^^J 1 ' w %^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 »" IIIIM ■ 50 "- •^ IIM 2.2 BiS 1 2.0 1.8 JJl IIM Photographic Sciences Corporation m %< 4" '' % ^^" - CLAREiSrCE BLOCK, Cor. Yates and Douglas StQ :■<■ CELEBRATION VICTORIA, B. C, Weclnesday, Thursday, Friday" and St^turd^y^ . MAY 24th, 25th, 26th and^CIth. t H. P. MCDOWELL, PRINTER VISITORS Kent Vour FROM L^ THE CENTRAL CYCLE DEPOT, 42 and 44 Broad St. ONIONS 5t' PLIMLEY; • r - i ' i The Only Practical Bicycle Makers iii the. City. •»-»■ Only tlie Finest Ijinen of GontH' FurnisliiiiK (IixhIh riirried. Nookwt'ar and Hats a Hpejialty. ^ ^fc ^y SAMUEL SEA, Jr., Leading Qerits' Furnisher. No. 8v noltOLA5 STRERT, Oddfellows' fc^fock. '^^ Getn l^estaut»ant "^^•^:y 40 BROAD STREET. ^O*^^ rSciass Meals 15c. and Upwards PRIVATE ROOMS ROR LADIES. RUTLEDGE & MATTHEWS, Props. E. F.QEIQER, SANITARY PLUMBING, ?,%a'2,°_!!fij::ir" All kinds of jobbing and ship work a specialty. Estimateo given on application . Orders promptly executed. -^Cliy^Cv^iy Cor. Pafldbraand Douglas Sts. P.O. Box 122. Telephone 226. J. A. DANES C, W. RUCKHABER Shaving Parlors, Hot and Cold Baths in Connection- .... 5trictly First-Class .... Will be In Their New Premises Monday, May 22nti, OLD POST OFFICE, Governnnent St. RubkrNeek or Flexible Handle Stamps at 2^ Broad Street. J. CHARLIE BO. T: Merchant Tailor { The Finest Assortment of Cloths in the City to Select from Q7 STORE STREET BRUNSWICK HOTEL, Best $1.00 and $1.25 per Day ^^ House in the City. COR DOUGLAS <^ J. H. Sweetland, Prop AND YATES STS. ^^^=-— ^ 297444 The Most Compi of Musical In in tlie City "^ " FLETCHEl 93 Government St. WEDNESDAY, M/ 9 a. m.— RIPLE MATCH. Open to all. 9:30 p. m.-CHILDREN'B PAUADE— tl by a brass band they will a^iHrch and past a reviewing stand. The after singinj? " God Save the Qi drill between companies of boys will take place. After this a prog ing a foot ball match. 11 a. m. -CRICKET MATCH.- -Beacon ] 12 Noon— ROYAL SALUTE tired at uoo 1 to 6 p. ra. -PUBLIC INSPECTION of Free traftsport^ation by ships' lau 2 p. m.-TPAP SHOOT— Oak Bay Grou 2 p. m.-LACROSSE MATCH.-]Sew W< 8 p. m.-GE.^fERAL ILLUMINATION iug Government Buildings. D( Park; where a magnificent displa given, many designs havinjg beer the makers for tbn oeotision, witl Hegimental Band in attendance. THURSDAY, MA 10:30 A. M.— FIREMAN'S TOURNAMI 1. Dry Test— Run lUO yards to break and pnt on pjpe. Time 2. Speed Race. Run 200 yards. Competing Teams: Nanaimo^ Regatta at tl^e 1 p. M. SHARP. « Single shot opens Regatta. All races to be called by bugle. £\ sounds the race will be started by gun. All amateur races vender auspices < Athletic Association. In all Naval and Indian Races there flags for the various boats. ^ SIVIOKE {f r. The Capital Cigars, ''Gold's Own," ^'Havana Mail" "Henry Clay" .^^ I\ aorT>, Maiif. J) ^ St Complete Stock >f Musical Instruments n the 0\ty^'*=====::^:^Z^^^Z^^^^ i^LETCHEK.BnOS.. lent St . Opp. Old Post Office . NESDAY, MAY 24th. :AT0H. -Open to all. Clover Pojnt. ►REN'S PAUADE— Donghis Street. Headed band they will a^arcli to the Caledonia grounde reviewing stand. The parade will be dismissed ng " God Save the Queen " and a-competitive jen companies of boys from each of the school lace. After this a programme of sports, ihclnd- ball match. T MATCH. -Beacon Hill. HA.LUTE Hred atuoou by H. M. Ships. L.IO INSPECTION of H. M. Fleet, Esquimalt. aortation by ships' launches. lOOT— Oak Bay Grounds. iE MATCH.-Mew Westminster vs. Jamt^s Hay. L ILLUMINATION OF THE CITY, inolud nmeiit Buildings. Decoration of Beacon Hill -e a magnificent display of Fireworks will be ly designs havin^r beeaa especially arranged by i for tbn o<3(»ision, with ititernational features. 1 Band in attendance. While in Victoria JRSDAY, MAY 25thi ilMAN'S TOUliNAMENT— Yates Street. >8t— Bun IQO yards to plug, lay 250 feet hose, nd put on pjpe. Time taken when pipe i»on. Race. -Run 200 yards. Races run hub and hub ig Teams: Nanaimo^ Wellington and Victoria. )atta at tl^c Gorg^.— ^ BAND (N ATTENDANCE. jns Regatta. - . .. . , I called by bugle. Two mmutes after bugte II be started by gun. ices under auspices of James Bay Amateur id Indian Races there will be distmguishmg IS boats. ■; I E ipltal Cigars, Own," a Mail"^ Clay" ,: ), Mai it'. jj. Brands. S8 Johnson St. Visit the - — A Manhattan Saloon. y> Cor. lUioAD AND Yates STs. Yokiohama etr . . . Japanese - Fancy - Goods -Hlc ^. W^pilBE 4 C0. *^ 153 GOVERNMENT STKEICT For First- C/ass = Bread, Cakes and Confectionery 2^^ McMILLi^N BROS -84 Yates Street. t t For Fine Watches, Diamonds and i Jewellery Novelties ..... ± ?^ WB. SHAKESPEARE, | Watcl^ijr^akcr ai^d % Jeweller. .^<=::ir2::::::^ t :: — :— — — — ~ —74 V AXES STREET. ♦ •t 0. B. OfilVtOfiD, Bookseller, Statioi^er Wjll remove in a few days to 02 C "7 Ys*tPQ StrPPt G^ove^nment St., next m Old Post .>.T ¥ W • JL jL . X J-^±\±\K^K^ k. The Jew^ellor. -^^5*5^ •s 64^ Yates Streetf VICTORIA, B. C. GRAND OPENING OF THE 1: SAVOY THEATRE v«) Monday, May 22nGl, 1899 v:,^-l..l.A.A.LU.»:.>,..l.H-I.A..l.A....A...>.H«-»l.-. ly^iWimMhiHtaaiflai All First-Class Artists, including the Following: 5 PEi^i wmw^ 5 Kefiueil Song ami Danoti Artistes. BEA.TRICTH] LORlSrE, The Operatic Gem. 3 - BANVARDS -^3 . In Their Flyiag Trafwjze Act, drentest in the Worl*d.^ Eva LANG DON, charming Balladist SMITH So ELLIS, -^ SKETCH TEAM ^h^ ARMSTRONG & O'NEAL, I Two Clever Come(U««iiP. i 0-A.]yL]Sd[ETT-A^5 Serpentine Dancer |ADMISSiON 25 & 60c. -'•^ Perforinance Commences at 8i30 Sharp M.S, FAIR ALL, '^'f^^^h.ESaUIMALT ROAD. Brewer of English Ale, Lager and Stout. i,f.: The Only firm in Victoria that has never \ brewed from anything else but Malt and Hops. ^t: Delivered to Any Part of the City. FRANK CAMPBELL THE NOTED Will be found at the Old Post Office, Government St Agent: — Seattle Post ni/>Ts A/t/vrk-KfTcim Intelligencer ;New York Sunday World. iUISAUUUJNiOi Journal. Herald and all Local Papers on Sale. Reading and Whist Room and a L arge Fire Proof Vault in Rear of Cigar Store PROGRAMME- Continued. 1-TBN-OARED OUTTERS-Conrso ronnd Island and return to barge (ftbont three miles). First prize, $40; second, $20; third. $10. 2 -FOUR-OARED LAPSTREAK BOATS— (Amateur)--Oham- pionsbip of British Columbia. Three-quarters mile straight Hway to Starter's barge. 3— INDIAN WAR CANOES (under 40 feet)— Course round Island and return. Prizes. $4, $2, and $1 per paddle. 4--NAVAL (WHALERS) 9 oars Course round Island and return. First prize, $20; second, 610; third $5. 5-DOUBLE-SCULL SCHOOLBOYS' RACE, under 18— Pirht prize, three Silver Medals. 6-INpiAN TWO-MEN CANOES— Course round Island nnd return. First prize, $12; second $6; third. ^. 7— NAVAL PINNACES, 14 or 16 oars-Course round Island and return. First prize, $.'>6; second, $28. 8 -DOUBLE DINGY RACE,~Officers H. M. Forces with lady coxswain — Course, straightaway from Mr. Snowdeu's boat- house to Starter's barge. First prize, Camera, value $20; second, value, $10 Post entries. 9 -INDIAN WAR CANOES, 40 fe«t— Course r6tind Island and return. Prize, $5, $3 and $! \)er paddle. Post entries. tOT-NAVAL, SIX-OARED GIGS— Oaurse round Island and return. First prize, $25; second, $15; third, ^. 11 -KLOOTCH MEN'S CANOE RACE— Working canoes only Course from Starter's barge, round buoy and return. First prize, ^; seeoud, $15- third, $10. 12— DOUBLE DINGY RAOE~(Open to Amateurs, with lady coxswain)— Course as in No. 8. Prizes of same value 13~INDIAN TWO MEN CANOE UPSET RACE— Course rouud buoy and return. First prize, $10; second, $5. 14— ALL-COMERS' RACE— ..uy size boat, any number of oiirs. Course round Island and return. First prize, 4^5; second, $15; third, $5. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 26 and 27th SPORTS AND GAMES -Basket Ball Saturday aftermwu 2:30, Caledonia Grounds. 2:30 p. m.— BICYCLE RAGES— Saturday, at Oak Bay Track. . The Provincial MuseUlYi will be open free to the public during «:U the week of of the Celebration from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. B. C. District Telegraph Co's .... Messengers . . . . Will Deliver Your Programms. Call at 28 Broad Street for Information Telephone 409. Mesisengers Day and Night. jggy