m.nch belbreJiim iij> to the wry
w.ilk, he obliged tiuin to tix the fcalitig bidders, in
iloing which m.my v\ere killed by the lire of their
frien.'s, as well as enemies, crying for mercy in vain:
ar length the Biicranecr , Ic.ded the w.dh;, took the
pl.ice by rtorm, aiul afterward.s employed 15 days in
lemoviniT the immenfe treafiires on lioard his Hiip.
He then obliged the governor to procure loo.oco
pieces of eight, which had been carried ofr", in order
toi.infoiu the townfiom being burnt.
i laving intelligence ih.it the governor of Panair.a
was in full march ag^iinlt him, he ])oirell'ed himfelf of
a difficult pall'age, and there totally deleated him.
Morg.in now difmantled the forts, took fome of the
bell artillery on board his ihips, and returned to Ja-
m.iica, it being computed that the Buccaneers brought
back with them z^n,o;::> pieces of eigh.t, beliiies a
great deal of other rich ell'ects ; but the feamen loon
confumcd everv Ihilling that came to their ih.are, and
made money more plentiful in t.hat illand tiian ever it
havl been before.
Thccajitain, having gained great reputation bytlie
Porto-Bello expeilition, the feamen i rowtled to be ad-
mitted to lerve uiuler him: having aflembied 500 of
them, therefore, he lailed to Tortugua, a little itlanii
near the northern coall of Cuba, where he was joinetl
by a great many fe.imen more, to the number of :ooo,
whom he emphiyed in iumting and falling uj) beef, in
the illand of Hil'paniola, to vicrua) hi.s fleet; and beinr
now ready to fall, he divided his ficct, confiiling of
!" fliips, into two Iquadrons, conlfituting admir.ils and
otlii r oilicers, to whom he gave commiflions to com-
mit holillities ;igainlt- the .Spaniards, decl.iring them
enemies to the crown ol" iMigland, and caufed articles
to be iigned by hisothcer;, wherein every man's Iharc
ol fhe prizes which iF.ould be taken was fpcciiied. re-
lerving an hundredth ]iart of them only U) himfelf.
rheir tirlt enterprize was againlf the illantl of Pro-
vidence, which >!iey retook from the .Spaniards again;
and while the fleet lay here he lent Brodley, his vi;e-
admiral, with four iliip, and 400 men, to take the
c.illle of Chagre, at tiie mouth of the river of that
name, uhich they forrunatvly reduced, though it w.is
very obllinaiely defended. Morgan receiving .idvirc
of the fuccefs of his lqu,idron at Chagre, followed
them with the rell of his fleet, .ind leaving a garrilbn
111 the caltle, fcieded 1 :oo men, with whom he marcli-
eil over the illhmns towards Panama, and the country
beingdellroyed before him, hismen underwent incre-
dible hardlhips, as well for w.int (jf proviiions, as from
the badnels of thero.u! , which l.iy overpjcks, itiout-
tains and morafles, .ilmolt im[>alV.il>le, and ;;: leiigtli
was obliged to Hght his way tlirouirh ati army, which
the governor of I'a.iama, h.id allembled to oppi>le him.
.'\fcending amount.iin on the ninth day, they ubi.iined
a view of the South Sea, and the b.iv of P.ina:na, at
which thiv were fooveriosed, that they fee;iied to de-
fpife all danger, threw u]) their caps, founded their
drums and trumpets, and fliouted as it they h.id been
already mailers of the cit ■, and encamijed, or rather
lodged, for they h.id no tents with them, in view of
the town, deiigning, to attack the place the next;norn-
iiur, but w their ihaie, and
ilantl tlian ever it
reputation bvthe
rowded to lie ad -
anVirdiled 500 of
;na, u little illand
ere h<: was joined
■ number of 2000,
faking up beef, in
fleet 1 ami bein;-
:ct, confiding of
tinp admirals and
imiHions to com-
S deci.irinf^ them
nd cauled articles
every man's Iharc
was fpecificd. rc^
Inly t.) hinildf.
the illand of Pro-
• Spaniards a,:s'>iiii;
Brodley, his vicc-
nen, to take the
■" the river of that
:ed, though it was
I receiviiij; advice
Charre, folloi\rd
lca\inL, a garrifon
whom he niarcli-
'., and the country
undiTwent inere-
roviiions, as from
ivern)cks, moin-
le, and :;r lengtli
1 an army, which
■d to oppiile him.
ay, they obiaiiied
X of Panama, at
ey feemcd to de-
is, founded their
i it they had been
iiiipi:ti, or rath'T
hem, :n view of
ce the iipxtmorn-
ernor's marching
ii'gimcnts ut foot
ho;n Morgan en-
1, when ihey l1ed,
he lield ol battle;
aiieeis was verv
le t nemt clofc at
:Hit makini; any
no artillery, and
Morgin appre-
ated witli fiicccfs,
were conic into
he wine wa< poj.
sour II A M V. RICA.
foiu\., and proceeiledtopiarrpii.iids atall tlic avenues
to tile city to licuie his conqtieli, when on afnd.icn t!iC
wl-.ole city appeared in llames, hivin:' been fet on lire
in leveral plaees at tl'.e f.ime iiillant ; wiiich thoU'di
fonie of Morgan's enmics cliarje on him, it is cer-
tain he j^ive orders forexiinpuilhingit ; oth.eisfuggelt
that t.he Spaniards lired it themfelves, to prevent the
tie .dure;, laid up tiiere fiiliiig into the l',,inds of t!-.c
liurcaneei s ; lu.r cm it be liippou d that Morgan fliould
burn t!ie town before iie !'.ad pofielfed lii;iifelf of th'.-
pii;nder, and deltroy the lirii prize he hud obtained
with fo much hazard ar.tl diffKulty. Hut, however
iliat v.as it is generally aj/retd that tlie city continued
Inirnin:', fiveral days, and very few hotifes were le!t
ifandiii;!;. They related that ;ocoof the lioufes inhi-
bited by t!ie julncip.d people were built with ceilar,
P.M.] that tc re were 5VOO iivire of tiie inferior tradef-
Men, wirli vi'tal beautiful eluirches and monalleries in
;iu' place, I-ffire this accident, it being the mi;',axine
o* all the ':ealiurs of Chili antl Peru, whicli were an-
nually laiil up here, in order to be tianljjcjrted to va-
rious parts of I'urope.
i lie foiiiii.rs afterwards fountl rreat quantities of
jiate and nnniey nielteil down amonff the ruins, and
more hid in wells, i>r buried, ai'.d took zoo,o'^o pieces
i-:'(i 'ht out of a ihip that lav at anchor in the har-
Morgan h.aving remained nearn month at Panr.m.i,
and C(.l!.". u the ranfom his prifoiiers had a:'ieed to
p:n , load.ed :oo bealis with the triafurc he had y.otten,
ai... li lui' \1 to Ventide Ciu/, where lie pui it into
boars, an. '.< nt it down tiie river Cliarre t.i the callle
o. tint !> line ; but the ]'. i'( a.'c-rs of the Trench anvl
Jlu' h ria'.iiiii.. murmured, that tliere did not n-oic
til. Ill zoo puces of ci",ht fjll to the fhan' of each pri-
vaLe i,.pr, and ctiirged their iK'n.ir.'l with concealing
the iiTdt valuable part of tlic prizes ; vliereupcn the
1' reii'uers let't him, r.nd faileil to the illands of 'I'oi-
tuga and I lilpaniola to join th.eir coun:r\!;ien ; and
MoriMii, aftei- lie liad lilev.n uj) the e.dile of C'haiie,
;uid the foi' ilications about it, retiiined to Jamaica
with the le.l of his lleet.
s 1-. c T I o r: II.
V 1. R U.
'~|~'iIIS i.ountr.' w,! ; liiiVov'rei! vr..\ conquered by
X the Spani'ids. 1: does not feeii to have bten
know) b)- an\ '•' neral name when tluy aniveil here;
but It isfaid 'hat the diicnvererv, meeting witli one of
the natives oil tli'- coaft, and di-mand.ing what coun-
frv it was, the Indiaii an!"wi rett Peru, or Bern, ihat is,
What do you lav ? '1 he Spaniaid , ajiprehendiii"; he
iiul'-rdood tiiem right, cniuluded the n.iire ot tlic
,1 are the Cordilleros Acs, AnJes, the rippprp.irtsofwliicli
I' are continually covered with fnow, and the air is Co
I'ubtile as to be unfit for refi>iration. It never rains
I ill thofe paits oi tiiis country \vhich lie contiguous to
I the fe.i Colli, '.'xccpt near the equator. TIk whole is
Well watered, the low grounds are fertile, and this is the
I only country between t.'ie tropics that produces wine.
I In one put of Peru are mountains o*' a llupeniloui
heiiiht awl magnitude, having their fummits continti-
I ally Covered v.ith fnow. In the inlaid parts, and b^
: t!ie banks of rivers, the foil is in general fertile; but
along the Tea coafl it is a barren fand.
I'lie moft remark;ible animals of this country arc,
the Peruvian llieeji, called paces or luiancui. 'I'hey arc
of the bignefs of a (lag, and refemble a camel. The
body is cov( red with a courfc kind of wool : they are
veiy tr.iilahlej and were formerly the only bealls of
burilun among the Indians. Their flefli is very good
meat, and elleemed as innocent as a chicken. It is
as white as veal, pleafant to the palate, and cafy of
dige(tly, whole imifuiclion likew :le extetids o\er Chili,
Jucaran and Paraguay.
Peru is fituated between the equator and 25 iW-^r.
of fouth latitude, a.-.d extends fiom 60 to ■'5 deg,. of
wed longitude, being about i 500 miles in length and
coo in breadth. It is boiiiuied by Terra I'irma on
the nortli , on tin' e.dl by the mountains called Cor-
delleros ties Andes; on the fouth by Chili, ami on
the well by the P.uir:c Ocean.
M.itiy river; rife in the Ande.;, tind lun through
f!iis country, among which are the Grande, Oroonoko
ind the .'\m:i2one.s, fuppofed to be the largell river
ui the World, either v.ith regard to the length of its
t )'.iric or the depth of its water.
There are fome waters in Peru, whidi, in their
eoiitfe, tvn into flotie; and here are alfo fountains of
'i-jiiid tn.irter called Coppev, refembling pitch ami
t.-ir, .iiid ufcd by fe.imen for the fame purpofes.
'I owards the Pacific Ocean the mail is high. Tliirty
rr.tltsfrom tlience within l.uid a chain of mountains ex-
tends ii conlide.abJe way, and ,ibou: 80 m:!':s f.irtlier
No 50
of Quito. It is about the fr/.c of a cherry-tree,
leaves round antl iiuk-nted, and it bears along reddilh
flower. The moil ufeful tree here is called maguey,
which at once fuj)pl:es a delicious drink, hon(;v, vine-
gir, timb( r, lump and tlircail, d.e two lall being niado
from the leaves, (Idks, isrc. Needles ;iie made of the
j'lickles, aiul tlie fruit converted info a kind f)f ioap.
Rhubarb, tamaiiiuh, farfaparilla, d.ra_7'"s blood, llo-
r.ix, guai.icum, bananas, melons, \c. are other vege-
table produc'.ioiis of Peru. I lere are l-',tnop^-an corn
and truits in plenty, but the principal part of the bread
is made of callav.i root; but moll of that balfam which
beirs the name of Peru lomes in lad from Mexico.
That valuable artic le of the commerce of this coun-
try, cochineal, was formerlvfuppofed to be the fruitor
I'eed of fome parti' il.u' pl.int, but now is afcertained
to be an infecl. It is bred on a pl.int calh-d Opi:ntin,
or Pricklv Pear, whicii confilts wliolly of ihi^k I'uccvi
lent oval leaves joined end to end, and fpreading otit
on the fides in various ramifications. 1 he (lower is
l.irgf, and the fruit refembles a fig; this is full of.i
cnmfon juice, and to this juice the cochineal owes its
colour. When the rainy leafons come on, thofe who
ciiltisale tl'.is jilant cut off the heads, whi"h .iboiind
moil with liich infeiMs as are not aniveil at t!-,c:r lull
growth, and prei'erve tiiem very carefollv from tlie wea-
ther and all oth.er injuries. Thefe l)r.inches, though
lejiarated fioin their p.Tent flock, jireferve their juices
for a long time, and this enables the 'initt not only
to live rill the rains are over, buttog.o'v toi'sfiiU lire,
6 Y ft'd
T! 1 1
\ NTAV, rA")YAT. \vn AU'lUrNlIC 5,VS'l I-?vl o. IM'^ I K-M, (,!-(V ,K \PHV
■\r\C\ ;ie ir. r'-.'..lincr.; ... .-.rinc^ foitli its young ;is foon ns
the iiKK'iniMcyof tho1t-:ilun is p;ift. Whta tliistimc
loiiii- . on, '.lu'v iirt- Imnu-ju otir, .inJ jilufd ii)Hiii il.c
^ rt)[ ii pi.u.ts, I'.ifpoli-il in 'i'.tU- nclts ot' l^mic mvily
UiLli.iiu:c. By thf ciilivcniii^; inrtiifiiio of thr lirlii
:!:i, they biiiig toiih in thici- or tonr il.iys .u t.frthfli-,
^^ilc•n t.'K- voung, fc.vae l/iuger tlmn .* iiiiti.', nm .ibunt
witli w.indfrtiil ctficriry, .uid the whole jil.int.uion is
im-nrili.it-ly pcopi"ci. Wh.u i< fiiiwnl.ir, this aniin.il,
lol'vely Hi Kb intancy, quickly lofts uli irs .ictivity, aiiJ,
.UMfhiiif^ itl'elf toilie lealt expofed.um! moll fuLeiileii:
\>.%n of theleaf, clir.!.;s theie v. ithor.t ixe: ir.o.iiiir. It
.:v ix-ni.iik.ible, th.ir it Joes nor, .u le.ul in ..ny vifible
ir.anner, iiiiiriC the jiUiiit, but cxtia.r> its nuuriihmeat
bv means of its jirobnkls, throj^rh the hue tegii-
i..ents of the le.ivcs. The males uf ihi-. fpecies ol in-
fed, ilit]\|- greatly from the fem.'.les, than vihiJi they
•.ire fnnlkr. Tlie male.';, in fac:. ;;!-e of no v.ilue, i!:e
females or.lv bein;^ gatheinl for i;fe. The v.xlue ot the
.!ru;^ chii.it ,• coiiiilU in tlie met'md ot killing and dry-
iDu the infect. Tiie firit is by dippiiii; the bafi^et, into
v/hicl; they are .'■
ihejn in ovens ; an.i 'he third by dryinj' theni on c.ike.s |j
of iTiaizc, which are baked .ipoii Hat lloncs. 'riie lall \\
ia the woi \\ kind. One admirable quality of tliis drug [
J:,, that, though it iielor.gs to the aniai.d cre:ition, it
l.evcr decays. Without any otlicr care than having '
been put into a bo-;, lomc have been known to kcep_ j
60, and even an ico year?, .and retain their (inality. '
It is ufed in dying all the kveial kinds of the Imelt j|
fcailct, criiiifon, and purple, (iold is found in every ||
province of Peru ; and there arc abnndAnce of lilver 1]
mines, of which the moil rich arc thole oi Potofi, dii- ■,
Covered in i <;45. The cuickfilvc- mines, near Lima, ij
were difcovcred in i^>>~ -, and in 15-1 the Spaniards ,1
Krit began 10 refine tiieir lilver with mcicury. !'
The natives of ihi* empire, in general, acknowicd!.;? ,1
tlie dominion of .Spain, and appear (at kail outwardly) j{
to profefs the Roman Catholic pet fu.Uion. They are, \\
however, very much oppielfed by the Spani.irds in 'I
ger.cral. ||
The native Peruvian'; arfofa middl!i\:!;i*atnre, have ''
olive (.omplexions, and bl.n.k hair. When they were •:
tii'l conquered, tiieir manuladuicswere woollen and
co-.ton rlofiis, which were wove and dyed with all man- ,
ni T of colours ; but none were permitted to wear a va- i
1 legated garment, cxccp: thole of the blcjod royal. '
Their carpcti weic made of tlic \vor,l ot their fltcep or ,
line goat., h.iii- i and their ha.nmocks (jf cotton or net- I,
nork. Their carpenter:. tooL were principally hatchets, ]
made of copper or fiiats. Tiifir f:o;e -cutters tooi;, |
were Iharp flints or pebbles. Puilies, and other liinges,
were entirely unknown to tliein : yet under ail thefe
dil'advantages, theyraifed fbrong and ir.agniticcnt edi- /
ficcs. Their needles were thorns or tine bones, and ''
tlieir threads the liti.'w; of animals, or the fibres of '
plants, or of the bark of a certain tree. Scillars they .
i'.ad none; and their kniv.'s v.ere tlint or copper.
Their combi were made of long thorns, let on each |
lidc of apiece of cane, wliirh ferved for the back of 'i
the comb : and the razors tliey lliaved their heads with '
were no better than lliar]) fiintsj in which operation the ij
j-eifon fullered lb mucii, th.U tliere w.i:, noilung tht '
.'"-paniardscarried over more acceptable to them than the r
razor and frilTars. Tiiey had n'> looking-glafies, but 1;
mftead of them, the Pcruvi.in .adics m.ade ufe of a J
lound plate of p(tlill\((l brali, or copper, and in this the ''
natives of the Kail Indies agree with thcin, havingoio 'I
other mirrors at this day than what theygetof thcEu- ll
ropeans. The feveral nati.ins v.-erc diflinguiOied by ||
their head-drelles ; fume weaiing a kind of turban of "\
rotton rioth, otiurs a fiii!',)- piece, others a kind of ji
hats, and others caps in the form of a fugar-loaf, &c, I;
Theblacknefbof the nrgr.j flaves that the .Spaniards I!
broughtwiththem, ftruck them greatly. They could j!
not believe it to be natural, having never fecn a black .'
in .America. They defirrrl the Spaniards, therefore, I
to let them make rxpi'iimcnt, and riv if tluy could not
walhofVthe bl.ick p. lint, aatiiv)- took it to be.
_The Peru\ians|!o!'Vl".a:]uicknif. -if wit andllren!"-:h
of judgement. .^U( hoftlieuia. h.ive h.id tiiead\anf!'gf
oi uu'.llers, lini-e rh'' arriv.il 4 the .Siianiards, iiavr- w-
nei.illy m.ule .ui extr.'^oioin.iiy proucirnry. Whc-ii the
.Sp.iniards tiril .ippeired .unong them, tliev acknow-
ledged one Almij'lity i'eing, maker ol he.iven and
earth, whom thc\ called l\:J\:-Camac, i. c. 'J he .Soul
ot the L'niverle. 1 he next objed of adorntion was the
Sun ; the priells of which, who itfTiciated at L'ufco, were
lilood I
. their fellivals celebrated everv
nioiuli, they h;'.l four otiier grand ones, the- pnnc;p,il
ot which was celcbrared in June, in liouour ot'then
firll Inca, Manca Capac.
The meanell of the luroieans aHlimc' rtate as loon
as they find themfelvestr.ml'ported amoiigthe Indi.uis,
blacks, mulattoc-j mellizors, ^,c. Any good or ge
nerou.s ai-'lions performed by them are the effect:; of
their v.mity and imaginarv nobiiitv.
TheCreolian, bear a great anti])athy to the native
.Spaniards, of which one le.ifoii is iii|)polld to be, be-
caufe they fee thole (Ir.mgers in polleflion of prime
places erf the Ihite. In their outward behaviour thev
all'ect^reat gravity, like the l-.uro[)ean Spaniards, to
whom thev are not infeiior in wit ami genius, .icutencfi
.iiid undeifl.indirig, hut kli,aclivi-and iiard)'.
I'.lieminac'- and Iknh teem tjbe peculiar to the in-
habitants of this couiiiiy; for it is obferved, thatthok:
who luive been bred co labour in Spain, grow idle lierc
in A fhort time, like the Creolians. They are fober a.'
to wine, but eat a great dc-al, .md after an indecent
manner, fomctitnes all oat of the lame difli, and with-
out folks.
The Creoli.ins freely f.icnticc to the palTion of love.
Ballards arc is much regarded here as the lawfuUv be
gotten children, provided t hey are owned by 1 he f.vher,
and there is no dilgrace intivrent to that birth.
'i'he Creolian v.oinen, though not u:idertli'- rellric-
tion'.. of the Sp.milli women, lr:ldom go ab!o;id in t!-,c
day-time; butat ni;:!it theypurfue their pleafure witii
great freedom.and.utfondof intriguing, though thev
ulitally conduct their gallant.'-icii under tilt; Ihade of their
SoiiM-oftlio P'r'ivian barks, or reflMs are made,
like double canoe^ joined together, wit!i [loles whicii
pat's crolVways and being covered with a ikin, fervc
t!ie boatmen to lit ujion. Oihers .\y<- cunllnicteil :n
iiietbiiiiofrafts,withalargefailmadeof matting, and a
ludilcr at one end, near wliieh there is the tire-place or
Ivartli, and a tire .iluiys alight. IJetwcen thetwo mills
tliere i;, a kind of cabin on the deck ; an'd the mails
tl'.emfe''. es ioiii to the tc^,, and fupport not only the
tail, but the little [lendant.
They liipply the place of bridges, in many partsof
Peru, by C(jn:rivances, w hich they call tarabites, I'hefe
are ropes and thongsofle.ither, extended, fromonefide.
of the n\er to tlie other, and tiillened to pilesof wood
fixed in the earth. Ah.tmmock, with two loops, Jiangs
to thefe, in which a man mav lie at his eafe. Tholo
v.ho :ittend on the fide from whence it lets oft", givr.
him a pulh, which larriet him on to the middle with
great velocity : from the middle, tholeonthe oppolite
l.depiill the hammock by ropes falleneil to it, and the
perlon ihusg,etsoveriiiat'cwinllants. I'Or thepalFagc
ot lioiles andiTiules, tliere are two ropes atafmall dil-
taiicefrom each other. The animal being gilded tight
i:. fulpeiidcd ujon a Hat piece of voodi, between the
two ropes, to which he is fattened by grooves, iv drawn
over byiopcs. Somebeallswillgcjover very quietly,
but others are forced to have tiuii legs tied. In ma-
ny places the tarabites aremadeof Ikinsipreadall the
way overthc river, for pe(i])le to walk upon, who hold by
» rope on each fide,whicli letures them in the manner
of railing, and enables them to jjaiis the unflcady bridges
without any d.anger.
Peru contains two audiences, thofc of Lima and Lus
Chircvs, or La Plata.
ithy to the native
lipolcLl to be, bc-
jlll'Hion of prime
li birhavitmr thcv
■:'.n Spaniards, to
t^cnius, ,ii:ut',-ncls
X'cnli.ir to the in-
•ll'rvfd, that tholi:
in, t>ro\v uik Iwrc
They arc lubur a?
after an iniietcni:
ne ui/li.and with-
po abioad in li-e
leir pleafure with
iinp, thoni;'! liiev
Vrf\'-]y, are inadr.
with {)r)h-s whieii
ivith .1 Iki.i, fervc
I'' runllni.'ted :"
i the lire-plaee or
een the two nulls
: i and the malls
lort not or.ly the
?e>> atafnudl dil'-
;in!^ gilded light
Oil, between the
roovcb, iv drawn
^cr very quietly,
gs tied. In ma-
ins fpread all tlic
n in the ir.anner
undtady bridges
1 •
3f Lima anU Los
!', '
L'.in. thecal
ot'.iU l^-ivi, ir, 1:
the lititud"- of 1
mine v.alh'-.. ti'
rtone briclr".".
q'lrike alnrt'l ci
three miivjtcL, 1
who cnric iM)iir'i
bits, hid not I
and fqiiare,..
to a very coiiP
violence, Mn; V,,
all the nfi(:;I-:h()i
men, woni'ii, ai
torrent. Niiict
the fripiterallrc
ofthe' ivr?, to
the fj'i'c ot" fill
v.ith (h< itirte;
.IS the lirlli I'oth
lowing yiar, nc
I 2,OCO pCOJili' ])i
and proptity.
vrred, ;i!-d is Iti
I'erii, aiid tho ic
ment is nicnni.i
term, the fovcrc
enjoys ail tlic pr
officers are appc
For the fecurity
guard :^, or.e oi" 1
The hnn'c puard
s. captsiiiiinc liet
liceuwitl; illvcr.
clad ir. rri.T'.fnn
g;old^ ind do d'.:t
ence chntribc;-.
within the priLu-<
from the gairifo
iWy empbv.-d
and eniorcinj' t!
have received the
of the viceroy is(
courts ofiiifliro
all degree:, or per
calk. '. audienrn,
conri(T5. ofei^rlu
Here isalfuathj
a coiirt for thr
withom lawful ht
biinal of the inq
hofpital: . V. iih ai
thefevcral fcienc
The iiihabitar
Spaniili .A.nicric,
Mulattoc;., Iiuiia
lies were very n
third or fourth |
lity of J'cni, v.;
If L.iiranas n
cncot rht mod d
but, unh-^ppilv I
length fu.Tificntt
Calla", rhc jv
of that f .-y. It i
iirecnefl finm tlv
Two fiotas aniui
near Po'oli, ,:o(r
ing rer lived tl'.c
of Marcii -, thco'
May, with all th(
Chili, ar.d Peru.
Valparaifo V.wt.
annually for Ac.i
and the commod
.nagazint's here,
\inccs of ■^n■,^.'ri.
S O i; r II A M I R i i A
Li\i",i, tlKTipn.il of ilif .I'Lii'-'iicofrh-if ivmr-, iinii
of.iU l*<-;i!, i.'. li'ai.iii'il in.i liiu- v.illcy r.cit ilir tl-.i.in
the litit'i;!'- of i : ilcj',. : luin.S, A river oK tlii r;iiiif
nunc v.'allv.. ihf v.ill,'., owv \\hich wn:, :i li in.i!!'Jii;C
rtone bii;!;".'. In i"'4') a iln.nUu) O.t) !, of an i-;rth-
q'lake ;ilfni>'l 'jntin'lyili'llrovi'ii'h'.i ritv iiitliiMpaiX-oI
three miivjtcL, Iniryinp; in rhcniiir. tliok nili.iliiiiinis,
who rnric i\()uring to f.ivc tliciniioU [Mt-iioiis inovt;!-
bles, hid not nvidc fufliricnt h.ille ir.f'i the Ih-cifs
and fqiiare^>. At tli'' I'jnic time liiu k-.\, rerediru);
to a very conT'di-rablc liiilaiKt-, rt'tiiriu-d with lui-h
violenrr, tin: (."all.io, wl-:: a w,i,thr pur: of I Jm.i, .iiid
4)1 the ncijijl'bouiiiij;' o'.iitr-, , were laid uiul^-r v/aifrj
men, v.'oni;"n, and Iionf-. , hcin,^ fwejit a\vay v. ith tiic
torrent. Nincfi-n wliV' ., n..,i of 2 ;, wt-rc Uink j and
the fripitccalli'd St. Firmln.w:!'. carried, liy tlie Ion e
ofthr'-Mve?, to a qrcir diltaiuc up tin- (o intry. i-'or
the fparc of" pnir montl:;, the conninio;!- rriiuimu-d,
v.ith (he; r irltr: U.'-, and many of tlirni WiTc as vi<)k::t
.IS the lirll i fo tha' ln-lbrc liic cjth of M uv h i'l the lol-
lowing yi-ar, no lefs fhiii .yy llun'ka Iiid bicn I'ch,
andforrrijfthiinnolrfs dreadful liian the lirll. Above
i2,ocopco]di' ju-rillicd in liv ruin*, (jf iheirown c(T(.<'ls
and property. Jt iias now, in fome ire.ifiirc, reco-
vered, ui'd is iHll ilie rapit.d ,'.,id iiiru I'lnporiuai of
Peril, a;)d tlie icfideru e of tl;e \i,eri')-, v. !io|i' grnern-
ment is triennial ; ihoir.'^'i, at tf.e e:-:pi;atioii of th.'.r
term, the foverei;.'n may renew lu:; con-.iiiiirion, He
enjoys .ill the pornpand prerot^.itive.s of royaltv. Ail
officers are appoinred, and places fdled up, by liim.
For the fecurity ot hii p.-r<(i!-, !. ■ !••:■, two corps of
guarch, or.e of ho.'fe, and t!:e oth'/r of halberdiers.
The hnrfc ~uard:ci^nuilofi6o, nr.derih.e coiniuandof
0. capt-iinandiieurensnt ; aridfluirunifoins are blue,
laced with, illvcr. The halberdiers, in nu:.;ber cc, are
clad in cri.ilfoii velvet wa.i^. or.i.-, deepl;, l.:ced with
gold, and do d',:ty in rooiiir, le.u!:;-!;; to tl-.e .^nai audi-
ence chainber. Befides thcfe, there i
within the prdare, of ir>-) men, bei-.
from the gair;f(;:i of Callao. All oir;
.'. di Mel;,; lent
. a;e 01 v'afion-
i.\\y empbv,-d in e:;L-ciiri.-i|; tiie orders of the v;eeror,
and eniorcinj' the derreej, of tjje t'ibdr.al.s after tluv
hav; received the inyalaiTent; fir !'',:rhtlie(iii!Ciir:e.'-.ee
of the vice roy is cfteemed, v/ho, b;Tidi's alliiliiuj; at the
courts of inf!;re ,ind cotir-,i:Ils, gives daily audi<'nce to
all degree:, of pcrfons. Tlie fupremc tribunal of Lima,
cillf. '. audienra, is held in the viceroy's palace, and
cnnfif^s ofeicjit auditors, and afifcal, for civil artairs.
Here :s alfo a clumber of act ounts, a board of ti eafury,
a court for the efFcds of perfoi;s dyinj^ inteflate a.'id
without lawful heirs, a eouncilof commerce, and atri-
bunal of the inqrdlition; m;'.ny convents, chapels and
hofpital: , v.ith an ur.ivcrfiiy, in which aie j)roteilorsof
the fevci-al fciencts, and tliree llihorilin.ue colle<.';es.
The inhabitant? of tirs city, as of .ill the other.; ui
Spanifh .America, confills of Spani.utb, .MelTi/oi's,
Mulattoe;-., Indians, and Ncgroei. 'J'he .'^jianilh fimi-
lies were very ninneroua before tlie < aitliquake. A
third orfourth pr.r; ol diem confined of the chief nobi-
lity of J'iTU, v.holivr-d in the !.\reaLefl fplenJour,
If L.ima was nof liibject to eaithqu.d;e: , it wouki be
cneot th*; mof! drf'rable places of aboele in the world ;
but, iinh -ppiiy the interval between ihefe is never ot
Irnf^thfu.Ticicnt to obi iterate the remembr, nice of them.
Calli'i, the port of L.ima, is litu.ited fix miles welt
of that f i"y. It is tlie beil harbour in the fmuh, bein;^
icrecned from the winds bvthe llhuidof ,St, Laurence.
Two floras annu.dly I. id tVom hence ; one for .Africa,
near Poruii, ,:hout the end of bebruary, which ha\'-
;ng received tlie filveron boaid, returns in the month
of March ; the other for Panama, in tiie be_uinning of
May, with all the trealhrcsand. merchaiuli/eof Potofi,
Chili, and Peru, Thofe of Chili were broupht by the
Valparaifo fleet. Refides thefe fleets, two fliips fail
annually for Acapulco, freifihed with eold or lilvcr ;
and the commodities thev brin;; back are lod,!;ed in
magazines here, and rctailctl to all the louthirii piu-
\inccs of .'Vmeric.i.
Cliff o, the capi.-'i ^fii, rii.idrc of Per':, tcfor'? th':
.- I'ivd ofihe ,Spania,Lls, a!>',i the feat uf the f.".':as or
ki.'i •,:.,'liinds about -iP.'.i milesfiom Lima, towards the
eail. li w,is r'leti verv larr^e, i;.a|.-n;fi<:ent, and jwpu-
lou.s. I Kre l^jod the f.unous Temple of the Sun,
wh'ch i:. tail.'d Cinia. hiirchi, and contained immenfc
riches. T'lf li.cao refified in a part of the citadel,
the V, .ills (jf which were encr;ilked with gold and fil-
ver, and the whole tbrtreis wis built of Hones, fo
Ion I tii:'.t feveral oxen could h.irdly draw otie of them.
It is lUll a coni'derable tow;;, containins: great nun. -
(lers o; Spani.irds, Ct'-oliins aiv.l Intiinr.s. The r.ir
ii very pure aiul wholeiumc, iukI the neighbouring
toumry veiy pleafaiit and. fruitful. Here are fomc
r.ianiiiii. u;ri. 1 of bays aial cutton cloth, and alfo of
leatiier ; a;Hl in the aii';!cent countrie'; are gold and
lilver iliiiv.i.
Arcquiba iVands in 'lie valley c-r Quik)?., on a fine
river, bv vvliich It has .'. communication with the 1(.m,
dilfant abtiut :o ieas'ue; . It is o.oeof the moll bcaU-
tiUd and [ileai.int towns in .sllPeiu.
Giiamaiu';.', iSo miles e.iil cf Lima, is the fee of a
biiliop, and contains an nnivcnlty.
Truxilk), .50 milfs ri'iirii-v.eiL ot Lima, contain i
only low hoffcr, en aeci^vifit of the t.cqucnt eauh-
qiLikes. (iuaiiicliiCo is it:; port; and the inhabitants
cany on a ;rieat trade in wiijc, brandy, fiax. rr.arma-
iade, and, al>ove all, fiujar, as thev cultivate plenty
01" fu^;ar-canes in the nei:.;hbouriiood.
The audience of Lo,,Chircos, or Ln Plata, is bo'jn-
iled on the north by tint of Limn, bci.-g f 70 ~iic«
in a IfraiLdit line, and aco wide ••There broadeft.
The cliiiKite is various, the foil is in "general fertile, and
the principal ommodiiies fib-er, gold, and pimento.
'1 he chief places are,
La Plata, tiie cnjjital, wldch is the feat of the gover-
nor of the province, o' tl;e .aichbifkop, an uniyerfity,
a:'.d court or' ii-.cjuilition, v.Tiicl! 1: fi.bordinate to that
of Li IV, a.
Po'oii.fo'aiu.u; on acToiih.'of the rich filver mines
in its neigidiourhood) Itaiuls ;'.boui 60 miles from La
Plata to the fouth-eall. Tlie Spaniards and Creoliani
IicrtaiV pofiefledot imirenle riches. .-Vll their clothes
of ."okl and lilver itulV-, ,ind tlieir kitchen f'lirni-
■ and plates of filver, v/liich is not to be wondered
■1 a cou;i:ry wliere that metal is as common as cop-
perand. no.i a;e e!lev>l;ere. 'J i.ey !..ive great frolls and
fi.ouE here iu Mav, Jvir,-, .''n.i July ; and the nei;rh»
i)oi;ri;i:i; co.mtry is barren and uncouth, cfpcciaLlv tht
!iiount.;in that conr.iins t!ie mine:;. Tlie tov.-n is ne.~ir
tv.-o leagues in comp;it';, ainl eonfequently the largeJl
in Peril. Ti.ere are lour principal mines of filver, be-
li.les otiic; fmalleroiies, NotwitlillandinT; the barren-
r.e!.. oft!;e couiniv, tiie town is well jrovided with
ever\ necefrurv, lo.iie pnA inces lending the bell of
t.'ieir rnaiii and Iruit, otir'rs tlieir cartlc, a.nd others
tiieir m.inufacUire';, '! iiole who trade in European
(oir.;iiodiiies relurt to Potoi"! as to a market, where
ti.ev a.e fureof iMinertingtheir ;r,erchandizc into lil-
ver, .Another Ipecies of co:nmerce, carried on by a
let of people called Aviadorc;, confiH-' in exchanging
coins tov.-ards p-iyiiri t'le neccfinry cvpcnccs of the
workmen, lor ingots and pin.ios. As for tix- article of
quickfllver, it is v.luilly ingrofled by the crown.
An opinion prevails, that the difcovcry of the filver
mines v.-a-; owing to thii accident; An Indian, Hual-
pa, [iiirUiing tome wild goats, came to a fteep place,
and lei.'.iiij'; a ihrub to aid h.s airent, ir g.ave wav,
when he behclu a mais o; nlver beneath the roots,
lie hallened home with the fir'.t fruits of his difcovcry,
wallied tlie fih'cr, ar.d made ufeof i: ; repairing, when
his lloik was cxhaulled, to the rnounrains for a new
fupplv. In tlie courfe ot titni', an intimate friend of
his (jf.fervinn tiieextraordin.i!^" chan;:e in his clrcum-
Ihinces, was deiirous of krowinr; the c lufe, and urging
hi'v. clofely on this head, obtained an ainpk difcovery
of tilt; wliok" ii.cret. For K^me time they mair»-
tained a kind of part.'^erfhip , but JHu.alpa rCiuung
'1: 1
1 1
to difdofc his mi'thod of jMirlfvinp tlu" nvt.ii, f>) nf-
tciuifdhii comrade, iii.it Vx iniiniiti.it(lv icvimIciI ilic ,
wholi; to his maltcr \'il!arc;il, a Sii.ini.ini, wixj lived
at I'orco.
Ei-lidis the filvir mitus wwr I'otofi tluTc nrcminy
othtTi in thi- autlicr.ci', il'ixci.illy towards Chili.
TIktc .ire Mo fo.ne of j^old.
At a linall dilUncc fto,n this phcc are hot nu-di- ;
ciii.il batlis, to wl)ich, ,is in other lountries, foii;,- re- ,
fort for health, and otlurs f.)r divcrfmn.
L.i i'di is :i conii'.l' i.iblc tDwn fitinted near the
fpring-lu.ui of .1 r.ver, about 120 niil-sfroiii La Plata j
to tiu" norn-wert. The inmintaiiis of the adjaceiu |
count; abound in [V'ld, and the j>hin and va'lies
in p. ..in, fruit trees, and liilds of ni.i:/e. .'Xbout j
thiKV miles to tlie north-we'.l of this t.rvn lies tlie j
like of TituMOa, which is So inlles in circnniferenr •,
and has a comaiunication with tiie lake of Faria.
Arica Ibnds on the fea-coall, and has a got)d h ir-
bour, but contains only about 150 t'amilies. I'or-
merl .noil of the lilvcr of I'otoli w.i.s lli!;);--.! here
for Lima, but now it is ehielly lint b>- lan.i.
.Sj..:.i Cru'.; lie la .Sierra, or 'he 1 loly Crofs of the
Moun-ain, is the capital of a little pri)vi:-.:e nortii-
calt o: Plata.
Althuu.;,! the Spaniards pnlTifs only a f<-w cities in
the c.\ttnfi\'e provim e of I'ucunian, tii' y have never-
tlielefs the dominion of the whole.
Tl.'- citi'.'i p )ircired by the Spaniards are, St. Ja;;o
de Ellcio, fo called from a rivc-r on wtiich it is litu-
ated, whole mundatioiii j-ieatly contribute to ferii-
liae t:ie adiacent land, St. Mi<;uil del 'riicuni.ui,
NeuAra Sennora dc 'r.d.ivaia, Cordov 1 de la Nueva,
Andalufia, Rioja, and tlie la.-ge vdla;_^e of San S d\ .1-
dor. I he two iirll of thdV are the moll coiifKli-r-
able i the two la!t .are l',-,iall, and built withotit order
or fymmetiy. The chief I'.ctij^ii of the court of M,i-
drid in ma;ntainini: Icttlrnv.'nts here is, to lecure a
com , •imcatinn btrv.ixn the colonii's (in tlie South
and North Seas ; for the comiuodities of tiic country
of themfelve.'-. would hardlv rf'i;nbur*."_- tlie cxpeiueof
keeping ginifoi.:, : tliey v niia cliicrly i:i honey, wax,
fu;.;ar, wine, cot m, woi lien \[<.\\]>, m.'.r.ufachircd by
the native.-) i ;■: d :" , ir.;;.-:i adir.ired for tlicir
llren^ih and 1, ilir, , i-ii whuh accotiiu j'rear ntimbers
of ti;ei:i arc cxpoifd to otiur jrovi.ues ot South
Am -I ica.
h.ifon anineoi"
'aiiama tor re-ini'iixemr
a;r is vi-iy tun-
i,f v.ine here, if
n-.:i!;inir it
the in
ants, anunils, uiul T-.Kures ol I'erii,
xarni then went to Sjiain, procured rlieempcror s com-
returned .-.iil ti.'ok with liim three ofhisb»<»-
ther?., and fet fail fir Par
they have an ani.n
al of the fame ki
na iip< n anoti.er exjx-th
V. itfi liim 125 fol
A. D. i^rr lie had :vav
and :" hc^r!; ■ , v. ;;li v aicli heiandcd .'iiul beg.m
railed bv the natives lamas, which i.s like a f nail
.1 c:.n carry fifty pouniis weight. Tliey jj his dej'redatioii;. J l.c Indians fled before him, b-at
have all fort; nt' materials p:oper for dying; and , many of hi:i[)eople d.ying, he ient liis fnip.s b:i..k laikn
feveral forts of fruits ami plants v.hicli have been (i with plunder, to bring moie recruits. Almigrojoj
brought fro.n Spain, belides tliofe that naturally grow
;liimwifli re-infiTceip.ents, tiiey .ulv.;nccd togtther.
here. They h^.ve alii) imported beeves ami flie.'p. In li d'i'e.'fed ;i lar;u' bfe trealiip '
hicn w( re lieapt u
u() in the fniple of the Sun and iIk Inca's paliciJ
fons of diflinction of both lexes wear I'ln.i? garments, i| Tlvynov. erec'ed a forri.-fs near
ind a kind of
r.aiitle over th'
ir flioulde
drel's of the Spaniards is [ilainer than that of the In-
dians, the latter being ufually of flowered cott
on ;
both aie fond of we.iring ear-rings, and rows of beads
lound their necks, and the Indians will fometimes
hr fe
tiled the Inca, or em; ' lor Atahihpa.
d then j.ur-
An Ir
Piz.irro, finding tliat the Ptnivi.iii-, were engaged in
a civil w.ir among thenil'tlves tool; j;ains to fo.-ijeut
their intellmedivilioris, in or.ier to pKvent thcT unil-
II him. The cafe wa.s, that Atabihpa, a
iiiL' ai.'ain
ornament: i:vi-n tlieir ancles with Inari
diaii b.'.tber li.ii i long lo).*<' g.inn'-nr, and carrie
his I
.•emi erorlbiulcar.
•gitlm;ire b'r'h, liaddrpoliU and . citined
>1)1 relied t
AMr.T^If ^ 1
hrter ap.'i' ' t"
ulurper. ■ " '
a;v.)l;M:ion t . Ox
c lUiitiMi an ■ ■.
Atibili.iA a.1-1 1
vicv;, the .' in. iri
duii:vT cho • r-.;v'ii
made tlie '■■■■•' ■ 1 '■
A marr: hav.i
C's 't Pan 11.1, ar
ater tlie llau, filter I
of their civineror .'
Ain !!'• . ■ "mrra;
all .e .-.i' i-is.of a;
otli ■•^ t" . livid:
tier -he-, -.o-ie, a;
de au h.j.., an '. 1
p^oi.i iiui 'liver at
ii;. i. imo'iiiii. 1 I
er:. ..'ill? poll. ,\'-i
ail ..inner ot cs
very 'creat raie, ii
nM!,eti':e., or f !■
proj-ertini'to Icn
ti.e emperor, IS li
thi r perdin.indo
ni.iirs ar. iiiivht '
f -li uo^m'vhat v.
was molf^ iiniulP.\
titis iinloHnn-ife
vengr Vrp iyed 1
killc'l li' OP 'nti
ha-' dr;'"." ';■ ■•
a;it:'ivT t' • ••"ci"
':••- •■■;) ;i.M,i;'.r\i'
(t. r.,1 ; but liu-li
liie cru' • ..vn'ui
ri -/lae ■■>ite .' 1
. :,- -ii-he^
:' r •l.-renou
•:• :.a re' gn t'
: , when Piz.'.rr'
I t ("ulco, where
ic '2,t!ie pcopli
i\\ oTgreatell
I : !', toun'. Ill
;i. , .-d at the I;
ther. : but the
nhr):r to ail'em!
t'le'.'.- i;v. aders,
Inca.uul his Pc
n r t.i leturn to
Th; i'emcr.fures
iity ot taking a
ali the fouthern
tn; :ii, miiier t
k^;raiv.nsvi Q.
A infctunic is
V'itli tliis ilifRr-
I'ii tooli jMcLa
.i'> lomcuh.i: t.'i'.'
lii" |H;if.ui!s a:c
I'l.iin louil" t;ar-
•li to iMiry fi.cif
^ i^ fr \tctl ill 1
'>*' hi^Il IllOMJl-
•inii three ijii.i,-.
a bi/liop'., lie.
r.i'ii's, an J two
Ifici, um!ci till
•f.lilS. It (•(,!) .
>• I'.itlioiie liiirJ
ire;. Ii.mai7.« ',
"•'liftly (III ,1^;.
■M!i:i;uN. Jt
K R L'.
oiiqiirring Toru,
■S];.iiii.iid ciljij
oiuluiiun ot tlif
\sui uiKlutalvL-.i
o, Al.ii.-igio, dnJ
tis, and the hih
c Piz.uio fhouhl
Min.ij/io /liould
11 rcciuits: and,
in^; I.iyi(i3;n-
Mi t ol' the tiittr-
1 loiils .uii:t;g by
i-Tul ':, 'il'tii Ihoulj
n the Hril attempt
anj tlu- iin.<(r.uu
luch, that ail (;is
n.Ull.l.CXlipt Lj.;
iciuiis, th'.lttwu
'ii:fc tothc luiiih-
PaiLKiKi, went Oil
li.if^i to IVni by
:'il, ortT'.ci::i.ber-
. they wcic objj-
i'tiii!L; f.iil to the
^y wc.ctwoyeais
t lM/.aiio1'.';. 'Jh« le
Ja-ter ap,'i ' tn Pir.irrofor airti1:,ince trletirnpc t!»e
Ul'iiper. ' ' ;hc eu.i'iarv, .Vc'i 'lij'.uii i.e a liiiiilar
a;pl.. I ion i . t:'x Spanim-,.)! ror then b •;nJin j) uiiil
t iu:.:en.in ■ ■.
Ai.ihilijU and Pi/arro, >;iviiig appointed nn inter-
view, fhf ;> uiiirii'i traK !• Kill, itiiu u 1 tae Indians
diuinr ciio jnr'ennoe.aiida.ivin:; iUui;ii:LTed many,
liuute t!ic Ir!;-.- .ii.on«i.
A i.iurr; . hav.n raited 1 eonlidcrable bxly offor-
C". 't I'an !ia, aiTi. I'l ai t!ic • imp o( Pua: to loon
at ertliell.ui.;litcr'>i .he lu.liaus, in 1 theinipiiron'iieni
of their cmiieror Atibdip i. l';;::u r.) Went out to Titrct
Aiii 11" . • I'liirratuhued in-, .in v.;;, lecciveu him wiih
all .e .n 1 v;s ot' alTVctioii aiul eiiecm i.nat^iiiaoli-, and
ofn •vt t'. .I;vid'- tiie I'poi'.-i NVi n lii.ii, t;ii)i:^ii K IS cvi-
iler :hv'. ..i-re, at that tiiiv, meditaim^^M ,ieii oihers
de irii h.j.., .111 '. ir is laid, I'u irro di.ti it)iK«d a- iniic:i
f.ohi >iui 'liver at tins tim- inioiV!; the Spairm luidi-
'... Aiv. n.r.v I'iziir.) ilu-.r^lit it a
])fo;)er lime to liMilover ihel itu parr 01 the ue.iiiM'e 10
tiie ciiipcror, 10 he h.ul i.ipuKt:;-cl, and witii it liis bro-
thi r i'erdin.indo I'i/aiio, t" loiicit t'orati h nini'orcc-
ni.iirs :\-. iiii.ht eltaoliili tic noi.iitiion oi tiie ."ipani-
:ir>!s:n IVrn.and topetinon ih 11 l,!s^overnii.eniir.i,.ht
b.: ( Aiend'd liili farther ro t;;etoiithwaid ; themarthal
AlmapD alio en', oved ids a -ent to rcpri-init 10 t!:j
C)nrt ot Sp injWiih wh.it e '.penc.- and applieation he
hul |. Pt and c.irr.e.i r;- i irortv-:n'-n. , mo tu . A\< d t: e
I'jneril wiiii niivniuiitiini and .T'v. inns trom iimero
inr,', toeii d)!e liim to 1" ik'e ui.'seompieil , and "o dc-
1 ;!■ th.ar all that |).!n ot" .So >th Aiiu'rica>vii.< li I >v ro
th-j iuiuir.vard of't.;e lands i^ranted :•> P'.zairo, i.ii^ni
be put iir.vierhi:. e;ovtrniiuni : and v.ith thel'e a-snts,
t' "t bv t!i • freneri! and the ni.ird^d, return, d I v.ral
■.:dvin".'r rs, to the ininiber i-f .^o or ho, who liivmij
oii.Miir .1 v"^i'^so Dr^o.cco dii,- its a-pii^c ■t.)rtrie;rr(T-
jv->.i!velh.)ri >ot th'.lpoiis, were perfectly l'i:!>^'iei; wi Ji
1:, and chiilr to eniovwii it tin yh.ad got tlu remainder
Ol thfir live', in their owniDimtry, ra:'.errl'. m muiergo
n: re h.i:'..nds an.l d;(l'eult:es to incre.ife tlieir t'or-
A'.i!iilipa,rhe rnval ; riinnrr.hnvin'., oilVred L-'i,;:irro
a pi ill i}i ions tr^al^re l.ir hi.s l:;)i rty, an,! .1 .tuaily paid
^u\n partof'it, \ as (iill dtrnineii,and3tienirthb.-iti;;;
I tiiipan v.'ha: v.^recaMed Articles of impreathmenr,
ix.is moll' tiniiillle |.iir todearh Acaueiii, :l;e br.it. ler of'
thii iinlortnmte prinee, l-.avmg ih-ter idned (.n iv-
ven2;r "it;^ iytd l(!e^■pania^d.'. on their march to (.'iifco, ;
I illc'l ib HP .nil tvjok oihers, Sancho de Cellar, who 1
ha'' (ii-;'"." •)■ ' t' procef! ;i:;a:nll the late Inca, being
p:,v..niit'' ."IT. \\ ill ihefe thev retired lha'i:;lm;r
,i:'.r\iiv place wlieretlie i'm[)eror was piir to
.«; O II T ri A M F R I C A.
5 '9
" 1 — . I I
; Intt loch ot tlie .Spaniirvis, as had been againll
.1 •al'iire, thev relhired to liberty. 'I'l'ie Fe-
■uri: .'ill inriiiuii to treat upon reafon.ibie
i'"i!e i dir.t thev Ihouid im-
1;li' cm
n viae
• ;m- lit •;.(■ '"p.iiiMril
!' r ■],- renooiue the I ielii',i.in, f^ive uj) tiieir eoim-
■r ;.a If' !.',n t'-.eir friedom. This broke olV thr trea-
: ■, wiieii I'lz.irri. r rehed lor.vard to the capital city
I t (."oko, where !.e itrived in the nioiith ut t)dober,
ic ':,t!ie people h iMngabaniioned thecitv,and carri-
I .i oTr.ieateO rr of tluir rr^Mlur.'; but ftill tao .Spa-
1 .; !i/toun'. iii miieli Kir beliind, that they were
a. , i-d at the he.i;s 01 p(jid and filver they met with
thei\ -. but the rei.ninf; inca, Manco Capac, bein.,thefecwo advent uter^Nv ere ihi;iuli'rllr..ck,
appreheiKiinj;they ihi.uldbedi.poir.ir.ddi allihefpoih
they hid la .en, and peri ip» lent prdoiicrsto Spa:!i,to
give an account of theii- iiuiniermjthe late Inca Ata-
biupa.injni.iiiacrin'.;hispeopl.-i tiiey con tiniieiit lure-
l<ci!ii..vateai!;ood undeirLiindinurwith the Indians
o. iiie Kjuinern provuices, .ind treated tiie Inc.i and hi^i
luojeCta as their fneiid.i and allies, promilinf.; to per-
toi.iipunchialiywliateveriluy h.ul agreed on, knowing
liow^re.i: an advania-e itinuit be ro h.ive the country
III iiijit ..•■.:cre:l, if tlu y were ublii^ej to contend with
A.varudo tor liic poileinon or it. Ihe,', however, at
l-.i£;;at>»iinJ uie v.istobnoe Alvar.id'. from the country
.iiiii .0 porlu.idc m.jit of Ills foil.jwers to enter into cl. jir
iervice. I'lielc .idditional forces reiulered the adven-
t.iiers very I'ormi.i.'Oie, when .\lm;i'";ro m.iiched to
Cuico; and Pizarro tounded the city of L.iitia, and
other plajc-.on t.ie coalu Pizarro now, according to
t.ic gKiiu ot' the emj'cror, renained in pulleTion of
Peru, and Aiiia;romule m exped..ion into Chili.
Aliii.i;j,ro .id\ .mccklas far as the province of Charcas,
200 it aj:;ues to the lout hward of Cufco, without meeting
with .my ciiinfi ''^ obltruc^ his defiy;ns, that country
beiiitiiall under tned'iminion of theliica, andfupplying
hi.a wiiap.ovilions as he went ; but tindiivij Cli ircaj
a wretched barren couiitrv, and beiiij^ iytioraiit of the
ricii mines it onc.ii.ied. he rcfolvcJ uj proceed far:!ier
to uie K.iiu;doiii of Ciiili ; tiidugh, had he known the
uivaiirioie mines of Potofi were lituatcd in this barieii
country, lie would cert.iinly have fer up his rell here,
l.jr III diis mountain was afterwards found more filvcr
ciun any, irpernaps ill the coutitries in the Old V\'orl4
pioducetl .11 thai time.
1 he Indians inloi.ued ,\l;nagro, that there w ere two
way:; to ;ipproaciuhe kini^dom of Chili, both extreme-
ly liiilicult .md iKizardou-;. 1 lie titll: was over a branch
ot' til!- mouiuainsot tiie Andes, orCordeleros, whichat
this time (being winter) were covered deep in (naw,
.md fo cold that no Indian could live on the tops of
them (though this w.is much the Ihortelt pair2;j:e,if it
could be performed ;) the other was over a fa.".dy da-
laiL 'jy thefea-fidc, in wliieli tiicy would be in danr^er
ot peiilhing by exc(lii\e heat, and ihefcarcitv ot wa-
ter ; intim;iting that they were averll to tiie journey
eitlier way, but molt dreadful that over the mount.iins
of the Andes : however, Atm.igro refolving to re.uovc
forward, took the way of the mountains, .is being tlie
lliorteli, andmore agreeable to iheconllitu.ions of his
I'uropeans, than the I'corcliin;; lands; and iiaving f^-
thereU what proviiions the country allordtd, andhiid it
on the llioulders of the Indian ]ii;rt(rs, he began to
afcend the hills ; but had not .idvaiced fitr before he
found the fnow (o dei p, th.ir they were forced to dig
their w.iv through it, the Intiians d\ing by hi.ndreds
with tlu intenfe Cold : the .'Spaniards, alio, were al-
moil: ll.irved, and main of tliem perllluu with their
horfes on thole mountains, either by cjK! or want;
and tome of the men loit liieir (ingeis ,;nd toes, wlio
rii'tpcLl with theirliscb. However, Alm.'...ro f; iiiilf,
wuh between -^co or 400 Spaniards, the Inca Pualla,
the f.igh-priell, and about 5.000 Indians, reached the
other tiilc (jf the mountains, and came to aT.ne tem-
perate, and pleatant countrv. The people of Chili
piefeiued the Spaniards witli many prefents ; and Al-
m;ijiru penc; rated into tlie coiiiitry a cunfidcrabie way j
6 Z but
1 1 h' «
but brinp informed, by rlu- :iniv»l f)f fomc Spaninnls
fiDin I'liiDpe, tlvir a part allnttal to liiin l)v the riii-
pcror, iiu I'liled C"ufi:o, he retiirniril to Pt-ni. Hav-
ing fiiHcTid \o much in their march over th*- minin-
taiii.i, the Spanlinls ;uid PtTiivians rctiirnnl by the
way of The drfirr, where the hardfhips thev umlrrwrnt
w« le hut little inlcri'T to t!ie lomu'r. In thf nie.in
till!'- 'he Inia Mancd iS.iyv nbkiMUg that I'lz.irr)
«uU jiave him the title of Iiica, and th.»t ui nalitv K^'
had very little command even m the iMpirnl i.-:ry of
C'lifcn, where he refided, put him in mind of his ()rn-
niift- of reftorini; him to his empire, and pcrfornunt;
tly capitti! ition* that hail b-i n a.-reed on beiween
themi but Pi/arri) pnthiu otV tr.im ti^ne ft time, fi I-
lin^ him he mull wr.t with pan. in .■ rill he heari! that
til .le capitulations were ratified bv his li)VerLij;ii the.-
fniperor, which he expecteii to renive everv d iv by
his brotli'T I'erdinando, and was ^v)inj{ lo Lima in
hopes of meerint;; him there; definnfr that the Inei,
diiriu!:; his ablence, would relide in tlie eallle, and not
fVir from theme. The Inca tiiuiin;' thev would make
him priinner bv force, if he did not volunranlv fubmit
to this eon'inemrnr, difjtuiled lii» lekntner.t and iin-
me;liati Iv W'-nt to the calUe.
- But the Indians were fir from f.l.ipi; thivimprifon-
mentofiheiremperori)atienity; tluy only w.iited lor a
favourable(oniun:"turetoobiainhis liberty ; forTerdi
nando Pizaim returning from Spam with his brother s
n-'W foinmiirion, and tlie pa'' lit forthe title of marquis
brnu^h; f mie orders with him tl.ar were not ai'.eptabk-
to the m inpiis or his people ; pifti( ularlv he informed
fhcm, that tlie empepT ex(>iH-ted ti'ey llifjuld be ae-
ff)unt;iMe to him for all the trearuie thev h.ul receivi'd
as rlie ranfom of Atabilipa, hi:, imperi d Majelly alone
beini:; entitled to it, or at leall that thi-y ll;(ui!d r.ufe
him a good round fum, and lend over ti> Spain in lieu
of it; but the maiv,u;s and !iis o.'fuers replied, this
was neither reafonahli nor ()oir;iile ; :ib they h.ul hazard-
ed their lives, and m.ide a conijueft ot tiie country ;i:
fheirown espence, without anv cliaiu-e to his imperial
majeftv, thev ousiht to rrap t!ie ^r':lt^ of tiie.r labour j
an;l bcfuies, that moncv had b llr.i-
tagcm. He pretended, tliat in the valley of \':irito,
great riches were hid, particularly a Itatiie of lulid
gold as big as life, but that none bur himlelf irould
find out the place, b'erdinando Pi/ano wnsdeluiled
by this pretence, and futfered the Inca to go to the
\-aIlev with only a guard of Spiniards, from whom (as
thev did not liifpeft liii defiLjn) lie m;'.d,e his cfcape.
Being at libertv, he railed three t'owerHl nrmics, one
being defigned againft Liira, the fecond to attack
Ciifco, antl the third to rut olf Almai'jro. The priiw
cipal ar.ny, under the Inca himlelt', atticked CulC)
with great fury, but were rejjuljcj \vith terribk
.'\fter cutting off ftvcra! iler.tchmcnts of Sp.iniard<,
the fecond Peruvian armv invclled Lima, which not
beingable to t«ke, thev I'lilv blockaded ; buttfetli rd
army did not att.ie!. Ahiiajirc, who arilving bcfjre t.u-
walls of C'lilco, I'Miimoiied l-erdinando Piv^arro to im -
render, wiio lel'ufed i but the pl.ice was be'r.avcd 10
Almauro by l"iiie of 'he ;Mrrilon, when the govtrnci
ami another of the maripiis of Pi/ario'i brutii'.rs wue
made prilouers.
In the nu-an time the marcjuis of I'i;-.;rro, not In ,:r
inglror.i his brothers, feiit ;i (Iron;; I'oue to Ciili.o,
under the coir.mand of Don yVloii/o dc .Mv.ir.ulc.
Peter de I crii a w;is ordered alfj to maiLii with this
detachiiicnt .\-- a private captain of a trjop of iiorle,
though he was an older otbcer that Alvarado, zrA
h.ul done preat lervicc in thole wars, which fi dil-
L;ulled de L.ermi, that he, from this time, meiiitateil
the ruin of tlie enttrprize, .i . u fuppolcdny the Sjianim
.MoiKM de Alv.irado cciuinulnghi!; tn.iich wirli the
urmoft diligenee, molt ot the Indians that v.ereprelii-.l
to carry h;i Saggaj»e, nmotuiting to wpw.irdi of yc; ■■,
perilhed in the tirit part of the journey, eitlur by the
intolerable f.itigue, being kiadcd and diiven beyond
their llrrrrgtli, or darveil for want of food.
Almagro receiving iiuelligence that .'vh^.nzo was aJ-
vancinp to the r itv, lent fome Spaniard . of cjuality to
him, to reprefer.t thi't C'ulio brlongrd to iiis g..>vtrn
menf, .iccording to the ilivuion the emperor made oi*
Peru, between liim and the manpiis ile Pi/.arro, and
therefore adviied him ro retire to Luna again, till he
and the marquis (liould adjuil the limits of their re-
I'pcClive eovernir.ents : bur Alvar.'.do was fo far from
tntertainin:! anv pariric t!ioii;;hts, that he made ;'.li the
i;riitlemen iirifoni rs tliat were lent to treat v.itli iiiiii.
\S hereupon Alm..i.ro fok the field, eonllir.itin:' l)on
Orgonne? his heutenaiu-g'.neral 1 and having made a
p;ir;y of Alvaro's horfeptiionrrs, undclfoad by them,
that great part of his tro(;ps weie better *f?cCK\l to
him, than they were to tlie i'izarro'i; ;>art icul.it ly, h--
uiuii-rP.ojd that Peter de Lerma, witli a great many
of his friends, would dcfert Alvar ido the firft c;
port unite.
He ailvanred. '■■••■efore as fir as thi'liridge of .Mian-
cay,on t!ie othfi lulc whereof Alv.u:ulo lay encamped,
fo ttKit there w as nothing but a linall rivi r tiiat parted
their forces ; thev remained cjuiet, h<)wcv;i , without
attempting to attack each other all
liis prifoner; with whom he returned in triumph tn
.■v!:;i.'.a;ro, aftcrtlie l),ittle,inaiTlied with 50oSpanilli
iioili and foot, anil fume thouland Indi.tiis, towards
the v.iKevof Ciiinca on the lea-c:a'>, taking with hiin
his prifoner Fer.iin.iiido Pi/arr(>, but he left Alf'n/o
I'i?a,io and Alon/.o de Alv.uado priioncri ii" 'd.e city
of C'uk o.
In the me.in time, the marquis de Pi7arro hearing
no news from .'Monzo, and imagining the Indians
ini;',li! iiave jiollVU'ed themlilves of the pafTes in the
mount.uns, anil ilienby tiitoff hiscommuni. .aion\\itIi
that I'eneral, m.irehed in p.erfi>n ;it the
4Q0 Spaniards, r>Aards the
ligenee ; and after onie days march, received advice,
that tlie Indians had raifed the fiege in Cufco: i:.?.'
AliTiagio was returned from Chili, had pofl'eired hi:;i-
felt ol tiiat c.ip'ital, and mac.c his Ijrotliers Ferdinando
and Aloir.'o pinfoni':"- ; and, ti.ar ii.s other brother
John Pizario was kiiUd Q':i...,x tnei-j'-c ofCifco;
head of ;oc- or
mountains to get intel-
ra f
'I'n. 't he jriu.
t, atMckcii CiiiO)
'-■J \>iti» taribk
;ntj of Sp.iniarJs,
Lini.i, which no:
k^■, buttl'fthrJ
i!'j Pi/arro tti lui-
was be'ravfti u.
Iici the ;iovcrnur
o's brothers wiro
'i;-.;rri), net !ic,:r
1.'" ill-' Alv.ir.ulc.
n.ULii with tins
.1 troop of iiorlc,
Alv.iracl'i, 2r.ll
wh:ch lo ilu-
tf 5'cc3,
■ncv, cither by tht-
nl liiivcn biyond
f loo J.
r.u .'vl'^nzo war, aJ-
iarJ, of quality to
;ril to his ^..-vtrn-
fii^pt-rdr uuiilc of
is lie Fizarro, an:i
•ma aoain, till he
limits of" rhi'ir re-
.!o was fo far from
hat hcin.ido all rlii-
t') tri-at with iiiit!.
, ii)n(!it..tli::' Don
nd havifig made :i
idolfood bv them,
better Sf^ecKd to
I'J; ;>artic-.i}.iiiy, he
.viti. a ^rrcat matiy
irido the tirft op
iel)rid(>pof Aba;i-
:ii!o lay encamped,
11 rivir t.':at parted
houtvei, without
»!iy ; bif i"» thr
iver, a: the head
s furie;; into oreat
L.-ma, and tin- rell
:n "jiportiinity t"
Victory, with very
:)nv;() ile Alvarad"
led in triumph to
i with 5ooSpanini
Indians, towards
, takmij with hmi
It he left Alnnzo
u'oncfs ir. the eity
e Pizarro hcarin^r
iniiii!; the Indians
the iiafTfs in the
le head of ;jcor
ains to p-et ir.tel-
, leeeived adviee,
.• in Ccfeo : ti.i!
ad poflelfed hini-
itli'T'. Feniiiiaiido
i.s other brother
: fic{;c of C':fco ;
S O i; T 1 1 A M r K I C A.
anil a dav or fvo jfti-r fir hail news broMjrht him of
the ikii at ol Dun /\lon/o ile Alvarail'i, W h'leiipon
he thoui.'1-.t tit to utile to lama, and fortity himlelf
rli'Ti , (ill he IfwniM n-. eive a re iiifonemein of troops,
whiih hi' cypefh'd evi-r\ dav , aiidtodiviri Almagrij
liii'i r il- iiip; the ailvaiua^'e »\ hiipieknt wcakne fs, ami
p^.fl;^.":hi^l»rothel todrath, he (iilpatefiMl leveralSpa-
niirilii of (jiialifv to attend him, and ofier him any
terms he (hoiilil infill upon, to proeire I'.i-. biother'.s
Jiiirrtv : Mmaiir.'. -. i- villin|- to treat, ami an infer-
\\c\. with onlv I : l.orlemen of ifulewas ajTced, hut
with lo ii.'ii h fiiu liM / on i'izano's lide, tjiat Alma-
}*ro, wifh j^reat dithi nky i-fi-aprd an ambuleade laid
|..r lull. At lenc'h Pi/airo, by vari"''-* ariitices, ob-
tained (he liberty of his lirothers, and tiieii demanded
not onl/ C'lliVo, Init all the eonquells in I'eni. y\i-
ma'-ioverv nafirally reiefteilthisiniTeatimable reipii-
(it.i)ii, when a war immediately coniireneed between
til"'' iivaUi when Mniajrro was lietiMied and taken
'iii'in-r, and at t!u; faree time the c/ : of I iiAo was
lo't. '1 heiinfort'inat''.Mmac>rowa.sat'irwariiseriiellv
put to ileath bv Ir.s rival Pi/.ano, bat the latter did
not lonj; fiirvi\e hirp.bi inj; aflafTiiiattdin hispalaee at
I.Ktn by a natural for\ of Almip;ro. 'I'luis untimely
fell the two roni^neiers i>f Pen:, bv miaiis ot their
own rerif roe il enmity, of v.liom it is only necelfary to
i.iy, tiiaf b'th were equalK- polltHid of courage, forti-
tude, am! temper .nee; bur both were equally ami)iti- !
o'ls .uid ra[\iei(>us. Almapro w.isthe iiiol) ;'ei>eroii^, I
Pi.-.trrothe iiioi\ polirie ; the former polieili-d the niolf
iM'Me fentiment.s but the lattcrhadtliegreateil pene-
P .\ K
^ V C T I O X III.
A (; IJ A V, OR LA V L.. T A.
•\Ii! ; e.)'inr'-y lies Ivtwc-n i^ and i- deirree.';
Imiih I iti;ude,and i- ihotit \ :oo niile-. in length
a'l.' Ill too in breadth h i.s booniie'd bv I'lHi on the
nortli; bv Hrazil o" the eatf, by Paragor.ia on the
fourh, anH b'- (.'hili on t!ie ^'clf.
Iiuhj ( .ul'-nt of liorfe';, ivmles, (h-ep, troats, hop',
jioultn , <■,,. ne, • • <\, I'i'.iir, &'e. ir produces an .id-
rnii aliie ilr'.ij ear»'il iiy the name of tiie rouiui\', I'.i-
ra7'i::v. This i,'? rtn I'X'riient enntic, and of itftif
fiiij.ht form a eonfiileralile article ol eoinmerce. i ,'v
forrlh, a!;.)und with wild, hearts, and the rivers at-.d
lake";, bilides vaiioiih kind.s of lilh, witii crocodiles,
a'.lii; 1, ..•-'», i\'<-. The mines > :>n:a;:i rvld, lilver, cop-
jHT, iroii, r.nr-thvils, &r. To the v. vlt of the great
river I'.irai^'ia;.'. the ■ (•iintiv i*! ban eh, but to the cart
i' isf I':'''. 'IJ'i- next foiifuk-iiiMe tivrr ii tluir uf
I'iat' "I- 1 .1 i'l.it.;, \vhi( h rifi"! in Peru, an*! falls into
the .XrhiniieOci an. The ; lima:- of Fara.:;i:a;.- differs
but litt'c from tint of .Spain; and tli: dil!uKt:oas be-
tween the feafon.', .\:r miuh the l.une. In winter in
tl'ed, violent tempel's of wiinl .md .-tin are verv fre-
qi.enc, aeeompani'i! \sith :.ich dreadfn! ei ipsof thun-
li.Tai.d liszhtnin^r, a< iill tliC i,iliai)it.uits, thou;;h ufed
totlitm, '.virh terror and conllernation. In lumiiier
tiie txielTive hea". are mitiirared by gentle breezes,
which oiwil.intb liitrin .ateii>ht or nine in the morn-
in.". In Ihorr, for th'- e:.; )yment ol life, efpecially
v.iiii rcjraid to ;lv.- falub: it_, of tlic air, a rtiier country
C.iiinoi {«■ imar.incd.
Ti,r toiellsof th.s Cf.u:u;y abouiidMith bees, wliiih
rnrike their hives :n the iiollow trees. 'I'lieie are ten
tlirt'ennt Ip-eies e.f tliCl'e iileful infects. That molt
fif'-'-iiird tortile whiter.efs of it; wis, and the delicacy
ofitshonev.iscalic'l opc.ne.s.butis veiy icarce. 'I'lie
!atfc;- whiciitormented it. The etfectsof
the lute are fudden, and the confequences dreadful,
unlifs antidotes nre Ipiedily ajiplied. T he elii'-f anti-
■ lote is alUmr, to which they ha\e given thi- name of
.St. P.iul Bezo.ud, and a poultice of cheweil garluk.
The veiy heail o! the aiiim.d, and its liver, which is
likrwife r.iVii to p'lriiv the blood, ure etpialiy etfxa-
eiiius as aiiiidotis. Tlie fuieit method, however, is
to begin be making an inciliondirtctiv in the part that
h.i.s beii! luiiig, md tiien appiv brimllone to it j nav,
this driij; aior.e h is been tiiqueiitly found to make a,
perfect eii.e.
Heie are Itkev.itc ibttie hunting iVrpents, wiiich
cii.nb up til.- frets to difcovcr their prey, and fVoin
thi lice dart upon ii v.v.en wit!iin reich, fquec .e it I'o
ti;',.'it ihat it cannot [fir, and then devoui it at their
The mini )Pari<-s greatly contributed to die fubicc-
tlon and i;ivili/ation of the inh.ibitants of this country.
They inflitittid parochitd .'nd provincial jurifdiclioiis
for the piiri'oles ol order ,ind good government, and
mav be I'aiil to have act|uired and maitnaitied that l"u-
periority which the 1 ,iiiu}Tans now hold over it.
The natives of P.iraguay ;ue in general of a mode-
rate (fature, and well mtide. They have fiat loiind
f.ices, olive compli-Mons, and loii^ black liair. Their
garments were toniierly the llsiiis of be.ilh, but now
in moft thiiiL's tliey conform in drefj to the Spanilh
falhi'Mis. Previous to theirembracing (.'hrilfianit\ they
woilhipped the fun, muoii, liars, tl-.Mc.der, lightning,
gro\-'-s, riveif, animals, &c. The women are allowed
to propoie matclies as well as the men. Wlien tin In-
dian woman likes a man, Ihe ticipi.iints one of themif-
lionaries with ir, wiio immediately fends for the young
fellow. If hedoes not likehei', tlieprielt ijerfiuulesthe
Woman to overcome her palTion ; but on the contrary,
if the man is inclimd to return her affection the j)rielt
immediately mairi' s, and gives his blefilng. Tlie
wives of the petty princes or lords wear a kind of tri-
ple crown made oflbaw, aneit'ieir lords hang doe-lkins
over their Ihoulders. Thebo\s ami girls goqiiite na-
ked. Th y wrap up their inf.;nts as loon as born in a
tygersfliin, ami givi- them the breall fora little while,
and then a piece of hait"-raw meat to fuck. Their
beds are the hides of oxen, or tygers, fpreail on the
ground : but the peopleof rank uiehammocksof net-
The rude and uncultivated inhabitants of Paraguay,
efpeci.illy liie Chaconefe, and the (iutuanis, are of an
extr.iortlinary llature; and there luvc been found men
1' •!«
^1' A
)i i-
iirrii 14-':;
552 A NF.W, ROY.M. anp AUTUFNTIC rVf.TFM or T'\'I\rRS\L ClOGRArilY
among ilu-m aljove iVvcn feet lii^^h. 'Iht-ir fVatures
diPci grc.itly from ours ; and tht; colours witli wliicli
I'r.vv jM.Mt t'lemft'lvcs jiivc tiiem Aich an afjie.'l, tliat
lh:'.n^(.rs iiiinof, a. Ii;il ltr;!u, licli) htin;^ trnificil .i
little. Accordingly, bv this nioiib fiu-y prcrvnd to
Arikc a ttrror into tlu-ir cnemi^'s. Mcll of thr men pi->
qtiiic I- 'kril, all to a p.ircel of fi-.itlicrs, ofdirt'creiu co-
lours, I'.;ini;inii; ro a (Iriiip- ai!>)i:t the waill. Ikit at
th- ir public folc nniiics thcv wear cajis made of the
fa lie fc.i'hf rs. In vtrv cold weather they wrap tlscm-
felvcs up in .i kiiiil of can and clo.ik, made of Ikins
pretrywell dredld. and adorned with jininted tiguics.
A:iv>n;,' for.ic tribes the women arc not better covereil
th:v.i tlie men. I'he bad qualities common to all rhrfe
people are ferocitv, iii'onll.incv, perfidy, niiddnuiken-
nels. They are all I'priL'ihtK-, tlioufji very dull of ap-
prelienfifin in every tivi'T that doe<; not immediatelv
fail uniler the t'enli •-. 1 lure i^;, properly fpeakinir.
ti'i fonri of iiovcrnii'.enr amoni; th.em. I'.very to^fn, in-
deeii, h.is its c,ic:.]ue-, but rhefe ehirt's have no aurh.o-
ri'v, b'.it in ,(ri'porrion to (he elleem they have ac-
quired. Seveial do nothinr; but rove frotn place to
1)lace with their furniture, wliii h conlills of nothing
)ur a mat, a hammock, and a cilabalh. 'I'he cabins
ofthofe wiiolivein towns are no better than wretched
l;ovels, iradf v.ith branch.es of' trees, and covereil with
flraw, or rather rraf*. 'I'hofe v. ho ii\e ne.uc!' to 'I'u-
cUinan are better lod;red and clothed.
Their fivo-Kiic llipior is chica. 'I'i'cv allemble to
drink it, and to d inte and fin':: ; ^''^^'^ in tlicle exer-
cifes they perliil till t!iev are all dnnik. 1 hey then
quarrel, a'ul, fro. ii words, fn-n proieecJ to bhTws; fo
thar tliei: merr-.-makintjs feldom terminate without
lome ahfurd and ri-iicul(>t;s, and others horridly b.irba-
rous. The i ereinonies theyobferved in I'.ivin.'^ n.imt s
ro their new-liorn ilukhrn, will bell hrvi to jrive a put'
idea of tiie favai'enef^ of this nation. 'l"hinkini; it tin -
lawful to perform the ci'emonv without the ileath of a
priloncr of war, they d.'d ired it till tliey <-f)uld m.ik:^
one. After enterr.iiuin;; him (dentiiuUy (or fever.il
ilaws, thi-v cut his throat on the dav appointed fi;r tiiat
purpofe V, ith [^rear cereiiKmy. As fooii as he wai'. dead,
everv one touched his b'r :; iie, in proporauii ro
the<'rtecm thrv i.id for the trarelli r. At kill they u.i
conrratulatcd hitn on his hajipy arrival and tniert.iiii
ed liim in the Iv.lT maiuuT tl:f y \vere able.
I'ri-vions to ;r jrr:.;i,'e,ti'.e intervird bride w.f-, pkiccd
bloodflied, if not in tlie ilear'v; of tome of the r^ueli.i. ' under the care ofa tvoiian, appoir.ted for that piirpot'e,
Several tnisc advanta'';? of the conf.ifion to b'- revenjjed
of their enemies. '1 h'-fe exercifes arc ainioit: peculiar
to the !nen. 1 he v.Oi.ien penerally wit'idraw t!ie mo-
ment thev perceive the liquor befrins to iret the better
of the men, and carr-- off' with theiri all the arms thcv
can 1 iv tl
' liter is futl'i lent tu
breed .i v.ar b( twten th'Mi ; but tlieir vinconquerabK-
inveteracy acf.iinil th.c .Spaniards eafily unites then>
ayai.n on tr,e frit alarm from tliat quarter.
Their arms are bows, arrow-, anil kmics, which
rhev Hie v.-i:h ;^re i: d' A'erity and llren^^th. Tlievl'ailcn
a rope to the latter, !■.■ wiiich ttiev can, as the end is
barbed, draw the wounded jierlon to tl-riri. Befuies
fiir thr fp.'.cc of eiplf d;!ys. Ir v .!s tr.e biilinef: of tl
latter, during thewhole time, toinake tl-.c formerwoi.'.
hard, to tei.T and rhw.'M her, an.:, in fine, not to pti -
mit her ro have any p'-are, rell, or eaie. It'lhewenr
patiently thro\i;di tiiis fcvere viid, h.er hair was cu:
off, and file was drcb.rvd inariia;;eable.
Phvficians and lorttuie-tellers were formerly in prcat
repute here. Thcv were, how ( ver, only it'g<.;lers,
pretending: to prophecv fV'-'iv, the li.n^^inff of birds, a:-.d
to cure difeafes bv luckin'; the pars affected.
Para[)erly In
fiwinr: th.e neks of their p-'foners with the i,;w-bone .| called. The chief jilace in l'ir.:/uay In called, is thr
town of Airi.''vr'o:,, whicli is licuated at the conflux
of the rivi-rs I'.t. .:.i and l'ar:if:;\iay, r.nil is a Iar<;e, well
built, and populous city. It was erected by tiie Spa-
niards in I 5 '51, in the miailot' a very rich and liiiiti'ul
'I h.e jToviiire of I ,t I'l.ita t.ikcs its donoi'Unation
from the river of the lame name. It is a line, it i tile,
plentii'd p'Mvincc, and abotiiuls with piovifions of all
kinds, tlie principal wants bciiuj; tholt-of fait and fuel.
The mrat river of I'late, or L.a Plata, rifes in Ftrii,
and, amon;;o;!(er rivers, receives the I'araini.iy in us
colli fe. I I, e water is clear, abounds in hlh, is lull oi"
del fnitfid il! uids, and m.iv be invi .Mteil tor th'- great-
eft parrof ii.i coui le. Aloni^ it;, banks an- (een the mol':
people upa'.lly bur,- tin n- dead on the fpor
of a filh, th'-y fc.'d(> them, mm^ p.el'ervc their fcalps as
tokens of vi.lory. They are ad,ri:.-;d)le horiemen, and
ta-ii'.' and manir^e the wild horfes with i.';reat addrefs,
v/hich his midc the Spmiards repent ever havini^
llocked the coc:i*ry v.'itii tliole iifeful animals.
Tlie I'haconefe \vov.en have a Millom of i^rickin!^
their fac-.-s, bre alls, and irms, in order to mat k them.
Thev ai" I'lonp, robuil, have calV labours, atid baihe
th'T.ifelves and children hiimedia'-elv after dc!i\ery.
Thev are vi i v ieaious of tlu i,' luilbands, yet cntcrt.iin
very litr'e atfeffivMi (or their oiiMiriii!?;
Thefe people uPa'.P" i---' '!'••'■ -'
wherfth'-vt-xp-re; pla,-,r a j.ivelin, and the Ikull of ,in
i-nemy ''if they can f;;et one) < ver the gi-ave; and tin n
revfive f) a d.illanc- from tiie place.
\V;:-n the ."^piiniards firfl- arrived in ihi^ country, the
pei j.'c lived in po|,Milo'js towns, and v.ere f^ovcr.ied
hy cai 'PC-, who were lifiTditarv, and independent of
ear;i other. H :• if I'-e fucefTion (ailed, il^eelerfion
ol'a newt.K 'que uruilly Til upon one fnmcd eitlii r (or
val'iur or c| iipienr'-. At the ilia'li of a cacique, it
vai lawfl (irir 't- if I i . brothers to marrythe v. i.low j
but this f'ldoT 'I't pencil. In pencral, theli- Indians
did n i' ai pri>ve el i " h loarrii: cs between near '.ela-
tion-; ari! il,i- H ■ 1 .iiion.' tl-iCi-i;, wlco liave t iiihrared
the Chrii'iin rell" on ii'-vc r i'o I'rv anv ofiheiriela-
r!'i:i'.,wv.n v. i:!-.i:i I'l'.^ d jue-.-, \sit!i wh.ii h the church
readily ilii'penfes.
1 !;ev ubferved ?, r.t'i'bfr of forms aiid ct.dums,
beautiful bir.is of all ki
but it (ometimes over-
Hows the iuliai ent country to a fireat extent, and is in-
felted by ferpents of a ])rodii>ioiis I'viC. Bctoie it falls
in' ■ the l'iua"uay, it 's called I'anaiua.
Buenos-. 'Xyrc',, the ca; ii.il of the province, takinn;irs
na:Tie from the plcafantnefi of tlu- 1 Innate, wav found-
ed in IC'J, under the (lirei;"'ion of'Pidi'o dc Mendo.-.i,
at that tune f^overnor. It flaiid; on a point, calkd
C'iipe likuuo, on the font!) fid(- of the Plata, fronting
a fmall ri^er, in -^.^ def.', ■^.\. min. I'outli latitude, in a
f.m- plain, riliiuf by a gentle afcciu from the livcr.
Nothiiu? can cm ced the tcmp'-i.uureul the air, the fer-
tility of tlu- liiil, or the bi .luiitul VcTduie \\hicliover-
fpreads the wliuli.- fiu e ()f' iim' country abwut tin , ci.y,
of wliicli the inliabiuuits have aa unjjittiru^tcJ pro-
. , Ipcdl
t!i iatiiiidc, id a
('p!'d .IS t!ir -.v. t!i!! eye r^vrinirlt. B'iciids Ayi\'s !i.is
lir.iis lira.', llrM":., .111.! is of a C'liifikli-M'ili.- txtinr,
t'Mitaiiiliig im li-f> tli.in iH-twicn ; arvl 40:0 hoiifL-'i, nii.'l-
]v lr,;ilt of tlulk or brick. I l<'rf is a vi-ry li;'.;i.!lcjme
i']n.iie, with a ni.!,-^'.i(iccni: c.ithcilral, ami a t.ililv, in
wlii^li tiu* j!;")veriv)r holds Ins rrurr, aiil lias a l.ir^^c
[MiriloM. 'I'lu* .Spani'.r.Ls briii^; hither jwrc of the tred-
I'lrcs ot I'eni .lowii the livtr, anil !lii|) th'in for Spain,
with vad qii.unitif- "f hi.les, an 1 ntj-cr coiiniiodlties
01 this co'.ijitry. 1 iie ri\er is h.-'re Icvcii irai^ues in
iire.Ki:!i, a:Kl ii.ivi;t.il'ile fir any liiips ^i-j Icii'Mts alnive
the t'\.ii, but no t.inher, by re.l. n of a ca'.arav't.
The rraile of this coiiiitry ccMilills in eaitl<-, f"iiit.',
an ! the li'/r!i r.MM ''Mv, alre.i.iy nie'iti'irunl. Cutt.in is
ahi) a con!;J( rable anielc of eomnierte. 'I'hcir return'-,
by import, iti )n, .ire j^; iIJ, liivcr, fu^'ir, aiilhuU..
S l'. C T I O N I\'.
C il 1 1, I.
Tin.S cotin'-", th yjh en'.npuhentk.l in the vire-
royalty of I'eiii, is very cxtenlive, reaclupg from
tiie frontirrs ot IVru to the Str.lits (jt Mai'^eiian. It ir.
fitiiated l)et'.veen '-5 ixnd 45 lii^^ees of loiith litituiL-,
bein^!; about i;jj niiles in lenj,th, .latl 500 in breadth.
It i'; hjirulrd on t'lc n Tth by I'erii, on the eall by I'.i-
r.',["i.:y or l.i PIim, on the I'oiith by I'ata^oiii.i, aii.l
on the svilf by ilie I'.ieilic Oeean.
Ciiili iyiti^; f iiuh of the equator, the Ical'ons are al -
inoif oj'pcfiic ro tfiile i.i the northern hcniil'plierr ;
bi.. i:;-; I...;;- of the eoimtry, ex. cpt nii the lea e.iail,
i lK\ejtifiil, ami tiie eliin.ite v^hol.loine. On the e.ill
liie counirv is lerrenrd by the Andes, while, Irom the
well, tiie air is eo<'liii by the ni ill rrfrelliinj^ breezes.
Aloii;:; t!v eo.iil oi' the I'.i' i(ie C)eean they enjoy not
only a line tniijiuate air, Irit a ele.ir lerene Iky, niolV
ji;:rt of the \e,ir. .'^ometinie^, in ieed, the winds, tliat
blow fioni the nioimt.iins, are exceeding Oiarp in win-
ter; but, in ;;eneral, this is one of the moll e.itnlorta-
ble cliin.ues in the world, beiny; a nicditim between the
intenle lieats of the toriid kiur.e, and the pieiriiir^ win-.is
of tin- liiLii.l.
'I'lie Andes, being eoveied with fnow j;reac i\'irc of
the year, fu|)idy tli': eoiinirv w^ti, innunieialile nvuk-ts,
which ;n-e.itly cniitribiite 10 ..s extraordinary fertility.
There .ire many volcanos among thele mountains j and
the air is io Iharp and fubtle, and they cannot be p.alli'd
without great danger. Thi.s country abounds in gold,
filver, copper, tin, (puitklil.cr, iron, icav!, iVc. IT.e
foil produces Indi.in and biiropean corn, hen)[), and
fruits in gieat variety and abundance. Among !( v(ial
remarkabk- hubs produced in this country, lonu- of
which are m'\li ui.il, and others applied to v.irio'.:.,
ufes, is rl'.c pae.qua, whi.. i. of \o iniinite lervic in t.i:i-
niiig Icathi r.
Of anim.ih tli'-re aie liorles, mules, or.eii, g'vits,
and llii-ep, .ill t\ (.Iknt in their kind. Hird'., lame
and v.if.l, ,::•• fo'ii" 1 in i^'ie/iufii n i the coalls .I'vuiiul
W'ith moll fjii-. of u.I'.. 'I'l.e country is not infelled
wirli veno:v,oi.'s iiileets.
I'hc i.itivc. . f Chili aie of a niid,!le flature, llr ,oiira-;^rous, enduring fatio'ie, heat, and
cold, to a Jinir.i'ion.
The (>:\iiiiary dri:!;; ol' tlii- men is a kind of Ion;*
frock, wlfich reaches I; lif way down t!ie leg's, l''riMn
the iK\k is lulpeiided .i .Ii.iin of ;^old o- copper ling .
Women o! the coin n.i.i d.ifs h.n'e iV. ut c.ivcriii;',
hardly readfri;' down to t!;e knee; but the tlrel's oi" tlie
better (iirt I1 lon^, and tluy wear a petticoat \\:\h:v the
outer garment. 'I'lieir he.itU arc i mamented widi
'I'he com-ivin jieop'.L" ulually larry clubs and llavcs.
Their arnis.uc pikes, bows, arrows, and Isvurdsj and
No. 51.
their difcip.line much m'^re regular tiian tliat of the other
J.'ulrins. Th'ir manners are very limple. They havi;
no gold or filver, tirnigh tb.efe mrt.iis nre 'o rommnn
ill riieir cour.'Ty. All their beikiing is I'liu- nr a falt-fdler. Wiirn they make bread, rhcy
let i:re:'t c.ihtn 1 '.itters, full of fa-d, iiron the ilre,
and, whin iu.t entM)/Ii, take tnirtn oi", put tlie grains
of mai7,e in'o tlie hot i iiid, ftir them .iboui till liiey be
toalled enouL'h iiir the ]-'r-p'!f, and then grind them
between two li ones. T'-ey let biooii vi '; a lhar[i l1inr,
fixed in .1 littlt
>ii-cc oi weed, and i'..:l i >ng enough to
'hough thcv CM) nei-'K"- rca 1 nor 'vrite,
yet they lia\e a | eeuher v ay (,f regillering event?, and
kee|Mng accoonis of t! ing, commi'.ted to their charge,
by firings of difk-renr Ik'cs, in wl.idi they make knots
of le^'cial clours, c.ilicd ipfpo . A brench writer
td!s us, that the kno>vlidge of tiiefe knots is a fecrec
Icimce, v liich fathers ilo not reveal to tlicir children,
till they find their tleatli dr.iw near.
As we .:re treating of the natives nf (Ciiili, itifncccf-
firy to oblirve, th.it tiicle Iinli.ms mav be confidered
under two dilSind claHes, the fulijCL t.cd .uid the ""tee. The
firfl of thefe live among tlie Spmiird,-. in a (l.ite of fcr-
vitutle. The latter, wliich are very numerous, are in-
dependent, .111.1 h.'.ve |-,i::;:-rto eluded the attempts
m.ide for reducing thcni to the fi'.bjeffion of the Spa-
It is reinarkdiie tli;! tlitfe Indi.ins '11 their cnntefla
wit'i the Spani.iixLs, !i ive geiv r.diy f[-:.red the white
women, carryin.- thci.i tlieirhu's, ;-.n;l intermr.rry^ig
with them, which i, tlu' rcaf. n tlio: many Indians ot
thele parts have the com; IiaI.jv, of Spani.'.rdi born in
that country.
I'hc audience of Cl-.ili i-. di\ idc.! inf) 'Jirec province^,
St. .[ago, Conception, and Chi.'.;;"o.
^t. Jagj certains St. J. 'go, the c..p;:.d of Chili,
foii.ideil in the ycir 1511, l)v \'aldivi.:. It is fituated
on the river Mapoeho, wliicii gives n..;iie to a valley of
great extent, and i:i[)p!ies the citv wirli v..\u-:. In tliC
center ll.inJs the grand pii7/,i, \vi-,ieh i.. kjuare, w'itli a
beautiful fountain in the middle. I !e:e are the apart-
ments of tlie governor or prelident, the palace of the
royal audience, tl-.i: town houfe, the public prilon, tlie
cathedral, and ma'iy otiur handlimie public and pri-
vate buildings. '1 he Spani.trds in St. j.igo, and ths
fuburb of C'limba, on the other Ode of the rivr, arc
reckoned to.ini)uiit ti Sio.o, and the oLiier inhabitant}
to aiioiic v-'^.-OO, 'I hole who havi' acc,i;ired fortunes
at \'.ild,i\ la, \'.iIparaifo, and Conctp.iion, repair hither
to Ipeiul their I'.iys in eafe and. eii|oymcnr. In the
neiglibourliood are the gokl mines of I'iltil, and the
I.avad.eiMS) ov ti.eir concerns in which manv of the ci-
tizens amaii vail lortuius. Tlie royal auilience, refi-
ding in St. Ja/,o, liiice its removal from Concejition,
is compofed of a pndidenr, lour auditors, and a rif'cal,
togetlu r will: a:i (illicer who bears the title of protestor
oftlie Indians. '1 hough t'ubordinate, in fome rcfpecfs,
to the viceroy of I'liii, the determination; of the court
are without appial, except to the council of the Indie;.
I'he prdivlent is alio governor and e.iptain-gencial of
rlie whole kingdom of Chili, in which (pi.iliry he re-
one li..lfof till- year in the capital.
the otii.
.It Conception. Theieisa tribunal of tii. ini.]ififitioii
in this city, and die fi.e of a bilhop, lubordinate to th.e
archbilhop of Lima. Ivutluiuakes have often done
gicat d.imap,e here. That of i'«47 ^^''^ f' violent, that
ir aliiioll oeeitunud the whole town, anil left (iidi un-
wlioleleme \apours in the air, that all li^'' iidiabii.inti
ilied, e;;cept .iboiit 3 or 40, Ai.othtr duadful fliock,
in i7_;o, l.iid the city in ruins.
7 .'V Valparaifo,
■ ^ M
r h\
■ Y :■
IT has bL'cii .ilready Cibl'Tvi'i!, in the hiflory of Peru,
that Al'iia^jro, who fell a victim to the ini|)cri()i;s,
cruelty of I'i. arro, attenij tt-J the cnnquifl of Chili,
but was deflated in his deHgn hy ti;e Ir.di;!:;^ laying
iiegc to Coku, which re. .red his ['reliiue r.eteltary
in that country. 'I'h.e eoncjiiell of Cliili \\•a^ fufj-eiideJ
till the year 154!, v.], en Pedro de \'aliii\!a was ilut to
finilh the war whicii Ahnagro hail hegun. I Ir |.ene-
trated to the valley of Ma[ oeho, where he f );;i;.;i.d tlie
city of St. Jaj'o, and built a c.-illle f>r its defence. 'I he
Chilcfians attacked thiscallle; hut V;ddivia, receiving
reinfirfcineiits from the viceroy of Peru, ilid all he
coiild t'j lecure hii cont|uc()s. Hut Itill it a| j/ears that
lie was not llrong enough to make any jorat jro^'reK ;
and the Indians giving out that there were ii:anv very
rich gold mines in a certain part of the country, nut
f.ir from .St. J.igo, drew a detachment o| lii> forces
(who wrnt in fean !i of them) into an uml)iiri.ade, ar.d
cut of!" every man of them, except their coininarider
and a ni-;Mo, who tlc,i['vd to St. J.igo l-y the luiftnefs
of their horles ; v JK-rcupon \'aldivia l( nt I ;r anijther
reinforcement t.f trif^p'-, to enable tluin to adv.mcc
;";^,unll the Cluleiiai;-, ^nd built the tnwn .,nd call le of
Cotjuiinbo, iif S-.iiTi, (,n a b.:y of tlie li .1, to lev ore
his commuijica'iun with Peru.
V\'heii the cr, il -.^ us l".:\',^fn the .Spaniard-, aid Pern
broke out, V'.ili.ivi.i w l^ iccailed, but aiierw.uds re-
t'lrned to Chili witJi u large bodv of vi reran tr(;o| s.
'I'lic .Spaniards now diUgrteing .unong rheiiifelve^, the
ChiKTi.ins look .id-'ant.ige of their brtjils, and ilellri'y-
cd the garrifons of Copia[)o an.i Co4uimbi), deiiiolilh-
ii'.g, at the f..me time, the t.iwns ami fortifir.uions.
Wiidivia, h'^wever, recovered wliat he had Ivll, re-
built th'ife t'uvns, proceeded firrhcr f 'Ut!iu:ird, and
ere.'red the towns of Conception. 'I'he loni!lc.i;ions here
b.'ing finiliied, though under conii 'enililc dilHculdcs,
Wiidivia determinid ro coir.inue his r.iut llill farther
fiuthward, when ii'- I'uir ieil the (i'y of Imperial, tour
leagtres e.ilt- of the P.icilic C)-.ean, ar.-l .). ; louth of Con-
cepti'Mi. Immiii lience he marched to t!ic mountains of
.\n,li-s, -. > K ag'.:es e.i'.l of Imperiil, ami built the city
I I\ica.
I'lie .\raucans, the bravell na'ion of tiic Chiieilan?,
in:';i;'; a,id
Ipcnt lo mu.h
i])!i)ve,i of tlie natives allem-
bled in arms, wlio-n lie charg d with his hirfe, and
ii!i!:ged then to retire inio the uwids anl enclolhres as
"itiu as they app.eiivd, bit wis not in a condition to
diiperle th -m entirely. 'Ihey trequeiuly r-idi'/d, and
a-t.,cked hi, tro:'ps; and tliis they continued to en-
counter him fu- icM-ral d.iys in a liirt of running fight.
'ihe Ciiilciian general, obllrving t'Mt this eng.iging
tlie .Spaniard.s widi fu, h numliers n: !.■ o.-cilioned con-
t'.ilion a;..oiig the people, t.'iofe in tl;e font t'retjuently
giving way t.) tlie Spuiilh cavalry, and difirderiiig the
I el} of his fjrces, l)il re ever iliey were engi- cd, di-
vided his army int) bitallions of loco each, ordering
tl;c n to cl .iiv.e t!ie eneniv by turns. / le reprehntid to
them, that tiie Spani.irdi were but 1 •:o horre, and t!-at
1:0 J of his brave countrvmen might eafily maintain
their ground for fime rime .i;;ainll fo Iniail a number,
notwitnllanding tli-- advanr.ig.; the eniuiy hid in their
.'Ui-is anil 11 .-rles. Ilowever, he only delired they would
in ike thiir utm.dl tflorr. 1 le had no expec'tation that
t le tirit batalliom woul 1 gain the victory, but when
they fouml thcml.-lves obliged to retire, re^uiired thcin
to take ( Tc, in tiif-ir retre It, not to ditiirirr the (".licr
bodies, but raliy themfelves, and draw up in th.- rear,
that th'-y micht he rrady fir a fecond charge; aiv.l the
I ime coi;.;..„rK.ls lie gave to tlie oir.eeri cl' the oilier
In pn-lMHce of th; le orders, tiie full l).;talhi)n en-
gaged tiie Spaiiilii h'Mi'c with gieat rH" lution, and hav-
in;.^ hild tliem in |'iav lome time, leifniely retired, be-
ing fucci e.!'-d by the li cord, and that by the third, and
I ) on, till the Spaniards ii.id continutd the cng.igement
I'lr feven or eight hour,- wiihout intermill'on, and both
men and hoi, 'e, Iiegan to faint with the l.ibours of the
day, or lor want of refrelhiiicnt; whieh \'aldivia too
lite ob!er\ing, m.ide a precipit.ite retreat, ordering his
tri.ops lo t.il.e p >IU;''. -n of a pals about .1 mile from the
til Id of batde, v, licie he did not doubt he llinuld be
..i)!e to del, nd riiml'iH'ag.ilnli all the power of the ene-
my. Hut a Cliileliaii, who had been [ ige to V'.iklivi.i,
and l>..pti/.ed b) die name of Philip, v.hole Indian ii.ime
was Lautaio, liciing hi, mailer give orders fijr tieir
retreat, dcUired ,.r th.i: i'llhint to 1 i-. counirymen, and
liirecK-d iliem to t.i!-.'' p'ltli lii'.n < f the pai.s li, !:,ie (Ik;
Spaniard.s could .liiive ihi-ie. lb- 1.1.1 ihcni make life
of rliC advaut.ige.s i.'iey had in tluir l...n Is, reiDvir their
hbernes, and iilcie tluir country from dellroctio.n,
by cutting Oil" tlul'e il.iccis and ufurpers who had in-
v.ided it; and, taking .1 im ar, charged Ids l.ii.; lord
V .ildivia at ihe lic.id ol a i iipary o( Ch.ilclians, while
anther d' til Iimei.t of tile In.iians rcciire:! a pafs as lie
directed ti.ciu.
''iitliward, ami
i;ilic,i;i(ins here
l;li! dilHcijliics,
lilt Ihll faitlur
IinjK'iial, luiir
; luiith of C;;ii-
c ni. iiint.iiiib -if
biiiic the city
'.Ik Chi'i'fi.in?,
:x.:id\ liiccc'l's,
MV.\ tlii.i Iviiii;
/liili, V'aKlivi.i,
VL\i this valli/
r- liativi'S \M-ic
c<-, hn erecli.vl
111 ii') in till-in,
lie ln;ik rh-
. Ikt niiUi':, i'.
wdilvinp; thc-ni,
.■iMJih, that tlic
lui c, cn^as^cil
till.' .S;)ani.irdi,
r tin.-ir general
c inicndcd in-
vailcyof Ara 1-
; natives alll-ni-
lii) h)rlf, and
1 cnchliircs as
a coiidition to
liy triili'-'d, and
lUinufd to <-■:-.-
f r:innin;j tii;iit.
r this t-ngagino;
)i'(Mfionc'd t't).'!-
frofit fnijufntiy
dil"iri!i'rin>; t!ic
re en;.;i:^cd, di-
cai-h, ortii-'ring
c rcjircltntcd to
horrc, and t!'ac
eafily maintain
nail a number,
ny h id ill liieir
ircd they \vci:!d
■v|!tc'tari()n t!iat
tory, but wlien
r(\niired t!um
order riie f.!',cr
lip i:i th? uar,
hargCj and the
rri 1.1 the Oilier
ll b.;;.ill'on en-
ntion, and iiav-
ely retired, be-
y tiie third, and
he engagement
ill'on, and luitli
labours of the
h \'aldivia too
It, orilerini^ hij
a I'l'.le Ir )iii the
)t he llriuld be
V er of the ene-
i?c to X'aldivia,
:>le iiklian name
ortiers for t leir
iiintryinen, ant!
pals ll. iiire the
ihem m.ike life
., reeovi r tlair
Ml dellriictio.n,
■■ "III! had in-
1 hi', lai;; lord
.'liileli.ms, while
.'u a pafj as he
S O U T II A M I'. M I C A.
'I'he Chileiiini now fl ein;' the Spai;iards unable to
redit their atta^ lis any I'lr.:'/ r, preih-il them on every
(ide, without ciiNin;? thein a nn hi'ii\ rime to breadie.
They tur thrm all in puces in the Ip.it, ex(r[)t the
general \'aldi\ i.i. Ilimrluy b mnd an, I carried hefore
Caiipolican, tin: Chihfun reneral, who ordcrnl him
to be tied toatue, t!iit i-.e mi.uht he e>:eci.red with
rivire ceiemony th.'.n ihde that till in the iuttle. \ ab
divia, it is )a;d, meanlv be^".'ed his jifi- of the eonqi;e-
ror- , ad'liefi'.n^ hiii.'e!!' ( hiellv to l..nitaro, who v.as
but a tew hiKiis beinie Ins Ihive. lie promiled, if
they would Ijaie him, to wiihdr.i'.v ail ri;e Spinilh h)r-
ces out of Cli.'i, and in •■er more dillnrb rlnir [leaee,
fwearin.; bv ail tii.ir ■:.'>. fiend to |)erlorm his p-romiie ;
but tiie iinreleiuin;r enemy was deal to his intreaties :
even 1 ..lur.iro obli rved, tliat it was mailn< Is to trull to
tlie promifes ot a ( Mpuve, wh ) wouKI intallibly thmge
his iio.c if he w is let a' libeitv. Whereupon the gene-
ral pronounced !r . doom. '1 l-.ough auihijis dilllr .ibout
ti.e manner ot his cxeeution. Some .ilhrm that tliey
poered melted }',old down liis throat, bidding him la-
tidy hi.nfelf with that inet.d iu' f ) vi.dently thirlled alter.
Od-.ers relate tlut cine ot the Indian eaeii|iics, nor
bearing to hear it debated whedirr the ilellroyer of
their eountry Ihonld live or die, b'-at out his briins
with a tiiib, without alking the pener.ii's leave : and all
the Spaniili writers agree, that thev m;>de trumpets and
fiutes of his bones, and pref-rved iii.s (kuil as a iri'imo-
rial of that important vidory; which they cclebrateil
by fcdluig ami dancing after thiir country manner,
anil inflituted public ((ions and ey.eieiies; I'uh as
runr,i;ig, wivfUii-^^, and leapin^^ to be ob'.erved annuallv
iti memory of it i and exptCUng the Spaniards wouKl
give them another vilit, they encamped in fimi- of their
inotl inacceliible woods aiul mountains, and Caupoliran
conllituted l.autaro his lieutenant-general, for the fer-
vices he l;ad ilone in t!ie late battle, finding him every
way c]ualit;ed fiir that poll.
'I'he Spaniards attemjited to recover their lolTes ; the
war contLnutil about 5'j yea:.-., but the Chilefians were
moll: pcnerally fuccefsful, and at lengtii alnioll expelled
them from thiir country. The Dutih being informed of
thele jurticulars in 1642, ient a Iqu.idron of men of war
tinder the command of captain Brewer, with fome land
fori IS oil board to make a lettlene-nt at L'hili.
J)U wer a; rived on the coall of Chili on the ;cth of
April, i''|3; and landing 50 lold.iers on the ioth of
May, ti'.ey h.id a liiiart en.^ageir.ent with a Spinilh party,
whom they ilt leated, and fiime Ciuielians came on bo.'.rd,
who gave the I loilanders hopes of lliccels; but Brewer,
the Ivutch commodore, dying, who projeded tlie enter-
pri/e, and the native- growing jealous of the defigns of
the I loilanders, and leeming ready to ioin the Spaniards
againit the in, 1 Icrekcrman, who liirceedeil Brewt r in the
Command of the lijusdron, thou;dit lit to return hnme
T.ithout elleCting any tiling, having liiil demoliHicd
luul ercc:et
tlie harbour of Val-
a liitie f'.it they
In the year iMm, nn old Spaniard, wh') redded in tli'i
court of I'.ngland, having reprrfented to king I. harles II.
that the Sp-miards had been beaten out of molt of their
lettlements on the coall of Chili, anil th.at it would be no
dilfitult matter for tiie Kngiilli to polleis themftives of
tiH-ni; Sir John NarlvTough was lei.t with a man of war,
called the Sweepllakes, of ;6 guns, to view the coaltof
Chili, and euijuire into the fei/^ablenefs of planting co-
lonies there: he was accoir.ji.iiiied thither by t:ic old
Spaniaril, ' Don Carlos abovementinned) Sir Jolm palfed
through the Ibeights of Magellan, and not round Caj^e-
Ilorn, as Brewer had done; and arriving on the coalt of
Chili near Valdivii, Don Carlos was let on lliore, anil
took the road to the flirt of N'aldivii, wl.ich the Spaniards
li.id rebuilt, being then in polieiTion of the country, and
I)on Carlos was never heard of more. The Spaniards
pcruiitted the Mnglilh to trade with their peojde jiirtrilles
at tirft, but would not lufter them to have a communica-
tion with the Indians, and, a: length, made one of the
lieutenants an^i three I'camcii priioner?, vdiom they re-
fufed to releale, and what beiame o! them was never
kn(jwn. Sir John Narborou;;!), having no authority to
co:niriit holHIities agiinil; the Spaniard-, re:::rned home.
In queen Anne's reign the delign ot maidng lettlements
here was relumed, but proved abortive. Thus the martial
genius of the n.itives continually retarded the progrefs of
foreigners, and has always been the cauie why the Spsnifli
lettlements here are fo difproportionate to the extent, fer-
tility, and riches of the country. The fwt Indaans are
much more numerous than the Spani.'.rd.s wiio are com-
puted at no more than 20,0 -jo. All the inhabitants of
Chili, including luiropeans, Meni.;oes, Mulattoes, and
Xegroes, are reckonid at i5's,oco only, l-.ven the free
Indians, it feems, now acknowledge the dominion of the
king of Spain, and pay tribute to his gtwernorj but the
lubjecbed Indians belong entirely to th: Spaniards, living
among them, and ferving than ii: r!ie liime manner as the
natives of I'eru aiv.i Mexicc '1 he gte.iter part of Chili
is Itiil poileireil by the free Indians, who are r.itiier allies
than fiibjects of Sp.iin, having, it is laid, i;i the l.;lt treaty,
conl'ented to acknowledge the kingof S|\iin for their law-
ful fovereign, only upon condition tliat they were liifflred
to continue under tlie protection of tii.ir own laws and
government; an eng.igement which it will be hazardous
fiir the Sjianiards to l)re.\k, howi ver it may c(r,intera,
7" ";•' IJIj
i c I,
.■' U
A Ni-w, u.-vM, AM' ArTiiivr;:' sy3it:m (t i:MvrR5;At. g^:ograi'iiy.
•i; > ■■
'I'liis cvv.iiurv bn:oi'..> .1 j^M'At v:r.icty ci rir;;:'.rs :':..i
vcn niK/'.is (.■n.it'ircsi ai;-. ■n:; v-lii h ai'-, ll;c li' .;; m IJi-
lii.in-JiT, a i.':..i of f'mr- If,;; '.■■.! ir./i.\\ «!.'>'.• lliivj i-,
UK.rtal; ilio K.'.h.il) i'-:.!, a km i i, i.-rpfiir, .'.ivr.ic l-vi ii
y.'r>!s lnn:4, ar..l li.iU a \.'.',.l in i iici.r.linr., >■, v,li..k'
pi.i .>n i.-. i.i;!.. •.r.w.iMi;,.',- i.;:.il to ;'•.,• luar.i'i l.'..iJ.; tin-
ra 'iC In, '.I , ■.:.w\\ sr.iv.; iurc to ;;:i r:M;:'.i;"is ilzL' ;
till- ;i') -..1, (.|- ii>(.oi!-;x I'-mIxC, ui',ic;i i: .'.bW to l'-v..l/)W a
roi-i'i.ii, v.ii,-ic, \\':u, i;s iicTii;-, iK-iiiy Ivtwi I'ii 2":!r.U
^'^ lia ill I( iij-',:!', aiul :.vi) or ilirci' \,ius in cir^'uni;'--
rc'. .\- ; iloij i •!>, (ii:v liir: el uhicli are hi'tvccn Knir aa 1
li'. >• li'ir I'.r. - ; ii.:,:i\l.. ! r t.-rei' r.r io'-.r Itii i-ni;; ; ti.. ni-
twit.- li 'tli \ > i:')r,i >ib a. ' i!.i.,",'in"^ ; ;'.:'.ii ni.'.riV dtii'l'S.
t'lu- i-;.:':;!-!.^ r.tl\.' .ilc w.y i.\''i^.'', r.'.;;r.iT, ",.":, ;:iHi i-it-
I Icrv.- :\ri.' aiir-hc '.r-- , t\';'.-rs rr iii.' ''"><■■■. ; |iiMi-ii-
pir.fs; ja--' v'viT'.>, a \frv i.i I'c ravi.i.'js aninial,
ihir.cuv. i: ii...- a nrrx '•iiMi,--..i , :iiir.'..,i:, cs ; vaijn;!-, imTs
of r.i iti'.,;'>, i'i;iic '.{ ulii.li a,'.' v.fi,' la':v; that cill il
bv i-AiiMpcaio t'i>; il )t;i, or i.i y !■ all; .■ '-.I liu- t-j.ii.ii-
liji!, a iTcat'.'ii- bi.:,v;cTi a b..il ar,! an a'-, l.,.t v.i:!i-)-it
lK)i;iS, .:;i,i vc:y hvii.lcli. '11, i- n'Sli <>'. tiic toi ;;-.|; ai
is goji!, and t.;! - - ';'-<.■ bLv!' 'i'lv.-y iia\'c !>!\m'. ]'jf.iiy
of iie^T, iv-f-, ny I f.'.KV t^.'.'.v.':, ;::;.! a vaiii.:;,' tn u'Jii'r
animal', \-iKl .-r,,! r ;r,'-.
Hiaiii aboiMiJ:) V. itli bii\!;, Inmc of vsliiili art- rcniark-
abk- fpT their r.auty, a.-.J others tor ih:".r taiK". Oi'thc
finl Tir: is tiv.- hamming- birJ, di ( al; •.! fr.).-.-. t!-.r iKalo
lie nial f. ui:'i l.;s \viiu;s, when Iv lirk-. I'lc jai.c ol'
tlo'.L-;.. A n.r.' raliil, wiv) caii> it ca'i'.iiri. l;y:>, it i.-.
lie ni-jci; !-;,-■:' tl'.an a larp,.' iwui.', :.\\d has a line
(li' like t!; ;c i ! ■. ni;^'Iitii\v>l^'' ''■''■•■'■ '" •' •''' ' "-i '• 1 iuir
Ic ..l.tT--, v.lii.li \..i\- :.>vvir vDu rt:;ii tiivm, apj-ear cit' a
liiflcrtn: ci.l .'.ir a;;J ::'.:j, like thole ol t'u* Tun ly-'a:ii<,
t'l \sliii:h a^Cv, ■.:;■.: it :.-. n -t rnl'.tly calknl by t!ie n itives
ti:e !'.;:i-'L>ea:n. '• l.v .•.:■!;;, .r.a katii a horn t-v-i or tlirce
i.'.'kes i ri; r: /'.vi-t.' ait t4 1,;., Unk''.\,i, a.;. -I, on that
auv ;; •:, i'. r,.:i; il hv b.'aioncai.^ the uiii'orn 'iiik 'I Iv
ti.;i::a:i :> ci tl.'.* bi. r. ■,':■> uf a >.■.■:' I- pi.'^ton, ainl oc a
jKrctcc i.t blat,; ail o. i)', i::C'. j't i;:y'.rr the brcall ani
Ki!y, nlii(.-Ii is (;f a i,..o vtlliw, ;.ni! a lin.'!! circle f I rcJ
abinit tiie i!fcl> j bjt what i^ inc. '. cx:n"'ri!,inry in tiiis
biril i-, thai: i'.i biii i. bi;'.^rr than it' t> '-I), u'iow
V .-iioi ■- .-'I i re, I Wiiiii 1, .ii;.l ali lilt a Ij iri hv.r,. i he
{::;:.i, c.:!l-i.; k- I'lii . _. ca;i. the lia-cjii.'-v, is iciiark-
:..iiL r r -jlcr:i t!ian';r.^; it^ native colair, beinc; at hrll
vjn a'];-!. ! '..'ml, next wi,!! •, ali. rwatJs I'car-
iec, uiiu 1..,. i)f ail i.riuil":)n, \v;;ic:; kill j^rows ticker aiki
liv.'i'er ill;- l->,-;ger tiie bin.! liv.-r.. 'I lie ci coi, a very
I'-.. a:t! :'..■] b.-,', |iari'.;i;'.-is, [-arr .' s cockataos, iiia-
ci'--, a:i.! a vari; :y ol (Hhcr>, ar-- scry cociinnn here.
■J h-^-ir i>i-ii';i \' are, unkies verv iarjr- an.l ilelici-.iii.s ; a
f'jr: '- i ".l.i-i; k'-'-ni .! ii'ks an.i oilier v, ,'.rei--;o-.vl. '1 heir
b..'. are o! a |'r')i;! 'i'>ii . li/e : they wul <•••> in'o homes
in ik- h:,.,:i:, arai i; ti-.t / i'ikI ai'-,' ; i-n"a-. aiiecj', an.l
li'ii 01-, i\,;, t'i( V' V. ill ;....:; ..:i i'.'.l:.), and lii.k tiieir
i ,ie ik'-coaflj, lakes atid ri'.'ers are flored with preat
pi' n"y a:. 1 \a;iety of ikli, atiio: ; uiiii ii is tiu- !m-,1:.-
illi, (.'ill' J be ;!;e I.adiis orbis i: ;:;' r, liom i's oil-i-
i • l.-r is::l;, \-ki'k. i^ |o Ix-ji : all r .-'i.d 'aI'I, (harp l'[ ik.-s,
r .- •' .:• I: a !;• ',,■■-!. ;;, thai it bi..;> dc\, i:^e t.j all
i : '. '. J- r; , a (.Me.it v.irietv I I'l liMir-.
! ' ■■ \ ■■' I .;rv onriins a ^rcii ileal of" ilniiier,
lr,;r -.li..: u::i'.,h n lernu ,1 Hralil wood i' tii- ; liii'. ipaJ
'|.i.i.ie.. ; ...s V.' -1 ! l,.M, a red eol.air, ; r lus lo .i ^;reat
hvi; !c a'l I e '1,'i I rable ihi' kncj., and thrives Liell-
aiii ;.••.;; tl'.c I cks, ! he il jv.er.i aie of -.i biii^ht red,
and lia'.:- a ik'onj a:.;;;-e.il)le ai.anitic rccitt. 'i lu;
\vo"!i.. red, hii'l aii.i diy, an.l i-. i:'"'d in dv;n[r, b-it
t'.. . (i! ■'.:■ V .hi' h it prod'ii-es is iioae oi' livr beii, It is
iike..,. ;::' 1 i:ii:dicii) ill/ kjth as a doi-nael'.ic .;nd ullrin-
'[":.'■ piini-trees ol \'\.\(\\ arc ol five di)]ercnt
ki:i.is, b.:..k-s which I".ere are w<.'ods eifebonv,
lotton trees citron, ivc. and many tuiiers which iiro-
duee adiiiiiable fniit^ and balliims and diltkle around
a moil dciici -lis liagiancy.
I'tie principal coniiiK^lides of this country arc, a;ii-
bcr.j, e.ile, biil'anis, li'^;ii, fvwetintat-s t;.dd, tineralds,
rof-n, iiuii::'!, tobaeei), peiibies, liianioikls, I've.
riie !V)ld and liiain iiui mines were lird opened in
til:' y'.ar '■ Im , and have ever linee b-en compiitc.l lo
yi. Id ;,jj ,Loo (Urkiiy;, a likii of wliicii bel'jiias to
the .viii',;.
i ;i'- jkaid Ik ;;.ir is reni.irkably line and, wl-,;'e, antl
t'le r bir,-,) is admirable. Of the lall artick- c reat ex-
po; :s are male to .Africa, where they not onlv iiifpofe of
It ; ) the iii'ives, b-at even fiipply the veiill.s of other
niiins, who are obiij,i d to pnrchafe it fiir the conve-
nience of carrying; on the £p\d diilt and Have trade
with anv t-.)lerable adva.;ta..;e. The north an. I foutli
l:art> o\' Ik'.ifil .iknind wita h'irncd cattle, v.ln'cJi are
iuintcd for their iiidts, and ri'iJt numbers are annually
exjiaiteLJ to l-.'irope.
Ike lV)rti;;j;i;ele rrad.e is carried on at Brafil upon .1
very extdifive [)lan. 'I'iuy .; > not lend out lingle fnips
as the onvenience of tk.; Ic-.er.il [ilaccs, or the iud'-
mcnt ol tiie l.-irripeiii nK-;-,h.u,ts may dirc.l, but an-
nual lleets, which lail in tiie tullowing or.ler, and at the
f dl iwinglhted p'riods : that to Uio Janeiro lets lail i(»
j.inuary, tiiat t.i Bahi.i, or tiie Bay of All Sifi.-its, in
i-'ebiiiary j and th.e third Ik-et ta l''ernainbtico, in the
livnth 01 M ;r. h. 'I'hc cargoes of thele lleets, like
thole oi the ^-pani'li to tlieir Aniericn colonies, con-
lili of Woolen !!;.)ods from I'kigl.ind, k'rancc -diid }iol-
kiiid ; linens .-Mid la;es fioiil llidl.uid, Irince and Ger-
manv J liiks troiii Itance an.l Italy; iilk and thread
llockings h.it<, le.id, tin, pester, iron, copper, and
ail i'"its oi iitenids wfuglu. in tivle metals, Inim b'.na;-
lan.i, a. veil .;', I'llt tifn. bees, tlour and cliecfe. I'hdc
artiiic^ are con.-evcd up and tlov.n Irom the lov/cr to
the upper city on lledijes whii h are drawn bv cranes
tiirni d by tkives, and tied with I'ron.", cable rojirs ;
and tile atteiit bein.t llecp, is buarded alonij, that th.e
lledi'.e-- ma^- iiieit uitf. nothing to obiliua tluir wav,
Bi.uil ij thvidcd into liiteen p.rovinces, called capi-
t.inc.:,, IT capt.uniirs, the whole being a principality,
whkh gives title to tiie [irefuinptive lieir of the crown
ot I'ortugak Of thefe captainrics only eight are an-
nexed to the crt>w n.
The prir.ci[)al id.ices in Brafil are,
'1 he city ol .'an .Salvador, or Ciudad da 1' diia, fitii-
ated on tiie b.iy ot All .Saints: it is large, rich and
Well built, but Rands on ll) difadvantageous and un-
even a !:r-)und, (that is, on an eminence of about loo
(.iin-ir.is, tonne. 1 by the e.ilt fule (jf the bay) as to
ni.ike the accelllon to it very dilKcuit, by reafm of its
pi cat lleepni'is, infniiucii that they are forced to have
r^^ iiirle to i ranes and other ma. Iiines fiirconveving the
g.aoils up and dawn from the city to the ports. idie
pl.in of the upjier vr.\n is as regularly dr.iwn n. the
Ui;e\c,iiuls of the hills would [>ermit; but though the
lire-, ts are llrait and of a goo-.i breailth, moll of tiiein
have fo d' cp a defcent that tliey W'ould be impafkible
lor (ji.ir t '.iJick and chairs i to liipply which delect t!ie
licii i!icre, who are no lei's iinibiiious to diiling.iiilh
tlunili Ivcs from tlie rell of ii!an!;ind, by lliewing tk-.-m-
lelves ;il),)vc ukng thofe Ic '-i which nature h.ith given
ikein to walk on, caufe tlirml; Ives to be carrii 1 abouc
ii a m"!l li.'.y manner, in beds of line cotton hi!'j;iii'^
bv the en Is to a long ptde, which two neru' les carry
eirh:-'i- en -.Ivir heads or llionl.ki ;. Th" bed i, overed
v. idi a tdk-T or canopy, to v'hiihare kiing lome ciir-
tiin-j to draw dole or open, bv which the [H.*rf in is fe-
cnred fr.'im rain, wind, and, if Ir pit-ales, fr.im light.
I'hu; lying at his eali-, and Ids l-.ei: 1 reclined on a lafc
velvet pili'W, the proud llog^'ULl is carried ;ibout more
.-•lilv tii.m in cfiaihes or fedan- . ld;e ( rit'on lianiinoc!:s
.rr hci-e callcil lerp.entins,
odier J .ii!>.
.md n.jt 1
'ilankins, as in
ivc ililiiTcnt
ale, v.liiili are
:rs arc .mi-.ually
(■f)t'ni\ li;i!n;n()(-!:s
NotwifJiltantling tlic irregular anJ incoiivcnient fitii-
ation, St. ^aiv4lior ib oiu- of the mod tnulini; ami
fit licit citiis ill tliis country, and wc may add, that i:
coiitribiitis much to the llrcngth ot' it, lb that with a
liiKill cxprncc it might bt maile impregnable, nature
having flirmtil ditciics and outworks flanking one an-
othi r in liich a manner that the ground might be dif-
pu'.ed incn by inch. The ealt; lide of St. Salv.idor is
alnviH in-iccefTible; the lelt arc all well fortilied both
by art and nitiire, and the avenues guarded by levcral
forts, particiilatlv that of St. Peter, whith is a regular
tetragon of earth faced with Hone, fui rounded with a
tlitch ; of St. l)iei^;o or James, much of the lauic form
the niatenais, l)iir without ditches ; Calii de la Pulvera,
or powd( r magay.inc, another llrong tetragon, contain-
ing ei;;hc ilillinct magazines, vaulted and covered pyra-
midwilc i the fort of Sc. Anthony, of the f.imc fiirn),
but laiger, and fitnated on the north fide e,\.iclly over
the wjieriiigplace, and commanding the road on the
other; tiiac of Nucitra SeiMiora de V'ii'tori.i, (ituated
;ib')ut l-..df a cannon Ihot from the lalt ; that of St.
l{.ir(iiolomew, winch defends a lirtle h.irbour, where
llii[)s may careen , and lalUy, that of Mimcfcrrai, be-
lides thole which coinmind the entrance; u th.it upon
the whole, there fccms little clle wanting to rcncu: it
inaccelfiblc to the enemy, bur the keejang rhole for-
tifications in better repair, rebuilding luuie others gone
to ruin, and turnilhing thofe forts with better canr.on,
and greater fupply of ammunition, than arc commonly
fond in (hem. Both town and forts are girrifoncd by
regular t >rces m.iintained by the king of Portugal, all
Well armed, difciplined, ckiathed and paid.
The fjllowing place was vifited by Captain Cook on
Iiis firft voyage, and from whofe authority wc fhali
give a particular dcfcriptiofi of it.
Toiun, Hiitlicitr, Country round il, Climnic, Vi-grtai/!,-',
I'l/h, Buds, InfeEls. Cold Minis, I'rccuius Str.iuf,
DsamotuU, Rrjhiclwnon TravelUrs, Com, hlanujoi-
tori, Iithabitiii:!^, Govnnmmt, hav.rj.tv fixicnliei i /'
/Ac;oin. ^Vt the narrow p.irt
the entrance is defemleil by two forts.
J'he country, at a Imall dillance round the town,
(wiiith was all that was leen by any of our pco])le)
is beautiful in the highcll degree; the wildcll fpoti
being varied with a greiter luxuriance of flowers,
tioth in beauty and make, than moll of the gardens in
I'liough the climate is liot here, tlie iituation of this
town is wholefinne; fn C/'/.v.'; Cc.i remarks, that,
during his (lay hre, the therm Jiiuter never role high-
er than 8 5 ; tli.iugh tiieie were frequent rains, and
once a very hard gale ci wind.
With rel'ped tu cultivation, tiiere is but little ap-
pearance: me greucr part of the land, indeed, is
wholly unc';i:iv .id, aid very little care or labour
feems to have Oeen oef i.ved upon ihe rell. There are,
indeed, Ipots, or gariiuis, in which many kinds of
European garduilL'.iil are [n Alu.ed, ];arciculariy cab-
bages, peas, beans, kuiney beans, tur!i!;.s, and white
radillies, but ail uu:ch ihlerinr to thofc of our country.
Water melons and | ■iie-arples are alfo produced in
thefe I'pots ; and tlicv -u'-' t.e only fruits t.-.a: were fecn
cultivated ; th .ugh ih.: coiinrry pr.jJuced i-.iu.'k-melcns,
oranges, lemon.s, lime--, n'.ctt knio:is, citro'i, plain-
tains banjnas, ir. .;;:■;. s, m.imane-:'.p|ies, accjou or
ca.hoii-api'lcs and
jj:nb;ira of f.vo kinds, one
of which bear a liiiall black iiuit; cocoa nuts, plaTi
ill, is of two kinds, o,ie lonj;, ti.e other roun.l ; and
pahii chcrrie.s ; all ol whicii ucre in fealon when our
people were here, \^!li^.l•. v. as in the month of Dc-
Ihe water melons and oranges were the befl fruits
of taeir kind. Tiie pine-apples, C.uiiain Cock fays,
were inferi:)r to thofc he had eaten in l.ngland : he
adds, that they are, indeed more j.iicy and Iweet, but
have no flavour, and tliat I.e believed ihem to he iiati\ei
of this country ; tlioi.gii he heard of none that, at this
time, grew wild, ilxy have, ho,\ever, very little
care bellowed up';n tliem, the plants being let be-
t ,;cn any kind of garden IKiir, and lutlercd to take
the chance of the lealun. 1 he mulk melons are
mealy and infipid; but the water melons are excellent,
having a flavour, at kail a tlegree o; afcidity, which
ours have not. Several I'pecies of the pricidy pea,
and fome European fruits, were leen, particularly the
apple and peach, both which were very inea!.'
and infipid. In the girdens, alio grew yams and
mandioca, which, in the Well: Indies, is calleil
calliiva, and to the flour of which the people liere give
the name of rannL; d, l\ir, which may not be im-
properly tranfiated. Powder of Poll.
The foil, though it produces tobacco and lligar, will
not produc,c bread-coin; lo tliat the people here have
no wheat flour, but what is brought from Portugal,
anil fold at the rate of a fliilling a pound ; tiiouk'h it i-,
generally fpoiled by being heated in the pafliige. The
naturalills were of opinion that all the produits of our
Wefl:-India Iflands wouk! grow here; notwithflanding
6 H wliicti
< iM
I ''■'. ill
1 ■
wliich t!ie inhabitants import t!u-ir collVc and chocolate
from l.ilbi)[i.
Moll ot'ihc lami in tlits country ii laiil down in grafs,
upon which cattle arc paftiircii in gre.it plciuy ; but thi./
arc io lean, that tnglilbmen will llarcely eat of tlie
fldli. liie herbage of thele palhires confilh chielly
of crefll'S, an.l ii, thrrefore, io fiiort, that, tliough it
inay alfoiil a bite hn horlcs and lliefji, it can iiardiy be
grazed by horned cattle in a lurVicitnt quaiitiiy to keep
thtni alive. \\ ith relptCl to liriigs, all that could be
found in tlie apotlircaries llioj^s were, pareira brava and
balfani capivi, both excellent in their kinds, and luld at
a Very low price.
'I'hc river, and, indeetl, the whole coaft, abound
«ith gieftt varietv of filh : alnioll every day one or
uicre of a new rpe( ies were brouj.^ht to Mr. IJanks.
■fhe b.iy is adiiiiial'ly .idapted for cnching thcic (ill),
being full of fm.ill ill.wids, between which there is llial-
lovv w.ittr, and |)roper places for draw in;;; the feine.
The fea without the bay abtnind.s witli d.olphins, and
lari^e niackarel nf dillerent kinds, which rr.ulily bite at
a hook ; and tiie inhabitants alw.iy.i tow one after their
boais tor that purpole.
Soon alter the lliip left tlie harbour |i)mc of the peo-
j !c hooked a Ihark, p.nd, while they were playing it
under tlie cabin wimlow, it threw out, and ilrew in,
lever.i! tunes, what appeared to be its llDiiiaLh. It
proved to be a female, and, upon being opened, fi.x
young ones were taken out of it : five of them were
aiive, and. fwain brilkly in a tub of water; but the
fi.\ili appeared Ui have been dead lonie time.
The bar.ks of the lea, and of the finnll brooks, which
water t'-.is part of tii; country, are aliii'ilt covered w:;h
f:i:all crabs. Some of thcfe had one of the claws called
liy naturahils the hand, very larL';e ; others had them
both remarkably fmall, and of equal lize ; a difi'erence
which is laid to dillinguilh the lexes, that with the large
claw being the male.
In this country is a variety of birds, efpecially fmall
ones, many of tiiein adorned with the molt beautiful
plumage. Amoi.g thcfe is the humming bird, equal
to any heretofore delcribed.
There is as p;reat a variety of infecT:s, Ibme of whith
are very beautiful, efpecially the buttertiies, which br-
ing more .nimble than thole of b.urojie, many of them
flev/ near tiie tops of trees, and were, therefore, very
difficult to be caught, except when the lea-breeze blew
frelh, v.i-.i(.h kept them nearer ti,^ ground.
Tlie !ca, a le.igiic or iwf) rlillant from this place, was
fblVrved lo be covered with broad llreaksof a yellow ilh
ci.'lour, lcver.d of thei;i a mile ]rinp., and three or four
liun'.lred yards wide. Some of the water tliiib coloured
was taken up, and i'ouml to contain innumerable atoms,
pointed at the end, of a yellowilb colour, and none of'
the.m the fortieth part of an inch long. In tlie micro-
fcope they appearetl to be Imall llbre--, interwoven with
each other i but whctlier they were anini.il or vegetable
fubllances, or for wh.i: they were dcligucd, our n.itural-
ilts -.'auld not determine.
The mines, in wliich the riches of the plice confill,
our people fuppoild to lie far up the country, tliough
tliey could never lea';i wliere, or at what diillaiice i tor
the lituation is concealed ,\, r.mch as pali)!)lc ; and troops
are continuiUy emplov'ed in ^u.irding the roads tli.it
lead to t. !i. It \i almoil; impoll'.ble I'or any man tn
get a (■^■;ht of them, c;;cej;t thole v, iio are employed
tliere. Indeed, the tlrongell curiolity would fcarcely
i.iduce any ma:i to .itteinpt it; for wlioev-T is found
upon the roaii to tlirni, if he cannc/t |)roduce undeniable
evidence of his li ivmr, bullaels thire, is imiuidiatcly
}iani',ed upon :he ne.x: tree.
'liie gold Irom the;, inines is acquired at an exjirnce
uf liii", that mull ibike every man w-uh honor to whom
culbim lias not rendereil it i.uniliar. .No lels than 40, :;oo
\egroes are aimu.iliy imported, on the kiii,;'s account,
to dig in the mines : and Ciipl ua ( .^k was creJibl;. in-
toiined, that the lall year but one Ivfore he arrived
■:■::, tiiia nunib.'r fell (') lliort, prob.ibly from Ibme
,L r
epidemic dileafes, tint 20,000 more were draiighte i
from the town of Rio.
Siuh a plenty of precious fliMies is found here, that
a certain ijuantity only is allowed to be colk\Hed in .1
year. To collect this quantity a number of people ..le
lent into the country wIkic ttuy are found, and when it
is got together, which fniiietiines hajipons in a month,
lonurimt-s in lel«, and lonietinies in moie, t'ley retiuii,
and alter tiuit, whoever is toiiiid in tlule dillricts, on any
preteme, beli)re the iie.\t year, is put to death.
Diamonds, topa/es, niA leveral forts ot amethylh,
are found here. Our people ilid not lee ary of the
diamonds, but were inlormed, that the viccr.iy had a
large quantity by him, which he wouKl fell on the king
of Portugal's account, but not at a lefs price than they
were fold for in Iviiope. Mr. Banks ]>urciuled a few
pazes and aincthylls. Of tlie t.-pa.'js tliei'c are three
forts of very dillerent value, which are liillinguilhed
here by particular names. 'I'hey are told, large and
imall, good and bad, together, by octavos, or the
eighth part of an ounce i th.c belt at four Ihillings aiid
nine-pence. All dealing, however, in thele (tones, is
prohibited the fubie:t under tlie moll ievere penalties.
There were jew.-llers here formerly, who purchaic. land
worked them on tluir own account. About fourteen
months before the arrival of our people, orders came
from the court of I'ortugal that no more Itones Ihould be
wrought except on the king's account. The jeweller-,
were ordered to bring all their tools to the viceroy, and
left without any means of lubliltence. The people em-
ployed here to work Itones for the king are llaves.
'I'll reltrain thepcojile froiii travelling into the coun-
try, or getting into any diilrict where gold or diamonds
may be found, ofbothwliich there are more than the
government coukl otiierwife fccure, certain bounds are
prefciil)cd them at t!ie dilcietion of the viceroy, lome-
tiiiies at a few, and fometimes at many miles dilt.ince
from t!ie ci'y. On the verge of thc-fe limits a guard
conllantiv p.uroles, and wiioever is f nmd beyond it is
immediately leized and thrown into prilon ; and if a
man is, upon any pie:'-nce, taken uji by tlie guard with-
out the limits, he wi'd be lent to prilon, though it
Ihould ajipear he ilid not know tlicir e.-vtent.
The current C)in here istitlier that of Portugal, con-
fining chielly of thirty-fix lliiiling jiieces, or pieces
both of gold an.! IHvt, whi^li are llruck at this place.
The pieces of filver, which aic ver;. nnich ucbafed,
are called petacks, and are of dilTerent value, and eahly
ilillinguilheil by the number of rees that is marked
on the otirfide. 1 lere is alio a copper coin, like tint
in Portugal, of five and ten ree pieces. A ree is a no-
minal coin of Portugal, ten of which are equal in value
to about three farthings llerling.
With refpei-'t to manufaclures, none were fecn or
n ih.is ncighhour-
abitants. Their
"e they tome bv
jlig'.'d Co perform
conilantly rowed
;per colour coui-
s to its fijrm, is
It confilh of the
, and a council.
I which tlie vice-
t lliduld be pir-
'. ,; .. r IreiHiei- ly
i .'.nJ Ibmctimes
111.;', their liidlds
;a.u;v-i or where
f, O U T n A M r. R I C A.
The m-l,rary cflabl'.ll'.ment Iierc conlills of tv/civc
regmieiits >>f regular troops, fix ct which are I'ortu-
^ ;el'e, -iiid iix Creole', aiul twcKc other regiiiuiiis of
proviiui.il ihilitia. To tlv- re'-'iilms the ii. habitants be-
have widi the utmoll liibiiuihun ^.iijjl.wi (ailL w.ib
t.il.1, that it any one Oiould ne^le.l to tawe a!il til the wiinien, it is on all hands agree;!,
that ine fem.ilrs ot the I'oitngiicle and i-ipanilli lettlc-
ineiits in .South .America, are lefs aveife to granting
amorous l.ivoius r'Mii thole of any otiier civiliiied part
of the globe. .Vctordii.g to Dr. Solandcr's account,
as loon as tne evening began, (cm iles ap|)eared on oil
(ides, n every v.iridow, and [Drtimlarizetl tliolc of the
mile le,\ t:.ey liked l)y giving them nolegays. The
D"ctor, ami iwi) otiier gentlemen, receivei.1 \o many of
the.c b jucjuets, that they threw handuils away. Cap-
hull Cook, upon this occalion, very caiuiidly obfervcs,
that great allowance mull be made (or local culloms;
that wiiich in one country would be an indecent tami-
liaritv, being a iiu re afl ot general coiirttfy inanotlier;
and tliat, therefirr, lie had (,niy to fiy, he was confi-
dent of the tfth of the fiT thus related.
The cm.rches are \eiy tine; antl there is more reli-
gious panuie in this place than in any of the Popiih
countries of l'.uio| e. There is a proc; iHon in loine
pariili or other every day, with vaiious infifjnia, all
I'l'lendid and coftly in the hi^hefl degr^'e. They beg
money, and lay in.iycrs in gre.it form, at ti.e cor:ier of
every Kreer.
VNiiile the Knglilli lay liere one oi' the ch.urch'-s was
rebr.iKling, .snd, to tlefray the exj-ence, tliC [lariili to
which It tielon^cd h.id le.ive to beg iu i-rocellion throiij.'h
the wlic'le cr.y once a week, liy wiiicii very lonhdcra-
ble fums were collected. At tliis ceremony, which was
[K-rf()rined by night, all tlie boys of a certain age were
obliged to alFilt, the (bus of gentlemen not being ex-
cufed. F.acli of thele boys w.is drelR-d in a black cal-
fock, with a Ihort led clo.ik h.inging ab.)Ut as I iw as
the waill, ami carried in his hand a pole about (ix fevt
long, at tiie end ot whicli w.is tied a lantern. The
number of lanterns was generally above 200, and the
light they gave was lb great, that the people, who law
it from the cabin window, tliought the town had been
on fire.
Tilt; inhabitants, however, may pay tlieir devotions
at the liirine ot any f.iint in the caleiul.'.r without waiting
til: there is a pro^ellion ; for bcft)re alinoil every hoiile
there is a iitde cu|il)'):ird, furniliied with .■> glifs win-
clow, in which or.e of the titulary [lowers is waiting to
be propitious; and to prevent his being out of mind, by
b.ing fjut of fi^ht, a lamp is kept conllaiitly burn-
ing btfi;re tiic wiiul.w ot his t.ibcrnacie in the night.
The pii)i>le, inileed, an* by no means icmil's in their
devotions, \ov, before thclc fiiints they [)ray and ling
iiymiis witli I'urii veliemence, that, in tiie night, they
were dii'uhftly \w::u\ on board the thip, thougli Ihc lay
at the ditlance of at leall h.ilf a mile hom the town.
'1 he chiirches here alFord an afyluni to criminals in
cafe:. (j( iinriler. It is related, tliat as Ctiptiiiii Cork\
cocklwaiii was one d ly looking at two nien who a[)-
pe.iied It be talking toj,etLer in a friendly ma.'iner, one
of them fuddenlv drew a knife, and llabbrd the i/ihir,
who not inlhintly fiiilng, tlie muukrer d.rcw out the
weapon, and (tabbed hiui a lt.-cond time. He tlien i.in
away, and was p-iulued by f.-me Negroes, who weic
alio witneffes of the IriCt; but wht thcr he cicajx' i, or
v.. IS taken, O^piti .i (': .. nevci he.iid.
Rio de Janeiro is a very good place for fliip.? to put
in for icfreiiiment. The harbour is fafc and commo-
iImiis, and jiroviiions, except whcaten l|iinamhov' nre not lb
daik as tiieir noidurn n:v>'il>onr.s, who hvc nearrr tlie
line i anil iicir|-,ir tl.i. or.e or the other as thole of the
African.'-, who lie iiiuler 1' c I'.iirc parallels. The na-
tive IJr.ililiiiv ;ire partly tieemen, and partly (lave', ;
but tlie ni/ro Haves are inuth more valuable, being of
a ins very lavage,
devoid ot all principles in religion, cruel in war, and
cannibals, or devourer.s of tlclh ; hut tlvfe llnries arc
{generally looked iijon as lidions of the I'ortOL'nele, to
jultity their tiiiel and inhiimin treatment of tliem.
They bri'.eve in certain in\;lible beings, the difpenfers
of good and evil, ilie .'■ewarders and pvinifliers of virtue
ana vici-, and their notion with refpecl to a future (late
i'., that after death they il\dl villt their .uicel>ors, dwell-
iiig beyond the Andes; but they have no temples.
I'hcir 1 liclls m.ike them believe, that if they bring
them offrriiigs, thole invilible beings, who give them
f)od .;^d all tiie good things thcv enioy, v.iil profper
their affairs, but it ti.ey ne^ileft this, fome terrible mil-
fortune will betall tiicm. They have c:iciques who
lule them in peace, and lead them in war. Their
towns are without walls; their mode ot carrying on war
is bv ambukades, and tlieir weapons are bowt, arrows,
f.'iekU, and wooden clubs.
THIS country was tirft feen bv Americus Vtfpu-
cius m 14S9, but not planted till if+i), wiien
tlve Portrguefe f.xed themftlvcs at the Bav of yVII Saint?,
and founded the city of St. Salvador. The Portuguefe
met with very great interruption in tluir fettlement
(rom the court of Spain, who conlidi red the country as
part of their doininioss, till at length it was agreed
that rhev llitnikl pollifs all thole p.irts lyins; between
the livers .Amazon anil Plata, which they Itiil enjov.
The I'rench made m\ attempt to plant colonies on
this coall, but were ilriven from th.ence by the Portu-
guefe, who remained without a rival till tlie year 1 580,
when their king, the great Hon Sebalti.m, lotl his lito
in an expedition a"iinlt the .Moor', in .'Vfrica, by which
event a period w.is {uit to the lihi-rrv of tlie Portiii^uefe,
tlieir kingdom being ablbrbetl into the Spanilli domi-
After this the Dutch made bolt! and vigorous at-
tem])rs to exten.i their power, attacked the polll Hions
of the Portugucfe in the ball Indies, and at length
turned their arms upon Brafil, took leveralofits pro-
vinces, and would have lubdued the whole c(Aintry,
hail they not been ftoppe i in their vidorious career by
the Archbilhop Don Michael ilc Tcxira, at the he.id of
a tew fcattered forces. The Dutch owed their con-
quells in Bralil to the famous Piincc Maurice of Naf-
l"iu, whom they appointed governor of bernambuco :
but their Well India Company, to whom this colony
was hibject, ilila[)proving the meafures of Prince Mau-
rice, treated him with indignity, and thereby obliged
him to rclign his government.
A ciiange ot fortune upon this took place ; nnd, iti
165.^, the Dutch were totally expelled Hralil by the
I'orttiguele. lint as they (liil continued their preten-
li)ns to the colony, the Portugucle agreed, in 1661,
i'> pay them an enormous fum to relinquilh their in-
terell, which bein^-; acceptetl, the Portugut fe remained
in [leaceable pollellion of the country till the dole of
the year 176:, when tlie Spanilh governor of Bue.nos
Ayres hearing that war was declarctt between Spain
and Portugal, befieged and took tlie fortrefs of St. Sa-
crament, which, by the treaty of peace, was foon after-
wards rcilorcd to the Portuf'uefc.
c II A r.
A M E R 1 C A.
1 'ii
■ ',!
w '•
.> r c T 1 o N I.
1"^IIA r part of Guiana that bekings to the French
. c:;tends about 240 miles along the coall, from
Cape Orange, in the latitude of 4 deg. ty niin. north,
to the river Marani, in latitude 6 deg. 4!! min. north.
I'he feti.len.cnts are not extended, above twenty miles
from the Ica-coall, the inland country being llil! inha-
bited by the native Indians, of whom a [larticular ac-
count will be given in our dclliiption of Dutch Guiana,
or !Hirinam, which is leparated from French Guiana by
tlie river Marani. Th.c land along the coall is low and
tn-.rlliy, and the climate of coiirle unhealthy. B it on
t'le higher parti, wheie the tr«es aie cut do\vn, and the
grourid laid out in i-lantations, the air i> healthy, and
the lic.its are greatly mitigated by the lea brec^a";.
I'l.e chief fettlenienti of the b'rench in Guiana .ire
fif.iated in the llle of Cayenne, which lies ico miles
'Veil of Cape Orange, at t!ie mouth of a 1 .er of the
lame name. It is abo'.it .'^5 miles in circumlereiic e,
well wooded and watered, admirably cultivated, and
<■ itiemely fertile in fug.ir, tobacco, Indian corn, plants,
f nits, and other necilfaries of life. But the I'leiich
firt, wliic.h Hands at the bottom of the harliour, ha, no
other frelh water thanwiiat is laved (roiu rain in large
clllerns. On the caRermofl part of the ifland are the
t(jwn and fort ot St. Doui?. i'he town cont.uns .ibout
2~3 houles, occupietl by mcchanicb and tratlelmen,
and tlie fort h.as a g(jod uarrilon.
The brench firll eliablillied theniklves here in 163,^.
'I'he place was afterwards poflelled alternately by the
F'nglilb, then by tlie b'rench again, to whom f icceeded
the l^utcli, but the- b'rench fin.illy prevailed, and lliil
keep It.
.S 1. C T I O N II.
'"r'll.\"r part of Ciuiana belonging to tl;e Dutch is
■■■ Oirtiiiguillicj by the afip.ellation ot oiirlnam.
't his country was formerly the property of the Fng-
.11. The Dutch took it in the leigii of Charles li.
and it was ceded to them by treaty in if^74, in ex-
change fi,r wh.it tliev had pc!len':d in the j rovincc 11 /v
called New York.
The only divifions of tlie ieafia known here is into
wet an I dry; of whiJi there are annually two, of
about thiei; months duration each. 'I'lie exteffive r.iin^
render the loil too licli, lb that tlie canes being too
liix'jriant to m.ike r/jod liigar arc, during the liat .aid
leco.id crops, con\ertcd iiit'j rum. In the tle/.ited
whole with tn
r> n u T [I
j);irts lliiliiinis ;iinl pjiTcn r,r,.! ti| i (r\,v. .;rc t.) he fiun.l
on t;u' ;.:ir.i- tiff throi;!'!) >iic tlif yi.ir.
Tiif tiini.ite (if liiis lo'.iiicry is by no nic'.iis liif.iuri;-
al'lf w iinnc.ilthy; fi>i- il.f traik wiml;. liy tlay, tin
l..n.! l'i'-i/.r,s in tlif cvfiilii;.', niiii tiif iiiv:iri,ihli; Icn-'tli
oi'tif lii.-lu^, wicli rclrcllunj^ i!n\.-, ifiiJi.:- tlif ;'.ir tfiii
J:. r.irr .111.1 r.l'iiuioiis.
llvl'i.ic.^ tifcs aiul plaiu.s bc!:);"L'.ii-..» to otiuT CMiir.rri'"-,
tlif .^ini.ir.ibi trrc, peculiar to li.ii.in.i, ]■. iiKtmihI :i
Ij'fciii': in dylfnrfiii's. 'liic urunif i, ;v [ iToicion.
1 ut, tlif [ouaiT of N^l.ich the li.i'i.ii;^ ii;(:m| i;i;,i.
tl'.'.'ir n.ilh till il.fV li.i.f ni ojiportnii:",' ol [uttui!', i:
into the liPdU or i iml, ot [!i .t- ilifv wiih to poi!;-!!.
i licic i> .111 f:;t/.;ii;ii;iiary ;s:'.ini.il hiTc pfciili.ir to t!:c
f iiiiiti;', i.ilii'J l.i ibii.i, an .mirliibi .'..'I cna'.Uif, about
the r./f ot a linall I'i'. 'I'i:;' lifaii an;! (i'ct arc lil^i
tliofc oi a y-v". ill ; , ir.:'. i; is vviri.Mit a t.iil. i iir
inonkifs of iiiij ( M-iMV .'.rir inniini'.'i;;'.'lf, ainl thfir
JiX'tic various, liiir .mc luts twice as !..r:f as I'lii'-,
and w Hi.' Lit tail.. Moil pcoj'lc in (ii;i..n,i II, fp in
haniniofks, as btin.!; ninrf Imiic lioiii krpfnts an.i
foilonons inlccls ; btir this ilocs not Itr'.iic tlu- m from
ilif bats which ap|iiu,ifh any ]\irt ot the body that is
iincovtriil, Lifivialiy ihf left, opin a \iin, and IikL
tlic bid' d till thfv aif l.iti;r*f,!. '1 hi re i. alio ptxiili.ir
to (jiiiiana a l.ir;.;i- vtnfinoiis t"ul, c.iil'-d the pipa. itj
young are bied in the bai:k oi thr iiiaK , wiifie the te-
niale dfi)olits tlu- i.',;.;s.
There is lo [[w.r. a variety of b.M'iii.i;! hiids in
Giiiani, tiiat levi I..I [(.rLuis in the i)iiii,ii colciiiy em-
ploy themlflves and their Hives in killiij, and pulirrv-
in^i oiriis lor t!ic e.uiinets ol I'Airope.
Mi'll of the lilli'js ul liuiana alli> are coiT!iT.f>n to it
with ih'.r t(niiurii.s. Tlic tori^oriric eel, v. Ju-ntiDiiiL-d
either by the h.iiul, or by a r. d of iron, <:■ M, (uvi-r,
ts.j-] .r, ( r bv a illck cC lome partici.I.'.r I:::-. I. ..( h-Mvy
jXiiH'iir.m '-voo.!, conuni.i'.lcatib ailioek rellr.ii)ii;i;^ th. t
ot elf- tikitv.
(i'.iuna aboni.ds In lerpents of varic'iis kinds, There
i. I r.f- irr, not \i iioii;!,m:s, ili.'t ine.ii':;cs lonu-ti'iKs
;;i'.ve thii'ty trci. in 1. ■ i-ii, ■:.',:.'. '!
It i!;i.-. a taj-er tail arn.e 1 \wii tw.)
a diin'.'hiil eofl;. ^i.n.ill li.-i-; li.i.i
ilomaer.s. '1 here aie .illo i r.r.c o
ba !: 1.
'I'he infe-'ts (.I'dni.aia :;ie ir.nin'ciaiile, rw':.)^-, to t.'ie
coiiltant warnuh and liinm !iiv <■( th.e i lir.i..: ■.
The inli.ibitanis "f (niiani a:ct eitl;er n.'tives, \\h:>
arc ol a rediiilli l.Town, or luyroes and I'.nropeans, -.
I'lie natives nre divi-led in'o cii'.erent tribes, more or
Jcis nili['litem.', and j.-olil'-u! .i-. diev are '.iK'ie cr If Is
rcinotf fioiti th<; le'tlementj of tie- l''uro;;;.ins. Tia y
allow p()ly;:,ai:iv, ;in,l have no di\ilion of lands. 'J"iu-
ineti jv> to aar, han't and tilh : tiie \v(!min lot;!; alter
domellic allai:,.. Their arms are bows, arrows, duhs
and poifonetl darts lilown throl)^;ll a ree 1, Tiii'v ro
alnioll naketi, exieptin!^ uyit.n partifuLir oi.e.'lioi,> ;
when they ornament ilien- heads with le,ul:M<. 'lliv
aieiheaihil, hiim.me and tiijiaily ; but lin.iJ, ai.d .id
dieted to ilunkinL'.
Their lioules are i;i;adraninilir, ronliliin;; (f fl'ur
flakes with ciols poles, uiu! are ((Afretl v.idi l-.avf-.
'1 hey lit tliem up, pull thcin ilov.n, and earry tlif
\vliole with tnem at plealiire ; a.-, their dweiiinrs aie
iiyht, and their lives ambulatory, 'llay biiiy thiir
tlf.ul n.ikcd, and I'lt druiik at liie fnnei.il to buiy lluir
forrows, \\ hen tue body h.is been interud .i liiliieient
time for the llelli to lie rotten they take up rlie bones,
dilliibute them anif.iiit the iel,iiioi:< aiul fi lends of the
detunct, and a.^iin j^et dn:nk to ti lliiv their relptiit (or
t!ie ineinoiy of the deeealid
lii( plied, and their vice, are
foiir niarriajie h not c,)nf:d:-:;-
I '.:;r.,ert';ee.
,.!• i.i >''• 1 •
:;.l i'l ilkir
■..d amt-hi.
'I'iieir v.Mi.t^ are ealily
Inir h V,'. C'l ntinen^f be-
.1 as ,1 virtia- ; a man cares
not wiifther die woimn he iivir.'-k's is a \ irgin or not ;
but no iiiinrv is !o fureiy rtv>.r.jcd an the iiilidelity (if a
-N'oi' ''It,-; is cultivat!.d iicrc by the natives but pl.in-
No. 5t
i fjii.etimes tlicv
, viii- :e thf-v not:
V, flow a knd of
;, l)eitd-, er
. I
!' '
.\ M i". R I C A. fu
tiins, rnir.va and yamit ; .in,! nr.p m^n h's rnltiva-ioii
;.i Inliii lent fir all thflf. The mi n are all linnter.s, an.l
they can alwav.s f,n 1 gatr.e or tilh, if they prefer it,
with.o'it dan^^er or i fertile and , and
a great variety of fables, whii n .irc merry, lignillcanC
and moral. Sometimes they da'ice, ar.;! freqc.ntlv
inirll into immoderate laor;h:er j an
rcline indolently in t'leir h mini el; >
only neej), bni e.u, ( .m-ctle, i :..; : a
rnlUc llnte, pluck oar tin- Irdr ■■, th-.
mire tliemlllves i:-; In-,!:-.!;- ■difi; ■;.
Tlie women iS.''-'.- 'v-th'T-- ii (h'.f I-I'irrli, w-ie.cii li
attended nckker v- -'i vl.rv-er or :-a.:i. The mi,t!ii rattd
1 c!iil I, in-imediatcly .:f--r ilelivcry, aie plnni.'ed int.) tl.u
i water, and tiie iv :r d iv Ike iftr.rns to hir dtiiielHc tni-
pioynient, a., if i, >;kiir.; had h.-ppciv d. 'In.; cai! iie-i
are fe.l, and .liiri;:;'; lli.ir infancy n-) ot'-.t-r ci-e is taiteti
of tliL-m ; none are fk/kiv or delorn; -.1 : t!ie ] '^yi, a-;
tlu-v grow up, att.iid tli.-ir frh'. t-^ in liintni^j, and the
girls aTdt tiieir iiiotker-.. bi oil aj;e they bfc;)inf
w-rinkled ; but never i tiier bald or t'rey. As tliey have
! of c.jiv., titi.'i^ time to any ntaiibcr <;f years,
cann-H b" alcert.iin^ -1 ; but flu "-e is f.ilkciea:
th.U their lives a"- i-ir,;,'.
! 1.1 all their trilik- with li-.-h itii-.-r, or wit!i tliek'.urn-
; pcaii., ilay euimatf e\-u-y tliii'L'; bv tlieir prtli-nt wan'
"f it ; they will ar one time d.eiiimd a hatcntr, for what
! .It anotlii r time they will t xchan.ie for a tilh-hty.k.
j Thele haj-ipy p/cple li-.-e to_<;eth.er upon ter;-:-is of pcr-
] (e."t ecj'ialiiy, k.ivinif no da'liii. tion b-ii: i>f ai'c, or j-er-
lon.il llKiit; laillr-r have tlev .i:iy divili >n of ] ro-
perty : ea' h anik-ablv partici, .itfi. the aiiij-le blernp-^sof
a deliiTlitltil a;id etttei'lve c.uaitrv: iitvy, fra-i.l, and
violfiue are pa'eclu !ed, r.atiir.il vle!ius are i.nniediatelv
aiul innocently iii-ki' ,--d, and !>:')veii;n;fnt ri'ndere.i
wholly uniifcellary.
Thf .Statfs of 1 [(Mlan.l, n wi
man orij^inally belonr.ed, ma.' -
■ \\ (lidiKlia compiinv ; htir "hat
loii.lition to fen, I liiitiicr tl. ■ ::
over a third p;;rt of t!;-.-ir f, ,,
Aiiillerdam, ,.: d an -ther thin!
.•\arlen;., lordi of .Samitiiif ivk
the jtv.nt jiropevtv iif tlie Weil! ..iii e eo; ,.;v,
of Amllerdam, ar/.l the lord of S; tt-iti -il'ivi ,
liivcreipntv is inveft'. ti in tite ll ir.- . ..i-.-vnl.
inf!;ly five uire-.ttirs ( f t!.i-. crdoev aie c'.olin bv
ot .\mlfei-tlam, four bv tlie \\tlll.i::a corn-
one bv the fird of .'■' '•niiK-1'.ivk, b-it li;-.- ■■I'.w:
be approved by the ikites ;teneral a-, v.eii
K-.tors. ': e.e wlioie c, with taig't^ of
c.ii.e or tilhlkins. They are tiuli g.'od .uiliers, tl'.at
they kill iilli in the .vater wi n th''ir arrow.., which tlicy
cat without b.-ead or lalt. The kveral nati<;ns arc go-
\erned by their cliicfs or ca.iciiies; tor it is oblirvable,
that the moiurciiic.il loim of go\ernn.enr has prevailed
almofl iiniverliiily, both air.on^- the :unif;t and modern
IvuLiaria:^, as re^juiring by t.ir a nu\.li Ids retincj
pi/licy ih.m the repubhcan lyltem. The r<;;,!lia by
which the I hit la are eliilinguiii.td are a crown of jur-
rots feathers, a chain of lyoiis teeth or claws about their
ti..diilc, and a wo(\!en bvoui in their hand. Both
li xes ti'.tneiimes v. ir mantlts of liie fkiiis ol bi.-.lls
or cotton, but guiualiy go nak(d. Jn l()me diitiicts
the men thriill pie(es ol cane ihrougji their ears and
under lips and har.:; glal's biads to the riullcs of their
notes, which, 1)1)1) to ,uid fro when tl-.ey ijieak ; but in
"ti-.ers they v.e.ir [ I, ti s of :iold at ilieir ears and nollrils'.
All tl'.i .e i.atiuns aiio'.v oi poiyg.imy, or a plurality of
wiMs .uid eo!Hubiiii>i an. I du- wonien here, as in t!ie
otiier Ameiican n.i'ion.-, d,i the null laborious w.irk.
l h.ey woill;i|) the images of their ancient heroes, (.r lu-
bordinate deities ; but have no temples, or orelers of
priel! ^ .imong tiieni.
1 lere are .1 people called Omigi'a';, who, to render
t:u;r chakiren what they c.,11 beauiKul, ll.it the fue ,ind
liiiid p.irts ot the head, wiii.h gives them ,1 ir.onilious
appe.irance. Tliis practiM- u Ihicilv kejit up among
tiiem ; .i;j>l tiny m.iAe a iell of' the other inh.ibitall'.i of
Amav.oi.u lallin" thein o.',''„;'.;/';-/i .;,'..
1 1 1 S 1 O K Y
A M A /ON! A.
GO\/..\LO ri'arro, brother 10 tl.e famous ad-
venturer Marqiii-i l*i/.arro, comiiicror of I'eru,
was the firll who undertook to explore the climes of
Ama/onia. Ereparirorv to the expedition, he raifcd
an ar:;;',', 1 ;i:iipoled of i-iie S[:.i:iil!i veterar.i., horfe
.'.:ul fo,);, to.jerhcr uitli all lut 4' 3 bidiar.^. 'I'lii:
litter W' re j ri:iei|..iiiy eiir. io\ e.l i'l ciri vii.i.' liie baii^^agc,
.iiid driv...g .. ;;i( \r. .'iMiih. r oi Indian liieip, ho;>^s, s;>.-c.
!i l..)ie them, tor t;ie I'lbli'lanc'' ol'tiie arir.\ bv the viay.
riuis ji^p.iied, he fet oir. iron (V_:ito about (.'i'.rilt-
m.is, ill tiie year i;;eded Ins m.ircii, aad manv ol iii^ in.. .an, dice! through
th.; leveritv of tiie wati; r. Alter liirmountinr; innu-
m.-rable (!i.Ti.:iiliies, tie.-y arrived at a ; rovitic-; called
C'uiii.u.o, where tliev ilinnd plenty ol pirovilions, a
rreat numi-tr oi einna.'i ., i-ee , .ind many naked inha-
bitants. Here (jon-.Ml'> !■ it the- priii'.i]),.! p.ut of his
peoj.ie, t.iking wiiii liiiii o'lly .1 lew of the 111' ll aiitivC
to tearcli f.a- a p.'.l.i iii'o the iiei'diboiiring c^ajitry; for
hithertii tiiey h.i ! lien tn..!.'P'-d with mouni.iin', and
wood--, thiough die ia;t<-.' ol «;ikh they were f irce ' ta
c it liieir v.'.iy, ;i:;d in tiiv t.'ir.ier tliey endured a\^ .>.. ,i«
t) II T 11 A M i: U I C A.
W'irli incxprcfTliIc l.ibour nii'l luiriiiii!; tluy ciiiic
.If lc'ii;',ili t) ,1 pnivinco, I'.illcil CAk.i, wliu li w.is iiiorf
j)()|iiih)Us iImh any tlicy li.ul turiiKrly | .illal. I Irn-
pioviliDii', vtn" plentilnl, aii'.l tiie 1.11 iiiiu', or kiu'i; dl
the country, (.mu- in .1 |m .1, ( ahU- in.inncr lo wilcoim
liicin, ami lnon^'ht tlinii prunii -iis.
Ill tlirit- p.iri.i tli'-v r.-maincil iwt) nrmt.'is, in cx-
pL'iflaiion ot tiif arrival "f mole .Spani.iril^>, wliom tiny
h.iii Icfr in C!iimarii, ami iiui ilirrcU'il to ((>ll(ivv them
by liu li ti \cc.s ami marks as liiey IlioulJ IiihI of the
v.ay tlify hail takt 11 ln'li:r<' ihrm. 'I'licir lompitii'itis
bciiij5 loiiif up ami rcrri-llu-u altrr their loiirr.iv, tlu-y
man hcd l>y the h.inl'.". ol a i^^riMt rive r, tor the Iparc ot
:0 itM<;iJCN, in ill wiiiih way tlicy neither fuuiul briclj^e
or foril.
At leii;.',th tliev came to a plate, vvliere the wiiole
river tails tioni thr tup of a rock a'.iout 2-0 lathoni-.
hifih, wiii.h car.'.ract iiuKi . a noile tluit is heard
aboii: lix ieagiir. Irom the pLu e ; at wiiieh [h(iii{>h the
Sp..'iiaril5 were amazeii, yet ir v\,\s nuich more won-
tieiiiil to lee above 40 or <;o leagues luAer, that im-
nieiiie qu.mtityof water toiitracled and llraitentd witli-
in a channel made by one great roi k. 'I'hii i tiariiK I is
lo iiirrf)W, liiat from one liJe to the otiur, ii i-, not
above 20 feet wide; bi;r |i) higii, tli.;' tlie top where
tlif Spaniards maile their bridge v,ai 2^.; tathoms from
the water, (i'r/alo l*i/.arro, and his eiptains, eon-
IV.'eii.i., fiie.e was n ) otiier pallage to be toiind on the
river, ai. 1 that it was neeelliiry to pal's to the otiier
fide, beca-'le the country u.is l).;'r-n on timt lide wiiere
tilt y were, agreed to make a t'.-.'j,-' over tiie tot) of
the rock.
I'fie I:idianr., on tiie (jpp jfite fide, tl; •::!,ii few in
number, lloudy defended t!ie pals, b.:t weie driven
fr.iiiiit by thr lir-' of tlv m'.:(Lets. V\v: \\\\\ bein^ now
clear, die bpiniarti. iiii 1 1 w: rk on the lirrli^c of tim-
tier, which i oit murli iaboi.r beiore tiie tin 1 '1 .:mcoui.,
be patVed over to the oppolite rock ; by the iiclji ol'
which, a fecoml was more eafdy iii.l, s.\'.C\ t!.e:i odier
pieces of rimlur; li) that by degrees thev fiirmcd a
bridge, over wiuch both men and horles p.ilVeJ I'ci-ure-
ly : af'er tin . thry marched by 'he fide ol the river over
mountains covercti to thicl< widi wood, tiut tiuy
were forced to open their way ai^ain with hatchets.
Through thel'e difficulties they came at length to a
country called (iuema, where tlie Spani.irtts, .iiul their
Indian fervants, were forced to I'lill.iin tliemfelves with
herbs and roof;, and with tender fprouts ol trees. Tin: ,
witli famine and perpetual rains manv of the Spaniards
lell fick anil LJieti. They arrived aitcrwaids at a
country, where the iuti\es were more civilived than
in the iornier. Thrle ea; mai/e, or Indian corn, anil
ilotlied themlelvca witli garments of cotton ; but Ibll
the climate was tiibjecl to violent lains.
V\'liilc they tlakl in this plate they lent out parties
every way, to tec it they tliouU iliUover a i)etter conn-
try i but they met with noiliing but wild mountains
fuil of dogs, lakes and moorilli gi-onnds, over . liich
was no pallage. 1 lereupon they reliilved to bijikl a
brigantine, to feiry over from one lide o[' the river to
the otiier, whiih was become two le.igues broait. In
order to this, the tirit thing to be done was to let up a
Inuth's for^'.e, lor nails and iron work, which they made
of the fhoes of the horles they had killed for fiiod,
and Ibnie iron bars they had earryed with them ; but
iron was now become more Icaree than gold.
(ion/.alo I'i/.irro, thoiigli cliiei commander, was the
tirll that laid liis hand to an ax to hew down the tim-
i.ier, and to inake charcoal, which was rec]iiilite to
forge tlie iron, and always the moll forward in every
menial ofTice, mat by tliirs given a gootl example,
none iiiiglit t.ike occalion to excult: liimielf. The rolin,
which illiied from certain tree>, lervcd them inlleatl ol
pitch, and tiieir old lliirts and rags were made life ot'
inthvul o| oakum, to caulk the learns ol thr-ir vell'el,
whicii being in this mannuj- lini:i;ed, they launelied into
tlie water with great joy and triumph, imag.ining tli.it
licreby tliey lliuuld quickly dcape out (>f all their
• l!ie
d.ui;'ers and difTicuities. Rut it proved fi;hcrwl|l-, fir
a lew ilay-. Ibewcd the cnmr.irv, ar.d gave tlum caiitc
to rejieiit tint they hail ever m.i.le it.
y\ll tne gold the,, had gafhend, which amounted to
above the v.due ol lo^coo pit ( es of ii,'lit, with abiin-
d.iace of emeralds, l()me of which were ot j^riat value,
as alio their iron and iron work, and whatliicvtr wa.s
ol any ellecm, they Inadeil in iliiir velfel ; anil fuch as
were we.ik and Tick, and not abl • to travel, were alto
put on boanl. Then attir a journey aimoll of 2. a
leagues, they ileparted from the. place, taking their
coiiric down the llriam, liime by water, and others
by land, keeping Uuli a convenient diflance (roni cam
other, that at night they alwavs joined and lodged to-
gether, whicli ionrney w.is performed v itli great dn'
ticulty ; tiir thole on the- land were fon cd to oi>en a
great part of the way witli hatchet and bill, and tiiol'c
on tile water ivere put to haid laborr, to keep tlie
velUl from being f'riibly ciriicd down by tlie current
from the Company on lliore. \\ hen a: any time tliei'
pallage was inturriipted by lomc mountain, lb tliat they
could not keep near the river, thev ferried to the other
fide by help of their vellll, and four canoes they lind
ni.ide i but this was a great hindrance to them, and
very grievous to men lluving and perilliing with
1 laving in tliis manner, travelled for the I'pacc of
two moruhs, tlvy ;u len:.;th met witli certain Indians,
wlio by ligns, an I lomc word- wlmli they iinderltoocl
by their In liaii arvant?, gave I'lem intclllgenie, tliar
.;-;i): tell days journey Innn tl.enee they would bnd 11
iiMintry well j.'eopled. Hocked with provilions, and
aii'.iaiding with gokl and oiher rii;hes, of which they
'.u ij in purluit i .md t'urtlier li ;nitied to tliem, tliac
t'.i-. lountry was iitti.ited on t!ie banks of another great
liviT, wiiich joined and tell into that wlierein they now
w. re. The Spaniards being encour.i;,ed widi this
news, ii );i.:al(j Fi/.iirro m.ide brancifco de Orellena
i.ij't.^.in ot his iirigantine, and put fifty f idiers on board
;:i'i:ig tlvem orders to pals down the llream to that
:-..:ee wh, re I'le two rivers met, and tliat there Iciviiin
then on board, lie lliould load his
\.ii 1 Aith [.rovilions, and return towards tl.em with
a;! Ipeid ima^-.in.iMe, to ri lieve them in their dilhefs i
iiui!, 01 the Spar.i.n-.':. being alnvidy dead, and more
liKii.ns, wlio from .;.: o v.ere now reduced to half tlie
Aecor.linglv to tiv.le or 'ers, b'rancil'co de Orellana
entiled on i';e \' . . ^ ', a" I in the Ip.ace of three days
without oars or i.iii, only bv lorce ot the current, w.ib
c.irried to ti;-,' coiillaence ot the two rivers, mentioned
liy tlic ln;ii.i;is, i'tit fo'ind r.o ';ro\ilions there: where-
ii(ion Orellana, p • temfaig i; wa^ impollible to return
t I PiiMrro agaa.il: r'.e llream, refolved ro let up |i>r
liimlelti to coiK'mi- r.is vryagc to the mouth of the
ii'.er, and then go over iir.o Serin .vid obtain the go-
vernnient of tholl" counrries fir himli'if; but tliis cruil
reliiluiion was oppuli-d by nipiiy of thole who wcic
tlien v.irh him. I'hcy tokl him plainly, that he was
not to exceed the ordeis i^f his capt.iin-general, and
tiiat it was inhuman to tbrfake his companions in their
great ditlrcls, knowing how ufeful aiivl neeellary that
bii;'antine was to them. In this point, none was inore
zealous than friar (i.il'|)ar t'arvaj.il, a:id a young na-
ii\e of Badajoz, named 1 lermando Sanchez de X'argas,
wl/'in thole of the cont.-.iry opinion made their chief,
.md were lb warm in liieir debates on tliis liuije^'t,
that the quarrels had come to blows, had not Orcllaiia,
with lair words, appealed the tumult: however, he
m iini!.,' d lb artfully alterwards with tliofe who had op-
poled Ills intentions, that lie inticed them all over to
his party j and tiieii rudely treated the friar, whom he
had expoli'd to the fime famine and mifery, (h.id it not
been lor relpect to his habit and proftllion) as he did
Sanche/. dc \ ai.'.s, whom he left in that delert, en-
conijMtred with liigli mountains on t!ie one lide, and a
great river on the other, to petilh by famine.
li ir
5^.4 A Ni.w, ROYAL, and Ai;rnr.N'Tic SYSTF.M or is'ivi-K.^Ai. c;r,or.RAr'Mv.
I'V.iniill.) ill' On Hum .ilrrrw.mi^ fKtin! tiime pfnvi-
fi IMS atn m^ll t!v ii.i'.r.\> i> l.iii..ii'.. ,, lie (;,nf It tl'.i.' hiinf ot the Kivir
ot Aiii.i/oiis
I'liK'i tiling; yet f.irtlur Aown li-.i- r'uir, tliey fi\:iul
t'lclc liuli;ins iiu)ri' civil tlun the -ithcr, who te> tiwil
them .iiuiiaWv, ;uhiiiiiiij; tlie hri^.iiitiiie, ami mui Id
ih-ii; ;ely ii.iliiieil. I'lu-le tre.i;i\l tiie S|uniarils hoi
jiituUiy, aikl I'liriiilluil ilu ni with a^ unuli piovillim a^
il;c'. liail lA-iMlinn tor. Urillaiu ifinaiiRil hen-, tiiirr-
lore I'lvcral weeks and Iniilt another l)tij.aiiriiie, lor
t',i.v ui'ie very imiih Iheii'ueiievl |jr room in the tii!t j
aii.i haung titHvl it up a> well thev «ire aMc, tl.iv
avivriitiirevi ..lit tn h a, lailiiij; ,ilon^ tiic toall ol t'.inU-
lii.ina, .iliiHit :- 1 a^^ues to the iwrthwarJ, till ti.ey
arr.vcil at the ill.u'ii of the 1 Inly 'I'rini'.y, havlnj^ eleap-
i.l li.rh liaii^vrs that thcv v.wn >;ave tlu-MiuUe-. uvcr
I'or I'lih A' ti.iN iiliikl OrelLuia l)r(iiii;ht a (hip, wi'h
whicii he laik\i into Spain, where he reijui lleil his
maielly's tommiliion, ti)r tl;e requcll and tviveniiinnt
of ilie country ot' tlic Amayon^, as he thou-ht proper
to ihle it.
'1 o make his enUTpri.'c .ippear the more del"rablc,
he ailed;.;e..!, that ii waj a country ahoundin:; with ii'ild,
lih. rr, and precious llones, and in telliiiiony thereof
pi-nhicevl the riches wliicii he had lirouj;iit with iiiin ;
wiiereupon his ir.i iily 'ranted the itquill lie made, lor
thf [: iverntr.ciit ot v.\\m lie lliould coinjutr tlieie ; and
Oreli.ina was ioined by ■-,:), volunrecrs, the L'leatcll
part of tluin men of rank, with whom lie emli.uked at
St. .Sucar, tjr the i:vci- Aiva.Uin, in the ye.ir 155;;
but lie kill one ot his lliip-'in h.is voyii^e thither, .md
nut witii fo many u.il",cuhies and mi-lcjrtMiirs lu-fTe
lie li.d laikd ICO kM;"irs up tlie river, that he .ihan-
doncd the enteipri.'.e, .ind died on hi-> return Iwme.
Cit.iK-alo I'i.;arro, wh.) wa> left in fuch dillrclk vfx-r
I'Vanciko de Orellani ran away with the brii;.' .line,
firll built 10 or 1 : canoes, and then Hoatb to pals from
one l.dc of tlie river to the o;her, ab ofren as iiis inan li
was intcrrupteil by impalfable mountains or moralies,
and procrei!'.-d in tiia: inani:erdown the river, in hopes
to meet the brigaiuine they had dilpatched tor p'to.
\irions. At the end of two months they arrived at f!-e
point where two rivers met; but inlU-.id of their I'li-
"ancine, and the provilions they expected to meet w;:h
tlicy found only 1 lernan i.'x Wrgas, wins wi:h ton-
llancy of min.l betoMiiiiL; a man of honour, had eii-
liured, with ureat rf l.ih.ti'm, (amine, and all t!ie nii-
lerie.s to v.I.iili he was expofeii in that tijlitude. I'rom
him t! ey nuivid a partii.iilar account of the viliainy
of the perlidi 'MS Drellana, whieh I'i/.irro could Ic.irce
eici.it, havii'!^ liithcrto ri.ji'.j.cd a;i entire conrider.te in
'1 he rtntr.'.I, Iiowsact, chcared his men, and en-
coura^'cU them v^iili hopes ot bi-ttrr fortune , telhn;.;
them, that they ou:;lu, like Spaniards, to litar uitli
ec^uality of mini thele labours and difap|iointir,( nis ;
that t!ir moie dmyer, the more honour, and tj-.e ."rcuer
their iciiow;! would lie in hillory, which woul.i tianf-
iiiit the t.uue of tlu-ir ativentiM-i s o future a^es. The
foldiers, <,'bit-run[^ the chearliilnrla ot their gener.il,
will h.u! moll: cauti- to relent Orellana's ufir;e, took
lieart, and contwiued their m.irili by the banks of tic
liver, tuiiieiinies one fide, and loinetiuus on the
l;ut the di!"-i:ky of carryinf; the horfes rvt:i- upon
f;oats (for theic llili remained about ;d of them) ca;i-
not be eKprclk-d, and more than the f.uiiine tiny were
ixp.d'ed to. 1 lo.vever, the Indians who rcinained
lihve lirvetl tlieir ina'lers ».;th oreat faiihti.liieli and
.;"•' ciion in tlicle extremities, brin^nn;; them herbs,
,' .r.tb a:.d wild tiiiit; lii.ikcs antl other vermin they
' )i;.,.l ill t!.ele mou:itains, ..11 which went dov.n with
• ic '••.'Wii.u-i.is ; !: jr coukl they ha\e fublilled wi'Jiout
I :' h kind c)t food.
(i-yii/ik) I'izairo, being now rejiilved to rrtuin ro
1',;-.:, I . ti.e liver, and touk hib way more to the
nortliwarvi, wliicli proved flmrter by 10 lia';i;es thaii
the H'.v tl; V came, but no lels dlliiilil', beiiij; li.n
lre.]U(n:ly i.) cut their way tliroii'di the wot.dij and |.
■.wnt ol '-.her provifioiis they now cut up ;ill ilieir ri -
miinii..; Iiorlei and dog>i fir the .1^11 Indiatb, who
iilcd ti purvey fur them, .ill died in this e.xpcdiiioMi
aii.l there sverc but Ho Spani.irds wlio returned to < )Mitu
.dive, i\ni.\ thele .ilmolt without ifiailis, and to lun-
b'lrnt aikl emaciate, 1 with the f.itiuue and want of (ijod,
tli.it tlnir tiearcll (iicikN farce km .v them.
W ith lueli infuppoi table h.iidl).i|.s and h i7ards di.l
the lull Sp.milli .kiwntiirers (trugi.'le in It-.iKh ot' p, 'Id,
cMn when they li.ivl before aciiuiied ciiouf^h to have |,i-
tished the moll bouiKilels av.irice. (ion/alo I'l/arro,
v.h.) was liie of the I'loprictofs ^A the mine:, if I'o'i'O,
had not ainalied lei's tlun i,c:a,o;o of erov.iis bcfurc
he entered upon his expedition.
I'eter lie Oiiij, wIii uiiciw.inls I'lii.iir.fd a ciiii-
miikim lioi'.i the poveinor el i'eni, in the year i:|;c,
to lubdue t.'ie provinces lioiderin-; on the river Ain.i-
zon, emb.irked on the river X.iuxa in I'erii with 7^0
.'inied S;.'aniard.s, and zzo I.idians, atid failed down
the ilrcam :.o or 300 ieat^iies, till he c.ime to the coii-
lluence of the two livers Amazon .iiid Xa'ixa, an.kon-
tin'iinu; Ids voya^^e afterwar.ls :.-o leagues l.utlier, was
killed in a mutiny of his iii.:ii, which put a peiiod to that
ent( rpri/e.
Si-veral other adventures m.uli' t!ie like attempts af-
terwards, but moll ot them proved uiitoKunate, till
two iiv)nks and foinc fildiers, who fit with Juhii u;-
I'alacios fiom (^lito in I'eru, in the ye.ir 1OJ5, .v.k\
iiiili,irkin;_; on the river Ama.ym, where it firll beomei
liavinable, laded the whole leii:.;th cf it, till they ar-
rive.l at I'aiia in liralil, whi. ii lies in tiie I nith fide of
the mouth "I this ;.'re.u river: lint I'.eir c.iptain John
I'.il.icious was killed m ilkiriuilh with the natives in tliei;
'Ihe liiars havi;i!:; (jivtn an account of their voviiin?
to the ;,v)vernor of Uralil, he oideis'l ll.iops and but.-,
to be proviiled, on wliiili he embarked jo ]'ortiii"eft:
and :C3: Indians; and in October i()_{7 ordered diein
to liiil up the rivei-, uiidiT tlij etjiiuiijiid of Te.M ,r.i,
a mariner of i;reat ikill and e.\periiiKe, who, by tie
help of' the eallerly wind, which generally blows hire,
tailed Up againll the currcnr, till he arrived at l.es
Keys, a town of <^iito in I'eru ; but the river not be-
in;^ navigable hither for his \elit-ls, he left tliem there,
and went by land to the citv of (j^iito, where In- Wis
kindly recei\ed I'V the Spanilli t;overnor, am! fuinin.ed
with wh.itever he wanted totacihtate his return to Ik.i'.il.
ihe go.ernor lent two Spaniili jel'uits d.own the river
with him, ordcriirj; them to embark for Siuin, when
t' ey arrived at Brafil, and communicate the oblirva-
tkms they Ihould make in this voyat^e to the Catholic
m;iirlly ; and embarking r.gain at l.es Reyes, on the
rivir Ama.'on, widi the two iil'.it.s, in the month <.,f
V'ebruary lO^H-g, arrived at I'.iiia in lirafil the De-
cember loll >wing ; from whence the ieluits went m-er
to Spain, .md publi.lud a lurrati/e 01 their voya;^c in
S I-. C T 1 O \ il.
i.ANiCA, 0:1 r.\iAvJJN[.\.
Tl US eo'.in;:y, v.: i^ !i lies a little to th-: northward
ot iliL- Srr.ii; ri .Mas^ellan, was cilii-d by the
S] .iiiiards '1 riia .M.i:'i-ll,inica, as arc the Straits Ii roes under the naux* of I'.itag'--
iiia, extenis iioiii Chili anil l'.iraf.n;av t) tlic utmoft:
extnniiiy (f South America, t'-,.K i>, fr<'in J5 .diiu.lt
to 45 dl-l^ offjiiih Lit. 1<( ing 7c? miles l..!i^ .md _^Oj
broad whcr'-- widi.-ll, 'I'iic lofty mouptaius, talkil the
J Andes,
o ltMm;es thiti
If, l)i.MHj; ti)ri
\s()(.>li i ami l
lip all t!u-ir r( .
I") Imli.iiis vxli)
:iii^ fxi'tditiin ,
tiJtticJ to ( V_iit'j
IS, aiul lo lun-
iitl w.iiici)t'|ij(j in tlici;
of tlitir v(>y;Tji;t:
Hoops aiul boats
\\ 70 l'ortii<;iiit:
J 7 ordcral tlicin
iuikI of' Ti'M ira,
Hf, who, by tie
r.illy blows In ir,
arrived at 1 .!.■'»
till" rivtr not bc-
klc tlu'in tlu re,
n, wIktc li"' w IS
lor, ai.d iuininicd
is riturii to iJialil.
:s down the river
for Jipain, vviicn
cate the oblerva-
^e to the Catholic
i-s lU-yes, on tlie
in tlie month of
n llrafil the ])e-
jiMiiit-. went over
,'i their voyjj^c in
r.\i A'Jv)NtA.
to tii'i nortl'.wanl
was e.ilied by the
the Straits dcno-
1 lerdinaiido Ma-
in the Irrsiee of
ar 1 s .:o.
s derive I from a
;i l\i:.i;^o 1-. 1 he
nair.e of Patagf--
iav t ) t!ic iinnoll:
, lr>'in J5 ;ilmt.lt
lies I'.nf; ,ind .;Oj
Liinaa'.s, cailid the
vA 'I
.Ha ^^l
r ^//,//../ ',>■/, 7 Ban KKS'.s, l//'',///v./// ./ (Ji-:()(;iuriiY ^MJrr/^ ^ijJ- ///Avy.
-T -j-A^^ ^
Tata ( ; o n i a .
Andes, ti-iivirfftli
'Y\x iio:tlic;ii p;i
a.Kk of \.\\i^_ ti
ll:i.rcc a tici.' i,i!t I
llcro is good f
wild h iriu'd c;ittl
ih-,'i- bv the Sp;ini
'I'hcc.ilU-oa'.l is I
llMU1UI■^. OlH- '
l':Uii;!;>iiii.i is in
us I'.iJ F.U.1LV>!1S,
ii.um', tliv- I'-i'iip
'rii'jcouniry m
tionvd liy an Itil
Ma^;^-ll:inV Voy^M
C'll.UC, :Ull!Hluii
t'omnio 'lOic, alt
^\■.ll!i^, \\lio ti»\'
t re wjif mait>jr
iM\c tliJ tol!i)'\i:
Dn-fi, u.ui I',',
tie Siitivis.
COM Mono
cainc to ai
I, 111 tilt Hmrf,
iinii'.hiT I a auill
(ii;;. -ily .i-bira;!
^\ i; ii', as an inv
In I ,.;>L,i.i'-n^::
tiiincul i.is oiik-i
t.j ■ ai ' ■ i:i-' I'-
alu;'!' 5. 3 I'eOjl
0:1 li ),l( '1U k.
kojit w.'A v'';. •'■"'.
p^ikii v.'.'.'L iiivi
this was the rp'.
tllc S;i:iit U1 ■.\\
a man!'. 1' in nod )i
lilCV lb I'.lld ici
11 11 lie bau'b, i.
lii> people,
oll.eii- at tlieii
the n ilv'oKi
lii.,iiai. lie I'll
and,pe:e. i\ i;i_
>)t't!ie .ban:'
alterw .id. '. ap;
was I't -V,-!,*'!''
oi 111' 11 I- 1' i!i
but ilie Coon
his Ibiiin. to
tll.ill leveli iec
\\ hen tliis
I'lVion ni.iiiu
'I'l.c Coni;ii>'
10 lit down,
were aiiioiv.'; 1
lliechiei wli.
Me had biai
didanee, aiu
nuinlierot ve
iiueliitiible A
// //ll//l
V ////
Anv a \.;i kiy ol l;i'li,tn triiics
as i!ie Pat.iL'viiis, truin 'aIiii.Ii iliv cuiKiiiy takes it
name, the I'a'iiji.r:, tli.- (..''iHaii'., S^e.
coimtiv aiil iiilialiu.iins o; PaM'-iiiia arc 'ii.'ii
iliailelii'ii'Tli St V. '.le 1,1 ;;
leii. the L"<>nrivHli>rc' ic
.111(1 V. hue liea','~, 'v \\.' !i
,uiii u liiv h li'-.'ve, ■•,;\ ■.•'. ',,
['icHliiie. 1 le T'.e.l l;ic'k m
rihliiii), ai.il iviir.': i'n ' '
of'ihem, ina,'. • i:ie pcii •■>
aiul ll> on as i'.r as it v.iii
ii;.; v.
.\ n ■
III '.■iev.r, I,
I M t'
lai veil
U .WW i.'l 1!1
the rihbor
il't t ) IK. II u l:u,u t,".- 1'
Ol l.l'.'J
ii'.;; ilir< ii.re
I'e that I'.eld
; ih,ii!':i ic
tioneil liv an li lii.i'i aiiiii'!', vv ho wr ic ;':i a' '■ 'lU ol' jj v,'.s cifily pei\i i^e.' ilhii i:r.
;i.l livji'e i.lelii;lited
an s vovai'e lo-.iiu
liie u-.iiM ; hiH the niuli ,
curate, aMiheiUn , and ii.iireliiii'.', li
Commo loie, ain-i wards Adiiind t?yron. an K' innin !' ei,r i; I-l-i
V. i;h it ih,in v idi ilic he.i'.-. While tlie ril)ho,i v.\u thus
.11 e llu.le I'
CMt 'uleil,
.Ml'. I'lvr.'ii look o"i a piir ct icid'ar?
ween i.ieli twi o' tl;e inilians tl'.at lit
■•, :i;ul
ii. io
) have aleeiiamed I'everai nov.is uhic li !i
f"re uere mailers ol doiav,
rive the tollo'
and t
I iiir. w lumi w '„■ ill.,
tVu he 1l fi alio'it a v;n,' in le.e iioiielHon ot
,\in;i c muin.iivc aeeoii:
■ I lie .ilter-v.i;als ti.al
reel ii torenK'.iii, v^ii
It ih^
e\ :\\ one,
ids, u here tliee
vii:: tl-t
Dr.-p, .i.u //;
E'oJ. L.
•Ji-r:rl!ii,! nj .
ti.c \\i!i-i'i-s. Pr,}J:i:iiO:is of t!
I- F' Ion a.
"ij'it fiiiin
!' i',
u !iile lie was w:il: ilie.n
I't havioi:;- on ihi^ oe';,
ei dlv as the pretlnts ^
,o.:i K) .-mcli as tuuehing v ,
I lieir p(.aeea!)le and. oriiLiiy
:;n did them h.Kiour, etj'e-
:! I 11. .)i extend to ihe v,h..le
'(' I i-.r;;; V, CTi'.
1.1- inipi!,! : e.- to hiaie the neu r.ivj
'r e;iriol;t\' iii c, i:n a ne
I lew ot V. iiat
h.'.t when lie
OMVlOnolU': HYRON relues,
came lo aneli ir on this coal!, ab.int t'.'.i) miles
f. .)iii the lli'ire, he eool.l pltinlv iee .vith his glal's a
iioiiiher I.I 'lo'lenirn, ridiin; barkwards and t.irwai\ls
anv one 1; .".i the K
'iire'llv adirea:! ot the lliip, a
ml w
;\inc, loniethinir
^W. u\ as an iiivit.iri HI toth-.- pojie to eonie on lliore.
n I i;'!". '],i''nv ': ol tLi , llie Coniiii'd )"e, aitende 1 bv
lonie ol 'is ()!["( ers a \1 l'.,in!en, advan.,ed in his b'i:it
t..i'.ai-'- me li.i.ii, a:,d, on a near a|iproacli, law
aboo' q» 3 i.evij>le, !"> ire ..in t ). it, but llie j^reater part
on li );k nil k
keiit w,'.\ i;
.1 r.Jh
:vv ',111 ii!">n a itonv li^ot, am
our IK'. .'.pie PJi
;">ol<.'(l w.jrt liiviiaii .iis t.i i.uul
Aeeori.liin;to ihe ii. ,; I'lntot the vo\'ap,eofihe\V';'.G;cr,
this was the lp,)t where in. e ew, as they were paliint^
t!ie S;iait in '.ii -i, boat, at. jr th.; lot's ot"t!ie vetiil, taw
a ntimb.r (jtlio leiiien, uId waved what appeared to
s, inv'tiiiLi; tlieni to come on
done, but were pre-
l>e white liamlkereliiels
fliore, whivh they willied to hav,
Olll \-\ It' 1.
i\' a ',i,Ue ot \.;,iO, lliat i>l>ll"ed them to
w:i!-ji' l.:vs, tliev were in ilo'.iot whe
pe iple were l'.'.iio;-;t'anbWi'ee
ketl on tliccoi
.t ti
le e.)iin[''\ .
h.,'i. li
n 1 weap.'iis \iere hen im uvj t
I ap[ic.ired evident to
Mr. H
i all.Jtte.l the. 11.
'ion, that the iKdi.uis
on whom he lia 1 eontened ih'.le oiii'nien
tal pi. It .'If.
I were not eiii:':ly tlrar.eev- to I'.uiope.in e.Mnmo'.iKiei,
' :;-, upon a i.v.er o'-ii rv.iiion. lie remarked one v.';.>M.,in
.elet , eit'iei i
upon her :i'
ui.on two 1 .
and |..
1 I r.us or very p il
'e oeai'.s ol our. ;Mai , .iri!
the top,
Si'.e was ol
qui":eso! hair, v.h:e;i, re::i;!; [
hill,', dnwii over each liK.iiid.i. i !>(..
I iiK.ll cnoiiiious li/e, and lu;.' iaee ;i.o;t
'leoiiflv p.iinted. 'Ihe C'ommo.ioi ;
. ou:
is and bra
e nie.tns,
to le.i
i.'i.l noi ccLi it ill.
w.mi ofhniiiij, lullieieiulv t;n'!ei'iio,'d
It Would bi' \er\ iiatui.il lor iliole wiio I'.ave real
i!es,i! tliiv t.)i;n a:i idea ot ,in
niktd reiuriiin'j; to his tcll.nvs in tl
li; w..)oiis aiiointe
] with l' .iropea;
i.ulieci, le
itiinkets, t 'd'linkot I ho .\!'ake\ u iio
;\et bet iiewedolnile iheirton'b'.els
li.r ulal< 1
nl.t.ons, ar
.1 oti
ler thing's w
id 111 II" I'liiin 'i: III anv
111 ilienil
llie ornanu iv.<
is.wi Ihould eonliderthat,
.it l.iv.iie and elvil litjiiL'
HI 'il; and till! ih..r(r\vh.i lue nca!i\ in .nlatc ol v.
t'lie li.ive notliin '; that lelMUolcs jlIiIs io i:'.'!, h ,i' .■! :
ihe C .111 nod )ie I
ihe\ ili mid I el ire to a liitle d il! an. e, w iili whieli liiev j di eivad is more eapriLi..u-. than the value v liieii the;,
ee e 1 it p;'i: icat to iinke ti'^ns tli ir i ri 'embles a di..niond. 'I'lie value which we k
nil iic liaieb (...nplie
eoutinue.l to ihe,it nii.lt i 1. 1 upon 'j,
.n .'lats
i\ e o! iiriiame:
:r. to lie aa
. ileioiili_\ ; 'uid ih. C' Mii-nod.)ie havini', I m e.l '.. ii li | univeil'.il priiKij !e in human
.itiire; aiu. the Iplendi
people, ilre'-v i!i ;;i uj. u|v)n liie l>eaeh, 'vith his
olliccrs .It theii le.a.', ;j,iv|.;;.;; lirict ord.'i s ih.'il none of
them llv.'iki (put liiei. i:-fi.»a till he .1 oald >;ive the
d, lb
,en a !\.ui.
,e to'.'.ards the Indiai
and.peii . i\ in ;tli it tlie\ icire.iucl, made fii;n;', that <
ot ih'
!oi:l I C'l'ite n. a. .
a pei'l^
alterw.tr.li ap.pe.ired to bt: a c.iiet, appio.iched
was ot ;j,ij,!n:ic li.iiuie, and i'
ot ill. 'h lii'- 111 ho 1. '.11 di:!oe
I le v.-
t;) leali/.e t''e tales
it till C
i.iim ..;.>:e i a
111 .
I'ld, li'.;:i tlie proi'.ortlon dl'
tra.nlparency .iiul re;iiilar lip/iie ol a bead ue the ijii.ti
I lies iliat, In' the ( on ; iliiiion i.l'otii natuie, e.\i.ite pL
\ \\n% iileas; and allhoujjh in uiu
I ilia. noiul exceeds ihe jjal's, its v.i
in proportion t.. iln ilill'erei.ce.
t link ipi.tllllts t.'.e
i> ir.iii 11 :i,ii;e t',. ;ii
le p'i:'.'.lU!c w i::i, h it
<:!,ivls anvmi..; us is pi ineipailv bv con. en iiit; UilUnct.oii
and ;.',ratifyin.i, v.iiiiiv, which is iiulepeitiU r.t ot natural
I',' lertain litu s cr ii;ui.'es, to
t.ille, wliieli IS cjaniie
1 I
ai'.r , t.) his i.A !i, that ;i could not be much
th.'.n lev., n ieet.
\\ h< n this fri^liilui C
Hvi..;! mattered l,.nu ihiiij, toe.
oloMus I line up, he a'v
f.ir ih
.V. re.i! Ill, WL
I'.' • 111.' I'.i.'iie ot i.eat ly.
It lliotijd be reau'iiibi red, ihii an 1 ■;d..ii-. n iiK.,e dil'-
.iual a;
.. '.^I.il'^ I I'tl ■•11
UOtl.' U - bv ,1 liKMMi
,1 oeai-l, iii..n .;;i\' ii'iU-
; thouijh. pel haps, tlie
lame lacri bee is ii'itmide io hi- \'aiiiiy,,is the polleiii.>ii
ler as a i ihitation.
he c-onimoiiore
11 v\ .1
with lull; tou
.lids h
coa.patiion^, to wliom, as he .".ilvanceil, he m.ade I. tins
to lit down, and they all ic'i'il) complied, 'iluie
were ami):i|i, them iiiaiiy w mu a, who feeiiud to be
pi.jpoitionil.lv laii't-; ami lew ol'ilu' men were leistlraii
tliecliicl who came t .ruanl t.. meet the Cuiiimodore.
lie iia.d heard the voices of tlie l,i\,;;;es verv loud at a
diit.iiice, and when he came iie.ii, perceived a u,reai
nuinbirol very ol.,l men, u ho wi.ie ch:iniinp,lbme im-
ol his hnerv r- i aiiier a ti
eliini inv ol his ;..,o 'd birraii
lan of his in/luence or |io'.'.'ei', in conlctpieiio: of his
I • 1 i.iiiiioii mediu'ii of all e.Tidily
iedtoeoiiterviitii.il \\ petioi:t\ .u.il
Iru. a' ill
hivin;., w
iiiiriiillc ailvamai'/'.
Onc'il the men produced the bowbil '. inbacco-pipe.
w Inch was III i
,fe ot
i led I'.iiih- but the I ..:',i , ot...re
li.on perceived tliej' h.ul lu) ti bacco ..ai.M'._', iliem. In
dee.t tl
lis iiKiii t'lve hull to lino. I
lland tii.u he w.iiited
I tome.
I poll this he beckoned ti
le, w ho had
inteUitiible words ii\ the molldolclui tadeiict, with an I remained upoiuho beach diawn 'ip in the order he h.ul
\: n
'■ 'e.
. »
566 A NEW, ROYAl, and Al'Tl II.NTiC SV:
left them, and tliicc or fv>ur ot liicn r:;n for\v;n\l. iMp-
polliig iIku lie waiued ilicin. The Imliaiis, uh'> ii:ul
been 1)1 it'ervLxi til keep their eve-^ ciiminunUyiip'^iuhein,
no fo.tnjr (".iw lome of [he;n ;ul wince, tii \\\ ihey all role
up with :i great cla;iioin, and were leaving, the pliee,
as im:i<;ineel, to get their arms, whieh were prohaMv
left at a little dilhinee. To j->reveni mifehiet, and put
an end to the alarm, tlie Commodore ran to meet tiie
people, who were advuuing in confei.]iienceof ihe li ;-
iial given, antl told them, as foon as he was got \\ ith-
in hearing, that he w oidd have oidv one ot them come
i;p with all the toli.ieeo he eoiild coUei'i from the red.
When :hc Indians perecivcd this thev recovered from
their iin'jiri/.e, and everN )ne returned to hisllai';)n,
except a very old man, w hi came up to tiie Comm"-
dore anil Umg along foiig. Hefore the long w.is well
Hnilhctl, an oliictrcamc up wiih the tobacco, and indi-
cated a laugliable allonilhmen'. in his coiiuteaance.
upon perceiving himlelt', thougli lix feet two niches
high, liccon'e at once a pigmy among giants.
After the Commudoie had prelenied the toh.icco,
four or five of the chief men came up "' him, ainl. as
he iinderllood hv the ligns thev made, wanted hiiuo
mount cine of the horfes, and go uith them to their
habitation;: ; hut .is it wo'.dd have beer. Highly impru-
dent to complv, llgns were made to them, that the
Commodore mull return to the ihip, at which tl'e\
cxp:elled r.iucii concern, and lat ilown in their former
During this chimlidlicw conference ;,n ohl m n ot-
te:i laid his head d.own upoiuhe llone,, and, Ihutting
hi-; evcv ti.r ahc ut h.ilt a mnuite, alierw.iidj pointed iirll
to his inoutli, iir'd then to the hills, n-eaning, as tiie
Commo.i u ; .-..igined, that if he would flay till the
morning. thc\ wouM f irnilh him w ith fome provilimis;
flit this I'rt'er ht w,i; obliged to lieclire. When he lett
them not one ot tl.em ofleied to follow, but, .v; loi.g
as thev could be lecii, conunucd quiet in their liaiioiis.
Commodore Byr<.n's defcription of his lii il mtervieA
w'ith tlij natives ot I'atagoni.i is, in general, conilin;e,! j
liy that I't CajitainW'allis, w !io vifiied, this ccuntiy tv. o
years atter him. That navigator relates, tliat, when
he .".piroached Cape \ iigiii Nlary, he law teveral men
riuing upon the poiiu ot it, who made lignaU tor ilie
pe>)ple on board to cmealhor-.-. I lavmg anchoied in
a bay dofe under the louth (kle ot tbeCape, tlienatives
continued a-lirealt of the Ihipall night, making gieat
tires, and frequently ihouting very loud. At ilay -light
great numbers of them were fecn in motion, making
rigiial> for our people t 1 land.
Havingtaken the necell'ary precautions, and. left par-
ticular or. lers on board to bring the dnp's broadlidc to
bear upon the landing-place, Caiuain Walh. went in
his barge, attendeil bv lome oiticeis .uul men, projiei Iv
armed, and having reached the beach, betore he hit
the barge made figns to tlir natives to retire to fome
cliftance, with wdiich they immcdiatclv coni|ilied.
Captain Wallis having Imdeil with leveral otiicers,
and ordereil the marines to be drawn up, matle ligns
to the natives to approach, ami directed them to lit
.'.own in a femi-circle, which they did u iili great order
and cheerfulnels. The Captain then dillnluned among
tlum leveral knives, fciliars, buttons, beads, combs,
and divers toys, panic iilai ly fome ribbijns to the w 1-
nieii, w Inch were received with eipial plealuie and
Alter the diftribution of thefe pielents, Captain
W.dlib endeavoured to make them uivleilland ih.it he
had other things todit'iofcof, but expected fome arii-
cles in leturn. I Ic then caufcd tome hatchets ,uid biU-
iiooks to be produced, and pointed to (omeguanii oes
that hap|iencd to be near, and lomeollriches which lie
faw tlead .iiiiong them, n.akmg ligns that he wanted to
f.it at tlie lame time ; but they either could not, or
wi.iild n(jt, underd.ind him ; tor th(jugh iiie\ lecmed
verydeliious of the hati hets and bill hooks, iIk\ tJa\e
not the le.ilt iniimatim that they would give any pKj-
viiion mritum. llufc people, in general, had hulc,.
>TF.M OK rNI\r.I'SAL t-I.Ot.R \i'flV.
Willi rel'i'C.i to the pcif'ir..> ol'tlu native., C ;,:,•;'■,-
d.iic Uvroii e\orel!es ilie high' ll I'liuiMli'i. ai .■.lii,'-
500 people, i'lic Ih.ntdt. o! u !io-.i \:c:c at lead fi.ur
inc'ies tiller t!ia-t a;r-' oen ul i;i ..e ot' 'vrriouiinary
lia; ire anioii'' t:-., :\il bulkv in i^ioj; mion to ihch
luight ; v.hcics with u-- Icaicciv .i.iv bear li'a; pro-
poti-m ; .uiil a niiii w !io IhouKt 11. c. 1 1 u,c .'id. ;,x fL..t.
twd iiii he , ,i;iJ I'j :,d'\' exceed a I'oul ucll-Ut in: ii
"t common li,.pii(.- in l';'.i,'!!i a,;! nr.ilcle, would
llrike us rillier .is ,1 gi.i.ii r.'an aa i;;dividual oi or^Ii-
nary foim.
I. aptain W.tllis,:;t l-.i-i'.r'.l inierviewv i'.'.i the native:,
canted tholl il.u .qipc.ued tobclhe talle, .■.•r.ongtlu :ii
to be meal '..I cd. One e,; thelew,',- fix Uci u-.en iinlic;
high; aiui Icvei.d were lix lea live ai'-.l 1,\ tett l;\
iiu hes, Tii( \- wei c •'.ell in : l", ! ilni'l, :"■■! 1" >;'.v; lu.i
tl'."r hand- a;id ful \\c.e ;-. ,r, u Lal.ly ; ;'..vil. llieii
cor.iplexiMii u.i^ a .■■',!. i. ;;.- > 'I ui , l:',e I'l:'" ut t!' •
liuli:'.:i- in Ninth Ame: 11 ,' . I'!i. ir h ,i,' -,'. 1- l!,..ig',.l, a:i.l
nearlv asli.u'li as ho.'s bri/; i, ' . It vasii-o! ' ;ik wi-. 1
a colion lliing : but luui. 1 1. . v, -ri. .::i . '..e.ul-drel .
'1 heir Icclh wire \ er\ vl ,ie, n . ;;, r i •>■ :i l\\
I he eh let w h.) ll; i; i "•)■■ i!;i '.■• i c '"Vi.o.'. •:\ IV ru 1
h.ul the Ik 11 i.t lum: ■..;' : : ;■.;!• ;!•; •■ ;i ow ; !;- Ih,..;-
deis. a>aSc-;.h ili!i:''a,„;e; ■- , i'-^': jd.i: ;, :L.>d w:-;
Ji.ur.ted to ,■..-. to lii/.ke ll e I'.'.o!: '. . /■.",•.■ ■ 1 c • i;.'
liad evei ! c!,.l,!. Rou",d o;-,c e> e \ .^ il 1.. .;..'c.>i
while, a liielcfi' b!.'.. 's f.,i;"i.i dud, i..e od;,' . ,;.iil if •
relt ot i;l' t.ice ■' .:^ •: ■. .ked. w ;; li p .i;,; i.f T.;;: . ; ^ ;' .^ .
lou..-. Ihj v,',-. ,e g;'u:i fe.u i\ I'ne (. ',. .ic .; .',0 „
\.ere ji lintel ai;d . f latlud ne:.;!' 111 d.e 11 e i.- e. '.c' .
1 he elicit ,^ rnnu! the iwn cs e, u ere m Ir • .. . ,< ■: ■ .
one ecrf iir; bui liiiv weie not uiUve-fllK '. '. .1 k ..\A
wliile, KiU',e beini; w lute .uid iid, .111- i lull e 1 ed „;,d
bl.ick. l''.xcti't the ikiiis, wlieh liiev wo:e v.iihdie
Inir inwaii!-, lu.oilof then we;:. .;.;i.cd; a I -v. onlv of
then 1 -iving a kind oi boot upon iluir kg'-, witli a
Ihort pouued lliek fa:lened to eac!; heel, wliu h lerved
as ,1 Ipur.
It ap; ears fr."ii tly -ice-'uiu ■•I'Ca, tain Wailis, t]i;;t
the ciu?tcl,)atlii;u; > I lir. le p'. .-■, 1. is ci'.npulid o! the
ikir.sotti.e gii.inie.i. Iced t'.i.Hllier into piiies about
lix teet long and live .vide. 1 li.i'e are wrap'ped refund
the body, .;nd fuici-.ed with a ;;udile, willi tiie hairv
lid'' inwaidis. Some lit them had a Iquare piece i''.
cloih, lu.ide oi the ilowii\ luiii of the I'/ianuo, th'ciUj:,ii
whieh a hole being cut foi i!ie lie.; 1, i!ie lell In, .,-,
round tlum as lo.v as the knee. 1 i;.\ .ue d.elcr.lied e'^
Captain W.dhi .is v, ealill;; the l-^.i-wiiij, or IrH.'ts. and.
jia lining lilt mil Ives III the !"'/'.• mani.ir nu luivm d 1 v
Coiumoii'ire 1>'. ;on, with llii^ dilieieiice lin'n , ihiit lii-,
e;. e-lidsot all the yo.mg woii;eii '..i re p.ii'ii .e! Iil.u I..
1 he I'atagomans tomnionh eariv .i mi'iile \' eijM.n
otafiiigulir kind tucked into . I id' lie. b . .n.fr.i .-,;
f.eo round li'.ines, i o\ eied w it !i |. •,;',-. 1 , e.K h ■>'. i i,','di"j,
about .1 |iuur,d, whi^h aie fili'.-!ie.; t ■ liir iwi m ; > c. .;
ibing about eigiit fiet Ion ;. '1 i'l- is ufedi as a Hit! ■,.
one llone being kept in the 1; ;-.,i. :;i. 1 ihe oihei v. I.i;!. ■
round the head till it i^fuppoUd [■: ti.r. e:Uqii.i e.l f.;;;.-
Clem tdice, and then difeharge 1 a; t'.ie ol-'uct. Tlu ■
are lo expert in ihi uianaL'enu-:.t ;,i tids d(r,ili!---he.i . o
lliot, that thev w il! hit a m.u k u ■! ', e. 1 : I'.i .:. .•. ihilh.',,^
v. itii both the tione^, at theilihanie ot liUeiii \.u. ..
It IS not, huv.esei, llr.:i; t u '.'j:u !• • I'l ik.- tinier d.
guaiiico or the c.' 1 ii h w 11 ii tl.em m rie i i.ai ■, I r :::!■-,
illleliarge ihi m I I as tlu'.I the toil i,,u.., ■.,.', U'l'l : : .,
le;',s ol the olli k li, or l .vo ol lli- f ;;s eij' li'e ; u ,- i' ',
and is i-,vi(!ed i''.:ndthem by the ! '.i e :i,.d i ', 11 ', ..r liie-
balls, to that lilt .1111 nial, being ui..,Me tioi.ti, I'ecuii.i .
an e ily |iiev to the hunter.
W ith lilpeii to tood, our pi'.j ie, '..lule liiev ft."' '
i,n llioie, iiiiit I M',1 I he lilt i\ t ^ cai I'l u. "l' th,-ir l."i th' v -.
fpoken to in S- iimh, re);tii_'u-.fc, 1 ; .:•■ r. ::::', D .
the Capt.dn w
tilt ate that In
ivc-., (J :.:.—.:
■ ■Mil ;it .'•.■,11;^
;it lc:i,i u.'.ii"
( '.vrriciuiiiiaiy
iiiivn to dm,
bc'.'.r li':;: ;iro-
,!.■ iinl.' !,x t'n't
It ucll-lct m. 11
■':i [hv luitiw:,
; ' ! ; ' 1 : 1 ;.', 1 1 n : : 1
: u vi-.'i iiik in i
I \'\ Ucl i.x
--!;■::■■; lu.i
..• i'i:-r utt!: •
i;ll;..i-J.t, :r..A
lin! '•■■( k win
;iv ;.:'.u!-i!ii! .
■I i-n:,..;-
: ;, :..'U'..'
■■'■.I' • I ■>■ ■ I;.'
1 . > :. I ^' ')!
■J:,'. .:.i<', l!. ■
''.;::. v^:' l ■-
;■,.■ f.. ,\.V.: .I,)-..
'.■ iV ;.• dm:. •,(.■■.
1 li'i i: >■■,.■.■■ ','
V \\(i:c V. nil ilio
il; ;i l.w oiilv i.'i
t \y k !'.••, widi :!
L I, u liu li Itivtd
■.in \V:;lli<, i!i,:t
".niinlnl ,,( tlio
iitc I i'. I (.". abon:
.■ u lapped ri-'.i|i.l
wii'.i tiu- ha;;v
I'lpi.iii.' pifti (■'.'
■i.inLC, til'.;i;„il
1, i!iL ici! lu. .,-,
aic d', Ic; ilicd Im
J, or ii^K'tv, iv.'.A
tr ir.ir.ii.ntd '.■v
I r ■■idi , iliiit tlr^
pai'il .^i blai k.
.1 nu'iik- v u:ip:.:i
li I 11, li;; .>;
: , f.l; il V. u diii'^j;^
ill- IV.l ;■:) , I.! .1
I i:l'-'d as a llin ;, ,
iic ciilu'i V. l.i;!. ■
. i':Ui(U.ic.l r,:;;. •
(.■ Ml u .M, 'I !n ■
.1 do'.il jL-Ikm ;< ii
. ; tl. .:,.t,lu!li.;„
:; id l\ II , ..r li:c
IiMi:ll, t'CiuiHi .
v.:,.Ktiicv.ftr '
lu- ■•I'th.'iv ♦V "i
O l^ r II A M r. U I C A.
; ' ; j u 1 ; .
, i Im'i ;II 1
•'. 1, . .,
Vm r " 1 t 1 r V
;.-i; ;:;dl)
i-pwM'-jd t!ic-'v irds
Is •* !-'.;-i Millwiicii,
t1iev niiuc 110 reply. O :' \'c.ip]j could di liii:-^: illi
Old'' one word ifthcirowii lan,viii!,c, wlucli was C!;i'-
vow. riicy loppoled it t'< be a I d'.itati'-iii, a"^ tiicy id-
ways pronotini:ed it wluMi thfy di ^nl; Inn is umIi I'r.in,
atv.l w'ni'n by (Igns they allvi'd Iw iiii\' ildn^j;. \\'li(.-ii
tliry w'Tolp ikcn V) i;i Kn^Ii h I'lcy
widi cilc, I'.nd ;nr.cnt d':ri;it; tlic incidciit=;
whi. li oci. lined. 0:1 t'.ie;: \ :;'".t t'l Cap;. W.illis dii l,ii)a:il
liis !hip.
\\ Ilea a propol il wa- ma le M them ')",• ('.■^■.•s that
theCajnaiii would ;:iV.c loine 1 \ I'ae.u i>:\ bi).;id U lliev
were dc!iii'".'.s to !:;'),a:>o;it o.vj l-.-i;i,l:v'd ea.'eii . i)nerv.d
t'.l viliL tiie Ihiji; luit it was ii. bit . e i;, linf;lun;i, exceliiveb', and
talking very carncir.y t . ca. h mlier. Some beef, po:k,
l.i I nut, anil other a;i!^ie- o! ih.c ihip'-. p. I'o villous, beiii'.;
fei beioie tncm, the', e.i: o. ihe;'.i;ndire;ii..iii.i:.ly ; Ina
Avoul i drmk nothi'. ; la;t v'- 'r.
When rond'K't.d, 'dir..u,>,lioiil the lliip, t'ley h,' iked
at noihin_; wiih nncli attention except the animal .
'I'licy examined tlv.l'(j;;s and. llKepwitiilomei v.: ioiitv,
j)i,.yei, ai he tuapitnily hi'f.d up l;:.-. l.anc.s and eye,-:
to the hiMvciis, and lj>i)ke in ,1 mannei oid toiiedit-
iiccn (iblcivrd in tlieir cornmon
It. med 1 1 be rather fting
'ra\ er
l^eople coi;lt: n,it di'.dngnilh one
and '
to the hiL'lielt dc'ree with tiieGoi-
rea hen^ and tnikies. I'liey d.id nut feem to deii c
any tliinj; except apparel, and only one of them, an
oLl man, af];"d for that. Captain \\',ir.is p^r.uiiied
him with a p,iir ot'lhocs ami buckle-, and {^.ive toeacli
of the others a canvas big, in which were p:it iome
needles ready threaded, a few flips of i loth, ,1 knife, a
pair of Iciflars, (ome t.iine, a few beads, luomb and
a i'jokinf;-p,kils, with fume new lix-penees :i;ul half-
pence, thro;ia,Ii wliich a liole had been drilled that was
fitted with -i rildmn to li:ui_:i, round the neck. They
were ofleretl fome leiives of tob.ico ro!,.-d tip into
what are lallctl lli;;irs. They lino iked a little, Imt
«.lid not feem to en|oy it. When they we;e Ihewn the
great guns, they diil not appear to h.ive any 11 nion of
their iilc. W hen the marincf were d,rawn vip in order
to go through part of their cxerule. and the iird volley
was fircii, they were l>i-u( k with ailonilhnicnt and ter-
ror. 'Ihe oKl man, in partitular, threw hiiiifelfon
the deck, p limed to ;he miiikets, and then llrikint;
liis brc ill w ith his hand lay fonie time niiitionlets with
liis e\ts Ihiit. Hy thi;, it wa^fuppofed he meant to in-
tliiatethat he was not iiiuK ijiiaintedwith tiic-annsand
their laial I li'tds. The re !,|Vl;-.^ tliecrev meiiy ,ind
finding themlelves unhurt, loon lofumc.l tlieir cheiu-
iiilnefs, and heaid -lie fenjnd ;ir.d thud volley liied
without niuch emotion; but the old man coiuinuej
prollrate upon the deck fome lime, and never leco-
vered his Ipiiits till the tiiinc; was over.
Heinj; tn.ide to iiiuk;l',ind by fij;ns that thclhip was
pruceeding fan ler, and that they mult go on Ihoie,
they dilcovcrcd imicli ielii('lance to eomplv : all, how-
ever, except the old man and one moie, were ;j,ot into
the boat without much ditiiciili) ; but thefc (lopped at
the gaiig-ivay, where the old m.in turned about, wcrt
towaidi the Item, atul llood loine time without fpeak-
WHV IJc then utteretl «li;.t was fuppofed to be a
fcieiii I: 1.11 wdiat ha
com CI Ltiii'ii. 1 lis
than la:d, fo tii.it o;:
word iiom another.
When (Captain Waliis iniirnaied to him tl;u it wal
expedient tor him to go into the Iioat, he pointed to
the tun, and tilen movinp; his hanil round to the well
paufed, looked in hi? lace, laughed, a:id pointed to
tlie llioie. I!y this it v.:'. eafy to iind,e;l'aiv' rhat lie
w illied tolh-.y on boaid till fun-let, an.l no little paius
were t:-.ken to convince him of the necefnty of his go-
ing into the boar. \t length, however, he went over
the lliip's lide v.ith his companion, and whsn the bo.it
j->ut oil they all beg.m to ling, aiul continued theirmer-
rinient till they got on Ihore. When they huuied,
great nunibers of thofe on Ihore preliet! eagerly to get
into the boat ; but the olilcers on board havliiii |-ioli-
live orders to bri.tg none <.f them oil", to their ^^reat
iiiortilicati.in, preventcti them.
The molt remarki.ble .inimal of this country is the
riiianico, which in ll.-'.e, make, and col, )ur, refeml-des a
(.hxr ; but it has a hump on its back, and 110 horii'.
They are \ ei y ihv and vcrv fu-ift. Some parts ab.nind
with leals, ut which upon one I'pot our people killed
i above liln-, many of them larger than a bullotk. i hf
; tvgershere are very ravenous. A pirt of the iliip";
: crew being lent ondiore to feti h f imc vu i;iico . which
'• had b.en I'lot the night before, they fjund nothing Itfc
I except tl:e bones, tlietygcrs having devoured theilelli,
j .md even cr,icked the bones to come at the marrow.
;\n o.'iicer uji.in an excurlion lliot a tvger-cat, a fmall
, l;-ut veiy liereeanimal, for though it was much v.ound-
'! ed, if maintained a veiy iharp eontell w ith a do<7 for a
i conli-'.erable time bet. ire it was killed. There are
! abundance of hares, the Iklii of wdiich is very white
land of excellent tbivour. A great number of dogs
I were ken w ith the natives, w hicli were fuppofed to l.'e
j kept for the purpoleot chafing the wild luiimals which
I fervetliem for tooil. 'Idie horleswere well maile and
nimble, and in general fourteen hands high. 'I hele
as well as the dogs feemcil to be of a Spanilh breed.
The horfe furniture were, a laddie, ltir;->;ps and bridle.
The men had wooden fpiiis. One in particular was
oblerved to have a large pair of ft;ch as are worn in
S|iain. The women had no Ipurs. They rode alhidc,
and, as well :is the men, evinced great relolutiiin and
dexterii\' in horfemaiilliip, for they fearleisly galKiped
over a Ipot wdiere the llones uere veiv loofe and llirj ■
In fome nans of the country birds are io numeio;:;,
that Commoilore Hyron fivs, when tlu-i- tofetliey lits-
rally darkened the iky; and as thcv' w,ilked,ttie egv's
were l"o numerous tint they trod iipoiuliem. AniOHe!;
the rcll w-:is one very remaikable tor its plumage and
magnitinle. The head lelembled th.ii ,il.in eaele, ex-
cept; ih:it 11 hail a large comli upon it. Isoiuid the
neckwii.a white rull'exacUy idemblinga lady's tip-
pef, the f'-athers on the back were .is black as jet,
and as bripju :is the lincll pi lilh could render that
mineral. The legs v.ere urnarkably liiotig and 'ari^c,
the taloiis were like ilvile of an e.itde, except mat
I they were not li) ll).'.i[i, and the wings, when e.v-
j tended, mealured fiom point to point no let's than
I eight feet. 'I'hc olliich is very large hcie, and con-
llitutes pa' t of the kiiKUif the natives. Our | eople
eat of their eggs, a, id thought them vcrv good.
1 here fee med to be jilcnty of lilh on the coall, and
many porpoiles were leen twimming after tlic Ihips,
that were as white as fnow, witli biaik I'pots, a very
uiKonimon but bcautitul light.
Of vegaidiles there is no iiartieular account ; in-
deed, the country is reprclented as being barren in
the extreme.
*|:i '4
^ iibr
A svx:, KO\
AN.) a
■i '*i
/■. .S';.-.;;/:! <•/■ M
J'. '..J.'.-.'.;.
GM\U;l):-)!ir, Hvio:i o!^k-;v<
■i, tli:-.t oil 1;;^ il'j-
pirtinc !i i:'i I'.it.isionia, id jxil'; tluin'-Ji ilic
'iirri. ill:, r.:r,h ill!.' I'll. ' JMiMW
; vc; ■, r.iiM
Kk' lH-i!i;M;Kn i\'niir
i:'.i!i.;n oiu'k' 1.1 will llunc, \\ ho
- ! Jill' '.s il'.c'.' V. t ;i.' ill li'ilii.
.lO UiIUl' l;l .U.l
I'M iiu' In
■>v.:\'\ It
li.ul huM I 1. : i'.\
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'l".!'J ihl]i ^•.^^.li
MOV t,;.;t I'.Hll.' V. Cl;
1 :\;ichor imi :"a'.
■•rss i;
1,^ 1.
il'lt 'il i '"1 WlIU';-.
i.i:i:. i.riU' ilouii
. W :!Vin:' .l!U. lull' 1.
tor .1 1
Co 111 n.
'IJ, Ir.'.K' ; l.'.:l .1-. i'.::i .'^.mpIi.' v, i;'!i..,l ixi, i,ic
.[o.c .v.i- 'ii'.v. illiiii^ to (.liij.lox iIkiii 111 !i i'..'iiii;
vu , .r ,1 t!i.' lIu'i.lll^, U
tlK-ii hiiiJi.: II 1. 1'.-
l^.■l^, lit k'llLitl
TIk- <-■...:, 111.
Frt-lh Waur I'
1 1'.
..o.r "ioiiiji 111 his liuiit in kai't'i ot
\', Iwulv.'.! \. Ml ..11 uti;Li.r upon S.iiuly j
. oir.t. wl;c:(.-!lu\ iou.'u
]'k':il\ ol uooti luul vci \
iKi t ;■ t..;r 01 iiw miles tin.' llioic w ii^ cxvu.'
0\\:- tl
iiv :.:rv, \. .m a
it, to
.iiiu ilurc IS a iiiK- kVLi i
ill .i;i;ii.-araiii c, is vcrv i
lor ill ■ .Vo.ill 1 V'...s cu\(.lLd u nil ti
is ot V.
11 Ml'I li
Hi-. l.ll'.uM.
v.i'.'.i then' trai'ianc
iiiiiiin:.": a.
^.fii i;u.
\\ II li a lAio.u r.u
iai> ■>..i- I
inb:i- it
.\..: LiiifL- i I i-Moam' •■ ':i\- {ecu irmv
- iLwliii-f, •.. i.iv 11, t.oii; tin' I toiiii ai-'.!
.1 I'.K.: i
iia"!.", iJia lao
ii.c I ).; It' i4 i.iv ir v.a
Ik, ikiriiiij V. liiili llii'Cor.i-
'•u.\'.o: jain'. oliict, lou.ul i;ii.u picnu ot liur t.cin
V. itli m- It iiuu!
tc!, ,is ai liiiii.
II, .t li.L- J'av tlv \- l.ioi'lu lo
t.n \' k .1 i.l
.t tiu
ts Ol' u I, "^ ar.i^ c.
tin- ll
clia:.-, v.iiK ll i:;'!.:iii.\i (.i liiiv c hccn \ civ i.ili. I' ikll-il-
lin.-:. l!'(\ Ikki kip.'.il'.ai V, cu- iiaiiily
crr.n^iilllHxl. 1 iitv wc:;' i
anil al '.ays clulc t .) iiiOi
:"i I.; 1 iiicni;, ol'wik! t .!■.■
:-iii.' ol I he v.o.
Ik; . In :i,an\ plati.-- v, . re
, a:ul a vaiie'y ot pi ints
;c.-.l h.-iieli; to
n ..1; I a
Ion ; \o)aiv-'.
peo-'ic !i) v.i:
c.ik.'i lii'.ce tl
;; .;:(1- h
11 .'ar ot tills pl.i'j in.iiie ilif
at ll.vV c
1 I:
[ll - ikd to lliu'i to, IK' ol
in li.iu'.iiiL!, the I'.iiic, a-ul otiiers on llvue v. iiii ;';.. n
;.',,:n-. Sixty verv !ii,:e ir.'i!!'.;- '.\ eie t.'.k:.! -I'h ihe
i'fine, a;ul the J,'..nnei . li ul ';,-■■),{ |,,v,.t, I • t'.ie pi lee
geel'J, te.ii, I.iip- ■, aiij oli.el tiulb
\-.u:: :<: mi 1 .itaivmi i,
11 n V. nil ill, li.joil 11 :e
.Ik u.r..k-'.l v.'iiii
lii.H \. I'.-e c.vcent i'lt lo'ii!.
L.i, I .1.1 \v'.i.i I . oil iir, ''
t :■ -' in ' ilie . i..;i: . .-> .M.i
Iv '.,,nC'i|:. \l .'01 i Ii:y....': i'lc^...^'.) Wnm iii.it
i. . k I '. 1.. . , .1... Wiitn 1 liii;- ■j.jt aljieall of
I'll p'.i', I. \ !' 'Oil el. I'j ■•'.t > I.:.' :i;,i: e, w heie tlicy
ol'i'-.".. J 1 ' .1 ;.•' 'U':ei.- • , ... I 1 . .r,',' ot ilic r.ativeb v,:i
ho.k.'... !.. ■, ■; 1 ;. .nu-.l • • . I'rioil'.i; . I l ',,.;;. W iiell
t 1./ 1; ),.'■. ... I . ; ... li. .. k.. , ;..■, '.o the lo'int! y at a
•^ix-.i: :.\[- , a.'l ...r.. p...l,;i.. y mc I'.niti is v.iiii ihcir
fling 11. tir.r ha"., I- leiul)' i . '.i:.- ea'.k I'lii neither ..!
'.Ini.i \..! l.'.kin v.'h.k' oliT pe .; k .. eie W I'lilll light.
H.iMiii' '- na; to ikM hoi i.tio...l luce miles fioni llie
(lio:e '.'.. !'. .I'o 1 ... e k ...il ki^e lires a-lae:iil ol
I i\: !■■ i )oi:i 400 ol them were
'lie iMp, aiKl .11 In'.' ;iv 11
t,.eii eiK.::r.' Ill iii .1 .lu ■ n valicv I etv.ceii l\
lii'l , '.Mill ilie.:- li oik tl .•, .i.j, iieli ie ilieiii.
O.i.ii-.inj^!^ r,"-''*^ 1.1:.,!..- ; t the iiaiives on liorles
a ii'.'i' if tlie ll.ip, an.; I ei"-.' i-.r. 'ii ii. iiinierlliiiui liy
.1 lliis i.a . ih, I ! ,1 e V. I',' e C M.ir,"iloie
li the loiile-i.ui :i' ilie kill iiiali, Cip;k".ili
I'lL.o 1,1 '. '.r 10 ■ i;e llloic, hut u iih ui ih 1 .
.J, I'lS the il.ii'.. •,'. , ; . '.l k.'O i.;; e..; ;; ilil'.iiie . 10
'"'i' ■ .l.iCii . ...1 ll.eii' let'jUi, Itp^r'.'.'l,
in :iiii.r
W li'i : !•: ;
I'lOl'.M '!i..,,
'..1! I'
■ 11 I. :\ 1
I • i' ' kie i.l
; I.' :.ii
,e» '.:(■ 1 .1 10 1
an.! ih -kuh 1 h!
!olh:'0,i.u, n„;i,i
i> >ii:k iir\ the wo.
i:ii:: e.' ;".■ or I'l
.■.1 k. .1
.1 an I
'K.ii'o .i.ii.M ;
ilth ■ Ih.o ,\.i.i
11 t-. ...le.ili.
l.!e I '• I
■1 PI .-
I ■ t
i.i.i:.' I iin:
I ,iri 1 n..i
o '.ii'l,- 1
\Mlll llli
.ii:.ei..l\ I'l'.wii'.eO !. -ni ■.'•.ili.i':
ko.ii ; ilMi tlie\ [ll ,'k Ilk
ll Kio, ;in,l a teu t." >, 1
to. lie
.iineoes ani
\. nil '.onie 111
iiiil ni .Kiiu;
lliev u...iiuil ilie
r,- [■: n
, iii:I 1:1. 1! :'i' \ iijol.; iii.it
e i!ien;le!\e'> uliileilo
. nil
that nman.''
liie\ eoiiKl oliMin no ul; ,ii.n:en' , I'lev i.i.'e.i ah
li;i! le, iiu'. ;i..
till' ir.oiein leaieii ol lieili '■'.
anee ol .1 ii\';ki, iliev un.MU.! >n iri.';,'.
,\l /'.",' /,//■/ ,,•. wh.eie li.iih oar na', h' .O'l's
e,!, ilie S|..i:ii.ii'.is, in ke 'e.i' 15.11, ....ill,;
.hiihth,- i.;lle.l I'
10;' C.i\'
V. ..Ill
kt I ■
\i ;\ I'll
a tlioi I 1:1
;..! ,C,i,-er!..n
n.i.lii a i ive.l 1
Uki k .1 I.l It .. e, 1.
1 lir. I i-:,!;l'i l<.i\i
I'l.a.i. a
llil \,\ K.'.\:
ll ll
.;. .. llie t
i.i. M iii\
! 'i le 1.. :,i\
.1 :he I..;.;!,
•t' Im.k, ol
1 K k ~ , 1. . 1 , 1 1 1 1 .
,1 ol^. 1 ,,rUi'
. I in 1 ill .10. ..a ll
low ,.[ h .IV ■■, ..; .
Iii II! . I'l ..a,
1. iK.ia •! Ik.i .1
' I..1' .ii> .i.;i lliu .
■n .1 iiu 11,1 it .ik
;. k les I'^ailiM i
;t k
i|U .1 leii. oi ,1
III LiJ I khii. It '.'..I. I'. :;ia not onlv I'liiii L.lt, b
il.ili'.'eioii , t
t lip lir
eani 1 . vn \ 1
mil 111 .li\ .. oilli'S .;t i;
lie hiiklcn i.iKk
I I link' ll.
.\ th ..l'l;'ll k.H h lit.
i'li.ii, aiul Ilie ua I. .11 ll! ...lur in .i.i iinkiin. 1 !:■_•
ho.. I \..is J.;.. I .1,1 ill .le, .iml a.ii 1 1> .lols, '.viili |.aea; il'it-
lii i.hy, ii.r.ikii lip i.po:i me ll.!-' '.I ih- i, ei', \k.ei; ihc
h.oh. u.islioppeil ; l.i thai a link '■'. i,ie to •;,,■. he;
il.ui n to the nioulli 1,1 (he I i\ei , v, hiie .iie \. .is ji. ip^i -
ly i',p,iii-iil.
(Vi i.ii II fuk- it ihi- ilvi 1' .lie llie linell tr e e- er
ken. (.' 'iii'iiD,!. y^■ li> I .11 v.is o; o|,iniiin k..;; 1 le.'
Wo .i.i l';j'pl_\ the iJi.;;!;i ...;v\ '.iiih t ;,■ De'l ri'.,:> i.i
thew.iiiii. .'si'ilie ol iliiU.i.'. o, ,i.'.i...c !ki. .11, :; 1,1
more ill. in eiL^'n lee, 111 .ii.iaii.tir, \'. ii. 1. 1 • pr, ; 01 li u-
..'ilv iii'iie than el ih: '. .iril- 1.1 . p'l .■.. t . 1. ; l.iil.iic
Inn' nun ' .liiii.^ li.l:...; i.; 1; ..la, i ■,.'.'. ■. 1. i mijm.'s
I'.-n. A ..ii<'. :i . rs iw.'i e I nriil i:.v , _ 1. ; ! i , c.
\. ini.i' Ian ;., in ;^.i'i' a y! :.tr .
In kie iv o.kIs, n..r,'. ilh, .;..ilir,!' til. i iil' ! I'l'ihe
eliniate, iheic aic almii'liin e ol piii... .,1 1 i.::i :
linik ui liio.l l)e'iiitil;!i p'l'.iiii.;;"-' 1 '.'■ 'i.e ■,■ .! :;; '.v
ki :;. 1
li;.' ■/■'•' a"
,l,;,.i, i.,. •,
!■.!'■ ' I' ••
ki;,; ; , :..'..
the loiii.l I > I
I hi- tinii llee
(i, ; u.r. im
k.pt op.
llie te;;l ; 1
tieiii kiiii '.'
an.! I lien, i
diii, ; a;
4I.U'. ■■.:
l ]■:■ a
C. ■■: ; .1
j u,'. i:.,iiv ;'
I'av 1 .'('
.-.■,1,.\, k
eel'.. \ \vi
w .'1. |.e-is ai
theie.I ^;e
1.01 ih.i.n,
, iiv.i! 1 i ti-e
liie:'.. i.' ; n;
lip.' 1 , 'a.i
M'l 1,1 .1 t.ill
boa ■.:.
liu'.'i, ea'i:
v.' . i 1 1 I ! ' : ' .
I'l,,', ll. o,
An o.iii
plue'.. .1 ,
111 ore ai re\
WOOil iUl.l u
b'i 111 em ; ,
w.is ripe ;
liloh-'iii, 1
lailv leil.
pleiiiN ol li
to ihe lioi
ducks, 't^ei
■■ ; ''
V. ■. .. ,1 ,i:i !
l.il'i' M.i: ,M ;
, " I I'. Jl ■!-
ir,:i ^ ; I I. It
I, lll.^ .;.•,:
.!•; 1:1, '> i!k-
. b,r .!, 1 ..
.,;:.• !r;;.', 1.)'
II, :\Ji- li: II
V iiJ'lM nut
1 h.it ;iiii'i:i.^
'..ill .; .■•■ :),
I it ..I. i ..1)
.• I.' I .•■.; ji
.';■- 1 ;h:u
I.,,,,,,-, k
..\ i . .L . ■, ( >
' .V ■; . t!i;'' y
-■'. -i ;.:' ;..i
- L. ■.!%.■:! ,. ;. 1
. . ; . ; ; 1 J \. .1 .
.i\ Im-. , ,1 !; 1j
^^ .' II i',!ii..'.'.;'r
■;, I .i::i.'.,.i:r
r, I !,i.c-lKi,:j..
., Iru ll:; luu:;
.!. l;.c.'.,: :t ;.
. - 1(11 .! U 1; Oi .1
'-• ■ .1. Ii-i;. r;il -s
.d it ill.;' ■\::o.c
ly I'lirKi.U, I) :t
; viUii i:. V i.i \ : :-
AAcw i.iul. ;■ it,
I i. itr./.i; . I'lhtr
I iiiii.i;:!. 1"1:-,'
'.vicli ■_:;\\\: vrt-
I > tr, w ..(.; ; I'lC
.lie to ;^.-. iu'i
.ill.' \>.l!. jji rvi-
ii.-ll tr ■.■ ^^ >.T
.iiiiuti t'.,.i; I'KV
.■ 1)1 'I r; ; :■> i.i
...t !i-i_. ,11, •. i..l
1. ; ■ i';\ ; d: ii u-
. ;. ; |.. ,;.-;t
; :.^ ^ ^;l(',l,^
I \:-'^ ' ' ■. <'•
i.H ■.■! 1 ''
h' . , 111 J ,. I.;'.
I 1. i..i|' . I I.-
:i.i.. '.;.; ■■ : . r.
11'., '. . 1 . i . ■
. !.■: ., ;.i:. 1..-
i; T II AM. r. R 1 C A.
.-.niiy !■' -t-.'/ccn
ii.li ■ ■ dill im .
('.•It F,
i C
tliC 1 Ml .IP,
1 ;h' ;'i'.'it'
ill'-' !'■
C'ln ii ■.!•
■ 11 I \\ i;i
111 lir.> I
l\vt ]•
wltu :l ■' I'
t > y
Pv.-t Ey::
moiii- ot il
tllCU I'l
:\\ L ,
]r,;-c Pyi-'Hi in
l!;^> Adiniral-
ly, is I'lii: ot iIk- li.iLll h;i li'iiHa i-i ;lij v.Mi'ld, nivMt
i..l|--:l..i.)Us, t!i .1 ll;J V. lv)l-.-
wiili iu'r{',-'l (.<'v ■; V l.-nii
ij'.U'.ip. ii.'.vv ini.'lii ncii.' Ill It
1 tvc; \
1 Iviin.'; out I ' tills I'l.)!! tu'.Tc I
ev i;it-ni;
t.' 11. IV
th .
hc'lMIIH' t.l I'
thcio. .111.: iii.u!.'.\ ;irr.i! !:;i- 1
a.' I i;,a.r,
U h i> ". 1:
.11 th
tl'.'.t I'l.
fvi It;
wcic '\.t ;;;../
p' I :b: 111 '.,1,
wlwli l.v !i;il
\v;i-. ill'l u.-.i II
tli.-v p- ■ f!\i.-.l
h. 1
i:-,i i:u in 1.0 W I
'!.:■ t;
t^i.y ll.jp-
1) i 'IV :l^ a
.■ii:V o. i,
!l;ipt•^, and otlur lilr-.I", ;iri' !'i tunu-;.' 1-, 'i: 11 ilic
pL' gre-.v tired ot' ill-.' 1'. \'".',i.i,i. li)..vV.i. \< w-.x
'.i.'t .jt
I ,1 1 ■ ! 1 1 1' . .■■I'l
:, . I'l'.- Ci, ^ lO
I ,'. Ill 1 1'.' .d> n.
1. 1.1 lii.; I L'!
■.!, tlu-v v,.i
\v. N \V. I-
'.vliiLii liicy
, .1-1 1 u as
\ilV CiMS
I, 1 ■. l.wivi 'ii. 1;: 111'.!;: . In uk- Imk ■.
Ill',; ill. ilioii.; I) i;h' ii'.iiiu.ud is
; ,>ii;.,i liL'iP ' ii, :"ii.;!i\ .iLiLijo covjr-
'\ iK.i .mil 1
. L- II
,v\\. w 111
V,W C'lul 111
!uTf, except il liillL llliU i-. !.HI!id ,u
p.iiis of tlic ilii.'rc.
Airoiu; ii:l;c:- r.-lVcf!! \vr.- v.'ii, I;
dc'iirtc l.ilrr.irv to tlin;,
11 I,
IS (Mnii'v I I iii:
,l'ld wo id fol;; 1 ill t!
Ill li.iv . i-v ,ti i.u- 1 l..'"i I'iit;
,v.i,r.\ !i.;i-. ,i .■ uil.l al'T
•illo mull.
Cl.lillS, Cue
iiiii II I',)-
i'.ii.j pc:ij.i!ii5 .iici:imiiiii.i-i:-ilc; .i;i
w.tli Ic.i- liiiiis. iiiiinv oi' wlui 11 :iie ol .1.1 cii.
Us iliMl.d X IS louiul to I11J
■.y I
1 ilC f.'J
r'uo, 13 li/c.
.ilii', . 'I'lrj
Co.n.ii.) 1 ),^- .viis oiu •: ii't.iukc.j hv
OIK- ot iii'.:;i Wi
ii;-.,N,'c. i'
Oil' I II u
lUl l!u- liti'V.).' i.:i:i,Liil
li il ui.uiv li.itlle. uiih ili'iu, .-1
f iidct il di)/.c:i oK tli'.-in ,1.11 il Hi
ol tlicni. .\ Imc uT'iiiL- pf ilicl
I'.il. Tin. jv,):-'.'.!' '.nlicf iiinji
n 1 11 il.'.- !"i:nei.ii:K-s nt-
i's «• 'i '. ti) .iil'il.ltLll 011'-
.1 very line in:
c Ci e itui-es .ilnv.i 1 toi
o:ilv ll.llUM-'■(nl^ aiiiii-..iis t'i,i.
.K'.ii Km o
ill t 1 loiiiid llie coii'l iip-M ilie \\
ir, ■
...1 til.
t, iUid
01: l(, .111
p.iiii: r.
iu ln^ reiurii, 1
Il '.t to-;;- I.e:
.iliii'.i; V. 'lives, i.in iii' i ' tli'-ir
I .llMlN
)iMe 111 In-; Li ■ u, ill':
I ,1;
i-iK. , I 1 ;: r e no hre-.iiir.s \.
iliev iiii I I il ii'.
itely piii til'.- Iio.it od'iutodeep'.x.ilei. Oil tlie r,,Mtiieri\
di.iie the oflicer .liteiw.uds tound one of tlic i:ir;;eil
lie b;).u's ci.'.v v. ere we ! .u.ii-
d liiiii, iuid, d.iiiii:: the
l^.i-l. oil. (.\ u leen.
c,i lIiLV i.-iiiuediiielv civ.
1 Olltcl
ilie ot tile i.'llu |- ii:uni.ils
leer, i iiiunij, lo-
a,..l li
Uili.'.S V.'X
1 le w.is tired M het.iie he c.iii.c ii)\ iiii.l
1, killed; li
loui'.'i t,ie L'jiiiiii 1
,1 e V. ilhe.l th..'.
ii.ui taken nun iilne, wnuii, 11 iiie>. iia.l been .r.v.
tl.e loiii.
nuiii.ie liec.iui, 1110: ^
1 '.I- t!:rn I'eer. u .1-. I e!i.
I'll- the 1-
e u.is inillKui '.iv l\'
.1, .i-id
.1 e. ;;;i.iiit hi,
kept I
tlic lei
,l.d the he. lib i',0,-,1 iiu.idi
l ; I lit l'. (. V Co: i.;i';ed M piou 1 |-oi!:i'l it iU .1 hl-
tledi ur.n ■
illi.! tiien, I,' lI
4i ill
pK''.i'..on' :-i
llav Ii ;!e,;'
, r ■' I'll ell
■1 i;
111';'/-, r..' i;ie dv, I'l.ike
t liie .l:'i'll;.',ilte.l t'.lllol-
■ i'.iit 1 .iiiuiie . ;: deu
1 \^.,l^!^ c
're'l to tl:
. ;i.\ . til ,1 .
.rii s ih.it id
"iiui.liu-e ot
iii'J, Ills lllili's
n.U'lK, he tiiJii
ciiili' iMvc l)f en iKHie.
iiiiy ol tliele ci-e.uures g'.'t li;;',iit of itiiy of :l;c
ciec, tlionoh :u ever fo great il diil.m'.e, tliev r.iii tli-
re.-lly .It ihein ; :liv,i 11 ) Ids i!i.uili\eo; ilicni v.'eic kil-
111 one d.i
l.LV. 'Ihc
,v.■.\■:^ c.ll
1;;'- eonip.inv, tlunigli, except 1,1 men li/e, aiu
I the
liiape of llicir tails, the", 1110, c rerciVii'iedi t"
a,ea> liisi as a iiiii!,.ilc-(i/.cd nia
tlieir fi
leni Ilk ililv long i'nd (luirp.
real du.uOi-I;
10 lii! ill;
o;-.e ir.LiU
ll'-'.ll I " ti'C
.k.iiid li
' \ \v
il. .:i,l j-.e . t.
■le.iS aiul jKHi.i.l'ie
mil il
\'. :i!i li -.'.ei e boileil
ip. I'.luies tlute were g.i-
i| fiuit. lh:i' reieniMed ilie
: ';iie>\ li.it like
l.'ii,. C)n the ,11'-
'I a r.i;-
.1! ',i li.e ilii .I'l I'lt
-ale and
lliC:;. I.
yt-i in a l,iiliU;V:
hoa'.l. 'iliCK.
liioie, cati:-.!' pi
.11.- .. 1.
, ii'ii .1
'1 ■ III I. ■-■ Il
An O.lie ■ I , \'. I'
ore at lc\ ci:il i
■ u ., Oeglee, ana
' I its appr.i leh,
'il'.i.c pcloii on
-lie, 0.0 1 ;, I'lc il- hein;; on
el I'll. ■ , II 111/, oMiiied to
p i': .li- pc. Ions cLan hv
1. i'l out in cvxA ol iiruhoiii
"1 UK ;u upon this c,':iit, th.oueh u 1; not calv t.< ,'.'i- !■;
h.iv.'tiiey lull came thilhi.i-. 'I'Ikx- 1>"iio\\ in the :::,",;iij
i.^e toxes; .ind ii' ,. i.-vi.'i
ijlielltls leen
'.1 ih
lealltied alioiit riuir lioie-,
■1,. I
tiire.s ihc jxorli. k' iue t'' tlie t',i.ii- ; I'J tn.'ii il.e , ,)u.i-
ould reacii, for
mi in u'cat ii'.!:n-
tiV was 111 il liliixe, as 1.1;
I lie c\-.
'ev'..ral dav;
Ikis to I'cek
I he Com
d tlr.
y '.vere leeii 1 i.ir
01,1. 1 qu lue; ;.
ni'Hr.iie, ill the i
'Uile ot his r.,i;i::
,eil ,u the cniian.ce i'l p 1 iiii
'I'lul, on I ic iui|-'.!i
ide, till ee or loe.r lii^ • , ,i,.d loon „Uerv\.-iid.s pi.ic;-iv^d
iv.o or three ciiiuH ■
,!l..ii!; alui ihe llii
U 'erii;::i
ic c.inocs caiue up, and ^'ni: ot ilieniliad tl.e r.le.u:-
iion to rmne on lioan
e ciii.ie w
as ol' h.iik.
.-ci:;l! ruei.
d,, ami ill
•i.r:i, i-i it
.'d i>eeil on
t ''■! '.i i^lenn o\
wood an^' V, .1!.. 1 1. !■ e in 1 .
craiihenies ,uid v. il '
b'-i ol ciur.iiil III 1, s tl
\\,is rinc ; aiul a
lailv icvl
ti;ll "f iruit. ih
'1 .' ;',1C.II iiiini-
'1 di i'oiK" Il il
U ViUnf, 1
. I'. Ill, 11 i:,;i.
heiirni'i "o., e; o', uiiiv -i. 11 colours, ,.,ii o,
p,.;,ie, \c.ioy.-, i
plenty ol the u nuei 's li.i ;•■..,;
to the lu)i:ini!i , ol liiiro; e.
I -. !i 1;;, hvli,.es ule.U
iKlullp; '.,v.ellk;i,r.M'
1 h- di levcial wild
ducks, geel
'c. '.01 lis, a lia'.v
on ooa.il, w
1 W'.i-c t'
lien and tv.o wi'inen, iln-
nioil mile!-:d)l
e w reiciii..- ev;
I leiii.
I Iu V
ill iKlk.
•.\ceiit a itiiu
Ikiii ihiit wa-, tliK'V.-n looleU o\ er iheir lll.;llldel^. 'J
ueie armcil, lui\\e\ii-, v.iin i-)o\vs and aii'^iw^, w.;i.:i
thy ic;
1 eed, iind. p.-liiU,.
idily ',1, i\i. in leiiiiii toi a lew iie.u
lie ,ii lo\'. 1 weie liiiKle
Willi a "leen llonc
d the l)ow s were lluee feet. 'I he cord
iKV w tre .ilioui two le..i i'Mi"
was ilie I
after the 11
gill ot Ionic animal
Hi' w.is at .iiichor .1 !-i , .ul wl
lor''- River, I
evei.il iii'li ms c.iiic Oil
1 .i.iid, .iiid
|ircltiiled with be.lds, iil'boii--, iUid 0'''iei- triiL-,, with
which tlicv appeared iii-,hl\ d li .li; d.. Con; i"d,.)ic
\ loll returned this vii i o\ no;
7 !■:
.(■ k
h I V
A NT.W, ROVAF. AND AI'TIIL.NTIC ^^S•ll.M ,.. L NIVl.U.^Ai. Ci! Oc^R.vi'l IV.
i •*«[%*
t ik'm^ oiUv a few people w uli him in the ho.u, th:U ih-'
n.uivcs mii;lit ivit ho iil.unud 1)V ini.ubfis. TIk' vili-
ii)rs\vcix' rcicivctl with iiiiMt (.'xpitiruins of -kiiuhu'ls,
.uul.toiinkc tiicm wcUomc. tin.' n.iu\(.> liro>ii:!,ht lonu-
hcriies, whkh thc-y li;ul j;:ulicr(.i.l t'orth:it pui'iiolV, aiul
V, !iii:h, wiih ,1 ti;\v inuHVIs, r(.'<.-iiic'(.l to 1k' the priiu'ip.il
put, it-' not tiic whole of iheii' liihlilleiue.
The Commoilore haviiiiz; lent out an otilcer in ilie
lio.it to lixik tor harbours on the routlurii lliore, w.is
int.irnied hv the . liis retuin, that near Cape
Tpi'S'it he had lallen in uith a tew Indians, who had
j^ivcn him a doti. and that one ot" the women had olTer-
ei! him aehild -Ahieh was tuekini^ at her hrcalt. The
otier was retuiril, as ",ioie ileiiradiiuj; to thele pour for-
lo;ii (avaj^es than any thins; in their a|>pearance onnan-
ner of lite, as well as an iniianec of the llran'j!;ell dc|ira-
vity ot huaian nature, that leaver them dellitntc ot at-
*e:tion for their ot!'spiiii;.>,, or, a m ill diploraMe litua-
lion, tiiat impels them to neeefiities by wliieli it islur-
The Commodore, in tl.c coiirfe of his patiagc, met
vcrv tempeiliious v. eather totlie eallwaid ot Cape
Monda\-. I le f.ivs, when the leal'on is '.'o t'lr advaneed
as it was when he attempted the pali'age u\ this Strait,
it is a mort d;:iiciilt aiv! dangerous undertaking, as it
blows a iuirrieane ineetrantb', nii:;ht and day ; and the
rain is as vi>/lent and eonilant as the u inds ; w ith In^ h
togs, as oltcn render it impollilil'.- to difuner an)- object
at the dillance of twice tiic lliip's leiv;th.
Another otlirer, feni out tor the lame puipol'e as th,e
iormer, having found two anehorin;^ plaecs, reported
(Mt his retvirii, that being on Ihore to the wellwaid of
Cape Monday, lie had fallen in with tome Indians,
who had with tliem a canoe "f a eonil;-iidion very dit-
terent from any ihat hail been I'een in the Suait btforc.
'I'lui vcll'el co;il;lled of planks lewe.i together ; but all
the others were nothing more th:.i the barks of large
Mcestied together at the tiid.s, and kept open ; antl
(hort pieces of wood thrufl in tranlVertely between the
two fides, like the boats w hich children ntake ot a liean-
thell. The people, he laid, '.>cre liic nearell to brutes,
in their m.'.nner antl appearance, of any he had ever
Icen. They were like tome which had been met with
belore, ipiite naked, notwitli'.landing the leverity of
the V, eatlier, except part of a t'eal-lkin thrown over
their ihouklers. They ea: tlicir food, w I i..h w is fuch
a- 11) other aniiiul bv;t a hog would to'vh, without
any dredhig. They had witli them a large piece of
uliale blubber, u Iiicli llunk intolerably, and one of
them tore it to pieces with his teeth, and gave it about
to the roll:, who devoured it with the voracitv ot a wild
bcall. They (lid nor, however, look i![ion what tliey
I'aw in the polieirion ot our people with indityeience ;
for while one of them was alleep, they cut oil' the
hinder part of his jacket w i:li a (liarp tlmt, which they
ufe as a knife.
While the lliip lay at anchor m a bay on the I'or.thern
lliorc, about a '..-ague to the c.tllnard ot Cape L'p' ight,
Icvtn or e;g.;t In.lians, in a canoe, came roimd the
vellcrn point of the bay, and having laiulcd oppofitt
to the ihiji, mad-.' a fire. Our people invited tlicm to
come on [loard by all the figns they could devil'e, but
without fucccl's : the Commodore, therefore, took a
b<^ai, and \vent onlhore tothem. He introduced iiim-
telf by making them prcfents of leveial trifles, with
v.hich they teemed to be much gratified, and an inti-
inacy came- on i:i alew minutes. I laving fent on board
tor fonie bread, he divided it among them. :.:id re-
marked uitheqtial pleaturc and lurjMife, that if a bit
of the bifcui'- happened to fall, not one of them ottered
to touch it till he gave his conleiit. In the mean time
fomc ot' the cre-.v were cutting a little gral's t'ortv.o or
three lliecpllill remaining on board. At length the in-
haliitants, perceiving v.tiat they were d'>iiig, rati im-
medi.itely, ami tearinjj, upall ihe weedsthey could get,
I arried theiniothe boat, which was loaded in a llioritiiiu.
'J'his token of their good will gratified the Commu-
d'.rc, wli'j i^erccived that they were plealeii with the
plealure he exprcll'ed iipi'.n the o^calion. 'I'hey h:,:,
indeed, i.ikeii lucli a fuuy lo uur peo..le, that wliejj
iliey returnr 1 on boaril the boat, they all j'ot jmo i|,f|,.
caiio.- ,ind tilloucil tluni. When oui- pe.ij'le came
ne.ir thelhip, ho'.vevcr, lhe\- lb.|-p d, and ga/ \\ at her
uilli ui .:ppareni mi\iui e ip|' ..li.inilhr.K iil .iiul lei,,ii,
till at h iiglh, u nil I.., lie diliii iiiiv, four or ii\ e ot liieiii
were jire. .tiled oji to vent me on bo.iid. As io >n as tiiev
entered the ihip the\ lei e!\cd level a 1 pieleiit , .mil ap-
p^.ired to 1 •.■ peilecily at e.il'e in allioit lime.
I'he Commodore being vei)- tlel'irou^ lo ciuutain
them, one of the jietiy ollii ers plavcd i!p;>:u!:. vi din,
an.i !ome of the irew d lui'ed. ,\t this li'.e-c were I'l
mucli deli__;iKeil, and III impa'ieiu to Iheu ilvir 'Mali-
lude, that one of them \. cm i ver the ihiji's ii.!e im. liie
c.moe, and teiched Uj' a leal-ikin bag of le.l pami,
ami immediately Imeaiei ihe lidler's ta>'.- alli vei urii
il. lie was vei_\ delirmi;- t i p:iv il'.e Co .■.luodiie th-
lan'c compliment, which, !; iv, (.'vei , he t'l.u'jjit lit t >
decline; but he made liia;i\ \ cr\ \ ijV'i'Mis eft' •! is Ij vsi
the belter ot his ;rode:i\'. It \i.is u n!; !i>:ue ditii, nl!'.-
Ihat hedefeiuledhimleif fr r;; r; : . ivi;;;: liie i.o:' ,.:; ,i/.
::.;l'.ed iiim in hiv ii\:i dvi, !;e. .-Vtrer li.;\ini; ia-.l-
tained them tor tevci.il Ik-':: , :'. '...is iiitim-'.te,: i.i i! . >
that it would be proper l'.). tlicri tn go on li-,,:, ; 1;.,.;
Iik'i uas their ittaelvi-'-ht, i'k'.! it ,^.;^ b' n ■ .u.an ■ .in
cal'\- matter to get tlie;:: •'•■t o! i.ie ihip. '
Cajvain ^\■a;lls lep.el'.Tiis the couuli" r.')ov: Ci'u
ii:ilia:'.: is moll dre.iiv aii'.l f'llorn, and ihc :i..i latu'iis
on cell lide tlie lliait , as of immenle hei'.'la, .\,Hjut
itne toiiith ot the aliciit is covired with tree of,-. i,\);\.
lider.d.de l;/e : in the '.]■<:'. l- tr >m llience to I'le iind.llc
• It the mountain llieie IS no'limg butuitheied Ihitibs.
Above ihet'e .ue patchc; of tiu^v, .md tr.:"::'.ents if
bioken rock. The lummit is a.!'o._^ether u:de .i.id
naked, t.).vering abnethe cloud.s in v.d ci ■.r> lii .;.
are piled upon each other, and lo.k lik.- ilie , Uii.J; of
nature, devoled t;i [^erpetual iieiiiiiv an\l di.-|()latio:).
Captain W.illis lays. ti-..:t w!ioe\er n.ivig.ites tldspirr
of the it rait (hoiild' keep ilic no,; li Ihore I'lofe on board,''
and not venture more tlianamile from k till tl;eRo\.il
Illands are palled. T!ie current lets eallet'.v throjgh
the whole twe'iiy-f.nir h )iirs, anii(,tlie indraught Ih lui 1
by all means be .ivuided. The latitude of Caue ( i..'.-
lant Ro.ul i^ j;^^ deg. _v- '''^'H- '■•"■'th ; longitude '•;; dc,:.
9 min. well.
'1 he ;hip I'.aving come to an anchor in l'di/abe;h Hav,
whii !i lic.s in latitude :_] dcg. 4^5 min I'or'h, Capt.im
W.ilhs lent the boats on dioi" ( ,i- \v..ter ; and I'lJiiafter
our people l.md.ed, thiv can .'cs j-il oli'trom the i jutit
Ihoie, and l.iud.ed, lixte.n of t!:e iiiit;-. •.•■, on tiie eaii
point ot the li ;V. Wlien ihi y ca.ue >. iiliin an h.iud.ed
yaids of om p.eople, ihey lloppe.',, i.db-doui. and
in.ulc ligiis of tiiendlhii). Our peo];!e did the I'.imc,
Ihewing them lome beads and other ivi\ s. At ihls ihcv
teemed pleated, and began tolhout. (Virpviple imi-
tated tlie noil'e they mad.e, and th rate 1 in lei ;iii. I'li •
Indians then adv. meed, ihll lli '.,t;;i,', and la,-,;hiii.
very lou.l. When the pallie^ iini ihev liiookhand',
and om peojile pi eleniedi tlie Indians uidi I'ev.ralol ih-j
toys v.hiili ilie\' li.id llieu n flr.m a! a(iiii-.:-. e. '1 !iey
were covi icd \wlh leal-lkuis, \i. hich ilu'i'. ri'..(,,;'ii.iM\ ;
andfo.i.e ot them \.ere eaiuii'^llie lotien ll. di and blub-
ber raw, A 1th a keen ap|)etiie, and g'e.u i'.eming t.iiil-
fu"iion. Their lompleCtion wa- the I'ln: • as that of
thole our iiavig.itois had I'ccn betoii , !■ i i!i>. ■, •...;>■ 1 iw
ot llUui e, the tailed nI I hem n 't bem.' 11 1 I'l.i'i il\ :*
teet li\ iiiche-. 'I'liey appeared t 1 '-j peiiflii ■;• •'.] '1
cold, and imme li.ucly km lied I'eiu.d li;. . 11 ..
thev fiibfill in v, inter i^ ni t ea!\' t) i',uel'. ; I .r t!ie v. . ,.
tlier \'. as .n tlu uime lo le\e,e, ihil t!K, e \. i : ■ fi.. .pieiU
tails ot Inow, 'I'l'.e) were armed u idi ')),',:, .uw, ,
and l.ivelins. The arro;. ; and iavi li:-.s v. , , e p;ii:-.icl
with llmt, which u.is wiou;dit into ilu- Ih ^ ,- 0!' a fe: .
pent's tongue. They di!ihu.!.e Iv lii v v!i ■ •v.'t loice
anddexterity, Icarci' ever la.ling to !i;. i .,.i;L at a
gieat dillanie. 'I o l.indle a lire ihe) T l'^•, a pebble
aijainll a piei.v ul uem lu , lidding u"d f i", to ; ,1;: li
thf fpaiks, lome
■I'hfy I,:.;,
'.■, tluit w!|..-i>
A in '; < iui. -
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1 ;':■.':. ; i-.m
n ■ .r:..i:i ,ui
South America.
I lie I.'.' !.lt.li'i:i
■v:'.:t. Aoo'.ii
H(.- iif .-. i-o:\.
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tl-.i-K-.i ihi^hs.
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^v• ill'.- UIH.t .i;'
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gates t!-.ist.;;:^.
Die Oil bo.ii\l,
t till the Roy .il
ilfeily thro'.i';.';l>
t'.r.f.ijlit lliii'.: I
-■ of CUIC ( lal-
iriit'ioe'-;;, uc,:.
lo; 'li C:iPtai!i
Hill! I ) 111 .iticr
i'lio:n tliL-i jiiilt
•■. on tiie call
liii aa li.aul.cd
alli-d oMi, anil
i!k1 the laDic,
• Ai ilil.s they
)'ii- ;v,-.,p|(_- im:-
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aiul ia.\:,hin._
lliook liaml' ,
!i lev.ralol i!"^
li-:;..'. -llie/
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ll> i[c .rded then; as iiuirh diverlioii as it liad
t\^n\L I e Patagonia .;, and it ieenied to I'lnpril'e them
inoie. When ihev liil^ peeped int.) it they ilarted
bac k, 'ird lookuv.; .it our people, anil then at each
odier. T!r\' ilun took .mother [u-ep, as it were liy
Iteahh, ftart i nu b II k .is iKto'.c, and liieiieigerly look-
ing heliind it. When li\' degrees they beeanie taniiliar
with it thev fiuiled,and Toeing the images linile in re-
tiiiii, iliev' weree\ecediiiglv ileliglited, and biirll into
fits of the molt vl.ileiu la-;ghier. This, however,
thev left, and tverv thing elle, wiili pei fed Inditfe-
renie, the little ti.ey polletfed being, to all appearai^ec,
equal to their dclires. They cat whatever was given
them, but would drink nothing but water.
Caj-itain Wallis went on llvre with tl'.ein when tliey
left the Oiip, and by this time leveral oi their wiv-es
r.iul ehildrcn were come to tlie w aienng-plaee. He
iliitri'.nited fime trinkets among them, with which they
feenicd jde.iled torainomeiit, and give lome of their
arms in return. They alfo gave leveral pieces of
iiiuiulic, lu'.h as is found in the tin iViines ot Cornwall.
Tliey gi\e our people to underO.anil, that they f.nind
it on tiie mountains, where there are probably mines of
tin, and perhaps of more valuable metal.
As this feenied to be tiic moll dreary and inhofpitable
country in the v. oilJ, the people appeared to be the
lowell and nioll deploralile ot human beings. Their
[lert'ect in.liHereiice to every thing they faw, which
marked the depravity between oui itate and their ow n,
though, It iiuy preferve them fio.n the regret and an-
guilli ot i.iiUati^^iicd dcfires, teem, notwidiltanding, to
implv a defed in their natvrc, for thole who are tatis-
fied uith tiie giatilieations of a brute can have little
pretenlionsto the prerog.uives ot men.
When they eir.w.irked ;n their cano-s tl-c\ iiciiTcd a
leal-lkin tor a fid, ,ind llecred tor the fouihern Ihore,
where our people faw m.iny of their hovels, ani.1 re-
iiiaikeil that not one of them looked behind, lb little
imjireliion h;al the wonders they had teen made upon
their mm. Is, and lb much did iliey appear to be ab-
lorbed in the pril'ent, u iihout any habiuial exercile of
po\\er to reflect upon the pail.
About three niitesup Haicheloi's River, on the wefl
("de, between Mount Mil'ery and another mountain of
f.upendous height, tlieie is a cataract which has a very
Ihiking appeaiance. It is precipitated from an eleva-
tion of above 4C0 yards ; halt the way it rolls over a
very deep declivity, and the other part is a pcr(H'ndi-
cular tall. The found of this catarad is not lefs aw-
ful than the ligbt.
The country to the fouthward tii' the Sir. lit appeared
horrid and ilre.uy beyond delcription. It lonlilled of
cragg\' mouniains much higher than the clouds, that
were altogether naked from the bale lo the fummit,
there not being a lingle Ihiub, nor even a blade of
gia's to be teen upo.i them. The vallies between them
wcrcetiuallj defolate, being entirely covered with I'eep
liiow, except in a few pl.Kts where it had beenwallietl
as^ay, or i.o:iveried into ice, by the lorreiits which
were prei ipu.ued trom the crags o[ ihe mountains
above, where the liiow had been dillolved, and even
ihol'e v.iliies, in the jiarts that were tree trom t'now,
were as dtllittite of verdure as the 'oiks liciween which
they lay.
Having (leered for Cajic I'piight, and aiuhoied in
the bay, w'hile ihe people were employed in geuing
wood and water, and gathering celery and inullels,
two canoes lull ot Indi.ins came along-lide the lliiji.
'I'liey li.i.l iiuich the I.ihk 'pneaianceas the deplorable
'rcttlitb fccn before in Eliziabciiri Bay. They h.id on
hoard fomc feal. fleili, blubbrr, and penguins, all of
which they eat raw. .Some ( f our people, who were
tithing with a hook anil line, gave one of tlicni a hlli
foniewhat bigger than a heirmg, alive, jul1; as it ciiiie
out of the water. The l.".dian took ii hatlily asa dop,
would tike a bone, and inllantly killed it bv giving it a
bite near the gills. He then proceeded to eat it, be
ginning with the head and going on to the till, with-
out reiecting either the bone.-, liii', Icales, or eii'.r.iils.
They ate every thing that was given them indillercntly,
whether filt or t'lelli, dKiled or raw, but would drink
nothing but water.
They Ihivered with cold, yet h.ad nothing to cover
them biit.a leal (kin thrown loofely over their flioiil-
ders, which did not reach to their middle, and they
were oblerved, when rowing, to throw even this atidc,
and lit dark naked. '1 hev had tome javelins rudely
pointed wuli bone, witli which they iit'ed to llrike teal's
and penguins, and one of them was oblerved to have a
piece ot iron about the lizc of a rommon chili'el fall-
eiied to a piece of wooii, as ill" intended rather tor a
tool than a weapon.
They had all fore cy^^KvhicU'Cviis imputed to theii
i fitting over the liiiokc^it r^'r tiies, and they I'melt
i more oflenlivelv than a fi\, wliicli, perhap-, was
! jxirtly owing to their diet, and partly lo their natural
! liithinefs.
Their canoes were about lifreen feet long, three
i broad, anil nearly three deep. The\- were made oi
[ the bark ot trees feweil together cither with the linews
I of I'ome bealt, or thongs cut out >,i a hide. Some
I kind of ruth v.as laid into the feams, and the outlidc
was tiiieaieil with a gum, which prevented the water
I from loaking into the bark. l''itteen (lender branches
I bent into aa arch were lewed tranlverlelv tothe bottom
I and lides, and tome tlraight pieceswere [dacedacrotstlie
] t.ip trom gunwale to gunwale, and t'ecurely fallened at
1 each end. On the whole, however, it was poorly
j made, nor had thefe people any thing among them in
which there was the leatl appearance n( ingenuitv.
An hatchet or two were given them, with Coine beads
am! a lew other toys, with which they went awav to
ihe northward, and were no more I'eeii by any of our
A party lent out in fearcli of anchoring places fpent
a night upon an itlanil ailjacent to Cape IjM'ight, called
Dolphin Bay. 'I'hey there faw li;veral fmall coves,
which were all dangerous. While they were there (i.v
canoes landed about thiity Indians, who ran tothe boat,
and werecarrving aw.iy every tITmgihey found in her,
but our people Liifcovered them jud time enough \>i
jjievent them. As loon as they tbunJ. tliemfeive^ np-
pofed, they went to their canoes, ani! aimed thcmleive'.
with long poles and j.ivelins pointed with the bunesot
(ilh. They did not begin an attack, but llood in a
threatening poflure. Our people, wdio were twenty-two
in number, aded only on the detenlive, and by part-
ing with a t'ewiritles unongthemreiKiciedthem friends,
anil induced them to behave [UMceably during their
'\frer a feiies of fitigue and hardlliips, Captain
Wadis, and thofe under his con.u-.and, quitted this
dreary and inhofpitable region, .vhcre they were almott
in peipetual dinger of Ihipwreck tor near four monthi,
having entered the Suaitb un the i7thot December
ijOG, and ipiiitcd them on the nth of April 1767 :
a region wIk re, in the niulll ot luinmer, the weather
was cokl, gloomv, and temiH-tUious ; where the pro-
fpeds hail more the appe.ir.ince oi a chaos than nature ;
Slid w here, tor the moll part, the vallies were without
herbage, and the hills wiihoiit wuotl.
Commodore llyron obl"erves,tliat it is prob.able thofe
navigators who may reail ot the ditlicultics and dan-
gers, which are bv him reprelentcd to attend the paf-
fage through the Straits of Magellin will conclude,
ili.ii it ought never lo be attemjited again; hut that
.ill the (lup.. which ndght atiei him lad a wettern coiirt'e
lioiu Lurope into the Mnitli iSeas ought to go round
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". :, ;;-.ii. Ii .'.ini.. '.i.\:
KUlii. liii..- Il
;iiii;i: .inl ..:iillir
v. Ihi '. M (\'tc; ii
'A ilillViTU.
.■ ; to the e.inili
iiif ir,''i:i the;
1 eiit:'. .; I i
;i'. .1 I'
n t '.:n
' l.u.'.;'i: •.■!■, V. \[\
III.;, f J .1 1
pal^th•JiI• lives uiihiv
I'n.'. u
.l-^t II u.
it ; ,1'Hl iT!'.'
* 11'!, Il
Ne-A 1)
11' OS r
:i;ul .uiiluiUh- ih'-Vi.vitor
eM > iiU'.ii'iU .'.;i i I il. .. I ;1 '.
the '.'■'.'.e' l.ii'iin' lit '>!' I'u- R i,
Itii Ul. \ ,
n .:i-:'l.'nv.--
■r. '-I'th- ,;h !.'
■ he 1 'i| 'ill! i!;ii; v:
\ ['a- III 1 I IIM.I
11,1 I, ;.,;!.■,•,,
, V. i; ;i.-\
11 .■,)ii;il I'f tl;
ile Jet.lil.'f l!
II 1,1 tl
\w ::.,; 1 c,r.
)!..• vii'i "ivii
it l'..'iii til.
I . I\ O, I .
-;■;,, .il:ir eiu r. ir ii
in..- ie'i.ir.ii."ll
.1 !:,\:u ■>!,
.v.Mi in \i-.ii I
I--. 1,
,x i I tlie .;
-TCiH ieinpei.itiii i
llie .111 111
i.ie l-.ve..'.i I iiiu.iu- iliei inliiiDi!
tcille he.tl ot tirj I ii. i.l /..i;i,,
v.ii\ 111.', hiiiii ;'.!'.
t 1 ill'. ni;iiiii;j, '
V. iiii .1 iii
,M-, Is
eoiivti >;
'. 1 :■'. IIU
>V llie \K
!v lit the 11. >\\ >
lis lir. eiii'N 1-1 iliiii'.,^, uulitli.;: ot uo.i.lv eomi-
i.s. pl.uii', nioiiiiiiiius. iiul live;-, .i , .ill,) tii,- ihliei -
lee 1.1 iheil iliet, .Ui.l lliehtllj lOr; t Ijvi'v.leu , t.ie
avc \MHl e.i.ii o
jieia.ii'ouriiu; ii.iiK'
lli'Kilar,,l other f.inie' , iiniil lieeelllii
•;re.U \.iri'.t\ in the o, i '.iiMtiurib aiu
ll\' ii.r. e j'lo.iik e<
I c' .liu-, ot lliel'i
iiaii'i'l V, r.v)
'! Spain
o..'i c;i..ui Ii
11.1 I'o.tu-.il I'
lie I 11 1 -.i-ie.!, tii.it a
, .1.1 1 iiio'ieJl t,> the
; t .\o, !iiii;|
■.!,lv !
V II .ve I. u ictl U)
l!ie 111 iiiiiers o
t tl
LOin.|i.eio: s ; .ill-
i^l :l I'lv. .1 Oi vil
111 tii Ji- 1' .n
iiih.ii:it II,- )i ill. .iii.i! ir
ii,.i i.i '.'. Il I li\ e-
, ! 1.1:11 a I 'v.i.'.-j
I'll! Ills, I'r
hi-.-iv, -.''.;,
cnil ,111,.'. I'il
..1 '1 ■! I
1:1. IT, a:
11 ' Molll'l III! o-J I.K,
!.y theli.ii 1
iii.-ni V. iilhuil thei
out a.! (I ll I eliel'eiit.-tl, Hi-
ll eoiileiit ; that '-, ai : 1 1
'live ol the co.ii iii.ii iiii
V. eie 1. .'iii;
Ujl'.ll o IIM, t.)
o'.iiiee 111 I'
T ever all eoiiee: li MKli tliele t,iX
llllheieis -,1. el-e tarie,! :.;ii! ti..uli
t:ie Ihl,
eari ieii over liie ilan
Hull l:li.>
vit ill -ir
. ere llire.U.
. till V ilelieeie I iiii tir.
^e, -'i.'ii iiii
l.tte.l i > t!
Ill line.
iil\ir|)i..l the I l.iee ol reei^iio, ..! . i;u m.!.
ii.'ili, tiie mill.
ii,aii'l li'iiie "I'
I 11 .S Jt ,N -■
.11, . even ..ti'ii .'. new 1 I'l ni 1
iiti.i'i '11 -1
I'.r.h 111 i-.iil 1 t'
.1 on i!ie hiiilvs ot' I ai.
the \i..r n m.
ill .• to L.
iia b
i.iv on.- ,.n e'Ni t iie.i
(I .\\j 111 iiiv i! -K- . i;i;. i.is ..-. '.iu
M. N -. , • . 'elvi , n all he i
..1" R p
ot the .X.iurii an- , I'l ' ih. ^ lei-
;t t le ile^^iliriii'' ol l-
neciltiil tlieiet.ire, iii or-
.-leii', ,uives
ihei! I. Ill, 'i kill ,■>
;;-,itiioi 1
.lie n.iii II.
le ;no:
ipe 111 iia- 1 f..-C'.ii man
.f 1 1
.1 11'.', t .v.-niklvei-i 111
I'l 1:1 01 tl
11= mi" It-,
,1' i;
.ill .'III itie
ill..- tl
'litiveh' ; lo .ill the Aiuerii .1
M,' 1 1. 5 Ih'.ve . ell
11 -,', .1'. ea. h i.l he'-
-1 i iw hes
; anil, Ion
on ih. olli'.i".
'.1 -. ill
, .UH. ;;;>. Is u
,11 (if 1; iirir-i.
n p.irtl'.e. :
■.i:'i tV.-l.,;
Hil'liilie.l 11',- i:-
le-- ii to -'t t I
bilitv i- tlieiil.
I'd Willi iiic 1..1
, ;l,l -.t tlieiii, ..I l.ii \i '.l,)!!,
11, .11 ienip -i , uiici'.'ii ml', nli-
'.-. hethci It oil,- lit ti> le lioiioMi--
.1 re 1 :\ m !, .in! 11.
i.uliv, or braiiileil wiiii
that of
.1, 1 UliU',-':!,; V.
'els to ufi lile.
iii.jeee;'s ti.xii the
r,ii 11
CI tiieii- Me
-.viik !i i-.v!tml no 1 iitlu'i tiiiii lliei, lie-
t,iiuiio:.s i.,.-i to V ii.ieitv, \vh' 11 lli'.-'.
jwitli t'j i '.;; 1
tlicv ii'.eil
V '.I iiio.h lite V, lien
l.iuuii, even 10 lliiitii,'' uii,i)u: .my ihin;
;iti;f to tleiire au^l
il-.llv to ihelall'le
Hill uiiiiions .mil e.jw-
ii il;-,iiiLeiiiic.-is il,;e- not ti.ni-
■JI'. lllelli ; tn'.-:nie-.
to labj-.if ; u:ii
VI a I:
y '"'}
• I
i|e\ 1
lil\- tilil liibli
1') .III) 111 I'lii ll
.1 lii-IMl' 11 tl"
nil'- 1
III till Ihk'.il'. ■
ip w.iiuii'.', to liiil loiiie '.. Hi. , ,: . ' ill
V. at'i, 1
I .ll'
lieV .11 ,11 1
lior.e'l .1 I i-it, \'. !;',-ii ih. I 0:1
the e.i;;,>;:
CovcriiiiK nt,
ler, a*, iiiiieli :■.;
p.iiiiliii-, n
lliU the AiiiLi Hall', uti e ihrati
ciari'ier oiillv wi
niaiiicil in hi:
w.irthy of rccfl
oblivion, ami
ni'Tf miportail
wliicii the mill
lunic imps, lal
w.ib to be pai'i
fiitcreil the tl
A M V. R 1 C A,
tliat, tli')ii;^l> tlK aA itfi'If w.\s repe,ili\l, yet tlie I'l-irit
•il'i' riiiuiiKi.1, vvliilc :i ic.eiiiK- wa- litiiumii-il from tin-
«'()i iiR'^. Iti.'ijii' lit inrciiiij^s ^mtc coiitinm- I, liir-,
wcic ta-.j'iciit, aiul iii:i;ic:lc.l [iciloiii rijin(.-nct.d the
dilplK' s.
liijii.i', 1768, till" g(ivcrn(;r dnriicil tlic li'iiill- nf
repnli:;!: itivcs at B ill m, to rikiiil a rir)iii:i(jn nm-
ccnilii,^ a liicuiar Ictrcr ri> Io'dc nt the oiiirr (^ivfn-
ini-iit.v, luit tiii-y rctiifinjr, h.j (.liiMlval ilic alR-nbly on
the ;;ii of Anputl lollnwi;,,;.
At Iciif'tli It was cli'tcrnimcil to ri/:rri' tlic Atnfsi-
t.iiis, ail I a b'lily cit tronp, u rivnl tluii- aicoivimjjv,
{toilI Halifax, Stpuiiibcr -,0, -yO.-;, d'cortiJ hy loiiif
Ihips ii, ami a vaiii-ty of
.iltcrcations toik |ila> ■ , not only bcrwcfii I'lc guvrnior
an. I thi; pcopli-, b It bi-twcni tlicin and Cii-mral (ja^;p.
In til- bfgiiuiiii;^ III' ilir \'tMr i7()u, m.'.iiy perroii,>. in
thv ci)limy ot New York thoiij^lir proper tu adnpt the
k';it;nicnts fit tlie Bollonian'-, and to in'vii'e in tlie po-
Jiiic.ll I juabbles w!ii( h were daily ilel^;lrc■^iillg in New
I'ait^iaiid. Other culonirs loon alter a; lejrd to tilt
conibu.a:i in, and, in partieiilar, to the refiliitions fiir
tin noi importation of the Hritilli nmitifiL-lures and
EaiMidia goods: and tliiis tlie lire of ililf-nti on iii-
cirafid witu LTcat rapidity, iuv\ t!ie tlniie of d.ileor 1
blivud tliiinigh t.;e jrearell [urt of North Vineriri,
J he 15 illuiuan-. now lutninetl i;p a vaii;ty of griev-
anics, among wiiieli coniplainth were tlule : " Tliat
t.he ' ivil p'lwcr wa.i diire;^, iidt ', and ceiuirels ) l.ced
in various |i.,rrs of the town : Tlui the ne^^r les liad been
wnitcii to take awav the lives and [)roprrries of tneir
mailers, and to lepair to tlie army for protei'tion : That
iuiHc of th- foldier. had :;tcar':ed ihe ma'jilliates of the
t(i v ; I'n.it ii.anv liiUiier.s h.ui Leeii repeatedly relLiied
Irani tiie p-ace- otlietrs ; Thit many peilons had been
V- ' 'i-ii.ed by tl'.e iiiiiitary : And that on the y_\\ of
Mar-, 11, 1170, eleven perfoiis were eirl,.: killed, or
dan;;eroiilly wouiuled."
'.rhile charges were cither dmicd '/r t\iHiatt\l 1 y tlie
otiier [larty, by the plea of rii- ntilr iry I'ew.:; comiielleil
etciid their.i'rlvej; and at
cq'i.'.ily attrocious, were
to aC: a:> they did, and to
tlie 1,'ine time nrcufation
brought agaiull the people of New l-.nyland. Some
perlons were tr'.ed lor ;he nuirde:s, but none execiitevl.
Sir l-rancii Harnard having returned to I'.n^land, tl'r
anunolitirr, and difputes ftill continued between li'.e
people and Lieutenant governor Hutehinlon, .'.ho re-
mained in his room. But as political f |uabbles are not
worthy of recnrdirt' in a jierformance of this kin-l, and
arriin mious arculations, proceeding from prej'Kiije,
and propa::ated by pariiahty, ought to be confi.^;netl to
oblivion, and not iiuroduetd into a work ot feience,
We fliall wave trivial altcre.iiions, and only regiller tlie
more important points of thelc iiiih.i|)pv dilferences bv
which the mind may be informed, a^Al the memory wi.l
not be opprefTed.
About the middle ot F^ererriljer, in the y :'r 177.^,
fonie Ihips, laden with tea, beii-.g a Bo. Ion, fa^ a duty
was to be paid,) the people would n it fuller them to be
Iar.de. I. 'I he llfips beii:'.^ retiifed a clearance by the
{;overnor, iir.lefs tf.e caii^.;'ie^ were laiKle>l, and pro^
perly tlilpok-d of, a mob, drelleel li!;e .Xidiawk Indian..,
entered the tlirce llibs wliirh contaii.ed the tea, and
Wire commanded bv t'le (.'aj>t.iins I l.iil, Bruce, and
Co'Iin, and emptie.l the tai^oe.', conlilling of :;.[.■
cheils of te.i, imo tiu water. This, aiul other out-
rai^'e.-, (icalioiitil the Bolbm i'ort B.ll, pall'eil .April .1,
177^, by which tiie town ol Bolbm was prolcribed and
bloi k. I ,ip.
riic peopL: of New England now liegan to form
themielvrs into companies, piactife the military ar;s,
{■r.;er into lolemn lea^nies and covenants, ^:e. Several
'i ihc'idxr colonies iuUowed ilieir j.\am]i'<', provimiil
iireiiibues were neld, and a peiieial congrels elliblilh-
id, (o v,ii..i.}i difputes fioni the leveral provinces were
\n\ lie I.
No S3-
)".x< lulive (/f Bickerings ar.d aniniofitlts between the
Koy.ililU and I'rovincials, and the m.;r:i.i] par.ide of
the hrter, th'* iu-.\t martial tranfai'ion was the leisure
tii' \'<>n William and M.uv, near I'ortlin ourh, in New
I lainplliire, by the Provincial ni'.li'ia, in which they
fiiiiid I. :0 barrels of [^u.npowd-;:, llvLTal cannon, ihot,
Imill arms, \c.
(ieneral (iaj^e bein^j infirmed that a ^reat {piantity
< were attac!;ed at l.exinyton, on tiicir return to-
wards B(/llon, Sevei.il were killed and wounded on
b )th fide., the Provinci.ds tiling; lioin behind llontf
wails, liedi.',e>., bullies, dec.
The l'r(;vi;icials now invcded the town of Bofton ;
and the p';o[ 1-- ot New York, hearing of the a.:tion at
I.e-tin^rron, an I the aflair of Con.crd, lofc iii atuiiiul-
tons manner, entered the town-houie, feized a great
many Itan.ls of .inns, appropri.ited to tl.ii- own iile ta-;
car^itoes of two lliips Ukien with iiiiii ai / Ihiies for G^
m-ral Ci.ige, and then marched to t.'ic .■.(f.ilar.ce of ihc
B.illoni ii'.'i.
Tlie I'r ivinci.d-. not only continued to block up the
town of B )ll.,n, but bc!j;.m to laile ba'teiics oa the
her.lus of tl.e pvuinlula of diaries Town, in '■•'ier to
c.ion in.lde hi> M,.)..flv'' troop.s 1 liis bv )U du jn thii
acli.n of Bunktr's 11:11, lor, on the 17!*^ / June,
1-75, a conrideri!!le body of troops, un ic the com-
iii.iiid of M.iior-(juK-ral I iowe, and Bri';ki:rr (jencral
Fig;ot, were lent t) o.iilod^je the Provinti-U. This
body of forces, witii a pio|nirtionahle eiuantity of artil-
lery, m.rde g-))d their lai:dingai5 linll Bunke, 's ilil!, un-
tlcr the ptoieJlion of tlie H i|>s of war, armrd velfel';,
tlo.i'.inL.; batteries, i.'c. :uk1 iiein^ fjon dtler rer.ilorced
l.y anoiKier det.iclinunr, a dctpeiace action commenced,
in which tlr Britiiii i'mces were v;:tor;ois, the {-"ruvi:!-
ciil lines beiiiu; |p;i.-d, an. I themi'elvci comi.eli d to
retreat, IiMvin^; behm 1 thcin lev r.d pieces ot cannon,
an,! other miliiarv !l ores. Tlie 1 jI'^ of the Pr ivinciaLs,
i:i killed a;i 1 woiai.lid, was vci/ great. Of tiie Biitiih
troops, acci.rding to the return i.f (jeneral (Jage, zih
were kille.l, and SiS were wt.nnded, |i)me ot ilie latter
ilyin;^ f)on after; .ml nioi-e than a pioporaonabic
number of olFicers bein._; iiKk>uLd in b.nli h.ls.
At New York, on tlic night of the .1 ;d of Align:!,
1775, t'le cannon were lei.'.eil upon, by order ot tin;
congrefs, though the Afia man ot w.ir, which l.iy in
the harbour, tried to [irevcnt it, by caiKionading tlic
At tlie fame time General Carleton was indef'uig!-
ble in ]>iitting the province of Can.ida i.ito a proper Hate
of delence. And the e.irl of Dnnmore, governor of
\'irr;iiaa, having t'lought proper to take retiige on boaid
a flap of war, harralied the coail, and iv,.iJe frei]'ienc
delcents upon the kill mentioned province, laying
w.ilte the country ; cariying otV, (T fpiking up, a great
mimber of cannon; dellroyin;i; \all tptantitics of mili-
tary II ores belongln,.'; to the I'roviiiclals, \c. i^cc. Bui,
on the other fi.le, f.irtSt. John Inirendereil to the Pro-
vincial forces, on the j.l of Nove'.nber, 1775, and tl.:.'
ganil'on became prilor.cr'.
On the 1 ;ith ot November, i"75, ihc Regulari and
i^Dvincials had a hot eng.igement ne.ir S.uannah, ii»
(leorgia, in which the latter were defeated : i\nJ on
the 3111 of LX'cembei, in the lame year, the Provin;-iat
General Montgomery, who had tor luuic tl;iie lail liege
to the city of QD'-"'^'^! attempted to t.ike it by llorm.
In till:, attempt, however, he w.is di-icatetl and fl-iin,
wiili I'.veral of hii oflicers, and about e. 3 private men,
and ^^o were taken prifoner-.. On January the 4tn,
1 7 7 0, tome fliips of war delUoved t;.« t'j-.v.i yf Xortblkj
in N'irt'inia,
' !-■
't ilffin
7 P
¥'■ •!
.; il
(ii'iicMl (ii;',r liivin^ In'cii rtvMlIi'i!, Climral I liiwi',
wlu) I'lici'i'iJiil ill tin- ii'ium.iiul, tlioiiiju |i:<>ihi- t)
cv.u u.iti' the ti'Ati of Wolldi), wliidi lir i-llV(fli.il nil tl.i
i^rli of M.iicli, 1 ■,;(', ami mule j'.ood liis l.iiulinj;,
anil tl-.f i.ij'Vi.c i)t' New Voil.. In Jtnie, i77''i .'
ba:tle V..IS tnii'iit ill Can.ula, lirt^seen li'c lte;vil.;i^,
liiulcr Crcr.ir.i! V^'nlami, ami t!ie I'roum.' '.1*, ataplaee
caliiil liiiie Kivers vlifii the latnr were ikieateil,
many of liiem lieiii;'; ki'iKJ ami whuikIiJ, ami aliout
■: taken I'tit'nerv. In June, 177'', an attriiij.t was
m.ulc (in Chalks I'fiwn, Smith C.iioliiia, by Sir IVter
I'.iiker, at the head ul'a tleet ot' ;!',i;)h(it War, aiKJCieiie-
ral Cliiiton, with a Inuly of laiui Imeesi but it laileii ol
tiKTeis. On tiie 4\i v\ June lullowinp, the cunjiiel-.
ik'i kirej. the iMJiii'.'.es indej endci'.t.
AluT tlie Kiiif's tm'ij\s.\\ere in pdirrfTion of N'e«'
■^'oik, iiiaiv. ikiuir.d.e.s l,..; ]'e;;id bvfAcrn thini -.inil
the Provincials h it not'iing d'.v'ifive till C"> u.hcr,
1776, w!un
rtcT were di^eateJ, 111 an a^tMii,
uliic!'., f:>>;n thi.- I'l.iee «!•.• 'r it was I'ji:,
tiie battle o! I'.ie \\ lii'e l'l.iii!>.
lit, Wab teiU'iL'
In the I'.uiiitil of X'lveiilbi
-■ C\ I ort Wafinr^-
ton, aiu! 1 iirt l.ee, weie taken l>y lae Britilh fnr.eb,
tinietl'.er with a vhm variety I't p-',iit,uv llores, and
ni.nn' [viiiiiier^. In l)eeen)btr Rhode Iiland was taken
h\ (.ier.iral C'llnron. Ab )Ut tlie kinie time Lord L'or.\-
waiii- took poli'.-:li"ii of ball Jeilevi.and (ieneral ! .ee
v.a.i taken piilor.cr bv a patrol-, lonliiliiv!, ot : ■■ Bri;i!li
lira.: ions, eonviianded by l.ieuteninl-L'olor.el (alter-
waidj Lord) i i.uMiiirt.
Several ikirii.illies happened in the b(i;innin{; of the
year f77. in the Jeiu-ys, with variotib liKcels. On
iiie z.ivi ..ikI z.;ih of M lull, a great ini.intity of pruvi-
lions, lloies, Cwc. with barracks, llnrehoules, iicc.
beloni'.in;^ to the l'r)\iniials, were ilcilroyed by tli'
King'b troops nt I'eck's Hill, rjvni t!ie North Kiver.
'{'he criii.'ers be^;n•.;•n^ to L-.id I biwe and 'Jomiiio-
il.jre lliithim's IatT, lontimied 10 take many prizes.
In ContKctitut, on tl.e ijth of A] ril, 1777, tiie
Kinii's troops deltroyul a lmc: iji.iai.iity oi Uoies 't
(irnrral Burgovr.e, widi the imriliern arniv, pro-
eicded to Ticoiulerau'i, an.! for: Ir.d'-'pciulenr., which
lie took polTeHiMi ot July C, 17' ', :.i'.d found in them
_ r< ar i.i.antiries of Ibnes and provi'idiis, bi lides >\!iat
nc di-nn '. ed ol b ith at Skene Iboroiii/h. Soon after f.e
I ol.eti'.nii of 1-urt b.dward,
wluc'i tlie
;.paiHi' nid, aiid thru procccd.ed to Saratoi^a, wl,e:e
tliev Wire lbun^;lv polled.
t,)n the 1 ith 1 : Sep'-cinber, 177", the troojvs under
t!ic comniand ol' ( ieneral 1 lowc, had an enLMin'ment
with tiie Provincials on the lleiiilits of Brandywine, in
wiikii many were killed and woiinded (jn bo'' ikies, and
4_~ Piovin.ials were taken priloner.s: but thf)U<:ih tl:e
iattirwMC defeated, and the action at lirfl feemed of
v.n i;i. ill iiive nature, yet it occafioneil I'hihuielpiiia to
tail u'.tn t!ie hands of the IJiicii!'. toops. W hile (iei-.e-
I il 1 hiue was thiN ei-ni)lovid, an unfuccel'siul attack
v..,s ni.'ile bv til'.- Pioviiiii.ils on Statea iiland ; fir tiny
vi-:e i,j:i:lli(l. MirIi aliout t!ie lame time (ieneral
t. .;,,t')n lioiuied an 1 took foic Clinton and I'oit.Munt-
1^ ,i;i( r-. .
l):ii;ie p th of Ocii'ber, 17"", the provirici.ils rn-
(!iT tiie i"n.:!i.;nd of'dincral dates, havin^ iKiiouiuied
(icniT,.! lin:;; .Mie'^ army at Sara'onj, the latter thou, dit
proper ro rr.ti ;• i:ro ariii It s ot' capitulation, bywhuh
lamlejf and li;, troop_s alter laying; down their ar:;;',
were to have a tree p.il!aij;e to (iif.ic Hiitain.
In ilie la'tcr 11; i it th.- year 177; feveral forf; were
i.d.en bv till' tr^i"; . . i'. 1 ihi] i.ilt; and many Ikirinirnes
happened (in tiie l;.ii.'.^ of the Delaware, in order to
army at Plcilad' 1-
..Liiaicvl tl.iir i;i-
.-ti -ip t.ie co:!in;o ,1 .n ^n witii 1
!i, '1 iie Pl.'Vi.-: ..1. iikewi'.e
,. i.'iuiits a' !<(/,! liii.k.
1 i.c 1 a!ii;'ai;;:i of 177,1 licLr.'.n bv many rava;.;es iiii'de
■., • !'r::::;i l: i.ips in t': • :.:■;;.:';;)■ ■■ji hood of i'iiila-
:, , ,ii. I t'-.'-y I ,l:>!,i-d iheiiuiives of jiteat ipia::-
.•! : iiir." ■■ ',''.'/.■■ , I .ouiiijii , Vv'iuli, i\...
On the I'Jth of June Cienrral Clinton (Sir Willinn
! lowe lia\in;; preMoullv departed liir li:;;land, and Id'
to liim ihe j;rand idiiuii iiul nt the liritil'i forces,) inir
liiant to tie inlliik tioiii received from govt rnineiit,
evacuated i'hiladi Iphi.i. I le was .itt.icke.i on Im march
by t!ie Provincials, mIioIc I'rimipal object appeared to
be the gainiiiir poili-llitn ol the I'ritilli ba[.'>;ai,i;e : biit
in this, however, they were dilappointed, ami every
\\here repull'ed.
.\boiitthi, time the lail of Carliile, Mr. Pdm, and
Govi rnor Jclml'.jr.r, were lent iis c jiniuilhoners Iron)
tireat Britain, to treat of a p.uiiii .111011 with .Aiiierici,
but they did not meet wi:;i ilie luccels tli.it every true
loMT of both countries willicil.
On the loili of December C'omir.odori' I lotlum ar-
lived at Ikirbadoes with about 4' co trooj s Iroiii 1mi'»-
land, where he was joiiiMl by a liiiall li)u,nir.)n under
the command of Adiiiir.;! li.irriii'/ton. 1 hey failed to-
gether tt) St. Iviiia, where tliev landed the troops;
Init lieti re they ioiild m.ike themiclves mailers of the
il'.and, Count D'LlLugn appeared, and i.uidcd 50:^0
men. I !e was, however, repiilled with great llatigSter,
and the iiun obliged to m.ike a nrccipit.ite retreat 'o
their flilpsi .!;-,uiilt whiili Adii.ir.il Barrington's liiiall
force had iully defended the harbours.
In the beginning of the )ear 17~<) t«o bndie? of
forces, one under tiie comm.iml of C'l'lonel Campbell,
and the Dtlier from St. Ai'i'.nllin, in MoMda, were or-
dered for the rediRiion of (icoi"M, in wl.iili tliey liic-
ceiiled .liter a lew aLlioiis and deljierate icfalaaie ffoiii
thtir opponents.
In tiie month of December Count D'L.llaign, l,avii,.'>
coik]ueied the (irenailes and St. \ incent's, laid dole
liege to Charles I'own, tiieii in the li.mds of Sir 1 lenry
Clinton, but was repulkd witli great llaughter, and
hiniiell levercly wounded in the adioii.
Ill the month of April, r.^'o. Sir I lenry Clinton
quitted Charles 1 own, ai.d went to New '\'ork, leaving
the care of the f irnier place to the Lords Coinwallis
a;id iiav.>!on. 1 lie ,\;iKiicans, during his abfencc,
made lt\eial att'-iiipts on the place, but were always
repiillcd, osving to the \i;^ila.ice of the Biiiilh loiu-
Dmlng Admiral BvniiN llav in the Well-indies, he,
in coinpanv with Adniiial llanington, engaged the
brench ofi' St. \inrent's, with fi'ne lols, both parties
el, liming liie victory. About the lame time Count
D I ll.ugn made an iiii!iiccel'--fiil expedition to the Sa-
vannali, ami afterwards returned to brance.
ScMiie time after tliis Admiral Ko.lney (wholiad been
witli fuccc urs to the relief of dibialtar, then cloldy
belieged by the Spaniarils) ariivid in the Wfll -Indies,
and enga,'(d tf.e biench t'eet under tlie command of' .\L
(niichen, but it terminaced without any mateiial vic-
tory on cither fide.
About this time hollilitics uere commenced between
Circat Britain and the I nitcd States of llulland, owing
t(i a bag (,f papers being f lunil belonging to Mr.
Laurens, formerly jirelidiiit of the continental coni'iefs,
who w,c. taken liy his M.iidly's frigate the \'ellal, as
he w.ii jialllng over to 1 loilaiid. Nlr. l.-.urens, after
his ex.iminatioii, wa.s committecl dote prifontr to the
f o.v( r.
I)uiii:[^ tlielc tranfactions a mutinous Ij iiit prcvailcil
amon'^ the continental fjrces in .\merica. Brigadier
iXrnold had for fijme time In Id a correlp'.'iidence with
the liiglilli Ciener.il, which was principally earned on
liy means of Major Andrf, a.liut.uu-geiieral tj the
Britilli army, '1 his young ollicer gave Arnold a meet-
in at a jilace appointed, i''e latter of whom adviled
him to dilguii'e liimlilf, ,in(l, lai ler the' feigned name
of John .'\iKleilon, to m.il^c his w.iy fjr New York.
I his advice he readily followed ; but at a jlai e cillcd
berry 'i'o.ui was Irc.-ed by t.'iice militia men, airl coii-
I le w.ib iiiiniediatelv
diuted to denei.il \\ alh!ngr'.:n.
tiii il bv a couri-nr.;;i,d .c> a
and beiiii! tou.n.I
friiiiy, ai. 1 Iciitenceil to death, was t:\ec ,ited a^.cord-
V'auglian, .uid tl
boo'y of Briiiif
[■lir Willnin
l.irul, ami Id'
lori'rs,) pur
l^'ivt riiin;rir,
o^i liii m.irtli
1 .ippcaitil to
l).i"j.-,.ija' : lii,t
.111' I every
Ir. lilin, ami
i.Diu'i'-. (ruin
•Mill Aiiidiia,
every tun:
(• I lotliam ar-
s Iroiii l-'.MH-
ii.ulr.Hi iiiulir
l.cy l.iilcil to-
tlic troop', ;
mailers ut the
laiidtii 5:0
;rf.u ll.ui[:,'\tfr,
•.tf rctrtat 'o
riiij^ton's liiull
two t-KHlit? of
ncl (.:,i!ii[)btll,
: iJ.l, were or-
l.iili tl-.ey luc-
ichllaaie Iroiii
'Ifl.iigii, li.ivii,;;
■iit'.s, laiil (lulu-
la <)( Sir 1 Kiiry
n.iuy!itt-r, ani.1
1 leiiry Clinton
^'ork, leaving
^jrils Coiiuvallis
g ills abl'eiice,
lit Were alAavi
le r>iiii|li cuiu-
/cll- Indies, lit',
1, enj^.'.mil the
iK, l)'Jili jiarties
le time Cuunc
i'.ion to the Sa-
,■ (wlui li.u! Ueeil
ir, then clulely
le Well -Indies,
roniinaiulot M.
ly material vic-
lenet'.l lietween
; luilaiid, o\\in;^
onuiiit^ to Mr.
ntiital Cdiii'iel^,
; the \ellal, as
. I.-.urens, ai'ter
prilbner to the
I] iiit [ircsaileil
ica. I'rigulier
rlp'.mdeiRe uilh
pally earned m
i^eneral tj the
ArnolJ anieet-
wlioni ad'/iled
11: feigned name
tor New York.
,u a {'laie ctlled
nu'ii, aii'.l eoa-
'.'.i iiuinediateiv
id beint; tound
(ei'.ited av-cord-
'I'lie caiiipiign of the yc.ir 17"!! w.v. (i|)ened by a
«Ief|'erate bittie hetwie.i the Hiifiih (^inev, under the
jiiiiiaiid of l.oid l'i.riiw..llis, and the I'rovi.'ieials
nil I r the eoinniand of tiener.il Suiiipier. I'hc IJririlli
fin I ■ pi v d V ■lorimis, all the artillery and ammtiiii-
tion waj^i^)ii^ beion^iii'; i ) liu- eneniv beiii;^ tiken, and
bet V e>-n esi-lit and nine ImiaireJ llaiii, bclidrs ertat
iiwin!).rs f \eii prifont!^.
l)ii /til of f'lanutv l.ieiireniiir Colontl Tarle-
t(Mi, heini; ilmji heij wiih a biidy ot tnuA-., e:i';a|.',od a
flront', partv of t' •■ enemy ivar I'road Uivci, under
the eommind of lieiknl M ir^aii. I'hr battle eon -
timii-d oil Liii.-te oil bn'li !i,les Uir Uimr tine, fill at
leiij^tii raiii'io.i vva> obli:-',ed to letnat, liaviiit; his kill-
ed aiui Wounded behind lilii'.
W :iii;- tiiefe t!iiii;i,s wc-re takin;' pkiee on the eonti-
neiit, an atta.k was made ci the lliand of St. I'.uka-
tiu , by Sir (ieii;;!,- Hrydres lioJ.i.ev and (iener.d
\'aiia!ian, .lud the \ '. ue was fiirrendvied by the enemy
wit'i.ii:': the le.iK relill.inci-. 'I'lie ifiintity oi'merehvi-
ili/.e fund on die illaii I was fo great tliat the warelioiil'e,
could 11" contain it. I'he IiIiikK e. '1 he
pirrilo.i lOraiiud honorable terms, and were coiivey-
til . 1 New ^'ork.
During th' le tranl.ivlioiis the v;\r was rairied on wi h
preat vi;:; ■ ir on the coiuineni. I'he Iiiitilli rriops r^-
pea -dlv balliil me elf.irts of the I'rovinei.ils, and in
iiiull encoi.nrer> came of vicloriou:.. Lonl Coriiwallis
t.';.;.i.L7.d a eonliderable b(\iy of troop,, under the com-
iii.ind of (ieiier.il tirccne, at the town of (itiildford,
and, alter an obllinite refiilance, whieli killed abiAit
iia.i An hour, obtaiiieil a complete v.ctorv, ;^reat num-
bers of tiie I'roviiieials beiii;^; killed, aiiil the rctl put to
ll;;;ht. General (jreene, h )v\ever, after bein^ thus
deflated, marelied to Wilniiiij^r.Jii, where gettinj.^ lijine
fuiiplies, and reeruilin;; his li.ittercd lortes, he let out
f^ir Camden, whifii he expected to have lound ill de-
fended ; but l.Mid K.iwd.in, who was left th'.'re, iliil
not wait tor the attack of tlie e;u-my; on t:ie eontiMry,
lie with about 80 j men, niai('.'ii\l out to meet (ieneral
(I'reene, vdioin lie eneotinreud and tlefeated, cbiif^iiig
the er.emy tw five theiiilelves liy a very pixvipitate
On the 2Cth of May Ivirl Cornwallis arrived at I'e-
terlb,ir;.'Ji in \ iiy.iiiia, where he luiuetl a body of Uii-
tilli troop, that h.i.l been under the comm.md of Ma-
jor <^eiKial l'lulij)S, but the command of wiiicli, in
(■onlei.|ueiu e of the •'•■atli o( that ollieer, li.id devolved
upon B;i.;adier-;:etier.il Arnold. Bel'ore this junciion
he had eiuountered confalerable ineonvenienecs irom
the dilFKuhy of proaiiins; provilkins and (or.ipe.
On t.he :''th of June, about fix miles iVom W'illiam-
llniri'h, I ieutenant-coloiicl Simeoe, and J5o of the
<^ieen's Rangers, were att.ieked by a much I'lperior
b niy of the .Amerie.ins, bi.r whom they ri |)ulfed with
j-'re.it f,',alltntry, ,ind with eijiial llkcels, makini; four
olileers and twenty private men prifjiiers. 'rhe lofs of'
the Auieri' .ins in iliis action amouiiteil to 1 jo, befules
{,reat uumii/rs taken prifmer-.
On the otii of July an action h.ippened near a place
tailed (he dreen S| riii._';s in \ ii.-iii;,!, betwrr.n a recon-
fioitriny party of t!;e Anu lic.ub under deiu'ral W.iviie
amouiitinj; to about S jj, and a ku!;e |).irt of the IJritilli
army under lord Cornwallis, in which the Americans
r ul 12/ killed ami wouiukd, and the lols ol the rov.i!
troops was conlidcjably pre.uer. it wa,, an aclion in
whiih no fmall (k'-ree of milit.uy Ikill and courage
were exhibited by the Americans.
Ill .S iiith Carolina ;'.n action h.ippened on the i;di of
Sep-ember ix.w tlie l''ai,uv Spriii-'s bctuecn a kiu.e
body ut lirililh troops, ui.d.er the ecmm.md of Liei:'.e-
A M r. RICA. j;i
nant-colonel Stewart, ami .1 mucii fupeiior indyoi' A-
im rii an , amountin;:, 1 1 4-10 ■, unlet the '..'mmand iif
(i.neial (iieene. h was an obftinite battle, and lalled
tie.ir t'.vi) hours ; but the Americans were dcteatcd, an 1
two of tlitir lix iiotin lers fell into t!ic hands of the:
laiyiilli. 'I'lif lols, however, of the royal tro.ips wa-i
very coiifiderable, amounting to inore than 40'j killcJ
.md woimded, and iijiwards of :■ o mifl'inp;.
In tli.i eouile of tlif l.ime month (ieneral Arnoi.l waa
lent Oil .in expedition a^ainll New I.oinlun in Connec-
ticut, where he deilroyed a ^reat part ot' tlu' tliijipiny;,
and An iinmenle (piantity of Naval thircs, l.uropcan
iiKinufadurcs, ami I'.all and Welt Iiulia commodities.
'I'he town iti'elf was alio burnt, wliieii was iinavoid-
.iMe on account of the explolions of i;reat ijuantitii-s
ol (^iinp)wder, wIiIlIi liip[iened to be in the llore-
Iniifcs thic Were fct on lire. A f irr, of wliicli it wai
tiiou;;lit necelfiry to gain polleflion in this expeilition,
was not t.ikeii with'iut eonliderable lofs. '1 liis was fort
(infwuld, which was defended by the American- with
^reat gallantry, and the allaulc w i, nu Ij by ti-.e I'.ng-
li.!i witli ci| I il bravery. 1 he Ikitilh troo[.> entered
the works witli lixed bayonets, and were oppoied with
•'re.it vi.noui bv the j^arrilon with Ion;; fpears, .After a
moll obllm.ite Uefl nee of near firiy minutes t!ie iifiail-
ants i;.Hned pollelVion of the foiT, in which 85 Ameri-
cans were to 11 id dead, and 6a wounded, moll of theni
m irt.illy. Of the Brialli troops Major Montjjo.iiery
w.is killed by a fjiear in entering tlie American works:
and uj2 men were .ilfo killed, and wounded in this cx-
During thefe tranl'afti >ns the moll elTc'iuil meafiircs
were adojitcd by (ieneral Wiilli'ngton for lurro;:i'. i.,-,;;
the Hriridi army under earl Cornwaiiis. A large bi)dy
of I'lench troops timler tiie eoinmauvl of l^ie'iteniint-
gencral tlie Count de Kochambrau, with a very co;ifi-
derable train of artillery .iirdled in the tn'.erprize. The
.\mericans amoimttd to near 8jOd continentals, and
5acj3 militia, and General \Valhiii;-:ton was inverted
with the chief command of thefe conibined firce-.
In the mean time varioti., Ikirmidies took place in
ilili'erent puts of tlie .Vmericaii co:icir,e;ir, and. were
attended with various liiccels j but in general the i'.ng-
liili L'.iined the lu[K-ri )i::v.
On the I 8th of (Ja ;ber, 1781, a mill delpcrat?
battle took place between the con)iinftive forces iiiivler
the I'riiviiuiil (jeiieral \Va:liiii,;ton and M. Rochain-
beau, the I'rench comman.ler, and the Uritilli troops
under the command of L.orvl Cornwallis. Tlie kittcr
was fituated in a very difadvantageous fp it, bein^
hemmed in on one fide by the frencli fleet in tiie Che-
fapciik River, and 011 the oth-r by the contiivnral laiul
f)rccs. The attack was made with great rclMution by
tlie enemy, antl, tor fome time, as llrongly refilled by
the brave Connvallis, who cut to pieces the greater part
c',- ii -
rtfilViUle; fur iiirn of ail ranks aii.l | .'.riivi now ilc-
cLiimct,! af^aiiill tiie lontiiitMnie of a w.ir iiii|ir(K'uvlive
of tiic cflicts oriL^iii.illv ilfl'iyiu'il, ami alil'^l'.iti'y rui-
nous to the iiitcrrltN of hotii countries.
A ineirbcr of the Britilh I louli* of Common:., i:i
Deceinljcr 1781, niaiie two niotioiH ilcclaratory of the
ffnle of tlic iioute ai^jinll the turther prclci'.itiun of the
American war.
On t!ie ::il of I'cbruary \ 78: a motion w.'s rnaJe of
tlu' fame ten.lciuy by a luiiitarv oli'.cer, a::. I neLMrivi-.j
hy only one voice. In a lliorc :ime alar the lau.c mo-
tion being larricJ, inihuciiinid were iiir|>.itthdJ in lon-
feijuencc of tl-.e rcfoiution ci' the lioulir ol Sir Guy
Carleton (who fucceedcii Sir Henry Chnton in il.e
rotimianJ of the army anil the govenniicnt of New-
York ' to u:e hi> utmoll enileavouri lor | ruducing an
aceomnvulatinn with ti.e Amercans.
Sir Guy Carleton having rcccivei.1 tliefe .uivices, ilii-
pitclied, i.i tlie month of Slay, 178;, a letter to (>e-
ner.il Walhingtoii, informing them of the proceedings
of parliament, of the difpolition prcv.ilent both in th.it
body and the Hiitilli government, and of hi-, own con-
frquent inllruilio.n-, accomjanicd with fucli written or
printed docunienta as were necefiary tr ilkillrate and
tuihentirate wha: he had flated.
As by a relohninn of the Britilh Iloiife of Com-
mons p>wer5 had been |j,ranted to the erov^n tor nego-
tiation and concluding a general or particular peace or
iiuce with tiie whole, or any part, of the American;,,
the feveral dates rrjirtjbuted t!:r idea of opening lepa-
rate negociations witli particular governments, or bo-
dies of men, or even of attempting t(< o|'cn a treaty
with Congrefs without the concurrence of liis allies, and
came to a general determination to exert theii urmolt
power conjunclivrly to carry on the war with vigour
until peace Ihould be obtained in a m.ii;ner confiilent
with their national uraon.
A refoUition was alfo pafTed by Congrel's, that tlie
United Rates couM nit, with propriety, hold any con-
f.'rence, or treaty, with any conmiifhoners on the part
fjf Great Britain, unkls they Ihould, as a preliminary
thereunto, either withdraw their tlcets or armies, or
elfe, in politive and cxprefs terms, acknowledge the
independence of the laid States.
In the month of Odobcr Congrefs ifTued a public
declaration, in which, after reciting, that i 'ranee and
thev were equally bjund by the con licions ot their al-
liance, that neither fliould conclude either peace or
truce With Great Britain without the ctjnlent of the
ctlicr, and obfcrving that their minifters in Kurope
were veiled with full power and authority in their be-
lial.*", and in confort with ib-u allies, to iiegociate and
c,-):-,ciuJc a g-iieral peace, they proceeded to declare,
in the ftrongcil terms, their fixed and unalterable de-
termi.M'.ion inviolably to aLJlicrc to the treaty of alli-
ance widi hi: mod Ciiiirtian Maielty, ai.d to conclude
neither a Icparate peace or truce with Great Britain ;
and that they would not enter into tiic UiUuir;on of any
overtures tor pacification, but in confidence and in
confort with liis moR Chrillian MajeRy.
While the Americans were thus avowing their in-
flexible attachment to their allies, and endeavouring,
as it were, to iIuk out every nvi-rtiirr towards a liprratf
acconimo lation, t!ie Itellrermt powers in Kuro(^«
leemed o. ^oled to pauilic me.iliires.
As the Mttainment of the indepcndenrp vi' America
was avowevlly the grant ubje^f of the l-Vench court
in tiie war, its beinj; granted teemed at once to remove
tli<- very ■■round of erntention. W itli relpet'l to tlic
adjullnient of iiiartirs with the nriii:h court, il.ardid
not leem to br very difficult, as, though tlie a.qui:itions
ol I'lan.e in t!ie \\ til Indies were eonliderabie, her
li'tirs in the I'atI Kit ihc means of a coi.lijeiablc equi-
valent in the liau.U ol the I'.r^lilh.
.■\s to Sp..in, which feetns to have entered i.iro tlic
war rather n. .iii au::il:,iry, and in coiiii-.yriKt- of the
family co-;ipart, tlinn a, a.-fin.j upon liaticmal prin-
ciples, lifiiner ilie tir.bui..i::d I'.at'e of firr finai.i.-fs,
the repealed t'lil.iie i{ her dci'ivis upon Jamaica, l.cr
vrry fij-n.d dch-..: at ' .il'i .'r.ir, or o-'-er circiimRances
of her then coidiiii*!, lunad fj af](;rd any Iblid '!iound
upon wliidi Ilis could reaiuiiably elLblilh "»\irther
■file rnired States ,,f Ilollind, fill.ii and liigrad-
e;' to il.t- lowcR degree. Wire reduced to the nec< li.ty
ol Impending entirely upon the favours and protection
o: iTaiue, as well in the torn li 'ion of a peace a-. Ihc
had through the progiefs of the war.
With iffpeCt to the genera! circimRane.s of the
contending p.uties, the niolf fuccelsful members of d.c
alliance, great and formidable as it was, liarcely Rood
nukh leis in need of peatc than Cirrat Briraiii, ri'jt-
uithltanding all her loires, and expol.d as the jud li>
long been as a common mark to withlland fiiigly all
their attacks in every c|uartcr.
Under thele general ciiciimRances of the contend,
ing powers, the indepi ndence of Anurica bring al-
lowed, there did not ftcm to be any inlurmouniable
olillaJe in the way to the reRuratio'n of the j-ublic
I ;ii. plin v,.as adopted by the new admrniOration in
I'ni^Lind by i.'itir coinin^j into power; eommiirioner;
.and |)lenii«)tentiaries were appointed by the refpeCtivc
powers, and on the ;:th of November ijX.', provili-
oimI articles were ligned by the c(initniii;o,.i rs iVoni his
Britannic .Mait-lfy, and t.'ie commilhoners on the part
of tlie United States of America, which were to be in-
lertcd in, an 1 to conRitute a fiirtire ti'-iry of peace
to be finally com faded between the panics w.hen that
between Great Bri.ain an.l Kr.ince took phue.
The hiRr-y of this civil war is handed dov.n at large
to poRerity bv able wirerj, in order to fcrve as the
moR forcible 1< (K.n-. r inRrui'iion to tlie fovcieigns and
fubjccfs of every Rate. In the courle of lucli a war
the palllons niav be lu|ipolcd to be in.lamed to a hi:'h
degree of rancour ; but this will ever be tf.e cale in all
fublunary events; and the cruelties [ repetrated on ei-
ther tide by heated or unprincip'led individuals i", in-
telligent pf ilbn will impute to •' ■• national character at
large. '1 he virti.es that ihine in human n:,uic, and
render life dcfirable and happv, are tlie growth of no
j:ar:icu!,ir country ; for wlir ■• the light of knowL-dge
is diliii'.ed, th'.ir endearing in.'luence v.dl lie iMt widi
irreliltible farce; and tlx poRerity of Great Britain
arid America, while they read with concern the p' ren.y
of th-.ir fathers, lu.iy be nobly \>ing viiJi eadi othir
in virtuous and philolophical emul.ui. .n, a; d cultivai-
ing fucli Iriendiy connections as luay render both a great
and happy people.
\M Ji
J. . '
^.mls a liprratf
i>) in l'.'jro[ic
'f ( t' .\m!Tii.-.\
l-'rcncli (.oiirt
)IK<' to rrniovtr
ri-l['ii.i ti) tlir
lourr, t!;.ir i!i(i
the i>:vHii:'iti()ns
^nltik'r.iUli.*, Iicr
.liJci.i.blc (.vim-
rnttTivl hta tlic
i'll'ifiicf of the
ii.itiim.il prin-
t her liiiaiiccs,
t\ |.iM;.i;ia, I.er
r ciu'uinll.jn<.i"5
.inv Mw\ ;MuiM'il
fthiblilh turilier
11 ;inJ liipra^l-
to the nrcili.ty
anii prori'Cti'in
3 peace as llie
mrtam'ts of the
mtnibiTs ()! the
s, I'caicfly lUioJ
rat Britain, not-
I as ll'.f hail l(>
;hU.iiiJ liiitjly all
of the conttnd-
lurita l)tint» al-
y inlurniouiH.iMe
II of tlic jAiblic
adm-ninration in
r; coinmillioners
In- the rcfja'rtive
icr ly'^.', [rovifi-
lididi.i r-. hnni his
)ncr-> f))i the part
icli \v( ri.- to be in-
' tr'-iry of peace
■r.riif-, wlicn thac
jk pla^c.
(leJ il)V.n at iar^c
r to f^rve as the
the fovi'ieigns and
rk- of lucii a war
inJamcd to a hi^K
be tl'.e calt; in all
[}a-pet;atcd on ti-
in.liviiliiaK p-) iii-
tioii.ll character aC
uinian n:,iire, aiul
the £ro\\tii of no
ight of knowL-.if^e
e v.;ll lie f.-lt wi'.li
of Great Britain
:onctrii the |'' rt-n.y
ig Willi imlIi oiliir
.iti'in, aid ciiltivat-
rtnder both a tjitat
to th(
I and
10 n
. Hi
No othc
to prodiKC
6f the i'u
ric.iii c-i>l;ir
frti:l .illi.'.n
When ■
arrivcJ. in
cl.iimcd .i<
of the cF
nous to th
A iner
ftn'.c ot" tl
On the
the lame
by only o
tion bfin;
York tc
Su i.i
nti.il W
oi' parli.i
\y\'.-/ an
As k
mons p
truce w
the fevi
rate ne
dies of
with C
cair.e I
>i:inl P'
\si-.h th
A r
of Gr<
ei'.e, i
thev y
(i -rice
in 'li
S_.r;i„.-"-'v N,T^tt;
' 'i\ , /■" .,.,.0'^ If ,,i..';'' .^ A
.\it ^ r M-:
^. ■'■■ ,.■•■:!.' ' ^k^
X^ \
/ , ' Si-: A
Ti IIS part of iht" ;.;IijI'e w.is f ir^ncrly cilK-J by t!'.e I
R'lmaii, :;s i: i ,i: prili.'iit [i\ lii- Si)anijriis and
1'. riaii'-, bv ' 'c iiaiiu- i.( !■'. iini),\ , bw: ut.u vvlicaci-
that .ijipciia'A';- t'lij.. '.ti'd \\'.. M'l bitfi (.li'tt.'r!iiiiif'.i.
liv the . .,i_,ii:.i a;T ; !'ir;i i' i. ii illl. I lMir'i(K' ; bv Ir-
Turks AlfiaiJ.M or K ^ii' lia , ov In- ij' ni.vaiis ( f Ai.i j
I'ja.iMib.li an.i tiv i!k- A.ii'i.-.. in :: 'ui-.,l i- 1 .m'^iil in. j
!■', jAijK IS ti. uaJ^il '111 t;u' :i .rtl-. Iv, l',v b'r /xn Sva, I
on tlu t.ait bv A'l.i, I'n tik- I'm.cS liv' ci.^ .'.Iciui.i-ia.KMn
Sea, ami on the well bv iir- Ajjir.!: O.e.'.n.
'I'his ^T.inil vlivilioi) lit ilie eait'i u litu.ited l)i-t\\eeii
',5 ad.l I I ilcMi'-s ot II irtli Iitit'i 1/, a,) I li.f.vecii ij
licy. ,5 mill. 'Atll, anljiik-g, 2, mi;), c.i'.i 1 ingitiidc.
Its uiui'jll e.xtcat, 111 k-iisi;;li, is about j'^uj iiuas, anJ
in 1)1; .Jin about ; : ; .
I'ur >[);■, tlioiijli inieri ir, mi p lint of in ijinif) Ir, to
Alii, .Mrk.i, .unl A iiiLiic.i, is lar I'lp riot t . :l]^■■^\ all
in I' '. (Ill impon.iiu rd'iircU. .V.s to i!i- .id^anMyes of'
lituari.u), it u to bi- olMrrvctl, tiut no |iart of i; i^ ex
Doled to till' k i.-vliing licat of' tiie tiinij, ,iiid bit a
(mall par; of it to tiie ciiilliii;^ eld of die fryid zone.
To dale advaiitv^rs may b^- a lie . m.iiy lea-, iiavi^
gilile nvci), mmniiiiis, Sic. a.liiiiiablv a '.ip'e I t > the
p'li poles ol exieiiUve tomiii'-Tce bcween diiFerellt II: .res
and inn ins; ant liap,iily litii.ifd is l)arriers ai^.inlt
tile ''lti.tt> eiili>r ot ihvalion nr del'potilai.
'I'lic priiKip.il ti.cis of Iviiopj are the Dmihcaid
th'-' Rhine m Uermiiiy, tlie '.'oI.m add Diviiia i,i the
Kiilli.wi e:ii[iiii', tlie Loire and Siine in iMaiue, t!ie
T'lanies .111 I ,Se.i in in I'liijlmd, 6cc. i\; ■.
I'l'' ehi.d' I .ikes are C lallaiu.e in liennany, (ieiiev.i
and (ju.irda in Italy, Weiicr in Sweden, 1 ..idoi>a .ml
Dii- ' 1 in Riill'i.i, L Hju.ibar i.i Scoil.in.l, .iiid Ne.:L;!i in
l';ie piiiniji.il in mntiins arc tlie Pyrencaii Moun-
tain:, b;.-tv'.ei-n l-r.iiiee .lu I Sjiain, the Alps betw^-en
Im.iikc .nut Italv, the Dol'riii lulls in Sweden, tlicl.ira-
p.uhli;llsin iliin^iry, limie hnls in t!ie I iij.hl.iiids of
^'-./LlanJ, :'.n I i-vei.il, partieularly tiiiowdeii, in W.ii.i.
Nj. 3J.
F rope, tlirou^ih fujieriority of cultivation, produce:;
a ijre iier abondan. c cr corn, wl'-:es tiuir, eattle, and,
iiideed, m.ilt n,'' tlie JLoiinies, as v.ell a^ nec-.flanes, oi
l.l'c, than tiie (I'.iicr epurtcrs ot" llw L',1 /l) •. A^ to the
va:u:blv ..rtud,', of gild, iVver, j' >' els, ijiiees, 5ce.
.Jio,i,;h n"t it-. Ill oral pr )dii;li i.ns, tl.jy aro llippl.eJ
1"./ means ol navigation and eumnieite.
I'earKr, the incr^ Iiant now piirfies I.-s n-.rt^
And lo.ini- I'eeurely o'er tne Li.ioi,.!i. [•, .aasii:
Nd'.v o'er hij Ilea I tile p liar beai 'i\- Ipies,
And iVeezinj^ fpangles ot" tlic Lipl n.! Ikies j
N iv f.velLs Ills c.wr.Ms to tiie I' l:ry li,i'',
With j^litt'riiig ^,loil^, where In li.;n ;.',r 'Ltos fninej
Where fmiu's of iiicenfe glad tlie lout. .i in teas.
And w.ifted eiir ms [\xni the balmy bre zc ;
Ant liere ihe ore whole melted mils iliall yield.
On faithful eoiiis, each me.i.or.ible Ip M,
Wliieli, mix'd with medals ot' ininvirt.il R )me,
M..y clear ilifpiKes, and tea.h the times to come.
l.urope is fuller of cities, t.iwns, vill.iges, ani.1
the buildiiii^s, in geni-ral, more llrong, tlef;ant, and
r inunoili iis, than tliot'e ol the other p.irC!. Vnc inhi-
liirants a'-e bea-. r fe;<'iired, an. I b'-cter in.' \r, t'' ■.:> t idler
tiie inlii'oitants of .•\.!ia, or .\irica, and aie allulutesj
til .uu'n their coni.di simis Iiave ditrcrent degrefs of deli-
cacy, accotdinii to tiitir ritiiatioiis, and other local ci:
Witli nfpe^t: to meiit.i! entkiwinenrs, and tli ■ exi iiiiii
of the inrellectn.'.l i.icnliies, the inhabiiaiits of F.u. ■] c
mull be p rmiued (o eljim |)re-e;iiine[ice. I'ertii n; tj
this reniirk imv bi* cited liune ohl'erv.iiion> of :>. w.y
learned and ini;eni iiis writtr, in word-i to tiie toif luin.;
effect. I 1 iv; i,r premifed that in (inece the liuiiiaii
iiiliid leciiie,! liiit to have dulv conceive' I ai-i,; esi-iteil
its powers in the iiiv.i,tion and iinpm>'emeiir ol fuili
aris .IS were con.lu. \w ''it^r to pleii'iie or iitiluy, tfii't
Nsrii'.r yocs on to obicrvt^Kiat what Cireece is in tlpt
7 i^i x: • .;. l-^o'ii;
Jt'-"'^' r _m r'^- m ^u^MT-~T- . --^- .. 'rs:- > .. - . -T - f- .., - ■ - !.-■ ' - - ^ "^■' - f" ' '^- rr ^ ira .N" -Sj- .^.»re
E 1" 3i cj) r II
- / /• - V-»'- ' i ""-■„_ tf^^^^ I^'h*-* ' r ^v ^■Ig'..'""-" •Nx ,
/'■ "- , , ■*-j
"■•■:, I
^^^^i-r^*"'*^ V' >%'^-..-r,-.'...., : »...<».' I' vtrt ■"■■«'•„ 3,,„„M» .v^ /yi' L,'-" „ '■ '
(■■" /.
''"*'"' CAlinVi:! >
5nt s^nrrr- :i.ii",li
5;S A hEW, ROVaL, Asn AUTHENTIC SYSIKM ok 1;%'!'. 1 RSAL GrO(W^\]'! I V.
ii ii
m i
I i.
"»# •»
point of view witli r-g:ud to l-'.tiropc, luirope itl'clf is
with rrgaril to the other ciivilions ot the cartli ; and
coiK-iudes with this rellcdioii ; " That as ancient
Greece was dilHnguillv.il above all the rcll of t'uropc
for the equity of its laws, and tlic freedom of its [loiiti-
cal conftitution, fo h.is luirope, in general, been re-
maikable for Imaller deviations at Icall from tlic laws
of nature and ei]iiality, than have been aiimitttd in
other quarters of the world."
To this pre eminence in mental acquifitionr, inuft
be attributed the invention of printing, the revival of
learning, arts, and fciences, and, lalHy, the happy re-
formation in rclis/ion, which dillinguilli the 151I1 and
Tilth centuries, and enibrlhlh ilie hiltory of t.uropc.
In thefc ages the powers of Kurope were formed into
one grand political f) item, in which each took a Itaiion,
wherein it has liiice n-mainid, witli iefs variati,).') '.han
could have been esj icted, after the Ihocks occafonid
bv 1(1 many internal re.olutions and lorrign wars Tiir
eltablilhed political principles and maxims ihll continue
to operate ; and the ideas concerning the b.iiance of
power, long introduced, and rendered gencal, have
ftill fome degree of influence in the councilb of the na-
tions of 1- urope.
From thefc concurring circumflanccs it is evident
that the concurrence of fo many rival princes will .il-
ways prevent any one of tluni from gaining the nii| ire
over L'.urope. It is equally evident th.it, in coiKenduig
for it, they muft weaken their own force, and mav at
length render themlclvcs incapable of defending thiir
jufl poirdlions. The partial cmiquells thry nuke are
illuiive; lor, inflead of |)roiiioting, they rather oppofe
their deligns. The more any kingdom is extended,
it becomes the weaker; and great pro;cc^s hive ni)t
been fo often executed bv flow reiterated eif.irt.s, as in
the courfc of a few years, and lonietinies by a fingle
A prince may form a dcllbeiatc [)lan f )r dellroying
the rights of his fubjecls; !ie may proceed l)y flow de-
grees in the execution of it; and if he dies before tlie
accomplill'inent, his lucci-lfor may purliie the lame
ftfua, and avail himleif of what was done bcfcre hini ;
But external cor,.] iielfs c.nnot be concealed. 'I'hcy, in
general, excite alarms, iind occafiOii confederacies, by
which the conquering prince is reduced t) the laft ex-
treiriities. This maxim, however contrary to the pre-
judices of a poweu'ui .nui viiflorious nation, is one of
the bef\ ertablillied in the whole fyftem of politics, and
confirmed by a variety of examples, both ancient and
To thcfe remark, may bejuflly added, as an inflance
of the pre-eminence of Kurope, the invention ancf im-
provement of the art of navigation in particular, of all
otiiers the inofl beneficial to m.uikind : and amonglf
the'e we may here be permitted to enroll the name of
our renowned countryman diptu::! C'ck.
To this improvement of the mind, and cultivation of
the liberal arts, it is owing that, diuiigh leveral of t!ic
moll extenfive parts of Kurope are under monarchial
forms of government, the adininiltration of thole forms
arr by no means fo arbitrary, nor are tlu-i-- fovereif;n:,
fo dcfpotic, as diofe of Alia and Africa. \'arioiis, in-
deed, are the forms of government, e>clufive of that
of monarchy, wiiich prevail in Europe. Here aie
ariibjcracies, or governments of the nobici ; dcmoca-
cic', or governir.eiits of the people ; and, l.'lHy, there
is the mixed t'orn of government, compolld of tlirce
parts, partiLi[)ating of the benefits, and exempted
from the inronveniencies, of the other three claiTcs or
f^)rm.s, 'I'hi', form is the peculiar bo.tll and gl'jry of
Urcat Bri:a;n. 3
'- ii
i ui--
The langu.iers o! Kurope are d^jrivcd fnin Hx r.idi
Cll o:'.es, VIZ.
I. l.uin, of wiiiLii th'.' Italia-, l-'iciJi, ai, 1
are dialeiJb.
■a. Teutonic-, from whence proceed t!:e (nv
Dutch, Swedifii, Daiiilii, .,iid K:ijjl:;!' to.-,;; a>.
;. .S-Livoni.-.n, which r< igns i,i dilieieiu i.i.;i
rol.ind. Mulio-.y, Uoliftni.;, and a great parr , ;
key in luirope.
4- '1 he (.'chic, of' whiih tli'-re arc rtmin:.-" dii-
lects in \\. le^ liel.md, the llighlandi o; .Sa,tl;;.d,
Brutal. y in li.'.iKc, ;;nd l.ai'land.
5. I IK el , Cll ulii.li l"cv^ral diak'Cls are I'pcken iii rhe
Mi'iea, and the illji.ds of t.'-e Levant.
6. Cinthi,-, liimc niii..i!i, of wliiih r.rc pr, ;ir..'l in
the ii.aiids of the Hakic, and the l...i:Uiein par.-, oi'
Sv. edcn.
'1 o thi ;I- v.e (iMV add the la;i;'i"'!;e'. fjK ken ir. "l\.i:, ■/
and iitile Taii.ir,' a-. T''.uropeaii l.;nf'i ges.
i he Chi.di.iii i;.li-;ioii |'rev.i,. llin-p-^'^^r '.vir.-
part of I-'.ur.'ip;-, c-ActH tlia: in \':v poij.. li;,.,! , f , • _.
i iirks : but a.-, nvn coi'ieive difi.r.'ntl; coiKcrin v
points of Ijieciil.'.tion, according to their dilicrcnt p".-
lions aixl education, that rel'^ion is I'ivilcu i'l:.) a
number of fcCt-. Hence liaiv, .'^pun, Franie, ;..,:
c:* CJcnnany Awd the N'ethi ri.ia ' ■, witli [ art of rolaii.i,
Hill iMlo.v tiie do.'^-.iine of die rhurcli of R. m^--, where-
as l-iiigiaiui, Scotl.uid, iiclui', D'-niiMik, Sweden,
Norway, gieif part of (ie: m.iiiv, t.he rni-.rd i'rovii-
ccs, p,rt of Switlcrland, ^'c. have eiiihi.i e.l the rcl','--
mation, and pnlcfs the I'nTellant reli.' ion: And in
Mul'covy, lome p,.rt> ( f I'^liiui, in W .siaii,;.;, M 1-
davi.i, Ikidolia, N'.ihinia, and (i:.\ce, tiie ductiinc cf
the li.iUern or ("ircik church i.s f uiowel.
I'.unpe iiiav ci.iim, upon the v, :■,. Ic, pre eiiiin'.nre
over the rell of tiie world, by luvin:; the t) c!'iius of
Chrillianity prolelied througliouc the gre.itei! p,,rt of ir,
a.vl being eu'ii^;'itened by a relij.,!on .it oiii e pic, ir..i-
jellic, thearful, and lecuri:;g the eternal ul.tny uf iu
S'ldden religion m the \von.i';i.-.g bl,' ■<•,
Itoiu hcav'ii's broul concave h.ir.l tii • iv
At once delcer.d.n:: U'^'w the rc'.rs v.:\ \,
An anp-1 ikf.jv ;T-r( If. the ,m.
I'al" I irrow b, i.'i-.t.-n'd ;u relii'inn came,
P^ni\ llow-pao'd time Hood trei.'iiing ..t liie nariir;
k.agr, drak"^'d in triumi>ii, Iv.; h'd her f .v,-.nii ti,tin,
And death behind hergii.n'd :■ n. clai.k'd l.i-, i.liain.
To thefc introduiftory remarks cone; r;. in,- Kurope
conlidcrcd in gencMl, we fubjoin ilu- fcnl'-'wini'; 1 .liilr,
e\hibitij;./, in one point of view, i. ;'.-v;--'l por , c,,i
ti.u-.-it.il uitd inlular, with their hi- rh, b;. 1 ii, i li ef
ciries, diitances and bfari:i!',s Ir.";. ]/..i,:,n. .■ i.von',
\c. Ci^C. And, we iirefunv, iMh.i^'iiMl '.''v. v»ii|
alFord our readers a plcallng .'.n'.ripa'i m o! n\. u.i.c-
(]uent particular dtfcnption, to render w Im h .,. in:cr-
taining and inllriiLlivc as poRible, ni | .1, k i'hI le
w.inting either in the fele. tion or arran ■■ nu :it o: t.'ic
moll uiodcrn and bell auihti:;,^ it ! n.-i-.c ...d>.
.v(.\l Ire in llx i.kli-
c-.;lIi, .11. 1 SjMiii.h,
ccl-J t!:e Cu'r:Ti;n,
;!' to.-,.; 1-.
grcMt |ur: . ; lur
.!ri- txrf !in;;v ti: i-
il-D.li r.: Su-tl.;;.',
'ls ,irc Ipckcn iii tl't:
ith are [Ttrcr.-.l ia
iviiLlifid |Mr.-i v:
•s f)i< ';fn ir, 'l\,rl, ■,■
i;,li;l';_''-"ir (Vi t ,•
Ki.'ii;!; idiK ^ rill '•;
their i'iHItiiu |-".-
i^ i'i;i \l\\ ')■ :■) a
'•["■ill, I'Vaiu f, • ,:,:
wtli I art i.t' rolaii.i,
1 of Iv IlK' ; wll'-rc-
li-niiMi k, Sv.cili-ii,
!if riii'-ril i'rovii-
I'Hilii.i i-.l till- rii'^r-
rt-livion: Aiui ia
in W aiaW,;.;, M I-
. ii', t!ic tl.jLliiiic ci"
!'.' Ic, j'rc ( illili'.nrc
K.; tlic il 'C'liius ')l'
L- ^'/cati-il ['art of ir,
1 M otii (• J ILL-, iv.a-
U'mal iil.Liiy of iu
•.'i tiij ra;i 1 hlazci
i-.s u:i I,;, li,
,arn v'l'.ts r ilM,
pi.Tcing ! '/,
I vitli l' v, !
lUi ll'/'i'l i
V I.- .nircs '^bw'd}
\lVnvM; '
Icil i.ii Ll'j.,ni.
n!» ..i till" n.Kiif ;
I !uT l':!i- ;m tiain,
clai. !.'>.'. I.ii cliaiii.
c;"irn.T:.!n - l''iiiT.p-c
■ fcl'.vA !.',,•; l.u.V,
!l-v;:r!! ji'.f , C'.n-
th, li:i 1 ',ii, ( h i-f
\y.u'. 'n>,
"■ : 11 il '• '• ^v will
\'l.ill o! 'V., livi.i-
r v^ !iii 11 .1. I i; rr-
n 1 1 .t> l^ I'l'.-I 1-C
irrail " :U' :,C ol tlitf
! ')8
A 'li':\''.R \l. [NSl'KC'IION rABI,K KOR KirROPK.
C () N r J N 1, N 1
s. 1
Natiom. Length.
Chief Ciiics.
DiUjnce jnd Bejring
fnm LonJon.
Cirot-nland - - -i
Ciretnlaiid - - -[: Uncertain.
l.api,i.id . - -J'
- . . -
N >r^^ay - - - - !
neiriiark . . .
N. K.
\ Lutheran.-;
Swtilcn . . - •
N. E.
Riinia ... -
1 100
1 140
N. E.
Greek Church
Poland ....
Papills, Luth. and Calv.
r Uncfitwi, from thr
KiiigofPiulllas Dominions , ,„ ,ut .,ai„s -f .,,
Lutlierans and Calvinifts
dirtVrcni inoii rdii.
Gnmany ...
Papiftb, Luth. and Calv.
B lic-miA - . -
1 -
Flanders ...
S. E.
Fincc ...
Spain ....
S. E.
1 I Papifts
Portugal ...
S. W.
Switzerland ...
"5. E 'Calviniftsand Papifls
^Popedom, or Ecclefiaftical State
S. E.
Naples . - .
S. E.
Piedmint - - -
M'intlrrtat _ - .
Milan ...
['arma . . - -
Modena ...
- -
Mmtiu . . -
. 1 -
\ eniee ...
. 1 .
Genoa - - -
- i .
l-Jiin'Mrv - - -
2 jj
780 1 S. E.
>,£ rl) in'ibi.;n Provinces - -
-c ^ Little '1 ariary
r- 1! I (irei ce - - -
C( nllantinople
1320 j 0. E.
1 Mahometans
■ 40
1 v-o F.
.t JO
iro s,E.
J Greek Church.
1 S 1, A A 1) S.
Wlicre fituatcd. Chief C
tics cr T'ouns. To whom Subject.
iNorthtni Ottaa
- - Denmark
/ralaiid "
!• 11,11 a
1,' I'-l .■
> . . - .
- - - - Denmark
1 ..-..11.1
1 ■• '.I'.Tin
a ,vr \v.\m .
- B.iltic Sea
A ,i;ci
. - .
... - i^
Rugcn J
Old 1
Dagho 1 " •
- - -
. . . . I
IJleiioiij 1
Wollin J*
.. - .
- - - -'PruCla
Great Biitain ... . -
London Si Hdinburqh") |
Frrlarul - - . - -
Ar.gltl'ey ....,-
Beaumaris - - - | |
Wi^ht .....
Srilly .....
Atlantic Ocean
- . .
- . . , ^-
ireat Britain
Man . - . - -
. - . . f
The Hebrides or WKftcrn Iflcs
Orcadcs - - - - -
.Shetland . . . . -
. .
Gucrnky, Jerfcy, Aldcrncy, and Sark
Knglidi Channel
- .
- - -.
l.'ira - - - • . ■
Ivica -
on - - J
Vlajiirca - . - - .
Minorca - - - . .
Port Mai
CorliLj - - - - . r
.Mediterranean Seajj^^nj
. . - . f
•Sariliiiia .....
Ciifjliari -
• - - - h
Ling of Sardinia
-iirily . . - ...
- - - - h
Ling of the Two Sicilies
Liiliena, Corfu, Ophalonia, Zant,
Lt'ucadi.i - - - .
Adriatic, or Ci(ilj>ii
of Venice.
}■ •
- .... \
Kur.ipcaM 11 Kinds of die Archipelago i
and Lfvaiit - - . - j
. . . . 1
furkcy i
; • tl
i fl
I ^
•■tii i'-
* I
Tlirce Eiiipircs
OiieS[iiritu.il, or Fcclc- i^
l-'lcvcii Kin::dc:n5
ri;e I'oprJom
(iicat Britain
'^ i lli'iim-irli
Ore AicIi-Diikei-lom -
Om (.IiLMt-Dukcviosn -
I''our drear Kijuiblifs
I'"our Infciior Republics'
One Ciiani -
rX "s .Sardinia
I liin^viry
. I ?, riu- Two Sicilies
I'liiiid I'liniiircj
Swifb C.intons
' icnoa
1 .ikca
S.iii M.iri:io
Ll'^uioi'iaii Tartary
EsciuHvc of tl;e bcfuri: mnnioned are tlic elciloratei
of Cjcmariy, and about •j ■ o liiialkT li)veri"i;j,iuiis in
(jtrinany, Italy, iS:c. ti'.e l()vtrcii;ns ot which arc liilK-r
Ipiritiial, as arclihi:h()|i'-, Ccc. or temj-oral, as I'lii^us,
l.ir.if_-;v.Vfs, daki's, iiiarquill'cs, cuuiits, ni.iiaraM.\,
h'-jljiodars, \c.
1 uropc, fxclufivc of the circunircribing cceaiis and
IcUj, coi.taiiu
I I'^it.n
; S..-.3
: C:;;:n:ic!.
1 R.iy
, C,.,!;-
! M.-.'.!t?rraT;i'i
I \>iM.ltiv - -
> .<
-t.'i;., .ir
I _
Boi|jil:iM. - -1 -5 1
!h..:,.i - .\-^\
■(ir:n.:,y an.l llii^'jr. I
Piir.vpr i-.,l Af, Ki
Iti'l Jr.J T..il,-y
lvii";'c .viJ Ali.i
R j;'i.', S-veJiMi, Lip.'.ni !,
5„,,,,.„, p,„.„|._ j„j
i-;.rifcr anJ Sp .in
I N 1 wi VI. I Finli.-.J
A N D.
H^i I.
N' our defcription of this comury we iViail conriJcr it
as coiiipri!i:ig two part., viz. Grofiil.'.n,!, W til
Grciiilmd, or Old Greei.i.;
New ijrccnland, or ^ipitzL
r.u I-,.iit Circcnland,
A \ ^J.
S I C T I (1
G 1^ O !•: N' i.
ANORV. Tfil.W, n.imcd Torwakl, and his I'l-;
l.ri^l., t'.rnaiiicil Raude, or the Ked h.iirid,
• ,aM.i;^ coinmiited a murder in hii toin.try, lied o\cr
tD IctLind, where Torwald died. I lis Um Frick,
haviiij^ afterwards committed another murvlcr i:i Ice-
l.in.!, t.) elL.ijie the Icverity cfthe law, relolveii to fcek
for fiRiier in a country which one (Inruk rb.iiriie had
told hiai lie ii.id teen to the well of Iceland. Frick
laOvicJ, by his direction, in a cert.iin lurboiir, made by
two cajies or [ioints of land, one at the end of an illand
t .e i.';^t winter to
I l'"ri..;.l.in,l. I le returned, liov. '.;■.■. r, froii* tlicnre the
I iRxt luiuiner to tlie continent, takiii;; his co'.iric t nvards
! the n )rt:i to tiie iiiot of a gre.it roc'., wlhch he r.il.k-tl
' Sii.t :"'.l, or the ^now•-R(Jck, an 1 thence to a certain
I h.irlvh.r, upon which, lie beilowc! the name of R.ivcnf-
i lia.'en, or K.i\. n's i i.irboiir, iVom the {.oe.it niinfoer
I c:' tiiofc birds he found t!;. iv. i'.ivens'i irden lies di-
I rev'liy op|!olite to tl;e nnu.i lide of Frii ksliordt n, which
is le.i'ed on the f';.;!i I't.li-, b-in; liivi.li-d < nly bv a
br.i.ich or arm of the fiM. .\b,.ut the end of autumn
I'.rick rctort'.cd to hi> ilkuul, whire he palled the tliir.l
: winter. In the Ipiin^ he reloivci to g> i:i [L.fjii t)
1 Irelan.!, to enja[;e t!ie iihabit.ints of that ill<-, with
' whom he had a g '''J C'.nvl'p'n.lence, to lojlow hi:ii
; into Groenl.md. I le (.''.aribcd the Wi^nders i.| tlii., new
' difcovered cout'try, i's plenty of i.ir^.-e .md fmall c.ittle,
I excellent ptil'.irei, '■ li, and all icrts o. ."ame, in lo .il-
, htnn.; a minni r, th it ;-reit iuim.!)ers ot tM'- l.rhinder.s
j Were prevailed or. t* Lui, liic le.i \vit!i !.::n inr.) Grocii
I Link
F.iick li.id a Ion learned Feill"-, wk > acctimp-inied
I him to keiai. !, .ind fioni then i- crohe.l over into
j Nrw.iy, sv.'-.cre 11'- f.;ive a fiivour.ible .iccoiint, to Kiii:^
Ola-us i rn.'.'er, oft.ic Co-mtrV dil o-n-u-d by hi, taiher.
The kint; -if Norw.;
the C:.-r.lian r,!!;.;
.1 ..
!i i.-in<' thf-
C.Uill".! l.ei
Inci'. t-.i liis fitiier,
pii-ll, to inilri,.';
taitli, v.h ), by I.-
Ti.i' h.ijipx'ntd ;i''
.■'V.i tlie !iii.:i'!k
ut i.i'i Iv cinbi-'et-.l
to be i.-illr-.i'u.l
in t.'.e l..riie, ..:i.t to i;-.' b:'.p:ize.!. I 1 iviii^ coiitijuied at
his lonrr all the winter, tf.e nest fiiori.er he f-nt hini
;.if-) ( rtfie'iil.inJ, a.', .imp.inii- I by .i
j-iuk a''-.! his petipit- in tiie Cliriltnii
.:i'.'s peil-iafioi,, wrre ail b..pti -eel.
1-..' tlicV'-.r <'f till- Chrilb.di :cia.
:., of I rie'k ill le. ill I in nii nbe-r in
(iioenl iiiil, they vciioiii d l.irrhei i .t i i.u- i iiinav, anil
met w:;!i a fiiiirful f.iil, meaehnv,;, .n,! :,,-, i. in the
vilii' ', l.etwcc.-i t!ie nioiiiit.iiin. They eluu'i-d the
c.:'iiiT-.' info l,,;!l aii'l Weil ( t.-.;er!ai,.l, aceoidiii;^ to
the dilli rent firi iti-ins of tin- iw.j lMioii;'lr., Ofb.ibirg
an ; '\\'rl'.icburii, b;iilt by I'liek. In the c.'\ they laid
r!i I ,-.'.d.iiion of ,1 town na-n-d (j.iile, wliiiher the
N. I ..i-p/.ini tranip'ort--d divers inert )i.ii. ii.-.ci, ..i.d I iJ
I' tlie cli.'il orate",
Dvercirjiitics in
wliicli ;irc' litlicr
01. il, as I'liiMs,
iit-s ni.;mravi.-...
■hhm ccc.ins ami
y -in! Ln^'jr. I
'-f '"I Af K4
'■■ 1\d Ali.l
. :>.vcj,'n, Lir:.iiii,
R V. V.
n-^.nk, a„i
:nil m.l F-i-.f»
It JnJ Sran
wn Vl.l FmlinJ
•(c;i mil U.illu
fl'on* tlu'iice the
Ilia co;irlf t )wards
, which he r.ilk-d
ciK-i- r<) a ctTtaiii
■ name of R.ivinl-
tllC IMC, it pimiix.T
■(.'ns'i'inlfii lies ili-
iik^lioiJvii, uhiih
:r. :.!i-il f iily bv .i
10 (.•lid of autnniii
c I'alii-tl the tiiir.l
y ) in I'.iiin irt
>>i' tlu: i(lr, with
'.e, tu fnlliAV hi;u
onJirs i.t t.'ii., m\v
e ai'il linali cutlc,
■if.'ra'lK', I!! !n il-
<■'' t'r- K cl.llKii'rS
1 i.::ii iiUu) f}roca
kvli ) arc,nnii..:iieil
crolie I (n tr iiiii)
aL-coiiii!, :o Kill,;
lu I by liii father.
It Iri Iv ciiil)r,Kf,i
I'' li^ i.,!!r,.;'u.i
iviiis^ ci>ii:i.-un.\l at
I'l.cr l;c f'.nt liiiii
u.jiiijMiiii-.i hv a
ir in liie Clinltiaii
vrrc all l)..,i;i .eil.
till' C'hrilli.iii .Lia.
ill I i;i im nljcr in
lie r iiiiiirv, anil
lii.l : ii'i 1 . ill ilie
"hey diviileil the
ii;.l, arLiirJiiig to
iiiK'Ji., Ofti.ib irg
tiK" c. ;l tliey laid
.ii\le, wliiiiier (lio
un li.'.t:,, ..i.d I iJ
t'leiii t" th" ir,!i.ilii;ants. Tlieir |i(illerity ailva-icej,
a,' i iiiiii; a city, to wh.eh rhcy [^ive the na.iu- of .Mlie ,
a:; i, a> thi.ir zi a! tiir reiiL;i:>n inerealo!, tiny h,;iiit a
iivmalti ry iijinn the lea iLoii , '.iedieatvi! r'> S^ 'rii'imas.
'I he ci'y ()t (iar.ie was tiif reli linee nt liieir hiihojis;
an I the ehiirrh "t Sr. Xic-iLis (the |atr<)ii i.i' li.niien)
tiie I atii J.ral oi' Cdh: nl.iiiJ.
In ti.e year n^b (ir<'eiilan(l rev^Ued, and iifiilr.i m
}MV triii'itc to Kiiv; Mai'r.iis, d' Noiv.av, uhi. Ii in
ii'ieed K:.-.:^ I'aicis, nC Dtnma.il;, at th- rei;i:. l! of
Kir;; Maj»ii'i5, whi> had ni.iriied li-. iitiei , ti i jiiip a
fie';: a"r.:nll th.eni : i'lil thev no li):>iirr iinv the Dai.iih
l!a.-.N dil'iI'Ved I'll Tie iiai! .it ( .:(icnl,;iid, thin t'-,< v
weie i' I' d widi :. | .i.':ii , v.'iiJi ii'.diaed tliein t'diiefia-
|\ird-n, ;'ir.i dcii.c (• aee. Tiie Liiii; of l)c eitiai!..
I'.'ni '' f 1 i\'e he Co;-, hi.-, r.ri.'e a;;d lierehil !ren, v.oiild
t'.'it r.d.j any a iv.Kit .-e c;' tiie xveahr.ef-. ot the Liny, ot
N itv.ay, I'. It icK hi.u in . .'.I p::!i.!ii n ot'Cinienlaiul.
A cor.lideial'le ( Minuref wa^ eairied fn lirtween
N"iwav and ( jr. t .li.snd, and a re::iii,ir intucMi.rle
•:i lii'/ai i''d, till I., war i ' i", x'.lu ;'. ihe ;alH)i;hii]> wa^
'■.nr i^wr to (i: ,.-iiiaii i j l;;:t, (Voni that period, ail
C'jiirr,v,i!ideiK\' v,a- cut (■!!, ar.d ail knnaleil:;^; of
droeiiiind i .ii,,'',!^ned t" c'.ui',!!. I'his ifranj^e and
all. :i(t telli'i 'il .>i' frailj .:n,! iiuercfitirlc" has been
aleiili-d j aiii. t'l ;'.- ch.ii:;'e and tranll I'ion of the Ncr-
V. .-.ijii j'.'*^ t'i"'i. ■• 1" ^ I-' reiLiii lit Qi_ii en Mai^.^ari t,
] .,;iiy t> the t, , .'u- ; \^:.. ■ h; fAecii l-eni;iarl; and Swe-
den, '-dii.h I Mi;,; 1, It :".,!! to in:, rrupt t!ie maritime
((>':r;n'e(, .ind paid. :•) tiie ilifticiilty and daii'vr
^v:l■,■ h atteiv.icd the iiavi;;,.;:'>n of tiroeniand. Hut th.e
iii.jll j.r.Mi.iliie e.;ii!e ci; liui) a liidden privaiiim i:> found
in aiiMher evmi. 'i iie inlaiui colony, from its Hill
lettiement, iiad h/en liarr.illed by the Aborii^ine': of
(iroeliland, a l.i' .ve bar!)rir(j':s people, a^'reeiiif.' in
('.;;^^!^^, vjiib, a:;d .:;|jeaiaiice, wid) thole ;\iiieric.uis
v.ii ) hive lilicc i>eeii ! ■uhjJ to the northward of 1 iiid-
fcm'.s Bay. 'lids iiau'ai, ealled the .Seliieiliii;-', at
len^di prevail I i againil the Icclantl letrleri, who ii.ui
tiioleii :!uir iiabit.iti'Jii in ti'.e wclleiii ilillric:, and r.-.-
temiiiia;ed tliem in the 1. 1th centw, inl'inu''li, th.T
v'hi.n tiitir l)ii thern of the ealUrn dillrid came to tli-ir
afliiliKe tliey fmnd luuhing alive but lome rattle,
and l>H !^^ ot fr.ee >, niiining wiki about the lields and
niea,l.i'.v-. I'eili.ips ti-.i. v tiiemlelves atterwai'ds e;;pe-
rii'mcvi the lame i.ire, .uid weie tut.dlv dellroytd by
tivlv .'>(lirtlhii,;,s v.!:. lie i'-llendants Hill inlr.bit the
weilevn parts "i (iru'enlrd, an. I, h'oin tr;(!;tiiin, can-
firni rills e.inie>:;i:re. i' ley altinn, t::.'.f the li lulrs and
vili,i.'i-s wi, iii: 1 ■11.'- l':,t appear, were inliabiteii by a
n.ri. n o, ::ia!v.i'i., '. •iiii d- ii anerlbas ilclln>iyed.
'ih'.re ae liir.ie p -a :; , ImweMr, lor Iclievi;,;;, [l^t
ti'.rie irav lie (till loii.e i:. .-, c..da;.:.s ot die am ;eiu K'e-
1.;:h1 e. 1 .-,/ n ;;;.;ini';', in the ealiem ilitlriel, tlioii;Ji
tiiey e.uii.i't be v.nted hv i-;n ! I'li .i..i.eain: ot the Uii-
peii.iou. :'.K)'.;nf.'ins, peri i ivi.d! ■ i iveied with froi't antl
Irn'A, wl.uli liivi ie iiie ! •■ I) p.,1'.' <•! Cjrienl.iiui ; viiile
tiiey l;.;ee L-ei 11 rii.' ltd inaeci liiide atlia, li.ini tlie
\all ii!i..a"i'v ci i'.e diiveii from ,■-.;. itv,bcr;;en, -.uvd other
nurdaii; I-' 'll.s op n the ealhiii liiore, to v.i.iJi it ad-
lieres l^iiminsi an inli)M-i.iliie liai rieade.
.Ml th.-.t we padur trom .iiitheiuic record-; i-i, that
(iiH-'iiaiid was ui\i,lid into tv..) dillricts \iz. Wed
l'>vL',d, ( r t:ie weile'ii di\ilion, an i ! ,.ilt I'vi'd, or t'li-
e.idiin ilivili-ni. 'i'iie v.^'.'.e!-:i di\ili nntleriland,
Iw certain tign-, that, if they would ro.v h'i;her up the
liver, till ir expectati )n lli.aii-l be aiif.vereil. Aeeord-
in;^lv l-''.Tbilh-.-r itoc a b -at vit!' f.me iwldiers, and,
liaviii.tr (.r.jeied his lliip to fii;i-,-'.v lii:'.!, went up the
liver; bill- leein^; nrea: numbers of ti.e riva;:cs polled
anion;j; t'wc roi ks, would not cxpi'le hitVilili bv ap-
proa'diing to.) r.e.ir the bmks. At la!!: three of tr.e ta-
vni'e;, who a;.;-.eared i.f I'.jme conleoneiice ani'MT'
t; i-iii, liavin;^ m.i'.'.e a fipnal for lir.n 'o l;i:-,d, he refolv-
e.i f) do it, all tiie red beir,,^ ;'t a (•■n'.iderable ilif-
taiice : l;iit his boat lcar..e t:.-:e!r. d tl;;- bank :if tiie river,
w'h-n the lava;.;rs hi^^m t> appear i:i ('^le.i: luimlur.,
v.iiic.h cauied him to pot I -rlc a.'ii;'. Neverthele^,
tlie fiv.it^ts eiuleav.jiirrd I'l pi:- l'.:,..ie them, by fign;,
to o:!--- alhore, throwiii:' to t .uii I'line raw llelii; but
hiidii.j die l-.nglilh millruUtlil, tlu-y refibed to ilr.i'.v
then (iiitlier bvtlu* f;llowin;T tlrata.iet'.i : Ti;.-y l:dd one
ol ill; ir men up. in the liank, wh > p-ritenJi.ig to be
l.iine, th'-v tiippoled tl-.e l'.nLi;'.i:h wn'ild come to taki;
liini, whilll they nude a tliew ol' r. tiring to a farth.cr
liitUii.'-e, li.ing ail 'ii: of ii^.;ht behind the .-uljacerit
roiks. d iie I'.nylilh, bein.',' aware of the liiare, dif-
ehar;;'.-d a gwn at him, wlfuli made him luon recover
his le;.'ti ; and tlu: f.ivajtes, roiiiiii"; to his afTilbmce,
pelted the iMigliili in ilie bi\i: witli ll^ines an, 1 arrows,
but were fioii ilifperi'ed by tlie ^reat g in.s. I'orbillier,
h'lwever, landed in aiiotlier pl.iee, took p'-lleliion of
the country in tlie n.uiie of Queen b'iiv.abidi, and, lie-
lides liis giirterini; find., broiiglit away g'eii ijiianiities
<•;'" a b'lck ll.:>r.e, which contiined p,o!..i ore, and like-
wiii.- two of the n.uue.s, a ir.ale and a ieinal,-, wiioai
he contrived to en..i.i:e.
,\ thir 1 ariiiair.e.' was afterward . litte.l nnr, and the
coinm.in.l '-.iven to I'orl'.illicr, w!io was now promoted
to the r.ini; of an adiiiir.d. Thi. aiin.e.nen: conntiedol
15 tiiil, on bo.ird ci" which were many liil.iiir.s, iriinrrs.
liiu-lters (arpenrer-, l)ike;-., i.\ ' . who wor; to remain
ail the v\;-ii;t ne.ir U',- ir.iii'-, i 1 the jifuis whuli jno-
dtieed the ;.t'd I t.ind, .111. 1 bliii; llone,-, that cunt.uned
!■ ,!1 ore. Ih-v ' :
neeelfiiy to eie."'.. :
to,'cih"r ,is lo-;n .. -
Iiavin,'^ Lei :; prope
howevi'r, met wi.ii
fo"-,, ;iii I pio Is i|i,i;
1:1 l'n|^;!and. I'lieV,
I'. I a''hei, iinpenetr.il. le
rii.l ividi tie, in .;1! the m.iterials
■■ ' .idi-n hirr, wlii h mi;;iit be put
ll,. V hauled, tlie dillireiit pieces
V pie|ian.!
b ■!!■■, 00;
tli.i;i; curiciit', on die eoall ci
Cjroenl.iitd, \\..\ U r-'.'idei.l dieir oper.ition;. till tin- le.i-
Ihn w.H tiio far a-.lv..ih'-!. Tl.' v h:i I lib. ui!e I. ill pirt
iil'dieir wii'-len liai, .11 f. .1, and. I..:l! niiilai In 1 ur po)
\ill.)li. Ii:i;..;(lir to lilli.;;l tiluii- -.'.h,) weo- ap.ioii.tCLl Ui
!'•• left there diair,,; the vsinru. l);i ihefe .■."init' the
a Iniiiai d>!irniined to procure a: ir.Uiii c:. ■'■■■ h'.' p'.'lii -
bly could, .uul tlun iitiiin to i.iv. I ;i..l, wiilinit ieav.-
ing any ]H'iliin behin 1 him. riirluiia I) tins dulign.
the',- liaced out k mine, to v.h.i !i tl.;y '.'.r.e the ii.iiiu"
7 I I ' ol
A > K\V, KOVAl., AM-. Al' rill'NTrC SYS PFVi ,■.■ rN'I'.l l^sA!. (,;
ot the countfl'; ot SiilVrr, r.nJ I'm-n wlrtli tl.i-v pro-
ciMvd a grcac i"j.iiuity ot (.if, h.i.inr, cn'Ctril .i houir
ot lime .inJ IhMU-, priisiili'i,! witli (jvii.-, ami in.iDV
other coiiveiiicncu's, ti r their rrli.lciKt: aiul It-itirity
d'.iiiiiiT tiiiir ll.iv. In (.uler t') attr.icl the n'Hiie, aiul
gain ilie aRVction ot' the native!), they Icit lnhinJ thiin
lockinir t;lanrs, bra.!.., k'lives, hell!., lea.Icn |iictiire>,
eiul oiher thlr.f^s, witli luiiie loaves ot breaJ, fvc.
Brti.re tlu-ir ilefiartiire thev jinvcii Lwrn .ml otucr
grain, ycm,, ivc. by ".ly <^t i-.x|H'iii'.u-m, to tiy how
thcv woulJ tiirive, ami aliirtaiii what the tountiy
would j-roiluce, on tiieir r.tuiii the ciiluinj' y:Mr. '1 h( y
lii.ewil'e buiud tiie rrniainiiiL; part of the wocxh n fort,
in I'mli a maiuifr a', to lu- able ealily to l;ml it ^;'ain ; aiul
liaving taken thell* nii eh'ary prt latitions, let tail I'roiii
henee m the i:oniiii<'iu;ci;.cnt c;t .'^e|ittn)b(r, and, alter
rt iliiagrecablc I'alla^c o;' a mo,i:Ii, aniwd laie ii\
'i'his noble ilefiiii beiiif? abandoned by the rnr^linu
the Panes took it n;-, ai'.d emieavoiMLd, in lev:ial e::-
pedition'-, to conii k;e it. 'I'Ik' tirll of thcle w -.s v ■
dertaken under the rommand ot dot .'■ e I.in.'t'i Wi.l
tl.-.- Ihipa. \Vi:en le .ii'-iv-! o:' ,i,- e : ..■ t '
CJi::e'iianil he tiuinil noi nut \vi:,. . . .i --.■ vili.-.i 'I
projie, I Ic llaid three iiav>, dui'nij ». >.. :;■;..
wild IjfiKT.land.ers came to tr.uie . id) i . i,
rtjrs and ikin^. with p.ieces of precious il. .1
kinds ot I'mall tiiiVing iron-ware, as knives lUil!.'- ,
nfedic-, t^;c. eon'.mon lookiri;-<^lal1e>., and ciluT lu(.h
triiie--. When lie let lai! tri.m ti',(-:-.,e tliere were u\o
(jroen!ar.iler5 rcr.inir.eel in the ll'.ij) wiioni he .ariieet oii'
and brousji.t home witii him. 'I'iie otiier l'::; h tli.it let
fail m i\)m[.iiv., nndcr the command it i.ind.enow,
after t!;ev iiai doiii.K\; Ca[ e b'arev^til, llcen 1 directly
t.;r 1V,\ ; '> "".lait; 1:1 tin> navi^jation they dilce'veri'd
IiurA- ;:.'.e t.ir.vi-nieni h.irbouis and dehuhtnil mea-
dows, but all the inl-.abli„nts alont; the coall \ure
wild and tavaije a^ bvlore', Thelt lliipa uroivht tour
(avat^es huaie w'lta t'.ie:r. to C'oiicnl .u.vi:.
Nothing can be mire re[ingnan: to the diei.itcs of
common luiVue ilian th;-> practile of te.iiin:.; av.,iy j o.jr
creatures t'rom their country, li.eir lan.iiies amt con
nexions, urdcls wc luppole them .iltr>;i,L-ther ilcl'itutc of
r.atural afic:tion. 1 hat this svas nut the cafe with
tliOic poor tjroen!ande;>, who were brou.'iit to C pioljiet of bvii)_.^ abh- to le vilir their native
ink i. • ! .1 l.i'.d of n.'. laie iioiy diiijrder, and
rriiir.-(''. 'in
ix; n: . ■
■M.e ;..' •
\.' !i ':ve :
e--:;-' , ■; ui w.-.s ni.ic
■-, I. . . r the e .inui.iial e (jn a^eo'.ii'.t of
ria- !,)i.rth, -indei ca; viin loh'i '^.'•■m\, m il e vrar
ii''.>.^, was not ti.a. e ti.r the uilc. .vciy et 'iroee :ii !,
but to I'nd out a paiKpe brtweii. lirotnlind .'i, I Ame-
rica r.) I'iiina.
_ IVuk.. t'lc''- i nir ev|-editir>ji^ at the kin.'S c :i, .\
httll M.ls tiiidei; ik'H, l,.y .1 ...n.j'triv ol' men:';/ ■• , ..:
Co|.e',ha"en, \--;,-,- viiri'i:!,. I hev l/ied o, r • ,,,
ihip- win. h d; e.'tin|! th.iir coiiriC i) 1!: ■ welii<,:'.i (
(ir.'ei.fii.d, fill i:i ui;h ihe l^itrait of'D.i.i., where the v
trade.! for fi-.me time with th.e t'lv.i.jes ; ln.r iln< uasii.'c
t.:e pr;:'k;p.d ol';. ct of the commander, w!io w.is ,:.■-
I ■:aintc.l widi a lo.ili the land of which hid tiie i 1 ;-•
and vfifiht of|;ol,! ; he a'Totdv,; 'v lii- .^led liu i .1 i:e
rhiti-.ei. and frei ditrd the fh'p- " i'!i rlu' I' tr". Af-v
his reii.ni to Co; en'M'^en the pof ll'.nitli . \.^-rv o: .enj
to rn.he ni.d wliiihei- this I' Ii ! vd;:!,! \;.'kl .;.■!' 1.1
t.r n.'t. Hiir n.'t b. ins (klhid ( non-di to tv.i^e :•! \\
trial, condemned it to be all thnnvn overb Mid . v.hi, Ii
VMS done accord.iiu'Iv bv oi\!er ot' t'le h;;'!i-eli rui'' ■•:,
prelieleiu ot' the cimj.inv. .'^ome pait' (>f tl'- t''i
was, however, ki pr .i' .1 (i rii,';-,, ,\\,' of •.' i, '. a 1. 1-
hil arti'-' er, who .■llervea.i!- ..i-ie t^ (J: ;•< iihat'cn, e\-
rr.;rU\! a trre.n vitd of p.ure . .id. '1 |-,e h'Teii a'..i
well-meanin;' comminder, wh ) went np.-n t us adven-
ture, w.is turned out (.f fiv hi-, a-nl die! I'xin ifter 'I
priif, whereby nr.t rnlv the tn afore he liad bTii...i-r
h.ime, but all") the knowiedrr of the jlici- where -
vis to be f^un^l, was entirely 1 il, as !.e kci't liii, a
prtjt iiind fecnr.
After l^.me oil;. T unfncc !';e; e\pei;;'!r':s, r.'.e i).,n,-,
laid al'ide all ih. ii.rh;, (,f (Jr.eiiland till the vear r- m,
whtn, after niaiiv weli-t:o:iecrtt .1 rl.ins j r.ipo;' ,1 |v
."Jr. ) ,e.!e ;' i l.:it Norwepian-, on the
wiftein llioic.
Hut Ills main deH^n bri;-,.^ ti> (hl'i.eeer the (.;ih'-i
dilfrii; of Ciroinlind, w!,: Ii was aiwaN.-. deemeil i!.e
belt ot t.he NoiAe.aan eolonies, lie leiiihci ti mi'.e
the vova'je in pd Ion. .\( cidinedy he co.-!i,d .ifeu'
louthward as far is ti-,e .States I'romontory (calf d Sta-
tcnJIieik in the vA.\y.^ in ihr l.i;itii...'e o-, le,!,;.!;
out f.i; l-oii)i,i]er'-. .^tr.iir, w'.i, h woni.i i.n.- I,, -ii
i'.;. t!ii)M. d v\ .y, ;.>.M|din|^ f) tliote i!;irt,> w'lr^h
l.iv the Str.i;t ,',iwn in this pi 1; e ; but lie iaiI'M 'a ;;u
defi;,n, piobab'.\ tliroiii>h tiie ,;,:ve.:: e.i |!,.re ,,(' (j,;.
fi.ifoii, the 111 'mil of Septembe'' b. in ; ne. ::!■,• at an
eiv.i, wlien the \<,\wj-r communes in t.i Te ;..:!,, ..■.-
teiuii.l with dreadl'.i! fl.irms.
In the vi V ." • i the diie."; ,r. of tli.' I!ei ;en eom-
pany i.ited .. ot 1 ;';:;) to .uteinpi a finding t:\\ i!,e <.-.
item ..le.re, w.,i. li liesoppollte to Iceland; but tiie i.n".-
i:".n.t:'v of' lee 'sM,h b.ii 1 ic.;.loed the c<.,i:'t ici ,.-,'i 1
tiiat c.rer|)ii/e .i!)oi[.\e, .1 : maiiv o.liers ii.ul b.-. n |, .
loir. As l:i( IV w,u r, 1 po.l.iiil ly for Ihips 10 a;'p:o.; li
tM;^ Ijniic, rackiiii', inihevcn 1 ;S, r, 1 Iv/dtomalr
hi/iliv t:.iiil|..iiietl to this eolo.iy, 1,; l.-.i i , t; ..', |,.,
•,.iir help l;avelli.', mitdit be edeee.t h, j,in I i,, :'
eiliern datri'i. is.ii this pr.'i'Ci pr.ned im; ui'.ii, ,i,,ie,
on .lecoiiiu oi the hiih and ii,.j.r, in.a ,i:;-, per"!-.-
••ih. I ,,1 I 'd witli 111, 1,.'. Ail ir.e .111; .nlie-, .mi...,;:
liii'i.d di.ipp';intment',, iii..,:e m It people lole- evei,
': 1; '• ' f I'lei . I .'i,!;.' in dus .itn liii.r.
,,ir, !■ n- i ■ cii.i ed it .IS h!-- oi.'inion, t' .r Ir n,' •'" !i-
• rdered pi u I,',,;:.;.- l-,y e.^alii;;:; t ,e l;,,.l ii,,ni th.-
Sines lh-onioi;t ■]'. , or,''., die l)ii,. , n ,.\ i.d' i 1 c a.' •
Chrii'.im noti'.w,.;.;-. 'I ,hi.i oj inion w,. ( nfj p',, I !■■,■
informa'i'.n retei.i.l fi.im :o"ie ( i'oei.i .n ;er . v,..u,
wii.iihiii lio.its i'l'l eoare.f a ;;;"•, i- j ,ut ot r.; • i-,-.';
c.le. il 1- j'.'.le'ii, however, on tl.,- \:\\'A-;, ui ,iIl f. r
hait t,ic 111. Ill
N''i!i\, In it i- vrv:
vci\ ct ' iiMcr :ii !,
iMinliii.l ,i;i I Amc
till' '•.in.'''! 1-. ;}, ,1
]V <'l Mi'-u:';; •• . ;,;•
lu-V ;/i>ii n. r • .,,
l).4,i., wlni'c- t!,! v
^s ; lli.t llii-. w.is iin
iiiicr, \( Iio v,.'.s ,'.,■
\\d, h.J i;..- I 1 !;;•
til'- ,'li\l 111-. I Hi:.;
li the f'l-'. ,\i-.-r
nith, v.t-rc '>: i: ic il
uil.i \;AI .-.:.■■ !• kl
iii;j!i to ir.i'.t' I'l h
I l)VCl!l'VKll . V, lli, ll
p.ltt ct' tl,'- I '■• i
i!i' of ■. ! i, '. ,1 ::,.;.
> t .• :h iili.ircn, i'\ -
'1 hf !i";:di ^1'..!
t lij "1 (■::=, ;u|vc'Il-
(;it i rt
li'C jiici' V. ,'•,(■;(• •
as l;c ivi.;'!: tiii, .i
Ccli'ln*!', f!.;- D.itl;',
till the ViT.r r; ■ : ,
••l.in'i ir.ipo;' ,1 I'v
:iis ■.rivinc) to tl,€
.'i)rin.;r.:lv, :!j-; rov ■
If r ;ii-,]i:i;-.v iiluiv-
> Icr'u' a iiij:-v i:i
l.ititiiiif f>4. Mr.
;i.! ciuuiiini-ii tl-.fit.-
II 1. ..\-.uir.-.l t ) jvt
■, borh !v.- I, ,1 ,iik1
V r (iiJ ;ie li.'U' l;is
■lOf) tiiar liitJiit ily
(jrwi::i.i.:;-, on tin-
ilt.u'iT t!,c (.:i)i'':i
lw.iv.> ilfcincil tl.c
■ Il ifiUf.i [ ) nii'.L"
' li;' til, ■!!.■, 1 ,il- ,.)■ i!,^;
1. in ; nt-.;: •■,■ .it an
in t.. I'c ;,.;;.., .;:-
tni' lie: ;iM loi'l-
.ini!:i\'; i.n iIk- (.--
.inii ; hi;;: tu:- la:?'.-
I.^' ii'.iil irn 'rH I
K-rs ii.ui |v-. n I ■.
llii'". to .i;>i ;.,.;;i
i, re ! iV'.\i to ma! o
iw l.-.j I •. t;-.i', |iv
■•.•^i 1., i.in.l u. :!■ •
IW.-ll i.'llJl.lL li.. .Inil",
^/•| ,i;;- pct-Hr-
I: .'i1;k--, ,11! I ^,.;;.
|it.(,i.l(.' l.'.r trviiy
!i, ''' .r ir m' ■'>' !)•.-
.L hiij Ii-mU t'li"
. n ,,s L.il i ; I. .![ ■•
w,, I rJiiiM I !■•,•
'•'j'.i,! ,n !iT , v\,'.o,
.t )..irt ol i.v iv.'i
; v.ivjk, utr .iiL r r
am n-.ij) I') vfnti:rc
r, K 1 i: N I. A N 1).
f'.r up, iimiiT t!if lmIT/m llmrc,
.1. iiii.' (> u k'.i'.'MC lit l.ititii.lc, ii.u! rotoiiiiiK lulcvl ab
111 re- |'i,k-iic.\')ir, ,is will a^ pniil'^nc, i" co.ili it ir:r,i
tile I'rniiviiitoiy .liuiir; lin- nicne m liiiall vcHMs. By
it;i- nuMPs ;i II iii'i.int rorr(l[)i)niiitiPe inigliC be m.iiii-
t:i,i'.i'il bi Aixt till- ('.il-ni's thotigli Ijij^c lliips can
ui'.ly t luili .It tlic iiinlt loutiarly.
i;,_^vr;;/. w r/ '/v C nitty; Crwt/r, S::', Pio:!i:cliau
I I ■:' .;/'/(■, An null, is I.
C>I^)i;Nl..\Nn, Weft (;r<<'nl.inil, oi- OliKjacn-
J 1.1 i.i, b ;;ir,'- m ;i^ li-tr. 5 J min. it rth lat. Tlie
'.uiirn .lull iM l.'i ;> ■(! t > cxtdnl as t'lr nnrtliward as
h^ii'. )cr;/i.Ti, I K.ilt (iiviwiland J and the wcllrrii part
i.A (iiilv i-|Mrit(r.i by .i i-lianncl of vo iiiii in brcukh.
Tlic \vrll rn .ii'irc iias b.-cn dilcovircd !i;j^i!i;r tiian the
yoth dfj^. ot'initii lar.
Tins i;iuin:ry is cxci'c liii, , nu)(intiinnti<; ; ;:,: i the
ni'iunt iins are In wry liigli ti.at 'Ivy nny b..- dikxTned
at liM i: v-x .1 .^.incf of 3'> IcaL^'^s.s. The inland moon-
riiiis .ri.l hills air pcrpetnally covcrrd with in!i\v j but
thi- I «iv Uiid) on the I'l a lidc arc, in I'limmtT, c! latlinl
vvKii vcrdiiti.'. 'i'iic c.)a;i ii diiliviik of aix'cis, on ac-
count of the ;;rcat niinilu-r oi ruclo with whi, h the
till ii.iin lin;' lVa«, and tl:e ir. iiitiis of the (iroenLnl ri-
\i. ., aboi:h.l, ii..:i| -^r.d- :,: of thv vail iinitliil.iiiij i;|
t! ..;'.:: T icf wliii.h ltj;n l-i tl;,^Mtin t.i.- ;,JvLnturi r.ie (oven.l v.,:h verdii.e , but the inland inuLin-
tains are peneCt'y capped with fnow.
'I'o the nortnw.ird of the 6Stli drs^ree the weather i,i
much more levere, an. I tlie coLl lo verv intenle, that
even in the tniiiil of linnnier the very llront^ell fpiri-
tiious liquors will free/.e dole to the fire fl.le. 1 he
winter in this part lontinues from September to May,
and fometimes June, dliriin; wliich time the lea is co-
vereil ^ ith valt tiiount.iiiis of ice. " No'.hin^' (lavs
an emnent writer) ran exhibit a more dreadful, and,
.it the lame tinv.', a more daz7diiii; ap]iearance tiian
lii lie prudi^^ioii;, m.ilfcs of ire that furronnd the whole
coalt i.'i dilterent forms o,' rocks, calU.s, towers and
Ij'irc.s, rellecf^ting a variety of colours according to the
ji.ituie of I'lie concrete, an I floating; from |>late to place
.il if the wliolc fcene v.as illii!l(-n, or encliantinent ;
luch are the [jrofpeCts they yield in calm we.rJier, bnt
w!ien the win. la be;:in to blow, and the lea to Iweil in
v.i't fuccellive bilbiwi, the conilict of th ile congre-
;;.i'cd bii.lies of ice encoiinrering, ililliin,;, ci.ickhh',,
liuriting, and Ihivering into ten thoul.ind Ir.iL'menrs,
fills t!ie eye and ear with terror and aftoniiluTici-.r.
J hund'.-r and li!;ht.iii: ' '.Idom diilurb the .■"'i c! (iri-
Miland, wlii.h, lio.vc^'ei-, is llibirct to many other na-
tin.d pli.ino,;, n.l, lii> h a:i lliootin,; ll.iis, .'.:iJ in p.i'-
ijiiil.irtiieauroi.ibore.il'-, nr iioidieiii liglit-s. In tlie
Ipriag of ti.e year, and about the nc a .iiiioii, tlii:; jili,''-
in.ni.enon aj^ptai . lo ii'iiveil.iHv b;i ',h: ovei the lac/ ol
i.ie v.'io!,' nortlh rn ik} , d.irtin>.i its rays, .md glating
Vi;:'i :•.!; h radianc\ , .i.. to ali'ird in.'i.'.eni lignt wheiebv
,\i tlv liiinme: I llic,> thcif V :;o ni^ii!, and thole
wn.i lelkic licie .i.r.e
aliire to lei- th.e fun turn
i> Mt the liorizoa aii die tuc.iyfjur ho .'r : but in
nth of win'er
I omtjrt m
t'le [ilaner, the iii^li... being pi -ii-ortiou.ibiy Icnig i )ct
ti. -' '.M\ lee to travel u[) and d-nvii the count 'V, thoii!.yi
f.aic-.iincs it i, neither moon-lhine ui ll.ir-iighr.
I'he tcmpcr.iture ot the air is not uiiivlicklomci lor.
exc'-pt the fciirvy, .md the diiK'!";;fr of the lur.f;?, tlr:
inhabitants know notl.ing of many oihci uilcafes with
wnicii other CO, inrri's are pljgued j aiui ilieli. p-.-cto nl
iiiHrmitics are nor lo mucli th.e tffcds of tiie e.HCtn.vi:
cold, as of the foggy wc.ither, to which this r.a ntry is
very muc+i fiibieft. Kroin the beginning ol April lo
the end of July is the f^ggy feafoii; and from th.it
time the fog daily decrc.'.fes. Bat as hi the funimer-
tlme they .ire troubled v/i:h fogs, lo in tiie win-c : le.i-
fon they are pl.igued v.ith tlic vapour called fioft-
lincik, which, when the told is exeellive, riles out of
the lea, as tli'.- I'moak cut of a ci-.iami-y, and is as thu'-
as the thicked mift, elbecially in bays, where tkfre
any opening in the ice.
There is .i wnnJcrful haimony .-in.l corref]'on :. '■■ ■
obfervcd in droenland between lou:;t.'ins and the t ,' i
li-M : at fijring tides in new and fjil moon, when t, :
lh-u;)gell: ebbing is at lea, the hi.-lden fi 'inrairs or
IfM-ings oftrelji w.ttcr bri.ik out on the Ihore, and tl'l-
(over thcmfelves often in places where th.ey ini[;ht lie
little expeded, cffjecially m winter, when the ground
is covered with ice antl fiio-.v ; yet at other tiiiicj there
are no water l| rings in thoi'e plates.
The hills of (jroeiiiarid arc barren, and indeed fro-
zen all the year; the low lands are toler.ilily fer-iie,
[Mrticulirly tow.irds the lea. A lew oak trees a'e found
;■ lout.'iern parts ne.tr '-.].■• St ire-. I'iomontory.
in t!ie!'e
rts tile mealows are rich in
i/r.if, : tinnips lu .ja, ir.s are ealily railed, ard ex-
1 1 llently ll.ivoiir. d
heigat, is p!i.
Ilarce, and |i!
i;i : 1.
Ill :.■
\i'-. ■,>!(!, v liicli grow.-, to a valt
: L • . eim and w;ll>.'.o aie nuC
" .11 • ^.'ow in abiMv^i.ince.
■ h'.i '.•jw.> wild, and i> firjn.l in great
■., e':;i'- ; widi ilic turpcr.tine il.uour, and
ii.ati oil. which is extrr.de. 1 by dillilia-
iv- ad with pleafint and falutary kind
,, .i.id the mountains near the bay> and
creeks are cm •.•red with wild thyme. A fpecies of grafs
liearing yel!')W llowers, the lierb tormentil, and many
otlier plants, herb, an.l vegetable., abound in Jiis
country. The fruits ot Grocniand are bramblc-berrie- ,
bil-btrr;e.s lilue lierri.:s, and juniper ber;i^s. Hero
it is to i)e obiirved, when any tniiig ia laid relative to
the fertility of Groenland, th.it the ioutlierii p.irts are
only m(,int, fiir \\\'\\ rcfpetl to t'le n^rthe::- p.irts they
are dcllituie of herbs and plants.
(jt'ieidand pnidnces v.irioiis metals: to the fouth-
ward of the l)utch colony copper ore is totiiul. Mr.
i'.gedc once ree.. ivtd a lamp of ore from ,'. Ccoen-
kindcr, and hinilelf found calamine ol a yelloa- co-
lour, lie likeuile feiii a conliderabie ijUJiitity of yei-
hw land mixed with verniilitjn dre.iks to the Eergen
company, who, by letter, rcqiielhd him to procure as
much as poliible of tli.it coir.niodi:y : he could nor.
hov.ever, execute his comiuiinnn, a? he ^ as never .ilur
able to find the pi. ice where he got the ti.'-lb fpecimen :
it was, it feem,, one of the liiiillt. !t anK;ng a itre.it
duller of illan^i.s, and the in. irk he li.id let up was
blovMi il'Avn by a llorm, lb th.it he cciiLi nut a !•-;; 'id
ti'iie ir.ite out the ijiot.
Rock chrylla!-, both red aad \\\vM-, aie t!ie iM-odu:e
of this country; aa.i .i b.ill.ud iii.tdile, -if v.i iwi is co-
lours, is very pleniili;! .ib.iut ilie D.uii.ii cui'im, whicli
lb known bv the
v[ G.oad n.
ol liie litt; r
the natives m.ike ii.iwis, l.inip..s, .pots, aiiil crucible*.
I'he leas and bays, beiides a \ailety of beauiin 1 Ihells
yieki great qn.iinities of escelient coral. But me of
tlie grc.u.ll n.ilur il I u;i->!';:ies oi this country is the a!-
belui.., r- :!iiii
of eart'i llax,
III;, a.., which has the vu!;mi- appell.ition
.ui.l i.s a :ibro'.is, llexible, ,in.l m'.ner.il
Id-il.iace, coilipMi-.-d lit il-.oi-t and a.'irupt lil.in-n a'-
is .1 ll -av ciuicrete, of tiie i.iicisy
Iram talc in its cxternil appea,-.i
.11'.. Idling
neither lo
blight, lij Imootli, or !o iii!.ni...n.s, and is n;)t c jnipofCvl
ol lea\es or plates, but of long lilan-.cnt:, like ll.-.s.
It ha.s been Ipiin into cioih, ai.d lormed into pa|)< r,
both of an inconiliuiliblc nature, and rot to be r^,n~
f- ',
;' 'W
i-l f^iM
• ■ f *
I'linril hv fire. Siiiiu" kiiiils luvc til.i.ni'nrs tliar .ire ri-
j;i.l iinil li;iti'ii', .11, 1 otiuis moic iK-xibN', i'lie lull
c.tnnot be Ijum, dp tiiiinrJ into cint'i i tlif Utter may,
l>iir not \\iti.iHit I'iliic'.il'.y. 'I'lii'. ni.uu:!,icliirc: uppc.us
t'i hive Inin known to the am ii nts, wlio, ;ui:i.ulin|^
t I I'linv, v.i\i|i|ii'il tlu' hiKiii's oflik' lir.i.i in rliitli in.ulr
( t'lMith il.ix, t I ] r« Urvf tlifir allx-s U|i;ir.uc" iiorntlinli'
el till' fiintT.il pill', a till' to whiih this i\iiKi 01 cl"th is
llill api lii'ci by loiuf ct :!i? Tartarian chiiN.
Ciriuiiland is not intilUii wi'li anv rav\;nai;; animal,
tliL- !!riat wiiito hear excfprci!, v.lii.'h, iiuwtver, veiy
iVlii'iin ajipc.'.r.s nt'P.r tiif Daniili coli)nv.
'1 he (iiiaJriii'fi.lc's ot (jnitniaiAJ art? tlr,r;«, foxes
hares, aivl .-.in ilccr. llie tiogs are large ami ro'i<;h,
white or fpecl^ieii ; am! tlieir ears (lami ii| ri^^'it, vhu h
is a peculi.irity lH-!;;n!'i:n; to curs in general in ail cokl
riiinatis. riiele lioj;* are timonvis ami Ihipi;!, lio not
bark, hiit ir.al;c a mod liilinal howhrip at liitus. \n
the nortiirrn p.irts th.-v ari: un.l',rei.l ot ini'iiiite leivire,
as the nntivr', rliere y::l, at whieii ritnes ti'.cir iiMltirs <]rati;y tlicni \\i;h a
Dieai: conipol'eJ ol the i;itr.'.il. aii.l hloiul.
The t'ox'.-s nppear of ilill'erent colours v
■ver-. 1;
hea-.i orcilioiial
\ iti"ir
Will' a \'.
r!:lc:nbk'^ tha: of a ilo:^ with tropp; J ears his liioiit is
hearili-.l li'-c .-. t.i', Ins eyes arc luge, ami liis leerh
i'u.'p. 1 li^ ikin is ( i.veicii \sith a linrt thick fu- , vvliii h
is v.:;ir;', Llavk, l>ro\vii, or tawnv : he i. wi l)-fooie.i,
wlii.li ih a 'T'Mt convenience to him in r>WiiiiTiin(' i .ui.l
he i'l-ems to ^Iiml" iiinU'elf alin:^, r.ithcr thin v.\;!k.
Sc.ils arc ir'im !ivc to eii^li! li-et in lcn;':h. Ilic i'.it
fjftiiis ('r.uuri- ii.rnillics tlu: (iriK-nlamleri vviih oil, the
He'll vith fo'iJ, tin- ikin uitli cloariiins an..' v'.iui co-
verings t j; v.,'.-iT Icu^ ami boats.
Hc-rn-ie-i kals the droeuland leas abouiv.l with tur-
!".i'. col, huldo-k, r If, (ak.:ioii, li.ihbiir, ..it-lllh,
iic-ikh, li: lit-, w.'ii'iii;^', Lir ar;i, mtilck':, ci'.ibs,
liirki.p., iVc.
Thit ali'in'.ikin^- cr-Mt'irc liic wlnl'- \vili b^- auiplv
.; •;LTi;)cd if ,111 1 (lie i.ice iiiiiiiite oijiervatioiis, under
t!i" .0':'.!- Ill 1. .'1 or S'c'-v ( iieciil.ii.d.
\'. !" 1 r'-'i.-iil: to lea Tov.l, the piincipal, in Groen-
;.*;.. I, 1. I'l- c I k-r-!'jwl, Iw-i:;;-., ot wiiich, at times
.ind bl'icilk. 'I'hi V are neither I'.i ii.iiiv, or l.i l.ii;c,
as fi'.nre ot' Denm.'rk a:ul N(-rway.
1 lares are I iiKul in (iroenl.ind in nrear a!v:r,.i.mi-e :
tiny are ol' a %Miire cokjiir, scry f.ir in :u:nir.er, .ind ol
an < Xiiiiili'e ik'.vour.
Ktin-deer t'ced in great hcr.ls ^n^\ arc hunted all the I
fimmer by the natives, \^ho are ulually acconiiianicd
bv their wives and c:r;!dr:'n in tiicle exi iiiliuns, anil
penetrate vciy lar into tkc cuuntiy in puriuit ot' their
Scrpenf;, lii.it 1?, toads, newt>, Cvc. are unknown
in (iroeukin.i ! but [z'lats Iwarm in the kimmcr tiir.e,
and are '•;cecdjngly t.oiiblel()n;e.
I'artri' :;•'■«, which arc wlure in winter, nn.i rrey in
lu'Tiinc.', alvi'irul here, as ilo Iparrov. s, liimct.s inow-
liirds .>nd ice- birds.
-V ort-.it number of ravens hover about the huts of the
Groenl.i.'nlcrs, as, near the habitations ot tlielt; ju-ople,
t:,'.: ;.'ro'.ic,.i i- iili.Mllv Itrewe'l wirh the olFals of lir.il.s
,'.nd or'-.t-r ;;;;i. (iroeniinil likcwile abounds with eaglts
;;'! i l,i!con> ot' a prodigi'ius fi;x, a.nti large Ijteckled
T''.e \::U "'.■ n( t!.i^ C'V.ntry are I'ccs, w.ifp'., I'piders,
and i'.ic. I I'lf p'ro; !'•, ho\ve\cr, arc not plaicitd witli
bcc'li ., ant-, ri:-, < r itiicc.
Ti;e Cir^.er.hr.dcr-. are f'o.td of tlie feal, vhi'h con-
tributes at CIRC to their lu'lcnaiuc and cnnvcnicncy.
'I'here k I 'ir.e dilTcrencc in l<-.d>, but tlie moll re-
matk.i'.ik- r;H-ci':« ii that called the Cap-mils which
aiM'- ikiiicn It receives from the cap, or I'lic fped-ici (eatlurs, aiu! l-ys
an. I h rciies it vy.r-i in I'le iikinds, returniri; alicrwards
v.::li it, yoii.ijr ro t!ie ciintincnt. The lecnmi ti^rt is
rmiilcr, li.i. a I'V;: pointeil kill, frequents oni) irelh
.If, I buids its neil in the ll.ii^s, or retds of
I'll'' tkit.l kind, wiiiJi is the hrf.'cll < t all,
appellatun of the w.^diiiick, ami ij diuiii-
by a black brca!l an i ^; 1 v bellv.
The aikcb i. an:.t!;er ki:id ..i lea liiwl, w'lich the
(if: enlan.lt rs are t'ln 1 ol fce.:iti;i on: it is Ids tlun .1
duck, an.i ni' a r..ii, d title, lint tl ;t moil beitutUul
tea bird in ih'.-|- p.ins i. t:v.- rMV.:oviai;tk. 'i'iiis biid 1%
.;cr !k.!ti a l.tv!;. b: r itj leitheti are tiiu 011111, on-
int. S'.v.i; II',-. (.;■ uiij i/i-ele come to the iiorthci
.f 'iicciiland, ft'>!ii i:i"re Iciithcrii ilimatc, in
ic •, ...A brc. .!, .'.IV I ."lit the [lire a: the com-
..M-.t i.f v,;',\r. Ai ,i,v ie.i-mc.vs biiiid in the
,;;id tlilV'. , and |.-a-i rin liy tlieir c,';;* on t|-,e
iikiii.ij aliout ( .1. 1 iiL.n.k i.undeb, or ( irociil.! :d. fta-
p.,rr.it , .uc c.->mnuin here, as are fca-crnct, a;id Ica-
1. ■: ■' I'ln- ml Cfiti'i- iiiCi, Am.'jiincnts, fh:i liuiuir ( 1,/'.
/!■:•.% /•>;/■,'■.•?,•.,,.', liV.t/, ';.>, iLl 'i.it.oiis, Ailn'Us
<' Tn.Ji..-, I..:.: ■•', i\eli;;icr, Dif .ifis, Ju,i.t:Ju-
1:1 t.-''((/'c, t-'r. 'I ,'e ,iifu!l:liihis i>J(iioiiL.'i!>iii,
not I
ly . k
ti;e <
mi .
' concuninj.t teflimony of tlif-
, I.
A CCOUilINd to
X jL tiTcnt .ui::i'
are dclicndtd iioin the .Schrellinf>, who furmeiiy cx-
tcrminateit the Icel.i.xl I'.-tdcrs. 1 liel'e people bear .1
near u fcmblan'c to the I ,a| linders and I .iimoiiles, in
tluir pel Ions, c miplexions, and way of life. 'I'here
will alwav? be loun.l a I'i.inp; alFinity between the ciil-
toms ot (kl;'er-n: niti'His lo/ing in die liime kind of
clini.ite, exj ik-ti ro tlic fime w,:iits and nccellitic:., and
involved in the finie ii."iorance and brutality, I he
( Iroer.landcrs ;'.rf Ihort ot It .nire, thick made, a:, i in-
clined to t..t : iiu-;r Ikrc-s are lir^- : k tlici;" lip. t'li'.k,
ami thtir noii-. ikit. Thev liave bl.ick hair and c\e-,
and yellow cnnplexiins, poilofs health and vii^-'ur, ki:t
have very flu. it livis.
Thfir rir,aihs arc, tor the tnott part, made ol' rein-
deer, or I'eai Iki':-. ; us ailb nf birds Ikins, nicely drci;. d
.uid p.rep.-.ied. 1 lie iiifn.. habito^vre, a coat, or;ick(-',
with a i.ipe or lioful I'eweil to it, t'> cover the hc.i a;v.l
llioiil'.lers. 1 iiis coat reaches nearly to the kntei.
'1 iu-ir biTcrk. . are very tiiiall, not celling above their
loin., tint ih- V m.iy not iiiiider them from (ictiie:; into
iliiii b.i.it' ; atr-i tiie li..ir of the Ikins th.- coat is made
ot' is tiiiiicd i.-.iv if'l t') kiep ihem wariii. Over tlus
co.'t ihi-y I lit I'll .1 l.ui.'.e fio.J--., made of feal Ikins
drciii-,1 and i.iiiiit;! witlujiit h.ur, in order to k(i,[-' i;;;t
the '...in-i i ...id thu-j tiu'V arc drclk.l wlvii ihcy go 10
k.i. Urtwcen the leathern fro< k ami the limici- C'l.it
thc-y weir a linen Ikiit, or, fji v.'..nr of limn, n.-u
m.lde ot li. I- ;"l!s, which rdl'o l.clp, l;> kir|i out the
w.ioT liMiii r!-,e u::der coar. "Of l.Ue thev .ipix ir lii'
'i.lv lire lu
■ 'k
kins m.lde of
tiiiif . in iii'T'
lini-n, :in I co..t- and brcecnci o! leil and blue llufi's or
ilotli, wi.i.h th. y l>uy ol' ihe D.milh or Dutch iii'-r-
chini', but I'adiioneil uficr ihcir own wav. In the!'.*
tkey [laradc and te.tll, wlicii they keep holid.ivs on
lliore. Th'j hole tluv wor.- lormerly w(-rc nude of
rein ticcr or llal tkiiib ; bu'. now they prefer our tint 1 1
(uY.m. In tlie
liwviT alibiiit tlie
V tla-ir tlij'Jit to
In li'iiii)^ liii'y
i, :niJ liarcli tlu'ir
i'lt June or July.
ir i-f'i^s ami :licir
I tlunr l;:i^ ilown
I. ill. I, iin.l to 111-
tin ir ticlls
wi;;.-|i ,;r(.- ft" tliL"
i-uiuTs, am! 1-ys
•■:i:iirt,' al'urw.irds
lif Ifcoiiil ion is
Vilnius oi iy irell)
ii^s, or ifols of
lie larL'ill tt .ill,
I<, aii.l i., dillui-
l"«v. I, \v'-,iili th«
ir i^ Ilia li'jii I
'. k. 'i'iiis liiiii !■;
j .Wi' in, oinii,;):i-
ic to thr noriiicfii
iriicni I !i;iiatL., in
av tlu- f lai-
.vi iKiiul in tlic
tiU'ir <"'. on tl^c
( iiniiil •
,1 r
Ica-criicb, a;ul Ifi-
ts, /;iiiliiiiiiir ( h/-
J)if ilfcs, jch-i.t:jic
vj iiioiidand.
iL' tcflimony (if dif-
ri^MMal ( irociil.iiiJ( r-i
■ , who formrily tx-
hffc [icopk- bi'ar .1
■s and Lamoiilfs, in
ay of life. 'I'jifre
ity between tlu- ciil-
I ilu: Uine Liini oC
nn:i iic^i'lTitics, and
iid l>rur.uir^■, 'I lie
-.■..■,; inr.
', tiiiri;- lij.. I'.i'.k,
li.irk hair and c^e-^,
\\:'a and vi!;Mijr, lu:t.
kWX, niadc f>f rrin-
fkins, nicely dii'llid
, rtioat, or ;ukrt,
co\XT clic Iv-.id and
arly to tin; i iiin^ above: their
11 from (zetun.'i in:o
IS t!i.: Coat is made
1 watill. Over tl;;3
made of feal lldns
n order to i;ri.p o'.it
d V. Ii'n tlicy ;;■! li>
and tlie iimicr to.it
\\:.nz of linrn, ii.'.l.-
ps to kii-|i out the
I- tlii'v a|i|)c ir (ome-
ns iii.tdc of iiriped
d and l)liie lliiffs or
iilli or Duich inrr-
)w;i way. In tlief'f
,• Lefp li(di»l.iys on
lerjy v.cie in ide of
ey jncftr our tort < f
1 (
i ■*
* ^
worllcJ, (if I
wliitli tlicy bi
arf in.ulc iif
l,(l!ll'.- I. l il'.
arui bd'oii:, v
'I'lir iij,i;i ill
li.iir, wliiili
tit'd iiji ii) a I
V. til uitliuut
hiKi.l.s, but I
ni'.nt!. an- ^
::iirillt tl>eir I
Tluv aili> sv
pc.iiU, \vi;!i
So'.nc ii.ivt",
iiKi.t i tliiiy
im iIr" lijif
ar.i cvfii lij"
ci.i.ulis 1 ;■> 'J
1.1 i.ct-ir \I.I
la I, till.':. •
Ti.i'. iliiilc 1.1
< !,r. lii'.'i .;H
111 ly In- km
tl'.-.inlv, t!.:i
\Vi:li ivl
p/ioil II run
I'iiic jnii.'.tc.
act rCr;nl.iii\
111 l.llrs
no c()i;ii;z.ii
ncMi-ll rci.ii
aiiy, to n-\
ail iintDw.ii
t!u-v kil!,
As till
for niankiiii
nion j)i()[if
r()bl)cry, a-
wliau-vir In
tliry fxtrai.
ab Iroin ilu
to iiave a w
they arc bu
liii'ioled 111
laiulers, cxi
r.iiii ccreiiK
ot pronulci
not [irui.\.Ci
for, in [^c
adiiiittcJ to
in.inicvi, (it
<: ilv .i:: 1
( i t.U'lll 1
;jv i'a.iti.j:'.
', .m:s tiia:
v..irlli\l, nf iliircrcm (.iloiii"-, wiii
v.l.itli tlicy buy i.i ilie U.int.'. '1
iiTc in.ulf I.! )i.-.lll.iii!, leci or). I,
i.ii'ii- 1. l ih.-v .If iiial/ wrim-'i
n r, r. n l a \ v.
'•, l)li:i, ail' I rcil,
r ilioi.t uiiil IxioC.'i
>, Ml 11 tlrrilol iiml
with tl!, Ivliiril
.; 1.1 bi'lori:, wiilloiK \.^^\., .^i.tl !:t v.i ii iii'; n tluir ki.-t.
'I ill- ii;iiy diil'i'ii'!. 1 ■( . il .• tin I. ol I'.r iiicii .iii.l
V''!m.'iii., II. .It ^' vw.,iki;. I'M'.. ;iiv l.i."Jur i.n tiio
lliiiul Wfs, .'.ikI vmvt lluii till.' iVufu, v.iili hi.;'irr anil
I,., M.1 li ri.J i.;ii-t;. I v\ ■iiii'ii, lh.lt !,.w (I il-
liii.i, wc.ii iiiu- li l.\r^',i.-r iwnt;. th.in the rcll, Luc jjown ,
h.i.iuli" tlu'y niiill r.irry tlirir diiklii-n in thcin ii|i'in
ihiir lucks. I'l.iy wur ilr.iwcrs vvhiih riJi h to the
ii.:.li!lf 1)1 (he till ',h, .ir..l ovrr iliciii lirccihts. '1 lit"
Jt.iAirs ihi-y alvs.iys uup
on, .'.rA I'ui p in tlicin.
'I'lu ii bii-rcliis t line il>«ii ti> ilic kriiis: tli' It- they
lilt M't wiMi in liimiiKT or i,: winter, bur. when they j;o
jibrii.KJj .i.kI, .is I'lMii ,1, tlicy I'lnic hotu'", they (I'lli
till 111 oil .1 ■..111. Ni.\t to tliiii b./vlle, tir.'y \Mar .1 w.iiil-
lu.it nuilc (if )oi:i ,; Uwii (Uin>, vtith the iuiiy Ikle iii-
w.irj. riie e(i.i;, nr uj'iier ('..irincnf, is alio in.i.le of
r.ie i-olouri-vl rA'.!ii ll-.iiis, or (in iLiccl. ot ili.it) iImI-
l!.:ns triniinej aiil cilj;ci.l wi'h \.hite, x,<.[ iiatly
wroiii;!:: in the le.uns, .iiul .ihoiit tlu- brir.i. riitir
h.'.ir, which i-, vtiv 1)
is brai-leil, anil
ti' li uji in a knot. I'hcy (•oiiiuiDiily jj,o bare- ii'-.ulcJ, as
v.cll without as witliin iloors: nor arc tin y co.i nil with
li'Ki Is, but 1:1 c.li; iit'r.iin J^r linAv. 'I liiir chief onia-
lUints arc fill's bc.i.]., of iku r-, c;! '::s oi' rorai,
:.!iout their links .mil .iiai , anil j'. rnl.ir.t.s in tiirir c.iii.
'I'll.'.' ailo '.vcar I'l.Hck'ts made oi Lilaik Ikia let wi.h
pe.irlj, WK.'i \.hicli they iii.M tiicir do.itlis an^l !lu.(";.
S.iir.e iuuc, bcll.li'j tliis, anotln r li'U of ciiil)cUilli-
liur.li tliev lUal.e 1 m;; bl.uk ftrol.;;b beructn l!.e eycb
(lit ilie fj.cl.cjil, upin ti.c
ar.i even '.ipini ilie ''lii;!"; .uul lej;
< ..i.uIh I ]■. uy ciiMii, I
i 1 i.nir \ i
i.i f tnc:.-.
vuiiy, vv
It tl.oi..'
.h. I,
V. iio ii .ve I
i.nov.in:^ 1'
(i!)r;i;.i..!i' v
e .k-,, •, aii.l
-:i 1.1 .
.lot i
Ill IV 1)1- l.nt a'.'.M'.', ,ri- obli
\\ i:h refjii,'
•>oc! K run il ;
.irms, .uul IiukIs,
i. J luy keep tlieir
iier il.in:;s, efpcciilly
nil •. I'he woiiun,
• Ni-ry dirty iiiul llo-
■.;i;iot Lie reinu'.iatcJ.
•1 I ": :t;c barren, or wholtr
a.i. .».! ''-v tnc niwiuent thiy
'■'I to ta'a' Hi. re care to be
ihcy 111 ;y [il.'.n- their iuilli.i.iJ--.
to ililjiolition, tiie (jroenlan'ler; .ire
r,.l (iliih-, b'-i; in.iole'it, li'i.', aiul
p:.ie(:iii.'.t,r. 1 In v h.e [ (M.-c.ibiy wlcho.it lai
.lit rfi^ul.iily wiihiinr ilil ii.iinc.
In i.ifrs "I nmuler (v. Iii.!i, lvi>'.\'\Tr, fckl.im n.ippen)
no cojin;;;,nic is 1 ii.cn of liie murilcKr, unicfs tlie
ne.nell n-fition to ih'- liicealcil tiiinl^s ]iroper, perlim-
ai!y, to re\fii'v lu'' ilea'.h. Oil worn ii, v.lio, (r^, when cer-
r.'.in ceremonials at whiJi bj'.!i fexes attcul, atlmit
ol promifcuous inicr..M'.ilCi an.l tliefe permillions do
not [Hocced 1.) lU'ieli from vi.e .13 arbitr.iry ciiiloni ;
for, in general, the (iroenian.lers arc nvxlell, civil,
jjeiieroub, and lioi|.it.ible. Only married pco[)'j are
iidinitted to t!v.' ab
for the iin-
iin. licvl, of both Ica^.i, are rcin.uk.ible lor their ino-
'i ily a:; 1 ontinea.v. 'l; lonlirm this al!ert:.>n, Mr.
I.;'.li-, il'/- IXiniiii iiii i'.i;i.i;y, l!iys, he never f.uv any
li tieiii I: ^'.1 .':i\ 1,;, .r ^iiveiliiu m, or ll'ew ;!■•,.• !.■. ill
1 1 '' n.itu.i!i :•> il, liili.'r in .•.• -.rd ur tleed. l^irin^j; Ulteen
'. .-ais that lie li\ed in (-i;ocnl.ind, he did nut iicar of
more than two or lliroc tinni.trrird yotmp; women w!k>
were projiMiir, bcc.iule it is reckoned the greatclt
I'he mod exreptioii.ible iirnpenfiry of the Grocn-
l.indei- is tliiirb, it.^ I'o exree.ling dirty, tiir tluy am
Il -veils to a d(',;ree ol btaUiality. 'Tim nv.n are lo fond
of ilirt, that iliey never wa:!i thcmfelvts widiilean
w.iter, but, in the manner of c.it , lick tluir I'ni.'.cr.i,
an I clean their laces, as will as they can, widi the
Ipiti!.. I'iicy even cat their vi.tual, in the lame bowls
.uid plnters tli.it have been iickid bv their hall llaivtd
li"!; ■, without the leall idea c( making them el- an.
I'lii- Women think they ar'- ikver To Iweet as when they
w.ilh theinlelvis in urine, tint beiii", dci iiiiil their yr.^nil
pirfiitne I nnd a firni.il', when l(> cleaned, ima;;ines
iier fmell to be peculiarly gritelul. I'.ven the men
.idipt this opinion li) far as to compliment a woman,
after havin^^ Ikc.i tlr.r. Icowered, with the titl: of
niv:r.i'ji tr /'!itiinriik\, or, maidenly IV.ce:. Coinpanv
never hindcis either lex Ironi cjiiiplying witlj tl;c c-iis
of n.it'irei and tl'.e uteiiiils f.jr iliofe purpoles being ..1-
w.ivs in tile l.ime ro.uii a. tlic family, a dilai^reeablc
ilH'ivi.i arifes, which is cxtreiv.ely ollciilivc to any bui:
tii'ile who are, by long ufe, lamiliirized to I'lch llcnches.
Many ofthelc people foak ra'.'. hides in tl. .li; very ii:en-
lils, v.hieli contributes coiuidcrably to the n.iul'eous
Imell of ilie i ricelly drying tha: they
prelerv*; their liilmon, halibut, or flents, wliich .'.re
caught in the fumiiitr, and laid up for winter (lore :
(i)r tin le people, with all their ignorance, are as care-
ful as tl'.e ant in paoviding tor future exigencies. Seals
are or.iy to be caught in the funimer, unlel's they hap-
pen, in the winter, now ami then to meet with a lew
Mooting upon the ice. The mode of pnlnving tiiefc
animals ii bv b'.nying them under the Inow, iroui
whenee il.ey arc dug not as occafion rcipjires, and eaten
witliMti: lurther preparation. 'I'liey are as nally in eat-
ing as other things i for th.ry never clean cit.'ier pl.ittens,
puts, or kettle-,; and the dirty [:rouii ! fcrves tliem for
a i.ible. I'lUt they a;t wiii r th.in many more polilhej
n.itions, il iioi eating Ire meals at particui.ir hours,
but gratifying tlic calls of hunger when the cr.iving ap-
petite requires. I he women uliially eat by thenilelves ;
but when the (iroenlanders return from fe.i, tlr-y ma! c
merry togetiier, and regale I'lmptU'Uilly.
As thele people are not deiic.itc in their appetites,
they are not very particular, in times of liareiry, v. ;:'i
lefpeel to their food, as thev vviil fce.l up m ]/iece-, of
rotten Ikins, lea-weeds, llags, any kii;.! of roots,
whale's fat, train oil, cV'c. In fummcr the/ ufe v. od
as liiel to diels fuch victuals as tliey il ) not clwr- t^>
eat raw; but, in winter, they uliiaily b lil their t j xl
upon their train-oil lamps. Their kctiles are nvk'.e ci-
ther ol bral's, copper, or marble, and, in gener.il, nia-
nufieUired by themklve.s. Their method of kindling
a tire is by the friction of a piece ot hard wood upon a
dried Hr-trcc block.
The D.uies found gre.it d! r.,e';v in bringing tlie
Grocnianders to tafle tl. r ;ro''ir..v,s. Some, how-
ver, at length C! me to '.: (^.i^d of lie.ui rv.l b'Jtter ;
but very lew have, a . •. : , overeome their il: ing aver-
lion to Ipirituous lii{U r ; ., id none can be pe fu.ided to
chew or linoak tobiieei'.
'The men are i 'm:,-.onl,' corteiU'-.i ■'..!■. one wife.
'There arc fume, iiniced, but tliuio ,i,e '.ery (i.'w, that
keep twf), th.ree, t.r four wivev ; but thefe pal's for
heroes, or more th.an < r.iinary men j bec.uiie, bv their
iiul'.illry, they are able .\i m.iintain to min;/ wives and
cluklrcii. lief ire tiie arrival of the Danes, Jcaloufy
never prevailed amon,: thofe wi', e-.; but ilicy agreed
Will t.igether; thou;^.h tiic firlt wife -.v.is reckoned the
millrcls. Bat fince the IJ.uies have inibimcd them cf
7 1 t!ic
M'.W, R.")YAT., a;;,) /aHlirNTIC STSTr.M of l'N"IVFRS.\I. Gi Or,i{AP[lY.
,k! will oi (i \', i:i;i-or'i:'.", tli;i!,
iC iH
.tur m.i lo oiit 111,11) ;mti ont
l!it,' wo;
yiiiiun::, l: <■■
.v'o:M.i:i M '.i\i- in iiiatii;lKir,y .is l.iilli.uv.l ,1111! wit'f, ihfir
i.ivc liicii '.liiH- n-k-nriiK-nt in tlu' v.iws v. Inn thfir
Ii.u c bira irniMl'rv
to r.il.c air,' (it!!ii> In
.|v,l to Mr. I''
to put ,! li i|i t) !iu-:-, .1 i ; , i .
i.-.tlru ■!(■.' th
|-c-;;i .\!i,l !ii::) ;;illy t.i ii)!!;'! ,"[ liiL'ii
i\.:v ('t ll'x Wv.tV.'.i n :■! n.'.f. i;;i. nt.
; ( .11-, ilclitin.'; mm
A !:o, V. hen Ik' has
,;i tl'.iir i.iti nil:i), l!;iv li.iw always
Ivr'.ii^'. in the
IV •, i,'l:a:n lioni
!ii.;;i\!":: ;
i'jcc, ilc.-ir
tiinl. \i i
Vvwr.in. (!■
niiiv, li; '•:
u-lr;on , Cki-ii n ili.- tiara iie-
. ! '■ krviM ..ri
inv. .irrari(,i''!c a::.l v.iw.i
k\ '.:' .'. v.H.:-;^ ;n;ui an.i
Lm.m <■ li;..it>,l in ore f!i-
I r-i\! •. '.'i-tliit i l"r I'.cv
;i:!i' .iiv rro!
.■s It
iiv M ; ) : :i
1). -'i Ik!.-.. AI':.T \u-
'■■:<.::i s t.M) ct r.i Mi: o!.i
-O M t'lf
'.'.l- will*. I-
r.:i"r\ n-r .iw.i. liv l.jtci- ; ( >r
;■()■■. ■. I I tin" m.r
y;T, o\:r t>f :ii )ilcliy,
.) .iVdivi '!u- icnUirc d
• to tlu' Imi iti'io );ii'b
dcl^cifiit in po!n: ori:r.v!t'i(l,!i;.'ir,.r, it w.mkl not he ra-
l'a!)lc oflii; iwig its v..;v to the land of Iphits witiioiit a
laiihrul i!o:
'• t') run bcloix- and 'ruidi- ir.
I'l-.L- priiifi]);;! ainuli-nicnts ol' tho liri (M.-- :a:i'
i 1:
■ r'.onilt is iii.ll lai
niiniiL-r tcfiiinarc t:
rii'l, i, tl
an.; tiif (.
'!i ."A ! ii-ili
I'lV 'XW
c- till- ij'Mircls ol' ;.'■,.' (ir otMil.!
rill rtlentni'.'nt. Ir i^ t > b:-
l.r.' 1
;'s, an
ad III
f I Iv \i'iv i 'aoniini"'a ,) ..a.l I'M in.ia',' otlic
li'ir u tai'V
rii'.'::i tlu'v ki-t-p
ivir..i..i in ii.ii
'lllliT'lIl'M! ot t:
,1 In-.;:;'-::; t(M'
liK/ii a- It I-,
Iiev u;:l , o to wor
, nd do t'l'ir oiili:'. r\ liunii; !
but t Mil
tia.'.r i
Il colls ti'i'ii) tiitir ii\'i
I hi
\'.' t.M tl
,ir.[ ii'-'-n ii'.T
■V l.aM ,; ) I'i
irf t ,:' f or
o.Ii'a', ',m ij'j'i.t n;i 1:1 ; !_
V. iKc'ci' im.iii' > ill i..i
■ ':■ .. TIkv !'..k!i' il,;i
!. '..' Vi'.irs 1)1 i, IM' I1M)U-
ir t>
.111. V, tnrv iMiiiiot il!;:i.'l
lis ill, It li ,• nii iir.iil live (!:vmi.
i '.
m; o' th":r ( aiKlr-n
.\-\\ '■'• '1 -a
: \' il.
aim: , '' k h-. 1 <■ tl/. in to Vww own o
vvitiil'.irJi.-, ' V. h'.di, V. hen tht-v ,ir:- :
.1 ii'.i to \farsol
in Iccin li.. i:'K\l t 1 \ii c.
tni-v ll:t' V no i.'ri-.it rclj '.1.-; :o tin ;r pai .n' , ;a any our
o:mi', t!u:v an-
.l\s \'tT-,' VViri!'," t ! (! >
tlit'V o- I'l t.icni.
.'s a. v.'cii .1-,
la I'-r til:; i.i:^ o! t'var |;.i
t;il tlit'\' arc married ; .if-
:'v lliiic lor thenilri.
■s ; vv- t.Mi".' I timiniie
n.uio.'is w.iu'h pri't'-a'.! to greaf [m
1 -ace, v.. I il I tt'iaiMiiTc their liiill
ole .111 I liii'.'Kily 111 in
: i.u (j :;li;c, iin.-!iri:t:an, a'ul ia'r.ni.ia pr.u-tiei; of d';
liii.i', or ap'ieali.i.'; to the lava.te b, iraliiv
e tlieir oiiiere:; rs n
let, wuh'Mir h.!\'in;
l.i'iri ■
a are lii.'v; at their aileniblii
ual; taeir nei;'!i!i mr^ toih
e'i, or rat.her f;)).!-
let; '.li i.l')e''.i:!ient , .ml re|irereiu.iti.)n'i of e.i. .'1
ndi.-rs l.iijlrs. Che j-eiloa ulio lln.'s al'.\,ivs be.i
lu:!'- drian ui'ii Ir.s f
.III .le.onri.ininient to lii>
.'V.'.l 111'.
Ihaa.'c f;ellii;ii!at!oas (
VAC -re
'I' earei; aaiili' ir ol t.i ile p
r: oi t.ie \e.;r
aililoved In- ill
iHoj :e i.;a r in Ima'i"; v: t.:\uA'>
'lae t.ie
iM'i'. Is la- re;a
o iMiii.ie this .1 ,1-
lail tliey peaetr.uc m:.) tae intcri ir pin-, aeeaii
1 ;>,■ t.'ieir wliole laaiih
■iviiv; l"!!!!.! a herd ot r.
i; I :', .1 11 I liLi.'r ot i.i: leal.m.:
eoiifKier.i'.le dill liiee, and tl
rs lurroaiid tlieni
e.i, with llioati and la
d'.'oib yeliingi, ilrive tinaii iiit ) a 11 iiro'.v eonina!-., b
t ) 1; ■'
W.VA ti,
( ).
la tl'.e I. Hue ho'.ile, or u:iim- t.'.e I. line
• fatiiers, to.ie'h-,.'r v-'v.':\ o; ,er I.iid'ed .:a
a 1 V. h.i: t: .'V iret t'ie>
.'il (•
( iroeilM
11. a:e ;.|i.l i.'ii
:a erji.y in eoainion,
r .1.1 I;-, pi'oper'y is
'J''' .'■:. .\\\ \:\\ \ re-
• 1 I ) ( ..r: ',■ V. .ii'-'i'i r
a ;a t.
'pen .iir lo l >\').\'
M la It
'', I tll'ir e»!'
I- 'i! ip; .ir-l, b'lul rl,.- ^■•^ m !.- r'
lip 111 ri la iti'i
r .11, 1 1. u i;
<\ 11'
te 'le '.s ..I .ire 1 ..;|.
t r I'Mil" liwie
; , r I'll,' ili'ir
• I ;:;■■: It a \'..i;'i.a
r ^e I t, ijr.'ii p iii'
1 , Ir- Is I! 1
,1, 111 ;.'
.n , eum'i ', e.
,1 III
■ 1 ).' [i'.ienre I.
i.iep e' a
ii.ioii, I' iloi., Ill ,' .'J .1 e:ii„
tiK- i.irele taev
li.n'e f. .iai .1
i- .iir.uials Deiiii; tiui^ eoo;
1 witli
roaii.l t ;. .r,
up, be'..oaic .la e.Uy
pre'.', and iii.iy he killed with (!;rea' I.Kiliiv
Tiic Iniatii;
weapon, of the (iroenl.mders .-jr^.
tre" bows, wound ab v.it v.iih tae i\wib,d line.v:. of
ruii:; vsiih t.ieliaie, or win Hips of le.il
re near Ik •'■
De.irileil wi.'ii ir.ia (^:■ ..1.1-
ill )•) bi|•d^ with are blui
e: la len:n!i,
i-'i bit ti'ioie rlie.
te.ir tat; tl ',1, ihe
r. p'O'a'eil, tii.i; taey may n^^r
.il iw l):i 1 r l.iili .'lea: to
wirii I \t m LiiL'ltn'' 1:
la kiilin..; Tea ti>',v|, tliev
il ilicv t'lro'.v witli all')ai:]iin;i dext'ei
.1:1.1 vrrw l( I'lom :!ii
i- :i a
1: \ 1-. 'IkeriT.r li'oni \
r fi'i
' 1
d by ol.'i !' I.
len ta^'v i'_t (. ,1
iip' 1,1 I.i lie r
eallel \
t.iev ;• 1 la
lanre l^
).i ' bj'
til" V. M ;
la o.'v Ml til
•b i.i;, ii I I.'
I ll,)il ■ .1 V.
r.e.\,.l b
M' ■' ) pel I .,'1 ,
, V. all M ly 111'
II 'J uir'i will I 1'
I ■ lie ol '.'I'lir: ' I
a 1'. aliiii" , < J
' I, I 11 V n " 01
1 f le',' lin I ,1 V. ,i,.i,-, 1 ,
•' I'i'i-, t ) v.hi.h ,Ui' I. si
' i • va !■ .il ll.iii., w:,:. ';
Ider,. Iheli- a:f: j 1
',.' i I! "'a! 1 i.f'rs 1.1 t .V r
Ml li.:: Iiiil.e.
0: 111.'
.!'( i
I . ■ ri 1. 'v III' th" uhale .i:;i i
i I .1 II Mil divinr^ uaiK'i' 'ii :
e. W h'.a tlu'" wh.il • | ,; ;
lile.i by I iiip.MC, tie; L 1 i.i
I'll I, ears .laj linwi . idl li'.-
fea, an! bi-
b(i:iv, ' '. <'ii I
nor iial:, as :
raa il.av.i iiim
li. d:iri!ii.i, l.i
Willie lie re is
at;. I -at avav
.'..il. :a<'
tlicni wiai h.ii
tliey <"iiiie t )
ftrikin:; tiiem
like ti.eir own
rreepin.; iir :i
vei V l.iaie m.ii
lander app.'"
j.iil. h:;ii \M
the Plow, th'
fr,'.a;|i iri'i.l :■
t'lev die I'.i'i
\<.iiile 'hey ba
01 lio.iriaj.; Ip''
iiiies niavie ol
C.lt< il .1 .iie.ir
lines i-'f i!eiP[
t.lken I'V ae .1:
till' t: 1" I .ii.'i.
I in ! .'.: i'lw VI,
lurii ,: cMteiiJ
rii.l.-- n [lie 11
p.rie, i." M oi I
tri'a ( :''.
'I'll, > li.,.'e
neri .ilor.e u
] oiirei! :U b '.
tiine v-,i;.a :: i ■
ill I'le liiiii :
l-at.'., .laii lit
lli.iiie of tii.l
!ini ii.ii : i and
lirell'rd, and 1
ia it, wh" l.ai
ler r.in p. ;k ;i
|| I, il;.i 1,1. le.
b: '.id .11 holl
tki II, 'Il Itor;
and it they u.
an I recover
'I 111' kone-b 1
fi-ltivity. In til:
(irx'nl.'.ii.ifi';, ai:
i- t > b-.".v:;!a-.|i;;iL
r.i.i .:;k1 lir:u",\.-
c. iil :: l^.j I'a'i.
.'.viri.; r'.;-,,uil.' tj
:i piv..-tic-c of li'i.
:r,iliry of biiu:,.
cir aiR'iiihliLs, .ir..'
or rat.'iLT jp ),i-
■k-ntatioivi ol ^-^. \
's always Iiim;-, .i
o;ii;uniiiiciu to hi,
i^flliciilations l^jr
fiiip'.ovcJ !iv tiulc
'• I .h- pnii:;| il
lo p;iir.iL- rh:, .1 .i-
^ait'., acf:.)in|ia:-,'_>l
iii.l a lie 111 o! r' ;.'.-
irni;ii;J thi-;ii ;,; \,
■ h Iho'it:, an, I ii:
"•o'-v l.onl;1a!^, iiy
"■1 .1 ro'::i I t'; x..
>, l>f':j:iic a;i caiy
ifnlantl -IS arc fr-
lK\i [JllCVj of" 1111-
wici lii;)S of Ir.il
■'•; 111 k-nj'th, ,!!! I
' t<-' J hit tiioii: rii'.-y
tii.K tiicy may n^r
:i: t ) kiil tho 'ijtr:!,
M to.vl, thry uli*
);;i:!uiif_f licxtciiii ,
: i":.T<'r.r from \.!i ,•
^^'lf^ t:i-y 1l; <. ,1
a lai!-;; io 1 • bj-.
i hy woiu 11 . (■■(
I '•!■ ,; •( pri; ,;i. ,
■ lin ! a V. ;i..i,-, r
, I I \'.h;.h au- III
I 1 ll ll-iil,, w,.: 'i
I h.;ti- .v.l-.: ),1
'•••.)] ihl'T'. ia ( .1 ;r
I.: I.irla'.i- ot i|,,-
ol th' whak' at. 1
ilivin,'^ llllil.T 'ii ;
■I till' \\\..:\ ■ I .; i
'ijv't-', tlic L11..1
aiiJ lii:i.( . I'll I,,-
( x ' I n .
n iv:j!'i..] G ii 1-. I'.
f.i] In >•. On i!;;-: Ofcal'ioii tlicy rtri- ciaJ in I' !:i coats,
Vn I, fv
co.ililt'.i: ' of i'h;y < ni- iv.-.Ti-, v.l
:!•■, iti nv:., aiu;
laj.-, ;rv,'.\l ;iii.l l.i' '■ I ll 11 ',ic t"',. i.k r, ii-.L no w.rtT'
(,i:i [ ci'.rtia"' ihnn. In il;i', pail) iIkv !iin,ji i;iv.) the
ha, ant ix['.'< 'o ll:.i tin- la^ all r aiii 1 ir.v wi. .:.■',;
U\',\\ i:n\ uii'l r w.iUt; i ■!■ in il.r ,■ coalj thcv i ,:n-
llfir iiiih, as I'l'.-y M- .;]v.Mys li'il iil .1:1 ; 1 1 il;..t they
(a'l iiand u:iir-,.r in ti,'- l:.i. Nv/, t.'.cy ,ii-f ; i:;i::inK- .
li. ilarinu liuit I.!; V u.ll ,,(.'t li|,on tii ■ u!i ili 's i>:ick
W:. '• lii' ."f I-, y,'. ll;'- in l.ini, to liia,.^- .1.1 cn-.l ( • hi,n,
TiV.'i Mt a sav I : : ;■.
.',.il. :;ir ■ ... ,1 ;;', '.'<' at tlic ,iir liolo. in tlio i, r, an i
rtiikiiv; tjif'in \v:r,, 1,11., rs, .i|']iroai liin:.; t.'i''ni ui:i^-iii. il
1; .(• t,,i;r oaii \\r.i i ' ; li: 11 is, i-ovcii'il wih a I' .,1 ll.iii,
r:,;'iin; iir n tliC H: , ,in.l wa/'ini; tlic lif.ul in (In;
WiV l.i.ur ni.iiinci .1.. .1 k.il , iiy whi, n ir.c.ins rli'- ( irov:.-
I,!i:'.kr a;'i :"ii'ht--:, i.a' aniiii,.! '.v:;!.;,;:; liifi n-i:i)i, an 1
!.:!'. liini •> : n ll.^ IniCi. I'r-vii'u i 1 the t.ilhi :■, m
(!"• laio', ill' it- |'"j.'li- (,lil liX' t'l" k'lls thi'iU!,','! the
fi.'.:i:]' irci.l ; '', .in I :i,ici.- i!i'-i;i : > t:,i.' o| '':i:ng-, svli'-rc
tlk-v an- (; I'ilv kiiKsl. I ill .' .111.- ii!, v.i;.- l;ji|iii;'arJ
v.!iilc- fliry iij ■: ik'-init-'ivci in :n Inn, <-iilu'r upon ruLi;s
ni li'Miin,;-' lp''-i!'. "• i-v'. 1 ll'.' '. i!';.'.'nl.ir..!;'r . aiiL'jc witii
lines 111:1, if ol All III ;i.)iu , mi vi rv lirall, an.! ^>:, orally
c.it, 11 .1 ^u',it 111 n\ Tilh. 1 i;r n ,1;' n; i^ cai'^-'lit v.itli
li:l'.-., ol iuiPj', 01 1' ll (kin. .^.ihii n an.i r •t-:;iii .iic
t.'.i.cn hv :i;- .i:i- ol '.V'.-.; , :;■ ik/r.'.' tin! I'jii ~, iiiro uimii
ll;-- r: !'■ i.ii.i.s tliim .1: llin ■.!, ana k.iv.-s them .iii (.Iry
1 1:1 ! .'.': i 'W u.iicr. Sieiit u.U are >.,ii:;',lit hy i:.'j.ni,i o;
IK':, . { MtenJuii; lip in p"i'.i. I'll' v .ae iri'.d ii;h,;-, tnc
r. . ', . 11 [he i<^:^-i-\ air, and luve ! i; ji.irr oi the winfLf
],M', i.' ',1 ol l!.'j ii.itivts, being dr(.ii':ii 111 melted lac or
iren i :h
I'll, > li...-c f.vo I'lrts of ho.it' ; tl'iC r;-e, v.liieli tiie
vvr, .ilonc m.i!;'' iiic oi, i^ a liiiall veik I, ,i.id lliarp
I oih'ei'. :u !) ',11 e:;ii ., tliree t.iamn.s in l(:i:,;ii, .lii.l hut
tiitte >;t..i! :; I , o'l",; '. .1..I *.kic ar 'in .11, with .1 i.jimd Ii.de
in I'le inik -', i i^ i--:. •' i,i''i 'ii ,.'r .1 I'l ; I's 1>, ,ly t'l
tn!.'., .iiid he k;,;.\ni:i 1, 'I ..e ',::;iik' ol ;nt b.iat i.s
111,1, ie of til, 1 .ail., ; i,v. -.i : ,.;,.'::• ^ i 1 :!u liiV-Us (f
iini u.ll i a'l'i I'l'.' nntfi.ii' is 1 i.'.r.-.i \..\ le.il ikins,
iiiellrd, aiui v..'.h'iir, h.ur. N 1 m i.- i;....: 1 ;.e e.m li;
in ir, wh" (.nk-iis 11 \ > ti|j,iif .iboiit his v.ai.l tiiar n.) w.i-
ler r.i'i [•.:k;i ii' K. In ■ lel.' Invul 1) / r , ti. 'V po to
I I, ll;.l li. II'.; tl •':'! wi'il one (■.,■, .1 i ;: , 1.11 i'.Jil.',,
ll' ..111 .1! I'liih cn.l,, uitli v.hiL.'i til! y paddle .ib. a; in
till ih 'it Ihii ;nv \>, ith, r, t) e.f.e!) 1: .il am' k.i I.avIs ;
and il tluy uapi i-n to o'.iiiet, e.iluv 1 lue tliemlvlves,
nil I leeovcr then bo.its by mean'.- >■• tiuir paiidi'.--,.
'1 ill- kone-liMt is ma.,lc in the t'.im;' r.i,;ii:i, r, bnt ni':e
dill. .Me, and I'Mip/ r, I'.'ii;;; 1 .■ tee; in lenpdi, ,ind like-
vile ii.es .1 in.ii',, uiih .i in.inj^iikir liiil, whieli ii m.;,!e
ol till' iiKiiil-iaiii s ,i:id entr.i'ls of leal,, an 1 iiiii;. '^d
v.kIi liie II' ip 01 'he biaees and b.iwlinps. I iie vs' uiii ;i
Ijiiikl, u I .111 .ill I low ihele bo.it,, audi iikeuil,' b;:ild
;iil '.lie t JT'ieiikii ! is luits ; the whole' ilni ii.iiii'.' e:ii-
1 ''.nient 01 the men beiiK', to make luiniing inij le-
i.icits .\<\A tilliiiip, la kle.
I his eo',11 trvis ieit thinly peoj le.k T'li ki:t> v.hiiii
tl.:- in;i.ib..,int3 ri i le in iluiiiiij, \.intei .'.:e ln,\, :ind
bnilt ol ll me an.l fat. l ne v.iiiii iw.s .n,' ,'ii e.ne li.le,
mile of tlie biAi.1, ot le ils, drelle.l, :ind ;.-V,ed t,i ',e-
tli ., 1 r of t'.i' maw. "i lnli'.i,Hs, aie.l an- wiiile .uul
ti.i ,;/.reru. On t.ie ither U i.- ,•.".• p!
v-i,u.h e.i:i:iil of ,''.i'..-es or hi .;, le. ,,
b'l.iids, r.iiiid k,.lil a yaid fi'ir.i tie p^"'::,d. Tiieir
I ' 1 liiii.; is uia.le o; I'l.ll e; nil", de''; Ikilii. .Si viral
taiieii. s live to.'.ether in one ol tneie ii aile', or hut.s,
•■nil ki'i.ily o..:(.i,|,yin,', .1 r iiii by itUii', jepir.iied li'nu
liie lu! b:,' wooden poll ., bv v.liii ll .illo the ro'it i>l':p-
po'ii.l. ]5eliire the pull-, is :i lujiili or lire | la, e,
ill uk ,h is 1,1,1 I a i;ie.i' lamp, in the firm oi ,1 h.ili-
IllDO'l, I ll - i r :: .1 .1,,. . U'.', I' t.;, .Ill' hniip, tiieir
l.i . I ■ I.; ll . . p; 1, r .ii.iii'l'', 111 v.hieh iie ■. boil
til . a li . 'k .;.. I..- Kiol, pill auotiL tiie l.mip,
I tlie\' Ii.i'.'e a lorr of racl;, nr !li':lt', to put tlicir wet
ei'i.ir'u:, i.,;:)n. T'lev biirii rrai:;-!.:i in their l.imp'S, anil
I iiiOi-, krw. t'leni as a fublliturc f;r wiek. 'I'lic door
I of rlie hat i, low, tk.it as little culj as [loiTiijIc niiy b:^
i a, knitted. 1 lie lioufe i> lined »ith nhi Ikins v.itliin,
I .irid ftiniii'iided v'.itii brin Ii'.:s. 'i'iie nit.11 and v.oiiieii
i :'■. [> wijrk v.itii tl;.;:- b.,i;>, to e.;,::i i;the;-. Iitkefini-
■ :r, :■ t':e ( iroi-iiknidei:; d,'.'ell ii rents made of fiii:;
I ; '1 ,, ir:i- 1 in a eoiiieal l->rin, rovercd with dter-lkins
■,v:;! in, ;irri oiitw.irdlv v.iiii tlKl!i.-d li.al-.'kin.-j, fj th:ic
lain t. -.:::. t pierce' tiie:ii.
1 he tjnjeiilanders tr.dkic wi-.'i t!;e D.'.nc?, by cx-
( h, 'i-'.in;' wlialeb' ll.', biublier, train-oil, horns of fea-
nnirorns, rein-deei Ikin.s, leal elilto, and fox ditto, for
e'.a: , lliirts, lloekings kiiiver,, hand-laws, needles,
.;:.:.:ri_' li.jolc', theik-, Liriard,, l^;.ik;.-.^-^laire:;, toys,
ii; -ir be. Is,
.!e of deal
ill'- kiniv-ia;:.' of tlie ( irnenl.in ler:, is guttur.d, and
ftili Ol c.nl ii.iiir,-. '1 lie rdj. Iiabit is without thic lettcri
C, I), (J^ .\ i aiii they hive a ;.;re.u number of pi ly-
l>ii,d)Ii s ii:.i' tiie people of >i .rth ,\meri';a
I lieie pe ■; Ie tn .;: tiic i).i;iiiii ir.ikionaries wit'i r,w.it
relj'i-ct, :i ..1 att,'i!,l to whil I'lev pie.ich with the iir-
moll p.uienei- i lint ar ii;c lame [i:r.e hear them with the
iii'ilf ni'iriii', in[?; indifteren',.' ; I) iliat tlitjfj p- nrlenieii
III. ike but :.-v.- piolelytes, mr, at k-.i!',, if any are c 'n-
vertctl, they f.di iin kini.!, remerulier v.h.it i;:i, been fii.l
to tiviii. rii'iic who remain in their oiii'ind fi-
p rilicii ;; b; ii'eve in tiie imtnortalifv' of the I' ml, b'lr
l,.;ve ver, c uifeilnl ami ir vl' 'p.i.'.te i.k.u of tke I'sity,
whoiv. die',' e ili'-'d J' '■■: ; ;.'•'', ;;■;,! ijjjpole tiiat he re-
fides eitiier i,i liie b'V.vel, of tlic e.irtli, or i:i tl.Z
I'ji. dkiev lii^ev. i:'e beiieec in anotlier lp;rl% \\'M)n\
they call I' ■■-} '.'/'/■, or the rcriraiiier, became il;ey
fanry he prevtiirs tk.em from eating or drinkii;.'; wii t is
peiniiiiiii , anJi from cioing wr.'ng in other tki:i';-. A
tiiird Ipirit, calk tl 7.'i ' '. '/■■/ ■'.-, or the ::;'it;er, tiiey re-
preleiit as a inonller, a;.-.t l:;i.';.i'ie lie iive.> tip.'in the en-
i trills of tiie ilead. 'I'liev ;up[)ofe all the eiemt'Us to
Ik- lilietl wit'i fpiritsi ,i:k1 lulieve that the i;- piiefs,
uliom tliLV call .'Vngri.'!'-, h lee e.cii one < 1 :\i^'.c fj i-
rits, as ;i;i .ittenl.mt or fir;v;i,ir; an 1 this i I,.,'! I.imiiiar
Ipirit ilie\ e.iil /"," . ,/, aiid fa^.cy th.it he .'.h'.-.i', -, oiiie-.
with pri.it readme!, ti tiie .'\.ii:j;eki.t wiici !k:iini;\c of tke' p-.-ejle ikire f illo'.v nim, and, on hi.s
i\rii;n, makcb tiiem believe ;k..!C he li.is invi'ked rorn-
pnli'ek, will) aiifv.ered his i:ivoeation k,y apper.rin;^ in
liidi a iionid t.inn that he wa, overc,>ir,e >y tirr.ir,
hekenetl, funk iir..) a tra;i,e, ,i'i I remaine. 1 without
lipn, of fill' for ' ..' I'l-i.iee of three days, and tli.t when
he ret ivered, k, muikI him!ejt induced with tlie tjiiiit
oi c.i:'.;''r.idi)n.
1 l.eie Angeku',:, are very p;r'.'at ii-.i-pofior;;, a:-.l, Ly ,1
p,ie;it variety of :;i!i:iees, m.iint.iin en:i!e .dcendency
ove:' rlie | - a' deiialetl people.
Tlie |!iiiieipal dileales of t!;e Groenlan.ie;' . ire f f .1
I,- :riK,ku: ii:itiiie, .uul they are p'le.it .leeuiiiimid to
Weak e\e., which latter dilouler is oci.ilioncd by ih'-
lliarp pieuinp; win, Is incitkiit to the country, and the
white plare reik-eled from che'ice and fnow, with wliieh
til' whole coiiniivis cwried f) great a part of the year,
1 lie fm.ilkpo:; bein.: bi.,U!,';: .iimip^ thele people ia tht:
\,Mr i;.'.), f.om Co] en!ia,:.t;i, m.ulc great liav.iek.
W iiii ulpe.l to iliiv'P'' '"■ ii''>;i-> thev .'.re i\;r. mcly
iynina.'it. 'rk-'ir pieir 1, i.e::i pl.uller fir all kind, ol
\.,)i:iids, i, tlie C'.iii; ef.!i,.n of ilie balk o, a tree, biiriii-il
iiioi'-, ,i:h1 train "iii aiul all tk.eir inl'riime;.:, 1 I' [ur-
i perv conful in .1 c ';iim';:i l;:ufi.', a lilli hio!- , luid a
liie (.Iroenkinders are urtt rly ignorant of r,afi::.J
pliiiidojiliy, an.!, iiuieed, of leieiice in |:,,'n';-.!i, a iiii.dl
fmatteiiiis!, of af,ron,)niy esceptedi for tluy 1,'.'. e m.nii;
liillieieiii obfervations of the liars to be ak;e to lleer
I by them to fea. 'i'kev meallire time by montlis, lom-
; meneing tlie year after the inn's li.li iking a'oovet ii":
hoii.'.oii in the winter; and u> i -.ry p.iuiith they a i':
' li
f !; ![
h 'vS
r 'I
I .Si «
.r I
( '
prccikly acquaiiitCvl wkh tl.i" luipt r tii'irs for Killii-,;^,
taking, till- tcverai rpri'lcs ol riil-t--, (o\U' , am-
d all
vv. Si) that tlu'ir li-rk- all'oiic.niy liTvcs to i!i
their as',). .•.•.ii'iis, li;'-!i .', n in .i'in", .;t humc to
il) tlifir Ir.tlf
abria.l to hunt.
.;i;rltic a;
!i, and
:iK'j.'.a.:ic voiks, ci'MI!'
tliL- li
S I". C T 1 O N II.
;\v {;ki't-x!.A\n
,•/.., c
slMl /.Bl ia.!'.X.
J,-.. ■-/;/■/"'■•■ D
DfJi! rfi'.- I]
I'rZi--,- M '■'
/■.v /■
t > tl.c lall IikI;.
.NMr-!i I'
( ,! in t:.!.- vcar i
tn- a ir.iT
;'t El :1b. 1, «h<> ad.lr.-licJ I Knrv ^111.
.•t , but ti
in lie I'ldpolcil wai r.c-vc-i
I'ut inti) c.xccuaon.
'll'.e rirll j.z'xn
■t v..;-; m:..lc i:i tnc n i:'n o
ii.:j.nerli, m tr.c vear i ;s
bv.SirlIuoh \Vill(
v.lio lailul witli thrif Ihu >> to the lat'.tmle of 75
iK-rth, witlnn Liint, ■^^ r. wa
v..',:i.M w.
fuTwariis rc'-iiilioverai bv tl.c l)ut.-li, an
it' Circ-c-nlani
arrival at Coin in tint country, ami with him pcrillicd
the liopes ofjifrd-Jtwig tin- (lilcovcry at tiiat time.
In lyiothf (clcbraic;! I Ici.rv 1 Imlliin, v.ho liik-o-
the ilrait .in,l May that dill
r his nnnif, at-
tcmjitcil the north ealt I'all.ij'.e, bv.t v.as a, iinl'iCLelsli'i
a.-) thole that haJ /rune i)efoii-.
'riioiii;li ail il'.ere ailvemnrer", hnil niiu arried in the
II, tlie tlil'covery ol" a
in itn (1, ih'n 1
-f th
ii'Mihcall ().!lKi;-e, yet then- \uy.;L'fs provcLl benefici.nl,
in |o:ne mc.ili:re, to iluir rU'iedive countries, hv i
tr.iJ:.ii;Lrti, tl„.,„ tin- 1^.
Iin' of leal-lii'hi'
whale -
liiiiin.;, anil otlier piclit.ov- ; iiilnil'-.
'I'ht I'lighi'i ic-al!;;iiu.! li.e ilelij.rn in 1676, when
two iliips were litted ; himlelf, the diike ol' York
Ins broilirr,
Iv'vea o:h:T rerfoi
coininand of thcle llii", w,i,
n.i\-i'_:;uor an 1 ir.a
the foi
i'.ivcn to llur e::i(:lrnr
ti'. ; in (■ IP'
ain I"[iu \,<),
Hi, ;.ii.
mer bein:'; a; pointed to i>ft as
cipt.iin 1 (;i
piincipal, anti dired the e;;'nl!tion in the ciun.cter ol
Tiievfai'.d on t!ie ?.3t.h of M iv, i6""'j, an.
ceeded to the Norihcrn Ol'.ii). Gn the 15th ot v.-.r
enfi:in^ month they er.rcred I'.e i'olar Cncle, an.l on
I hi' :<)th of the lame
well, in which c:ii
t!u- 11
ip named the Spee
in Wood l.nlcil, Vi.is iinfort!i:iati ly
;a:r.ed Spit. berLien.
ii'i driven bai
a Itorni,
e w.is comiHik
to winter in the
ii\ir .Ari^ena, in
L;nJ, vhiTi- h.iil.'ll and l.iis whole con-pa:iy v.cie
itiin.Tttly ti( 7en to deadi.
hree veais .;;.er i.i'.-t/in BcrroMj^hs, comrrrnli'T
ft rhe na\y to i: :.
\\'!i;ougi-,by :n at:
the n'-rth ca; c i:, ;
i!e|r. (if r.i'ti'i 1 r
^^hlch fepara:e, t
/ejiibla; ami tl
.:.Miieth, lii>>eedi
):' thii dilcoviTV
'SS'^' I
.Si.- III,.!:
I le [ .nil.
i to the - tl
tl-.e \Vv
..le eo')i.:rv u
ien re:uir,-i
the .S.;
to 1
or ihait,
iioKi.s irom Nov.i
on lome r
Iriuk, the c.iprain L'ivts the
miir.ated dcll'rii'iion -it' the tl
i:l the icy leas. Alter h
ioliowiii'T a
iii't an.l
i'lrelle:, of himltrlf and I
1 lere (lav he) we l.iV beatini-r upon a roc
le IjMi e of three 01
moll hiah.tful nia:in, r, (• r ti
lii:ir hours, nliii;; :ill o r'V.ik- means to ii\c t!ie lliip,
but in vail); lijr it blev. lo hard, th.ir it
of oi;r power to carry
vs anv Krvice.
out an aixl
was wholiV our.
hor capable of doinp
we law land dole tinde
i.rn, t ) !:ie "r< at am:i
■ement of ii:i all, as before
w:'li navinu -rocecdtd mi:v.h ta;::'.er tiuni Lis ;-re..i
rn fv i , but time t!i • ir.ount.iins of iie were lo
aiul the v.ea'i.er
wi:ii his Iliip a
li) tempeftii 111-, th\t captai
1. in. Ill leturneO
to I
id. -Ill- 1
a 1 k:i\e!.s of
tliis expedition ticcaru)nei.t the ard.oiir lA the l^.n^jliili,
at that time, to fublide with refpe./t to th.e ni lin enier-
pri/.e, which was the diU.overy tifa iiortli-ealt p.ili.i^'e.
I'lic IJutth be^zan to pnilue tlie l.inie o!i|r.a ;n 1 51^5,
wiien John Cornelius ma.le the a'.t'.-ni|'t, but widioiic
Air: ilr,;ire of 111, eels.
Coriuiii:s v.as liirci't .1''
1 cM.'iiecc'e;
iTi (') liy \^']iiiarn B ir»tii
.aviijator .1:. 1 .ible inuhcni.iiiii.iii, u,':
lavin;; proceeded in the courle previoiilly j
01:. ;< il 01
I V ti
,n dilh iiaviLMt
alle>l t!ie
iiic: v.it.i tl,- p.ipeJimcnts whuh h.iil pit-venteil t.
jf ct!
u:r.s, a;
:d rrtiirned ivme I'lllv i:o.i\ iiiu 1
til..' the
re^ti' n.
■-■lire! iMllare v.a. r,..t to l-r I .r
'j 7 he enteire our m.ift came by tl
11 >,ir;l, uniili was ilo.ne.
w.irds i!;e iiiore in the pinna
then lent the boatlwain to-
i.) f e il their w.is anv
o ii ivr:v of l.m l;:i.', which 1 iiii:'..!i fe:ii;\l becuil
.;vr I
,M :m'1 lo 11'.- I.
anfwtr, ili
In half an 1
lour he i.;':inc».l, an.
-.t It w.is i:n'"vn:hle to huic
id a ni.i
;ow bein!,' in m
I'.;'.', ai-,,1 tlie llu.ie inaceeliible.
!:: I i.:ileipjence ol tilvle ba 1 ti l:i':.js we Wiiit t 1 pr.ivrr.^
t) lieleech t'.,- alnii'iitv to have inerrv on us, .1,110-
,\frer pr.ivers t!ie
m'.NU.ilde rim app
icared I
.lei.iM- 01. r eves.
her ( leire.l i'
a Utt,
ill!.' over tlir Hern I I iw a hi,. ill btai li o'l
'• i 'or s^li.
1 t
loni'ht tht re r.'i",;it be lonie d
llu.re. 1 iherclorc lent 1 IV the \
with loine nun in her to batirll lan.le
ce i:( r.eftin^; <
ini;::ie a lecond tin
it veiuii;'- to attempt th'' b'Min. I i:ien oPKie.i mi
h tweirs' men in i.,-r fo l.i.'u!, «i;
lie long boar, v, it
■"•-ilip'.eii it, ai'd '.'Ot l.'fc on
i'!i"le in the •
Icili '; t!,.;l
111. til \ui.. '
1 i ill'.: 'i;' X.A.
'■< :t' cl'liiC'.
;:iv he.u , m
:i . i
p. i.;u'!, .1 :
this ilniii.il
n • 1: i'!':r I ..'• me 111
Im u
Ml. I :i !.■< |. r
•d, .i:i:l li.e I
I'" I IK 'li.;' 1 :. , b .;l he:
i;.i nil: li:' .' hi;.'h, the bo ilu jin .1
foine otl.ri, wi-ull cimp'l in.'' .u ! tli'' l.e ii- 'i 'in i>
ihr :1
IP, lie-.
Ill t.i.r. k.l, 1 hi t
i rl.
'l.'.", 11 V'. 1 1 I
i!:-'- hal ..,
.r;'i|i;|..l i.er'.>
■ T 111 ll,o ...It t
l,i.::i tie'li t II
VI I 1:' '11 ; b .' d 'io'l r.l ■
,;t .1 • ii:i I ir them.
. il; v.. I,- t I tlie lli'jic the ll.ip over-
li •, 1 I ih:'
ille I
) 1,11 I trie 11, en
1. 11 IV ,ip| I
PI t:
|i.' I :i.'.;n, to
th" le men v,!:o hi i y.. :;\ ini; ;:;..!i j :..utj t.t l.".ir ic-
end. Wi
1) i,', and 1
dill.' one in.i
in the pin
ihoii:;ii v.M
b'l.'.'., .Ill i ■
V. :.i .:■ t ',]■
t.nn.is ,|ii,l
ail I in vh
r.l ,'.: niin'i'i:
V ..,! l:;,t
t..'.,-ii ij:i il.
h',"t, [har,
Wo"i I \ t-:i!i
" riie V
f:o!',, I.iov.
e .'111 1 be i:
(luiklv.s , .
Ih. .r.- to il,
us r I ihtl
lii'lle h i:',ll,
Wilil II \..is ■
r. iw I,,.' lu
v.eaihei, lii
w.r, iinpodi
l.i-.l to;'.,'V
l!i.::e tli:: 'l.ii
try tlie utin
Ivcif. !:i I
r.iiied .1 dii'l
poir.lle: W!
cany 11 > nr
t.) !-'i..i;.i,
clioice (;l' tl
li.iviiig .is i;
this peril. Jlh
kc[K the m
def-ns. S'
i k.,e.v '.v.i:
'• i'!:.- '.N
i. o'.v, i.i..i .1
li.. le, wlr.Si
oi.r people
ra::: i !.;'.\i-
■wli'.e we
lip. .::..
il Iji u :
.-.c ideiit I, I
Hi.l left
l,\\< ive .I'l
ihi IC we
i: vv.iuld ji,
niiie dip
lii; lllrll. ■
iij.,ily 111'
IiloK be, 11 1
diice of t!
Calls, wlin \
Iiangi:ig I
1 I'll , \\L-
4 , >l.i\.-.."
liie 01. I
illue I
111 I s ,, , ,
illid , 11.
fine the
*l.i. h ;!:
cih'.,- , an.
ri..»iied c,.
i.>-e:ed in t
.oon ,'.;
i'-.er i,„
Mi-.id .a.
ii!i liiin I'crillied
;t t!i.u tiiiK-.
';'i.ii, V. Iio ilifco-
!|- Ills iiiinic, at-
•ix .T. tml'icci-lsli:!
iT.ii'i.ink'd in the
• Jilcovcry :o-
n the ir,th ot ti;r
.11- Circle, an:' dii
i;.'.!iiei! the Spvei!-
was unfort'.iii.urlv
eas. AfVer havint'
•.\i!i;i; alfeiHiii;'^ and
of hi:".ilt:lt and hi:j
iriiv-r tipon a rnckj
;' I'l'aie (if three oi-
ls to five the !lii[),
ar it was wliolly oun
capable of (.loiiifr,
and (li)le tinder oip-
lis all, as before wi-
ler, 1 (irdi ret! t!ie
- mad came by the
iic the boatfuain to-
fe it' there \v,;s a;iy
iii'.h fiMird befaiile
);ir he i.:'aiK-ii, and
ible <:i land a nvin,
he Ihcre inaeeeliiijle.
i we wtiit 1 1 pravf'-j
r.ierry on lis, a;, no-
d bci.i'e (M r eves.
';; a iitri-, aiui l.)'.-
,rli o'l r.f i.vir wh. :.•
lunte I >' r.ettinj; • \
nn.'.ie a leeoiid tin'.;-,
.ir.di'd, I. lit llie dur't
I V.'K'n (;ldried I'l:'
in i,,r r.) land, w'i'>
i'lv'le in th<' 1 ■ -
I'n:' !:-.r ■;< . I,..
If;, v.;..../,; a:} l-
!iv ijr' .V:;;-, . n>i ' ■
I . ill 1 i'. J ; . ■
:, I ,- •• III! \i ..
:ln;;-V, !. : . ;
■■it "'1 lliTil '.' ' .■■■..• •■
II wi-i I 'il, w . 1 : i:
IS v., .e lal.i :i 1/' I r
I ! •• r , ; . 1 ■'!, /I. i'
III "' O, 'I ,:!:■ U'':-\
li./ 1:., I. a:' he ■:
I, !he li'jifv^ain ail
II ! []\r ill' ,!• n lit i>
i i|-'l".'i|' I-! i< I ■ >
1 ;.,•',■ r (v d.O....C t
i| r,i •, v.li' M 111 I"'
viir .! ' ■1:1 I ir t'liin.
' Ili'iie the Ifili iivir-
Mjle "I I ii I ih^ It. ■■11
.■• !i.:,' a.'ai.i, li' '■ .■ -
1 \ I'.oti c-f il'ur le-
r-i'RM'i'.] G R ]■: ]■
j^rcat ,';arard ! r:-:, f"i t!ic q.'irr.T .:. d ..[""it a iii; I'^iicc di -,
V.,.,..- ( i,r !i;e;! v..-ie ina!, !:,.■. a I.:,-, :.ii I a t.v.r \.;li:
c.nnasand iMi', \i:.;.!i v.- iiid laved 1 n' ;':.• j,;;r; ' |i',
a: I in wiii.ii vM.- hy all ni >it wr. a d '.....m. 'j'h ■
r- \; ni'UTin^ tiie man we Ic.i nn li .1. I Ii ■.:., ', rv ,-
V ;.d 1/ 't Kpon ;':•■ r.i. en I'.i.iC, .md (:i:..i..!< . i^.- I ■■
t.,'.i-ii uii ii,,)ie i iv.i" i; !di-v. ;,) !ia;.t, a ■ I ;!.e ii. i la'
hv'i, that, liujiiiih he \\a-. an e.^pti: ieanian, 111
UiT'l I \en!ii.e to liriii.^ him i'1'.
" 111'.- \\ nd 1. •.•n'.jriai /; tn biuw, \.!M e.' ■: :'i^ f"',^,
f.')!' , I, !()>•., and ad tiie ill enu.j.i 'led Wiidur im.
< '.d 1 be '.'•! e.Mird, we built innr.- iiaUs t' jiriuAi
iu!;KK\s, „iid the ihip br^■al^i^L.'; '.n ] ic. es e.e i'- .'I in
i': r.- til tlu. lan-.e plai c weie v.i- l.ind.vd, v. i.i.ii 1,; '. cd
ijs l-|- Ih; l,.r ..n ! inin:.;; !)■ !; it-,., t'^-ie e.ni,- ri 1::,
li:nu- i, . 'di .1 .. • ; :> .ii\.W, . ;; 1 ;■ 1 id llnu; 1 ;" •; nr,
svimli \-..e. ;.ii I'. e",i,l r: tu lis m uiii' I'ctrendty. We
n 'w i..' l)i...i'.n iii'j e aiid delp'n', [iivir.', i ir (lir
v.i.\;d,,-i, til.'. i.rMni 1 lav.ei iiii.nit liiid 1.-, ...ue.h it
v.a. inip()frK>lr ,' r ';;:n t) d'j wni''.- ih- \. ..I'.v.-r eitnti-
1.1. d lii:'„'y ; i •.: i...:i.:.., a: :!ie lime ti iv lie iiii/Ji;
I'lau- t!i:.' laii.c m:,-. A: all i-vc.t^ 1 v.a;, n-.'d'vevl t'>
fiy tlie i;;ia :; t 1 :.r. „■ .; . inar,y a-. I c n d i:i i.," Iv::/-
biat. In fi\w: i;:ii a ".t.) we raiu d lii r r.'- i Iter, and
i.nicd a cin'.'. up 111 iiei, to l-.eep ti'.e lea lait as mueh .is
poll'.! !e : wii.'i this bi.it a:;l li.iity men ;i'.j.' llie woi'l,!
canv II) iii'Ti) I in-..:-.ded altLTiiacciy to rnw and f,!!
t.) i-li.i'..ii Im; tile eie'v not l;Lin'.i- fadved ai to i,ie
clioiee (if till- men, bei.'a;i to i'-- !i.nti..o ■, c\i.ivoni-
liiviiig .1'. niMih re.ilon to lii>i :,,.n|l.it as .nio'n 1. i -,
tliis peri! )'.!■. L.ite hi illy was ()ur li :t 1. ,.inr;e, idr 1:
kept tiie me,; .nv.a'. s int.'xii-.r' d, audi tind.r.ited ilieir
del|.;ns. tionie ..e;e refjlvi .• to • 1 .), i in.!, iiiit m r.
I k.,e.v was ir.poinjh- : e.'.i'ie.a- ii.;d \>' ]i.''.hii.n (ir
an',.nni:;L,.)ii ; 1 .1.1. .•, : \\. In. .1 tie- v.d i iieid-.
'• ifa- wiM'o'i I'.'.il coi!tiniM.\l \:'y,.;., \ i;li ii,ps, j
1. I'.v, ia..i .i;.": : I'.., tid 'lie n.nth d.'..' o: cv.' !■ i.ii.; on I
f:. le, I'.i.i.ii ". .- t e ^ h «:.i) «jl .fl;. ■■ 111 the ]
Im.i: J ;; il.'.iri.l ;;;', .e.d, M i.nr p. , ' ; n • i;e ul I
f):a' people ealli.l on;, a l.e.l ! I'lii-. [::''\... . • > j" e.ip-
ra.;: ;!.;■.', (.s \'.e ;.i me t 1 (I'lr town, i'..i! ,.'.■ . '•; h. lie
\vli...i' «!.• w;nr, 'sli,.ii he p.o !;-iu'i d,., jici >, f n'.e
lip, .n..: . nt liii b ;.i: :■! ii>^. llel.iu I wi ni ..'I: 1 uiore
.1 iHk: ui.i-i'in <.t :h'- deli;.iloi the vov.;g<-, widi the
.m: idii.t mar had lielaiani ii- , put it into a j4l.1l. b jt.de
a '.I lelt ii in tiie fornne.uion 1 h.id there bailt. lie
Ivw ive o'clock they ;dl ;.Mjt liite on b aid, l)iil liai .ill on
I'll ic Wi- liail iived lium tlie Ihip, ( r wi- iv.iiii-. Icared
i; v'Siuld prove fop;;y ajiain, and tii.u '.'.L-liiouKUe one.
in.ie driven en this iinlerable emmtty ; a eo'.'nry I ;
til; nil d p.irt i-uvered perpetually \>.i;ii Inow, .in.l prd
uj .illy l>'.>jrL;y laiut, on wlujle lurfiie prows a hi;.. I if
tnols be.irint: a bine and yeilow liowcr, t!ie wi, dj j :".
ilnec oi ti/.- earth in tlii-. dell.date re 'i i;i. 1:. i.e
eldls, wliu li are exeecdin;, liiij;!), and tlie ais h^-s o.ci-
li.in^ing lup|iortin;i; inourtaiits of i'ntv, i ■.uhe a n'o!!:
tre.iijn.loi), fiiei'l,h,le. B'-'ne all on 1; i.ud the i'l. if
I ber:'!' tiiin i'a:i'>ar:an .'; b',": CAT!p''ll..d liicii tn rrca'; •ml
noi.le iiadi . t.ikiii':s. 1 h-ne- ihe
a idi.-l' b."':
!ia,; ar.y ve!. u ) c'';;er rli.tn a Im.-.i: ar.:, L\':aT n ,c
at'- nip"' new ii^.r. ,T;e-. '! Iv'e ar.'.i.i.';'i: u:; I'Tm! 'firs
oe.'.il. .nel tiij v ; . :i I aln.)''. d 1 :. eai: TV ;-f 3i-
1; ri.i 'I be rx, ! i;e I, s mv: '1 ki ti !;e ihie i''erfd,
..n.I c';e :ira-. on t , ■ ir-'d: . .\.''a t) b- tr ! .'ei led. d helo
h .. ■.npt, w..;e ;!':,;:i:i ' . ]'.■.■■■;::, w'a', on tlie -'h of
:, l.lv;,::y 1 ;.:,■, 1 e. e'l ■.■..■! (nsl; r ::'y.;\ cia: Ai :1x1m,
'', .i.nird of i"':!!!!.. [• i ■ .' • 0,1 1,^ p.niii ■•.■ into Si-
ii.i:a. !A' Lis indr:: . ■. , ii.;n;(l by t'l: Czir, he
'.'. Is to iniorm I'fm.il If i.i t.ie n ,rdi-faftern liontiiri of
I! tiiit e o'ln'rv, i'l o; ',;■ i) difeovLi- v-'utk-r tlity were
jj c in';;>" 10 to, or \ hi. in' ht be tlieir dillanci; from,
;< li'e eo';fi i'.:n'. o!' N ir'i .Vniuiea; .'.rA if any palfi^c
|| caf 1 'or ( |v..vi'.. d tl'ac \>.iv at li.'a. lie tra-.eifid Si-
jj beii.i, p.iidv by li.i.l, and p.u'tly in b'.ir, bi, ri'.'ers, till
ij he e.ime to Lower .Kamtii iiatka, in the j'idi dej. ot
j; r. ndi kit. .'.nd ab')'ic \ r.v:. ij\. 3J. e .fc from I.-jn !.'n,
ij !: ilaii.is o,; .1 ri'.'. r df tl-.e f.. ;:•..• nime, v. ineii runs ij
i| liie ead, .\:..\ :.h >::z i a :> ndie,, i: ■■/.■■. die t.;'^.n tails in
Ij tie.: .Sleepin_5 .Se.i, a. i' i. e.-dled in ;';■; maj) annexid r>
11 lL..;ini^'> v.)vae,e. V,^: ii..-; i'.f. •,; f-.nr. the riv^i '^ n":-
tleliatka the 'i.idi of j.lyi::", a .' the Sdi <• A'l-
^nll fnin.l the liliii, iv': ^1 . ') . d '. ;^ mi-). ' ' : ■'-■:
I sth the kit. wa,- I,'. : ik .i-.d lie ti. ;" ,kt ;■.: ;.;:;■;: r.o
p: lae'-i, a., lie eo'.iki n it u-jler-.-
larthir iuat!iw.;rd, a .d '.'.'is ,'
e 'ntrary '..nid.muh' [ .-..•■.enL iii.i
befjrc the L.,.i oi fin in-jr.
tki: tiie
I -ae J
there \. v. a M.!."i.'l m v;n!.,,, I'-'eer-.: '.
n all akin.; the !k.)- , . 1 a K.ii;,
• I, .,. I ..- : . I ■• ■.
ij w.iu.'i appvai'-.l .-.:
•j Ik eni.;; n'-.ii .:,i !
li '.i!,l L-rc-,.| 1,1 1. J\M.. i.
ai. '.■/
;;a t • d -, [ii.e,
e a -.,:.n. vr
liver i\ >K VM-. 1; .d-. , .'n 1
vka. O.i::--- <:. , ] 1.-
17 :>) 111- fi.led i-;en . !■:.: ■.-\x :i\-t-, :i ■.!, .•::„:
w.n-.i<, bi '11 ; iiin'n ; ;k : 1 ai ! ;.;■■-.' tk .: v,
u;f -mid ,- : .1 in 1 - - ' k-:\\ -. L' t ! . -
Ski:/.. .,
iv.t Hi..-. 11
::-.. 1.1 la;.
I d M
vv :,i 11 i ■,: I'. ' .
1, , t >i:-; ;:..■!! -; . ;
t . ■ : • inr 1 ! the e --.'• • f
•• 1 . ' . in in .e. I '.n. i ,..;■ p in:
/ ■ 1 :;•.';. '•.\ , . t-..;'. .'•■■•n i . mi-
. 'k. -I - !i f i" i t'; ' ni.o. -.'j
; .- W :■■'■.■ •■■■■ , ' ■■ ■ .;-,. (,,
. : I , ■. - . a-- : -I'^.ire he
•1 ■ , 1, ,1.. i 1 I t ) .1 'rrei .')ii,'.%
kncii 17.'. ki i.'i'' .1 ■ luT of
,1 :■■ i-t d' li-'-'p-i I ■••' '■. 'It :■;, s
1; -• int.. ; no ^.;nl
:i;.l v.;)-.;j/e, lie im: ;; ; ..i:^\y
1 "ii , we lit .a;l lor I
<| , d i\ ~."
I':.- evia'-kiioi , .
., w;.ere v.i. ,.:;.VL-d 111
■ ' , .1' .'le
l.ii- .11,1 ,.. \ ..I .1
:lKii' ,s 111, I
r e 1 I 'iiM ;; .«-i rnmi"', ,ui I
1 t: ■> i;. .to; -, u I'll M 1^ , . , (,)
1 ( .n. p.ir.. 0, I 1 ' ''>'\l v.ii.h tne
■■■ I '•:pi.- ;::io , , .m.l ;■- : .. n..iri-
iii I . .1 ,r iillv ill- I .:i lo I :, ,1'. tiiii no tiki; paila;.;e e\-
idtd, n.,'-'A.HM,i . ■;_•, -dr- ihi'i I, b,;; a !■ v- "-.i' > be-
Ion; tins fspdiu. , , i.iiie.i \e,y ivj.ir ;! .- -i-n ka
»kiih the Kiidl.;;. .i' i ;e ei t na'.i,',ue v, ; , if.it f.i-
<-■■'.'.:, .Hid till. Ill, wlihoii'.i.i kail il , ,0:, k.ive e.ilily
ri ,.t hed ilie 10,.'. (.'i.in.i ,j..i J.i| ..,, ,,ad ih'.y pit-
J. ^'■•.i\\ la till ii iiii.iti.akiii;',.
oon .litei tiie! • e '-ip: ' , ike a:" )iiifiiin,' ;'iiiias o(
i'-'.er l,,tr Id'-.;'.. !..■,,, ,. .Mu;, 'VV. Hot ol,!v kllI'M-
1 i;
iVV, Hot
!l J l;i.;v!
oi .Nihi-i . 1 -.1 ; 'V,;; :.' ..I '.'.r/i;:i v. i, ■ ,1 lu- ;r,u.-i','- .
I;i tins \-o'..i ; ', 1; ,' '. . - ■■ ' • 111' ' ■ "'- . -'.'!' '
e:-.-.-r;e., a-;d, .. : ,;
j','1 i :ii ti i'l k... aitf .. ..
W, !i lalir,--'. to .' ef r; ■',, ;'i,-cfind v..y.:.'e, v,e !;:;)'.•/
'i ik;k- ;:.jic ti.ei ;iut ii; ii'-^^^an it aljout die vt.ir 17I-",
jj ; .;;.-T.ir, .; a^ I ;r ,i:. ! .,■ IdJ'of Jipui, . 1.! 'then fiil ,1
Ij i-.e \t.ir.l ,!oii: .0 k.ig'H.-, .ifli r ukith lie was ll;;p-
:| v\:e. k-.'i o.i an illin.l before unknown, where he a.ul
, iron ef ins cinip.i.iv peiilied i!i!on_-h eokl, l!un|j;er
j .uid lieojue. J :ie i.e^e:. w.ii '':•.;;'. ' ''', Mr. .'■^:ollrr, a
! b:riniiU ..tul of the A. .k-i.e ■■■., v i.>
aeeompanied I'leeiin^.; in d.it e .; • ;, . ■;, '; ' ; ;• - -ri
more fortunate, and ever, diii ove. .1 ;' - ■. . ' ■ * .'' i.. -
riea, b'.it his men were beiten ok' lo ;■ I -i'. .
b'rom tlie feeoniieatcrpii.'e, li-n.e-. •, •...l .:■-.. ; ;e
fiibii-v]ueiit viu.ii'es of the Kiid ,'^ . d ■- te 1' -v ri .\
norih i.ill ;alla,;e is a'i:eriained. 'I • '. '-' ' d k,-
Inminuu; lip die eoiiiks tan by ;l;e ■ "' ■■''.;
bv liii'ie RtlHi;ins wlio l.l.hd I ' . ' '-,•
Viiva-'r, i',e v; • ) „n
w.;t llitle
J 4
in;.' Ill he
.ibleiat; paliii;.>; foni k.ni'
} ■ ■' ii'i
d ■■
1:' ! l
]. n
j.i|Uii .i!ul Chin.', i f"ir the- r'ni-lill: nml DiKcli li.ivc- i\-
}-i'.;'. ■.!;>■ rai!i.\l t.) \Vyg.i:;i, or ilic Str:iit:. nt' Nov.i
/'(■mb..i i the R'.nlVins li.ivr I'-.il; li Ir.mi tiivncc* to tlic
NoiJi Cap.- d!' .\;;,i; in.! luMiiig I'liVd tVom the i.nd
Ni;nh Cape t.i tiu' Illi'h of j.ip.in. 1 Initi- the vov;i{;c
Ii.is bifii i.i-iii| ',>;( iv j'f.loinuil, though not tlir()ut;li-
(>■•.:'. bv the r.i!in.- p'.Th'in. TIr-Ic Inidi-.ti-liihlc jToofs,
;'.n i liic \(iy.i:;c of C"n:;i:;; '.i -ix- I'liij p'-, now Lord
Mi!L',i-.uo,) i-ii..;:!v cv.n.i' t;-,.\:, ;-.ltli(>':^;h a iiortii i.'.lt
ji.ill'.i;;'- ri-aily i>.i:l-, ut it is i\WU\> with rc'ljiitt <.t
iiimi'RTi:ial pill pi, I-. lor iiu'iiL;ii i!k' pai]a|;c Iroin
1- T :c t') (.'i.iiu, 1. 1" J,i; .'.n, i-. nv,:i-li iIkuht liiis \\.\y
tii.ia i-y tiic- iilu.il ti.ii!., u:, !;..i:n tiic inmumTabk' ini-
1 ri:i; .u-, tiir^'i' \..n'- -• i;,i.t bf rii;':iri-vi to niaLc the
\'i\.\l'x, uhi!i hl^ LitiiiT'i lu-cii iKi'i'im.!, by >1 >ii-
biin:; til- C;ipi' '.I (rM.-i ! lepc, in l^i, rhaii I'i'c. I-'.>r
t!u i;:.i:;:'t. 111)11 "I'liur I'/.l^r , uc |1-. .11 p!<\ciit ai'in-
f '-• .;:'..! lliv'.ia, C .iC', oiiir cf Ci''nii.(Hi.)rc I'hipps'.s
\;'y.ipi-, as r. ;■ t-,;' ally iiiip Ttaiu a, i ciit'-rtaiiiing.
in;:, L:i-...: p>i .: (h p-, . :;:.;pliy havir.t;; ri'iiiaiiu-J
V. ;;:;.'1;l ,"..rl!uri:ivi i!-.-.-.:)i. :;il tba- yrar l~7,u the l-.a:l
(.1 ^' .,,.,..ui!, v.: 11 t'::; 1 : I . uii tiiilini^t^i' oi tl.i" .;i.ir;ii-
la!:'' 1 1 (■■ ivii; :. im- .,: ,.,; . y ,;ia:i'in ma,;'.' fi lu
t'..- !; ■ ;1 .'' ui.;v, ; V .V. ,\.^^\:[-m t> :h- lUi.li-ial-.t :i,
■,i , . .: I !i aL iia'!! ;■. 'W br navij;atii>ii was praCti^abiL-
tov ,.;,.;, i.K' r. )i;''. p If, cnmiinini.atcd the- lame to iiis
M.. .-iiv, v.ho v.ar. jjiaciiiillv I'l'-a'.i.''.! to ciintt n.mce ihf
p:v,pi,;.l, .ui.l iii\:ircJ tia- tx; i'-li;ii:i ti) be luulcrtakcii
\si:'i (.-i.-.y ali'^'.ii'.ci' anl i;iiii!irapciiK'nt th.u cad i pi'".-
:: r.:...L:-. l'\i.rv ntcvi'.'iv \\a>, tlK-ictoir, aivrplv yvo-
vi..t.', s"..,idi colII ]■: i:r..r;- ti'f ■.!: li 'i •■ i' iliv tnr< i--
jrit., '..1 ten! t) c .ivi niLTiH- i r cotm.irt t i ti.cU- ;'iar
v.erc i-:ip,.::.'cd in r. The vi llc-ls ciu.li-n t"ir the i-xp.il;-
tioi) wcj t.., arc
t|-j btil .>.lapn\l ;' ;• I Ai, \ ■. ,i;^;s as thtry are iiiicon--
Jivmlv ll'.it, a:,;' ii'jt nvt-r l.'.i^i-. '1 lifle velli-'s, wlioU-
name wire the i\ai i. horic aiv.i Carcale, to iiii rtale their
natiua! llren-ih, had a Ir.e.u'uMij of leali)ncti (.akpliiik,
xl'.T^c iiuia-a' thick, and were iurni'hcd with a double
let (t a:iJiors cables, fails, n.ji'.iri!;, ice-pole?, ^r.
I-.T ::.; eonii Tt ,i.i 1 ro.'ueiiieiv.r- of the ollieers and
riu:i, a ^;ii-at in:,iir.icy oi prime Inef and p.;'ru was <>r-
ileied to be tuied m tiie lv.';l niaiiner. An huslred
i^.it!- of I "Iter \uie o\l.,ii't t) In- double biiwetl from
tie bu*- i.ops an.i tii.:!: , | '."^ry of (-oah to be ll.uedm
the i;,:pj {',{■ i,,i:,p; pc,-, o.i'ni'.d, riee, iiH'lalle ,
f,!:;ti!!'..'j ii.j'i^r-, v.;;,.-, \i:ir;:,'.r, oil, miillar.!, p>;:a-
l .■■ f.iop, i,a, fuyar, ... c. i\.-. in great abund.mce :
n:i ! '.h'.: van'.i li' .■.'...:. '. :r.\J..: not Iv waiitiiiLT, befi.l-.-s
t;;.r \.,.. i;lu..!, i .er. man v.,is pi.(\ide,l with jaelicts
ih.i '.• oi t'i.r. V .1 r ''.u'i' called i.Miioufiht, two uiiiUd
L.i ' , f, 1 p ,;i Mi: .i.ivniplit troAll; ., four pain I iii:il-
Ml ii'.i.i:-.. -, .-■"■ '■>■ I'llei.t p..ir ol boot-, t^.o <:..■■ ,i
liiii::-, two ii.u.u;-.i.ici.ieiV, an.l a ilo.ien pair ol '..iiuvd
111!'' .
"[':.■ necefi'iry prr|)ara:;ons Ijeiiig coinplited, i!.e
I If.;. ir.iV'le ConlLiritiae J..:ai Phippsfnuw Lord M.:!
. .•, ,1 i , c oiini'o.loie, wen- on b lar.i tl'.c UaLeli.irie,
, ;" ;. t 'n- li'irihcn, nicui.ted '.vitli !i lix-poiili.lers and
,..1, ,■■.''. ; .'• 1 v'a. :ain .Skii;inycon Ltitwidpe wi-iu -.n
p ,.;! I [■ ■ I. ;■.'•, >>' .(Oj tors Ivii hen, iiioinU>:'.;i. r
p.; . . ' • ..: .1 I,; Iwivels; v.liMi the wind bei;\;
t. '•.;..! (.11 •.■■.■ -.! o: Jun-, r;/ ;.
, !, ; •'' ' ;n :a:r, • nin:.:'i ilicv law a wliaK',
• , •. . . ;.. . . . yet liir. in the N'oi.l. Si i^,
_ . ■ - . , lie: - itii a hi'ii. I'.ard b ' . I i I : .»-
. ' , ■ ' .' -lii-n Ir. \'>'\ i'l ''11, a ;,•■ •' ■
. . , ■.-,,. V v! ... .p'lMl •■. p!.; :■•/ o ••
. \ •■ ■■ ■ 1 , ' ,i. , , . bci::,' ; al. i '\, ';
I ■ , • ''\ r, w::;r'i he had .:;:;■ i : y
■ ,' >...■. n i!.- i: )e, W;;Hl ■ . I) ..: I ::. '
; i •; ...;'.,... ■ '•••. 'I I ■ "'11 h ■nu-. )n i ■•■ :<>' i
,. i !■ i,'-\. Il'tl, I t.'et l.'.e
' ' , ' . .,, lio'i, ill.' I apt. till ol uiii ii
■ • .ly '• I IV, ini. e wh \l i , i:.'. !
• ) I I'V t I.- i' ■.
.:: . ..:': U^ ; ..iir,; :ili the R-'. -a' ]:;W,
;i^ V .. ., : ..at u.in't'! .lo.ii bi.;. • iki'.j'.t
, I.I'.: V.
fiirro'inded luddcniy hv ice. 'I'iie C'omiiv'd.ire <»av;
orilers to llai-.d to the fotithw.ird ; hut tlii. bi in'; loon
fiiund impollible, liy the continual aecii.i.ul.i;ioii of the
i(e, the companies ol" bnh lliips were obl;^;-.! ;.) h.ivt;
recoiiiii." to their ice-anrhors and ice-p(.>k'-, in order,
it" pollible, to extricate themlelves from t!u- i::iniinciii.
d,iii;;er \\i:h which t! ey were nearly envcliped ; Ir.ic
thi. they found iiii()oliibic till t!v evening, when tlieice
bepinninp; to c.peii, tlic.' hoiiled out their lon^pboaf--,
and towti! t!ie lliips ro';iv.l .i I'lvdigious liive cape oi
ice, in d' in.:; winch, bjtli \e!;il., Ii(jwcver, rcci;\i.d
fame liaicpi;:'.
On the r;t!i ol" July tliey loll fiplit of each otlier, l"it
ioiiied coiiipar.y the next day, wlu-n lie we.itlier b.-in:.f
inteiifely i old, it was apreed. by the oflicer', t!; .t every
man Ihonld be allowed d.iil) two (pinfj ct ji:)rt:r, „r.J
a p:i.: Ill l)randy.
1 hey iMW lailed tlirou;;h vail iiuv.inu'.ins cA f. i.trini.'
ice, an. I were cotuinuall\ in inv.innint duiLrtr g( beins.'-
cruiliid to pieccN Ar Mie *,:■:.? time i: w.i.s pi iv riiiv
a;;reed .inioiii; i!ie olh'.rr., ('..;■. no diJcovciy could be
ui.i; e t' '.'.inl. t..e nor:!i po.e i.'. lli.it ilnt.i'.'ni th( v
ti.i Kioie inani;'.d die:: ci:i;r!'', an. I, on die lilhol Julv,
li.iMnp wcrke.l ihiaiudves .as: ol I'e iiioviiiij moun
i.iins I.I ice, liiey l\'p.ui to Co.. l a \.:l[ icy coiitinent, ii
we iii.iy be aliowid the exprcllioii. J iiii prodigious
lii.iK ci ice e.\tenwcd t.ywatil.s ihc i'Oith-ea;i, to an mi-
ir.enle eii..a'.cei ar.d they h.ul a t iirabic tkar lea till
the 1 ;:h, when they came to anchor in .^nie,.iiiu;bur_:h
I liibour in t.iiceni.ir.d or .Spit/bcrp^en.
."■iLiiieiven lies in i..i.:ii.!e 77 dej;. 59 tr.in. : I lie.
l.j; ;.;itiide t are what are caUcd iecherj^.-.. 1 hele ate
l.ii'.oe ii-i.hcb ol ice, liliiii;.; the vaiiies between the l.i^h
iiu'i:.i!.'...i:. I heir tace tow.irds tiie lea is iieaiiyper-
pci.dicnuir, and of a very li'.eiy lis^lit t^nen coloia.
*.J>!,- wu .il)' ut ,;-0 Icet hi^ji, widi a caliaile of vv.itei
i:hn.-'.' ..'lit ill 1'.. I'lic bl.ick mountains on each lide,
;la w.,ilc 111' w, and piueii-toloiiied ice, coil.pi.le.l .1
VI I', bi .:i:iti.i .i:.d romantic | \'.\.::. Laipe pieces lie
ijuii.th. bi'.ke otliiom t!.c k(.>.c s, and lell witn -real
II .1.- 1.1 o tiie w.iV-. (.)n', I :e'e wa-. oblcrved to Imm;
i> ,; , i 1. ;• inr I I'le i\'.\ , ,11 I ■r.iunoe.l in i.l lathoiii :
i: v., x : leet hi.'.h .'.oo\e liu Inrl.ac ot tlie w.i[i.r, .ind
or li - I. "lie be!u'i''.il loio'.ir .is die icebiMrroni whi.li
li.ii'i.' pei.pl
1 Ikips I. ill leloi
whale ! iher\. It lie-. 1;'.
1 I ■
I:., 1! i..e.,in ,.ii 'It ,'>inc.iiiiij;bur(;li is cllietly .1 i.illJ
o; II, .nil..-, wl,,'li uiil'i^el caii.y .11 the ni..riiie acid.
I hc:e '.'■. 1'' I' ' apl eai.nuc, ol miiieul-, ol any kin.l, iji
.my lii'iis "I .1111 i.i.: i.r niodi rii Volcanos. No inlccli,
(c ,ili\ Ije. us ol npitih's, w.ie leeii, not even (lie com-
mon e.'.rii >c .Till. '1 here v.-.re no Ipnn;;. or rivers,
I'll: ;.'ie.i' 1 kilt V of w.ltcr w,;s piodined Itolll tiie lilov»
w 'iich nie.'-c ! Ivum tlic m ju.-^t.u.i'.. C.ipt.iln I'liipi ^ lui
inn:. Oil. m
'o!ii!ir\liirf f.Mv:
c till.. bvi:u; loon
ii.r.iil.uioii of tlie
c ol)li£, -J to li.ive
L'-|iok'-, ill oilier,
im t!iv i;nmini-iiL
,' cnvcioiwl i Iv.it
ling, wliiM tl.c ii-f
th^-ir l'.'n!;bii.it'',
iuis 1 u/i' La|H.- m
i;)\vcvi.r, ii.ci.i\n{
ofcacli otl'.tT, Ivit
!-c we.iriicr bi'ii-.n;
^icc■r^, t!;:[ tvciy
its Cl" pDlt.r, ^;;J
intr.ins cf f. i.Ki;i.r
: il uitrtr cf" beiny
If iL \v,\i !'i nciMiiy
iilcovtiy could be
it i!irci:li.in ; liu y
li lUv 1 1 ih ot July,
e ir.Kviii;^ iii'iiiii
;i Il'V <-'o:itiin.-ii[, il
J ir.i i-Modigioui
[ih-v.'.;',, to .111 1111-
-ablc (kar fea till
ill ."^nicuiiuiburi:!!
g. fi) tr.in. : i lie.
: i-o.iU .ij-; i.Mrci.i to
t ib loniKU ol hi;;'],
Il iiiarkb ot vi[^(.-
tr.l, i;. ( :l.i-r [Mith
aijo\c tiic clijuJb.
> Vicrc tilled with
, Captain Fhippb)
pctu.ii wiiirtr, liad
he li,i .o;!i water,
lit, given a ihe.u-
liih itrikiiig and ro-
:i. N till', ^w.iil half
: 01 o.".e nuKint.'.Ji
'1 l.i liaiiioiir lit
c ill ij latlionis.
called ^\inliei\i sin
r.erly to bod tkcu
.,.iiv< lii T.cy, erect -
iiil vilibie. Once
nen: here, .ind Ictt
l.cd. I he Dutch
la'ler i'ealun of tlic
nun. north, and ^
fh thefe dr.-ary re-
IxTj^M. I'liele aic
s between the hij^li
■ lea ib neai ly per-
liylit !;rien cokiui.
.1 cakade of water
lU.iins Oil each fide,
d ice, coiirp! ied I
1 -Will- [.iccts lie
and tell witn ^^rcai
s oblervfd to /i.ivc
ided m \.\. tathoiii :
i.fthe u.iti.r, aiivl
iceberg From wluJi
r[;li ib clnetly .1 I.inJ
i\ the iii.riiu: acid,
alb of any i.irid, 01
aiiob. No iiilecti,
not even tlic ctiin-
) l|Mii';.'. or rivers,
uced lioiii the Ino.y
C'aprai'i l'hiji[ s h.ii
h ;l
G R ]■. r. N I, A ?; D.
b'.'e'i vvrv ;'<--ur;;'.- in his di'T/rlption of the few aniiii.ilb
v.-)':ih 'Hie lliir •:, rai'ie r'::i'';i-. i!il';;;1i. i ii-ie i'. the
f.-ili :'.'.■, or niork-, 1 ;f /' ,. /i/m'h.- /\ 6«,,-' ; . o! I.iiv-
11. •.■i..^ It is t/', 1 ivi'iv >\..-.c ..!;.). It t:;e co.iil of
Sjii /. H, 1^,11, .IS Uiil ;i: [1,11 r.i.iv Alici -ver t'lerc in ite,
tii.n 'Ji .u .1 diil 111.'' I ooi [lie i.iii i. I i-, ,i ;':i ;;, uo'ib
"niiu i, iiif in'. ih.e 1 f I I't I '., b'lt daniidoub i' ait.ick-
td, .1' nie wi: 'k heul v.;il i )i:i ti:eir lorce.b I'l reMiiLje
aiiv ,1.1 HV rcce'>t I b\ .m invliviil'iik (_);ii- ol rin !e .ml-
llialb Oeip ■ !i,c:>l ar ;iii 1 wuMn.lf.j by loiii'- pc^iile in a
b it, durl iiiiiiu.lia' !\', .i',d biv' :i;hr ii)) with it .i
n:' n.ier o' .iiiilts, v,..i ,ii,i le a ] lint atrai !<. iijion thi-
b.j.i", 1 .d .vrri'e 1 .111 'i.if tr.iin one ot one iiumi, .imi lii.l
well nirli ,; i/i-.l o:- ovt rfet I cr ; but anoth..T boat coin-
in;' oil ri:ev ili:;,<-ii' J.
1 III- aoiic t'-x ((.•■•i L'i;'>iri.< of 1 ,i-.ci.riis,) .'"or.iid
on '!,•• main Im lot '■ji.-Jier;',en, an.l the illuuls ,ili,v-
ci n% l:lik•r^ I'r 'in C'r lo :, not o'l'' .■ in c i| nir, bit in
hr.i'.j; its ears iin ji :'i ire r )'i i !■ d. I' llir i!-, very
Iri.'-. a'ld It. :le .1 is lo id lo :.i T.i.' (lo'.ir b.ar
{U'/' ■• ',!■' ■ .■; . 01 I.' 1,1 .■.:0 !■• i ' i"! in i-tie.i'i ii'inibeis
on I'',-.- in.iin ia.: 1 ot --pi; li, .-.jen, .i.!') m tiie idiiils
an,i 1 e net is a :• .r ■;!'. i'.ii. anrn.it ib vmu'w i.i;j:er
t'un 'Jie bi.iek tiear. i'..'.- kanien e.u of tii_-ir ik-lii,
til 1 i;;!i verv coaili'. I",.' r'ii deer {C . .:. r,:r.::.i:~
Ol i .1 in e.i>) hiniih'-, e .:< il. nr. v, ni in.
I'.ie ' >!ll a'l'i'i'; i ■ ,; . tiie wild:-, fia-ii!li, eider-
ii,;,!., jiMr'M, l.n.'.ir, r, .r.hca ,. v. ;-, tiie i M liiai!,
an i ■ 'Til ■.'..: . ., . ,;.; , ',e pr.i.-.n, i ::i i in :lie if )ir.ai!i
O' ,1 ie.il c ' ,1' ,. ,11- ill. c .;! ot .■>;. !■,'■). ,. •.!. riiiie
ins- Mr. ■ ■' ' (, ,■; ,\ . . ,',1, v.hi.;-. i,,i.. not been
li . .■;■- .. > ', t v , ' ' \f ■< lv"i'i ( ill t'le !l •; h o!
a :. .it. .1 ,■,,■ jv '1, ' ».f} :••; Ti 1 • liy i. . In .-'•.' • >
i'.\ ;. . \: ''!i : I ..■ \ i y i;/'W|. {,*ii
■ ■.■■iirn.i';; rli- »«/^ i/'/'/.tt
u.is ifi-.i- 1,1 iiiii ^ an,t [ ."till c*l< pie Dh .n .i-rr • , i;, ^
Vi t lie .. ki III n.b leni '.i" rrj.MMii. '( i.ii' v( ,,/ ,.,
w .1 n ik'-v x-..'i,- !>',•!. Ill .k.-,l i'e.iutihd, *i i ;/o'. !",--;i
a tij ■ I,; 1. 1 :.'.i'. ri::;.' 'o::ii ; .Hid fh.e to; j ii'. I,, I- m //..
t,ii'i-, v.i,iih they I'.'.iUi Ur like Ijiarklins; I'.ciiis ar a
vatl iliit.iiii.e, h.'.d fiie ap: -^ai.iiite itl 1 > in. my iiiverll.irs
illuiiiin i'li'.j a new ti.niaii.,'.;?, t)ii ilic ice were niaiiv
Ileal ^, I me <'\ wliicli raiiu >> near the Ihips as ti be
thy>: .ie.id wicli hii.dl arir.*. J iicie lie.i' Kr mi the ll.t.io
a blow N'l'h a nuilket liall .'..II hiidly make *hein tur;i
fheir l;a k .. Some of the bears kiiltd in the <■;•> 'yinteib
weii;hi.: iiom h\eii to ei.'lu hundred weijihr."
ill tlieie Ids they lojnd the water lels lalt than liiov
h.i 1 ev< r 1). ''.It' exjiciieii' id k a w.irer to be; aiK;
whentii.i Ui^ke.l liie i.. e ir pi, i, law! e\ii.i,ei t i,-e:!i
wa'rr. l''ie\' likewile iillfl ikiir '..an i' .,ilks liy tkis
Jlirlkod. in I 1 1 es n-Iup.- Iimw k.v t'li'.k iip'.ii tkr
fur. a e .. i. ■■ in', ik'-y iki.'. ; •;s, \viii..:i inline, ii.itiiv
fill' d w< ti ell ,u, i s', Iweef \.,r i.
On th- ilLi.i Aiv'.i'it, tk.' Ck.iiiiu'! lore being d.eli-
rous ol ;.i;vc,ir . tlie welliiiaiui.i cf i!ie illai.ds bi ■
for.- menu iii''il, m.k're,! tlie ikips ii be luaiie f.iil to
the 111.1111 body oi i^e witli ice .ui. 'huts ; a method Ire-
ijlleinlv jiratliinl in- tlie • ot enknul lilkin;', vclk k.
'^Ill^ ben :; ell'\ted, .1 p,l|iv lit k/ic.uil U|i"ii the i \-
ciirlion, lonlilliii;. oi ihn.- p:i;.i i|.>,il oiiiifrs and [;entle-
nv n, tlie pii.i.,^, ,i:i.l lome pin.u' l.idois lelecled .io!ii
h K I imps. i III ,' ciiiiin i.sl i.i.'ir pr'i";re,'., ikm. oines
r.uvinp: me o i,it, an.i luin.'.i.i.s .ir,'..wiij', it o\ii- tiie
ke, aiiii ai kii^ith, wiUi loiiie dniicukj', icai-iicii iaiul,
wheie tli.y fo'ind a fliit- lieid of deer, (■> tariT", t/;a':
tiieir apj.ij.i. li oid not iii the jeall intimidate them:
" ,\ proof , ki).-. the joiirnalill; that animals are not ra-
t'M 'liy alraiil of man, till, by the fate of their afii ciatc,
t::e,- air raii..vit tile tlanper of appriaehing ti.ein ; a
1 ro,.'!, too, ti,at animal, are n'jt tletiinitj of reHecition ;
oiici ,',il"- ho-..' iliould t'lev coneUide chit wk.ac has be-
i.ili .1 ilii;r ieilovv an inal-, wi.l cert,'.;ii!) ha; po.i to
t'icm, it tiicv run the f.ke liik :" 'i'ii'ry ali •mti-d. the
ni.;ii..l. I;;!!, b'lt wrre ilikippi.inted in the i,i\.|pe:t they
exp cLe.t by tli,- h.i'/iilefs <;• tiie w. i:!i.r. On retiiiiiin^
t') the iliips, they foUinl, to their ;.',reat f.irprize, that,
I)v gr.ipj'linj; t') t!ie ice, thy were in tiie mo., imminent
liin^'vr Ol loJinp; them b iti: j for the lonfe ice i.ad cf/kj
lo lalt round t.'iem, cli.i: it was deeir.,:.i i.ir, raciicable
ti ilifeni^aije them, and tl,; y h,i,i p.ri -t rc.iton to fear
th.T borli the lliip, woi.kl be irnllied to pl.'ces. 'i'u
p:eviiit, ifpollible, lo d.eadfiil an acci lent, llie Coni-
iii-i.lore pnideiulv nidered a great inimiier of men tu
I'lrm ,1 tlo.L in t!ie Iblid ice, lullicietitly l.irge to moor
both lliijis; and by the pierformance of thi.s ardunui
i!.; lert.ikin^ with am.u'.ing aku;ri:y and ix|:cd!tion, both
vet; -lb and crews w\rc alinolt iiiii.ici.lo illy pireferved.
No looner were the ililps tins f.-i-iire ', ihan a yjneril
cj'ineil wab fummonevl . f ail t';e ciikr-. , pil'jts, an.i
ina.lers of both Iliips, t'o (..'nlulc what lU p . were to Lc
'..ikcii in this cmerL',ency ; tiie relol: of wiiich vas, tiiai:
tlk; Mviil either winter upon the nciLdibouriiV': iliands,
or ur..g tl-.eir tioats over the i:e, and l.e-inch tiiem in
the '>pcn fea, wiiii.h w.is iviw, by tiic c mtiniial accumti-
lati.in of tnc ice, a. a virv cor,''.:er.ible diilance. A
lie!, e.Mte .ute.nii: V as tirll r.i.de t.) extiie.'.'e the fliip;;,
by citing 'ipei .i , li.inoei t i the La L.n'..u-db the weiu
wai.ii ''C '.li^i w.e, fion ^i.ea '.ip .'.s ,'. liiinierieal ai.d
i;.ipr.i.:u .i 'ic ,i: -np..
'~'h\ tne ^,:! '^- 'io^nlV it was iinaii' 'vi'.iilv 'k-tenninetl
f ■• .::.! ^ the a.' - .11'^ l):-i -n^iri:.. r '< ^ k iiie iiiiys o'.\t
[\ f. ' . ■ ,in 1 I ... ;■ -r.:.: : i ..i . i C,\: ;i in" :'!■■ open
!e', ~ i ' ,» \ .. pe,! 1 1 "a 'li " . ::.'.,..: r-M a Spit/-
■; li.:. ^ ■. le ,•;; o-parte,!.
!. ■, t .e' . tkev kid- ■: it'veial
i f.- -il -■ ;'r, II ..l' ire i(j„d
'I ■.ut\- -lei'i.-e ::..- ••
;} \\ I'lC' r-.e bo-lts w V
ri U.'.ri, <■ '.', biiii- a;
i't\ il^d • i • 'ar.l 111.-
rk- ■':. I - . .:k^-Wl
r.iU 'Mjap 'Tl.
\ r ic C 11, .lie ,'. ..
i ji .\i« r/lt')'vvia-
I f V f?iiji« •tilia'
■'• ) arlf 11:
r'lM. ." tin (Tl.lt
three ix-zr- wt-
il t, a.-'-i ' ;'
ilic Ihip.
the lifiit f't
daVb U-iirc, u ,
, I. iiiK I . r
I ■.. fi v,:.L
1, -.1 ,1 I'.-a ; ., le, 1,1 t.,e ti'. :pe-
• , ■• • 1 I, 'he • -or.i !;--'.'-c;i,ini. of
;. . • . , t: ..I ■■■:■ )l i ; - kis li'ir.
1. .: ■) ■, \.:ii -k h Pi-e.! -.1 \,:;iio
I.I. 1.- -, il ii,.'.'i.,l 'li-,- lem.irk.ibii'.
1,.;. ., of :iv.- y.:\ ci' A'-_ n I;, :].■:
A ■•', t.i v" -;, .. .; <; . e n e:- -, :i,a::
.i.x'ii ;; r w,,y V' r ' :!'. o .er tii.,-
were , .•.:" .", I: en' c;-i'rle r rvv r.k,
.,!, Wit;, .- •- '-. i'.ilit, k , ;i i;i\i I d I--,-
aober I I .^u ua hi'ih- i.ilic.l a i. .-■
I iC nil r . 1 let on l;-e, and whicli
v,.is tjuruu:.; on ti •• I e at ' vinie ol thLar appiriach.
I'liry oi"ved; t-e a Ilie i ..r .iiid kcr two cubs ; ivjt;
til' c o'. wer: ; iiiyaslaryi -i :..e dim. 'I'liev r.in
t.i ' ! iv to ti'- ■ le, .iiivl tin
ol III, lletk ! i.A- lea Iwrti-
anti c,it It ,,>r.i. ;oi:!ly. i
\\,iy iif t!i.-:r,'. 1, thre- ,:
li.i hoile, wl.. 1 till y :
wi.iili the I'iit 1 .,r Ut il ,1 ,.'■.. i;. ( ., lai.lt-.uli Inmp
lie; jie Iter , iib- .c, llie bioiip ,: i,, ... doi-luig ir, I'/AX
c.uhalliaie, reier\ii'p, '.'.it ,i ,mik ; li.on li keililk
.\s Ike was letihinp, aw.iy , ,c l.d pie>.e t:i.-,- kad t.i ke-
i!,)W, tiiey k-\tlle 1 tiicir o.iiiki ts .,' tk.e ciii-'-, ,i;i.l !li(;c
t'lein both i' ' I i and, in her retie.u. tl.y w ii,.ide.l
tk.- tlani, but ^ niort./kv. It would have or.iwn t an
ot pity irotn ,i. .bin u.iteilin.i iiiiiui-. ; ■ ii.-.e i: a.ictt
li.e .ilii.\:'aor..i:e coiKirn expicii' .1 b\ il . p,' a l'.....L
in tkeihinp. moments ol ;ui e.Ni i;ii! -. ;, va-. . 1 .k'.'i! !i
Ik,- w.is lorelv woiuidcl, .uid i -. i;i i i;' : ■ .. i r-\' 1 fi T'e
I iaie wk.ei'- they liv, liie ■. .i.kt 1 d,- ; ...p '.i li, '; liio
111 I !e-. .. .1 .i...iv ,is the h,„i d.., e tl .■ .■ .i: 1- :' ,'. i.-ie
it ill I i.^cs, .iii.i lai.l it down I" . -e di.il, ..r.ii -.'.iii-n
llie law that they rciicd to ei., .-^ ■■•"• •■■>■■■' ;aws i.iit
V, ail
.■ t'lr (• .,11 liie llaiu b puL
■ .: Kr....;ned uneonfuiiKd,
'T'.--.^ tinm the Ihip, by
;• I ■ I r.'ie Ik-Ill if the
' ■' ' " .t up'.i: die ICC,
i ■•11
I..'' !:
^ I
lijioii n;v, .;;ui t!n'ii I'i-vi I'l' ntlv.-r, .111. 1 civ.k'avoured
to mIIl' tiii'iii iiji. A I' !!■.;> ui'..'.:- it v.ms pirjtiil to hear
luT 111 Mil. Wlicii l.'.t ; . :.-,.) il'.i.- cmill not llir tlu'in Ihc
\'.-.-nt r-iV, .wA, svluii llie lu.l y.'it ;U liiiiic dilLiiu-c, Inok-
c.i h.'.i'iv ■,•.11.1 ino.'.;K\l i .iti 1 th.it iic .iv.ulii'^^ her to cn-
tii\' iik'nl :l\v,iv, Oh- rctuincl, I'.inl lili ■llili;^ ro'.iiul tlifiu,
[y.-.' i>\ to [<.'.< th'ir w i.M-'i-. Mic W'"^ u'V .1 I .onA
ti-v, .!« hi'oir, ,i:;.i, li.iv!;; •, irr'l;'! ;i :*vv | urs,
l!;:,i,l .■..',.ii:i l-'-M.iJ li' r, .i'..l, r'.r i' •■'•t^' t'nv, il(>,\l
mo.'ir:- • , Irj; ll;',l, h.vr c.r.o n •' n.'ri ', to I, 11 >w her,
i;;j •, :i.:,l. i! I) tl:-;ii .1 • ■.;■!, .; 1 1, v>.;'.:'. I'l''!-. I'i ijvx-
I'-f.r,.':,- i'.i 1 .■.•!■., \\::\' roiiiii oir;, ;i '.l rniml rhu
n:;i.;. l'i:'..I;!i;', at !.;ll,
t!i.u tiny wf-' I- )! i .I'ul :'. oIi;'-, i1h' iMi!c>l i)i.r hiM.i to
w.iri!, tl'.c l!;':-, ••■t', r'':f i.'.iltlvii in t!v ■ri-in;:'.,
J'l'Asl .1 .1 i.:i!- "; "1 i:,' !!'■■: lf!:T- ; \^;li^ h thiv rr -
t iiiu- I t'.- .1 \rT. v :"' iivii'-. ■'■ !>>1 , \^ii'-ii ;iH- M', bc-
f.vi-'-i ii' r o\.l)-, .1 .! .;::-! hJ.i^ : 'iu;:' woui;;!,-. '
' ( ii! • .'.* -fh or' A':'";ll, tli • i' v . hri;i.', i('..!y, .iii-.l
] r i:-.t1" 'irr^-i \\iv\ W'.mi'.'.t-c! .;1o r i L. ;■;> •.; t:v,; ' '
i'' r'-.ov •!;.i':i ; ii- t'l t'nn"! ■. ■■
I'm:! u.!- !.;r.;;;''r ' v.:'h ,1 !>.i,', (■•'.Mil'.
:; ill'.'-, .ir. I w'l.r r.r; -I'Vii s .'■/.• <.',:". >.■ t.i ti'n ; the
1 i ', :u!i t'l. ;;i, fvtr\
■ ! 1; 1-
;• -vii'ii ;rc [t
;:■. , l;:".."r^, l:".'riii-, \"f. I'l ;n;',
!^ !.'. ! ; 1 (>/.■ I1 >at-. 1 l.r.'.r./ ::i.i-i'- thtlr |'ii.-;Mr.iii .n>,
.1 vl.-.i. ;i.:if:i': of ; --iiv.-n, :; i.;.-r their rf!pe:h.c i in-
in.i ' '^ WIS o.^i.n.'.! Imi:!1 tMch Ihip, to tH-:.>'.a ;h: :u--
(ii '■:> .1'^ ! (ii-ii. il: iii^.lcrt.ikin^!; of ilr.iui;iii.;5 tli • o >,i* .
f:-.',l, i'..il'Il over tin- \CC. 'ril',- C'l'Il!!! >.lorC took Uj! i.l
hiniU'it' 'iie dirtvl; ;; > ( 'hi-'x t^v,« ;\;r'i s ,»ik1 Wii C" 1; t.
I..i'.>'.i !.',f t,. t.i'.i.' cin; i;f the ;l:i; -, v.i:li i;-.,: rei'.i.ii-:,..;
\\::'. •■'{ tiK-ir oivw-.
I'rv.i I'..',, CO t!"..-ir '.'rr'iiv; f^iir, :i C'' . '
pivi.i. :'■!.: .-. J ni'.'i w p.;<'.-fr :'. ■ I 1 i.".
n.!!i :a r .li.rh. l!iii '.\''.i: h- v. r • f:o. ;:.;.'• i :
whiJi iT'^iliHi-ii cc:..'' 'i-r.l t!- ! j;*'.';'^ u.,,ii,^'.\l
ciri;'ji;i:'.i:ii cs : T'.k n'F • is in "■''■■-•' t • ] r .■. ; :c ih-. in
(il-.T;; wiiil h ll)i:s I'liMoi/ to t:!'," rxtr'.-iliitv ot (\.l !
s%!iu h th;.',- ;,i' rir I ' .'.loiv rx: .1 t-, hi 1 i!ir umi •>•;'
ti.ri,- o.Mi 1. ! ;.!''!'•, .;.".! |".:t oil \\.ir:n l! i.iiirl u.inm";; .
The rnc.'i (:ii'iT\ in;.; t',:-, ;!i;J ti.Kikir;; i; .1 ;.;r'.M' ]■:'■:
l!ut l'.l'--!l i."'"!! l.lC'.-i! c:.,'.rhs IllHiM Isi.' lo'.l, r(:tCl'.i
r lu.l ;^' -'i
,••:■ hi';;.. ■■
know wh.it .1 colli'.. 'iM'.lci! acciJcn: I have mt: \v![h.
AluT m.itiiii.' i!i'!ibrr.iii;;ii iiiT;ii this weiijhtv iiiirtcr,
it w.u ;it L'n;;iii :\!'ici'tl, th.it the Cook Ihoiilil tl,;o.v
hiiiik-lt iijioM the C'oniinoilori-'.s incuy, aiiJ truli 'o hi-;
Lioodiiatiiic. " ''iir (1 brcrvtil one of the mates; i.ij
honour is a kiii.lhe.iritil ^'rmtnan, atiil will never t.il.
awiv .1 iivui's hie for ,1 il'i) iipo;) the ice: l!r.':.le-, i:
W!, a ivr.it i\i;ii;! lor a ),.' 111.1:1; anil CoiiMi .l-^re
w )',,1.1 r.til'.rr I ile all tlic (lare ii tl e jTreat cabin tli.m
1"!^' *' '"'■■." ri'.s |i>i;.t;i;l ti'.e co"i.. 1 [e lii.l n.)!, h')'\ev",
c!i 1 'le t ) ;.'.> r ) the '.' ;ii'no;lor.', till he had Jil; .itciie.i
the nil' . i']:'.- I 1 i.iiry t'le reni.iiiiJer ol the pi-ov;.i ;ii.,
ani to 1:1, ;:ii thit ;',e;iil.'iii.in of the dilalter v.hi-.h !i.i,|
I'ft.illi'.". hi.,1. \\ l.iii ihe (.' iiiiin pili; ' had liard t',e
t.ie, hv' alktd w. re tl.;- cook w.is .' " lie's bl'ibl:''"-
in,; ,ii;d crvin;-; hehiivt, .m ple.ii'r; y'jiir hono'.if," 1 v;
on. ol lium, W'ii-n the co,)k came np, '• Coo'c, (:.;|
the Conni !.I',-re,) h:i:i.': me yo'.ir din:irr. I '.•..;l .;;:.^-
I i-d.iy ^itii my toi-.ir.i Ic ." " iMy ilinner 1 ^^i.^.: :'.e
*-'ook:1 .A pound ot the llrlh ii;i;t my iicart, ii'vji..-
h m )ur hl.es it." Thii reply, iisteri:.! witli the voi-.c
o; li.iceritv, i-Ieal'ed the Coiniivd 'le more than the rioll
i.:niptii ',:. entrrtainnirrit v. (ul.l aavc done.
>';oii .i!;t r il;nner v,or I ua-. liioiu'lit that til'.' wholi:
ni.iij of iue 111! clian;;'-'.! i*'. I'tii.rion, and was parrina,
.;i I til.'.: the iliips were u;l ).i:. I'iie men were in'.lairlv
I'ldered to til- lliiiis to allilf ia working them. '1 hi-,
: 'V w.is, lionever, lliort-lived ; fir the ice re-airumed
I it^ lornier iifi.uion -, and, what wa> worle, the Ihipi,
I ti /111 h.;'..n_; i'.e;'. le' a-lloat, were in mute ii.in.;er ot
Iv ;;!_'; c-i!!;-.! ti \\:-:cs th.i.'i before. The crt w:, 1,1
!) in i!-,'^ , ;;•■■.'.• I'lvvio; r I'u-ir ondition tivire dclper.ue
t:M.i iver. .\'i,:.e C')'.;!.i ;; > back t'j th-.' [yj.vs, a^ it w.ii
■ v..
rv tn :
;il hin.is llio'.ild be employe.! in defen.l
!,;•..;. own,
'.It I'n 1
.. \,.,'
tns ('! tne oimci-
t:i-y mi;'';': .i: ;;'.i;l I'e '..'iv i:i the n.idll of their diiti, ; 1
lie-. i l'--';t e i'.,- 1 ill,,!-, v.':i-:i propv'ily h'.';ii;!M
t : dra-.v t:,e bi" , i !'..:!■.• .1 'u-''! iiioilv and wiiinv A
.I"-, e.iri:.' e.
\' •■
\'. '. ; !-■
in ti'.'.- leali; ailli.i'-'.l : i .f,'
l.id !■■ !';';', ;;l;.,, i,i j i . , !;; t /te tlir-ii. \ it a l;I ,
!;;/ ou.i..,.. -■ V..., : I I • I'.-eii , bur, inl'ca.l ot a;--
p.-.iii.;' :••• I: ,(..!.!': tii.' d .I'.'ers t:!!'. i'urroniivled them,
til' v, to '. '; :!•■, v.e--' a- '.ill a--..l merr',' a. it tlr-y h.i 1
b-r;; i,; p. .■;■.■ I I'lli •.'.-, a.i.i d.'iiikiiij '.'.i;.i c... ii i.ther in
Ufl l',rj:..,-.d.
After e: ih- tru'-
tile Coiiimoviure liati oiderc.l tile viiniier I ir iiinl'li ,»- I
the oifli.er'i to be ijro'L'nt .ii".'r t'irr.i. 'I'lie h i I ■ •
liivin'; d'-'-iT.'d if, let on: with h., 1 late-. t> ?-i,'t;t!i
■ ;,'•: ,,-i:,':es under co'.'f-i'-, to'vai'. i' ;■ i.u^ , '- i'
',.1. • 11 ;i . ..:iy I'lVili-j-Ai- I too mil ' ' ; .; 'v, ;
•■ : r.; / ti.emli-lvc, .I'-iinll t' > 'i '. '" \
■• -I v,,i''li| ..'I'll! liiC'M wi 1 il ,'.'''' \ 1,1,' .,";■:-
'. . ' •';■ ■' ; ■ ," ':'e T.-le.) . ^ >■ .1 II •: conv
, . , .' • r , i.-:; \' '. ■ , i '■ t 111 ^ v'l V nrtr b ,.ird-
],: ' • I I r . , : !ir 1 ■; ' ' 1 I'l ' i' h lii w iv,
r ' 1 ; . I , il I , '.r . ■ i''ti:r; M': I '■. w );, !|
;,!• :. : ■ ■ ^ ' . ; . I :• 1! • Vl';, -t fiv ';
] , '■' .V.;', • ,'r e I on ., ■■ V ' 1
.; I , ,, .1 r i:. '".,■• ■
; ..;:,,.- „ , . • h. ! . .- .
V, , '1 :• . .. - ' ,.••''' tf • t
i„ ; ,-.."•, !^ ■ 1 ' :■ '■■■ ' ''■' ' «"^
1 ., ., ;;. a" ;d I ■ . ,.,i' i ic. i Jt - '^nr, i I k \t:
■ • ' '!■'. 'I ■■ CO')!;, \s ' Hi' , lii-
i .,«'.• I; '. , iivi'.' ;,,i I, • Kii .!, iiiiw I
. ' ; : I ', . 'I tii"i- 1 h.id licil ,':nlp w' >
.. - .- I ',.;., 1. J :.iid ia tip.: v.'(>'.:m».Ji.;tt
11.', i'-''' li..j ■> i.'oni ini;iied:ate ileiinicti' n witli their
'' p '1'. ^. li;.: wi:rn all acre txh.uilled wi:h i'.iti?'!:.-,
.i.'^d V[-iy ii';le ii .jie Iceiii'..! ro r-.."maiii, I'rovidencc, ii
a ill i'l'.n leiie'.i'.l them. .-V biilk •-■.ind I'prung up, .vm
t:!'-- i e l;;d.L';il',' k'li.iratpil an.l bi. ke allmder, v..:.h a
I-, ;..' '.'. h'.li e.vcetJel the liiiidi'll claj) of th'."ider.
. S /I'le fi.i.'ineiUi ft rr.iCvl tiiemfelves, almoll iutlanta-
n.'.)i;:i'.', i.;: ) ho v iivnintnci; aiv.l '.itliers coakke.l
I i;" ) pl.i'n,; wliile v.iriou- cIian:ieK optiicl bet'.veen the
i liii .i.itir; p;ir: 01 the la-.c tre:iieiui'iu.s banicr of cii.T-
j ;'.'.ii','.l wa'.ei-. I'.vciv i o';ntenai;ce ileand i.p, ail
I in ;it;, revi.-ed, an.l tl;e l.i;:, were I'p.re.id witli .il.ni:\.
I -V parcv was dilpa'viiel ' o le^ai.i the b i.it", \\h..J.\ i!i-;
men fli'::etl with ;;re;:t r.niimity. " .\nd ii iw (ic, ;
tin: .u;;iinr ol the ]oiiniil) th'.-y !ud time to admire tin;
ic',- whii'i l;\d p.irt'j.l ft ,111 the main bi.lv, as it no 1 .':i-
gei- (,')'rn:teil tiie.r cotirle. 'I'lie vaii'iiii linjies i.l
wliicn iiie bruken tnn'iients apfieared, \\ere, i;idee.',
vciv c'vio',15 a:id I'luiflt, . Cnc lemarkable piece dc
ten ii ,1 m.v'i.iii',',nt :ii\h, lii l.triiO and complct. I.
f )r;!i' '!, tii.it ,1 llooj) nfconl'id.erable b'jrthcn might h.i, .-
l.iK,! 1^'' 'h it witiioiic I'lWciing her null. Ano'hrr-
irpie!,' ' t a ihiirJi, witli win. laws, pillai:, mi 1 d o iv- ;
a'' 1 ., ■! a t.iiilc, wi'h icticlci '',i.i'-',in^ round it i, .';
1.' ^ ot' a dair.i" table-. I'j:!, .V fertile i,,),,j^'i
I ' 'i '■',!'• lu-ie tin, I enti'; ,,ui""ieiit cno" 'h , ' j-T ,'•;
1. ■ I S"»iii'S! ;-\ni the t«ltti'i>'i|i'»' '■' '.^, ,' ..f ,;
I III -■■ ■ 'ver\i , rodui ed, ':i»ollt i' .-Mn. i ,"
I ■' I ;i i;w 1, I ", ih tcim '',' I ('>•' •-. ' '.e'li./l'.
' . •! II I i,,.^ , r.r.i I:,,
il.i; -. p,ii:i I I ■, .1 :: .
> i-n-.' 11.; I • ,11'p \i:y ,1 ' ■., .
IM ,.,;h, V.', :\ t';r,, ,,,,.. ;
J'er « I, lie ii an a ;>.iior .it
I 1- .
1 ..- . ,li .wiih; »;■« \ v,^ ^Ithc :v. ill iiiii' 'Jj obrc;v.i-
li ' Hia-'c L"i t' » V'i'.iii ■
t » • I: e I'/liolJi'', ov I m«' , li.m iil.ur'/ation lit
tr, ■!;,;•, ■, the |!:ii , n>-v t . , .U-^r, ') • inm. j ; tec,
•• ).'- e i'.-.!ii/ ;i, J-'.., (.' ,■ „a.r..in, ;9l',-. iiuri!:.
i '1 • >.-/'. Ill .n,;i. ^ s , wi'"', I'i i,;' O'/ liej.i;. , -,
111 V ,ip- ; I J' ,i; p I .'..;■ ,' I « t\\ ;i i-t-ry iieavy le.id
i '^.."fi"! ^ b J utho.in wuii'jiiHi^ttiti' ground} ai.d.
1 .,'!.'.ii '
il ;
).; v\
(I'll '1
, w
I,. ! ,'
,, 1 1
.i; '
.1 ►
1 1
. all t
oU lluiulil ''
, ;iik1 trull '()
of the m.itfs;
h.ivc nut \v![!\
vvL'i'jlitv f.i utcr,
1 I will IK'VtT t.il,<;
it; ice : l!;-'':.lr-, i;
.iiul Co!i;.!i .I'.ro
\'S^^^: t.\\W,a tli.m
iMi iiiin^;, ill I'jiii'.'
di.i lu:, li) '.Lv.- ,
JK" li.ul i.i:l. .itciic-.l
(i: thf provi.i m-,
ilil.iller v/hi';li !i,u|
! ■ li.u! I'car.i l',!,'
" i Ic's bl'!b:>T
nil' hono'.ir," i >■,
up, '• Cn') ■.,(:. :\
iimr. I V. .;l .;;:.j
ciiiner 1 i^i.'.'.A f.c
my iif.irt, iiy n.r
j.i u itli ilir voiti-
more than the imo;L
It tli.it the v:\vi\c
, ami was parriiiL-,
m'.'ii were iail.intly
l^iiiij them, 'llii,
the ice re-.iirunieJ
•i worle, the Ihijb,
in mure d.inj,er ot
re. The en. .v:, uT
m more il.lp^r.ue
the h'jars, a-, it ^a'l
:;-.; l')ye.i i.i ilefenl
tincli'n vsiih their
.uilleil wi:h i'ati^!e.',
in, I'roviJeiice, r i
:nil Ipriing up, .iiui
l^e al'uiKler, v. .:'. .i
. cia|) ii( tin iile;-.
es, ahnull iniLun.t-
■.nhers co.ilcll
optiieil lietween iIh*
I'iU.s l)ar[ier of CL.n-
. learnl
rp.re.RJ \vi;h .il.i i'.a .
;lie I) i.i'.H, wh..c!i tli.-
" .\iid 11 i.v (I.e. .
1 time to aihuire tiie
1 b i.iv, as it no 1 .•:-
e \.iii'iiis lii.ipes i.i
.'.ireil, v\ere, indee ',
rmariiable j'iece d^-
irge anil compitt ! .
b'jrthrll mii^ht !i.n-;
lier uialh Ano'';'-
, i)illai.s an.i d ) n ■• ;
I i",inL; round i; i, .■:
\ (trtile i.iii/i
leiit cn')",''i . ij:'' .'s
»M|i'»' <■' '.i. .' . . ! ■•:
I 11 ^ •• I lii. ' ' ,
li.e, , ..;■ ',,;,:■. ■
, 1 1,,.^ , '-'.d 'II.
., pilt< ! I". .1 II .
ii;: I ■ . npinv .!■■.■., .
V.' .1 t'ir\ •IK-. . ;
'IV.' !■) an .1 ,i.iior .it
r. i'.\ eiiii' "JS obre:v.i-
■ . ii.Mi ol.urv.ition iic
.if J. ■\ ■ mill. J : lec.
. I-,. II'. i) i .-. nurti .
, t ' I.- 'r; dej'. ., ;,
''» .1 >•' ry liravv lead
i;Mti;i ' j^roundi ai.;l
G U E E N L A N D.
by a thermometer invented by IopI Charles Cavendiih
fiir tlie piirpole, louni die temprrature ot the water at
t!iat liepdi to be ih dcu'. of I'.ihiciiiKits thermointter,
the ttniperariire ol the air litiny; 4S dcjj;. ami a li.ill.
June 24, in iat. 7 ; deg. 4-1 mm. a tire was ma !e intiie
I iliiii l.ir the lirlb time. On the liilt: ot' Jiilv it was
foiind lo waim, that tiiey Iat witliout a lire in Iat. 78
d. ^ I \ min. j ; i.e. In 7!) iIcl*. o min. 5a lee. at tixir
ill ilie mo'-niii;;, 1 'id Ch.irles Caveiidiih'.s therniuiiietcr
was ;i, tli.it );i, a. id .it mi.i.'li^^ht 57 dfg. in Ux. /ij (l g. 50
iiaii. i .'111.',. 1 ) de,;. i iiiin. _;q li.-e. call. On tlic 19th
<.'i Aii:Jiilt, at eleven .it niglir, an .i|ipear,incc of iluik
was oblerved at .Smeerenberg. On r!ie I4tli of .Sep-
ie:r.bei- thus became viiiblc. 'i'lie n^..t of a I! ir (lays
tap'.uiii i'liipps) w.is iio'.v beco nc almoit as :;reat a
phrnomeiioii .is the !un at aiidiii^iit iiad i/eea tv.n
iivmihs be;. lie, wlieii v\c lirl't j; 1: wiiiiiii tlie .'Vi.:tie
^livle. 1 he Ikv w.is in _L;eni ral loaded with hard white
tl .'.I.'-, ii'.i .iiv.: II tlu; the I'.in and li'.ii .'.oa weie never
t . :.eiy clear ot ti...-m, even in tiic i cireil wcuher.
'1 i.e tiilt \'enetia".s wl;o exploreil t!;e r.orthe;n extre-
iiiiiy il the E'.irt'pe.n coiuincnt were ltr;:e,v uidi tlie
grca'.elt all ini!h:i!e:,t at t!ie continii.il ajpeaiancc of
the tin ab )ve tlie iiorizon, a;.. I r;!ate tli.it tiiey could
•inly ih''iiuMiiih d.iy troir. niylit by t!;e i.illiiicl of the
le.i ( . .1, tt;ii,h we:it t • rooll on Ihore for the Ipace of
f'l't '. '•■;-. I'i-i.i i^j;.;..:i la Ic.l v\ April i.i.ii, and
in j<;.Li,ry 14.;. lie v. i.. ihip.viecked under tlie [) d.ii
ciiv e. ,\ biuht ip,!'aiar.ce near die lioriznn w.is al-
v.us ;'cr i ri ..! '■> i".;iii, the appiouli of ii.e ; and
t!-. the I ;; •i'. Ciilai i:;e [K\..k ci l.he ice. And the
lai.r IIP'-, i.e was I'c' n on Ci| "ain Co(jk':. vovatje
I '.vu :..
*.. ;
K tl ••
un.l di.i
:lr.- lu, ;h ]• le iii 177 ; .'.nd 17/4. Dr. Irving
,' c "e s.T.r.'iiy ot u c on board the R.ice-
, .1 e • 1' me iiioll d.; iile cold ice he eouli
4 i:ii'iRTi-.\i 111 I'l.ia- wMter, therm. iiucier m.
uii parts liiiiiv '.iiider llie liirta'-e of the
I.I 11, .l.^■, I III pro t, il b..ielv lio :ud : i;i
ijrr.s CI V i'le it icll to the bjttum at once,
iitii i:;i.:iei;;..;c!y.
14 -h'
"Al lis c 'Unnv \\v. c.ilh .1 (jieenland by Sir Hugh
Will' u. !div, v,i;:i liiii-'uired it in 155;. Itat-
i- IVid 111
>;i\ tie nuteh the ai-'jiclLition of
■"'^ ""->
n, wii:> h
!'.,'ii .'■'• :'<: '■' [) m:'"iu,i!.ih. 'riif
wi: 1
■ of'
its b,n;,ui
.rirs a;.- 11 1: Unnva. 1 lowever,
(III tile Well it has tiie m.it'iem oic.m ; o.i tlie louth the
la. lie n-.iii between ihi.; anil the Kiidi.in Lapland, and
the n ■rtier:;nioll part of Norw.iv, tiver-'injinll wiiich
it li'S ; on tlie call it h.ii an iindii'eovercd country, to
V 111, 11 it is jo.'h.-d ''v>' ,\n i;,iiniiis, On the welt fide of
SpK.'lifipen lies Ciurles illaiid, wiiicii is tlivided from
t'le m.iin l.ind by .n n.irrow itrait called l-'oreland 1 ' ri.1 ;
bitweeii wiiich, and iMiilck-l laun, are the lii;hell
inoiintains, tivill of wliicli aie o! a red colour, and re-
l:re> the Inn'.', iieanis lo .is t) fcem ail on lire: but fe-
ven i/f tie m lui'.t.iin., all of remarkable lliarpnefs, are
o; .1 ii;ie Iky iiiuc. .Souili I Liven is tlie irill com-
11 1 iii.tis pl.ice on tiie ill.in.l, atlording all the conve-
f.i' '-eir;. iieieliaiy i"V lep.iaiiig leaky or ibniapvcl lliips ;
and i> fo large that ; 5 or 40 tail may ride at aiuiior
till le \ery convetiiend\ : here alio may be h.id fieili
w.itvT, tiMiil the ii.eiu.^:; ot the ihow ; for as to the
rivci '.iiey arc braikilli, as l.r .is hitherto they h.ive
liten dllldvercdi and no Iprinj'.s or wells have yet been
fo'iad. The nioiint.ins ab jut South Haven are very
liiidi, elpeciallv on tiie leli ; and in the mi 111 of ti.e
1 iliiiur IS .-.n I
eail-man s
he in the voy.igi; a:c ufuaiiy buiicu iheie.
The next capacious haven is that called by liie Dutcli
Maurice U.iy, where fime of them hive wiritired:
near this pl.u e are a lew crttager.. built by tlu' I.>uieli
lor the (onviiiience of making tin .r .;il ; and iliis plajc
tilt y call SmearbiiriT;, or .SmeaiingLiir'', or the Hacr-
Ic III Cool ry. In (he norili bay there i.i an id.ind
c.illed Vogel-San» by tlie Djtch, (1. e. liird-.Song)
ti"m the great node wh;. li the fi.vls make when tlicy
t.ike their Hij/ht. Dcei ^'.Uind i.-. f) called from the
aliiin. lance (li I leer which feed ..'jout it, t!i iu..m) the
f'il kems to be all llates lit edge- ways. r.li.l',.le-
1 l..ven lies at the irouth of the W'.ivgate, to the noitli
ot wnicli, 'Vl.ittens lays, he l.iiled ti Si degrees, and
law liven ill.inds, but could nut ap/proacli ihem bccaufc
ot tlu ice i the lo^veil p.irt of tiiat country lies abuiiC
this hirbour. Tiie \'v'.ngarr meiiriotiei.1 hei'c mull not
be niilL.kin fir the famous llrait of that name, wi,i..ii
lie, b.tween Xov.i Zenibla aiul t: e iiiiin Ian. I (f Sa-
iiioieda. \\ aygate lure mr^nc is a .'larbour, it \'-\:'v:h
t:ie IJutcli voy.i_,ers f.is tiirv .iv):i ■'. i...ow whetlu r i";;'.'es
thi''ugh the coui.tiy. 1 i;cy call it b'.' tiiis name be-
caui'c of the winds whieii iVctjueaiiy ol.nv there ; and
i.bout this pla e, the. I.iy- 'v ciaiiV is 1 i-v, an.i
adorned witli fm.iil Imij, iiiciiel.l '. ii'tuiir i^ lo i.dl-
ed becaufe it aboun.'.s withd^er. .\! \ irivi kree'ii ui's
Inlec (called by the Uutcli Waiaa 1 liy.iKn's F.itr) is
the large mo jtli ot'a ^i^■er, vsiikh is n ;". yet il.icov.-red.
'I'nc vovi;^eri mention alio riiel:.;":'' li, Dani:!;, iiim-
barg, and i\l.ii'dalen H.'.ven.j .■••,•!. one caii- I the
Hay of Lu'.'c, but nit io diliiiiii^'y as to er..ble us to
liivlge whetiier they .ire 'liff. r.iit from tliofe a,.'eady
me.'itioued, with Dut. h or {■'.Arj. '1 names. Bell-Har-
bour, on the ise'l^rn c.-ail of ihi> co'.-ntry, is the jilaee
where, in the year i6,.jO, eight fc'.nglilh failors '..iii-
tered, and fulfere.l very great h.irdliiips duiiiig liine
'iionths iind twt Ive day.^, the iinj'.ilar circnnnlances of
wlucli will be
leafter related.
tell. .. I.'-.-
tioi II
by tlh
par;iculus are con.irir.ed by :lie concurrent
s of m-ill voyagers, pre\ ious t.) the cxiiedi-
I coinmodorc I'hipp.s. The accou.nt gueii
• er of that voy.ige coriobora'.'i what iliey
hive laid, iind adds f)me new particulars v. hicli we lliall
tianlcrioe. " Tliis country (f'ys the juurnaiiil) is
llony, and, as far as can be fern, full of mountains,
precipices and rocks. Between thefc are hill, 'if ice,
genri.ired, as it appe.'.r-, by torrents thit il )w tro.u the
meking of the Inow on tiic fides of th !e to\veriag ele-
vations, which being oikc congealeJ. are ontiaaaliy
en.realed by the liiow in winter, and the rain 'n f iin-
lae:, winch often free;\s as loan as it fills. >jy look-
ing on tliefe hills a llrauger may fancy a ih'jufan.l dif-
ferent llia]-es of trees, cillk:':, cliurches, ruicis, lliips,
whales, m.i.allcrs, and ail the various f.-rnis tliat tiil
the uiiiverfe. Of the ice hiils there are [even t.h.it more
particularly attract t'le notice of llrangers. Tlielc are
known by the iiaaie of the Seven I ebcig., and are
tliought to be the highell of the ki.id in tiiat country.
When the air is cle.\r, and the i- . Iliines lull upon
thefe mountains, the profpect is inc :;ceivably briliiant.
Ihey fometunes put on the liright gkiw of the evening
nys of the letting, fun when relieeted upon glals at its
..:'iing down: fometimes they aj.pear of a bright blu»
like laii'liire, an.l loiiieti;i:es liuc the v.u'i.dile colours
of a [irilm, exceeding in lullre the richell gems in the
workl, difpoleel in liiapes wonderful to behold, .ill
glittering with lullre that d.i'/.'.ies tiie eye, and tills
tiie air with .illonilliing biiglitnels."
When every oivect is new, it is not eafy fir a flranger
to fix on whiili fuii to .idmire. I'lie roeks are lliilx-
ing objects : bef ne a llorm they exhibit a liery appe.ir-
ance, and the fun looks pale u[)oii them, tlie fnow giv-
ing the air .1 bright rcHectioii. Tliclr lunin-iits are al-
tiiolt always involved in clouds, lo tii..t it .s bat jult
pofTible to lee the tops of them. Some of theie rocks
are but one ilonc from tup to bottom, a[.pc,iiing like
an oM decayed ruin. Others coiilill ot luiae iiialTes,
veined dilfeiently like niaible, with rcJ,' white and ycl-
:::<: tlicy to be lav
lid poiili
H It,
I 1
594 A XIAV, KOVAl. and Al! rUl'.N llC SV.STl M nv UNIVFUSAL GEOGR.vrHY,
fd, wrtulil equal, if nit excel, tin* (inert l';;vptian i;i.'.r
bit- we now I'd iniirh aiiinirc*. I'erli.ip.'- ilu' lilll.ir.ie .ukI
H.in'.'tT of' lairvinp; lirge [blocks i>t tlone irMv bt- the
realon tint no truU li.ive been iVi.ulf to ni;iniit',n.Tiire
them. On the li.nitherly an.i wellerly fuiis ut iholc
rocks gr.iw all the pl.ints, herbs an 1 niolVcs peciili.ir to
this Cciuntry. On the northerly anJ eallerly fules the
winil (hikes lo c"!.! w!ien ir blows lr(>m thete onarrers
till'. ;: peiilhc'j e; ;rv !Ji\i (<'' vei;et.i.h\-. Tliele pi.iius
prnv. to perlciflion in a verv iliort tune. 'I'ill the iniil-
('le I'f May the whole ciniiirry isloekiil up in ire; in
th'- beginning of Jiily the j lants aie in ll )\\ei, and
aboiii the latter mil of the fame month, or tlif tn'pjn ■
nirf^ of Aii;',ii(l, they iiave pertircled their leeJ. 'I'lie
earth owes its fertility, in a great nvMl'iTe, to the o;.m:l; in lale'V. iNh/i! I'l
thd'e birds are water fiwls, ai;d lii.k their fiiod in llii
fca : (ome, indeed, are birds of prey, and piirU;e ;.nd
kill otiiers for their own ailllann-, Imi thele are rar.';
the wattr-towl eat Ibonr; and filliy, and tiuir far is ii'.t
to be eiuiiired. 'I hev arc I'o niuneroi.'s abort riie rock.s
as ('omeiiiiu-s to daiken the .dr when they rile i.i i; ., Ls j
an-l tlie\ lliriek fi) h'/rridly that the rot lo ncho v.rli
their noile.
The air about Spi::-ber2'"!i i- at no tin;;' i):i !.. ■••ri..m
icicles: if yo'.i look throiii 'i tlie fun beaiii> ti.n ixrkly
as you (it in t!ie (hade, or v ii re vo'.i (ie t!ie rays con-
fined in a b'dy, in(iead oiilark motes as aie (een here,
you behtdd myriads of (hinin^; particles tliit Ipan-^le
like diaiTiond- 1 and when t.he ('m:i (hines iioi, as ir
fomttimes d-.'es i'l as t) melt tlic tar in tlie I'eanis ot
fhips, wlicn they lie (liehering from t!ie wir.d, tliele
fh'nip:. atoms appear to nick away, and dclceiid Lkc
dc\s .
It H feld !;;i that tlie air cr.n;inucs clear for aiany days
together in this ciimate, b'lt when that happens tlie
whalers are ,f;- neraliy liicccfsful. There is no difVcrence
between nii;!!'. and dity ir. the ajipearanre intolerable, paiti'.ularly vd-.'-n
the wind blows from t!ie north or the call. The air is
tolerably calm ii'.;ri;iir the month of June, Julv, and
Augud i not but the wintU (iime'imes bl'.'w in- redioly
cold even at this iea(()n, and the frolt contiinrs without
intcrmiiri-n. 'I'he ("ea-water here is lefs (alt than in
I'outhcily climates, anil chantres its colour with the Iky,
that is ill a clear air it appears blue, vvhcn die atmof-
p.here is ovcrcal^ with clouds 't (ceins green, duri/i^; Ctv^
it i> yellow, anil ipiitc black in (lormv weather.
'I'he dm ufually appears in this country about the be
pinning of f-tb nary, and dila|ipcars abuut the lird ol
Odober. brom .\1 ly to Atijrill lie continues uiiove
the horiz'in w'ithout letting, and then the ni.:',ht ami d.iy
are didni'iiiilhaiile only by his ajipearin.^ eidier in tlie
ciflern ■ r wtfl'-rn parts of the jif-avens. The fice of
t lis c-/uri:ry e.'diibit^ Icarce any thing but ru;'-"ed r.)i k:,
iind barren niountaiiis th.it rile into the clouds, ur valius
choaked i:p with (b)nes and ice that fall from thole
mountain';. Ab'iut Drer Sained at'.d Mulde i burn .'ire
(ome drtai ii' ll piei es nl low Im I , whii h are ufually co-
vered with (now , bit in a titie liiiiTiur, when tli.it di
(olvps, a coat of lieath or iii'd's is leui interfj-.c-rl'-u
wi:K a few plant?. No fpri;,-', have bien fiuml h re,
an' il:r riven aic all br.ickiii, , but tliele inconveni n-
i !• s ai.- reionipcncvd by the tfreat pknry of liww-
•siter, whivh s a" o xe heulililul a.id pltakiiic.
I'he vcfTCtables of S]
taile, but is i,,i|.i, <'ratcfiil to ti.e j .late, and fiirh
an ixcflkni .mn I •oibuiic, tk.it t.k" I'vii m term it t!:e
" (lilt of (ii. ;." ;M;hoii; h the (hips iinplovcd in th>:
wli.de il'l'.-rv au-, o. all otlier.s, the bell liipplieil with
pcod pr -.f.'.uns a.d ple.:ty of freOi water, yet tli'-
in.iriici:. ;iie in the;'<: iiort!;e;n lat;ti;des nu.'ch im-rc
liibie;t to the f .■.-i^urvy than in any loutliern voya;;e.
f '.'le III :i.idy is lure r...jrc liidden, and
1,1 i: moie Lipid. 1 he p.itient fetls is
re..;,: ,is I.e .advances ne.ir the pole; nor
le cii.ov t e lead alieviation '■•.■.v\] tlie wnihi r
live :!i ci' July, wliiih ii veiy moderate,
like ..,,ly nVelin; ti ;i c : wui'.' r. Tiien
tic l(urvy.<^r.r;s ip|ii-ari n j lent;, .;;. .i;; intaliilde cure,
.li.d pel I Hills woi.ders, rcll.)l.nL>, in .1 dw d.iy-, to
lual'.ii .: . i vii'.rar, thole wk . weie lit ii.ii'-Iy in the
i.ili It.i" • ol die dilb'iiiper.
1 ne u ki r \e(;etable prcdt .di r.r ( 1 this country are,
l"! ;■;;■., i.ili;!, ikind. lii'ii, iii. -irf-.n h-.ath, la.\i-
!.... .-, d ..!i:- .vii!,/.v, i\c. but aii ..: I::: til and (luntetl
I,: i:kii i.oiwtli, tiie natural c(.:.lu;!ie.-,ce ot a fcanty
C'll m' ic f_'ine'i: (l;y.
ri'i.ie .., :.n a juatic vegetable | ecuiiar to this coiiiitiy
e.ilkd the rock pkuifi ti.i ka\eb are /i.aptd like a man's
toiyue, about fi.'i fiet I.a.;, (f a dull yellow colour, the
(talk is round .ir.d Uthuuu, ..nd i>t the I.. me c< lour with
the lial, 11 ri\:> taperiii;', af.l linclls like mu( les. It
grows in ihe water, ai; 1 ii;e., in heij^ht in proportion
to t.ic dep'di oi w.ir.T m v..,;i;i it is louiul.
In the yi.ir 17,-7 a tooinlaiid c.ptain bnnudit to
]-'|-..dand Irveiv'i i lei es of l; ill, w.hi.h lie fouiuracci-
d',:i!.illy in a hunting excuilii.n among the rocks of
Spitzbergcn. 'I'liii '.ii.coveiy, howevw, was r.ot pro-
I'ccutid. AkibaUer, .Stleniu-s, and I .apis ^ipicularis
are f.u.-.-l i'er.- ; .;:;.l r.,.:uia;ilU corijicUirc that the
country abour.ds in iion lae.
b'ew land- birds are k":;i tliis country, e'.'.ept par-
tridges, a few birds of the f.iipe kind, lome 1 n.dl birds
that, even in tli;s dreary liimate, .onutiinis waiiiie
i»etrly, tiie Ihowbird and the icc-liri; the i-Ucr is a
in„iil but Nery beautiT.:! L.rd ; in fize ar.d (l;.i;-e it re-
lenil'les the tt;;t!e-d A'e, but the pluiiiai/e when the (11.1
fl.ines iipco
rill!' in the
ii Ol a tir..i;L yillow, like the L;;.'iJca
'■Lk'-. i..il, a.'id .iIukjII da'.:^.!cs the eye to
I'he tiiecnk'.nd f \ c.k^'
tliiMC we are .icip.iak.'ed >' ik
fiiriilitude, lor lix body ;■. v
loxe-, art ii^n here in j^rcit
I'wil'-, and \erv lubrile ; To
:■ Iv.t lltde in f-.ap.e fr. ni
i !:ut in loioui t..eie i> ii)
.::e and the ke.nl is black.
pivnty ; tiiey ar.- excccoir,;
. -- , -- . , - - - ;at it is a liilkr i.lt tiiatier to
catch ri'.em. 1 he author of commo.lore I'iupiis s voy-
ape lav., " '1 lie Putili Ir.iiuen rtjoit, tiiat when tkev
(till ft.ses', are l:u;iL;ry, liiey will fi i;^;n theml'elvcs de : ',
and wliLii li.e r ivenous biiii.. I uir.e to Iced on them, t: iV
rile and niake tiicni their [ rty."
Till- deer ol tai.) cin:ntiy are larp,e, .-'ny a."..i ihv m-,
v.iki brai)c:iii>.: horns, (hurt tails and l.i.iw ^,■\^,, [ j i...-
tleiii of an .uk.-iiialde Ikivour ; iin I, in liie U:ir.uii-r
liMlon, tkey arc txceedsn.'. fit, which is owiiiij; to ll < ir
Ik'-iiiii;; on t: : '.■',:., ltd r ntkiii..n lavs, "In all prob.^liiiity il.ile
anim ,b lleip in ciscrrs duknp, winter iilce ttie bi-ari Ui
N'orvav. l'ci-.ri; s the abun lance of popjivs in this
(otiiitiv may d :, ;c them to a Ictharpy, whiih i-ems
ncjilk.ry (or th r jjTelervatr.-n, ;'.s little it no nourilii-
tneiii i.> reuuirtd Icr animai-j tlia: .lavc no cxerci.'e, and a
, fxctllent (curvy.
rc-t, groumi iv)',
v-M (tniw'bfnit-?,
It- (l;ivs ;l It.irnrd
v'tu: ot tlic (liirvy,
iio UM'ly vil'it tliis
;'i.!S liiTf, as ill
> ;'iin;,'t'ncy to the
1 >l:i!f, and lircli
I.. I (II tcrni it t!;i.'
pN vinplovrd in tin;
IhI! liinjilicil witli
111 uatirr, yet tli--
;ti:ufs nii.'ch m'W.T. Tlirii
;; int.ilii.';lt cnrf,
.1 liw li.iy,, 10
t( :i !!'-Iy ill tlic
rl.ii c.iwifry are,
^:n'''ii I,'. .it'', |.ixi-
l::;iii jnl (liinti-J
cjtxr.cc oi a llanty
iiiiir to tliis couiitiy
n;.i[)itl lil.i ,1 mail's
II yellow colour, the
If I. line c< liiiir with
N liki- mill Irs. It
icigiit in jirojiortiun
cipiuiii liniu^;ht to
i'.h lif (ouiul acci-
nong the rocks of
rvi ', was licit pro-
Ill 1 ..ipis SjJiciilaris
:o;iii.i.Luie liuc the
\ :.
■ 111
I ■'■M
I'uitry, tTiTjit pnr-
id, lomc l.nall birJs
, .'onii'tinii's waiiilc
! ir 1 ; the i..itir is a
ze iii.d ll:a|/c it rr-
laii.i^c wlit-ii the lii.i
!o.\, like the l;"IJcii
i\ ila;:i!cs the eve to
I ■;(!
lifil? in fi.ijx' fr. Ill
in L.i.oui t..eie i> ii >
ui the i.c.!(i is lilac!;.
i tiicy ar.- exjcc(:ir,>
I a iJilfii I, it tiia'.ter to
10. 'ore I'iiij'ps ,1 voy-
[ 01 1, tiiat when rl ( v
r^n thciTirt-lvc^ i.k ',
;o IwcJ OI. tliciii, i; v7
\v, 7r( y a:-,.l ilii" 'v,
kI Ihi;' c.'i'>. 1 leir
III 1, ill tin; Uin',i:icr
ic'i Is owiii^', to ll ', :r
.I'lLil (lortclLt ;;i-
iiti r i ir.a.ny ol tlu in
;l .ill inyneral.ipprar
-. On tliis ( ccilinn
.ill I'n'b.iliility il.iii;
Iter like tlie brari iii
: oi |ji jij ivs in this
tharpy, wiiith i-cnu
!;t;le i r no iiniiiiiii-
ivc no cxercife, anil a
•i^ J
(' ■ .1
i It-
lanj^iiil tirctil
human ciL-mii
tiiorj ll If), am
Tl\c brurs
h'lll.y miniirr
<(;iini.l tii.ic vv
ykl.iccl ail hi
arc rrrmi'.l w.
fllilii;c elm I'.y
been lircn ni-.i
bfar is attai !
to his allillaiv
killed ratiur
wiiicii a'r;uiii
ln«s Will t:\Z
CTe.iv.irc'. arc
fr,.j;i'.;rjy vci
h.ivi- bttn ki
h<>.\r.\ i.iii'r VI
tiuy luinciiini
'I'lu-y are attai
at bay, rilir i
the laiifi s III
Cd WItilOilC ilTI
nudiiallv, aiu
rn-ii", liivf lii
Here aif i
a- are tini.ni
and fial:', h.i
Dffi>-ipt (}• r.l
lliu'c hijii
TIIF, tn
having n ) tec
iijipcr |aw .»r(
cliff' r-;it lii.i
IWl-KC It .'i
jrrovMiv^ \:.u\
Vfitt-.l, the
pOhll \. I I
blui> - ..t &..
tliri;; icrvf -A-
lliiii. .;■"', [ra
(jf, a' .1, iiir
hv.v , next r(
n'.S..c a dill
invrc nrcelVn
wh \W\ buJv
f(J')' witic.
whoit both',
coiilktcriiit', il
ii inr'e I with I
t•.ll^, .i[ jic.ir,
that ihry rin
mit of a iini
lart',c ()ri^c(.■s
thiiii ,1 lliari'
tv.'o ['.ipi s, li
tlif. luii'.'.i.iy;
ail I wiiicli is
<|uai.uiy, iini
Lii^M/ , '.a lo
j>.i.-r., a:ul u
h:)n:b arc li
inlKa.i lA i.,
jHjioiis, and
(jiii','.' ri-il. I
bull, illixe;!
!c:lil,_ bccauk
The fat is II
ij!UiU';e <.['.)•■<
tl.c Lul, 'Ailtl
ia guided bv
C. R l'. IZ N 1. A N P.
Ianj;(ilvl circulation." Tliefi: Ji'er ily at the fij^lit of .1
hrinian cifaiuiT, lict iinnK-di.itcly ll.)p when tlu-ir piir-
liRTs ('»;), and lli.ii art- Ihoi v.ir.i (.ilinty.
Tlif brurs hi re havi: loir', liiotiis, ami b.irk in a
hi!!.y miniur, like il i'j;'i tli.u an- hoarlf. 'I'hc-y are
l.ij^i-, white, Umii, Iwifr, aiul ti'.Tie. Sinix- have lircn
(iiiinJ ti.U were hx Itet hij^h, auj four l'>n^', wliicii
)ii.;.ici.i r.ii hu:i ireil wei^lit of fit. The larj^elt kiiul
arc rrrmcd ^.r.ir hi at'., hrcaiile tlirv arc tond ot fub
fiilini; ciin I'.y on tlie iTftdiiclioiis of tl-.e lea, and hive
hci'ii Iccn near fwenty niil'-s froin the lliore. When a
bear is .itrai kt 1 lie m.ike') a dre.iKui iDarinf/, and hi-,
riiinpar.ions, wil.) are witiiiri hi-.trintj, iilimedi.itely lun
to his alillance. A llie lir.ir will fn'ilT hcrfell to be
l;ilied ratiur ihiin .ib.mdon her nibs j notwitlill.nding
winch a'r;uhiiviK, wiicn a bear is found drad, liis fi 1-
Iriws will t.it hini without t!;;- leatt feniple. 'Ih.!-
creature! are I) lli|itilafed vviih luinfrrr, th.it they will
fr. jiRiitly venture to a'.iatk wh >le armed crews; and
liavL- l)een ka'iVMi to u'v: the w.iter, and attempt m
l)'),ir.i i.iii'e velleis. 'I'iiev are lo teiruious ol life ihat
tiuy fuinetiines ilcape witli many ili.'us are Irril, l.ise thoie ot tour looted bealls ; bin,
inlUad of liavir.j on'- ..irge ca.ity in the middle, are
porous, and lull .-i inurow. ills belly and biek .lie
ijuitc red. 1 ll^ il.'lh 1., ;< .:.:U and har.l, like thit of a
bull, mixed wi:h miiy li.ie.vs, .uui is very drv ar.d
le:M,, beeaufe the fit lies i)t tAcen the llelh AwA the Ikin.
The tat is mixed widi (iriews, which holds the oil a> .1
lj:unge iloes water. 'I'he otlier lliong linews arc .ib.uit
ti.v tail, wiiii wii'.'.'!i !.e turns and winds himlelf .isalhip
ia guided by a ludd^r. Ik fiviins widi ^jreat celcriry.
anl makes 3 track in the fea like a I'.'ge flnp under
liiil. I5i lid';s the upperttioll thin Ikin, tivre is another
alnioll an inch thick, but neidier nt thein arc very
llro'i.:, whieii is l)el:e\cd to be tlie icifjii why the whale
doe. not exert ttiat r.reat f>)i\.e that iViiidit b- expcitcj
("oin a l.'lli of its li.e. I'hey are inii/itily toriiunred
w.ili lice, which niik'.s tlieiii |()inetlin!:'i fpiiiv; 'ut of
thf lla ill all :igony. It is alio believed that thry feci
gre.it pains in r.icir bodies bcfire ail'.rm, vi;'.!i in.ikcs
them twill an I tumble violently, v.hile tlie v.in.i bf as
lit 1 the ealK Tiiey are, however, haiiolefs, uiilclk
pruvoi.ed, and raiiier c.f a very tiinor'ius r iture ; tho'
foiiic of tluiu will now .'.lid tlien appro.;cli vtry dole to
a Ihip. The middl'ng 11. ed (,ii's are lr'.)m hftytofixty
lirrt 1 'ng, and yi'.-ld trom ti ven to an hundred b.irreli
I't bk.bbci 1 lh'ju;^li fometinies they are mi;c!i Irgcr.
.\ voyager 'ne.-.tiuns one tint yielded an luindred ami
thirty hog. iiead.->. Tliis bhibbei li-.'s immtdiately i:iiJ.cr
tlie Ikin, aii.i is very vahi.ible.
(i)ne of I'lc a'.ithors of tiiis work, to alT"rd t'copL* fir
a more minute dc-lcription of tiiis wj.ir.d.-rful part cf tli-;
cieaiion, took m\ opportunity of furve\ing tli,; Ikeleton
ol a .Sperma Led whale, in t!ie rcpolirory of an eminent
virtuofj iii I .ondon. This afVonilliing produftion of
nature mealiires I'eventv two feet in length, and be-
tween Icven and ei,>lu ii ' : in brea.lth. The ri:ull alone
iia-.iliires iifteen feet in len^jth, and ii luppofed to
weigh three t')ns. This gre.it weight of bone s proba-
bly I) 1 ivc I up in tiie lea by a vai. ipMiititv of tat or
oil, contain d in the cellular niembnn'j, bctw-e,! the
Ikin of die iiei 1 aiiil the upper furfice of the Ikull.
b'roiT) this I il, ami .ill') from tliat which fiirrounds the
body, the fubilance called .Spcr:Ti.i-Ceti is eTttiaded.
Tli.it Ipecie^ of whale c lit •.! the Spernu-Ceci whale,
d'.llers fioin t!ie whalebone v, iiale, vdiich, ai before ob-
lerved, has no 'fetii; whereas tho iiriner lias one r i\v
o.lliaip point' d t'.eth along e.i'.li lide of rh-- lower jiw,
but none in th'- upper. Witli tht.re, it is probable he
r m devour tilii cf a c onfiderablc li.^e. Tlie .Sperm.;-
(-'•'i whale as alio ;•, blowir. .'hole, but m.jre pariicu-
larlv for th.c puij)olc of bre.itliing.
'I'lie fjllowing is the mode of catching wh.i!cs.
x\s lijon as a lliip arrives at a large field of ice, as
is termed, three or fo'.ir boats are pu: out to vvatcli for
tlie whale's coming fn.in beneath the ice, wi.ich is
iu Iged of by the nuile tliey make in approaching and
rifi.ig. When the wi-.ak- giins die fuiface of tlie water,
tiie harpooneer Udzes the opportuniry to dart the har-
poon eithiT into his body, or near his liiout; for there
IS no llriking iiuo tiie bone of his head, \^'hcn the
whale is llruck, the other boats, which are near at hand,
approach to give alliilancf, and an oar is put up at the
liead of the harpooneer's boat who wounded ihc animal,
and they cry out, /«.'.'.' /.i.'/ .' upon wlii-.li token other
b lats from the Iliip join thole alre.uly concerned, to
render every needful help a., oiigeiuies may require.
As fioii as liie whale is llruck, thev take care to give
him rope enotigii, for otherwile, when he g'.;es itown,
as he frcqiieiidy iloes, he woulil inevitably link the boat;
and this ro[)C he draws I ) i;ui. k, th.ir, if it were n-it
well watered, it wtiiild fee the boat mi tire. The line
l.illenetl to ti
lia'po'.n i>
;n fat!
loms lone;.
ami is ralltil the tiireri.ainer. It is made ot the tineft
and lofrrll hemp, that it m.iv Hip the caller. To diis
they join a heap of lines ot ninety or an hundred fa-
thoms each: and wiicn there are not cn.uigh in one
bo.it, tlicy borrow li'jiii aiV'tlier. The man ai the helm
oblerve^ whicli - ly the rope ;'oes, and lleers the boat
aiiordiiigly, that it may run ex.iCtly out tiefore ; for
tiie whale rui.s away with tl-,e line as fall as the wind,
and would overlet the b'):\t if it were not kej^t (trait ;
during whicl, the other boats mw betort:, ami oblervc
which w. IV the |i|if Hands, and kiiin limes ptill it. If
they feel it llid', it is a lign ihe wlnle Hill pulls iu
liiength; but if it hangs loofe, and th; bo.it lies
eqiMlly liijdi, bt fore and behiiiil, upon the w.itir, they
pull it in g.i'.tlv, but take care to l.iy it lo, that tne
whale in.iy Inive it calily ag.iin, if he recovers llrength.
J' r:M
^ .5i
l^|2^ 12.5
■so "1^ llH
H: US,
1.25 1.4 III 1.6
> :>
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
Tliry are cuitiiius, Iviwrvrr, not ti) give him too much
hue, iRWiuli* lie- Ibnutiiiicb cnt,in|;K!i it ulioiic a ro(.l<,
»nd li (it'ts lode. When tiiii happens, li()wcvrr, it
he is afxTiNarvU taki n liy ihc crew ot in nher lliip, he
is returned to iholc who tiill woundej him, a» that i'>
kn()*n liv the harpocn, vvhieh is always liiilinj^uillieJ
by a partituiar matk. 1 hey lieuin to Ihnk as lof ii as
theyexj'irei and their fielli feriiurits, Cieating li;.ii a
ftcain a.s inllamcs weak evi s. W'lien they lie him I'poiit
out IiIoikI, t;iey know that lie ihawi towarils liis end,
and thrn prepare tor euti.n^; him ti[\ In ordi r t<> do
tills tiu-y ha«l him d l up, an-i
br Might to !■' Poland, lluiland, (S:c. t> be b iled at
Ivi.iiie, tl'.e luits of Spitzbergen beinjr rather ne^;leLlcd.
Son.c ildps even return from the whale hllirry without
feiinj; that country, ; roceeding no farther than a cer-
tain latitude, and thtie (idling without being inolelled
Ly a lee Ihire, ice or currents. The lliips tiiat ul'e
this trade ufually carry from 3") to v"> men, lix or li-ven
boats, an.i from 4-^0 to 8--1 hogllieads of bhib!)er.
Their arms conlill of f)0 lances, 6 lia-horl'e lances, 40
lurpoons, I, ~ long lur['oons for llriking whales under
water, b fmall fea hiMl'e harpoons, and 30 lines, of
.nine or ten hundred fathoms each.
Seal-caichint;; alio makes a valuable branch of tiie
filling prac^iled in thcli: feas. Three liundred feals
vield near as much bf.hber as a middling li/cd whale.
Tlie feals are not harpoc-ncd, but are generally knock-
fti on the head wit!) clubs; anvl many bears are likcwile
fliot, killcii with lances, tvc. upon tlie ice. Tlie Ihips
frt fail in I'ebruary for the leal tilkei-y, and in .\pril (or
the whale filliery : government allowing a bounty to
tLcfe fni|s of 40s. ptr ton, as far as ;. o tons; f) that
a (hip ot liiih a burtlien receives ' ool. bounty in iney.
If a ihip is clear < i th.e ice after the ill of June, and
goes back a„.iin, or i( it is known (lie carries cmt
witii her Itfs than lix montlis proviiiuns, Ihe forfeits her
Within the bmly of tl-.c whale is (irldom fount! anv
thing but ten or twelve handliils of a kinti of liiiall
black \\ iders, and f (me linall quantities of green herbs,
frn up (iiim tlie bottom it the fea, whicli are fuppofed
t > be the lj"d upon whicli . .e wliales chietiv live. The
lea hereabouts is fo covered with thele inlerts, that it
a[>pears quite blai k i which is a fign, to thole who go
about catching t!ie whales, that they are like to make a
(',ood booty. The whales generally ilciight in that part
of the lea which produces thcl'e inlcds.
Of the whale kind there are al(i) the dragon-fifn,
long, thin, grey, and glittering, with two tins on his
back, and two holes, thioiigh which he fpouts the
The butdiorf, or laced-head, is fixtecn feet long,
with a fpout hole in his neck, a brown back, and a
*hitc belly.
The whitc-fiHi is asloag as the butlhorf, but much
1 liC lea-unicorn wh.iic is from fixtern to twenty feet
in len;',th with a I'pout-Iiole in his neck, and projec'l-
ing troin his fiout, having a tine wreathed horn, tiir
whiih he is princi|>ally valued. The throne r,c
li liii.^s t'rom the upper lip, as it does in 1 lie whale, b ic
not out ot the mouth at the tides, as in that annn.il.
I'he intide of the mouth, l)et^^een tiie ululeb ne-, is
all over hairy, and is of a blue colour, that i-, v.ii u
the bone begins to grow i (i)r the other is blown, v rdi
yellow Iheaks, whuh are thought to be the dldelt.
I lie colour ot diis tilh is like that of a tenth, and the
thape ot ihe botly is 1 m.^ and iK-iuler. '1 he tail is (lit,
like th.t ot the whale; and he t'ekiom ap[)ears till the
whales are gt)ne. All thele creatures lAiin bvtiire the
^^in^l, and are obfervcd to tumble imuietliatt Iv In'' re
lltirms; a circninllancc (rom wiiicli Ibme natui.tiuls
have condutled, that, (ioin the changt; in the atmo-
Iphere, they are violently Iti/edwith the cramp in their
I'he wliale is harr.ifrd bv a vaiieiy of enemies, bc-
fides the vermin which a.lheres to liis b ti) like lice.
lie is puifucti by the taw-tilb, or fwurd (i(ii, t'.me u''
which are twenty tlet long. '1 his fnli is Ihaj-cd like a
man's arm, and his tyes are remarkably |r. 'niiiunt.
ills I'word projicls fiom his fnout, is of difl'ermt
lengths, accoriling to t!.e d;;ierfnt ii.;es of the hili,
lometimes linocth ami tliarp, like a real (word, and
lometimes iiitientctl like a ! »w ; hence the creature is
called either fwim
ml), or l.;w-(ilh. A very tew <.(
t.iele animals will attack ami mafier a great whale;
V(t, when they have llain him, they eat no part of hini
but the tonjMie. In elm weather the liihermen lie I'j on
their oars, as Ijiecbitors of this combat, until they per-
ceive the whale at the lall pat'p, when they row tow.trdi
h:in, anil his enemies retiring at their apprtiath, ili'.;
lilliernien enioy the fiuii* of the vidory.
There is another more tlelperate enemy of the wl.al",
known by the name of the hay, whicn is of the lliark
kind: they are of different lizes, being from one to
three fat.'ioms long. I he hay is li) voracious that it
tears large pieces til defli from the whale, as if diev had
been ttug with lhov< h. The liver of this lilh abounds
with oil, and is excelfively large. The tlelh on then-
backs, when tlrietl loine days in the air, is accouiued
tolerable provilion, either boiled or roalled ; ami the
liTialler the tilh the better. 'I hey are caught l)y a large
hook, baitetl with tlelh, anti t'allenetl to a long iron
chain; antl if nun fall overboard by acciilent, the
hay<, in their turn tlevour them.
The whale, in Icripture is called leviathan. In the
book of Job it is particularly mentioned, lome jurt
o( the paraphralt: on which, by Dr. Y'oung, we Ihall
here prcltrve.
His bulk is charg'd with luch a furious I'oiil,
That doutls of Imoak trom his (pieatl nollnls roll,
As fiom a furnace; and, wlien rouiitl his ire,
bate iliues trom his jaws in theams of tire.
1 he rage of tempells, aiul the roar of tia>,
Tiiy triror, this thy great liipcrior pleale.
Strength on \\\i ample iliouklers fits in llate :
His well i lin'tl limbs are dreadtully co;nplete.
I lis (lakes of loliti (lelli are (low to part :
.■Xs (bel his nerves, as a.lamant his heart,
l.irgc is his front, antl when his burnilhed eye»
I ittf up their lids the m irning I'ecms to rile.
His pallimes like a cauKlron, boil the (lootl,
Antl blacken otran with ilie riling mud.
The billows (eel cim as he works his way j
I lis hoary footHeps lliine along the ti'a.
The f)am, high wrought wuh white, divides tlie
And diltant faiiurs point where death ha been.
ttie n'-rt.'i
tilt ir booty ti
T niiire vihiemly, and
I'iif ().iLk ii more lli.ilt
s aic ot .1 l)ri)Wiii!}i CD-
r;)|)C. lliL- wli.ilili ne
iloi-s iii ii\e wliak-, I) ic
lies, as ill tli.ir .miiii.il.
iftn the wlulcli in-, is
e colour, that \-, v,;i .1
r otiur is blown, v ni\
igl.t ti) be tlie (ildelt.
at of a teni h, ami tlic
.-nder. 'llic tail is ll.it,
cKiom afipears tiil the
atiiKs Kviin bi tiire the
ilile inrneiliaii Iv In'" re
\!iich I'oiIlC ii.Uiiia.iita
clianuc in tlie atnn)-
with the cramp in ihiir
aiicty of enemies, lie-
5 to liis b -il) like liLe,
or r^vortl-filii, i'.inr u'
li, liHi is (l-.aj.rd like a
lemaikably \ r.iniiiuiit.
Inoiit, is of ilidVrenC
rent (izes of the hih,
ike a real Iword, and
hence the creanire is
'-filli. A very (ew (,f
naliir a great whale;
I'.ey eat no part of hun
the liilicrnieii lie upon
roinb.it, until they per-
when they row toward;
at their approaeh, t!ic
ite enemy of the wliale,
, whicii is of the lliark
s, being from one to
is ll) voracious that ic
e whale, as it diey had
.er of this lilh abounds
The llelli on their
tiie air, is accounted
1 or roalled ; .'.;;d the
V are lauj^ht by a larj.',e
eiied :o a long iron
)ard by acciiirnt, the
R E l\ N I. A N ».
icd leviathan. In tlie
mentioned ; lome part
Ur, Younjj, wc Hull
a furious foul,
Ijiiead nollnls roll,
1 round his ire,
earns of tire.
roar of li-as,
rior pleale.
s fits III itate :
lully eoinpiete.
w to part :
: his heart.
IS burnillied eye*
I'ecins to rile.
boil the lluud,
injf imul.
ks his way J
; tlic ka.
Lh white, divides the
death ha been.
Krrfl/ive of tl-.f n/r^cnlliiary /1!-wti>r,-s tf A;;'/;/ J
Rritij'h M,irii:ers, ■n'ho J'rjj'ed /t rvhcle 11 ivtir in the \
yii^orcii.': (.limtitc of CrfatLwd, ivilh //;<■ lixpi'ilintts 'i
/'•ev ii'i-ii top rem e a SuhfiHenre, th" c\tre»-'' Hard-
J/.'ips l')f\ fii/Iiiiiiri!, niui the MiWis cf ihch- Delivermcc ';
and Return to their NiUi'JC l.arj. I
'R(")M the fxriTine ripoiir o( tlie rlimarc of this
_ eoiintrv, r w.i-
lit the ye:'r, till tin
li.iled rl'.itl.er in the vear l6-;o
tongdeenK-diiniiili;ibit.. hie through- j
faie of fonic Ijiitiili ni.uiners, who ,
pr(.'-ed tl-.e contraiy.
The S:ilutation, a (irecnland lliip, which f.iiltd from 1
till- Tliinus on tlie ill of May, and arrived here the I
iiih of tlie next month, being in want of piovilion |
the latter < nd ol the year, fent eight men on lliore in a |
boat, to a pkice fieijuented liy rein-deer, to kill veni- !
(im, leavinir them there, with orilers to follow the flii|) '■
to li e> 11 Harbour, whirh lies to the foutinvard of the
] l.ue wiieie tlicv went nfliore. 'llu f"e men, having
killed 14 or 15 deer, lay that nii^ht alliore, and pro- :
[;i^fet! next (lay to have gone on b(iaid, but a grcK ipian- ;
ritv of ice driving towards the fliore, obliged the lliip ;
to Hand out fo far to fen, that when they eae.ie to (ireen i
1 1 arbour fhe was outoffight. Tlie Ihips being to rcu- ;
dev.vous in Helfound, f^.irther r..> the ;(Uithv/aril, and
heiivr to leave the country within tiiree iliys, our luintf- ,
men be<>an to be very auxioiis, Iril the flipping Ihould '
be gore from tlienee too betijic tlu y :irri\ed. Tiiey
thought it pr 'per, therefore, to throw their venifon ■
into the ft a, in order to lighten tlie boat, an'l made the ■
b( f> of their way to Belliuiud, diltant from thence about
f:xteen le.igues: but none of them knowing the coalV, :
thev overliiot their port about ten leagues, when, fenfi- 1
hie of their error, th y returned to the i.orthward. One
oi" their company, however, bein:^ pofitive that Hel- '
twund l.y farther to the fouth, they were induceti to fail j
to the ii.iithv.ard again till tiny were a lecoiitl time i
cinviiced of their milKtke, and turntd their boat to
the nr.rtli again, and at length arrived at I?ell<>undj
hut had Ipent fomudi time in rowing backwards and
foiward-, iliat tl'.e fl.ip; had ai'tiially left the coall, and
vviregoneto 1 ',n!;lan(l, to their great allonilliment, be-
lli'; provided luitlier with cloaths, food, tiring, or
lioule to flielri r theitilelves from tlu- piercing cold they
were to expeCf in l'> rigorous a climate. I'h.ey flood
l'';-:ie time looking on one another, amazed at the dil-
jii Is to which they were lo fiiildenly reduced ; but their
lonlUrn.itiMii being a little abated, tlu'v begin to think
of the moil propeT means to tiiblitl thcmlelves liuring
tl;e approach.in;': winter. The weather being fivour-
,iMi-, they agreed, in the tirll place, to go to (ireen
I I.irbour, and hunt lor venifon, having two dogs witii
tl'icm very fit ti'r their purpole.
On the rtrh of .'\uinili they went in rhcir boat to
(1! en Harbour, where they arrived in twelve liours,
bi ing 16 ieaguis to tlie northward of' Hellouiid. 1 lerc
t'K y let up a tent made with the boat's fiil, the oars
fi ;\ing fir pole-;; .-.nd,, h.iving llepr a few hours, we.'it
crlv ne<;t moi';iiiig to their Iport, killing leven or eight
d ( r, ar.d four I i ars. 'I'he day following they killid
tAelve deer more, with which they loaded their boat;
:;r.d tinilini; i'liother boat, which had been lelt tliere by
ti'.e comp.uiy, tliey loaiied that with the grca\es of
wlialfi, (btiig t!ie pieces which remnin in the coppers
aire r the oil i., drawn from them,) and rttirned with
t:.; ir booty to Hell'ound. Here happened to be lit up
a lar['e fub'.lanti.d booth, which the C(vipers worked in
ill the lilh.ng le,",lon : it was So tlet long, m\\.\ 50
broad, covered with Dutch tiles, and the fides were
W( 11 boarded. Within this booth tlul'e fiilors deter-
mined to build another of let's ilimeiifions, beinfi; fiir-
iiilhi d with bo 'ids ami timber, by pulling down a booth
»hi(h llooci near the fiirmeri aiul I'roiii the rhimnies
«jl three furnace', ull d tor the boiling of' oil, tiny got
|i.)0(.' bricks. They fiund .illo lour hogflieails ot'\'erv
line lime, whicii, mingled with the f.iiul on th.e fea
Jliore, made tsec Uciu mortal. But the weather was
No. 5 5
now grown fo cold, tliat tliry were obliged t:) have two
fires to keep their mortar from freezing. They ptr-
filfed, however, in their .vork, and railed a w.dl, of
a brick tliicknefs, againll one of tlie fides of their inncr-
moll booth; but wanting bricks to finilli the rell in
like manner, tliey nailed thick boards on each fide the
timbers, and tilled up the f'pace between with fand; by
whicii means it became fo tight and dole, that the Icall:
breath of air could not enter itj and tlieir chimney's
vent was in tin- greater booth. 'I'he length of the lefl'er
b()Oth, or nuher lifnife, was 20 feet, the breadth 16,
the I
v:vj}\t IT; their C( i
made of deal
bo;;rds live or fix tiiius tlouble, and li) overlaid, that
no air could jiollilily come in from thence. Their
door they not <;nly made as ffrong and clofe as jjofil-
b'e, but lined it with a bed whic h they found there.
'I'hey m.ule no wiiulows, excej)t a little hole in the tiles
of tl'.e greater booth, by which tliey received fome little
lig!;tdown the chimney of the lefl'er. The next work
was to make the:n fiiur cabins, cluifing to lie two in
each cabin. 'J'heir bedding was the ikins of the rtin-
ilecr, the lame tliat the Laplanders ufe ; and tliey f'ound
them exceeding warm. For firing thty took to pieces
fome caflss, and ftven or eight of the boats which were
left behind; for it feems tliey ufed a great many boats in
whale-!il]iing, which they left in the country every
winter, ratlier than be at the trouble of carrying them
backw.irds and forwards. Our lailors flowed tiieir tiring
between the beams and tiie roof of the greater booth,
in order to make it the warmer, and keep out the fnow,
which woukl have covered every thing in the greater
bootli, if it had not been f()r this contrivance.
On the T ;th of September, obferving a piece of ice
come driving towards the lliore, with two inorfes (or
fe.'.-horlis) alleep upon it, they went out in their boat
witli a l-.arping-iron, and killed them both. On the igtli
they killed another, which was fome addition to their
fiiod. But taking a I'urvey of all thtir provifions, they
fininil that tlierc was not half enough to fcrve them the
whole winter, and therefore Hinted themfelves to onrt
meal a day, and agrceil to keep Wednefdays and Fri-
days as falling days, allowing themfelves then only the
fritters or greaves of the whales, which, as obl'erved
alreaib , are (wily the fcraps of the fat of the whale,
which are thrown away after the oil is got out of them,
anil is very ioathtbme fixid.
By the 10th of October t!\c nights wcp' grown long,
and the weather become lb cold that tlie fea was frozen
over; and h.iving no bufinet's now to divert their
thoughts, as hitherto, thty began to reP.eift on their
niilrrable circumftances; I'ometimes complaining of
the cruelly of the mailer of the thip for leaving thcin
d; at otiier times excufiiu; him and bewailing
his misffirtunes, as believing him to have periflied in tlie
ice. At length, putting their confidence in the Al-
mighty, who alone could relieve them in tin ir great ilif-
trel's, they offered up their pr.tyers for llrength iind pa-
tience to go through the liit'mal trial.
Having I'urveyed their provillons again, they fiiuiul
that the fritter-, of the whale were almotl all mouldy,
h.iviiig taken fome v.i t; and that, of thei'- bear and ve-
niti>n, there was fcarce enough left to all'ord them live
meals a week; whereupon irv.as agreed to live four
ilays in the week upon the ir.oukly fritters, and the other
three to teall upon bear and venifon. l.eil they fliould
want tiring hueafter to drefs their meat, they thouglit
proper to roall half a deer every day, and llow it up i:i
iioglheads. With this kind of t'ood they tilled three
liogllieads and a hall', le.iviiig .1.. mui h r.iw as woukl
lerve to roall a quarter every Sunday, and a quarter for
h being now the I4tli of Oaober the fun left them,
and they law it no inore till the 3d of l-'ebruary; but
they had the moon all the time, both day and nighty
though very much obl'cured by the clouds a;i 1 toul wea-
ther. There was alio a glimmering kind of' .1 day light
for eight hours, the latter end o( Ocl ober, which diort-
tned eviiv il,i_, till the ill
7 M
December ; from which
; lit
> n
I 4
'• I
time to tlie :otli of the unif inontli, tluy toiiUl per-
ceive no day-light ;it all. It was now one contimieii
night, then- apjicaring only, in clear weather, a little
whiteneli, like the dawn ot day, towards tl-.c loiith.
On tl'.c illofjanuary they toiind the day to inereafe
a little. They rminted tlieir days, it liems, in the
dark fealim, by tiie moon, and were I'o e>ac't, tliar, at
the nnirn of the fliiii|)iii[i;, they wire ahlc to t;ll the
vt-ry d.iy of the nu'iuh on wliieh the Iket anued. P'or
light within lii'ors tliey made three lamps ot lome lluet
had they h.id found ii(X)n one oftlie toolirs; an.l there
hapjiened to be oil enou^li to fni'i ly them left in the
eooper's tent, l-'or wicks tlie\ made life ol rope yarn.
rhele lamps were one of the ;;reatell eomliirts to them
in that loii^^ coiuimied nigiu. Thtir harJihips, how-
ever, were li) i;rcat, that l^nictimes they were driven
to licfpair. At otiur timi» thiv hopei! tluy were re-
fer\cdas a woiulerlul iiillance ol (jod's nu rev in tiuir
deliverance, anil eontinutii to lalldown on tlicir knees,
and in.plore divine proteiilion.
Witli the new year the cold in^ realid to that def'.rce,
that it fomt times railed blilhrs in tlieir Hi lli, as it'they
had been burnt ; and the iron they touched lluek to
tlieir lingers. When tiiey went aluo.ul for wati r, the
cold often lei/ed them in liiiii a mannei' tiiat it in.ide
them fore, as ifthey h.id been beaten. i'heir water,
the firll part of the winter, iirud tidm .1 bay of ice, and
lan down into a kind of bafon, or receptacle, by the
fea fide, where it remained witli a thick ice over it,
which they dug open at one certain [jl.ice witli pick-axes
every day. I'his continued to the 1 .nh of January,
when tliey drank fnow water, melted ^^it!l a hot iri)n,
until the :othof May following.
On taking another review of their provilions, tluy
found that they would not lall tlum above fix weeks
longer. I'o alleviate their mifery, however, on the
jd of Tebruary they were cheared again with the bright
rav> of the (v.n, which Ihone uyion t!u' tops of the Inowy
mountains with iiuoncdv.ible hillre. I'o them, at
leall, this .dVurded the moll delightful I'cene tliat ever
was beheld; (or, after a night oi many weeki and
months, w!ut could he imagined more glorious or
pleafing to a mortal eye? As an a.idition to their joy,
the bears began to appear again, on the flelh of which
animal they made many hearty meals. But the bears
were as ready to devour our countrymen as they were
the bears, and being pinched v.itli hunger in this bar-
ren country, came up to their very door. One of thele
creatures, uith her cub, they met at the entrance of
their apartment, and gave h.er Inch a recejition witii
their pikes and .lancet, that they l.iid her dead iijion
the fpot, and the \oiing one was glad to make its
efcape. The weather was fo very cold that they could
not ilay to !liy lier, but dragged the beail into their
hoiilr. There tluy cut her into pieces of a llone weight,
one of w!;ich lervrd the;n for a i!-..:ier. I'j/on this
they fed twenty da);., elleemiiig her llelh beyond \eni-
fon. Her liver only did not .igree with them; foi-,
upon eating it, their fkins peeled oil'; though one ol
the compJiiy, who w.is lick, attributed his cure, in
part, to th" eating it. If' it be demanded how they
kei)t their venlfon .md liear's Helh \\iiliout fait, it is to
be oliferved, tin- loLI is fo intenli- th.it no carcalc ever
putrefies. I'l ;li nerds no I, lit to keeji it here : iliat was
their hajiimu^. Ihd they been Hocked with I'llt pro-
■.■dio!!', they had infallibly died of the Icurvy, as otlurs
did who were left on the ll;ore, much better provided
v.ith liquors, and other neceflaries, th.i/i tin Ic poor
men were. 15y the time they had eaten uj) this bear,
others eam<- about their booth freijucitly, to the num-
ber of .+c>;i
o( a mountain, to (ce ifthey could difcern the water in
the lea, which they had no light of till the 24t!i, w:u:i,
it blowing a rtorm, and the wind fitting from the m.uu
ocean, broke the ice in the bay, and loon alter turian"-
about e.illerly, carried great p.:rt of the ice out t.) U-j;
but (till the water did not come within three miles ol
their dwelling.
The next morning, tiie :5th of May, none of t!< t
men ha|>pened to go abroad ; but one of them l)e::ii;
in the outer booth, heard li)mebody hale t'le hnule ii
the f.ime manner .is ("ailors do a (hip, towhiJi the inrn
in the inner booth aniwered, in (eaiiun'i terms, tl.at
they were jult then going to prayers, and llayed but
lor the man in the outer booth to join with them. 1 :»
m:in wlu) haileil them was one of the boat's crew tii.ii
belonged to .m L.nglifli fliip )u!l arrived; which 1',..
(ailors no looner uruierllood, than they ran out to v.\o i
their countrymen, looking upon them as (o many .;!i
gels lent ("rom heaven to their relief; and .ert.i':.:y
t!ie tranlpurt of joy they felt upon this occalion, ifir
may be conceived, can never be cxjjrelleil. A m(?rti-
fication (till remained, which no man couKl well hive
expei^cd. One of the fliips which arrived, was com
manded by the lame mafter who left theli- poor wretci-.c.
on fhore, and he, like a barbarous brute, in order tii
excufe is own inhumanity, began to revile t'leni m
the moft opprobrious terms. This man, it Items, lad
left feven or eight other men in CJreetiland two )c:m>
before, who were never heard o( afterwards ; f.r
which, no doubt, he richly delirrved the li verelt jiuiu!':
ment. Notwithllaiuling the barbarity of their ow.i
capt.iin, the commander and olHii rs of the oiiier Ihij'
took care they llvjiild be kindly iiltil, and brought ti
I'.nglanil when the feafon (()r whale till.ing wa-. o\ei,
where they lei lived a gratuity (rom the Rulfia cijmjM
ny, and were otiurwiie well provided for by t!ie!:i.
I'erhaps there is no inllanie in hirtory ol a company 0!
men, in Inch extreme di(lre("s, who (liewed iiuire cou
rage ami ji.uieiue, or made a more wife provifioii fjr
tlu ir pr< lervation than ihefe did.
.">'/// '^/i/i/r .■/il^mnors of lour RiiJ/iiiii Siiilois, ivho if-
nuiint'Jjc'irriil j'ijis ill Girtn.\i'!ii cr S'fitzlieri;.-/!.
IN the year 1741 a merchant o( Melen, a town in the
province ofjugovi.i, in the governmen; ' '" Arch
aii;.',el, fitted out a vell'el, ciri ying 1 5 men. She was
di lliiied (or Spit/berg'cn, to be employed in the whaie
f)r l< al lilluiy. hor liglit fuccelllve days, after tliev
h.id lailed, ilie wind w is lair; bi:t on tlie yth it ihin_^;-
(d; fo that iiillead of getting to the well o(' Sljil.'.ber-
geii, the ufu.il place ol rendezvous tijr the Dutch lliips,
and thole of otIur iiatiojis, annually employed in the
whale iinicry, they were driven eallward. After lunie
il.iys, however, tluy ippr^oched within two Eni'jilh
miles of the Ihore, when their vi (lei was fuddenly
ie(j;.in to ri'i'oit to Green-
where they liv>:ui'ibi(<(|
linall lilh. Ih,- (axf,^
11 thiir holes uiulcr the
abroa.l, ami prryal u;h)!i
ymcii having t.iken Ijinc,
anil cauj^hr live f'.xci in
il foiiiui them to hi; very
nion of men who had hi-
1. 'I'hiis tlicy coiitimiej
c ill of May, mtetiiij;
except the loli of one of
at from their houll- oiir
rth, ami was never lirn
■'erpowercJ and ir.tn h\
;row warm in May, thy
Hocks eggs, a tov.l ab uit
hey (ijunJ lome, bein;; a
much pleali'il uidi.
for the arriv.ii of th ■ fli; >
ry day almoll to t.'ie vtu
oiild ililcern the water in
,ht of till the 24th, when,
and fitting from tiic ni.im
ay, and foon after tuii.in^
xirt of the ice out t,) i;-j;
inc within three inilci ol
th of May, none of tl'.-ir
; but one of tl'.ein bruiif
lubody hale the lioiilc 1.1
a lliip, towhiJi thenu-n
in feanun'i terms, tliat
) prayers, and llj\ed bu:
to join with tiiem. lite:
e (jt the boat's crew thai
jull arrived ; which (.la
than they ran out to mcit
)on them as fo many an
cir relief; and >crtai:i;y
upon this occafion, ifit
be cxprelled. A inorii-
no man ( oukl wi 11 hi\t-
vhi(. h arrived, was com
o left tiicle poor v.- ret !..''.(•.
)aroub brute, in order m
•gan to revile t!iem '. 1
■■""lis man, it leeiiis, hil
n (ireenlaiid two years
ard of afterwards ; f .r
I'd the k veretl: jtiinii!;
barbarity of t'ltir ow.i
iHicrs of ilie oiiier fl!!}'
Ilv tiled, anil brought I'l
hale till'.iiiH; was over,
from the kulHa ccri:^:ii.
iJl Meli-ii, a town in the
go\erniiien; i '" Arch
ig I 5 men. She was
^•niployed in the whaic
jelfive days, after ilicv
ut on tlie to procure, from their veffel, Inch provilions,
ammunition, and other neceflaries, as might better
enable them to pal"-; through the winter.
The ri'adrr mav more eafdy conceive, than it is pol-
libk fiir words to dt tcribe, t!ie allonifhment and .igony
of inind th'.l"- people mull have felt, when, on reaciiing
tl'.f pl.ice of their ku^iing, they law nothing but an open
lea, (lee from tlie ice which, but a d.iy belcMe, had
covered the ocean. A violent ilmi'.i, which had arifen
timing the niglu, had certainly been the caile of this
dilallrous 'vent. Hut they could not tell whether the
ice, which k.id beftire hemmed in the vtflel, agitated
Jiy tl:e violence of the v a\e' , had been driven again*!
lur, and fh.ittcreil her to pieces, or whether Ilie had
been lani'.il by tl.i- turri-nt into the main, a circum-
fl.inc,' which fieijuen'.iy i..i])pens in thole feas. What-
ever acciilent had belalleii the Ihij), they law her no
more i and as no tidings were ever after received of
her, it is mofl probable that Ihe funk, and tlia.t all on
boaid her pcrlflied.
Tliis iiul.uicholy event depriving the iinh.ippy
wretciies ol all hope of ever being able to tpiit the pkii'. ,
they rcCunitd to the hut full of hoi roi- and deJiviir,
Their full attention wa' employed, as may be liatu-
rally ima5;ined, in deviling nn.'ii, for providing fub-
lill'iicc, and f()r repairing tlicir luit. The 1 2 charges
of p'lv.iter, which they had brouglit ^vitii them, foon
procured ti.em as many rein-deer; the country, fortu-
nately for them, abounding in diole animals.
It has already been oblerved, that the hut had fuftain-
ed foine ilamage. There were cracks in many places
betw'Cv 1 the boards of the building that freely admitted
the air. This inconvenience, however, was remedied,
as they had an axe ; and tiie beams were ftill (bund, fj
that it was eaf'y for them to make the boards join again .
befides, niofs growing in great abundance all over the
c (juntry, there was more than futHcient to Hop up tlie
crevices, which wooden houfes muit always be liable
to. Repairs of this kind coft the uiih.appy men lets
trouble as they were Ruffians j for molt KufTian pea-
fants are known to be good carj)cntOrs.
Tiie intend' cold, whicli renders thefe climates habi-
table to lew f'pecies of animals, renders them equally
unfit for the produclion of vegetables. N'o Ipccics of
tree, or even flirub, is found in -Spitzbergen ; a cir-
cumflance of the moll alarming nature to tliel'e failors.
Without fire it wasimpoffible to refill: the rigour of the
climate ; and widiout wood, how was that fire to bit
produced or fupportcd ? Providence, however, has
f(j ordered it, that, in this particular, the fea fupplics
the defec'ls of ti-.e land. In wandering along the beach
diey collected plenty of wood, which had been driven
alhore by the waves, and which at tirft, confided of
the w recks of fliips, and after^'ards of whole trees, with
their roots, the produce of fome more hofpitable, but
to them unknown, climate, which the overflowing of
rivers, or other accidents, had lent into the ocean.
Nothing proved of more ellentlal lervice to thefe
unfortunate men, during the firft year of their exile,
thin fome boards they f nd upon the beach, having a
long iron hook, fome nails of about five or fix inches
long, and proportionably thick, and other bits of iron
fixed in them ; the melancholy relics of fome vcfTel
call away in thole remote parts. Thefe were thrown
alhore by the waves, at a time when the want of pow-
iler gase thefe peribns reafon to apprehend that they
mull fall a pre)' to hunger, as they had nearly confuincd
thole rein-deer they had killed. This lucky circum-
flance was attended with another equ.ally fortunate :
they found, on t!;e flvre, the root of a fir tree, which
nearly apijroaciiid to th.c figure of a bow.
As neceiri'v h.is ever been the mother of invention,
they foon fafiiioned this root into a good bow, by the
help of a kiiLfc i but Hill they wanted a firing and ar-
r )ws. Not kn /wing how to procure thell* at prefcnt,
tluy rcl'oKedupon making a couple of lances to defend
themlelves againll the white bears, whole attacks they
had realiin to dread.
Finding they could neither make the heads of their
lances, or of their arrows, without the help of a ham-
mer, they contrived to form the large iron hook, be-
fore mentioned, intj one, by beati' g it, and widening
a hole it hapjiened to have abo t its midd',-, with the
help of one of their large'.l nails. This received the
handle ; and .1 round button, at one end of the hook,
ferved. fir the face of the liammer. A large pebble fup-
I'.lied the place of' an anvil, and a couple of rcin-deei
horns made the tongs. By means «>f thefe tools they
made two heatis of' Ipears ; and, after iKjlifliing and
fliarpening tluni on Hones, tluy tied ilicin as (lift a..
pollible, with thongs ma.lc of rein-deer fi^ins, to Hicks
abotit the tliicknel-. of a man's arm, v.liich they pro
cured tiom Ibme branches of trees that had been call
on flic re.
Thus equipped with fpears, they refolved to attack a
white bear, and, alter a mofl dangerous encounter, they
killed one, ami thereby (iirnillted a new lupnly of pio-
vili ):is. The flefli of tliis animal they rehlhcd exceed-
inj'ly, as tliey thought it miuli refcmblid beef in tafie
and flavour. They law, with infinite (.'le.'fure, thai
the tendons could, with hn'" or n > trouble, be divided
f- ,1:^
' ! iJ
< *f •
h I.
into filaments of wh;it ffncncfs tluv thn\;j;ht fir. Thi<;> {
perhaps, was tlu- moO fortunate ililc'vtjy tluy coiiKl |
nave made i for, idi.K-s otlu-r aiiv;int.i;;is, they were |
hereby ftirniflirii wnti Ihinj^s for tin ir h.iw. ;
The fiierefi of th fe pei>|)lc i>» inakinp; thtir fjjcars, I
ami thi- utility 'Iiey proiliiceii, eni.T)iinigcJ ihcni to pro-
ceed, ard to forge lf)me picus of' iron into hea !s of I
arnnn of the fanit lha(K', thoii{;li Hxiu-wuat linalliT in ■
fize tlian the fptnrs. Having grxind and fharpcncil \
tliefc like the fornicr, tht v ticil rhcm, with the limws !
of the white bear, to pieces of fir, to wliieh, by the '
help of fine threads ot the fanie, they fafhned fathers
of fca-fowl, and tliUi hecanie polVeilld of a complete ;
bow and arrows. Thtir ingriniity, in this r fjKCt, wa.s
crowned wiili Uicccis far beyond their exped.iti'.n ; for,
ilininK the time of thtir continuance here, they killed
no lels than ^50 rein-deer, befi-ies a ^rcat naiiiUer of
blue and white foxes. I'he tlelh ted to keep it conllanrly
burning wi'h the fjt of the aniinals they ihould kill.
This was certainly the iiuifl rational fchcnie thev cnuld
have thougiit of, for to be without a light in a climate
where, during the winter, darknefs reigns for f'ever.d
months together, would have ailded much more to
their calamities. Having, therefore, fafbioned a kind
of lamp, they filled it witii rein-deers fat, and flu, k in
liiine twilleil linen, fliaped into a wick. IJut they had
the mortification to find that, as liion as the far mehed.
it not onlv foaked into the clay, but ran through on all
lilies, it was therefore neceffar)- to ilcvife f )me ineani
lor preventing this inconvenience, not riling from
cracks, but from the fubflance of wiiich tiie lamp wa^
made being too porous. They therefore made :'. new
one, drieil it thoroughly in the air, then hi .ited it red
hot, and ;ifterwards quenchid it in tiieir kettle, "here-
in they had boiled a quantity of flour down to tiiC con-
filleni e of tiiin flan h. I'he lamp beir.g thus dried, ami
tilled with fat, they now fouiul, to thtir great joy,
did. not leak ; but, for greater fecurity, they dipp:\l
tinen rags in their patle, and covered all it", outfidc
with them. Succei\!ing in this attempt, they imme-
diati ly made anothi-r lamp, for fear of an at ; idenr,
rliat, at ail events, they migiit not be th'Ibtute of light.
When they hatl made theml'elves thefe t\o, tluy
thought proper to fave the remainder of the'r flour lor
fimilar purpoles.
As they had carefully collee'icd wliatever liappened
to be c.ill on Ihore to fiipply them with fiiel, they had
lound amoii|r tiie wrecks of vefTels li)iiie cordage, and
a linall quantity of oakum, whitli I'erved them to make
wicks lor their lamjis. Wlicn thefe flores be.;an to
fail, their Ihirt , and drawers were employed to make
gooil the dclicieney. Uy thefir means rhey kept a lamp
burning With'iiit interniiffion, from the day th< y firft
maiie th^ m, until that of their em.barkation for their
native country.
The lu'celfity of convertiiu;; the mofl elTential parts
of' th( ir cl';athing, t'uch as tluir thirts and drawers, to
rry means (ifcrirf, in
th lb t.it.il ;i liilbrile-,
d any nj^imcn j^cne-
[X:un\\ this inipciKling;
ho hatl Irvcr.il times
crj^fM, ailvil<-i.l Ms iin-
raw ami tVnzi-u meat
k tlie bl')oil i>r rein-
fir vtitis immediately
nurliexerrifc as polll
;iali., whieii grows in
ledies to he rfficlual;
p'lrlvied this nuthoii,
taint of the dilortler.
Iv) was naturally iniii)-
n-deer bl'x ^i, ami iin-
\e coiiU pof!;!-)!'. .void
llizeil witli tlie ■ • vv,
, rh. t he pafied ..l;iiolt
ilrint;?. In tl-.c Inter
weak that he coula lo
lis hand to Wi^ mfiuth ;
were obli.'^ei! to (eiil
I infant, to tlic hour of
hat they brought with
:h!s they had confiimed
a" ; and the reinaind r
lanncr, tiiough equally
icccfTitv of kecpini; up
ate, and i>erccived that,
lit, they had no means
jh they had a llcel and
:h and tinder,
the country, they had
id of elay, out of which
itenfil that might ferve
I to kceji it tonHantly
nimals thev ilioiild kill,
onal fchcme they cniilJ
lout a lii^ht in a climate
nefs reij'ns for fevera!
added much more to
tfore, falhioned a kind
deers fat, and llu. k in
a wick. But they iiad
foon as the far melted.
, but ran throu^^li on al!
y to dcvile f >me meani
nee, not rilinp; from
of which the 1 imp w.n
therefore made ■•'. new
air, then he.ited it red
in their kettle, ■■ hcre-
tlour down to ti.e con-
np bcin^; thus dried, and
to iluir f;n at joy,
r fecurity, they dipped
covered all iti outfide
s attemiJt, tiiey i-iuiie •
fear of an ac. idenr,
t be dellitute of light.
Hves thefe t \o, they
fuukr of their lloiir fur
ed whatever hap(-ened
■.em with fuel, they h.ii
Ifels f line cordage, and
h '"erved them to make
ihefe (lores bei;an to
err einploycd to make
imair. rliey kept a lamp
Inni the day th( y firlt
embarkation for their
tlie ni'jfl erfeiiti.d parts
r thirty and drawers, to
6 R E E N L A N D.
the u!e before fpeci''e :, expofed them t'le more to tl;e
ripjc'ir I'f t!ie clim.u,-. 'I'liey alfotou.'-.d tlitmfclvcs in
v.'ur.t of ilioes, boot.i, and oti'.er iUti^lea of drcG j Jnd,
aa winter was approacl.i.i^;, were a^'aiii oblij'ed to liave
re< )U! '•• t" ti'.at ingenuity which neC( !luy ri;j.';.,erL',, and
\v;iiili I, i '(MU t:;ii:. in ii-.e tryiiu; lioiir ol'Jillrel.s.
'I'l.i y iiiid iki.'ib ol riin-dter .'.nd tocsin aljunJance,
■th.t iiad liitlierto I'erve.i th.em fur beddui;';, I'lid wliicii
thev ii'jw thoii^iit of cnp; oyiii;^ in fome more eni.'itial
fei\ I e ; but tlie qi!e!lit;ii was h )w to tan them. A-t'ter
ittli' I r.iiin.'T on this matter, tliey took th.e tbllowiny
nv tiir.d. 'i h( V foaked the (kins for fevcral day. in
frcMi water, tiil th^y could piiii off th.e hair toleiably
i;i!v : they then rubbed tlie wet le.'ther witii their hands
till it v:is nearly dry, when tliey fpread li)me melted
reindeer's fat over it, ai'.d a>j;aiii rubbed it v.ell. By
this procc!s!he leather becanie ll.'t, pliant, an.l liip;ilc,
pr.ij er to anfv.tr every purpolc (or wliich it wa.s in-
ten.lrd. 'I'lioil- Ikins v,!-.i>.h they d.cfr^ncd lor furs they
oniv loakcJ one li.iy, to prr;)are tlieni for being v.'iuugiit,
and then iirorecdcd in tiie manner belbre mentioned,
CK.'. p't oiiiy th.'.t tiiey uid not remove t!-.c hair, 'ri.u.,
tl.e\ ioc.n rioviJcd tiiemklvts with tlie necclK'.ry ma-
te!! !;> for ail tl;c p.iiis ofdivls tliey v.aiiicd.
i'u: here anoiiier dilRculty (.ciirrcd. They had
nei'.iicr awls for ir.aiiing (lioes or boc t;., or needk-s tor
f.wiiig their garment:.. 'I'hife v..;:;::, I. nvever, they
(00:1 ft!])plied, by means of ilie bits of iron ilicy had
occif;oii.illy collected. Out of tlufe they made both,
aid, by their own indullry, even broiigiit them to a
cert.'.in deg-.ee of [!e:'iection. 'I'he m.il.ing eyeii to their
ir.eJ.le.-- i..di;ed, gave tliem no linal! trouble ; but t;:is
ti'.ey .;l(o per.'oraie^l with tlie aHillance of tia-ir khuc;
lor (-.aving ground it to a very lliarp point, and heated
red hot a kind of wii'e, they pierced a hole through one
tn.i, and, by wetting and fmootr.ing it on iUjiies,
bi'MU.rht tlic Other to u point, and thus gave tae whole
ucedie a toler.ible gooil torm.
The next mateii.il inllniment wanted was a p.iir of
fcil'.ars to cut out ti-.c Ikins: but th s deiieiciicy was
fuppiiei by their kni.e ; and though thu'e was neither
tavLir or liiocmaker among them, yet they contrived
t ) cut out their leather .ind furs well enough (>>r the
p'irpo'.c. The iinewa o( th.e bears ai'.d reiii-ucer Ic'rved
t;-.em ii;r threid. Tluis pi-ovidcd v.ith the necellary
implements th.ey proceedivl to make thiir new cloaths.
Tiieir fumincr drels conlilled or a kii-.d of jacket and
tronlers, iii.\d.e of ikin.s pre[).iied as above. In winter
they wore long fur gowns, like th.e .S.unoides or I.ap-
covered the
he.id and ne. k, leaving only .ii opeiii ig lor the (ace.
Tiieic g;;wns were I'cwed cloli- lour.d, 10 that, to put
tl-.em oil, th-y were obliged ti) bring rliem over their
hca.ls like a li;irr.
W h.eii our mariners h.^d palled ne.ir fi.K years in this
diliii.,1 place, the ;ii:iii, whole iihet:. ii.is been alreaeiy
lueiiii Ti.d, and v.ii(< li.ul been all .d.iig in a hiiig-uid
cimdiiion, died, aiter lia\ ing, in the latter part (j| his
li.e, H.i'.'cred the iii<re iTien-
tiotied narrative, which alio agreed with Mr. Klinftadt's
iniiu res, 'i'ne original was piiblillied in the German
language at I'eterliuirgh, in tlie year 1769, and tranl-
iifit.> ,1 trom the.'ice to the ingenious Mr. (now Sir Jo-
fipli'; Hanks, who, with feveral other members of the
Koy.d Soiiety, v.ere tb well piealeil with the account,
tliat tiiey directed a tranliatioii of it to be made into
I'jighlli, Ii... the ^iv.tllieatioH ol tlie tuiioui.
4,; « '
L • i'
■i.' r
■ ■'■liii
;hii M
S !•. C T I O N 1.
Aiiiitf, Bcuiiiliirics, Extent, Divijions, Subdiii/tcns,
Climate, Soil, Moutitnins, Ruen, i'eg(tJ'les, .Inimal
iiitd Mineral Pioilitcdin}.
r I ''H !•'. n.itivf s of this
I by the ancients, to
lami, or l.appia, was u
s country were called Scritofinni
) whom the appellation ot I.ap-
a„...., >.. ,,..ppia, was unknown. Thi-y orij^inally in-
habited I'"ailanil, from whence they were ilriven more
iiorthwartl, after which they were called Lappes, which,
in the Mnick ton^iif, fignitied exiles driven to the moll
remote places. 'I'he natives, of coiirfe, deemintr that
appellation opprobrious, call t!;eiiit'el\ cb Sal)inicnladii.
Lapland beini; fubjecl to three dilUnd fovereignties,
viz. Sweden, Dciiniark and KulTia, is divided into three
parts ; buL ab Swedilh Lapland is by far t!ie moll con-
iidcrable, botii in point of extent and popuhuion, and
as they all bear a fnnilarity with refpeft to molt parti-
culars, we Iha 1 confine our defcription to that divilion;
obfcrving, in ;:. .eral, that all tii. country lyin:; above
the Guiph of Bothnia, along the coalt of the north fea,
even to the Wiiite Sea, is called Lapland.
Swedifh I-ipland is bounded on the cdl by RulTia
I^pland ; on the well by a ridijc of mountains that
feparate it from Norway ; oii the north by Dar.ilh Lap-
land i and on the f )Utli by Bot iiiia, Ani;eririania, ami
SepterLmd. Its ftreattll: e.xtent, from i-\\\\ to weft, is
about 360 miles i in breadth ic e\tei\ls from 65 deg.
•;j nfin. to 69 dc;^. of north l.itit'.ide. It is divided
into fix provinces, or diftrict;, the naincs of which are
as follows, viz. An\ \M.ner tf.e \s!i)le couiitiy is covere.l v. idi
Thebtil tiefcription of the clim.ite of this country
is given bv M. Maupertiiis, who, with lever.d other
allrononiei'r, was fent liither by order of the king of
I'r.ince, to dil'cover tlie figure of the earth at the p'llar
In Deeeinber (fas^ he) the
fl.mtlv converted all the vajiOur in it into fnow ; whjrlin*
it rotinil in white vortexes. If we went abroad, we fi-h
as if the air was tearing our brealls in pieces ; and the
cracking of the wood, of which the houfes are bmit,
as .f fplit by the violence of the fmll, continually
alarmed us witli an increale of cold : in this country
you may often fee ]H-o[)le who have loll .m arm or a
leg by the fVofl. The cold, which is always verv great,
loinetiinrs incrcafes by fuch violent and lluklcii de-
grees, as are almofl infallibly fatal to thole who are lo
\inhappy as to be e.xpoleil to it; and I'ometimes there
rife fudden tempefts of fnow that are llill more dancrr-
ous, The wiiuis li.em to blow from all quarters at
once, and drive about thi fnow v.ith fuch fury, th.it ail
th'' roads are in a moment rendered invifible. Dread-
ful i.. the fituation of a perfon iiirpriled in the fields
by iuch a llorm : his knov. ledge ui the country, ar.ii
even the mark he m.iy haye taken by the tree, cannot
avail him ; iie is blinded by the tiiow, and if he at-
tempts to find hi.^ -...iV iionie i> generally loll. In ll;.,: r,
during the whole winter, the cold was lb excefTive, taai
on tilt 7th of April, at Hve in the morning, the ther-
mometer was fallen to twenty divilions below the point
of freezing, though every afternoon it rofc two or three
liivifions above it ; a difference in the height not much
lefs than that which the greatelt heat and Coki felt a:
Paris ulually produce in t'-.at inllnimenr. Thus in
24 hours we h;ul all the variety felt in the temperate
zones in the compafs of a whole year."
Though the nights in winter are verv cold, longai'd
tedious, yet thofe inconveniences are, in fome degree,
obviated by the Ic-renity of the iky, the brightnefs ot
the moon and flats, and the refulgent liglit of the at;
rora borealis, which is rellecled from the white liirlacc
of the earth covered with fnow, from all \shich fuch .*
light is produced, that the inhabitants are en.ibled fo
difcharge their ordinary occupations. M. Maupertiiis
in fpeaking of thefe nofrurnal lights, fays, " 'I'he
days are no focner doled than hres of a thoufand
figures and colours light up the fky, as if ilefigneii o
compenfate for the abfence of the fun. Thele fires
have not here, as in more tbuthern climates, any con
flint fituation. Though a luminous arch is often Iciti
lixed towards the north, they f'eem more frequently to
polit-ts the V hole extent of the hemilphere. Some-
tmies ihev b gin in the form of a great Icarfof biij'li-
light, with ts extremities ujion the horizon, whitii,
with a iiioti .n releinbling that of a fifliing-net, glides
ready to fall, tor the moll part hid the liin
tl'.e fev/ m mil ;Us he might have app-cared at mi,'-. lay.
In the mondi of January tli-- cokl was increa'cd to th.it
extremity, t!ia; M. Keaumour's mercurial thermuriieter,
which, at Paris, in th- great fit.ll of \~o^, it was
t'lought ilrange to lee tall to foiirtien degrees Ix low
the lVee7in'.; poin', was now got down to tliirty-li-ven.
'I'he fpiiits o! wnie in the wiiieis was frozen. If wc
opened the dour of a warm ro'jni, tlie external air iii-
the Iky, preferving, in this motion, a di
recti' a nearly perpendicular to the nurid.ian ; ar.d molt
coi'.imonly aktr thele preludes all fiie lights unite a:
the zenith, and liirm the top ol" a crown. An.s, like
tliofe feen in hrante towards the nortli, are here tn
quently lituated towar.l>. the louth ; an. I olteti tov.'aru
both t!ie north ^iid fouth at once. I'heir fumniits ajj-
proach each oclierj the di'lancc of their extremitie;
widens towards the liorizon. I have leen foiv.e of the
oppofite ans, v.hofc fimimits alinoll jviined at the y.e-
iiith i and both the one and tliC (jthcr have tiequem'v
tevcral concentii. arcs beyond ir. Their top, are all
placid in the ilire^lion ot ti.e meri.ii.m, tliouj^h with .a
iuile dcelinition to the well; which I did not iiii.l to
be conllaiit, and which is lo'Vietimci inl'enliblc. It
would be enJIcts- to mention all the diflVrcn: tii^uics tliele
meteors repiefent, aud the various motions with which
they are aj'itated. 'I'heir motion is mull commorly
like that of a])air of colours waved in the air, and the
different tints ol' their llylit , give them the appenran'e
of |i) many vafl ilruimers of changeable taffaty. Some-
ti:nes they line a |i,irt of' tlie Iky withfcailef. Oa the
eig!:tee:u!i ot December i law a phtnouiciion cl thi'*
L A P I. A N' 1)
n it iiitofiiow; whirling
»t- went abroa.l, \vr Iclt
alls in pii-cf s ; .mil the
ii tin- lioiili s art- built,
thf fu>[\, continually
cold : in this country
1 have loll an arm or a
rh is always vt-rv i^rrat,
iolrnt and liuiUcn dc-
tal to tlv.lc who arr U)
C; and romctiincs there
it arc IliU niori- dange r-
V trom all quarters at
with Inch iury, th.it all
It-retl invifibk. Drcad-
liiriirili-d in the fields
je of the country, a:.ii
II have Uen foiv.e ot the
lalnioll joined at, the v-
\c i,thi.r have trecjuentlv
i:. Their top; are nil
kiiiTi,ii.in, though with .a
[vhich I did not lin.l t.>
fietinu". infcniible. It
lious motions wltliwhicli
liion is moll conimoiily
javed in the air, and tl'.i.'
Ive them the appe.irancc
lu',cab!e tatiaty. Some-
Ky with llailet. Ua the
a pheaoiiitiion i;! this
^^ind, that, in the nililft of all the wonders to v.hich 1
was. iiou every il.iy acculhnned, railed my admir.ition.
'I'o the louth a j^^ivat fpace of ihe fky apjiearid tinned
with lii lively a red, that the whole conllellation of O-
lioii Idol.eil as il it had been dipped in blood. 'ri,!,s light,
which was at lirit fixed, foon moved, and chani^mj^
into other colrjurs, violet and blue, lirttled into a dome,
whole top llrod a little to the fouth-wellof the zenith.
The moon flione biii^ht, but did not in the le.ilt dface
it. Ill ihis coimtry, uhere there arc light.s of lo many
diUVrent colours, I never faw but two that were red;
and Inch are taken for prefages ot fome great misfor-
tune. Alter all, when people gaze at th.'le phenomena
vith an nnfihilofopldc eye, it is not furpriling if they
dillover in them the appearance of arinies engaged, tiery
chariots-, and a thouland other prodif^ics."
The foil of this country is, in general, exceeding
bad, beiiiLi; li) intermixed with llones, that hardly anv
thii p Will grow in it; but in fome pi ices it is very
moilt, owiiij^ to the numberol marlhcs and brooks with
wine!) it abou .lis.
'llie whole country is full of rncks and mountains.
Thofc called the D.ifrine Mountains, which feparate
Lap-land from Norw.'v, arc of 3 j rodigious hci^'lit ;
and the hipji winds that blow there jirevent all trees
irom ta!;ir,(.r root. I^eneath thefe mountains are large
marlhcs and extenfive forells, where there are many
trtes, th".i;;h they llaml at a prear dilbnee from each
other. At the boft.im of the hills are pleatiint valiies,
whi.h .-.re the moll fertile parts of the countrv, being
well \>atered by an infinite number of Iprings and
Moll of th'- rivers rife from the mountains of Nor-
way, and tall into the Bothnian Gulph. The chief of
fhcle arc the Uma, I.ula, Rima, and Torna. The
Uma is greatly increafed by the waters that flow into it
from the rivers Venditor and Skialfre. The I.ula and
Rima are both very confiderable, and are fwelleti, in
their courle, by a great number of lelTer ones. The
Torna receives 7c) rivers, one of which is a Swedifli
mile in bieadtli. When the fnow melts, all thefe riv rs
overflow d;eir banks; and the cliief part of them have
flupendoiis catararts. Bcfides tlie rivers here are alfo
many lakes, which, as well .is the former, abound
vith v, ri v;s kinJs of tilh.
The torefls of Lapland produce a great number of
trees, among which are the birch, p-ne, and fir. Some
parts ot it alfo produce the I'ervice-tree, willow, pop-
i.ir, elder, ani.1 flie coriuil. They have feveral forts of
plant?; b'.it tl'.c moll ul'cful are t!ie angelica and forrel,
V. I.ieh .".re f'.rcat'y etleemed by the natives, who uli.-
them in t'leii- food. Tluy liave likewife difterent kinds
ol^^'iaf, ! e.uh, and tern: but the moft plentiful, as
wdl ,is i,..,l! ufiful veget.ible, is th.e niofcluK-, or mofs,
oi w'Ac'a riieie are leveral Ipecies, either adhering to
treis, ('r crfiv.ing on the furlace of the earth. The
rcin-t!'.-, r i:, .di'.ioll wiudly fullained by this vegetable,
v.iiicli, ind.eeJ, i.e pirti-rs to all others, ;;nd without
v.hirli he c:'.n:i( t liiblill. 'I'he natives not only ui'c it
as forasre f r tluir c.srtle, but boil it in brot!) as a cor-
iii;d :iik1 refroraiive.
1 1' re is alio great plenty of berries, fucii as black,
currai.'s; tf.e Nor\\e^ian mulberry, wiiich grows upon
a creeping plant, and is much elleemed as an antifcor-
I'litic; ralbenics, cianbeiiies and bilHerrii-s. Jiini-
jer beriics.-re alii) very p.lt ntitlil, and fume of the trees
t;row to a ronlideiable height.
The animds f)f tl.i.^ cou.uiy are Ptag';, bears, wolves,
foxes oi' It vcf.d colours, (ijuirrds, ermine:;, martens,
iiues, glittens, beavers, oLicrs, dks and rein-deer;
b'lt the kill ot' thefe is the moll ufehil to tlic natives,
V. ho, V, idi()Ut them, colild not polTibly pirfervc their
exillencci for thefe animals not oiily affonl them f()od
iinJ j^Mrmenfs, but r.lii) fupply the place of horfcs, and
travel in thole part, where the latter animals would be
entirely ul'tlels.
riie rein-deer is a kind of ftag, with large branched
fioi lis, tlie tojji of which bend forward lil;c a bow. I le
i. larger, llroiiaer, a:\.\ iwill.-r than the flag; and his
hair cluni^e' colour aceotding to the feafonof the year.
i lis hoot.-, :ire cloven mi moveable, for which reafon
he t'preads them alirond as h'- runs along the fnow, to
prevent h's finking into it. The horns are very high,
and divided into two branches near the root. On each
horn are three brandies, one above another, whicl\
.ireagiin fubdivided int.) t"inal!er ones; infomuch, that
no horned b".ill whatever has the like, eitiicr for bulk,
brain lies, or weight. Tiie horn., are of a liglit colour,
and there are veins, or blood vcflels, .inning along
them, under whidi there are furrows. When the beafl
runs, lie lays thefe horns upon his back; but there are
two biatiches that always hang over his forehead, and
almoll cover his face. Moft of thefe animals are wild j
but tome of them are tame, and exceeding lerviceable
to the natives. 'I"hofe which are produced between a
tame doc and a wild buck are not only the largeft, but
I by far the rtrongcll. Tiiefe animals are of infinite ufe
to the Laplanders; for, witlujut fubjefting them to the
Icufl expence, they fup|)ly them with almoft every ne-
cclliiry of life. From thefe creatures they are furnilhed
with milk and cheefe, as alio fielh, which they hjy up
lor winter ftore. The fkins afford caps, cloaths, boots,
flioes, bedding, thongs, and many other articles.
The nerves and linews are twilled into thread. Their
bows and arrows are ti[)[)ed witli the bones, and their
boxes inlaid with the horn, which i. likewife formed
j' intf) curious fpoons, toys, and utenfils. Thefe animals
jl are likewife ufed as bealls of draught or burtiv n; and
'I t.ir from ilemanding any jirovifion or provender, dig
V « it!i their feet among the fnow for the mots, which they
j prefer to every other kind of tood.
I I'he dogs here are vt ry fmnll, not being above a foot
j in height. They turn up their tails, which are fhort;
and their ears ll.uul ercrt, like thole of wolves. They
aie of a red colour, and very lerviceable in hunting.
'i'he birds of Lapland are fwans, geefe, ducks, lap-
wings, fnipes, moll forts of water-fowl, heath-cocks,
ftock-doves, wood-cocks, and partridges. Befides
thefe, they have two kinds of f()wl peculiar only to this
country. 'I'he firtl is called the kniper, and is a kind
of fnipe, bl.iek on the head, back, and wings; but the
breall .ind belly are white. It has a long red beak, let
with teedi, and lliort red t'eet, relcmblingthofe of water-
fowl. The other is called the loom, and is never feen
on the gro'.ani, but eidier in the water, or flying. The
partridges here are as white as fnow, and, inllead of
leathers, their bodies are covered with a kind of wool.
The rocks and mountains are frequented by eagles,
hawks, falcons, kites, and other birds of prey.
The chid inteds here are flics, which, in t!ie fum-
mer, are hatched in the moraffes and woods, and are
freqi .ndy to numerous as to obfcure the li,';ht of the
day. They are venomous, and exceeding troublefome;
infomuch, that the rein-deer Hy to the tops of the
mountains for fndter; and the inhabit.iiirs move to the
fea-fide; thefe parts being the leall int'etleil by thefe
p.eflilent vermin. Monlieur Maupertuis liiys, that,
while he v.as tiiere, the Hies were fo troublefome, that
even the !• inland loldiers, who were counted tlie moll
hardy troops in the fervice of Sweden, were obliged to
cover their fices vvi-li tlie Ikirts of their coats from the
attacks of thefe animals, which fwarmed to liich a de-
gree, that the moment a piece of flelh appeared, it
w.is blackened .ill over. -Some of theli" Hies are very
large, wit!i gi'-en liead., and draw blood from the Ikin
ivheiever tiiey llri!;e.
The river-, aiivl lake', abound with delicious fahnon,
which come fror.i the Gulph of Biithniai alio trout,
bream, and perch, all of winch are of cxquifue flavour,
and of amazing li/e.
In fome of the dillridls are mines of filVcr, lead, and
coppier, together wi-!i excellent veins of iron ; but
they are not ;it jjiefen: worked to any confider.ible ad-
vantage, theii lituution being almoli in.'.ccellible. In
the ilillrict of Toiiio there is a vein ot gokl and fiU
ver mixed, another of lead ar.d tilver, and * third of
copper ;
"'1 't
• . I
k'-t i
A NF.W, ROYAl. ano Al'Tnr.NTIC SYSTFM ci I'N'UTUi^Al. GtOGR APf^Y.
ll ^
cop[->cri .mil Ikmc tliry Ivivc iiotli cnpptT works ani.1 a
fiiiimiiy. riicy li.iw .illii liirti.icrs in tin- pioviiue ol'
Lul.i, wilt Tf tin y im!t til" lilvcr wlijcli thf" itij^ in
th.u p.irt ot' tilt CDiintiv. 'I'lidl' mine"!, !'••.» t, arr
only workftl for a Ihurt time in tiic tiiniiiur, .iif cli-
mate biing Id iVvcre tor the i>riiu ip.il part ot tin-
year, as to prevent the engines trom |ierti)rming their
In the rivers and l.il.es .ire lonnil iKMiititiil trylhils
ot a pi'iilitMoiis li/i, .in.i !(> hard ,ind fine, that, wh n
polilheil, they appc.ir hkc real liiamnn'.tv. H<-rt aie
likiwil'ea greai v.mt ly ut'iiirioiis llnnes, lomeol whiih
bear the r. lenibiante uf aniiniis, trees, \c. When the
njti\«s fini.1 th< fe, tluv pl.ice theni in loine conlj iiu-
oi:s place, and worlliip thtiii .:> vldties.
s E c r I c) \ II.
Peri'oiis, DifprJhtoKf, Lrr^r.-in, ll(i/ti,ifiiiis, Dr^/s,
LltiiJiU, hmpi'\iiic>it.u A'ttia-J cf 'frjVi.-/Jinj(, (.'njioms,
ALint.igi ai.d Funeriil Ctrein'.ni(<, Dtjitij't-s, Luii-
giiigi, rt,
bl.uk, and ron^'Ji hair, 'rhty liave bro.id brealU,
(lender waills, and lin.U le;;s; but tliey arc llron'',
hardv, .md adtive, inluniiiJi, tliat they will bear in-
credible fatitJiici and it is remarked, tliat the lloiitt.ll
Nor^^eyian is not abh.- to I'cnd the bow of a l,aplantltr.
The women, howevei, :Me much Icl-. homely than tne
n:cni and Ionic ul thciii have a ilclicatc and tloii.l
Ill their itil'poliri' ns tiuy are very horn ll and hotpi-
tablc; but lb limortjur,, that they will / the nioiiu-nt
they perceive a vcliel .it lea, or tiie leall tontllcp ot .1
ftian^er. liny aie n.uiir.illy h.ilty and p.ill".onate,
and, wiien once provoked, not e.ilily apjK-akd. 1 hey
indulge thcniklvcs in lazintrs to Inch a dej^ree, that
tliev neither I'loiigh nor low, but kave their j^round
totally iiniuluv.iudi neither will they leek for pro-
vciivkr eithi r I y huntii,;' or lilV.inj-;, till thiy are com-
pelled to it Irom mere iui.ill.t\. It hatii been oblerv-
cd, that when they have been iianlported to more
moder.ite climates, tluy have loon died, though in
their own country tluy live to a j^reat ;'.,-:,r. It i> no
uncommon thing to kc a Laplander, U|)v.ards 01 jn
hundred years ot at;e, luMuillf,^ ti^wlin:,', Ikaitiiig, and
perionnii.>; .ill t!ic lescreil ..Acrcilcs with the molt alto-
nill.ing agility. . . . ■
1 heir hoiiks, or rather iiuts, nre made ot j)ieces of
timber, or ralters joi.icd to;.^cther, and eovered with
airf, or the branches of pine-trees m-\ coarfe cloth.
.Some ot them are built upon trees to prevent their be-
ing ovcrwiieluicil with Imv, ;ii.d to fecuie them trom j
the wild brails. 'I'heir hits have t.wj doors, at the ^
lellel of which no wom.;n inulf ei.ti r, bccaufe from ;
thence the men go to hur.:, .md llioukl they meet the !
woman ai ;;oing out, it w(.»u!d be co'ilii.'eied ai a bad '■
omen. '1 hey have n(> other chimnits tlian a hole at |
the to]) of their huts, which ferves to let the Inioak |
out, ai.d the li^Hit in. Their tlorehoiifei are built in I
trees, to iVruie their p-roviiions (i.)in bears ahd (Jtiier ,
wild bealls.
Their diefs in fummer confiih. of a clo.i: garment, ^
reachinf-', to the r.nd.'Ii wftliclcjis, and l.iibi.cd round
the waiil with bek*^. 'J'hev have no; an\ linen, and ;
their cloatli^ .".re made of coar'i- wool, ol a d.irk grey
colour. The ri her li'ir have rheir eloaths ot V4:i(ju:. ;'
colours, but red is ihe molt i:nii 1. li.nly clleenii d. Ai ,
their [girdles they h.i'.nj; .1 Noin.-y kni:e .uid a ]v)ik:!i, '
li;e l.'.tf.cr ot v,l,i,.]i eoi;i.i..io llint', ;;i.i;c1kj, .in I to- 1
b,ir(o, with ofh r neeedlirirsj the (girdle itielf Ivlnij
decorated with brats rini»', and ( h.iins. 'I'li ir ni ;ht-
r.ips are matle ot the Ikins of the bird loom, witii t';t*
ft.^therson; anil thrir llioes of tlie Ikins of rein-deers
v.ith the hair outward;.. In winter they are total'v
fated up in coats, t.ips boot--, and (rioves, made <;!
the reindeer's Ikin, witli t.'ie hair inw.irds. 'I'he Wi>.
nun"'- .ippanl ihllirs li::t litrle trom t'l.it of the iiim:
tiey h.:nn to t'leir i ird!- s many riii'.^s, ihains, tiv>,
and knives, witli .1 H'edh* e.;;e, an. I other tii.lc.
1 liiir thre;'.d is made ol I'le (iiiews of rein- deer, .ml
in winter they lie in their tkirr.. In f'rmner th'/ .ill
lover themlelves ar iii;'ht with larj'i' puces of cnarjc
iloiii, to Itciirc thtni Ironi being Ihiiv; by the lliij
ami LV'ats.
I he L.iplinders ni.nl.r all their ov/n t'l'n.it'ire; tin i.-
boais, tl'.iir lit ';;es, ani their bowi .in | .irrow-. 'I l,r
boards with whu h tiny make their ho it. arc falbv- 1
t<>[.',ether with t\%i;;s, tlie nerves ot n-in lieer, orili-
fiiiail root, of rr-Ts twitted together likf rojvs; :•-, i
th<-y caulk iln-m with 111. its to keep oi:r the v..^.r.r.
They make bo.\ei of their bireh pl.irk'., which i' y
nearly inlay with i;.e horn; of rin ;l-r; and tr.; .■
are \ cry dextrous ai I'l.il.in;', balki ts it liie r/.ti 1,1
trees, ilit in Ion;; ihi.i piei :••, and t'viile I to^;' •':■ r
.Some ot thele are iii.ide to neat that tlit y v.ill '.: \.\
water; and tliey are p.ntii til.irly .uhhircd bv {..■.:
riiele articlej are 111.' le iiy the men, wlio .ill 1 ]••■
film the otiice of cook, by ilrrliln:; vftu'ls tnr r :
family. Ti,c v...inen are emplovcd as taylors an 1 tii.-
btoulrrersj they m.'.ke ■.lo.i'l's, llioes, an.l bo.iti, ami
harneli fijr the rein-deer: t!iey Ipiii thread witii ti:',
^xniX knit it int.) caps and ploves, v.liich are very i :■:
and warm; t!iey likewiie dr;iw tin into wire throiieh .'.
hern, and with tiiis they cover their tiire.id, wliich t!i. .
ul'e, in c ibr.iklering on tl;eir c.-.p.< and girdle, t;i.-
fi^'ircs of Dtails, flowers, trees, ll.irs, ive.
T:;j mo;intaine"r^ live chiellv on t.he tlelli ard m ".
of tile rciii-deer; the former of v.hi^ h t';t \ dry, .1 i
lioni the l.'.tter tliey ni.ike I'reat quiir.tities ot clieei.
'I'hole who live i;i t!ie low counriy lecd on venilii:i :i:;J
tilli. 1 i.ey ha'vc neither bread <:r fait; but iniiead
thereof ule the inner rind of the pinc-trei-, dried a:> !
i'round, and dried filh reduced to powder, i h'-v
make broth of lilli and tlelli boiled tii.etlier, and t:;'- r
uliial drink is wa:er Iv iteil in a kettle, which in v,ir.;.-r
han_:;b continu.uly over the .'"'re; but ihc;r griat it
dainty is bear's felli, whi. h they eat on .ill partic.il.;;- :. \
liv.ils. On thele occ.ilions likewiie they ii;dul?c tii'-i.i
lelvesv. i'h brandy, and in vert h ink tlliir.lelve;, Joli.ij-j /
a-, when they can enjoy a pijie of tobacco. Ti:':!e ■,/: -
iiuKiitiib tiie bater tort purc!i:i,e at Norway, .i-; ui:j .;
Ii w cuv.s and the- p tiir their winter Ibne. 1 hey iiu..'"
decoctions ot berries, ani.'eiic.!, a:;d lor;cI, wliich l '. .
ar-- not only tond ot', but all'oileein them exccUc.t i r
terv.ti\es iijiainll all koibutic dili)iders.
I'l lide.^ tlieir doincllic bulinels, the L.aplanderi e'li-
})loy themlelves in luintinii, in whii.h exciiifioiis ;!:i>'
ira\il thiouidi the ihow with allonilhing c;;pcvliti . ..
■J'I.ey wear a puir of lk;iits, or th w Ihoe?, win;:; .. .-
ni.idc ot' til b ards, covered with the r jiiidi ikiii o; i t
ii in deer': one of thefe is ufually us lor;^ as ll.e pir.'ii
who Wears it, but the other is ab uit a foot!);";;:.
'1 he teet are |,l.iced near tlie midale, and the lh'.i'-<
are fillened totnem with Ihinvjs, or tlnni.'s iradr vi.a
t':e fiiii ws of the rein-deer. WIk-h t.ic I ..ijliai.- •■
travels in this rnanr.cr he carries .1 long pole in his hi.-. .
near the end of which is a round : all of v.ood; aa.i ti ■'
not only licuies liim friiiu pencrr.itin;^ too deep i.tot .*
fnow, but .iii'o enables him to dop hiiui'^df wiien u.i:'.-
iion i( cjuiies.
A ! .aplander will travil in iiis Ijiow iT.fes nt t' <•
rate of tixry nule> a day wirhout bei;;;' iiri:'ue.l. £> '-
the iv.oll e.yjieilinous metiiod ot tiaveln.'i,.'; in th >
couniiy is with a lli-d,!0 drawn by rein-deer. 'I'hi; c::i ■
li.'i; , wiiich i.s calle.l by the if.r.ives pul-.hi, isiiii'e
in t!ic lorin of' a i.iuU b lat, -.Mtii a convex '.Ajt::.';n.
tlic lOiillc irUlf Iv'iii^
( h.iiiu. 'I'll: ir ni :ht-
lu- biril-hioni, v>\:l\ r'.t*
till' Ikiiis ot nin-ik-rrs
isiiUtT they are toi.illv
, ;iiul {'liivrs, in.ule i.:
.'.ir i!iv..iriis. Tlir wd-
Ir'itii t'l.ir ot thf iiii;i:
iMV riii'.'s, vImIiis, t.iv>,
:,'x, an. I orlirr tii.lci.
H-wi of rrin-tlfcr, an I
I-;. Ill I'nimcr thty ,ill
U !iir"<' puces ot I'laric
jciny Ihiin; by tlu- tli^i
ifir own trn-.it'iri.-; tiiii.-
InAvs .Ui-I .irrow;. 'VKf
tKc:r Iviit . :'.rL' flute:- I
iKu ot r<:in I'.rtfr, or ili-
oy;t-r!irr lik'- rops; ;'iii
(> kff|) rur thr v..-.rir.
ir'h ]''l.irk., whitli v jr
ot r.i.'i il -!•; .■'.:i 1 t" ; .
lalki ts I't tiu- r,-.ri ■./,
■f, .T.d t'.viil'.-.l to'^' •■;■:
licit tiur tlu y v.ill :::;.!
iil.irly iuiu.irc'l liy t^.c
tlu: men, who .ill') ptr
' ilrrlliiv.; viait.'.ls t'nr c' ■.
plovcd.ib t.iy'or. anliii.-
s, ih'K-s, ;'.n.l l;.-).)ti, ami
:-y I'piii tluv.ui with tin,
A-;";, v.liii h an- very 1:':
sv til) iiito wire thnr.itzh .:
r their threatl, wliiihth; ,
.-ir ca|)S aivi j;irJ.ie, t:ir
es, liars, ivr.
tlly on the tielli ai'il m 'V
r of v.iii. h t'-'tv dry, a;; i
rrat qiiar.titic!. ot Ciieea-.
miniy lec.lon veiulon iiiul
ta.l <:r lalt; bur iniiea.l
the pine-tree, il.ned a;' !
I'll to pow.ier. 'i h'-v
ed t);'.et!.cr, and ii;-.- r
I kettle, wliuhi!iv,;;.:,T
e: but their ^truu .t
Liroaall partis •.:!,.;• M
.v:!e they ir..liil;'e th'-i.i-
hiiik tlleiiilelvfi lohip; /
I'lobaeco. Ti:':!'e ■-'.•' •
e at Norwuv, .r. -i. ■ -i
ntcr lli.ie. 1 Ley ai.i..'-
, .i:vd Ibrrcrl, wliieh . •..
;n them e\we!i....t 1 1
S, the Laplanderieni-
whi^h ey.«:iiiU'.'iis :!:i.>'
allondhing cxpeJiti^.r..
,r In w Ihoes, whu h :.r
vkh tiic rju:.';!i fkiti u; ^ ■?
,iily as lor.o'as tJ.e per.' ii
i., ab lut a t')f't !!;•:: ■■
he iniJc:le, and tlic Ih^-^
, or th:)r.:'i ir.u!:- v;.a
Wh-.ii i.je ! ..ijd:iiH/ r
;vs a loiif-; pole ':i hb iii' .
iiU '.alloi' v.ood; a.v.i: •
ntr.i;i;i'^ tiKj deep !..:o' '
il.jp liuiifcit" wiioii iKc;'.-
11 1,1-. I'now iT.'"'.s ^t t' -•
out bei;i;' I ui;-,iiv.l. K ■
M.l f)t' tiavelii:!,', ii> ti' '
nv teln-det r. 1 I'l; i'".' ■
■ iia'.ives p-iil-.h.i, ■.■' mi 'e
t, '.Mtli a (.oiivcx './Ot::>;i).
L A P L A N D.
that it may fliiir the more cafily over the Inow ; tin-
lic.id ci it ii lli.irp aiul |M)inted, but the liiiuler part ii
quite tl.it. The travi Her fit-., or rather l.ivi wiiii hi-, back
againlt the ciui ol' tlse lied)»e, and holds a link in his
liaml, with a larj;e w.iodeii ball at the enil o' , with
whifh he dilensaj^es the lled;'e from rucii obftriii'lions
as he may liappen to meet with in the coiiric of his
joiirnry. He imilV likcwite take eare properly to bal-
lanee the rarriag<- ssith his body, otlierwile he will be
iiibjet.'-t to be overturned. I'he traees, by wlii.h the
fledf^e is (aliened to the niii-ileer, are fixed to a tid-
lar about the animars neik, and run down over the
bieall, between the fore and hind legs, to be con-
nected with tile prow ot the llrdge ; the reins are tied
to the horin, and the tr.ippings are furnillied with
little bell.>, the found of wliii h is very ple.illn^; to the
animal. The reindeer is lo fl<-et that he will run with
his earriai',e upwards of loo miles a day. Before a
L.ipl.uider lets out on his journey, he whili-'is in tlie
ear of the animal tlic w.i;, he is to go, and the place
at whith he is to liait, fiom a perfuafion that the beall
iindtrllands his meaning; but, in fj ite of this intima-
tic lie frequently llops Ihort, and fometimes over-
flioi.ts the mark bv l< ver.il miles.
■I"iiou;»ii this method of travelling is exceetiingly ex-
peditious, yet it is tar from being e.ily, the pi rfon be-
lli;', eomiiuMlly ill a eonfuieil polbire , neither is it ex-
empted fr;'"i the moll imminent d.iiiger, on account of
the- unrertainty of the roads, and the diilts of loofc
fnow, which, if the wind blows high, are driven about
with incredible fury.
As foon as tlic winter commences, the Laplanders
murk the moll freijuented ro.ads by llrewing them with
fir-boughs. Indeed, tliele roaiis are no other- than
path-ways madi- tlirough the fnow by the rein-ileer aiid
i'.rdges; their lieuig fretjuently covered with new fnow,
and alternately be.iten by the carriage, confolidates
them into a kind of caufi way, which is the hanler if the
liirlace has felt a partial thaw, and been crullud by a
lublequent troll. It reipiires great caution to follow
thele tnicks ; lor it the carriage run cither on one fide
or tlie other, the traveller is thrown into an abyl's of
fnow. In lefs Ireijuentetl p.uts, where there is no luch
beaten road, tlie Lajilander dirrifls iiis courfc by cer-
tain mark.s wiiich he has made on the trees ; but, not-
withllaiiding all his caution, the rein-deer very often
links up to his horns in fnow ; and ihould a hiirricne
arile, wiiich is fometimes the cale, the traveller woulil
be ill great d.inger of his lili , were he not provideil
with a kind of tent, to Itreen him in foilic mealure from
the fury of the tenijiell.
The rein-deer in winti r is rather weak and dilpiriteil,
fo that lie cannot travel with the fame alacrity as in
limimer. In this fealon the traveller is obligeil to halt
at different times, that the animal m.iy rell liimfeH';
aikl in thefe inter\'als be fed with a kind of cake made
of iiiols and fnow, wiiicii fervcs him both for drink and
proveiidi r.
The prini.i[ial employment of t!ie Laplanders, ex-
cliilive of their domellic affairs, conlills in hunting
and tilhing. 'I'hoi'e wiio prac'tite the latter have Ihiall
ho.its, lo lightly conllrucied that they can carry them
on their Ihoiiklers, which they f'rei]iicntly do, when in-
terrupted on the rivers by whirlijools or cataraCls.
'1! " bo.its are of different lik;es, from two to fix yards
in length, managed with oars, and caulked with mols
fo tight, as cffef tua'ly to keep out the water. They
fleer witii amariiig rapidity, even among the rocks,
and down the moll rapid water falls j but when they
go againll the llream, and meet with a cataract, they
take out their boat, and carry it on their Ihoulders till
they have p.illid i^ when tluy launch it again, and
renew their buliiuls.
The Laplanders wlio employ themfelvcs in hunting,
perlorm it various w.iys. In fiimmer they hunt wild
beafls with fmall dogs trained tb the iliverlioii. In
winter they purli'C them by tlieir tracks iipo.T the Ihow,
ikaiting with Inch velocity that dicy frequently run
No. 5 5.
down their prey. They c.itch ermine, in traps, and
lometimei with dogs. They kill fquirrels, martens,
and tables, with blunt darts, to avoid injuring the Ikins.
I'^oxcs and beavers are killed with Iharp pointed darts
and ariows, in lho, wrought with
tin ware. *"
The marriage cercmo.ies of the Laplanders are very
remarkable and ludicrous. When a young man has
made choice of a female, he employs fome friends as
mediators with the girl's parents; and thefe being pro-
vided with fome bottles of brandy, the fuitor accompa-
nies them to the hut of his intended father-in-law, wiio
invites the mediuLors to enter: but tlie fuitor is lefi
without, until the liquor be drank, and the propofal
dil'culVed. After this I'e is called in, and entertained
with Inch fare as the hut afFord.s, but without feeing
his millrels, who, on this occafion, is obliged to retire.
i lie fuitor having at length obtained leave to make his
addrellL's to the girl in perfon, he goes home, puts on
his bell attire, and then returns to the hut, when his
millrefs appears, and he falutcs her with a kifsj after
which he piefents her with the tongue of a rein-decrj
a iMcce of beaver's flefli, or fome other kind of provi-
lioii. The girl at Hrll declines the offer, it being made
in the prefence of her relations; but at the fame time
llie makes a fignal to the lover to follow her into the
tields, where flie accepts the jnefents. Thus encourag-
ed he begs permilfion of her to let him fleep with her
in the hut ; if Ihe confents, Ihe keeps the prefcnts ; but
if not, Ihe tlirows them with contempt upon the ground.
When the lovers are agreed, the youth is permitted
to vifit his millrefs as often as he thinks proper; but
every time he comes he muft purchafe this pleafure
w ith a frefh bottle of brandy, a perquifite fo agreeable
to the father, that he often poflpones tlie celebration
of his nuptials for two or three years. At length the
ceremony is jx-rformed at the neareft church, by the
pricll of the piarifh; but even after this, the luilband is
obligeti to ferve his father-in-law a wiiole year, at tiir
expiration of which he retires to his own habitation with
his wife, and then receives prefeiits from all his rel.i-
tions ind friends. From this time he fequeflers his
wife from the company of ail Itrangers of the male lex,
and watches over her conduct with great vigilance.
7 O Wheix
■ ■■J
' II
:'■,-. I
,.f, ■
Wlirn a lovrr pocs to pny a vifit to h'u miftrrfs
timing his jonrnfv tliroti-^h thr fenny moor'., he- iiru.illy
ilivcriN hinvfe-K'witll t fnnij, whiili lie ;liKlir(lcs to his
r of the roaJs, and his rrloiiition
«f treqncntiiif; thrm, as thnfr only carry him to t!ie ol)-
ieft of his \Milir<;, tlif iliiratisfaciion he cxiirrlli's cvi'ri
.It the ^;reat fwittnrls with which he is carried, ami his
jiiyful ftirpri/c at the iinexpetieil (ii»ht of liis niillrc fs,
as tlie is bathinn:, are all beautifully il^fcribeil in the
following compofition.
nulK", my rcin-uccr, r.ni.1 let '"s nimbly [td
Our am'rou.' journey thro' diis ilreary walle;
HatU-, my rein-cirer I Hill, Ihll tluni art too (low ;
Impetuous love demanils the lii;ht'niiii;'s h.'.lle.
Around us far the rufhy moors are fjiread ;
Sonn will the fun wirlidraw his chrarful ray :
Darkling and tir'd we fliall the marlhes tread }
No lay unfunp; to cheat the tedious way.
The wat'ry length of thcfc unjoyous mix)rs.
Does all the llow'ry meadow's pride excel ;
Thro' thcfe I fly to her my loul ailores i
Ye fiow'ry meadows, empty priile, firewel.
l-.arh moment from the charmer I'm confin'd,
Mv bread is tortur'd with impatient fires.
I'ly, my rein-deer, fly Iwifter than the win;' ;
Thy tardy feet wing with my fierce deiires.
Our pleafing toil will then be foon o'eri^aid,
And thou, in wonder loll, Ihalt view my fair;
Admire each feature of the lovely maid,
Her artlcfs ch,i;mi, lier blooir her fprightly air.
But lo ! with graceful motion there fhe fwims,
Gently removing each ambitious wave ;
The crowding waves tranfported clafp her limbs.
\Vhen, when, oh when fhall I fuch freedoms h.-ivc !
In vain, ye envious ftreams, fo fall you flow,
To hide her from a lover's ardent gaze ;
From cv'ry touch you more tranfparent grow,
And all rcveal'd the beauteous wanton plays.
To this we (liall fubjoin a l-aplander's love-fong,
th>: original having been procured from a native of
L.ipland. Fhe traiiflaiion is the perfijrmance of a no-
bleman deccalcd, whole genius, politenefs, and literary
accomplilhments, were the admiiation of all the courts
in i-uropc.
Source of my daily thoughrs, and nightly dreams,
Whofc captivating beauties I a'Inrc,
O may the r.idiant lun's refulgent beam'.
Shine on the charms of lovely Orra .\Iccr.
I'd clime the fummit of the lofty pine,
CoukI I my Orra Moor at tiilhincc view ;
No labour, danger, care would I decline.
To fee my charmer, and to fintl her true.
Could Ihc be wafted to terreftrial bow'rs,
And there in pleafant Ihades induc'd to flay ;
Or range en.imtll'd fields of fwectell liow'rs,
Charm'd by tie birds tJiat warble on each fpray.
Fnrag'd, thofe pretty birds I would ileftroy,
Pluck up the llowers that beautify the fiekls,
Cut ilown the bow'rs that rob me of my joy,
And from my view my Orra's beauties fliields.
O that I coiikl but foar unfo fhe (ky,
And wing my palTage through the ambient air,
Swift as tne feather'd race could I but fly,
I'd foon be with my captivating fair.
Rut vain, al.is ! my wilhes are in vaui ;
No tbiriv or raven will a jiiniofi lenil :
l-'ated to fiel iinnfitigated pain,
With I'carce a hope my pafT'^n to betii;-;u!.
.So long mv bli's e.m Onti .ilj-^ il, |.i) '
UetleCl, the liinuner's lu.i nuw bii^htly ijeanis :
-Short .ue our luuimers ; hatle, then halie away,
And, with t.'iy love, enjoy iii> gluvi iiuii; beams.
Al's ! unkindly you del.iy the timr j
Our ihort-liv'd fiimmrr wears away apacr :
■^'ou've tortur'd nie, and dallv'il with your prime,
'Till frowning winter fhews his rugged face.
Still, tlill my lovely tliarmer I'll purfue,
And Icorn all lianger to reveal my p.iins ;
I''or what tan love, all-poNv'rful love I'libduc !
lie laughs .\t tcmpells, and delpifes cliains.
I.nve ! mighty viiflor, tniimphs o'er mankind,
Wrings ev'ry thougiit beneath iiis own controul,
I'nllaves the heart, put f'etfrs on the mind,
And captiv.ttes the haughty human I'oul.
But hark I llern reafon whif[Hrs in my ear
iMiend, you are wrong, thus to pour oil on lire;
Ralhly to follow what you ought to fe.'.r.
And rulh into a whirlwind ot delire.
A thouf.ind things advile vow to delifl,
A thoufanil dread examples liid vou view
The fate of thole whom love's delulivc mill
Math flily blinded, ladly to undo.
Realon, av.uint ! to paffion I Hibmir,
And will not heir tliy dirim|)airioned tone:
Others thy thoufand counll Mors may lit.
But I'll attend the voice of love alone.
As foon as a child is born in Lapland, it is wnflie I rI!
over with fnow or cokl water, exce[it tiie hi'ad, whirh
muft not be touched with water till after the child his
been bapttzeil. 'Fhe woman does not rem.iin in child-
bed above four or five days, and in fourteen is g-nrr.dly
quite recovered. She then carries t!ie child to be bap-
tizetl ; but befiire fhe can reach the refidence of the
priefl, flic is often obhged to traverfe large forells,
mountains, lakes, anti wide extended waftes of fnow.
The infant is fallentd in a hollowed piece of wood,
flrctched naked on a bed of fine mofs, covered witli the
fkin of a young rrin-deer, and lltmg by two flraps nt
the back of the mother, who always llickles her own
child. At home this little cradle is hung to the roof
of the hut, and the child is lulled to fleep by fwinging
it from one fide to the other.
When the chiKlren grow up, their parents are verv
careful in teaching them moll kinds of work j Init tliev
have a great averfion to fchools. The bovs, from
their infancy, are taught to praftife the bow ; an 1 th y
are not allowetl to break their fall till they have hit thu-
mark. The female children are early initiated in tli.-
bufinefs peculiar to their fex.
The Laplanders have not any phyficians anion':
them; neither have they, indeed, occalion for an.,
not being fubject to thofe diltempers common in other
countries. The diforder they are moll fubject to is
fore eyes, occafioned by the fmoke of their huts, and
the fire to which they are almofl continually expofed.
They are fometimes afllicled with rheumatic jiains, anJ
the I'curvr ; and a few are llibiei't to the vertigo anil
apo))lrxy. To cure all inward diforders they ufc a drink
made with the root of a certain ijjecies of mofs, wj-.idi
thev ca.\\Jert/i -, and when that cannot be procureil, tliey
boil the llalk of angelica in the milk of rein-ik-ei'.
When they feel a pain in any part of the body, ther
take a kind of' mufliroom, which grows upon the binli
tree like a cake, and having let tire to it, apply is
burning hot, to the jjart affctted ; and this produces a
blifler, whit h is liippolt-d to draw off the peccant hu-
mour. They have no other |>lailler for woumls but
the rofm which drops 'Vom fir-trees. When they have
^ vain j
r dib) ?
then lulie away,
I'liiii^ beams.
timr ;
ly apacr :
I witli V'Hir primr,
acgcii face,
'11 piirliie,
y pains ,
1 love liilxlue !
Ir> cluiiis.
IS o'lT mankiml,
own coniroul,
(111 the niiml,
an IdiiI.
rs in my car
lOur oil on fire;
^ht to tt-ar,
to lirl'ill,
vou view
s ilcliilive inift
iincil t'liic :
li may lit,
.aplanii, it is \v?.flu-.l ali
i-xcept the hi'ad, wliich
till after the cliihl has
es not remain in chilc'.-
in fourteen is ;;-ner.illy
es t!ie cliikl to be bap-
h the refuience of the
traverfe larf^e forrlh,
ndril waftes of fnow,
ilowed piece of wood,
mofs, covered witli tlie
lltmg by two ftraps ta
ways fiickles her own
lie is JHing to the roof
d to deep by fwinging
their parents ,ire very
nds of work ; Init they
The boys, from
tife the bow ; an;l th-.y
ft till they liave hit the
early iiiitiatctl in the
any phyficians amonj;
eci, oicalion for anv,
ipers common in other
re mort fiibjeft to is
oke of their huts, and
ft continually expofed.
:li rheumatic pains, and
it to tiie vertigo and
Ibrders tliey ufc a drink
f[)ccies of mofs, wliic h
annot be procureil, they
le milk <>( rein-deer.
:)art of the body, tiu-r
L A P L A N D.
1 grows upon the bin.li
t-t lire to it, apply i^
and this produces a
.w oft' the peccant hii
lailler for wouruls but
rccs. \Vheii they liave
any li ub frozen, they put ;» red-hot iron into a
thec'fc made of rein-ile with the corplc, and
takes all opportiiritii s of iloing milchief to the living.
The dc< rated is wrapped up in linen or woollen, ai'-
tor.ling to his cirtumihuices, and iiepo(itpo)'ed M hew ilown the
bufties or boughs that m.iy (^I)llru6t him in the otiicr
world, ihe lliel and llint are to lurnilh him with a light,
fhould he find himft If in t!ie dark; and the provilion
is for him to liiblift on dining his journey.
Before the body is carried to the pl.ice of interment,
the friends of the de( taled kindle a lire of fir boughs
near the coffin, and eNprefs their fbrrow in tears and
lamentations. They walk in procelllon feveral times
round the body, demanding in a whining tone, the
rrafon of his leaving them on earth. They alk whether
he was out of humour with his wife? whether he was
in want of meat, drink, cloathing, or other neceflaries?
and whether he h.id not luccceiied in hunting or billing?
Thcle, and other Inch interrogations, are intermingled
with groafis and hideous howl'iigsj and between them
t!ie prieft fprinklcs the corpfe and the mourners alter-
nately with holy water. After thele ceremonies are
over, the body is conveyed to the place of interment,
in a lledge drawn by a rein deer, and followed by the
tnciids and relations, vsho lliew their concern for the
lols of the decealed, by drelling themfelves in the worit
garments they have, ami keeping a continual howl dur-
ing the procefl'ion. As loon as the ceremony is over,
the people retire; and the fledge, with the cloatlis
v.hicli belonged to the decealed, are left as the priell's
pertpiilite. 1 hue days after the funeral, the relations
and friends of the defumil are inviteil to an entertain-
iiunt, where they eat the tlefli of the rein-deer which
conveyed the corjile to the grave. The animal being
made a facrifice to the manes of the decealeii, the bones
of it are collected together, put into a bafket, and in-
te'red with great ceremony.
The crtects of the decealiil are divided between the
brothers and fillers, the lormer having two-thirds, and
the latter one; but the lands, lakes, and rivers, are
held jointly by all the children of both fixes, iicooiding
to the divilion m.uie by Charles IX. of Swei'.en, when
he afTigned a certain track of land for the lupport of
each family.
The language of the Laplanders is altogether bar-
barous, and varies in different parts of the country,
adoriling to the correfpondence which the natives
maintain with the difrerriit nations; liich as Norwe-
gians, Swedes, I'inlanders, and Rullians. The greater
part of them are totally ignorant of letters; and the
lame may be laid alii) of the arts, except fucii as ne-
celbty has taught them Co make ul'c of for their own
heii^ion, Ccvfrnmtnl, rade, Revemit, (Jc,
CI IRI.STIANITV was firfl fup-wfed to have been
introduceil into I upland abo.it the year 1300.
However, no material progrels was m.ulc in the cfta-
blifbment of it till the kill century, when milli jnarie*
were lent for that piirpofe from Norway, Sweden, and
RiilTia. .Several cliiin lies were built indifferent {larts
ot the country, and fupplicd with minilhrs from
Sweilen and Kulfla. dultavus Adolplius founded two
fchools, one in the province of I'ltlia, ami the other
ill th.ii of I'lma, l<)r inftruiting the children of the
Lafilandf r-. in the Chrillian religion anil in letters. He
allij ordered le'.eral pious books to be tranllated from
tl:e .Swedilh into the Lapland language; fuch as the
cateiliilin, with f'ome pr.iyers, and tlie manual, con-
tainin;; the plaliiis of David, the proverbs of .Solomon,
&c. That they might be encouraged to fend their
' hildreii to Iclic-ol, .\n annu.d revenue was allotted for
I '■ niaintenance of the fcholars. I lence Lapland (iro-
d-. d fome j)rearliers, which greatly promoted the
knowledge of C'hriftianity in that country; for, hereto-
fore, theii clergy having been Swedes, whole language
the people did not underlhind, it coulil nor be realon-
ably fuppofeil that tiny llioiild profit much by their
I inllruciions. Sintc that time, however, r^iny h.ivc
11 intermixed idolatry with the pure |)rofenion of ChriJli-
i| anity, and, from local culloms, their particular fondnefs
ji for omens, particular times and leaf'ons, ilillinguilbed
I by the names of black and white days, &c. &:c. retain
l| many of tl' ir f )rmer fuperftitions.
They have fome notion of tlie dodrine of the tranf-
niigration of fouls ; for they not only refpect the manes
of their departed relations and friends, but dread them
as being mifchievous, till they imagine the fpirits of
the dcfunJl have re-animated other bodies. They be-
lieve there are fairies that wander about among the
rocks, mountains, rivers, and lakes, and give them
alio a fhare of their devotion. They own one Supreme
Being, whom they arm with thunderbolts; they make
the rainbow his bow, and have the fame notion of him
that the old Pagans had of their Jupiter They have
another fiibordinate ileity, to whom they acknowletlgc
they ow»all 'he blefllngs of life, and never fail to wor-
Ihip him. The fun is another of their divinities, bc-
caul'e of his influence on the bodies of men and beads.
They have ten. pies and images confccrated to each of
their gods. Their idols are either tlie trunks of trees
rudely carved, or of ftone. One of thele is preferved
in the royal cabinet of antiquaries at L'pfal. All their
women are excluded from worfhip. I'hey anoint the
idol with the heart's blood of the facrifice ; and when
they cannot reach the top of a mountain conkcrated to
j Storjunkar, one of their deities, they dip a Hone in the
i blood of the facrifice, throw it up to the mountain, and
lb conclude their devotion.
I The Laplanders were formely deemed great magi-
cians, and the credulous fuppol'ed them to be mightily
: Ikillcd in divination. So excefTively credulous, indeed,
arc thefe poor Laplanders, and lb prepofteroufly in
I favour of their conjurors, that they implicitly follow
I their dirciftions. If thele pretended vizards tell them,
- that on fuch a day they Ihall take plenty of filh or
I game, they will not fail to go out that day; and as
i there is moft commonly abundance of both in this
country, they ulually verify the predidion, by coming
I home loaded whenever they go out in I'carch of game.
; And if the wizards mark another day as unfortunate,
i they infallibly make it fo, by not going abroad in quefl
I of any thing.
I The three powers to which Lapland is now I'ubjeil',
I depute different governors, or prefcds, to prefide over
their refpcdive liillrids. I'he Laplanders, however,
had kings of their own till the year 1277, when the
Swedes conquered part of the country, and the Ruf-
♦ m
■ r. 5
4« , "'il
# ,^-^1
funs aiul Norwegians foon after rollowcd llicir cx-
anijilis ami lubtUu'd the reft.
In Swedilh Laplatul, wliicli is the moft confuli -able
dillrii.'t of the three, the laws of Sweden are obrcrvnli
uiui three tribunals, or courts of jiilHce, are eredeii:
one for Anpermanlami Lapmarlc; a fecomi for IJma,
Fitha, and Lula Lapmark ; and the tiiird for I'orno
and Kimi Lapmark ; in each of which courts there is a
prefeifV, who determines all caules. They adminilter
juftice in the king's n.^me, and in the prclencc of the
The Laplanders, wh,) live ne.ir the mountains which
part Norway from Sweden, trade with the inhabitants
of rhofe countries. Such as are at a greater dift-ince
from thofe mountains trade only with the Swedes -, and
iiiofc who are fituated towards the north and eall, trade
with the KufTians and Finlanders. The commodities
they receive from thofe nations are rix-dollars, wool-
len ftufts, linen, i upper, tin, f'.our, fait, hides, needles,
knives, fpirituous liijuors, and efpecially tobacco, of
which they are extremely fond. They j^ve, in return,
rein-deer and filh, of the latter of which tiiey take liicli
large quantities, that they llock whole relervoirs witli
them, and put them afterwards into barrels, which
they carry to the neiulihouring countries; naiuely, the
north of i$othnia, an^ White KulFia. Tiiev alfu trade
in fine ermines, the fkins of fcveral wild bealtr, dried
pikes, and checfe made of the milk of their reiji-deer.
The tribute jjaid by the Laplanders, confilU-d for-
merly in Ikins of wild bcalK; init now they (onlill in
n certain coin, rcin-iieir, and in Tfiins, eitiicr drelTid
for certain iifes, or raw; and :;re ])roporti()nalile to the
extent of land poUclled by each head of a funily. I'he
Lirpert are lliled entire territories, or territories of ;» full
tribute; and the owner is obliged to pay yearly two
rix-tlollars, in coin, to the crown of Sweden. I'lu-y
who polTels a territory, or land of half a tribute, my
only one rix-dollar. But as it happens very (ilt< n, that
many of them have pi rix- dollars, they are alloweij t»
give fkins of fo\es ot I'nii'.els inlle.ul of coin, hilty
kiuirrel Ikins, or one fox's Ikin, with .i p.iir of lliocs,
.'Iter the falhion of l.aplanil, are valued .it ojie rixdi |,
lar: befules w'j-.ieh, every head of a funily is obii'id
to give yearly a white fox's Ikin, or a pair of flioes ; and
if he cannot procure thole things, he mull give h.ilf a
pound of drteil pikes. Part of thef-- taxes are eniplov-
ed ((ir the maintenance ol the prielh wlio live i;i tait
country, to inllruct the Lapl.'.ndei--. The Uhialntanrs
of tlic other ililhiv'ts of Laplaiui tr.ule niucli i:i th'.- i.iinc
commodities; and pay the revenues in a liniil.u' ni.m-
ner to the rtfpective llaics to which tliey are lub-
SilHiUio". F\U>it. RoiDi/iiini!. Dt'firip:ic.>t cf a trc-
mcndan fVlnrlpool talUd ihe Moikoellrom.
NORVVAY, Norwegia, or Nordway, fo called in
ditferent languages, from the vicinity of its
rituation to the north pole, lies between 57 and 7 i deg.
north lat. and between 4 and i 5 lieg. call long, fo that
it extends about 5 deg. "iomin. within the polar circle.
The length, from Lindafnoes, in the diocefe of Cliril-
tianland, to the North Cape, at the extremity of Kin-
mark, is about I Doo mli>. Its breath, from the
frontiers of Sweitcn weltwatv to the Cape Stall', is
better than ^co miles; but fr, 11 thence the country
narrows low.irds the north, and becoines mvich Icfs in
different parts. On the north and weft this country is
rijunded by the Northern Ocean ; on the eall it is di-
\ i;led from Sweden by a long ridge of high mountains;
and on the fouth it is bounded by the Schagenrack, or
".••t.--Gate, which is the entrai.te into the Baltic Sea.
The coall extends near ^co leagues, and is Ibrrouniled
by many illands, which alford pallure for cattle and
is inliabited by hlhernien.
The barriers of rocks aivl narrow channels formetl
bv thefc illanils, render Norway inacceflible to naval
nttacks. Nor is the North Sea the leall impediuic;.: ;
for it is extremely difficult to navigate, contains many
dangeroib hidden rocks, and is fubjeCt to the moll vio-
lent llorms. But, above all, the ten ible currents, and
dreadful wliirljiools, arc great objcds of fear to thole
who navigate thele leas.
The [iriiKip.il of thefe x\hirpools is called the Mof-
koeilruin, or vulgarly the Malltrom, receiving this
ap|)ellation from the Ir.iall iflands of Molkoe and Mof-
koenas, Iwiwetn which it is fttuated. 'I'his current
fhiii fix hours (iom nortii to fouth, ami returns from
(buth to north the ft. ci ceding fix hours, like the ebbing
and (lowing of tlie ll-a, but in diredt oppolition to the
motion of the tides: (or, duiing the fl.)od, which runs
from fouth to north, the Molko< flroni runs from north
'0 fouth. and duri'i"; the rcllux, or eUb, whca the fea
runs from north to fouth, this current impetuoun\' re
turns fr )m finith to luirrh. It runs wiili furpjiling r.i-
pidity, efpecially between the illi.nd Molkoe, :uid the
extremity of' tlie ill.uul Molkoenns w'here the tides rili'
highell; but gradually abates its iinpetuolity as it .i[-
proaches tiic Ulands of Werroe and Roll.
The Moikoellrom never runs in a diredl line liKi-
otiier current^, but whirls about in a circular nianm r.
For when it is halfl^ i 1
tain, lull, that the Moikoellrom i^ not aguated v. ,;ii
eiju.d violent e .It .ill tiiues, th.it alvmt the new ;i:,J
full moon, the eiiuinox< s, or in lloriny weatiier. 1
rages with the gieatell impeiuolitv j and that at o'Vi
times it is more moderate, and twi.e a liay quite c.ilm.
Secomlly, that the navig.ition in that part of the tea 1.
not ablolutc ly iiii()etled by it, as at hall llooil a veliJ
can lal( ly go from Molkoenas to W'erroc or Roll, .I'ld
at halt ebb may liilely return to Molkoenas. Thuvilv,
th.it the llrei;;lit bttwixt Moikoeius aii.t Wcirie u
twite ;i day quite luiooth and navigable Ibr three qu.ii-
■vcr.il wiKl benrt;;, dried
milk ot tiitii" rtiii-iUtr.
aplaiklcrs, confined tor-
biit now thry (onlilt in
il in (T
s inllead of coin. I'llty
kin, with a pair of lliocs,
\re valued at one rix ili I-
.ad of a family is obli /ul
1, or a pair of flvn-s ; an 1
int;s, he miiil give h.ill .1
)f thel'' taxes are employ -
ic priclls who live in tiur
aiidcrs. The ini'.aliitanr,
nd trade mueh in the liiiur
•venues in a liniil.u' in.in-
to wluLh they are lulj-
is current impetuouflv tc
It runs with liir[inlinj^ r.i-
le illi.nd Molkoe, and the
oenn''', where the tides n,'
■s its impetuolity as it a;
i)e and Roll,
runs in a tlirect line IikC
lout in a circular nianmr.
lie fra, the current h'le
as the tide riles it wiiuls
uardb tlie fouth-welt, an. I
in as it is hi:^h water tae
When it i> hij^h waf; 1
Molkoeftrom alters ir^
.1 lb gradually on to tiic-
at a Ikuul for about till ee
terval is obferved twice .1
legins again. Tlu' appt i:-
llromh.ivc liecndcKiini i
il) but, it ni'ail be owe.-
geration. A curious nh
•s, that it has no wiiirlpu-il
led liy llie ( olliiion fathoms deep fri;.ii
unit, and, as lome ri l.;:' >
I 1 1 iw ever, both ac.'ii!"it>
Mic iled. 'I'hlS 1-. >. I
uom i-' not agitated v.. .11
ii.'.t .ilv)ut the new :!;J
it\ llniny weather, 1
u.jfitv i and that at o'iiM
.1 twi'.e a ilay ipiite c,:lin.
n liiut part of' the tea 1.
as at half Hood a \elKl
to W'erroc or Roll. ■'■'^'
to Molkoenas. Thirdlv,
)lkoeius an 1 Wcrroe is
navii^.tble for thrcv-'quai-
tors of an hour: .inl lallly, tluit the inhabitants of
tliofi; ilkuids accordingly roiv in r!ieir boats to Molkoe,
whicii lies in the miiitiie of it, to IojI. ulier tiuir tluvp,
which feed on that ifland, and the fiilienneii foui.il the
boiioii of It. Afier tlie'e intervals, the f.vifinclii of
tiie tuir lit gradually ii'.creif'es to its ufual iv.)iiUi-;)us
rai'i'li'v and vlolen:-. S>):netinie:. the wave^ in tliis
curieiit arc not l.irg.T t!ian I'.i )le that are leeii ai lea in
a hard gale of wiinl ; but when iis agitations are at the
height, Ihips that fail on. either fide of il, keep at tl'.e
liillance of two or t'.irej N or.vay n:ii-s, other' ''"c t'iie\ |
w.aild be abforbcil by it, and entirely delln.yed. It is I
dilcirnable, i.;decd, at a gr.Mt diilance at lea, aiul even
withm a i)iiarier of a \i:.\:\\ mile i^t the continent ; 1
but thistlo-s n'^t rend.T tlu- f.M unnaviuable at f'ucli a
diilance ; tor large vollLls and tmall barks tail very U-
turely within hail a league ot the Illapd ot W'erroe.
Til!; j)h,.-iio;ne:v)n djc not iv.o.o.'d thini any cavern
nr alv. I^ under the water, but tinn its imiietuous opi>o- I
lition to the current vi the tide:, anil tl'.e coliiliuii I'l t
the waves. |
An einin.-nt nuvir.;tor, and Fe!! "av of the lioya! So- !
cict;-. In the \ear 1769, mf irni-Ai that kariied IthIv, in
a letter, that, during the time ot Ills b -iiia n t:ie Nurtii ;
Sea., ho male ja;iiai'ar enC|i; 't. . . .'''.ceniing thel
Molko.'llrom, witl.i/.it b.iii.; ahie to oiilain am f.itii- '
fu'iory information, \h\ lie met with the mailer ot a '
Norwegian vellVI, ttii), b ■;:..; ;i verv inte''ig'.':'.t perl ei, I
gave him the toihuNing aec niiU : Thai at hig'i u.it^r il !
is])erfeeli\ lnio.)iii, and lalj to pal^ ov r ; but as the |
tide, eiilier at ebb or f.ood, gal'.iets llrengtii, it b.- I
comes in proportiin e.\..'e.,'dingiy agitau-d and ilaiiger-
ouj ; wiiieh extreme agitation aiul whiiiiag the iiavi- i
g.ilor imputes 10 the unevennefi ot t;u rocky bottom, !
over whieli the current r)l!;. with vail rapidity, being!
conlined in a iiarru.v pafi";:,: : tor this Norwegian told j
him, that, at vc;\ 1 u\ \wuer, pointed rock'., reaching j
;'i)ove the lurlace, ha>eb..'i Icen between the illaiids.
It is no wor.der liien iii;',i tueh v.lleis ir.ay have been
fur;,ed upfide ilov.:i, as h.-.ve been drawn by the tiile, ;
in its moll rapid ll ite, into this gulph. The fimple i
agitation of the ualer would lutiiciently aciount, in- j
I'eed, for the lofs of open boatr. This relation tin-
raveb, in tinne mea'.uie, the mxlVry of the Norwegian
whir'iMiul ; and leeir.. t 1 b ■ ci'ilirmed b\' tlu- luliovving ■
circmnllances, relateel by a I'-arned gentleman, Iroiii
tlie concurrent teirimo;,!.. s '^{ otliers. " Tlie liirfice
exhibits ilirtereiit vortice , ami il in o'le ol them any
Ihlp or vetf 1 is ;'.!)fiirbed, it is whirled dovsn to the
lvitt'>m, and dallied to piece:, againll tiie rocks.
Thefe violent whtrli col', continue witf,oiit intervals, I
except for a quarter ot a:i hour at high and low water
ill e.ilm wt.uher; t jr the I'.oiling gr.ulually returns as
the lloinl or ebb advan^i^ W'iieii its lury i> heigluetieil |
b) a florm, novvllel e)Ug!it to venture within a league ot |
it. Whales have been tieciucntlv ablorh.^.l withm the |
vortex, and howleti and bellowed liitleoufl) in their
Iruiilels endeavours to diiengnge themfelves. A bear,
in cinleavouilng to Iwini irom I.oalden to Molkae,
was oiue hurried iiit.ithi; whirl) ool, from whence he
(liuggled in vain t^'r deliverance, ro.i'iiig lo iouil as to
be heard on lliore ; but notwithll.UKhiig all his eflltrts,
he was borne ilown and iL'llrovetl. 1-aig.' trees, being
ahiiirbeil bv the current, are lucled ilowii, and rite
again all flialtered into l|.iinler'."
Climate. Rivera. .'•'oil. M' nntoiii'. Proiliiilions,
I cj/t/i/ii-, Ji.tmnl, MhiIiiI, Lu.
""l^WV. climate of this country is extremely ditl'erciit,
-■- accorihtig to the lltuation ot the dilleiviu jiarts.
Ai Herpen, anil its virinily, the wiiuer is remarkabh
moderate. On the ealtern parts ol the kingdom it lets
in about the midille of October, and ronti.uks till to-
wards the fitter end of .Apiil with uie' 'mmon fe\elity,
i.'ming which time the tuitace of the i.oimtry in thole
No. 56,
j)a;ls is covcrerl with fiiow, and tlic w:iti rs are ail fr.ir.cti.
On the mountain of Ruden, or Tydal, in tiiis difrrict.
a moll dreadiui affair l.ai>pened in the year 17 19. A
body (d Swedes being ordered to attack Drontheim,
attemjjted to pats th s mountain for that purpole, but
being overtaken by a violent liorm of fnow and iiail,
they were bewildered and overwlielmeil ; and hv tlius
having their march imjieded, ujnvards of 7000 men,
many oiiicers, and t'le gjtieiais Lnbarre aiid 'Zo.-<'a.
milerabiy perilhed. Tiiey were Kon all. r found fro/, n
to death by a body ot 200 Norwegian fied'jcin.'n, under
the «:ominaiid of Major Kmahus, wh.j dilcovcred thefe
unli>rtuiiate victims to the leverity of the wei'ther in
various poliure,, ti^me fitting, fome prone on the earth,
and other, in a praying attitude. It appeared, tliat, in
order to pivferve their lives as long as pofTible, th v had
cut to pieces liieir mulkets, and burned tne wocjj they
ali",)rded them.
'lie northern ]>arts of Norway are (liil more intenfely
cold during the winter; but the fummer is always
w.arm, and often cvccifiveiy hot, tiirougliout moll parts
of the kii'.gdoi-.i. liy the reverberation of the tun's
beam- Irom the ii.les of the iiiountains, the weatlier in
the vallies is rendereil lultry y\.dd to this, that the fim
is lo very Ihort a time belo.v \\:c hori/.o;;, that the at-
motpliere and mountains iiave not hours enougli to be-
come cool. Hence vegetation is rcmarkai)ly ijuick;
and the fummer, by reiuiering vegetation exceedingly
ex|K\litious, teems to make fame amends tor the hor-
rors ot' wi.iter.
Tne l.xigeil day at Bergen confiils of 19 hours, and
the Ihortell of 6. In the begir.ningof the fummer the
lii;ht iiicieaiL's with vail rapidity, and declines with
e(;ual Celerity at the commencenient of winter, wiiicli
ihenomenon are owing to the earth'^ inclinr.tion towards
the |)ole. At the northern extremity of Norway the
fun is, for a conliderable time, continually xw view,
keeping always above the hori/.on, circulating daily
round the pole, and gradually enl::rgitig and contracting
his orbit, until he at length quits that hemifp.here.
When thi. liaji|)ens, all the light [)erceiveil at noon, for
lome weeks, is but very l.iint ; and a winter's dav can
at bell be decined but a glimmer; bur, happilv fir tlie
inhabitants, tlie])ortion of' ti '^ ; called :,ight, is briglitcr
than that denominated ila_v ; lor what with the exceiFive
glare ot the moon, liar', aurora borealis, or northern
lights, 8cc. the atmolphere is lulliciently illuminated
to admit of iheir following their ordinarv occu;,'atioris
at midnight, without the arfillance of any artilicial
The air of Norway is in general, healthy, except
towards lome parts of the le.i-coall, wiiere the moilt
exhalations are hurtful. Indeed, toine perfons, of con-
fumptive dilpoiiiioiis prefer luch liiuatioiis, on account
of the greater eafe with whicii a moill atmolphere act:s oti
the lungs in ret[)iratioii.
The great number of rivers, lakes, creeks, fprings,
&c. with whicii Norway abounds, ami the meltii g of
the fnow in fummer tim ■, occalion tiei|ueiit rain',
which often caulij thxids. But the inhabitant., are ex-
jioled to the greatell evils from fihlden tlucvs, and the
vafr ijuantities of iiiow .ind ice whicii are thereby loolen-
ed from mountains and precipices, and oierwhelm, in
their tall, men, cattle, houlifs, boats, and even tbrnc-
tiiiies whole villages and hamlets. Somewhat more
than twi> centuries ago, a whole parilh, near Hardati-
ger, was dellroyed by the fall of a prodigious ma,s of
fnow. This being convene I into ice ilill aceumul.ited,
and afterwards formed a ffo'.en mountain, ben-ai-lj
which a rivulet rail through a kind of fubterraneous
palfi',e, and, for tiime iiiti', its waters frequci.ily
brought with th. in many of t!ie utenlils and fragments
of tiie p.uilli which had been lo unfortunately over-
ttli 'hiv.cl.
The 1101 iherly wind', here are the freezing winds ; tc.e
toutherly bring warmth ; the eedlerly wind:, are llormy ,
and the wellerly partake of the nature of triide winds.
particularlv on the coall cf Ikrgen. It mulb be ima-
7 I' gin'.'d
i \r .
gined thai t\ie leas near tli\i country arc riihii.\''t lo a va-
riety ot Iqualls, huiii u'n"--, i tiir.iwn ii;>
b)- the eriijtion lilled a valley near it, and torni^d a
cLun, whi'.h altcrwards bunt, tlir-jiii^ii the foree ol the
water, and ocealioned the ilt'/iriictioii ot leveral churche-,
48 tarlll-hnu^e^, and 250 |)enbiis. That the rivers N'id
and S!iecn have had their pallages diverted by inim.-nl'.
labour, and catials tut th.rough the roeks tor the eoiive-
nieiiee of navigation, and tiie greater laciiiiv of tranl-
porting tiiViber to various ]lace'-. And that the ri\er
Glaa'iien is the larg'-lt in Norwaw
Tiie chi^l irelh water iaLe^ ot Noruav are Rvfva.'ni,
Shaafen, Selboe, the greater anil Iclti-'r Mioe-:, Siuie-
vand, Sperdille, Rai:ii and V iilen, Saren and Moiluiii,
Lund, Norloe, I luidl.v, iai r.vand ^.X'\a\ and.
" \Vai> (^lays an ing. iv.u,^ writer) have been main-
faincii on thele iiiland lea^, in lome ot i\liich are fniall
floating iiland-, or parcel' of eartii uiih tree.-> on tl'.eni,
feparatcil trom the main land, and probalily ]?relervvd
in compact maifes by 1 he roMts vt ir^es, lliriilia, and
grats, interwo\-in in ilie loii. In tl.e year 1702 the la-
mily f.at of Borge, near fredericklladi, a noble ediiice,
with lefty tewev- .-.lA faitkna-nts, fuildeiib lu:ik into
an abyi.-, ico tailir;iii> in d.;ii!i, v.hlih was ii)i!a;;t,i-
neoully filed with a piece ot water, tormihg a la:%e jco
ells in length., and about halt as bri>atl. fourteen p'.r-
Ibns, with :co f.ead of cattle, were dellroyed In tiie
river Glaaiiien I'lecipiiating iili.'if down a vvater-lal!
near Sarj), and undermining the foundation. Of all
the uatcr-fails in Norway this ot Sarp is the moll dange-
rous, fioin its height aiul raj;idit\ . The current drives
teventeen miles, and roars along with tuch violence,
tJi.at the V. ater, dallied and con;niinu!ed among the
rocks, riles in the torni of rain, and, when ;lie fun
ihincs, continually exlliLit^ a Ivauiilul rainbou. In
ancient taiics tiiis cataract was uled lor the executiun
ot tl■ait^)r^ and otlitr maletacto'-. They were thrown
dow ii
that t!:e\ might be dallied in pieces on the
points' ol rocks, and die in a ilreadfiil conimoiiun,
analogou.s to thoie thcv luui (.iideavouied to excite in
the commiuiitv .
The loii ui rock\-, nK)Uiiiaiiuius and low lituations,
mull differ materially cl courfe. 'I'I.e mountains ot
Kor.vav are bare anti barren i but the f)il wallied i
down from them by tonents ot I'now and rain, gr^aiU j
increal'e the worth of the vallie.-., by fertilizing them to !
a pro;ligious degree. The eartli conlill.^ i
the former, which lies uppcrmoll, being cvtivmely
rich, and tit to nourilh all kinds of vegelaliLs. In
lome jiart= of t!ie kirgdoiri ciay 1^ t nind, of vvhicli a
tolera!-le kind ot earihin-waie is mad . '1 Iiole jurt .
whiihare iletomied bv I'wainps and marlhc-, are e\-
cccdiiig clang -rnus tn IravJl.rs. A n:\rrM,\ wi/idcn
caiife'.vay, in tlu dioi^le of Cl.rillianlatid, is cxtci leil
above a itiile ovor oie iX I'hdc fvvam]is ; in 1 aMing
which, if eiilirr man >.r hoile m.iLe a laile Hep, it is
certain deltm tnui. '
The N (r.veg.in ir untai- are a(b))iiiliingly high,
dreadful t) t^avJ oVv r, anl tremendous to liehold.
Tliat llupciulou'. 1 li.i ,f n^oii: r-iins which cxten'Js
tliroo;'i N.i;...-,. ii.;i;i :. , :'.] tu 1 >,!!!, ;•..-,, 1 i, in.iitfer-
cntly called Ruefie'd, Sude.ield, Skar'field, and Scaiv-
berg, receives diilerent aojK-llaiions at ditlerent i)aits.
In particular, the priniijial names of llie refpcetive ili-
viiJuir- of this thani ari n.jl,c;ivM, Laaisfitid, Sagnc-
! lain Held, I lanlan.,erlield, ]
field. Kvglelieid, Hickk;i: 1!, and Hangn..ld." Jhe
heighth and breailth of tli.- ■.hole vary a^ thi^ eMenliv •
chain runs. Tiiai part called Oore:ieid is fujijiuie-d '|/,
be higiier than any other mountain in l''.uroj,f'. In Ibn .
places a tMveller g ; a'ld
the only place of reiieiliment ihrougliout the whole.
are two houfes, or mountain if-ve^, as thev are ca!k-.|
which are luainlained, at the public e.xpeiice, fiir tiie'
rece] lion if tra\,il.is., as well a- lurniilicd ivitli kiiciua
utei.i;! ., Iii-in_;, &c.
Im.'igination cannot conceive, or lanjuas>,e expref,
more iliimal fcenes than pivleni themiebe,-, lo ti:.)a'
who piN liiele ilreary mountains. L'oniinuaiiN m.-.
roiuKkd 1 y dan .r-, and p' rpetuaily beholding I'lv." 1-
cks ot horr.i.-, tlie nDil I; uoy traveller muii "ihudiler,
the molt ci'ura;^ -HIS he advjiii.'hul, ,iii.| ihe mi'ie 1 nv 1
be abl" lu;el_\ t.nilie.l.
TlKre is a lingle ilelile, hv wliicli a jierlem mav "0
ironi Sweden t^i N'orileiiMickl, witliout paliin;'' I'Tis
cl'.ain, that i;, wlure tiie whole is interrupted !r, ^ -..-y
long and deep valLy, extcndiiig from Roniid.ae u
(I'uldbranlik'.le. In ti:e \\w 1612 a bod\ ot i-^-j
Scots, commanded by Sinei.ii', and lent over as a,,\:.
liaries t,i the SweJ> ^ were put to the- Svcuul, in iL',
delile, by ih.e peaiant- cl ( iii'dliianUlale, wiio iieve
give quarter to any whom tli.. c deem ti>es-,
Indepeiulent ol this aq,le mufl be let ilowu with ropes helore it
can be laiii in the coljin.
In winter me iii.in !-• ,'uen lll.l,\ll UO
nvniniaiiis ; and even in the King's road
expo, eel to the ireiiueni rilks of falling over ih.ole dreaii-
liil rocks; fir they are oblig.-d to pafs over tiarr'i.-,.
jiathw.iys v.itiujut rails, or rili.ig on the lid.'?, ben, ,
, idler Ihured up with rutteii pii:'.>, ,1 fi.lpen.led In ,,. 1
bolt', laileiied in the iiiuuiuains, li the r.-.ir...
i ah, 1 1 N.ieroe is a remarkable wa\ uf this kind, ul,,i
iip.wards of ii\ centuries ago, King Su..-,Te cin(i:.l m
I"- made, w 'ill great pains and labour, f)r i!ie p.,ila: j
.'1 liis l\U.'.ii\ .
Similar to the kill menlioned road is anotlu r diiiicn'i
and ilai>:jcrous way betwen Vaiip; and Sliogftadi : ,
winds by lie lide of a ffe;- im untaiti, and,' In mui.
I'.ul', i. (o irir.ow, that it l'\o irivelkrs (huukl meet ir.
iliule jikKes, they would lind it impr:Knicab!e eiiher t)
pafs each other, or turn their liovles ; li) tiiat they ne; i
boih inevil ibly periili, uiilels une cunil.-.ib lo throw i .
■he mail is olun drawn up the lldes of f c
travellers a.-
anl.in;,',rlii.M, JkII-.
ami Han;^li,M." '1 In-
,• \:iry d^ tl.i^ cvtcnliv ■
liii in l''.aroi.f. In liii;:.-
;'t\, a::;l in oth^-:, Ki,
,1 luiniiiit ot ihi^ .ill )-
■,.n ovir nuny iliwiilu;
V..I .\u,-'i-s ; ;l!ul i 1111^
\ l.uii.;n.d lo tl;c Ituji
:.l 'I'lL;! 11, is ni-M-^l
, ;ls 'i.Uli.li.'s, polls ;i'-i;
-■ ol' iOO \KV\-i, to (li-
MiMuls 50 hiil,■^ ; ;nil
ihrougihuiit the wiiok-.
Wa, .t. tlii'v are calkvj,
ublic fxpcncc, tor i:;c
, lurnillRvl wii'.i kiti. ii,;i
^', iir l.inju;i(',o cx]>ri.'r,
lU liicnilcisL'^ to ii;i);-,-
xu\<. Conliiiu.'.i'.) lur-
tu;'.iiv l)i;l.o!(lin^ !]V." 1-
tnvoll.T nui:! ihuiiilcr,
Kll, .Ul'l llu' WV'W t I!V i
vliiLh a ivrlon nriy ;v>
I, ivit'i'.oiit Iianilli.', l':.'i
; ii iiturriip!^-J !i;. a \^'\
.iiiig trotn Rom;.!. .if u
161:1 a i>oi!\ lit i':::j
, a:,il k'l;t i.:\,-: a. ;i'.i\ •
: to liiC Svvoiil, 111 1 1 ...
lildliiantdali', who ih.ac
■ .Item li>c<.
liiiji (.ham 01 moiiiilain^,
(il'.crs ilctatlicil over tlx
I exhibit nvi; a great van.')
I'l In- \all iiuniniains .'. .d
..IV ol tlii.s t.iuntry, aa
u ei.it nccs. They aJiii.i
render the country im-
.\try where ditfitult I'l
10 wild l)ealls, whi.h
ami m.ii^e terrible i...-
als, a-, well a^ the \x.'i
t.illiiiu, over precijiiee-.
;uui talis ot hiow, tl;-;
i.):i!\. and (,'tten l\v.c-;i
.Im.in. 'I'll -y me lu^-
iiiih hu;j;e roeks aiv rent
urled doun, overwheliu
their I'.oiiies on tb..;
UK II they mull elimb by
ves : ami when a perl'. 11
wn wiih ropes belore it
.iwn lip tlie lidv< of t' e
u^\ road traveller, a.'.;
I tailing over thdte dread-
d to p.ils over n.'.rrci'v
ig on l!-e lidj5, bei;-. ,
',^, 01 Uilpeildeii In ..■ '
lam-.. I 1 the I'.'.ii" ■
\\a\ u' iln;i kind, v.i.n
king Sii.;,"re cinlc.l ''
.iliour, tor liie [Viil-u; .•
! mad is another diiiii'iri
an;'; and SIion(l;ult :
■ '.ii.i.rm, aid, i.-i ni in.
M ivehirs 111... lid me.i i:-.
1 i'liprai'liiablc cuhei 1 >
loiles ; III liiai lliey n.': '.
.lie tijiil'cau to throw i ••
N O R \V y\ Y.
.ill\- lo I;
With ivi,iei:i t" i
>};g\-, and euv .'v.d '
hori'e down the precipice, aivl tiica cling dole up to
the loek liii the otlier palies him.
When a llieep or go.il t.ilN down a r.ii k, the own. r
ha/aids his lite to legain his aii'.ni.il. bur which piii-
j;ote he M let ^\o\■'n tied to liie er.d ot a lonp^ r >pe, ;:nd
lilting a-crols a lliik, when he get- to the bottom, he
fallens the cre.uiire to the lame cord, and il.u. both .ire
drawn up together. Soihtiin.es the lope bi\,dt, ail
at Oilier times tiie a.iiiiants above are d ra;;;s',i. . I do ii
from die top, when all fall down the pretijiie, ai.l
ulually |ie:illi t.igillier.
When a lliiin or lu.ne fall trom a v.rv high precipice,
it has been ob;e;\.d that the brea.ii is i..)t o.iiy lloiped,
Iv; the ;. jernillioa ot the air, I ui ihe b-nly aluaj^
burii;. be! iU' 11 iv.'.ches the groiin.!.
The tr.tj .>f Norway conltitute a wvy i)rii;. ij. ;'. p;.:t
of its ti'atle .n.d ci^'iimeive. IJelid'.s the vait. (.(uani'ii.'
uled at I'.oic.e m biaitliir.^ houle.-, brid'V'-, piles, moles
fences Ihi^s l.-f.us, fee. ver\ lapa- lii.ns arc leteived
for lirr. a.iu pui^:. e.xji.iried i.) ^,c■|.lM^ ] iri^. Tlv; llo'i-
ing nialU and b..i e tvam^ do.',;. ;!:■. r: ■.: , aa.l iiivi.l-
ing oi:;er ti'u'ier i ;i.i ii.-ards :;t ti.e !.i.'. -:v.id;-., e.n|iloy
a vall nu..i.;>r ot ..i,,.:-, and c.i:.:.-,
revi'iuie ; !■ a '• :i.h ut .'.!! la.. .\i tio:
hi.s Danuli in.iie.i .
'Idio pliiugiicl lai..!. in Norv.-,,
thole parts which a.v mouiitainoii , i-
with l.irelis, is oni\ a^ one toeigl-i) ; it cmnot, there-
fore, be liippoleil, tlial rlie killed .ni jiroduces n' ir a
lulhciciK} ot g'lain lo t'a i .' lie iiLiabitanf^. I'ea,
liojis, lieui| , ll.i.\, is:c. .•.re lulii'-aud in ioine pai'is, Inii
to no co!.liuti..bie adv,.i-,l.ige : the i.aiUirage of the
meadows howexer, is rich, and nutritive to cattle.
The Norwegians fornierlv had gartlen-llurt', pot-
iierbs, &.C. iirj oried tioni f.iigland and Molland : for
I'.ime years pair, l.o.'.cver, lliey have p.aid liic'i alie:;ti.)!i
lo tie cull ivation of thole articles, that the".- can now
fujijly tlitml'eUt'.
Mere are ma, '.y wild p,l.inis, the iniuiion ni one c(
whitli lome ol the inhabiiant^ drink in the niMiner of
tea, and ili.em it .111 aihviii.ii'ie petloral.
As tlic Icurw is a preva.i.ig di)()rd.T in Norv.a\-,
nature had I bountituily l.ip] in .1 that tniiiiirv wilh a
prohilioii of aniili orl.uiic lievb.,, ,u< h a.. ai:jj,-'ica, roil-
wi>n, gentian, civlKs, trtto'is, l.niei, Icurv \ -g.aiV iS;c.
Liu to I. uiiterb.i! i.iee Ir.ele toinciiieiicts Notv\av
ahouiv'- with mil. \ n.iu^ou. and | i-ili'i'ims herb, a-.d
I'lants, ilia; .ii..- |iri|i.;iic!.il I .il'i l.- i.u-.i :ind cattle.
And aiir..ir.ii)i( i,r.il , calh d vi ii. i mi, .1, j^nnis here,
ar.d wli'ih w.is ic.diivd ] ariu lu.i'r.- ii'.ir.ni^ b\' lia^iiig,
in the year 165 :, c.iniribiitei;, in a moll ailonidiing
iiianner, to liie prtl.rvaiion ot tw ■• Norw.iy \outl,...
The llorv of tins faiilaction is as toi; ,v . :
Two brothir, on the firfi d.], ct ..'/..nil, in the laid
year, made an e'.tui lion oi a'"„ i;t k .• n i,-."~;iies fri ni
their father's hi ult, lo t.ike iluii ple.iipe in huiitin^^;,
Ihcoting, lilhiiig, I'vc. Atier havir^.e'-.joyei the i!i\er-
iii n ot lilhir.g toi the 1p..ue of l.me time
in great liangi > ; but at length recovred, and I'urviv.J
thb dilatler iiiirty-ieveii years. 1 he \ounger rccovticd
hi> Itrengdi lonitwhat teener, and afitiwards drew up
liiis narrative as a piouj acknowledgement of Grls of tlii.> ilone ;
the tirll of wliivh is lO'igli on the outfide, and is ofd.if-
teienl colours, but com;no:i!\- ol a black dun. This
■rakes a very ililliiitt n. ale when raiikxL The lec.>;id
1. ol an alli colour, a:id contains a fort of in.wl ,1 the
iiilide, which is foiueiimes while, yellow, red, or ' !ue.
The outliile is roujili and tandv, and leems to i..)nlilt
of the particles of tlini. A third is of iLwenil colours,
but has the like contents as the former. The fin. kind
is no larger than a i)eaclidl.)iie, but the oilu r two are
otfiii as large as a man's lill. Tiiele lijrts of floaes are
touml in moll parts of the ountry.
r-' ,
I ,f
il,* •
fl I i
V Ji
fitu.itnl abiuit ICO 111!
jHT works at I.ykk',n, :\bout 20 niili.-
Metals aiul luincni'.A alioirul in N.irwa\. Ir.ni is
found in givat pk-iity, and \>.i-. ihc lirll metal twr
worked in the ci antrv. (ireat luiaiitities are annually
cxiHirted, partly in hais, and lartly in cannons, iKnes,
(Kits, keltk-i, &:f. the national iir>iiits ot uhieli are very
confuleraWe. There is on^' 1; eeies ealled moor-iron,
tound in larj;e luniiis in moralll,, and, v\ this manv do-
inellic toi)K and utenlils are nude tor home conliniiji-
tion. The lead mines are deemed of little imiMiriaiue,
but the copper mines arc thoiii^ht ineiiimable. (H th.e
latter arc tour ot a capital naiiire, vi/.. That ot" Ro.ias
trom Dronth-'iiii. The co;>
iroin Drontl'.eim.
Thcic are very eoiiiiderable thoii;.;h inl'jrior to the tor-
nier. The mine at Indil'et, ainnit 30 n.iles Irom l)rt)n-
tlieim, where the copjKT is precipitated trom its meu-
llruum by the means ot iron. I'he cojipcr wi^rks at
Seiboe, uliicli is the 'eail conliderable ol the tour.
In the diocefc ot Chrilliani.iiul u.old has be^'n tounil,
but not in any conliderable i[tia;ititie-. At Konglberg
is a very valuable liiver mine, the ore ot which is ad-
mirable. I .ait;e ni-illes iit pure lilver have been toiuul,
among which one ]iiece, ueii;l'in^ 560 p. unds, is llill
preferved in the Miill-uin at Copenh.'.gen. Tiie value
ot the filver annually obtained trom this mine, is equi-
v.ilent to the value ot a ton and a halt ot gokl ; anil the
works emplov, and give lublillence to, great numbers
ot' iH-Tlons. At jarllberg other lilver mines are work-
ed, but not to e.;u.il adv.i.nta;^e, lor thi-> re.iloii, that
the ore is blendecl witli lead aiul copper. At Kongt-
bcrg a vitriol-'.vork is e'.lablilliei.l ; and many parts c)t
the kingdo.u )iekl lulphur and allum Salt is lik.'wile
made here, and turns to very coaliderab.lc advantage.
The t;unJruiiedb ot Norway arc liorles, black cattle,
lliccp, g!at>, hogs, liogs, cats, ?ic. 'I'he horles are
i'mall but Uitt, liarth and Ijurited. "I'l-.c black cattle
are of a I'iminutivebrced, but their iKlb is tender, ileli-
cate and juicv : and the cows yield plentv ot milk.
The flelli ot the lhee() is delicious, and the lleeces
protit.ible. The goats are very llrong, exceeding hairy,
and their ikins are much valued. Few hogs are reareil
here, but dogs arc numerous ot various kinds, and
uncommonly leiTiceablc : and the ikins of cats both
wild and lame, bear a great pnce, being u'.'ed tor winter
The wild animals of Norway arc the elk, rein-deer,
hare, r.ibbir, be:'.r, wolf, l)n.x, glutton, lerning, er-
mine, marten, and beaver.
The elk is a tall, alli-colourcd animal, bearing fome
refemblance both to the horfe and flag. It hath long legs,
flat herns and cloven hoofs. It is of a harmlelsdil'poli-
tion : t'-.e llelli talks like vcaifon, and the hide is taaned
into flron;^ leather.
The rein-deer has air
been deki.bed.
The hares are Imall, and change their t jlour with, the
fcalonf, bei::gbro\sn in liiniiner, and while in winter;
but the rabbits refemble thole wlueli are coauuoii in
The bear here is, by fome, reckoned c,f the cat kintl.
Wliile his hair is on, he is a very Uj^ly creature; but
when he is l!rij)ped of his (kin, he, in fome degrees,
refembles the human form. Thi; ivleinblance conlills
chiefly in the length of the thigiis, in which he is quite
difTercnt from otlier brutes ; and he li:is hve toes opjio-
lite to i!ie heel. The bones on the v.rills are alio like
thofe of a man; but the thumbs are not feparaled from
the reil of the fingers as in a man, and are placed on
the contrary lidc^. l.ikewifethe great toe on the loot
is plaeed outwardly. In tie;iding the bear iloes not
touch the gri.und with his heel, tor which realon it is
covered with hair like the leg. Likewife 11, ■■ lingers of
the tore paw are of a bad turmation, bei.-ig tluek, ami
et dole to each other.
The wolves in Norway traverle in troojjs the immenfe
forells, thick woods, and lofty niount.ains, ami make
terrible devallations, devouring every creature they can
conquer: they likewile affiiil the iiuill hamlels break
into the tarmers vards, and do incredible miichiet.
\\ olve, arid bears in Nor'\;iy are afraid of tlie found
ol a horn, on wiiieli :icc(.uut iheplierds, (hcpl-.L-rdelK";,
tarmers I r.ivellers. ^c. aKva;.s take care to lu| ply iIkui'
lelves with Imh lonorou^ inlbunH-nts, in onler to drive
away thole ilelliovcrs from i!,.ir ilock-anii herds.
\ arious metlioils are taken, and liuivs laid, to dt-
Ibov wolves : they are H.oi, poilbnul, blown uj) v.i;|i
I rams ot gunpowiler, taken in pits dug in the ground,
and coveied over with Ix'igi-.s, Ihot with fpriru'-guns,'
&;e. When any ]icrfon digs a pit in order to'entraii
wolves .uid bears, lie is obliged by law to give intinia-
tic.ii ot it through the whole dillrici, lell any travelkr,
or other p.crfon, Ihouki, by aeckle:;t, pats that w.iy, arj
tall into It.
The^lvnx, called, in i.aiin, lup.iis cerv.irius, whitli,
in Ilnglilh, is a wolt-hart, has been fuppofed to be of
the lliape of a wolt, and the colour ot a hart. Oii-.cr.
have tiu.uglit that it was engei-.dered between a wolt
and a leopard, wh.ich is a great millake, tor he i. no-
thing like a wolf; and that in which he relembks a
lei;] ard and a hart, i., lb common to many other aai-
niak, that it is very probable he ha- the name ot li.i.u..
cervarius becaiile he purlue^ the harts in the :.uin;
manner as a wolf docs a Iheep.
The mu/./.le o( a Knx is not l"ng and pinnted !;k;
^ a wolf, but blunt and Ihort like a cat , and tlie kr.in!; nf
I his head is about leven inches, his neck tinir, and l.h
jbody twenty-four inches, without including t!:e tail,
I which is eight in length. Hi:, lu-iglit, tronuhe e.\t.-i.-
miiy ot the fore feet 10 the to|) of the back, is twentv
inihes; antl from the bottom of his hind ket lo \lw
upi>er part of his buttocks twenty-three. He has
live flaws on the fore iuoi, and fuii'on tli.ife hehiml.
f'ach toe i. armed with long, crooked, liiaq) ciuA-,
which are ibmetimes concealed like thole of a cat.
The back is of a reddilh colour, ijjotted with black;
and tlie belly, and the inlide of the thighs, ,irc ol a
gr.v afli-colour, fpotled hkewile with bl."!ck, but in a
ilitlerent n'.anner; for the fpois on the belly are larger,
not quite lo bl.ick, and more dil'tant from each other,
than thole on the back, legs, and raws, whole outlides
.irc reddilh. However, all the li'air is of three dit-
terent colours; for tie root is of a grevilh l;rown, the
middle red, or of an alh-colou.-, aiid'tlie ends white.
Butjhis whitenelb at the ends takes up lo Imall a p.irt
ot the hair, that it is no hindrance from tleing the
principal colour, wh.ich is that in the middle; ard it
only makes the furf.ice of the boily apjjcar as it it wni
lilvered over,
Th.e gluttun is not Larger than a turnl'pit dog, and is
Ihaped very much like hin-. His Ikin is beautifully
vaneg;iteil, and has a moll admir.diie lul'ire like dauiaik';
being to line and precious that he is Ihot with blunt ar-
rows, tiiat the Ikin may not be ir.juretl. This animal i.
lb ravenou., and halh Inch an inlatiableappaitc, that l;e
will ('evour a can ale nearly as bifr as himlelf Wh.p.
lie i:. to oveigoiged as to beciuirc unealy lo hlmfelf, he
llarchcs out two trees that grow near together, and
U,uee/.es himlclt between them till he exonerates his
Itomach; and (hiring tiiis opcraticn he is lb lick that
his licrctnels lublides, and he may be ealily taken.
'Hie lerning, or Norway mouie, is, in iliape. li!;e a
conunon m.nile, or rather like a dormmiie, oniv liis t.iil
islets; he is abou tivc inches in kiij/th, and covered
>sith thin hair of various colours. 1 hele creatures do
g.eat inifchief in pallures ami corn-lidds; and uiica
they die, tlic\ inlee't the air in lueli manner that it
caules dangerous dileali." .
■J'he ermine, or henntlin, is a kind (f wcar.el, a:. 1
'lUially relid.s in thecliltsot rocks, oramonca lie.ip ■ f
lioiies. It is all over white, excei)t the end of the tail,
which is bhuk. It is greyilh about the eves, and ilieiv
is a f|iot of the fame colour in the middle of the head, as
alio between the Ihoulilers, and on the tail. 1 lowcver,
the colour varies a' cord in;; to the lealim ot the year, be-
ing while in winter, and brown in .ummer. None iire
ignorant of the high elKem in wi, ch tie (kin ot this litile
|aiiim.il is held throughout all l:.uro,.e. It is the loiteiL
;irc :ifraiil o( l!io li.iirtl
Kiilui'ils, Ilicpl'.crddlLs,
ikc c.irc to l'u| ply lluin-
iH-nls in onlcr to ilrivc
llotks ;i:h1 IkrIs.
aiul t'luivs laid, t>i di-
)ilbiiul, lilown u]) v.iih
'its tiu^ in till- proiind,
, Ihot witli ti)iiiu'-f;iui';,
1 it ill order to i.'mrai)
by law to giw ir.tinia-
iilric't, Icll any travcikr,
dci.t, |.al-. that vs.iy, :ind
Unui'; ccn.irius, whid;,
been luppoti-d to ho ot'
.)loiir ot a li:irt. (Jtiierj
L-p.diTov! bctvvi'cn a wolt
at niitlake, tor he is n>)-
m which he relembles a
uon to many otl'.tr ani-
le ha.- the name o! '.ui.ui
. the harts in the !.uiic
jt lon^ and i'(/inted !.k:
e a cat , and tiie !,T.v;t!i ut
■;, his neck tidir, and l.b
tht.ut including the tail,
. hei<;!il, trom the extrt-
p ot the l)ack, is twenty
n ot his hind ket to tl'.e
, twentv-three. He has
ind iiiin- on thole behiml.
I, crooked, ihaq) cluv, ,
1 like tl'.oll- of a car.
)lour, t'potted with hLuk;
; ot the ll!ii;!is, arc y>\ a
ivilc with black, but in a
its on the belly are larpr,
dil'tant trom each oth.er,
antl ] aws, wh.ol'e outlides
hair is ot three ilit-
V c'l a i;re\:di brown, the
our, aiid the ends white.
s takes up lb linall a [-.art
drance irom leeii';:, the
at in the middle; and it
: body appear as it' it wn;
han a tiirnl'pit dop;, ar.d i.
His Ik HI is beaut itiilly
,in.;l)ie luilrc like darnaik ;
It lie is Ihot with blunt ai-
iriurcd. This anim.ui.
Iinl.uiableappaite, tli.;t le
IS bijr as himlclt' \'> li ::
iiiu' uiiealy to himlell, i'e
i^row near tOjiether, .u'd
111 till he exonerates lib
|:e:atirn he is lb lick vwl
m:iy be eatily taken.
|ic>uie, is, in lliape. li!;o a
a ik)rmoule, only liis i.ul
|s in L-UL'th, and covered
PUIS. '1 liele ci"cai\ires do
corn-rukls ; ar.d uiita
in lucli manner that it
lis a kind ct wcar.el, a;, i
roc ks, or amoiip; a heap > -l
Ix'.ept the end ot" the tail,
labout the eves, and there
llhe middle i>t'the heul, as
lul on the tail. I lowewr,
Ithe lcal(>n .it the year, be-
n in .umiiicr. None are
Iwiixh the (kind this litile
huro,,e. It is the Uteil
and the moll beautiful of all furs ; but then it lolls its
beantiUil whlteiicl'- by age, and turns ot a jell'.'w or
cream colour. It feeds upon rats, mice, moles, and
lucli like ; but it is remarkable in thole kept in i i;^e^
that the\ will never touch any kind ol llelh until it be
I'lie marten is of the li/.e of a cat, Inii liiniewhat
longer. The ears are lln)rt , broad, and roundilli ; the eye
lliine in the night like thole of a cat, and the iiole i-
liimewhat prominent ; the upjvr jaw is biuni, the
tongue long and fmooth, ami covered vsilli lliarp pa-
pill.e, but tlie> are lott, and the points are lurnetl back-
ward^. The teetli are very white, unetjual and rough ;
and it has whilkers like thole ot a cat : the teit aie ili-
videil into live toes, and are hairy all over ; they ar'
united halt way by a membiaiie, and wliat is cilLd the
great toe is the Ihortelt, and at a viilhaiue trom iiie rell.
The tail is covered with long hair, which makes it leem
thi( ker than it really i->.
la liime places the common marten delights to be
among Imildings, Inch as call les, cluncius, ban:-, h;'.\ -
lolls. Hacks I, t woods, pigeon-houles, and ihi like. Ik-
is a great enemy to doiiieliic towU .md pigions, am; \Mli
kill a grtat number whenever he can c;)inc at them. I le
alio vei'N' toiid ot
and will carrv them liuin
Is iHlv > *%.'; iwii. I ..I s ;Sts '
t>ne place to iinother wilhoul bTeaking. The t.ung is
f.iid to haVi- a mi'i'.x' Imeil, by v, iii(.li means their
haunts mav be f 'iind out. Martins fleqi in the day
time, and go abroatl in the nipjit in C|Uell ot thur
])rev. 'J'liev are huntetl in fomc places bv a tort ot
dogs, that teem to be delrnid l)y nature tor that
]Hirpole. l'erliu|)s they may be the lame as our litchet
dogs, lb called from their hunting the pole-cat, or
lilcl'ei. 'J hell' animal, are honted tor their turs, which
are verv \aiuable, and they ale in lealon in the begin-
ning ot the winter.
The llelli ot the marten i; laid to be good eating. In
Ibnic places they make Ule of the dung as a ] ertiime ;
and tome pretend it is good to diltoivc the Iwel ing
(if the glands. The gall, whin mixed willi tenel-waler,
is recommen' ed to takt out Ij ots in the e\c-.
Some authors dilliii^uilli martens into iwo kimh, the
ilomellie martin widi a v. I'.iu- throat, and the wuhI-
maricii, thai i to bi toi:;.d m ih.e lorells conlilling ol
llnail tree-, m which ihe\ make their nells, ii.ueh in
the '.iuiie m inner as f.HiJriel-. Tliis may be known trom
the loriiier in having a \iilow throat, and li'e hir on
tlie rcli of the bod; more ol a tallow colour. Some
call it the gold.n marten, and its ikir. is much more
valuable than that of tl;e other.
Helides the bvtoie m.iiliuin .1 animab, Norwav is jiro-
diKiive ot I' ves and kjinrrels. T'ne ikms ot tiie loxes
are greallv valued, their fur being either white, red or
black ; but the latter is ihe null ellimible. The Noi-
wav foxes have the com.mon char.icier tor cunnii:g
which the toxes of Other countries have ; noi- ;io the
Uiiirrels Ic-cin to be behind hand with them in |;oint
of fagacity.
The repiili's and inlects of this country are both va-
rious and iium.rou .
The wv:i wind brings man) infeits that greatly hurt
vegetation ; atil the waters are produclive ot inleots
tii.il are e^ceediiigh iiiiuruius to the lillieries, by de-
Urovi;'g the lilli. The moil, jiarticular of the latter is
the litile L ;-!io,le, which exceeds nine inches in length;
anii. m th. h ad, liiom, and mane, is I'oinewhai like a
horie. It is abv'tir the thieknels of a man's tluindi,
and the i' kI\ i- full ol c'elis and lurrov.s. 'I'he liiout
is a fort of lube, with a hole at the b'.tlom, to which
there is a co\cr thai he can open and liuil at pKilure.
I'h.e iipjier part ot the body kems lo have Kvui tides ;
hilt below tlic \cnt it r^iembles a figure conlilling ct
four tides. The e\es are fmall and prominent, and
between them are two high tubercles. The tail ends
in a point, and is generally very much bent. Behind
thceyis. where ih.e gills are j. laced in other lilli, there
are two hns which look like eais, and above them are
two holes ; but there are no gills, either outwardly or
No. 50.
inwardly. The whole body fecms t-^ be compofcd of
grilUy rings, on the intermediate membranes of which
leveral fmall ])ricklcs are jilaccd. Their co our is a dark
green, but towards the tail inclining to black. The
belly is marked with fpots of a whiiith blue. It is
t:iki n in the Mediterranean, and alii) in the W'ellern
On an.
Norway abounds in moll of the fowls ami birds com-
mon to, and well known in, I'.uropean countries.
'I'he lea-coads are overli)read with innumerable
(lights ot Ai;n:uic fowls, that build their nells, and
hatch their young, among the clitts, rocks. neigldKmr-
ing illands, .''ic. and teed on tilhes, infects, and fea-
weed , Among tliele are altonilliing numbers of wild-
ducks, geeie, a:id alks : the latter are peculiar to the
country, build in the moll inaccelTible rocks, fly in
Inch numbers as even to darken the air, and, with
their wings, make a furpriling nolle, that loin, what re-
lembles the riling of a tempell. Many otlier bircfs
build in the cliil's and mountains, though not in llich
vali numbers ; and the Norwegian i>ca!!ints, who re-
lide iie.ir the k.i co.ills, are empio\ed, at :'. certain lea-
Ion ol the \ear, in climbing the rocks at the moll iiu-
iiiiiiL 111 danger of their lives. Hut their 'kill and in-
treiiiihiy, in general, furmount every ob'dacic ; and
the birds tliey make iiri/e of are to them very valu-
able, as tiic tklh and egg, fuiiiilh them with food, and
the ilown and katners led to great advani.ige. An in-
genious writer, in ijieaking ot the Nonvegian methods
ol bird-catching, lays, " In fome of the Nordland di'-
triiits, the t.irmers train dogs to ipring the lliore, and
Itraiid birds from their holes, w Inch' are almoll in.ic-
cellible. 'Hide are auxiliaries to th.e bird-men or clim-
bers, who eiilier Icnimble up the face of iierpendicuhu-
rocks, with molt altonilhining courage ami dexteritv, or
they are lowered down by ropes, u.inetimcs above' lOO
lathoms over prqiecting precipes. Som of the biuls
will allow themlelves to be !ei/.ed in tl.ur nells ; others
are taken in a net (ixed to the end ot a pole, which tliL-
bird-man applies tt) the mouths of the holes from
whence they take their llight. In climbing up the
rocks two bird-men tie tluniielves together w-ith a rope
of a moderate length. The lirll being puflred up by
the other's pole to a projiei llanding-i'lace or projection,
fixes himlelf to the rock, and the kcoiid clambers up,
aliilled by the roi)e that is tied ro\:nd the waill of
his tellow. In this manner th.e\ proceed alternatclv,
till they arrive at the birding j.hues. But limietimes,
in fpite ot all tlieir (kill and precaution, one fli; s, and
dragging the other after him, both perilh. Some
liertons alio lole their lives yeady in the other operation
ot delcending trom the lummits ; loofe fragments of the
rock beii.g moved in the delcent, fometimes fall upon
and kill the bird-man ; and lometiiues the ro|ie being
cut by the Iharp-iJointed llones, he is precipiated and
dallied to pieces among the rocks.
l"wo ot the N' rwcgian birds are known bv the names
')t the iiorth-wind-fowl and ibuth-wind-fowl : the for-
mer is ot a grc)- colour, fmaller than a darling, and
makes a very uncommon nolle previous to the biowiiv
ot the norih wijid ; and the latter never ajipears in Nor-
way but as the fore-runner of a ibuth wind ; lie, .ce they
both receive their a]i])ellations.
The trier, or cock of the wood, .'j the princijial of
the game kiwis, and the largell of all the eatable birds
in the country ; it refembles a wild Turkev-voc! in tlu;
bill .md feet, has black or ilark grey featiiers, and re/
round the eves.
The Norwegian eagle is of two f'pecies, ihe water'
and land eagle. The water uigle is the largefl, and
lives chiefly on th.e produce of the feas and rivers, 'Hie
land eagle preys upon land anim.ils, fuch as Iheep,
hares, lambs, kids, &c. Independent of winch he kill-;
many birds, and has fometimes been known to dellrcy
About the latter end of autumn the Norway I'.vallows
try to conceal theinlijlves among the reei'.s and bullies
ill frelh-water lakes, where they rem.mi all the winter
7 ^ i:i
A M:W ANn AT rillAllC- SYMI.M ot TNIS I.RSAI, (il.Of .RAl'l 1 V.
«■; ■■■
IN! ; il I
•V- "« '
in a ll.itc ot nillnlihililv , .md iv\ivi.- .;i',.',iii m tlic l|irin<;.
Tlic [valaiUs ;iiul lillurnun tiv ;iuii:lv tiiul wluik-
lloclvb i>t till. in ill tliis liciuimlvil i ):ulitiuii, muiiliil
tugctlur, Willi tlitir Ll's .iiul billi cni.ini;lfil. It
briiu:;lu into .i warm a;i.irtnu';u ilit\ t^'i-1 ilnj culiviii-
iiii; wanntli, and in .lUnn lial! an LoiirN iiiin.-, lii.;v',in
to iiuivi. ; !0'in aliiT ilu \ lliittii, and even li.-i',m to (h
about ; Inii, within llic ijiacc nt an hour, tln.y droj)
do'.vn lii-ad ; whiih is oAing to tlu-ir l.,inj; luiiiiaiuiv
ly waked troiii tiicir Ktliargv , or i\\ i\ ilied biton- tiie
natural tinu.
'I'iic .\i)riViX,;an ll-a^ alioirid uiih lilli, a:niin» uliiili
is a l]ic'iies ot the lli.irk ealLd liaae-inn.'ri.r., whith i^
ten tathoMi-- in length, and aIioI'i.' IivvT :. lo tat a^ to
jieldthrei- lalk^ot train ml.
'1 he liellelhnder i> ainudiSioib lar^^e k.ini.1 nl iiirl«>t,
which, upon various oeeaiions, ajipears to have e.\lii-
bited rymjil'i ivj ot ri\eni;e ai;ainli mankind.
The wliakbone, or biuboer-vvliale, wliiih we have al-
ready tielenbed in our aeevaint ot ( iie.nl.iii 1, i-- likeuile
tuuiul in the Noiwet^ian li..i>>, ai aiv ^J,re.U number-- ol
(j)criiia-e.Lii \\lialev.
In januar'. , 1761, a rperma-eati whale w. is brouL'Jit
into (jreenlaiul lioek In a tr.idin;.; v^tUl. 'l"liole ulio
wore eoiuernel in taking', it, gi\e the tollouing ac-
count of this liili, and the mann^i in wliii.ii thev kil-
led it.
As tlu'v '.vrre i;oing, lhiMiii',li llie 1 lojie thev lav
fomethinji, llu.uin'j, ai a dill.ince, whleh ai>i)eaivd to
them like the malt ot a ihi'ii ; but as thev aiiiiroacheil
it, llu-\ dilcovered it to be a lafL',!' '.ill, .md, mion teeing
it call up a [^rtat ijuintiiv ot wa! r, com link il it was a
whale. TIkv chacid l.im alliore belmv the I Io|k'-
Toini, aid went oil" lo Inn in their bciats. lie leemeil
a motionU-t-' lump, his h-.ad and t.iil Iv.-ini; concealed in
the water. They tiiilpieued the promnunt 'urts ; and,
having diiLT a hole twelve inches deep, a i^.eat torrent
ot blood iliiK'd t.irth. L']ion this thev withdrew to a
diRance. and loon alter the boat h.ul palled him (a.s
the water w.is deep eiiouj;li over his tail) he Itruck the
ground with fuch violence as to Kirce up Hones and
mud to a great height in the air. They waiieil about
three (]i!arier!. of an hour, and then he expired with the
nioft horrible L^roans. .Alter this they iailcned a cable
to liis body, and.it lai1 bruu^Iit hiu to Cireenland-ilock
where he was fee!i by levvi..! ihoulands of neople.
They took out t)l his liead eight puncheons of fjier-
nia-ceti, whiili lay between the eves and the Ipout-hole,
in iliftercnt cells in the b:ain. .Its extreme length was
54 f^et, and its breadth 14 ; the lower jaw was 10 fe^'j
and the length of the penis eight i the tail meafured 15
Anionyll a valuable coilecVion ot lurioiis anatomi-
cal li;j,aie- in thi^ metropolis istlie ikekton of a whale of
this kind. Thole who laew this ciuiolity lay, that it
will coiUain thirtv people in its lie.ul, and tilty
in IM clieil i and lh.it twelve hoglheailb ol lj>erma-
ceii oil were t.iken out ot its up|>er jaw, or rather
that part of the head above it, which vv.is entirely com-
pofed of llelh and oil.
This whale wa^ thrown allioie on the llle of Thaiict,
Feb. ;, 176a, and lueafures Irom the liiiut to the tail-
tin, 72 feet. The upper jaw, whicii .ap|K'ar') to be one
filid bone, is 16 teet long, and lix bio.id at the top,
where It is vvideil, and from whence il grows narrower
to the end of the fnout, which terminates in a point.
AJone, tile middle ot it runs a art of a kind of (kull.
The iintler lavv is not near f) wide ai fhc ujiiwr, herein
bciny, (ull tiie reverie ol die toothlefs whale. .Vt tiie dil-
tance of about eight teet from the liiuut it divides ami
become! forked, in order to receive in the cavity a pio-
I'.i'.xTance of the upper ji.w, whii h feems e.xa«;'tly to lit it.
Tiiia ;«.v had two rows of teeth. The upper jaw
has no tixih ; bill, inl'u.ul therelore, li.ere is a'^rc .vt or
tuiket to receive ihol'c ol the lower; lb tiiat, \|iear to common realoii a. a :,:;\c ;
tor we mull not liipix.le that nature is lb uneiiu.il m
lu r propoitions. Hevuiid the linkels of the eves are Ii.e
I Ao tin bones, which are very thick, live teet long, a:,(i
two leel three inches m the bro.ide'l part. There a'-c
eleven ribs on e.icli lide, the laigell ol which Ls teniniUe;
in circumlerence. Tiie ribs lorm a cavity eit^lit ti.vt
wiile within the bodv ol the lilh, and 111 vvhrdi wi.rc
containeil the hiari, lungs, j^c. The back-bone is .ir
much the lanie dilLime Iroiuilie lloor, bv which t!;er:b>
are luppoited. I'lie back bone, which is ilnee feel Lu
ii'.iiKS ihak, ^mealured in the lotiiid part onh, tor iL-
up])er pan ot it is clolelv let, throughout die whnie
length ot It, with Ipinal bone^, like thole of a hog' a. -I
the tail liiis, wiiieh e.-iiemls aboii; 15 feet, crr.poU tl.L-
red ot this Ikeletoii.
Though manv p.uls ot ilf^ Ikekton feem nuuh de-
caveil, prob;ibiy owing, in a great mealiire, to the iirii-
ri».s It mull h.ive unavoidablv received in being removal
from ]. lace to pklce, il is iieverthelels highlv wonhv the
alteiilion of thole who deliglit in natural cunolilies.
The |)articulars, as related al-.ove, wer^ l.Uely taken by
one ol the authors of this work.
.Seals abound about the coall of N'orvvav , thev r^iidi
in caverns and rocks m the lea, but go or Ihore Ivuec
a year, to bring tbith their young. I'he) are ealily kiliiil
by the hlhermen, who llrike tiiem over the note iviili
large llicks ; after which the fat is iL'id oti" with the
ikm i the l.ittu' being Iprinkled with tail, and rolldl
up linglv, and the toniierdepolited in talks tui train oil.
The lea Icorpion is a lilh about four feet lung, with a
head larger than the whole body, of a hideous ali)cci,
wide mouth, enormous jaws, and liiuill fcales, ot" a leJ-
dilli colour. Its bite is poilonous, and it 1^ an exceed-
ing voracious creature.
The lea devil is about li\ teet in ieiiflh, but' the he.ui
makes lull one halt of the lilh. The bodv luddenly laj.Li.
into a Iharp-iJoiiUed tail ; the eves are large, and the laws
vviile and horrible, let with d tlerent ro . ot Ihaip leetli ;
the tongue is likewile iurnilhed with a kind of teeth, ur
Iharp protuberances, lb that the bite is tiriiblei and
all round the under jaw, which projei'ls bevoiul lie
iippei;, there are hanging llips, or.grilUy furs, of abiait
foiirjiiclies iiv lengtii. This liih i^ eMiemely voraciuii ,
dellroving ilinumei.ible other lillHs of various IpeiK^
and li/es ; ,ind it he cm Ki/e u|j
whicii is ihr^c tcci lai
iiiuiil j'art iiiily, tor il c
tliri.u_L!,lii.'ut i!ic whole
like iliulc- oi a lioi; .i:.'l
i; 1 5 tcci, cj:r.poU il.c-
.cicloii Icvm iiuicii lic-
it incaturc, id tlic iivu-
.civcil in being rcinowil
iclcls lii^lih wonhv the '
t m natural ciinoliius.
c, wcr^ lately taken by
ut' Norway , they r^iidc
I, hut j;o or IliDic tvMce
li;. I'licv are calily kilkil
:iiem over ilic note uiili
,it IS llea.l oti' with lli.e
•d with lalt, and rollnl
Itcil in calks tor train oil.
lut tour tcet long, with a
Iv, ot a huicuiis atJH.ct,
id I'liKill Icales, ot a rtJ-
l;s, and it i^ aii cvcctd-
in lenjiih, hut ihc- hcv.l
."lie lx)ii\ imldenly taiieri
esare larg,e, and the jaw-;
livnl 1' ■ ot Ihaiji teeth ;
with a kind ot teeth, or
he bite i'i terrible ; ami
h |>roiei"ls Ix-yoiul tic
or.'a,riill\ turs, ot abiait
l^ cMrcmch \oraciuii~,
lilliis ot various Ijiccks
i|xm a iiuwi that i^ balli-
u hull.
; are caugb.t in "nat
all (Uer I'iuioj.'e.
|titul tilh, and is cvrv
teiualc may be dillii-
iiij^ a lonj^er and inor.-
that are not iiiiile ;o
leckled over with il.i;k
lly IS llatter, the ll. h
nor yet ii the taiL- u
lb rod wlien boile^l, as
[r, tiakv, and lulcioii- ,
loner, and is hauler ot
Verred to that ol other
liiiu!, it grinvs more la-
|ts lively colour. Soiiu-
the bei!,iiuiing of Jui\.
|na\ be known by tluir
Iie.iutil'ul Ipots, and I'V
Iheii they are i|uile i.ut
a diticrcnt kind.
I tome parts '-^ lalnion-
tho oliipring ot -i li'-'^-
ly ihlmoii, which has been forcibly detiincd from villt-
iriQ, the lalt water; it is apr.-eahle enough to the eye.
though its talie is very or^linary ami iiilipuh The lal-
:iioa chutes the river tor its abode .ilviui liv n-.oail'.s in
the vear, ciiierinL'; the trelli water alioi;t l-Vhriiary or
Mauli, in liiiue I'laces, wliere they confiinie to the au-
luninal Ualon, at whicli time they call their I'pawn, and
loon alia- return to the lea. In {:^eneial the lalt water
lontribuie'. moll to their growth, and i:-e tVelh re:uler.,
thei.i tat.
W iieti tl'.e time ot Ipavainp, comes, the female makes
a hole in a gravellv boti.im, like a kind of' nell, ot her
cwn d'lUenlions ; which done, llie dilcharfj,es lier tpawn
nnd retires. 'I'hen the male, oi milter, advances and
cover., the I'pawa with its belly, emittuifj; at tl'.e lame
tune, a whiiilh Ihiitl like milk. After this the temale
return?, and they both endeavour to cover their brood
w;ih!;ravel, in which they work witli their notes like
i'hev then return to the dee]i to recover their
llreni;t!i, which, they ulu.di) do in about twenty davs.
'riie talmoii h.is d'.tHrent names, accordiiig to its
«litljrviit .at^aes , being in the ilrll year calleil linelts, in
the leiond Iprinls, in the third ni.Mis, in the tourth
forktails, in the titth halt' li'li, aiul in the li\lh, at
wliich time ihev are thought to have att-iinetl their pro-
per growlli, they ai\- judged worthy of the name of
talinoiis. When the; .ire largell they weigh near forty
'I'he hen 1 12 is from I'l.K niches to a foot in le;;gi!i.
That which didiiiguilhes this lilh fro^n all oth.er.,, is a
Icalv line ihit runs along tl'.e belly ii'om the head to the
tail. I'he colour on the belly and lides is ot a lliiniiig
iilver ; betides, the Icales are l.irge, and come regu-
larly oil', li has no tpois, and the belly is lliarii like
a wedge, with red eyes The I'caljs are large in pro-
poriioii to t'he body.
A herring liies immediately after it is taken out of
the water, whent.e the proverb aril'es, " ;\s dead as a
herring." The Ikih is every 'where in great ellcem,
being, fat, loft, and d.elicate, el'pecially it it be died as
loon as caught ; for tlien it is incomnaraiily better than
on the ne.\t iho . There are vail ^luanlities of thete
titli ta'.en, falte'.l, Imoak -dried, and ci)nlumed all over
1-lerriiigs are dilVinguiilu'd into li'. d'li'erents lorts; as
the fil h-iring, wi.ich is the largell anil t'.iickefl of all,
and will ke.]! longer than any ; the meat herring, whicli
is likewile large, but not to thick or to fat as i!ie for-
mer ; the night heriing, which i. of a middling li/.c ;
the pluck, which has [eceiveil tome damage from the
nets ; the lliotten herrir.g, which has loll its roe ; and
the copllien, which by loiiie acciiLiit or other, has loll
Its head.
Thele ufeful fithcs annually vilit the wellern coail of
N'orway in fuch ama/ing fwarms as to exceed all beliel.
I'i'.e innumerable Ihoals that emerge from their llieher
luulcr the ice, towards the north pole, divide them-
klves into three bodies, about the latitude of Iceland.
One of thefe dircds its courl'e wellwaril, lleering round
the Hebrides, ami coall of Scoiland, towards N'ew-
t'lundland ; the fecond fleers towards the coall of
of prey, casi ealily en-
ter between the channels, ami among the rocks near ihe
fhorc. and thefe continue the purl'uit in fuch a manner,
as to drive thi>cods and herrings into every little creek
and inlet, and even to the very margin ot the water; to
that innumerable tjuantities may be cauly taken. Se-
N O R W A Y.
' 1
•.eral hundred Ihij) loads of |iickled herring are yearl/
exporteil trom Bergen only, Ixlides the great -lUaatily
confuiued at home by the common -people.
The l.irgell and f.ittell herrings ajpear upon the i Jaf!
from (.'hrillmas to C'aiuileilK^, al whieii I'e.ifon the
country peo])le allemble upon 1 he ihore ingre.it nuu-
bers, with their bo.us, calk-, lalt, lilliing-tiekle, in:.
Ill the compals of -one mile near 300 boats are daily
employed, lor a month together, in Milling. Tiie net.
are about 10 feet in leiigih, and, in each, the liiher-
men will often cati h lu ir 5000 herrin-gs. The fattefl
and bell are pickled lor e.xportalion ; but the uo:!l fort
are conlumed in the couiurv. The cod, ling, kabe-
lian, and forik, are ciught in flro:ig nets of 4C0 fa-
thom 1:1 leiii'th, in 50 or h'} falliom water : then being
pickled with l-'reiich or Sjianilli fait, or dried bv various
methods, they are, in general, e.xi)orted to Bremer.,
I-lambuigh, Amllerdani, he. The Norwegian cod
:-i:!in-, Ik- had Iccii a
incniiaid, with lon^ hair, and lari;c hivalU.
" TIk- mariui(.lc, or iiiariiiaic, belongs to the lame
clals, and is perhaps, the yoiuig ot tins li)ccies. It is
t'ortued I't (litlerent li/.es, and utten laiij^ht on hooks h\
th.e tilhernien ot' Norway. Some are no bigger tiian in-
fants halt' a \ ear old, and otiurs are a^ large as ehikheii
tit three ye.ns.
" 'I'lie I'ea-liiake is peeuliir to the Noiuegian leas,
where it h.is been I'een by mans huiiilrid people, man-
ners, lilliermen, and others, in the uar 1746, a ma-
riner belonging to Ber;;en, Ihot at a t'ea-li'.ake, whici\
imniediateiv dii'appeared ; and when the boal was row-
ed near the place, the water ai>ix-areil tm;>d Willi
l)lood. The iitad <'i liiis anini.il, whi^h it held at leall
two t'eet above the luriaee of the wiler, was ot a greyuli
colour, and relembled the head of a horie. The mouth
w.uvery large, and blaei; ; the eves wjie ot the lame
eolour i' and a long white mane hu;;;; ilowii Irom its
neek, whitli floated on the lea. Belidcs i!ic head, ihev
they law teven ur
'lit coils of this li'ake, about li
dilhinee of a fathom one from the other.
" In Kgede's journ.il of the (iaenland miluon, we
find that, on the 6lh of Jul;, 17 J4, a hug
id Irhd"-
ful I'ea moiuler railed iilelf to a moil lurpiiling height
out of the water: that it ii.ul a long Ihaij) liioui, bro.ul
paws, and fpouted water like a whale : tliat the body
teemed to be covered with I'cales : tlie Ikin w.is uneven
and wrinkled ; and tlu' lower part wa. formed like a
Ihake. It plunged itleif b.u k in the water, and then
railed its fail aliove the fuil.ice a wl;,ile llup's length
trom tlic liead.
" Thouuii the exact dimenlions of the fea-lnake can-
not be alcuiained, it ".ly be concluded, Irom the con-
curriiv telliir.ony of ihoie who have leen it at lea, that
it is ICO fathoms' in length, and tliat its body is as l.irge
as a Ixigllicail. That its lenle ot uueiiing is very acute,
the lilliermen conjeoiure from the cireumllance ot its
aviiiding the tccr.t ol callor, a quamliy ot whii.li they
therefore jirovide iheinrelves with when lluy go out lu
tiili in tiie lumnier ; antl when th.ev meet t!ie lea-lnakj
they throw a linall jiortion ot it ovi.rboar iwns. i lis !p;aiou^ j.ius unfold,
.And, lu.nlii.iU'd rouad the wide exjiaiile, dilclole
Teeili edg'd with di-.i'ih, and crowding rows on raw:,,
\\ hat hitleous tangs o;i (.■itlicr liue arile !
A'.v.\ what a tlecp .iby Is between them lits !
Mete with thy lance, AtvA with thy ])lunnnet louii I,
The one how long, the ollur how proluur.d '
Tiiole luiiable to the great fea-fnake are ai f(;llow;
W'lun lale aw.ik'd he rears him from the lloods,
And, llretching torth his llature to the clouds,
Wiiihes in the fun alofi his Icaly height,
.\:ul ilrikes the ihllant hills with traulietit light.
I'.ir round are fital d.imp's of tenor Ipread :
'1 he mighty fear, nor blulh to ow.t their dread.
The lolloping lines are applicable to tire kraken, t!i.it
alloiiilhing animal, hitherto unconiiuered by tlie 11. oil
lubile, ami iliciiled by the molt courageous :
1 li . like earth bears not on her iji.icious f.ice ;
Ali'iie, in nature, Hands his dauutkfs race,
for utter ignorance ol tear reiiuwii'd,
in wrath he rolls his balelul eyes around ,
M ikes ev'ry hvol'n, dild.unlul heart lubtide,
iVnd holds tlominion o'er th.e Ions ot pride.
si: cii(K\ 111.
JX-fii-)!/, F.iUKjiifl^^i; flihl lu:':.'J.:i of tbe A' 't.-y' /.•.•.•;••.
D:/i>'lfiicti of tti Jijliii.i (jover>iMi-i:h ur /'/^'^...hm j
ll:c Kiii^duiii.
"" I "'[ IF, people of .\orivay derive their origin t'li.m llie
-•- ancient Normaiiiii, a barbarous race, who aiiiio\al
gieat |).irt of the e-oalls of hairojie with |)iratieal ar. ■,..■.-
nlenl^, in tlie eighth, ninth, and l.nlli c 111 11:1 .
Manv Danilli, IJiglilli, Dutch, Scotch, and (;en;ia:i
fimihes, have lince lltiled in thii country, and ii'.v
form a conliderable |iart of the inhabitants.
'I'heir laiigu.ige, in moil iil.icc-, is tiie l.imewiih I'.u
of Iceland, which proves them to be ot the lame o;,u;:::
but, in the civili/.etl ])art . of the country, the ku.gu.uy
differs but little from that of Denmark.
The Chrillian religion is laid to iiase been p'.iiii.d
liere about the miiklle ot t!ie tenth centii.) ■. li-.e ;\|.).-
mation was ell.iblilhed by the D.ine-. ; lo tli.U l.uih-r-
aniliu is the naiional religion. 'I'he) h,i\e an ili.!io'i!i";)
at Droiitheim, and a bilhop in eai h ot the l>)ur loil.i .-
ing towns, namelv, Bergen, Sialkinger, 1 lamiiier, a:- 1
Oiifolo, otherwife called Chrillianbuigh.
jullice is adminillercd herein fever.il courts, \- ■.<.
whitli apjieals lie lo the liipivnie couil, \\iiich is kli.. .
ill the capital ot the kingdom, i\liere tiie vuenn IlIui. ,
who governs this Hate with an ablolute power.
Norway is divided into tour governments i;r i •
feeioilhip^, v, hich are thole ot Aggiihus, 1.'. ■ ',
Droni'min, anil WardliU ; beiide:, thii oi lii'i,
wliiih is liiiijeei to Sweden ; ;;:id liie l.v.rd ill;:uk ■
pending 0:1 ,\orwa\. t)l' all tk.l'e we ihall ei\j a u..-
iinCt account.
The pioviiicc of Ai-'ihus in I.ali", Agi.-rl'i: ■.
I'ui'feOtura, is the fcuiL-uait ju.i ot Noi.\.i\,
IjIji J
IS large lilh. Forw;mt
)iall;ig>.'s in til*; l)o.,k
:\\k\\, l\;uiii^ Ikid liv--
■ p.irts (,is lin(.l\ I'.ii.i-
'ounu) wiiiili ivpiiis I')
, wc huvc iilivaily |',iu:i
['lie liiK's \sl'.i'li lim ill'.-
llriU rill-,
. ,ul his woiurr )IH fi/i".
iir;iw ivjur ? Hi'huKl
. iou-.j.u\s uritoM,
kIc cxjuiilo, diltUil'.-
crovM-iiiig rows uu ruw:,,
r (iJc an If !
.vn tlicin lii.^ '.
ill thv jiliiiiniut I'juii 1,
r how jiroloiir.il '
N C) II \V A Y,
.■a-lii.ilN.c arc a> lu'ilmv ;
liiu from the IIoo.Ia,
turc to the cluu>ls,
Ualy hei!;ht,
wiih iranliciit liu,lit.
r lerior iprcail :
10 ov, :'. I'.wn iiie.ii
itabk' to tlte kraliii, lli.U
.iieoni;ULrc>.l by tlic n\M
ill courageous :
her r|>.u ious iaie i
■> dauiiikw raec.
ives uroiiiul ,
lul h'.'.irt lubliik-,
;„• ll)iii ot' 1 ride.
;;.;; (/ t!.Y A'crr.-YJ,'.-.- ■.
•jcnwu'iits uf l'i'oii/^t,i) J
invo their orii^in frwin the
I'liarous nv.e, who aiuvn.J
lojie with piratieal a;-.u.>
i, ami ti.i\tli teiiturK .
Ill, Scotch, :nKl (ier,;i;i:i
thi, country, and n '.v
|i. iiih iliiiaiits.
lie-, is tiie laiuewiih ti ..I
to he of the I'air.e t,.;^:::
he count IV, the l,i;.-i%>-
ud to iM\e been |''.lii!.>l
It.-ntli centu-.y •• ti'.e :\t >.-
)atie. : lo ih.a l.ni:,-i-
I'hey haveaiiiM.h'"'iM-;>
11 caih of the lour ioi: ! -
■ taHiuii'cr, 1 Luumev, .t. !
V ill leveral courts, t.'.
ic courl, which is Icit- ■
where tiie \nep') iMhi- ,
|;iblijhuc j.ower.
ir ;'overniii'-'ni ■, '•'•■ ! '
i.i A;»;ciliu^, I' •
l„.|idr', ihu oi h / .
;,a i!K' r.v-ral ill'.nd '
l!..;'e we Ihall jyve au..-
I , Ml Latin A'^;i.-rl": '•■
1 ;,;i hi Norway, ■'-'■■•'• ■•
litu.Uctl bctw;?en tlic jirovinc' of Horpen on the well,
tnun which it i. I..i)a:aie.l by vail mouniiins; Dalcailia
and Uahuj, which beioni; to Sweden, on the elll ; the
nioulli of the Ba!tit, c iiled the Cati.i;atc, on the li)Ulii ;
and the |)roviiice oi Orontlieiiii on the north. Its ex-
tent troiii tbuth to north, i'- about po iiiile., and fro.ii
call to well, in the luuth iian, about i :o ; but it f.iow.s
narrower iiorth*iard, till it ends in a i'>oin(. 'llx. land is
mountainous and wood', but tlie vailies are tolerably
IruittuI, being watered bv iiian\ lakes and nvuKts,
vsciuli pafs through the ciunin, a:id lall into ih. Baltic.
It l^ divided into li\ pattnihar gov>.rnuieiit--, vi/,. Agde-
linden, I lalhngdal, 1 laminer, I leniieni.irk, Roiiimev-
ritkir, and ralleiiiaik. 'I here aie lure Lveial lea-ports,
parliiularly Ideckeren, were the li;hiiig-tr.ade atiurds a
pretty confidcrable income.
The moll conliderable cities an 1 town'- ot this pro-
vince are Oblelo, Anllo, or ChriiHana, in Latin /\n-
lloa, or Aniloga Civitas, or C'hrilliana. 'I'hev cine! < ii\
of this province is fcated at the bottom of a narro.v b;y,
and i-- jo iniles dillant trotu the B.:!tic, and about I lo
from Schagen-Caiie in Jutland, to the north. It i> the
teat of the li)vereigii court I't uillice, wher>' lenl»-nces arc-
pronounced m the pretence ot the govern. ir ol iji^- | ro-
vince of Aggerhus, and vl t!ic viieioy. Tins city owes
its found.atioii to king Marold, cotemporaiy wiihSweno,
king of Denmark, Unnamed I'.lhiiius becauii: he was
(he Ion of iNLugaret, I'urnained f'.llrita, diugluer to
Sweno II. and filter to Ca'uite the (ireat. Harold kejn
his court here in the midtlle ot tlie eleventh cenuirv .
When the Sivedes were beruging the tort of Agger-
hus, in the year 1567, the Daiies, in order to take trom
them all pretences for Having in the country, burnt the
city of Dbleio, A peace was concluded between them
iliree years after; ami I'lederick II. of Denmark, under
whole reign this town was burnt, dying in 158.S, his
liiccelibr Chrillian 1\' relvoilt it in 1614, and called 11
Ciiriltiana, by which name it has been g-iieraily kn n\n
ever liiici.. it i< the fee of a bilhop, under the aieh-
bilhopof Droiuheim. 'I'he cathedral is iL-dicated li)
St. /Vlward, and in it is fiiewn the fword ot Ha-iuin, one
of their ancient kings, the hilt of which is of chryltal,
and a great curi'jiiiy fir art, a> well as anti^juity. This
p a place of good trade lor li. -timber, piich, &c.
,\lanv mackarel are caught here; and nui.h i:earl is
I >und : ot the latter, LLiiricus Arnoldi, a Dane, gives
the fjllo'.virig account : their lliells are like thole of nnif-
(les, but larger, and tiie lilh hkt :\\ oyller, which pro-
cuees a great duller of eggs, like thote ot cr.iy-!ilh, tome
vUiite, and fome black. Tliele eggs, when ripe, are call
out, and grow like the ilicll, from wl.ence llicy came :
1 ul fometiiues it happens, that one or two of thet'e eggs
i!ick tali to tiie tide of the matrix, and are not voided
witli the i.:l : tlu-le being ted by the tiih, in time grow
Mitn pearls otclillerent li/.es, and imprint a maik, both
111 the tilh ami lliell, of the I'aine ligare wit'i thcm-
; Ive.. I:i this city the iniiitiai rii^s b.tween king James
\ 1. ol S otl-uid, atterwards kin;-, ot Laigland, and
.'\niie, the daugliler of l-'rederiek II. kiiiii ol Denmark,
were iblemni/.ed, on ihe iid day ol No.vtnber 15^9,
that prince luuing taken a voy.ige thill, er, upon tiie
lidv's being driven back by contrary winds v\hen Ihe
hrii lit out for Scotland.
y\ggtrlius, or Aggerhullor, in L.uin AL-'V-rhuila, I'.om
wliich tlievvhok' province l ikes its nanu"-, lies on the bot-
ii:n of the lame ba\ , about 15 miles tromChri'.liana, to
the lljutli-well. It has a llrong catUe, luemc.rable tor t'.ie
brave relillaiac it made againi'. the Swedilh army hi the
vear 15O7, which belieged it hotly for 18 weeks together,
i)ut was at lall beat otl', and torced lliauetuilv to reiire.
Friderlcklh.Jl, or l''rideri>.kll.idt, in l.aiia hridirico-
li.idium, llindson iheCategale, at the nvjut'' ot ihe river
(ilammeii, whicii riles in the nioamaiiis 1,1 il^e pro-
vince of Drontheim, and having palled tliiMu 'h'AgcTjr-
hus falls here into the lla,, and tiicreby ait'>rds (,,is
city a pretty good trade. It is about 50 miles dillant
from the town of Aggerhus towards the loutii-eall, uell
tortitied, and ot fuch importance, that it is deemed
No. 57.
the key of this kingdom. Charles Xli. kuTr ol Swe-
den, tat down betore it 111 the bi-giniiing of December,
1718, and i\.is killed there by a lanii'-ii ball, the 1 Uli
ot the I. line ii.oiiih, as he was xiewing tl e trenche .
S.ili/.lxrg i, a liiiall lown on the nver DiTuiiii'i',
whiili tail-, into the bay of C'hiilliana, from whicii ciiy
It IS about 15 mile^ dillant to the north. Ii has aprctt.
conliderable trade trom t!;e neighbouring tojijn.T and
iron mine;.
'I'on!i)eig I'larub on the kit (Imr. of ihe bay of Cliri-
lliana, and is about :o iv.iles dillant trom the city of
that ii.iiiie to ilie louth.
Skeen, or S> hcen. a i'ew ndlc, from Tongfberg, Hands
on ilk C'atigatc. IJotli tliefe towns arc piaccs of good
trade, by means of the betiirementioiied mines. y\ iilver
one w.is dilco\ered in the neighbourhood under the I'eigii
ot C'hriltian IV'. but it appears that it is not a rich ohl,
not being vsorkcd at j)rcleiit.
Hammer, or [ I iir.meaf. Hands on the eaflern h.:;nk of
a long and narro.. lake, formeii i') a rivcr which, above
40 liiiks lower, t.ilis into the (ilammen. It is 100
mi'es dilhiiit l>on; Chrilliana, to the noviii-eall, and was
l< lerly a billup's tee, which has been removeil to
Ciiriltiana. Jt isilivideii into the (ireater and Lilier
i iammer, which are parted In a fmall canal, or arm of
the lake.
I lo'.le:', leated on the lake of Nordl'ee, i 5 mik^ from
Toiilhcrg to the nortli-vvefl, i. remarkable tor its cliurcli,
wniih l^ cut out of the ro( k called Vear, and h.is a bu-
rv ing-placc i>n t!ie lop of it. It is very ancient, and I'up-
poled, by Olaus \v'ormius, to be originally a tcm;,le of
the heat hi ns.
The proviiicc or government of Rergci, or Berg-
eniius, compri/.'s t!ie motl liiutherly, and alio the molt
wellerly pan of Norway, and i^ I'urrounded by the tea on
the liHith, li)u(h-v\ell, v.ell, and north. It has the go-
vernment of Drontheim on the north-call, and that of
Aggerluis on the call. Its extent from Cape N.i/.e, in
tlie louth, to lat. 61 deg. 30 min. where the government
ot Droiuheim begins, i^ about 090 miles; but itsgreatell:
breadth, tic>in call to well, is r.ot above 90 miles, and
in many places much lets. It is divideil into the govern-
ments of Bergen, properly li) called, and Stavinger,
which are again fubdivided into kller dillrich, or jira-
The cliii-f towns here are Bergen, an ancient and fa-
mous ka-pori, mentioned bv Fomponius Mela, and
I'linv ; it ihind. on a crool-ed bay called Jeltefiord, into
which t!ie entrance is by a narrow llrciglit named Car-
melurali, bordered on each lide with high rocks for
leveral miles together. This town is 137 miles dillant
trom Chrilliana .0 the north-ueft. The bay here is lij
deep, that vetfels of above 4C0 tons can er.ter it, and
come to load and unload Ixtore ihc inercliants ware-
liouk's. The inhabitants are parry natives of this
country, and partly Ciermans and Danes, v.liom the
convenience ol the town tor trade has draw ti thith.er,
ihis being the principal mart and magazine for leveral
niercl andizes ; divers torts of tine t'urs, \al1 quantities
ot hides, t.allow, tir-timber, Sec. being brought liiiher
trom the neighbouring jirovinces, and lliipjied off to
loreign ]\irts The inhabitants drive alio a conliderable
tr:idc in llock-lilh, wliici'. are lake" on thele coalts, and
in the lake-, in Janu.u'\, .lud dried in the open air. The
pri\llegc,i granted by the king ot Denmark to llrangers
make them Hock to tliis ti,v, n, and import thither ihofc
necillaries ot lile which the country does not produce,
as wheat, rye, bilcuils, beer, \^ ine, brandy, &c. which
they exchange hir tlie nierchaiidi/es abovemeiiiioned.
This ir. the tee of a bilhop, jluflragan to the archbilhop
ot Drontheim. 'Ihe churches here are pretty well
built, as are aHoall iheeditices railed bv tne merchants
ot the Han -Towns, and iianicularly their exchange.
The common people's houl'es were tiirmerlv of timber
onlv, and covered wiih turt, lb that the town w.;- kve-
ral times iviluced 10 allies; but lince the year 170:,
when it was almoll entirely burnt down, the lioules
have been rebuilt with llone, lo that it is now reckoneil
7 R the
1 I
the Urgi.-fl, moll luMutitiil, aiul moll imi uloiis town m
Norway, ami is ti.i' lijiliI cI ihc wln.lo kin|;il'mi.
On tlic vMlt-luli.' 1)1 till' iiHMi ll.uuls .1 roval cii.uUl, iii
wIulIi tlic i;ii,i.iuor r.iidts, ami vslm.li Uivt:. alio \>
ilcli 111! till' i:ailHuir.
TIktc is at Ikryi'ii a fachir\ lalUil iIjl- CliNlUr, ii\
vvhiili a loiiiiiiunity of nuTLiiaiUs livo, who arc Itilcd
Monks, tlioiit;li tluy wca; no | articular habit, aiul lia\c
luniiing III (.oiimioii with inuiik-, cMcpt that tluy arc
not iiMnicil.
Siavanncr, or StafTan{;i.r, tlic iliivt town of tho ilil-
triv,'t ot the lame name, llaiui' in ti.e hay e.illed Hiiek-
entiortj, whiih i-. very Ipaeuais, lull ot liiiall idamS,
anil 8o miles ilillant trom Ber{.',en to the t'oiith, anil too
from Chrilhana to the I'elL The harbour is ijiaci-
ous and late, and would have a i',reat tiailc were it
not l the iii il! temperate, the bell peopled, \iul
bell cuilivated i:i all Norway ■, yet it ha no other town
of any note but Stavanger.
Drontheim, Tro:u!ie:m, Dronthcm, or Dronthen,
is the largell government ot Norway. It lie^ along
the coall of the North S.a, being aliout 500 miles
in lengtli, fre-m lliUtii to north. It Ii.is the Norih
Sea on the well, the government ot \\ arilluis on the
ii'jrjh, that of Bergen o:'. the touih, anil on thi. i.ill 11
is l'ej)ar.vt,d tVoni .Sweden by a long ridge of moun-
tains. It extends from the 6 ill to the 69th deg. ot
ht. Iti g.'eateil bre.idth, from call to well, is not alnive
I 20 miles, and in many pl.iccs it is much Iclii. The
c '11 at ry is mountainous, woody, cold, and barren; lb
that, tliuugh it be large, the towns aie not very con-
fulerable. It is divided into two parts, namely, the
gjvernment <;f Drontheim, pro)>erly to called, where
i.< the i.i(y of that name, and leven fmall bailiwick-,
and llic lub-govi-rnmeiU ol Salten, wliicli lop.tams Uvcn
ctluT liiull didrirts, or vallies, on the lea-coall. This
whole j)rovinre was yielded to the Swedes in 1658 ; but
llie king of IVniii.uk rciovercd it 1660, by the treaiy
ot' fojvnhagen. The vallies of Nomendall, Heiliyi-
Imd, ort I'piccj, wiiic.
I'ramh, vinegar, thcde, tobacco, (.cwrle cU.th,, ^,..
1 he governor h.iv his Uat here, and lelide^ cl,i. fl\ ij',
I he lallle.
I he other towns of tlii- provin. e, viz. I.cerlUiid
Stonden, Scoral.ile, Oidal, KamlJael, and Soled.ui,'
.ire to fmall aiul iiuontiiieiahic, a^ tonur t no i)ari;n,,ur
deU riptioii.
The pnnince oi' W.irdlius is bounded, on ihc
noiih and well, by the oivan, oa the lall bv Kulli.m
l.aplaiid, on ,hc loutli bvSwiditli i.aplaiul,' and ,"n
the louth-will by the gcvcriimcnt ol Drontheun. Ji
\- Jio miles in l.iigih, trom call to well, j.o m
iircadth from north to icuih, and is divided into twu
jwrts, vi/.
The wvllern, or maritime part, which is called I- m-
The catlern part, which is called .Nor.ugiaa, cr Da-
iiilli Lapland.
I he town ot Waidhu , from whence this province
liaih Its name, is the teat of a governor, but only luai-
nils ol a callle, and a llreet of coitag^^s, inhabitui i.liMle
Ia tillieriiicn.
Th: province of Bahus, ti:oU|:h yieldvl totheSnuks
in idjS, IS yet accounted a part ot Norw.u, Imtij
Its moll loutiiern |>ioviiice. It 1, 90 miles lon^ hu
not above 25 bro.ul whue wulell, and onlv 10 in lo.ue
1'l.ices. It h.iih Well (iothland to the louth, Dalu oti
I he lall, the government it .XL'gerhus on the iiu.-ih,
and the Cattegate on the >vell. '1 lie principal places arc
Bahus, a llrong caille, built on a tmall ifland in-de
bv the river N'ore-Klf, which there rcceivvs liu: tji-
oil:a Klf, and both together arc called Tiolheiia. It
is 1 16 mile, diftant from Chriltiana , wa^ built in ij09
In II.U|iiiii, the lliond king of Norwav, and llinds on
alieeproik near the banks of the river. The kiii"s
ot Deiimar!. had tortitied it .after the modern falluun,
but liirreitileied it to the Sacdes in 1658, bv the tr'aiv
of RoIc'mI -d. ■
Maellband. a llrorg built toun on a nxk in a kiiij
ot peninfula, about 10 miles hjow Bahus, ii a plate
it great trade tor tilh,
giiaid it.
■nd hath a llrong callle tu
SKCriON iv.
Frrfons, Empluynicnti, /Imujunints, Difpo/itimn, MJ.f
of liviir/,, Dijciifes, Drejs, Huiutin^s', .Iniuuufiu, .:• -
luli-s ij E\pr>rt liiiJ Imjur, I'liii/e «,■.<, iSf. ij :i.w J',-
hai/iLtn!s ol Aciivtiv.
'T'HK Norwegians in gcnci.il, are tall, tloui, k/uuU,
■*■ hardy and well made; holiniable, i>rave, and liu
nell, but litigious. The womm are tinelv llupec,
c Jiiiely, fair and obliging. Tlie mountaineers are tv
inarkaiily llrong, as the tone ot their nerves .leejuirci
gicit nrmnels by hard living, much labour, cuntmu.il
exercile, and being expoled tr.im intancy to all the
rigors ut the cold kalon. Th.ole wIkj dwell in the ma-
ritime ]iarts o\ the kiiigd(^m beiome excellent mar;-
riners, trom the in'.ellaiit practice ot lilhing and navj;:;.>-
tion. riiepealanis are generally their own haiulicraltnie.i,
that is tiicy are in general able to make, for the ule oi
thtmlelves and families, the following articles, v:.'..
I lal-, woollen cloths, linen cloths, llockings, Ih^n ,
iroM-woik, n)inery-work, carjientry-work, &;e.
They are likewile excellent tanners, cqicrt lliip .i.'iil
bo.it-builders, ami Icjme ot them make toleraiile w-
lins, anil other mulical inllruinei-.ts. Their general
pro|xntity, however, is to carve in wood, whiLii
they do in a moll furpriling manxicr, w^ith only a
common knife, which is likewile of their own in.ik-
Their amulement^ ;'.rc riding, wrcfiling, liiimnrii',
(kaiting, climbing, Ihooiing, blowing .. iiorn, playny
on the violin, thiummmg upon a kind of guitlar, ;i'id
making veries. Indeed tliey are fo fond of mulic, that
they eve.'i play on the violin at their funerals.
dry, far ui
irclh rilh,
Clieele th-
whey ;
ings, wcdc
ale ; and,
ever run n
fucli, that
number are
being turne
I7JJ f.ur
ceeil^d 8co
Some te\
'I o dull;
Ciently tl
Oil their
S I noilel
I. ike t:nr
But ri|)ii
Aiu\ u)'n
Thus ilail
< >f lelieni
Siiil ijiiiit
And Ileal
Some of
the gout,
tiurvy, K-c.
The peali
jacket, mai
breeches of
llouched hat
luiimier llioe
leather bulk
Ihoes and Ik
y imix)rt I'liicfs, wine.
', ;ind icliiici cliii fl\ i.t
ovli'.c, viz. l.ivrlUnd,
.niiil.l.i'.'l, .mil SoltiLiil,
ii^ to iiKT'l no i;:irt;ii,l.ir
, is liDumioil, on iho
o.\ tlic i.ilL by kuliuin
Mxlilli l.i;'!:iiul, ami in
iiciit 1.1 Dronllu'uii. li
I e;ul li> well, J..O m
and i^ divliicJ into iwu
art, \vlr.i.i> i> taliid liii-
.ill^'J Norv.i'gia;), i.r I'i-
ini wlii'nCL' tliis iTovincc
g built in 1 jjj
ot Norvsav, and tl.iadb on
lit the rivL-r. Ihi.- kiii;;^
after the modi-rn fdh.u.i,
.■dcs in i65«, by the treaty
town on a rock ni a
Jmv Bahus, ii a ])!acc
d liatli a llrofi!^ lalllc lu
) N IV.
iiliiKis, Di/po/iliiri, Mdf
Ihiiutiiivs, Jimumcnl, ..'•-
r.it, art tall, llout, rui>uU,
holpitable, brave, and lio-
Aor.Kn are tinciy ih-ipo:,
I lie niountainterb are ri-
iL- i>t tlieii nerves .tcnuirc,
iuulU labour, coiiimu.il
1 trom intancy to all the
lole wh, ltoekilU',^, Ihoi ,
])t ntry-work, &;e.
1 i.uiners, e.-qiert Ihip -itid
tlient make toleraiile vi"-
llruinei-.ts. Their geiieial
carve in wood, wlikii
,iny manner, with onK a
kewile ol their own in..k-
li.ne,, wreflling, h\im:iiM.i',
;, blowing .- norn, i.l.iV'.i
j^on a kind ot [iuitt.ir, aul
are i"o lond ot mulie, tlut
at their funciab.
"I'lie Norwo}»ians, tipon variouiociafimis, have cvinceil
|i.,n mtrejiidiiv ; but wliil.' under llie mllu-ncc ot ran-
i>.ur, tlmr courage det;cn.iatcs into brutaiuy. 'liny
a.e alwuvh i,uarreliing with e.ieli otiici, and tonuiiine.s
I ^ir iiiuieis have been known to rage luun geneialion
t I ;,-iieratKin, ind to be tianimiiti. ., Ii ..11 jvuierity In
|)iil.,iiyi with iiarticui.ir iniuaction:, honi ih.- ;i,'.;eni:.
t > iht'ii chiairen, to contida II a-, a taniiiy i|uarrJ, and
e.ii il..it aecount i.i carr) n on wiili tlie gnatill iinpla-
4 ibilitv. The lowxll c'lal^ ut peoj.le have iheir itin.ii-
ll^)^ i.t hiiiiour, and when liiey idiieeive theiuulvei
aH'roiii >l, leiui cnalletiges to ligl ' "i liiigic coinliat ,
but ilnlediielb i)ein^; generalh tounded in nialiee, are
larried to the moll lavaj^e extteilK^, and ikg^neraic
into abluaite bulviiery. Nv !ii.ii a Kinibat ul this kind i-.
to iie t /ii;;iit, the luinbat.ints tallen th, inl.'lve:. to*', llur
by luiuks lixed to tin exiri milieu ol tluir belts, and then
tight turioully with iheir kiinis till one or both till to
the giound, cither de.ul or morially wounded. The
common peoi Ic, in many things relemble tni- three na-
iions nvivv lubordinatc to the crown ot (iieat liiitain :
like tiie Scotch, the) have aijiinng llioii!>.|it\ whiclieveii
dillKuitics cannot IuIaIuc ; like the liilii, thev (lieiilh
ideas ot incle|)endente ; and, iike liie Welch, i1k\
[iluine theinlelvi.s upon liieir iieciigicc'-.
The piiiicijal |.eoi le i^t Norway live as invuiiotilK
as the laiuie and eoniineice ot the country will admit ;
but the jieaUiit-, in general, are frugal and temiKTate,
cxtiji at the lime ot keeping any ot their til'dvals.
The cummon bread 1:1 m.uie ot oatmeal, and lormed
into cakes like tl'.ole ot .Sjoiland. In times ot dearth
llicy dr;. the bark ot the tii-irc ■, or elm-tree, and grind
it into . I kind ot tlour, which they mix with a Imall
portio:! ot oatmeal, and thus comi'iile a kiixl ut lublli-
tute for bread.
In the maritime parts it is common to knead the roes
of cixl with oatmeal or barley meal, and lx)il the com-
pornion tor a pudduig ; and the liiiuor, which lerves a^
a kind of loup, is enriched with a lalt nuickarel, or
pitkled herring.
Beef, mutton, or goats (Lfli, tlicy pickle, tliioke, ur
dr), for winter llocK i liit in ilie lumiiier, umaily eat
Irelh rilh, growle, j art ridge, deer, hare, rein-deer, ia
Cheelc thev h.ave all tlie year, and in cuinmon drink lour
w'luy ; Ian at (.'hrilimas, and other kiiivab, cl.iillen-
ing-., weddings, kc. tiiey provide good llore • * llrnng
ale ; anil, indeed, lliele arc the only times in wnieh the\
ever run mtoain excellis ; tor their ulual tenipeianee 1
liah, tliat tiiey are generally very long lived : a j!;rw\i
nuii.ber are to be loinid who are hearty and well aUer
being turned ot an hundred year.^ i t age. In the year
ly-jj four coujdes danced before his JJanilli iinjcth al
I'lvdericklhall, whole ages, wh.en added together, e\-
eced'xl 8co years.
Some few, by temp' ranee taught, approaching fl'-.v
To dillai.t tate, by eal'\ Jounlle^ go ;
Ciently they lay them down, as i \ening llieep
On their own woolly fleece^ lotlly deep.
S 1 noiU-l.!s would 1 live, lueh death to find.
Like liiiKly tiuil not Ihaken In the wind.
But ripei) dropping on the laplels bough,
And i.ying, i.otning to myl'eit would owe.
Thus daily changing, with a duller talle
tM iellening jo\-., 1 bv degrees would halle ;
Sihl (.;aiiliiig giountl bv uiiiierceiv'd decay.
And Ileal niylell from lite, and melt aua\.
Some of the Niu'wegians however, arc lubjed to
the gout, epileplv, rheumatifm, catarrhs, leproly,
lcurv\, &c.
Tlie pealiuits of this country drefs in a wiile, knle
jacket, made of coa.le cloth, with wailUoat and
breeclies oi the fime. On their heads they we.ir a
Ikniched hat, or a cap decorated with ribbons: their
tumnier llioes are without liile^ Ixil in wimer they ule
leather bulkins ; and, betides tliele, they have liiow
Ihoes and ikaits to travel in the winter. A corps ot
ligiit tri)ops, ilius accoutcral, are kept always in re-idi-
ne!s tor winter eX] (editions, in cale of cnicrgcncies ,
ami ihele travel with more I'pccd than the I'witf.'Jl
'I'hc Norwegian pcafant never wears a neckcloth, or
cioleshiswaillco.it, but on cert.uii occafioir , cli')')(in<»
alwajs to liave Ins neck and bnall bare, and lufl'er, the
Inow to beat into his bolom. Ruuiul his wailt he wc.ns
a leathern belt, adorned witli brals |)latc'i, from which
hangs a brats chain, that liill tins a knife, gimblet, occ.
The women drefs in jackets Lued dole about them ;
rourul their w.iilU ihey wear girdles of leather, orna-
mented Willi lilver; and about their necks lilver chains,
iiiibellulied with gill medals; their caps and handker-
ihiet^, and, on cirtain occalions, their tretlls are a-
donied with Imall plates and Ipangles of (ilver, brafs,
.liid tiiii lanj,e rings, buttons, and a variety of other
The jiublic cdilices of Norway are built with Hone i
the lioules of the princijul people with Hone or brick;
but the common people, in general, relide in wo-xieii
The wuoikn houll-s are iii.i le ot fir and pine-trees
laid upon e.K h other, ami j(jined with mortices at the
corners. I'ew ot the fariii-houle-) have either chim-
nies or windows ; but a hole in the root lerves for both,
as it lets out fmoak, and letj in h;.;ht. In tummcr time
the whole is left c|iiitc open , but in winter it is covered
with the tranl'parent meml-rane ot lijine animal, which
ailmits the light, and at the lame time is lb |)laced, as
not to imjiede the evaporation of the I'moak. This
membrane is occalioiully (ixed or removed by the
means ut a long jiole, wliieh [.ole every llrangcr, who
enters the houle, is obliged to go and touch, agreea-
ble to an ancient cudoiii. The root is covered with
tlie bark ot birch trees, wh'- ' s deemed incorrup.tible ;
and that again is coated wit. ...1, froinwldch the graii
IS cut every lealon. The ceiling, on the inlide, is
alKiut eight feet from the ground ; and being arched
like a cupola, the fmoak rolls about within the circular
part till It tinds a vent at the hole, jull beneath this
.iperiure llands a table, lurrounded with, branches, and
at the end a high teat tor the mailer of the family,
where, during meal times, he lits in great llate ; and,
indeed, upon all occalions, atriimes the appearance ot
dignity, |)uts on many confeeiuential airs, and fancies
himlelf a i)erlbn of the utmolt importance. It hath
been the oblervation ot man) travellers, that the inha-
bitants ot all coneiueied nations are much more proud
than thole to wiiom tliey are held in fubordination ;
and that, as they are ulualK kept poor and illiterate,
their vanity riles in propoition to their ignorance.
Of all the caules which confpirc to blind
Man"s erring judgment, and milguide the mind ;
What the weak head with llrongell bias rule:;
Is pride, the never-tailing vice of tools.
What ever nature has in worth deny'd,
She gives in large recruits of needful pride :
ln)r, as in bodies, lb in IIjuIs, we find
What wants in blood and Ipirit's hll'd with wind.
Pride, where wit fails, tleps in to our defence.
And tills up all the mighty void ot lenfe.
The armanu^n. of Norw.iy conliib in .about j'0,000
land hjices, and about 14,000 teamen ; and the annual
revenue amounts to iSo,oool. I'he commodities ex-
ported are numeruus, as wrought and unvvrought cop*
[)er, iron, lead, marble, mill-llones, cow-hides, goat*
Ikins, tox-(kins, leal-lkins, bear-ikins, beavers, mar-
tens, ermines, mails, deal boards, timber, herrings,
cixl, ling, lalmon, lobflers; flounders, down, feathers,
butter, tallow, train oil, juni|xr and other berries,
lalt, glafs, tar, nuts, alluni, vitriol, jiot-allies, &c.
The commodities imported chietiy conliil of luxurious
art icier.
Iilvcry freeholder in Norway enjoys the rignt of pri-
mogeniture, and power of redemption. It is very
'■ jiij
tilual t<> lie .1 (xilaiU iiiliabiiiiig ihc Unu- lioul'e wliuli
l\;l I I'.'iil |U)tKllal 400 \t.Hs oy Ills aiii illor^. The
i)ili'N-n.ul>, iir tivilmlil, i;iniu)t Ik* alun.itnl bv l.il' ,
c is luX able u> rciitiiu tlic cll.iti-, lie kiix).\r>.s hi<
iiica|iaciiy ivcry tenth uar at tin: ttfliuus : ami it \w.
'>r iiis heirs, Id the ihlril j;eneration, iIkiuIiI a.^;;-.
wimIiIi ii\(iuj;li tnr th.il ('iiriiolo, the i^jlUlloi, ,<( [,.
iiiiif mull );i\e up tin.' j jtlwillon.
1 lie hillory ii ot the tuceeeJin^^ a.iele.
c- li \ I'. IV.
I) E N M A R K.
01 1(
\\^: \
I'i .'
DI'.NM \R'\ !'ri>ix'r, ancicntlv i.illeil P.inia, (onlilU
lit' lewral iI1.'.;kI>, foj^ether wilh the iieninliila ot
Iiithin.l. riKJiigh imt aiivcme ot tin.le is Uiaratelv
lallcd bv the iiaine of I)enmark, iIk\ retain 111 i;riu -
lal that apiiellaiioM.
lutlanil lies bef.veen tlu- 54111 aiul 59111 ilep. nt nnith
l.it. .uiil tnun the Hth to the 45111 (leg. nt eall Ion;;. i\-
tending trom nurlh to loutli iie.ir 240 milis ; the bie,ii,Uli
in loine pari^, not Ikiiij.^ above 24 miles, and in oih.rs,
rompri/.ing near 1 80 units. '1 he (ierinan Duan vsalik .
it on the northern or welK-rn parts ; on the eall 11 is
Itoiiiiileil In the C'.itigat'.', and \bddle Kort Sound, or
LetUr Hell ; and on the lliutli it is liivided tioni
the duchies ot I .uneiilmij* and Bremen bv the rivtr
Soil, Cinnate, Uc,
Tl I I. loll varies pit.uly on the eontliunt, and in
tlu illards whiili torm this kingdom, bi the
Jormer tiiere are good pathire , but the latter are too
landv to be truitlul. The nunintains are b.-.rivn, but
molt ot the plains exhibit marks ot fertility.
It has bein oblerved, as a great natural deteit in
Denmark, that the kiiii; h.as nit, in all his ilonunions,
one navicalijc river for vellels ot any conliderable bur-
then : tor the I',\tler i.iniior be reckoned as lucli ; and
the I'.ioe Is rather to ''e wlUemeil one ot the conlines
and boundaries ol Ins territories, than any ways be-
longinti to hi'.ii. Iherc are iomc lakes here u Inch at-
lord a great i;uar.lity ot' lilli. The forells are abuii-
dantlv Itoiked with \enilon of all ibrts, as llags, elks,
and hares ; as alio '.viid lioars. There i'. likewile great
plenty ot \siltl towl.
I'he .iir in Dciiin.iik, t!ioui;h very colil, is not to
llvirp as in loine [ i.'.cci ot (.ieriii.i!;y liiualcd iniuh
n 'c to the ibuth, which may be alcribed to the lea
I' 'Aing about it, tiie v.ipou:^ ot which null and dilliiiw
the nitrous particle', thai are carried bv ilie wind Ii.mu
the northern tounirie', before they arri\e in this ; by
which means the (harpnels ot the air is very much alia-
teil. The gentle breezei, which blow from the k;i,
lontirruie alTo to nuke the air cooler in lummer.
However, in Dcn.vark there are but too le.iti)ns of the
year, winter and tuminer ; the other two more agreea-
ble or.'."-, Ij ring and auiumn, not being ccjiiimonh
knov/n ; tiie 'pring never, a:.d the auiiimn leldinn ; lo
that tiKTc is an iiniiiidiate tranlition from extremity ot
heat t'l e.\;ie.n!t\ ot coid ; and ic, on ll;e contrary,
when •■.iiiii.r is over, tV/.n cold to heat. During the
lliree n.oi'.th- of jui'c, July, and Auguft, the heat is
much more inteiile tl.an in I England, and very I'ultry
in tl;e n: I'eiil
eaules ; and one is not lurpri/.ed lo fnul tlie cltga:!i
arts ihieliy coiitiiieil to iuMiiious and Ibuthern cli-
mates, anil f.untly raiting their he.uls amidit iheii;
liiowv and inholpitable ivijioii', vshere the iiihabiMnU
teem, 1:1 I'onie degree, to j'ariake of the alperiiies ol
their loll, and where ro\ al munihcence, however un-
boumlul, can only r.u;.- a I'.w liekly and llragglinj'
1 his .account is forcibly ilhiHrated bv I lie following
poetical deknption, which We iiilert as ftrikiLr-Iv
IMctureliiue. '1 hele lines are .iddielled by Mr. I'liilins
to the Karl of Dorlet, his patron.
l-'rom fro/en climes, and eiuilel'^ tracks <;f Inow,
I-rom ibeams th.it northir.i winds foibid tothnv,
\\'hat preleiit Ihall the iwule to Dorlet brir>' '
Or how, lo near the (kjIc, attempt to lingr
The hoarv winter here conceals lioni light.
All pleal;:ig objects that to \e le invite.
The hills .mil dales and the deiiplittiil vvood=,
'I he tlow'rv plains, anil diver llreaining tljoils,
li\ liiow dil^'uils'd, in bii^Mit u):iti:iion he,
/\iid Willi one il.i/./.hiig walie fatir'nc the eve.
No gentle breallniig b'-ee/e jiripajes the li'.rint' ,
.No birds within the ileiail regi-n ling.
The Ihijis, unmov'd, the boiU'rous winds iMV,
\\ hile raitling chariots o'er the ocean liv :
'J'lie valt leviathian w.mts room to piav,
And liM)ul his waters in the lace of day :
'I he liarving wolves along the main lea prow!.
And, to the moon, in icy vallies howl.
1-or many a lhinin;.._ league the level nuiti
I Kre Ijireads itielt into a gloliy plain ;
There lolid billows, ot enormous li/.e,
Alps ot green ice, in wilil dilbrder rite.
And yet, hut laieh, have I leen, e'en hen',
The winter in a lovelv drels appear.
Kre yet the clouds let tall the irealu'-'d liiow,
Or winds beg.iii thio' ha/.y (kies to blow,
At ev'ning a keen eallern breeze aroli.
And the ilelcending rain unrullv'd tio/,e :
Soon as the liient lluiilci or night witfidiew,
The luilily morn dilclos'il at once to view
T lie face of nature, in a rich dilguile,
And bright'ned ev'ry objea to niv eyes :
nitioll, lluililil ;Uv ii:- •
, lilt liullillui, ,'t ;..
) blciwli'il wiiti t',..'.i ,,t
til tugv'tlicr M till, iv.i-
1) K N M A R K.
rulixis but littL' co.:i ;
iiu'iiiii.uim arc grcit h.-
lie wl.olc kinnilem. Tl:;'
y lit tlic iiiuin.' ct a riwr,
ulniin Id lKnm;uk. 'I'lih
RciiiIkiui;;, .iml dilrili
ronminyiii, uti.r Immg
>t tlic tlim;ur, lh)N, k-
ii>i((.rl\ iii\iilij I'tn- into
< Willi IK, into four lia-
.ils to tlif loiiff tirii' lit
ions tluin triMii (Vlulvr
licruxi, ilitv ottoii (.xj"'-
tiw il.iys, or loir.c't 111. .
uili ;iiKi'lcil l,y j,l|\ I'll}
l/.iil to tiiul iht cKg.i::'.
iiiou'* ;;:ul ioulliiiTi ill-
I'.cir lic'iuls aniii'lt tlit!';
', wliLTt.- ilif iiilial)itanis
iri.iLc ot the al[icrirics ti
luiulucnci.-, lunvcvcr un-
l.w liikly aiul llraggli^!;
ullratid liy llio Ijllowir.^',
wc inlcrt as ltrikii.i;'\
aiklicl!L-d by Mr. I'luiii.'^
I -I t'ai ks (il I now,
I wiU'ls !.)iliid to llijw ,
c to DoiUt bnr.'\ '
Utoir.jJt to liiigf
i.:lU tioiu ligl.r.
\c Ic inviic.
i- (iiliplitttll WO.C.l',
(I- llii.umng li.iotis,
It ii):ii',;iion he,
X till lie tlie eye.
■r^iKins t!ic liTinj^ ,
ii,! Ml ling.
lil'riius wind- (I'f\-,
tlic oecm (iy :
io!!i I.) piay,
l.ii e ft il.iy :
!-• main lea pr'A\l,
•lilies liowi
the level iiLiih
iltV iikiiii i
m!lll^ li/.c,
ilorder rite.
I leeii, eVn licri',
le lreali:i-\l \\vjx,
fkie^ to lilo'.v,
ree/.e aiule,
ilullvM tii'/.e :
iiiiilit ^vittulrew,
t once to \ lew
h (lilJiiile,
. tu niv t\es :
For cv'rv Ihruh, anil ev'ry bUle of Rr.jts
A.I I cv'rv iKiinlcil thorn, Icciu'd vvroiMJit in i^Uls ;
Ti )ie.uls, and rubier ruh, (he havtliuiis llunv,
Willie thro' llie ice the trimli)n l)erriL^ '^low ;
Tiie ihiik-ri'iu 1 ; reed, the w.u'ry :ii:i;;lie-i \ieM,
Seril ))olilird l.iaees in a llolUle lielJ :
The it.i^, in lini|.id luireat^, with liii|iri/.e,
Sees elii, li.ll br.ui' ik> on his toiche.l I rile ;
The liireidiiig o.ik, the lieeeli, a , I to.v'riir^ pine,
( ila/.M ov.r, in the t.ee/.iiijj xilur ihiiie :
T .e trighteil birds the ratthn;; 1: i;u'ie, lliuii,
That wave a;i.l ^iiXWr in the iiilL.it tun.
W lu 11, il a hid. leu ^ull ot wiitd aritv,
The brittle ro;eit into atom, llies ;
T!ie er.ukhii/, .vood beneaih tiie temivft bends,
AikI, 111 a Ij ani!,K'l iluw'r, the |irot|-eel eii.K.
O', it .1 lonihern t'.ile the re|.',ion vvarin-.
Ail i, by decrees, uiibiiwU tiie wait'ry ehamts,
The traveller a iv.iry i iiintry lees,
Ar.d journey's iid lieiieath ilie droppinj; tree, j
Litve liiiiie lieluded peal'.'.nt Mtriiii leaiU
Tliro' I'raL'.rant b.nv'rs, and tliio' d.. lie ions meads j
\\ i'.iie here (.neh.uii.d gaicleii> to h ill ri'.e,
And .'.iry tabriiks there aiiia.;i his lyes :
111- wand'nnj; t'et t!ie ma'.',ie pailo | urine,
A ,d while he tiiiaks the l.iir illuluni U'.ie,
The tlUeklefs ll'-iies dil|KTli' in lliild .lir.
And vvikkIs and wilds, and thorny ways a] pear:
A tedious road tiie weary vs retell reiuins.
And, a^ he gi'ei, the tranllent vilion mourns.
si:cTiv)\ 11.
Bh'ftoHS, Subilivi/tci:s, Citits, an J Towns of Denmark.
TIIE grand tlivili.i;is of Dcnm.irk are the tmir
tnlnvii:;. jiiilaiid, j)roj<:rly lo called, or North
Jui.and. Tiic duchy of Slelwic, or S.iuih Jutland.
The duchv of [l.iilein, and tiie D.milli dland-. We
fliill deliiibe them in that urdci.
Ju TLASi) l"o cali llowing in
with r.nKiigious vioienee from 'he lea, lo that the vv;'-
ter f netimcs come- into the very church-yard ot the
cathcci.'al, which '.lanils on a hill ; anil e\en ilunn;^ the
terrible inunda'ion ihat alihcted Jutland in the year
•734. '!''■ 'v;uer rofe an ell hij!,h in the very cathedral.
No 57.
This town i^ rtrond by nature onlv, without nuu li
ad.llance from art. lowards the will there is n calllc
ikinkeil with lour bulwarks, alter tiie old falhi on, Kuilt
in t'le year 1 150. The iiti/.ens lioull, are | rdiy wvll
built, and tin iiili,>bii.ini > were lormerly in ii, tier iir-
lumll lilies than liny are now , but the) lulf.red vt.y
much diiiiiig the war^i with .Sweden, the iity \tv\:m
l.ikili by the Swidc' in 1645, but foon after recovereij
iiy the |)aiiei.. B.loie th' reloiiiiation this wai a bi-
lliMp'> lee, as it IS now ol a lu|Hrinieiulant or Luthe-
ran bnhop. The lathcdral is a nojije pile, built with
live-lloiie, .IS Well a-, its lleeple, which i% lipiare, Veiv
lii^'ji, and covered with lead. I'l'i-. cliurJi i^ adornal
wiihin with levei.d m.irble columns and with the tomis
III loiiie k^l^•^. Tiieie IS another church dedicalnl to
Si. Catherine. I li re are alio two puMii li..l,ools fir tlic
education of yoiiih in polite liieiature, .iiid a colhge
loi divinity, in the loiirt ot tin- billi .p's jalace, where
there i^ alio a public library. The city is gov.Tned by
two burgom.llle^^, or coiiUils, and by a feiiate, who
lormerl) .ulminiiUred julli.e with It) much leveritv,
th.it the jujlui cf liifcn was become a proverbial fayiiij^,
to exjirels a rigoious execution of the law.
C'olding, or KoldiiiL", an old city mentioned by
i'l.ilemv. Hands ,
kiiii; I'.ric VI. redeemed it out of the hands of p'ric,
iluke ot Slelwic, and Ion to king ,ibel. He built a
cil.ulel there, ' ) be a bulwark to Denmark, and lorti-
lied the town, eljieciallv loward^ the louth. Chnl'tian
111. who liked the ciij verv iiuiili, on atcount of its
agreeable lituaiion, and wholelome air, built the callla
ot Arnlhurg, above the city, removed thitiicr with
his court, and died there January the ill, 1559. The
holpilal was built by I rederick II. whole fon endoweil
it conii lerahly. In May, i644> tl"-' Danes gained a
conliderable viciory over the Swedes near C'olding. Tiiis
town i., but Imall, lince it does not contain aiiove ico
or «2oh(ule^; but what m.ikes it cln.lly conliderable
is iu bridge over the Aa, which is called Boherrit, a.".(l
gives name to the whole country about it. All the
black cattle and horles that come from Jutland, and
go into Slelwic, mull pals over this budge, and ].';'.y
e.icli a crown lor toll ; whence arifes a conliderable jjart
ot the king it Denmark's revenue. Thoutdi thi^ to'.v;i
lies commodious tor trade on the l.eller Belt, over
ag.iiiill Middlefort in funen, yet thev ha\v- hardly any
tr.ide but in cattle. They have goo.! filh, aiivl the"
river Aa piiKiuces excellent ceK.
!■ rederick's CXle, in Latin frederici Oda, flands on
the banks ot the Leller Belt, 10 miles trom C'olding to
the north-call, and about 27 from Ri[)en towards the
call. It w.is built b;. king Irederick 111. of Denmark,
and !■. well Ieated on a iioint of Ian. I. witii an ealy
delcent to the leaward : it has been well to. titled, being
a p.afs over the Leller Belt, or Middletort Sound. The
works are very higii on the land lide ; anil on the other
lide of the point there are eight ballions : it has four
i;ates, and before i.uli a ravelin, but ruinous. I'o-
wartls the lea the loriiticatioiis are lower, and of a
greater extent ; where there are ballions, platfornv. ,
anil ibme batteries on the llioie. Thole fortitication^
eiiclole :' great 'eal ot ground, but the lifih part of it
i> not i. .habited, lor there are many corn-fields and
orchards within liie wails. This place was formerlv a
refuge for bankrupts anil Jews; but king Frederick
1\ . recalled liiofe privileges. Here are two churches,
one Danilh, and another (jerman, but they have no
lleeples. In lOjS this town was taken bv Ci-arles
(lullavus's troops commanded by Wrangel ; the g;ur-
riton, conlilling ot ;ooo men, were all killed or taken.
This ojiened a way lo the king ot Sweden to under-
take Ills expedition over the ice from this place to Fu-
7 S nen.
A \r.\v AND Arrm.NTic systf.m or univf.rsal geography.
i >l
neii, wh-ro iIk- ji.uiligo over tlic li.lt i^ .ilv.ivc thn-L-
Wcillc, or Wool, I-. lix luilcs dilbiiU tVi.ii I'lcJi'.-iik'^
Odo, to tho iiorih--\i.i', ;iml aboiii 12 Iroiii CcKlini!, to
the north. It lumis 0:1 a liitlc livi-r, wliicli titlr. into
a grcit b.vy tliiU cviniiiuiaic.Ucs with iho l.itil'r Belt, ami
makes a ;^ooi.i h.ir'.our. The city is neat, and well-
built, but not lai'^^'. About 22 niiL-. t') ll.e north-
well llmJs Warde, on a river tliat tail-, into tlie Gei-
nian ocean, 10 iiiile.^ Itelow the tokvn, wlacli is conve-
niently litualed tor |i.!i!e.
Ringcoi in, or Ringkiubing, is 45 miles tVoni Ripi n,
and 24 t'uun \\'ai\'i, I ) the i-ortli. It lies on a bay et
tlie German Ocear., made l.\- a neck ot land 25 mi!e->
in Iciigth t'rom north to louil', I'o that lhi['S ride \\\ ;l.e
jx)rt late tiom ail wind-.
Lenv.ick ll.indi oi the gul]-h ot' Lindonl itroin
whence it ha.-, its n.imr) on lln. niirili-weil. bu.-der'. ol
t!;is dioceie, 10 ir.iio irom the (ieir.;:;n ocean to the
cart, 50 from Rijx:,, .ind Si t:\<\n Ringcoj ir.j,, to the
Holllebrow, or Hodilibrow, Hand, about 1 1 mile-
from Lcn.vick to tl\e l.,iiih-e.ill, and i 2 irom Rinu-c.i;;-
ing to the nortli-e.i;'. li i- ai\ inLiiid i.u\ii. but lies on
a river which C' ji puf cb.rlhios, ur b,lilu',Kk^, 504 ju-
rilhes, live calll--s or tort^, .uid eiL^iit die-, or walled
to-.vns, \i/..
Arhulen, the caj iial ot tlie dioceie, Hands at tlie
mouth of the river tiude, 'vhich runs thiouii,h it, and a
little lower talii into the Catcgate. It i-. S6 miles to
the Dorthw.i.rd of Slefwic, ainl 42 noriii-ealt of Ri] c.i.
The lituaiion is ] Lalimt, being luirouiuled with to-
r.l!-. lull of game, failures that are exceeding rii.li tor
tlie count.-v, and ::.-k's which jT'-duce a conliderable
(juanlilv ot grain. The touTi itlelt is neat, ard agiee-
abic, Weil furnilhed wiih pruvilions and tlomelhc ne-
ctliaries from the ne;j.'hbuuriiig count;), and wiih
ot!-.er v.om;noditie^ .and lu.xuiii.'. troni vark>u. countries,
by the means ef Ihi.iping. Tiic harbour is toleiable,
and the caihedul chu.cli ereded alter a curr.u. llile
lyf arihiteciure, b;:tuiilleU aiid enibelhlhetl uith vari-
ous monvniienis ot noijiemen, [)re!.ues, &c. Tiie
bilhop's |.ala>c was once a in.igiiiliceiit llmcfnre, but
it n<.)w i.ilL-n 10 dui;,. Tiie my was made an cpil-
ci'pal kv in i!]. 'ear I014, and i-. now ihc lee ol a lu-
Witt, ij a govi
IlorftTi', 12 n ili.sdniani troiu Ari ul.n to tic I'luih-
will, i' a fn...ll lily or lowh liluaud":i a htlle gulph,
whii'i l'i«i- 11 inlUad ol .1 i.arlioui, .;:id lalls inii) ilie
RaiKkr- is a -.eiy mw u in t ii;..
(mde, wi'.ih .ibi'Ul 1 2 mik ^ !'■>.
III., a.id I'.i.s a;fio!>. i!:' pl.ue a
Jiavi.. •: 01. il i> .1 I'l.UL 111 gi\
fwr t;.e b^l't Uinww 111 JLiilaiid. I
produti. 'I'ieiitv ot ( urii.
l-^!)ei;b't i' i--.iied.il I'.i 1 'i|i',.iii of a b:;\ of the Cate-
gate, .i!' ill I'S mile-. tVom .\iiiille 1 to (he iiii.lh-well.
(i.-iiiu liaii !> .le !.• ii,,' j oi.ii or Cape ot .1 p. .'linlula,
which jilts o;;! iiio iheCaie^atc, and is leu-n mile,
diilanl tiuin I'.ik.i. ■; to the iiorili. li is ileteiided b) a
.Maii..;.,.r ll.ind-. on llie loalh-lule ot a l.ir..;e b ly
i.f the C'ategate, l() in.!, s diil.iiit tioiii Arhulen 10 the
Hobro, or 11 -'to, i, .1 1111,1,1 lown un the lame bav,
fi.\ iiiiic' abo\ .■ .Maiii;'.: t'> li'c well.
rixiiii'e- ti,'Ui Aifuliii lo the louth-
inlie:., iK.ii llie l| ri:/.'. ol Ihe n\el
111 I. .ill .1 on I he liver
, I ilK inio the B.il-
; ■iid cijnveiiiiiic; tor
1 ir.ide, and taiiious
.• neighlv.,u;iiig lieKls
'i'i;,- ilioecl'e I I W'ibuig !i:is that of .\ail,uig on il-.t
north, troiu ufivli it is pintly ti-jar.iud by ih.e gul|ih
■t I .iirlvirii, Xiiiuien on ilie i-.i(l, ami Ri| in o;i iju:
loiiili and well, it is not abo\e 24 miles trom I'ouii,
lo nonii, and 261101110:111 lowill, being almoll ol :,
round ii;;iiiv. Thourdi it is an inland lOuiUr; , yet u
.Minis not the coiiveniency of niuig.ilion ; for liere .ue
laig.- lakes, ih..i Iraiuli out into kvenilia'ts of thii
l.ird. ai.,1 fu 11! wlieii'.e, liv means of ih.c Limfoid, iiiio
v.hiiii till} inn, ai.d whicii coinv.iniic.ites with the
HiliicSia, tl ly iTieivc vellils (if j;nal biirlhcn. A-
nung tliile lake-, iliere i-- one nanieii (.)tl;cli:iule, ti\:n
Tie ini; lU.r t^tli,), liirnaii,i>l ihe (iivar, wiio, about tie
M.-.r 1)4^. made .ui inroad this uav, |ei!ttnted even ai.
In .is tills eoui'itv, ai-.-l, calling hi; javelin info tie
vMitir, g.ive il I'le name 11 llill reiains The Ijeil huri> ,
in |)e;..:.aik au i,ridui lluit pari ol [he diucefe iuiikJ
."^.'.iinig. Ill ilii, terriiory are cciijirehenikd 16 piv.
iiCvoMhip:-, or bi'ilr.ii.ks, 218 i^arilhes and three c.ir-
nioii . li.c m-ll coi.liilerable towi.s arc
\\ ,lin;[i, ulnili llands i-i |!'.e in'ddi? of N'.jrili Jul-
'ai.d, ol \>l'!ili It is ilie cai ,la! ci!'-.
il ;■ a pla.e ot -real nr .-|, 1 uiii^ ;l;c leat of a \a^U
oliil ol liu:u.il^.'e. uliiii; lec, iVes the aj)]vals tioiii
i.t'. nor court -, bui none i an be made fiom it, e.\c;- 1
10 ihe kiii^'. '
\\ ilnng has been the fc.i of a iiiih.op for above 6co
M-ars ; liui the e.xact time cannot be ti.\ed ; for it i^ 1
ii..'.tier lliil dll",.ut.-d \\lietlicr th.is or Aalburg Ik- th.e niwll
inci.r.l. Tlie bilhop and chapter .lill'^fiibilll. h
Itan,', near a braneh ot t le gul) li of l,imiord, ^-.I'd ,1
\irkui!id, and u:is ancieiiilv called L'iiiimerllnirj, .1,
bun., i!.c iliiit lit} >,i' the t imbri ; but wlieme it lia.l
it- I relent iiii.'ue is n"t certain.
-Siiieve, or Sel.iriinns, which Hands on the f:-,ie
gulpli, is lliuaied 12 iiiiles from Wiinng to :'"• :,oitli.
The peniinul.i ot S.illing, furrniiKkil on .all lides hy
th,' lame gulj ill, except I,.\\.irds llie louth, is tlu moll
n.ite.l j'll.e 11 !).■■! iia.k fir line h );-fes, which
[lotted b\ toi'eiji,.iers
N\br, in i.al 111 .Vibe, on the lame gull h, iSini^s
1,( n: \\ liiuig lo i;,e liwrtf -i ill, is .ill,. noiJd t.ir a •■■)■ 1
b.v.il ot hoiiis.
The dioceie ot Aalburg i, 'lie nioil northern pa.t ■;
liiliand, and furrcunde,.! In th.- lea on ail larts, , ,-
cj| ! <,ii the i.'uih, v\her.- it isdivided from W'llnir.; aii f
Ri; en by the iHilph i iljcil I .iiiil. r,l, uhieh run-~'l!,,:.i
ill. Ifliiic .Sia above 50 miks .nio's ll.e countrv, ;,.■.]
e, lluii out ol the (ieriiun Ocean by a narro'vv ilfkniu ,
or n.ck ot l.iiid, ir..ule liy the fmd-hilis on t".e well
llior, of juil ,iul, ovir-g.inill a great ll.cal c,-.!led [n:.
elie-Rill'. I'iiis dioceie is about 7,3 miles !o "t-^ |},>,n
hie loiiih-iMl'i to the uiiennoil pi'int of Sehager-i<.:tf,
in ilie norili-^all; bni .is it is ot a irianguku torn:, ii
brea, 1th is iidi eijual e\ery wiiere, b-,-ing but about 40
miles where bro.idiil. 'ilie norlh part of this 'hoeel.,
wliiih is cut olf In tlie gulph, ^tor the ii;_\ . ; Aalbur-
lies (in the fuuili-ii'e ot ii,) is called W'en'fulal, andlv"
i.aiin authors V'andaiia, whence liiiiie ajiprelieiul it was
the le;u ot I lie \ .\ndi\\<. 'I'lie inliabiiants iire the laiidi-
eil ot the km:.; ol i)enm:uk's liibjects. 'I'he ri'n,.tr\
is tiuillnl, aiid prelly well eniiched In ir.ule. li
is ilividcd i:uo ij b.iihwicks, ul.icli contain 177 pi-
rillies, 100 calUes, ami ihe tollowini; cities ;.nd l^nvii-.
■ X.illuirj,, to ca'led from the gieat quaniity of i^l;
lak.ii in Ilie gii pli of I ,iiii',ii\l, llurlson ihefi>u[iilh :v
ol it, about lix miics f, mi the Citcjaie to the vd!. It
islhel.i'ot a billii p, KjuivIi'! about the veir \z('?:
but ihe l)ilho|)s leiiOed aiici.nih .it liiirpi.e.v, wl;. -.> •
the iliocclo was then called 'he dioeeli- ot lUirjlav, ; bui
liiice the rctormatioii, the laiiluiati liilinip^'liave h.ul
tiii-:r jialace ,it .•V.ilbun',.
"Venfuliil, or Hurglaw, ftand- on the river R)a.i,
whiih, 14 miles lowir, t.ills iiu ) ihe gulph o\ I.Jmfonk
Irom winch this eiiy is as maiiv miles dillant t.i t';-
north, il was torimrlv ihc lee of .1 bilhop, wliiih ha
been removed to .Aalburg.
ili:it ot' A.iil'Uip, on I'lt
\ li| :ir,Ut'.l liy tlic gul|;ii
iM(l, ;uiil Rii en ii;i ilu:
ow 1 ). mill's li'om luuii,
Will, lioinj;, .iliuoll ol :i
aw inland tountrv , yi't u
ii:uii;.iliiiii ; tor ina' .ik-
into tcvoral ] aits of thii
cms 111 the Linitoui, i;.u)
con-iv.iinicales with th.c
N (^i ;t: at luirlhcn. A-
■ nauitii «.)t!a-luiulo, ti,'m
ih.i: (iivaf, who, about il c
!■. \\:\\, |:i'i!!.tnti.d even a.,
llir.g in-; jawlin into t!c
11 iviain<. Th.L' bcil hu:i> ,
.-art ot tlio liiocdl- nznuA
V co.-.ipri'licniLil i6 [,!•-
i I'arilhcs and i'mcc ^,;r.
Ic tiuvi.s arc
l''.c iiiMule ot Norih Jut-
a! citv.
, li-r-.i; the ilat of a l.i^li
i>. . iv,-. (lie ajipcth tu'iii
i'l' r...K;i.' tioni it, exec; t
it' a l':> ^n•) f.ir above
•'.not he lixed ; lor it
th.!'. or Aalluirg he ih.ei
rhapter ilill lliliiill.
S^iill 11 dl' l.iintord, e,
X lalled Cuniiurllnirg
iiiibri ; b-at wlieiicc it
.shicli I'ands on the
roni Wihurii to :'"■ ji
6 CO
lurr.nindeil on all fiJes by
llrd^ ilie loutli, is ilu iiioi;
line h );l"e-;, '.vhi-'li a.e e:.-
the lame gult h, 1 8 iniiiS
ill. Is alio noiul tor a ;j, '".1
tlu- miiil northern i\-i;t -i
ih'' lea on ail '.lart-;, w .-
dividei! troui Wilnn-', aut
ai:il< i.l, whieh run- lio;:)
s at II'-, the coui'.tr\ , aa.l
^c-.'.'.n in a narnuv i!'!,niu ,
le I u-.d-hiiis on t'.e \\l!i
a great Ileal called Ju:-
lont 70 niik"; !o 'j-;, iro'ii
1 point of S^!iau,er-R:tt",
is i)t a irian;:iii.u torn;, 1.
re, being but aliout 40
niirih I'art of this duieeU,
1, ^tor the ei;_\ . ! Aalbiir^
is eaileil Weiiluiit, and I \
nee lo;iie H|.[nvhend it ^^.^
e iiih.'.biiants are the l.iuii-
's Uibjects. The Ci>u..ns
eiuiehed by trade. h
S wt.ieh contain f;7 p;;-
lilouinr, cities ;.ntl t'wn-.
the gieat ijuantiiy ot' ii.!'.
\\, <1 iiids on (he louiii Ih :f
;.• (./Ucjaie to the Vtl!. \i
'. about the \e:ir icf.' ;
civ iitb at Rurf'liw, wlu'u •
he diocele ot lUu^daw ; bul
aitheraii bilboii, have had
Uanch- on tlie ri\ei- Rya.i,
int ) the i;iii|)h ol' l.anitord,
m.i'n miles ihllaiil t) tl;-
:<: ol a liilho]), vvhicli has
I) K N M A R K.
Schageii, Scagen, or Skau, as it.o iniiubitants call it,
is leated on tiie promoiMory, or ca|)e, which it gives
name to; and is the moll northern land ot jutiantl, be-
twixt the Norwet^ian lea and the Cate<.',ate, or Schager-
Tlie town is more tieiiucnted b\' merchant- troni all
parts oi I'.urojie than any t)iher town in jiiilaud, be-
caiile tluv toui-h here in their way to the Sound, lis
trade would be I a' j^i-ater llill, were it I'.ot to,' the d.ni-
gerous coall il li.s on.
Ni-.iupiiiR liiuau.d in tlie llle of Mors, made by the
gulj il ot Liinfoi.i, is a eoiiliderable town.
Tylled ihiiid >>n tlie fouth-well |)arl of thi-. diocele
near .•^o miles In.m Aalburg to ihe well, in the mi''dlc
of the illhmu. m.ule by the Cierman Ocean and ijuh-,; ol
L.-iuoiil, which i^ ihe moll iriiiiiul plr.ce ol this thlb'icl.
This to.vn is noted tor a kuid ot imiverlity, wiiicii
was firi". a fiee-lclio-il onh', l-juiukd by Ciriiiii.in the
Seelu i. a I'mall :"-:i;>ort town on li.e I'.a'.lern Ibore, 15
miles iliilant from Ssh:'.gen, towa: 1-. th.- loiiiji-wed.
The I^uehy of .Si.eswick, or Soin 11 jutlano, i>
as .meieni dei-endai.ee on the kin^; i'-iii ol Deiimuk;
for in the jear 1 1 2i, kinji, Nicholas the hirll gave it to
his nephew Ca'.ute, the Ion ol Hra. Denmark \'.a-.
r.tierwards dejirucd ol 11 ; bui in the v-'.u 1459, Ciuii-
ti.ai thel-'iill re-uniie.' 'I lo tluit kinj^.lom. It i; about
86 milcj 111 ler,:.;,'h, and 60 in iiivadiii, b. ing boun.led
b\ lull.mu on h, north, by ti.e B.iitie on the eail, l>y
t'le ilui i'.\ of Ih/liiein on tlie louth, and by the Ger-
ii, an (Jce.ui on the weih
It is ivaured by li.v^r.il llreain;, which render it c.\-
leedi:!;; Iruiitul in moll p.irts, and in f.^eneral abounds
in niwuiows a;-.d [ ..uures. The eatlvrn [larts lie con-
liJerably higher tiian the weftcrn, and in the latter there
arc lar^e ])lains, which pixxluce a great plenty ot all
forts ot corn. Tlie nobility here are rich, and the coin-
ni >n jicoiile enjoy a great Ih.ue ot intlependence. Tiiis
duiiiv h divit-ied into lour ciri.les, viz, (ioitorp, Ton-
ih ' 1, rienlbuij,, ami Hadcrlleben. Thf pnncij-al
citie. ■.'.m\ lo-.vn-. aie the toliowin-f.
S.. f.Mc, tne lapiiul ot ine whole duchy, is liluated
on a Uiiail arm of ti.e lea, called the Sley, at the dillance
of .ibuut 38 miles from (Jlucklladt to the north call,
and 2> from Laniden to the call. Cluillianity was
cllablilhevl here in the ninth century, and the great
church I .iiiided by Kric li.irn, "\ conjunction wiih
St. Anlehar, billiop ol Ila.iiburg; and in the yeai-
930, kin;>, Herokl liluand ereeud an epilcopal tee.
Atterwaiiis the ScLiv,.ia.ins luv.uled thele parts in the
vcar I z'lj, de'lroyed ihe eliLireii, and relloivd the pa-
gan lupeilHlions ; jiut looii alter tiiele loreigiieis were
e.\pel!e.l, Chrilli.iiiit\' w.is relloivd, and the cathednal
rebuilt. In the ne.\t century it becair.c a place ol great
trade, and much tiei,uei:ieil by merchants troni Ciieat
Ri'itain, Iraiue, Spam, 1-l.inders, Jvc. The toil, el|)e-
cialK lowaids the lo-ath and call, is not ' ay truiilul;
bul the town is fuiinieiitly tupi)lied with all necelianes
of lite tu>m the neighbouring coiinlr\, and the Sley
•itiijids abuiidanie ol lilh. They brew beer here, whicli
i^ nol very palatable; but they import tiime Iroiii
abroad, as well as wine, wliieh is pretty cheap.
.'\mong liie puliiic bui; 'in;!s is a tlucal palace, which
llle) Itu.w 10 lllMll^.;,ev^ : it does not contain much that
i> wo;lln' of notice, e.\cepi a library, which contains
a few a^icieiit maiiUleri|as, and a caliinet ot inrilies in
natural liillory, whii h has a tew things that are really
curious. In the giohns are tome w.iier-works, and
many walks in tin.- old l.nle, whiiii the poor jieople it
this lountry think gn.U exeitions ot magniliceuce.
The pii.'icip.il chuteh is ancient, and a \ery large ta-
bric; it coiiiaiiis mair, moniimenls ol the ducal tami-
lies, -liut none that will \ield much i ii'.ertainment to a
travelhr. In the luburiv, there is a churili dedicaleu to
St. Miihael. Slelwic was loiiiierly the lee ol a Roman
Catholic bithop, and is now ihat ot a protetlant lupcr-
Wiilun a tew miles from Slefwic to the fouth, arc-
yet lo be teen, in many jilaces, the ruins of the fimous
wall and trench, which was built in ancient times by
Ihe Daiiilh kings, againll the incurtions of the .Saxons.
It is though,! to have been begun by (Jolherick, or
(ioiholred, king ot Denmark, to keep' out th.e armies
of the emperor Charles the Cireat, about th.e year 80S,
and afterwards improved by queen 'I'hyra, and other
Daiiilli monarchs, anti rer.dered lb llrong .as u be
eileem-ed impregnable by the counlellors of Ilenrv,
linnamed the lion, duke of Saxony. This rampe.rt
was call-ed Denew.irk, and, like Haihian's wall in I'.iig-
land, is reported to luvve reached troni lea to tea, quite
acrols this ",eck of land.
Ciotto.'p was the ancient teat and patrimony of the
ihikes of Holllein, the chief branch of which familv,
:.tter the ro\al one, took from thence the title or lur-
name of Gottorp. It is about lix miles dillant tiom
Sleiwie to t!ic limth-welt, and (lands on the Slev,
vvh.icli alinoil lurrounils it, anil carrie. vetiels of tinall
burthen to anil trom the liaitic. This place is, at
the lame time, a fortre'.s and a noble (iai.ice, being
.lecounted o;ic ot the Ihiell teats in all thele northern
parts. The callle ll.inds to th.e well: of the Sley, in
ti-.e middle of a little lake, and i> built in the tor'm of
an oblong li,uare, tortitied with four ballions of earth ;
the bottom is paved with free-llonc, the curtains are
K)ng, and the lidei Hands north and fouth. You ap-
|)roacli the callle by a britlge, which joins it to the
louth lliore. It is commanded by a mountain that
liands north-call of it, from whence the Danes annoy-
ed the callle m the \ear 1675, whence the duke was trea-
cheroutly lurpriied b\ ihe king of Denmark at Rentt-
burg. The duke, betore his death, li.ad deligned to
rebuild the cafllc, but the front only is tinithed ; if the
whole luul been completed, it would have been one ut'
the linetl palaces in Kuro})e. A rampart encomiiati'es
the lirll court, and the gate of the cal'.le is a line blue
llone, .as hard as marble, with a lentern over it that
has 27 lights. On the north tide of tiie callle there is
a bridge of 2CO paces over the lake; and r.t the end
of the bridg;, a walk, b-jtween two row., of trees, that
lead to the garden, which is adorned with many tine
water-works and cafcades. On the left there is a ba-
fon, or Hlh-pond, ;oo paces lqu..re, with rows of trees
on all tides, except to the north; there are, alto, tine
arbours on ilie lides of the i;oiid; and i:i tiie middle, a
Hercules, ot a monllious li/e, repielented with his
ciuh, going to kill the Leriv.ean hydra. Out of every
part the water plays. In every corner of the pond,
tlierc are llatutes which form cafcades. On the north
ih.ere is a parterre, in the form of a crelcent divided
into fever.al compartments, with niches round, con«
laining bulls of many kings, and modern princes.
There are alio the reiirefenie.tions of man',- tabulous
animals that throw waier. At the end ot the walk
there is a Imall room, in which is to be teen a i^libe,
made by the tamous '1 ycho Brahe, to connived," that,
by mechanilm, it rcpretents his fytlem of the world.
There is another admirable globe of copper, 10 feet
and an half in diameter, with a fphere, wherein the
fun moves in the ecliptic, and all the heavenly bodies
.lie carried round in exact order, by means of certain
wh.eels, which are turned about by water, conveved
t'lom the adjacent mountain. Before this houl'e there
is a level ground 50 paces broad, and three times as
long, tlivided into three parts: thole on the f.des have
f.ne parterres, and that in the middle has a great baton
in the centre, with water-works; the next terrace is
liigher, and the whole is incloled with green paies, a;
high as each terrace, with buds all round. I'rom the
highetl terrace there is the liiiell piofpecl perha; s m
the world, viz. the callle 111 the front, in the mi Idle
ot a lake liirroiinded with a cluiniing counirv, and a
line plain betore it. On the leti there is a great oran-
!i,eiy, or gieen-liout'e, where they keep the liidia.i tree-,
myrtles, pomegranates, and other exotics, in boxes,
Ihe p.iik is noble, about four Englilh miles in cir-
• !
* '
'i ^
1 1 fil
A \RW AND AUTIir.NTlC SYSTI.M oi rXlVLRSAl. C;i:Of .R.\l 1 !Y.
I h
t i
I ?<■*
cuinti-Tciico, and full of t'.illow deer and I'.a'j;';. Tlu'iv i>^
a toll-bootli, Of cuiloiii-lioulc, wi'icri: ail toil is [.an! tor
great luiinbcrs of black caitL-, that pafs from Jutland
into Cicimanv ; this jiii.kIih.c-. a coniickvabir fuui ti) the
kini^ of Dcnni.irk, Inicc, in Iouk- \ va;s, t..ll i. prud tor
above 50,000 head ot c.iltlc.
Kckrcntord llands on a little ,i',ul'fh of the Baltic,
which makes a verv commodious haven, and ;'.lKinls it
A confidcrahle trade, being one ot the l.itcli ports on
that (hore. It is about ai miles dill. 1:11 trom (iottorp '
to the call, and lix from Kiel to\v.,i\U the north.
Chrillianpreis, the capital of a bailiwick of that
name, which borilers on the duchy ot lloilleiii, is litii-
ated on a gulph of the Baltic, at the c::irance ot the ;
haven of Kiel, and is commandeii by a catllc that
was built in 1637, by Chrillian IV. king ot Denmark.
It is about tive miles tlillant from Kiel to the n ^rtli,
and four from Kckrcntord to the call, it has about
500 houfes, and two gates, diteiukd with ilrong
works. The I'lyiler I'ervcs for a ditch, and makes it
inaccellible ; and where the river grows n.irrtiwer they
liave built a crclcent in the w;uer, with port-holes tor 16
jiieces ot cannon.
l-'rederickil.idt was tlui^ culled fi"m its tounckr, Fre-
derick, duke of Holllein and Sletwic. who built it in
the year 16:1, peopled it with Hollanders, and grained
them great privileges. 1 le endeavoured alto to lettle
a lilk tnule there, and, for that inirpole, tent an emball'y
to Mulcovv ami I'erlia, which gave occation to .Atlain
Olearius, lecretarv to it, to publilh an account thereof
in an excellent book ot travels. Tins town llaiuU on
the banks of the river Eyder, antl is 24 miles ditlant
from Sletwic towarli^ the well, anil 42 tiomli'uck-
lladt to the nortii. it is built after tiie Dutih talhion,
and all religions are tolerated there. Tiie town is li.juare,
and lurrounded with a large canal, ]ilantctl with rows
of trees. It is tlivided into two part- b\- another canal,
alio with trees on the titles. The Lutheran church is
built with bricks, anil very neatly.
Tontleron ii alto lituated on the river I'.yder, to miles
below I'Vedericklladt, and about 14 mile^ trom the
German Ocean. It is not an ancient town, but it has
a good trade, which eiicrcates daily, by means of its
commodious harbour fornvi.1 by the I'.yder. It was
form.rls well fortiiied, but the fortifications were demo-
lilhcd m 1714 by the Danes, whu, auer a long
blockade, forced the town to lurren-ler up.oii terms.
This is the capital of the bailiwick nf Kvderliadt, and |
much fre.iueiited by the Dutch, who buy black cattle I
here. ' . , . ,■
Henlburjr, the capital of a diftrict kno.Mi bv the
fame name, as well as tlut of .-Xngelen, or Kngeland,
the country of the Angle-, who invaded South Britain,
and Ixilowed u,)on it t!ie ap|iel!.uion of iMigland,
is fitiiatetl eight miles to the northward of Slet-
wic, on the gulph of FLiis, formed by the Baltic;
and the harbour is to comiiuKJious, that lliijisot great
burtl'.en may come up, and lie lo:uled from ilse ware-
Hulum, which is 10 iviiles from Tonderon, and li-
tuatul on the gulph ot Hover, was formerly flounlhing
a.id opulent, but it is now greatly decaved ; its riii.i be-
ing ilcduccii tioni three capital caules, wai, inunda-
tions, and conflagrations.
Lohm-Cloller is an inconliderable town, lituated on
the river Lohm-Beoke, about 10 miles from the (jer-
man Ocean.
Haderflelien is a large tea-port town, by the lake ot
Hailertleben, which runs into a narrow gulpli, that dil-
embogues it!elf into the Baltic. Tiie inli.ibitanls carry
on .1 tolerable trade !))• me.Uis of the tilh th.al arc caught
ill great plenty, both in the lake and gulph.
Timder, 12 links to the wellwarcl of Haderfleben,
is a remarkable mat town, lituated in a fertile toil, on
the louthern bank of the river W ydaw. Here is a
liiiall llrong fort, whiih the king keeps in e.\i client
rep;ur. The harbour, iiovvever, is choaked Up at pie-
lent, and the town iiatli Icaicciy any trade.
Ajiei-.rade is litualal at the botteni of a guljih of the
Baltic, 25 miles north of Slelwic. It is ditended bv
a tolerable citadel; but has neVvit'ielels, been fr-'-
liiiently plundered in time of w.ir.
I.uxburg, or (ducklhuii', is tour miks to the ca!'r-
ward ot Meiilburg, near the liirne gulph, hut on the
ojipolite tide. It is but a liiiall t>vvn. \et has a callle
and gives title to the Dukes of 1 lollkin'-Giuckfl.urr-.
Tiii; Ducky ot' I loLsmv, tlunigh introduced into
moll fyllems of geography under ihe aiticie of Ger-
many, we thall treat of under that of Denmark, tor
the following reati.)ns ; bec:uile HoKlein lies on tiie
norih-eall tide of the river I'dbe, is fubjecr to the Kiii;'
of Denmark, and is one of the ricliell provinces in the
dominions of that monarch.
\ traveller, who had accels lo the public records of
the kingdom of J)enmark, and received many curii>u3
jiarticulars from the unfortunate j-rime miniiier C'oui'.t
Struenlee, thus delcribes this jlucliy. The great duihy
of Holtlein, which is all united to riie Danilh domi-
nions at |ireleni, is fiiiious for its line pallures, and k-i
producing excellent beef. Great 0|',!antities of horiv.d
c.utle are bought up in Jutland, and other provimvs
of Denmark, and brought here 10 be fattened : ami
th.eir beef, betides what is tiled for tl;e conlum|)tioii uf
Hamburgh and l.ubeck, is lahed, diieil, and ex-
Jiorted ; the foimer to Holland, aiul the latter to all
parts of Lower Germany ; and, togetlier with an excel-
lent breeii of horles, of whicii great num!)ers are o,-
jiorted yearly, bring conliderable I'ums of money r.'.Ut
the province, of the wIkjIc of which tlic court ot Den-
mark has not hitherto founil the means to drain them ;
Ii.) that this imn-ince may jullly be laid to be the rwh.-:l
in the Danilh dominions.
This duchy is bounded on the well b\ iheGeni.aa
Ocean, on the call bv the Baltic, on the louth-eafl ly
Mecklenl-urgh, on the louih-welf by the river l'.il\-,
aiul on the louth by the territo y of Hamburg, a:vl
by r.auenburg. It is Xo miles in length, 60 in breadth',
where broadell, and divided into four jirinripal ]\i;i ,
or province-, viz. Holltem I'rojier, Wagria, Storin.ir,
and. Ditmarlh.
Holllein is remarkably fertile, ami contain-. in:uiv
ricli marlli, j-aliure, and meailow lands. Dykes h.;\e
been cut through the marlli landA at an immenle e.\-
[jcnce, not only to drain otV the waters, whicli natural-
Iv accumulate there, but to ilraln ofF lui h as are ocia-
lioned In the inundations both of the tea and riv.r ,
uhiih are frequent. Thcl'e, however, give lu'ii ,1
riehi.els 10 the loil of tlie marllies, that cattle are !■:.!
in j'leat numbers, and fattened in them , and v.-.l!
quantities of excellent butter and cheeie are iiLide il
the milk. In ibme ]-arts of them thev fow wheat, bar-
ky, peas, beans rajH-leed, fic. whiJi thrive exec.:
ingly. Sheep are bred in the more laiidy, heathy, .i;.d
barren dillricis, and woods and orchards .ibound 111
other parts. The hecf, veal, mutton, lamb, and pork,
are all fat and palatable; .md the bell Ii a ami river
lilli are caught in ;'reat plenty. The Holll.in hor;r.
,ire exceeding beautiful, and, on that account, -.-..^
luglily prized both in Denmark .ind (ierman). 1 i:-
pruuipal people ulually farm out their cattle to a kiii I
of baiiitf', ulio runs .ill ha/.irds, receives all prolits, and
.iliows the proprietor lo much per head for the who! ;
tku. the pentrv reieivea certain income without lur-
ing any trouble, and the baililf is lulUciently reward. I
for his pains, as he ulually makes a fortune l)y thee.Mra
The iounir\' i^ in general iilain and level, and w.i-
lered by the river. Lvder, Sor, and Trave, with many
rivulets, ihkes, &c. An oikl ciillom prevails liere,
which is to dr.uii the lakes and |)onds, at certain taBe,,
and fell the carp, laiiipre\s, pike, perch, ki\ which
are fouiul in them; and then lome \ean> after to k,>v
them with oats, or ulL them for palhire; and alter tliat
to lay them underwater, and breed tilh in them ag-iin.
I'i'lic huules and churches are vere neat i foj' the jeople-
» J
lit ttiiiii of :'. f;u!]>!i of ij.o
cl'wic. It is (Jitciulal l>v
;, ncwrthc'k'l:-, bciu f-'-
is four miks to the cail-
! ihnic guli'h, but on tin.-
M t'lvvn, yet has .1 c:'.!lk-,
Jl K.niuii'-Giuckll.uig.
, tl'.oii;'Ji intro(iut\-(l into
LiiKlcr ihc aitiik' ot Cj.r-
k-r th.u of Denmark, tor
luk' HoUlfia liis on ii:c
Ibc, is I'ubjfc'c to tlic Kill"
iic riihcll ])rovinccs in the
.■fs to tl:c I'uhiic record': r,f
uiii received many curii-i:!;
m.Ue ] rime minii'.er Court
i (kicliy. The great ckidiy
lited to tiie Oanilh il^r.'.i-
or its line ]'alluie>, and [[■[
(ireat ijiiantities of honv.d
t!:ii)d, and other |irovi::;>.-,
Iiere to ho fattened : ami
k-d tor tlie conlumption ui
is tailed, diied, and ex-
land, and the hitter to yll
nd, togeth.er with an e\cc!-
ich great numbers are cx-
.-rabk- I'utiis ot money i:ito
)t wliieli th.e court ot Den-
the means to drain tiieni ;
Illy be laid to be the rieheil
)n tlie well In iheGerii:a:i
iillie, on the lbuth-ea(l I'V
th-welt by the river i'.lhc,
terriio y oi Hamburg, and
cs in length, 60 in breadth,
I into tour principal part ,
I'r^iper, W'agria, Storiiiar,
fertik', and contain^, many
eadn'.v kinds. Dykes h.;\e
1 land- at an iminenl'e e.\-
the waters, which natinal-
ilrain utf tui.li as are occa-
loth ot the tea and riv^T ,
e, however, give luih a
ulhes, that caule are !-:.;(
lenei.l i.'i tliem , and v;;ll
er and eheele are made ot
them ih.ev tow wheat, har-
^1. uhiih thrive exfui-
e more tamly, heatliy, a;.d
. and oi\hards ab(juiid m
. mutton, lamb, and pork,
ukI tlie bell lia and river
ntv. The MollL'in horte.
nil, on that atcouf.t, aie
imark and Cjermaii) . 1 lie
1 out their cattle to a Ivln I
rd-., receives all prolits, and
Ji per head f)r the vvhol ■.
ertain income without luv-
hii' is tulticiently rewarded
iiakes a loriuiie 1)V the extri
n r: n m a r k.
al p
n li
re \
ain and level, and wa-
and Trave, with many
ciidoni prevails h.cre,
ponds, at certain timci,
like, perch, k>\ which
I'ome \eurs after to iu^f
M' ])alhn-e; and alter tli.lt
breed tilh in them a^ain.
er> neat , fu' the people
here, with rel]ied lo i)icet\', relemblc the I loilander..
The duchv contain; alxiut 30 cities and towns, j;r. it
and tinail, and 600 paiillu-. The cler^^y are annual-
ly cholen, and remo\eable at ]ileat'ure. The pcojile
are rii;id Lutherans; to that they give but \ery little
countenance to Calvinills, and aiv th\)hi:,;y jiieiu diced
agaiiill the Roman catholic^. With regard to their
cliaracler, in other relpects, they are, in geiicrai, \veU
ni.ule, finely featured, tdir, Itrong, courageous, aid lo
ceUbrated lor tli' ir integrity, that I'le e\;>reilion Hol-
lUinglaul)e, or /.':ji:rj} fh/jfriiUT, is proveriiial throui;h-
out Ciermain, Deiiiiark, Kc. The pnncip'al cities,
towns, &c. ill Holtleiii are as tollow :
Lubeck, :ui imi'erial cit\, and chiet ot tlie Flan-
Tow 's, is lituated at the coiitlux of liveral rivvi-, the
largelt of which is the Trave, It i-. 11 miles iroai ti:e
Baltic, where it has a tine l.a'.bour, 25 miles nortli ut
Laueiiburg, 40 norlh-eall i/t i lair.buig, ami iiylouiii-
welt ot CJopen'iag-ii. it i> a billioiinc under i!;e :.rcii-
biihop ot Hreniui, and was tiai.lkued hitlier trom t)l-
lienburg in 1 1O3. |
Lulxxk is a government or ivpul'.lic within itiMt,
\>.ilh royal lurildiciior., vi/. to make and eMiiii-' ii^
o'.vn laws, a^ well in eivil :l^ in lajiiai caule-. Irciii
the conlillory th.ere lies an appeal to the lenate ut il;e
tity, which loiiiiits ot tviur bugomaiV.r'-, two lyiidic'-,
who are uvihans and 16 commoii-coiineihuen; eacli
ofwhoin h.i> hi^ ixuiiiular |Hoviiice, aiul they are all
tor life: luit the c-.>m:r.oii-couiicil is onlv tjrined ot
lawyer.-> and mervhants, wr.ii an e\c!u;ion ol meciianics.
I'.itlier aiil;jh il. eount ot Hohiein,
ami then lirlt endo.ved wnh ine iniinunilies ot the city.
In 1151 li was a.vuii iwlueed to a luap ot riiiiis by
tire, .ill.: v'.as alunvards relh'red by Henry the Lion,
duke I'. S;\on\, ;a wf.ole tane the collegiate church
was l'iii..!.d. In 1104 the famous leagr.e of the
I l.i.V: 'i .lAi'i \va begun here, and their college is llill
kit, t"g,ilnr iMtii the record'-, and common lloik
ruled by lontninuion-. la liSl llie emperor l-re-
(krick 1. itrought i' ir.iiier t'iilv,ecti;iii to tiie em-
pir.'; bui Henry the 1 .1011 rcio.ik it; iip.on x.IikIi it
I;d M'lo liie luuuls lit 1 loillein. and atterwarcN ot Doi-
ir.aii . li'e iity iii'.sii'g lull'ered greativ bv hie, jiai-
tiLuki.iv in 127(1, vas reouilt in the haiuiiome manner
now Icen; I'.ie lenate having made an order, iliat
I'viiie of the iioj;. - liiould, tor the luiure, be biiiit wit',
luiilier, or n-ver^d with thatcli. In 1^50 il was al-
nioll dep.ipulal^d w.lli the iilagiu , wlmh carried oil
vail luiai'.ieis ol ihe inli.ibitaiit^. At pieleiit it is a
hue nobk- c:tv, Ipacious and well lorti.ied; two miles
in lcn:'tl,, and mote th.iii uiii: bro.ul ; the llreets being
III. til, unitoriu and wide. Mar.i' ot the llreets have
rows ot lime-tive. on the lide-, and a canal in the
middle. Tlie churches ar' ma'.'.iiiliieiii, ■.\m\ about
twenty of them ha\e iiigli Ipirc-. liie two chiet
Idvits leading fioiu the cathedral, and the Milkr's
Ciate, to the 10;,. d and calUe gUe, being tin: llighell
part:, of the city, are iiilerleCted by others that detceiul
gi.idually on e;ich tide to the Tiave and Wagiiitz Ri-
\ei^. 'I'lie iioufe.'. are large and llaiely, being; built
ol brick, covereil with tiles, geiier.illy high, and adoiii-
til with l(.\ilpture. The rncr 'I'rave brings lliips into
the very heart ot the city, whii li is near ten miles tioin
the lea. The largell vellek, however, unload at Tra-
No. 57.
cmuiiid, a ((;rl on llie bay ol' Lubeck. The princi-
pal trade is to Rig-a, Revel, Narva, and i'.terllnirg ;
,iiid the iii.c.ija/.iiies and warehoufes are w^ll Hocked
wiili the |)roduetions and cominoditus ot I'.ngland,
h'rance, Spain, Holland, tl-.e I'vall and Welt Indies,
i^vc. The f iriilicatioiis are llrong, vs'ell rmillicd, and
kept in goou repair. The ballions arc loU;/ and ex-
lenlive, tiie out-work', numerous, and the haven de-
ijiided bv feviral tort-, and ramparts. 'I'he I'cveral
market-i'l.ices are larg.;, and well !'u].'p!ie(i ; and the
public buiiii'.igs llatelv, p.irticulanv the t'enate-houle,
arienah, U .fpitals, &c. St Mary's church is the molt
(.oaiiderab.le in the pkice being a lofty ediiice,
Ihuiding 1:1 the midll oi the city, and has a double
lieej le, tv.o Imni'red and feveiiteen yard-, high, built
ill l,')04. The iiiliile ot it is |;r;)iulel\' o.iiAniented
■.Mill |iiil:'.r':, monuiuenis, 8cc. but tiiere are fev/ of
i!i'.'m whicii delerve much notice. The great altar is
ver\ riclil) cvcculed in m.irbie, by (^iillin, who did
I') many at Antwcr]); and near it is a tamous clock,
v.hiiii is the iiiotl remarkable obiect at Lubeck, exlii-
Inting the eliptic, zodiac, euuato;-, and topics, and
ihr pLui'ts 111 their kveral cuirter-; whicliaiv lo iiii-
luilely ilone, ih.it the Ihunn il am ot them l^ to be"
loiiiid ,it ever\ hour ot the d.iv. Il IIk'a^ ti;e ivi'ular
variations ol the cekllial bodie--, lull rili.ig and kmng,
t'l-.- ecliples teltivals, and (.tlier remarkable days; all
\\hich It will continue !•) Iliew till the vear 1875. Be-
iitks all this, there are leveral automatons; and among
otiiei'-, a tigure ot our Saviour, with a iloor on its
right hand, which opi-ning at twelve at noon, out
coiiie, ill cider ot pidcelhon, llie emperor and the
leven eldell elect. irs, and turning to the image, make
a iiaifoiind obeitance ; this the figure returns by a
wave ol his hand; atier whicli tlie whole gi'uupe re-
tires in tlie lame oreler, through a door on tlie left, ami
both docirs thut tiirectl)-. In the tower is another
piece ot machinerv, the chimes, which plavs the hours
with a plealing melody, and minute e.'^aciiiei-,. I'.i-
der them is the bell, on which is tlruek the hour. Tiiis
is perlormed bv a ligure ot time; whilll a lelier tigure,
reprelentinjf .Mortaliiv, and llamlins; at the other tide
.it the bell, turnv alide its lieati at everv Itr.
'f his
work, tor its |)refervaiion, i- lurrounded wiin a ti.imc
ot wire. By tlie iiikription it :iii[)ears to l.a'.'o been
erected in I-105.
.'\iiiong o||ler^ is a ver\' curious ])iece called Death's
Dance, wnich repreli.iU'- human beings in all ttatioiis
of life, from an empetor to the meaneR jierlon, and
f 0111 an old man to an intant, led round a circle by
li) many IkeUton-, lliewing that ileaih 1| ares neitiier
age or oii'ditioii.
.■'\ii' wh.at is iite, wiih ilk encompafs'd round ?
.Vini'.lll our hopes late llrikes the ludtlen woun^l.
'I'li-daj' tile tlatelman ol new lionour tlre.nus,
To-iiionow death ikllroys hii airy Ichemes.
1 . mou'.ily treafure in thy clietl conliii'd r
Think all that treafure thou mull Ic.ve Irjhind.
The heir with fmilcs lliall view the bla/.oii'd Jierle,
And all thy hoards with lavilli hands dilp.erle.
ShoukI cert.lin t.ite ih" uiijieiiding blow deho ,
'1 h\ mirth will liekeii, and tin bloom deca\ :
Tiien leeble ,ige will all thy nerves dil'arm ;
No more thv blood its narrow chaniiek warm.
Who then would with to flretch this narrow Ipan,
To lialler life btjoiid the dale of man ?
Tiie cathedral of Lubeck is a building of very great
anii>iiiity, being elected ill the year 1170, bv duke
lleiir) the Lion, aii'.elhir of the pnl'iit elector of
llanover, I'he occalioii ot buihling it is mentioned
in M\ iiilcriptioii on one of the wails, vi/., that lleiiry
the Lion, duke of Sa.xony, hunting in tin- pan ot
the louiitry, caught a llag with a g.'ld coll.ir and
crols about its iiei k, on which was tins inlcription,
ihc inc Cu'far donaiit, containing the date ot the year,
which w;is in the ivign ol Charkiiiaiii : and the cluke,
lioiu lurpri/.e at this accident, erected this caLhcdral,
7 1 lor
) ir
' '■
.'<■: ?
! i
for commcnidnition ot it,on ih.'laiivj l;)i)'.,.iiul endow cl
it with ail liaiuilonu- rcvciuic. In tiii; lop ut the
iluircli !> to In- ki-ii tlic tiijuiv nt'thi' It.ic;.
All luuts I'.t this i.it\ arc idAu' v.iiii uater bv ln|K■^
fruni :i nltrvoir. 1 he next llaplc coi)uiiatlit\ to ci)rii
ih lu'iT, wIikIi Is 111 hit.',h fiUiiiat io!i, not oni\ as a
|ilc.i'aiit ruiiior, Inn as a nioilicine, when e\ternallv
ai>i'heil lO bruiles, woiiiuls, ?vC. Here are leMial
hoijntaU, which arc well hipiioriM.!. There is one tor
ancient ji'ople ot botli uxev, uhkli was oiiee a callle,
Iruiii wlieiue the eiti/.eiis ilio\e out the Daiiilh i!,airi-
lon. St. Ann's is tor or])liaiis, ami other chiiilieii ot
|>xir Inir^her^, who are inil.uoteil in l.'iiie haiulicratt
l)iilinels ; anil thtre i^ ,iii apartment t'H t!ie contiiie-
mcnt ot libertines and lunaiii-. 1 lure are t\M) other
holpitals tor the reeeptini ol jio^r iravelkr->, where
tliev are allowed three ila\ s retrellinieiit, ;ind then lent
tomard with a pal's; bitt tv;eii as happen-, to be liek.
are provaied wilh all neceli.irie'. till tho reo.ver or
die. ihc ncliell toundatton ot this toit is St. ( leop.'.e's
Cloyller, wliieh is ehielh tor the m.iintenanee ot luth
artiliecrs as arc jirowii old ,vk\ pall their labour. I'licre
IS alii) St. Cleririuie's hoipital, whuh i^ a pell-honle.
'I'here arc, moreover, U\eial alin--luHiUv, eiulmved
In the iiiereiiaiit-, tor the ir.ainteiianee ot the widow-
ot pei)r members ; belides lever.il little llreets ot lioules
tor the wido\NS ot other ))oor tili/eii'-.
'I'raveiiiuiKl, de|ienile!U on l.iibeek, trom whenee
it is but nine iniLs to the north-eall, and 3: well ot
\\ iliiuT, is a liiile lown near the mouth ot the river
'l"ra\e. One ol the >.>iiir.i- I't llolllein lold it, in ij:o,
tor 4000 marks, to the I .uheckers, who toriihed it
with t >ur sioi)d baliuin , elected a iiulit-lioule to i;uuie
the Ihijis at ni^lii, and tommonh keep a garriloii here
ot three or 400 inen, eoniiiKliuled In a I iii;j,lier ot l,u-
beck, who reeiives h.is 1 rdeis trom the buri2,oiiulU'rs,
and admits no perlons i.ito th.e pi.iee without a ]al-
ijwrt. It was lei/etl bv the i/.ar m 1(117, in order to
leeiirc tranlports kir Ins troojK, but he was pirluaded
fu ejuit It. There is a peiiinlula ii\er againll it, about
a i;uarter (^t a le.i^ue in liieiiintereiiie, whieli belongs
to the dueliv ot .\lei klenbur;'. 'llie river Trave riles
out ot a great lake, in the |uri!di:iion ot Sei;eberg ; anil
atlcr a ler|)entine courle, trom north to loutli, by Se-
jliiieri; and Oliletlo, turns llioit to the la;', waters
thecitv ot l.ubeek, ut which this town is the ji.irl,
tUcn tails into tlie ISaltie.
l)ldello, or Odello, on the r^er Treve, le\en miles
louth ot Se^elxr}^, I S well ot l.ubeek, ,uid 31 iiorth-
eull ot H.'-nibur;:, is a little old ti.vn, which was tor-
nierK a vcrv tlourilliini; ]>lace, ,ind tlie capital ot this
part, but lutiered to mu.h b\ ti^e iKi;.;iibourinr its beer,
which i-. lent into many purta ot the cireuiniacent n'Un-
trv, and eVen tianlporietl aluoud.
Meldorp, or Meklorf, is a large town, i'Mn;:;;-.- .ir,
a river or ftream. called the i\'leele. It has i,,,,,!.
trade, and three market-plaies r..i!nd its li.uul,, ,;,(:
tinguilhed by the names of tlie north. [' uii,, aiui'ueii
nia:kets. Here i> likewile a public lili..ul twi the iUidv
ot the dallies and rhelone.
Heyde IS a large but -p.oor town, 10 m.le- to the
north ot Meldiop.
Kivmpi is .i imail open tuwn, 01: a little rive, ul th,.-
lame name.
(ihicktladt is lituared on tin t: >iih liik- cf th.- l-,,l)c,
i6 miles fouth-Wwi ot llanibuig. It 1- a ni.it well-
buijt town, and lo itrong .is to be deemed inipregnii)!.
The D.iiies h.ive 2COO men in ganilnn lieie, ana
loiiie nK[\ ot w.u in the liarin ur, which is \er\ ;'.it:
and Ip.ui'ju-. Here the CilviniUs have a eluiivh. t:ie
Roman Catholics a chapel, and the Jews a tvnagoi>,ue.
The town w.is ti.unded in 16:0, wlim Chiilli.in U .
king ot Deiimaik, ordered it to be c.illed G/.'aXy/,;,//,
whiih implies /-'t/VrtWrt/i-Viriv;. 1 h. re being no Iprir."-
about the town, the iiihalni.i.iis uIl- r.iin-water, or that
of the river. Thotc who are convicted of theft reteu,-
this tcntence; to draw duniu', lite, tlie dull carts bel(]i;H-
ing to the town, to whuh they .ire chaineil like ll.'.\i '.
Mredenberg, or Hriieiiburg, is a vill.ige on the
Stor, deteiided l)) a lalUe; it gives name 10 a lonl-
Ihip th.it has long been the ]'ropeity ot' the ancieii! aiui
celebrated tamily Ran/aii.
I'rinieburg is a market town on t!ie I'inace, i j niiies
from Hamburg, and 14110111 ( iluekll.idt. It iso'nl) re-
markable lor giving name to a county which fell to the
crown ot Denmark bv tlie death of it, kill > ount, in 16.(0.
Aitena, a large and populous village, is joined h\ .1
row ot houles on thf I'.lbe to Hamburg. It h;'..l 1;
name trom the king ot l)if,n,ark, as it" is laid, pure-
ly to banter the deputies of Hamburg. The latter re-
monllrated to liiin againll building this town too ntu.
their cit\ ; and having frei|uen:ly oblerved thereu|ioii,
in their dikourt'e to tlie king, " I)at is al le na,"
whuh, in the language of this couiitn, i, " It is too
" near," the king, taking particular notiieof the tlirci-
kill monolvlkibles, laid to the deputies, he could not
excule himlelt, it he did not g.i on with the buiklings;
but that to oblige them, he would call it bv the name
they had giv^n it. It w,i- t.^rmerb .1 refuge, not only
tor mlolvelit debtors, but e\en maletartors, that came
trom H.imbuigi beiaule, though the iniiabitants, a
tew lilhernun .ind lailors, fubiect to the king of Den
mark, depeiuleil intireU' on tl:e trade and bulinefs ••!
that cit\, Ul it w,;- .pine out ..I his uiriuliction. 1'. ■
noted for a ircatv in i6«'), Ihuvim i!ie ki:ig ot I).:.-
mark and liie duke ol I IniiK-in-C loiioro; but iiuku
more t(v,- Its calair.il\ in 171:, when C'luinl Sleinboch,
the Swedilli geiierai, having jull defeateil l!,e kin:' •
Deiim.irk ;ind his aimv at (i:ulebulch, came and nu' ,i
this town to the urouml. The realons pretciukd i.\ the
Swedes v.eie, that magazines ot b.re.ul, fair, N- .
were pii p.-inng here k.r the Muicovitcs a;.d .S.w.ii, .
and that it w.is p.irtK in irpriliil lor the burning -I
Staikn, and other cruelties cuiiimitted In the I)a;ies:i:i I
Muleovites in the duchies ot Brei-.ien ;'.nd Poniei-aiii.i ;
but theie w.is this ditierence :is to Siaden. that the I >,iiv -
belleged it in form, and deltrowd it by their bomb- ;
wl'.ereas Steinboih was luilged to act the ]\irt of an 1::-
cendi;ir\. As liion as he ap|iea:ed before -Mtena, ;•:■
lent III .1 luellage to advile the inhabii;nis to r,:i!
with what ihev eould c.irr)' off, for that he was gi i; >
toilellrov tl'.eir lo.Mi. .The magillrates came oiil 1,:
a body, .uid, killing :it his teet, sillied h.im jO.r.M
rixdolla.s to five ihe town i but Sieinbock infiiiul ,1:1
2oo,oc», wIikIi thev were readv t>i comply with, .'.1, !
only deiired time to go to Hamburg lor the inonev , I c
theg^eneral would admit ot iiodelav; U) il;;it the pi- r
inhabitants Were obliged to turn out ; the muihc . -.'.ilh
their inlants at their lireall , and Ions wiih ih.ir.i" d
and iiilirm jiarents on their backs, others groaning i n-
der loads ut houlhold-good- , and all lamentiiig their
fate with the moll kimeiil.ible cries. 'I'he Swede;
llood at the barriers with tkimiii^ tortlies-iii their li.ind-
J '■
hiriic toun, I'anc:;;'.;' on
.■ XK-i-U'. It li.w ;,.iiic
S IuI'.IkI lis I. i.Ullli, U'''.
iC r.orili, 1 uii,, i'.r.ii u-i;
iiblic Uliwol lui tlic iiuJv
r ir.wn, 10 \k\\c~ [■} t'.K'
a, n;'
-•t i!,:
,ic iviitli lull !■( lljL- I'.iiv;,
lurg,. It i- ;i iii.it will-
) hi- (laMUi'd Hiiprc^^ritbh .
Ill i;i L'.iniliiii iiutv, ;i!ia
irlniir, \Oiiil\ is \iT\ i.it.
iIImI's W.iW .1 (.IllilVJl, til.-
Ill till.' Jcv^s .1 tyii;ii;i)i>ui.'.
bio, u 111 II L'linllian l\.
; to W f.illi-'l GltiLkjiiuii,
'. 1 ill IV Ikii\;!, no iini-^^
Its i.i!l- rain- water, or that
n)iivicti.-il ol llictl ri.'i;ii\,-
, Ilk', till- iliill I arts bcldi-.L'-
V .in- tiialivjii like II .'.\i .
r;;;, is a vill,ig,c on tin
it givi-s name to a loai
ropcrty ot tlii' aiKicnt am;
■11 on tlio I'inacc, i_^ nv.ii^
( iluclsHailt. It isonl) n -
a covinty w'nicli tiil to tlu'
ill .;.t it^ hill < 'Hint, in 1640.
His \illatii', is joiiK'd h> ,'.
to 1 lamlnirsT. It i',;',.l 1;
ir.avk, as u is laul, \mi\-
l-laiiihu!;j,. Till- lailcr r.>
niildini!, tliis town too mi:
ii'iitlv oIulmaliI theivuiinii,
iiig, " Dat is al tc iki,"
his couiitr}', is " It is too
irtiiuhir notiicot the thrci-
le ilf])iitics, 111- lould lilt
ijv. on With ihf huiKlin>!,s
Aoulil call it bv the luiiu-
riiierU a retui^e, not onl;,
11 aialct iilors, that lanie
hoiis^h the inhabitants, .1
jibieil to the kin[i ot Dcii
thi- trailc aiiil bulmel- o!
t ..I his mriliUction. It i-
lu iwiM liie kin;j, of IXt.-
Ilein-Ciottor]); l>iit niu.il
, V, hen Count Sleinboch,
lui! ilcl'cateil th.e kin;; '
iilebuti-li, tanir and bui,;t
le realons pnt^iukd Ia the
IS ot l-.fead, h"ir, N. .
Mu'.ujvitis a:.d S,'.\oh ;
j.iilal tor the burning' '1
niiiilted b\ the I)anesa:i 1
Brer.K'n and I'oineraiii.; ;
to Stadeti. tl'.at th>' D.iiv -
ro>. ..li ;t bv their bomb ;
I to aoi tiie jwrl of an i::-
,]iia ed betijie \llen.i, i'l-
the inhabii '.Ills to r/!ir.
!T, tor that he was liii;'
iiKU'jUrales laiiie out 1.!
teet, otlired him jo.r.-.i
lut Sleinbotk iiiliiiid"'i
■adv to ii'iiiply with, .11. i
iburij, loi the humka , hi:'
o (k'l.iv ; ho that the |'i" r
n out , the iliothe's '.'. :lh
and Ions with ih. ir .i" d
aks, others jiroaiiing i n-
anii all lamentiiiii; tlmr
Ible cries. Tiu' S'.veiK';
linsj, lor^hcs la ihiir h.i'nl ■
while they palled, and, before they were all gone out,
entered the town, and let hrc to all iiarts of it, whieh
burnt Qooo houles, with leveral tine inag.i/.iiies, and
»he l'oi)illi chuieh. Several old men and women, be-
lides intants, |ierilheil in liic ihuiies; but the)' :,jariil
the Lutheran and C'alvinill churi'lus, with about So
houlL's liiai hi\' neaivil to H.imbui;^. Never w.is
ureaier delolaiion known. Rut what c-oiii]iieteil me
rum oi this jilaec was the raging ot the |)!,iii,ue at the
lame time in Ilollk'in, tnloir.ueh that the Haiiiburgeis
were toreed, tor tlieir own |ireleiTation, to lliut the
rates :igainll their dilliilled neighbours, many ol'wlioiu
perillieii with told and want. The king oi Denmark
relieved them as lar as the neeeirity ot the times would
1,'trmil, and i.iuied them to be l'u[)piied witii materi.ils
lor rebuilding ihiir town. The buildings at Altena
are now bitter in appearanee than thole ot llaiuburg ;
the llreeti are llrait and regularly built, wide, and
well-iiaved. "Iliere is a town-h.ouk' erected; a-.d le-
veial other inilhii I uildings Ihew that the ])late is in
a liourilhii;J and i;ii]Toving llate. '1 he iiiereliants
houles are on the water-. ide, lo that Ihips unlo.ul and
load at their iloor-. I'he king ot Denmark made it
ijie llapi.e ot the Danilli Kail India company, which has
b'-.'n ot ver\' great iin[)ortance to the tonii. This mea-
liiie w.is an admirable one tor .'\ltiii:i, by mians ot
lier tituatioii, dillribules the India goods were no
otiier town m Denmail; could: Ihe lends large quanti-
ties into moll parts ot Cieiinam, and herein ri\als the
Hamburpers, who .u'e lorced to buy theirs ot" the
Dutcli. I:i all lliele |)oints the interell ot' Denmark
has been viry well contidered t'.)r this lall ceiiturv',
trom .1 n.)ble attention in th.eir kings to pro. note what-
rve:' has been moil tor the iiileivil nt their lubjeCts.
Toleration is allowed liere, which is denied at Ham-
burg, to all Chrillian lein-, ot whom there is laid to be
a greater variety at Altena than in any city ot I'^urope,
except Am'.lerdam. I'he Calveiiills ot Holland and
b' ranee ha\e liandliiinc chuiihes, built all together on
two lidos oh the lame court. The Papills, tho' tolera-
ted, arc not li publicly couiitenaiiceil as the I'roteitants.
Kiel is .1 town ot great trade at the mouth ol the ruer
Swentin, o:-. a b ly ot the Baltic, and the capital ot all
H')ilUin, 17 I'.uies eall ol Kenlburg, 2401 Cioitorp,
.-;6 north-wei't of l.ubeck, and 4» north ut Hamburg,
and I'.nds betw^-en hills on an arm ot the k.i, where
it fof.'.is a hike. It has a good harbour, well tVeijueiit-
ed b\' Ihilis ii'om (ieiir.anx, Sweden, i\c. and is po-
pulous and wealthy. Both the town .-.nd harbour are
defended b\ .'. i.iliie on a neighbouring hill. On the
right, or eail-l'de ot this calile, the lea wathis its Aalb ;
and on the other lide of the bay there is a deligiutul
country, though wood\'. <.)n the left tiiere is a ..nali
arm of the tea, a:;ii another delicate country adjoining
to It. I here is a garden l.uing this calUe, which is thc
oiiK phiie wliereb', Kii.! lub co;umuiiicateil with tiie
mam land; o.iU 10 tiie ielt ot the cattle there is a row
ut houles leading to a vuia_ie cilicvl Hrunl'wick. Tiii-
garden wliicii ll.unii along the lea-lide, is above ice
]>aces broad, and coniil'is ot a terrace walk, levelled
with the toundation of the calUc, trom wlunie there
IS a del'ceni to parterres lull oi all Ions ot liowers, and
adorncli>m le-veral
other guljihs, particularly the gulphs ot Fliuand,
Bothnia, Livonia, and Dant/.ick. It is remarkable that
this lea, or gul|>h, neither ebbs nor Iknvs ; and tiiere is
always a current from it, that lets thiough the Sound
into ihe ocean. It is hkewile generally fro/en over
thiee or lour months in the winter.
'V l.LL.AN I) is the iiKill c^tenlive and fertile ifland of
^-^ the Baltic, and the principal part ol the kingdom
ol Denmark. It is bounded on the call by the Sound,
wliiih divides it from Schoneii, and on the well In the
Cfjater Belt, which I'eparates it from luiicu. The
' -1 1
i . il
» ;■
■ 'J
''"( m I .
; f
irtaiuls of Moon, I'.illKr, aiul L;\laiiil, lie on tlic
limtli; anii on tlu- iiiirtli ai\- tin.- t'aif^r.iti.- ;in>l Siliagir-
rack. ll I-- almolk ot a roiiinl tliiin, lui.i;; 70 riiil.s in
dianiclfi", and about ;co in i in uiiitk.riiuc. 11. c land,
in general, is low, and wry tcrtilt;; and it. woods tn-
rclts, &c. abound uitli eanu . 'I'lu- foall is indent. d
\\it!i iii.iin i;uli'ir, b.n • . ^;^■^k^, Ut:. wiiiili an- ot
jircat i.oniniiriial ulc, .i-. iluv atl'ird many Iccuro i,.u-
boiirs. I'lic lea va|) remUr llu- airthiik, but not
lin\v!;i>iroiiu-, as tlii' jao) le Ikiv, in i^en'-ral, live to a
vi-r\ old ai;f; but liny ;'.:\ i.uil, dilpiriiei!, and in-
a.:tive. Zcal.iiul is ili\i,kd i;it>i ;'j bai'iwiiks, talleil
lierrits and ilicli- cor.i.vii y/i paiidv^ witii lev-ial
lo-.\i>, ^.e.
Ot tl\U
cipal is
Co|'cnliag,cn, the ea]iial ot the ulio'ie kingdom.
Tliis eitv takes its name troni I'.ii- comiiioil;< ulnels ot
its port; lor till- word illelt li;;uir.cs, 'Zi'if .\/_,.int lioulis, beloiyj,in.; to the ntib.i-
lilV. Il'..l:'.^ r.".ai:r,:rui.;u diurclie , and other elc;j,ant
pui'lic ciiil.a'-. An ini:ui:i us }.h litiuiian, lio\ve\cr,
who '..:■.; vcr\ l:itei\ in ili.s iii\, V.w-, " to tew pertons
\iiit ihis i:;etroj oils, or i.ir._i;<.liin, Irom motives ot
turi(-;:tv, that they are cuite lurj.ri/.ed when 1 allure
thcni I li.i^e no lort ot burinel-- here, and am only cm-
1 loved in the learcli ot kiiowlciige. '1 h.ere is no t..ce
(5t' indultr\ or bulincl'. h.crc; ami C'oi)enh.igen, thout;h
one ot the linell |)ori^ in the worlil, can boall ot little
tomiiicrce. 'I'he |>ubiic places are tilled with olFicers,
cither in the l.ind t-M" tea lcr\ice; and iiie\ api'car to
cijiillitirU- lhue-K.uil!.L et the .•.udi.'iite, both at the
comeily ard "he ojicia. The ni.mber ut tories are
indeed iiiuch loo large tor this little kinndc'ni. They
tan boat! , 11 is trui, a \all cMwiit cl dominion; b.ut
i/iuhat imj.ortance are the baiien and almotl uninha-
biti.d r.'.i'Ui'.i.iins ot N'orw.iy and i a] lainl, ibtUliing
t'lthe i .le, (.r i!ie |)i.;;nb ot keiaiui, wiieie the mliabi-
t.mts iue Jet, and will jiropabiy i.\er reii.;im, in the
moll j.rolouiid luibarilmr '1 heirilominio.'.s in 1 iolllein
are b\ f.'.r the rv.ull rieli, and turnilli a la,'y,e 1 art ol the
r. ixal i\ venue. 'I'lure :'.,etl , indeed, no '.Iront'.er
pro'jt ot th.e povettv ot the km;;dom, than the tiaivity
ot' ipetie. 1 !;.i\e teen no ;^o!d, and hardly an} I'.iVer.
'I lu\' \K\\ evciy thing in [ aj er ; ami it \ou lole a
lingk: doil.u" at tlic caid-tabit, or the billiard-table, it
i" '.',iven in a bill." The i\i.eil-n>\ c-t th.e haibouris
oAing to the ilhiiHi ot Amack, which breaks ott" tlie
wave-, ;ind lliclter:. t.-oni the lurge ot the lea. Here
Itanb the arelenal, tlic c.wiiang-:, tiie lallle, ami the
mint, w:iii about 500 liouli.., ki.own bv the name ot
the N' w 'I'own. 1 he whole eiiy i.t Cojicnhagen is
al)<)ul ;i'>e iriile.i in enxiimtere.nee. it In s very low;
but ihete i-. .1 tiling grouiid within about h.ilt a league
ol II, ai'.d l.'.o •!! three little hills that cover it on the
welt-ll'le, lr(in wluntc the iit\' may e.ilily be bn:;.-
barded. It ha- a \er\ regular uta.lel on the north and
north-Well, built on tiie lliore, uitli levei.d line baJii-
ons, wit!! ravelins of i.uih, wvl! ll.ind with laiinon,
ami p'aliila.'Oeii. 'lin other hlis me ot more diliicuit
accels. bv r^alon r; K.:r!li' . Ihere are liveral royal
baltloiif, 'villi ravelins betou iliL cmialiis which reach
from theiilatiel \o the le'Uih p. 'I, and eontiiuic bc\ond
the arm ot the li.i, wha h l>.jarate.i Z'.eland Iruin
Aiuack. A circuit cl lortiticatioii-, coiililUii^ ot ci^^lit
royal ballioii';, and a raxelin, endolis the new rin-, f!ie
port and iK-et, ami taces the tulbooth, or culh n;-
lioiili' battery, .vhuli leciircs the entry into the i.in.n.
'I'lieie toftilicatioivs m.ikc the city ot a i-uuiid lomi.
'I'he luniles, which are not above 7000 in number, do
not take up above halt' the ground cncloled. The en-
trance into the harbuur is lo narrow, that one Ihip
onl\ c.in pals ai a time; aiul this entraiue is llmt up
every night with a llrong b.ioii. The eiladel on ohe
lide, and a g.-'^'d block-houle, well turnilhed with
cannon, on tte other, nMrmand the mouth ot' it.
Withi.l this |i,i\^n rales the roval nav\ , every llim
iuaving its place alliL;ned to ii. A wooden galliry
ranges round the uhulc enclofure where the lleet lies,
ami is laiil o\er th.e water in liich a manner, that all the
ihips may be viewetl mar at han.l, as eali!\ and i()in-
modioiiily as il'tluv lay on dry land. Thi^ lurb-mr u
capacious enough to hold 500 tail, «heie ihuIat ti.e
wind or the enemy laii do them the leal! imkliiet.
The road without is very g.;cd and li.te, lieing tenced
trom the leu with a l.irge l.uul-baiik, on the points ot
whieli are always two buo^^ (hating to liirecl. ail llnji^
tii.it come in or go out. \ iere are no tides to t.ar, .ind
there is always a liiliieicnt de|.'lh ot w.uer. Se'iiu'tiinr,
indeed, accoidiiig as the wind blows in or out ol the
Baltic, tlure he-., a cuirent; but it is neither tiei;iient
or dangen.'U'..
The itlanil of Amack lies call fri>;n the ciiv i>f Co-
penhagen, on the other lide of th.e haven, and is lalkd
the (iarden ot Copenhagen. It isalmoll ot an oval torai,
and was eliiellv |)laiited by Hollanders lent th.iiher hv
Mirgarei, diuhels ol Savov, and governcis of the Low
Countries, at the deliie ot Chrillian II. who had mar-
ried her nieie, filler to Ch.iiies \'. emperor <;f (nr-
m:'.n\ . Hewilhed that liis i.uien might liavo pull'e,
ami oilier ganlen-llutf, pl.inled there, which none
knew li) well how to cultivate as the 1 lollande.s Halt
the itland was granted to them, and keep^ to this d.iv
th.e n.ame of I luilandelby. They Hill rel.iin the I^ukli
talhioiiv, ami kipplv Copeiih.igeii with milk, butler,
and eheele. The other halt ot the illand is inhabited
by Danes. Buides pulte, anil vlWv truit, which this
illand produces, here is alio |)k'ntv ot wh.eat, barlev,
and oats. It alii) jiroduces abundan.e ot' hares. The
inhabitants are indullnous, and their houles neat an.l
i lere is a place whiih ai)]iroaches nearer l.i
the nature ot a circus than a kiua."c. f'.ach Ink- !j
torniid ot onlv one lin;;le palace; and in th.e center i>
an equeilrian lUiiue in bror./.e, ot king krederick the
hitih. This j.lacc has a goiKl etlect, and is iiiuki
uiDie liandloiue than the I'laee de N'ie'toires at I'ar;
'1 iiere k a tine coUeiiion ut paintings in one ot iluk
palace , I'.ml a very curious private tiiukiim in anotlm.
Iki! the grealell luricihlies, natuiai ar.d aitilicial, h( ih
t(;r varieis and iiiiriniu: \akie, are jTelerveil in tht
Royal Muleiim, m ei^lit ihambers, erected over the
king's hln'arv. 'I lie i hamb. r , or a; .inineiiis, arc
large and well lurnilhed. C)m *■! theie io.,ms 1.
whiilly t,:ken up with iiadals ;inti'.|iie and nvKlir:.,
eaili tort being I- e| t bv thiililekes and \ery liaii..;-
outly arranged; and in a k| arate cale are coi.iaai^ii
the I'adu.Uis and other couiiiirkit mid.ik, whicli,
in workmanlliiii, lo mailv relin.ble the true Ciieci:in
and Riiman aiilii]iiitie'-, that a gotxl judge tan Icar ■ ■.
tiili:i;L:uilli th.eiii licm originals. 'I'lie leries ,it i:..'
modern medals ot iuiropean naiiiais are abklntu
complete, and thole ot each nation kept diUniet. 1 krc
it is proj-er ll.) ohierxe, byway ol e\| lanaih'ii, th.:t .1
I'.ulu.in, amongll ir.edalills, i' a modern medal Ihiu'.^
with ail the marks ami charaelers i>t aiiiiijuiiv. ill-
name is taken l:i>ni a famou. Italian ( ainter, i.i;.i.l
the I'aduaii, Iroiii I'ailua, ihe |ilace ot Ins biiih, ui, >
fucceeiled lo well in the cheat, that the bcli iiulges a:e
.it a lok to (lillinguilli liis niedak trom tiiole which are
really anlitjue.
/\mongll the natural turioliiies prelerveii in tl.e
cluuibcrs one ul tlic moll, rtmarkable i;, a |eiin.. 1
cloli- tlu- new (in , t'\e
tollnKiili, or culK '1'.-
10 entry iiiti) il^e 1m-,. ii.
city ot ii ruiiml loio.
)\c "COO ill r.'.iinlxr, lio
i!nl likIoIciI. Tlif tii-
niirrow, tluit (nit Ihip
his iiiti:iiui !■• lluit u|)
11. '1 Ik- cii;nli.l OP Diio
e, well turiullied with
laiiil the iiKHith nt' it.
riiviil iv.uy, every liip
it. A wcH.Je'i galUry
me where tlie tleet lies,
ih II Mianiier, that all tl.c
kUi.i, as e.iliK and loni-
V land. Thi> harlvnir h
) 1;.;1, where mither tl.e
iheiu the le.'.(l ir.iKliict.
.1 and I'.-.te, being lenced
l-lmnk, on the i^Mits ■>{
uating to liired ail lllll'^
X are no tide'- li) tv'ar, .md
th ot w.'.ier. Sonietiine-,
il blows in or out ot the
_iut it is neither tiec;uent
call troiii tlie eiiv ot t'o-
)f" tl'.e haven, and is ealkd
I isalnioll ot an ovaltorm,
lollanders lent thither by
and tjowrnel^ ot' the Low
hrillian 11. v^lio had iii;'.r-
iiles \. emi'eror <;t da-
iiucen might have pulic,
mied there, which none
J as the Hollande.-. Halt
in, and keep-- to this day
1 ley Itiil retain the DutJi
liageii with milk, butler,
orihe iflaiid is inhabited
I ether truit, w hieh ihi-.
pL'ntv ot wheat, badev,
)unda;'..\: ot hares. The
nd their houles neat an 1
li ainiroaelies nearer ti>
a l.|ii;i:e. Kaeh tide \>
lee; and in ih.e center i.
1-, (,t kif.y, hrederiek the
.roml etl'e.-t,^ and is inuii
aee de \'ictoires ;'.t I'ar;- -
a;nlini^s in one ot llulc
ri\aie n.utLum in anollu:,
i.itu.al aivl uitil.eiai, h' in
ic, are i-reievveil m t;^
..r.ibers, e'.e^led over tie
.. p, or a; armieiits, are
OliL >.i ti.e'.e roolln 1'
.il-, aiiliviue and nvKier:.,
imle'ises, and \ery w.dw'--
1 arate 'n, th.'.i a
i- a iiuderii medal U;u'^
iraLlers ol anlleiUi'.^■ i i'-'
lou. Italian (aiuter. i.;;.i.l
he jilaet t)f hi.-, blith, \vi >
U, that the belL ukUV.s a:e
ledal- tnmi U\u\r whicii arc
.uriolities preferved in t..e
I lein.jkable i:- a jetni-i
n r, N M A n i:
It wa:i cut out (if the motlicr's hi lly at Si v, ^ tained each of thcni nirrtc afii.\i of a
in CIiaiii|ia;^iie, in the year i^->i.
aster li ivni
ween 10 aiu
,iiKl tli.it It is a liii-
Hi cole
le !are,elt ol tliein \vei:;lis two nuiie,..s .uid a i.il:
the others t
WD ounees ami a ili.i u.
lev ;ire e^-
innil lietus. aiul not aililieial, is tvidi'it hiwiiul all inmely thin, aiul each li.is three li!..',; ot u"'d ah lit
liiljuili-. It., Ik-.kI, Ihuiil !ers, and hilly, arc (.1 a its neeli, with i'everal eirele-; e.irv.il ii;)i.ii in,_- nirhde ot"
whililli eol.iui', and very iiuieh rt leinhle alah.iller ; the ' the urn, having one coniiiioM c-nur. '1:.;-, ililiov-ery
bael: and I 'ins are roiiiewh.it br!, it is ol a red eoli.iir, and as w.is an ancient eulloni ainoii'j; ilie iio'il'vm ii.;;,.,!,, Ui
iuird I's p-rlect (tone can be, exaclly n renihliiij; the burn tlu ir dead, and tlun buiy th,.ir eollc'.leJ aihei
iiard Hit ot' Hones irener.ited in the bladdir. Tins in f;oKI,ii urns.
iiesii^, al'ti ;• it was t.iken tioni the iimthi r, v.a^ lull I iieie is another repiihhr.,1 inn (ilMnyll.i!, nla ■.'^■fii-
cinii-d to Puis, where it was I..K1 to ;i jewlh.r ct e.il li;'ure, whiih h.is alTo .i en!.! ii lii:;.' ai.oLit it, .mi
Vetrie, wl..> liappened to he iher •, h-r .;U. at : 1. wa . loiiiid n ai lkM>',en in Norw.iw
Ihrliii,;; ol wl,.iiii it w.ii aUerw.io
I ill le are likewile in this eulinlion O'Veral v l:',!s (jf
lieJeriek III. kii;;.; ul Ueinnaik, ler (,..l. ai.d addid i diii'eretit (izes, loine ol fj.il'.. ai:d others ot earth,
to this Culli'eli ,;■.. I which are e. died laeliryinal urns, or 1 lehrv n;.itMii.N,
111 one e.l the eli.,inbers are' to bo rein two i lephanu beiii'^ uled by the nneii-nt I'loii.ans to calei: tl
t-e;;i, eaea ■.mivJi.
an ninuiree
1 and i:
.V pouiuls,
Irell were ihi;.; oat ol a U'lie ipiarrv in S.i.voiis
wce|-.in;.; trii-tids, whieh Were ulterwards ii.i.\ed uitl
ilhes ol the decealed.
In thi.i line c
t,.ete a.e lever,
We lliall coneln !e our aceoiint ot tlii; eel hr:ited
f.t lib.r ore, du;:; out ot the iniii'.- ol' Norway in i6i,6, nuirc-uin witli a ilelerip'.ik-n ol the Daidlii .iiul Ol.leii-
or.e <■! V. .lie 1 w
ei^liN 46 J p.unuls, aiul is valaed at
Anoti-.er 1' eee, roiiRwhat hi-, is v.nue.l at ii.e Daiii'li horn is ol puie f;ol.!, we
in;; iionr, two euruilitus wlnrh a''e <>really aoiiiirei.
IltIis an liundr.
uwic tiiaii -i'.oc
\.'i\i beiir- I'o riea, tl;;it th; v
two ounces aiKl an lia!!, k f.vo li 1 1 nine iik I
li to conrain at le
Il t!
u V
OUT, and holds abe.ut l\
are e nnpilej o
t aw:
:r,i II
one, t le crai ks cr e.iv-
T:,is 1
lorn was aeeidi tuallv dii'e.A'er
i]li.irts ot wire in;
eil in t;ie vear
ill I.
■ t le; ai to he ti!!;\l with pure vir;;in t'lver, v. 'e: ii,
■) ,0, nv a
lies ill broad ll it
line til
p. ale-, ;..,,! in
ut w II ;t i. in
n;i. J
I'.ieeis ot eire, are the- threa.l . or hraiie'.e-;
!i ;hc>. t e.iit an iiu'liorlwo hc\ oiid the
ciHintry j;
iii;i.in,l, ,v.]d i.s un '■•111
i.\' t!..' li ures
I '■ h; ro';!vn'.
irl, in til'- iiiee;le o
r r,
IV .1 '.>■• ee o
I L're
.1; aiitii'mtv,
earveU on t le <
u (1.:
|.'. W" ell le.
1 I i.ijiie.
ti; ■ tc ;in ■ 1 lin i:l tl
ken ainoii'j
oiii' r r;i: iiie •
lil\er ore J ore'
! t : 1 K . !
,v.d ill ti
r lenu'.ili
I'uiti' ;iii.
, i^'..-. It ':■ likely that I'leie ol thet'c
''.::u,! to ri )!;;:'; -It thc'r ;V;tl'^: :;:'.l
'i.i'lv iri-J III I'l'-iitiee.-', as anv.;; .; ti .i
i, aiul i->:;ier 1. itioti , wh.o, upir. In. !i
e a ;;reat nolle v i;li hore.: am! tru:n-
lieni 10 i'.in;k cut oi at the'r loleii-.tl
llo leveral lar
■■(■ i^iece.-. of amber, i'vr.e en; ■•..'.ii
wliieli. Hi on oil. i.;n : t.
T!:e O! l.'nburiT !:;irn i> of
eit\, were I,ui.
(liieiies i..-.>iit C"i penhai;eii, when tl.ev tuvtiiud l/.e UlilIis about I'ur ]i;iiind-. and i^eniiiiitlv en.un. -llej
'Il U -'. Tile 1 "■ r ;lli ;::i;iiju i-
^ lioriis i,l thi^ i:orn, whieli
aiul a-, to wh.;t tin \ t'. v (d its
ill,' tl) the lilies Ol' lihl tiee; tli.it wuli 'rem a-'d inir
ri- buiiid there, like the- I'uin on the plum-tree;, in r',,s lel.ite tnanv l.iluile
O'.ir :,. nil I,
aie not woitli ii.nialiii
III the lame ch.iniber arc a ur'.at inar.v laru* brriiieln s beiir' <'iven to v tl
o. i.r.i o
I Ol
111 tlie vear
cl isiiite L.iul \\ A eor.d, and
a ijSj, it is plain it ce.niiot he ol th.ii il.it , l.^r the I; ;ure:
jiiirol Ita^ s horns ;.;row 111;.^ o'at ol a piece ol v.ooil :,i a ami cliara,.ters on tiie oirli,
hirprii'.iii.; maimer.
;-e ■: I ,'ern ; w liii ii,
however, with tlie i ii inn lliie.r, and otlar or.i.imen; ■:,
I lire i, .1 hn.nail ihi.'ii bone tiuee teet three inehe,; are ol ixe-lieiu W'lihiiialilhip, aiii.1 ii..;ke it a \er
ai.l tWv' verv
i.n-. e teolla. Ihed-
tlirei; ^.i'Imis e.ieh, and wei;4hin^.; ; -• \. |".
.111; al' alt iilkl \ain,ilue eiiriiilit\,
s a pi.ee. An nu'ciii, u.^, tra\i
•{■| i-te w
br u^iht Iroin the I'.iiit lll'lle.^ ; and, it is lb 1. nlune:, in this eit\, I'.us, it
the palace c^t
uas eoi:llriicted by
hill lliiv liil.ii:., to is ol Ineh tireiij;tli, that il our hmioiis lni;.^o Joiiis, m-.d liaiids in tl.e middle ot a
a man li ipneii^ t 1
l\l^ arm or
n the Ihelli , hi
den. It is l.nall
aiul at pre lent very little"
when tluv open, it el .ps tliein to;.-ither lo toreibly as to ' uled by the kini;-, in royal I'amilv. I here is an air ot"
rut the liiiib I
;intiiiuity in all the ajvirtiiients, t.i|'eilrv, ar.d knniuui
A piece ot ii'..i:hie i. prelervi d in ihi.; eolliitioii, which is not ihrplctiiicf, and inpnlhs with reipret.
Il t:.e l.iu
n 1 verv v.ilu.i
tlie natur.il w i.s ot the liof.e runniii'; in Ineh a i.ianne;
le "rand l.ila, or diniii" roo ■ m pnieiil.U', 1, 111 tin;
e lianunu's, winch ar;- not ill-exfeufeJ, ri
uS . ) n j 1' feiit :!ie cn.kI li;,ii.e nl a criieilix. Sum;-, jir, lent the various aclions by te.i and land, whehdi-
i' '. d, l.r, .• liilp; ae.l the ri pnl'i ntation to have been v. rinied the aneictU laws b,l«een the .Swides anj
bur, ep, ,1 i'..- i.iei ,1 examination, it t.ppears D.inis, who reein alw.ivs to have had the l.ime riv.il-
.i.e'v I'.e V. 1!, i.r 1, itiiie. ' lliii) and animoliiv wl,ii.li the I'reneh and l-'.iiij,lilh are
.\inoi,i_; tl-,' ,r.;;::.i. I emiiili;ies ther;' is a llsLleton , ihUin;.::uilhed for, and whieh, 'tis probable, they will
np and animoliiy wl,ii.li the Ireneli aiii!
Pi'i.le ft i\
I'.K iiielu- h:jh. in i:iiit.i;ion ever, in lome dc'
rec, ntani.
d ol ti
■ are li.veu ile two er
wliie iiiili.rv ll I'ur S.;M"iir ., p.iilar,, beautiiuily ex-
iieilixes ol norv, an
erocity and rudenels ol their apjiear-
anee, delii.;tied to ch.ar.ideiize the aue and nation in
wliieiithey were rati. Here are levir.d cihinets li'!l ot
p. I .1,. in a pi
e.nvi it uoil
em 1' ins rarities,
wiii.'Ii th;' variiHls I i\i
■,ns ol IJeii-
ii,.in 111 war 1:1 uor
rv, with Idver r:uiis, is a 111. ;rk luue I'ue'eclliveiv collected and lelt to their p ille-
i r oiv mill ll ailiiure.
as is iillo il wat
di made ol rii\-. Many ol them are intrinlieally vabiahle, oiiier.s
111 'x . y.itli
it:> \> luel., ,uiil iiiiivenien
iirelerved Iroin tome event or aecidt nt coiuu etee
li.eie tli^
are m,iiiv other i iiiioli:ies in ivorv, 1 v,\-A\ them.
fi'i-ry, L),-,x, a'li
kept t;
.uul other in ,:: li.il
wlii;-li are
llrn. 'I
(diriltiiin l\
^ the hilt is a laddie, on which
lort ol triumphal entry into Co-
i^ ll!
pt tor the lake 01 their (lej;;nit woikimiiillrp. There ' p;'nha;;en. It is covered with pearls, ih,im''iKls, ;inc
i!,;w;ii;a eominon elien v-lloiie, on tlie liirlaee o
I I oth
\\it:d\ are tiieaav.
lieaib, hilt thiir tii.alh
ler preeiiuis llunes ; aiul tlic Ipin s a
1 tlr
ii.iieil wall [ewi I
lie coat worn hv t;ie Kin-.
. s them appcir iiniier
lit helinet on the lame occaliois are hive
W:le co-
riiev pn I'erve likewi
Willi erii't
In tliis royal ripolitorv are ii.x golden re]ntlehr,il vered with pearl
urns, which were loiind in the ilkind ol l''unen in id;.-!;;, eare, a h.iiulkerehiel ol this |iriiie.
by a peai'ant, as he was [iloui^hinj;- his land, and con- ,, blooJ Iroin a wound wliieh he rcceii^d by a b,dl, th, t
ilviit with Ins
7 U
■I' iij
us lllCWi.
A M".\\'
'.Unr.NTIC .^VS'llM or rNIVI,R-:.\!. CIXXiHAl'l 1
,1 liiiiA of nil c\v. The iiu'.n ss!'i ;\'.\ •■ir.' ni
il inc. w'uli I
loll in Ills i'iiiii;i ii.iii.
V .!> I I'.ilt
(Vrr.l .t Ch.ulis \I1. ol >v
it t
iu;i a 1.
.1 ..t Cruncnli'
•:. 1!. (.1 Ik'
,ii.i.l I'
Mill. I..nsi:
:r.c til U.i; t()\\i\ ic (■ ;ii.
1\\> !vl as fudi :i inoiMi.-li i;i.iv l.' In.-p.'i;,! 1>) l;;,u' ]v 'in,! Ii.i- ilic 'tii. :>.ai, ir.;,!. r tlif I'cii.ilty ot i
11, li.jiii ui' V. .!•; luir.'i'.r.i
ii'dino tliv' ni'.aiu
111 .1, ai.ii Wiiilil v.vil 11
i;iJ ::\, (.NiiiCfs Iin llri.ii,L-;ii ..'
boviv, h) its I
kit li.ni;', .\iul h tr.nv
I/, ■ .iii'l W',-i;.'i.: : t .0 1 '.uU- i> .It iv .'•!
, 11 lit .111 iiiiinlx
n:u!iT t;;f '.(.i-.u <>\ l.liiif.i.m l\ . -.iii
1 111- j;,irilcn': ..!' tlii: |il v.- conili'iit.' oi: • o' I.
tlivfirh-ii.. iM ih''^ C!tv, l!^ tlH y .:rc :i!\v.i\- < n. ii.
tc?lti\,il- (.i- >uiu!.iv< iir.iiil. K.'. w'r.]; ifU\\y.iU\. 1 ly ;',vc
r.,,:i.ii,.. I':;.'
tiiilt.iMi , Li:
In i!,L- tr.
dlllV Willi
,iit ;i!! ( w i!!i tilr-:i ik tn> i |,
li ( '
cit\ lu.i.i-'
\i;iV UilU'li \.
.1 c
I *.
.11 i;l I'
r> .11 1 ..ii.' : I 1
f. t: r i ' 1, ,
■1 ill- V .1 ■
luit n t
,1 cut ^^,;il t..il. , nr :ul( ; in
;ii.v pu'..iKUiins I'l ;ii!
I r.-u:. • \.;r.'H
'-.iL- li.itl;.- on
a w.lh ll;
r ... .■ v\
ill^ 1' 111'.
v'l 1. .1 .11.
■\ II.'
1 .in 111
lUi- 1'
! .Il.,i,
i;',' cxci'i'ii ll I'l w.t.- <■'■■ I.,"! I
I !'U lu-
ll ir. Ill' iiiiu. 1 ll \ • I
Ui'i .1 it.i
niun 1' .1 1 .iitiii', r.
a it Iroin lii
T.i'v i,l (lie \vi'nt''.ir. ■] ^^ N el It.ili.iii u.)iLi;.,iiiliii|
■t' I.
1 ip.'.t r t'l ilii 1.11
I 1),
!i,iu'ii:'ni", K li'in' .a'
;i! ,1 i,iL' .iitiit li;i. iiunul ii
c;il ikill ;iiul Iicuitv in tlii
l.'.V L;rt'.'.t .ui.itnini , t.mt lunn 1 K ll. lu iir, ill tlu' l| , t \'.' i. re li > .1 i
'.titnili.' .nul iiuilcli , el liii' llu- Imtiils 111 t
It I I'
nil' IT" 11
( 1 '1, W
lU), ll
V ,111 i.'x'r,!!
iii.'.rv fxiitiiin I
t Uitnt'tli, 1,1. il'
\»it;i Ik. '.Ill
I:. .11.
Ulil'l I'lHMl, lllUl |-.ri',lki tin. I
l\V 1)1 l^l,^ ili.\' I l.ll S.
iIk' I'lii'v ll tiu- til
n j'liiii li..ii!i.', tliL- 1 p
,ii; '.iii'.t it im
li'.iil. ll ni.il.
illy, \\:;!iiiii! i,,i;r..ij'i:';.; it
■; .' Iivi.'H' I'l m 1, ;i!iil ,i
.'. .1
ll ai!i', |iif null
t.iry ll
I'.irv, u : Kii 1.1 n-
nn - 4 -
111! iiMinili ript.-, in
ol tl, • ilU'Tl', \.il.'
l.i.'i '.
aiul t:.c iKiivi. ll '\ .
• a 1.. ibl ncl, ll;
I nil U Ip'.
lUl t 1 ll
.11 1 •! i!i vi .ill v. .!U r, mil
rti.'ii ,t C'liiir.iin i. ("ll-) w.i-; Oil'-'
'I ti.
I li;.;- 1:1
ai s. it li.i
■ n.' It \,
a ;l.i P
11' i\ , (' I tl :li
V, III ci I-pi'l'
but the
\\:'\ t.n (• .'p
\;.int o!
..,1 i:i
1 h .11
M 11.1111! Ill;, ol
.1 1 .V t.i I
't U'.l.l
.u i.irir
.li'ti tn.x.iril
ll.r I. .1, fill rutin. It
; \ , U'.i u;i,
;v 111 |i.':..li"i l!.i ir
I r
:i. I
.1 (Li: ..1,1
1 r'.".i;..l\ tl
t; •.' l.ll. a I
I iil.i.n t
,\:' I..C ('.mill
1- ul t.
t! n.ii i:i JH:
iinil oot.iiiu ll 1. .ll
t \
!■. I'l.r. ,'.i;i a laii 1 1:
1,1 ll
r 1 1
•1 ao'niiii.iii-, nl.iii til'.' null, i;'.t>. i
,| (■
.L 11.
.1 rairp.ii
,1 1 iii.t till
t 1 , \ n't; .1 "it I
> I i;'li.'. I,.i 1.1 I.
llnr t;i.' kn'Cit'oi.'.
Ol , \t 1! ll '.cli ru;,
\ .iir- \< I'. 'I I pt") '
ii^lv t..,ii:iili.-a ni t
tIll.^ ml
n 11 oil! V 111 tl
.111.1 p..itii. ill-' r..,a.i
l.l.J.li.' !■
in' 111 It t.
.1 l.ll 1.1
;< .1.11, uii.)
'_ 1 M'l.ii liiiniiin;.! e.
'.".' ot !pi 't
.:i.i ily vili;
i liui:
.,r ,1 V'. I V 11 t 1 -
t],l, ll!'. , ll,,-.
nt,i;:iL:, I'-' \\''n.a liaVi' it I'l ;ri \i ,
nni," tiMi iti' iiHiiii I .1
C.ir, 11
. r 1 1 ,1
I. mil
f;tv , I <.
Ill, Ml \i
in'i'i li.ii '.I
\ 'Uii'j; 11
1, .x'a ll
n u :.;) w.Tc Li.ii 11 ll upi
wii.i 1 ii.'j Knn; III
111 !■
ic !)v I,
I ucrt' in.ii
!ili' Viirc Mi'V iln a;i, .r
w I. n .ill li.c
! v.l.rii tl.t.r
1 1.' 1 .• I . 1!
11' WlMUlV Ol Oil,! IV,
11 .n l,K
T; Inn li. mil,, lool llii; pti 1,-1.1 m '.ii.i .i ' r
aia live
ilit I'lOW,
niiii.iii.W t;;.' low.i v
11, 111', llir I
thiir lii'i,.:! ll I
II \ 1 ri\ .,ii' |,iituin', iti.iii
kwi.t t'
V ll tin in arc il
iiii.i 1,:., 1,
I, ,1. Ill 1. I'.c ,S.,u
i.l,,!tr,.l 'i' v.,i\'.
.'ain.i 11
nJ ll.i' I'. Mil ol >.ui>:,n,
iciii'.ir u,' ^ liic i!' Hill
,.\\C 11,1 t «
itli Km lal \,,iir'.; in- n il
■;n. ll ,i!ij in t!. ' vw
iii.iv i; ,ir tin' '.\\.<)
. •. ri'tv, v.i, t u ni'u;.,t i... .'' .'. . ...
' vw.ilit; Init ill, 1 1' tl.r 1.1 1,1 i.-i'.ir
, ij'iioraiin-' ana n , ii,!'. i
\. 1 < 11, ll III. II k.l
I i.iilt L\ the i
,iv I, 1-
,ii"iii I \i I
iviii linn that ill.i
11.1 1.
ilii'v,!!,!, y tl
to iiiiir own 1 1
III his puipi
i\lll " i ll ,,, 1 !
. :,.'. 1' l,ui, 1,111, 1
.w linn ,illii a ;■ ■
v»;.illt ri.il ilii'in, ir,i,
1 I'lllillll I loUII-, .1 1 ..l,.l iiV.l
L.lc liii ,11
till' y.
irjti 11 I'l lilt, ir
a 1
kill'; li.il a I I'liili roiiv.iiy ilt.ibhilinl .;l Cp' iili.t-
iHiiil 111 tl.c i.i.rili
1 1 i V \i .
!i ,,l
11 i.iua I.
I..' Il'jllt ol \WlKll i\il V ll
ill .;i '."..1 . .1,
o\ I
-1.;,-: It!
\ -ii;.; mill
, Il.lllv ..ll.ilililliil 111 I ' ll
iii'ii. n lul a iiiliiiiit.iii,.' io
|. r It \> p:
llu li'.l, till' 1,
I v.l.i. r.i'ilii:'..
1 1 li. s 111 i!''.' Ill
liiii is ti.it .\i\\ l.nootli, a;
I iv a iiii|, V ..IL
iVll tl
■■:lii>iu.'n, .u.
toll, I I,'. . I l.<-.lU,i In \ Ui.
ti ..n 'll l' I'V \> i.rc Vii V a;
ll ll
11, ll 1,1.; Ill tl,i' 11' i\'. 1 li:\ ,
. lltIV ill I III,!, ,il. I
it.j ill
III I.,-
till li.'
a., nil. Alia t) ii.i.-, lli.it till' ll.y IS iii'ii' ;.',.'ii
11', ti.Lti; liiiliim arilip:
iillV b
•,M 'C I;.;l..! \v:!:i V
ll V.ll,
t i:i; '■■
ll,.; i -, iiiui 1. ;
to ', aiils tl.c nil.
lie oi the ill.U'il, the h.uiKhitii il
(I ; .. ■
niitli '
■I p'op.
that l> t.i
111 tl
lat LliloUl.
ti;'.;:i the 11.
.11, lilt, tliilt
i\'. !i ; ,iiiil liii.iiii'il It ill 1. iir \i
i.ac ir.i'ii I I
,1 t,
iiiil coiivciii-r,i.c I
1 the
iiuii!-, ti'iiih-i' Uitn the LiijiiiLN ami nilli'uii'.cr.i
;i,.ii'. nr, ll ln.i,i^
,i'< 11, "11 a iiecii (
id the ^■^nll;l,, aiiil Uiri'iUi
t L] iiu nh'.irii
ill a. h 11,1
t II
(.hiiih.nr, i;'i ''.■-: u
inii'.iric 111 III'-' l>.i
111 a.'iiit ; . iiii. 'S
ir iir. lit I 1 tlic ii I,
ii'ur, 'iiiil 111
lime, lonii'.ir.
WLCil tlif: 1\
nil.Iiinr t.i .1 I, li n
, it UJn ll
ciiu.il 111 tl
.a 11, ..111
inin'.ilK.ni ,11 oil I 1
liM ,' ', lll.llllt,lilll. 1
11 v.ire 1 ).'^',i;'};s
1 1,1 th,' < ,'i''-.! 1. 1
'i ca •.:■. n^ tin I 1. .1 ■ , !
1 y iiili^'li ^■ li t ''..ri
.;ui .'il I'V'.ii 1 '.'II'' ; 11
•,,t r. '.' 'U>i 111 t' o r ;■ i
ill' 'o. '1 i'l- V ,;
1 1 ,, , la .■ I' ■ ■ n .
,;„,n M 1! ill,.! '. i
ir. I'li^' iiiiiv' ili V 'I
.) (Ill IsU ,; I 1 I'-ii-
^ l,n!i- ..!• -■ ■' 1 • ' '
.t W I ic 11 ' .'. 1 ::• '•
I Im1;i I'l"" li 1. kv . ' ,
,',.1 M ti'i' ', I '" 1' •'•:'•
<\1 u 'i I.'IM' ;ini. 1 ■ .
!,<,ii( v',.iii'..i)'i-, -; 1'. " •
I- I . Ill ', ;iii''' i^' ■' '
t;i . !.'... .I'i ' i'' ' , ' ■ •
i||,T|i, \.'il" ll '••i,'l 'i •'• '■
V,,, iiUr:>!-i.a I' ■'■■
.■i,;.!;..-.!;!-' n;.v,. '-v- 1
\\,;'i I'll '■'m' '• ; " '
, ,v' 1.1 v'.,- \ ■•
II Icil ■■'.ll'i •'' ■■•■ ■ ■ ■
1 i,y i.VL- U.ni.. ■
1-. •;;'.. I i:^ m ";' '' • '
i,-:. >-on;. ^. •• ■ •
c.-. . v;!i; ;>:■•! '• • "
i^ \ nil- -t u.; ' i ■■ ■ •
o:;i.'. i,-.M '• -^ ';■■ '
>i it; .:;..! i!.i''^ ■ '
,Jj l^'P.' Ill It 1. ■■ !."■■
,ir. r. M.-;::.:.' ■■■■^- '
I, ...I .'.Iv- 111.;. -u 1-1 - "
,1 ,;,,',• 1,11111 1. ;'.-•■•• I . ' '
il !.' V li' u;s i'l ''• ' ■
uli;. iv,;; ..'.i '.11 I'.i'' '''^^■■'■■■
I rv I, .1.1 1' -ii-' •' ' '" '
■\u .1. Ill', I'll' t .'■'■ . ' '• ■ '
.,■ ,■ MU ^l' Su^.l. 1'. . ■ 1
.'.t; !:■! in.l .■! I ii' '. ' ■
;':;,■ c.iH ii- I'i I'l •' |''i'' ■'
,,..iu:'. Uiii;' I i>'-i-- ';■
11,... \.,,; \Ac, lh.it !.'- i-"''-t
V. .ill . ^.l ' lui.^.ii. > j.; •
,,.,• ■.■..\c- liim .I'llii A \'' ' ' *
I, i.,i l.i.ill^ livi .11 '<' ■ ■■ •
1, .,1 u.ivi.ii.i.^ ;ii.:- .'.■ 1
V . ;,,. r.r ;iu'.^ .■■ ■ .
|,n_',| 111 S ill !':'■-• I'l.' "" ' '
lli.lt I'.K.l l.lll.Otll, .l'...i ^ '■ ■
,-.,..1 ,,1 ^'":li.'Ui.-ii, .U..I " ■
il.ii .^ ll.il . .1 v.i'V I ••»'''■■'■ -■
111 iiic I'.s 11 ill-'"' ;-'.'' ' '
;,r,v lo.i;;. l\..v.^i .'•
l'..rii!.u''j, ihel.uiHi.iM ;i •
I r,.i:.r;v.;ris iL.ii i- ■' ■■■' •
luhiiuJ it 111 I'lii' ;"■.'■■■■' ■■ • ■'
liiiiisriii-r.^i-' '1 ^'"-' •'''"'■
In..,'!.--; ;mk! iiiru'iiii'.i.r.i- : -
jit"ua. 1. .■'..•^il 11, '■'•''_ ^ '
Ivju.il in l'..'-' \i I'^l'
j..i;.-i I. r \\...ix;ii"!i
.plifil tlu-'mlflvis to '
li iiic iv.irtiiuLir lliii'.y. But I'laiiibiirg i.^ imw (;.iiii- in ■
ikciiy. The Ul.iiul 111 1 liitii bcloii;;-' now to tin-
rilc I'luiir in V. iiiili 'I'ncIio llralic ufrd to lit, to
inaki' lii.i i.llroiioiiii'.iil obU-ivatioii.s, i.s I'lll prclcrvoil ,
Ml tlif Uov.il Miikimi, .nul liilil. by I'lc I)atK<, in
the lii;;inll vi-iur.i;i<.n. " '1 iius (f.iN.s a jiulicimi.s tra- ''
\cilir ill ;i ktirr to a Iriiiul) it t\ir happens I 1 iKcil
iioi K iiinul \oii iliat tin- ullroiionu'i- Kii.ikii v.;.< iliivcii ■
hi. Ill hi< iKuivc cniiiitry liy l.ich.iii aiul in:ilc\iili lu'i- ;
11 tli.u l.r ilii'il at I'l'.iiiiR', in il.e I'rr.ii, iii.il iiiulir llii-
proliciuin, oi till' L'liij.iror RovKi;i!iii , who liu-ltuvii
tlu> iiliuiiii.ii.s lii;;itivi', iiiul atlouUil l.iin an .ilJiiiii.
Or. |ol .il.iii'... !iiii'<, (o i.lti II ipioicii un hmilar una-
lioil.-, au' MTV ap.piicbk- :
'• '^ I- nation,. :Ii.n!v wif..., .i;;.! nican'.v juif,
'• III LuiyM iiKiit r.iilc tii^' laiils luiil."
i:..l!n-Ll., C.ilViibur;, Uiilj;lli V.c, I'nllo, K.m, ,
W arK'iilniij;, N'.-vitaii, Skillkor, aiij koilor, ..u-
plan.. \Uiii'h contain nuthiiv.; woilliv ot J.i iu.iti.pii.
I'ml.rii'krmiri; i.s a Imall town, :j iiiiU n ililiaiit
tioiii l\'p.nliaj;( n, to tin- iiortli-WLil, anil iS Irnin ,
11. II. iiiiir to till lontli-wtlh It is i-oiiliint ol importance, aiul is niii. h
ilecavi.,1 \.;..h I. ;'.VLi to wcalih aiul coimuerce, Ol
.!7 clni; cii. s, whuli tormirlv cmlKllilhe.l this town,
Oiilv !«'' .'.ii iiov. lliiiuhn.',. It i-oiui:ii'.es, however, to
he tlie bmi.il p'a-e i 1 ih- roy.il l.m.ily. Anion;.; tin
inonii.'ii i,Ls ol the U.inilli loverci;,.;ns, iomc ol which
;ire csticiU'lv iii,!"ii;:ice:.t, liamls a beautilni iiiavblc
piih.r, triclid !)Y i;,i.- II M.il;.;aret, ;' s ;i liipport to
the V. iieli'.oiie k ; • in..- by .'Mheit, kin;; ol Sv.clia, t.i
lli.irp.cii ii'jr nccJks, in ilcriooii to her l,..\-. J'ut ii
>\iii ti.jil licr relciii'iK :.t in liicli a mar.i.T, tl at !,■■ I'nl-
tcie.i Ic'.^relv lor Lis l.iri'.ilir. ; lor he w.is tak.-n jii-
loncr b\- the ijuveii, ikt.iuinl levell \' .irs in ciiioily,
.111,1 o!il:;,e.l to re.iiiijirlh all his pleIelll;oll^ to the
cidv, n oi S'lveikii. lb re is a convent ol knlhenm
imiis !h ion.^i:..,; to tlie bell h.imilies ; but ilirv arc not
obliiCil t.i -A.iir aiiv |)artieiilar habit, i.>r to be relliicl
c. I by tile \ iws ulii.j in convents ; but arc periniltcil,
il th.-y think pioji.-i-j to onit llie convent, aiul nu.iry.
A 11 K.
f ;i
III t'\;' the I'ainnus trci'ty o(" peace \va« licrc conciu.!-
cii between Denmark uinl Swcklcn. '1 i.e iiniverliiy is
in a il'-'ciiiiinf; condition i and, iikiccd, the wiiolc town
exhibits evident marks ol p. ivcrty and decay.
Sora is littiated on the l)ar,ks of a lake, about ihc
center ol '/eal.iiul, w.,s tornurly the leat ot a ilcli
abbey, and has many plealaiit lielils and iorcils m ar i;.
To this place the academy ol I'rcdericklbur^' was n--
inovcd, and tiic liuir.dations rl tic iinivci.lty wcic
an;;incnicd by ("Ihii'.ii.in IV. (.'h.iih.-^ i;iiilavii.>, l.m^;
ol Sweden, w.i> cdue.i"...! lure, .,;'d rit.iincd l.ieli ii
v^i.er.-.ti .11 t. r the pi u;c, lh.it wlu.n lie invaded /.i.i-
h.nd, he v.nild Pol liih. r his li.kiiiis to ciiier ihe toau.
Lul the r.,ciii.es lit' this lemiiiary have been .mnt \'.d
to till Clown ol Deiunaik, and the wlm'.c is .4. .tie In
ileei\. .Vbioliuii, arc;ibilluip i f 1 .iiiulei:, oiue i.mnil-
1..I lure an ell.iblilhiiicut tor llic m.uiiteiancc ol iholc
v.ho li.i tiki wri:c tiu' l.illoiy ol Denmark ; and u. thi^
louiuhiiion wc owe the kiilory wiiUcii b; ini. l-Ic-
bi.it.d S...\o (ii.iniiiiaticiis,
I' I' \ i; N.
'piIl ■ iikind is ikc next to that of '/.i aland, in the
te..lc ol iiiipoitance, aiiioir; the kvi, , p,.rts which
jorin the l..uii!li kiuv.dom. It is boiiiiiled bv tin;
(I.e. Iter licit oil the c.ill, b\ tin: Lilkr I'elt on ihc
well, b\ the Ikiliic on the luiitii, and by a little chan-
nel, wlueli iep.ir.itcs It Iroiii the if.aiid ol .S.inil.c, oi; the
ii.irih. ll i,^ ab. lit yi inih s Irian cad l.i w^'l, and
_;o iroiii iioilii to loulh. ! h'e cumliy i, teiiiic ,ind
a, i\ I able, biin<; tincly diveii.iii.i wilii \erd.,i.t !.iii,s,
ih.idv woods, pli.il.int ;.,r Ae.s, ijuulul lickk, r.cli p..!-
tii:\N, i^c. The rHi is ;.',i.od, w.l'i cul;iv..tcd, and .it-
lords a };rcat deal ol };rain, not oni) I.t lioi.ic coii-
riim|aion, but c.vportati iii. (ireat iitiaiititics oi' bhick
cattle, iioiies, hi\ s, S.C. are brid line. 'I'liis ilh'iul
i> ail appenda^'e to the ckleh I'oii.s ol tiic kiius ol Dm-
111. Ilk, and is deemed one .I the ricluil ;.,ovcrn:nei.ts
bclonji,iii;; t > that roverciL;iuy. It coi'.t..iiiS tour g.;r-
r. I, 'lied towns, and .64 \illa;.;csj but the moll conli-
ilcr.ihlc (ihiccs, and the only onei, iiukcd, worlhy ot
il.ier.p.tioii, aie the t. ilowiii;..-.
O.kiil 0, ihc c..;.h.il ol the ill nul, llauils about its
ciiilcr, and is a lap.iciiiis, will built, plcalant town.
1 k n the kin;.;s once i.lidtd, and the aliciiibly ol the
;l,.i. ■, nut b .,'ie lie- ..rov.n liee.iiue heredilarv , aiul
the !,.\ert i;;ii abhilute. In a clrarch here, which is
ih d.icaled I.) .St. (.hiiuile, tUc body ot tliat prince was
b.ini..! lic.ir ... ecinnry and a hall :i;;ii. It was depoliteJ
111 ,1 i o. p T ci'ilin, ;.;ilt, and ad.vrncd with precious
iio'.c.i. 1 he n.oir p.'.rtieuh.r clreuiuilancc relatiw t.<
this town. 111 irclent, is, tint the iiduibitauts br^w tl..'
bell beer in the whole kh'.e.ihiiil.
N\biir;e lii I on the ii.iri.iuir pait ol'tlu-' Greater III Ir,
between b'lir.en and '/.cahir.d. 'Ilii:, place has lou.e
trade, the luirbour i;. ;;ood, aiul the adjacent country
is Icrlilc. 'llie d.im,i;;es dune toil.' loitiiications in
the l.ilc wars with So.tdcn, are 1: :t \et thorou„hl;> re-
paired. Minbaikalioiis lor the ill.iiul ol Zcal.iud are
made at tb.is town.
Sihweiibor;; h, an a;;rc,\d)lc t.-.wn, with a comnio-
d.iiu. li.irlu-r.r, linuite i.n tlie k'utheall part ol the
i:!,iiid. Iroiii hence tllniks Cuillaviis, in the year
if-.S, be;;an his inarch, over the ice, to the iikiuds of
l..;l|.;,laiu'l, /eal.di 1, ai.d I'.ii.ler.
\'\obui;;, or kol ur.'-, is a i.nall town, lituate en .1
liitle Lu'ph t'w th.e I. utlicrn coait ol I''unen, i ver-
.i;ainit the illaiul ol Arroc, and is about 10 miles dif-
t.iut Iroiu S..'iwi iihor;.; to the welt.
.Viieiis lies on the loiitli-wdl coall ot this iiland,
over-ai;ai!ill Ikukrileben, in the duchv ol .Skl'wie. It
IS about II Miles dill, ml Iroin (kicnt'ec to llie loath.
Ill the vc.ir 15!5 the a.'inv ol ki:i;4 (diii'.liaii HI. ceiii-
in.indcd by Jolni Kant/aw, routed ih.it comin.uukd, by
tllirillopher, e.irl of Okknbur.;, and killed Ciuikivus
' 'I'roll, arclibilhop of I'pl'al. Ik.e,;,;aw afteruaids le-
velled ihib town with tkc ..'.round.
,V' t 11, ('■,,.
I s
i' .1
! ,i
III »:i
A NF.W ANn AljTIir.NlU; SYr,li:?,I oi- l:N'I\r.;i;iAt. GFOCIlArilV
1 i!u- l..i!rr li.lt
IMI tlU' V. l '
1 t!i;j il'.mi!, li.'! .1 I liiTC ;iri- ill this ill.'.iivl IcvcimI v;l!;i^i':-, l.ir_^c parifl
luv ,'Uo I- '.!'., il ?>ru!'.llti.i!-.SLniiul. ! and a caiiliJirablc' city. imIIcU Hti'j;f, nr Siik
It is I mills ihlt;ir.t I.. 'Ill Aiilis tn tl.c Hdiilivwl!, lies oil tlu- iioitli i.i tiic ill.iiul, oil a littlif riv
ul as in.iiiv hiiiii (),!^-|.U\.- tiw.ir.
tlu' I •mil v.al. a mile lower f.ills i;.t>)ilu- Itr.iit lallcii (
"■'•» wiii..;i
iiKr, tlit
• miir S;
It is a I;.; ill, Init n(..'.t tovn, in i i--,ir.tiy abinuulini; Tills rity inai!^- a biavu ikluue a ;;,iiiill iIk- l.ul;
with all the luw'.'.'.iri^s i>t In
l\\'ic IllMll llli< lll.lllil to Cohlliv' ll
i> ihi- loiiim.'ii imI- Ml tlic viar 1 1; i
aiiil lurcni till III to rttrtat : anil
I lu'.l.iiul ; til Hilt v.ilotir ol the i;ih„hi!.iiitii ol the wliu!.' ii!.,ii.l
«.u I,
not Icii..'.- l)r.i;i>Li- here t'l.m t!..- '1 li.iiiies i.> .it (iiii'.i!- ii.ili.-eil in idji), v !.i ii tlu v iLi' luhil tii.;iili h> -. I-
'» .1
I ;!li ot 1 i:.U.l;\ , i:
■.iiiiil the .S\wile> th.ui tl.t i.ii ■■v i:I.,iui
,)l S\M
Jen. h.l 1.
■.v. .'.IV ever t..e lee to
li the Jl.ii.illi lorei > ill t
.1 lu.uii; himlilt m.iller ol
tlie V.
I'l I I
V A 1, S T 1. K
I. \ \ c !: 1. A r; d.
Ills ilhiiu', w'lieh i-s 2: miles JMn-r^ ^u,,) ,
bro.i.i, ij litu.iteil 1 !i ih'- (ln.ilu h.-lt, 1 i mc |,
J ol !•■
h a!'
'ii:i.r< w itll wiu- i", t'
^ ill.'.llil re-: to
orili I 'it 1
h it is li
/.•ahn-.il oil t!
le iiorih, aiiil tli'J 1 : ni.l 1
1 I ah
V llrait.
■I M
nJ, iiom
I. illMi
\l 111' .1 till' IKlIll
.1 II. to 1
oon on t!
:.a. it
'.1 miles; m l.e'ili, aiul eu'lit m
w eili HI eo.ilt, i,. ii...- nu ll eoiii.
I. luii.l hv the Lit I I 'riMiie'..,
;t ! i,.it
:!Iiil iiu:
iL.ihle t.
i\\ 11, iH m
\\..i^ii u aiw.e,
It> lull is verv Iruitliil ; aiul lim.ll eorii i. 1
\\:u\ a K.oi'
liT. irom hetiee to Meeh
i) ether I'i'll.s I I
tli.it o
the I- uiii, or .•^v.iili r-l!er
;.r..i tli.it (I the iioitii,
It h,i> 1. Villi ll
amoi!'; w I
the ii:
:{■■■• iN yer'-ii,':, on the v. i. tern ei'iilt oi il
l.-i iiiMr ti
I' par.iii
V 1 .M r. 11 I'. N
Ce:i;l ol ih
iiiar.i!, 1 1 V. :<
ll It IN tiie ea'-'itiil
IS one ol ll
jile.il.iiit and vuil-bii.'t t!Wll^in the w
ti.'.it^ ot 1.
'leiii, iri"!i V, I'll!
>v ;i lli.i.t whieli is liMt ;ibov,- i i.
.1- 1 ; iMi: ■, r .^e ..It, 1.
I. Ill' h ll is I ,K :i I,
Iv Dr. Ill
it iia^; a It roil'' e:,u
le, mill
1 11-1
I \\i ll-hi .'111 lite
li h.
I, \ . t it 111-; .ilvv i\ N be n lioki .!
>1 ll
■ i I)e
V 111! ri '. 1:
ll I.
'aiicopiii:', 111
i.i, le
on the lioi'.ii
a rl.iee ol l.mie t;'
li^ir.i; t.ie mii.i
oi t
. 'J'l
he (;
lenii re k\
iiL' ( .iiiill 1,111 I'l
111'. b<
.liter of tl
;e iro;;i /.^.il.ii.il ii:;o t.u i;...i;iv.
their overrimm
A ii R o i:
to evi :
:i e.iu:
lilt l!r
K i
ruuiel 111 eo. 11 .ir
■n.l of Arr.
!■■ i-.taate.l lien
r tlie eo,-:il of j/f
jem;,' ei';:it ir.iii.> in ien;;l!l, ai
.1 t
I n'„
wo in
breaiitli. it is e.Ntremely IruittuI in c
ill anl'.eil, v.ith whieli tlie inh.ihit.iais eive ;i Ihvour
oni, aiii! aiioiin.ls
rwo p.ii.ilie. , iLimelv , I.
a toit t liir pl.iee \v!i
calleil I ..ihle:,..!.. , tluit 1.;
I'ltiriii.np. '!
,; l.-'..l I! n i
it ol the I'.ill. _
to tlleir bread,
aiiil le.ifoti their meat.
n ti;
1'. o w K II I, ?.r.
nre rleiitv ot horles an
e;',tt.e ; ami lome vvooih.
111 whitn are abiiiuianee oi hare
I'.as but three ]>arillKs, the eielt eonfulenible o(' vvliieii
'I lie town Ia'oii;.;ii!i; to it
ilaiiii, ;iik1 biar>
OllMlOl.M, an icnrlv
1). -11 ili.i .ivcreil I'V '1 111
or.iijva, IS I.etl to
nans the fi 1 oi .i >-•
K.iP'ti, e,r Kioii.ii^'.
of I'.nl.uul. It ii the iiiiio; It an. I moll
mils on the loutlieriinie.lt part ot the i
ti.e liiiiie tuime as tl;e \\
is a tra !■ on aeeouiit
the lil.i
aiiout "
b'iop.jii' ; 1 1 ti
li'i'es i!:li ;i,t i.o;
-f I)
cl iiJ j;
'yii, an
.1 is liti
.It the bottuin 01 t!
e bav.
1 /,L..'.ll ll to Ih.
lot lib .ve Is lomi ih-' lull. II eo.1'1 ll ,"~i h
Olllll-CMlt. it h .ih
1 ; I I iJiiie-
I. A L A N 1).
to 1 1 utli ea!l, ami .'.!'.. ut 1 c in bii...hii. ti.-m loe
to iiortli-ea
It. 1
-..! of I.ahuiil i.-. fitiiateil on the ca(Tv.-an! of lor it-, litua'ion aiui IriiitI
jonil'.olm IS a plaee oi jji.m le
i...;. .'.niil, aiul to
.leli it is lijiar.iieil by
fro 11
Gror.e S'juni!. 1'
iippcllalion of I..r:an.l, or I
fouth.war.l of /lalm-l, 'he aielibilhoi
vf I,
a nnrr
'W It
om it.^ louiiel;, or ll.itiu
rait, e.uleil
it h.u tiie
n ; li'Jt
t'lok liolletiioii ol it in the vear
Ml I ^, aiiil b. lop.,'
ill'' c;
iieeeli.iry lor
h.r t!
le 1 .el he w.
prep.irmi:; a;
J. I
t is iie.ir 4,
S\ve>li 11 ; wliieli ulurpitii.i (lei-re Sr lti,bui;^, v
miles III ;en;^t!!, aiul about :o 1:1 breaiitli, w In re wt.lilt.
'1 he I1..I is very tertil--' ; lj that Copeiih.i^eil i^ fiippli-
V as tii'.ii arehlulli
il h
.soMer, lit
n v.iiii, tor he w.i, loreiil .itterwanh. t.) llv into ('
cil tri a licnce vvitu rreat oiK'.i'tities e:
mi!"', to avDi
i til
e ( iietts I .i
tile k
vhat t! e Dutch trailers arc !iirnilhei.i witli Im- 1 .•;[ m
(.1. i he Sv\e.!is have In ipu ntiv ! I'.l tb.is ill.iiul
lion. •J'iii, illaiiil i.> ilivideil iiit ) live ililirlLt , or b.i.li- ar.il, in the war with I'leih-nek il. lluy niaile ih--
l.lvis iiialiers ol it, reul iiili.;iieil to kee]i it ; l.ut i:
uere obli",eil to relloie ii bv thetrisity ol L'ojJi tih 1 ,.
Mu:ks, H the leat ol :i rovernor, a:
. vu-.il I.
fable j'l tl
) Us luriliii^l.oii.
e iiihriis va:,! 1;
.ir;t little vili.rj
•..,in;:r to the liobl.
nil! hanih.
( .\ehiiive o
a t.>v ll
i hnr tii'.ii
ileil M
IV 2- til, li (, J.
N.iiJ.iv.-, .Saxeopim,', I.eveni
i Nv
11. lees are aiulwvi I
teiil v, oil
on trie n
the h,m:
.iMiiiUi e.Mn,
\, on the i
or Na.xkow, tne cijiiial, is ^ i mJis loiuli- a
,imt I , to the iioiiii 01
• n til.- f.ii
%vclt h 111 t-oper,li:i..;eii, and ha. a commoilion^ li.nbour
for tr:.,\-. '1 he lillu rv i^ ol finle eoiili-iiueiiee, and the
cireniii;..ieiit ei-untt} i- rieli in nuailow and |valinre lands.
it ; bell
vv.iii.li t..i.ie .ire 1 ere l.,ver.;l v.
le rell
euiit.i.n le.-.iini;; worthy 01 [lartieuhir iiuiiee
I\I.\NY litite iihinJs hirronn-l the ah-
oin's : Init th .' aie e;
mo;r eorii.hr.
M K.
.itid, or ol fo little miportiUi. e, ;s iio; 1 1 b.- t!;.
oirtliy ol ne.luo hv Iravelk .^, or ol •neutimi h\
r.i'hers. Soiiii' otlier-i aio eoiui n
to till
.mil to 1:11. ir.ir'i
to the lomli caft
.III ol l-'allh.r. It
loii.f to the otm r
,1 l.ier.ir
.. ~. miks lo.i<.
ere is loiii.; \- ;
: wa-; lormerl
aiiit tiiil 1
:rai>i.oI v.hieli are ^al..l le ami i
leil eiialKv
r.re '•rouiiil, l.",it vet y
lait of the Daiiilh admiral'
aii.'V.ance, as b'.in-- tiie Hill jJacc lor liiiii to refidc in
eo.ilt o
f jet
or Saii'.loi 1: in t
he r
from the eoalt of Jutland. !
lent. til, three in brcaihh. Iruiiluh h.,,
u .'r mue miii.s ri
)U';;f, M Sti koi', will.. . I
1)11 ii litili; rivulet, tl it
I C.\\U\\ (illlllC S, Ul',!.
: ;i;,'.\iiill tlic l.ub i k^ i<
u 111 111 ritrt-.it : .I'ul ' ;:
; wllu!.' il'.ili.l ^\,i> I. •.
iliilnl lii,:nklv. ■■ I .;,ti'
:/.-r i'.I.iu;:, lui.l iloii:.
A N I).
n.'lis Im:)", -in.' I ; ' t
ii-.iur l',li,l I '.AC i
nil w'n: 1', p.', .i:^ I , •
■A I \. .\\ ^;'i !■ ;;:i ;. I-
;",!»l illili ii; :;.,", i ii r ;
.\ . :Ml- |.i\s;l, I'lMl, .' •
.. , v.'..L.. 1.1 Mw.i- . ;... ■
i'l.-ili, lir-;i V '■(■II;-;- I: <
1 is 1.. .t ;i!'i>\i- I Am , I i
.I'u; r "i; .It, i. . t :
1 i; I- 1 .:t :i I I 1
, !■. !1 I, hU. ,1 1, • i
V lili r< ;. r.il !■' :. i ■
,111 1\'. W.i' n : I
illtr ol' \\\<. II' .1 ', t' I
1, v.l.ivli c.iu!..l ' . ' )
put l!r 'H ! ;.;.iii;l'.i,.
ii •-(■. 1 iiir. lil-.uu! •
'I'ur/-, iir.J \i:! I :> ; r
.,1 l\tiri.|.'ip.' •li. ■ i
,■.• !,'■ i I! n i I. !.:. ..,
, uit i-i! the I'.itl. (^f.
.) 1, :.i.
Irr'.i':;'.!, is fi'M t'-" 1- ■ ;
ov.iiis, tlic it I ' i .1 i^i'i • ••
a:u! u'.nil I.' '-. ••'■)■ I ' .' '
,ii:i' 1^1 l).-nni.i.k, !■;
.i/r.l tl. tl'-. c.^. '
>,i'i ( t ."-I li. 1 ii ■•■ I •
I , ir.it.i I ■'■.'. '■ . '-
....fill, !i.n;i l.-r,:.-.' .!-.
.ICC I'i ;,u.'.t ii"i' :: ■ ■ '■
I ;, ;ii.d Ik Kill''/, il o)\ c .)
l".it l.iii;.; l- :'■•:' - H.
r 1 •, : ., ;i- l>-li
u. . pii-iMrii!}'; ;r '. '•:
(icr.i- .■ SilLlniif:, \ >
wuii I'M I:;-: iMiM.-r. I', t
waul . t.i llv iiitii <■ , -
,1 tin; Kir.''s ihljr' . . :'■.
! i .1 th.^ iil.iiui V. ... ;
^ II. til. y maiif I'r ' .-
J to l-.qi it ; I'lit t; .
•.iiaiV 1 I C^ p. :ilil ,. '■,
I in' ir.ipl!. i:i 11. .il' i'l' '-
iKil'.ln 111 ( iia'l i I • '■ ■
, \, nil tlif ( .-.ibi: ;
,.; N'. s, I'll ill' 1. 1..-
l:crj Lvcrai v.n, .>■!.
x\w •.■.11
tl; .■ aic t
l.i r lu 1.' ' ■
■. ;,; iMi; \ < li/ tl:' ' , t
. , el ■r.ci.ti.ill !'•> : ■
\\ I!- "i til I'l.i ■."., ... 1
.! i..-n;i;.,'l.; tlv:"',;;
I iL- a..il '.'..' ■ '', ' '1 '•'■'-■
It i- II .'i- iiir.i- muIls y\
u', In*:.'.'-, -r.J \'\^.- ■' ■■ '■■
Eunopr..] D r. n ?.i a n i:. 633
(,. r'lw l)i-lonc;<; tii tlio tli'ircfo of Aalnir, ojipuiiic to 'j liaMtant^ (lill prefervc t!ic lan.rmr-^r, tnnnnrr';, anil
wiiidi it li;.i, at ab.nit ilic ilill.iiict; ol iz mili ^ Irotii 1 il.^l's <.l tin" am ii'iit I'riliiii^, ilnm;.^li loi.u ».t thi-ia
tlic lliorc. It is liinMiiinl'.i.l by laiu! lii!ls, but lias Ijifak llic iliiilctl ol l.oucr Sa.voiiy. '
t\V(i placi.'i wlii.ri,' lliijn in.iy ride l.iLly at aiu-lior, '
(<:i tlic ti.. thrc;; liiiail
Aj'prrt.ilnin;; ifi 1 C'"ul;;iMU,i to tiic i!ii,!iy I'i Sl.i'-
v.if, arc tlic liiil.iwiii.; iil.uul.i, viz.
Rum, wliiili IS ill liii'.;tli liviti, ;ui.l in brci'.Mi 1. iir
s r. c T 1 () i; IV.
/..■• .,.•■ ' .', A' V ■ ■/, I. -..m. ':■:■, c:,! F ii'ii i>f (,' .in:i)!ciit
if :iv D.iu'i, I' .,.>■ it li t.t iii'iJci-.i.
r'.ilf?, '-in.Miii^ ln.T.i! (.;'..i!l liiiii.L:.,, an. 1 ail w. \\ ~> r^'M!''. '•!i,'^ti:in;c' rl't'.^' I"),irv-. !'! c tliat ol tin- Nor-
J[ v... .1, IS a (•' :rupi( .1 111 ;!, i; 1)1' tin- I I'utoMi..-,
.11 I in p:ii'.',;ii; ;;i:iii;i li.;.;') an.t ilif.bn.iiit. It is inttr-
i!:l\.iliit..iit'.. I'uv.ai ,t i'..: I .i.l. Ill p u-.j tlic p.iiln; 'y,!' i
tattk' is I \. I ll''iu ; I'l.i I 11 ili-^ ut:!: rn li.i" < i tlic ill.i- .1
arc l.vir.il lu.ib.iu; , i.i \v!ui.li Im.ul >.i.i.ls lu.iy ri.l.j
in fility.
'I lie ;M-c..;i.ll p.i'* III Maiinc, li.r'inrly a toiir;.li.r..l!c
il'iulj.'.'-; 1; .11 '.-...li .v.'d iij> by t!.'. Iia.
I !.c 1.' i".,l 1.. \lt li .;;ii;r; il to tin.- iiiirl';'.-. :.u! ii
r r.i, a;!.! l< ui ,i \( ,i!";'ili,ir biriii, t'lC Ji'M; ll i .' ■ i r
ir; ai lut l^'iil-. in L.i'-tli. It l^ !',c;.!y, b 1. 1 •;, :'t;.l
ii.li 'ipii.-'. 1. ; an 1 til p.i-pli, \.\\i ari- a h : r. , il .-
n.ili r.ic, .11.' .iniiuil". en ;.. ;,il in !!:c v.!i !. r 'i
I A. d v.itli inany Duidi, li.rman aii.l IVciiili word i ;
1 ■.;: lii'j l-/' f'ii is tlic l.'ii.'ii.i ■!• lit li.c I'l u.r.
1 ';• I !l -Linlicd fi. li,;'i'll I'i p.. Ill; ;rl.. i., tlic I.ntlicran.
'1 'i ■ I.f 'i' .'i' is ciir.'i.icrcd .;•; divbicj into ii.s di.ict-r. s,
'•..'. 1 ill. .1 / ■..iLiiid, (SIC in 1 a.:i n, and I. nr in Jtit-
1.1 .1 ; but ilul.' ar •, in i.ui, \,o I'-liir tli.nt rupc'.-iii;cn-
il 11' i'.. ; b .• tiny iirc \',itl.int c'u -.ir.iU, ccclciiadic.il
c 11'., i.r 1. ii'j.vi.Mii;! .-. '1 I.L' j.ii.'lpal biiliiuls (li
V'x'x r.iip-, cvnililiin;; i.lil
l.i.:!i.r (•\iiiees t.iat i;.c ;.,ie.i...t l.,l ..; ::.n,ti L.;;;..'d bl.u '; .'.'■••.n with lli •; ilec'v ■-•, a ri mid cap witliilit
tlk II' ill, id.
Noiilhliaiil li- . I'pp'.'i";:.- tl t!r.' I i'!'".'. ', :i!!:! to'.-.n
fil Ib.iluin, ..'id V. , , i: ii i.iiJ, I; I ,'. .: i nnii tiie • n-
t:ii' lit l;i' .1 11.
i; iiiir;n. \i i: n
a;.' an
it WK ab.i'i' i; 1.1'.. lli.,,, a.' I l"ii" i>;,i.i.i, in i^ nc
|i!,ic ', an.i i:i w... ; . ief..' hi lid .,. v.;rv liU:l!;i', ;.;;.!
prudii 'I ...i.iii.l .11 - -• 111 ^•■•.■n bel.i;e t.ic iniin.l '.ti.n .
vs.' lii ,1. 1,; '.i.i.'ii li r..'nii.ier. 1: li.il :..'. > 'I'erv i.u pr.ilu. . ^
\\!i,.' 'i.'jv 1' le. .h. .;;:;•) 1 I e.. ;;..•; a. 1.1 t:.;".' iile.l ;.
1 ;i.l il-.i'. .1 Ibllil'i, .iiiil ul'i r pl.ii' ., a | ;■.>,':■., oi
r.ni'.b 1 Ol ;'i ■■ ;■, I ).. ' , il'.i.'k , a:^.! ■■, ■
t'l . -, a; 1 a lai-^'j ru'l' „•.■ vat iIil i.e.!.. '1 he rcveiin.:
o' ih. i ^'^..i I (;r Inpei'l.Kciiii.'.nt el C ip'.'nlia;.;cn, wli'.ell
\> tl..' 1. '.. .i bciu Ice in I'.i.' vi. .I-J kiii'dein, aaiiunt.i
i' '.. 1 I'l ' tl..ni ir-. ■■} :;,';-..'.,.!! ;,■■, ur abnut .-.lol. Ilcr-
i.'i,: p r. . ivn. 'I'll- ... I". ..r • v. i.olly dcpcn.Ivnt on
t ■ ",■'.'.; ;!■;; •;:, nii.l ar.- i b 1 ; ■ 1 to acl well the ut-
I.. '1; I il) i;;. .'in aii 1 !' r\ 1 : ,' i.i b ■ emit. r»;K to make
1' ;■.;■!;.. 1 1 I' 1 .,.■; <■'/';, -.I to b.- i i obr.iiuiou.s to one
e... , ' . I -ip'", tiny t.il'.'j car.' M i.i;.",v their .nuhoi'ity,
;....l ''. ■■:■■.'.■ I.V v.wv aii'\li r e'.u- ; lor Iia\in;; aeijuived
.1 ;. . 1..:; 1 I'.ien:e c\cr t'le i ibuls ot tli.' eeii'inoa
..ll!t. 1.
It Ciiilaii,
; 1
)Ut O '11:. I,r.;
lt^ ; but '.•- in , il
I serei. • a
•ec>. 'ilee
tu ll
t\ raiiny ov. r
, ni'eutli v.itli-
I ..ril till
lull; e.i'.o'l
tie y.'.ir i
r.il liuii'i'i.'
ri.iK .; II I
'i K
ll I
uu • t.iir;
•' li' tl ' , a', i lo iv I'l t.ie.i le.iii v
lu V ' .1 .1 . 'vii'
cseani,' irv
1111 ii;i. rs
n,..|.' le '
Ion a. .' li!i; ilv i..-
11 alit.l:
■i I iv ].. i:'
i .le nc-n m ,ii' ap
ei i:
V' :'v iniu:
il. I'
r.'in 1 ll .: (o ' i
i.Ki I'
• Uieii iinii.d
i p'lt ;i'.- ;,:;
.1. I. Iv ill I I.
ai. Ol' I'le ar..
.1 Ol. ■ ninii i.
■. '■' 1 '.v: '. .:
■ .1 -or
.\la •-
t'i:'v have iil.ie.'d ii:i
V \. ; le an v.'. ..id
11 r hel.ne t u ni .i altar.
A.s t:
le'.' \\:\.\il
tia;e to n p. ir i;i..'n' li.iii
.' a:;. I picL nr.i.nu pi'.i'.
I l..e cloe.v
I', ,iiio\o (
;he V,
O.O pJll.
) r' t.i. .e Milli 111
.i ihj XII h%, a;;
r a lsnii.1 i.l i,Ciin
I'ut on a lie iier ai
lit f'
lit lu )l\
lliird U caij')!. ' '\
11 I toii'u til ;ii. lit
.li. t.u; iiili.i.jita;;
tli.ir llv... '1
: , tlicrc Wire i..n .
lie liiinciic', wl.i
t';.- I! lin i;i..>..i!
id iiil.iS w ere r.ii
I i'l' U ■.r ui luch a m
ll I inur.i (; r, b.ib'y
11.1 placed tiicir nanus l.veiaiiy ana ri Ipecavel/
I'', ir leet.
lour c! ill ill tee. V
of t'
the J,.
In I'
\ 1 . 1 ;■ i\o,
.1 1.1 a iii/iin; I 1
!■: ■:.■' in ^.v
lol, ll! ciill.'
V-..---^ he.uli
all i:
:i til.-.- li.i.
a"i'cl.i w.
1.1 la.-, i.
1 o.:cin" 111 lenp'.ure,
iiela'J ; be.: Uii.nijpi-
11 • vet two li-urei re-
lent Iil.lC, s.
a'Kl no ni.re ai.
tli.v lecni to
111 ii,.l coiv ';iii
! .ii oveilli
v. ; ;ea
C.\.'rpt a ll
b.en.:;t a \,
W.r:V Vi.C Oi ti.c.n tb'.-y
tii.it tiiiie t e II
I ,
n.ii'.i'i li.e.'i
lii. Ill i:
v. .lii
i.be.ee ol I.i iv l)uter..ni:!, t.j rt iin i-.arr ol le.c
la'i.l t';e'
t.iiit. It
Ol' .Viiiroen, i.s a liir;.; il.,i;i i to t.ic norti'.-v, t ;l
, ■ I'lit tiu: v.or.l c!;. r,
■.> i.j 111 ,,hf !"-• ; a
c.ieiii ; but who ill it J,
but Lk it u
1 lee' n.iier ll..-v
ne:l| i.^f Ceiitii.ue-: ur.ce.
li.'in \.,iica ll I-, aoout Islii nines i
Til J i)anej liavc a e.reat iiaeiijn K,f loi.oron; n'.nlic;
■;,.e their or.uaniil.i cnrerta'n the con','re;;ati'jn lor a
lerable time, both, b.'i'ice and alter lirvice
orin 01 a c;\icen'
aiiil I; ei'.lv C'
H■ar^, tliat uiiere ilk
ii'i i.:l ll l.ir li., oviter bliicry.
n"' "ronn.l, h,ir;;-onv wiil ol'l.iiu an
,1 eii.ien ty
aiul re.irer t.
ir, he-; to'.'.aril.i !i!C nor'.!;-'.':," of .'Xinron, '' inut.ii'ec; and people withoui talte, and who, in ';erc-
ceal'l ol' .' leUsie, between .Northrir 'ill r..!, ii.ue but veiv c; u.lc notions ol ele",aiu.'e, wiUiiiil
n '.s to t:ie \in le
id i,. el'
n nf luiidir,
ic ininic.
an 0-, ,il li.'ure, aieiut liv mile:; in
It a!
)ouiiils in rat*
.) '.so m'.i.uKtant.-;, an
Ko. (S.
.1 kvera! villi
M.m n-.ny Jul"';,
1 b 1 lonl is tnui
tnnerni Urania ainnne,
c, and liiii Lieul't a Ijie
A lyi
^ ^
1 1
■» 'i
p: ; ijl!
! Hi '
PA ' !
p'': 1:11
H* 1 ('
A NKW Asn AUTIirNTtr SVSTrM ov TtNI\'rU'^Al. Gl'.Or.llAlMlY.
" A Ivre wli'u-li, v,\u\c its various notes .i;,r^i'
" Kiri nstlu' IvMvts c)| its own liirinor
•' In ii> rouuli li.itrckl with lii'.t love is j miiM,
iii)\v r
Aiu! I'liriglitlv li.ipi', witli i;i.iv'liii}; k,ir ..on
•' To torm tilt: p.irts ot our li.irinoiiious ir.iiul.
•' What r.i\i!hf> the loul, wli.u vli.irms tli*.' cir,
•• 1< mulic, tliiMij;h .1 various ilnlsit wear.
♦' hr:tiity i< mulu: too, tli)' in ililiuiili.- ;
" Too lino to touJi thi- car, it ilii!%is thi' eyes.
«' ' I ij Miiiiic hfaviiil). Inch a' in .i IpUcic
"• We only can ailinirc, but cannot hiar.
" Nor I-. tlic pow'r ot nunilKi.-. Uls bilow ;
" By ihk'in all l.u;noiir> \iill, all p.liion- I'ow,
'• AiiJ llubl-'orn trowJi a;. >.hair,\l, v ; 1
not liow.
" I.ct • I'.nr arts in li'nrJJ's ni.tttiis r-i-n,
♦' .Min,.>: ia bral's, it v. 'tli nii.\\i \MCi:< H.iin }
•' Mulic, the miul-.ty aitiih man can in!'-,
*' As Ion,' as it has niiinbi.r>, 1.^' a 1. ul."
Thouc'i linrninff, tVoin th- iitti i'tion rrven to vnr:-
cus inanula«.turts, anJ tlu; iVluicc i I ;..;i i.uiinrc, is
at a low ebb in this kiiif:JiMn, it h.i> p.. ilncul lomc
few pcrl'oiK aihviirably cMiincnt In the niatliur.aiical k\-
cncis, aiul thf irt ot nifi'uinc, l\ich as I \i ho Hr.Jic,
Bortichins, litrlholincs, i^o. Hut the nu lit ef thde
is to lie onliiicretl a-, the t n'nl,i;< i.ce nf a eoiiut, eh. si-
lencing tlie jjrcater ailniii.'.iion, lui'.eic lo klJonl
iVen. ' I'hc hnall pr.'iTeisol the Oar.
m t-
om a 1 1 :et i.ve
however, appears alio ti> rilv.'.!
Hitution, anJ an cppii lii'. e Mnei
at. ul lawyers, a^ tliev a: ■ .; itc!;.
conn, and preat L lu^ <•; t'l/
r-.e;iii!y lohlcrvient. Il is t;ii;
fpeau'e places in the I'c ile of ila\ rv, but they lil! th
as (o many cyphers, or r.n > t ;'.■• it many niaclni
nielU ; t' r li.e cLTi-y
.'i peiul ■.'•■t tip "1 lie
k':;i ', I rn, a;- nio:l
t'lcv li:i th'.if re-
tliat ar- movtv
at tl
' eireinonv, the bell w \\ they ciiiKI, aini ihje.l jire-
'• I'li.tly a b ttcr man in lii» Ittad ; liinuinneit the ii.-.c
) ! ( I km to him ; U'tnetimes the valiant in in tliat IkhI ex.
, '. ' p Icil hi'iilell lo lar as to uiulertikc the execuli ;', IT
\ the killin;,; ol the tvant ; aiiJ, at ollvr liiiu s, a ;v vutc
pcilou »)t j^ood reputation, who jioihbly leall dii.. iit nj
\'i liieh an ajvancenier.t.
I rretjiMit ineeiint^ of the llites uas a fii;u!.',e - ■ • ,1
.' part ol the conllitution. In t!. !'• iicit'in; a' i.m.
' teiM relatit.^ ta j;o,h1 j^oveiiunvnt \ve;e ir. ::l . ,;
' jjoo.l laws were eiia.leil ; all all'.iirs beoii ;in;.^ to ]v ;
"i ('. w.ir, alliances, dilpotal ul threat r-liiets, e. .5,;,,k;j
ol iuani;'.;;es lor the royal lainiiy, ;?;c. were ileh.it .
I'he impoiiiii; ot taxes, or di in.indiii.i; ot ben. vi ',.■. ,
were juirely acciilental ; no eonllaiit tribute b; . . ; 1 1 r
paid, or any money levied on the people, unlcK e.; ;
to maintain a ntcellaiy v.ar, with the aJvi.e av,.l c .
Iei;t ol the nation, or, by vay ol Iree ',■,'''> 'oc'r ..
lu'te to railc a dan , liter's portion ; t!ie kin_.;'> y^ m • c ,
at that lime, ci'iilillmg only in the ren'.s nl I l^ 1 i:. .
and demeliu s, in his her j;r.'i;' ' ,
k^c. cutlonis upon merchaiuii/.v- bein^.; an imp' lu im i
I'fe crejit into this part ot the world ; to that h- ii.' ,
like one ot our modern noblemen, up ni t' e iwit^v j
I't his own tllate, and tut not throu^^h the Iwe.u i . i .
lubpcls brows.
1 he bu!inel> of the kinp wai then to lie a >'ue ■■ .1
impartial ailmlnilhatioii ot jullue i xeeu'e.i ...■. u ;
to the laws ; ii.iy, olteii to iit and i!o it i;l'ii,>.: ; i ' -
w,.tcl.l'ul and M.;ilaiit hu- the \\eu,.n ol 1.'- r ; ■.• . '.•
eoni:r,and in perl'on lluir arnr ■, -w tle.e ■■! v ; to
eMi:oura;:c reli;:;ioii, arts, aid h-ii;. 14 '• •■i-i i: '■ >■■"•
hittrelt, as will as his duty, to l.r- ■> . >:r v,;-,m t'., ; il-
hty aiui ti'-'"''y> •"'"■' ^'~ ^••'''•''"' ' ' ^'"'' I'^'^h'' I"; '■' ■■'>
lul jc^is.
Such was the ani-ier.t form ol' rovfrnnn-i.t ii ;' :
A.-, the ancient li
was ih- lame with tl;
■in Ml
in iiio
ft, il not all, p. ris o
I 1
d t!
leir eunqui
lt>, Tl
n a
fveii the boors
had tl
10 rcij^'iic.
in 1
iiiemorahle aniwcr 10 t.ie p<'
iple 01 all r.nil.s
,01 kill- WJilr
.r.tiwlei' -ed in lii
•!•), wli.i iirvtciiJ
10 a ;.
reat pouer o'.
Il ive
I, -doi.i li- n
an. I I'lir reh"
n I
theie pre
vcneil, wcv
ind if yen ;;ruv';^e it i: ,
feiits." 'I he Hates ol th'
e to elect, lor tl.eir p
luiii iiie eliui
'.'. e ri.iounce
Jit.o '
the kiii_; abli.hile.
'1 hiv liii'^ular r.V'.hition wn; tin
After the pt
laec with Sweden loe
a mi
cd.iinitous lituarion :
le iie.ii'irv w
nincli exnauiiei
that, when t.iC .ociv w
d. tl
lere was n.o nioiu
tne u
the f)ldierv bec.ime inloieii .ind h.i- 1
the l.nne ti ne tlie nobles -aeie |
.r.niM ai
the clergy i
anee, and
.1 th
:l v.i:
iicli t:
le coiiiiiii.n,!
tlie lieavv l.ixe-. i\it!i
h which ill. V iiad liccli (
earrv o!^ t:
At t'
redrel- the
w ar.
erhis the
to .'
, ol the iKition, wi.en
ed In- tlie eoiui.-.oiis ihat .in ecpial ane. cijui.-i
be L.l.l I'p. ;i all perlliiis iiidHeiimina'.ely,
cin uni.t.n.v 1 ■
111 an exTiit jir.)
Tiic II. iM
Diirtion tij tt
they aiVertrd, v.
.v inrti III iVoin their ]v,yiner.t ot any tax
aiiil I.e.- c ninu.ns as
nol i -S cr..' r.'iicil
aiul I ri M
iull\ er.ntii- It
' e ;;re.U(
laiu!-, wealin, lionour
1.1 tlie
1, th.it
li part
„ l.oili'.)') U.ilt il... .;;:.-{
UwU'i «a» a fa;n!.'.n '• t.l
\\:,Ai: IVA'ali.;;! a" ; ••
niiv.-nt WI-.0 ir .:! ;
ia'uirs bi.'.i«i';;iiv; t" I' -
I j.-.r'':it r.liii-c<, t •■......'.;
iiii'i.v, ;5sC. wMf i''«;l^'' ■
m.ituiiu,-! I't licii. Vi '.. .■. ,
onl'.iuit inUuti U. ■ ' : ' '■ r
1 till' piopli", unlcK I . :
\\a\\ x\w iulvi.i- -.Hi.! I -
ay ol triT !;'.li, '" >'•"■ •■
lion; the t.iii,.','« ''^ ' '■ ■
ill tilC KIltN I'l ! I- 1 1 -
(if c.ittU-, tortlU, Km -
I tiiliiv.itiiii^ li';- j.f 1' ' .
r/A- Iviiii; :iii i'"!" '" '' '
It worlj"; l''> t!i.>tli- !■•' .
ilcinrn, iil'ii' l' I" r-*''"' >
ot throii^jli till- lrtc.it 1 . .
\\.T! tln.-n to K'- .1 ''i-' ■ •
jiiiiuc txffu'i' I ..'^ '■ ;
lit iiii'l i!<) it l^i'U.v'i ; 1 ' ' -
L- \\clt..f of 1.'- r ; •■• ■ !'
iriu'.-. ■•.> fu'.c "t ^ '• '"
I l-.u:. .-: ..i-i i- ' '■■ =
1.. i, .-,■;' . .ii- v.i-'i t; : '■- ^
ilul V ; I'uc ••;ui,'-i..j '•' . '■•
rm f)f rovfi'ninivt 'm ; "•
• lU'l I. -■ i'..'r*.-.ili ,1 t .' 1
„r,i- ir.,: •.!.!, li'<- ^* ""'•'• ' - -'
n; tl 11^ l""''!' ''•'■- ■'''
l;,c .s!i"^- :'■'"•:' '■-
|,.r •.');• l.iil'i''v \^
(. .iiL.y v\'- t'> ' •'*•
, . ■ ,'.,v ,:.\' ih- 11
,/k ,; ..ua Iki' i.'ii .
p; t!,r,i- V,„r.; ■ ! ! •
v.liich t'-v ^^^■•'* '
,. ail..-..n- >>•! .:'•.■";
1 1
:i!,Mj.' to .!•-'>; 1
i.iiioii, wl.fii u ss •• 1 ' ; '^
i]!! ihinJ tCiuit.il :.'N- ^ -
,(.riirui\;i'.i-ly. .r."l v, it
■.iort'um to tl.. T 1' , '■'''■
U, l,..\i\cr, li:>.-i .^
I thcyiiucrtra, v, i ■ . !' •
cut ct .11. y t.iM-- ^\1'"'' ' •
ulK c:-.l.l':' ''('I. >'■■'' ■ '
I it,,. ..;ri-.:uii part "■ ' -
,-. i.i tlii- Kii".'-'.onn/i',"" ■■
on ti.cni ti> In. irll ■'•■'• '- -
;,| to i.ii.'ii!"':i- t ' ' ','
, .iu-w v.arai. .n.'l '• ' ■■■"
I'.IlIi p.u:y i-oi..-.','. -! '
l\ ilu- <.l'..cr. iir.'l ll 1"".
r hcatol. Ill li-^-''- ■;' ''
.illi'il Olto Ci.wj., li^ "■ ' •
tola tiiccoir.iii' I'-.''' ' -' '
mU-;.;..; of tliC nohJif, •■^■ I
m'uu;li iiiipolitior.s «•■ '
,1 .,. |1. 11 ' u'
1(1 Wire no ol,,. 1 I.. ■" I _
I '.pri r.ioii.-- i.ii'..!'- ; I ' ■-
i-c ot iorbcura;.^!.-, »"- ■' ; •
tlitir Ij-iakfi", flartfil up, aiul, finvl witlt intii ;tiation,
Iwurc til, a li.i- iicMliiy lliouUI n-puit t!ii-ir lia\liv; vm.
I;.lir»il tlic cMii'iii^iis as v..iiali*, and tcrniiii;.', tlicm
lluVfs. linimi!!atily the ^.l'llllnoI;.^, or ilir,,;y aial
biii'.'l.ir', I'll V>' ii;) the air'.inhly, uiul uiarelinl iiiuliT
the ;,i ij Kcs nl i!.'. ir ItaiKr.sio tlic tni-Wtr's-iiall, and,
ill a U\\ lioiii , r.lulval to luakf I'.n: l.,iit; u prilcnt ..i
:iii aMoiiitf f.owir, aiul to rriuicr tlii: itiami hcrt-ilitary
in I.i l,ii;.i.' , li ii.tiiat it mi ,' t iltlciiut twn to l.■-
ll...'v . Ii !■ \. ii ! <'l iii.ili- i'.ir-. '1 liis ril'oliiti' ii i' V
,, li.-'.ii.jy ii.; in f\m;ii..ii ilif? in .\t liay •, .iiiJ tlimi 'h
t!.L' ikl.iiiiy luiJt.;ti.il ;it lirii im ilii- tn.itttr, uttl.. y
vtri- all! t.liil.iil lit ii'i. "til to (imipK, and in tlirii-
»!.'•..; tinir t!.c- a!: r.i'.ii was coini'liinl; lo that ti i.
Ka. '1 lia\wl,i.!i (.v.. lime, aiul ar. at pr.li nt, alj...-
Ii.;f i.r,.l ;:rhi'...iy, ii it the kail llradow it lili.vy i.-
Il;..i..;; ; to tl.i.' Illbi' Ct. /Ml lllf';lim;.> ot ill'- ilia.:'. .11
p.;. . ii.il'.r .lie aliollll)i;il. Nay, tilt vt-rv 1.1 111.' il .1-
I iTi- ail.! iil.ci y istiuitL' t'or'].ittcn ; ui> ii iiicri luul ii"\' r
III, 11 an. I'll, u t'.iin/ ; i!:i: \cry lirll aiiJ priii.-iiMi ..r-
I) r. N ]M A It K.
;, " '1 ii.it t'u I."
ll l^ Illf
p...!'.,." nl.ucii to liinifL-lt to i'\|)laiii O"- U:\ ; ii.iv,
to .lilt r .iiul clun^jt: it as Ik lliull tinuk po .i." I'lic
i-iii.li;i|iu nets of lliis arc ubvioiis ; luvim :i: .i ..! ar ;.
Irary t..M :, aiiil comiiuiiilv viTy i\ci!!in in-., r\n
111 tlllU:
it ptarr, litllc regard Im:!,;
to t!.i- i"::-.l
marine ilifputr*; and ilic ctmnccllory exccutfn all
iiianiKr ol IiiiIiikI.^ rifptiiiii;,' trcMtiis, alliaiicti, iU.
'Ilic poliki- ill Diinnark in very IUkI. At the tii-
traiice r.l n:.iii) ti.wii.^ a ;\!iipj'iM<,.ri)it llaiuli Cdiilpiiu-
ou<, on till' II']: of whi.:li the figure ul a man is pl.ifid,
with a fvviii'.l [ly iiid (iik', and a whip in his ri^ht hand.
(«i!)l). '.H ami wl.LvIs are r.Iio placed on eiiiiinncis, on
whuli tile bod LS of maktactor'i arc lunictiincs left,
alter e.\t.cutiii!i, to deter othrrii troiii their crimes,
hiiine triiiiiiiah. are punilhed by beitij; whipped in tlic
market pi. icr', aiul baniliKd. .Soine of the lower fort
ate piii;ilh»d ly liein^; led iIiroiif;li t!iC city of C'optn-
h.ifV n in what ii called the Spanifli iii.inties. 'Iliij is
a ki'ul ot lu.'.vy velt, foineihiii;,' like a tui), witli art
opcniu;;- lor t'le !c:id, and irons tj enelo'e tlic neck.
I iii.s mode It pill, iiliiiieiit il very nnich. dreaded, and
is of.c caul,- (hat nij^lit rubbeiies are rar.ly heard of in
'I he pl.ic: f f e.recut;, n i> out of the citv. Deoolla^
til. 11 i.. Ji.-:r.;-.l in.ii J li, :i,.ii. .,',,,.• by tlie tword ihiin the
ase. 'Ilii.i i.i the tomtti-m mode of cxrcutiuii. liut of
ti.iiie iiiorc lirii: in criiiKs i!ie |innilliineiit is breakinpf
III tlie s\'^.'.l^; and, in e\.e.it;ii;.; tlii.s on It.ite pri-
|o:nr<, it li..,!i.'.n the practu^- lo'i'etiinc.'i to bej^iii witli
luiiiii:; oil tl,eir right li.aids. li\eeution.<, liowc'ver,
are rare. A ereat miiiiber lor ehihl murder are eon-
li..|is ».l thiiii ; II) that the vahu .1 lii.it.i, mi iiiult ■
jvirti of t!i, kii: -iiom, i.^ tallen tluee-lniirths : a, I it 'n.
worl'e iieai the t.ipital citv, u'ldi-r the i>e .lut h.md ol '
tl.i' ;.;o\erir,i'.;nt, th.iii in reiin.kr proviiuxs : p, v.riy
in th'' ;;eiMM, vvlneli nectliarily eauLs extri Mi'v ol
mil. 1'. Ill t!.i: pr.il.iiifs ; |iavtiality in the i!i!lii..iii;' n o!
ji.'i.vi-, will 11 i.ivoiiritei lire eonecriied ; wilii ii.aiii, .
r'l.i :■ iiiilcirKli J ti'-ili,; tl.'- eoiill.int eirci.'t'i ol aili'lr.iiy
iiiL' in tl.i.'> and ..I! uilii.r couutricu whorein it I, ..3
I ' V. lilt. I. !
I,, a wr.r.i, it ni.iy 1 ■, truly I'-iid, that the pi-, pie of
1) •iiiiii's, \Mtii a I illi and dcl|H-i-.nc hand, troin 1110- |
tii > ol r,.\.n',e, l.-.m iitud In an ar;lul imniiirv aii.i
.Ti'il.'ti.. i!..i^v, rtii ;ni-d their liliiilv ai.d in.:.| -n .
iii..n-, .ir.d i'nclti-d iiair lo\eri.ii;ii with dilp.nii- p;ucr
OM r til. ir liv 1 .,i',,l l.-rliines.
I'l .11 t',.:,. 'I.;.,- I'll- kiiiy-i o| l)c\ iiiark in: '1, in t'l ir
'p('(in>. 111 tile 11/' ': 01 tiu' I' .vrn i. 11 |i lui I ; ! 11; 11, t
br.".' able (.. L-.\ei-J'.l-. tl'.' u'.o..' tlu-,.i|i Kc-, tin v ire
1.1,; 1 .1 t.< i.eli-';ate loMH- pan ui the e\i ..-iilui. po^^tr lo [
til- ir conlu!, nti.il fiibiccl-;. !
1 I,'.- ki|)ri.ii.c C'ant ol jiKluMtur'-. h-r ,0. irn.iiV nn.!
Koi-.\.,y, i> 111 III in till- royal p.il.m- at t'..pi nli.ii 11, ]
til- km;.' il li!;\- pu'lent , tin' liihiinal i-,l IloPtiiii i,. '
lii-ld I't i.iui^ltad. ; and thai lor the duchy uf Siilwie
ill ti.i- t'.v. 11 ul :ii,i. i.a.iie. The nod ot tli<: lbv<-rtiyn '
i.i d; i;ili\ J Ul the c.^-.iiiei!, tile iiu nibi 1 > l,.-|ii^ -jo'i^ d
iiiipi.'. itiy to ..bey In- v.iil, a? ti.. v are i-enioveablc at
li... 1 'r.diKc. ' 1
l-.v.-iy n .;ii, if lie iIiull'S it, may plea-.l hi.? own '
ranli-; .itul iho proceedniijs are lb luinmar-,, iii.'.t a liii: |
iniv be iMnu d thiuujdi all the courts, and laialiy de- I
ei led ill thirteen inoiilh". '
.'~iiln nlinate to llu' lunreme court of judi... ;;'.;i', at '
V, iiu'li the kiiii; p-i. full ■ , '.n.-reare three other couii^, vi:.'..
the !.;nd-ii.i ', or prinincial court ; tli.. lli.riei.l.NtoLi;.',d.,
IT liiilinl eouiti and the Byto,.^li.ls, or '.iv.n eoiirt.
Appeals lie ri'iin each ot ihele courts lo tiie other, ae-
eiriiii,^ to lii|U-rii.ritv ; and tiie liiuil appeal to the
I liTi-ine court, where an abloUite dtcilion ii ;.;i\en by
li. kin,' as the ultiinatt- ii-j,illati>r.
i lie judges arc appoii'.lid by the kin;;, but remove- ,
tilile at jilealure. 'Ihevai, piiiiilb.ible tor miideniean- ,
or.';, that i.s if tlie iiion:ir.-li think i jiropt-r to deem j:
III' ir actions liuhi and thus royallv condemned, are ;
('! '•■■.-ed to ni.ike nj'.ii.llin to tlie injuri-d jiarty. ',
'J I ir l.d ir'n .s, whieli are iiicoiiliderablej are jiaiil Iroiii !;
tlic kin;;'s trcafury, Ir.ini lines, and Irom gratuities ;:
\'. lure li.-iitence is p.iii'ed. In Copenlr.^j'eti are likeuiti,- i|
;in c.\c!u(]n:;r court, to try canles nlative to the reve- M
lUii- ; ar.il a eomniercial court, to deckle .ill illi;i're!'.t:e<; '!
iclpciiiiij tratle. liic admiralty court ii,.UM,y..i all i.
Lil to
v.oik in rpindioi.l'.s for life, and to bii
.1 aiimi,;!!;., on the 0,.v when, and the Ipct
while, t!.e crime was euiir.iutted. T
penilhir.i. it is dri.aded
llian death
lis moilc ot
, and lince it
n.ii Deen ailo|ited, lias [^nat'y prevtiited the frci)Ucr,cy
ot the crime. 'I he punilliiiiciit lor grand-larcny is
vhippi::-, and llavery lor liie. Thole wleiare con-
dcM.iied to llavery are diliiiiguiibcd by a brown coat,
wi-.h n .1 I'.eivis, and irot:.s im one leg, with a chain
l.ill.iu-,! I) their waidi^ They work on the foriiiica-
lion-i, in liiiiiner, Ironi live to eleven, and (roni one
to lix. Tin. ir bread is oarle and bljck. Helidi ~' an
allowance or bread, they have a i)ay of one iiiver
(a pemu "! per day. 1 hey lie en bjri-jck beds.
.\t C.ipei ha^'.'ii tlie Itate prifon is in the citadi.1.
In this jjiif, Il till -e are live or [<\ rooms, about 15 f;et
by 1 1, with one win,!, v, iind a eaie (or bLd) in ea'.-'t.
A tr.ive'lcr, wli.-i l.it-,-ly vilin.-d this kin.,'dom, rcl I'-.-s',
tl.it lie i.hr.rveil here one prifoner who was jrnarded by
an I ili.'i-r ai'.l li,!dier in tii'- room, .i:v.i another at t'l-j
i!,)i.r, tlicii., 1 ti:e L;iiar.l-ro i 'i u,is bi-low. The wea..
tlur b'l' i-- till 11 Very waiai, l-- was perir.itt.'d to havj
tl..' uiiuio'.v p;-il ; and t'l*-. In .ill tiie Irelh ..ir '..lo m'J
are n-.-ver fuiiervd t.) l 1 cut otf
m.ik, < them an a-iiple
; Il r t.c- V
■file kn-
At t!ie ti:ii- o! divine I'crvice their doors
!i.c\ he :r it 1 V an obliiiue I'crferaiiou
11 ue priluii'-rs
tl'< ir r- Kinis.
;■ c tor tliLt.
ai ■ op- ;i, lit; 1
ill! 1 the ..-liureli, tlir.n',^;h the tiiick walls oppolite ti>
tlic d,-., rs.
'I'll'- r.'.ine traveller obfcrvcd chains faiU'nul to the
walls in the el,.!'e rooms, v.Iiere the Counts Strucnfec
and ikaiidt lia.l bmi eoi.li;,^.' ; :',;..l was i.iilormed that
Siruci.lje, who had been e niii'.cd ab.ive tliree months,
when he tirit e.er.e o'.it, tl, 'U,^!! in view o! a terrible
dcatli, ixcl.iiii'.'.-il, " Uv.iia'i'a bl-cirmj-: is Irelli air 1"
1 lerc arc f.niie il.irk r-ioiiL^ lor t!ie puiiilli'uent ol I'ui-
liicr , but 11.1 .lar.,";eons.
In ihe pril'.m ut the I'af-houfe there were nine per-
fons conline.l lor crimes, and eleven for debt. The
i'emale criminaU were at work in their feveral apart-
ments, wliicli virc clean ; but the male crimin:i!s -.vcre
duty and oll'iuiiNe. The allowance granted them is
three marks ( : ; penci ) per week. 'I here arc in ihi.-;
prll'uii arched damp dungeor.3. A reT.dent chaji'aiii
i'a}s prayers to the priloners every day.
The blue tower (the prifon for the bailiwick and fer-
vaiits of the court) confills of four fmall rooms on three
floors, 'i'hcre were in it eight men and tw.) women.
'I'iicir allowance is t'.vo pence a day, with which they
purehal'e what they pleale of ihe gaoler, who keeps a
public houfe, and ha.; a lalary from ihe court. Mere,
as well .IS ill the [mi^u at the ilat-bonle, wan obi'erved
6 "6
t K- lie
Al'TIT.XriC SY:"^.'!'
rN'ivr.r/-.M. crnci- \i
.itinf-; (if the wiiuun, v.l o r-Hvus \\c:\' u imu
t.iil to tliiil'i.' iM li
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,ii:',, .\u.l c^MUivls I:. Till till' v;!i. ^I'-
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l.i .1.1 i U'
atu! iiCMV CDiiiitc-
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r.UllOPF..] D r. N IM
One ot'tlio moft coiifulcrablc articles in the i^vcu'ic ;i
ot Dfniivark is the niotiey railcJ by a ihity, or tml, I
IKiiil l>y iill lliijjs which pals thi(Hi;.;h the Siunul into the '1
lialtic ; the Soinul beint; a narrow limit Ixtunn Sch"- j
iicii aiiil the lil.iiul ot '/.i-al.iiul. On the Danifli liile ,|
Ihuuls the town ol Ileikiieur, or I'.irei'.eiir, and ilic ealll ■ '
1,1 I'.roiunlmig ; aiul, on tin- .SueJilh li.le, tiie town ol
lUhinliuig. lietwccn llielL' pals anJ repals all the
n-.i]!- .11. il \ellels thai traile to the Ilaltie. '!!;■• Dimes,
bv iliuv rent lie.itiis ol pcaee, have exprel.dv retaiiiej
tiieir u;le to tlic Soinul, and reeei\c toll Iroui all (llip^
and velVels that pal's, thole oi Sweileii excepted ; yet they
do not cllecin tlie hcinity ol that title lo (inn as they
I'ouKI v.ilh ; lor as they are not luallers ot the land on
liolh IrUs, lii'.y may have the ri.il.r, but, not the power, '
to a!'i I't it n;'.>ii ojiMiion, and lee:n or.lv to en|oy it '
liiiiiii,'; t!a ir ;.,oo,l bi.Ii..vii.nr ; ;'.■■ ihe'r li'nii;; liei^h-
b u; -■ 1..J Swedes, are ;d)'e to i;i..'.i. v'.\- ol ti.e lint oji-
p.ivii;iii>, or u;n!ir.i;;e, to thei.' pr- /.uiiee ; .aid this
t!i,— eo'.i.d perl..;;;,, do wilii i:;';-,r;ity.
Tl'.e huvs of ni'.tion; al\vav> ri;;i a len 'Ii
Vrope.rtioh'd tothelr wealtii.'.l.Li:' p ' ■. 'r.- ,andll:'en^.-lli : i
'I'l.c rill', s oi' equity are I"; t ,it t!.',;. .;, !
]', to b.'.'-',i int'rell lorees e.>:i Le ..:\..i:^;lit ; ''■
b'or V. '.;.i;u'lvv r pohtieian.i l',.v,
'I'licir uu'reil point-, and [i: liiei.i le.Kl, the way.
Th.- 1 :i ;in and naiiiie I'l tiii,. I W are as I. !lo\v. It
va- i.:id by the eoiUip.t ol the tr.idir< ii.Io ihi' l^allie,
wlio v.v.e wilhir.i; to allow a lin.dl rum lor e.ieii liiipthat
pall'-d, ti.'wards inaintainin[.'; ol lij'hts on eeitain places ol
that coall, Iv.- 'lie better ilirection ol' Tailors in dark
nij;!i;s : h.ereap-in this pi;l'.ii;';e of the Sound bi e.ime
the iiio;l ufed, that ol' the (Ircit I'elt beiiv.;, in a litl'.e
lime, i]uiti: ncj^lecUd, as will becuil'e ui the ;.;'.eat coii-
vi-nienec ot thole ii;;lits to the lliipjmi;; tii.it jiali'cd in aii.l
out ol the Kail Stii, as beeauleol an ii;;reeinent made,
that no Ihip liiould pals the otln-r v.ay, to tiie end tliat
t'.U mi;.^!u i\iy tiieir tiiares ; it Iv. in;.; im'.-ealiiiv.ilil,. th.u
I'uch Ihips Ihnild iiav'.- the aJv,inra;;e of thol'c li'Jus in
'I irk or lloniiv v.iiuer ni;;lus, \'.li) a'.oivied pi'.vir,;; to-
wards the inaniLiuiin'^ ot iimlc liiv ^, h.y |'idii,v., luiodi; v
vii\ in r;'iod weathir. llefuli.-., ii t'lis iii,'.!i'..Lr ot
avoiei:!'.; tin' pa}ii!ent had been ,.;io i, tin .•cv.-iu;,'
.vouKl hive been lo i:-.li_.,ni;iei :i:, ce;,,:.li riii", t'..c imill
fum whe'a each Ihipw.is to p,.\, tli.ir th'' li ,'iis eenl.l
not liave heen iiuMUaiiieJ by it i iii ,! tli ; n.iiii > v.l.\. not
uilhtiiT to hi' a: liie i;har^e,e I'ol'.ly l.-r the iil'e and be-
lulitol tliea' ov.ii iradili;,; liiij;,; ; b,.-.;iile the WLr-:
mailers i/l iii l.nv, us made it ii..t v. -ith thLir wi.i'e;
A 11 K
aiM nureliai.ts i^l other
-1 at ill It lime in
i.eil 'li;y .urived
iiut there 1-,'in;,;
■ inivcrned, with
s belonj;in;^ to I'l
■'. an, in iiro'jels ol
the l.ulieekers, D.iiriiicki
1 lans Towns, beiu-; til. ■ u.ittli tr.aK
tiic northern parts ol i.uro]\', I'V \ i
to a f;reat height ol pouerand liJit;.
no lixed rule, or treaty wlu n Ir, to 1-
regard tii the dill'erent bull, ol tile Ihi
manv dilierciit nations, the l)..'i'.'.. be
time to ;.;row aibitrary, and e.\ai.ted l.ii iller or i^reati
I'liux, accordinp; to tiie ilreii;,^th or weaknel's ol thole
tliev had to de.il witli, or aeeordin,'; to their tri-.tullliip
or dil'o, intent witli tliole |)iineei or llate i t.) wliom the
f'everal Ibips belonged ; therelore tlie emperor Cliiiiles
W t.) aleeriaiii this toll, coiiciiided a treit\. v.r.Ii
tlie kin;; ot I), iimark, whieli was ii.'.ned a'. ^ jiire on the
Rhine, an.! urn; in biiiall ol Iiis lul i ais ol the N'lilur-
lands, will) had '.;rei't ti-alac in tlu IS.iiiie ; iind .i,;rt.d
tint as a toll ciillom in tl.eSeinul, e\i i) tliipot ^v e tons,
and under, lliould i)ay two role -nobles at its i ntrance
into, or retifii Iroiii the Ibiltic -, and every llii'p above
20 :. ton;, three role-nobles. .V role noble is Wiiith
about i'i;;liteen IhiHiiij;'! Iluliri;. lliii a ,ieenieiit
remained in force till lueh time as the United I'ro
vii ets Ihook oil' tin: Spandli yoke, when the Danes,
taking advantage ol tiiole wars, railed their toll to
an t.stravaj'.ant lieighi, the troublelbme limes not al-
Ibrdiii;; the Dutcli kiUirc to attend to the reuicllin^; lueli
an exaction.
'I'hc toll at prefmt, liowcvcr, is c;rc:\tlv rediind,
and much more realonable ; ami il the principal ir:ari-
tiiiie p.iwers ehol'e to dil'pute tlie matter, they certainly
would have no oceahoii to | av it at ud ; lor the
Danes have not a lullieirnt naval Hreii'th to o! li',c
i-ither the lingliHi or Dutch to pay this toil, or pal's
throet-h tliis palia;;'-, il they rather chol' to Ihoot ei-'.'i
ol the Iki'.s. Ikliiles, tiie breiidth of llii.s Sound., in
the narrowell part, is I'Mir I'iii' lilli mil •■ over, a!\l
every wiiere ot a l'ii!li,;ier,t di].,ii ; lo tliat tiie kin •
ol 1 )( .imark's call les Could not coniinand li:e liiaiii--. !,
w.'.s he mailer of both luh. ;, much hi- mnv he has but
one It i^ plain, therelore, that thi-i pretended !'\e-
rei;,;nty is \iiy prccaririN, bi'iii;j; partly Iv undid on
the inattention ol lome |.i iiices concerned in it, to tiie
;.;ri at injury ol trade.
Tliis toil all'ord.s the kinc; yearly a eonfideval'le jii-. fir,
thoU'ih much h l-i at preleiit than it ilid oi merlv. iihi'UC
tlie \ear i'>.i., it iirodiucii •:.;-.,'-cij rixdoll. r.i per an-
num; but lii.ce i'>45 .t has not \ ^ !il. I aeo\e pi .;.._•;
tome year.-, not ab'uc .So,'_0'j. In ii'i)i it did le-t ex-
tend to lull 7c,cco ; and is now imii h lei's.
,'dl people ol rank, who have jiubiic em]i!oynients',
liny a I'iiiii eiiuivaleiit to ten peuiid.s llerl'i'.i:;, Ivir th(.;
priviie;^'e of being married : pe'ipie of rani-'., v.Iii h.ivc
no ivahhe employment, pay at iiie rate ol tou, p.eur.d.-!
fieri. n'_'; c!er;.',yinen, '.ili.iei.., free f.'.nv.ers, an ; ti.e liew-
ai.l.i of the I'liiliiy, ]iay lixteeu Ihiiiiiii;, ; iiiechanics
ei;,.;ilt Ihil'iiii s ; and lerv.ll.t^ aid ;. l,.iirirs four Itii!-
linijs. .'•eameii, leklier-, aiu! au'.D.iii .men, uli. \.if-
lals, are exeiiipicd Irom this tax; aiv.l "ith \tiv ;,'iotl
reafon, h)r they are tot.,lly unable' to lay it; and loii.e,
indeed, have fcarce a fe.ilicier.i-y to p'archal.: liie co:n-
nion neeelh rie.i o! lile.
There is a tax, or ex-nintioii fubiljv, w'licii thnii_,;h
ixorhitaht and e;-jneiiiu'. is chearfullv paid In' ail
h'lulvkei pers tiiat e.,:i raile the mein',, bec.iuie, by
l' e p.iyiiKiit, they are I'Meir.pted Ircal h.e>iii;j; lil-
ilier,-, e^uartered on tiieiii. 1 his tax i.i rated l;y 'lij
(•i\il lun'.'.illrate, aeeeidiii;'; to ilie Ii. e, lituation, rent,
i^C. ol ilie !.i"ai'e.
1), il ' -■ the taxi s lo g .vrrire.ii;, two more are pai.l
bv a'' . li.iens and liiii; hers, tor the liip;;or: ot tiieir
r. I-., vii'.e titles and toui:., m/., a c.i[>,t.iti. a tax, and .i
;;,l-oLi:ul v \.[ MX.
Here ii all.' a !aii\y (l.niip acl ; ar.Ji tax s n;' m p'-
teiits, e iii.niiiiien ; ii ti'iii.irv t. x, p lid bv tlie no. .i-
i.al lu'lidit'., k.i'. I'loiu I'.ieic V 11 . .us t.ix's, daities, ini'-
polls, and eaioluiiieiits, the whole reveiiu.. -.' b'enmark,
at prek'iit, amounts to tiie aiamai v.due of al I'ut
I ijioo,':.".) I. a, id this is the u'.m'ill that I'overnii.eiit
' can poliibiv draw from tlie jieople, without draiiiii, ,
the ki:i,;doaiol tlie littii. money that reaiaie.i; in cireul.i-
The military (lren;;t!i ( f this kin;.;dohi comiils of re-
!;ular troops, militia, and navx.
The greatcll part ol the ri"ii'.ir tr i' p-i are hirei^;ii-
ers, and more p.,irtieiilarly lerminis. I he caialry
and drii;^'oons are well moiuu.d, and e. infill oi' i i ri;;i-
iiKiits , and each re;.^iineiit oi lour f.]iii:drony, inclu 1-
ing the body i;uards. Of tli' ie re ;imcnts three are
•I'lU.iiu'red in '/.ealaiid, one in 1 unen, tli.xe in Jutland,
and lour in lloltlein.
Tiie inl.intry is eompofevl oi i6 rei iiiieiit-, ot which
two d ) dutv as the kin;.','s ;;ii ird ;. \'. hi n the \\ ;,imen;s
,i,-e eoinphte, e'Uih conlllls ol twe, bat'ilieiij, and each
bait.i'i.iu contains iix companies ot i: .i men each.
The artillery conlilis ol tln\e nttimeius, oneol v.h'eli
is ilaii'iii' d in Denmark, another in N'orw.iy, and i; third
in I bdllein,
i lie b'dy of engineers is d.i\ided ir.t i three p.utii,
.; eiic'i ' t which comiai/.es 2(i o'lieei.-, ol \.ni u, r.ii.l.^.
j, S-'iiicc tlie ri.duclion ol the D.milli loic's their numli 13
[ are lO.re.o cavalrv and ilr.ie.ooiis, and _(,',' iii-
\ l.mtry and ariilk ly ; the whole ot the r.'j,ular troops
compri/.iii;.; .l.i,00i-'.
livery perloii who cultivates or ]i!)ni.!bs yt a coinpK ii. k"()\ kii. ,;
in the Miana_M-niei;; ot tlu plants, ilirir linit, in • lu -
upon an enierytney, in lilting mit :o lliips ral, is li;ul. In other Ions ol provilions thc\ a:;-i!!vn
a par with tl;i ir i-,ei,';l. hours ; am! their nip italiiin.s ,,1
\aniii:s e.'.tablis ot luxun have nuitli incn-ak.i ol I,'.:,-
'I'he li;!h tliat heaves bv fleahh, the Halting tt.ir,
'I'he melting langnilh, ihe obliging leir;
Mall ilttei'il wiliu'h, broken, knul replies,
And all the lileiit eloquenee ol e)i s,
That te.ich the iair, by \ a; ions wiks, to move
'I'hc lolitn'd liinl, aiul bend the heart to love.
I I'roud ol her eiiarin-;, and e'lileioU' ol h^ 1 Liee,
' 'I he haughtv beautv calls loiili tv'r\ grae- ;
i ^Vitil fierce defiance throws the kiluiig ilavt ;
liy ioiee Ilie wins, bv k.irce Ihe keeps the heart,
'I'lie witty lair a Ia-IjIci game puihies.
Aims at tlie head, but the rapt loul lubdiu--.
'J lie languid nvmp.h cnll.ivt-s \vi;h loftir r.n j
With Iwcet neglect Ihe ileal-- into :!ij ln',.rt :
I Slov.ly Ihe moves her Iwiiin '.ing e\e-> arcuiid ;
I Ci^neeals iier ll.alt, but meditates tlie wom.d :
I Her ''Ciitle laniorilhiiu iits the r:a/ers nii.vc :
' Her Wjice i.i luunc, and her looks are kne.
jMaiiy ot the fecond rkd's, or titular rii)bili!v, are i'l-
' reigiiers, and in paiticul ir (;erinans, whogeiK rall\ c' r
hither very poor; luit by fervilely atlt luliii;; the c ,.;',
, and lalling- ii.to all the Ichcines el the kivouiile eir 1. ,1 i.
I tier, ulually aciUiire wealth.
I 'I'hole who cuinpoi' the third ckil"-, a:; tkev an' C .
pendent on, are obliged to be luhtei'. leiit to, thee u.:,
and lubmiiiive to the miniiler and favourites.
The I'cople id' the tourth clafs are eoiiceikd aiu!
hau,;hiy, but at the fiine time lervile and tiiied.
^\'ith rei'|Kcl to the filth clals, tin- kani- 1, uoukl 1 •■
inne!i more ;;!ert in tlleir Inifmef;, il tiit\ uere bet.. ,■
Ilk -i ; aiul ael with greater Ipirit .iiid lourage, il i!'.-
Were not familiarized to fear, mil iraiiieil lioui tf' r
birth", to tlie moll: abjrcl 1: ive'ry, ihe l.uiners a.-
capable ol | uttin.; to lea. To man this fleet there are
two orvlers oi leaineii ; vi/.. 30,000, who are conllantly
(•moiled and r( tained in times of ]ieacc, by a triihng
aimual liipeiul, and being exempted Ironi the payment
ot eert.im taxes ; and a lecemd elaf-, eoaip 'led of four
divilions, each liiviiion liavin: a iliiel, and ten com-
panies ot iiS men each. 1 heie are cominaiided by
a capt.iln, who has two fubaltern oliici rs under iiiin,
In this clals, there are a certain iiumber o! gunners, w ho
have a kind of naval acadeuiv, and inltiuct the leainen.
This fecond clafs, or order, contains about ■\~ 10 meti,
who are always ready tor iinniediate ler\i:e, and con-
llantly kept in full pay. I'h -y are occafionally recruited
from theenrclled feamcn, and wear a blue unilorm, tai'ed
witli diiicrcnt colours, according to their rciptttivc k]ua-
drons ard di\ iiions.
'1 he Danilli men of war cnrrvthe fame complement
ci men, in pro])ortion to their guns-, as tlic I'reiich
lliips ot war do ; but they are much inlci ii'r in point
ot conlhuc\ion, botii to l.nglilh anil Krench Ihips of
war; ard, indeed, are iar l-oni leiig cijiial to tlie
SwedKh ll,iii>.
A marine academy was inilituteJ. lor the inllruciion
of vhuiii' cadets by Frederick J\'. Appointments were
ija.'e tor v^ cadets to be trained u;> to a t!;orough
kiiov.lc' .. ot naval afi'air:;, and perlectiy tan .ht na-
vi:-ati.: , gunnerv, drawing, lencing, Inllory, ge.i r.i-
ph\, geometry, leveral olkrr br.mehes of the niathe-
niatic3, ivC. In order to i.)in practice t i theory, il tv
were annu.iily to make a voy::ge in a fii.;,ite, and Ki ■-
celfively to perlorm the lerviec ol ccii:..ii'.i leainen,
|>ilots, and olliecrs. '1 his noble ii.lHtuiiein, however,
is now greatly, it not wholly, neglected.
S 1. C 1 I O X \I.
R.rik! ir (V.Vv., ,lin:-:'i> Mivrr cf J.k:=:', Di'-o-
f-ll.-.u, l\ '■■: , D e s /". ,/, <>;/;,, /;. ; . r:,- ;., l'):..
i-i'li-'i .. .' /■- ;/,_v'/.e;,/j '/' tl.c I).;.. . L..\i.-. ki-
Till', inhabitants of Di'iimirk nriy be ■.'.:■, '.le 1 iii'o
kve elalf. :., vi/.. the nobility, uhol ve privileged
fiels in the kingdom. J lie' titul.ir no, iiil\. (Jeruv,
lasv vers, and liiuk lit-. Me;e!. I'.ts and t'ui/.en;. ."-ea-
liien, tarini rs. and kibo'.ne; -.
The iuiierior c ! ilk are of an lii;di Ip'rit, and have
ns much vivacity in tiiein a> any people in Luro]ie, tlie
l''rench akiiic e.\ee|Hed. 'I'he nobility in particular
arc Ihewv, lond ol inagnificenec, and live in a mean
between tlie I'.nulilh and the (iennans : more finnptu-
ou» than the latter, 1 ut nut with liich a general con-
filtencv as the tonner. In their drefs the French
lalhioiis arc i)riiicip;dly lirillowed ; and the language oi j
that nation, as heloie oklerved, is nriiverfil aiiumg '
them, in th.eir houles they are cNpi'iilivc, not only in
the arehitccture, butali" in tf'- luiniture, exceeding, in
this relpeet, tiie Ciennan-, but not e'jualhng the l.ng-
I'lh. .\t tiieir tables they rei'inible tlie (Annans moll |
tor cookerv, but do not fit fo long ;,t tln.ir ii.eals. In
derinaiiy n ur courles and a dek rt w'\ h !v!, upon a '
moderate ceii'putation, lour hoiu's and an hall, which, I
in Kin.li.ii'.d) .re dil])atched in one; but the n.!n.-i are
beivvei 11 the t'.vo, leldoin riling, however, inuk r t' e
two li'jur.. Seine ol the liobiiity are vi; y expenir, e
in l''reiicli cook'i, but it is not gciu ral. In iheir wines
tiny are partii ularly euiiniis-.-boih .is to iitialiiy and |
V irietv. Their tables arc aihnirably well ierved with
I, III, p.irticuiarlv ol the Inlh water kind; and lea lilli
is 111 trreat alnindanci-, thoii ;h iiot ol tiie beli lorts. j
W,M |..wl they ab' iiiid greaily in, and have :i gre.it- r ,
\aie t; than 111 L.in.k:i:d. 1 lieir venifon i-, t.xcelicni ; ,
lierlest va:i
i by iii't be.iig per:
lo ha-.
,.iiv Will (•! tlieirouu, be i- ii'.e si iiiJ, earele!^, a i
iiid /., ill. li ..:iv ol tiie!e h.ip] ell to ',et a Ii;: ie ,:; ! ,
t'-.ey become perlect lots, aid ulually delhoy 1 . ..
felves by inroxicatioii ; taking n;) elelight in anv tiii;.:;
but out drinkitig tlieir mi.,iiI)oiir ; aiul in this tiiev i-.-.
,'el!v ri-fe;iib!e llie toUM.y lii.iie ikk-.:bed liy ti.e ,
who li.\ s,
M. thill'., s 1 lee hhn in his hall :!ppe:ir,
Where'eve rv t.ible llo;its with eliiniiu beer ;
'Mi ill muj.;s and g,.illes, ihatter'd o'er the llo. r,
IXad ilruiik his fervile crew fuplnely liioie.
Ti luinpli.int o'er tin iiro'lrale brutes he ll.mds ;
'Ihe miglitv bumper trembk s in his haiuf. :
liokily i.e drinks, and, like his glorious lires,
Iiieiipleius ;;ulpjut ])
k:i ■; a:;
i.jy.i' V.
e.'t' ' '.
w ' I i I -. ,
t.ie l.-li!
I..', .ii
W K. ,
hunt 1-11!
t;.e molt
th.it it ai
ol luillt:
and liiui
the hoiii
tlicls a
lion 01 li
whi, h th
horns, a
i'he cm
niei t, ril
llun the
they liaii
court cn|
(hole biri
ones are-
king, ip
t, on the wliiMc, to lie
111. All tlic licli iiili.H-
walls, tront! J «hIi 'j;!-.,
jt a ciiiiipli !(. ki'o'. !til;,c
Its, llicir tniit, iH ;, . iu .
proviliiiii^ ti'.cN :r.;- u'.ii u
n:ul tiicir nip itiitii>ii.>, oi
,t; much iiuiialu; ol \.:\.-
■altl), tlu' |l.i:tiii--tv,ir,
,ihli;iiii'^ li' I'' i
, k'.iul rLpri^->,
• ol ty *^,
loiisi wik s, to iii'ivc
the heart tu l.n<'.
■milciiiU'. ol 1ki tacr,
.ilh cv'r\ grace ;
iiiL kiliHii; ilait ;
(he keeps tile iieart.
le piuliKs,
rapt loul lulnhu-.
N \\i:h lottcr rirc j
1-' into the lie.u-t ;
i.'.in;.!; e\es areinul ;
Jitates the uoii;.>! :
the [jLizers iimve :
:r lui'ks arc lo\e,
or titular nohili'.v, are ; •-
, iiiaiis, whoger.i rally e.i r
\ilely altuulir.;', li.e c .;■,
.-.s 1,1 the t.iVoinile or i. .: i-
h'nv! el.-.f;, a-; tl;e\- are ,' .
c liihlei'. lent to, thi c u.:,
ami lav.iLiri!' ^.
1 clal's ate ecK'-ii-Ail aia!
e lerviie anil tlniii.1.
lal's, the Itani'. ii wouKI 1 ••
ilinel'-. it tin.) were !'■ t.' .'
I'pirit and n)inii;.;e, it r ■ v
r, an. I tr.iini.il Iroui ih r
ivery, 1 he laniiers .;,
be.n ; p.'r:in.ri\l to \y.\- '
.mc !! niJ, earele!^, :; i
• : cil l'> '.ec a li:;^- in-: ,
d uluaily delln.y t > -
; n:> Jjl-,ul!t in ai'.y tlii:. ;
-inr ; ant! in this tiie\ e:,
l,[uire ilelciibeJ l.-y 0:[ ,
hall I'.ppeav,
ilh (1 nnni\ beer ;
atterM o'er tlie lloer,
w I'upinely hioie.
ate brute-, he llaiuN ■,
:)U- in his haiul. :
,e liis glorious lires,
ale expires.
kin;'; I" (xcefs is alinoll , '-
i'h'e hilionnn;.; people .':
ami nuleraliie wretche.-. .•!
er into ipiarrds v.itli i-i"'
(TV toml ol ihinkinK. ■'''''
I- 'ol j^;elieral ule here, Md
to vh.ir health, an.l to llie
he niiullot lucll a coKi ai.il
Nvlileh the Danes wen' lor-
!-,hv l.'ll. i Ikv are tiinwl,
lul.'ii, jn-ne--l, lliipi'l- '"
r.iclcrs, an .vcuratc writer
acur IS :i llrann'' comi'oi;-
mlolcuccaml I'ovtrl). h
I) r N U A
any f;en!lcir.an can fnul a purchafcr lor his eftate, (he
kinjj, bv the Danilli law, has a ri;;ht to one third of
t' e piireliale money ; Init the la.m's arc lo biirlheiicil
with iniporitvius, that tiiere would be lU) ilauger of
alien J. .11, e'en il this rel'r;<.'.;oii wa.; not in force. No
]Hi!on \.i iild I iier iiiomx (or an i Hate to be held upon
liiei; tLi.n.,; and I'onie i uil!e;nv-n have actii;illy oU'eri.-d
I.I ",i :ke .1 furrender to ihe kin;; ol larjy.- tracks of ler-
til'.- I,.:. ! I.i the illand vi' '/.eah.nd. Cnn.feiiais that they
eiijoi t'i'ir p'jllelii'in?, tliii< ;. neumbiaed, at the nod ot
:•!; ,u ■;).■.; i.\ fi.verei;"!, ihe\ are at l;:tle or no pains to
;li' irellatcs ; and ur,y look upon trade as he-
ir d:;;ility. 'I'hey therelorc rack their te-
h tiie utiiu II '.'p; r.i'i.'ii, in order to procure
n.arh il
VS./.r- V. •
i; i; irii'ii
ti ay, ,r.-
:iniiie\ il
hnd .n
I ' enl.n.
.te means oi ;ra;,l)in;-, their vanitv, glut-
e\;Mv.ig;'.ne.-. ihol';; cnirtiers who derive |
in li :r cm; li.'viiu nts, inllead of pureluiliiij; '
i.iimnk, uii'.it their ealii to the banks ol 1
aiul AniUerdain. 'Ihe merchants and !
I,;;i;;-'!i IS tn ad in the iooilieps ol their fuperiors, and '
111, h! all ll:eh- gain in luxury and pleafure, with ;ni
Il r- l'.. ,','. aMilitv, as li they were atraid of incurring
'. ; :. ' •• ~j "" 1,
::e ''lep ei,)n ol ailhience, and belni; llrijiped by taxa-
:uii. '1 he jiralant, or boor, follows tlie fame example ;
liuii. '1 he ]iralant, or boor, follows tlie fame example ;
Mr 11,1 loi.ner I, a;; he earned a rix-dollar, liian he makes
I'.d it in br.m.dy, led it lliouid lall into the
'I'liis lower dais of
Il ;!-■ 1.1 I'x;
hand ol Ins oppr. dive l.in.ilord >
]eo;l',i;-.- aiabfoiu'.e iL'.m . .is tlie nei.roes in the \V( it-
iiuiit ■, and fiihlill up^iil nuieli harder fare. '1 he value
ol ell, lie > IS init co;.;;;uted by the number ol acre.-, but
in- the liock ol boor.^, wlio, like tiie timber, aie rcek-
u:k i! a parcel of the fieehold."
riu- ))anes, in perfon, arc ufuaily tall, l^ron;,^ well- ,
ha.li ', and tolen.i'.iy featured ; in general they ha\e .
red, • ellow, and 1, ,nt li.iir. In the lummer they drefs i
inli.'.ht appa-.l , and, in winter, wear warm furs, or [
wo.illen cloatiiinij. T.;, y lee.l uii.m itock-filh, fait ,
m.ar, .-.nd other e.x'.rfe I'iet. Tlie only i.i;ood piece of
hniniure in their htuiles i^ the leatln r-bcd. I
The D.mes eipi.iilv le.i.t and mike merry at marri- I
;i;4i s .md luncrals. '1 he r..)bi:;tv pique themfelvis upon '
f.:'.\ i;;;.!; luiiiptuons burins and monuaients ior their
dead. The principal diverlu.;.- if tliel'c peojile are :
be!.;.' drawn in !l. ilp"-s vn{>n ti.e lee, during wirier,
a: d ri'iininij; at thi- goof on .'^'n'.ve 'i'uefday. I lie '
l.:i '; annnadv pa'-'.il.t .-, ol t!;e pdlime ol llag-hunting, -
( nil • \>':i>h di'.erlh'ii i... I.s-. a i .e the traiip:n;..;s et
1 ,y.i V, ...id mingle;, ...s :m tcpial, wiiii his nob!, i and '
:.'t ' ! 1.1 -■. liven tne coaim.in people arc indulL^ed
1 V..:'. I .straoidi.i.irv freclnai, .,t ImU time. When ,
ill'. ii.'<; i'l tlie eveniing tlie hunt-
e ;;riMl eoi;rt_ iiclore the pal. ice,
;he It n;, w ;lli ;.;> e.ii eer,,rii.
r.'.:",, who a;e i: i.i'.hed i;i Vi^,
wh'l,' lie' hounds att'-n.l wl:!i
lenee. l'roel,imation is in.id ■,
the h'i'ltin',,- is ove;-. .
n.., ;ir.. . .re h, Id in
\'. e
h.iri'-. about their neel.-:,
i:.e in.itl clamorou.-' niui.i
IV, is cut up by ti,e
and have hiintiii'.j-
th.vi ii any perfoii ha-, that d.iv, iranlgrclVnl the laws
of hunting, he Ihould be imaieJ.i.itely accufed. .Some
ia.hvidii.d is always lelecfed lor this pnrpole, tried,
\.i\\d four,. I (guilty. Then he is led by two gentlemen
toward-; the ll.f.;, win re he full knei I.s down between
the horns, lie is alterwards obliged to raile uji liib
poll, rlors, on which an oilicer, with a large wand, in
ihcls a certain nuaiiur ol llrijci, to tlie iiili'''.e diver-
l:on ol ihe cpieiii, I. idles, an I other Ipeclatois; during
whuhiht: hounds open, and the huntimen blow their
horns, as if in concert, to pierl.iim the king's jiilUcc.
I he criminal having undcrgoi'.'- this ludicrous ehallifc-
nui't, riles up, and makes a profound obcilaiiee ; and
tlun the hiuuuls are permitted vj re;; ile upon the (lag
they had nm down,
.'.wan hunting is another roval iliverlioii, which ihc
court enjoys in a Iniall illand near laipenhagen, where
lliofe birds breed in great nmnhers. Ueiore tlie young
ones are fullieiently lledged t'l take their lllght, the
king, queen, courtiers, i^e. let out lor this ill.md in
a number ol pinnaces, cnclole the h.umt of the I'wans,
and, V. ilh lowhng-jiieces, dcllroy them by thoul.inds.
The llelh is never eaten, but i!:r feathers and down
belong' to the king-.
In many of tlitir ilivi rlionsthe Dane-: follow the f.ifli-
ions ul the French ani flngliih. C aids make a greater
progrefs than fiuanerlv ; and the viv..-s of tite m-bihty,
and of fuch other d.dles as can ,.;:'. ,rd it, h; ve, af Co-
penhagen, their athmlilies almell a-; rigi.daily a,' any
at London. 'I'lie nun are gf .it iheis pi.iv, rs, it be-
ing a game tlii'y are very fund ol, and which is me.rc
ciiinintinly introduced at iheir vllits th;:n in I'lngh.iid.
Billiard.- and t-ainis are alio common at Copenh.igeu.
'1 he theatre is Frcucll ; thuiigh they have edablilhed a
Danilli one, where jiieces, traiillated Irom the Mngliih
and freikh, are indlllerently perloriin d. Attempts
have been made for an Italian opera, but with no liiccefs.
The people ot Denmaik are liil'itcb lo apoplexies and
eplleplies, which are ouing to li.nd drlnkli g, and low
living. While tlie peal.mts are empl.iMd wiilanit
doors, at their labour, tlie woiien are i.eeu|/led at
home in fphming yarn lor linen, which is here made
to a great degree ol linenels and goodin Is, i iic titles
and towns ailord but b id aceommodationi to Ihangers,
the taverns being poorly fupplied ; and a traveller, I'j
be in any wife contented in this countrv, luu'l; carry
with him .1 tr.ivtller's ap|):,rlit. and patiei.ie.
'J'lie titles ai'.d diUinctions, ot winch the Danes are
fo fonti, are partly annexed to uilht.rv, civil, a., J ec-
clchaltical employments, and pa.tly noii in.ii. I'lie va-
rious emplov r.ients give a kind ot di-mtv, dmli;:' life,
1) thole who hold them ; :uui the n.iture tA the einj U'y
tlxcs the rank between thole who are in 'lie lame train ;
bat it cannot decide the precedency between an ollicer,
a magillrate, aiul an ecclcllallic ; aiiil therefore this
is regulated by an ordin.mce lor the etitjiK tte i>r rank.
With rel'pect to the nominal ranks, noLilitv aiu* title,
the belt inlormation is thus given by a very intelligent
writer : " .Vs thole wliofc oliices arc n.imeJ in the te'Kt,
are fuppoled t.) be liiperior to thnle who hive n.. i;a-
plov, or whole emphiy is not cLnhd in the oid.'i.mee,
tlie delire, and e\i.n the want of having a rank, is the
realon why fim|)le titles w-liich are not ami, xed to any
emiil.iyment or emolument, are to much the objects of
ambition. It is ci''minon, in this countrv, to fibiaiii
the title o! an emplnvment, which the perhn never ex-
erciles, and Irom which he never receive- aiiv iiecmhary
bcnelit, but even ]ia\,, a confiderable lu ii \ early tor
lie ii'.ie : aii.i \evv I'lten tl
WHO !;,i\e a cer-
tam r.mi
bv their caip oyments, alter foine time, ob-
tain titles liiperh.r to their riipeclive iunctions. 'Ihilc
titles are irKcwHc fometiines im.iginary ; as thus, when
a perloii has the title of cour.felior ol Hate, of juiiice,
or ot finances, it is not to be conchkleil irom du nee,
that he has iieciii'arily any part ('f tee govrrmner.t of
the Hate ot julllee, or ot the piii-hi. revenue, excep.t
the word ,,■.,.■.,(,'' is added to his cliai.icter, otherwlle it
is onlv a nomiiuil characler which iiiarhs Irs rank.
The king of Denmark has a grc.it mnnher ol lorils ol the
bed-chamber, who pay about ten pounds lierlnig yearly
for wealing a golden kev, which gives them a confi-
derable rank; and yet there are not tm paid lor tlieir
•..iteiidante at court. To the court beloii;; two ancient
orders of kni;;litliood, viz. That of the Mli pliant, and
ihat of Danebur;:.
The badj';e of the former, which is the mnfl lionoiir-
abli', is an ele|ihant Ihrnumnied with a eallle let witli
diamonds, and luliviidevl to a li;v-eoloured ribb.n,
worn like the (ieoreein Kn;;land. This ordei was in-
iVituted by ('hritiian 1. at his Ion's weddlu;,. It is
eotilerrcd onlv on perlons of ilie liiglult ipMhtv ; and
the nuinbir >>\ eoinpaiiies amount to thiriv, bifules the
Ibvereign. 'I'he order of D.uicburg, though kfs hon-
ourable, is much more ancient. 'I'lils is bellow e, I, as
an lioiuaMiv reward, upon the noblell'e ol inlerior r,ink j
its iniignl.i beim.: a white ribbon with red edges, worn
over the Kit IhouKler, from which depends a linall ilia-
inond crols, and an embroidered fl.ir on the bre.ill of
the coall, lurrmnuled wltli the inotio I'^uiw is Jtijluui,
or piety .iiul iulliee.
1 lore H likcwill' a
callfvl till.- onlcr ol S:. >,i
, r nl
■ 111:' nliiOOll
1, ' 1
ii;nu 11 w 1
til fpi
.1 I
na la'.iri.
li tlicv lull! receive-!.!
i..!in:.i, ;iiul iiuiiiut'.'il m lio'.uuir
o! till. I.itf unlortun.itc qtuin; l)t;t it is ii
; Jtd, ;mi.l coiilcqucntiy ru.t Liipiriil t > i r 1.
i.W lillt little i\
S K C 1' 1 ()
iiijury Inun n iici,i;!ihoiii i:i;: ikUioii, that iiiiiioii was elio.
It'll ioi- till- lirll vicliiii. 'Ilnilc w'lniii tliiv vanquiliK-i!
were jrciii rally put to (.leaili. Smiu'timts, iiulceii, t!;c.v
eoiUeiited tlienilelves w
itli iiiaUi;
iivei! HI tlicin
il'e, by a liii,L.;i;!.ir l.itui of
r.nlKT liv a ileli
re ol liijM
nisToiiY er Di-NMAi;i:, N\ ;ava^
iiul liicinlelvis I'lii-eii.ir
llClillltV, Oi-
hell.!.- ivi ;i, il tiicv
t.i ilie n:rMy v.liiJi | rikiitcd
tiuu can
I'. (V, :.;inai iiilial>it;'.!-.t;; ei O.irnarl^ ".ik! Ndr-
w.iv apjiear, iroiii tl'.e r.;.i.t aiUlientK' ir.u m eiiec l|
In- ..I:
itlrll a;.;;'.iiill tl:eiu, tliey onler-.u oil' a pait nt t!,i ir Iki.t,
tiiat tl.cy iniij'.t li;;llt ti'.-J '-;u';;,y v/itii e.paal lerei , i.-:.
Ip^lni;' the ';a';iiiii'.; an aJvama'',-' ^\ illi iui^'rior luiia-
itaiiieil, to li.tve licei
lilies ol li.e all- I
n rs-, aiul re;.;'Uiliii;; it as an inlair.iuis practice to lia-
citiit Se\r!ii:,ii-', ami were called !iy tlie app' llatioii of pri/.e an cm my in t!ie ii!;.;lit. 'I
tlic Ciinbii. '1
lev li.ul Inread liieini'
Ives ilirou-.'.!i
tlie iiortiiern a;u
]iroviileil witli anus, ami tluir men were
parts oil. iirope, aiki ati'itiired i taii,i;lit to lAiin, lii tliat as tl.cy ficncrally loiii.;!
their lirll l.iiiu- Ircin their eelclirated expedition into \ the lliore, tliev were oiien in a I
it m.ir
itii.itien ol
It.ilv, t!
t!:en e. nqiu
ll of
ill tlie K
red lu
i;s, tdl t!
dro'. c them
ce; cihiv.;' e;;-
xopl,-, li-lil d
il:lo their ev. ;i
Ilieiiilelve.s, altlMir 'i their \ellcls were dellroveil
ol their
ISC i!;anner in winch tm:
r\.:iv, (ir
nds Wire divided ii
us th;.i l';e eliiJ ci,
mentioned of the!'.- peerle fur r.
'Veiniiint was to ii;'.ve a rri.t n aritiiix
V. iiui. it ij liiid, tliat a
^n.it pel I, 111, n;;!iic
erv divilion, wliit ;cr it vv.is i.;r
e. :er (
ilri' mac
iiilcil K.vin ivn
Its i;:!"ie hoiii the mil iher ol velicl,^ tiiat it iMi...!
ad ir.c njiiip, and m lome pL.ces th. ir names arc (:i.l:;:i
and liis ahilitiis lieiiv^ ic-.d to his In tlic lu-;.;Innin;; ol tlicir i..,iriiime c.\p»
It o;dv linHliieti
.i;ii ."■ a '.cnc-
litit.s Wire
r.i t \crv eoiiiuicrahde ; Imt wh.n ihi
..!, :mi.1 ruled the people lor them :l^ hill;;, luil leiii.id jiiiii'is h '.d enriched tliCinlelve.i by rdiiiuh r,r;,' li
a new n li.;i. n lor tliem
a leu'liator.
ai.il pre: III il.c .1 a e ce
ard 1 lo. ;.i, \i ! i> l.ril
ill I'.'lilHiUr:
lev came to have
•I v.a'-, aiiil I :k h lliip to carrv Iroin lo to r:., r.r.
n,Lt o\cr tlie M'.\o;.s
li;iea,e In-ni liim ; a id im ll ol ilie u-\
iiu I I'.i.'h.iid, dci.N'.ii iheir d'o a ration that is wholly addicted to |Iunder and r.
aiKl a police arc oi vliv l;t;!e ii'
i1 i.ii. ; ol llic noit ;ern lart.s ol 1- inot-.c, to tin.- \ei v d.!\
t I
wfl^ liru.lv
tlie cale ol I\nmarl\ wli
irctc'.'.d to iv'.i-r duirdelctnt liom hi:n. Xn 1 :llori,.'.is
d (
lora an, can;
to til
c throne in the yeai ii/.:-.
it p;c;:n,! to :;lc; iiain Ir.iu whence tl.iv t; h hrated 1 \.r lew iil> liil re;4 illations which l.ad been lalt tlieiu I
re now laid alide, and the kin^
m I ..nil , or w l.iii lie il:c>
n; I. 1,1 a \u \ iidicn'.ius
r» 1 i.cii ai.vl oiner,--, we
and l.il eh n
;'.ccount oi In
'I'liev, il d' ed, l.i\, tiiat he li\id. almnt fo \iar> h
ilcvl. iloiii w.is iIu i.icd ainon;'; iw o or tiiree ]■; a.ice,-
W I O I o-
ol t linii, ar
d il
,e w.... t.ic Ir. It wl.o
i. li V, i;!i .1 vcrv inn
h we lind in tlic liiilo
that coii.ul
ever bore the title ot kini; ol Deiimaik
prot;cny reigned alti r hiiii in tin
ry ol Dcnm.irk to this time,
v,a. . occ.li 1. .1 liv I nc liillorian writing; the liillirv c'
or.e jv.in^e w!io leiancd in this country, and am.
lionliun n itioiis, and at Icnptli re\.ii e.l the n'.i-;or- the h.ltorv ol ..no'.hcr |iiinc-,- who rei-ned at the Tai':
to Ins crown all \''
jll.irs h.i
tiirc- and n a.carn
mans, In-
ol tlu ir aiut .ll
iiiit (
oirinan, I'V nn
ualiy wcalscniii';
un ^ii over-
• U
>l w:
u ll ills aiu
turniii,', t.-.e t ninire.
d, and l-ciil'i loleid b\ the cinpcro: t i
roni \> clIi n, t
lie iirfl n
inl.i isiil'i, to
raiii'd I.o hr '£;■, wh.) 1m ■•m his rcien A. 1).
'. e 11 e Ciliriliia., ri li.ion
innu lit aioiiii lome Icm an ;
into Ins ua
(;ave t;
;nul iroin In nee we m
i.i..inn.les iiier.ti.ii
10 k
u;t lull nil 11 .
'e ihe o
r' in ol th.e civil
rovernincr.t v. Iiicii c
vitli lit-h- mre tlian tinir nann ,, or .it Icid \\illi onlv i thi> Ihi'.e lor n.aiiv \ears aitei waids
inch l.ihi'-- a .are t
oo ri licnu.Ms and ablurd in- con. me- In the v.ir i,o.; it is rehitcd that there \va^ a ■ ■. :icr
innratum, or even recif.d, m thij i -.ihclitencd
re ol tiie l).i
lettiiil in l.m.ilant.
land, uh
'ii.-. p.. .ii..iiHis number ol people w !:o h it tin- eoun- coimiu nior..trd an-.m.illv at lliehtide. .Soi
, it.il
: a; I.
try il. the ciiii century, to join tlic ariiii..- which tiici.led to doubt the truth 1. 1 this h.>. ; but however that be,
liie con ;•.; d oi the werterii empire, ;
IV wcai.ii.c
cert. nil it i-, that S\u in am
h: li n, C
!c, or I'v'.'.i;
It rceu\erLil alioiit the i|.. i.!h i.ni.iiv,
made an enine c.
i oi t:
1 . :cin':doni aliont ti
Vvl.ui -.\e inui t.ie 1 ),ines rile int.) nn|)ort.'.ii..e .. , a n.aii- 1014, ti.-mli li v. ral battles weie |.in_',ht uiin
time je -pie, and liarra!> the co.
lis ol C\
S.ison kiln; l.tiieired, and bis Ion, Kdinund li
o:\\' r.'.nia,
Irel.ind, .Scotl.iiid, l-'iance, and 1 nc'- b, lore the l).,nes could elhiblilli thcinlelvcs licrc. I
land. biiev even att icl\.ed the i iiipcror Cliarleinas'iic,
the death ol' iidinund Ironlidc
burnt his jiahice at iVi\-la-Cih iiicile, c
d 1'
vcr-rtin Lo-,vcr
.r- ; coii-
t'reat men
^iiow iei!''ecl
,1 {'.Miute their kin;^, Iwi
the .i;re.i;eil ])art ol the kinud":n oi ri.uii
ieeriiicr to 1,1111, ami iciioum .
niund, 1 .iv, ,iu' and. lidmund, w.
.1 the two k.n.. el
;d): i^ed her kin;.;s t t p.iy an i'li'iii. nl- tnlaiie ; r.iv, "ed i.i Swe.li n, lioiii ul;encc tiny went int.) llui./.ir^,
.1- wlicK tiiy nrklrd many \ear^. Kui" ( .imitt , in li...
^p.iiii ane It.io, anJ coinmitn il 111. nv it,, r lii :
.\ili d liie Great, kin.; ol la
gave them any ci
I'le.in tnre.
ob'i'.'ed the Knelilli to rule him 1
m ii.ar..li w no
nil., i.iole c.:ci
l)v innin.ie; a
licet I
-.taelv th ,M on lliat e
le their naval e.\j)Cvlitioi.i, aiii
.nii'iit wlicic the'/ faanied ti
have I
11.:. I a 1. 1. ,111
At thi-, ti lie tl
lell I
every s>ar, with which lie paid lil.i loree^, and in.nii-
t.iincd hi:< court -. and in the \ear ily he eolu|uered
the kiin.doin ol r.'i.rway, In tlie i^tli \e.ir ol hi,
rei'Oi, anno 10 ;i, he viiited Koine, when he -.ivi
rt ol" t!
Wen- r re.it par
1 1 «' 1
t of the Ip.iils ol ti
t .umtii.
lie Inul coll-
bred up to tie Id Iroin their childhood, and li.id no ; ipiercil to that he, and rctinnin ; to liir.d.md, died at
idc. IS (d tic d.uiiiers to which liny were cxpoled on thi., I .Shaltlbur-. , on the 1 .;th oT Is'ov .nbcr, Ic'V'j laiMH';
clement. When a prince had attained th.e an- ol 1 i or , dividid his doininhms lietuien his thrte Ions. 'I o
2j yt.irs, he fielier.illy requdled hi, hither to have I ll.irold be ,t;a\e lin.d.iiul, t.i .'.ucin Noiu..y, and
loiiu- liiipi e.|uipi)ed, by which he might attempt lome ' to Canute neniiiark. ll.irohl died anno 104", Icaviiifj
'I'liis ', neitlier wile or ilia-, and wa.s lucceeded by iiis brother
IbirJicimite, tliu third iim ol ('.inme, who iln-d m
orioui .md ulelul e.sploit with lii^ lollo
the lather rei'.u'
mark ol Ins riliin; courage
a L'leat mm
d. A
leet w
id whicli t!ic ailinirat, and all his oiliecrs and intr
as armed iinmedi.itely, M the year 104:. '1 hi.s 'v.i^ the hill king ol the D.u
, 11 race 111 r.ngiaiul ; im- he
,0 reciprocal proiiiilcs never to rciiirn, except n called the Coiilcllor, loll ol kin,, lithclrcJ.
h d here by i'.dv
< '.imile \'
final ,in.| M
ui 1,111^ of ih
j cl lo li..- 1)
ol l.icoi.M.
am! ii\ . d III
reign : hut i
If rnlonas, a
the llo'v I.
b.mciicr ihe
bi r liuin.ind
kii'-^ priloi .■
ihr -c \e,ir-,
While tin
leiihiirg, L.n
lonick kii'gl
count .*>( Ii.iw
On ihe (It
fj-i a-ii Nhir.:
Denm.irk ar
jiepla ■•, liii
the ki:. ; ol'
thai rnd'e tl
(none under
r- 1.0 ■, net, li
but ! e \.,i> (!
and leiii 'eg
till ha dial
( hihli.iii,
'■l.Mi ■""' il
IIIJl k \< dele.
ik n, \w >eh I
ga\ e I a 1 ihe
rieil his d.iu
Jseoll.ind, .on
an. I .'-hvthinil
lition, .0 !i 1
tin Dnnh h.
V 111 on! all. 11:
J.n.i ;:v:aji
l.iin; ( L.iiiis
(ohn, wl.o
broilur 1- led
In the >:■'.
w.l^ I ilahlilli
bo. lo:i rie.i
I .0, 1 .in; ei
niilain Ic. . e
ol !iol!:,m; i:
1 : ■■ del ilk
; of Copi
Sv. ( .h II, V I'l
I'lio am !.''■,
I, ! .- .iHdhi
(a:, li oi 1, .1!
loi Hill. lie in
picro.;.iti\e I
l-l.i li|h|efl^,
in.idr liiini. h'
liiic' I! on ol
villi iln jiea
lia \ V V le lu
I'.iu c am, nil
i:..; no! inn a
> I le ll a ir-,
th 1 uillieii ;
I ,;■, ii-a, no |,|.^
liii I on ran:'.
V, ,. : i; hi I li ni
(.•! , aiali.i.ii
II .nil- 11 I ll pi
< ! 1 "\ . \\\:n ,
to 1,11!, a. i|
III .1 ri i' iliilio
1 n ihroie h.
td llie (il ligii,
>;o. ,.
tln'v liad received mv
I, that n.itioii wiis did.
, Imni tiny v.inciuillK-i!
lu'tiir.cs, iluIixJ, t!;LV
; llavi.'i (il tlicin i ;',ik!
'ul of <;• l'.c;.ili;y, (ir
; tlk 11 !■, ivi ;, il till y
■.(■;. :y v. hiJi | i\ IciUil
'if a |\ut <>t tl,i ir llm,
w it'll cjual K-rcc, ll-
with liii'.rlor iiiim-
ndiis praLticc tn li.r-
Lir vclllls V, lie ;ii'.'. . ■. ■;
till ir nun wire , !
LiiiLrally iiui;,'lit i;i,ir
litii.itlon ol lv:ciirii.;j
were ikdri'vci!.
mis wire iliviJ'.l ii>
L;,i tl.iu the tlii-l i:.A
ve a }',rt:.t n ;;r.tiii:e
it v.. IS j^re. tiT ( r I, ,
il veil',.!.-, tluit it ciii.,,!
I, allies lire iiiil ;;i i;: ■.
iii.e I xivil i ',..>!. '. ll.'^ ]:
l)le; liiit wli.ii I'a!:
Ii\ iliiiul, r.r;;- 1. ;■
■; 'cr' ;:^.- lail .■! li.,; •
n.m I :; ti> 1 1:^ i:v. lu
eil to I l.p.uli r .'.lul r..
re oi viiy liuL- ii'-.
nurU \\!i>:ii tli. ir l.iiii,
one ill tliC ye. 11 !>.•;..■.
1 .111 been L'lt tliem !. •;
.1 iilii'.e, and t!ie Liii,.,-
t'.iree i;r.iee,-<, w' .i ',i>-
■r : ;i!id tli.it ei'ii!at:. u
Dei.iii.irk to this time,
wrilin.; tlie liill>ry i!
eoi!;:'.: y, and aiut ..
11) rri Mied at the lai'ic
to ii.s crown al! 1 1 ;
li his luieeti.^rs l.,u',
ml li\ the eirj ii.'t ; i
:o his ihitis, )^u\e t;.;;
id ironi hiiiee we iii::y
iiueiil v.liieii e.'.ui-d iii
at there wai a ■ '.riev,;'
liii;.;land, uliiv;li is It.il
l.tide. Soiiie ai e a;t.
but however tl.;it he,
Ml, Canute, er K'.ut ,
in;;du;ii aluiiit tl..: w .v
vere hiirdit willi :
;i, l-'.diiuilid hi'il'iie,
hemlelvth here, l';" i.
anno 1 . 1 -, ai! li..
e their kini,, laoie i ' •
the two Ions (d Id-
il.o were hanilhid n,
went into llui. .ir^ ,
Kill"' ( aiuiie, in ill..
If) r iile him i ,;;■' H.
his loree^, and in.nu-
ir 1 iv lie eominerevi
i!,e 1 ti!i m ir ol hi.
ioiiie, when lie ;_,.i\i
.uiiitii. i he had eoii-
1 ; to l.ll'.d.ind, dieil .iC
iiibrr, Ii-'l'i, h.iMi;',
his three U>iis. do
.'.Weill Noiu..y, a::.'
d anno 104' , leaviii);
eeeeded by hi;, brother
( .unite, who dii'd in
•lil kin.n ol the Daiiilli
I did here by Edward,
r.ruorr.] d f, x m a r k. ^^^
C.innteX'I (id'ditrd V.'iid.dia, filie pri li-nt I'o n •- . in or Ir 10 eo:ti;'. 1 iho iippfi-hdnC" to ronenr 'iii.is
ran la an. I \b ekienbai;;!),) .md look iij,,i;i l.i.n lli,' llile r' I dii:")li ol i.^e i
Oillll Ml-, 1
ol km • o
' the \',iM(lal.s, wh.i h eonn'u i()ii,iiiii''d I'd) ■ I. in I'
Il eoii-
oi.ls I) iliLi.ieil'.l ii'Hi 11 Willi II- i,i j; iic,-,,f'
j, (t lo li.e Djiies 27 years. 1 le made a eoiu|iiell .iho '. 111 ■ ...i lu is tlii eoni.. oiiv h.nl ui.iil 1 1 1 ,e ilir. m , ,,ii,l
,1 l,IV)|.',l.
d hi-. d.>iiiiiiioiis in (>
l( iilihle ll;.ii tlie\ ueie ill imi > .Mid.lt hi io ,Ii1; u
i\ i d III 511:11 repiit.ition j
11 I
he I
)eeiiiniii'' ol Ills
I- eoiiii .iiMi I
illeiid 10 1)
I'lniMiited li\ III- ,11
ihi- 1 1 o.i II !i'-v- ill, ir , . a:
id ,-liMi -u (1
lint e.-unl .Suein coni'iiillin'' the t.ire of his ili.it llie eoidliiuuon, in other rel;..tt., hi'mIh i,,,! !„
i\'i:;n :
tMi lion.'-, a; \kell as Ins uife, during his .ihrenre in :d:. red : but llii \ ner- '.;i\-ii lo iiiiMeitl.iii.l, mu ij-.e
ill'-' l!o'\ I,M;d, to his ni.ii. ily's protetlioii, he ih'- hii;^; uould h.- l.iii.-iied uiih iiodiiii,; It-Is tli.iii dinr
eoinil'.s '.vile III his ,ibli-iue, ol uhiili iiii.iiiiinotis eoneiii leiiee Willi the rele! itioil t.ik' 11 b
I'l r I'liiii'.nid belli; iiiloiieed at his retiiin, look the ilie i h r-.-v and eoinmoiis, v.liieh thev (oniiil tlii";ileb 1
kii'.', priloi
llir.-e years, in.ide linn jMy .jj
d I
i\ I ilrai.i 'I'lii, .111(1 liavini; eoiilined linn ohli-'et
(I to rulnnit to, and took ill ' oaths 10 his in.i| Ih',
oiile l.-i^dhit'ir.
000 marks to ol)!, dn his .lekiiouled;;!!!'' him t!ie liiiireine and
1 iins was the conlHtnlion ehanji'd Iroin ,1 1,
While the kin-; vas iiriloner. I'oiiier.inia, .M. ek- v. idi a noniin.d kin>; at the he.id of it, iilio :in .ilil'oiiito
.I:'.l 1., .111(1
lonii I
Nll"'lils lool
D.iiii.'iek, ii-\()lted ; if,.
d A.
en h.eii-ditary inoiiaveliy ; not one ol die iiobiliu dnir.nuj
.Iph, o|:poli-it; only (U-rdorf, a popnhir ineinb. r, liid, he
Hint S( li.iwenhui'.i,, fn'Hliied ilolllriii ,iiid Stoin.irM. v..\, eoiilideiit his ni.ijefly deli'^ned the liapidnefs ol'his
Miiiia Ironi linn : an
Oil the (lealli of Ol.iii-.
Willi nil illlU-, .111
no 1 :!■'.•
de, and "ot to 'o\ern them aecordiiij; to Tni kill
q'l'.'eii M.ir^iirel, Ins inoihei, \..is i li cli'd (in-'eii t>\ iioiitK's-, w illied I'is liieci Ifors i\ii£;lu f How his e\,i ii| !i
Mid .Vorwav, wiio, li.i
\ ir;; .illoei,:!- 'I h
Willi hir in Ilie irov ei iiiiu nt, hibib
,1 iii.d;
e iile ol HIS iiiniini
ll'(- Mi: • Ol ^\^ec;(■|l ;
d HI,. 1,1 of til' ir liihjett
po\>er only fir mo
Chilli'. Ill \'. iiiceei-'led his f.iiiu-r F
tb, .1 li".le liiree kiii'jdoni. ihonid he unii^d I 'r die ,111110 i(, 70, iiiui heiiisi joint lov;-:e-.',ii :)l ibilllein id
('iiiii,' iini'eiiii'" |'nii( e ; and, upon tlie de.i'l: ..I (|i;' i n Slel.Mi, w lilith.- linke of 1 1 oil], in, 111 <
^r 10 i-.^eiu; J
but 1
.-I, l-.l !■ is hi
lov'i I ei'.Mi ol Ihe ^^ ,lol
111:. (II
III thole riii\ iiK
il ni.il-.ulnniiidrHlio'i, i<) h'iIi-.h- iiie ihike to ,11 Lno .Ud,
and Kill . '4 I. .to reiiier.-.ir,
till le di ■,!.
I |iri\ ,ile Iile ll
ill eio'., 11
.nil!, it';, tre.u 11. ro-
ilepi ii.l. nci- on
iiivi.'.d hi n 10
if Oil,
.111 eiiii 11 iiinin'iil, iiiil tlieii 111. idi' linn prifoiier, aivl
■a. (le(d-.-d iinno lenl d. Mii.ineiiis of lu.s .niiiv to 1 ,ke ixdlelliin of (ii
l.j'i), .111(1 lioin hint tb.e pr.l'eii
t ro\ ,il ia'iiiK' ol 111 11- l..^Mls
lieli/n"i(l to liiin ; uii!i w'.iuli ihe duke rc-
niJi k \< ll; iecndei
1. I le III
d the kiii'idi
111 ol .Sui
10 '.eliiii'- 1.11
n, the k'lii; .iid\> eieil, 1 e a-i
s nlw.ivs 111
dill, wl.ieli h.id tevolti-d; .iiid the enineror Fiedenek itie inirill ol .Sweden, aii'l nee. r :o be tniMi
I liie eoniii
r\ ol lioillein. This pr
iiiee in.ir- 111
.Is il-.' would K nouiiee his r'j,it to eenaiii pi ici
ried his d.iii",! ler Mirniiret 10 ).i'nes III. kiiin ul b-, would 1. ike polfllion of ib.e wiiide coniilr',- ; and
Send. Hid. .ii:d h:i\ t- him Willi her li.e ill. iiid.s of OrLne\ p n iieii'.irU (leii.iiidid of liim ,mi ordi r to die eiim-
iiii.i .""hi ti.ind, lie I, ill In-iiiH a \i-r\ vahi.ible aeipii- iii.nnler of ToiiiiiiiHen, the llron'.;ll forirefs b.-lon:^-
tin I lull b 1;. 'li, th.l! Iii'i,r\-
u- hi ll Ih rnni's in in.
e-> ei'. \ en .i
fefeas. II
t MidlinniiKr,
o ihe diiki-, to l.irreiider it to his m.iielU
wiiieli tlie duke lonl.-i
s trooi
lo, a|)pri lii-ndiiii; ihe
1,! .ili.iii.; !-. .i\ I- oi ibv- I'lililii loiiil; llioiiHli tl;e\ kiitH would h ve t.ikeii his life if lie li;id reiuled, and
1.111'; ( I..
.iiniii.ilK I 'I t! i- 1)1 1\ ik-HC ill the leinii i.l i'onr.:ii';eii w.is t' ereii[)on (kliveriil up to the I),u:
I. (
n \'. ,1s liieiee
Ml S
\ei,d oilier .11 lii ;
.11 lo 1ih;i iliat were
,11, who divided the lii.eby ot lioillein with his \eiy pujudiei.d to liie.i ; hut tlio duke m.ikiivi lii.-j
ele.ine to il.iiiiliur'^ proklhd a''ainll the vali(lit\- of
bi.illu r I- ledeiiek
In il:e i-.H Ml "i'( hiiri.in III. the Lutheran reb 'ion ,i!l the aels he had be -ii ohlined to (i
The k
, ll,i!ili(htd in I )i iHii.ii '.. lie was lueeeeded b',' iliereiiii. mi hi\ e orders for the deniolillliii;' TomiiiiHi i
lis lo:i 1 11. .el 11 1
i.-,)8. Ciiiilii.iii I\'. Ills ,iiid leipieliiied the ihieliy of .^-^ieb. ie, eaidiiiH both
eiiH i.;id 111 .1 \ il wiiii ^viedeii, in on.er lo ni.i'^iilr.ites and pco]
1 people 10 Iv
Miiec tl hnu. de-
>iil,i;n li.H e, v .is e'i:..ps d.'d to ', le.d up liie p;()\!iiie e! 1 iiv.; llieni aldol', ed l'io;u I heir .ill. ;:.i. ee to the duke.
jl Ib.liiiiu; 10 i!-.e .'•wi-.L-s. he .ill) c.uifed .ill the duke's rivei.u.-. to he l)roU'.^ht
il. Ills bill, w.is 1)1 (1 -41 d ill Ids rapilid mio bis own ireafiiii, continued H.-.n-o^ii;, in l-.i,, ii)\. ns,
(■iules Cult.iMls, kbu; of .iiul i veil in li:s p.,l.n.e oi Cottorp. l!ul not klioi llll^■
^ : ; de
tilv 1
'f C
:i nll.l '■•. II I
.Swi.bn, V
(low Iti.yiiiil IV over ibe iee iiiio tb.- how f ion he iii:h|u be obliH.,"!, In' lie duk
e s ,1'iles
ll tb.- Diiteli li.id not eoaii
I (ll li\ er in- \' il ll lie li.id lo iii'j illi\ 1. i.'i a, he e-., el
ilii'.inee, woidl pii'b,d)l\ h.i\e iiiiule ,1 eoii- ed eoMliimti oiis li- hii the j.o.ii- fuh| 1 1-^, t.) Ilie \ .
I. .1! ill. II
iUI 111 '11
this ]i| line w.is nil- iii.iin ii-il lions, 10 l.;e riiiii ol .is lU in ii!ii':.', a pro\ iikc
MMlli.il" in 1.1. w.ii's Willi l lli.il hei.-hl, ih.il he p.ileillx hdi.lii.d liii\, .,nd liil.ililed the li i!s s In' ) ; 1 . ii. > n iju 111 ; liiir
l-is |iibp-(is, .11(1, lioni 11 Ini'iled ik.iiie inoii .r,l , , , ii\ .illill.iiiee. The luis ■ lei. ..i.ied Ihll at (lanihilr';,
in.td.i- hiiiil. ': m .ibi"' III- pinne, and 1 ll.ibhlli, ,1 liie In .111 w I eiiee he K lit .ii s Imi lo 1 le !... 1 mill |)rinc(-s ii
n ot ine I ii.u n lil Ins I iiiiiU in ill,' \ e.ii lO o, iinrl'ire their
irt of
villi I lis I le.i 1,11)1-1 ,11.(1 low ei 1 1,1 Is 01 pel pie 101 n plain I'd
l'.ii'''.i hI, wbii il w.i.s
I.:, \
viie nm .d 1,' to (lileli,iri;e the deht:, the |inl)lie ninth, but lo \ei\ litile ]'in
tdl li
p. lee ol tl
kin-j of .Swi
.!< ll d (.lii iiiH ihe wai , .nid 11 hi. ime enii i .iled ! den, { I1..1 Ks .\ I. nn.lei lo. ik his i .mle 1,1 t!ie \ ear i(iHi
i;..: l.oliiii\ .iiid -.^eilii'. , tb.il, .Is liie pi I. Ill . c. I 1 1'. 1 mil
.1-, ■ihoiii I) h.ue ir.iiil|.-
.Hill . ililo (il I'-
.le ll'( irs, ihe\ would ei.iiib b en.i lo be.ir p. ill ol . iii.nn lor Ins lellor.iiMn. I ii,' del 111. in piinees, ,nid
tb 1 inllieii J ihe iiobdiu ,nid -.;-- iitM , lieiuie ibis lime, ilc I ii''l;lli and Diini^ whoweie now iiili'rednito ,1
I .; . 11':', 110 l,i.\' s Ii,i ;
ll.i i o::i':o!is w ll; -i.
ie\" ,i!r. ■-. ei"
did I ie\
.1 '.III
nee, t(d>l ibcm lii.ii ihe\ .his ini 'hi (iilliii b Hi
ein ; .ir.pi elieiili v e 111 n
liie eiiipoe, and idvei t
hi 111 III .1 Ib.u o( ier\riii.e ibi ir II ives .e.il \ .li die tuniiis Ir.nn in.' Iiemh w.n, h. Id levi'i.il eon-
.il;:l (.Id not nil..; I !i nid Iheil 1
bin. Tl
le eo,.iiiioiis leieiK es on tl
liihi-.l .It .Mif'ii
Jl 11 ' li pl\', biii
.10111 llie ,illem!!l\ \. iili t
d till' kiri^ (
f 1.
nil, at leiiHih,
enin.iik lo
relloie the diike of
(i i"\. who ,i.:i". lul 10 I .'Ml, and i;oin'; iin.ik lii.i ele ' lollleiii
i,id he. '11 111 po
to i m 1, a, on iiineil ins Mi.n.lU that tin \ Ws re eoiiie 1 (ion ol tl'.iii i^M.irs; but took no cue that the O.i
to ,1 r
i' 'luiioii lo md.e 111 11 Hii al)l,)liiu' iiMiiai 1 b, and , llioiild iii.ik.: hiin ,in\' f.ili.laeti.in ior tlie de\ .lilio 111
isiinoi.e h, r. iiii.iiy. Iii. ni.ipll\, h'l;..; ai^pii/.d
ol Ills tei riloi le.-
loin Hie eor.il'duei ol tr.e i
i)l Ihe (le(ii;i), ii.ij iiitiodilud all ami) inio the to'.vn, '. eiiess betweiii die kii;^ of Denin.iik and the diike ot
A M'.W, ROYAL and Ai: rilKX I'lC .SVSrr.M OK rXIVF.RS AI, C.KOGRAl'liy.
ollli-m a
I \1
iiu' iiicili.iiioii (i| ihi- con-
ns trciiv,
l6^i9, to ilu Mir I'iyO, il
mi's ninaiiui
liy tl
);uU 1700, il \v,is
was concluded ih.
81I1 of
tolii.il'K (iiiul : 1)111 iIh- l.iu- (liiki.- of llollltin, (hid- (U'in (lioiild
lian Ail), 11, (l\ Mill alioiu iliat iniu- and llic ki
■HI a ili'piii.iiioii 10 lus loM a'Ki lutiflloi
diik-- I-
KIN Ilu- (,
id, thai ihc hoiilc of ||,,|,
iiHitiinif uidi'pL'iidfMt lovcrcinns in |||,|.
10 ifiKw ilu' union liiiwccn tliiin, niam's llii) hati doiu' Inin
tin.' crown of l)i
I in iOo.ooo cro
iiiiiark lli,,ii|,l
Is lor till- (la.
and 10 1.1 Inin liavi- a lii;lil of tin- l.ili: duke'
lliat Ik-
nuliiiKlirltaiidiii^, li,,w-
Avir, lia|)|iiiK'd hilwiin liic Iwo courts the ye
lownr^ ; one part of ilie cliaptrr of l.ulicck cluil
of li-e I Ml It ininci-, in iclalionio ilu' (Uic. d pan ol' die Itrodu r of llic duke ol llolllein cnadjuloi, and I
u lee if there w.is an\ liiniL; in it in favour
dill In ol SI. luie, tiie duke rrlul'-d I'odi li'.e one and 1' to liuir hilhop, ,iiid ilie mlur
alleil;;iii'.;, tii.il llie lu al\ o
I Alun
in i()r>i
liad not heeii obh 1 vi
rk's Ic
The billion (K III
It; ilie king 1
louie, p irtlculaiK m r
or |ullue done to ihc
A Aliena, feeipi; boi'
iiiicipoled their j;ood ol -
court ol (.reat It
1 iniei|)oliiij^, tlie duke of llolltein'.s broib
w.inis conliriiKd in ilie no
IK Hi.
er was alur-
eii'^.iijed them to b tile conlere.iues loi com- i I,
Ill coiilider.uion o
1011 ol the bdbupiii nf
a lublnU .;raiiiid by
poiintJ iheir didereiues, wbieh were luld at I'eiien- I, Creat Hrilain to Denmai k, lor a bodv ol i)aiiilli
e conlinu:!; ' to iniroduc
Su- d 111
01 1 es IIKO
Ho'iliein, and build .u\d enlj
a^amll V
Denmatk marched an
line ot li'.e treai\-, Ihe
anii\ 111:0 ilie ciiunirs , .iik
not have had
111 the north 1
'bich tin ccukl
1 e.iiil-
II Ihe uar Ii.kI hi en rev ived al ih.ai iimc
one arlule in ibis (real\' bein-;, lb 11 ilu-
.1 the
uaiioiiv 111
ike of ilolllcin Iboiild pi riiiit ibai bnd\ ,,[ M,,
m the \ eai 10 pals ihroii;;
■h I
Us lerriiorus,
L'h tlie duke, at iii.,i nine, not lindiii'' luin- ' r.ites. The
join the coi
111 a eoiuluion to ojipo
Ui;hi bi to actpiielec the battle of I, ill, 111 in I'oland, a
oi liollbin baviii^i been klinl
in, till the death ol he tlieii ki
U'h hanneiKi
.f s,.
the ceeded h\ bis Ion Cb.irles 1"
niio 1 -joi ,iinl
ler, i6i;'), v»hen be was fuceeeded 1)\ b;^ years old, the duke of llolllem Kuini, bn
lilt ut Uu)
)!ber M die
favourable onporiuniiv to iJnii
Ti'.is the duke looked upon as ,1 l.iii- duke of iloldeui C.o-loip, and alierw.uiL bdli
w hieii
the lorllhcalMi
,i> haviii
i\ l.ubeck
u -leiil ol
loniein duiiii'
d .S',
lis nepr.ew s leiiiuniv .
•in, ; or ^o,.:.oo UK. II, ihe king ol Demn.iik, on ihe ..dMd; ,.f
nut he i)roei.cui,c
ill tb.e m.'.iier wa . I nkd b\ .1 iiim;\ ,
Xoveinlier, 171^1), pubhlhed .1 nianiblbi ti
' ! intended eiuernri/e.
But the Dane hem.' dttcnmned on a war, boih with
of the kini;
Sweden am
in, and iLiving entered into a con- lion ol years, c\ incedibe m
,f S
g toiili, that die ainhitini:
uedeii, who had
lor .1 liii\-'. f-
loUile iii:eiiii.)iis a_
both w.ih Riitli.i and I'
I for that end, him and lis liibiects, a
would not he.ilkiii to anv pacibc me.dures.
On the : li.lt lilies dero.i.iiur
\' to the 1. ro'vn o
contran ■
'.e otei. red hi
al, the duke of W'lit
il'.;,lti'd Id 1,1 ;;-
l)eiini,irk, l.,id
em- ' conuielled linii to i
;.iinll .ill die len:i.iri
tl ilenioill
llufuni, I'teileiii kit.idt, ancl other , of Sweilen, except ili
places helonging
to tb
he 60CO horic and ilr
ill Cvn
IS, and
ii,iM\ ; ami I
i.OjO loot.
afier etUcted. Not
ew tortil'.calioiis as iiad bernerecud, he inve
contenled with ra/.nig liuh a delcent upon Schoiien, landing at Ilclliubiiii
tied f
liingeii, in which (.em r
:co nicn.
d B,i
1 21I1 ot Novemher, 1 7J9 : hut 11 lieing winter tin
niiier romnuinded with a lie onlv look u]) his (pioteis in tin coiinlrv to.vii- .it
j;. union o
raniee.s g,i\ e
tlie ki
(in this the piinces gua-
iiiil inviled Ihe
rk tl
I) underll.ind, II, .it
ol Swei.eii to pmi 1 ! 1
.111 1 11 g lor A prop.'r b .don to enter upon acili 'ii, \m,ii ii
bill e be b.id rep tU d ,ill friendly propulaK, llu'\ lb' mid i;ave the Swed. s time 10 put tb,. inlclves in a [lollure ti
no loii'j,erue lb,eni,il\ id .\hena bick'H, (M" luller d.friid their coiiiury.
the dukt' u\ llollUill lo lie ddpollelled lt, tie I hi lies aiU am ed ;ou ai.b ( lirilli mil i.li.
Ihed. The duk
will I e a hatl.ilion o
I Sa
which Were ii
llolllein alto publilhed .1 m.mdello, Ihewiiig the lii:
I'.c bad, bv ibein.iu ol .\li.na, to build lortibcatiu
laid down then arms and went over to the D.m, \ Id
mat the town
iiiio their
■he\ al'ter\v,iiiii
in his dominion-, ami the injullice of the Daiiilh in- m.ide tliemfelves mailers of ( arellli.i\ en, in the pio-
Not oiiU the ('.irinaii princes, but the Duuli \iiue ol HlekiiiL", .md thre.ilened (arellcr
\ ali.
tiow pniied their Iiuk'n with the Swedes, in ordi r to ihe Swedilh Ibil .ind maga/ines were laid n
oon, wh. re
irin..; the
ine 10 rial. Ill; .iiid a> lhe\ were 111.11 1 hing ilu kmie time a III ong ditaclmunt e\l
towards Ionnin"en,
1 '''.lu i.il iboii'ihi hi lo n.w.iid, Ilolbui.l on ihe
wi llein In
le of Si
'ai|; Ihe III !;e, wilboui coming lo.i b.i.ile. The l.ng- llieii lines ifcei\ hil; li.ipuiil luppbes, iheir ar'm
d Dill
cli alio lent each ol them a luuaiiion iiiu
coiilider.ibiv niLrealed
III I , line \ erv toi iiiid ,!il(',
the Hcilli
id, Joining tlie Swedilli l|..et, comprli'd Hul the Swedilh general, coinii .Sii.inbocb, h,i\!ii', ,11.
the D.iiu s In ri. me into the harbour ol ( opcidi.i';iii. • lembled 1 8,cco or 20,000 men, and miiebiiig i.iv nd.?
In t!
\v i 1 b
le nieaii time the \oung
Sweden landed 1 h lliiibiu g, as il he iiilended to cut oil the ct
"■ - h,
orle and foil upon the llhiiid ol /.e.d.ind, i.,ilion of the
anes wiili
about tliiee miles to ihe louthw.ird of Kllineur, at
prepaiiie'to nuill ( opi iiImiiih, wlun ibeD.i
they iniine.'baie
h.uidoneil all th. 11 coupiells, (pulling
ing himlell
0\ I I IIOUl
bud- . and (diidliai
pi ol liu II ' wlin b ])lai.'- ihe al m
(1 1: ire.ited to lb lb
i aine to an engagei
terms a-- the pi iiices giiar.inlees, w ho a I llll^ lime held ihe l),uii s w.ie em mlv (b b i.i. d. A day or two aber
their I onleienti.s al lravend.de, were pleafed to pre- tlie\' (jiiilled llellinbuig, n,Hd]uiriing die reniiln,!iT
A the
eir tioojis lo Deiiiii
111 die iiiubt, wind:
concliulrd ilic 181I1 (,f
ihal (lie luMik- o\ 1 1., I.
;k'iu rovcrciniis in | |o|.
)wii of l)iiiiii,irl> Ihiiiild
,000 crowns lor ilu- da.
llnlllll(llrll.lhdlll^, li(,w_
two loiiris till- )c.ii |i,|.
1 r ol I uliciU chiilui'^ ilm
1 iiiad]iiliiT,.iiid III! n ||(,r
.iuilliit;llic kln^ ul |),iu
11;; aniHi 170-,, till' kiiii;
lake miod lll^ Ion's tin.
f, and loiik K viral [vlan's
n' court ol ( .iiMt Hiii.iiii
llcin's hrollui w.i.s aliir-
Ifiiiii of llic lidliopiH ol'
I .1 rill)lid\ i;iaMiid l)v
r a hodv •){ Daiiilli triinp<
anic, wliiili tin \ ((jii!.!
hi I'll rr\ ivi'd at iImi imio
Ills treaty liiiiii;, thu the
riiut ilial l)i)(l\ id ! V,. . s
s, and join thf khI. Ir,
HI liaviim hi'iii k Ii' i\ at
lui, ,iniui I J^i, .nid Im -
cilv.'iii. k, an inlaiit id i\ui
fin Ktiim, hrotlu'r !•> ilic
ip, and alii'i w.ird-. li!(liii|)
rc^int ol lloldcin diiiai^
uiii;; di katcd Ih tlu- R'li-
, I' I'.'di-rK k, kiiiL^ id I u Il-
ls l.iniHi allii s, ill' ( . ,11,
d, iiid ricdii d tl;. Dinilli
iij-i ror's |i r\ icr m i ';;i:i-
I11 lli.m-.iii. IK- 11 , I-
)rwi', to I 'niuiaik, I ■ : I
d liUid lUil a lliuni; lii'i 1-
^ alKniiil. il an at iii\ nl . S
I )i ninai k, on ilir .;*^il; <'f
.1 iiuiidi Ho l!i jiidifv ii.;s
^ liiilli, ill, It ill- amhiiimi;
I'll, wild li.id, lor a lur. i-
II lioHlIc iiKciilioiis a; ii ,.l
i II as arioi;att'd to l,i :i-
i. low-M III l)i.-iiiii.irk, I ill
r .'^aiiill all ilic li-rraiin. s
ri:na!i\ ; ami i lubaiki, .;
d I 2,0 >) liiiil, lie iiij.lc
liiij; at lltlliiiliiii :., die
1:11 it lu-ini; u iiitir ii-ik-,
m tlu i-iiuiiir\ tii.Mi- it
id S\\i'i.i-ii 111 |oiii i ■ i\
) inti-r upon atiimi, win n
til mil Ivi-s ill .1 polliiM- t'l
ai\ , tliroiioh lavoiir ul .1
III lowanU ( lirilliaii!! "h,
, ubiih wiri- in (lariil.Hi,
i-iit o\i-r to till- D.in s, 111
li.ihds. 'l'iu-\ al'ti-r-.^aidi
( ari-llli.iM-n, 111 llu pin-
ii'iird Can-Ill toon, wl-.i te
i/ims wi-ri- laid up. At
in III i-Mrmlid tlii-uili Iv, .
Ill liiU- III Si lioiii I! ; aril
M |i,|>i Ill's, lluir aniu m is
1. 1 I anil' \ ITS loi mid 'I'l".
I!U SirinlllKll, I". I\ 111 ', 11-
nil, ,iiid mm liins^ tov nis
d to cut oil llic tommmn-
,ii plai'-, tlii'v iniint-diat'-lv
:Us, (pni'iii,; (ari'llli.iMi"
I'ati-il to 11' lliiihur;;, m-n
U' 111 an ciii;ai;i-UK'nt, ■iiul
A' d. A day or two al:i'f
laidporiiiin till- riTii mi'!'-r
. in ilii: iiiylit, wliitl:, .1' r
n !•: N M A R K.
tl lir .11 fun I fs, did not amnniit to aluivc (O'jo or 7000
itioullv ilidi--d I
ii'iol l)i-iim,irl
I diiion ■ii'.iiii
lis li.iMiin l)i-cii di, ippoinli d III tliiir
ciiU'rprr/.f upon Sihoncn, tli
>i ki
M \L-.ir I
lll!R-d till
iim .\u 'iiltiis and tlic C/.ir,
,d lill
,1 Poniirani.i,
nil wa
(II' tl
ic wIiuIl' i-ountrv
aiid llie Swrdilli loiccs not Iniii^ llron>; I'lmui^li ti
ii| poll' iIkIi' iiiiitid jiowi-rs, n-iir. d mto Strjlliind, tlu
.11(1 iiililk-d, iluit the rcllorina to the kinij of Swci
tfiritoi ics, would I'liihroil tl
ilicic tl
in a war, and join
ic lumli o
-d in
.f S'.
I y a 0,1
who h.iil hLloic powi-rliil alliL-s to contend
1 he kiiiq of Pnillia, on the iiSth of April, 17115,
proclaiiiii'd war anainll .Sweden, dilarined the regiment
of Holllein, which wa.s in Stelin, entering upon that
itv as a coiHiiK
II from .Sweden, a.id huldina it
if Kuni-ii, and other pl.ii es ul leruril)-. '1 he kin;; ', hini;i-r in leipiellrat
The Danes and Pniinaii'i loon
ark, while the Kui;
Sir.dlui.d, palhd the KI
I'd Saxons hlocked :| alter .illiiiihled their forces to the number of Cj,ooo
L-n, and aiipeared hei'orc Strallund, iimUrthe walks of
i.i' lireiiu-n, where the Sweihlli i;.'n
liilliiieiit hod\dl troops to op|;iile him, 1
entered llie ilucby
/ral not haviii" a
ane tool.
the town ol Staden, and ni.idi
.-If nialli-r of llie
In their return the Danes iiifuhed thi
(.,U of ll.uiihurn, ihreateniin; them with a honiliard-
imiii ; to avoid which the hur^^hers were compelled 10
I, llie lluiii J j0,030 ri\-doll.irs. C^oiml Steiidioch, the ,
Sweiiiih giiieral, found means aliei wards, on tlie ..•.■d
(if Dcccinher, 1712, tocn;;,im' ilie Danes liiij;ly, when
ihi-y were leparated from their, illies i,i-,ir \\'i!m,ii ; and
h.iMi';; v;iven them a total deb , it, piiiliK-d ll.i-.n into
llolllein, leizid the inai^a/ines the D.ines l:,id laid u|) ;
there, and put the D,iiii(h liolllein iiiidir mntri-
huiii'ii. From hence he inaielKd lo I'inenhiii^, iicii
llamluirg, where he determined to Iiurii the Daiiidi city
1)1 .VlteiKi; not lo much hy way t'\' leialiaiion, or re- \
veii^e lor the many Swedllli cities dellioved hv the ;
Daiu-s, .md their allies the Rii!ii,::;s .aid Sa\oiis, {a.s he i
ik eland ill a memoii.il puhlillied on this occalion,) as
tiid-.ier tliein horn committing the like baihaiiiies for.
tlie fuiure. ,
The Danes, Saxoii«, and Riiflians, heint^ now join-'
eil, to the iiumlier of 50,00.0 men, and iii.iri liiii'^ lo-
v.Mids eount Steinlioih, whole aniiv did not lonlill ot
a'u.ve I 4 or 15,000, he lonii.l liiir.felf under a iiecel-
liiv ul uiiriii^ iiiio the diual liolllem, whilher the
allies fiillowed, and at their enleiiii'' he ihrew himlell
whiili cit
the ki
if S
weileii liiuii
to letiie, bis arinv not ciaililtiiig ol inoie than a lour
part of ill'.; enemy's numher.
In the month of July a treaty wa.s fet on foot hc-
iif Di
■jf II,!
1 ■l'oniiiii;;ton, and hy that ineaiis avoiilei
them I
iimark and the court ol
by which the kin;; of Denm.iik llipulatcd to convey
and deliver up I'.rcmen and Ferden, which he had
taken fnnii the kin;; jf Sweden, to ihe elector of I lano-
ver, in confidrration of the elector's entering into the
war n;;.iiidt .Sweden, and advancini; a fiim of ironey
!o his Danilh iiiaj, lly. The coiile.ierates before '^ir.il-
limd heing joined hy -24,000 Kulli ins, ;;nd a bod)- of
Savon.s, earned on the liege ol that town with great vi-
gour; but llnding the place continuallv received frefli
liipplie.s and reiiilorcements from the illaiid of Jiugen,
which lies over-againll it, they landed a great hodv of
troops on the illand ; and, after a Ih irp difpiui', in
which the king of Sweden was in pieilon, iii.ide theiu-
felves mailers ol it on the 17111 of Xovemher.
Still die king of Sv.eden determined to defend the
tow n till the lait extremity ; and it wa.s a terrible win-
ters liege, the ceiainels being treiiuenily fnu'en to
d-.-'aih at their poll.'!. 'I'he ait.ieks were delperate, and
in one ol them the confederates loll near lOOO men:
I'.owevcr, they prevailed by their numbers at length;
and the kingof S'.'. edeii, linding die town not tenable,
retired in a light frigate, and arrived laleU in S-ivedeii,
tli,it tinie. The Dane alieruards nuide a pr
: goveriUM' oiders to capiiulate, which he
the dul
if llolll.
thai the t;overnrr i
if I'l
ins ilomiiiion.s, all(-(l';;iiL'
for the latter end uf December, upon very hoiumrable
terms; and both the town and the illand of Ru'ieii
onningen ailtiiitted general Sieiii- were put into the p
' the ki
hneh into the place h\ ihediiet
die inh ibitants of the S\
of Denmark ;
'omeiaiiia were
of 11.
( wh
was 111-: at that time abovi
;red to t.ike
lath of all
eiiiance to lum.
years of age,) this occurrence ha)
in V
lole of the ci;v and dillricl of Stetiii, tl
:e lilaniLs o
171-2-1 ^
However that be, the confederates blocki
d i;
ledum am
ollin. am:
the lands between the Oder
llu- eilv 01
Tunningeii till .Ma',- f'.liuwiiig; and the .md the river Peii'.', which were left in t!:c hands o
S\\. des iiul beinj in a coiuliliuii 10 lend iieiier.i
al Sti
any n
leinenls ur lu|iplie
em- Ills 1 riillian niajelly
be was oblmed to
The city of W'ifinar,
the diieliv of Mecklcn-
liniender himlell .md his Ir.tle army, conlilling ol 9C00 burg, the onl^ town which the Swedes had left
men, prilonirs of war, on conditiun o
f ki
iiiiis their Ciermany, was iiivi
1 by the D.-
cl.i.ii.is and baggage, and beiiigexchanged or r.iniomed noverians, and Rulli.in.s, ihe next Ipiing, and obliged
the lull upi'oniiiiilv ; and tbiis, lor a iillle time, ilie war to lurreiider, alter which the king ol Denmark was left
1 in (iermaiu-. I'mi tlie alius the in the pollellion of it ; and thus ended the w-ar in
.nied 10 he ,il an etu
ext vi.ir iiiveltiiig Stetin, the king of I'lullia lo iiia- Ci
iia gi-
ll the niaitei, that,
,ie ii^ii eiiu 111 ul Ibe ('/. 11
The Danes and RufTians then niai
ighty prepa-
iiiid ihe Swedilli guveiiiur, the i.iun w.is leipiedeied r.iiioiis for invading the king of Sweden's dominions
ht.i the hands ol his I'mliian
.mil a'reeil to 11
he i;.ii riloiiei
S\M den at the end i
In ,111 eiiu.il
number of I'rulli
'I'he C /ar went in perlhn to Copenhagen
ed an annv of
but was to be ii
-d tl
ur lb It purpole, whitber his g
if tl
if \
;,0,00O boric an
)t. 'Ihe Dai
III '.he latter end ul N'ovhi.Ik r, 171.I, tlie
iif d
ween ^O and 30,000 of their 11
alio ;
lor tl
ilion, am
1 had
weden reiuiiiiii
,it of 'I'm I
piep.ired 7 or Fco vellels to traiilp orl
limed at the city them. I'ul great patt of the Danilli l!eet bei
of Strallund, .iiul loiind a l,,ii;i:e w.is loriiiid .ig.iinll ploveil in Xorw.is during ihe lumir.i-r, 10 uppo
,)!e an
him, in wbh h the kings o
il De
lulil,!. .1111:
.1 the king ol (.1
l.iiid, am
ll.mover, were p.iili s ; t!
Vas to piilerv e
e.it Milan.
i-iilerpi i/e ol liie
i.ilioiis were iiii IK i iii.il
:li s on tli.it
,ill 11
(|i \\'\\ w
hereuf hi.uded the kiiiir of D.'iri'ark, t'la; his llect v.is not
(' iieai-e (
i.iin, uliii n was |)io- le.uh in lime; and die D.ine reioiiing on t
die R
puled to be done b\- lecuriiig llie leipic
Sieiiii monarch, tha: h
not m.ike the delceiu in the
to the king ol I'riiHia, and ihe pollellion of rremeii l.ittv-r end of the vear, which ihe Czar oblirved was
and Ferden, and whatever
llie had lei/
the duiiiinioiis of Sueden in (iermaiu-, to the Dan
(1 1
ed ol iiiipr lilicahii
I rc.ition produced annnohiy
and thole lo whom lie (hould or h.id .illigi
rcll in lliofe coiu|uells. The king of SwnKn lliou;i|U
lied his line- under the cannon ol Copenhagen, as 1
lo ib.ii the
if C
ane mew lit) In
if he had Ionic
\ I
mid the C/.ar loon alter re-
it highly unreal'oiiable that he liiuuld not be peiiuir.ed 'iiiiiu-d vmiIi his iiuopsio ( Jeniian'.-.
to recover thole territories again, which h, id been fur- j 'I'iie D.imlh inun.iii h In ing now h ft alnuifl alone to
prized in his ableiice. 'I'he kill's of Prulliaand F.n
defend hr.idelf aii.iinll tl
thieatei.ed in
C\i A xr.w, RovAi. Avn Arrni:\-ric svsriM or r:-'ivr,usAi, ckoorai'iiv
lii> ictuni, \ulli ill! iiiv:''i'M) ol /.I'l.iiu
i\ l,l^ Swrililii ' lu's |.ir li\i' liil.' vi nclii"; 1 f v.;nc, t'l iirU', l\'i
ni:ilill\', Willi
li li.iil t iMt.r
.ll!l| ( I.
Illy ii;'fii ]Mil iiilci (ATi'iiiMn, ii.ircd, ul.u li wi'ic \ i ■ \ ■.',! k-\ i.iu ici liir liiln.'d. i.
li.i'i luit llu' k ii.;!!! (licit 15ril.iiii Ini-iniiult r l.)ini ;i|)
tl;i' \ r.ii 1
ikil 111 ill'.- Ii;-.,l\ ii.i
\ii'li li„
jirtlu'ii(i()i!N llut lli'ili- pn'ii.ii.iliDii.i (if llu' Swi'drs imirls dl \kiiim ,uiil l'( U'ill)iir>;li, \\lu ii !>y hr nli;
\\cu inii iid.-'l ;i'',ii!ill Ins 15r lilli tloiiiiiiicii-; ( i r.'.l'i'r ■ i 'l lluir mlmmiiU'.' Im' Ms o.vii (loiniiiioii"., mikI i.
Kii I
(ll)lllllllOII>., Mild .i.| ,,_
It ill i.\k T
\ 111 )'rciiK'ii .iiul I'ddoii, aiiil tlii'ii'iipoii .iiilcLii iIk- il iiiiiiiKnis iil limk' |)i)\m is, .iml tlu' pr
I'lu ,1 Uiu.ulroii ol nu
.11 (if wiir to llu- ,ilii(t
Hire nl nis ni.iiK' lain Iidii:
iiui In a (i-|-..ir
In' .11 tll'll- III ' M, II,' .[
D.iiiilli 111. Ill liv', whuli luit ,111 ilul t(i I
(II! s Ii'.lriii
U il t'lilori'i I/.
III.- l\.ii'.; ot
>.ur- kiiii; (,"iiiilli.i
II ii-'ifii
1 to
Tl'i- rcllii'.vint;
ii'.vriiii /.I
iviS, ilu' S
p.iy ll
c iliik- III i i,,!il' 1
Villll's 111,1
tV,>> .1
l.l'Jl .,s 1)1
iir.ii-.s li'lii \',ii'\i,iv; uiu' I,) il.c iioiilm.iiil, .is
Hill!,', ill! ; .mil llii (il'iii 1 ,
100,000 n\-(l()ll.irs, on his n.'ii()Uiu'iiit; liis n 'h t.) 1 r
riii.il 'iliulu olS'ilun'; .uiil.iii i)iiiiii,iiuc of Ins II .iiv, .11.!,')
I ^- ) 1, Ik- ll III (ijoj iin 11 111 ilif ,:liiil,iiK I- nl ilio i'ni|.,', I'
\ llu- kin.; .miiiill llu- l-Kiuii, l|i 1 7 i >, lu- r.
in IK 111 111, loM ,11(1 . (. Ill 1 1! i. 1 11.1, '.i\ in ; t i.i- v, l^i^lc i cunia iiritcnlinn^ l.> il
iiniliT niiiUilniiiiiii, Hull
'Ml'' iiii .mm
in Xm
if II
.1111,1111 ', cm iliL'ii p ,
« .u lum ',J'
jo.ooo ni.irks 111 liU I r.
roil' ir.on^h M (';>i I'lc llu'in. I'm llu- Svn-ililli 1110-
lioiit llic 1 1 Ills' tiiiii- It.- i-iiclitl ,1 coiinnl ( I ii.iij
niu ,1, I u 111'' ll
Cijci,) iriilirii kill. ill
w.i.s tiiiiurnin.iK'U to cs.iiiiiiic ,ill pioi
11 iii'.ip.il ,1s tli.it III, mill I).
iiM'tr lii| 1
llioi m till' iriiiilu'-, ;iiul ilii- l),iiu's aiul I !,iiio\ v-ri.iiis ,ul\':int,m' oi ii ; ,iiul iiiviii-tl lol\•inlR■|•^, (kiili-din iii,u
iIkmiiv ik'li\ iTi-d liom tlii-ii" li'.irs
I, r li,i o
f I-
ri'il I'U'klh,!
•IS it w.is I'liiii', jiro'iihnin.; tlii" iMiiiorl.ilion ul lorii'.;H iii.in.i.
o;iM iiuil ilu". lii;.;' I li.u i." il.'ii.- 11. a l.iilni'lu nvir
11 I'll'.
ii.d a I. ink all
>, III iiniiali"ii 1,1
U \on\,U' ll .ll I
I'll II r,-(n\ V l.ll
anil II
,■1111(1,11111 lloli.md, .ind loiulinUd lii ,i:;i -, nl luli.
D.sliilli donuii.oir. n iliiii d I" ,1 \ rr\ n.irrow ioni|\ir.. Iid\ unh loni-;!! I'.iwns, |),!rii<.iil,nl\ uiii !-.n .Liiiil,
r,\ till' (k-.itli ol ilu' ki.i.; Ill S\ii d'.n tl.i: w.ir Iv. t',t;'i--n uliiidi country was .it llic kh.iii;c of iMiliiM, ik/.i.liui,;,
Di-niniils aiul ll.al iTov. n u.i.v 111 ,1 ni,iiini-|- broiiijht til a ,ind |ia\ in-.^ 600J ol lii.s tiooju : iiiul \r, v iicn ih, :r
I llIU
till t'
liifu'M; lliiiii'.;h till' jH',uc- M,i> not loriiiallv (i.;n.il I r\ iio was w.inU'l, wiihdu-w tkulo irooj-,, ;m,-l ii,i.,|,|
V \ i-.ir
tl-ii' Sui-d'
IS, !)L-iim in\,ii
ll d.Iliilli'il hv tlu.- Ruill,
l.ikr nil |- 1
It ill the cnluiir' wars bLiwitn tlie
i.iiis, \\i'ii- iil!li';i.-il 111 ai'i I I'l III I .iiiii'i'i-.
dl' I'luli foiidiiii'iis .'i', die iiK (ii itors and i;iiarr,nii. , ^ Tin- n.nii-s.aluiiit ilu- s '-,\r 1 739, li'i/in', on die Im,
ol i;, llu- kii'..^ ol (.n-.il Iiril liii and i'r.iiici-, wiii- Ihip of Sli'inliuilt, wliuh liis liriliili m.ij. lt\ api'i
pK-.ili (1 10 puk nil,-. r.\ llu- I'l.li ai lii k- ok this tii-,iu lu'nd'ji
d liiiiik 11 i-n:iik-d 10, as diiki- ol 1.
inlli'iihlll"'' ,1
he kill;; id Drm-i irk o!iii^'-'l Iviink-il' not 10 .illilt llu- Ikil mi Ih iLippi-iud b. lui'.ii llu- ir.iops- ol ll.moM-r .nul
C/ai" ai^ainrt S-.viutn, or i iniiil llif I'liHi.m nun oi iImIi- of I )i-niiiai k, wluri in k'Vir.d ucrr killed on 'ii.ili
var to en
lir 1;
,iiiii\ ll Kills reeov I ri
ill,- lerrilor) la
S'.-.i des olili;;e(l llieinleU e< not to op|n,!,' lui li nu-.;l'.iris ddpul,'. Ilowi-sir, ,i> ilu- D.ine.s leenieil deteniiiii,!
a> Ihuiild lie t,.ki-n In tke laid nii iImiiTs in beli:ill ol' tlu- ■ 11, -t to reliiiiiiiiili their claim, a lre.it\- w, is lei on I mt
111 ir.ii.iik, in rrl.ition to die ik
■nini'ms dl
ke ol' ll'ililem. H-. ihe I.M-ntli .uiiele me km.:
Denin-irk iiiomdeil m d.'Iiv.r up ii Sv.i.kii ilie c,",- to i ii|">' .Sum
the !-'.!\ieen thole pciwi 1 s, mul I'rii.uii .i^reed to p.u a
riililii!', to ll'.e D.ineslor i,-ciniiliiii^ the llaiui\Lii.iii(
.Sliairuml, and part of I'omer.ini 1, ,: ■ i .r .l^ ihe rivi
ines ,iiio
Pcne ; 1(1 i'\ .u'u.iie the loiir;
Ir.iiul, I'll- ll
lii! ' uiioii liie I'll
h III a ipi irn 1 w'i!i ihe Diiu!' li
II 111 II I km I. 'I'll. II- •.;u,iid.!iiii
of Ru''eii, and .ill other I l!.!ii,K I iki n !i\ ;iie il.i
hi,", ,1 '111 lime 111 ihe Duleh kliiim- \el|. I-, .nul i.ii.
t!:e i.iSi
as ailo die lim n nf \'\iliii,ir m
.11- 1 k ll ll;,-Hi M l'
but 111 ■ I i'liuiiil lA dl!
ill coti(ii!er.ition w liereiif the S'.ic.k s, In the. eiim 1 lo in.ike ii ui I lU, ihie j x^iieks
1 .ll k
ilin'.li ariiek-, venouiu-ed t!ic pi i\ ile-^^e oi p.iiiinL; the ('in illi m h iviii'; ii i.;ned i'i\e.i'.s, wil;-, ,,!■ .a riim
Sound widuiil p.ivin^ toll, and j'.-,reiil 1.1 p.n ihe tilioii, w .s liueei ih d b\ bis Ion I'leileriik \ . mi il
(,iir,e t )U a- ihe h
Uiil ;'\- II. ■■ lenili
rliele me rri.w n ol .S v. cue 11 eii.;,i,..-'I to ]):i\ lo the km
(if Denm.irk I'C3,'::j..
I el iKl pkiee-
;ih ol In
ih.- eomm^i i
V, r
'lime tioii 11- 111
.niour.i'm'r llie iiiiiniil.itlur.
,ii!'l impiovii' 4 the tra-le I'l ■:!- i,.:ii'.
ll I I ll'.e Sv
J'. , a leii.iraie .ir-
11 It II. in le.l to liie 1
i;n- Is
It w.
ireid, ihit \\'ilir,,ir, tli: I' riiluai
lilll- lliU.
,1. r 111 l'i> r.1,1,1
;t',. I
ih,;-i ol' were ilemolllhed, lli'iu'l iii \ i r h^ liililud b.is iiiieen, who w, is ih,' ir.oii , r ol Ills ji: el -M w
'.s ll Bii-ini n and I
lie ai'.iiii 111 ;i in
.1 a in
er 111 111'- ll
li.iil been conhrnRil to hi-> I'lil m;iie m.ij -!1\ Ire .inolher I'ninI - ic WoU'iiibu.tL', ,md m.-.i m 1 /'■(<, h^n.
treat'.. 1'-.- the aliinikiid tieir. hi. D.i.iilli mijell', cei .i.-.l by lil^ l"n.
ol)l, lined the ;iii,i!,ml'. c o' lie
III" ll kiii'j
( iui!li,iii \';!. i!k' pnkiit
.r Dt
nil' in, ,11
,Sli l.i
d ll,e k
I.. I., 1).
'. K. .s.
hoi 11 111 1 - ; I ;
(,re,!t iiril, lin reiiiovd i'l^ -.^iiar.mlir ol ih.it
m 11 1 1. ll m 1
V. I'leli lu-
ll I', .1 l.jrii,' r tie.ii\ .
I i, nm.irk now ii-i 'iiir'' in iv .ii c.
holl J.
p'iie'- r.', ll of !).-.
.1 l.o-i:!,i ',\u; ilhi, p:
] lird himieir III pomioliie^ ihe ir.'di- ol his l.m''hi,ii ; ii'\,il, h:ir:i jiU
•n I'l 1I-.
.Ill li.iil ti',e III) ioiiuiie 111 lee lis iinit.ii
.1 (
I. nioii.ii 1 n o'n lu
i!U : b
I eiiliai^en ainuill dellnn rd In- aliie, v.hi hiiipi'e ed dnkiiul h\ .1 l.i: li i ", enl, w
t!i ,11' .1 mil. 1
in tl'i- \e.ir 1 - iri.
Ills 111 II rllei n w . Ill,- ] i ilii
I- a^h'i.ill
mv ill 111 ,11
W ,lil' 'I w,
111,1,1, ilai
l'-li;.-i ol' .\iii'iillus .\iloli hi|., dii!^-- oj' th'- I
.ii. i-,i ,1 ' ,1'
i.ii III til.' \-. 11
lliiil ;. •
ll;!i ll 11
lioni heiud iCile, piniie ( iiiilh- .,;;'iiilrm,..i, v.iii ni.i'lelhe 111. 1'l "I'l.-il
e I iKiiinies o'li-
■1, I'orii |)eirm!ii-r 10, lOii); and ( :■ 1 h.lle Nmhi, eeiiiii'^il, ol m ' le ill e i,.l .111 I ,l;.p illi ''iite l>.i:i
111 (),lobu o, iTC'i; ami oilur ihlldi I n,
W iiii lllri
anil u i.ile llil . n.ii ,
n\ I in in ■ m ir leill ■ ol Deinii 1
in ih' ;r liil.iiicv. 111. fi eoiid wile, ilie d iii'',!,:i r ol " 1 h.ive ( l.i\ s iIii.m; ■mlenum ) mile n mv end,-.iMM:i
ci; ineelli.r, li.' 1;. n 1 11 1
n ii'Ki- 1
i\- '1 1 1\ ,il ll, 1 , III '.'1111 li
ir 1;.". s .111. I" II. e
(1, li
1,1-, kill IIII,
1 ii'l. 1,1 ; -.lee re!
e ei i 'Ml'-
.'-d tl.i 1 ih oi Oiii'L
er 17 : J, III me 01 :i i e.
ol ::ls , I!
iiii ; I
ii\ f.ii.'
iiiii;.' I om
sir.eii- liii,ii\ r \- iiiMon \i
m \'l. I
m, in.il ru (I .S 'phi.i
Mi.'d, l.-m .! I:
ill'.- ,11
1 'tii.e'.li '■, ami tlu- I •'•
-n I Muiled .i (jiii-' II b" a
nmiik 1 . I'l
I 11, a, I 1 'r . 1 ',1
',icli, i'\- w I", .m lu
I -..iilh
ill. kail. llu S.
. kX'.bi
i( 1
iiii .\\ 1 1 11 1 1 , 1 J : ;, and ll
epi 'IK
. N 1 .oiiili I \ em.
or, e 1 I ,
1 iieiike liaii i:-
.1 n
I '.1;
■ ll i:,- .111
.1 S,
1 'I, I 7.;''',aiu;ni,ii 1 u-
iDil. 1,1-
iiile I'l III.' I iim.-.ii.iie ■.', o 1 1 o'e
i.s.e 1 i 11'. Ill ■' ,i-.i en.
le Ih '111 111^ I. I ;ii Willi l.ime
i-i 1 ir, aihl a .r.im 1
ir I 1 - 11 I'li.iiii
po; uk.r
iiiiLUlail', in .1
iini; the nioiiiiliu-
ll 1,1.) O.V
il tale.iij ,iikl a.ij;
ji.nc (Ir.iu
tioii, and {
li.Jo jiiatl
til waids ,1
tr.ivcls 111
relin n he
MUM ; am
pilUi 1.', ot
v.'iiiiie ol
w 'dl the or
i'ei iii.i|< ll\
inii oiiiinoii
p-'ihaps i
I'luiwcd l'\
and more
r, hi III. '1
ll,i- Imaiice.*
weie al' lei
lull peiineii
'h'p.itih; ai
Uiid tilihu ,
" 'I he CI
ill ^o man,
Irilmiial, di
lion aiiiK-M
ciuiiiiry, llu
their cinolui
ai 1 -^oj, inl
mt I'd th,
lor 1',. ir k I
]i!!i-r,di!\-, \.
tlie thiid pii
Ills r.iiil.ielii
time, ii.iillii
p.-rl •'-,'1 ol II
1 Hiled 1 1
o'.I.er bodies
l.ii', dep.iriii
gii.iids, anilii
};uai(ls, th.e I
(hihaiided wi
" .Siill pi.
aii'i peril'.. 11.
tempi a dmii
anil I ' ,ikini..
vielim 1(1 |ii(
ll:. ik III 111 111
ll. 11 Ik- U.I. I
I'lnivd .1 pi
11'. Ill, V ho h.i
ill die 1. Ilii I e
lllll, il.. ,1 ]ll;!ll
More., w (111
of mm-, h,!'.
Iiiiif K .md I
imp.iM"! '...ll
^iriieiilic ('(<
\et he leit.i:
ol' his e.\ieiil
h\ hks aeliiii-
\oiir, and ,ie'
verted l.iiii,
nilhes ok \\(
nioilein limi',
foimd iiidii i,t
]>u:i;i d, oi:'\-
dr.iw rmm e.ii
iiuirin- I'm I
e\i 11 .III liuiidi
tli'M del.iim d
iikr\id Imn!
dou.i'.;i,-r, ami
lllllllK III. Ill p
lank, imim-di.i
ih'ui'.'Ji eonm:,
'I'll ';- ii.ll |.,^ll.-
hiics. Thi;- (1
iiu', \n iii'lv, Ci'l .111(1 11.
u.ns III till' lul);,'Cl. Ill
II till' ir;-,,i\ 1). t'An'ii lin-
iiirv;li, \\1k'h by lu' nli; u:,.
\ii (U)iiiiiiioii>, ;\ii(l ■'.'I li-
ilf |ic)\M r>, .Mill llu' jirij-
iriii' .uiii'li.' ill 'ili^ n\-^i ,
.i\- il,c link ■ 111 i 'mill' I
L'llOlllU'ill^ 1 !'• II ^1' l'> I f
rliLiiici.' 1)1 his ti .ily, ,ii.i/>
e.'.llill.iiRi- I'l I'lK' i'iii|..-, r
■jy'i, Ik- r.liiKiU'llu'l !i i
.tllUHll.;, oil llli-'ll' 1';.. J
•ri(K il .1 cii'iiicil 111' til li
It 111. mill 1) til. nil' I"! 1 ir
I loi ■ii;iiiT^, lUill.'diii ii'.u
ll.lllv, .111(1 fll .llililUll ll: m
irtaiw'ii ul liirci'.;ii ir..i!i u
'.iik iillii, 111 iiiiiiaiii'ii i.f
I (iiulinU il ti( .Kii ^ III ii:li-
|Mnicul.iil\ VI il !'-:i .Inul,
i.ii.;i.; of l.iilin^, (.'..(i.lii.;.,
)(ip\ : iiiul )(.'■, vlii'ii ill. T
w tl.oli." inxij:-., aii:l vi-iM
wai > b^UMiii ii->-' \ '"' ■•
his IJiUiill ir..ij.ll\ .I'.'r '-
as (l^li^^•■ (il l..i\\liciii)i'ii;, l
llu- li'iKips ol M.uiDVCr .IV.ll
I ri.vi.r,il wen- killed ciiln.ili
ri-covir(.-il iliv- HI! lion m
D.iiu-s ii-i-ui((l (k-uriiiin ,1
111, il in-.it\ was Id (Ml I 'lit
d' r,i:-,.i'.M '.i<.\ivril I" V" .1
•ciiniiuii^ Uic llaiuuLiuinii
(Murrd w'l'' ''i^" l'>>"^''' I'"'
I 't land. 'I'li.H- ..MLird-liiii-s
in-li l.liiiiii; ^'■li• I-. •""> '"-
tint lii- ll'iiiaii'l. is ihii-ii-
iii'j VlHiI.s wen- I' I a! 1.
li; li.n FuuJiiik \ . "11 lie
i-,iiui- tiiid ir li.~ I '■'■'' I'i
iii.innlatliii'-^. ' ^' '''■''■"',
,1- •!"
tr.i'i'- I'l 1.1- I" u'-
t'l li.r 1'
■ 111 liu iK.ii
li:;l-;.t w
a II .'i M'.
. r 111 i;ii- il
.1 111 1
IXna-ir:. -r t
iiMi 11 111 1 ' ; ! ;
I .1.1, n
,. d id' l)^-ii !••-.
An; llll, I'lli.. -!•
• r 111
lu I'.v 11.
V.llU'l I' >
111 .il'
;liwv- Mild
ill ■ V. .1
II. -Ul- > "I
A .ill I .1;.!'
A\ :;:il
Millies i..m-
-I iK- l>.ia I
II )|, ill ■ 1)1 Diiiiiiiii'
, ) 111 1 !(-■
II im 1-11(1. -.1
11-,, ■ 111 I p. .elllii mil' il '
i'l ■ l.iU.- 1-1.1 'III'- '•
.!, .-, ami till- ' '
do! .. ii'ic '1 li"i>
,1 r.i - iiuni.l 1 ■ '-'
!. 1-
I) il 1 1
|. U I'll.lIK
,.ik1 a.iJ;
1^' 111 M
11 I-'. X M A II I-.
li„\i- i!
(lull, anil
liim rrom liis nn'ive i-uil'
IhciI I
HI v,y 111 (-(111 li-
ll lillll 111 ,111 ( I. \ .III <1 Ml.
I Ir III. 'i • Sii iiriilt
•sliihiiid, w IS in iir-.-fcr'. in'.; .n firri-.-v -.(.liicli -! 1 :,: 1
(-, .1.1.1 I ,0 llllrill
lid I
II a
Iv |ira(til.:ii plylir .il \'iciii, ini liu- j-.l!).-, .i -d li- iheii licin^; ,irr. (I.il. On llu- l.i-l I A^-di^ |
taw, nils altiiiiUd llu- pn I'lU kmi', i>l lliniii.i
II ills lliis t-M-ii;, iIk- 111 I'll w.is liili'l'.d wit
tr.i\t-ls III |-'.ii;;l.iiid, ill iiu-'nv ni pliv Ik i.iii. (Jiilr,> iii.i';iiilii-i.'iK-(
11 lIlK-.lllliP.III
rii iv -d
riiiiin IR- ,1'lv ,1111111, hy r.ipiil Itiiiu-, in ilu- rm.i
MUil J and luniv to liav- i-iiiini ii,l\ i.olirlkil T
,1- or i-.iuri li'r\ illiy, It. mi
I'H- (1 Kill, til, 111 wlu-ii
K- \ I I'll- 1)1 riiiii.
u. Ill ..II liM-ii t If his f.-i/.m,.. th w
III |di .liiu;, (iiue If- III c nil ■ (ii'mIK- iIk
w.l^ .1 111! 11. ir: 111 till- iiai.ic^
U- 11
11, ailer il,in;-in'_
V. Ill 111- ol lioili km ; .111(1
iiuclUd .iMilii.il, iiiii- I (iiiiill . (I i:u I' w nil III k
di llu ord* r III ^^i M.ililli, iii'liiiitc I in I ir.i.ii id l.i S' i m iil<-:- .|in in ; llic lell i)( lliu
li.l Ml, in ll\, ire. Ill d .1 1
iniiiilKii.d piiwi r. ! lis
mil iiiiiiUDli ninticiu'e, iii.i.
,ili"iii iw.) ill ill.- niciiiiiij, ,1'
I ivc lu-f
\\ 1 ■ Mil ) w
e.'iiil'K 1, 111 11
111 and I'ti'inl ( r.iii
n- inoin.iit .\ IS 111)',-, i-
(1 and (kiMiii! 11
Mil- ihl.'cn I
li)\\ 1 ; r, ,iiid Ikt Imi iiriin.- - |-'u l,-i ;> I-
|i'-iiiaii-, 1 iiii,;lil ,idd, an (•.;-, iiukd .iiid |i,ili i,iliv' iicu,, b.iil. iiid li) llu- kni'/s priv,iU' i-li,itii!KT, w 1
rn,u\pd li\ ill. pill', II 1. '11- il mill- III iii'iiiK !;u .1
I'd inure pei iili.nU u
1 lit- Hale lelt Inn lliroiii'li all I- i
l,ll lili; I'll;
1 ,s : liiiiili ii'
111 lied. '! liev kiic-eled di
i'am iieliile lilin, .n
Hill, Willi U-.irs ,111(1 i-\i>iiltii!.iii.iii., Il lisv
. 'eiini.irK liiiiii iiiiiH-n liii
nil I' -r
ll.. lieaiues ili,iiu-t-i\ , aiiny, iiav\ , iin|'U->, p'.d.in! >, ain llinj, ili.ile w Iidiii i1h-\ cilk il ihe ,iniiiiirs nl it It
wiie all lenlihlv ol Insimineme
U liii 1 .id. Is i lid 111'- kin,; u i -
:iK lii'liiee I I'l 11 111 liic (ink
lull pi'iined Ins replies II) I \ i\ iiiijv .11,11,1 ,pi. Ihuli or liiil di.l it w 1: !i 1 '.lii; line.- and 11. In it- .11. ,\t
ai.d a i'ei iliuii m U lieme
iiiij .111 • 111 'r iniie.itii-s p
11'.- .lll.\ 'll Ills 11 '11 111. I.
u.iduidiu, r,iu I) w, IIU d lull lioiiis kii .111 .inlwri . nii.il to tke pa,)er. Cnlmiel K'lilii' ;'. nin.r inll.in ly
" '1 iu- ii\ ll )iidKatili-c- ol tins cipilal w i.s then wll'.d upaired Ui ^tlUl-nlee'.^ ,ni.irliiieni, \'..",li, as ueil .i.-i
in ^Jo in,in,llr.iies. S.riieiilee knt a nu 11 i^e in lii.s Ui.indt's, w.is in the p,d,iee: tlie\ weie luitli lei/.ed at
tiiliiiii.d, deiiuiniliii'.; to kiinu ihc aiinii d kil,ir\ 01 p n- iie.iily llu- laiiie iidkiii;, ,iiid, ,is .ill d.l'enec w.is \aiit,
liiiii aiiiievid to citli nieini-. r. K.iilu r al ii-n. d ,!i tills h.iii ried ,iw,iy iiniiiedi.iii.1', to the cii.id.l. Wdi'.'ii e ..iiit
i-ni|iiii\', ihey IcMl ,111 aniw . 1 , 111 wliieli tliev (iiiniinllu-d S-riu iilL-e IK piu d oni ol' the cnaeii, lie laid, \\ iili a
li.eir einuliiiiienls ne,ir two llnrds, .iiul ellnn.iii ,1 tli in liiii.e, to i. e i .i.iiin.nnl iiit, " 1 bciitve '.oil .ne until
at ijO'O, inltcid ol 40-1^ ri-s d"'!,iis. 'I'l.e eoniit 1 . n liiiie liiii'i!/''l ,it I, . Iiil; me lii'imuiu lu-f..- as .1 |>ri-
ii'k.in;' (! lliein lli it Ins 111,1; ;! '. Ii i,l iid rnrilu r oe. iImh I'lier." " N'n, a.id p'- de j , nu- e\'.' lien, e, 'i, plied
l.n I'.'ir l;i\ii-.s; kill, in In- |. '\ ,il hiinitieeiii e ,iiid tli- 1 ilil clket f li inil\ ) 1 an ii-it 11 .ill liii pi i/.-d ; kut
Id I r,di!\', \..i,s iM.ici.i!'li\ pii.il'.l 1,1 1 .iiii'i'iii- 1,1 il e,i' on ill, eonii 1 \ , h i\ 1- Ion ; 1 \p,cli ,1 \ on." Itwi-le.o
tin- lliilil p'lt oi tliiii .ivo-,\,d iiK-n;-.u i, .-.s a pii.,.t i.| .''.link 111 11. e iiini i.u,',^ u!i'ii tmiiu K.inl/.iw ee.iie tii
lii.s r.uid.ieHoii with t|u..||- eiiidnil. He, ,11 liie l.nnr liie doirol her iii.!]eilv's airi cli.nnher, ,ind kn,ieke(i
tiiiic, eiadlililted jjio'hel court, Cniiipok d onK ol li\ Ini .1,1 iillanee. • ( )ii,- ok llie woiiu-ii ilioiil tm- iju-. nks
p.-rl -'i.i ol inte:;rii\, IowIiiiiiIk- i.iin.- p r.. ,-r was de- 1 p.-ikm -,>.is ord.ei, d 10 w.ikehi r, ,ind ^lee li f iiilnr ii,\-
.;iied He pr.'eeeileil In pni ;e tlii- iliimir-, ,iii,i I'm ll, it llie w ,!s ai 1 ,(!; I.
■1 I,-
inl,; r li.idi.'s ol llu- I 1 ,v', '111'. .1 111' 11.
the n..li- ' el till- kiii'j,'s
tk-jMrlU'eiil, ll
,l.s, and lilu 1 w.'i
liioke .id .lie link-
siii'j, s ( . I .en ., 'U.i'.e r.-.r (.;,'.s n u> . U' n.-iir, a
llieii put !i.-i" inl.i OIK"
an. I
'I'l n r nil 111 Hie I' 1.' I. I
'I C
1 un.niiiir 1.
e r. .,.iiu-i:i 1. 1
\ (io.ii d ,ui iiik,i i\ iliDii ill C'(i-,' iiit.i ;. 11 : eeeiv
niiids, tin- liiii ll e.'t'is in iiie ll r\ i,
i,,.t mil ;,ir.
'i'Mi w .1 . l.ikeii t )
nt li : tltv- 11
ilifliaiidiii w itliiiiit ,1 111 nt, !'• II \ er\ ...iii '.nnis I d.iinii. 11 il. 1111, .11 - .ind Inls r,-i orl s w 1. 1\- Cii 1 11
.Still p
i.icei (111).; Ill ll
111! n, '.I 11 Ilk .
nine to icinier liie il :t ■ pi 1 lon-rs o
aii'i periknis atciiii\>ii , lit, lie iilii, ■ .ic U k ■ iito.il.. h .1 , 1, poikm ii.io die l.iii.;'s collee to ik diov ki.n j
I- I'.ildes, ,i,iii t,i I, t l..e i'.n iiiels ' li.il llu\ inieiideil t'l deeMi'j liiiii iiu-.iniilde of .'.ivi-i 11-
leiiijil ;i aiinlliiilioii I
and pi ,ikint.s ,it peilei 1 Id). 1\ . No v ■ ii;iiei tk.il h.- k ii ,1
.Kliin to liuli 111 .ilins, ,iiid ill. I. .ill II. lilies join, I 111
t,. r
.11 l| ' 111 1 o
nt id til.:
:i, .1- well .1. Ii.i i 111 I'rinee I i.d -nek; and U)
ll;s ill 111 111 lion. '11
ele wire
le;'. I ri-iK
■ i.jekii.i .M 1
) e.iiii.i 111 il.i k- e \'i i.ir-
tkil he >v.i> loo ;ie( I i.l.dile tn ike iim en, v.! i.
liin.nv and eoiiir |.,... i ns renins, ike km • Idiiik
I- •nil'.
'll ti \t.
ll \ .Is the iniii.il, I, ai'il no
t ill
lis hi.Jilur, .1
1 pe ri .1 III a
n.iii, w lio k.id h ■ o,,u- oliiMsioiis. 1 iki iM pi, lend, tlir. iiL;h the 111. ,■ s 1 I ihe eit\ , t > In ■ \ li'iid'eU niii'irl,
liini; .111(1 .IS d'ele,ii".,l lioni tic 111, dt h nrnl e.inl'nr 'es'.
I e.iiin it\ , I nil' r n 1 e\. ii'e 01 e -in.
w Ilk ill,- {
r eiiil HIS ,1!
,i ! )iirin'. tliek tr.inl r nous Sum
(1 k.r..ii.
M'lres, w foiii t\i,iiin\, or piilrie l..i;iiiel', .iiidw.int d iiiii.d in tl'.e iiioll n..;or( us niipiil niiiieiit. d ney
(it iiiiie, li.i\ I liiijii
1 e\l. r\ ,1J
1 1. ll tlic loriner w nil vei\ li m\ \ cii.iin- .1
k.iii, h
tiiiK l\ ,iiul I'liommioiis cMt; t nt I.i w lii.i|,- nieiiiin \
1 Ills .111(1 leiis, iiiul lie w,is
1 h'
n 111.
ejvnli'! piillenl'. liive done .I'lijl'.' piiliee. d'linii .,.1 tin. v.all 1)\ an ium k.ir. d'iie iiu 111 is n.it
\;'l he e ei
not .ippe.ir to li... e 111, id
.1 uk
l.iiiiK' ma
(te a \ UiKiit ,111(1 iinnnulei.t 01.
ol Ills e\ie'ili\ e o-.m.
r. IK
OIK ir..i\ iiiii .(
01 1 .; leet lijuarc, w i.li ,1 liiiu
iron llovi.-; \ el lieic, in lets
iliini'''i ili.iiiK d, enmrk .id\
d .1 111
iilerv-, did I'C
I" ll i\ e ll, 1 11 itiidMciii ll w nil io\ ,d ki . .nioiinlol his lik' ;iiid eoi.,'n'. ! as iniiiid.r, wliuhis
\oiir, and .ueninil.i <1 honiinrs, and not to h.i\e ad-
\ .-rted kill
11 lius of Wild,
lli'id' 111 tl:i:e., \
d. In lie ( A iMii.le.s whivli hillor'.' Iiir-
ei.iu d w idi niieoiimioii
.V I!u)lll!,il
I' im.
d ol ( liiok Ills ill (ineeii ai d iv. o ( on tits and ,
.iipul .t.oii o
.'■1111)11 iiiiisir.; \ I ■, iiiee liie llippeis i.i iii , 1, 1 , e an
d. ., ,1 ;'i.i''d, 'II. \', ll', 11 ke V, .1,1. \ , 11 d lie oil lit (i
;i\i:i.\ 111
i eii'iil
e isill.
ki,,it 11
il.s k /I!
le, 10 u nil
IS iii'nU'did ! How iiiii-
lUlU I
Is llio Willi Id .iciiiiirL' wt.ill
li. .1
i>niiiiii)ii^;lit hli lilies iLinprii w'ry li.iv,
lu I' .mil- wo know not iorwli.ii ihiiij^s to |ir.i\.
liki- .Iriiiikcii loi» alioiii tlic llri'iis we roam j
\\ ; Il knows ilii- lot lu- lias a ten liu liomc ;
^ ci knows not how to lliitl th" iiiu cri.iiii [ilacc,
I'lUl llullllll^ on, .111(1 ll-mntrs iv'n |mii-,
'Ihu'.all li t k h.i|'i>iiuls, hut liw cap I i '1,
I lor larilic gicaiir I'.iit ol nun au bliiiij."
s r. c T I o \- I.
:', 7?
P,!', h'ljh, .)I(»,r,;/,, ,;)),/ Mm,
Ci'ii'it vf a Dfkcnt into one, and tiu Muniiir uf mdiiu UmIoii ilic
Ai~ tiiiiiv llicrruits jiropcr to the dm, ate. In t!i, hi,n i .
tlu Ir
(1 th.
hi Ills are covereil willi a v.iii' i\ nl
coiiiilr\ oserljir-ad wiili itr.i
HIS kingdom extends froir r.x ile
3n nun. to
r.ilphernes, i urrants, iScc. w liii li
III their ^aniens unions are hroUi^ht to i>i
ow' iip'.ui e\ .r, I
" pel
69 den. 30 mill, north l.itiliide, and lioiii 12 to tioii 111 dry \earsj hut apricots, pitches, .111, 1
ileji. eall lon''Uui
le. 1
d .-.on
)eiii[» I .r 800 mil
ih, 'i walirriiits, .11
I'- Icarci- as or. in u"
It is h
on ihe 1101 til liv
I.arlaiidi 011 the roulh In ilie I'l.i'.tK-, tlu Sound, and wh
I rii'< of liA eral lort>, and Io
nnoi he iaidol ilv ir applet, ,
'c iolei,il)l( ^ ^
■ irs, and ; I;im
tl'.e ("ate!;ate J on ll'.e eall 1>\ Riiliii: .mil on the \m It ■ Inr llule ,ire neith. r coininon, nm well-talted. I',
bs the Itupendous inininiains ol N'orwa\. Ihe in- all kinds ol root-, are m ph'iiu , anil (oiuribule iiii.i
liahiled or tulliv.iKd parts ol Sweden are very liiiall, to llie nouiilhineiil ul ilu poor pen
vr.eii coiiipaiccl wiili ir.e v.i
pace coiiipiil I
1 b
\ e\-
eir wooiis and \ a
telihv e 1,1
and h.irrt. 11
With rel
ilphs, II
enl mountain'-, iininenle roct
le eouiitr\, and are lor ih
o\ erlpre.id iiiiuli (.[
pcci 10 the climate
11 of
pnu .
if ihi
s countr\-, It in.iv
bceeh, Inuh, ahUr, piniper, and lonie oak
all\ ill ihe piuvnice ol lllekinj; in In.illi (loihl.iiid
be jullU l.iid, that cold and heat pre\ail 111 ihe ex- ■ trei s ;;iowini; in molt pl.iees Io dole toi^e'.jur, ai;
The lull, a
t th(
of Stockhoiiii 18 hour
in. ikes a Coiuiiui.il da
u aDove ine liori/.on
oine weeks
and M\ half, and for I
rioiIion.iblN llioit, t
the I
n w inter tin (l.i\ s ,ire pri
l\ 111^ to rot ulieie thi \ l.i
1) p.ili.ihle.
ini!; and hi
.11, tl
i.n lie woods are le.ir
- . ntiliil and cheip i
.■lierall\ \ er.
nil lu iii'j n
h.ilf; which ddett is Io well luiiplied,
th' iiiooii, ihe whiicnels ol the Ino
\ e lioiirs anil an
li'-hts. I
Iv ioii\ erliole into timlie
i.t I
or ,ill iiti"
Io thai
'I t''e I le.n IK N
iliat ir.i\ eliint' in ni
di export, from lience, bonds and malts fir
piii^; whieli prove as ;; lod .is ihole of Nor
Is .IS iini.il
ir il
le miiii s itie woo.
are oeLiiin in tlie 1 >, rniii'j
W.llll IS I.
Ironi ant.iia
(pi,iitl\ as 111 the morning. The want 1. 1 the fun's pi
bc.it Is repaired hv limes wuhin doors, and u.irni fuis , ai
abroad ; inllead of which, the meaner people iile llieep
i\ the coin eiiieiue ol ii\eis.inil w.itir-i.n:
th.il tl.iA
il .di
ene.iii .IS in
ihiiu^jh 11 is dceine
Ikiiis, and oilur liu h delences, and .ire nmer.illy heller
provided with clo.ilhin^, behttmn their condilioii, and 1 ne princil
the clmiaie the\ live in, th.in the coinnion |i' opie in iiu r, .uid M.:
mofi other parts of Europe ; thiiii[;li, whm
ne iirincipal I. ikes in
Sweden are ;he W'tier, W.
e am,' lie;
I., ike \eUer is ni ()llro<_;othia, or E.id f.othhiiul, .mil
or l.iilure
apneiis, it ulu.ilh iiiovc
Is ri-inark.ihle f n iis loietell
li If
inns, l)\ ,1 c .III
Inms 1
he lols of noles, or olln r nieiiiliei
il ihii
nileiiii'j nolle, the i|.i\ bclore, in that
)f life, iinlils tliC iilual reineiK to exjirl tlie (roll, ii r lioni wheiue \\w\ .nile; .is alfo for the fiidi
vhcn It has lei/.ed.iny part, be cirefu
is to remain in the lold, and rub
Inow- till tlie blood reiurn.s to it ai;ain.
jiplied, which Ine.ikiii;; ol the ii e upon it, which (omeiimes lurpii:-
the pan allecled wit!
1 tr.ivdh rs, and in li.ill an hour hi
■!v d
comes iiavii;,ihl
Ihe year, tlioujih re''iil.ir 111 ihciii-
is citremely deep, liein.; in loine pl.ices above 33"
o p.irt of the Hallic lea exceeds (;o.
feUes, do not allo^elhcranlwer thole ol oilier dun. lies, lupphcs ihe 1 iver .Moi.d.i, which runs ihromili .Nei-
rem li am
idor oblerved, who, in r.iiIKi^
■u 11 W.ls ,1 1.1
ao ivc
30 fc
there w'( re in Sweden oiiK nine 111011 ths w inter, .1 ml all fniie w inuis is Io dio.iked up with ice. that lor
the relt
vers loi
.r: for a.s winter coiiiiniiiil\- In i;ins
hum s no w.iiei
luimiier iiiiiiudiatcly liicci
ir no fjiace to be called fpri
l:e III olid I s III
ml w Inch nine
er Elv
a. or Wdt Coihl'Ml,
prodiiclions, therefore, of the earth oii;;lit to he, as ne.ir da (eel, and palies Goiteiihur
iown a roes
till y
re.illv are, more
outhern coiiniiU'
V in their arow
tb th
1 In- iliird emiilies itielf at Sloe
lohn, and Inrrilll
the realoii of which f
eeins to one lide o
( the town wiih (redi water, as the I .1 iln'
lie, that the oil anil
the tr
iiir 111 til" I
ree:, and minciah it piodiK.cs) Uei
anil (
IS .ippe.ir-
ihi- oiher wiili
l.ili. TiH'le, and ahund.i
)f odio
'd up
lieieoi iimiy, like ponds, have no veni, a"'
if; '
. cr.ncR APiiv.
it lici iIk \ nlil.iili,
s, liir iliiir ui'.ilib ii' fldin,
lo 1)1' In c'd, iiiid Clinic,
)\»S, III t.lll .ll llllllll' ;
(lulKil villi iIkh liK-,
I 1)1 'lom will-,
ii^s li.ippi'ii c'v'iy (I. IV,
1 wli.ii tilings to |ir.i\.
1 llic llri'iK wi- ro.iiii ;
li.is ,\ ecit.iin liomc ;
ml til" iiiucri.iiii iilatc,
.ILiVllT^ t\ 'l\ JMIC.
Inn liw i,i|i I I '1,
ol nun aic bliiiil."
rutlden acluiitrd liv ijic \w..i
rontmu.illy IImhv, .n.d il., >,.
Iiiii' (l.i\-, ami niiii;; k. im..
lliciiiii„iti'. Ill ill, liiiiMh r
id willi a v.iiii ly ol' ||,mc-,_
M-rljip ad wlih llr,i>\!)cni: ,
rtllilll i^lOW upon I'ViTV llH■^.
.iru bioui^lit Id no,n! pi'ilr^:.
ipncois, |)ivf|u-s, ,in,l (itJHt
s Icwri'i- .1-. uraii^is. 1 1;- ,•
'It., and In i.r mlcialiU ^ i.ni,
ir apple., . . lis, and j hniii .;
iiiiiiii, iini urij.iallid. r.iit
ilcllU, .lli.l lulllllljuli; IllUih
jiuiir pi.'oplc.
loiill.s ii\ (.rlprcad much i.t
r llu: nivll pail of ]iiiu ■, l;r,
pvr, and lniiic uak ; I'lpci i-
•kiii^ 111 lii.illi {'iiiilil.iiul ; li;;
l.ui's 111 fluli- tii'^rdk r, aiul
ill, tliai ill- uoikI.', ail li.ir. c-
I a p ^luiliil and ilii' i|i I ■-
V CI , II I ail and tall, arc cil.-
r tit lur all iilc. , Id lltai il r
c, ho.iids and mall,. I>ir ti\,t
;; ioil a. tlinl'c iif \iii,\.i,.
I . die wiiod. arc nuKi. Il-
l.i well liipphcd IVimi liniaia
I c id 1 1\ cr> and «ati r -i .ii; -
i.iiioal ,ili i\ c I; \ 11,11, i .
lu^li II i,s deemed mil li.ill .n
Sweden arc die \'e;tor, W.
ii;'>iliia,i)r Kafl f.oililaiul, ,i;iii
lelliiiL; lit ll.iriiis, 1)\ .i t ■!!' -
tie ila\ bcl'ire, in that | i ir-
1 lie; ,i,s alio lur tlie lu.i i i
It, which liimciinu'-. Turpi 1.-
Iioiir bceonics navi^.iblc 1'
III liimc places abiivc '^D'' 1 1-
lie Haliic lea exceeds r,o. 1:
1, which runs tliroui;li NC-
i!l of ah ive 30 Icct ; .iiui '.-^
d up uiih ice. that lor ii.ii \
loHoihia, (ir Well CoiIiI'm!,
er Elvc, jailing ddwii a roe.
r at Slockholcii, and lurrilh ■
i) Irelh water, as ilic I 1 d" '
•le, and aliiiiidaiicc id" iidi;'
.c ponds, have no vent, an'
1 1
1 '
S W I. 1) F. N'.
vi.ll lloriil with a varici)' or Hfli : as l.ilmoii, \)\W,
lu'iili, liiitl), iroiit, ci U, ;iml iii.iiiy oilur Icris, iiii |
Liiovvri iirowiirn- J iif V.\\\k\\ tllf llHill lili'litllill l^ iIk' |
lliv.imliii.;, ii lilli IlIs lliHri llic piUh.ird, ukcii tii v^rcal
ilii.iiiniii.s, l.ilicil Ml h.iruK, iiiiil ilillriliiiud all t)Vfr j
the ('iiunii\.
Tlic i;iill;li ol liiil\M(|, wlmli ri|)jr^iti-s Swidiii from
lli.il \iioviiici', ,iliiiiiii(l> w nil |ial<, 111 \vlm li .1 I (Hilidi'. j
r.ilili.- iiii.iniiiy - .iii.l i \|)(irti d: .iiid '
ill ilu- l.iki'i of I'iiil.md aic vail (jii.iiiiitu > nl \nW, ,
uliii li till') l.ili, dr\ , and Ml M \ > r) i Ikap laus. I'lu Ic .
lako arc til' ureal nil- loi iIil- Ldiui'iiicnti' of rarii.incj
III luiniiur liy boats a;id in wmtiT l)v lltd'^i's; and ,
anioiii; iliiin, on ilu- Ir i-i .i.ill, arc aim, ill iiitimiu:-
i.ihlr liiili' illaiui<, loiiiv.' I.I wimli ari- inli.iliili'd, loiii"
imiiiliaiiiti-il, liiit cuvoix-l wiili wood, and oUicim arc
ini'tcK liiiKii rocks.
riK'fivirs id Sweden \\iU hi' iiicntiuiu'il \vlu'ii we
tome lo einiMUTaic the l.'.eral provinces and dillruls.
{■Diueiiiin.; tlie loll dl Sweden, an iri:;enions ti.i-
\cller lavs " 1 ''""'^ il nvay bo very jiilliy aliened,
tli.it not one twentieili pin of this country is in a
ll.iie lo be cullivalcd. I liavc travelled near 700 Klij^-
lilli miles 111 till' kin.;dom, and, e\ee|it in llie pioviiue
,i| Seiiii.i, iiid in li-me puis of !■ inl.iiiil, did not lee
t J acres ol j;ood l.iiid 1\ iii;; to;;rilur. |
■['lie foil, li'iweser, in j)!'' ■. • e.ipal)!.' of cnltiv.ilioM, is
tiller. ibl\ liiiufiil.tliDii 'Ji le III 1111 .il)i)\e li.ilfa f ml deep; j
and Ireii'ienil) tlie barren !.:nd, beiir.; einulud In ilu'
allii* of ibe trees hiirnt on the plai c . wbere ihey '.^row,
and lie feed raked aniont; tiie allies, prodm es a pit mi.
lid ciop, \Mtliont fiutbei cnlttvuiion. Tins |iratlice
is II) atiei lit, thai ilnir writer.s derive tli.- ii.imc of
Sweden from a word in tlieir l.\n.;iia^t: that e.Nprelles
It; bui the limber of ileni.iyin:> the woods lia. , cf kn ,
(iceaiioiied tome law I 1 Innii ih.ii eiilloin. If the m-
lidiii. lilts were indulhiou- above wliai lueellitv' lorees
them lo, lliey nii.;h!, at kail have corn liillieient of
their oven ; but as ihim;s aro ni.ina'.;ed t!ie\ have not ;
iior can they filblill, witliont f;real iniponatioiis of all
fort.s of erain ; .ii'd nniwuli'.iatidin<4ihele fnpplu-s, the
poorer fort, in inanv places remoie liom tr.illie, are
ol)li"ed lo i;riiid the bark id bireh-ireis 10 iiii\ with
then ccn-ii, and uiak'- bre.id, of whieii ihey iiave not
alwav^ plenty.
.\'^ in other northern coiintries ihecatlK- are t;.ne-
r.iliv of a vrry Imall li/e: in nlier can the breed be
beliered bv brin^iiij; 111 l.ir,;r from abroad, which loon
de ■'•iieiatc; b' cuile in Li'iiiiier the ';rals is nun h \c\s
nonrilbini; tl'.aii in ihe pi.i r~ fiom whence ihev cinie,
and in wiiilcr thev aie iii':.ll\ ImH llarved lor w.iiil of
fi.ildei of all kiiuiv, wiruli uli.ii fill-, f) very Ih Tt.lhai
ihev aie forced to unlliati.!i their luiiiies to k( ep ,1
pait of llKir cattle air. e. Their llieep bear a verv
toirle wo-.l, onlv lit lo f.i.ike cloa;l'.in,:^ lor ilu' pea-
laiiis 'I'lKir horfes, efpecially thole of linland, are
hardv, \ Uorous, llion^;, lure fooled, and nimble trot-
icrs'whuhl. ot j^real ule 10 the people, becanle of
the len;;ih of their winter, and the liinefs of thelt'
horles for Hedges, v.huh are their only carria.;es in
th.il fealon. In w.ir then h- irle. are not only able 10
nlill, bill iveii to Ineak a 1 ody ol the beil Cierman
The farmer, in fome ii.iri.i of Swden, wlu-n the
winur.s are uncommonly lev ere, and the cattle alnioll
llarved, in order 10 iioiirifii tl-.em, and caiile the ladder
to hold out liiniii'.; I'.M h .don, n-ake l,i\-h:; that is,
tliev 1k>i1 ahoul ,H)aiull.;l of li,iy iu lluee 'gallons of wa-
tci, and the dunk ih-.i'^ ni.nl ■ is lo eMiemely iiutri-
live, that IV iiouiiliu- the cattle a!ioiiilliiii-!y, reple-
riilli'es tlie udders ol ihe co>v-wu!i a piodinioiis (piaii-
liiv of milk, and ni.dxe.s one tnll^ id fodder ■.; a.s lar
as'len would olherwde do. II ihisw.is tried in I'.ii,.;-
fuid, upon liinilar ocealioii.-, il might prove a beiie-
liti.d e\i'i rimeiit.
Swtdi-n piodiice; elks bears, v.oKes, deers b.are;-,
foNcs, wild cats, hpmril., tS,-c. and tlufe aief.unted
tuket lot their llelh, Ikins, or furs; llic Swcdillrhuiill-
iiiien ufm^ guns, and being in general C";ccllcnt inaikl-
I 'I'lie Swedilh fipiirrt 1 is fonvwhat thicker than .»
I wcalel, but not (piite lo lomr. He is ol a uddilli colour
cm the tipper part ol the head and b.n k, bin on the
bellv is white. I he tail is lon^ and bull.), which be-
lli!^ nil iied over his ii.u k,iN lullu leni todiaiie it; whence
the I. ami luiine Sciuiiis, whidi lii;nilies a lli.ule.
'Ihis aniii fore leet, and piit-
tiiii; II iiiio bi.s inoiiib. lie lives upon nuts and ncoins
ol ,ill kinds, but is moll fond of ha/el nuts, wliitli he
,',.iihcr, ill the proper lealon, and hoards ii|) .inainll
wnii, r. Sijiiirrels ,iri' i;enerall\ lo be nut with iijuiii
tliev, wh'ie they build their liells, and lirili:; up their
vonni;. TIil'\- can lia|) very rcadil) liom boii;;h t(i
bi>ii:;li, and fomeiiines liom liec lo tiee,al which lime
tluy iile ihiir tails iiilKad ol vciii;;s; lui it i.s of great
blip in keepiiii; ihein liom linkiii.;.
I'oiiltrv o( vaiioiis kinds are reared ir, Sweden. Of
game there is plenty, both of land .i.id water-fowl;
particul.iily paririif.;e.s, and a birtl called a yerjicr,
jwliuh releinbles the paitrid^^e.
I The orra is a lowl of the li/e of .1 Inn, and the l;edcr
is very iie.ir as bii; ,\s a tin key. In winter the Swedilli
Iporlfmen amiile thendelv ( with killiiii^ blackbiids
thriillies i;nd Ivd, nlu.iiis ; ihe kilter beni'5 beantilnl
' birdv, liimpmoully airased in j;or;',eoiis plumes, vvhicll
.lie hiii-ly tipped wiih learlel: thev are alionl the li/.c
of lleUllares, and their llelh is ol ,1 moll exipiilile lla-
, vour. I'iaeon.s are fcarcc, on accoiini of th.e threat
iiiimber of voracious liird.s which dellroy them.
I Tlie eagle is till moll reinark.ihle bird of juev. Thii
! bird is of a l.ir;;e li/.e, verv Itroin;, and can nev -r b'j
tanii d like tiic haw k in order lo p.urlue i;ame ; „nd il ii
murb more map llic in nppe iraiu e llvni ilie viiluirc.
j '1 heeai^lc piiiicipa!!\ inlialm.s niaccelilhle m uinl nils-,
'and loolls -m the l.i!i; Il trees, beiii", fond of Incli
.pi. ices as are lead fr; i;'i- nteci l;v inaiikind. Ilovcever,
a-, biids, ,is well as oilier animals, are louiiil in '.greater
plenty round thi' habiuiions of men, the c.itile is fome-
! iniie.s induced to Itequent tluilc places lor the conveni-
jence ol its prey. I'liev live iiiueli on Idli, cr.ibs, tor-
.loiles, wild-ducks, iioiilirv, pi;;eoiis, and the like. They
ih.ive been knoAii net to Ipare even t'v.ir own fpeeic',
\ when prelli il w ill; Imiver. Thev' attack nvt oiil) lambs
'and yoiiiii4 i;oat', Lnit 1 Jinetimes d.er, lh;ep, and even
i horned cattle. Thev buihl their tied-, on the moll iii-
accellible ]>au> of rocks, iunl the h.i'.hell trees, fome of
which have been found 111. ai !is le. 1 in dianieler. Th.ev
aie uliiall)' lined with the l'..iir ol fixes, \vool, or ihe
fiir of lures and rabbits, lo kee[) the e^.;s warm, of
which the female generally l.iys two, or lomctimes ihiTe
. ; ,il a time, and batch.es them in th.irtv il.iv s, duriiv; wliieh
II time the male lup.plie> Ikt with loo.l. .\s loon as the
]j)oiir.:; ones are pui.luced, ll-.c oUl hiconie remark.ihly
h imli hievous, and i.le!lri)v l.imbs andp'Uihrv lor I. ver.d
miles round iheni. 'I'Ik^- olieii Inuii; h.ues and par-
^ liulj;es alive to their vouiii;, to rei;ale lliem with the
1 lel.ili (d' w.iriii blood. The coiiiitrv folks lonu'tiine.>i
]i.iv.iil theinielves of thefe provilioiis, l)> l.ii.'ii;; il Iroiii
■ ' the eaglets in the ableiice of the old one.<, and earrvimr
, il home lor their own ule.
'' 'J'lie vulture dilleis Irom tlie ci'^le in not having its
beak turned immcdiatelv crook, d Irom the. root, it
^ coin iiiu ill'.; Ilr.iit to ihe len^lh of tuo inches. Il is much
'nune la/.v than the e.ii;ie, .iiid fond of carrion, which
llie e.inle will not loin ii. However, thev (ney upon
, lise birds, hires, kub, f.;-, n.-, the end
, of the t.iil, wir.eh releiiililes ih.t of a IpaM p\> Inv. !..
; The bcik is p.iiiis blue e.iid p.inlv v 1 11 iw ; ih.e h it are
i of .1 pale ,!;reeli; ihe toes are ll.nd.-r; the t.il ".'.■• kiis;e,
Ih.irp, and ikiikiib ; the bre.ill, b'. li\ , .'.iid ti.i ,n-, ulute,
' lire. iked wiih bhick; the iiei k, h -.el-., w !n:;^, .in.l head
re blow 11, and the laiier is llauiih ai il.c top: the 1.1 I
• 'J
) ,j
r li
V ilH
I ■■ ! i
ri3 A XrW, RO^•AI
Ai riir.XTir svi^itm o; r\i\F.Rs\i. r.r.or.R apiiy.
is il a li^ht l)ri)\\ n, w i;li !il,i;A liiu s iiMinin ' ;u i ,)!'. il ; . cililv iiiouiul : ami w lu'ii liidu.'-lu linliliT.!
■- ;'iM U\ I .11 1
■[ a\
ni'iu ml' M
y to the (Irr,
ir. S.inu' \i .us it ii.ukl.v, liuill-., .mil cslialrs a iKlphiuiDus rnuH
a Ml a li.iwk u,is kiiuil in linl.'.ii'l, uliii.ii iiad a plalf i ,iii(l ioinctiiiu's Iniiils li.;hil>', 'I'liis luiid I
(j| oolil (111 li
v. iiuli, 11'. r.r.i
il\i."r on ihi- (i.laT. i iwo lliiuls dI iilwr. 'liii.' rc(l lilv(
"rt I'Diu.i
r im- is li)iin.'i
ri'iKli iiiU ri|iiuin : (n !uis au
:lli, iiuplks, " I IjiIoii;; lu ;'ik'
ll' a !:i;lu.'r, ami ioiuctiiiiL'.s ot'a ilripor IraiJct
l\'r Inll C.il;
l^ li.uil|)a:Tiit, like a mnirt, and h,u b.
ami I'll ilx' lj;:i 1 , w iio u
■.ills iluk' in ll.i' l.mu' tmll.'.ki'n I'.m i, iii!:MH'iit tiniMbar; ai
in li.i 'c:
Due (Ir (.'In \ K llU- IlK- '-.lull';" wimll (.-.ik- il l^ (ll ,1 ill
llH.' Ia'I;,,!
■.i,i\ Iv- I'iii.'. ii.inlk.K
1 11
is (..lliiii'iiilli ll
iuiS In 11. :\ ip^ a uu ;
ll. 1
■r L
U l^ he ivk |- 111. Ill llu: r,ii-_
i.,.\ i\ nil.' iiuilionu (111, ii'ii I'Mills v,l;i.':i Imn: 'lu niMi-
or .1 iiuUI Inc. a; 'I il.;' u
.11 ,,il
lliiT ran.uiiMis
!';■ II U I in;; > ;i i, I i
• iiiiiiii; ;i,irt iiKils Ik-; r,. ,(
I i^ ulil lilv .iImiI! ^S ,iI U !:IC
iIht v. iili a il;n.k i
i:;;'i\'.il>!(. i ;u li
iii"i.c. It com.., .IS
iiidii-s lo;i.;, lo'iii ill,' liLMii 111 [],!,■ iij) (ll iIk- l.i;l, wlicn I'lr l.iiiii.' (]ii,.iit;;\ nl liUtr as [lie lioni)- vw iiil
liij iu'i:k is 111. Ill; Imt \.\u« \\\: \\\w-s au- i.MrihUil, lii'mil.
i( iiK'.iluK'-, hiiiii i'\:i I nii;\ in i \!ri;i;i!\ , i .j imli, s, or
hi' wl'iu' liKir oil' is
I ; I. r.
.1 li'.;iu !;ri'\- colour, of
1 Coioui, llic 111 c!v ifil, ll
liroun, ,ii;.l IMC \\i.i,'> an- <.r.ci
l,l.-.l uiili
iiic,:;ii,.ir l;.:i;
I .is 11. 't on'-,
].i\ ;iy \M 1 ,lii\ , ami \i-i\ lintil
h. H k, ami \'. h;U'.
ii.C hv.lk l^ I
■r 111 ii, j.'ii 1,
M.K K, li'.c ll n'''U' Mm !
I- I .1 11
Is 11(1111 li.v: u liiiv' I,
ul 1. ct ^ cliou- .iiiil ll'.c l.ili
a l,.!)l.
■lu'. lii ii.i;i;in'.
'I'i > r m-
iiiin\ o( lil\ tf II coni.iiii.!. li ,1 .
It !.a^ ,il'.'.,;\ > ll . II l.imiMi.., 1,11 i;^ laj'ai. ilv , .imJ is olicn .in' l!..' priiuip.il li!\cr ( ii ■^ Imli.iio kii
OUIl; 1 .;,!) I,
liii.nlioin.il in' ilic a'K ii'ins.
us llic IpcaliiiV' kill'
'ii.'.i liiiviK ilic il.ini;ii!i'i M \ u mil ii'oin on lii^li,
111 > ,11 a li.ll.uui-, ll il'.c piklU .111' iiij'..
.IS ao'iiiu'
ni.i:)\' oilii 1^ arc kiokcd upon i)\ loiiu- ;'s lu- h, li,
ilic\ coiil.iin a C(.iili>!cr.i!:li- ijii:iii!;l\' ol l;l
ihi 11 I'nr,' i^ .il'i>\s inou' ,.|' (illli V 111 l.ils .;!
ih.ni, llurii'.iK' ll.'.y lanm.l i)ro:;ciu- lie c,il
Si!\cr 11'. 'x lie cifilv cNtinli ll IV.ini k.-.ul, ny m, ';
111 I n.iiim S, m.uK \i i;li .ihii s in
lllr I'l
'I'l-.o Has of .S'.iciK'ti
M ii!i a 'ji .11 \ .ii'ii iV ol
uiv i!n' 1,11- nil II ll
Has h,;.)
as llic n\ cr>
a'' luiul i.ic ch.iniii I
1'. IS the pini
.1, r.iiiii
.111. In: ' iioi; ll .;i h, 1 1
.SiUcr is li.ir'lcr i;..iii i;"!.], but n,,i f, i|i;;t,U
^, ll .1 ' ^, i\ I .
u.i>.iii' io ,ilniiu..!iii ti: u s,:;l ini.iiiii;
a c'.uri h, I I'pv. >ned In \
tiie ilclcc
r.l.o\ c .;:
tiie I'.iil
.ircl.cv ol o.ni ; il':iiie .111 in;; ; > llioii 1.1,.- I, .It "I .1 I 'ici.:.; I oil, ,iml 111 ;', ,;i
I--, or I) .ikcl., lo ilie loui il meie. cii.ii ol' a liki, k i , 'I, ii;r. '1 .■ lol;;;:.in ol'liUii ,. . I
\ lia\ c 11.1 1 V
. I r\- 111,1 1 ol l!
,1 .iiici. Ill a\ 1111 II .i!i\ IP.iii '
'ic.ii copper (liMiP (I
iv I, lien uliil I,
lie, u '.; . h mil I iw
i(U li.ivc Pecil I
iilijin \ lelils ,ilio\ c
11.' U'Tk ol 111.111'.
our j\ r cm. .in, I
.111 I I er,
I i.i'.i !ir l!
,ie V.llell 1)1
v.iil null 111 .1 vi r\- in,.dernie l-.cal licloi
1 r.
1111 a
illl iimI'- ; it is ll
.mrcs ,UMt p:i,!iv 1.) riline it. 'l'lie\ .nc .ilki at llie \>iv loi llic ule ol lui;.; iii; , ..iid is i.iilnl tl'.i 1;
L'l,..r'eol .1 \i.;ler i!e!l !o iliMiii the iiiiiies .md li ivc c.iiillic
liei; l,t ol .iiiolli, r lo ,|i,iw ii'i the i>r.
I inm rl, pi.c.l.iecd bclu i
;rc.il cop'v r iiiiiie is aho
lit H,., ''.Ill;
J .111,1 O, 3- .' ol I, lie
.i; cMiiu, hill ImI'; i! 1 I d.iiiM'^cs |i\ the I,.
I I i\\ 11'-, .11 11! 11.1 'K ; .iiiil l!ii klli'^ ii.id .111 e\eiii; l;,iii ill ol llic lii.il ; \ i 1 lll.U 1. I I'lu I
ill- . Il COir.p -ll! 1 I'
111 ills l,l\ o;ir,
Pi llli .lll.Cl,' 1 to pill I ,1,1
le \\l,.il.\er ll
e .iliiilK.i;
>\ oie ul
11. ;i 1. e rill .ed pil: irs
I'cconi ■ I
he re. don ol I'lis is i ,
Pole u l;o are coiu 1 1 ;
ll e 111 I inlc III u (11 k it oil
.'>" i> .1 11' ,!ile ,in,i p'.-i r,(l 111, Pil, of ,1 uliite (lii;i- mi ,l;t, .iii.l lo icimn o lli,- i .iiiliilhio ,i im i.iter lill'
II', ' colour loiioroiis ami ilm P.
'I 1. Il is kinieleiic s I'liii'l in liiLill iii.i'l . ol 11
'I I I |ii|lei I .Is .md null N p
il.i awl,
km ; ell ii'-s ,i co'il.il ■• ' e p.ui
to iki I lou i! I'roin tills iiiiiie, i;
(iilP-r, III Ilia pes, liii: ni li i .immonU' lik,' likr'.eiiis .m i I;, \ i d il u ill, I'l ,i I v, \i ;: s, he at ,i Ikiii-I, i Ipci i,ik ,l'
fi .lies in liM'ral loris ui IL'hics and ni mil, ,iii,.l in ni.iir, i! d.li.;iiso| in.il, ii
loll • k.mi. -,ilii 1,-. t
uliicli :iri' on io,)t
,111' lolil.lll.
Tie \
tri ,111 111' I r 1 i ol an ii ree'il
;r lor
111, ver\
ii.iie oiii ol iliu imii,' ,i'i,,iimis lo ihc s.ilu- ol
vci'.'hlv, .mil iii:i' 1 e ciliU' Ikilli d u itli .i li,i'imier ; lor .! "13,33^1. ol uliieli ih,' kin ■ I
i.is ;i t,,inlli |Vil I, i;,
Hot inui !i i; II I, r lli.m k ,id, .md is n.u, h of il;e u.u ol pre-i ii.i.tioii, I, it in kiiel ; I;. Iiili
kii '.ll
le.id. ll i;. ll. pi
c mhlls oi ii|lpl.,ir, ri,l
I :i ri,i|,iii ll Is oil, II lull
e !■, , ,iml ll HI i| ir,', i I . l-lio
II lor ll I -, iiiioii Ilie 1 cm ill, i r, i i u
I. Il aU
11 II Is i\n
,11. d
mm I 1,1 'lit.
II, ,11
line iilvi r, aicl .Pun c ilnee
.1 I;
II,' nil, I Sucdi'ii, uith |:r ;• . t
• jil.ii'' I ' "I 11 isliUii. Ihe lioiny III ei ore is liill I- 1 iii,ike copper ,i llio, ;. i iml clie.ip r \i ..v ihinl.i.likl
tr,illlp,nei;l, .tml ol .l d; ep, r \ ellow ,11 lirou 11 I okiiir, iken liccil pr.ii l,led, 1,1 as lo Ml. ike 111 It ill li., 111',.,
;u idi-liii ' .Is il coiilills 111 I
U-',.'i or liii.iller 1 11 nips. Ii ulmli li, lore i, ipiin d llii, e uceks, and u illi one !.l !i
ll))!,- Ilk,' rolri, ,111(1 is ol .111 11 ll '^il.ir lli.ip,'. W'li n piitol llu- i h nco.il, .iml u illi I'eucr hands. 'I'lie 1, i-
ciri lull) '\, inn III , I, it appi-.ii s to conlill ol \'i rv I Inn ■; nii u.i-, in i,k', ,in i lii< leu.ird lo h
l^kuc. Il Is imt \ciy 'iM-mjii) or li.u-l, lor it iii,i\ be Ihe lull illo lie mac
le liiccfcdcd lu a;
\^Ul rmliK'r.Is' ID l!;c firr,
Ji>< ;i liilphunoiis Inu'!!,
'I'liis IkikI lorl ((mi.iiiis
1 lilwr mo is lonn'iiiMcs
' a ilvi-pcr liMilct tulour.
ki' a '^.inul, luiil li.w [)o-n
.ihat;.; ami in tiic I.'i'm.i,!
I \s luavit r ill, 111 l!u' r,ir.
::\ l)r()i:'^!it lu-.ir a ciiiHo
iiins; 11.111 iiK'liv ii. ' re It
s a lit !■',; wmMi, i :ii 11 it'
uk lili.'l.r. k f.Mll.,. 1-;
ihc 1k)1i1)- iu\' ji:!t i,' ;;.
1 li'.;'u i;rc'v culDur, (li'.a
lii\ , ami \i"iv liriiik'. ![
■.<\<. ki'.ii.'li'u ^ i;'iiii- 111' It
nun ll.>: uluU' mi.] I r mi-
.1 liUii- il iMHi.ii;!!. 1; ' •
lllili. itO klUIW II; ll\.l! 'i
L 1)\ kmu' ;'s 111' il, Ih i-,ii.:^'
■ ijlialllilV cil lllu 1 ; Ir'lL
.(' iillu 1' 111 'lals aid', , '.will
pioij^lly 1);.' calk 'l l:\ji
|. (1 I'lMHi '■-■.111, nv !!!■ ':'!i;
I s 111 ihr I'liniiA ••.■, a:;c! ;;,. a
II n. ii'li) ■-•kili, Inks ii,;o
piii'i' (il\- r I'.I ill 1.
, hut iKil !') i!i;:i.k-, a; ! !,
kc V ci"J.;, w ilk n'.; : '. '. t
i'.vo Id n;n.^. It \. il! t; I
riil|iknr,',is \ : ;) mv ■, .i 1
., lu.t II' it ill aiiu I n-'\i<.
;r,:noii I ii, ami ii.'.l; >!, it
I l■l.a^ ilk.' IMni, Wl 'V il !i
I C'vii' ,1 -iiii, ln.ia.ui.- ■! i,<
■.• V, ill all ll\ av.ay. \'- '• a
i lis il ;a 'i 'iH' llii_, [In: '. ,
1, ,ln .', aal (il i'l: v 1-
;.il tD ill. Ikia, lli.\ 1 . ■
111,1,!^ I'lal, ami iii.ik .:i
I k- |Mk.i;;.iii (.!" lilvi 1 ... I
1. >-|'. I 'll~, V.i'.i 11 111"; 'V
ir ik. kair. 'I'ki \ i ■■■ -
ik'iai.' laal IkIhu- k.-,
ill nial'- ; il l^ ll n I'N'-
..lul i.s lailnl ti\ k.. 1
aliDUt ?...' ''.tlioiiK ik , ,■,
) d.i;iia'.;cs |i\ llu" \.''w- ,-
!iu tiiii - l^ (.■(iir,;) n! 1 k;
l'. rui •> ll I'll! ir.s ;, ; k:,
lis i. \ . ry i;:". at. 1 :,.•
I ill! 'I I ' ili<- ikiDW i: \ :ko
Mt 111' ll'.' mill.-, U[ 'I ill'.'
Ik- |''.kii.- luDiii" Cil-
'f !, iIdii (if lll.s is I i; I I )
iIimIi- \\ lai arc ii.iu . in :,
liiU' Id wdi k It d11 > I.;. .'
.ihilli ll) a '.;ii-.;l. |- lin' ' -■ :
,1 tii'il'.il '1 .' k' |iau I ' k' ■
I'lmii liii> iiiiiii.', il i
1).: al a llaii'l, i Ipniak .1
1', \\hich an' (III I'l'ii ' '.'-
ii.'d. '1'Ik- r i:'1hi \ ai,'
Mils to till' \.llll ■ 111 .1 1
lias a l.aiilli ]' ill, nil I'V
kiii'l i k'. inlr. uii: 1', k ■
1 i iillw.n ul '.'-, 1' 1 I. ■■!.
I >I,'. M ii'.y ', .ais , ,1. a
;,i S'Ai'ik 11, \Mtli i:i '■] ■ ik''
,| ilicap r vv..) lliaii Ilk :■.,!
D make ik 11 ill i:>>' ikr, ■,
'.Mil.s, ami Willi DPI- kkli
iili |i-\M I li.imls. 'I'll-,' I' I-
inl 111 lis- luj,'^ "ird: nor was it wiikaiiil dilluiiliv lliat lie • arc \ el reil liul, tke)' are placed under liaininers, ami
olilaiiual leave lo buy "le, and pradile Ins iii\ enlioii i by tliat means die lieieroi;' iioiis panicles arc I'orced
;il I'i'. lu-n I'o'ilk.il, ol a lliiiiiii'.; redilidi coIdih. it' into Heel; lliiuii;!i in kune cal-s, bill l.kiour is re-
will melt III ika kie, and is lo (kiitik.-, lliat il niiN' be ipiired lor ibal i 'iipole, and i:i oilieis a i;r.-.it deal,
be.aeli into cc-i'Iiiil; tkin ka\e-. It is more he- \\ ben iron l. '.'cry ;.;ood, tiiey niell il in a lui naee, ,ind
(jiu niK I on ml in lis me la I he I niii iliaii mil, ia v innas ilirow- in gradn ill\' a ini.Miiie ot Lipial puis ol an al-
fli.ipi-s ; bill lis Die iiev<'r (lilliii^ii-llu-s itk II h-, aii\ k iloii.-; Iiii, iind blin-js ol' Ua.l, wiili li.e i.iljiii'^s of
I cii.iiii I;^iiie, I'.ir i' is aimoll al\va\ s ure;.iiilai. liiii oxes Iviviis ; then tliC)' III ike niel;- d iik la', ,iml
tlie li'icll loloiiisol am kind, e\ce])i llie redandlraiil- at lei^ili place it on ilic a:i\il, wkcie lliey beai it \n:o
iiarem, noil coimnonlv hur.is ibe ])ieleneeol cnpiHr; rods.
lor lliis realiiii tliev Is I'.u.llv .inv copji-.r on.- that Is i .\ lilc traveller r,i\-es tlie fDllD'.vini; interi flini; de-
mit in .\.d wiili iio'i, in ,1 kn^, r (pi.mtiu than liie or.s | Icniiiion ok bis (k leenl into ibe nun s if Dan. aura.
ol oiber mel -ks cinmr 'iiU .iie. jhiwever, lucre is i " We l.i\- (ki-.s IkJ at a preli', \ i;!a-.;,-, i .died ():kir-
iioi 111 niiub in Imr; as ni od'cis ; .\\\i.\ hok ili.ii con- b\', and went .ilumi liaee miles the lie.\i .no rniii^ lo Ic
tain it.e le.dt iioi', aie ii."iii.ill\ nii'i'e e,r h ineb.ii ili.iii the mines ut DanaiDra. 'I'i ay are celekraied for i i.i-
ibe rclt. 'I'bc \ '.ll ams I i.p: ei ore Is ct a d.irkilli \ io- \ diicim; the liiiell iron ore in l-kirope, the iron of "Inch
lei lisV cok nr, like ih. it d a pieie o( ll'.el ill. it has is c\p'Mled into c\ erv coniiir\ , and conlliliiles one of
toili ki (1 .1 lid kill iiiin. ll is \erv bcavv, and ol a Uie moll nnporiaiil lourc; .^ ol ilie iiatioi; il u ' ,iltli, and
modi rale k.irdiul-; b.ii Cianonu" s.iri..;iteil with roval rc-veinies ol Suiak ii. 'Ike oie |s not dii'.; as iii
fpols, ai.d .;rcv \ ei... ( ) le liiindred we"_;i'.l ol ik.soti-: the mines ot tin or co.d, w Iku li ue ii.i'.eiii l-.n:.^laiid,
toiitains IrDin f,oio y,jp.ii|i 'k. .d' cii|ip. r. '1 he .i.'iiie , lull is lorn up by pow.r. 'lliiso;' r.iiioii isperlnrnu-il
»-o|jpei ore is el a moll lu-.iiit.hd bkae i olo'ir, noi lull, e\ ery d.u al ii.ioii, and is one nl me moll treiiien.'.ius
Ivil \eiv b '.iVN , .lid, wii-.ii liiokiii, (kiiu' like kkie .ind aului it is pidiihle toconceue. W'earrued .:t llie
j^lal'-. I'I. is i~ ni.iil r.( e hiim ii'iii, aikine, .iiui hd- inoiilh ok the i.i,re,it mine ('aIiicIi is iie.ir ludl' an k'n-jjilli
jikui ; and .1 i^re,.! i|ii,iiir,^\ (ll e.xeelleni Copper iii.iy he , mile in circiiiidirencc; in lime lo he prele.u ,1 it.
c.\narti.d Dili 111 a \\i,'i e.ne. 'llie (irceii coppt-r oie is ; Soon alier lwe!\e il e lirll cNiilok'ni he^.in. I i .niiiot
like ''reen ( i \ ikk, .ii"! kmiel lines ver\ liieliiK llieak( d: ! colilliarc il to aii\- ikiii'' io \
as ihe '.\\\ en.
Kjiind 1 he 11.
iiK s aie lhio\, 11 up In il^e \ i, I, i,
Caliitl liv
IH r oiser , \ icid a ''lea
I (kal ol llie 1
lowder to a \all lieinl-.t .iliove ihe ki f.u
ier\- >,ood coppir uk. n lli.x- ,iie piiie, uk-iii ini\ be' caiib; ,iiid the coneiillion is In >;i'e.ii ,is in Ih.ike ilic
kiKUsii liom ilieiriokiur .iiul ueiLihi; butiiioleili.il' liii .oiimbii'i cirih, or n
It. I 1 le ;-
iieimxed wiiii minui.dlie i-aitk, ai
are more
ikole tlial ale \ ekou innl.iin ir-ui
d lure mixed w iili lei i
III.-:-.; o\ er ilus v
It .1.1.1
.r, on u ha. li a(
;dd> hollow, lo the boiln'ii of wlaeli ike -, \ e in \,i;ii
Count ll.ev au the .iioie ikliu nil M he met w illl, and .itiempis lo peneir.ite. .Vs lo.m a~ I:k- r\j loli iis\vie
\ .1 Id leks copi er ol .m ink
I on mines am
1 l.ai
I i.U I. '11.
lie ill i;;e,'t numbers, i Iju
I delerniiiie.l, luiwe\ er, to di. I end nil v il
'riicie Is no w.iv lo (I'l il'.is iaii in ,i kiix
Iv low;»rds llu mouni.iiiioiis p.iiis, wi.ireilleN h.i\c lU ep bmkel, e.ipable ol coiuainin; lliiee p( rlons, and
111' (.on\enKiie'
i| w.iur k.l.s to tuin their mills, killem. d In i i-.iiiis In' .i 1 1
iiihied.ir, .il wh.'lc
loin III. '.(',
nil s lUjii'U iiii; the c. nii-iA, llu re is
.eikii'" 11' 'lit, look no liu k:
yi ,iili.' I'xpoi le I .roil to i lie \ ..kie ol n. .ir /^o,..^ >.)!. but p.iiiis lo ihllii.ide me from ik.-.- n l..;.itMii, .iiid allui.' 1
\ ears lie eilmlier ol
'.k.i' k
b.ei been In iiu- ik.il not oii!\ ihe n
or (.11
liuicii I lie real.
II. ll e 11 11
iv.iUii.i'.i t.) undeilell hiillli.it the Inow and i.e, wliicli
111;-, loll ell'li s k
.d "11 1... I.
tilhers, the prii e li.is heen iiiiuh luwcied.
Sinee the I llie iniiies, rreipi. ir.K tiiiiibled in, .nid (ielli"'.d die"
1 b'
jiioliibiiion ol |iaeii;n iii.iiiul..( iures, in c.\iiian',u' for , workmen ; nor could be wair.inl iii\ ahlohii( lii-uriiy
1 lion w.is p.;eniilulU l.ikiii e!!, it is i^roun lo , lioiii one or Do
lb of ills le accidents
cbcip, that 11 Is lolled nic.li.iiv lo I. Ik ii ike nuiiihi i . e\(i',lli.ii I w ,is de.il' lo ad I'.is i> inoiilli .iiii es, he pio-
ol' lorries. Xei'k.er li.i-- ik. II eoiili n .'.luc b. id llie ( lied k vided me .1 clean Imekel, .iml I'lil Ivo nii n 'iilo n lo
intended; bin, on ik.e caili.m, n.aiu more aie like .iceomp.un uk
u I iipeil m\ K
Ik, lIlUsI
u lore. 111 my
to r.ill ol lliea.li \ i s, luaauie llu \ Ciniuit woik hut I ' gtcil Co.il, .iiid llep|ii d iiiio ike biU'k. t. 'I'.ic I xo in. il
Villi kil.
.h (.lie in.ii;
iboulands (d poor i | lollowed, ami we
U(-r(' lei (liiwn.
1 am
lib imeil
peopK-, whole lu'likood depend upon iboli.- lori^cs and
imiics, w ill Ik
K dined to a Ikii v lii<4 condllioil.
Is ,111 iiinolle mil
ll, leiii.u k.ilile lor Its
to i)w 11, tli.ii wlieii 1 loiiiid iin k If dills lulpinded be-
tween bciivcn and .arlli In a rope, .iml looked down
into llie deep and d.iik ain Is Ih low me, to which I
;|s. Ills 1.1 .1 whiiilli k\i,l Colour when noldhed, i could le(
.1 terminaiiDii,
V nil aiipr.heii-
S W.is, llOW-
1)111 be lore lii.ii ii i . Iii.k k illi. \\ lu ii ii i- cl ended ll is ' | lion, aal hall repented mv ciirioliiv
cilled lle( I, 'III el. id lommon lion Is ol no ceriain ever, oiiK' a monieiil,ir\ li n kit ion, .is bel'oie I b.id de-
111, hill imill (.aiim.iiiU id arulK coknir. 'I'lierc 1 rccndcd an liiindred leei, 1
ocked round on ihe leene
is ailo .111 on- v. Illl il I \ ( I \ h(M\ \ , .liiil ol a red bliidli i ! with vcr\ toU-rabl
e componire,
w.is ne.ir nine iiii-
tololll Wl.(
n biiikiii. 1 1 Is \,i\ ii.hintiie b. II kind ;! iiiiles berin-o I readied the boliDiii, ii h. iii-i k'O kilkoni ■
«il lion, ,111(1 ulu.ilK \ukk, ,11 the hill melting, Irom 'or .480 leel. 'I'lie view of tl
le uiiiie, w hi n
('O I
o bJ poui'd
'I ,111 Iniiuli.d wei'jlit. 'rhere ' looi to the i ,11 ih, w.is aw hd and lublmie in ll
Is ,dlo ,1 lini>ul,ii kind ol
11.111 oie ol ,1 \ (
1 CO- ' (ic'^lei
lour, ihoui^ii lo'iii 11
kind ol ll mi-lr.uilpiu iii w In
\, ,11111 l.iiiielmies ol' a 1 min.iiil I. elni'.', as
leilier lerror or pie. dine lo' im 1! ik.e pi
ocketl ,ll ll, Is
.1(1 ID I'l .
ll \M I \ ielil, when ; li'ilil ok the d.n w.is vi r\ kiiiilK' ailmilli.l inio lliele
nil 111 d, aliDUt tlhil\ pounds ol iiuii ou. ol an traiidiid
vciglil. ■ J
liihleri.meons c.i\ 1 1 lis. In ni.iiu pi
il w .IS ,dil'
ImcU loll, and llambeau.\ lupplicd Us place
a Ji
I law
' i
1! '
U f ) i
s 1. r T I X II,
b^Miiis of wood acrols loim- pait<, (roni one lulc ol tlu'
rocU 10 tin- oiIkt, wluro the miiKis fit cmploved, in
bonn^ liolcs for the adnullion of jiowdcr, villi as luiuli I
unconcern as I could have fell in anv ordinarv,lhoiii;h '
the lead di/.zincfs, or even a falure in (irefervini; tlu ir
CH|iiilibriuni, nuill have made them lole iheir fe.ii, and
dalli tnein to piece* a;;.iinlt the nij^i^ed lurl'.ice of the ' ' I "'MIS kiniMfmi Ims heen u,encrallv conlidercil as
rock beneath. The fra>;nu'n;s uirn up hv the explo-:! X dnuied mlo les en ])rovinces, \i/.. Sweden I'lu.
lion, preMon-i to mv deleeiit, lav in vail heaps nn all j; per, (.othland, i.ivonia, Injuria, Finlan.l, Sweililli l.an.
lides ; and l'. e whole (eene was ealcnlaled 10 iidpiro .lii land, and the Swiddli JILinds in ihe 15altic ; hiit it n
Granil D:vfhn;^^ ami /'unii'ildr Drfcriplicn of tlu dii-
tiiitl I'diis (J ihi Kni^dtiiii I'J ^ividcn.
j;looinv admiration in the beholder. .\ confiiu nient
lor life, in thele horrihle iron dungeons, mull liirely
HI all puiMihment whith human inveciion has dtvileii,
be 'in of tlu ;"m11 ui 1 ihle. 1 leiiiaii ed tln\ e e|ii,irtei>
to he uhleived, lh.it two ol ihile pro\iiKes, I.i\(iii;a
land in'j,rM, at jiri Rnt apperi.iin to Rnllia, l:a\ in ; jjctn
icoiuiiiiud In i'eur the (Ireai, and ceded to the Rul.
] liaiis l)\ lahUipuiit tie.iiivs
c»f an hour m llu ie ^ll -nu and li i_;l',if,!l c.iveiiis, ami '\ TIuIai pru\iiie(.s vhieh Hill remain in the poCj.
travc'i'ii evi.r\' pau ol iheni which \\.l^ aeeelii!)le, , Inm (-1 the ^u tdes, are lluis dividid ;
coiuiuLivcl by i.i\ j;uides. The weather above wa- ' I. Sueileii I'loper, which contains I'plaiidia, SiuKr-
veiy w^riM, but here the ice covered the u ii, lie hii hue ' m mi 1, Welim.inia, Nericia, (.elliieia, llelliinii.i,
of the j^rouiui, and I fiiiiul nn I'l If tin loand-'d w iih ,' Ot 1. eailia, Medulpai'.ia Aii'..;cniiaiii.i, Inipiia, d;id
the colds ol the nuill .i:,oi\aiN xvinic'", amul d.ii km i> 1 '.\'ell I'luhma.
and caves of iri)n. In one oi thele, wl'.ieii run a leii- j| 1 1, i ..ulilaiu!, or (".ollii 1, w'nieh conl.iins I 'all (".uili-
lideiahle wav uiuler tie rock, wen- vi.Vit \, ■, ^ch■^ f lain!, \\'i!l (.oitkmd, and S'lnih ( .'it''':ind.
varmiii'.; themlelves round a cii.irc.ial me, and e it
in;; the little lean:-.' luhlillenee pa duced lioni •' cir
niiler.ihle occupation. 1 he\ rol> uiili lui pi i/e ai lee-
im; fo unexpeeled a i;ueil among lluni ; ard 1 vas lu a
III. '.'iiilanil, uiiich iiail.iins ! i.,:.,i:d I'rop, r, X\..
i landM, ( nelli, Keiihoint, SaMil.iM!, r,\allKi, a.ad
1 CapiiiM.
I I\'. S'Aeiiilh I.apkmd, wliicb c(>ntains .\ii '.einiini;
a little piealed to dr\- m\' feet, \\hicii wei- wet witiij'I.ap ark, In'.i 1 .ijaiMvl., I'aha I.jipin.iik, l.u'a
trcadim' on the melted ice, at their l.r
There are |! l,a 11 rk
no lel> than 130001 tr.ele men CMnllantu 'm
oiiio l.apinai I
Tiie Sv,-iiilli llfm.U
i ki'iia I.apinark
; ii are (icll
the mines, and then pa\' i^ ouK- a coui:i..i 1 dollar, ]' I. muI, < >elel, ; )/.'.'o, Aland, II :■ uul, .liid Ru;en.
if tiuee-peiiCe l'j;L;l.!n, a daw The \' wereliid op>n-jj We Ikall ti'.ii nl eaeu .;;
cd about i-,8o, under ti
iei;n oi
but have l)een eonltantU' wm
ni\ luu e ilu' imv ol
C'l'irillini. .Mter lia\ ill.; 'j.ratili! d ni\ cinioli!\ widiaij
)e;!iniiin ' w 11.1
S W I-, 1)
n in then 11. i,.'e(.u', c
1' R r r. 11
uil view 111
thele fuiiteriai
lean .inanmeni-
I made ll
|iro;cil\ 1.1 c
nolh Ih I ,.11 i.iMl, i.n tlie
, is iiountled
hiu'h in (.oihland,
call li\ ih- 'Mlljili (d i'lidii 1,1, a: ,! the iiMiunlam.^ p. at
li'.;nal lor beim; dra\iii up. and (an moll leiioulK al-
finn, I felt lo Imle ttrtin while le-aleendilii;, coni-
p.iud u ith thai ol In im; let dov. n, ihat 1 ,im convinced,
in li\e 01 lis limcN moii' 1 Ihould have hecn iierb^iU
ini'.dlerein to ii, aiui louid l',.i\ v' lnlved ,1 |iroiileui i | lioin l.anli 10 n 'it:', and alioi.t .;.•;, Ik mi e.ill 10 ui.ll,
in nuithemaiic.-:, or loinpoled a luiniei lo m\ mil- f llioiii;!! in maiiv places it 1- mu. 11 n.niouei. lie
lieK, in the biu !>el, without anv decree of li iL;ht jl eounir\ is Ii iiiilnl, llii \er there is
iiountrx leal, 1! W'ellmaiii.i ; and on ii:e < ,dl \i\ ( .elli ici.i, liom uliich
\ ou in.!\ he eel tain to
( vc!
w c re e\ er moie de
. lain ie-. ; and no ji ihe ii\ er D.il 1 parts 11. h exu nd . aliout 7,3 miles |ii
le.xtroiis ill winking iheii ': imi ih to lonih, and ,i!i. e lern them ll.ind do!.- lo, and luini- ! aie inanv miiu v dl non .ind le.id, .md lome ol li!u r.
incr, in their coarfc Iroeks of linen, a liar ol me, ihe j The niunii\ i> frnti'iil, .nid |ii. "'m < •■, ,1 i'()n;;ll other
|u at and refulgence of which were ainioit niluppm i.iiik ' ihni;.;., i Ncelk nt v.h,.!:. lee i..,.'t loid.il. rahie n::'.^
10 me at 10 feel dillanci-, and u iiii the Ip.irks dl \\ hit h ]i and tuwiis here an as I 'ildu :
iiuy are covered from he. id to Inot. I had the plea- SioiklHilm, the (.ipaal il the vkole kini^dom, and
hiti of \ iewui;; the whole procrii uli d to iciluee the j the n lidem <■ oi tlie km;, li.ul lis n.nne Ivo.n its liiii-
(ite into iron, and mull own 11 i- \er\ ciiiiuiis. — jj .itum, and llu ^mcii ijuiniiiv ol timber ufd in hmkl.
The'.- Iirll roalt it in the upen .iir fir a conliderable | nr.; it; Sioi k li;;iiil\ in-.; timlier, and I lolni an ill im
time : .ifler whK
l!i It is ihiown iiiio.i Inrn
lee, and, w he
II I II IS liiiill u|ion jilles ill tever.d httle
s. whu 11 II.'
leduced to fulion, is poured into a iiionhl ol find .dionl || lu ,11 one anoiiu r. li t .ki s up it preleiit li\
thoe \ aids 111 leii
uh. T
I'.eie pi 's,.is tlii-v .lie llun d,'- ! ill.ni.
lo.ja ihi I w ilh n.l'
luiiinnated, are next put mio ,i
hiiious dei'rei
1)1 icki ts, s\
IK V Ule.il
liirt;e he.lte.l In .1 plo-
ill a I. II je pi. ee w illi
lien red hot, .nid this is In ,it 'u .1 Klhi li/i
Willi hammers. Il is put a;;jin inio ih>' hri , .md lioin
llu 111 e entire ly linillied h) hein^; kiid iinder an iinini ide
engine rilemhlin^ .1 li,iiiimer, wimh is tin in d hv waiir,
aiui llatlciis the rude piei e inlo ,1 hii. Xoihin^ian
cxeei (1 the dexierilN ol the im n h.i i niidm I this eon-
tludiir; ]i.ii t ol the ojH r.ition, asliiee\i
Ihe dill- III ll.e
dllu I 111 .^limiidi
p. 11 Is, \s hn h .11 e
IWO lullUlfs, III
li.erii and noriliern fi-
iliila of Toren, and i!"'
1,1. Ills (.diianonU' di\ ided in 10 I nn
.Sdiih M ii;-i and \orth-.\I.ilm, lii '
ivri n '.. . a the il a
\. 1.. .till
.iw ■. n
.1. Tl
lew l.il
IC waU 1
i \ II.
)• Drfa-iplioii cj the dij-
\dolll ij Suidcll.
s;i'ncr.illy conl'uU'ri'd as
iut<, vi/.. Swciiin I'rn-
1, I'liil.ni.l, Swcilidi Lap.
II) iIk' llallic ; hut it is
;l;i Ic pn)\iiR(.s, Li\oir,.i
in lo Rulli.i, h:i\ in.; Iiuui
I, ,111(1 tci!i.il li) llu' RiiU
lil! iciii.iin in tlic |n)!;J-
liviiiitl ;
■olitains I'lil'iliili,!, Sjidrr-
a, (,1,-lliKia, liillin.;;!,
ni;i.'iiiiaiiKi, liiii.tia, a:,il
\\\\cU coni.iin-- I'all ("■i);'ii-
iiiih ( .rith'.aiid.
,in> ri.i'.,.i!(l I'rop r, X\ -
Savri.r.i!, '1'. v.'.llia, a, 111
ii.li irntains .\'.i:',v.Tm inr ,•
I'.tlui l.iil'niaik, l.u'a
;i i ki'iia l.apinaik
v.l.uii an- (:<'il'.'...:..l, (V.
[ -1 iiul, ,i.mI \<'\ .< n.
,,.i;,;;i i;i ll.i.;i iii,JCC.r. l'
1' 11 C) i' I. 11.
t'.'i.il, is iimindi-.i en '' -
,,n'Ji lis (iotiiland, i>'.i '!' '
a, mA ll'.i-' iP"'.iiitaiii5 I'.ii!
a\ ; cMi ndil ■.; 7 10 nil .
.11.1 i: ', ti"i5> i-'ill •'' ^^'^">
|. r.iu n n .ri'iwi;;. 1 1 J
i.>iiiiia;n()ii> in i'liiK.' T'li'''-.
ciijj:cr, and .dloiiU i.m-
,.!■ w.'ikin;; llu-.n. It ^
'\ i ;.Lr>i.d, iMti) il."..M
nMith-call :.tid call hv
h .; has (i.Tl cd llic I I'an-
limn v.'iu II It Is iciiarai d
'.K- 'Ai II II I . ImuiidiHl bv
II i,\ (.llllKM, llOUl \^llK■h
1; nd.alinm 7,-, niik-s Irom
(i.mi f dl lo \M.II. ll^i>"
,1 Ivad, anil loin/ ol [\\\^U
.V.ii' -, a roiult "ilir
r K. ,■( i.uid..lialiL' o;;c^
I i!k' svV.i'if kinii,do:n, ar.d
.1 ns nann I'oai ils Inu-
,,| tin Iki iild 111 I'lid.l.
,,„ I, aial Holm an. iHu'd.
• al !;ttK- ilian-ls wliuli Ir
uj) at liivlcnl liv of ll> >l?
;ntl.cni and iu)V|1kth 1 1-
;;dul,l ol' 'I'rjivn, and i'''-
lanoidv di\ iil-.'d iniol "ii
i-i and Noiih-Malin, i!i'
,;, li-/ I l\ \\.\W\^ 111 l!!
IKd I. an . .and. Tlu ill.'.
jiirl ol' S'oi Miolni i> '11-
, al:io oi .1 IIV.-I. v^lll>'l
lull! ■•• M' 1 I. ()wr.M>ii
,.,.. M I'll.',',.-. 'Ilu'ir an-
il . i!w » AS Init by liiii"
,, u- ,s a pi' ii|" a I'll '""■
. lUluTOv. 1 ill.- Ii.i, \*lii''[
HI,,,,,,,,, l.^lWMl k\ti.ii
ai.w'.l. I 1 '-^- 'I''"'-' ^^•''''
S \V F, D F. N.
\i Co littU- hiaikidi biioic Storkliolm, tlint it ininjii hv. \ tlu'ir i'al.dy, tliry li.ivo an ininninii) IVoni lurli ini-
drank; \iliicli is owiin; to tlic ;^icat (jiiaiuity of I'lLdh i)oiliioiis as arc l.iid 011 tlu- inli.il)it,u;s to iiipport the
vatir dial nms into the Ira lioin the l,d<(.-. '4o\ fiiiiiiLiit oftlu- litv ; wlTu h pa\ s al' ils oiliccrs and
Ahoui ypo scars a^;u this plan- u.is only a h.urcn Icrv.ints, niainiains a j;n.nal id' 300 men, and deliavs
iOaiid, « ith two or three c(Uta;;es lor lilliers ; hut upon the tharae ol' all pulilie hnildiiii^s .uid repairs. To rui)-
i!u liuildiiii; ol a c.dlle there, to Hop the inroads of the , Jiorl this cxpeiue, belides a duty hclon^m'' to the tity
RuHians, and the iranllaiion ol the court thither, ii : ol '^oods impoiicd and exiiorti d (uhieh is aiioui .j per
iirew, hy dcjirces, lo lurpal's ihe other more ancient eeni. ol the cullonis paid to the kina;, and aniouiiis to
ciiics, and is now I'uppoi'ed lo he as populous as ISrdlol. ! about rjOool. per ami.) the ina^iltr.ucs inipofe a \ early
'Ihc c.dlle, \\hieh is covered with copper, is a place
ol no llreii'^ih or beauty, but ol t;re,ii ule ; lor it is j
a Ipacious biiildiin;, wheie the conn rclides ; and alii) ,
hiriidlics apartnicnis lor moll of the i;reat olliccrs, llie '
tax on i|-,e burghers, in which ihe\- are alliUeJ by a
coiiiuKMi-council of 48, uhieh chul'es lis own niem-
bcrs, ami meet everv fpriiii:, to proportion the pav-
inenis lor the enfuin;' vcar. On ilie traders they
national couri ol pillue, ilie colle;;es of war, ( hancery, ! ulually iinpofe .40, 53, or Co pounds lleiliii'; upon
tre.Uur\ , reduilion, liqui.krioii, coinincrce, .ind cxecu- ;
lion. Here is alio an .irmouiy, chapel, library, llie pub-
he records, tK:c. li contains \ c r\ Irw oj' the inferior
others of a meaner condition, as Ihocmiker-, ta\lor.s,
I'sC. live or fix pound; ; and on no houidcee|)cr lels
than ir, (liillinus : belides (ni.nteriii'' li'.e uuards, iiile-
liccrs ami ki\ai'.l,s ol ii;e coin
I : ih
io''eihcr with ' nor olliccrs, and lervanis ol
, with other lelicr
(lie foot miarch, hemL; ipiaiurcd upon the hurt;-' chari^cs; which, all loaelher, would be thought a (^reat
.It tliCll
s c 11.11 :'e liM' lot!
burden, even in richei countries : neithw is it other-
In il'.is cily ar-' nln.
and covcrci
will- ellecmc
,.ir::e i luin
with I oimcr ; am
1 111
lies, built with brick, leai
id I
ee lie Kc
I'd by th
e inh.ihitaiit
our wooil-'u well in cultomK, as in tiie
jit in 111
us cii)', who can
eart l)\ the privilei;es tliey enjoy, as
e place, wlucr
I mull needs pal's ihrouuh llxir hands : loi the natives of
loliilm' v.i'.un Is
ts of the kinijd
0111, as all loreij;iiCrs are oliliget
The p.daec id' tlu- 1
iheu alienihlv al llie coir.cmion ol the ll.iies, and the 1 lo deal only with the b;ii .;!ui s, (except thole of the
denoliloiA' of iki ir |n\;!.;-., liiles, and lucli other' ;;entry, who make iron,) have noL the privile;;e lo lei
I ih; If l;o 'i\ , Is a \ci \ IkitiU nil
\\{\ one of tlie Inn li in llie kingdom.
It Is
but one
(lialely to ftranacrs
s eiU' is, in a manner,
i[de ol ^v.
cUcll ; to
•a\ liioii,
nil 1 on tlie ouliiile Willi marble w huh iiioll ol the jioods ol their own srow ill, as iron
|i;,nires .11
iLulpturcs I
nohdily imel.
liiyh chance
ul coliiaip
Wiliall Willi liiC
111 iwo 1.
i-e h
s ami , coppei, wire, pilch, tar, 111.)
where the ; lo be exporlcd,
Us, de.ds, .Vc
le i^rcatcll part ot the conimoclitics
are broui^ht
Vl to t'
lace is that cd' the lord i iniporied from abroad come 10 this pori, wd'ore thcr^
llor: and a liisL l.irlher are two oilier' is a haven capable lo receive iO03 lad of Ihi
. . I . . . .1 .......
11 ind on the b
kime. manner ol
e or key near
illi mile Ion
vellels may lie w:ih their
and are all com red with
only inconvenience is, that it is 10 miles lioni the lea
les IV
ihe river very crooke(
iiid no tides.
opens into
a noble cdir.ce,
d. t,
wcilur Willi lever.il m-n'mlic
hollies of tl
J handlome ]
ic I'.obiliii
d will
Mod of the biir,',her
1 Coppei, .illorils
null wiui bricl-
ent I the IJaltic, but is of danj^crous aceefs, hy realon of the
harbours in
dole to the
iihin it IS one ot the mi
if ll'.e larndl [\/.t lie
.ev, wnert
e\' are
III the labur.)
•,re ol limber, and wind, tli.'.t thev need neiin.r anchors or cables lo
from the
tlK-rebv lubjed lo the il,iiv.;ir ol
wIh 11 it
t,s .1
.ri|s, .ire
li'.iRidions id ihe houl/ ' dillant from Slo;klio'ai low.iids the iiorlli-well. It is
wlicre the walls,
pieces ol liilibi. I
a \ei\ aiKieni c.l\ , Pi.ni. iK the capii
,,d of the north.
fcl! ol th,'
knd one upon aiiothei, and )ollied .it the coiners; and by the iiNir, wiuvh is hue pi\tl) 1
I 1- divided into two parts
ir:e, and fo hard
k.d, taken
down, ,ind km bv water lo fro/en up in l\hiuar\, that a Ian is \ early
loun, 111. re
■.epl 111
1.1 be le: np .md lliiir>ied; .ind, when 'upon ihe ice in lliat monlh
kept the
r.e town is i.in
\eilS; .
lli.ni ihi
a- 1!
ih ot tlu !,■ tlu le 1- a m.ilii 1, .1
il 1 id ,\o or .{o
I ..lie licalildiil.
To 1 ie\ elll llie
:id k'lir .illill.ints
wiihoiil any cond.ler.dde lonliR'.l;lon^.
leie Is lo be
eel) the line
!! ehvirdi in iIil' \.!iole knn'dom, ii.imeK',
d wiih
ith f
1 e.ipner, am
1 adt
evcral toln!'^, eipeei ill\ tiioli.' ol Ihe Isiiv:
behind the alt.ir,
.ir.a- tl
ho, upon li'lu e
.1:1', 111 ,-, ,iie mea, .11 1 . U lo rep. 11 r ( .uII.imis in marble, between lb.- Il.iluesol Ins two wiv
monument ol
to 11 :
alio a.
lid I ibiiiii-
, V. lio inoill\ r.m.j.e
I lie .ill. I buried he
111 .niodier
. 1 is the tomb
llieinlelves 11
re is
.der dr
1 1 I p'. I live w.iid. of kiiiL; |i din's wile, who w.is m.iiher to Sii^ilniuni
n, will) w.ii
d: it is of whit
)o. e the citv,
ihoul onU loi that piii|
\e- I a w .1
ui'i M) e.iiii enure
1 ■ .1 beli upon the
!i He.
lear .11 1' o
be.iuiilul calUe, which is forti-
d. It is \er\ lar.'.e, built after the It.ili.m manner,
citv, which u coin-
I and has a noble nroi'iecL over
le >'
i)\ ei 111 .'111 1 1
ureal lladlladd.
•• IS in tl'.e 1
,1 pTo V colli
and over Ihe whole eoiiiiii\ ,
Illi once a we
the colIc"/. (d
111 ti.e lov. n-lioule, .md pialides 111 ieiidei\ .1 an .111. h
der III. at
hut alierwa
\ \t tl
to Si.
the I.
I ir
SP'pl'.eii, who di'-d in the ye.ir 11
ihe II..1.
.1 111 • pfM'N
d the
d ih.
for ' .irelihilhop ol tins lee ; uid John Maniuis, who, at iho
lelormalioi), leluh d to .idiiui tlk
ner.iii eonleHi.in,
.mrili h.is I!
ill, and i>
1 .ill public ,iiid piiv.iie I ,iiid leniov*
1 to 1;
)iiie, was the
llie on lliat ilieie h.ive been onU' I'lotell.ii.l .11 ehbilllous, who do
liiolllv niei . Ir
\\ lib ilieiii die .oiiid. Ikiis ol the citv alw.iys
ise tin ir \ ol. s, ll.e in.iiol Its ol wl;U h decides,
inibei I. niH' 11 "i, biU illil lU .ib.nit -12,
or inch as li.ive
U-r\Ld ll.e kme 1 1 kmie r.lcUoi L,nplo\ iiieiit.
not livi- Willi the I, nil. pomp and nia^nihceiH e .is the
Rom. in C.ilholic prel.itv s nled lo do; foi the 1 liter
iippeaied in |nililie wulioul .i letinue ol j
fjOO peop
ic uii hoi LI
/ i
' )
1 1
,i i
! 1
I' ' T:
i •
' -!'
Cji A MAV, ROVAI. AN-n AU IIIKaTIC SVsl IN! o; I \I\il{S\[, (;F.O( ;R A l'| l Y
'liuMinivi rlir, ct 1 t'Lil conlilU uf .i rii.iiu-cllor, '.'.lio
i< ;il'...i'. < ,1 !;ri'.it iiiiiiiilri ()l ILiii ; a \ u i-f li hu . Iliu ,
I. |>;()\ MK\- (
.1 W, li
111. mil, ()
r W
\\\ .1\ s UK' .lie
.1 Vi'l\ I). ill, 11 (■.lUlll.',, Ilti Iclllll.; .llJulll yj liiji, , 111
up; iiiiii ,1 ri (I ir, I iKili n ipiii 1)1 llic Un',;!', I'uin lomli-i ,ilt lo imi iIi-\m II, ,i'
I'l'.lt la
pr.iii li'.iv, (i| uliiiii 11. u .III' .iluiiii JO, ili.ii h.ivi ( ,i. h , iiiiL-,, in huMilili, liimi luiiili lo ii.nili. li li,„| |
'^' ulil.m. 1 lu- Miilin.ir) iiiiiiiinr i.T Itii.k'iiiN iiu-il\ Icuiu- lonlulcialiU' liUi-i iiuiii.^, Iiiii ii.i\i ili
liu' !.
7 IT Hv."
il i
,0 I'l W lih 1
ire maiiil.iiiKil In i\l .filUil.
i-'N .11,;
mil liiiiK' Il u iiiii, i> wire luiiiurlN l)\ |ht.
Milnii Is itic rapii.i
( HIS "I iiii.ihiN : liic i\ II, ii..it
I nf W'clbiiaiii.i,
iviw., |vi i,(l llic v.U'.ilM.ji 111 ■;illuiiii.^ ihc ill,
f.lMllIlt lllllllli i.r lllllll- .111 flu- lull 111 lllc l.ikf M.lllll- llClUlllI K
I'l'l I- IIi.i.i'.mI
till- iliuiih llir\ lul.ili' 1.1, MiiKli 1,,
iikiipiiiv;, .iliiiiU .^r, mill's Iroiii Sim Islinlin. |
111 111 I'lil 11, lniU. I' 1.1 K'l
i hill
I . iiii;iiiilil\ ■;niii .1 l)illi.i|)'s Ir;', .ilui
ui II 111 tt mil 11 lu a
\M,'., il tii.-\ liiMill a; ll.r iini\i-r!::\ ilu- n II ul iln- mmi,
'1 il: \ li' J ll'H 1|\ I- I , ,,i; ;^.,,!, 1\ ^ |)||t 111 ]1IU,|!C luilllls;
\M,ir lui no\Mi>, 11,11- ui)U'i\r aii\ diIki iliKipl.iic ilun
iIkii I'Wii iK'n!l:;\ or il.Tpoiitioii IcuK iIk-iii ti.
ri'.i.' cily 111 I [iLiI li.i.iits ilii- iiiuii'iiri- dI liu- i "l.--
I'l.'-''. .1 i.:n,!,iU'., ul'.i) wis liu- luMij uT iIk' niii;i ; |n\ ,
,i:ul ui.i.l ■ liiiK- ill iiatiiiil liill.- ,1 l.illiu-, i.r iiKTc plo, 1^1,111^, vluch Is ail Kiijut ui
inkiiilr imp. I lain c.
|-.nL;ki'pi:".; i. .i pKu o ok i'!)ii('.iii'r 'Me tr.ulc, on tlu-
VI- ■ M.i, I- r, .ili.iin ,;- mills liom Si.i. klu.lin to iho
\ i.it -(.ml, ,11 id 2 1 I rum I ; l,.| to in, luuili.
I'c II, -M |iil.,ii\ iiiuii (I S\M,l,'ii I'lupir is Sudcr-
iiM'iM, unuii |s I, p.u.iui! Ii.uii I pkiiid, (III iht' noitli,
1)\ ilic l.iki ,\l.i.l.i ; huuiiili 1 oil iIk- IouiIi, |,v K,,|t
'■"ilil.ind ; on ilir \m1!, Iv, Xiiui.i; .md hv ihc p,,,l.
tic on ilii- i,ill. li i-, ,1 p., pill, Ml- i'..iiiiir\, txii inlniki
(■:'' mil, - 111 K-'.i.;'li, .iiid t j in liri ,i,itii ; frmlliil in i oi.i,
viiiis, and liml'ii, ul v.iiuli lilt in,m\ (liips .irc iniili
in tills pio\ inic. Il I- ,li\ nil d mill Siidurm.im:) I'lu-
I'l I, .md ill- iliaaml ul 1 uriii, iuniad li\ il.i- kiki SI ,., U r
and K ik ii 111'.
Nil 1 111..',, lli<' (Mjiiial 1.1 il.:, pi..\liin', (l.,iids on tin-
li'"!s .1 iliv Ji.iiM, , !>< iiiiii'- 111 ;!,. luiidi'.v.ii.j ,,| Sto. k-
'•" ' ■ il 1- I pi .1 1 ul liiiiu ii.iili, u:i!i ,1 . ..ihHi,.dioiis
'd .1 I ,rii !•■, Ill uliii li li;i. iliii.i-.s 1)1 Su.l, iiiiji, ,1
I. lid.-.
',ll:lills I, ,1 Im.dl luvii i.n tl r l.-iiil; (i.|c d ij^,
l.n- \'., oiilripn IK, , .ind is ilius iiinilion.. d li\ .\Iuiu
li> 111 l|:i I, ll,. i, Ldiaud hllllip ul XlMiull' s', in 111.,
l;ui.tK,d .1 .oiiiit 111 hi- I iiiiiii'\ to Sii)i:isliulin.
( )ii( r (.m.'.l, In liiiiiii miumii lili'S j
XilV- \v dl, ,|, I I l,',l III \| ,dplll s ; I
1'.!' li ll.i!:l. i 111 u m-d, ,-r i iiiii.ims,
'I I': dl III . ': ul noiilii rii pkiin .;
'1 uu rill Im.. liuiiis ilu il loll\ liiuw
I )rlriiil, l:,,i- l!.it.;s liuii li.idi; , lii •• ■
< )■' I n '■ I'll Inuw, III, 111,,, mil II,. ,1,1,
'lla-)- u iiiil iliu Ikd^L \Mlli l/.uii, IpiLd,
In, .^ 1-. lip. Ill 1 lie !.i It dil.ii \ I oiiMiitioii u.is 1, 111, i| Il
'I'H c.-l!
11. o' m ihi- w ,ir
1 •-, 1 1> ''V vv Im h the luriiliion lo li i- i mu n ul ,i.,i,,ik ii
U.IS Utdi'd in till' I'aiiiilv of (iiill.iviis X'.iia.
.\ilio..iin, Kopiii,;, .\oi.i, and l.iiuiil/ai, loni.iins
n.aliii..; \\uiili\ 111 noli, i'.
Ill' piuMiui 1. 1 dlliutol' y rii'i.i is liiiim.liiii.il
:tir iioiiii In \\ I It.ii.mii ; on till' (lit li\ Si, , :.
111. mi. I ; on \\\r |.iiii|, ],\ |.;,iU ( ;■ .ililaiid ; on dir ., i[
l'\ p.tit ul Well t .utl,i,iiid, .Hid tl,i' noiiiirrii ivir, • . i .
of die 1,1 k I- XCii'i, Ul \ riu 1. li I'uiil.ii.i- I, 1 , 1 li 1 ., ;
Hid lIMi,, u! ul.ili till- ll\i'r I'loli I ; i,-,, ;',^.
II mill 1 \ ml. . I Wo p.iils, hum \«i II lo (.'.ill. 'm \i i ;..
ui-rc lonni 1 1\ um k. d m il.is pio\ n.ri: ; !i;ii.i-;i, .;
it pr.idii. I s unl, II. .11, liilplmi, ai'd .iliimi. 1 I;.- i
pl.u cs 11; II- .Ul- \ii|iii), I I il'Inr. I i)i 1 .4, .\!k, t i.;:,:!, ,1
_ ( d.mlli.iiiinii', I'liit 111 I IK- oi tluk- .lie 111 .,•! , ;. 1 it ..,
The pru\ iiiii' ur ikl'ii 1; I of (,i (liirn 1, (i;;i • i ■ .
lui i-n 1 )i lee,ii li I, i.r 1 1 di k irli.i, lie iiuii .11,1 ; ■.
.mil liu- mil s I \ lira .md D.ila. It e, .m.iii,- 1' ii i- , .
I u ill 1, liuriM, anil ( .ip. I 11' r.,;rt. I lie in , 1 l,i i j
llK.iididei.ihle ; .mt die roiiiUT 1). Iiil; ,11 In..' :i|..i.
tlieiiii'i ll.iliiiid.i, w liuli lurin.s .1 i;!il|-!'. li ,.t I; 1'. . ,
a i;uuil iiai 1/. .11! , i .11 1 les .m a eunliiii i.ilile i< id.
I iie 'pioviiu e of il.'lm.'.i is s.-i, estei'ix.-, '■;
lioiiiul on (lie iiouli lis |:-m;:!;.i a,,l .\k -.1. a ,. -.
on the »i 11 all;! I .iidi \>i II In M'-k , .i;!m ; on li . 1. ; :
l»-. (.elliki., ; I'lil mi llu- e. Ill i:, I'.f li, lllllll ill 1 , ,
1 lie foiiiurs 1^ iliuiiiiMmuii- ,11 id ■• . • .in , ,11;. I .;,
hii.iiiis ciii|,liiy tlieiiiklves [•! iinij .ill\ in liiiihi,, .., 1
1 Iiidiw 11 kUsal.l is die capii.il ..i' liiis pnn iiu'f, . ■ i d
liui.iti d Ileal die lioiiiin.m ( '. iTpii : it en ne.s on .i , . ,..
ll:k■|al)k n iliie I'l ro'.i,, pr, ii, i ■ in, tiei'i :, A r.
Soideil'.iiiMi h.i- .1 ^' luii l.ivi 11, I, 111' led in il.c n;,ii;:h
ul die 1 1\ el I iiilp.i.
Tile ul lie 1 !..« 11-, I li.'ii SiM-li, \,ii()o'i-, [.,.1 ; ' 1
.\lla, aie . .1 mil. :-:ii m i m, a-.
I l,e proMii- 1 ul i )i 1 i , 1 1.1, 01 l),il. k 111 ,1, ' . ! 11 .-
III un till- Will ,ii)ii 11, 11 ih in I :.■ 11.. iimi.ims ul ^, 1. ■
nil I lie r.i II l.v 1 II llin.;i 1 .mu ( .: ill II i.i ; .n.d 'i. .1 . - . .
I.\ \\'elii rm.mi.i .111,1 \\ , II iii,ml.ii,,l. Il is it., mi 1
!i ii^di, ,11,1 1;..' in l'i,.i;::h. lis lidi'lu 'h, .11 1- 1
',1 1 Mi .111 I ilkd 11' I,-. \ ,il;,,-, ; \ , I, ilium^h it 1- |.. . ,
leiiine, II euiit.iins uiil\ .1 I. » \ i\ miunlidi i.il i '. -
1,14. s. ! h. nMiinl.iin. .ili.iiiii'l wiili nun ,iii,l ...p 1,
.1111! tollle 111 the iiiines are l.iendlliK de. p. Ii hiii
iieiii .III iililer\ .iiiiin olieii m.ide, tli.it the t;ri ali II nmi:.
Ill r ul ll.e i,-v ulniiuiis ul Sweilin hi\e lieijim or n:-
■,;iii,ui d 111 tills piiAiiui-, oil wliieli .leeoiint the ml 1-
liU.ini s li.n I- he, n i li.ir.i. ii 1 i/e'l as more i onra:-,''. 1-,
li.iUl, .ind I e I ue 111 Us, than .iiiv ol the .Sueiles, ,is \i i '! . >
polk lied III ,1 iiiiiri- lihei.il Ipii ;l ol indepindeiiin . I ,."
pun, ip.il \ill.i-.;is ail- Idi.i, liiu.ii'd on ilu- iner |- :;-
11. 1111, one ul the luiiiees ul tin' 11. da, uliuh nm- '1 >
ill. Sill, 111 l.ike ; Lima, 'jfi mile,, more lo ill, linu.;-
\s ii.i,and iiedernor.i, .iliuill ,|,") miles lioiii {' \ ill, ''1
hiii.iliil on ilie liver D.il.i, Ileal die eonimes o| \" . : .-
111. Ill' 1.
The proxiiu'r of NK dol'i I'lii leili llie l!..i'' a
< .ulpil on llie e.ill, ,\ II.',' 1 iii.mi 1 UM li.i nuiili, | 'iiji.i-
l.md un ih ■ 1101 tll- well, .iii.j I |el(m;M,i un liu- l.iiiili-\, < it.
It 1- \',ou'l\-, moil 111 ai noils, .md u.iii n d In ilare I : ■''
rn-l':. The le.ueo.ill liere is .'lioiii jt iril,-- Im.;, .e.l
lull of nil k-., to the I. mill of Simlu.ild, die e.ipr.ii nl
1 1, is pun IIK e, Iilil.ited .11 llie 1 nun ill uf ill,- im.lille 1;'. > r,
u 111 .1 pli ll\ ;^iiod li.ii'iuui. 'liieieai. liMi.ilol.'>i
Iv .1 jioit low lis on lliij eo.dl.
All-;- riii.ii'i ',
'"'ff i:
Mill I, cr Wl'lillMilliMul, is
, u hmi; .ibiiui yj iiuii < m
lO tlUltll-WllI, Silo'.lt (!,J
nil to iiortli. Ii li.ul ini
, tr mines, l)iu n.-w ilk', ,ii»'
Wcllin.iiii.i, .iMil i. lii.i.iir,!
idi-i', bctucin k I'' 111 il.>' v; ir
(111 1(1 ll.c l■nl^^ II lit .'1'Auli ii
t ;uil,i\ US X'.ii.i.
1, and LiiuUl/ai, uin.'.ii-j
111' y I U'la is lii'iiT'li I'l ,.11
(III tiu- I ill li\ Sh , .
■.ill C, illiquid ; on l!'<- A '1
.lliil III- lliilliirl II i- vin • . I .
1. Ii cont.ii.iA K \ > I li I -■ i
I iviT I'll'! I I ', I '. - .' ,:
111 \»i II hi I', ill. '^1 \i I :•
I. Is 'IMV ;!,l < ; !l:ll .r i I . •
lliir, aril .iliuni. i ',:■■ i
•.IHiiv.iixiii, .\ll-.|i.r.ii, I
lliflc a:c 111 ..'1. !. ;, >! '.-
iif (.1 Hiiii 1 i' In;'. • 1 ■ -
k irli.i, ill- i^iii ii' ■' > '
.lUl. ll .■,.111 111, s l' in- I . ,
r lifii;i t. I \n- ! \ 1 I.I ! I
I HUT ll iiii; ai 111 • 111...
loiiiis ,1 u'lli'l; li. .1 I. I'.
I a luuliik ial)k- II ui.
i.M u ■. ,T i f \ir.v \ .-, :
li-iiijii;., aii.l M lii 'i I. :
|.v !)•■'. . .i:!m : nil li . ; :
,..i;l 1 . r.-.- I'.,.ili:.i ill t
nl- ,111(1 "I • '(i\ , .lU'l 11.'
, [iiualj .(ll) 111 liHllii, .■ 1
Iiil.ll iii' liilv l'rip\ !iuf, , ■' i ■.
( '.ii'jili : ll f 11 Mi'.> '111 ■' > ' ■-
iiili, (I i:i, lir.ili I, c's I.
Ii.l\ui, Kir.'ud li\ ll'.s- n.,.;:;ll
\vf:,li, Kill 111 >'i', 1.1.1 ■ ' '
1,1, or n.i'.i kill . I, '■ 1 11 -
l' ,,. ii.,iiiiil.ilns ('I ' I ■ ■
Ll ( ,: lIlU 1,1 : .ll.ii ■.1.1' . .
Iinaii! iii'l. It '-' "' I ''." '
ii. li> liili'li\ 'li'ii I- 1
!>■>; \. t, lll'ill'^li U 1- I" ' I'
II « \ I \ nil oiiliili i.i; i '. -
Liind NM.li lion .111. I ' ■'!'■ I'l
L- iiK II ilihK ill' 1'. I' '1 ^1'
|m.u!i-,tliat i1k- unaull mm-
iSwidcii li.iM' Ih'H''" '" "''"
III wlmh ,11 miiiii ill, '111 <-
1 ;, ,il ,1s 11K1I1' I 1-1111,1 ' 1-1
iiy ol tin- Suc'lcs, a^ \>il! ■■>
|',,ii ;l ol nidi lundiiii \ . I '''•
liiii.i!' d on du' iiu I !■ '■'■-
|r il,i' IVila, uliiili nm- '"'■'■'
Illllf., lUOl'l' to till lillllll-
Ll |,1 miles lloiil I I I ll, •' '1
luMi il'.c (.(Uiiincs (ll \' ' r .-
il'udi.i li.rli llic H"i''" I'H
1,1111 1 on li.i iioiili, I 'iij '' '-
ll IcKlli'.M.i on die l.iillli-*" ■'•
,ilid u.ili 11 d li\ llrci- t .''
hs .•lioul p iril,'- loi ■-'., .I'.''
1,(1 .Sunhv.ild, iIh- ciVi'ii "'
inoir.ll ol' ill,' ns: i'llc i'..' '.
. TIktc au kviial dl'''. 1
An;' riii'iii '(
S \V !■: DEN.
Angirinania, or Angcrmaiilaml 15 honiulal on tli,;
norili In Well Botlinia and L^aiiland; on tiiL- lad by
thf < iui|)li ol B,)llinia; on tile liiulh hv Mfdoipidi.i ;
aii'l on tliL' Will iiy J(.ni|iicrlaiu!. It is above yo links
in Icnjii'i, :w^\ near a. main in bieadtli. Tlie river
Aii<:,eni\.'.ii-i'lodt run', ihroui:,!! it; iiiii ii is a nioiir.-
taiiKKi, loiinliy, tull ot roeks and tori.lli; li) tli.U there
are \eiy k'vv viil.lges, and iml. one toivii ol aiiv Hole,
\v' ll is 1 krnoland, on llie Hollinie (iuljiii, uliere il
has a preiiy '^kkk\ liarbour, wiiieh alliirds ii liinie
tr.i.le. It iie^ about 70 miles t'roiii I kui'.vickt'.vald to
llie noiili.
Inijitia, jeiii|Hia, or leaipierLiiul, iias l/iplaiid on
tlie nortli; .•\n..;'jiin.inia on the eall ; ,\kdol].adi.i,
I leili:ii;ia, .;iid iJakv.nli on tiie loiitli; and llie hi'.Ji
mi'Uni.iiiis ot Norwav on tl-.e well. It is watered In
two pri.ti\ eonii,.len'.bk' rivers. I kre are no eities, or.lv
a K-'K incoiiiideraiilc villages and liainLis.
Will I! nlinia, thus ealleil, to dii'iinpiiilh i: Irom
C.i'iinia, w'lieli lies on the oliiei lide ot'ilie gulph, ami
Is :dm,times ealled Eall Botiini i, lies aloii;.; the iiorilarn
p.irl 1. 1 ihe f^ulpli, tiieiue called the Bothnie (iiiljili,
wliieh lioiinds 11 o'l the eall. It has .\n!j,eriiiania on ilie
loulli, and IS kirrounded by Sweilllh Lapland on li;e
uell and north, 'riiat part ol' this ]irjvii-.ce wliicij ji, ,
alonj; the eoal!, is prettv well (le.ipled, and li.is nianv
Milages, but lew low 'is ol i:\\\ no,e. Tiie lountrv i.
we!l watered by leveial ri'.ers, whU; ariie from tiic
l.ik, • i,i l.,iplaiKl. The ihiet tii.s.is lure are L'ma,
kiila, and '("orno. Tiie latter lia.i a guod liarliour, aii.l
is a [jLice oi lume trade.
(i T II I. A N D.
The lee.ind grand divilVni of Swedi^n, c:.]\.-A (ioth-
liiil, <()iiiii,i,'.'s l'',all-(iotiil,i:,il, WLlL-Cjiiii.i.i.id, aikl
ka!l-( jinid.md iiieliides the countrv jn'operly 1".'
called, Sm,iland,and the illand ot Oelaiul.
l;;.ill Ciolhland I'roper is hounded on the north bv
Sudermani.i ; on the eall b) llie Baltic ; on the well by
(l-.e lake \'eltei, oi \'eier, a.ut on the '.iuuli bv Sma-
land. It is a kiliie, open, llai cou;iti"\ , pruducinu'
corn, cUile, lowi, \eiiilon, hlli, ikc.
The chiet toiMi, ealled N(jikopiiig, ,wliii.ii lerui
implies tiie N'orihern Market,; is populou'., kirgi,
aiui hath conliderable coniiiierce. The billiop ot'
Avranc!'.e', in mentioning it f.ivs.
At Norkoping, where copp,er-|)iates
y\re ll' :,'d, the llcctls our 'hiver b.'.iis :
I .ary.e eoiir, .ire Iiere inu leN'd, and ihreails
s • , ■
Form'd ot vail length tmin eopi er iliieds :
'!' 1 dilhmt lands ihek pr'ji ious wans,
In loadi, I lliip'!, the UKieliant bears.
The place !> hkewil; cikbiatnl In' a lalnim lilliery,
wliit ll aliiiids a m.iint'. n.iiKc t" m.iny pei)|'it.
Suiki-kopiivg, a town ot k' iie i;ade, llanik on a
branrh ;U ll . I. a, aL ,.' 16 miLs lij.u the Baltii' ; is
uiitorliticd, lui! l-..is be. n remaikable tor lome euiious
crvll .1 I ,:i.s wlneh li.iu- been iiHiini in the iieiLih-
I'm iii'L, t 1 I'll' .-.ihv.iid of Suljivoping llands
Stigil.;::-'.'. 1' :s a :':..-.'.l 1 ■ ..1, I'. . 'la.i ;i tokialile har-
bour, . .Ill '.Liie ci.i,r,i .;■'■.
\\ ("i, I.;-, ,1.- \ .md.ui, il.i, .led 0:1 •,!'.■ e.ilUrn ba:;'; of
the kike \ II... .'.5 mile , il'' ; lee ! .1 1 N.irk.iping, is
only riu.:i. (,..'. ie I 'r ihe ri i - 1 1 i;i .c ..iit rijal paLiC'.'.
Tie l)';h.ip of Avra, '.- , i;; I'l.il^i.'ig of |.;ail-
Gotli'.a.id ir. geiier.'.! t.uu , fi) s,
Ni^'.v wii.l !'. 1-(;.i|', l.,:,d's b. Ill U we gain,
Willie bealls-tkiiis cl' tlie eai h I'l.id l.'.ain :
V'roll-hii liieir facts, coarl'c tii.ir litre ;
Caps (if waiiii frei/.e tiie wiikii wear,
Well jolted with tlie rug;.;.-d w i\,
Each, night ;:i ci.ttages we ia\ ,
No. 60.
Which ii]5riglit trunks of trc.'s comixjie ;
(JraN on the tiirtv cinering grows;
Wiiere ilv-ep, as on a level iiie.id,
I'ndaunu.i, unmolelled, teed.
J'he root iias peepdmles — So, 'tis faid,
Tliy temple, Terminu , is nude.
.Sinaland is lituated between Ead-Gotliiand, tiie
B.iitic, Bleking, ami Hallantl. It is 170 miles in
ieiigih, and about 75 in iireadth. Ii abounds in wood,
c;uiie, copper, leaii, iron. Sec.
Calmer, tiie cajiital ot tiiis dillrid, is a ver}- con-
hder.ibli.. city. It is lituaud 160 miles to the loutii-
ward ot .Stocklioim, and built iijion a llrait ot tiic
Bahic, called Calmar Sund, '.vhicli i. lituated o]ipofite
to llie ille of Ociand. It is divided into the Old and
New Town. OKI Calmer is famous by a deed ixe-
cuteil there in tlic' year iJ9Ji, iiy wiiich tiie tiiive
1. irthern crowns of Sweden, Norw.av, and iJenmaik,
.".lie fellled on liie liea(i (jf ijueen Margaret. Tliis
IS calletl in hillur\, the union ol Calmar. la-iek,
■M.irgaret's fuccelior, tiamded IJ preiiends lieie, and
g,i'.e a decree, iiy whicii lie jiut tlie cliureli ot Calmar
■irnong tlie colie'.iiate ones. After the divilion ot tiie
crowns, wiiicii the talai union ni Calmer li.ul uniied,
tiiis citv became ,i trontier town, witii regard lo the
Oancs, who were in poli'eirion ot Schonen. It was
often taken, re-Iaken, and plundered; and, t.i om-
piete ils ruin, was burnt down lo the ground in the
jeiu' 1547; nothiiig efcaping tiie fire but llie church.
.iii'l about threelcore lioules. Son atlcr this mislor
tune, the iie.v city wa built at a muU|uel lliol's dif-
in a little Illand called
is large, tb.e llreets arc
tanee trom die Old Town,
(i)i\.irniioim. This nev/ city . - ^~,
liroad and llraii, and the houles well built; but the
t iwn is not p,o|iulous. Tlr; "ew hirtifications confifl:
only of thick wails, built with large pebble ilones
I. 'ken out of tlie lea, ami a few rani[iart.s iiuiit only
with land, and tiieretore lu|>ported by another wall,
which the li.'a lurrounds almolt on all fides, cxcej't the
g.ite. The lilualion of this city renders ■ very flrong,
all tiie avenues to it iieing full of marlhe^ or cut otF
bj- water trom the ka, wliich abounds here with rocks,
lietween wiiich there are, as it were, U> man,' ab_\ lies,
that it is impolTibie lo ajiproacii ll.e plice, citlier in
Ivais, on iiorfeback, or on toot. (In the lea-tide there
is a long iiiok'. built with tione, along which boats
and lhi])s riile kcure. I'his mole i; defeniled by a
foitiefs, caiicil (irimlkar, liuilt at a'.-.oi;t 50 paces from
il, on a roek furroundeel liy tiic fca, and wliere a gar-
riliui is conllaiuiy kejit. Behind the Old Town (lands
tlie callle, wiiich is of \ery dillicull acccls, hav'uig 011
one lide liie fea, wiiicii is full of rocks; and on tlie-
"ilier good ramparts, large baftion', and ditciics full
of water. Tliis ciiv is, at prefent, tlie rclldencc ot a
luperintendant for llie ginernmenl ot llie ckrgy, wiio
is inmoLired with a pi ice in tlie laiiilic cmilillory of
ilie kingil'im. Tliis is a town of g.)' id ira.Je, and tlie
l;aliii;;e from Sweden into (k'rmany.
W'e.'.io, a billiops's fee, wlieie lome ot llic lirft
l-'anlers of Clirillianit) lie buried, Ikind on tiie banks
of the lake Salem, and is 45 miles dillant Irom C''.niar,
t'lwards tiie nortii-well.
Wellerwick, fikelio, and Jonkioping, are p.laces of
f line trade, and wort iiy of note on tiiat .iccount ouij .
.\ iaie ingeniou', traveller has favoured us wlili tlie fol-
knving curious account ot liis journey from 1 kilin-
burgi'iic lirll town in liic Swedilli dominions, on the
id.' of '\nmark'i to Jonkioping. li runs tluis : " I
I rolled the ceiebr.it.'d paliiige ot the , Sound, tli nigh it
lilew \ery iiiiii. We were ovi.r in a little more i.!:'ii
liair .111 hour. ,\t ! kiilnburg, wiiere I cnterid the
Sw.dilh liominioiis, I liad tlie pli.ifure of viewing lite
lieautifui i.mdk.ipe reverted, wiiicii i ind li-en tlie
preceding evening, Ir.im the illand ol /.ealan.l.
W liich of tiie two is actually the moll charming, I
ie.ive connoilk'urs to determine. I drove :.o miles in
tiie aftcnioon, and was then obii'.',ei|, by the apiM-oaiii
iC. ' ' of
<■ ll
I lii
! I
t 1
1 ,
A NT.W AM. Al'THKNTlC ^Y>ri,M or IMM.RSAI. (-l.ix
f.t ni"Iit, aiul the vv.uii ot'lioills to Hop :it ;i iiiifcniiil'.-
little inn, or r.ithi'r i;ibiii, wlv.'iv 1 louM procuri." m-
Ics nu
ilk. 1
lUm n liw
loath^, and tlu-n ^oi into the c;;rriag,e at thrc.
Ill the iiiormnj;
1 hv.l I iiiHli-rlloo',1 ]iroi'Crly the man-
nci ot tnivciiiai; in th.-. ooiintry
whu'h i: to
lend a
>roi uic
latiiL'c lo woivt--; or bear, ailn-li-
imoniy touiul in iholl" fO'int:;.". :'.r,'
I |ioinilatioii ; Init ih.e iiealiint- .Mv,
I were only in lir.all iuiiii'ner% im! r..:
Iiear«, iheiv are not aiiv.
pealiint tor\sar.l trom every potl-houte, lo _
liorl'es ill readinel's, 1 IhoukI ha\e cknihtleli made a
(.■oaliderablo (iroj^veh on my way ; bin a'- I neglect eii
this iK-eeHary lU-p, 1 was obliged to wait at every llagc
ill hmir or two, while tiic horles were inoui^^ht tixnii the
Meig,hb'.auii'.y, \ili:iiie-.
" I was loi'icd to tpend llii- n!^'jit in a more del
•ind dirty hovel than the lirll. where 1 wra-ipi
I'elf in my great coat, and llepi upon a table
morning, when I eoiitinvied my journey, the whole al
pea of nature was el.anp.i.d. The ihow lay up.ni the
;',rouiKi two feet deep; and liie winter leemeil to h.i\e
renewed it^ empire ovtr tiieie inholpitable plai^^, lioiii
whence the IhiilinL!; month ot Ma\ eannot banilli him.
In hope^ of reaeliuig Jonki>)ping at ni!;l;t, 1 let out,
however, in defiance ut tf.e inclenieiuv ot the weather,
111'. -
In the
feel-. •
lie pcalants are
.,1 1,
to I
lei U'l l;
nefs izratJu! for tf.e third
of a I. ..hi
liiiileU lei inu ivili/ed and bail larou-. tli.m
be tempieil lo lii];pole tiom the a| pe.iraiu
1 l.ld
liol 1,
which, from having been ver\ warm, was become, in
and [;iercing as our IXcuiilKr-.
tcit.ihx uiiattectcil by tin. fuddeii
iivi priKkue any eh.ing^- in their
i and ll'.e [-ealaius, boili men and
barefooted as before. The fiunv,
however, conlpirin'', w.ili the \.aiit of hortes, prevent
a tew hours, a-^ colil
The drivers leaned
alteration, which eliJ
drelb or doathing
women, were all
ed me from reaching Jonkioping, and I llaid all nis^lit
at a houfe, which, t'or horror ot liiuation, 1 never remem-
ber jiaralleled. Il 1- ijuite tlelacheel from any village
or hamlet, and il.e Ipot on wliieh it Hands is a bare
rock, detVnute of ain covering or earth, and fu'Toinid-
fd o;i (.very fide by the liecp.ell woods it is poffible lo
conceive, and in which 1 had not fecn one human crea-
ture for two leagues before my arrival. Yet, in this
fituation, fatigue nude me fleep very found, and my
fervant bv me, till three in the morning, when, with
the return of the day, I entered my carriage, and left thi.-.
mod melandiolv and wretched habitation. Mail I bcLii
in .Spain or Portugal, 1 own my tears woukl have kept
nie awake, and 1 (hould have recollee'ted every difiiial
recital o( muriiers and alladinatioiv , which luirfes or
novels had informed me ot; but here thole accidents
rarciv or never !ia]'pen, .v/A one may travel in jierfect
'' I got to Ionkioi)ing the n.'xt morning about ten
o'clock, and giadly er^ioxed. a lew hours ot relaxation af-
ter fo nianv unpleafing occurrences, it is diflkiilt to
give ,v j icture I'f the country through whiJi i i),ilie exhibited fonie tew m.-irks of culiiva-
tiun and agriculture ; ami though there was not one
colle:lion of huts or lioufes. wh.ic h lould be denominateil
a village, yet !'c
;nl I...
i, ^olh.
aiih'rv .,. I A
1 llie I leciiliuii
to ci'.rry v.nie .uid pn.vilion^ willi me, I iiiul! |ia\i' h...,
.■.liiu.ll Ihuved in in\ journ ■■ , lliii.i.Ji tlitl'e niilu.-.bk-
lirovince>, wliere I'le pealants are ilrang^rs (o c\.:\
kind of aliment, except bre.id, and filt pork or liih.
It i% indeoil, a iiuellion wlieilier the foriikr of i'kL-
delerves the n.iiiie of bread, as it is a conijiound .-1 i- ,_■
and oati; among which lliej ir.ii.gle, in time--of d,-'. di
and laniine, a kiiul ot (li ur made of tin inieriial i.,.ik
ol Iree^ ralped : il i- ol a i^luir a]]r ,i-'
and ol a talk' wlilth vi'U mull be a. I
" M\ lervanl,who is a < lermap., and h.is u,;i,d-:\ I
over half I'kirope in various fervice-, wa. ijuiio ureil
wiih tour d.nys ot fuch niiiL-rable aceommcKlaiiou, and
rxclaiii'.id in a raiilure, at ihe liglii of tlii> plate, lir.c
It was L- piraJii tevrejlre. It i-, iiuleeil, of iiftit, \
verv neat countiv town, and moll delightfullv liniaic !
on the lake WiKr. 1 looki d down liom i!ie n i' o;
llie church on it ; aiitl the turroiinding meadow
were all cultivated after the deleris 1 had
were peculiarly grataul to ihe eve. T
whah is near 2oo l-'ngiiih miles in lengiii,
biyond the view, to the north, and
the ua, t;:a:. a j.iece ot inland watei
Thoifle ot Oiiaiid will be d.-icribed
which are contiguous tci, and f
tlom ol Sweden.
Wcll-fiolhland is a large province, having S.n.i-
land on liie foutli-eatl, Halland on llie fouih will, liie
river (iothelba on the norili-v.ell. In ',vl the loulli-wilk li i^ not .'.i. aiuinu '••
bllilt 111 thv V
leiiiii "I
rxt 1607, under tl
Ills luccelliirs liavt granted it great |'
vileges. bv which it ij bevome a conliderable in. ill. I'l.i
Dutch drive a large Iradi line, in the war of i').f4,
the Danes exerted their utmoit ifl'nis to ruin ihiMiiv,
but to no jiurpole; a
lince, that il is now'
towns in the kinudom.
nd il I
Kis been lo vvil
me ol the llion'.ill
lOlU I
•oni It- liiu.;;, )!i, mu'.
on lu
jrl in Sweden tor ir.ide ; vet tlie (.oionurce ...in
i. not lo much
al Sio.l.i
"I ..
.Swedilh t'..i!l
the eiilMiii'
ouiili the wn'
to pal.ues, or iioblemens le.lU , .ind
V- v..'. Ij r. :A .1 kind of rude and gloomy
luper.idded lo their lilelice and
k,.;elinefs, very (Iro.'igiy :itiecli:d the
id. I'lv
tirds kern to'l.ave abandoned lliefe ilreary fon
en the
■If. 1
.ir fivv none, except
and lieiv.
anl then a <.u>.kuo. 1 wiiciuirej if they diel not atfurd
Norko'iiini; e\ceedeil 11 ; but tiie clkdilillin-ii ni
India compain ha.' has Ih..m
gre;.t .uiv.ml.ige to It, b^ bringing ir.Ukii otUr ua.
1.1 lh.it now It is the leiond port in
here large maga/.ines
reenir.i:' tlit
ilock tor bu
ikliiig, re| aning, aiv
'I'here are alio ai < lOiiLiilnir ;
vi r:
liable (.liureiu
llie aileiial and towii-houle ar
1 he
among oilier huiklr ■
itl\ lOlllldillOi
llierce of this plan'i.verx ihrivtiig; .ind I
ln.r of liups belonging lo 1
p.all, I
icell much uj.on inc inueJ
in-li- ;iii:in.il- .i- . i;^
:',iv.: y'.X' ^^'^ \\'.:,\ . . i
;'.ll\i:.-il i!ii-, ;' v' • ... :
i\ "..;.■',] \.:\:- ■:..; : : ,
!;n:v.i. ':•..• In i I.'.'k u, v.'
; ..I .1 l...lli cni-.;, , .', .1 1,1-
lii.iroii-- lli.m I'll',' V i-ukl
the :i| pciniiKf «it ^■,,;',
lot l.ik.'ii till- |.rcc.im;(,ii
til 111'.-, I iiiul! h.uc l)..u
iliioi.Ji ili^il-milir.U.lL-
.UV lliaili;,|-s I,) L'V.yy
I, and l-ilt j..irk rr lilh.
iluT ilu- luriii, r (i(' I'l..!.-
^ ii i' :i umiiK.iiiul ni i.c
'.iiigli', in timeout' il.-vih
wmW ut till. iiikTiini i.;>il,
Hir .I'i'i'r "uhiiii; :n 1 1 1. ;.,
ill 1h- a, huii.'iy .1- I ,^.■.^
.■r!li:'.r;, ai'.il has u,;i.,;-\ I
k'rvicL'S \va. (.[uiio uw\
,b!o actoiiimiKl.uiwii, a;i,l
■ ll^hl ol ihi-i iiluc, l;!,.c
It i-, iiulieil, of it;;. it, .1
moll ili.h_^httully lituak' I
I ilcwii li')!!) i!k' ii'|i o;
Toiiiulit'.::, nicadou ,, v.iiiiii
ilcliTis 1 had jalia!,
lie I'Vc. TIr- lake Hi..:,
Ics in icii^tii, extcMu-. ...
rth, p.nd r.uhcr i-cli.-.i,.
md wat.r."
d.-liribtd in thole ill.-. ..
1 luim a ] an oi, tii^ l..;,_j-
lo pro', liuc, havitiL', S:n.i-
jkI on the louth \\i.ll, \ -.c
'.(.■ll. In wI'.kIi il i.-. ji..:'; !
\.\iU\ and ilic i)ro\i;i. j '^
L- l.ikc \\ i-nncr, ai'.d [ .iii ■ :
L it lias Jiait nt' Nt;!,.;,
vidcs it tVom l'.ail-(lol;i
n uiaiiy l.iki.-> and i:\. ; ,
alliirL-, whciv i.'.rfai quan
f fi'liiilry I , I iiln.h. '. i'V
IS aiv till toil.iuini; :
uhlih llands on i!,i'."-i i .i
K' 101111! . rn liraiuh ol ilir
I, ill-, mio ihc ka, ..!!■!
ll\ , l> i;o liulcs (ll'.':.i ;'.
H, and :25 iVoiii Si n k-
i^ not .',! an(.ii-nt ;-.....,
', under the rcigii ol kin-^;
have ii .,
li.l-> lifin to Will i'uviu 1
'I tl;c llron;,c 11 ii'.a;-i;i;iiv-
1:1, n\u'.!; i-\i icd,~ any 'n; 1 1
\\-| the eoiimcrce > .;i -•'■
al Sioi Liiolni. 1 oriiie'..
rp.e eil,;!)h!lur.i n; o; 1. ■-
ly Jul-- ha-, liei.'i "' ■. ;
|ii;i,inL; iv.iiili ot! ir I'ad .
d p'.)rt 1:1 .^^sed^-Il. I .■•■■
and w.U'choiiU--, Vv 1 i ■
uildniu, i\\ ailing, aiv' i. •
.-ui- alio III « ,oiuni">ur ', '
nl, anion;; oilier iuiildr ; .
e arr |i"-liy eonlidi'i u>i ,
I- i . \er\ ihrivinj.;; and 1 ..
1 Ii, h.i\'.- lor inele H'. ■ ;•
>:i I lie nil K.i'..-. I'l-.'
.s W F. D I-: \.
trade leenr. to lie 'Jjeltinp, nnuh more anioiv^ll tlu-le
northern n;itions tl;iUi tornierly.
The uintiiiu, ol the i(k- ot Man, however, to llie c ro<.^ n
of Cireat Hritam, wlnre the nierchani-^ of ( loitenlmri',
a-; well as thole ot Copenhagen, had conlider.iiik' ma-
gazines of Ivill Inf'ia i^oods, was a tei-rih'.e lofs lo the
Swcdilh and Danili. • omiianies."
Siv.ira, Skaren, 'r Skar, a bilhopV f.c, ahoiil 12
miles dilhint from I'.e i;ike W eniKi' to the lijutls. and
b4fro;ii Cioiienhurg to the norih-well, was the feat of
the aiuiinl kin-^s ot Swede:-, and l;ad a palace, one
of the Ihteliell, not oi'ly in tl'.e nortii, hut in all l''.u-
rope, .!S mav llill be iudj;eil bv its liruation, wah^,
and llrudure. It is now a delentelefs town, thou;'Ji
forme rh the iiietrojiolis of Weli-Ciotiiland. Near the
like \\ . niier, and tlic aneirnt palaee juli mentioned,
lland-- the mountain i.illed Kindakulie, which i. vcr-.-
high, and produces al! kinds ol herbs ami ]i!ant , i\-
lepi \i:;'.--. f'.verv thing f,r(;w there naiui-allv ; and
ihi mi''iinl;-.in, whieh in.l} be deemed one of the mull
I uiil'ul in the north, is alii> one of the moll delightful,
i!iroui;li the w.irbling ot an iniiniie ii'i;:;i>er i)f birkli
ti-.at mi^t Ik re.
I-inkoping, or ladi.oping, whieh implies the nv.'..-t
t'fl.ida, thinds on the lake \\ enner, at the mourli ot
tl;e river I. -da, w-hieh there talh inti> tlie Like. It i~
15 miies dillani tiom .Sk.irii. Concerning this place
the bilhop ul -Vvraneiies lays.
Wide br.iiK hing [lines, as on wc pad,
A utleom-' lliade aroumi us call :
The nighl o'eilook us at a town
.Nam'd l.mkoping, lo tame well knov.ii,
Wher-.- l;r:l their breatli the Ma3,iii drew,
j.ii.imnes iiul Olaus too.
The \r.igni :ibove alluded to were the t-A'o celebrated
brothers, vi/,, Johannes Magr.us arihbilhop of L'|)lal,
the author of the Swcdilli hiltovv , and Olaus his bro-
ther, who lucceeded him in the arihb.'hoprie, and
\u-oie a treat ill- on the manners (-ulhuus, and wars ot
the n- -11 hern nation-.
There are in this p.rovince I'.vo other cities, Tal-
copii-i.;, and .M.irielladi, bul iiiilher is conliJerabl-.-.
\'t'rnKlanl, or Wernieland, iias Deleeariia on tlie
i.or.'h, Wclleriii.mia and Wrieia on the call, the lake
\\\.nn.'ron tii.-liulh, and .\ )rwa\ , with i)art ot D.i-
li.i, n;i IJK- \\.0. lis gre.u. I'r extent, Ironi call I'l
\\i.ll, is :ui, u"- .;; nii!es; a,,d tro.i.i ii'Mth to tout i-,
•I'out 144. Il has man}- l.i!>e'. and marlhes, is b;it
in.lifilreiitlv cliIio .J.d, uiitl llii'h' peopled. Here
are f'ome iiiinei oi ircn, antl one 01 ; .i[
lal i
.: ''r
arms :i!i'.l tlif will- iin.:i iviyiii;; thtir Iu)iikij;i.' lo liim,
wliik- tAO tnim|)cui-. ruuiKi a notcut tiiumiih. In ilu'
in.'ij;lilxiuiiK) are
tiielc :
C'lirillianlladt, wlmb lias been I'everai time, taken
and retaken in the toiirie ot the wa-s with Denmark.
Clirillianople, whieh was onee tlie laim.il ot this
[irovince, and iiad tormeiK a good harlxau', uhieh
t'iiarles XI. took a i;reat deal ot jains to ruin ,ind ren-
tier ulelels.
Aliuvs, which is litu-.led on llie Haltie, at the moi.th
ol the river 1 lellea, has a UiU', e.ii)aeKiU', and uuali-
treiiu.i. ted harbe^ur. And Carlliioun, v.hieh iuis aa
i.\ 1 1 lit harhojr, aiv.l 1- \\:\\ toiiilied.
!• I
\ \ 1).
I' I
I Ills nrand divilion ot Sweden ■ il'xiu'. 31^6 miles
in Ie!i;4th, trom north ;o limtli, and ^15 lro".i eall to
Weil. It i< bouiuled bv t'.ie B' thniau (iulpli, p.u't ot
RuHia, ;i:i I part ol l.aplaiid. It abounds in ji,rain,
cattle, ti'.h, &c. ot wlneh exports are made to other
I arts ot' tlie kini!,di"r,. it likewile turniilies other [iro-
vinee- V. ilh buitr:, eluvle, &;c. 'I'l'.e inh.iliitant--, in
genera!, are Lutheran^; and thev Ipeak a very pee"-
liar dialed, lo .is lo be t'carceiy inteiliyible to tlie
.Swedes ot \nher provinces.
The 1-inlaii lets had kings (.t" their own till about t!ie
muidleot tlie 131)1 century, when they were lulidued In
Krick, king ot Sweden. However, part ot the )>r
vincc of Sivolixia, ail that ot Kenholm, a portion
Carlia, antl tlu- t'ortrel's ot'Nvflot, were by the treaty oi'
/Mil', in 1743, ceded lor ever to RulTia.
I inlaml is divided into ieven provinces, !■ inland
Proper, NMandia, Carelia, Kenholm, Savolaxia, 'I'a-
valiia, and C'ajuiua.
The towns in general, ot' l-inlaiu! Proi)< r, are in-
coiifider.ilile. At .Alio, the ca)inal, is an univerlily,
whi^li was t-'UU'.led and eniliwed b\ the celebrated
tjueen Chrifona ; and the town 1^ the ke 1 t a bilhop.
The lu'Ul'i. are .llmott ail ot wood; .did theepilcopa!
]ialace is conipoled of ikj better materials, except that
it is jiainted red. '1 he town, however, derives tome
trade trom its harbour, in the neighbnirhood ot which
is :> rock (urnamdeil by the w.iter. It is lingular lh.it,
when anv (hip jiatles tins rock, tl.e needle no lunger
pi'iiits towards the north; truni wlunre a vulgar lon-
|e'-ii!re h.illi arile.i, tiiat the rock coni.Jiis a load-Uoiie
Tiic- 1 roviuce ot' NMardiia conlaips the toljowing
towns :
Mellingfors, the capital of ihi^ piuvmce, i a Imall
town, (Ituated on a guljih <.l' tne lame name, u the
'iiouth of the river U inda. h has a preiiv g ..id har-
biur, and an immenli.' tortreli., lately Innh, which is
fi^anilunid l^y 8000 men.
liurg', Rafeburg, and Kkcnes, we pals ^,\\: a- un
Worthy ol notice.
I he pro'.ince oi Careha i~ very truittii!, and exur.d-,.
1 .,111 car. I'l well, about 150 mikx The prim Ijul
to\,ii is \". vburu, a l)illiop\ lee, which li.is conlide-
r..;!, trade, is well fonitied, commanded by a cutle,
a.i.l ".reiiily b<;n tii.d by having a good liaibour.
'1 i.e pTuviii. e of kci 'lolm is e.ttenhvc, liut unter-
tili, ,is it contains many large lakes ami barren moiin-
laiiv. It contains but one plate oi any noie, vi/.
Keiih'-ho, trom which '.he piovmce has its .lame. It
I 1 I'll il my, ilcfended by a very ilrong . itadel, ami
»,.i l.rn.erlv, with the v.hole pr- iiice, !'ub_u.ci to the
Ruliians, till about the beginning of the lall renturv
when th.' (Var j.roinifcd t'haiies IX. king of Sweden',
to lurieiidei the town and prosiiice lo him, if In.- wmild'
aliill him againll the Poles, by wiiom he «as ijnii
clolely IkIcI; luit, being lived from the danger, he
retuUd to |.,rloni) his promile; whuh c.iukil the
Swedes io inva.de his dominions, and oblige |,i|„ ,„
\ielid a ] ivtiv i -.;-,im^;..;,;^.
I ^a\allu^ the c.ijiilal of the province, i. Ijnii-j h\
'it^ litiiation in a marlliy ground, v-iiiih renders it m
Very dillicult accel'-.
.\hirtin /.dier -iirei-ts Ih.at Ijirger j.n; a Suedilh
I general, lortiii.d tlii:>ci-y in 1:50, in order to kee]> the
i.ili.ibitants in avu, whom he h..,! i blig.d to eniiir.lLe
tile C'hrilli.m r.iigioii.
1 here are lever.il other.lowns in this [iiovinc.-, hui
the\ aw all fmall, and of no inijiortani e.
The provini r ot (.'.ijunia abounds with riveis, wIik;,
imi'ty them..i",e> into the (Juliih of Bothnia. 'I'l ,-
norihirn an : i ill^rn part are liotnid with u.ouiitain ,
but tl-.. ru' ol' the country is tVuitlul.
(. ..!;i;-,.lni;-g, the ci.iel place of this [)t-ovince, from
wiiich u bonows it^ name, i, ild'viided by a good
Tne other towns are I'ia, I'laburg, Carelhv, |;i-
coblhid:, l.ochto, Wala, and C'hrilliani'uidt. Of liV.i,-
the only rcm.'rk worthy of notice i-, that Wala \, the
native place of the celebrated fiuil.ivus \'ala, wli K
glorious reign is jierpetu.ited in th.e annal-. of iiilloiv.
S W 1: I) 1 S JI 1. \ I' L A \ 1).
II \\ IN'ti already given a minute defcrijilion ( I'
Lapland in general, both with reljieci to the coiiiurv
and inhabitants, we have only lo fpecify thole parti of
it, whicli oeing u:t'\:i
iir I ntertainmenf, we omit the inlertion of th.i. i.--
ipeChv.- naiiks, as ledums and ii-iii.!,.Klling to 1'
reader, ionve\ing cnly mere Ic uiul-
1 he I .'lo.-,ir.g iliand-,. immediately .-;)j>i.itaiiiii'^ .
the .row a 01 Sweden, are, there!', re, here introduced ..:
their jiropcr ord^., v 1/.
(. 1 H L A N I)
/'^v)'l lll.A.M), or(j-o.;-ia InloLi, is htnikd fd.-
^^ liihie I'a, over-.igainl', liie loall of JAII fn'i'
iaiid, in S'.'-d.n, f;')iii -.-hi-.h it is .ihout tw-i im,!
di:'. Hit to the Mali. It .k . between 57 and 5S ile^ . • I
111 iiii Lit. a:w\ b.etwi.i iS ileg. 30 min. and ;o deg. .1
eaitl-ng. It > gieatell length, Ironi the Icuitli-weli to
the iiortheall, is aboui 50 miles; hut its br.adiii i>
not .ibove 18 miles, from call to well. Ol.uis M.ii'iiiH
lily--, it .V.1-. call'-d (iotliLind, that is i,j fiv, (Jiu)d Land,
liecaufe it is truitlul, alioui. ding with all the lU.ieirarus
ut life ; and I') well provided with the I t.-iTmgs of natiii.-,
that it may be ranked ar.i.ing llu.-b^ll illanils in the nonii.
It i'-, liiys he, in another [ilact-, a goiKl land, in I --
veral relpet-i. ■ ; the inhabitant' ar-- a good lort of people;
t.-.'.-ie are (.ood harbours all round the coall ; the toil is
y^'^d■. it abounds in pallure;, laiile, -, ild-luwl, lilh,
S W R I) i", .V.
i^ a 111.11 llu LMuiiin,
\iili ilu' 1 i.-i'liiit's lit' iiatui.'.
pinui waicr, woriils rind lioaulitiil iiwrMi'. This illand
Iii.kiiu;>.(l ti);;ii,rr. to llu.- I'luiii iii kiii;_;iu-, wlu) rfliiiiKil
it Id lliu 1)i;ks iii t4';'.<, t ir i/c oa irowiis. 1 Ik-
S'\nl''.'> j;iii it in 1(145; I"'' it ^^'i' Ktaki.!! Ijy the Duiicn
in 1677, ami ivlloini Iv) tin- Swciics by the tivatv nt
l'\)iiiaiiil;li..iii in Ky/ij- I'liciv is htiv I'ut wv loiili-
ilfiabli.- iiiv , wliii ill-.
\\illi\, or Wiilmrg, lliv ihitf \ri.', liirri'utulcci witli a I'.ri.ii^
wall, and il.ii.iuli.d l)V a I'lcuy llroii[; lailh created
mar tlio luuiidur, wliciv lla' [.^ovcrni.r ol tli- illarul
ulually rclidi's. l)L-aiias ri.Litcs, that llu.' iiiii. of 14
liuirilK'-, and ol liv.ral hoiili'-, gates, and walls, ot
irccdbm-.' and marlilc, wlncL \w law ilui\- in I'l.^j,
made iiim liid^f that this was foriiK-rly a cnniidi-i.iiili.
cit\ : but It I' now wrv iiiiicli dciaycd. It boj;an to b,"
inip'irta'.it tiwards iIk' end ot llu- 81I1 (■.■niiir\', li •('.'
vsliii b time it bixami; lb jiopiili'iis, liiat it i:oiiiaini.'d
io,coa iiihabitaiils, moll ol tntiu iii.Tilianls, witiioui
rcikoniiiL; ihc Danes, Swedes, \ amLiis, Saxon-., Kui-
lians, Je.-.-, (ireeks, I'liiliians, I'olandcis, and l,i\i'-
m.iiis -.vli'i tr.iiled there. Th.-le to!.!;'!!' rs w^re to im-
nur.^is, tl'.at tlu-v couKI make head a^.iinll tin. iuhabi-
taiiis; .ind, ill tile \v.ir I2^>1, ilieiv uiiile a tjuanei
amonell them, ,.nd a liatti • w:.^ t'Hi;^'ii, in e.-jiich j;r-.',it
tiunibers wc.'i- kill.d on both lulv.s. l|:)Wi-\er, the in-
habit.lills pai,ii.d ti;e \,Jl-P; .\,:\ ,VI i;;-...-., king ol
Sweden, reecr. ;kd ti e,|i v.il.' t -e •■M\i;\n rs.
'J he inii;.bi;.'ni . ol \\ '"a .-.le l.nd to or the tirtl who
made li\ dpifi, ..['l.ie il labks ami lea-( l-aii.s. 'I'liey alio
pri-tei.d 10 tlie j; -'y ol b. in^'^ the liril th.it tiiide l.iws
tor ri Hui '.iii'.r v::a. .mil i.avij.;at.')ii. Hut N'h)iuieur
.i.a M.ul jnivi'-, a l-i>.ii,.ii W..U.' 'ilsivive-, thai tney
have latiier admiiied, ti;an iiivmied tlieni. He lavs,
that, btiiig groi'-n rith b\- ti.Ui;, ii.,).i, .lu-v nili'o.hijed
amoiiti theniieb.t-s the lamou.s law; el O. \o\-, a.i ill.uid
in !•:
,de b\ fluni t!,e
that mip,ht anil- anioiiili iiK-rrliaiu.s. Tliey iran.i.iit:
thole laws into their own ianguane, and m.n.ie !ome .id-
ilitions to them; b\ whiel; means ili'.y were not o.ib.
looked Ilium as the .mil "ovi ol the. a, i)ut a.-quired alio
the rep. nation of being the moll tamous traders in hai-
rope. In 1597 tlic Hans Founs lent ile])Ulies to l.u-
beek, 11, ordti to (h'.r.i u|) ia.is aincrnini; navig.itioii,
whith l;.us are (li'l oblerved throir.iioiit the v\hole
Raltie, but they, projierly Ipeakii'^j,, .ire the - ery laws ai
VVilln, with lome additions and improve'iui.is : and
what llu;u> that ihete laws are m'uv modern tiian tholl-
ol Oleron, is, that thole ot l,iil,~k are taller than
tlioie ol VViiby, as tiie Utter are more eoiiipleat tiian
tlule ot" Oleroii.
c I. A .V n
TS \ ivArro'iv fliiot l.uul over-againil tb..- continent ol
South-(?i'.ii'.:aiii|, I. ...11 wliieii 11 is lenar.ii.d iiv a
flniit, which is iU)i anovc nine or ten mil.-s b.\,.:d, ard
i' eaiied Calmarlundt, or thi' Strait of C.U.tiai. I his
illaiid, the name ofwiiicli tit!,i.itit the l..iiid 01 1 lav, i-,
about 70 miles lon^, tr> ;ii loi;:h to north; but its
greatiil breadth is n.M abiive 1. latles, Tli.- Toil al-
Fonis gocKl palluie, aiiei niai.y lien's ot o.\en, horle.-, aiid
tallow-ilcer teed ujion it.
'l"he wellern eoall is not very poiniuuis, eontainiiig
only two villaij;es, named A!ebv-ck ani Smedei))-, with
ihceity of Horkolni, t'.ie capiinl ot tiiis illand. It his
under 56 tie^. 5^ mm. 111 rih latitude, auci 1 li degree- ,
Bomin. eall lo!-,!;itud<-. It is about 15 ii-.iles dillaiit
fr.ini L'almar lowanls tl'e tiorth-eall, and is deteiule-l
by a caille. The c.dlei 1 .oall, on the eontrirv, i-
Very well peojiletl, and contains, goins:; bom north to
Ibuih, the towns of Boda, Kenbijrij'aril, 1 ioj^abv,
Kilda, Slajieliii^ , fjenfta'iJ. Remalren, iMuMi.bv-,
Stcnalii, with the 'iapcs of llu'deilbul and Olter.b, .
I'licre are many torts and callles to defend this 'lland,
that have been often attacketl. In I5,^oit was t.iken
by the Danes, foon alter wliieh the S.s^des recovered
rsu. Co.
it; I tit, being loft- r.frain.CuRavii'sAdol]-!, us fii^.nll) re
look It in 161 J, \\iM\ uhieh lime it ha^ been tonilanily
jiolielieil by the eiown ol Sv.tdeii.
) A f. ().
fS (if a t iangul.ir form, the lide^ be-In!; from 10 V>
25 mi.es in len^t!'.. t)n the weliern cape there is ,i
liigh tower, wliieh was built by tiie Icnate of Resel, as
a liL,!it-liouli.- aiul land-mark. Tb.e nortiieniand north
e.il! p.arts are mountainous; ami beiween here and the
continent of f^ltonia, are lome limd-l i.tik-, liviall illand-.
r-eks, he.
If .\ f. I. A N D.
J-J.-\f if .AND, in the guli-h of Finland, is about nim"!
miles ill length. Ihe wh'>lei. but a clui'.er of
roeks, interiperi'd or covercii vith (ir-trees brambles,
ivC. and haunted by a kv,' liares, tint ^row white i'-.
the winter.
A I, A N D,
yY'-^^-l) i' fiiii^X'^'d in the IJaltic, between 40 and
50 miles from the louth-well part of 1- inland.
The cireiimfeiMiee is i-.ear ito niiics ; and the inha-
bitants near 6000 in number. Thefe live in fmall
hamlets, as there is no regular town in the illai.d ; for
indeed, the peafant:. have aim. Ml remonllrated againft
the tuundii.-g any, which the S-.vedilb government liave
been ikhrous ot etl'eCtiiig. The unhappy king luick
Xl\ . was contined in a caille in this id.uul, which goes
under the name ot C'a!;leholni An ingenious travel-
ler mentions tb.e tollowing curious particulars concern-
ing it: "1 arrixed (lays ho) in half an hour, at the
caille, and alighted uniier the walls. It llands in a
be.iutitul htuation, on the banks of a river, uid com-
irar.d- an extentivc view on cverv tide. It was not till
ittjr .1 ijuarter of a:-, iiour's f.-arc!i, that tiie peafant
who dr«)ve the carriage, antlwiio hail known the caille-
.10 years, fould dileover the pailagc which led to the
chamber I'.licre ti.e king bad been imprifoncd, and it
was with dill g >..ter ('iiii. ult\ 1 ccu!d enter it when
lound. I crawi-i! u, 0:1 mv b.i-.niis and kn -cs iind.er a;i
arch, ti'.e lloncs ot v.h'cii favii g fallen down m a
Ciurl- (it \ears li.d aii.iMt lilleu up the wav; and after
j.-alUn.; t'-:-- iiariov.- tiu.-iKe i had two l.idderj to
miHint, which liul 1101 ajipear capable i.f bearing too
imi.li j'lelluiv. 1 tnilowed, however, where iny guitle
l-.-d ih.e V.3.), and entered tl'.e .lixiittiient through a trap-
do- )r. i mu!t own that I wasllmcL with comp'airion
aii-.l horror, to think that a loeereign had bscn the ten-
.u't 111 kich a i'u:..^oii, width is too mileraljle for tlu:
w:.-.!; 11: ibl.'i"o-r. It is eomj L 'eil of Hone, and \aiih-
id (-v>r l.i.ad. 1 mealuri.d it b'\ "my j^aees : it w.i;
-.tb'iui ; ;( Itet long, and i 2 broail. 'I'lii- light is .ad-
miit..d by a narrow -Aiiulow through a wall live teet in
ihickr.cl-. In one corner is a link- lire place, and in
the other a cuidioartl, hollowed in the wall. The
llooriiig is of brick; and, as the pea-imt pretended to
llie'.v n.e, is worn a\',a\' 1.1 t!i<"le 1 i.ices where the king
was ul'ed to walk."
This illand abounds in call'.-, and fomc wild bealls,
and is plentifullv fupp.lied with lilb. It is furrounded
bv main land-banks, rocks, and fmall illands; fome
ol the latter Ix ing inhabited, aiul others uninhabited.
Of thef. little illands tlie moll remaik.ible are I'Jkero,
,wl.ieh is lix niilis long, and le])arated from Aland only
In a ruv.- I'f three miles over,) Idvs, 1 .aiidlweden, Ro-
dan Nyan, and Lap[)o.
R I' c r, N.
D L'Cil-'.X, which is filuatcd in the Baltic, oppoliio to
Stialfuad, is 23 miles in length, aa-d 15 in biv.uith,
wiih the liilcof a )irincipalit\ . It abounds with corn
and cattle; contains a town calicl Bergeii, a ihong
bv iiatuiv, and well fortiliecl bv art,
i ■'!
i f
1 .11
A Ni:W AM) \l IIII.MK ^VSIIM OF rM\|,R,s\|. ( .rocRAl'l IY
' ,1 ''
mi hi
T\k r.uuo in;j,ciiiinr. tr.u\'ikT. wlioiu '.vl.' li.u,- Ivtor..
ijuotcJ, ill liKMkiiv.', lit' hi-. i!.,;utii'v tVoiii Finland,
ami loim riling the .I'li.uxiii ill.iir,!-, i',i\ ., " It n.i. >\\\
iim-iitiou to h.u-c j;o;i, ,111 I., I liiLiirl l.-v tlif poll r,'Ul,',
tliroiigli llviM.il llivill 111 111. I. iir u\k:, tViim oiu' to .ui-
othcr, tor wli'uli tliuc ii\ imii'i, 'i\ lnvits pruviilvil t'l
lOiivcy ti.uvllor-. Jull .i> I u i> on tin; point ol
c.irrviii^; tin-, iku^n into i\i\ut; ):i, )'. ur or live i : ila'
cou'.itrv people i-.i;ii. .ind prop/olvil !•> conu\- me hum
thenee limit to AWo. I diu imt lielii.Ue ioiii;, luit com-
]>lieii wiih the olK-r, aiul kl'i Alaiul about mkliii_t;lit on
Saturil.'.' . I llept, a- I luul don, ll.c i>reeeiiiiig night,
in iny C'lnw". anc.'. and at l,\e;i in the morning,
found mvlelt in a iiaiTiW | aiiii;;.', luiroumled by h;:;:;
rocks, and the ]icopk- enipio\evl m tnviiig. I made
no quelli.in bur we were alreulv in the iiver of Abo;
i'Ut wa- not a little cli.igrined to limj, on tnquin, that
the wind liadtalleu away, that we were hardly jo mile^
trom the pUee ue had quilted, a. id that 1 mull nol
Hatter ni. leltwith landing in Finland that da\ . Thev
ad le !. tint the whole wav a a> through I'ueh channels
as I wi, then in; and li^voal illaiids b\\\liieli I tail-
ed, were inlialMted ; and ili.u, it I pLai'.J, thev wouM
land me on one ol iliem, where 1 ni'ij'it procure Ionic
retrellv-.v.nt. To this 1 gl.ully eoiu'enied; and abuui
nine o\;.vk I went on lliore, on one eallad l,a;ipo.
I wall-.'.d I > a little hamlet at a mile liillanee tiom i!ie
ihore. I'he poor pealiuus very eheart'ullv brougiit me
ionic ciepm, and aiiif.ed in boiling my cotlee. No-
thing amid e.\eeed their pi.v.rf. ; a litiie blaek bread,
tilh, pork, alio a '.I'll ot i,ii.\,ure they eaileil beer, eon-
iHtui'ing ail tliur lullehaiae. Atier having made a
verv co,,itor:aliic breaklall on tins unknown an^l le-
queiKr.d inland, 1 returned :;.ain H) the boat. Dur-
ing the <\h.)ie da\- we pi;,:ii .1 our vo\age tlirough a
laberintli of'i.u.iH iM.ksand llle^; m,;!r. ot' them eover-
e.| .•.nil 111' and .ilpin-; tome i,\e green aiitl beautiful,
but t.ir the ^reUvT nu.iilier bari\ n and rugiied. 1
could hue taneied m^fclf among llie Cvefule'., t'o
laiii.iu^ in aneient llory ; but here \\er>: no iempk.-s
lacreJ lo .\poll.) 'ly juno, nor had genius and poetry
conlpirci lo render t\erv tliU' and pr.imoiiDrv im-
luorial. M.inv ot the pro|ji_-rs wire, huALVcr, woii-
dertulK )i-!uiekiue an;l ror.i.inlie ; and 1 Ircquenll}
ihipped the boainuii lor a ii.;;:ute, lo sm/.j upon the
e.Kiraordinary kx-nes arouml me. S.imeiinies wx went
flirongii eh.ir.nels of only .lo or 30 teel in bie.idth.
Soni.tinies the water ojjerie.l inio :i Lonlider.ilile e\-
paiiie, and r.ticn iheie d\r\\ .i:cd to Ik :io avemu: on am
hue, 1 wa- .ui.j.iilhed \\.,.\ f;.ev :o i..\ae; l\- kin-\v their
. 1:1 ti:i->
1 n.!ti,::ij
du:ted tiicai.
iiitiRate ar,
bi-iK.e-. Ion.;
|-ph \iiig 111 i/e. Ihrougli
. 'Riice luuid have ton-
S K C r I n ■; ill.
Di'.n;'! >i of .'[>,• l\-,-,.Hs, I) ■■•, Di'}rjU:oits, Mmiu-v \
cf /..•"-';„■<,', uUjlr:ni Ru^.h, /•.';,;.. ,1 ■v,/.7.r, D:i:rjic>is,
M.:iyu'^ies, iumr J.s, L.u-'it'.nr, /\,:i^;oii, Lt'annug,
i-.. (f ihe Ir.bdl'ii^nh- ct .5::.-..:V7.
Ti ii-i n-'.tiv. ..t ihis euuiitr, are, in general, ol'good
1' ;iure ai'.d r.iliuit eoniiiiuiion, taiiaoie ot tii-
'I i'.ir i..i;r, like tii.it ot oliier nor-
thera liaiioiis, is in.Ji'ejd ;o yellow. Tire women arc
ot lull. pro])onio;i, h.iee g lu I katun-, a.i.l liiolc whii
.lie e;aplo\ ed U Iiom.', are niiitlly tair, lull the |)e.i-
laiits eoinpcl tluir i:i:;i;lie-, to undergo an equ.il liiaie
in all l.ibonuus (.npl noient'.
The tl oailiiiig (.1 ihe .Swe ks is lii'table to the eli-
mate. 'liiedr,;\ol ilu rii h, in winter, > lined with
furs; that ot ilie p I'jr witii lli^tji ikins, with the uot;l
0:1. i:i falhion, tlie .S.ve.lts relemble the (jermails, and
other Kuro]»ean n.uioa-. ■l'h,j\ wear, in luiumvr,
iueh lluti"^ as theiiM-irtumllances enable thciii to jiro-
ture; the great adorning themlelves with lace and
embroidery. 'J'lic eoiiuii m people ;irc, in geneial,
dull of ajiprehenlioii, and little troubled with the Ipiril
"I eiiqu.iy. ll,,y,,.r. it mull be obkrved, to i'»
credit ol the i.un.'i . f;uii, |,v iiiduUry, i-.v- -i ..J
and ttavvliiiig, t;,nie ol il,;,ic ol fuperi-.r rank. '.i.,i-^, J
Inilia lualuie and lol,u judgiiKiu a> to n-..i,c :i\-,,',.
liderable liguiv in life, and to merit the title of ..r,u
and able men. 'Ihe nation h.a- j rodueed iiunw",.
I ell 111 ll.iuimeii. and Ionic learned iiuii; anioii>. ,|.^.
latier ol whom liand the celebrated I'ufk.ulort, 1-,..
loriaii, civilian, ;;i!d j hdoli.plu r; and, of our liiri.'
the t.UllOUs bol.Ulul l.inn.tUs, one ol the Ixll l,;ltut.l'.;, '
in I'.urope.
The inhabiiants of ,S,vcdeii compof,- the fiur fJl„v..
ing claliis: the nobiliiy and geiitiv; ihc lieigy, ilv
nii/.ens an.| iiKKliani-, and ti,e lokli.r^ ll.unui,' -'.'Ki
The nobiliiy and g.nin ihkllv apj-ly thuiilehe.;,,
a mihtaiv hie. Tlk\ are nati.nllv cour.igcous ., j
hi'lJMi.ibk, Ion! of ^i,,M, .md l.iup!uoully'oi,kn..:.i
ol the luiuiMii. ot lion..ur; Inn, at the Vauu m,;,
too gener.ilh j.iou.l. ol' ■ laiiou . jealou., ani viii.ia-
iive. 'I'liok' v.ho are eiiipk.ycd 111 the adminilii.aira
ot civil alliiii-, li.oui;h they aie Uiorious and iii.kii-
li,',able, leidom raile their i'pen.!lal ions above wi:.;i ih..-
iieceiliiy ot tlair eiiipui\ luents reijuiiv, their at:;ii:.,,
liroLeeding not t!i much tiom iUiih, ;is e.\i ..rienie 111
Ihe ti.iek ol 1 uliiitN. 'Ihcy pivlerve agraiilul ik-pori-
meni, and iu.ike the bJl aiije.iancc thev |)oll,|,lv i„;i,
iii order I > gam tiie rJoLCt of iholc luneaih ilkr.J
i::i\ never ik leer, I t> .n\ uu; l.tuiicnt ,11 llic ciiurei:.
the pr.ieii.v o\ l.'.w or pl'xjir, „r the c.xercile ot .,, ,"
tiadc: I ,r •.;;i! ilu) e\ :r ;i,. f pt tiie comniar...! : ,
iiH-rchai.! V ; ,ji, (liouuh, t'.i g.on ex])erier„-c in n,.. .
time all!.,' , i:,;, wiii l\ib:5;i, 10 liie lo.wiL of';.. ,,;
toicii:;! >. HI ;;ri ■• .
''•s :'"i:.:. nobiliiy of .Sweden go verv much !:;: i
the ioenen iii.ii..:, Ivr/xe, l-.,illi b_\ ica and land; .1,1,1.
through a pi;i,.r, le of p,...li, \ inif'uU nation, thev u-
teivc rank i\ioiv all Oliver,;, bevaule, bv the \.v\ .:
.S.NCvk'n, '.,Iui'. tl:e\ return ini.) their own i(nintr\, 1 ,
rccci\e the liiiv.e n.;;k in thei: oi.ii niili!ar\ tin ice lii..:
ihey hekl .ibroa.l, wlieiebv they .:;e not uiio aiKaiA. 1
imiui tidier than liu-, could p.' li.bly bi h.ulthi} .,.1
beui ;ibr:.'.d, but beiome Iiimi iiiends lo the l-uiii'i
inteni], v.ir..' ■, \ paitiiular iv!ali\e to it c...imes lu i'c
deb.iUi.l bJ'.,:c t'le diet.
Ihe 'i-:..} ot Sweilen, wlio are very nununms
alkrf grtat gr.ivit\, are elleemcd holj.itable, and ].t\-
lerve .i diliiiiguillietl aiiiiioruy ovu' the lo'\er order, 1
Ihe ciii/ens and merchanis j'lod on iiv a f.eaf.n
tra.k, without ingenuitv to diu.rv\i, or Ipint to p.:;-
liK, i,vA\ bi.i.ielK . ot i.ii;./.Ki\.., iDtwidillaiidir.g ...]
ihe care and eiKourauxiiicnt bellowcl by the kgill.i
'lue foip.nion loldiu-' endure ciiei, hunger, 1, ;.■:■:
marcl-.es, and hard lab.iur, to adiiii,aii.:n ; Init t!;i."
karn tneir dut\ \er\ tlowK, and are ter\ iceable ir., ::•
In their obeelieiKe to comm,unl, and llamling ih. i
giouiid, than by anv great lorv..ironel , t.i atUkk t. c
eneiin, or.lCliMiN in e.vemting ihcir ordei-.
The leanien are \erv liold and aet.w, and w. ii '"-
Itrueieti in their bulliiel^. 'i'lux li.ive lull !i-ni::i\,-.
ot mor.ility cml honellv, and pav lueh anenti.m |.i .-
lig-.ous duiio, that the captain oi ni.nl;a:it 1!,,, ^
ha\ealwavs prayers twice a ilay, \.l!et!;er the Ihip- .:..
in harbour, or at lea.
I i;e jH.ilaiil-., wlien Icber, are oblojuious and r'-
Ijiecitu! ; but, when into.\n..iti- i with tlrcing liqu,;,
furious and ungovernable. "1 in v live in great p-
veri)', and rudel\ jiractile leveral mcihanival arts, wlmii
n'.-celuty tiaehes them to exercile, luci; a.^ 11 aKiiig li.^.'
o.vn llioc-, cloiiies, tools, an.l iniliumeni'- ol iuii-
I andr\'. Ihey are \ir\ oblign;.;, cea.rte..u-, and k-
niarkalilv hoipitablc to llraiigers
.•\ii f.nglilli traveller, who latelv made a tou'- through
.Sweelen, as a jiroot ot this dilpo!itle);i, remarks, that
nothing lan ixtrcd tin- generou^ hofpiiality lie f(.ii(ul
every where, lie liivs, it woi.'.d e\,ii lie relented, 1.' .1
I ban;;'"
nil Ik- (iblcrvji!, m i! •
I IV iiiiiiil'ry, tx;-. 'i.'K ,
i| liij ..riir f.ini.. ,i..iu' u
iKiil .b to ir..;.c ;'. v'l -
) iii.Tit the titli- nt i;ri,u
I'.a 1 roiiiKvxl Miain i v-
kanu'il iiKi) ; .Uiuiii^; tl'c
ckliniU-il I'lililiuliirt, hn-
.y\w\-; ;uul, nl' our lliVc,
imt ot llii- I'cll iiaiiir.'.a.'s
1 iMllHiutV till' li'ur 111', /■.'.-
I littltlV ; ll\o l.ii.r ivijuirL-, iLcir al:a:;...
)iii liiulv, a^ LX) i.Tic;i«.c 111
V pivli-rvi.' agnKitiil tleiio;-!-
l'ijc:.iaiicc llicy jxillililv i..;;,
I lit' tliulc litiuall. tiki'.;,
(.m; lo\ iiiiMil 111 llie lIiuii.::,
, l:r, or tiio t.xcrLitt ot , '
a'.i' ;ii tiic L'lmaiaiv.! ■ .
lo P..1I1I i-xpcriiri-'i- in lu..
I;;, 0) llic loa.il i)i"i- . n.
.S-Av.-.;.il [\o wr) iiiiK'i ::.: '
l.^tili U) lea a:;a laiiil ; a.i i.
1, \ .:\ ihat iiaiioii, tluA ii-
;•,, b.-i auk', kv t'uc ia'\ .;
n'.\ •> ll;i.ir o'.Mi louiiti' , i .
,; i)'.,;i r.ii!i;.ir\ ki"\ i<.i' !:;..:
tlijv .;;i.: iK'i oiu\' aiisai.i. i
I |..' ii'hiv ki liad tin\ .. -i
lllMl iiitiu'.-, 10 ihc l-Kiu'i
ir u!al:\i: to it tumca to W
w'.io ari.> very nuin.'nni-,
.•■jiiK-d iiol'iilabk-, and l^r.-
irr,\ DVir ikc k)'s;r ordu' ■ I
•ini- pknl on iiv a lAat;:i
1 ,iiuo\^i, .11 limii in 1 ur-
I, i\^, iiutuiiliiianilii'i; -H
lit k'-ll'VAcd ky tkc k-illa
nd.urk' t''id, liur.gor, l-':-,
ti) ai'.nu.aiioii ; hut i!k'-
|\, and aiv li.r\ k-f.ikk ir.i ;;•
liiiiand, and Ikinding iIki
lorvsaruiKl. !•' alia, k t. ;
Jinu, liitir ordii-.
Id' and a.-i.vc, and wk.l !"-
] 'I'luv li.'.v nil! !i;iil:i-. ■•
jiid |)a". liul' atu-i-,li"!i M .-
|ai..lani oi nuukant I", ^
I day, \,licik.r tlic Ikij- •••-
Ir, aiv okk.jUi"'as and r:-
[k.iuI with I'roiiu, hqu. •
'l luv hvo in i;'e.U i' -
Ivual r.KihanKal .iil% wiiAii
Lixiii., luci. a n iKinu, i: -'
a;id m.l.unn.ii- oi iuU-
IkhiviV., i-obrioiu--, a;:d k-
I ','•■'■'' 1
I lan-i\ nv.Kk a vw: throii'^li
tlillio!iiio;i, a-niarks, tii.ir
iiL'imis holiiitality lie kmi'l
lui.'.d i\.n iK-rcienti'd, i: ■'
(IrangcT vilitcil a Pm^c wiiliout paying lils coni])iinii.'nt'i
to the owner who I'Xjicits that mark it lii.. attention
nndiel'pei-k 'I'liis iiiilotn plalnlv (hews liow tew pei-
llin.s tn.vel in tlu'k' jiarf* ut Miiiope: i(" they vvi.re mi-
nieroii^, it woiilil, in ail iiroli.ibihtii , ke i|iiiekly laid
aiidc oral l>'all i>lhaineil within n.iiro'.v limit..
With rel'iieei to their manlier ot liMiii^, the riilier
I'ort have a [/rolulioti ot ditlie^ at their eiitertainineiit^,
but 111) talle ill the arrant^eiiicnt or ilil'iiolitioii ol tlnm.
'1 he table {;roins beneath a number of cover., whith
aie all brou^;'!! in at oiite, and then kit to lool duriivj,
a tereinoiiiou- meal ot ,it leall two hours. Hut the
jilologuc to lliis Ueiie is even woiie. Hetorc tluy lit
down to tlin:ier, tl'.j eoiniiany take biv.id ainl butter,
\\hieh thev walli (k).vn with a {tials ol braiuiy; and
this talliuni j.revaik not only amoiij', perliins ot' eoiuh-
tioii, iail ex.endi e\en to the ladies as well all the
Till \va\ ot di\i iin^ the relidenee ol' winter a;rl
(umiiie.r, a.. i)r,.v;iili.d in l'',ii{;laiid, takes (il.Ke here
(Miiv in ]).irt. M '.:!V ot the no'oihty and riehell ot tl.c
gellt^^, live entirely at Sloekiiolm, liareely ever teeiiu;
their etlates. Others live entire. > in the eouiilr), never
teeing the ca|.ita', at kail but vi')- lekloili. S inic,
however, ha\e lioules ai Stoekliolni tor the u inter lea-
Ion, but lue in liiinmer on iheii I'llates, lia\ingvery
gooil hou'.e-, whiili tlje\ ornament with gardens anil
plantation .
As the nokiiii\' atai ^..lun ol' Sweden are chiefly
c'ng.i|j,ed in imhi u' em|>loMiu'nt^, it u ilierctorc little
to be wondeied at '.l-ait liiev lliould be tond ot martial
entert.niiiuents, whiih are lure ti\.%iuenky appointed
by the kinif lor their anuilemeiit--, Ins m.ijedy liimlelt
generally attending in pkrl'Hi. Ol one ol tliele cn-
leitaiiimenls we preleni the I ill.iwiii|^ particular ac-
count, given li'. a gentleman, in a letter to hi' Iriend m
" A Ipctacle of a lingul.u- kind detained me at
Stockholm. '1 he fcene lay in a Lirij,e park, about an
1-nglilli mileu!lhout the gate ot the city, where the
tamp has been ; nclud lome weeks, aii'.l whicli is linely
adapted t r a niariiil eiitertainmeni, h.i.n ihe nature ol
the ground, vvlucn is irie \uiar and lull ot ik\iivities.
The riling i..irts ut it were covered uil'i mi. ill woi-ds 'A
fir, and it is divided bv a branch cil the .M.uler lal.'e,
liver u'iih is ;; Ijoating bridge.
" 'I'he kiiiL; il S,\^-.ie'i I oiumaiuled about two regi-
lueni-, in..i!U intantr\. lbs younger brother, jiiince
1 r^dsi'ii i., Iia.l un 'el hnu near lOOO troop., horle and
to,,i. 'li.eNwea e:Uir.lv ignorant oi.acii others mo-
tion, hi. ni.iielK- only i :uie:'.\i'u;i;".', to lurround the
liiteiior aiin\ , ;'.iid the ivrae e\v mm". In-- end.amuis
to clleet a kiue r.ire.i! I'he c]u.'en-dow,i<',er, with
her daugiiKr tiie priiicels ol Sweden, were prelent in a
little o|»eii cliaili.', -..Iiicli permitted tliim lo follow the
toldiers over the lit id, and lie inek'at e\er\ where. 'l"ke
king, eliTlt'ed in his iiniinrm, w.'.i i.. ii.ited on a cream-
coloured h.irl'e, anvl ap' k ared a.s I'u.di anim.ite.l anu
inteielled in rliis ellay ot arm , a'- ,.e coiiM luue been
on a da\ (.t.;.tion. It w.\^ about !ue in tlie evening.
I lannot |.!\tMul to piniue the t.vo gi..'.er;;I.- liirough
I'le diti'erent .'.'.inicuvres ot tlieir c.!i>lu:'l, which p.uletl
in two r.ipiil .i iuaeliion, and were ot t.\ ) intric.itc ami
uncertain a nature, to ad. nit ot a minute dekripti.in.
'I'he retult, h.owever, w.i- tavourak'le to the ki.ig. Mi.-.
brother having neglectetl to lei/.e on .i pull uhicli
might have ce.,i!nianded a retreat in c.iie ot emergence,
lound his error too l.u. ; and wiien he would liavj
avaikd himtelt ol ihi^ p.ilkige, dil...i\ered that lii^ ri-
val's troops were alre.uly in poll'^lilon ot if, having
crcilled the river in boats lor tliat purpok'. Alter hav-
ing in vain endeavoured to lorce tliem liom this [Kill,
he kirmed his inkintrv into a hollow kjuare, and main-
tained a Iniik lire on all lides llir a eonlielerable lime ;
but rinding himlell environed In a much luperior body
of forces, and no poiilbilily ot etcaping, he delivered
up his t'word to the king, aiul his loldieis irmamt'il pri-
luacrs ot war. Ills cavalry had, however, tei/.ed on a
]) V. N.
Iln.ill, but moll ndvanttgcom l|)ot, and, unternncil by
the tulc ot their companions, ivtul'eil to I'uiTfnder, ami
deinandeil pcrmillion to march oil' the ground with all
mliiary honours. Their fate was not vet decided when
I tiullit'l the place at eleven o'clock at night, it
wai a \eiy eleg.ini and g.illant diverlion, finely ikligned
t ) cultivate and [iraotiie the op< 'uions of' a c.inipainn,
and keep alive the kn'>'.\ ledge ol uar iven ainiml the
nioll I'rotountI peace."
'J'liere is a tlieativ at .Siuckl.nlm, on which, during a
inrt of' the year, arc repreleiited brencli coiiietlie . a"id
I •netimes concerts and orotorio'. ; but the times of
a ling arc very irregular; not ni.eting alwavs with en-
courage nieiit enough to kee]) it open even in the win-
ter; I.) that it ha, been k:v)\\n to be Ihut up tor
tw.i vears together.
1 lie niarriagc- of the Sweiks are generally govern-
ed by the will ol the parents, and foundetr lb much
u|)uii inierell, that the incliinition of ihc parties is little
regarded, nor the nation r.uich troubk-d with the cx-
tiavMgancks of lovers. Sualing of niatches i. hardly
heard ot in an age; nor lan the church give licer.te
to iiiarrv, without publieaiion of the banns.
I'crlons of i]ua!ity of both te\e% coinmonlv remain
unmarried till thirty, or above; becaule their fortunes,
on both fides, being in their parents luands while they
live, liiev are not in a condition to maintain a familv,
till the death of relations, or advancement to oliice,
turnilhe. them with the means of lubiilling.
The women, in general, are more diliinguillied for
their chaluty bekire marriage, than for iheir Hdelity
alter. Thev are very fruittul ; and leklom fail of a
numerous itfue. As before hinf.il, thev are no where
greater drudges than here; the meaner tort being, be-
tiiles the ordinary olilces of their I'ex, put to plow
and threlli, to row in boats, antl bear burilens.
Domelbc tiuarrels happen leldoin, and more r.'.rely
becon;e i ulilic. Divorces fcarce ever hair.en. Cou-
lin-german, may n.it marrv without the tl;e ki:;^', dil'-
pen.aticn, winch is more t:e,;u.iulv gianietl than r ■-
The Swedes generally, in nuptial c rcmonies, have
art'ectc-d pomp and fupcriiuif, , Ikv,.:..! the i)i^,Mrtion
ot their abilitie-; l.ir, by the e\i.els of one ckv, ot'-
teiitimes many ot them involve tliemalves in i'uch in-
umveniencie.., that they cannot remove tlie.n fur I'ove-
ral ve.irs,
'i'he lame is obkrvable in t'-eir funeral foiemnities,
vvliieh are uiuaily accompanud with great ijllity and
lealbng, and to gain lime to make liieir iv,v;.aratii.>n:,
they commonly tranl'port ti:eir dead to vaults within,
Ml- adjoining t') the chur.he:, where tiiey remain un-
buried kmie luunih;. But of late ihefe, 'and other uii-
necell.'irv expences, have been much k.iil aiide.
The Sweditli l.u guagc is formed ot the ancient Cro-
thic, or Tutoiiic, and bears a near altinity to that of
Jknmark. Tnis language is a dialect of th.c ATtcto-
•-lotiiic, Ipdkeii ancient:;, by the ini;.ibitants of Mieiian
'lartary, from whence the northern parts of Europe
aie lupjoleil to have been ]ie.)p!eil. The only (peci-
men of the language then Ipi ken by the Scythian
kioths in Mafia, is prelerved in a book at L'])lal, being
a tranllation of the four goipels, hy Uphilas, billiop
ot the Goths, I'eated u|ion the Palus iMxotis. The
[.uiell; dialect ot th.is ancient tongue is now fouiul
amoiig tiic Dalecarliaiis, or Mighlanders of Sweden,
.did in the ifland ol' kj..'.nd, in which ])ln'-- it ap-
p.ars to have a l'u''pn!ing conformity to tiie i',n.ouiitrv was nut a littli- ililliirl)i\l i
but the Iclniiic pniviii aouiiivc ; ami nnw ilic };iivcrii-
incnt is to iiuuh uj'uu it> j;iiaril a>;ai:ill ativ tiituri-
cti'ort ot the like kind, tli.it i\o |ii>|'il|) ]iii<.l) laii
enter the knujdoiii without ruiiiiin!; tlie riUiue t>l
Till Svvidilh cluir* h is i;iiverni-il li\ (hk ari lilMlliup
and tiurtvM) uitli.i;j,.iii>, wUo nniiinc thoiiUihis mtiivlv
to the oiLUiMiion ot ihiir o.ui tuiuiimi. I'liiy ari',
indeed, pii.i"oiu at the all.nil)l\ ot the dates ; l>iii are
never called to C()ii:kiI ; nor do tluy ever inteiiii.dille
in the adininilhaiion ot iLite atJ'.iir^. Tiieir revenues
are very iiuKleratr. that of the meiropohtan not i. \
cecding 400I. lU'riinm and thole i>t the billiops ,;re
proiwriionahly liii.ilKr. I'lukr tliele are levui or
eii;ht tupenniciul:uil«, veiled with the power, tluiutih
not the name ot liiil>ops ; an.! a provoll, or rural dean,
prehde> over each 10 ehurihes, to lui>erintend the eon-
dud ot the interior clergv ; the nuinl)er ot whom, in-
cluding; ihaplains and cuv.ite'. ma> ..mount to 4000,
tile ihurehes ill I'inland and S,\tileii l-.eiiig little lels
than Ii.ilt th.lt niiililier.
The mctroj'ijhtan lee ot Sweden 's I'pial. 'Ihe in-
terior diorelej .vre thole ot i,inko|.inu, .Skara, Str.ng-
nil's, \\ elkros, W e!;tt(», Aho, Lund, B.)r};,o, (i,jtten-
burg, Caliua., Cari.iad, Uernoluid, and \\ ilhv. In
the eleiiioii lit the archbiili >p, ail tiie e(^n^l^t^)rie^, or
chapters ot the kingdom, givi. iiuir voies; hui i.u
furt'rigan-. are ciioleii in tne tijliauini; m.mner : thite
peri.Jii^ a;e ]irelented by the thajjter to the king, who
conter^ t.ie ilioiv-li. on one ol iheiii, witli the advice o|
the leiute. Simple belHiiee^ are belloucd in S.ved^n,
as in Kngland, by rig.it ot preleni ition ; wiiiiii is
lometinies veiled in the crown, and lonieliiue-. in tin.'
TIk iiiteiior cK-rg)- ar,' geneially ot the lower dil'.
of [H-'Oplf. tons <>t iieal.mis or |M)or uii/.ens; 1,, t!,;u
they live ;he more conie.ited with their lliLill i;uoi,u-,
which ariles trom certain ineonliderable ilue^, j'.l-be-
landb, and one thiril of ihe tythe . The .nlur i,\o
thirds are veiled in the crown, to be uiiployed m j mu
anil charitable iiles. Ni twitluianding their |.o\.ii\,
the Swediili prielU are extremely hoij, liable, and their
Itoul'ei are always up^n tor the relrilhiiiciii ot liran;;ers
and travellers.
The Swediili clniixlus are, in t;eneral, lian xciminiuiiiMiiv.n VMili,.ar
the king's perniilli.iii, beeaule in th.it lale, it w,,ii;|
k- coniidereil that tlie line luj be.'ii ilepnvid ot a
Among the better lliil i\ people, am! the hi-I, r
ranks, tjicre l^ a conruler.ible d.-giee ot .vaiin;','.' V
gooil education 111 Swoleii liis a imn to ihii'u- In am
country in Luroir. In their Miools ti.ev lear;i dr.u.,
Latin, French, Kngliih. and < iermati ; to I'ui i.i.ij
are very fi"v inil.iiKe' o! a .vo'.i:ig m.in'> iiml, r!!,.;. k "
the dc.ul laiigii.igis, ,^,^^\ |,,,t ;)} ,(,.. |.,,,,^, ,,,„,^ ^.^j, ','
malhrot two or three verv iiiet'ui hvir;; on.- .
T\h\ have llviial uni-.en.ii' s. wimii .ir.- pr..vl,I.d
witii ai'le proleil.'irs. In tlule I. iniinri^s the i.- .imi,-
knowhdge is .-.aluial hillory and tne uiitl,,i:i..i. > ,
and therein they Ihcw their g'H-d lenle .is muv li a ..:,»
nation in I'.urope, for tiiere are no other j art .ot knov.-
ledg.' iliat tlelerve f.mueli alt. alio. ■.. thi rell liciiig l.jr
orn-mient aloiu-; but tluie are ulitul in everv branili
ot hie. iManv of their own m itlicmatici.uis are 111 gi-
iieral elieem, as tluv ap; very rarely without kvcial
wliole Works a:e kr.own to all b.u ojc. In naimal
liiliory they are unriv.ili.d , Im:; li, v lio ir 1 (v.\i |i|.ir
tar.i- in this fiaiii.!i r.urJy to I . 1..1 ',r. . ; :. l.li,./
he was born, this lludy wa- the tavo-vte o le in II, ir
univeilitie- ; :i:'d th.'v h:.-,e ) ro iiic il inan>- rvit 1: .t
caiiie I iIk.ii greit r 1 Li' m' 1,1 I .r i! i.-'. .:k. ; : .:i >' v
have linct been ((.''pied !••. Linr.i-'.' , ;,iid hi ;.ui: s
■ .il'ci;iet.
The S.vc'ics are i-riof! d.-liik-iil 11 ti'e p,/;';,- .; ; .
You 1.' ik .\nio',ull tl ii;i :i \.)M loi' : I .ijiiJi ;, .1 [ , ,;. I
;'• itii ir',, or I n.'i.i'. 11. Il 1:.. .v' ; f ii'. r, ;,■ '.
• .!■
re, Hi., 1 il
e I '. , ) ,
I . I a-..-. ■ < ;' r . ,r t e .■ .
ina "iiiKiil artn aitinr il 1 );>!■,!■ ;l t ■■\:'. , ivi- il
I'.. id .1 i.ati)!! 1-: ti',. n. ■;■..! o-, >. i !■•• ;■!■ , I , luv
ii'iiiilv riih, .;r, 1 v.f, li.M.ri'.r. '1 iie .ui ..u ;: •
c!m'!!,. :i ( 1 liiM! •' . W il!;,i .; a ;:;\Mt liow ot e\;,!'v-
iui,[ii.i' li,'.a:;;h ivirv l''.■^ be lure ol lometii'ng ii.oie tiian a coni elvi.'' ;
the\ ma'd lia\e ailluen. e. Ti'iy are ',, r.cr.ii, niea oi
warm iiiKigination-, ai.d lovn:, i| pii;ilur, . Ihev
il.ull ua'uge their im !i;atiop', r.li I i.mI be c-:ii ,] t m
poverlv. wl.ile tl..} ar.' :ill(.ir,i 'i;i^_r (,, piiulu-.i' uoiks
lh.it lluilil-e li'.eaumir.ili n wi .ucie iii g .igj'. llihie
all the tamous ages in v\'\\\ lie . .s have ri'.nto .1
great ihgree ol eininente, i.or.i n •.'.':•,■ vtv I, .111 u-. iiie:»
bei.ig cotMllporaries, h.ive uiiiv^.'la.iy 1;, n b ■ rivle't
and moll lu\U|■lol;^ ages 111 the worlil : not i:;..t ive.iiili
is alone luilleii iii will., ml iu.\ur\'.
The Swedes h.ave no jHiel ; lor.ie atte't'i l that I'ti
ol compolilion, but it is ar.vavs 111 Laim, .i.id loi:;.-
ijuently ol nonieru. Their paii.tiis iv vi r iile liigli.r
than very bad portrait one-; ti-' i.iiiie t.i on !i-, ,ini! ill.- Ii!!'!, r
il.'j!,n\' lit iv.iiiii;'./. \
, a HUM t>> iMui.- 'n .inv
liluHi'is ll.vv kMr;i ( ir.u..
(iciin;\M; l ii-.id, rli..;. i: ^^
■M tir.' I.iiui- tsniL I'v;;^
fill li\nvj,uiK-.
li's, wlii.li iiu- ;i-..\i,:,.l
■ 1, iuin'.rii's ihc i,;' u i: ■
.■.I'd 111.' uiitliv:;i..i, ' ,
H.d knlc a- iiu'.v ii .i ..: y
!V 111) mIIhT ) 111 . i.| kll' v. -
t.,iiui.'.. I'lA ii'll liciii;.', lor
V iitltul u> i-AcTy br.ir.cii
iii\t'" iii.iiHi.iii^ arc 111 j'l
lA rarii" wiihout k\tnil
ail lAiMji.'. In naliual
■i:; li, v i!'> II' I ii'Ai I'l.ir
ii. I.I I.. I us ; ! ;. I -it.."'
iif Mvo'.r !c o !'.• Ill II .'a-
!■(. i'.n il in-,;rr' |-'.'-n ll .1
I ,r i! i.- •. ■.1. ; : .:' '' v
inr.vv , :.iii! I > ;.i-ii- ■•>
•lii HMil i'l ti>o j'i/; :^' :.'. .
.:i'i lor '. I ,,iii!>;, a 1 . .'. i
I ;..■ .A' If o;, ii 11' '' . I
I a '■.;• o:' r .ir t/ .:. - ;
,•,!■, ,:. \\ I -Mi'. , Wl.' 11: A'
I !'•■ !''!■ . r > i'.<\ -
I. ,,:.t,\ rl' .1 . .. .'.•.- .' ■•
l.M .1-. 'I Iv- -lii ■•'•• '■ ■
,; a 'sv'.t liow lit ex; . ih •
- it 1,'c 1 ci,; 1 ■, w ■ I"--. ■
.,t iii'l r:>oi,;..;i |.)r I'lV !,:••
'liic am:' 1 I'iU c.Mii a I. I
iiioii.' than a con. u.i.' ' ;
1'i'i.v arc ', r.cr.i!. nun ol
oMi--. 'I I'naiuri. I l.vy
V, atvl lot I'c c-;'.i 1 1 I.I
ir.l Mii'j; to i.io.i'.uic works
,1 ;iicic 'il 'J, .i|i^'. 1 •<■ !=>■'■
1 ll c . .^ iia\c li' :i to i
tn:\ '.y.:\'\; vc y 1 .ni u^ iiicu
i.is^.-la.ly 1 -.11 i! • rii' c"!
,ic vvorld : iiol in..t vM.^idi
I :' l.nra" attc i ■ i il'.a! Tn
■vax'i 111 I..Uin, and lor.;.'-
ir I'aii.t"'!'- iv Vif iilc li';^i!-r
: i'f- l..li:c ta on ol.i nii-
ih l-'-rpland, .M'r\-'':- if •' :..■'■ ■'•
;virura- in crncral, l' !v n
II in! u d iiaviLvuloiv v. '; i
■■ Mil','!:'.'.- than, in Swcilii. ;
vcrv'lnilkv, md r-nl' '"^ '
\'-.'.t -• ■
S W F. I) r. K.
, •• ill Swi-J.n tn-'.n it did
!iij ii owin >■ 13 ni.iticr ol
re ir)t i^rtM.cr in propor-
lnp;)i!:„i and thou':h I'c-
watcr-cirria^^', or they cunn- 1 I'C fit tc» ir.arUct.
Many of till' lives T'.- navi.Mlilc: ')iit iiii'ic arc nriny
tricki, CDVcn'd v.i.Ii tiitr I ii! Il w, which yield
Icarcdy any pro:'.:, Cur vi air cr' wirer-cari :.'.,."•, at tl'.c
I'aiiic tniu- tliat coiiiii ■.•m'/I iiv is icn tliroui/.i iliL-m,
vir.ili m:;dif, at a vrv I'l i i t-.; r: ■ , !"• made n:ivi-
;;;di|c on!;» liy rcn'.ovi;;: i •■ ,.1 iil;il.-;iw.L!uii ., a,,d not l>y
a ;',c(t''ral ilf j'tiii .j <»!■ >■ , ' . . i'.
J'l-w c'.ninriits are bttr ;n| ;>'lcd v\l'li li.riionrs
many <»l v,hii"!) .iiv i \tr na ly i'.m. , ui • .\n ! \\'.c -, und the
luiiiilicr i^ li) coniikl.-ial.'l.', i.'.c ili'ir tr.u'.* will never
Hand llill for want :;;'ili-;;i ..i ar.y ; .i.t of tl;e Lin, ddin.
'I'lie S.vedilh nianii;'i:!'.iii-. arc n<.: ciiiliderabic.
'I'licy il ivc Isrclnun !.:bi;.' us cn-
cniira^ciir.nt, it cannot Ic llippui'.- i t:-c c;i:"Ct v/anld,
li.ivc ['•t\-n anr.vciaijlc to vdat aj i..;a:->, nnkfi otlur
lealonb ii.ul C'jnlpiicd ..c 'lie fa lie rime. However,
tiic lad i.-;, that th.ir [hijipini'; is riiiitii incnafcd.
'1 li«ir Ibips tliey biiilii .)i a greater b.ir:'ifn, /nd tluy en-
gnrc in more tiadiiu; v,)yj!;e.s t'-..;n r()r:v!.-;iy. 'I'iiis i'.
a point of very tt;cai iniportanc', ; tor it tlicy ate able
to (xport tlic princi[)al pare c! ri,c;r i i.m, timber,
pitch, t.ir, hemp, and copper, i.i t! ci.' o\.ii liottom."!,
it will add more than any thinii chl- to ili-- vc' !i of the
kingdom ; .it the fair.e taiic tiiac tiicir i),:'.'al I'oi ..c will
be iiicrcalcd ^reaily, wnicli is the bell and inolJ: ulciul
lijrcc tlit-y can cherifh. bicrrafni!!; their Ihipping, is
improving and acccieratin;.; th,- markeij U;y ail tii^ir
piodU'.'U, and cannot but incrtai'c them in a very ii::^h
lie^rcc. The b'jilding and fitting out tlie Ib.ips is the
motl advantageous maiuifaiftuic in the Li.i;; io.i, and
that which nvjre, than any other, biin-^i wealth inr.o
ilic countrv. Tiie braneiic;. of commerce, which th'.'y
have more particularly inc:-.'..!cd of late years, are rlie
l'',all-ln(li.i trade, the trade to Portugal, Spain, ...nd
the i\lediterrar.ean.
■J I.e exports of Swcdea arc iron, woo.l, i,ir, |.ipc-
llaves, Uried-coil, copper, lirafs-wire, pitch, licnines,
and t:.;in-oil. 'I'lie i npcirts conlill c'' grain, various
kinds cf provilion., coliee, llax, ir.an'il.ictiiriiig jn.ite-
riah, fii'ar, hemp, C\'c.
It \s till ■■,il.T, ili.ic about one half of the bar iron
V. '-.icli i, in.idc in tnii country, is cxjiortcd citi-icr to
(iic it Britain or lit '.a;;.!.
I'he trail'.- to I'ortv:
^■:)A wine.i, is in 'avv.:
lor tliofe commoiliiiv
I'lut the trade to l-'rance is dellrui'Uvc, as it takes otl
In: f e V ot' rheir co.iiinodities, cxcejit iron and a li'.tlc
br ilV V lie, y. t lun.s awa'.' v, itii a great deal c;f their fpc-
I'c, ae,,! rcriirn^ tlie-n li,ndly any thing bur luxuries.
■] ne I .ivment., ill tins country arc uiualiv r.-.ide in
upper, th it l)cin[;; the piiiieipal, b-nt, at the I'.i r.e time,
a v-erv inconvenient medium of trade, as lome of the
cpper coins arc as large a; a tile, and when a i-erlon
lee, ivis a Uim of tiiis money, it mult be carried home
in a cirt, v.luilbarrow, or laii;. But here arc lome
<;oldi dia at^, value 9s. _;d. cicll ; cijiiit mark jiieces ol
iilver, valued at c-,, ;■!. ,:!k1 four-mark pieces ot lilvci,
.111! .Spiin, for filr, fruits,
' tiie .Swedes, as tiiey barter
I- r iron, tiili, and co.nicr.
Iiidf tlie v.uiie of the tatter, A dollar filvrr-n-.inf, .is it i,s
termal, is worrii about an l.n^ilh Ihilliin; j .uid three
iloll.:rs copper-mint make one doll.ir filvcr'mint.
J he cIluLiliftied icvmiies of Sweden arile from a c.i-
pii..tion tnH, crown lands, excites, tiilloms, cert.dn
iyht,«, filvt-r mine', copper mines, law procceclini'i,
and a few lefi conlidcr.ibic p.irdculars,
A ili d part of the rcveniii s are appropriated to tl-c
life I,; C e roy:;! f.ii.-.ily, and the icIl t > f ippnir the evil
and hiiiiraiy etlabli(h:iicn:n, I'Ik- revenue:, of the ki.iL;
of Svedcn were anciently fo Imall, tiiat t!;ev could
hardly inaint.:in him t ar, they aiolo only from fome
du'.'is on iTieuliaiidize.s •mpott'tt or e:;pes it ail. He has alio all fortcitun s upon the account
of h: 'h trcafon J and tlie eflates of ilraiigtrs, if their
heirs i o not .ip;ear wi hin a year after their dr..tli.
I'lie Swedilh forci j conlilt chielly of an ellablinieJ
naiionil militia, the ngiilations of which were either
formeil or iirp'oved by C"har!e-i XI. and thence conri-
iiiu.i to be the balls of the [.relet (.iLiMilViment. 'I he
nob'iiiy and i-entfy were oblige! t'j furniili tlie cav.ihy ;
and a eibleman, after haviiv; funiilhed a m.:n, cimld
m.t put eidicr liim or hi'; horlV to any other employ-
ir,'. lit. The infantry are railed .'Vnm among the l..rms,
.md '.lie king's (Dmmilfion diltributes t'lem throerh
the vai'i.)us provinces, in proportion to tlu- mi nber of
farns, each of which, to the value of above (,:]. per
annu.n, not beipi; occupied by the ollicers, or aj-pro-
pr:atvd to their peculi.ir lerviccs, are chirsvii «irli (.ne
toot foldicr, ->vho recri'v'es, from the faniiir, fni-'ir i-,
diet, cl(),ths, aii',1 a triliin[i annual allowance of irion-v :
or ot'ierwite a wooden ho'il-- is built fiir him at the far-
mer's charge, wiio mult ali<» tiirnilh him with as rri-eh
,'i,iy a.'i V. ill k'.-cp a c )-.v in winter, and pailurage in fu'.n-
mcr, and plough and 1 )',v tor him tiirli a p.arc 1 of"
ground as will aliord liim bread. Thole that ire ir.nr-
ried (.\; manv of them aic) generally accept this lirrer
condition. The unmarried tiddlers iilirilly abi le v irii
till- t.n'iocr, but are not obligcil to do him any ferviee
•.v;tli'j',i: v.ages. When t'ley have once taken the pea-
i.iiit,, money, and are lided into the king's ll-rvice, ti-.ey
c 111 ii'-vir quit it as long as they are able to fcrve j and,
if they ilcfeit, they arc pu.iillied v.itli death. The liiCb
inllit'iition I'l' this inetli.)d was ver-/ burdenfome to the
pcaliuus, v/i'.o v.cre at gre.it charge to hire tlrdr men,
who cctt them lol. and limietimcs iol. a piece; and the
liime thev tniill do wiv .never their foldicr dies. Tins,
in pe.iceable liiues, is not ti) ch.-.rgeabk- as in tirres of
w.u, when iren r.ie iiniMrung to ferve, and recruits
more fre^paentiy wanfd.
.•\ . ail ilu- c. villi', in li>!d'ers are thus pro\'ii!ed fir at
the e.'ii'.ury's I'lai'-e, fo all officers both of horfe antl
f.i'T. .},!.• miintaiii'd liv the kin_i:, v.ho has appro;'! i-
at:d:(.; t:'„.i p.i.rpofe loir.e ot' the lands re-uii't. .', or
f.ii,Vv ';, belonging, to tl',e crown : fo that every o!ii;' r
ii.is a c e.ier.ieiit le.nie, an'd a C'.niipetcnt pori' n cf
find to l:ve u;'.on, lltu.itcd in tlia' ptiit of the counriy
vl.e;e i:.e rcj'iment; he belon;!;s to is qnirtcrea ; :',s .;;la
tl'.e rent of as-m.-pv uih. r taiir..- •■., ink'- u;i his j'av;
ulecli, t'lini-'li it be 1 'ni.'v.liaf lei- tli.in loni;..'lv, -. I'f,
In:;';: j tmcui.'.ily pei..!, ciiiicr in money, cein, or i,:!ier
t) L commoj'in s'.
'Mi t , S ",
lis u .] jlH
I' :.t''|.
M-.W AVD Al;TlI^:^;TIC svs^l■^T ok i'mvirsa!. (hogra;
■omiiioauu'., t!u-v !i!v.l ir moiv profituiilc tli.in \vh.
i wen- to r.ilu-ir Idi 11 .u the trcii'i
cuKnul lit
ioot h.is, 1)1 dull- l.iiuls, till- yearly i-fiit lit'. ibout jocK
ami the n-ll prDpoitioii.ibly, whic'i a-iiou.its to aluv.it I
1W\. .1 yen- r.ii the nirui.rs both ii]>iht .uul iiiiiie , I
ut one ''.)()t nui.iicnt, anil there lieiiit; in Sweikii, I
ii.,1, aiu
elLilililli:iietit, the inaiiiti-n.mct
nL'iment'. o',' toot .ukIu- ihii
!or.irin.r' to ti)e;n eoit tiie
:i)e thj k
Wli.it e.'i,ii)re l
I" iloatliiii : ot t
Lji' all uw cineeis Iv-
.iiiou' -o.croi. a ve.ir.
le OiiiniiHin I'lMihrr'-,
tilvir ar:iv;, .u.J |m-!i o;in.r
once in two or tnree
neci-ll'iri'', may air.oiuit to, eaiiiMt li) eal'ilv bo co
1 :k- ctli
lire provi.lcd lor after thi
lame inaiiner, with I'ueh lai-e allow.nv.e as is requi-
lit'-. Thtre are 15 re.;iiiK'ii:s or h(i;i;> thus ell.t'iiiiHi-
iiiiiicnaaee of thiir olllci r.. is eonipii-
CO, and the 111
n advanceiiv-nr, h.r cannot
mo! ai'.otlier uiirje till he his piit t'lat elkir
Jiiro as ijoid a coiidaion as he f c'l 1 i:; and in cii'. ol
liii ileatli !•;. ,'r/ii ean.v.u iidieii ;■ iiil ri.at i.i il.inc.
In ti ivs ot p:'icc, .lil t.elj'.-.li's and criiiu-, con
r.iitted In tile Ib'dicis, t'.ilj ordmirilv under tiie corti.-
•/.jnre d' a civil ir..;_L-ilhate, wiio lias the faine auilu): :i-,
over iliCii as ovir tiie icil ot' t;-,- king's I'nlve:;-, cn-
cept wi,c!i they are ciu.c.nicii ir !.i ■.Mriil'o'i, or .•.;.'.
ways under llyicir colour,-. -. ni ail wh-.ci: ci'.i'-, .,s all <
in matters that iclaic :. klv to t!i' :r ;vi,';;!io , tii.i.
officirs l;a\'e jiii ild.ition ovi'r ti' ir, \v:tli.;i,t u!;.)''
leave a private t'oidier is nor p^■<■■.■^ i,M| [,> l,„\.,r ,. i- ,,|
his quarters, nor be alilciit a u >/ tioin the pMi nli h.-
heionus to. 'I'iie int'etior ollicers cannot be ,.i):'inr
from their rliiuve l"t by their chIoikT- p- 1 ii.ili'. m ;
nor e.'prainv, and tin Ic ajor.- tlicm, witln.ii: tin- kia^',
leave .-^ love ti.e oidnurv i-ltabnihiiienr, tiie k.ii_
annexed to i-.,ch rci;i iiint -O 1'u]Hr:ir.mei.irv (arni-, t i
anl'wer any extraoidiiMry u- cuieiit ofliie, iVc. a:..l v,
furnilh a I'ubliltence f.ir I'l.cli o.'licers as are [laif lir-
Mce. l-'or coiiiinon loldicrs, ch;)m age and •/>',. ii.!:
have -endt-red unlit tor \'.v, t!i-.'re ib one LtiT.-r.d noi
} itil, vdiich has a gi.ol nwiuc; and bi-lijrs iliai,
I . ry uiFicer who is aiKar.ced, p.ivs to ir a J'jt. ot
money (iiuportionabie 'o t.ie li-j'ie iie i , ; ;• c 1 .i:- ,1
coIoikI [)ayin:i 101 crown-, .u,.\ ,,
,il t:
'\i\- 01 SweJ, n coi i
nil', trian tile Hi!t to tiie ;i'
le clianc.iloi : he is ihe ciiki ol
a''i!.s, and ijivcs tiie iKciiriry onkr lor th ■
tlv pubiic. I e is t!ie kLcper of the teals of' i.'
d i.ci cIks all r, ee al.'iir., an I lu- die km-
and i!e'V:ind> IilJA'c the ll ites >Mr.e:.\l. .-,/ i |
h[:i'.\ trcal'urer: I;.- has tiie adii;inil'!.::;:iii .a" th-
tui'', and o! all ti.c kill >'s lev.u'
counts ct' ,;11 l!ie i'e'c.al recei\
• CMv. ;i.
ir.il .11. ;ir, tl
-II. ;iii
IViltCtlt.; ,
dices wl tl
11. i
o I'.-fl
t-, V. luie the riv.ioits o;i th'j
.re ad. I!
a,,d wlieic ,1,1
iiier rel.iit.
1 he 1
av.s (ll Swc.l -11
■ )n an!' 1 1 th
;;rc;',n;lv a^ vaiious
province.-, v.vie liuineriai-, c'.v !i <■
111 cull
oir.s peculiar to iclei', eiicicd as occ.ii: m n-
"aiiied, by tiie laghiii
\y\: ) wa.. elioren by
.m, or :.V)\eiiii.r oi t'
-M le, .i-,l i:iv
•' ,1
.lur.'ioi i:a , e
his ruli"r^:.e
pecKi'iy V. Ii,-ii I
conchid:" f tiie
l.l-ll V
s vai ll tv uas i.eecll
c i ( in I-
lioa ; for icir.cdy wlieii'il', ii- ar .'.. ; ,..:::, ■, ; o-..
la laws was ciinp-ikd 1. r the diitv.iiu oi t, ■ v,,i le
kingdom : yet this collection is Imr an io-p;" la '. | ii-c,-;
and the l.iv.s ire Ii) >c:\ , ;in,l coiic-.-i\i 1 l,i t c'l ■;•.,■,;!
t nils, li-.at in iiiol! cd'.:-^ ti'.ev iiecv! ti.e alii .ance n: ii-
cimI kiw ; and,, ,i'i> r .ill, t::e i,:i.il iletcni.iiati 1 ■',•-
i-a;J:. nukli ii|'-ipi da '. 1 ni-i i ,1 1 I' t e ber.;ii, \,:,;.;i,
ni .1 pcor conn;:,-, v.c.c liiiarks ar.' la a'l, i-. c'r> \
iilk.l with till !i icicn .Is .irr id \ c il. ; ;rts atij 'e'* ,
to . ornipti.i.i iip.m v,;y l!i at r n;:>;.idon-,. I'le i,-
tii'ls III tiii:. v., .ul I lie iiioi'c \i:i!\!, 1! (,i(_li iiCK:, .■
court did not klip a clack u, on tiie k-.v.ci, aa : ;■ •
kiivi's couit .ll' Kvcirj, a o\ei .w, r inciii .ill, to -,. ., a
.lil cud c.itnes, aai,,viin!r,|i to tin liiai oi 7. 1. ,:ie,;:-.
piai.d'c; ..nd \ IV I'civ ini la tore lii.y ha.i- i 1
tao'ij'at tli.ther. In th-. 'iipicip- court tir kf ■ , .-
1] a nllv liis i;i pi Ion, .mil det.-; c.ire c,-'il-s 1, n 1 '
1 I- e the p,.t;d.ii; ol' the , iiaiaiiv, an 1 c.. , 1 ■ ilnf,-
p, 1. y-ia. ,1a. villus, all,) lit, ,1., d:oi... ihe (ii,ni'lo: ii
ilie court, [An I lliei r 11 ».'; in i:c ;ie ta i p; : . v c .11:1-
Iclio:,) wiio Is |.:< lldeiir 111' III ■ 11 ..l.-r-reve;:..).,, ui,r;
he, .iiivl two I, cutirii s, p;i
per in.mner to be hrou,'!,:
l. c '.'■luner, in a
ot )iittic-,
die lowcii d
I la , ,i;i' (.
: ;;' '[ in"' n 1 ,
1 s, ^,:c.
en, .1-. Veil as t'lol.- o'
': ■■::>■ in e.'.cli i.iipor.raa , ;^i;e;i a-
tliere are tline,) as .do 1.1 c a h d
whereof" every pioviiiee ii;n:.iii;s i
llr.t or ll
^e!d, I'lait
In li
'■ l.e ,11 r, na.n
ir Connlelior |lK:'^ll-, ,llld li.ls lone ol iiu ll•l^'e
are ot two dalles. ViZ. one on:
r, vrt'ca 1,
tii.'.Uv leade cither to
man f'lc tl it, or
V. 0:k 1!! till-
iCK-vanis ; .m.l uintiivr o;
h ;s il
ly re.idy, us the indindu.ds .jtc only leji.lUia
upon oecalion, ,is re; nuts.
In .'5v,e '.en there aie fve great odicers of die cimmi
ko pril'ide e.icii in a triiininl rouiporcd ot" tome ten
a-ai when any of liieir platen lieciiv vacaii'
;-• "jves It jrnerally t.) t
II- iiiolb ai.ei. n: I'eiiui r
01 '.he tial) 1;
i'..;y o liuw It 1, ..iioii
will re the v, it inc. h ippeii-. : 1:1,
II iv pi all
■ ol.
ila eis ,irf, i. iiii-dolii, or i hid" j itlii e, \v:;o 1. ili
liril olli' er in tl, • n.te.n, an lu.i. tkim.,-,lv .1 kl , 1 ol
he ll is ihi honour 01
he.i.l ,t t.
il till;' the e i,'.v:i (i;
the I
iiireine cam " ol p
fioiii al! ou;e,- cuii
a(/i,at,on ; .cat
e, to 'ill. h I'll r
IS a 1 .1:1 ■
.liiiikni's : in \:r I "ter t'a- ;.-ini-:;'r it t':e t
ill's, V.
a I'taiaiin.^ jua- iiiidi 1 iiiiii , In . , o
111 in;^ amb.'k.to; V, .ind ii!ii,iilv k' p' iie'r i-r u,
place wli.ie the la t or
tl.i le courts exa.riin ition
cxeeediii'i tone lliiiiri"
.11,, w.i.
,i;e t.
'1, ,1110 II'. .t,
iiilmiited to the next ik'i
i.'tiiir Court, ll
cveiy rorpor.itioii, theie 1. m.r, when' tli
is pielident, .iii.i tiie akleini.in .ii'ir.i'ir
Jewry province tle'.c i. 0:1,' or naire ,.l
iiclideiir will u .'I HI
ills ine n.
uiiiiou! .1"'.' iith'.i .eeaoiiry m.^n the "l .i re
11 1; ll,' t-.ml
t 1 I
l|i-'ai\e nil. oil ll loirts, v, ,r|i,- ilny
l.u:l,ir aprcil
.111.1 IM ,i.r
tii)n% not ixceeit'iiLi, : 1. ire. b'
, n itional eoiiits tlieie .ne tliu e : 1
: 'it' ijwidui, hel.l at Sio, k!r.;! a , a;-
I ),
;-.i..r Mr ti.e
h's tl; ■ ■,;il";--cjrin;i of ilu
lo w;i' ■, ;':h'i ell ii)\ -. 111 i; ,'
:.c.w.. ,;. 1 iic .uliui.il,
• ',;. : hi' li IS ilic (■(iT:i!,,n.|
1 !!.!■ I' .u'c; > V Id i i v.- [■■»
r.i ..;1'"ns ; ;'.i'.J ui .i,\', •. i
ii.lty, H ii.l.i'ii'iioi.d I .
i.\iiv DtiuT p: 1'. :i^:j;--,, .■.
:,i; r 111' tlu' ]> )lu\' i rnu' , ,
iry .11 .!. r l.ir ili • \:( tlif k'al-. o' li;r c;..v. ;i,
,ir '■ \'\ ■ 'Ik' kin >'■. 1 ' .'. ' s
iti"- !',< r.c;,\l. .-, i li • i ■ '<
U'.tiriiiit'!.-:; '!i 'it' ill' !■ .
i-Vvii \' i haI .11. ii:. til" .;■■-
ri'i"C!M'i-< i l\. n^ all u:.! is
Im:Ii'ii.- Uv\ , .\\\ ji.iVs i.l
i !(• ..i:.i j'.i. li !(•- II. t'l ■
;• ilu' i p;i,nK 1)1 t!;;.' [■■ ii:i
.:n,M:. iKKm^ing t i tl;.' i\-
'.' i'.rci'.T.'lv lis vaiioii'. .\i t'l*
cull (•:' V.!. i-'l i:,.,l li,,'i;:i ■>
•)', iiu.icJ as (iic.i!: >ii ic-
■ I'.ovi'inr.r ol th" j't'ivjiir •,
I U-, ..I..1 i:iv, lUJ .. iiii ;■;■ -
['u' ki:- I'liu V.:. ti tr;',
,1;: ; ' ivi
\U.\ \N..l'
1 111 1-
II' .;;■ ;.- .■ ', ..n; .. ', ; .i ■ v
\Vx (ill-. . ,. ■!! Hi ; ■ Xv.l li"
III !■> hilt ail iii'jV' t\'- I il-i.'';
I i i-.ii>Criv', 1 ,,l ) - 1 '.'•. ,:.ii
ii'v i!''L\i Vi.-: atii ...'K I' '.' li •
ti'.i- I, ii.il v!(.-t..'rii'ii.aii '';••
.. L.l a 1 r I 1. I'liu !i, \.i.i,;^,
r.il.iiivs nr.' 1 1 a'l, i.-- <■':. \
(;f V. t.il. ; ;rts -iii.i 'v'*\ .
I 'It ' n'.">'..ii;o:i-.. I M' i -
)i',- \!!"l\!, l! Cicll ill'K ■. .-
;^ u, iiii liu' l:/.'.cr, ar, ! i!i:'
1 .i\M^ tl.v 111 .I'.l, II' '. 1
) llii III 1' ni 7 1. .ii;- .r,'-
i bil'. Ill- tii.y lll.r i .1
ri'ip ' I'Di'rt til kr ' , ■ .
ik't.'. .-.'.vx c.-nl-i, h :• i^
iiH( TV, ail 1 ;•.. > I ■ !'.u\-
.II I'.oi. ■. ll'',' 1 it 'H' 1 01 ' '
11 >.i' ;.' I.) ; |ii!.;. i •,::•.■
11 111. r-iiVi-i ll.).., UI,, I ;
1 ;].. 1.' c '''n'm-.'r. 'ill a ;• •■■
■ I'c .ll.' i.i:';;.
n.j- ; ) I.i , all' <■, i . '••
, r, 1.: i:"l ill' '1 I, I ' ■
ii.ii 'f . .V. I .,il 1.11. ■■■
i- ll h li ill • t I't ll . 1.
K liiis 1 ■..'1 ;i, I nr.'v .. • ■
!■>■ i.i 1 11.'. , .111 .li ll I..1 l.l
li.ls 1^11 c ..f ill, li'.i •■.'i" '1
■ :-ini ■ :; 'i I'l V'-c t mi . •
I V iir.Ji I liim , 111 ■ ' i"
1,- k y lirT I'V ilj 'I! 1 ■■
I .11, \,'.i . (1 1.1 I ■ :. li
1' i.L.. '1, .lii.l ir.t. .1 ■ I'
V'-. iiiiivi'. v ■ ■ ■ ■
).n '! ri.uit, I . v.lij', I
.1.' , wIk.-u' til',' ! '. I.: ll ' i' ;
nil. Ill .u'ui.ri"- : .nn' '■•■'■
;,' HI 1111)11.' 1 I ; f ll' > ' '' ■ •
il', till' 11.! ■■■.'■ '•! I,' 'I '
I'l.'ii ll; i; ' ' .1 I'l'ii'i . i ■
II ii- i .iiii 1 i;;".i t 1 ;
V, .rn- llnv ■■''■ I'l' ' ■" '
1.1 If, I li.T ,,i:.' .1 I ill! • •
1 l; ll' I./:- .'ill'. "' '' -
nil- : 1' ' im l' f k'P. ;
;! 11 , aii,..ii.r Mr tiii.' '^' '
i.t III
S \V F. i)
I (ini I'i I io'li !, or Ooii,i.,i r, i-cptnt cnkinpirirr
m t!'i
doni l.l l-'i:il ir.c!, at Alio. In c.icl
'i- III.' .
,1 I ti'.v ciniiiJi I I :' is 'M'l-liil'.'in, ami above kali
or, lit ir.ii
(1, ll
.'IIS; ..11 ! •'. K l"-"it.; |)i.'(:i-ri''.i witli too
Aaioni. It'
(■.•ii'i'-, a I'l'U
avi- t ).
li A'l
r,>v, 111 I.I • I
I I .11, I'll.'.i.) ii.ls 11. 't I'll.
Il.illll r.uili!l ( I'tk: !'.' I.'
lllD.lll'il, U.'ll'jls
t! iL'il III til.' ortlii'iuv
., I iiiiili'.l ii!-')ii iholi.-
• "I (io'lil ii.il, will.:!)
t • ' l;,iiiii.' r a, as tlic
, ;■ j kii'.s. i iic ronrt
i ll ii' I'iioii ill til-.' a-.l-
■li;, ill Ticli la tEiTi. ab
r, II. Ill ill l".jiiK' i,lac>.,
'ivi'L :ia;. i', id i.
ll i.i'i:.'. til
m cici
iiiii tn-.' !■-
!v, 1-.
ruir, til III t .I'l
a|)|iL'al to I'll' nl'fUivi.' na loii.il
(Mil's III t'u' kill ', .is ill ,ill 'iiiit-r
I'Dl' li ■" •: . rili'in, t i ili.' ii
C'lrts I'lil I'll i . i',' rk li M '.,(•
or.iii;;-, , .1 " ii'.'i.il i; ;i. ', i . '■-
iliiiu. , l.l- ,i; iio, isiii/'ii,. ol '...ll
aiKl, III lo.iii.'
'ir.tivr pan
.s ol t;
'.x:m> \' Is 111 t 111
II-' con.':;',.' (;i ll
oil foi.iiii.ink.' i^i
\i itii a vici'-i
li.lJiit. .,
arc :v-)i,
tlic lllol'i
loii';ui i
ill, rtl c.'t
111 o lirr matii'.s :
ikiif, or nl crc tkc \\
( s aiL' Vf'i"- i.v, ,")'.'rai)ii
iiiiaiit IS I'.iliiiitrcj tu I iirit' liii:
latli J to V, lin-.i
arc aililcU
oailu (ll ll
'i'-' ail vmii'ivri; d Im iii.'UKrncL'.
Ijui'iiii;; (if koiifci-., v. i:,"l,.'..'l'r, an.
Ol' twuvc ritiiir iiicii, WHO
icalop, iiiuitiL-r,
iic liki- kc'iiious
cnnu"-, aic |)
.1 vi I-
hil':;.;ir!;!; o! ir ■ :i ain.: u
Inirniiij; alivui or i'..'::.',
Cll.lillt, is lijllll i,ll'l.'i .ll',.'
till.' Clinic. CiViirnil . ol
:ii i '■ I'Cii is LN.cii
in;; i (' v. i.iiiicn ; t j
O, .lU'Hl'
ilKl ll.llV.lnir in
ic niuirc ot
to tl
lliot to
he I iiniflinicnt l-Ji' iic'liii .; i, ks'^'.il yc.irs liiicc, iii-
lu'i.il < .' ikatli
Vl 1 V
ito a
L'tUll i\.\-
ct;ni..'.'ir.r.cct to wo
ins lilc tor iki" kiii':, in iii..kin ' loiti'.iMiioiv. or oih'n'
crv ; I'll 1 n,;s ..iw
Willi .1 i c.'.y com
iin iron coilar aoo'it lii.s
, 1, to V, hich is
t.iiu i;i.il a !)i ii, tii.'i: lii'.'-', .lo Ik- v'-i-s aloiv
l.l tnc o
cii'-li'iiv a iiiiiiiilcici.1.
all I I,
III lliv.'
list " klii'kii, .iiul oilur I'l,;
t-i illlil I T 11
k'iit',r,i";s 1,
,-.u i iii,i.ii c to
tiK' Aiivr.i.t'
"III ir.oiy ol-' I'l
COI.',!i'!l!i,C.l III
u.'is : to
• V 1 I- M.ar\ ,
Kv; -liiion oi
ti.i.J.i. 1 ill (.1
.1 111 a ll .iMMi r
ll',:: • til . !'. r :'.
1 r a i,,uki.ii r 1
ijj kill. 'J) I'.i'j [iiniifir.'i.l V. il'i
1.H..U11, iiiil a
til ini.i'iiv tii-oii ti
liii'.iiir p.- ..il'i'i!, iiic/ P.if hi'in
ir, v. i.n ore. I
...1 IS ;ui .IV
.;;il1 v.atcr, loi- tv.i)
a iliot.lan,! c" ..vr,s ;
u tv.u tirJUi.iml crowns.
;iir, ill c.iIl.' ot .'.1
I'uiir, 1., rclcrr
fcrrc^l to
■.ii.il ti.'iiit, wlivTi-' rcciiita.ioii, and
•' .1 "% i ii'ii.iil'. i'''lxl ll.
(• /'i J .' , i I'c ir.i, d. Ic.ii.l tl tlic
111 CllC Hi ill'.
t'lC liU I'.'l lUK.
.1' Cllli.l.i U':, ill
a:i 1 in ;ir.
1 I'.o (1 01 I. 1 !i,i : o l: iiu'
iii.i- il.i.i, lilt, .mil 11.
11 .V t.) llv I.IV '-'X'..'
t,'.vo'iir i.ii'.i 1)1.1 1 1, til y I.i
tiition, or ',.) iilntiMt'-' ,111 i y '' ik ,r ir.,ii I >j'c upon
I'lrntcnri s ; lli ihir tin . ]) 11 l i.
tlic v.o
Kl lu.'ll'C,
(.ut 'nc.i
It I.
.0111 r
.l.'.V (1,1
moi..' ir.i\!i.'r,ri.'
111. 11 .1 I !'C CHI
:;.i ;'. i;;,'i. .s m
I'f liill'vll-
a ihi-r.,
h ncli" r
I'll i) I
Cn.cr ■'
iiii'r to 111 ■
111 1.
M .' I-. ...Liiinuicicd
.1 II iimCh'c not oiilv
lie O.'.t.IlK
liiiis uri' r.'i V, ii'.Ti
ili^' urta-ci'l liiii'.ki
1 u:'i):i li'aic I p."',! 'r
t ) ll'Vcn (li.il;:;.-.
oi til.' c 'Uk' J iki;
1';, an.l i, coiiiput
.J. P'OUiuU a vi ii .
H)n!.t.iii.c J 01. 'V lilt.',' I.v..:-, Ol
,ii'qiiii';il p'lii i I..1;., t.) liijii c '
ikilpolcd to t ;'i'.;i.ir. V. licie i
■d v.itl
I i.i'.i:. , i!
'. .1.1 a t'.'ii.n ot tlu'ir
or (,;a r a. iliov a.c
!Li...i.i ii.fiini-.
L''. o or tlH\i;
ir.oniiLs time, 1
drill ii ul tlic d,
til'- m.i ri
k 1
1 -.o tl.-:
1 1,' c .11-
U, 1;
IK" lUliKl,
inllitiitcd b. !•'
d, iiili
;;;. I: 1
ilcciiiicl, aiiil ..iv ll )i r.
ii.iim, O!' 01
lit the r, t'
1. ill 1
I.,' [.
oi il.c .Scra-
111 I.; 1.4, tie
iv.i'\' 111 in oc!n:r pemiii
till., aid. 111 .''1111111.11 aciioils, C' i',eiii..l, to ]ile.id hij
own taiile. .Vci uidill.'ly the r...i. iu. 01 liie 1 iw i- Iv.'-
li'W a I'l nlleivi '.11, I'm! niher ilu' iilource than the ihoicc
ol" ir.i-aiuT I triori-i, who .ii\' eiry li-'W in luiniber, and
tor the ir.i'ii jait v. ry \''
e I llllo ll 1.
I I 11, ll.lL t.'.l 11
ii'Diir t!"''i', 1
lint IU rr.'k ,it 1
iiy ot I : men i.s lo ,ii!!ici)t in Swc-
1 ]ii;ti.iid it li.il . oii'in.il a-
s ll, 'lie del i'.l .1 ,0 oih'r naiioivs :
ll'i I'.d cvi'ty vili.Ti', ' xcept oiilv in
i.M I 11. inf. in iki' c.iiinr: '.' i an.t ilicre tn.' iniv-
iiu'i tin^
I., ll.
d ..I'
1)1 t ii'l'l;
ke ok,
l.k, t;
.r-iiii" nil t.i
ir'.. tl 11 ill liie I i.)"cr ro'
; sue. 11 tlu't..' r.iur iv
lii.e a c.iuli', V, kic.i,
Irir ! '.' .1 III. joiiiv ()(" vul^c..
'.i.k:'. .! 11 >te I'.'i me, iiii.l 1 !".
.' n il'iv'.i. til 11 .'.le k.'jv: (;t .;ii
V, i.il .IS of otki'i I'lvr.i niiii.'iiti.
: ml Hi n '.'.1 I
the ii.i.iiidi.1'
V. Ii^'ie t.ie
not I', TV c'.'i-
II I .s TO r. V
n E lira n-.;r';ki
eatcd cvi i", r. iii
1...1.'.' .I'.i.i.oii'i -
w.LS tlie introdikli
r. ijic.i.ii ■: t!u' iii:...iy ol
n oi th'.' i.. Ir iiii.i 1 ixl .^ioii,
lOl) (
t' I!
that iiiipoit.int jnii
i'ioiir,, in the v^ar 1!;
ihcir n.i iili.iiir . ol i ) :i
latter (ik v.iio 11 ;'.. V V ....
their o'l'.n d.niv ll.,- i);.,ils
.15 ill'---
roil lliat pen. Hi, to
01 V is reiik'tj '.'i h li-
vens, II
i"i.., or V,
l.v t
11, v. .10 1; ; ear
iKvlcil In' ina;;i;r. < ei i.Hin ■ piiii '
111., WliO .ilCl'll ul tllv
111 I .
i'liilied llllh llU'.iii'i'i s .is coi'..a;i'cd to t:i ' In;
roy.il I'i^^r.ity
Ll • ot" li's ['CO
if tl
tl.' r.
l,iis i:l.|i'il ohjeCl.i v.cie ihe
)n ot tie. le'.'c:
rl t ,1' I low ,', .1;
1,1; mi. m Oi :.
1. • riroiiCik'il
a!,.l air:'
I I t'li' no '
.IS 1 I ■!,■
Ill eiiieral, to
lii, 1,
ill r ,111 1 11 ,1, I 1 Ml I'l- V iilc
til 1:1 a I'l nUii ',' tijll'jv, in .
j ii';,l.',;ii.'.io'.'v, ,
.1 in tk.e fa';- f
I Ml
i i
I !M!
f ' ^ ' n
ill r
. r, cw.^ .r,-r m \\
a:Ul UMUVV ol I
iiiiuvr I, 'I '. ,wt
tiv r,i;.,ii .\l:r,
.U' •! 1"
;t!-.m w t'xi\ ! :s.m. Ci or.uAr.nv.
'1 I C.llTi
i> cxccr.rDn,
111 • t ■. • [ ,U'
■j\. ir w.!.i
a iiif
jll :n (if
.v.A w-s t:.iv
iai)k' kTicb o(
.A I. • .'••c was au'
i,v (-\.i:;iaii
el ''ix union
;iiiir of
\V IS ,iiU) kh
;ii, !'.) iriuicr hiiiiti'lf "ab-
wovi . li lit/ 1, wiiicl'i was
•i- pi incipai IK)
■.c yi- u- 15:0.
yc'ip'.^ p.'ii'
km';.- <>t >>••.• I- L'.cr
to bi.' 'iMiii^l to
11a i'liT liis iiibii;-. 1
tvrai'ir.ril .ron '.i.
t' 1 1
V. II' comrr»' t-- ii
ai^' 1:1.
C. .:l;aii, was (i'lil.'vits
i'. : . I tio;n tiic aiiv' i-i.r
. ,'i lO low, ac tliLs ci lit as
t ' ■;)„•: mines ot Daiic r-
...> .if .1 liiirJ.-lt' tio.r ch.it
k- r.n.r tiie itiilfralili.- .'.uo
;■.•., .iiid t:iL' nciuhbiniriiii.'
cir prcsrrc
b, hi:
narv itr vts
,( .1.
\v.!s thc( kcd I'V I
-b: ;:''!.i U-;u,iv;r,
,(• rxtnor
his loll, til )1!l;1! r'.fn a miiKir, w.-.o alti-iuaJ^ ii):.i;|-.
(!. :'i.atfd tl
Swc \'ii Cii,',
vl i<-ilort\l i!ic li..!f|'c;.il'_-;ir..'
the ni-x: \\\\r (:6ii) w.". 1:
c filed by !iis l-'ii (i iilaviis A.lolpluis, tlicii lij vear
n, bv t'.e conU-iu ol tin- nates-, he tjuk i pun
ii ill ihi .•■.!miiiil)ra;ion <
(if.l'l.'.vir., I(
e piivernir.er.t.
r Ins aeeeihon to the tnro;
,e n|
•Sweilrn, loin li liiiulelt' invujveil in a w.ir wiia il,,
nes am.; Kuiiian^
It liiti;
eii;!;es vvi
th Ik
li'it he lur.noiiire
nd rrl'oi'itior
.ueliievcvl allonilliin.-i; feats of" valciii-. 1 !
li A r.il vicTories over the RiifTians. lie i
its atteii.;
(ri, t.ie II to 1 nn ■.* HI
in ni an
i).;r.i!'. voke
I ..e; .n;. o k\
to ^vhlcn en;
it" the
ten ■.■one-, a.1,.1
,rt- n. I.
!i iirv'>-e '.',u' S>- i\
oi'.t ot thole li.btenaneoiK
tiie U'v;ial polls tlie Dants
Li.eiy out ot the kini^d.iiii ; |
, s eiecica
in their kin
oiilh doiiiunons u\ L.ivonia, cook
i, .'-r.-i :i-,au,
mailer ol" the whole provinc
n iu,o liC adv. meed into in ..cram.'., drove tie
Gtrmai.s out of" Meeklen!
Mud r
faivoii-. Asliiian j^'iv.ral, and pudued hi; n.'at tli;ou /'i
■ r..:'.c.K-,i.i, wraTe hf ma
In the I
1- i'lriiiiiu: t)
t the \e.n-
ill\, w.'u), III .-.a
'-'wabia, in pinliiit of eount 1'
(lom his anr.v, v.as mortallv wounilcd be a cmnun
ball, and Toon
a;\r exrire
He then took M
imieh, the capital ol lj.;va; m, am
laid ill. It iku'liy iDider contnbu;:i>n.
tile Imnerialifl^, liavii'ir driv
In th
e lue.in tnr.c
ini.i, and enrerei
in r to come to in-, a
re, and loinee
en tl'.e ?axo!is c^^-.z ot l5o|ie-
d S.ixonv, the elector enrreared tin:
llulanee. lie lett Bavaria, there
1 tiv Saxon?. Soon alter wliicii a ge-
n, iie.'-r
e'. made thcii'lelves mailers l:
'.eial butlc was fought in the plains of Liitzf
in 1 the Swed
the I;rperialills ; but tlieir horle be
the eannon ol
lli'pjied bv a linali river, G'.illavus, to encourage iiis
irv'ii to attempt tiie pal]'i;i!:; it, advaiieina at tlu* he.;J
of the cavalry, was foon after f)iiad dead on the otlur
fide of the river, having been lliot throii|^h tiie baeis,
whioii was penerallv thought to have been don:- by f.iAW
As t' e [-tinilh ik-K'V :i.-..l .:pp'.-arul liis <^ eatell enemies
he introduced the L'.the..i 1 dodrines, and fei/ed the
reve: u>-s o! the ciiunii, ,1.0 ! ol which he appiopri.ited
to tlie fer\ ice of li.e .' .: , .ii'.d ^'vas enableil tiieiebv to
e.'.le til. pe";li wi li...; t. ■< -, v.l.ici ren,!. i-ed li;ni
p.tjail.u-. lie V ......
but ills rc:;-'i ■■...-. i.e.j;...'.iy ili:luri)ed oy eoi.ip;. .u ies j tii ir jtcU leader, tiie Swedifh gener.ds beliaved !o
and inll:;:-'-!.i-.;i-, i.ki.^.I by tlie ele ;;y : ar.d whcti ij wtll, that tiiey obtained a eom[)letc vicloiv; anti tlie
tl-.-:e were ej.i...!, t:;--- i)-'e, invaded tl'.e kiry-- l,.i-i, | war tontinued ir.ativ years .ifterwards, in winch ilie
e:.'l-. .'.■.■o'..!;i ; 10 . . i, '. .- ti.e li.ni'.inion ol S.-,ed-jn. Swedes were |;e: e.-.iily vidorious, not.viihltandin!' the
(jti.l.vi. , h-j'.ev. -, |: •■■d I'ccel I'ul, b ith aLj.iMill P Sason?, -..•ul lo'-.ie otiier (ieri-iian prinres clianj^ed lidei-,
f)i-t!'n .'- i d .-li.it.c e,:e'!i:esi a:,d m.-.rryi.; ; ri.c Ij aid a-.l'i red to til- Aullrians. Hut the aflilhmce the
•.',,.,, , i ■' .,1;- of Mi.ts, ilol.e .,1 '• ix li .iwed' . recii'. .-.; I'r.iii t!ie I'r.-nui, wis more tis.in an
1. I j.ld i:i '^' y -ir ic:.^ : Il pretendul friemi. But, nutwitiillamiing tlie lid', o!
pr.:i ei
I.,;.-, .
l!:l' 1, . 1 .0 ••
n;v,.. l-.,:.k, !.
t-r-i- Mi'-s, a..'
l\la;r,-'.ii-. air.l (
.. (.i , i i.'i by til.- m.u ' ;; -, I .1 !e!^
li.i a: . ii. luce lior, .iiid til- (;oi\;i
I. ,, ■ i: ite , an:-. I 1 $4 }• -^c lite
./ii \. ,1 , ..i>.-i;:i). .1, .:. 1 ,:■.'■
:. .1;- 1; ' li'..a!l.l-.; Ul;-;-;. ■ , !.;.
,■...:, ... .y- 1... ::. AM.t !i.. (,,,,:.;.
■, ' \.. .- >: L '' io.- I'm''!. I' ^ 01.1 !e ....
;; '.-
i,.p. iidii'c ; I ...■> y.ii'.;t:;ei- I ,1 , J.iii ■,
il. -., a".. I il ■ I ..1 '. ■ ; .'.I 1 ■— '. ■.•■ ii n ([ .iriio i''4-i, iilo.illv la
■ iirei' ; ':■'', ' 1 '. 1 I k (■ m i
!. i i '.-"1 •_• :•
,)ielu-nir.n t!i.- '.■e ■ ■\i 1:1:1 ■;.. ■.oiik: b.- ,:i, .i.i i ,11,
i,:, ..li.c'iCe by ills hro::i.rs, licdeclrvd tli; -..;,■.- -. j
I-",' k, \« !io \^.i- but .'. v.-e.ik prii.i , .'. ■ i .; •■,i.,-ed bv ;
.'11 dl •-ro;..; i-d i -aloiib-, to. it-'d hi. I :. ■':■ i- w-m |
tiic moil I, ' lo.ii. le-.e;;v, nilo i.iie;i t .....
i-i|Oivile' t f..r <.'■•■•■ delliti'iii ol the (jeim:!,! princes.
(;•,!:. \';is .\: : '; i.Ci ki'i only on- dangliter, th.;'
i priecd's C'liri:!;;-. i, v. !■, 1 w ;s proclaim-jvl i.|iieen 1.;
i' '■i-,v.-c!i n '.'n tlie (' ."1 of her f.alier, bein^; then but lix
I \;;rs o; ;'.' ; winreupoii the diet of S\U'deil d-,ter-
i I, :. 1 ', d ar ;l;i- re 'eiiev lliouid be eonvnitted to tli.:
" I'll .a 1 iTiier-, -.' 1.0 I el.aved -.^iditiiat conduct ;;nd tide-
j! i'.\-, th.it ri; ■ ;.;•;: V'P. api^e.-red in a llomilliing con-
d •; 1;; d';:ip • l'.:r .i-i.'Oiirv, no-.w-ithll.i idm" tiiee were
rr a,id ill IV. :■ v iih |u li poti 11: enen.i. s; .11; I, ,it
|] kn.'/ ii, c'iiilii.id .1 peace upon lion')uia;-i<- n riii\
f4~:. upi.illv called, "the treaty of Wellj '■
.iei to m ■'-.■- ip '■■':t 1 •
j,. |. ;.,!'. ,:., p-pis i;; f liiirof ili.-:e p.. . , 10.1
^ '.'1 1, '1 i' :." (.i^'iMi (.'ii.i'iia, one of tiie f;rtati il t^eniwlf-s
• ■- ! ot ti •. .("r, -ir.e of till- uToll lea::;ed of j.cr fe>:, loiir,-
1,1 |. .dl til -.ir.e. ol" furop-, ..iid in the lii» .. i'.
I-; .-..-. 11 |o. i;er eqi,it..b'e .;d.;i inillr,e;o;i, h.iv r.
ie"nid ill i',e vci;- ['^;^, n ''plied the rio\Mi in l.i
'. - i ojinr n ; -■,■■ C'iild-. t;-iilavns (i!-..it r. C'i-::i'.
..,) v|,o p:.i'.-iutl the vai .■,■•,.. init ti; i'tj!---. -.-. 1 ■;
l;,)ve ihcii kiirr, j.'' n C'.dim",
tiiat he I
u!. 1 in r: I
I Iron tiie o !.i c*
[\\ C d- 1 b
'1 ticy loo:i ]v rlK i mlly bi;
■ ri'-"- to ri ^loi-i- I 1.
1 ■ ■!! !■ l'( '
:l ilv
ll'lltlOn ; hi ll'.Ml r 1
III ■ y.ii 1 • '/ ; .'■ ■<■ ' ■'
wtio I l:ew: e .ro.,,.-t, u 1
ii-ii;'ion i in I. Ill' -iPit il' '-
.1 d bv I. Is 1
II ;lo e tlie \\
I S(
(i ried upon pilnce
(.!,.!. le. v.as p,r, .■,.■;
I o i; II S',veif:ii .ii.d
411 o; oniir.ry 01
11 1 l./'l.!
,ul 1 lie- I
iliir. I ot
d, It V
.h;,h .il
i,,r.:rii ri.
ll le: !i '
I h
IIP a lini' his telllpjli.j 1.1 S.'.'.'.i.P,
llis ir.v.
C ha,
:;:k[ ,■.
Ail. ..
<,i l.'t'-
11.,.;. M
•i.i'.c 01
the pv.i
I II' . o,,,
V.i:0 ll.;
1 l.iVi 11',
C/,a. r,
b. lien .;
citd ;o
to .S. ,.
loiii,- 1 1:
piio ;;, •,
limi\ .ill:
ot:iv;' o[
I. u.':.is(
I.i, 111..,
I .i. in'
V K 1
■Iic( k'".l I'V i!i<' I'xrrior
,! u;;;,\v;i. .\.!t:!;.:,v;.
v.'-,i) .I'.U'vua' .:> ioMilv
cJ lac 'a..'.!-i'vi.iU-!V..- 1,1
L-xt \\Mr {.'on) w.'s ll;:-
,)l;)!uis, then iS vc.iri lit
:!u' rt.iti'''', lu' took I poll
iT'lViDii CD till- thri.r.c "f
veil in :i \v.ir wiui tl..-
r.nonircd .lU i'.'- iUtfiui -
•rlol'ition. '\"t.\^ rrir.i •
f" v.iUnT. lU' ob:.i:iv.- 1
Tiaii^. IK' i;H';uk,i t. f
, :()i)!<. Ki.'i, "'i'--i ;r.;KL
I'd ricr.ini.'., I'.rovc r'if
•o, ik-l'iMU.! l^ik;, t'.,-
I'nrkml lii; luiit tiliou ''i
•.'V. i-.'IVl'.ittl>.
Mr \i) ]i he r...::c.i..i ;".'.)
I'llly, who, ill .■.;! .i-.:.. ..
,■ wuuiulctl by .1 i..in:u)'i
I- vi\nu\ of r).;v.v.'.i, .iml
Li;ion. In the nicin tiiv.t-
1 t!io Saxons cut ol IJolic-
tln' (IciHor I'lr if.ui.1.1 tiic
1 h- Utt H.uMri.i, tixrrc-
Soon alUT which a irc-
c pb.iMs of Liitzen, iif.ir
;ii!c thc;i!i--lves iiMlU-rs (.:'
s J but tlu-ir hoik bcini",
i(\.iviis, to cncoui-,i;i;f h,s
t, advancing at tlu- hc,;J
r touai,! (ItMti on the otlur
.•n lliot through the batl^,
o have been (.Ion;- by Ion,--
witiuUuHiing ilie lol-> o!
•tlifh gener.ils behaved lo
mipk te vidory ; and tl.e
.ittervvards, in wiiieh the
ioiH, iiotAidilkin.luig the
lan iir:r..es elian-red lide>,
Hilt ihe afliilance tlie
r.'neii, w is nion- th.-in .1:1
t t!.e (jeiii-,,1,1 jiiinees.
,,„lv on- datiirliter, tl;i-
, priiekiiiiie.l tjueen 1.;
UWr, bi-'wj:. then but lix
iliet of S'vveden dvter-
iviid be eonvnitted to ihj
luh that eon;liK-l and liiie-
rid. m a llomilliing eon-
;i\virh;l.'. .diny tkev were
I'l.tait rneii;iisi an.i, .a
\Hi(!n hon<)iMa;:ic uriii\
< tin- treaty of \Vc1!|m'-
of till- jrr'tattil !;cn;'.fi" =
lr,i;:;e',l m;' i.ir ll'>:, l'""".-
• . , ,,r.d in the h\f ■>'.
■.::-l;i,i!i;lrraM;n, h..v n
n ■■'■neJ tl.e noun m I.^
li'.'ilavos (i!'..'.t I- ^ I' ■■ ' •
, .--...inil i;'. !'"''•> ■'■■! ■'
|,:ii kin;r, j..' 11 C'.'.fui!",
u die 11 !.) V'.l': ui a.l- J/
iiillv bivk-.
.. ,,v .' -:l dv P'M-S
,1 ,,v 1 • ■■■ :■■■ ■■ ' > ' ■ '
i • , ;1 MlMlv', ..'ll ' ' '
,,;■ W ■'.■! !i'>l r. I M ■■■ ■
„ v:,.h -k 'i' ■■: '-
',■ ,..., .;i.l,' ' I '■■■'^' ■•
,, . „,.,; r Is ■■ :
(■ii:e,-iil ir.ro a c."i;ife.ler.:rv ;'.f;iii.(l .S\v\,
ta'iied .1 vi- Mj.\- .:v\'r "he '.'.veJ.eb at Nieiibi
IP' ; aiVl >. Ill
ai lea v.'.'.s levMiiii ano'lief
'.rir.v tJ oivvile
ti;n, lie ".'■'. t ;i,en ill ot a le\'er, .iiid di. d ci t".e
'_ >! of i" '..iiaiv, l'>'«-, k.ivhi" (!ii!v 1 I'.e fon, n.'.ined
th'-'H ..bout livj UMis o(
Dining; liie
itv of Charles Xi. ti;e aikiiiniltr.uiuii ot' tlie ijo
V'.ini'.ieiit wns eoir.iiii'teil to liis moth' r tii,' (uieiii-
hil live threat e
eel', o
t the r:
IV. n, IV. 10,
'ill:- ir neeelTiry to be at (.'.•. e
h'ur?, concUi'.'i •.! a
the ...Li
'.'lav 16;
Oliv.i, near J),ti-.f/.
witii liieir IK 1 ;!i-
\\\:l\ I hi
lei;, wli'Tetiv
s rel;:'.iv;i.l;eii u:
.e eii.iie no:
el 11111 to I .ivciiia, an.! le
'. i.'ion o( tliat iirovinee
lev eei'.clii.'eu a
tlie .iv.' .les 11
aiv.i in the [.<.']■
IJer.niai:., on ti'.e fi:ne o •..klljii.i tlieyiiid n.^ieei! 1
a; K(
nilil ; (.111,- t^
ikI ol ilornh'ikn, ;
eeded to tlie I J
me. t .
cit; and tern'.iiry of !.)i.)ii
tiiei;ii I", ivorv
■fse ."we.i.,'
Kn-k-nd a.id
diiJe \il;ai;
lilt') a tie :fv Willi
uio, ai;aiiii
ir, 0:1 :a e'.iiH'
•t of
%v ir, a.w>o I v I, tli:-v <■, •jri.; nt'i .111 aliia';
f 'MiH ; , a_c,i::.lL I'.e 11 1 • .li .'V I ; i.', a:;d
Bia;u:.n:-ur:- ; b: z t^if-ir (■:■ es i.eii- dile..:.d
(ketnr, \1 .- u.aj..' I.i '' !:' ;,
ritoii--- in l'o!:,,-,.L .; ■, w:.;.
Kru:;- n ...-.] \ ; :-.' ■^. '.r 1 i .
nv th'j
01 'PU'I (i
•ki:'- ■ r/.d\ reduced
.1 I-
,1 ro
I c'Ts lie rede.ecd .'Xu ■nfciiSj Kinrrofp.
)f ab
aiiuoi'iii;, lus kiiii;,i'j '1 tv.iee
ro th? nr-
anil, III
h , fl-.u: inu
lir, ueriiiaii
fi.iir; n
irt to Warliiw
up 'n l)T.
en, tae capi'.ii or
iitiinitv to Siarii-
iii, w' c-,e iie v. a.i liileiiuik,'
il 01
en: a marcii to-
I wauii the r
e river Oi'.er, in 01,
.11. ed r'lediet f.fthc tnihirc t.) led re h'i.i their
er 10 eiirer ri.ixonv. which
!ie.i die (.Jd^r. 'I"he kino;,
IK) ever.
If. ■■), ulu ri
de,! by |i-,
I tile H rrii
11, at .^r. (,rrir:.ii
-a to their
. il- le.r.ired, fho'ild
n )i-., •_.( lai
t. lai, V M .■
i.i.,- ( 1,11,1 iliii
b'V ; ) ii, ■ ivlf he llioiild
111- v . ai ■ I.
beia;_; .r peace widi all die ii;!'»h
to ha'.e aprk' .1 the P' \.er velle
pre!lk)ii of his luliiecs j •• hoai iu end ivid and ini-
in aim to lae cm-
ibk-; lo tl
.0 ii.v.iir am
la. ta ■
UKl his ami"
' .'-^ .eden w.b
HI eveiv reipe.t monareaicil
Mine lo \' IV eonlii,;i.r..b'e, di.ir conieieiui s ,or .1
I u\ie o
Uylwu.v la v.'/;, 11:1, ler
his iiUMMtioa.
:i. the fi
ec! -1 b\
111, ,1 .aid I
eu,on returned, to their
ip' ■ i at .Vhaaltad, near
li.ite. of S.iN'iiiv to
111 et hiai ti
in on
11 I'l ill ,M account ot thi
rcvi'liaes o! ilr- i;i^ior..!e, v.niia lie ii.ivia
iiii;i;!kd on .;■- ,1 a i .x, or
-n.].)!', of
lix doli.as
.n) a i.OiiMi
lie obli-
11 .0 I:
I v.r . otic ci
::■ id 11: a;, tv.o p.:
,1 .Is .,; :i\v
h'ld.ers wifa
, -IVO pots of
a d loai pci
di.ii .irdeie .
■•....ell, a -;,
\'i h..i'. I .-: i.:e .
■I 'llvl" h'Jl!',
•: .fhi'. '.'IJ..
^. tie
r . V I. re
•I iai.l .•:■, beaavi-
'kli.rv.as n-
CIO iv-
a. ! Chi.
. V' iie.iu . le I', a
01 1; l...; V. I Ills I ai'
11...'. I \ \ llie li icue, til
niiis '.'..1-. il.ci.i,
a.;e ol l:\'.eeii \e.i:'
die pv.iee 01
u',\.(l\ h.ivl
:.v a '.'.1 net .iti.iiiien 10 t i.'
in Noveiiil-.er, imj', f..w
.f ilk eoaelu 'ed under hi. nu .!i.-.i:an.
r. .Soon
aiicnion, he li.ul lo c: ntiiuiv/ith the united jiowers o!
i;e..:aaik. r.-iaid, and uiiilia. The lirtt of liieie had
I IV ..'a. iiid on d.e territa; 'I :. ol till- dnki oi I lolHeiii,
le. howcwr.
v.1.0 had tliioafe.i hi-. Iiller.
iMd.lt.icil dieni .111, i'l-.i fi,.'
eiiiii|)ciled tlie Lkir.es lo eo.'eiudc a pe.ice w.di h 111 .1
to Co, eiih.i: ea, an
l-V v.h'ih tl;
1)1 1 1 liUin V, as re-
■ liaMillied i
C/,.ii I'eici
b.lii-Led N.
eitd iO,0 - )
to S ;,(.;'.
.Sweeidi Iv.io, ill !t lie
lie iiU'an i.iiie the
a t;.e 1 rovieci o
lie aimv ot Ck.irl
f In-i
via, .111,1 li.ii
;,1 :10c e.M
ii'iii, vj.cie.s diat ot the ('/..ir amounted
Saeli, l.ov.cve'-, V.I.. the p.o'i '1. of die
d t;
.'hivd a; i,,e Ic . ! ol Snoo,
,c 111. ■.la iiodv c' die Isulii.in , nil i.'.le.lttie
V iih his a.ms
ii..iii\allid in the ,'iia.iis ol iiiilorv. II,- d k,.lc.l th.
't C .111
i.iii.l, .1 a I'll .11 . o upi
,n,', 10 hi
»in.', ol I'oi.aid, an.l hi:, li i.-iid:>
Il W .ll,.S
l,■.Lnl^, ,1 I Mil IK
II I VOiil, l)V ill,
• li.iidlv 10 b. I
1" i.i;,; iieii
.'iium (il iiiilii.il y
died, .'iid .1 lou-
1.1, e aiiiu.lf invineibl", whah acpi 'i-. (iniii i \p!.ii;s, as
I.I.- iH'"'. iiiiln'i naiure a* c.sti loidin.uy aitiiiii Im-
. ,). '■ I
! !e 1:
1.1!:.',* Cr .;|| ) [D V.
ii.ii i,i;,-!i...-e
III- MIdiu
1 CO
i.iiitled ,
•I'-aih tueai a-, -ikv deleive.i; an.l
t.ke.i by itoini, the uooc- irned not
u;-,!!! tl'e
ui.il.r v-iticiit ie.
ell latisfied
-.■.eie dk- p.ojik- V. 'i::i th.ir le. .ii.ty, w Idle tii.- .S.iedifli
iorees reiiiaiaid ill baxoay, tint the great an u.d fairs
v.ire liikl at l.i 'plie:., .i-. ufiia!, '.. .tlioe: iaierrupti.in.
Ki ij Au>,.l'a,i !-,l'.d.u:j to t!l.- COaijUeic, to b.-ji a
pe.ice on lli,^ owe. teiiiis, he iaiin..Ui.iteiv lent iii.ii the
toHo'.'.iai'; articles.
1 Tli.it .Augiiilir, ihoald for ever renounce the crow-n
of I'ok.ii !, and .ickao\ded aailkiii:. kuvtul kim^ .
.aul promile iv \ er to leiiiocnt -the throne, even after
i!.i de.i h (a'.S-,in;;k;i, .
Ih.t he
rLii.iii.i.e ,ill 0:1, er alliances
he rele.iie the
th.K nt liiiii
.;. I h.it
(.ciicr p:ii' 'hers.
.(. 1 ■ it lie (!'•:■
J n.' l'.,li;al, ..'.l
\ He, ap»i ce 11 I lie
r.i,-. ill' il .'lic lo ,;ll
Iters, particularly
i\.\: an V. I.. I l'..lve ill .CI tevt Ins K
'I'll 11 llli' .'iSVi.l.ll
Ih li
I ail 111 ., !,,is lie itv
l";,!ii.- , I a.' leil I'.ii la : ,a li...' a,
:ll of
li . 1 iliil I h iilv
'>U,".C',T Mil il, aiKl
rl (lOOCl .S.;\f)|is
111 I'.eiii 111. 'V;
:o ireii, neai
.p. a- VI
\. , 1 l.iw ;
. V, lor v'.'ii.eh \i".'iilli
bii . ia il.i
dil ol
I e ih It his pii i.ipo-
leatiaiic I
. m
' i
, • ^
' 1
NTAV AN'p Ain-nrKTic .-^ys.tim cf U'c^tu- ',r, nroGRAi'iiv.
teiiiiarie^ in Saxony h.id asrrccd to the terms abovc-
iiicmioncii, winch lie fmiiui hmilelt i)l'ligc\l to i.it'lV,
or lee his tierm.in doniinii)iis riiinrd, as wlU as I'o-
laiul. Aiigultiis li.ul levir.ll conllrencrs afteiwariis
\. ith Charles, and ende ivoureil to proriire better tcnr.s ;
Init rii.irliswas to iiRMiled nt the defeat (it hi- fmi e>.
ULUer M 'tierticid, lliaiiie nvule them iliU wci le. I le
obliged AiigulUis tu luid Stanillaus i!ie tuilov, iiig
letter, viz.
" Sir and Br omuls,
" AS I oti[iht to riy.tid the directions o{' the king
pf Sweden, 1 cannot avoid eongratiilating yi.'Ur ma-
jelly vipi.n your aceeiVion to tie crown; ih.ui^h, jur-
hap>, the advintayeous treaty t!ic kinsi: of Sweden lias
lately concluded fur your majelt}, mi^ht liavc extiit-
cd .ne from this coirei'poiidenee. However, I con-
gratulate yoar maielly, bel'.:echir,g God that vuiir
iiib;ejts may be niorc faithful to you tlian they have
bci II to me.
April 8, «707,
Auc;l".ti's, kiiij.
AuptiPivis was alio oblif^'ed to order l;:s Saxon llib-
jects not 10 addrelb him as a kin;; ior ilie liitiire.
The eluu.'.cter o! Charles Xll. has iiiv.ler ''ine f )me
ignominy l^r condeniniiig l'..tku!, a cail.ur. oi /ieet,
to the Icnteiice ^jrand de-
fign of invading Rufiu, aivi lull liie battle ot I'ultow a,
wiiere the Czar obtained a \ leiory lo decilive, as oblig-
fd him to take refuge anioii'^ tiie Tuiks at H^'i.tier.
I: was near two years before the Porte coviid be per-
lii-.d. d Dy Charles to enter into a war agaiall tiie Ruf-
i'ar.-, in which they met wiui great luceef>; t!jr the Cz.ir
entering into Muidavia btforc he had ereCled maga-
zin .'s (ov tlie fervicc of his ar.iiv, oiie half of tliem pe-
ru'iied by famine; and ihr hardlhips the nit uader-
V. er.f, being lurrounded by the Tuiks on tlie banks
1.: tne river Priith, compelled the C/ar to ben; a
p'..\ee, rellore Az':nl), and all the placci {,■: w.l,
polleueti (^f on the 15;... i^ Sea, ;!nd ex'.liide himlelf t'.oni
uavigatiiK; it, belo.e he could obtain leave tn retire.
Feace being eor.chided between tlie Tone an.i KmH],',
Charles was dehr.d to leave the In. l.ilii d iminions,
which tiiat pniuc refuting to ilo, ihe lUrks ..tt.e kei.1
him in I:- (piarier'-, m oid, ■■ . jr I. in-, in (leii
.> ^
beujg foi.-n .iiier L- f. ,:. I f'V ilie \)mk:
he d(lended the ro'..ii foin months j
it no l<>n[jer ten*! h-, I li- I over tn .'>.
tho military ard.iu. of i.i.;.^ pi'i.i:, t
I iii;' ly ,iMd
r ;• ■rKin. II,
•, tn.- o;-.l;,
; in'-. I !iM
iind I'lUli!.,!!
.m ! lli"ii iiiid:;.:
rtl: 11. Sip. Ii i,.r
i.!i, CI his rei.iin
to his own d'. .-linions, he renewed the v.-ar afair;!):
the Danes ; hof.ing to have m.idc himlelf Ibme aiiitiiils
for Bremen and Verden, which tlie D.mes iia 1 wrelUd
tiom hiin di.iing his ablence in 1 urkv ; but, to ti..:
great joy of his adverfaiiis, who llill diead-.i! his pow-
er, he was killed b> toie I'Vetlenchiliall, a Dar.ilh ci;.»
on tiic Irontiirs of Norway, on the iiih day of IJj.
cember, 1718, in the ^hth year of his nge.
I'he charaeter of t.ie celebrated CL,:rie:\ \II. k;:v-
of Sweikn, has been varioufly reprcieni d b.'writ;,'
accordingly as ir.ankind are acliuaied I v i,h ir niii.-;-.
ent piiiu iples antl pre|udices. The g: •.: ti. ;;s ut' ,,!>
chara.-t(r are llroi.glv depicted by a FieiKli .•:iit,.or of,!...
p 11 til ;
liill eiiiinenee, in the following terms.
" No d..nger, however fu iden or imnv-enr,
fonetl in l.im the Icall dilirav. I le Ijein-, in
to h,.ve been a man liiville^I cf tl;e frali it
of fear; a-nl t!ie nianrer in whii ii he en.l'.iri'Ll c id ;-•■
liui'grr, IhvAs hi, 11 to le a ))i()digy otllrength a.-, v.t
.IS couiMLe. ill-- rapi'd li.ccelies afiinll t.ie eoiiib;;
forces o! DLniiiari;, I'oland, and Ku"i.i, pr ive L;
to have been no ordin.ny mi-n ; Inn, u.ciiotigh t,,
.'.ftai.illicd ill l/airope, yet, in t..i.ir conlajnenu.--, u\.
were fatal to th.e kin.>lom v\.'iicii ic govei; i\!. .
iL'ong rvlentmei'.t agan.'l tiie uir^rovok.ii attack.-, r,i-,l.-
upon him, led him 10 medit.ue enterp.izes agaii.ll !•-,
eiiemio, extravag.mt and iir.pr.ictic.blc in then n tie,
and the cotd an.l undil.na; ed peileverance cf h;. g.i...
a.lveilarv, the Czar Peter, at leni^t.h jnev.iiicd ever ii^,
iii thncted ardour."
I'p n tr.e doiiife of Clnrles XII. Iiis filler, UI.um
l-onura, conlort of the princ- 01 I Kile, afcended :'\'.:
ti.roiie by t^e free election ol tlie llatc.-, ha\ inc. ;)i.\ ;
ha\ i
oully reiigned all [iietenlioiis to aibitrary p'
1720 the government was transferred to her hulbanii,
piince Frederick.
In Older to let boun.is to tiie rov.il jirerogiiivr-,
v-hiih had been too far txtendicd, a capiiulation vs
drawn up by an appointed comnntree, and ligned iv,
l-'rederkk and the queen, before tUey entered upon t.;.
exercile of government. By the articles otthisc.iji-
tul.ition the royal [lower v. as greatly n iiliicci ; for t'l^.
king of Sweden coukl Icarcely be called by iiat nair •,
being limited in every bianch of govei nnv. nt. 1 !i.;
diet of the lla'e^ miuht be laid to ink ; ..nd their tl-
lectivc body h.-d gre.iter powers than the j.' iihaiiicii' e:
tireat Biitain, bn-iil,- the king'-^ piere;;.iiive w.is inoic
The war Hill contlnuetl with Rullia; and the C.r
w()uld prob.,blv have made ,1 coiupieil ot iheir ckuik.v ,
if tiie Swedes hail not pree.iileil on tin- liiglilli to leu'
a fleet into the Baltic. What the l'r,gii(h rueived to.
this i.Tiportanr ferv'ce does not appear. I lo.uv, r, tfu-ir
liect could not prevent the Ru!:ian g.iiii.s Iruiii plun-
dering tlie tcail.- of Sweden, whit!: lie on the liotlvii
(lulph, and ddlrojing 'everal ot iheir erpprr ,. d
iron-works; this giil,h not being ilee[) enuujji lo.
lanie Ihijis to enter. Tiie alii.inee bvtweeii (1 lu:
liritun and Sweden, at length pitvei.fil tlie Run;..!-,
making any farther cone|Uelis in that kingdon^ : a.,
bv tlic tieaty ''f peace between Sweden and Denni.ii..
i'.is l)an:lh m j llv proiiiileil not "o ahi.t the kiai':.:-
m iliat war: lor boih tliefc king.loms b -lmii iieiW f
be .ipprelienfive ol thf growing power of tlu C/.,ir, ir I
pe.reiVid th.ic itwastheirmiitu.il intei-Ii not ru i. ■■'.
tnlvre to make lii.ii llill !',re.!r.r. 1 i.e ll.i,,, .u >
airreed to rellorc to Sweden all their leriitiiii' s i';',
had j.ci.'eired d-e nlilve:, of in the hue v..:: (e>.i] r ;:i.-.
mm ami \ ei.len ,! in conlulerauon oi a lii.i ot u.' 1: ^ .
ill,: tlie lii!i>> of .Sv. den weie, by thi. ii ,:> , o', '
to pav I. 'I to til.- li;.i.-..on palii.i.-; tl.j ; ..■, 1: I, ,e v.'.i
15 ' .1.- fiiipi I I ■i'A.ci' nations,
B, .1 i,e,.-y oi peace c :nekided wii'
\\.c.', lino ;■ ;i, 1 ;.:•:■>'.. eiies cedi I
vi:,v, .,n[ 1 .1,1..,! ., lii,;.i.i, part of C .
1 1,
II ii I .
.1 \N
liU. i\ an. I Iv idioliii. III hi.i
1 ;..■.'-, O.-.U, and all ilu
uf h Ol I iniaiKh
in t e
rctu'.vci-l '.he w.ir n:^;iinlt:
i.'aIc himlclt lonif iuiinii's
cii till' D.iiR-s iia 1 wit'.li,!
L' ill i lilky ; hiit, to t;,,:
.ho lllll liivul'.d lli-, j);(\v-
liT:c!;iliiill, ;i Dar.ilh c::,
on tliu I nil vl.iy ut 1>.-
ai ot Ills n \\\\\
cl'U'i aj'.iinll i.ic mm'j.. I
1.!, and Ku 'i.!, pr.ivc !.: .\
ir..'n ; luir, i.iCiujL^^h t,, /
ii) I .ii" Colli. (|'K"i;n.--, llv V
V. ii.tii i c gov;-:: .-.!. n
uivTvA'uk.ii ;.:;;Kk.. \\^\l-
itaic cn:crii.i/!c's agaii.ll i ■-,
■,|'i-.icuc.'.bli.- in tl.ci; n. t .;c,
.1 jK-i I'cvuancc II t li:.. fj.ca.
, li-iiLjtii picv.uii-a over i^ii
r!fs XII.
I•.fte^ Ui,i,-i
iiK'.- oi' I!v;;i.-, .ili.cni.led i u:
)t' the llati.-.-., havin;; jMVM-
)n^ to aibitr.ny poui-r. In
traiibfciTcd to licr luifbar.j,
s to the roval prcro_:;ii:\r,
xttndcd, a capitulation v !■,
coiniiiitrcf, and ligntd iiv
vforc ilR-y entered upon t .. ■
ty the a.'t:i:lcs of this cip-
is (neatly reduced ; tor the
Iv he called by I'lat nan- ■,
aneli ot piveinir.: at. llv;
tiid to ink , ..lid ilicir t'i-
wcrs tlian the pviili.aiui:' <•'.
.lll^;''' piere;_;anve w.is mioic
idi HnHia; ri:>d ihi; C.--:-
conci'iell ul iiu:r i /.::...;. ,
liied •:.',
-til p;cvei.r'd liie Rui!i..i ■.
lis in that kinydon^ : a: ,
'.■n Sucilen and Deniii.i:, ,
lot ■■o ;iI1ki ilie ki.i:';.; •
i- kin;.',du:r,s. Is -iMii lu.'v t ■
11:' power Ol t!u L /:.ir, :i' i
niiitii.il mtei 1; not to i. !■■-
:ae.i[ r. 1 I.e I' .i,. , .i >
:l ;di iheir leriit'Ui' '• ■' ■ '■
,n I'.e hue v,/.; (> >.il r '''■'' •
ra'i'Ul o: :i In li ot o.' .: ' ■
:ie, l-.v li.i> il -' , '■
.,v,!i,r; t:.. : .1 .:.l, a' v- -^
:vde 1 v\;:'. IN ''b, r ":.• '-
li's ecu; i i" l-.n /.: ■ 1- ■• . : •-
I 111 ol C . ■ ,M, .il '■.•■.■ ' •
1)1:11, n l-i.il.<: :'t ; • ■ a''' '
,1 1 ..11 ll.. ii!a::;'. in t ^
Ill the ve:i;' I ■".■'* nn niv.bafTadiir arrived in Sw;vi n
(roil) ■i'uikt\', to letdc an account ot the money tint
iiad been advanced to the late kin iip-at p -.ridcal panlties, diUin:^iii;hetl by the names
of I lats anu C l[)S. 'l'l,e former eipouied lire in;e:e;l ol
ti'e cou:t, the k-.rter the c.nintry, or p.'trioiie pi'rty.
1 ihle pairies not only broke tiie inrermd (piict of the
km >do:.i, b'lt k\' It into ,i r'liii'ins v.-,ir witii Kuiii.i.
I ne queen ol S'.ved.en ilvin:^ wiii.out illue, anno
l";i, die di.t ;nok into tlieir ri)iil'ideiation th.e no-
iiiin.itiiiij; a llici efiiii", loi 'A'liieh lio.i.jiir there ap;ieared
four e.uididaio. 1 he lirli: was t!:'' young liuke ol 1 loll'-
tei;i-(j:.ttorp, I'uj-p-rteil |-,y many of tlie nobiktv, an!
be .1 111 oil;; p 11 ty ;' non'!; the bur^ef'l", as well as by
the whole oilier of pi'al'.ints ; tiie Kcond priiiee Im;-
iItIi k of lielit'-C diel, nephew to the kiiv, lor whom
ail tl;e e'er .■ deel.sird ; the thiid lie pi-inee of l)er,-
iiiuk, who hi'.d :v Very coni'.'.erable party; and th" |
)oui;ii, til.' ('.i:!;e ef l)euxpor.t'., wIm V..I.-. ai.b of liie |
royal family (.rSv.'\l.:i, and liad but ;i f nail p.i.-ty. Afti.i
very warm d. bi.es, the duke of I loillei;! v ,1., d.'.'cl.u^d
fuceif.T, 1:1 t!;, ir.o;; h of O.; ib.r, 1742, by :i nia-
io:i:v ot f.vo vo es only j and <.lepu;ies v.'ere n:i;iied,
10 otllr hill, on Certain cond;::.)n ■, ti.e i\.vei;i'':i 01
the erov :, in hoj.es he nviil'.t indere the (.'z'!:ni to
rflloie t'.e ;■! ;nd duehy ol 1 inland. I'ut b I'.Jie i/.ey
arrived .1; 1 Vt' 1 l'":r;r, h" lad eudii ' ■■■d ilie liieek re-
li ;ion, with a \:ew to the !':.:' . if. ''i of K iilii i, to
vhich a'lb ie- n id a ci t'.ii; of 11 Tidinry liriit. I'his
fchrine hi'v:;!'; t'a led e,f pioduein.^ if, del.ixd eir.ci,
was followedi by con'i'.p-v.ees ll;:c v.tre cepiaily un-
avoida'de :-.:,d enexi e. ;ed : ti.r tlie p.eafant;:, tli.;': had
•■xprtlf. 1 fuch iiniiiiiiiOU'. aireclion lor the houle of
Milllein, Ivi^vi V. i'.h th' f.me /. -..1 .■..;! u;iii,iiii;y to
13 •;im->rk, to v,-!io:ii
.S W E D E N. 6C7
under pretence of fupponir.g the ir.trcfl cS i!ic princR
oi Denmark, in vdiiJi they perlilted, nof.vithlbntiin''
the km;; took .nil poniblc methovh to retiuce the:n by
liiir nie.rns to their duty. At latl the malecoatffntii
att whom they iiiiput.'d its want
of liieci. I'--, "^'et, in the midil of thefe doiv.eibe ilil-
putes, a peace appeared as precarious ,is ever; and
the diet li-emed equally unable to bear the tliou.;i,;:. of
lofiiif; I'inkind entireiy, or falling upon any o.p.dient
for recovering it. exce[it receiving it a.-. .111 eL|ui\ai^:it
from the liaiids of the C;:arina. His Britannic ni :
jellv having olfeied his mediation, the conf leiice.s we:e
continued .it .\bo. 'i'hele, at lall, e'ldcd in a tre.nT,
by which UuiT;:! confenteil to relloie all that iiad Iili :i
t.dvcn in tld> war from Sweden) except ,; liiiall dillri.i
ill Finkiii'l i an.l to renew tlie peace between the tv. o
iiatiot.s, in cal'- the llates of Sweden tliouid ilct
jirince Ailolphus Frcileriek, a.lminillrator if I lolfleiii,
and l)illi.>p of Luberl;, fuccelfjr to the crown; and,
in tliis c.:l'..', i:;e young duke of IlolHeip, whom they
had idreadv elcLled, atul who was now becoire here-
ditiry pfiii e of RufTia, olFered to make a foleinn re-
lignatioii c, .ill h:s cl.ii.ii and li^-iic to the Swevlidi
V* hen I'li'- tu'tv came to iic c'.nfuie.ed in the die:
of .Stoi kholip, tiieie arole veil' high deb.ites ; but at
lal: the i-o;ii;deiat:on of thof'e im.iiediate advant.iges,
which well' 'o .iiiltf from tlie 1 Ic'timi of the billiop (i|-
I.ubirk, a'ui liie prolpert of ('ontinuii ililpute-, in c i!i-
til. y ill .."ted. .i,ie other luecellbr, brougi't over all th ■
ordeisof the II ites to litis projohi.oiii ai. 1 duke A-
fiolphus w IS aceor.hn:',ly cliuleii hereditary prsiee an,!
I'ei e !ll>:- of' Swcilen, on the ; ;.l oi June, ly.f ;.
\j t will! :■ tlv diet V, IS thu. j'lovi J!:i" f'lr their p''e-
li lit peace :i;i I fiilure I'l'i-ty, the 1 ) .:, c.e ii.uis to 1', iri
a:;r', aii^' !.'..'.: cli-jd di.c^l;!;, ;j i.!ic city jf otoekhol ,,,
deicatvd, obh,'.;ed to iay down tiieir arms, a:-,d
lubr.ii; to the king's r.ier. •. , winch was extended to
then 1:1 the moll ampl.' degree. I'ut this ex-rr.aoidi-
nary inilance of royil clemency did not f;i'.eii the rc-
lencn-.ent of the pealiuits again'ft two unfircunate no.
bl men. Count Liwrnhaup, and Daron Hucklenbrook,
who, to laii.fy tliem, h.id been cjnd -mned for want
of fuccefs in tiie two lalt canipai.ve^ and whole execu-
tion was ('em,.nd'd with f.ich heai, that tiie king coukl
no' ref.if- it. 1.,'eiitenant-general Baron i3uddrnbrook
fu!V-;ed tirft, 0:1 the i(;th of July in the lame year ; but
Ik LI n-:r;lial 1. ewcnliaup ir ide hi eleape, yet \v ..s fjon
a.uer re' li.Mi ; a:il, n ):w;:!:l!a:i. ■; the iiobihty and
clergy V. c:e ;nci:,;e,l to fpare h;s h'e, tlie p -aiiius re-
■ iia : c 1 1 ill inilixiblp) an! to f'li-ly them, he wa.:,
accor'.i. ._| ',') ill.', lenteie'e, be'iead ■ I.
t '
coiil'.'Ked to the election, r.iiicli b.i.ig firrnifi :..l -oili
Adolj.'hu--:, iv: vcrnt loon vSuv to .'itockholm, whif.-
w.:. r.aieclt.ith nnivci-fal acclamitioiis. 'i ho I:^: :.
of I )v;niark, h.iving I'vv.v 'uo^iv, ; to difike c'.;; ;'
:d e;:tr lord'ii.irv e';e..'..;;:n ci' t'le h juli; o
n; r '.ir-
to 111, orn-ry j- iJ.uc till tlicle melancholy II •
o\ei ; iiiid ;:,e pc.laivs, gra'i'ied in tlv ir leven
^n a:
.•:,, noL a little iiiortilied on the leurc
of hi; l'o:i'.. being let afidc to make way for tiie liillijp
of Lubcck, began to make fuch vail military pr»'p:na-
tions a> I'ee.r.ed to bet'peak a dili -n of ine.;,!:ii:.'' ':-,..■.
''•n, v.'iich, I'or Ibme niotulis, lui only am; I.'.- 1 Liic
1:01 th, b.t alllv.irope : yet the CV.arina
to lay
.■~'tocM olm and Copenh::gcn, th t die w .jnl.l iii le.: in
;!ie el.ciiu:! Ilie had promoted wit'
■ i'v'-.l of
ol f';e kii'g io.ii
y ri.:|ii:; e ihai:
of .?,
i:io i:
icl.'n on t:ie
i.'i'ip;'r, an'!
':i''i:".i:s 0!
I'-i • I means
s Ho: 111, by declaring n.'u^iiy to t!ie cur,, of
le '■ Il
ii-r empire. To ellabl fli the p -'
111 ire c'leaually, it was thought
.il" 111'.'.' princ^- hiceellbr Ihould n. ... , , ^ ^.-
iy he elpc/ufd the princeli L,' iiiia Ulrica, f: ccr to
he king of I'.udla.
Ad'ilpiuis fuc'C'-ed'.d to the ci'i
■ie.irii of the late king Fiederick,
Ik was a p.ince of a mild a:
harr.iP.ed by contending fict,e:i
the fe'iitors foiced .'\dolplio:.
againll I'mflli; b'lt a.; tli .: ...i, dil.igr^i bl..-, hjl
•inly to the piop'.e, b.,; ai.o r.) th'j king of Swe.ieii,
th.e n.rion never .n..de f) 'iv.-an .va ap aiancej ai;!,
up. .1 ''lullii's making a [leace with I'mina, the .S : :i s
e ':'.-i;;.'.:eii matters a:, well as tliey e'".!H. An.'ra reign
<;!' lue.ii.lt, co'iimi:ion, ;i:i.l trouble, this mo'i.i, i.h
di \i of chigiin, m t!ie year I'^i, and was fuceced.ed
1).' I'.is foil, (iiiibivu-, who was !)•! n i'l i~.,6, ,i:i,l m,ir-
;ic.l to tl'.e jiii.i ef. !•;,'! 'if i)e:;".i.',ik in lyO". In liie
c jmirencenu'i t >; tii ' i^i.ii ''i loiikiv,-'; ,1 very re-
mark.ible rev liif.-n li.e'P' 'le 1 in S',..'iicn, of which
.1 late le.'.rniil .111 1 in.vcilious tr..ve!kr gees the toUow-
ing ele;:.iiit ai eou u.
'.It.' f:vei; i:.:i>, wis a weik man,
'..•r.r.^' . :ic..i a'lthority .ittained its
• r'l' d n veaue was verv inade-
,'M ' iii'i vci:!ht in tiie le.ile 'ji'sjo-
'<.:■ , t;,e
■ I'll n ih'-
i/'itil. I
1 . .,' ':n'e
i ICO.il '- .
... ^Mi •■
avd i:n;.
11! ro''. '
ipi.it • t'l
. ei :i 1.. ;i
" in t
I'row'i. i ! ' 'v.;:.. ,
ilirU'di.lti' '■■ dn'
Cieoi;;- Hi. oi l:
lion ;' 'It .: .., h.'
he I'l'ignj.i, .1 .1 I
S'.vevle^, wlu", Ii: e
rei'ii' 1^ on tiie il
1 .1,
....... a,.vl >1(
M fi iikivi. 111. lucceeded : 1 t''e
; ■ 1 >: ■ i I ^.■ i.ii .iiir.'.g ' ev.-r In- two
..'ei!'; whuh hii I ell' It 111 ;''''y,
•g/.n 1 th I ovc!' h.i-, 0:1 his ..c
w 1'. li.'i :i :.i iie e '■J;:try over w 1
j- . r tiie 1,1:1 -n,;!.' ■ p., I.,' liy. 'liiw:
ir 1 ';.', li ::i Ii en only fo-
c U
t le vv
■ ■ '1.
iiave, once
n^ore, a kip.;; from .mioiv^ tln'inlcKi-s, inloir.iirli, ih:u
ll'viT.il i'llvir nu-il.ils were (Inick to coiiiaieiiiorau-
t!iis li.ippv -vr.i i oa tlic rcvcilV of wliich if', tliis intcri])-
uon, I'.uttTi's land cf -, It is my n.iiivc i.irnl.
" It one nwr crciiit the ;ircniiius liwcn of tin- \mi.-
pruceciures of government, wliilc vcllcil in tlic Icii.uc,
i: was hii!;h time to redrefs the iniuries they iliil tlie
I'.ite, which flittered srie.iter evils from the irrefoliitions,
the (iel.ivs, .mil the divifion;; of a l.iige an'emlily, than it
eoi'.Kl e\in inuicrii;',) Imm an ahlolute nionarcii. Time
had matured thel'e feeds of difTitisfartion, ami a young
|-.rince, beloved by his ful-.iei.'ls, was ready to take ad-
wtntage of t!uni.
" blithe I nth of Aiirnll, 177:, this extraordinary
event was [iroduced, which again rellored to tlie crov\n
thofe prerogatives whieli llic had loll for more than
half a century. The king's fecrecy, addrefs, and orii-
torv, in lb dangerous and critical a junrture, fir f\ir-
p.uVed wh.it (iiiuht have been ex}H:led from his .ip,e.
It is faid only five perfons in the kMifdoni were intuiit-
til with tlic delign, whicli was earned into execution
wit!) as ir.urh viiroiir, as it lud been plannc! wish i.\i.'..
I iiy ar.i iiid;;a.enr. 'I lie loldkiy and people were
hueellvi-'y j-ii.-.. d by the eloquence witii wf ieh 11,^
v<)i,ii.> kin;;; ad.lr.ll'ed theni, who pldr.ly evmc d the
v.ill importance of thi'i tjiL.hty in popular oinmo-i.-iis
and public alLirs. Very few perfons were iniprifoni'.!
and that only for a Ihort time; nor have any of tlieni
experienced, in the fmalled tlep;iTe, any liimi'iuition of
the royal favour, on account of tlieir o|ipolitioii. I'he
lenate rook a new o.itli of allej/iance to the i';:n-e
.md tr.iiKjiiility was reltored throujrhoui the kiii'.'iio.n. '
I lenee we may perceive the p,reat force of cloeiition,
and rill p.jwer which an oi.itor has over th- human
Where'er he Ijieaks, he.iv'n, hov; the lifi'nir.!; thron;'
Dwell on the melting miilie of his toiiL'ue!
I lis arjf'ments are th' enibleir.s oi'his mien;
Mild, [in: not faints .ind !i)rci:i<:', tho' lir.'ne:
And Wi'ieii the jiow'r ofcloijuen; e he'd irv,
licic li^jlu'iunijblfrikeyou, there lot'c breezes fi.^li.
C II A 1'. \'I.
i u
: 1 ■'
s I- c r I o X I.
Extent, Situnticii, BoHHiiarics, Origin cf Xamrs-, Mcitn-
:.iiiis, Riicis, Lakes, CUnuU^, Scii ; PrcJK.'ijn.i,
Vigetiihlc, .'iiiimal, M:iici\:!. L'i.
Till". RuITian empire is admitted, by geograpliers
in general, to be of i;reatcr extent than' all the
reil: of r.urope, or than ihc Roman empire in the ze-
nith of its pov.er.
The imnienic dominions now under confideration,
are Ikuated beteen 47 ani.1 jz degrees cit nortii lati-
tude, ai'.d between 2J and 65 dcgiees of call longi-
tude, being about 1500 m.L'i in length, and about 1100
in breadth.
Ivuliia ij b.)unded onthenoiih by die Frozen Ocean,
on li'.e ea!f by the empire oi Ciiinai on t'le font h by
I'erlia, the C ifpian and Black ^cab, a;id Turkey -, and
on tl.e welt by Sweden.
Tiiis em;, i/e is known by the •.•.rjiell.uions of I^iiJia
and Mulovy ; th, former of wluch is iiioll piobably
derived fro II the ancient inh.'.b:L.:iit.i, the Kuiri, or
BorufT;; and the latter from the liver Moico, upon
^vhicli Mofcow, the ancient metropolis, w.;s built. It
i:, et i^refeii', d;;linguilhed by tiie name of Gre..t
Uu!l". I.
ri,i.^ vaft country is in general, Il.it and level, ex-
cel): towards the li')rth, where he tiie /.innojioias mouii-
iaiiis, ;in)i)(iled to be the M.i.;.^- Kipfj^t; of tiie ancients,
i:ow called the Ciirdle of the I'arth.
Tiie moft coiifider.ible rivirs of Riiffnare the Wol-
<'^.!, or Voig.i, which travel fes the tar greater part of
Rullii, and, .iftcr a long winding vouric of upwards of
aqjc. b.e.rthni mile?, fjlli into the C.'.fpian Sei. In its
co'.iile, v.;,ieh is moflly from call to well, it rceive,
near 40 r'' vers ( among which are the Occa and Kama,)
Ibiiie of tiie.ii vi-iy laij'c, w.ims the wails of near
double tluU nu.iiber of towns, fertilizes all tiie lands on
e,ic!i fide, an.l fijiplies tliem with j)roilKUuus tju.ii'.ti-
tie2 of r.ib, p.utK ula:ly lUirgeon, fil.iiun, |.ike, &;c.
of a l.uge li/.e .iiul exqu'.fi-e t.ille. There gows like-
wife akiii;; it; banks ife tiiieil iniilles, and a kind of
l.ir.e tifpaK.gui, of a deiieiyus tille juul flavourj and
the iiiiell oaks ih.a MuIcliv'. p-ioduce , are t') bc foiiml
bunk. TJie ii.i-.fi/rtune is, th a a L'rcat track
'; i lU
oi th.it fruitful land ah.'iig this m.ble 1 iver, i, Co ex-
j)oied to tliC iucuirions. of j:he CJubui 'I'artar.., tlut it
lies altogether iincultivatid, and aliv.ofl unpcopkd.
To remedy this, the C;:ar I'eter 1. caufed .m iiuiei.eh-
inent to be made from tii.it river, a little oa tliis fide tlie
citv ol Zaiitza, ipnte to tlie river Dun, near the city ui"
Tw.a, by whicli means lie haiii fecured all that part of
tlie country which lies within the trench; buctheref;
1. .oiling above 80 leagie.s in lengtli and bre.iddi, is
11.11 e\pofed to th.)fe frec-booters, and lies neglected.
Tile \'olga, towards the latter end of its courle, takes
a v.iiiding towards tlielbutli, and fall., into the Caliiiaii
.Sea, about jf) miles below .'Vllraciii, in lat. 4^ dei>.
40 mill, hjiig. 50 deg. jj mill, e.dt.
Tl.us in meanders totliedillant main.
The liqiiiil ferp-.ntdra\.b his lilver tram.
Tiic Don, or Tanais of the ancients, is the neve
conlidcrable river in this country, and ilivides it, m us
n-.oil eaflern parts, from Alia, It li.itli its Ij ring in tlic
province of Rez.in, on tlie nortii-eafl of the iak;
Jwano-.v-Ofero; and, in its courle towards tiic t.-.'J,
comes I J near the \'oiga, that tiie late Czar h.id ua.ici-
taken to have cut a coir.nninication between t.'.eni 1"/
means of a canal. I>ur tiiis dei'ign, gi.ind and u.I.ul
as it would have proved, was defeateii by tiie irrupt;ji:j
ol tlv; Tartars, I'his river, cxclulive of its tuin.n^,^
and windings, dikliarges itlelf into tiie I'ahis M voth,
at the famed tbrtrefsof .'Vfibf, or Azopii. 'liie v, JiiiL-
length of its coiirfe is very conlidcr.ible.
■IheDwiiia, 01 Dowina, liitli no Ijiring-iie.id of iti
own, Lnit is formed fioiu t'iole c.dkd ^'ucean.i, ,in.l
Jug.i, or J'.igli. Its name figiiitics double, a. it i-.
cuiiij oled ot tilde f.\o rivers j and its coiiill l.>e;i !
lioithward, in wliicli it receives tiie Vitf'g.la, .md le-
veral oiiier riveis, and, iiaving palled througii .\reli-
angel, empties itlelf at two moudi.., jiarud by a f i,.;ll
ill. in !, into the White .Sea.
'I'lie Dnieper, or .incient I'oiilliienes, v.iveli is n,;e
of tiie largell rivers iii baiiope, alar lui.iiuig .1 pm-
tlif'ions courle, falls into tlie I'.ux'iie, ;>r Ciai.i. Se.c. 1'.
has tiiirteen catarai^ts witliin ,1 fmail .iitance.
The l.ikes of tliis country .ue iiMiie.'iiiis ; l-\i t ,e
following only defervc notice, 'liie 1 .ke I, e! ; ',
b.tv.een the gulpli of Mnland ana tlie hike (nee.:,
is comput'd to be above 40 leagues lung, and aD, nc
J5 in bre.altli, wiieie widell. It cxiLiids, in leii.eLii,
f 10111 O'j to 6 1 deg. 50111111. ofl.it. riieCtir i\'ei 1.
bvcn pl.innc! witii f^inr,.
Idkiy iinil [Hiiplc wvvc
H^ni'iuv with wl icli t'lr
\\w [-1 '.ir.ly i'Vi;',r li tlv
in |)t)|)ul.iij( Ciuiinio'i'jns
ifrloiii wcri.- iniprilonrii,
i nor have any of" tln'm
jvcc, any liiniinution oT
it" their oppulitioii. The
,lli-;;i.incc to t!ic prin-f,
roiij^hout thi- kinf.'.loai.
p,rcat force (4 eliv.'jtian,
:i)r has over cuv himiin
, how the lifi'nir.ij throng
ot"l>i:< toni'iio!
.•ms ot" his mien ;
x'injT, tlio' Icrvne:
iienci- hvM iry,
I here lott biecxe'; li'th.
I A.
, ar.d alir.oft iiDjcci'v,!.
cter 1. caiiled .m iiiuei. sil-
ver, a httic oa tiiis Tkle Uu"
river n>jii, near the eity ui
nil leturnl all that part ui"
1 the trench; but the r^l!,
in length anJ breadih, is
^otcrb, and lies neglc^tej.
r end of itb courle, takes
mil fall.i into tlic Caljnaii
Mlrae.iii, in lat, 41; i.ie;>.
dillant main,
his liiver tram.
tlie aiuient-s is tlie neve
itry, and divides it, in !(•;
It hath US fprin^i in t!i^
nor;!i-eall ot the la\;
eoiirfe towarih the i.ll,
It the late C/.ar Iiail lui.lci-
iieati..n between tlieni I'V
Llerij,n, giand an.l u..:.!
defeated by the iriuj-l.ai:.
c>:eliifive of its tuin.;v,j
•If into the I'alus Mroii-,
or Azoph. 'I'll- V, .-.;)i,;
hith no I'print^-head u! its
I'.o!-.- c.;lli.d Sii^^ana, and
fignities double, a. it 1^
rs 1 and its courfe l.'e;i '■-■
ve. i;;e Viif.'^;.Ia, and le-
al^ palled tluou.;!! An!i-
laotidi-, paniil by a 1 i.al!
I'.oiilliienes, v.ii'ch i:> ". '•'
L)|;e, after runmiig .1 pi"-
l-'.iiX'ne, (>r Liiai.i. Sea. I',
a fmall Ji;laiiee.
ly aie nuii'.e.'Oiis ; I" '.i t .e
Itiee. 1 he 1 ike 1 . 1.; , S
Lid .iiul tlie lake < :u-.'.',
Lo lca.;ues long, and aU- uc
III. It ix'ielids, in !Lii,;ii,
of l.it. 1 !ieC.:ir I'eM i-
11 bottles, in whieli
jftanccs to mention
ofl", mader of the
wl-.icii I had from
of it m\ felf. lie
1 then (hipped the
i loon as the con-
tlie fliell fwelling,
;f .1 liiiall fountain.
ip the hole of the
water, and in 20
ith fomc degree of
S flew to the dif-
)r lo p;rcat a part of
y hot ; and indeed,
, that, to balavxc
winter feafon, they
liitnce in tlie fum-
txetetlir.gly qnick ;
n v.'oiiM not le.ffice
g the 1 '.nd, fv.'r the
>g it in.
'i^flits in fiimmer an
ire veiy rtnv.ik.ible
v.hieh is in 6 de-
: hill's being ;o fliort
the flrotiti; leil'.LHoil
great a brighrnefs,
dnighr, iinlels it be
jre va-i')tt^ than tlie
jrod'iee wiiear, bar-
ith various kinds of
uon fo unconm.only
•nly reaped in tv.o
tb:.ve the fill lace of
{he fno'.v, \v!i:ch n')C
d, but ciie: illie.-. and
I it take deeper root.
irp artili'ry form.';,
e ul U(;niis,
ale rei-n,
plain :
. the ikies to fleep,
ft thick and deep";
Js are cover'd o'er,
I then the fancly lliore;
.diling woods are lt\n,
. all the v.oiks ot'iiien:
forbir.g all,
as iluy f.ill,
part'., nuill ti.'llow the
;he I'tiiiimcr not i.;lii!;E;
be i;u lowing alter the
l]vd: : ate elians they lU
, till 11 liieir reaping time
.•S in Jtily- As for nia-
.ny, ilie Inow fiippiying
grain and fruits of vari-
plenty of rhubarb, tlax,
honey, wax, Cxe.
af niiid-.iooms p'rodiired
great blell'ing and relief
ne tunc, they are dt eai-
the rich and luxurious.
ove a thouland waggon
n aniuially fold at Mof-
deillord in thi*; miiiirry
t, V. ho brought hi.. b-
..".laitited witii if. The
'11 are \v.;x .md honey,
^.leafiiiit a coirpetency,
t :!
i i
•' 'I
1 ji'
A///v//vi'/ /->• IVV.N Kl'iS S Xnr.H.i/,/// ,' /'//H;/:i;i/ (;i'l()(i|<
iJl //'./, r //'l7/; /., 11,/, /
. 1 11 ■> I I i>> ' r
<: \ c)^
V. •/;
<< >i'
j,« «* v» >
r-K, /
i/;/. .1
o I i
S V.
Wiiliilic Norilicrn l^ilcovd'ics
/fi /ii 1 1 // . /iv// A' At ■/ ■/// . ////f / Vf yf
/■ /,.;■
t, V lu) l)ic;iight hj
., Hi-i:iitcil witi) ir. f
III nrf w.;x .uic* It
'II aillUiai. at^iiii ana ewm ,1
ulcillood ill tl)
mjs r.-j Bcri ra-r "r!3r ir,3^ iz::
> S .V,ir.}\.r/,ff, ,•/' /'/t/t, /:<;,/ i\YAK\\<\V\\\ . /'/////.-//,,//'///-/•,//./////,
/, "tflfto^r A'./, r //••/// /,, th/, n
'*' A .' /"■
■' '; ,
s v:
^ N
V v \ ^ V' I z;/ ►• ■'' '■'''.V,
\vV:>:-C'' u''i ,^ (dv.n.rcilU '
V,, > , ;.•..."'■■'•'"■' X
* ' ''3w"i''>M,.'i ''
^o^' /
' ''' n s\^-\
> ■ ' ■
... wh
7» "O.'ll
■s'' '
/) '
\ ''^\
I f--
-.-I Btrt n-.r Tr5t_ irj^ k3X
• .V . >
(/% Np ■ rii!{ori:.]
n^nre, a ki;if. froj • ■ ""t fimling J
liviT.ii filvir mc ' ■ vulifd, citli
tlii, happv ivrai o . ■ oivmil a coi;
i.tm. /\;,/,nrs ln$t ■ pruduco gic
" If i)nc mar « v ' ■ l-i'i"-'^. f'"'!
j.rc«\lurcs nC imv 1 ,' ■ '•''^"!^' "' ''"•
i: was high turn- t '1 ■ ''■^"■" ^''■"^■'>
ll.itt-, wliicli rufri-R'C y •■ H "■^""'•
tlif yy, in fo dan. ■ tionable divci
palled what jiii^ H P-'"?. the loni
It is laid c.nlv riV ■ «•" '"Ifi wlui
■ v.ith the'dci ■ ill fiiniiiif i tw^
I he taff, t!'.e <
Le lecii ;i:,(l fe
i'd til 'ble
of tiu; cckl
of a l..tt' iWfi.
in this co'j.'.ti)
an inhaliitaiit
tiiat of l-,n;.'l.
It may, ptrha
late, thu will
ilier, ti." cold
fietzing, lia'i;
. .(; j> H ilie co,-;-iinoii
. '' ^^•■•'"'^•'l I 'ii-'y kc them
»";./^'«^f I i^^-i vet, hv
even in chat It
is worth obr<
^;^^'' '^■^'^;, I ciitir beard',
tu;]e, and bc:4
t;!.!;-, being nhc
;n bread:!]
iVnia, theCiiy
on il.e v-ell In- S
Tr.is e.,i; ire «
ana Mu,t'Av ; ■
cl'.rivcil fr(j n i.
P.orulh; an: thi'
■ r:lj\iK.!!;(l9 ■
j i . '>r thit fruitfulLi-
f;^! IK'ild 10 t'.eff
tlieir cliin to
rell of I-.urop^^ ■ it may b
'^'%o( ,:, powj m whieh aie e>:
^ .'^' '^'^^"fn-j ■ niav feeni Iha,
is cciraiKinlv
Iniii, ai'.d call
thi' iihial way
the part wliiel
liable to be frc
" In fonie
a haril\' biul, i
able to rty : at
on their loadt
trozen to dcat
are kldom lii
tlavs: thoi'iih
wiiv.er, that f
fliritii )us lion
by die I'l-kl In
'• Wiien \h
o, boi'.r,, v,M
J I. IS vait conr
cept t'jv/ards tik ^
i.iiiii, liioiiofcd £
i:ow caik-d the . ^ , ,
•1-1 n ■ lo as I') Irie.:
1 i'.e iivilt CO ■ ' I I
kufii.. and, i> I tl"mvn.« the .
" ■ ^ no/( n into a I
nea:-40r:v.rs( ■ Dnrin- the oj
lb;ne of t:..,,> I i";^ towards th
double ti.a-nn/ fl "r an meh and
t.illization. 1
'r''l,'""_ ■ iiiarkable, aiid
lio'.M- aiKl a li
af.');i: a tei-eii
a.j llron!^ and
fv,r fr„i,f„r., ■ ice, thouf.n I
inic iir.o a kiiai
G r^ V. AT R U S -S I A.
not (ituling tlie (l)iith part nf it f) n:ivi[;:i!)lf as he
viiln-.i, cii lul a iiimI lo bf ilnfr, by wl;ii li lur liitli
oivii'il a comiiV.iiiii .iciciM wiili I'iii.T!l)iir{:. '1 liis l.il.c
pruiiucca gic.it c|iiiuuii;i's and v.iricry «t' Hfli; lucii as
lalmon, fturjii, ami a [u-ciilisr kinil ot tilli, cllcl
Ijiiiig, of tl>c li>«- of a hcmni;, b 't ot' a rinir talk- ;
t'to.u wliich llu' lake ij liicyxjiul t« have bad its
That of Oncg;a li's alinut 5'> miles call ward of tbc
hlv ijf l..a'li!ga. It If. aiunit 4 j I'.o^nrs ;ii 1 ■ii[;ili, and
iS in bri-uddi : thniigii ab^.frtih water, fi.;Js arc often
livn ill it.
Tiie Like of I'll, i!s, in I.ivonia, is nearly ^4 leagues
in knijdi, ami uiA.ii.t'i (,fi:in b.iaJtli. It aboiiivii
with full, an! iiiiis into t!ic gulpti of !■ inland.
From tlw iiiruiii;'; tAtent a tiiis v.ill country, it
may naturally be comb ded, tliat tlvcre is a propor-
tiiir.ablf liivcrfi'V of climate and iuil. In the loiithtrn
parts, llu- lonf'cit day diHS not exceed fifteen hours ii,d
X'- liall'; whereas, it' tiie moil iioithcin, tiic bin is Icen
in fiiniiiiei two tv.or.ilii above tl>c horizon. 'I liis brint?;
lb:: i.'.fc, the exrienies, both of liimaie and loil, nmil
be fi-cn ar.d felt 111 ti'.i^ extiiifive ef.ipire.
i'o tnible the rc.idir to tonn at, iiiva of thf riffnir
of t!u' ccid fealo", ue citf ih-j (ollov.inii; relaiion
of a lute inj^cnioiis and learned writer, who rcli: tl
in this cou.';try feveral years. " It isalmofl diHiciilt for
tin inhabitant "f our temperate ciimate (meaning
tiiat of laK'laml) to have any ii'.'' i of a cold lo j^reat.
It may, ]5(rha[)s, Ir Ip to give fo: re n-tionofit tore-
late, tint when a ] ll-veie, and that feverity kills bur a lew
(lavs: t!ioi'|>h it is not unfrecim ,it, in the courle of a
winter, that fome i> )or wretciies, j^ettin:;; drunk with
f|iritu uis liuiiors, f.dl down by the ro.ul I'lde, and perilb
by ihf c<.|d [iclbre any one lutd-. tlieni.
'• W'b.en '.he t'lermometer has Hood ar 25 ikjj. below
o, boil.ii:' v,-.;re;', tiirown up it. to the air by an eiviine.
foriiieil into
for tlie expcrimenr, wcic ilir common bof tics, in wliitli
there h.'.ij been lavender water.
" It may not be foreifrn to tliefe inftances to nicniion
.an ex|>erim(nt made by piince OrhdV, m.ller of the
ordnance to her !inprr ile-
j.',rees. '1 his ariles not only liotn t!ie fun's beinir io iTiort
a :i lie under the horizon, but fnan the llroiMi; leil- ^1 ion
of tlie .itmofphcre, wlmh CiiulVs (o i^'reat a brifrhn-.els,
one may lee to read and wiite at ir.iJr.iLjlK, unlels it be
(i ai'.ly, for full t>.\o months.
The ibil ot k'tliia is rather more vai-iuis tli.tn tlie
climate. 'l"he Ibutlvin provinces produce wheat, bar-
ley, rye, oat-, |Ha'-, .'.nci herb'-, v/ith various kinds of
fruit; and all thelewith a vegetation fo uncommonly
expeditious, that lorn is connponly reaped in two
months after it begip.s to appear ab:.ve tiie fuifaee of
tire [Mound. This is attribiired to the fnow, uii'cii not
oidy enriches ami me Hows llie land, bat die ili; •, .u.d
•aeiterstiieprud.uil of it, and nv.kes it take ikeperroot.
—When i:i;',h Jove liis fliirp artiii'ry t'onr.f.
And upcs his eioudy niaj^azine e.f llorms.
In wintei's bleak tincomtbrtable rei^n,
A Ihov. y inundation liides the pl.iin :
1 Ic llill> the winds, and bid-, the (kies to Hecp,
Then [icurs the liicii'; tempcft thick ar.d deep";
And, Hrll, the mountain tops aie cover'ii o'er,
'1 hell the green lield.-, and thin the fandy Ihorc;
Heiu with the weight the nodiling woods arc fccn,
And one bri,;i,t wa^le hiiles all the wajiks of men :
'1 he tiieliiij^ leas alo:;e, ablbrbif.g all,
Drink the dilVolving llecces as tluy fall.
Th- fowing time, in many parts, nuill tullow the
harveil inimeili.irely ; bccaufe the lliiiiiiur not lattin^
ab^ive three iiaiiuhs, tlieie can be no linving alter the
I'roll i-i begun. i5>it in more mcd' rate cliaies they d,)
not low till April ov May, and thin their reapii.tr time
comes in Auriill .uid lonietimes in July- As for ni:i.
pure, ihey h.ive no nted iA any, the Inow lup|)lyinp
that in every reljiecl. Uefides grain and fruits of' vari-
ous forts the country prcdiiees plenty of rhubarb, llax,
iKirp, gocd pallure for cattle, honey, wax, ficc.
I he afionilliing quantity of nnilkiooms produced
Ipontaneoiilly in Kullia, are a great bklling and relief
to the poor; wl.iie, at the lame time, they are d< em-
ed delicacies at the tables of the rich and luxurious.
It has been known, that above a thoulami wagf;on
lo.uli of iv.ullirooms have bv.cn aiiiuialiy told at Muf-
Agiiciilture was hut lirt'e undeillood in thit couturv
till the time ol Pefr ti'.e (iirat, who brought h:.> lib'-
ieCts in lome nvalire b •■ler acquainted with ir. The-
1 iiiui| ;il articles in a Kiillian farm are wax and honey,
which fometimis pr; d.ccc to the peafaiic a competency,
i> CI as
' 1
#* '
\FAV ANH AUTii'.'.NTic sYsiTM .., i:mvi.:; ;ai, c.:-.o:.ua:'IIV.
as li'- KI'< iI.i" V iv, ;!'vl I'Dnif ofiin; lion;-.', ai, ! iii.\l;' s i
11 liiii'v ti(' 'ill- uil. riii« ilnii!* 14 .> IviiKl lit I
iivtir ;i;i, I.. .1 t'l K' llioii.', aiul wiy p.i!.ra'i!(.'. T'l; !
Kill'; 111 mtt'ii.' i (i! i'vi,-ii;;ii.; l)i-c-Iiiws u ,\; lulli'V, .; tlic 1
jiv.il int I'lrs I'.D.Ml .1 IM", i'.\\-> tlii; trun'.^ ilUa iivi 'V |
ji.:ii>, li'llov, '.'d: |.(.i^», iiKii r.iips up Cii«* t':;t:.ir.: • |
iu>, .iHil li. ;.■ ;..i.i;l iioli.> iiito tiu Ii.kI/ liir li- ,i.l- I
lu.tr.i.ii' c; l.u' l)i- »if tlu- heir,;
v.lui ,s 1-.4I.. >i.ii ly I'.iiiil of ir, .iiil tnct ,\ v. lii-'v "i i
rNpTi.n III-, .uiil iU"aL.ir;c ii'", lo m.ilvC liiinlVitiii.iiUr «i!
tiic ;., .i-t ti. ,i;';iiL-.
Till' rw '.<■■:■■ IvTvcs nnr onlv t'i>r hriMiI, h'lt a llr!, Nurw.iv, Swftlfii, ^jc. luili as
ri-iii ii '1, ti)\i ., mariiii-, li.iU', li.ii^, uiniius, lal)li-',
•iiul I'-l ';.!.>. Ill ilii- 1,'iit'ii-fii I loviiu'cs ail' !):\.:
lil.u-'. c.itilk-, iMiul>, lir.il lioriVs, f^oaiN, llioi-p, vC
I. I V C) N I A.
'^'IIAT p.irt of XiilVi i...'.u\ l.ivoii'.i, is lo'in.'i'J
f I Imii;i:iJ, i ii t .i-
:i)ii;li liv tlic (!i';hy c.t' Cc>Mrl.i!.t ami LiiluianM, rHi|!;i, a. Ill on tlu" lail by liiL'tia.
■| l,,s ]r(jv.i.>,- IS ..a;.,ir...'!y l:ni..tnl tiir iM.ii.nrrcc,
liavii.;.; tin- Ua uii llir P'Ttli .iiul ».ttl, lilt- jMvac lak--
I'll] us nil (hi; c.ill, ami till- iiviT l)v. ma on tiu' linirh.
lliiii- otiuT inuTi.al lal;cs, ai.il ni.ir.y l.iiall rivi-ij, li.'u-.
'■it' !:ii..ilv nmtnli'.i'i- ii> tin" avUaiit.ipc dI' th's jirii.
viiui-, by taiiiiiac:ii[' ilic iiiiaiul ii.;vi;ri icii. I.ivuni-,
troin iioitii to I'outli, is i jo null's in U'ni;;h) aiui troiu
lall HI Will, wlii'ic broadcil, il^out no miles.
I .ivDiiia, tliinipli i'>itri-:'.iflv iii.n lliy in Id.ui' plai'c.,
is, in puiiial, Vi ry bf.uitiliil, plciv.itully prndiicin;;
lii'iiiVi I'oin, iMtili', paliurc [.'imiiiJs, ^:i',
I'lH' I .i\<)ni.ins, al" iif tlie iw.ll'tli i-fDtury, witc iii-
volviil l:i I'agan luiKillitMiis 1 .inil\siiii ri.'l|.i-i.t to tlu tr
l'.;i' vs u'i- ' .I'.p^r .1 \)'.i!i.!> *i li ji lultry, sm1,!-IjwI, uiaiiin is, \\c:i' rfrui.-; ms ami lava^c t > a j^aat i!c;mv,
ga'Hi', hii-.-' 1'' \i.K ■ , 4
'I'hi'V ^>l•re biou 'it m i.:nb..ii.c C'lu .Iti.iii: y by t'lcir
I'lu' iu:;Iti,:\ ;..a-. u: i!ii-' v.- 1 iMMiirry ati' iilriitifii!- 'j rii.'l,. ./Ui . tlic C
iv li/'iirr.! V. i.!! v.; . "j:. !.i.ii!> el n;ii, bv mi'mh. ot t..i- ,| i ins i;ih' i-miiit. y Kali I'lrcrnati-Iy bci-n ravai'CiI I-y
U'v ■! li r..ij f. ir ■ .1.11, (o ;',. 11, ai\.illa'. iMU'irnu- j. r!i- Ut-r.i-atis, Kmi'in-, I'uliJ, a::il Swi-ilvn. In i;; ..i,
ab'.-' l.'.k-, :ivii , wvulits, ivt-. Till..- p:i.i;!i'.' if.i- |! i-,v tin- tic.:ty oi i.).iv i, it v,as fr,ti,-;'lv' iv-,',..l ra tlic-
nu'ii i' ip'.'. '.. i> I). :.il:ii' n, i;. ur, p !m', Ku; ron, a .il '-.wuli^, v. hu kciH p(i::'v-l'i''ii ot it till the b' ".iniiiiv^ ui'
< '111- prtl'ijt Cfiifiv, V. '.ill, i'!.i:'in;» tii • w.i;,j i;l Cli.iil.'s
Ml. tl.c Rur'.uii t'.ibiliiu! tl.c V, imlc iliKcliv of I i.
' v,)".:.i, ;.s will as Iiitm; ami lll'.v were au.iwa.r.i
I I r.iMir.-ii to Kiif;!;* bv ilir tuaty iil N>!Kult.
j ill- iiativ'.' p''.i;.i!.ts (I J.i. OHM ail' i-'l ItiCii,' coii'.li-
] r'.tioi/-., anil I'.i lo i;,iU-i;o liai^lliiiis ; but cvm at tliii
' :i;iif ii-tiiii j'l.r.t ynt fi lli' .i' uifi'itv. .As Urvx of
bi'hi : \ ^\li I l-it ti' i> a hi'iri; liili, oi'^.i! iic lo.v ;Iil- b. li
c.ivi ic I ir. .■'■■■.
'l '.: Liiii.i.^-'^ 'i'. .If I..i:iln-s iniui;'iHT,-!)V' i;i!i ;1-. in
till- iaul-, \:--\ ■■'■'.'. , loivi!., ;;c. ai-il t'.t-y an', i:i In-.l,
v.ry ti'". b!. i'' 1 I' ila"ii ;!ioiit t.ic wl-.oli.' iMip.iv. .''imh-
;.;t- ,'1 ,• 1 ■..:•,' ;:• V. t'l ill ■'.'.■ ill till' llOrlluTIl Clll.!'! i. s !>!'
l.i!:.;- i an.l Hill I ^ a,i' !.) iii'p Tl'iit ;.s not to li ivf u'-
rc'::-. . '. li ii'.', "V at L.ul to li ivi- b''i-ii .ui'. v'l^l lo .ny !i tin ir ii-|\'iiiui.iis, r-.:|",-rni'.:i^;v , .'..'ij [-(.•mli.iiitu-.-, aic
piii.i il.-- ;V^ ...s i Ur, in t.i l.i,ii;i.,,' iron.;.-, \vc;;^;y!. m,- :;1. ibli', \vi- Ihail i . ..il> tlj^ir.
:' V. 1,1 n a lotiiitiy n.-i,"\v n ni, sapnl out of anot'icr
, \'.. .' • , li;- ;;i ;'si;n iioi :.i\'. .!. to li u'l lUl', l> ii h T bi'liii.J
; li:;n, ir.il ii'.al'wts li, t m bi.i.f |i. a \vi;!i ih. ii.'.ht li.iiui.
i! Ii.'.ui in li'> Itiiivl .1 r.iv'.i 1 1 !i .It l' ; 'p, wi.i If I.L- jiuts
j.:j'.,CC 't b'.i!-i in.': : \-, v.;.;,:i Ik- ;. -rs to llliil wliO
1 !■ ;'n.S till' Wicklt tlllH ;ii V. i.iili 111' Is f) p.ifs. 15; iijrc
i li::ii liiiis a iiiini ih'i [!■')'•' uponth- b.ippij f, a.i aiio
i ;..,. ofl.i f;:;r.,\, \ ,., I..'.v:r.:' n.'.lw il lwou'.> iii ilvir
Ui.llh I'lir.u:-;!-. \Mt!i vi-rv r'lli miius (ff.lvi-r, iron, l| ■:■•'•!•'!■. j.'i^c tivo l>;. i.is a,i.,!s t!.i- iloor of tin: lun.lc
n-..t K.v.l. ■i'hc tvo f.n;i,T n /t.'.is l-.ivt lv,-n an- .1\ ji ^■'■'ii' i-'i" nv;;:.'. i- ;.t) bt- o i-.U.'iini.;tu!, am! tlu-n
v.c ll-.iil li'-tv.- in;:n;on if. _ \
l^i.ui il of till- \i.i'\ v.i'.iK- of all mt-tais, it Iv'n;;
Iv.'.-.vv, liv;.!, an 1 i'. 'n'.^ tin- Ii.iikI with a bl.'c'.silli rol our. |
h V .Kls littlf o|- no I nir.i, anil nii'lts ipiiiklv in tin ■
iitL' l-l'oix- it tnrm n-il. I'iire li-ail is r.-lilmi tonnil m ■
lay \s:i.'. u\\...
'I :,'• i!.t in:nnr:' v.!;h !,, ■.:■',:':.■ f. f i; v,uriti'i!,
.'\",i! mullul I- f,;:nn,s ..- in umh; s .:i-i- |.>. iiM;
'111 i\', wli-ii lu-\ torn rh,- ■;! -Il ■, t'u' ; w..'.. ^
Si'n-.i- iM.ii', .'.'.d y. I iin';n:niM, i.itiu': knj;
Sliort of tlu-ir li-iibs, aLim- i n; !■ Wi bliili,
<.>ni- h.'.li'allv.', ;■.:■..'. i.ni- o; 1;::1.:;> i-.i:::;.
'!kv till nil till- ]i. .!■ • I'lit- oi'tli.' lvoi>ls iniu a b',.ini
ivirti-.c brilt:.'"(- ,.,';. ill-; -I, v.lniii is lio.-ii- to pifvcnt
.1 .'n--, \\li...i, i,,i . I.' , .■■I- I 'ir.innn in tli.it (oiiniry.
It I: to til-.- l.m..- cii 1 Ili..t rl.i- I'lii.li- Ic.ittcis lit Ic p i-rcs
(.1 rlotli, or i\ii I..; •, ly I v..iv, tip. i:;allv wlit-le
lioi'^-wa- .1 ivict, 1.1. ir iiolk', .iinl upon tlu- |-'i avis o('
hull- I i:. ill. I n, i!i..l \.';l;-i:t b.-|!.;; :, v.iu'r.i tlii-y bury
in I'.L- l;i:i,li v.,ivs. .''i . I. .all a viil over lier f.;; i' winli:
il:i- is at !!ii- 1 1 lii , \\i. Ji is no: ion;'; lor ;'s toon al-
\ik1 l.aiic:inM-s .-. :.'n it !'.;'.■.-.•. I' >" .i- of a ! .i'.; -n ii-.n. 'I 'i''""' ■"*''•"■' I.'' --^ 'i' '>'- ''"'^^"> ''"-" n'arr;<-tl coujili* inb
i-t up, .nnl
.I'.ii'i! ilr.inii
IS i-:.tr.\.'.i-.i trom ores oi i!
,1,.'. I,',,.. V.!!,
tlic :i..:-.
kintl^ ; i"i' .: '. 1 !iii-t.i.-.t-s bl.iik, li'.u;-, yillow, or i
an .'.fn I il iir. Ir ;s •.c.'\ c! lli;n;ii|? loini-i.- p,
.1 it wt.
■ ) iioms a:t.-r iln.
i-iir i-i''.our, coiilLilin'^ oi lii-i re 1 iiiv ile.-, tii r 1;;- n;
a ■.•;:;-■ or reiWnli li-^no. hie o-i- of k-a 1 alnio.i .:!- 'i ■''■■ bioupl.t ;o li: ilov !i a: ila- t,;;.|r.
V. a\- ■ Ml
,n:.n.",^ a '. r.all onantirv of ii!\er.
.•.A.. i:...Mit ti.l l:, ;i mix- .i- t..LV are .ib.e lo |;.im1 nu
\\ Ken tin: , ;■-; I il.-.-like, are r.iix ,1 v. i'li a-. .- li e,r i'" !' N Hny l-'y '"./.mi . ii tnc i.oor, in.it i.up ..,; to.
',..1. I .; .i: , or .lie . liv uv.r.-.'. lirie a: -1 tn U' ^^ -i Ji r,'!'-'' i-' '•' ''■'■'■ny l*^-!:-^-
...1. ..V. .,frh,- -.■,v. ir '-..x (1 "1 r:-r rn -.■ ,• m- II ll.e\ bi 1;. ve til. o" 1 , .,:;o;l,-r Lie aft>r tl, -, bur i' , V
the :.,nu-, If :. a I; ''i t!..'.t i,
I 1- • iri-i.'-n or I'-ul. 1 h^ ;neeiri;al ore I's v :v'j in .i.;.r.; u.;. , .1 it ,:e verv v,:;!'k-. A L'.o:,-,i;i s.,;-
r.;ve . I .r \..wn \: is tm.n.!, it ;'. varii-Mt ,! wiin a \-\- !| '<'':i Lieiiii; | relent at her hulb.imi's bnii.,:, pn.s a n i-
i..„ !i ;■ ;n eol...ir, .ni.' 1- nn-tranli-. nenr. It is like- I -■"■ ■»■'•' liiieiil ir.to the !'r,.vi-, ..ivi; ;' il;.-, re.,: n \r
V i:. I -...v, b It i:' t li.ir.l ; anil one liun h .! v.iiiiii: of I '' , t!"!- !i'- i' htitb im! bein- ;.. u -. ;, in li.e i.'tii.-r m. ,;!,:,
It ■>■'.•. , oin " . to ;•'
w h.te .;;,'! .;f;: i ol .in
iun.ls ol 1 .el. 1 lieie is a:;.)
■.ul I re, but r. :> u;ie.j:n:iUM'.
(• r 1 O .\ •!!.
O!'. llie f;k- of o',ii-r, V.I- fiall treat of the f v-ral
.iris ol rns enii'.n- nmr
nvinn; i!r.inii
ili\ ii;o:i
\ 1/. 1 .r.oni.i am
1 liT-ria ; Tvlofi iivv i'loper,
.r \V
cilern K'lma ;
il' 111 ,\loleov\ , or
li.in L -.iil.iiu
.suva / iir.
I'll pel Ions (.; lan!;, Ilie u.;-. ..iii.i.i.ul li; ll.uiiM be
lei-i '.-. ;ih W'.i, elothi > r.n-.
li.' V aic, in ;., Ill i.il, Ini.itu.itil with noti'. I'. ('■' li-r-
ceiv, wf.ieii le li tin in lo the bei.e: and pr.i 'kl .,f t::,:
"■i,.;.. I'i abl iid;i:i s.
/V. l'.>v .-.'e i'n'il'oiii ill il.iir I'npei ' :r;f:>, li' aie
iliiv ii.i lli. IX. ; ;:i rlie olil.r..u.on oi lii-.i eiilb)::isj
.'Oj '-r..!,!!- |.i \\'.:\ h V • h .s e .1 V. I\' I ': ifli.t !'lOI V f.-W-
;ii;' .11 o..; eujiili V li i.ow.
.■111" eoiKleumeil
r.iiir.oi,, i;:(,i., ,i| lo , .mer ii.n tiice to '>- pr,
.1 lor i;.i;i lo i;^ .;1. ;i t n ..i;i tii.- ['rou,! I to i.
l".iiii!h;! Jtr
ililll, .11 '
l-ll l..tl> .
\yiK:; 1
(or Ins (■.
!1 v.- I' )W
I.e a;t - '
V.-; el; i.
iW', , jii
}'rou:!il, rt'i
lie I !,.i:.on.
I le p
aiiv p'licii.i
Urii'u h s in .
ami I.) per-ei
v.;s ll'.e 1 .iiile.
l-.i\-oni,i is 1
I''.' |-o\'l \ i 1
(;■ i,:.-o;,i.i.
Uevel, th.-
i:i p.irt ( n til
e.'ncli t'.i re i.
l.nt-'.if Den i'
v:-:i .N.itva .-.n
ilie Ten .1,1 e ■
I'M. lie .id. 11 ::
I'o - n-, .mil -.1
isf.), ul'-l 1
Ke.el t ) N irv
in 1711, v.'Ii 11
;i - . :i 111: 11 il 1
t; -. period ili.
I'l oji Iriiee
V. , ; fv. -.erl.-
I . - "I .•';;! I inl
I. ' . e 1 ,
N.n-. a is Iif.
J .IVOllM f-.lhl I
mar 1 1, k.-i : i
i; • 1! V I ■ I irr.l
.\. i.ne 1-;; -
a.-ieniu ol i:.i;
V. lei wv'.e ;.::
(■ .111 ' (iie,r'- .';.t
h..', I) .il f) he
le to liv f ,T, I
hi';-, .iP.,1 111: r.
I- 11 ,, -".ee, \. ; h
I; : : . v.eie e;i'.
\-; ell v.'.ae i. .
"' : :;:■ -, ;! lUlil
v.: ; ,- !, ei-i.il !ir
\.a'. le.'r expor
a vi-i! 1)1" lid I
e. .IS b,.rdeie.l v.
J ::\ r^
li : 1
1 \.
I.iviiii'.i, is I o>.ir,,'i\!
I I l-iiil '.:i.!, ' fi t ,1-
I i l.iil\ii.n: I, 1111 ilii-
tlu- till l)y lllL'M.l,
II. Jul to,- c.i.ii.iirrk;!',
vntl, tlu- !V.it la'.-
l)v. ma on liii' Uuiti;.
.-.i.y l...i;l rivi-is li!;i--
v.iiit.i['c ol' th"i pro-
i.ivim.icii. l.ivuni',
III Iv-nfjih s aiut troiu
It 110 miles.
II lliy in loiiR" p!.u-i'-,
)lciv,it'ully prodiMivr.
iiJ"., ^:l■.
fill fr;uuiy, WiTr '.;^ -
1 with w'.y.xi t>) til. •.!■
(i- t ) .1 t^a-.it i!f;'ri'.'.
; C'lii.lli.ui: y I'V t'v--:r
:ily been r.U.ij'i'u !'V
III Swfiics. ill I" .',
er,:i:i'!v iwl.-.i t.> i'.a-
t till the L" •■iniiin;; di
; til ■ w ,i; . cl C';i.i,! 's
V. r,>)!v." liti.cliv di' 1 ,1-
lll'.v were Ji.-iw.i.i'.i
Ot Nsll.Kif.
I .lU- t;l ItiCil,.^ Ci'IlHl-
llipN ; luiC fVill M tlii-.
lii'iitv. As lii:;'.i' ot
•.:ui ['t.-i.iil!.iiitii.-.-, iiH."
i .\ '.' a] out of iir!''t!.;T
:/'! ii.r, I. ib li.T licliii d
I vv',;!i iIk ri.'.lit h.iml.
I' ; p, w;.( if l.i' puts
w : -IS to liiiii wlio
K- is V) p.i!'s. IJ- i>)rc
1 tlv hitipij I", a-. ;ui()
i.;l. il lwi.u'> 111 ill' ir
I- iloor ol llic IiolIc
ri'uni.uu!, .uui tlu-ii
Iv ol>Is l;U() a I)' -i,U
;i l.> tivi.'ic lo pu vent
;n,::i ill til It c.oiiiury,
V IcUCfis lit !c p iTcs
',-, il,i. c:.i"v wlu'ie
lui il|H)ll thf I'l.lVfb <)l
, \vli>-r,i tia-y Imiy
jii liver licf 1.^' !■ wliile
I'M' •; lor .'s loon .il-
|j iraiTii'i! couplf ii'e
■r lin..' : 1 1 up, .iiiil
iMr. I ;.,%:i'n I'r.u.iv
LiL- .ili'c io l:.'.'.il no
L, ;ua1 ilu'l .,:i 10-
,ifr. r ili-, bur i' .■'-
A 1 .:■. I'.'.'.iii \.r.-
l)iii;..', p-.i.s .1 11 i-
\: '.\ In". IC.,1 !1 VT
iK li.i- otiur u,ii!,!,
l,.,i,ul h; ll.uu'.a bc
vv'.!'\ noiit II (•' L-T-
,;1 p'M 'Kt ■. : tin:
ll'iipi 1.' itir::- , li' .iiv:
|l oi lil'. .1 CUllolils ;
1 '■, si'A.t !lolV li'l!-
iM'f I niuli-iliin. J, I- r
i; iiu:- li) !' ■ pii'-
l;i.- ifroiM I lo I.--
tlii;'!, -■!.-.! i,M,k
t t. »»V 'i . .. '
(. !i r. *. r u i; s
in; his i!icr;'ni,l n-", !r.v!n': l*i f.r intc
r Mil .| "'iim(h •«■! t I'lnii'ti
It, 111, a> til t Ik
i\i i:iti« a o. ■■ ■
p.' nc'.-, Iv t 1
tor li;s pai*, I'
11 :v I' iwlt'. , I.
iir. I ol
rr t.ii' l.( r li.
,in olv' 11 .'.I'
11 o
,r!:. ...;.; !,,,!, lil.r
CO',! not i:;;/'. i'lc-
liifiT 'I-.f III. jri. Hi til" r'.'i.trv I
!,!• :i.t • f.t, l"l' \v.> n-.i'v ro rcc ivc
tlv cii.ujt:
lii.s p;, .!•,(•■. lor:. li .! iv r 'I'.o'i .'it miu li to un
r'.i.tli.'., In! lii'iitMf
liooii til
v!, aiul ri'i> i\- i! tin- blows iuc.ii.i •; co li.s toii-
IW i i;.r.o;i,
I IC p' op';
niiv p'lTcliaK'
T.r ■••■r "'r'l'il fn ni.i
to |.K-VinC til'/i;- Il
i 1 ', r.K-v Ii.ivi.-
(irilv 1'.) mini) rr.iir.il to r,i.i:i:i-;' .1, v.:ll iili'iiil tn-'iii :i
'ii .iLLiiiC'-'. ^ I', til' V will vfii'iiif ti cut (I iwn 'vori
in 1 I
.irrs o' 1.
.m-l invii"',' nti-nir .1 r.i ■
(r;0.ill'l, tow WllMt in II, VSiUCll llll'V
11 ;> I ■ to II ■
Ivcri'tK' liiM. \'<.\ il nifV an
Iri;) tl
•I ri II
(.the r.uilt, til y o.:';i' tll; lU I
llir liii'-, an. I t.i ii.' ('o-.vi inon ilii- (^ o'l i
! to .1 [• ..t, v.:.:;-.
h .1 I vit.'li, or il-
oil'.- ol t.irir coiir.u, :. Ii ,
!!v \v...i!, till tlv'.'. .1 I'V
.\> II t >
'II ..li
(I •I'Cl.ul',- w'l :i til' :i t III
Nor an- tlu-v i'
t) h.
:n till c:i.- 1... it I. ti'i.ii
v." anv nioni'v
i!( li-cnil'i! to tl'.- tier. Tl: -ir
tl:.in t' V (I.
v- 1 lit' ii.i-ii- r
II t rhf/ thit'v ov.i tf:
Ibon .is ir is kn j .n .'i ■
a r-, iIr'm- I'i
.111 I.': w .:v ola'll tlr.vcs r i I.' |i
,'!i ti; -v 1. I!'!' lie I a I.I i •. II
1 «.; t
I. >;.! ta.ai
(lil|i.!i:-, ot w ,;i'
pi-.ifint, piL-ll'.-.l
11V .ms v,-li',-i-fb-.' Il ■ llvul.l iiii,.ir.:i,i ill, t'l i.ilv, linn',
iri iiis will* aiul 1 l.iii.lii-11. I'mc (ilfii-fr c > 'liu t lii ■
rivX'. ilav t.) "'.-• Ii.niji-, I'litikin'' to ri- •■-ivc t)K- ni.nv v.
llrui-k 11 s iic.i I .1 ■ iiu
ami r.) pi-icfivi-.i III-,-
V. .■.'. ilie I auk-.
till- III I I'S tt'l-t 'll.lC W.l, il.l ; i|H I
nilt-r.ibl.- fX(.-tu;uiii o( wli.ci Iv
.ivoiii.i is i.uKln; I. Ill) tv.-.i p"rs, VI
\ i > I'l ■ nvi I p
1. I III- l-IU'. t"i-i
'.iv .1, I I ■ :i'-')v;n "i-
1 -^ aiKl lo'.v'i .
w., i.ii arc
lii-vi-l, till- I- loit.il, lii.i r ■
HI a
m r.irt en tli: t'.ei .ivi
I a ir'Oil'i:..-.ii, at t'.t: to;) o!
rt- 1 . .1
u:!i ti:
i".>ri)f:, . I
:i .Nai'.-a .'.;.
till- II- .v.!
'II : ii I ir, t>) '
I'll ..ii r .III' r
till- I
f'l:l..l \' .I'.l.ll -tl'.
.i-oihiu.'-, t ) t.i;'
K -v. . .. I- oiu- o, c 1.- p
() |l|- C.Ml.'l ll MCV III' t
I. ill
I o.'n-, and -.v I
);i- i-oiiiiiH-|-i :.il
I < '■ ),
■1 I II- i\u!.;..;|^ r n n .
inn.-.'i.i- ol
Uc.'.-I t) Nirvi, at i-.- hv ; ; lub.lui
in 171 I, wli 11
a" ill iiin it r
I rli-
K mii'i^ (■ iii[ii.ii-il ilR- I -ii-.u-r, tlu-
iiU- iii'o t^ie olil ci; -'ni-l J .ml (i v
IKTlllil lllC • i.ue llltll, iil |));i- l!c.;rri', Ijl.TClIC
III op illll'l"
^^ .: I'r; lirl
'Ijl J:'):
ii'uii;i.,;.;c \i
'i.i'iiK'.l iiib,ii)it..ii;s I'V tl.'.ir ii'biti, ciiitoin
^,lr^.^ is lin:
ivoir.i r-.ii.i li
oil r.i-' III- r A.
It v,i;^ ori'i!'
wlilr'i iH'.'i !•,
ii pi>< •• (I lill<
r I
.i no r.thc:- cfiV( r-
I OS j .'■ il \i il n 'livv
':■ 1'^ .. '■ .:■ .i 1.1 111' >T.*
n X- luiiiii.': I I
^1 ' i.ii , v.IikIi
w.is a lo't 111 kibl.i'.iu- i.ir i.jr (• ij ii.liiii."
Ai. oil ' o''-.!:r M.liin!i)i| . l'i'< ■!.i:;(;:i , I
t!ii. I lit of I .ivoni.i h .w a c ., 011 i.l (.lT.
of W'liir-.'iillKl.V ;'. a l',-!l;v.:l, l'
(if till' (!t-.vl, Oil ti,; I -J i> II :!:.- v-
t'l;- rliuirli VmIJ,
iVld too I) iloiv ,
li''i i!i- liiil va-:i.
I. l--.i t.) til.;- HI: ■)! .IV
i.i.aii . I .-.n ni, .:
I lid io\i-|- I'l-in V.
:c' 111
'.. , C;-.-. i Ik*
•1 tli-i-1 V. itii
li'-rs i:;i t!,,- iji
tiankinri-n:.-; tin" rli-rl; r>llow<, an
iitiirts ibr ilii- nil- ot' t.-.j i-Iiiiri-li i and (Ik- v ():,ii 11, Jur-
i;i;i; ilii- wiiol.- aTiinony, iii.ibc the moll ilii.i-.il 1 1-
'I'lii- riv^T V>-rva, v.lii h ll.i- s f,■■l'^^ r!if 1 1
u.d (.inpii, , iti.ij' 111 o tl
iti'jiv rail
an i;
a 01 I III .111 ', I'i < ::c
:in I near f.v ) i.iii. . I; ; 11 t.-.r i;,y t kti- li
i ii-.i r itaiact, wli-ili rii.iics vi.'lvt'y c'.iwii a
pr. lipi c Ui^li the iiioil trinii'iiilo..!, noiii.-, a;;;! iialh-!i I'l
t'lrioiillv a .liiilt ilu" r..c :■;, ti;.;: a 11 ill or v.'pi;-.-!-
ill lib' aliciul-i (i-om it,
l;l1, «l!iJl, Wl,'-!1 till"
ro..-i;ii ' l.i.l oliU.
iiiis ur ,.i 1
.ji-o.r..i-e3 a
• fill U:vv.
11. 1-: il V. ;;;i t
,'.• 111.)
tl- IT r'.l .-s -her, ari.i ri.-!i-acb-
I '.lints ilio l.iir rainbow, cliaiiiiiiur, tu the ll^lit.
I'.ninv.-, or I'. 1111, wlii.li b I'lmj I'liH; ,-l- t.) flu-
S.'.eik-s 111 ii'i^, ,itti r it ha. I In en t.iken anil ret.i!;:-ii
11MIIV ti <■ . Ill (111- l.i ; I',
1:1 1710 lu;ri-iK
t'-.e Uiiirnii'i. Tlvie is an iii.ivi-rli-v rt'iiiove.l tl'.:-'i*r
I-' ).ii M.i; r, in the year idSj, bu: i; ii n k iiiii. ii iVe-
ipi .--tli.
l),:-ii-, or, as the in'iabinrt. nil i", Dv-riMt, ar.l !r/
O'l ' . '
ruj, 1.
on t.i. nver
n.i) < 1
).■ v/v- II tlie l.ii;i-i 1 e;!ni
.I'ici; iit rr
Vv'iiir-.;i, wh'i il h IV ■ a I -) uiun ' .ti m to-.; .er ;i-,' tii .c
livt-r. It u- -. . I'lr.iurl',- t'li- f- ■ I if. I b: bo^i, a. Ill ad- iriu-il
V. i'.'i an univ.-riiry, \vliii.-ii li .s b.-.n liiue reaiov.-l ti>
•■"aiii.i.' .
lii-ie are r.-vril (il!i-.-r liii'.'l town". : 1 r'u- 1! \r.,-i
■if I ill. I. i.:, b'f li) in^oiuideraiiie, a; us. to i.eleivo
in e.in :n r.aiiie.
1..- I'liiu ipil riti.-s
•-I ■■-;i; i 1 tbi> parr
01 t!ii- ni!)\ ,
t I..
Ki!ii.i aie ,is
' 1 I-; ilv t li'it.il, r,')t cub- ot
'11, Ol't o
!' -M
I le aioli i-.)ii-i 1 'ri!)!.' oui: loi ti.i.l -, ne.-;C
I'c:., lb
till- I
s.'.i .I'.ii .1,) i.;irio;is.
:.i'.;eoully tor c );ii nerce,
I I •, w'iicli, w;tii 11 lir
r.-.er I)-.-
It w;v iiro I'olind an. I U
■\ .1
U;:ii-b ot eoiii.
lib!, b.
rR"i, wir.cli ar- 1 :
\oi iiiiC t'.eli- 1.1-- |:;iiic;p-u .lie .1 ii
tiiiui -r i.)r 111 i;ts .uui o:ii
( iii'.ao.iitij
1 1 tl)
t.lkcn !vv-
■i-Ml-ri' 1'. : ■ S\V, .li
ire It, ill t,i ■ veir 1
c !■
ilii- fl
illow.iv^ ■e.i! I vu:
lie. laiu o! ti
fUvs I.--; f) .'
.I\i-ii; :i ore
1 h;.l til
V.ltil l.)l
a ;.l ri
(■ .11. • oior
I ! ) Ill-
re I. i.a- til .t I'ar'iiaroii . Ijilea.io.- v.hi. ..
I ;.■ il. ,) ; la;-, .1, In; !:> no \ ij rire-
b. r
;eli v.'ere r.
It w.i> exi;eii-
A-iiiie', or I'cii- ili-ai.
ion ; an
.1 i
I.IU- 111 t!l "1'
I 1\-
)) rioivi Ol t II- lirii
)t il '1.1. 1 lil 111 ol til -ir r.i.a
V.-. II .! i.) a I.:e P'.iaiii-r ot p..
V.-; : .' l.-'/er.il llr.
\..v. le.'r expi'li
a vi-ii I'l" led
. - I ie . ■' ,11 2. DO rubli-, (4-'0l.
a lu'a! • b in : ,; .. 6d ) .iii.l rouiu! tii.-ir u ck;.
\ p.i.C o! tliur
r lit was con e.iie.l
11 !i-i-, from ('111- iiv--r r
i!;:oi' ill
at .r, 11111. 11 p.
iir.i a r
-i'l !;li .1
tia- I'
;r.;iii.- aii.l the 1 .)li..i pro-.
111 aiiil I'
li'itun't'.-, .Old 1
•lavav 111 viir v.-
tlie l.ui I lide, ..
v.lii il I . t :!ir.-.! lor;
la I .'ii-.
(,'.;li IV u,
in 1 <^< :■>.
m.l a,. :a 1:1
1 '.a is We.
|-i;b\ r I.--, .1 viiv I.;;
I llr.-iii ;; eallle nii fie riv,
1 lit I ivoni.i lel: 'e^. '1 i
■ 11, 0:1 t!-,;- I li.ei- I'lle oi
b.iiib.r, or ivubiuir.s.
ii'i-il bv t;ie !)iia.i:y..-ind l-'i
iliJi, lil- l)'a;..i!i-.un 'er-
.s bel.iw til- ci.v, pi_-.a- ti..- 111. u:li ot' i'- i.'ei
iai, lis its r..i:v.e ili-i:l.ire;., mil is a (■)r-r.l' a. ';..;i
,1 l.ic r'
ij.adeie.l V. '.'i .1 p;j!d I lej •.■,;;!i a v.ill brea-.lth, -.-.-liica 'l widi.uc i
to t:ie i-ini;', .111 I ii laip '! -.inc.', co •.vii.ukIiih'- tin- pall.u'e la
I'l; IrOiii '.ill- '■oveniar, r.J liiio can l'i;l ta <.'' r.
N'FAV AND Airrnr.XTic ?ystf.ni cf i'n.-ivI'I^kM, crocRAPny.
,i i
I '
i '.
I'hc iiihaliitains oi" Ki^a avo ;i frank Uiml ol people, ji
an.i viry [''iliii.- to Hr.iii(^Ts. 'I'lvjy live by tlK-:i- ii.kK- ; |l
"iiivlii.lv',', I', t'l'ir p 'licv, kept up iiirhrrro a llviM- ui
lic.'itv. 'I'lKU fity i.s govcnu-ii by jour it;ii..illiat.r. ;
;i;\'. •.!'.■. V 'h.'^"- ;i''i> •> d''*-''"^ number of c'' o.vJvi ; but. it ib (at:l, that, aircr ir...!-
r'.i/.c, iIk-v '>]:■ :r.!. |-.:y a ;;r. .: regaril t" challiry. .1-
1 i.lns of I'l'.. .■.;;.'.■ -irc vi-r> \ai!>, but ;u 'Iv laiic tiiiif \. •
I. to to tlio'.e who p.iy them ru'ped. M.iiii.iiit-. \v;v -,
and DtluT uUe woiiieii, arc to be lecii at the d lor. c,i
t.'iiir 1'. /:i!l's al.ii ;'.!' rh-uufjh thv whole day, tor no other
r'.albn than lo lee the geiilleni. a pals by, ar..l i\ee:v"
ti.'-ir co:.ip!i;;T;.-.r--. 'I'o Ihili a len-?!!! is thi.-. al)luid
lu'-iMi ar.iwd, J... die men I'. .iraly cm I'e covered
I a. r.-se-.nens .uid iher^lore w.ilk witii their hacs luuiv-r
ti. ir anils.
I'll.' brr'r'" o', u' tl'.e Uwiii.! i.< oac of die moll liir-
iiii,:;.! ', in 1- •;r^)p.-, i)ei;i:r •y.o p^ '.c -s in lenf.rih. It ci'H
lids ol' tra.;lVi-iK beaiiib ni ti.i.lK-r joined together, a .J
r.lis o. I'.-.il. .villi ihe tide. It is aiv.av> tai'.cn to p/.■el•^
beti.ie the tiull lets in, which hip;;enb ir, N,;vaiiber,
a;id put lip .is I'lm .v-. the ice ii gene. Tlie iiili.,iiitanr--.
of tlie ciiy'ot' K:y.\ iuelf arc about 8ejo in miaib.-r, an. I
fh- fiibi'.rbs I ontalii ab(.it as many more, '1 nice rml. s
belov. ti'.e tc'.va, 0:; tiv. loutiicin lide, is the j'lace whfie
C:i.i:le- the Ml. lautcd tile Sa>:ons, as he h,id iirll djne
til.' R'liriu-o bei';. : Narva. A high bank of fnul is
•;o\v coileJlei, .Mil iiolK-lfes die ground where the a':tion
liappened, under uhich are Itili frc>[uciiily ibun/i ikuih,
and hirnan bones,
Kokenhaiilen, or K.>kenlui\>, ilood on the riecr
Dwiiia, 40 ir.ilei above R)y;a to the .all. It v..i> ilron..
by its lltuativin on a I. id, rather liian by i; iorti'-k.:uo:is,
but \v..s delcnd.d by a good cit.ulcl. Ir \ a:, Icai.rly
rlie red leiici- of the arcabilliop (d" Ki ',a. I'he Jvadians
blew It up in 1 701.
'1 he other tov.r.., in the tiiilrid ol I.e'.i'.a, .tre N'y^n-
h.iiilea, .Mar;' ii'ni, /, Waib^rk, Se'.vold, and Woi iier,
'I'iic lh:ee former aic lortificd j the ti.iCw l.uier .u.-
1.'. ;,..'.'v iia'iinlfican':.
r'T'^ 1 j 1 -", ;•, M-t o^' RiiiFia is 1,0 miles loni:;, - 5 bioid,
.> ,.i i.i. >'.i;;;is in ...ud'.'. In t! e wiiinr ii-Te .1 a
.,r i.an.lier oi'ciki, v lueii, in tl;e lu.iini'i , Iami in
t .:■ ri\ri- :i:r\-, .;nd a;i-e cx.ni-foa'. ::it ) C..:;'^!:.i,
i :.; C-.-.a:-, iVler li.i vire.'.', bcin^ d.e.i..j;. . ..t opeii-
1 ' I I ■) ,i;-.;.,:-.:cai!o.i b i\. e.-n .Vnlian^el lii 1 ih.' Bal ■
t: , i V ..-(..1 1 j1 the l;i.;:I)!) oi 1- inland, m ndi:' to mi- ,
I ■ j'.e t!i<- e.,:iH;i.:' ■ of ir.s doaanioiis, dcieni.hjed (o
,; ..l-.r iinlili i.iasier i.'f le;;i'ia, whicii Iv .u-i:orir::i;',ly
1:1. i in ihe b( ginning of this ccr-.ury, 'i u nndi-r it an
1 iii.'pf.i.i h;a:i:ime j'ower, h. dtteimined on ■ ne o(
!,.e ::. '\ l' -ipciidotis un.krtakiivia ih.:: ev r w'.is en-
tc'i.; I.' .! : V huivaii r. Ljlinon, [lie b.i;l 1... , ih.' '<:, j!
ill' l''ii,.'.. -, wli.iii he delii!;ne I to ir. .lit- 11 )C onl
t!... i.'. •■ a • 1 !:i'' I.,, Ii:r oI the v-hoU- Ruili ,n e.iipne,
i!iL I ■■ r of !!,..'.•, ..: .1 die pnncip.d !'..:i ol 1 i.- ii.ipe-
;,'.i v. 'I'.e:'.;. It i 'iiirirt .1 i)et-v( en In, ; ;.i ami Iin-
i.; '.1, ;ii .: :.r:r-. id." ', H'ii.j' 'ukd bv ih.: liver Niev.i,
1;,' ' . ■. :, . a lal. ..■.•.-: ' '. d .'..;',.■. .. tail 1 ui;'.
,\ ' 1 ;-, V. . . ' .... . v.: ■ :'.v ■'. Ci'-'af.w;. a ihr
1 . :. I . 11. ■.,:.. . la: ■'>''. ■ •; 't, " 1 .eai fi: n ', v.n,',
a ple.ai; ' .1.^.:! '•<:. a- '. i.a • 1 \'..; I'le,- .1 i^i.ii;'. ;,..-. i',
l::(at , and p'a.dn i ink la , -..iiiiii hav.- rii 11, a^ In
< a . I'a ear, v. idi a t.e ;. •■ aorv ol men I ill .d.ve , ,ia 1
I. \, i_ 1; Vi . a .1 lir.' a! 1. 1'." ui aid> I I lia- N 1 va rrn iia.-
o. ' . u:oi'. 'i.'-ii" ''1- i.-iies yn lac laitia i i.i. i,.i.i-
!;;aatien, aidid by lo many Vil'ble oli;eflF, lii'ls fo ti'i'.-
v-ondroo- loinukr, and beholds, in idea, ihe tituiiiy j;c-
niii.s cf feler yet jioeelin;^ t.ver ihe child of liis own
p.rc.d.ia"': aj and viewii jt, with a paiem's (ondnefs, its
iifin;^ I .I'-iie- and Kiiiples. '1 he naa (■>, on v.liich an-
ci.i,. ;iii.v dv.ell;; will' I'l miicli h'ndr.i Is, fnik on a
i(.iap:,ii. ai v.itli this in > .a;..l m.iii ; ;aid ihc fabliioii.s
le}.!lkitors ol Clietcc and l^Vpt iiever |)iehniH'tl to at-
tnapt tl'.e m!;.',iiri' transformation which ilie C'.;ar com-
I'leied. '] he lolii'Wirs of C.idma.s, of llicfuis, ami of
Ro!ra I'"-, v.e:e liaan.iud widi ihc f.i'- e nrilor as their
le.ider, lioi tlu Mi.f. (Aiies, (^R nllians,) urapt in the nioll
priiloiiiul b.iiba.''i!P, kelinkd liy their illiberal preju-
dices i.(;ai an 1: '.■■.c.'"!!;.- wiih l''.iiropean nations, and
ei.iu..iiy the lk;Ve. of liijieilliiion and Ion;!; prclcription,
v.eie Ion ibly lain liom this nij'ht of ij'.iiorancc, and
laiiija lied t" accept ot' ier;ii"mi-i;t .md civilization.
1 i:c lil.a.d ca wlinli this fine city a:- been fo won-
dvrlai.v raikd, was nodiiay; but a he.ip ol' mud in the
Ihoii lui iir.ir ot tlule chmate:., and a frozen pool in
winti:-, not to be appioaclied by l.ind but by pafiin;:,
over v.ild lorelf. and i!n p morall'es, and li.ul been till
ii".n '.lie li.ibit.iiion ol bears .iiul wolves, till it v.as, m
1 ;..' ;, iaia. tilted by above _';-~o,coo Riai'.in, 'I'art.ii-,
I. ilia. k, evc. pi..f.i,t-, wli.iiii tiie C'/ar c .ilrd ti'L'edui
Inim ..a coiiieis ot his vail emjiiie, loive near 12c >
iiii.e>; lail llule m;aie a be. aaiing of dii;. v.'ork. lie
'...a- id a a;-, d to bre.ik iliiou ,h forells, open ways, dry
lip 111 K.i:., and raile bani.i, before he caiikl lav tl.v-
loLaa.ii.on. I'he wliole w.^s a force upon iianirc. .At
fi ll tlie workii:en had iieiiher luliicieiu proviii ms, or
even p;cka>a--., I'p.uks, wheel ban o.'.s, planl.s, or huts
toll,, icer in i yit ihe work went 011 lo cxpcdilii ullv,
lh.it, 111 iive iiionths, the fortrifs was railcil ; ilviu^'h
earih thereabouts was fo fcaice, thai the ereatell pare
of the labourers carried it ai the (! ins of their cloailis,
or in bays m de of oKI ra_L' . .iiul iivits, harrows bein;.;
dea, laiknown to ['; in. It e, 1 Miipiited full 1 rc,''OJ
\ I'.lli. ll a: die pl.i . , for die louatry had bern il -lo-
i.te 1 bv war, aiK, iiipplii ■. liy l,.:il",^a 1:!, ■ wae utteii
letaa'.; d by contr.iiy winds. Tlie C.'ar lamfelt' drev,-
the man pl.ai. \\ ],i|e die d rtrji was gt'inp; on, the
i ily l);-;_;an tjraduaay to be iniiit. 1 ie obli[;ed n.anv of
liie 1 uLii.ty, meich.mts, and tradiTmen, to i»o aiiil live
ill' re, ..ikl tr.i'ie ni Inch commoiiiiies as they wvie or-
vhud. I'rovi.ior.s LeiiiL: Icarfc, antl roiiveniencies
v.,ir.tir:j, the place, at Iirll, v,as not at all .I'.'reeable to
p.. i!.a..o,' d.diiiiiion, wlioiud in Mol'cm. Iar.';e build-
in i, .iiiii iea;> in the couniiy, with lilli-ponds, smi--
liea , .la.l other rural ele^.mcics. Mowaver, he l.ttle
rij',iivted tae eoal|,iaintb of ihvife who only ccnlideied
tiirir own lale. 'lUi: bovars (nobility/ broualu {rreat
ri'd.uiis widi thiuij and merchants and fliopkce[)ers
loan (laird tluir arcouiit in I'ettli;;;' hire. M.inv
:'v,,i:e-, I lal.iii.iers a. id Livoi.ians, from towns neaiie
d,'.|i(', III Heel by die w.ir', continued lieie. yVrtiluai-,
a :.!,..:. , .a.d K.tn.v 11, vM-r,,- jr,siad hid.er, ro encoii
lie fi.ii'paii'; who, ii,.'.;a:; worked oat the tia. ■
a "c.d ill! tor the C /.ir, v.iic liiiCvl by the bovars; and
,i,lo ha Ic for tlr:iai.iv' , ..\x\ i'cttled ; i.u'i Iran b; iia.^
.illowid to I luh en la. feat lie likul. In one \i..i
,-',Gau houlis weie ueeud, an.i, in two or three nu'ii .
vioiible ihe number, which tloubdefs are very niucii ai-
li-.iled lliii e. .Some, indeed, but clliel'y in tile II.Ik)-
'.;.a, or lubarbs, aie li'.ean, and m.iv be taken to pieces
ia two or d.rte ll iir\ .ir.d Lt up illiwlieua I'o biaid
lias t/'.'.a, dial 01 Nunfchans (a llioia.. Iirt on lln
Niev.i, not lar lioai Nov.bili;;) w.is e! laoliihid lei
the matiiiils, and the inh.ibiaints i.ai.Acd liill.i.
.A', iic il. raided lo limove die ir.di" "I .Aieh.'.li' e 1 lo
I'ltu'l' liip, in 17I_; he m.ule ic '■■ f.a iii -., i oiv.e f.oai
Xlclei/v. , and ohned (aeat .a! ,11 ; •■, lo all l'i;e 'a-
..> lii.i: III .aid lelii laeii. , .1: I i, .i.i.,I t' .ir ail p.".:
l III ■■'■']' 1 ■■ ' to a '. /' I, I ' lie t' 1 i, I a. t" 111.. 1-
per, a,..,ail ne ll i.L ;.;t.,e! , aa.l die vhai.- '.abeiiiiser
leli,'.: the 1 111,1 . lilt :\v (.mm. lu, .s, . . wei.' a. 1
ij.Ma.i) riiilovi.l III! 1 laie \e,!!s .lii r. la I l.^ il v.
/ r -
ordered that all IiuuUj lliuulJ Lie bulk oi uii'.k, I.
Tlie citavli
fix ballions ;
two ori lions o
eaJi of the f
but earth and
h.ive them .if
ri iia lide wci
ha.-, been can
1 ho wall is _^
»le all lined v
flanks, wiiich
mattes, one a
vitli beams ,
the right ot'
royal ilifpenlil
ti;y of ilrngs
bcaiitiiul [lorc
it conr.iins.
with ftatues, |
mafic keys, .;
witji the glol:
bi low is the t
tii.it gate is a
two draw-bri
[il.ue gallies a
V( atlitr.
The ac.ulei
malti[)licity <
I eiles lettres
i^ a fu|)erb pil
fill Cllpal.l in t
is a ;;ood lilir.
ti.il (-•iniol'iUe .
ri)i:s oblerve
tanned and lii
ever fiiw. 1 1
ot I'll eciics m
leather w.is li^
finals iIk- Ik
I,. , 'Ie', aid b
f .a (i.e.lt ulev
fif the unt'ortii
1 .'It il iiir hav!
tell , aii.l till
lie..r : 01 in R
the eliltirets C
her .wciited.
up '11 himlelf t
c.'pp.e I and in
'I lie face is tin
ii n •! h,.,:cr, a
t r.il litiation.
t 1 V. tiel."
lie fides the
of t.irtlis, toll
r.ik, ilk IK, n
fiaaire ot I'l le
haa lie tits I
a blue fiiit ol i
byhlstidt, I
and t.ie lijj'ire
jiliii.d, an nr
I'eU :■ tae (:
nipea I It of
['lofellors, till
liicc'-jiion to (
to tlie interetl
I'l 1' 1 ihurg
lii'iy \e,irs. .■>
mil I 'intain fi
allert that the
and w.iter. I
loii;^!,, and wit
others are |'l.i
are immenki)
exceed in li,-.e
No. d:
olijcflf, lius to til'.-
iiit'.i, tlif titii! 11 y ce-
llo.' diild of Ills own
[laiciii's f'Ji'.Jiitb, i;s
■ ir.'. • t '' on v.liicli aii-
li'inliuls, fink on ;i
in ; ;inil sIk- f.ilniious
liver pii'liiiiu'd to ;U-
".vliiih ilu- (J'/.ar coin-
B, ol 1 ill. Tills, anil of
X 1.1 : ^' ;irilor as tlicir
.ins,)v.r.;pt in the molt
ilitii iiiibcral prcju-
tirop'. ;'.;>. n:'.tioiis, and
ir.ii lon;^ prclcription,
'lit <'(' ij'jioraiu.tr, and
.iiu! civilizu'ion.
I'.iv a- Iv.tn lo won-
a liiap ol' iiu)d in the
and a frozen pool in
■ l.iTid hut by imGii'p;
iVf.s, and had bein till
wolves, till it was, in
,coo Riui'.in, Tartar,
ic Czar c ,lli-d togedur
piir, Ibire near i:c.)
ig of ihi.. work. 1 le
)ItIIs, (ipiii ways, dry
tijri- ill- lould lay ti.>-
live iiimn iiaroi<'. .Al
lii'i'ient pi'ovili 'lis, or
lo'.s, [ilanl'.s, or luits
r oil lo enpedilii ullv,
I', v.. IS raiiitl •, ih'iUf.^h
tli.il the i^reatell pare
(1 iri.s ol' rheir clo.ii.lis,
,d ni;its, h.irrows being
'oiiipiited i'ull 1 rc,"OJ
oiintry hail been il ■io-
„:d";;a 1 ;: ■ '.V'l i' utteil
"I'x C/ar iiunreir divv.-
(.Is WM.-. iV'inp; oil, ihc
1 ie obli^'ed iv.anv of
.k rmen, to go and live
'.ies as tlicy were or-
and ronveniei'.cies
not at all af-recible ui
Mofc(i\. l.ir!!;e btiild-
V. ith rilii-]ioiKls, i'ar-
ll.jw:.ver, he httle
■ who only conliilcrcd
ihiiitv/ broii:;lu {.^reac
,ints and Ihopkeipers
rittli:;;' hire. Many
ir, trom towns neaiir
iiiid licie, Arti:ui i •,
,1 d hi'Ler, ro eiicoii
wo:ki-.l ir:t the ti:.. ■
ed by i:,^' boyars ; ar.d
ttled ; 1. ih H'i'.ll b;:ii:.^
■ hkui. in 01. e yi..i
in tv*o or three nu'n ,
I'lels are very nuKJi :u-
iit eliul'.s in the ll.ibo-
ii'.iv be l.iken to pieces
1 cilcwheie. 'I'o build
(a Uioiil; ("orr on iht
;) waa d- loohlhi d let
ints r. iiui\ed liitl.-i,
ir.de "I .Am h.;n"(.l lo
C r. |'.;i ]]] ;, I (jiv.e lio.ll
■. to all I'll' 'ii-
, ,1. 1, .: : .'.! :.il joei:
I.e l.| I, i.e. (M 'lil,, I-
r dii'.i.' '. ) lie in I \ vr
,11. He, t\. . were ii. l
,!i r. I'l 1 ' 1 i it V.
!;uiii oi Uii'.li, lile '•■
The citadel is a long and irreyilar hexagonal, with
fix liafiions parallel to e.-.eli ./tlier, except the two
niiiidlemol?, oi:e of which, oppolite t.) Carelia, ha.s
twoorillons or blinds ; ih.'.t over-ai^ainll t'le river none ;
each of tiie fiuir oth.vr:. oik-. 'I'liey wire .ill, ,it lirll,
but earth and turf; bur, in 1710, the Czar rel'olved to
h.ive them all lined with llroi;;.; v.alls. Tliofe on Ca-
r: iia li.le were tir.illied in lii> life-time ; and the work
h.i.'. been cariied on and coniple.iteil by hi,- luceellbrs.
The wall is ^;o fci t high to tin- parapit, and the I'aces
aie all lined witli large iron and bral:i gi'Hs. (^n the
liai.ks, wiiicli :'re pretty lli-irt, are t\'.n rows ol caza-
iliattes, one above another, arched over, and covered
vith beams and turf", bomb-jiro;,!'. 1 he ciirtai;i on
the right of' this eit.iiKl'.s gates h.us one of the Hneil
royal diljietifaries in Ivirope, both for tlie great tjuan-
tl;v of ilrngs aii.l me'.iicines, and tlie large niniber of
beautiful (lorci lane villelsfrom Ciiinaanil Japan, which
it conr.iins. Th.is citadel li.is two g.ites ; o::e a.ior::ed
with ftatues, ]> rticul.iTly .'^t. I'e'' rv.itli hi-, twn eir.'.jle-
G R i: AT R U S .S I A.
atic k
,d on its iiiln:. liie bl.ii k e.iide '.( Ri'lli.i,
below is tlie figuie ol the iiiilli.in St. Nicliolas. Hetiirc
that e;ate is a ravelin, fiom whence is a bridge, with
two draw-brid; es over .111 ;M:n ol the lU'.r. I.i this
pl.ice gallies and fir., ill vi ll'; Ij ,ire llieltei .,! ,'r.mi b.ul
The academy eflabliliied liy Peter tlie ("ne.'.r, lias a
m'.ilti[ilieirv ol profeli^rs in nrill Iciince:., .ml the
lelles lettre_-, uho ii.i\e hbei 1 l.il.'.rie.^. The bull. ling
i^ a fu[)erb pile, contniiiim t'.vo llories, with a In iiiti-
Ail ciipol.i in the niivlille, an. I an oliK- 1 vatoiy. I lire
is a gi'od libr.ue, and all manner of n'riir.d .m 1 .irrili-
ti.il ainofitie .. " In one ot tiie galleries, (l.;ys a cu-
rious oblerver,) in a c.ile, i-. tlie fkin ol a brciiLliin.m
t.'.nned and niifi'ed. Thi- h.r, been t!ie t.ilh ll ni.m I
ever law. In .uiotl'.er c.ile i^ hi-. Iki leton, and .1 p.iir
ol' In eclics made o! hi. «i^ . Ikin, alfo ilreiled. Tlie
Itathi r w,is like bud'. On the b.iltom, or p:i\'ement,
ll ii.'s ih./ ikin of an l-.n!!;'iili eh liuit horl'e, llnired,
I., , 'Ie ', -nd bridled, and beli.le it the Ikeleton. Pet r
t .-.• (i.e. It iifed ro tide this liorfe. I lere I law the he.id
of tl.e unfortunate Mil'^ I l.nnilDn, a Swedilh l.idy, who
lilt ii fn ii.iv'.ng niurdeiid lier child iinl.iwlully begot-
ten , .111,1 tliii is tin oiilv murder of that kin.,1 I ever
lie..r ; i>l in Riillii. I'hi. l.i.'y u.i-, rn.ii.l ol Ivinour to
the eiiiprefs L',ifi:ei iiie. It i^ l.iivl Peter went and law
her executed. 1 K we|u much, but could nor prevail
lij. Ill hinilelf to p.irdon her. I Ie caulcvl her head to be
c.'pp.e 1 and iniecled. 'I'he torehead i-. almoll ompleat.
'J kc face is the moll be.iitilul my eves evi r beheld, '['he
•;/.; //..i.'f'i', and brain, a,''e .ill pri lerved in tlieir ii.i-
t' r.il fit.iation. Tiiis i^ kt [t in fpiiits in .1 l.U!;e ilirvf-
tlv. flel."
Itclides the a!) ive. lieie .ire depofitid gre:;r ijiiantities
of ea.rths, foflib, llones, oies, nattir.il iiiei.ds, mine-
ral-, Ihells, molles, coral-, tvc. In one room is a
fiLMiie ot Peter the (iieat in wa.\ work, .is l.irge as tlie
11 e. 1 Ie fits in dn ( Ibow chair irof's legged, dieflid i;i
a blue l"it of I l.iaths, white liockings, and has a ii.mg.er
by Ills fide. I Ie li.is Ihort bl,icl> hair, his head covered ;
and till lijvire is fiirroiindeil by m,uheiii,iti..!l, philolo-
jihii.il, .111.! mecliaiiie.il inllriimeiits.
Peti r tile tjre.it alio firmed regulations for the ma
nigeui !t ot' this Ii niinary. Thele lelerred ro the
jiroteil.irs, the fhiilents, the rifpectise Iciences, the
iiicc'-lHon to offices, and other p.irtieiilars conducive
to the interelt of the inlliti'tion in gene'.il.
Piiirlhutg is ,im.i/ingly inerealed in fize within thtfe
fifty years. At the death of I'etcr tlie (jfeat, it did
not lontain 80, coo inhafjitanis i anil now the Kiiiriaiis
aflert that there are 5130, cx^o ; but tld- is deemed an
cxagi-eration. It covers a very great extent ot land
and \\ater. The llieets arc limie of them very bro.ul,
long, iiiv.l svitli ean.ils in the middle of liiem i and
others are planted in the Dutch filhion. 1 he hoiile.s
are inimenleiy large The p.ilues of the nobility
exceed ill li.-.c thole ol lie ll citie^. lliat ol the Mm ■
No. 0:..
prefa is an .amazing (IrtiiTtirc. But thefe are ra'her
great than beautiiul. The li/.e is all that flrikes ; and
the buildings are Ifuck fo thick with ornaments, that
there is hardly any liich thing as judging of their pro-
portions. The Italian architecture is mixed with the
13utch, ar.d the whole forms very ineleg.mt piles, in
which true tafle is totally facrihced to a iirofulion of
ornament. H;it if the eve does no: fcrutinize into the
ji f'eparate ji.ir s of the, biiikliiigs, but takes only the
|. flreets at large, the city may be f.iiiiy pronounced a
;; very fine one.
1 Among tiie jniblic buildings theie are many ex-
\. trcmt ly worthy the attention of a traveller, p.irti'.iilarly
1 1 the dock-y.irds, the naval magazines, the aiiirnal, fbiin-
I ilery, admiralty, iX'C. without inlilHng on the imperial
!l palace, the cathedr.il, or many cliiirclvs. In the docks
they continually em])loy a gre.it number of carpenters.
Tliey build here all forts of vellils, f'nnn fliipsof 1 .'Ogiins
1 down to boats ; .ind the ni;:iiber on the flocks at a
time i-, conliderable. After tlie death of Peter the
drcat the inariiie was neg'eiied, infomuch, that the
j l'',m[)rel'-.'s nav.il llreiigth w.is not e.impiired to be a
ii'th |).-.rt o{' what that great monarch polli-ded ; .md
I this was owing to want of tr.ide, wliich can alone
make li.amen ; iinlef's wh.n in the hands of fuch a man
as Peter, who created every tiling. But the jJiTfent
I'.mprels, who has tlirown the l'[!int of tluu gre.it mo-
narch into all tlie departments ot the llate, has revived
it wonderfully i fo th.'.r, at preiijnt, the Rulli.'.ns have
a fiirini l.ible navy.
There i.s f'carcely any thing at Peterlbiir.f]; more de-
ferving notice tli.in the tijuiuleiy. The iron i, brought
ti'.im Kexholm by water; and tl'.e number of cannon
,ind inort.irs that are call here is very great ; alio cannon
b.ills, and all fort-, of military imp.lenients in which iron
is ufeil ; wliich are made here at as I'mall an expence as
in Sweden, nr any other p.irt oi the world. The arf'c-
n.d ii alw.ivs uell itored with them; and there are
v.ill ipuntities made on a private account for exporta-
tion, lonniiig a very conliJera.ble branch of' com-
nii ice.
'i'iie gi.md maiket-pl.ice is on the fouthernmolt [larc
of tiie city, with many w.irchoiues, to depolit all kinds
■ of commoihtieu and merchanilize, both dome'iic and
lineign, for fale. It is a l.irge lipiare, with four en-
tiles, nnd .1 range of' iliops on each fide, both within
and witliout, with covered galleries, to leciire thole
who fiei]uent it from the rain.
Woolen and linen manufiiftories were let up here,
of' wliich the kitti r i, brought to yvcv [lerf'ectioii, .'.s we
may obferve by the linen of late i:, ported from thence.
I lere i-, particularly a woikhoiife, where an old Dutch
wiim.in has So young nymphs under her care, who
•lie tauidit, with a whij), liow to handle the fpinning-
V. h ll, .md feveral regul.itions are made tor improving
tiie ])lant.itions of hemp and flax. Paper-mills, and
powder-mills, have alfi) been creeled, with laberato-
riis liir guiimiy and Hre-works ; a.nd other places for
p;eju;ilig f.ilt petre and brimlbnie. Rope yards, like
thole in I''.ngland and I lolland, fiir making of ea-
iiles and t,ii kliiig tiir the n.ivy, are alio let up iiere,
.•\ printiiig houfe is eil.ib'ilhed, ami news-p.ipers are
nov/ as regularly printcl as in orlier countries of l*'.ii-
ropc. Several ufi.ful books li.ive been trantlated out
of the I ligli Dutch, ,ind printed ; the government en-
couraging tlieir fubjects to enquire into the llate of the
woikl abrii.ul, inflead of' keeping tlum in ignorance,
accoi\ling to their ancient ni.xims. As to their lilk
and wiHihn ni..niif'.irhires, they have not been able
hitherto to bring them to any degree of' perfecHon.
j .\t little ilill.ince from Peterlbiirg is a noole feii'in.iry
I for tdiicatingfi males only, foiiniled by the late emprefs
I'.liz.ibi th. 'I'he building is c.ipai ions and grand. Cliil-
dren of dillini'lion are ke|it li p.irate trom thole of' an
inferior rank; and the whole contains betuem 7C0 and
' boo females.
Near the Nieva is .1 I'mall pal.ice, built by the pre-
' lent l.mprels, and called 7'''. I{i:nnild\u. When her
ji b 11 iiLijelly
I \ i
6/4 A NFAV, kOVAl. avd Al'THFXTIC SYSTF.M or I'MVl'RSAI. CironRAI'Il Y,
rnaicflv rcfidrs in this part nt'rlu- IjuiKlinij; flie is in re- '■
trf.it, .iml there i^ no dniwing-rocim or court. 'I'hele ,
ap.irtinents .ire very eleg.mt, .md t'.ir:.illied u'th ^le.it
t.ille. There are two galleries of painting';, wl ich have
been latelv pureiialed, at an iniinrnre eNiK-nee in Ftily.
The crown, in the p.ilacc itl'elf, is jxrhapb the riLhetl in '
Furope. It is (h.iped like a bonnet, and totally co-
vered v.ith dianioniis. In the I'ceptre is the celebrateil '
one ]nirehaled iiy prince OrloU" for 500,000 rubles, '
(ii;,50ol.) anil prefented by iiini to his li)verei;,'n
mirtret"'.. It lar exceeds I'itr's diamond in fi/.e, and is
not inferior in water. I.apidaiies tieclare it the moll
be.Tutitlil and rare e\er brought from Golcoiida. One
of tlie nobleft monuments of the gratitude and vene-
ration unlverfally paid to I'erer I. is tli.u which her
prefent maicftv has ordered to be erected. It is an
rqufftrian ilaf.x' . in which produclion the arttil lias
united the grcatell lim|ilicity witi. the truell fublimity
of conception. No other llatuary, whether .:nrii-nt or
jnoilern, gave him the defign, wiiich is lingular in its
kind, arkl admirably a.iapted to exprels the cliaracter
of the man, and of the people over whom he reigned.
Inftead of a prdellal adorned with infcri[nions or fur-
rounded by Haves, he appe.irs mounted on a rock, or
i\one of a pro.iigiou.s (i;:e, ii])on the afcen' "t which the
hoi'fe labours, and appears to h.ive nearly reached its
limimit. 'i'his attitude has given him room to exert
gre.it anatomical beauty and fkill in the lUMleles of tlie
horl'e's hinil jiart-. and li.ims, on wlii.'h the whole ot'
liis body IS nccelVarily liillained. Tin C /.ir's hgure is
full of tire anil fpirit. I le fits on a b< .ir Ikin, .md is cl.id
in a fimple habit, not ch.iraiflerilbc of ,uiv particrl.ir
countrv, but linh .is mav be worn without sioLitpin ol
propriety by an iiil'.abitant of any countiy
About :o mills welV from I'iCerllniig is the beau-
tiful palace of Ptterhofl", ruuaitd on :ni emini nee, in
a large garden, commanding r fine vie-s and lunour.d-
cd by many out-hou!|,>, otlicrs, C\:c. for ferv.inf- .uid
atteiuiants. It taies tlie l(iir,.ii and, in the (idiu, there
is a beauti'ul canal of ckar ti.mfp.uint u.iter, Inuii
which tlin-e^';.' ,•",•,;,■■..■ are fupplied, and i .,;r.lantly pl.iv.
When th'- I-.mprel's is hen , t!ie guard > are encamped in
a part of the garden, where their tents make a very
agreeable appear.nn'e. In Ipe.iking ot one ol t!u le
jrt (l',:::is, a curious traveller lays, "Out of' tlie w.ittr,
much to niv agreeable furinize, arole .1 d.og ,u^i\ three
ducks, nuuie of copper or iron, and, in .ippi ar.uice,
all al;\c. The dui ks flutter through tl e water quM. !;-
ing, tlie di>gs foil, lu after thetn b.u king. There is, in
a lutH( rr,'neo':i pl.'.sc, a charming tliime of chrylhil
belk, w!,ic!i play by water. 'I'he grot'o, which is co-
vered hi fore bvacafcide, has two entrii-s, one on each
lide. 'I'heentii' s .ire guarJ( d bv llatues, which, when
yoti are i;i, [aivent aiiv one Ironi getting out, till the
keeper, by turning a handle, jnits ,1 llop to them. I'hele
ftatues evai u.ite l" much water, by conitiing, and llioot
ing out of Hone pillols .uid guns th.it tlie keeper lai.!
it would overwhelm any man. Helides the luriofitii .
before mentioned, then- is a be.ititit'ul g.'.ilery lull ot'
the rinetl ih'n.i in the worki; one end ni wliiih is
a fniall but commodious room, \Mth a Ixi! in it,
wi'.ithir tlie liiiiMel's lometimes retires to re]iole
The apartments here are all I'pleniiivl .iiui noljlc fur-
nillied; and .iiiiong the [i.iintings there are five mati It-
l( ts portraits ot the lovereigns of Kuiria, vi/. 1. I'eicr
tin (ireat. .. I'hi- l.iMiiu.m \'ill.iger, whole virtues
raileil her from a cott.ige to an imperial diadem, and to
(hare the bed of I'ner the dreat. •). 'I'he i ni(jrel',
Anil. 4. The rmprels i'dizabeih. 5. The prrleiit
reigning fovert.i;ii.
-Sijch was t|-,e t'lairid.ition, and tuch is the preli nt
flate, of the ( It)' of I'eterlburg, as .ippiars from the
nioft authentu and modern ai coutiis we <(/uld jiotlibly
lelett. The only matt rial (ircumll.uui n l.itive to it,
which remains lo be meniioii'd, is the- Ircdliil inuii-
ilaiion and hurricane which hap|)eneci in 1777, and
Weie produdivc of the l'(jlloui.'i<; t.ilal <:
"I "777.
Almolf all the liout'es in the little ilkinds i.n th.e mout'i
of the Xiev.i were demohlhed, an, I a coiiliderabk:
number ot' the inl,abitants loll.
The f )rfiru;ati')ns of this place fuft.'.ined ereat (!,:-
mage. The ra]>idity of the river was bi yor.d .ill con-
ception: it cirried everything before it, ni.il.ing :t
mofl dreadful liavock, and ro.;r:iig wit.h a nolle n:;C
calily to be dclci ibe 1.
A poor man, wiih hiswile and r\vo d.uighters, rrettin:^
out at .1 window, wiien a gull of win. I blew down tho
Iv ul'e, were all killed except the m.in, who lurviveJ
three days.
:\ poor young lady, in fixing a rope to delc-en.i
bv, was killed hv tlie f.illing of the roof of another
houfei and two other perfons in the iiiid iioufe loll th-ir
'i'he gre.it bri.lge of pontons was totally borne av.M\ ;
and paper mills, (laboratories, manulai lories, \-c. de-
itiolillic cl.
The dead body of one of tiie liandl'iiTU fl women
was teen lloating on the waters. The wind and I'.n am
conveyed her to a wreck, on which it was hoped flu:
might have lymptoiiis of litt , bur a contiilion in her
Iliad toon b.uiitb.ed every prot'pect of that kind.
A prodigious number of cattle and poultry worede-
llroyrd, as well as liortes ilrowned in ihibles. A trilv
of itinerant T.irt.'.rs were drowned in their tcmpoi.i:'.'
huts in the country. In 'lion, ii'iiii the city and
neighbouring Ikit country exhibited a moll lioriibir
An account tranl'mitti d from I'errrC'urg t;> Lon-
don, thus ll.ites the p.irtic ui.irs of this i.al.imitous
ev( lit.
" An inundatiin lia.ppc ;v.d h.erc, more estenfi\c
I del'ruCtiw tl'.an ha^i ever been remembered in
1 i le [ irts. A \ ioleiit liurricane ot wind, at well-
I .ii.-wefl, which b ijan about two o'clock in the
1; -r' ing, railed t'.e waters, in t!ie Ihort time of ti)ur
hi ' -, to tlie lieighr ot tourtecii Icet above the ordi-
niiy I'Vti 111 fne Ni;\.', b.' v.hili the wh',>!e town,
.!nd .'. ■■i:'t i-Aient ol'tlic c.Mi.itry m tlie nii;. hlHuirhood,
w,!s |-,,|. ,.;,,• (i\i-rllowee!. The water remained ..bviuC
li.ilf an hour at it. extieme height; but tlie wind get-
ting a little to the iiortliward betuien fix and li s • i>
o'clock, it returned, in a very fliort time, to its u i.l
bntind'. If is impi'il'ible to ellimatc, with .mv degree
ot ex.ictiiel- , the lots v.hi.ii tlie tl.ite and inclividu.ils
liiflere,!. I'he nunibr of | citon. clro\\;:eel .rnoicite.l
to t'e\'eral hu;v.!ri-ds. In tin- bell parts ot the 'ov.ii
manv houlis wi re u:;roole-d; .uiil the lo!s I't livp.ors,
an.l otiu r p:o\ ilioiis, in the cillus and loui r apart-
uu tu.s. Were \ery great. In the lliops (wWv li are all
ill the fame ijiiarter of the town> gooels were' el< (Iro'.ecl
to a \'ery coniidir.ilile .imount. In the' g.ii.lm^ 01 the
till line r-p,il,ice, gre.ir numbe is of iln tiiall in'/s wi ip
bn ken or torn ii[' by tije roots. The lower ikiris of
'he- town, where ihc IimhIi^ ,;ii- mollly ol' uoo.l, .ir.d
iiih.ibitid by tiie | n r tort of' |:coplr, pnlciitc I ;i
lei lie oi i!el"ol,'.tion uii; li cm Im mure e.iflv mi,;:Mnccl
than dell I ihc d. M my ]'e:j"oiis were drowred I'l tli'-ir
becks; and other-, who fought lor I'.tety from llic v. i-
ters on the roofs ol their lio'ife-, wi re larri'd liotn
thence by the vi"k-n.e ot tin- v.uul; and thole who
efcaped with lili', v.i re' leu eh llitiiir > I habitations .uul
elVecfs. Cire.it dam.i"i- u.is A'VAr V ti t i]U.i\ ol' t!ie ex-
ch.uiL'e, .III I '!ir ! r.'.er r,l;iga'/.iiii ■. ,i;id warrliouies.
NuniN'rsol bark- , i.i.ien with ihim, In ;iip, gr.iiii, wood,
\c. to a \'rry great aiiioniu, wi n- lliveel, funk, or
drven in pieces in the llrcets or tie I. Is. .Sever.il large
velii-b, lying between tiiis pl.ice ,';i.l L'ronll.idr, were'
drivel) alhorr into woods and gaidcns. Mi'iy of ihet
I ouiitry houli 1 in the in i;;hlHuirlii>'ti)iii^, i\"c. de-
ir liandl'inu II women
Tin- wind ami (In am
liii K it was hoptd ll-iC
lit a contiilioit in lur
ct lit' t';.it kind.
.■ and |'o\iltry wore de-
fd ill ll,ibk-s. A trii'i-
(\i ill thiir ttiiipoiarv
, i")'.!i t!ic liiy an.l
littd a infill iiuniblr:
I't'"''! C'lirLj ro I. ou-
rs ot tills ^alamit!ji:s
UTi", m
:irt time, to its I! ...1
a;e, witli anv detune
Ikite and in.ti\ id':, if,
drou :;ed .riloirite.i
parts of' the fov. n
the lol-i of' livp.ors,
IIS ,\rA lou( r iipan-
IliDp^ (wWv h are all
).ivl-, were dt (b'o'.eil
n tlie j.',;ii Jen> ol the
ill"- fniell tn '.-s v.i ir
he 1 iwer Ikiri-. of
iiolllv of \\oo.l, .irui
pioplr, pr( j'rm, I ;|
iinre e.d'.ly iinapiiuil
vie drowi'cd i'l their
I itety troiii t!ie v.a-
• , w( re e,'.rri''d finin
;;ul , and thofe who
I f habita'i mi aiul
I' I, i- ijii.n ol' t!ie ex -
< '. aiid wanhoiif'e',.
Ii> nip, |;raiii, wood,
!'• d ived, fink, or
liv. Several lar;',r
'.hi L'ronlLidr, w ; ii*
lens. M I'ly of' ihc
I were dellrovi i.
Ill, • others on t.'ie
auay, with ali ihe
I'll re, as well as on
Inn- llie ground is
oafs over tlie N'leva.
fiidi'es itl the to'.-. II,
txci p':
f-cr-pt "-hole ('•■' tlie r'-w 'lone
G R E A T Ii U S S I A.
I ■)
'!?v, (no pprt of w'l'fli
■ r^ tora up.
/ li ins, It appeared,
i.'!; Iii::her tiiaii in
, 1 iiid iiere in the year
ti.e.'.tre .vere (lopped
H i
fllHi. i"i.i aiiy m;.'eri I i.l.ii,:,i';;c '
" .1 ■corvlin,'; t ^ .u-.n.ru'e (
that tl.i •■■" I. r •''• a ; .ot
tl •■ uie.T i'u i ri.iii \..iic', lia;
(•/ J .. 'I i.i , . .;■•■! of 'he eoiii!
for t'onie ti.ne, on ,: eoi:',t of this pulilie ealainity.
A" I. •-•iiients \i: u- nia„e to ;^iv'e all poflibk- relief to
t..> poor (iilli reiT.
" Tiie l''an[;ret"s, v. ir!i a d< /nee of liimani'y that will
ever do iviiour to her char.irter, ordered the roval eot
Tts to i"ie opened W fi'ofe wlio h.id tiiifered uKjIt ma
terially by t.'ie t.;iip !l."
After I'eter I'le (iieaf fi:-,d l.ii.l :'--x foun.latian of liis
new ei;v of IV u rlb'iri.', :M',d •;iade tome proj^ref's in
tlie lniiK:iii;:;s, he t!ioti;>,l'.t it netefkiiv to have a con-
venient harliimr in wiiit h the fliipjiii, ', iiii'd'.t ri.le fe-
ciire, an.l [liteiu-d upon the iPiiid of !\etriiiii, at the
mouth of the uiilph . f I'inlu.d. 'I'h'-re li- built a
new town e.'.lie.l t'ri iif; ;.lr, and feeiireu i: with a vallle
called Ctoiillot, litn.iteil '•:! a I' 'id bank near tlie fi.ie
of Iiitrria fo that in twe n tl.'' • di- .ui.l tl;e to'.vn, the
lhi[)l)in;T n.le in a f .1;-, .' -p, ,.i .1 o'rriiodioii., h.iibour.
'I'lie callle i'. luii : ii; l.'.e ' "-I'l ' ' a ro'inJ tower, and
three tieroi !!,alleiie^, v.i,. ;,ii ..;l''.ed v. ith eanriMi, fiir-
round it. In <:\{i^^ of ein.'.j'iny, tiie p.iers of the
liarb(;'.r may be nuuii. ■ I wi-'i a lonlidirablc tr:!in of
artillery; and two fiiiaii fiutu des at prellnt are fuu.ited
on the ojipofite ill.aid.
B< i"'i en Crontl.i'Ir.uid ''etei nitiiih are many ele;»ant
hoiites; ^ivA .''1 .111 ilkm.l toiiiied by the ri\-er Ni.-va,
near ihe wi ;u i , Kaiiks 'i'tiie lake Lailot'i, is the llrong
fortri. ' . ruiii ' aj f ri of N. '"-ehi.'r,',, orOrr;";.'!. It w.is
taken liom die S>'x /esbv Ceter ihe (.iie/it i:i the year
fo;. W'itii letjHCt r ■ me oilier towns, Nietifciian is
111 lillied. Jvvaiio;." rid is a ilr.in!!; caftle ojip.olite to
>..■■ , '"om wl , ;i, at tlie diiance of 45 mi!(^, i', the
tiitcivl ". dporia, litiiated on tiie banks of' a lin.dl
river l-'iftten miles to the north-eal! of Iwano.iDrod
i-, i...na, another l'Jrt|■e!'^, buiit on the livi r of' ilie I'air.e
M I ' S C O V ^'
K li S .S 1 A.
vv i; S T K u \
I"' 1 11 S di\ii"ioii of I'le RiifTian empir-' contains
tk. f illowingexteniive proviiuf '■, wr.'.cliwc tliall
arransie in tlieir proper order.
Pi.i ii'iiw, or I'Ikow, was liinnerly a repiiblii', after
which ir had the title of duchy. It was at leiii^th fiib-
tliied by Iwan Hafdowit/, anno [509. It h.itli a lake
ol its name, which lies on the ronlines of Injuria and
l.ivonia, and empties irielf into the larper one of
I'eipus or Criitldv^w I'kfkov., the c.ipital, is feated
in the mouth of the nvi r Muldow, on the rij'ht hand
of th.-' lake of its name. It is divided into four wards
or i]uarters, each (if which ii encompallid with its own
walls; and the whole is ilefended by a flout caflle, built
on a ivgh roik. It is a Kutrian .irc hiepifi o|)al lie, .md
y eonll.lerable populous i ity. 'Ihe other citii-s of this
ttrrito'.y arc in(oiilid( table, and not worth notice.
tiRtAT Novooonoii \'l;i.iKi, or, the Din hy of No-
vocoRoi), is fitii.iK- on the < atb of I'lelkow, and di-
vided iiirii five dilliuis. It is called Novoi^orod Ve-
liki, or .Sujierior, to ililliiis^infb it from the Interim or
Nifo Novi,j^orod. '1 lie chief produce is corn, tlax,
hemp, wax, honey, and leather; in all which it diove
a lonlider.ible tralHe, when it was i;overned by its
own pii.'ces; but lince it is become under liibieclion,
it is niucli ilecayed.
J'he eiiy 01 NovoRorod \'eli';i, ia|)iral (jf this pro-
vince, called by the I'ri.uh Ncvud, ami by the
Dutih New (Jarteii. is a large and Cfinliderable place,
populous iiid well toititiid. It was toniieily moie
Ipaeious, It Is an arc lit'illiopric of the KuHi.iii rite,
ihc cathedral, called .Santa Nopliia, is lan;e .ird beau-
tiful, lllouj.di in the aritiipie tlvle.
Un the vnhtr lidc of the jucr is the catlle, which
line.l to the city by a larr?;?
many tl-.ir.il.uids of cK-r;ry, ci::.;e:
dediiMted t
There i; an-
il. iflii', la-
temple, i a-
merly w( , iiiippe
:e, finied for tin
,^.-, -- - , an.l (Jthers, whom
the tyrant of N')v,)g')n).', .hi'-', Iw.'n Halilowick,
c.iulcti to I e rl-.ro'„ii f'rom it iiit."> tiie river, anno if'Jy.
The cattle i, the reiidetice of the \'iavode; and near
unto it i, til • ar.hiepill'ipal pdace, and a monafU-ry,
the ;\ir,'.i-ul'iMs St. Antony of Pidiia.
her moiidt'-ry here, called Perunki Mo-
ive been built on the rums of an ancient
ad to I'eriin, 'ir the (.jod of tire, for
lere, u;i.ler the fiyiire of a tleitv,
lioldin;^ a tlrandeib-'lt in its hand. Mere are ali'a
many cluir.-li s :ind monalleries.
Sr.uia, 'irSi.ir.i i^ufk'., or Old Ruiri, is (ituattd on
th.e oppoiite fliore of' tin- lake Ilmen, whole outlet is
the ri\(r I.ovat, from the water of which, the i:i!ia:>i-
t.iiits make a confKlerable quantity of fait: for txpor-
'.'lie capital of this province is tli- only place w )::hy
('f meiuiin, except the town of St. Nicholas, which is
a 1.- ■• e po[)i)lous pku-e, fituated near the Wol.;a, .nd
celebr.ited fiir a fhitcly and f[)acioiis monaftery, liedi-
c :ted to the faint from whom the town iti'clfele fives its
The Hiici-.y of Tw i.Rr. i*. tinall and coini)a(^, but po-
pulous .ind fenrle, ami takes its name from iis 1 apiial
and tlu.t from t -.e rivi r Twerzi. Its chief lity is
■['were, the capit.d, firuate on the continence of the
livers Tucf/.a .i,,d W'olga; wiiicli 1 ifl is by this time
become f") wide, that th.ey aie obli;.;ed to crof's it in
terr.'-bo.us. It fhm Is plcfantly on ttic (idc of a rifinir
hill, on ti'.e bank of
its name , aiui is ;i 1.
lowing no k-fs tlian I.
tee ; an.' is the (lation <
A Irrle below- it, on
town < ;' rerl'ick, 'l O: !
Twc 17.:'., fr. mi which it hath
■ -, ri'ii, ,ui'i populous citv,
y ciiici'.is, and an epifcopal
a mint.
ic I'ime liver, fl inds the larfjf'.-
, (T 1 .irl'ock, about 10 miks
i'.ie ether town, have nothing
or UrsCHAW. This pro-
non!i liom 'i'\M n
wortii ii'.tice.
Tlie Duchy of K'/tv
viiicc contains the foil'iv.ir. ; towns.
R.'ev;'. t,':e di lert, fo laikd hecaiit'e ruined aivd aban--
d .r.e',1, \.as the c.ipir.d, aiui flood on rhe wellern ful*.-
of the |M-(ivincc, on ti-.e foiith-well of Velikc-Louki;
but h.itli yiel.led its di_t;iiity to
R/eva \'ol')deii;(rlki, which is |deal','.ntly fituated on
t.'ie Wol;.>;.i, on f!ic eallcrn lide of this province, lu ar
tlie I'mall kike \\ iilsta, which is one of the liead fprin_;.i
of tli.ir n\'i r. It i-. fiid to have been built by [irincc
\'oloiliiner, who made very confkK rable coiiqiieils in
this ;;n,i the neig'ib nil ing | rovinces. It is but indil-
f'ereiitly built, but wt II peopled, and drives fbme lore
ol'trad.e in lump, tilh, Cec.
Toropecky is a I'mall ;'.eat town, [ileafaiitly lituate.l
on a little river that falk into the D'.vina. i'lie other
towns contain nothing wort'.y of n^itice.
The Principality of BiKi..\, .orBii-iski, w.is formerly
governed by its own princes; .m.l the c. ; ital, Hicl.i,
liliiated on the river Ul'ca, which difcli,irge> itli If in-
to the Dwina, was a conlidei.ibk town, nil lubduej
and ruined by the czar Hafifnvit/.
i'he l'ro\-ince of Smoi tsisko lias been alti-in.itelv
tiibdiied bv the Poles and Ruflkiiis, ,iikI at length was
till. illy Ceded to the latter by treaty, towards tin- con-
'. iuli.m of the lall century, It is watered by the Nieper
or B')rilliienes. I'iie I.Jid is in general fU'rile; but
the Ikins of the wild beafks, with which it abounds,
viekl the inhabitant; I'ome proiit.
Smolc nfko, the i.ijiit.il, ami the only plue that de-
feiV(S mention, is agreeably fituated .in the baiiKs ot
the Nieper, (u ar the ((mtiiies ot I.idiuania. It is
l.irge, populous, well t'oiiilied, .md t it iio'ies .ire to-
il i.ibly Well built. It li.i-, .1 citailcl .iiid gariilop to de-
fend if; wa*onee a niitrojidlitan, ,..,\ is now ,' bi-
(hop's lee. The liirroiiiuliilg wooil. ,irc l.ii.l to pro-
iliue the bell firs in the Kulli.ui .lominioiis.
The Duchy ol Slveri \ li.id I'oriiieib princes of it-.
own, liH the country- was lubdiicd by the (.';ar Bali-
' -i
lo \it/. It .iftvrw.irJs Icil into the Inn is of Si.i.^irmiiiiil
III. kin;^ (■■! I'lil.iiul, who iai'orfior.ui il it with hiMJo-
ininioiis i liut it w.i.s ;'.t Iciv^th finally ti'dinl to l fertile aiul populous, \i-t womlv. j houks, foiue ol lliem 4C0 paces long, whith bclor,;:
In the fouiheni j-ait tiuii- is one v.ill extenfiee lorell,
w;iii:h is coitij'iaeil to be icj tiilcb Kj'.i.ue. litre
I!( r:iJ uith firn. anJ ir.trieate with tliorii,
i' eu j'.iths ol luiniaii feet, ur ti ai. ks (-! bealls, are worn.
XojtorTto 'eek, t!ie eliief t-nvn, Uaiuls on the river
Doni'.'.a, ar.il is t iU raiile "1 II f ini:',e.i in the Rulllan llile.
Hranlki is a \u-ll-f irti:ie.i tour., about do miles from
No!;oL:rod( e!^. 1 he o:\ur ;ouns or viUku^es ol this
province are ol no conieijuenee.
Tlie Dutehv ol C;'.:; Mciiuu , thoi::;h watereil by .he
rivt r Doiii^'a, i^ t xeee^ling lieiile. I'he prinei[)al town,
i.ille;! C'err.K ii w , i'- fni. ill, thinly peojilrJ., and in-
confkler.ible, .is are all rlie 1 tiur pl.ut. in it.
'I'l'.e I'liniipaii y of Wiiumin. 1 he continual ex-
( urlioiis ot :.K Celfii ks h.ive .ilinoil delol.itnl tint
pn;;i..n of tlii'- province winch is liruatcd near LelU'r
Tart-U'v: but the othtr p.uis are populous and fertile,
bii.'i;!; watered bv tlie river Occ.i.
O.'i the banks ot'ihc ticca ll.uids \'orotin, t'lecijfi-
t,;l of the I rovince. I; is only a fmall town, but well
feci. re. 1 bv a eallle and other I'ortihc.tii'ns. t)n the
l.mu- riser llar.ds C'roni.u'e, St.uol, ,uul llof:zotf.
[la: i Juchy 01' 1\l/,\'. , oi' Riii .'. ■. \, or, a-- it is now
calle.i, t!;e l';oVHieeol \erones, inilu.les a \(iy lar!j;e ,
tr.ick ol land, fuu.itc li b.etweel: tf.e Drn and the Octa,
and exteraiu\u near ;: . miles in length. It is watered
bv the Hon 01 I'anais .iiui the (.)ec.i. Tl-.e i^uiri.ins
ileem the toil ol this provini e the- moll fertile in the uni- 1
verfe , .iiid .illiiin, th.it the lom ^.m-ows l on u\r well li.lc of the Veronis, and
the cit.\d(d on the other; .uid a large bridge i. built
oser It for comniuific.uion.
i'he cit.ulel is a l.iige lijuire Iv.iildin;-, Ik'.id.e.l wi;!i
a tower on e.uli lorn', r ; h'tli l.irge ,i|>.ii inenf. in i:,
r.iid makes a g.rt , it figure widiout. k i^ furioini tcii
with llrong p.illifad..)cs, and a ditcli, aii.l i, di ic.ided
by a llrong guril()n. This is the thiei iii.ig.i.'ine in
this part ol Rulli.i, in which tinre .\rc about i^ ' c.ui-
lion, molllv iiniiioun'ed lor Ijieedy c.irii.ige ; i.iineni-
eneies lor llii[)-biiiliiing ; an.l .i|).irruier.ts three llories
high, lor all m.inner ot n.ival iloies. 1 Un: :',re |.;me
h.uKlfoine chuicius, .uter t'le Ruifi.m tille ; a:i I, .iv a
fm.ill dill.uice irim the town, m ly be lee a .1 higii moiin -
t.iin .dmoll mouldered aw.iv, and. full o! u.iek-, on
which are lome aniiint nionumenrs.
I'averhoff w.i> built bv I'etv-r the Cireat, en tlie ibiir'i
banks ot tiie river \ eroiiis, and two tliin's ol t.'ie town
are walked by rliat river and t'le Don. Idle iii.ice is
veiv unhe.iltliy, on .iceou.it ol the ciicumiacent low ll.'t
!M-ounds being covered eite.cr with wuod or w,it> r. 'I'h.is
town i.s regul.'.rly biidt, wi;h (Ireets interli-cting c.'cli
otiier at right angles ; but t!ie h lules .ue of w.)od, as ii
a palace which llan.is at the well i-v,.\. 'i'lic civ.i.lel is
m.ule ol earthen ramparts, pallifidoed with b.tl'i uis
at the cor;uis, mounted with cannon, 'ras'erlioff it •
iclf is inhabited princin.iliv by f.ulors and lilheri'.ien ;
and what is very lingin.ir, "jooo lol.iieis, who ;'.re tlie
It. Till'- mud be owui:,!; t I a gre.it ciiiantity ol i.iits
with wliiiii the Inow impregnates and diricdies the
ground, b\ Kiln; lo man', n.onths i.']).in it. Ti-.e
I'eople here are njuragee.us, w.iriike, ci'. il, poli;e, .md
very numerous.
Ihij country was formerly governed by its own dukes,
wf.o Were ill
former u\
llill then
miieiir, 1 . t!i ■ ar ne;
'cop d '''e, and -'s beiaL
V'oroaet/, c oiini >
fiderable pl.ite in il,i-, c ■ , 1
llups ot w.i!' !-uil' iIk •( I ,1 I ri
tion of the kite 1 /.il I'l t . ■ .< \ ,
a fmall river of its o - 1 a.iiiie,
\ ;!i■l:;^.
ff , are r< ir,
ii;-ral, woiMi I
•ie;ir the \'< 1
I v;;es. It \
. - .1 chi.l. Ui
l.i IS .It preie
L.'.r be. n Ii;
this I rovinci
th'-\- .iri' mat
•file I'l'iv
for, Hs, but 1
viiieh i, b'M'
a moll a.,bf
I' '.s 's built 1
1..; lit ol li.e I
1; rs l(l':d. d
I'liice whi 11 I
The r,ther t
the ilw r Ch
b iiks o( '.he
'Ihe Due!
are w( 11 tloii
w. idi wild !)■
B.lliiowit/ f'l
[.i;l,i;eil it v !
■Ul l.'l, ill
\f ;,ri- I''.
.^l,: i.ii i,f
tin put oft'
■ common rtfiJoncc
n;;, wliiJi liclor,;;- to
.mil |xr(i)ns ol r.iiik.
cl, .iiid biiiiiul tlicm
L\l in fliip-ljiiiKlin;:.
)t the V'l.Toni., aiivi
ar:;L- briii^'c i. biiik
iklin;', n.'.nl.fj wirli
t',c .i|i.ir iiKiU'-. ill it.
It i> iiirioim li-il
li, aiul 1, di Ic.iJ.cil
cliK-i IliajM.'.lllC ill
ail' alv)ut 1 ^ ■ iMn-
iMii M'.;f i I .invciu-
inci'.t^ thrc;- i'. )ii;-:.
I Icrc :;i:' |.;mc
an t ulc : a:i I, ar .i
c Ici-ii a ii;;;:i ni luri-
ll/ll ni llaLL-, oil
C>r;ar, ^•^\ tin- loiir'j
() thill's ot (!ic tou II
I'H. I'iir piaic is
ircuiiii.!cc!:i liw t!.>t
'ooii or \".atv r. This
ts intfrlcctin,: cmJi
.'s art' oi w.)oJ, as \i
•i'.\. 'I'hc ii'.a.lcl is
uloftl with bal*! :ns
on. Tavrrlioli' it ■
ioi > ami IllhcnMcii ;
il.lifis, who I'.ii- t!ic
iu" I'lacL', I'o not re-
hcr ia ;i ix'/^libuiir-
wortli 111! n:i;)iiin!r,
14 !f',;ni<-'. loj-.li
hi'.ul ot t'li; Don,
):i ihf will', ,1 I- on-
whivh i. dcii-n ! ,1
iaiilo'.vi:,; llion alicr
It's in a ti niiicr.'tc
ii.S and is naturallv
intiinial atiarks and
c'ithcr popiiloiis or
iiitry orii'in lily !^;■-
lahitants lliil rcl n:i
i lii-in;r thrinlc-K'c'j
)otin{i than hy the
,kc wild cxcuriions
cially in titits anil
kril-lt.- niiinbtr oi
hall'-niincd , but
, ("mm winJi it has
.' rriii iii^ahif u|)oii
till- IJ.iii Coilacks,
ni Diiilki, and the
tlie linirh-WflK arc
liavf lew towns in
itiiiatf ot ljii-|f.'iiroil,
lath been riauually
MoRiiVA, and Dil-
tliioii:;h the welU'iri
our coiirrc t iwards
me ( alkd Mordva.
laid to be the molt
));lf, and have lijmc
I ii)in;r. Tlu' p;()-
' neither leinples,
. linali, a'ld In 1 of
'I'lic dilliiiH Oi- province of C/cri niilli-, or Sc'ietr-
niiHe, whiih lii.s on the call (idc of the former, is a
vail traclv of land, cxtendiii<; from 54 to 61 deg. (jf la-
titude i and is I'.ividetl by tlie river \'olya into two
I art.'. i the loutlurii diltri.t, width atljoins to Mortlva,
M\<.\ has the liaiiie of Nagorna, wiiicli implies moun-
tainniis; aiul ti,> nortlicrii, wliieh is known by the
name of Lo[V'^^"i. <>'" I-'>w l.,':ul. The inhabitant.s,
V. Ill) are tieeined t!u- iiiofl liivap,e of all the T.irtar.s,
lilted vail lurd.s o( i attle. 'I'hey are witl.our towns,
f;i;htel. ill tl;tir de.dings, fiip» illitioiis in their notions,
niul ("luel in their difpofitions Some are calleil iVIa-
li. ir.etaiis; but the greater part, efpetially tuN'ards Ca-
y.'.n, ha\e no fixed objetl.s of t.'.it'i, or modes 41!' prac-
tiie, being as va;;iie in the one, a.s t:.ey are abliinl in
the cthtr. Their la ii;i;iia{j;e is pi i uliar, linderlioM.! by
iieith.cr Miiii o\iie or 'i'artar. A man is allowed tlirtr
or I'Hii wi\(s. The wrnieii ve,:r only a toaiir line.i
! "vn, wliieli coMTs tliiir wiiole body, and the Leai.'-
tile of t!u m.'.iried ones riles o\ er th'ir he.id'. like a hori.
j-rowin;' oi;t of liiiir Ikiill,-, at the topof whiiii haiii.rs a
little bill, b)' a iilk tiring, of ie\rral eoloiirs. The men
have mueii the fmic garb about their boiin:, with
drawers under. Thr married fiu'.ve their luad-, .I'-.d the
iinm.irried let il eir hair grow to a eonfnlei.folr- le,i!_;rii.
'I'liry are fubje/l to th'- C/..iiin,!, and obli: etl 10 .diill
lier in war; but .ll'e free li ii'i all tribute.
The Duehy of NiM-Novof.o 'oi> is waterttl liy fii'-
A'i'!|n .iiiil Oeca, and .iboumls wirfj (■>i^('^'., Iv.ii i.s, ir-
vertl.ilels, pleal.inr, populow . and jeitiir-,
Ther.ipii.il, Xili -NuvoL- .rot' j , lit,..itf.J />»i a rock,
at the lonllueiue 111 tk.e \' > !;;.i ,'.u-:i<>Cf.i, t't«//«(j,,4 ^'k/^r}, >S>^f
tl-flive; !i.!:-, .:iid bt tore th.'- ll.KeK'' ^Z'-* (/ Kt/f t»f
< dli d Ii..i;aiin,i, ;lu;c i- . \\).:x\y^\: \'S\vf.;v^ i^.-jr<- , /i
noble llieef, ir.ierk c'led by '>tji''r-, rwi* •.'''vt''/^ii f>«v,/ .>v/vyy\:-, i*f a l!'.>.y#
'i.is ii\e i.ijit)l.is btaiiiif+.'iSi.y v,:niiifl!'/i-d ^^^
:, ,m.i .uiiTir I at ti.e lop w it^i-i ,<''l<^^-,irkf yfffM:-^.
■{'he liipeil) ..1- i'icpiUopai jj.ii.icc is iK .?ir tiic i'atiK i|l'r. f a l..rge xilLifjc, i onfiilini;' '>! v.ocdcii
I ^■ifes. It v.. ,1,1, i.iily ls
.'..:'. r been liiiii rt-.l to uo to di cav . IL oiIi« r t xvji, t,;
this j ni\ ince re Shivt;.!, H.d.ignn, .;i .' |'.,i''ii''; but
tliev ,ire iniihir iiii:- ;;.'nt or rem.'.;:.,ible.
Tiit ri'i\ince I.; Vt-i.i.i.i M i It lo.ii.ii;;-, lome Uii.^i'ul
fiir. Iks, bill 111 111, my | .irts is It itilt, .uid well watered.
\'oliH!i;,,t 1', ;i-.'i.:]ink is I'tii.itnl en .1 I'P.e iijik
V !e,i h i. b'MUtiu.lly ili\erli;ied w irh pl.iiu.r.ior. ,. i ler.ee
.; moll iiobl'- appi .ir.'.iu e i , ey.hi!Mi'.i.l to tiie dilkuit eye.
It M 's built by piiur \ -i! ;JI.-;, r, ill the cn'meii, e-
1..1 tit o! li.e teii'lri i i.t'iiy ; ain. i rie lie .uiu iir li;ei cl-
li r, iil'did li!i t'.e I '.;:' v .v 'i-;iu)\'(d loMoliOW,
fiiu'e w hi II |ierioil :■ . 1; k ■ 'X i, i, ■ ■ id'i.'.llv dei .'.yed.
Tke r,tlier towns ,;i.- Mor eil'.'.iit. ; Ik i!-, fiiu.ited on
the livtr t'h'.-fm,'. ; a:;! ikiiueiiu.:, v kit h ikuuN on the
b llksof'.h.v \ il.M.
R u :s .S I A.
c i.i..ee
'1 he ni;e!voi.Si -i ■,• cor.f ins ni,i;i\- 1'
, wliKli
are will llortd v.itii I'.iii -■ d^-r ;.i, I oth'. r g,imc, ami
widi wikl b. .,'1 ., wki'i. f 1: . 1 1 .ir ,1 j ood piiie. joliii
H.ilii ii.'. it/ I'lliiluiiJ ik i.iiiuu;, .iiiiio i5
Its extent, from call to well, is computed to be
about Ct'6 leagiii.', or a little .ibovc 200 miles; and its
'■.reatith, from north to foiitli, about -jj leagues, of
100 miles. The cjiief rivers tiiat run tlirough it are
Oica, and Clefuiii, all which fall into the
on the wertern fide of this jirovince is a
out <){' which fiov.-s tiiat iiniictl one called
, which, crolTiiig the tluchy of .Sitiolf li-
the Mofcou
Volga, iind
l.irge firell,
t!ie Borillhen
fko, makes its tourfe to Ukrania, Litliuania, and Po
land, 'i'he foil, however, is not (<) fertile as in fume
of t!'.'- (,it!.er pn.»vince:>i but the air, thtmgh iharp, is
VI ry lu-alfliy i whith, with the advantage of" its fitiia-
tion amiilll foiiie of the befl provinces of the empire,
imiui'etl ihe m(;iiariii' to make it their chief refidence,
.III i rlie ni'irojiolis o(' t!if empire.
I'lie Ci'iief cifit s ami towns are the following;
Moli-o?, , tile '■ ipit.d, once the metropolks of, and
r';e greitef: tit) in the whole Ruflian empi.'c, is I'eated
i'l ,\ till' >j);icious plain, on the river ol its name, over
v.kifh it ^■■•■'\i a liately brid'^*- of twelve arches, of a
priAligiwii v',v'it and bre.idth., bet ante that river often
mepflowv. 'f. 1 ('. built by j>('ince rjadfchin, fioiii the
<'lefili5fi f>f' i T'Ai^i, ttwnk. 'f'^> tc/j. :i (lands in ;\ gra-
v<#}- C'>i'l, .I'K.d wlpAi'^'ftne air, .Hiiltlailmoft in the center
^/itiV MIt y!'('w"mcc* '/'Mo'fcovy, 'J'lie popiibtioii of
't'l^J'. />^ ^jijftnor k- afttnr.fKA. In 166;, when lonl
C^/^- *<«; a-mb.ilir.ulop rfv re from kingCliarks 11. it
V.^v iS- !Sft.?!es i.fi c-.irtinifwfv M\ of lioiiles and iiihabi-
■jW'^v i^f'y.v,'.'' \'i'\.- the miinher of the fijrmer is, by
ff^ V/*'!^ c.ilci-l.ii''i'-> .affirmed to have been
iVf'/to.v, .' :: •
reic*', .Tiiil • J
it isalmoil iin;>"('
preli-nt number.
l)Ie timber booths, «)>!(''. .idKMj's h
1 ;i/ to \ ioleiit eonlligr.rfi'/Ws.
M'lfcow is of a cireular !»»•■' ar
■t wr»rte, W.K i-,
■','^iT\x-> amoimfi-
, .>(".»ro.ipn
ding to X'oltairi
iiles in circumfe -
to 500,000; but
■ edimate of their
eiural, mifera-
fubieck-J the
'.t parti, '■:■ quarters, ,ill
(infills of four
-letl witii a dil"
, Skorod'>'ii,and
was form- ''v the
tills.; Wall, vi/. CitaigoriKJ, C'z IT
."-trt lit/.e- "il.iboti.i, fo called b^caL
(juarter of f'w ."srn litzes, or Czai's guanls.
The Ciira:^^ . ',1, or iiiidvlle c;-.. is llirroiin.
a bri'k wailj „ ! on fihn ilanoi- the callle, v.-' •'yh
twt) f,...!'- . ill ciri (iit, t- < ■ jriiHed »ith three ft'»oi .v.illv.,
ikitcly t '..i-is, and a folic. 1 tiie callle trf «rt p.i-
' ices of the Ck'ar, one if ti;:.i'e!, tlie othf ••'Hone,
kiiilt after the Italian manner, tiu- patria; .^i,: paH^^e,
;i kirgt, .'.ncietit biiilding; the txcheiiue- , '•li.mceW,
and otiier otkies) the gr.ir.ti maga-ine; two hiindroim*'
nion.irteriej; fi\e large cluirt:i;s, among w'lich is tha'
noble one of St. Michiiel, in which are the tombs oi
i!ie grand dukes, or czars. There are le\-eral other
luitely buildings in this great callle. At the g.ite
'• ■ill"' the chiirth of
ancient labr;-. . cal
iklllds tll.a ll'Lel
Ne.ir tiie ( iiiirJies arc iiung ft' cial l.irge bells, oiu'
of which i.) if I (hipit ntloiii [\yr. Coiieerning tlie ce
1> br.ited gre.i; Iu II of Mufcow, .i k.irnetl tr.ivt Her kiys,
" I Willi to lee the grciirbill, whit h w.c- then in a luge
pii. A lire l;ad., about two months before this, buriit
down .ibuiir two tliirds of thi., great city, and t!v belli) ,
bein ' .ill of' timber, lliaretl the ("ame (iifc. The bell
li 11 into tilt bottom of tlu pit, ami had a piece broken
out of its edge, luge i iiou": ''' permit ,inv m.;ii to go
S I i;'t.j
67 s
into It, fr;. \vfi!»lit is ^^j,;": ]wtinil.s, ami its Ju'iglit
;ibo(it ;i feet Jour iniUts anil a li.i)f. ! then went to
Ak. I'jjon the tnj) of tlii, toutr
there are tliree bells, 1 ihink the leaft of which is lar-
ger th^iu the lart;(ll ir. l.onilon. I'r.iltr the tower is
the aniieni imperial jval.ne, a Lrge f jothii llonc builJ-
ing. AH thel'e wh'rh I have njeiitioned, ami all the
imprriaJ jnrieni arii.ive';, a/iif ihOennt courts ol'iiif-
tice, are in th.u ]\!r: of the city tarin! the CriiiiL'ne,
which '.s brrroiinded by a high briel'; \\.\\\, laid to be
about IC94 j«ces in circun-ifi rejice."
This qiiartrr Is called Cataigorod from C.iiai, the
ancient anci lii)(Ti.m name ol China, becaufe the chief
merchandizes luld in it rome from that eoim:rv ; lo
th.it the name inijjHcs tlic fame a'; the Chinele city.
The Czargorod, or dm al dry, coDtains, nnion^ other
buildings, the i^rear arli-rul, a;ul 15 ivatcreJ In the
Negliga, whiih runs throuyh it, and jtience tJuws into
the ditch that funi.i.'nds the middle eiry.
The ijuirtcr called Skonxlo'ii, or .'^carodiim, is
chiefly iidiabited by timbtr- mongers and carpenters,
who fell lioufcs ready made. Thefe hoiifes are move-
able, fijl.l very cheap, and i": ;;reat nwrnbcr>« : and, in
deed, conlidering ihi- treijiv,-.'n 'ire ^ tliat Kippen in ihii
city, owing either to dru;ikejjni-f'>, a reigriini; vice her*.
or to tile neglect of puttint; out the cuidles, whict' ;hey
J d'lt ID ibme favourite lalnt, ia their houfr' aiid cham-
bers, they have iietd of fiu;h a large m.irkfi to re jxiir
to on thulV oicafions. Iris called Srorodum, which,
in the Rirtnan lanj^uajie, fignjlies done in hafte, .ilivid-
itig to the fjvrcdy rail"m<^ of die mud wal?'l'" fur-
T!ie Strcrtt7e-.Siabr>da, formerly the qunner (/f the
fo!.i:ers, Or guard.s, itands on the eaft arid foutli-eafl
Hdc of the Catiigorcd and the callle : and ib itfelf Air-
rounded and tortificil v.irh wooden rampart'^, and di-
vided from the- r.'lT liy tlie river Molirow , for which
reafon it is ftded a Haboda, or fiibtirb.
Tho>igh the )ii)ules of the peojile in conjmon are ponr
hiiLs, thofe ofthe nobiliry and ojJuJfnt, arefiw fliljncks
ofbrick and Jlonc; moll of ihtjn havln;;;, on the baik
pan, large rinirts a.'id L^arci: ns which are ijwcioiis, in
ample ordi.r, and iuiroii ded with hii^h anil Jh'on^'
walls, rhe llrca-. are not paved with llones, but
boarded witli tliick fir plank^.
Churches .inJ cii.ijx-Is here, including tliofe thai he-
long to mon.ifleries, are i:om])uted to amoMni to above
I 500. .Some of them .'.re very large and flat/ly , ttut,
particul.irlv, v.hlch )•. in the Crindine, or gran I iiu})e
rial palace, is a vaft, ancient building : nn the right
fide of tl^e altar is the Czar's throne, .111 d on the left
:!.at !;f the patriarch ; and in the body of rbe ihiirch
h.ings a diaiulclicr of imiiienfe wv-iglit and value. I'lie
vrry jewels, and otI\er cofliy ovnancnts, that eiirif^i \
piflure »f the Virgin Mary here, are valued ^\ V\\. .\
t'"i *eigh: >;fgoldi l)cfides a vaW riiinitxr <\( i li.\h\es,
pixes patins, rtatiies, and other cluirci) iii:nblx i»f gold
and fdver, Hnely wrought, and ■ riched wifS ^"iiiou'
florjts , .'. vail nnnjlKT of csV prulHy vil;:i!rnts \>t
great value, and an iiiinirntr ipiantrty uf dor.at\i)n> anj
prefents otfered to the flicks of tliree . aime iil H'liniii
faints which are l.rre interred. *>> that tl»e tri ; ir.
of this ehuffh i.s dteined tijiu! to »f ijf anv t -ii»> •( familv 1,1 the male
let. TiiC Dodi' . 1 ' e iw.r.'elU-* ofthe blood are m-
. -rre m the ''jsi N ..*»»«'♦« ntms eallr.t l';'ii,lort"
Monaftir, in the fame rallle, and near the cliurcfi
.ibove mentioned. The tomb'; oi the princes wlio
never reigned, are in a li-jiarati- chniirl. The palls with
which tl\eir roffins .ire covered are fuperb. Thofe of
the r7.ars efpeci.dl), are of the lineil velvet, and Jiavr
cither a ntaily or embroi irred golden ctucilix upon
them, of ci\r:oui worl.matilifip, and enricJied with val^
variety of civilly ornaments, dpecially imcrii tiom,
^vhich arc tnoftly done v-itli jieails and other ]ir:cioUi
Monaftcries of men and women are here nuiTcrou. .
and, in general, next to the pak.ces and noblemeirs,
houle.s, fume <>f tie- iielt editicesin the city; the foun-
der, of them have Ipan d no toll to adorn them wiili
curious architecture, jiauuing--, gardens, and every
thing th.it is couveni in and beautiful Tlieie is o.ie
called L)ewit7.e M'mnfrir, ..Scut a mile out of the cjt>, ,
in ■R'hicii the amliitious print el^ .Sophia, wholiad car.-
certcd to many pJois agaiidl her lirotlier the Ciur Pei.t
r was .at If .ngth 1 onfined, an.i ended lier d.iys. It is
lituated on a fji.irious pLiin, and !ut!i;,oo ntuv, belong.
ing to it, who lead a very regular life, and never I'Ur
out of their limit*, as lorn; otiicrs :irr permitrtvl tj do.
Tliele are only allowed, cm liolida- , towal!v on t!ir
terraces tav.:v\ their gT-dens, which are r.;if;.d [.) a crin-
venienr height (iir r'K-in to e:'.;i)y the jirol'ped of the
adjacent pla!:i.
Of fh- mor.ailery, ch'ifch uf J cmial-m, f.r. .- i..;.tr
travdler give"; the followin'.' accou.-t: " The l\
, ' $i' t in Idl^tK
i»iii laij? p '^.if".,
, magnilii «it uitSin
lire ' I.
biOiop-, pr-"t1s boufe:-, i. c. ^n- all cncloftd v.itL
hiL'h bii-k d's; the wjil, ijiming (;ne !:dc of the
b;lhop't p.'!.ici.-, ail built on a Leauufnl dctathe \ \\A\ ,
Invint: on the rail, north, ar:
::(1, f!ie linell la. ■,:!!, ia
;!h' x'oi-kl, !!irc)ugh whicli ghdrs a noble river. In the
pkiin, tipun the banks of the river, Ibinds the bu;ld.er's
romanric houfe, all built ol' fbne. It is quite aloiir.
three Aories in hi iglu, in every one of which are fotr
rooms, except the ground ibiry, where are his kitcLrn,
ftore-room, and a rootvi for liis attendants. The arr:i
of each of thefe rooms is bat about eight, or ar rrofr
bur (Tine, feer fquare. J:i ever, one \, a fmall frovf .
1 lis bcdfb-ad is of f^one, as ,ve I'lis bed and pillow. His
ch.iirs are of t!ie fame m.aterials. Kverv f^ory of Jus
Ivnife is s-aultrd ; and it is (l.it on the roi.f, fa-- th.e ron
veniency of taking a viev. ofthe roe.ntrv. It ha !-,;:t
one entry, and every room receive^ lig!;r frorii o:-.l-
v.-ndoiv ofthe lealf fizc. i'lie bi-.ilder v. > . a.i lienn'r,
and a religious devotee. 'J'lic hofpital i-: nr,t Lir^e, b.:'
Well provided with every ncci'd'ir/ bi:r n-.ed'cine.
prayers being (in their oi'/inion) futflcie^i! t.> c.ir;- a!)
iiife.ifes which appe.tr in tills holy j'lii . . At the ivcll
end of the churcli li .1 moil rapaeiotis f.ij.fda. The
dome is very magnifiten: and !iir;li, wir!; .'. g.dk-ry
which furrouiid> it rca: t!ie top. 'i li-- w;nJvr.vi arc
large, and it is well lighted. I \.c \.'.ill.. are all Kun*
n>und with variou-. piMur. s i.\ i!ie laints, \-ery nciilv-
adorr.ed \uri»:1»
'"vl'^Vhcr-, and all Kind 'I liter.iti.i. , fof the »*<»)lfl.
»X^v>t llu- ni .ti f'ejierA»v>iii. Tin ' rll u for liuuiaiiin,
rheliirii , and plel .f >phy , tin- le on-\ l»t i«i»hvi»irits,
.ind ilie iliiid I.),- uav i _ iiiiiii, >>i.rh arc
^ejrt «tiilri Hn ■' .\-u ipLiir, and l.^.v > » iIk' fafU'- .t.v ,
'H' em i.li;.,;;i.ni( nl to fXCrJ ti, \S\\ \\ iCljur.'tii e fti
T" tli.-i. (!:e tjfli. pii'.. e aJ>le I a i*>«iie/ilary.
.1)1 <1
whii'i i tt ^ ,>'1^ onr .)f jhV ♦ii.tl^ (\riut\Mte* ■n Mu'i
co». SMf «*n- of the h. ft fiuailh. 1 wijl. ,<« forts 01
n>' '" •*•.,. An >, i^ III liirn[K". It i'. p'.v un.h'f »lw
. .1 o< • M» f iMniJiv., wh I .'re allrv.
i-rs iti "'ill
I'ofitl'lll' , nrvtl
their prelCMjiti'
iheit patients f
( ciild n<>r p<4l',.
i t.'u \k\\ mal
tiioiigU t!,( motV Hovi lib lit tH«if r\wn-
ibulyi-i;' to plra'e ilii- r\e iti talb" \jk
' , .<• \v do ii' •■'■';',!in I, bit iwKli'aie
l' '• - ■ 1' l.i' ' .' tlull dlitJS, whul>
; ' :.. .! by ' if j'eiple of «>y urtir
country. '1
10,000 rubli
iiifhes not 01
ii|)al cities i
We cann
foundling Ik
lupportcd I:
and conduct
pram! pile (
fnmt tew ye
bability, nil
great care \e priiiri's win*
hniiil. I'lic jiaIIv with
If Jupi-rb. 'rholc of
inri^ vi-lvct, and Ji,-,vp
g<)IJ<-n cjiicilix upon
irid cnricJu'd nhh vill
Ijiecially iiucrii t;.)n»,
h and (jtlur jir .'Ciju*
■n nn- )if re nuiT erou'. ;
il,.t'cs and noblfmrii's.
ia the city ; ihc I'oim-
11 to adorn them witli
j^ardfjis, and every
utifiil. 'riieie is or.c
\ mile out of the cit', ,
.'•'Oj;hi:i, who havl car.-
iirotlirr the f7.Ar Wi.-f
rjiieJ her d.iys. I: is
iulh ■joc nu-'ii belo.-jT -
liar a'x, and r.tver llu
■s nn-. pcTinitrtd u du.
]id:i; , ^(.>^vil!^ on t!ir
ch are r.;il;-j [.> u cnn-
>y :i'.e jirol'ped of tijc
Jepjl'dem, f;r, .1 'uic
i;e iivirc'i.
01). It :
re all cntlo'ti' v. itL
:iin<_; cr.e l;Jc of llir
auii/ijl lUtailie 1 iiUi ;
ill, i!u- fmell lav.iii iii
a noble river. In the
-■r, It.uv.ls the b'j;li°r's
■\ h is quite alone,
one of whicli are four
r. here are hi.s kitchen,
ittendantb. The area
■>ur eight, nr nt rrofr
one i> a finall ffDve.
s bedaii-Jpillou. llii
Ererv iTary of Jin
tin- rni.f, l\xr rlie con
I o'.iiury. It ha hi:r
Ivf^ lii;!-,r fr.-iiii o:;l-
•.iLier V. 1 . n.i lienr.'u
|)i!,d :■ nr,t larj;e, b:.'.
\h.r/ b::: ii-.i-d'cinc.
liifFiciem t.> C'.nr a!i
v'lc. . Ai the i\clt
■mv.: C'.ij.da. Th-
i^;li, wit!i .>. ;^.ii!cry
'I h"- winJiiAi arc
.c u'.ill.i are all Ivuiio
le lj.ints, \-i_Ty riciilv
a!..l prec'.or.i fDijci ;
aJi.riiL-J v.;!!; v.i,-''\»
J here ilirc- • \\\j, i.
1 ;: \ i I! \ iU\!i>« Ml
u i , fof the mM.
' ill lo for hiiU5aiiit>,
'i; \i)t uulH«iMirit»,,
;■ >ni>ni\, ■» > I uther
I .dl Oviv >>)Ltli arc
i IIk felfJl'- .'Lit,
I ie!jr .'til e {tt\-
^1 led a v' »JM-nlary,
t 'UuvlxMr* Ml Mo!
II I wii' 14O iorts 0}
li is pv undvif »l\e
III v.. i (fi, Uel! m.il
I)".. i.U II) iKvir cxun-
( I'lr t\e III talle U4
i'.n I, bii HAUle.ue
:'.; h dlii;)V, \>hu\
•) ie oi »uy iwVr
» ouarry.
country. Tiiis difpeiifary hath a yearly revenue of
•:o,oc of nHrciiaii.lii'.i' ili.it art-
brought to ami fVoin tliat caiiiial.
There is a very coiilidt rabic manufaiftiirc at Mol-
cow of various hemp talnicks, [lartioiilar'y tail cloth ;
and fhectins;, whirli employs loim fhoiiramis of looms,
ami nianv flHuilaiuK ot [xoplr. The hemp is moll <>t
it broi!i;iit troin r le Li'kiaiiie. There .i" alio i^re.il
numbers ol eonlideiable mer;hants here, who tarry in
a very extenllve tommeice nitii all parts of the em-
pire; for tiuTc is wtt r-earriai^i: from hence to tiii'
Black and Catpiaii Seas, and witii but liw interrup-
tions to the Baltic alfo, whii h arc circumllances tiiat
make it the center of a very great commeri i .
This rity is much betti r lituated jo. ihi- metropolis
oi the emi)iie than 1\ terflimt!;, It is almoll in the cen-
ter ot' the moll eultiv.iteil parts of it. commun;i .iting,
in lilt manner above-ni(ntioneii, with the rhne inland
leas, not at a great dill.uite from the moll inipr)r(.mt
province of the enipiie, the Ukraine; ojien to tiie
ioiithcrn terriiories on tiu- Black .Sea; and, by means
of the rivers Wolg.i anil l)(in, roinnianding an in-
land navigation of prfuiigious extent, /ts vicinity allij
to tiie countries which mud always be the feat of .mv
Mars with ti:e i iirks, the etiemies moll to be attended
to of -dl thole V. ith \vhom ihc iiiilli.ins w.i.ie u.ir, up-on
the whole made it inliniitly a bi tt< r litu.ition for the
feat of government, than tliat of IVitriinirg, which is
at the \e!y extreinity of the empire, and iiolUHing, lew
of thole advantages. I-'ouiidini; that city, and making
it tiie teat of foreign conuneice and nav.il power, wa.s
an .uimirabLc exertion ol genius ; but the leat of go-
\eriiini nt, in our opinion, Oiuuid always li.ive been at
iV' )lrov.'. This city lit ■^ in 1 It. 5;. 4;. Ion. .;>>. 45. 1'..
. .''a IS a fmall but handlome town, tiimeil for
the uuitly moiiallery oi il'..it name, or convent of the
Trinity, a Ipa' ' boikling, with, three large gati.s
ai'.danoble churc n, . .ndingin tlie middle of the fciuaie.
The abbot hcic is lo licli, th.u he has 60,000 j>e,ifants
dependent tin liim, be/ides other r' venues. 'I'he cx.ars
have lomc .iparuiunts for thenifelves, and a noble pa-
lace, llrongly t()rtuieil. In this monalleiy it w.is that
[he lite cyai Peter I. in his younger ays, was tijrced
10 retire, to lecuic lumlilt iiom the , i,v(jf the Boy.ird
l-'ou/anlki and his Strelitzes, who plu.'u ered and mur-
( «reil all opponents in his metropolis ,ind from the
plot, and tonlpiiacies of his ambitious filler. It I'.aiuls
about 40 mills north of Mofiow.
Columna is lituated n( ar the confines of the liuchv of
KeZiU, on the weili in llioie of the ri'.'er Otca, wiiith
I'.ivi'.'.cs it hum ll.ibcula, or luburb, on t'le ojipolite li.'i-.
[t is .-ilnioll of a round figure, half .1 mile in loir.par'-i
well fortilieil witli a Hone wall, fix laihciiiis high, and
tv.o thick, aud lianked with llout and high towns, at
tiie dilbnie ot icop.ices from t.ich other; but it is now
gone to dtcay, and is almoll ruinid on one (ide. I'lir
luburb, v.liich is, called Colutwina SliliOda, is liie pl.u e
where the merchandi.a-s are to the
wi llward ot Roll.iw, is telebraied lor iht ' \i ■■Utiu v of
the bread made 111 it. It was Ikic tli.it tile young
pviiuc nciiii irius, fon of the c^ar Iw.iii li ililowit/., wis
miirdi lid by .nder of liis hrothcr-in-law, I Mdi n-.vi;/.
(i.ultii.iw, liming a tumult, which was occ.uioiud In .1
conllagratioii maile on purpole, aud tlie nuirden r
ulurped the throne.
Chlopigorod w,is lorintilya place ot coiilidcubic
tr.iJe, but is now gone to decay
I'erillaw is a laij
diihince iioiii Mui.i.w and Roilo»\. I'he oiher u>\<,i.->
and vilLigtsare known by the naiiiesor MoIol^i , .-. im-
bratol), lii'o, linbiiowa-Nov.i, and Baliiia-Nov.ii ln.i
none of tluiii lont.iin any tiling remarkable.
lilt' Diicliy oi' Y'lhosuav. I. \ i.s ex^icdiiig ftrtilc,
abounds iiitli c.rn, i.'.ttle, and liouey, and l.> v. Jlertu
by the N ol^a, wliii ii runs through t.ie iiea;'t oi u.
The I .ijMtal, Ycroilowli, is a lliuiig, wi II toiiilied,
large, populous ri'y, conr.iiniiig 40,000 iiihabitaiu.s. Ir
is aliouL j6 miles ro (he mjithuard of Roll.jw, aiKil:'.
a conliderablc trade ill loi.i, cattle, leather, h)iiey, >'»:c.
'1 he othtr tow.'isol' ttii, aillii^t an I'oiii i-fvova, and
Dornelutke, but luitiitr ot' thc:ii Loiitaln any tiling
Worthy ot obfervaiion.
The Duiliy (;i Bil.' j i.sox \ ; . a very liuaii prin im e,
IK , illy circular, .:.nd dei ives its name Irom a lake called
Hicle-O,:oro, or the While Lake, which i> ^o miles
lorg, and 10 bro.id, and on the banks of which itaiv.is
the capit.il ot' the l.uiie name. The whole is lii much
cncumbi'iid with Likes, feus, lio^s, woods, o.c. tiiat
the road.;, in general, are iililcls, ixcept in tiie \.inter,
when the froll renders fheiii|)ali.iblc. J'herc i: pleiit.'
oi lilli .ill lAcr the ]irovi,u t, .iiid kjiiie ji.iris .ill'orii corn
;uid palUire.
i'he cajiital, Bicle-Ozoro, or Bclo/era, is flronglv
tortiiied, liatli an important talllc, and is iuriound< .1
by tlie waters of the bttijre mentiijncd lake. L'pon the
whole, it is a large and populous pl.ice.
1 he Duchy ot XOloi.ih is l.irge, woolly, nvnir.-
taiuous, full of lakes, i'eii^. and .ib.iiiiids witn ii:!i and
;;ame, but is d.i-tlitute (jf moll other kinds of pr.)\iiiM, .
\ ohjgda, the c.i|iit.il tn this pioviiui , iltu.it-,-i, i,-:
both tides 01 t le rivrr o; tin- lauie ii.uric, is a < .ULicio;. ..
p.'ipulous, ;;;id i ,imi;u l\ i.ll
m.iny iMigliih, Uutth, .ukI
a.iti ,
bi li.lto native
iitucr iiiercii.ir.
ivlidr I,,
11. i'liistity is one of r!;e 111, .ll ;uicient: iiulil.in .u\ .1
fj iliopal lies, litu.itt 111 .11 ; (o miles to tiii- iii»rt'u>..i.
i;l Molci/V. , lurrouiK!i\l by ,1 limie w.ili
by a lironi' lortnl'i. I'hc iliti : , .ire 01
a:i.l dekti
ini! rc';i:l.:i,
! .,
t;ie liouiis h.uidloiiie, and i!,t markets well furuiiluM,
( vt r\ commodity being tiilJ in ,1 peculiar tpLi.u'fcr. I'-e
liver is bfiad ami n.ivig.ibie, and the citiiedr..! nr-.g;;.
11 lit; befuli's v.aich he.'c are io llonc Mwl .< ; ■..i/odi,
i liiii.lu-s, three niiniierus, with an eleg.iiu i. !i.'| • I .ipj^' ■
tainin,; to e.u ii, ir^t.
I twinit/.i, liuiated on a rivfr ol the l.ime nam; , \. !.',. !i
fill, into the Vologda, is a tiiiall but well pcopk i : .....
On the ri\er \'i log^da aie likewiic nso oihei i;K .uifi..i. .
;lljti; towns, iKimed .'"loolka .iiiil .Strelit/.
1 lie Province ol C ,\ni..irni. h.i . n > tiv 1 oxLtj'.
Cug.ipol, wliiih 1 lituatid on li.i v.ilLrn iianls,, 1,:
rlic liver 0"c' I'hc pi oplc .ir. c....i (..lingly ri' Ic
.(111 barl)ai 1 iic diitna ol \\ i.'.a, .11. 1 Or.v^:,
cjiiti.guou'. ; I I,, arc b.urni and riuuiv j :, .1.
1 he pro\ iiiie '.; l)wi\ i 1. ol g;L..lrs:.. , !j..r :
;;e.ir juo niil'.^ in iengih, and in Jorin oi'.i ruiiic''! .
i'lie city c,ii' Aithang: i, or St. Miciuiei 'u;;- .;;c,...:i-
I'.cl, is iitlv.mtageouily litu.ite.i on riu- c.dl Ik!-- oi u.c
|)>.iiia, wi;i..ii ii'.ks mtj tilt: Wi.iic .se.i, i"s lu.!-.. br
■ in.iiircnLUii'c of tlie
ioilow ,i1>i)iiikIs witli
I'lif i.iiiit.'.l, I ilieil
rii|)ij|itaii lit', llt:i,iiciJ
I- iiuii-.s the liii.illrivc I
int.) tin- V'olff ,. Tlii,
lie MdUil l)t' Moicow,
luii\ ii< .
.ihoui :. J iiiilc^ to tiic
i I'lr lilt '•Mirllciu y of
luiL- III, It tiic- yoiinj;
lv..in IJ 'lili)\vit/., was
-ill-l.iw, l ii'ilc ii\>i;.i;
1 w.is ^o iiiiks
hanks ()t"wliii:h lUuvK
i'iic wliolf i-, li) iiiui'l*
:)gs, wood.s, cv.-. tint
, ixci-pt ill uic- v.inttr,
iblc. 'I'licrc i: (licit.
loiiK- jiai'ts afroiM corii
;■ Hclo/cra, i> Oronf^'v
lu', aiul ii iiiiioiiii'.ii .1
'^iicil lake. L' [)').■! the
large, woo.ly, nvniii-
.ib.llliuis V. it.'l IJ'l ;!;|,1
cr kimU oi iiruiii'M. .
]>rovinci, iicLi.it'.-i, .,■;
^■ ii.tiiic, i-i a c aji.iciii;. ..
1 , as, liili.li ., imiiv! ■ .
cr iiicrtiiaii' > t\ I'ldi- i.i
aiu'ieiK lUiliian ai\ .i
llilcb to t!.i' lloil'l.v..!.!
inc wall, a:i.l i'.i-:i.iv.; •.!
.'.re oicr. ::ii.l R';;!:l.:r,
iiaikciv ulU iuiiiiiliiM,
peculiar (|U.;r'ir. I'-e
the [ati-,t\i:„l III;;';;;.
i Itoiie aiul .' ; '..i,o,;i.
1 elcjv.illt ill 'j • 1 ,;['- ■
llie laiiic; I'.aiiu , \.!.'.,!i
)ia v.cll ;!,-(i;)1l i : ,. ...
e mo oli;r. i.iv .uiiiu^ .
I, li.i.'. IV) toV. ;l CXCiJ't
tl.i; v.ilLra liarikj ijl
.1.' e....i t Jiii^'Jy rule
i W li'.a, .a!thy merchants and cuiimis
mecli.inics. Near this place is a territory of 70 Cju-
man miles in extent, n;imeil Wollolhifgy, inhabited bv
men of a ilittercnt laivuage, and (iippoli-d to have
come (rom Livor.;,i. They are i i\ ili/.ed, and Chrif-
tiins of the dreek churi h,
When up the fk'es he flioots his rofy head.
Or in tl-.c luJdy oce.iii fecks his bed.
.Swift rivers are witli llidden ice conftrain'd,
And (ludded wheels are on their rock.s liiHain'd.
The brazen cauldrons with the (ro(l are (law'd;
The garments iVilfwith ice at hearths are thaw'd;
From locks uncomb'd, and from the frozen In ar.l,
Long icicles dejjenil, and cracking lounds are heard.
Ji.'ooR A, or JcnoRsKi, i:- a very large territory.
Its fitiiation is lold enough to m.ike thi
H IS third diiilionof th( RulT.an empire contains
the following province.
MnnzEN is a long ti-.u k ol Lind, n.irrow, barier.,
woody, fenny, mount.iiiiou', and cold. The chiel
town, called Mv/./x-n, and the (ew villages which this
province cat have Ipokcn ol'it, iiuiuiDii u as a [ilatt
or little note.
Ovs nine, or l\Tirr,, whuli takes its name from
Its eapital, is not imly linall, but bairtn, a j^re.it part
beint; covered with vail aiul iiiipeiielrable woovls.
rhel'e havbiHir Itieh a proiligioiis i\umbcr of b'a. k
fc.xcs, tlir.; their li.rs are one of the diirt comm(Hhties
III' this eociitrv. '1 he eiiiet town is l.)ulHoMg, LMliutr,
or L'll .liicli- It is n arthiepireopal lee ot'ihe kuHkin
ihirch, and iiatli leveral neat eluirehts built ot' white
lloi-e, the eiipolas and Ipires oi whieli are coven d
rvcr '.' ich tin. The otiier churches, as well as i!ie
hollies, are built of wood. The an. hiepilcopal palace,
which is a lar;Te buildin;?;, and thr bell edilk'cs in thi:.
citv, arc on the well lidc ot' the river Siichand. Che
otiiif pait ot it, over the water, is Ids confiderable,
but ex. ml, itldt'alon:; the fide ol'it, inform of a ciel-
cent, a !e;:gi!e in lentrth, and a quirtrr in breadth It
is chitrtv noted for a yeaily fur lor the '.deoflox-
Ikins, and otiici fur<.
ZiRANiA.along, del. rt, woody trai k ofl i;ul, i!efervcs
ratiier tiie name ot'a forell thar of a pro^inic, there be-
ii'.u; b'.:t few fpnts inliabiied, in coniparilim of the vail
iiiid i!iipenetrat)le wood^ that fpread ihemlclvs over it,
;'.:\i bi'.ed innunieiable ijiiantities of v.ild bealf. I he
peojle, who are here fcattcre aiui, rui-
ning througli tl'.at, ant I'Lveral other towns, falls into
the Kama. Ti'.i.s lall ri',-:, through anotlier part of the
country, and fills uito t'.e \'olga a little above Ca/an.
\'iatka, the cliief to.vii of this duchy, hath little or
iK.'thing worth notice, except its bilhop's fee, and a
llont callle, built by the czar above mentioned, to fuji-
prcl's the incurfionsof the ScheremifTe Tartars. There
•lie iwo high roads that lead from hence to Molcow ;
tlie one tiirough Cailroina and Cialicz, the othcrthrough
L'lliug. The former is much the Ihorter, but the moll
troublef'nne and dangerous, on account of the vail
niarflies tliat nuill be ( Tfjffed, and of the Scheremille
free-booters ti.at infell thole paits
Colcinitz is rather a confiderable town, finiatrd near
confines (-f the kingdom of Ca/an, or Calaii
.Sl.ulbod.-., another town. Hands more f the north- u ell,
01: the borders of tlie ScheremilTc Tartars. Belides
tlie .ibovi, tliis province includes Cliiiow, Orow, and
Kaigoroil, all fortified after tlie Kullian inaniifr.
C.r/.AN, or Casan, wa."-. loniicrly governed by it--
own inonarchs, who were I'orniidahle and opuleni nil
t'-.e czar Bafdov.itz fiibduiial, i.s a capacious and
j.opuloiij city, the feat of a KulTian metropolitan, and
< ontains many chi.rchts and monallerie,. But the
hollies, and even the rainjKirts and towers, are .ill built
v.itli v.oud. The eallle, h ywe\'er, is of Ib.ne ; ;\;\A the
river, by furrounding it, f.irms .m excellent fbU'e , tne
whole bving amply fuinillied vith ;.rtillery, ammuni-
lion, \c. and well fecured by a Kullian garrifon. At
a lirtle dillu'ce from the city, a large coiniiiovlious
ilovk, lor lliip-building, is firuated at the cuntlueiice
of the X'olga and C.ifink.1. Cazan is well lii|)pliej,
both by land an.l water, with all kini.-i of provili m-,.
Wine and friiit.s are brou{;ht liitlur from I'urkiy j vari-
ous (onimodities, betides gr.i.iries, fr mi Motcow ;
teas from Chin.u and iron .md fuis from .SKini.i .m.l
Tarrary. The fitiiation is admir.ible f)r com nerce,
wiiicn IS carried on not only with the aboveiiu n'ioiu d
places, but with I'erli.i, an.l other parts of tiie eall.
Large i)uantiti(s of Kiiili.i |c,,ther, birk fiir taiini,!.;,
limber for Ibip buikling, i\.-. are annually lent lienix
I',) I'eterlburg, aiul other |)arts oiRuilia.
1 he other towns in this proviiue i .nv.aiii nothiii'-'
wortny ol'.lefcription.
Bci,r...\n. \, fiinnerly c.ill.'d I tor.la. or the rei';ion cf
/avi'liiia, w.i-, aiuienily inliabiie.l by the Bulgaras, wh.i
m.ide an irruption into th ife p.uts from Ali i", and con-
terred their name on this country.
1 lereit is proper to o'.iferve tint Hulgiri'. is dis ide I
into Little an.l (inat. Little Bi:l|.',.iii 1 i.s 'ituared on the
foiirnern eo.ills of the namibe, belongs to the Turk-,
having been conqu.re.l by Amuvith 11. and loru;,
partiit Turkey in burope. (.ivat Bulg.iri.i, now un kr
conlideration, w.e, fubdued bv the Miicov;: ■ c.:ar„ .md
now is an appendage of i!e Rullian i iiij.iiv.
This kingilom is w.itr him, and was to this elTeft ;
" Whoiiiever thou .irt, if thou halt llrength enough to
" turn mt, thou wilt iii.ike thy f.irtuni." l''r 'Ui this
intiniati.,.1, he and his comjj.iny, expecting to find fome
; hidden trtafiiie, immediately im.'Ve.l it iiom its place,
. and, on th.e other fiile, lound .mother infcriptioii im-
jior'.ing, " I'his is not tlir I'ril time tiu;u li.ill take;)
" great pains to little purpuli.-."
K r S S I .\ N J. A !• I. A N I)
W'IN'C) alic.idy prefiiited a general defcriptioii
f Lapland, as to the country. i.,iiabit.int.s, t ul -
toiiis manners, c furtlier
divided into three parti, aLCording to th. ir (itnatirin.
One is calle.l Leporia Moun nianlk-i, or M.iiitimt
Le|)ona , Tcrrlkoi, or Inl.in.l I.i-poiia, aiy.i Bella-
inourelkoi Lej)oria.
The whole tenit.iry of Lcpoii.i Mourem.mlkoi 1:.
barren, uoinly, and uioiintiinous I the air e.strenii ly
told, the inh.ibitaiiti luJe and igiujr.int ; aiii, uii'c-
ncral, the 1
l.apland f.
cities and t
t'lem i-o tlia
li;;ileries ;
tilli, .iiiil p.
lerilk i
find, is r.llIU
ti • iiiak' s
wonu. .0.
it is V.'ai i
Arcii.iii!',! I
abovi iiiri'i
ri'.e n ll, i 1
ehii ! tovMi
tiie RuH'.aii
Jj_^ c..vt'|>r(ivril"i )iis.
roiii I'uilviy i v.iri-
1, (V Mil MoIlow j
. IrDiti Silifri.i iwi.l
>\v fir iMin iicrrc.
If ahovfiiuir i')iit ,1
|- p.Ut'. of till <-.mL
I'lrlv for t;iiiiii,i^,
iiinn.illy Uiit lu-mi*
c i'i)iK.iia natliini;;
iii, or rlir rii';ion cif
-■ till' liMl:J;.lr.l^, wImi
■oill Aii i, uikI 1. 1111-
B'.iljriri'. is ilividt'l
ii i.s litu.irril on ilii;
ijni;s «) the 'I'liils-,
itii II. liihl ioi'ir,]
)ul;^.iri.i, Muw iiivkr
1 ili-ovi: • c.Mr., .iikI
1 t iii|.iiv.
'iimI vi\ 1.11. N'l.ir
III till' (Mill ;-.i i:
rtu:u ." I''r un this
ciiii'i t) linj roine
It iioui its plaee,
er inl'iiiptioii iin-
ne tlujii h.ill taken
1. .\ N I).
L'eneral ik lirij'tio!!
i -.haUitaiit.s, eul-
vt.l, that it is vi;/i-
^, n.iiri' Iv, tiioll- ctf
:i ;i :■- ' i\' I.'-, i;.i !er
ipliir.il a'.ioii.i' (if
i!'.' aj)[n ll.iti'iii of
: . tor otiier pirti-
:lir n nth hv ti :
iir!i hy t:;:' White
il.tiid. It ii further
to til. ir litnarion.
k i, '>r M.iritime
|...ii,i , and iicil.i-
Moiireininikoi i.^.
tile .li;' e.vlieilK 1/
jiMiit i ami, in j'e -
111, lal.
r, H t. A r R U ."^ ,^ ! A.
ncral, the i onnrry i> m'l-li like the ^Wivlilli .in.l D.milli
Laplaiiil formerly fpol.t n o''. Moll of tlie iil.uuis,
cities ami town-., Ikm.l on tlie fea-eoalls. The only
•ibfervatlon wortiiy of in''nti')niii!T coneerninu; any of
them i.-, that rhere are, in I'o'iie »)f them, amiertt mo-
n;;llerie'. i anil tha' t!\r river-v con'i|^;uous al'onii I with
fill', anil parti' iilarly film in.
Terilk i l.i poria, or iiiknii p'.rtoftlie Kull'i.in I.ap-
linil, is ".liiioO (iirroi.iiildl vsiiii the le.i, and is the lanil
ti ■ mak'-s tlic fruipli nt t!ie White S.-a, |t \< u„ lei'-,
wooin .'I,. I barren tli in lix- rell ; aivl the cl.ii f town in
ir is Warfi!,;!, lit'iatiu mi the foiitli i"a;l, over a^-.'.inll
l\ ITl,.lll!;i I.
]^•Mamo^lrl■lkoi I.cpnri.i lies at rhe borro'n r)f the
abovi mnni'ined i^iilpli, e.'.H'il the Wli'.te ,^e.i, and, like
riie ri ll, i. i''lii, b.irii n, an I tifinly in'iabitiil. The
chill town is Soma, litu.itc-i at the very entianee iiit;)
tae KuH'aii l..'l ! unf, on th- White .Sea.
N O \ .\ / K M P. I. A.
^T()\■.\ /.I niMa was a name ;,^iven to tl.is new ilif-
Vi e.ivi reil trai k, whieli, in tiie KiiUlan l.in|nrh^e,
fi!;niHes ^mw I,.in,l. It is f; parate.l flum the noiih<-iii
p.:it o( Kiiir.a bv tiie Unit lalleil W' Mt/, n\- Wv'Ta.r;-,
\.liii-li lies ill noitli I. It. "■ ^ ill". Ti.i land iliar firms
tliii Itrait is .i piommuory, ai!\.mi ir:;; f iiithuard fioin
till- iiiaiii eo'.iii!;', \\luili i' l'iip;'":i d to extend irfelf
iniiili tarthi r nortli. It v* is Ion;.; doubted wlic tlier this
Country |oined to tin- eontin''nt ol (Jreenland on tiic
well, or o: I .iiiary on the eal't , but it is n.iw kn iwn
to be an exterlive illand.
N'.iv.i Zcml>l.i w.is 'irl' iliieovered by the I-'n^lilli,
anno ic;'!, wh-n ( .ptain llii'-ii Willniighiiy lailed
thitiier with time Mi? Is, and .Ki\Miurd tfom tlie north
cipt ot I'inmail. as (iir nortli as the 721! deg. of lat.
will re he tiU'iiglit he had deleried thii land ; but being
oblijeil, through (Irels of weather, to jnit into a port
«)f Lapland, he there perillied with cold, with all his
company. Captain Rurroughs filled in feareh of it
tiine ye.irs alter, .uid having iloiibled the above tnen-
tioned i.ipe, difiovered the llrait of Wygaf/., between
tlic loiith part ol Nov.i /.embl.i, ami the m.rrli eoall of
Saiiniieda. Siiue that time it liatli been often vifited,
both by nuti'h and f'n;ililli, in hojies of finding out the
north -call pallage ; but the eoldnefs of the elim.ite,
;'.:v.l tlie mountains of fnow wliirh covered tliat whole
country, prevented their making any great ilifeovi ries.
Some l)iiti.!imen wintereil there, anno i (gd ; but louml
tlie coKI fo ( xcelfive, that tluy, with great dinieiilty,
kept themfdves alive till the next fummer. Tiuy law
no fun from |.uiii.iry .;. to June 2.\. , during which long
and dark interval thev ha. I no li;;ljt, but wh.it t!ie moon
gave them from the lirll to the lall i|iiarter, in which
Ih.e flione bv day .is wdl as iiiL'hr.
Tile aceciintfhey gave of it is, tliat fome parts of that
country is inhabiteil bv a people of low liature, who
are idolaters and b.irb.irous. The attempts made after-
wards by Ikueiit/, a 1 lollander, liy lliidfon. Wood,
and Flaws, proved likewili- of little or no conle(]in lue
t ) the publi.,', and of dellrui:li\'e eonfeqiience to them-
lelve!:. Wood, iiiileed, made I'ome remarks, which
|-!;ave him rcafon to think tl'.eie was a paflage between
tills country and that of tireenlaiul. Nova Zembla he
reprefcnts as the molV forlorn fpot in .ill ilie woikl, the
j/reiitell part of which is l.-.i.l under fnow and ice ; and
that where there are neither of thefe, nothing prelent.-,
itielf to tiie view but diliiial (Uiagniiics, covered with
iilol:., and lonie blue and yellov. ihiwers. I 'pon digging
two or tliree feet into the earth, tlu y found the ice as
hard a., marble, which IlieWs how vain it would be to
attempt to v.intir tlieir in caves iliig, under ground. In
other northern countries the ice and fnow is obferved to
niclt much fooiier on ttu- lea coalls than in tlie inland
parts; but here it proves t.he reverie; and the lea,
whicli be.its agaiiifl mount.dns of it of a prodigious
heii^ht, hath fo undtrmiiied it, that it !ccms to hang in
l!u- air, and tlil'covers fuch monftrotis ehafms as cm-
not be beheld without hoiror.
The country, fo fir as our author hi. I an oppormnif.
to view it, ureeds I'ome forts of wild creatures, l'ucha>
large white bears, foxes, fome fmall creatures like
rabbits, larger than rats, large penguins, \'c. The
p<-n"uin is of the li/e of a goole, and the featiiers an*
iiim-what like hairs, and of an alli colour. The wings
are very (lu>rt in ]iro['ortioii to the body, the bill i,
bl.ick, anvl tlie legs are of a bright gicn. I'hey kee|>
i.i the water ;ill the day; where they feed upon fiih. As
tluy cannot fly, they c.innot lliiin their eiieiviies, except
by leaping alon|r, which tliey do pretty well by the help
of their iViort wings. However, this binl is aftiv
upon tiie wat( r, and li-ems to be very Ikiliul in catching
Us food. \Vhen the fun bej'jns to let, they p tire to
the rocks neiiv the lea, where tluy cn.iiinue till morn-
ing, at wliich time tliey are ealiiy taken. They build
their nells iiix.n the rocks, rin the <'ragg)' points, to
whicli thefe birds can get up very cafily. 'I'heir eggs
are vi ry good i but the flelli has a difigrecable fifliy
t.ilie, and ii never eaten but in cales of great neccflity.
It is worthy of remark, that the bird penguin, which
is nijt only coiv.mon to tlu !e northtrn p.irts, but like-
wif,- ill fever.il countries in Nortli .America, is every
where known by the lame name, witli little or no varia-
tion ; and til it the word penguin, in the Celtic, an. I in
our prefeiit Wellh, lignilies, a white liead, as that bird
aclually hath, 'i'his, together with fome great affinity
which is found in many of the radical words, and pro-
per names, ul'ed by thofe dillant regions, conHrms a cu-
rl iis conjet'ture of the authors of the IJniverfal Ilif-
tory, which is, that the defccndants of Gomer, the
eldill Ion of Japhet, were not only the lirll peoplersof
I'.iirope, ( \robable llorics of Sir John Mandcville, gave
rile to a -iL-i/ly and l-'gaiicus fcitire, written by the cele-
brated Sir Richard Steele, and publillied in the Tatler,
as if from a inanufcript of .Sir John Mandeville. The
Icene being loimded in Nov.i Zembla, the humour be-
ing admirable, and the f.irire poiiueil againll ;iJI
voyagers and tr.ivellers who attempt to impole upon the
public, we lii.ill .uake an c.\tr.iCt from it without far-
ther a|)ology.
The relation being in the lirll pcrlon, as if Sir John
Mandevilli- was rhe narrator, the words arc, " We
were lepar.ited by a llorm, in the latitude of 7 ;, inlii-
miicli that only the Ihip in which I laif-d, with a Dutch
and flinch vcllel,got file into a creek ol Nova Zem-
bla. We landed in order to relit our velVel, antl Itore
ourlebis witli provilions. The crew ol each vellel
made tlu mt'clves a cabin of turf and wood at fome dif-
tance from each otiier, to fence the. I'elves againll the
inclemencies of the weather, which was feveie beyond
imagination. We fonn i bkrved, that, in talking to
one another, we loll feviral of our words, anil could
not hear one another at above two yards dillaiice, and
that too wlien we fit very near the Hre. .-Vl'ter much
perplexity, I lound tliat our words Iro/e in the air, be-
fore they could rcich the e.irs of the perfon to whom
tiuy were fpoken. I was foon confirmed in tlie con-
jecture, wlien, upon the increafe of the cold, the
whole company grew dumb, or rather deaf ; for every
man was fenfible, as w^- atterwanls found, that he fpokt
•IS well ;is ever ; but the founds no fooiier took air, than
tluy were coiuicnlcd and lull. It wai now a milirable
I i
3> .>>
■ 50 ™^^
1.25 1.4
6" —
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(716) 872-4503
fpeL'tacit, to ffc us lioiUiing ami gapini? at orte another!
fvery man r.Ukiiig, and no m.m litaiii. One mij^ht
cbic Tve a liMman that couki hail a lliip at a league's
dllbnte, beckoning with his hand, llraining with liis
lungs, ami tearing his throat, but all in vain.
" We continued liere three wt-eks in tliis difmal
pliglit. At length, upon a turn of v, ' id, the air about
113 began to thaw. Our cabin was [mmediately filleit
with a dry clattering found, wliicii I atterwards. found
to be the crackling of conlonant- that broke above
our heads, and were often mixed witli a gentle hiding,
which i imputed to ti\e letter A' that occurs fo frequent
in the Englilli tongue. 1 fonn after teit a breer.e ol
whifpers rulhing by my ear; fir thafe being ol a foft
and gentle fublt.uice, immediately liquitied in the
warm wind that blew acrofs our cabin. Tliele were
foon toli'iweil by fvjlables and Ihort words, and at
lengdi by entire lentcnces, and melted fooner or later,
as thev were more or leb congealed, lo that we now
heard every tliin;' that had been f[)oken during t!ie
whole three weeKs that we liad been fdent, if I may
ufe that cxpredion. It was now very early in the
morning, ;ind yet, to my furpize, I heard Ibmebody
f.iv, .^.•/■ ''fohi, it is ihiJi:ighl, and timt for the Jhip's
fi,-iv to go tu liifJ. Thii I knew to be the pilot's
voice; and, upon recollecting mylell, 1 concluded, that
he h.id Ipoken tlicle wirds to me fome days before,
tliougli I unild not hear them till tiic prelenc thaw.
My reader will e.ilily imagine Ivjw tiie whole crew was
ama^^ed, to hear every man talking, and lie no man
open his moutii. In the nudil of this great furprize
We were all in. we heard a volley ol oaths and curies,
laiiing U' a long while, and uttered in a very hoarle
voiie, which 1 knew belonged to the boatfwain, who
was a veiy choleric fellow, and h.ul taken this oppor-
tunity ol curling and Iwcaring at me, when he though:
I could not hear hini, fi;r I luui feveral times given
him the llrajjpado en tiiat account, as 1 did not fail hi
np.'.it tor tiicle his pious foliloquies wlicnl got him on
" 1 mull not omit the names of feveral beauties in
W'apping, which we heard even.' now and then in the
niidil of a long figli that accomi)anied tliem ; as De.u-
Kate! Pretty Mrs. Peggy | When Ihall I fee my Sue
again? 'I'liis bttr.iyed levcral amours which liaii been
concealed till that time, and lurnilhed us with a great
ileal of nurth in our return to England.
•' When this conlulion ol voices was pretty well
over, thoui'h I was afraid to olilr at i|)eaking, as fear
iiig I Ihouid not be h.eaid, I purpolid a vilit to the
Dutch cabin, which lay *bout a mile farther up in the
country. My crew were extremely !( joiced to find
tiity had again re'i(.\'ered their hearing, though every
man uttered his voice with liie lame apprehcnlions that
I had done,
" And, try'd his tongue, his filencc foftly broke."
" At about half a mile's diftance from our cabin.
We heard the groanings of a bear, which at lirll llartled
i:sj but, upon our enquiry, we were inlormed by fome
of (lur company that he was dead, ami now lay in lalt,
having been killed upon the very Ijjot about a lijrtniglit
betorc, in the tin.<- ot'the fr(>ll. Nut far from the fame
place, we Were likewile e:itertainetl with fome poll-
hunuiui fnarK and barkings ol a \j,i\."
With rel(iect to thole parts ol the Kufl'ian empire
fUuated in Alia, viz. Siberia, Ramtlchatka, Samoietia,
Allrachan, together with the Kalmuc, Ulbec, Crim,
I.elgee, and leveral other inlerinr tribes ol I'artars, the
re.-ider will be luinillied with an amjile account of them
l)y referring to our dtlvtii-.tion of th t ([uarter (jf the
globe, wliKJi lorms the full ilivif.on of our work.
Thole countries difmembered from Poland, and an-
nexed to the dominions of Kullia, will be trcited of
under our delcription of the Ibriner, on which otcafion
we fliall conlider every material circumllancc and tranl-
iC'ion relatii-e tlierrunro.
. E C T I O N III.
rnfons of the RiiffiMis, their different Ranks, I'njfalagc,
Drefs, lldhitittions, ALmner of Living, Cn/toms,
/Imiifmcnls, Religitn, (Ceremonies Biipti/nui!, Matrt-
luoninl, I'.'-nera/, \Se.
Tl I E RuHians are, for the moll part, of the mid-
dle Ihiture. though m.iiiy of them are i dl and
comely. Tlieii teeth are remarkably good ; their iiair,
in general, is black; and their complexions ruddy.
I'he leverity of the climate, which i:roduces a dry
and lliarp air, dif[>oles them, in general, to a robuil
con'.lin.tion, and enables them to undergo great
The women are commonly well maile, exclufive of
their legs, wiiich, as well as thiir liet, are always large.
Their counti nances are, in jreneral, agreeable , and
flu ir eyes black and languilliing.
Before the rime of Peter th.e Great, the Rufh.ins were
lavage and ignor.u^t in the extreme; but that wile
prince, by incredible application, and a proper mixture
of leverity and mildnels, wrought lij happy a change
in their manners, as, in li)mc meafure, let them on a
level witii the more civilized nations of Europe; and
his efforts have been happily Iccomled by lucceedi.i;;
monarciis, ol which the effects have been evident to
demonll ration.
The court nobility, from the great connections they
have hail, ol late years, with the moll civilized European
Hates, lee 111 totally to have emerged from their bar-
barifin in'o the heigh' of elegance .md politenels; and
the young Ruluan nobility, at piefent, are much iiii-
jiroved by lludies of t.ille, and a |iroj)cnlity to
'I'hc people of Rufiia, like tlu)le of inofl other coun-
tries, arc ol dilVereiit ranks and orders, as princes,
nobility, gentry, commonalty, ^^:c. and thcfe liave their
refpective lub-divilions; but it is to be obferved, tli.u,
of late years, the military rank lupcrlcdes everything,
and now regulates every degree of precedency, what-
ever may be the rank or clals of perfons.
The Rull'ian nobili'y cxeicile a mofl: tyrannical
power over the common people, am.1 efpecially over
the pcafants, who are kept in a llate of abjedl llavery,
b( ing deemed the property of the nobles, to whom
tliey belong, as much as their horfes and dogs. Indeed,
the we:dth of a great man in kullia, is not ellimated
by the extent of land he pollelies, or the quantity of
grain he can bring to market, but by tlie number ol
his Haves. Every Have pays about a ruble (.4.0s.)
yearly to his owner ; and if he be in tiie w.iy of making
money, the- tribute is augmented. In general, every
RulTiui nobleman allots to the peallints, that belong tu
him, a certain portion of kind, to be cultivated by
them; the produce of whicii, exceptini!; what lliffices
lor their own maintenance is paid to the proprietor.
In fad, a Hullian pealant has no property; as every
thing he pollelies, even the millrable raiment that
llielters him from the cold, may be leized by his mailer
as his ov\n.
The owner has alto the power of felling his (laves,
or hiring their labour, to other perfons. Me may alio
inllid on his (laves whatever punilhment he [ilealcs,
and (or any lort of ollince, It is againll the law, in-
deed, to put any of them to death ; yet it Ibmetimes
happens, that a [loor Have dies of the wounds he re-
ceives from a padionate and unrelenting luperior.
Another hanllhip to which the Kudian jjealants arc
expofed is, that they are obliged to marry whatever
perfon, or at what time, their luperiors pleafe. Every
llave, who is a fiither, pays a certain tax to his owner
for each of his children ; and the owner is therefore
Solicitous that a new progeny be railed as foon as
The condition of tiiofe pcafants, who are immediate
(laves of the crown, is deemed lefs wretched than that
Ranks, I'lijlalagc,
Living, Ciijlims,
'Ji!pliJ'Hui!, Mutri-
part, of the mii!-
tlii-m are i.ill atui
^ {^ooci; tluir liair,
nii)l(xi()ns ruJiiy.
Ii ];r(>diicfs a dry
itral, to a robiilt
J undtTfjo great
naile, cxchifive o!
t, are always large.
1, agreeable ; ai;J
, the Rufl'i.iMs were
e ; but that wile
I a proper inixturi'
hapfiy a change
lire, let them on a
s of Eiirojje ; ami
led by fucceediiii^
e been evident U)
u connections tliey
civilized I'.iirojjean
1 from their bar-
nd politcnels ; and
nt, arc much ini-
J a propenlity to
jf mofl other coun*
jtdcrs, as princes,
tnd thcle iiavc titeir
) be oijferved, that,
rrlcdes every thing,
precedency, what-
a mod: tyrannical
ind efpecially over
:e of abjedt (laveiy,
e nobles, to wiioni
s and dogs. Indeed,
ia, is not elUmated
or the quantity ot
C by the number ol
:)ut a luble (.^os.)
1 tiie way of making
In general, every
fants, tiiat belong to
:o be cultivated by
eptin;"; what fiiffices
d to tile proprietor
[)roperty ; as every
crable raiment that
fcized by his mailer
of felling his flavcs,
rfons. lie may alio
lillimcnt he plcalcs,
againll the law, in-
1 ; yet it fometiiiK J
if tiie wounds he re-
enting fiiperior.
Rufi'ian pealants arc
1 to marry whatever
LTiors pleafe. Every
tain tax to his owner
e owner is therefore
je railed as foon as
;, wiio are immediate
s wretched tlian that
P '•',
ft I I ;'
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n R r, A T R U S S 1 A.
of tliolt; who tieloiig to thf nobility ; ami they arc oC
tlirt'f kinds. '1 lit- tirll arc tliolc who h.UL-, tithcr
ffcrrtly, or by tlic favour ol a hinian (ii|k rior, bci-ii
able to procure as much money as may enable thiin ti
purihale their freeiiom ; and have alio the irooil fijrtiiae
to live under a liiperior who is e(|ui: able enougli to Tree
tlieni lor the finn tliey oiler. Sueh perliins, and their
riiildicii, are for ever after immcJiare llaves to tlie
crown. On the lame fixitin!^ are all priclb, and thiir
children ; thou^^h the dependanec of the inferior on the
liiperior i ler;;y, is Ibnietimes as [grievous as the lUull
painful bondaj^e. .Soldiers, alf.), and their thiklnii,
(and this clals inthides the whole body of the nobility,)
are immediate llaves of the crown.
Aeitirding to travellers in general, the Rufllan pea-
i'ants have no nante. Indceil, as they li ive nothing but
bomlagc to tranfmit to tiieir children, luch dillindion
is ul( lef,. The mt.ll common L'hriilian names among
tlieni are Crregoiy, ,Sie[)hcni Ivan, whicii theytranlluc
John; \'al"ili, which t.'iev tranllite William; with
other;) m.'.r.itdlly deriv:-d from their neighbours in the
fouth. If there are fevcral "i .1 name, tjiey are dillin-
guillicd by taking the name «,; t:R-ir latiier, com[)ountled
witii the words wliicli, in their language, llgnil'y Ion or
d mghter. 1 hus Ivan Petrowit^, lignifies Ivan, the
f):i of I'cter i and Anna l.aiiown.i, lignifies Anna, the
d.i'.ighter of Ivan.
Siicli is the llavfiv in wliicii tiie Mulcovites of both
ft\es aie kept by their p.irfnts, tlieir patrons, anti the
cmpeior, th.it they .i;e not allowed to iiif[)ute any match
til i: may be provi.led lor them by thefe ciire^Ai^rs, how-
ii).-ver dilagreeable or odious it may be. O/Ticers of the
greateil rank in the army, botii naiives'uml forcifyiers,
li ive been iliddlcd wiih wives by tne Ibvereign in this ar-
bitrary manner. .\ great general lately deceafed, who
wus a native ol' Brilain, leaving been prellid by thi- late
c.!arii:.i to wed one o! Iier l.idics, laved himleU (rem a
very liilagreeable niairi.ige, liy |)rctending his conllitu-
tion W.IS fo unloiiud, dial t!ie lady wouUl l)e irre()arably
iii|ured by his compli.ini e.
The Kullia;isareufoi;g!it i:p wuii I'uch higli nol^)n^ of
t!'.eir fovereigns, and of a biuid implicit obedience they
Oive to them, as the onlv jierlons who have Itiile enongh
to dilt::igui;h between ri;!:it and wrong, that they never
liilpute ti.eir will iii luy thing, except where they at-
tempt, as the c^ar Peter did, an innovation in their re-
ligion or culloms, which they cainot but look upon as
an impeaclimcnt of the wildom ol their anceflors who
li.ul ellablilhed them. In all other cafes they are lb
piepollellcd with the notion of tin ir unerring wif.iom and
knowhdge, as well as ol their own ii'.norance „nA iuiper-
IcCti)!! that It is .1 common f.i) ing with tiiem, in nil du-
bir):ibcales, " (iotl and the Cxar alone know." 'I'he
\ery noliility dare not come near the thi'Uic wi'.ho'it
k.ir and trembling. They are baniilied into Siberia lor
the flighrrlt political intrigue j and their pclfeliions be-
ing LDiilikated, one wholr family thus falls a victim to
the artful inlinuation;. cf :;ie courricr. The mutual
diilrull in which pr(i[ili' live in Uullia, and the total
fl'ence of the nation i!(.on every thirg which may have
t!:c leall relation ei;li'. r to 'he government or the Ibve-
rrijiii, ariles chicly :; mi tin- pri\ilege eveiy RufTian
h.ii, ssithout diibi.oii.'U, of crying out in public, //nu:^
I ■ . that is to fay, i dei lire you guilty ol high treafon
I'otI, in words anil aaioiis. .All the bye-tiand rs are
then obliged to ullill in taking up the perlbn acciiled :
a f.tlur arrelb his Ion, the Ion his father, and r..iture
lii.'lcr.i in liknce. 'I'he acciiier and acculal are both
lonvi veil immediately to piilon, and alterwards to .St.
iVteriiiurg, where tiny are tried by the lecret court of
I'he drellcs of the Uufl'.ms are adapted to their re-
fjjCkUive ranks. Tli.it of the f^nerality of the better
fort nlombles, in a conlidcralile degree, the habits
worn in the more loudii rn parts of I'.urope. Some,
indeed, at a dill.uue from the capital, retain the okl
diels, as well as the cullom of wearing along beard.
1 he women ol rank r< nerally wear a loole gown like a
No. 6;.
donii 10 ; and both fi xiS love to appt'jr tine, .inJ con-
le(|iicntly drels as rich Js the very extent of their cir-
cumllan'.es will admit. Th^'y life paint in general,
niaiiicd w.imin as veil .i- young girls j deeming red
tlie 111 ill ornamental colour they i:?n poil.bly bear.
Nay, lii.di is their fiindnefs for red, tli.nc the word
dcuotinj; it in tlie Ivti'rnn l.tngiiagc, is lynonimous witii
beautiful, i-'ui -, in t'le v, inter, aie in iiniverfal wear ;
bi'i they are proportionate, in (juality, to the tiifi'ireni
cl.ille.'- I'he poorer women commonly line tlieir cloa'-.s
with hart Ikiiis; and the men, for tlie moll part, have"
a ihels m.ide of Ihcep's fhin, with the wool turned i.'i-
wards. On their heads they wear a warm fur cp;
and they are very careful to cover their legs, not only
with warm llockings, but biots, lined with fkins or
a (]uantity of II iii.iel, which tliey wrap feveral times
rounil them. InlleatI of caps, inoft of the women, of
mitldlingrank, ul'e han.l!:erc:iiets, whi.ii they manage
with fuch adroitnels, that this kind of In'ad-drel's often
looks cip'-ivating. I'h'ir neck^ are naked, ar.i ex
pofed to the weather. 1-, .cry liufi'ian, of wliat ranic
foever, ufually wears, upon the brc.iil, in^l liangint^
by a ribl) on, or llring, tied about his nee::, a Ima'l
crols of gold, liiver, or lead. They receive their
croffes from tiieir godlathers at their b.iptilin, a:.,t
never put with thi-m as long as they live.
With refpect to the habit.itions of the KjC"aii'i, we
have aheadv obferved, that iivmy of th 'le el me higher
clafs are built of brick a-,d llone 1 an I have only tj
jioiiit o'l: the manner in wii'ch the hou!'';., or huts, 01
the peafints are coniiru. 'u- '. Tiii-. i^ a: followj.
A numb-.'r of trees are firip,ed of tiieir haik. '1 h''V
art Hot cut into deals, but Lid liori7,(;ntaily upon oi;e
another. They are fafl.'iied at the eiul with woodc-n
pegs, and thus, by fixing the end of one tree into ano-
ther, tiiey conl'iltute the walls. Tlie roof i foinetimca
of boar.ls, and fometimes thatched, in coiillruifling
their hoiile^, the Rulli in peal'uitry ul'e very few inllru-
ment. 1 he hatchet is th-j
one almoll: anion. t
them, .ind they excrcife it with I'.reat d. xtcntv. I'ro-
fellcd carpenters .ire ex( epted in this account.
In Rulh.i lockfmith':, i^ialbns carpenter', &c. arc
formed as a loldier is in other countri'S. !• acli re'?,i-
ments has in it^ own corps, all tlie necellary artilts,
and is not obliged to have recourlc to manufu'tures, as
is the cuflom every wherf clle. They determine by
the llature, what employment a man is moll fit for.
They give a fo! Her a lock fiir a pattern, with orders
to make others like it, and he does it with the greateft
dexterity: but the oiiginal mull be perfeft, others' ile
he would cojiy it with all it-. ilrfriSls, however ealy it
migjit be to coned them, i he fame may tie obferved
widi regard to artills and workmen of all kinds.
The Rullians, in winter, contrive to make the
warmth in their houfe luitable to the leveiity of the
climate, 'i'hey give a proper ih gree of heat to tlu'
diHerent rooms by means of an oven, conllruCted with
feveral flues; and their ovens conlume a finailercpian-
tity of wood than might at Hrll be im.igined. A (inglj
faggot only, and that but a little one, is put in, an. I
fuflered to burn till the black thick liimkr is evaporated.
The chimney is then Ihiit, by which tl-.e heat is re-
tained, and the jilace ke[?t warm for the fpirc of 24
hours ; and this tire k'rves not only to warm the rooms,
but to drels the fboil. The windows, in the hoiilcs of
the poor fort of people, are very fmall, that as little
colli as pofiible may be admitted ; but in the lioules of
liiperior perlons tluy arc large ; and, in order to guard
againll the inclemencies of the weather, they have
double glafs frames, and are caulked up in the winter.
All ranks of jn- iple are verv expert ,ind nice in reg':
l.itiiig the proper heat in their houl'-s by meani ot a
thermometer ; and by opening an.l lliutiing the lities,
they increalc or dimiiiilli the heat to a great degree 0/
critical ex.Tilnels.
In the houli". of the peafints there arc generally one
beil fiir the luilli.ind and wile ; and one lor the children ,
blit all other perlons li« promifcuuullv upon benches,
8 L '01
'!: ^'.;j
1 ■ . vii:
r »
or mats, which thfv Ipir.ul on thi- ^'/oiml. The heils
havi- IK) iut!.\iiisi and, inl'e.'.i ol' ;i ln'Kler, the hii!-
banil ami wife h.ivc eid\ <>l tlKin If ven or cii'hi pillow^.,
oi.f Ids th.iii the otliiT, raiiVil iiji in t!ie fiTtn ot two
pvraiTiKls. i lie ix-iiuilite lienches, a Lirge llovc, ,uvi
a (cw woollen ili.iirs, muke up the rtit ol ll.e li.i- I'lijv.
At a liuH'ian Icall all the liillirs are t'crvcil up at once.
It coniills ot limp, mailr ot nieat ciir into iViuiH pit'?'' ;
l.inie rapout:, uiiirh iviie Iv.it s Ki.li'nn can toiicii ;
Itvcral pyramids ot g.iiiK' and Ivi'ct.n s meat rMl'id ;
Chimle rwrtmical^, and Kuniai' rruit)-. A pro('"ird
(vJence isobtcivi I at dinner, »:ii:h n int^Trnptcd only
at times l)V tlie luaUlis whii.li a'r di,.rk. As li»on ns
they lit ilowii t<» table, each nan p. >'jrv into his '^\\.\\>
ti)ir.e Kuflian made «i:v.-, and then iil rile t<: drinii to
each otlier. Kvery jmkH is di.inlL to reipet'lively i.v
)iis chrilliaii and lurnanie, anJ a drop of wine is Iwal-
lowedto ezch iir Ion's health. I hive (lays an accu
curate ti.iveller) i)i'tn at Tonv ot tliefe ilinners, when
there were more than ofi people all drinkin;/ to each
other at the lame time. 1 heir attito.ies and the con-
liifioii (il dl^!'elent Tounds, had a veiv I'.rgolar ericCt.
I'eter, not being .ible to make JaiiiCi hear him, was
Hretthing over the table, and bawling as loud as he
tould. At tl.e laine inllant he was iiuerrupted by
Fr.invi.;, who was bowing to him; or by a knock of the
head Irom Philip, wlio was tiirning alwiit from right
to left, without perceiving the jx/liure Pett r was in.
{'Iiili|i's turn came next; tor as he w.'s lifting hi;, glals
K; hib mouth, Ills neiylitioiir g.ive hiin a iog of the d
bow, ajul Ipilling part of his wine, intcrrup'-xl him at
his moll interelting moment. S;ich kenes as tlule,
varied in i.li!terent wavs, were repeated at ahnolt evr :y
|.ijrt ot the table , .nd the pieallire of them was enhan-
ced, by obfcrving the impatience of foine of the peo-
ple. As to niylt If, I could never find an opportuni'v
of drinking any (;ne'b health, hot kept my liead in con
llant motion to the right and left, and I'orwaidv. It
is reck( iicd a c]'jalificati'>n to catch the opjxirtunity to
le.ilo.'i.ibiy, as to drink to everv nrrllm's health with-
out delceading from one's digniiy, or meeting v/i;h
any a«:ci lent.
" I'he tirll health being over, cveiy body firs dov.'n,
and is at liberty to eat tor a frv: niiniites. Cil.n\ tum-
b!-_':>, of a cylindrical form, U". inches high, and fxir
wide, arc pla:ed on liiilerent parts of the ta'ile. Fvrry
gjeif, within reat h ol one of thek- tumblers, takes it
up, and drinks out of it. It woukl l>e thought very
impolitic, if he was to take a glals in order to avoid
ilrinking out ol the fame tumbler as his neiglibour.
" W'iu-n the lompany has eat fir a f w mimues, the
empreU's hcaltli goes i.iunil. This toaiV is given in a
diticient inanntr. A large glals bottle, to which there
is alto a pi lis top, is placed rji the table before tl:e
jjerlbn of tiie highelt rank. This perfon riles from hi,,
feat, ,1b well as his right hand neighbour, to whom he
gives the head of the b.ottle, and jiouring fo:rie w'.ic
into the cup, gives out the emprcls's health, bnwi'g to
the whole company. As foon as he hath drank, he
{^ivcs the bottle to his neighbour, who jiiilleb tlie top to
tlie perliin fitting ne.\t to him. All the company drink
the lovereign's health in the fame manner, v^iiile a band
ot muhcians is employed in finging longs ad.-.pted to
the ccrcmonv.
" i he health of the prince p.nd the princefies of tlie
royal family are then drank in the fame order; and eat-
ing goes on for a little time longrr. The healths of ;dl
the guelh are then carried rouml with another glafs
bottle, which is not fo beautiful as the firll, and is co-
vered with a crult of bread.
" This toalf goes round nearly in the fame v.'.\y as
t'le former, except that when the lid of the Ixittle is
fciven to one's iKighbo ir, it is ufual, at the fime time,
to tell him the chrilban and the liirnaine of the perfon
wiinle health is going round ; .uul liiis mull be repeated,
making ;i bow to him. This ciiliom is very tnaible-
four.- to llrangers, as the Rudians have generally ihree
or Ijur ;.;iriltiaa names, i'liio ccivm my is carrie.lon
with the iHmod graviiv, mid one tniift he exf.ft in th?
whole lienil, which cMrnJ^ fll rwv] ihe table."
Siith is the laic of tlie :'rear nnd rj.! lent: bi;t t!ie
poor pealat'ts eat a kind of black bread, niaile of rye,
tiarley, ar;d other {T'.n of an inlerior cptali'y. jt is
four, b'lt n!>t unwholcf nne. 1 hey e.n a pre::! c'ral of
garlic, co.irfc oil, and l:l!i. ihty make no clieele,
and are not much .icqn„inrfd with the ufes o( rriillv.
'1 hey dri'ik a bad kind of mead, and li.joor made ot
v»iki f'lit : but rheir chief potati'-n, of vliicli they yn -
t-ike very freely, is cxtin'ted from the cctn wiiich
their comi-rry pptxhues, M'-re it is to be obfiirveri, th.ir
dunkrimi'ts i', thrir piev iii.r^ \ it e. Ff'h men .md
V. 'iiun aCculloiu then,lelvcs u> lleqi c;ir.l!antiy aiirt
I'Tivifirnsarr a*. v.tII pref^T'/rvl in RvilTla bv t!ir froli-,
;is with us by file means cf iViC ; .tikI ceitainly winlc i:
Jalis ftlist is, during tlie win'tr fMt)nih.s) the ioriner i.i
.t brt'er prtferv.in .0 tl'an the lutiTj for this reiiiin,
that it never aittrs tiw tai'e or cjmlii) ol whatever it
[)rekTv<«, as fdt si'va'. . dinrs. Tin: f:r,ft fixe: , f r a
time, (he pm what is frilii
kill. d. I hnce the cap:t:d, in the v;:itrr, is pkiui
fiilv fuppiifd with all kindi* of frelli provifions ; and
the ii-,.^rkt ts are H.iiid v.iiii piks <;f carcaifr?, tonfili- ■;
'I lro/.(nh"gs, Iheep, filh, poultry, vegc'ablcs, ^. c.
I'l'it i' is to be obfrived, th.it v.hen any of theic ate in
be didfed, thrv mull be thawed by iinmerfion in colli
w.-'.c!, a'ld not l>y tie means of (iie or ^'aim water, as
till le V, ( uld fp'oil il.em immeiiiat'^'Iy.
1 he Ki:friitns .-•re tonJ of mvi'lc, partirulariy tf.e baf;-
pipc , nnd have a kind of vi.•^^i^, ^vlt'l a la' ;e bcliy like
that of a lute. Their mi'fic, howcvet, is barbarous
and dcfelive. Public fc^ocl.^ are ellablilhrxl, in v. hicU.
tlie children are regultilv Hugh: to f.tig. 'I'hr very
beggars alk alms in « wiiini:;?, cadence, and ri.ji:'uIous
loit of rccit,!ti\e: ar.d it is lecor.led, tl. i: a Rulli;:!!
auib:iflid''r at the Hague, havin;', been reg:i!ed with tl;c
bill concert (( vocal .ir.d InliriitKntal mufic; tliat cculd
be procured, was alked how lie liked the entertainment,
and rrplicd, " I'l-rf-dlv weii: rk.' beggars in niv
ciMintry lii g jull in the faiiT- it, ,i rer." hclides h'lcnch,
(ji rnv-in, ;uil RifTian fi::g<-rs, v/iio pe:Iorm brf(;re ths
coutt in their refprc>.i\r languages, t'lcre is frt cf Italian
lingers. No jicrfons pay either t:i ;i tithe play or
concert, iv^f.t being allowed t ) ervr except liich .".s
hive ii( k.er- bv authoritv. Some few vi ars f',:;'e, ;i;>.
I'.nglilli company of comedlnns went over to St. Peteii-
burg, where they met with gieat countenance and
encoutvgimrnt. The ji!.;\hv,:'c d''*:s are g'.iarded ;
and ifaiiy one Ihou'd get in wi-hoi.r a propi-r right, thev
woukl be fcverely puniihed. liie Ri'lnan:; arc fond of
dancing, but in itdilplay very iitrlc a^^ility. The lowir
cUls are e\-en infantine in their atiiukuiems, ^nd diverr
themfelves with fuch gambvl; :r-, in our countrv,
would be thought too trilling U'V cl'Jid.icn.
They are extreir.ely fim I of hot b.idis and. bver'.ripg-
houfts, in which tiiey ccpltantiy go once or twin- ;t
week, and oltener, if they can afiiird it, a.nd with f;>
little regard to decency, the wdiiien and men make no
li:ruple to go into tliem pii)mil"cu(:',:!]v, ;i:\i to ;!prear
naked there to each other, l.'i'on tlu';:' cimmg out of
i:::o ;l
tlieni, rhey will leap, nakeci, and lee!
river, il anv be nc.ir j oi pnu
water upon their bodio-
them he;ilthy and liar.'y
ol the winter.
An ir.genious tr.ucl
ciillom among orliers,
bathing, ol not It fs il
Ther'j ,'.re k'vera
burg, and ever'
IP!.'. llOl
•V, o f-r t.iic' p:;rs i
1 cl.-i'e ill- I or.'r>, and ri i.di i'
1 l!i;v ;es.
f thele publii bincjs in St. Peti rl-
r,e pay:, a tew a.pccivs (valfr- .t
i) lb| a, ni!;.], U.C. I lie- re
fi.r the liii-n nd " '>f^'::] ; '; -
they Item ijuite re^ardicls of dni diiiiiniti .;:, ar^: :.t
or bathe in a (1
\\ h.it is tq\^.\
room he.iti-il tl
fiblc to bre.it
there riii their
tifui, llu-v ioO!!
rile throw a ip
with which th«
iiiav hirdeii a
be tiiuril to I
Irlh <>:'•."
ol tl.e Ki:l»:an
making all kni
1 uriofity, givf
ivnon .-.rrl i;i
Peterholf. "
there was a ;v
dens. I'lic fc
«,-jiii), as there
any ihaia'ler
luKtiOn, is a
were n it lets
lent. Her In
mino, and pi
illuminations i
law in my lile
kin 1, \ am alV
I-lir'pe. T\:
th.e It .'!:•: of t
the (lUlph of
and il'.e view
tide, which ha
tiie < anal wen
beyond tlieie
1 imps thlTen-n
aiti'ic::il calca
dcchviiy to a
r'ery artificial
1, erl'.t'irs at t
i'!ii:;iier-li .ufi
beyoir.t all aj
in ''le lainc bi
c;;u!d b- b:r
tuniult'itius I
which, t'iiugl
or tlic f.eart,
Til' y have
of tliel'c, win
declivities w'ii
of this divei
hi'ls, the pe:
The lite emj
fi:n, that, at
tiHci.il moinr
fir this pur]
t nil' i U'lr is
ti.e Kuflian n
lit iglits, the 1
they dcfcen.l
p.bnve five o
the fritfiion ai
uhicli they :
n'ail" the lai
little ifi.intl.
and a h fif in
be uiei in 111
TWO Ot four p
behind i f .1 ;
fwiitnefs wrt!
in grooves, i
del'. ends wit
is a machint
rarrk'itjes bac'
or Irittie in .i (late of abtuliitif niiiViiy anwiig t'.ii li otiicr.
What is nui.dly fxtraonliiiarv, thi y ;.•/) liill inn A
room hf.iti'ii n) lo iiitmlc ailrijuc, tii,it ii i> k.irce \a:{
filile ti) briMtlic ill ii ; aiHJ, afer liavitif^ rciii< Mifd
tlicrf rill their Ivniics :i;i' in tiie ivi'tl vinlcnt |vrl, i:.i-
tion, iluv iridn'iilv fiiluT pkinnn' ini'> iIkkM w.tLi, or
cIIl- tlirnw a i]Ma:itiry ot iiovtriliem Iruni littlt- hucLrt',
V. iih v.liiih ilirv afc all jroviilcd (or iliat pur|)' li-. 1 li s
may hirilt-n a Kirriini <('liHit'K|Mn, lurt, 1 bclirvi", woiil I
br t'oitnil ID liavi- \a\ JilKrir.: li'l c :> itp :i ixn 1' n;-
iilh Of."
I'lrv/w ■^Iks C'liiflii.rfc a j^rri' pfTt ()♦ tlic ilivti;ions
nt llii- Ki:('':iiis, wljo, il'tluy cMi'tl in anv tiiirvj, rr !•. in
in.i'^.iriL'. all kiiiil^ i'l thr an;hi;.ii uay. .\ traidir, of
I'lriiriirv, pvc- ihr f' llov. jnj; account of a (;.\iii. I iiliniii
iini;t of tlv- pdicc. 1 1 if can.d, which leaHvs to
the (iiilph of I'inianl, was iilMninated on both fi.ii s ;
and i!-.e view ttiiiiMi.ued by a r tk, lightcil in the ii;-
fkle, v.liicli had a b.j;;tiiul cTecl. iMoni ei;!-.ci- liik- of
the I j;val went i-ff I r.g arclicd v.'aii<.s illumii: itrrl ; and
beyond theie, in th'' W'od.s "'e"-" hwn;r (cllocns or
1 ilip~ (lifft-ri-iitly col 1
aiii'icial calcades, wke
'. All '.lie />/ (i'l ."* pl.iyri
fhi' v.;;rLT tii,nb,l'-d from o-e
declivity to atK)t!'.er, a.nd und- r ench of which ligli!
very artil-ic'.;:iiy tli.iiol-rd, amnf.-d and firprivA-d tii
f, erb.tors at lilf fune liine. Ik-lides thi
J'iiii;iier-!i UiVs, pyr.-.mids, and trmjiles ol llaine ; an i
hey;nd all appeared die inpeiial yat hf. on the water,
in ''le l.inv brilliant and d-./zlini; (iina;ir,-ntr-. Notii.a.i,
cvaM b'- b 'ttr < 'iic'ilaied lo | fil'ice that {'il 'y an.l
tMiiinhiious ti-el'.i-.i! of mingled wonder anil dclij;ht,
wliich, tli'ioj'.h It ariks nci'Iicr from the iinderli..ndinir
ov the heart, has yet a i!:oll powerhil iiillueiK'e over
Tlu y have alf i open flcdi^es for anuifemcnt. In f juk-
of tliefc, which are very iliniinndve, tliey Hide dov.ii
declivities wi;h an-.ar.in^ vrj-jci'v, and are mif^luy fjnd
oT this diveifioii. As I'eierihui,.^ is widiout iiatiir.'.l
'li'ls, rlie [leople r.iifc artificial ni'-'iiits to enioy ti:is
amufrmeiit Tln-y are cil'id ice hills, or ulif; aiies.
'I'he lite cinprel's, Kli/abeth, wa. lo loud ol tins diver-
fi -n, that, at Ivr palace of /arfl-:o Zrl ■, "ic had ar-
tificial nioiMr-i, of a very ling'il.ir confifction, made
f)r ihis purpofe. Tlufe have been called by fmie
I:.n:.'lillimen, who vifiteil the country, the Hvir:;; Mnm^
t nil- ; n')r is thi re a p^infc wliieii approaches nearer to
the Kiifl'ian ri.'.ni--. I h-re are live inoonts of imei]n:il
h-i^'Jits, the lirlt a:,d highi II of tlieni beirn; full ;o f ct
[••rj'endi(.ijiar aiiitode. I'he nwMV.entoni, v.ith which
they dilVend, c.fiica them over tlie liond, «;iich i?
rbove live or li.-: feet lower, jnll fiffiiiciit to aii<)W fir
the fiiclion and rcfillance, and lb on to the lall, from
uhicli they are cr)nveyed, by a gentle delcent, vi-li
IV ail" the lam;- vel ici'.y, over a piece ol water into a
little ifi.md. fhefe IliJcs, which are about a fiMi"n;'
end a h I'.f in !vn./th, ate made of W'oo !, that they may
br ti!r { in limmur a . well as winter. 'I'he [.rortls is,
rwn or f;lir (eitb-is lit in a lit'le cairiajje, an.i oneilanis
l'<-hiiKli fii the mort- there arc in it, the (,\rrater is tl-.c
fftjitnels v.rfh wbi' li it f*oe.«. It runs on cjUor.s aral
in f;ro>HTS, to l.e.-p it in its right dirtrtion, and it
dcl'.inds witli .« wonderful rapidity. Under the hill
IS a iiiaehiiKj W'.irkfd by horfcs, lor the drawin-;'; the
raiikiijes baik again with the company in ihejii.
The manner of travellinif in UiifTia is cxfremeiy
rommodioiis, el'pecinilv in winter, when then 11' vlges
{tliile aw.iy (,n the fnrl.nt? if the ice or finv/ witiiS.t-
j; ricdiblc diljatch, and f j verv little labour to the horfes,
that ilicy ca.i e.ilily pcilorm a journey o' .,o or Oo iiiihs
a diy. Their llrilges aie ni.idc of the b;rk of the linden
tree, tirred to the I'uv ol a man, lined with Ihme tiiick
(rlr i and when a iViAn is laid along in them, he is wrapt
op, and (p.'ite coveral, in fyiod hirs. I'he drivir, for
tl-.e moll part, rim.s by the ll'd^e, to keep ifimlelf warm,
or lits at the feit of the pi i fun who travels. The
lied'Ts b'4n|4 buili I'd VI ry 1 iw, ilioiild tlicy happen to
overturn, there is lirtle < i i?:er In the fall. Jn tliis
ni'Kle "I tr.ivellinf^, die tin.c is inoltly ipent in dee] ing;
tlie rafy and almoft ifiij'erceptiMe motion favourinj^ thei
rip.fc. Wlicn they ha| pea u, pafi through defari.;,
or t;re.it f iiells, where ihcy are obli^-^ed to retnain all
nipht in the open ai', (hey kindle a gi'cat lite, round
which they rang.- thfir lle.lges j fo that being well doled
on all iidcs, and well covered up with ihcir furs, they
nil more coiiimodioudy than in a country cottage,
where mail and Ixails being li dged in one room, greatly
dillorl) I man's rcih
riie p,rea!tll inconvenience in travelling in th )lc
parts, is rlie want .>f inns vn the road, which obli^s
ir.ivellers to carrv provili.ins along with tliem, and
other n •ceilaries i!u-y may Hand in need of liut thole
who travel fingly, CHumcnly go poll, when they pay
the wh'ile cxpence of the journey at fettlng out, and
have no more occilion to jmt their hmd in their pocket
till they come to liie end of it, which is very con-
venient, 'the poll b.'v rcctives a wii'.ten order, whicli
he delivers to the next who ficceeds him, and fo on to
the en I. They go day and r.i riit, having belli horfcs
every ten miles. Ihey commonly travel an hundred
anti lifty miies in twcntv-!(>ur hours, and f jmciiiiu s
go dir.-e llages widiiut wakitig.
In the fomnii r thev travel either by v.'.ttcr, on tho
liv.r., with which 'his cou •■try abounds, or bv land,
on horcfelMk, by coach, or fleepiiig wap.gons ; the
roads in UulFia being verv broad, beautitul, and tif>'
fir tra- illiiu;. For |)ainiig the rivers they have .i kind
of tloitiit; lirHige"-, Uiade ol' latj^e llr trees lallcncd to-
getiier, which can fu[)port a great weight. Dtit thf
violtiit li'at of the liimmer, and the prodigiocs qtian-
tiiies of iniillset'is and llics, are very tr.r.iblefoiiie, r.iid
urcatlv interriij): the plealur? a llranijer would other v;lj
have in jMlling through tliis country, from the beauty
and variety of its foreils, rivers, and la!;es.
The Rul'.'ians prnfels the religion of the (./re'jl-:
chuich, the tx'ernal parts of which conlll in a num-
ber i,f f.lis, fellivals, and ccremonif-s. ]jnt is obfervid.
Iiy them with the grcate.l lirictncl--. BeHdes tlie nu-
irerciis iixeil falls, the KiilHans, at particular tiiiies,
rejecl, as im|)ure, horle-nelli, eik, veal, hare, rabbit,
alle:, milk, mare's milk, N'enice treacle, and ail com -
poiiticns vhich contain any thing ot mulk, callor, or
civet. Kefpcc^ing tlu'lr images, they lulicr none tluic
are carved or graven eiilier in their churches or hoiifet,
but fuch only as are p;iiiited o«i wooil, in oil olour:.,
by tliofe of their own rt iialoii i and tlie walls ot their
churches are every where full ot them. Over the porches
of tlicir churches, in the market [lace, and over the
gates of iluir cities, you aie fure to meet v irh the
picture of i 'ine (junt or othir; fo that numbers of
people are contlanriy leen croll'ing tlunitelvfs, with a
molt profoimd bowing of t!ic head, repeating tiie
Grfpoih Pop:'.!,'!, or (iikI havc inercv upon me.
An Ivnglilli traveller irlaffs, that a Kuifian once
coming to him «ith a nuHiige, kwiked a'o mt the room
fr an iiinfte. .iiid feeing notK-, afkrd hiin. Where is thy
(iod? He anfwered 151 heaven i w^m whith the Kuf
li.in imiiktlMtely went away, without tieliverin ; hi-
mertlige. The traveller, howe»cr, in conkquence oi
this, was advilird liv a Kufliati of rank, v.itli whom he
WAS in a lialfit of inttmaty, to cauli- a flint's picture to
bo hung in his isKiiii, to prevent giving any iartlier ol
/// f '/>/■■/ is''. ///,///.i////
■ ill . /i.\7f// , \ }/// .
M (■
t ;(l'.«i,
///,//'// 1 /',///, ln'///>/.\-//,'J> <7 Ji'i/.v.vhi ',' ( '//, /rJ/>f i/')i ( i/r• d be!;i;eil
to be excufcd this difmal ceremony ; but . brother
thought he ought to comply with the Rufs cuftom, lelt,
as hr was a foreigner, it Ihould be deemed a flight. He
was brought from his o\, the doflor retorted
ll-vertly, mi;! rendered him very ridiculous. 'I'he
courtier had the adtlrels to get the doftor fent to Sibe-
ria in the following manner. One day, as the dodtor
was attending the field marflial, who was fick, a cao-
tain of the guards arrived with cxprefTes from St. I'c-
terfljurg, and demanded imuicdiate audience. He was
introduced, and whifpered Ibmething in the field mar-
Ihal's ear, who dcfired the doflor to amufe himfelf in
the great hall till he had finiflied fome bufinefs with the
officer. \\ hen that was done, the docflor was again
called upon ; and when he hail given tlie ''eKl marlhal
his advice about fome diforder which he at that time la-
boured under, aud was going to retire, tlie eount dc-
fired him to come to dinner, as he might need his far-
tiier aflirtancc ; and, at the lame time, invited the cap-
tain of the guards to dine, telling him he was not able
to fit at the table himlcif; but the vice governor, prince
Dolgoruki, wl>o was prefent, would bear hi.-n com-
pany. This was agreed to. At dinner tlie captain told
the vice-governor, that a relation of his, in his wav to
the army, was liiddenly taken ill, and obliged to rc-^
main \n a houie diflant three or four verils from the
city ; and that therefore he defired him to appoint an
able phyfician to attend him, for which he would be
amply rev.arded. The deputy governor pointed to
Dr. I<'ondcrhollV, as [jhyfician to the army, and one of
tlie nbleft profellbrs in Riga ; and, at the fame time,
politely defired the dodtor to vifit the officer. Dr.
I'onderholft agreed, and was given dircdlinns to his
fervants to get his coach ready, when the pjince told
him that that was needlefs, as his coach was large
enough to carry them all fuch an inconCderable dif-
tancc. After dinner, when they h.id arrived at the
houfe were the pretended the patient was fupjiofed to
be, and had taken a few glalFcs of wine, tlic dofloi
deliretl to fee him, but wr.s anfwered, that he was a
ftate prifoner by order of the cabinet ; and therefore
they ailvifed him to make no refillance, but get into a
travelling waggon ready at the door ; telling him, at
the fame time, that if he offered the leall refillance, he
would be bound fall with ropes, and might be very
cruelly treated, on the way, by the loldiers who were
appointed to convey him to the place of dtflination.
Thus this man was conveyed to Siberia, and there lon^;
immured, or kept in a hole in the wall, with oniv i
fmall flit through which he received his provifions. I;
feems he had I'jmc money about him wiicn lie was ar
refled ; but the captain took nothing from him except
his fworil. The foldiers on the wav, robbeil him oi
his watch ; but he concealed what little money he had
from them. Forefeeing that his money could not
maintiiin him lon^i, and perfuaded tint 'e could not
8 "M long
■r '!i,!
* .', i ' I
6>)o A KIAV, ROYA!. .-y.r. AUTIlENriC ^Y.Vl IvNf .,i UNT* I'.RSAl. Gl.OClJ AIM lY.
lon-i; fubfill upon the poor provifion^ allowtvl to luch
prilontr.s he arfeclc-i to he a f'ji-tiinv 'ellcr, and ;ii)-
priix'J the ibklii-rs, who kept j.-uarj iipc-ri liim, of 'liis
lielign, olFering them tl;e hjlt" of v.hat he got by liis
art. The foltlieis, being ai-qo.iinted wi:h iiuny i.i the
fuperllitious inhabitants, toiil the doftor every tliinsi;
concerning thrni before they came to l.im, wineh he
repeatcil to thrm, whereby his fame, as a wife man,
fpread far, and he acquired the means of fiipport.
HavinsT neither boohs or company to aniufe him in
this mllerable fituation, lie [;ot a lew licni, and diverted
Iiimleif with feeding them. Ik f;ave their eg as a
biacii colour i and wrote up in them with a pin, II it
Mii^t'.ii.iklick Do'ilo t'omh li.vhi. I'ngekickhtk fignilirs
unforiunrlr. 'I'iiefe eggs I'.e fold to the inhabitants as
charms. They {-.new not tiie n'.e.iniii;; of the writing,
'•ut thouglit it rcnderetl the qrg , mure valu.ible. After
lie had been many months thus comined, :t happened
that tlie goviTni.>r's lady let up in this village, in her
^vay from Rullia to Siberia, and wanted eggs, among
other things, for dinner. '1 iie holicfs toid her tiiat
there was, in the place, a priilmer, a very wii'e man,
who fold extraortiinary eggs She delired to f.e them j
and, as ihe underllood the German lang;i.;ge, w\u lur-
pri/cd to fee written up.'n tliem the name of the very
phyfician ivho, a fev. years before, lia'.l recovereti lu r I
from a very dangerous fever. She went to tlic hole,
Ipoke to the -Jodtor ; then applieii to her liulbar.d, ami
caufed his fituatioT to be made much tafier; and, as
file w-is a great Civourite with the F.mprcls, wrote, to
her Majelly, and re[)refented his undelerved mis-
fortune to pathetically, that the goveinur received
orders to liberate him, and feml iiiiii, at i'.er exp.ence,
to \k)kow.
Tiie executive part of the govcrnir.ent of RulTla is
veiled in the l')veui;!n couiimI of chr.nctrv, \ kick is
cliief:y compofed of the third clafs of tiie nubiiiiy, ami
divided into fix ilepartmcnis, in wnich are feparateiy
1 inkdcrcd, foreign alliiirs, war, finances, pu'. licaC'
ejunts, civil iirocrlles brniigkt by aj ]/cal, and eii'iiinal
eaull-s brought by ap|K'al.
The determination of thf two lail meniiijoed, for-
merly depended ujion tiic cqoiiy of llic judge. In
i6.t7 •* cod«, or body (;f l.ivv;;, w..s orLlered to be
tomj iled by tf.e wiiijl hk n in the empire, wliiih was
accordingly done, in one vnhnne in li.lio, iniitled, Sa-
brona Lljl:e::ia, that is to lay, Univcrfai and (.ieneral
Rig'it i and by tkiis the jndgrs v.vre to r^^iil.-.re their
leii: ccb. T' ere is this gie.it ^nid linrolar aviv.ir.tage
in II. e courts c, -ikiicatiire of this country, tliat they
are neither e.\penl. • ur tediotis ; ("or a |:ivv-fuic is be-
gun an.l ilerermin a .n tiie fpace of l\\ or il^xn weeks.
INievtrthelelb they a:e extremely venal.
All ti'.e pe;'.fai;rs and hull landmen are llive;^, either
direclly to tiie fovertign, to the b.nMis or kird.., to mo-
naileries, or to linne of tf.e geiitry -, and the greater
number any of tin-m iiatli, .>.-, brii.Mc obferved, the
richei he is efleen.cvl. 'Ilule arc employed i-.y (hem
in whatevir wi.rk cr buliiiefs il,cy think lit; and this
i-, one reakm v>hy they af.'ect to appear n; jre thill and
M.'itr.iiftable than tliey, perhaps, naturally aic; becauie,
y any of them betrays a gre.;ter vivacity or drxteritv
t',,\n the rell, he ii fine to have more buhiiefs .-.nil trou-
ble upcr. lii:, han.k, V. idi'uit any propofiionable re'.varti
or encdurageiner.r. It i-, ufi.al f:jr the f-veriigns to
reward foiue of tin- krvicts done to them by a:-,y n ibles
or oflicer^ vu!i a run, her of thofe villager; f.n.l as
there is an accoiiiit of tii' ir iiMiiin-r in all p.rovinces
in forty davs tv.D i,r tlue-: hundred thoul.inJ of them
ni.iy be railed, by luminn.-.ing each niafi.r to (kriiilli
llith a t]U''t,i.
In RuIHa no p.erfon cm he convicted of a capital
I rime but by coi,fell:'.n. However, the iikjIi inhuman
tortures are ulcd. The ordinary i head, another upon
Ins teet, each fiirnifiied with a fwod iwitch, with which
thev lijuntlly tickle his back.
If a man kills his wile or Ikive, he i; only whipped
with the knout, >vhuh is thus peitbrmed. A liilty fel-
low takes him upon his back, anvl another ties his ftet
witliaeord, wh.iih lomes tliroiigh iK-tween the legs of
the perfon who carries him. In this pjihire he is held
f.) fall that he catinot llir, and bi-ing lUiiiped to the
middle, the e xeeiitiom r, with the knout, which ks a tlrap
of liried elk Ikui, imtanned, killened to a tlick, which he
ap[)!ies to ti:^ b;rk !) i!e:;ter.)i;!lv, that every l.illi brings-
the bio, id, or leaves a very thick wlmle. 'i his is call-
ed the modcr.ue ; but when t'enteneed to be mure It-
vere, the txecuiioner, ad\.ineing three or fjur (leps,
till he is wiiliin re.ich of ilic olfender, gives the hift.
Ilroke on ihe middle of the b.ick, retre.idng at every
I'troke ; and is to expert that he ne\-fr hits twice in
a place; each llroke bringing the lltlli with it. When
the puniilinirnt is ordered in tlis extreme, he llrikes tht;
Hanks, and often cuts into tlie Ixwels, uliieh few
furvive. It is a f^encral remark, that lean people turn
(iit after ilie knout ; and tiiat it is an infallible cure for
thole who are hide- bound.
A l.'.ce traveller relates, ti'.at he fiw three women
buried alive fiir ilrowning thiir li'.iliia.tds. They h.ii.i,
it fi-eiiif, crofl'ed the Mo|i.-o in a boar, all three to-
getlier, in learcli of their hufoinds, whom they found
all lirunk in a public-houfe, ami endeavouring to per-
fuade them to go home, were fevereiy beaten by them.
1 lowcver, by the alVilianee of tome other peopde, they
got them a: l.ilt into the boar, where they f li adeep.
1 lie wives t«) be revenged o:i the hui'i...nds for beating
them, when the boat had reached the middle of tlie
river, tiirew tiiem in one alter an;;th,i r ; and, after
drowning tlieO), came on lliore very ui'C-.inccined. The
matter iiiiniediately cjme to light. 1 iicy were feized,
tried, condemned, and ouiertil to be put alive into the
ground up I'! I'lur lutk', ami there to rem.iin till tiicy
died. 'I'wo oi ihem iued ten, and thiC other eleven
days. They ijjoke the Inil three d.ivs, complaining of
great pain, but not aiicr that. Tliey c; ;t.iinly mult
li.ive got lome luilenance in ti.e night time, or they
could not Iiave cxilled lij long. 'J'he eldell w.is not
above twenty y ars of age.
■]'he traveller fill cited, !;ives the following account
of the wiiimlieal manner in which libeikrs are puiiiihcd
in R'liiia; " While I reiidcd at Moli-ow, there was a
gentleman who thought lit to publilli a qiMrto volu'ne,
111 vindication ol the liberties of the iubjecf, groisly
leflecV'iig iij^cn th.e unliiriiti(l power of the Czar, and
cenluri:i:; tlie legilkiture ot that einpiie. The ol'Vnder
V as immediately lei/ed by virtue of a w.urant, lig,:;ed
by one ot the ]-rincipal oilicirs of the ll.:rc. lie was
tried in a fumiuary way ; his book detenniiied to be a
libel; and the audior condemned to eat his own wonls.
This feiircnre was liter.illy c.irricd into execiitio:i on
the following tl.iy. A fcalToki was en cltd in the moll
populous paic of the town; the imperial provolt was
tlie c.secutioin-r i :)nd all the magiliraus attended at
the ceremony. I'his book was fevered frcm tlie bind-
ing, the margins cut off, and every leaf r.jlled up, as
n- ar as I can recoliedl, in tlie form ot a lotttiv ticket,
wlien it is taken out of the wiieel at (i;:ik!i;ai! by the
IjJ'H'coiit bov. 'ihe author of the hliel w.,s then lerved
v.idi tlieiii kp ratdy by the provoll, wiio | ut them,
iii'o Im mouth, to the n.) Imall diveriion t;l the Iptifla-
tois. I he cliliiiler hatl receiveti .. ciioplete numihkil
belore hi be:%.n to .hew; but he w.,., obliged, i:i>on
]'..iii i.f the level ell ballin.'.do, to iw Tiw as many ( 1
the leaves as the C /ar's ferjiant-liiigeon .md pji^liiian
ihoiight iioflible (or him to ilo witlioiit iuiiiuiliate
ha.Mid I.f his lit'-. As loon as tl.ry weie pk-.ilev! lo
determine ih.u ir wouki be danriiors in | iM.'ecil, the
II iiiainder ol the f.-nti 1,1 e w.is lulj coded iiir that lime,
and leliiiiicd aj'aiii ihe next d.iy, .it die lame place and
lioiir, anil liiuily lonliiniiable to the t.uoe ',Joii- this cxeci.tioij
, aiirtthcr upon
ttli, with which
i; onlv whippfil
\\. A hiRy tl-l
liu'v tirs his ftcr
^'iTii the legs ot
jihire he is held
llripped to the
, whiJi is ;i Dr.'.p
1 llick, which ho
I'vcry l.iili l)rings
.-. 'i his is c.ill-
to be more Ic-
c or (.Hir Ihps,
V 'lives the htft
Te.'.'inn; at t-verv
er hits twice iii
with it. \\'he!i
le, he llrilccs the
vels, v.iiicli kw
IcMn i copl"' turn
inr.iliible cure f'jr
i-.v tliree women
:iJs. 1 liey hati,
jar, all three to-
.viiom they (ouriii
'.ivouriiia: to per-
' i)eaten oy them,
tlit-r peop.le, they
• they f< li aileep.
•v'.n.is t"jr beating
le iniJ.ile o! fliC
;thi r i am), after
li'Ciiicerned. The
[ I'.c ■ were Uizeii,
: put alive liii:) the
I') re;n.iili till tiny
tlic other eleven
-, CDtiipUiiiin:.'; of
ey t; : l.iinly nnilt
(^lit tiiiu", or they
lie tidell was not
fiillowing account
eller-s are jwriiihccl
l(i\v, there was a
a qu:.rto volii'ne,
le lubjed, grotsly
ot' the Czar, and
le. 'I'he onVinkx
a v.,urant, ligncd
le ll re. I le was
ctennined to be a
at his own words.
i:'.:i) execuilo.-i on
c clt d in the moll
eri.il provoll was
r.i't s atteiKicd at
\x-d tn '.ll tiie bind-
caf rolled up, as
c.i a lotttrv ticket,
t U;:iLil:ai! by the
)el w.ib then Urved
it, Viiio I III thi',.i .
)ii i;l ihe IpiCta-
ci i!'.]i'ete nuiujikil
w.i- i^iiliiud, iijiun
lu i:i w as niariy ( 1
.'CHI .iikI I'hylician
w'li'Mir iinnudi.ile
■ wiu' plialed to
■> I'l j rvi.eed, the
.dcti i.ii that time,
le Kiii'.e place and
• l.ui.i- ceremony.
I'll ihi-- txec:.tioiJ
w.isovrri but ! atten.led it co.iriinily, and was con-
vin.-ed that he h.ul adtually Iwallowcd every leaf of the
book. Thus I think he may be very jullly laid to
have eat his own words."
Traitors, ai-er having undergone a variity of tor-
tures, are baiiil'ied to Siberia ; but rometimes not till
t!;ev liave been deprived of their eyes or ears. Coiners
-re oblifjed to fwallow the melted metal of the coin
wliicli they counfcrkiied. Thole who are hanged are
obliged to put the noole about their own necks, and to
lliiig theinlclves ott the ladder- when commanded by
the executioner.
'The IvlKin of ci\ il laws in Ruflla is very imperfe'ft.
'The jnelen: T'mprcl^ h.owever, has made lijme attempts
to reform tiiem. The courts of jullice were, in ^;e-
i.eral, currujit ; tlicfe by whom it was adminiHered,
ienorant : bu: t!ie emprels has made fome judicious
regtiLuions, and fixed a certain filary to the olhce of
judj^e, which befirc depended nn the contributions of
the unhappy clients ; and thus the jioor were without
hr;pe or remeily. 'The ofFice of an executioner was
K)rmerly elleemed honourahi'- ; but it is now Jul 1 in-
famous; nor is the executioner permitted to fell his
ortice; for it mull: continue in his family; on failure
of which, the brothers arc obliged to choofe one out of
their body.
'The coin of RulTia, till the reij^n of Peter I. con-
filled chiefly in copecks, or filver pence, except that
which was brotieht thither f^rom foreign parts ; for iner-
ch.mts were obliged to pav the government in rix-dol-
lars : but after tiie lofs of the batde of Narva, that
monarch was li) rtrai!.i;htened for want of money, that
a.) exjiedient was tried, of recalling all the copecks,
and coining new ones of the fime weight and value,
though alloyed wirii two fifths of a biter met.1l. This
induced the people to ho.ird up their old money, in-
Itead of bringing it to the mint : upon which another
expedient was thought of, and a new order ilfued, where-
by 10 per cent, was given, in new money, to every one
that llioukl bring the okl : and kirner pieces were order-
ed to be coined, Inch as rubles, h.ilf and quarter rubles,
and pieces often, live, anil three copecks value; on
which account, a rixdollar, which, tluring the currency
of the old coin, was valucil at but ; ; copecks, being
now re-coined, and mixed with liime alloy, made a
ruble, or 100 copecks. This greatly dillrelfed com
merce in general, caufcd the exch.uige to fill between
■^o and 40 per cent, and was attended with other incon-
veniences to the tlibjec'ts. But the Czar, who was a
protligious gainer by it, and diil not want his oin to
go out ot his ilominiuiis, but to miiLe tlie f neign ores
flow into them, was ilcat to every tl.ing th.it was laid
againll it. At preli.iir the Rulliaiis have gold ducats ;
rubles; half rubles; (]uarier rubles ; griveners, or 10
copecks; copecivi of lilver; live copecks; tv\o copecks;
and halt and tiuaricr ditto. 'The ducat is worth two
rubles, and the ruble is, in value, about 4s. (nl. (Icrling.
'Ihc halt anil quarter rubles are exprelfive ol" tlicir own
value. A grivener is the tenth jjart of a ruble, and a
copeck is an hundreth part (if the liuiie.
I'he Rullian pound in weight, is txaiTtly the fame as
our pound.
VVi'.h refpctl to t;-.e rujuid meafures, eight crulkas
make one vcdro, one half \cdro one llackan, two Ihick-
ans one anchor, and fix. anchors one hog, which is ex-
actly the fame as an iMiglilh lio^'lliead.
'The jirincipal mealure of cxtenlion is the verft, which
is ', :o3 feet Tiiglilli ; and 104 vcrtls make a degree.
Tiu- Riillians reckon dilUince',
do by miles.
ly verlls, as the Tiiglilli
S L C T I O N' \'.
Pc/.nil.il.o)i, Cii.v.'W,"7cc, ivul M. !.!.!>': ii 11 J A\u\: I Annti-
TML', RutTian em]iire, though of liich an amazing
extuit, is well known to be badly peopled. '1 he
bell writers inform us that it contains between leveii-
teen and eighteen millions of inhabitants and one mil-
lion in the conquered provinces ; but, according to
the belt accounts, the number at prel'ent is much in-
creafcd. Almoft from the moment that the prefent
I'.mprefs began to reign, flie has increafed the number
of her fubjccls by many ways, principally by a general
and very aftive encouragement of all arts, of agricul-
ture, mining, manufaiflures, and commerce, and this
with fuch cllcfl, that all of them are more llourilhing,
at this time, by many degrees than they were formerly.
Another means which llie has taken to incrcale her
people, has been by ir.viting foreigners of all denomi-
nations ; and this flic has done in a greater degree than
any of her predecelTors. Almoft from her accefTion
to the empire, flie has brought continued bodies of
Germans, Poles, and Greeks from Turkey, to fet-
tle in her ilominions, and thefc not few in numbers.
I''rom the coafts of Germany lliip loads ; but from
Poland and 'Turkey, whole towns, vill.Tge.s and dif-
trifts, have left their habitations, and fettled in Ruflia,
Nor has it been certain times, but rcgulac emigra-
tions, in conlcquence cf her continued encourage-
This encouragement, which the Kmprefs has con-
ttantly granted, confifls in leveral very important ar-
ticles. All the cxpences of the Journey, or voyage,
from their native country, are borne by her. She
feeds and fupports them by the way. Upon their ar-
rival at the territory appointed them to cultivate (which
has always been part of the crown landsj every family
has a cottage ereifteil at her expence, to which they
contribute labour. They then are turnillied with im-
pleinents neceffary for cultivation, and one year's pro-
vifions for the whole family. A further advantage
is an exemption from all taxes during Hve years. All
which is a fyftem of fuch atlmirable [lolicy, and car-
ried into execution with fuch iinuliia! fjiirit, even while
the finances of the empire have been much diftrellcd
bv expenfive wars, that there fccrcely is an inlhmce in
hillory fuperior to it. Nor can there be a doubt but
that confulcrable advantages muft arife from f'uch a
fyftem, nor only in point of population, but alio to the
revenues of tl.e empire.
RulTia, upon tl.c v,!>ole, is well fituated for commerce;
and her e> -irts are iron, hemp, wood, hides, grain, pot-
alh, wax, cord.ige, copper, llax, furs, linfccd, filh,
leather, tallow, materials tor flii[)- building, &c. The
imports are lugar, beaver-llxins, tin, dye-woods, fhal-
loons, Norwich thill's, lead, cloths, flannels, Mancheller
velvets, bral's wire, I'liirituous liquors, filk, fjiices, in-
digo, I'.nglilh beer, v;ines, fruits, china, pajier, &c.
The commerce is with I'.nglandj Holland, !■' ranee,
Ciermany, Poland, 'Turkey, Fertia, China, &c. Here
it is to be oblirved, that, as the annual exports of
Rufiia greatly exceed the imports, the balance of trade
mull be greatly in her favour. The foreign commerce
of the empire, under the prefent Mmprefs, is much
iiicrral'ed in confequence of her conquelts t'rnm Sweden,
and f'nre the ellablilhment of her new emporium of
Peterll'iHg, whereby her naval intercoiirfe with Europe
is rendered much more fliort and eal'y.
'The -evenues of the Ruffian empire are sreat, con-
fiilerinp the value of money ; which, in thel'e i'orts
of dilquifitions, ought ever to be confidered, though
it rarely is to. 'The I'.mprels is, in many articles, the
f )le merchant in her dominions. The \\\wk trade by
land to China is on her account. 'This is nor, indeed,
eoiiliderable ; for a caravan rarely goes now. Rhubarb,
pot-all. r':, and fi'ices, are branches in whicli Ihe, and
no botly elfe, trades. Salt is an article that brines her
in an inimenli' revenue. \'ery large quantities oi' the
beft hemp of L'kraina are bought and fold on her ac-
count ; mucii iron, the fame ; and even beer and brandy
are her's. Bciides thele articles ll;c has culloms, tolls,
and a poll-tax. Alio the crown-lands, which are pro-
digioullv extcnlive, and added to the general amount,
proves that, as the retiniices are large, the revenue muft
1)0 coiili lerable.
I, ! I «■
Tlie regular troops of Ruflla, cxclufivc of tlie Col-
lacks and Tartars, arc computed at about ^50,000
men : " But fucli (lays a modern traveller) is the great
extent of tiieir territories, and the number of furtrclll's
which tlicy ha' I- to fupport, from Fetcriburgto the borders
of China, that it takes mueh time before they can bring
more than half that number into the field, to ici oiRii-
fivcly againft an enemy. The common Uullian foldiers,
arc tajight to defpifc life ; and by this means tlicy
are brought to ftand their ground, arJ keep ihcir ranks,
perhaps, equal to any troops in tlie world."
The Ruifian marine, ei''-ubiilhed by the wife regula-
tions of Peter the Great, afterwards cieclinid; but was
again rendereil refpedable under tlij; aufpices ot" the
prefent Emprefs, who invited to her affiilance, a num-
ber of Britilh lea oiiicers and artihcers, by whole means
llic accomplinied a very im[)or:ant defign. The Riif-
lians have now a eonliderable naval armament, con-
fifting of fliips of the lin;-, frigates, Hoops row-gal-
lics. Sec.
Many thoufands of tailors are kept in conllant [lay,
and in fervice, either on board the ihips, or in tlie dock
vards. The harbour is at Cronlhult, leven leagues
trom Peterlburg. It is llrongly defended ; and the
canal, and large bafon, will contain between 5 and Cod
fai! of fliips. Upon ti;e whole, Kullia is now a for-
midable power, both by fea and land.
R U S S I A.
WIlT'l refpecl to the origin of the RutT.ans, it ap-
pears from the concurring tcftimony of hillorians,
that they are delcended from the ancient Scythians ;
and tills account is conlirmeJ by tiie very import of
the term Ra/Jia, which fignifics a wanderer, as all the Scy-
thian, or northern nations, were formerly. The annals
of Ruflla cannot be deduced, with authenticity, from a
I)eriod more remote than the ninth century ; though a
tradition prevails, that KioF, or Kiow, and Novogo-
rod, were founded in the year 450. l-'or a number of
years, RuITia was under the government of divers petty
loverei^ns ufually iHled dukes, who were, in general,
fubieift to the Tartars, till they were at length conquer-
ed in tlie year 1450, by John or Ivan Calllowitz, who
I'ubdued fcveral of their territories, and annexed tlicm to
the Ruffian dominions. His grandfoii, John Baiilov.itz,
added divers provinces to tiie Rufiian dominions in
1 5 A.I, at which time the RufTian Ibvereigns aifumed
the title of Czar. In his reign the I'.nglilli arrived at
Arihangel, and began to trade with Kuir.i, v.iiich, till
thc.i, had never been vifitcd by the fiiii)s of aijy na-
Trom the death of John Bafilowitz, UulTia was un-
der the governmeiU of leveral fovt-rcigns in liinellion,
of whom the only memorable circiimllances recordeil,
arc, thai they were, in general, weak and cruel princes,
.md that their territories were rent by civil wars.
In the year 1695 the Czar, lo well known in hillory
by the dilliiiguitliing title of Peter the ( Ire.u, allendcd
the throne of Rullia. ' or a fummary det.nl of his tran-
r.ictioiis, that w(juld exceed the limits to which we are
under a necefiiiy of coniining ourlelves in iliis depart-
ment of our work, we mult refer the reader to the
hillories of the n'lrthcrn nations, (lome (;t wiiich we have
alrcatiy prelcited, as we intend to do the rell) and
give only a general ;;. count of his vail power, and
the i-minent [litcli of renown to which he lailed his do-
Tlie czar I'cter was t!ic Um of the czar Alexis
Miciiaelowir.'.. He ni.yi'd conjunctively with John,
liis half brotlier, from .ui2 till lOcyj, when ': be-
1 ojne fole lovercii^n (;1 Uuflla. l)e;eimiiiing, tiie year
loilowing, to Lioiid a .ieet, 1 >r tlie jjurpole of naviga-
tion and trai'iC, he f;irmed a dclign of vifiting tlie
nuiiri:nc countries of l.uro|e, to obtain the neceifary
inlfruilions. He alJb [)ropoled to encourage artj and
ilicnies in general, an^i ii.vite learned men, ami inge-
.•iioir iriiti.'.frs, to return wlih him to Kufiia, by otfering
them great rewards. For th'' prolVcution of this plr.n,
Peter began his travels. 1 ic hiil vilited Holland, then
England ; and, by iiilig(nt and freqmnt attendance
and obllrvations in the ilockyard at Ueptford, ac-
tjuired loch a competent knowledge of (hip building,
as enabled him, in procefs of time, to fubdue his ene-
mies, and extend his conquells. Through the bent of
his genius, and the alliduity with which he profecuted
his plans, he role gradually through every rank and
krvicc both by ka and land. 'I'he feveral defeats he
luilained, and efj^cially that at Narva, from Charles
/HI. of Swcilcn, (wluc!i wr h^vti recounted in our
hillory of tlut kingdom,) inl't.id of checking, en-
larged [lis ambition, and te/Kled eventually to render
him conqueror, through miiitity experience and tried
Tile generous frieiulfnip he mnniffP.eii to Auguftu.s,
king of Poland, previoi::. an.l liiSileijiient 10 his being
dethroned by Ciiarles \I1. does him infinite honour.
Nor does his l.ill marriage wiih Catharine, though a
young Luthianian woman of inrerior rank, tarnilh his
ciiaradir; on tiie contraiy, it evinces liis difcernment
of mciic i f >r Ihe aiccrwards ap['tared to have pollelTed
a foul capable of conceiving iIk- lliblinielt ideas, and
execu:in!;_ tlie moll important deligiis.
'1 lie dt_U--: of the king of Sweden, at the battle of
Pultowa, was attend>-d with a liiccellion of triumphs
) tliat lulded renown to his reign ; but it derived its
moll cifulgent glories from his cultivation of com-
merce, arts, and Iciences, which tends, in the moll ex-
a;:ed degree to aggrandize a nation.
In the year 1717, iie nude another journey to Hol-
land, not incognito, as before, but as a lovereign prince,
and was received with all the honours due to his rank.
From thence he vilited France, and made himlelf ac-
quainted witli every thing he thought worthy his atten-
tion : but his principal view being to imjirove his owa
people, he engaged artiiis in all profcflions in his fer-
vice, and, bv tiie lalaries and rewards he offered them,
prevailed with many ot them to return with him to
Ruflia. Before lie arrived at PcteMburg he received
advice, that a ccnipiracy had been formed to dejiofc
liim, and let Ins only Ion, the czarowitz, upon the
tlironr ; to v.jiicli tli.it prince, it is laid, was privy.
Many of the conipiraiors were put to death, on the
Czar's rcmin : ai.d the czi.rowiiz tied to tlie court of
X'ienna to avoid his father's rclentmcnt j and, as his
conliiit was filler to the then emprefs of Cicrmany, it
was given out that tlie court of Vienna had obtained
hiii pardon ; but however that might be, wlien the
czirpwitz returned to Jiulfia, he was a[iprchendcd and
impriliined i and being tried by a court of oilicers of
his father's appointing comlenined to die. 'F!ie fen-
tence, indeid. was not cxccutcel, the piince tiying a
natural ileath in prifon.
After tills event Peter cauled the Czarina Catharine
to be |irocUimed his hiccelior, anil crowned ; and tli(*
nc;bility and o.'iicers of date took (he oaths of allegiance
to her: loon alter which he died in the 5 ^d year of his
age. L'poii this, the feiiate proclaimed the Czarina Ca-
tharine Fmprelsot ail the Kuliias, and renewed their
oatha (it alkgian.e to her, wlio was about ^j years of
age at hei' acuflion.
'Fhe Ci'.arina apj'lied lierli. If immediate h' to perfect
what the late C/,ir had begun , encouraging all .iiti
and kicMccs, and inviting leanud foreigners and arti-
ficers, by oliering them large revenues, to fettle in the
Ru'.lian dominions ; and obliging her lul>icc'ts to lend
their Ions and dependants abroad, to quality thrml(:lves
in every |( ience.
Catharine liied, after a gl
the ;(Ah year of In r agt
Peter, I'jh ot'the czaro>\itz, to f icieeil Ikt
nous reign, in i"::;, 111
h;i-. il;!', app<;iiueit piilice
Peter I!.
at his aiceiiion, was in t!ie 1 ath yiarof his age. In his
proclamaiiiin it was tl-.'-wn, that he hati a nglit to the
Riiii an throne bv hereditary dclcent, as well as by the
appointment of the late emperor and emptels. I'lic
niMtlier ol the emiKror Peter [1 Wis i].; princcis
tion ol' tliis pl.-,n,
til I l(.'llai;il, then
■qiunt attcnilance
at Ueptfori), ac-
of lliip builditip,
liibduc liis enc-
auj}\ the bent of
ch lie piolecuted
every rjiik aiul
Icveral il«l'eats lie
a, fiom Charles
ecoiiiucd in our
f tliecking, eii-
lU'.ially to render
rience and tried
fieil tu Aufi!iiftiis,
lent to hi.s beins
inhiiiic honour,
luriiie, though a
rank, tarnilh his
liis difcernnient
to have polleired
niell ideas, and
1, at the battle of
llion ol triumphs
lut it ilcrivcd its
tivation of com-
i, in the moll ex-
journey to Hol-
lovereign prince,
s due to his rank,
made liiinlclf ac-
worthy his atten-
improvc his owa
cfliuns ill his fcr-
s he ofrVred ihem,
urn with jiim to
lijurg he received
formed to dcj»fc
rowitz, upon the
id, was privy.
: to death, on the
rd to the court of
tnt ; and, as his
s of (.icriiiany, ic
ina had obtained
It be, when the
apprchendcJ and
jurt of oiiicers of
I die. The fcn-
e prince tlying a
Czarina Catharine
rowned ; and tlie
)aths of ajlc;;iancc
.' 5;;d year of liis
I the C/arina Ca-
ul rent-wed their
bout ;5 years of
iiattiv to perfect
oiirjging all aiTi
Ligncrs and arti-
s, to lettle in the
luhiccis to lend
[ualily thrmlclvei
ign, in i~:;, 'u\
ipl-fjiiitL-il ])iinir
I IKT. ]\-terJJ.
'his a;.'e. Ill his
id a li'^hl to the
as Well as by the
eriijiieis. I'Jic
^is d.: piiiRels
Charlotta Chriilima Sophia, of Bninfwick Wolfen-
buttle, liftei' to the confort of tlie emperor of Germany,
t'harles V'l. It *a» by 'the particular direftibn of
Petft the Orcat, thac^lie late czarina appointed Fetcr
tolbcceed her; for other wife Ihe would have transferred
ihe' empire to one of the princclfes her daughters, of
«?hoin Ihe left two, Anna Fctrowna, then 19 years of
age, married to Charles Frederick, duke of Hollleiii
Gotrorp, and Llizabeth Fctrowna, 13 years of age,
l*rir»ce IVlenzikof, who was prime minifter of RuRla
at rfie de.uh ot the emprefs, and erteemed the richeft
fubji.'dt in Europe, attcm[)red to prevail on the young
Emperor to efpoufc his elded daughter ; at which the
nobility of Rulfta were fo incenfed, that they refoived
on raining him, and caufcd him to be brought to trial,
wherein he was charged with l)cing accelfary to the
death of the late czarowitz, his imperial majefty's fa-
ther ; with caufing the firft confort of Peter the Great
to be continued in prilbn ; with embez'/ling the public
revenues ; with caufing leveral great imn to be de-
prived of their honours and ellates ; and with a bound-
lefs ambition, as appeared in his dcfi^rn of marrying his
daughter to the Emperor ; for all which he was il-n-
tenced to be baniihed to Siberia, and his great eftate
The relations ofth? young Emperor next proceeded
to give the lare czarina, tiie Hrit confort of the em-
peror Peter the (ireat, her liberty, and reverie the fen-
tcnre of her divorce. They al; > repealed a law made
by Peter the Great, which lubverted the right of pri-
ino^'eniture, and the natur.il order or fuccell'ion in the
imperial family, and the rcll of the Rulli in families j
made void the procefs againft the late czarowitz, the
rci_;niiig Emperor's father j reftored the noblemen who
had been baiiillied to Siberia under the adminiltration
of prince Menzikof ; and having concluded a [leace
b;)tli with Sweden and Denmark, they proceeded to the
coronation of the Czar at Mulcow, on the yth of March,
Prince Dolgoruki, who lucceeded Menzikof in the
poll of prime miniller, appeared to Iwve no Icfs am-
bition than his predeccllor, contriving to get his eldell
daughter efpoufcd to the reigning Emperor. J le was
congratulatetl thereupon, and their nuptials appointeil
to be celebrated ; but the Czar died of the fmall-pox,
on the 29th of JaMuiry, 1 -.:■;- ;o, tliree days before
the marri.igc was to have bjcii liilemnized ; whereupon
the lenate and great officers ot tiie crown, caufcd the
princefs Anne, duchefs dowager of Courland, to be
procl.iimcd I'.mprcfs. She was the fecond dairghtefjOf
the late czar John, elder brother of Peter the (Jr^t;
Catharinf, her eldell filler, having been married to
Charles, duke of Mecklenburg.
The conrt refrding at Molcovv on the death of the
Czar, prince Dolgoruki, and three others were ap-
pointed to attend the einprels Anne, and convoy her to
Mofcow. Thefe noblemen arriving at Mittau, the
capital of Courland, congratulateil her on her fiic-
ceflion J but infilled on limiting the prerogatives of the
crown, and veiling part of the legiilaiive autliority in
the ftates, which flie confentcd to, and figned the capi-
tulation they had provided fir her ; the principal arti-
cles of which were, that Ihe Ihould not 'make peace or
war, or raife taxes, without the concurrence of the
Ihtes ; and that Ihe fhoulii not marry, appoint a fiic-
cellbr, or dir()ole of any confiJerable office, without the
like alfent. But the Czarina appearing to have many
friends on her arrival at Mofcow, the articles flie had
llgned were cancelled ; and both the clergy and laity
took the oaths to her niajedy in as abi'olute terms as
they had done to Peter the Great, without referve or
The ambitious Dolgoruki, his fon, and feveral of
their relations and fritnds, were foon after banilbed,
and their eftates conhfcatcd, being principally Con-
cerned, it is fiipjiofed, in putting limitations on the
prerogative, as mentioned above; but the declaration
No. 6 :.
piibilflied on this occafion, charged Dolgoruki, and his
fon, with Ijehaving infolently to the Late Czar Peter II.
endeavouring to marry him to Dolgoruki's daughter,
and embezzling the public treafure.
The emprefs Anne died in October, 1740, having
nominated for her fucccflbr prince John, an infant, fa
months old. Ion of Anthony Ulrick, duke of Brunf*.
wick Wolfenbuttlc, and of Anne his wife; daughter of
Charles, duke of Mecklenburg, and of the princefs
Catharine, cidcft daughter of the late czar John. Dur-
ing the minority of the infant Emperor, Ihe appointed
her favourite, count Biron, duke of Courland, to be
regent: but the mother of the young Emperor, the
princefs Anne of Mecklenburg, deeming herfelf much
better enritled to the regency,' and even to- the throne
itfelf, as her fon could have no right to the RufTian
throne but by her, the ordered count Munich to take
the duke of Courland prifoner, and caufing him tobe
tried for high-treafon, he w.is condemned to die ; bnt
his fentence was afterwards changed to banilhraent into
Through fome difguft or other, the princefs Anne of
Mecklenburg, caufcd count Munich to be removed
from all his ports a circumftance that tended eventually
to her own ruin. While tlie foldi cry were under his
command, (he had not mtich to fear fr»m. them ; "^ut
he was no foontr difplaced, than they began to cabal
in favour of the princefs Elizabeth; 'the you.ngeft
daughter of Peter the Great, by his laft. confort, the ctn-
prels Catharine i and on the 5th of Detxmber, 174 1,
all the avenues to the palace, and the chief ports in *he
city, were feized by the guards, who, with the friends
of the princefs, alTembling in the palace, proclaimed
her Emprefs of RulTia. The late regent, and her con-
fort, the duke of Brunfwick, and their infant fon, were
made pritbners, as were alio counts Munich and Ofter-
man, the chancellor. The Dolgorukis, the duke of
Courland, and other rtate prifoners, were recalled from
Siberia, and their fentence revoked. In the mean time,
counts Ofterman, Munich, and feveral more, that were
not thought well afftfted to tlte prefent government,
were tried for high rrealon, and condemned to die ; but
when they had been brought to the Ibaffold, and pre-
pared tor the execution, it was declared, that the reign-
ing Emprefs had changed their fentence into that of
The emprefs Elizabeth, having waged a fuccefiful
war with Sweden, and thereby greatly enhanced her
power, replaced the national order of fuccefTion to the
throne of RulTia in her own family, by adopting the
duke of Holftein Gottorp, declaring him to be' her
heir, and giving him the title of grand duke of Ruflia.
He was married to the princefs Catharina Alexowna,
the daughter of Chrirtian Augullus, prince of Anhalt-
Zerbft, who bore him a fon that was chriftened by the
narre of Peter, and afterwards became the unfortunate
Peter III.
The reign of this Emprefs may, in divers inrtances,
be faid to have been truly glorious. She obtained a
complete viftory over the Swedes j and fuch was her
importance in the political fcale of Europe, that the
court of (ireat Britain deemed it expedient, in 17:1.7, to
court her alliance at the expence of a very confiderablc
fublidy. A treaty was accordingly entered into, and
articles fignetl by the plenipotentiaries of the rcfpeflivc
monarclis. She was iruiuccd, from f>otitical, as well as
private reafons, to efpiife the caufe of die houfe of
Aullria ag.iinll the king of Pruflla, in I 756 ; and, not-
withftanding the fuptrior talents that monarch dif-
played, both in the cabinet and field, her conqiiefls
were of fuch importance, as threatened the deftruftien
of the Prullian power, which, however, was. prevented
by her critical death, which happened on January 5,
17(^2. _
Elizabeth was lucceeded by Peter III. grand prince
of Rullia, ami duke of Holftein Gottorp. Hr pofl'efTed
the warmell attachment to the king of Pruflia, from
his political .ind perfonal chara^'ler; and feeraed to have
8 N adopted
iiii ;
' M
M lit
*^i !>
adopted his principles and praaicts, as the governing I
maxims of hh own contiiid. From theic inotivts. l.e
is luppolui to have introduced lonie peculiarities and
innovations into the empire, whicli were cxtremtly
dii'^'urting to his Ibbieth. However that may be,
a confinracy was formed at^ainll him, wiiich was
carried on in i'v.di a manner, that this un(ortiina;e
prince kr.ew hut a Ib.ort interval hetween the Ill's in his
crown and his de.uli, whit h happened in Ji;ly, iy6>.
He was riK\eei!» taken pril<)ner, was ct iwduAed to
Mol'cow, in an iron cai^e, and there biheadedj J.inuary
In i'lllice to the prekirt Emprcfs, it mu!] be ac-
kMowicJ,;e.i, that .(lie hi-, fiilr 1 tiie- tlw.ine wi'th.dif-
tinf.' We ll;all only add,, that riiie
tranf.iclion of her rei)'" particularly reil.iunds to her
honour; thi.s is the ctlaiiiilniKeiit of an aniuil ciutrali-
ty, lor the ]Moteclion oi the commerce of the nations
not a: war, Ircm any attack'', or inlults from belligerent
powers. Mils armed I'.eutrality was aceieeltd to in
i;o.\ by tiie l.;r.[;s ol Swvden and Deiiiiiaik, and by
the Stato (itiur.il.
'i"lie llaiiuiof war are ap^.\\n bi;rlt out befvcen Ruflia
i and tlie Porte, and tlie emperor of tierniany has inter-
poled ill favour of the firmer. 1 ime alune candevide
llie event. I lowever, our reader,, may be afi'ured, th.ic
wlu ever tranf.fVions may o. cur from the c>;mmence-
uient I f the lame to the clofe of thi) wcik, ihall be
miiiiitely and faithfully irileitcd by way of lir,![i!ement,
as we have already aniioiiuced wi:h relpect to events
i;i ;!(:ne:al.
. 1 •
. :.!H f
S E C T 1 O N I.
. Oi.^in rf the A'amr, f.xiint, S.l:ulinii, Bcani'ards, Ci-
inate. Soil, ProdiUlioni, Kiixu, Cs". .
IT is the rrcneral opinion that Poland takes its
name from J'vin, a ScUvonian word, li^nifvi.v;
a Ciiuiitry lit for hunting, on account of its [ la;iib,
woo Is, wild be.ift--, and evuy kind of gair.e.
lief)ie the e^'.'.raordiiiary pani;i',n of ihii country,
the kingdom of Poland was very confiderable, c.\t(.nd-
ing about 700 miles in length, and 6;-...^ in breaddi ; tlie
lituation being between 4'i and ;7 tieg. north lar. aii.l
. 16 and ",4 deg. eall long, and the bouinlaries, I..ivv:ni.:,
part of Kullia, and the Baltic Sea, to the north j another
jiart of Ruir.a 10 the eall ; Hungary, Turkey, ar.d
Little Tartarv, to tl;e fouth ; and Oen!:any to the welt.
I'rom its liuiation, the clim.tte of this country is r.i-
ther temperate, and th.- sir not cxcelTive end -, yet
fjmitimes the la;;es ar.d rivers are I ) frozen, tiiat car-
riages pals over them ft r live or fix months together.
, Tiic foil alio is generally firtile, lit f'r tillage and paf-
ture, and piroclu< es a vafl tjuantiiy of ceirn and c.iti'e,
, even enough to li'i'ply the populous naiion of Holland,
who yearly ftn.l vail fleets to Dant7ick, to buy t'le
corn and oxen lent down tliidar from tlie Icveral
parts of l^;lun I, It alio produces h ney, w..x, hem, ,
. f.ax, kai'ier, pot-alV s, fair, v.o)l, fih-petre, viuiol,
and i]M,ckfilvtr. Wirli tliefe |.,ij.-lc Cf.'inmoJid.s tlie
inhabitants | 'irchale tli';!i; of odier nations, as wiins,
. cloths, jhiH', wrouglit I,:,,, tapellry, lev.rl^, lubk'-,
martens, tin, Ikil, ii(,n ware, l.(.i;-.,ly, a:;d I'pice.v.
'1'hi.s cpuntiy l>rod'.:crs alio all kinds (,f fVui'- and
I.etbs, afi.l a .^ood brie. I ol hoi!es. There are vines
in many i-l.ices tlie grapes of whi.di are gr.itelul t ; t!ie
t.aflc, efpeciilly if the liimmeraiid harvell lie faviiurallci
. but the wine is generally very il;ar|i whm drawn oil.
. in .the mountains tlure are miiiC; of U ad, liiver, tipi er.
aiul iron ; b'.t the nofl. ccnfider.-'.hie of all I'.rc the fait-
mines in Ixiia- j'ei.-.r.d, whi.h are the chief riches of
tlic country, and bring m->ll money inf.) tl:e exchequer.
They work in thole u.i.'ies as colliers do in ot;r coal-pits.
TIic fait is generally of a blueilh colour, but lome of
it is wi'.iie and ti.mlpaient. They have aifo fume veins
(jf lal-genuiKc. 'ihe v e-ixi., are well Itoicd wilIi hares,
rabbit:,, f -.iiirrels, d^er, to:,es, bears, wolves, an.l boars.
Tlie Maf.vi.iii foreils hive plenty of elks, wild alles,
wild OX; n, called i:;., ar.d bullaloes, whole I'clli, when
kih.d, the Poles elUein a great dainty. In the Ukraine
(fctie are wild horles alio, wi.ole llelli is equally elleem-
( \. The wolf', reremhlinj a harr, or the i'.uropean
Iviix, c.illed !.•/•:'> CO I tn :',■.*, and by the natives >v\, with
fpots on its belly and leg-, adord-s the bell furs in Po-
laiul. Tlie iju.iils in Pcdolia have git en leg';. It is
laid their litili is unwhoiefon.e, and, it immoderately
e.ueii, can es t!;e cr.unp.
IVI.-.nd i-. a I kiiii I'.at c-:i:.'.-ry, ratlier inclining to
iiLUih laiieh, I) that n.) eoii;ideiable woods or inoun-
tii.isare found here, exee|)t thofc that for:j:i tiie' frontier
ti liuyg'.ry, wiiieli is a cra^_:,y ri-igy of ,;co miles in
Lrgth, ar..l .-..ilcd th.j Ciap.ii.li, or Carjiadiian iHoiin-
tiiiis, ■] he eal'ern ] art of the country, indeed, is f.:ll
of wouds, t'orelL, lak.'s, niarlhes, and rivers, wliii.:i
al:i)rd '\ ikli^lufiil prulj tct vj that part of it whieh is
o, <'ri. •
Tiie ir'.Il fonfiderabij rivers are tlie \ iunl.i, tiie
Nieniiii ir Croniis,_ the Ni'.jer or Lorifthenes, the
i's'ieftir or '[yias, anil the B. g or N'eg'.is; and the only
l.ii.e vvotliy 'if oblU'vaiiou i, liie gre„t lake Ciop'to, or
ihe W l:;:e Lake, which, it isulliimed, will dye thole
will) l),;li( i 1 it ol a f'.vutl.v coi:ipu:i jii.
One 01 die- moit f i,;-,..;,ir proienLious of Poland is
111 ii.ii.i, of.wlfr.li it m.i\ let be iiiipro| er lure to give
an a eount. .Vfcoreing to. natural iiiiloiians it is a
kiiul ol g.i:ii>, v.hieh liows fpuntane.ii.lly truin feveral
Ions ol !•
id iiitrw.udi coi gi a!'; into
^iLU'.es 111
buiit r.ionallei
,rew ittcr blm
ii-iU>le Ruiluii
!■ tlic co'.mtrv.
ilcil.ue-l i.ai>,l
\ C'ltRlUttca ID
aJcvlj J.iiiuary
It luuij Ix" ac-
ir.tnc wklLilif-
kiiCo, exci ndul
ly rtluniwiiorib
I »v!u» I) n >(t>ii\u;
lize luilrlt, as
adJ, tlut pi\e
■d.iiiivis lo lier
ariniil ntutiMli-
ot' the nations
from belligerent
acteeeltil to in
.ninaik, and by
t b'. t'.cen Rudia
iir.any lus inter-
alone an de^idt;
be allured, that
the c.;minfni.e-
\vi>iL, lliall 1h-
y of I'lijipienient,
\:\\'XCt to events
1' O L A N I).
of a!i ;-.rc the falt^
ic chiet rlclies ol
to the cjieheqiier.
I'.o ia iiu-,- toal-pits.
)ur, but lonie of
e alio fume veins
lloicd v.'\:h iiarcs,
.volves, and boars,
f elks, vsild alfcs,
wh^HC ficlli, when
, In the Ukraine
is eciiially elletni-
or the I'.iiropeati
e natives )v^, widi
,e bell ftirs in I'o-
len legs. It is
It iuuuoJeratcly
■adier inclining to
|e woods or niuun-
foi -n tiie frontier
• of ;' o niiks in
.arj.adii.Ji Hionn-
I'ltry, indeed, is (i:ll
and riveri, wlm-li
■ [.art of 11 \shieh is
;':ie \ iftiila, ilie
|r UorlftheneE, the
;',is ; and the only
t Like lio[to, ir
|ied, wlil dye liiole
i in.
|U'".;s of I'oland is
I lT Ik re to (!,ive
i.iiloiiauii it IS a
l.a.lly troin feveral
|al'. into {^luiucs in
. ■ ' the
the form of an i [Tentlal fa'c. I: not only proceed; from
the alli and miickcn-trce, but alf) from the larix, pine,
fir, oak, i',inii>tr, miple, olive, fig-trcf , &c. It Hows
in July and Aoguli, from ab., the greater leaves of the alli-tree 1 lok white,
as if tliey were covered with fnow. However, ic is
very fearce, on account of the tlilliculty of i^idiering
it. 'J he virtues of manna arc well known, ic being a
mild laxative purge, and tii'-in^ht to uiifolve giofs hu-
mours, and libite their acrimony ; whence i: is gooil
in tacaniis an 1 com^!k,, proceeding fro;:! an acrid
plikgm. I: i> alfo g lod in dif jrdera oftlu- biealland
ia the ;
of the bcliv.
when 111!
knirif\', i:;l
d witii ciaiiimy hum
Limmatioii of die In;.
a thick hot bile.
It is ufcv
S 1. C T I O N II.
„■ r,.„
pj! Plica
IN treating of thi>; cniintry, co;ind>.'rtd I'l its utnull ex-
tent, prior to it> ilifmeinbeimenr, we ;;iail divide it
into the twelve following proviiices and artend to eacii
in line order. [Jiefe are I'ol.'.n.i, pri:[:erly 1j called ;
I'olidi Prudia, Lithuania, S.':r..:gitia, (. oi;il.uid, W.ir-
fovia, Poki' h'.i, I'olefia, Red Rului, Podjiia, V'cl-
liinia, an.l Lfl^rania. Moll of thef; provinces are di-
vided into dillrlits called palatinates -, and the latur are
again fubdivided into Itarollies, or bailiwicks.
l'oL.\\L\ pr()[)erly fo talkd, is divkied in Upptr, or
Little Poland; an 1 Lower, or Great Pulasid.
LI|)|ier, or Lit. le' Poland, Cvintains m.;;w woods, but
is fertile i:! fjine pl.ices, aiid in gener.il w.-H wacere.l.
'I'here is but one mountain in Little Poian.l, called
M''iis Calvus, (V Bald Mounl.iin.
Idtile Poland is liividcd into tiie pnlttin;itcs of Cr.i-
cow, Sendomir, and I •.blin. I'iiel'e three p.d.itinates
form together the diocelc of Cracow, whicli contains
101 S churches, includini; 1 1 which are collegiate.
Cracow, tlie meuojiols of tlic pal,idn..te uf th.it
name, and of the kiiigdo-n of Pol.ind, is li.atcd o:i a
roeky bank of the river Villula, aUiut the middle of
the palatinate. It is very p"pulous and the lar;;eil
.ind befl h lit of any town in P dand, tiie h:,uxi being
of free-llone, f.ur or five liories ki'^h, and covered
with boards in the form o( tiles. Tiie public buildings
are m.igniricenti among which are tiie cadiedral of St.
Sranilluis ; th.e church of St. Mary, in the grand pl.icc,
fiirrounde.i wi:h four rows of very tine buildings ; with
50 otiicr churches J and 17 religion,; Irnifes in the C.il-
tie, city ar.d fub'.irbs; togetlier widi t;ie noble, welL
built inonalleriis ol the Jcluid and no'iiinicans. I'lie
only remaining places of wurlliip, din'ering liom the
Hate, are two Cjreek ciuiiches, .ind a Jtuiili fynagogue.
Tiiere is an iiniverlity here whicli ce.ntains 1 i c.)i!eges,
where all kinds of fciences are tau.-.ht. Tliis univcili-
tv was begun by Cafimir th.e Cjreat, fmifiied by Ul.i-
tlillaus Jagello, and had its piivileges c Jiiiiruied by
l'0|ie Urban. Though the caurc generally relides at
Warlaw, as being more in the heart of tiie kingiiom,
Cr.icow is a noble, large, popiilous city, lull of gentry
and clergy, and honoured with the lellion of the fu-
preme court of i'ldicature, the keeping ul the rayal
rnfignsor re^};llia, and the plaoc ol the ki.ig's corona-
tion. The king's apartments are adorned widi very
curious p.iintings and fiatues. Wiihiu the callle llands
the cathetlr.il, where the kings of Pi land are crowned
and interred. Here likewili; the relics of St. Stanif-
laiis, the ancient biilvip and patron of the nation, are
eaieiully kept, and highly venerated.
Near this city are lome iiduiii,il.>le file mine-, which
were difcove;ed in 154S. Tiiey prjdice a gicac aii-
nu.d revenue to the crown; and tlie propiietors are
llkewil'e obliged to make a yearly prellnt to every cicy
ill Poland I'he I'ak is of tour kinds ; and on one li le
of tiie mines inns a llieam of brackidi water, as a fine
frelli one iloes on the other fide.
The other towns ol i.iis palatinate arc Zator, SIv'eria,
Biecz, Sandrecz, Ixlow, C.;entochow, Slacovia, and
Wlifca. In fume of thefe are mines of lilver and lead ;
in others collegiate churches and monalleries.
Czentochosv, on the river Warta, near the confines
of Silclia, in particular, is cclebratevi for remarkable
good beer. VVithouc tlie walls then' is a monallery of
hermits, where a pielurc of the \'irgin Mary is depofic-
ed, and whicli tiiole hermits affirm to have been paint-
ed by St. Luke liimfelf. This hath drawn a great
concourfe of pilgrims hither, who have made rich pre-
lents to tlie hermits ; yet thefe treafures are not lodged
in the monallery, but in a fmall fortrels.
Tlie fenators of this palatinate are the biiltop, p.ala-
tine, and callcllan of Cracow, with four other inferior
i'lie i!;rifdiflion of this palatine is very large, and ex-
tt nds leveral ways, not only over the ciji^en ; and coun-
trymen, but alio the nobility and gentry. The pr.Ttor,
or mayor of Cracow, is named oy the king ; but the
eaflle is principally under the command of the pala-
tine, wht) has ten tleputiev, or buigraves, by whom,
in times of peace and war, a \\nct guard is kept, both
night and day ; a;;d tiiey mull always be ciiofen out of
tlie gentry.
The palatinate of Send'i.mir, or Saidomir, abounds
with mines of g >id, lilver, copper, iron, lead, llcel,
at\\ marble ; and has its name from its capital.
Sendomir is pleafant, a;id defended by a Idrong
callle on the foutli liJe of the town, o;i a iteep rock,
befides walls and outworks built by Caf.mir the Great,
who dietl here of a furfeit by eating too much fruit,
whicli, about this fpot, is reckoned the beft in Poland.
I'he molt remarkable llrucbiies in the town are the
D.iininican m inaflery, a collegiate church which is
very rich, a fchool where the Jefuits teach, and other
religious iv.nifes. The chief cjurt of judicature for the
palatinate is kept here. The inhabitants are reckoned
very polite. Here arc two chtirches, much frequented
by pilgrims, both which lland in the midll of a forcfh
I'lie towns are Cunow, Schydlowicc/, Viaklen, Op-
tatuw, U.idoni, llz;!, Solecia, Uozentiri, K.ielc-.4, Cnen-
cia, Uacow, Laginia, Corzin, and X'i.dcci. All that
can be laid worthy of mention concerning thefe feveral
places is, that they produce the relpeclive articles of
timber, iron, lleel, earthenware, lilh, &c. which tend
to t''.,' advantage of the inhabitants.
The palaunaie of Ljiblin contains many noblemen
and gentlcmens feats. It is governed by four principal
perf):is, the palatine, the callellan, and two fenators.
The city of Lublin, from whence the pakuinaf. re-
ceives its name, is a linall town, but has xcry great
trade, and is particularly cekbrated for four great an-
nual fairs or marts, which continue a month e ich, and
aie relbrted to by merchants from many parrs, both of
I-'.urope and Alia It is a bilhopric, lutlragan to the
archbilliop of Cracow. The Jews lynago;^ue licre is the
finefl in the whole kingdom; and the city befides con-
tains feveral churches, convents, a college, and the
(liieftribun.d fiir Little Poland. It is a healthy place,
tliough furrounded bv niorafles, which are, indeed. Its
cliief defence; thorgh Calimir the (ircat walled ir,
and furrounded it with a ditch. It hath likewifc the le-
cuiity of a cit.idel, wliich communicates to the town by
a briclL'e.
C.limir is built of timber ,imong the rocks near the
Weillel. It is a large < ity, v.dtli a beautiful p.ilace,
and extenfive gardens, belonging to the archbilliop of
(inefa. Thi. is the town where Charles Xll. king of
Sweden, caufed general Patkul to be broke alive upon
the wheel.
otiier towns in this palatinate, but
Idiere are three
ol no note.
Lowi R or CiRFAT Poland ; though f) called, is n-
tlier liiialler than l.ililc Pohnul ; for it did not receive
its appellation of Grcdl from its extent, but from hav-
St. I ;
M ''
ing been fiift fcttln! into a kingdom by I.tcfno I'r
(,r«it, the original fiiiinv'.er of the l^olilh monarchy, h
is, in general, a level rhanipaign country ; has pleaf.int
rivers, lakes, ponds ; and is well furniflied with all
manner of fill, and fowl. Its hills abound with llicep
and cattle, and its vallies with corn.
The palatinate of Pofnania is fituated to the caft-
ward of Silifia and Brandenburg.
The fcnators of this palatin.i;c are tlie archbidiop of
Gnefna; the hifhop, palntine, and callellan of I'lA-
nania ; ami fix oti>cr caflellans. Tlicre are fevn.il
other oRicers in this palatinate, both civil and military.
The Starortas, or governors of citits, have fonie ol
them jurilliiflion, others none, as i: is likcwife all over
the kingdom. Some of its towns are w:\llcd ; but the
houfcs, in general, are of timber, except ilie public
edifices, which are of Hone or brick.
Poi'nania, the capital, is thought to be inferior lo no
city of I'oland, except Cracow. It i; the lee of a bi-
Ihop, fufiVagan of (inefna ; and it is defended by a
good ciftle, a double wall, and a dee]) ditch. It is
famed for its traile, well built, and lias a cathedr.d.
The billiop's palace, and an univerfity, are in its fu-
burb.s, encompalTed by a morafa and a deep lake, but
incommoded Ibmetiiius by the overtlowings of the
river. There is a tine college and monallerv in the
city, in the former of which tliey have n)any I'cliolars.
The inii.ibitants make as hanJIbna- a figure in their
koufcs .ind drefs as any in Poland : and their Staroila,
or chief m.igiftr.ite, who is chofen aiuitialiy out of the
Kcheviils, or aldermen, is dlgr.itied with tlie tittle of
general of CSreat Poland. Mod of thrm are Papitls;
but here are many Jews, who have greater privileges
dun tiie citizens. The public buildings are generally
of free- Hone, of which the moll coniiderable is the
c.ilUe. There are three fanious fairs kt^'t in this city,
mucii rclorted to by the Gen an tr.iders. In St. Mag-
dalen's, which is tiic princip.U church of the city, is
lliewn the tomb of the duke MicceP.aus, who intro-
duced Cliriftianity into Polaml. Mere are feveral
Other churches, befides monalleries. The Itreets
are fpacious, and the town-houfe a |)icce of fine ar-
Befides the capit.il, the only place of note in this
palatinate is Fravenftadt, which is remarkable for the
vidory obtained near it over the Saxons by the
Swedes, which proved f) fatal to kin" Auguftu-.,
that it permitted Charles XII. to enter .Saxony, and
Itf: Poiind and Lithuania to the mercy of th.it ccn-
The palatinate of Kalifch hatii I've fenators viz. the
palatine, tlic callclLin of Kalifch, Ijnd, Naklo, and
Kalifch, tlie city from whence t!ie pal.uinate hath its
name, lies among marflies, and i; fortified only with a
brick wall, and low towers. Here are the ruins of a
llrong cadle, whidi was tlrflroyed by the Tuetonic
knights. It h.is a magnil'.c.int college of Jefuits, and
Ibmc religious houlls. It was t.%ken hy the Swedes
djring the wars of tl;c l.afl century. The Saxon's and
Poles defi-Mted the Swedes near this place, in Qclober
1706, jutl as a trc.ity had been figntd, wliTre king
AuguRus renounced the crown to king St.inilla'js, his
electorate of I^axony being then over-ruti by tiic
Swedes, and no othLT way left to relieve ir.
Gnelna, or, as the Germans term it, G:.ikn, is now
deemed tiie capital of Great i'uianJ, and was formerly
the metropolis of the whole kin^jdom, and the refidence
of the king. It was built, as is generally reported, by
king Ijtchus, I. founder of the nionircliy, and called
Gnefna, from anuigle's nclt found tliere, whicli, in the
Polilh Linguage, is called ( lenefiad. The kings of
Poland v.ere crowned, and the regalia kept here, till
t ;20, when they were removed to Cracow. It fjliered
very muc li by aiheadful lire in na t, and has bceii de-
clining ever fince ; fo ttiat it i-, ntiw only confiderable
:ur being the lee of an arclibifliop, who is primate of
i',l I'olind, leg.iteof the Holy See, and, in cdi- of the
king's death, regent till a new king be chofen, whcm
alio he claims the right of declaring and crowning. He
can reverie all proceedings in any of the bifliops
courts ; and it is death to draw a hvord in his prtfence.
A golden crofs is carried before him when he goes to
the diet, or to the king ; and when he lits, his chaplain
holds it behind his chair. His marfli.il, who is a Icna-
tor, carries a ftall' before his coach, and filutes none
with it but the king. He vilits no ambafliidors, though
tiiey vifit him. During the inttrregnum, he may coin
money in his own name; tlie ru'enuesof ihe crown
then beloni'int^ to him, and he having the fime officers
with the l.'n;': but at all limes he his dn:ms beating,
and trumpet;. l()undii)g, wiiliin ani| without, bi^forc he
fits dow'i to table ; and he may vifit tl;e king when he
pleafes. 'I'he canons mnif all' be of ii'^ble birth.
There is lodged in th.e cathedral a great treafure of
gold, lilver, and curious enamelled vtfitls, becjueathed
to it by Sigiiiiuind 111. and liime other kings. The
toHib of one of the archbilliops is calcd with filver,
and tlje j'illars are of Corinthian braf>^.
The palatinate of Siradia is fituatctl to the north and
Ibuth of the Warta, and contains
Siradia, the cajital town, which is fmall, but popu-
lous, and has a calile to defentl it.
Wielun, which is the feat of the Starofta, caftellan,
and ]irovincial diet. And
Petricow, a tolerable well-built ne.it town, about So
miies from Cracow. One of tiie great tribunals of the
kingdfim, for determining dillerenccs among the no-
bility, and appeals from inferior court?, fits in this
town i as does alio a provincial court, anti the fynod of
the clergy.
The palatinate of I^ncici„ hath five fenators, viz.
the palatine and callell.in of Lcncicia, and three other
The principal town, called I.encicia. has a great an-
nual lair, aiid is the fear of one of the litde diets.
Piontkiini is celebrated for a fine monaftery, and
good beer.
The pnlntinne of K.iva lies caft from that of Len-
eicia, and hath four fenators, viz. the caftcllans of
Sochaezcw, (iollinin, and Ravp, and the palatine of
Kav.i, the capit.il, is fituated in the midft: of a plain,
built of wood, tolerably populous, and defended by a
Loiiitz is u fmall nea- town, hith a caftie furroundeJ
by the river, is adornei! with a llately church, and the
palace of the archbifiiop of Gnefna.
Volhora is a populous tou n, where the bifliop of Cii-
javia has a noble palace.
The palatinate of Brczellry is fertile, and fends five
members to the diet.
In the fuburbs of Crcl\vick ftands the church of Sr.
Peter, built with free-floue, together witli a college of
24. canons.
Ul.ulill.iw is a palatinate, the capital city of which,
of the fame name, is the fee of a bifliop. The cathe-
dral is an ancient Gothic llrufture, but rich in plate,
orn.aments, and relics ; and encompafietl with tlie
houles of the canons and prebendaries, and a large
frtc llhnol. The chief ornament of the place is the
bilho()'s llately [lalace. '1 hough the .adjacent liiil i,
marHiy, and fo I'carce of fiiel, that the inhabitants liii
fer very much l')r want of i:, yet it is fruitful in corn,
and fends great qu.intities to llaiif/iik.
The palatinate of Inowlocz, or Inowkuliflaw, is di
vidcd into three territories, and lends four callellans fj
the diet, befides tlie j.alatine.
The chief town of the liimc name, is fmall, but df
fended by a flrong (.illle.
liyd-'oll is noted t'nr a pre.nt trade in falmon.
Dobri.'i .bounds widi triiit and filh of all forts; an.:
was fnriiurly the occalion of many quarrels between
the Tuetonic knights, PrufTa antl Poland.
PI(ie/ko, or Plo/kow, isdivid.d into lourdiflrifl'
Plolkow, it' chief town, has been a biihop's, fee a Ion,',
time, 1 , ver
ed by a ( ,il!
and monalli
lie.;, they k
Ihrinc, jhm
by the ajij)(
beloiigiii;; t
it from I)t;(
td into a kf
lore, is into
as his lale I
Poland, ft j/t
cities (il 1X11
Jn /'(„'///, y
I'm Ilia.'
I'olllll I'll
from I'oI.Kiil
peipetual all
( .ilini.r l\'. 1
hill Pniili.ifh
oi rni.md, t
the king iho
till 111, hoiii d
ttrs relative t
louns of this
formerly wry
ill'' ifiuihe
open ; but ih
lakes, u;ui woi
lidi ; and the '
wax, honey,
into foiii- p.d.i
burg, aid V\';i
Ihe inhabit
characterize 1
uhich may be
Dantzick th
i he I'alat
it. o'.ui. It
ludgC.; lu.S
f(>llou;n^r pi ,
I he ci:v o
f'f the p.dat,
1^ (i;u Hi d on
Ti^c iiiiuii
cd their nial
firoteetion ot
Ihewn a jifi',
likely ton\al
i he citv ol
r:i: r;e^ oi; .1 \ ,;
not only a 5 t
I'ut asone oft
fore, J.(,ndon
to e.viel, ill (I
in luir< nc.
i ids cit\- n
icrntd bv ihn
City; the ,'\lri
or the Inipcto
lobioid ih;ii (
I' rtilications .1.
by tuo hills, (.
iltl'f. A l-„;|
rail)' co\ercd u
the rivers Mot
imlis. One,
Hvenrr, hciiiK
.No. (■
cliofen, whom
crowning. He
:)( the bifliops
1 in his prelence.
when he goes tu
fits, his chaplain
il, who is a t'cna-
anJ. Tilutcs none
jaflatlorf, thoiiph
IM11, he may coin
ics of the crown
the- tiitne officers
IS ilri:iiis beating,
itluiut, before he
tl-.e king when he
ob!e birth.
great treafure of
rilVls, bequeathcii
ther isings. The
calcd with filver,
1 to tlie north and
fmall, but popu-
Starofta, caftellan,
at town, abont 80
eat tribunals ot the
cb amopjT the no-
:ourt.s fits in this
, and the fynod of
five fcnators, viz.
a, and three other
icia. his a great an-
the little diets.
ine tnonaftery, and
from that of Lcn-
;. the caftcllans of
and tlie palatine of
he midft of a plain,
and defended by a
a caftle fiirroundeJ
fly church, and the
re the bifliop of Cii-
tilc, and fends five
Is the church of St.
er witli a college of
apltal city of which,
jifliop. The cathe-
but rii-h in plate,
ompafied wich tlic
iidaries, and a lar>:e
of the place is tin-
the adjacent fwil ii
the inhabitants lut
it is fruitful in corn,
Inowladiflaw, is di
■nds four cillellans fi
If, is fmall, but df
le in falmon.
filli of all forts ; ana
nv quarrels between
d into four diHrift'-.
abiil.op's, kc alonft
time, is vcrv pojiulous, h.is a gi.oJ trade, and i. d Jitid-
fd by a lallie. It has a caihidial, with other lihiiclies
and nionalkrics, \\\ll endowed, efpeciilly that ct' the
Jkncdi:lints, in the I'ulnnhs wheie, amor,;' dtlur re-
lic:!, tlicv kci p the head ot St. SiL'ifiiKind in a golden
Ihrine, |';iveii 1)) kin|; ^ij.',ifiuiind III.
I'lHii.!! l'Kt>si\ liatli been utually parliculaii/.td
by ihe appellai ion of Uovil I'uitlii, on account of its
bi K>!if',i:i;; to till- crriv. n ol I'ol.md, and t) liilliii^iiilh
it from Di'.ial I'ruliia, which belonj.!,Ld to ihe l.onlc of
Hrancknburt; ; bit hath, tor Ionic time pall b -encrcl-
cd into a kinsidoiu. The modern ilidiiutio.i, ihere-
lore, i.s into /'«//>'' Pyiijjui, and the ////(;..•' r; -t /'iii///,i ;
as his late I'nilliaii iiiajelh', in the ililiiiemlH rinent of
Poland, fii/.td upon ;he opulent, comiv.ercial, and tine
cities ol l)aii:/.iik, Thoin, and I'lbiiiL', whicnareall
in J' .',■'(' P),ih,.., but a:iiK.\cd 10 lIu' domiiii<.ii:; of
Polilh I'liiiha was toriiuil} a dillin t politi'al il He
from Poland irfclt, and no taiilur t oni'ei;icd than bv a
pei|ieiual aliiaiice. In the year 1 f»i(i, however, tiie
inhabitimts put thenilVlves uiuK r the [irote^iioii of
C'.ilimir l\. when it was expielsly llipulaied, that Po-
lilli Prullia (liould have nothinjr to do w ith the kin.;doiii
ol' Poi.uid, thoiij^h it I'ad wi'.ii Us iovcie!|^n; ami that
the kin<4- Ihojld peifonally, and alone, com;- among
thim, lioiil diets, give orders, a"d diterniine all mat-
[i rs relative to I'olilh Pruiiia. Some of ihe i itus and
to^vn^ of this proMiire, anil |>.ir:icLilarly Dant.'.ick, had
lurireily very peculiai piivih'ges.
i he foiiihein parts of this divili-.m, excepting in the
ncij^libiHuhood of Daiit/.ick, arc barren, but level and
0[ien ; but theotiier parts arc over run with niounrains,
lakts, and uiK)ds. I'he lakes \ leld plenty ot excellent
liili ; and the woods atinrd w ild boars, ro^'-bucks, game,
uax, honey, and timber. Thispro\ince isdniJetl
iiuo four palatiiv'.tes, viz. I'omereliia Culm, .Mirieii-
burg, ai-.d V\'armia.
Ihe inhabitants cfPnliih PrulTia have adifiich which
chara^tenze li.x ot iheir prim ipal cities and towns, aiul
wliicii may be tlius tranllated,
r\in:z:ck the rich. Culm the delightful, and Phiczko
the long ;
Marienburg tlic handfomc, Thorn the devout, and
I'.llimg the Itroiig.
'I lie P.ilatinaie of Ponicreiliahad forincrU' princes of
it> own. It has n,)u a |rilitiiu-, and four provincial
ludgci; lies in the dioceie ol' C'ujovia, and coniams the
follow ing pi ices.
Ihecuyof Danrzick, which is not only t!x- cipital
of the palatinate, but the metropolis of Polilli I'lullla,
is lii'.iitid on a branch of the river Vifhila.
'I i'.e inhabitants of Daiu/ick have fre.jumtly c!\ing-
ed tluir mailers, and ha\ e liiiiiHtimcs been iind r the
fjiiitection of the {''ngliili and Dutch ; but they ha-. e
ihewn a grearcr attatiimeiu to l\ l.,nd, as being lefi
likely tori\al rhrm in tieir trade.
'ihe eiiv ol l.'ant/ick is large, i-opulous and rich,
rairies oil a vail tradi-, and hath long been conlidered
not only a> the chief mart and maga/ine of I'oland,
but as (!ne of the greatelf granaries in the world ; there-
loie, London ai.d Aii;lfeidam exiepttd, it is reputed
to CM el, in opulence and commeice, any other city
lit I'lIK tic.
'i'liis c;i) ii ilividiil iiKo tl-,ne pairs, whii h are go-
\erncii by tl-rieddlii'.vt luiators, \i/. \'oorlladt, or lore
t:i!V; the AltHailt. or O.ii City ; and the Reehti It.ul',
c^r the !• nipcior's City ; a'l rncoiiip;tirevl with high walls,
lobiotd that coache-; catib go round upon them. 'Ihe
ti rtilications .ue ol \afl extent ; but being commanded
bv nu) lulls, on the fouih-well, they cannot 11. in I a
lici'e. ,'\ i-nal goes through the city, which is gene-
r,i!!\ covered uiih men ham Ihips. It is wateied be
the river-; Motlaw and Rodauii, on which an' I'evci.l
ii'ilN. One, on the Kodauii, yiehU the Hate .1 ;T.at
jeventT, belieiis what il brings the jnoprietors. 'J he
.No. (•4.
1' I. A N I).
hoiifes are parti; flono, and partly biick, and f.'cnerally
lix or I'eveii Hones high. The public buildiniis are
very fair. .St, Mary's church is a (latelv fabric, with 4.S
alteis, 37:2 windows, and a front, iiad, at .Aiuwerp,
that coll 5000I. Mere is a m.ignificent town l.oal'e
with a \erv lofty fpire. 'I'lie arfeiial, and e\i haiige,
the lljiiare of St. Dominic, and the college, are noble
llru.tures. Thc.e are ;o paiilhes in the city and fii-
buibs; three magazines, well furnilheil \v th;muiuini-
t, on and other lljres ; and many gran ir'cs of fjven and
nine Ifories high, with fuinels to let tlie corn do.'. 11
lioiii one to the other, which liivcs a great .leal of la-
bour and charge. 'I'hcy are civ.ompalled with water,
(') that lliips lie clofe to them to take in the r la.id'iig;
and no iioufes ae fuffered to be ivar iheiii fir ieir of
lire. The chief export of this pla^e is in corn br t'ghc
from other parts, of whuh aa increiiible (iiaiitity is
(hipped from hence every yeir. The c.tr/.eis liav, the
fole [irivilege of biiving up tfe cor:', as ftxin ..s i: enters
tile harbour. Tiie nr.igiltra'e-, let a jiri'e up '.1 it; but
tiir.t the coimtiy p,e(>i;le, who are thj fellers, may not
be impofed upon, and dchi}ed, the citizens are o!diged
to buy up tite whole tpiantity wriich the boats bing
in, let it be what it will. I'lioiigi th.s city laks olf a
great iiuantit;- of the w();)lljii in iiiulaetures of Circat
iiritain, yet the Dutcii, fending fo man, ihips for corn
to Dant/.ick, which mull go em, ty aua\ d they have
no!;oo !s to carry, ami the Ireig'u cotting them n itlimg,
they hiive the chief tnde of cojrie. D.ui:ziek is the
. 1 he ICD hur^hers, uho |oincd with tile
lenate in itiipolin}; raxes, npreiViU d the grievances
of the people, andnviintained thrir p'ivilej^es. Wl'.en
tile kingeamc hither, lie was onl\ ailoweil to hriivr a
tew guards, and was treated hv ihe city tor three days,
'i'hcy had ;i lecreta'v a!wa\s at loiirt to take eare of
their intcrel's, anJ the right of coina'^e. '1 heir mo-
nev, which theycoiiM coin wuiinut ilie kin.','s Ka\e,
had t!ie king's ellig; on one tide, aiv.l tl',e city arms on
the o'.her.
ILre is a college, wi:h profellors in all faculties;
but thev do not gi\e the degree of do^io;. I'he juiil"-
di, tion ol' ihi.i ciiv i> aiiove 40 miles round. Iheelhi-
blillxd religion has lueii Luthei.mifm tince iji;. 1 he
Lalvinilis are niimeious, and are allowed the fiecdom
of their wc)rlhip ; ^•. are a'l le.ts in u-enerai. 'I'liis
citv is noted for i-.aviiig been the biith-placc of that
tminent geogiapher i'mhp C Iwveiiiis.
there is an iland lea or l)av here, callcii the I'rif-
chatV, famous f)r llur.;;eo:i, a vail i]'i'.ntity of which i,-
tiken here, cured at Konuiglb.rg and J)ant/.ick, and
i'ent to all tiu'tra.ling p^urs ol i'.urope, eiji^cialiv I'ng-
land and Ho'.l.nd. I'eter the (ireat, t/.ar ol .Vlufcovy,
liaving brought ,1 fine yacht hitiier froiu Holla ui, took
great delight in working it m this liay ; and, n order
to acquire the mariner's art, did evcrv part himfeif ;
l)eing fometinn-. at the helm, fomeiimes before the
inall, and riietimesat the top-mall head, c\;c.
Oliva, a ;mall lea-port, live miles noith-well of
Dant/.ick, is famed li)r a bene.iicline abbey, where a
peace was concluiicd in i6*iO, lietwixr the emperor, the
king of Folaiiil, ami tlie i lector of liiaiulenburgh, on
one part ; and the kingol Swei'en on the oth^'.
The abbot's |)al.!ce and gardens are very elegant ; but
his revenues, which amiHi;ited to io,o;odueat.sj or near
50O0l.) per annum, and the lands of the convent which,
he enioyed in f.ill t'o\ereignry, were all I'ei/ed by the
late ki;-.g ol Frullia.
In this palatinate are I'wl- otlier to.\ ns, b t neither
of ihcmm lit attention.
The palatinau: orin:o IVuilia ;and the device 0:1 the
tity leal is a giie thrown open.
In thr \c.;r 14;,!. this