^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) {./ V f^*^' fA fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 2.8 141 inns MX li^ 1^ 11^ 1.4 m 1.6 V] Avii) SciuMCKorit and JoHv Vanstonk. KALSTAFF WARD- .John (Jihson, Mathrw Hyde, ami (Si:o Lakk WOKTHY. IIAMLKT WAKD—Wm Dawe, Wm Davihsun und Hr«jH McLauty. 1<()MF:0 ward -T. T, Ikvin*;, II. A. Jamhson a>id R<»keut Mveks. SHAKKSPKAEF WARD-Jamks F.ENNiiCH, Isaac Uukj and W. H. Tretheway. DMIEISdIBERS OF" THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THK YEAR 1888. ICayor. HENRY T- BUTLER- ^>«»- AVON WARD \Vm Mowat, A. J. McI'hkrsos and Jouy VAsyruM; FAI.STAF1'' WARD— J<»HN (.Siuhon, VVm (.;«»ui»(»n uiul (Jko i^AUKWitUTiiv HAMLKT WARD— K. K. IJaknsi>al,k, Wm Davihwix an.l Joskih DCNSMOHK. KOMKO WARD -T il. Dona.Ass, .I(»hn Paysk ami B'ua.v»us I'kati', SHAKKSI'KARK WAKb-J. 1). IIamii-ton, Ihaai; Rioij aixl VV, H. TnKTIIK.WAV. X.*— MAVUK, 1889. nUNKY T. ItrXI.KR. CITY Ai-Dl^KMliA, uS8y. AVON WARD— J. Bkown, D. .Saik. ROMKO WARD— VV. (Jiiwos, T. J. Dkikilass, F. Pkatt. SKAKKSPKARK WAni>— J. (*. Montkith, .1. liKNNdOii, R. Daia. CITY OFFICBRS, i88() R. U. LANG C.W. LAVVKKNCK JOHN IDIM.TON. (j. C. w. s. h()Ix;i:k JOSICIMI JOHNS VV. H. HUKNIIAN. » C.KORCilLG. i:\VAkT \ ALEX HKPIJURN WM DOWN JAMKS OLOANi: JOHN A. McCarthy, jk. PKTKR Ma« NARIi GEORGE T. COOKi: 'ITlOMAS BOYD Ckrk Tivasurcr Solicitor Assessor (,'<»llector Auilitors Ei);^in(i.r St u.'ct Com \ 1 1 issii )ncr !V)lic i ^ n . i U ~ « members not f. ji.„ voom or Hiakc ativ Hoisc or disturbance, nor wnen a leave ihe room, *• • » ' ^ . *• member is spcakirii; shall any other member tntcrnmt htm inT::!''" lITiu: except to a point of order, nor pass between hiiu and ihc (•rruptvd, . chair. 19. A member called to order shall sit down unless CniiiMj? mem. pcmiltlcd to cxpUilo, aud the Council, if appealed to, shall b«r»tooruer. ^^^.^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ without debate; and if there be no appeal, the decision of the Mayor or other presiding officer shall be submitted to. 20. No member shall speak disrespectfully of the Mernw* not rcifTnimr Sovcreic^n, or of any of the Royal Family, or of to speak disre. t> o o , . . • ».i /^ spectfuMy of the , Qoycrnor Gcnc»-al, or person admimstermg the Uovcrn- Sovereign, Koyal »*•'" x^*--' >"•••• »i o'Tl'JneiTor ment of the Dominion of Canada, or of the Lieutenant-Gov- !;;*;;;^;[^:r"ne^;: cmor or person administering the Government ^ of this lUkSe' the province, or use offensive words ac^ainst the Council or any juestion in de» » ..... . • •„ j 1 k^ ^- ^»"' member thereof, or speak beside the question m debate or reflect upon any vote of the Council, except for the purpose of moving that such vote be rescinded. 21. Any member may rcnuirc the question or motion Members may y- j^- dlscussion to oc rcad ai any time durinij the debate, but not so as to interrupt a member while speaking. requ be r«ad. 22. No member shall speak more than once on the Member* not gamc qucstion without leave of the Council, except in cx- to speak to the ^ ti«i 1. same nuestion pjanation of a material part of his speech which may have more tnaii oncC| h _ fifuermbit" been misconceived, but then he is not to introduce new matter. A reply is allowed to a member who has made a substantive motion to the Council, but not to any member who has moved an order of the day, an amendment, the previous question, or an instruction to a committee ; and liuM ik:«.<^\^ no member shall, without leave of the Counclt. "^nerik to the same quesiion or in reply for longer than a quarter of an hour. 23. Upon a divi:'?ton of the Council, the names of those uecor.iinB a;. visions when Who vote for and those who vote against the question shall "y^j^j ""J f •'>- be entered upon tiic minutes, not only in the cases required by law, but v lion n member shall call for theayef .v»u nays. 24. Questions may be put lu the mayor or other pre- Qutstions may sidmg officer, or through him to any member of the ^'•'•>"': '»• mem. , Ijt-rsof the Couii- Council, relating to any bill, notion or other matter con- ^''^ nected wi»h the business of the Council or the affairs of negate not »t. the City, but no argument or opinion is to be offered, or "'^* ' facts to be stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain the same, and in answering any such questiot* a member is not to debate the matter to which the same refers. 25. No person except members or officers of the no person ex. , ceiitnicinhersaiul Councu shall be allowed to come within the Bar during the oncers to he ai. ° lowed withia the sittings of the Council without the permission of the """■• Mayor or other presiding officer, and when the doors shall ciosine of the be directed to be closed all persons except the members and the Clerk ahall retire. 26. Okdeks of the Day» t~ Reading of Minutes. 2 — Business left unfinished at previous mccdngs. 3 — Original Communications* 4 — Introduction of Bills, 5 — Consideration of Bills. 6— Petitions. 7— Referring Betitions and CommunicationSs Orders of Ihtf day, 8— Reports of Committees and consideration thereof. Q — Enquiries. 10 — Giving notice. II — Motions. 27 The business shall in ail cases be taken up in the .S£^i:Stt order in which it stands in the "Orders of the Day'' unless "'"^" "''• otherwise determined upon by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and without debate thereon. MOTIONS AND ORDER OV PUTTING QUES- TIONS IN COUNCIL. 28. Ml motions shall be in writing when requested by Motions to be the Mayor or other presiding officer and be seconded before i^cc^na"':. a,';:! ^eing debated or put from the chair. When a motion -'s bate. "-•""•■ '" seconded it shall be read by the Mayor or other presiding officer bcforo debate. 29. After a motion is read by the Mayor or other pre- Withdrawing siding officcr, it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Council, but may be withdrawn at any time before decision at the request of the mover and seconder. 30. A motion of commitment until it be decided shall preclude all amendments of the main question. 31. A motion to adjourn sliall always be in order but Motion to a , , 1 1 It • 1. • 1 mitte. of th« ^ committee of the whole, who shall mamtani order whole. •«»"«• ■"• in the committee and report its proceedings. h 4,^ The rules of the Council shall be observed in com- .. , , mittce of the whole, so far as they arc applicable, except Rules of coun- •' t 1 • 1 1 ii''c°omn^tteTo[ that uo motiou shall require to be seconded, and no motion h;:ertin"r'!for thc prcvious questiott or an adjournment shall be ''^"' allowed, and in taking the ayes and nays the names of thc members shall not be recorded, and thc number of times of speaking on any question shall not be limited. 42. Questions of order arising in committec of thc How questions whole shall be decided by thc chairman, subject to an of order urisinR , , ,. , 1 11 in committee to anocal to thc Couucil, aud if any suduen disorder shall he decided, A t^ 1 • 1 • /V arise in the committee thc Mayor or other presiding officer shall immediately resumo the chair without any question being put. 9 43' Of* motion in committee of the whole to rise and Motionincom. ni i t I ee ol the report* the question shall be decided without debate. *'''"'^ '" 'T "'■"' • * report t(i bo ili;- cidcd without tie. _ , licuc. 44. In committee of the whole all motions relatini^ to '■! whnt order •^ motions to lie put the matter under consideration shall be put in the order i',',^';i"|',Xi"'''' "^ fn which they are proposed. 45. A motion in committee of the whole to rise, with- Proceedingson , motion in com- out reportmg> or that the chairman leave the chair, shall """y^ ^f ""-• whole to rise always be in order, and shall take precedence of any other i),'.',!'""' '*^p"''" motion. On such motion debate shall be allowed, and on affirmative vote the subject referred to the committee shall be considered as disposed of in the negative, and the Mayor or other presiding officer shall resume the chair and pro- ceed wiih the next order of business. READING OF BILLS AND THEREON. PROCEEDINGS 46. When a Bill is read in Council the Clerk shall cicrktocertify ,.<. ^1 ,. 11. .... - t-eadinjjs on hills, certify ths rcadmgs and the time on the back thereof, and n-Kitoherespot.. ' sihlc for their after Bills have passed he shall be responsible for their ^^^J^^^^"*"* '*" correctness should they have been amended. 47. The question, "That this Bill be now read a first Questions as time," shall be decided without amendment or debate, and how puT.^° every Bill shall be read a second time before it is com- mitted and read a third time before it is signed by the Mayor. 48. Every Bill shall be introduced on motion for the How bills to be first reading thereof,and shall receive three several readings, SiShereot each on different days previous to its being passed, except on urgent and extraordinary occasions and with the unani- mous consent of the members prescut, when it may be read twice or thrice in one dav. i 10 49. Any Bill for the appropriation of money brought Bill for money I, ^ o„ the rcport of a commJttcc of the whole shall pasa ap propria lions ^ . •/"!*. brought in on re .i^,,,K ^n jts staccs wltliout bciHg agaiH referred to a noll'agairrc'. committec of the whole unless upon special motion. ferred to a com- mittee uf the 50. In proceedings of committee of the whole upon How Mils to Bills every clause shall be considered in its proper order, l^nnnhtrunho thc prcamblc shall be next considered, and then the title. whulc. 51. All amendments made in committee of the whole shall be reported by the chairman to the Council, who madc'^rn' "iom- shall rcccivc the same forthwith ; after the report the Bill shall be open to debate and amendment before it is ordered for a third readincj ; when a bill is reported with- out amendment it shall forthwith be ordered to be read a third time. iiutlei: wli..|.:. of tlic 52. All By-laws, after havincj been finally passed, shall be numbered and shall be forthwith entered and copied at nunii .rrj '"ami (^\\ ]enfrth iu a book to be kept for this purpose, and such cntorcd in a hunk ^ imiLca.''' '^ '" book shall be indexed. |i PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. ti It E' etiiions, &c., to e {irescntcd 53. Every petition, remonstrance, or other written \yhenandho* application may be presented to the Council by any rriem- '" ber thereof on any day, but not later than the hour at \vhicn th:: Council convenes, except on cxtiaordinary occasions, and every member presenting any petition, remonstrance or other written application to the Council shall examine the same and shall be answerable that It does not contain any impertinent or improper language, and that thc same is respectful and temperate in its 11 language ; he shall also endorse thereon the name of the Members pr«. entiiig, respons' applicant and also the substance of the npnlication, and Mi'itf';ri:inguaga » ^ i i ' in jictiUuiis, ace. sign his name thereto, which endorsement only shall be •,<,) endorse read by the Mayor or other prcsiditiL.^ officer, unless a nieni- hrs"!n iKtUi.'i"' bet* shall rcqaire the reading of the paper, hi which case <„Vy ti'. the whole shall be read. iiid sanii! .^ Ijc read \viit:n l■cl|lle^tl;(l liy a incinber. ions, alt 54. All petitions or other written communications on any subject within the cognizance of any st;uuling com- ^"")y,''"''de' mittcc shall on presentation be referred by the Maj^or or ^jf"^ '''''"'* other presiding officer to the proper committee without any motion, and no member shall speak, and no debate shall be allowed on the presentation of any petition or other communication to the Council, but any member may move that in referring any petition or other communi- cation certain instructions may be given by the Council, or that such petition or other communication may be referred to a select committee, and if the petition or other com* munication complain of some present personal grievance requiring an immediate remedy, the matter contained therein may be brought into immediate discussion and disposed of forthwith. 55. Any member may move to t"ke up or refer any communication or petition made or presented to theprfvS"'y'^e*a? Council during the year in which such motion is made or "0?^ *"* "'^'"'** during the year next preceding such year, and whether such petition or communication has been referred to a committee and reported upon or not ; but no motion shall be in order to take up or refer a communication or petition made or presented at any time before the commencement of the year next preceding such motion. 12 Members may be placed on committee, not- wit list audi UK their absence when named. Mayor to be ex-officio a mem- l)er of all coin* mittces. Memlier intro. ilucing bill, &c., referred to select committee to be n member and chairman of the committee. APPOINTMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES. 56. Any member of the Council may be placed on a committee notwithstanding the absence of such member at the time of his being named upon such committee, and the Mayor shall be ex-officio a member of all committees. 57. The meml who introduces a bill, petition or motion upon any si ct which is referred to a select com- mittee shall be one of the committee without being named by the Council, and shall, unless he otherwise determines, be the chairman of such committee. 58. Of the number of members appointed to compose Majority of any Standing or select committee, such number thereof as crive "of «: shall be equal to a majority of the whole number chosen ['o""'bl%';tTotn! exclusive of any ex-officio member shall be a quorum competent to proceed to business. 59. There shall be appointed annually at the first or Standing com. second meeting of each ncwly-elected Council the following •"'"'*'' committees which shall compose the standing committees of the Council : I —The Finance, Assessmtnt, License, and Print* in2 Committee. 2— The Board of Works. 3— The Fire, Water and Gas Committee. 4— The Market and Police Committee. 5_-The Board of Health and Relief. 6— The Park and Cemetery Committee. 7 — The Court of Revision. 1 13 60. Each standinj^ committee shall be composed of not sinn-imK .om. less than five, nor more than seven members. ?• 61. The members of each standincr committee of the first iM.-rtiH«. Council shall meet at the Council Chamber for the purpose '"'ml^'^. of organization within ten days after that on which they arc appointed. 62. The members of each standincj committee of the , ».i"tiM ..r '■^ 1, 11 a 1 1 III ;{ II (if Council shall at their first Meetini: proceed to elect from ^ '.;""' '"'^, ;.""'• among^ themselves a chairman ;and immediately after such '^f "'*^'^i"'y- chairman has been elected the days of the future regular meet- ings of each standing committee shall be determined by the members thereof, and also the hour at which each of such meetings shall be held. 63. The regular meetings of the standing committees |.^.„iar ,„cct- on Finance, Assessment, License and Printing, and of the ionUuces."'*'"* Board of Works so determined, shall be held once in each week preceding the regular meeting of the Council, and by each of the other standing committees as often as may then be determined upon. 64. Special meetings of standing committees may be spedai meet. called by the chairman whenever he shall consider it nee- tc^, how^trbe essary to do so ; and it shall be the duty of the chairman, or in his absence it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Council to summon a special meeting of a committee, when- ever requested in writing to do so by a majority of the members composing it. called. i 65. Members of the Council may attend the meetings Members of of any of its committees, but shall not be allowed to vote, f.rm«iinyof nor shall they be allowed to take any part in any discussion '°""'""«'- or debate except by the permission of the majority of the members of the committee. 14 66. I<:vciy coinniittcc shall keep minutes of its pro- MinM.csof,,,,.. cccain-s in a book to be furnished for that purpose by the miuccs' i^'"i^'^ Clerk of the C(unicil, and ^uch book shall be kept in the kept. . . i- , i^- M office and custody of the Clerk of the Council. FlNANCI, ASSKSSMKNT. Lu KNSIi AND PRINTING CO.MMITTKK. 67. The following and such other duties as may hcrc- nuties of Fi- i„, or by any other By-law hereinafter be assigned to them, r:u:i.icc;iS shall be the duties of the Finance, Assessment, License and Priming Coin- mittec. rrintin^ Committee: i^To present to the Council on or before the f.rst si.'ir.:^" Monday in March in each year a full and particular exhibit rTitytr'the ^j- ^j^^ financial affairs of the City at the termination of the prececluiR year ;;rsr^IoXt prcccdin- financial year. March. 2— To report to the Council on or before the first To report on or Monday in September in each year as to the manner m before tirst Mon- •' . i r .. ^K„ «.,♦• rrr^ir i« tO bc il.-iy 111 Sepleiiil)er . nSt->'i'"' ^vhich the revenue required for the current year is to be each year as to how rcycinie is „„• .,,1 lobcraiscu. laisv-u. 3— To have the special supervision of the books of To .«p<-rvisc accounts, documents and vouchers, and of all moneys, dc- 'urct^ctcl '""• bcntures and securities in the Treasurer's office, and the supervision of the Treasurer. Toadvi^cwith 4— To advise with the Treasurer when called upon to l£F;:Ik do so on all matters periaining to his office. ing 10 his office. 5— To see that all duties and services which ought to TrL"su?c'r ?e,'. ^ pciformcd by the Treasurer arc fully executed. forms hii ilutics. »'v- i '- • • 15 6— To forhitl the sl«fniii2 or clcHvx;ry of any cheque or. t^ forMd sit;n. '^ " ' •^ • iiiK and clclivtry security, or the payment of any money by the Treasurer >f ii[uti'''",nauers'be they shall think it expedient so to do, until the matter can "^'»''''"'=''- be further considered, or can be referred to the Council. 7 — To rcrjulate all matters connected witli the receipt t„ rtgu!at« or payment of money, and to order the adoption of such l""* rt'ccipt '":In!i I i- • .• *i •■« 11 . t'iiynienl of re. that 16 3_-To report totlu- 0»nt)cil in ihcir final report for lu f,n.,i ..,,.,. ^.,^.1, y^■^^. ,,„ all such works of pcrnKinciit improvement in w'.k!\'!''ponM.i- connection with the sewers, drains, streets anil thorouj^h- m.mttM. cM.uin;: ^.^^. _^ .^^ j^ ^^^.^^^ j^^. considered essential to the welfare and convenience of the citizens, to be carried out during' the en- suing; year, together with the estimated cost of the works so recommended. 4_.To t,nve effect to the orders of the Council in iv,f,„M,,.tM...f J ^1 ^^, ^j . performance of works under other com- mittees. 5_To sec that the streets arc cleaned and kept cleaned MK.i'arc''dcai'.. ;„ accordancc with the IW-laws of the Municipality. cd, etc, 6— To expend in such manner as shall be most ad- To cN„.mi vanta^cous and beneficial to the citizens such moneys as moneys ajipropri- »"">•' t> ,, ,. l • „ C'rolun^us"' shall bc appropriated by the Council for general improve- ments within the Municipality. Fire, Watkr and Gas Committee. 69. The following, and such other duties as may hcrc- Duticsof Fi,o, in or by any other Byltisv hereinafter be assigned to them, :^^. '■'" shall bc the duties of the Fire, Water and Gas Committee : i_To manage and report on the organization, equip- Tomann«cand mcnt aud maintenance of thc Fire Brigade, and the supply Eac'^ic.^"'"'' and maintenance of thc apparatus of thc Fire Department, and to see that the same a ^pt in good order, repair and efficiency, 2_To appoint thc memocrs of thc Fire Brigade sub- ject to ratification by the Council. Appoint niitn bcrs of Fire l>ri I.iRhtln Struts. ot 3_To manai;e and report on thc lighting of the City, thc erection of street lamps and thc inspection thereof. irt for cut ill irouj^li- ru and the cn- works ncil in r com- clcancd 3st ad- iicvs as iiprovc- 17 4- -To ivpfnt ojj the supply of water ami the erection Water -turiy. ami ni.u'nlciiancc of tanks ami !i)chai>ts. 5 — Toconstdcr and report on all matters connected WaicriMk:»ire«f5. Willi the watcriiiL.;- of the public streets t)r s(|LKircs. — 'I o consider and report on all matters connected lire limit!., with the cslaMislimeiit of fire limits, the inspection of hiiikl- inj;s with refertiiee therett», and llie inuseciilion of offend- ers a^Minst sneh reticulations as may be enacted for the pre- vention ol Ihes. MARKET AND POLICE COMMITTEE. 70. '1 he jollowint,, and sneh other duties as ma> herein hMtir.,.f M.ir. or by any other l)y-huv here.ifter be assi^med to ihcni, c.j.iin'iUiee. sliall be the duties of the IMaiket ami l\)Hee Comnn"ttee. ly hcrc- them, mtttcc : , equip- supply artmcnt, pair and ,de sub- he City» rcof. I— To mana.^e and report on ail matters relatinij to T.>„MnMi;r;,n.i the reirulall..ns.>rtlie Public Market and wci-hin<; houses, ir;':!;'!"'': the inspection of weights and nu:asure.;, the assize of bread. oL'' "'"" ' *' the prevention of the sale of tainted and uiiwholesome food. and all other matters with reference to markets as to which the Council hu.s power to pass I'.y-laws. J— To report on the rental <.f stores, cellars and Stalls, and leasin;.;- of the \\ci;^h .scales. 1 1> I'.'i'"! t ' ri H;lUal III' >lMrc , IXII.U-, .Kill:., «:|i. 3— To rep(Mt on all works th.it may lu- required for 1., r.-,,o„ ,,„ J tho maintenance and keepin;.; in repair of the Citv 1 fall build- n?y ' iiilii |.,ui;i! l.-i.r .......1. » 1. 1 . . ' iiiK, luurkLt, Cll . lnl,^ maiket Mouses and ;;rounds, and to carry out all such I works in connecli'ui therewith as the Council may authorize. 4— To have the control and direction of the W'eioh cont Clerk, Janitor of the City Hall and market buildings, tor, etc. rol of jani- 18 a.Hl all omcors and .servants ,iv\Aoycd in or about the „,,,,,„,, 5_To cause Xhc fees of nurlat scales to >c aavcr- M.rk.. >..i..-. ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^. .^^ ^,^^. ,,,„„^,, ,,f iKa.nlur in cadi year by ^,,,,,,i, ,„ctln„. or as may be .lirotnl by tbe Gn.ndl ami to see to the -ivini: of security by the purcbaser thereof for the luyuK nt i>f the inirchasc money aiul the perfurmancc of his lUitics. 6— To cause tlic stores, stalls anil cellars in the City »Jir«KV''"*' ji.jji ..i„^i Market I'.uililitii: to be ai!vertise»l to let at the same time as the sale ol Maik.t Seak fees in each year ami to let the same by public auction, or as may be ilirectttl by the Council. ^^ jj. 7— To ci.ntiMl anil rep.Mt upon the general m.-inaj;c- iiocklv"'' ■""' nunt of tin: iNtlice Court aiul l(»ck-iip. ami to have thccon- tn>l anil ilireclion of all ofliceis comieclial therewith. 1 BOAKD OF IltlAlTlI AND UELILF. i. ofr..r.i 7'- T'^*-" follouin:-:. anil such other iluticsas may herein rTjSWnT^- ^^j. ^^y .^,^y „^i^^,r p.y-law hereafter be assii;ni ' them, shall be the ilutic;> oi the iJoanl of Health aiv.l Reliet : I— The r.oaril of Health ami Relief shall have all the r-".,^;;';,^,^; powers atul authorities couferrcil up'-i or vested m ine «^^"'"""''" members of the Municipal Council of the City by the act respectiin; the Public hcallh or any other Act for the like purpose, so far as same remain, if at all, in the said counciU and so farassaid councilcan delegate same to suchcommitlcc. 2--Thc said IJoard of Health and Relief shall immcdi- ^elert and rf "til. port.acomnmtce . I ^^ ^1 ir ur-aniz-^''^" ci-Tt :in(i reoort a suitaDie a-. I'.xal lloaru CI "*■•»'/ o Heaiih. lization sjlect and report a suit the 19 committee to be appnlntul a U.cal Hoard of irtalth iirulcT thcl'ublir Ilialth Ait of iN.S.j, ami any acts aimmlini; same. m Ti 1 M 3— The said noai.l ,,C n,,,!tli .uul Relief shall also R.iief, supervise the distiiljutinn <,f Kdief, PARK AND rKMKTKRY CiJMMrrTEE. 72. The foilowiiij;. and such ollur (hitics as may T„„i..,of r.rk herein, or l.y any r,|h. r iJy-law hereafter be assi-ne.l tluin, (!':'.„,£:""" shall be the duties of the Park and Cemetery Commit* t- o I— To mana-^e and report upon all matters connected m,„.«. , xvith the preservation of all ,L,Mounds set ai)art for lHd,lic "irilVllM'.rt' Parks, S.iuares, Gardens, Walks or Cemeteries, and all ''"^''*' buildiuKs erected thereon, and the i)revention of encroach- ments on such properties. 2— To report on all matters comiected with fcfiein- »>„, i„., om.v ornamenting' and preserving the Parks, Scpiares, Ganlens^ XV wo'^u "' Walks or Cemeteries as aforesaid, and to carry out all such' works connected therewith as the Council may authorize. COURT OF KKVISTON. 73. The Court of Revision shall be constituted, an the chainium. -__Thc.v si-,:;ll be cnt'-rcnl in Uk Minute lUu-k ..f lS5rcaclA:.,nnniUcealla.,..tso.ac,v^ ]::1 ' "'"'^ Council, all orclcr. pa^-ol. and all aco.nnts and.lccl iv,lh a reference 1. the IW-law or .v.ulntinn nn.ler winch snch audit isnuule, to:;ether uith .uch other n-atters as the Connuittee .hall con^iaer e.senfal to a record of ,ts proceedings. 6-Kach nnnnte so recorded shall have attached to it w „n,«rcssuc ,,,,^,,ive number for reterence, and an anal) t.cal nulex „u,iitif,-s and to ^^ ]»l«)>^n-. Tiv M i,i,itcs 111 be indexed. ^j^.^j,^ ^^ ^.^^^^ ^Y,,. ^,;^,^-ii minute book. 7__\Vhena divisi.m takes place: on any M>u'stion the receded. v.tes ot the n>en>bcr. shall be recorde)f and refjrs to the minute of the committee under '<•■"'• whicli it is issued. 9 — A ch.airman of committee mav at any time be re- , ci.,Vmna.> may •^ lie iiiiiuktit. moveil from the office of chairman at a special mri'tin<; called for the purpose, and another member electetl chair- man in his stead. i r.ENERAL DUTIES OF STANDTIMG AND SELECT COMMITTEES. 75. The i^Mieral duties of all the Standin.L^ and Select General duties. Committees of the Council (and suih otlier duties as maj- lureiu or by an\- other Jiydaw hereaftc-r be assii;ned them ) shall be as follows : 4i I— To report to the Council from time to time, when- r,, report to e\'cr desired b\- the Council, and as oi'ien as the interests of '"'•'' <"^'''re'ii''''K . , , . . to (lutif>i ii[ipi>Me(i the (, it>- ma\' recjunv, on all matters connected with ijio "" '''^■"' "'"' '■' ■ 1 e ( 1) 111 111 t- n il dulies im])ose(l oil them respectively, ami to reeommeiur"''"" ''"'"■""• such action by the. Council in relation thereunto as ma\- be deemed necessai'X'. % i)\ 2— To prepare and introduce into the Council all such . 'I'o prepare .-.nj , i lit rcid lice l!y- y-laws as may ije iuxx'ssar\' lo i'i\e effect to Ihe rcMiorts or '■'*'' ''^ ^'"^■ . , ' ' ' fllect to their le- recommendations of the resi)ecti\'e committees th.at nt-c^ l","■'••^*'"^":>J'-'pl■ ' 'iiik luv, ej iiy til,. Ciiuii- adopted by the Council. ■■''• 3— T»> t^ive effect by thf> instrumentalit\- of the proper i" Rive ene,t ouKcr to all Jn--lav\s and resolutMins ot the (/-'- j _ ,:«.f<-,oo Their'^uywln: or floods undcr supervision oi respective committees. To consider .^jo consider and report respectively on all matters 'rue^'^rlLr, rj^^ to them by the Covmcil. the chairman signing such to them; reports «»-'»-•"-'-* •' Ihairmir' '' report and bringing up the same. To adhere .« T.-To adhere strictly in the transactions of all business fules prescribed , , i n»«nictivC HV-laWS of tllC by By laws. to the rulcs prescnbeU by the icspccuxc iy»« Council. To present .o .^Jo prcscnt to thc Council on or before the last the Council on or ' ^ -i • ^U ^.i/l nxjt'W VCar for }i«-JS'„r?. regular mectin, of the Counc. .n one. •-'1 "^' ^.h,,.,,, l."i,yp«; ohhe information of the Coune,!, an.l of the '•"' ^ •J;%.TrS generally, as well as for the !;ui.la„ee of the comn-.ttces of St J,S'f ',,, fo„„„i„g vear, a Koncral .eport of thc various matters r,l.X"iaiXecltothceommitteefrom time to time >Unms, the '"""""• yea he work or business .lone ,hro„sh or by r.„eh co.n- Ltt^e, and the expenditure made un.ler their author.ty o superintendence; sueh report shall also state the nun be of meetings the committee held durin,; the year at wluc , a Cuorum was present, and the nnn,ber of meet.ngs .My called, but at which there was no quorum, and how o .en each member was absent from the latter mee,nn;s, and shal contain such suggestions in regar.l to the future ac,,o„ of the succeeding committee as experience may enable the re- porting committee to make in respect of the matters cm- braced in the report. To .ee th.. 8~To sec that all persons in office connected with the ^JvrpUr"!^- departments of their respective committees have given, or turity. :*.. .-..^,,,;,-r»i fif theni for the i\rt rnve. th m "3 00 ir> ivc. thc nece licu' rcspLciivi- uuMiiti"^'---- - o ssary security required of them for the 23 performance of their duties, and in case of any new appoint- ment, that the security is pjivcn before the person appointed enters upon the duties of liis office. MoxKv ArrRoruiATioNS. "jij. All appropriations of money to committees shall be Appmi.riation^ submitted to a committee of the whole before beint; finally J'uhrStocn,*'' passed by the Council. mitii-e of ttw whole. "J^. No money appropriation shall be finally acted up- j^j^^, ^ on by the council until it has been first referred to the ^'il!,;.'!"! '," i* Finance, Assessment, License and i'rintinj,^ Committee, and Im'u7|iw.e!-uui 111 I • I I .1 r-f I'liiitiiii; Coin- lal! be paid by the Treasurer, or any expcn- minee. ,. , I ■ 1 I '^'" "wn^y to diturc be authorized In- any member of the Council without •"•piiii) irw 'iirir vkitliciiit a a resolution of the Council ordering;- the same and specify- [;yu;,','i'i'""" "'^ in^ the amount. m -% % 3 s .1 Susri'NsioN OF Ri;i.Ks. 7S. No standinj^ rule or order of the Council shall bo standimr ml*. , ' nut to he sii ,. suspended except b\' a vote of two-thirds of the members »"^^iiJ>Jex'«-i'tby present. tliiitlsijflliemt'in- Ler- jire-.ciit. Unprovidki) C.\si:s. 79. In all unprovided cases in the proceedinr^s of the '^w or par. liamcnt to ij.ivfru Council or in committee, the Law of railiamcnt shall be J'^^^./'"'"^ •'''^'' followed, and in such cases the decision of the Mayor or other presiding officer shall be final and actpiiesccd in with- out debate. DuTiKS or TRF..ASUkr.R. 80. The duties of the Treasurer, in addition to tliosc Uuticunraa- prescribed by law and assitruod to him by this or any sub- sequent Hy-law or direction of the Council, shall be : 2l4 .,. , ^„,. i_To keep correct anM proper books oF account of all 10 keep (-or i • i • i 4 «. couJr'''''^ "" transactions relating to or occurring m his department. , . '>_To suDplv all information relative to the Finances 'lo supply in- - * '^^ • 1 i . 1 -i,! 1 • tot"" ''of the City. any-laws ot the City. To r..eive 4— To rcccivc all liccnsc fees and give such certificate ,uens« «>e.. ^^ rcquircd 1)>' this or any other by-law. •J : .i ■•i DiTirs ()['• Ci.r.KK. D«.ic« of 81. The duties of the Clerk of the Council, in addition '^'""•'"' " to those prose lilud by law ami assigned to him by this or any subsequent by-law or direction of the Council, shall be: ,,,,„;,,.„,,,. ,_To notify each member of the respective com- 1;V '.1.;;';:'"":^ mlttees appr.lnted by the Council so so<.n as the appnint- '■'"'■ " '""mcnt has b.:en made r.f the time and place at which the first meeting of the Conunittee wlKl bcr held. Illi;clill>: ^^_^_^.^,^ 2~T<^ furnish the chairman of each of the committees i;!::;:{;iS with ccrtifi.Hlc.. pies of all resolutions, enactments and :::lA;rr&c'orders(,fthe Council relative to the matters over which '"'"'"'""■ such committees mas- respectively have jurisdiction on the day next succeeding- that upcn which the action of tho Council in respect thereof takes place. 3_To communicate or convey to the committees and (Ts of the corporation all petitiems or oth Wdtil'ti.'cm.''' referred to them respectively by the Council. 'ro rommuiii' ^ :^[;;^a;::i'Xomcers ..f the corporation all petit i.ms or other documents ters mallei-v ic- . . . . 1 1 ..1. . /"•.... .,^11 i :J ( j 2S 4— to attend all mcctinirs of the committees- when t^,, ,,,^,,,, required so to do by the chairman or aclin- chairman "luf^vZH:;: thereof, and to record tiic hiinutcs, orders and reports, of EU&r'^ all such meetings in the manner Iierei!ibeforc provided. S— To frfve notice to the members of the Council ^ . r 11 . , , "•■>.i«^ To Rive noure Of all meetui-softhe Council, when held on any other dav r-Jnd.'Xn „n than the regular meeting day of the Council, on the day :;'«:Lr'"^.e;,Sr previous to that on which such meeting is to be held. (iuy. 6— To have charge of the Corporate Seal and to To..av«d.arge attach the same to any document connccte.l with the II^'mIL::::'.!";:! Council on the order of the Coimcil. or any of the com--!-; '*"" mittees thereof so authorized by the Council. 7-To collect all Hues and costs payable into the to roiioc aii Police Court, and all Avs payable tn him as (-I.Tk llurc.C '"r" pS.";;' and pay over same to the City Troasuivr oi, .-r hvfnvc the -i^'S '-m!^ day of the first regular meeting of the Council in each ""*""""'' month. I ^ — To make a certified return to the C'ouncil at the first regular meeting in cnch nionlli, sIk.u lug for the i)re- ceding month the number of cases tried at the Police Court, the names of complainants and defendants, the amount received for fines and fees respecti\cl\-. how each case was disposed of, and how much in each case remains uncollected, and the rcasops for non-colIe:tioij. 9— I'o keep a book wherein he shall enter a record of the cases disposed of in th(« J'olice Court,and how disposed of, and what fines and fees pai. the City Treasurer for monthly payments. ■»lal«mtnt. To ri'iwrl t'> the Cuuiicil at ii_To report to the Council at each of its first !\?;/''t"'^S rccTular mcetin|,^s in each month all licenses issued by him iS'a iiy''l;im dui-in- each next prcccdin- month. jiii'mt; j)ri;vii)Ui moiitlis. iofurnihau. I j—To furnish the City Auditors the books and tuulnnn. Xn -p^„rns hcrcinbcforc mentioned when auditing the Police auditiiii; police «»-*•"•" court aco,u„t.. (^0^^^ accounts. i^ofurni.h ,3_Xo furnish the Chief of Police receipts for all pay- :i!^L'f S ments made by him on account of fines and fees received B'lll."re,':rv:j by him in the Clerk's absence. iiiCltrk'vabvencc. DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND SERVANTS. Officers and 82. No olTicer or servant of the Corporation shall r*LewranTf<^^-' directU' or indirectly take or receive for his own use, in in addit.un to "'"-"- ^ -^ , . . . >aiai> o, wa?o. jjjjition to the salary or wacjcs from time to time assi<,mea to him by the Council, any fee, emolument or reward for any service performed by him in his capacity of such officer or servant, or by reason of his occupying or holdintj that position, whether the same is payable by the Corporation or by the Crown, or by any other person ; but all such . , fees shall be forthwith, after the same shall be received, Such fee to * ■ . ,. .T> r «.! Striwu. -^ accounted for, and paid over to the City Treasurer for the use of the Municipality ; and if any such fee, emolument or reward shall be received by such officer or servant, and shall be applied to his own use, or shall not be forthwith accounted for and paid over to the Treasurer, such officer In default offi. or scrvant shall incur the penalty of instant dismissal mk.e.i '' '' ■ from his office or employment, and the Corporation may at its option deduct the amount of any such fee, emolument or "•^ ^ 27 reward so received from any moneys which such officer or servant is entitled to receive from the Corporation, provided always that nothincr herein contained shall extend or upply to the f2es or emoluments to which the Treasurer is, or nc .o .ppiy may be. entitled by law or to any officer or servant whose K:t'"; [^ salary or remuneration is paid by fees wholly or in part, l-"-" """ '' DuTiKs AND Qualifications of Police Okfickrs. 83. Candidates for positions in the Police force must Candidate. appear personally before the Market and Police Committee ll'o.'aitrf- and pass satisfactory examination in reading, writing and '''"""'""'""" arithmetic. Such candidates must be intelligent, able bodied and mu., ».. in,.iii. of good character and of a height not under 5 feet i o u"!; -a ^^^^^^^^^ inches ; they must produce at the time of presenting them- "^"^ '""" selves as candidates a certificate from a physician practis- ing in the City that the applicant is in good health, and otherwise physically and mentally fit for the service. Chief of Police. 84. The Chief of Police will be held responsible to chief h.id re. the Council for the general good conduct, order and dis- ^'^'ulX^ ciplinc of the men under him, and for the regularity and '''"" efficiency of the Police. 85. The Chief of Police will, as Chief Executive chief ,0 have Officer of the force, have tlie general control of the whole '™' r':t Police force subject to the orders of the Council, and -''""*" ''"""" beyond this his own duties will be : l^To see that the laws of the land and the City are Tocee,ha,.he duly enforced and observed within liis jurisdiction. iru\'b:c:v«r' if i f * M 28 to i*s,^« or.icr* 2— To issue sucli ofclcrs as he mny deem necessary for for giiNeiniiuMU, ,,..,. r ^1 r ti<.,^({^v>.x: the ijood (jovcrnmcnt and discipline of tlie lorcc. Toicceprecor.1 3_To Icccp a rccofd of all offcnccf? rejjistei-ed aj.Tainst' o..»w«. the men under him. 4— To suspend any of the men under him for miscon- mumi,cr ..f .1.C ^^^^^^ ^^. offences of a nature which, in his judi(ment, demand such action. TiXiiHpend any iiuiiilior of llic force il iieci-ssury. ^ . c— In cases which, in his judjjment, admit of delay Certain ca«os J f j .» Ma''!."'" '" """ without prejudice to the service or tlie public interests, to obtain from the party chari^cd his explanations of the charge, and then report to the Ma>'or. (3— When charcjes are preferred ajjainst a constable, }«tk1 in ..i^c, of J submit the same to the Mayor, whose duty it shall be to suspend in cases of importance, any constable against whom charges have been preferred. 7— To rci^air in person to all fires and riots, and take To attend all ' ^ * f.r.s aiM '''I'-i command of the police present, and arrest such persons as t,,.i.er, of ti..: j^^ ^^ ^^^^^ disturbiui! or causing a disturbance or breach of the peace. ,S — In all important cases to prepare a memorandum To - e pa re ' . , , r , • r n,em..i..,uiuii. for f,f f]^(> (.^.|(l^«,^ce conucctcd With the cases for tlie infor- I'olici; M.iijis- irat.:. matiou of the Tolicc Magistrate. Q — In the absence of the City Clerk, but not otherwise. In nhspncc of . . _ , . \ \ . ^\ i" ^ City curk to to receive payment of fines and fees payai)le to the City, <:nlli;ct linos :nnl /• . < • i t i • fets and pay samr- j^,-,j wlicrc anv fincs or fees have been so received by him, ovtitoCity C.'liiik ^ dK-lx'io'i^' '^ '^^''''' J'^ shall on the morning of the day following the day of his receipt thereof report to the Cit)- Clerk the receipt and 29 l>.irliciilar.s of tin: fiML-or fees of wliieh lie so received pay- ment, and lo pay the same over to the saiti City Clerk, and procure from the said Clerk proper receipts for the moneys so paid by him. GliNKRAL INSTRUCTIONS AND RliGULATTONS TO BE OBSERVED BY MEMBERS OF THE POLICE FORCE. »S6. luich member of the force shall devote his whole siw,ii ,tevu,. ti.ne to the police force or service, and obey promptly all Svicc/fii:'.'"^'* orders he may receive from those in authority over iiim. I — He shallinform himself of, and observe all. re^ui- im,.,,,, i,i,.„cif lations made for the i,^overnment of the force. r'^ui-uiu,,':',""''-" 2— He shall not quit the force without yjvhvr one ^tM.f ^ive one month's notice in writin-^-, and in case he quit without '"'r''^''^' ''saving notice all pay due him is to be forfeited. Oi 3 — He shall, upon dismissal or rL;siL;nation, deliver up to the Chief of Police every article of Police unia.rm, or any a^lic^.S <»lher article that may have been supplied to hiiii as a '""' member of the force. ca V 111 i; rn ed 4— If any such article has been improperly used or i>.,i„,iion dama-ed, or be withheld, a deduction shall be made horn anu'i.n&^a the salary of such officer to make -ood the same. " "'"''"'''' 5— Kach officer will, unless otherwise ordered, be sup- Vniform plied with the necessary uniform. »''"'^''- 6~The men and officers off duty are to consider them- Mcn>bcr.of.hc selves liable at all times to be called nnnn (or dutv, and teirS^ will hold themselves in readiness when required. SnJ.'"' "' '" 30 Tn reside near Police OfTite. 7 — With a view to any sudden cmcr.c;oncy the incn will reside as near as possible to the police office. M»mt.er» frr- S — Ally iiicinbcr of tile force found cntcrinj:^ public ^n„.e. or -^pirii houses, except when Ml i)ui:iuit of duty, or found frequcnt- «hnp-, or 'Innk- inKiiqii'-rinpniv iim ., flops where si)irits are sold, or found drinkinL? such Ik til. ires Mili|ti.« " t I • rt "'•^'""''*'''' liquors in public places, will be subject to dismissal. Sn cnnstaMc 9 — No constablc can be promoted who cannot write a c n n K t » p r o- I rr • I t ■ i • • fnotinriNvhi ran. rrood ofhcial Ictter or Tcport, no matter how exemplary his not write fi cood rfmiai letter ni couduct may othcrwisc be, and len^jth of service unsupported by the requisite (lualifications of activity and intelligence cannot entitle members of the force to promotion. K |i. CoT^'.taMe* tnuM not i;o be- ynnH tlir. limits, of the City to en- force the law without order* from the Chief, lo — Constables must not, on any account, take upon themselves the enforcement of the laws outside the limits of the CiW without the direction of the Chief of Tolice. Fai;h mcinhcf cf the force lo tntcr daily in a Jiook kc^l^ ii' I'olice ofhcr, a record of police limits ptrfortiicd ))y him during the preceding 24 hoUTS. 21 — Each of the Police force shall enter daily in a book, kept for the purpose at the police office, open for inspection by those in authority, a record of all he has done in the dis- charge of his duties for the next preceding twenty-four DUTIES OF JANITOR. 87~It shall be the duty of the Janitor of the City Hall and Market Buildings : I— To take special care of all City property in his Care of Citv Projjeriy. chargc. hi? ""^^ ^"^' 2— To ring the City Ikll at 6, 7 and 845 o'clock a. m., 12 o'clock noon, and I, 6, and 7 p. m. wl tal 31 3--Tocutwof,,l.I,Vhtanclkcq,r.rcs when required, ami '- .-t ..>oa I'ght City I [all t.ul Counci! tl.amU^^ when needed. 4-To kcei) builclinir clean, to l,c always in attcnd.i when City Hall is occupied. ancc _ ToVrfp W\i\- iiiK < Ir-iii niul he in ;illenfli\iii.»!. 5-~To collect al! money, for use of hall and pay the To co„.,. same over to City Treasurer. T^^u ^Z Z over ' 1 irea»' mm 6-To attend all nicctin-. of City Council and all other i- •-.,„ . mectm^-s held in the buildiuLr. ««. Tin: F»»!.i.owiN(. K.vn s sham, m, ciiauc.kd r THE irsi: r,F Tin: cirv iiai.l : buikliiit;. fur Use of City hall. ... WINTKk. Sf I— A^Tirultiiral Kxhihitions 8 8 oo S » — Asstinhlits. . . . IS oo 3~llalls » i 00 4~15azaars »5 <^o '• Each (lay after tliu first 1 2 00 5— Concerts 'IVavellinL; 'Ironpcs ,2 00 I^^« '-^l '* 9 00 6 - Firemen's Knfcrtainincnf.s, 3 niglus per annun, Free T-IIorticultural hixhihitions g ^,q 8-Ucturts, Strangers ,0 ,,3 ;; i;-^^» 800 For llcncfit of Kocal Societies S 00 '* Under auspices of •' •• g o„ " Under auspices of «* ♦• when no admission fee is charged or collection taken „ Free 9— Mcmanics' Institute Kiitert.iiiunems. hy and lor ,. • r roe MNfKR. ! 8 00 10 00 10 00 lO 00 8 00 xo 00 6 00 « 00 8 00 5 '50 5 00 5 00 32 lo — Minstrel Tioiijics. 'rravcllin^' $1200 $fo oc ** *' L'Hn] ,j oi) 6 00 ii--()j»cia " 'Iravulliii!,', 12 00 ,0 00 ** . " Local () 00 C) 00 1 -' — T.iiKuaiii.is (ir like cn!crt;iiiiiin.:iUs. . . . 10 ou 6 00 ij — riihlii; .Mtflin:;s, City niailLrs l-'icc *• " (il'icr |)iii|)oscs iS 00 5 00 I.; — Uc'IicMisals, line lilt' iiii(ista;,'cliL;lils only 3 00 c 00 1 5~ Ucligious 'uTviix's on Sundays I'.aili clay service 2 uo i 00 '* cseiiiiiL; service 4 00 2 00 16 — KeliL^iuus Services, week clays ** eaili duy service 4 00 2 00 " " eveniiii; service 6 00 4 00 J 7 --Teachers" .\s;-,()( laiioii " •' each clay iiieetinL; 2 00 i 00 " " eaiaiinuic Troupes, travelling' u 00 10 00 " local (J 00 6 00 19— 'i'ea nieetiiii^s 10 00 6 00 20 — I'jUertainnieiits not otherwise specilied. 10 00 o 00 CI —Minstrel, 'riiealic. ( )|)eraaii(ll )raiiiatic 'J'rouixs vvlicn more than oiie iii:;ht after the lii.^l 9 00 6 00 22 — 'i'Jic above cliai;.;e.s iiol lo iiicliide liic ,ir lii^lit on aii\-(l.iy or iii;.;l)t, oilier lliaii day ami iii;^lit paid for, the charge for each cla\- to he paid sliicll}- in advance. J3 - I IiL' winter t.irilf sliail he ill force from llic tirst (hiy of ( )ctoljcr till the thirtieth day of A[)ril. IM i;i,i(- MoKAi.s. _ No int'ixicat- ,S(j. Xo pcrson sliaH. within tlic City, sell or rive in- child or apprcn- toxicHtiiv/ ilriuk to d cliilcl oi' aprireiiticc without the con- sent of the parent, niaslt:r, or l('i;al protector of sucii chiM or apprentice. 33 00. No person shall put up or post indecent plac.ircls, ,„rf«en. pi Wf itinr^s f.r pictures, or write indecent words, or make indc- '""''"• coin pictures or drawin-s on the walls or fences in the streets or public places within tiic City. 91. No person shall profan(>ly swear, or make use of. rw»n.. ohf^cetie, blasjilienious or :.,m-( ssly-insultin;; lanj;ua<;e, or be "* j,nn'lly of any other immorality or indecency within the Citv. swear- 92. No pers(.n siiall exhibit or sell, or offer to sell, or incie..ni or have in his possession, within the City, any indecent j-,^ ''"""'"'^'•*''- lewd book, i)aper, picture i)Iatc, drawin^ij or other thinj^. P^^i'''^'ti ^li'ill i)cnnit ]ii., Iiousc or otlicr bLiildin<^ t^nious persons, wiiJiiM iiic Lity, to l)c iiscd, rix-.|ii('nlrcl. of rcsortccl to by notorious persons, -aniblcrs, v.;-ranls. prostitutes, or other persons of bad cl)aractcr. Iniieicnt ex. posure- 98. No person siiall malco any indecent public ex- posure of his person within the City. di>S"pl<.;:: ^^' ^"^ t'^^^^nned or niair.rnied or diseased person not tobee.xpo.eci. shall cxposc hiuiself in tlic public strccts to excite sympathy or induce help or assistance from general public charity. or Pathii lou. No person shall bathe or wash his person in the River Avon within or opi)ositc to the linn'ts of the City, or in any public water within the City, between the hours of six o'clock in the forenoon, and ei-ht o'clock in the afternoon. Mendicants. 'oi- No pcrsou shall bci; ot ask alms in any street, highway, or public place within the City. \ or ^T^::t ^0-- ^'^'^^''y va-rant and every [)erson f>,und drunk .riy persons. disorderly in any street, highway, or i)ublic place within the City, shall be liable to the penalties imposed by this By-law for an infraction thereof. Nuisances. houilr''^''^ ^^3. No person shall erect, keep, or continue a slaugh- ter house within the City. RinginKofbeiix 104, No pcrson shall, within the City, rinn- anv bell tc., Drohibite(1. . , . -'!->/ wi-ii, &c., prohibiten blow any horn, shout or mak<^ any other unusual n oise, or I 35 noises calculated to disturb the inhabitants, provided al- ways tliat nothing herein contained shall prevent the ring- Exception,, in^^ of bells in connection with any lawful business, or with any church, chai)el, meeting- house or relij^ious services, or the rin.i^iny of firc-bclls or fire-alarms. 105. No j)erson sh.ill fire a "un or other fire-arm or fifing of guns C t- L'C r \ \\ ,• ' ''"'' fireworks nrc or set oM a fire-ball, scjuib, firc-crackcr, or other fire p'"*'"'"*''- work within the City, save on such occasions as the Coun- Exceptions, cil may specially allow same, and no person shall engage 111 a charivari or other like disturbance of the peace within ^'^*"'*"«^'*=- the City. 106. Xo person shall keei) a hog or pig-sty, or any hog Keeping of or i)ig. ui)on prenn'scs within one hundred feet of any*"*''*" dwelling within the City. k,iaiii 107. .No person shall suffer or permit the accumulation -Vcumui.n.n of .lung, manure, offal, filth, stagnant water, or other offen- wS^'*^'''^^- sive matter or thing, the accumulation of which is dangerous to the public health, upon any lot or in any house, buTiding, or place within the City, owned or occupied by him; and it shall be the duty of the occupant, or if the premises are R.n..., ,„. unoccupied, of the owner of such lot, house, building or S^ -"ifilt;: place, or the person having the care or charge of the same, '"'"" t(^ cause such lot, house, building or place to be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected, and all such accumulation as aio:(>- saul, as may be therein or thereon, to be removed when rc, when the doiug so shall not be offensive to the neighborhood ; but such manure shall not be so put up •ijl it i\ 3# or remain hcluccn tiie filtctnth day of May and the first day of November in any year. NoPnhii, M„u. ^^^' ^^^ I'^T'-a" •'^iiall suffer or permit a public nuisance anc. permitted, to cxist upoH auy lot. or ill any hotisc, buildiug or place within the City owned or occupied by him. or of which he shall have the care or cliarj^c. riibliLinii.'ani-c e ill- : or Inspector 109. Any member of t!ie Police Force, the Health In- Ponceyr'Hcaiih spcctor, or atiy other person, by order of the Health Inspector, or of the lioard of frealth. may abate any public nuisance existin- upon any let or in any house, buildin- or place within the City. Ii :I I'' Removal of night soil, &i.., regulated. 110. No person shall ren.ovc, or cause to be removed, or aid or assist in removint^, cr transi)ort, or cause to be transported, or aid or assist in transporting in. through or along any street, highway or public ' place within the City, at any hour except between the hours of 10 p.m. and four a.m., night-soil or other contents of any privy, vault, sink or cesspit, and not then umess the .same be removed and transported by means of air-tight ai>paratus, or in such manner as shall i)re^ent such night-soil or other contents from being agitated or expo.scd in the open air during such removal or transportation. T)epoM,i„s or '"• ^o person shall deposit night-soil upon any of loiir&c. "''^'' the streets or upon any lot within the city, or bury within the City night-soil removed from any privy, vault or other receptacle except at least 500 feet from anyMwelling, and then only with the consent of the Chairmat/of the Hoard of Health. first J 1 2. l\o pc-Roti shall throw any dirt, filth, carc.is^e^ of throwing dLr., animals, or rubbish on any street, road, lane or highway ^- Ki-A^on >vlthin the Cit>-, or into the River Avon, or other running -— """"'" stream, u here it runs within or opposite to the Umits ol" the City. STREETS, SIDEWALKS, AND REGULATION OF TRAFFIC THEREON. 113. No person shall incumber, injure or foul any E„uri.,, road, street, square, alley, lane, bridge or other communi- 1^^^^: '""'• cation within the City with any animal, vehicle or vessel, or by any other means, or ei-ct. place or maintain therein any building or structure whatsoe^'er ; provided alwa^-s that P.„vi.o M.ch this section shall not prevent the moving of goods, wares ^l^r^^.^^X: or merchandise across any sidewalk ^ith all reasonable sfcf'""'^^^ dispatch for the purpose of taking in or delivering the same ; and provided also that this section shall not extend . • ♦ ,, »t, . . . -vn-iiu Scrtioii not to to the occupying in accordance with the proxisions of this r.l'nXiM^ 15y-law {but not otherwise) of a portion of the sidewalk or ""'""'•""" street for building purposes. 1 14. Where any house or building Ts being erected, v.. or .rcet, built or repaired on the lire of any public street or w^ay. p"-'^^^^^ or within seven feet thereof, there shall be erected a boarded fence six feet high to enclose the sidewalk allowance in front of such building to the width of six feet, and outside P.eca.uio,. . of such fence a planked pathway shall be laid at least four '""'"' feet wide for the convenience and securit> of the public • or it shall be lawful, instead of such fence or pathway to plank over the whole of the scaffold at the height of 'the Contractor, f^rst floor above the ground floor, and to enclose such Svwsronr^ft! scaffold at the same height at least eighteen inches all -! "^ '^''""^' round above the level of t':e planked floor aforesaid the •?l. .^i:..-. sidewalks of the street hchv^ left free for the public u.- longer than is, in the opinion of the Board of \\'oi-ks, absolutely necessary for the erection of the building for which such cleared when "^^^^'"'^^ '^ dcsigucd. aud cvcrv pcrsou shall, on the b,.ndpi AC completion of the building, within three days, entirely remove the same from the street, and cause the street to be cleaicd from all such building material and left in ;.';ood ivmitsmay be repair. Permission may be granted b\- the JJoard nf given by Hoard ,.r , -. , ' nm »»i oi-wori:,. Works for the occupation of the roadway for the purpose and in the manner mentioned in this section. ,.r"t"&"^ "' "^- ^'« person shall break, tear up, or remove any planking, pavement, sidewalk, crossing, curbing, macadam or other road surface, or make any excavation in or under any street or sidewalk within the City, for an\- i)urposc whatsoever, without the permission of the Hoard of Works ; and it shall be the duty of every person breakiuL^ br"ea?;"n^''''T ^^^'"•"^ "P o^" rcmoviug auy planking, pa\ement, sidewalk, ^tr.e.s, &C. '"^ crossing, curbing, macadam or other road surface, or makiuf^' 39 any excavation in or uncle, a.i>' sucli street, sidewalk "as speedily as practicable, and under the direction and sn'per- v.s.on of the <'ity ICngineer, or Street Commissioner, to re- place, rela>-, and make j^^ood, and to pnt in as ffood order and repair as before, to the satisfaction of the City ICn-ineer or Mreet Commissionc,, every such sidewalk and street ■ and If the earth shall settle such person shall 111! the same from t,me totime as n,ay be necessary and to the satisfaction of theCty J.nHineer or Street Commissioner ; and every such person, and tlu- contractor or other person by whom the work ,s .actu.dly done. sh.UI cect and maintain a croocl and sufficient lence, railin,^.. or b.urier arocmd even- cxcava ..on macle by him in such a nu.nner as to prevent accidents and shall p .ce, and keep upon such fence, railin,.. or barrie su, able and sufheent lights dnrinc; the ni,,ht, and take such further care ano |,reeaution as ,l,e City l-n^ineer or Street Comm.ss.oner may deem necessary, and dhect for the pro tecfon ,UKi safety of the public :and every such person .shall be responsible for all injuries that n,ay be done or .accident, wl..ch ntay occur to persons or property by reason of the don,, o .any work for the doi„„ „f „,,ich pe,-mission Jy be granted under the authority of this section, and it sha I be the duty of the boa... of works before .iv,-,; ny pe,an,ss.on to take Hon, evcy such person secm^j, that le ,-erforn. al, the obligations i,„posed upo,. „i,!. by ^-^ :»•! Security to Le . .7. Mo person shall, without having first obtah,eJ per- m,s ,on f,.om the Uoa,- , of V-.,,,,, ,„„,.,.„.^, J^ ^^r„,, . , , •" ""'•■'''"-• *.™l' "'• ^'"™- "■"■■ '"e l""pose of e t,v,„ce to • ,,' ""' cellar or p,em,ses. in or under any b.,ildi„., „,■ „,' 2 -ps.porchorent,.a,,cetoa,,ybui,din,whic„M;,:,:' way encroach upon the sidewalks or sfeets of the cL 40 vaiiiis, '"'S:; » i^. No person .shall orcct. keep or maintain any doof Sec, projecting £,f^, . i •]• into or over any ^1^! .. .oic.'ies, railuii^s, siL,nis Or Other erections or obstruc- m'cUi. '■■' '" *■ tions ,• ojectinf^ into or o\cr any road, street, huie. alle)-, square, britii,^c or other i)ublic communication within the n.nwa'i'.'awniS' ^''^>'' ^^""'^ ^^^^^^ movcablc av-ninirs for windows as are cap- able of beins; folded up aj^^ainst the wall, and when extended shall be at all points at least seven feet above the level of iiyell^eM,':.''^,'','' ^''^ ^"^''' ^^'''^'''' ^'•■'^^^''ded that any door steps, verandah or be''«iven' lo'S ^''^^'^^^ "'^^^' '" ^'-^'-^tence ma>' be kept and maintained until m,Ae sunc-. j^Qticc to rcmove the same be given by order of the Council. to erri 119. ICvery person who shall csicavate for the erection Persons e\ra\-. ating neju ^trei-ts t ™iinM, of any wall or buildin<,^ or for any other purpose near to any street or highway within the City, shall put up a good and sufficient protecting rail or i)lank along the line of such street opposite to such excavation, and maintain the same so long as it may be necessary to prevent danger to per- sons tr£.vel!ing along such street or highway, or their liorses or \-c)iic'''s. w.itrr from i2o. No o\\ ucr or occupatit of anv house or building root not to Hou • • » "v.r sidewalk, acljoiniug any street or highwa)- within the City shall allow water from the roof of a building to How over the sidewalk in such a way that the water shall run across or fall upon the sidewalk. 121. No person shall have or maintain a gate or a door fiates or doors not to sninijovi-r Mdeuaik. ^Q Qj. ^jpQj^ premises owned or occupied b)- him whicli shall be so constructed that the same shall swing over auy side- walk, street, road or lane within the City, except as other- wise provided by statute. Digginij earth, &c., in slruel-. 122. \o person shall dig up, take, or carry away any of the earth, sand or gravel in or from any street, road Or 41 lane within the City, which is not the property of private pcrsoi):,, without the permission of the l^oard of Works. 1 23. ICvery owner or occupier of any house, buildincj or lot witliin the Lit)-, wlio sliall requu'e to drive any horse, ^""«'- or other animal, or wat^i^mn or other vehicle across any paved or i)lanked sidewalk for the purpose of entering his house building or hit, shall construct across the drain, L,utter or water course opposite the gate- way or entrance to his prem- ises a good and sufficient bridge of plank, brick, stone or tile, so constructed as to satisfy the Hoard of Works, and not to obstruct such drain, gutter or water course, and shall also place a piece of timber along the edge of each side of Huwcons.ruc the pavement or planking sufficient to prevent the pave- ''^' ment or planking from being injured iu crossing it on entering such house, building or lot. 124. No person shall drive, lead or back any horse or Hor.es tc. other animal or waggon, wheelbarrow, bicycle, trycicle, .m'sid'.w^ik""'' velocipede.or other vehicle.or d'-aw,push or propel any hand- cart waggon, cai riage, wheelbarrow, bicycle, tricycle.veloci- pcde or other vehicle, on or along any sidewalk, in any public sf' ,t or other public place within the City, provided Proviso .,ctinn always that this section shall not apply to the propelling hand'.carT''i,!" „rili... 1-./- .. "^ twecn fivr an ot hand-carts at a moderate rate of speed, and so as not to »'"«»• m- "r > interfere with foot passengers, between the hours of five and nine o'clock in the forenoon, or to the propelling of baby-ca>riagcs or sleighs (but in all cases it shall be the duty of every person propelling a hand-cart or baby- carriage or sleigh to give way to foot passengers, and if r necessary to prevent interference with them to turn off the l^J""" "^^' "' sidewalk); or to the lawful crossing of a sidewalk to go into an\' yard or lot adjoining the same where a proper nd (u Hrovis 4a brid-e IS constructed and a piece of timber laid as pre- scribed by tlie next precedintj section. .ota*;-;";;: '-^' ^"^ P'^'*'"" "^^^ ^'^ ^•'^ J^-^rse or other animal to uu^..vr..i,,, any post, hook orrincj.or in any way across any sidewalk. pavement or crossin- within the City, so as to obstruct the ordinary traffic of the street, or leave any car^ ia-c or other vehicle standint,^ upon any street or thoroughfare within the City, unless it be opposite to premises with which or with the oc .pant of which such person has business, and then only for reasonable time, and no longer than is absolutely necessary for the transaction .'^such business ; provided al- ways that nothing in this By-law contained shall prevent carriage-makers, waggon-makers, blacksmiths, inn-keepers and keepers of livery and lodging stables from temporarily occup>ing the street for the space of ten feet immediately ill front of the premises occupied by them with vehicles undergoing immediate repairs, or with vehicles from which liorses have been unhitched for the purpose of being shod, or with vehicles of farmers and other persons temporarily lodging with such inn-keeper, or prevent draymen, express- men or other persons from occupying the alley if the same be twenty feet in width for the space of six feet immediately m the rear of premises occupied by them with such vehicles as are being actually used by them in the prosecution of their respective business callings. stonl.' «:;''i!! , „ '^^' ^'° P^^'^^" '^^^^ cast, project or throw any stone ball of snow, ice or other missile dangerous to the public or use any bow and arrow, or catapult in any strcet.square' park or public place within the City. R e m o \- i n g buildings o 127. No person shall remove or assist in removing any uu.iu ing s oii , .... . ^ , - --- --•.•v^»ni^ any .ueets &. budding mto. along.or across any street or sidewalk within -^3 tl>e City, w ithout having first obtained the written permis- •ion of the Board of Works, and then only b>- the route, and in the manner directed by the said I^oard. 138. No person shall play an>- -amc of nine or ten Playing g.,,.. pnis, ball or cricket, or other games in any street or alley, """"'' within the City. 129. No person shall leave any horse, mule, ox or ... learn in any street, alley or public place within the City *^''-"""'"'"^- without bein.t^r nifficicntly tied ; and no person shall halt any wan;rron or other vehicle on any crossiuLj or foot-way within the City. 130. K very driver or other person in charoe of any L)r v. vehicle convc)infr ooods, wares or merchandise in or ;/.;{^''i'* vi H throu-h an)- of the streets of the City shall .emain upon Ht:!: ^^''''^ '" such vehicle, or walk beside the jiorse or animal drawing the same while such vehicle is in motion. 131. No person driving any carriage or other vehicle im„u,derat. drawn by horses or other animals, or riding upon an)- '"""' horse or other animal in any of the streets or thorough- fares of the City shall cause, suffer or permit the horse or other animal which he shall be so driving or riding upon to go at a gallop or other immoderate ratc.and every such person so driving or riding shall slacken the speed of his horse or other animal in approaching any crossing for foot-passengers, upon which any person may be crossing such street or thoroughfare. 1 32. No person shall serve marcs in any public place or Fut.ing hor„» in any of the streets, squares or parks within the City. ""'^'''* liii Sleigh': 10 fuive tdl». 44 133. No person Nhall drive any description of sleij^h or other vehicle 011 runners alon.ir the streets or thorouglj. fares uitinn tlie cit)- without haxinir two or more bells affixed to the horse or other ainnial drawinij the same, or to the pole or shafts thereof. 134. No person shall throw or pile cordwood. firewood Piling tiiiil. Wuud, ire, nil - ... — M.i..aii.. or coal upon any paved or planked sidewalk within the City, Sawing ,.,„.i.">' -^iuv or split cordwood or firewood upon any street cr "" sidewalk within the Citv. Wuuii. KEl'., slrrels sidewairii;;: »35. No person shall stand on any sidewalk with his -^^ --. &- ^vood-saw and horse so as to obstruct the free passa^i^e of foot-passcn[,^ers. 13^3. No person shall throw or pile, or cause to be Piling cord. Wood on street-. • ., • ■ •" •^»' prohibaed. thrown or piled upon any street within the Cit)-, cordwood, ExreptiuJis Sprinklingsalt, &'-',, on roaduay prohibited. firewood or coal, except for the purpose of the same bein J delivered at premises owned or occupied by him opposite to which the same shall be thrown or piled, or for the use of the person own in- or occupying the same ; and no per- son shall permit such cordwood, firewood or coal to remain upon the street for a longer time than two hours or so as to obstruct the free use o' ;« street. 137. No person shall sprinkle, spread or place any salt or other like substance on the road or carria-e-way of any public street or highway within the City\vith the Intent or for the purpose of dissolving any snow, ice or dirt which ma>' have accumulated in such road or carria-^e- wa)'. ,.re.Is°& ' ' " ^ * ^^- ^^ "'''^'^ "''^ ^"^ '^^^'^"' to gather in crowds on any sidewalk, or in any street within the City, so as to obstruct travel therein or encumber the same ; and three or more persons shall not stand in a group or near each other in such a manner as to obstiiici a free passant for foot- passcnjicrs on any street or sidewalk uilliin the city, after a request to move on made by any member of tlic Police Force, or any other person duly authorized by liie Mayor or any Alderman. 139. No person shall, in the streets or public places of the City, importune others to travel in or emi)loy any .rVvTiurof, vessel or vehirlc, or to go to any tavern or boarding-house. Sd. *"'•'/•'"• 140. No ch'ld shall tide or be permitted by any i)crson cimI,i,..„ ri.i. in charge of him or her to ride upon the platfV^rm of any car 'j'^' ''''''''' or hang on behind any waggon or other vehicle, and it shall ^?^ Zi"X' be the duty of any person in charge of any such car, wair. ,,7 r *-'•'' o I '111 VI it persons gon or vehicle to prevent any such child so riding thereon. ''"•''"''• r4'- The constables shall arrest any child who persists, Cn„, tai.ies after reasonable warning agamst domg so, in ridincr on the ^''''•' ."rM^-tin;; platform of any car or behind any waggon or other vehicle within the City. 14:?. No person shall feed any horse or other animal leodi,,, hor>e, of whicli he is in charge, or wilfully allow the same to feed hidci:.':"'^ '"" upon any street, squarc.lanc or other public communication within the City in such manner that the liay. straw or other food supplied them, on which they are allowed to feed or portion thereof, shall be scattered upon such street, square, alley, lane, bridge or other public communi- cation within the City. Snow, Ich .vxn Dirt. 143. Every occupant, and in case there is no occupant »U /It. I^criioval of tnc owner of every house, shop, building, lot or parcel of ^•"^^^' '^« ""^ land, and every person having charge or care of any church '' or chapel, or other public building fronting or abutting on any of the public streets or street mentioned in Clause No. lions. P, 46 li. 146 of this My-iau, uhcrc the sidcualks are plankcH, j^^ravpllcd or pavcci. shall kcrp free fn.in ohstriutiV.n U dirt, (hist, snow, ice or other incumbrances the pavement, or sidewalk in front of and about iiis or her premises. Thitv 'if per «ritis as to re inoval. 144- I'-vory occupant, and in case there is no (K'cui)ant. the ov/ncr of every house, shop, buildin- lot or parcel of land, and every person havinjr charge or care of ar.y church, chapel or other public building fronting orabii'ling on any public street, or streets uhere the sidewalks are planked. gr:ivellcd or paved shall, before 9 o'clock in the mornin- (;f each day, Sundays excepted, or within the first four hours after every fall of snow or fall of hail or rai.. which shall freeze on the sidewalks, or after a fall of snow from off any building, provided the said term of four hours shall expire before, cause the same to be removed entu'ely off .,.«:"ai;;; r^; !;; ^J^e sidewalk opposite each house, shop, church, chapel or tenable 7 re.' other bulldiug, lot or parcel of land as aforesaid • and in n.jurv to si.io. cdsc tlic icc or suow sliall be so frozen that it cannot be uaik or pave- • >^v*niiv^t u^ removed "ihout injury to the sidewalks or pavements every such person as aforesaid shall strew the same with ashes, sand or some other suitable substance ; but no person shall sijrinkie. spread or place, or cause to be MrHV:iVd\!n 'P'"'^''"'''' •'^'''-'^'^ °' 1''^^^^^^ ^"y .altorlikc substance on r^.n,hvay oroide, the road, carriage-w-ay or sidewalk of any public highway or street within the limit hereafter n :ntioned with intent or for the purpose of melting or dissolving any snow, ice or dirt which may havr^ accumulated on any such street, carriage-wa)- or sidewalk. iclV'T/'Vkfn ''^^" ^" ^^'*^^' ^^^^ -^"ow, ice or dirt be not removed or sidewalk? '"" the sidewalk made safe and convenient, as hereinbefore pro- vided, by 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each day (Sundays excepted), as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the person s 1! C c m for the time beiiiR ^ippo.'ntcd hy the Council, to cause such snow, ice or chrt to be removed at the expense of the On- >,,,. , , „ poration of th- City of Stratford, and to -jvc information :'n.'Uof .lui aj,'ainst -ind • -v iccutc such persoi so ne^Mectin^^ to ren.ove '" ''"""'" the said snow, cc or dirt as aforesaid, and in such ca.s the £•,,., I ail) iliilefnult fine to be imposed upon such person or persons so offend. ;,';,;^. '" ^'""' injj shall not be less than the expense so incurred, provided always that such expense shall not exceed the sum of I-'ivc Dollars. 146. The foregoing regulations in the three next f,,,',,'"';;;'''",!:''^ preceding sections shall apply to Ontario Street, '"''''''''''"''^'^'''" from Queen street to the bridge ; Huron street, from' Avondale Avenue to the bridge ; Erie street, from Ontario street to Cambria street ; Do wnie Road from Ontario street to the Grand Trunk Railway station ; Wellington street, from Albert to Patrick street ; George street ; Norman street from Mill street to John street ; Albert street, from DownieRoad to Waterloo street ; St. Andrew's street, '•rom Church street to the Collegiate Institute Grounds; Waterloo street, from Ontario street to the Downie road ; Mill street, from Huron street to Norman street ; Cliuich street, from Ontario street to Cambria street ; Patrick street, from' Erie street to Church street ; and from Princes street alon; Mornington street and St. Georges street to ihe bridge 147. The occupant, and in case there is no occupant, the person owning or having the care, charge or control of r£;i;i: any house or other building within the City, abutting on or situate within ten feet of any public sr-eet, thorough- fare sid. alk or pavement, shall, whenever snow or^'icc shall accumulate on the roof of such house or other build- ing, to an extent tl:at shall, either in fact or in the opinion of the Chief of Police, be dangerous to persons passing. cause the same to be forthwith removed therefrom.and every IS Snow or ii.enn roofs f'f h'Uise> to f-*. HI Planting of orn- amental or shade trees. Certain kinds of tree^ not to be planted. 4S person removing the same shall take due care and pre- caution for the warning: of persons and animals passinj; or being on such street, thoroughfare, sidewalk or pavement. Shade Trees and Boulevards. 148. All shade trees hereafter planted on the streets in the City of Stratford shall be planted not less than ten feet, nor more than twelve feet, from the outer edge of the private property opposite which they are planted, and not less than twenty feet apart along the line of said street. 149" ^' person shall hereafter plant in any street in the City of ^tiatford any trees of the following kinds o^' species, thac is to say.Poplar. Willow,Silver Maple,or Abele, Balm of Gilcad or any evergreen tree or shrub. The Council may remove cer- tain trees. I SO. It shall be lawful for the Council, or any one by it authorized,to remove such trees of the description men- ticned in the last preceding section of this l^y-law when planted in any street of the said City, and also all trees planted on streets in said City in contravention hereof, and And may take to break, rcmovc and take down any guard or fence erecteil down guards and ^ " when\'ride7ed ^^ P^'e^crvc any such tree when, in the opinion of the jriousr&cr'"'" council, such guard is unncces.sary or injurious to such tree or when, from its construction or position, it prevents or impedes reasonable use of the street or sidewalk. 151. Subject to the provisionsof this ]}y-law,sectionfuur of "The Ontario Tree Planting Act, iHS^," as amended by statute of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, foit)-- seven Victoria chapter thirty-six, section one, shall apply to the City of Stratford. trccb. 49 152. There shall he paid to the [)erson or persons payment to ,^1„, 4- r 4I r II • • » 1 -1% f P«;r>'>'i^ plnntinj; I^ianting- any ot tlie tollowni^f trees, viz — Ash, Hasswc xl, certain kind* of I5eech, I^irch, lUitternut, Chestnut, IChn, Hickory, Maple, Oak or Walnut within such niunici[)ality, on any hi<;hway, in manner above provided, and not less than thirty feet apart, the sum of twenty-five cents for each tree on the report and certificate of tlie Insi)ector hereby or by any subse(}uent liy-law appointed, and the adoption thereof by the l\Iunicii)al Council of the City of Stratford in accordance with the sixth section of "The Ontario Tree Planting Act, 1883." 153. The Mayor of the City shall, duriui^ the first week of April in each year, proclaim a day between the first and tenth tl.ix's of the month of May thereafter followint^^ to be known as Arbor Day, for the purpose of encourai^iuL,' the planting (jf shade and ornamental trees within the City. Arbor Day 154. The owner or occupier of anv lot abutting on any public street within the City may (having first obtained of bouievari,. the permission of the IJoard of Works in writing) enclose with a fence or railing of wood or iron of such height and description or in such other manner as the said Board may prescribe, the street oi)posite to his lot to the distance towards the centn- thereof of not more than twenty feet where such str( et is not n.ore than sixty-six feet in width and of not more than thirty feet where such street is more than sixty-six leet in width from the line of the street next adjoining his h^t, excei)t so much thereof as shall be occupied by the sidewalk, and tlie si)ace so set apart is herein called, anil shall be known as " a boulevard," pro- vided alwaj-s thar no such l-xnilevard shall be constructed or permitted en Krie street south to Patrick street, Wei- 50 toKr;:,^"';; ''"S^«" ^^'^<^^ ^outU to Patrick stret.^ thnynw road south jiwen... .c. to Patrick street, Ontario street from Waterloo street to the lindgc, or on a.iy street or part of a street where, in the judgment of the IJoard of Works, the making of the same will inconvenience the travelh-ng pubhc, or be other- wise disadvantageous. ./^=^"'r.,::! . '55. The lioard of Works, before granting such per- P;^.:SZ "^•■'^^'°"' ^I^^-^" take from the person to whom the same shall -ouicva ds. be given an agreement in writing to sod or sow with ^rass and clover seed or grass the portion of the street as to which such permission shall be granted, and to keep the fence, railing, sod and grass thereon in good order and repair, and not to permit noxious weeds or thistles to -row therein, and it shall be lawful for such person to sod or\ow the same accordingly, and in the event of failure to perform the conditions of such agrec.iicnt ; the permission granted to him may be revoked and n.t an end to by the Board of W^orks. In I Jnjuring tree... 156. No persou shall break, injure, cW^ up, remove, or destroy any tree lawfully planted or growing in any of the public streets of the City im box. stake or other guard which IS planted around or near to any such tree for the purpose of protecting the same, or ride .,r drive any horse or ether animal, or waggon or other vehicle, on the same, provided always that permission may be given by the Council for 'rSj; *'^^' '*^'"«^^'^' «f" ^"y •'^"ch tree for thr |,m-pc.se of replacing the same by another, or for any other purpose which the said Council deems proper. remove tree* may be granted taiii Cii:>C;!. SI 157. Kvvry boulcv.ird which li;is becti heretofore made '-"niiuvani >i. may be lawfully continued, provided authority for that '^'''="''^""''"""'''''''' purpose i\s obtained from the 15oard of Works. 158. Shade or ornamental trees shall not be planted Mr.ieorornam. or boulevards be made in the public streets of one chain 1'0'ilSincer" m width or less opposite to buil(lin,q-.s which are occupied otherwise than as dwelling houses without the permission of the owner or occupier of the buihlin-. but shade or ornamental trees planted and boulevards made, while lands are not built upon or the buildings thereon are occupied as dwelling houses, may be continuetl notwithstanding that buildings occupied otherwise than as dwelling houses may be afterwards erected thereon, or that the buildings thereon may be afterwards occupied otherwise than as dwelling houses. 159- No person shall tic or fasten any horse or other Tyins h„rse, animal to any tree planted or preserved for shade or orna- 5iiniJ;i/"" "'^ mcnt on any of the public streets of the City, and no per- son having the charge of any horse or other animal shall leave the same near enough to any such tree to injure it. j6o. Nothing in this l^y.law contained shall prevent Ro.ui.ay .„ay the owner or occupier of any lot abuttmg on any pubh'c tXard/""" street within the City from making any necessary roadway to his lot across the boulevard opposite to it, or from re- moving any tree growing upon that part of the street or boulevard recpu'red to be used for making s-ich roadway, but no such removal shall take place until after the expi-' ration of twenty-four hours from the deliver)- of a written notice of the intention to remove the same for the purpose aforesaid shall have been left at the office of the City ,iv.f To "cltj Clerk, in which notice shall be specified the name of the ^^"^' >11 ,- F ( 1 1 «^ person desiring to remove such tree, the number of the house or lot opposite to and the strcit in which said tree is situate. braiiche, erf UM* ^^i. Thc owncr and occupier of any lot or na reel of to be trimmed. | j •., • .| . . ' Jand withm the city opposite to which any tree is planted shall cause thc same to be. kept trinmied at all times, so that the projecting limbs and boughs vihall not be less than nine feet above thc sidewalk. Chairman of Ho.ird of Works 162. It shall be the duty of thc Chairman of the iVHrrdaK" . ; Board of Works to see that the provisions of this IW-Iaw sh.uie trees and l*.*i.i.i /*»» wrSoit "* f^'^i'"S to shade trees and boulevar.:'s are carried out. As TO DkFACING and DliSTKOYING PKOI'KKTV. Ilefating huild- ii>R>, &W,, with nutices. 163. No person shall, without the consent of thc owner thereof, deface any building, fence, telegraph pole or lamp post within thc City by writing or printing thercon.or posting thereon printed or other notices. .igril,&u" *^^- ^^ P^'"^^" ^^^"' ^vithout the consent of the owner thereof, pull down or deface any signboard or written or printed notice lawfully affixed within the City POUNDS AND POUND KEEPERS. Cattll Runninc; a\ Lakgl. ^win- or,es, '^S- ^o pcrsou shall suffer or jvrmit any swine, horse, k'oat'shoepi&V':: horned or other cattle, sheep, goat, rabbit.or geese, turkeys, inihedtl" "'*' ix;a-fo\vl, guinea-fowl, ducks or hens Df which he shall be the owner, or which shall be in his possession or custody or under his conlrol, co run at large •,v;-.hin thc City. iV o3 166. Any persor may distrain any of the animals Anypersonn.av mentioned in the last preceding section found runnincr at £r";',/plf;' large contrary to the provisions thereof, and deh'ver the n.Xiuim?M.;'''i'«" same to one of the pound keepers, and it shall be the duty ">'^'"- of the pound keeper to whom such animal shall be de- h'vcred to impound the same. 167. There are hereby established five pounds for the Five pn.mi. Cit\', one for each ward, and a pound keeper shall be Im!;:!;!!:)^"^^^ appointed for each of said pc.mds. llC"'""' '" H! ii il 168. Kacli of tlu .:aid pound keepers shall observe the DmU-^ of pound- provisions, exercise th: powers and discharge all the duties "^"' imposed upon him by the Act known as an Act respectinj^ pounds. 169. No person shall rescue or retake, or attempt to Animal-; not to rescue or retake from the person in whose custody the uuX"''^"' '" same shall be, any animal distrained or impounded under the provisions of this JU-law. Pound' 170. The damages to be paid by the owner of or per- Damages to t,e • . appraiseil uiult-t son m whose possession or custody,or under whose control "'h'^ Act- spL-ctini; Foi an)' animal impouncod for trespassing contrary to the la'.vs of the rroviuce or the liy-laws of the City shall, in case of dispute, be appraised in manner prescribed b\' the Act respecting pounds. 171. The pound keepers shall before entering upon Poundk«pei to their duties give such security in such form and for such ^"' '" "* amount as the council may direct for the due paying over of all such moneys as may come into their hands to which others than themselves mav be entitlfd. S4 to ^^pfrCrS '^^" "^''^ compensation to be allowed the person dis- P-ndins aui. trainin- and impouudin- any animal runnin- at large shall be as follows : — For Kach Quadruptd goc. " " Fowl ""' IOC. .o^rKil';." *73- The compctisation to be allowed the poundkeeper for services rendered by him in carrying out the provisions of this J^y-law relating to pounds and poundk-epers, shall be as follows : — For impounding hulls and stallions ')ne year old and over each m, * © I oo For inijioundini,' hoars, rams and horses, mules and asses, and horned or other cattle over two years old, each... 50 For feedino same per day, each 2„ For impounding cattle under two years old, each 25 For fcedin- same ])er day, each ,5 For impounding sheep, goats and swine, each 25 For feeding same per day, each ,0 For impounding gocse and otliLT fowls, each 10 I'or feeding same per day, each 02 For advertising each sale (six hours to elapse before so fJ^^in^) 2j For each sale toofTil f.?J. ^'4- "^^^ 'l"'"^t'ty«f<'o"tl to be furnished by the pound- nished by pouiui- keeper shall be as follows • keeper to ani- ' ' ."=.is i..,,„u,„i..,. po,- horses, mules and asses, and horned or other cattle (except cattle under two >-ears old) each per day— sixteen pounds of hay. Cattle under two years old, each per day— ten pounds of hay. Sheep, each per day— two and a half pounds of hay. Swine and goats, each per day— one quart of peas or corn. 55 Gecsc and other fowls, each per day— one half pint of peas or corn. And sucli food shall be of a ^ood and wholesome Food.o be ucscnptioii. »-..^-. . . And also so much water as the said animals may qune to drink. re- good and whole- some. Water al^g i,, hi furiiishej li^ 1/5. That all fines and penalties, and surplus moneys ,;„., 4, , conim- Mito the Imnd. of any i)ounclkeeper, by virtue of his 1^.^^^ - office, shall forthwith l,e paid over to tlie City Treasurer and form part of the funds of the City. ;{i. i-a Nothin- herein contained shall be taken to be in .j substitution of the provisions of "The Act resnectin^r ^^-'^ ^-'' " 1»,..,»,1". *. • r . '^^PeCtnig „ut to be super. lounds except ,n so far as the provisions of this I^ydaw ^le^p^il^,: are inconsistent thcrewitli. ofiiyiaw are in. cuiisi>,teiit. 177. It shall be the duty of the Police Constables of the City to cause all animals found runnincr at lar-e --^'i'^to'^T.: contrary to the provisions of this or any other l?>--law relat ' !^'||J''--inra^ in- to pounds and poundkeepers. to be impounded, and to '"'' prosecuteall persons offendino-a-ainst any of the provis- ions of such li\-iaws. 178. It shall be the duty of every Fence- Viewer, and lie IS hereby rec)uired on payment or tender to him br anv 'r""'™ 11 ,. , V "iiy when required poundkeeper of the sum of fifty cents, to at once attend and assess any dama-es he may be reciuested and required to assess as provided foiby this By-law, or by the said Act respecting pounds. V M 'la* on uAiivr, ftj., of dog-. 56 DOGS. 179. ICvery jjcrson wlio is uitliiii the City the owner, possessor or liarborcr of a ih>v; shall pa\' a yearly tax of one dollar for every such th.;;-, and for eaci hitch two dollars. II ' .nak\''t'um> on I «o. Thc Asscssor in makinsr the annual assessment ii-iSf^Miieiit roll of _r 4.1,^ /"•:» .1111 i 1 11 i- o^.ier and mm.- «' tnc t„ity sliall mukc a return on the assessment roll of the jiames of the ouners, posst-ssors or harborers of all dogs within the City, st.itinL,^ the number of do<,^s ; and it J^ZAfJu': ""^^^^^ ^^' ^^^^ duty of all persons liable to the tax imposed ll!mlo'A^!'''";'! hy the next preceding section <.f this H)--la\v upon request to give to the Assessor the inforniation necessary to enable him to make such return. .ax'^on\o]i";'," '^^- 'i^l^^' ^'''■'■'^' ^'''^H ^-'it^"'- tli^- 'lames of all persons LuT' "^ ^"''- liable to the said tax and the amount of such tax upon the Collector's Roll and the said tax shall be collected by the Collector in like manner as other rates and taxes are collected. 182. No person shall suffer or permit any ilogof which he is the owner, possessor or harborer to run at large within the City if such dog is of a vicious or ferocious dispo- sition or accustomed to snai) at or bite mankind, or if such dog has previously attacked or bitten any person travelling in or along the public street. iJogsnottorun 183. No pcrsou sliall suffer Or permit aiu' doc. shall be -ivcn b>' advertisement and posters before the same fea!'" "' ^^ m goes into effect. 1S5. Any Police Constable or other person authorized nogs running for that purpose by the Mayor, Police Magistrate or Chief ;V''y-fc«~^^ of Police may seize any doLj found runnin-/ at lari^^e, else- poumied"' an"!i h. , , lH)iiJi(l-!:ecprr 10 ere than on the premises of the owner, possessor or ^'" ""'•'^^ ^'• harboicr thereof, contrary to the provisions of this l^y-law, and it shall be the duty of the Police Constables so to do; and every such Police Constable or other person shall forthwith after makinijf such seizure, deliver such doi^ to one of the poundkccpers of the City, and it shall be the duty of the poundkceper to whom the same shall be delivered, to impound such tlog and to supply it with water while impounded and in case it shall not be reclaimed, as hereinafter provided within twenty-four liours after it shall have been delivered to the poundkeepcr it shall be the duty of the poundkceper to kill such dog. I.S6. The owner, possessor or harbcrcr of any dog own.rmnjr*. impounded under the next preceding section may reclaim S'Ledoli .i:;'! his dog on application to the poundkceper on proof of his S a I'.Mcri ownership and on payment of the sum of one dollar, one '^'^' half of which shall be retained by the poundkceper and the other half be paid to the person by whom such do-^r shall have been impounded. i : II .rar^'ty"!?,!'; ^^^' ^'^^^ I'olicc Ma-Jstratc or other presiding ^Uiih- air::;!:p;;;i;;! ^'-^^ «t the I-oHcc office of the city, upon the trial of any -;S.'o'-ie. complaint for an infraction of the provisions of sections of tins Hy.Iau-, may in adchtion to the imposition of a fine and costs order tliat the do- in respect of which the com- plamt is made shall be killed, and if the person in whose possession or custod)- such do^r ^hall be, shall ne^dect or refuse to deliver up t any member of the Police force for the purijose of his bein- killed upon request for that pur- f.S'SL'i: '^- J^"'^"^ ^'-^'"- made, or shall in anyway hinder or prevent sucn do' for the detention of all persons detained for examination on a char-e of havi.in; committed any offence, and of all persons detained for transmission to any Common Gaol or House of Correction cither for trial or in the execution of any sentence. 89 MARKET REGULATIONS. 190. Every clay in the year shall be a market da>', ex- M«iUt d.ys cept Sunday, Christmas day, or any other da>' set apart by proclamation as a public holiday. 191. On each market day, from the first day of May no„rs„fc4.„. to the first day of November in each year, the market '"*"'' ''"'"'• shall be opened at six in the niornin-j. and durinfc the rest of the year at seven in the morninL:, and shall always be closed at sunset, save on Saturtlays when it shall be closed at nine in the eveninjj. 192. The market i>lace shall comprise all and sintjular, Market pUre. those certain parrels or tractsof land and premises.situatc in the City of Stratford, and which may be better known and described as follows : Commencin^r at where an iron stake is planted in the west limit of the Dounic Road, on the south cast antjle of the market grounds, in the said cit>', at a distance of three hundred and twcntx'.ei^^ht feet, in a course of south, twenty four dc.tjrces cast from the inter- section of the east limit of Wellington street, with the west limit of Downic Road ; thence north eighty-seven degrees five minutes west along the southerly limits of the said market grounds, two hundred and ninety-seven feet eight inches, more or less, to the cast limit of Wellington street where an iron stake is planted on the south-west angle of the said market grounds; thence north.thirty degrees east, along the said limit of Wellington street one hundred and nineteen feet and five inches, more or less, to an iron stake planted in line with the rear of the City Hall cr market • buildings ; thence south, eighty-seven degrees five minutes east along said rear line of buildings, of»e hundred and ninety feet and nine inches, more or less, to the western mi 60 limit of the Dowiiic mad, uliorc an iron stake is planted ; thence south, twenty-four de.ijrees east, alont,^ said limit of road, one hundred and eighteen feet and ei^ht inches, more or less, to the place of beL^inninL; ; containini; twenty-six hundred and twenty square feet of land, be the same more or less; and that strij) of land twenty feet in width abutting on thf south si(le of the above described parcel and ex- tendin<; from Downie road to \VeIIins;ton streci, in the said city. 193. No person residincj out of the city,brin£i;inj:f .f^rain, MarketaMe """cat, vcLietal)les, fish. hay. straw, fodder, lumber, shini^les, Mii.i „r tH..',sc','i farm produce of e\ery description, small wares, or other ortaiMhoiu. ev. articIcs Hito thc said city for sale and market, shall expose t-tpl ill llu; iii;ii - ^ ' 1 ^'-^- for sale, or sell the same on any market da>', before the hour of nine in the forenoon, betwccMi the first daj- of April and the first day of Noxember, and before the h >ur of ten in the forenoon, between the first da)' of November and the first day of iVpril, elsewhere than upon the market place. ior,Kv„o,i n.,t 194- No person residing out of the city,brinL;ing Qc^xiX- wn n.a.Lrt'pi';.',. woo(l by i.ic load iuto the City for the purpose of sale shall ''"' . expose for sale or sell the same before the hour of nine in the forenoon, l)etween the first da)' of April and the first day of November, and before the hour of ten in the fore- noon, between the first (la\- of November and the first da)' of April, elsewhere tlian on the market place, on any mar- ket da)', and in case either the vendor or purchaser of an)- Oiire,|ue,ttfv such cordwood, recjuire him so to do, the Clerk of the -'''^''^^^iV'lf ^ "" P'^y^it-M-.t of tlie fee therefor, hereinafter mlaTu^"^''"^^'""-' provided, measure the same and declare th.e quantity. F95- The lUitchcrs' stalls in this market shall hr let i,,,,,,,.. n„. annually, on (,r before the f.rst clay of January, by public"'''" '"' auction to tiiehi-hcst responsible bidder, above any upset price to be affixed by the Council, previous to such day of sale, and such rent to be payable t<. the City Treasurer ,<,,„ ,„„ monthly ni advance, and that written or printed leases ofvrc':'^' "' "• tile same be imniediately thereafter executed in which leases it shall be part of the covenants, under the penalty of forfeiture of the lease that the lessees and each of them shall comply with the Hy-laws and Rules established and i ...o. . ... passed n>r the r'vernment of the market, and that the ^-S;^;::Ll?• lessees shall not underlet or assi,ni the said stalls, or any „,.^||„,_^ ,,,,^, part thereof to be occupied by any other person without the written consent of the Council, and that they shall not sell Meatana in,,,!. or expose for sale in such stalls any other arti-les than luiu;"''' "' '" meat and poultry, ;:,u\ no butcher shall be allowed to have or hold more than one stall at any one time, provided that ''"'''" ""''^"'•'•'n it siiall and may be lawful after the stalls are disposed of at '" " " the auction above provided, if then any such stalls Pn.vUo f„r remain not let. then any butcher may rent S''^^ .u?" ^ one of the vacant stalls remaim'i)- unlet at a rent not exccedin- that paid fo- the louest at such auction, and at a proportionate rent fir any shorter tiuie than one year, and it shall and may be lawful for the City Clerk to issue' r- r. , , •' . tityf Ink may a warrant, and tor such ijurjiose to use the City Seal seu ''' w'.'il. r" directed to a City Constable to sdze any butcher's meat :S,u"'''""'''^ in any market stall for the arrears (^f rent of such market iitall, and in case such rei : shall not be paid within six hours f . , 1 • , . If riiit not paid alter sucn seizure, and notice thereofin writ!ui,q)iit u\) in two ""■" !"'^yi"^ '-W places in such market, spccifyiu- ilic nieai .iei/ed, jj^^^"""'^ ' """• cause thereof and tlu^ time the same ^\\\l be olTered for sale, such constable shall sell such meat or ..o niurli thereof as will satisfy the said rent, to th..- hi.^hest bidder. 62 nnticwfck,! ^'^^- TJ»^ ^1^'1'J^' of the Market shall, utulcrthc control of .h. market, ^f ^jj^. Couucil, havc thc carc and superintendence of the Market and Market Place and shall fulfil the duties on him imposed or required by this B>-hnv, and promptly report to a constable of the City every infraction of this IJy-law or of any order or regulation of tne Council not inconsistent therewith. It shall also be his duty to open and close the Market at the hours appointed, to attend thc IMarket constantly during market days, to keep open the weigh house and attend to the scales for weighing hay and straw during the time the Market is open on Market days, to keep and maintain clean and in good order the scales, weights, measures and everything connected with the said weigh house, and to weigh or measure thc different articles exposed for sale or sold in the Market when thereto re- quired by any party interested the: Jr. i« .oiilSM::^^ '^^' 'Tli'^t it will be the duty of the Chief of Police i^ fe prtile: '"^P^^t all meats and other articles of pnn'isions exposed laiLa or,;;" for ^^^^^ as food and to re[)ort to t!ie Mayor of the exposure wholesome meat-, fir • • ^ - v- Sie'arCiT' '"'"' ''"^'^ ^^ ^^ '^'^>' tamted or unwholesome meat, poultry, fish, or other articles of food, and it shall be his duty under the' directions of the I\rayor to seize and destroy all such tainted or unwholesome meat, poultry, fish or any other article of food so exposed for sale as food. 1 ; If ti-eMar^S,;:' ''^^- ^^'"^ '''''"^^'"* "'" P^"-cliaser of any hay. straw or p"me,u"::f feo! ^^^''^'' ^^^1^1^'" ^'^J^^-'i ^l'*' -^'^I^- thereof is made within the Cilv '.SI:!?' ''''•^■' "i-'.y require the s.me to be weighed on the Market scales and thc Market Clerk on rcciucst either of tlu^ vendor or purchaser and on payment of the fee hereinafter pro- vided shall weigh such hay, straw or other fodder on said ijcales. 63 199. Tlic Market Clerk sliall deliver to every person rcci.uring any hay. straw or other fodder or any live •^'''"" -' i'^ anfmal or other article to be weighed on the Market"'^'" scales, a certificate of such weight. In the case of hay straw, or otlu, fodder in the form A to this hyAxJ annexed or to the like effect, or in the case of weighing a.nmals or other articles in the form B to this By-law annexed. 200. On Market days all waggons and other articles m M nch anything is exposed for sale or is marketed upon o.^r-^^r. -;! he Market place, shall be put in such place and order in S^lW/^^S: the Market grounds as the Police shall direct, and ihey "^^• shall have power to enforce the removal of every wa-on and vel.icle from the Market grotmds as soon as the^ro duce contained therein shall have been sold. 201. The Clerk of the M-^rket shall keep a book con- ^'-^ "^ "'- taining duplicates of the cei.incates c.f the wci-dit of the '•S--'w 111/-. »K-i.»,llU Ul lllC tifiLHle;, K Veil several loads of hay, straw and other articles weighed by h.m, which book shall be at all tinges open for in;pection To,.open .. by all persons interested in the weight of any such load "-i^uc^s^li!" provided that the Clerk of the Market need not give any , , such certificate until the charge for weighing hereby 1^'^'^''^- prescribed has been paid. ' -0_. 1 hewe.gh house, scales and other fixtures therein w.,„ ,„„„, and Lher.ghtto receive the tolls ard charges hereby im- .^::;?fe',!^t posed shall be leased each year in the highest bidder .^^ '""''" •"""""• public auction, over an upset price to be previously fixed by the Council.and the lessor thereof .,hal! be the Clerk of ,,.,,, ,, ,^ the Market, and before entering into possession of the £^"^''''--""'''-': 64 tiriii said weigh house and other fixtures and entering; upon the discharge of his duties as such Clerk of the Market, he Tev;ce shall shall cxccutc u dccd of demise thereof in the form in the e.\eciite deed a'ul i i i /^ i • eiittr into bond., schedule C, to this By-law hereto annexed, and with two sureties to be approved of by the Council, execute a bond in a penalty of twice the amount of such rent, conditioned for the payment of the said rent and the observance of al covenants in the said lease contained, provided that such Mt-j""' '"" ^^^^^^ "•* ^^'^ deputy, while acting as such deputy, shall during the currency of his lease be guilty of an infraction of any provision of this J>y-law, or if he or his deputy wilfullv misconduct himself in the office of such Clerk of the Market, such lease, the time thereby created, the right thereby conferred, and his tenure of the said office of the Clerk of the Market, shall absoh icly cease and determine' and the Council may forthwith thereafter re-let the said weigh house, scales and other fixtures therein and the right to receive the tolls and charges hereby imposed, and every lease aforesaid shall be in writing or be printed and con- tain the above proviso. tt Condition, of 203. The terms of the said deed shall be publicly deed to l)i; de- , . , dared at the pub. declared at the said public auction before any bids are iw niufwin ~ * received. lie anttioii. Clerk of I he 204. The Clerk of the Market shall not personally or market to have by ally dcputy, asslstaiit, partner or servant or agcnt.trade no interest 111 any ^ ■/ i^ J ' ' i i-»''-~ ■^l'*' 'any''''artide ^Hrcctly or iiulircctly or have any director indirect interest keTSr "'■''' •" the sales or profits of any sales of articles or animals exposed for sale in the said Market or weighed upon the Market scales. .U Fee>for weigh- ing on market scales. 205. The following tolls and charges and no other are hereby imposed and shall be collected by and paid to the Clerk of the Market :— 65 For weighing a load of hay For weiglung slaughtered , neat orgt^m! or mher'articles *^ exposed »or sale, under one hundred pounds q. Over one hundred ,,ounds,and up f. one thousand pounds 05 Over one thousand iMjunds For weighing hve anin.als other than sheep or" 'pv's ' ,",er '" head 1 « » t^' Sheep and pigs.ifinore th.n five, per head ."'.'..'.'..'.'. '..V. of If less than five, for the lot For measuring a load c.r wood °^ And i„ all cases the person re,,„iri„. '.he Clerk' of ti,e' ma7 """""' '"' ket to wci.l, or n.easurc-, shall be the person liable to pay '•'"^'^^i the fee therclor by this Hy-lau- imposed. ™«....i..M.r„ -^o<;, No resident of the Crty shall be required to n.i- . „, , •.. ■ , . * «^> . <-'r uincr arUcles raised or f''^"^^" property grown \VI til in the CltV <"-.irtiLle., raised ^ ' within the City. .-:.V. Xo huekster. butcher, ^rocer or r,u„,er shall, for „ purpose of re-sale, offer ,„ purchase or purchase within the *:* '"".'S^ Llty oil anV Tue^dn' 'n,.,.-. J . .. "-for r^le before ketclu-s L ' r ?' ' """'^'y-'"" ^'"""■■'y. bei,.g Mar.-;S;J»",— ket da , any market yraurs, wood, ,„eats, fisl,, fruits, roots, V .'ct., Mes, p..„try, dairy products, (c.cen m„ter in ..uan- titles above hfty pounds) or ,i„y article required for family ''*"""""■ use, and such as is usually sold in the market previous to he h,.u.- of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, from the first day oluaober to the thirty-first day of .May, nor previous to he hour of ten o clock in the forenoon, from the fir,st day of June to the thirtieth d.,y of .September. «ne hrin ."";"'^^''"" "" ^"'y ■"•"■'-■' •'■■>• KO to meet any r.,„.„ „. onebimKm.^Mo the market any market meats, fish, fruit; t"£U''"' root... vegetables, poultry or .tairy p, ,, iVoni selling or offering for .^ale biscuits, buns, rolls, crackers, niuflnisor any other fancy cakes, conim- tomb, tomktone. vault or l.t therein or wrongfully reuK^ve any such tomb, tombstone, vatdt. fence, railing- or other work from sucn cemetery or burial gnn.nd or wilfully .K .noy, cut. break or nijuro any tr.e. shrub o,- plant growing, or being therein <" P-y at an), game or sport, or discharge fire-arms in such \n gK» ^ u 68 cemetery or burial L,Tound, commit any nuisance or bchai'e in an iiulccciit or unseemly manner therein or in atiy way viol.itc any >uch cemetery, i^rave, tomb, tombstone or vault where the dead are interred within the City. riMd''"'^''wHt> 2\6. \o person shall, without the {jermiiision ot the throuch the Citv. Park and Cemetery Committee, transport or carry, or cause to be transported or carried, or assist in transporting,' or carryini,^ in. throui;-*, or alonL; atiy street, hi[;hway, or public place within the City, the body or remains of any dead person which ha\e been interred and afterwards disinterred for the purpose of removal fn>m place of intermetit. Intlumi:nt>. Interment' within the t,itv 217. Xo person shrdl inter, <»r cause to be interred, or o„iv ill Vvomi.iic assist in the iiitirincnt of any dead i)ersi)n within the Hm^t^ Ceiiu-tcrv, etcry. AvonfiaicCtm. of the City, save in Avondalc Conietcry, coiiiprisinj; all the lands dedicated as such by l^y-law. N<». I 56. and also the lands known and described as bcin;^ composetl of Hlock letter "A" in Forman's Survey of Lot number Four in the First Concession of the Townshii) of Downic. now in the City of Stratford, accordinij to a re;^nstered plan and con- taininL[ b)- adincasurement fifteen acres of land be the same more or less, heretofore acquired by deed pursuant to section twenty-nine of an "Act to incorporate the City of Stratford, and for ether purposes." which are hereinafter called "the new part oi the Cemetery," .uul are hereby de- clared to form part of Avondale Cemetery, and to be subject to the rcj^nilations relaliui: thereto, and t)ther rcj^u- lations that tnay Ix- passet} thereto, save arid except as defiiKd in said Act, GOVERNMENT OF AVONDALE CEMETERY. COMMI'ITI i; (»F MaNACKMIAt. 2 1 8. The said Cemetery and the superintendent tliereof t,,,,,,,,;,,,, ,,, shall he under the direction and control of five members ^f "'^'"•'""'""• the Council uho shall be stvlcd the -rark and Cemetery- Committee." bcinc; that hereinafter, as far a< and includini: section Xo. 227. referred to as said Committee. 219- It shall he the duty of said Committee, from time „ • , 4.^ 4.' , ] , iMilieiof com- 10 tmie to la\'out, or alter the avcMiues. walks, and o-founds ';;;•;;- "•'"■^"-tf'^- in the said Cemetery, to 'riyc such instructions to the Ceme- tery superintendent as they may consider proper for the re^ndation. and -ood order of the said Cemeter)-. ani-(.intmi.:nt am> DrTiKsoK Sii'Kkintkndkxt. 220. A Cemetery superintendent shall be appointed .Appoi„,n.. from year to )-ear. who shall reside in the lod-c erected in i--".'.. '"'" the Cemetery, or at such other place as said Committee or the Council shall direct and who shall lie a peace-officer of the Citv. r-M I. The duties of the said Cemetery superintendent Uurie.of ,u shall be as follows: — ennteiiUcnt. 2. 1 o keep the plan of the Cemetery in his office and ria,.,.. ...... sucii book or bo-.ks as the said Committee or this Council ::^.:^oi::^:X may cVv rt and when a deed of any lot or lots is presented to him m- any purchaser or the Cit>- Clerk instruct him that such a deed has been delivered to mark upon the lot on the plan the word "Sold" in red ink. 70 ^,^^ _.^ .^^^, , , 2. To rcLiislcT before comniLtKini^ to cH;:;- any r^ravc t^Jt "': tlie name. sex. cause of death, date of death, place of nativ- dut'ofaraS'': ity, residence witli the name of the street, reli-ion and a-v of the person to Ix- interred, in the book pro\ idcd for that purpose unless such registration be dispensed with b\- order of said Committc'' or of this Council. To nntify !>!• vision Reiji-tinr within -i-sriKJay-. of the name ami reiiili'iiLC ot" ill'- ceased and ilate of death ami burial. lo give rev. tilirate of nuiii- Ler o<" plot aiMl price to persun rf.juiriiigsanii'. Con'sent of Parish Priest of K. C. Chinch required hefore i.f'rtiticate is given fur plot in the new part of the cemetery. 4. To fTive the Division Registrar of the division wherein the death took place within seven da\-s after the burial a written notice under his hand stating according to his knowledge, infoi mation, and belief name, and residence of the deceased, and die (kite, and place at which the death and burial took place, unless before burial he has received a certificate under the hand of such Division Registrar that the particulars of such tkath have been duly registered. 5. To give any i)erson, requiring the same a certificate setting forth the number of the plot or plots (in no case t<* exceed four) he desires to i)urchase, with the price thereof an', the name of the intending purchaser, provided always no such certificate shall be given f«-)r an)- plot in the new part of the Cemetery, without the consent of the W.r^h Priest of the Roman Catholic Church, of the Parish of Stratford. i^. km 6. To determine the grades of all plots. To determine grades, ,,, . , 7 To superintend, and control all workmen emplo^-cd losnpenntencl /•■*■• "1 ' piL;^d ':;:'■';>;,;": by owners of plots.in the said Cemeter>-, in building \-aults. '"^' erecting monuments, or ornamenting such plots.and if they wilfully refuse, or neglect to obey his directions, to expel On refusal to ' . , obey to expel x\\Qm from thc Ccmcterv, to report the circumstances totlie iheni tioni (:en>..-- ^ tTcommitteT" -'^id Committcc, and to refuse admittance to such -vorkmen until the said Committee shall order to the contrary. ■ 71 , ^ S, After presentation of the Treasurer's receipt for Ai.rr „e,e,.. payment, or deed of any pict. or deed and transfer, but in |.^'-I"./.:r,t! no case before such presentation, except ulien directed by '""" ""'"''"'""" the Chairman of said committee to perform all interments in the phn to uliich the Treasurer's receipt or ..lee<,l relates, a,,.,,.. prompt. attending promptly to all instructions re-ard in- the samcl^- leS": given to him, diir-in- all graves to a depth of at least six ijiv;V'"''^'='' feet; provided always, that notice must be given to the "xllt ',7* said Superintendent on the day previous to the interment I'l.;;" ''i'^il^f; if possible, and the ^izc of the coRin on the top or if in a """'' case, the size of the case, and the locatir)n of the grave on the ground must be then specified. 9. When not engaged at interments, to improve, and „,.;'' ''e.mify beautify the grounds, and walks in the said Cemetcrv as^^'"'^'''^ dccitled bv the said Cotnmittec. or by this Council. ' "" " * 10. To demand and receive before permitting anv .. interment or dis-niterment i:»a\-ment of the charn-es therefor !"'r" "■" ^''J*''*^'"" herein presrribj.l, unless otherwise dirccU^d by said Com- '""•'"^'■"•• mittec.and to enter the receipt of all such payments iu the '" -".er «. book pro\-ided for that purpose. """ " '""'• 11. To pay over monthl\-, or otherwise, as he may be ';^ v^y ov.r directed by the said Committee or b\- this Council to tlio ''>>V.lhiyororii;^' #... T- ,, , ' .till- „|,,. ,j^. ^||r^,,,,ji Cit\' Ireasurer all monej-s received bv him for, and on '.'.'ive'T""^" "" account of interments, and dis-intermcnts. and beautif\'in^r » ots. 12. To open the gates at sunrise and to close them it '" ''f'^" a»d sunset. 13. To obey all the directions of said Committee.and 01 Tooh.yaii a.. this Council, and to enO^rcc compliance ^ith all the rules. "jtS'and cX and regulations in this By-law contaiti.J • provided also tha't'"' V = If '■I 4 4 72 v„. torentive nclthei tlic CcmctcTv SinxM-itUt'iuliMit nor any one luuler his sy.Jui .ervires. cor.l"'^' shnll rrcctvc any money in ivwani of any special service or attention. srait of 221. The follcwin'' scale of charijcs for interments and charge*. ^ "^ -^ dis-interments is hereby adopted as those to be co|lectc Tin. Tiums to r.v. inskktiij TilKKlllN. Payment «f 225- On procuriiijj^ the certificate above mentioned from certificate to lie "^ "'" r w' hinVh ^ - the Cemetery Superintendent, and upon payin^j the City months. 73 Tieasurerthe amount thcrcininontioncd.witliin three inontljs from the issuing of the said certificate, and handini; |,f,n such certificatcthe said Treasurer shall u ithi.i the said three iv.a.u.rs r. months, but not later, ^ive a receipt f;.r the said money S^n!::;;.^:': mentioned therein.shewinj; the name oftheperson mentioned ' *' " in the certificate.the number of the plot aud the price thereof and on production of the said receipt to the City Clerk d, . (.|,,,j. ,^, the said Clerk shall p»ci)are a conveyance to the said person .'rf'", \}:Z and have the same executed by the Mayor and sealed with ' ""' '' ""■"'• the City Seal, and f jeliver the same to the proper part)-. , 236. Suchconvcyancc shall be in theform "D" hereunto Fnn„ of roi.. annexcd.and shall have endorsed thereon two schcdules.onc """" '' set corresponding to forms "I':" and "K " hereunto annexed shall be endorsed on conveyances o( plots in that part de- dicated b)- I5y.law No. 156 and another set corresponding IlU to forms "F and "G" hereunto annexed shall be endorseil on convex ances of plots in the new part of the Cemeterv. Sih^iliile; t'l 22;. The City Clerk shall reijistcr the said deed in the (-;„ t>,k ,„ book provided for such purpose, in such manner as said au7i''r.g'h:1 Committee or this Council may direct, and shall upon re- ;^:>;i':;u „f ^ " quest of the - direct any transfer of any plot or part of plot. ' ■ 228. At the end of every week the City Clerk shall give a written statement to the Cemeterv- Superintendciit ^'^*^^''^^'^''^™^^^ settmij out the names of all parties to whom conveyances '^"d-^"' *v«iiy. have been made during the week with a description of the plot or plots or portion thereof. 74 (IkNKU.M, UKdl'l ATlnNS KISl'I.C INC. VlSllOK^. ci.iMm. ,.ni 220. N'omit; children will not be adinittcd -..rJes--. with with i»rM.i,. ill their parents or persons havnici them specially in cnarjjc. '.•liat.i;B i)f iliiin. 1 ' \of,nu o-iQ No person having refreshments of any kind will •villi n-fr.-h. -0 1 *> ..lent- a.in.iuci. ^^ permitted to come within the {^rounds. iv.>on< with ->T,\, Persons carrvinij baskets, or any like article and fl.>k.'s, &r,. not "-^ . o fc.imiii.',!. those havint^ doj^s with them will not be permitted on thcLjrounds. ivr-on^ -li.. 232. Any person smokinj,^ or disturbinjj the cjuiet and MuUt of th.; rrood order of the ccmetcrv bv noise or other unseemly or cemi^tfiv to lie " ' ' e>ptii.-.i, improper conduct will be compelled to leave the said Cemetei')'. 1! TO ESTABLISH FlRtL LIMITS AND PREVENT THE ERECTION OF WOODEN BUILD- INGS THEREIN. Kire limit. 233- All that poiti'on of the City contained in the followint,^ description, that is to say :— Commencinij at a point where the north bank of the River Avon intersects the street joining Ontario and Huron streets, tiience easterly along the north bank of said channel to the point wlierc it woukl intersect tlic westerly boundar\- o f Waterloo street if produced, thence .dong the line which such westerly boundary of Waterloo street would make, if produced, to the westerly boundary of the last named street, thence southerly along the westerl>- boundary of Waterloo street to Cobourg street, thence easterly along the northerly boundary of Cobourg street to Nile street, thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Nile street to Guelph street, thence westerly along the northerly buuiidaiy of (niclpii sli'col to St. Ibvfd's street, thence northerly .ilon.c;- the nestorly boundary of P)irminj;ham street to the south bank of the creek at Worslc)- street, thence followinj;- the soutli bank of the said creek to the River Avon, thence nortlierl) across the River Avon to the nortli bank thereof, thence easterly al<)ng said north bank of the River Avon to the pkace of be!.jinninj.j shall compose and be CwcA and known as the J'ir(> Limits of the Citv. 234. No person shaH ^rect an\- wooden buildin.cj or woo.i.n ,tmt. addition thereto or an>' wootlen fence exceedincr six feet in im hrheiS'nu't' 1 . , , .^1 . ., • 1 f 1. . ' to he tiertPii lieiijdjt withm the said fire Imrnts, within Hrc- limits. 235. No person shall erect or place an:y buildin^r xv,o.ien buiia. other than with main walls of brick, iioji or stone, roofed Im'tcT" withiu with some incombustible material or shinc^les laid in mortar within the said fire limits of the City of Stratford. liic limit' 236. No one shall repair or alter the roof or external Kspairing walls of existing buildinj^s within the fire limits with '""= "'"''- materials less incombustible than those oriejinally used, and in no case shall repair a roof of such existing- building with material less incombustible than shingles laid in mortar half an inch thick, nor shall in case of the de- struction of one or more external walls of such existing- buildings or such injury thereto as could not be repaired without re-building the greater portion of such external wall or walls, rebuild the same of any material save brick, iron or stone. 237. Any building or fence so erected o; placed Umiding^ erect- within the said fire limits of the City I'n contravention of '^"''"^V" k^e •^ ^* removed. p\ *}6 tliis Uy-la\v n"i;i\- be pulled (.lowii jr removed at the expense of the ov'p.cr or owiKis thereoT under the direction of the Council or an\- committee appointed for that purpose. PREVENTING FIRES. iiuiies .fin- ~3^- There shall he an inspector of buildinc^s for the sfiMorc. , u (^j^.y ^^.]^(-,^(> (|^,{.y j>|^_^ll 1)^. ^f^ examine carefully whenever he deems it necessary or is directed b)- the Mayor, the To evaminp PqIjco Ma'j^istratc or the Chairm.an of the I-'ire, Water and leque^el? '" • ,11 Gas Committc'c to do so, all chimneys, flues, fireplaces, stlmt'onvi'i.'A-^ stoves, ovens, boilers or other apparatus or things which 1,.- ,ian-.:nni^. may bc daiiLjcrous m causmj^ or promotm;^ tire, and to i„ report I'eport thercoii to the M.ivor, Police Maf ijolice !') I",' iii.pector of Iiiiilcliii:;-. 242. Every person who constructs or erects any buildin- within the City shall make the party walls, if of brick, not less than one foot thi;k in the clear and if of stone not less than sixteen inches thick in the clear; and shpll arran-e the joints so as to prevent their connnuni- catini; fire throu-h the wall by so ])lacin- them that the joist holes shall not extend more than h lU way thnnioh the wall or correspond with, but be at least four inches in the clear from the joist in the other half of the wall, and shall continue the wall above the roof [u the hei-ht of not less than ei-hteen inches of the same materials and thirknchs and terminate it with a i)r()i)er copin-. I'cUlV 243. The owner, and in ease of his default, the s.unUsin roof occupant of every buildin- within the City mon^ than one ™' '"""^' story in hei-ht, shall make or cause to be made a scuttle throu-h the roof of such build in- and a convem"ent stair- way leadin- to the same ; or shall have appended to such buildino- a -ood and sufficient laddrr of sufhcient len-tli to reach the roof and a -c^od and suflicient ladder to reach the top of the chimney thereof f n Mode of tMn- 78 ■ 244. Every chimnt-yor flue built or constructed within >truui'Mt;° cbim. t|^e City sliall be built of brick, stone or other incombus- tible material and the walls thereof shall be not less than four inches in thickness, exclusive of plasterin^i; ;■ -d shall be well and sufficiently plastered, and every such chimney shall rise at least three feet above the ridge of the house or building in which the same shall be, and every such chimney or flue if built in circular form shall be not less than twelve inches in diameter, and if of oval or rect- angular form, not less than nine inches by sixteen inches, and every such chimney or flue shall be so constructed as to admit of it being scraped, brushed or cleansed. Chininey- am' flue, to 1)« (-on prei,e 245. No i)cisoii .^hall build or construct within the prSiUelJ^^ City any chimney or flue otherwise than in accordance with the provision of \.\\: next preceding section of this By-law ; and no person shall use within the City any chimney or flue hereafter constructed or built otherwise than in accordance with such provisions. I U^f of(lan;;eri)u; uhiniiiey.-, &i.., forbidileii. 246. No pcrsor. shall within the City construct or use any chimney, flue, fire place, stove, oven, boiler, or other a])paratus or thing which may be dangerous in causing or promoting Arc; and it shall be the duty of the ownc ' or person using the same or occupying the house, loom^ building ov [A.icc in which the same is or are contained after rcccixing notice in writing from the Inspector of IJuildings under the authority of the Mayor, Police Magis- trate or Chairman of the h'iro. Water and Gas Committee, that tlij :^ame is or ar<: dangerous as aforesaid, forthwith t'l disconliiiue using the same, .md if required .-^o to do by the said Inspector, vithin a reasonable time thereafter to remo\e th(; same. r- w 247. The pipe of every stove, chimney or fire place within the City shall be cojiducted into a chimney of ^""'-^"^''''^'' stone, brick, or other incombustible material, and In all cases where a stove pipe passes throu-h the ^vood work of a buildin- within the City it shall be separated from such woodwork at leavt three inches, by metal or oihcr incom- bustible material, and all pipes from stoves or fueplace: over fifteen feet in length shall be secure!) tied together by wire running along the whole length thereof, and wheji necessary for safety supported and stayed by wires, and no person shall within the City use any pipe or sto\epipe which is not put up in accordance with the provisions of this section. 248. No occupant ur other jjerhon m possession or i-n„.e,! .,..,.. charge of any house or building within the City, shall per- .'te,!:t:."^ '" mit any stovepipe hole i:i the chimney ...f such house or building w hile the said pipe hole be not in actual use and any part of the chimney in actual use to remain open, but shall cause the same to be clu^r d with a stopi)'T of metal or other incombustible mat'T>;d. 249. The occupant or olh. s uerson in possession or ife.-,„hs or charge of any house or building within the City or of any u'a;;:!;: 'f. 80 Setting fire to refuse, &i-. Kimlliiii; firo ill 'tirrl--, &1,.. jiroliiliilcil. I'lvi-cpliuii... J50. No person shall set on fire or burn in the open air, within the City, .stumps, wood, lo^c;s, trees, brush, straw, shavings or refuse, without sonic person beini; in cliarge of the fire to prevent its spreading or doing damage. 251. No person shall make or kindle a fire or fun-ish material for a fire to be made or kindled in any street alley or vacant place within the City; provided always that this section shall not apply to fires made by tin- smiths, plumbers and other mechanics in pursuing a busi- ness which recjuires the use of a fire made for boiling tar, pitch or oil to be used in the construction or repair of a building or vessel, but all such fires shall be made in some crate or vessel sr t the same shall not emit sparks or otherwise enda iirrounding property. K e e p i n of J52. No person shall within th^ City, place, keep, or deposit ashe^ in wooden receptacles or within twenty-five '■(•et of a house or building unless the same are contained in some safe depositor) constructed of biick, stone or other incombustible n:aterial. -53- ^"^^ person shall carry fire or live coals in or tlirou'di anv street, alley or lot within the City unlcs.s the same are placed in a covered metal pan or vessel. 254. No )erson shall use a lighted candle or lamp in prohihUcd." any sl.iblc, building or place within the City where hay, straw, hctnp. tlax, rushes, cotton, gunpowder, or other com- bustible materials shall be stored or kept or may be unless the same is well s<:cured in a lantern. c„,„;i„,. i„ J 5 5. No person shall smoke or have in his possession wiiled.*^ ''^'^' a!iy lighted cigar or pipe in any stable, carpenter or cabitiet maker's worksliop or other sliop, buildingor place within the C it}' where straw, shavings or other coinbustible materials may be. (^atryiiig fir &i . , t li r u 11 .; btreels,. t.'niii3 li^;tUcd candlej-in -.udilc^-. & 81 Sj'^- ^'^ pcrsot) shall use or occupy within the City Manuf.ctureof any buildiiiL^ or place for the nuiiuifacturo of turpcntincJoXide'r refined petroleum oil or kemscne, paraftnie, beu/.inc. cam- phene, firewoiks or other dangerous or easily iiiHanimable or explosive substances or for the storaj^c of fireworks of any description whatever. 2z,y. \o j)erson shall have, put or keep hay, straw, Slacking: ofh«v, cotton, heni]) or wood shaxini^s in slack or pile within the City without .-ecunl)- en- !o.-iii;^ the sauu- so as to protect them from ll)-ini;- s|>arks, •..\eept '"n farms where the hay or straw stack' is at least ll':'<.e hinni<'t.'(; fi <. t from ,\\\v d\veIlin^^ J5S. \r plan- i' .(^ e/'rate. Kuriiins rchnfO or furnace, nr use in li;;htin- or kiiulliuj^ tuns in any dvvcll- proHhi't"") ^' ini;' house, shop or other buiUlin;,;' within the ('it\* refined petroleum, oil, kerosene. i;as'>liiu'. hen/iiu , naptha or other highly e\pli»sive tu Mitkinnnable Mi!)>tances, provided always that nolhiiii; hert:in contaiuetl >hall pre\ent tin; use of tar burners or of ■^to\■cs or fui'uaces -peciallyconstructed for consunn'n-j oil or v;a->. Kvccptions, 2>n. Xo i)ers<>n .-.Ii.dl ket.'ii wr h.iw in .inv house or - -"^ '• ' ' >tr>i inj of sun- place within the City.al an\' one time, more than ten pounds n'J"<*«f- of g"unpt)wder unless tliO same is kept in a m.iga/jne to be approve*! ot by tlie l'"ire, W'ati-i' ami (Ia^ ("(-nnnittee, and all gunpowtler undei' the ^.lid ipumtily \\in'i:h is kept on haiul by an>' person within the ( it}' shall Ix: de[)Osited in a fire proof b of fire. Foteniat). " ** 65.00 Ml. jkc A nd oilur tiixnu-n. each the bum of i'lO.OO per annum. 'U.I I 263. the Chief shall be appointed by the Council and ofcKn^nwr the engineer and foreman shall be notnijiated '.ty the Fire, '" oremn. Water and (ias Committee, and appointed by .he Council. 264. The l''ircmen shall be enrolled b\' th'J Chief in a . fenroimtnt ot iireincn. Register to be kept at the office of the City Clerk for the purpose, and each shall on his appointment subscribe the followint^ declaration in said re<;ister before acting^ : "We, whose names are subscribed hereto, agree ,, . . , . "^ r>«cUr*tion of "severally l«> serve the corporation of the City of Stratford •iremetr. ** as r.remcn for the term of o:ie year and therealter until 'a notice in uritiuLi J^ j^iven to the Chief to terminate " this enqaj^ement in one month after the service of said " notice, and ue scverallv at^ree to observe and obey alt the "commands ■mu\ ordtMs of the officers of the Fire Depart- " ment and faithfully observe all By-laws, rules and regu- *' lations <»f the corporali(»n of the C!ily of Stratford, 'touching or concerning our duties as tiremei; and for "such rcmuner.ition as the said cor])orati<»n may from time •'to time determine pasable only on the certificate of the "Chief." 'm J65. l hf .>aid t'nemen sh.ill be appointed bv the Council Appaimmento; cn the recf)mmeiuialion in vvriiing of the CIdef, and A report of tlu- Fire. Water and (jas Committee approv- ■w.y^Mt! sy\xh- 'ng thereof, and such firemen shall reside within 500 yards liV^unon."^' ^^ of the tire station. 26ii. i'ntil s.iitl Council shall have purchased . iv«nspmt«tiA« » ol tiie apparntiif horses to transport the tiro apparatus to and from fires '^,'"'^'""^ ^" said committor shall procure if necessary the scrvice.s of iLjood horses ami drivers Un tlic transportation thereof to and from tiros a.-i aforesaid and for the pcrfoimancc cvf I 84 sucli r.thci- duties connected with said department as may br deteimiiied upon hy tli<> said I-'ire. Water and Gas Coinniitlce. 26/. TIu' C hicf >]iall have fuil rhirf>haii "' ' ""■'' "■'" «^-t'iiiniand of all ^fi;eme!.rK^'^^ tircmon. to ho appointed under this Hv-lavv. at all fires &c. and whenever tiic said firemen or an}- of them shall be ]Krforminj^ any duty recjuircd of them under the provisions • •t this or aiu- otiier Uv-law. iiiiii. JO.S. 'Mk' tircnien appointed and enrolled under this '^'] I>\-law c.uiiiot leave the <;il)- without permission f>f the MeniLers If.. T. Chief, he hein;.; held res])onsil)le. Members leaving' the riiirf *.iblp for rrrem not leai-iiii; < it miv>i..u ii.,M, ,,, City Without sueh ])ernu'ssion are subiect to dismissal. ^jiMiatu. .,ik! 2()(.). The whole apparatus and manac;ement of t^be^uXS!^'^'-" ^''■^' Dcparlnient shall be under the direction of the :fe,ns'%J,n; ^'^'^''- -subject to instructions from the !• ire. Water and Oas'eonunit'tel!-. ^^'^^ Committee, but at f\w^ the (.'liief shall havi- sole con- A t fi r (; s 1 li ,• , Chief shall h.nx- trol over all members of the Kin- i)ei)artment and all sole co.'itivl. ' persons eni^ai^ed at an>- fire, and o\er all the eni^ines. apparatus and horses belon^qini; theret*., ainl any person who shall refuse or netj^lect to obe\- an\- lawful order of the said Chief or other officer of the department in charcrc shall be subject to the penalties of this Hy-law. ** The Chief or ~7^'>- ''bc Clu'el ' >r foreuiaii in cliarL;e of the I'irc -r^-irc"DepaTt'". i-'cpartment at any hir )n the Citv of Stratford, with the ment with the . r 1 a r sanction of sanction of the Mayor o' the said Citv or Chairman of the Mayor or chair- Water °/ndOa: ^'''''*"' ^^'''^^^'' '^"''' ^'«^ Committee, is hereby empowered to lieroMTh'ad.^''''-'^^' ^'' '^'"" pulled dowii or demolished adjacent houses or wWevem^prea.t '^^'''^''' ^^rectious wheii necessar\- to prevent the spreadiuL;" of ins of five. r 1 , . nrc, but not otherwise. R5 ii/i. In tlir abscncp of thr fliicf. the J-'orcinan .1m ..Uen«of and in case of his abst-na?, tin- senior firiin in «)<' Jur Depart- «-"' >-'harKU'""" ment present, shall have the power and perform the duties of the Chief, and in case of dispute the Chairman of the Fire, Water and (ias Committee shall deeich; who is to be considered senior fneman. 272. On a'l occasions of lire the side of the -Slrc.:l^ ne«. . . 1 ,- , , 'lie 10 he kept Street nearest the hre. and tor a distanci- of fift\- feet on '^'^"'' ^" •'- ""'• ... "^ to obstruct Fire each side of the hre and for two-thirds the u idth of the '^'"i'"^""«"'- street thereof and also tin- centre of the street on both sides of the space abow; ilescribed and also anv lane or by-wa> between the public strict and the rear of an\- premises on fire throuLih or aloni.;- which il may be ncces- ?- fire. 2/4. It shall be the dut\- of the Chic^f vkcvv \ear or <"'i''-i '^' n'^'i;* ^ .- . ' • " and deliveiv earl V oftener it required by the Committee to make out and deliver ?;;,[,''\l'"''^^>'"''' to the Fire. Water and Cas Committee a list in writin- of E':j2l::,;;f ^1 all fire enn;ines. hose ;uui other apparatus, -oods and lord^"'' "*^'''"" chattels in use and not in use bv the J-'ire Hrii-ade of the H6 City of StratfortI, dilating the dcsiciiptioii of property, And where and in whose charge the same may be at ihc time of making out such statement. 2/5. Any person vvantiMily or niaiiciously injur- ing* any fire eni^ine, hose or other apparatus be^'ontjint' tBJkuv la til* » * o o SK^'"* »"« thereto or an>' bell or bel!-rt)pe used in :r other large fire in any field. )ard or open sf)ace. shall be subject to the peui^lties of this H\'-law. r. 4U1I until 2/(\ All numbers of tlie said l-'ire Department tiifineuin.:. <> by this lU-lan orijani/ed, shall in ease of fire or alarm of J* tJr* alarm *"/•/-,., » • « urn out and tirc lortuw JtJi pioct t'd With all iM»*^slble haste to the fir<' WjLsj as dire< led _ • «ii- statioti and immediately assist in i^ettinj^r t-jji^ine, hose reel, hook antl ladder wa^^on and tJther apparatus to the fire as tpu'ckly as possibU-, also to perform such s suspend any r»flicer or ^p«ui member. ^,.^.,^-,jj„ f^j. disobedience of orders or neglect of duty and offi«r.ormen ^'^port him to tlu' FircAVater aud Gas Committee, also any way report ^iev. officer or fireman can report to said committee any <^rievance Comwiut!^. '"^ which may occur between the Chief and members of the Fire I Department ; in alt ci»»es the said Fire, Water and (ias Committee ^bal) be the sole jurfn^e of surh susprnsion or grievance siibjcii to appeal to thr coimril. 278. No fireman shall he cmtltley or on «ee only may in ' cur expenses ou account of said Department. account 01 De- • iiartmeiit. 2S1. Xo member of the Department shall be or become .. Un^eeiniy con intoxicated or make use of profane, obscene, blasphemous »'"'^» ^'"^ '•" or grossly insulting lanj^tagc while on duty. guag« prohibited. 2K2. No spinti!oii-. 'iqiir.r^ of any kind shall be sp „,,„„«, ved or used about the ^.rr .«.tation at any tini any game of cards or chance be p'ayed thcrel.i. allowed or used about the f-rr- .station at any time nor shall o?chaH*« afpl" HhII prohibited. 283. The Chief shall atten7' '^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I «- IIIIIM |50 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -^ 6"' - ► Phntopranhir Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 c,\ 88 or occui)riiUH ihcrcot', the amount of losses .ukI insuiance I'h* Chief to ^ «» ihat t'.nks ^j5 i^^ell as can V/c asccrtaiiuHl, he shall sec thai tlie water and hydrants art ^ • • fcept In gooii |.j^,ij^^ ,-^i,ci liNcliants :\iv. in '^ood on!i;r and tanks filled with j,ii.d *ir.h wat.r. ^^.,^^,^i. ^^^^^i^.^. ^,^^, , [ j,.,.,.tions of llie Flrc, Water and (ias CommilUM'. and ixrfonii L;iMUTally such duties as^maybe reciuircd I'l-Mni him hy thi- said onniniittee at all times. ihe J.i'ineer ' ~'^4 it shalilx' llic dutv of tho iMv^incer to Icecp clcaii ' " &r;.';'^ckartKi and neat the cn-inc and apparatus connected therewith" utedLe use ami and ill pH ipcM' (irdtT for inum-diale use at all times and to assist as fn-eman at all fiics whfthrr cn-ine is rocpiired or ii-i>i-^t :il lire-.. not. Fire, Water and (!a< Cum- 2^^^. The said l-'iro. Water and (las C(»nimittec is . r lie, »> uici -' u"nee''To M,X hereby empowered and authori/evhenLaiiediipon. bv thc ordcr of tlic Chict or ( iiawman (»t the ru'i-, Water and Gas Committee without extra pay therefor. Menibei of 28/. It sliall l)c tlic (lutv of all tlic mcmhcrs of thc brigade to care ' reeu'^kooi, 'w brigade (except the enL;inccr) to have all thc hose iumg in ladder,. &.. ^j^^ towcr aud placed ^>n reels propcrl\ taken care of asniav ' ■ be directed by the Chief or foreman, and to 'dean and keep in neat condition the hose, hose reels, hook and ladder wat^L^on an. taking , . ^ . - • • ._! 1 migiue to lire.&c. team takm^; fire eni;me to fire, remainm^ there 'ind per- form njr services rea : f 'il \ 89 Ikiuecn tlie hours of seven o'clock a. m. and six o'dork |>. ni. When en};ine used $'».00 •♦ " not used. 2.50 Bvitween the hours of <> p. m. and 7 a. m. r Any alarm •».00 When engine not taken out, first team shall take hose reel and set 2>0 When engine is taken out, second team shall take hose reel and get 2.50 SWEEPING OF CHIMNEYS. 280. There shall be otic chimney sweep for the City c 1. > m u « > ' sweep. appointed by the Council. 2(jo. It shall be the duty of the chinincy s.veep • Dmiesof. (i) To provide himself with such brushes and other To provide * brushes* lid apparatus for clcatun^- chimneys as shall be approved of "pnaratus. by the I'irc. Water and (ias Committee, and he shall not be entitled to collect the fees ad rates authorized b^• this lly-law unless such apparatus is used. (2) To cause to be well and elTcctually swept every To *w«ep flu«» flue and chimncv in use wliicli he shall be required bv the ^'^''^^u'^**' occupant or Tire, Water and Gas Committee to sweep. (3) To make complaint to tiie Chairman of the Fire, lo complain to «.., .y-. ,. ., r • f .• r^t i»i t'hairiiianof Fire Water and Gas Committee of any mnaction of the liy-laws vvutt. and c;«i ,. . '. r 1 • • ' « Coinin il tee of of the Cjt\* rclatmci^ to the sweeping; of clnmneys. m order infmrtion ..r By. lit \* ■*• that the offender may be proceeded atjainst. (4) To report to the Chairman of the Fire, Water •!„ ,ei...rt any and Gas Committee any chimney or flue which shall be so i,eyf,7ii"r/ '"" constructed as to be dancjerous in promotinc( or causing fires, and any other infr»ictio:i of the Hy-laws i the City for preventing fires. i 90 4'.himney .^weev to jWd .-.eviiiiiv 391. The chimney sweep slui"! give security to the satisfaction of the Fire. Water and (ias Committee for the due and efficient performance of his duties and for the pay- ment of any chnmaive done any citizen by the negliijent discharge of such cUities. 292. The chimney sweep shall be entitled to the following rates and fees for services performed by him^that i s to say : Feci of him- tot sweeping each Hue of a one-story house, eight cenis. D«y»*«p. p^j. jj^-eepjng ^^((1 flue of a two story hotise. ten cents. .And for sweeping each flue ot a house more than two stories hi^h, twenty rents. ^11 U 2g;. Kverv person occupving a house or building or Ijy' u- 'Ta'vr room therein within the City in or attached to which there flui^^^pt^""** is a chimney or flue or pipe used as a chimney or flue if the same has been in constant use during the year shall cause the same to be well and sufficiently swept and cleaned once in every six months ; and if the same has Twic« • y«ar Hot been in constant use during the year shall cause the idSSrca^s same to be well and sufficiently swept and cleaned once in cverv twelve moutlis. FENCES. Heigh, .nd 294. A lawful fence shall be of the height of at least teftS«. "^ four feet si.K inches, and so constructed as not to allow horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine or geese to pass through the same. L«t« with pU* 295. The owner of every lot or parcel of land within fe".?"^ '"^ the City upon which there is a pit, precipice, deep water or 91 other place dangerous to tvavellers. shat! cau-se the ^ame to be enclosed with a lawful \'e\^c^t and maintain and keep in repair such fence. SEWERAGE AMD DRAINAGE. 296. The plans heretofore prepared by Alan Mac- sew«ag« sy?. dougail for the sewerage system of the City and amended by the direction of the Provincial Board of Health are, as amended, hereby adopted and all sewers hereafter made i^hall be made in accordance therewith. 297. hAcry lot or pan el of land abutting on any street drJi^tdiw^ in the City, through which a common sewer runs, and f^°'""''=' *"*" drained into oom- %atxvet tuaa- opposite N i&. which is opposite to such common seuer. shall be drained into it ; and it shall be the duty of the owner and occupier of every lot or parcel of land which is drained into such common sewer to cause the connectinij drain between his premises and such common sewer to be kept in good repair. 29K. No person shall connect any drain from ^"S J'"^^;'^*'*"*"'' premises with any common sewer now made or constructed* or which shall hereafter be made or constructed within the City ; or with any private drain whereby his premises will , be drained into any such common sewer except on previous application in writing to and permission by the Hoard of Works. 2Q0. All private drains hereafter made by any person suf, »• .. «( ^'^ * ' ' » private eoaiiwt. in any public street, lane or alley within the City and con- wg«it«»i necting with any such common sewer shall be of such size, dimensions and materials and constructed and laid as 92 \c gleet lu directed bx- the IVvifd of Works, and -crson under the *au^Vwu\i%'o i/e authority ancl instructions of the said Board, or to prosc- pen!e "ly own- cute tlic same without delay and to the satisfaction of the City Knt,dnecr or Street Commissioner, or to make good :;. any want of repair which sluil' be found in any drain now or hereafter const ructiMl for the purpose <»f connectinj* such lot or parcel of land with such common sewer, or to remove any oljstruction that may be found therein, the ^ , necessarv wttrk ma\- be made bv the Council and tlie cost aguin.t '^'i*'"' tjjereof nia\' be assessed a.^^ainst such l<»t or parcel of land. CAB LICENSES. Oranilfuses. Cat.^ ^O!. l-'verv vehicle, bv whatever name or names it may be called, whether covered or open, on wheels or rnimers. drawn bv one or more horses used tor hire in the Cit\' for the convevancc ot persons from places within the City, if capable of accommodating; ten or more persons apart from the seat whereon the driver sits, shall be an omnibus within the meanir;^^ of this By-law.and if incapable of so accommodatini; ten or more persons shall be a cab w^rthin the said meaning. 93 y>3. From and after tlic dav ajjuonitcd tor tl)i> Uy-law ■ Cabs and »mni- totakecrfect no pfi'son sliall sei up ur use in the Citv of !^ >' - ' » «• *»• Stratford any cab ur omnibus without havinj:^ first obtained a license from the said corporation, w hich said Uccnsc shall be in the form H to this Hv-lau annexed or to the like effect, provided always that this By-law shall not apply to the owners or keepers of livery stables who do not o^\ n a cab or omnibus. Pi'oviiB. .^03. Such license shall from time to time be issued by ..... v. the City Clerk to any person who is of the full age of^-,^';i?, ^^ ^''^ twenty-one )ears, on his applyini; f«.>r tlic same and pro- ducing; the cerlific.ite of the City Treasurer that he has paid the proportionate license fee herein fixed and upon giving the bond hereinafter mentioned. 304. The fiillowing i'cK:ri respectively are hereby de- f«, to lie paid clared to be those payable for cab or omnibus licenses herein and shall be payable to the City Treasurer for the general use of the City, that is U> say : For cacli onuulnis drawn i>y two or nunc liurscs, ten duliars. For c;uh ob drawn by two horses, toil dollars. For each cab drawn hv one horsf, six il« 'liars. 305. Kach person applying; for a license under this nond to b« By-law shall execute a bond himself in the sum of one hundred dollars and two sureties, freeholders and resident in the Province of Ontario, each in the sum of fiftv dollars conditioned for the payment of an\' penalty or fine which mav be imposed on the applicant or the driver employed by him for breach of any of the pro\ isions of this By-law, such bond to be in the form I to this Bv-law annexed. I.icenjet M b? in force fo? onr Tru^sfer fe«* t4 ;^o6. All licenses issued hereunder siiall be in force for ;;ilr fro J'fimTf a year from tiic fir.st clay of May in each year and a *^ separate license shall be issued for each cab or omnibus and such license shall be liable to be revoked by the Council if the owner or driver shall be convicted of a breacli of this IJy-law, and every person licensed under this By-law who afterwards sells the cab or omnibus in respect of which a license is in force may have license transferred to the purchaser if the latter is a person of the full age cf twenty-one years and gives the bond aforesaid and on pay ment to the Treasurer of a transfer fee of two dollars which shall become part of the City funds. 307. The rates of fare to be taken by the owners or to be chmrged."* drivers of cabs and omnibuses in the City arc hereby established as follows ; For omnibuses the sum of iweiity five ct- nls for each passmtgcr from any pbce within the City, to any other place therein. For two horse »-abs the sum of twenty-rtve cents each. For one horse cabs the sum of twenty five cents each. cniidren be- 3o8. N« chargc shall be made for any child under ':£ LffarV. eight years of age and for children betw^een eight and Zi" ' ^""' twelve years of age half the tarift^ shall be charf:ed. 309. lCaci\ passenger shall be entitled to have carried , B;-ss«a« with him or her one trunk free of charge, for every extra trunk not over one hundred pounds the passenger shall pay ch.rge to, ten cents, and ten cents for every additional one hundred «(r«i«„age. ^^^^^^j^ j,^,^ „^, ^^5 ,„. ouMubus shaU Ix" Compelled to carry baggage of any passenger of greater weight in all tbart three hundred pounds 'm 95 ^lo \n extra rharcc shall be made atiainst any pas- N» chirw f«r scngcr for satchels or small articles which can be carried inside the omnibus or cab 311. From and after ten o'clock in the evening from (_,,,, ,»,«* the first day of October to the first day of May, and after wlnUrl' "*"" '" eleven o'clock In the evening from the first day of Ma> to the first day of October the chargt^ shall be ten cents more than the said tariff. 312. Every person who has engaged iiny cab hcrcb\ no. ex t r I licensed who shall not detain the same at his destination ''«'«'"«'l "^"^ within the limits of the City more than five minutes shall be cntitlci. to return with the same to the place of de- parture or a similar distance in the same direction without F, X t f t fart* payment of additional fare provided that if such detention )*'^"V*'' '* **' extend beyond five minutes and be less than fifteen mmutes one half of the original fare shall be added as return fare and if the detention he over half an hour the charge shall be on time. 313. The charge when a cab is hired by the hour shall €h»rje by th« be cmc dollar for the first hour and scventv-fivc cents per hour for every hour afterwards and a proportionate charge shall be allowed for every part of au hour after the first during which the cab is engaged. 314. It shall not be lawful for any owner or driver of Ovwchwr"* • I I I , , . . t .prohibited. an omnibus or cab to ask or demand any higher rates ot fare than those established bv this Bv-law and if such o\»'ner or driver shall ask or demand any higher rates of YnTtf- ^hhW he fare» the fare to which he would utherwisc be cniitlci forfeYudi'." '^ j.j,aU be forfeited and he shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this lly-law. 315. Every person havinj; or using for hire any onini- ^^ No«.p.vmen. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ Hccnsed hcrcundcr who ne-lects or refuses on demand to i)ay the lawful fare established hereby shall be liable to be fined as for a breach of this liy-law. I'h C«b biandsi. 316. The followincj place is appointed as a public cab stand in the City, so far as the Council halli pt»\ver to appoint tlie same, namely on Kric street, south of Ontario street, and no driver of any cab sliall be allowed to use any other portion ot the public streets or places of the City as a cab stand. 31;. l%very Cab shall be numbered by the owner numbied.*** '" tlicrcof wltli a numbor which the Clerk of the City shall assiLjn ih-roto ajid mciuion in the license in sonic con- spicuous part thereof, such number to correspond with the number mentioned in his license, and a printed copy of the tariff of fares established hereby shall be put up and kept ..no inside everv cab, and such printed copy of tariff shall be T'rinted tarilT I ' • _ kV'p'in'skie'.Tf furnished by the City Clerk on application, to every person licensed under this Hy-law, and every driver shall if required -ivehis name an.l nun\ber of his cab to any per- son employinr; or dosirini; to employ him or to any one to whom injmy may have been done by any horse or vehicle under his charge. cab. &<-, i Driver must be 318. No owner of any omnibus or cab shall employ .sytarsofaac any persou to drive the same who is under the aj^c of eij^htccn years. m 110. Kvcrv drivrr in charge of any omnibus or cab p,vir to w- •J y ' mn. near hi* shall remain sufficiently near his horse or horses so as to hofs,ju have perfect control of the same at a!! times. 320. Every owner or tlriver of a cab shall go with the j,,iv„ ». r,, first person who requires him unless he has some other eawu engagement which prevents him. and if required the owner or driver asserting such previous engagement sliall furnish the person he refuses to drive with the true name and resi- dence of the person with whom he ha3 made such previous engagement and the hour and time thereof. 0«'ner to keep engagements, 321. Every owner or driver of any ex b being licen xl shall faithfully keep all cngagem.. J into by hir' with any person in respect to the hiring, . .is vehicle, and every person making svch engagement and afterwards refusing to use the vehicle in pursuance of such person making engagement shall be liable to pay tne proper charge there- k"S^anic?' for as if the service agreed to be rendered had been per- formed. ^22. No owner or driver shall loiter with his omnibus , LoitennR and ^ furious urivint; or cab on the streets or galop or drive at a furious rate upon pfohibited. the streets or at the railway station, nor block up the road or access thereto or to any place of resort or stop at any of the public street crossings. 323. No driver of any vehicle licensed hereunder in treatmeut of ,,, ,, , ii*t horses, obscene or shall abuse or :ll-treat the horse or horses under his charge, abusive language , prohibited. or whilst so in charge wantonly or unnecessarily snap his whip or use obscene or abusive or impertinent language or solicit any person to take or use his vehicle, but the *,uau«. pto- person wishing to engage a vehicle sliail be allowed to choose without interruption or annoyance. HUMO^dl 324. No owner of any licensed cat 3r omnibus shall J::::^^^^ drive or submit or saffer to he driven about or through the r;;:^.::"';?^ streets in the daytime in any cab or vehicle in respoct of """""' which a license is in fo.-ce. persons of notoriously bad character or women of ill-fame unless for the purpose of taking any such persons to or from any railway station when arriving in or departing from the City. i ^25. No driver of a licensed vehicle shall appear on Not M appear J J' , . . c ^A^txr .>n *«and 011 »-.. gtantl 01 uUcc forhire on i>unaay. vSuiuiay. «»n^ t I ''J 326 Every owner or driver of any cab or omnibus ,.^::.:''.ia\^:Vo Uccnsed hereunder who shall be inebriated when in charge ^""'"" of his vehicle in the public streets shall be guilty of a breach of this Bylaw and be liable to the penalty accordingly. 327. It shall be the duty of every person in charge of a Jiarr^oL^^ab or omnibus licensed hereunder to deU to the owner if known, all goods aiid parcels which may be inadvertently left in his cab or omnibus by any person who has used the same, and if such owner be not known it shall be the duty of the person so in charge of such cab or omnibus to hand over any goods or parcels so left in his cab or omnibus to the Chief of Police of the City, or leave the same at the police office for him and shall retain possession thereof until the same be claimed and identified. LlVKliY STABLES. 328. Every person keeping horses or horses and vehi- ^^ | »*w>^^ ^«-JjJ. clcs for hire for the conveyance of passengers other than oX^^. such IS may be included under the By-law relating to cabs and o.nnibuses shall be deemed a livery stable keeper within 1 he meaning of this By-law. and shall be required to take out license thereunder annually. ^29. From and after the time appointed for this By-law ^ siiaii nM^vtnr to take effect no person shall carry on the business of wiihouljic.ns*. livery stable keeper within the City witho -t first having obtained a license therefor from the Corporation of the City, which license shall he in iheformr"J" to this By- law annexed or to the like effect and shall be in force from the first day of May till the thirtieth day of April in tin year following that in which it is issued. ^;o. Srch license shall from time to time be issued by i.cm.e to ».- , . r .1 L • i-^'i^ed by City the City Clerk to any person applymg for the sam.e who is ci«k. of the full age of twenty-one years, whose application therefor to the Council is granted, on giving the bond hereinafter mentioned and upon the production to the said Clerk of a certificate from the City Treasurer of the Treu^urerv certificate to bt payment of the sum of twenty-dollars, or proportionate produced. part as hereinafter mentioncd.being the license fee charge- able herein. 331. The fee to be paid for licenses issued under this i^^d„,,i„„ t^b. By-law shall be the sum of twenty dollars, provided, how- ^;',';r'^ '" "^'"''* ever, that for every calendar month which shall have elapsed since the first day of May in the year in which .such license shall issue, a deduction of one dollar and fifty cents shall be made from the said fee of twenty dollars. ml «i i« i*r' 100 332. No license shall be granted or transfer of license peddon'cjy made under this By-law except upon petition in the form toe"&'-'. ''' ujr.- Q^. ^Q ^-1^^ lii^e effect by the applicant to the Council, praying for the same, and the resolution of the Council granting the same after the said Council has been satisfied the applicant is a fit and proper person to receive such „f license, nor in the case or transfer of license shall transfer transfer! fee must , m^de till a fcc of two dollars has been paid to the be paid. '-'*- ii»"»-»*- »■ r J Treasurer to form part of the City funds. ■xzt No license under this By-law shall be granted to No license to ^-^-^ ..^^^^ i,e granted to .^j^^ q^^q uudcr thc agc of twenty-one years. minors. ' "34. The perse , in whose name a license is taken out oufiicenJef'"? r^^. a^^Hverv Stable shall be considered as the owner of thc .:onsidered as ^"-^ " '"'■"^'■- same for the purpose of this By-law. 335. Every owner of a livery stable licensed under s.ailie^^nd liuhi: this By-kw must keep his stable continually clean, dry and ""'^ '''""■ in good repair with the vehicles, harness, tackling and equipments used in connection with the same and with horses proper and sufficient to do their work. Chief of 336. Every owner licensed under this By-law shall SS^t^Wer&c!; when required submit his staLies, horses, harness, vehicles i;Tl?eted"from ^,,^ other cquipmcuts for the inspection of the Chict of inspecting san.e. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^.^^^ ^^^^ COUtinuanCC of his license and no owner shall at any time prevent or hinder the Chief of Police or any other person authorized by him from entering the stable of such owner for the purpose of inspecting the same i, 101 337. The owner and occupants of livery stables within J^^^'Z the City shall not wash or clean their carriages or other 2^:^'' ''"" vehicles or horses or cause them to be washed or cleaned in the streets or public highways or otherwise encumber the same. 1il ^;8. No such owner so licensed as aforesaid shall let . i cnins or i.ir. ^^ i^\^ nurses iiiin or hire any harse or vehicle or horse and vehicle to any vehki.s to n^^^ notoriously bad characters or women of ill-fame knowing ^m^Xu ^'" or ha ing reasonable grounds of suspicion that the same arc to be used for any illegal or publicly indecent purpose. 339. In case such owners shall violate any of the pro- ,je su?pendr Provic'-d always tliat such license shall in no case issue to run past tlic first day of May in each year. HAWKERS. 348. No hawker or petty chapman or other person who petty '^ch»p^'',? carries on a petty trade within thcCit>',or who goes from place censed. ^^ |,^^^ ^^ ^^ Other men's houses on foot or with any animal bearing or drawing any goods, wares or merchandise for sale or in or with any boat, vessel or other craft or other- wise carrying goods, wares or merchandise for sale, shall exercise such calling within the City without having obtained a license .so to do. Provided always that no such license shall be Tu-u.. required for hawking, peddling or selling from any vehicle or other conveyance any goods, wares or merchandise to any retail dealer or for hawking or peddling any goods, wares or merchandise, the growth, produce or manufacture of this Province not being liquors within the meaning of the law relating to taverns or tavern licenses, if the same are being hawked or peddled by the manufacturer or pro- ducer of such goods, wares or merchandise, or by his bona fide servants or employees having written authority in that behalf, and any such servant or employee shall produce and exhibit his written authority when required so to do by any municipal or peace officer. I 349. Each of the persons in the last preceding section of'h%^';l'r' described shall be entitled to procure from the City Clerk ^ •^■•^r'nen, ^ j.^^^^^ ^^^ carrying on his business in the City, upon pay- ment to the City Treasurer of a fee of fifty dollars for the 1 ...■ , 105 year or part of a year, emiiti;^ upon the fust day <>t May next followiniT the issue of such license .ukI upon the pro- duction tn said Clerk of a certificate frtini tlie said City Treasurer of the said payment. VICTUALLING HOUSES. 350. The number of victuallins^ houses, ordinaries ami >, „ ,,, ,. ., houses where fruit, oysters, clams or victuals are sold, to hv "" ' ' eaten therein, and places of reception, refreshment <)r entertainment of the public (hereinafter includenimiti«. City of Stratford, for the same, by application in writing, setting forth the accommodation his premises possess, and stating that he is the true owner of the business. 354. In order to entitle the applicant to such license he shall satisfy the said "Finance, AssessuMnt, License and ' " I i ' t. I I ! i I i fii I liiiin:. (uniiturt Kitiimi fiirni lure. 106 Printin- Com.mttcc" that his premises cntain the fi.llow. iiv accominoclHtion, namely :— A (linin- rocrn capable of accommoilatinj; four y;uests i.HunKr,...m j,^ otie tl me at meals. A ilininu t.ible or dinin- tables capable of seating the same number of .quests at one time. Table lineji, knives, forks, spoons, crockery anil all other proper and necessary furniture f<^r such dinin- room and for cntertainincr the number of Ljuests aforesaid at one time. Kitchen furniture, cookin- stove and utensils ordinarily sufflcient to provide meals for the said number of {.quests at one time, and shall further satisfy said com- mittee that he or she is the true owner of such business, and is of fit and proper character to receive such license. 355. The said "Finance, Assessment. License and '""'''"" l'rint"im;C(mimittee" shall forthwith report upon such appli- cation To the Council, and if the Council approve thereof, the Clerk shall forthwith issue such license, upon receipt from the applicant of the receipt from the treasurer of the City, of the license fee herein provided, and date the same on the day of its issue. 356. Such license shall continue in force until the first Ttfmof licenu-. ^^^, ^j- ^,^^^. ^^^^ eHsuiug the date thereof. "--. The fee payable for the said license shall, if more A,roumof u. ^^^^^\.^ months shall elapse before its expiration, be the sum of twenty dollars, and if less than si.x months shall so elapse, the sum of fifteen dollars. cens« m 107 CARTER'S LICENSE. 558. No person shall cn^a-c in the callin- of a carter j^.......^, for hire within the said city, or drive any vehicle for the conveyance, for hire, of any troods, wares or merchandise. cither wholly within the limits of the city, or from any point within the city to any other point not more than three miles beyond said limits, without being licensed so to do, and the license therefor, hereinafter called a •'Carter's ,i,^.,.,,^ License," shall be issued by the City Clerk upon the pro- i^Cu. " duction of thi.' Treasurer's receipt for the payment of the license fee hereinafter fixed, and a certificate from the Chairman of the Finance, Assessment, License and Print- in- Committee, directing the issue of such license, and every such carter's license shall expire on the first day ot May next ensuing the date thereof. ini-r. t>> !>r Fees to be paid se. 359. The respectiviJ sums to be paid for said carter s j.,,^ ,":;^;»' license shall be respectively as follows :— For every waggon or other vehicle for the carriage of iioods for hire (if drawn by one horse or other animal) per annum $3.00. For every waggon or other vehicle for the carriage of goods for hire (if drawn by two horses or otiier animals) per annum $6.00. 360. The license of every carter shall, when issued, be ,,Nu^"''J- it numbered, and every carter shall cause the number of his {;?!;-'! - - license to be fairly painted on each side of his cart or other vehicle, so as to be easily seen and read. . I .if 108 i- BILLIARD LICENSE ^:|^l iiiu-l lit. I.; " lis I i<»i-< ti'i 361. No person shall, f(»r hire or *^.\\n, directly or in- I-' !«• kept (ipen. 364. The said license sha'.l be issued by the City clerk (.n production of the Treasurer's receipt for the sum pay- able therefor and the certificate of the Finance.Assessment, License, and Printing Committee in writing, signed by the Chairman thereof, directing the same to issue, and every license shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof. 365. Billiard and bagatelle rooms may be kept open on every lawful day, except as herein provided, on Satur- days, from six o'clock, a. m.. till eleven o'clock, p. m., but 109 shall be closed tlnriiv^ all other hours of the tlay and night, and on Saturdays the same shall be closed at ten o'clock, p. in. No minor or apprentice shall use or be alloa'cd to use such tables. $66. No person to whom a billiard license has been t;„n,,,ii„,. .„; • KI1 «f /• 1-1^1 •! ^^ rlre^■.i^c•. i r. 'liti- jjranted, shall allow gamblini:: of any kmd to be carried on ued, within tht; rooms or places where his billiard tables arc situate, or any room or place connected therewith, or allow the same to be frequented by any gambler or person who is known to the licensee to have been convicted of gamb- ling, or keeping a gambling house or of any violation of the Act known as ** An Act respecting Gaming Houses." CIRCUS LICENSES. 367. For every menagerie, circus or travelling caravan circuses &, , exhibited withm the hmits of the City of Strattord, and license, before any such menagerie, circus or travelling caravan shall be allowed to be exhibited, there shall be taken out by, or on behalf of the proprietor thereof, a license for such purpose; and for every such license there shall be paid the L;ce„,,f„. . ., sum of one hundred dollars for every day of exhibition, to -e'Tr' uSn;:' be paid to, levied, and collected by the Treasurer, and paS''""to *" ci/v jreafiurt.f every such license shall be issued by the City Clerk on production of the Treasurer's receipt for the sum payable therefor. Other t'.xhi! I- ie shi .- . takf license. 368. For each other exhibition of artificial or natural curiosities, theatres, and sideshows in connection with a 'i°"t' tT* '*''"'' 1:., * circus or menagerie, or other show exhibited for hire or profit, within the said municipality (except when exhibited in the City Hall, under the auspices of the Mayor and I no fl' City <::)uncil), there shali be c\uw^c<\ a license per day '';::: ^futcquul to -he price of one hmulred lickels or fees of julmis- '''*" sion, durini,- the ojntinuaticc of such exhil)ilion. to be pay- able' to, levied, and collected by the Treasurer; =uul on pro- duction of the Treasurer's receipt, for the sum payable , .... .. ..therefor, the City Clerk shall issue a license for such pur- ..itil i>y Clerk. pose. 369. There shall be paid to the City Clerk for each .■•M.Stic::y,„ch exhibilioti license issued by him. the sum of one '"'■ dollar, which shall form part of the funds of the City. BOWLINGALLEYSAND SHOOTING GALLERIES. w 370 No person shall keep for hire or profit any l)owl- a.:;.'to*off«i„. alley or shooting gallery or other place of anmsement f;::S '""^"" ,,;;i,out obtaining a license therefor, which license sDall be issued by the City Clerk upon production of the City Treasurer s receipt for the payment of the license fee herc- certificate of jnaftet fixed and a certificate from the Chairman of the ir^licenSd Finance, Assessment, License and Printin- Committee. priming C'lmmit* . r t 1 ' tee must f.r,t be jr-ectin^ or sanctiouing the issue of such license. obtained. «ji» •->.».«. .j, t. 37 r The license to be issued under the l^st precedini; ,uSr^" °' ,,,tion shall expire on the first day of May 'owing the issue thereof, and the fee to be paid therefor il be the Maybeforf.u.sum of twenty dollars, and the same be forfei.able at the option of the City Council or upon the dircct4r>iii.,^f tht^ convicting Magistrate upon the holder there..f bj^g co.i victed of any breach of this or any other H>-l|<' ^j City. ^ ed. ■w at 372. Tlie saif amusement so licensed as hereinbefore nro- |',';\;;^,Vr,;;„ i, vjdccl, and every circus, menajj^erie or «)ther sJiua or ex- hibition hereinbefore referred to, shall be open for inspec- ti<»n at any and all times by any police officer actin;^ under tile authority of the Chief of I'olice or direction of the Mayor or Police Ma^n'strale of said city. 373. No minor or apprentice shall be allowed to play .^^^inors^^ an,i in any said bosvlin- alleys or shoot in any such shooting ^^;-|,_;o^t^^v. }.jalleries. unless ui)on the consent in writing of the parent l;';"^,:,^;:"''^^'" " or guardian or master of such minor or apprentice, as the case may be. ?7A \o <.;i " , premises proi;ili- gambling or keeping a gambling house, rr of any vio- ud. lation of the Act known as "an Act respecting gaming houses." I POLL TAX. ^75. That there shall be levied and collected upon personN lUii'' _. , , J. J ^ fc^r .Till (ax, and from every male inhabitant of the City of Stratford of the age of twenty-one years and upwards and under sixty years of age (and not otherwise exempted by law from from performing statute labor) who has not been assessed upon the assessment roll of the City or Wiiose taxes does not amount to two dollars, instead of such labor the sum 112 III ( f 4 ■n of two dollar* yearly by the Collect. -r of the s.ml City after the first day "f October in each year. ,76 Such tax shall be. an.l be .leemeJ to be, exigible w, ... ........... ^^^ ^^^^„j j^y „f OctolxT in each year, and the col- „. - ... lector is Iterebv authorized to levy and collect the same on '"■•■■■" and after the 'second day of October in each year .n the sa„K manner as other taxes are levied and collected and from and upon other resident ratepayers of the sa>d C.ty and their property. ,77 The Assessor or Assessors of the City shall n-ake .....o-o... „^ . ' -h to his or their roll a list of persons liable to the ,.,,,,„.. or attach to lu ^^^^^^^^^ ^l_^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ,.„,iiabU:toi>.ii above taM so U\r ^^ nt- "•' ^ . ,, , ^ ^^,^ ,^^„. , '.r^:fi:MS.-ra.,,aU before thecompleti.,n of the roll leave for every pa.ty '"" ■ named on the sai.l list, at Ins .esidence, domicde or place of business within the Civy, a notice of the amount of the said tax and shall enter on the ll-t opposite the .ame ol the party the time of deUveriug s;,cn ', .tice. REGUUATINC PERCENTAGE ON TAXES. ,7S The Collector of the said City of Stratfor.i shall ,.^;^"r:;Sihavean officein the City Hnll, uhich hesh.ll kcep..pen fr-.n, ""■"■"■ the hour o( ten in the forenoon, , ill the hourcC tuo ,., tne afternoo,., during; the n,on.hs of October, No^cn,ber and December, Sundays and lawful public (ieneral lloh.lays excepted. 379 AU taxes and assessments shall be paid into the ^^-^offlce of the said CollccK.r, by the thirty-first day of D...> ember in each year. W). iiiii UK, l." 113 i>l xHo. An additional pcrcontp;J^? chari*e of five ccf1t« in .vuiiii .,..ii i. . the dollar is hereby imposed upon ovcrv tax and assess- .n, t;ix«. uniKiii •^ » ' ' iitirr jM». ueii- ment remaininj:t unpaid after tlie said thirty-first day of «mi«r. Deeembcr in the year in which the same shall be payable, which shall be added to such unjiaid tax or assessment and be collected by the collector as if the same had • 'ii-4inally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid tax or assessment. PENALTY. 381. Any person J^uilty of an infraction of any of the p.naity. provisions of this liy-law (save an'd except such pro- visions therein as are of a character in respect of wliicii the said council caiin- two or more of them are acting together therein, then under the hand and seal of one of them, to levy the said penalty and costs, or costs only, by distress and sale of the offender'., or offenders' goods and chattels ; and in case of no sufficient Commitm ni ^ _ ill default of dU- distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall and '"•^■^■ may be lawful tor the Mayor, Police Magistrate, justice or 11 114 if s ) ju>ticcs r(„u ictin<^ as aforesaid, to commit tl.c ofTcncItT or orfcndcrs to the County jailor House of Correction for any i)eriod not exceedin- twenty-one days, unless the said })cnalt\- bo sooner paid. zi^^ In the construction of this and every other i^y- .\^'S^'o'al^l•.v■ law of the said Municii>al Cnunci1,passed after tins 15y-la\v !r'Vn^H:'"£i takes eftl^ct.except in so far as the provisions of this section !;;':„u:u"^r "" .,re inconsistent with the intent and mcanini^ o( such ])y- law, or the interpretation which sucli provisions would -ive to any word, expression or clause, is inconsistent with the cortex;:, and except in so far as any pnn-iHJon thereof is in any such By-law declared not applicable thereto, (1) The law shall be considered as always speakint^ ; ,.'^:'w:;::"" i' and whenever any matter or thin- is expressed in the [;ri; eiU tciis^' present tense, the same is to be applied to the circum- stances as they arise, so that effect may be -iven to each By-law and every part thereof ucc(n-din-t. its spirit, true- in tent and meam'ni,^ 'Hirt in 'Pc";- da\- api).'inted 1)\- proi-lamatJou of liie (iovcrnor-Cieneral or Lieuti-nant-( loxcrnor as a jiwldic holiday or for a i^eneral fast or thanks''i\iiie;. (7) W'-rds import in:;- the sin,i;ular mnnher or the x, .„,.„, ., „.; maseulini: -cnderouK' shall include more i)ersons. parties."' '" or ihin-s of tin- sanu- kiu'l than one. and females as well as males, and tin; con\'cr>e. (S) The reiieal of an\- lU'-law or i>art of a P)\--law shall ^^yv-' ••! ' not rt'\i\-e aii\ B\daw or ])ro\i) No offence committcd.and no penalty or forfeiture incurred. .-inKM Ol < |:KllMrATl. "l \M K.HI- Ol IIAV, STRAW, vS:< Stratfunl, l«^ \Vei.i;h(d for Mr. load ot lbs. j^ross weit;ht. lbs. weii^hl vehicle lbs. net wei.iiht. Market Clerk. !)! U17 FORM "B." •FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT OF ANIMALS, &C. :i'« Stratford, l8 Weighed for Mr. (describe animal or article) weight lbs. Market Clerk. Whereas on FORM "C." VLEASE OF WEIGH HOUSE AND TOLLS AND CHARGES BV MARKET REGULATIONS IMPOSED. This indenture made this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ^nd Between the Corporation of the Gty of .Stratford.hereinaftcr called the lessor *of the one part.and of Ihereinafter called the lessf^e f)f the other part ithe day of at public auction,the lessee was the highest bidder for a lease of the weigh house, scales and other fixfures therein, the .property of the lessor-, and situate on the market place, in the City of Stratford, and for the tolls and charges for measuring and waighing articles by By-law of the City of Stratford imposed. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth that the lessor hereby demises to the lessee or his executors and administrators the said weigh house and scales and other fixtures therein and the tolls and charges for measuring and weighing articles by the City By-law imposed, to hold from the date hereof until the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ^« 1 f 1 . .♦'■. k ■1 j ''"> !^;, , i :■! 9-^ 118 and ipclusivc, yielding and paying therefor to the lessor, its successors and assigns the clear yearly rent or sum of dollars in equal monthly payments of dollars cac.h,on the first day of each month during the said term without any deduction or abatement, the first of such piuments to be made on the first day of the month next following the date hereof. And the lessee, for himself, his heirs, exccutor^4 administrators and assigns, hereby covenants with the lessor its successors and assigns in manner following, that, is to say : That he and they will pay the rent hereby re- served at the days and times and manner above mentioned, and that he and every deputy by him appointed will faith- fully fulfil and discharge all the duties of the clerk of the market of the City of Stratford, by any By-law or regula- tion of the lessor, its successors or assigns, now or hereafter to be imposed, and will not assign nor sublet the term hereby created nor any interest, right, title, privilege, fran- chise or profit hereby demised without the consent of the lessor, its successors and assigns, and will at the end of the term hereby created peaceably surrender and yield up to the lessor, its successors and assigns, the said demised premises, and that during the currency of the term hereby created neither he nor any deputy by him appointed, whilst acting as such deputy, will be guilty of an infraction of any pro- vision of the said By-law, and that neither he nor any such deputy will wilfully misconduct himself in the office of such Clerk of the Market. Provide d always, that in case of a breach of any one or more of the above covenants, and, whether the rent be awfully demanded or not, this lease and the term hereby created, and the rights hereby conferred, and the tenure of 119 I the office of Clerk of the Market by the lessee, shall abso' lutely cease and determine, and the Council of the said City of Stratford may forthwith thereafter relet the said weigh-housc scales and other fixtures therein and the right to receive the tolls and charges hereby imposed. In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and scalb. FORM «i n» CONVEYANCK OF PLOTS IN AVONDALE CEMETERY. This Indenture, made the j|.„, (jf in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Between the Corporation of the City of Stratford, of the First part, and of the Second part, Witncsseth that the said the Corporation of the City of Stratford, in consideration of the sum of Dollars, to it paid by the said party of the Second part (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) doth grant unto the said party of the Second part heirs and assigns, tha certain parcel of land, situate in the Avondale Cemetery, in the said City of Stratford, which said parcel of land is desienated and set down on the map or plan of the said Cemetery, in the office of the Superintendent thereof, and therein designated by the rumbrr hi Section Letter and containing superficial feet, To Have and to Hold unto the said party the Second part, heirs and assigns, to and for and their sole and only use for ever, 1'20 II 4 I i i Cpon the Condition following, that is to say : That if the said party of the Second part, heirs and assigns, or some or one of them, shall not in all things abide by, perform, fulfil and keep all and each of the provisions, rules rind regulations contained in schedule " IV hereon en- dorsed, or if the said party of the Second part. Heirs or assigns, or some or one of them, shall knowingly or wilfully, be a party or parties, privy or privies, to any breach of all or any one of the said provisions, rules and regulations, then the Estate and interest of the said party of the Second part, heirs and assigns, in the said land, hereby to and them granted, shall cease, determine, and be utterly void, and the said 1 ho Corpo- ration of the City of Stratford, and its successors, may enter thereupon and receive, have and hold the same lands, discharged and acquitted of all the Estate of the said Party of the Second part, heirs and assigns, therein and thereto. And the said The Corporation of the City of Stratford doth hereby grant the privileges, and reserve the powers^ rights and authorities, contained in schedule " C " hereon endorsed ^^"^^ ^^"^ «''»'^^ The Corporation of the City of Stratford doth hereby for itself and its successors.covenant with the said Party of the Second part, heirs and assigns, that the said lands and premises are free and clear of all charges and incumbrances. In witness whereof, the Ma>or of the said City hath hereunto set his hand and caused the City seal to be- hereunto affixed the day and year first aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered In presence of "^ -* 121 breach of all or any one of the said provisions, rules and regulations, then the Mstate atid interest of the said party of the Second part, heirs and assij^ns, in the said !an<], hereby to and them ^Manted, shall cease, determine, and he utterly void, and the said ihe Corpo- ration of the City of Stratford, and its successors, may enter thereupon and receive, have and hold the same lands, discharj^^'d and ac(iuitled of all the Kstate of the said I'arty of the Second part, heirs and assigns, therein and thereto. And the sai'il The Corporation of the City of Stratford doth hcnrhy !L;rant the privileges, and reserve the powers, riL;]its and authorities, contained in schedule " C " hereon endorsed And the said The Corporation of the City of Stratford doth hereby for itself and its successors.covcnant with the said Party of the Second part, heirs and assijjns, that the said latuls and premises are free and clear of all charj^es and incumbrances. In witness whereof, the Mayor of the said City hath hereunto set his hand and caused the City seal to be hereunto affixeil the day and year first aforesaid. Si^^aied, sealed and delivered 111 presence of SCHEDULK "E" AVONDALK CKMKTKKY.— KNnoUSKD ON CONVKYANCR OF I'l.OTS IN THAT PART DKDICATKI) I5Y HY LAW NO. l$6. I. The within named ijrantce at the time of execution of the within Deed is not the owner by purchase for I HID' M 1 1 ■'' 11 m \22 money of more than four lots in the Avondale ('emctcry, inclusive of the lot hereby jjrantcH. 2. The within name i^rantee, heirs or assij;ns, will not exact, demand, or receive, directly or indirectly, any reward, recompense, or sum of money from any person, or persons, or bodies Corporate for any interment, burial or j^rave in or for the use of the within «;ranted land or any portion thereof 3. And will not erect any railin ON roWIYAMi: OK IM.OTS IN ll.MITKKV. 1. N<» transfer or assiL;tiiiuMit of aiu* lot or portion of any lot will be rcco^s^nizcd oy be acted upon until ref^isicreil with tli<" C'ity C'KMk, and the exclusive rij^ht of pcrtorminjr all internu (Its is reserved t(^ the (Corporation of the City of Stratford. . 2. In case it sh.dl appcNir to the Cenietery Comniittcc, or to this f "ouncil, that an)' tree, shiiib or hed^e situated on any lot or lots in the Av )ndale Cemetery, have, by means of their roots, l)ranclies or otherwise, bixoine detri- mental to the atijacei't i)lots, walks or axenues, or that the san^e are detrimental to the ^rood appearance % rif ST. jnSl.l'HV A'ONIt.M.i: < IMITKNY.— I.NltOKSKD f>N <-f)N- VI'Y.\N< l.SOl ITors IN UM M.W I'ART OK TMi. <);Mi:rKKV. 1. TIu' within named orantrc at llir tiiix: of execution of tlio within Deed is not the owner by purchase for money of more than four lots in the Avotulale Cemetery, inclusive of the 1<>1 liereby j^r.inl<'(l. 2. The within named ;^nai\lee, heirs or assi<,'ns, will not exact, demand, or receive, directly or indirectly, any reward, recompense, or sum of money from any person, or persons, ov bodies Corporate for any mter- ment, burial or t^'rave in or for the use of the within j^ranted land or any pMiion thereof; or inter or pernut any inter- ment therein of anyone other than of the Roman Catholic Church, and then with the consent of the Tarish Priest of the I'arish of Stratford, or in case of an appeal from him, with the «:onsent of the Roman Catholic Hishop of the Diocese. 3. And will not erect any railini;-, fence or wall or plant any hedge up">n the within granted land or any part thereof. 4. And will not cut down, destroy or injure any tree or shrub growing within, or upon the within granted land without the consent of the Cemetery Connnillee or of the City Council. 5. And will, as' soon'as the same is reasonably possible^ remove all earth and rubbish accumulated upon the with- in granted land, in the course or by means of any building, structure, erection or improvement thereon nuule. directed^ 125 or ;iut!uTi/c. breach or breaches in which the damages sliall be assessed in like manner. Now the conditions of this obligation are such that if the said does and shall at ail times hereafter during the currency of the said license well and truly obey and observe all the said Acts of the Legislature and all the said liy-laws, rules and regulations of the said Corporation of the City of Stratford in force during the said period, then this obligation shall be void or otherwise shall remain in full force. Signed, Sealed and Delivered In presence of 128 FORM "J" LIVl'.RV STAr.l.K LICKNSK. This is to certify tliat •of Street, in the City of Slritforcl, is •hereby licensed to keep a Livery Stable in the said city. This license is to be in force (after the payment of the license fee) from the day of the date hereof, nntil the thir- tieth day of April next. Stratford, ^^ Citv Clerk. FORM "K" of the city • the said Corporation execute under its corporate seal a covenant to carry out on its part the provisions and re^'ulations hereinafter contained on its part to be observed and performed and that in default of sotloinfjthc said Company shall forfeit all ri^ht and privi- leges conferred on it by this By-la iv as if the same had never been passed. 4. That the said Company shall supply the said cor- .J,'e'iirBedr" poration with such quantity of water on such of the streets of the said town as may hereafter be mutually ac^reed upon, as they may require for fire protection and for the use of the town hall and other public buildings of the Town of Stratford and to the inhabitants thereof at such rate as shall be charged from time to time by the Company to the sharejK)ldcrs thereof being consumers, or as to water required for the public uses of the Town, or for fire pro- tection, at such less rate or price as may hQ mutually agreed upon. That this By-law be uM and void unless the con- By.iaw to lie struction of said works be commenced within two years void if not coiii- III two> lenced witl.in ^^.^^^^ ^j^^, ^^<^^ ^f jj^g paSSiug hcrCof. vo years. * '-' Finally passed at Stratford this 5th day of December, A. D. 1881. I H. SEWELL, Town Clerk. ) D. SCRIMGEOUR, Reeve. L. S. r 139 I'.n.'ii'tmL'Mt. BY-LAW NO. 348. Whereas the Stratford Water Supply Company incor- porated under the provisions of the Revised Stalutes of Ontario, Chapter 157, desire to exer- cise all and every the compulsory powers con- ferred upon Municipal Corporations by the 4th, 10th, nth and 13th Sections of the Municipal Water Works Act, 1882, and whereas it is necessary in the public interest of the Munici- pality of the Town of Stratford that the powers prcposed to be exercised should be exercised by such Company. Now therefore be it enacted by the Municipal Corpor- ation' of the Town of Stratford, and it is hereby enacted as follows : 1. It is hereby declared that it is necessary in the public ^ /• r 1 t NL'((-<>nrv fur interest of the Municipality of the Town of Stratford, that powers o.nf.md i..- powers hcreiraftcr mentioned, referred to and given, or intended to be given to the Stratford Water Supply Com- pany should be exercised by such Company subject to the provisions of the Municipal Water Works Act, 1882, as to •compensation. 2. The propcrlics in respect of which the said powers p_.^^ ^.^^.^^ , , are to be exercised are as follows, that is to say: that part g'^^.i;/--- '" of lot 46, in the first concession of the Township of North Easthope, now in the Town of Stratford, lying east of the Stratford and Huron Railway; lot 45, in the first con- cession of North Easthope, now in the Town of Stratford, and the several lots through which the River Avon runs jn the first and second concessions of the said Township 140 of Mortli Kasthoijc, respectively, from lot nuniher thirteen in the first ooncession of the said Township of North I'.ast- hope to lot number forty-five in tlie first concession of said township now in the Town of Stratford, both inclus- ive, and also all the lots through wliich the several branches or feeders of the said river run north of the said river, ami also lots thirty-seven and thirty-eight in the first concession of the said Township of North ICasthope. May .uney 3- Thc Said company, their engineers, surveyors, |'artras""are"r'e'l scrvauts ?»nd workmcu from time to time, and at such i.o>es' ,/ wll'ifr times as the said Company shall see fit, n. ay enter into and Wi.rks. upon the said lands and may survey, set out and ascertain such parts thereof as are required for Ihr purpose of the M;iydivxri.-.nd Watcr VVork's atid may divert and appropriate any river, appiiipriute such j /• » ' r , . waurs on said pouds ot watcr, sprmgs or streams of water therem, as any WorkprnpoMs. engineer, surveyor or other person authorized in this behalf by the said Company, shall judge suitable and proper for wiS"%'rjr"oJ the said purp >h> s, and may contract with the owner or dui"Torm>tl!I![.' occupier of the said lands and those having a right or interest in the said water for the purchase or renting thereof or of any part thereof or of any privilege that may be required for the purpose of the Witter Works at the option of the said Company. C oiiipaiiv may r.>ii«lriirt iitcei ji.iry w 1)1 Us. 4. The said Company may construct,crect and maintain ■ in and upon the said lands all such Reservoirs, Waterworks and machinery rc4uisite for the undertaking and for con- veying the water thereto and therefrom in, upon, and through any lands lying intermediate between the said Reservoirs and Water Works and the springs, streams, river, ponds, or waters from which the same are procured 141 and the Municipality by one or more lines of pipes as may from time to time be f« unci necessary. 5, The said C'. :jany and their seivants under their May l.v down authority may for the ^'ad purposes enter and pass upon scyan.f.fwa* r. and over the said lands intermediate as aforesaid, and the same may cut and di^^ up if necessary, and may la/ down tho said pipes thio it^h the same and in, upon, through, over ar.d under the hij^lnvays, streets, lanes, roads, or other passa<^es within the Municipality, or within ten miles thereof, and in,upon,throufjh, over and under the said lands and premises of any person or persons, bodies corporate or public, within the Municipality. 6. All lands and u\l highways, roads, streets, lanes or r.an.is ami • r 1 • 1 1 11 1 liinhways to lie other passacres so duij up or interfered with shall be re- "-i-ied to oiIk- Stored to their original condition without unnecessary delay. 7, The said Company may set, ascertain, purchase in May set om, ' I ^ / ' 'I &c.,su(;lii);ulsof manner aforesaid, use and occupy such parts of the said "••'''^ ''""i- •'■• "«" >■ ^ i- cessary for mak- lands as the said Company may think necessary and Ia{^,i,;^"''.,f'"sllid proper for the making and maintaining of the said works ■""■''''' *^''- or for the opening of new streets required for the same and for the purchasing of any lands required for the protection ^'^'y pi'i-ciiase lands re()uirfil for of the said worki-, or for preserving the purity of the water ^""k's'^'^urit" of supply, or for taking up, removing, altering or repairing the '^^^"' ^'^' same and for '^'" tributing the water to the inhabitants of the Municipality, or for the use of the Corporation of the Town of Stratford, or of the proprietors or occupiers of the land through or near which the same may pass. 142 m o 8. The said Company shalldo as little damage as may Shall do as lit- be in the execution of the powers hereby granted to them, lie damage a'^ * possible, and ^ ^^^^ previous to the exercise of any such powers as par.ts''""ui,o:e beforc mcntioncd make reasonable and adequate satis- Supon! &c.'" faction to the proprietors and others whose properly is entered upon, taken or used by the sr.id Company, or injuriously affected by the exercise of its powers to be ascertained as provided in like cases in the INIunicipal Act. 9. The said,the Stratford Water Supply Company and Kxempiio.ithe lands and works of the said Company shall be exempt from taxation for the period of ten years. Iio u taxation fur h;i\ years. Finally passe at Stratford this 25th day of August, A. D., 1882. H. SEWELL, Town Cle.rk. 1} D. SCRIMGEOUR, Mavor. ^r 143 BY-LAW NO. 3T5. To define certain areas or sections within the Munici- pality in which the streets rhall be watered,, and to impose a special rate on the assessed real property therein according to the frontage thereof in order to pay the expenses incurred in watering such streets. Whereas the Municipal Council of the Town of Stratford has decided that the streets within, the following areas or sections, that is to say, Ontario street from its intersection with Nile street to the bridj^e crossing the River Avon on the Huron Road, Erie street from its intersection with Ontario street to lot fifty- seven on the west side of Erie street, the Downie Road from its intersection with Ontario street to the Grand Trunk Railroad crossing, Wellington street from the westerly limit of Downie Road to lot 299 on the west side of Wellington street, Albert street from the easterly limit of Downie Road to the easterly Hmit of lot 241 in the Canada Company's Survey shall be watered; And whereas the expense Incurred in watering such streets or parts of streets amounts to $500; And whereas the total frontage of the assessed real property in the streets within the said areas or sections is ekdit thousand diree hundred and thirty-four feet; And whereas in order to raise the said sum of $500 it win be necessary to impose a special rate of six cents per foot upon the said property so fronting on said streets; The Municipal Council of the Town of Stratfoid hereby enacts as follows : ■I' m 144 i ^ I 1. llie streets of the said Town of Stratford within the following areas or sections that is to say: Ontario street fiom its intersection with Nile street to the bridge crossing the River Avon on Huron Road; Erie street from its intersection with Ontario street to lot fifty-seven on the west side of Erie street; The Downie Road from its intf^rsection with Ontario street to the Grand Trunk Railroad crossing; Wellington street from the westerly limit of Downie Road to lot 299 on the west sidj of Wclli ngton street; Albert street from the easterly limit of Downie Road to the easterly limit of lot 241 in the Canada Company's Survey shall be watered; 2. In order to pay the expenses incurred in watering such streets within the said Areas or Sections the said Council hereby imposes a special rate upon the assessed real property therein of six cents per foot upon each foot of frontage of such property on the street or streets or parts of streets so watered. This By-law shall take effect and come into operation immediately after the passing thereof. All By-laws and parts of By-laws heretofore passed inconsistent with this By-law are hereby repealed. Finally passed the Sixth day of October, A. D., 1884. R. R. LANG, \VM, GORDON, Town Clerk. Mayor. 145 '7i > H o l-H u o l-H. fr o < I . •HI.u» i^ V5 3D 00 GC 2 o © o I © i } :viV.\Kxi JO •;eo.^ pnox *3^^H ivnimy O) Tl u C © /^ X ^ X — X 4 X . X :2 ^ I- "IS' <■•. M JO ajin^X 01 C5 rr. 5 0)® c *J 1^ c c- '"i :_J '^ '>X >. li ^ ~ ^ (>i c ^ -ii CJ p.© -.♦4 ' • -** c ,-• /^' re "^ 1-: :J t -.li -ri . 'M S ^1 fC "c 0. X -M ' ■^. *r ^. . ■n ^ ^ -^^ =^^^©-"^ X ^ X c*t •-C^XfC I- c ,c_r cc rSS ?> (« I I X A4 r oj • *J « c 5 -t< c fc vr c-i c-i 0) , Q. j: -t © T © © :-^ '1 — . - Ol -— - C CJ I 41 -^ s o lei •o^v.i /fiiisodiut AU!l-if«j JO 'ONJ '^ c 2 o c2 ; ^ OJ ^ r X "'" X c e o :itf o b s ;; o a ^ W O S if *< *>i S a'. '*■ O = ' T. T f sS ~ 1^ fcrf t*^. rff •^ i nJ '■J ■ ■— a '/■. f. ^ > fti r*. "■ > < ) ?-«< ) 4) 147 • 1 flC lA.^ .. . s "2 'oanjt!|V j at) cv 33 - . — .. _ , •iiuax •* % ^ io S ^ •Mfil-A';| J" O'oo I • oSirssud y) a:)V(| 4d !3 •4803 jn^oj^ « ti 1 ! 1 1 _ J!0 _.... . •fi Mil ^ •ajvM iinuuiv 1^' *T* •* # •w * »* S H* >• 1 • « i MA • • "" •4Usm3Ao.idui| .' • • -- JO 3. tHT!>I V - g S' X « ■ K ;s2 -J} •- «-t 50 CB ^^ * t«-i • •> '«•"«• '« •-• • ^ •s ^ ' > •■a s J 1 1- » >>X " ft. ;;> '•' iC n "" « "J cc — " t^ ^ ^ ^1 .3 « » •*■ X f* ^ ?:Hr « s > X «»< «2 — C4 « — CI « •J < s -, CO ^93 " "a — <^^ « •SI'* w — -< ©« i CO 50 ; e : «3 « a »3s bn 1 .2 02 ; o 2 1 U 93 -1 • ♦ • : H , i < 0' t i i j 1 1 < a 1 •td%v.\ StnstMlmi « t- JTi s m«i-jC^I J" -ON ©J w « AvtJi-Xjj JO ox 1 ^ «8 « I I 148 liS lil a ■ ^^^ = =1-::^ "* '^ y^ s 'c o u • S ^ u fC t— ; n1 c« ^^ Q. 3; '•4^ 1- •. '^l X ,• cc l- cc 7! § >- 'A 95 U 1',: s w s/ MM 5i ^^ ^ - as • •« I'r •„ > - oi X -^ a. ir: sS O o te o « U is 149 BY-LAW NO. 388. To amend By-law 375. Whereas it is'e.vpcdicnt to cnlarijc the areas oi* sections within the hinits of the Municipality of the City of Strat- ford in u'liicli the streets shall be watered alonj^^WellinL^^ton -street to the southerly limit of Patrick street, and alon\u-pose of connecting Milton and Hay streets. Hy-law No. 189. — To open Dufferin-street from Gore to Cambria-street. To open Dufferin-street across Grand" Trunk Railway lands. Hv-law" No. 279.--T0 change uanies of and name certain streets. 151 By -law No. 295. — To stop up and close part o St Aiulrcws-strcct. By-law No 334. — To close part of Erie-street for I'ost Office site, Hy-law No. 337. — To vest fame in the Cro'.vn. liy law No. 346. — To close a portion of Guolph and I'roMt-strects. The followinLr is a synopsis of the numbers, titles and subjc»:t matter of I^y-laws passed up to 4tli June, 1S88, and since the consolidation was undertaken, and still in force, and not included in aforesiid ]]) -law No 400. No 405. -Authori;^ino the issue c.f Debentures to the amount of $19,000 to paj' city's share of county debt. No. 406. — Granting a Bonus of $3,000 to Thomas Orr. No. 410. — Granting aid and assistance to the Grand Trunk Railway Company to the amount of $120,000 $60,000 of which has been paid, the payment of the balance being conditional on the erection of car shops in the city. No. 414. — Exempting ThomasOrr's planing mill from ta.xation for five years. No. 415. — E.Kcmpting Hodd & Cullen's flouring mill from ta.xation for ten years. < No. 418. — Regulating Hotel and Shop Licenses. m (52 IK 1 No. 424.— Authorizing' the issue of Dchrnturcs to the amount of $10,000 for the enlargement of Romeo Ward Tublic Scl'.cK)!. Xo. 42.x.— AppointiiiL^ poHlnsi places. No. 429.— Aulhorizint; the issue of Debentures to the ;imountof$8,5oc) to pay city's proportion for erection of C'ourt house and Jail. No. 433.— Authorizinij assessors to assess land not, built upon at its full and fair value. 434.— Early closing of shops. 435,— Fixing tariff of carters and other purposes. 436.— Appointing chief of Fire Department. 437.„Authorizing the purchase of Lots 23S and 246. C. C. Survey. 438.— Amending Hy-law No 400 relating to dogs. 440.— Ametiding Py-Iaw No 400 relating to billian! and cab licenses. I ril he of lot. 46. iiril INDEX. Sectfono, ACCI IIEXTS -Piecautivns againitt 1 16, 110, 147, 2M Alarm op Fikk — FhIsc pi-oliihited ^ 075 Fire«i»ci>',H iliiticn oa to o^j; Al.l>KHMKN*S DlTIKK- • As to crnwilg ill streets ..^.. .13H " exhiltiticuks imiiiorMl , i>;{ '* prcsioing ill absence of Mayor 9, H> Ai.MH— Ask ihi; tor, ill street p.'uliibited io| HeSIs to l>e attached to, in sleighs. . 133 ('urcaaaes of, tluowing on streets H2 llli '* fouling river with 112 Cruelty to .SL'.'i, 341 I>river8 tc rcnitun near 130 3|«j Dri^'ing. on siilcwalk ; ].>4 " of, itiiitioderate , 131 Feeiling, on streets proliihitetl 142 Food, ({UcUitity to be impounded I74 Impounding Igg " compensation for 172 17.3 Retaking of lgf| Kuiining at large 1(55 Weighing 205 AlTAKATrH — C1)imney sweep to provide 290 sub I Dangerous, removal of 23S 240 Fire, chief to have uontrol of 2()}) *♦ injury to 27r> " List of to he given of yearly 074 " trinsporting to fires ggg Api'ointmkstu tj Office ^ ,35 ■I r 173 76,77 . ..ir).s ...2r)2 ...144 213 1214 lii Sections. Apprkntjcks — I'.illiarilsfimlhiiKatelle playing piohiljited... ,„ H.nvlin« alleyH and shooting gallery, playi.,« in prohibited.'.*.'." ";" .' *n73 Intoxicating li(|uor, selling or giving to ^i .Al-r-KoI-HIATIOVS OK MoNKY Auiiou Dav— Mayor to proclaim \ AsifES -Keoping of Sidewalk and street, strewing ou ASSICSSOKS - Dogs, to make return of .«.. I'oll tax, persons liable for to make return of .'.'.'..... 37^ " " notices to leave for 37- lireau, weight of , . " light ..'......'."... Al'CTlON — Aucticneers selling by .... • Sale of market scales by * -/v , , ,, ,, ^ ' /Osub.') " stalls and stores by 70 o.,i - 1 ransient traders selling by „ , . Al'ctionkek— License " fee for Avon Rivku— Bathinj^in Fouling , Avondale Ckau tkry Awnin(;s — Ereci on ot BABY C4RRIA€ Eg-Propelling on sidewalk .. . . . . '.*. ..'."."."'. 124 I Jauatklm: Apprentices and minors not allowed to use 355 Gamblers and gambling prohibited oiia License, expiration of ,. fee issue of required Rooms when may be kept open 3(.r, Ball— Games of, not to be played on streets . jo^ Sr.ovv, throv.iug in street-j j., 344 34.-. 100 112 217 218 II II 362 361 364 '^61 III. :..n73 76,77 ...ir.;< ....2r)2 ...144 . . . 180 ...377 .. 377 ...213 ...214 ....^44 . .34:. . . . 1(W) ...112 ...217 . . 218 . . . 124 ...365 ...366 . ...S62 ...361 . . 364 ...361 .365 .,128 . .12 ! ....100 m, lot ,. . 104 ,236 . 91 .281 .217 .21.". Sections IUTIIIN.J IV RiVCK, CIO ltKKN/INK '"" Fire lighting with, pmhibitefl ...... ...... 05^ Maniifucture of •< HniJAKDS- (SeelU(!ATKUj:,) lUlxs— Rc:uliiig of in c!ounoil (.See CoCNClL.) I>^,\^ I'JIKMOirs LANfJCAlJE Firemen not to use IJOARD OF HkALTH and RkMKf{.S HkALTII AM, RkUKK CoM.MITTKK. ) HoAKD OK Works (See VV(»rks, Roaro of.) I'> - Interment of Removal of Transporting' of ISoiLKRS— Examination and removal of, if dangerous 'J.'JS, 246 IJooKs— Lewd or immoral sale or possesiion of {)>> I'lM LKVARD«— Agreement to he taken as to I5.5 " may he revoked I55 (Jon.stniction of ^ 1 c^ Order and lepair to he kept in jg.; Roadway may ho made across jfiO Where already made may bo continued 157 P>(»w AND AuKuw UsiN(i IN Stkkkts 126 r.o\VLiN(; Akli'.y,-; and Shootinc; Gallkkiks— Apprentices not allowed to play in 373 CertiHoate must be obtained 37Q (!amh!intr in, prohibited 3-^4 J < iamblers fretjuenting, prohibited 374 ^ License, expir^^tion of 37^ ) may be forfeited 371 be taken out 37O N! inors not allowed to play ir t 373 IJUKAD — Assize of ' 213 1 1 \h IV. r> ■ Sc'CtionK. Light .2J4 IVlarket and Police Committee, Jutie.s as to 70 sub I l*olic4, &c., vliities as to 21,'^ Weight of _ oj;^ HKiDcK-Constructiou opposite gateways 12,'{ ]{rii-i)i.\(is — Allowance of street during erection of 114 Articles manufacture in prohibit' 1 » 2r)(i Ashes, keeping of near -y-y]. City Hall, duties as to 70 ^■^^\^ ;{ " " janitor to attend meetings in S7 sub (♦ " " rates to be charged for 8>S Contractors to cake precautions during erection of 114 Crossings to j 2^ Erected contrary to I'.y-law may be removed 237, 2.S!» Excavations for to be fenced \\\) Fire liu'its, repairing in 23(» " " wooden, not to be erected in 2.'U, '23") Fires in, lighting with explosive or highly inflammable substances pro- hibited 258 " pulling down, to prevent spreail of 2.37, *27() •* works, storing in o-,lj Flues, stoves, dangerous in, use of xo be discontinued 238, 241) <»unpo der, storing in 259 Heartiis under stoves in 24!) Inspector of 238 " Chief of police to be 241 " examine, to see if dangerous 238, 240 enforce By-laws as to 240, 2G1 pull down if contrary to By-law 239 Ladders to 243 Lights in ^ 2.")4, 25.*) Notices, defacing with 2.")3 Nuisances in, prohibited 108 Occupants of, duties as to chir.ineys 293 Precautions to be taken during erection ot 114 Purposes immoral, letting to b^^ used for 00, 97 .Scuttles in rools of 243 << V. fi or^ Sections. llrn.Dixcis [lOJi/iiitit-i) - Snow, removal of from. 14.'>, 144, 14'), 147 Stoves, pipes, &;., in '247, 248, 24'.t Stieets material tor, on 1 !•'> " permits may be given to plaoe — ' ' material for, on 115 " removing in 1'27 Trap doors into or under 117 Trees planting in front of . . 1 oS Water from, not to flow on sidewalli 120 V>rTrHKKs' STALLS, KULKS KKLATINt! TO 15)') Bv Laws — Pago. Gas Company granting authority to (No 180) ■12J* " " " " " ( " soo) , isr, Tiiterpretation of , See 382 Local impro' sments, a table of 145 Streets, rela':ing to changes in a list of 1 oO Street watering (Xo 37."))) 143 amending No 37") (No 388) 149 Title of : See I Titles, &c. of, passed up t© 4th June, 1888, and subsecpient to No 400 Water Supply (Company grantuig authr 'ty to (No 32!)) 13.") " «' " " " " (No 348) 139 Sections, C&B- Haggage, carriage of 30!* (yjiaracters, notoriously bad, not to be driven in 324 Driver, applicant, first, to go with 320 aseof 318 ' conduct of 32(! " engagements, to keep 321 " horses, to remain near 318 " illtreatment of, by 323 loitering 322 " name and number, must gi\'e 317 " soliciting 323 1 )riving, furious prohibited 322 Fares chargeable '307, 308 u VI. Sections, " «»tra 311, 3ijf " hour, by the 3i;t *• non-payment of." 315 ** overcharging %....., . .314 *' tariff of to be kept up in 317 " " clerk to furnish -, 317 licenae, to have 302 ** bond to be given on application for 3()r» •• duration of 3Qg fees 304 issue of 303 revoked, may be 30 Salt sprinkling on, way i;i7 Traffic obstructing with j25 Carter— . • License f •-: .j-q " expiration of ^-^ ' • issue of , '* numbered, to be ♦' number to be painted on vehicle 360 VII. Sections. I'ATTLE (See Pounds.) X KMKTERV, AVUNDALE— C'lmmitteo of Management 218 " duties of 219 ('onsent of Priest of R. C. church required 220, aub 5 Conveyance of plots , . ** City clerk to prepare „ 225 •• ' ' " " register 227 " " " "transfer •••' 227 " Form of 220 '* May-jr to execute 225 ** tSclieuules io be endorsed on 22ti Graves, violating 21.') Interments only in 217 " charges 22J Lands comprising oj- Plots in " Certilicate of selection of 220 nub 8 " " Treasurer'^ duties as to 220 sub H *' divided may be ,, 222 •' payment when must be jnade , ^ 220 " priceof... 224 " reserved 22S Regulations, general : 229 to '132 incl. Superintendent , . , . appointment and duties of 220 •* Book of record, to keep ...220 sub 2 ** certificate of number and price of plot,,*o give,220 sub 5 " committee directions of, to obey . 220 sub l.S ♦• death, cause of, &c., to register 220 sub .'J •* Division Registrar to notify ...220 8ub4 *♦ gat«8 to open and close 220 sub 12 *• grade of plots, to determine..'. 220, sub «> •• grounds, to beautify 220, sub 9 " interments, to attend to 220 sub S ** " diaries, to receive before 220, sub 10 moneys to pay over to Treasurer 220, sub 1 1 R. C. priest's consent, to get in certain cases,220, sub r> rewards, not to ac ept 220,sub U I :i : t. , viir Sections. Cemetery, Avonuai.k (tontitiiutt) — " woikmen, to siiperintcntl .220, sub 7 ClfASt'E, liAMKS OF. 282, H.*)! C'hakivauiks I'Kttinr.iTKD . 105 CiiKyi'Ks— Delivery or sitrntng of, may be forbidden 67, sub 6. t'llIKK OF FlKR liliUiAKK (soe FlKK 1>KJ'AKTMKST) {,'iriKK OK PoLK'K (see ToLicK, Chief of) (.'iriMNEVS — l>anget'0U8i, may be rciunved 238, 2M Examined, niny be 288 Laiider.s to reach ...,...,. 248 Materials to be used in, and construction of 244, 245 Stove pipes entering 247, 248 Sweeping of 2!« Chimney Sweei'— Apparatus to be provided by 290, eub 1 Chimneys dangerous, to report 2'.H), sub 4 " sweep when rec^uired 21K), sub 2 Infraction of Hy-law to report 2!K), sub It Number to b,^ appointed , 28!) Hates and fees of 2U2 Security to give 2'.U Ckjaks — Sniokin? in certain places prohibited 25'» CiKcrs License .%7 License fee 307 •♦ "toclerk 3t)5> " sideshows and other exhibitions 368 CiTV Clerk — Bills, duties as to if amended 4<» Cemetery plots, conveyances of to prepare. 22.» " " " •« •' reyister 227 *' Superintendent to furnish weekly statement to 228 Committee members to notify of first meeting 81, subl *' special meetings of, to call (54 *' books, to furnish for , 6<» " chairman to furnish with copies of resolutions, &c., 81, su'> 2 " documents, &c. , to ccnvey to .81, sub % " meetings, to attend if required 81, sub 4 IX. 4t It 81 4 11 .7, 81 aubfi 345 81 3«4 370 303 .35J< , ,.; 367 348 330 368 347 335 Sections. City Clkkk {Cmiinn-l)— Council lUities as- 'igne*! to by, to peiform ♦* wlie'i no qiioi uin minutes of to reaii " me»;tiiij;s, speoiiU, to give notice of LtccnKVM, ivuctioiieer, to isHue nuiv.ber of to reporf liilUiinl JiUil hagatelltt to isauo l.owUnf; alley an.l shootinj? galU-ry to issue Uiib to issue • tviitei's' to issue circus hawkers to issue livery stable to is»iltf uiiscellaneous t') issue Transient ti-adera to iaaUi' *• viutualliui; houso to isiue Police Coui-t auilitors, to furnish wiih books of 81, sub 12 cases to keep reoor.l of 81, 8ub 9 convictions, to make returns of 81, sub 8 fees and fines, to collect 81, sub 7 receipt to give chief of for nioneyii 81, sub 1.^ •• " report monthly, us to 81, sub 11^ . , , ■ ( 81, sub (I Seal, to liavc charter, of • ( rrv Hau. liuiLmNCis— Control of by Market and Police Committee 70, sub 3 Council CO meet in • ' * ' Janitor of, his duties as to -. . , ( 70, subs Maintenance oi • Rates for use of, ' Ci.r.JtK OF Makickt— Certificate of weight to give « " " duplicate to keep Cordwoocl, to measure on request •« fees for measuring • ■ Deed, to execute . . • may bo cancelled " conditions of to be made public Deputy may appoint it tl tl 11 «t t> • t it. ■ V f • :( If i ■i ii .^ ?1 tl (I (« (( X. Sections. Ci.r.tiK OK Maukkt (Coiiiiiine,i)— " msiy he (Iismi:i8(;»l ....212 J>ucie9, general of lUG JFeeH, who linl)le for 20.1 " wcigliiii^ for ; 2O5 Hay, t^c , to weii^h 1 9S Soales, t<» be lessee of 201? Trii(linj{ on Market hy, prohibiteil 204 i.A)M. — Throwing on etiecta 134, 13K ('OLLKCTOR — OiHoe of 37ii '• ■ hour-H 37H Taxes to le paid to ; 37<) wlien due and payalde 37y persentage on. unpaid 380 Poll 37.'> " when payable ; 370 <.'oMDUsTinLK Matkrials— Candle, iiglucd, not to be used where stored 254 Piled, not to be, without be'ng enclosed 257 Sniokin;^ prohiintetl w here stored 255 CoMMISaiONEK STRKiiT, (see StUEKT CoMMIrtSKiNKIl) - CoMMiTTEKS, (see Council) — Common Skwkr (see Drainagk) — Contractors, pro(!uutions to use 114 l^ORDWUOD — Hucksters, purchase by , 207 Meafcui iujf 194 " fee for 205 Sale, wh(M e to be exposed for 194 Street, piling on 13(> Streets and sidewalks, sawing on 1,34 t'oEPOKATiOiN Officers (^ec Officers of Cori'oration)-- (■OUNOIL — Adjournment of r» Alderman to take c^iair in ctt Lain cases 9, 10 Amendments, as to 34 Appointments to office 3.5 Bar, who allowed within 2") .254 .257 .255 ..207 .194 ..205 ..194 ..13(i . . 134 .9. 10 .34 . . . .35 ... .2") xr. _ Sections. rVitrvoii. {(.ovttnned)— IJillK, air)eiifhn«iits of, how reported r»f " «;lii«tMj3 ot, how oonsifloied nd •* iiJtrofliiction of , 4^ " money appropriation for .4'.> *• ffudinp of 4^ " " )n Rules, parliament to govcrr •• suspension of Speaking, rules us to ' Treasurer, duties of Unprovided cases Yeas and nays Count — short, as to CrtiCKKT—not to be played in streets l'UOSSING» — Boulevards may be made over ^®" Driver to slacken speed at *^' Horses, ty in<,' across • ** Houses and lots, to ^23, 124 116 \ \. 129, ;J22 13H 22 7l» 7« 22 ... . 80 79 23, 41, 74 20U 128 Tearing np VV-luclcH not to stop on ... I ';(0Wi)3 - fiatherins: in CunKt.TY TO Animals - Driver not to ill-treat or abnse Person hiring, not to ill-treat or aVmso IMIUY IMUHHi'E- V Forestallinij of Ifucksters, &c., purchasing l>ir./\J> r.onJES-- Interrnent of Rtjinoval of • Traiisporliiiti; through city Dk.paci.ng— I'.iiiMings, fences, Ac, with notices 163, 164 DtXlH — Assessor, infi.ni'ation to be given to J**^* ** returns of, to make '^" ('lerk to enter names of persons liable to tax 181 Collector to collect tax on > Ferocious and vicious, not to run at. large. i mpoun-Ung Muzzling '**^' ^^* Owner of may reclaim IVnalty of refusal to give up • • ...323 ...343 .. 208 . . .207 . . .217 ...215 ....216 181 182 IS.'i 186 187 XIV. ft IS 1 ; ! !■■' 1 iiwm Sections. Tlofis (CovtiuufI) I'olioe o«)nstiil)le sliull iiiipoiuKl IBS ** Magistrute in.iy order to l»o destroyeil |H7 pound -kfeper to kill if not reoliiinie*! I8ft I'roclaiiKition, not to run ut large 183 '* M=iyor may 18XUC |84 Tux on I7}> Ih»oK,~u>oveable, making in siil'-w alk 1 17 Projecting into street IIK Swinging over sidewalk 121 I>KAINAOK - Board of work"* may cause worK to !>c done .3fK> Common TOWer lot.s to be drained into 297 Praiii to lie kept in repair : 297 •• Iieglectto 30() Permission for connecting drain retiuiroil 29H Size an 1>RIVKR— Speed to slacken at crossings 13f Vehicle to remain near 13(> Dili VI Ni;- Boulevards on i.'jrv Immoderate 131 Sidewalks on 131 Drunk — Persons found Wi Drpnkknnpiss 9-i DWKXUNC — Asiies keeping near S.'j'i Nit;htsoil depositing near. ; .. .Ill Pigsty, keeping near 10<> Trees planting in front of : iriS EABTH- Digging in streets 12'i Settling in streets WH KSGINEER ClTV-- Accidents, precautions against may rcciuirc to be taken 11(» XV. Sccliom, KKontEER Cinr {rflntimtnl)— . Drninnittt worltH to lie ilone in natinfiictinn of '. ..... .300 Di-Miiis coiiiiivtintr with cninnum w'wer to Im» unlt^r uiUitii);(( in^t'ruiis, removal of 139 Chinuipys, *c., " •• •' 13S Dmiiitt of making itiid repaii-ing .100 NiiiHaiiufis, rt^movikl of 10" Siiow, rt-moving from sidewalkH. ." l4& r4KISH (Hfo Rates. Ciuiniiey HWuvpH, of 290,292 Fi'iiuc viewers 17* Fire ilejHirtiiivnt, payiililo by .* 288 LiceiiNO 67, 80, 303, 330, 345, 347, 349, 357, 308, 363, 367, 37 1 Measuring and wctuhing, for 194, 198, 20.5 Police court 81,85 Pound keepers . • • • • 173, 186 ServantH of Corporation not to take 82,220 Treadurcr certain, vxucptcd 82 B()uli>var PUINTIN<» CoMMITTKi: AdvcitiHcmeiiiof city notices by 6'» «"''■** Appoiiifnient of IJookH of Tifiisun'i to have Hupervisioii of ♦»- . »<»1' -^ CluoucH, mikV foil'itl «iK»i"a "^ **^ " '* Dtiliciiiurtu, t(» hiivi! au[)iMVj«ior ot "« Duties of Kiniviioiiil air^irsof city to inaimgo 'i"- «"'' ' " Mtiiteiimnt to turiusli to (k)Hncil <>7 " ' T.iwiiR|)riation» to Jje submitted to " . • fi7 mill '1 Revenue to report aa lo raising '" """ Stationery anil i)rinting to direct W Treasurer to advJM witli ''^ •' to see that duties pcrfornied by ♦»' •'. r,NKS-(^olloction of SI, S,l, 1H7 i'lRB Arms— Firing otT ' Carrying • ^^ Kxnlosive substances not to be used in kindlinR ->' Gunpowder, use of, where stored -' * ,^. . . , ,. i'll Kindlin;;, m streets PuUine dDrt n houses to prevent spread of -7 > Setting, to refuse, &o " Fir:K DKl'ARTMIiNT— (Jhief, apparatus and nianaj'iitnent under ofuJrection 2W» " appointment of " buildiiifi may cause to bo pulled down • -'0 " enrolment of lirenieu by - " tires shall attend and keep rocerd of 28.4 , 277 " tiren'en, may suspend • • «' to have control ol at fin; '-"' M '« to be recoininended by '-"•' «• " responsible for presence of -'>** 074 " property of department to report as to -'•» 2G2 " salary uf OS'l " tanks and hydrants to see to -"'' jMigineer, appointment of *" ' Ti XVII. Sections. .'284 , 262 .2(;:< .27(1 I'lliK liKrAKTMKNT (Confinufi)- " iim,'in.si'iic(' to iu-t. fill- 271 siilary. 2(i2 I'ufiiicii. ii|i[KiiMtt."< to t,iaii.-|iui t In .iiiil ficim tires ... 2()U " iijipoiiitiiii'iit <)t ■ 2ti."» ciiroliiiciil III . ...,..., 2(i4 " ili.si)ii.-t>*' I of 2GS " I'lui I tiiiiiMiMiitis. . . 8S " cn^'autiiiii'iit, (ItiiaMoii if 27H " I'ij'p, Watt'f iiml (ia.s ('oiniiiit iff to approve' of 2()T» " lirr's to iittflid prniii|)tl V 270 " lio.s(! rods, kc o ciut! for 287 '* iiitoxiciition of 2-1 " iiiiiiil'or o* 2l>2 " payiiu nt of . . . . 27H " |)<')inis.sii>M to IciVf city riMpiirnl liy. ... 2H8 " luaotie*! .sliail atti-inl 28ri ^lalaiit's of. ... .262 " HMspvn^ioii of 277 Apparatii.s, in jury to 27ri Alariii, fal.sc ., . .27r» l>on tins 27 •" I'litics ot Fire, Wati'i' and (ia.^ Coiimiit t( c ;u: to •J(!;{.2(I."),L'(!n.270,271 , |274,277,2s;i,2S(; Ilo.«e, (li'i\ iiig f)\er 27."'> l.i(|iioj-s and i.'anie.s of olianti' iorhiildcn ... 282 Street.s to li(! jccpt clear lu'ar lirt' 272 ol.strncting " " . ., ...;. .. ,, .273 (• ii;i: I.i.MiTS — Boundaries of . . . : 23:> l»uildin<,'.s in, of wliat to bo coiistruca'd 2;^."> " (Mcclfd contrary to l;y law in . 237 " repairing in . 2.'?li Structures, \\ ooden in 2.'i4 l'"ii;r,MKN' (See Fire Dei-aktmkxt ) : m i i XVI II. fr: o» Section Imhk Watki; and Chas ('ommittki: — Appoiiitnient of Cliainnan of, may cause rei-.iov il of dangerous biiildini^s, chimneys, &c. fj:{8, 2:5!), :M6, ^ei Cliim'iey sweeps, apparatus to approve of *29<* City lif;hti:!(; of, tu manage ^^> ■''*"> '^ Duties of ^^-^ Fire brigade to manage and roiio, i on «)9, sub 1 and '2 duties as to . . . . >2 >;{, '2Hr,, '2(i9, '270, '27 I , '274, '277, '28;") 2S^> Fire Umits to establish *'9, sub «i gunpowder magazine to approve of "^^ Water Supply to manage <>*-^' ^"'^ * Watering streets to arrange as to . ■ • ■ ^^> ^^^" '' I'IKK \^';>KKS . ■2ot) .'254 .252 '251 '258 •2tJ0 257 •249 Manufaeuire of within 'dty prohibited Setting oil' prohioited ' l'"niES PriliVKNTINU — Ashes keeping Candles, lamps in stables williout beuig in lantern pr.diibited . , .'254 Chimneys and Hues, ccnsl ruction of -'^' -^-' l*'ire, carrying tiirough street "' kindling in street (iunpowder, stcu'ing of " transporting through city Hay, straw, &c . , stacking of • I eartlis, under stoves Iniiammal)le and explosive substances nuinufi-cture of in city pro- , . , ... 2.")») liibited Inllammabie and explosive substances not to be.used in lighting fire.->,'258 Refuse, setting tire to • Scuttles and ladders to roofs Stables, &c., smoking in Stoves and stovepipes as to Walls, paity mode of construction • • ■ ■ ■ Food — Animalr; and fowls impounded for Tainted and unwholesome, as to Forestalling '250 '24;j '2.j5 '247, 2t8 .... -242 174 107 '208 X[X. «ll ■ I Sections. ■ OWLS .252 . 1^54 , 245 . . -ISA .251 .258 . . 200 , 257 . 249 II- ..250 j.s,25H . . 250 . .24;J ..'2o5 r, 248 . 242 .174 ..nil ..208 r F 17'' \'i^ <'ee.s tor iinpniuuliiig *■' .174 ,165 Food to be furni.shtMl to Iinpoumling lluiiiiing at large Frequenting houses prohibited " licensed " " Oambmng — Firemen liy, prohibited Li.-ensed houses, in prohibite.l ^^•'''l. 360, 874 (!atks— ("cmetery, opening and closing ^ide\valks, not to swing over (;ovK,,.N()K (ii'.NF.K.M.- Speaking di^^rc.pectfully of in Council (Iravks— Depth of Digg'.nt' " charges for Violation of • iuNrowuEK — .Storing of, and precautions to be taken Tri'iisporling throngli street-; IIA!^ »► € i RT -i'l'opi-'liii'g on sidewalk Kawkkk — License must obtain fee lf\Y- I.iglits to lie protected wlierc stored Selling, ph'ce of vSliickiiig ol Weighini.' " fee for lll'AI/ni AND RkMKI', I'xiAKh OK— Accunnnulation of nranure, duties as to Appointment of liread, light, duties of chairuuin of, as to Duties of 97 .306, 374 282 220 121 20 220, sub 8 220, sub 2 221 215 259 260 124 348 34iddt'n ;j3s Idstraiiiing and iinpimiuliiiL' ](](» Uriktrij of niiisc remain nu.ir ,'}iy Driving immoderate of 13] " on sidewalk l'J3, 124 Feeding on street .... 14^ Food and water fo.- im[)()unded 174 Ill-treating, prohibited .'}2.S,;)41,.S4;i Impounding, fees for 1 72 1 7.'! Livery stable .•j2s, .^So Running at large K;,-, Tyin;r so as to interfere vvitb trallic |'r> i I wi: ass- Ashes keeping near ^-32 Chimneys of, sweeping >2\Y2 29." Crossings to 1 23 UiKoruerly, frequenting yr, Explosive substances, burning in 2oS Fire brigade may pull down 270 Camblers frequenting 97 Ciunpowder, storing in 2;)!) Hearths »nd stoves in 24!) Ill-fame, keeping or frequenting of . . . .Ofj " letting, to be used as % Klli .\'23 ..yr» . 2oH .270 ..97 . '2.)!) .'2V,) . 9.-) ..96 XXI. HotiSKS [Ci'ntiuitfi) - Louk up, established Nuisaiioes iii Polico may ert«;r, to untoffie lly-lawa (»f i:itj Slaughter, iu oity piohibitoil Sections. 1S!» 107, 108, 109 ?»)! io:; ^s;. wt !S9 to 102 l;>9, 82H :wi :{4r» Slow tf iiiov.il froii; roof nt ■ +3, 14* •' " " ;;i,K'waik iu trout <>l 141,14.". Stove jiipt' tiolcs uiiitsf'l in -■'*^ -tri.'ot.s ust! ot liiiiiii.; iTfcfioii or rtrj>itir of 114 WattT froii« roofs of '-'* ilrCKSTKKS •■••^"T llvI)K.\^T^^ ("liit'f of Fire Ihi^iaih; to rt-port as to Firr. W'atLi- auiHias " " ICK, (S.M- Snow) • Im.mokai.itv Provisions for prcvi'iition of . . . . .... iMroiirrMNt: TuAvr.i. :.!••;- iMi'iMsoNMKNT For iii»ii |).iy!iiL'iit o: liiti's . . . . InsoLvknt Fst.vtks • Stock may bo sold y liaiisicut trad'-r without li.-fii.-.i' whfrt; lir^o vent oarrloil oil biuiiu-ss Tnsi'i.ctok or I'.iii.inNi;'^ Ruihliiigs |)ulliiii4 oowii 2.i9 may r'Utor to iiK--pi''-t -'>1 (Jhief '>f I'olici; to piuforin dutirs of '•■41 Chimney.s, tlues, ivi'., 2:VS, 24o Duties of 2;{S,240 Obstruction of. in ))"i foriiMin'i' of (!>;ty -•'! Intbkmknts- Avondalo ceiucttMy, only \n -' ' Removal from ['lice ot -"' I\TKiii'l;i:TA'rioN ('lau-'( s of l>v-iiiw :{!>!:;, suli I lo 10 is ld\l< ATlNt; i>;{lNK At lire hall pro! .' '-'^'*- Salc or idft of to cliiM or apprfiuif' .liMTOIJ D'.itifs of LiOnSinS !'.ii;'!in:,'! \" iia\i' if -.vcr one ^■torcy iiigii.. 89 .87 -4 : II ! If ,1 i 1 ^ 1; XXII. Sections. I >efacin Livery stable 328, 3'2!>, 331, 332 Transient traders 346, 347 Victualling houses 352, 353, 355, 356, 357 LivKUY Staulks— Application for license 332 Bond to be given • • • .330 Busin(?s.s not to carry on without licenw*' 329 Characters, bad, vel'.icles not to be Ivt to 33S IJania^es or hire, non-payment of 343 Horses, .:liall not al)use 341, 343 " must keep capal)le for work 335 License 328 '• duration of 32!> " tee 331 " isMicof 329 " minoi , not to be i^'iantf'd to 33!> " suspt'iisifjii of 330 " tr.uisf.;r 332 Owner who s^hall bt- ileemcd Folici', cliicf of, HI iv inspect " intoiiii I timi to lie yivcn to i'l'oiMTty left ih vehichjs, duty as to Stables and coments, chan must 1)0 kept Streets, (.■•trriaues, &c. , not to be washed in 337 334 .33(; .340, 342 342 335 : ' XXIll. Hections. mt 1H7 i I 4 (> » 1 r.oOK-UF—Established MAiHST«4 IE- Dog, niuy onier dedtruotiou of Magistrate, PoLK;K--See Pdmck Maoistiiatk. Manufactories— Certain not allowetl in City Sot* Manitkh — Acuuimilatiou and removal of 107 NlAKES'-l'iitting to horwea in streets I-W MaKKET and ToLiCK (..'OMMIXTEtt- Appointment of •>•* Tiread, assize of inspection of 70 sub. I City Hall Huildinss, nnvinteuauce of 70 i- S Unties of <0 Fees of n)arket scales to sell -70 •■ .> Food tainted and unwliulesoine, duties as to 70 « I Lock-up and INdicc Court to control and report on 70 Mai kets to control al'd repoi t on 70 Olhcei's and Hc'fvants alioiit Market to have control of . . . . 70 Stores, Cellars and Stalls to let 70 „ „ M rental <>f to report ou iO Weights and Measures to report on 70 M \kkv:t, i'UIiMC— I'lUtcliers' stalls, regulations a» to. . i*^'> IJy-laws, breach of '-^'O Clerk of certificate i-'f weight to s-ivc 19-» ,. „ duplicate of to keep '-^Ol „ M fee to he paid for -^01 cordwood measuring • • •9'* 11 deed and l*ond to execute '-^O'i «lepiity may appoint '^^^ ,, I, >i he dismissed 212 .. duties general of • ■ • 19" ,. fees for weighing and nieaiuring 205 t. II persons liable for 20,') hay, straw, &c. , to weigft on re<[ue8t 19H lessee of weiyh house to he 202 H sales to have no interest in 204 Cordwood, measuring of »''4 selling of 194 Day »W' ^0" XXIV. S Tt'liPS, In I'".. ■, 1^! ; i- :if.i «;1' I'it*' n >! linl'h' tor.. i< ',\ t i"!iiii'; i'!!'! "ii, a sin ii'v !<>r .. . . Fo;'«;^;a!llli > . . .. , Mmi-1.; I ■!• .. :.: ■. ,1 ! -I ! : 1 ■ . r ■ ■■? -.iiiii- Ol* '"i'l t .'I':'! ' > 'i: : 'iF I'l: . . Moa . . . 'JO!! ... i')» I'lili •('. .'Ilif''', tllv^!)-; *^<, ''l-^II' rf uilil ;! oi *J(!0 Wri: 11 !i i; ■■ , .1 i, . • II i!ii .cs «.l 1<> be tr-idi; imMi-- ..'2011 .. I. . f. I-.- y.Tly '202 WiOil, (■. !ii ..iOJJ Ai ■ n.'- ,'f :..•■. '•!•••■: i», Uf All.O- it:',, I- .'•,,•. -'Vlll mS l»iir, n'.iy ;«iv.' |ii:n'ii ■ i i s. .•...n" '.vi' li'ii ..25 Br>-.i,'. in IV '.••■'■" "ill ■!• >\ '. t • •"'•' 1.1 .:.' -v;. .214 M: i>r|- 'I .; ■ !■■ t, Ci'N....... •■ ■■ ,' . ■l-,\] .A. ■.-.•••' . .... 214 22r» 14 K ( ' •»» lllitH"";, ■' • III'' ■ > ', ill'.l I (. I> • i.i il! .'(» ( 'oil I. itt« «i" 1*1 »'. ' ' . I> i.\ '• 11 !<• IV • . . 10 M .1 .1 ■. t'! ' I. • i-ii 'li .'iiii'i' ;!.i'isili'jr . . . . 12 ,, .. II u :il Tri.'l iuM ''i list; wii'lilt 1-. I'l.rins/ . - . . ?•'> ( Vtlivi •' I(.M '. I. I'df.' . . . .'^1 Dou-. ;ir'-';!:iii!.U'' n I'T (■ • //i't'V, tii;iv i--iv. ... . . .. :^1 • I .^ri?.',ir.' I'f, !u-'-\ ,1 ill tl'if : .■..' .. "'•► Kxhiliitions, iiitinor.i':, 'iriy ^>rf'Vi>til .....';{ Fire t'l jirc.v rA ;,: ■^■ ■>: ili'f Isnilil i:!',;-; t (.- !>•• ; .illl- '.1 in',\ ■» :70 Ko',.], unw i;','.<',«rniiv, in iv iD'ili;' r<> ii" i!i'- ' (>"\ '"1. ■'')7 MeUlii'l' ilili'h i-'-ilV;, lo sl;ilii' .. ... l.l 1' c';i i! :ii'..>' f II 111 il'T . ........ .lit II (it'cidf; >iii'i "I ' |)i;ik ... 10 I XXV. Sections. Mayok {<'oniiiimi) — Mettint;, sjiecial, to jiistiui't Clfik Motiims i;oiirraiy t" rule, »mty as to II r«a(l to be l»y • II writing to be in, niay ivijuiro ■ Unler, sIihH pieserve autl Jtciile questions of 12, IS I'ttitioiiK, iluties asi to >'^ riai'c^, iiiiiiginiu:*, may (liiei.» re>iiuval of 238, 2.'Jy, •24t», VJtil r<, lice, uliargfs against to iuVfStiHate . ... 8") sul». (i yuesljuji, may bu jjUL lo ••• . . . *4 ,1 |tuttiiig IS, 3^ MkcjiaMOH — Kxcejttioiisas to kiiidliug lire--? '^^li 25Ii Mki-;tin«is <»v Co:;ncii.— (See Council). Mknaokkib— (See Ciiiciis). MkkohaM's -Moving goods auro.s.s hiduWttlks H3 MoNKY— A{>i)i('{)riaiioii3 4»kviiox~ l»lMlil.'i-'al ot 1* eeM««»*aa •!•• ••••••,♦• ••••...••••••• Trea.>siuer exeejited ()MNlj;t'S--(.See (JAiis). PARK ANII CliMETIiltY COMMITTEE- Api«)illtlH«'lil <>t ..•••. o*,! Ceiuetery, to lay out and iniprov« .... ... 72 II SuperiiiteiuUrit, to aj)ijtiiijt and control 72 Deii i bodies trans^jorting tliruu^rh City by petinission of 21(1 Dutieyuf 72 Parks and cemetery, to manage ard rtport on 'i2 Pakty Walls - Construction ot 242 Phmalty— Kor infraetiona of By-law 381 PKRCENTAr.K — Ou Unpaid taxes . . 380 Petitions— (See Council). Pktkolkiim Oil. . Burning exceptions . . . . ' ... 25S Files lighting with forbidden 258 Manufacture of in City not allowed 256 Pbtty CHAPMAN~(See Hawkkr). 82 .,82 .t\2 >,^ iil XXVI. ! : t-s*. Pio-Kee Sections. pi"« 106 Pll'K- -Sinokin;/ ill o«'rtiiin plu-tM 'jrtH Stove, oondiictiiig info cliimiu'y 247 " putting/ up and sDjiportinj,' 247 II hole clusiiii; of . . . . , 24H Pi^UMiiKiis— Kxoepiion aa to kindling (ijes *2'A, '2i)3 POLIOK, ChIKF ok— Apparatus dunt,'erous, niuy insptot and oauso lenuiVal (jf . .2.'JS, •J4(), 201 litead, nia> cntor places wluiro sold .,214 M IiKll^. may caiusu to UL' Btii\-'d 214 Bowling alloys and shooting galleries, may inspect 372 I)o«a, may ordtT to he impounded |85 Duties general of gg Exhihitions immoral, may prevent 03 Fines, to pay over to City Clerk 85 sub. 9 Fire, to enforce I'.y law for j.rcveutiou of. . . 240 Fonje, general control to have of 85 « responsible for discipline of 84 Goods left in cabs, to take charge of 327 , Inspector of buildings to be 242 Livery stables to inspect S.SH iVi aliate lO'.t yualiMfiitionsi of tnemhiTS «f 84 POLICK MA(JISrt;ATK — AppiirutiiH diingt'rouf?, may onler removal of 23S, 23!», 24G, 261 Hrt'ad light, limy ordor ff'iznrt* of 214 iJogH, (U'structiou of, inay order. 187 II .seizun- of, nuiy order ISf' Fer.alty for infraction of Uy-Jaws, may impose 381 POMCI! OKI'ICB — Kstablislied 18S Proj-frtv iinclainied to le left at 327. 342 I'otJLTRY-Fnrcsralliiii,' .208 • I uckHtJMs' purchase of 207 Tainted and unwholesome sale of 197 Pounds— .\. ir..^ 15« U16 ScluKlulf K KAIMM2- Bi'ulovivrdH, on t.' ('t'liiett'i'v not. t<» «'ii'i.'t, in Kxciu itions to Ii;iv«' IIatrh «»k Kakks Ciiaiuikaklk- i:ai. :ui7, -M'i, :n4, 3ir>, :u7 Cemetery iiitcnin'nts *'il City Hull, use .if t I'a.i,iEK Commiithk). Revision, ('oiirt of — Appointirient of SQ Duties of 73 HlDIN(i — J^oulevards on ISti Immoderate • 131 Si(lew,ilk'« l'^4 MiVKK Avon — Bathing in l'M» Rubbish throwing into 112 I'ujOKS — Fire limits in WG, 23« Ladders to 243 Party wall above 242 Souttlus in 243 SiK)W a nd !',!»' removing from 147 Watui fioiu, not tf> tlow over sidewalk 120 i:oad\vay anil sidewalks not to be sprinkled with 137, 144 Skal, Citv— Clerk to have charge of 81 > KWER- -Common -'96 to 'i!)!» inclusive SRWKRAOE--(SeC i)KATNA(iK). ^ XXIX. .SiilN(5i,KM — i'ivf liniitH, liow to be laid in. . IMiioe of acllinjj.... Sections. . . .235, 'JW I9;i Siiows— See Clii«!"8). „ .. . 1 P w O Schedule* K,*,*'. "*** SlIiKWAT.KH — Awuiiiiis moveiiMr over IJuildiiif,' piirpoMeauHingfor Cor.Iwfxxl Hivwinif and piUiiK ott Ct'>8siiii:>t to hous«:4, coiistiuctioa of ' Crow din i» on I'!iicu!nl)»'ring Kx ***. ^*^ S^ ,VKUK1 ^ai IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y U O ^/ £?< S'- C'^. <- fA fA I! 1.0 2.8 I.I 1.25 3a5 111 *■■£ 1.4 Z5 1.6 V] <^ /y/ -^ %^ # m 5> <^ /A riiuiugicipiub Sciences Corporation ^1 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. i4S80 (716) 872-4503 n I L# c?. ■4 T-:"- I ¥ li.-'. 1> ,1 '.ill XXX. Stpbets {Cpvfinurl)— ('oal and conlwiinil pilinjj ni C'outiactors, dutv of Conlwnod sawinjj and splittinj;;^ inn.. {'rnwding in prohibited. Sections. 136 114 134 13B Driviua immoderate in 131 T)riiukemH;s9 in 94, 102, 3*20 E utli (iiyi,'iiit; in 122 Jhiounibeiing J 13 Kxcavatiiig near to HO Fire carrying in .... 253 II utar to Le kept clear. . .,272 Fires kindling in 251 fire limits, l)oniiding 233 Games playing in 128 Catea swinging over 121 Gunpowder transporting through 260 Horses driver to remain n«ar 13^* II II loitering prohibited 322 11 feeding in forbidden 142 II tying in W.'i II unsecured in leaviuff : 129 II wasliiug in 337 Mares, aei vice of in prohibited 132 Misaela throwing in 12fi Night soil burynig in J 1 1 II M transporting through 110 Notoriously Ijiid characters driving in. . . . 324 Obstruction of 125 M II j)foviso 125 Persons deformed not to be exposed in 99 Purposes, building u.se of fir 114 Rubbish throwing on 112 .Salt sprinkling on prohibited 137 Sleighs to have bells on 133 Snow lindts, boundary of . . 14W Traps in 117 Treea planting and boulevards in 148 to 162 inclusive Travellers importuning in 139, 323 Vehicles hanging on in 140, 141 ah XXXI. I •••••• I .295i , lib- Sections. Strket Commissioneb — litattix, couatructiou under direction of M repair* •• ii Streets br4;akini{ up and repair of, duties aH to. . . . TAXES- tollection of • 37H Dog 179,1«0, 181 Percentage on unpaid ^^" Poll 37r., 370, 377 WJiendue 37fl Treasithkr— i\ccount» to keep correctly so 8uij. i liv-Uws to conform to ^^ " ** Cemetisry payments to receive for plots 225 II receive all inoMeys from Superintendent 219 City Hall rates to be paid to - ^"^ Duties i:eneial of "" Fees, returns of certain, not to apply to 82 Finai'ces to give to F. A. I., and P Committee 80 Fines to be paid to **!, 17.'» Firemeu to pay on production of certificate 27H Mil License fees to receive "" Supervision of F. A. L. and P. Committee to be under 07 Tkkks- Act respecting plauii.t' • '"* Arbor I>ay for planlir(« of ^^'^ Uranches ot to be kept tr iiumeil '^* Chairnum «.f 15oar«l ol Works to see provisions of By law car.-ied out, l«2 Hordes tyin^ to ^^^ Injurmg 156,215 I'jtVment f<»r pUniiny in streets ^^'^ I'erniission to remove - *•'"» ' **" Kemoviug of ly order of Council l'"^' Streets, kinds not to be planted in • II plan ting in VICTUALLING UOUSES- Aocommodaiion rctiuired for "*•* Gauibling in prohibited '•'* License 352 1. how obtainable *•'•* .1 term of; j amount of., ,<»d, .km Utf i'?' ■' ^ t '' 1 1' ;: :■ liil ^H 1 It If'.' *! ! i; !'•' i XXXII. ^ "HKS, BOAKD or— Aiipoititn^ent of Uiains am! sewers to report on.... ' '^* Duties geniral of ' * ' ** ""''• } Improvements «t'n«ral to expeiidmomy' for. .!!!!.". .'*'. ." " '^ pern.aiii;nt to report as to ... . .^ " ^ Cojnmittfps.. Re^«l.tion«.,toarains.&o.;tor;.porto„.'.'.'.*.' ,t " t Report fin.il to make t* Council... . " ^ Htreeta cleaning to attend to ■ 68 3 «« .. ;» -=^§^^§e-~ ! \k I i 11^ «M f^cftions. n\i .68 .68 ., H .m „ a 6K .. 4 HK ,. 2 «« ,. ;,