■f IIIIM i^-
[25 III 1.4 III
^^ -^
WEBSTER, NY. 14580
(716) 872-4503
ivi)c:'fi.''ll.\l{l'. •*tiit(' Prlntor,
llnrrliibur^, I'a.
Hi.s Excellency, JOHN F. HARTRANPT
AkioPaudee, - . . /"'^^■"^"■"^•-"'-to'f
William A. Ingham . " " " '
Hk.vry S. Eckkrt, '.. " " ' " '
He.vhy McCoumick, -.."""''
Jamks iMACEAKLANE, - - " ' " ' "
JoJix B. Pkakse, - . " ' " ■ -
Jo8EPii Wilcox, - . " ' " " "
Hon. Daniel J. Morrell, -'"'■■
Henry \V. Oliver, - ' ' ' '
Samuel Q. Brown,' -..,""''
llifBotti-.l, HarrUbur^.
I owanda.
John B. Pearse, . . . ^^^^IJ.
"■■--- Philadelphia.
Pj-^ter Lesley,
Peksifor Fbazer, Jr.-Goologist in charge of the Survey of York, Adams,
Lancaster, and Chester counties.
A E. LKHMAN-Toiiographioal Assistant, surveying the Soutn Mountains.
Fkei.eiuck Prime, Jr.-Geologist in charge of the Survey of Lehigh, North-
ampton, Berks, and Lebanon.
A. P. BERLiN-Topographical Assistant, surveying the Limestone Valley and
Reading Mountains.
John II. DEWEEs-Geologist in charge of the Survey of the Fc^.ail Ore belts
of tlie Juniata country.
Fbankmn PLATT-Geologistin charge of the Survey of Clcarlield, Jeirerson,
Cambria, Somerset, Blair, ^ f-^'to'te of
Tlie resolution of iXil i,o,„ , ™ ,
specifies the object ^"V-ar. >"-'''. ^875, and
••eport on tlie Trap rocks If P '^, ""' «^--"nin.-'Oon and
°' a;e Board being ^J^eldTT""''^''' '"« Secreta y
Hnnt At the,i„g'orNoV4 °""™"'"'™te with Dtf
Ponod t]>at Dr.Hunthtdaorpted't,/:' ""^ ^''''''■■^^y ■•-
Geologist reported that Dr IW h f f * ' '"'" "'« S^te
)"s survey in Southern Penning '*'''f '^ commenced
necessarily involve a stuiW theT '': '"'' "''" " «'<«'«
Tlie volume in hand will s, ffll; f,'"'" ''°*^-
necessity. ""' sufficiently attest to this evident
The survey of <-}i« a
Pe,msyU.„ir, ,Lten:;;?,C,td to tf''"'''™ --1 Eastern
gists ot the regular corps, t" w,t ""'"^ '=°"'P'-''«'" «eolo-
^- '»"• aittrritfri
rivers. This elaborate survey has been in progress under
Prof. Prime's able direction since the beginning of the sur-
vey. The second volume of his reports of progress is about
to issue from tlie press, and his lield-party is engaged in
finishing the southern border of the mountain-land, includ-
ing the overlapping edge of tlie Trias.
To Professor Persifor Frazer Jr. of Philadelphia, was
assigned a similar instrumental survey of the Azoic mass of
the South Mountain in York, Adams, Franklin and Cum-
berhmd counties ; including the Siluro-Cani})rian limestone
contact on the northwestern side, and the Trias contact on
the southeastern side, with an enclosed limestone valley.
Prof. Frazer" s lines however traversed the wide low-lying
triangle between the Soutli mountains, the Susquehanna
river and the Maryland state-line ; occupied by a broad
belt of Trias, by two belts of limestone, and a still broader
belt of Azoic slates, of unknown relationship. This impor-
tant and minute survey has been going on since 1874, and
is far from comph^tion yet. Prof. Frazer in 1877 continued
his personal survey of the York county limestones and
Azoic slates and gneisses into and over the whole of Lan-
caster county, his report of which is nearly ready to go to
press. But his field-party continues the slow and laborious
work of mapping the South mountains.
To Mr. Charles E. Hall has fallen, in a natural way, as
the geologist in charge of the State; Museum, the even more
difficult task of unraveling the tangled threads of that skein
of Azoic gneisses and slates which stretches from the Dela-
ware River at Trenton, across the Schuylkill between Phila-
delphia and Conshohocken, through Chester and Delaware
counties, to the Delaware and Marvland state-lines. Sev-
eral thousand hand specimens have been collected and ar-
ranged in the museum, for study and comparison ; and
every exposure of rock, however insignificant, is not only
represented in the cabinet-series of cross-sections, but
located on the map. A long stride has already been made
towards the true solution of the jiroblem of our Azoic rocks,
and of their relationship to the slate, sandstone and lime-
stone formations which overlie them.
E. vii
Meanwliile many microscopic and chemical analyses uf
these enigmatical rocks have been made by Dr. Genth, tlie
Chemist and Mineralogist of the Survey ; who lias also paid
great attention to the species of traps collected, and will
continue to make a special study of that subject.
In sui)port of the assiduous studies by these gentlemen
of the Azoic rocks in their respective distri(!ts, and to
further the success upon whicli thej^ can already congratu-
late themselves, it was unquestionably desirable to compare
their observations and conclusions with those made and
reached, by geologists outside of the State, in the Azoic
regions of New Jersey, Northern New York, New Eng-
land, and especially of Canada. No better plan could have
been adopted to reach this end than to invite so distin-
guished a student of Azoic geology as Dr. Hunt to visit
those districts of our survey which seemed to correspond
with those in the north among wliich he had spent the best
part of his laborious and successful life ; and no book could
be more useful tlum one in which he should collate all the
known, supjjosed, and susi)ected facts of American Azoic
geology ; with all the accepted conclusions, and proposed
hypotheses, pul)lished on the subject by the most eminent
geologists of the last half century in Europe and America,
We owe therefore a debt of gratitude to Dr. Hunt for
this historical monograph, which will supply a dee])ly felt
deficiency in the literature of our science. It is a treasury
of notes and suggestions of the greatest value t(j the geolo-
gists of Pennsylvania, and of other States, working in such
districts as are occupied at the surface, or are underlaid at
moderate depths, by the Cambrian and sub-Cambrian for-
mations ; although no linal demonstration has been ncrAmi-
jilished by the author of those problems of superposition,
unconformability, and identification, at which so many
geologists are still half despairingly at work. But his opin-
ions of the probable final solutions of these problems will
reenforce their own, wdien they agree, and lead to fruitful
discussions when they disagree.
Dr. Hunt's views on one or two points, like that of the
relationships of the slates of the great valley, are i^eculiar
i ''?!
viii E.
to himself, and are not in accordance witli the views of the
Pennsylvania geologists either of the First or Second sur-
veys. But it is of real importance to obtain the circum-
stantial statement of his opinions given in this report The
linished instrumental survey of these slates and unde. ying
mngnesian (Siluro-Cambrian) limestones in Blair county,
iind the rapidly advancing surveys of the same outcrops in
Clinton, Milllin, Cumberland, Dauphin, and Lebanon coun-
ties, with the close instrumental surveys at the Schuylkill,
Lehigh, and Delaware water-gaps, confirm our opinion of
the correctness of the interpretation made by tlie geologists
of the First survey.
It is still somewhat premature to dogmatize about the
Taconic system ; as it is impossible yet for any competent
judge to express a positive opinion respecting the value of
such terms as Montalban, Norian, &c., in Pennsylvania;
seeing that the closest scrutiny during the last two years
has not availed even to make it certain whether the gneiss
belt underlmB or ooerlies the mica-slate belt in Bucks,
Montgomery, Philadelphia and Chester counties ; although
Mr. Hall has made it almost certain now that the Edgehill
rock lies at one locality unconformably, and in a synclinal,
upon the gneiss, and that the Chester-valley limestone, of
later age, occupies this same synclinal.
Since Dr. Hunt's observations, made two years ago. Pro-
fessor Frazer'has worked out the important section along
the Susquehanna river, and determined the great anticlinal
uplift across Lancaster county, with gneiss in its axis,
throwing off, on opposite dips to the north and south,
many thousands of feet of Azoic slates, all of them older
than the Cambrian (?) calcareous slates which underlie the
mngnesian limestones. And Professor Prime has found
graphitic gneiss with limestones in the (Laurentian ?) uplift
north of Bethlehem. Light seems fast breaking in upon
this dark region of our geology.
Respectfully submitted,
E. ix
This volume owes its orioi,, t
s oners of tJie Second Geolol.! \"'1'"'"' »' t'-e Commis-
fat the author should prl^r. , "7 "'' P«"»^vlv.„ia
that State with especiaS n^'i'"!? '!'«^r'°'"^ '"
Irap Dykes and tl,e Iron Ores T hi ll '" ^°*'*> ">«
of these several points as iriin'.^ "''''qi'ate discussion
eration of some of the leasT „ t'''"',"'"^'^^'' "'« «>■'«''-
tions in geological scfence """ "'™' ''^''f*'! q»es-
«ylvania, was restricted to the un, ' ^'■'°'°°y "^^ ?««"-
line scljists, occupving a hot f ' P°'"™ '" "'« "''J'^tal-
paleozoic sediment; a,rd t a mo , ^l"'™ ""^ ""cO-staliine
«' he gave the name o hX; ""t;' »"r'''"'^ '^™^ *«
ever by him declared to be in 1 ' '"'"-''■ '^'^ '">»'-
termediate or Azoic series » T? T'^'' '" '"« "'« in-
distinguish, lithologicaliv hefJ ",''"'■ " ™P"«»iW.^ to
Hypozoie and Azoic S ':! Z t^M 'T '""' """«'
included all the rocks below the fossiliferous sedimentary
strata, unl has been shown by subsequent investigations to
comprise several distinct stratified terranes.
A large portion of the rock-masses associated with, and
in fact forming an integral part of this Azoic system, were,
by the writers last named, included in the category of
igneous or erupted rocks. Such were the gneisses, the
quartzose or j)etrosilex-porphyries, the greenstones, the
serpentines, and the masses of magnetic and spt;'ular oxyds
of iron. Othei', and contemporary writers added to this
list, labradorite or hypersthene-rock, together with certain
crystalline limestones and quartz-rocks. Later restnirches
have however led most geologists to the conclusion that by
far the greater jjart ol ihese so-called igneous rocks are
stratified or indigenous masses, which are not to be con-
founded with the distinctly intruuv.^d exotic rocks, such as
the true granites, the trachytes, dolerites, etc. ; nor yet with
the concretionary veinstones which, like these, traverse the
stratified rocks.
It was evidently a question of tiie first importance in the
proposed investigation to draw the lines between the three
orders of crystalline rock-masses Just defined, and to deter-
mine whether a so-called trap-dyke is a foreign mass, which
has been injected among previously formed neptunean
strata, or is itself an oi'iginal part of the si ratified forma-
tion. The same question arises with regard to the de])osits
of magnetic an(i sj)ecular oxyds of inm, which abound in
the crystalline rocks, and, within the last few years, have
come to be c(msidered not as intruded but as indigenous
masses. The change of views on all these points which
has taken place within a generation, constitutes a complete
revolution alike in g(M)geny and in geognosy.
Otliei', and not less im[)ortant (piestions aiise in this con-
nection, with regard to Ihe ohler p:ileo:'.oic formations and
their relations to the crystalline terranes. These relations
have been tin; subject of much misconcei)tion, and many
contradictory hypotheses, and have moreover important
bearings on the ])i'oblems })roposed in this report. To pre
jiare thesf udeiit foran adecpiate discussion <»f all tliese ques-
E. xi
tions, it was felt that notliing less than a historical and
critical review of tlie progress of our knowledge of the older
rocks of North America would suffice.
The publication of Maclure's map and description, in
1817, marks the beginning of sixty years of great activity
in the study of American geology, the chief results of
which, so far as they bear on the crystalline and other pre-
Sihirian formations, it has been the author's ol)ject to set
forth in Chapters II- V of the present work. The fact that
for more than one half of this time he has been a constant
laborer in different parts of the field, may help to justify
him in attempting the task, lie has aimed at as great
conciseness and brevity as is consistent with clearness of
statement, but trusts that the present sketch may serve as
the basis of a more complete and extended history of the
Pre-Silurian Rocks of North America, which it is his pur-
pose to prepare.
The succeeding chapters of this report will be devoted to
the consideration of the decay of crystalline rocks, and its
geological importance, and to the nature and origin of the
various deposits oi iron-ores. They will be followed by
the author's observations on the geology of southeastern
Pennsylvania, and the elucidation of many of the questions
raised in the introductory chapter. As the temporary ab-
sence of the author from the country will retard for som(»
months the completion of the work, it has been thought
best to publish separately the first five chapters, which
conclude the historical and critical part, so far as regards
American stratigraphy. An index will accompany the
completed report, and meanwhile the present jjortion is
provided with an analysis of the chapters, which, it is
hoped, will help to recommend it to students of American
T. S. H.
BosTON^, Mass., June 1, 187S.
of IJ
tho I
E. xiii
Introduction to the GeoijOoy of Southeastern Pennsy'lvania.
01)jcct and plan of this report, page 1. Relations of the so-callod trappoan
rocks, 1. Ilypozoic and Azoic systems of H. D. Rogers, 2. Tie distinguisiios
three groups in tlie crj'stallino strata, 3. His spb-division of tlie Iowhm- Taloo-
zoic into Primal. Auroral, and ^Matinal, 4. Distribution of the llypozoit!
rocks; three gnoissic districts, C>. The Blue Ridge in southern Pennsylvania,
7. Errors in the geologiojil map of Pennsylvania, 7. The nortliorn and mid-
dle gneissic districts; their Laurentian agic systems, 17.
Crystalline strata south of the Susquelianna, called altered Primal, 18. Rogers
on the igneous origin of (luartz and crystalline limestones, 10. Strata called
altereil Mosozoio sandstone, 19. The various formations siipi)osed by Rogers
to have undergone nietamorphism, 20. E;ustorn Pennsylvania on Logan's
geological map, 22.
Historical Sketch oi- American Pre-Silurian OEOLoay.
Mucl lire's geological map of the United States, 1817, p. 23. His Primitive
and Transition mcks, 24. Eaton, his fTeological Text-book, 1832, 24, His five
great ternar;\- groups of strata, 2."). The Primitive serii-s of Eaton, 2;'). Tlie
gneisses of the Macomb-Mountain range, and of tlie Now York Higlilands,
distinguished from those of New lOngland, 2(i. The Transition and T.owcr
Secondary series, 2(>. The l^pper Secondary series, and the Coal measures, 27.
Tlio Transitiiin Argillite, and the I'irstand Second Iain strata, 40. His second
M(!taniorpliie, including part of tlie 1 limary, 40. Primary limestones de-
clared to bo altered Paleozoic, 41. .Similar views held Ijy Nuttall in 1822, and
adopted by II. D. Ilt)gers in 1812, 41. Rogers on tlie supposed alteration of
tlie Transition limestones, 42. Mather on the (sruptive origin of some crystiil-
lino limestones, 43. Emmons on the Primary rocks of northern New York,
43. ("rysialline limestone, serpentine, liyperstlunie-rock, and iron-ores, re-
garded as unstratilied, 43. lOmmoiis icjccts the vicnvs of Nuttall and Mather,
and maintains tlie igneous origin of gneiss and otlit^r stratilie(l (irystallino
ro<01, above the Medina, iSO. C. 11. Ilitehcook, in ISiJO, refers the Lower Taconie
limestones to tiio I'pper Silurian or Devonian, (iO. Adams, in ISli!. conjectun's
the Lower Taconi(! series to l)e altered lied saii tiie mciamorphie ("hamplain division, tlie Messrs. Rogers, in
1S44, (»nci ive the Wiiiie Mountains to be tlie suoeeeding Ontario division
metamorphosed, (52. Su[)posed organic remains of tlie Clinton lormalion
therein, ('>-. C. T. .Ji'ckson, in l.S4t), as.serls tiie Primary ago of the White
Mountains, but reganLs tlie (ireen Mountains and the Lower Taconie rocks
OS altered Canibrian and Silurian, (V2.
39 of
'or a
History oi" Amkkhan Pre-Sii.uuian Geology, Conpinued.
Geology of Canada; observations of Eaton, Enunon.s, and others, (i:{. Geo-
logical survey of Canada begun, 1S42, ()4. Early statements of Logan as to
the Primary and Transition rocks, ti4. Murray, in l^i;!, calls llic Primary of
western Canada. Metamorphic, (Jo. C(mne(!tion of the author with the survey,
in 1847, and his subsequent relations tlier(nvith, (id. I'^.xploration of the Ottawa
valley by Logan; its gneisses described, in 1S47, as ^^etamorphi(•, (Hi. Their
division into a lower anries, 70. Similar views
afterwards held by Rivot, and by Dawson, 71. The ancient gneissie grouj)
called liaureiitian, in ]S."i4, 72. Th(! name of Iluronian given to both the <'lilo-
ritiir greenstones and the copjier-bcariiig trappean series, in 1S,V), 7U. Tin,' 1 lu-
ronian then supposed identical with FiOwer Cambrian, 72. TiUter views of
Dr. Rigsby, 7;?.
Foster and Whitney's reiiort on Lake Superior, 1851,7.'}. Tlu;ir geological
cla.ssi(i(ration, 7."5. The greenstones, serpt^ntines, and iron-ores clas.sed with
tlic igneous rocks, 7S. Their Azoic system inciludes both tlu; ancient gneissi's
anil tlie chloritic greenstone scries, (Laurcntian and Ilnroiiiaii,) 74. Rocks
of Keweenaw Point, and of the Rohemian Mountains, 7"). .Fasper and (juart-
zijso porphyry of the latter, and of the Porcui)ino Mountains, 7."). Views of
Rivot in is.),"), 7(i. He, like Logan, regards the chloritic greenstones and the
tnippean rocks as one, and denying the eruptive nature of the latter. imIIs the
whole altered I'aleozoie, 77. The ancient supposed by him to bo
eruptive granites, 77. Tho conglomerates of the Copper-bearing series, 78.
Rivet's extension of the doctrini' of nietaniorphism, 7S. Wliitne.X', in l.S.")7,
rejects the ilistiiiction of Laureiiiian and Iluronian as parts of his A/.oie .sys-
tem, 79. Ho maintains tlie distin(!tness of tho Copper-bearing series, whic^li
he includes in the I'otsdam, 79. Murray's studies of the Iluronian rocks.
)8i54-lH()0, 80. In the Geology of Canada, 18(13, the name of Iluronian is re-
xvi E.
stricted to the cliloritic greenstones, then called the Lower Copper-bearing
series, 80. TIio trapiioaii rocks, with native cupper, nialvo the Upper Copper-
bearing series of Loj^an, Si. Tlio siiijposfd paleozoio age of tiiis series, 82.
The overlying simdstono conceived to bo of the age of the Cliazy, 82.
Green-Mountain or Xotre-Danio range ; its extension in eastern Can.ada. SS.
Erroneous views regarding it given by geological maps, 83. Distinction of
crystalline and uncrystalline roclis in the region, 8;{. Tlio (ias[)6 sandstones
and lijneslones, 84. Upjx-r Taconii; Argillites and riraywacke, or lludson-
Rivcr group, in esistern Canada, S"). They are placed in tlic upper part of the
Cliami)lain division, 8."). (-rystalline roclcsof tlie Notre- Danio range, S,"). Thoy
are declared U) bo altered Iludson-lliver group, 8(5. .Secti the St. Lawrence, 97.
The Ujiper Taconic first named the Quebec formation, 97. Its graptolites de-
scribed l)y Hall in 18,55, 98. Logan on the lied sjuidrock of Vermont, 98.
Trilobitic fauna of Point Levis discovered, 185(),99. Fauna of the Phillipsburg
limestone: studies of Billings, 99. Logan, in I'^i'd, adopting the view of lOm-
mons, places tiiese rocks l)elow tlie Trenttju, ItK). Logan's letter to Barrande,
100. Tlie Upper Taconio now called the Quebec group ; its division into Levis,
Lauzoii :ind Sillery, 101. These divisions ik'scriljed, 102. Tiic author, on the
dolomitfisand limestones of Point Levis, 103. Tiie striiclurcMif Point I^evis do-
scribed, 105. The distribution of the organic remains l\wvo found. lOi!. The
section on Orleans Island, 10(5. Billings on the Levis fauna, 107.
The fauna of the Rod sandrock of Vermont, 108. Fauna from tlie straits of
Bellislo, 108. The rocks of Bonne and Pistolet Bays, Newfoundland, 109.
Paleontological deductions of Hilliiigs, 110. His suiidivisions of tlie fossilifer-
ous strata. 111. Tlie formation holding Paradoxides, 112. Tlie so-called Lower
Potsdam formation, 112. Various fauna.s known in tho Upper Taconic or Quo.
bee series, 113. Supitoseil relation of the Sill(>rv sandstone; views of Bil-
lings and liOgaii, 113. Conclusions of the author iis to the (Quebec section, 114.
Probable inversion of tho series, 114. Its rocks compared with tho Tremadoc,
Arenig and Menevian of Wales. 115.
Logan on the stratigraphy of eastern Canada. Ih!. The fossiliferous strata
of Farnham, 117. Probable succession of tho members of tho Quebec group.
117. Views of Hall, in 1802, as to the relations of ihe Hudson-River and Lo-
raino forniiitions, 118. Wing and Billings on the fossiliferous rocks of Ver-
mont, no. Logan on inversionsof strata in this region, 120. Logan and Hall,
in 1863, on the Graywacke and Argillitc of the Hud.son valley, 120. Relations
of these older fossiliferous roi^ks totlie Trenton, rticaand Loraine formations,
120. The so-called Hudson anticlinal axis, now supposed by liOgiin to be a
1^ • •
'.. XV 11
great lin(> of fracture and iijilift, 121. Logan's hyiv)tli09is to explain these im-
agined stratigrupliioal relations.
Evidences, in the Atlantic; lieit, t)rstratigrai>lii('al non-conformity in paleozoic
and mesozoic; times, IJI}. Supposed uneoiiformity at the iiaso of the Trenton.
123. Till' ('hazy lormation in the Ottawa basin, and the Muliawi.. valley, 124.
Deposition oltlie Trentmi limestone on pre-Caiiilirian rocks, 121. ('i>niinental
movement, with submergence, immediately preceding the Trenton period,
12.'>. Its relation to the u|)pcr members of the Champlain division, 12;"). The
boundary belwecin these and the ITpper Taeoiiic, not an antii'liiial axis, nor a
lino of fracture and uplift, but one of contact between discordant series, 12»i,
lie a
The Ca-mbrian Rocks of Europk and Amkrica.
The lower paleozoic rocks of Wales, 128. The Cambrian series, as delintd
and divided by Sedgwick, 128. Portions of it wrongly included in the Silu-
rian, 129. Sihiro-Canibrian, and Upper and Lower Camljrian, delineil, 129.
The latter divisions in Wales, 130. Fauna of the Lower Cambrian, 130. Silu-
rian and Cambrian seriesof Sweden, 130. FiK-oidaland l'>>|)hytonsiindsti(nes;
their organic forms, 131. Kjorulf on Lower and I'pperTaeonic, and Silurian,
in Norway, 131. Cambrian of Russia and Uohemia, 132. Stratigraphical
range of Cambrian organic forms, 133. Tlie various graptolitic horizons
known in lOumpi', 133.
The Potsdam sandstone of the NeM- York series, 134. The Calciferous sand-
rock; a dolomit<' with gypsum, 13.'). Organic! remains of the Potsdam; Sco-
lithus Canadensis of l>illliigs. i:>.">. S(!olitlms linearis of Hall, its history, 13t>.
The transversely grooved Scolithus of the Primal .s;indstone, 13". The aiitlior
on the Scolithus of Port Henry, New York, 139. The Chazy formation ; its
straligia[ihical relations, i:'.!). The St. Mary"s sjindstone >.f Lake Supcsrior, 140.
The liower Magnesian limestoTio of Wisconsin, 141. Its associated glau(!onite,
141. The St. Peter's or Chazy .s;uidstone, 142. The Trenton limestone, tiie
Galena or Upiier Magnesian limestone, and the Cincinnati group, of the Mis-
sissipjii valley, 142. The Potsdam sjuidstoneof this riigirin ; three stages in its
fatnia defined by Hall, 143. The ('ambrian rocks of Missouri, 143. Their
litliological dissimilarity to their eciuivalents in the, 144.
Cambrian rocks of the third or central district of New York, 144. Early
observations of Conrad, 144. Vanu.xem on the Puliuski or Loranu; shales, the
upper member of the Hudson-River group, 144. Its lower member, the
Frankfort .slates, or the Iludson-Kiver slates of Mather. 1 !.">. These two divi
sions distinct in Pennsylvania; the latter a partof the Taeoni<; of Emmons, 14."..
The Oneida conglomerate, 14C. Disappearance of the Pulaski shales to the
southeast, in the Mohawk valley. 14(). Thinning-out and disappearance of the
Trenton limestone iu the same region, 14(5.
xviii E.
nisToiiY OP American Prpj-Sii-urian Geolooy, Concluded.
'I'lu'Tiiiurcntiiin soriesin Canada; its two divisions, as recognized in 184.'), 148.
Conuloiiicrato iii(rliil. Tlicir associated
gneisses and limestones, l.VJ. Mincfralugical composition of these labradorite-
rocks, l.");5. Tlie constitution of plagioiilaso feldspars, 158.
'Die Geology of Canada, publislied in IStJS; tho accompanying Athw, 1")4.
Logan on the succi'ssion ni Laurentian rocks on ti>o Ottawa; tho Grenville
gntMssic series, and tho Ottawa gneiss, Mineralogical constitution of tlieso, lijo. Thogneissoid anortholite or labradorite-rocks; their
UTiconformablo superposition to tlio ries, Kil. Titani3. Ilis chemical and lithological studies of
them, and their ini-hided orthoclasc-gneiss. It!!.
Interstralilied limc.'stones of tho Laurentian, lO.J. Their eruptive origin
maintained by some geologists, Ki."). Concretionary limestone-veins, or en-
doginious niiusses, hi,"). Tho Tiaurentiau zinc-ores of Now .Jersey, It;,'), Miner-
alogy of the Laurentian lini'-stones, KJG. Masses of gneiss included in <'alca-
reous veins; examples at Port Henry, New York, KiO. .Tames Hall on similar
])henoi'iena, 1(!7. Lime.stone-veins in tho Norian, 107. Pro-Cambrian ago of
tlu>se calcareous veinstones, 107.
Organic remains of tlie Laurentian period; the finding of Eozoon Cana-
donse, 108. Its discovery anticipated, 108. Tho observations of McMnllcn in
1858 ; the Eozoonof North IJurgess, 108. Eozoon first described Ijy .J. W. Daw-
son in 18<)4, 108.
Younger crystalline rocks in H:istings County, Ontario, 109. Observations
of Murray, in 1802, and of Maclarlane, in 1S()4, 170. The conglomerates, argil-
lites, and limestones and the cldoritic slates and greenstones, 170. Logan (psoil Terrunovan series; it included two terrancs, ISI. Tho
White Mountain ^;neissosand mica-schists, cjillod Montallian in 1S71, ISl.
The Green-Mountain and White-Mountain rocks helicved to bo altered
paleozoic strata, IHii. Tho latter supposed to ho altered lluilson-Iliver yroup,
or TJpi>er Taconic, ISJ. TiOj^an on their stratigrapliiy Macfarlane and by Bigsby
with the Primitive schisls of Norway, IHC. Tiie similar viowsof II. D. Rogers,
as opposed to those of Logan, 187. Tho orystallino rf>cks of Caernarvonshire
and Anglcsea; ditlcring views of Hritish geologists, IS7. 'JMitMr lluroiiian
age; Dimelian and P(!liidian, ISS. Matthews on lluronian in New Itruns-
wiok, 188. Ilis I}loomsl)ury group not altered Devonian, but lluronian, 189.
The author, in 1S7(), on tho lluronian of the Atlantic coast, ISO. Its two litho-
logic^d divisions: pelrosihix-porphyriesof Massjichusotts, ISO. ( Jhloriiic green-
stones and 8eri)entines, 190. Intrusive granites, 191. Micaceous quartzites .
His view compared with that of Logan, and both rejected, 197. Tho pro-
Cambrian age of these rocks allirmed ; lato results of tho Canada survey, 198.
Unpublished letter of W. 15. Rogers on the Blue Ridge in Virginia, 108.
Fontaine on tho siuno region; its Laurentian, lluronian, Montalban and
Taconic rocks, 100. Tho author on Laurentian, lluronian and Montalban on
the Schuylkill, iti Pennsylvania, liUO. On tho I^i' \er Taconic, or Primal and
Auroral rocks of that region, liOl. Their crystalline cjharactor, antl included
iron-ores, 201. Their partial resemblance to lluronian, 20'J. C. U. Shepard
(m the limonites of westtn-n Connecticut, 20li. Epigenio origin of c(M-tain
linionites, 203. Magnetites and limonites of tho Primal or Lower Taconic,
204. Crystalline minerals of this series; new species called vcnerite, 205;
The author on s;)-called talcose or nacreous schists, 20."). Emmons on the
pyrophyllito rocks of tho Lower Taconic, 20o, Organic forms in this series;
Scolithus, Lingula, etc., 20(J. The name of Taconian propcsed lor the Lowir
Taconic, 207.
Geology of the Blue Ridge; Laurentian of Roan Mountain, North Caro-
lina, 207. The Montalban series, with granitic veins, and included diniiteor
olivine-rcjck, 207. Taconian at theea.stern base of tho Bhio Ridge; it;i(v>lumito,
205. Kerr on tho geology of North Carolina; his Upper Laurentian is Mon-
talban, 20S. His lluronian includes the Taconian; charactorsand distrilmtion
of tho latter in N. Carolina, 208. Bradley on tho paleo7X)ic age of tlio rocks of
the Blue Ris therein, 2l.j. Strati^;rapiiio;il relati. l'"urlii<'r evidenees of a break at the l)aso of
the Siluro-Ciunbrian, 21(;. Murray on tlie lluronian in Nuwibundland, 217.
The great pro-Cami)rian erosion in that region, 217. lluronian north of the
river St. Lawrenee, 217. Brooks on a supposed newer series in northern
New York, 218.
Geology of Lake Superior ; the lluronian distinguished from the Cojjper-
bearing series, 210. TiOgan, iu istio, refers tiio latter t'> the* Quebeo group, 210.
Views of various writers on unstratilied and igneous roelis, 220. The author
on the indigenous eharucter of the lluronian greenstones, 221. The terms ex-
otic and end();icn<)nsa|)plied to roirk-nuussos, 221. Kimball on Laurontian and
lluronian of nortiiern Mioiiigan, 221. Credner on the g(M)l()gy of the sjimu
region, 222. Its examination liy Brooks and Pumiiellj', 222. UnpuliUshed
letter of the author on tin o(;ks of northern Michigan. 22:5. The newer erj-s-
tallino or Montall)an roeksof the region, 224. Subsequent studies of tliem
by Brooks, 22r>. The lluronian grt'eustones; tlieir lithologieal tiharaeters and
associations, 22(i. lluronian greenstones near New Haven, Conn., oalled, by
J. D. Dana, tui^tadolerito and metadial)ase, 227. The province of lithology, and
its relations to geognosy, 227. Hawes on tlie dioriiic character of tiicse green-
stones, 228. Serpentines, and carbonaceous rocks of the lluronian, 22H.
The Copper-bearing nxiks of Lake Su[)erior ; their supi)osed stratigrapliical
relations to * lie lluronian, 220. The question of t!i<^ petrosilex-poriihyries,
229. Probable lluronian age of the Boliemian mountains, 2110. Stratigraplii-
cal break between the lluronian and the Coi>per-bearing series, 230. The latter
distinguished, in 1S7:5, as the Kewenaw group, afterward <;alled Keweenian,
2iil, Tills conclusion ado[)tod by Brooks in 1^7"), 21! 1. Irving on the geology
of Wisconsin, 231. Laurontian and lluronian of the region, 232. The so-ciiUod
altered Potsdam, called lluronian by Hall and by Irving, 232. Its quartzites
and petrosilex-porphyries, 232.
The Keweenian in Wisconsin, 232. Sweet on its pre-Cambrian age, and on
the overlying stuidstones, 233. The Lake Superior or St. Mary's sandstone
referred to the Potsdam Ijy llominger, 233. Overlying Calcil'orous and Chazy
formations, 234. Bradley's geologictd map, 1S7<') ; ho calls the lluronian altered
Silurian, 234. Views of Sir W. E. Logan, and of Solwyn, 235. Irving (m the
pre-Cambrian ago of both lluronian and Keweenian, 235. No motamorphism
of paleoaiic strata in the west, 23(5. Relations of Taconian to Keweenian, 23(5.
The arguments for the meso2a)io ago of tho latter, 237. Chronological value of
the niineralogicjd characters of exotic rocks considered, 237. Supjioscil organic
markings in Keweenian rocks, 237. The two groups of sedimentary i-ocks on
Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, 238. The lower or carbonaceous group, with sil-
ver-bearing veins, 238. The upper or variegated dolomitic group, 230. These
probably distinct from and younger than the Keweenian, antl called Animikio
and Nipigon groups, 240. Views of Logan, Mucfarlane, Bell, and the author
as to these rocks, 241.
List of pro-Silurian terranea in North America, 241. Local variations in
Cambrian sediments, and their cause, 242. Rclationsof pre-Cambrian terranea
to one another, 242. Laurontian of the Rocky Mountains and the Wahsjitch
range, 243. lluronian of the Sierras, and uriferous rocks of California, 244.
Laurontian and lluronian in tho Alps; the pietri vcrdi, 244. Succeeding
limestone group in that region, 246.
E. XX i
Note ..„ tho Mnntanmnvoinst.Mios '4,1 r „ . .
the younKer K,„.Usio „r 'sJr 1 . r I "'^nervations of Bnx.ks on
slun. ; us estimated tl.i,.k„.as, -'is Tin r, i... '^'"""'^''^"' *'» ^'«w llan.p-
nradloy on the 151..,. liUhn in r • ""'' ^'•""""o.s, L'48. '
^>tsUan..Q..e.,e.,a„.CM;;;!c;,: ;;;;:;;; ^^i ^;.;;;so-.a,U...aU.
Georgia,-.'.^,). Tl.o rooks of Atlanf, -\:- "'■"^"'"^ "l«frvati„„s i„
Gap, 2.50. Mont.dl,an a..> ^ ' i:; ?'"'""'"•"'" '^^"""t Airv to r„ak.
Stone Mountain. ,.,, I>;. './^.^^^r;, ^"- ''--....aMo Ta,.o„ia„ ,..,t. Si
and n.ica-sohists. -,,. Tl.e (' Ih it "'«.;•''«"•" = N..- hornM.,,,,,-,^,,, .j,,,,^
251. Their supposed^^aJir^r ';■;' :;;;r^'T'''"™" ^^^'"^ '" '^-^«!''
ron. s,.ooession. and its (aliacies. ^^2 ^ i ^ 1^ ''^^ '"• ''^"^' '"•-" "^
the MontalLan, 2,-.i'. Tl.e arLMn„.nr .l^Z '""''''^ ^.ows ,us to the ago of
genesis of orystalline rooks "v" ««PIK.sed tnmsitions, 253. The
S 1. In till) month of Ano-ii.t isr.: T
ConimiasioMcra for tlio - '" "'«
«-.t« evi,lo„t that tho ork- 1 , "J ^''''""■' ■^''"- ^° """ i*
Of .ho,-r goognostic': r:,rtt,r":,t° ^t ^v- ""'"^ " T'^-
a -. wi„o .n,o Of i.,.,,, h.oif;";,:: ;.;;::c;t::;:
tl.oy oxotio lET "™"' ""^'S""""^' ""d I'ow far aro
Inasmuch as thoro nro n Mo' ?"■ '^"'='»«i°S ^fata ?
[1 E.J
2 E.
itiaHmucli, moreover, as other rocks, by many regarded as erup-
tive, are found enclosed in the older formations, (the mineral
characters of which tliey are generally .supposed to ha. c modi-
fied,) it became evident that a proper discussion of the trappian
rocks would require a review of the geology of the whole re-
gion. Add to this the history of the iron ores, some of which
are commonly believed to have intimate relations witli the
trajis ; and, moreover, the history of the so-called azoic i-oeks,
and the field presented for my geological investigations be-
comes a very wide one.
By Azoic rocks are generally understood the whole of the
Prnnary crystalline rocks of prepaleozoie age, for which the
names of Archaean and Eozoic liave also been suggested. Rog-
ers, it is true, restricted the name of Azoic to a portion of these
Primary rocks, while he designated another }iortion of them as
llypozoic. I have, however, interpreted the term, as used above
by Prof. Lesley, in its usual sense, and .shall include under this
title the whole of the Primary or Eozoic formations known in
§ 2. The region to which my inquiries were directed is that
part of the State lying to the south and east of the North or
Kittatinny Mountain, and includes, besides the Mesozoic sand-
stones and the rocks designated by Prof. Henry D. liogers as
the Primal, Auroi-al and Matinal divisions of the Paleozoic
Bystem, a great development of crystalline stratitied rocks.
These were by him divided into an older Uneissic or llyijozoic
series, and an upper Semi-metamorphic or Azoic series, the re-
lations of which to one another and to the I'aleozoic system
are very intimate, and gave rise to certain ambiguities in the
descriptions and the nomenclature as set forth by liim in his
filial report on the geology of I'ennsylvania, published in lWo8.
§ ;}. As regards the distinctions between the liypozi/ic and
Azoic series, those were declareil to be : "■ First, an obvious and
very general dillerence in the composition of the two sets of
strata: secondly, a marked dillerence in their conditions of
metamoiphism : and thirdly, and more esjiecially, u striking
contrast in the direction and manner of their u}ilift ; the [ili-
cations and utidulations of the less metaniorphic series dipping
almost invariably south-eastward, while the gneiss, in many
E :i
localities, has no symmetrical foldings, but only u broad out
crop, dipping to a different quarter. These structural dissimi-
larities imjily essential differences in the direction and date of
the crust-movetuents which lifted and transforn.ed the respec
tive grou])s, and led the geologists of I'ennsylvania and Vir-
ginia to a conviction that, over at least many tracts, there would
yet be discovered a physical unconformity lioth in strike and
dip. It was not, however, until a relatively late date in the
prosecution of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania that the
geologist of that State detected positive evidence of this [»hysi-
cal break, ami of a lapse of time between the two groups of
§ 4. " We have then in the Atlantic slope, by actual demon-
stration, but one physical break or horizon of unconformity
throughout the immense succession of altered crystalline sedi-
mentary strata and, within this region, but one paleontological
horizon — that, namely, of the already discovered dawn of life
among the American strata. This latter plane or limit, mark-
ing the transition irom the nou-fossiliferous or Azoic deposits
to those containing organic remains, lies within the middle of
the Primal series or group of the I'ennsylvania survey ; that is
to say, in the Primal white sandstone, which, even where very
vitreous, and abounding in crystalline mineral aggregations,
contains its distinctive fossil, the SeolUhus linearis. The I'rimal
slates, beneath the sandstone and in intimate alternation with
it, possess not a vestige of organic life, nor has any such yet
been discovered anywhere within the limits of the Atlantic
slo])C, or on the northern or western borders of the great Ap-
palachian basin of ^orth Ainerica, either in the Lower Primal
slate or in the other Semi-metumorphic grits and schists physi-
cally conformable with it, into which the true Paleozoic se-
quence of our formations, physically, extends downwards."
§5. We have', then in the language of Rogers. " two main
horizons, sub-dividing the more or less nictamorphic strata of
the Atlantic slope in three systems or groups ; the one, a physi-
cal break or interruption in the original dejiosition of the
masses ; the other, a life-limit or plane, denoting the first advent,
so far as yet discovered, of oiganic l)eings. As tliese two planes
are not eoincitlent, Init include between them a thick group of
4 E.
Bedimeiitary rocks separated from the lower, physically, and
from the ujtper, ontologically," the author was led " to employ
a classitication which recoo;nizc3 a three-fold division of all
these lower strata." These three groups he defined to be the
ILjpozok rocks, or those beneath any life-bearing strata; the
Azoic^ or those destitute of any discovered relics of life ; and the
Paleozoic, containing the remains of ancient life. (Sec the Ge-
ology of Pennsylvania, 1858, vol. I, pages 62-64.)
§ 6. In addition to the relation of continuity already asserted
between the Azoic and Talcozoic groujis, we arc liirther told,
in the chapter just quoted, that the "Azoic or talco-niicaceous
group is a genuine downward extension of the I'rinuil i'aleo-
zoic scries;" while in a succeeding chapter, tiie whole of the
Azoic series is expressly included in the I'aleozoic system, of
which it constitutes the lower portions, in the preceding ex-
tracts, the Azoic rocks are sx)oken of as comprising the Lower
I'rimal slate, and a group of tSemi-metaniorpliic grits and
schists physically conformable with il; but, farther on in the
pages of Kogers, the latter alone are distinguished by the name
of Azoic, under the head of the Paleozoic system.
§ 7. The Ajjpalachian Paleozoic strata of Pennsylvania, as
defined by our author, arc said to be, in asccndiug order, as
" Primal Crystalline Schists (or Azoic Group.) — A very
thick and widely difiused group of semi-crystalline strata, in-
durated clay -slates, talcose, micaceous and hornblendic schists
and gray silicious grits, without visible fossils, but in closo
physical relations with tlie overlying fossiliferous l*rimal rocks,
and apparently a portion of the Paleozoic system."
To this division succeeds four mjmbcrs, described as portions
of the Primal Series, namely :
" Prlmal Conqlomkrate. — A heterogeneous conglomerate
composed of quartzose, feldspatl.'ic and other pebbles, included
in a silicious or talco-silicious cement. This rock does not ap-
pear in Pennsylvania, but is largely developed in Virginia and
in Tennessee, where it has a thickness of 150 feet. This for-
mation, jind the preceding, seem to lie below the lowest ascer-
tained fossiliferous horizon."
i:. 5
"Primal Older Slate. — A sandy slate of al)rown or green-
ish gray color, containing much lelJspatliic and talcose matter.
It has hitherto disclosed no fossils. The thickness of this
rock has not been ascertained in Pennsylvania, the beds being
too much folded. In Virginia it is 1,200 feet thick."
" 1'rlmal White Sandstone. — A compact, fine-grained white
and yellowish vitreous sandstone, containing specks of kaolin.
The stratum is distinguished by a cylindrical stem-like fossil,
the Scolilhus lincuris, which crosses the beds in a perpendicular
direction. l*robable thickness about 300 feet."
" Prlmal UrrER Slate. — A greenish blue and brownish talco-
argillaceous slate, very soft and slialy ; its only fossil a peculiar
fucoid. It is probably about 700 feet in Pennsylvania."
§ h. To these succeed the Auroral Series, consisting of two
members, which are, in ascending order:
''Auroral Calcareous Sandstone. — A coarse gray calca-
reous sandstone, containing drusy cavities enclosing crystals of
quartz and calcareous sjia.. Within the limits of Pennsylvania
this occurs chietly in Northampton, Centre and Huntingdon
counties. It is about sixty feet at l^aston."
"Auroral Maqnesian Limestone. — A light blue and bluish-
gray massive limestone, containing generally from ten to thirty-
five per cent of carbonate of magnesia. In the southwestern
part of Pennsylvania it contains thick beds of chert. Its thick-
ness is from 2,500 to 5,500 feet."
§ 9. Of these divisions the Primal white sandstone was by
llt)gers regarded as the equivalent of the Potsdam of the New
York series ; and the lower and upper members of the Auroral,
respectively, as the representatives of the Caleifbrous sandiock,
and the united Chazy and Black Kiver limestones of New
The Auroral is followed in ascending order by the Matinal
Scries, in three divisions, namely: the ilatinal argillaceous
limestone, tlio Matinal black slate, and the Matinal shale;
supposed to be equivalents respectively of the Trenton lime-
stone, the Utica slate, and the so-called Hudson Kiver shales
of New York. (Ibid, I, page 104.)
§ 10. Crystalline characters were not, however, according to
Rogers, supposed to be contined to the liypozoic and the Azoic
6 E.
H ' hV"!
or Lower Priraal strata. The Primal white sandstone and the
Upper Primal slates, as well as the Auroral and Matinal series,
in various localities, are described as being more or less crystal-
line in form, from so-called metamoridiic action ; which is even
supjiosed by Rogers to have changed the Mesozoic, in some
places, into a crystalline rock. Tiie whole of the Primal strata
below the white sandstone are elsewhere described as alterna-
tions of talcoid silicious slate, talco-micaceous slate and quartz-
ose micaceous rock, usually schistose, besides other strata wiiieh
are nearly pure clay-slate. Greenish talcose slates arc, more-
over, said to be associated both with the white massive lime-
stone and the blue limestone of the Auroral series.
§ 11. The larger part of the crystalline rocks of the State are
by Rogers referred to theGneissicor llypozoic series, although
we are told that near the Susquehanna it is difficult to distin-
guish the silicious talco-mieaceous I'rimal from the more mica-
ceous beds of the llNpozoic. Elsewhere it is declared that
whore these Lower Primal or Azoic strata " display their maxi-
mum amount of crystalline structure or metamorphism, the
members of the twogroujis often simulate each other so closely,
and indeed are so identical in mineral aspect and structure, as
to bailie all attemptsat distinguishing them lithologically ; nev-
ertheless it will appear IVom the evidence embodied in the sec-
tions illustrating this country that they are distinct systems,
occuiiying separate zones, susceptible of delineation in the geo-
logical map." (Ibid. I, page 60.)
§ 12. He defined three areas or districts of the Gneissic or
llypozoic series in tlie State of J'cnnsylvania. The Northern
district, being the South Mountain belt, is a prolongation of the
Highlands of the Hudson and of New Jersey, whicli crossing
the Delaware below Easton, extends to Reading on the Schuyl-
kill, stretching along the north side of the Mesozoic sandstone
belt. The Middle gneissic district extends from near Valley
Forge on the Schuylkill, westward into J^ancastcr county, and
includes the Welsh Mountain, between the Mesozoic on the
north and the limestone valley of Chef ter county on the south.
The third or Southern district is that extending from the Dela-
ware at Trenton to the Susquehanna south of the State line,
and lies whoUv south of the limestone vallev of Chester and
E. 7
Montgomery counties, except when the gneiss passes around the
east end of the limestone, and lies between it and the southern
border of the Mesozoic for a little distance near the eastern
corner of the last named county. This SouiIktu gneissic dis-
trict, in the words of liogcrs, '"lireaks otf to the west of the
Brandywine river in a succession of narrow tongues. Near the
State line of Delaware it sends forth, however, through the
south-east corner of Chester county, a continuous and widening
belt to the Susquehanna." To the "west of the Brandywine
the gneissic rocks sink under the altered I'rimal strata in a
succession of anticlinal lingers on slender j)romontorics." The
line of demarkation between these two "series is nut, however,
a simple une, but is intricately loo})ed in consequence of numer-
ous nearly parallel anticlinal foldings of the strata, sending
promontories or tingers of the older rocks within the area of
the newer or Semi-metamorphic to the west of their average
boundary." ([bid I, i)ages Go, GO, G7.)
To the west of this irregular boundary, the whole of the
crystalline rocks, which, i)n both sides of the Susquehanna, ex-
tend to the south of the limestone valley of Lancaster cuunty
as far as the Maryland line — where through the narrowing of
this valley they are brought to the Mesozoic — are rei)resented
by Rogers, both in the rej)ort and in the geological map, as
" Primal altered," with some areas o\' "Auroral altered."
§ 18. Still farther west, and beyond the Mesozoic, is a large
and important mountain area, the northern extension of the
Blue Ridge, stretching nearly to the Susquehanna, which is also
described by Rogers as ''Primal altered" (Ibid. 1, {)age 204.)
This, liowever, in the geological maj), is designated as unaltered
"Primal." The same is true ot some stuall areas of crystalline
slates which ap[)ear iji the midst of the Auroral limestt)ne near
theSus([uehanna, to the south-east of the Mesozoic. In calling
attention to this discrepancy bi'tween the maii and tin text, I
wish to jtoint to another of eonsideral)le inqiortance. It will
bo found, (at least in the copy of the geoU)gical map of L*emi-
sylvania before me,) that the Gneissic series in the tlie legend
is represented by a diagonally-lined pjjik color, which however,
on the map, is confined tc the Southern district ; the Middle and
Northern gnei.ssie districts being of a piidc color, but unlinod.
8 E.
Inasmuch as Rogers refers the whole throe to the same series,
tliere is evidentlj' an' error on the part of tiie cartograplier.
It seems prohuble the unlined pink of the districts hist
mentioned was intended to represent the gneiss. The student
of the map will also bear in mind that the areas designated as
"Primal,' near York, and west of the Mesozoic, and colored a
pale yellow, Avithout lines, should, in conformity with the
text of liogers, receive that color which, according to the le-
gend, belongs to the "Primal altered." It may also be ob-
served that the diagonally-lined pale yellow, said in the legend
to represent Primal roofing-slates, does not appear upon the
geological map.
§ 1-1. The characters of the three gnesssic district are de-
scribed with some detail by Rogers, who shows that the rocks
of the Northern and Middle districts are very unlike those
of the Southern. They consist, according to him, of coarse
gneisses, resembling granite, but distinctly stratified, often
made up chiefly of quartz and feldspar, frequently hornblendic,
and abounding in magnetic iron ore, but rarely containing
mica. lie also notes the rarity of micaceous, talcose or chlo-
ritic rocks, which abound in the Southern district. The Middle
district presents some small exposures of highly crystalline
limestone with graphite ; and the Northern one, near Easton,
also exhibits beds of serpentine, with some crystalline car-
bonate of lime, accompanied with tremolite, light colored jiy-
roxene, brown tourmaline, graphite, and, as I have observed,
with large crystals of magnesian mica. The mineralogical
and lithological characters of these rocks are similar to those
met with in the Highland range in New York and New Jer-
yey, of which this is a continuation; and it was after a careful
consideration of all these circumstances that the geological
survey of Canada, in the map of eastern North America, pub-
lished in 18GG, represented both the Northern and the Middle
gneics'c districts of Pennsylvania as belonging to the Laureu-
tian series ; to which the gneisses of the Highland range and
the Adirondacks had already been referred.
§ 15. The geological structure of these two gneissic regions in
Pennsylvania was described by Rogers as presenting a series of
closely appresscd folds, most clearly seen in the South Mountain,
E. 9
of which he says, "It will be seen that from one end of tho
ran^e to the other the gneiss, and the older Appalachian strata
in contact with it, are bent into a series of folded or inverted
llcxuies; that is to say, having the strata in the north leg of each
anticlinal turned over, and dipping steeply to the south, or
^rather to the south-east, in accordance with the law so univcr-
salthroughout our whole Appalachian chain. Near the Dela-
ware, as shown both in the general and the local sections, there
are three distinct ridges of the gneiss, separated by two syncli-
nal troughs of the Auroml limestone. IJere the entire breadth
of the chain is almost seven and a half miles. At the eastern
corner of iJcrks county the breadth is about six miles. Here
they (the ridges) consist almost exclusively of the gneissic
rocks. Near the Schuylkill, the whole belt is much contracted,
consisting chietly of the spurs of the Neversink mountains,
and the ridges are composed almost exclusively of the Trimal
white sandstone in an altered and much indurated state." (Geol.
I'enn. II, page 94.) The above structure is shown in numerous
sections given by Rogers.
§ IG. In further illustration of the inversion of the strata
our author remarks that along the southern side of the great
limestone valley, near the Lehigh, tho dip of the limestone is,
in very many places, to the southward, or towards the gneissic
belt, sometimes at an angle of 00°. He adds: ''The existence
of a steep southern dip along the south side of this valley is in
strict analogy with tlie position of the rocks generally in tho
valleys of the whole South Mountain chain, and implies an
overtiming of the strata to the north. This folding of the beds
upon themselves in the synclinal axis of our first great moun-
tain, though highly curious, is a i)revailing feature from Ver-
mont to Tennessee." (5th Annual Keport, page 25.)
§ 17. We have next to consider the gneissic rocks of the
Southern district, the difi'erence between which and the North-
ern one (setting aside for the jiresent that of the iliddle dis-
trict, declared to be similar to the Northern) is referred to by
Kogers as "an essential want of corresiK)ndence between the
two regions, in tho gneiss itself," and as a "marked dilierence in
the composition of the predominant rock of the two gneissic
ranges, which must be ascribed to an original ditftirence in the
10 E.
chemical nature of the strata.'' This Southern district more-
over presents in its ditierent parts such dissimilarities that
Rogers was led to divide it into three longitudinal belts, dis-
tinguished by mineralogical and lithological characters. The
importance which I ascribe to these three divisions is such that
I condense from the pages of Prof. Rogers the following de-
scriptions (Geol. Penn. I, pages 64-10-4.).
§ 18. The southern division or group ot the Southern gneissic
district is that which is seen on the Schuylkill from Gray's
Ferry to tlie upper end of Manayunk, and includes the region
of Philadelphia and Gcrmantown. Of its gneissic rocks, the
most common or typical variety of all is a gray, bluish, r..;her
finely laminated mixture of quartz, feldspar and mica ; the
quartz, for the most part, white or trans])arent, the feldspar
usually white, and the mica generalh- black or dark brown, and
in small plates. This rock occasionally includes small garnets.
Next in frequency to this is a dark bluish-gray, sometimes
greenish-black gneiss, composed of hornblende au(i quartz,
sometimes with a little feldspar; the hornblende always greatly
predominating. This rock is usually very iine-grained and
thinly bedded.
A third common variety in this group is a micaceous quartz
rock, generally of a light gray color. Some beds, from a pre-
dominance of finely granular ([uartz, and a subordinate amount
of disseminated mica, have the characters of a whetstone. A
much coarser kind of gray micaceous gneiss, consisting of a
predominance of rather large Hakes of mica, with a subordinate
quantity of feldspar and quartz, occurs interstratitied with all
these other species, as a very usual transition-variety between
the ordinary gray gneiss and the highly micaceous kinds, which
apitroach mica-slate. It is very usual to find the typical gneiss
alternating with the hornblendic species, and both of these al-
ternating with the quartzo-micaceous variety. Interst ratified
among these varieties f)f gneiss are beds more or less thick, so
abounding in mica as to be entitled to the name of mica-slate.
Occasional beds of the typical feldspathic gneiss are made
}KM-phyritic by the presence of more or less insulated segrega-
tions of crystalline feldspar, the longer axes of which generally
lie jtarallel to the lamination of the rock. Garnet in small
K 11
isolated crystals is common in tiiL-su rocks, especially in tliu
more micaceous varieties, besides staurolite, cyanite and rutiJe.
§ 19. The stratified rocks of this Philadelphia group, accord-
ing to Kogers, enclose various "unstratitied or true igneous
rocks" including "a peculiar feldspathic sijetiite (a somewhat
hornblendic granite) in thick dykes, also a white coarse-
grained granite, consisting of feldspar and (juartz in tortuous
and sometimes ramilying \o'\n'6, yrcen stone and other forms of
trap-rock in dykes, and also quartz, chroniiferous iron ore and
other minerals, occurring singly or associated in the shape
of elongated thin dykes or narrow veins. To these should per-
hai)S be added some of the masses of ser}ientine, for the unstrati-
tied character of these last named is no longer doubtful."
§ 20. The middle division or groujt of this Southern gneissie
district, where it a[)pears on the t;cliuylkill, is described by our
author as very similar to the southern one, and as consisting of
an alternation of four principal varieties of rock. The most
abundant is a very micaceous and garnetiferous gneiss, includ-
ing feldspar and quartz, and having a waved, twisted or undu-
lating lamination, due to the fact that tlie crystalline plates ot
mica, displaced by the grains of quartz, are often arranged ob-
liquely to the bedding of the rock. The next most common
variety is described as consisting almost entirely of this wavy
mica. The rock however graduates into the more micaceous
sorts of gneiss by a greater or less admixture of finely granular
crystalline quartz, feldspar and hornbk'nde. Thesoutliern halt"
of this middle group consists of an alternation of these two varie-
ties of micaceous gneiss, with beds of athinlv laminated horn-
blendic gneiss; which may sometimes rather bo called a horn-
§ 21. The northern half ol' the group consists largely of a
fourth variety, described as a gray, fine-grained mixture ot
granular quartz and minutely crystalline scales of mica, the for-
mer predominating and constituting a kind of wlu'tstone. This
rock breaks readily into long narrow masses, with smooth sides
and ragged extremiti(!S, like half-decayed tibrous wood. On
its southern side, this rock, which occupies a considerable
breadtii, is said to alternate with the coarse mica-slates, and on
12 E.
the north with greenish talcoso slates, which, with serpentines
and steatite, mark the summit of the middle group of these
gneiwsic rocks, as defined hy Rogers. This steatitie range is
descrihed as extendiiij; from near Chestnut Hill to about a mile
west of Morion Square, gradually widening from a narrow belt
on the Wissahickon to one-eighth of a mile on the iSchuyl-
kill, and to nearly four times that breadth two miles farther
westward ; beyond which it is said to divi;e of gneiss,
regarded by Rogers as identical with that whicii, upon the
Seliuylkill, forms the northern ilivision of the Stmthern gneissic
district. At the falls of the Delaware, at Trenton, according
to him, the rock is a dark hornblendic gneiss, di[»ping steeply
§ 29. We have seen that our author (§ 2G) looks upon the whole
of this Southcri gneissic region as made up of two groups of
strata, a lower and more feldsjiathie series, apjicaring on the two
sides of the basin, and a newer and more micaceous series, oc-
cupying the centre of the synclinal. It might be supposed
that these two divisions correspond respectively to the Ily-
pozoic and Azoic series of tlie autiior, but the whole suc-
cession is described under the iiead of the older crystalline
Gneissic strata, or the llypozoic series ; which is elsewhere said
to ''consist of true gneiss in all its varieties, quartzose, felds-
pathic, micaceous and hornblendic, with fully developed or typi-
cal mica-schist, talc-schist, chlorite-schist and the other crystal-
line schists usually classed with the genuine or older (llypozoic)
gneiss." (Vol. II, p. 7-14.)
§ 30. With regard to the belt of magnesian rocks in the gneis-
sic region of the Schuylkill, he says : '"Viewing the steatite as a
stratified rock of the mica-slate group, we may reasonably re-
gard it as having L>een metamorphosed to its i>resent condition
and structure by infusion of magnesian matter from the dyke
of serpentine, which everywhere adjoins it." (Vol. I, p. 72.)
Elsewhere he describes a similar belt of rocks, a little farther
to the west, as comprising both "true injected ser[)entine and
serpentinous steatitic talc-schist."
The reader is, however, soon after perjtlexed to find that the
serpentines and steatites of the Schuylkill, and indeed of all
the region south of the limestone valley of Montgomery and
Chester counties, are described in detail at the end of the chapter
on the Primal rocks (Vol. I, \,\i. 107-172,); leaving it to be in-
ferred, though nowhere distinctly stated, that these are, in some
way, related to the Lower Primal (which we iiave seen to be
16 E.
synoDj-moijs in the nomencliiturc of Rogers with tlic Azoic,)
ratlier tluiu to the Il^'pozoic series.
§ 31, It iiuiy, however, he noted that of the serpentine areas
represented on his geological map, one, that of the Schuylkill,
is placed wholly within the Hypozoic, and another, that of
Texiis nciir the Susquehanna, in the Azoic or I'rinial. Those
of South Valley Hill, of the I'aoli, as well as the serpentine
belt along the Marvland state-line, are each described as
bounded to the southward by massive gneissic rocks, which, io
the case of the last named, appear to be unconformable in dip
with the serpentine. To the northward, the last two belts are said,
to be bounded by talcose or micaceous and argillaceous slates,
including the roofing-slates of Peach Bottom, regarded as
Lower Primal. In the case of the serpentine and stcatitic belt
of South Valley Hill, the gneiss is again repeated, scp.arating
it from a limestone valley to the north. The Unionville ser-
pentine region is described as being wholly in the midst of
micaceous and talcose schists. (Vol.1, pp. 1G7-172.)
§ 32. In cxi)lanation of this it must be remembered that all
the true serjtentines were looked upon by Rogers as intruded
igneous masses, the eruption of which was accompai:icd by an
infusion of magncsiiui matter, which had changed into talcose
and serpentinous rocks, the micaceous schists, both of the
Azoic and Hypozoic series. The more micaceous portions of
the Hypozoic are, moreover, declared to rcsenibio so closely
the micaceous schists of ;ho Azoic "in mineral aspect and
structure as to balllo all o'lcmpts at distinguishing them litho-
§ 33. This point is further discussed near the close of our
author's second volume, where, in a sketch of the geolog}- of tho
United States, after referring to the labors ot the Canada (jico-
logical Survey, which had, in 1847-1852, pointed out the exist-
ence of a series of crystalline schists intermediate between tho
ancient gneissic system and the Paleozoic series, ho refei's to
the investigations of I'rof William B. Rogers in Virginia, who
had,as(>arly as 1830, recognized a similar series east of the Blue
Kidge in Virginia. These rocks, extending along the "Atlantic
slope of the southern stales," were saiossibility of
ascertaining at present the true base of tbe Paleozoic system ;
for the history of geology forbids us to believe that research
has yet detected the actual horizon of the dawn of animal and
vegetable life upon our globe." (Vol. II, page 745.)
§ 35. The crystalline condition which characterizes the in-
termediate or so-called Azoic series, in some cases, according to
Rogers, extends upward, embracing all the members of the
Paleozoic series mentioned in §§7-l\ We arc told tliat the Primal
white sandstone is occasionally converted into a vitreous
quartzite, and at other times into a " stratified i'eldspar rock,"
while "the limestones at the passage of the Primal into the
Auroral," or as elsewhere defined, at "the alternations of Primal
slate and Auroral limestone, are converted into crystalline dolo-
mite or marble, with seams and partings of crystalline scaly
talc." The Auroral limestone is said to become "a white and
2— K.
18 E
mottled marble, with semi-plumbagitious laminae" ; while the
gray sandstone of the Matinal series becomes "a highly in-
durated Bcmi-porphyritic grit," and the Matiiuil shale'' a serai-
crystalline clay-hlate, partially talcose or micaceous."
§ 'in. In illustration of these statements we may cite the ac-
count given by liogers of an area of crystalline rocks met with
in the South Mountain, to the south of the Susquehanna river.
The strata are described as chietiy of three classes ; one being
a group of chloritic, micaceous and talcose slates, with hard
green rocks abounding in epidote and quartz, sometimes with
a&bestus, and containing occasionally small portions of copper
ores and of native co[)per. A second class includes several va-
rieties of what is described as a reddish jaspery rock ; elsewhere
called a highlv altered jaspery slate, red or reddish-gray in
color, and sometimes holding s^iecks of red I'oldspar and small
veins of epidote. In addition to these is a third class, of gran-
ular quartzites or sandstones, sometimes described as talcose
and (juartzose conglomerates.
§ 37. These rocks, which rise in a series of parallel ridges on
the south-eastern border of the great valley of Auroral lime-
stone, were l)y Rogers regarded as juembers of tlie Primal
aeries ; the reddish jasper}' strata being the Primal upper
slates, "greatly modided in texture by the intrusion of quartz,
and by other igneous action ;" intrusive greenstones and traps
being mentioned as occurring m the series. Elsewhere we
have seen that the Primal white sandstone itself was supposed
to become, by alteration, a feldspar-rock. To the Primal lower
slatej are referred at least a portion ot the greenish chloritic
and ejtidotic rocks of the region; while the sandstones with
talcose slates are supposed to represent the Primal white saiul-
§ 38. These strata present, with some exceptions, dips to the
south-east, often at high angles, and the structure of the re-
gion is described by Kogers as a series of folds, with inverted
dips. In illustration of this we are told that on the north-
west side of the mountain the Primal upper slates are found
dijtjting southward, and overlaid by the Primal sandstone ;
while from beneath this, on the crests of the anticlinals, a|)pear
the greenish ejtidotic strata of the i'rimal h)wer slates. Portions
E. 19
of the Auroral limestone are found, in one or more places, in the
synclinal folds of this mountain-helt ; and in one locality arc
associated with the hydrous iron ore wliich usually accompanies
this limestone series. (Vol. I., pp. 202-207.)
§ 39. It will be observed that under the head of eruptive or
igneous rocks Rogers includes the so-culled dykes of serpen-
tine ; and, moreover, that the greenstones and epid(»tic rocks,
which are abundant in many parts of the schistose crystalline
strata, are spoken of as eruittive or plutonic in character; while
even the quartz veins found cutting the strata were regarded as
of igneous origin. It is moreover suggested that the Primal
sandstone itself may have been derived ''from the great dykes
and veins of auriferous quartz," supposed to have issued "in a
melted conditioTi through rents and fissures in the earth's
crust; outgushing bodies of this quartz," chilled by contact
with cold water, having been broken up into sand, and subse-
quently spread over the ocean's bottom. (Vol. II, page 780.)
Elsewhere he speaks of a belt of sparry limestone associated
with the gneiss of the Welsh Mountain, and traced for a mile
and a half, as follows: "Whether this limestone is a true ig-
neous dyke or vein of carbonate of lime, or a closely compressed
trough of sedimentary limestone, metamorphosed by heat, I
will not undertake to f^i^.y.^' (Vol. I, page 90.) These extracts
aiv made not in a spirit of invidious criticism, but because we
shall have, farther on, to point out certain erroi-s with regard to
these crystalline strata, which had their origin in the ex-
aggerated plutonic views of the author. Tiiese, however, he
shared with many others of his time.
§ 40. This notice of our author's account of the crystalline
roclvs of this region would not be c()ni[)lete without reference
to the su^iposed altered Mesozoic sandstone, found associated
with several deposits of iron ores, in contact with the gneiss
of the Middle district, and at a greater or less distance south of
the border of the great belt of Mesozoi<^ rocks. They are, ac-
cording to him, connected with faults or dislocations; "which
are so many rupture;densburgh." lie remarked a great re-
semblance between the rocks of the Macomb Mountains and the
Highlands of tlie Hudson ; adding, "they are remarkably char-
acterized, and distinguished from the Primitive rocks of Xew
England, and most European districts, by their great propor-
tion of hornblende-rocks, and by the presence of tabular-spar,
grains of inters[»ersed serpentine, coccolite, colophonite and
masses of diallage." (Text-book, pages 68 and 6.) "The
gneips (of the Macomb Mountains) is more nearly in a hori-
zontal position than is usual for rocks of gneiss in New Eng-
land." (Geol. Survey, i>age 42.)
§ 52. We come next to his second or Transition series, of
which the lower division (II, 1) is an "Argillite" formation, con-
sisting of clay-slate (including roofing-slate) and a gritty va-
riety, designated as wacke-slate. Both of these are described
as inclined in their attitude; the wacke having "the same in-
clination with the argillite, and diftering widely from the hori-
zontal or First Gray wacke." This latter constitutes the second
division of the Transition series (II, 2) and consists of "Gray-
wacke-slate," described as a fine argillaceous sandstone, and of
"Millstone grit and gray rubble," more or less conglomerate.
The tliird division (II, 3) comprises the Sparry limestone,
found east of the Hudson, the Calciferous sand-rock, identical
with that formation in the New York series, and the Transition
or Metalliferous lime-rock. Under this latter name, borrowed
from Bakewell, were comprised the Birdseyeand Trenton lime-
stones ; the localities of which, and some of their organic re-
mains, are described by Eaton.
§ 53. To this succeeds the Lower Secondary series, having
at its base, as before, a carboniferous division, (III, ]) described
as the " Second gray wacke slate ;" which rests upon the " Transi-
tion limerock" (Trenton.) This, which is clearly identified as
the Utica and Ijoraine formations, is overlaid by a second Mill-
stone grit, which is the Oneida, (111, 2) and is described as
passing beneath the calcareous division, (III, 3) which includes
the Geodiferous limerock (Niagara) and the Corniferous or
Cherty limerock (Lower and U[)per Helderberg.)
§ ")4. The red sandstones and shales of the Medina, the iron-
bearing strata of the Clinton, and the saliferous and g^-psifer-
ous marls of the Onondaga, with the overlying Water-lime beds,
were by Eaton regarded as a " subordinate series embraced in
tlie third regular series." With these red rocks he united cer-
tain red l)eds in the Catskills, as well as the red sandstones of
the Mcsozoic of New York, Xew Jersey and the Connecticut
valley. The disappearance, to the eastward, of the great mass
of red str.ita which, in central Xew York, is intercalated at the
base of the ilelderberg limestones, is noticed by Eaton. The
Cherty Secondary limestone is said to be separated at Bethle-
hem Xew York, by only sixty feet of graywacke-slate from the
Transition limestone, and to come m contact with it in Catskill
in (Jreene county. These limestones of the Lower Secondary se-
ries, it was shown, underlie alike the bituminous coals of west-
ern Pennsylvania, and the anthracites, which latter were thus re-
moved from the Transition series, to wdiich they had been re-
ferred by Maclure. Eaton showed, moreover, from their fossil
plants, that these coals, of both kinds, belonged to the same
geological horizon with the coals of Europe.
§ 5 J. The coal measures were placed in the carboniferous di-
vision of Katon's Upper Secondary series, (IV, 1) which also in-
cluded the sandstones of the Erie division of the Xew York
scries ; while the sandstones of the Catskill Mountain were
made the second division, (IV, 2) and the third (IV, 3) was
supposed to be represented by certain coralline limestones in the
Ilelderberg. It is obvious that Eaton here fell into errors in
the succession of strata, which make it no longer profitable to
follow him ; and we now return to the consideration of his
Transition and Lower Secondary series.
§ 56. The Argillite formation of Eaton, which is the lowest
division of his Transition series, (II, 1) is said by him to form
" the bed and banks of the Hudson," and to appear on the line
of section described by him in his " Geological Survey," ibr a
breadth of about twent}^ miles, from Williamstown Mountain,
in Massachusetts to three miles west of Coboes Falls, on the
Mohawk ; where it disappears beneath the overlying rocks.
The clay slate of the formation appears to the eastward, in the
mountain mentioned, but, along the section, is concealed in great
: 1
] i
' 1
i ■;
\ 1
28 K.
part beneath the coarser sandy wucke-slate. The two, how-
ever, are considered as parts of the same formation, as they
both present tlie same angle of inclination. lie is careful, in
this connection, to distinguish between the attitude of the
stratum, and that of the laminse of the slate, wliicli are de-
scribed as forming an angle with the former. (Gcol. Sur., 07.)
§ 57. This inclined wacke-slate,l)olonging to the Argillite for
mation (II, 1) is carefully distinguished from the graywacke
slate, the lower member of the First gray wacke formation (II,
2) already noticed; of which it is said "this slate is nearly hori-
zontal, and lies immediately upon the inclined edges of tlie Ar-
gillite, from Canada to Georgia. It is remarkably curved and
bent on the Mohawk between the Cohoes and Scbenectad}', at
Saratoga lake, and at the entrance of the Delaware and Hud-
son canal." He adds, in a note, that " while European geolo-
gists have described a change of direction at the meeting of the
Lower and Upper Secondary'," in which the latter rests hori-
zontally upon the inclined edges of the former, in iS'orth
America this change takes place at the meeting of the Argillite
and the First graywacke." (Text Book, page 74.)
§ 58. The place of this First or Transition graywacke (II, 2
was, according to Eaton, between the Argillite formation (II, 1)
and the Transition limestones (II, 3.) Of these latter, the Cal-
ciferous eandrock and the succeeding limestones were not shown
to rest upon the Argillite ; and in fact, as we now know, are
found, in the localities familiar to Eaton, directly upon the Prim-
itive gneiss. With them was, however, included the Sparry
limestone, known only in the eastern part of the state, lie
moreover descriljes numerous larg-e and small massi's of sand-
stone and limestone as occurring included between the lamiiue
of the Argillite, near the Cohoes Falls, and towards the delta of
the Mohawk. These were regarded as small portions of the
First graywacke and the Transition limestone; which, he con-
ceived, must have fallen into their places between the laminae
of the Argillite, while this rock was in a soft state. The shelly
(i. e. fossiliierous) Transition limestone described by Eaton as
occurring at Becraft's Mountain near Hudson, is now known
to belong to his Lower Secondary limestone (III, 3j; it being
of Lower llelderbery; ay;e.
§ 59. Eaton noticert that the acidulous carbonated mineral wa-
ter olitaincd bj boring at u doptli of" 480 feet in Albany, is found
in the ArgiHite,and sup)p09es thattlie similar waters of Saratoga
(now saifl to issue from the Calciferous sand-rock) have a like
source. In this connection it is well to recall the acidulous min-
eral spring found in South Argyle, Washington county, also in
the retiion of the Arjrillito.
This Argillite was described as containing a flinty slate or
Lydian stone, sometimes green and jaspcr-likc, beds of which
abound on the Hudson near Albany, and for forty miles below.
(Geol. Survey, pp. 69-70.)
§ GO. We have seen that Eaton described a Second graywacke,
conbtitutinfj the lower and middle divisions of the Lower Sec-
ondary ,and made up, like the First, of an underlying slate ([II,
1) and an overlying sandstone and conglomerate; (HI, 2) both
of which are declared to be scarcely distinguishable from the
members of the First graywacke, except by the fact that they
overlie the Transition limestones (II, 3). This Second gray-
wacke evidently corresponds to the Iltica, Loraine and Oneida
formations of the present n lUienclature, and thus has its recog-
nized position in the New " >rk series.
§ 61. With regard to the i st grayw acko, we have seen that
the slate which forms its ii.wer member is said to rest
in a nearly horizontal attitude on the inclined Argillite
formation, in many localities to the west of the Hudson Kiver.
On the eastern side of the river the First graywacke, in its
completeness, is largely developed. " It is seen resting on the
Argillite, near Col. Worthington's on the Little Hoosic, near
the east line of Rensselaer county. On ascending the western
hill or ridge, the graywacke-slate, rubble and millstone-grit
are found in succession. This ridge extends from Canada
through the state of Vermont, Washington county, and Rensse-
laer and Columbia counties, and, crossing the Hudson River,
forms the vast mountains of millstone-grit called Shawan-
gunk." Elsewhere we are told that the rubble or conglomerate
of the First 2:raywacke "forms the highest ridges between the
Massachusietts line and the Hudson," and that the Shawangunk
or White Mountain, of Ulster and Orange counties, forty miles
in length, "is a continuation of the grit and rubble of the First
30 i:.
graywackc of Rensselaer county." (Geological Text book,
pages 74, 93, 123.)
The full significance of these observations of Eaton was not
understood til! a much later date, as will appear further on.
§ G2. Next to Eaton in the order of time we note the earlier
publications of Henry Darwin Kogers. The geological survey
of Pennsylvania was begun by him in 1836, and was actively
carried on for live years, or until 1841. In his fourth i.nnual
report, tliat of 1840, we find a detailed ac ount of the for-
mations of the south-eastern part of the state. The crystalline
rocks included syenite, serpentine, etc., together with gneiss,
mica-slate, talc-slate, and "the more or less crystalline lime-
stones," of the Chester and Montg(jmery valley, lying between
the Middle and Southern gneissic districts and, it was said,
"obviously, like the former rocks, belonging to a Primary date."
While all these rocks were thus included in the Primary sys-
tem, as it was then generally understood, the limestones of tiie
Lancaster and Kittatinny valleys, and their accompanying sand-
stones and slates, were said to belong to the Lower Secondary
or Appalachian series; while the Mesozoic sandstones were
called Middle Secondary. The next annual report, in 1841,
contains, with regard to the Primary scrip's, only a few points
of detail ; and it is not until the final imblication lA' Rogers, in
1858, that we find his later views with regard them, as set
forth in the preceding chapter.
§ 63. Simultaneously with the work of Rogers in I'ennsyl-
vania, a geological survey of the state of New York, begun in
1837, was in [)iogre8s. The state was divided into four dis-
tricts, of which the first, or southern, wasc(jnfided to Prof. \V.
W. Mather, and second or northern to Prof. E. Emmons. The
central and western districts were entrusted to Messrs. L. Van-
uxem and James Hall ; but their work has no particular bearing
on the questions now before us. Messrs. Mather and Emmons
set forth their views on the geology of their respective region'^
in various annual reports, but we refer for a full ex[»osition of
them to their final reports, of which that of Emmons appeared
in 1842, and that of Mather in 1843.
§ 64. Resting upon the Primary system of ancient crystalline
rocks, in northern New York, there were found, according to
E. 31
Emmons, the lower members of the New York Triinsition sys-
tem. To these lower members Emmons, as is well known,
gave the names, in ascending order, of (1) Potsdum sandstone,
(2) Calciferous sandrock, (.3) Cliazy limestone, (4) Trenton lime-
stone, with its associated sub-divisions of the Birdseye and the
Isle La Motte or Black River limestone, (5) Utica slate, (0) Lo-
raine shales, (7) Cirey sandstone, (8) Medina sandstone. These
constituted, according to him, the Champlain division of the
New York series. The Grey sandstone, which in Jetterson
county overlies the Loraine shales, was l)y him regarded as the
eciuivalent of the conglomerate of Oneida. This, with the suc-
ceeding Medina sandstone, has, by subsequent geologists, been
separated from the (Jhamplain and united with the Ontario di-
vision; which also includes the Clinton and Niagara tormations.
§ G5. To the Champlain division, also, Emmons referred
certain red and purple slates which, tiiough not i'ound in the
counties to the westward, constitute a narrow belt '* which
passes through the higher parts of Cohuubia, Rensselaer and
Washington counties, and onward through Vermont into Can-
ada. It is every wiiere destitute of tossils."' These slates were sup-
posed to belong to the J^oraine formation, while to the succeed-
ing sandstone was referred the so-called Gray wacke (the Transi-
tion graywacke of Eaton,) which forms ranges of hills in the
counties just named, "and alsooccui's at Quebec," It is described
as being often coarse and brecciated, having a greenish cement,
supposed to be derivi'd from "tlie chloritic slate along the east-
en\ boundary.'' To this horizon was also referred a reddisii-
brown or chocolate-colored sandstone, with interlaminated
red shale, stretching along the eastern border of Lake Cham-
plain, and to the west of the Taconic range,'" in Verniont. Jie-
sides this was a mass of limestone immediately succeeding the
red sandstone, traversed with numerous veins of calcite and
quartz, which is well seen in Bald Mountain, and is the Sparry
limestone of Eaton. This rock, according to Emmons, extends
tiirough the valley of l^ake Champlain, on the east side, and
is not to be confounded with the more ancient granular lime-
stone of Berkshire county. All of the rocks mentioned in this
section were said to be without fossils, and to be lithologically
dissimilar to those of the Champlain division as seen intheval-
32 E.
ley of the Mohawk and west of the Adiroudacks ; although tliey
were, at this time, unliesitatiiio;ly referred by Emmons to the
ui)[)er portion of tliis division of tlie New York series. (Ge-
oloifv, Second district, jiages 121-120).
§ 6t>, The rocks to whicli, in his annual reports on the South-
ern district, Matlier had given the name of the Hudson River
slates or shales, were by Emmons, in 1842, regarded as a south-
ern prolongation of the above stratu from the east side of Lake
Champlain. The name of Loraine shales, we are told by him,
"is simply a synonym of the Hudson River shales, both terms
being occasionally used to designate the same rock. They
differ, as has already been pointed out, only in the physical
changes which each has sustained. At Loraine they are but
slightly removed from a horizontal [jositicm, while along the
Hudson River they have been fractured and elevated to a high
angle, or a steep dip to the east has been given them." (Ibid,
page 281.) In Vermont, we are farther told that the Cham-
plain group extends for six miles east of Ilighgate, while "at
Slicldou we leave the Champlain group and pass directly to the
Taconic system, consisting at its extreme north, in Vermont,
of the same masses of slate and limestone as in the counties of
Columbia and Dutchess in New York. Taking a general view
of the rocks on the east side of Lake Champlain, and those in
the same range, both north and south, we find them consisting
of the upper members of the Chami)lain group. To the east,
succeeds the Taconic system, whose width is from six to twelve
miles, made up of the same members which compose it in Berk-
shire county, Massachusetts, with the exception of the granular
quartz. This general arrangement extends at least to the lati-
tude of Quebec, presenting one of the longest formations yet
known to geologists." (Ibid, page 322.)
§ 67. The Taconic system, as at this time defined, included
the granular quartz-nx^k and granular limestone of the Primi-
tive series of Eaton (T, 2 ; I, 3,). These were by Emmons sepa-
rated from the rrimitive schists and gneisses, and united with
the Transition argillite (EI, 1) to form what he regarded as a
distinct series; which, though not found between the Primary
and the New York series, at the outcro]) of the latter in north-
ern New York, was sujiposed to be intermediate between the
mathp:r ox new york geology.
E. 3o
two. It formed tlie Taconio hills of western New England,
occupying, as we have seen, a narrow belt between the Primary
on tbo east, and the disturbed and eastward-dipiiing rocks, re-
ferred to of the Cliamplain division of the Now York series, on
the west; tbo boundary between which and the Taconic .system
along the Hudson, was not as yot distinctly deiined Ijy Em-
mons. The rocks of these two series, it should be remembered,
do not occur within the limits o*f the Northern district of New
York, which had been assigned to him.
§ C8. Mather, in his final rei -rt on the geology of the
Southern district of New York, which appi»eared in 1843, or
the year following that of Emmons, recognized no distinction
between the New York series and the Taconic system, which
he regarded as nothing more than the Champlain division of
Emmons (excluding therefrom the Oneida and Medina sand-
stones,) in a modified form. The granular quartz-rock of the
Taconic was, according to him, the Potsdam ; the granular lime-
stone was the Calciferous «androck, with the succeeding Chazy
and Trenton formations ; while the Hudson River Argillite se-
ries, including the roofing-slates, represented the Utica slates
and the Loraine shales.
§ 69. The district examined by Mather included the Hudson
valley from the crystalline Primary rocks of Washington and
Saratoga counties on the north to the similar crystalline rocks
of the Highlands on the south. He pointed out what he .called
the Hudson axis, extending from Baker's Fal» on the Hud-
son river, near Sandy Hill in Washington county, southward
by Saratogsi Lake, Glen's Falls, New Baltimore, Catskill and
Kingston. This axis "may be traced farther to the south in
the Comfort liills of Orange county, between the Wallkill and
the Shawangunk rivers, and is probably an extension of that of
Pochunk Mountain, on the New Jersey line." It thus skirts
the Hudson river for more than one hundred miles. (Geology,
First district, pp. 357, 375, 623.)
§ 70. The course thus defined, which is declared to bo "a line
of fracture, and an anticlinal axis," is indicated with more pre-
cisenoss of detail in the Fifth annual report of Mather, (page
66,) where, in its northward extension from Orange county, it
3— E.
34 E.
is said that it ''crosses the tShawaiiguiik Mountains with a very
acute angle, [)as8eH near Kingston, thence halt' a mile east of
the i'all of Esopus creek, hy vSaugerties, alung the ridge hetween
Catskill village and the Katei*skill creek on the road to the
Mountain ; near Madison, three miles north-west of Cats-
kill; four miles west of Athens; three miles we*;t of Cox-
sackie, and ahout the same distance west of ^'ew Baltimore and
Coeymans. Its continuation in Alhany county is seen whore
the Normanskill and Mohawk intersect it. It crosses the Mo-
hawk a few miles helow the aqueduct, and ranges thence, hy
!Saratoga Lake, to Baker's Falls on the Hudson." To the east
of this line the strata present characters very unlike those on
the west.
§ 71. This line corresponds to that defined by Eaton between
the Transition Argillite and the uucontbrmably overlying Tran-
sition Graywacke, a fact which serves to explain the language
of Mather, who informs us that "the horizontal and slightly in-
clined slates and grits of the Hudson River group lying to the
west of tills axis * * '^ were formerly considered as more
recent strata than the upturned rocks of the Hudson River val-
ley, and as resting unconlbrmably upon them." Me, however,
maintained and sought to prove the identity of the rocks in
the two regions, though he declared that "the upturned rocks
are so much modified in their characters by the causes which
have deranged their position, that it requires the strongest evi-
dence to convince one that they are no older than the horizon-
tal rocks west of the axis of disturbance." In proof of this
view he aflirmod that it was possible in many cases "to trace
the strata across the axis of disturbance," and, moreover, to
lind, in various localities among the disturbed rocks, fossils of
the Champlain division, especially the graptolites of the Utica
§ 72. The strata of this disturbed region dip constantly to the
eastward, and often at angles ap) iroach ing the vertical. They are
also, according to Matlier, affected by numerous fractures and
faults, which " have deranged all the rocks of the Champlain
division and packed them together '• * in the utmost con-
fusion." " Thev are contorted, broken and wrinkled in almost
every conceivable manner," and " the repetitions of the same
E. 35
strata with others lying lower and higher in the geological series,
and with frequent apparent inversions in the order of superpo-
sition, render it almost impossihle to determine, from an exam-
ination of the strata on the east bauii of the Hudson, what the
real order of superjiosition is. Other difficulties also present
themselves, viz: the fossiliferous rooks dip to the east, and a|>-
[•arently plunge under those which have been considered of
more ancient formation ; and, on the eastern Hank of the Hud-
son valley, these plunge apparently under what we have been
accustomed to consider very ancient rocks, as gneiss, granite,
mica-slate, etc." That these disturbed strata, destitute of fos-
sils, often with glazed surtaces, more or less talcose in aspect,
traversed in parts by numerous quartz veins, and including
many "anomalous rocks," were very unlike the Champlain di-
vision as seen in the Northern district, to the south and west of
the Adiroudacks, was thus clearly recognized by Mather, who
nevertheless believed the two to be equivalents in geological
§ 73. We have next to notice belts of rocks in this region,
referred by Mather to the Ontario division of the New York
series. First of these, on the west side of the Hudson, is the
!Shawany;unk range, extending from the New Jersey line north-
eastward a dist lUce of *bity-three miles to Ivoscidale, near
Kingston, and regarded as a prolongation of the Kittatinny
range of Pennsylvania. The strata of this range are chietly of
sandstone and conglomerate, gray or white, and more rarely red,
with slaty layers. They are described as resting unconfurmably
upon the Hudson Hiver slates, and as contormably overlaid by red
slates and marls, regarded as re[)resentiiig the Medina ; tlie sand-
Htone itself being su[»posed to be the eciuivalent of the (Jneidu.
The dip of this lormation is to the north-west, sometimes at a
high angle. It is remarkable for its quartz veins carrying sul-
pliuivttetl ores ol' lead, copperaiid zinc; and for its beds of ct)n-
glomerate, in which the cemeni is pyrites, ench)sing pebbles
and grains of quartz.
§ 74. Besides this range, Mather noticed to the south-east
another conqtosed of somewhat similar rocks, which are traced
at intervals from the New Jersey line, by the west of Long
J'ond, north-northeast to near Canterbury in Cornwall, Or-
36 E.
ange county. Tlieae were regarded by Mather, and by Rogers,
as the extension of the Green-Pond Mountain range of New-
Jersey ; and were supposed by the latter to be of the age of the
Mesozoic sandstones whicli are found to the south-cast of them.
Mather, however, considered them as the geok)gical equivalents
of the 8hawangunk range, which they resemble lithologically ;
and described the occurrence of shales with organic re-
mains of Lower Ilelderberg age, associated with the con-
o;lomerate of this series, at Townsend's iron mine in Cornwall.
These sandstones, conglomerates and shales are well displayed
in I'ine Hill and Blooming Grove, and in Belvaie and Skunne-
munk Mountains, in Orange county.
§ 75. The important fact connected with this series of rocks
is that, according to Mather, similar rocks, consisting of coarse
white, gray and greenish sandstones, red and white conglom-
erates and red shales, '"are found on the east side of the Hud-
son valley, ranging from Fishkill, near Matteawan, through
Dutchess, Columbia, Rensselaer and Washington counties into
Vermont, in West Poulteney ; a distance of more than 200 miles
from their southern terminatioti in New Jersey." These rocks
frequently occupy two or three parallel belts one or two miles
apart, and are often associsited with limestone in Orange county,
as well as in the counties east of the Hudson River; where they
rest on the Argillites ot the Hudson River group, and dip to
high angles to the eastward ; while in the Highlands they are in
contact witli the Primitive gneiss, and have a similar inclina-
tion, or are even vertical in attitude. In many instances no-
ticed by Horton (the assistant of Mather) in Warwick and
Munroe, Orange county, where this sandstone formation (Gray-
wacke) occurs on the northwest side of the gneissic hills, "the
lines of bearing and dip of the Graywacke coincide with those
of the Primitive, and the Graywacke has the appearance of
passing beneath the Primitive rock. At the western base of
Goosopond Mountain, and of Sugar Loaf Mate, the slate has the
same jiosition in reference to the Primitive, and exhibit« pre-
cisely the same appearance."
§ 76. The conclusions of Horton from the study of these
rocks, chiefly in Orange county, may be thus summed up:
1°. The slate (Argillite) and the Graywacke of the Hudson
E. 37
River are iiiterstratilied with each other, forming a coiitenipo
raneous series (A) ; and the limestone of Neeleytown and the
hlue limestones of Nevvburg, Munroe, Blooming Grove and Go-
shen are interstratilied with this series.
2°. Tliegrit ot Shawangunk Mountain (B) rests unconforma-
bly upon the basset edges of the Argillite and Graywacke se-
2°. The grit and Graywacke of Pine Hill, Blooming Grove,
Bolvalo and Skunneinui»k Mountains (C) also rest on the same
Argillite and Graywacke series (A); whether unconformably is
not stated.
4°. The "conglomerate and fossiliforous limestone of Go-
shen" (D) are newer than the blue limestones mentioned above,
since, like the rocks C, they rest upon the series A.
5°. The limestone at the foot i>f Shawangunk Mountain
rests conformably on the Shawangunk grit, and is overlaid by
the Graywacke of Deer Park, (the sandstones of the Devon iaii
series. (Geology, First district, page 580).
These interrupted belts of sandstones, conglomerates and red
shales, (the grit and graywacke,) are traced, according to
Mather, from New Jersey to Vermont; and although their
identity with the Shawangunk range was not certain, they were
by him referred, like it, to the Ontario division of the New-
York series, (ibid, pages 362-365).
§ 77. Emmons, as we have seen, did not, in 1842, clearly de-
line the limits between the Taconic system and the rocks, re-
garded as belonging to the Chaniplain division, which bounded
it on the west; the position of the two giving rise, according
to liim, to "many doul)T8 and perplexities as regards the true
limits of either system." Far from including in the Taconic
system the whole of the highly disturbed region along the
Jludson valley, ibis system was, at that time, confined to a nar-
row belt along the western border of the Primary, while the
strata between this belt and the river were still included by
Enmions in the Champlain division.
§ 77A. According to Mather, the rocks of the Taconic system,
as thus limited, have tiie same dip and strike as the rocks of
the Champlain division, "and apparently overlie theni ;" the
di]) of the strata being easterly, and at angles of from 30° to
38 E.
90°. "Although the rocks ull dip in the same general direction,
similar strata, at no great distances, are frequently reverseJ in
the relative order of their supposition." It was iinp()S3ible to
draw any line of deniarkation between the r:)cks of the Ta-
conic system and those of the so-called Champlain division, in
this region, and Mather was forced to the conclusion that they
belong to one and the same series. In his own words, ho con-
ceived that " the Taconic rocks are the same in age with those
of the Champlain, but modilied by metamoridiic agency and
by the intrusion of plutouic rocks." (Geology First district,
page 438).
§ 78. Similar conclusions were reached by 11. D. and W. 13.
Rogers, as the result of sections made across portions of the re-
gion in question, and set forth in a communication to the Ameri-
can I'hilosophical Society in 1841; in which they asserted that
the Taconic rocks were identical with those of the Hudson
valley, and referred both to the Champlain division of the
New York series. They declare that where " the exact order
of superposition of these rocks and the Primary can be ex-
amined, it is found ; first, that the granular quartz either rests
upon or pitclies immediately under the gneiss or granitic rocks ;
second, that the limestones lie next in order from the gneiss or
granite, either in super or sub-position ; and, third, that the
slates next follow." (Ibid, page 423).
§ 79. Before proceeding further in the description of the
Taconic rocks, we may notice the views of Mather and Em-
j mons, and of some others who had preceded them, regarding
• the crystalline formations, which are found north, east and
south oT these, in the state of New York. These crystalline
rocks were described by Mather under two heads, the Primary
and the Metamorphic divisions. To the former were referred
the granitoid, gneissic and hornblendic rocks of the Highland
chain, found in Putnam, Westcliester, Dutchess, Rockland and
Orange counties ; with which were also classed the similar
rocks of Saratoga and Washington counties, included within
the northern part of the First district. The rocks of this
range, as is well known, are continued, with the same lithologi-
cal characters, in the South Mountain range into Pennsylvania;
where they constitute the Northern and Middle gneissic dis
E. 39
tricts of Rogers (§ 12). No attempt was made on the geologi-
cal map of New York to trace the limit between these Primary
rocks and the succeeding Metaniorphic series.
§ 80. Tiie n)cks to whicli he gave the name of Metamorphio
were divided by Mather into two groups. Of these the tirst
and most important is that series described by Emmons as tlie
Primary belt, bounding on the east the Taconic range in Ver-
mont and western Massachusetts. It enters the state of New
York,aci ording to Mather, in the northeast corner of Dutchess
county, extending thence along the southea3tern side of the
Highland range to the Hudson, and to Long Island, and in-
cluding the county and city of New York. The rocks of this
belt are described, to the north of the Highlands, as chietiy mi-
caceous, talcose and cbloritie slates, with quartzites and more
or less crystalline limestones or dolomites; while south and east
of the Highlands, in Westchester and New York counties, are
found still more crystalline limestones, associated with mica-
schists, micaceous gneiss, hornblendic rocks, granite, syenite
and serpentine; the latter three being regarded as plutonic
rocks. In this Metamorphic series are included, as will be
seen, the limestones, mica-schists and gneisses of Manhattan
island, as well as the belt of steatite and anthophyllite-rock,
with serpentine, found on the western side of the city of New
York; which is apparently related to the similar rocks of
IIol)oken and Sfaten Island. At Stony Point, on the Hudson,
tliehornbIen! Prof.
Cook and his associates of the i)rcsent geological survey I"
New .Jei*sey have shown to be a fallacy, as those of Emmons in
northern New York, and of the geological survey of Canada,
hnw long sinci" di'inonstrated for the latter regions.
E. 4;;
§ 85. While he adopted to a very threat extent the views of
Niittall and of J-i()i,'ers, .Nhitlier (lid not i\\>\>]\ them to all the
crystalline liniestonea. He refers to the view of Emmons that
crystalline limestone is an eruptive rock, and says tliat there
are many examples in the J'limary rei;ions of \Vashiii<;ton
county which serve to demonstrate this, and leave little or iio
douht that the rock was " injected in a fluid state." In another
locality, a cliit'of white crystalline limestone is said to include
"a mass of stratified hornhlendic giu'iss distinctly imhedded in
it." (Geoloiry, First district, page 485.)
§ 86. Emmons, in his final rejjort on the Northern district
of Xew York, in 1842, (U'scrihed as I'rimary rhe crystalline rocks
of the Macomb Mountains ; to which region the name of the
Adirondacks, at first applied to their highest group of liills, has
since been extended. It embraces the crystalline rocks of
Washington and Saratoga counties, which were included in the
Southern district and noticed by Mather. The crystalline rocks
of this great Primary region were, by Emmons, divided into two
principal groups: 1st, Unst rati tied; including granite, hyper-
stliciie rock, crystalline limestone, serpentine and rensselaerite ;
'2(1, Stratified ; embracing gneiss, hornblende-rock, syenite and
steatite. In a subordinate group were included certain {)or-
phyry and traps traversing the rocks of the New York series,
(which, in parts of the regic»n, overlie the Primary) and the mag-
netic and specular oxides of iron, found in the gneissic and hy-
persthenic masses, and, like the 1st group, regarded as unstrati-
fied. Granite, according to him, was rare, and was so often
found i>assiug into gneiss that he regarded the distinction be-
tween the two rocks as an unimportant one, and declared that
it was in many cases impossible to determine whether a given
r(jck belonged to the one or the other of these.
§ 87. It should here be noted that Emmons did not accept the
so-called metamorphic theory of crystalline rocks, adopted by
Nuttall, Rogers and Mather, which maintains gneiss to be the
result of an alteration of uncrystalline sedimentary matters, of
which process granite is only the last term. The view held by
Emmons still finds favor with a considerable school of geolo-
gists, according to whom the stratified crystalline rocks are of
igneous origin, and owe their banded structure to an arrange-
44 E.
merit of their mineral constituents by movements while yet in a
liquid state, so that gneiss may be deliiied as a laminated gran-
ite. These stratified rocks, which Enmions designated by the
term Fyrocrystalline, were regarded as igneous, and in no sense
of sedimentary origin. Tlie associations of the crystalline lime-
stones with tlie granitic and gneissic rocks were such that these
too were regarded as of igneous origin ; a view which he main-
tained at length, in opposition to the theory of their sedimentary
nature supported by Hitchcock, Rogers and Mather. The
same view was by him extended to the serpentine and renssel-
aerite, so oft^n associated with these limestones. The igneous
nature of crystalline or primary limestone was at that time
taught by many European geologists of distinction, and a simi-
lar view ci the nature of serpentine is still prevalent.
§ 88. The name of hypersthene-rock, (previously applied to
a similar aggregate in the Western Islands of Scotland, by Ma-
cuUoch,) was given by Emmons to a formation which occupies
the greater part of Essex county, New York, i'orming the
highesthills in the district. It was correctly described by him
as consisting chietiy of labradorite, fref|uently intermixed witii
hyperstheue ; while certain varieties of the rock contained also
hornblende, epidote, mica and garnet. An unstratified rock like
granite, it was, like it, declared to be intermixed with and pene-
trated by crystalline primary limestone, marked, as elsewhere
in the Adirondack region, and in the Primary rocks of the High-
lands, in the Southern district, by pyroxene, hornblende, scapo-
lite and apatite. (Geology, Second district, pages 89,40),
§ 89. We have already set forth the views of Emmons re-
garding the Taconic and New York systems, as taught by him
in 18-42. In 184G, aitpearcd his volume on the "Agriculture of
New York," in which, while giving a summary of the geology
of the whole siate, he revised his opinions on the Taconic and
the Chaniplain rocks. The former were, in 1842, restricted to a
narrow belt between the Primary rocks on the east and the
New York series on the west; this position giving rise, in the
language of Emmons, "to many doubts and peri)lexities as re-
gards tlie true limits of either system." The disturbed strata
on the east side of the Hudson, thus referred by Emmons to
the Utica and Ijoraine formations, could not, according to
E. 45
Matlier, be separated from tlie Taeonic, wliicli he tlierefore re-
garded as one with theChumplain division. In 184tJ, Emmons
himself recognized this identity, but extended to the whole the
name of Taeonic. He explained that he had, in 1842, referred
the Taeonic roofing-slates to the ujiper [Kirt of the Champlain
division on account of some markings on tliem, whiers of the Champhiin division
were also declared to rest unconformably u{)on tlie Taeonic slates,
to the east of the Hudson. In his volume of lS4(i, Emmons de-
scribes a section from Greenbush, on the Hudson, eastward to
46 E.
Chatham Four-Corners, the rooks, a scries ol" eastward-dipping
shitea, limestones and quartzites, being represented throughout
as laconic, witii the exception of small outliers of Loraine
shales and Calciferous sandrock, near the Hudson. In another
section across the Hudson, at I'ouglikeepsie, the strata on both
sides are called Taconic, and are rejjresented as succeeded, one
mile west of the Hudson, by Hudson River (Loraine) shales,
(loc. cit., plate XVIII.) The continuation of this section east-
ward from Foughkeepsie is also designated by hini as Tacouic.
By com[)aring these data with the geological map of New
York, and with the statements of Mather, given above, it is
clear that the Taconic slate formation in eastern New York
was co-extensive with the disturbed, altered and anomalous
Hudson River group of Mather, and that the included and un-
derlying limestones of the legion were, in like manner, the lime-
stones of the Taconic system of Emmons.
§ 93. We have next to consider those overlying rocks which
Mather, in this region, referred to the Oneida and Medina for-
mations of the Ontario division. In 1842, Emmons placed at
the summit of the Loraine what he called the Gray band,
which he considered as the equivalent of the Oneida, and in-
cluded this, with the Medina, in the Champlain division; but
in 184(j he transfer''ed the Medina to the Ontario, making the
Champlain division to terminate with the Gray band or Oneida.
Thus, when Mather speaks of the rocks in ijuestion as belong-
ing to the lowei part of the Ontario division, and Emmons as-
signs them to the upper part of the Champlain, it will be un-
derstood that both refer them to the same horizon ; the latter
geologist including in the Oneida certain red shales regarded
by Mather as pertaining to the Medina formation,
§ 94. Mather, as we have seen, traced these overlying rocks,
with the help of Rogers and Horton, from New Jersey, through
Orange county. New York, to the west bank of the Hudson
river, and thence, crossing into Dutchess county, along the east-
ern side of the Hudson, through Columbia, Rensselaer and
Washington counties, to West Poultney in Rutland county,
Vermont, near the head ot a-.,!.e Champlain. Emmons, in 1842,
referred to the Oneida the sandstones occurring farther north,
along the east side of this lake, in the towns of Addison, Char-
E. 47
lotto, Burlington and Colcliester ; while the liniestoiies of St.
Albans, Swanton and llighgate were suppotJed by him to be-
long to the summit of the Loraine. lie further pointed out
that these rocks, (regarded collectively as belonging to the
summit of the Champlain division), extended southward from
Vermont, through the eastern counties of New York already
named, where they had been studied and described by Mather,
and northeastward through Canada, as lar as (Quebec.
§ 95. Between 1S42 and 1840 the views of Enunons vvith re-
gard to these rocks had undergone a complete change, and he
now transferred them to the lower part of the Champlain di-
vision, and regarded them as a modified form of the ('alcifer-
ous sand-rock of the Mohawk valley, which, to the eastward,
he declared to include various forms of rock, and to be "pro-
tean" in its characters. To one of these varieties he referred
the red sandstones of Addison, Charlotte and Burlington, with
their interstratitied red and chocolate-colored slates, and de-
clared that these sandstones, through an admixture of carbon-
ate of lime, pass into a gray calcareous sandstone, forming
the upper part of the series ; while beneath the red sandstones
were beds of a blue compact limestone, sometimes fossiliferous.
This limestone, he declared to be the lowest member of the se-
ries, and to rest directly upon the Taconic i)lack slate.
§ 90. This whole formation was supi)Osed by PJmmons to oc-
cupy the position of the so-called Calciferous sandrock of
northern New York, which is beneath the Chazy limestone and
above the Potsdam sandstone. This latter formation, accord-
ing to him, was wanting in eastern \''ermont and eastern Xew
York, as well as in the valley of the Mohawk, where the Cal-
ciferous rests directly on the Brimary. An irregular belt of
this motlitied and protean Calciferous sand-rock, acci rding to
Emmons, is traced from the Canada line, through eastern Ver-
mont, into Xew York. "Ln the counties of Dutchess and
Orange it forms an imperfect belt, in Columbia, Rensselaer
and Washirigton counties its continuity is still more broken.
It occupies in the last three counties the knobs, as at Green-
bush, Urcenwich and Whitehall. These knobs lie contiguous
to the Hudson; it is, however, still found sparingly twenty
miles east of the Iluilson river, an at Iloosic, and, as I now be-
48 E.
lieve, near Pownal, Vermont. * * * Probably this broken
ranL'"c or belt runs obliquely across Columbia and Dutchosg
counties, and thence onward into Orange, crossiniii; the Hudson
I'iver a few miles above Newburg. We can hardly avoid the
inference that this belt was once continuous, and formed an
important mass, overlying the Taconic slate." * * * In the
Jfudson valley insulated patches of these rocks, sometime8
limited to a few acres, and sometimes miles in extent, are met
with, often forming tlie highest points in the region. In favor-
able localities they occupy a jiosition not to be mistaken, and rest
upon the slates of the Taconic system. The liniestone, which
appears at the base of this series, reposes upon the upturned
edges of the Taconic slates, as is seen in many quarries. As
the result of the great fractures and disturbances in this re-
gion, the rocks of the ('alciferous series are also sometimes
found "in the valleys, outcrop})ing from beneath the Hudson
Uivcr (Ijoraine) slates which have been preserved from de-
nudation." (Agriculture of Xew York, pages 118-122.)
§ 97. With regard to the overlying rocks, which form the up-
per members of the Champlain division, the Utiea slate has,
according to him, "but a slight claim to the distinction of an
independent" formation, constituting, as it does, the transition
from the Trenton limestone to the Loraine shales ; and in or-
ganic remains, and in other characters, partaking more of the
characters of tjie latter. In Jefferson and Lewis counties he
remarks that there is an alternation of strata having the as-
})ect of tlui Utica, with the Loraine shales, which latter, in their
upper part, alternate with the thick-bedded sandstones of the
(ilray band, already mentioned, so that it is not easy to define
the liniits of the two. These heavy beds of the Loraine are
seen in the valley of the Rondout in many places east of the
High Falls, on the Hudson and Delaware canal, and to great ad-
vantage at their northern outcropping along the termination
of the Helderberg range, v, ; ere appear alternating beds of
sandstone and black slate, the latter from twelve to eighteen
inches in thickness. About 700 feet of these strata are there
exposed, with a slight dip to the south-west. "It is here al-
most destitute of fossils, and in thisresjiect resendjles the beds
which occur in patches upon the east side of the Hudson, along
E. 49
the Western (Boston and Albany) niiUvay. These latter beds
may be clearly di-itinguifihed from the slates and shales of the
Taconie system ; they neither conform with them in dip nor in
strike, and, except in the immediate vicinity of the great north-
ern fracture of tlie Hudson valley, their di[) and disturbance are
not excessive." These rocks are said to forma small range be-
tween Chatham Centre and Chatham Four-Corners, where they
lie in deep troughs, and are exposed in the railway cuttings."
(Agriculture of Xew York, pages 128-125, 128.)
§ 98. According to these statements of Emmons, we have
then in the region of sedimentary rocks, along the valley of
the Hudson, three distinct series of strata: I. the slates and
limestones of the Taconie series ; II. The sandstones, slates and
limestones belonging to the Calciferous sand-rock of the Cham-
plain division, resting, in ajijiarent unconformity, ujion the for-
mer, and partially removed by erosion before the deposition ot
III, a series of shales and sandstones belonging to the sni)erior
portions of the Champlain division, which have, in their turn,
been to a great extent eroded, but are found in patclies over-
lying, unconformably, alike the strata of I and of II.
§ 99. This condition of things im})lie8 that there occurred a
change of level immediately preceding the time of the Utica
and Loraine formations, (IIF,) which allowed these to be depos-
ited not only on the Trenton limestone, but also on the older se-
ries, (T and II.) That such was really the case is evident from
other facts. The Laurentian region of the Adirondacks and
Laurentides was not, at this time, as has been so often said, the
nucleus of a growing continent, but one of the higher parts of
a subsiding one, and the deposition of the rocks of the Cham-
plain division was marked by more than one period of disturb
ance. Upon its ancient gneiss we find reposing directly, in
in different localities, the Potsdam, the Calciferous, the
Trenton and the Utica formations. The deposition of the
Trenton marks a time of subsidence, during which, along the
Laurentides, the deep sea extended far and wide to the north,
and the marine limestones of the Trenton, overlapping the
lower members of the Champlain division, were deposited over
the regions to the north of Lake Ontario and of the lower St
Lawrence, (and as far northeastward as the basiu of Lake St.
4— E.
50 E.
John, on the Sagueiuiy,) directly upon the submerged Primary
or Euzoic rocks.
§ 100. After this period, and betore the succeeding time of
the deposition of mechanical sediments, extensive movements
took place in the regions of the Ottawa valley and Lake Cham-
plain, which allowed tiieso sediments to he laid down alike on
the I'rimary rocks and on the older members of the Cluimplain
division. Evidence of this can be seen on the geological map of
Canada, where, on the northern border of the Ottawa basin, and
immediately south and east of the city of that name, is shown,
in the counties ot Carleton and iiussell, an isolated patch of
Utica slates, overlaid with gray calcareous sandstones, holding
the fossil remains of the Loraine and associated with red
shales. This outlier, which has its greatest length, about twenty
miles, from east to west, reposes trausgressively alike upon the
Calciferous, Chazy and Trenton formations, all three of which,
with a slight eastward dip, towards the centre of the basin,
ajipear successively, in passing from west to east along the
southern border of this unconformably overlying area of the
newer strata of the Chamjdain division, which are here let down
along the north side of an east and west dislocation. (Geology
of Canada, pages 118, 127, 1(35, 219.)
§ 101. Ennnons has described an analogous occurrence in the
valley of Lake Cham])lain, where, in Essex county, near Split
ivock, on the south side of Whallon's bay, the Utica slates
overlap the older members of tl»e Champlain scries, and " rest
visibly upon the Primary" or ancient crystalline rocks of the
region. (Geology, Second district, page 278, and plate VIII,
section 4.)
§ 102. In 1855, ajipeared parts I and II of the "American Ge-
ology " by Prof. Emmons. The second of these is devoted to an
exposition of the Taconic system and of the Champlain division
of the New York series, and may be sup])Osed to contain the
author's final conclusions with regard to the imi)ortant ques-
tions raised in his publications of 1842 and 1846. In 1842
he included in the Taconie system the granular limestones
of Stockbridge, the granular quartz rock, the so-called mag-
uesian 8lates,and the sparry limerock, besides a group of strata,
not very clearly defined, designated by him as the Taconic
E. 51
slates ; the order of succession aniono; all these beins:, accord-
ing to Emmons, unsettled, or "at least not clearly establislied."
The line of deniarkation between the Taconic slates (the Tran-
sition Argillite formation of Eaton) and the Xew York series
was. also undetermined, and the roofing-slates of Iloosic, and
some other localities in that region, were then referred to the
latter, in deference to the opinions of his colleagues, though,
as he tells us in 1846, contrary to his own judgment. Certain
organic forms, resembling the graptolites of the Utica forma-
tion, found in these slates, were, in 1842, regarded as evidence
that they belonged to the New York series, but subsequently
Emmons came to regard them as marine plants, of wliich he
describes some with narrow and others with " wide fronds.''
One of these supposed plants from Hoosic was figured by him in
1846, under the luime of Fucoides simplex. (Agriculture, New
York,}»age 71, and pi. XVII, tig. 1.) This, according to Hall, had
been previously named by ^•Aton, Fucoides secalinus, and wasl)y
Hall, in 1865, called Grridge limestone, a great variety of other
rocks. Among these were coai*se greenish chloritic sandstones,
gray sandstones; limestones, gray and silicious, blue and com-
pact, and sparry and brecciated ; besides coarse and fine slates,
green, black, red and chocolate-colored, together with tine-
grained n)ofing-slates. (Agriculture, New York, page66.) Above
this heterogeneous group, included under the common name of
Taconic slates, was placed a black slate, sometimes including cal-
careous beds, which was regarded as the summit of the Taconic
52 E.
system. It was in this slate, on Bald Mountain, in Washinoj-
ton county. New York, that were found the trilobites described
by Emmons as Atops trilineaius and Elliptoccphala asaphoides.
(Ibid, pa^e 64.) lie afterwards supposed that tliere are in the
region described, on the frontiers of New York and Massachu-
setts, roofiiiir-slates at two horizons in the Taconic system ; tlie
one, a tine blue slate, occupying a position lu'low the sparry
limestone, and the other above this limestone, including the
slates of Iloosic, which yield the graptolitic forms already
noticed. (Amer. Geology, II,pages 39-41.)
§ 104. In 1855, Emmons proposed to divide the Taconic sys-
tem into two parts, which he called respectively Lower and
Ui»per Taconic, and between which "the line of demarkation
is tolerably well defined." The Lower Taconic includes the
Granular quartz rock, at the base, the Htockbridgc limestone,
with its associated Magnesian slates, (to which the name of tal-
eose slates was then given,) ajid terminates with the similar slate
overlying the limestone. (Ibid, TI, i)age 12.) Further (m, he
describes with some detail, the Lower Taconic series as seen
in Williamstown and Adams, in Berkshire county, Massachu-
chusetts. The lowest division of this series has, at its base, a
conglomerate of rounded and angular pebbles of quartz in a
talcose paste. This, in some points, rests upon a granitic rock,
of which it then includes the fragments. Succeeding this
there are several repetitions of quartzose sandstones and con-
glomerates, with soft talcose slates, iiaving an aggregate thick-
ness of about 1,200 feet, which are well seen in Oak Hill, de-
scribed as a synclinal mountain rising 1,700 feet above the val-
ley of the Iloosic. Above this comes the Stockbridge lime-
stone, 500 feet in thickness, and more or less interlaminated
with the talcose slates. 2,000 feet of similar slates, overlie the
limestone, and are seen in Saddle and (iraylock Mountains;
thus making the entire thickness of the Lower Taconic series
in this region about 3,700 feet. (Ibid, II, pages 15-18.)
§ 105. The same succession and similar characters are b^- Em-
mons ascribed to the Lower Taconic rocks in their southward
extension through Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina
Tennessee and Georgia. He has given the details of a section
which is well displayed at the Warm Springs, in Buncombe
E. 63
county, North Carolina, on the Frcncli Broad river. The
Lower Taconic strata rest unconforniably upon tlie ancient
gneisses, (which here dip to the south-east,) and are inclined to
the west, the measured thickness being about 3,C00 feet.
(Amer. Geoloijy, II, page 24.)
§ 106. In his "Manual of Geology," published in 1860,
the Lower Taconic is described, in general terms, as cou-
pisting of a conglomerate at the base, succeeded by three
masses of quartzite or sandstone, separated by talcose slates;
tbe upper quartzite being often vitreous, while the lower is a
sandstone. To this succeed, as before, the granular limestones,
with their associated and overlying slates, (including some roof-
ing-slates,) the total thickness being about 5,000 feet.
§ 107. The Upper Taconic series is very distinct in its charac-
ters from the Lower Taconic, and comprises the various rocks
which have been described as l)elongiug to the Taconic slates.
It has, at its base, coarse slates and eandstones, which aregreeii-
ioh in color, the masses often resembling a greenstone, and lieing
" rather chloritic than talcose." Chlorite, and " perhaps tbe de-
bris of hornblende" are said to be present in these rocks, and a
chloritic matter is described as forming in many cases the paste
of the sandstones and conglomerates, which belong to the base
of this series and often rest upon the crystalline rocks. The
higher part of the Upper Taconic is said to be very variable or
" protean" in character; including brown- weathering calcareous
sandstones and olive-colored sandstones, beds of quartzite, with
green, purple and red-roofing slates, blue limestones and spariy
limestones; while towards the summit are conglomerates with
black shaly limestones, the series terminating with a fine black
slate. This description niaj' be compared with that previously
given of the Taconic slate grouj). (§ 103.) The upper part of
this Upper Taconic series is tbssiliferous, containing remains uf
graptolites, fucoids and crustaceans. (American Geology, II,
pages, 12, 13, 50.)
§ 108. The Upper Taconic series is displayed in a section from
near Comstock's Litndinsi;, in Wash iny; ton county, New York,
eastward for ten miles to Middle Granville. The series, (hav-
ing an average dip of 40^ to the eastward,) begins, to the west-
ward, with thin black shttes, and ends, to the eastward, with
thick-bedded greenish chloritic 8andstone8 and conglomerate!".
Tliere is in this series no representative of the granuhir (piartz
ites, the limestones, or the talcose slates of tlie Lower Taofwiic,
and " the roofing-slates of Columbia and Rensselaer counties
are absent." To the westward of this section, at Comstock's
Landing, the Potsdam sandstone is seen to rest upon the gneiss,
iind jiasses eastward below the overlying Calcil'erous saiidrock
and Chazy limestone. Further eastward, the Calcilerous, with its
i-liaracteristic tbssils, is seen to rest unconformably upon the beds
of the Taconic slate. The Upper Taconic series, it will be un-
derstood, here makes its apjiearance from beneath the lower
members of the New York series, by which the contact of the
Primary gneiss with the Upper Taconic rocks is concealed.
(American Geology, II, page 52.)
§ lUO. The Upper Taconic rocks in this section dip to the east-
ward at an angle of about 40°, so that the black slates, at its
western end, seem to pass beneath all the other members, and
the green sandstones, at the eastern end of the section, appear
to overlie all the others. This is directly contrary to the suc-
cession alroady given, where the green sandstones are declared
to be at the base, and the black fossiliferous slates at the sum-
mit of the series. This apparent inversion is, as we liave al-
roady seen, the general condition of the stratif '^d rocks ak)ng
tiie eastern base of the Athintic belt farthei southward, in
New York and along the Blue Ridge, as described by Rogers
;ind by Mather. The latter, as shown in § 72, declares that along
the eastern border of New York, in the Southern district, the
newer strata of the Hudson River slates dip eastward at high
angles, apparently passing beneath the older ones, which in their
turn seem to plunge beneath the ancient gneisses.
§ 110. This condition of things, (which applies alike to the
Lower and the Upjter Taconic rocks,) was described by Emmons
in 1841, when he declared that "their present position is an
inverted one ;" the newer rocks, or those to the west, diji east-
wardly beneath the older, or might evi'U })ass beneath them,
provid(!d they were prolonged in that direction." He sup{iosed
tiiat the newer portions of the series might have been origin-
ally contined to the western parts of the area, and never have
extended so far east as to cover the basal beds near the I'rimary
E. 55
gneias. lie fivrthermorc supposed the movement, which had
given to the whole succession an eastward dijt, had heen accom-
panied by a series of dislocations, with uplifts on the eastern
side of the faults. He remarks, in this connection, that "the
force which breaks the continuity of the strata exerts its maxi-
mum power nearest the mountain-chain,'' and notes that in the
Williamstown section (§ 104) not loss than tive distinct disloca-
tions of this kind may be observed in a breadth of a few miles.
(Agriculture, New Yotk, [i. (51, and Amer. Qeol. II, i'i». 48-4t).)
Such a condition of things is completely analogous to the great
parallel faults, with upthrows on the south-east side, described
by AV. B. Rogers, and by Lesley, in south-western Virginia, by
which the carboniferous rocks are made to dip to the south-east,
apjiarontly beneath nmch older strata.
§ 111, The Granville section of the Upper Taconic rociks, al-
ready noticed, is supposed by p^mmons to havea total thickness
of not less than 25,000 feet, but it is evident that dislocations
like those just described, which may give rise to repetitions,
must add greatly to the difficulty of measuring such a iieries
of strata.
Those Upper Taconic rocks are traced b}'' Emmons southward
through Washington, Rensselaer and Dutchess counties, and are
said It}^ him to cross the Hudson below Poughkeefisie, passing
through Orange county, into New Jersey, and thence to Pennsyl-
vatiia and Virginia. In tlie latter state a section of these rocks
is described near Wytheville, and another from Abingdon, on
the road leading to Taylorsville, Tennessee, in each of which
both the Ujtper and Lower Taconic rocks are declared to be well
disy»layed. (Amer. Geology, II, pages (>1-61.)
§ 112. The reader will note that in the account of tlie Taconic
system by Emmons in 1842, tiiere is no description given
of the gr3at mass of strata which make the Upper Taconic, as
defined by him in 1855. There evidently existed in his mind
at this earlier date much uncertainty, which is reflected in his
writings. Thus, in his report of 1842, the rocks of the Taconic
system were declared to extend through the eastern counties
of New York, from the Highlands, beyond whicli "they are found
stretching through whole length of Vermont, and into
Canada, as far as Quebec." (loc. cit. page 130.) In a previ-
66 E.
ous chapter, in the same volume, we are told, (page 121) under
the head of the New York system, that a belt of deep red and
purple shales, i)as8ing into a fine-graMied gritty sandstone, ex-
tends throuy-liout these same counties in New York ''and onward
through Vermont into Camida.'' No locality in Canada Wiis
indicated, hut these slates and sandstones were relcM-red to the
Loraine shales, of which they were considered a local variation,
unknown in the valley of the Mohawk; while a greenish chlo-
ritic sandstone or breccia, described as a tyj»ical Graywacke,
(which is placed at the summit of the Loraine,) is said to be the
material used at Quebec for the construction of the I'ortitioa-
tions of the city (page 12').) Farther on in the same volume,
tiie sandstones (Graywacke) of Addison, Vermont, as seen in
Snake Mountain, and those of Charlotte in the same state, are
described as gray, or reddish-brown, and sometimes, like their as-
sociated slates, as having a greenish chloritic coloring. These
sandstones anrl slates of Charlotte are spoken of as belonging
to a range extending from Columbia county. New York, to the
Canada line, and as occupying a position immediately below
the Medina sandstone, or at the summit of the Loraine shales;
the limestones of the Chazy and Trenton apjioaring to dip be-
neath the Graywacke series. (Pages 280-282.)
§ 113. Near the city of Quebec, with the geology of which
Emmons was familiar, there are, besides the ancient gneisses,
two series of rocks ; one the nearly horizontal strata of the
New York series, including the Trenton, Utica and the overly-
ing typical Loraine shales, (all of which were there recognized
by Emmons); and the other, the highly inclined group of strata
which consist in their upjier part of red and purple shales, and
are terminated by the greenish chloritic sandstones of Sillery,
which are those used in the construction of t)ie fortifications of
(Quebec. These rocks are tracsed from this locality south-east-
ward, to the frontier of Vermont, along the western base of the
hills of crystalline rock, and there is nothing throughout the
whole extension which resembles the cpiartz-rock or the lime-
stones of the Lower Taconic series. It seems, therefore, im-
possible to come to any other conclusion than this, — that the
Taconic rocks, which were by Emmons, in 1842, declared to ex-
tend from Vermont to Quebec, are the same with those which
K 57
lie t'lsewlicre, in the same volume, de^*cril)es as rocks belonging
to the summit of the Ch;implaiii division, uinl having the same
distribution. This conclusion is further strengthened by the
fact that what he described in 1855 as the Upiier Taconic se-
ries has actually been traced from Vermont, along the line just
indicated, to the city of (Quebec, the vicinity of which affords
a characteristic section of much oi the series. The student of
the works of Emmons will iind in them other examjilus of
apparent discrepancies and contradictions, which arc, however,
easily explained by the disjointed and fragmentary torm of
his writings ; in which unity, method and literary skill are, un-
fortumitely, wanting. These defects have contributed not a
little to the undeserved neglect with which his very valuable
contributions to American geology have hitherto been uenerally
§ 114. In 1846, as we have already noticed, the grny, reddish-
brown and greenish sandstones and slates of Addison, Char-
lotte, Burlington and St. Albans, (which, like the similar ones
of Quebec, were, in 1842, referred in one chapter to the summit
of the Loraine shales, and in another chapter apparently con-
founded with the Taconic,) were regarded as pertaining to the
Calciferous sandstone. This was described as a formation
protean in its aspects in this eastern region, and was traced, as
we are told, throughout the state of V ermont and the eastern
counties of New York, till it crosses the Hudson river a few
miles above Newburg and passes, as an interrupted belt,
through Orange county. (Agriculture, New York, pages 120-
121.) It was not at this time clearly distinguished from the
Taconic slates, upon which it was said to rest, and when later
(in 1855) the chief })art of these slates was raised to the rank
of a distinct series, under the name of Upper Taconic, flie
greenish chloritic sandstones of tiiis region were included
therein. The red sandstone of Burlington was now declared
to be Potsdam, though some of the beds associated witli it
were still included in the Calciferous. ( Amer. Geol., II, pp. 88,
128.) Subsequent studies in this region help to explain this
confusion, by showing that these rocks, whether called Loraine
and Oneida, or Calciferous and Potsdam, are but parts of the
Upper Taconic series, and are the same with those which
58 E.
Matlier, in the southern part of their extension, referred, in
1843, to u horizon nearly coinciding with the highest of those
just named , namely, the base of the Ontario division, includ-
ing the Oneida and Medina formations — the red slates being, ac-
oniing to him, above and not below the sandstones.
§ 115. Emmonts, in liis successive works, makes no allusion to
his repeated clianges of opinion with regard to these rocks, so
that the student who has not, with critical care, followed their
history in his i)ages, fails to find the Key to the contradictions,
both real and ap[iarent, which they contain. In his "American
Geology," (li, page 88,) in treating of the red sandstone of east-
ern Vermont, which is there siioken of as Pott dam, reference
is made to "the error which has been committed" in regarding
this rock as the Medina sandstone; leaving the reader to infer
that the error was committed by some geologist other than the
writer, ^o further reference is there made by Emmons to his
earlier views, and his fubserpient publications throw but
little additional light on the Taconic system. In his report
on the " Geology of the Midland Counties of North Carolina,"
(lSo(),) i)ages 43-72, will, however, be found some few details on
tlic Taconic rocks in that region ; and his " Manual of Geology"
(1860) may be read with advantage in this connection.
£ 116. It is proper, in this place, to notice the views and the
observations of the late Prof C. B. Adams, who, in a communica-
tion to eriod of the
Medina sandstone and the Clinton group." (Proc. Anier. As-
Bociation of Geologists, Boston, 1840 ; iti Amer. Jouriial of Sci-
ence, [-2] V. 108.)
§ 118. The Red sand-rock of this region is, in its turn, over-
laid by a scries of limestones, which were noticed bv Adams,
and subseqently described more particularly by Prof. W. B.
Rogers. In following the sections from the western base of
Snake or of Buck Mountain, he declan's that "we ascend through
the varicHis divisions of the Matimil series, from the Trenton
to the top of the Hudson River group, * * * eueh marked
by cliaracteristic fossils, and all maintaining a nearly uniform
the latter, we find a scries of red iind
idstones and shales, of ij-reat tl
cr Taconic) ; and, second, that
of the conversion of this series, by igneous agency, into the
granular quartz-rock and the granular limestone of the Lower
Taconic, and the consei^uent Levant age of these latter. The sec-
ond proposition, although accepted by Hitchcock in 1860, does
not appear to have been supporteil by Rogers.
§ 123. We have seen that Mather regarded the crystalline
strata of southeastern New York as altered or Metamorphic
rocks of the Charaplain division, (§§ 81-82,) and that he ex-
tended this view to the similar rocks of western New Eng-
land, with which they are continuous. These gneisses and
crystalline schists, which constitute the lower division of the
Primitive series of 'JJaton, and were called I'rimary by Em-
mons, can be traced over the greater part ol New England, and
form the chief portion both of the Green and the White
Mountains. Eaton, although familiar with the rocks of west-
ern New England, does not appear to have studied those of
the White Mountains, nor liad they attracted the attention ot
62 E.
Mather. In 1844, Messrs H. D. and W. B. Rogers, in an essay
upon tlieir geology, state that these mountains had previously
been regarded as belonging to the "so-calleci primary periods of
geological time." They however extended to them the no-
tions of Mather, and suggested that the crystalline rocks of the
region were altered paleozoic strata, possibly of the Matinal di-
vision, (Utica i'-'^-^ Loraine,) but more probably belonging to
the Levant division, which included the Oneida, Medina and
Clinton formations of New York. The gneisses bore, in the
opinion of these observers, some resemblance to the sandstones
of the lower part of this division, and they also found, in cer-
tain beds among them forms, which were conceived to be the
remains of crustaceans and brachiopods, of species belonging
to the Clinton formation. (American Journal of Science, [-)!,
411). . In 1847, (Ibid, V, HO,) the same observers announced
that they no longer regarded these forms as of organic origin,
but did not, however, retract their previously expressed opinion
that the crystalline stratified rocks of the White Mountains are
of paleozoic age.
§ 124. Charles T. Jackson, to whose labors the geology of
New England is much indebted, published in 184L), his report
on a geological survey of New Hampshire, in which he main-
tained, (in op])ositi()n to the opinion of tiie MessiJ. Kogers,)
that the White Mountain^ constitute an axis of Primary rocks,
granite, gneiss and mica-schist, successively overlaid, both to
the east and the west, by Cambrian and Silurian rocks. These,
on the western side of the axis, in Vermont, have,, according
to him, been changed by the action of intrusive serpentines,
and intrusive qnartzites, which altered the Cambrian strata into
the gneissic rocka of the Green Mountains, and converted a
portion of the fossiliferous limestones of the Cl.aiiiplain val-
ley into white marbles — the Lower Tacouic limestones of Em-
mons. (Loc. cit., pages 160-lil2).
In the next chapter it is proposed to trace the history of
geological investigation in Canada.
§ 125. Ilavint::; given in the preceding cluipter the history
of geological investigation during the first half of this century,
so far as regards the ancient rocks under discussion, from Vir-
ginia northward to the confines of Canada, we now proceed to
a consideration of the lahors of the (leological Survey of that
country, the ofllcers of which have continued the work of the
ArnH. lean geologists already mentioned, and have greatly ad-
vanced our knowledge of these rocks. In this connection,
also, will he discussed the geology of Lake Superior.
We liave already seen (§ ol) that Eaton, as early as 1832,
had recognized the existence of gneissic rocks like those of
the Adirondack Mountains, extending from that region to the
vicinity of Alontreal, and also to Lake Huron and Lake Sujie-
rior. We find, moreover, that Emmons, in 1842, liad traced
the rocks of the Champlain division from the valley of the
lake of this name to Montreal and Quehec. The early work
of Baddeley, Bigsl>y and Bayfield in Canadian geology de-
serves honorahle mention in this connection, and the observa-
tions of the latter two, so tar as Ihey bear u})on the ques-
tions before us, will be noticed farther on in the chapter.
[E.— ()3]
64 E
§ 120. The Geological Survey of Canada was organized in
1842, at which time Mr. (afterwards Sir) William Edmund Lo-
gan was appointed cliicf geologist, and Mr. Alexander Murray
his assistant. The views of Jjogan on the geology of Canada
at that time are emhodied in an olHcial letter, accom[)anied by
a preliminary report, dated December, 1842. These, however,
wore not [)ublished until 1845, when they appeared, with some
explanatory foot-notes, in a volume, together wnth the report
of the labors of Messrs. Eogan and Murray for the year 1843,
§ 127. In the letter, and the preliminary report just alluded
to, Logan distinguishes a series of 'Trimary and Granite
rocks." elsewhere described as " a range of syenitic hills of a
gneissic order," bordering the St. Lawrence on the north, and
connected by "the very narrow isthmus of the Thousand Is-
lands " with the siniilar rocks in northern Xew York. To the
westward, these Primary rocks were said to form the northern
shores of Lakes Huron and Superior, and to stretch along the
north side of a great basin of " Transition rocks," chieily
limestones, occupying the St. Jjawrence valley. Logan farther
tells us, that from beneath the southern edge of the Transition
trough, "there rises an important formation of pyritiferoua
clay-slate, * * which is widely spread over the East-
ern Townships, south of the St. Lawrence." In the foot-notes
to this preliminary statement, it was however said that these
clay-slates were supposed, from farther investigations, to be of
more recent origin than the Transition limestone, and " pro-
bably above, instead of below it, in geological position." Over-
lying these clay -slates were roticed fossiliferous limestones of
unknown age, found on the river Famine, a tributary of the
Chaudiere, and on the river St. Francis, near Sherbrooke.
§ 128. Referring to the contorted rocks of Point Levis, op-
posite to Quebec, Logan was " inclined to the opinion that they
come out from below the flat limestones of the St. Lawrence,"
though he added in a foot-note at the time of publication, (in
1845) ihat "the accunmlation of evidence points to the con-
clusion that the Point Levi& rocks are sujierior to the St Law-
rence limestone." In this latter view of these rocks near Que-
bec, he had accepted the conclusions of Emmons, announced in
his report published in 1842 (§ 65); while, as regards the clay-
E. 65
Blatc formation, — supposed by Logan to be a prolongation of
tbe Argillite formation of Eaton i'rom eastern New York and
Vermont, — be adopted tlie opinion expressed by Matber in bis
report of 1843 (§ 68).
§ 129. Tbe publisbed results of tbe geologists of New York
and rennsylvania were at tbis date familiar to Logan, as is
made more evident in tbe first portion of bis report of progress
for 1843, publisbed witb tbe i)rt'ceding, in 1845. In tbis he
describes tbe various members of tbe New York series as
traced nortbward tbrougb tliese States into tlie great Transi-
tion trougb of tbe St. Lawrence, and remarks tbat "tbese fos-
sil iferous formations, wberevor tbey bave lieen found in actual
contact witb tbe rocks beneatb, appear to rest upon masses of
tbe Primary order. But the geologists of New York consider
tbat tbey bave evidence of tbe existence of a series of non-
fossiliferous sedimentary strata, in a more or less bigbi}' crystal-
line condition, of an age between tbe two." Tbis referred to
tbe Taconic system of Emmons, already at tbat time announced
by bim as occupying an intermediate position between tbe
I'rimary and tbe fossiliferous rocks of the New York series
(§ 67). Logan, however, proposed on account of "tbe consid-
erable dilHculties attending tbe question, * * * * to
unite all tbe subjacent rocks, whether Metamorpbic or Primary,
and to class them under tbe latter denomination."
§ 130. Mr. Murray, in bis re[»ort of progress for 1843, jiub-
lisbed in tbe volume just mentioned, noticed tbat some of tbe
Primary rocks on tbe northeast shore of Lake Huron, and far-
ther eastward, north of Lake Simcoe, j (resent evidences of
bedding or stratification, Avbich led him to "consider tbe term
Metamorpbic as one of appropriate application to some of the
rocks beneath the fossiliferous, and unconformable with them."
He therefore designated this series (described by bim as simi-
lar to those of tbe Thousand Islands) as "Primary and Meta
niorphic nu^ks."
§ 131. In tbe year 1845, Mr. Logaii ascended the Ottawa
river a distance of 150 miles from its mouth, to tbe bead of
Lake Temiscaming, exploring, moreover, some of its tribu-
taries, and caretully studied the geology of the region, niakiDg
66 E.
large collections. In the followiiis^^ year (18+0) he, with the
aid of Mr. Murray, exiihtred in like manner the Canadian
shores of Lake Superior. The lahors of these two yeare oon-
trii)uted ^n'eatly to our knowledge of the older rocks, but the
report.H of iheni were not published, nor indeed completed, un-
til 1847.
§ 132. In this connection a personal statement may perhaps
be permitted, as serving to give weight and authenticity to the
earlier lithological and mineralogical descriptions in these, and
in subs('f|uent reports of the Canada Survey, which have a his-
torical importance in connection with the study of the older
rocks. It was in February, 1847, that the present writer com-
menced his lal)ors at Montreal, as chemist and mineralogist to
the Geological Survey of Canada (after having previously, for
some months, tilled the same post in the Geological Survey of
Vermont, then in progress under Prof. C. B. Adams). The
publication of the re])oriS of the Canada survey for 1845, hav-
ing been delayed, he was thus enabled to examine and describe
the various rocks and minerals frojn the region of the Ottawa,
as well as those from Lake Superior. For the lithological and
mineralogical notes and descriptions which occur in the reports
for 1845 and 1840, and in the subsequent publications of the
survey, during twenty-five years, the present writer is respon-
sible, inas(nuch as they were all written by him or under his
§ 133. In Logan's report on the geology of the Ottawa, im\)-
lished in 1847, the ancient crystalline rocks, which he had pre-
viously called Primary, were distinguished, in accordance with
Mr. Murray's previous suggestion, (§130) as "belonging' to
the order which, in the nomenclature of Lyell, is called Meta-
niorphic instead of Primary, and as possessing an aspect ind ucing
a thecn'ctic belief that they may be ancient sedimentary foruia-
tions in an altered condition.'' This "■ Metanior[)hic series"
was then described as consisting of a lower and an upper group,
the former consisting chiefly of reddish and grayish syenitic
(that is hornblendic) gneisses, much contorted and generally at
high angles. These were succeeded by a series in which, it was
said, " im[>ortant beds of crystalline limestone become inter
stratified with the syenitic gneiss, and their presence constitutes
E. 67
Ro marked a eliaracter that it ai>i)ears exj»edient to coji.^iflerthe
mass to which they hehmg as a separate group of metaniorplnc
strata, supposed, from their geographieal position and general
attitude, to overlie the previous roeks conformahly."
§ 134. A careful section of a portion of this " upper grou]>,"
as it was then called, was given, aceom[)anied by minute litho-
logical descriptions of the gneisses of both groups, and of the
crystalline limestones, together with the minerals botli of the
strata and the numerous veinstones occurring in them ; — the
results of a careful study by the present writer of the collec-
tions made in !845. (Report for 1845, pp. 40-50.) In 1.^47 he
spent some weeks in the field among the saine rocks, and his
report thereon will be found to contain farther details ol' their
mineralogy and lithology (Report for 1848, pp. 125-138).
§ '35. This Mctamorphic series, of two conformable groups,
was described l)y Logan in 1845, as forming a great axis, cross-
ing the Ottawa river, and separating the rocks of the southern
trough of fossiliferous rocks, (the great Transition ti-ough of
the St. Lawrence and the lower Ottawa, already noticed) from
a northern trough, the strata of which was discovered by him
on Lake Temiscaming, on the upper Ottawa, resting upon the
Metamorphic series. They were then described as consisting,
in ascending order, of l°,.chloritic slates and conglomerates; 2",
greenish sandstones ; 3°, fossiliferous limestones. The first of
these were grayish and greenish slates, chloritic or finely mica-
ceous, often very compact, traversed l»y sean>s of quartz, and
sometimes holding pebbles and rounded masses of the subjacent
gneiss. These strata had a moderate diji, and an estimated
thickness of not less than 1,000 feet. Reposing on these slates
were Rcveral luuidred feet oi' greenish sandstones and conglom-
erates, in neai'ly horizontal beds, overlaid by 400 or 500 feet of
light gray limestones, sometimes abounding in chert and inter-
stratified with gret'uish shales. Many of the limestones were
very fossiliferous, containing the characteristic organic forms
of the Niagara limestone. A conglomerate, made up of the
ruins of the underlying sandstone, formed the base of the lime-
stone series.
§ 136. In the following year (1846) the work of Logan and
of Murray on Lake Superior and its tributaries, added much
G8 E.
more to our knowledijce of the older mcks. In liif^ roi)ort, pul)-
lislied in 1847, tlie former described tlie Icnvest rock.s aUniL!; the
north shore of the luke as consisting of granite and syenitic
(hornblendicj granite, " which ai)pear to jtass gradually into
gneiss." Siniihir rocks were also observed by Murray in the
Kanianistiquia and Michipicoten rivers, liesting u[ion these
ancient rocks, and in many places enclosing jiebbles of them,
was u second series, described as consisting of chloritic, miea-
ceons and talcose slates, sometimes epidotic, with interstratitied
beds having the characters of greenstone, and others of ([U.irtz-
rock, the whole series iinich contorted, and dijiping at high
angles, with an oast and west strike. Tln'ir thickness was esti-
mated at several thousand feet, and they were observed by Lo-
gan at the moutb of the river Dore near (ires Cap, and at
Tiiunder Bay, and also, by Murray, on the Kanianistiquia.
The former declared that the "chloritic slates at the summit
of the older rocks, upon which the Volcanic formations rest un-
confomial)ly, strongly rcsend)le those of Lake Temiscaming,
and it appears prol)able that they will be found to be identical"
with ttiem. (Report for 1840, page 34.)
§ 137. The "Volcanic formations," above alluded to, are de-
scribed by Logan, in the same report, as consisting of uncrystal-
line sedimentary iitrata, interstratified with and overlaid by
eruptive rocks, and were divided by him into a lower and upper
group. The first of these was seen at Thunder Bay, resting, in a
nearly horizontal jxisition, ujion the highly- inclined chloritic
slates, fragments of which entered into a conglomerate at the
base of the lower Volcanic series.
Overlying this conglomerate were beds of chert orhornstone,
with calcareous layers, sometimes becoming impure limestones;
the whole, higher in the series, accom[)anied with dark bluish
argillaceous slates and argillaceous sandstones, intersected by
dykes, and interstratitied witii layers of crystalline hornblendic
trap; a mass of which, 200 or 300 feet in thickness, caps the
lower group, estimated to have a total volume of 1,500 or 2,000
feet. These rocks are seen at Thunder Bay and westward to
Pigeon river, forming the shores of the lake and the adjacent
§ 138. Resting upon this lower group to the eastward, was
a faeries of rod aiul vvliite siindstoiK's, iuid CDiigloineratos, lidld-
ing jiebblcs of Jjisper, dieit mid liinesfone, and huviui; an esti-
mated thickness of about 700 teot. These were succeeded \>y
reddisli white conipaet limestones, interstratified with calcare-
ous shales and sandstones, and overlaid by reddish marls, mak-
ing, in all, about 130 feet additional. "Succeeding these cal-
caremis strata, alter an interval of which the amount is uncer-
tain,'' another series of red and white sandstones, with con-
glomerate layers, was met with. These were interstratilied
with layers of trap, often aniygdaloidal; "and an enormous
amount of volcanic oveiHow crowjis the formation." Besides
the bedded aniygorithyry.
The thickness of this ui>i)er Volcanic group, on which were in-
cluded the calcareous strataand the red and white sandstones be-
neath them, was estimated, as seen in various sections, at from
(3,000 to 10,000 feet. (Rei)ort for 184(3, pages 13-16).
§139. This series was i'ound to the east of Thimder Bay, rest-
ing upon the rocks of the lower Volcanic group just described,
beyond which it was recou-nized on fSt. lijnace and the other is-
lands along Nipigon Bay, and, liirther east, in Michiiiicoten Is-
land, and on the maiidand at Cajic Gargantua, J'ointo aux
Mines, Mamairlse and other places, in which the red sandstones,
conglomerates and amygdaloids of the upper Volcanic group
were seen to lie unconibrmably upon the ancient gneissic and
granitic rocks. This sei'ies, in many }>arts of its distribution,
abounds in native copper, and was by Jjogan regarded as iden-
tical with that of Isle Koyale, then visited by him, and with
the similar copper-bearing rocks of the southern shore of Lake
Superior. As regards the age of tlie copper-bearing series, lie
conceived it to be older than the horizontal j)aleozoic sandstones
found in the vicinity of Sault Ste. Marie, and cited with ap-
proval the opinion expressed by llaughton of Michigan, in
18-11, that it was probably more ancient than the Potsdam of
the New York series. The important bearing of these facts on
the history of the Lake Superior rocks will be apparent further
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70 E
§ 140. In the summer of 1847, Mr. Alexander Murray com-
menced the geological exploration of tiie north shore of Lake
Huron, where, as is described in his report of that year, he
found, resting upon granitic and gneissoid rocks, a great series of
chloritic slates and conglomerates, with interstratified green-
stones, quartzites and limestones. This intermediate series was
described as forming the whole northern shore of the lake,
and as unconformably ov^erlaid by the lower members of the
New York series of paleozoic rocks.
These explorations were continued by Mr. Murray in 1848
and 1849. The frequent occurrence of suli)huretted ores of
copi)er having been noticed in tlic intermediate series of rocks,
they had already attracted the attention of mining explorers,
when, in 1848, the region was also visited by Mr. Logan, in
company with the present writer.
§ 141. The reports of both Murray and Logan for 1848 con-
tain much additional information respecting this series of
rocks. The great likeness between these and the chloritic-
slate formation, previously examined and described on Lake
Temiscaming and Lake Superior, is however nowhere alluded
to in these reports, though their identity was some years after-
wards fully recognized in the official publications of the geo-
logical survey. In explanation of this, it must be said that
Logan conceived these co|,per-bearing rocks of Lake Huron,
notwithstanding their lithological dissimilarity, to be the geo-
logical ecpii valents of the so-called Volcanic formations, which he
had previously described as resting unconformably uiH)n the
similar chloritic slates and greenstones of Thunder Bay on Lalte
In his report for 1848, (page '20,) he atteripts to compare the
copper-bearing rocks of Lake Huron with tuose yielding native
copper on Lake Superior. The greenstontis of the former, —
which he regarded, in accordance with the vhen universally re-
ceived view, as of igneous origin, — were coiifc^ecdiy unlike
the amygdaloida of Lake Superior ; and the sandstones asso-
ciated with these were very luilike the vitreous quartzites
which, on Lake Huron, w^re interstratified with the crystal-
line greenstones and chloritic slates containing thepyritouscop
per ores of that region. But, in his language, "notwith
standing these ditt'erences, there are such strong points of re-
semblance, in the interstratification of igneous rocks, and the
general mineralised condition of the whole, as to render their
positive or approximate equivalence highly probable, if not al-
most certain."
§ 142. Much stress was laid by him upon the fact these
two formations were found, in contiguous regions, — ^thechloritic
and greenstone series on the north shore of Lake Huron, ex-
tending westward nearly to Sault Ste. Marie, and the amygda-
loid series, with native copper, at the eastern end of Lake Su-
perior, — both resting unconformably upon the ancient granitic
series, and both overlaid conformably by the newer and hori-
zontal sandstones, then regarded as the equivalent of tlie Pots-
dam of the New York sorie^*. The fact that the amygdaloid
series further west, in Thunder Bay, had beneath it the dark
colored argillites and sandstones, which in tlieir turn rested
unconformably upon a chloritic and greenstone series like
that of Lake Huron, was strangely overlooked. That the
great dift'erence between these copper bearing rocks on the
two lakes was, in some way, due to the action of supposed in-
trusive rocks, which had metamorphosed the one more highly
than the other, was the view entertained by Logan for man}'
years. This same view is well stated by Dr. J. W. Dawson,
who, in 1857, published a detailed account of an examination
of the cupriferous amygdaloidsand conglomerates of Mamainse,
and, accepting the view of Logan, (also adoi)ted by llivot,)
that these were the geological equivalents of the Lake Hu-
ron series, ex[»ressed the opinion that while these latter
"may have thus originally been similar to those of Mamainse,
they have been far more alterey arranged
in stratified deposits, such astrap-tulf and i)eperino, which wore
su})posed to bo largely represented in the copper-bearing for-
mation of Lake Superior.
74 E.
§ 147. Includiuo; the specular and magnetic iron ores of Lake
Superior (and of other regions) among the igneous rocks, the
authors discuss the view tiiat they were deposited from water,
which is declared to be inadmissible and inadequate to explain
the geological relations of these ores. Nothwithstanding the
banded structure of these deposits, as seen on Lake Superior,
they were " disposed to regard the specular and magnetic
oxyds of iron as a purely igneous product, in some cases poured
out, but in other cases sublimed t'vom the interior of the earth."
Many of the deposits of pure ore, enclosed in crystalline strata,
or traversing such in dykes, are supposed to " have risen up in
a plastic state from below ;" but when found impregnating crys-
talline strata, or interlaminated with them, their introduction
was regarded as due to sublimation. The banded structure of
the masses of ore, and its iuterlamination with chert, jasper and
other matters, suggesting aqueous deposition, they supposed
to be due " to the action of segregating forces." (Geology of
Lake Superior, II, 68.)
§ 148. The Azoic system, as defined by Foster and Whitney,
included both the older gneissic or Metaniorphic series of the
Canada survey (subsequently named Laurentian,)and the newer
and unconformable crystalline aeries afterwards called IIu-
ronian. This, as developed on the southern shore of Lake Su-
perior, included besides chloritic and talcose schists, the great
deposits of iron ores just referred to, masses of greenstone, to-
getiier with dark colored compact serpentines, and quartzifer-
ous porphyries ; all of which were regarded as being of igne-
ous origin, and as intercalated in the metamorphic schists of
the Azoic system.
The copper-bearing series of tlie region, including the amyg-
daloids, inter-bedded traps, and conglomerates, was however re-
ferred to a more recent period, being regarded as forming a por-
tion of the Totsdam siindstone.
§ 149. An instructive section given by Foster and Whitney
(Vol. I, page OG) near the eastern end of Keweenaw Point, from
Copper Harbor southward to Lake Labelle, traverses, in the
northern portion, two principal ranges of bedded amygdaloid
and granular trap with conglomerates and native cojtper. To
the south of this, a third parallel cast and west belt of so-called
E. 75
trap, constitutes the Bohemian Mountains, descrihed as com-
posed of " a vast crystalline mass, forming an anticlinal axis,
flanked on the north hy the bedded traps and conglomerates,
and on the south by sandstones with conglomerates " 'J'his
southern range is said tube widely utdikeboth in structure and
composition to the traps of the northern ranges, being a dark-
colored tine-grained greenstone, made up of labradorite and
green hornblende, sometimes with an admixture of chlorite.
It is distinctly stratified, and di])s to the N. W. at an angle of
65° or 70°. At the southern base of the range is a broad belt
of fissile chloritic rock, which is, in parts, an admixture of
labradorite and felds})ar, with disseminated crystals of mag-
netite and grains of copi)er-pyrites.
§ 150. Throughout this southern range native copper is want-
ing, but numerous veins of quartz, sometimes with calcite and
chlorite, are met with, carrying sulphurerted copjier ores. In
the eastern part of the Bohemian range (according to Ri' ot)
the greenstone is replaced by a jasper, which forms great masses,
and makes the sunnnit of Mount Houghton. This rock is sup-
posed by Foster and Whiniey to have resulted from the altera-
tion, by the intrusive traj), of the adjacent sandstones, and is
described as in some parts red, occasionally banded and com-
pact, with a sub-conchoidal fracture ; elsewhere it includes feld-
spar and chlorite, and shows lines of stratification.
§ 151. A similar red bandinl jasper-rock occurs in the Por-
cupine Mountains, a range of hills near the southern shore of
the lake, rising between Carp and Iron rivers, where a large
area, designated in the geological map of Foster and Whitney,
as composed of " igneous " rocks, is described by them as con-
sisting of Jasper and quartzose porphyry. The highest parts
of these hills are said to be composed of a compact red jasper,
sometimes banded, and at other times mingled with grains of
white quartz. It "sometinjes shows a gra(iual passage into
quartzose porphyry, with occasional imbedded crystals of felds-
par." Such a porphyry forms very large masses on the head-
waters of Iron river, where it is brick-red in color, and con-
tains small crystals of white feldspar, generally with " rounded
grains of vitreous qiuxrtz found distril)uted with the feldspar
through the jasper base." Other varieties are described with
76 E.
i I
I !!
rod feldspar crystals. This rock was regarded by the authors
as an eruptive mass, and said to include fragments of older
rocks. (Geology of Lake Superior, I, 65-70). The banded
structure of some of the jasper of Mount Houghton was re-
garded bv them as due to the original stratification of the sedi-
mentary deposits, while that of the banded jaspci if the Por-
cupine Mountains was declared (Ibid. II, 68) to present com-
plex flexures, which " bear no mark of having been the re-
sult of original stratification ;" there being no actual line of
separation between the lighter and darker bands. We shall
again refer to these jaspers and porphyries.
§ 152. In 1854, and again in 1855, Prof. Rivot, of the Ecole
des Mines of Paris, visited the mining-region of Lake Su-
perior, and described his observations in two elaborate memoirs
in the Annales des Mines for 1855 and 1856 (5me. serie, vols. V
and X). We have already made use of his statements in
speaking of the Bohemian Moun+ains. Rivot recognized in
this region, besides the ancient granitic and syenitic rocks,
which he regai'ded as eruptive, a vast series of chloritic and
hornblendic schistose rocks, which, according to him, pass by
insensible gradations into the massive greenstones found inter-
stratified with them. Hence he rejected entirely the notion
of the igneous origin of the greenstones, described by him as
consisting chiefly of labradorite and hornblende, which were
conspicuous in the hills of the Bohemian range already no-
ticed, as well as in the Huron Mountains and near Marquette.
The cupriferous aiuygdaloids and bedded traps of the more
northern ranges in the Keweenaw peninsula were supposed by
Rivot to belong to the same series as the greenstones found
with the chloritic and hornblendic schists mentioned above,
and to pass into them by gradations.
§ 153. Rivot thus rejected entirely the notion of the erup-
tive or volcanic origin of the amygdaloids and bedded trai>s of
the cupriferous formation, maintaining that they were of meta-
morphic origin, and in fact that these, as well as the whole se-
ries ot greenstones with chloritic and hornblendic slates, ser-
pentines, jaspers and iron ores, in the Huron and Bohemian
Mountains, had resulted from the more or less complete altera-
tion of ferruginous slates and and sandstones "by some un-
E. 77
known agent." The whole of these strata were by him sup-
posed to be intercalated in the lower part of the paleozoic se-
ries, and he did not apparently recognize any disi-ordance ot
stratification between the ])receding rocks and the superioi
sandstones of the region, lie noticed that in the greenstone
and chloritic series of the Bohemian range (and elsewhere) cop-
per was found in veins, in the form of sulpiiuretted ores, but ho
believed that these veins were in some cases continuous with
those which, in the amygdaloid belts to the northward, carried
metallic copper.
§ 154. llivot was familiar with the results of the Canadian
survey, and in his memoir of 1856 gave an analysis of the
Esquisse Geolo()i(]ue, already mentioned, citing the names Lau-
rent ian and lluronian. lie there states more distinctly than
in his first memoir his view of the relations of the various
rocks, and declares that "in immediate contact, and apparently
with the granite, are found rocks evidently raetamorphic, mica-
schists, hornblendic sc-hists very analogous to traps, <^uartzites
and jas^ters. At a certain distance, and above these, are the)
traps, conglomerates and sandstones, the stratified arrangement
of which is very evident. It is not possible, at least on the
American shore, to separate the traps from the other Silurian i \
rocks." On the other hand, he describes traps as passing into
well characterized raetamorphic schists, and declares them to
be "so connected with the metamorphic rocks, referred by Mr.
Logan to the Cambrian (lluronian), that it is not possible to
separate the two. These appear as the last term of the meta-
morphic action manifested at the contact of the granite, of
which action the granite itself may perhaps represent only the
highest development." The discordance noticed by Logan at
Thunder Ba}' between the crystalline schists and the overlying
series of argillites and sandstones with traps, Rivot thought
might only be a local phenomenon, "to be explained by move-
ments due to the neighberhood of the granite."
§ 155. The granites of this author were the granitoid rocks
of the Laurentian system, which he elsewhere described as
"important masses of granite, syenite and diorite, which seem
to have traversed and disturbed" the more schistose lelds[)athic,
micaceous and hornblendic rocks, and the crystalline limestones
1 I
of the Laiirentian. In the bedded trappean rocks of the cop-
per bearing series he, however, failed to recognize any eru]*-
tive masses, and found none of "the dykes of trap or diorite"
noticed by Logan in this series on the north shore of tlie lake.
The granites and related rocks seem to have been the only
masses in the region to which Rivot assigned a phitonic origin.
§ 156. The observation of Rivot regarding the origin of the
beds of rounded pebbles found between ridges of trap at Ke-
weenaw Point deserves notice in this connection. They were,
according to him, "due to the decomposition, by atmospheric
agents, of the ancient conglomerate." The present writer, from
his observations on the north shore of the lake in 1872, arrived
at the same conclusion. At Mamainse, interstratified with the
traps, are beds of conglomerate made up of large and small
rounded masses of granite, red and gray Laurentian gneiss,
chloritic schists and greenstones from the Iluroniaii series, and
tender mica-schists and gneisses having all the characters of
the Montalban, together with masses of red quartzose sand-
stone, the whole cemented by white cleavable calcareous spar.
The solution of this has reduced large portions of the con-
glomerate to loose pebbles, which form the lake shore.
§ 157. It thus appears that Rivot, while adopting, with re-
gard to these rocks, a view the very opposite of that main-
tained by Logan, Foster and Whitney, and Dawson, — inasmuch
as he denied the eruptive origin alike of many of the crystiil-
line greenstones of one series and of the bedded granular traps
and aniygdaloids of the other, — was led to agree with Logan,
and with Dawson, in assigning the two series to one geological
horizon, and in regarding their mineralogical and lithological dif-
ferences as due to variations in the degree of alteration. This
extreme extension of the doctrine of metamorphism, which
began to find favor with other geologists about the same time,
was the natural reaction from the no less extreme plutonism
which had hitherto prevailed, and marked the beginning of a
revolution in geological theory.
§ 158. In 1857, Prof. J. D. Whitney published in the Ameri-
can Journal of Science ([2] XXIII, pp. 305-314) a review and
criticism of the Laurentian and Huronian systems of the
Canada geological survey. lie therein asserted that "there is
E. Id
no evidence, either litliological or stratigrapliical, for separat-
ing the rocks of Lake Huron from those which occur farther
east, and wliicli are classed by Mr. Logan as Laurentian."
Both of these, Whitney had inchided in his Azoic series, which
lie declared to consist, alike on the north and south shores of
Lake Superior, ''of talcose and hornblendic slates, and gneisa-
oidal quartz-rock, resting on a granitic and syenitic nucleus."
§ 159. As regards the cupriferous series of the north shore
of lake Superior, — the upper division of the Volcanic forma-
tions of Logan, — he confirmed the opinion of the latter, that it
was identical with that of the south shore. He had himself
examined the truppean series in Ni{)igon Bay and the island of
St. Iguace, and found its geological structure identical with
that of Isle Koyalc and Keweenaw Point. (Geol. Lake Su-
perior, II, 115.) The dark-colored argillites, cherts and sand-
stones of Thunder Bay, which Logan made the lower division
of his Volcanic formations, represent, according to Whitney,
only "a IocpI variation in the composition," analogous to "the
dark-colored and highly fissile beds of the Montreal, Presque
Isle and Iron rivers of the south shore, which pass gradually
into the usual red sandstone upwards and downwirds." P'rom
the examination of this series, as developed in the south shore,
he was "unable to see any reason for separating the cupriferous
range from the sandstone which flanks it on either side."
§ 160. Whitney farther declared that " the native-copper
bearing series of the north and south shores of Lake Superior
cannot be separated from the Potsdam sandstone with which it
is associated ; neither is there any reason whatever for placing
it in the same line with the rocks of the north shore of Lake
Huron. These latter, as well as the great mass of crystalline
rocks to the north and east, in Canada, are identical in position
and lithological character with the series described by Mr. Fos-
ter and myself under the name of the Azoic system, and which
cover so large an extent of territory in Michigan, Wisconsin
and Minnesota." The rocks of this system, according to Whit-
ney, underlie directly the trappean copper-bearing series, alike
on the north and south shores Ox Lake Superior.
§ 161. The reasons of these opinions were given at length in
the paper quoted, and need not bo discussed here. The ver-
80 K
diet of later investigationa has confirmed the previous deter-
minations of tlie Canadian Burvcy, botli as to the existence ot
two distinct and unconformable series in the Azoic system of
Whitney, and the unconformable infra position of tlie trapjican
copper-bearing series to the so-called Potsdam sa Istone of the
In his other principal point, however; namely, his objection
to Logan's early attempt to establish a [larallelism between the
upper crystalline schists of Lake Huron and the trappean or
Volcanic copi»er-bearing series of the north shore of liake Su-
l)erior, Whitney has bet-n fully justitiod. Jle pointed out that
,the latter had t)een declared l)y Logan to rest unconfurmably,
/in Thunder P>ay, on a formation of crystalline schists, and
' these, according to Whitney, were the precise equivalents of
those of Lake Huron, — which had been by Logan compared
with the overlying trappean series. There was, in fact, no gf)od
reason for this view of Logan's, — in which, however, he had, as
we have soim, been followed both by Kivot and by Dawson, —
and in the latter publications of the geological survey of Can-
. nda, the trappean series was, in accordance with the view of
Whitney, separated from the lluronian, but, at the same time,
from the overlying sandstones.
§ 1G2. In the years following 1849 no further attention was
given by the Canadian survey to these rocks on Lake Huron or
Lake Superior, until in 1854-1858, when Mr. Ahirray made his
e2:tended and careful geological and topographical surveys of
the northeastern tributaries of Lake Huron and the region
eastward. These explorations furnished many details of the
Laurentian and Huronian series, the results of which are set
forth in the annual rejiorts for the years mentioned. From
1858 to 18G8 no aimual reports were published by the Canadian
survey, but the results of explorations during this time were
embodied in the volume of the Geology of Canada, published
in 18(53 ; in the Atlas and its accompanying text, which appeared
in 1865; and in the larger geological map, (§44) published
in 1866. In all of these the name of Huronian was restricted
to the upper crystalline series of Lake Huron and the similar
rocks on Lake Superior, where their distribution had been care-
fully studied by Mr. Murray in the years 1859 and 1860.
E. 81
with the views of Mather, (§ 80-81,) whose Report on the South-
ern district of New York was at tliat time carefully studied by
tlie Canadian Survey, as having resulted from the alteration
ot' the strata of the Hudson River group, which were supposed,
at certain points along the line of contact between the two, to
exhibit evidences of a gradual passage from the uncrystalline
sediments to the crystalliae schists, in summing up the facts
detailed in elucidation of the structure of the Notre Dame
range, designated as " the Green Mountains in their Canadian
prolongation," the conclusion was reached that " the whole of
the Green Mountain rocks, including those containing the au-
riferous quartz veins, belong to the Hudson River group, with
the possible addition of part of the Shawangunk conglomer
ates." (Ibid, page 57.)
§ 174. The section along the St. Francis was continued from
Sherl.rooke southeastwards across the limestones of the valley,
and thence to Canaan, in the northeastern corner of Vermont.
The rocks were described as soft argillaceous, micaceous and
calcareous schists, highly pyrititerous, succeeded by harder mi-
caceous and quartzose strata, often with garnets and chiasto-
lite, associated with beds containing black hornblende, and
with granites. The latter were regarded as intrusive, which
is true uf a portion of the granitic rocks of the region. These
strata were found to be highly inclined, with a prevailing in-
clination to the north-west, the latter ]iart of the section form-
ing a bold range of hills, in which the Connecticut and Chau-
diere rivers take their rise. No detailed examination was
made of that part of the line of section from the limestones of
the valley of Lake Massawippi to Canaan ; the description of
it given in the Report for 1847 having been taken from the
notes made by Logan during a journey across the region aa
early as 1842. He however ventured, in accordance with the
E. 87
views which had been advanced by Mather and the Messre. Rog-
ers, (§ 123) to assign these rocks to a higher geok^gical horizon
than the Green Mountains, and while the whole of the inter-
vening calcareous strata were supposed to be Silurian, to put
forth the siitrgestion that the mica-slates, with hornblendic,
gneissic and granitic rocks, were perhaps of Devonian age, being
"a part of the Gasp6 sandstones in an altered state." (Report
of 1847, pages 55-58).
§ 175. During the year 1849, the investigation of the Notre
Dame range, and of the disturbed sedimentary belt along its
western and northern boundary was continued, the latter being
examined at various points from the northern extremity of
Lake Champlain as far as tlie vicinity of Quebec, and thence
along the nortliern shore of the 8t. Lawrence for about 130
miles, to the Temiscouata portage, a road leading to the lake of
that name. The results of these investiirations are set forth in
the R«port for 1849, publislied in 1850 (pages 31-64). Jjogan
was aided in this field-work by Murray, and by the present
writer. (Ibid, pages 6, 73.)
In describing the general distribution of the rocks along the
south shore of the St. Lawrence, we have already made use of
this exploration, and also of that of 1844. In this latter re-
port Logan had given (pages 17-30) the results of his exami-
nation of this coast from Capo Chatte, a point a little farther
east, to Cape Rosier at the extremity of the peninsula of
Gaspe, and had also described the newer limestone and sand-
stone-formations lying to the southward, (§ 168) which were
then designated the Gaspe limestones and the Gaspe sandstones
(pages 31-66).
§ 176. The opinion was expressed in 1844, that these coastal
rocks, or at least a portion of them, are '' the equivalent of a
part of the Hudson River group of the Xew York geologists"
(page 21). It was aiterwards elearly apparent that they were
similar to those found along the ooast between the Temiscouata
road and Quebec, and to the belt now traced from Quebec to Lake
Chamjilain. These, as we have seen in the Report for 1847,
were also referred to the Hudson River ir
rcirarded as bo-
longing to the upper part of the C!hamplain division of tho
^ow York series, and m the same Report (page 58) reference
! |i.
88 E.
was made to " the continuous run of the reco2:nizcd rocks of
the Hudson River group from Lake Chanipluin, along the south
side of the St. Lawrence, to Cape Rosier." In the Rei)ort for
1849 (page 18) it was again mentioned that " a formation con-
temporaneous with the Hudson River group, superior to the
Trenton limestone, extends along the south side of the St. Law-
rence from Point Levis (opposite Quebec) to (Jape Rosier." The
continuity of this belt of sedimentary rocks, along the east
side of Lake Chaniplaiu, with the similar rocks to the east of
the Hudson — the Argillite and Graywacke series of Eaton — bad
already been established by Emmons and by Ma 'her, as shown
in the preceding chapter.
§ 177. The observations of Mather and Emmons as to the
singularly disturbed and often inverted attitude of these strata
in the regions just mentioned were abundauiiy confirmed by the
oflicers of the geological survey of Canada. The belt be-
tween Lake Chaniplaiu and the Tennscouata road is described
as presenting "a multitude of anticlinal axes, over which, in
succession, the strata bend in sharp plications, often leaning
over to the northwest, giving the semblance of a nearly con-
stant dip to the south-east, at high angles. These folds are so
numerous, and frequently repeat the measures several times in
so short a distance, as to destroy confidence in every endeavor
to estimate the thickness of the different divisions of the de-
posit ; and the want of knowledge of the true tliickness, on
the other hand, renders it uncertain, in any particular case un-
der examination, whether all the folds afiecting a set of strata
have been correctly ascertained. The main undulations can of-
ten be followed for considerable distances by means of the geo-
graphical distribution of contorted masses of the sub divisions,
but unless a connection or relation with regard to each other
is followed out among these undulations, it is somewhat difli-
cult to determine whether a form that may be subject to con-
sideration is synclinal or anticlinal." (Report for 1849, pp.
§ 178. An illustration of this inversion of strata is seen in
the Report for 1847 (page 24), where, in Granby, not far to the
north of Lake Champlain, the red and green sandstones of the
series in question are said to be folded in a great overturned
E. 89
Byuclinal, in which the strata, on both sides of the basin, dip
to the Boutheast at angles varying Iroai 45° to 80°.
Still more remarkable examples of this are shown in the
Kcport for 1844, in the account of the same belt ou the
south shoio below Quebec, where it is said that the rocks "as
they come out on the .St. Lawrence exhibit a very contorted con-
dition. The tlexures are numerous, and some of them are so
violent that serious inversions of the strata sometimes present
themselves, and it is frequently very difficult to determine
whether the mass under inspection be a new member of the de-
posit, or a repetition of one previously noted." (Keport for
1844, page 18.)
§ 179. Numerous examples of this are given, one of which
is on the east side of the lliviere I'ierre, where the summit of
the hill sliows an overturn d\\), and the strata in the whole sec-
tion appear to be arranged in the ibrm of a very flat S' Farther
down on the coast * * * there are evidences of an over-
turn dip, * * * and a little under two leagues above Capo
Magdalen, and about the same distance from Gros Male, the
apex of the flexure connected with it comes out upon the
shore. The direction of the anticlinal axis appears to be N.
65° W., magnetic, and proceeding from it upwards along tlie
beach the strata, presenting at first a north dip of 20° to 40°,
gradually bcoome vertical ; further on they overhang ; still
further the overturn increases, and the beds, becoming flat, with
the bottom upwards, in this inverted position, roll farther over,
and for a short distance slope slightly northward. From tliis,
however, they recover, after no great interval, but tiually in
Gros Mille bluff, they exhibit a short twist, occupying about
twenty feet in the upper part of the cliff, in which, after re-
turning to an uninverted north dip, they are again canted over
to a nearly horizontal position, with tiie bottom upwards.
Tlio inverted beds examined extend upwards of five miles along
the shore, and though the twists in the north side of the anti-
clinal, which roll them over to an upside-down north dip, are
short, and therefore do not produce so imjiortant a result as the
simple overturn south dip, they serve to illustrate the comjilica-
tion of the strata, and the difficulty of disentangling them in
90 E.
endeavoring to follow out the order of superposition." (Ibid,
pp. 23-24.)
§ 180. The strata in this disturbed region, below Cape Chatte,
were described as consisting of great masses of sandstone,
the vertical beds of which, by the action of the sea-waves, are
wrought into upright columns, known to the navigators as Pil-
lars, for which reas^on these rocks were called, in the Report,
the Pillar sandstones. These sandstones, which are greenish
in color and often conglomerates, holding pebbles of quartz and
others of black shale, were found to be associated with bands
of red, and more rarely with black argillaceous slates. A nother
portion of the series consisted of gray calcareous sandstones
and gray limestones, sometimes oolitic in structure, together
with conglomerates composed chieily of limestone pebbles, in-
terstratitied with green and black argillites. Other portions
presented thin-bedded limestones with gray sandstones and
black shales holding graptolites.
§ 181. In the Heport for 1819 an attempt was made to estab-
lish the succession of these rocks "in ascending sequence from
the Trenton limestone and Utica slate.'' They were then di-
vided into live groups, as follows:
1. Dark gray clay-slates, with gray thin-bedded sandstones,
often calcareous, and with gray limestones, both weathering yel-
lowish-brown. This division holds shells and graptolites, and
appears to be terminated by bituminous shales and black lime-
2. Gray, green and red shales, with thin calcareous layers
and bands of calcareous conglomerate.
3. llard gray sandstones, rarely greenish, frequently becom-
ing conglomerate from pebbles "of gray limestone containing
organic remains of the Trenton formation,'' besides thin-bed-
ded gray limestones.
4. Red and green and chocolate-colored shales, often inter-
stratifiod with thin bands of light gray sandstone, which is
sometimes calcareous.
5. (Joarse -grained, green, massive sandstones, holding scales
of mica and grajthite. "They appear to derive their prevailing
color from chlorite, but rod layers, as coai-se as the green, and
holding nearly as much chlorite, are in some parts interstrati-
E. 91
lied." These rocks are often coarsely conglomerate, with quartz
pebbles, "which sometimes ap[)ear to become mingled witli peb-
bles and even boulders of gray limestone, holding fossils proba-
bly of the Trenton formation." lied and green slates are in-
terstratified with this division.
§ 182. This succession, the description of which is abridged
from tliat given in the Report of 1849, was determined almost
wholly from the section seen near Quebec, on the island of Or-
leans and at Point Levis, although details of some of the di-
visions were iiathcred from other localities. The rey-ion farther
eastward was, as already shown, too much disturbed to give
any satisfactory evidence as to the sequence, while to the south-
west the strata are concealed, for long intervals, by the great
mass of superficial deposits, and but few outcrops, and these of
small portions of the series, are met with. Thus, the fossili-
ferous limestones are known to the southwest of Toint Levis
within the limits of the province, only at and near Phillipsburg
on Lake Champlain. The green sandstones of the scries are
not met with in this vicinity, but are seen a little to the north-
ward, in Milton, Roxton and Granby, and at various points
from the 8t. Francis river to tlie vicinity of Quebec, beyond
which they are larj.'ely displayed in the region to the northeast*
§ 183. The presence of chlorite in these sandstones was no-
ticed at several localities below Quebec in the interval between
the crystalline rocks of the Notre Dame and the Shickshock
Mountains, (Report ot 1849, page 47) and also in Granby (Re-
port of 1847, [lage 25). Here the green sandstones, with some
red beds, are occasionally calcareous, and often conglomerate,
holding pebbles both of quartz and of feldspar, together with
scales of mica and of graphite, and constituting an arkose.
The grapiiite, and the chlorite to which they owe their color, are
more abundant in the finer than in the coarser l)eds. Inter-
stratified with these sandstones, and with red and green slates,
some of which also abound in scales of mica and of chlorite,
are two calcareous layers, one and two feet in thickness, earthy
in texture, and weather ,ng brownish from the presence of man-
ganese, but witiiin of a green color, evidently due to a large
admixture of chlorite, (as was shown by a jiartial analysis at the
time,) and containing a small proportion of oxyd of chromium.
'■ hIi
92 E
t: ^
A careful study of this locality waia BubHequently made by the
writer, and the results of a chemical unalytiis are given in the
Report for 1853-5G (page 474). The green earthy mass held
inibedded scales of chlorite, and yielded to dilute acids about
30.0 per cent of carbonate ol lime, besides small portions of
magnesia, manganese, iron and alumina. The residue con-
tained no lime, but gave of silica, 53.20 ; alumina, 7.90 ; pro-
toxyd ot iron, 15.75; magnesia, 8.79 ; titanic acid, 0.30 ; oxyds
of manganese, chromium, nickel, ami loss, 2.00 ; alkalies, 0.00 ;
volatile, 4.80=100.00. The oxyd of chromium was found
equal to 0.30, and that of nickel to 0.15 per cent.
^ 184. The presence of these chemical elements, and of the dis-
seminated chlorite, wiiicli evidently forms a cojisiderable pro-
portion of the matter analysed, were, at the time, considered
as evidences of a commencement of metamorphism in the sedi-
mentary strata, and as marking the passage of these into the
crystalline rocks of the Notre Dame range, which, in accordance
with the view then held by most American geologists (as set forth
in the preceding chapter), were supposed to be no other than
these same strata in a highly altered condition and, in the imme-
diate vicinity of Grauby, abound in chloritic schists, and in titan-
iferous iron ores, with manganese, chrome and nickel. The
more sim[)le and obvious view that these matters, like the
quartz, feldspar, graphite and mica of the arkose, had come
from the disintegration of the adjacent crystalline formation was
then rejected by the writer, as being incompatible with the
notion of the contemporaneous origin of the two series of crys-
talline and uncrystalline rocks, which was at that time unques-
tioned, except by Emmons. This geologist, as we have seen
(§ 05, 107), had already noticed the existence of chlorite in
these sandstones in Vermont and in New York, but main-
tained that it was derived from the ''chloritic slate alonsi the
eastern border," and also suggested the presence in these sand-
stones of the "debris of hornblende."
§ 185. These sandstones, where they appear on the St. Fran-
cis river, arc traversed by dykes of greenstone, and about two
miles below, in Wendover, is a great development of green-
stone, sometimes porj)hyritic, and at other times amygdaloidal,
with agates and calcite. These masses are apparently conform-
E. 93
uble to the stratitication, and are associated witli graptolitic
shales, into which the aniVL''daloid seems to •graduate. tSuine of
the beds are apparently a breccia, made up of Iragnients of the
porphyritic greenstone, cemented by calcite (Geology of Can-
ada, 1803, pages 243, 710). The greenstones are traversed by
brccciated veins carrying sulpliuretted ores of c()i)per. Simi-
lar greenstones and amygdaloidsarei'ound fartlier northeast in
the same strike, at St. Flavien, interstratiiied with red slates
and calcareous conglomerates. Here also, sulphuretted copper
ores are found both in the strata and in transverse veins, in ad-
dition to which native copper occurs witii calcareous spar in
druses in the conglomerate. " The whole band has a striking
resemblance to some of the rocks of the Upper Copper-bearing
series of Lake Superior." (Ibid, pages 242, 720.)
§ 18G. In the extension of this belt to the southwest of the
St. Francis large beds of magnesiun limestone are found, asso-
ciated with dark gray slates, and abounding in a fueoid resem-
bling Buthotrephis Jiexuosa of Emmons. These are accompanied
with great interbedded masses of greenstone, like those of
Wendover and St. Fiavien, while the limestones contain, in nu-
merous localities, sulphuretted copper ores, as in Wickham,
Durham, Upton and at Actouvale, where a mine was formerly
wrought from which rich ores, yielding over 1,0U0 tons of cop-
per, were extracted. These ores were chietiy found in a lime-
stone-conglomerate, occasionally presenting the aspect of a brec-
cia, the fissures of which were filled with variegated ore, calcite
and quartz ; and at other times forming a compact mass, in which
rounded and angular fragments of limestone, and others of chert,
were enclosed in a paste of vitreous and variegated sulphurets
of copper, which are seen in polished sections to present a
banded or stratified arrangement. The conditions at Upton,
where copper-py rites occurs, are very similar. (Geology of Cana-
ada, 18G3, pages 241-244; 712-720.)
§ 187. The greenstones of Actonvale and Upton were exam-
ined chemically by the present writer, and found to consist of
a basic feldspar, sometimes clcavable, with hornblende or pyr-
oxene, and an amorphous green hydrated silicate related to
chlorite. They were shown to resemble closely in composition
94 E.
II ::i!
the greenstones described by Wliitncy from tlic Upper Cop[ter-
beariiii^ rocks of LuKe Supori(jr. (Ibid, {)uge 004.)
§ 188. Tills remurkablo dovelopineiit of cop{>or ores along a
portion of the belt does not seem to be dependent upon the
presence of the greenstones, since the ores appear in the Tune-
stones in Wickhamand Durham, near Actonvale, where the
greenstones are unknown. This, moreover, is the case at St.
Henri and Point Ijcvis, near Quebec, in both of which places
the red slates of the series contain jilatcs and masses of native
copper, sometimes of several pv^unds weight, it is j)robably
however to the presence of these hard greenstone rocks that
are due many outcrops of the soiter copper-bearing limestones,
which elsewhere are worn down and concealed beneath the su-
perficial deposits.
§ 189. We have now to inquire into the reasons which led
tlie geological survey of Canada to assign the sedimentary
rocks on the south side of the St. Lawrence to the upper part
of the Chami)lain division of the New York series. These
reasons may be considered under two heads. In the lirst place
is to be mentioned the continuity and identity of this series
with the Argillite and Graywacke series iu western Vermont
and eastern New York, which had been referred by Mather
to the Hudson River group, (considered to bethestratigraphical
equivalent of ihe Loraiue shales) and the Oneida or iSiiawaugunk
formation. (§ 71, 72, 73.) To this was to be added the clearly
expressed opinion of Emmons, iu 1842, that the green sand-
stones examined by him at Quebec were to be assigned to the
last named formation. (§ 05, 112.)
§ 190. In the second place were to be considered the facts ob-
served in the vicinity of Quebec, where u nearly complete sec-
tion of the series is to be seen in close proximity to the Tren
ton limestone. In a geological account of this region by Dr.
J. J. Digsby, published as early as 1827, (Proc. Geol. Soc. I,
37,) he described the fossiliferous limestone resting in a nearly
horizontal attitude upon the ancient gneiss on the northwest side
of the St. Lawrence, at Deauport, while the heights on both
sides, including the city of Quebec, Point Levis, and the
island of Orleans, were said to consist of " a slaty series of
shales and gray wacke," occasionally passing into a brown lime
E. 9.'.
stoue, antl altomatinu; with a calcareous cotiujlomerato in beds,
Bonie of tliem charged with torisils, which, according to him,
were derived from the horizontal liuK'stone of Beau{)ort. From
this he concluded that the Graywacke series, which is highly
inclined, is more recent than the liniestones. These he sup-
posed might belong to the carboniferous jKjriod, to which also
he referred the (iraywaclce series. This contains small veins
of a bituminous matter, regarded by him as coal, and what he
supposed to be vegetable impressions, called by him fucoids, under
which name two species from this locality were described by
Ad. Brongniart in 1828, as pointed out by Prof. James Hall,
who, nearly thirty years later, describtd and figured these im-
pressions as new forms of graptolites. Geol. Sur. of Canada,
Decade II, page 60, and Report for 1857, page 111.)
§ 191. Bigsby 's view of the greater antiquity of the Beauport
limestones was, as we have seen, adopted as probable by Logan,
(§ 128) and was conlirmed by Admiral Baytield, who in 1845
(Geol. Journal, 1, 455) expressed the opinion that the Hat lime-
stones of Beauport and of Montmorenci pass beneath the Gray
wacke series. Ue, however, was aware that these limestones,
which had been traced, at intervals, along the north side of the
ISt. Lawrence to Montreal, belong to the Trenton formation of
the Champlain division, and hence referred the Graywacke
series, which was still supposed to hold in its conglomerates
fossils derived irom this limestone, to the higher members of
that division. The presence in the shales of the Graywacke
series in Gaspe, of graptolites, which were supposed to be-
long to the Utica slates, served to conlirm the conclusion
that the position of this series had been correctly determined.
The graptolites of Point Levis were not re discovered until 1854,
but this locality had, as early as 1848, yielded to Logan two
brachiopodous shells, mentioned by him as " a Lcpfnena very
like L. sericea, and an Orthis very like 0. testudinaria, and taken
by me to be these species," which are characteristic of the upper
part of the Champlain division. (Amer. Jour. Science, [2]
XXXIII, 106.)
§ 192. It is to be noticed that a few miles to the northeast of
Quebec, rocks undoubtedly of the age of the Utica and Lo-
raiue formations overlie conformably the Trenton limestone,
96 E.
as is seen on the Moiitmorenci river, and beyond, along the left
bank of the St. Lawrence; and also tliat a few miles to
the southwest of Quebec, strata of these same two forma-
tions, occupying similar stratigraphical relations, appear on
both sides of the St. Lawrence, and are thence traced con-
tinuously to the valley of Lake Chami>lain. These, moreover,
oiler such lithological resemblances to the Gray wacke series of
Quebec and Point Levis, (which, as has been shown, extends for
hundreds of miles to the northeastward, along the right bank
of the St. Lawrence,) that the two series of rocks were readily
confounded, and thus the whole of the belt of sedimentary
strata along the southeast side of the St. Lawrence, from the
valley of Lake C'hami)lain to Gaspe, came to be regarded as
younger than the limestones of the Trenton group. (Hunt,
Chem. and Geol. Essays, page 395.)
§ 193. The Trenton limestoiie, along the left bank of the
St. Lawrence near Quebec, is in many places almost horizontal,
but is affected by occasional anticlinals running north-east and
south-west, having the stee}tor dips on the south-east side.
These, in some cases, pass into considerable faults or disloca-
tions, with downthrows to the southeast. One of them is traced
along the southeast side of the road from 13eau])ort church to
the River Montmorenci, where the disj)lacement gives rise to
the well-known water-fall of about 250 feet. The Trenton
limestone, lying nearly flat at the top, is seen at the foot of tlie
cascade, resting, with its edges upturned, at an angle of 57°
against the gneiss, and dip})ing to the southeast beneath a
conformable succession of beds of the Uticaand Loraine shales,
which extend to the shore of the St. Lawrence. Other and
similar dislocations, nearly parallel with this, occur on the
northeast bank of the St. Lawrence above and below Quebec,
examples of which are seen at Pointe aux Trembles and at Stc.
Anne de Beaupr6, in which the Utica, in the one case, and the
Loraine in the other, are found leaning, with a high southeast
dij), against the gneiss. (lie[)ort for 1852, pages 28-40).
§ 194. At a distance of about eight thousand feet across the line
of strike from the Heuuport and Montmorenci dislocation,
against which the Trenton, Utica and Loraine strata arc mnde
to dip southeast at a high angle, we find rising from the low
E. 97
Ith a
I cast
lands behind the city, and from tlie waters of the St. Lawrence,
the Graywacke series which forms the heights of Qnebec, Sil-
lery, Cape Rouge, and Point Levis, and the island of Orleans.
These strata, near Cape Rouge, dip S. 25° E.,and on tlie island
of Orleans, S. E., in both cases at an angle of al)out 50°, and
though affected by many minor undulations, have a prevailing
high inclination to the southeast. The thickness of the se-
lies here displayed, as measured by Logan, was estimated at
over 5,000 feet, and the sequence is essentially that previously
described, (§ 181).
§ 195. In 1855 was published the Esquisse Geologiquc, al-
ready noticed, (§ 144,) in which (page 80) the rocks of the
southeast side of the St. Lawrence weredescribed as forming part
of a great paleozoic area, including also the Kew England
states, together with Ontario, New York, and the whole of the
paleozoic rocks to the south and west. This vast region was,
according to Logan, divided into two parts by an anticlinal
axis, which, following the Hudson river and passing to the
east of Lake Champlain and the Richelieu river, reaches the
St. Lawrence at Ueschambault, about twenty-five miles above
Quebec. The region to the west of this, designated by him
the western basin, includes the comparatively undisturbed
strata of Ontario and New York, and the Appalachian and
Michigan coal-fields ; while to the east jf this axis are found
the disturbed and, in part, crystalline rocks already described,
which surround tiie coal-tields of New Brunswick and Riiode
Island. Thisattemj»ted generalization, it will be seen, was but
a repetition of that already luade l)y Mather, who, in 1843 had
already traced this supitosed axis from New Jersey nearly to
Lake Champlain, and had asserted that the rocks on the east
side of it are nothing more than the disturbed and modified
equivalents of those on the west (§ G9, 72, 81).
§ 196. This anticlinal, in its course through eastern (\anada,
was declared to Dring to the surface the Trenton limestone and
"the lower part of the Hudson river or Loraino shales," rest-
ing upon which were the rocks of Quebec, Orleans and Point
Levis — now first designated the Quebec formation — overlaid
by the red and green shales and the green sandstones of di-
vision 5, (§ 181) which, from their occurrence at Sil
7— E.
it I' -I .
98 E.
lery, were designated the Sillery formation, and declared to
correspond to the Oneida or Shawangunk of Xew York. In
the geological map published with the Esquisse, these Quebec
and tiillery formations were represented, respectively, as the
equivalents of the Hudson River group and the Otieida forma-
tion, and in accordance with the views of Mather, the crystalline
rocks of the Notre Dame Moutains were regarded as the al-
tered equivalents ot these (Esquisse, pages 40-60).
§ 197. Thegraptolites of Point Levis were first described by
Prof. James Hall in 1855 (Report for 1857, page 109). They
were unlike those hitherto known in the Utica slates of the
Champlain division, and were regarded as belonging to a
higher horizon — according to Prof James liall, "■ that part of
the Hudson River group, which is sometimes designated aa
Eaton's Sparry limestone (§ 52), — being near the summit of the
group." (Ibid, page 117).
§ 198. These rocks had been carefully traced by Logan from
Canada into Vermont, and Ibund to include the Red sandrock
of that region, which Adams, in 184(3, and W. 13. Rogers, in
1851, had already, in opposition to the views of Emmons, as-
signed to the summit of the Champlain division (§ IIG, 117,
118). The slates associated with the Red sandrock at Georgia
in Vermont subsequently yielded two species of trilobites,
which were described by Prof. James Hall, in 1859, in the 12th
Reports of the Regents of the University of New York, as
belonging to the genus Olenus. These remains, subsequently
referred by him to a new genus, named Olencllas, were in 1800
described by Emmons as species of I'aradozides. That these
trik)bites had the characters belongnig to a much lower horizon
than that assigned to them by Adams, Rogers, and Logan,
was well known to Prot^ Hall, who, however, described them as
occurring in the Hudson River group, and in justification
thereof declared in anote, "I have the testimony of Sir AVilliara
Logan that the shales of this locality are in the upper part of
the Hudson River group, or form part of a series of strata
listinct group, above the
Science, l'2\ XXX I, ])p.
which ho is inclined to rank as a
Hudson River proper." (Anier. Jour,
213,2:^1). For a farther history of the question, see the au-
thor's Chemical and Geological Essays, pp. i}9 1-402).
E. 99
§ 199. In 185G the present writer found, not far from the
graptolitic Rhales of Point Levis, beds of a bluish-gray Hrae-
stono abounding in organic remains. These were imperfectly
preserved, but among them was a pygidium recognized as be-
longing to an unknown trilobito, which was placed for exami-
nation in the hands of the late Mr. E. Billings, (then recently
attached as paleontologist to the geological survey of Can-
ada). This was the species subsequently described by him as
Bathyurus Saffordi. Farther explorations in 18o7, and succeed-
ing years, brought to light a large number of species of organic
remains in these and other limestone-beds at Point Levis,
which Avere studied and described by Mr. Billings.
§ 200. A similar fauna, though less abundant, was found in
the limestones of Phillipsburg and the adjacent towns of Stan-
bridge and Bedford, near Lake Champlain, and also on the
island of Newlbundland. Without counting the graptolitic
fauna, there have been got from the limestones of these various
localities 168 species of organic i-emains, of which seventy-four
are crustaceans. More than one-half of these forms are met
with in the limestones of I'oint Levis. Of this considiTa-
ble fauna, according to Billings, five species are known in the
Chazy limestone, and twelve in the Calciferous sandrock of the
Ottawa basin, besides several which are found on the Upper
Mississi[)pi, in strata referred by Owen to the Potsdam sand-
stone, but not a single species belonging to the higher members
of the Champlain division ; while the affinities of the new and
hitherto undescribed species, are with the lower rather than
with the higher formations of the division. From all these
facts, Billings drew the conclusion that the horizon ])reviously
assigned to these fossiliferous strata by the Canadian survey
was not the true ono, and that their real position was at the
base and not at the sunnnit of the Champlain division. From
this it followed that the Gray wacke series of Quebec and Point
Levis was older and not younger than the Trent(jn limestone.
§ 201. These conclusions were unnounced to Sir William fiO-
gan in a letter to Air. Barrande, dated in December, ISGO, and
published in March, 1801, (Amer. Jour. Science, [2] XXXI,
21G), when he expressed the opinion that the Gray wacke series
.. I
of Quebec was " a great developraent of strata about tbe bori-
zon of tbe Cbazy and tb(! Calciferous, brougbt to tbe surface
by an overturn anticlinal fold, witb a crack and a great dislo-
cation running along tbe summit," by wbicb tbe rocks in ques-
tion (liencefortb called tbe Quebec grouj;),) "were brougbt to over-
lap the Hudson River formation." He, at tbe same time, de-
clared tbat " from tbe j)bysical structure alone, no person
would suspect tlie break tbat must exist in tbe neigbborbood
of (Quebec and, witbout tbe evidence of fossils, every one would
be authorized t(j deny it." Logan was tbu.s led by tbe paleon-
tological evidence furnisbed by Billings to adopt tbe conclu-
sion as to tbe age of these rocks whicb bad been maintained
by Emmons since 1846, wben the latter declared tbat tbe series
wbicb be bad previously referred to tbe Hudson River group,
in eastern New York and Vermont, was a modification of tbe
Calciferous sandrock, protean in character, and including a
great mass of sandstones, shales and limestones (§ 95, 90, 98).
This priority on tbe part of Emmons was thus statod by Lo-
gan in the letter above cited, "Prof. Emmons bas long main-
tained, on evidence wbicb bas been much disputed, tbat rocks
in Vermont whicb, in June last, I, for the first time saw, and
recognized as equivalent to the magnesian part of the Quebec
group, arc older than the Birdseye formation (tlie basal beds
of the Trenton). The fossils wliicb have this year been ob-
tained at Quebec pretty clearlj* demonstrate tbat in this he is
right "
§ 202. These were the rocks which Emmons described, in
1840, as superior to the Granular quartz-rocK, the Stockbridge
limestone, and tbe Magnesian slate (wbicli constitute the lower
portion of his Taconic s\'stem,) and included under the general
name of the Taconic slates (§ 103). It was tliese wliicb, in
1855, he separated from tbe lower members and distinguished
by tbe name of Ui>per Taconic. This latter division be de-
clared to contain, in its ui)per portions, tbe remains of grapto-
lites, fucoids and crustaceans (§ 104, 107). Although at an
earlier date Emmons bad spoken of bis Taconic system as in-
ferior to the whole of the Champlain division, this view was
subsequently confined to the Lower Taconic, since the Upi)er
E. 101
, in
I, ill
Taconic, as defined in his Ainerican Geology, included not only
"the modified and protean Calcil'erous sand-rock," but tlie Pots-
dam itself (§ 114). It is apparently by one of those inconse-
quences already noticed (^§ U3) that in the same work, in his
account of the Granville section (§ 108) he makes the Taconic
slates to underlie the Calciferous sandrock. To Emmons un-
doubtedly belongs the credit of having first discovered tiie
true horizon of these Upper Taconic rocks, which was sub-
sequently established, independently, by the paleontological
studies of Billings.
§ 203. Logan, however, as we have seen, did not adopt for
tliese rocks the name of Upper Taconic, which liad been pre-
viously given them by Emmons. Keferring to the description
of the Graywacke series given in § 181, it will be remembered
that, in 1855, the rocks there included in division 5 had been
called the iSillery, while divisions 1-4 had been designated the
Quebec formation. Eor the latter, the name of Levis was now
substituted, and these, together with the Sillery, were called,
in Logan's letter to Barrande, the Quebec group; of which a
section, with measurements, as displayed in the island of Or-
leans, was first given in the Geology of Canada (18G3), page
227. In the Report of 18G3-6G (page 41), for greater con-
venience in tracing out the supposed parallelism between these
strata and the crystalline rocks of the Notre Dame range, there
was established a third division in the Quebec group, by giv-
ing to its middle portions the name of the Lauzon formation,
taken from the seigniory of that name, in which I'oint Levis is
§ 204. The Levis formation, as thus limited, included divi-
sions 1-9 of the Orleans section (above rel'erred to) comprising
1,285 feet of green and gray shales, often dolomitic, together with
some sandstones, limestones and conglomerate layers. About
midway in this formation is a belt of gray argillaceous shales
holding Pliyllograpliis typus ; while other organic forms, obscure
and undetermined, occur in calcareous beds, both above and be-
low this belt.
The Lauzon formation, including tiie divisions 10-17 of the
Orleans section, n»easures 3,740 feet, and consists, like the pre-
vious one, of sandstones, conglomerates and shales, in winch
'r I
I ff'
I hi
1 02 E.
red and purple colors often })revivil, especially towards the sum-
mit, where is a mass of 1,000 feet or more of red shales, well seen
at Cape Rouge, in which occur a species of Lingula and Oholella
preMosa. Near the hase of the Lauzon are several hundred feet
of soft shaly sandstones, containing in parts, abundant green
grains of glauconite, analyses of which will be found in the
Geology of Canada, page 486.
§ 205. To the Lauzon succeeds the Sillery formation, not
seen in the Orleans section, consisting of greenish, drab- weath-
ering sandstones, colored by chloritic matter, and holding scales
of mica and of graphite, together with small fragments of
green and black slates, often calcareous, and becoming, in some
layers, a quartzose conglomerate. These sandstones, like the
beds of the two formations just described on Orleans Island, dip
to the southeast at an angle of about 50°. Mr. Billino-s united
with the Sillery the mass of red shales assigned by Logan to
the summit of the Lauzon, which contain in two localities the
Oboldla named, and are interstratilied with the green sand-
stones, from which they cannot he separated. (Paleozoic Fos-
sils, Vol. I, pages 62, 69.) The thickness of these sandstones
was by Logan estimated at 2,000 feet, making the total volume
of the Quebec group, as defined by him, a little over 7,000 I'ect.
The lithological and chemical characters of these green chlo-
ritic sandstones of the Sillery formation have already been
described. (§ 183, 184.)
§ 206. It is noteasy to identify the different sub-divisions of
the Orleans section, either in the city of Quebec or at Point Levis.
Much interest attaches to the latter locality, because it is there
that have been obtained the organic remains which have been
relied upon to fix the geological horizon of the Quebec group.
It will be well, in the fi.r8t place, to consider some of the litho-
logical peculiarities of the strata here met with, as described
by the present writer in 1856.
The rocks at Point Levis present interstratifications of pure
limestones, dolomites, sandstones and argillaceous shales.
" Both limestones and dolomites are very irregular and inter-
rupted in their distribution, the beds sometimes attaining a
considerable volume, while atother times they thin out, orare re-
placed by sandstones. The limestones freciuently form masses of
many feet in thickness, which are without visible marks
of stratification, and destitute of organic remains. These
masses are compact, conclioidal in fracture, sub-translucent,
and exhibit a banded agatized structure, which leads to the
conclusion that they are chemical deposits from water — in
fact, veritable travertines. Their colors are pearly grey of
different sliades, and occasionally pale green ; they weather
smooth and wliite. Analysis shoAvs that they are pure car-
bonate of lime, and contain neither silica, iron, nor magne-
sia, in appreciable quantities. Interstratilied with these
travertines, however, there are beds of tine granular opa(pie
limestones, weathering bluish-grey, and holding, in abund-
ance, remains of othoceratites, trilobites, and other fossils,
which are rejilaced by a yellow- weathering dolomite. ' ' These
have been already noticed in § 199.
§ 207. "The dolomites occur both among the travertines
and the fossiliferous limestones, sometimes in small lenticu-
lar masses, or in layers of a few lines, interposed in nuisses
of limestone. At other times the layers of dolomite are
several feet in thickness," Unlike the associated lime-
stone, the dolomites contain an admixture of sand and clay,
and from live to ten per cent, of carbonate of iron, wliich
causes them to weather reddish-brown. They are slightly
bituminous, and include grains of pyrites and veins of cal-
cite, but were never found to contain fossils, and often pass
into a dolomitic sandstone, with rhombohedral cleavages,
due to the crystalline matrix. In one example, a com])act
ferriferous dolomite contained half its weight of claj'ey
matter. It is chiefly these mag;nesian beds which become
conglomerate. "In addition to sand and clay, the dolomites
frequently enclose grains and rounded fragments of lime-
stone and of dolomite, ])oth seemingly derived from adja-
cent strata, so tiiat we have beds consisting of pebbles of
limestone, often having the characters of the travertine, of
dolomite, and occasionally of quartz and of argillite, the
whole cemented by a ferriferous dolomite. At other times
the cement of the conglomerate is a ncaily pure carbonate
of lime." (Report for ISoB-SO, pages 464-466). These im-
li! \
bedded fragments of argillite are purplish or gi-eenish in
color, lustrous, and sometimes apparently chloritic.
§ 208. Some of tlie finely granular gray limestones above
described, which contain small patches and layers of yel-
lowish dolomite, and moreover hold organic remains re-
placed by the same material, have, although in nowise con-
glomerate in their t)rigin, an aspect which suggests the con-
glomerates already noticed, and have often been mistaken
for them. Such is the nature of some, at least, of the cal-
careous bands which have yielded the organic remains at
Point Levis. BathyuriLS Saffordi., a typical species, was
first found in abed of compact limestone, not conglomerate,
and Logan satisfied himself, as he tells us, that the fossils
collected by him are of the age of the strata. Certain of
the forms there obtained, he afterwards thought, might be
included in masses derived from older strata, but he de-
clared, in accordance with the views above expressed, that
"some of the fossiliferous porticjns of the Point Levis bands,
having the same color and texture as the supposed boulders,
possess the character of original sediments, or of concre-
tionary masses, and it is difficult to separate the fossils of
these from those of the rolled masses." (Geology of Can-
ada, page 8G0. )
§ 209. The strata of Point Levis contain two unlike fau-
nas, which are found in unlike rocks, and in localities en-
tirely distinct from one another. We have, in the first
place, a series, chiefly of argillaceous shales, abounding in
graptolites ; and in the second, a series of bands and len-
ticular masses of limestone, sometimes apjiarently conglom-
erate, which hold a remarkable trilobitic fauna, and are in-
terstratified with sandstones, and with shales which are
distinct from those mentioned above, and have yielded no
graptolites. Both of these Avere, however, by Logan, in-
cluded in the Levis division of the Quebec group. The
distinction between these two fossiliferous formations is not
made clear in the Geology of Canada (page 8C1), where
these rocks are briefly described. The plan of Point Levis,
there referred to, however, which is published in the Atlas,
and is on a scale of three inches to a mile, shows the course
E. 105
of every band of limestone, the outcrops, and the various
localities from which fossils have been collected. "With
this, and its accompanying section, aided by the description
given in the letter of Logan, (§ 2ul,) the following state-
ment of the relations of these rocks will be intelligible :
The strata at Point Levis, with a high south-east dip, rise
rai)idly from the shore of the St. Lawrence, which is paral-
lel to their strike, and form a succession of bold ridges, at-
taining a height of 400 feet or more, across which, by a
series of undulations, the limestones, congh)merates, and
shales (^f the Quebec group are distributed over a breadth
of more than two miles transverse to the strike. In this
distance they exhibit two well-marked iinticlinals, with in-
dications of a third. The intermediate synclinals are sharp
and, according to Logan, are overturned, so that the strata
on both sides dip steeply to the south-east.
§ 210. Near the lower ferry at Point Levis is a cliff about
100 f'jet high, composed of shales, with thin-bedded lime-
stone and some conglomerate layers, the whole dipping to
the south-east at a high angle. The strata, whi(;h are dark
gray, and very tender, abound in graptolites and related
forms. Prof. James Ilall has described from this locality
not less than forty-two species, which are thus divided
among the following genera : Graptolilhus^ 25 ; Retlolites^
1; lldeograptus^ 2; PJu/Ilograj)tus, 5 ; DendrograpLas^
3 ; TJiaiiinograptus, 3 ;^ 3. With these were
found species of brachiopods described by Billings under
the names of Lingula Irene, L. Quebecensis, and Ohol-
ella desiderata, besides an Ortliis and n >Strop)honiena, both
undescribed, and in the accompanying limestone an un-
named Tetradlum, a minute trih)l)ite, which was desciihed
under the name of Shumardia granulosa,* and another
undescribed, which was i-eferred to Dikellocephalus.
§211. Leaving this belt of fossiliferous strata, we ascend
the coast ridge, and reach what is describ'd on the plan as
the middle ridge. Here, at a point of about five eighths of
*This, by a typographireil error in the Geology of Canada, (page 8(54) is
plaood ill oolnnin I, instead of A, where it belongs. See Billings, Paloow>ic
Fossils, page 93.
100 E. SPECIAL KKi'oirr. t. 8TKKi:v hint, 1876.
a mile east of tlie giaptolitic shales, and three eighths of a
Tiiile across the strike from the line of these, we find the
iirst of the limtjstone beds with the trilobitic fauna, which
is coiitinfMl to certain limestone bands marked on the plan,
(and in tiie Geology of Canada,) 2-8, numbering to the
south-east ; the whole occupying a breadth of less than a
quarter of a mile across the strike.
Not one of the fifty species found in the graptolitic zone
to the north-west has been here met with, and, with the
excejDtion of an undescribed Dlctyonema, not a single spe-
cies belonging to the order of the Graptolitidea?. The
species from these limestones catalogued by Mr. Billings,
are 103 in number, of which 69 have been described. Pass-
ing over the long list of brachiopods, gasteropods, cepha-
lopods, etc., we find not less than 31 descril^ed species of
trilobites, divided as follows among the genera named :
Af/nosius, 3 ; Amjjliiori^ 1; AriuneUiis, 2 ; Asaphus^ 2 ;
Bathyurns^ 8; Cheirurus ; ConocejjJiaUies {Conocorphye,)
1 ; DlJielloceplialits, 7 ; Eiidymioji, 1 ; Holometopus^ 1;
Menocephahis^ 3; besides one each of JVileus, Amj^yx, and
Jllanus, undescribed. Of these, the last two named are
found, with J/oJomelopvs, only in bands, while one species
of Batliyurua occurs in band 2 ; all the others being confined
to the bands 3 and 4, and often common to the two. These
contiguous bands weie, by Logan, regarded as the same
one, repeated by a dislocation or, as he afterwards sup-
posed, by an overturned synclinal fold.
§ 212. A few of the organic remains found at Point
Levis have been observed on the island of Orleans, but it was
conceived by Logan that both the graptolitic and the tri-
lobitic zone were included in the iirst ten divisions (measur-
ing about 2,000 feet) of the Orleans section, in which he did
not attempt to iix the relative positions of the two fossil-
iferous horizons. He however noticed (Geol. Canada,
page 280) that the argillites between the limestone bands
at Point Levis often include red layers, in which respect
they differ from the lower portion of the Orleans section,
designated the Levis formation; while, on the contrary, the
upper part of that section, referred to the Lauzon, has red
E. 107
argillite bands at several horizons; thus niakinf^ it proV)able
that a large portion of the Levis section belongs to the so-
called Lanzon. It will be remembered, however, that a
thick band of argillaceous shales, holding PlnillorfraptuSy
and the supposed equivalent of the graptolitic zone at
Point Levis, is found in the Orleans section, about 700 feet
from its base.
§ 213. Billings published his first account of the fauna of
these limestones in the Canadian Naturalist, in August,
1860, and Barrande, commenting thereon, in 1801, (Bull. Soc.
Geol. de Fi'ance, 2me sdrie, tom. XVIIl, page 203,) called at-
tention to the fact, tliat while the limestones of band 3 (No.
1 of Billings) had, at that time, yielded triiobites of the ge-
nera, Arwnellu.s, Dikellocephahis, Menocejplialus, and Von-
ocoryphe^ the band 4 (No. 2 of Billings) contained none
of tliese, but only Bathyurus and A(/nostys, witli Chei-
riirus. This latter genus, together with associated lirach-
iopods and species of Orthoccras and Ci/rtoccra-s, lead him
to refer the band 4 to his second fauna; wliile the band 3,
according to Barrande, belonged clearly to the first or i)ri-
mordial fauna. Subsequently, liowever, Billings found Or-
thoceras in 3, while two species of DikeUocepJialus were de-
clared to be common to 3 and 4, and he was led to believe,
with Logan, that the two bands, if not identical, belong
to the same liorizon, and present an admixture of forms
belonging to the two faunas.
§ 214. At a later date, in 1863, Billings expressed the opin-
ion that the forms at first described by him as species of
Arionellus, sliould be referred to tlie new genus Ftychaspis
of Hall, from the western Potsdam, which would also in-
clude one of the Levis species previously called a Dikello-
ceplialus. A new genus, LogaiielluH^ proposed by Devine
for a trilobite from Point Levis, at first referred to Olenus^
will include, according to Billings, other species of the so-
called Dikdlocephaliis^ as well as some of the western forms
referred by Shumard and ])y Hall to Conoceq^halile.s. Bill-
ings now expressed th*^ opinion that the Levis belonged to
a somewhat later pei-iod tlian that of the lai'ge si)ecies of
Paradoxides, and declared that we have, in the Levis lime-
stone, " the leadin<^ generic types of the dominant family of
the Potsdam trilobites." (Pal. Fossils, pages 198-200.) This
was in accordance with the declaration by Professor Ihill,
in 1801, that, judging from its trilobitic fauna, the Levis
limestcme "is in parallelism with the Potsdam and Calcif-
erous strata." {American Journal Science, [2,j xxxi., 222.]
§ 215. The rocks now included in the Quebec or Hudson
River group by Logan, were, however, found to contain still
another fauna, which included the two species of Olenellus
described by Hall from Georgia, Vermont, (§ 198.) The Red
sandrock of that vicinity has also yielded two species of Con-
ocorifphe and an OholeUa, besides, according to Perry, crin-
noidal stems. Subsequently, these same species of Olen-
ellus, together with the ConocorypJie, were discovered in a
limestone at Forteau Bay, on the north side of the strait
of liel lisle, with three species of Bathyurus, Sallerella, and
ArcJieocyathus, besides numerous brachiopods, including
the Oholella found in the Red sandrock of Vermont. These
limestones, associated with red and green shales, have an
observed thickness of 143 feet, and overlie conformably a
mass of nearly liorizontal red and grey sandstones, often
conglomerate, which rest upon Laurentian gneiss, and are
made up of its ruins. Many beds of these sandstones, which
have an aggregate thickness of 231 feet, are penetrated ver-
tically by ScolilJius linearis.
% 216. On the opposite side of the strait of Bellisle, which
is here from ten to fifteen miles in width, appears a belt of
paleozoic rocks, stretching thence along the north-west side
of the island of Newfoundland for a distance of 180 miles
to the south-west. It is limited to the south-east by a par-
allel range of crystalline rocks, in part Laurentian.
Akmg the shore, this belt of sedimentary strata lies nearly
horizontal, but where we can examine the strata to the south-
east, across the strike, as at Pistolet Bay, which is at the
north-east extremity of the island, and at Bonne Bay, 180
miles to the south-west, they are found to be greatly dis-
turbed, faulted, and often inverted as we approach the crys-
talline range. This region was examined by Mr. James
Richardson, in 1801 and 1802, and from his notes and col-
E. 109
lections the officers of the Canada Survey prepared the de-
scriptions given in the Geology of Canada, (pages 287-21)3,
and 804-880.)
§ 217. The arrangement of these rocks on the two sides
of the strait of Bellisle is supposed to be tliat of a sliallow
synclinal. A series of beds on the island, chietly of sand-
stones and niagnesian limestones, believed to follow the
beds already noticed on the mainland, and making, with
these, a total thi(;kness estimated at 1,147 feet, was de-
scribed under the name of the Potsdam group. Succeeding
these are not less than 3,200 feet of limestones which, from
their organic remains, were referred to the Calciferous for-
mation. To this succeed 1,400 feet of limestones, often
conglomerate, with black shales, supposed to belong to the
Levis formation, which, at that time, included the Lauzon
division. (§ 203.) These rocks, along the north-eastern
part of the belt, present very slight inclinations to the
south-east, but farther to the south-west, where the crys-
talline range is nearer the shore, they are affected by un-
(lulati(ms running north-east and south-west, and are
highly inclined to the south-east, and sometimes even ver-
tical in altitude.
§ 218. At the south-western extremity of the belt exam-
ined, where Bonne Bay affords a transverse section, there
is found a series of blackish-blue argillites, with transverse
slaty cleavage, interstratified with, and underlaid by gray
quartzites. This group, with a thick]; 3ss of GOO feet, and
without observed fossils, is followed by a series of lime-
stones with shales and sandstones, estimated at 1,400 feet,
holding organic remains like those of the Labrador coast,
and hence referred to the Potsdam group. Other fossil-
iferous strata of the series occur in the neighborhood, but
"they are much contorted, and it is dilTicult to make out
the true succession." Overlying these, in conformable
sequence, appear 2,000 feet of greenish sandstones and
shales, referred to the Sillery formation, the whole dipping
south-east at angles of from 45° to 80° ; while further to the
south-east, across an arm of the bay, rises a mountain of
serpentine, with talcose slates, more than 2,000 feet in height.
2: It
j t[
§ 219. At Cape Norman, at the north-easi extremity of
Newfoundland, most of these fossiliferous strata appear, at
first witli moderate dii)8 to the soutli-east, but, in tliat direc-
tion, soon become affected by great undulations, and are
o+'ten vertical or even overturned along the west shore of
Pistolet Bay, where the fossiliferous limestones and slates
are seen, devoid of any crystalline character. On the east
side of the same bay, is a mass of hornblendic, feldspathic,
and chloritic rocks, interstratiiied with serpentine and dial-
lage-rock, the whole estimated at about 1,200 feet in thick-
ness. Succeeding these, on the south-east side, is a great de-
velopment of chloritic sandstones and conglomerates, which
(jccupy a breadth of several miles, and are supposed to
rei)resent the Sillery formation ; which here occurs, not be-
tween the fossiliferous sediments and the serpentines, as at
Bonne Bay, but separated from the former by a mass of sim-
ilar serpentines. The rocks in Pistolet Bay are ailecred by
four dislocations, one of which is supposed to be a down-
throw^ of about 1,400 feet to the south-east side, "while the
other three are up-throws to the south-east." Several other
similar dislocations, running with the strike, or nearly so,
are observed further south-west, towards Bonne Bay, "all
of them being up-throws on the south-east side." (Geol.
Canada, page 87G.)
§ 220. After a further and careful study of the collection
of fossils from these Newfoundland rocks, Billings declared
that the chai";cteristlc fauna of the Levis limestones (found
also at Phillipsburg and Bedford, near Lake Champlain)
had been met with in Newfoundland, only at Cow-Head, a
point not far from the south-west extremity of the belt of
fossiliferous strata. He also recognized a series of beds
holding the organic remains of the typical Calciferous sand-
rock of the Champlain division. These strata, however, if
we may trust the observations, do not immediately underlie
the Levis limestones, but are separated from them by more
than 2,000 feet of limestones containing a fauna distinct
alike from the Calciferous and the Levis. While including
some si)ecies belonging to the Cliazy. and others very simi-
lar to, if not identical with those of the i^Iack Kiver nn
recollected that the crystalline rocks of the Notre Dame
range had been by Logan asserted, in accordance with the
hypothesis of Mather, to be formed by a metamorphosis of
the strata of the Quebec gronp, and a horizon of serpentinic,
hornblendic, and chloritic rocks, wa.s supposed by him to
occur at the summit of the Lauzon fonnation. At Bonne
Bay, as described, the uncrystalline fossiliferous limestones
and shales were seen to dip south-east, at a higii angle,
apparently beneath a conformable mass of the Sillery sand-
stones ; while a little distance across the strike crystalline
rocks, like those of Notre Dame range, rise in a mountain-
§ 227. At Pistol et Bay the fossiliferous strata are also seen
dipping to the south-east at a high angle towards a belt of
similar crystalline rocks on the opposite side of the bay.
Here, the Sillery sandstone is not seen in the interval, but
appears on the south-east side of the belt of serpentinic,
.?blovitic, and hornblendic rocks. Upon this relation of
things, Logan remarks that the crystalline rocks here oc-
cupy their supposed position, towards the summit of the
Quebec group, while the massive greenish chloritic sand-
stones succeeding them "would thus appear to occupy the
horizon which has been j^rovisionally assigned to those of
the Sillery formation, near Quebec," adding that "further
research, however, is yet required to establish«the true re-
lation of this formation to the Quebec group." (Geol. Can-
ada, page 880.)
§ 228. The ])i'esent writer has, for many years, believed
that the position of the Sillery sandstones is at the base,
instead of at the summit of the Quebec group, and that the
whole series is more recent than the crystalline rocks of the
Atlantic belt, to which the Notre Dame and Shickshock
^[ountains, and the similar crystalline rocks in Newfound-
land (^ 218) belong. The order at Quebec, according to this
view, is a reversed one, due to an invei i.ed fold, while the
dl[)i)iiig of the uncrystalline strata southwards towards the
ciystalline rocks, and apparently beneath them at Bonne
Bay and PistoletBay, is connected with the numerous faults
whicli, with up-throwson the south-east side, liave been no-
ticed at the latter locality (§ 219.) These phenomena, alike
at Quebec and in Newfoundland, are in close accordance with
those seen everywhere along the north-western base of the
Atlantic belt, from Virginia to Gaspd, as so abundantly
established by the concurrent testimony of the Messrs. Ro-
gers, Mather, Logan, and Emmons, already set forth. (§ 16,
72, 75, 109, 110, 177-179.)
§ 229. The normal position of the Sillery is, according to
this view, seen to the south-east of Pistolet Bay, where the
Sillery sandstones succeed to the crystalline rocks. Sedi-
mentary beds of this kind take their character from the ad-
jacent crystalline formations, and as the serpentinic, horn-
blendic, and chloritic rocks furnish, by their disintegration
and decay, very different materials from the Laurentian
gneisses of the Labrador coast, we fine ;:he Sillery sand-
stones and shales unlike the basal beds of that region, or of
New York, and central Canada. It will be recollected that
Emmons, in describing the Upper Taconic (Quebec) series,
asserts that its basal beds are greenish chloritic
and conglomerates, formed from the ruins of the crystalline
rocks, and sometimes seen to rest directly upon them.
(§ 107.) As the results of repeated dislocations, with up-
throws in the eastern side, however, the whole order is gen-
erally, according to him, apparently inverted ; the black
fossiliferous shales of the summit appearing to dip eastward
beneath all the other members, and the greenish sandstones
seemingly overlying the whole, as seen in the Granville sec-
tion. (§\o7-ll().)
§ 230. The present \vTiter urged, in 1872, that the Levis
limestones, which apx)arently correspond to the Tremadoc
rocks of Great Britain, occupy in the Quebec section a po-
sition nearer to the Sillery than does the graptolitic zone,
which is clearly the equivalent of the less ancient Arenig or
Skiddaw rocks ; from which follows the stratigraphical in-
version of the whole series. (Ohem. and (UhA. Essays, pages
412-41:5.) Tills view was shared by Mr. Billings, who, in a
private communication, in January, 1870, shortly bel'on? his
death, informed the writer that the Obolella preihsa of the
Sillery is apparently identical with 0. maculala. Hicks,
from the Meneviiin of Wales. He had also recoy,iiized
(JftliU HicksU, Salter, a Menevian species, in the Lauzon,
or so-called Lower Potsdam beds of Bic Harbor. (§ 223.)
§ 231 . The north-western lindt of the strata of the Quebec
uroiip, in Canada, is nearly defined by a line running from
(Jape Rouge, in the vicinity of Quebec, to the northern ex-
trendty of Missisquoi Bay, on Lake Champlain. The rocks
to the south-east of this line, including alike the fossiliier-
ous strata, and the ci-ystalline rocks of the Notre Dame
range, supposed to })e the same strata in an altered condi-
tion, were described by Logan as l)eing Jirranged "in long,
narrow, parallel, synclinal and anticlinal forms, with many
overturn-dips. The latter circumstance makes it diliicult
to determine which of these folds are synclinal, and which
anticlinal, inasmuch as the outcrops in both cases present a
sinnlar arrangement. Tlie weight of evidence, however,
goes to show that the strata dij) to the centers of the areas
about to be described, and they will, therefore, be designa-
ted as synclinals." They were declared, in the region in
question, to be three in number, of which the first, or
north-western one, included the uncrystalline strata al-
ready described in some detail, as seen near Quebec, at St.
Flavien, on the St. Francis, at Acton, Ui)ton, and Wick-
ham, at Granby, Farnham, Bedford, and Phillipsburg.
(Geology of Canada, pages 234 and 790, and Report for
1863-6(5, pages 29-39.)
§ 232. The evidence above alluded to was that deduced
from the section near Que})ec, according to which it was
supposed that the Sillery sandstones were the highest
rocks, and appeared only in the deeper parts of the first
synclinal, wliich was partially divided by subordinate anti-
clinids into lesser basins. Certain carbonaceous slates, with
thin beds of sandstone and impure limestone, which appear
upon the supposed anticlinals, were, by Logan, conceived
to be older than the Quebec; group, and referred by liim to
the Potsdam. These, however, were found at Farnham to
contain many organic remains, among which, according to
Billings, are trilobites belonging to the genera Ampyx,
Dalmanifes, Liclias, Trlarthrus, and Agnostiis, together
E. 117
with undescribed giuptolites, a Leptaena like L. sericea,
and a Plllodlctf/a like P. acuki. These forms, it was said,
are not what "might be expected in the Potsdam forma-
tion, so tliat the Farnham slates, with similar ones in other
localities, may be brought into position by some of the
many complicated dislocations which affect the strata.
Except, however, where such fossiliferous strata are knf)wn
to occur, (he black slates and limestones will be provision-
ally described as older than the Quebec group." (Geology
of Canada, pages 2;U, 236, 239, 240.) Subsequently, how-
ever, Logan declared with regard to these black slates and
limestones, supposed to be related to the Potsdam group,
that it " appears to be difficult to separate them from the
Phillipsburg rocks, and these being paleontologically con-
nected with the lower 1,285 feet of the Levis series, the
whole naturally constitutes one group." The original
Levis formation was now first divided, and it was said that
the "lower or Levis division comprehends the Phillipsburg
series, the black shale above it, autl the lower 1,285 feet of
the Orleans section." The remainder of this last was
called Lauzon. (§ 203.) (Report for 1853-66, pages 30-31.)
The pages here quoted, though bearing the name of Mr.
James Richardson, were written by Sir W. E. Logan.
§ 233. The black slates or shales, now included in the Levis
formation of the Quebec gronj), (and placed higher than
the Phillipsburg limestone,) were thus the same whicli,
from their relations to the folded stratii in the supposed
north-western synclinal, were at one time conceived to un-
derlie the whole Levis or Orleans section, and were still
placed at or near its base. From their fossils, however,
these slates belong to a liorizon above that assigned to the
Quebec group, and corresi)ondiiig to the Trenton, or the
still higher members of tlie(Jhaniplain division. Wc have
tlius a fourth fauna included in the Levis formation, (;^ 224.)
If, however, as we have endeavored to show, the position
of these black shales is really at the summit and not at the
base of the so-called Quebec group, whicli is an inverted
series, the anomaly disappears, and we have, in ascending
order: — 1°, the Sillery sandstones ; 2°, the trilolutic beds of
5 ii
i j
Levis and Phillipsburg ; 3°, the Pbyllograptiis shales of
Quebec ; and 4°, the black shales of Farnham ; — in whicli the
succession is in accordance with the well known facts of
§ 234. We may here notice the judgment of Prof. James
Hall at this stage of the inquiry. He had hitherto em-
ployed the name of the Hudson Iliver group as synonymous
with the Loraine shales ; but in 18G2, in a note to his Ge-
ology of Wisconsin, page 443, he referred to the evidence of
organic remains recently found in the Hudson Iliver slates
in Vermont and Canada, "which prove conclusively that
these slates are, to a great extent, of older date than the
Trenton limestone," although probably posterior to the
Potsdam. He remarked, moreover, that " the occurrence of
well known forms of the second fauna — LeptcBna serlcea,
Orthls tesiudinarla, Asaplms {Isoielus\ Tri nucleus, etc. —
in intimate relation with, and in beds apparently consti-
tuting a part of, the series along the Hudson liiver requires
some explanation. Looking critically at the localities in
the Hudson valley which yield these fossils we find them
of limited and almost insignificant extent. Some oi" them
are at the summits of elevations which are synclinal axes,
* * where the remains of newer formations would
naturally occur. Others are apparently unconformable to
the rocks below, or are entangled in folds of the strata,
* * while the enormous thickness of beds exposed is
almost destitute of fossils." The graptolites of the Hudson
valley, "which have hitherto been referred to the age of the
other fossils found in the small outliers, or to the second
fauna, in reality hold a lower position, and belong to the
great mass of slates below,"
He concluded that, inasmuch as the Hudson River rocks,
in their typical localities, are, as a body, older than the
Trenton limestone, which is itself older than the Loraine
shales, and the shales and sandstones of Pulaski, "the
term Hudson River group cannot properly be extended to
these rocks, Avliich, on the west side of the Hudson, are
separated from the Hudson River group proper by a fault
E. 119
I lilt
not yet fully ascertained." See further § 237 and for the
Pulaski rocks the note to § 249.
§ 235. There are not wanting evidences elsewliere that the
fauna of the upper half of the Cham plain division is in-
cluded in this disturbed belt. The obstM-vations of the
Rev. Augustus Wing, and those of Mr. Billings, in Ver-
mont, which are to the point, were described by tlie present
v^Titer in a communication on the Geology of Vermont,
read before the American Association for the Advancement
of Science, at Chicago, in 1868. In a section from Crown
Point, in New York, eastward across Lake Clia.mplnin to
Bridport, in Vermont, the western part exhibits the whole
succession of the Champlain division, from the Potsdam
sandstone to the Loraine shales, which are overlapped by the
Red sandrock, as already described (§ 116). This, dii)ping
to the east, is overlaid by a great mass of limestones, seen
in Sudbury, which yielded to Wing and to Billings the
fauna of the Calciferous sand-rock, with other forms like
those of the Levis limestone. Next in ascending sequence,
also in Sudbury, was found a mass, estimated at not less
than 2,000 feet, of limestones holding, in abundance, the
fauna of the Trenton, and probably including tliat of the
Cha7y\ To the east of this, again, a fault, marked by a
ravine, brings up against the Ti-enton the Levis limestone,
from which Mr. Billin,u:s obtained numerous characteristic
fossils, including Balhiiunis ^affordl. Tliese fossils abound
in Sudbury, Cornwall, Middlebury, and Brookville, where,
according to him, they are closely associated with the white
marbles quarried in this region. (Amer. Jour. Science [2],
XLVI, 227.) This succession recalls the section in New-
foundland (§ 220) with foi'ms apparently of Trenton age, and
raises the question whether a careful study of the latter
locality might not show the presence of the higher members
of the Champlain division.
§ 236. The strata in this section examined by Wing and
Billings, appear in their normal order, and, though alfected
by undulations, and by great up-throwson the eastern side,
are not inverted. Further northward, however, Logan
found remarkable examples of inversion, one of which is
■ s '■ ■
seen near Hi<;h<^ate Springs, where the Trenton limestone,
on the west side of an anticlinal, becomes vertical, and in
places assumes an eastward dip. About eight miles further
south, at Smith's lime- works, the Trenton limestone is over-
tuiued and overlaid in successicm by the Black River lime-
stone and by a series of sandstones and dolomites regiirded
as belonging to the Chazy. The whole of this inverted series,
measuring about 000 feet, lias an eastward dip, ranging from
45° to 75° beyond the jjerpendicular. Within a distance of
150 yards to the east, according to I^ogan, appears the Red
sand-rock, with a gentle dip to the east. It here consists of
red and white sandy dolonntes, int<'rstratilied with dark-
colored shales, in both of which are found the charactei'istic
fossils of the Lower Potsdam, tin.' whole series having a
thickness of 2,200 feet. For an account of these inverted
sections, see Geology of Canada, joages 275-280, and also
page 855, where designs of them, drawn to a scale, are given.
§ 237. In 1868, Logan, in company with Professor James
Hall, exanuned the i-ocks of eastern New York which had
been designated bv Eaton as Argilliteand Transition (Iray-
wacke, (§61 ;) by Mather as belonging to the Hudson River
group (Loraine,) and the Oneida and Medina formations,
(§ 75-77 ;) by Emmons, first assigned to the same horizon,
(§ 94,) and subsequently regarded as a great and peculiar de-
velopment of strata of the age of the Calciferous sand-rock,
(§ 96,) which he afterwards called, successively, the Taconic
slates, (§ 10:3,) and the Upper Taconic series, (§ 107-108.)
These rocks, described by Logan as consisting of greenish
sandstones and conglomerates, with shales, sometimes red
and green, and with slialy and concretionary limestones,
including the Sparry lime-rock of Eaton, were declared to
belong to the Quebec group. They were described as occu-
pying nearly the whole of Rensselaer, Columbia, and Dutch-
ess counties ; the Sillery formation being largely developed
in the first-named county, but scarcely extending south of
it. To the westwtird, in approaching the river Hudson, these
rocks were replaced by the lithologically distinct and more
recent strata of the Loraine formation, a narrow belt of whiidi
was traced along the east side of the river to a point a little
E. 121
above Hyde Park, where the houiuhiry between the two for-
mations crosses to the west bank, and the slates and lime-
stones of the Quebec j^roiip thence occupy both sides of the
river down to the Highlands, which were declared to be of
Lainvntian age. The results of these investigations are
stat«'d in a note prei)ared l)y the present writer, with the
approval of Sir William Logan, and published in the Cana-
dian NatiLTalist, in 1804, (vol, I, page 809.) They are also
embodied in the geological map of Canada. (,^ 44.)
§ 288. What were the relations between the older rocks,
whether called Lower Potsdam or Quebec gi'oup, and the
higher members of the (Jhamplain division found along their
western border; We have seen that Logan had foruicrlv
supposed, with Mather, that this line marked a great anti-
clinal axis (§ 195.) The later view of the Quebec group,
arrived at by Logan, in 1801, made this hypothesis no longer
tenable, and a new one was put forward by him in 1801,
in the Canadian Naturalist, (vol, VI, page 199, which is set
forth in the G-eologv of Canada, (pages 294-297.) The new
hypothesis supposed that tlie whole series of rocks, includ-
ing the Potsdam and Quebec groups, and the succeeding
Trenton, Utica, and Loraine formations, had been laid down
confornia])ly, and without disturbance. Logan conceived
that the deposition had taken place along the south-east
border of a Ljiurentian continent, and that \\ liile the great
accumulations of the Potsdam and Quebec groups were
going on, the typical Potsdam sandstone and the Cal-
ciferous sand-rock of the New York series were laid down
over an adjacent terrace or shallow basin, which was sub-
merged at intervals. It was not until the close of the Cham-
plain period, that a great break, with an uplift of 7,000 feet,
was imagined to have lu'ought up the lower strata on the
south-east side of th«^ dislocation, causing them to over ride
the broken edges of the higher formations. This supposed
line of break and upthrow of 7,000 feet, was coincident
with the former anticlinal axis of Mather and Logan (§ 09-
71, 195), and was now said to extend from Gasp^ to Ala-
§ 239. Such a dislocation, so near the continental border,
. Jr ■
it was sought to explain by assuming for the shore of the
ancient continent, a gi'eat heiglit and a very steep inclina-
tion. In the word.s of Logan: "During the Potsdam
period, in the neighborhood of Quebec, we see that the sur-
face of the gneiss now supporting the Trenton
limestone at the Falls of Montmorenci, must have been
7,000 feet above the gneiss under the Island of Orleans,
while the distance between the two posi^^'-^ns does not
much exceed a mile and a half. This wo jive a slope
of nearly 45°, and perhaps it would not be oxlravagant to
take this as representing the inclination along the whole
line to Alabama. As the Potsdam and Quebec groups ac-
cumulated, their edges would abut against this slope, and
ultimately both these and the early shallow- water deposits
on the higher terrace (the typical Potsdam sandstone and
Calciferous sand-rock) would be covered over" by the Tren-
ton limestones and Mie Utica and Loraine formations.
This supposed condition of things was illustrated by an
ideal diagram (page 296), in which the whole succession,
including the black shales of the Potsdam at the base, are
represented as horizontal strata, the Potsdam dng overlaid
by the Quebec group, which, in its turn, if ^red by the
Trenton and the higher formations. On pagv, 234 another
diagram represents these deposits after the supposed break,
in a section from Montmorenci to Orleans Island.
§ 240. This explanation requires, according to the admis-
sion of Logan, the extraordinary condition of a mountain-
range stretching from Gasp^ to Alabama, rising from the
sea with "a slope of nearly forty-live degrees " to a height
of 7,000 feet, which gradually subsided, as accumulation
went on along its base, until it was completely submerged.
The facts of the case, however, do not require any such
geographical improbability to account for them, and a
simpler explanation of the problem is found in the exist-
ence of an unconformity between the Trenton limestone
and the older members of the paleozoic series.
§ 241. Movements of the earth's crust, resulting in folded
and inverted strata, have demonstrably taken place along
the Atlantic belt at several periods. The Silurian lime-
Stones, (including those of Niagara and Lower Ilelderberg
age, which constitute the Gasp^ limestones of north-eastern
Canada (^ 175),) are found near Montreal, resting transgress-
ively ui)C)n the erod* d edges of the Cliamplain division, and
further east in like manner, both upon the strata of the Que-
bec group and upon the crystalline rocks of the Notre Dame
range. Throughout the Atlantic belt, in Canada, these
Gaspd limestones are folded, faulted, often at high angles, f
and sometimes vertical and even inverted, (Geol. of Can-
ada, page 429.) In Gaspd, where they are conformably
overlaid by the Devonian sandstones, fragments of both of
these enter into the conglomtvate of the Lower Carl )onifer-
ous, which rests upon them unconformably. This, in its
turn, is more or less disturbed, and, in parts of New
Brunswick, its strata appear nearly or quite vertical in at-
titude. There is, in this region, a want of conformity be-
tween the Lower Carboniferous and the Coal measures,
which are, themselves, often much disturbed, and l)ear upon
their upturned edges beds of Triassic sandstone, which,
itself, is sometimes raised to an angle of 45°. We have
thus along the Atlantic belt, in the provinces of Quebec
and New i'runswick, evidences of at least five periods of
movement, arked by parallel foldings of the strata and by
unconformity, subsequent to the deposition of the rocks of
the Champlain division, namely : 1, post-Siluro-Cambrian ;
2, post-Devonian ; 3, post-Lower Carl)oniferous ; 4, post-
Carboniferous ; 5, peyond to Malbaie, the same is true. Beds of
quartzose conglomerate, and sandstones sometiines occur
at the base of the limestone in this region, but where these
have yielded fossils, as at Malbaie, they are found to belong
to the inferior beds of the Trenton. Again, at Lake St. John,
on the Sagiienay, the Trenton is found to rest directly on
the cfvstalline rocks.
§ 245. From these facts it is plain tliat after the deposition
of the Calciferous and Chazy formations, and before the
time of tlie Trenton, there was a considerable contint ntal
movement, by which the deep Trenton sea was widely
spread over regions which had not been submerced in the
earlier part of the Champlain period, and deposited its
limestones to the north and east, far beyond the limits of
the immediately preceding formations. (§ 99.) Still further
movements took place over parts of the area in (piestion,
as is shown by the du-ect supci-position of the I'ticii forma-
tion npon the Primary rocks at the base of the Adiron-
dacks, (§ 101,) and tlie discordant superposition of the
Utica and Loraine u'pon the lower members of the Cham-
plain division near Ottawa. (§ 1(H).)
§ 240. The movements which resulted in the oyerlapping
by the Trenton of the older members of the Champlain
division, do not, it is true, necesaai'ily imply discordance,
but they make it possible, and, when taken in connection
with the complete paleontological bivak, highly prol)aV)le.
When it is considered that the alternative of denying a
want of stratigi'aphical conformity at this horizon is the
acceptance of the hypothesis of Logan, (§ 238,) few. we
think, will hesitate to admit that tlie period immediately
preceding the deposition of the Trenton must have be»'n
marked, along the Atlantic belt, by a niovt'nicnt of the
earth's crust, which resulted in the uplifting, faulting,
folding, and frequent inversion of that great mass of sedi-
ments along the western base of the Primary rocks, which
constitutes the Upper Taconic series. The Trenton, Utica.,
and Loraine formations would then be laid down over the
disturbed surface of these. ]))'ecisely as over the still older
rocks of the Laurentides. in this connectiou must be con-
sidered the statement of Emmons, that small aieas of the
last two named formations rest un<'onformal)ly upon tlie
laconic rocks, near Chatham in eastern New York. (§ !)7.)
§ 247. These newer rocks, including the Trenton limestone
group, must necessarily have shared in all tlie later move-
ments of the Atlantic belt, whicli, as we have sliown, C(m-
tinued at intervals into Mesozoic time, and involved even
1 1 1 'I i
Devonian and Carboniferous strata. The similar foldings
and inversions of the upper members of the Champlain
division along the western borders of the Upper Taconic
series, as observed by Logan, are completely analogous to
those exhibited by the Auroral limestone along the western
base of the Laurentian of the South Mountain, in Pennsyl-
vania and New Jersey, as described by Rogers, ( § 10 ; ) and
the facts observed by Mather in eastern New York (§ 72) are
of the same order. The phenomena, in many cases, show
that the older rocks did not act merely as passive barriers
in these movements, but themselves yielded to the lateral
pressure, so that they over-ride the newer strata, which j^ass
beneath them.
§ 248. The boundary between the Upper Taconic or
Quebec group, and the younger members of the Champlain,
is, in this view, neither an anticlimil axis, as taught by
Mather, and by Logan, previous to 1801 ; nor ypt a line of
fracture and great uplift, as subsequently maintained by
the latter ; but was primarily a line of contact, where the
Trenton, and the succeeding Utica and Loraine formations,
rest unconformably upon the disturbed strata of tlie Upper
Taconic series. Tlie relations of the two have been more or
less complicated and obscured by subsequent movements,
involving alike the younger and the older series, as above
described, and giving rise to many minor anticlinals, inver-
sions, and uplifts, which, although secondary and subsid-
iary in character, seem, at first sight, to afford some justifica-
tion for both of the hypotheses previously proposed. The
view that the relations of these two series is primarily one
of stratigrapliical discordance, was advanced by the present
writer in 1871 and 1872. (Chemical and Geological Essays,
pages 203, 413.)
§ 249. Before proceeding to a further discussion of the
various rock-fornuitions found beneath the horizon of the
Trenton limestone group, it becomes necessary to consider
brieily tlie nature, the succession, and the paleontological
history of the lower paleozoic rocks in Great Britain and in
continental Europe, and to compare them with those of
North America. To this end, a tal)Ie, prei)ared with the
aid of one published by Hicks, in 1875, is subjoined, in which
the principal divisions of these roclcs in Great I'iritain, up
to tlie summit of the P)a]a group, (which is regarded as cor-
responding witli that of t he Loraine shales,*) are enumerated
in ascending order, the thickness of each being given. (See,
in this connection, the papers of Hicks, Qiinr. .lour. Geo-
*Tho lioniiiio slmlca of Emmons conslituto tlio summit of tho .Slluro-Ciim-
biian in tlio United States. Tliey were called by V'anuxem tlio ruIiiskiHlialos.
and made l)y him tlu' npiicr moinbor of tlic Iludson-l^ivor cronp, wlnla tho
Franl'Cl'oit s;ind.ston(!« and shales, \vhit;li In; rctiaidcd as a hiwor miMnbor of tho
siuno group, \vi'ro by him oonloundoil with thu Upper Taoonio rocks. This
question will bodiscus.sod at tho end of tho present ehaptor.
f !
I •
logical Society, vols, xxix, 42, and xxxi, 192 ; also Hunt,
Chemical and Geological Essays, pages 384-386.)
VII. Bala group or Caradoc, varying in thickness
from 3.000 to 12,000
VI. Llandeilo group, often much exceeding . . . 3,000
Y. Arenk. grou|j, divuletl iuti- Ujjpcr, 1,500 foot;
Middle, 1,500 fcet,and Lower, 1,000 feet. he
lovei' division of the Areuig abouim . in
graptolites, and is e(|uivalent to the Slciddaw
slates. It corresponds to wliat in North Wales
ha.s been called L'pjjer Tremadoc,) 4,000
IV. Tremauoc group, 1,000
III. Linoi/la-Flao group, including Upper or Dol-
gelly, 000 feet; Middle or Festiniog, 2,000 feet;
and lower or Macntwrog, 2,500 feet. (The
lower and niiddh' divLsions of the LingulU
Flags are equivah'ut, rospoctively, to tlie ilol-
lybusli sjuidstone and to the Olenus slates of
Malvern,) 5,100
II. Menevian grouj), tJOO
1. LoNOMVND group,, including the Llanberris
shitcs and tlie Harlecli sandstones, often much
exceeding 4,000
§ 250. The above series rei)resents the whole of the Cam-
brian of Sedgwick, as defined by him in 1838. He subse-
quently divid(^(l it into the Lower Cambrian or Bangor
group, ( i) ; the Middle Cambrian or Festiniog, ( ii, iii,
IV,) and the Upper Cambrian or Bahi group, (v, vi, vii,)
vrhich embraced the Bala, Llandeilo, and Arenig of tiie
present sc^heme. Wlien lirst named, no organic remains
were known in Sedgwick's first and second groups, and the
third was, by an ei'ror of IMurc^hison's, claimed as a lower
nuMiibpr of his Silurian system, (which properly includes
the succeeding Llandovery, Wenlock, and Ludlow forma-
tions.) He, thei-eupon, called the Upper Cambrian group
of Sedgwick, Lower Silurian, a name which was adopted
by the greater number of geologists, both in Great Britain
and North Ameiica. The name of Cambro-Silurian, or
better that of Siluro-Cambrian, has been by many, how-
ever, used to designate the Upper Cambrian of Sedg^^'ick,
and will be so employed in the following pages.
§ 251. Miirchison assumed that the Siliiii:in, as thus ex-
tended downward by liim, re})resented tlie dawn of life,
and, when, at a later date, oi-fjanic remains, b(»l()n,iiin,£: to the
so-called Primordial zone of ]3arrande, were found in lower
portions of the Cambrian, attempted to annex these por-
tions to his Silurian system under the name of Primordial
Silurian ; restricting the name of Cambrian to the Long-
niynd group, which was, at that time, still regarded as non-
fossiliferous. This latter innovation of Murchison's, though
adopted by BaiTande, and by the geological survey of Great
Britain, who have been copied in Canada and the United
States, is with reason rejected by most other British geolo-
gists, and by those of Sweden, who retain the name of
Canibrian for both the Lower and the Middle groups of
Sedgwick. Belt, (avIio with Hicks, has greatly advanced
our knowledge of these older rocks in Great Britain,) in-
cludps T and II of the above table in the Lower Cambrian,
while he gives to III, lY, and V the name of Upper Cam-
brian, conceding for the original Upper Caml)rian of Sedg-
wick, (the Siluro-Cambrian), the name of Lower Silui-ian,
a nomenclature wliich Avas adopted by Lyell. In these
pages, while maintaining the name of Siluro-Cambrian, the
terms Lower and Upper Cambrian will be used in the sense
in Avhich they are employed by Belt and by llicks.
§ 2r)2. The whole of the Lower and Upper Cambrian in
Wales, amounting to over 10,000 feet, consists, so far as
known, of vsandstones, conglomerates, and phales. The
latter are sometimes calcareous, but no limestone beds have
been found below the Llandeilo group of the Siluro-Cam-
brian. The Upper Cambrian series, which has been care-
fully studied and sub-divided by Belt, presents, accoi-ding
to him, a remarkable case of inversion at Dolgelly, m Noi-tli
AVales, where the strata are completely overturned, so that
theapi)arent succession, in ascending order, gives the Areing,
Tremadoc, Dolgelly, and Festiniog foi'mations. Great dislo-
cations occur in South Wales, by which the Tremadoc, and
even the Arenig rocks, are let down against the Harlech
beds of the Longraynd group. For a more detailed account
of the Avhole question of the discovery and the nomencla-
[E. 9]
ture of these older rocks, the reader is r(;ferred to the
author's essay on The History of Canibrian and Silurian.
(Chem. and Geol. Essays, pad in
the Upper Graptolitic schists, 3,) to the superior poi'tion of
the same series.
The schists of division 3, in Sweden, include, according
to Nicholson, two distinct graptolitic zones, the lower part
containing the forms of the Ccmiston mndstones of Cum-
bci'land, regarded as belonging to the Siluro-Cambrian;
while the upper part yields the forms of the Coniston grits,
the equivalents of the May-Hill sandstone, above the Bala
group, and belonging to the true Silurian. This upjier por-
tion, which constitutes the Ji/ih graptolitic zone, is well de-
veloped in Norway. It would be foreign to the j^urposes of
our history to enter into further details with regard to these
higher graptolitic zones, whi(;h apparently correspond to
those of the Utica and Clinton formations of North
§ 202. Returning now to the lower paleozoic rocks of the
New York series, we have seen that Billings, conceiving that
the Olenellus beds of Vermont and Newfoundland belong
to a lower horizon than the typical Potsdam sandstone of
New York, designated this as Upper Potsdam. This for-
mation, as is w^ell known, is traced continuously from the
southern base of the Adirondacks into tin? Ottawa basin in
central Canada ; to the east and west of which it disappears
along the northern outcrops of the paleozoic series. So far
as yet observed, it rests in a nearly horizontal attitude upon
the Eozoic crystalline rocks, and in Ilemmingford Moun-
tain, near the north-west border of Lake (Jhamplain, where
it reaches its greatest observed thickness, of about 600 feet,
includes l)edsof a conglomerate holding jiebblcs of quartz,
and others of green and blackish argillite. The rock is
sometimes a friable sandstone, and at other times, a hard
and almost vitreous quai'tzite, white, and rarely red in color.
Towards the summit it becomes interstratified with dolo-
E. 135
mitic layers, marking its passaije into the suceerdinu' Mag-
nesian limestone, which, from its rough surface and its fee-
ble (^ffervHsence with acids, was early misnamed the Calci-
ferous sandrock. It is, howevei-, a true dolomite, granular
in texture, and abounding in druses holding crystals of
quartz, calcite, suli)hates of baryta and stroutia, and in
some plac(^s small nodules of gypsum. Ft often passes to-
wards the summit into an impure argillite, and has a maxi-
mum thickness of 300 feet.
§ 203. The organic remains found in the Potsdam of the
above defined area, are few in nuiubci" ; besides two species
of Lingida, it has yielded at Keeseville, New York, a trilo-
bite, at first called a Calymene,, but sul)sequently described
by Bradley as Conoccpliardea {Conocoryphe) iiibiutus,
which is associated with a species of Ht/olit/ics^ a Pleuroto-
maria and ci-inoidal fragments. A species of DiJielloce-
phalus lik<' D. Sesoslrif< is, according to Billings, met with
in the superior beds of the Potsdam, at Whitehall, N(;w
York, while at Beverley, Ontario, along with Liiiynhi acu-
minata^ are found a Pleurotomaria^ an Opliileta, and two
species of Orthoceras^ besides marks of alg{c. Billings,
however, remarks that these beds should perhaps be in-
cluded in the overlying Calciferous sandrock. In several
localities in Canada, the beds of the Potsdam bear the
tracks of large animals of several species, which have been
named Protiahnifes and Climactlchnitcs, both of which are
i-egarded as probably due to crustaceans. (Pal. Fossils, I,
pages 57, 59, 97, 198.)
§ 264. In addition to these, the upper part of the forma-
tion is found to be abundantly nmrked, over considerable
surfaces, by a form descrilx'd by Billings under the name
of Scolilkus Canadensis. ''This sx)ecies consists of cylindri-
cal or irregular prismatic stems (or rather the cavities in
the rock once occupied by such stems) from one to two lines
in diameter, and from one to six inches in length, and eithr-r
straight or more or less curved. In some specimens several
of the stems are in contact with each other, and when this
is the case, and the stems have an angular shape, they very
much resemble the coral, Tetradhiin
Tlie larger stems are
more often straight than the; smaller. The individuals are
usually scattered irregularly through the rock, lying in all
diivctions." (Ibid., I, 00.)
'IMic l^i-olit/inti appears on the weathered surface of the
l)e(ls "in the form of small holes, which sometimes pene-
tnite vei'tically to a depth of several inches, but on break-
ing up the rock they are found to be more or less cun'ed in
(lill'crent directions, and often irregularly contorted, and in-
termingled with eacli other. The casts of the interior of
these cavities, in freshly broken or unweathered specimens
of the rock, usually appear as cylindrical or angular rods,
(with three, four or live sides,) composed ai)parently of
grains of sand cemented by a slightly calcareous matter,
more or less tinged with oxyd of iron. The origin of tliese
holes is not quite certain ; some suppose them to be re-
mains of fucoids, others of corals, while many are of opin-
ion that tliey were the habitations of small burrowing ma-
rine or shore-frequenting animals. Whatever may have
been their origin, they characteriyx' only the upper part of
tlie Potsdam sandstone. The original specimens, upon
which the genus Scolithus was established, differ from
those above described in being straight, and more decidedly
cylindrical, and are therefore probably a distinct species.''
A ligure of Seollihun Canadensis is given in the Geology of
Canada, page 102, from which the above account is quoted.
§ 20."). The name of H/iol/i/ius was proposed by S. S. llal-
deman, in 1840, as the designation of a sub-genus of fuccjids,
and was applied by liim to the cylindrical casts found in the
Primal white sandstone at Chiques, on the Susquehanna.
In 1847, Professor James Hall described ScoliUius linearis^
giving a ligure of one specimen from the J'usquehanna, of an-
other from North Adams, Massachusetts, and of a third
from a locality not named. It was said to be found vMfoly
on Lake Champlain, but was refeiTed to the
stone, and declared to occur in sandstones ■
base of the Green Mountains, as
Pennsylvania, and Virginia. (Paleo. ilogy
vol. I, pag(; 2, and plate I, ligs. 1 a — 1 c.
§ 2GG. Markings called Sculiihus^ have sin
been looked
E. 137
upon as evidences of existence of tlie Pofsdani sandstone in
various localities tlirouf;liout the Aiipalacliian valley, and in
l*tMinsylvania were described by II. 1). Rofrm-s as character-
istic of the Primal white sandstone, which wa;s regarded as
the equivalent of the Potsdam, (§4, 7, 9.) The name of 7V
huliles which, according to Rogers, was given to these mark-
ings in the annual geological reports of Virginia and Penn-
sylvania, was subsequently exchanged for tliatof Scollthufi
linearis. The original description of this species by llall
was amiilified and augmented by Rog^'rs, who describes it
as "a nearly straight cylindrical simph.' stem-like impres-
sion, nsually almost smooth, but in some specimens faintly
waved or grooved transversely to its axis. Its diameter is
from one eighth to one half an inch, its length from a few
inches to two or three feet. Its position in the rock is in-
variably perpendicular to the bedding, suggesting the idea
of perforations by some marine worms. One end of the fos-
sil always terminates at the upper surface of th(! bed of sand-
stone inclosing it, and nsually in a rudely-llattened knob
or head, giving to the whole the likeness of a large long pin.
This knob is probably a cast formed in the wide, conical,
funnel-shaped mouth of a cylindrical perforation. Similar
stem-like forms occnr in some of the other sandstones of the
liigher Apx)alachian fonnations, but none are so well char-
acterized as this si)ecies of the Primal white sandstone. An
excellent locality is at Chiques, on the Susquehanna." A
figure is given by Rogers of this fossil, which is also said to
occur in great abundance in the Blue Ridge of Virginia.
(Geol. Penn., II, 815.)
§ 2G7. In isr)2, TIall described and figured, under the name
of Scolilhus Terticalis, a form characterized as being smaller
than S. linearis, and as penetrating vertically the beds
of the ^Medina sandstone in Monroe county. New York.
(Paleontology of New York, vol. II, page G, and plate II,
figure 8.) It was not until 1862 that Billings described
S. Canadensis, (§ 204,) at the same time declaring with re-
gard to /S^. linearis, "it is generally larger, and the stems
are straight and parallel with each other," and adding, "I
have seen no specimens of this species m the Canadian
rocks, though it occurs in tlie lowest red sandstone of La-
brador, on the strait of Bellisle."' Tliis sandstone, already
noticed, (§ 215) is below the Olenellus limestone, and of the
Srolii/ius therein found Billings elsewhere remarks, that "it
(lillV^rs from the one so common in the Potsdam sandstone
of Canada, in being larger and straighter. It is perfectly
identical witii that of the Upper Primal sandstone of Penn-
sylvania, and also with that of the Potsdam (Chilhowee)
sandstone of Tennessee." (Pal. Fossils, III, 2, 96.)
§ 268. Several examples of ScoUthus which the present
writer has examined from the Potsdam sandstone of Wis-
consin, appear to be identical with aS*. Canadetisis and,
though pi'obabl y distinct, are much more like to the L. verti-
calls collected by him in the Medina (Levant) sandstone of
Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, than to the aS*. linearis
found in the Primal white sandstone along the Susque-
hanna and the Schuylkill. Some specimens from these lat-
ter localities exhibit, in a marked manner, the transversely
"waved or grooved" surface, noticed by Rogers, leading
an eminent foreign geologist, who lately saw them for the
iirst time, to take them foi' casts of crinoidal stems.
§ 269. Further investigations are however heeded to clear
up the history of Scolii/n/s, and it would appear that even
in the typical Potsdam sandstone there have been con-
founded under this name the marks of distinct and unlike
objects. The sandstone which at Port Henry, NV^w Yoi'k,
forms the base of the Champlain series is, in its lower por-
tions, a strong, hard, massive, thick-bedded, dark bluish
or iron-gray quartzite, with lighter gray layers, and includes
thin blackish shaly partings. The higher portions are
thinner bedded, light-gray and porous, and are made up
of strongly coherent rounded agglutinated grains, with
irregular iut«M'sticPS. the wdiolc being silicious. and siighrly
stained with inm-oxyd. Hall has noted the same structui'e
in (he ujiper beds of the Potsdam in Iowa, and has well re-
marked that their appearance suggests that they were
"largely formed from silica in solution, or fi'om gelatinous
silica." (Paleontology, Vol. Ill, page 4.)
§ 270. Some of these ux>per beds at Port Henry^ lately
i '■^iul
E. i;39
examined by the writer, abound in impressions evidently
oro;anic, which have been designated S'coh'/kus. These
appear iqjon the iq^per surface of the newly sei)arated beds
as cylindrical cavities, each enclosing a centi-nl tube made
up, like the surrounding rock, of coherent silicioiis griiins.
These tubes are a millimeter in intei-nal diameter, with
walls half a nuUimeter in diameter, and a vacant space of
the same dimension between the tube and the smooth sur-
rounding walls of the cavity; thougli vciy fragile, the in-
terior tubes were disclosed in oblique fiactures of the rock
to the length of a centimeter, without any marks of joints
or Septa. They exhibited, in some cases, traces of two con-
centric layers. The cylinders were seen to ti-a verse vertically
the beds for distances of two oi' three inches, but the lower
portions were tilled up and their internal structure was not
aj^parent. The arrangement is such as would result from
the enclosui'e in the rock of a cylinder having a centi'al axis,
with an intermedia t'; space v/hich became tilled with silicious
matter, the cylind -r, and its axis being subsequently re-
In weathered specimens, from which the internal rube lias
disappeared, the cylindrical cavities, more or less completely
filled, resemble very juuch the burrowings of a woi'm, l)ut
in either condition they are evidently very distinct, l)oth
from the ]irisinatic shapes not'ced by Billings under tlie
name of Scolilhiis CamuUnsif^ (^'2(54, ) and tin* transversely
grooved cylindrical rods of the Pfimal white sandstone.
^271. We have already seen that, while tli(» Potsdam
sandstone graduates into the Calciferous sand-iock. the
overlying Chazy foi-mation gives eviilence of a break in the
succession of sediments; its base, in parts of the Ottawa
basin, consisting of a limestone-conglomei'ate, resting on the
Calciferous sand-i'ock. I'Jsewlx're in this region, it apjx-ars
as a silicious conglomerate, with (iiiaitz {)ebl)les, nodnles of
phosphate of lime, (coprolitesj and the characteristic fossils
of the Chazy formation, resting directly on the Laurentian
gneiss; while in Herkimer county. New \ u\k. the Chazy
is absent from its place heiwt'en the Calciferous and the
Trenton. At Grenville, on the Ottawa, there is found
above the limestone-conglomerate of the Chazy about fifty
feet of grayish sandstone, sometimes ripple-marked, and
occasionally conglomerate. These are accompanied and fol-
lowed by greenish fucoidal shales, above which, making the
npper portion of the Chazy formation, is a reddisli or gray-
ish jiure massive limestone, composed, in great part, of the
crystalline remains of crinoids and cj^stideans, while other
beds abound in brachiopods. These limestones, which are
sometimes interstratified with dolomitic layers, have at Mon-
treal, where they are largely quarried for l^uilding-purposes,
a thickness of seventy feet, the aggregate of the whole Chazy
formation in the region being about IHO feet. •
§ 272. The Chazy, after disappearing beneath the border
of the Trenton, a little to the north-east of Montreal, (§ 244,)
re-appears oOO miles further on in the same direction, on the
Mingtui Islands in the gulf of St. Lawrence, where it is rep-
resented by a series of fossil iferous limestones, witli some
interposed sandstones and shales, the whole thickness being
estimated at about 300 feet. The underlying beds, supposed
to represent the Calcii'erous sand- rock, are also highly fos-
siliferous magnesian limestones, of which about 250 feet
have been observed. (Geology of Canada, chapters VII nnd
§ 2?;}. In the northern part of Lake Huron, horizontal
liiiiestones, dolomitic at the base, and fossiliferous through-
out, are L'ouud resting, at the Snake Islands, ou the up-
turned Iluronian strata, while at Lacloche Island, and fur-
ther to the west, similar limestones repose ui)on hoi-izontal
beds of red and white sandstone, known as the St. Mary's
sandstone. These limestones have yielded the organic re-
mains of the Birdseye, Black lliver, and Trenton divisions
of the Trenton grou)), and in Sugar Island, according to
Professor Hall, have at their base some arenaceous and
argillaceous beds, which contain the chai'acteristic fossils
of the Chazy formation. (Foster and Whitney, Geology
of Lake Superior, II, 140.)
§ 274. To tlu' south-west of Lake Superior, In Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Iowa, in the upper Mississippi valley, we
find i'ep<...e(l, with some variations, the rocks of tluKMiam-
u I'-
ll :i]
plain division of the New York series. These rocks iiave
been studied bv David J). Owen, bv James Hall, and later
by lloland Irving. In Wisconsin, where these strata occu-
py a large area to the west and south of tlie crystalline
rocks, the Potsdam sandstone is desciil)ed as liaving a
maximum tliickness of about 700 feet, and as overlaid by
the Lower Magnesian limestone of Owen. It however thins
out to tlie northward, where the limestone rests directlv on
the crystalline strata. It was noticed by Hall that tlie up-
per part of the Potsdam becomes dolomitic, showing a pass-
age to the overlying formation, and this transition lias since
been studied by Irving, in Dane and Columbia counties.
He describes there 800 feet of sandstone, which have been
penetrated in borings, and sliow more or less dolomitic ad-
mixture for the upper two thirds. Above this lie about
thirty feet of a yellowish magnesian limestone, massive be-
low and shaly above. It includes layers of green-sand,
especially near its base, and in places abounds in trilobites,
tlie most common of which is DikeUoccjjJialn.s J///ni(,sofrn-
sis. Tliis division, called by Irving the Mendota limestone,
is succeeded by tliirty-hve feet of sandstone, often purely
silicious, but sometimes ferruginous and dolomitic. To this
division, wliich extends over wide areas, the name of the
Madison sandstone is given. Above this occurs the main
body of tlie Lower Magnesian limestone, from eighty to li?0
feet in thickness, including, at its base, a persistent stratum
of oolitic silicious rock, and layers of green-sand, and con-
sisting above chiefly of cherty dolomite. Tliis, which is
sometimes geodiferous, contains small quantities of lead ore,
and very few organic remains.
The glauconite or green-sand from tliese ancient rocks
closely resembles that from the cretaceous strata of New
Jersey. An analysis, by the writer, of a siH'cimen collected
by Professor Hall at Red Bird in Minnesota, gave silica,
44.58 ; protoxyd of iron, 20.01 ; magnesia, 1.27 ; lime, 2.4!) ;
alumina, 11.45; potash, G.9G; soda, 0.98; Avater, 9.00 =
100.00. (Report of Geological Survey of Canada, 180:3-00,
page 232.)
§ 275. The Lower Magnesian limestone is directly overlaid
by the St. Peter's sandstone of Owen. This is a white, yel-
lowish, or reddish friable sandstone, wliich attains a thick-
ness of 120 feet in the southern part of the state, but else-
where thins out and disapjiears. It has yielded no organic
remains, except fucoidal markings, and is directly overlaid
by the Trenton limestone group.
This is by Hall divided into three parts, a lower division
of bulf -colored dolomite, al)out twenty feet in thickness,
holding the fossils of the Birdseye and Black River lime-
stones of New York ; a middle part, of about 100 feet of
blue limestone, carrying the organic remains of the Trenton
proper ; and an upper part, the Galena limestone — the Up-
per Magnesian limestone of Owen — a porous dolomite,
abounding in lead ore, and attaining a thickness of 2o0 feet.
Above this are from 200 to 400 feet of thin-bedded lime-
stones, shales, and clays, the rei)resentaiives of the Utica
and Loraine shales of the east, designated in the west the
Cincinnati group.
§ 276. The most significant fact about the St. Peter's sand-
stone is that, according to Hall, it is clearly separated alike
from the formations below and above, the transition at
both horizons being "abrupt and without altei-nation or
admixture of material." Irving has further notified that
it fills up eroded hollows in the Lower Magnesian limestone,
(which is regarded as the representative of the Calciferous
sandrock,) being abruptly succeeded by the limestones of
the Trenton group. The St. Peter's sandstone thus occu-
pies the x^osilion of the Chazy formation, which, as has been
already set forth, (§ 242, 243,) shows in the eastern region
a break both paleontological and stratigraphical, alike at its
base and its summit, and in the Ottawa basin is in part a
detrital rock. This intermediate sandstone in Wisconsin
was consequently designated by Hall as the Chazy sand-
stone, (Geol. of Wisconsin, 18G2 ; Irving, Anier. Jour.
Science, [L^' vol. IX, page 440.)
§ 277. It ^as in the lower sandstones of Wisc^onsin, Min-
nesota, and Iowa, tliat D. D. Owen discovered the remarka-
ble triK)bitic fauna, associated with numerous brachiopods
and with fragments of crinoidal stems, whicliwas described
by him in 1852. Hal), who reexamined the strata and re-
vised the fauna in 186^, distinguished three paleontological
stages. Of these, the lower affords only Conocoryphe, with
Theca and some linguloid shells. The middle stage con-
tains Arlonellus, Agnosius, Flijchaspis, certain species of
Dikellocephalus^ and of Conocoryj)he, to which Hall referred
some forms hitherto included in the preceding genus. With
this middle stage is also found a grai)tolite, Dendrograptus
Halllanus. The third or upper stfige, declared by Hall to
be clearly separated from the last, and from 400 to 500 feet
above the lower stage, affords no species of Conocoryphe,
but is marked by the large and characteristic species of Dikrl-
locephalus, D.Minnesotensls^ and D. Peprnensis, described
as passing up into the Lower Magnesian limestone, (Ifith
Appendix to Regents' Report, 180:j, pages 120, 183.) This
third stage is believed by Irving to correspond to the Men-
dota limestone.
§ 278. This series of about 1,000 feet of sedimentary strata
below the St. Peter's or Chazy sandstone of Wisconsin, is
thus shown by the studies of Hall, to include in its several
faunas representatives of genera of trilol)ites found in both
the Lower and Upper Cambrian of Great Britain, and in
those sub-divisions of the ILidson-River group or Upper
Taconic to which the names of Lower Potsdam and Levis
have been given. The corresponding series of strata, con-
sisting of alternations of sandstone and magnesian lime-
stone, attains a still greater thickness in Missouri. TIk-
Artesian well at St. Louis passed through 2,480 feet of such
strata between the base of tlie Trenton and the lloor of
crystalline granitoid rocks beneath. That the tyijical Pots-
dam sandstone of northei'u New York and central ('anada,
with its few organic remains, is represented somewhere in
the western series, cannot be doubted, but until its fauna
is better knoAvn, it will not be possibl*- to fix its precise
horizon. It will probably be found desirable, on further
study, to revise the nomenclature oii these lowest paleo-
zoic rocks in Americja, and to establish new sub-divisions,
as in Europe.
§ 271). In conformity with the genenil principle regulating
the: distribution of sediments over the great American paleo-
zoic basin, we iind little or nothing in tlie silicious and dolo-
mitic Cambi'ian strata of the Mississippi valley resembling
the Ui)per Taconic conglomerates, sandstojies and aigillites
of the eastern border of the basin. It is proper, in this con-
nection, to call attention to some important j^oints in the
history of tliese latter rocks, and their relation to the Silnro-
Cambrian strata, which have been omitted in the preceding
cha])t('rs, tliongh referred to in a foot-note on page 127.
§ 280. In the lirst annual report on the geology of the
central district of New York, the strata al)ove the Calcifer-
ons san(h'()ck were described by Conrad as consisting of
the fossil if erous limestones of Trenton F,,Ils, overlaid by
dark shales, to which sncceed a series of fossil iferons lead-
colored shales, alternating with gray sandstones, well dis-
j)layed at and near Pulaski, (m tlie Salmon l?iver, in Oswe-
go county. At the summit oi' these was a bed of sandst(me
quarried for grindstones, and in Oneida county the series
was overlaid by a qnart/.ose conglomerate. Vjinuxem, \vho
succeeded Conrad in the examination of the distiict the
next year, gave to the Salmon lliver strata the name of the
Pulaski shales and sandstones. These coirespond to the
Loraiue shales, (named from Loraine, in Jefferson county,)
and the Gray sandstone of Emmons, which were then sui>
posed by the latter to be the equivalents of the Argillite
and Oraywacke series described by Mather, in his fourth
annual report on the southern district of New York, by the
names of the Hudson slate group, or the Hudson Rive^'
slates, (§ 02, 04.) The counties of Jefferson and Lewis, in
(he northern dlstri<'t examined by Emmons, were connected
with tlu; Hudson valley through the central district, which
eml)i'aced the counties of Oswego, Oneida, Herkimer, and
Montgomery, extending southeastward along the Mohawk
^ 2S1. The rocks of this distiict were now described by
A'anuxem, under the name of the Hudson-River group, and
according to him, included two entirely distinct divisions,
the u])])*'!' a liighly fossiliferous series, the Pulaski shales
and sandstones, found west of the Adirondacks in Jefferson,
Lewis and Oswego counties, and disappearing- to the soutli-
eastwai'd in Oneida county. These are the lead-coh)i'e(l
shales and sandstones of Conrad. The h>wer member of the
Hudson lliver group, as deiined by Yanuxem, was nanu^l
tlie Fra'nlvfort division, from Fraidvfort, in Herkimer coun-
ty, and was described as consisting of greenish aigillites
and sandstones, which underlie the Pulaski shales to the
noitliwest, as far as Jelferson county, constitute in Ilerkimei"
and Montgomeiy the only rei)resentative of the Hudson-
River group, and extend eastward, through Schenectady,
Alban}', and Saratoga counties, to the Hudson river. Tins
lower division was said to yield none of the organic renuiins
of the Pulaski division, ))Ut to include some grai)tolitic
shales. To the Frankfort slates and sandstoniis, it was
suggested by Yanuxem, might belong the thick nnisses of
argillaceous strata of "controverted age," (the Tacojuc of
Emmons) along the Hudson valley.
J$ 282. Yanuxem, while he thus attempted to connect the
argillaceous strata of the northwestern counties with those
of the Hudson valley, spoke of " the diiliculty of separating
or distinguishing the slaty or schistose members of the (Hud-
son River) group from those of greater age, with wiiich on
their eastern border the two {■sic) are, more or less, n-ally or
ai)[)arently blended." The force of this observation is more
clearly apparent to-day, when it is known that thelaiger2)art
of these schistose rocks of the Huds(m River valley are
of much great<'r antiquity than the Pulaski, (Loraine) and
Ftica slates, and must be assigned a jiosition below instead
of above the Trenton limestones.
A'anuxcm further remaiks, that tln^ two divisions of the
Hudson River gi'oup, as ddiucd by him, exist separati'ly in
Pennsylvania. The Pulaski slates, having in all respects,
the same characters as in New York, are declared to occur
in the Nippenose valley, west of the Susquehanna, while
the i'^'ankfort slates and sandstones a])pear to the east of
the North Mountain, in the Kittatinny valley, and include
the rooting-slates of the Delaware. These latter are placed
by Emnu)ns at the summit of the Lower Taconic, but were
by Rogers included, with the fossiliferous shales of Nix)pe-
[E. 10]
140 E. SPECIAL liEPOUT. T. STEUllY HUNT, 1875.
nose and Kisliacoquillas valleys, in tlie upper portion of his
Matinal division.
§ 283. It is important to note in this place, that, accord-
ing to V^anuxem, tlie Oneida conglomerate, the admitted
representative of the conglomerate and sandstone of the
North Mountain in Pennsylvania, rests in Oneida county.
New York, upon the Pulaski shales, (sometimes with the
intervention of the Gray band, which was by Emmons united
with the Oneida,) while in Herkimer county this conglom-
erate overlies directly tlie Frankfort shales and sandstones.
§ 284. In connection with tlie disappearance of the Pu-
laski or Loraine shales to the southeastward in the Mohawk
valley, we may note the simihir disappearance of the Tren-
ton limestones. These, in Canada, have been found at jioints
as widely remote as Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, the Bay of
Quintd, Lake Simcoe, and the shores of Lake Huron, to
have a thickness of from 600 to 7o0 feet, being everywhere
followed by the Utioii slates and Loraine shales, with a united
volume of fi'om 800 to 1,100 feet or more. The thickness of
the Trenton limestones in the northern part of Lewis coun-
ty. New York, is, however, but 800 feet. This is reduced
to 100 feet at Trenton Falls, and to thirty feet in the Mo-
hawk valley, while south of the Mohawk the limestone is
seldom over ten fee*", and, according to Conrad, thins out
and wholly disappears to the southeast. He tdso notes that
the gray sparry fossiliferous beds, which, in Oneida county,
he distinguislied as a separate and lower division of the
Trenton group, grow thin, and disai)pear to the eastward
along the line of the canal, in Montgomery county.
I^'or the statements in the preceeding sections, beginning
with § 280, see the Geology of the Third District of New
York, and also the previous annual reports of Conrad and
Vanuxem on the district, passim. The facts should be con-
sidered in comiection with the statements in § 245 with regard
to the relations of the Trenton audits overlying argillaceous
strata to inferior rocks, with those of Emmons in ,^ 07, 98, and
with the earlier statements of Eaton, cited in § 50. We shall
return to the consideration of the questions here raised in a
subsequent chapter.
§ 284. We have in chapters II and III discussed tlie his-
tory of the crystalline stratified rocks of eastern North
America, up to the year 1855, at which date the names of
Laurentian and Huronian had already been applied to two
divisions of these rocks (§ 144), which had been described and
defined by the geological survey of Canada as more an-
cient than the base of the Xew York paleozoic series. Tli j
officers of that survey Jiad then adopted, so far as regards
the crystalline strata of the Atlantic belt (with the excep-
tion of the Laurentian) the view held by Mather, that these
rocks were the altered equivalents of the Champlain divis-
ion of that series, and consequently more recent than the
Laurentian or the Huronian (§ lGO-174). We shall now
proceed to discuss successively the progress since made in
our knowledge of the Laurentian and its divisions, of the
newer crystalline schists of the Atlantic belt, and of the Vol-
canic formations around Lake Supeiior (§ 137).
§ 285. The so-called Metanioiphic pjneissic series to which,
in 1854, the name of Laurentian was given had, as already
shown, been l)y Logan, from his observations on the Ottawa
river in 1845, divided into two groups, the upper one,
with its intercalated bands of crystalline limestone, being
regarded as a sei)arate overlying formation ; (§ 13;]; a distin(;-
tion which is well founded, but has generally been disre-
garded in subsequent descriptions of these rocks. In 1847
the present writer spent some time in the examination of
the crystalline limestones of this series, and their associated
rocks, as seen at various localities along the vjdley of the
Ottawa, as far as Poi-tagc; du Fort, and in the vicinity of
Perth, Ontario. The observations then made were given in
the report of the survey of 1847, (pages 125-138) and the
results of chemical analyses of the materials collected at
that time, in the report of 1850 (pages 35-46).
§ 286. In 1850, Mr. Alexander Murray, in company with
the writer, examined these same rocks to the north of the
Thousand Islands. The observations then made will be
found in Murray's report of 1851 (pages 59-04). The most
important fact there announced was the occurrence of a bed
of silicious conglomerate, found in the township of Bastard,
intercalated in the crystalline I'mestones of the series, which
here dip N. 55° E. < 30°. The limestone layers, both
above and below, are white, coarsely crystalline, graphitic
and micaceous, while the overlying one contains clion-
drodite. The included conglomerate layer, eighteen inches
in thickness, is a finely granular sandstone, including large
and small well-defined pebbles of vitreous quartz, and others
which could only be described as a laminated sandstone.
Pebbles and rounded grains of feldspar, together with scales
of mica and of graphite were also found in the matrix. It
is not imjirobable that this .'uique occurrence may be due
to a dislocation, followed by movements of the strata, l)y
which a more recent conglomerate has become enclosed in
the ancient limestones.
§ 287. It was not until 1853 and 1854, that the difficult
task of unraveling the structure of these ancient rocks
was undertaken by Logan. The first results of his labors
E. 149
therein were set forth in the little essay called an Esquisse
Geologique diu Canada^ published at Paris in ISOa (?} 144),
but f urf lier researches were made by him in ISfM), and his con-
clusions are given with some detail in tlie report for isr^lj-nc,
(pages 7-52) published in 1857 ; — which wasacconii)anied by
a map showing the geographical distribution of the Lauren-
tian limestones in the counties of Argenteuil and Terrebonne,
a little north and west of Montreal. In this report was
shown the existence of one or more great bands of crystal-
line limestone, interstratilied with the gneisses and accom-
panied by considerable masses of quartzite and of mag-
netite, tlie whole being greatly folded, and intersected by
numerous masses of eruptive rocks.
§ 288. The rock already recognized by Emmons under the
name of hypersthene-rock or labradorite-rock, in tlie Adi-
rondacks (§ 88) was also found in the region in question.
Rolled masses of it liad long been known in the valley of
the St. Lawrence, and the rock had been observed in place
by Dr. Bigsby, on the northeast shore of Lake Huron, where
it was described as occupying a breadth of live miles.
(Amer. Jour. Science, I, viii, GO). In 1852 Logan found a
considerable area of the rock in Mille-Isles, Morin and
Abercrombie, in the county of Terrebonne, and a speci-
men of it was described by the writer in some detail, with
analyses, in the report for 1852, (page 107) and shown to
consist of cleavable lavender-blue labradorite, in a greenish
base composed chietly of the same feldspar with 4.8 per
cent, of carbonate of lime and a little magnetite.
§ 289. In the following year the writer examined the rocks
of this region in company with Logan, and subsequently
extended his observations to several other points. The first
results of these examinations are given in Logan's report for
1853-5G (pau'es 35-37,) and inasmuch as the rocks in ques-
tion have since assumed a considerable geological import-
ance it is thought best to rei)rint therefrom the following
extracts, defining their lithological characters. (§ 132.)
§ 290. The rocks are described in general terms as "chiefly
compos "■ of lime-feldspar, varying in composition between
labradorite iind andesine, and are marked by the presence
■; I
of hypersthene and iliiienite." Of one locality .idjoining
the crystalline limestone in Mille-Lsles it was said, " the rock
is chieHy labnidoritc, and consists of a tine-grained paste
of tliis mineral, of a puri)lish-grey, weathering to an opaque
white, and holding cleavable forms of a lavender-blue feld-
spar, several inches in diameter. Many of these exhil)it
a fine golden-green and deej) blue opalescence, and the same
hues occasionally emanate from minute j^oints in the paste.
The rock is generally massive, and it is occasionally very
difficult to find any indication of those parallel planes which
are so generally present in common gneiss. The large cleav-
able forms of labradorite, however, as well as the hyper-
sthene and ilmenite, are found to prevail in belts that ap-
pear to be parallel to one anothei', and garnetifei-ous or mi-
caceous l)ands occasionally indicate the same arrangement."
§ 291. At St. Jerome, on the east side of Rividrt} du Nord,
a rock belonging to the same area as that last mentioned
was described as gneissic in structure. " Darkei' and lighter
bands run parallel to one another, the shades being occa-
sioned by the greater or less abundance of a line-grained
greenish lime-feldspar, weathering ojjaque white, which oc-
curs in spots, surrounded by a darker colored network,
consisting of a dark green pyroxene and magnetic iron ore,
with small disseminated clusters of yellowish-red garnets.
In this mass, large and small individuals of labradorite,
some of them two or three inches in diameter, are irregu-
larly disseminated, and irregular veins or apjiarent segre-
gations occur here and there, composed of flesh-red oitho-
clase and translucent colorless quartz."
§ 292. "On the west side of the river, rock of a similar
character is met with, but there is seen also an interstratified
mass of reddish hornblendic gneiss, the feldspar of which
is orthoclase. The breadth of the mass of gneiss is two hun-
dred yards, and it is marked by beds darker than other
parts from the presence of hornblende. * * On the
west side of this mass of gneiss smaller bands of a similar
nature seemed to alternate with those containing lime-feld-
spar. Beds of quartz were also interstratitied. and some of
these were in one place so loaded with small garnets as to
E. 151
11 n-
form a fine granular garnet-rook. '■• * LiniH-fcldsparrock,
more resembling that of Monn in its opaque white massive
asjiert, was mot with at New (Jlasgow, on tho Aohigan, in
Terrebonne seigniory; tho stratiliration, howevor, was well
marked by bands of garnets and pyroxono, and by alter-
nations of the rock, on the west side, with common gneiss."
Similar rocks, belonging to the same area, were examined
further to the northeast in Rawdon, and in Chertsey, in the
county of Leinster.
^ 2!):?. Th(> materials collected in the localities above men-
tioned, and also in another area, in Chateau llichor in the
county of Montmorenci, were subsequently submitted to a
chemical and lithological examination by the writer, and
described in the report for 1853-50 (pages 373-i3S;3) as
belonging to crystalline strata closely associated with the
limestones, gneisses and quartzites of the Laurentian series.
Of tho rocks in question it was said : " They are comi)osed
chiefly of feldspar, with small portions of black mica, green
pyroxene, and occasionally epidote, garnet and quartz ; i)or-
tions of hypersthene are also frequently present, and hence
the New York geologists have designated these essentially
feldspathic strata by tho name of hyporsthene-rock. In
addition to the minerals just mentioned, we may add ilnion-
ite or titaniferous iron, which occurs sometimes in large
masses, and at other times in small disseminated grains,
which, like the hypersthene, appear to mark the planes of
stratilication. If to these we add small portions of iron i)y-
rites, and a little disseminated carlxmate of lime, we shall
have the mineralogy of these rocks, so far as yet known."
"The texture of these feldspar rocks is varied ; sometimes
the mass is a confusedly crystalline aggregate, exhibiting
cleavage-surfaces three or four inches in diameter, with a
finegrained somewhat calcareous jwste in the interstices.
Sometimes the whole rock is uniformlj'' granular, whih? more
frequently a granular base holds, at intervals, cleavable
masses of feldspar, often several inches in diameter. The
colors of these rocks vai-y from grayish and bluish- white,
to lavender and violet-blue; flesh-red, greenish and bi'own-
ish tints are also met with ; the colors are rarely brilliant.
These feldspars seldom occur in distinct crystals, but their
cleavage is triclinic, a fact which taken in conn(?ction with
the densities, varying from 2.00 to 2.73, shows them to be-
long to the group of which albite and ancn'thite may l)o taken
as the rejiresentatives. The bluish cleavable varieties often
exhibit the opalesence of labradorite, to which species
American mineralogists have hitherto referred them ; but
with th(i exception of a few analyses by myself, we have
had as yet no published chemical examinations of any of
these feldspars. My investigations show that while all of
them are feldspars with a base of lime and soda, the com-
position varies very much, being sometimes that of labra-
dorite, andesine, or intermediute varieties, and at other
times approaching to that of anorthite."
§ 294. Of the lime-feldspar rocks of the county of Lein-
ster it was then said : "In tiie townships of Rawdon and
Chertsey, they are often fine-grained and homogeneous, and
constitute an exceedingly tough I'ock, with an uneven sub-
conchoidal fi'actur(% and a l'eel)ly vitreous lustre ; this va-
riety is bluish or grayish-white in color, somewhat translu-
cent, and exliil)its here and there the cleavage of grains of
feldspar. Great masses of this rock are almost free from
foreign minerals, while other portions abound in a green
granular pyroxene, arranged in thin, interrupted i)arallel
layers, with ilmenite. These layers of pyroxene are seldom
more than four or live lines in thickness, and occur an inch
or two apart, while the layers of the ilmenite are still thin-
ner, and often enclosed in those of the pyroxene, idcmg the
limits of which deep-red grains of garnet are occasionally
seen. These different minerals appear in lelief on the white
weathered surface of the rock, and give a picture of its
stratified structure, which however is not less apparent on
the surfaces of recent fracture. Small rounded l)luish
masses of cleavabh^ feldspar are frecxueiifly diss'ininated
in the same planes as the other minerals. 1-. some in-
stances the pyroxene appears to graduate into, and to be
rei>laced liy, foliated hypersthene."
^ 29j. Of the i ime-feldspar rocks of Chateau Richer, it was
said : " They cover a breadth of two or three miles across
S «f'
E. 153
the strike, bounded by crystalline limestone on one side,
and a qnartzo-feldspatlii(^ rock on the other, and risin-j; into
small hills. In this area there oeciir several varieties of the
rock, but the most interestinij; is the one made up of a line
granular base, greenish or grayish-white in color, holding
masses of a reddish cleavable feldspar, wliich are sometimes
from one tenth to one half an inch in diameter, but often
take the form of large imperfect crystals, frequently twelve
inches long and four or live inches wide. These dimen-
sions correspond to the faces M and T, while the face P,
characteriztnl ])y its jierfect cleavage, is from half an inch to
tw^o inclies broad. Twin crystals sometimes occur, having
a composition parallel to M,"
"Ilypersthene is met with throughout the rock in flat-
tened masses, which, although variable and irregular in
their disfribution, exhibit a general parallelism ; they are
occasionally four or five inches in breadth, by an inch or
more in tliickness, and are separated fnuu thegranulai- I'elds-
patliic base by a thin lilm c;f bi'ownish-black mica. Titan-
iferous iron ore is also found in the rock in grains and len-
ticular masses, occasionally an inch or two in thickness ;
these occur in the granular base, and generally near the hy-
persthene, but grains of the ore are occasionally found in
the crystalline feldsjvir. [which is andesine]. Quartz, in
small grains, is imbedded in the titaniferous iron ore, but
was not observed elsewhere in the rock."
§ 2DG. The report already cited gave fourteen analyses of
of these feldspathic rocks, including both the cleavable
feldspars and the surrounding paste, and showing a varia-
tion in the amount of silica from 47.40 to 59.80 percent.,
and in the lime from 7.73 to 14. "Jt per cent., thie propoi'tion
of alkaM (chic^tly soda) generally decreasing as that ol' the
lime augmented ; v. Idle the specill(^ gravity varied from 2A)7
to 2.7.'?. The analyses of all these feldsi)ars, as W(dl of the
accompanying hypersthene and ilmenite, will be found
under their respective heads in th(i Geology of Canada,
where, on page 590, is given the mean composition of the
felds])ars, as d<'du<'ed from many analyses. For the views
at that time put forth as to the constitution of these feld-
sjuirs, the reader is referred to the uiithor's paper in the L.
E. and D. Pliilosophical Magazine for May, ISi'iS, and to his
Chemical and Geological Essays, page 448.
§ 297. The report of the surrey for JC58 (publislied in
1859) contains the results of further explorations by Sir
William Logan, and his assistant Mr. James Lowe, in the
Laurentian region already referred to, northwest of Mon-
treal, during the years 1857 and 1858. An attempt was
therein made to fix the succession and thickness of the
gneissic and limestone series, and the conclusions then
anncmnced were confirmed by the labors of the following
three years. The ''Geology of Canada,'" a volume of 983
pages octavo, published in 18013, was in great part printed
in 18G2, and the first twenty chapters rej)resented the state
of our knowledge of the rocks in question at the close of
18(51. Chapter XXII however gave the fui'ther results of
the field-work of 18(52. This volume was accompanied by
an Atlas with exphuiatory text, which contained a colored
geological map, showing the distribution of the Laurentian
limestones in the counties of Ottawa. Terrebonne, Argen-
teuil and Two-Mountains. The breadth of the region thus
mapped (on a scale of seven miles to the incli) was about
fifty miles from east to west, and its greatest length about
the same. The sharply folded, and ofter inverted strata
have a strike about ten degrees east of north.
§ 208. The succession in this region, as now described by
Logan, was as follows in ascending- order from a great
underlying m.ass of gneiss, which niaives the Trembling
Mountain in Grandison, and is <)wn.
B. I'irst or Troinl)ling-Lako Limestone band. . . . 1,500 foot.
C. Sooond Orthocliiso 4,000 foot.
D. Second or fJroor-Lalio Limostono band, includ-
ing t... subnrdiiijitc l);iii!l.s dT garnotiibroiis
qiiartKitc; and liornbh'ndic gi:ois.s, nialvinff up
aljont one lialftlio volume 2,500 feet.
E. Third Orthoclaso GnoLss — including several
bands of garnetiferous gneiss and quurtzito in
tlio lower, and nnicli coarsely porphyrltic
gneiss in the upper part 3,500 feet.
F. Third or Grenville Limestone band, said to vary
in thiclcncss from 00 to l,r)00 feet, luiving in
some parts an interstratified band of gneiss,
and estimated at 750 feet.
G. Fourth Orthoclaso Gneiss including, besides a
tliin l)ed of limestone, a band of fiOO feet of
quartzite 5,000 feet.
17,1250 feet.
§ 299. The collective ime of the Grenville series was
subsequently applied to the whole succession from the
base of the limestone B. to the summit of the gneiss G.
(Geology of Canada, page 839). This corresponds to the
upper group in the Laurentian series, originally indicated
by Logan in 1845, (§ 133) while the great underlying mass
of granitoid gneiss, A., of unknown thickness, which is
largely developed in the county of Ottawa, and may be
called the Ottawa Gneiss, is the lower group.
§ 300. The name of orthoclase-gneiss was used to desig-
nate the feldspathic rocks of the Ottawa and Grenville divis-
ions, becaus(' the feldspar belongs chielly to the species
orthoclase, although, as was then pointed out : "Small por-
tions of a white triclinic feldspar, which is api3arently olig-
oclase or albite, are occasionally found with the reddish
orthoclase of the coarser gneiss." It was further shown,
however, that a tine-grained reddish gneiss from Grenville,
in which orthoclase was apparently the predominant min-
eral, contained nearly as much soda as i)otash (Ibid, 587).
To distinguish from these qiiart/o-feldspatljic rocks the
more basic gneissoid roi^ks, consisting cliieliy of lime-l'eld-
spars. anorthic in crystallization, (for which Delesse liad
])i'oposed the general term of anorthose) the name of
anorthosite rocks, or anortholites, was at this time suggest<'d
for the latter .
§ 301 . It was then the opinion of the present writer, as ex-
pressed in ISGl, that "future investigations may furnish evi-
dence which will divide the Laurentian series into several
formations, distinguished by want of conformity and by
mineralogical diiferences." (Ibid, page 580). This exx)ecta-
tion was soon fulfilled. In chapter III of the GeoL^gy, from
which the above section is condensed, a fourth limestone
^"^d, that of Morin, is mentioned as probably occupying a
position above the fourth gneiss, Gr., and as followed by the
great mass of anorthosite rocks which, with a genei'ally high
westward dip, occupy an area at least twelve miles in
breadth, to the north and east ol" the region mappetl. To
tliese rocks was jirovisionally assigned a volume of 10,000
feet, but it was exj^ressly said that "the thickness is wholly
§ 802. The explorations of 18G2 added materially to our
knowledge of the relations of these anorthosite rocks. Ly-
ing apart, and to the west of the great area in the counties
of Terrebonne and Leinster, there was discovered in Sala-
berry, a smaller portion of anortholite, beneath which one
of the limestone bands of the Grenville series appeared to
pass. It was also found that the Morin limestone band,
(supposed to be a repetition of one of those named in the
section) disappears in like manner beneath the southwest
edge of the great anortholitearcui. From these facts it was
considered "probable that tin? anorthosite rock overlies the
whole Grenville series uncouformably, and that the mass
of it on the west side of Sahd)erry is an outlying portion,"
giving reason to suppose "the existence in the Laurentiiin
system of two immense sedimentarv formations, thf* one sup-
erimposed unconformal)ly upon the other, witli probal)ly a
great diireronce in lime betwf^en them." In confirmation
of what had been i)reviously assorted as to its lithologi-
cal character, it wa,-! further said; "This new formation,
altho^^gh characterized by a predonunance of anortholites,
appear to contain in some parts interstratilied beds of ortlio-
clase-gneiss, cpiartzites and limestones, all of which are
found associated with it near New Glasgow" (Ibid, pageSIW).
^ 'AO',]. In the originnl (h'scription, the FourHi Orihoclase
Gneiss, G. of the section, was s:iid to be intorstratilied in
E. 157
its upper part with anortholites (§ 202) and was rpuarded
as sliou'ing" a passage from the gneisses below into tlie an-
ortliolites above. Since however this ni)per series elsewhere
includes layers of orthoclase-gneiss and quartzite, not nn-
like those fonnd in the Grenville series, it is probable that
these supposed beds of passage are refdly a portion of the
newer formation.
It was both on acconnt of this association, and of the
gneiss-like structure of the anortholites themselves, that
this overlying series way designated, alike in the text of the
Atlas, and on the map pul)lished in ISO."), by the name of
Anorthosite Gneiss. This was then called Upper Lauren-
tian or Labradorian, the name of Lower Laurentian being
reserved for the gneisses, quartzites, and limestcmes of the
Grenville series, and tlie underlying Ottawa Gneiss.
§ ;]04. The further liistory of these labradorite or anor-
thosite rocks may here be told. Besides the localities
already mentioned, near Montreal and near Quebec, they are
found at many places within the Laurentian region (m the
north side of the lower St. Lawrence. They ai-e known in
the parish of St. Trbain, near Bay St. Paul, jind over a
large area on the Saguenay, between Chicoutiini and Lake
St. John. A description of the labradorite rocks of this
latter district, as observed and collected by Mr. James Rich-
ardson in 1857, will be found in the rei')ort for that year
(pages 79 — 84.) Many beautiful varieties are there met with,
and the stratification, which is well marked, sometimes
shows inchided b:inds of orthoclase gneiss, and in one
locality a layer of pak,' green i^yrallolite (renssellaerite.)
In some instances the blue granitoid labradoi-ite rock con-
tains distinct grains of vitreous quartz, which is however
comparatively rare. Similar rocks are found at many
points along the north-west shore of the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, from the Saguenay as far as Labrador. Tiiey
are well seen at the mouth of the Pentecost river, about
IGO miles below the mouth of the Saguenay, and on the
Bay of Seven Islands, some forty miles further. This
locality is probably connected with the lai-ge extent of
similar rocks, observed by Prof. Hind to form a chain of
■ IH
hills along the River Moisie. Labradorite rocks were also
observed by Bayfield to occupy the coast for several miles,
near Mingan. In each of these localities, these rocks appear
to be in contact only with the Laurentian gneiss, except in
the area near Montreal, where their southern border is un-
conformably overlaid by the Potsdam sandstone of the St.
Lawrence valley.
§ 305. The rocks are widely spread on the coast of Lab-
rador, wliere their characteristic feldspar was first found,
and whence it takes its name. Prof. A. S. Packard, Jr., has
described some of the localities in this region, where he
found considerable areas of anortholite surrounded by
gneiss, and obsei'ved bosses or domes of it resting ujion
stratified quartzose, horublendic and feldspathic rocks, in
such a manner as to lead him to suppose the anortholites
to be eruptive, (Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. I, part ii,
pp. 214-217.) Labradorite rocks were long since observed
by Jukes in the western part of Newfoundland, and Mr.
Alex. Murray, in his geological map of the island, pub-
lished in 1870, has shown, besides several smaller areas, a
belt of more th:in fifty miles in length of these rocks,
called by him I'pper Laurentian, near St. George's Bay.
§ 30G. The Ifjalities of labradorite rocks on the coast be-
tween the Sa'j,uenay and the Bay of Seven Islands, were
examined by Mr. James Richardson in 1800, and the ma-
terials having been submitted to the examination of the
writer, the results are set fortli in Mr. Richardson's report
for that year (Report of Progress for lSGG-1800, page :3()5).
The Laurentian there consists of coarser and finer reddish
and grayish gneisses, often enclosing liornblendic and mi-
caceous layers, and including great masses of vitreous
(piartz, sometimes pure, and at othor times holdingsparingly
disseminated plates of llesh-i'cd feldspar. IVds of cryastl-
line limestone, enclosing green pyroxene, are included in
the gneiss.
§ 307. The labradorite rocks there met with present many
varieties resembling those found near Montreal. Besides
hypersthene, they sometimes include nodular masses of
red garnet, and others of a gray fibrous hornblende. Bands
E. 159
of anortholites, coarser and finer in texture, and marked by
these different minerals, serve to make very apparent the
stratification, which is extremely regular, and near Pente-
cost River is seen in a range of low cliffs, dipping N". 23° E,
< 30° to 40°. At the Bay of Seven Islands, in like man-
ner, the dark bluish anortholites, characterized by hyper-
sthene, and includinggreat masses of titanic iron-ore, appear
for a distance of three or four miles, with a nearly uniform
dip of from 10° to 20° to the northward. The reddish Lau-
rentian gneiss is in one place "seen to be distinctly over-
laid by a patch, only a feAv yards square, of labradorite
rock, showing considerable varieties in character, and clearly
§ 308. The conclusion from till the ol)servations along this
coast is thus stated : For the Laurentian gneiss, "the strike
is generally nearly north and south, Avith di^^s often aj)-
proaching the vertical. The strata are all more or less
brok(Mi, contorted and faulted. The labradorite rocks rest
unconformably upon the Laurentian ; they generally strike
nearly east and west, at comparatively moderate angles,
with little or no appearance of contortion or disturbance."
Both the Laurentian and the labradorite rocks are cut by
granitic veins containing red orthoclase, greenish oligoclase,
black hornblende, muscovite, molybdenite, and sometimes
crystalline masses of magnetite.
§ 309. At an early date in the history of the investiga-
tion of the Laurentian its mineralogical resemblances with
the Primitive gneiss of Eui'ope wer(^ evident. Th(i writer, in
18i)4, declared that bolli "in i)ositiou and in lithological
characters the Laurentian st'iiesaifpcars to corres])oad to the
old gneiss formation of L.ii)land, Finland ;ind Scandinavia,"
(Anier. Journal Science IL xviii, 19;"),) and in the I'J.squ/
Gcolof/iquc, already cited, it was added "to the similar
rocks of the north [westj of Scotland." In the di^scriptiou
then given, the anortholites were as yet regarded as form-
ing a part of the Laurentian, and these rocks, as found in
Essex county. New York, had. we have seen, been by Em-
mons compared with the hy.i)ersthen<^-rock or labradorlte-
rock found by Macculloch in the Western Islands of Suot-
land. In order to verify this comparison, the ■writer, hav-
ing- iirst procured specimens of tlie rock from Loch Scarvig
in the Isle of Slvye, obtained access to the collections made
in that island by Macculloch, and now in the possession of
the GeoloL!;ical Society of Lon(hjii, and convinced himself
of their close resemblances to the anortholites of New York
and Canada.
§ 310. Both Macculloch and Emmons regarded these lab-
i"adorit(; rocks are eruptive, Gi(, in his subsequent ge-
ological studies in Skye, expressed the same view, and ap-
peared to confound Ihem with certain eruptive greenstones.
The writer s oljservations and conclusions respecting these,
and theother crystalline rocks of the Western Islands, were
set forth in the Dublin Quarterly Journal for July, 18G3,
where the stratified character of the labradorite-rocks of
Canada, and their correspond(Mice with those of Skye was
pointed out. In the following year Prof. Ilaughton, of Dub-
lin, visited Loch Scarvig, in Skye, and in the same Journal
for 180.") (i)age G5) describes the rock, which he submitted
to analysis, as an aggregate of labradorite, often coarse
^rained, Avith pyroxene and titanic iron, and declared it to
be evidently "a bedded metamorphic rock.""
§311. Similar anorthosite-rocks Avere known to exist in
the gneissic region of Norway, and had been by Esmark
called norites, from the name of the country. A careful
examination by the writer of a large collection of these, se-
lected for ornamental jiurposes, and sent by the Royal Uni-
versity of Christiania to the Paris Exhibition of 1807, shoAved
them to be precisely similar to the labradorite-rocks of
North America. In a printed notice accompanying this
collection it was stated that these A'arious rocks, consisting
of labradorite with hypersthene, diallage and bronzite. had,
in th(^ geological map of Southein Norway, published in
18(5(5, b(>eu designated by the common name of gabbro.
This notice at the same time suggested that "the name of
norite should be preserved for certain varieties of gabbro
rich in labradorite, which varieties may, in great part, Avith
justice be called labradorite-rock, since labrador-feldspar is
their predominant element."
I in
e of
lar is
§ 312. The geological map of Nonvay above refen'ed to
shows that tliese so-called gabbros occupy (lonsiderable areas
within the Laurentian gneiss region of Norway, and are by
the authors of the map. KjeiMilf and Dalil, regarded as erup-
tive, though they are des('ril)ed by them as often ]>res«Mit-
ing the characters of stratified rocks. In fart, the banded
stratiform structure of tlu'se Norwegian norites is as clearly
marked as that of any of those of North America, horn
wliicli they cannot be distinguished. Of the above collec-
lion, the norites of Sogndal and Egei-sund presented line
varieties of grayish or brownish violent tints, wliile a dark
violet norite comes from Krageroc. and also from Laiigoo
and Gomoii, and a white gi'anular variety from the (fiilf of
Laerdal, in the diocess of Bergen. Very IxMiiriful varie-
tius of coarsely granitoid violet coloi-ed norite, often oi)ales-
cent, are brought from Southern Russia, wdiere the rot^k is
said to form a mountain mass in the government of Kiew.
For further details on the norites, both of Norway and North
America, see the writer's essay On Norite Rock, read be-
fore the American Association for the Advancement of Sci-
ence in ISGO, and pnblished in the American Journal of
Science for Novemlx^r of that year.
§ 813. The x>i'ior name of norite was, in accordance with
the suggestion of the Norwegian geologists, lienceforth
adopted for these rocks in America, and since it was appar-
ent that they form a stratiiied series entirely distinct from
the Laurentian, the Avriter, in his address before the Asso-
ciation just named, in tSTl, substituted, in place of Upper
Laurentian and Labradorian, the designation of the Norian
series foi* these labradorite or anortlif)site rocks, (See
further his Chemical and Geological Essays, pages 270-281).
Nothing more is known of the norites there mentioned as
found in the vicinity of St. John, New Brunswick, where
they occupy a small area in a greatly disturbed district;
while the labradoritic rocks in the White Mountains, which
had by Hitchcock been referred to norite, are now found by
him to be eruptive masses. A few scattered erratic blocks
of norite have been found on the New England coast, near
the mouth of the St. Croix, and at Marblehead, Massachu-
[K. 11]
setts, wliil(3 the occurrence of similar masses in greater
abundance in northern New Jersey, suggests tlu? possible
presence of the Norian aeries among the crystalline rocks
of the Highlands.
§ 314. The presence of titanic iron, approaching menac-
canite or ilnienite in conii)osition, seems to be very charac-
teristic of the Norian rocks. In Canada, at St. Urljain, at
Lake St. John and in the Bay of Seven Islands, are found
masses of thi.s mineral so large as to attract attention as to
a possible ore of iron (Geology of Canada, pages 501, 754,
and report for 1866-09, pages 252, 200). Similar ores are
found with the norites of Krageroe and Egersund in Nor-
way, and the writer has found an iron-ore from Skye to be
of the same sj^tecies.
§ 315. A blue granitoid norite, and a titanic ore like those
of Canada and Norway, are found associated in Wyoming,
on the Laramie plains, near the Chugwater creek, and were
identified and described from specimens, by the writer, in
the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engi-
neers, in 1873 (Vol. I, 335). Mr. Arnold Hague, in the Sur-
vey of tlie Fortieth Parallel (volume II, pages 13-10) has
since described under the name of gabbro, .his same norite,
which, from its analysis, is shown to be a nearly pure labra-
dorite, while the iron-ore holds about one fourth its weight
of titanic oxyd. These, though by him regarded as erui)-
tive, suggest the existence, in this region, of an area of
stratified Norian rocks.
§ 310. Titanium is not unl■mo^vn in the Laurentian and
Huronian iron-ores, though seldom in such amounts as to
be prejudicial to their use in metallurgy, but in all the
cases with Avhicli the writer is acquainted, the iron-ores of
the Norian are so higldy charged with it as to be unfit for
use in the blast-furnace. Having been called in 1870 to
examine the large deposits of highly titaniferous ores near
Westport in Essex county, New York, these were found to
be included in tlie Norian rocks of that region, which offer
a marked contiast to the Laurentian gneisses near by, in
which are included the magnetic ores so extensively mined
in the vicinity of Port Henry (Tnins. Amer. Inst, of Mining
Engineers, Vol. I, page 335).
E. 103
§ 317. Prof. Jjimes Hull has since examined this ie;:fi()n,
and in a communication to the American Association for
the Advancement of Science, in 1870, has conlirmcd the
writer's observations. Hall distinguishes two parts in tiie
crystalline rocks of Essex county, the lower consisting of
coarse I'eldspathic and quartzosc rocks (gneisses) often with
black hornblende and with garnet, including great beds of
magnetic iron-ore. These rocks are ''succeeded by massive
beds of labradorite-rocks. This x^a^i't of tlie formation is
marked by extensive beds of titaniferous iron-ore. The
succession is however unconformable, and the interval be-
tween the two series of rocks is not determined ' ' (American
Journal of Science, III, xii, 299).
§ 318. The JS'orian region in Essex county, New York,
rises into considerable hills, the highest, Mouni Marcy, being
5,400 feet above the sea, and extends along the hore of Lake
Champlain, from near Westport to Port Kent. The rail-
way between these two points, in its course around Wills-
borough Bay, is cut for about five miles through the Norian
rocks, which may, there be studied to great advantage. Prof.
Albert R. Leeds, of Iloboken, New Jersey, has lately de-
voted much attention to these rocks in Essex county, and
has embodied his observations in a paper read before the
New York Academy of Science, December 11, 1870, and
published under the title of "Notes on the Lithology of
the xVdirondacks," in the American Chemist for March 1877,
which forms a very important contribution to the hiatory
of the Norian series. In this, besides giving an analysis of
the previous observations of Emmons, and of the present
writer, he has made careful chemical, mineralogical and mi-
croscopical studies of the Norian roclvs collected by himself
in Essex county.
§ 319. Rejecting the names of gabbro, hyperite, diorite
and diabase, by which many would designate these rocks,
he has called them all norites. Some of these are described
as porx)hyritic from the presence of polysynthetic ma.-les
of smoky bl ii(3 labradorite in a granular or crypto-crystalline
matrix, which is often yellowish in color. In some cases
this matrix or paste is almost entirely wanting, while in
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Others, from the absence of the crystals, we have a compact
greenish feldspar-rock, with some admixed diallage and
red garnet. This latter mineral is a common element in
these rocks, and is generally associated with the non-feld-
spathic portion, garnet often bordering the masses of dial-
lage. in some instances, by the disapi)earance of feldspar,
and the j)redominance of garnet, with some hornblende, the
rock passes into a grenatite. Other varieties are described
as hypersthenic, liornblendic, and pyroxenic norites. There
are also pyroxenites with bnt little admixture of feldspar,
and the pyroxene is sometimes broadly foliated and dial-
lagic, and at other times green and granular like coccolite.
Quartz is generally present, but for the most part in minute
particles only visil)le under the microscope. Titanic iron is
always found in these rocks, sometimes with magnetite.
§ 319. Of two analyses by Prof. Leeds, one of the
bluish feldsi)ur from the hyx)ersthenic granitoid norite
which forms the summit of Mount Marcy, and the other
from the yellowish crypto-crystalline paste of a porphyritic
norite, both liave very nearly the composition of a proper
labradorite. He also analyzed the hypersthene and the
diallage of these rocks. (A yeliowish-green gi'anular ep-
idote has been found by the writer accompanying a white
feldspar in one of the nearly compact norites from this
region. ) Prof. Leeds has also given the anal ysis of a reddish
granular quartzo-feldspathic rock found among the norites,
\vhich contained admixtures of menacannite and magnetite,
and yielded seventy -six per cent, of silica, over live per
cent, of potash, and three of soda, with but traces of lime.
From its chemical composition, and its microscopic charac-
ters, it would seem to represent one of the orthoclase rocks
which have been described as occurring in the Norian series.
Prof. Leeds notes tliat these norites are evidently stratified,
and are clearly to be distinguished from the eruptive doler-
itic rocks, also described by him, which traverse them.
These dolerites have however the same constituent minerals,
and, he suggests, may perhaps have been derived fi'om
deeply-seated portions of pyroxenic norites.
§ 320. The calcareous portions of the Lauren tian series
are in part pure limestones, and in part either dolomites, or
limestones more or less maguesian. They are themselves
crystalline, and abound in crystalline species well known to
mineralogists. The geognostical relations of these calca-
reous rocks offer many x^oints of interest. We have seen
that Maclure early recognized the fact that the crystalline
limestones of his Primitive Gneiss formation were inter-
stratified with the gneissic and granite-like rocks (§ 40).
This view was also shared by Nuttall, but Emmons classed
the crystalline limestones of northern Now York among
the unstratified rocks. Mather, while admitting the strati-
fied character of some of them, conceived that certain lime-
stones of the region just named were eruptive, and had been
"injected in a fluid state." (§ 82-87.)
§ 321. The studies, by the writer, of the Laurentian
limestones of Canada and New York, enabled him, in 1800,
to explain these seeming contradictions by showing that
besides the stratified limestones, which are clearly indi-
genous, and form contemporary portions of the La"rentiau
series, there are endogenous masses or concretionary veins
of crystalline carbonate of lime, which traverse the gneissic
rocks of the series and, containing the same mineral species
as the bedded limestones, had hitherto been confounded
with these.
§ U22. The history alike of the limestone beds and the
calcareous vein-stones of the Amcn-ican Laurentian, including
their mineralogy and lithology, as well as the history of
similar crystalline limestones in various parts of Europe,
is discussed in the rejoort of the Geological Survey of
Canada for 1803-00, pnges 181-229.
Tlierein, on page 210, the deposits of franklinite and
zincite, with willemite, found in Franklin and Sterling, New
Jersey, were noticed, on the authority of II. 1). Rogers, as
occurring in veins, while at the same time a doubt was
expressed "whether these ores do not, like the magnet-
ites, occur in the stratified rocks of the region." The
writer's subsequent studies in the localities menticmed have
satisfied him that the ores in question are really indigenous
interstratified masses.
The above essay was reprinted, with some additions, in
the Report of the Regents of the University of New York
for 1867, Appendix E, and a summary of its principal
points will be found in Chemical and Geological Essays,
pages 208-219.
§ 322. Masses of crystalline limestone containing such
characteristic minerals as hornblende, pyroxene, serpentine,
chondrodite, mica, apatite and graphite may belong either
to beds or to veins, and in small outcrops it is sometimes
difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish one from the
other. The veins are often of large size, and not unfre-
quently contain larger or smaller masses of the wall-rock.
Such an occurrence appears to have been noticed by Mather,
who described a cliff of crystalline limestone, as having
" a mass of stratified hornblendic gneiss distinctly imbedded
in it." (§ 35). Similar cases are found in North Burgess,
in the province of Ontario.
§ 323. A good example of this phenomenon is seen near
the town of Port Henry, in Essex County, New York, in a
quarry whence limestone has been got for the blast-fur-
naces. Here, irregular elongated angular fragments of
dark hornblendic gneiss, from two inches to a foot in thick-
ness, Avere found completely enveloped in crystalline car-
bonate of lime. In 1877, five such masses of gneiss were
exposed in an area of a few square yards. One of these.
a thin plate of the gneiss, having been broken in two, the
enclosing calcareous matter filled the little crevice, keep-
ing the fragments very nearly in their place. The carbon-
ate of lime, which is coarsely granular, and contains some
graphite and pyrite, is banded with lighter and darker
shades of color, and one of its layers was marked by the
presence of crystals of green pyroxene and of broAvn spliene.
The contact of this mass with the surrounding gneiss,
whicli is near by, is concealed. No serpentine was found
in this limestone, though it abounds in a limestone quarried
in the vicinity. About half a mile to the north is still an-
other quarry, opened in a great breadth of more finely
granular and somewhat gi-aphitic limestone, which, near its
border, presents tliree beds of two or three feet each, inter-
stratified with the enclosing gneiss. The first-described
locality seems clearly to be a brecciated calcareous vein
enclosing fragments of the gneiss wall-rock.
§ 324. Prof. James Hall appears to have observed simi-
lar cases. In the paper quoted above (§ 317) he gives some
account of the crystalline limestone, as seen in the vicinity
of Port Henry, and says: "Sometimes it is conspicuously
brecciated, and contains fragments of gneiss-rock, which
seem to have been derived from the strata below, upon
which the rock lies unconformably." He concludes that
these crystalline limestones do not belong either to the Lau-
rentian, or to the unconformably overlying labradorite (No-
rian) recks, but to a newer formation. The inclusion of
fragments of gneiss is however the only ground assigned in
support of the view that these calcareous masses belong to
an unconformably overlying formation, and the facts ob-
served by the writer lead to the conclusion that the cal-
careous masses of the region, except so far as they form in-
terstratified portions of the Laurentian or of the Norian
series, are to be regarded as endogenous masses or vein-
stones — the eruptive limestones of Emmons and of Mather.
The banded or stratiform arrangement shown in the distri-
bution of the foreign minerals in some of these, is to be
compared with the similar structure often observed in gran-
itic and other concretionary veins. See for a discussion of
this. Chemical and Geological Essays, pages 193, 198 ; and
as regards the banded structure resulting from the How of
eruptive rocks, page 18G.
§ 325. Tlie indigenous crystalline limestones of the No-
rian, so far as known, resemble those of the Laurentian.
The hyi^ersthene rocks of New York, are, according to Em-
mons, intermixed and penetrated with a crystalline lime-
stone containing the usual characteristic minerals, (§ 88)
from which we may perhaps infer that the limestone-veins
are common to the Norian and Laurentian series. The age
of these veinstones is greater than that of the Lower Cam-
brian series, since the Potsdam sandstone in South Burgess,
Ontario, has been seen to rest upon the eroded outcrop of
( ;
rolled fragments
one of these veins, and to include
apatite, apparently derived from it,
§ 32(). The finding of the organic form known as Eozoon
Canadense marks an epoch in the history of the Laurentian
series, and the history of its discovery has been well told
by Dr. J. W. Dawson, in his excellent little volume on the
subject, entitled The Dawn of Life (London, 1875). There
are however two slight corrections to be made tlierein, the
first of which regards the argument urged by the present
writer in proof of the existence of organic life in the Laur-
entian age. This, on page 27 of the volume just cited,
(and previously in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological
Society, Vol. xxvi. page 113) is said to have been x)ut forth
in 18G1, or three years after the discovery of the remains
of Eozoon, when they were already supposed to be organic.
In fact, the language there quoted from an article in the
American Journal of Science of that date, was but a repe-
tition of views put forward in the same journal for May,
1858, II, XXV. 420) where it was declared that a great mass
of evidence "points to the existence of organic life even
during the Laurentian or so-called Azoic period." See also
Chemical and Geological Essays, pages 13 and 302.
§ 327. It was in the autumn of 1858 that Mr. John Mc-
Mullen, then attached to the survey of Canada, and an in-
telligent and enthusiastic student of geology, who Avas fa-
miliar with the above views on this question, and fully
ai:)preciated the importance of such a discovery, found in
the crystalline limestone at the Grand Calumet Falls, on the
Ottawa, specimens of what he believed to be a fossil coral
These, he lirst of all submitted to the writer, who then com-
pared them with Stromatopora, and laid them before the
director of the survey. The appearance of these specimens
at once recalled certain specimens similar in form, which
had been collected in North Burgess by Dr. Wilson of
Perth, Ontario, and by him i)resented to the museum of
the geological survey, l>ut had not hitherto been critically
examined, ncn* suspected to be organic. The careful mi-
croscopic study of the specimens from these two localities,
which were submitted to Dr. Dawson, failed to give any
-t^— T
satisfactory evidence of the true nature of these singular
forms, which were however described as probably of or-
ganic origin, and ligured in 1802, on page 49 of tlie Geology
of Canada, (§ 2U7.)
§ '328. In 1803, some blocks of serpentinic limestone, pro-
cured by the geological survey, and destined for the marble-
cutter, were observed by Logan to contain in abundance,
forms apparently identic il with those above noticed, but
more x^erfectly preserved. These blocks had been got by
Mr. James Lowe from a quarry in Cote tSt. Pierre, in the
seignory of La Petite Nation, which lies on the north side
of the Ottawa River, immediately to the west of Gren-
ville. This limestone-quarry, according to Logan, is on the
upper limestone band of the Grenville division of the
Laurentian (§ 299). The precise horizon in the series of the
specimens from the other localities named is not known.
Specimens from this new locality were at once placed in
the hand of Dr. Dawson, who early in 1804 declared that
they were the remains of a foraminiferal organism, to which
he gave the name of Eozoon Canadcnse. The iirst an-
nouncement of this was made bv the writer in the American
Journal of Science for May, 18G4, and in February, 1805
there appeared in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological
Society of London, a description of Eozoon by Dr. Dawson,
together with discussions of its geological and mineralogical
relations by Logan and the present writer. For further de-
tails, and for the subsequent history of Eozoon, the reader
is referred to Dr. Dawson's volume already quoted, and
also to Chemical and Geological Essays, pages o03,-4ll.
§ 329. Within the liniits of the region in Canada origi-
nally described as Laurentian, there are, besides the Lauren-
tian and Norian series, other and more recent crystalline
stratified rocks, which require description. An area of
these has for many years been known in the county of
Hastings, which extends northward from the eastern por-
tion of Lake Ontario. The rocks in question were Iirst
noticed by ;Mr. Murray in his report for 1852 (pages l()4-l()r))
as '•interesting diversities in the Laurentian series," seen
in the towns of Madocand Belmont. They were described
f'' i\
by him as consisting of fine grained silicious clay-slate,
passing into micaceous and talcose slates, often calcareous
and pyritiferous, and sometimes holding crystals of mag-
netite, associated with which were great beds of conglom-
erate, including pebbles of quartzite, with others of green-
stone and of a reddish feldspathic rock. In addit'^n to
these, were beds of granular magnesian limestone, some-
times becoming schistose. These strata were said to have a
moderate dip to the southeast, but their relation to the
gneissic rocks of the surrounding region was not determined.
§ 330, The schistose rocks in the townships named, and
in some others adjacent, were again examined in 1864, by
Mr. Thomas Macfarlane, and noticed by him in the report for
1863-GG (pages 93-94). The argillaceous and micaceous slates,
associated with conglomerates, were further described,
and were said to graduate into the limestones of the series,
of which two varieties were noted, the one distinctly crys-
talline, white or gray in color, often banded, sometimes
micaceous, and quarried as a marble, the other finer grained,
less crystalline, and of a dark gray color.
Macfarlane also noticed in Elzivir and Madoc considerable
areas of another group of strata, distinct alike from the
last and from the gneisses of the region, and consisting
chiefly of pyroxenic and homblendic rocks, the latter some-
times becoming micaceous. These were described as form-
ing varieties of diabase and of diorite, and passing into
diorite-slate and chlorite-slate. He also noticed the occur-
rence of a red petrosilex porj)hyry. The rocks of this
group were found by him to include the magnetic iron- ores
of Marmora and Seymour.
§ 331. Macfarlane was disposed, on lithological grounds,
to regard these two groups of schistose rocks as belonging
to a newer series than the surrounding Laurentian gneisses,
and compared some of them to the Huronian, but Logan,
in a foot-note to the report, on page 93, objected this view,
and suggested that "the Hastings rocks may be a higher
portion of the Lower Laurentian series than we have met
elsewhere." He further remarked that wiiile these rocks
offer certain resemblances with the Huronian, and with the
E. 171
crystalline rocks of the Green Mountain range in Cnnada,
"the micaceous limestones of Hastings more closely resem-
ble the micaceous limestones which run from Eastern Can-
ada into Vermont, on the east side of the Green Mountains."
These, however, it was argued by him, from the evidence
of associated fossiliferous strata, are Devonian, while "the
Hastings limestones, which are highly corrugated, are uncon-
formably overlaid by horizontal beds of the Birdseye and
Black-River limestones." He added in proof of their re-
lations to the Laurentian, that these Hastings limestones
hold Eozoon Cariadense.
§ 332. Fragments of Eozoon had already been detected
by Dawson in 1866, in a specimen of the limestone from
Madoc, collected many years previously by Logan. In
that same year Mr. Henry G. Vennor was sent to begin a
detailed examination of the rocks of the " Hastings series,"
as it was then called, and, his attention having been called
to this matter, he found in the township of Tudor, numerous
specimens of the Eozoon "imbedded in an impure earthy
dark gray limestone, with which, and with carbonaceous mat-
ter, the cavities of the white calcareous skeleton are filled ; "
unlike the greater number of the specimens from the Ottawa,
which are filled by serpentine or by pyroxene. These speci-
mens were examined, figured and described by Dawson,
and an account of their geological relations, so far as then
known, was given by Logan in the Journal of the Geologi-
cal Society for August, 1867. He there expressed the
opinion that " the Hastings series may be somewhat higher
than that of Grenville."
§ 333. In the report for 1866-69 (page 144,) and in that for
1870, (page 310) Mr. Vennor gave the results of his obser-
vations in Hastings and some adjoining counties, during the
four years, 1866-69, his materials having previously been
submitted to the examination of the waiter. The various
crystalline rocks, with a northeast and southwest strike,
come out from beneath the fossiliferous limestones of the
Trenton group, which have here a gentle southward dip, and
occupy the southern townships of Hastings county, besides
forming some small outliers further north, in Elzivir, Mar-
mora and Madoc. These crystalline rocks were included in
three groups, as follows, in ascending order:
I. A miuss of reddish granitoid rock with olisnuro marks of
striitifictitioii, followed by several thousand feet of gneisses
with crystallino limestones and beds of magnetite. Tlicse
rocks liad all the cliaracters of the Laurentiaii, to which
they wore referred.
II. A series of dioritic and diabasic rocks, massive and snhLs-
tose, sometimes conglomerate, passing into chloriticfichists,
with beds of steatite, magnesian limestone, and petrosilex,
and with magnetite and hematite ores. These rocks, luiving
an estimated thickness of nearly 10,000 feet, were regarded
as Iluronian.
III. The series of bluish and grayish, occasionally glossj'
slates, quartzites, conglomerates, and limestones, already
described in § .'5.10, .l.'JI. Tlie conglomerates include peb-
bles of quartzite, of greenstone, and of gneiss. The crys-
talline dolomites are near the b.xso of the series, while the
fine grained, grayish, more or less sciiistose and eartliy
limestones, containing E(>zoon, form the upper 1,000 leet
of the series, which has a probable thickness of about
3,800 feet.
§ 334. The provisional name of the Hastings series will
be reserved for division TIL The strata of both I and II
are described as generally vertical or highly inclined. The
strata of division HI are arranged in several synclinals,
with moderate dips, and rest unconformably both on the
Laurentian and upon the Iluronian series. The frequent
aV)sence of the latter at the base of the Hastings series, in-
dicates the existence of two stratigraphical breaks in the
succession of these crystalline strata. The rocks of divis-
ions II and III are traced northeastwards, out of the county
of Hastings, across that of Lenox and Addington, and of
Frontenac, into Lanark and Renfrew, and nearly to the
Ottawa river, a distance of about eighty miles along the
§ 335, There appears however, to be still another group of
crji'stalline rocks in the region under examination. The
rocks of the Hastings series, in the township of Levant, are
bounded to the west by an elevated ridge of the underlying
red Laurentian gneiss, by which they are separated from
E. 173
a series of mica-sohisfs and gneisses. These extend north-
ward through Levant, Pnlmerston, and Blytlitield, where
they are found dipping at low angles to the east nnd west,
occasionally attaining 4.')°, and soniftiines Uf^arly liorizon-
tal. They consist of friable (piai'tzose mica-schists, some-
times line grained and ferruginous, but often made up in
great part of large distinct laminae (-)f silvery-white mica.
With these are associated grayisli white tine-grained
gneisses, bla(;k hornblendic beds, and small bands of gran-
ular limestone. These rocks were, in the report for 1870,
(l)age 311) compared with the mica-schists and gneisses of
the AVhite Mountain series, and with similar rcx'ks from
about Lake Superior. At the same time, they were said to
resemble some parts of the Hastings series, as seen in Ma-
doc and Tudor.
§ 330. In the report for 1874 (page 124) Mr. Vennor has
farther described this so-called Mica-Schist series, whicli is
said to have a breadth of about one and a half miles in the
first two townships mentioned above, and to have to the
west of it a considerable area of the gi'ay line-gi-ained and
friable gneisses. From tlie relations of tliese to certain
similar strata found farther to the southeast, Vennor con-
cludes tliat these gneisses and mica-scliists occupy a posi-
tion above division II, and beneath tlie limestones of III.
Their precise relations to these latt(M' does not however ap-
pear. The mountain-belt of red granitoid gneiss, already
described as separating these limestones and calcareous
schists on the east from the Mica-Schist series on the west,
has a uniform eastward dip, and seems to overlie the lat-
ter, an appearance supposed by Vennor to be due to an
uplift of the older formation.
In the report last quoted there are also described, under
separate heads, groups of granitoid and hornblendic rocks,
which are probably to be regarded as portions of one or the
other of the lower divisions.
§ 337. In the years from 1869 to 1874 Vennor was en-
gaged in examining the distribution of the crystalline rocks
to the southeastward of the belt above mentioned, across
the counties of Lanark and Frontenac, as far as the western
border of the Ottawa paleozoic basin. In the report for the
last mentioned year he has described the apparent succes-
sion of the Laurentian rocks, as deduced from many ob-
servations in the townships lying to the westward of the
town of Perth. A section is given for a distance of )out
six and a half miles across the strike of the rocks, which
have a constant dip to the southeast, varying from forty to
eighty degrees. The transverse surface-measurements and
the observed dips of each sub-division are given, but no at-
tempt is made to estimate the vertical thickness of the
several masses.
§ 338. Beginning at the west, we have, in ascending order,
as f oUows :
1. Red gneiss, with hornblcndlo strata (40O-fi0O) . 3500 foot.
2. White higlily crystiillino limestone, witli serpen-
tine and graphite, and some interstratiiied horn-
blcndio gneias (40O-<)0O) 2G00 "
3. Ilornblendio gneiss, passing into gneissoid and
granitoid liornblondic diorites, with grains and
layers of epidote, and small included bands of
crystalline limestone (GQO-SGO) 5500 "
4. Gneissoid rock consisting of white feldspar, horn-
blende and quartz (4r)O-80O) 1500 "
5. White limestone, coarsely crj'stalline, with yel-
low mica and graphite, and included bands of
orthoclase and quart&rock (00°) 2600 '•
6. Red and dark-colored gneiss and hornblende-
rock, with great beds of magnetite and small
bands of crystalline limestone (4oO-C0O) . . 7900 "
7. White limestone, very coarsely crystalline, with
disseminated chor..rodite, mica and graphite,
and including layers of quartzite and horn-
blendic gneiss (450-80°) 2G00 "
8. Red granitic and hornblendic gneiss (450-80°) 2G0O "
9. Crystalline limestone like 7, ((iOO-SOO) ; from GO to 100 "
10. Red gneiss and hornblende rock, with beds of
magnetite (80°) 1300 "
1 1. Red gneiss with marked stratification, becoming
fissile near the summit, Avhere it holds beds of
flesh-colored crystalline limestone with black
spinel (400-80°); 3000 to jOOO "
§ 339. In view of the persistent eastward dijD of these
rocks, and the great difficulty of distinguishing between
different masses of similar gneisses and crystalline lime-
E. 175
stones, it must remain a question whether the numbered
sub-divisions of the above section are to be regarded as
members of a consecutive series, or, in part, as repetitions,
through sliarp overturned folds, or through faults, as ap-
pears in the example mentioned in § 330. and is so gener-
ally the case in the strata of the Atlantic belt. In the rase
of the Ottawa section, (§298) Logan was enabled to establish
a succession by showing the recurrence of the masses on
the opposite sides of a synclinal, but in the present instance,
the immediate superposition of the paleozoic strata, to the
eastward, makes this method impossible.
§ 340. To the above series, with a breadth of 35,500 feet,
succeeds, according to Vennor, another calcareous belt, not
described, and above this what he regards as the highest
member of the system, noticed in detail in the report for
1872-73 (page 1C2) as lying in shallow and frequently over-
turned synclinals. The rocks of this highest member are
displayed along the Rideau canal, in North Burgess, North
Crosby, Bedford, Loughborough and Storrington. Their
vertical thickness, in dilferent sections, was estimated at from
2600 to 3900 feet. They are described as reddish gneisses,
in parts abounding in red garnet, and including two bands
of crystalline limestone, with beds, both near the base and
the summit of the series, characterized by a predominance
of greenish pyroxene, and designated as granitoid pyrox-
enic gneisses, passing into a pyroxenic schist with gar-
nets. Apatite is found, both disseminated and fomiing
layers, alike in the limestone and the pyroxenic rocks, and
also in short irregular veins cutting the strata.
The mineralogy and lithology of tliese rocks, was previ-
ously described at some length by the writer in the report
of 18GG-G9 (pages 224-229) and the characters of the pyrox-
enic masses were noticed in the Geology of Canada (1803)
page 475, where the associated feldsi)ar is shown to be
orthoclase, often with sphene and with qujirtz.
§ 341. The limestones of this upper member which, ac-
cording to Vennoi', are distinguished from those below
them by the presence of apatite, contain the Eozoon found
in North Burgess, and are conjectured, from their mineral
11 ■
ir '.'if.
associations, to bb the same v/ith the upper limestone band
of the Grenville series, which yiekls the Eozoon of Cute St.
Pierre, In chis series, according to Logan, there are but
tliree great limestone bands which, with their associated
gneisses, were described as constituting an ''upper group"
or system, overlying the ''lower groiij)" of granitic or sye-
nitic gneisses without limestone, which we have called the
Ottawa gneiss. Mr. Vennor, in a late note in the American
Journal of Science, for October, 1877, api^ears to have over-
looked this distiiu'tion, pointed out by Logan in 18-17, and
claims the merit of having distinguished between the "old
fundamental red gneiss system" without limestones, and
the great oveilying series of gneisses with crystalline lime-
stones, which he calls his "second system," and with the
limestone bands of which, he asserts, are found all the eco-
nomic minerals of the Laurentian. This was already pointed
out by the wri';er in the report for ISOIi-GG (page 18G) where,
after d*^signating these limestone bands of the Grenville se-
ries, with their "attendant pyroxenites, amphibolites, ser-
pentines, magnetites, etc,' as so many *'limest(megroui:)s,"
it was said " the ores of iron, copper, nickel, and cobalt, t]\e
apatite, mica and plumbago, as well as the serpentines and
the marbles of the great Lower Laurentian series, belong,
so far as yet known, to the limestone groups." It will be
remembered that the teim Lowei' Laurentian, then used,
included both the lower or Ottawa gneiss and the rocks of
th(> Grenville series.
Jj 842. This lower gneiss has by the \vr:ter been compared
witli the oldest red gneiss of Bavaria, called Bojian by G um-
bel, and the Grenville series with the overlying Hercynian
gneiss series of the same author, which, like the similar
rocks in Canada, includes great beds of crystalline lime-
stone, with serpentine, chondrodito and graphite, and con-
tains Eozooii CaiKKlcnse. (American Journal of Science
for July 1870, II. 1., 90.)
^ 'M'i\. Mr. Vennoi- believes that there is a want of con-
formity between the lower "system," or the Ottaw agneiss,
and tlic u])per "system," or Grenville series, and farther
suggests that tlie rocks of divisions II and III in Hastings
E. 177
H con-
If con-
county (§333) are "simply an altered condition, in their
westward extension, of the lower portion" ol' this upper
or Grenville seiies ; a gratuitous hypothesis, in support of
which he offers no argument, and which it is unnecessary
to discuss. The only i~)oint of relation between these most
unlike groups of rocks is that Eozoon Canadense is com-
mon to the limestones of the Grenville and the Hastings
§ 341. Other indications of organic life than Eozoon Can-
adense, have been found in the rocks of the Hastings series.
In his original paper on the Eozoon, in ISCo, Dr. Dawson
announced that in some of the dark-colored imi)ure lime-
stones of this series, from Madoc "there are iibres and gran-
ules of carbonaceous matter, which do not conform to the
crystalline structure, and present forms quite similar to
those which in more modern limestones result from the
decomposition of algsD.
Though retaining
mere traces of
organic structure, no doubt would be entertained as to their
vegetable origin if they were found in fossiliferous lime-
stones.'" lie noticed also a similar Imiestone from the
same vicinity, which is apparently "a iinely laminated sed-
iment, and shows perforations of various sizes, somewhat
scalloped on the edges, and idled with grains of rounded
silicious sand." Other specimens from the same region
were said to have indications on their weathered surfaces,
of similar circular perforations, having the asx)ect of Sco-
lithus or of worm-burrows. Some of these markings from
Madoc were subsequently figured by Dawson, and desig-
nated "aimelid-buiTows," with the remark that "thnrecan
be no doubt as to their nature," (Dawn of Life, page 140).
The position of these is in the Hastings series.
^ 342. The geologist familiar with tlie crystalline strata
of the Atlantic belt, finds all its principal types repeated in
the limited region included in Hastings county and its
northwestern extension towards the Ottawa. The rocks of
division II serve to connect the Huronian of Lakes Superior,
Huron pud Temiscaming with the similar rocks of north-
esistern America, where also the mica-schists resembling
those just noticed are widely spread. Rocks of this latter
[E. 12]
I - I
type were noticed in 1824 by Dr. Bigsby, about Lake La-
croix and Rainy Lake, to tlie northeast of Lake Superior,
and both these and the cliaracteristic rocks of the Huron-
ian were then described by that excellent observer, (Ameri-
can Journal of Science, I, viii, Gl). These various crys-
talline stratii were, by him, conceived to belong to what,
in the language of the time were called "transition rocks."
From these descrii)tions, and from the examination of collec-
tions, the writer, while noticing in 1861, the observations of
Bigsby, asserted " the lithological and mineral characters of
these crystalline strata seem to be distinct from those of the
Laurentian system, and to resemble those of the Appala-
chians." (Ibid, II, xxxi, 395). Subsequently, in 1870, the
conclusion was reached that "there exists to the northwest
of Lake Superior an extended series of crystalline schists
unlike the Laurentian, and resembling those of the White
Mountains." (Ibid, II, 1 85). David Dale Owen had
noticed and described in 1853, similar crystalline rocks, as
seen in Iowa and Wisconsin.
§ 343. Logan, in 1806 pointed a similarity between the
rocks of the Hastings series, and certain strata along the
eastern base of the Green Mountains in Canada and Ver-
mont, (§ 331). It was moreover evident that these lime-
stones, slates and quartzites of central Ontario had close
resemblance with those strata in western New England,
which Emmons had t the
!S 590
.f the
is in
Ists to
Lid to
conglomerate and the Primnl older slates, surreedino; which,
in ascending order, was the Primal white sandstone, re-
garded by him as the equivalent of the Potsdam sandstone,
the base of the New York paleozoic series (J 4-7). Thus
the crystalline schists between the ancient gneiss and the
Potsdam, which, in 1840, had been by Rogers included in
the Primary (§ C2) were now, in 1808, called paleozoic,
though still assigned to the s;ime geological horizon as be-
fore. In fact, while seeming to accept the hypothesis of
a metamorphic jiah^ozoic series, Rogers novNr held substan-
tially the views of Eaton and of Emmons as to the existence
of a gi'eat crystalline series lying above the older gneiss,
but below the Potsdam. The similar crystalline rocks of
the Green Mountain range, on the contrary, were, accord-
ing to Logan, the metamorphosed strata of the Quebec
group, and belonged to a horizon above the Potsdam sand-
§ 859. The crystalline schists which in Caernarvonshire
and Anglesea are found at the base of the sedimentary
series, were at iirst, in 1835, included by Sedgwick with the
latter, as a lower member of his Cambrian system. In
1838, however, he separated these crystalline rocks from the
Cambrian, and henceforth regarded them as belonging to an
older series, a view which was shared by John Phillips,
(Chem. and Geol. Essays, pages 353, 383). Murcjhison, fol-
lowing Delabeche, called them altered Cambrian, and havirig
suggested to Logan that the Huronian series of Canada
might be the equivalent of these crystalline strata of Caer-
narvonshire and Anglesea, the name of Cambrian was, for a
time, occasionally used by the geological survey as synon-
ymous with Huronian, until Bigsby, in 18G3, in a paper
already cited (§ 145) showed that the only strata to which
the name of Cambrian clearly belonged, were uncrystalline
sediments, and that the Huronian rocks were to be referred
to a more ancient series, the Primitive schists of Norway.
Nicol has maintained, in opposition to Murchison and Giekie,
similar views with regard to the rocks of the Scottish High-
lands which, according to the writer's observations, are
I! i
'i' !
■;: I
itlontical with tlio primitive crystalline schists of North
America. (Ibid., pages 271, 272).
§ 360. Tlie writer, from his studies of these crystalline
rocks of Wales expressed, in 1871, the opinion that they are
identical with those of the Green Mountain or Iluronian
series, (Ibid., pages 2G9, 353, 383). These rocks as dis-
played in Caernarv(msliiro, and similar ones near St. David's
in South Wnles, hith«n-to regarded by the geological survey
of Great Britain as in part altered Cambrian, and in part
eruptive, are now shown by Hicks to lie uncomformably be-
neatli the Cambrian, and are referred by him to a lower
group named Diraetian, and an upper called Pebidian.
According to McKenna Hughes however, these two consti-
tute but a single conformable pre-Cambrian series, the litho-
logical descriptions of which seem to show that, like the
rocks of Anglesea, (already classed with them by Sedg-
wick, and by the writer,) they also bekmg to the Iluronian
series. (Proc. Geol. Soc, London, Nov. 21, 1877.)
§ 301. In a paper on the Geology of St. John County,
New Brunswick, published in the Canadian Naturalist in
18(53, and re-printed in part in the geological report of
Canada for 1870-71, page 23, Mr. George F. Matthew de-
scribed, under the name of the Coldbrook group, a great
mass of crystalline strata found in southern New Bruns-
wi(4v, to the east of the river St. John. These rocks repose
on the Laurentian, and underlie unconformabh' the uncrys-
talline Lower Cambrian slates of the city of St. John, which
include, near their base, conglomerates holding fragments
of the Coldbrook group. From this, and from their litlio-
logical characters, these older rocks were, by Matthew, re-
ferred soon after to the Iluronian series. (Quar. Jour.
Geol. Soc. Nov., 180.")). They have since been found to rest
unconformably upon the Laurentian, i)ebbles of which are
contained in the conglomerates of the Coldbrook group.
§ 3G2. In the paper which contained his account of the
Coldbrook group, in 1803, Mr. Matthew described a second
belt of crystalline rocks similar to these, to which he gave
the name of the Bloomsburj^ group. These, ajiparentlj'-
resting upon the Menevian, and conformably overlaid by
r, re-
U are
t)f the
3 gave
id by
IIUIiONlAN li(J(,KS 1\ \E\V K\(JLAN'D.
E. 180
the fossil iferous Devonian sandstones of 8t. J(din, were, at
tliat time, called by him altered Devonian strata. In
18(50 and 1870, however, the writer devoted some weeks,
in connection with Prol". L. W. I3ailevand Mr. M;itrliew. to
tln! investigation of thegeology of southern Xcw Hninswick,
when it appeared that the J31oomsbury rocks wern but a
lepetition of the Coldbrook group on the opposite si(h; of a
closely folded synclinal holding Lower Cambrian sediments.
Accordingly, in the gecdogical report of the gentlemen Just
named, both of these belts were designated as Ilui-onian ; in
which were now also included two other sulidivisions of
crystalline rocks found in that region, and previously
designated the Coastal and Kingston gi'oups. (Repoi't of
Geol. Sur., 1870-71, pages 27, 00, 04).
§ 303. These lliironian rocks were traced in 1809 and 1870
along the southern coast of New Brunswick, from the liead
of the Bay of Fundy to the conlines of Maine, as was stated
by the writer in July, 1870, when these rocks, "called
Cambrian and Iluronian by Mr. Matthew," and character-
ized by the oc(!urrence of diorites and quartziforous feld-
spar-porphyries, were said to occur in Eastport, Maine, and
in Newbury, Salem, Lynn, and Marblehead, Massachusetts.
(Amer. Jour. Science, II, 1, 89). In October of the same
year, after a further study of these rocks in the vi(nnity of
Boston, and at New^port, they were described as follows by
the writer in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of
Natural History, (vol. XIV, pages 45, 40).
§ 304. The crystalline stratified rocks in question, it was
said, "may be sei)arated lit hologically into two divisions, the
first being the quartzo-feldspathic rocks. Among these are
included the felsite-porphyries of Lynn, Saugus and ]\Iar-
blehead, with their associated non-porphyritic and jasper-
like varieties, the compact feldspar of Hitchcock, who has
well described these rocks in the C+eology of Massachusetts,
pages 004, 007. Associated with them is a granular
quartzo feldspathic rock, which is often itself porphyritic,
with feldspar crystals, and sometimes appears as a fine-
grained syenitic or gneissoid rock, often distinctly strati-
fied. This has been described by Hitchcock as intermedi-
190 E. spp:cial report, t. steury hunt, 1875.
ate between porphyry unci syenite ; his syenites with a
nearly or quite compact feldspar base, and some of his por-
phyritic syenites, (Ibid., pp. 008, 000) will probably be found
to belong to these granular euritcs, which I connect with the
porphyries. These rocks are seen intimately associated wi th
the porphyry on Marblehead Neck ; also in Marblehead, and
underlying the argillites of Braintree and Weymouth."
§ 305. The second division of these rocks " includes a se-
ries of dioritic and chloritic rocks, generally greenish in
color, sometimes schijtose, and frequently amygdaloidal.
They often contain epidote, quartz and calcite, and occa-
sionally actinolite, amianthus, scaly chlorite and copi)er-
pyrites. This series holds " * serjtentine in Lynn-
field, where bedded serpentines, dipping at a high angle
to the northwest occur, apparently in the strike of these
dioritic and epidotic rocks, which include the green-
stones of Dr. Hitchcock, described by him as occasionally
schistose, and passing into hornblende slate, (Ibid. pp. 548,
647) ; and also his varioloid wacke, under which name he
describes the green and chocolate-colored amygdaloidal ep-
idotic and (;hloritic rocks of Brighton, and the somewhat
similar rocks of Saugus, which are seen within a few hun-
dred feet to the northwest of the limit of the red jaspery
petrosilex. This series of magnesian rocks is apparently
identical with that which occurs with dolomite and massive
dark-colored serpentines, in the city of Newport, Rhode
Island, wliere the beds have also a high dip to the north-
§300. "A similar series of strata is largely displayed
on the islands, and along tlie shores of Passamaquaddy
Bay. Tlie dioritic and chloritic beds towards their base are
there inters tratified with red felsite-porphyries '■' * * *
which, associated with granular eurites, form great masses
in that region. I regard these two types of ro(;ks as form-
ing parts of one ancient crystalline series, which is largely
developed in the vicinity of Boston, and may be traced at
intervals from Newport to the Bay of Pundy, and beyond.
To this same series I refer the great range of gneiss ic and
dioritic rocks, with serpentines, chloritic, talcose and epi-
E. 191
dotic schists, which stretches through western New Eng-
land" — that is to say the Green Mountain range.
§ 307. These rocks were then described as ' ' penetrated
by intrusive granites, generally niore or less hornblendic —
the syenites of Hitchcock and others. They often contain
two feldspars, as in the well-marked granite of Newport,
Rhode Island, wliich there cuts the greenish dioritic and
sometimes amygdaloidal rocks. ' ' The granites of Cape Ann
and Quincy are there said to belong probably to this class,
besides which examples are seen "at Stoneham and in
Marblehead, where they intersect the greenish chloritic
rocks, and on Marblehead Neck, where they are erupted
among the felsite-porphyries."
The crystalline rocks of this ancient series were shown to
be overlaid by the uncrystalline sandstones, conglomerates
and argillites, including those which at Braintree hold a
Lower Cambrian fauna, and rest upon the folsite-porphyry.
§ 368. Tlie feldspar-porphyries above described were by
the late Dr. Hitchcock in 1844, classed among unstratilied
rocks, which had "once been melted." In tliis class also
he placed the whole of the so-called syenites and green-
stones, which were made by him to include, besides truly
eruptive masses, many indigenous rocks. The serpentines
and amygdaloids were, however, correctly described as
stratified rocks.
Another type of rocks, apparently distinct from the
Huronian series, and occupying a small area on Marblehead
Neck, was described in the above pages as thin-bedded
quartzites, holding dark micaceous layers, and becoming
gneissoid in aspect. Tiiese, which were supposed to be
newer strata than the Huronian, are also cut by intrusive
granites, which, in their turn, are intersected by eruptive
greenstones, having a genend resemblance to certain in-
digenous rocks of the ancient series.
§ 309. The petrosilex rocks of the above series were
further described in February, 1870, in the following lan-
guage: "Felsites and felsite-porphyries are well known
in eastern Massac^husetts, * * * j^j^j jxvav
be traced from Machias and Eastport in Maine, along the
f. -I
192 E. SPECIAL liEPoirr. t. steuhy iii^n't, ISTo.
southern coast of New Brunswick, to the head of the Bay
of Fundy, with great uniformity of type, though in every
phice subject to considerable variations, from a compact
jasper-lilve rock to more or less coarsely granular varieties,
all of Avhich are often porphyritic from feldspar crystals,
and sometimes include grains or crystals of quartz. The
colors of these rocks are generally some shade of red, vary-
ing from tiesh-red to purjole ; pale yelhnv, gray, greenish
and even black varieties are however occasionally met Avith.
These rocks are. throughout this region, distinctly strati-
fied, Jind are closely associated with dioritic, chloritic and
ei:)id()tic strata. They apparently belong, like these, to the
great lluronian system." (Amer. Jour. Science, III, i, 84).
§ 870. The composition of these rocks is shown by the fol-
lowing hitherto unpublished analyses of three typical spe-
cimens, collected by the writer, which were made by a
former assistant, Mr. Gordon Broom(\ I. was a pale red
compact variety, with feldsjiar crystals, and had l)een de-
scribed as a "porphyritic slaty quartzite," from the Cold-
brook group iif'nr St. John, Xew Brunswick; II. was a
similar, but darker red variety from the same vicinity ; III.
was a pur])lish-ied line grained and homogeneous variety
from Newl)ury, Massachusetts. The analyses were made
tlie aid of lluorhydric acid, and the silica determined by
difference :
i 1
81 .00
f) 10
FcMTio oxyd,
Mii'^nosia. .... ...
Spocitic emvitv
2. 028
Their chemical composition indicates that these rocks are
composed chielly of orthoclase and quartz, a conclusion
E. 103
wliich is confirmed by the microscopic study of the com-
pact or crypto-crystalline varieties.
§ 371. It was, as we have seen in 1870, that the Hnronian
rocl^s of tlie Atlantic coast were declared to be the equiva-
lents of the Green Mountain series. In the writer's address
to the American Association for the Advancement of Science
in August, 1871, tliis view was developed more at lencth,
and an attempt was made to trace, from the facts then
known, this Green Mountain or Iluronian series, from East-
ern Canada through New England into Pennsylvania, and
thence into North and South Carolina. (Chem. and Geol.
Essays, pages 243-250).
In 187i), while examining the South Mountain to the west
of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, he discovered a remarka-
ble and hitherto unrecognized area of the Iluronian series,
characterized by a great development of the petrosilex-por-
phyry, which was thus described in August, 1870: "There
is here found a great breadth of this rock, distinctly bedded,
presenting different varieties, and alternating withdioi-itic or
diabasic, epidotic and chloritic rocks, and with ai-gillites, in
which are sometimes included thin beds of the j^etrosilex ; the
strata generally dipping at high angles to the southeast."
These were then compared with the similar strata along the
Atlantic coast, from Rliode Island to New Brunswick, "in-
terstratified, as in the South Mountain, with rocks having
the characters of the Iluronian series, to which gietit divi-
sion I have provisionally referred these bedded ix'ti-osilex
rocks, with the suggestion that they probably occupy a.
positi(m near the base of the series." (Proc. Anier. Assoc.
Ad van. Science, 1870, pp. 211, 212.)
^ 372. These rocks were then declared to be identical in
lithological characters with the hallellinta. or stratified
tlint-i'ock, of the Swedish geologists, which is by them as-
signed to a horizrm just above the more ancient or Primitive
gneiss, and is important as including in Noi-way the most
('(msidei'able deposits of crystalline iron ores. These same
rocks are met with in various localities in the Huronian se-
ries, (m the upper lakes, and are well displayed, as oljserved
by the writer, in a small island lying a little to the south
[E. 13.J
of St. Ignace island, and for some distance along the shore
of the adjacent mainland, to the southwest.
§ 373 In the same paper these petrosilex rocks are com-
pared with the iron-bearing quartziferous porphyries of
southeastern Missouri, a comparison previously made more
at length by the writer in a review of the Rej^oit for 1873
on the geological survey of that State. (Am. Naturalist,
April, 1875.) The isolated hills which there rise through
the horizontal Cambrian strata deposited around their base,
are in some cases of quartziferous porphyry, and in others
of a granitoid rock, sometimes capped with the porphyry,
which is regarded by Prof. Pumpelly as a younger and a
stratififMl rock. Wlule, for tho most part, a petrosilex, some-
times spherulitic, and often i^orphyritic, it may, as was ob-
served by the writer at Shepard Mountain, become gneissoid
from a considerable admixture of crystalline quartz, inter-
laminated with a red granular orthoclase. In one locality
these rocks include layers, sometimes several inches in thick
ness, of pink and greenish crystalline carbonate of lime,
interstratilied with a jaspery schistose variety of petro-
silex, which, in some layers, is intimately mingled with the
carbonate of lime. In the Pilot Knob, beds of argillite,
sometimes more or less talcose in aspect, are found with the
porphyritic petrosilex.
§ 374. Epidote, chlorite, and a steatitic mineral are occa-
sionally met with in these petrosilex rocks, and magnetic
and specular oxyds of iron occur disseminated, in interstrati-
lied masses, and in veins intersecting the strata, as has been
well described by Dr. Schmidt in the report already
named. Oxyds of iron, ;n some instances manganesian, are
also found forming the buGo of a porphyritic mass, which
holds crystals of orthoclase and grains of quartz, suggest-
ing to Prof. Pumpelly the hypothesis of a replacement
of the petrosilex itself by these metallic oxyds. He how-
ever inclines to another hypothesis, suggested by the ad-
mixture of carbonate of lime with petrosilex, above de-
scribed, and conceives that both ihepetroeilc:;; and the iron-
ore may have been derived by a metasomatic process from
a limestone, parts of which were replaced by the oxyds of
[e ad-
[(Is of
iron and manganese, "while the porphyry now surround-
ing tlie ores, may be due to a previous, contemporaneous, or
subsequent repla(;eraent of the lime-carbonate by silica and
silicates." The fact is noted that chemical analysis shows
that the remaining porphyry, intimately associated with
the ore, or with the limestone, has undergone no change, but
retains its normal constitution, corresponding essentially
to an admixture of orthoclase with quartz.
§ 375. The northeastward extension of the Green Mount-
ain range in Canada, its disappearance, and its re-appear-
ance in the Shickshock Mountains, have already been de-
scribed (§ IGG, 167). It remains to be mentioned that near
the eastern extremity of Gasp<5, the rocks of this series,
consisting of chloritic and nacreous schists with serpentine,
appear in a hill about thirteen hundred feet in height,
which has been named Mount Serpentine. It is situated
on a tributary of the river Dartmouth, not far from the
head of Gaspd Bay, and rises in the midst of the uncrys-
talline sediments of the Quebec group, where its appear-
ance is probably due to a dislocation. (Geol. of Canada,
pages 270, 406.)
^ 376. In Newfoundland, the crystalline strata of the
Green Mountain series are largely developed both in the
central and northwest parts of the island. Those in the
latter region, were studied many years since, and were de-
scribed in the Geology of Canada as belonging to the
altered Quebec group. The facts observed with regard to
their geological relations at Pistolet Bay and Bonne Bay,
have already been given. (§ 218, 219, 226-229.)
In 1864, ]\Ii'. Alex. Murray began a systematic geological
survey of Newfoundland, and in hU first rej)ort, in 1805,
described with detail the furthiM* distribution of these crys-
talline rocks, which he continued to regard as the altered
equivalents of the middle portions of the Quebec group,
occupying a jDosition immediately below the Sillery sand-
stone. (§ 352).
§ 377. The subsequent researches of Mr. Murray, and
of his assistant, Mr. James B. llowloy, have however led
them to adopt a very different view, which is set forth in
^ 1:
' ^M
i It '^H'
196 E. spp:cial report, t. STicnitY hunt, 1875.
the report of tlie latter, dated March, ISTo, approved by
Mr. Murray, and published as a supplement to his own i-e-
port, in the same year. The conclusions from Mr. Ilowley's
examinations on the east shore of Port-a-Port Bay, about
sixty miles southwest of Bonne Bay, are that the lower
paleozoic formations of the region, supposed to include
Potsdam, Calciferous, Levis and Sillery, are arranged in a
series of sharp folds, ranging N. 22° E. ; *'the whole mass
of strata having, towards the close of the later deposits, or
subsequently, been affected by vast igneous intrusions, and
become much dislocated by a set of great parallel or nearly
parallel faidts, the general trend of which is northeast and
southwest. At the summit of the whole series is a great
volume of igneous and magnesian rock, consisting of various
diorites, serpentines and chlorites, which our evidences
seem to indicate to be lapped over the inferior strata uncon-
formably, and to come in contact with different members at
different places."
§ 378. In the succeeding pages of the report, as in tlie
geological map of Newfoundland, published in 1876, tliis
whole magnesian series is designated as "serpentines," or
"ophiolites," and we read, "further to the northward, the
sandstone group was invariably seen to pass below the ser-
pentines, whi<^h were wrapped over the former in a confused
and irregular mass, the points of contact differing at diifer-
ent jjoints in such a manner as (^ould only be accounted for
by supposing the ophiolites to be unconformably related."
(Report on the Geol. of Newfoundland, 187o, pages 52, 54).
§ 370. In a note affixed to Mr. Milne's paper on the geology
of Newfoundland, inthedeological Magazine for June, 1877,
(page 256), Mr. Murray quotes the language of the first of
the above extracts, as expressing his latest opinions on the
relations of the rocks in question. He says, moreover, of the
Sillery sandstone, "while we find it to succeed the Levis
forniati(m with perfect regularity, although with numerous
folds and twists, in every case it seems to pass below the
serpentines, wherever a contact is seen, and in every case
to pass below them unconf ormabl y. ' ' He further concludes
from the presence, in the vicinity of Poit-a-Port Bay, of
comparatively undisturbed beds holding a fauna of Trenton,
and perhaps of Loraine age, that "the great igneous in-
IV the
Iv, of
trusion * * * must be nearly at the age of the Chazy,
or perhaps later : that it has been the metamorphosing agent ;
and that the altered strata, consisting of chloritic slates,
serpentines, melaphyres, diorites, etc., belong to a horizon
somewhere intermediate between the Chazy and Hudson
River [Loraine] group."
§ 380. The observations made at Bonne Bay, (§ 218), where,
on the northwest side of a hill of these serpentinic strata, the
Sillery sandstone, overlying conformably the fossiliferous
rocks of the Quebec group, is seen to dip southeastwardly,
as if to pass beneath the crystalline series, is cited by Mr.
Howley in favor of the above view. 'No reference is how-
ever made to the different condition of things described at
Pistolet Bay, (§219, 227,) where, on the contrary, or south-
eastern side of a similar area of crystalline rocks, the Sillery
sandstones are said to be found, occupying a breadth of
some miles. Their attitude in this localltv is not recorded,
but a little further south, along the eastern coast, the same
sandstones appea. in the island of St. Julien, succeeding
the serpentinic series, though without visible contact, and
dipping away from it to the southeast.
§ 381. The facts already set forth show that neither
the view of Logan, nor the later one put forth by Murray
and his assistant, is admissible, but that the crystalline
rocks, formerly described as belonging to the "altered
Quebec group, " like the similar rocks of the coast of New
Brunswick, and Massachusetts, belong to a series older than
the uncrystalline strata known as the Quebec group. Upon
this ancient crystalline series, there was deposited uncon-
formably the Sillery sandstone, succeeded by the Lauzon
and Levis divisicms. In the interval between this last and
the Trenton age, came a time of distuibance, producing
great northeast and southwest folds and dislocation^, with
overturns to the northwest, and upthrows on the southeast
side. As a result of these movements, the Cambrian strata
on the northwest side of the belt of older crystalline rocks
are very generally found to be inverted, and. in parts, are
■: Is
i I
■■ ''1
over-ridden by the pre-Cnmbrian strata, beneath which
they now appear to pass unconformably, as in the sections
at Port-a-Port, Bonne, and Pistolet Bays, already de-
scribed, where tlie existence of snch dislocations, with up-
throws in the southeast side, has been pointed out (§ 219).
The structure above described is well known to be almost
universal along the whole northwestern bordei- of the At-
lantic mountain belt, from Canada to Alabama, and has
been described at length by various observers (§ 15, IG, 71-
81, 177—179).
§ 382. It may be added that the investigations of the
geological survey of Canada, during the years 1870 and
1877, have, according to the director of the survey, demon-
strated the correctness of the view, so long maintained l>y'
the writer, that the crystalline rocivs of the Green Mount-
ain series belong to a more ancient system, Avliich underlies
unconformably the uncrystalline Cambrian sediments of
the Quebec group.
The unpublished observati(ms of Prof. AVilliam B. Rogers
upon the similar strata in Virginia are to the same effect,
and the writer is permitted, in this connection, to print the
following extract from a letter addressed to him by this
eminent geologist, and dated Boston, June 8, 1877 :
§ 3S3. "The sections which I had the pleasure of showing
you lately, illustrating the position of the Lower Cambrian
beds (our Primal conglomerate, etc.) in their contact with
the crystalline and metamorphic rocks of the Blue Ridge
in Virginia, form part of a series embracing the results of
some forty transverse explorations, made during and since
the Virginia geological survey, at nearly er[ual distances
a^'ross the chain, from Harper" s Ferry to the North Carolina
line. In many of these sections the unconformity of the
Cambrian upon and against the crystalline and metamorxiliic
rocks is unmistakable and conspicuous ; the lower mem-
bers of the Primal being seen to rest on the slope of the
Ridge, with northwest undulating dips, central mass of the mountain. But even in
these instances it is, I think, not difficuU to discern the true
relations of the strata. As interest! iiu- examples of the
phenomena referred to, I would mention the sections ex-
posed at Vestal's, Gregory's. Snecker's, and Manasses Gaps,
and Jeremie's Run, in the northern part of the Blue Ridge ;
and at Dry Run, Turk's, Tye River, White's, James River,
Point Lookout, Fox Creek, and Whitetoi) ^fountain Gaps,
in the middle and southwestern piolongation of the logical relations with the brown hematites of the
region, s(mie of which belong to the same Primal slates.
These ores, which I believe to come fnmi the alteration of
deposits of car1)onate, and, in many cases, of sulpliuret of
iron, oxydized in sit'O,, are, in certain deposits of the re-
gion, interstratified with crystalline magnetic and specular
oxyds ; the whole being imbedded in the clays which have
resulted from the more or less complete decomposition of
the enclosing crystalline rocks."
§ 394. The micaceous substance which makes up a con-
siderable part of the residue remaining after the decay of
these schists (which rre often impure limestones,) has been
found by Genth to have, in many cases, the composition of
a hydrous non-magnesian potash-mica, referred by him to
the species damourite. This however is not always the
case, since both talc and chlorite are found in the Primal
slates of the Cornwall mine, and chlorite, with garnet, in
those of the Jones mine. Tlie latter moreover includes
beds of an apparently decayed rock, which has been mined
as an ore of copper, and consists in large part of a soft pale
green mineral, in minute scales, resembling in aspect the
hydrous mica above mentioned. Analysis however sliows
it to be a li\ drous silicate of alumina, ferric and cupric
oxyds, and magnesia, constituting a kind of copper-chlo-
E. 205
rite, wliicli has been described by the author as a new spe-
cies, under the name of venerite (Trans. Amer. Inst. Min-
ing Engineers, lY, 32G.)
§ 39.5. The soft and unctuous schists of tlie Taconic were
by Emmons designated magnesian slates or talcose slates,
and the hitter name was also given to the somewhat similar
schists found in the Huronian series, with which the former
were generally confounded, although Emmons clearly distin-
guished between the talcose slates of the Taconic, and those
of what he called the Pi'imarv rocks. In 18.j5, the writer,
having examined many oL' the talcose slates, from both se-
i-ies, announced that they contained little or no magnesia,
and were essentially hydrous silicates of alumina, belong-
ing to the class of minerals represented by i)yropliyllite,
pholerite, etc. To avoid the perpetuation of an error, he
therefore prf)i)osed for these unctuous aluminous schists,
in allusion to thek pearly lustre, the name of nacreous
slates (Amer. Jour. Sci., II. xix, 417).
§ 89G. Emmons soon after described, in IS^G, the occur-
rence of a soft compact mineral, locally known as soap-
stone, which, according to him, occurs in many i)arts of
North Carolina, interstratiJied witli the quartzites, talcose
slates and limestones of the Lower Taconic series, in wliicli
it "takes the place of steatite." This substance, which is
white, or greenisii-w^hite in color, and sometimes holds crys-
tals of magnetite, having been analyzed by Dr. C. T. Jack-
s(m, was I'cmnd to be essentially a hydrous silicate of
alumina, and by him referred to agalnuitolite, a name which
was adopted by Emmons. (Geol. Midland Counties, N.
Car., pages 52-oo, 127, and Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Ilist., VI,
33). Brush, in 1858, showed that wliat had hitherto been
called agalmatolite, was really l)ut a compact pyrophyllite,
which he correctly described as an aluminous talc. (^xVmer.
Jour. Sci. II. xxvi. 08).
§ 397. It thus ai)pears that besides the foliated magiiesian
minerals, talc, chlorite and venerite, all of which are occasion-
ally met with in the Taconic schists, these are various
micaceous hydro-silicates of alumina, including pyroj)hy] lite
and damourite, which eithei- jMire. or mingled wiili i|iiait/..
I :
2(J6 E. special report, t. sterry hunt, 1875.
enter into the composition of the so-called talcose-schists,
originally designated nacreous slates by the writer, and now
frequently spoken of as hydro-nuca slates.
§ 398. As regards the relation of the Lower Taconic series
to organic life, it is well known that the Primal white sand-
stone, in various localities from Massachusetts to Tennessee,
contains a form described as Scolithus, of which the history
has been given at length, (§ 200). In a communication by
the writer, in the Proceedings of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science for 1870, (page 208), it was
stated that Prof. Prime had lately found in the Auroral
limestone of Pennsylvania, besides an undescribed Lingula,
certain casts which Dr. Torell, after examination, regarded
as generically identical with those found in the Eophy ton-
sandstone of Sweden, and supposed to belong to a radiate
animal, to which he had given the name of Monocraterion^
(§ 250). It is not improbable that these casts in the lime-
stone in Pennsylvania may be due to the same organism
which has produced the Scolithus of the Primal sandstone.
The relations of this Primal and Auroral series, both to the
Eophyton-sandstone of Norway, and to the series of lime-
stones, talcose-slates and quartzites which are fountl in
southern Norway, at the base of the Cambrian series, and
are by Kjerulf named Lower Taconic, (§ 257), are subjects
for further inquiry.
Under the name of PalccotrocJi is, Emmons, in 1850, de-
scribed what he conceived to be a silicious coral, found in the
quartzites of the Lower Taconic in Troy, Mt)iitgomery
county. North Carolina, but there does not seem to be any
good ground for regarding it as of organic origin, (Geol.
of the Midland Counties of N. Car., page 00; and Chem.
and Geol. Essays, page 411),
§ 399. We have given reasons for regarding the Lower
Taconic, or the Primal and Auroral strata of the great Ap-
palachian valley, as the equivalents of the similar series in
southern New l^runswick, (^ 344), and of the Hastings series
in Ontario, (§ 331, 341), with its Scolithus and Eozoon. While
it has been shown, in a preceeding chapter, that the Upper
Taconic includes the organic remains of the European Cam-
E. 207
brian, at least as low as the Menevian, it is by no means
certain whether the Lower Taconic series is to be regarded
as the equivalent of the still lower beds of the Cambrian of
Great Britain and Sweden. In this uncertainty it is deemed
well to preserve for this series the original name of Taconic,
or better, Taconian. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XIX. 278).
§ 400. Some recent observations by the writer on the
crystalline rocks of the Blue Ridge, are given in a commu-
nication to the Boston Society of Natural History. (Pro-
ceedings, etc., XIX, 277.) Attev noticing the presence of
rocks both of Montalban and Iluroniau ages, on the line of
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, (the latter near Harper's
Ferry,) and the existence of Laurentian gneisses at Bell-
isle, near Richmond, Virginia, some account is giv'en of the
crystalline rocks seen in a section across the Blue Ridge,
in Mitchell county. North Carolina.
"The gneisses of Roan Mountain, and similar rocks at
its western base, which inchule the great masses of mag-
netite, are Laurentian, but indications of a belt of Iluronian
schists, associated with specular iron-ore, are found on the
western flank of the mountain. To the eastward, the Lau-
rentian rocks are succeeded by a great breadth of thin-
bedded gneisses, with highly micaceous and hornblendic
schists, referred to the Montalban series, in which is included
the narrow belt of dunite, or olivine rock, found near Ba-
kersville. Tliesc Montalban stnita are intersected by nu-
merous endogenous granitic veins, wldcli are largely ex-
jiloited for mica, and yield, moreover, line cleaval)le masses
of orthoclase, and of albite, together with beryl, apatite,
samarskite, and autunite. The rocks of this series, often
deeply decomposed, were found to occupy the greater part
of the ';ountry, as far east as Salisbury, interrupted, how-
ever, near Statesville, on the Western North Carolina rail-
road, by gi'anitoid gneisses, which have th(3 characters of
Laurentian." (For some notice, by the writer, of the metal-
liferous veins in the Montalban rocks of the Blue Ridge
in Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, see Transactions
Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers, II, 123, and Chem. and rfcoj.
Essays, page 217.)
§ 401. "The belt consisting of granular quartz-rock, with
limestones and hydrous mica-slates, which was seen at
the eastern base of the Blue Ridge, on the Catawba river
near Marion, North Carolina, has all the characters of the
Lower Taconic, to which it was long since referred by Em-
mons. Portions of this quartzite are thinly bedded and
flexible, constituting what is known as itacolumite. It is
regarded by the writer as identical with the Primal white
sandstone of Pennsylvania, whi(;h, with the Auroral lime-
stone, and its interstratiiied and overlying unctuous schists,
and the succeeding rooling-slates, constitute a distinct geo-
logical horizcm."
§ 402. In his rept)rt on the Geology of North Carolina, in
IBTf), and in the colored geological map and sections ac-
companying it, Prof. Kerr has included the whole of the
crystalline stratified rocks of the State under two heads,
Laurentian and Ilurouian. The former of these, both in
the text, and in the legend of the ma]), he divides into
Lower and Ui)per Laurentian, though in the ac('omi)anying
colored sections, the Lower division is called "granite."
The name of Upper Laurentian, originally given by the
geological survey of Canada to an entirely different group
of rocks, the Noiian or Labradorian, is by Prof. Kerr
ai)plied to the series of gneisses and micaceous and horn-
blendic schists, (with included beds of chrysolite-rock,)
which is that described by the writer in the above section,
as the Montalban, of which it has all the characters ; Avhile
the rocks of the Roan Mountain, called by Prof. Kerr,
Lower Laurentian, are, as already stated, true Laurentian.
^ 403. Under the head of Iliii'onian, Prof. Kerr informs
us he has included the Taconic series of Emmons, including
the (jiiartzites witli the so-called Falcmtroclih, the itacol-
imiite or iiexible sandstone, the hydrous mica-schists, the
argillit(^s, often ])lumbaginous, and the pyrophyllite beds,
togvt her with the granular limestones and marbles, often ac-
<'oMi[)aiiied by limonites. The qiuutzites of this series,
like those of the same liorizon in Pennsylvania, often
abound in magnetic and specular iron-ores, and sometimes
jiass into a speculai- schist or itabirite. This series is de-
scribed by Prof. Kerr ;is resting upon the Uppei* Lauren-
tian, (Monta'ban) and in part made up of its ruins, lie
has indicated not less than live parallel belts of tJiese so-
called lluronian rocks, stretching from northeast to south-
west, in Xorth Carolina, one of which includes nieTaconiiin
rocks noticed by the writer :it the eiistern base of the Blue
Uidgc, in th(^ section described above. It remains to be de-
teiinined Nvhere, and to what extent, true lluronian i-ocks
occur within the limits of North Carolina, but it appears
not improbable that some of the more massive portions of
the lluronian may be included in the rocks, which under
the names of greenstones and I'eldspai'-porpliyries, aresaid-
by Prof. Kerr, to occur in parts of the so-called Upper Lau,
rentian areas.
§ 404. AVe may in this j^lace notice the vi- s of Prof. F.
Bradley, who, arguing chieily from a supposed i)arallelisui
between the various groups of crystalline rocks and the
dilferent paleozoic formations of the Champlain divisi(m,
has recently been led to put forth anew the old hypothesis
of the paleozoic age of the crystalline sti-ata of the Atlantic
belt, and to suggest that the l>liu' IJidge, in North Carolina
and 'i'ennessee, consists of altered Cambrian and Siluro-
CVunbrian rocks (Amer. Jour. Sci. Ill, ix, '27i),']7()).
To this hypothesis, a conclusive answer is furnislied by
the observations of W. B. Rogers, and of Fontaine, already
quoted, as to the rehitions of the basal paleozoic rocks to
the crystalline schists, and by the express declaratiou of
tlie latter that certain of these, desci'ibed by him as aru,il-
lites, were in their present condition before the Pi'imordial
(either Taconian or Cambiian) period, (ibid. Ill, ix, 'U)7) as
apjx'ars from the fact that fragments of these are found,
together with feldspathic debris, in the Primordial con-
glomerates. From this, he concludes that the crystallim^
rocks of the Blue Ridge foruied the southeastern boi'der of
the ])aleozoi(; sea; while Bradley, on the coutrary, imagiues
these same rocks to be themselves ])aleozoic strata, which
were uplifted and altered after the close of the pahM)Zoic
period. The observations of Fontaine ai'e couliruied by
those of the writer, who has found in southwestern Wv-
114 K.l
ginia, pebbles of gneiss and of mica-schist, apparently
Montalban, in tliese basal conglomerates (Harper's Annual
Record, 1875, pages c — cii).
§ 405. We have already adverted to the fact that the five
great groups of crystalline stratified rocks, constituting as
many distinct terranes — Laurentian, Norian, Iluroiiian,
Montidban and Taconian, necessarily have, notwithstand-
ing their differences, certain lithological resemblances with
each other. All of them include quartzites, and crystal-
line limestones, in which latter certain mineral silicates,
such as serpentine, hornblende, and micas are occasionally
met with. It is in those alumiuiferous rocks which are
without lime and magnesia, that are found the essential
and characteristic differences, and these depend upon the
principle, set forth in detail by the writer, in 18G3, of a pro-
gressive diminution in the proportion of the alkalies to the
alumina, (Chem. and Geol. Essays, page 27) as we pass
from the older to the newer geognostical groups. In accord-
ance with this, the feldspars, orthoclaseandalbite, gradually
disappear, being partially or wholly replaced by silicates
like muscovite, damourite and paragonite, and finally
by andalusite, fibrolite, cyanite, stauroliteandpyrophyllite.
These various silicates are scarcely known in the Lauren-
tian and Norian, though they are represented to a limited
extent, by certain quartzose mica-schists, in the Huronian.
In the Montalban, they appear to a considerable extent, and
have their most complete crystalline development in cer-
tain beds in that series, although oithoclase still predomi-
nates in the associated gneisses.
§ 40G. In the Taconian rocks, on the contrary, the feld-
spars are but rarely and excej)tionally developed, while hy-
drous silicates of alumina, such as damourite and paragonite,
or pyrophylite, which is destitute of alkali, abound, and
either alone or mingled with quartz, or with limestone, form
great beds in the series, in which also are found stauro-"
lite, chiastolite and cyanite, though generally not so well
defined as in the ;Montall>an, which is easily distinguished
from the Taconian by its great development of strong mica-
scliistSj well-marked gneisses, and blackish hornblendio
schists. (Chem. and Geol. Essays, page 244). It is by a
misconception that some have been led to regard the pres-
ence of staurolite, cyanite and andalusite, as exclusively
characteristic of the Montalban, a proposition nowhere
maintained by the writer, since, although they have not been
found in the oldest terranes, these mineral species have
long been known to occur, in many localities, in the Tacon-
ian schists.
§ 407. The question has arisen wheth(n' these crystalline
rocks of the Taconian series, occupyinr i\ position between
the Montalban below, and the recognized Cambrian above,
are to be regarded as «jozoic, or as paleozoic. In the lan-
guage used by the ^vTitei, in 1876, in answer to this question :
" It will be found as difficult to draw the line between the
eozoic and paleozoic, as it is to define that between the mes-
ozoic and tlie paleozoic, on the one hand, or the mesozoic and
the cenozoic on the other. There are no hard and fast lines
in nature ; breaks are local, and there is nowhere an appa-
rent hiatus in the geological succession, which is not some-
where filled." Referring to the Liiigulu of the Auroral
limestones, it was then suggested "that this seemingly
imperishable type of brachiopods may serve, like the
rhizox^ods, represented by Eozoon, as a connecting link be-
tween eozoic and paleozoic time." (Proc. Assoc. Advan.
Science, 187G, pages 207, 208).
§ 408. We have already noticed in § 119 — 122 some of the
various and contradictory liypotheses i)at forth \\ itli regard
to the age of the Taconian or Stockbridge limestones, as dis-
played in western New Enghmd. According to II. D.
Rogers, they, like the Auroral limestone of Pennsylvania,
are of the age of the Calciferous and Chazv of the New
York series, while by Adams and others they have been
supi'josed to be either Lower Ilelderberg or Dcnonian. Ma-
ther, and later Dana, have maintained that they are of
Trenton age, while Logan, in his geohigical niaj), published
in ISGG (§ 44) has represented them as the Levis division of
the Quebec group, or Upper Taconic — the original charac-
ters of the linu^stones, in all cases, being supposed to have
been greatly modified by a subsequent process. Of these
i ' J
four irreconcilable views, each one in its turn, has been
plausibly defended upon the ground of apjiai'ent sui)erpo-
sition to, or of association with fossiliferous strata of dif-
ferent horizons, in one or more localities.
§ 400. It has long been known that the more ancient
folded and faulted strata, along the Atlantic belt, include
jMU'tions of newer formaticms, of various ages, and nioi-e-
over that tiue natural order of the strata is so generally in-
verted, that the newer formations pass, or seem to pass,
beneath the older. Of this, a marked example has been
given in § 2132, where, in Fandiam, in the x>rovince of Que-
bec, the strata holding a Hiluro-Caml)i'ian fauna, were as-
signed a position at the base of the Quebec group. The
observations of Wing, and of Billings, have shown the ex-
istence of siuiilar examples in western Vermont (§ 20."))
which have more recently been discussed bv J. D. Dana.
The similar strata on the eastern side of the Green Mount-
ains, in northeastern Vernu)iit aiul Canada, referred to by
Logan (§ 331), are accompanied by fossiliferous strata of
Lower llelderbergor Devonian age.
P^urther southward, in the valley of Virginia, Devonian
and Carboniferous strata become involved in these disturb-
ances, and are seen to dip at high angles to the southeast-
ward, apparently passing beneath the Taconic or Auroral
limestones. (Comjiare Emnums, Amei-. Geol., II, 04, and
Lesley, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, XII, 480).
§ 410. The argument of those who ignore these facts of
structure, and adopt the liyi)otliesis of metam()ri)hisui, may
thus be stated: Fossiliferous strata included in folds, or in
faults, are supposed to lix the age of the entire series in
question, while the absence of organic remains from other
parts of the section is accounted for by the assumed meta-
morphosis of these parts. The faith of some believers in
this hypothesis has frequently led them to mistake obscure
and doubtful markings in (Tystalline rocks, for vestiges of
organic^ life. A sti'iking exauiple of this is alfonled by the
supposed brachiopods and tiilobites, upon which it was at
one time attempted to establish the Silurian age of the
White Mountain gneisses and mica-schist^ (§ 123).
E. 21:3
§ 411. The late notes of Dana on tlie geology of Vermont
contuin some observations on this point, which are not the
less instructive that they come from an extreme advocate
of the iiietamori)liic hypothesis. Describing a quartz rock,
which in New Haven, Vermont, is int(?rstratilied in lime-
stones supposed to belong to the Taconic- series, he says:
"The (piartzite is in most parts a little slaty in sti'ucture,
and in Hunted ptntions, a shining grayish-black slate. In
places over it areareas of sub-concentric condioidal lamina-
ti(m, looking somewhat as if <'x:imples of the tiow-and-
pluuge structui'e, but more probably a result of concreticm-
ary consolidation. To the latter cause, I attribute some
forms that looked exceedinglv like casts of a Phiivolo-
HKiria and a Murdiisonia, and of a valve of Orthis hjnx.
Others of these imitative forms, over the surface, were serai-
cylindrical and chambered, as if worn casts of long cri-
noidal stems, yet having the chambers too large and irregu-
Lir for any known crinoidal forms. These simulations
of crinoids may also be due to a concentric structure in the
slaty portion of the rock, yet how, it is not easy t(j unchH'-
stand." (Amer. Jour. Sci. Ill, xiii, 409).
§ 412. Dana has, in this connection, given a figure of
natural size, of a portion of one of these chambered cylin-
ders, which had a total length of twenty-five centimeters.
It is represented as divided by transverse sei)ta of about
one milliuK^er in thickness, into ('hambers having a length
of three centimeters, more or less, and a breadth of six cen-
timeters. The walls of the cylinder, in the drawing, are not
distinguished from the enclosing rock. The figure bears
such a close resemblance to the transversely waved or
grooved casts of so-called Scolithus from the Primal sand-
sttmes of Pennsylvania, (^ 206, 208), which probably I)elong
to the same horizon, that it seems highly jirobabhi that
these hollow casts mav be due to the same cause, and tluit
they are of organic origin.
§ 413. It is not improbable that the Taconian rocks may
include other forms than Scolithus and Monocraterion, and
the undescribed lingultjid shell. In their study, however, it is
necessary to l)e\vare, on theone hand, of mistakingsuchcon-
; i_
■ 7?
■ 7
cretionary miirkings as tliose already mentioned, for organic
remains, and on the other to avoid the error of referring to
these older rocks, what are perhaps portions of newer strata
resting npon them, or involved in their folds or dislocations.
The rocks thus brought together may differ so widely in
Lithological characters that it is easv to discriminate be-
tween them, but in other cases the task is much more diffi-
cult, as in the example of some fossiliferous Silurian beds
in southern New Brunswick, made up almost wliolly of
the disintegrated Huronian greenstones, in the midst of
which they were deposited. Another example is that of
the Trenton limestones of Hastings county, Ontario, which
resemble so closely some of the bluish-gray enrthy beds of
the underlying Taconian, that it is very easy to mistake
the one for the other (§ 333). The difficulty of distinguish-
ing between these two formations would be greatly en-
hanced were the newer rocks involved with the older in a se-
ries of folds, inversions and dislocations, as in the case in the
Appalachian valley. When we add to this, the of jirocess
decay, which has converted the slaty and impure i:)ortions of
the Auroral limestone, for considerable depths, into a soft
and yielding material, it is evident that the localities of
fossiliferous limestones in such a region should be scanned
with the gi'eatest care.
§ 414. Prof. Prime, in a late paper on the limestones of
this valley, in Lehigh and Northampton counties, Pennsyl-
vania, after mentioning the Monocraterion and Lingula, al-
ready pointed out (§ 398,) each of which has been found
only at one locality in Lehigh, notices the occurrence, in the
same county, of a single 0?i7ioceras, too imperfect to be de-
termined, and a specimen of Eriomplialus. Both of these
are supposed to occur in the Auroral, wliich however has
not yielded a single organic fossil in Northampton county.
Overlying the Auroral, in these counties. Prof. Prime finds,
at intervals, portions of an argillaceous limestone, containing
in abundance the characteristic forms of the Trenton, such
as CJicctetes lycoperdon^ and Orthls pecilnella^ withcrinoi-
dal stems. This limestone is said to differ from the Au-
roral in being ' ' more compact, and not at all crystalline, and
of a gray-black color." It is clescri])ed as "apparently con-
fomiable" with the Auroral, (Proc. Amer. Pliilos. Soc,
Dec. 21, 1877).
§ 415, From his own observations in this region in 1875,
the writer was led to believe that, besides the Auroral
limestones, with their succeeding argillites, and the uncon-
formably superimposed Silurian (Oneida) conglomerates
of the North Mountain, there are, to the west of the Lehigh
River, portions of two intermediate formations. One of
these, marked by red-colored sand>it()nes, conglomerates
and slates, appears to be the same w itli the Upi)er Taconic
or Cambrian belt, which has been traced by II. D. Rogers,
Mather, Emmons, Logan and the writer, with some inter-
ruptions, from New Jersey to Canada, along the great Ap-
palachian valley (§ 74, 03-90). The other is an impure
black earthy limestone, becoming, in parts, a soft thinly-
laminated llag-stone, which was seen lying, at moderate an-
gles, above the blue limestone of the valley, not far from
Copley, and was then supposed to belong to a different se-
ries. It is apparently the same with the Siluro-Canibrian
(Trenton) beds, recognized by Prof. Prime in that vicinity.
§ 410. The evidences adduced in these pages furnish
abundant proofs of tlie unconformable superposition of the
Iluronian to the Laurentian series, while the contrast be-
tween the highly disturbed condition and nearly vertical
attitude of the fomier, and the broad folds and gentler dips
of the Montalban, in so many regions, have long since been
urged by the writer as evidences of a probable stiatigrajihical
unconformity between the two. As regards the Taconian
series, its apparent relations to the Montalban in Ontario,
Maine, and North Carolina, and the frequent absence of the
latter series where the Taconian rests unconformably upon
Laurentian or Iluronian, lead us to conclude to a want of
conformity between Mcmtalbau and Taconian. In like man-
ner, the absence of the Taconian at the base of the Cambrian,
which, in so many jilaces, reposes directly upon the Lauren-
tian, or upon the Iluronian, indicates a great stratigraph-
ical break between Taconian and Cambrian.
§ 417. The evidence of various periods of disturbance,
:. Hi
21(5 E. SI'KflAL UKI'OFM'. T. STKIMJV IirXT. 1875.
ni;iik('(l by discordanc*', in the paleozoii^ strata alon^ the
Atlantic belt, have been pointed out in § 241, 242, where
reasons arc* also <5iveii for b<»lievinjjj in tlie existence of
anotlier such ]»ei-iod between the Cambrian and the Silnro-
Canibrian (Ticnton-Loraine sei-ics). ^fr. N[uiiay's obser-
vations near Port-a-Poit Hay, in Newfoundland, furnish a
fiiitlici- proof of this. While the Cambrian rocks are there
affected by sliarp folds and gi'eat dislocations, he f'^ls the
limestones holding' a Siluro-Cambrian fauna, near o be
"('(►mparatively undisturbed," ami coucludes ri;4"hi.y, that
the movement whi<'h brouuht thcci-ystalline rocks into their
position of aj)]>ai('ntly unconformable superposition to the
foi'incr, was intermediate between the two ]»(M'iods named.
AVhile w(^ dissent fioni his view of tlui orii^in of these <'rya-
talline rocks, and believe that the i)resent geognostica I re-
lations ai'e due to the disruption and ujilifting of solid rocks
of a more ancient system, ratiier than to an eruption of
igneous matter, about " the age of theCliazy," the evidence,
in either case, sIkjvvs a pei'i(/d of great disturl)ance of the
('and)iian sti'ata in the interval above indicated, the natural
resiUt of which would be a want of couformitv ^ ween
these and the succeeding Sihiro-Cambrum. ,^ 377
5^ 418. Before passing to the considei'ation of the gvology
of Lake Superior, we may notice the presence of Iluronian
rocks in Newfoundland. In his report for 18G8, Mr. Mur-
ray announced the existence of a series of liighly contorted
strata, overlying the Laurentian, and tluMnstdves overlaid
unconformably by nearly horizontal sediments, the latter
containing, in their lower portions, a Menevian fauna, and
higher up, the forms of the Potsdam or Lingula llag-group.
This mtermediate series was declared to have close resem-
blances with the Iluronian of the great lakes, to which it
was at once referred by Mr. Murray. The name of Cam-
brian, which he at first used for this series, as synonymous
with Iluronian, he has since very properly rejected.
(j5 359). According to Di'. Dawson, who has examined col-
k^cticms of these rocks, they are very similar to the Iluron-
ian of southern New Brunswick, so that we are constrained
to look upon them as a porticjn of what has been called in
K. '2\7
noitlnvt'sfern Newf(mii(U:iJi(l, t\ut "jiUj^ivd Quebec groui),'"
whicli we have already relenvd to the Iluroiiian seiies.
§ 411). This lltirouiaii series, as described by Mr. Murray,
is loiind in the soiitlieasten |tart of Newi'omidiaiid, and
makes lip the <'hier jtait of the peninsula ol" Avaloii. Tlie
strata are descrilted as consisting', in the lower poUions, of
greenstones and slaty rocks, often epidotic and chloritic,
with qiiartzites, coni!,lonierat<*s and jiispeiy petrosilex.
These crystalline rocks have a thickness of many th(»usand
feet, above which, in ai>i)arent conformity, are several
thousand fe<'t of sandstones and argillites, liol'i(J(ll(i and AvcnicoTiUs^ the whole
overlaid unconforniably by the Menevian strata. ^lej)ort
on tlie Geology of Newfoundland for 1{S<5S, i)age 12; (.'hem.
and Geol. Essays, page 410, and Geol. Magazine for 1877,
page 25;]).
As evidence of the gi*eat erosion to which this region was
subjected in i)re-Cambrian times, Murray notes that the
nearly horizontal paleozoic strata above named an.' found
extending alike over the outcrop of the Laurentian. and
over the basal beds '>C the nearly vertical lluronian seric^s.
§ 420. lluronian ro'-ks were noticed in 1870, l)y Mr. Rich-
r.nlson, lying to the , Ttli of Luke St. John on the Sague-
nay, and near Lake M.-itassini, where they occup}'^ a cpi(lotic strata, rooling-slates,
steatites, chromiferous serpentines, magnetite and (.'oi»i)er
ores. (Geol. Report for 1870, page 292, ami for 1872, page
§ 421. That these various areas of lluronian rocks, whether
found in the Atlantic belt, or lying to the north and west
218 E. spp:cial report, t. sterry hunt, 1875.
of it, formed parts of a great and widely-spread eozoic
formation is clear, and it is a question whether i)ortions of
it may not exist in the Adirondacli region. Tlie writer has
found in the drift, in the rear of Westport, in Essex county,
New York, numerous fragments of Iluronian schists, which
may reasonably be supposed to have come from the mount-
ninous region of the interior.
§ 422, In tliis connection it may be permitted to call at-
tention to some notes by Major T. B. Broolvs, published in
1872 (Amer. Jour. Sci. Ill, iv, 2?) with the title, "On cer-
tain Lower Silurian Rocks in fet. Lawrence county. New
York, which are probably okler than the Potsdam Sand-
stones." Under this head ho lias described certain strata
found with the specular iron-ores of the Keene and Cale-
donia mines. Immediately under the ores, is said to be a
considerable thickness of a greenish schistose magnesian
rock, described as serpentine by Emmons, beneath which
is a mass of crystalline limestone, several hundinnl feet
thick, which, like the serpentine, is graphitic, and moreover
contains crystals of bronze-colored mica. It includes in
its lower part "irregular beds or veins of granite," and
is underlaid by a well-characterized gneiss, with which it
is conjectured to be unconformable.
Interposed in this limestone is a thin bed of sandstone,
and a similar sandstone, sometimes conglomerate, and re-
sembling the beds of the Potsdam, overlies the iron-ore.
These strata, including the great mass of limestone, are
thrown into folds with a northeast and southwest strike,
and often dip at high angles. They have all the characters
of the Grenville series of the Laurentian, from which there
does not appear to be any good reason for separating them.
The associated sandstone beds recall the similar case in
Bastard, Ontario, described in § 28G.
§ 423. As regards the newer series of crystalline rocks,
found by ^lurray to overlib the ancient gneisses around
Lakes Superior and Huron, we have seen that Logan, for a
long time, maintained that they are the stratigrajihical
equivalents of the so-called Volcanic formations of Lake
Superior, wliich are characterized by amygdaloids and sand-
Stones, with native coi)per. In the Esquisse Geohnjique, in
1855, as well as in the geok)gical map accomi)anying it, the
two series are included under the fommon name of Hurt)n-
ian, then first used. A similar view was defended bv Rivoc
and bv Dawson, in 1850 and 1857, and tlie considerable
mineralogical and lithological dilVerences between the two
groups were ascribed to the greater amount of alteration or
metasomatic change which the former had undergone, (§ 141,
142, 152-157).
§ 424. In 1857, however, J. D. Whitney, while denying
the distinction between the Iluronian schists and the un-
derlying gneisses, both of which he included under the
common name of the Azoic system, declared the Volcai}ic
or native-copper bearing group to be entirely distinct from
the Azoic, and superior to it (§ 158-160). This latter con-
clusion was confirmed by the examinations of Murray in
1859, and 18(30, (§ 102) and in 1803, in the Geology of Canada,
the name of Iluronian was confined to the crystalline
schists which make the upper part of the Azoic system of
Whitney, and, from their metalliferous character, were now
sometimes designated the Lower Copper-bearing series.
The Iluronian, on Lake Superior, was now said to be "un-
conformably overlaid by a second series of copper-bearing
rocks," which was the Volcanic format ion containing native
coxiI)er (loc. cit. page 07).
§ 425. As regards the age of this Upper Copper- bearing
series, as it were now called by Logan, we have seen that
Whitney declared that it ""cannot be separated from the
Potsdam sandstone with which it is associated." To this
horizon he referred the nearly horizontal sandstones of the
region, supposed to be the same with the red sandstones
found at Sault Ste. Marie, and often called the St. Mary's
sandstone. The observations of Mr. Murrav in 1859, had
however slown that these sandstones, to the southeast of
SaultSte. Marie, are overlaid, conformal)ly, by a fossiliferous
limestone belonging to the base of the Trenton, from which
Logan concluded that "' the underlying sandsti )nes and < )tlier
rocks constituting the Upper Copper-bearing series of Lake
Superior, may thus represent the Chazy, Calciferous and
Potsdam fornKitions, and be equivalent to the Quebec group,
and tlie black slates and limestones beneath." This sugges-
tion was put forth at the end of 1800, in a letter to Barrande,
already cited (^5 201).
§ 420. A little later however, in Chapter V of the Geology
of Canada, Logan gave reasons for believing that these
sandstones, then regarded as of the age of the Chazy or St.
Filters sandstone (jj 27o, 270), overlie unccmi'orinably the
ti"ippean and conglomerate rocks with which they had been
united by Whitney, so that "the coj^per-beai-ing portions
of the Lake Su^jerior rocks might reasonably be consider(?d
to belong to the Calciferous and Potsdam foiniations "
(loc. cit. j)age 80). Subse(piently, in discussing the Que-
bec groux^, and the crystalline rocks of the Green Moun-
tain range, then supposed to form a i^art of it, it was said :
•'This whole series of rocks however occupies a strati-
graphical place which brings it to the horizon of the Upjjer
Copper-bearing series of Lake Superior.'' (Ibid, page 2:^0).
In accordance with this conclusion, the Upper Copjier-bear-
ing I'ocks were, in the geological maps published by Logan
in IS(J4, and in 1800, (^ 44), rei)resented as l)el()nging to the
Quebec group, while the St. Mary's sandstone was referred
to the Chazy formation.
§ 427. Reverting now to the more ancient rocks of this
region, we have seen(>$ 140) that Foster and Whitney recog-
niz(Hl besides the Azoic schists, called Ijy them Metamoi'-
phic, a great group of Igneous rocks, ol" different ages, in
which were incbuled granites, viirlous gi-eenstones and
hornblende rocks, and the crysialHne iron-ores. In this
they were not singulai', but in accordance with the generally
received views of the time. Henry D. Rogei's regarded the
greenstones, epidotic rocks and serpentines of the Atlantic
belt as igneous, and extended tliis view to the magnetic
iron-oi'es, and even to the cpuirtz veins of that regicm (jj 19,
BO, H2, B7, ;]9). Fnnu(ms, in likc^ manner, included the
granite, hypersthene-i-ock, ser[)entine, limestones, and raag-
netic and specular oxyds of iron of northern New York,
among the unstratilied rocks of igneous origin, (§ 8i)-87) and
Logan held the same view with regard to the ILironian
gTt^enstones, (^ 141) ;iltli()uu,'li Rivot denied this, and nssorted
that they were altered sediments, a view wliich he extended
to the traps of the Upper Copper-bearing series (§ loT).
§ 428. The arguments of Rivr>t, from the relations be-
tween the greenstones of the okler series and their associ-
ated schistose rocks, (§ 152) were valid, and he eri'ctl only
in considering them the sti-atigraphical ecpiivalents of the
gianidar traps and amygdaloids of the newer series. The
studies of the writer in the years following, coniirming
such a conclusion, the indigenous character of these and sim-
ilar greenstcmes, and other feldsp .riu(! rocks, was maintained
by him in various publicati(ms, from 18r)8 (Chem. and Geol.
Essays, pages 4, '•]',]). Tliis view is set fortli at length in
Chapters XIX and XX of the Geology of Canada, and
further, in Conti-ibuticms to Lithology (Amer. Jour. Sci. II,
xxxviii, 253). The writer had already ])i-oposed to desig-
nate by the term ind/r/enous, such crystalline rocks as have
been formed ht .S'/M, in contradistinction to tliose Avhich
have been intruded into tlieir i)resent places, and wliich
Avere called e.volic The name of cndof/ciioKs rocks was
prox)osed for a third class of nuneral masses, namely, the
c( )nci'eti()nary vein-stones.
§ 429. In 180.-) appeared an impoitant paper on the Iron
Ores of Marcxuette, by Dr. J. P. Kimball (Amei-. Jour. Sci. II,
xxxix, 21)1) in which were set forth his studies in the Azoic
system of Whitney, as s<'en in northern Michigan. He
showed that the (>xtensive belts oi' ran<^'es, called i)lutonic
ii'ranites ])v Foster and Whitnev. and supiKtsed bv them
to lie more recent than the Azoic schists, w<'re really indig-
enous gneissic rocks, behmging to an older series, which
lie pronounced Laurentlan. As ivgards the overlying
schists, he ccmlirmed the judgment of Murray that they be-
Iciig to the Iluronian series, tlu^ greenstones and iron-ores
of which were also declared to b(Miot exotic butiinligenous.
Kimball, at the same time, jHiinted out the erioi- of IJivot
in uniting the Upper Copper-bearing series with tlie
Iluronian. lie also nniognized the existence, in the region,
of eruptive granites and greenstones, as Murray had
already done in Canada, but declared that, though abundant
in the Laurentian, they were very rare in the Huronian.
§ 430. In 1809, Dr. Hermann Credner published his studies
of these same rocks in northern Michigan. He followed
Kimball in admitting an older series of granitic gneiss —
the Laurentian — which was unconformably overlaid by the
Huronian rocks. These were described with muc' litho-
logical detail, and with many sections, as a series ol ^uartz-
ites, limestones and red iron-ores, with argillaceous, clilor-
itic and talcose slates, the latter two associated with diorites,
which were declared to be not eruptive masses, but regularly
interstratilied members of the series. (Zeitschrift d. Deut-
schen geol. Gesellschaf t, 1869). Credner estimated the total
thickness of the series at about 20,000 feet, which agreed
nearly with Murray's previous estimate of 18,000 feet,
(Geol. of Canada, page 57).
§ 431. In 1869, Major T. B. Brooks, who had been asso-
ciated with Prof. R. Pumpelly (with Credner as assist-
ant, ) in geological explorations in the northern peninsula
of Michig[in, commenced for the State, a systematic survey
of that region. The results of their labors are set forth in
the two octavo volumes of the Geological Survey of Michi-
gan, published, wdth an atlas of maps, in 1873, in which the
iron-bearing or Huronian rocks are described l)y Major
Brooks, and the Upper Copper-bearing series by Prof. Pum-
pelly. In 1869 and 1870 large collections of rocks from the
older series from Michigan, were by Prof. Winchell, then
the directt)r of the geological survey of that State, and by
Major Brooks, placed in the writer's hands for examination,
some of the results and conclusions of which are given in
the following extracts from a letter addressed by him to
Major Brooks, and dated Montreal, Feb. 22, 1871 :
§ 432. "I find you are waiting for my conclusions, some
of which are very interesting and important. You remark
about the mica-schists, as being supposed by mo wanting in
the Huronian of Canada, and you send me specimens, Nos.
1215, bU54, bll53. I have for some time past recognized
a Mica-schist series, which T suppose to overlie the Huron-
ian, in fact the White Mountain series.
* I was
E. 223
therefore deliglited to find in the specimens just naiii<>d,
well characterized White Mountain mica-schists, holding
garnets, and well-defined crystals of staurolite, while the
peculiar knotted mica-schist is not less characteristic.
These rocks are abundantly spread to the north of Lake
Superior, as last year s collections [of the Canada Survey]
show me, and though I have been not able to fix their re-
lations to the Iluronian diorites, talcose schists, iron-ores,
etc., I conclude from the facts seen near Portland, in Maine,
and those described by Rogers, in Pennsylvania, that they
are overlying rocks, and, in some cases at least, v.nconform-
ably so. You say that they are the youngest rocks in the
region belonging to the Iluronian. I susj^ect that they be-
long to a younger series." "I distinguish three crystalline
gneissic series : I. Laurentian, (not to speak, for the present,
of the Labradorian) ; II. Iluronian ; III. Terranovan [Mon-
talban], these being respectively, in the United States, the
rocks of the Adirondacks, the Green Mountains, and the
White Mountains. I hope you will be able to decide whether
there is any want of conformity between II and III. I
should mention that in Hastings county, Ontario, the three
series are all represented, and there is apparently a strati-
graphical break between each."
"I have thus, I think, ■* * touched npon the principal
points of interest in your collections, of which the two chief
facts, are the close resemblance, and I believe identity, of
the great iron-bearing dioritic, talcose series with the Green
Mountain series, IT, and the equally close resemblance of
the rocks 1215 and lir)l-lin4, with the AVhite Mountain
series III, which I conceive to belong to a higher hoii/on."'
§4^3. "The collections sent last '■'" ^ * from Smith's
^fountain and vicinity, are also members of what I regard
as series III, and quite unlike the Iluronian type, II." [Here
follow(Hl details of thirty-nine specimens.] "Many of these
rocks are very quartzose. Feldspar is occasionally devel-
oped, giving a gneiss A\hicli is seen in * * and * *
in which the white cleavable orthoclase is developed so as
to form a porphyritic gneiss."
§ 434. "A word about felsites. I have a large si)ecim('U
■ I
of conulomemte, with native copper, from tlie All)!iin^ &
Boston Miniiiii; Co.'s i)roperty, brought me by Mr. Macfar-
lane, who hus brielly desci'ibed it in the CTeoh)gical Report
of Canada for 18G:}-(J(5, pa,i.?e 156. Tlie poi-phyry boulders
and pebbles of which he there speaks, are line examples of
th(3 felsite of Avdiich 1 wrote you, better named eurite or
peti'osilex, and i)assiui;- into quartziferous porphyry. ■* *
What is the source of the boulders? I suspect it will be
found in the lower part of the Uuronian system, for it has
the typical character of tlie Uuronian eurites, as seen along
the east coast of N(?w England, etc., from Rhode Island to
Newfonudland. and also to the north of Lake Ontario. Do
you know any such rock i/i .svYii, and have you jierhaps
deeuKHl it erui)tiver'
§ 435. The above conclusions as to this overlying gneiss
and mica-schist series, was soon after made known l)y the
writer, in his address in August. 1871, (§ 347), where it was
said that the schists both of the Green Mountain and the
White Mountain seiies '*ai'e represented in Michigan, as ap-
pears by tin? n^'ent collections ol' ^lajor Brooks '-^ *
kindly placed in my hands for examination. He infoi-ms
me that thes(? latter schists are the highest of the crystal-
line strata in the northern peninsida." (Chem. and Geol.
Essays, page 274).
§ 436. Tlie above collections were from the Marquette re-
gion, and the schists referred to the White oMountain series
were designated by Brooks in his report, in 1873, as division
No. XIX, described as "a formation of great extent and in-
terest," "tlie youngest member of the series" of Uuronian
rocks, and "one of the thickest" in the u])per jxminsula of
Michigan. It is often v(>ry silicious and micaceous, and con-
tains besides black horiiblennting a Laurentian as])ect,
thcnigh "conformably oveilying rocks unmistakably Uuron-
§ 437. In his subsequent examinations of the rocks of
northern Wisconsin, to the soutli and west of the ^lenome-
nee river, Brooks found in the Penokie region a great area
of similar gray gneisses, often granitoid, associated, as be-
fore, with hornblendic and mica-schists. These latter he
regards as the equivalents of division XIX of the Miiiquette
region, and at the same time suggests that some of the
granitic rocks of the latter area may be identical with what
he calls the Penokie granitoid formation. These later
observations and comparisons, were set forth by Brooks in
1875, in a paper on The Youngest Iluronian Rocks, etc.
(Amer. Jour. Sci. III. xi, 20G) under which head he includes
the three areas of granitoid gneisses, with their associated
hornblendic and micaceous schists. From their similar
lithological characters, the entire absence from them of ^he
iron-ores, which abound in what he calls the middle and
lower portions of the Iluronian, and from their geognostical
relations alike to these and to the unconformably overlying
UiDper Copper-bearing series, Brooks concludes that the
granitoid formation must be regarded as the youngest mem-
ber of the Huronian series.
§ 438. It will l)e noticed that the immediate associate of
this granitoid formation in each of the three districts is the
peculiar micaceous and hornblendic schists, XIX, and it
was these schists, and the granitoid gneisses, from the Mar-
quette region, which the \vi'iter, so long ago as 1871, re-
ferred to the White Mountain or Montalban series, then, as
now, placed by him above the Huronian — a testimony to
the value of lithological characters in geology. In his
paper already quoted, Brooks remarks on this point: "I
would anticipate the objections which many will make to
attaching much weight to lithological evidences in deter-
mining the age of formations one hundred miles apart, by
repeating that the staurolitic mica-schist formation ( XIX )
maintains its mineralogical characters for over one lialf that
distance." For further notices of these gi'anitoid gneisses
of the Montalban series, see Chem. and Geol. Essays, i^ige
188, 244. These rocks have certain lithological resemblances
to the gneisses of the Laurentian, but their inherent tliffer-
[E. 15. J
ences, not less than tlie character of the associated schists,
suffice to distinguish them.
§ 439. Tlie greenstones of the Huronian of Lake Superior,
have been generally described as diorites, and the correct-
ness of this designation is confirmed by the microscopic
studies of Julien, and of Wright, who find them to be es-
sentially composed of a triclinic feldspar and amphibole,
(hornblende) frequently with chlorite. According to the
former, some of them " may possibly contain pyroxene in
place of amphibole." (Geol. of Micliigan, 1873, II, 43).
§ 440. In the writer's account of the similar rocks from
the Green Mountain range in Canada they were desciibed
as rocks composetl in part of triclinic feldspars. "Through
an admixture of hornblende, these feldsjiar-rocks pass into
diorite, in different varieties of which the one or the other
mineral jiredominates. * * * These compound
rocks are often so finely granular as at first sight to appear
homogenecjus ; at other times they are rather coarse-grained,
and sometimes porphyritic from the presence of large crys-
tals of feldspar. * * The imbedded hornblende-
crystals are occasionally of considerable size, and darlv-
green in color. In some places, the hornblende is replaced
by pyroxene or diallage."
After describing the relations between the steatites, dial-
lage-rocks and serpentines, which often accompany these
feldspathic rocks, it was said: "Both the serpentines and
the diorites sometimes become schistose, and the latter seem
to graduate into chloritic slates nnd epidosites, on the one
hand, and into hornblende slates on the other, so that it is
difficult to resist the conclusion that the whole series of
rocks just named, from diorites, diallages, and seri^entines,
to talcs, chlorites and epidosites, have been formed under
similar conditions." (Geok)gy of Canada, pages 602, 012).
See further, Amer. Jour. Sci. II, xxxvii. 2G6.
§441. A belt of Ilaronian rocks is found in southern
Connecticut, to the west of New Haven. These were de-
scribed by the late Prof. Silliman, more than half a century
since, as "primitive greenstones," and later, by Percival,
as a "chloritic formation." In 1870, J. D. Dana published
E. 227
some notes on these rooks, describing the association of tlie
greenstones with chhjritic schists, and with serpentines,
and adopting the previously announced conchision of the
writer, tliat " their common metamorphic origin cannot be
Tliese rodvs were at tliat time submitted to an examination
by Mr. George W. Hawes, who found two of tlu?m to be
identical in chemical composition, respectively, with an
exotic dolorite and an exotic diabase, which, a few mik^s dis-
tant, in the vicinity of New Haven, break through the
mesozoic sandstones. These exotic masses moreover closely
resemble in aspect the indigenous rocks in question, which
were accordingly described as aggregates of labradorite and
pyroxene, (with some titanic iron) with the addition, in one
variety, of a portion of chlorite (Amer. Jour. Sci. Ill, xi,
119 and 122).
§ 442.. Dana, on account of this apparent identity in
lithological characters, pi-oposed to call these indigenous
or metamorp hie greenstones, metadolerite and metadiabase.
Such a nomenclature is however based on a misconception
of the province of lithology, which is distinct from that of
geognosy. In the language of the author, in 18G4, the
same mineralogical aggregate "may occur both as an in-
digenous and an exotic rock, and different portions of the
same mass may be seen, by different observers, under such
unlike conditions that one may regard it as indigenous, and
the other with equal reason, set it down as intrusive."
"To the litliologist, who examines rocks without reference
to their geological reflations, the question of the exotic or
indigenous character of a given rock is, in most cases, one
altogether foreign, and one which can frequently be de-
cided only by the geologist in the field.'' (Amer. Jour. Sci.,
II, xxxvii 2.")4). These remarks remain essentially true to-
day, especially for many granitic and euritic or petrosilici-
ous masses, although the use of th(» microscope now enables
one, in many cases, to distinguish between the indigenous
rock and its exotic representative, as in the case of the di-
orites belonging to the two classes.
§ 443. It should be said that Mr. Hawes, by microscopic
examinations, has since found tliat the indigenous green-
stones noticed by Dana, are really diorites, in one case con-
taining some chlorite. (Ibid, III, xv., 210.) The further
extended studies (as yet unx^ublished) by Mr. Ilawes, of the
Iluronian greenstones of New Hampshire have yielded sim-
ilar results, and show that these rocks, also, are essentially
diori(i(! in character, consisting chielly of an admixture of
a plagioclase feldspar with hornblende, rarely containing
grains of pyroxene, and often becoming chloritic, as long
since described by the writer. From the similarity in
chemical comj^osition, and the intimate mineralogical rela-
tions between hornblende and pyroxene, it seems highly
probable, that in accordance with the theory of exotic
rocks maintained by the writer, (Chem. and Geol. Essays,
4, 9, 44), the exotic dolerites and diabases of the New Haven
mesozoic are but displaced and modilied greenstones of the
underlying Iluronian series.
§ 444. As regards the lithology of the Iluronian of north-
ern Michigan, it may be remarked that although Julien
found no well-defined serpentines, the writer examined
some years since, specimens of both massive and fibrous
serpentine, believed to be from the falls of the Sturgeon
river, received from Dr. Rominger of the Michigan geologi-
cal survey, which had the characters of the typical ser-
pentines of the Iluronian of the Atlantic belt. Allusion
should here be made to the serpentine of Presqu'isle, ana-
lyzed by Whitney. (Geol. of Lake Superior, II, 92). The
writer has found some of the serpentine rocks of this re-
gion to be chromiferous.
It is of interest to note the occurrence of large quanti-
ties of a carbonaceous argillite, noticed by Brooks in sev-
eral localities in the Huronian of Lake Superior, which has
a black streak, burns white before the blow-pipe, and yields
over twenty per cent, of carbon. (Geology of Michigan,
I, part 1, 116).
§ 445. In the volume just quoted, the Upper Copper-bear-
ing series was described as consisting of interbedded sand-
stones, conglomerates, melaphyres and amygdaloids, dip-
ping northward at an angle of fifty degrees or more, and over-
i 1
laid nnconformably by tlie nearly horizontal St. Mary's sand-
stonos, in whicli Mr. Alex. Agassiz found, near Ilongliton,
abundant pebbles of melaplu-re and conglomerate, from
the underlviug series. No dirtn^t estimate of the vohime of
these latter rocks was attempted, though it was said ''they
have a thickness measured by miles, a tliickness which they
exhibit wherever they are known, at points hundreds of miles
apart on the north and south shore" of Lake Superior. As
regards the age of this Upper Copper-bearing series, it was,
at tliis time, by M(^ssrs. Brooks and Pumpelly, declnred to
have been " formed before the tilting of the Iluronian beds,
upon which it rests conformably," and to be probablj''
more closely related in age to those, than to the overlying
paleozoic sandstones. (Ibid. I, part 2, pages 1-G).
§ 440. The reader is now prepared to understand the
significance of the question raised by the writer in 1871, as
to the existence of the felsite or petrosilex-porphyries, in
place, in the Lake Superior region ; since tliese rocks, which
had then been found by him to belong to the Iluronian
series, (§ 363-372), occur in pebbles in the conglomerates
of the Upper Copper-bearing series, (§ 434). Besides the
locality already mentioned, the great cupriferous bed of the
Calumet and Hecla mine is a remarkable example of a rock
made up almost wholly of the ruins of these joeculiar petro-
silexes. In 1872, as already described, (§ 372), he found
these rocks, in siM^ on the north shore of Lake Superior,
and was moreover led to suspect that both the banded
jaspery quartzose porpliyry of the P(U'cux)ine Mountains, de-
scribed by Foster and Wliitney as of igneous origin, (§ 151),
and the similar rocks, said to occur at Mount Houghton in
the southern range of Keweenaw Point, (§ 150); regarded by
the same observers as an altered sandstone of the Upper
Copper-bearing series, to which they referred tliis soutliern
range, known as the Bohemian Mountains.
§ 447. The lithological characters of this southern belt, as
alreadv described, are however verv like those of the Huron-
ian, and widely different from those of the more nortlun-n
belts, (§ 149) which are the typical Upper Copper-bearing
rocks. This Avas noticed hy Dr. Charles T. Jackson, who
remarked that the labmdoritic fjreenstone of tlie south-
ern portion, near Lake Labelle, diirers from tliat of tlie
nortliern ranges, in being a crystalline rock. He adds witli
regard to it : "If the rock were not connected with the more
hornblcndic traps, and in the same line of diiecti(m, burst-
ing through the same kind of sandstoii" strata, I shouhl
feel disposed to regard it as of more ancient origin. Indeed,
I am far from being satisfied that it is not more .incient, for
the limited exposure of the rocks does not allow any
geologist to be too conlident as to its age." (Report to 31st
Congress, 1849, Exec. Doc. No. I, i)art iii, page 473).
Mr. Ernest Gaujot, whose skill and long experience as a
geological observer and a mining engineer, in this region,
give much weight to his opinion, informs the writer that he
has always believed the Bohemian Mountain range to belong
to an older series than the copper-bearing rocks to the north
of it.
§ 448. The reader who remembers that the Upper Copper-
bearing series had already, in 1803, been declared by Logan
to rest unconformubly upon the Iluronian, (§ 424) along the
north shore of Lake Superior, miglit dfem this an answer
to the views of Brooks and Pumpelly, who, in 1873, still
supposed the two conformable, and nearly related in age.
As will be shown farther on, lunvever, the writer, from his
studies on the north shore, in 1872, was led to conclude that
the rocks there overlying the Huronian, of which they con-
tain fragments, are not, as was supposed by Logan and by
Murray, a lower division of the Upper Copper-bearing
series, but belong to a distinct formation, of indetermined
age. He, however, found that the conglomerites of the
tyi)ical Ujiper Copper-bearing series at Mamainse include,
as already described (§ 150), rounded masses of tl'
stones and chloritic schists of the Iluronian, :is we'
characteristic gneisses and mica-schists of aii
thus showing a stratigraphical break betwei liese stai
line schists and the Upper Copper-bearing series ; ; iid con-
firming the conclusion already reached from the oc> urrence
of petrosilexes, believed to be Iluronian, in the conglomerates
of the same horizon, in the Keweenaw peninsula.
E. 231
§ 449. The great serios of highly inclined Hnndstones and
conglonjerates which, with intcrstrafitied trappcan masses,
constitute the cui)i'irei(nis rorination of this region, and
are clearly distinct both from the overlying sandstones
and the underlying Iluroi'.ian sciusts, required a distin-
guishing name. Hence, the writer, in his atldress on the
Geognostical History of the Metals, before the American
Institute of Mining Engineers, in February, 187:5, designated
it tile Keweenaw gronp, and snggested that its included
native copper had probably been derived from the oxy-
dized and dissolved coj)per-sulphurets of the Huronian,
(Trans, etc., I. 330, 341). In March 187."), Major Brooks, who
had apparently overlooked the above announcemeut, but
had himself, in the meantime, arrived at the conclusion that
there exists a stiiitigraithical break, and a niarkfjd distinc-
tion, between the Huronian schists and the Upper-Copper-
bearing group, declared that the latter constitute "a distinct
and independent series, marking a definite geological pe-
riod," and proposed for its designation the adjective Ke-
w^eenawian. (Amer. Jour. Sci. III. xi, 2I). For this, the
writer, while recalling his own conclusions, and the name
of Keweenaw series, given two years eai-lier, suggested the
more euphonious word, Kevveenian. (Harper's Annual
Record, 1870, page xcv).
§ 4r)(). Late researches in Wisconsin have thrown much
additional light on the geology of the Lake Superior region,
and the results are, in part, set forth in the volume on the
geology of the State, pul)lished in 1877. The Primary or
eozoic rocks of Wisconsin are, by Prof. Roland D. Irving,
divided into an older gneissic, Laurentian, series, and an
unconformablv (n'erlying series, regarded by him as Huron-
ian, and including a great development of the petrosilex-
porphyries. These latter have there been chiefly studied
to the south of the great Primary area, in a region where
n I mierous ridges of the underlying rocks appear through
the horizontal paleozoic sandstones, ' ' protruding, but not in-
truded, " recalling the similar outcrops in southeastern
Missouri (^373).
§ 4i")l. These ridges, which are naturally the more resist-
ing portions of the eroded eozoic series, consist, in large
part, of qiiartzites, massive and vitreous, or slaty, and inter-
laininated with soft aluminous schists, which have been
called talcose. These various strata, which are highly in-
clined, and evidently belong to a series of great thickness,
were, by Percival, called "altered Potsdam," and by Alex-
ander Winchell, Lower Potsdam, but in 18G2, were, by Prof.
James Hall referred to the Huronian series, with which they
are classed by Prof. Irving. The quartziferous porphyries,
sometimes becoming schistose, and interbedded with unctu-
ous schists, are found, either alone, or conformably suc-
ceeding the quartzites, the strata having a steep northward
dip. In one section, on the Baraboo River, the total thick-
ne'-'s of these rocks exposed is about 5,000 feet, including
a brtudth of about GUO feet of the porphyries, which, in
another section, are estimated at not less than 3,200 feet in
thickness. (Geology of Wisconsin, 1877, pages 501-521).
These rocks, from the lithological descriptions given, in-
cluding the microscopic characters, and the results of chem-
ical analysis, are evidently identical with the orthofelsites,
or petrosilex-porphyries, previously described by the writer
as characteristic of the Huronian series along the Atlantic
coast, in the Soiali Mountain in Pennsylvania, and in Mis-
souri. They are the same with those which were discovered
by him on the north shore of Lake Superior, and which
enter so largely into the cupriferous conglomerates of the
Keweenian series, on the south shore of the lake.
§ 452. The volume just cited does not give the late ob-
servations of Mr. E. T. Sweet of the ge(jlogical survi^y of
the State, which he has set forth in the Transactions of the
Wisconsin Academy of Science for 187G, (pages 41-55), in
a paper on the Geology of Northern Wisconsin. The Ke-
weenian series, as was shown by Foster and Whitney, oc-
cupies a great synclinal on Lake Superior, which is traced
uninterruptedly into Bayfield county, Wisconsin, a distance
of more than two hundred miles, and with a thickness
which, according to Mr. Sweet, is often over 00,000, and
never less than 20,000 feet. Beyond this, it is followed,
with some interrui^tions, for one hundred miles further to
the south-west, extending across the State of Wisconsin,
and into Minnesota, though with a diminished volume, from
the thinning-out of the conglomerates, and frcm erosion.
The amygdaloids of this series are seen at the Dalles on the
river St. Croix, where they yield native copper. These
rocks, at this locality were, by Owen, regarded as eruptive,
and newer than the adjacent sandstone, but Sweet makes
it clear that, on the contrary, the lower beds of the sand-
stone rest horizontally upon the trappean rocks, and are
made up in part of their ruins. These basal sandstones are
shown, by the presence of LliigiUepis plnncvformls and
Oholella lyol'da^ to belong to the Potsdam sandstone of the
§ 453. These sandstones, wdtli their interstratified and
overlying magnesian limestones, constituting in this region
a series of about 1.000 feet in thickness, beneath the St.
Peter's or Chazy sandstone have already been noticed,
(§270-278) and are geograph'cally distinct from the sand-
stones which, along the sou the 'u shore of Lake Superior, over-
lie unconformably the Kewee Jan series. Mr. Sweet (loc. cit.
page 49) remarks : " There is no known locality west of Ke-
weenaw Point where the Lake Superior sandstone and the
Potsdam ot tno Mississix^pi valley are not separated by many
Under the name of Lake Superior sandstones, Mr. Sweet,
following Dr. Rominger, includes the nearly horizontal sand-
stones which extend along the whole southern shore of the
lake, including what has elsewhere been spo!>:en of as the
St. Mary's sai.dstone. This was, in 18G3, 1'egarded by Logan
as probably of the age of the St. Peter's or Chazy sandsfone
of the Mississippi valley, (§ 10.")) and colored as such in the
geological maps of 18G4 and 18(50 (§44).
§ 454. We have seen that Hall long since observed, in some
beds between these sandstones and the overlying mass of
Trenton limestone, strata containing organic remains of the
Chazy formation. Dr. Rominger has since found, through-
out the northern peninsula of Michigan, at this horizon, a
series of beds, which, from their oi'gani(! remains, lie declares
to reijresent both the Chazy, and the Calciferous formation,
of the New York series, leaving, according to him, no alter-
native but to regard the underlying sandstones as the equiv-
alent of the Potsdam." (Geol. of Michigan, 1873, Vol. I,
pages 71, 80).
These intermediate beds are partly calcareous or dol-
omi'ic, and partly silicious, consisting of "small perfect
quartz crystals, with glistening facets, and sharp, unworn
angles." Mixed with these, ai'e numerous oolitic silicious
globules, and, in some cases, masses of banded chalcedony,
the whole recalling the observations made regarding the
silicious beds of the Potsdam, in other localities (§ 2G9).
§ 455. These intermediate beds have a variable thickness,
and in one case measure nearly one hundred feet. The
thickness of the underlying sandstones, to the east of the
co]3per- region, where they rest upon the older crystalline
rocks, does not exceed tliree hundred feet, but to the west-
ward, it is not easy to fix the limit between them and the
older sandstones which form the upper portion of the Ke-
weenian series, and are designated by Mr. Sweet as the Bad
River sandstone. The upper portion of the Potsdam sand-
stone, in this region is, according to Rominger, light-colored
and friable, the lower is dark-red or variegated, and, as shown
by Mr. Sweet' s analyses, contains a large proportion of clay
and iron-oxyd, from the decay of the underlying Keweenian
strata (Mem. Wis(;onsin Acad. 1876, page 60).
^ 45G. The identity between the crystalline schists of Lake
Superior (including those of northern Michigan and Wis-
consin,) and those of the Atlantic belt, pointed out by the
write', in 1870 and 1871, is admitted by Mr. Francis Bradley,
who, however, still holds, as we have seen, (§ 404) to the notion
of the i)aleozoic age of the latter. In an exi)lanation of
his geological map of the eastern half of the United States,
published in 1 870, Mj'. Bradley writes : ' ' The typical Iluron-
ian of Canada, according to description, occupies the posi-
tion, and presents the lithological characiters which we
should naturally expect for the metaniorphic portion of the
adjoining Lowev Silurian [Cambrian], corresi>on(ling pre-
cisely, in both aspe. ..s, with extensive beds of that age in
the Appalachians. I have accordingly colored them Lower
E. 235
Silurian." "Considerable portions of tlie so-called Ar-
clifcan area, in Wisconsin and Michigan, have been shown
by Brooks, Punipelly and others, to be the equivalent of
the Canada lluronian, for which reason they might with
propriety be referred to the tiilurian, but the data, as yet
published, seemed so incomplete that the writer has preferred
to leave them uncolored." Bradley further remarks, that
after reaching the above conclusion with regard to the pale-
ozoic age of the typical lluronian: "I learned through
Mr. Selwyn, that Sir William Logan held the same view,
for some time before his death'' (Amer. Jour. Science III.
xii, 287).
To this assertion, Mr. Selwyn replies in the same volume
(page 4G1), as follows: ''I am not aware that I ever men-
tioned Sir William Logan to Mr. Bradley, in the matter,
and certainly, if Sir William held the views attributed to
him, he never informed me of the fact." Mr. Selwvn further
adds, with regard to the lluronian rocks : '' AV(^ have not, so
far as I know at xjresent, any evidence which could warrant
us in classing them with the Silurian." To the above decla-
ration, the present writer must add his owti testimony to the
effect, that Sir William Logan, up to the last year of his life,
admitted no such view as that attributed to liim by Mr.
§ 4r)7. The above statements of Mr. Bradley called forth,
in 1S77, a note from Prof. Irving (Ibid. Ill, xiii, 308), who
sums uj) as follows, "the facts i)roven, thus far, as to the
older rock-series of Wisconsin." These are, iirst, the exist-
ence of an older gneissic and granitic series, the Laurontian -,
second, the unconformable superposition upon this of a
second crystalline series, the lluronian, (in which is in-
cluded the Penokie giKMssic foriuatiou already mentioned) ;
third, the superposition upon the lluronian, iu probabh'
unconformity, of the great Keweenian series, with a thick-
ness of several miles ; and fourth, the existence of a seiii's
of horizontal sandstones, resting unconformably upon the
Keweenian, and liolding the organic forms of the Potsdam
Pr(»f. Irvinir adds: "Inoi-der to incliid' the Wisconsin
crystalline rocks witliiii the Silurian, Mr. Bradley would
have to stretch that term so as to cover three entirely distinct
terranes, each overlying its predecessor unconformably, and
many thousand feet in thickness ; the highest of the three,
in its turn, overlaid unconformably by horizontal sand-
stones nith Primordial [Cambrian] fossils. As to any ot
the Wisconsin or Michigan rocks being altered equivalents of
the Primordial, and newer strata, of the eastern States, such
a hypothesis is certainly untenable for a moment." While
conceding that such things may, as Bradley supposed, oc-
cur in the Appalachians, (a region with which Prof. Irving
is unfamiliar) he says, "there has certainly been no period
of metnmorphism in the region of the northwestern States,
since the beginning of the Primordial;" — a proposition
which is equally true, in the writer's opinion, for the At-
lantic belt.
§ 458. The Keweenian series has been shown to overlie
unconformably the Iluronian and Montalban schists, and
to be, in turn, overlaid in like manner by the Lower Cam-
brian sandstones, thus occupying the same geological in-
terval as the Lower Taconic or true Taconian series. With
this, however, it has but very remote lithological resem-
I blances, and, so far as known, nothing similar to the Ke-
! weenian series is found at this horizon, either on this con-
! tinent or elsewhere. If, however, as seems proba])le in the
present state of our knowledge, the greater j)ii^i't of this
series is to be regai-ded, in opposition to the opinion of
Rivot(§ 153) — as of vokanic origin, its lithological peculi-
arities are, in the nature of things, local, and have no
chronological signihcance. We may recall, in this connec-
tion, the resemblances already noticed between the Ke-
weenian series and the beds of amygdaloid and cupriferous
conglomerate, apparently of the age of certain graptolitic
shales, in the Upper Taconic i-ocks, in the province of Que-
bec (§ 185) and al. • the similar rocks of mesozoic age, in
other regions. Charles T. Jackson, in 1840, argued from
the litliological characters of the Keweenian series, that it
was of the age of the New Red sandstone of Nova Scotia,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, and the same
E. 237
view has been sustained by- Ma r-ou, and later, by Tliomas
Macfarlane and by Robert Bell. The valuable geological
and lithological observations of Macfarlane, in this region,
are set forth in the Canadian Naturalist, in 1SG8, (new series,
vol. III.) where, on page 253, he has given his reasons for
regarding the Keweenian rocks as of the age of the lloth-
liegende or Permian of Germany, Avhich they closely re-
semble lithologically.
§ 459. The evidence since obtained from superposition, has
however established their much greater antiquity, and con-
firms the opinion, that the comjjosition of exotic rocks is
in no way connected with the date of their extravasation.
The conditions under which they have been ejected, whether
as sub-aerial, sub-aqueous, or subterranean eruptions, and
the consequently differing conditions of consolidatic i, must,
hoAvever, necessarily modify greatly their minernlogical
characters. It should moreover be considered, in comi)ar-
ing older with newer exotic rocks, that the deeply-seated
portions c:'' an erupted mass, which became solid under a
vast pressure, and are now, in the case of older rocks, ex-
posed by great subsequent erosion, must differ considerably
in structure from the superficial and more-rapidly cooled
portions of the same mass. Of such nature, for example, is
the difference between granites and quartziferous trachytes.
§ 4G0. There are certain markings in the Keweenian rocks
which are probably of organic origin. Logan, in 1847, de-
scribed the occurrence in some of the earthy, or so-called
tufaceous beds of the series, of numerous slender vertical
tubes, filled with calcite, having a. diameter of about a
quarter of an inch, and a length, in some cases, of from eight
to twelve inches. Two or more of these tubes were often
found to coalesce, in ascending, (Geol. of Canada, page 71)
and they were supposed by Logan to have been formed by
currents of gas rising through a pasty mass. From the ob-
servations of the writer in 1872, on Michii)icoten Island,
where similar markings were found in an argillaceous stra-
tum, he was led to compare them with some forms of so-
called ScoliiJius, and to regard them as due to the burrow-
These were accompanied by large niiml)ers
ing of annelids
of two cuiious forms, the one club-shaped, and the other
hemispherical, or dy
sylvania, and has lar»'ly been resuscitated for them, in New- v^
foiiudlaud, (^ :}77-379). Nicholson, moreover, a few yearn . >\ v
since, applied a like view to the Ilnronian of Lake Superior, c^v / • ,
and recently George }>[. Dawson has expressed the opinion \^ / ri'\
that rocks litholoirically similar to these, in liritish Colum-H^s'^y^'f*' ^
bia, are of volcani<' oiii;in, and niesozoic in age.
^474. The greenstone gronp of the Alps has, like tin?
similar rocks in North America, been, from its apparent
stratigraphlcal relations in dillVivnt localities, assigned to
various ages, in paleozoic, mesozoic, and cenozoic time.
The late researches in Alpine geology, of Favre, Gastaldi,
and others, have howv'ver led to a different c(mclnsion.
According to the latter, the rocks of the greenstone groujj
are not eruptive, but indigenous, and constitute a dis-
tinct stratilled series, of great thickness, of beds and len-
ticular masses, in which the serpentines occupy a position
near the base. These vai'ious rocks, he declares, belong
to a constant and well-defined horizon, which is pre-paleo-
zoic, and never make theii- appeanince in other formations.
This group has all the characters of the Ilnronian or Green-
Mountain series, to which it has lieen refei-red by (iastaldi,
and rests, probably unconformably, upon a great series of
gneissic rocks, often porijhyroid and granitoid, which in-
clude quartzites, graphite, and crystalline limestones, and
are supposed by him to represent the Laun^ntian, of which
they have the chai-acteristics.
§47,"). The Iluronian in northern Italy is followed by a
great series of quartzites, with calcareous schists, mica-
ceous limestones, and dolomites, including gypsums near
the summit. These rocks, like the pieiri verdi, have been,
in turn, referred to various horizons from the Cretaceous to
Lower Carboniferous, but a(;cording to Gastaldi, are of
greater and uncertain antiquity. Their lithological char-
acters, and their position, recall the Taconian of eastern
North America. The three groups of crystalline strata
above mentioned, are said by Gastaldi to constitute the basal
rocks of Alps and the Appenines, and, overlaid in part by
newer strata, may be followed fi-om Mont Blanc to the Dan-
ube, the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, and the plains of
Fiunce. Gneisses and mica-schists, similar to those oi" the
Montalban series, are also found in many parts of rhe Alps.
The '•ead'>r may consult on this subject, two remarkable
memoirs by Gastaldi, entitled, Sludli Oeologice sulle Alpi
Occkic'/dall, and the same, parte scconda ; Firenzo, 1871 and
1874, in quarto, with numerous maps and sections ; also
a letter by this geologist, entitled Spaccata Geolofftee liimjo
le ValU Super iori del Po^ etc., {BoUetino del II. Comltato
Oeologico, unno 187G, No. 3^). See further, Bui. Sac.
Ghl. de France, 3me. s^rie. I, 208, and on The Geology
of the Alps, Chem. and Geol. Essays, i)ages 329-348. The
views of Favre and Gastaldi, though still opposed l)y some
of the older school of geologists, are in harmony with all
the facts of American geology, as set fortli in the preceding-
§ 470. For a study of the euphotides and gabbros of the
Alps, in vvhich the saussurite of the typical eupliotide is
shown to be not feldsjiathic, but epidotic ; and for an ex-
tended comparison of these rocks with the relatt.'d ones of
the Iluroiiian of the Atlantic belt, see the author's memoir
on Eupliotide and Saussurite, (Amer. Journal Science, II,
xxvii., 330). For a similar study of serpentines, see his
Contributions to the History of Ophiolltes, (Ibid, II, xxv,
217, and xxvi. 234).
§ 477. Some further account of the Montalban rocks, and
their inchided granitic veinstones, may be found in th<'
author's Chemical and Geological Essays, pages 194-200.
The relations there pointed out, on pages 192 and 208, be-
tween granitic, calcareous and metalliferous quart/ vein-
stones, are well shov^ in Northbridge, near Worcester,
Massac^husotts, where the gray fine-grained gneisses of the
Montalban series, dipping to the soutlieast, are travf^rsed
at right angles by several vertical ])arallel veins, which may
be traced for considerable distances, and are ordiiiarilv but
a few inciies in thickness. The veinstone in these is gener-
ally a vitreous quartz, which in sr)me parts exhibits sel-
vages, and in others, bands of white orthoclase, by an ad-
mixture of whicli it elsewhere passes into a well characterized
granitic vein. Tlie ipiartz veins, in phices, hold cubic crys-
E. 247
tals of pyrite, together with clialcopyrite and pyrrliotine,
the latter in considerable masses, sometimes accompanied
by crystals of greenish epidote, embedded in the quartz,
and occasionally associated with red garnet. In one part,
tliere is found enclosed in the wider part of a vein, between
walls of vitreous quartz, a lenticular mass, three inches
thick, of coarsely cleavable pink calcite, with imbedded
grains of dark green amphibole, and, on one side, small
crystals of olive-green epidote and red garnet ; the whole
mass closely resembling some crystalline limestones from
the Laurentlan.
§478. In the account previously given of the Iluronian
and Montalban rocks, as observed by Brooks to the south
of Lake Superior, a notice of his latest publication on the
subjei t, which appeared in September, 187G, (Amer. Jour.
Sviience III, xii, jiage 194, ) was inadvertently omitted. In
the tabular view there printed, the crystalline rocks, by
Brooks called Iluronian, are divided into twenty groups.
The granitoid gneisses, already referred to, (^ 4:}G-4;}8) as
associated with the "great hornblendic and mica-schist
series," XIX, previously regarded as forming the summit
of the system, are now described as still newer than this,
and are spoken of as "the youngest observed member, the
granitic bed, XX, — only recently made out." It is these
two divisions, XIX and XX, which the wi-iter has already
referred to the Montalban, and which, according to Brooks,
0(Hui])y large areas both in the Menomenee and the Penokie
§ 479. The observed thickness of the Iluronian in this
region, exclusive of the overlying gneissic series, is esti-
nuited by Brooks at not over GOOO feet for the Marquette
district, and for those lying further west, on Black River, in
Michigan, and where the Bad River crosses the Penoki«>
I'ange, in Wisconsin. To the south of Marcpiette, in the
J.Ienomenee district, it is said, the exposures may exceed
12,000 feet. We have however seen that in Wisconsin,
according to Irving, the quartzites alone, of the Iluronian,
in one section, measure over 4000 feet, and the petrosilex-
porphyries. in another, not less than 3200 feet (§ 451). If
these rocks be comprehended, the estimates of 18,000 and
20,000 feet of aggregate thickness, made by Murray, and by
Credner, (§ 430) do not seem excessive. Although the
petrosilcxes were not noticed by the former, tlie presence;
of them, lately detectetl by the writer in the collections
made by Murray, twenty years since on Lake Huron, show
that these rocks were, by that observer, probably included
under the head of cherts and jasi)ers.
The Iluronian series in New Hampshire, excluding the
petrosilex-porphyries, called by him Lower Huronian,
(§371) is, according to C. H. Hitchcock, a little over 12,000
feet in thickness.
§ 48(>. The thickness of the Montalban, as seen through-
out the Atlantic belt, appears to be very greii t. Hitchcock,
in his Geology of New ILimpshire, jiublished in 1877, (Vol.
II, page 074) includes under this name a series described as
gneisses and feldspathic mica-schists, librolite-schists, and
"Concord granites," — the local designation of the fine-
grained grayish micaceous gneisses of the Montalban. This
series has, according to him, an aggregate thickness of
11,370 feet. Beneath this, he places 34,900 feet of rocks desig-
nated as Laurentian, of which however the upper portion,
called the Lake gneiss, and estimated at 18,000 feet, is
in the writers opinion, probably, Montalban. Notwith-
standing the a]iparent absence of the Huronian beneath the
Montalban in I he sections given l)y Hitchcock, the writer
has already set forth his reasons for believing the latter to
be the younger series. It is probable that a portion of the
crystalline scliists which, in certain sections, overlie, ac-
cording to Hitchcock, the Huronian, may also belong to
the Montalbjui terrane.
§ 481. As we have already seen, the hypothesis put for-
ward by Matlier, n 1843, that the whole of the crystalline
rocks of western New England are but altered paleozoic
strata of th(^ Cliamplain division, (^81) has lately been re-
vived by Prof. Bradley, who has extended it to the similar
rocks of the Blue Bidge, and of the vicinity of Lake Su-
perior (§404, 456). In a Handbook of Georgia, published
by the Commissioner of Agriculture for tliat State, in
1876, and accompanied by a geological map, is a sketch of
the geology of Georgia, which is understood to embody the
opinions of Bradley with regard to the crystalline rocks
of that State.
It is therein declared that Fulton county exhibits both
"the Cincinnati gneisses," and "the reddish and gray hydro-
mica schists, with some outcrops of the steatite and itacol-
undte, of Quebec age." In Habersham county, the rocks
are referred to the same two divisicms ; those of the Blue
Ridge jH'oper, like those of the Chattahoochee Ridge, being-
said to consist of "hard horublendic gneiss of Cincinnati
age," while the softer schists of (he intermediate valleys
are supposed to belong to t' Quebec period, (loc. cit.,
pages 40, 49, 59.)
§ 482. These same views are set forth, with further detail,
in the exi)lanations accompanying the catalogue of a col-
lection of the rocks and minerals of Geoi-gia, sent to the
Paris exhibition of 1878 ; the catalogue having been prepared
by Dr. George Little, the State geologist. It is theicin said
of the crystalline rocks of the State, that, altiiough without
fossils, they "apx)arently are all stratigraphical ecpiivalents
of the Lower Silurian : "in which however the only divisions
recognized are the following, in ascending order : 1 . Acadian
or Lower Potsdam ; 2. Upper Potsdam ; 3. Quebec grouj),
and 4. Cincinnati group. The thicknesses there severally
assigned to tliese are given vvitli a qu(My.
The first, or Acadian, estimated at 13,000 feet, is said to
consist of micaceous and livdro-micaceous schists, witli
bands of gneiss, having but little hornbh:'nde. It also in-
cludes rooiing-slates. The second, or Upper Potsdain, of
2,000 feet, is made up of heavy-l)edded gneisses, with little
hornblende, as before, and with few schists. The thiid, or
Quebec group. 12.000 feet thick, consists, in its lower ])ai't,
chiefly of hydro-mica schists, with Ix^dsof honiblende-schist,
gneiss, and quartzite, with much gai'Utit, cyaniteaiid rutile ;
and in its upper i)art includes limestone and dolomites, with
beds of chrysolite-rock or dunite, associated with serpentine
and other niagnesian ndnerals, and with corundum. The
fourth, or Cincinnati group, 15,000 feet thick, is chiefly
gneiss, in great part hornblendic, with but few liydro-mica
Rchists, "It probably includes the flexible sandstones of
the npper part of the Itacolumite series of Lieber," the
lower part of whic^h is said to be embraced in the Quebec
group. All of these divisions are declared to be more or
less auriferous, with the exception of the Acadian ; bat the
rocks holding the chief part of the gold of the region are
placed in the lower portion of the Quebec group.
§ 483. The vvuiter has very recently had the advantage of
examininti:, in some detail, the crystalline rocks of the region
in qnestion, in company with Br. Little. The roc^ks of the so-
called Cincinnati group, whether seen in the vicinity of
Atlanta, Fulton county, at Mount Airy, Habersham county,
or at various p'^ints intermediate, along the line of the con-
necting railway, are the characteristic hornblendic; gneisses
and mica-schists of the Montalban. The same is true of the
greater part of the rocks exposed in the se('tionfrom Mount
Airy, by the base of INlount Yonah, to the Unaka Gap in the
Blue liidge, in AVhite county ; nor was there met with in this
section across the whole mountain-belt anything represent-
ing the Iluronian, or so-called altered Quebec group; as seen
in the Green-Mountain range in Canada. In the valley on
the northwest of the Chattahoochee Ridge, near Clarksville,
in Habersham county, there were found outcrops of unctuous
slates, which resemble those of the Taconian, and mav be
associated with the limestones, said by Prof. Bradley, to be
quarried in the vicinity. The whole section, including the
gold-bearing strata of the Nacoochee valley, bears a close
resemblance to that already described across the same
mountain-belt to the southeast of Roan Mountain, in North
Carolina (§ 207.) Stcme Mountain, near Atlanta, ic a good
example of the micaceoi s granitoid gneiss of the Montalban,
so well known in New England ; — the Concord granite of
§ 484. The Montalban rocks throughout this region are,
with local exceptions, (as in the mountain just named,)
more or less completely decayed, often to a depth of lifty
feet. The liornblendic gneisses, though still retaining con ■
sidei-able coherence, have lost the greater part of their
weight intlie process ; their specific gravity liaving been re-
duced from 2.97-3.08 to 1.20, and, for some varieties, to
less than 1.00. These decayed hornblendic rocks, by the
action of the weather, yield a strong red soil. The de-
cayed mica-schists, which still retain their micaceous
character, liave there been called hydro-mica schists, though
distinct from those of the Taconian, with which they have
been confounded.
§ 485. The uncrystalline formations of Cambrian and
Siluro-Cambrian age, as displayed in norchwestern Georgia,
present, according to the catalogue just cited, the folio Aving
characters. Above the Ococe slates and conglomerates,
which are of great but uncertain thickness, is found the
Potsdam or Chilhowee sandstone, estimated at 2,000 feet,
followed by the Knox group of limestones, sandstones and
shales, (regarded as the representatives of tlie < 'alciferous
sandrock and the Quebec group,) witli an aggregate thick-
ness of 4,400 feet. To these succeed thf Cliazy limestone,
GOO feet ; the Trenton limestones and shales. 700; and the
Cincinnati group, consisting of silicious limestojH^s and
shales, with layers of red hematite, from 200 to 400 ; making
in all about 8,000 feet of sedimentary strata from the base of
the Potsdam. These, by the liypothesls of Prof. lUradley,
become, in their extension a short distance to the south-
eastward, iransformed into the 29,000 feet of crystalline
rocks which he has referred to the Upper Potsdam, Quebec
and Ciiicinn:»ti groups ; the intermediate divisions l)eing no
longer distinguishalile.
§ 486. The arguments in favor of such a hypothesis, which
have been urged by various writers on American geology
since the times of II. J). Rogers and Mather, may be summed
up under two heads: First, the ai)i)ai'ent stratigra])hi('al
succession ; and second, thesu^iposed evi(hmces of ti'ansitioii
from the uncrystalline to the ciystalline rormalioiis.
The mode of reascming under the fii-st, as a])plie(l to the
rocks of tlie Atlantic belt, may be faii'ly stated to be as fol-
lows : Having assumed the possibility of such a transfor-
mation in litliological characters, and liaving taken for
granted that the wliole succession in question is a conform-
able one, without inversions or dislocations, a section is
constructed from some formation in the paleozoic series,
on the west side of the mountain-chain, and the crystalline
rocks beneath which this formation ai)pears to pass, to the
eastward, aresupy)Osed to represent the succeeding members
of the paleozoic series in question.
The radical faults in this reasoning are: First, that it
overlooks the well-established fact that the i:)revailing
structure in this mountain-chain is what may be described
as a series of inverted folds, and of dislocations, as the re-
sult of which (nt least in its western portions) the newer
rocks dip, or seem to dip, eastward beneath the older ones ;
and second, that it assumes the yjoint to be proved, namely:
The possibility of the conversion of great masses of sand-
stone, limestone, and shale, into feldspathic, hornblendic
and ndcaceous strata.
§ 487. The fallacies of the method are strikingly shown
in its contradictory results, as illustrated by the different
paleozoic horizons to winch vai'ious theorists of this school
have, in turn, assigned each terrane of the Atlantic belt.
This has been abundantly shown in the i)receding pages, for
the Iluronian and the Taconian. As regards to the Mont-
alban, the characters of which are perfectly well-defined
and jiersisteiit from New Brunswick to Alabama, we have
seen that Messrs. Rogers, from a supposed parallelism with
the paleozoic rocks of Pennsylvania, assigned the Montalban
of the White Mountains to the lower half of the true Silu-
rian, namely : the Oneida, M<'diiia and Clinton formations
of the New York series. Logan subsequently referred the
same crystalline terrane to the Devonian period, having
successively placed the Iluronian in the Siluro-Candjrian,
and in the Candirian : while Bi-adley now makes the
Montalban rocks to embrace both of these latter, leaving
no place in his scheme for the Iluronian.
§488. As regards the secoiul argument, that from the
imagined passage from crystalline to uncry stall ine rocks,
we need only allude, in this place, to the existence of beds
made up from the ruins of the former, which have been
supposed to show the conversion of sedimentary into crystal-
line strata, instead of the reverse process. This point lias
already been illustrated in § 184 and § 413.
Distinct from such cases, are the statements ol' Mather,
(§ 81) accordiiiu" to whom it is possible to trace, ou the east
side of the river Hudson, a gradual passage from the rocks
of the Champlaiu division, across those of the Taconic series,
to the crystalline schists of New England. This supposed
transition was however leased cm the false assumption that
the Siluro-Cambrian and the Cambrian or Upi)er Taconic
of that region, are one and the same series, and that their ap-
parent lithological dilTcreuces are due to the commencement
of a metam(U'phosis, which is still further seen in the marbles
and schists of the Taconian, and reaches its highest i)<»int
in the crystalline terranes further to the east. It will, how-
ever, be evident from what has gone before, that these
different types of strata are not, as was imagined l)y Mather,
the result of subse(xuent and unlike changes which one and
the same uncrvstalline paleozoic series has suffered in
different geographical areas ; but that, on the contrary, they
belong to successive periods in paleozoic ami eozoic time.
The great divisions of the latter, as set foith in § 409,
present, in ascending order, a progressive change in mineral
characters, the nature of which has been shown in § 405,
406 ; thus constituting a veritable passage, in time, from the
granitoid Ottawa gneiss at the base of the Laui-entian,
through the internKxlia te Iluronian and Montal 1 )an divisions,
to the less markedlv crystalline schists of the Taconian.
The important question of the genesis of the crystalline
rocks will be discussed in another place, but, in tlie mean
time, an outline of the writer's views may be found in the
preface to the second edition of his Chemical and Geological
Essays, j)ages xxvii-xxxi.
Second Geological Survey of PEiNnsylvania.
REPORTS FOR 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, AND 1878.
The I'oUowiniif Reports ure issued for tlio State liy the Boiird of Cominia-
niissioiicrs, at irarrishnru and tlie prices iiave been fixecl as foUows, in a(^
cordance witli tlie terms of die a(!t:
A. Historical, Sketch of GEoi.oGiCAii Explorations in Pennsylvania
and otlier States. By .1. P. Lesley. With appendix, containing Annual
Reports for 1S74 and 1875 ; pp. 22(3, 8vo. Price in paper, ^ 2o ; posttige, §0 06.
Price in elotli, ?0 50; iiostage, §0 10.
1874. Hy Dr. F. A. Gonth. With appendix on the hydro-carbon compounds,
by Samuel P. Sadtlcr. 8vo., jip. 20(>, •\vitli muj) of the State for reference to
counties. Price in i)aper, ?0 50; postage, §0 OS. Price in cloth, $0 75; post-
age, fO 10.
B.* Preliminary Report of the Mineralogy of Pennsylvania for
1875. By Dr. F. A. Genth. Price in jiajier, §0 05 ; i)ostage, SO 02.
C. RuPORT op Progress on York and Adams Cointies. By Persifor
Frazcr, Jr. 8vo., pp. lOS, illustrated by S maps and si'cfion.s and other illus-
trations. Price in paper, $0 85; postage, ?0 10. Price in clotii, ?1 10; post-
age, ?0 12.
CC. Report of Progress In the Counties of York, Adams, Cum-
berland, AND Franklin. Illustrated by •ynops and cr ess-sect io7is, sliow-
ing the Magnetic and ^Micaceous Ore Belt near the Avestern edge of the Meso-
zoic Sandstone and the two Azoic systems constituting the mass of the South
Mountains, Avitli a preliminary discussion on the Dillshurg Ore Bed and
catalogue of specimens collected in 1S75. By Persifor Frazer, Jr. Price, ?1 25 ;
postage, ?0 12.
D. Report opProqrkss in the Brown Hematite Ore Ranges of Le-
high County, with descriptions of mines lying between Emaus, Alburtis,
aud Foglcsville. By Frederick Prime, Jr. Svo., pp. 73, with a contour-line
mop ami 8 cuts. Price in p;ip(^r, ?0 60 ; postage, ?0 01. Price in cloth, §0 75 ;
postage, ?0 0().
II. Report oFPRocmEssiNTnECLEAUKiELD and Jekpehson District
OK TUB Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. By Franklin
Piatt. 8vo., pp. U90, illustrated by 139 cuts, 8 maps, ami 'Z aeclions. Price in
paper, ?1 50 ; postaj^e, §0 13. Price in cloth, 51 7.j ; posUige, §0 13.
OF THE Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. By F. and
W. G. Piatt. Pp. 194, illustrated with S4 wood-culs and 4 maps and sections.
Part I. Cambria, Price, ?1 00 ; postage, ?0 12.
OF THE Bituminous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. By F. and
W. G. Piatt. Pp. 348, illustrateil by 110 wood-cuta andO maps and sections.
Part II. Somerset. Price, $0 8.5; postage, fO IS.
I. Report of Progress in the Venango County District. By .Tolm
F. Carll. With observations on tiie Geology around Warren, by F. A. Ran-
dall ; and Notes on the Comparative Geology of Nortli-oastern Oliioand Xortli-
western Pennsylvania, and Western New York, by J. V. Lesley. 8 vu., pp.
127, with 2 ma2JS, a long section, and 7 cuts in the text. Price in paper, $0 (U);
postage, 50 03. Price in cloth, §0 S.j ; postage, ?0 OS.
II. Report of Progress, Oil Well Records, and Levels. By .John
F. Carll. Published in advance of Report of Progress, III. Price, §0 00; post-
age, ?0 18.
J, Special Report on the Petroleum of Pennsylvania, its Pro
duction. Transportation, ^lanufacturc, and Statistics. By Henry R. Wriglcy.
To which are added a Map and Profile of a line of levels through Butler,
Armstrong, and Clarion Counties, by D. .Jones TjUc;is; and also a Map and
Prolile of a line of levels along Slippery Rock Crook, by J. P. Lesley. 8 vo.,
pp. 122 ; 5 maps and sections, -a plate and o cuts. Price in paper, SO 7.") : post-
age, 50 00. Price in cloth, §1 00 ; postage, ?0 OS.
K. Report on Greene and Washington Counties— Bituminous Coal
Fields. By J. .1. Stevenson, 8 vo., pp. 420, illustrated by 4 sections and 2
county maps, showing tlio depth of Iho Pittsburg and Wayiiesburg coal lied,
beneatli the surface at numerous points. Price in paper, 50 (m ; postage, 50 10.
Price in cloth, gO 90; postage, 50 IS.
KK. Report of Piiogress in the Fayette and Westmoreland Dis-
By J. J. Stevenson ; pp. 4:)7, illustrated l)y oO wood-cuts and 3 county maps,
colored. Part I. Eastern Allcirliony County, and Fayctio and Westmoreland
Counties, west from Cliestnut llidge. Price, 51 40; postage, 50 20.
L. Specie L Report on the Coke Manufacture op the Yougiiio-
GiiENY RiVEU Valley in Fayette and Westmoreland Counties, witli
Geological Notes of the Coal and Iron Ore Bods, from .Surveys, by Cliarlos A.
Young; by Franklin Piatt. Tw ,v Inch are append(>(l : I. A Report on Methods
of Coking, l)y .Tohn Fulton. II. A Report on tlio use of Natural (Jas in the
Iron .Manufacture, by .lolui B. Poarsp, Franklin Plait, and Professor Sadtler.
Price, $1 00; postage, 50 12.
M. Report op Progress in the Laboratory of the .Survey at
Harrisburg, by Andrew S. McCreath. S vo., pp. 10."). Price in paper, 50 oO;
postaj,^, 50 ().'). Price in cloth, 50 75 ; postage, 50 08.
N, Report of Progress. Two hundred Tables of Elevation above tide-
level of tlio Railroad Stations, Sununitsand Tunnels ; Canal Locks and Dams,
River RilUos, itc, in aiul around Pennsylvania ; with map. By Charles Allen,
Price, 50 70 ; postage, 50 lo.
(^. llKPonT OF Proobess in the Beavku River District of the Bitit-
MiNous Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. By I. C. White; pj).
3H7, illustrated wltli 3 Ocolopicai mnp.mii parts of licavor, IJutlor, and All«-
gliotiy (bounties, and 21 plates of vertical sections. Price, ?1 40; postage,
?0 20.
Otlier Ilei)orts of the Survey are in the hands of the printer, and will soon
1)0 published.
The sjiloof copies is conducted according to Section 10 of the Act, which
roads us follows:
* * * "Copies of the Rej)ort3, with all inajis and supplements,
shall 1)0 donated to all public libraries, universities, and colleges in the State,