a#. ^tA . .- 1 > - •t IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-?) ■'* ■ 4(s 4^ 4t rf > A'; - X 1.0 t^m ■" lU 12.2 ■•9 12.0 1.1 I, 6" +■ 4 nio togro phic . Sdfflices GOTporalion * ■ « ^ O 6^ 33 WIST MAIN STMIT WIBSTIR.N.Y. MStO J (716)t73-4S03 -^ ^ CIHM Series / (Monographs) • * ' * Canadian y * ( f \ ■■■'•: ■ •'^*'"' 0' ■ •■ ■ "' • . '-^ ''- . \ -^ ■■ > 1 . . • ■•?' v'. • ■ , ■ ■ ■ ■. "1 ■ -,■♦.. V ' ' : ■ t' •'■.■ .•■ -^ ICMH • [:'■ Collection de w- ' microfiches . \ (monograph ies) • •■h- CanadMin Inttituta for Historical Microraproductiona / Institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquaa Ttchniul and Bibliographic Notat / Notat tadtniquat atiMMiofraphiqMat 1 Tha Institute hat attamptad to obtain tha batt original copy available for filming. Faaturat of this copy which may ba bibliographically uniqua. which may altar any of tha imagai in tha rapiroduction, air which may significantly chanfa tha usual mattiod of filming, ara chackad balow. L'Institut a microfilm* la maillaur akamplaira qu'il lui a 4t4 postiMa da la procurer. Let dMails da cat aMamplaira qui sont peut4 \' " ■J ...^ 4 » 5 6 * . * , 1 __ -V _„J --.— V-- . ■ • . !■ ' * \, ; : - ■ •. .;• ^ X SP^blFICATIok r Of Work reqairecT to ba| dooo in\lie Erection of an Eogibe and Boiler^House for ltratf6id Water Works. M48on and ^^rickwrork. Escftvmte for foandfttkmi, Aa, to ibe width and depth dii^n on tlm dniwinga. « Fill in around walla, and Onwie the^irpluB anil on the Kroiinda, aa the Inapcptor »b liiirnt Aoton limp, or eqaal quality, ' tienoheathe width and depth aha wn Mottai. Walla. AnilMjAe. Briek*. in the building to tha. height rei}uired for flooring, inajt direct -The concrete to be oompoaed of fi^e of (Dod gravel, to one of go tboronghly well mixed and inoorporaofd tether, and to be tilled ii on the drawinga, to be levelled off onf top. ■ The floor of engine room to be liud with 6 " concrete, anilde be biiitt l:l " hollow wall, bonded every third brick, and every ^our peraketch. jKuild nine inobi-ii Ru|id nt a/l anglea and around all ufieninga. The exterior ami iiit>!:rior b/ieka to be neleoted of an iiiiifonn aiirt and ciiloruiMl Jointn neatly beaded witli jointer and atniight nIgH.i The bricka to be guud I All brickH Xn lie tlKiroughly Aink^. \ Oraa m e a taMon. BUli. OopiBt,*e. OtaimnlM. BoUwHoatanbar DaU. / / LamlMr, Ac. Ftamoi * Doof*. Windows, Ice. RoofATroMM. Root Coming. nadilna. Ooniloa, to. Oondnolon. well burnt whita^Sncka, of an uniform «■»> Hiii,l,.aulur ae uf the beat Canadian aand stone and neatly tooled. The copin^of gaUe {\" x 17" ) finial and ooiblea, to be of stone neatly tooled and aaourely bolted, alao moulding on ohimney|y Build chimney fiirlioilersMH shown, in the most thorough manner. The floor of boi/«r Utoaso to be laid witli brick on edge, to be well bedded i{n 3 " goad sharp aand, and made perfectly ^ date I T The manner. .The lumb im|)erfectiona, entire RutiHfacl' The dooB 'to be sand stone^ rubbed, and-to have inscription cut on surface aa direetad, in a ne«t •' Carpenter & Joiner. to be well se^nued pine lumber, tree - from large or litkd knota, rot, sap, ahakea or other /nd the workmanship to lie executed in the most wurkiuauliko and substantial manner, t0 th« of ihe ina|iect4ir. * X 10 ' rebated for doors and beaded both sides. The doors to be ^| " frames to tie /S framed withy^aneU ",li in. 't'lit-k and :l in. wi(i *■• jointa MiWered, thp iron to extend 7 inches nnder slate, the gutter to have proper fall to outlet, and^ to be securely braced. * • • ■ " , „ , • The coiuluctor pipea, three inhumber, to lie of'galvaninHl iron, 4' in diameti'r, and securely fixed to the iti with iron holdfaata, and have turnout at gruiind. The creatiiitf to lie of cast iron of approverovad quality, and to be extra heavy. ' mm^ Painting an^ Glazing. Knot, prime, stop with outty, and afterwaida |iaint afl the wood and iron work naually paiatad, inolud- ing the inaide of gutter, creating, ridge, Ac. Tha flailing to he ahellaoed twice, oiled and varnished. < . Tha ^t whito lead and lin aaed-oilto-bejlaedin. tintw , to ault the Ina|ieetor. Tha windowa tt>baghiMd with 16 oa. glass free f rom defeota, wairMJed Mid braddad, and Mt wkob anii|. dean on completion. ., .., Eaoh oontraotor aball depoait a oartifled cheque for five per oent of the amMnt of hb t— qwr, wUA g^ ba ratainad by tha Oonpuiy ahould ha refuae to aign a oontMct ftpprovad of by tha Oompuy'a Baifamr. No taadar will be oonaUered unleaa aooompanied with a obtqoal ^ - JOHN M MOORI. a E .^Jf'. / ) -I \ W".., ,• •"' "^H ■ L . J w- ,' ' • - - : 1 1 i A ^^^^^^r ^^^^^^r t -_- ■■" r ■' ^ . , ,' »' - ; ' , ^ 1 1 ■ ■ If t /• 1 ■ ■ W 1 ■ ■ r 1- ■ .' •' 1 •». ^ w . i . . i' ." - ■■■ -y ■ '' ' . « - 1 f A ■2_,: ' ^„ • .■ ' ^ - - ■ • ■'■■ :^/ ^■ ■ f ■. ' -4- • , ' ' ' ' ^ "■ ' ". -' ~~ ': ' "^ / »■, — ^. * 4 * '> ■ ' ^- ■ ■ ' i , # 9 ■ . • ._ <0 §